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adding a menu button

adding a menu button is a 3-step process:

  1. Select one of the 4 spare buttons in your Fireworks PNG file and edit its caption.
  2. Export the button to your working images folder.
  3. Insert the button in the menu button table in your Jazz template.

1. making a new menu button in Fireworks

Open iface.png in Fireworks (local_files/Fireworks/iface.png)

Double-click the text <button7 inside the first spare button at the top left of the canvas

The entire text string is highlighted inside the text editor. Since the < character is a different color than button7, click inside the window and reselect... this time omitting the < so that only the characters button7 are highlighted.

With button7 highlighted, type the words hall of fame.

Click OK

2. exporting the new button to your Jazz site

Open the Layers Panel and select the Web Layer to show all the slices on the canvas.

Select the button7 slice

Choose File - Export

Browse to the correct destination folder (assets/images)

In the File name field, type button7

Save as type: Images Only

HTML: None

Slices: Export Slices

Check the box labeled Selected Slices Only (and make sure the other boxes are unchecked)

Click Save

3. inserting the new button in your Jazz template

Open index.dwt in Dreamweaver

Select the interviews button

Choose Modify - Table- Insert Rows or Columns...

The Insert Rows or Colums dialog will open

Turn on the Insert - Rows radio button

Number of Rows: 1

Where: Below the Selection

Click OK

A new row will appear below the interviews button

Right-click (ctrl-click) inside the new cell and choose Edit Tag <td>...

Change mb4 to: mb7 and press Enter (Return)

Open the Assets panel (F11)

Select the images category (the top icon in the left channel), and browse to button7.gif

Click inside the new empty table cell

Click the Insert button at the bottom of the Assets panel to insert button7 into your new table cell.

hall of fame now appears between interviews and genre.

Select the hall of fame button and type trig7 into the name field on your property inspector.

Type Hall of Fame into the Alt field.

Now refer to the Adding a New Menu Layer section to add a flyout menu and JavaScript behaviors.