Roti filled with yellow split peas

Have you ever been in Suriname? Did you ever feel the temptation to make roti at home? Here’s a little help!

Astrid BelliotINGREDIENTS:
500 g Self-raising flour
300 ml Water
150 g Yellow split peas
1 T Cumin
2 t Garlic
100 ml Vegetable oil
Salt and pepper to taste

Wash the peas and boil them in water to cover until half done. Drain and put into a food processor. Process until fine. In a bowl, combine peas with cumin, garlic (minced), pepper and salt. Mix well.

Mix flour with enough water to make a soft dough, which doesn’t stick to your hands. From the dough, make small balls and with your thumb, make a hole in each ball. Into each hole, place 1 tablespoon of filling. Close up each hole. Take a sheet of foil, sprinkle with flour, than place the ball, with closed hole at the bottom. Let rest for 5 minutes. Roll each ball flat, the thickness of a pancake. Heat roti plate or frying pan (dry) and heat the roti on one side until light brown. Brush cooked side with oil, cook other side dry, and then also brush with oil when done. Then cook oiled roti until it puffs. Serve with chicken masala or long beans with chutney.


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