Dear J.

It is with utmost restraint that I address myself to you through this medium, but somehow I count on the readers of this blog to reinforce my message. You are American and your husband is Belgian and you both have decided to settle in Belgium. I always thought your husband to be a little queer, but now he has proven himself totally insane. On his Facebook I read that … “you are moving to the coolest place in Belgium” … followed by a video of Antwerp.

Let me warn you. People in Antwerp take great pride in their “Boerentoren” … and this is exactly going to prove my point. Coming from Chicago, dear J., you have to understand that for the people of Anwerp this building with its height of 88 meters is nothing less than a skyscraper and the rest of the world has it completely wrong when they fail to recognize this. People from Antwerp think themselves to be cosmopolitan while they are strolling over the “Meir” not realizing they are petty-bourgeois failing to detach themselves from the odor of their conservative litter.

Please, dear J., keep your pokerface when suggesting the possibility of moving to Ghent. You will be most welcome here and you will find our public transport most convenient while visiting your husband in Guislain institute.

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