República Dominicana

Museum of Modern Art, Santo Domingo

Sit back and relax! Prepare yourself a “cuba libre” or “piña colada” with a little extra Brugal rum, and enjoy the feel of the Carribean. Next put on your dancing shoes, some white trousers and finish with a straw hat. You are now ready to start the music player. Feel the rhythm, get absorbed by the music, invite your partner for a dance and start practising some Bachata steps. You are doing all right!

When you feel like taking a break, light a Cohiba cigar and enjoy the pics from our trip to the Domincan Republic.

It’s a damn pitty we were not all born on one of these Carribean islands.

Waiting for the captain to board!Calle luperon: typical architecture in Alojada en el centro histórico de Santo Domingo, la Zona Colonial alberga más de 300 museos históricos y está rodeado de casas construidas en la época de la colonización.La calle El Conde está ubicada en la Zona Colonial de Santo Domingo. Es la única vía peatonal de Santo Domingo y el centro comercial de la Zona Colonial.Mesón d'Bari. When hunger calls, duck into this mouth-watering Dominican restaurant in a restored colonial home in Santo Domingo.New World's oldest sundial (1753), La Zona ColonialDiego Colón Moniz, 1st Duke of Veragua, 1st Marquis of Jamaica, and 2nd Admiral of the Indies. (1479/1480 - Feb. 23/Feb. 26, 1526)María de Toledo y Rojas married to Diego Colón Moniz. (1490 – May 11, 1549)Dress appropriate for you work and the job is half done.Bring me to place where it is sunny and where I can sit in the shade. I will say nothing, absolutely nothing. Bésame, bésame mucho, Como si fuera esta noche la última vez. Bésame, bésame mucho, Que tengo miedo a perderte, perderte después.... continue walking and it doesn't take long to realize that music acts as the soundtrack of the country and its people, often heard from street bands and blaring from vehicles, stores, restaurants and houses.Reading trash...My favourite : "Presidente" (not the light version)Astrid BelliotBotanical Garden... with about 2 million square meters, the Santo Domingo Botanical Gardens is the largest in the Caribbean. Isn't this a prize winner?The Santo Domingo Museum of Modern Art holds a worthy collection of Dominican, Caribbean and Latin American art.Christopher Columbus (c. 1451 – 20 May 1506) was a navigator, colonizer, and explorer whose voyages across the Atlantic Ocean led to general European awareness of the American continents in the Western Hemisphere. Las Galeras: Playa Cala Blanca, a shallow, protected beach with a sandy bottom that is great for children. "Naive" art flooding the street in Las Galeras. Service station in Las Galeras.Frank VreysPlaya Rincon is a quiet beach, usually deserted, on a small bay, but with no hotels in site and no vendors, booths, signs, radios: all the paraphernalia that comes with a popular beach. Sweet.Enjoying a "piña colada" at one of the few bars in Playa Rincon isn't a difficult thing to do! Delicious seafood28-P4018427Local transportParaphrasing Johnny & Marina ... Home remedies?Villa Serena is located in a wide Bay of Las Galeras , where nature has been preserved and coconut forests turn into white sandy beaches.Bay of Las GalerasPlaying domino while drinking a few cold beers is a pastime Dominicans enjoy!Astrid Belliot & Peter Van AckerAstrid Belliot investigating ...Samaná was founded in 1756 as Santa Bárbara de Samaná during the colonial period by the Spanish governor Francisco Rubio y Peñaranda. Families from the Canary Islands were brought to live in this city and Sabana de la Mar.Iron sheet church in SamanáView from Los Puentes, Samaná FV or Indiana Jones?Taking the time for a philosophical picture (see next pic)A comprehensive world view is the fundamental cognitive orientation of an individual or society encompassing natural philosophy, fundamental existential and normative postulates or themes, values, emotions, and ethics.View of Samaná bayIn the Philipinnes they would say : "habal-habal" (transport doggy-style)


7 thoughts on “República Dominicana”

  1. volledig akkoord met je laatste vaststelling…zeker nu ijsland ons in de as-greep houdt. ik dacht al frank te herkennen, geen haar veranderd trouwens..peter wel, een wijze man, beetje zoals ik abbossers zag toen ik ook nog jong was….!!!

  2. Haha Paul, lezers zouden vlug afhaken indien ik teveel aandacht aan de werkzaamheden besteed. En Bart, bedankt voor het compliment (ik hoop alleszins dat je het als compliment bedoeld hebt…)

  3. Peterke,
    Nu zijt ge toch wel een schoon koninkske hé.
    We zijn blij dat we jullie af en toe zien op het masjien.
    Staf & Chris.

  4. Peter,
    Je gaat helemaal naar de Dominican Rep. om foto’s van Frank te trekken, niets daar tegen, maar waar zijn die van de mooie vrouw?

  5. well eh …
    2 of my children were born on a carribean island !!
    voorlopig staat hier niemand te popelen om nog eens een bezoekje aan het thuisland te brengen …
    wat zegden ze in vranckx vorig weekend ‘dominicaanse republiek is de buik van haïti’
    niettemin, goed dat jullie er deugd van hadden !

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