To print a page, simply click the print button above. To ensure accuracy, it is highly recommended that you use Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 (or higher) or Netscape Navigator 6 (or higher) to view and print this User Guide. templatesadding new pagesadding a new page to your Jazz site is a 2-step process:
Adding a new page to your Jazz site is easy. Follow the instructions carefully and it'll take less than a minute. 1. creating a new file from the templateChoose File - New From Template Select Templates: index Make sure to leave the Update Page when Template Changes box checked! Click the Select button A new page will be created that is identical to the template. Before doing anything else, choose File - Save As In the Save As dialog, browse to your site folder, type a name for your new page and click the Save button. You can save the file in the site root (as the illustration depicts) or in the mainpages folder... and Dreamweaver will adjust all the links for you. That's all there is to it! 2. editing the runembase javascriptsThe runembase editable region contains 2 behaviors applied to its paragraph <p> tag:
Place your cursor inside the runembase editable region. Open the Behaviors Panel Note the title bar reads: Behaviors - <p> Actions and that the Events column lists 2 onDblClick events (dwonClass by PVII and Snap Layers by PVII) Double-click the first onDblClick event to open the downClass by PVII window. Change the Select Object to choose the ID of the menu table cell <td> you wish to show in the down state. Leave Select Style: menucellover as is to show your ID'd cell object in its Down State. The onDblClick SnapLayers by PVII event needs to be edited only if you remove one of the rolldown layers or add a new one. Otherwise leave it alone. Optional Tip:Once you get comfortable with Jazz, the optimal way of dealing with a Jazz-based site is to first get the Template (index.dwt) exactly the way you want it. Once the template is perfect, create a new page from the template and when you save that page, overwrite the root index page. Then repeat to overwrite each page that ships with Jazz (all the pages in the mainpages folder). This way, all the content in your template... both in the locked and the editable regions... will get replicated. This will save you time editing the individual pages. And because you are overwriting the existing files and keeping the same file names, the links will all work as before!