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the pviiwebdev forum

PVII Design Pack™ support is second to none. It all starts at the pviiwebdev newsgroup forum... a thriving community of Design Pack™ users from all over the globe. The group is a place where you can get quick informed answers to your most pressing concerns relating to:

  • Design Packs™
  • The Dreamweaver Magic Book Series
  • Dreamweaver in general
  • Fireworks in general
  • PVII Extensions
  • Web development issues in general

There are 2 ways to log on to the Newsgroup:

  1. If you have MSIE set up as your default browser and Outlook Express as your default newsreader, simply click this link:

  2. If you have any other newsreader/browser combo, you'll need to open your default newsreader and use its procedure for setting up a new news account. When prompted for the news server name, use:

    Once you subscribe, your newsreader will likely download the available newsgroups on our server. When the list comes up, choose pviiwebdev. That's all there is to it.

the project seven web site and the pvii infobase

The Support section of our site contains News, Updates, Tutorials, and lots more. Visit us regularly at:

The PVII InfoBase contains regularly updated Tech Notes in a searchable interface:


In the event you need to reach us, send mail to:

snail mail

Direct all correspondence to:

Project Seven Development
2684 Rockford Road
Dobson, NC 27017