To print a page, simply click the print button above. To ensure accuracy, it is highly recommended that you use Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 (or higher) or Netscape Navigator 6 (or higher) to view and print this User Guide. imagesediting the top and bottom images in the Jazz menu barThe Jazz menu bar has a top and bottom image that serve to give it a finished look. The two images involved are:
These images are exported to your Jazz site when you do a complete export of slices from the Fireworks iface.png file. To keep the integrity of your menu bar intact, you must not alter the width of these two objects. You can make them taller, though... and you can add your own graphic elements within the objects' borders. the navtopper imageThe navtopper is comprised of 5 parts:
J-sax has a gradient fill, diagonal line texture, and a drop shadow. azz has the same gradient fill, a Hatch texture, and a drop shadow. the navtbottom imagenavbottom.jpg is comprised of 2 parts:
We layed the feathered bitmap atop the orange rectangle to create the completed object. Simply replace it with your own bitmap to keep the look and feel of the Jazz site.
Tip: Fireworks gives us the ability to optimize each slice separately. To save bandwidth, we optimized the navbottom slice as a JPG, which is a more efficient format for complex bitmaps. |