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Deleting an existing Rolldown

Each page in Jazz contains several rolldown buttons and their associated layers; all pages in Jazz contain the "Spotlight" and "In the News" rolldowns. By design, these rolldowns are NOT part of the Jazz template. This allows you to design each page with your own, page-specific rolldowns or to not use them at all on certain pages.

This exercise will walk you through the process of removing the "In The News" rolldown layer on the "Artists" page.

Open the /mainpages/page1.htm page.

Removing an existing Rolldown layer is a 4 step process:

  1. Modify the Snap Layers behavior in the "runembase" editable region.
  2. Remove the table that contains the rolldown images.
  3. Remove the related popup layer.

1. Modify the Snap Layers behavior in the "runembase" editable region.

We have created an editable region in the Template called "runembase" that simply contains a <p> tag. We use this <p> tag to assign events that we would like to run when the page loads or resizes. These events are actually fired by using "runEm" on the <body> tag, onLoad or onResize. In this way each page can have page-specific onLoad or onResize events even though the page is tied to the Template (on a Template-based page the <body> tag is in a "locked" region).

We have placed a Snap Layers event on this <p> tag that will snap the rolldown layers to their corresponding image. When the user resizes the browser window, this Snap event will be fired by the runEm event that is contained on the <body> tag, onResize.

Locate the editable region name "runembase" on /mainpages/page1.htm. It is in middle of the first column, on the left side of the page.

Click inside the editable region to select the <p> tag.

On the Behaviors Panel, double-click the Snap Layers by PVII behavior to open the interface.

Select the line that references the rolldown that we want to remove. In this example, select 'rollsb1 (layer "rollupsidebar1",0,19)', this is the "In the News" rolldown.

Click the minus (-) button to remove this rolldown from the list.

Click OK to apply the changes.

2. Remove the table that contains the rolldown images.

The rolldown images (the title image, plus button and close button) are contained in a one row, one column table. We will simply remove the entire table.

Click the "In The News" image.

Click the rightmost <table> tag at the bottom left of the main window to select the table. The table should now be highlighted.

Hit the Del (Delete) key to remove the entire table.

3. Remove the related popup layer.

Open the Layers Panel

Click on the line containing the "rollupsidebar1" layer to select it.

Hi the Del (Delete) key to remove the layer and all of its contents.

That's it! The "In The News" rolldown layer, and all references to it, are now completely removed from this page.

Note: This was NOT a template-based operation and will only affect the page you are working on. If you want to completely remove this rolldown from all pages of the site, you will need to repeat this removal procedure on all of the other pages that contain this rolldown layer.