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Deleting a Menu Button

There are times when you may not need all six menu buttons in Jazz. This exercise will walk you through the process of removing one of the existing menu buttons: the "Reviews" button.

Removing the "Reviews" menu button is a 2 Step process:

  1. Modify each of the MultiClass behaviors to remove the affected <td> id name from the behavior.
  2. Remove the entire <td> tag that houses the menu button.

1. Adjust the MultiClass events

We will begin by removing all of the references to the id name of the <td> tag that contains our Reviews button. The id name of this <td> tag is "mb3". The MultiClass events are located on the main Jazz image at the top of the menu and also on each of the menu buttons.

Click on the Jazz image at the top of the menu

On the Behavior Panel, double-click the MultiClass behavior to open the interface.

Select the line that references the "mb3" object and then click the minus (-) button to remove this line from the list.

Click the OK button to apply the changes.

Now repeat this procedure for each of the menu button images; "Artists", "Festivals", "Interviews", "Genre" and "Information". Each time removing the "mb3" line from the listing.

2. Remove the entire menu button <td> tag

Now we can simply remove all of the items contained in the <td> tag that houses the "Reviews" menu button. This is easier than removing the button first, then removing the empty cell.

Select the "Reviews" button image.

Click on the <td.menucelloff> tag at the bottom left of the window. The entire cell should now be highlighted.

Hit the Del key to remove the entire cell.

That's it! The "Reviews" button, and all references to it, are now gone. You can save the template page now to update the rest of the site.

Of course, each menu button would usually have a pop-up menu layer associated with it. To finish the "housekeeping" we will want to remove that layer now. See Deleting an Existing Menu Layer.