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This section is an overview of our Jazz images. The images were created with Fireworks 4.

the fireworks png format

All images used in Jazz are derived from a single Fireworks file called iface.png

Fireworks PNGs are special extended versions of the PNG format and contain all the information required to keep the image editable and live.

the jazz iface.png

generating web images with slices

To generate web images, we use the Fireworks Insert - Slice command to mark the boundaries of each individual part of the main image that will later be exported as a separate and distinct web image. In the illustration above, we've selected the first button (artists) and are in process of executing the Insert - Slice command to mark its boundaries with a slice. That slice is then named and becomes the basis for the image called button1.gif that is created during the export process.

So, to populate our Jazz web site with its full complement of images, we use slices to mark the parts of our Fireworks image that are to become our web images. When we export the fireworks image to our Dreamweaver site, each slice will become a separate web image and its file name will be the same as its slice name.

naming slices

Web images (GIFs or JPGs) are created by slicing a Firworks image into pieces. Each slice/piece is named and that name is what Fireworks uses to name the individual web images that are exported to your Dreamweaver site. The above illustration depicts the slice we've placed around the artists button. We then used the Object panel to name the slice button1. When we export the Fireworks image, Fireworks will turn our slice names into file names and slice- button1 will become button1.gif.

Throughout the course of this User Guide, we will document the techniques and procedures necessary to complete each task that involves our images.