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Logisch kader
De essentie van elk van de stappen uit de methodiek van het Logisch Kader kan als volgt worden samengevat:
Stakeholder Analysis - identifying
& characterising major stakeholders, target groups &
beneficiaries, defining whose problems will be addressed by
a future intervention
Problem analysis - identifying
key problems, constraints and opportunities; determining cause and
effect relationships
Analysis of objectives -
developing objectives from the identified problems; identifying means
to end relationships
Strategy analysis - identifying
the different strategies to achieve objectives; selecting the most
appropriate strategy(ies); determining the major objectives (overall
objectives and project purpose)
Logical framework - defining
the project/ programme structure, testing its internal logic, formulating
objectives in measurable terms, defining means and cost (overall)
Activity scheduling - deter-mining
the sequence and dependency of activities; estimating their duration,
setting milestones and assigning responsibility
Resource scheduling - from
the activity schedule, developing input schedules and a budget