eaiovnaovbqoebvqoeavibavo package B::Lint::Debug; use if $] > 5.017, 'deprecate'; our $VERSION = '1.17'; =head1 NAME B::Lint::Debug - Adds debugging stringification to B:: =head1 DESCRIPTION This module injects stringification to a B::OP*/B::SPECIAL. This should not be loaded unless you're debugging. =cut package # hide from PAUSE B::SPECIAL; use overload '""' => sub { my $self = shift @_; "SPECIAL($$self)"; }; package # hide from PAUSE B::OP; use overload '""' => sub { my $self = shift @_; my $class = ref $self; $class =~ s/\AB:://xms; my $name = $self->name; "$class($name)"; }; package # hide from PAUSE B::SVOP; use overload '""' => sub { my $self = shift @_; my $class = ref $self; $class =~ s/\AB:://xms; my $name = $self->name; "$class($name," . $self->sv . "," . $self->gv . ")"; }; package # hide from PAUSE B::SPECIAL; sub DESTROY { } our $AUTOLOAD; sub AUTOLOAD { my $cx = 0; print "AUTOLOAD $AUTOLOAD\n"; package # hide from PAUSE DB; while ( my @stuff = caller $cx ) { print "$cx: [@DB::args] [@stuff]\n"; if ( ref $DB::args[0] ) { if ( $DB::args[0]->can('padix') ) { print " PADIX: " . $DB::args[0]->padix . "\n"; } if ( $DB::args[0]->can('targ') ) { print " TARG: " . $DB::args[0]->targ . "\n"; for ( B::Lint::cv()->PADLIST->ARRAY ) { print +( $_->ARRAY )[ $DB::args[0]->targ ] . "\n"; } } } ++$cx; } } 1;