eaiovnaovbqoebvqoeavibavo ## # A file included at generation time. Objects of this class are created by # RDoc::RD for an extension-less include. # # This implementation in incomplete. class RDoc::Markup::Include ## # The filename to be included, without extension attr_reader :file ## # Directories to search for #file attr_reader :include_path ## # Creates a new include that will import +file+ from +include_path+ def initialize file, include_path @file = file @include_path = include_path end def == other # :nodoc: self.class === other and @file == other.file and @include_path == other.include_path end def pretty_print q # :nodoc: q.group 2, '[incl ', ']' do q.text file q.breakable q.text 'from ' q.pp include_path end end end