eaiovnaovbqoebvqoeavibavo ## # We manage a set of attributes. Each attribute has a symbol name and a bit # value. class RDoc::Markup::Attributes ## # The special attribute type. See RDoc::Markup#add_special attr_reader :special ## # Creates a new attributes set. def initialize @special = 1 @name_to_bitmap = [ [:_SPECIAL_, @special], ] @next_bitmap = @special << 1 end ## # Returns a unique bit for +name+ def bitmap_for name bitmap = @name_to_bitmap.assoc name unless bitmap then bitmap = @next_bitmap @next_bitmap <<= 1 @name_to_bitmap << [name, bitmap] else bitmap = bitmap.last end bitmap end ## # Returns a string representation of +bitmap+ def as_string bitmap return 'none' if bitmap.zero? res = [] @name_to_bitmap.each do |name, bit| res << name if (bitmap & bit) != 0 end res.join ',' end ## # yields each attribute name in +bitmap+ def each_name_of bitmap return enum_for __method__, bitmap unless block_given? @name_to_bitmap.each do |name, bit| next if bit == @special yield name.to_s if (bitmap & bit) != 0 end end end