eaiovnaovbqoebvqoeavibavo ## # RDoc uses generators to turn parsed source code in the form of an # RDoc::CodeObject tree into some form of output. RDoc comes with the HTML # generator RDoc::Generator::Darkfish and an ri data generator # RDoc::Generator::RI. # # == Registering a Generator # # Generators are registered by calling RDoc::RDoc.add_generator with the class # of the generator: # # class My::Awesome::Generator # RDoc::RDoc.add_generator self # end # # == Adding Options to +rdoc+ # # Before option processing in +rdoc+, RDoc::Options will call ::setup_options # on the generator class with an RDoc::Options instance. The generator can # use RDoc::Options#option_parser to add command-line options to the +rdoc+ # tool. See RDoc::Options@Custom+Options for an example and see OptionParser # for details on how to add options. # # You can extend the RDoc::Options instance with additional accessors for your # generator. # # == Generator Instantiation # # After parsing, RDoc::RDoc will instantiate a generator by calling # #initialize with an RDoc::Store instance and an RDoc::Options instance. # # The RDoc::Store instance holds documentation for parsed source code. In # RDoc 3 and earlier the RDoc::TopLevel class held this data. When upgrading # a generator from RDoc 3 and earlier you should only need to replace # RDoc::TopLevel with the store instance. # # RDoc will then call #generate on the generator instance. You can use the # various methods on RDoc::Store and in the RDoc::CodeObject tree to create # your desired output format. module RDoc::Generator autoload :Markup, 'rdoc/generator/markup' autoload :Darkfish, 'rdoc/generator/darkfish' autoload :JsonIndex, 'rdoc/generator/json_index' autoload :RI, 'rdoc/generator/ri' end