eaiovnaovbqoebvqoeavibavo PK§siZ»·  bison.xslnu„[µü¤ s r , 0 PK§siZ%ïÞ"22 xml2dot.xslnu„[µü¤ // Generated by GNU Bison . // Report bugs to < >. // Home page: < >. digraph " " { node [fontname = courier, shape = box, colorscheme = paired6] edge [fontname = courier] } 0 label="[ , ]", style=solid] 3 5 : . . %empty [ ] , -> " R d " [ " R d " [label=" Acc", fillcolor=1 R ", fillcolor= , shape=diamond, style=filled] dotted solid dashed [label=" State \n \l"] -> [style= label=" " ] PK§siZö~ÑAXAX xml2xhtml.xslnu„[µü¤ <xsl:value-of select="bison-xml-report/filename"/> <xsl:text> - GNU Bison XML Automaton Report</xsl:text>

GNU Bison XML Automaton Report

input grammar:

Table of Contents


Nonterminals useless in grammar

Terminals unused in grammar

Rules useless in grammar

Rules useless in parser due to conflicts




Terminals, with rules where they appear

Nonterminals, with rules where they appear

on left: on right:



. . %empty [ ] , error ( ) [ accept ( ) ] Conflict between and token resolved as an ( ). 0
PK§siZ,ÃéoHoH xml2text.xslnu„[µü¤ Nonterminals useless in grammar Terminals unused in grammar Rules useless in grammar Rules useless in parser due to conflicts Grammar Terminals, with rules where they appear Nonterminals, with rules where they appear 0 on@left: , on@right: State : . . %empty [ ] , shift, and go to state go to state error ( ) [ accept reduce using rule ( ) ] Conflict between rule and token resolved as an ( ). PK§siZ»·  bison.xslnu„[µü¤PK§siZ%ïÞ"22 R xml2dot.xslnu„[µü¤PK§siZö~ÑAXAX ”?xml2xhtml.xslnu„[µü¤PK§siZ,ÃéoHoH ˜xml2text.xslnu„[µü¤PK-½à