eaiovnaovbqoebvqoeavibavo ugpage_site_del_rolldown.htm 0000644 00000012560 14762346536 0012342 0 ustar 00
To print a page, simply click the print button above. To ensure accuracy, it is highly recommended that you use Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 (or higher) or Netscape Navigator 6 (or higher) to view and print this User Guide. Deleting an existing RolldownEach page in Jazz contains several rolldown buttons and their associated layers; all pages in Jazz contain the "Spotlight" and "In the News" rolldowns. By design, these rolldowns are NOT part of the Jazz template. This allows you to design each page with your own, page-specific rolldowns or to not use them at all on certain pages. This exercise will walk you through the process of removing the "In The News" rolldown layer on the "Artists" page. Open the /mainpages/page1.htm page. Removing an existing Rolldown layer is a 4 step process:
1. Modify the Snap Layers behavior in the "runembase" editable region.We have created an editable region in the Template called "runembase" that simply contains a <p> tag. We use this <p> tag to assign events that we would like to run when the page loads or resizes. These events are actually fired by using "runEm" on the <body> tag, onLoad or onResize. In this way each page can have page-specific onLoad or onResize events even though the page is tied to the Template (on a Template-based page the <body> tag is in a "locked" region). We have placed a Snap Layers event on this <p> tag that will snap the rolldown layers to their corresponding image. When the user resizes the browser window, this Snap event will be fired by the runEm event that is contained on the <body> tag, onResize. Locate the editable region name "runembase" on /mainpages/page1.htm. It is in middle of the first column, on the left side of the page. Click inside the editable region to select the <p> tag. On the Behaviors Panel, double-click the Snap Layers by PVII behavior to open the interface. Select the line that references the rolldown that we want to remove. In this example, select 'rollsb1 (layer "rollupsidebar1",0,19)', this is the "In the News" rolldown. Click the minus (-) button to remove this rolldown from the list. Click OK to apply the changes. 2. Remove the table that contains the rolldown images.The rolldown images (the title image, plus button and close button) are contained in a one row, one column table. We will simply remove the entire table. Click the "In The News" image. Click the rightmost <table> tag at the bottom left of the main window to select the table. The table should now be highlighted. Hit the Del (Delete) key to remove the entire table. 3. Remove the related popup layer.Open the Layers Panel Click on the line containing the "rollupsidebar1" layer to select it. Hi the Del (Delete) key to remove the layer and all of its contents. That's it! The "In The News" rolldown layer, and all references to it, are now completely removed from this page. Note: This was NOT a template-based operation and will only affect the page you are working on. If you want to completely remove this rolldown from all pages of the site, you will need to repeat this removal procedure on all of the other pages that contain this rolldown layer.
To print a page, simply click the print button above. To ensure accuracy, it is highly recommended that you use Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 (or higher) or Netscape Navigator 6 (or higher) to view and print this User Guide. How to Install an ExtensionThis DesignPack relies heavily on specialized JavaScripts to render the pages properly, create the effects and animation, and cure many of the cross-browser compatability issues. We have created Dreamweaver Extensions to enable you to manage and modify the site for all of these scripts. These extensions must be installed before you begin to work on your DesignPack. The Extension ManagerAll of the extensions included with this DesignPack are designed to be installed using the Macromedia Extension Manager. The current version is 1.2 and is the same version that is shipped with Dreamweaver 4. You can download the latest version of the Extension Manager from the Macromedia Dreamweaver Exchange site. The Jazz ExtensionsThese extensions should be installed using the Extension Manager, we'll show you how in the next section. If you already have some of them installed, be sure that you are using the very latest version... if in doubt, you can safely install the supplied version to automatically replace the version you are currently using.
Install each of these extensions now, using the following technique: 1. Installing an ExtensionThe extensions required for this DesignPack are located in your \local_files\extensions folder and contain a .mxp file extension. Mxp is the file type that the Extension Manager will recognize as an installable extension. This example will show you how to install the AutoLayers by PVII extension. Open the Extension Manager Click the Install New Extension button, it's the first button on the left. Using the folder icon, navigate to the /local_files/extensions directory and select the extension you wish to install, in this case let's select autoLayers. Click the Install button. Click the Accept button to acknowledge the Macromedia Disclaimer notice. The Extension Manager may provide a warning message if the same or older version of this extension is already installed, click Yes to install this version. The Extension Manager will now install all of the files necessary for this extension, including any supplied Help Files, and display a success message:
Click OK. Note that Dreamweaver should be restarted in order for the new extensions to become effective. Restart Dreamweaver after you have installed all of the extensions. Repeat steps 2 through 8 to install each of the extensions required for this DesignPack.
To print a page, simply click the print button above. To ensure accuracy, it is highly recommended that you use Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 (or higher) or Netscape Navigator 6 (or higher) to view and print this User Guide. supportthe pviiwebdev forumPVII Design Pack support is second to none. It all starts at the pviiwebdev newsgroup forum... a thriving community of Design Pack users from all over the globe. The group is a place where you can get quick informed answers to your most pressing concerns relating to:
There are 2 ways to log on to the Newsgroup:
the project seven web site and the pvii infobaseThe Support section of our site contains News, Updates, Tutorials, and lots more. Visit us regularly at: www.projectseven.com/dreamweaver The PVII InfoBase contains regularly updated Tech Notes in a searchable interface: www.projectseven.com/dreamweaver/studio/dpfaq/index.htm In the event you need to reach us, send mail to: snail mailDirect all correspondence to: Project Seven Development
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To print a page, simply click the print button above. To ensure accuracy, it is highly recommended that you use Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 (or higher) or Netscape Navigator 6 (or higher) to view and print this User Guide. templatesadding new pagesadding a new page to your Jazz site is a 2-step process:
Adding a new page to your Jazz site is easy. Follow the instructions carefully and it'll take less than a minute. 1. creating a new file from the templateChoose File - New From Template Select Templates: index Make sure to leave the Update Page when Template Changes box checked! Click the Select button A new page will be created that is identical to the template. Before doing anything else, choose File - Save As In the Save As dialog, browse to your site folder, type a name for your new page and click the Save button. You can save the file in the site root (as the illustration depicts) or in the mainpages folder... and Dreamweaver will adjust all the links for you. That's all there is to it! 2. editing the runembase javascriptsThe runembase editable region contains 2 behaviors applied to its paragraph <p> tag:
Place your cursor inside the runembase editable region. Open the Behaviors Panel Note the title bar reads: Behaviors - <p> Actions and that the Events column lists 2 onDblClick events (dwonClass by PVII and Snap Layers by PVII) Double-click the first onDblClick event to open the downClass by PVII window. Change the Select Object to choose the ID of the menu table cell <td> you wish to show in the down state. Leave Select Style: menucellover as is to show your ID'd cell object in its Down State. The onDblClick SnapLayers by PVII event needs to be edited only if you remove one of the rolldown layers or add a new one. Otherwise leave it alone. Optional Tip:Once you get comfortable with Jazz, the optimal way of dealing with a Jazz-based site is to first get the Template (index.dwt) exactly the way you want it. Once the template is perfect, create a new page from the template and when you save that page, overwrite the root index page. Then repeat to overwrite each page that ships with Jazz (all the pages in the mainpages folder). This way, all the content in your template... both in the locked and the editable regions... will get replicated. This will save you time editing the individual pages. And because you are overwriting the existing files and keeping the same file names, the links will all work as before!
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To print a page, simply click the print button above. To ensure accuracy, it is highly recommended that you use Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 (or higher) or Netscape Navigator 6 (or higher) to view and print this User Guide. imagesediting the background imagesThe Jazz Design Pack contains 3 background images:
The images are very simple with a subtle hint of texture. We use Fireworks line textures because they lend an air of sophistication while keeping file size very small. To edit a background image, select it and inspect its fill and texture on the Fireworks Fill Panel. |
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To print a page, simply click the print button above. To ensure accuracy, it is highly recommended that you use Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 (or higher) or Netscape Navigator 6 (or higher) to view and print this User Guide. Installation and Site DefinitionThis section will provide you with step-by-step instructions for unpacking and archiving your new DesignPack and also creating your new site in Dreamweaver. 1. Archiving Your DesignPackWe strongly suggest that you follow these guidelines to create a permanent "Archive" copy of your Designpack. This will allow you always have a "unaltered" version of the pack to use as a reference or backup. Create a directory named "Studio7" to store this and any other DesignPacks you have acquired. Unzip the StudioDP_Jazz.zip file into this directory. The folders and files should look like this: Keep this as an archive only. Never make any changes to the files in this folder. To build your actual site, you will copy and paste files from this archive.
2. Define Your New SiteNow we'll create a new working site in Dreamweaver. This site is the one you will be making modifications to and eventually publishing. Create a new directory on your hard drive and give it a meaningful name . For this example we will use the name "MyNewSite" and we will create a new directory: C:\MyNewSite. Navigate to the StudioDP_Jazz archive folder you created earlier and Copy (select all) files and folders in that directory. Do not copy the parent folder, just copy the folder's contents. Paste the contents of the StudioDP_Jazz folder into the new site directory you created in step 1. Your new site folder should look like this: Open Dreamweaver Open the Site Manager window if it is not already open. Choose Site>New Site... on the Site manager menu. Enter a meaningful name for your site in the Site Name box, we have used MyNewSite for this example. Click the folder icon to Browse to the directory you created in Step 1 and click Select. We have used C:\MyNewSite for this example. Click OK to create the new site. Also click OK if Dreamweaver asks you to create initial site cache. Your new site is now set up and ready for use. The Site Manager window should look similar to this: To view the site, double-click index.htm to open the page. Familiarize yourself with the layout but make no changes yet. Press F12 to preview the page in your default browser. Go ahead and test all of the functionality on the page and check all of the links to be sure that each page of the site loads correctly. Now is the time to familiarize yourself with the general organizational layout of the site, as well as all of the various special features. Preview each page and become familiar with the overall design concept, the styles being used and the various dynamic features of the site. 3. Before You Begin To Make ChangesThe Jazz Designpack is driven by CSS Style Sheets and specialized JavaScripts to obtain the functionality of the site. Therefore, edits and modifications MUST be made using the techniques we outline in the remaining chapters of this User Guide. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO MODIFY THIS SITE without first reading the Site Modifications sections of the User Guide. The Jazz DesignPack utilizes some groundbreaking techniques to manage and modify the site content and appearance. We suggest that you approach any modifications by first reviewing, and working with, the following sections:
Things Not to Do
To print a page, simply click the print button above. To ensure accuracy, it is highly recommended that you use Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 (or higher) or Netscape Navigator 6 (or higher) to view and print this User Guide. Publishing your new siteWe hope that you have enjoyed working with this DesignPack and wish you every success with your finished site. Please follow theses guidelines when publishing your finished site. Folders and Files to PublishYour published site requires only the actual site pages and dependent images to work correctly. All other folders should not be published to the web. These are the files and/or folders that you should publish:
That's it! All the other files and folders are for local use only and should not be published to the web. Please be aware that you are prohibited from publishing, or making available in any form, the contents of the local_files folder contained in this DesignPack, including the User Guide and the Fireworks .png source files.
To print a page, simply click the print button above. To ensure accuracy, it is highly recommended that you use Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 (or higher) or Netscape Navigator 6 (or higher) to view and print this User Guide. How the Extensions WorkThis section will describe how each extension works in relation to the Jazz DesignPack. Before you make any modifications to this site it is important to have an understanding of the role each of the extensions plays. Snap Layers by PVIIBy now you probably have noticed that the menu system in Jazz is in the center of the page, and that the popup layers all align perfectly with the menu regardless of how the browser window is sized. Heretofore, pop-up menu systems were always tied to the left and/or top of the page so that the pop-up layers would be positioned correctly. Normally, layers would be positioned on the page and will not move as the browser window is resized, so there is no way to position a layer that properly aligns to other elements of the page because you do not know where those elements will be on the rendered page... until now. Snap allows you to position one or more layers relative to any HTML element on the page, once you supply an id (name) for that element. We call this element an "anchor". Once we have defined an anchor we can use Snap to position a layer relative to the position of the anchor. The most commonly used anchor is an image, and in Jazz, each of the menu buttons is an anchor image. Each of these images has an onMouseOver event that triggers an instance of Snap Layers. The Snap script then calculates the position of the image on the page and moves the pop-up layer relative to that position. We can also tell Snap to place the layer a set amount of pixels away from the anchor image, this is called the "offset" amount. The "offset" can be set to position the layer in both horizontal and vertical directions from the anchor. Images aren't the only anchors that Snap can use, in fact, in modern browsers (IE5+ and N6) you can use almost any HTML element as an anchor, as long as you define an id name for that element's tag. Netscape4, however, will only allow us to use images or other layers as anchors, so in Jazz, we use only images as anchors. When using Snap to position the pop-up layers with onMouseOver and onMouseOut events we really don't have to worry about repositioning the layers in case the browser window is resized because the layers are only visible when the user mouses over a menu button and the layer is "Snapped" on each mouseover. Jazz also contains several "Rollup" pop-ups, like the Spotlight buttons. These are set to onClick, and will remain visible until the user clicks the X button to close it. If the user resizes the browser window while these pop-ups are visible we will need a way to quickly reposition the pop-up to align it with the spotlight (anchor) image, so we place an instance of Snap on the onResize event to move the layers to the correct positions (actually, we use another "trick", the runEm extension to do this). We'll show you how to use Snap in step-by-step fashion in the Menu Modifications section of the User Guide and, of course, the Help button in the extension itself will provide complete details for each of the interface items. AutoLayers by PVIIWell, we eventually got tired of repeatedly applying vast amounts of show/hide layer events to each and every menu button... so we designed AutoLayers. In Jazz, each pop up layer, for both the menu and the rollups, start out as "hidden", not visible when the page loads. When the user mouses over the first menu button we trigger an AutoLayer event to show the specified layer; make it "visible". AutoLayers will remember this layer and will automatically hide it the next time AutoLayers is run. When we mouse over the second menu button we tell AutoLayers to show the second popup layer, and AutoLayers will automatically hide the first layer. Next, we mouse over the third menu button, AutoLayers will show the third pop-up layer and hide the first two. So, all we ever really do is tell AutoLayers what to show, and it will take care of the hiding automatically... saves a lot of code and time. There are cases when we want to hide all of the layers, like when we mouse off the menu entirely. AutoLayers makes this even easier, since all we have to do is apply an "empty" instance of AutoLayers... telling AutoLayers to show nothing also means that it will hide every other layer! In Jazz, we use AutoLayers to control all of the menu pop-up layers as well as the rollup layers. However, we don't want the rollup layers to hide every time we mouse over a menu button, the rollup layers should remain visible until the user clicks the X button. Fortunately, AutoLayers has a feature that will allow us to use any of ten separate "layer sets". We have assigned the menu layers to belong to "set one", so that any time the menu buttons are activated all of the layers in "set one" will be affected. The Spotlight rollup uses an AutoLayer with "set two", and the In The News rollup uses "set three". In this way, we can use AutoLayers to handle the show/hide of only those layers that belong to that group. We'll show you how to use AutoLayers in step-by-step fashion in the Menu Modifications section of the User Guide and, of course, the Help button in the extension itself will provide complete details for each of the interface items. MultiClass Changer by PVIIJazz is completely driven by style sheets, including the menu rollovers! Each menu button image has a transparent center, allowing the color of the cell background to show though. When the page initially loads each cell is set to a grey background color, using a style name "menucelloff". This style simply applies a grey background color. When the user mouses over the button the cell's background color is changed to black by assigning it the "menucellover" style. When the user mouses away from the menu, we change the style back to gray (set the style back to "menucelloff"). These style changes are easily accomplished with the MultiClass Changer extension. 1. MultiClass by PVII MultiClass allows us to set up a whole series of style changes all within one event. A mouseover on one of the menu buttons will actually trigger MultiClass to set the background style for all 6 of the menu cells. The cell containing the clicked button will have it's style changed to "menucellover" while the remaining cells will have their style changed to "menucelloff". We can apply a style change to just about any "named" element on the page. In Jazz, the menu cells have been named by assigning an id. The first menu cell is named "mb1" and is assigned by setting it's id: <td id="mb1">. Once named, the element will appear in the Object List in the MultiClass interface. For each named Object we can simply select the appropriate style from the list of valid styles on the page. In Jazz, the valid styles are all of the custom styles contained in the attached style sheets. Style changes can be set for other objects on another part of the page. The little square dot on top of the Saxophone image also changes color as the user mouses over the menu buttons. The cell background for this cell is also changed to "menucellover" on each MultiClass event, sort of like a "disjointed rollover". We can also reset all of the background styles by using a MultiClass event to set all of the cells to the "menucelloff" style. We have placed just such an event on the main Jazz image so that when the user mouses over this image all of the menu cells will return to the "menucelloff" style: grey. 2. downClass by PVII While MultiClass can handle a wide variety of syle change events it will become a bit overwhelming if we want to set a "downstate" color for the detail pages of the site. In Jazz, you may have noticed that when the Artists page opens, the Artist button is set to black, and whenever you mouse over the other buttons all will return to gray except the Artist button, which will insist on staying with the black color. This is the "downstate" button for the Artist page and in the default Jazz pages, is colored black. The downClass extension is specially designed to work in "concert" with MultiClass to allow us to define the "downstate" class for any number of elements on each page. We simply tell downClass to assign the "menucellover" style to the "mb1" object, which in this case is the cell containing the Artist button. Here's the good part... now that we have told downClass to set the downstate for the Artist button, MultiClass is smart enough to know that this cell should always be set to that style, regardless of other events that may tell it to change the style. So we can use all of the same MultiClass events we use on any other page without having to re-write or modify those events for the downstate object. What this means is that we can use the very same MultiClass events contained in the Template (or index page) on every other page as well with no modification, and yet still be able to set indiviudal objects to a downstate only for that page. N4autoHide by PVIINo More MenuClosers! With N4autoHide we can finally say good-bye to all of the "work-arounds" to get Netscape 4 to automatically hide a layer when the user mouses off that layer. Up until now we had to resort to using "timeout tricks" or a rather large closing layer that had to be continually shown and hid with each layer popup. N4autoHide allows us to select a series of layers that should be part of our pop-up menu system and will then convince Netscape 4 to automatically hide each of these layers when the user mouses off the layer. This saves a huge amount of coding and maintenance. In Jazz, we have added a N4autoHide event to the BODY tag, onLoad, listing each of the menu layers. When the page loads, the script sets up the layers and will handle the hiding onMouseOut automatically. Modern browsers, IE5+ and N6, will allow us to put events on other tags, like the main <td> tag on the left side of the Jazz page and use an autoLayers event to handle the hiding. Netscape4 doesn't support this so until we no longer need to support it, we can easily use N4autoHide to handle it for us. ReDoIt by PVIIWhen a user re-sizes the browser, the visible layers are automatically Snapped into the right positions by using a Snap event attached to the BODY tag, onResize. This works great in IE5+ and NN6, however, it will not work very well in Nestscape 4. This browser requires that we have the MM N4 Resize fix applied to the page, which forces NN4 to reload the page if the browser window is resized. Placing another event, like Snap, onResize, will re-define the resize event in NN4 and prevent it from actually running the Resize Fix... which is neccessary to force the browser to reload the page. To prevent NN4 from bogging down, we apply a single ReDoIt event on the BODY, onResize event. The script will then intercept the event and automatically trigger the Resize Fix to force NN4 to reload the page. Of course, the script does nothing if you are viewing the page in a browser other than NN4 and will let the rest of the onResize events fire normally. runEm by PVIIWouldn't it be nice if we could modify behaviors that are part of a template on a template-driven page? Well, runEm will do just that! runEm is an extension that allows you to select other, existing JavaScript functions on the page and actually execute them. Why? If we are using a template driven page we cannot modify the events to be fired onLoad because that region is locked by the Template. For example, in Jazz the downstate of each page is set by a downClass event to set the proper cell for the downstate color. Naturally, this will be different for each page so we cannot place this event on the BODY tag. If the event is not on the BODY onLoad event, there is no way to automatically fire the script. To solve this dilemma, we place a runEm event on the BODY onLoad event of the Template. The runEm event is set to fire a downClass event. We also place an appropriate downClass event on a part of the editable region of the template so that this can be inspected and modified on each page. When the template-driven page first loads, the runEm event will then look for the FIRST instance of downClass on the page. When it finds that instance of downClass, it will read the downClass event arguments and fire the downClass script, which in turn sets the downstate classes for the page. So, we are really using runEm to look for and then run existing events on the page. Let's save some more time... runEm works really well in Template situations, but can also comes in handy when we have a large number of repetitive events to apply. For example, in Jazz we use a MultiClass event on the Jazz image to change all of the background colors back to the "menucelloff" color. We also need to apply the exact same MultiClass event to the other sides of the menu: the <td> tag to the left of the menu, the image to the right of the menu, and the image and <td> at the bottom of the menu. Rather than applying individual MultiClass events to each of these elements we simply apply runEm, set to find and run the first instance of MultiClass on the page. Now, each of these events will fire the very same event that we applied to the Jazz image! If we ever need to change the MultiClass event, like when we add a new menu item, we only need to modify the single MultiClass event we placed on the Jazz image, the other objects will use runEm to run the now-modified MultiClass event. N4 Return False FixNetscape 4x browsers will display a rather "ugly" hourglass cursor whenever a user clicks on a null link... and we use a lot of null links in Jazz. The unwanted "side-effect" can be cured by applying a "return false" to the end of the onClick event. Our N4 Return False Fix makes this a one click operation. It will scan the entire page and automatically add the "return false" to every <a> and <area> tag it finds. Jazz is delivered with this treatment already applied, so you only need to use it if you create any new null links. You can apply the fix as often as you like, the script will not touch any events that already have the return false applied. On certain pages you may have text links firing with a onMouseOver and onMouseOut event. The N4 Return False Fix has an Option checkbox to tell the script to create an onClick event and then add the "return false" to these types of null links. This will prevent the hourglass if the user mouses down on the text link. You can access the N4 Return False Fix from the Commands>Studio VII flyout on the main DW menu. Access the N4 Return False Fix by choosing Commands - Studio VII - Apply N4 Return False Fix. IE Link ScrubberScrub away those pesky lines around Clicked images in IE4-5 and Netscape6! This Command searches your document for links and applies the Scrubber script directly to each of them. You can apply the Scrubber as many times as you like. Each time you apply it, it will find any "untreated" links and apply the Scrubber script. The Scrubber will work on Text Links, Image Links and Image Maps. In Jazz, we have already applied the Scrubber to all of the links. You will only need to use this if you create any new links. Access the IE Link Scrubber by choosing Commands - Studio VII - IE Link Scrubber. Jazz ObjectsFrom time to time you may want to create new menu flyouts or new rollups. Building these layers and their table constructs from scratch is pretty tedious. To save you time, and to assure that each flyout or rollup will blend seamlessly into the design, we have created the Jazz Objects. With a few clicks you can instantly have a new flyout or rollup on your page. The interface allows you to set some properties as well as selecting which object to insert. See the Menu Modifications section on Adding a new menu and also the Rolldown layers section on Adding a new rolldown layer for complete step-by-step details on the use of this Object. Access the Jazz Objects by choosing Insert - P7 DesignPacks - Jazz Objects.
To print a page, simply click the print button above. To ensure accuracy, it is highly recommended that you use Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 (or higher) or Netscape Navigator 6 (or higher) to view and print this User Guide. Deleting a Menu ButtonThere are times when you may not need all six menu buttons in Jazz. This exercise will walk you through the process of removing one of the existing menu buttons: the "Reviews" button. Removing the "Reviews" menu button is a 2 Step process:
1. Adjust the MultiClass eventsWe will begin by removing all of the references to the id name of the <td> tag that contains our Reviews button. The id name of this <td> tag is "mb3". The MultiClass events are located on the main Jazz image at the top of the menu and also on each of the menu buttons. Click on the Jazz image at the top of the menu On the Behavior Panel, double-click the MultiClass behavior to open the interface. Select the line that references the "mb3" object and then click the minus (-) button to remove this line from the list. Click the OK button to apply the changes. Now repeat this procedure for each of the menu button images; "Artists", "Festivals", "Interviews", "Genre" and "Information". Each time removing the "mb3" line from the listing. 2. Remove the entire menu button <td> tagNow we can simply remove all of the items contained in the <td> tag that houses the "Reviews" menu button. This is easier than removing the button first, then removing the empty cell. Select the "Reviews" button image. Click on the <td.menucelloff> tag at the bottom left of the window. The entire cell should now be highlighted. Hit the Del key to remove the entire cell. That's it! The "Reviews" button, and all references to it, are now gone. You can save the template page now to update the rest of the site. Of course, each menu button would usually have a pop-up menu layer associated with it. To finish the "housekeeping" we will want to remove that layer now. See Deleting an Existing Menu Layer.
To print a page, simply click the print button above. To ensure accuracy, it is highly recommended that you use Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 (or higher) or Netscape Navigator 6 (or higher) to view and print this User Guide. Note: The methods described and screen captures used are based on Dreamweaver 4. If your version is different, please log on to our support newsgroup for quick assistance. cascading style sheetsCreating and Adding New Styles (in Dreamweaver 4)Now that you know how to edit styles, adding new ones is a piece of cake. Let's go through a step-by-step process to create an actual new style sheet and link it to this page. At the end of this section, you'll see the results right here on the page! Start with the CSS Styles PanelClick the New Style icon, to open the New Style window. The New Style windowThe New Style window contains 3 sections:
For an overview of what the New Style window sections mean, see footnote 2 below. Naming a new Custom Style in the New Style windowChoose the Type: Make Custom Style (class) radio button Type .myparagraph into the name field. Custom styles are always preceded by a dot (if you forget it, Dreamweaver will add it for you). We're going to choose Define In: New Style Sheet File! Select New Style Sheet File in the Dropdown. Click the OK button. A new window will open titled: Save Style Sheet File AsNotice that Dreamweaver automatically browses to the active site folder. In the capture above, we are in the folder for the Jazz User Guide and you can see the 3 style sheets we are using to create the guide you are now reading:
Type a name for the new CSS file. Type in: mynewfile.css Make sure Save as type: is set to: Style Sheet Files (*.css) The URL is automatically entered by Dreamweaver based on the Relative To: choice. We suggest keeping the Relative To: set to Document. Click the Save button. Dreamweaver saves the new CSS file to your working site folder, automatically links it to the current page, then opens the Style Definition window for our new style .myparagraph The Style Definition window for .myparagraphEnter the following properties (leaving all others blank) Font: Comic Sans MS, sans-serif Size: 14 pixels Color: #333333 If Comic Sans MS, sans-serif is not a choice, see footnote 1 (Edit font List). Select the Box Category Adding Box PropertiesEnter the following properties (leaving all others blank) Width: 300 pixels Margins... Top: 12 pixels Click OK Click Save on the mynewfile.css window that pops up Click Done on the Edit Style Sheet window Example!This paragraph has been assigned the .myparagraph style. We assigned the class by right-clicking the paragraph marker on the status bar and then we chose Set Class - myparagraph. Review the Type and Box properties we set and compare them to the results you see here! Notice that Dreamweaver does not display the width properties but does display the margin settings. Now let's make a contextual selector based upon .myparagraph. Let's do some creative hyperlink styles. Contextual SelectorsOpen the New Style window (click the The New Style WindowIn the Define In list, choose: mynewfile.css Select the Use CSS Selector radio button Type .myparagraph a:link into the Selector field atop the window Click OK and the Style Definition window will open. The Style Definition Window- Type CategorySet only the following Type Category properties (leave all others blank): Weight: bold Color: #999999 Switch to the Background Category The Style Definition Window- Background CategorySet only the following Background Category property (leave all others blank): Color: #333333 Click OK Click Save Click Done Repeat to Make 2 More Contextual SelectorsRepeat the steps used to create the contextual selector .myparagraph a:link to make 2 additional selectors:
Make the .myparagraph a:visited selector identical to the .myparagraph a:link selector. That is: Type / Weight: bold Type / Color: #999999 Background / Color: #333333 Next...Set .myparagraph a:hover with the following properties: Type / Weight: bold Type / Color: #333333 Background / Color: #999999 Example!This paragraph has been assigned the .myparagraph style. We assigned the class by right-clicking the paragraph marker on the status bar and then we chose Set Class - myparagraph. This is a hyperlink and it uses the contextual selector .myparagraph a:link! There we have it! One new style sheet and 4 cool new styles.
Footnotes 1. Edit Font List Simply select your fonts from the Available Fonts list and click the << button to move them into the Chosen Fonts list, then click OK.
2. The New Style window options There are 3 style Type options:
Depending on the Type you choose, the top field will be labeled contextually. If Make Custom Style is chosen, the top field will be labeledName and .unamed1 will be pre-supplied as a placeholder to be overwritten with your own name. If Redefine HTML Tag is chosen, the top field will be labeledTag. The dropdown box will contain Dreamweaver's list of valid HTML tags and will be populated with the tag name that corresponds to where your cursor was on the page when you opened the New Style window. When I took the screen capture above, my cursor was sitting in a paragraph, hence the p tag is pre-supplied. If Use CSS Selector is chosen, the top field will be labeled Selector. Dreamweaver supplies 4 common selectors in the dropdown box to get you started:
These are styles that effect hyperlinks. Dreamweaver lists them in alphabetical order. The intention was good, but the order is incorrect. To deploy these selectors correctly, you need to pick them in the following order:
These selectors are cool if you want all the links on your page to look the same. But that's neither creative nor flexible ;-) The Define In section has 2 choices (you select one or the other by selecting the radio button to its left):
To print a page, simply click the print button above. To ensure accuracy, it is highly recommended that you use Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 (or higher) or Netscape Navigator 6 (or higher) to view and print this User Guide. adding a menu buttonadding a menu button is a 3-step process:
1. making a new menu button in FireworksOpen iface.png in Fireworks (local_files/Fireworks/iface.png) Double-click the text <button7 inside the first spare button at the top left of the canvas The entire text string is highlighted inside the text editor. Since the < character is a different color than button7, click inside the window and reselect... this time omitting the < so that only the characters button7 are highlighted. With button7 highlighted, type the words hall of fame. Click OK 2. exporting the new button to your Jazz siteOpen the Layers Panel and select the Web Layer to show all the slices on the canvas. Select the button7 slice
Choose File - Export Browse to the correct destination folder (assets/images) In the File name field, type button7 Save as type: Images Only HTML: None Slices: Export Slices Check the box labeled Selected Slices Only (and make sure the other boxes are unchecked) Click Save 3. inserting the new button in your Jazz templateOpen index.dwt in Dreamweaver Select the interviews button Choose Modify - Table- Insert Rows or Columns... The Insert Rows or Colums dialog will open Turn on the Insert - Rows radio button Number of Rows: 1 Where: Below the Selection Click OK A new row will appear below the interviews button Right-click (ctrl-click) inside the new cell and choose Edit Tag <td>... Change mb4 to: mb7 and press Enter (Return) Open the Assets panel (F11) Select the images category (the top icon in the left channel), and browse to button7.gif Click inside the new empty table cell Click the Insert button at the bottom of the Assets panel to insert button7 into your new table cell. hall of fame now appears between interviews and genre. Select the hall of fame button and type trig7 into the name field on your property inspector. Type Hall of Fame into the Alt field.
Now refer to the Adding a New Menu Layer section to add a flyout menu and JavaScript behaviors.
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To print a page, simply click the print button above. To ensure accuracy, it is highly recommended that you use Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 (or higher) or Netscape Navigator 6 (or higher) to view and print this User Guide. cascading style sheetsJazz uses Cascading Style Sheets to drive its presentational design. This section will serve to explain how the Jazz-specific styles work. We will also discuss how to edit existing styles and how to create new ones. The Main Style Sheet [dp12orange.css]The main style sheet is linked to our Template page and therefore to each page that is based upon the Template. The Headingsh1 { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; margin-right: 0px; margin-left: 12px; color: #666666; font-weight: bold; letter-spacing: 6px; margin-top: 12px; margin-bottom: 12px} h2 { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 12px; font-weight: bold; color: #999999; letter-spacing: 3px ; margin-top: 12px} h3 { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; color: #333333 ; margin-right: 6px; margin-left: 12px These 3 style redefinitions 1 drive the headings used throughout the site. H1 is used for headings in the main content cell, H2 is used for headings in the sidebar cell, H3 is used for headings in the middle cell (below the main menu buttons) and also for the headings in both the flyout menus and the rolldown menus. H tags are applied using the property inspector's format dropdown. We've set the margins to provide a pleasing design with respect to the other styles on the page Cursor Style.pointer { cursor: default } This simple custom style 2 sets the cursor to a default pointer. It is applied to images on the page that hold javascript events that we wish to be fired without the user knowing it. For instance, the transparent gif in the narrow table column between the main menu buttons and the sidebar hold events to hide the menu layers and reset the mouseover table cell backgrounds when a user moves his mouse off a button to the right. This little rule applied to the <img> tag of the gif serves to eliminate the hand cursor and show the default pointer. It is supported by MSIE and NN6 only. It's purpose is purely cosmetic. The Menu Button Table Cells.menucelloff { background-color: #999999; border-style: none } .menucellover { background-color: #666666; border-style: none } These custom styles 2 control the background colors of the table cells that contain the main menu buttons, as well as the background colors of the top cells in the flyout layer tables, and the bottom cells in the rolldown layer tables. With respect to the main menu button table cells, these are the styles that are manipulated by PVII MultiClass to execute the rollover effects as you mouse over the buttons. Menucellover is also used by PVII DownClass to set the down state of the button cell that relates to the current page. Border-style: none is used to work around a CSS bug in Opera 5 that sometimes causes borders to be cascaded unexpectedly from unrelated elements. Ordered and Unordered Listsul { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; color: #637173 } ol { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; color: #637173 } These 2 styles redefine 1 the <ul> (bulleted list) and <ol> (numbered list) tags. Lists are deployed by clicking the 2 list buttons on your property inspector that are located directly below the bold (B) and Italics (I) buttons. You do not have to apply these styles manually. The Main Content Table Cell.maintable { background-color: #FFFFFF} .maintable p { margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 36px; margin-bottom: 12px; margin-left: 36px ; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 18px; color: #999999} .maintable b { color: #FF9900; font-weight: normal } These 3 custom styles 2 are used in the main content table cell. Maintable is applied to the <td> tag of the main content table cell and determines its background color. Maintable p is a contextual selector 3 that serves to automatically style all paragraph text contained in a table cell to which maintable is applied. Maintable b is a contextual selector that automatically styles <b> bold text that is in a paragraph that is in a table to which maintable is applied. Margins are applied to create nice "white space" on our pages and eliminates the need to set table padding or spacing. Line-height is used to make our text easier to read and, applied via the <p> tag, is perfectly compatible with Netscape 4. The Main Content Table Cell Hyperlinks.maintable a:link { color: #669999; text-decoration: underline } .maintable a:visited { color: #666666; text-decoration: underline } .maintable a:hover { color: #333333; text-decoration: underline } .maintable a:active { color: #669999; text-decoration: underline } These powerful contextual selectors 3 permit us to have special link styles for all hyperlinks that are inside elements to which .maintable is applied (our main content table cell). These styles are automatically applied to .maintable elements. Hover is supported in all v4 and higher browsers except Netscape 4. The Rolldown / Rollup Menu Layers.rolltd { font-family: "Comic Sans MS", Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; color: #333333; background-color: #FFCC00} .rolltdheaderow { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; color: #FFFFFF; background-color: #CCCCCC} These custom styles 2 are manually applied to the tables inside the second rolldown layer (choose artist) in the main table cell. Rolltd is applied to each cell in the content table. Rolltdheaderow is applied to the <tr> tag of the top row only. The Rolldown / Rollup Menu Hyperlinks.rolltd a:link { color: #333333; text-decoration: underline } .rolltd a:visited { color: #333333; text-decoration: underline } .rolltd a:hover { color: #FFFFFF; text-decoration: underline } .rolltd a:active { color: #333333; text-decoration: underline } These contextual selectors 3 power the hyperlinks in the tables inside the second rolldown layer (choose artist) in the main table cell. The Middle Content Table Cell.sidebarmid { color: #CCCCCC} .sidebarmid p { margin-right: 12px; margin-left: 12px; border-style: none ; font-family: "Trebuchet MS", sans-serif; font-size: 12px; color: #CCCCCC} These 2 custom styles 2 are used in the middle table cell (below the main menu buttons). They work just like .maintable and .maintable p described above. The Middle Content Table Cell Hyperlinks.sidebarmid a:link { color: #CCCCCC; text-decoration: underline } .sidebarmid a:visited { color: #CCCCCC; text-decoration: underline } .sidebarmid a:hover { color: #333333; text-decoration: underline} .sidebarmid a:active { color: #CCCCCC; text-decoration: underline } These contextual selectors 3 drive the hyperlinks in the middle table cell (below the main menu buttons). The Flyout Menu Table Styles.flyoutable { background-color: #CCCCCC; border-style: none } .flyoutable p { font-family: "Comic Sans MS", Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; color: #FFFFFF; margin-top: 12px; margin-right: 6px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 12px; border-style: none } These 2 custom styles 2 are used in the table cells inside the flyout menu layers. They work just like .maintable and .maintable p described above. The Flyout Menu Hyperlinks.flyoutable a:link { color: #666666} .flyoutable a:visited { color: #666666} .flyoutable a:hover { color: #333333; text-decoration: underline} .flyoutable a:active { color: #666666} These contextual selectors 3 power the hyperlinks inside the flyout menu layers. The Sidebar Content Table Cell.sidebar { background-color: #FFFFFF} .sidebar p { margin-top: 12px; margin-right: 16px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 24px ; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: 18px; color: #999999} These 2 custom styles 2 are used in the right sidebar table cell. They work just like .maintable and .maintable p described above. The Sidebar Content Table Hyperlinks.sidebar a:link { color: #FF9900; text-decoration: underline } .sidebar a:visited { color: #FF9900; text-decoration: underline } .sidebar a:hover { color: #FFFFFF; text-decoration: none; background-color: #FF9900 } .sidebar a:active { color: #FF9900; text-decoration: underline } These contextual selectors 3 drive the hyperlinks in the right sidebar table cell. The Copyright Notice Style.copyright { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 10px; color: #999999} This custom style 2 is applied to the copyright notice at the bottom of each page.
The W3C Style Sheet [dp12orangew3c.css]This style sheet is attached to the Template via the @import method. This technique allows us to use styles supported by modern browsers (MSIE5+, NN6, and Opera5), while shielding Netscape 4 from styles that would cause problems or crashes. Netscape 4 does not support the @import method and this style sheet is totally invisible to it. The linking and importing of our 2 style sheets will be covered in the next sections. The Special Bordered Paragraph Style.sidebarpq { color: #999999; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; padding-top: 6px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 6px; padding-left: 0px; border: #999999 solid; border-width: 2px 0px 1px} This special custom style 2 is applied to certain paragraphs throughout our pages to create a nice highlighted section with thick and thin borders above and below it. The Special Rolldown / Rollup Layer Style.rollupdivs { border: 1px #999999 solid} This special custom style 2 is applied to each of the rolldown layers to give them a nice pencil-thin border all around. We need to shield Netscape 4 from this style because that browser's support for CSS borders is very problematic. The Special Flyout Menu Layer Style.flyoutdivs { border: #999999 solid; border-width: 0px 0px 0px 1px } This special custom style 2 is applied to the flyout menu layers and serves to render a single border on the left. The Special "Choose Artists" Rolldown Table Style.rolltd { padding-top: 3px; padding-right: 3px; padding-bottom: 3px; padding-left: 3px } This special custom style 2 is a duplicate of a style contained in the main style sheet. It is applied to the <td> tags in the choose artist rolldown layer on Page 1. The style adds a rule that we do not want Netscape 4 to attempt to render! Actually, this rule is to work around a poor W3C CSS specification that serves to break down the padding in table cells when the table contains multiple rows and columns. This problem only seems to occur in Netscape 6. MSIE engineers seem to ignore or "adjust" CSS specs it deems illogical, while Netscape 6 tends to take everything very literally :-) Footnotes
To print a page, simply click the print button above. To ensure accuracy, it is highly recommended that you use Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 (or higher) or Netscape Navigator 6 (or higher) to view and print this User Guide. Adding a new RolldownYou can easily add a new rolldown to any page of the Jazz site. These rolldowns are not part of the Template and as such must be created on each page that you want the rolldown to appear on. This exercise will walk you through the process of adding a new rolldown layer on the "Artists" page. We will use the supplied "new pop one" image contained in the Fireworks iface.png file for this excesses. You will want to modify this image to suit your needs using the same techniques outlined in the Menu Buttons section the User Guide. Open the /mainpages/page1.htm page. Adding a new Rolldown is a 6 step process:
1. Create a table to house the new rolldown images.We will insert the new rolldown on the right sidebar of the "Artists" page, just below the last line. The rolldown images are contained in a simple 1-row, 1-column table. Place your cursor just below the last line of text in the right sidebar, just below the line that read: "Enter additional content here." to set the insertion point for the table. Enter the following in the Insert Table dialog:
Click OK to insert the new table. Click inside the new table to set the insertion point for our images. Choose Insert - Images Click the folder icon to navigate to the /assets/images folder. Select the "newpop1.gif" image and click Select. Enter "rollmain3" as the name of the image. This is so we can refer to this image in some of the behaviors later on. Choose Insert - Images and select the "plusbtton.gif" image. The image will line up underneath the "new pop one" image.... we'll fix that later. Choose Insert - Images and select the "xbutton.gif" image. Now we will force the images to stay on one line. Click on one of the images you just added. Now click the rightmost <td> tag on the bottom of the window. In the Property Inspector, click the "No Wrap" box. The new table and images should now look like this: 2. Insert a new rolldown layer using the Jazz Objects command.To assure that each of the rolldown layers are consistent in design, and to save you some time, we are going to use the Jazz Objects command to create the new rolldown layer. It will quickly add an entire rolldown layer completely formatted and styled with boilerplate text and links. Scroll to the bottom of the page. You will see the six yellow "C" icons, a space and then the editable region named "thelayers". Inside this editable region you will see three yellow "c" icons. These represent the three rolldown layers that are already on the page. There is also a space to the right of the third "c" icon. Position your cursor just to the right of the third icon and click to set the insertion point for the new layer. Be sure that the cursor is inside the editable region; "thelayers". Choose Insert -P7 DesignPacks - Jazz Objects. Set the Select an Object box to: Jazz RollDown Table Set the pixel width of the new layer. In this example we will use the same width as the other rolldown layers: 142 Click the Browse button and navigate to the ..assets/images folder. Click the shim.gif image and then click the Select button. This is the image that the command will use as a spacer to from the table properly. Click the OK button to create the new rolldown layer. The new layer will appear on the page, fully styled and Jazz formatted. The name of the layer will be automatically assigned, in this example, the name will be "rollupmain3". The z-index of the layer has been preset to 1, which will place it at the same z-index of the other rolldown layers. Be sure that this is always kept below the z-index of any menu popup layers. The visibility of this new layer rolldown layer has been set to "default", keeping it visible in the Dreamweaver window. This makes for easier editing while you are setting the content of this new layer. Remember to set the visibility to "hidden" once you have finished your editing. As you can see, the new rolldown layer looks just like the existing rolldown layers. It will pick up all of your style settings automatically. Now that the layer has been created you can go ahead and modify the content to suit your needs. For this example, we'll jump right into the next section to add the behaviors that will make this pop-up work. 3. Add the Snap and AutoLayer events the plus (+) image.We will add a Snap behavior to properly position the layer underneath the "new pop one" image. Click on the plus (+) image just to the right of the of the new "new pop one" image. Click the plus (+) button on the Behaviors Panel. Choose Studio VII - Snap Layers by PVII to open the Snap interface. Select the Anchor Object: rollmain3. This is the name of the "new pop one" image we added. Select the Layer to Snap: rollupmain3. This is the name of the layer we just added. Enter 0 (zero)in the Offset Left box. This will position the layer so that its left edge will line up exactly with the left edge of the image. Enter 19 in the Offset Top box. This will position the layer 19 pixels from the top of the image. Since the image is 18 pixels high, this will will be portioned 1 pixel below the image. Click OK to apply the behavior. In the Behaviors Panel, be sure that the event listed is (onClick). The brackets () indicate that the event is being applied to the <a> tag and not the image itself. We will add a AutoLayer behavior to make this layer visible when the user clicks the plus image. Click on the plus (+) image just to the right of the of the new "new pop one" image. Click the plus (+) button on the Behaviors Panel. Choose Studio VII - Auto Layers by PVII to open the Auto Layers interface. Click on the line that references layer "rollupmain3". This is the name of the new rolldown layer we added. Click the "Show Layer" button. Important: Select Set Three as the Set to Use. This is the layer set that we are using only for the right sidebar rolldown layers. Other layers on the page that use AutoLayers are set to use a different layer set. Click OK to apply the behavior. Set this behavior's event to: (onClick) in the Behaviors Panel. The Behaviors Panel should look like this: 4. Add the AutoLayer event to the close (x) image.We will add a Auto Layers event to the close button (x) to Hide the rolldown layer when the image is clicked. Click on the plus (+) image just to the right of the of the new "new pop one" image. Click the plus (+) button on the Behaviors Panel. Choose Studio VII - Auto Layers by PVII to open the Auto Layers interface. Do not select any layers. We will use an "empty" Auto Layers to tell Auto Layers to hide every layer in the Layer Set. Select "Set Three" as the Set to Use. This is the layer set that we are using only for the right sidebar rolldown layers. Other layers on the page that use AutoLayers are set to use a different layer set, so hiding the Set Three layers will have no effect on the menu layers or the left side rolldown layers. Click OK to apply the behavior. Set this behavior's event to: (onClick) in the Behaviors Panel. 5. Modify the Snap Layers behavior in the "runembase" editable region.We have created an editable region in the Template called "runembase" that simply contains a <p> tag. We use this <p> tag to assign events that we would like to run when the page loads or resizes. These events are actually fired by using "runEm" on the <body> tag, onLoad or onResize. In this way each page can have page-specific onLoad or onResize events even though the page is tied to the Template (on a Template-based page the <body> tag is in a "locked" region). We have placed a Snap Layers event on this <p> tag that will snap the rolldown layers to their corresponding image. When the user resizes the browser window, this Snap event will be fired by the runEm event that is contained on the <body> tag, onResize. Locate the editable region name "runembase" on /mainpages/page1.htm. It is in middle of the first column, on the left side of the page. Click inside the editable region to select the <p> tag. On the Behaviors Panel, double-click the Snap Layers by PVII behavior to open the interface. Click the plus (+) button to add a new event. Select the Anchor Object: rollmain3. This is the name of the "new pop one" image we added. Select the Layer to Snap: rollupmain3. This is the name of the layer we just added. Enter 0 (zero)in the Offset Left box. This should be the same as we used in the Snap event of the + image. Enter 19 in the Offset Top box. This should be the same as we used in the Snap event of the + image. Click OK to apply the changes. Leave the event for this behavior set to onDblClick. This is just a placeholder for the behavior and is never meant to actually be triggered by the user. One more step and we're done! Remember that we set the visibility of the new rolldown layer to "default". Now that we are finished working with the layer we will set the visibility to "hidden". This assures that the layer is not visible when the page first loads. Locate the new rolldown layer, "rollupmain3", in the Layers Panel. The first column, the "Eyecon" column, controls the visibility settings for the layers. Click the first column on the "rollupmain3" line to show a closed "eyecon". 6. Apply the N4 Return False Fix and Scrubber.This is a good time to apply the N4 Return False Fix to the page. It will add a "return false" on all of the onClick events in <a> or <area> tags so that Netscape 4 will not show the hourglass cursor when the images are clicked (the Plus and X buttons we just added). Choose Commands - Studio VII - Apply N4 Return False Fix. Click the Apply button. The command will automatically apply the "return false" to any <a> tags that need it. Optionally, you can also apply the IE Link Scrubber to hide the dotted outlines that IE4+ browsers show when you click on an image. Choose Commands - Studio VII - IE Link Scrubber Click the Scrub Em! button. The command will "treat" all of the links on the page. That's it! The new "new pop one" rolldown layer, and all references to it, are now added to this page. Note: This was NOT a template-based operation and will only affect the page you are working on. You will need to repeat this procedure on any other pages that you want this rolldown layer to appear on. |
Adding New Pages based on the Template
Before You Begin to Make Changes
Changing an existing menu button
Deleting an existing menu layer
Modifying the Menu Bar Top and Bottom Images
Editing the Home & Phone Buttons
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To print a page, simply click the print button above. To ensure accuracy, it is highly recommended that you use Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 (or higher) or Netscape Navigator 6 (or higher) to view and print this User Guide. Adding a New Menu LayerOnce you have added a new menu button image you can add the new menu flyout layer that corresponds to your new menu button. This exercise will walk you through the process of adding a new menu flyout menu layer and then adding the behaviors to make it all work. This step will assume that you have already added the new menu button as outlined in Adding a New Menu Button. If you have not already done so, please complete that step before attempting to complete this section because the behavior events will require that the new menu button has been created. For this exercise we will assume that you have created the "Hall of Fame" button, named "trig7". Adding a new menu flyout layer is a 7 Step process:
1. Insert a new menu flyout layerWe have taken the pain out of creating a new menu flyout layer. To assure that each of the menu flyout layers are consistent in design, we are going to use the Jazz Objects Command to create the new layer. It will quickly add a new menu flyout layer to your page already pre-formatted with boilerplate text and links... ready-to-go! Open the index.dwt page located in the Templates folder. Scroll to the bottom of the page. You will see six yellow "C" icons and then a space. These are the menu flyout layer icons and are part of the "locked region" of the Template. Position your cursor just to the right of the 6th icon and click to set the insertion point for the new layer. Be sure that you do not place the cursor in the "editable region" named "thelayers". Choose Insert - P7 DesignPacks - Jazz Objects. Set the Select an Object box to: Jazz menu Flyout Table Set the pixel width of the new layer. In this example, we will use the same width as the other menu flyout layers: 200 Click the Browse button and navigate to the ../assets/images folder. Click the shim.gif image and then click Select button. This is the image that the command will use as a spacer to form the tables properly. Click the OK button to create the new menu flyout layer. The new layer will appear on the page, fully styled and Jazz formatted. The name of the layer will be automatically assigned, in this example, the name is "flym7". The z-index of the layer been preset to 9, which will place it above the other existing menu layers. It is not necessary to change this since none of the menu layers will ever show at the same time. We just want to be sure that the z-index of the menu flyout layer is higher than any of the non-menu layers on the page. The visibility of the new menu flyout layer has been set to "default", keeping it visible in the Dreamweaver window. This makes for easier editing while you are setting the content of this new layer. Remember to set the visibility to "hidden" once you have finished your editing. As you can see, the new menu flyout layer looks just like the existing menu flyout layers. It will pick up all of your style settings automatically. Now that the layer has been created you can go ahead and modify the content to suit your needs. For this example, we'll jump right into the next section to add the behaviors to integrate the new menu flyout layer into the menu system. 2. Add a Snap behavior to the new menu trigger buttonWe will add a Snap Layer behavior to properly position the new menu layer next to the new button image in the menu. Click on the new menu button, the "Hall of Fame" button you added in the "Adding a New Menu Button" section. Click the plus button (+) on the Behaviors Panel. Choose Studio VII - Snap Layers by PVII to open the Snap interface. Select "trig7" as the Anchor Object. This is the id name given to the image button that you created earlier. Use the actual id name of the image button that you created. Select layer "flym7" as the Layer to Snap. This is the name of the layer we added in Step 1 above, use the actual name of the layer your created. Enter -200 in the Offset Left box. This will position the layer 200 pixels to the left of the button image. Since the width of the layer is 200 px, this will align the right edge of the layer with the left edge of the image. Use the actual width of the layer that you created. Enter 6 in the Offset Top box. This will position the layer 6 pixels down form the top edge of the image. We want to use this offset so that the top band of color on the layer aligns perfectly with the rollover color in the button. Click OK to apply the behavior. In the Behaviors Panel, click on the line that contains the Snap Layers behavior, then click on the down arrow of the Events column. Select (onMouseOver) from the events listing. The brackets () indicate that the event is being applied to the <a> tag and not the image itself. Be certain that you have used the (onMouseOver) with brackets. If you do not find the (onMouseOver) event listed, be sure that the "Show Events for" flyout has "4.0 and later browsers" checked. 3. Add a AutoLayer behavior to the new menu trigger button.We will add a AutoLayer behavior to make this layer visible when the user mouses over the new menu button. This will also automatically hide any of the other menu layers as well. Click on the new menu button, the "Hall of Fame" button you added in the "Adding a New Menu Button" section. Click the plus button (+) on the Behaviors Panel. Choose Studio VII - Auto Layers by PVII to open the Auto Layers interface. Click on the line that references layer "flym7". This is the name of the new menu flyout layer we added. Click the "Show Layer" button. Important: Be sure that the Set to Use box is set to: Set One. This is the layer set that we are using only for the menu flyout layers. Other layers on the page that use AutoLayers are set to use a different layer set. Click OK to apply the behavior. Set this behavior's event to: (onMouseOver) in the Behaviors Panel. 4. Add a MultiClass behavior to the new menu trigger button.We will now add a MultiClass event to change the class of the <td> that contains the menu button image to the "menucellover" class. This will provide the rollover color. Click on the new menu button, the "Hall of Fame" button you added in the "Adding a New Menu Button" section. Click the plus button (+) on the Behaviors Panel. Choose Studio VII - MultiClass by PVII to open the MultiClass interface. Select "mhead" in the Select Object listing. Select "menucellover" in the Select Style listing. This will set the "menucellover" class to the "mhead" object. The "mhead" object is the <td> that contains the main Jazz image, and setting this to menucellover class will change the color of the little square above the saxophone image. Next we will add a number of events that will set all of the other menu button <td> classes to the "menucelloff" class:
Now we will add the event to set our new menu button <td> to the "menucellover" class. Click the plus button (+) at the top of the MultiClass window to add a new event. Select "mb7" in the Select Object listing. This is the id name of the newly added <td> tag that contains the newly added menu button. Select "menucellover" in the Select Style listing. Click OK to apply the behavior. Set this behavior's event to: (onMouseOver) in the Behaviors Panel. The Behavior Panel should now look like this: Next we will modify a few of the existing behaviors to include a reference to our newly created layer and the <td> tag of its associated menu button image. 5. Modify the MultiClass behaviors on all other menu buttons.Click on the Jazz image at the top of the menu. On the Behaviors Panel, double-click the MultiClass behavior to open the interface. Click the plus button (+) at the top of the MultiClass window to add a new event. Select "mb7" in the Select Object listing. This is the id name of the newly added <td> tag that contains the newly added menu button. Select "menucelloff" in the Select Style listing. This will set the background color to the "menucelloff" class. Click OK to apply the behavior. Repeat this process to add the "mb7(menucelloff)" event to each of the MultiClass events on the remaining original menu button images: the Artists, Festivals, Reviews, Interviews, Genre and Information images. 6. Modify the N4 autoHide behavior on the BODY, onLoad event to add the new layer name to the behavior.The N4 autoHide event is fired onLoad to allow Netscape4 to properly hide the menu flyout layers. We will add the name of our new menu flyout layer, "flym7", to this behavior. Select the <body> tag at the bottom left of the main window. Open the Behaviors Panel and double-click the N4 autoHide by PVII behavior to open the interface. Select the line that references layer "flym7" and click the "AutoHide" button to set this layer as "Selected". Click OK to apply the behavior. 7. Modify the Snap behavior on the BODY, onResize event to add the new menu layer name to the behavior.We placed a Snap behavior on the Body, onResize event that is designed to place all of the menu layers to the top-left of the page when the browser window is resized (this avoids spawning scrollbars). We will modify this event to add the new menu flyout layer. Select the body tag at the bottom left of the main window. Open the Behaviors Panel and double-click the Snap Layers by PVII behavior to open the interface. Click the plus button (+) at the top of the Snap Layers window to add a new event. A new line appears with the same anchor object and offsets as the previous line. Select layer "flym7" as the Layer to Snap. This is the name of the layer we added in Step 1 above, use the actual name of the layer your created. There is no need to change anything else on this line. Click OK to apply the behavior. One more step and we're done! Remember that we set the visibility of the new menu flyout layer to "default". Now that we are finished working with the layer we will set the visibility to "hidden". This assures that the layer is not visible when the page first loads. Locate the new menu flyout layer, "flym7", in the Layers Panel. The first column, the "Eyecon" column, controls the visibility settings for the layers. Click the first column on the "flym7" line to show a closed "eyecon".
That's it! The new menu flyout layer, and all of the script references to it, are now set up and functional. Preview the template page to be sure that the menu is functioning properly and all of the related events are working. You can save the template page now to update the rest of the pages in the site. Note: After adding an image with events on the <a> tag, like this new menu button, you may want to apply our IE Link Scrubber to hide those "outlines" in IE4+ browsers.
To print a page, simply click the print button above. To ensure accuracy, it is highly recommended that you use Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 (or higher) or Netscape Navigator 6 (or higher) to view and print this User Guide. changing a menu buttonChanging a menu button is a 2-step process:
1. editing a menu button in FireworksOpen iface.png in Fireworks (the image is in your Local_Files/Fireworks folder). We'll use button1 (artists) for this exercise. Double-click the text string <artists to open the Text Editor The less than (<) symbol and the word artists are different colors. The < is the same color (#999999) as the default table cell that contains the button. This makes it invisible until you roll your mouse over the button (cool trick). Leave all settings as they are because we are simply changing a single button and we need to make sure it looks like the others. Select just the text artists and overwrite it with your own word. Inspect the actual image on the canvas to see how the new word fits. Our superstars edit fits just fine and requires no tweaking. If your word is a bit too wide, you can change the Kerning Scale to a lower value to compress the text until it fits nicely. If you need more room, see Jumbo Buttons below. Click OK to apply the changes. Press Ctrl+S (Command+S) to save your Fireworks file. 2. exporting the changed button to your Jazz siteOpen the Layers Panel and select the Web Layer to show all the slices on the canvas. Select the button1 slice
Choose File - Export Browse to the correct destination folder (assets/images) Select File name button1, which is the image you have just edited Save as type: Images Only HTML: None Slices: Export Slices Check the box labeled Selected Slices Only (and make sure the other boxes are unchecked) Click Save Fireworks will prompt you to overwrite the existing file Click OK Since you have not changed the slice size, no modifications are necessary in Dreamweaver. Open any Jazz page and you will see the revised image. the bonus jumbo buttonIf you need to pack a larger caption into a button, we've included an extra button that has added height to accomodate 2 lines. It's called button11.gif and here is how it looks: To use it:Edit the text using the techniques learned above Turn on the Web Layer to show slices Select the button11 slice Export the selected slice Use the technique described above, but this time type button11 into the File name field. Click Save You won't get an overwrite prompt because you are creating a new file. Open your Jazz template (index.dwt) Select the button you wish to change Click the browse icon next to the Src field on your property
inspector Highlight button11 and click the Select button Your button is instantly transformed! note... Because you are merely changing the source of the button, all JavaScripts will remain correctly applied. |
To print a page, simply click the print button above. To ensure accuracy, it is highly recommended that you use Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 (or higher) or Netscape Navigator 6 (or higher) to view and print this User Guide. Deleting a Menu LayerThere are times when you may not need all six menu buttons in Jazz. Once you have removed the menu button, you will also want to remove the associated menu flyout layer. This exercise will walk you through the process of removing one of the existing menu layers: the "Reviews" flyout layer. Removing the "Reviews" menu flyout layer is a 3 Step process:
1. Adjust the N4 autoHide eventThe N4 autoHide event is fired onLoad to allow Netscape4 to properly hide the menu flyout layers. We will remove the name of the layer from this behavior. For our example, the menu layer name associated with the "Reviews" button is "flym3". Select the <body> tag at the bottom left of the main window. Open the Behaviors Panel and double-click the N4 autoHide by PVII behavior to open the interface. Select the line that references layer "flym3" and click the De-Select button. Click OK to apply the changes. 2. Modify the Snap behaviorWe placed a Snap behavior on the Body, onResize event that is designed to place all of the menu layers to the top-left of the page when the browser window is resized (this avoids spawning scrollbars). We will modify this event to remove the reference to the "flym3" layer. Select the body tag at the bottom left of the main window. Open the Behaviors Panel and double-click the Snap Layers by PVII behavior to open the interface. Select the line that references "anchmain (layer "flym3",0,0)" and click the minus (-) button to remove this line from the list. Click the OK to apply the changes. 3. Remove the entire menu layerOpen the Layers Panel Click on line containg the "flym3" layer to select it. Hit the Del (Delete) key to remove the entire layer and its contents. That's it! The "Reviews" menu layer, and all references to it, are now completely removed. You can save the template page now to update the rest of the pages in the site. Note: This step assumes that you have already removed the corresponding menu button and its related references as well. If you hav not removed the menu button do so now by following the instructions in Deleting a Menu Button.
To print a page, simply click the print button above. To ensure accuracy, it is highly recommended that you use Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 (or higher) or Netscape Navigator 6 (or higher) to view and print this User Guide. Note: The methods described and screen captures used are based on Dreamweaver 4. If your version is different, please log on to our support newsgroup for quick assistance. cascading style sheetsEditing Styles (in Dreamweaver 4)Dreamweaver 4 makes editing style sheets a snap. However, there are a few rules of wisdom we'd like to impart before we dive in! PVII CSS Rules of Wisdom
To print a page, simply click the print button above. To ensure accuracy, it is highly recommended that you use Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 (or higher) or Netscape Navigator 6 (or higher) to view and print this User Guide. templatesA single Dreamweaver template powers the Jazz web site. Dreamweaver stores templates in a root folder called Templates. The Templates folder must never be moved. Your site window for Jazz should look like this: why use a template?Using a Dreamweaver Template enables us to manage the Jazz menu system in a single file. Templates have two main component parts:
Editable regions are surrounded with special Dreamweaver tags. You create editable regions by selecting paragraphs, tables, or any part of your page and explicitly telling Dreamweaver to mark it as editable by selecting Modify - Template - New Editable Region. All editable regions must be created by the user, except one: The Document Title. Dreamweaver always creates an editable region around the page title. If you inspect the source code in a brand new template, you'll see this up close to the top: <!-- #BeginEditable "doctitle" --> All areas that are not editable are Locked. It's as simple as that. When you make a change in a Locked Region of your template and save the file, Dreamweaver asks if you'd like to update pages based upon the template. If you say yes (which well you should!) then the changes made in the template will also appear in every page that is attached to that template. By having the Jazz menu buttons and menu layers in Locked Regions, we are able to manage our menu in a single file: the Template (index.dwt). Changes you make to editable regions of your template will not cause your other pages to be changed. When you create a new file using File - New From Template, then the entire template is replicated and you get a brand new page that contains both the Locked and the Editable regions. Of course, the Locked regions remain locked and you can only edit the Editable regions. the Jazz template fileThe Jazz template file is located in your Templates folder and is named: index.dwt The dwt extension stands for DreamWeaverTemplate. Let's take a look at how index.dwt looks The Template shows you where the editable regions are by drawing a box around each one. In the left top corner of the box is a rectangle that bears the region name. Let's zoom in and hava a look at each of the editable regions. editable regionsThere are 5 editable regions in the Jazz template:
editable regions: maintbl- runembase- thelayers editable region: maintbl Everything within the blue box can be edited in pages attached to the template. The maintbl region includes paragraphs, but does not include the table cell itself. This prevents you, or someone else, from accidentally changing the table cell properties in your working pages. The spotlight rolldown trigger is in this editable region so you can keep it, delete it, or add more rolldown layers to your pages. editable region: runembase This special editable region contains a single empty paragraph that exists to house the PVII RunEm events to set the menu button Down Class (down class by PVII) and the PVII Snap Layer event that positions the rolldown layers onResize. editable region: thelayers We thought this was a little stroke of genius. We hand-coded an editable region
for you that includes the two rolldown layers. This way, you can delete them!
But this method also allows you to add more layers to any of your pages. All you
do is stick your cursor in the little space to the right of the second layer icon
editable region: midbar
The midbar editable region is located just below the main menu buttons. This is a great place to insert hyperlinks that relate to the current page. editable region: sidebar The sidebar editable region is located on the right side of the page. The in the news rolldown trigger is in this editable region so you can keep it, delete it, or add more rolldown layers to the sidebar in any page. locked regionsAny part of your page that does not fall within one of the 5 editable regions
is locked and can only be edited from within the template (index.dwt). Dreamweaver
reminds you that a region is locked by dinging or by presenting a special cursor:
Locked Regions protect your site from accidental deletions of key components. With respect to Jazz, the following key design components are locked:
The above areas can only be modified from within the template and all changes made will be applied to every page in the Jazz site. |
ugpage_sitethemes01.htm 0000644 00000011627 14762346536 0011150 0 ustar 00
To print a page, simply click the print button above. To ensure accuracy, it is highly recommended that you use Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 (or higher) or Netscape Navigator 6 (or higher) to view and print this User Guide. site themesjazz is 2 looks in one...The Jazz Design Pack ships with 2 visual Site Themes:
Note: if you want to preview the Teal Theme, open this file: local_files/Themes/Teal/index_teal.htm switching themes is a 3-step process
1. Open iface2.png in fireworks2. Export the slicesChoose File - Export Browse to the main images folder in your Jazz site: assets/images (use the illustration above as a guide) Enter the following settings:
Click Save Fireworks will prompt you to overwrite the current files Click OK Save your Fireworks iface2.png (this way it will remember the export path you just used) Close Fireworks and open Dreamweaver 3. Switch your Style sheet links to the Teal CSS filesOpen the Jazz Template (index.dwt) Choose View - Code and Design Scroll up to the Head region (way up top) and look for the following code: <link rel="stylesheet" href="../dp12orange.css"
type="text/css"> Change the linked style sheet reference to: dp12teal.css Change the @import reference to: dp12tealw3c.css Your code should now look like this (the bold text is for reference only): <link rel="stylesheet" href="../dp12teal.css"
type="text/css"> Why are we not using the Dreamweaver CSS Editor for this task?Dreamweaver has a little anomoly when using its CSS Editor to link external style sheets when there are JavaScript functions in the page. For our linked and imported style sheets to work correctly, the imported style sheet needs to come below the linked one in our source code. When you create a brand new document in Dreamweaver, the CSS Editor correctly places the external style sheet links in the <head>. Once you add JavaScript to the page, however, Dreamweaver will not get it right and will place any new or edited linked style sheets below the closing </script> tag. That's still within the <head> tags, but not where we need them to be. This would not be a serious problem, except that Dreamweaver does get the @import placement correct. What this means is that the Linked CSS will be below the Imported CSS in the source code and so will take precedence over the Imported CSS, thereby ruining our technique. So that's why you need to make the changes in the source code!
To print a page, simply click the print button above. To ensure accuracy, it is highly recommended that you use Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 (or higher) or Netscape Navigator 6 (or higher) to view and print this User Guide. Appendix 1 -Jazz Page IndexThis page lists all of the pages included with this Designpack by the directory in which they are located. Please review the list and become familiar with the purpose or function of each page before attempting any modifications.
To print a page, simply click the print button above. To ensure accuracy, it is highly recommended that you use Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 (or higher) or Netscape Navigator 6 (or higher) to view and print this User Guide. imagesediting the top and bottom images in the Jazz menu barThe Jazz menu bar has a top and bottom image that serve to give it a finished look. The two images involved are:
These images are exported to your Jazz site when you do a complete export of slices from the Fireworks iface.png file. To keep the integrity of your menu bar intact, you must not alter the width of these two objects. You can make them taller, though... and you can add your own graphic elements within the objects' borders. the navtopper imageThe navtopper is comprised of 5 parts:
J-sax has a gradient fill, diagonal line texture, and a drop shadow. azz has the same gradient fill, a Hatch texture, and a drop shadow. the navtbottom imagenavbottom.jpg is comprised of 2 parts:
We layed the feathered bitmap atop the orange rectangle to create the completed object. Simply replace it with your own bitmap to keep the look and feel of the Jazz site.
Tip: Fireworks gives us the ability to optimize each slice separately. To save bandwidth, we optimized the navbottom slice as a JPG, which is a more efficient format for complex bitmaps. |
To print a page, simply click the print button above. To ensure accuracy, it is highly recommended that you use Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 (or higher) or Netscape Navigator 6 (or higher) to view and print this User Guide. Appendix 3- Jazz Layers IndexThis page lists all of the layers used in this Designpack. Please review the list and become familiar with the purpose or function of each page before attempting any modifications.
To print a page, simply click the print button above. To ensure accuracy, it is highly recommended that you use Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 (or higher) or Netscape Navigator 6 (or higher) to view and print this User Guide. imagesThis section is an overview of our Jazz images. The images were created with Fireworks 4. the fireworks png formatAll images used in Jazz are derived from a single Fireworks file called iface.png Fireworks PNGs are special extended versions of the PNG format and contain all the information required to keep the image editable and live. the jazz iface.pnggenerating web images with slicesTo generate web images, we use the Fireworks Insert - Slice command to mark the boundaries of each individual part of the main image that will later be exported as a separate and distinct web image. In the illustration above, we've selected the first button (artists) and are in process of executing the Insert - Slice command to mark its boundaries with a slice. That slice is then named and becomes the basis for the image called button1.gif that is created during the export process. So, to populate our Jazz web site with its full complement of images, we use slices to mark the parts of our Fireworks image that are to become our web images. When we export the fireworks image to our Dreamweaver site, each slice will become a separate web image and its file name will be the same as its slice name. naming slicesWeb images (GIFs or JPGs) are created by slicing a Firworks image into pieces. Each slice/piece is named and that name is what Fireworks uses to name the individual web images that are exported to your Dreamweaver site. The above illustration depicts the slice we've placed around the artists button. We then used the Object panel to name the slice button1. When we export the Fireworks image, Fireworks will turn our slice names into file names and slice- button1 will become button1.gif. Throughout the course of this User Guide, we will document the techniques and procedures necessary to complete each task that involves our images. |
ugpage_imageindex.htm 0000644 00000020513 14762346536 0010741 0 ustar 00
To print a page, simply click the print button above. To ensure accuracy, it is highly recommended that you use Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 (or higher) or Netscape Navigator 6 (or higher) to view and print this User Guide. Appendix 2 - Jazz Images IndexThis page lists all of the images included with this Designpack by the directory in which they are located. Please review the list and become familiar with the purpose or function of each page before attempting any modifications. All images are stored in the /assets/images folder.
To print a page, simply click the print button above. To ensure accuracy, it is highly recommended that you use Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 (or higher) or Netscape Navigator 6 (or higher) to view and print this User Guide. imagesediting the home and phone imagesThe Jazz menu buttons have a top and bottom image that serve to give the menu bar a finished look. The two images involved are:
These images are exported to your Jazz site when you do a complete export of slices from the Fireworks iface.png file. To keep the integrity of your menu bar intact, you must not alter the width of these two objects. You can make them taller, though... and you can add your own graphic elements within the objects' borders. the home image
The home image object is comprised of a yellow rectangle, a gray rectangle, a triangle, and 2 text strings. The gray rectangle was used to set the transparency when the Fireworks slice was optimized. That allows the background image in the table cell in which home.gif is placed to show through. Like this:
the phone image
The phone image object is comprised of a yellow rectangle and a text string. The yellow rectangle was used to set the transparency when the Fireworks slice was optimized. This allows the background image in the table cell in which phone.gif is placed to show through. If you look at the image over a white background, you'll understand the effect of the transparency:
The image is almost invisible because it needs a yellow background beneath it. Use your imagination and creativity to transform these images into your own personal art. Do note that both of these images should be the same height or you will create a gap in the table row that houses them. Tip: Whenever you change an image's dimensions, you must change the dimensions of its slice. Turn on slices by slecting the Web Layer on the Fireworks Layers Panel. |