eaiovnaovbqoebvqoeavibavo hungarian/errmsg.sys000075500000236746147633135420010614 0ustar00+u OA"a+eP,Rf7yb'{ . O p 2 U  = o  / ^  9 ;Q a )b,v ,AbTr-=[.8E-sG|=G )G&W"_q+ { !C!{!!!#"\"""#V###$$$$2%%%%&H&l&&&&0't''''(#(V((()[))*l** +o+++ ,W,,,-[-u---7.l.../$/K/t///0Q0u00 1W111252a2222D3h33334D4o44445/5p55666O6n666V7q777 8Y88889H9999S:o:;;;5<<+=J=k====f>>>?X??? @@@@A@AiAAAB0BeBzBBBBBBC/CkCCCDDDDE%EFEhEEEEEEF8FPFgFFFFFF=GjGGGGHRHHHI/IQIIIIJOJJJgKKKKL2LaLLLLL.McMMMM'NLNmNNNNNOBOcOOOOPIPPPPPQ8QQQQR0RgRRRZSSSTKTtTTTU8UnUUU5VbVVdW)XX6Y^YYY/ZpZZZO[[[=\\\)]A]]]^L^o^^$_t_`Z`y``Laaabcbb\ccdvdddejeeef-fWfffffgkggg#hdhh ifiiijYjjjCktkkkGlslll&m`mmm n[nnno^ooop5pjppqjqqqr1rirrrsysss0tOtqttttt$uquuuvHvvv!w9wYwkwwwwx6xxxx yg@n3_e6a 9RuHZ R& ZaiB K(tWq3@}; z      p   3 `   ?   C6n8eY"U I*[-Z:\Xw#J | D Z q    !!+!A!f!!!!"5#p###$J$$$%%%J%%%&/''0((())****p++hashchkisamchkNEMIGENA '%-.200s' file nem hozhato letre (hibakod: %d - %s)A '%-.200s' tabla nem hozhato letre (hibakod: %d)Az '%-.192s' adatbazis nem hozhato letre (hibakod: %d)Az '%-.192s' adatbazis nem hozhato letre Az adatbazis mar letezikA(z) '%-.192s' adatbazis nem szuntetheto meg. Az adatbazis nem letezikAdatbazis megszuntetesi hiba ('%-.192s' nem torolheto, hibakod: %d)Adatbazis megszuntetesi hiba ('%-.192s' nem szuntetheto meg, hibakod: %d)Torlesi hiba: '%-.192s' (hibakod: %d - %s)Nem olvashato rekord a rendszertablabanA(z) '%-.200s' statusza nem allapithato meg (hibakod: %d - %s)A munkakonyvtar nem allapithato meg (hibakod: %d - %s)A file nem zarolhato. (hibakod: %d - %s)A '%-.200s' file nem nyithato meg (hibakod: %d - %s)A(z) '%-.200s' file nem talalhato (hibakod: %d - %s)A(z) '%-.192s' konyvtar nem olvashato. (hibakod: %d - %s)Konyvtarvaltas nem lehetseges a(z) '%-.192s'-ba. (hibakod: %d - %s)A(z) '%-.192s' tablaban talalhato rekord megvaltozott az utolso olvasas otaA lemez megtelt (%s). (hibakod: %d - %s)Irasi hiba, duplikalt kulcs a '%-.192s' tablaban.Hiba a(z) '%-.192s' zarasakor. (hibakod: %d - %s)Hiba a '%-.200s'file olvasasakor. (hibakod: %d - %s)Hiba a '%-.210s' file atnevezesekor '%-.210s'. (hibakod: %d - %s)Hiba a '%-.200s' file irasakor. (hibakod: %d - %s)'%-.192s' a valtoztatas ellen zarolvaSikertelen rendezesA(z) '%-.192s' nezet nem letezik a(z) '%-.192s'-hoz%d hibajelzes a tablakezelotolA(z) '%-.192s' tablakezelonek nincs ilyen opciojaNem talalhato a rekord '%-.192s'-benErvenytelen info a file-ban: '%-.200s'Ervenytelen kulcsfile a tablahoz: '%-.200s'; probalja kijavitani!Regi kulcsfile a '%-.192s'tablahoz; probalja kijavitani!'%-.192s' irasvedettNincs eleg memoria. Inditsa ujra a demont, es probalja ismet. (%d byte szukseges.)Nincs eleg memoria a rendezeshez. Novelje a rendezo demon puffermeretetVaratlan filevege-jel a '%-.192s'olvasasakor. (hibakod: %d - %s)Tul sok kapcsolatElfogyott a thread-memoriaA gepnev nem allapithato meg a cimbolA kapcsolatfelvetel nem sikerult (Bad handshake)A(z) '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' felhasznalo szamara tiltott eleres az '%-.192s' adabazishoz.A(z) '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' felhasznalo szamara tiltott eleres. (Hasznalja a jelszot: %s)Nincs kivalasztott adatbazisErvenytelen parancsA(z) '%-.192s' oszlop erteke nem lehet nullaErvenytelen adatbazis: '%-.192s'A(z) '%-.192s' tabla mar letezikErvenytelen tabla: '%-.100s'A(z) '%-.192s' oszlop %-.192s-ben ketertelmuA szerver leallitasa folyamatbanA(z) '%-.192s' oszlop ervenytelen '%-.192s'-benUsed '%-.192s' with wasn't in group byA group nem hasznalhato: '%-.192s'Statement has sum functions and columns in same statementAz oszlopban levo ertek nem egyezik meg a szamitott ertekkelA(z) '%-.100s' azonositonev tul hosszu.Duplikalt oszlopazonosito: '%-.192s'Duplikalt kulcsazonosito: '%-.192s'Duplikalt bejegyzes '%-.192s' a %d kulcs szerint.Rossz oszlopazonosito: '%-.192s'A %s a '%-.80s'-hez kozeli a %d sorbanUres lekerdezes.Nem egyedi tabla/alias: '%-.192s'Ervenytelen ertek: '%-.192s'Tobbszoros elsodleges kulcs definialas.Tul sok kulcs. Maximum %d kulcs engedelyezett.Tul sok kulcsdarabot definialt. Maximum %d resz engedelyezettA megadott kulcs tul hosszu. Maximalis kulcshosszusag: %dA(z) '%-.192s'kulcsoszlop nem letezik a tablabanBlob objektum '%-.192s' nem hasznalhato kulcskentA(z) '%-.192s' oszlop tul hosszu. (maximum = %lu). Hasznaljon BLOB tipust inkabb.Csak egy auto mezo lehetseges, es azt kulcskent kell definialni.%s: kapcsolatra kesz Version: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d"%s: Normal leallitas %s: %d jelzes. Megszakitva! %s: A leallitas kesz %s: A(z) %ld thread kenyszeritett zarasa. Felhasznalo: '%-.48s' Az IP socket nem hozhato letreA(z) '%-.192s' tablahoz nincs meg a CREATE INDEX altal hasznalt index. Alakitsa at a tablatA mezoelvalaszto argumentumok nem egyeznek meg a varttal. Nezze meg a kezikonyvben!Fix hosszusagu BLOB-ok nem hasznalhatok. Hasznalja a 'mezoelvalaszto jelet' .A(z) '%-.128s'-nak az adatbazis konyvtarban kell lennie, vagy mindenki szamara olvashatonakA '%-.200s' file mar letezik.Rekordok: %ld Torolve: %ld Skipped: %ld Warnings: %ldRekordok: %ld Duplikalva: %ldRossz alkulcs. A hasznalt kulcsresz nem karaktersorozat vagy hosszabb, mint a kulcsreszAz osszes mezo nem torolheto az ALTER TABLE-lel. Hasznalja a DROP TABLE-t helyetteA DROP '%-.192s' nem lehetseges. Ellenorizze, hogy a mezo/kulcs letezik-eRekordok: %ld Duplikalva: %ld Warnings: %ldYou can't specify target table '%-.192s' for update in FROM clauseErvenytelen szal (thread) id: %luA %lu thread-nek mas a tulajdonosaNincs hasznalt tablaTul sok karakter: %-.192s es SETEgyedi log-filenev nem generalhato: %-.200s.(1-999) A(z) '%-.192s' tabla zarolva lett (READ lock) es nem lehet frissiteniA(z) '%-.192s' tabla nincs zarolva a LOCK TABLES-szelA(z) '%-.192s' blob objektumnak nem lehet alapertelmezett ertekeHibas adatbazisnev: '%-.100s'Hibas tablanev: '%-.100s'A SELECT tul sok rekordot fog megvizsgalni es nagyon sokaig fog tartani. Ellenorizze a WHERE-t es hasznalja a SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 beallitast, ha a SELECT okayIsmeretlen hibaIsmeretlen eljaras: '%-.192s'Rossz parameter a(z) '%-.192s'eljaras szamitasanalRossz parameter a(z) '%-.192s' eljarasbanIsmeretlen tabla: '%-.192s' %-.32s-banA(z) '%-.192s' mezot ketszer definialtaA group funkcio ervenytelen hasznalataA(z) '%-.192s' tabla olyan bovitest hasznal, amely nem letezik ebben a MySQL versioban.A tablanak legalabb egy oszlopot tartalmazni kellA '%-.192s' tabla megteltErvenytelen karakterkeszlet: '%-.64s'Tul sok tabla. A MySQL csak %d tablat tud kezelni osszefuzeskorTul sok mezoTul nagy sormeret. A maximalis sormeret (nem szamolva a blob objektumokat) %ld. Nehany mezot meg kell valtoztatniaThread verem tullepes: Used: %ld of a %ld stack. Hasznalja a 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' nagyobb verem definialasahozKeresztfuggoseg van az OUTER JOIN-ban. Ellenorizze az ON felteteleketTable handler doesn't support NULL in given index. Please change column '%-.192s' to be NOT NULL or use another handlerA(z) '%-.192s' fuggveny nem toltheto beA(z) '%-.192s' fuggveny nem inicializalhato; %-.80sNincs ut a megosztott konyvtarakhoz (shared library)A '%-.192s' fuggveny mar letezikA(z) '%-.192s' megosztott konyvtar nem hasznalhato (hibakod: %d %-.128s)A(z) '%-.128s' fuggveny nem talalhato a konyvtarbanA '%-.192s' fuggveny nem definialtA '%-.64s' host blokkolodott, tul sok kapcsolodasi hiba miatt. Hasznalja a 'mysqladmin flush-hosts' parancsotA '%-.64s' host szamara nem engedelyezett a kapcsolodas ehhez a MySQL szerverhezNevtelen (anonymous) felhasznalokent nem negedelyezett a jelszovaltoztatasOnnek tabla-update joggal kell rendelkeznie a mysql adatbazisban masok jelszavanak megvaltoztatasahozNincs megegyezo sor a user tablabanMegegyezo sorok szama: %ld Valtozott: %ld Warnings: %ldUj thread letrehozasa nem lehetseges (Hibakod: %d). Amenyiben van meg szabad memoria, olvassa el a kezikonyv operacios rendszerfuggo hibalehetosegekrol szolo reszetAz oszlopban talalhato ertek nem egyezik meg a %ld sorban szamitott ertekkelNem lehet ujra-megnyitni a tablat: '%-.192sA NULL ervenytelen hasznalata'%-.64s' hiba a regularis kifejezes hasznalata soran (regexp)A GROUP mezok (MIN(),MAX(),COUNT()...) kevert hasznalata nem lehetseges GROUP BY hivatkozas nelkulA '%-.48s' felhasznalonak nincs ilyen joga a '%-.64s' host-on%-.128s parancs a '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' felhasznalo szamara nem engedelyezett a '%-.64s' tablaban%-.16s parancs a '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' felhasznalo szamara nem engedelyezett a '%-.192s' mezo eseten a '%-.192s' tablabanErvenytelen GRANT/REVOKE parancs. Kerem, nezze meg a kezikonyvben, milyen jogok lehetsegesekA host vagy felhasznalo argumentuma tul hosszu a GRANT parancsbanA '%-.192s.%-.192s' tabla nem letezikA '%-.48s' felhasznalo szamara a '%-.64s' host '%-.192s' tablajaban ez a parancs nem engedelyezettA hasznalt parancs nem engedelyezett ebben a MySQL verziobanSzintaktikai hibaDelayed insert thread couldn't get requested lock for table %-.192sToo many delayed threads in useMegszakitott kapcsolat %ld db: '%-.192s' adatbazishoz, felhasznalo: '%-.48s' (%-.64s)A kapott csomag nagyobb, mint a maximalisan engedelyezett: 'max_allowed_packet'Olvasasi hiba a kapcsolat soranHiba a fcntl() fuggvenybenHelytelen sorrendben erkezett adatcsomagokA kommunikacios adatcsomagok nem tomorithetok kiHIba a kommunikacios adatcsomagok olvasasa soranIdotullepes a kommunikacios adatcsomagok olvasasa soranHiba a kommunikacios csomagok irasa soranIdotullepes a kommunikacios csomagok irasa soranEz eredmeny sztring nagyobb, mint a lehetseges maximum: 'max_allowed_packet'A hasznalt tabla tipus nem tamogatja a BLOB/TEXT mezoketA hasznalt tabla tipus nem tamogatja az AUTO_INCREMENT tipusu mezoketINSERT DELAYED can't be used with table '%-.192s' because it is locked with LOCK TABLESErvenytelen mezonev: '%-.100s'A hasznalt tablakezelo nem tudja a '%-.192s' mezot indexelniA MERGE tablaban talalhato tablak definicioja nem azonosA '%-.192s' nem irhato, az egyedi mezok miattBLOB mezo '%-.192s' hasznalt a mezo specifikacioban, a mezohossz megadasa nelkulAz elsodleges kulcs teljes egeszeben csak NOT NULL tipusu lehet; Ha NULL mezot szeretne a kulcskent, hasznalja inkabb a UNIQUE-otAz eredmeny tobb, mint egy sort tartalmazAz adott tablatipushoz elsodleges kulcs hasznalata kotelezoEzen leforditott MySQL verzio nem tartalmaz RAID support-otOn a biztonsagos update modot hasznalja, es WHERE that uses a KEY columnA '%-.192s' kulcs nem letezik a '%-.192s' tablabanNem tudom megnyitni a tablatA tabla kezeloje (handler) nem tamogatja az %sAz On szamara nem engedelyezett a parancs vegrehajtasa a tranzakcioban%d hiba a COMMIT vegrehajtasa soran%d hiba a ROLLBACK vegrehajtasa soran%d hiba a FLUSH_LOGS vegrehajtasa soran%d hiba a CHECKPOINT vegrehajtasa soranAborted connection %u to db: '%-.192s' user: '%-.48s' host: '%-.64s' (%-.64s)The storage engine for the table does not support binary table dumpBinlog closed, cannot RESET MASTERFailed rebuilding the index of dumped table '%-.192s'Error from master: '%-.64s'Net error reading from masterNet error writing to masterCan't find FULLTEXT index matching the column listCan't execute the given command because you have active locked tables or an active transactionUnknown system variable '%-.64s'Table '%-.192s' is marked as crashed and should be repairedTable '%-.192s' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failedSome non-transactional changed tables couldn't be rolled backMulti-statement transaction required more than 'max_binlog_cache_size' bytes of storage; increase this mysqld variable and try againThis operation cannot be performed with a running slave; run STOP SLAVE firstThis operation requires a running slave; configure slave and do START SLAVEThe server is not configured as slave; fix in config file or with CHANGE MASTER TOCould not initialize master info structure; more error messages can be found in the MySQL error logCould not create slave thread; check system resourcesUser %-.64s already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connectionsYou may only use constant expressions with SETLock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transactionThe total number of locks exceeds the lock table sizeUpdate locks cannot be acquired during a READ UNCOMMITTED transactionDROP DATABASE not allowed while thread is holding global read lockCREATE DATABASE not allowed while thread is holding global read lockIncorrect arguments to %s'%-.48s'@'%-.64s' is not allowed to create new usersIncorrect table definition; all MERGE tables must be in the same databaseDeadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transactionThe used table type doesn't support FULLTEXT indexesCannot add foreign key constraintCannot add a child row: a foreign key constraint failsCannot delete a parent row: a foreign key constraint failsError connecting to master: %-.128sError running query on master: %-.128sError when executing command %s: %-.128sIncorrect usage of %s and %sThe used SELECT statements have a different number of columnsCan't execute the query because you have a conflicting read lockMixing of transactional and non-transactional tables is disabledOption '%s' used twice in statementUser '%-.64s' has exceeded the '%s' resource (current value: %ld)Access denied; you need (at least one of) the %-.128s privilege(s) for this operationVariable '%-.64s' is a SESSION variable and can't be used with SET GLOBALVariable '%-.64s' is a GLOBAL variable and should be set with SET GLOBALVariable '%-.64s' doesn't have a default valueVariable '%-.64s' can't be set to the value of '%-.200s'Incorrect argument type to variable '%-.64s'Variable '%-.64s' can only be set, not readIncorrect usage/placement of '%s'This version of MySQL doesn't yet support '%s'Got fatal error %d from master when reading data from binary log: '%-.320s'Slave SQL thread ignored the query because of replicate-*-table rulesVariable '%-.192s' is a %s variableIncorrect foreign key definition for '%-.192s': %sKey reference and table reference don't matchOperand should contain %d column(s)Subquery returns more than 1 rowUnknown prepared statement handler (%.*s) given to %sHelp database is corrupt or does not existCyclic reference on subqueriesConverting column '%s' from %s to %sReference '%-.64s' not supported (%s)Every derived table must have its own aliasSelect %u was reduced during optimizationTable '%-.192s' from one of the SELECTs cannot be used in %-.32sClient does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL clientAll parts of a SPATIAL index must be NOT NULLCOLLATION '%s' is not valid for CHARACTER SET '%s'Slave is already runningSlave already has been stoppedUncompressed data size too large; the maximum size is %d (probably, length of uncompressed data was corrupted)ZLIB: Not enough memoryZLIB: Not enough room in the output buffer (probably, length of uncompressed data was corrupted)ZLIB: Input data corruptedRow %u was cut by GROUP_CONCAT()Row %ld doesn't contain data for all columnsRow %ld was truncated; it contained more data than there were input columnsColumn set to default value; NULL supplied to NOT NULL column '%s' at row %ldOut of range value for column '%s' at row %ldData truncated for column '%s' at row %ldUsing storage engine %s for table '%s'Illegal mix of collations (%s,%s) and (%s,%s) for operation '%s'Cannot drop one or more of the requested usersCan't revoke all privileges for one or more of the requested usersIllegal mix of collations (%s,%s), (%s,%s), (%s,%s) for operation '%s'Illegal mix of collations for operation '%s'Variable '%-.64s' is not a variable component (can't be used as XXXX.variable_name)Unknown collation: '%-.64s'SSL parameters in CHANGE MASTER are ignored because this MySQL slave was compiled without SSL support; they can be used later if MySQL slave with SSL is startedServer is running in --secure-auth mode, but '%s'@'%s' has a password in the old format; please change the password to the new formatField or reference '%-.192s%s%-.192s%s%-.192s' of SELECT #%d was resolved in SELECT #%dIncorrect parameter or combination of parameters for START SLAVE UNTILIt is recommended to use --skip-slave-start when doing step-by-step replication with START SLAVE UNTIL; otherwise, you will get problems if you get an unexpected slave's mysqld restartSQL thread is not to be started so UNTIL options are ignoredIncorrect index name '%-.100s'Incorrect catalog name '%-.100s'Query cache failed to set size %lu; new query cache size is %luColumn '%-.192s' cannot be part of FULLTEXT indexUnknown key cache '%-.100s'MySQL is started in --skip-name-resolve mode; you must restart it without this switch for this grant to workUnknown storage engine '%s''%s' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use %s insteadThe target table %-.100s of the %s is not updatableThe '%s' feature is disabled; you need MySQL built with '%s' to have it workingThe MySQL server is running with the %s option so it cannot execute this statementColumn '%-.100s' has duplicated value '%-.64s' in %sTruncated incorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s'Incorrect table definition; there can be only one TIMESTAMP column with CURRENT_TIMESTAMP in DEFAULT or ON UPDATE clauseInvalid ON UPDATE clause for '%-.192s' columnThis command is not supported in the prepared statement protocol yetGot error %d '%-.100s' from %sGot temporary error %d '%-.100s' from %sUnknown or incorrect time zone: '%-.64s'Invalid TIMESTAMP value in column '%s' at row %ldInvalid %s character string: '%.64s'Result of %s() was larger than max_allowed_packet (%ld) - truncatedConflicting declarations: '%s%s' and '%s%s'Can't create a %s from within another stored routine%s %s already exists%s %s does not existFailed to DROP %s %sFailed to CREATE %s %s%s with no matching label: %sRedefining label %sEnd-label %s without matchReferring to uninitialized variable %sPROCEDURE %s can't return a result set in the given contextRETURN is only allowed in a FUNCTION%s is not allowed in stored proceduresThe update log is deprecated and replaced by the binary log; SET SQL_LOG_UPDATE has been ignored.The update log is deprecated and replaced by the binary log; SET SQL_LOG_UPDATE has been translated to SET SQL_LOG_BIN.Query execution was interruptedIncorrect number of arguments for %s %s; expected %u, got %uUndefined CONDITION: %sNo RETURN found in FUNCTION %sFUNCTION %s ended without RETURNCursor statement must be a SELECTCursor SELECT must not have INTOUndefined CURSOR: %sCursor is already openCursor is not openUndeclared variable: %sIncorrect number of FETCH variablesNo data - zero rows fetched, selected, or processedDuplicate parameter: %sDuplicate variable: %sDuplicate condition: %sDuplicate cursor: %sFailed to ALTER %s %sSubquery value not supported%s is not allowed in stored function or triggerVariable or condition declaration after cursor or handler declarationCursor declaration after handler declarationCase not found for CASE statementConfiguration file '%-.192s' is too bigMalformed file type header in file '%-.192s'Unexpected end of file while parsing comment '%-.200s'Error while parsing parameter '%-.192s' (line: '%-.192s')Unexpected end of file while skipping unknown parameter '%-.192s'EXPLAIN/SHOW can not be issued; lacking privileges for underlying tableFile '%-.192s' has unknown type '%-.64s' in its header'%-.192s.%-.192s' is not %sColumn '%-.192s' is not updatableView's SELECT contains a subquery in the FROM clauseView's SELECT contains a '%s' clauseView's SELECT contains a variable or parameterView's SELECT refers to a temporary table '%-.192s'View's SELECT and view's field list have different column countsView merge algorithm can't be used here for now (assumed undefined algorithm)View being updated does not have complete key of underlying table in itView '%-.192s.%-.192s' references invalid table(s) or column(s) or function(s) or definer/invoker of view lack rights to use themCan't drop or alter a %s from within another stored routineGOTO is not allowed in a stored procedure handlerTrigger already existsTrigger does not existTrigger's '%-.192s' is view or temporary tableUpdating of %s row is not allowed in %striggerThere is no %s row in %s triggerField '%-.192s' doesn't have a default valueDivision by 0Incorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s' for column '%.192s' at row %ldIllegal %s '%-.192s' value found during parsingCHECK OPTION on non-updatable view '%-.192s.%-.192s'CHECK OPTION failed '%-.192s.%-.192s'%-.16s command denied to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' for routine '%-.192s'Failed purging old relay logs: %sPassword hash should be a %d-digit hexadecimal numberTarget log not found in binlog indexI/O error reading log index fileServer configuration does not permit binlog purgeFailed on fseek()Fatal error during log purgeA purgeable log is in use, will not purgeUnknown error during log purgeFailed initializing relay log position: %sYou are not using binary loggingThe '%-.64s' syntax is reserved for purposes internal to the MySQL serverWSAStartup FailedCan't handle procedures with different groups yetSelect must have a group with this procedureCan't use ORDER clause with this procedureBinary logging and replication forbid changing the global server %sCan't map file: %-.200s, errno: %dWrong magic in %-.64sPrepared statement contains too many placeholdersKey part '%-.192s' length cannot be 0View text checksum failedCan not modify more than one base table through a join view '%-.192s.%-.192s'Can not insert into join view '%-.192s.%-.192s' without fields listCan not delete from join view '%-.192s.%-.192s'Operation %s failed for %.256sXAER_NOTA: Unknown XIDXAER_INVAL: Invalid arguments (or unsupported command)XAER_RMFAIL: The command cannot be executed when global transaction is in the %.64s stateXAER_OUTSIDE: Some work is done outside global transactionXAER_RMERR: Fatal error occurred in the transaction branch - check your data for consistencyXA_RBROLLBACK: Transaction branch was rolled backThere is no such grant defined for user '%-.48s' on host '%-.64s' on routine '%-.192s'Failed to grant EXECUTE and ALTER ROUTINE privilegesFailed to revoke all privileges to dropped routineData too long for column '%s' at row %ldBad SQLSTATE: '%s'%s: ready for connections. Version: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d %sCan't load value from file with fixed size rows to variableYou are not allowed to create a user with GRANTIncorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s' for function %-.32sTable definition has changed, please retry transactionDuplicate handler declared in the same blockOUT or INOUT argument %d for routine %s is not a variable or NEW pseudo-variable in BEFORE triggerNot allowed to return a result set from a %sCannot get geometry object from data you send to the GEOMETRY fieldA routine failed and has neither NO SQL nor READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled; if non-transactional tables were updated, the binary log will miss their changesThis function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)You do not have the SUPER privilege and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)You can't execute a prepared statement which has an open cursor associated with it. Reset the statement to re-execute it.The statement (%lu) has no open cursor.Explicit or implicit commit is not allowed in stored function or trigger.Field of view '%-.192s.%-.192s' underlying table doesn't have a default valueRecursive stored functions and triggers are not allowed.Too big scale %d specified for column '%-.192s'. Maximum is %lu.Too-big precision %d specified for '%-.192s'. Maximum is %lu.For float(M,D), double(M,D) or decimal(M,D), M must be >= D (column '%-.192s').You can't combine write-locking of system tables with other tables or lock typesUnable to connect to foreign data source: %.64sThere was a problem processing the query on the foreign data source. Data source error: %-.64sThe foreign data source you are trying to reference does not exist. Data source error: %-.64sCan't create federated table. The data source connection string '%-.64s' is not in the correct formatThe data source connection string '%-.64s' is not in the correct formatCan't create federated table. Foreign data src error: %-.64sTrigger in wrong schemaThread stack overrun: %ld bytes used of a %ld byte stack, and %ld bytes needed. Use 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' to specify a bigger stack.Routine body for '%-.100s' is too longCannot drop default keycacheDisplay width out of range for column '%-.192s' (max = %lu)XAER_DUPID: The XID already existsDatetime function: %-.32s field overflowCan't update table '%-.192s' in stored function/trigger because it is already used by statement which invoked this stored function/trigger.The definition of table '%-.192s' prevents operation %.192s on table '%-.192s'.The prepared statement contains a stored routine call that refers to that same statement. It's not allowed to execute a prepared statement in such a recursive mannerNot allowed to set autocommit from a stored function or triggerDefiner is not fully qualifiedView '%-.192s'.'%-.192s' has no definer information (old table format). Current user is used as definer. Please recreate the view!You need the SUPER privilege for creation view with '%-.192s'@'%-.192s' definerThe user specified as a definer ('%-.64s'@'%-.64s') does not existChanging schema from '%-.192s' to '%-.192s' is not allowed.Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (%.192s)Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (%.192s)Variable '%-.64s' must be quoted with `...`, or renamedNo definer attribute for trigger '%-.192s'.'%-.192s'. The trigger will be activated under the authorization of the invoker, which may have insufficient privileges. Please recreate the trigger.'%-.192s' has an old format, you should re-create the '%s' object(s)Recursive limit %d (as set by the max_sp_recursion_depth variable) was exceeded for routine %.192sFailed to load routine %-.192s. The table mysql.proc is missing, corrupt, or contains bad data (internal code %d)Incorrect routine name '%-.192s'Table upgrade required. Please do "REPAIR TABLE `%-.64s`" or dump/reload to fix it!AGGREGATE is not supported for stored functionsCan't create more than max_prepared_stmt_count statements (current value: %lu)`%-.192s`.`%-.192s` contains view recursionNon-grouping field '%-.192s' is used in %-.64s clauseThe used table type doesn't support SPATIAL indexesTriggers can not be created on system tablesLeading spaces are removed from name '%s'Failed to read auto-increment value from storage engineuser namehost nameString '%-.70s' is too long for %s (should be no longer than %d)The target table %-.100s of the %s is not insertable-intoTable '%-.64s' is differently defined or of non-MyISAM type or doesn't existToo high level of nesting for selectName '%-.64s' has become ''First character of the FIELDS TERMINATED string is ambiguous; please use non-optional and non-empty FIELDS ENCLOSED BYThe foreign server, %s, you are trying to create already exists.The foreign server name you are trying to reference does not exist. Data source error: %-.64sTable storage engine '%-.64s' does not support the create option '%.64s'Syntax error: %-.64s PARTITIONING requires definition of VALUES %-.64s for each partitionOnly %-.64s PARTITIONING can use VALUES %-.64s in partition definitionMAXVALUE can only be used in last partition definitionSubpartitions can only be hash partitions and by keyMust define subpartitions on all partitions if on one partitionWrong number of partitions defined, mismatch with previous settingWrong number of subpartitions defined, mismatch with previous settingConstant, random or timezone-dependent expressions in (sub)partitioning function are not allowedExpression in RANGE/LIST VALUES must be constantField in list of fields for partition function not found in tableList of fields is only allowed in KEY partitionsThe partition info in the frm file is not consistent with what can be written into the frm fileThe %-.192s function returns the wrong typeFor %-.64s partitions each partition must be definedVALUES LESS THAN value must be strictly increasing for each partitionVALUES value must be of same type as partition functionMultiple definition of same constant in list partitioningPartitioning can not be used stand-alone in queryThe mix of handlers in the partitions is not allowed in this version of MySQLFor the partitioned engine it is necessary to define all %-.64sToo many partitions (including subpartitions) were definedIt is only possible to mix RANGE/LIST partitioning with HASH/KEY partitioning for subpartitioningFailed to create specific handler fileA BLOB field is not allowed in partition functionA %-.192s must include all columns in the table's partitioning functionNumber of %-.64s = 0 is not an allowed valuePartition management on a not partitioned table is not possibleForeign keys are not yet supported in conjunction with partitioningError in list of partitions to %-.64sCannot remove all partitions, use DROP TABLE insteadCOALESCE PARTITION can only be used on HASH/KEY partitionsREORGANIZE PARTITION can only be used to reorganize partitions not to change their numbersREORGANIZE PARTITION without parameters can only be used on auto-partitioned tables using HASH PARTITIONs%-.64s PARTITION can only be used on RANGE/LIST partitionsTrying to Add partition(s) with wrong number of subpartitionsAt least one partition must be addedAt least one partition must be coalescedMore partitions to reorganize than there are partitionsDuplicate partition name %-.192sIt is not allowed to shut off binlog on this commandWhen reorganizing a set of partitions they must be in consecutive orderReorganize of range partitions cannot change total ranges except for last partition where it can extend the rangePartition function not supported in this version for this handlerPartition state cannot be defined from CREATE/ALTER TABLEThe %-.64s handler only supports 32 bit integers in VALUESPlugin '%-.192s' is not loadedIncorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s'Table has no partition for value %-.64sIt is not allowed to specify %s more than onceFailed to create %sFailed to drop %sThe handler doesn't support autoextend of tablespacesA size parameter was incorrectly specified, either number or on the form 10MThe size number was correct but we don't allow the digit part to be more than 2 billionFailed to alter: %sWriting one row to the row-based binary log failedTable definition on master and slave does not match: %sSlave running with --log-slave-updates must use row-based binary logging to be able to replicate row-based binary log eventsEvent '%-.192s' already existsFailed to store event %s. Error code %d from storage engine.Unknown event '%-.192s'Failed to alter event '%-.192s'Failed to drop %sINTERVAL is either not positive or too bigENDS is either invalid or before STARTSEvent execution time is in the past. Event has been disabledFailed to open mysql.eventNo datetime expression providedColumn count of mysql.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. The table is probably corruptedCannot load from mysql.%s. The table is probably corruptedFailed to delete the event from mysql.eventError during compilation of event's bodySame old and new event nameData for column '%s' too longCannot drop index '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraintThe syntax '%s' is deprecated and will be removed in MySQL %s. Please use %s insteadYou can't write-lock a log table. Only read access is possibleYou can't use locks with log tables.Upholding foreign key constraints for table '%.192s', entry '%-.192s', key %d would lead to a duplicate entryColumn count of mysql.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. Created with MySQL %d, now running %d. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error.Cannot switch out of the row-based binary log format when the session has open temporary tablesCannot change the binary logging format inside a stored function or triggerThe NDB cluster engine does not support changing the binlog format on the fly yetCannot create temporary table with partitionsPartition constant is out of partition function domainThis partition function is not allowedError in DDL logNot allowed to use NULL value in VALUES LESS THANIncorrect partition nameTransaction characteristics can't be changed while a transaction is in progressALTER TABLE causes auto_increment resequencing, resulting in duplicate entry '%-.192s' for key '%-.192s'Internal scheduler error %dError during starting/stopping of the scheduler. Error code %uEngine cannot be used in partitioned tablesCannot activate '%-.64s' logThe server was not built with row-based replicationDecoding of base64 string failedRecursion of EVENT DDL statements is forbidden when body is presentCannot proceed because system tables used by Event Scheduler were found damaged at server startOnly integers allowed as number hereThis storage engine cannot be used for log tables"You cannot '%s' a log table if logging is enabledCannot rename '%s'. When logging enabled, rename to/from log table must rename two tables: the log table to an archive table and another table back to '%s'Incorrect parameter count in the call to native function '%-.192s'Incorrect parameters in the call to native function '%-.192s'Incorrect parameters in the call to stored function %-.192sThis function '%-.192s' has the same name as a native functionDuplikalt bejegyzes '%-.64s' a '%-.192s' kulcs szerint.Too many files opened, please execute the command againEvent execution time is in the past and ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE is set. The event was dropped immediately after creation.Event execution time is in the past and ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE is set. The event was not changed. Specify a time in the future.The incident %s occured on the master. Message: %sTable has no partition for some existing valuesUnsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. %sFatal error: %sRelay log read failure: %sRelay log write failure: %sFailed to create %sMaster command %s failed: %sBinary logging not possible. Message: %sView `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` has no creation contextCreation context of view `%-.64s`.`%-.64s' is invalidCreation context of stored routine `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCorrupted TRG file for table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s`Triggers for table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` have no creation contextTrigger creation context of table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCreation context of event `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCannot open table for trigger `%-.64s`.`%-.64s`Cannot create stored routine `%-.64s`. Check warningsAmbiguous slave modes combination. %sThe BINLOG statement of type `%s` was not preceded by a format description BINLOG statement.Corrupted replication event was detectedInvalid column reference (%-.64s) in LOAD DATABeing purged log %s was not foundXA_RBTIMEOUT: Transaction branch was rolled back: took too longXA_RBDEADLOCK: Transaction branch was rolled back: deadlock was detectedPrepared statement needs to be re-preparedDELAYED option not supported for table '%-.192s'The master info structure does not exist<%-.64s> option ignoredBuilt-in plugins cannot be deletedPlugin is busy and will be uninstalled on shutdown%s variable '%s' is read-only. Use SET %s to assign the valueStorage engine %s does not support rollback for this statement. Transaction rolled back and must be restartedUnexpected master's heartbeat data: %sThe requested value for the heartbeat period is either negative or exceeds the maximum allowed (%s seconds).Bad schema for mysql.ndb_replication table. Message: %-.64sError in parsing conflict function. Message: %-.64sWrite to exceptions table failed. Message: %-.128s"Comment for table '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Comment for field '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)FUNCTION %s does not exist. Check the 'Function Name Parsing and Resolution' section in the Reference ManualDatabaseTablePartitionSubpartitionTemporaryRenamedToo many active concurrent transactionsNon-ASCII separator arguments are not fully supporteddebug sync point wait timed outdebug sync point hit limit reachedDuplicate condition information item '%s'Unhandled user-defined warning conditionUnhandled user-defined not found conditionUnhandled user-defined exception conditionRESIGNAL when handler not activeSIGNAL/RESIGNAL can only use a CONDITION defined with SQLSTATEData truncated for condition item '%s'Data too long for condition item '%s'Unknown locale: '%-.64s'The requested server id %d clashes with the slave startup option --replicate-same-server-idQuery cache is disabled; restart the server with query_cache_type=1 to enable itDuplicate partition field name '%-.192s'Inconsistency in usage of column lists for partitioningPartition column values of incorrect typeToo many fields in '%-.192s'Cannot use MAXVALUE as value in VALUES INCannot have more than one value for this type of %-.64s partitioningRow expressions in VALUES IN only allowed for multi-field column partitioningField '%-.192s' is of a not allowed type for this type of partitioningThe total length of the partitioning fields is too largeCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since both row-incapable engines and statement-incapable engines are involved.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = ROW and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to statement-based logging.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. %sCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is in row format and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to statement-based logging.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to row-based logging.%sCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is in row format and BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since more than one engine is involved and at least one engine is self-logging.The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted.The statement is unsafe because it uses INSERT DELAYED. This is unsafe because the times when rows are inserted cannot be predicted.The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves.Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly.Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it accesses a non-transactional table after accessing a transactional table within the same transaction.%s Statement: %sColumn %d of table '%-.192s.%-.192s' cannot be converted from type '%-.32s' to type '%-.32s'Can't create conversion table for table '%-.192s.%-.192s'Cannot modify @@session.binlog_format inside a transactionThe path specified for %.64s is too long.'%s' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.Native table '%-.64s'.'%-.64s' has the wrong structureInvalid performance_schema usage.Table '%s'.'%s' was skipped since its definition is being modified by concurrent DDL statementCannot modify @@session.binlog_direct_non_transactional_updates inside a transactionCannot change the binlog direct flag inside a stored function or triggerA SPATIAL index may only contain a geometrical type columnComment for index '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Wait on a lock was aborted due to a pending exclusive lock%s value is out of range in '%s'A variable of a non-integer based type in LIMIT clauseMixing self-logging and non-self-logging engines in a statement is unsafe.Statement accesses nontransactional table as well as transactional or temporary table, and writes to any of them.Cannot modify @@session.sql_log_bin inside a transactionCannot change the sql_log_bin inside a stored function or triggerFailed to read from the .par fileVALUES value for partition '%-.64s' must have type INTA(z) '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' felhasznalo szamara tiltott eleres.SET PASSWORD has no significance for users authenticating via pluginsGRANT with IDENTIFIED WITH is illegal because the user %-.*s already existsCannot truncate a table referenced in a foreign key constraint (%.192s)Plugin '%s' is force_plus_permanent and can not be unloadedThe requested value for the heartbeat period is less than 1 millisecond. The value is reset to 0, meaning that heartbeating will effectively be disabled.The requested value for the heartbeat period exceeds the value of `slave_net_timeout' seconds. A sensible value for the period should be less than the timeout.Multi-row statements required more than 'max_binlog_stmt_cache_size' bytes of storage; increase this mysqld variable and try againPrimary key/partition key update is not allowed since the table is updated both as '%-.192s' and '%-.192s'.Table rebuild required. Please do "ALTER TABLE `%-.64s` FORCE" or dump/reload to fix it!The value of '%s' should be no less than the value of '%s'Index column size too large. The maximum column size is %lu bytes.Trigger '%-.64s' has an error in its body: '%-.256s'Unknown trigger has an error in its body: '%-.256s'Index %s is corruptedUndo log record is too big.INSERT IGNORE... SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.INSERT... SELECT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are updated. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.REPLACE... SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are replaced. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE... IGNORE SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE... REPLACE SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are replaced. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.UPDATE IGNORE is unsafe because the order in which rows are updated determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.Plugin '%s' is marked as not dynamically uninstallable. You have to stop the server to uninstall it.Plugin '%s' is marked as not dynamically installable. You have to stop the server to install it.Statements writing to a table with an auto-increment column after selecting from another table are unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved determines what (if any) rows will be written. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE TABLE... SELECT... on a table with an auto-increment column is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are inserted. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.INSERT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE on a table with more than one UNIQUE KEY is unsafeTable is being used in foreign key check.Storage engine '%s' does not support system tables. [%s.%s]INSERT into autoincrement field which is not the first part in the composed primary key is unsafe.Cannot load from %s.%s. The table is probably corruptedThe requested value %s for the master delay exceeds the maximum %uOnly Format_description_log_event and row events are allowed in BINLOG statements (but %s was provided)Non matching attribute '%-.64s' between partition and tableTable to exchange with partition is partitioned: '%-.64s'Table to exchange with partition is temporary: '%-.64s'Subpartitioned table, use subpartition instead of partitionUnknown partition '%-.64s' in table '%-.64s'Tables have different definitionsFound a row that does not match the partitionOption binlog_cache_size (%lu) is greater than max_binlog_cache_size (%lu); setting binlog_cache_size equal to max_binlog_cache_size.Cannot use %-.64s access on index '%-.64s' due to type or collation conversion on field '%-.64s'Table to exchange with partition has foreign key references: '%-.64s'Key value '%-.192s' was not found in table '%-.192s.%-.192s'Data for column '%s' too longReplication event checksum verification failed while reading from network.Replication event checksum verification failed while reading from a log file.Option binlog_stmt_cache_size (%lu) is greater than max_binlog_stmt_cache_size (%lu); setting binlog_stmt_cache_size equal to max_binlog_stmt_cache_size.Can't update table '%-.192s' while '%-.192s' is being created.PARTITION () clause on non partitioned tableFound a row not matching the given partition setA '%-.64s' partition nem letezikFailure while changing the type of replication repository: %s.The creation of some temporary tables could not be rolled back.Some temporary tables were dropped, but these operations could not be rolled back.%s is not supported in multi-threaded slave mode. %sThe number of modified databases exceeds the maximum %d; the database names will not be included in the replication event metadata.Cannot execute the current event group in the parallel mode. Encountered event %s, relay-log name %s, position %s which prevents execution of this event group in parallel mode. Reason: %s.%sFULLTEXT index is not supported for partitioned tables.Invalid condition numberSending passwords in plain text without SSL/TLS is extremely insecure.Storing MySQL user name or password information in the master info repository is not secure and is therefore not recommended. Please consider using the USER and PASSWORD connection options for START SLAVE; see the 'START SLAVE Syntax' in the MySQL Manual for more information.Foreign key constraint for table '%.192s', record '%-.192s' would lead to a duplicate entry in table '%.192s', key '%.192s'Foreign key constraint for table '%.192s', record '%-.192s' would lead to a duplicate entry in a child tableSetting authentication options is not possible when only the Slave SQL Thread is being started.The table does not have FULLTEXT index to support this queryThe system variable %.200s cannot be set in stored functions or triggers.The system variable %.200s cannot be set when there is an ongoing transaction.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT has the value %.200s, which is not listed in @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot change inside a transaction.The statement 'SET %.200s' cannot invoke a stored function.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be 'AUTOMATIC' when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST is non-NULL.Skipping transaction %.200s because it has already been executed and logged.Malformed GTID set specification '%.200s'.Malformed GTID set encoding.Malformed GTID specification '%.200s'.Impossible to generate Global Transaction Identifier: the integer component reached the maximal value. Restart the server with a new server_uuid.Parameters MASTER_LOG_FILE, MASTER_LOG_POS, RELAY_LOG_FILE and RELAY_LOG_POS cannot be set when MASTER_AUTO_POSITION is active.CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1 cannot be executed because @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot execute statements with implicit commit inside a transaction when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT == 'UUID:NUMBER'.GTID_MODE = ON requires ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY = ON.@@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON or ON_PERMISSIVE or OFF_PERMISSIVE requires --log-bin and --log-slave-updates.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be set to UUID:NUMBER when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be set to ANONYMOUS when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST cannot be set to a non-NULL value when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Found a Gtid_log_event when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Statement violates GTID consistency: Updates to non-transactional tables can only be done in either autocommitted statements or single-statement transactions, and never in the same statement as updates to transactional tables.Statement violates GTID consistency: CREATE TABLE ... SELECT.Statement violates GTID consistency: Under statement binary log mode CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE and DROP TEMPORARY TABLE can only be executed outside transactional context. These statements are also not allowed in a function or trigger because functions and triggers are also considered to be multi-statement transactions.The value of @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE can only be changed one step at a time: OFF <-> OFF_PERMISSIVE <-> ON_PERMISSIVE <-> ON. Also note that this value must be stepped up or down simultaneously on all servers. See the Manual for instructions.The slave is connecting using CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1, but the master has purged binary logs containing GTIDs that the slave requires.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be changed by a client that owns a GTID. The client owns %s. Ownership is released on COMMIT or ROLLBACK.Unknown EXPLAIN format name: '%s'Cannot execute statement in a READ ONLY transaction.Comment for table partition '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Slave is not configured or failed to initialize properly. You must at least set --server-id to enable either a master or a slave. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.InnoDB presently supports one FULLTEXT index creation at a timeCannot create FULLTEXT index on temporary InnoDB tableColumn '%-.192s' is of wrong type for an InnoDB FULLTEXT indexIndex '%-.192s' is of wrong type for an InnoDB FULLTEXT indexCreating index '%-.192s' required more than 'innodb_online_alter_log_max_size' bytes of modification log. Please try again.Unknown ALGORITHM '%s'Unknown LOCK type '%s'CHANGE MASTER cannot be executed when the slave was stopped with an error or killed in MTS mode. Consider using RESET SLAVE or START SLAVE UNTIL.Cannot recover after SLAVE errored out in parallel execution mode. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.Cannot clean up worker info tables. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.Column count of %s.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. The table is probably corruptedSlave must silently retry current transactionThere is a foreign key check running on table '%-.192s'. Cannot discard the table.Schema mismatch (%s)Table '%-.192s' in system tablespaceIO Read error: (%lu, %s) %sIO Write error: (%lu, %s) %sTablespace is missing for table %s.Tablespace '%-.192s' exists.Tablespace has been discarded for table '%-.192s'Internal error: %sALTER TABLE %-.192s IMPORT TABLESPACE failed with error %lu : '%s'Index corrupt: %sSupports only YEAR or YEAR(4) column.Your password does not satisfy the current policy requirementsYou must reset your password using ALTER USER statement before executing this statement.Failed to add the foreign key constaint. Missing index for constraint '%s' in the foreign table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constaint. Missing index for constraint '%s' in the referenced table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constraint '%s' to system tablesFailed to open the referenced table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constraint on table '%s'. Incorrect options in FOREIGN KEY constraint '%s'Duplicate foreign key constraint name '%s'The password hash doesn't have the expected format. Check if the correct password algorithm is being used with the PASSWORD() function.Cannot drop column '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s'Cannot drop column '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Column '%-.192s' cannot be NOT NULL: needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' SET NULLDuplicate index '%-.64s' defined on the table '%-.64s.%-.64s'. This is deprecated and will be disallowed in a future release.Cannot change column '%-.192s': used in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s'Cannot change column '%-.192s': used in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Cannot delete rows from table which is parent in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Malformed communication packet.Running in read-only modeWhen @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT is set to a GTID, you must explicitly set it to a different value after a COMMIT or ROLLBACK. Please check GTID_NEXT variable manual page for detailed explanation. Current @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT is '%s'.The system variable %.200s cannot be set in stored procedures.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when @@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED is empty.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when there are no ongoing transactions (not even in other clients).@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED was changed from '%s' to '%s'.@@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED was changed from '%s' to '%s'.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT, and both replicated and non replicated tables are written to.%s is not supported for this operation. Try %s.%s is not supported. Reason: %s. Try %s.COPY algorithm requires a lockPartition specific operations do not yet support LOCK/ALGORITHMColumns participating in a foreign key are renamedCannot change column type INPLACEAdding foreign keys needs foreign_key_checks=OFFCreating unique indexes with IGNORE requires COPY algorithm to remove duplicate rowsDropping a primary key is not allowed without also adding a new primary keyAdding an auto-increment column requires a lockCannot replace hidden FTS_DOC_ID with a user-visible oneCannot drop or rename FTS_DOC_IDFulltext index creation requires a locksql_slave_skip_counter can not be set when the server is running with @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON. Instead, for each transaction that you want to skip, generate an empty transaction with the same GTID as the transactionDuplikalt bejegyzes a '%-.192s' kulcs szerint.Long database name and identifier for object resulted in path length exceeding %d characters. Path: '%s'.cannot silently convert NULL values, as required in this SQL_MODEYour password has expired. To log in you must change it using a client that supports expired passwords.Found a row in wrong partition %sCannot schedule event %s, relay-log name %s, position %s to Worker thread because its size %lu exceeds %lu of slave_pending_jobs_size_max.Cannot CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX WITH PARSER on InnoDB tableThe binary log file '%s' is logically corrupted: %sfile %s was not purged because it was being read by %d thread(s), purged only %d out of %d files.file %s was not purged because it is the active log file.Auto-increment value in UPDATE conflicts with internally generated valuesRow events are not logged for %s statements that modify BLACKHOLE tables in row format. Table(s): '%-.192s'Slave failed to initialize master info structure from the repositorySlave failed to initialize relay log info structure from the repositoryAccess denied trying to change to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' (using password: %s). Disconnecting.InnoDB is in read only mode.STOP SLAVE command execution is incomplete: Slave SQL thread got the stop signal, thread is busy, SQL thread will stop once the current task is complete.STOP SLAVE command execution is incomplete: Slave IO thread got the stop signal, thread is busy, IO thread will stop once the current task is complete.Operation cannot be performed. The table '%-.64s.%-.64s' is missing, corrupt or contains bad data.Temporary file write failure.Upgrade index name failed, please use create index(alter table) algorithm copy to rebuild index.TIME/TIMESTAMP/DATETIME columns of old format have been upgraded to the new format.Operation not allowed when innodb_forced_recovery > 0.The initialization vector supplied to %s is too short. Must be at least %d bytes longPlugin '%s' cannot be uninstalled now. %sCannot execute statement because it needs to be written to the binary log as multiple statements, and this is not allowed when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT == 'UUID:NUMBER'.Slave has more GTIDs than the master has, using the master's SERVER_UUID. This may indicate that the end of the binary log was truncated or that the last binary log file was lost, e.g., after a power or disk failure when sync_binlog != 1. The master may or may not have rolled back transactions that were already replicated to the slave. Suggest to replicate any transactions that master has rolled back from slave to master, and/or commit empty transactions on master to account for transactions that have been committed on master but are not included in GTID_EXECUTED.The table '%s.%s' does not have the necessary key(s) defined on it. Please check the table definition and create index(s) accordingly.File %s is corruptedQuery partially completed on the master (error on master: %d) and was aborted. There is a chance that your master is inconsistent at this point. If you are sure that your master is ok, run this query manually on the slave and then restart the slave with SET GLOBAL SQL_SLAVE_SKIP_COUNTER=1; START SLAVE;. Query:'%s'Query caused different errors on master and slave. Error on master: message (format)='%s' error code=%d; Error on slave:actual message='%s', error code=%d. Default database:'%s'. Query:'%s'Storage engine for table '%s'.'%s' is not loaded.GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS when handler not active%s is no longer supported. The statement was converted to %s.Statement is unsafe because it uses a fulltext parser plugin which may not return the same value on the slave.Cannot DISCARD/IMPORT tablespace associated with temporary tableForeign key cascade delete/update exceeds max depth of %d.Column count of %s.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. Created with MySQL %d, now running %d. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error.Trigger %s.%s.%s does not have CREATED attribute.Referenced trigger '%s' for the given action time and event type does not exist.EXPLAIN FOR CONNECTION command is supported only for SELECT/UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE/REPLACEInvalid size for column '%-.192s'.Table storage engine '%-.64s' found required create option missingOut of memory in storage engine '%-.64s'.The password for anonymous user cannot be expired.This operation cannot be performed with a running slave sql thread; run STOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD firstCannot create FULLTEXT index on materialized subqueryUndo Log error: %sInvalid argument for logarithmThis operation cannot be performed with a running slave io thread; run STOP SLAVE IO_THREAD FOR CHANNEL '%s' first.This operation may not be safe when the slave has temporary tables. The tables will be kept open until the server restarts or until the tables are deleted by any replicated DROP statement. Suggest to wait until slave_open_temp_tables = 0.CHANGE MASTER TO with a MASTER_LOG_FILE clause but no MASTER_LOG_POS clause may not be safe. The old position value may not be valid for the new binary log file.Query execution was interrupted, maximum statement execution time exceededSelect is not a read only statement, disabling timerDuplicate entry '%-.192s'.'%s' mode no longer has any effect. Use STRICT_ALL_TABLES or STRICT_TRANS_TABLES instead.Expression #%u of ORDER BY contains aggregate function and applies to a UNIONExpression #%u of ORDER BY contains aggregate function and applies to the result of a non-aggregated querySlave worker has stopped after at least one previous worker encountered an error when slave-preserve-commit-order was enabled. To preserve commit order, the last transaction executed by this thread has not been committed. When restarting the slave after fixing any failed threads, you should fix this worker as well.slave_preserve_commit_order is not supported %s.The server is currently in offline modeBinary geometry function %s given two geometries of different srids: %u and %u, which should have been identical.Calling geometry function %s with unsupported types of arguments.Unknown GIS error occured in function %s.Unknown exception caught in GIS function %s.Invalid GIS data provided to function %s.The geometry has no data in function %s.Unable to calculate centroid because geometry is empty in function %s.Geometry overlay calculation error: geometry data is invalid in function %s.Geometry turn info calculation error: geometry data is invalid in function %s.Analysis procedures of intersection points interrupted unexpectedly in function %s.Unknown exception thrown in function %s.Memory allocation error: %-.256s in function %s.Domain error: %-.256s in function %s.Length error: %-.256s in function %s.Invalid argument error: %-.256s in function %s.Out of range error: %-.256s in function %s.Overflow error error: %-.256s in function %s.Range error: %-.256s in function %s.Underflow error: %-.256s in function %s.Logic error: %-.256s in function %s.Runtime error: %-.256s in function %s.Unknown exception: %-.384s in function %s.Geometry byte string must be little endian.The password provided for the replication user exceeds the maximum length of 32 charactersIncorrect user-level lock name '%-.192s'.Deadlock found when trying to get user-level lock; try rolling back transaction/releasing locks and restarting lock acquisition.REPLACE cannot be executed as it requires deleting rows that are not in the viewDo not support online operation on table with GIS indexUser variable name '%-.100s' is illegalCannot %s when GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot %s from a replication slave thread.Incorrect type for argument %s in function %s.Expression #%u of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, references column '%-.192s' which is not in SELECT list; this is incompatible with %sExpression #%u of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, contains aggregate function; this is incompatible with %sSupplied filter list contains a value which is not in the required format 'db_pattern.table_pattern'OK packet too largeInvalid JSON data provided to function %s: %sInvalid GeoJSON data provided to function %s: Missing required member '%s'Invalid GeoJSON data provided to function %s: Member '%s' must be of type '%s'Invalid GeoJSON data provided to function %sUnsupported number of coordinate dimensions in function %s: Found %u, expected %uSlave channel '%s' does not exist.A slave channel '%s' already exists for the given host and port combination.Couldn't create channel: Channel name is either invalid or too long.To have multiple channels, repository cannot be of type FILE; Please check the repository configuration and convert them to TABLE.Cannot delete slave info objects for channel '%s'.Multiple channels exist on the slave. Please provide channel name as an argument.Maximum number of replication channels allowed exceeded.This operation cannot be performed with running replication threads; run STOP SLAVE FOR CHANNEL '%s' firstThis operation requires running replication threads; configure slave and run START SLAVE FOR CHANNEL '%s'Replication thread(s) for channel '%s' are already runnning.Replication thread(s) for channel '%s' are already stopped.This operation cannot be performed with a running slave sql thread; run STOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD FOR CHANNEL '%s' first.When sql_slave_skip_counter > 0, it is not allowed to start more than one SQL thread by using 'START SLAVE [SQL_THREAD]'. Value of sql_slave_skip_counter can only be used by one SQL thread at a time. Please use 'START SLAVE [SQL_THREAD] FOR CHANNEL' to start the SQL thread which will use the value of sql_slave_skip_counter.Expression #%u of %s is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column '%-.192s' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_byIn aggregated query without GROUP BY, expression #%u of %s contains nonaggregated column '%-.192s'; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_byUpdating '%s' is deprecated. It will be made read-only in a future release.Changing sql mode '%s' is deprecated. It will be removed in a future release.DROP DATABASE failed; some tables may have been dropped but the database directory remains. The GTID has not been added to GTID_EXECUTED and the statement was not written to the binary log. Fix this as follows: (1) remove all files from the database directory %-.192s; (2) SET GTID_NEXT='%-.192s'; (3) DROP DATABASE `%-.192s`.The server is not configured properly to be an active member of the group. Please see more details on error log.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed since the group is already running.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as the applier module failed to start.The STOP GROUP_REPLICATION command execution is incomplete: The applier thread got the stop signal while it was busy. The applier thread will stop once the current task is complete.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as there was an error when initializing the group communication layer.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as there was an error when joining the communication group.The table does not comply with the requirements by an external plugin.Cannot change the value of variable %s without binary log format as ROW.Error on observer while running replication hook '%s'.Plugin instructed the server to rollback the current transaction.Expression of generated column '%s' contains a disallowed function.INPLACE ADD or DROP of virtual columns cannot be combined with other ALTER TABLE actionsCannot define foreign key with %s clause on a generated column.The value specified for generated column '%s' in table '%s' is not allowed.'%s' is not supported for generated columns.Generated column can refer only to generated columns defined prior to it.Column '%s' has a generated column dependency.Generated column '%s' cannot refer to auto-increment column.The '%-.64s' feature is not available; you need to remove '%-.64s' or use MySQL built with '%-.64s'SET @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = %-.64s is not allowed because %-.384s.The replication receiver thread%-.192s cannot start in AUTO_POSITION mode: this server uses @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot replicate anonymous transaction when AUTO_POSITION = 1, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot replicate anonymous transaction when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot replicate GTID-transaction when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot set ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY = ON because there are ongoing transactions that violate GTID consistency.There are ongoing transactions that violate GTID consistency.Access denied for user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s'. Account is locked.Incorrect tablespace name `%-.192s`Tablespace `%-.192s` is not empty.Incorrect File Name '%s'.Inconsistent intersection points.Optimizer hint syntax errorUnsupported MAX_EXECUTION_TIMEMAX_EXECUTION_TIME hint is supported by top-level standalone SELECT statements onlyHint %s is ignored as conflicting/duplicatedQuery block name %s is not found for %s hintUnresolved name %s for %s hintPlease do not modify the %s table. This is a mysql internal system table to store GTIDs for committed transactions. Modifying it can lead to an inconsistent GTID state.Command not supported by pluggable protocolsIncorrect locking service lock name '%-.192s'.Deadlock found when trying to get locking service lock; try releasing locks and restarting lock acquisition.Service lock wait timeout exceeded.Parameter %s exceeds the maximum number of points in a geometry (%lu) in function %s.'NO_ZERO_DATE', 'NO_ZERO_IN_DATE' and 'ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO' sql modes should be used with strict mode. They will be merged with strict mode in a future release.Version token mismatch for %.*s. Correct value %.*sVersion token %.*s not found.Variable %-.192s cannot be changed by a client that owns a GTID. The client owns %s. Ownership is released on COMMIT or ROLLBACK.%-.192s cannot be performed on channel '%-.192s'.Invalid JSON text: "%s" at position %u in value for column '%-.200s'.Invalid JSON text in argument %u to function %s: "%s" at position %u.%-.0sThe JSON binary value contains invalid data.Invalid JSON path expression. The error is around character position %u.%-.200sCannot create a JSON value from a string with CHARACTER SET '%s'.Invalid JSON character data provided to function %s: '%s'; utf8 is required.Invalid data type for JSON data in argument %u to function %s; a JSON string or JSON type is required.Cannot CAST value to JSON.A path expression must be encoded in the utf8 character set. The path expression '%-.200s' is encoded in character set '%-.200s'.In this situation, path expressions may not contain the * and ** tokens.The JSON value is too big to be stored in a JSON column.The JSON object contains a key name that is too long.JSON column '%-.192s' cannot be used in key specification.The path expression '$' is not allowed in this context.The oneOrAll argument to %s may take these values: 'one' or 'all'.Out of range JSON value for CAST to %s%-.0s from column %s at row %ldInvalid JSON value for CAST to %s%-.0s from column %s at row %ldThe JSON document exceeds the maximum depth.JSON documents may not contain NULL member names.Connections using insecure transport are prohibited while --require_secure_transport=ON.No secure transports (SSL or Shared Memory) are configured, unable to set --require_secure_transport=ON.Storage engine %s is disabled (Table creation is disallowed).User %s does not exist.User %s already exists.Aborted by Audit API ('%-.48s';%d).A path expression is not a path to a cell in an array.Another buffer pool resize is already in progress.The '%s' feature is disabled; see the documentation for '%s'Server isn't availableSession was killedMemory capacity of %llu bytes for '%s' exceeded. %sRange optimization was not done for this query.Partitioning upgrade required. Please dump/reload to fix it or do: ALTER TABLE `%-.192s`.`%-.192s` UPGRADE PARTITIONINGThe client holds ownership of the GTID %s. Therefore, WAIT_FOR_EXECUTED_GTID_SET cannot wait for this GTID.Cannot add foreign key on the base column of indexed virtual column.Cannot create index on virtual column whose base column has foreign constraint.Please do not modify the %s table with an XA transaction. This is an internal system table used to store GTIDs for committed transactions. Although modifying it can lead to an inconsistent GTID state, if neccessary you can modify it with a non-XA transaction.Lock acquisition refused by storage engine.ADD COLUMN col...VIRTUAL, ADD INDEX(col)Master key rotation is not supported by storage engine.Encryption key rotation error reported by SE: %sWrite to binlog failed. However, master key rotation has been completed successfully.Storage engine is not available.This tablespace can't be encrypted.Invalid encryption option.Can't find master key from keyring, please check in the server log if a keyring plugin is loaded and initialized successfully.Parser bailed out for this query.Cannot alter encryption attribute by inplace algorithm.Function '%s' failed because underlying keyring service returned an error. Please check if a keyring plugin is installed and that provided arguments are valid for the keyring you are using.It seems that your db schema is old. The %s column is 77 characters long and should be 93 characters long. Please run mysql_upgrade.RESET MASTER is not allowed because %-.384s.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed since the group already has 9 members.Cannot add foreign key on the base column of stored column. Cannot complete the operation because table is referenced by another connection.The partition engine, used by table '%-.192s.%-.192s', is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use native partitioning instead.%.192s(geometry) is deprecated and will be replaced by st_srid(geometry, 0) in a future version. Use %.192s(st_aswkb(geometry), 0) instead.%.192s(geometry, srid) is deprecated and will be replaced by st_srid(geometry, srid) in a future version. Use %.192s(st_aswkb(geometry), srid) instead.The resource manager is not able to commit the transaction branch at this time. Please retry later.Function %s failed due to: %s.Statement is unsafe because it is being used inside a XA transaction. Concurrent XA transactions may deadlock on slaves when replicated using statements.%s UDF failed; %sCan not perform keyring migration : %sAccess denied; you need %-.128s privileges for this operationKeyring migration %s.Failed to open the %s filter tables.Failed to open '%s.%s' %s table.No keyring plugin installed.Audit log encryption password has not been set; it will be generated automatically. Use audit_log_encryption_password_get to obtain the password or audit_log_encryption_password_set to set a new one.Could not create AES key. OpenSSL's EVP_BytesToKey function failed.Audit log encryption password cannot be fetched from the keyring. Password used so far is used for encryption.Audit Log filtering has not been installed.Request ignored for '%s'@'%s'. SUPER_ACL needed to perform operationSUPER privilege required for '%s'@'%s' user.Could not reinitialize audit log filters.Invalid argument typeInvalid argument countaudit_log plugin has not been installed using INSTALL PLUGIN syntax.Invalid "max_array_length" argument type.Invalid "max_array_length" argument value.%sFilter name cannot be empty.User cannot be empty.Specified filter has not been found.First character of the user name must be alphanumeric.Invalid character in the user name.Invalid character in the host name.With the MAXDB SQL mode enabled, TIMESTAMP is identical with DATETIME. The MAXDB SQL mode is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please disable the MAXDB SQL mode and use DATETIME instead.The use of replication filters with XA transactions is not supported, and can lead to an undefined state in the replication slave.Compressed column '%-.192s' is not allowed in the key listCan not define column '%-.192s' in compressed formatCompression dictionary '%-.192s' already existsCompression dictionary '%-.192s' does not existCompression dictionary name '%-.192s' is too long (max length = %lu)Data for compression dictionary '%-.192s' is too long (max length = %lu)Compression dictionary '%-.192s' is in useCan't execute the query because you have a conflicting backup lockKeys are out order during bulk loadBulk load rows overlap existing rowsCan't execute updates on master with binlog_format != ROW.MyRocks supports only READ COMMITTED and REPEATABLE READ isolation levels. Please change from current isolation level %sWhen unique checking is disabled in MyRocks, INSERT,UPDATE,LOAD statements with clauses that update or replace the key (i.e. INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, REPLACE) are not allowed. Query: %sCan't execute updates when you started a transaction with START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT [ROCKSDB] SNAPSHOT.This transaction was rolled back and cannot be committed. Only supported operation is to roll it back, so all pending changes will be discarded. Please restart another transaction.MyRocks currently does not support ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT if modifying rows.Only REPEATABLE READ isolation level is supported for START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT SNAPSHOT in RocksDB Storage Engine.Unsupported collation on string indexed column %s.%s Use binary collation (%s).Table '%s' does not exist, but metadata information exists inside MyRocks. This is a sign of data inconsistency. Please check if '%s.frm' exists, and try to restore it if it does not exist.MyRocks failed creating new key definitions during alter.MyRocks failed populating secondary key during alter.Column family ('%s') flag (%d) is different from an existing flag (%d). Assign a new CF flag, or do not change existing CF flag.TTL support is currently disabled when table has a hidden PK.TTL column (%s) in MyRocks must be an unsigned non-null 64-bit integer, exist inside the table, and have an accompanying ttl duration.TTL duration (%s) in MyRocks must be an unsigned non-null 64-bit integer.The per-index column family option has been deprecated.slovak/errmsg.sys000075500000236563147633135420010134 0ustar00+u W FQ;x;=-PKfG_" p  < a  0 a  B n W U*A}=Gin(Jz.d[k(K7LD+^.SS +#{, ?  !9!d!!!!"Q"""#8#r###P$v$$$;%j%{%%%&&<&[&&&'G'c''''/(P((()))2***+k+++,M,,,,$-n---.I....//]///0E000.1]11112@2222)3W3{33334A4g4444c55555k6666 7M7778?8f8889`9999:$;|;;|<<<<9=k===>b>>>9?n??@A@@@@@)ANAAAABB2BIBgB{BBBBCECCD?D|DDDDDE,ECEVEnEEEEE F"F8FUFFFFGBGoGGG"HjHHHHI9IhIII+JsJJ1KcKzKKKKL=LKLLLLM]MMMMM-N?N\NNNNN;OMOOOOP>PTPPPPQXQQQQQPRRRSqSSSTTZTTTT3U`UUU4VVWJXXX6YYYY:s(߂uЃE{(g΅*߆A'J})P-aNJ4=CMZdlʋ 7`׌=c|؍)Rю@Տ@BJǔLN9JFۙ:ؚFٛ$Ϝ3j4|Ru:u!7S$ դy0X!Y@z=kRծ>&eð#co,/gdzܴXŵ%bj[Ӹ).2¼#/Q:x "6q%Wj$}JFwP`|I/oJ H PdJ~d]r m@w^sm |^!aP=r56Ak(w%Kq InGqC{`OJ@#M.@h_u.xH\  .QkIv>k +  ) ] {  / u   =   3 N  R>$}$<Tx6I}%&*V>_?w59v]+PqV 5zC m      *!N!r!?"""2#b### $K$$$$%%L&&q''9((G)))8*v**G+hashchkisamchkNIEÁnoNemôžem vytvoriť súbor '%-.200s' (chybový kód: %d - %s)Nemôžem vytvoriť tabuľku '%-.200s' (chybový kód: %d)Nemôžem vytvoriť databázu '%-.192s' (chybový kód: %d)Nemôžem vytvoriť databázu '%-.192s'; databáza existujeNemôžem zmazať databázu '%-.192s'; databáza neexistujeChyba pri mazaní databázy (nemôžem zmazať '%-.192s', chybový kód: %d)Chyba pri mazaní databázy (nemôžem vymazať adresár '%-.192s', chybový kód: %d)Chyba pri mazaní '%-.192s' (chybový kód: %d - %s)Nemôžem čítať záznam v systémovej tabuľkeNemôžem zistiť stav '%-.200s' (chybový kód: %d - %s)Nemôžem zistiť pracovný adresár (chybový kód: %d - %s)Nemôžem zamknúť súbor (chybový kód: %d - %s)Nemôžem otvoriť súbor: '%-.200s' (chybový kód: %d - %s)Nemôžem nájsť súbor: '%-.200s' (chybový kód: %d - %s)Nemôžem čítať adresár '%-.192s' (chybový kód: %d - %s)Nemôžem vojsť do adresára '%-.192s' (chybový kód: %d - %s)Záznam bol zmenený od posledného čítania v tabuľke '%-.192s'Disk je plný (%s), čakám na uvoľnenie miesta... (chybový kód: %d - %s)Nemôžem zapísať, duplikát kľúča v tabuľke '%-.192s'Chyba pri zatváraní '%-.192s' (chybový kód: %d - %s)Chyba pri čítaní súboru '%-.200s' (chybový kód: %d - %s)Chyba pri premenovávaní '%-.210s' na '%-.210s' (chybový kód: %d - %s)Chyba pri zápise do súboru '%-.200s' (chybový kód: %d - %s)'%-.192s' je zamknutý proti zmenámTriedenie prerušenéPohľad '%-.192s' neexistuje pre '%-.192s'Obsluha tabuľky vrátila chybu %dObsluha tabuľky '%-.192s' nemá tento parameterNemôžem nájsť záznam v '%-.192s'Nesprávna informácia v súbore: '%-.200s'Nesprávny kľúč pre tabuľku '%-.200s'; pokúste sa ho opraviťStarý kľúčový súbor pre '%-.192s'; opravte ho!'%-.192s' is čítať onlyMálo pamäti. Reštartujte daemona a skúste znova (je potrebných %d bytov)Málo pamäti pre triedenie, zvýšte veľkosť triediaceho bufferuNeočakávaný koniec súboru pri čítaní '%-.192s' (chybový kód: %d - %s)Príliš mnoho spojeníMálo miesta-pamäti pre vláknoNemôžem zistiť meno hostiteľa pre vašu adresuChyba pri nadväzovaní spojeniaZakázaný prístup pre užívateľa: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' k databázi '%-.192s'Zakázaný prístup pre užívateľa: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' (použitie hesla: %s)Nebola vybraná databázaNeznámy príkazPole '%-.192s' nemôže byť nullNeznáma databáza '%-.192s'Tabuľka '%-.192s' už existujeNeznáma tabuľka '%-.100s'Pole: '%-.192s' v %-.192s je nejasnéPrebieha ukončovanie práce serveraNeznáme pole '%-.192s' v '%-.192s'Použité '%-.192s' nebolo v 'group by'Nemôžem použiť 'group' na '%-.192s'Príkaz obsahuje zároveň funkciu 'sum' a poľaPočet polí nezodpovedá zadanej hodnoteMeno identifikátora '%-.100s' je príliš dlhéOpakované meno poľa '%-.192s'Opakované meno kľúča '%-.192s'Opakovaný kľúč '%-.192s' (číslo kľúča %d)Chyba v špecifikácii poľa '%-.192s'%s blízko '%-.80s' na riadku %dVýsledok požiadavky bol prázdnyNie jednoznačná tabuľka/alias: '%-.192s'Chybná implicitná hodnota pre '%-.192s'Zadefinovaných viac primárnych kľúčovZadaných ríliš veľa kľúčov. Najviac %d kľúčov je povolenýchZadaných ríliš veľa častí kľúčov. Je povolených najviac %d častíZadaný kľúč je príliš dlhý, najväčšia dĺžka kľúča je %dKľúčový stĺpec '%-.192s' v tabuľke neexistujeBlob pole '%-.192s' nemôže byť použité ako kľúčPríliš veľká dĺžka pre pole '%-.192s' (maximum = %lu). Použite BLOBMôžete mať iba jedno AUTO pole a to musí byť definované ako kľúč%s: pripravený na spojenie Version: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d"%s: normálne ukončenie %s: prijatý signál %d, ukončenie (Abort)! %s: práca ukončená %s: násilné ukončenie vlákna %ld užívateľa '%-.48s' Nemôžem vytvoriť IP socketTabuľka '%-.192s' nemá index zodpovedajúci CREATE INDEX. Vytvorte tabulku znovaArgument oddeľovač polí nezodpovedá požiadavkám. Skontrolujte v manuáliNie je možné použiť fixnú dĺžku s BLOBom. Použite 'fields terminated by'.Súbor '%-.128s' musí byť v adresári databázy, alebo čitateľný pre všetkýchSúbor '%-.200s' už existujeZáznamov: %ld Zmazaných: %ld Preskočených: %ld Varovania: %ldZáznamov: %ld Opakovaných: %ldIncorrect prefix key; the used key part isn't a string or the used length is longer than the key partOne nemôžem zmazať all fields with ALTER TABLE; use DROP TABLE insteadNemôžem zrušiť (DROP) '%-.192s'. Skontrolujte, či neexistujú záznamy/kľúčeZáznamov: %ld Opakovaných: %ld Varovania: %ldYou can't specify target table '%-.192s' for update in FROM clauseNeznáma identifikácia vlákna: %luNie ste vlastníkom vlákna %luNie je použitá žiadna tabuľkaPríliš mnoho reťazcov pre pole %-.192s a SETNemôžem vytvoriť unikátne meno log-súboru %-.200s.(1-999) Tabuľka '%-.192s' bola zamknutá s READ a nemôže byť zmenenáTabuľka '%-.192s' nebola zamknutá s LOCK TABLESPole BLOB '%-.192s' nemôže mať implicitnú hodnotuNeprípustné meno databázy '%-.100s'Neprípustné meno tabuľky '%-.100s'Zadaná požiadavka SELECT by prechádzala príliš mnoho záznamov a trvala by príliš dlho. Skontrolujte tvar WHERE a ak je v poriadku, použite SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1Neznámá chybaNeznámá procedúra '%-.192s'Chybný počet parametrov procedúry '%-.192s'Chybné parametre procedúry '%-.192s'Neznáma tabuľka '%-.192s' v %-.32sPole '%-.192s' je zadané dvakrátNesprávne použitie funkcie GROUPTabuľka '%-.192s' používa rozšírenie, ktoré v tejto verzii MySQL nie jeTabuľka musí mať aspoň 1 poleTabuľka '%-.192s' je plnáNeznáma znaková sada: '%-.64s'Príliš mnoho tabuliek. MySQL môže použiť len %d v JOIN-ePríliš mnoho políRiadok je príliš veľký. Maximálna veľkosť riadku, okrem 'BLOB', je %ld. Musíte zmeniť niektoré položky na BLOBPretečenie zásobníku vlákna: použité: %ld z %ld. Použite 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' k zadaniu väčšieho zásobníkaV OUTER JOIN bol nájdený krížový odkaz. Skontrolujte podmienky ONTable handler doesn't support NULL in given index. Please change column '%-.192s' to be NOT NULL or use another handlerNemôžem načítať funkciu '%-.192s'Nemôžem inicializovať funkciu '%-.192s'; %-.80sNeprípustné žiadne cesty k zdieľanej knižniciFunkcia '%-.192s' už existujeNemôžem otvoriť zdieľanú knižnicu '%-.192s' (chybový kód: %d %-.128s)Nemôžem nájsť funkciu '%-.128s' v knižniciFunkcia '%-.192s' nie je definovanáHost '%-.64s' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'Host '%-.64s' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL serverYou are using MySQL as an anonymous user and anonymous users are not allowed to change passwordsYou must have privileges to update tables in the mysql database to be able to change passwords for othersCan't find any matching row in the user tableRows matched: %ld Changed: %ld Warnings: %ldCan't create a new thread (errno %d); if you are not out of available memory, you can consult the manual for a possible OS-dependent bugColumn count doesn't match value count at row %ldCan't reopen table: '%-.192sInvalid use of NULL valueGot error '%-.64s' from regexpMixing of GROUP columns (MIN(),MAX(),COUNT(),...) with no GROUP columns is illegal if there is no GROUP BY clauseThere is no such grant defined for user '%-.48s' on host '%-.64s'%-.128s command denied to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' for table '%-.64s'%-.16s command denied to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' for column '%-.192s' in table '%-.192s'Illegal GRANT/REVOKE command; please consult the manual to see which privleges can be used.The host or user argument to GRANT is too longTable '%-.192s.%-.192s' doesn't existThere is no such grant defined for user '%-.48s' on host '%-.64s' on table '%-.192s'The used command is not allowed with this MySQL versionSomething is wrong in your syntaxDelayed insert thread couldn't get requested lock for table %-.192sToo many delayed threads in useAborted connection %ld to db: '%-.192s' user: '%-.48s' (%-.64s)Got a packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet' bytesGot a read error from the connection pipeGot an error from fcntl()Got packets out of orderCouldn't uncompress communication packetGot an error reading communication packetsGot timeout reading communication packetsGot an error writing communication packetsGot timeout writing communication packetsResult string is longer than 'max_allowed_packet' bytesThe used table type doesn't support BLOB/TEXT columnsThe used table type doesn't support AUTO_INCREMENT columnsINSERT DELAYED can't be used with table '%-.192s' because it is locked with LOCK TABLESIncorrect column name '%-.100s'The used table handler can't index column '%-.192s'All tables in the MERGE table are not defined identicallyCan't write, because of unique constraint, to table '%-.192s'BLOB column '%-.192s' used in key specification without a key lengthAll parts of a PRIMARY KEY must be NOT NULL; if you need NULL in a key, use UNIQUE insteadResult consisted of more than one rowThis table type requires a primary keyThis version of MySQL is not compiled with RAID supportYou are using safe update mode and you tried to update a table without a WHERE that uses a KEY columnKey '%-.192s' doesn't exist in table '%-.192s'Can't open tableThe handler for the table doesn't support %sYou are not allowed to execute this command in a transactionGot error %d during COMMITGot error %d during ROLLBACKGot error %d during FLUSH_LOGSGot error %d during CHECKPOINTAborted connection %u to db: '%-.192s' user: '%-.48s' host: '%-.64s' (%-.64s)The storage engine for the table does not support binary table dumpBinlog closed, cannot RESET MASTERFailed rebuilding the index of dumped table '%-.192s'Error from master: '%-.64s'Net error reading from masterNet error writing to masterCan't find FULLTEXT index matching the column listCan't execute the given command because you have active locked tables or an active transactionUnknown system variable '%-.64s'Table '%-.192s' is marked as crashed and should be repairedTable '%-.192s' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failedSome non-transactional changed tables couldn't be rolled backMulti-statement transaction required more than 'max_binlog_cache_size' bytes of storage; increase this mysqld variable and try againThis operation cannot be performed with a running slave; run STOP SLAVE firstThis operation requires a running slave; configure slave and do START SLAVEThe server is not configured as slave; fix in config file or with CHANGE MASTER TOCould not initialize master info structure; more error messages can be found in the MySQL error logCould not create slave thread; check system resourcesUser %-.64s already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connectionsYou may only use constant expressions with SETLock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transactionThe total number of locks exceeds the lock table sizeUpdate locks cannot be acquired during a READ UNCOMMITTED transactionDROP DATABASE not allowed while thread is holding global read lockCREATE DATABASE not allowed while thread is holding global read lockIncorrect arguments to %s'%-.48s'@'%-.64s' is not allowed to create new usersIncorrect table definition; all MERGE tables must be in the same databaseDeadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transactionThe used table type doesn't support FULLTEXT indexesCannot add foreign key constraintCannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint failsCannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint failsError connecting to master: %-.128sError running query on master: %-.128sError when executing command %s: %-.128sIncorrect usage of %s and %sThe used SELECT statements have a different number of columnsCan't execute the query because you have a conflicting read lockMixing of transactional and non-transactional tables is disabledOption '%s' used twice in statementUser '%-.64s' has exceeded the '%s' resource (current value: %ld)Access denied; you need (at least one of) the %-.128s privilege(s) for this operationVariable '%-.64s' is a SESSION variable and can't be used with SET GLOBALVariable '%-.64s' is a GLOBAL variable and should be set with SET GLOBALVariable '%-.64s' doesn't have a default valueVariable '%-.64s' can't be set to the value of '%-.200s'Incorrect argument type to variable '%-.64s'Variable '%-.64s' can only be set, not readIncorrect usage/placement of '%s'This version of MySQL doesn't yet support '%s'Got fatal error %d from master when reading data from binary log: '%-.320s'Slave SQL thread ignored the query because of replicate-*-table rulesVariable '%-.192s' is a %s variableIncorrect foreign key definition for '%-.192s': %sKey reference and table reference don't matchOperand should contain %d column(s)Subquery returns more than 1 rowUnknown prepared statement handler (%.*s) given to %sHelp database is corrupt or does not existCyclic reference on subqueriesConverting column '%s' from %s to %sReference '%-.64s' not supported (%s)Every derived table must have its own aliasSelect %u was reduced during optimizationTable '%-.192s' from one of the SELECTs cannot be used in %-.32sClient does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL clientAll parts of a SPATIAL index must be NOT NULLCOLLATION '%s' is not valid for CHARACTER SET '%s'Slave is already runningSlave already has been stoppedUncompressed data size too large; the maximum size is %d (probably, length of uncompressed data was corrupted)ZLIB: Not enough memoryZLIB: Not enough room in the output buffer (probably, length of uncompressed data was corrupted)ZLIB: Input data corruptedRow %u was cut by GROUP_CONCAT()Row %ld doesn't contain data for all columnsRow %ld was truncated; it contained more data than there were input columnsColumn set to default value; NULL supplied to NOT NULL column '%s' at row %ldOut of range value for column '%s' at row %ldData truncated for column '%s' at row %ldUsing storage engine %s for table '%s'Illegal mix of collations (%s,%s) and (%s,%s) for operation '%s'Cannot drop one or more of the requested usersCan't revoke all privileges for one or more of the requested usersIllegal mix of collations (%s,%s), (%s,%s), (%s,%s) for operation '%s'Illegal mix of collations for operation '%s'Variable '%-.64s' is not a variable component (can't be used as XXXX.variable_name)Unknown collation: '%-.64s'SSL parameters in CHANGE MASTER are ignored because this MySQL slave was compiled without SSL support; they can be used later if MySQL slave with SSL is startedServer is running in --secure-auth mode, but '%s'@'%s' has a password in the old format; please change the password to the new formatField or reference '%-.192s%s%-.192s%s%-.192s' of SELECT #%d was resolved in SELECT #%dIncorrect parameter or combination of parameters for START SLAVE UNTILIt is recommended to use --skip-slave-start when doing step-by-step replication with START SLAVE UNTIL; otherwise, you will get problems if you get an unexpected slave's mysqld restartSQL thread is not to be started so UNTIL options are ignoredIncorrect index name '%-.100s'Incorrect catalog name '%-.100s'Query cache failed to set size %lu; new query cache size is %luColumn '%-.192s' cannot be part of FULLTEXT indexUnknown key cache '%-.100s'MySQL is started in --skip-name-resolve mode; you must restart it without this switch for this grant to workUnknown storage engine '%s''%s' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use %s insteadThe target table %-.100s of the %s is not updatableThe '%s' feature is disabled; you need MySQL built with '%s' to have it workingThe MySQL server is running with the %s option so it cannot execute this statementColumn '%-.100s' has duplicated value '%-.64s' in %sTruncated incorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s'Incorrect table definition; there can be only one TIMESTAMP column with CURRENT_TIMESTAMP in DEFAULT or ON UPDATE clauseInvalid ON UPDATE clause for '%-.192s' columnThis command is not supported in the prepared statement protocol yetGot error %d '%-.100s' from %sGot temporary error %d '%-.100s' from %sUnknown or incorrect time zone: '%-.64s'Invalid TIMESTAMP value in column '%s' at row %ldInvalid %s character string: '%.64s'Result of %s() was larger than max_allowed_packet (%ld) - truncatedConflicting declarations: '%s%s' and '%s%s'Can't create a %s from within another stored routine%s %s already exists%s %s does not existFailed to DROP %s %sFailed to CREATE %s %s%s with no matching label: %sRedefining label %sEnd-label %s without matchReferring to uninitialized variable %sPROCEDURE %s can't return a result set in the given contextRETURN is only allowed in a FUNCTION%s is not allowed in stored proceduresThe update log is deprecated and replaced by the binary log; SET SQL_LOG_UPDATE has been ignored.The update log is deprecated and replaced by the binary log; SET SQL_LOG_UPDATE has been translated to SET SQL_LOG_BIN.Query execution was interruptedIncorrect number of arguments for %s %s; expected %u, got %uUndefined CONDITION: %sNo RETURN found in FUNCTION %sFUNCTION %s ended without RETURNCursor statement must be a SELECTCursor SELECT must not have INTOUndefined CURSOR: %sCursor is already openCursor is not openUndeclared variable: %sIncorrect number of FETCH variablesNo data - zero rows fetched, selected, or processedDuplicate parameter: %sDuplicate variable: %sDuplicate condition: %sDuplicate cursor: %sFailed to ALTER %s %sSubquery value not supported%s is not allowed in stored function or triggerVariable or condition declaration after cursor or handler declarationCursor declaration after handler declarationCase not found for CASE statementConfiguration file '%-.192s' is too bigMalformed file type header in file '%-.192s'Unexpected end of file while parsing comment '%-.200s'Error while parsing parameter '%-.192s' (line: '%-.192s')Unexpected end of file while skipping unknown parameter '%-.192s'EXPLAIN/SHOW can not be issued; lacking privileges for underlying tableFile '%-.192s' has unknown type '%-.64s' in its header'%-.192s.%-.192s' is not %sColumn '%-.192s' is not updatableView's SELECT contains a subquery in the FROM clauseView's SELECT contains a '%s' clauseView's SELECT contains a variable or parameterView's SELECT refers to a temporary table '%-.192s'View's SELECT and view's field list have different column countsView merge algorithm can't be used here for now (assumed undefined algorithm)View being updated does not have complete key of underlying table in itView '%-.192s.%-.192s' references invalid table(s) or column(s) or function(s) or definer/invoker of view lack rights to use themCan't drop or alter a %s from within another stored routineGOTO is not allowed in a stored procedure handlerTrigger already existsTrigger does not existTrigger's '%-.192s' is view or temporary tableUpdating of %s row is not allowed in %striggerThere is no %s row in %s triggerField '%-.192s' doesn't have a default valueDivision by 0Incorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s' for column '%.192s' at row %ldIllegal %s '%-.192s' value found during parsingCHECK OPTION on non-updatable view '%-.192s.%-.192s'CHECK OPTION failed '%-.192s.%-.192s'%-.16s command denied to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' for routine '%-.192s'Failed purging old relay logs: %sPassword hash should be a %d-digit hexadecimal numberTarget log not found in binlog indexI/O error reading log index fileServer configuration does not permit binlog purgeFailed on fseek()Fatal error during log purgeA purgeable log is in use, will not purgeUnknown error during log purgeFailed initializing relay log position: %sYou are not using binary loggingThe '%-.64s' syntax is reserved for purposes internal to the MySQL serverWSAStartup FailedCan't handle procedures with different groups yetSelect must have a group with this procedureCan't use ORDER clause with this procedureBinary logging and replication forbid changing the global server %sCan't map file: %-.200s, errno: %dWrong magic in %-.64sPrepared statement contains too many placeholdersKey part '%-.192s' length cannot be 0View text checksum failedCan not modify more than one base table through a join view '%-.192s.%-.192s'Can not insert into join view '%-.192s.%-.192s' without fields listCan not delete from join view '%-.192s.%-.192s'Operation %s failed for %.256sXAER_NOTA: Unknown XIDXAER_INVAL: Invalid arguments (or unsupported command)XAER_RMFAIL: The command cannot be executed when global transaction is in the %.64s stateXAER_OUTSIDE: Some work is done outside global transactionXAER_RMERR: Fatal error occurred in the transaction branch - check your data for consistencyXA_RBROLLBACK: Transaction branch was rolled backThere is no such grant defined for user '%-.48s' on host '%-.64s' on routine '%-.192s'Failed to grant EXECUTE and ALTER ROUTINE privilegesFailed to revoke all privileges to dropped routineData too long for column '%s' at row %ldBad SQLSTATE: '%s'%s: ready for connections. Version: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d %sCan't load value from file with fixed size rows to variableYou are not allowed to create a user with GRANTIncorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s' for function %-.32sTable definition has changed, please retry transactionDuplicate handler declared in the same blockOUT or INOUT argument %d for routine %s is not a variable or NEW pseudo-variable in BEFORE triggerNot allowed to return a result set from a %sCannot get geometry object from data you send to the GEOMETRY fieldA routine failed and has neither NO SQL nor READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled; if non-transactional tables were updated, the binary log will miss their changesThis function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)You do not have the SUPER privilege and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)You can't execute a prepared statement which has an open cursor associated with it. Reset the statement to re-execute it.The statement (%lu) has no open cursor.Explicit or implicit commit is not allowed in stored function or trigger.Field of view '%-.192s.%-.192s' underlying table doesn't have a default valueRecursive stored functions and triggers are not allowed.Too big scale %d specified for column '%-.192s'. Maximum is %lu.Too-big precision %d specified for '%-.192s'. Maximum is %lu.For float(M,D), double(M,D) or decimal(M,D), M must be >= D (column '%-.192s').You can't combine write-locking of system tables with other tables or lock typesUnable to connect to foreign data source: %.64sThere was a problem processing the query on the foreign data source. Data source error: %-.64sThe foreign data source you are trying to reference does not exist. Data source error: %-.64sCan't create federated table. The data source connection string '%-.64s' is not in the correct formatThe data source connection string '%-.64s' is not in the correct formatCan't create federated table. Foreign data src error: %-.64sTrigger in wrong schemaThread stack overrun: %ld bytes used of a %ld byte stack, and %ld bytes needed. Use 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' to specify a bigger stack.Routine body for '%-.100s' is too longCannot drop default keycacheDisplay width out of range for column '%-.192s' (max = %lu)XAER_DUPID: The XID already existsDatetime function: %-.32s field overflowCan't update table '%-.192s' in stored function/trigger because it is already used by statement which invoked this stored function/trigger.The definition of table '%-.192s' prevents operation %.192s on table '%-.192s'.The prepared statement contains a stored routine call that refers to that same statement. It's not allowed to execute a prepared statement in such a recursive mannerNot allowed to set autocommit from a stored function or triggerDefiner is not fully qualifiedView '%-.192s'.'%-.192s' has no definer information (old table format). Current user is used as definer. Please recreate the view!You need the SUPER privilege for creation view with '%-.192s'@'%-.192s' definerThe user specified as a definer ('%-.64s'@'%-.64s') does not existChanging schema from '%-.192s' to '%-.192s' is not allowed.Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (%.192s)Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (%.192s)Variable '%-.64s' must be quoted with `...`, or renamedNo definer attribute for trigger '%-.192s'.'%-.192s'. The trigger will be activated under the authorization of the invoker, which may have insufficient privileges. Please recreate the trigger.'%-.192s' has an old format, you should re-create the '%s' object(s)Recursive limit %d (as set by the max_sp_recursion_depth variable) was exceeded for routine %.192sFailed to load routine %-.192s. The table mysql.proc is missing, corrupt, or contains bad data (internal code %d)Incorrect routine name '%-.192s'Table upgrade required. Please do "REPAIR TABLE `%-.64s`" or dump/reload to fix it!AGGREGATE is not supported for stored functionsCan't create more than max_prepared_stmt_count statements (current value: %lu)`%-.192s`.`%-.192s` contains view recursionNon-grouping field '%-.192s' is used in %-.64s clauseThe used table type doesn't support SPATIAL indexesTriggers can not be created on system tablesLeading spaces are removed from name '%s'Failed to read auto-increment value from storage engineuser namehost nameString '%-.70s' is too long for %s (should be no longer than %d)The target table %-.100s of the %s is not insertable-intoTable '%-.64s' is differently defined or of non-MyISAM type or doesn't existToo high level of nesting for selectName '%-.64s' has become ''First character of the FIELDS TERMINATED string is ambiguous; please use non-optional and non-empty FIELDS ENCLOSED BYThe foreign server, %s, you are trying to create already exists.The foreign server name you are trying to reference does not exist. Data source error: %-.64sTable storage engine '%-.64s' does not support the create option '%.64s'Syntax error: %-.64s PARTITIONING requires definition of VALUES %-.64s for each partitionOnly %-.64s PARTITIONING can use VALUES %-.64s in partition definitionMAXVALUE can only be used in last partition definitionSubpartitions can only be hash partitions and by keyMust define subpartitions on all partitions if on one partitionWrong number of partitions defined, mismatch with previous settingWrong number of subpartitions defined, mismatch with previous settingConstant, random or timezone-dependent expressions in (sub)partitioning function are not allowedExpression in RANGE/LIST VALUES must be constantField in list of fields for partition function not found in tableList of fields is only allowed in KEY partitionsThe partition info in the frm file is not consistent with what can be written into the frm fileThe %-.192s function returns the wrong typeFor %-.64s partitions each partition must be definedVALUES LESS THAN value must be strictly increasing for each partitionVALUES value must be of same type as partition functionMultiple definition of same constant in list partitioningPartitioning can not be used stand-alone in queryThe mix of handlers in the partitions is not allowed in this version of MySQLFor the partitioned engine it is necessary to define all %-.64sToo many partitions (including subpartitions) were definedIt is only possible to mix RANGE/LIST partitioning with HASH/KEY partitioning for subpartitioningFailed to create specific handler fileA BLOB field is not allowed in partition functionA %-.192s must include all columns in the table's partitioning functionNumber of %-.64s = 0 is not an allowed valuePartition management on a not partitioned table is not possibleForeign keys are not yet supported in conjunction with partitioningError in list of partitions to %-.64sCannot remove all partitions, use DROP TABLE insteadCOALESCE PARTITION can only be used on HASH/KEY partitionsREORGANIZE PARTITION can only be used to reorganize partitions not to change their numbersREORGANIZE PARTITION without parameters can only be used on auto-partitioned tables using HASH PARTITIONs%-.64s PARTITION can only be used on RANGE/LIST partitionsTrying to Add partition(s) with wrong number of subpartitionsAt least one partition must be addedAt least one partition must be coalescedMore partitions to reorganize than there are partitionsDuplicate partition name %-.192sIt is not allowed to shut off binlog on this commandWhen reorganizing a set of partitions they must be in consecutive orderReorganize of range partitions cannot change total ranges except for last partition where it can extend the rangePartition function not supported in this version for this handlerPartition state cannot be defined from CREATE/ALTER TABLEThe %-.64s handler only supports 32 bit integers in VALUESPlugin '%-.192s' is not loadedIncorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s'Table has no partition for value %-.64sIt is not allowed to specify %s more than onceFailed to create %sFailed to drop %sThe handler doesn't support autoextend of tablespacesA size parameter was incorrectly specified, either number or on the form 10MThe size number was correct but we don't allow the digit part to be more than 2 billionFailed to alter: %sWriting one row to the row-based binary log failedTable definition on master and slave does not match: %sSlave running with --log-slave-updates must use row-based binary logging to be able to replicate row-based binary log eventsEvent '%-.192s' already existsFailed to store event %s. Error code %d from storage engine.Unknown event '%-.192s'Failed to alter event '%-.192s'Failed to drop %sINTERVAL is either not positive or too bigENDS is either invalid or before STARTSEvent execution time is in the past. Event has been disabledFailed to open mysql.eventNo datetime expression providedColumn count of mysql.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. The table is probably corruptedCannot load from mysql.%s. The table is probably corruptedFailed to delete the event from mysql.eventError during compilation of event's bodySame old and new event nameData for column '%s' too longCannot drop index '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraintThe syntax '%s' is deprecated and will be removed in MySQL %s. Please use %s insteadYou can't write-lock a log table. Only read access is possibleYou can't use locks with log tables.Upholding foreign key constraints for table '%.192s', entry '%-.192s', key %d would lead to a duplicate entryColumn count of mysql.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. Created with MySQL %d, now running %d. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error.Cannot switch out of the row-based binary log format when the session has open temporary tablesCannot change the binary logging format inside a stored function or triggerThe NDB cluster engine does not support changing the binlog format on the fly yetCannot create temporary table with partitionsPartition constant is out of partition function domainThis partition function is not allowedError in DDL logNot allowed to use NULL value in VALUES LESS THANIncorrect partition nameTransaction characteristics can't be changed while a transaction is in progressALTER TABLE causes auto_increment resequencing, resulting in duplicate entry '%-.192s' for key '%-.192s'Internal scheduler error %dError during starting/stopping of the scheduler. Error code %uEngine cannot be used in partitioned tablesCannot activate '%-.64s' logThe server was not built with row-based replicationDecoding of base64 string failedRecursion of EVENT DDL statements is forbidden when body is presentCannot proceed because system tables used by Event Scheduler were found damaged at server startOnly integers allowed as number hereThis storage engine cannot be used for log tables"You cannot '%s' a log table if logging is enabledCannot rename '%s'. When logging enabled, rename to/from log table must rename two tables: the log table to an archive table and another table back to '%s'Incorrect parameter count in the call to native function '%-.192s'Incorrect parameters in the call to native function '%-.192s'Incorrect parameters in the call to stored function %-.192sThis function '%-.192s' has the same name as a native functionOpakovaný kľúč '%-.64s' (číslo kľúča '%-.192s')Too many files opened, please execute the command againEvent execution time is in the past and ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE is set. The event was dropped immediately after creation.Event execution time is in the past and ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE is set. The event was not changed. Specify a time in the future.The incident %s occured on the master. Message: %sTable has no partition for some existing valuesUnsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. %sFatal error: %sRelay log read failure: %sRelay log write failure: %sFailed to create %sMaster command %s failed: %sBinary logging not possible. Message: %sView `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` has no creation contextCreation context of view `%-.64s`.`%-.64s' is invalidCreation context of stored routine `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCorrupted TRG file for table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s`Triggers for table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` have no creation contextTrigger creation context of table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCreation context of event `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCannot open table for trigger `%-.64s`.`%-.64s`Cannot create stored routine `%-.64s`. Check warningsAmbiguous slave modes combination. %sThe BINLOG statement of type `%s` was not preceded by a format description BINLOG statement.Corrupted replication event was detectedInvalid column reference (%-.64s) in LOAD DATABeing purged log %s was not foundXA_RBTIMEOUT: Transaction branch was rolled back: took too longXA_RBDEADLOCK: Transaction branch was rolled back: deadlock was detectedPrepared statement needs to be re-preparedDELAYED option not supported for table '%-.192s'The master info structure does not exist<%-.64s> option ignoredBuilt-in plugins cannot be deletedPlugin is busy and will be uninstalled on shutdown%s variable '%s' is read-only. Use SET %s to assign the valueStorage engine %s does not support rollback for this statement. Transaction rolled back and must be restartedUnexpected master's heartbeat data: %sThe requested value for the heartbeat period is either negative or exceeds the maximum allowed (%s seconds).Bad schema for mysql.ndb_replication table. Message: %-.64sError in parsing conflict function. Message: %-.64sWrite to exceptions table failed. Message: %-.128s"Comment for table '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Comment for field '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)FUNCTION %s does not exist. Check the 'Function Name Parsing and Resolution' section in the Reference ManualDatabaseTablePartitionSubpartitionTemporaryRenamedToo many active concurrent transactionsNon-ASCII separator arguments are not fully supporteddebug sync point wait timed outdebug sync point hit limit reachedDuplicate condition information item '%s'Unhandled user-defined warning conditionUnhandled user-defined not found conditionUnhandled user-defined exception conditionRESIGNAL when handler not activeSIGNAL/RESIGNAL can only use a CONDITION defined with SQLSTATEData truncated for condition item '%s'Data too long for condition item '%s'Unknown locale: '%-.64s'The requested server id %d clashes with the slave startup option --replicate-same-server-idQuery cache is disabled; restart the server with query_cache_type=1 to enable itDuplicate partition field name '%-.192s'Inconsistency in usage of column lists for partitioningPartition column values of incorrect typeToo many fields in '%-.192s'Cannot use MAXVALUE as value in VALUES INCannot have more than one value for this type of %-.64s partitioningRow expressions in VALUES IN only allowed for multi-field column partitioningField '%-.192s' is of a not allowed type for this type of partitioningThe total length of the partitioning fields is too largeCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since both row-incapable engines and statement-incapable engines are involved.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = ROW and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to statement-based logging.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. %sCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is in row format and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to statement-based logging.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to row-based logging.%sCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is in row format and BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since more than one engine is involved and at least one engine is self-logging.The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted.The statement is unsafe because it uses INSERT DELAYED. This is unsafe because the times when rows are inserted cannot be predicted.The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves.Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly.Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it accesses a non-transactional table after accessing a transactional table within the same transaction.%s Statement: %sColumn %d of table '%-.192s.%-.192s' cannot be converted from type '%-.32s' to type '%-.32s'Can't create conversion table for table '%-.192s.%-.192s'Cannot modify @@session.binlog_format inside a transactionThe path specified for %.64s is too long.'%s' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.Native table '%-.64s'.'%-.64s' has the wrong structureInvalid performance_schema usage.Table '%s'.'%s' was skipped since its definition is being modified by concurrent DDL statementCannot modify @@session.binlog_direct_non_transactional_updates inside a transactionCannot change the binlog direct flag inside a stored function or triggerA SPATIAL index may only contain a geometrical type columnComment for index '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Wait on a lock was aborted due to a pending exclusive lock%s value is out of range in '%s'A variable of a non-integer based type in LIMIT clauseMixing self-logging and non-self-logging engines in a statement is unsafe.Statement accesses nontransactional table as well as transactional or temporary table, and writes to any of them.Cannot modify @@session.sql_log_bin inside a transactionCannot change the sql_log_bin inside a stored function or triggerFailed to read from the .par fileVALUES value for partition '%-.64s' must have type INTZakázaný prístup pre užívateľa: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s'SET PASSWORD has no significance for users authenticating via pluginsGRANT with IDENTIFIED WITH is illegal because the user %-.*s already existsCannot truncate a table referenced in a foreign key constraint (%.192s)Plugin '%s' is force_plus_permanent and can not be unloadedThe requested value for the heartbeat period is less than 1 millisecond. The value is reset to 0, meaning that heartbeating will effectively be disabled.The requested value for the heartbeat period exceeds the value of `slave_net_timeout' seconds. A sensible value for the period should be less than the timeout.Multi-row statements required more than 'max_binlog_stmt_cache_size' bytes of storage; increase this mysqld variable and try againPrimary key/partition key update is not allowed since the table is updated both as '%-.192s' and '%-.192s'.Table rebuild required. Please do "ALTER TABLE `%-.64s` FORCE" or dump/reload to fix it!The value of '%s' should be no less than the value of '%s'Index column size too large. The maximum column size is %lu bytes.Trigger '%-.64s' has an error in its body: '%-.256s'Unknown trigger has an error in its body: '%-.256s'Index %s is corruptedUndo log record is too big.INSERT IGNORE... SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.INSERT... SELECT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are updated. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.REPLACE... SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are replaced. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE... IGNORE SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE... REPLACE SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are replaced. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.UPDATE IGNORE is unsafe because the order in which rows are updated determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.Plugin '%s' is marked as not dynamically uninstallable. You have to stop the server to uninstall it.Plugin '%s' is marked as not dynamically installable. You have to stop the server to install it.Statements writing to a table with an auto-increment column after selecting from another table are unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved determines what (if any) rows will be written. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE TABLE... SELECT... on a table with an auto-increment column is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are inserted. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.INSERT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE on a table with more than one UNIQUE KEY is unsafeTable is being used in foreign key check.Storage engine '%s' does not support system tables. [%s.%s]INSERT into autoincrement field which is not the first part in the composed primary key is unsafe.Cannot load from %s.%s. The table is probably corruptedThe requested value %s for the master delay exceeds the maximum %uOnly Format_description_log_event and row events are allowed in BINLOG statements (but %s was provided)Non matching attribute '%-.64s' between partition and tableTable to exchange with partition is partitioned: '%-.64s'Table to exchange with partition is temporary: '%-.64s'Subpartitioned table, use subpartition instead of partitionUnknown partition '%-.64s' in table '%-.64s'Tables have different definitionsFound a row that does not match the partitionOption binlog_cache_size (%lu) is greater than max_binlog_cache_size (%lu); setting binlog_cache_size equal to max_binlog_cache_size.Cannot use %-.64s access on index '%-.64s' due to type or collation conversion on field '%-.64s'Table to exchange with partition has foreign key references: '%-.64s'Key value '%-.192s' was not found in table '%-.192s.%-.192s'Data for column '%s' too longReplication event checksum verification failed while reading from network.Replication event checksum verification failed while reading from a log file.Option binlog_stmt_cache_size (%lu) is greater than max_binlog_stmt_cache_size (%lu); setting binlog_stmt_cache_size equal to max_binlog_stmt_cache_size.Can't update table '%-.192s' while '%-.192s' is being created.PARTITION () clause on non partitioned tableFound a row not matching the given partition setPartition '%-.64s' doesn't existFailure while changing the type of replication repository: %s.The creation of some temporary tables could not be rolled back.Some temporary tables were dropped, but these operations could not be rolled back.%s is not supported in multi-threaded slave mode. %sThe number of modified databases exceeds the maximum %d; the database names will not be included in the replication event metadata.Cannot execute the current event group in the parallel mode. Encountered event %s, relay-log name %s, position %s which prevents execution of this event group in parallel mode. Reason: %s.%sFULLTEXT index is not supported for partitioned tables.Invalid condition numberSending passwords in plain text without SSL/TLS is extremely insecure.Storing MySQL user name or password information in the master info repository is not secure and is therefore not recommended. Please consider using the USER and PASSWORD connection options for START SLAVE; see the 'START SLAVE Syntax' in the MySQL Manual for more information.Foreign key constraint for table '%.192s', record '%-.192s' would lead to a duplicate entry in table '%.192s', key '%.192s'Foreign key constraint for table '%.192s', record '%-.192s' would lead to a duplicate entry in a child tableSetting authentication options is not possible when only the Slave SQL Thread is being started.The table does not have FULLTEXT index to support this queryThe system variable %.200s cannot be set in stored functions or triggers.The system variable %.200s cannot be set when there is an ongoing transaction.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT has the value %.200s, which is not listed in @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot change inside a transaction.The statement 'SET %.200s' cannot invoke a stored function.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be 'AUTOMATIC' when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST is non-NULL.Skipping transaction %.200s because it has already been executed and logged.Malformed GTID set specification '%.200s'.Malformed GTID set encoding.Malformed GTID specification '%.200s'.Impossible to generate Global Transaction Identifier: the integer component reached the maximal value. Restart the server with a new server_uuid.Parameters MASTER_LOG_FILE, MASTER_LOG_POS, RELAY_LOG_FILE and RELAY_LOG_POS cannot be set when MASTER_AUTO_POSITION is active.CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1 cannot be executed because @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot execute statements with implicit commit inside a transaction when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT == 'UUID:NUMBER'.GTID_MODE = ON requires ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY = ON.@@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON or ON_PERMISSIVE or OFF_PERMISSIVE requires --log-bin and --log-slave-updates.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be set to UUID:NUMBER when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be set to ANONYMOUS when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST cannot be set to a non-NULL value when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Found a Gtid_log_event when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Statement violates GTID consistency: Updates to non-transactional tables can only be done in either autocommitted statements or single-statement transactions, and never in the same statement as updates to transactional tables.Statement violates GTID consistency: CREATE TABLE ... SELECT.Statement violates GTID consistency: Under statement binary log mode CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE and DROP TEMPORARY TABLE can only be executed outside transactional context. These statements are also not allowed in a function or trigger because functions and triggers are also considered to be multi-statement transactions.The value of @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE can only be changed one step at a time: OFF <-> OFF_PERMISSIVE <-> ON_PERMISSIVE <-> ON. Also note that this value must be stepped up or down simultaneously on all servers. See the Manual for instructions.The slave is connecting using CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1, but the master has purged binary logs containing GTIDs that the slave requires.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be changed by a client that owns a GTID. The client owns %s. Ownership is released on COMMIT or ROLLBACK.Unknown EXPLAIN format name: '%s'Cannot execute statement in a READ ONLY transaction.Comment for table partition '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Slave is not configured or failed to initialize properly. You must at least set --server-id to enable either a master or a slave. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.InnoDB presently supports one FULLTEXT index creation at a timeCannot create FULLTEXT index on temporary InnoDB tableColumn '%-.192s' is of wrong type for an InnoDB FULLTEXT indexIndex '%-.192s' is of wrong type for an InnoDB FULLTEXT indexCreating index '%-.192s' required more than 'innodb_online_alter_log_max_size' bytes of modification log. Please try again.Unknown ALGORITHM '%s'Unknown LOCK type '%s'CHANGE MASTER cannot be executed when the slave was stopped with an error or killed in MTS mode. Consider using RESET SLAVE or START SLAVE UNTIL.Cannot recover after SLAVE errored out in parallel execution mode. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.Cannot clean up worker info tables. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.Column count of %s.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. The table is probably corruptedSlave must silently retry current transactionThere is a foreign key check running on table '%-.192s'. Cannot discard the table.Schema mismatch (%s)Table '%-.192s' in system tablespaceIO Read error: (%lu, %s) %sIO Write error: (%lu, %s) %sTablespace is missing for table %s.Tablespace '%-.192s' exists.Tablespace has been discarded for table '%-.192s'Internal error: %sALTER TABLE %-.192s IMPORT TABLESPACE failed with error %lu : '%s'Index corrupt: %sSupports only YEAR or YEAR(4) column.Your password does not satisfy the current policy requirementsYou must reset your password using ALTER USER statement before executing this statement.Failed to add the foreign key constaint. Missing index for constraint '%s' in the foreign table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constaint. Missing index for constraint '%s' in the referenced table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constraint '%s' to system tablesFailed to open the referenced table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constraint on table '%s'. Incorrect options in FOREIGN KEY constraint '%s'Duplicate foreign key constraint name '%s'The password hash doesn't have the expected format. Check if the correct password algorithm is being used with the PASSWORD() function.Cannot drop column '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s'Cannot drop column '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Column '%-.192s' cannot be NOT NULL: needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' SET NULLDuplicate index '%-.64s' defined on the table '%-.64s.%-.64s'. This is deprecated and will be disallowed in a future release.Cannot change column '%-.192s': used in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s'Cannot change column '%-.192s': used in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Cannot delete rows from table which is parent in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Malformed communication packet.Running in read-only modeWhen @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT is set to a GTID, you must explicitly set it to a different value after a COMMIT or ROLLBACK. Please check GTID_NEXT variable manual page for detailed explanation. Current @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT is '%s'.The system variable %.200s cannot be set in stored procedures.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when @@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED is empty.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when there are no ongoing transactions (not even in other clients).@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED was changed from '%s' to '%s'.@@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED was changed from '%s' to '%s'.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT, and both replicated and non replicated tables are written to.%s is not supported for this operation. Try %s.%s is not supported. Reason: %s. Try %s.COPY algorithm requires a lockPartition specific operations do not yet support LOCK/ALGORITHMColumns participating in a foreign key are renamedCannot change column type INPLACEAdding foreign keys needs foreign_key_checks=OFFCreating unique indexes with IGNORE requires COPY algorithm to remove duplicate rowsDropping a primary key is not allowed without also adding a new primary keyAdding an auto-increment column requires a lockCannot replace hidden FTS_DOC_ID with a user-visible oneCannot drop or rename FTS_DOC_IDFulltext index creation requires a locksql_slave_skip_counter can not be set when the server is running with @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON. Instead, for each transaction that you want to skip, generate an empty transaction with the same GTID as the transactionOpakovaný kľúč (číslo kľúča '%-.192s')Long database name and identifier for object resulted in path length exceeding %d characters. Path: '%s'.cannot silently convert NULL values, as required in this SQL_MODEYour password has expired. To log in you must change it using a client that supports expired passwords.Found a row in wrong partition %sCannot schedule event %s, relay-log name %s, position %s to Worker thread because its size %lu exceeds %lu of slave_pending_jobs_size_max.Cannot CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX WITH PARSER on InnoDB tableThe binary log file '%s' is logically corrupted: %sfile %s was not purged because it was being read by %d thread(s), purged only %d out of %d files.file %s was not purged because it is the active log file.Auto-increment value in UPDATE conflicts with internally generated valuesRow events are not logged for %s statements that modify BLACKHOLE tables in row format. Table(s): '%-.192s'Slave failed to initialize master info structure from the repositorySlave failed to initialize relay log info structure from the repositoryAccess denied trying to change to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' (using password: %s). Disconnecting.InnoDB is in read only mode.STOP SLAVE command execution is incomplete: Slave SQL thread got the stop signal, thread is busy, SQL thread will stop once the current task is complete.STOP SLAVE command execution is incomplete: Slave IO thread got the stop signal, thread is busy, IO thread will stop once the current task is complete.Operation cannot be performed. The table '%-.64s.%-.64s' is missing, corrupt or contains bad data.Temporary file write failure.Upgrade index name failed, please use create index(alter table) algorithm copy to rebuild index.TIME/TIMESTAMP/DATETIME columns of old format have been upgraded to the new format.Operation not allowed when innodb_forced_recovery > 0.The initialization vector supplied to %s is too short. Must be at least %d bytes longPlugin '%s' cannot be uninstalled now. %sCannot execute statement because it needs to be written to the binary log as multiple statements, and this is not allowed when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT == 'UUID:NUMBER'.Slave has more GTIDs than the master has, using the master's SERVER_UUID. This may indicate that the end of the binary log was truncated or that the last binary log file was lost, e.g., after a power or disk failure when sync_binlog != 1. The master may or may not have rolled back transactions that were already replicated to the slave. Suggest to replicate any transactions that master has rolled back from slave to master, and/or commit empty transactions on master to account for transactions that have been committed on master but are not included in GTID_EXECUTED.The table '%s.%s' does not have the necessary key(s) defined on it. Please check the table definition and create index(s) accordingly.File %s is corruptedQuery partially completed on the master (error on master: %d) and was aborted. There is a chance that your master is inconsistent at this point. If you are sure that your master is ok, run this query manually on the slave and then restart the slave with SET GLOBAL SQL_SLAVE_SKIP_COUNTER=1; START SLAVE;. Query:'%s'Query caused different errors on master and slave. Error on master: message (format)='%s' error code=%d; Error on slave:actual message='%s', error code=%d. Default database:'%s'. Query:'%s'Storage engine for table '%s'.'%s' is not loaded.GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS when handler not active%s is no longer supported. The statement was converted to %s.Statement is unsafe because it uses a fulltext parser plugin which may not return the same value on the slave.Cannot DISCARD/IMPORT tablespace associated with temporary tableForeign key cascade delete/update exceeds max depth of %d.Column count of %s.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. Created with MySQL %d, now running %d. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error.Trigger %s.%s.%s does not have CREATED attribute.Referenced trigger '%s' for the given action time and event type does not exist.EXPLAIN FOR CONNECTION command is supported only for SELECT/UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE/REPLACEInvalid size for column '%-.192s'.Table storage engine '%-.64s' found required create option missingOut of memory in storage engine '%-.64s'.The password for anonymous user cannot be expired.This operation cannot be performed with a running slave sql thread; run STOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD firstCannot create FULLTEXT index on materialized subqueryUndo Log error: %sInvalid argument for logarithmThis operation cannot be performed with a running slave io thread; run STOP SLAVE IO_THREAD FOR CHANNEL '%s' first.This operation may not be safe when the slave has temporary tables. The tables will be kept open until the server restarts or until the tables are deleted by any replicated DROP statement. Suggest to wait until slave_open_temp_tables = 0.CHANGE MASTER TO with a MASTER_LOG_FILE clause but no MASTER_LOG_POS clause may not be safe. The old position value may not be valid for the new binary log file.Query execution was interrupted, maximum statement execution time exceededSelect is not a read only statement, disabling timerDuplicate entry '%-.192s'.'%s' mode no longer has any effect. Use STRICT_ALL_TABLES or STRICT_TRANS_TABLES instead.Expression #%u of ORDER BY contains aggregate function and applies to a UNIONExpression #%u of ORDER BY contains aggregate function and applies to the result of a non-aggregated querySlave worker has stopped after at least one previous worker encountered an error when slave-preserve-commit-order was enabled. To preserve commit order, the last transaction executed by this thread has not been committed. When restarting the slave after fixing any failed threads, you should fix this worker as well.slave_preserve_commit_order is not supported %s.The server is currently in offline modeBinary geometry function %s given two geometries of different srids: %u and %u, which should have been identical.Calling geometry function %s with unsupported types of arguments.Unknown GIS error occured in function %s.Unknown exception caught in GIS function %s.Invalid GIS data provided to function %s.The geometry has no data in function %s.Unable to calculate centroid because geometry is empty in function %s.Geometry overlay calculation error: geometry data is invalid in function %s.Geometry turn info calculation error: geometry data is invalid in function %s.Analysis procedures of intersection points interrupted unexpectedly in function %s.Unknown exception thrown in function %s.Memory allocation error: %-.256s in function %s.Domain error: %-.256s in function %s.Length error: %-.256s in function %s.Invalid argument error: %-.256s in function %s.Out of range error: %-.256s in function %s.Overflow error error: %-.256s in function %s.Range error: %-.256s in function %s.Underflow error: %-.256s in function %s.Logic error: %-.256s in function %s.Runtime error: %-.256s in function %s.Unknown exception: %-.384s in function %s.Geometry byte string must be little endian.The password provided for the replication user exceeds the maximum length of 32 charactersIncorrect user-level lock name '%-.192s'.Deadlock found when trying to get user-level lock; try rolling back transaction/releasing locks and restarting lock acquisition.REPLACE cannot be executed as it requires deleting rows that are not in the viewDo not support online operation on table with GIS indexUser variable name '%-.100s' is illegalCannot %s when GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot %s from a replication slave thread.Incorrect type for argument %s in function %s.Expression #%u of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, references column '%-.192s' which is not in SELECT list; this is incompatible with %sExpression #%u of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, contains aggregate function; this is incompatible with %sSupplied filter list contains a value which is not in the required format 'db_pattern.table_pattern'OK packet too largeInvalid JSON data provided to function %s: %sInvalid GeoJSON data provided to function %s: Missing required member '%s'Invalid GeoJSON data provided to function %s: Member '%s' must be of type '%s'Invalid GeoJSON data provided to function %sUnsupported number of coordinate dimensions in function %s: Found %u, expected %uSlave channel '%s' does not exist.A slave channel '%s' already exists for the given host and port combination.Couldn't create channel: Channel name is either invalid or too long.To have multiple channels, repository cannot be of type FILE; Please check the repository configuration and convert them to TABLE.Cannot delete slave info objects for channel '%s'.Multiple channels exist on the slave. Please provide channel name as an argument.Maximum number of replication channels allowed exceeded.This operation cannot be performed with running replication threads; run STOP SLAVE FOR CHANNEL '%s' firstThis operation requires running replication threads; configure slave and run START SLAVE FOR CHANNEL '%s'Replication thread(s) for channel '%s' are already runnning.Replication thread(s) for channel '%s' are already stopped.This operation cannot be performed with a running slave sql thread; run STOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD FOR CHANNEL '%s' first.When sql_slave_skip_counter > 0, it is not allowed to start more than one SQL thread by using 'START SLAVE [SQL_THREAD]'. Value of sql_slave_skip_counter can only be used by one SQL thread at a time. Please use 'START SLAVE [SQL_THREAD] FOR CHANNEL' to start the SQL thread which will use the value of sql_slave_skip_counter.Expression #%u of %s is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column '%-.192s' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_byIn aggregated query without GROUP BY, expression #%u of %s contains nonaggregated column '%-.192s'; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_byUpdating '%s' is deprecated. It will be made read-only in a future release.Changing sql mode '%s' is deprecated. It will be removed in a future release.DROP DATABASE failed; some tables may have been dropped but the database directory remains. The GTID has not been added to GTID_EXECUTED and the statement was not written to the binary log. Fix this as follows: (1) remove all files from the database directory %-.192s; (2) SET GTID_NEXT='%-.192s'; (3) DROP DATABASE `%-.192s`.The server is not configured properly to be an active member of the group. Please see more details on error log.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed since the group is already running.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as the applier module failed to start.The STOP GROUP_REPLICATION command execution is incomplete: The applier thread got the stop signal while it was busy. The applier thread will stop once the current task is complete.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as there was an error when initializing the group communication layer.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as there was an error when joining the communication group.The table does not comply with the requirements by an external plugin.Cannot change the value of variable %s without binary log format as ROW.Error on observer while running replication hook '%s'.Plugin instructed the server to rollback the current transaction.Expression of generated column '%s' contains a disallowed function.INPLACE ADD or DROP of virtual columns cannot be combined with other ALTER TABLE actionsCannot define foreign key with %s clause on a generated column.The value specified for generated column '%s' in table '%s' is not allowed.'%s' is not supported for generated columns.Generated column can refer only to generated columns defined prior to it.Column '%s' has a generated column dependency.Generated column '%s' cannot refer to auto-increment column.The '%-.64s' feature is not available; you need to remove '%-.64s' or use MySQL built with '%-.64s'SET @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = %-.64s is not allowed because %-.384s.The replication receiver thread%-.192s cannot start in AUTO_POSITION mode: this server uses @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot replicate anonymous transaction when AUTO_POSITION = 1, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot replicate anonymous transaction when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot replicate GTID-transaction when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot set ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY = ON because there are ongoing transactions that violate GTID consistency.There are ongoing transactions that violate GTID consistency.Access denied for user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s'. Account is locked.Incorrect tablespace name `%-.192s`Tablespace `%-.192s` is not empty.Incorrect File Name '%s'.Inconsistent intersection points.Optimizer hint syntax errorUnsupported MAX_EXECUTION_TIMEMAX_EXECUTION_TIME hint is supported by top-level standalone SELECT statements onlyHint %s is ignored as conflicting/duplicatedQuery block name %s is not found for %s hintUnresolved name %s for %s hintPlease do not modify the %s table. This is a mysql internal system table to store GTIDs for committed transactions. Modifying it can lead to an inconsistent GTID state.Command not supported by pluggable protocolsIncorrect locking service lock name '%-.192s'.Deadlock found when trying to get locking service lock; try releasing locks and restarting lock acquisition.Service lock wait timeout exceeded.Parameter %s exceeds the maximum number of points in a geometry (%lu) in function %s.'NO_ZERO_DATE', 'NO_ZERO_IN_DATE' and 'ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO' sql modes should be used with strict mode. They will be merged with strict mode in a future release.Version token mismatch for %.*s. Correct value %.*sVersion token %.*s not found.Variable %-.192s cannot be changed by a client that owns a GTID. The client owns %s. Ownership is released on COMMIT or ROLLBACK.%-.192s cannot be performed on channel '%-.192s'.Invalid JSON text: "%s" at position %u in value for column '%-.200s'.Invalid JSON text in argument %u to function %s: "%s" at position %u.%-.0sThe JSON binary value contains invalid data.Invalid JSON path expression. The error is around character position %u.%-.200sCannot create a JSON value from a string with CHARACTER SET '%s'.Invalid JSON character data provided to function %s: '%s'; utf8 is required.Invalid data type for JSON data in argument %u to function %s; a JSON string or JSON type is required.Cannot CAST value to JSON.A path expression must be encoded in the utf8 character set. The path expression '%-.200s' is encoded in character set '%-.200s'.In this situation, path expressions may not contain the * and ** tokens.The JSON value is too big to be stored in a JSON column.The JSON object contains a key name that is too long.JSON column '%-.192s' cannot be used in key specification.The path expression '$' is not allowed in this context.The oneOrAll argument to %s may take these values: 'one' or 'all'.Out of range JSON value for CAST to %s%-.0s from column %s at row %ldInvalid JSON value for CAST to %s%-.0s from column %s at row %ldThe JSON document exceeds the maximum depth.JSON documents may not contain NULL member names.Connections using insecure transport are prohibited while --require_secure_transport=ON.No secure transports (SSL or Shared Memory) are configured, unable to set --require_secure_transport=ON.Storage engine %s is disabled (Table creation is disallowed).User %s does not exist.User %s already exists.Aborted by Audit API ('%-.48s';%d).A path expression is not a path to a cell in an array.Another buffer pool resize is already in progress.The '%s' feature is disabled; see the documentation for '%s'Server isn't availableSession was killedMemory capacity of %llu bytes for '%s' exceeded. %sRange optimization was not done for this query.Partitioning upgrade required. Please dump/reload to fix it or do: ALTER TABLE `%-.192s`.`%-.192s` UPGRADE PARTITIONINGThe client holds ownership of the GTID %s. Therefore, WAIT_FOR_EXECUTED_GTID_SET cannot wait for this GTID.Cannot add foreign key on the base column of indexed virtual column.Cannot create index on virtual column whose base column has foreign constraint.Please do not modify the %s table with an XA transaction. This is an internal system table used to store GTIDs for committed transactions. Although modifying it can lead to an inconsistent GTID state, if neccessary you can modify it with a non-XA transaction.Lock acquisition refused by storage engine.ADD COLUMN col...VIRTUAL, ADD INDEX(col)Master key rotation is not supported by storage engine.Encryption key rotation error reported by SE: %sWrite to binlog failed. However, master key rotation has been completed successfully.Storage engine is not available.This tablespace can't be encrypted.Invalid encryption option.Can't find master key from keyring, please check in the server log if a keyring plugin is loaded and initialized successfully.Parser bailed out for this query.Cannot alter encryption attribute by inplace algorithm.Function '%s' failed because underlying keyring service returned an error. Please check if a keyring plugin is installed and that provided arguments are valid for the keyring you are using.It seems that your db schema is old. The %s column is 77 characters long and should be 93 characters long. Please run mysql_upgrade.RESET MASTER is not allowed because %-.384s.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed since the group already has 9 members.Cannot add foreign key on the base column of stored column. Cannot complete the operation because table is referenced by another connection.The partition engine, used by table '%-.192s.%-.192s', is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use native partitioning instead.%.192s(geometry) is deprecated and will be replaced by st_srid(geometry, 0) in a future version. Use %.192s(st_aswkb(geometry), 0) instead.%.192s(geometry, srid) is deprecated and will be replaced by st_srid(geometry, srid) in a future version. Use %.192s(st_aswkb(geometry), srid) instead.The resource manager is not able to commit the transaction branch at this time. Please retry later.Function %s failed due to: %s.Statement is unsafe because it is being used inside a XA transaction. Concurrent XA transactions may deadlock on slaves when replicated using statements.%s UDF failed; %sCan not perform keyring migration : %sAccess denied; you need %-.128s privileges for this operationKeyring migration %s.Failed to open the %s filter tables.Failed to open '%s.%s' %s table.No keyring plugin installed.Audit log encryption password has not been set; it will be generated automatically. Use audit_log_encryption_password_get to obtain the password or audit_log_encryption_password_set to set a new one.Could not create AES key. OpenSSL's EVP_BytesToKey function failed.Audit log encryption password cannot be fetched from the keyring. Password used so far is used for encryption.Audit Log filtering has not been installed.Request ignored for '%s'@'%s'. SUPER_ACL needed to perform operationSUPER privilege required for '%s'@'%s' user.Could not reinitialize audit log filters.Invalid argument typeInvalid argument countaudit_log plugin has not been installed using INSTALL PLUGIN syntax.Invalid "max_array_length" argument type.Invalid "max_array_length" argument value.%sFilter name cannot be empty.User cannot be empty.Specified filter has not been found.First character of the user name must be alphanumeric.Invalid character in the user name.Invalid character in the host name.With the MAXDB SQL mode enabled, TIMESTAMP is identical with DATETIME. The MAXDB SQL mode is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please disable the MAXDB SQL mode and use DATETIME instead.The use of replication filters with XA transactions is not supported, and can lead to an undefined state in the replication slave.Compressed column '%-.192s' is not allowed in the key listCan not define column '%-.192s' in compressed formatCompression dictionary '%-.192s' already existsCompression dictionary '%-.192s' does not existCompression dictionary name '%-.192s' is too long (max length = %lu)Data for compression dictionary '%-.192s' is too long (max length = %lu)Compression dictionary '%-.192s' is in useCan't execute the query because you have a conflicting backup lockKeys are out order during bulk loadBulk load rows overlap existing rowsCan't execute updates on master with binlog_format != ROW.MyRocks supports only READ COMMITTED and REPEATABLE READ isolation levels. Please change from current isolation level %sWhen unique checking is disabled in MyRocks, INSERT,UPDATE,LOAD statements with clauses that update or replace the key (i.e. INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, REPLACE) are not allowed. Query: %sCan't execute updates when you started a transaction with START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT [ROCKSDB] SNAPSHOT.This transaction was rolled back and cannot be committed. Only supported operation is to roll it back, so all pending changes will be discarded. Please restart another transaction.MyRocks currently does not support ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT if modifying rows.Only REPEATABLE READ isolation level is supported for START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT SNAPSHOT in RocksDB Storage Engine.Unsupported collation on string indexed column %s.%s Use binary collation (%s).Table '%s' does not exist, but metadata information exists inside MyRocks. This is a sign of data inconsistency. Please check if '%s.frm' exists, and try to restore it if it does not exist.MyRocks failed creating new key definitions during alter.MyRocks failed populating secondary key during alter.Column family ('%s') flag (%d) is different from an existing flag (%d). Assign a new CF flag, or do not change existing CF flag.TTL support is currently disabled when table has a hidden PK.TTL column (%s) in MyRocks must be an unsigned non-null 64-bit integer, exist inside the table, and have an accompanying ttl duration.TTL duration (%s) in MyRocks must be an unsigned non-null 64-bit integer.The per-index column family option has been deprecated.english/errmsg.sys000075500000235544147633135420010264 0ustar00p)uDm<w#Dp.y=k#Bk,lz)>Nn + G `  $ I y  5 h  n " @ W 5"@$W 9o)Kj 'X0TpO5W:wBp(Zx#e]?$dIs 6 q !!! "e""""P####$$9$X$w$$ %,%c%%%%%K&l&&&/''(N(();))))#*i*** +@+++,$,e,,,,-;-y---.a../J/y/// 0-0\0001E1s1111282]22223333344455<5i55616[666657|77788@999:::;U;;;<,<~<<=U===/>]>>>>?E?j???@$@9@N@e@@@@@A:AaAA;B[BBBBBC3CHC_CrCCCCCD)D>DTDqDDDE6E^EEEE>FFFFF0GUGGGGGHHIMIIIII J,JYJgJJJ K3KyKKKKLIL[LxLLLL MWMiMMMM7NZNpNNNN0OtOOOOPlPPQ6QQQQR1RvRRRSOS|SS TPTUUfVVWRWWWXXXXX)YYYMZZZZv[[[[\B\\]]^#^^^9_u__ `E`aKaa bAbbbc@cvcccd9dCdMddde:eVeefmffgWggghFhhhi`iiijRjjj k1YP fi9yMB\~ :g/\rNl f   . p  $ ?   C y   / u   n-Ei':nGp/Pt0h&*gNrAbG&k4^?c0   #!S!!!"<""""#|#=$$b%%*&z&8'r'')(g((8)hashchkisamchkNOYESCan't create file '%-.200s' (errno: %d - %s)Can't create table '%-.200s' (errno: %d)Can't create database '%-.192s' (errno: %d)Can't create database '%-.192s'; database existsCan't drop database '%-.192s'; database doesn't existError dropping database (can't delete '%-.192s', errno: %d)Error dropping database (can't rmdir '%-.192s', errno: %d)Error on delete of '%-.192s' (errno: %d - %s)Can't read record in system tableCan't get status of '%-.200s' (errno: %d - %s)Can't get working directory (errno: %d - %s)Can't lock file (errno: %d - %s)Can't open file: '%-.200s' (errno: %d - %s)Can't find file: '%-.200s' (errno: %d - %s)Can't read dir of '%-.192s' (errno: %d - %s)Can't change dir to '%-.192s' (errno: %d - %s)Record has changed since last read in table '%-.192s'Disk full (%s); waiting for someone to free some space... (errno: %d - %s)Can't write; duplicate key in table '%-.192s'Error on close of '%-.192s' (errno: %d - %s)Error reading file '%-.200s' (errno: %d - %s)Error on rename of '%-.210s' to '%-.210s' (errno: %d - %s)Error writing file '%-.200s' (errno: %d - %s)'%-.192s' is locked against changeSort abortedView '%-.192s' doesn't exist for '%-.192s'Got error %d from storage engineTable storage engine for '%-.192s' doesn't have this optionCan't find record in '%-.192s'Incorrect information in file: '%-.200s'Incorrect key file for table '%-.200s'; try to repair itOld key file for table '%-.192s'; repair it!Table '%-.192s' is read onlyOut of memory; restart server and try again (needed %d bytes)Out of sort memory, consider increasing server sort buffer sizeUnexpected EOF found when reading file '%-.192s' (errno: %d - %s)Too many connectionsOut of memory; check if mysqld or some other process uses all available memory; if not, you may have to use 'ulimit' to allow mysqld to use more memory or you can add more swap spaceCan't get hostname for your addressBad handshakeAccess denied for user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' to database '%-.192s'Access denied for user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' (using password: %s)No database selectedUnknown commandColumn '%-.192s' cannot be nullUnknown database '%-.192s'Table '%-.192s' already existsUnknown table '%-.100s'Column '%-.192s' in %-.192s is ambiguousServer shutdown in progressUnknown column '%-.192s' in '%-.192s''%-.192s' isn't in GROUP BYCan't group on '%-.192s'Statement has sum functions and columns in same statementColumn count doesn't match value countIdentifier name '%-.100s' is too longDuplicate column name '%-.192s'Duplicate key name '%-.192s'Duplicate entry '%-.192s' for key %dIncorrect column specifier for column '%-.192s'%s near '%-.80s' at line %dQuery was emptyNot unique table/alias: '%-.192s'Invalid default value for '%-.192s'Multiple primary key definedToo many keys specified; max %d keys allowedToo many key parts specified; max %d parts allowedSpecified key was too long; max key length is %d bytesKey column '%-.192s' doesn't exist in tableBLOB column '%-.192s' can't be used in key specification with the used table typeColumn length too big for column '%-.192s' (max = %lu); use BLOB or TEXT insteadIncorrect table definition; there can be only one auto column and it must be defined as a key%s: ready for connections. Version: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d%s: Normal shutdown %s: Got signal %d. Aborting! %s: Shutdown complete %s: Forcing close of thread %ld user: '%-.48s' Can't create IP socketTable '%-.192s' has no index like the one used in CREATE INDEX; recreate the tableField separator argument is not what is expected; check the manualYou can't use fixed rowlength with BLOBs; please use 'fields terminated by'The file '%-.128s' must be in the database directory or be readable by allFile '%-.200s' already existsRecords: %ld Deleted: %ld Skipped: %ld Warnings: %ldRecords: %ld Duplicates: %ldIncorrect prefix key; the used key part isn't a string, the used length is longer than the key part, or the storage engine doesn't support unique prefix keysYou can't delete all columns with ALTER TABLE; use DROP TABLE insteadCan't DROP '%-.192s'; check that column/key existsRecords: %ld Duplicates: %ld Warnings: %ldYou can't specify target table '%-.192s' for update in FROM clauseUnknown thread id: %luYou are not owner of thread %luNo tables usedToo many strings for column %-.192s and SETCan't generate a unique log-filename %-.200s.(1-999) Table '%-.192s' was locked with a READ lock and can't be updatedTable '%-.192s' was not locked with LOCK TABLESBLOB, TEXT, GEOMETRY or JSON column '%-.192s' can't have a default valueIncorrect database name '%-.100s'Incorrect table name '%-.100s'The SELECT would examine more than MAX_JOIN_SIZE rows; check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is okayUnknown errorUnknown procedure '%-.192s'Incorrect parameter count to procedure '%-.192s'Incorrect parameters to procedure '%-.192s'Unknown table '%-.192s' in %-.32sColumn '%-.192s' specified twiceInvalid use of group functionTable '%-.192s' uses an extension that doesn't exist in this MySQL versionA table must have at least 1 columnThe table '%-.192s' is fullUnknown character set: '%-.64s'Too many tables; MySQL can only use %d tables in a joinToo many columnsRow size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is %ld. This includes storage overhead, check the manual. You have to change some columns to TEXT or BLOBsThread stack overrun: Used: %ld of a %ld stack. Use 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' to specify a bigger stack if neededCross dependency found in OUTER JOIN; examine your ON conditionsTable handler doesn't support NULL in given index. Please change column '%-.192s' to be NOT NULL or use another handlerCan't load function '%-.192s'Can't initialize function '%-.192s'; %-.80sNo paths allowed for shared libraryFunction '%-.192s' already existsCan't open shared library '%-.192s' (errno: %d %-.128s)Can't find symbol '%-.128s' in libraryFunction '%-.192s' is not definedHost '%-.64s' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'Host '%-.64s' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL serverYou are using MySQL as an anonymous user and anonymous users are not allowed to change passwordsYou must have privileges to update tables in the mysql database to be able to change passwords for othersCan't find any matching row in the user tableRows matched: %ld Changed: %ld Warnings: %ldCan't create a new thread (errno %d); if you are not out of available memory, you can consult the manual for a possible OS-dependent bugColumn count doesn't match value count at row %ldCan't reopen table: '%-.192s'Invalid use of NULL valueGot error '%-.64s' from regexpMixing of GROUP columns (MIN(),MAX(),COUNT(),...) with no GROUP columns is illegal if there is no GROUP BY clauseThere is no such grant defined for user '%-.48s' on host '%-.64s'%-.128s command denied to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' for table '%-.64s'%-.16s command denied to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' for column '%-.192s' in table '%-.192s'Illegal GRANT/REVOKE command; please consult the manual to see which privileges can be usedThe host or user argument to GRANT is too longTable '%-.192s.%-.192s' doesn't existThere is no such grant defined for user '%-.48s' on host '%-.64s' on table '%-.192s'The used command is not allowed with this MySQL versionYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to useDelayed insert thread couldn't get requested lock for table %-.192sToo many delayed threads in useAborted connection %ld to db: '%-.192s' user: '%-.48s' (%-.64s)Got a packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet' bytesGot a read error from the connection pipeGot an error from fcntl()Got packets out of orderCouldn't uncompress communication packetGot an error reading communication packetsGot timeout reading communication packetsGot an error writing communication packetsGot timeout writing communication packetsResult string is longer than 'max_allowed_packet' bytesThe used table type doesn't support BLOB/TEXT columnsThe used table type doesn't support AUTO_INCREMENT columnsINSERT DELAYED can't be used with table '%-.192s' because it is locked with LOCK TABLESIncorrect column name '%-.100s'The used storage engine can't index column '%-.192s'Unable to open underlying table which is differently defined or of non-MyISAM type or doesn't existCan't write, because of unique constraint, to table '%-.192s'BLOB/TEXT column '%-.192s' used in key specification without a key lengthAll parts of a PRIMARY KEY must be NOT NULL; if you need NULL in a key, use UNIQUE insteadResult consisted of more than one rowThis table type requires a primary keyThis version of MySQL is not compiled with RAID supportYou are using safe update mode and you tried to update a table without a WHERE that uses a KEY columnKey '%-.192s' doesn't exist in table '%-.192s'Can't open tableThe storage engine for the table doesn't support %sYou are not allowed to execute this command in a transactionGot error %d during COMMITGot error %d during ROLLBACKGot error %d during FLUSH_LOGSGot error %d during CHECKPOINTAborted connection %u to db: '%-.192s' user: '%-.48s' host: '%-.64s' (%-.64s)The storage engine for the table does not support binary table dumpBinlog closed, cannot RESET MASTERFailed rebuilding the index of dumped table '%-.192s'Error from master: '%-.64s'Net error reading from masterNet error writing to masterCan't find FULLTEXT index matching the column listCan't execute the given command because you have active locked tables or an active transactionUnknown system variable '%-.64s'Table '%-.192s' is marked as crashed and should be repairedTable '%-.192s' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failedSome non-transactional changed tables couldn't be rolled backMulti-statement transaction required more than 'max_binlog_cache_size' bytes of storage; increase this mysqld variable and try againThis operation cannot be performed with a running slave; run STOP SLAVE firstThis operation requires a running slave; configure slave and do START SLAVEThe server is not configured as slave; fix in config file or with CHANGE MASTER TOCould not initialize master info structure; more error messages can be found in the MySQL error logCould not create slave thread; check system resourcesUser %-.64s already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connectionsYou may only use constant expressions with SETLock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transactionThe total number of locks exceeds the lock table sizeUpdate locks cannot be acquired during a READ UNCOMMITTED transactionDROP DATABASE not allowed while thread is holding global read lockCREATE DATABASE not allowed while thread is holding global read lockIncorrect arguments to %s'%-.48s'@'%-.64s' is not allowed to create new usersIncorrect table definition; all MERGE tables must be in the same databaseDeadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transactionThe used table type doesn't support FULLTEXT indexesCannot add foreign key constraintCannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint failsCannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint failsError connecting to master: %-.128sError running query on master: %-.128sError when executing command %s: %-.128sIncorrect usage of %s and %sThe used SELECT statements have a different number of columnsCan't execute the query because you have a conflicting read lockMixing of transactional and non-transactional tables is disabledOption '%s' used twice in statementUser '%-.64s' has exceeded the '%s' resource (current value: %ld)Access denied; you need (at least one of) the %-.128s privilege(s) for this operationVariable '%-.64s' is a SESSION variable and can't be used with SET GLOBALVariable '%-.64s' is a GLOBAL variable and should be set with SET GLOBALVariable '%-.64s' doesn't have a default valueVariable '%-.64s' can't be set to the value of '%-.200s'Incorrect argument type to variable '%-.64s'Variable '%-.64s' can only be set, not readIncorrect usage/placement of '%s'This version of MySQL doesn't yet support '%s'Got fatal error %d from master when reading data from binary log: '%-.320s'Slave SQL thread ignored the query because of replicate-*-table rulesVariable '%-.192s' is a %s variableIncorrect foreign key definition for '%-.192s': %sKey reference and table reference don't matchOperand should contain %d column(s)Subquery returns more than 1 rowUnknown prepared statement handler (%.*s) given to %sHelp database is corrupt or does not existCyclic reference on subqueriesConverting column '%s' from %s to %sReference '%-.64s' not supported (%s)Every derived table must have its own aliasSelect %u was reduced during optimizationTable '%-.192s' from one of the SELECTs cannot be used in %-.32sClient does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL clientAll parts of a SPATIAL index must be NOT NULLCOLLATION '%s' is not valid for CHARACTER SET '%s'Slave is already runningSlave already has been stoppedUncompressed data size too large; the maximum size is %d (probably, length of uncompressed data was corrupted)ZLIB: Not enough memoryZLIB: Not enough room in the output buffer (probably, length of uncompressed data was corrupted)ZLIB: Input data corruptedRow %u was cut by GROUP_CONCAT()Row %ld doesn't contain data for all columnsRow %ld was truncated; it contained more data than there were input columnsColumn set to default value; NULL supplied to NOT NULL column '%s' at row %ldOut of range value for column '%s' at row %ldData truncated for column '%s' at row %ldUsing storage engine %s for table '%s'Illegal mix of collations (%s,%s) and (%s,%s) for operation '%s'Cannot drop one or more of the requested usersCan't revoke all privileges for one or more of the requested usersIllegal mix of collations (%s,%s), (%s,%s), (%s,%s) for operation '%s'Illegal mix of collations for operation '%s'Variable '%-.64s' is not a variable component (can't be used as XXXX.variable_name)Unknown collation: '%-.64s'SSL parameters in CHANGE MASTER are ignored because this MySQL slave was compiled without SSL support; they can be used later if MySQL slave with SSL is startedServer is running in --secure-auth mode, but '%s'@'%s' has a password in the old format; please change the password to the new formatField or reference '%-.192s%s%-.192s%s%-.192s' of SELECT #%d was resolved in SELECT #%dIncorrect parameter or combination of parameters for START SLAVE UNTILIt is recommended to use --skip-slave-start when doing step-by-step replication with START SLAVE UNTIL; otherwise, you will get problems if you get an unexpected slave's mysqld restartSQL thread is not to be started so UNTIL options are ignoredIncorrect index name '%-.100s'Incorrect catalog name '%-.100s'Query cache failed to set size %lu; new query cache size is %luColumn '%-.192s' cannot be part of FULLTEXT indexUnknown key cache '%-.100s'MySQL is started in --skip-name-resolve mode; you must restart it without this switch for this grant to workUnknown storage engine '%s''%s' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use %s insteadThe target table %-.100s of the %s is not updatableThe '%s' feature is disabled; you need MySQL built with '%s' to have it workingThe MySQL server is running with the %s option so it cannot execute this statementColumn '%-.100s' has duplicated value '%-.64s' in %sTruncated incorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s'Incorrect table definition; there can be only one TIMESTAMP column with CURRENT_TIMESTAMP in DEFAULT or ON UPDATE clauseInvalid ON UPDATE clause for '%-.192s' columnThis command is not supported in the prepared statement protocol yetGot error %d '%-.100s' from %sGot temporary error %d '%-.100s' from %sUnknown or incorrect time zone: '%-.64s'Invalid TIMESTAMP value in column '%s' at row %ldInvalid %s character string: '%.64s'Result of %s() was larger than max_allowed_packet (%ld) - truncatedConflicting declarations: '%s%s' and '%s%s'Can't create a %s from within another stored routine%s %s already exists%s %s does not existFailed to DROP %s %sFailed to CREATE %s %s%s with no matching label: %sRedefining label %sEnd-label %s without matchReferring to uninitialized variable %sPROCEDURE %s can't return a result set in the given contextRETURN is only allowed in a FUNCTION%s is not allowed in stored proceduresThe update log is deprecated and replaced by the binary log; SET SQL_LOG_UPDATE has been ignored.The update log is deprecated and replaced by the binary log; SET SQL_LOG_UPDATE has been translated to SET SQL_LOG_BIN.Query execution was interruptedIncorrect number of arguments for %s %s; expected %u, got %uUndefined CONDITION: %sNo RETURN found in FUNCTION %sFUNCTION %s ended without RETURNCursor statement must be a SELECTCursor SELECT must not have INTOUndefined CURSOR: %sCursor is already openCursor is not openUndeclared variable: %sIncorrect number of FETCH variablesNo data - zero rows fetched, selected, or processedDuplicate parameter: %sDuplicate variable: %sDuplicate condition: %sDuplicate cursor: %sFailed to ALTER %s %sSubquery value not supported%s is not allowed in stored function or triggerVariable or condition declaration after cursor or handler declarationCursor declaration after handler declarationCase not found for CASE statementConfiguration file '%-.192s' is too bigMalformed file type header in file '%-.192s'Unexpected end of file while parsing comment '%-.200s'Error while parsing parameter '%-.192s' (line: '%-.192s')Unexpected end of file while skipping unknown parameter '%-.192s'EXPLAIN/SHOW can not be issued; lacking privileges for underlying tableFile '%-.192s' has unknown type '%-.64s' in its header'%-.192s.%-.192s' is not %sColumn '%-.192s' is not updatableView's SELECT contains a subquery in the FROM clauseView's SELECT contains a '%s' clauseView's SELECT contains a variable or parameterView's SELECT refers to a temporary table '%-.192s'View's SELECT and view's field list have different column countsView merge algorithm can't be used here for now (assumed undefined algorithm)View being updated does not have complete key of underlying table in itView '%-.192s.%-.192s' references invalid table(s) or column(s) or function(s) or definer/invoker of view lack rights to use themCan't drop or alter a %s from within another stored routineGOTO is not allowed in a stored procedure handlerTrigger already existsTrigger does not existTrigger's '%-.192s' is view or temporary tableUpdating of %s row is not allowed in %striggerThere is no %s row in %s triggerField '%-.192s' doesn't have a default valueDivision by 0Incorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s' for column '%.192s' at row %ldIllegal %s '%-.192s' value found during parsingCHECK OPTION on non-updatable view '%-.192s.%-.192s'CHECK OPTION failed '%-.192s.%-.192s'%-.16s command denied to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' for routine '%-.192s'Failed purging old relay logs: %sPassword hash should be a %d-digit hexadecimal numberTarget log not found in binlog indexI/O error reading log index fileServer configuration does not permit binlog purgeFailed on fseek()Fatal error during log purgeA purgeable log is in use, will not purgeUnknown error during log purgeFailed initializing relay log position: %sYou are not using binary loggingThe '%-.64s' syntax is reserved for purposes internal to the MySQL serverWSAStartup FailedCan't handle procedures with different groups yetSelect must have a group with this procedureCan't use ORDER clause with this procedureBinary logging and replication forbid changing the global server %sCan't map file: %-.200s, errno: %dWrong magic in %-.64sPrepared statement contains too many placeholdersKey part '%-.192s' length cannot be 0View text checksum failedCan not modify more than one base table through a join view '%-.192s.%-.192s'Can not insert into join view '%-.192s.%-.192s' without fields listCan not delete from join view '%-.192s.%-.192s'Operation %s failed for %.256sXAER_NOTA: Unknown XIDXAER_INVAL: Invalid arguments (or unsupported command)XAER_RMFAIL: The command cannot be executed when global transaction is in the %.64s stateXAER_OUTSIDE: Some work is done outside global transactionXAER_RMERR: Fatal error occurred in the transaction branch - check your data for consistencyXA_RBROLLBACK: Transaction branch was rolled backThere is no such grant defined for user '%-.48s' on host '%-.64s' on routine '%-.192s'Failed to grant EXECUTE and ALTER ROUTINE privilegesFailed to revoke all privileges to dropped routineData too long for column '%s' at row %ldBad SQLSTATE: '%s'%s: ready for connections. Version: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d %sCan't load value from file with fixed size rows to variableYou are not allowed to create a user with GRANTIncorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s' for function %-.32sTable definition has changed, please retry transactionDuplicate handler declared in the same blockOUT or INOUT argument %d for routine %s is not a variable or NEW pseudo-variable in BEFORE triggerNot allowed to return a result set from a %sCannot get geometry object from data you send to the GEOMETRY fieldA routine failed and has neither NO SQL nor READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled; if non-transactional tables were updated, the binary log will miss their changesThis function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)You do not have the SUPER privilege and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)You can't execute a prepared statement which has an open cursor associated with it. Reset the statement to re-execute it.The statement (%lu) has no open cursor.Explicit or implicit commit is not allowed in stored function or trigger.Field of view '%-.192s.%-.192s' underlying table doesn't have a default valueRecursive stored functions and triggers are not allowed.Too big scale %d specified for column '%-.192s'. Maximum is %lu.Too-big precision %d specified for '%-.192s'. Maximum is %lu.For float(M,D), double(M,D) or decimal(M,D), M must be >= D (column '%-.192s').You can't combine write-locking of system tables with other tables or lock typesUnable to connect to foreign data source: %.64sThere was a problem processing the query on the foreign data source. Data source error: %-.64sThe foreign data source you are trying to reference does not exist. Data source error: %-.64sCan't create federated table. The data source connection string '%-.64s' is not in the correct formatThe data source connection string '%-.64s' is not in the correct formatCan't create federated table. Foreign data src error: %-.64sTrigger in wrong schemaThread stack overrun: %ld bytes used of a %ld byte stack, and %ld bytes needed. Use 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' to specify a bigger stack.Routine body for '%-.100s' is too longCannot drop default keycacheDisplay width out of range for column '%-.192s' (max = %lu)XAER_DUPID: The XID already existsDatetime function: %-.32s field overflowCan't update table '%-.192s' in stored function/trigger because it is already used by statement which invoked this stored function/trigger.The definition of table '%-.192s' prevents operation %.192s on table '%-.192s'.The prepared statement contains a stored routine call that refers to that same statement. It's not allowed to execute a prepared statement in such a recursive mannerNot allowed to set autocommit from a stored function or triggerDefiner is not fully qualifiedView '%-.192s'.'%-.192s' has no definer information (old table format). Current user is used as definer. Please recreate the view!You need the SUPER privilege for creation view with '%-.192s'@'%-.192s' definerThe user specified as a definer ('%-.64s'@'%-.64s') does not existChanging schema from '%-.192s' to '%-.192s' is not allowed.Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (%.192s)Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (%.192s)Variable '%-.64s' must be quoted with `...`, or renamedNo definer attribute for trigger '%-.192s'.'%-.192s'. The trigger will be activated under the authorization of the invoker, which may have insufficient privileges. Please recreate the trigger.'%-.192s' has an old format, you should re-create the '%s' object(s)Recursive limit %d (as set by the max_sp_recursion_depth variable) was exceeded for routine %.192sFailed to load routine %-.192s. The table mysql.proc is missing, corrupt, or contains bad data (internal code %d)Incorrect routine name '%-.192s'Table upgrade required. Please do "REPAIR TABLE `%-.64s`" or dump/reload to fix it!AGGREGATE is not supported for stored functionsCan't create more than max_prepared_stmt_count statements (current value: %lu)`%-.192s`.`%-.192s` contains view recursionNon-grouping field '%-.192s' is used in %-.64s clauseThe used table type doesn't support SPATIAL indexesTriggers can not be created on system tablesLeading spaces are removed from name '%s'Failed to read auto-increment value from storage engineuser namehost nameString '%-.70s' is too long for %s (should be no longer than %d)The target table %-.100s of the %s is not insertable-intoTable '%-.64s' is differently defined or of non-MyISAM type or doesn't existToo high level of nesting for selectName '%-.64s' has become ''First character of the FIELDS TERMINATED string is ambiguous; please use non-optional and non-empty FIELDS ENCLOSED BYThe foreign server, %s, you are trying to create already exists.The foreign server name you are trying to reference does not exist. Data source error: %-.64sTable storage engine '%-.64s' does not support the create option '%.64s'Syntax error: %-.64s PARTITIONING requires definition of VALUES %-.64s for each partitionOnly %-.64s PARTITIONING can use VALUES %-.64s in partition definitionMAXVALUE can only be used in last partition definitionSubpartitions can only be hash partitions and by keyMust define subpartitions on all partitions if on one partitionWrong number of partitions defined, mismatch with previous settingWrong number of subpartitions defined, mismatch with previous settingConstant, random or timezone-dependent expressions in (sub)partitioning function are not allowedExpression in RANGE/LIST VALUES must be constantField in list of fields for partition function not found in tableList of fields is only allowed in KEY partitionsThe partition info in the frm file is not consistent with what can be written into the frm fileThe %-.192s function returns the wrong typeFor %-.64s partitions each partition must be definedVALUES LESS THAN value must be strictly increasing for each partitionVALUES value must be of same type as partition functionMultiple definition of same constant in list partitioningPartitioning can not be used stand-alone in queryThe mix of handlers in the partitions is not allowed in this version of MySQLFor the partitioned engine it is necessary to define all %-.64sToo many partitions (including subpartitions) were definedIt is only possible to mix RANGE/LIST partitioning with HASH/KEY partitioning for subpartitioningFailed to create specific handler fileA BLOB field is not allowed in partition functionA %-.192s must include all columns in the table's partitioning functionNumber of %-.64s = 0 is not an allowed valuePartition management on a not partitioned table is not possibleForeign keys are not yet supported in conjunction with partitioningError in list of partitions to %-.64sCannot remove all partitions, use DROP TABLE insteadCOALESCE PARTITION can only be used on HASH/KEY partitionsREORGANIZE PARTITION can only be used to reorganize partitions not to change their numbersREORGANIZE PARTITION without parameters can only be used on auto-partitioned tables using HASH PARTITIONs%-.64s PARTITION can only be used on RANGE/LIST partitionsTrying to Add partition(s) with wrong number of subpartitionsAt least one partition must be addedAt least one partition must be coalescedMore partitions to reorganize than there are partitionsDuplicate partition name %-.192sIt is not allowed to shut off binlog on this commandWhen reorganizing a set of partitions they must be in consecutive orderReorganize of range partitions cannot change total ranges except for last partition where it can extend the rangePartition function not supported in this version for this handlerPartition state cannot be defined from CREATE/ALTER TABLEThe %-.64s handler only supports 32 bit integers in VALUESPlugin '%-.192s' is not loadedIncorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s'Table has no partition for value %-.64sIt is not allowed to specify %s more than onceFailed to create %sFailed to drop %sThe handler doesn't support autoextend of tablespacesA size parameter was incorrectly specified, either number or on the form 10MThe size number was correct but we don't allow the digit part to be more than 2 billionFailed to alter: %sWriting one row to the row-based binary log failedTable definition on master and slave does not match: %sSlave running with --log-slave-updates must use row-based binary logging to be able to replicate row-based binary log eventsEvent '%-.192s' already existsFailed to store event %s. Error code %d from storage engine.Unknown event '%-.192s'Failed to alter event '%-.192s'Failed to drop %sINTERVAL is either not positive or too bigENDS is either invalid or before STARTSEvent execution time is in the past. Event has been disabledFailed to open mysql.eventNo datetime expression providedColumn count of mysql.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. The table is probably corruptedCannot load from mysql.%s. The table is probably corruptedFailed to delete the event from mysql.eventError during compilation of event's bodySame old and new event nameData for column '%s' too longCannot drop index '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraintThe syntax '%s' is deprecated and will be removed in MySQL %s. Please use %s insteadYou can't write-lock a log table. Only read access is possibleYou can't use locks with log tables.Upholding foreign key constraints for table '%.192s', entry '%-.192s', key %d would lead to a duplicate entryColumn count of mysql.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. Created with MySQL %d, now running %d. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error.Cannot switch out of the row-based binary log format when the session has open temporary tablesCannot change the binary logging format inside a stored function or triggerThe NDB cluster engine does not support changing the binlog format on the fly yetCannot create temporary table with partitionsPartition constant is out of partition function domainThis partition function is not allowedError in DDL logNot allowed to use NULL value in VALUES LESS THANIncorrect partition nameTransaction characteristics can't be changed while a transaction is in progressALTER TABLE causes auto_increment resequencing, resulting in duplicate entry '%-.192s' for key '%-.192s'Internal scheduler error %dError during starting/stopping of the scheduler. Error code %uEngine cannot be used in partitioned tablesCannot activate '%-.64s' logThe server was not built with row-based replicationDecoding of base64 string failedRecursion of EVENT DDL statements is forbidden when body is presentCannot proceed because system tables used by Event Scheduler were found damaged at server startOnly integers allowed as number hereThis storage engine cannot be used for log tables"You cannot '%s' a log table if logging is enabledCannot rename '%s'. When logging enabled, rename to/from log table must rename two tables: the log table to an archive table and another table back to '%s'Incorrect parameter count in the call to native function '%-.192s'Incorrect parameters in the call to native function '%-.192s'Incorrect parameters in the call to stored function %-.192sThis function '%-.192s' has the same name as a native functionDuplicate entry '%-.64s' for key '%-.192s'Too many files opened, please execute the command againEvent execution time is in the past and ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE is set. The event was dropped immediately after creation.Event execution time is in the past and ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE is set. The event was not changed. Specify a time in the future.The incident %s occured on the master. Message: %sTable has no partition for some existing valuesUnsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. %sFatal error: %sRelay log read failure: %sRelay log write failure: %sFailed to create %sMaster command %s failed: %sBinary logging not possible. Message: %sView `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` has no creation contextCreation context of view `%-.64s`.`%-.64s' is invalidCreation context of stored routine `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCorrupted TRG file for table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s`Triggers for table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` have no creation contextTrigger creation context of table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCreation context of event `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCannot open table for trigger `%-.64s`.`%-.64s`Cannot create stored routine `%-.64s`. Check warningsAmbiguous slave modes combination. %sThe BINLOG statement of type `%s` was not preceded by a format description BINLOG statement.Corrupted replication event was detectedInvalid column reference (%-.64s) in LOAD DATABeing purged log %s was not foundXA_RBTIMEOUT: Transaction branch was rolled back: took too longXA_RBDEADLOCK: Transaction branch was rolled back: deadlock was detectedPrepared statement needs to be re-preparedDELAYED option not supported for table '%-.192s'The master info structure does not exist<%-.64s> option ignoredBuilt-in plugins cannot be deletedPlugin is busy and will be uninstalled on shutdown%s variable '%s' is read-only. Use SET %s to assign the valueStorage engine %s does not support rollback for this statement. Transaction rolled back and must be restartedUnexpected master's heartbeat data: %sThe requested value for the heartbeat period is either negative or exceeds the maximum allowed (%s seconds).Bad schema for mysql.ndb_replication table. Message: %-.64sError in parsing conflict function. Message: %-.64sWrite to exceptions table failed. Message: %-.128s"Comment for table '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Comment for field '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)FUNCTION %s does not exist. Check the 'Function Name Parsing and Resolution' section in the Reference ManualDatabaseTablePartitionSubpartitionTemporaryRenamedToo many active concurrent transactionsNon-ASCII separator arguments are not fully supporteddebug sync point wait timed outdebug sync point hit limit reachedDuplicate condition information item '%s'Unhandled user-defined warning conditionUnhandled user-defined not found conditionUnhandled user-defined exception conditionRESIGNAL when handler not activeSIGNAL/RESIGNAL can only use a CONDITION defined with SQLSTATEData truncated for condition item '%s'Data too long for condition item '%s'Unknown locale: '%-.64s'The requested server id %d clashes with the slave startup option --replicate-same-server-idQuery cache is disabled; restart the server with query_cache_type=1 to enable itDuplicate partition field name '%-.192s'Inconsistency in usage of column lists for partitioningPartition column values of incorrect typeToo many fields in '%-.192s'Cannot use MAXVALUE as value in VALUES INCannot have more than one value for this type of %-.64s partitioningRow expressions in VALUES IN only allowed for multi-field column partitioningField '%-.192s' is of a not allowed type for this type of partitioningThe total length of the partitioning fields is too largeCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since both row-incapable engines and statement-incapable engines are involved.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = ROW and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to statement-based logging.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. %sCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is in row format and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to statement-based logging.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to row-based logging.%sCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is in row format and BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since more than one engine is involved and at least one engine is self-logging.The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted.The statement is unsafe because it uses INSERT DELAYED. This is unsafe because the times when rows are inserted cannot be predicted.The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves.Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly.Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it accesses a non-transactional table after accessing a transactional table within the same transaction.%s Statement: %sColumn %d of table '%-.192s.%-.192s' cannot be converted from type '%-.32s' to type '%-.32s'Can't create conversion table for table '%-.192s.%-.192s'Cannot modify @@session.binlog_format inside a transactionThe path specified for %.64s is too long.'%s' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.Native table '%-.64s'.'%-.64s' has the wrong structureInvalid performance_schema usage.Table '%s'.'%s' was skipped since its definition is being modified by concurrent DDL statementCannot modify @@session.binlog_direct_non_transactional_updates inside a transactionCannot change the binlog direct flag inside a stored function or triggerA SPATIAL index may only contain a geometrical type columnComment for index '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Wait on a lock was aborted due to a pending exclusive lock%s value is out of range in '%s'A variable of a non-integer based type in LIMIT clauseMixing self-logging and non-self-logging engines in a statement is unsafe.Statement accesses nontransactional table as well as transactional or temporary table, and writes to any of them.Cannot modify @@session.sql_log_bin inside a transactionCannot change the sql_log_bin inside a stored function or triggerFailed to read from the .par fileVALUES value for partition '%-.64s' must have type INTAccess denied for user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s'SET PASSWORD has no significance for users authenticating via pluginsGRANT with IDENTIFIED WITH is illegal because the user %-.*s already existsCannot truncate a table referenced in a foreign key constraint (%.192s)Plugin '%s' is force_plus_permanent and can not be unloadedThe requested value for the heartbeat period is less than 1 millisecond. The value is reset to 0, meaning that heartbeating will effectively be disabled.The requested value for the heartbeat period exceeds the value of `slave_net_timeout' seconds. A sensible value for the period should be less than the timeout.Multi-row statements required more than 'max_binlog_stmt_cache_size' bytes of storage; increase this mysqld variable and try againPrimary key/partition key update is not allowed since the table is updated both as '%-.192s' and '%-.192s'.Table rebuild required. Please do "ALTER TABLE `%-.64s` FORCE" or dump/reload to fix it!The value of '%s' should be no less than the value of '%s'Index column size too large. The maximum column size is %lu bytes.Trigger '%-.64s' has an error in its body: '%-.256s'Unknown trigger has an error in its body: '%-.256s'Index %s is corruptedUndo log record is too big.INSERT IGNORE... SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.INSERT... SELECT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are updated. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.REPLACE... SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are replaced. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE... IGNORE SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE... REPLACE SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are replaced. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.UPDATE IGNORE is unsafe because the order in which rows are updated determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.Plugin '%s' is marked as not dynamically uninstallable. You have to stop the server to uninstall it.Plugin '%s' is marked as not dynamically installable. You have to stop the server to install it.Statements writing to a table with an auto-increment column after selecting from another table are unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved determines what (if any) rows will be written. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE TABLE... SELECT... on a table with an auto-increment column is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are inserted. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.INSERT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE on a table with more than one UNIQUE KEY is unsafeTable is being used in foreign key check.Storage engine '%s' does not support system tables. [%s.%s]INSERT into autoincrement field which is not the first part in the composed primary key is unsafe.Cannot load from %s.%s. The table is probably corruptedThe requested value %s for the master delay exceeds the maximum %uOnly Format_description_log_event and row events are allowed in BINLOG statements (but %s was provided)Non matching attribute '%-.64s' between partition and tableTable to exchange with partition is partitioned: '%-.64s'Table to exchange with partition is temporary: '%-.64s'Subpartitioned table, use subpartition instead of partitionUnknown partition '%-.64s' in table '%-.64s'Tables have different definitionsFound a row that does not match the partitionOption binlog_cache_size (%lu) is greater than max_binlog_cache_size (%lu); setting binlog_cache_size equal to max_binlog_cache_size.Cannot use %-.64s access on index '%-.64s' due to type or collation conversion on field '%-.64s'Table to exchange with partition has foreign key references: '%-.64s'Key value '%-.192s' was not found in table '%-.192s.%-.192s'Data for column '%s' too longReplication event checksum verification failed while reading from network.Replication event checksum verification failed while reading from a log file.Option binlog_stmt_cache_size (%lu) is greater than max_binlog_stmt_cache_size (%lu); setting binlog_stmt_cache_size equal to max_binlog_stmt_cache_size.Can't update table '%-.192s' while '%-.192s' is being created.PARTITION () clause on non partitioned tableFound a row not matching the given partition setpartition '%-.64s' doesn't existFailure while changing the type of replication repository: %s.The creation of some temporary tables could not be rolled back.Some temporary tables were dropped, but these operations could not be rolled back.%s is not supported in multi-threaded slave mode. %sThe number of modified databases exceeds the maximum %d; the database names will not be included in the replication event metadata.Cannot execute the current event group in the parallel mode. Encountered event %s, relay-log name %s, position %s which prevents execution of this event group in parallel mode. Reason: %s.%sFULLTEXT index is not supported for partitioned tables.Invalid condition numberSending passwords in plain text without SSL/TLS is extremely insecure.Storing MySQL user name or password information in the master info repository is not secure and is therefore not recommended. Please consider using the USER and PASSWORD connection options for START SLAVE; see the 'START SLAVE Syntax' in the MySQL Manual for more information.Foreign key constraint for table '%.192s', record '%-.192s' would lead to a duplicate entry in table '%.192s', key '%.192s'Foreign key constraint for table '%.192s', record '%-.192s' would lead to a duplicate entry in a child tableSetting authentication options is not possible when only the Slave SQL Thread is being started.The table does not have FULLTEXT index to support this queryThe system variable %.200s cannot be set in stored functions or triggers.The system variable %.200s cannot be set when there is an ongoing transaction.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT has the value %.200s, which is not listed in @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot change inside a transaction.The statement 'SET %.200s' cannot invoke a stored function.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be 'AUTOMATIC' when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST is non-NULL.Skipping transaction %.200s because it has already been executed and logged.Malformed GTID set specification '%.200s'.Malformed GTID set encoding.Malformed GTID specification '%.200s'.Impossible to generate Global Transaction Identifier: the integer component reached the maximal value. Restart the server with a new server_uuid.Parameters MASTER_LOG_FILE, MASTER_LOG_POS, RELAY_LOG_FILE and RELAY_LOG_POS cannot be set when MASTER_AUTO_POSITION is active.CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1 cannot be executed because @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot execute statements with implicit commit inside a transaction when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT == 'UUID:NUMBER'.GTID_MODE = ON requires ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY = ON.@@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON or ON_PERMISSIVE or OFF_PERMISSIVE requires --log-bin and --log-slave-updates.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be set to UUID:NUMBER when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be set to ANONYMOUS when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST cannot be set to a non-NULL value when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Found a Gtid_log_event when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Statement violates GTID consistency: Updates to non-transactional tables can only be done in either autocommitted statements or single-statement transactions, and never in the same statement as updates to transactional tables.Statement violates GTID consistency: CREATE TABLE ... SELECT.Statement violates GTID consistency: Under statement binary log mode CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE and DROP TEMPORARY TABLE can only be executed outside transactional context. These statements are also not allowed in a function or trigger because functions and triggers are also considered to be multi-statement transactions.The value of @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE can only be changed one step at a time: OFF <-> OFF_PERMISSIVE <-> ON_PERMISSIVE <-> ON. Also note that this value must be stepped up or down simultaneously on all servers. See the Manual for instructions.The slave is connecting using CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1, but the master has purged binary logs containing GTIDs that the slave requires.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be changed by a client that owns a GTID. The client owns %s. Ownership is released on COMMIT or ROLLBACK.Unknown EXPLAIN format name: '%s'Cannot execute statement in a READ ONLY transaction.Comment for table partition '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Slave is not configured or failed to initialize properly. You must at least set --server-id to enable either a master or a slave. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.InnoDB presently supports one FULLTEXT index creation at a timeCannot create FULLTEXT index on temporary InnoDB tableColumn '%-.192s' is of wrong type for an InnoDB FULLTEXT indexIndex '%-.192s' is of wrong type for an InnoDB FULLTEXT indexCreating index '%-.192s' required more than 'innodb_online_alter_log_max_size' bytes of modification log. Please try again.Unknown ALGORITHM '%s'Unknown LOCK type '%s'CHANGE MASTER cannot be executed when the slave was stopped with an error or killed in MTS mode. Consider using RESET SLAVE or START SLAVE UNTIL.Cannot recover after SLAVE errored out in parallel execution mode. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.Cannot clean up worker info tables. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.Column count of %s.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. The table is probably corruptedSlave must silently retry current transactionThere is a foreign key check running on table '%-.192s'. Cannot discard the table.Schema mismatch (%s)Table '%-.192s' in system tablespaceIO Read error: (%lu, %s) %sIO Write error: (%lu, %s) %sTablespace is missing for table %s.Tablespace '%-.192s' exists.Tablespace has been discarded for table '%-.192s'Internal error: %sALTER TABLE %-.192s IMPORT TABLESPACE failed with error %lu : '%s'Index corrupt: %sSupports only YEAR or YEAR(4) column.Your password does not satisfy the current policy requirementsYou must reset your password using ALTER USER statement before executing this statement.Failed to add the foreign key constaint. Missing index for constraint '%s' in the foreign table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constaint. Missing index for constraint '%s' in the referenced table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constraint '%s' to system tablesFailed to open the referenced table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constraint on table '%s'. Incorrect options in FOREIGN KEY constraint '%s'Duplicate foreign key constraint name '%s'The password hash doesn't have the expected format. Check if the correct password algorithm is being used with the PASSWORD() function.Cannot drop column '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s'Cannot drop column '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Column '%-.192s' cannot be NOT NULL: needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' SET NULLDuplicate index '%-.64s' defined on the table '%-.64s.%-.64s'. This is deprecated and will be disallowed in a future release.Cannot change column '%-.192s': used in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s'Cannot change column '%-.192s': used in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Cannot delete rows from table which is parent in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Malformed communication packet.Running in read-only modeWhen @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT is set to a GTID, you must explicitly set it to a different value after a COMMIT or ROLLBACK. Please check GTID_NEXT variable manual page for detailed explanation. Current @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT is '%s'.The system variable %.200s cannot be set in stored procedures.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when @@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED is empty.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when there are no ongoing transactions (not even in other clients).@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED was changed from '%s' to '%s'.@@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED was changed from '%s' to '%s'.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT, and both replicated and non replicated tables are written to.%s is not supported for this operation. Try %s.%s is not supported. Reason: %s. Try %s.COPY algorithm requires a lockPartition specific operations do not yet support LOCK/ALGORITHMColumns participating in a foreign key are renamedCannot change column type INPLACEAdding foreign keys needs foreign_key_checks=OFFCreating unique indexes with IGNORE requires COPY algorithm to remove duplicate rowsDropping a primary key is not allowed without also adding a new primary keyAdding an auto-increment column requires a lockCannot replace hidden FTS_DOC_ID with a user-visible oneCannot drop or rename FTS_DOC_IDFulltext index creation requires a locksql_slave_skip_counter can not be set when the server is running with @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON. Instead, for each transaction that you want to skip, generate an empty transaction with the same GTID as the transactionDuplicate entry for key '%-.192s'Long database name and identifier for object resulted in path length exceeding %d characters. Path: '%s'.cannot silently convert NULL values, as required in this SQL_MODEYour password has expired. To log in you must change it using a client that supports expired passwords.Found a row in wrong partition %sCannot schedule event %s, relay-log name %s, position %s to Worker thread because its size %lu exceeds %lu of slave_pending_jobs_size_max.Cannot CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX WITH PARSER on InnoDB tableThe binary log file '%s' is logically corrupted: %sfile %s was not purged because it was being read by %d thread(s), purged only %d out of %d files.file %s was not purged because it is the active log file.Auto-increment value in UPDATE conflicts with internally generated valuesRow events are not logged for %s statements that modify BLACKHOLE tables in row format. Table(s): '%-.192s'Slave failed to initialize master info structure from the repositorySlave failed to initialize relay log info structure from the repositoryAccess denied trying to change to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' (using password: %s). Disconnecting.InnoDB is in read only mode.STOP SLAVE command execution is incomplete: Slave SQL thread got the stop signal, thread is busy, SQL thread will stop once the current task is complete.STOP SLAVE command execution is incomplete: Slave IO thread got the stop signal, thread is busy, IO thread will stop once the current task is complete.Operation cannot be performed. The table '%-.64s.%-.64s' is missing, corrupt or contains bad data.Temporary file write failure.Upgrade index name failed, please use create index(alter table) algorithm copy to rebuild index.TIME/TIMESTAMP/DATETIME columns of old format have been upgraded to the new format.Operation not allowed when innodb_forced_recovery > 0.The initialization vector supplied to %s is too short. Must be at least %d bytes longPlugin '%s' cannot be uninstalled now. %sCannot execute statement because it needs to be written to the binary log as multiple statements, and this is not allowed when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT == 'UUID:NUMBER'.Slave has more GTIDs than the master has, using the master's SERVER_UUID. This may indicate that the end of the binary log was truncated or that the last binary log file was lost, e.g., after a power or disk failure when sync_binlog != 1. The master may or may not have rolled back transactions that were already replicated to the slave. Suggest to replicate any transactions that master has rolled back from slave to master, and/or commit empty transactions on master to account for transactions that have been committed on master but are not included in GTID_EXECUTED.The table '%s.%s' does not have the necessary key(s) defined on it. Please check the table definition and create index(s) accordingly.File %s is corruptedQuery partially completed on the master (error on master: %d) and was aborted. There is a chance that your master is inconsistent at this point. If you are sure that your master is ok, run this query manually on the slave and then restart the slave with SET GLOBAL SQL_SLAVE_SKIP_COUNTER=1; START SLAVE;. Query:'%s'Query caused different errors on master and slave. Error on master: message (format)='%s' error code=%d; Error on slave:actual message='%s', error code=%d. Default database:'%s'. Query:'%s'Storage engine for table '%s'.'%s' is not loaded.GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS when handler not active%s is no longer supported. The statement was converted to %s.Statement is unsafe because it uses a fulltext parser plugin which may not return the same value on the slave.Cannot DISCARD/IMPORT tablespace associated with temporary tableForeign key cascade delete/update exceeds max depth of %d.Column count of %s.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. Created with MySQL %d, now running %d. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error.Trigger %s.%s.%s does not have CREATED attribute.Referenced trigger '%s' for the given action time and event type does not exist.EXPLAIN FOR CONNECTION command is supported only for SELECT/UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE/REPLACEInvalid size for column '%-.192s'.Table storage engine '%-.64s' found required create option missingOut of memory in storage engine '%-.64s'.The password for anonymous user cannot be expired.This operation cannot be performed with a running slave sql thread; run STOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD firstCannot create FULLTEXT index on materialized subqueryUndo Log error: %sInvalid argument for logarithmThis operation cannot be performed with a running slave io thread; run STOP SLAVE IO_THREAD FOR CHANNEL '%s' first.This operation may not be safe when the slave has temporary tables. The tables will be kept open until the server restarts or until the tables are deleted by any replicated DROP statement. Suggest to wait until slave_open_temp_tables = 0.CHANGE MASTER TO with a MASTER_LOG_FILE clause but no MASTER_LOG_POS clause may not be safe. The old position value may not be valid for the new binary log file.Query execution was interrupted, maximum statement execution time exceededSelect is not a read only statement, disabling timerDuplicate entry '%-.192s'.'%s' mode no longer has any effect. Use STRICT_ALL_TABLES or STRICT_TRANS_TABLES instead.Expression #%u of ORDER BY contains aggregate function and applies to a UNIONExpression #%u of ORDER BY contains aggregate function and applies to the result of a non-aggregated querySlave worker has stopped after at least one previous worker encountered an error when slave-preserve-commit-order was enabled. To preserve commit order, the last transaction executed by this thread has not been committed. When restarting the slave after fixing any failed threads, you should fix this worker as well.slave_preserve_commit_order is not supported %s.The server is currently in offline modeBinary geometry function %s given two geometries of different srids: %u and %u, which should have been identical.Calling geometry function %s with unsupported types of arguments.Unknown GIS error occured in function %s.Unknown exception caught in GIS function %s.Invalid GIS data provided to function %s.The geometry has no data in function %s.Unable to calculate centroid because geometry is empty in function %s.Geometry overlay calculation error: geometry data is invalid in function %s.Geometry turn info calculation error: geometry data is invalid in function %s.Analysis procedures of intersection points interrupted unexpectedly in function %s.Unknown exception thrown in function %s.Memory allocation error: %-.256s in function %s.Domain error: %-.256s in function %s.Length error: %-.256s in function %s.Invalid argument error: %-.256s in function %s.Out of range error: %-.256s in function %s.Overflow error error: %-.256s in function %s.Range error: %-.256s in function %s.Underflow error: %-.256s in function %s.Logic error: %-.256s in function %s.Runtime error: %-.256s in function %s.Unknown exception: %-.384s in function %s.Geometry byte string must be little endian.The password provided for the replication user exceeds the maximum length of 32 charactersIncorrect user-level lock name '%-.192s'.Deadlock found when trying to get user-level lock; try rolling back transaction/releasing locks and restarting lock acquisition.REPLACE cannot be executed as it requires deleting rows that are not in the viewDo not support online operation on table with GIS indexUser variable name '%-.100s' is illegalCannot %s when GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot %s from a replication slave thread.Incorrect type for argument %s in function %s.Expression #%u of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, references column '%-.192s' which is not in SELECT list; this is incompatible with %sExpression #%u of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, contains aggregate function; this is incompatible with %sSupplied filter list contains a value which is not in the required format 'db_pattern.table_pattern'OK packet too largeInvalid JSON data provided to function %s: %sInvalid GeoJSON data provided to function %s: Missing required member '%s'Invalid GeoJSON data provided to function %s: Member '%s' must be of type '%s'Invalid GeoJSON data provided to function %sUnsupported number of coordinate dimensions in function %s: Found %u, expected %uSlave channel '%s' does not exist.A slave channel '%s' already exists for the given host and port combination.Couldn't create channel: Channel name is either invalid or too long.To have multiple channels, repository cannot be of type FILE; Please check the repository configuration and convert them to TABLE.Cannot delete slave info objects for channel '%s'.Multiple channels exist on the slave. Please provide channel name as an argument.Maximum number of replication channels allowed exceeded.This operation cannot be performed with running replication threads; run STOP SLAVE FOR CHANNEL '%s' firstThis operation requires running replication threads; configure slave and run START SLAVE FOR CHANNEL '%s'Replication thread(s) for channel '%s' are already runnning.Replication thread(s) for channel '%s' are already stopped.This operation cannot be performed with a running slave sql thread; run STOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD FOR CHANNEL '%s' first.When sql_slave_skip_counter > 0, it is not allowed to start more than one SQL thread by using 'START SLAVE [SQL_THREAD]'. Value of sql_slave_skip_counter can only be used by one SQL thread at a time. Please use 'START SLAVE [SQL_THREAD] FOR CHANNEL' to start the SQL thread which will use the value of sql_slave_skip_counter.Expression #%u of %s is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column '%-.192s' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_byIn aggregated query without GROUP BY, expression #%u of %s contains nonaggregated column '%-.192s'; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_byUpdating '%s' is deprecated. It will be made read-only in a future release.Changing sql mode '%s' is deprecated. It will be removed in a future release.DROP DATABASE failed; some tables may have been dropped but the database directory remains. The GTID has not been added to GTID_EXECUTED and the statement was not written to the binary log. Fix this as follows: (1) remove all files from the database directory %-.192s; (2) SET GTID_NEXT='%-.192s'; (3) DROP DATABASE `%-.192s`.The server is not configured properly to be an active member of the group. Please see more details on error log.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed since the group is already running.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as the applier module failed to start.The STOP GROUP_REPLICATION command execution is incomplete: The applier thread got the stop signal while it was busy. The applier thread will stop once the current task is complete.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as there was an error when initializing the group communication layer.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as there was an error when joining the communication group.The table does not comply with the requirements by an external plugin.Cannot change the value of variable %s without binary log format as ROW.Error on observer while running replication hook '%s'.Plugin instructed the server to rollback the current transaction.Expression of generated column '%s' contains a disallowed function.INPLACE ADD or DROP of virtual columns cannot be combined with other ALTER TABLE actionsCannot define foreign key with %s clause on a generated column.The value specified for generated column '%s' in table '%s' is not allowed.'%s' is not supported for generated columns.Generated column can refer only to generated columns defined prior to it.Column '%s' has a generated column dependency.Generated column '%s' cannot refer to auto-increment column.The '%-.64s' feature is not available; you need to remove '%-.64s' or use MySQL built with '%-.64s'SET @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = %-.64s is not allowed because %-.384s.The replication receiver thread%-.192s cannot start in AUTO_POSITION mode: this server uses @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot replicate anonymous transaction when AUTO_POSITION = 1, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot replicate anonymous transaction when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot replicate GTID-transaction when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot set ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY = ON because there are ongoing transactions that violate GTID consistency.There are ongoing transactions that violate GTID consistency.Access denied for user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s'. Account is locked.Incorrect tablespace name `%-.192s`Tablespace `%-.192s` is not empty.Incorrect File Name '%s'.Inconsistent intersection points.Optimizer hint syntax errorUnsupported MAX_EXECUTION_TIMEMAX_EXECUTION_TIME hint is supported by top-level standalone SELECT statements onlyHint %s is ignored as conflicting/duplicatedQuery block name %s is not found for %s hintUnresolved name %s for %s hintPlease do not modify the %s table. This is a mysql internal system table to store GTIDs for committed transactions. Modifying it can lead to an inconsistent GTID state.Command not supported by pluggable protocolsIncorrect locking service lock name '%-.192s'.Deadlock found when trying to get locking service lock; try releasing locks and restarting lock acquisition.Service lock wait timeout exceeded.Parameter %s exceeds the maximum number of points in a geometry (%lu) in function %s.'NO_ZERO_DATE', 'NO_ZERO_IN_DATE' and 'ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO' sql modes should be used with strict mode. They will be merged with strict mode in a future release.Version token mismatch for %.*s. Correct value %.*sVersion token %.*s not found.Variable %-.192s cannot be changed by a client that owns a GTID. The client owns %s. Ownership is released on COMMIT or ROLLBACK.%-.192s cannot be performed on channel '%-.192s'.Invalid JSON text: "%s" at position %u in value for column '%-.200s'.Invalid JSON text in argument %u to function %s: "%s" at position %u.%-.0sThe JSON binary value contains invalid data.Invalid JSON path expression. The error is around character position %u.%-.200sCannot create a JSON value from a string with CHARACTER SET '%s'.Invalid JSON character data provided to function %s: '%s'; utf8 is required.Invalid data type for JSON data in argument %u to function %s; a JSON string or JSON type is required.Cannot CAST value to JSON.A path expression must be encoded in the utf8 character set. The path expression '%-.200s' is encoded in character set '%-.200s'.In this situation, path expressions may not contain the * and ** tokens.The JSON value is too big to be stored in a JSON column.The JSON object contains a key name that is too long.JSON column '%-.192s' cannot be used in key specification.The path expression '$' is not allowed in this context.The oneOrAll argument to %s may take these values: 'one' or 'all'.Out of range JSON value for CAST to %s%-.0s from column %s at row %ldInvalid JSON value for CAST to %s%-.0s from column %s at row %ldThe JSON document exceeds the maximum depth.JSON documents may not contain NULL member names.Connections using insecure transport are prohibited while --require_secure_transport=ON.No secure transports (SSL or Shared Memory) are configured, unable to set --require_secure_transport=ON.Storage engine %s is disabled (Table creation is disallowed).User %s does not exist.User %s already exists.Aborted by Audit API ('%-.48s';%d).A path expression is not a path to a cell in an array.Another buffer pool resize is already in progress.The '%s' feature is disabled; see the documentation for '%s'Server isn't availableSession was killedMemory capacity of %llu bytes for '%s' exceeded. %sRange optimization was not done for this query.Partitioning upgrade required. Please dump/reload to fix it or do: ALTER TABLE `%-.192s`.`%-.192s` UPGRADE PARTITIONINGThe client holds ownership of the GTID %s. Therefore, WAIT_FOR_EXECUTED_GTID_SET cannot wait for this GTID.Cannot add foreign key on the base column of indexed virtual column.Cannot create index on virtual column whose base column has foreign constraint.Please do not modify the %s table with an XA transaction. This is an internal system table used to store GTIDs for committed transactions. Although modifying it can lead to an inconsistent GTID state, if neccessary you can modify it with a non-XA transaction.Lock acquisition refused by storage engine.ADD COLUMN col...VIRTUAL, ADD INDEX(col)Master key rotation is not supported by storage engine.Encryption key rotation error reported by SE: %sWrite to binlog failed. However, master key rotation has been completed successfully.Storage engine is not available.This tablespace can't be encrypted.Invalid encryption option.Can't find master key from keyring, please check in the server log if a keyring plugin is loaded and initialized successfully.Parser bailed out for this query.Cannot alter encryption attribute by inplace algorithm.Function '%s' failed because underlying keyring service returned an error. Please check if a keyring plugin is installed and that provided arguments are valid for the keyring you are using.It seems that your db schema is old. The %s column is 77 characters long and should be 93 characters long. Please run mysql_upgrade.RESET MASTER is not allowed because %-.384s.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed since the group already has 9 members.Cannot add foreign key on the base column of stored column. Cannot complete the operation because table is referenced by another connection.The partition engine, used by table '%-.192s.%-.192s', is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use native partitioning instead.%.192s(geometry) is deprecated and will be replaced by st_srid(geometry, 0) in a future version. Use %.192s(st_aswkb(geometry), 0) instead.%.192s(geometry, srid) is deprecated and will be replaced by st_srid(geometry, srid) in a future version. Use %.192s(st_aswkb(geometry), srid) instead.The resource manager is not able to commit the transaction branch at this time. Please retry later.Function %s failed due to: %s.Statement is unsafe because it is being used inside a XA transaction. Concurrent XA transactions may deadlock on slaves when replicated using statements.%s UDF failed; %sCan not perform keyring migration : %sAccess denied; you need %-.128s privileges for this operationKeyring migration %s.Failed to open the %s filter tables.Failed to open '%s.%s' %s table.No keyring plugin installed.Audit log encryption password has not been set; it will be generated automatically. Use audit_log_encryption_password_get to obtain the password or audit_log_encryption_password_set to set a new one.Could not create AES key. OpenSSL's EVP_BytesToKey function failed.Audit log encryption password cannot be fetched from the keyring. Password used so far is used for encryption.Audit Log filtering has not been installed.Request ignored for '%s'@'%s'. SUPER_ACL needed to perform operationSUPER privilege required for '%s'@'%s' user.Could not reinitialize audit log filters.Invalid argument typeInvalid argument countaudit_log plugin has not been installed using INSTALL PLUGIN syntax.Invalid "max_array_length" argument type.Invalid "max_array_length" argument value.%sFilter name cannot be empty.User cannot be empty.Specified filter has not been found.First character of the user name must be alphanumeric.Invalid character in the user name.Invalid character in the host name.With the MAXDB SQL mode enabled, TIMESTAMP is identical with DATETIME. The MAXDB SQL mode is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please disable the MAXDB SQL mode and use DATETIME instead.The use of replication filters with XA transactions is not supported, and can lead to an undefined state in the replication slave.Compressed column '%-.192s' is not allowed in the key listCan not define column '%-.192s' in compressed formatCompression dictionary '%-.192s' already existsCompression dictionary '%-.192s' does not existCompression dictionary name '%-.192s' is too long (max length = %lu)Data for compression dictionary '%-.192s' is too long (max length = %lu)Compression dictionary '%-.192s' is in useCan't execute the query because you have a conflicting backup lockKeys are out order during bulk loadBulk load rows overlap existing rowsCan't execute updates on master with binlog_format != ROW.MyRocks supports only READ COMMITTED and REPEATABLE READ isolation levels. Please change from current isolation level %sWhen unique checking is disabled in MyRocks, INSERT,UPDATE,LOAD statements with clauses that update or replace the key (i.e. INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, REPLACE) are not allowed. Query: %sCan't execute updates when you started a transaction with START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT [ROCKSDB] SNAPSHOT.This transaction was rolled back and cannot be committed. Only supported operation is to roll it back, so all pending changes will be discarded. Please restart another transaction.MyRocks currently does not support ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT if modifying rows.Only REPEATABLE READ isolation level is supported for START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT SNAPSHOT in RocksDB Storage Engine.Unsupported collation on string indexed column %s.%s Use binary collation (%s).Table '%s' does not exist, but metadata information exists inside MyRocks. This is a sign of data inconsistency. Please check if '%s.frm' exists, and try to restore it if it does not exist.MyRocks failed creating new key definitions during alter.MyRocks failed populating secondary key during alter.Column family ('%s') flag (%d) is different from an existing flag (%d). Assign a new CF flag, or do not change existing CF flag.TTL support is currently disabled when table has a hidden PK.TTL column (%s) in MyRocks must be an unsigned non-null 64-bit integer, exist inside the table, and have an accompanying ttl duration.TTL duration (%s) in MyRocks must be an unsigned non-null 64-bit integer.The per-index column family option has been deprecated.mysql-log-rotate000064400000001514147633135420007720 0ustar00# The log file name and location can be set in # /etc/my.cnf by setting the "log-error" option # in either [mysqld] or [mysqld_safe] section as # follows: # # [mysqld] # log-error=/var/lib/mysql/mysqld.log # # In case the root user has a password, then you # have to create a /root/.my.cnf configuration file # with the following content: # # [mysqladmin] # password = # user= root # # where "" is the password. # # ATTENTION: The /root/.my.cnf file should be readable # _ONLY_ by root ! /var/lib/mysql/mysqld.log { # create 600 mysql mysql notifempty daily rotate 5 missingok compress postrotate # just if mysqld is really running if test -x /usr/bin/mysqladmin && \ /usr/bin/mysqladmin ping &>/dev/null then /usr/bin/mysqladmin flush-logs fi endscript } czech/errmsg.sys000075500000237134147633135420007724 0ustar00h,u R9|+bM` W Oq,w #Es ? 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(chybový kód: %d - %s)Nemohu zapsat, zdvojený klíč v tabulce '%-.192s'Chyba při zavírání '%-.192s' (chybový kód: %d - %s)Chyba při čtení souboru '%-.200s' (chybový kód: %d - %s)Chyba při přejmenování '%-.210s' na '%-.210s' (chybový kód: %d - %s)Chyba při zápisu do souboru '%-.200s' (chybový kód: %d - %s)'%-.192s' je zamčen proti změnámTřídění přerušenoPohled '%-.192s' pro '%-.192s' neexistujeObsluha tabulky vrátila chybu %dObsluha tabulky '%-.192s' nemá tento parametrNemohu najít záznam v '%-.192s'Nesprávná informace v souboru '%-.200s'Nesprávný klíč pro tabulku '%-.200s'; pokuste se ho opravitStarý klíčový soubor pro '%-.192s'; opravte ho.'%-.192s' je jen pro čteníMálo paměti. Přestartujte daemona a zkuste znovu (je potřeba %d bytů)Málo paměti pro třídění. Zvyšte velikost třídícího bufferuNeočekávaný konec souboru při čtení '%-.192s' (chybový kód: %d - %s)Příliš mnoho spojeníMálo prostoru/paměti pro threadNemohu zjistit jméno stroje pro Vaši adresuChyba při ustavování spojeníPřístup pro uživatele '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' k databázi '%-.192s' není povolenPřístup pro uživatele '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' (s heslem %s)Nebyla vybrána žádná databázeNeznámý příkazSloupec '%-.192s' nemůže být nullNeznámá databáze '%-.192s'Tabulka '%-.192s' již existujeNeznámá tabulka '%-.100s'Sloupec '%-.192s' v %-.192s není zcela jasnýProbíhá ukončování práce serveruNeznámý sloupec '%-.192s' v %-.192sPoužité '%-.192s' nebylo v group byNemohu použít group na '%-.192s'Příkaz obsahuje zároveň funkci sum a sloupcePočet sloupců neodpovídá zadané hodnotěJméno identifikátoru '%-.100s' je příliš dlouhéZdvojené jméno sloupce '%-.192s'Zdvojené jméno klíče '%-.192s'Zdvojený klíč '%-.192s' (číslo klíče %d)Chybná specifikace sloupce '%-.192s'%s blízko '%-.80s' na řádku %dVýsledek dotazu je prázdnýNejednoznačná tabulka/alias: '%-.192s'Chybná defaultní hodnota pro '%-.192s'Definováno více primárních klíčůZadáno příliš mnoho klíčů, je povoleno nejvíce %d klíčůZadáno příliš mnoho část klíčů, je povoleno nejvíce %d částíZadaný klíč byl příliš dlouhý, největší délka klíče je %dKlíčový sloupec '%-.192s' v tabulce neexistujeBlob sloupec '%-.192s' nemůže být použit jako klíčPříliš velká délka sloupce '%-.192s' (nejvíce %lu). Použijte BLOBMůžete mít pouze jedno AUTO pole a to musí být definováno jako klíč%s: připraven na spojení Version: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d"%s: normální ukončení %s: přijat signal %d, končím %s: ukončení práce hotovo %s: násilné uzavření threadu %ld uživatele '%-.48s' Nemohu vytvořit IP socketTabulka '%-.192s' nemá index odpovídající CREATE INDEX. Vytvořte tabulku znovuArgument separátoru položek nebyl očekáván. Přečtěte si manuálNení možné použít pevný rowlength s BLOBem. Použijte 'fields terminated by'.Soubor '%-.128s' musí být v adresáři databáze nebo čitelný pro všechnySoubor '%-.200s' již existujeZáznamů: %ld Vymazáno: %ld Přeskočeno: %ld Varování: %ldZáznamů: %ld Zdvojených: %ldChybná podčást klíče -- není to řetězec nebo je delší než délka části klíčeNení možné vymazat všechny položky s ALTER TABLE. Použijte DROP TABLENemohu zrušit '%-.192s' (provést DROP). Zkontrolujte, zda neexistují záznamy/klíčeZáznamů: %ld Zdvojených: %ld Varování: %ldYou can't specify target table '%-.192s' for update in FROM clauseNeznámá identifikace threadu: %luNejste vlastníkem threadu %luNejsou použity žádné tabulkyPříliš mnoho řetězců pro sloupec %-.192s a SETNemohu vytvořit jednoznačné jméno logovacího souboru %-.200s.(1-999) Tabulka '%-.192s' byla zamčena s READ a nemůže být změněnaTabulka '%-.192s' nebyla zamčena s LOCK TABLESBlob položka '%-.192s' nemůže mít defaultní hodnotuNepřípustné jméno databáze '%-.100s'Nepřípustné jméno tabulky '%-.100s'Zadaný SELECT by procházel příliš mnoho záznamů a trval velmi dlouho. Zkontrolujte tvar WHERE a je-li SELECT v pořádku, použijte SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1Neznámá chybaNeznámá procedura %-.192sChybný počet parametrů procedury %-.192sChybné parametry procedury %-.192sNeznámá tabulka '%-.192s' v %-.32sPoložka '%-.192s' je zadána dvakrátNesprávné použití funkce groupTabulka '%-.192s' používá rozšíření, které v této verzi MySQL neníTabulka musí mít alespoň jeden sloupecTabulka '%-.192s' je plnáNeznámá znaková sada: '%-.64s'Příliš mnoho tabulek, MySQL jich může mít v joinu jen %dPříliš mnoho položekŘádek je příliš velký. Maximální velikost řádku, nepočítaje položky blob, je %ld. Musíte změnit některé položky na blobPřetečení zásobníku threadu: použito %ld z %ld. Použijte 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' k zadání většího zásobníkuV OUTER JOIN byl nalezen křížový odkaz. Prověřte ON podmínkyTable handler doesn't support NULL in given index. Please change column '%-.192s' to be NOT NULL or use another handlerNemohu načíst funkci '%-.192s'Nemohu inicializovat funkci '%-.192s'; %-.80sPro sdílenou knihovnu nejsou povoleny cestyFunkce '%-.192s' již existujeNemohu otevřít sdílenou knihovnu '%-.192s' (errno: %d %-.128s)Nemohu najít funkci '%-.128s' v knihovněFunkce '%-.192s' není definovánaStroj '%-.64s' je zablokován kvůli mnoha chybám při připojování. Odblokujete použitím 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'Stroj '%-.64s' nemá povoleno se k tomuto MySQL serveru připojitPoužíváte MySQL jako anonymní uživatel a anonymní uživatelé nemají povoleno měnit heslaNa změnu hesel ostatním musíte mít právo provést update tabulek v databázi mysqlV tabulce user není žádný odpovídající řádekNalezených řádků: %ld Změněno: %ld Varování: %ldNemohu vytvořit nový thread (errno %d). Pokud je ještě nějaká volná paměť, podívejte se do manuálu na část o chybách specifických pro jednotlivé operační systémyPočet sloupců neodpovídá počtu hodnot na řádku %ldNemohu znovuotevřít tabulku: '%-.192sNeplatné užití hodnoty NULLRegulární výraz vrátil chybu '%-.64s'Pokud není žádná GROUP BY klauzule, není dovoleno současné použití GROUP položek (MIN(),MAX(),COUNT()...) s ne GROUP položkamiNeexistuje odpovídající grant pro uživatele '%-.48s' na stroji '%-.64s'%-.128s příkaz nepřístupný pro uživatele: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' pro tabulku '%-.64s'%-.16s příkaz nepřístupný pro uživatele: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' pro sloupec '%-.192s' v tabulce '%-.192s'Neplatný příkaz GRANT/REVOKE. Prosím, přečtěte si v manuálu, jaká privilegia je možné použít.Argument příkazu GRANT uživatel nebo stroj je příliš dlouhýTabulka '%-.192s.%-.192s' neexistujeNeexistuje odpovídající grant pro uživatele '%-.48s' na stroji '%-.64s' pro tabulku '%-.192s'Použitý příkaz není v této verzi MySQL povolenVaše syntaxe je nějaká divnáDelayed insert thread couldn't get requested lock for table %-.192sToo many delayed threads in useZrušeno spojení %ld do databáze: '%-.192s' uživatel: '%-.48s' (%-.64s)Zjištěn příchozí packet delší než 'max_allowed_packet'Zjištěna chyba při čtení z roury spojeníZjištěna chyba fcntl()Příchozí packety v chybném pořadíNemohu rozkomprimovat komunikační packetZjištěna chyba při čtení komunikačního packetuZjištěn timeout při čtení komunikačního packetuZjištěna chyba při zápisu komunikačního packetuZjištěn timeout při zápisu komunikačního packetuVýsledný řetězec je delší než 'max_allowed_packet'Typ použité tabulky nepodporuje BLOB/TEXT sloupceTyp použité tabulky nepodporuje AUTO_INCREMENT sloupceINSERT DELAYED can't be used with table '%-.192s' because it is locked with LOCK TABLESNesprávné jméno sloupce '%-.100s'Handler použité tabulky neumí indexovat sloupce '%-.192s'Všechny tabulky v MERGE tabulce nejsou definovány stejněKvůli unique constraintu nemozu zapsat do tabulky '%-.192s'BLOB sloupec '%-.192s' je použit ve specifikaci klíče bez délkyVšechny části primárního klíče musejí být NOT NULL; pokud potřebujete NULL, použijte UNIQUEVýsledek obsahuje více než jeden řádekTento typ tabulky vyžaduje primární klíčTato verze MySQL není zkompilována s podporou RAIDUpdate tabulky bez WHERE s klíčem není v módu bezpečných update dovolenoKlíč '%-.192s' v tabulce '%-.192s' neexistujeNemohu otevřít tabulkuHandler tabulky nepodporuje %sProvedení tohoto příkazu není v transakci dovolenoChyba %d při COMMITChyba %d při ROLLBACKChyba %d při FLUSH_LOGSChyba %d při CHECKPOINTSpojení %u do databáze: '%-.192s' uživatel: '%-.48s' stroj: '%-.64s' (%-.64s) bylo přerušenoHandler tabulky nepodporuje binární dumpBinlog closed, cannot RESET MASTERPřebudování indexu dumpnuté tabulky '%-.192s' nebylo úspěšnéChyba masteru: '%-.64s'Síťová chyba při čtení z masteruSíťová chyba při zápisu na masterŽádný sloupec nemá vytvořen fulltextový indexNemohu provést zadaný příkaz, protože existují aktivní zamčené tabulky nebo aktivní transakceNeznámá systémová proměnná '%-.64s'Tabulka '%-.192s' je označena jako porušená a měla by být opravenaTabulka '%-.192s' je označena jako porušená a poslední (automatická?) oprava se nezdařilaSome non-transactional changed tables couldn't be rolled backMulti-statement transaction required more than 'max_binlog_cache_size' bytes of storage; increase this mysqld variable and try againThis operation cannot be performed with a running slave; run STOP SLAVE firstThis operation requires a running slave; configure slave and do START SLAVEThe server is not configured as slave; fix in config file or with CHANGE MASTER TOCould not initialize master info structure; more error messages can be found in the MySQL error logCould not create slave thread; check system resourcesUser %-.64s already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connectionsYou may only use constant expressions with SETLock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transactionThe total number of locks exceeds the lock table sizeUpdate locks cannot be acquired during a READ UNCOMMITTED transactionDROP DATABASE not allowed while thread is holding global read lockCREATE DATABASE not allowed while thread is holding global read lockIncorrect arguments to %s'%-.48s'@'%-.64s' is not allowed to create new usersIncorrect table definition; all MERGE tables must be in the same databaseDeadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transactionThe used table type doesn't support FULLTEXT indexesCannot add foreign key constraintCannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint failsCannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint failsError connecting to master: %-.128sError running query on master: %-.128sError when executing command %s: %-.128sIncorrect usage of %s and %sThe used SELECT statements have a different number of columnsCan't execute the query because you have a conflicting read lockMixing of transactional and non-transactional tables is disabledOption '%s' used twice in statementUser '%-.64s' has exceeded the '%s' resource (current value: %ld)Access denied; you need (at least one of) the %-.128s privilege(s) for this operationVariable '%-.64s' is a SESSION variable and can't be used with SET GLOBALVariable '%-.64s' is a GLOBAL variable and should be set with SET GLOBALVariable '%-.64s' doesn't have a default valueVariable '%-.64s' can't be set to the value of '%-.200s'Incorrect argument type to variable '%-.64s'Variable '%-.64s' can only be set, not readIncorrect usage/placement of '%s'This version of MySQL doesn't yet support '%s'Got fatal error %d from master when reading data from binary log: '%-.320s'Slave SQL thread ignored the query because of replicate-*-table rulesVariable '%-.192s' is a %s variableIncorrect foreign key definition for '%-.192s': %sKey reference and table reference don't matchOperand should contain %d column(s)Subquery returns more than 1 rowUnknown prepared statement handler (%.*s) given to %sHelp database is corrupt or does not existCyclic reference on subqueriesConverting column '%s' from %s to %sReference '%-.64s' not supported (%s)Every derived table must have its own aliasSelect %u was reduced during optimizationTable '%-.192s' from one of the SELECTs cannot be used in %-.32sClient does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL clientAll parts of a SPATIAL index must be NOT NULLCOLLATION '%s' is not valid for CHARACTER SET '%s'Slave is already runningSlave already has been stoppedUncompressed data size too large; the maximum size is %d (probably, length of uncompressed data was corrupted)ZLIB: Not enough memoryZLIB: Not enough room in the output buffer (probably, length of uncompressed data was corrupted)ZLIB: Input data corruptedRow %u was cut by GROUP_CONCAT()Row %ld doesn't contain data for all columnsRow %ld was truncated; it contained more data than there were input columnsColumn set to default value; NULL supplied to NOT NULL column '%s' at row %ldOut of range value for column '%s' at row %ldData truncated for column '%s' at row %ldUsing storage engine %s for table '%s'Illegal mix of collations (%s,%s) and (%s,%s) for operation '%s'Cannot drop one or more of the requested usersCan't revoke all privileges for one or more of the requested usersIllegal mix of collations (%s,%s), (%s,%s), (%s,%s) for operation '%s'Illegal mix of collations for operation '%s'Variable '%-.64s' is not a variable component (can't be used as XXXX.variable_name)Unknown collation: '%-.64s'SSL parameters in CHANGE MASTER are ignored because this MySQL slave was compiled without SSL support; they can be used later if MySQL slave with SSL is startedServer is running in --secure-auth mode, but '%s'@'%s' has a password in the old format; please change the password to the new formatField or reference '%-.192s%s%-.192s%s%-.192s' of SELECT #%d was resolved in SELECT #%dIncorrect parameter or combination of parameters for START SLAVE UNTILIt is recommended to use --skip-slave-start when doing step-by-step replication with START SLAVE UNTIL; otherwise, you will get problems if you get an unexpected slave's mysqld restartSQL thread is not to be started so UNTIL options are ignoredIncorrect index name '%-.100s'Incorrect catalog name '%-.100s'Query cache failed to set size %lu; new query cache size is %luColumn '%-.192s' cannot be part of FULLTEXT indexUnknown key cache '%-.100s'MySQL is started in --skip-name-resolve mode; you must restart it without this switch for this grant to workUnknown storage engine '%s''%s' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use %s insteadThe target table %-.100s of the %s is not updatableThe '%s' feature is disabled; you need MySQL built with '%s' to have it workingThe MySQL server is running with the %s option so it cannot execute this statementColumn '%-.100s' has duplicated value '%-.64s' in %sTruncated incorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s'Incorrect table definition; there can be only one TIMESTAMP column with CURRENT_TIMESTAMP in DEFAULT or ON UPDATE clauseInvalid ON UPDATE clause for '%-.192s' columnThis command is not supported in the prepared statement protocol yetGot error %d '%-.100s' from %sGot temporary error %d '%-.100s' from %sUnknown or incorrect time zone: '%-.64s'Invalid TIMESTAMP value in column '%s' at row %ldInvalid %s character string: '%.64s'Result of %s() was larger than max_allowed_packet (%ld) - truncatedConflicting declarations: '%s%s' and '%s%s'Can't create a %s from within another stored routine%s %s already exists%s %s does not existFailed to DROP %s %sFailed to CREATE %s %s%s with no matching label: %sRedefining label %sEnd-label %s without matchReferring to uninitialized variable %sPROCEDURE %s can't return a result set in the given contextRETURN is only allowed in a FUNCTION%s is not allowed in stored proceduresThe update log is deprecated and replaced by the binary log; SET SQL_LOG_UPDATE has been ignored.The update log is deprecated and replaced by the binary log; SET SQL_LOG_UPDATE has been translated to SET SQL_LOG_BIN.Query execution was interruptedIncorrect number of arguments for %s %s; expected %u, got %uUndefined CONDITION: %sNo RETURN found in FUNCTION %sFUNCTION %s ended without RETURNCursor statement must be a SELECTCursor SELECT must not have INTOUndefined CURSOR: %sCursor is already openCursor is not openUndeclared variable: %sIncorrect number of FETCH variablesNo data - zero rows fetched, selected, or processedDuplicate parameter: %sDuplicate variable: %sDuplicate condition: %sDuplicate cursor: %sFailed to ALTER %s %sSubquery value not supported%s is not allowed in stored function or triggerVariable or condition declaration after cursor or handler declarationCursor declaration after handler declarationCase not found for CASE statementConfiguration file '%-.192s' is too bigMalformed file type header in file '%-.192s'Unexpected end of file while parsing comment '%-.200s'Error while parsing parameter '%-.192s' (line: '%-.192s')Unexpected end of file while skipping unknown parameter '%-.192s'EXPLAIN/SHOW can not be issued; lacking privileges for underlying tableFile '%-.192s' has unknown type '%-.64s' in its header'%-.192s.%-.192s' is not %sColumn '%-.192s' is not updatableView's SELECT contains a subquery in the FROM clauseView's SELECT contains a '%s' clauseView's SELECT contains a variable or parameterView's SELECT refers to a temporary table '%-.192s'View's SELECT and view's field list have different column countsView merge algorithm can't be used here for now (assumed undefined algorithm)View being updated does not have complete key of underlying table in itView '%-.192s.%-.192s' references invalid table(s) or column(s) or function(s) or definer/invoker of view lack rights to use themCan't drop or alter a %s from within another stored routineGOTO is not allowed in a stored procedure handlerTrigger already existsTrigger does not existTrigger's '%-.192s' is view or temporary tableUpdating of %s row is not allowed in %striggerThere is no %s row in %s triggerField '%-.192s' doesn't have a default valueDivision by 0Incorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s' for column '%.192s' at row %ldIllegal %s '%-.192s' value found during parsingCHECK OPTION on non-updatable view '%-.192s.%-.192s'CHECK OPTION failed '%-.192s.%-.192s'%-.16s command denied to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' for routine '%-.192s'Failed purging old relay logs: %sPassword hash should be a %d-digit hexadecimal numberTarget log not found in binlog indexI/O error reading log index fileServer configuration does not permit binlog purgeFailed on fseek()Fatal error during log purgeA purgeable log is in use, will not purgeUnknown error during log purgeFailed initializing relay log position: %sYou are not using binary loggingThe '%-.64s' syntax is reserved for purposes internal to the MySQL serverWSAStartup FailedCan't handle procedures with different groups yetSelect must have a group with this procedureCan't use ORDER clause with this procedureBinary logging and replication forbid changing the global server %sCan't map file: %-.200s, errno: %dWrong magic in %-.64sPrepared statement contains too many placeholdersKey part '%-.192s' length cannot be 0View text checksum failedCan not modify more than one base table through a join view '%-.192s.%-.192s'Can not insert into join view '%-.192s.%-.192s' without fields listCan not delete from join view '%-.192s.%-.192s'Operation %s failed for %.256sXAER_NOTA: Unknown XIDXAER_INVAL: Invalid arguments (or unsupported command)XAER_RMFAIL: The command cannot be executed when global transaction is in the %.64s stateXAER_OUTSIDE: Some work is done outside global transactionXAER_RMERR: Fatal error occurred in the transaction branch - check your data for consistencyXA_RBROLLBACK: Transaction branch was rolled backThere is no such grant defined for user '%-.48s' on host '%-.64s' on routine '%-.192s'Failed to grant EXECUTE and ALTER ROUTINE privilegesFailed to revoke all privileges to dropped routineData too long for column '%s' at row %ldBad SQLSTATE: '%s'%s: ready for connections. Version: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d %sCan't load value from file with fixed size rows to variableYou are not allowed to create a user with GRANTIncorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s' for function %-.32sTable definition has changed, please retry transactionDuplicate handler declared in the same blockOUT or INOUT argument %d for routine %s is not a variable or NEW pseudo-variable in BEFORE triggerNot allowed to return a result set from a %sCannot get geometry object from data you send to the GEOMETRY fieldA routine failed and has neither NO SQL nor READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled; if non-transactional tables were updated, the binary log will miss their changesThis function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)You do not have the SUPER privilege and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)You can't execute a prepared statement which has an open cursor associated with it. Reset the statement to re-execute it.The statement (%lu) has no open cursor.Explicit or implicit commit is not allowed in stored function or trigger.Field of view '%-.192s.%-.192s' underlying table doesn't have a default valueRecursive stored functions and triggers are not allowed.Too big scale %d specified for column '%-.192s'. Maximum is %lu.Too-big precision %d specified for '%-.192s'. Maximum is %lu.For float(M,D), double(M,D) or decimal(M,D), M must be >= D (column '%-.192s').You can't combine write-locking of system tables with other tables or lock typesUnable to connect to foreign data source: %.64sThere was a problem processing the query on the foreign data source. Data source error: %-.64sThe foreign data source you are trying to reference does not exist. Data source error: %-.64sCan't create federated table. The data source connection string '%-.64s' is not in the correct formatThe data source connection string '%-.64s' is not in the correct formatCan't create federated table. Foreign data src error: %-.64sTrigger in wrong schemaThread stack overrun: %ld bytes used of a %ld byte stack, and %ld bytes needed. Use 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' to specify a bigger stack.Routine body for '%-.100s' is too longCannot drop default keycacheDisplay width out of range for column '%-.192s' (max = %lu)XAER_DUPID: The XID already existsDatetime function: %-.32s field overflowCan't update table '%-.192s' in stored function/trigger because it is already used by statement which invoked this stored function/trigger.The definition of table '%-.192s' prevents operation %.192s on table '%-.192s'.The prepared statement contains a stored routine call that refers to that same statement. It's not allowed to execute a prepared statement in such a recursive mannerNot allowed to set autocommit from a stored function or triggerDefiner is not fully qualifiedView '%-.192s'.'%-.192s' has no definer information (old table format). Current user is used as definer. Please recreate the view!You need the SUPER privilege for creation view with '%-.192s'@'%-.192s' definerThe user specified as a definer ('%-.64s'@'%-.64s') does not existChanging schema from '%-.192s' to '%-.192s' is not allowed.Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (%.192s)Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (%.192s)Variable '%-.64s' must be quoted with `...`, or renamedNo definer attribute for trigger '%-.192s'.'%-.192s'. The trigger will be activated under the authorization of the invoker, which may have insufficient privileges. Please recreate the trigger.'%-.192s' has an old format, you should re-create the '%s' object(s)Recursive limit %d (as set by the max_sp_recursion_depth variable) was exceeded for routine %.192sFailed to load routine %-.192s. The table mysql.proc is missing, corrupt, or contains bad data (internal code %d)Incorrect routine name '%-.192s'Table upgrade required. Please do "REPAIR TABLE `%-.64s`" or dump/reload to fix it!AGGREGATE is not supported for stored functionsCan't create more than max_prepared_stmt_count statements (current value: %lu)`%-.192s`.`%-.192s` contains view recursionNon-grouping field '%-.192s' is used in %-.64s clauseThe used table type doesn't support SPATIAL indexesTriggers can not be created on system tablesLeading spaces are removed from name '%s'Failed to read auto-increment value from storage engineuser namehost nameString '%-.70s' is too long for %s (should be no longer than %d)The target table %-.100s of the %s is not insertable-intoTable '%-.64s' is differently defined or of non-MyISAM type or doesn't existToo high level of nesting for selectName '%-.64s' has become ''First character of the FIELDS TERMINATED string is ambiguous; please use non-optional and non-empty FIELDS ENCLOSED BYThe foreign server, %s, you are trying to create already exists.The foreign server name you are trying to reference does not exist. Data source error: %-.64sTable storage engine '%-.64s' does not support the create option '%.64s'Syntax error: %-.64s PARTITIONING requires definition of VALUES %-.64s for each partitionOnly %-.64s PARTITIONING can use VALUES %-.64s in partition definitionMAXVALUE can only be used in last partition definitionSubpartitions can only be hash partitions and by keyMust define subpartitions on all partitions if on one partitionWrong number of partitions defined, mismatch with previous settingWrong number of subpartitions defined, mismatch with previous settingConstant, random or timezone-dependent expressions in (sub)partitioning function are not allowedExpression in RANGE/LIST VALUES must be constantField in list of fields for partition function not found in tableList of fields is only allowed in KEY partitionsThe partition info in the frm file is not consistent with what can be written into the frm fileThe %-.192s function returns the wrong typeFor %-.64s partitions each partition must be definedVALUES LESS THAN value must be strictly increasing for each partitionVALUES value must be of same type as partition functionMultiple definition of same constant in list partitioningPartitioning can not be used stand-alone in queryThe mix of handlers in the partitions is not allowed in this version of MySQLFor the partitioned engine it is necessary to define all %-.64sToo many partitions (including subpartitions) were definedIt is only possible to mix RANGE/LIST partitioning with HASH/KEY partitioning for subpartitioningFailed to create specific handler fileA BLOB field is not allowed in partition functionA %-.192s must include all columns in the table's partitioning functionNumber of %-.64s = 0 is not an allowed valuePartition management on a not partitioned table is not possibleForeign keys are not yet supported in conjunction with partitioningError in list of partitions to %-.64sCannot remove all partitions, use DROP TABLE insteadCOALESCE PARTITION can only be used on HASH/KEY partitionsREORGANIZE PARTITION can only be used to reorganize partitions not to change their numbersREORGANIZE PARTITION without parameters can only be used on auto-partitioned tables using HASH PARTITIONs%-.64s PARTITION can only be used on RANGE/LIST partitionsTrying to Add partition(s) with wrong number of subpartitionsAt least one partition must be addedAt least one partition must be coalescedMore partitions to reorganize than there are partitionsDuplicate partition name %-.192sIt is not allowed to shut off binlog on this commandWhen reorganizing a set of partitions they must be in consecutive orderReorganize of range partitions cannot change total ranges except for last partition where it can extend the rangePartition function not supported in this version for this handlerPartition state cannot be defined from CREATE/ALTER TABLEThe %-.64s handler only supports 32 bit integers in VALUESPlugin '%-.192s' is not loadedIncorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s'Table has no partition for value %-.64sIt is not allowed to specify %s more than onceFailed to create %sFailed to drop %sThe handler doesn't support autoextend of tablespacesA size parameter was incorrectly specified, either number or on the form 10MThe size number was correct but we don't allow the digit part to be more than 2 billionFailed to alter: %sWriting one row to the row-based binary log failedTable definition on master and slave does not match: %sSlave running with --log-slave-updates must use row-based binary logging to be able to replicate row-based binary log eventsEvent '%-.192s' already existsFailed to store event %s. Error code %d from storage engine.Unknown event '%-.192s'Failed to alter event '%-.192s'Failed to drop %sINTERVAL is either not positive or too bigENDS is either invalid or before STARTSEvent execution time is in the past. Event has been disabledFailed to open mysql.eventNo datetime expression providedColumn count of mysql.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. The table is probably corruptedCannot load from mysql.%s. The table is probably corruptedFailed to delete the event from mysql.eventError during compilation of event's bodySame old and new event nameData for column '%s' too longCannot drop index '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraintThe syntax '%s' is deprecated and will be removed in MySQL %s. Please use %s insteadYou can't write-lock a log table. Only read access is possibleYou can't use locks with log tables.Upholding foreign key constraints for table '%.192s', entry '%-.192s', key %d would lead to a duplicate entryColumn count of mysql.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. Created with MySQL %d, now running %d. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error.Cannot switch out of the row-based binary log format when the session has open temporary tablesCannot change the binary logging format inside a stored function or triggerThe NDB cluster engine does not support changing the binlog format on the fly yetCannot create temporary table with partitionsPartition constant is out of partition function domainThis partition function is not allowedError in DDL logNot allowed to use NULL value in VALUES LESS THANIncorrect partition nameTransaction characteristics can't be changed while a transaction is in progressALTER TABLE causes auto_increment resequencing, resulting in duplicate entry '%-.192s' for key '%-.192s'Internal scheduler error %dError during starting/stopping of the scheduler. Error code %uEngine cannot be used in partitioned tablesCannot activate '%-.64s' logThe server was not built with row-based replicationDecoding of base64 string failedRecursion of EVENT DDL statements is forbidden when body is presentCannot proceed because system tables used by Event Scheduler were found damaged at server startOnly integers allowed as number hereThis storage engine cannot be used for log tables"You cannot '%s' a log table if logging is enabledCannot rename '%s'. When logging enabled, rename to/from log table must rename two tables: the log table to an archive table and another table back to '%s'Incorrect parameter count in the call to native function '%-.192s'Incorrect parameters in the call to native function '%-.192s'Incorrect parameters in the call to stored function %-.192sThis function '%-.192s' has the same name as a native functionZvojený klíč '%-.64s' (číslo klíče '%-.192s')Too many files opened, please execute the command againEvent execution time is in the past and ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE is set. The event was dropped immediately after creation.Event execution time is in the past and ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE is set. The event was not changed. Specify a time in the future.The incident %s occured on the master. Message: %sTable has no partition for some existing valuesUnsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. %sFatal error: %sRelay log read failure: %sRelay log write failure: %sFailed to create %sMaster command %s failed: %sBinary logging not possible. Message: %sView `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` has no creation contextCreation context of view `%-.64s`.`%-.64s' is invalidCreation context of stored routine `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCorrupted TRG file for table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s`Triggers for table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` have no creation contextTrigger creation context of table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCreation context of event `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCannot open table for trigger `%-.64s`.`%-.64s`Cannot create stored routine `%-.64s`. Check warningsAmbiguous slave modes combination. %sThe BINLOG statement of type `%s` was not preceded by a format description BINLOG statement.Corrupted replication event was detectedInvalid column reference (%-.64s) in LOAD DATABeing purged log %s was not foundXA_RBTIMEOUT: Transaction branch was rolled back: took too longXA_RBDEADLOCK: Transaction branch was rolled back: deadlock was detectedPrepared statement needs to be re-preparedDELAYED option not supported for table '%-.192s'The master info structure does not exist<%-.64s> option ignoredBuilt-in plugins cannot be deletedPlugin is busy and will be uninstalled on shutdown%s variable '%s' is read-only. Use SET %s to assign the valueStorage engine %s does not support rollback for this statement. Transaction rolled back and must be restartedUnexpected master's heartbeat data: %sThe requested value for the heartbeat period is either negative or exceeds the maximum allowed (%s seconds).Bad schema for mysql.ndb_replication table. Message: %-.64sError in parsing conflict function. Message: %-.64sWrite to exceptions table failed. Message: %-.128s"Comment for table '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Comment for field '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)FUNCTION %s does not exist. Check the 'Function Name Parsing and Resolution' section in the Reference ManualDatabaseTablePartitionSubpartitionTemporaryRenamedToo many active concurrent transactionsNon-ASCII separator arguments are not fully supporteddebug sync point wait timed outdebug sync point hit limit reachedDuplicate condition information item '%s'Unhandled user-defined warning conditionUnhandled user-defined not found conditionUnhandled user-defined exception conditionRESIGNAL when handler not activeSIGNAL/RESIGNAL can only use a CONDITION defined with SQLSTATEData truncated for condition item '%s'Data too long for condition item '%s'Unknown locale: '%-.64s'The requested server id %d clashes with the slave startup option --replicate-same-server-idQuery cache is disabled; restart the server with query_cache_type=1 to enable itDuplicate partition field name '%-.192s'Inconsistency in usage of column lists for partitioningPartition column values of incorrect typeToo many fields in '%-.192s'Cannot use MAXVALUE as value in VALUES INCannot have more than one value for this type of %-.64s partitioningRow expressions in VALUES IN only allowed for multi-field column partitioningField '%-.192s' is of a not allowed type for this type of partitioningThe total length of the partitioning fields is too largeCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since both row-incapable engines and statement-incapable engines are involved.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = ROW and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to statement-based logging.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. %sCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is in row format and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to statement-based logging.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to row-based logging.%sCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is in row format and BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since more than one engine is involved and at least one engine is self-logging.The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted.The statement is unsafe because it uses INSERT DELAYED. This is unsafe because the times when rows are inserted cannot be predicted.The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves.Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly.Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it accesses a non-transactional table after accessing a transactional table within the same transaction.%s Statement: %sColumn %d of table '%-.192s.%-.192s' cannot be converted from type '%-.32s' to type '%-.32s'Can't create conversion table for table '%-.192s.%-.192s'Cannot modify @@session.binlog_format inside a transactionThe path specified for %.64s is too long.'%s' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.Native table '%-.64s'.'%-.64s' has the wrong structureInvalid performance_schema usage.Table '%s'.'%s' was skipped since its definition is being modified by concurrent DDL statementCannot modify @@session.binlog_direct_non_transactional_updates inside a transactionCannot change the binlog direct flag inside a stored function or triggerA SPATIAL index may only contain a geometrical type columnComment for index '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Wait on a lock was aborted due to a pending exclusive lock%s value is out of range in '%s'A variable of a non-integer based type in LIMIT clauseMixing self-logging and non-self-logging engines in a statement is unsafe.Statement accesses nontransactional table as well as transactional or temporary table, and writes to any of them.Cannot modify @@session.sql_log_bin inside a transactionCannot change the sql_log_bin inside a stored function or triggerFailed to read from the .par fileVALUES value for partition '%-.64s' must have type INTPřístup pro uživatele '%-.48s'@'%-.64s'SET PASSWORD has no significance for users authenticating via pluginsGRANT with IDENTIFIED WITH is illegal because the user %-.*s already existsCannot truncate a table referenced in a foreign key constraint (%.192s)Plugin '%s' is force_plus_permanent and can not be unloadedThe requested value for the heartbeat period is less than 1 millisecond. The value is reset to 0, meaning that heartbeating will effectively be disabled.The requested value for the heartbeat period exceeds the value of `slave_net_timeout' seconds. A sensible value for the period should be less than the timeout.Multi-row statements required more than 'max_binlog_stmt_cache_size' bytes of storage; increase this mysqld variable and try againPrimary key/partition key update is not allowed since the table is updated both as '%-.192s' and '%-.192s'.Table rebuild required. Please do "ALTER TABLE `%-.64s` FORCE" or dump/reload to fix it!The value of '%s' should be no less than the value of '%s'Index column size too large. The maximum column size is %lu bytes.Trigger '%-.64s' has an error in its body: '%-.256s'Unknown trigger has an error in its body: '%-.256s'Index %s is corruptedUndo log record is too big.INSERT IGNORE... SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.INSERT... SELECT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are updated. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.REPLACE... SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are replaced. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE... IGNORE SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE... REPLACE SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are replaced. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.UPDATE IGNORE is unsafe because the order in which rows are updated determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.Plugin '%s' is marked as not dynamically uninstallable. You have to stop the server to uninstall it.Plugin '%s' is marked as not dynamically installable. You have to stop the server to install it.Statements writing to a table with an auto-increment column after selecting from another table are unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved determines what (if any) rows will be written. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE TABLE... SELECT... on a table with an auto-increment column is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are inserted. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.INSERT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE on a table with more than one UNIQUE KEY is unsafeTable is being used in foreign key check.Storage engine '%s' does not support system tables. [%s.%s]INSERT into autoincrement field which is not the first part in the composed primary key is unsafe.Cannot load from %s.%s. The table is probably corruptedThe requested value %s for the master delay exceeds the maximum %uOnly Format_description_log_event and row events are allowed in BINLOG statements (but %s was provided)Non matching attribute '%-.64s' between partition and tableTable to exchange with partition is partitioned: '%-.64s'Table to exchange with partition is temporary: '%-.64s'Subpartitioned table, use subpartition instead of partitionUnknown partition '%-.64s' in table '%-.64s'Tables have different definitionsFound a row that does not match the partitionOption binlog_cache_size (%lu) is greater than max_binlog_cache_size (%lu); setting binlog_cache_size equal to max_binlog_cache_size.Cannot use %-.64s access on index '%-.64s' due to type or collation conversion on field '%-.64s'Table to exchange with partition has foreign key references: '%-.64s'Key value '%-.192s' was not found in table '%-.192s.%-.192s'Data for column '%s' too longReplication event checksum verification failed while reading from network.Replication event checksum verification failed while reading from a log file.Option binlog_stmt_cache_size (%lu) is greater than max_binlog_stmt_cache_size (%lu); setting binlog_stmt_cache_size equal to max_binlog_stmt_cache_size.Can't update table '%-.192s' while '%-.192s' is being created.PARTITION () clause on non partitioned tableFound a row not matching the given partition setpartion '%-.64s' neexistujeFailure while changing the type of replication repository: %s.The creation of some temporary tables could not be rolled back.Some temporary tables were dropped, but these operations could not be rolled back.%s is not supported in multi-threaded slave mode. %sThe number of modified databases exceeds the maximum %d; the database names will not be included in the replication event metadata.Cannot execute the current event group in the parallel mode. Encountered event %s, relay-log name %s, position %s which prevents execution of this event group in parallel mode. Reason: %s.%sFULLTEXT index is not supported for partitioned tables.Invalid condition numberSending passwords in plain text without SSL/TLS is extremely insecure.Storing MySQL user name or password information in the master info repository is not secure and is therefore not recommended. Please consider using the USER and PASSWORD connection options for START SLAVE; see the 'START SLAVE Syntax' in the MySQL Manual for more information.Foreign key constraint for table '%.192s', record '%-.192s' would lead to a duplicate entry in table '%.192s', key '%.192s'Foreign key constraint for table '%.192s', record '%-.192s' would lead to a duplicate entry in a child tableSetting authentication options is not possible when only the Slave SQL Thread is being started.The table does not have FULLTEXT index to support this queryThe system variable %.200s cannot be set in stored functions or triggers.The system variable %.200s cannot be set when there is an ongoing transaction.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT has the value %.200s, which is not listed in @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot change inside a transaction.The statement 'SET %.200s' cannot invoke a stored function.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be 'AUTOMATIC' when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST is non-NULL.Skipping transaction %.200s because it has already been executed and logged.Malformed GTID set specification '%.200s'.Malformed GTID set encoding.Malformed GTID specification '%.200s'.Impossible to generate Global Transaction Identifier: the integer component reached the maximal value. Restart the server with a new server_uuid.Parameters MASTER_LOG_FILE, MASTER_LOG_POS, RELAY_LOG_FILE and RELAY_LOG_POS cannot be set when MASTER_AUTO_POSITION is active.CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1 cannot be executed because @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot execute statements with implicit commit inside a transaction when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT == 'UUID:NUMBER'.GTID_MODE = ON requires ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY = ON.@@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON or ON_PERMISSIVE or OFF_PERMISSIVE requires --log-bin and --log-slave-updates.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be set to UUID:NUMBER when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be set to ANONYMOUS when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST cannot be set to a non-NULL value when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Found a Gtid_log_event when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Statement violates GTID consistency: Updates to non-transactional tables can only be done in either autocommitted statements or single-statement transactions, and never in the same statement as updates to transactional tables.Statement violates GTID consistency: CREATE TABLE ... SELECT.Statement violates GTID consistency: Under statement binary log mode CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE and DROP TEMPORARY TABLE can only be executed outside transactional context. These statements are also not allowed in a function or trigger because functions and triggers are also considered to be multi-statement transactions.The value of @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE can only be changed one step at a time: OFF <-> OFF_PERMISSIVE <-> ON_PERMISSIVE <-> ON. Also note that this value must be stepped up or down simultaneously on all servers. See the Manual for instructions.The slave is connecting using CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1, but the master has purged binary logs containing GTIDs that the slave requires.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be changed by a client that owns a GTID. The client owns %s. Ownership is released on COMMIT or ROLLBACK.Unknown EXPLAIN format name: '%s'Cannot execute statement in a READ ONLY transaction.Comment for table partition '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Slave is not configured or failed to initialize properly. You must at least set --server-id to enable either a master or a slave. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.InnoDB presently supports one FULLTEXT index creation at a timeCannot create FULLTEXT index on temporary InnoDB tableColumn '%-.192s' is of wrong type for an InnoDB FULLTEXT indexIndex '%-.192s' is of wrong type for an InnoDB FULLTEXT indexCreating index '%-.192s' required more than 'innodb_online_alter_log_max_size' bytes of modification log. Please try again.Unknown ALGORITHM '%s'Unknown LOCK type '%s'CHANGE MASTER cannot be executed when the slave was stopped with an error or killed in MTS mode. Consider using RESET SLAVE or START SLAVE UNTIL.Cannot recover after SLAVE errored out in parallel execution mode. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.Cannot clean up worker info tables. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.Column count of %s.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. The table is probably corruptedSlave must silently retry current transactionThere is a foreign key check running on table '%-.192s'. Cannot discard the table.Schema mismatch (%s)Table '%-.192s' in system tablespaceIO Read error: (%lu, %s) %sIO Write error: (%lu, %s) %sTablespace is missing for table %s.Tablespace '%-.192s' exists.Tablespace has been discarded for table '%-.192s'Internal error: %sALTER TABLE %-.192s IMPORT TABLESPACE failed with error %lu : '%s'Index corrupt: %sSupports only YEAR or YEAR(4) column.Your password does not satisfy the current policy requirementsYou must reset your password using ALTER USER statement before executing this statement.Failed to add the foreign key constaint. Missing index for constraint '%s' in the foreign table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constaint. Missing index for constraint '%s' in the referenced table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constraint '%s' to system tablesFailed to open the referenced table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constraint on table '%s'. Incorrect options in FOREIGN KEY constraint '%s'Duplicate foreign key constraint name '%s'The password hash doesn't have the expected format. Check if the correct password algorithm is being used with the PASSWORD() function.Cannot drop column '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s'Cannot drop column '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Column '%-.192s' cannot be NOT NULL: needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' SET NULLDuplicate index '%-.64s' defined on the table '%-.64s.%-.64s'. This is deprecated and will be disallowed in a future release.Cannot change column '%-.192s': used in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s'Cannot change column '%-.192s': used in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Cannot delete rows from table which is parent in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Malformed communication packet.Running in read-only modeWhen @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT is set to a GTID, you must explicitly set it to a different value after a COMMIT or ROLLBACK. Please check GTID_NEXT variable manual page for detailed explanation. Current @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT is '%s'.The system variable %.200s cannot be set in stored procedures.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when @@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED is empty.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when there are no ongoing transactions (not even in other clients).@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED was changed from '%s' to '%s'.@@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED was changed from '%s' to '%s'.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT, and both replicated and non replicated tables are written to.%s is not supported for this operation. Try %s.%s is not supported. Reason: %s. Try %s.COPY algorithm requires a lockPartition specific operations do not yet support LOCK/ALGORITHMColumns participating in a foreign key are renamedCannot change column type INPLACEAdding foreign keys needs foreign_key_checks=OFFCreating unique indexes with IGNORE requires COPY algorithm to remove duplicate rowsDropping a primary key is not allowed without also adding a new primary keyAdding an auto-increment column requires a lockCannot replace hidden FTS_DOC_ID with a user-visible oneCannot drop or rename FTS_DOC_IDFulltext index creation requires a locksql_slave_skip_counter can not be set when the server is running with @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON. Instead, for each transaction that you want to skip, generate an empty transaction with the same GTID as the transactionZdvojený klíč (číslo klíče '%-.192s')Long database name and identifier for object resulted in path length exceeding %d characters. Path: '%s'.cannot silently convert NULL values, as required in this SQL_MODEYour password has expired. To log in you must change it using a client that supports expired passwords.Found a row in wrong partition %sCannot schedule event %s, relay-log name %s, position %s to Worker thread because its size %lu exceeds %lu of slave_pending_jobs_size_max.Cannot CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX WITH PARSER on InnoDB tableThe binary log file '%s' is logically corrupted: %sfile %s was not purged because it was being read by %d thread(s), purged only %d out of %d files.file %s was not purged because it is the active log file.Auto-increment value in UPDATE conflicts with internally generated valuesRow events are not logged for %s statements that modify BLACKHOLE tables in row format. Table(s): '%-.192s'Slave failed to initialize master info structure from the repositorySlave failed to initialize relay log info structure from the repositoryAccess denied trying to change to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' (using password: %s). Disconnecting.InnoDB is in read only mode.STOP SLAVE command execution is incomplete: Slave SQL thread got the stop signal, thread is busy, SQL thread will stop once the current task is complete.STOP SLAVE command execution is incomplete: Slave IO thread got the stop signal, thread is busy, IO thread will stop once the current task is complete.Operation cannot be performed. The table '%-.64s.%-.64s' is missing, corrupt or contains bad data.Temporary file write failure.Upgrade index name failed, please use create index(alter table) algorithm copy to rebuild index.TIME/TIMESTAMP/DATETIME columns of old format have been upgraded to the new format.Operation not allowed when innodb_forced_recovery > 0.The initialization vector supplied to %s is too short. Must be at least %d bytes longPlugin '%s' cannot be uninstalled now. %sCannot execute statement because it needs to be written to the binary log as multiple statements, and this is not allowed when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT == 'UUID:NUMBER'.Slave has more GTIDs than the master has, using the master's SERVER_UUID. This may indicate that the end of the binary log was truncated or that the last binary log file was lost, e.g., after a power or disk failure when sync_binlog != 1. The master may or may not have rolled back transactions that were already replicated to the slave. Suggest to replicate any transactions that master has rolled back from slave to master, and/or commit empty transactions on master to account for transactions that have been committed on master but are not included in GTID_EXECUTED.The table '%s.%s' does not have the necessary key(s) defined on it. Please check the table definition and create index(s) accordingly.File %s is corruptedQuery partially completed on the master (error on master: %d) and was aborted. There is a chance that your master is inconsistent at this point. If you are sure that your master is ok, run this query manually on the slave and then restart the slave with SET GLOBAL SQL_SLAVE_SKIP_COUNTER=1; START SLAVE;. Query:'%s'Query caused different errors on master and slave. Error on master: message (format)='%s' error code=%d; Error on slave:actual message='%s', error code=%d. Default database:'%s'. Query:'%s'Storage engine for table '%s'.'%s' is not loaded.GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS when handler not active%s is no longer supported. The statement was converted to %s.Statement is unsafe because it uses a fulltext parser plugin which may not return the same value on the slave.Cannot DISCARD/IMPORT tablespace associated with temporary tableForeign key cascade delete/update exceeds max depth of %d.Column count of %s.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. Created with MySQL %d, now running %d. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error.Trigger %s.%s.%s does not have CREATED attribute.Referenced trigger '%s' for the given action time and event type does not exist.EXPLAIN FOR CONNECTION command is supported only for SELECT/UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE/REPLACEInvalid size for column '%-.192s'.Table storage engine '%-.64s' found required create option missingOut of memory in storage engine '%-.64s'.The password for anonymous user cannot be expired.This operation cannot be performed with a running slave sql thread; run STOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD firstCannot create FULLTEXT index on materialized subqueryUndo Log error: %sInvalid argument for logarithmThis operation cannot be performed with a running slave io thread; run STOP SLAVE IO_THREAD FOR CHANNEL '%s' first.This operation may not be safe when the slave has temporary tables. The tables will be kept open until the server restarts or until the tables are deleted by any replicated DROP statement. Suggest to wait until slave_open_temp_tables = 0.CHANGE MASTER TO with a MASTER_LOG_FILE clause but no MASTER_LOG_POS clause may not be safe. The old position value may not be valid for the new binary log file.Query execution was interrupted, maximum statement execution time exceededSelect is not a read only statement, disabling timerDuplicate entry '%-.192s'.'%s' mode no longer has any effect. Use STRICT_ALL_TABLES or STRICT_TRANS_TABLES instead.Expression #%u of ORDER BY contains aggregate function and applies to a UNIONExpression #%u of ORDER BY contains aggregate function and applies to the result of a non-aggregated querySlave worker has stopped after at least one previous worker encountered an error when slave-preserve-commit-order was enabled. To preserve commit order, the last transaction executed by this thread has not been committed. When restarting the slave after fixing any failed threads, you should fix this worker as well.slave_preserve_commit_order is not supported %s.The server is currently in offline modeBinary geometry function %s given two geometries of different srids: %u and %u, which should have been identical.Calling geometry function %s with unsupported types of arguments.Unknown GIS error occured in function %s.Unknown exception caught in GIS function %s.Invalid GIS data provided to function %s.The geometry has no data in function %s.Unable to calculate centroid because geometry is empty in function %s.Geometry overlay calculation error: geometry data is invalid in function %s.Geometry turn info calculation error: geometry data is invalid in function %s.Analysis procedures of intersection points interrupted unexpectedly in function %s.Unknown exception thrown in function %s.Memory allocation error: %-.256s in function %s.Domain error: %-.256s in function %s.Length error: %-.256s in function %s.Invalid argument error: %-.256s in function %s.Out of range error: %-.256s in function %s.Overflow error error: %-.256s in function %s.Range error: %-.256s in function %s.Underflow error: %-.256s in function %s.Logic error: %-.256s in function %s.Runtime error: %-.256s in function %s.Unknown exception: %-.384s in function %s.Geometry byte string must be little endian.The password provided for the replication user exceeds the maximum length of 32 charactersIncorrect user-level lock name '%-.192s'.Deadlock found when trying to get user-level lock; try rolling back transaction/releasing locks and restarting lock acquisition.REPLACE cannot be executed as it requires deleting rows that are not in the viewDo not support online operation on table with GIS indexUser variable name '%-.100s' is illegalCannot %s when GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot %s from a replication slave thread.Incorrect type for argument %s in function %s.Expression #%u of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, references column '%-.192s' which is not in SELECT list; this is incompatible with %sExpression #%u of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, contains aggregate function; this is incompatible with %sSupplied filter list contains a value which is not in the required format 'db_pattern.table_pattern'OK packet too largeInvalid JSON data provided to function %s: %sInvalid GeoJSON data provided to function %s: Missing required member '%s'Invalid GeoJSON data provided to function %s: Member '%s' must be of type '%s'Invalid GeoJSON data provided to function %sUnsupported number of coordinate dimensions in function %s: Found %u, expected %uSlave channel '%s' does not exist.A slave channel '%s' already exists for the given host and port combination.Couldn't create channel: Channel name is either invalid or too long.To have multiple channels, repository cannot be of type FILE; Please check the repository configuration and convert them to TABLE.Cannot delete slave info objects for channel '%s'.Multiple channels exist on the slave. Please provide channel name as an argument.Maximum number of replication channels allowed exceeded.This operation cannot be performed with running replication threads; run STOP SLAVE FOR CHANNEL '%s' firstThis operation requires running replication threads; configure slave and run START SLAVE FOR CHANNEL '%s'Replication thread(s) for channel '%s' are already runnning.Replication thread(s) for channel '%s' are already stopped.This operation cannot be performed with a running slave sql thread; run STOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD FOR CHANNEL '%s' first.When sql_slave_skip_counter > 0, it is not allowed to start more than one SQL thread by using 'START SLAVE [SQL_THREAD]'. Value of sql_slave_skip_counter can only be used by one SQL thread at a time. Please use 'START SLAVE [SQL_THREAD] FOR CHANNEL' to start the SQL thread which will use the value of sql_slave_skip_counter.Expression #%u of %s is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column '%-.192s' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_byIn aggregated query without GROUP BY, expression #%u of %s contains nonaggregated column '%-.192s'; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_byUpdating '%s' is deprecated. It will be made read-only in a future release.Changing sql mode '%s' is deprecated. It will be removed in a future release.DROP DATABASE failed; some tables may have been dropped but the database directory remains. The GTID has not been added to GTID_EXECUTED and the statement was not written to the binary log. Fix this as follows: (1) remove all files from the database directory %-.192s; (2) SET GTID_NEXT='%-.192s'; (3) DROP DATABASE `%-.192s`.The server is not configured properly to be an active member of the group. Please see more details on error log.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed since the group is already running.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as the applier module failed to start.The STOP GROUP_REPLICATION command execution is incomplete: The applier thread got the stop signal while it was busy. The applier thread will stop once the current task is complete.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as there was an error when initializing the group communication layer.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as there was an error when joining the communication group.The table does not comply with the requirements by an external plugin.Cannot change the value of variable %s without binary log format as ROW.Error on observer while running replication hook '%s'.Plugin instructed the server to rollback the current transaction.Expression of generated column '%s' contains a disallowed function.INPLACE ADD or DROP of virtual columns cannot be combined with other ALTER TABLE actionsCannot define foreign key with %s clause on a generated column.The value specified for generated column '%s' in table '%s' is not allowed.'%s' is not supported for generated columns.Generated column can refer only to generated columns defined prior to it.Column '%s' has a generated column dependency.Generated column '%s' cannot refer to auto-increment column.The '%-.64s' feature is not available; you need to remove '%-.64s' or use MySQL built with '%-.64s'SET @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = %-.64s is not allowed because %-.384s.The replication receiver thread%-.192s cannot start in AUTO_POSITION mode: this server uses @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot replicate anonymous transaction when AUTO_POSITION = 1, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot replicate anonymous transaction when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot replicate GTID-transaction when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot set ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY = ON because there are ongoing transactions that violate GTID consistency.There are ongoing transactions that violate GTID consistency.Access denied for user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s'. Account is locked.Incorrect tablespace name `%-.192s`Tablespace `%-.192s` is not empty.Incorrect File Name '%s'.Inconsistent intersection points.Optimizer hint syntax errorUnsupported MAX_EXECUTION_TIMEMAX_EXECUTION_TIME hint is supported by top-level standalone SELECT statements onlyHint %s is ignored as conflicting/duplicatedQuery block name %s is not found for %s hintUnresolved name %s for %s hintPlease do not modify the %s table. This is a mysql internal system table to store GTIDs for committed transactions. Modifying it can lead to an inconsistent GTID state.Command not supported by pluggable protocolsIncorrect locking service lock name '%-.192s'.Deadlock found when trying to get locking service lock; try releasing locks and restarting lock acquisition.Service lock wait timeout exceeded.Parameter %s exceeds the maximum number of points in a geometry (%lu) in function %s.'NO_ZERO_DATE', 'NO_ZERO_IN_DATE' and 'ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO' sql modes should be used with strict mode. They will be merged with strict mode in a future release.Version token mismatch for %.*s. Correct value %.*sVersion token %.*s not found.Variable %-.192s cannot be changed by a client that owns a GTID. The client owns %s. Ownership is released on COMMIT or ROLLBACK.%-.192s cannot be performed on channel '%-.192s'.Invalid JSON text: "%s" at position %u in value for column '%-.200s'.Invalid JSON text in argument %u to function %s: "%s" at position %u.%-.0sThe JSON binary value contains invalid data.Invalid JSON path expression. The error is around character position %u.%-.200sCannot create a JSON value from a string with CHARACTER SET '%s'.Invalid JSON character data provided to function %s: '%s'; utf8 is required.Invalid data type for JSON data in argument %u to function %s; a JSON string or JSON type is required.Cannot CAST value to JSON.A path expression must be encoded in the utf8 character set. The path expression '%-.200s' is encoded in character set '%-.200s'.In this situation, path expressions may not contain the * and ** tokens.The JSON value is too big to be stored in a JSON column.The JSON object contains a key name that is too long.JSON column '%-.192s' cannot be used in key specification.The path expression '$' is not allowed in this context.The oneOrAll argument to %s may take these values: 'one' or 'all'.Out of range JSON value for CAST to %s%-.0s from column %s at row %ldInvalid JSON value for CAST to %s%-.0s from column %s at row %ldThe JSON document exceeds the maximum depth.JSON documents may not contain NULL member names.Connections using insecure transport are prohibited while --require_secure_transport=ON.No secure transports (SSL or Shared Memory) are configured, unable to set --require_secure_transport=ON.Storage engine %s is disabled (Table creation is disallowed).User %s does not exist.User %s already exists.Aborted by Audit API ('%-.48s';%d).A path expression is not a path to a cell in an array.Another buffer pool resize is already in progress.The '%s' feature is disabled; see the documentation for '%s'Server isn't availableSession was killedMemory capacity of %llu bytes for '%s' exceeded. %sRange optimization was not done for this query.Partitioning upgrade required. Please dump/reload to fix it or do: ALTER TABLE `%-.192s`.`%-.192s` UPGRADE PARTITIONINGThe client holds ownership of the GTID %s. Therefore, WAIT_FOR_EXECUTED_GTID_SET cannot wait for this GTID.Cannot add foreign key on the base column of indexed virtual column.Cannot create index on virtual column whose base column has foreign constraint.Please do not modify the %s table with an XA transaction. This is an internal system table used to store GTIDs for committed transactions. Although modifying it can lead to an inconsistent GTID state, if neccessary you can modify it with a non-XA transaction.Lock acquisition refused by storage engine.ADD COLUMN col...VIRTUAL, ADD INDEX(col)Master key rotation is not supported by storage engine.Encryption key rotation error reported by SE: %sWrite to binlog failed. However, master key rotation has been completed successfully.Storage engine is not available.This tablespace can't be encrypted.Invalid encryption option.Can't find master key from keyring, please check in the server log if a keyring plugin is loaded and initialized successfully.Parser bailed out for this query.Cannot alter encryption attribute by inplace algorithm.Function '%s' failed because underlying keyring service returned an error. Please check if a keyring plugin is installed and that provided arguments are valid for the keyring you are using.It seems that your db schema is old. The %s column is 77 characters long and should be 93 characters long. Please run mysql_upgrade.RESET MASTER is not allowed because %-.384s.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed since the group already has 9 members.Cannot add foreign key on the base column of stored column. Cannot complete the operation because table is referenced by another connection.The partition engine, used by table '%-.192s.%-.192s', is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use native partitioning instead.%.192s(geometry) is deprecated and will be replaced by st_srid(geometry, 0) in a future version. Use %.192s(st_aswkb(geometry), 0) instead.%.192s(geometry, srid) is deprecated and will be replaced by st_srid(geometry, srid) in a future version. Use %.192s(st_aswkb(geometry), srid) instead.The resource manager is not able to commit the transaction branch at this time. Please retry later.Function %s failed due to: %s.Statement is unsafe because it is being used inside a XA transaction. Concurrent XA transactions may deadlock on slaves when replicated using statements.%s UDF failed; %sCan not perform keyring migration : %sAccess denied; you need %-.128s privileges for this operationKeyring migration %s.Failed to open the %s filter tables.Failed to open '%s.%s' %s table.No keyring plugin installed.Audit log encryption password has not been set; it will be generated automatically. Use audit_log_encryption_password_get to obtain the password or audit_log_encryption_password_set to set a new one.Could not create AES key. OpenSSL's EVP_BytesToKey function failed.Audit log encryption password cannot be fetched from the keyring. Password used so far is used for encryption.Audit Log filtering has not been installed.Request ignored for '%s'@'%s'. SUPER_ACL needed to perform operationSUPER privilege required for '%s'@'%s' user.Could not reinitialize audit log filters.Invalid argument typeInvalid argument countaudit_log plugin has not been installed using INSTALL PLUGIN syntax.Invalid "max_array_length" argument type.Invalid "max_array_length" argument value.%sFilter name cannot be empty.User cannot be empty.Specified filter has not been found.First character of the user name must be alphanumeric.Invalid character in the user name.Invalid character in the host name.With the MAXDB SQL mode enabled, TIMESTAMP is identical with DATETIME. The MAXDB SQL mode is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please disable the MAXDB SQL mode and use DATETIME instead.The use of replication filters with XA transactions is not supported, and can lead to an undefined state in the replication slave.Compressed column '%-.192s' is not allowed in the key listCan not define column '%-.192s' in compressed formatCompression dictionary '%-.192s' already existsCompression dictionary '%-.192s' does not existCompression dictionary name '%-.192s' is too long (max length = %lu)Data for compression dictionary '%-.192s' is too long (max length = %lu)Compression dictionary '%-.192s' is in useCan't execute the query because you have a conflicting backup lockKeys are out order during bulk loadBulk load rows overlap existing rowsCan't execute updates on master with binlog_format != ROW.MyRocks supports only READ COMMITTED and REPEATABLE READ isolation levels. Please change from current isolation level %sWhen unique checking is disabled in MyRocks, INSERT,UPDATE,LOAD statements with clauses that update or replace the key (i.e. INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, REPLACE) are not allowed. Query: %sCan't execute updates when you started a transaction with START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT [ROCKSDB] SNAPSHOT.This transaction was rolled back and cannot be committed. Only supported operation is to roll it back, so all pending changes will be discarded. Please restart another transaction.MyRocks currently does not support ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT if modifying rows.Only REPEATABLE READ isolation level is supported for START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT SNAPSHOT in RocksDB Storage Engine.Unsupported collation on string indexed column %s.%s Use binary collation (%s).Table '%s' does not exist, but metadata information exists inside MyRocks. This is a sign of data inconsistency. Please check if '%s.frm' exists, and try to restore it if it does not exist.MyRocks failed creating new key definitions during alter.MyRocks failed populating secondary key during alter.Column family ('%s') flag (%d) is different from an existing flag (%d). Assign a new CF flag, or do not change existing CF flag.TTL support is currently disabled when table has a hidden PK.TTL column (%s) in MyRocks must be an unsigned non-null 64-bit integer, exist inside the table, and have an accompanying ttl duration.TTL duration (%s) in MyRocks must be an unsigned non-null 64-bit integer.The per-index column family option has been deprecated.charsets/keybcs2.xml000075500000012630147633135420010461 0ustar00 Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB Use is subject to license terms This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 28 28 28 28 28 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 48 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 81 81 81 81 81 81 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 10 10 10 10 10 10 82 82 82 82 82 82 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 10 10 10 10 00 01 02 82 02 02 01 01 02 82 81 01 01 02 02 01 01 81 02 01 02 02 01 02 01 02 01 01 01 01 01 01 02 02 02 02 02 02 01 01 01 02 02 02 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 02 01 02 01 02 00 02 01 01 01 02 00 02 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 48 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F 87 81 82 83 84 83 86 87 88 88 8D A1 8C 8D 84 A0 82 91 91 93 94 A2 96 A3 98 94 81 9B 8C 98 A9 9F A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A4 96 93 9B A9 AA AA AC AD AE AF B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 BA BB BC BD BE BF C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA CB CC CD CE CF D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 DA DB DC DD DE DF E0 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 ED E9 EA EB EC ED EE EF F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC FD FE FF 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 68 59 5A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F 87 9A 90 85 8E 85 86 80 89 89 8A 8B 9C 8A 8E 8F 90 92 92 A7 99 95 A6 97 9D 99 9A A8 9C 9D 9E 9F 8F 8B 95 97 A5 A5 A6 A7 A8 9E AB AB AC AD AE AF B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 BA BB BC BD BE BF C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA CB CC CD CE CF D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 DA DB DC DD DE DF E0 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 EA EB EC E8 EE EF F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC FD FE FF 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 010C 00FC 00E9 010F 00E4 010E 0164 010D 011B 011A 0139 00CD 013E 013A 00C4 00C1 00C9 017E 017D 00F4 00F6 00D3 016F 00DA 00FD 00D6 00DC 0160 013D 00DD 0158 0165 00E1 00ED 00F3 00FA 0148 0147 016E 00D4 0161 0159 0155 0154 00BC 00A1 00AB 00BB 2591 2592 2593 2502 2524 2561 2562 2556 2555 2563 2551 2557 255D 255C 255B 2510 2514 2534 252C 251C 2500 253C 255E 255F 255A 2554 2569 2566 2560 2550 256C 2567 2568 2564 2565 2559 2558 2552 2553 256B 256A 2518 250C 2588 2584 258C 2590 2580 03B1 00DF 0393 03C0 03A3 03C3 00B5 03C4 03A6 0398 03A9 03B4 221E 03C6 03B5 2229 2261 00B1 2265 2264 2320 2321 00F7 2248 00B0 2219 00B7 221A 207F 00B2 25A0 00A0 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 44 45 47 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 5A 5E 5F 60 63 66 68 6C 6D 6E 6F 72 90 91 92 93 94 95 41 44 45 47 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 5A 5E 5F 60 63 66 68 6C 6D 6E 6F 72 96 97 98 99 9A 45 68 49 47 41 47 66 45 49 49 56 53 56 56 41 41 49 72 72 5A 5A 5A 68 68 6F 5A 68 63 56 6F 60 66 41 53 5A 68 58 58 68 5A 63 60 60 60 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 BA BB BC BD BE BF C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA CB CC CD CE CF D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 DA DB DC 80 65 83 87 88 89 DD 8A 85 8B 84 81 DE 85 82 DF F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC FD FE FF charsets/cp852.xml000075500000012627147633135420007766 0ustar00 Copyright (c) 2003, 2004 MySQL AB Use is subject to license terms This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 28 28 28 28 28 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 48 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 81 81 81 81 81 81 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 10 10 10 10 10 10 82 82 82 82 82 82 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 10 10 10 10 00 01 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 01 02 02 01 01 01 01 01 02 02 02 01 02 01 02 01 01 01 02 01 00 02 02 02 02 02 01 02 01 02 01 02 00 02 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 01 01 02 00 00 00 00 01 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 01 01 01 02 01 01 01 02 00 00 00 00 01 01 00 01 02 01 01 02 02 01 02 01 01 02 01 02 01 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 01 02 00 48 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F 87 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8B 8B 8C AB 84 86 82 92 92 93 94 96 96 98 98 94 81 9C 9C 88 9E 9F A0 A1 A2 A3 A5 A5 A7 A7 A9 A9 AA AB 9F B8 AE AF B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 A0 83 D8 B8 B9 BA BB BC BE BE BF C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C7 C7 C8 C9 CA CB CC CD CE CF D0 D0 D4 89 D4 E5 A1 8C D8 D9 DA DB DC EE 85 DF A2 E1 93 E4 E4 E5 E7 E7 EA A3 E8 FB EC EC EE EF F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC FD FE FF 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F 80 9A 90 B6 8E DE 8F 80 9D D3 8A 8A D7 8D 8E 8F 90 91 91 E2 99 95 95 97 97 99 9A 9B 9B 9D 9E AC B5 D6 E0 E9 A4 A4 A6 A6 A8 A8 AA 8D AC AD AE AF B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 AD B9 BA BB BC BE BD BF C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C6 C8 C9 CA CB CC CD CE CF D1 D1 D2 D3 D2 D5 D6 D7 B7 D9 DA DB DC DD DE DF E0 E1 E2 E3 E3 D5 E6 E6 E8 E9 E8 EB ED ED DD EF F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA EB FC FC FE FF 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 00C7 00FC 00E9 00E2 00E4 016F 0107 00E7 0142 00EB 0150 0151 00EE 0179 00C4 0106 00C9 0139 013A 00F4 00F6 013D 013E 015A 015B 00D6 00DC 0164 0165 0141 00D7 010D 00E1 00ED 00F3 00FA 0104 0105 017D 017E 0118 0119 00AC 017A 010C 015F 00AB 00BB 2591 2592 2593 2502 2524 00C1 00C2 011A 015E 2563 2551 2557 255D 017B 017C 2510 2514 2534 252C 251C 2500 253C 0102 0103 255A 2554 2569 2566 2560 2550 256C 00A4 0111 0110 010E 00CB 010F 0147 00CD 00CE 011B 2518 250C 2588 2584 0162 016E 2580 00D3 00DF 00D4 0143 0144 0148 0160 0161 0154 00DA 0155 0170 00FD 00DD 0163 00B4 00AD 02DD 02DB 02C7 02D8 00A7 00F7 00B8 00B0 00A8 02D9 0171 0158 0159 25A0 00A0 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 47 48 4C 4F 54 55 56 57 5A 5B 5C 5E 5F 62 67 68 69 6C 71 74 75 76 77 78 7B 90 91 92 93 94 95 41 47 48 4C 4F 54 55 56 57 5A 5B 5C 5E 5F 62 67 68 69 6C 71 74 75 76 77 78 7B 96 97 98 99 9A 48 74 4F 41 41 74 48 48 5C 4F 62 62 57 7B 41 48 4F 5C 5C 62 62 5C 5C 6C 6C 62 74 71 71 5C 9E 48 41 57 62 74 41 41 7B 7B 4F 4F AA 7B 48 6C AE AF B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 41 41 4F 6C B5 BA BB BC 7B 7B BF C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 41 41 C8 C9 CA CB CC CD CE CF 4C 4C 4C 4F 4C 60 57 57 4F D9 DA DB DC 71 74 DF 62 70 62 60 60 60 6C 6C 69 74 69 74 78 78 71 EF F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA 74 69 69 FE FF charsets/ascii.xml000075500000012607147633135420010213 0ustar00 Copyright (c) 2003, 2007 MySQL AB Use is subject to license terms This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 28 28 28 28 28 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 48 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 81 81 81 81 81 81 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 10 10 10 10 10 10 82 82 82 82 82 82 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 10 10 10 10 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9A 9B 9C 9D 9E 9F A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AA AB AC AD AE AF B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 BA BB BC BD BE BF C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA CB CC CD CE CF D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 DA DB DC DD DE DF E0 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 EA EB EC ED EE EF F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC FD FE FF 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9A 9B 9C 9D 9E 9F A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AA AB AC AD AE AF B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 BA BB BC BD BE BF C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA CB CC CD CE CF D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 DA DB DC DD DE DF E0 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 EA EB EC ED EE EF F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC FD FE FF 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9A 9B 9C 9D 9E 9F A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AA AB AC AD AE AF B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 BA BB BC BD BE BF C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA CB CC CD CE CF D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 DA DB DC DD DE DF E0 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 EA EB EC ED EE EF F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC FD FE FF charsets/cp1256.xml000075500000012700147633135420010035 0ustar00 Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB Use is subject to license terms This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 28 28 28 28 28 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 48 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 81 81 81 81 81 81 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 10 10 10 00 00 00 82 82 82 82 82 82 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 10 10 10 10 20 00 03 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 03 03 00 03 10 10 10 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 10 10 00 00 10 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 10 00 00 00 10 00 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 00 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 02 03 02 03 03 03 03 02 02 02 02 02 03 03 02 02 03 03 03 03 02 03 03 00 03 02 03 02 02 00 00 00 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 54 75 76 77 78 79 7A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 54 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8A 8B 9C 8D 8E 8F 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9A 9B 9C 9D 9E 9F A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AA AB AC AD AE AF B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 BA BB BC BD BE BF C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA CB CC CD CE CF D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 DA DB DC DD DE DF E0 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 EA EB EC ED EE EF F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC FD FE FF 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 74 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5F 5E 5F 60 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 74 55 56 57 58 59 5A 7B 7C 7F 7E 7F 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9A 9B 8C 9D 9E 9F A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AA AB AC AD AE AF B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 BA BB BC BD BE BF C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA CB CC CD CE CF D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 DA DB DC DD DE DF E0 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 EA EB EC ED EE EF F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC FD FE FF 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 20AC 067E 201A 0192 201E 2026 2020 2021 02C6 2030 0000 2039 0152 0686 0698 0000 06AF 2018 2019 201C 201D 2022 2013 2014 0000 2122 0000 203A 0153 200C 200D 0000 00A0 060C 00A2 00A3 00A4 00A5 00A6 00A7 00A8 00A9 0000 00AB 00AC 00AD 00AE 00AF 00B0 00B1 00B2 00B3 00B4 00B5 00B6 00B7 00B8 00B9 061B 00BB 00BC 00BD 00BE 061F 0000 0621 0622 0623 0624 0625 0626 0627 0628 0629 062A 062B 062C 062D 062E 062F 0630 0631 0632 0633 0634 0635 0636 00D7 0637 0638 0639 063A 0640 0641 0642 0643 00E0 0644 00E2 0645 0646 0647 0648 00E7 00E8 00E9 00EA 00EB 0649 064A 00EE 00EF 064B 064C 064D 064E 00F4 064F 0650 00F7 0651 00F9 0652 00FB 00FC 200E 200F 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 45 47 4A 4C 52 55 57 59 5D 5F 61 63 65 67 6C 6E 70 72 74 76 7B 7D 7F 81 83 B9 BA BB BC BD BE 41 45 47 4A 4C 52 55 57 59 5D 5F 61 63 65 67 6C 6E 70 72 74 76 7B 7D 7F 81 83 BF C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 8E C5 54 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA CB CC CD 6A 92 99 CE A5 CF D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 6A DA DB DC DD B6 DE DF E0 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 EA EB EC ED EE EF F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 B7 F6 F7 F8 F9 B8 FA 85 86 87 88 89 8A 8B 8C 8D 9F 90 91 93 94 95 96 97 98 9A 9B 9C 9D FB 9E 9F A0 A1 AD A2 A3 A4 43 A6 44 A7 A8 A9 AA 49 4E 4F 50 51 AB AC 5B 5C AE AF B0 B1 69 B2 B3 FC B4 78 B5 79 7A FD FE FF charsets/greek.xml000075500000013137147633135420010217 0ustar00 Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB Use is subject to license terms This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 28 28 28 28 28 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 48 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 81 81 81 81 81 81 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 10 10 10 10 10 10 82 82 82 82 82 82 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 10 10 10 10 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 48 10 10 10 00 00 10 10 10 10 00 10 10 10 00 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 01 10 01 01 01 10 01 10 01 01 02 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 00 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 00 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9A 9B 9C 9D 9E 9F A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AA AB AC AD AE AF B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 DC B7 DD DE DF BB FC BD FD FE C0 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 EA EB EC ED EE EF F0 F1 D2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA FB DC DD DE DF E0 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 EA EB EC ED EE EF F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC FD FE FF 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9A 9B 9C 9D 9E 9F A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AA AB AC AD AE AF B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 BA BB BC BD BE BF DA C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA CB CC CD CE CF D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 DA DB C1 C5 C7 C9 DB C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA CB CC CD CE CF D0 D1 D3 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 DA DB CF D5 D9 FF 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 0085 0086 0087 0088 0089 008A 008B 008C 008D 008E 008F 0090 0091 0092 0093 0094 0095 0096 0097 0098 0099 009A 009B 009C 009D 009E 009F 00A0 02BD 02BC 00A3 0000 0000 00A6 00A7 00A8 00A9 0000 00AB 00AC 00AD 0000 2015 00B0 00B1 00B2 00B3 0384 0385 0386 00B7 0388 0389 038A 00BB 038C 00BD 038E 038F 0390 0391 0392 0393 0394 0395 0396 0397 0398 0399 039A 039B 039C 039D 039E 039F 03A0 03A1 0000 03A3 03A4 03A5 03A6 03A7 03A8 03A9 03AA 03AB 03AC 03AD 03AE 03AF 03B0 03B1 03B2 03B3 03B4 03B5 03B6 03B7 03B8 03B9 03BA 03BB 03BC 03BD 03BE 03BF 03C0 03C1 03C2 03C3 03C4 03C5 03C6 03C7 03C8 03C9 03CA 03CB 03CC 03CD 03CE 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9A 9B 9C 9D 9E 9F A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AA AB AC AD AE AF B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 C1 B7 C5 C7 C9 BB CF BD D5 D9 C9 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA CB CC CD CE CF D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 C9 D5 C1 C5 C7 C9 D5 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA CB CC CD CE CF D0 D1 D3 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 C9 D5 CF D5 D9 FF charsets/hebrew.xml000075500000012614147633135420010375 0ustar00 Copyright (c) 2003, 2006 MySQL AB Use is subject to license terms This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 28 28 28 28 28 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 48 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 81 81 81 81 81 81 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 10 10 10 10 10 10 82 82 82 82 82 82 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 10 10 10 10 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 48 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 00 00 20 20 00 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9A 9B 9C 9D 9E 9F A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AA AB AC AD AE AF B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 BA BB BC BD BE BF C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA CB CC CD CE CF D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 DA DB DC DD DE DF E0 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 EA EB EC ED EE EF F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC FD FE FF 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9A 9B 9C 9D 9E 9F A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AA AB AC AD AE AF B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 BA BB BC BD BE BF C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA CB CC CD CE CF D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 DA DB DC DD DE DF E0 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 EA EB EC ED EE EF F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC FD FE FF 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 0085 0086 0087 0088 0089 008A 008B 008C 008D 008E 008F 0090 0091 0092 0093 0094 0095 0096 0097 0098 0099 009A 009B 009C 009D 009E 009F 00A0 0000 00A2 00A3 00A4 00A5 00A6 00A7 00A8 00A9 00D7 00AB 00AC 00AD 00AE 203E 00B0 00B1 00B2 00B3 00B4 00B5 00B6 00B7 00B8 00B9 00F7 00BB 00BC 00BD 00BE 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 2017 05D0 05D1 05D2 05D3 05D4 05D5 05D6 05D7 05D8 05D9 05DA 05DB 05DC 05DD 05DE 05DF 05E0 05E1 05E2 05E3 05E4 05E5 05E6 05E7 05E8 05E9 05EA 0000 0000 200E 200F 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9A 9B 9C 9D 9E 9F A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AA AB AC AD AE AF B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 BA BB BC BD BE BF C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA CB CC CD CE CF D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 F7 D8 D9 DA DB DC DD DE FF E0 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 EA EB EC ED EE EF F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC FD FE FF charsets/README000075500000003325147633135420007256 0ustar00This directory holds configuration files that enable MySQL to work with different character sets. It contains: charset_name.xml Each charset_name.xml file contains information for a simple character set. The information in the file describes character types, lower- and upper-case equivalencies and sorting orders for the character values in the set. Index.xml The Index.xml file lists all of the available charset configurations, including collations. Each collation must have a unique number. The number is stored IN THE DATABASE TABLE FILES and must not be changed. The max-id attribute of the element must be set to the largest collation number. Compiled in or configuration file? When should a character set be compiled in to MySQL's string library (libmystrings), and when should it be placed in a charset_name.xml configuration file? If the character set requires the strcoll functions or is a multi-byte character set, it MUST be compiled in to the string library. If it does not require these functions, it should be placed in a charset_name.xml configuration file. If the character set uses any one of the strcoll functions, it must define all of them. Likewise, if the set uses one of the multi-byte functions, it must define them all. See the manual for more information on how to add a complex character set to MySQL. Syntax of configuration files The syntax is very simple. Words in array elements are separated by arbitrary amounts of whitespace. Each word must be a number in hexadecimal format. The ctype array has 257 words; the other arrays (lower, upper, etc.) take up 256 words each after that. charsets/cp1257.xml000075500000021305147633135420010037 0ustar00 Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB Use is subject to license terms This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 28 28 28 28 28 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 48 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 81 81 81 81 81 81 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 10 10 10 10 10 10 82 82 82 82 82 82 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 10 10 10 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 01 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 02 00 00 00 00 02 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 00 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 00 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 00 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 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This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 28 28 28 28 28 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 48 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 81 81 81 81 81 81 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 10 10 10 10 10 10 82 82 82 82 82 82 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 10 10 10 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 48 01 10 01 10 01 01 10 10 01 01 01 01 10 01 01 10 02 10 02 10 02 02 10 10 02 02 02 02 10 02 02 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 10 01 01 01 01 01 01 10 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 10 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 10 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 10 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 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This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 28 28 28 28 28 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 48 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 81 81 81 81 81 81 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 10 10 10 10 10 10 82 82 82 82 82 82 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 02 10 10 10 10 10 10 02 10 02 02 01 10 10 01 02 10 10 02 01 10 01 01 01 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 20 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9A 9B 9C 9D 9E 9F A0 C8 C0 C9 C1 CD D1 DD A8 A9 AA AB AC CB C3 AF B0 B2 B2 B3 B5 B5 B7 B7 B8 B9 BA BB BC BD BE BF C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA CB CC CD CE CF D4 D1 D6 D7 D4 D5 D6 D7 CC D9 CE CF C5 DD DE C2 C4 E2 E2 E4 E4 D5 D9 C6 CA EA EA EC EC C7 EF EF F1 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC FD FE FF 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9A 9B 9C 9D 9E 9F A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AA AB AC AD AE AF B0 B1 B1 B3 B4 B4 B6 B6 B8 B9 BA BB BC BD BE BF A2 A4 DF AE E0 DC E7 ED A1 A3 E8 AD D8 A5 DA DB D0 A6 D2 D3 D0 E5 D2 D3 D8 E6 DA DB DC A7 DE DF E0 E1 E1 E3 E3 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 E9 EB EB ED EE EE F0 F0 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC FD FE FF 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 0085 0086 0087 0088 0089 008A 008B 008C 008D 008E 008F 0090 0091 0092 0093 0094 0095 0096 0097 0098 0099 009A 009B 009C 009D 009E 009F 00A0 00C0 00C2 00C8 00CA 00CB 00CE 00CF 00B4 02CB 02C6 00A8 02DC 00D9 00DB 20A4 00AF 00DD 00FD 00B0 00C7 00E7 00D1 00F1 00A1 00BF 00A4 00A3 00A5 00A7 0192 00A2 00E2 00EA 00F4 00FB 00E1 00E9 00F3 00FA 00E0 00E8 00F2 00F9 00E4 00EB 00F6 00FC 00C5 00EE 00D8 00C6 00E5 00ED 00F8 00E6 00C4 00EC 00D6 00DC 00C9 00EF 00DF 00D4 00C1 00C3 00E3 00D0 00F0 00CD 00CC 00D3 00D2 00D5 00F5 0160 0161 00DA 0178 00FF 00DE 00FE 00B7 00B5 00B6 00BE 2014 00BC 00BD 00AA 00BA 00AB 25A0 00BB 00B1 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5C 5D 5B 5E 5F 60 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9A 9B 9C 9D 9E 9F A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AA AB AC AD AE AF B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 BA BB BC BD BE BF C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA CB CC CD CE CF D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 DA DB DC DD DE DF E0 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 EA EB EC ED EE EF F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC FD FE FF charsets/macroman.xml000075500000017571147633135420010725 0ustar00 Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB Use is subject to license terms This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 28 28 28 28 28 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 48 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 81 81 81 81 81 81 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 10 10 10 10 10 10 82 82 82 82 82 82 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 10 10 10 10 10 20 01 01 01 01 01 01 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 02 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 00 01 01 01 01 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 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program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 28 28 28 28 28 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 48 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 81 81 81 81 81 81 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 10 10 10 10 10 10 82 82 82 82 82 82 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 10 10 10 10 00 01 01 02 01 01 01 01 02 02 01 02 02 01 02 02 01 02 01 02 02 01 02 01 02 02 02 02 02 02 01 02 02 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 02 00 00 02 01 02 01 00 00 02 01 00 00 02 01 02 01 02 01 02 01 02 01 00 00 02 01 00 00 00 00 00 02 01 01 02 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 01 02 01 00 00 02 01 02 01 00 00 02 01 02 01 01 02 01 01 02 01 01 01 02 01 01 02 01 02 01 02 01 02 02 01 01 02 01 00 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 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This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 28 28 28 28 28 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 48 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 81 81 81 81 81 81 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 10 10 10 10 10 10 82 82 82 82 82 82 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 10 20 10 10 10 10 20 10 01 10 01 01 01 01 20 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 20 10 02 10 02 02 02 02 48 10 10 01 10 01 10 01 10 10 01 10 10 10 10 01 10 10 10 02 10 10 10 10 10 02 02 10 01 10 02 02 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 10 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 10 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 10 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 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This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 28 28 28 28 28 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 48 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 81 81 81 81 81 81 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 10 10 10 10 10 10 82 82 82 82 82 82 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 10 10 10 10 20 00 00 10 00 10 10 10 10 00 10 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 00 48 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9A 9B 9C 9D 9E 9F A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AA AB AC AD AE AF B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 BA BB BC BD BE BF C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA CB CC CD CE CF D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 DA DB DC DD DE DF E0 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 EA EB EC ED EE EF F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC FD FE FF 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9A 9B 9C 9D 9E 9F A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AA AB AC AD AE AF B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 BA BB BC BD BE BF C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA CB CC CD CE CF D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 DA DB DC DD DE DF E0 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 EA EB EC ED EE EF F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC FD FE FF 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 20AC 0000 201A 0000 201E 2026 2020 2021 0000 2030 0000 2039 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 2018 2019 201C 201D 2022 2013 2014 0000 0000 0000 203A 0000 0000 0000 0000 00A0 00A1 00A2 00A3 00A4 00A5 00A6 00A7 00A8 00A9 00AA 00AB 00AC 00AD 00AE 00AF 00B0 00B1 00B2 00B3 00B4 00B5 00B6 00B7 00B8 00B9 00BA 00BB 00BC 00BD 00BE 00BF 10D0 10D1 10D2 10D3 10D4 10D5 10D6 10F1 10D7 10D8 10D9 10DA 10DB 10DC 10F2 10DD 10DE 10DF 10E0 10E1 10E2 10F3 10E3 10E4 10E5 10E6 10E7 10E8 10E9 10EA 10EB 10EC 10ED 10EE 10F4 10EF 10F0 10F5 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 2116 0000 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9A 9B 9C 9D 9E 9F A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AA AB AC AD AE AF B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 BA BB BC BD BE BF C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA CB CC CD CE CF D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 DA DB DC DD DE DF E0 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 EA EB EC ED EE EF F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC FD FE FF charsets/latin7.xml000075500000016415147633135420010322 0ustar00 Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB Use is subject to license terms This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 28 28 28 28 28 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 48 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 81 81 81 81 81 81 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 10 10 10 10 10 10 82 82 82 82 82 82 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 10 10 10 10 20 01 20 10 20 10 10 00 00 20 10 20 10 20 10 10 10 20 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 20 00 20 10 20 10 10 20 48 20 10 10 10 20 10 10 10 10 01 10 10 10 10 01 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 02 10 10 10 10 02 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 10 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 10 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 10 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 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This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 28 28 28 28 28 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 48 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 10 10 10 10 10 10 01 81 81 81 81 81 81 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 10 01 82 82 82 82 82 82 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9A 9B 9C 9D 9E 9F A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AA AB AC AD AE AF B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 BA BB BC BD BE BF C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA CB CC CD CE CF D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 DA DB DC DD DE DF E0 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 EA EB EC ED EE EF F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC FD FE FF 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 7F 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9A 9B 9C 9D 9E 9F A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AA AB AC AD AE AF B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 BA BB BC BD BE BF C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA CB CC CD CE CF D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 DA DB DC DD DE DF E0 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 EA EB EC ED EE EF F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC FD FE FF 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 00C9 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 00C4 00D6 00C5 00DC 005F 00E9 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 00E4 00F6 00E5 00FC 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 45 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5C 5D 5B 59 5F 45 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5C 5D 5B 59 7F 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9A 9B 9C 9D 9E 9F A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AA AB AC AD AE AF B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 BA BB BC BD BE BF C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA CB CC CD CE CF D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 DA DB DC DD DE DF E0 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 EA EB EC ED EE EF F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC FD FE FF charsets/dec8.xml000075500000014600147633135420007741 0ustar00 Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB Use is subject to license terms This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 28 28 28 28 28 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 48 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 81 81 81 81 81 81 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 10 10 10 10 10 10 82 82 82 82 82 82 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 10 10 10 10 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 48 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 10 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 10 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9A 9B 9C 9D 9E 9F A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AA AB AC AD AE AF B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 BA BB BC BD BE BF E0 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 EA EB EC ED EE EF F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 D7 F8 F9 FA FB FC FD FE DF E0 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 EA EB EC ED EE EF F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC FD FE FF 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9A 9B 9C 9D 9E 9F A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AA AB AC AD AE AF B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 BA BB BC BD BE BF C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA CB CC CD CE CF D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 DA DB DC DD DE DF C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA CB CC CD CE CF D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 F7 D8 D9 DA DB DC DD DE FF 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 0085 0086 0087 0088 0089 008A 008B 008C 008D 008E 008F 0090 0091 0092 0093 0094 0095 0096 0097 0098 0099 009A 009B 009C 009D 009E 009F 00A0 00A1 00A2 00A3 0000 00A5 0000 00A7 00A4 00A9 00AA 00AB 0000 0000 0000 0000 00B0 00B1 00B2 00B3 0000 00B5 00B6 00B7 0000 00B9 00BA 00BB 00BC 00BD 0000 00BF 00C0 00C1 00C2 00C3 00C4 00C5 00C6 00C7 00C8 00C9 00CA 00CB 00CC 00CD 00CE 00CF 0000 00D1 00D2 00D3 00D4 00D5 00D6 0152 00D8 00D9 00DA 00DB 00DC 0178 0000 00DF 00E0 00E1 00E2 00E3 00E4 00E5 00E6 00E7 00E8 00E9 00EA 00EB 00EC 00ED 00EE 00EF 0000 00F1 00F2 00F3 00F4 00F5 00F6 0153 00F8 00F9 00FA 00FB 00FC 00FF 0000 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9A 9B 9C 9D 9E 9F A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AA AB AC AD AE AF B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 BA BB BC BD BE BF 41 41 41 41 5C 5B 5C 43 45 45 45 45 49 49 49 49 44 4E 4F 4F 4F 4F 5D D7 D8 55 55 55 59 59 DE DF 41 41 41 41 5C 5B 5C 43 45 45 45 45 49 49 49 49 44 4E 4F 4F 4F 4F 5D F7 D8 55 55 55 59 59 DE FF charsets/cp1251.xml000075500000020255147633135420010034 0ustar00 Copyright (c) 2003, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 28 28 28 28 28 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 48 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 81 81 81 81 81 81 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 10 10 10 10 10 10 82 82 82 82 82 82 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 10 10 10 10 00 01 01 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 01 01 01 01 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 02 02 02 02 00 01 02 01 00 01 00 00 01 00 01 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 01 02 02 00 00 00 02 00 02 00 02 01 02 02 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 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program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 28 28 28 28 28 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 48 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 81 81 81 81 81 81 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 10 10 10 10 10 10 82 82 82 82 82 82 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 10 10 10 10 20 10 00 10 02 10 10 10 10 10 10 01 10 01 00 01 00 00 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 02 10 02 00 02 01 48 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 10 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 10 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 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A8 AA AF B9 BA BB BC BF C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA CB CC CD CE CF D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 DA DB DC DD DE DF E0 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 EA EB EC ED EE EF F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC FD FE FF 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 53 5B 5B 5B 5B 6B 6B 6B 6B 57 7F 81 81 81 81 81 BD 81 9A 9A 9A 9A AA B1 97 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 53 5B 5B 5B 5B 6B 6B 6B 6B 57 7F 81 81 81 81 81 BE 81 9A 9A 9A 9A AA B1 AA charsets/Index.xml000075500000044426147633135420010176 0ustar00 Copyright (c) 2003-2005 MySQL AB Use is subject to license terms This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA This file lists all of the available character sets. To make maintaining easier please: - keep records sorted by collation number. - change charsets.max-id when adding a new collation. Traditional Chinese Big5 Traditional Chinese big-5 bigfive big-five cn-big5 csbig5 primary compiled binary compiled Central European ISO 8859-2 Central European csisolatin2 iso-8859-2 iso-ir-101 iso_8859-2 iso_8859-2:1987 l2 Hungarian Polish Romanian Croatian Slovak Slovenian Sorbian Western DEC West European Dutch English French German Duden Italian Latin Portuguese Spanish Western DOS West European 850 cspc850multilingual ibm850 Dutch English French German Duden Italian Latin Portuguese Spanish Western cp1252 West European csisolatin1 iso-8859-1 iso-ir-100 iso_8859-1 iso_8859-1:1987 l1 latin1 primary compiled binary compiled Dutch English French German Duden Italian Latin Portuguese Spanish Dutch English French German Duden Italian Latin Portuguese Spanish Western HP West European hproman8 Dutch English French German Duden Italian Latin Portuguese Spanish Cyrillic KOI8-R Relcom Russian koi8-r cskoi8r Western 7bit Swedish iso-646-se Western US ASCII us us-ascii csascii iso-ir-6 iso646-us Japanese EUC-JP Japanese euc-jp primary compiled binary compiled Japanese Shift-JIS Japanese s-jis shift-jis x-sjis primary compiled binary compiled Cyrillic Windows Cyrillic windows-1251 ms-cyr ms-cyrillic Belarusian Bulgarian Macedonian Russian Serbian Mongolian Ukrainian Belarusian Bulgarian Macedonian Russian Serbian Mongolian Ukrainian Belarusian Bulgarian Macedonian Russian Serbian Mongolian Ukrainian Hebrew ISO 8859-8 Hebrew csisolatinhebrew iso-8859-8 iso-ir-138 Thai TIS620 Thai tis-620 primary compiled binary compiled Korean EUC-KR Korean euc_kr euc-kr primary compiled binary compiled Baltic ISO 8859-13 Baltic BalticRim iso-8859-13 l7 Estonian Latvian Lithuanian primary Latvian Lithuanian Cyrillic KOI8-U Ukrainian koi8-u Simplified Chinese GB2312 Simplified Chinese chinese iso-ir-58 primary compiled binary compiled Greek ISO 8859-7 Greek csisolatingreek ecma-118 greek8 iso-8859-7 iso-ir-126 Central European Windows Central European ms-ce windows-1250 Hungarian Polish Romanian Croatian Slovak Slovenian Sorbian Croatian Polish compiled East Asian GBK Simplified Chinese cp936 primary compiled binary compiled East Asian China National Standard GB18030 cp54936 primary compiled binary compiled Baltic Windows Baltic WinBaltRim windows-1257 Latvian Lithuanian South Asian ISO 8859-9 Turkish csisolatin5 iso-8859-9 iso-ir-148 l5 latin5 turkish South Asian ARMSCII-8 Armenian armscii-8 Unicode UTF-8 Unicode utf-8 primary compiled binary compiled Unicode UCS-2 Unicode primary compiled binary compiled Cyrillic DOS Russian 866 csibm866 ibm866 DOSCyrillicRussian Central European DOS Kamenicky Czech-Slovak Central European Mac Central European MacCentralEurope Hungarian Polish Romanian Croatian Slovak Slovenian Sorbian Western Mac West European Mac Macintosh csmacintosh Dutch English French German Duden Italian Latin Portuguese Spanish Central European DOS Central European 852 cp852 ibm852 Hungarian Polish Romanian Croatian Slovak Slovenian Sorbian Arabic Windows Arabic ms-arab windows-1256 Arabic Persian Pakistani Urdu South Asian GEOSTD8 Georgian Binary pseudo charset primary compiled Japanese SJIS for Windows Japanese ms_cp932 sjis_cp932 sjis_ms primary compiled binary compiled Japanese UJIS for Windows Japanese eucjpms eucJP_ms ujis_ms ujis_cp932 primary compiled binary compiled charsets/armscii8.xml000075500000012625147633135420010642 0ustar00 Copyright (c) 2003, 2004 MySQL AB Use is subject to license terms This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 28 28 28 28 28 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 48 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 81 81 81 81 81 81 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 10 10 10 10 10 10 82 82 82 82 82 82 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 10 10 10 10 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 48 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 01 02 01 02 01 02 01 02 01 02 01 02 01 02 01 02 01 02 01 02 01 02 01 02 01 02 01 02 01 02 01 02 01 02 01 02 01 02 01 02 01 02 01 02 01 02 01 02 01 02 01 02 01 02 01 02 01 02 01 02 01 02 01 02 01 02 01 02 01 02 01 02 01 02 01 02 10 10 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9A 9B 9C 9D 9E 9F A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 B8 A9 AA AB AC AD AE AF B0 B1 B3 B3 B5 B5 B7 B7 B9 B9 BB BB BD BD BF BF C1 C1 C3 C3 C5 C5 C7 C7 C9 C9 CB CB CD CD CF CF D1 D1 D3 D3 D5 D5 D7 D7 D9 D9 DB DB DD DD DF DF E1 E1 E3 E3 E5 E5 E7 E7 E9 E9 EB EB ED ED EF EF F1 F1 F3 F3 F5 F5 F7 F7 F9 F9 FB FB FD FD FE FF 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9A 9B 9C 9D 9E 9F A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AA AB AC AD AE AF B0 B1 B2 B2 B4 B4 B6 B6 B8 B8 BA BA BC BC BE BE C0 C0 C2 C2 C4 C4 C6 C6 C8 C8 CA CA CC CC CE CE D0 D0 D2 D2 D4 D4 D6 D6 D8 D8 DA DA DC DC DE DE E0 E0 E2 E2 E4 E4 E6 E6 E8 E8 EA EA EC EC EE EE F0 F0 F2 F2 F4 F4 F6 F6 F8 F8 FA FA FC FC FE FF 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 0085 0086 0087 0088 0089 008A 008B 008C 008D 008E 008F 0090 0091 0092 0093 0094 0095 0096 0097 0098 0099 009A 009B 009C 009D 009E 009F 00A0 2741 00A7 0589 0029 0028 00BB 00AB 2014 002E 055D 002C 002D 055F 2026 055C 055B 055E 0531 0561 0532 0562 0533 0563 0534 0564 0535 0565 0536 0566 0537 0567 0538 0568 0539 0569 053A 056A 053B 056B 053C 056C 053D 056D 053E 056E 053F 056F 0540 0570 0541 0571 0542 0572 0543 0573 0544 0574 0545 0575 0546 0576 0547 0577 0548 0578 0549 0579 054A 057A 054B 057B 054C 057C 054D 057D 054E 057E 054F 057F 0550 0580 0551 0581 0552 0582 0553 0583 0554 0584 0555 0585 0556 0586 2019 0027 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9A 9B 9C 9D 9E 9F A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AA AB AC AD AE AF B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 BA BB BC BD BE BF C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA CB CC CD CE CF D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 DA DB DC DD DE DF E0 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 EA EB EC ED EE EF F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC FD FE FF charsets/koi8r.xml000075500000012605147633135420010155 0ustar00 Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB Use is subject to license terms This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 28 28 28 28 28 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 48 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 81 81 81 81 81 81 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 10 10 10 10 10 10 82 82 82 82 82 82 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 10 10 10 10 20 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 02 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 01 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9A 9B 9C 9D 9E 9F A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AA AB AC AD AE AF B0 B1 B2 A3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 BA BB BC BD BE BF C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA CB CC CD CE CF D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 DA DB DC DD DE DF C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA CB CC CD CE CF D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 DA DB DC DD DE DF 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9A 9B 9C 9D 9E 9F A0 A1 A2 B3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AA AB AC AD AE AF B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 BA BB BC BD BE BF E0 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 EA EB EC ED EE EF F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC FD FE FF E0 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 EA EB EC ED EE EF F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC FD FE FF 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000a 000b 000c 000d 000e 000f 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001a 001b 001c 001d 001e 001f 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002a 002b 002c 002d 002e 002f 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003a 003b 003c 003d 003e 003f 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004a 004b 004c 004d 004e 004f 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 005b 005c 005d 005e 005f 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006a 006b 006c 006d 006e 006f 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a 007b 007c 007d 007e 007f 2500 2502 250c 2510 2514 2518 251c 2524 252c 2534 253c 2580 2584 2588 258c 2590 2591 2592 2593 2320 25a0 2219 221a 2248 2264 2265 00a0 2321 00b0 00b2 00b7 00f7 2550 2551 2552 0451 2553 2554 2555 2556 2557 2558 2559 255a 255b 255c 255d 255e 255f 2560 2561 0401 2562 2563 2564 2565 2566 2567 2568 2569 256a 256b 256c 00a9 044e 0430 0431 0446 0434 0435 0444 0433 0445 0438 0439 043a 043b 043c 043d 043e 043f 044f 0440 0441 0442 0443 0436 0432 044c 044b 0437 0448 044d 0449 0447 044a 042e 0410 0411 0426 0414 0415 0424 0413 0425 0418 0419 041a 041b 041c 041d 041e 041f 042f 0420 0421 0422 0423 0416 0412 042c 042b 0417 0428 042d 0429 0427 042a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charsets/latin5.xml000075500000012612147633135420010313 0ustar00 Copyright (c) 2003, 2005 MySQL AB Use is subject to license terms This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 28 28 28 28 28 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 48 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 81 81 81 81 81 81 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 10 10 10 10 10 10 82 82 82 82 82 82 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 10 10 10 10 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 48 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 10 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 10 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 FD 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9A 9B 9C 9D 9E 9F A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AA AB AC AD AE AF B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 BA BB BC BD BE BF E0 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 EA EB EC ED EE EF F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 D7 F8 F9 FA FB FC 69 FE DF E0 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 EA EB EC ED EE EF F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC FD FE FF 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 DD 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9A 9B 9C 9D 9E 9F A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AA AB AC AD AE AF B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 BA BB BC BD BE BF C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA CB CC CD CE CF D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 DA DB DC DD DE DF C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA CB CC CD CE CF D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 F7 D8 D9 DA DB DC 49 DE FF 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 0085 0086 0087 0088 0089 008A 008B 008C 008D 008E 008F 0090 0091 0092 0093 0094 0095 0096 0097 0098 0099 009A 009B 009C 009D 009E 009F 00A0 00A1 00A2 00A3 00A4 00A5 00A6 00A7 00A8 00A9 00AA 00AB 00AC 00AD 00AE 00AF 00B0 00B1 00B2 00B3 00B4 00B5 00B6 00B7 00B8 00B9 00BA 00BB 00BC 00BD 00BE 00BF 00C0 00C1 00C2 00C3 00C4 00C5 00C6 00C7 00C8 00C9 00CA 00CB 00CC 00CD 00CE 00CF 011E 00D1 00D2 00D3 00D4 00D5 00D6 00D7 00D8 00D9 00DA 00DB 00DC 0130 015E 00DF 00E0 00E1 00E2 00E3 00E4 00E5 00E6 00E7 00E8 00E9 00EA 00EB 00EC 00ED 00EE 00EF 011F 00F1 00F2 00F3 00F4 00F5 00F6 00F7 00F8 00F9 00FA 00FB 00FC 0131 015F 00FF 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 45 46 47 48 4A 4B 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 54 55 56 57 59 5A 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 41 42 43 45 46 47 48 4A 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 54 55 56 57 59 5A 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 87 88 89 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9A 9B 9C 9D 9E 9F A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AA AB AC AD AE AF B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 BA BB BC BD BE BF C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA CB 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 44 46 46 46 46 4C 4C 4C 4C 49 51 52 52 52 52 53 E0 52 5A 5A 5A 5B 4C 58 57 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 44 46 46 46 46 4C 4C 4C 4C 49 51 52 52 52 52 53 FA 52 5A 5A 5A 5B 4B 58 5F charsets/cp866.xml000075500000012754147633135420007774 0ustar00 Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB Use is subject to license terms This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 28 28 28 28 28 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 48 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 81 81 81 81 81 81 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 10 10 10 10 10 10 82 82 82 82 82 82 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 10 10 10 10 00 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 01 02 01 02 01 02 01 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 48 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 86 87 88 89 AA AB AC AD AE AF E0 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 EA EB EC ED EE EF A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 86 87 88 89 AA AB AC AD AE AF B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 BA BB BC BD BE BF C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA CB CC CD CE CF D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 DA DB DC DD DE DF E0 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 EA EB EC ED EE EF F1 F1 F3 F3 F5 F5 F7 F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC FD FE FF 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9A 9B 9C 9D 9E 9F 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 BA BB BC BD BE BF C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA CB CC CD CE CF D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 DA DB DC DD DE DF 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9A 9B 9C 9D 9E 9F F0 F0 F2 F2 F4 F4 F6 F6 F8 F9 FA FB FC FD FE FF 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 0410 0411 0412 0413 0414 0415 0416 0417 0418 0419 041A 041B 041C 041D 041E 041F 0420 0421 0422 0423 0424 0425 0426 0427 0428 0429 042A 042B 042C 042D 042E 042F 0430 0431 0432 0433 0434 0435 0436 0437 0438 0439 043A 043B 043C 043D 043E 043F 2591 2592 2593 2502 2524 2561 2562 2556 2555 2563 2551 2557 255D 255C 255B 2510 2514 2534 252C 251C 2500 253C 255E 255F 255A 2554 2569 2566 2560 2550 256C 2567 2568 2564 2565 2559 2558 2552 2553 256B 256A 2518 250C 2588 2584 258C 2590 2580 0440 0441 0442 0443 0444 0445 0446 0447 0448 0449 044A 044B 044C 044D 044E 044F 0401 0451 0404 0454 0407 0457 040E 045E 00B0 2219 00B7 221A 207F 00B2 25A0 00A0 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 43 45 47 49 4B 4D 4F 51 53 55 57 59 5B 5D 5F 61 63 65 67 69 6B 6D 6F 71 73 BD BE BF C0 C1 C2 41 43 45 47 49 4B 4D 4F 51 54 55 57 59 5B 5D 5F 61 63 65 67 69 6B 6D 6F 71 73 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 75 77 79 7B 7D 7F 85 87 89 8D 8F 91 93 95 97 99 9B 9D 9F A1 A5 A7 A9 AB AD AF B1 B3 B5 B7 B9 BB 75 77 79 7B 7D 7F 85 87 89 8D 8F 91 93 95 97 99 C8 C9 CA D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 DA DB DC DD DE DF E0 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 EA EB EC ED EE EF F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC FD FE FF 9B 9D 9F A1 A5 A7 A9 AB AD AF B1 B3 B5 B7 B9 BB 81 81 83 83 8B 8B A3 A3 CB CC CD CE CF D0 D1 D2 charsets/koi8u.xml000075500000014603147633135420010160 0ustar00 Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB Use is subject to license terms This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 28 28 28 28 28 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 48 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 81 81 81 81 81 81 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 10 10 10 10 10 10 82 82 82 82 82 82 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 10 10 10 10 20 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 02 02 10 02 02 10 10 10 10 10 02 10 10 10 10 10 01 01 10 01 01 10 10 10 10 10 01 10 10 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 20 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 A3 A4 20 A6 A7 20 20 20 20 20 AD 20 20 20 20 20 A3 A4 20 A6 A7 20 20 20 20 20 AD 20 20 C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA CB CC CD CE CF D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 DA DB DC DD DE DF C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA CB CC CD CE CF D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 DA DB DC DD DE DF 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 20 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 B3 B4 20 B6 B7 20 20 20 20 20 BD 20 20 20 20 20 B3 B4 20 B6 B7 20 20 20 20 20 BD 20 20 E0 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 EA EB EC ED EE EF F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC FD FE FF E0 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 EA EB EC ED EE EF F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC FD FE FF 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 2500 2502 250C 2510 2514 2518 251C 2524 252C 2534 253C 2580 2584 2588 258C 2590 2591 2592 2593 2320 25A0 2022 221A 2248 2264 2265 00A0 2321 00B0 00B2 00B7 00F7 2550 2551 2552 0451 0454 2554 0456 0457 2557 2558 2559 255A 255B 0491 255D 255E 255F 2560 2561 0401 0404 2563 0406 0407 2566 2567 2568 2569 256A 0490 256C 00A9 044E 0430 0431 0446 0434 0435 0444 0433 0445 0438 0439 043A 043B 043C 043D 043E 043F 044F 0440 0441 0442 0443 0436 0432 044C 044B 0437 0448 044D 0449 0447 044A 042E 0410 0411 0426 0414 0415 0424 0413 0425 0418 0419 041A 041B 041C 041D 041E 041F 042F 0420 0421 0422 0423 0416 0412 042C 042B 0417 0428 042D 0429 0427 042A 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 20 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AA AB AC AD AE AF B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 BA BB BC BD BE BF C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 88 87 C8 8C 8D C9 CA CB CC CD 84 CE CF D0 D1 D2 88 87 D3 8C 8D D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 84 D9 DA A3 80 81 9B 85 86 99 83 9A 8B 8E 8F 90 91 92 93 94 A4 95 96 97 98 89 82 A1 A0 8A 9D A2 9E 9C 9F A3 80 81 9B 85 86 99 83 9A 8B 8E 8F 90 91 92 93 94 A4 95 96 97 98 89 82 A1 A0 8A 9D A2 9E 9C 9F charsets/cp850.xml000075500000012601147633135420007754 0ustar00 Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB Use is subject to license terms This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA 00 20 30 30 30 30 30 30 20 20 28 28 28 28 28 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 20 30 30 30 30 30 48 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 81 81 81 81 81 81 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 10 10 10 10 10 10 82 82 82 82 82 82 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 10 10 10 10 30 01 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 01 01 01 02 01 02 02 02 02 02 02 01 01 02 10 01 10 10 02 02 02 02 02 01 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 01 01 01 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 02 01 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 02 01 01 01 01 02 01 01 01 10 10 10 10 10 01 10 01 02 01 01 02 01 10 02 01 01 01 01 02 01 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 20 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F 87 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8A 8B 8C 8D 84 86 82 91 91 93 94 95 96 97 98 94 81 9B 9C 9D 9E 9F A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A4 A6 A7 A8 A9 AA AB AC AD AE AF B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 BA BB BC BD BE BF C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA CB CC CD CE CF D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 DA DB DC DD DE DF E0 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 EA EB EC ED EE EF F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC FD FE FF 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F 80 9A 90 41 8E 41 8F 80 45 45 45 49 49 49 8E 8F 90 92 92 4F 99 4F 55 55 59 99 9A 9B 9C 9D 9E 9F 41 49 4F 55 A5 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AA AB AC AD AE AF B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 BA BB BC BD BE BF C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA CB CC CD CE CF D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 DA DB DC DD DE DF E0 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 EA EB EC ED EE EF F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC FD FE FF 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000a 000b 000c 000d 000e 000f 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001a 001b 001c 001d 001e 001f 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002a 002b 002c 002d 002e 002f 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003a 003b 003c 003d 003e 003f 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004a 004b 004c 004d 004e 004f 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 005b 005c 005d 005e 005f 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006a 006b 006c 006d 006e 006f 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a 007b 007c 007d 007e 007f 00c7 00fc 00e9 00e2 00e4 00e0 00e5 00e7 00ea 00eb 00e8 00ef 00ee 00ec 00c4 00c5 00c9 00e6 00c6 00f4 00f6 00f2 00fb 00f9 00ff 00d6 00dc 00f8 00a3 00d8 00d7 0192 00e1 00ed 00f3 00fa 00f1 00d1 00aa 00ba 00bf 00ae 00ac 00bd 00bc 00a1 00ab 00bb 2591 2592 2593 2502 2524 00c1 00c2 00c0 00a9 2563 2551 2557 255d 00a2 00a5 2510 2514 2534 252c 251c 2500 253c 00e3 00c3 255a 2554 2569 2566 2560 2550 256c 00a4 00f0 00d0 00ca 00cb 00c8 0131 00cd 00ce 00cf 2518 250c 2588 2584 00a6 00cc 2580 00d3 00df 00d4 00d2 00f5 00d5 00b5 00fe 00de 00da 00db 00d9 00fd 00dd 00af 00b4 00ad 00b1 2017 00be 00b6 00a7 00f7 00b8 00b0 00a8 00b7 00b9 00b3 00b2 25a0 00a0 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 51 53 55 59 63 65 67 69 74 76 78 7A 7C 80 8E 90 92 94 97 99 A3 A5 A7 A9 AE B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 41 51 53 55 59 63 65 67 69 74 76 78 7A 7C 80 8E 90 92 94 97 99 A3 A5 A7 A9 AE B7 B8 B9 BA BB 54 A1 5D 47 4B 43 4D 54 5F 61 5B 71 6F 6B 4B 4D 5D 4F 4F 86 8A 82 9F 9B AD 8A A1 8C E3 8C BD BE 45 6D 84 9D 7E 7E EA FA FF EE EC FD FC CE EB FB DC DD DE C3 C9 45 47 43 E9 D5 CF D1 D3 E2 E5 C5 C6 CB CA C8 C2 CC 49 49 D2 D0 D7 D6 D4 CD D8 E4 57 57 5F 61 5B 73 6D 6F 71 C7 C4 DB DA E6 6B D9 84 96 86 82 88 88 F5 B0 B0 9D 9F 9B AB AB EF F4 ED F1 C1 FE F6 E7 BF BC F0 E8 F7 F9 F3 F2 DF E0 estonian/errmsg.sys000075500000236155147633135420010452 0ustar00y*u)Hv(w&Z*aP1Zs=z\?l} & 5 ` }  ? b ' N w  K ! { ,@al( KhW 6U4m^l.T@UE X{ 2=prdQP ! 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Ootame kuni tekib vaba ruumi... (veakood: %d - %s)Ei saa kirjutada, korduv võti tabelis '%-.192s'Viga faili '%-.192s' sulgemisel (veakood: %d - %s)Viga faili '%-.200s' lugemisel (veakood: %d - %s)Viga faili '%-.210s' ümbernimetamisel '%-.210s'-ks (veakood: %d - %s)Viga faili '%-.200s' kirjutamisel (veakood: %d - %s)'%-.192s' on lukustatud muudatuste vastuSorteerimine katkestatudVaade '%-.192s' ei eksisteeri '%-.192s' jaoksTabeli handler tagastas vea %dTabeli '%-.192s' handler ei toeta antud operatsiooniEi suuda leida kirjet '%-.192s'-sVigane informatsioon failis '%-.200s'Tabeli '%-.200s' võtmefail on vigane; proovi seda parandadaTabeli '%-.192s' võtmefail on aegunud; paranda see!Tabel '%-.192s' on ainult lugemiseksMälu sai otsa. Proovi MySQL uuesti käivitada (puudu jäi %d baiti)Mälu sai sorteerimisel otsa. Suurenda MySQL-i sorteerimispuhvritOotamatu faililõpumärgend faili '%-.192s' lugemisel (veakood: %d - %s)Liiga palju samaaegseid ühendusiMälu sai otsa. Võimalik, et aitab swap-i lisamine või käsu 'ulimit' abil MySQL-le rohkema mälu kasutamise lubamineEi suuda lahendada IP aadressi masina nimeksVäär handshakeLigipääs keelatud kasutajale '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' andmebaasile '%-.192s'Ligipääs keelatud kasutajale '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' (kasutab parooli: %s)Andmebaasi ei ole valitudTundmatu käskTulp '%-.192s' ei saa omada nullväärtustTundmatu andmebaas '%-.192s'Tabel '%-.192s' juba eksisteeribTundmatu tabel '%-.100s'Väli '%-.192s' %-.192s-s ei ole üheneServeri seiskamine käibTundmatu tulp '%-.192s' '%-.192s'-s'%-.192s' puudub GROUP BY klauslisEi saa grupeerida '%-.192s' järgiLauses on korraga nii tulbad kui summeerimisfunktsioonidTulpade arv erineb väärtuste arvustIdentifikaatori '%-.100s' nimi on liiga pikkKattuv tulba nimi '%-.192s'Kattuv võtme nimi '%-.192s'Kattuv väärtus '%-.192s' võtmele %dVigane tulba kirjeldus tulbale '%-.192s'%s '%-.80s' ligidal real %dTühi päringEi ole unikaalne tabel/alias '%-.192s'Vigane vaikeväärtus '%-.192s' jaoksMitut primaarset võtit ei saa ollaLiiga palju võtmeid. Maksimaalselt võib olla %d võtitVõti koosneb liiga paljudest osadest. Maksimaalselt võib olla %d osaVõti on liiga pikk. Maksimaalne võtmepikkus on %dVõtme tulp '%-.192s' puudub tabelisBLOB-tüüpi tulpa '%-.192s' ei saa kasutada võtmenaTulba '%-.192s' pikkus on liiga pikk (maksimaalne pikkus: %lu). Kasuta BLOB väljatüüpiVigane tabelikirjeldus; Tabelis tohib olla üks auto_increment tüüpi tulp ning see peab olema defineeritud võtmena%s: ootab ühendusi Version: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d"%s: MySQL lõpetas %s: sain signaali %d. Lõpetan! %s: Lõpp %s: Sulgen jõuga lõime %ld kasutaja: '%-.48s' Ei suuda luua IP socketitTabelil '%-.192s' puuduvad võtmed. Loo tabel uuestiVäljade eraldaja erineb oodatust. Tutvu kasutajajuhendigaBLOB-tüüpi väljade olemasolul ei saa kasutada fikseeritud väljapikkust. Vajalik 'fields terminated by' määrang.Fail '%-.128s' peab asuma andmebaasi kataloogis või olema kõigile loetavFail '%-.200s' juba eksisteeribKirjeid: %ld Kustutatud: %ld Vahele jäetud: %ld Hoiatusi: %ldKirjeid: %ld Kattuvaid: %ldVigane võtme osa. Kasutatud võtmeosa ei ole string tüüpi, määratud pikkus on pikem kui võtmeosa või tabelihandler ei toeta seda tüüpi võtmeidALTER TABLE kasutades ei saa kustutada kõiki tulpasid. Kustuta tabel DROP TABLE abilEi suuda kustutada '%-.192s'. Kontrolli kas tulp/võti eksisteeribKirjeid: %ld Kattuvaid: %ld Hoiatusi: %ldYou can't specify target table '%-.192s' for update in FROM clauseTundmatu lõim: %luEi ole lõime %lu omanikÜhtegi tabelit pole kasutuselLiiga palju string tulbale %-.192s tüübile SETEi suuda luua unikaalset logifaili nime %-.200s.(1-999) Tabel '%-.192s' on lukustatud READ lukuga ning ei ole muudetavTabel '%-.192s' ei ole lukustatud käsuga LOCK TABLESBLOB-tüüpi tulp '%-.192s' ei saa omada vaikeväärtustVigane andmebaasi nimi '%-.100s'Vigane tabeli nimi '%-.100s'SELECT lause peab läbi vaatama suure hulga kirjeid ja võtaks tõenäoliselt liiga kaua aega. Tasub kontrollida WHERE klauslit ja vajadusel kasutada käsku SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1Tundmatu vigaTundmatu protseduur '%-.192s'Vale parameetrite hulk protseduurile '%-.192s'Vigased parameetrid protseduurile '%-.192s'Tundmatu tabel '%-.192s' %-.32s-sTulp '%-.192s' on määratletud topeltVigane grupeerimisfunktsiooni kasutusTabel '%-.192s' kasutab laiendust, mis ei eksisteeri antud MySQL versioonisTabelis peab olema vähemalt üks tulpTabel '%-.192s' on täisVigane kooditabel '%-.64s'Liiga palju tabeleid. MySQL suudab JOINiga ühendada kuni %d tabelitLiiga palju tulpasidLiiga pikk kirje. Kirje maksimumpikkus arvestamata BLOB-tüüpi välju on %ld. Muuda mõned väljad BLOB-tüüpi väljadeksThread stack overrun: Used: %ld of a %ld stack. Use 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' to specify a bigger stack if neededRistsõltuvus OUTER JOIN klauslis. Kontrolli oma ON tingimusiTable handler doesn't support NULL in given index. Please change column '%-.192s' to be NOT NULL or use another handlerEi suuda avada funktsiooni '%-.192s'Ei suuda algväärtustada funktsiooni '%-.192s'; %-.80sTeegi nimes ei tohi olla kataloogiFunktsioon '%-.192s' juba eksisteeribEi suuda avada jagatud teeki '%-.192s' (veakood: %d %-.128s)Ei leia funktsiooni '%-.128s' antud teegisFunktsioon '%-.192s' ei ole defineeritudMasin '%-.64s' on blokeeritud hulgaliste ühendusvigade tõttu. Blokeeringu saab tühistada 'mysqladmin flush-hosts' käsugaMasinal '%-.64s' puudub ligipääs sellele MySQL serverileTe kasutate MySQL-i anonüümse kasutajana, kelledel pole parooli muutmise õigustTeiste paroolide muutmiseks on nõutav tabelite muutmisõigus 'mysql' andmebaasisEi leia vastavat kirjet kasutajate tabelisSobinud kirjeid: %ld Muudetud: %ld Hoiatusi: %ldEi suuda luua uut lõime (veakood %d). Kui mälu ei ole otsas, on tõenäoliselt tegemist operatsioonisüsteemispetsiifilise veagaTulpade hulk erineb väärtuste hulgast real %ldEi suuda taasavada tabelit '%-.192s'NULL väärtuse väärkasutusregexp tagastas vea '%-.64s'GROUP tulpade (MIN(),MAX(),COUNT()...) kooskasutamine tavaliste tulpadega ilma GROUP BY klauslita ei ole lubatudSellist õigust ei ole defineeritud kasutajale '%-.48s' masinast '%-.64s'%-.128s käsk ei ole lubatud kasutajale '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' tabelis '%-.64s'%-.16s käsk ei ole lubatud kasutajale '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' tulbale '%-.192s' tabelis '%-.192s'Vigane GRANT/REVOKE käsk. Tutvu kasutajajuhendigaMasina või kasutaja nimi GRANT lauses on liiga pikkTabelit '%-.192s.%-.192s' ei eksisteeriSellist õigust ei ole defineeritud kasutajale '%-.48s' masinast '%-.64s' tabelile '%-.192s'Antud käsk ei ole lubatud käesolevas MySQL versioonisViga SQL süntaksisDelayed insert thread couldn't get requested lock for table %-.192sToo many delayed threads in useÜhendus katkestatud %ld andmebaasile: '%-.192s' kasutajale: '%-.48s' (%-.64s)Saabus suurem pakett kui lubatud 'max_allowed_packet' muutujagaViga ühendustoru lugemiselfcntl() tagastas veaPaketid saabusid vales järjekorrasViga andmepaketi lahtipakkimiselViga andmepaketi lugemiselKontrollaja ületamine andmepakettide lugemiselViga andmepaketi kirjutamiselKontrollaja ületamine andmepakettide kirjutamiselTulemus on pikem kui lubatud 'max_allowed_packet' muutujagaValitud tabelitüüp ei toeta BLOB/TEXT tüüpi väljuValitud tabelitüüp ei toeta AUTO_INCREMENT tüüpi väljuINSERT DELAYED can't be used with table '%-.192s' because it is locked with LOCK TABLESVigane tulba nimi '%-.100s'Tabelihandler ei oska indekseerida tulpa '%-.192s'Kõik tabelid MERGE tabeli määratluses ei ole identsedEi suuda kirjutada tabelisse '%-.192s', kuna see rikub ühesuse kitsendustBLOB-tüüpi tulp '%-.192s' on kasutusel võtmes ilma pikkust määratlemataKõik PRIMARY KEY peavad olema määratletud NOT NULL piiranguga; vajadusel kasuta UNIQUE tüüpi võtitTulemis oli rohkem kui üks kirjeAntud tabelitüüp nõuab primaarset võtitAntud MySQL versioon on kompileeritud ilma RAID toetaKatse muuta tabelit turvalises rezhiimis ilma WHERE klauslitaVõti '%-.192s' ei eksisteeri tabelis '%-.192s'Ei suuda avada tabelitAntud tabelitüüp ei toeta %s käskeSeda käsku ei saa kasutada transaktsiooni seesViga %d käsu COMMIT täitmiselViga %d käsu ROLLBACK täitmiselViga %d käsu FLUSH_LOGS täitmiselViga %d käsu CHECKPOINT täitmiselÜhendus katkestatud %u andmebaas: '%-.192s' kasutaja: '%-.48s' masin: '%-.64s' (%-.64s)The storage engine for the table does not support binary table dumpBinlog closed, cannot RESET MASTERFailed rebuilding the index of dumped table '%-.192s'Error from master: '%-.64s'Net error reading from masterNet error writing to masterEi suutnud leida FULLTEXT indeksit, mis kattuks kasutatud tulpadegaEi suuda täita antud käsku kuna on aktiivseid lukke või käimasolev transaktsioonTundmatu süsteemne muutuja '%-.64s'Tabel '%-.192s' on märgitud vigaseks ja tuleb parandadaTabel '%-.192s' on märgitud vigaseks ja viimane (automaatne?) parandus ebaõnnestusHoiatus: mõnesid transaktsioone mittetoetavaid tabeleid ei suudetud tagasi keridaMitme lausendiga transaktsioon nõudis rohkem ruumi kui lubatud 'max_binlog_cache_size' muutujaga. Suurenda muutuja väärtust ja proovi uuestiThis operation cannot be performed with a running slave; run STOP SLAVE firstThis operation requires a running slave; configure slave and do START SLAVEThe server is not configured as slave; fix in config file or with CHANGE MASTER TOCould not initialize master info structure; more error messages can be found in the MySQL error logCould not create slave thread; check system resourcesKasutajal %-.64s on juba rohkem ühendusi kui lubatud 'max_user_connections' muutujagaAinult konstantsed suurused on lubatud SET klauslisKontrollaeg ületatud luku järel ootamisel; Proovi transaktsiooni otsast alataLukkude koguarv ületab lukutabeli suuruseUuenduslukke ei saa kasutada READ UNCOMMITTED transaktsiooni käigusDROP DATABASE ei ole lubatud kui lõim omab globaalset READ lukkuCREATE DATABASE ei ole lubatud kui lõim omab globaalset READ lukkuVigased parameetrid %s-leKasutajal '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' ei ole lubatud luua uusi kasutajaidVigane tabelimääratlus; kõik MERGE tabeli liikmed peavad asuma samas andmebaasisLukustamisel tekkis tupik (deadlock); alusta transaktsiooni otsastAntud tabelitüüp ei toeta FULLTEXT indekseidCannot add foreign key constraintCannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint failsCannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint failsError connecting to master: %-.128sError running query on master: %-.128sViga käsu %s täitmisel: %-.128sVigane %s ja %s kasutusTulpade arv kasutatud SELECT lausetes ei kattuEi suuda täita päringut konfliktse luku tõttuTransaktsioone toetavate ning mittetoetavate tabelite kooskasutamine ei ole lubatudMäärangut '%s' on lauses kasutatud topeltUser '%-.64s' has exceeded the '%s' resource (current value: %ld)Access denied; you need (at least one of) the %-.128s privilege(s) for this operationVariable '%-.64s' is a SESSION variable and can't be used with SET GLOBALVariable '%-.64s' is a GLOBAL variable and should be set with SET GLOBALVariable '%-.64s' doesn't have a default valueVariable '%-.64s' can't be set to the value of '%-.200s'Incorrect argument type to variable '%-.64s'Variable '%-.64s' can only be set, not readIncorrect usage/placement of '%s'This version of MySQL doesn't yet support '%s'Got fatal error %d from master when reading data from binary log: '%-.320s'Slave SQL thread ignored the query because of replicate-*-table rulesVariable '%-.192s' is a %s variableIncorrect foreign key definition for '%-.192s': %sKey reference and table reference don't matchOperand should contain %d column(s)Subquery returns more than 1 rowUnknown prepared statement handler (%.*s) given to %sHelp database is corrupt or does not existCyclic reference on subqueriesConverting column '%s' from %s to %sReference '%-.64s' not supported (%s)Every derived table must have its own aliasSelect %u was reduced during optimizationTable '%-.192s' from one of the SELECTs cannot be used in %-.32sClient does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL clientAll parts of a SPATIAL index must be NOT NULLCOLLATION '%s' is not valid for CHARACTER SET '%s'Slave is already runningSlave already has been stoppedUncompressed data size too large; the maximum size is %d (probably, length of uncompressed data was corrupted)ZLIB: Not enough memoryZLIB: Not enough room in the output buffer (probably, length of uncompressed data was corrupted)ZLIB: Input data corruptedRow %u was cut by GROUP_CONCAT()Row %ld doesn't contain data for all columnsRow %ld was truncated; it contained more data than there were input columnsColumn set to default value; NULL supplied to NOT NULL column '%s' at row %ldOut of range value for column '%s' at row %ldData truncated for column '%s' at row %ldUsing storage engine %s for table '%s'Illegal mix of collations (%s,%s) and (%s,%s) for operation '%s'Cannot drop one or more of the requested usersCan't revoke all privileges for one or more of the requested usersIllegal mix of collations (%s,%s), (%s,%s), (%s,%s) for operation '%s'Illegal mix of collations for operation '%s'Variable '%-.64s' is not a variable component (can't be used as XXXX.variable_name)Unknown collation: '%-.64s'SSL parameters in CHANGE MASTER are ignored because this MySQL slave was compiled without SSL support; they can be used later if MySQL slave with SSL is startedServer is running in --secure-auth mode, but '%s'@'%s' has a password in the old format; please change the password to the new formatField or reference '%-.192s%s%-.192s%s%-.192s' of SELECT #%d was resolved in SELECT #%dIncorrect parameter or combination of parameters for START SLAVE UNTILIt is recommended to use --skip-slave-start when doing step-by-step replication with START SLAVE UNTIL; otherwise, you will get problems if you get an unexpected slave's mysqld restartSQL thread is not to be started so UNTIL options are ignoredIncorrect index name '%-.100s'Incorrect catalog name '%-.100s'Query cache failed to set size %lu; new query cache size is %luColumn '%-.192s' cannot be part of FULLTEXT indexUnknown key cache '%-.100s'MySQL is started in --skip-name-resolve mode; you must restart it without this switch for this grant to workUnknown storage engine '%s''%s' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use %s insteadThe target table %-.100s of the %s is not updatableThe '%s' feature is disabled; you need MySQL built with '%s' to have it workingThe MySQL server is running with the %s option so it cannot execute this statementColumn '%-.100s' has duplicated value '%-.64s' in %sTruncated incorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s'Incorrect table definition; there can be only one TIMESTAMP column with CURRENT_TIMESTAMP in DEFAULT or ON UPDATE clauseInvalid ON UPDATE clause for '%-.192s' columnThis command is not supported in the prepared statement protocol yetGot error %d '%-.100s' from %sGot temporary error %d '%-.100s' from %sUnknown or incorrect time zone: '%-.64s'Invalid TIMESTAMP value in column '%s' at row %ldInvalid %s character string: '%.64s'Result of %s() was larger than max_allowed_packet (%ld) - truncatedConflicting declarations: '%s%s' and '%s%s'Can't create a %s from within another stored routine%s %s already exists%s %s does not existFailed to DROP %s %sFailed to CREATE %s %s%s with no matching label: %sRedefining label %sEnd-label %s without matchReferring to uninitialized variable %sPROCEDURE %s can't return a result set in the given contextRETURN is only allowed in a FUNCTION%s is not allowed in stored proceduresThe update log is deprecated and replaced by the binary log; SET SQL_LOG_UPDATE has been ignored.The update log is deprecated and replaced by the binary log; SET SQL_LOG_UPDATE has been translated to SET SQL_LOG_BIN.Query execution was interruptedIncorrect number of arguments for %s %s; expected %u, got %uUndefined CONDITION: %sNo RETURN found in FUNCTION %sFUNCTION %s ended without RETURNCursor statement must be a SELECTCursor SELECT must not have INTOUndefined CURSOR: %sCursor is already openCursor is not openUndeclared variable: %sIncorrect number of FETCH variablesNo data - zero rows fetched, selected, or processedDuplicate parameter: %sDuplicate variable: %sDuplicate condition: %sDuplicate cursor: %sFailed to ALTER %s %sSubquery value not supported%s is not allowed in stored function or triggerVariable or condition declaration after cursor or handler declarationCursor declaration after handler declarationCase not found for CASE statementConfiguration file '%-.192s' is too bigMalformed file type header in file '%-.192s'Unexpected end of file while parsing comment '%-.200s'Error while parsing parameter '%-.192s' (line: '%-.192s')Unexpected end of file while skipping unknown parameter '%-.192s'EXPLAIN/SHOW can not be issued; lacking privileges for underlying tableFile '%-.192s' has unknown type '%-.64s' in its header'%-.192s.%-.192s' is not %sColumn '%-.192s' is not updatableView's SELECT contains a subquery in the FROM clauseView's SELECT contains a '%s' clauseView's SELECT contains a variable or parameterView's SELECT refers to a temporary table '%-.192s'View's SELECT and view's field list have different column countsView merge algorithm can't be used here for now (assumed undefined algorithm)View being updated does not have complete key of underlying table in itView '%-.192s.%-.192s' references invalid table(s) or column(s) or function(s) or definer/invoker of view lack rights to use themCan't drop or alter a %s from within another stored routineGOTO is not allowed in a stored procedure handlerTrigger already existsTrigger does not existTrigger's '%-.192s' is view or temporary tableUpdating of %s row is not allowed in %striggerThere is no %s row in %s triggerField '%-.192s' doesn't have a default valueDivision by 0Incorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s' for column '%.192s' at row %ldIllegal %s '%-.192s' value found during parsingCHECK OPTION on non-updatable view '%-.192s.%-.192s'CHECK OPTION failed '%-.192s.%-.192s'%-.16s command denied to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' for routine '%-.192s'Failed purging old relay logs: %sPassword hash should be a %d-digit hexadecimal numberTarget log not found in binlog indexI/O error reading log index fileServer configuration does not permit binlog purgeFailed on fseek()Fatal error during log purgeA purgeable log is in use, will not purgeUnknown error during log purgeFailed initializing relay log position: %sYou are not using binary loggingThe '%-.64s' syntax is reserved for purposes internal to the MySQL serverWSAStartup FailedCan't handle procedures with different groups yetSelect must have a group with this procedureCan't use ORDER clause with this procedureBinary logging and replication forbid changing the global server %sCan't map file: %-.200s, errno: %dWrong magic in %-.64sPrepared statement contains too many placeholdersKey part '%-.192s' length cannot be 0View text checksum failedCan not modify more than one base table through a join view '%-.192s.%-.192s'Can not insert into join view '%-.192s.%-.192s' without fields listCan not delete from join view '%-.192s.%-.192s'Operation %s failed for %.256sXAER_NOTA: Unknown XIDXAER_INVAL: Invalid arguments (or unsupported command)XAER_RMFAIL: The command cannot be executed when global transaction is in the %.64s stateXAER_OUTSIDE: Some work is done outside global transactionXAER_RMERR: Fatal error occurred in the transaction branch - check your data for consistencyXA_RBROLLBACK: Transaction branch was rolled backThere is no such grant defined for user '%-.48s' on host '%-.64s' on routine '%-.192s'Failed to grant EXECUTE and ALTER ROUTINE privilegesFailed to revoke all privileges to dropped routineData too long for column '%s' at row %ldBad SQLSTATE: '%s'%s: ready for connections. Version: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d %sCan't load value from file with fixed size rows to variableYou are not allowed to create a user with GRANTIncorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s' for function %-.32sTable definition has changed, please retry transactionDuplicate handler declared in the same blockOUT or INOUT argument %d for routine %s is not a variable or NEW pseudo-variable in BEFORE triggerNot allowed to return a result set from a %sCannot get geometry object from data you send to the GEOMETRY fieldA routine failed and has neither NO SQL nor READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled; if non-transactional tables were updated, the binary log will miss their changesThis function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)You do not have the SUPER privilege and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)You can't execute a prepared statement which has an open cursor associated with it. Reset the statement to re-execute it.The statement (%lu) has no open cursor.Explicit or implicit commit is not allowed in stored function or trigger.Field of view '%-.192s.%-.192s' underlying table doesn't have a default valueRecursive stored functions and triggers are not allowed.Too big scale %d specified for column '%-.192s'. Maximum is %lu.Too-big precision %d specified for '%-.192s'. Maximum is %lu.For float(M,D), double(M,D) or decimal(M,D), M must be >= D (column '%-.192s').You can't combine write-locking of system tables with other tables or lock typesUnable to connect to foreign data source: %.64sThere was a problem processing the query on the foreign data source. Data source error: %-.64sThe foreign data source you are trying to reference does not exist. Data source error: %-.64sCan't create federated table. The data source connection string '%-.64s' is not in the correct formatThe data source connection string '%-.64s' is not in the correct formatCan't create federated table. Foreign data src error: %-.64sTrigger in wrong schemaThread stack overrun: %ld bytes used of a %ld byte stack, and %ld bytes needed. Use 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' to specify a bigger stack.Routine body for '%-.100s' is too longCannot drop default keycacheDisplay width out of range for column '%-.192s' (max = %lu)XAER_DUPID: The XID already existsDatetime function: %-.32s field overflowCan't update table '%-.192s' in stored function/trigger because it is already used by statement which invoked this stored function/trigger.The definition of table '%-.192s' prevents operation %.192s on table '%-.192s'.The prepared statement contains a stored routine call that refers to that same statement. It's not allowed to execute a prepared statement in such a recursive mannerNot allowed to set autocommit from a stored function or triggerDefiner is not fully qualifiedView '%-.192s'.'%-.192s' has no definer information (old table format). Current user is used as definer. Please recreate the view!You need the SUPER privilege for creation view with '%-.192s'@'%-.192s' definerThe user specified as a definer ('%-.64s'@'%-.64s') does not existChanging schema from '%-.192s' to '%-.192s' is not allowed.Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (%.192s)Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (%.192s)Variable '%-.64s' must be quoted with `...`, or renamedNo definer attribute for trigger '%-.192s'.'%-.192s'. The trigger will be activated under the authorization of the invoker, which may have insufficient privileges. Please recreate the trigger.'%-.192s' has an old format, you should re-create the '%s' object(s)Recursive limit %d (as set by the max_sp_recursion_depth variable) was exceeded for routine %.192sFailed to load routine %-.192s. The table mysql.proc is missing, corrupt, or contains bad data (internal code %d)Incorrect routine name '%-.192s'Table upgrade required. Please do "REPAIR TABLE `%-.64s`" or dump/reload to fix it!AGGREGATE is not supported for stored functionsCan't create more than max_prepared_stmt_count statements (current value: %lu)`%-.192s`.`%-.192s` contains view recursionNon-grouping field '%-.192s' is used in %-.64s clauseThe used table type doesn't support SPATIAL indexesTriggers can not be created on system tablesLeading spaces are removed from name '%s'Failed to read auto-increment value from storage engineuser namehost nameString '%-.70s' is too long for %s (should be no longer than %d)The target table %-.100s of the %s is not insertable-intoTable '%-.64s' is differently defined or of non-MyISAM type or doesn't existToo high level of nesting for selectName '%-.64s' has become ''First character of the FIELDS TERMINATED string is ambiguous; please use non-optional and non-empty FIELDS ENCLOSED BYThe foreign server, %s, you are trying to create already exists.The foreign server name you are trying to reference does not exist. Data source error: %-.64sTable storage engine '%-.64s' does not support the create option '%.64s'Syntax error: %-.64s PARTITIONING requires definition of VALUES %-.64s for each partitionOnly %-.64s PARTITIONING can use VALUES %-.64s in partition definitionMAXVALUE can only be used in last partition definitionSubpartitions can only be hash partitions and by keyMust define subpartitions on all partitions if on one partitionWrong number of partitions defined, mismatch with previous settingWrong number of subpartitions defined, mismatch with previous settingConstant, random or timezone-dependent expressions in (sub)partitioning function are not allowedExpression in RANGE/LIST VALUES must be constantField in list of fields for partition function not found in tableList of fields is only allowed in KEY partitionsThe partition info in the frm file is not consistent with what can be written into the frm fileThe %-.192s function returns the wrong typeFor %-.64s partitions each partition must be definedVALUES LESS THAN value must be strictly increasing for each partitionVALUES value must be of same type as partition functionMultiple definition of same constant in list partitioningPartitioning can not be used stand-alone in queryThe mix of handlers in the partitions is not allowed in this version of MySQLFor the partitioned engine it is necessary to define all %-.64sToo many partitions (including subpartitions) were definedIt is only possible to mix RANGE/LIST partitioning with HASH/KEY partitioning for subpartitioningFailed to create specific handler fileA BLOB field is not allowed in partition functionA %-.192s must include all columns in the table's partitioning functionNumber of %-.64s = 0 is not an allowed valuePartition management on a not partitioned table is not possibleForeign keys are not yet supported in conjunction with partitioningError in list of partitions to %-.64sCannot remove all partitions, use DROP TABLE insteadCOALESCE PARTITION can only be used on HASH/KEY partitionsREORGANIZE PARTITION can only be used to reorganize partitions not to change their numbersREORGANIZE PARTITION without parameters can only be used on auto-partitioned tables using HASH PARTITIONs%-.64s PARTITION can only be used on RANGE/LIST partitionsTrying to Add partition(s) with wrong number of subpartitionsAt least one partition must be addedAt least one partition must be coalescedMore partitions to reorganize than there are partitionsDuplicate partition name %-.192sIt is not allowed to shut off binlog on this commandWhen reorganizing a set of partitions they must be in consecutive orderReorganize of range partitions cannot change total ranges except for last partition where it can extend the rangePartition function not supported in this version for this handlerPartition state cannot be defined from CREATE/ALTER TABLEThe %-.64s handler only supports 32 bit integers in VALUESPlugin '%-.192s' is not loadedIncorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s'Table has no partition for value %-.64sIt is not allowed to specify %s more than onceFailed to create %sFailed to drop %sThe handler doesn't support autoextend of tablespacesA size parameter was incorrectly specified, either number or on the form 10MThe size number was correct but we don't allow the digit part to be more than 2 billionFailed to alter: %sWriting one row to the row-based binary log failedTable definition on master and slave does not match: %sSlave running with --log-slave-updates must use row-based binary logging to be able to replicate row-based binary log eventsEvent '%-.192s' already existsFailed to store event %s. Error code %d from storage engine.Unknown event '%-.192s'Failed to alter event '%-.192s'Failed to drop %sINTERVAL is either not positive or too bigENDS is either invalid or before STARTSEvent execution time is in the past. Event has been disabledFailed to open mysql.eventNo datetime expression providedColumn count of mysql.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. The table is probably corruptedCannot load from mysql.%s. The table is probably corruptedFailed to delete the event from mysql.eventError during compilation of event's bodySame old and new event nameData for column '%s' too longCannot drop index '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraintThe syntax '%s' is deprecated and will be removed in MySQL %s. Please use %s insteadYou can't write-lock a log table. Only read access is possibleYou can't use locks with log tables.Upholding foreign key constraints for table '%.192s', entry '%-.192s', key %d would lead to a duplicate entryColumn count of mysql.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. Created with MySQL %d, now running %d. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error.Cannot switch out of the row-based binary log format when the session has open temporary tablesCannot change the binary logging format inside a stored function or triggerThe NDB cluster engine does not support changing the binlog format on the fly yetCannot create temporary table with partitionsPartition constant is out of partition function domainThis partition function is not allowedError in DDL logNot allowed to use NULL value in VALUES LESS THANIncorrect partition nameTransaction characteristics can't be changed while a transaction is in progressALTER TABLE causes auto_increment resequencing, resulting in duplicate entry '%-.192s' for key '%-.192s'Internal scheduler error %dError during starting/stopping of the scheduler. Error code %uEngine cannot be used in partitioned tablesCannot activate '%-.64s' logThe server was not built with row-based replicationDecoding of base64 string failedRecursion of EVENT DDL statements is forbidden when body is presentCannot proceed because system tables used by Event Scheduler were found damaged at server startOnly integers allowed as number hereThis storage engine cannot be used for log tables"You cannot '%s' a log table if logging is enabledCannot rename '%s'. When logging enabled, rename to/from log table must rename two tables: the log table to an archive table and another table back to '%s'Incorrect parameter count in the call to native function '%-.192s'Incorrect parameters in the call to native function '%-.192s'Incorrect parameters in the call to stored function %-.192sThis function '%-.192s' has the same name as a native functionKattuv väärtus '%-.64s' võtmele '%-.192s'Too many files opened, please execute the command againEvent execution time is in the past and ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE is set. The event was dropped immediately after creation.Event execution time is in the past and ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE is set. The event was not changed. Specify a time in the future.The incident %s occured on the master. Message: %sTable has no partition for some existing valuesUnsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. %sFatal error: %sRelay log read failure: %sRelay log write failure: %sFailed to create %sMaster command %s failed: %sBinary logging not possible. Message: %sView `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` has no creation contextCreation context of view `%-.64s`.`%-.64s' is invalidCreation context of stored routine `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCorrupted TRG file for table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s`Triggers for table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` have no creation contextTrigger creation context of table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCreation context of event `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCannot open table for trigger `%-.64s`.`%-.64s`Cannot create stored routine `%-.64s`. Check warningsAmbiguous slave modes combination. %sThe BINLOG statement of type `%s` was not preceded by a format description BINLOG statement.Corrupted replication event was detectedInvalid column reference (%-.64s) in LOAD DATABeing purged log %s was not foundXA_RBTIMEOUT: Transaction branch was rolled back: took too longXA_RBDEADLOCK: Transaction branch was rolled back: deadlock was detectedPrepared statement needs to be re-preparedDELAYED option not supported for table '%-.192s'The master info structure does not exist<%-.64s> option ignoredBuilt-in plugins cannot be deletedPlugin is busy and will be uninstalled on shutdown%s variable '%s' is read-only. Use SET %s to assign the valueStorage engine %s does not support rollback for this statement. Transaction rolled back and must be restartedUnexpected master's heartbeat data: %sThe requested value for the heartbeat period is either negative or exceeds the maximum allowed (%s seconds).Bad schema for mysql.ndb_replication table. Message: %-.64sError in parsing conflict function. Message: %-.64sWrite to exceptions table failed. Message: %-.128s"Comment for table '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Comment for field '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)FUNCTION %s does not exist. Check the 'Function Name Parsing and Resolution' section in the Reference ManualDatabaseTablePartitionSubpartitionTemporaryRenamedToo many active concurrent transactionsNon-ASCII separator arguments are not fully supporteddebug sync point wait timed outdebug sync point hit limit reachedDuplicate condition information item '%s'Unhandled user-defined warning conditionUnhandled user-defined not found conditionUnhandled user-defined exception conditionRESIGNAL when handler not activeSIGNAL/RESIGNAL can only use a CONDITION defined with SQLSTATEData truncated for condition item '%s'Data too long for condition item '%s'Unknown locale: '%-.64s'The requested server id %d clashes with the slave startup option --replicate-same-server-idQuery cache is disabled; restart the server with query_cache_type=1 to enable itDuplicate partition field name '%-.192s'Inconsistency in usage of column lists for partitioningPartition column values of incorrect typeToo many fields in '%-.192s'Cannot use MAXVALUE as value in VALUES INCannot have more than one value for this type of %-.64s partitioningRow expressions in VALUES IN only allowed for multi-field column partitioningField '%-.192s' is of a not allowed type for this type of partitioningThe total length of the partitioning fields is too largeCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since both row-incapable engines and statement-incapable engines are involved.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = ROW and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to statement-based logging.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. %sCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is in row format and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to statement-based logging.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to row-based logging.%sCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is in row format and BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since more than one engine is involved and at least one engine is self-logging.The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted.The statement is unsafe because it uses INSERT DELAYED. This is unsafe because the times when rows are inserted cannot be predicted.The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves.Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly.Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it accesses a non-transactional table after accessing a transactional table within the same transaction.%s Statement: %sColumn %d of table '%-.192s.%-.192s' cannot be converted from type '%-.32s' to type '%-.32s'Can't create conversion table for table '%-.192s.%-.192s'Cannot modify @@session.binlog_format inside a transactionThe path specified for %.64s is too long.'%s' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.Native table '%-.64s'.'%-.64s' has the wrong structureInvalid performance_schema usage.Table '%s'.'%s' was skipped since its definition is being modified by concurrent DDL statementCannot modify @@session.binlog_direct_non_transactional_updates inside a transactionCannot change the binlog direct flag inside a stored function or triggerA SPATIAL index may only contain a geometrical type columnComment for index '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Wait on a lock was aborted due to a pending exclusive lock%s value is out of range in '%s'A variable of a non-integer based type in LIMIT clauseMixing self-logging and non-self-logging engines in a statement is unsafe.Statement accesses nontransactional table as well as transactional or temporary table, and writes to any of them.Cannot modify @@session.sql_log_bin inside a transactionCannot change the sql_log_bin inside a stored function or triggerFailed to read from the .par fileVALUES value for partition '%-.64s' must have type INTLigipääs keelatud kasutajale '%-.48s'@'%-.64s'SET PASSWORD has no significance for users authenticating via pluginsGRANT with IDENTIFIED WITH is illegal because the user %-.*s already existsCannot truncate a table referenced in a foreign key constraint (%.192s)Plugin '%s' is force_plus_permanent and can not be unloadedThe requested value for the heartbeat period is less than 1 millisecond. The value is reset to 0, meaning that heartbeating will effectively be disabled.The requested value for the heartbeat period exceeds the value of `slave_net_timeout' seconds. A sensible value for the period should be less than the timeout.Multi-row statements required more than 'max_binlog_stmt_cache_size' bytes of storage; increase this mysqld variable and try againPrimary key/partition key update is not allowed since the table is updated both as '%-.192s' and '%-.192s'.Table rebuild required. Please do "ALTER TABLE `%-.64s` FORCE" or dump/reload to fix it!The value of '%s' should be no less than the value of '%s'Index column size too large. The maximum column size is %lu bytes.Trigger '%-.64s' has an error in its body: '%-.256s'Unknown trigger has an error in its body: '%-.256s'Index %s is corruptedUndo log record is too big.INSERT IGNORE... SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.INSERT... SELECT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are updated. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.REPLACE... SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are replaced. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE... IGNORE SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE... REPLACE SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are replaced. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.UPDATE IGNORE is unsafe because the order in which rows are updated determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.Plugin '%s' is marked as not dynamically uninstallable. You have to stop the server to uninstall it.Plugin '%s' is marked as not dynamically installable. You have to stop the server to install it.Statements writing to a table with an auto-increment column after selecting from another table are unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved determines what (if any) rows will be written. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE TABLE... SELECT... on a table with an auto-increment column is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are inserted. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.INSERT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE on a table with more than one UNIQUE KEY is unsafeTable is being used in foreign key check.Storage engine '%s' does not support system tables. [%s.%s]INSERT into autoincrement field which is not the first part in the composed primary key is unsafe.Cannot load from %s.%s. The table is probably corruptedThe requested value %s for the master delay exceeds the maximum %uOnly Format_description_log_event and row events are allowed in BINLOG statements (but %s was provided)Non matching attribute '%-.64s' between partition and tableTable to exchange with partition is partitioned: '%-.64s'Table to exchange with partition is temporary: '%-.64s'Subpartitioned table, use subpartition instead of partitionUnknown partition '%-.64s' in table '%-.64s'Tables have different definitionsFound a row that does not match the partitionOption binlog_cache_size (%lu) is greater than max_binlog_cache_size (%lu); setting binlog_cache_size equal to max_binlog_cache_size.Cannot use %-.64s access on index '%-.64s' due to type or collation conversion on field '%-.64s'Table to exchange with partition has foreign key references: '%-.64s'Key value '%-.192s' was not found in table '%-.192s.%-.192s'Data for column '%s' too longReplication event checksum verification failed while reading from network.Replication event checksum verification failed while reading from a log file.Option binlog_stmt_cache_size (%lu) is greater than max_binlog_stmt_cache_size (%lu); setting binlog_stmt_cache_size equal to max_binlog_stmt_cache_size.Can't update table '%-.192s' while '%-.192s' is being created.PARTITION () clause on non partitioned tableFound a row not matching the given partition setpartition '%-.64s' ei eksisteeriFailure while changing the type of replication repository: %s.The creation of some temporary tables could not be rolled back.Some temporary tables were dropped, but these operations could not be rolled back.%s is not supported in multi-threaded slave mode. %sThe number of modified databases exceeds the maximum %d; the database names will not be included in the replication event metadata.Cannot execute the current event group in the parallel mode. Encountered event %s, relay-log name %s, position %s which prevents execution of this event group in parallel mode. Reason: %s.%sFULLTEXT index is not supported for partitioned tables.Invalid condition numberSending passwords in plain text without SSL/TLS is extremely insecure.Storing MySQL user name or password information in the master info repository is not secure and is therefore not recommended. Please consider using the USER and PASSWORD connection options for START SLAVE; see the 'START SLAVE Syntax' in the MySQL Manual for more information.Foreign key constraint for table '%.192s', record '%-.192s' would lead to a duplicate entry in table '%.192s', key '%.192s'Foreign key constraint for table '%.192s', record '%-.192s' would lead to a duplicate entry in a child tableSetting authentication options is not possible when only the Slave SQL Thread is being started.The table does not have FULLTEXT index to support this queryThe system variable %.200s cannot be set in stored functions or triggers.The system variable %.200s cannot be set when there is an ongoing transaction.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT has the value %.200s, which is not listed in @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot change inside a transaction.The statement 'SET %.200s' cannot invoke a stored function.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be 'AUTOMATIC' when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST is non-NULL.Skipping transaction %.200s because it has already been executed and logged.Malformed GTID set specification '%.200s'.Malformed GTID set encoding.Malformed GTID specification '%.200s'.Impossible to generate Global Transaction Identifier: the integer component reached the maximal value. Restart the server with a new server_uuid.Parameters MASTER_LOG_FILE, MASTER_LOG_POS, RELAY_LOG_FILE and RELAY_LOG_POS cannot be set when MASTER_AUTO_POSITION is active.CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1 cannot be executed because @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot execute statements with implicit commit inside a transaction when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT == 'UUID:NUMBER'.GTID_MODE = ON requires ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY = ON.@@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON or ON_PERMISSIVE or OFF_PERMISSIVE requires --log-bin and --log-slave-updates.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be set to UUID:NUMBER when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be set to ANONYMOUS when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST cannot be set to a non-NULL value when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Found a Gtid_log_event when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Statement violates GTID consistency: Updates to non-transactional tables can only be done in either autocommitted statements or single-statement transactions, and never in the same statement as updates to transactional tables.Statement violates GTID consistency: CREATE TABLE ... SELECT.Statement violates GTID consistency: Under statement binary log mode CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE and DROP TEMPORARY TABLE can only be executed outside transactional context. These statements are also not allowed in a function or trigger because functions and triggers are also considered to be multi-statement transactions.The value of @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE can only be changed one step at a time: OFF <-> OFF_PERMISSIVE <-> ON_PERMISSIVE <-> ON. Also note that this value must be stepped up or down simultaneously on all servers. See the Manual for instructions.The slave is connecting using CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1, but the master has purged binary logs containing GTIDs that the slave requires.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be changed by a client that owns a GTID. The client owns %s. Ownership is released on COMMIT or ROLLBACK.Unknown EXPLAIN format name: '%s'Cannot execute statement in a READ ONLY transaction.Comment for table partition '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Slave is not configured or failed to initialize properly. You must at least set --server-id to enable either a master or a slave. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.InnoDB presently supports one FULLTEXT index creation at a timeCannot create FULLTEXT index on temporary InnoDB tableColumn '%-.192s' is of wrong type for an InnoDB FULLTEXT indexIndex '%-.192s' is of wrong type for an InnoDB FULLTEXT indexCreating index '%-.192s' required more than 'innodb_online_alter_log_max_size' bytes of modification log. Please try again.Unknown ALGORITHM '%s'Unknown LOCK type '%s'CHANGE MASTER cannot be executed when the slave was stopped with an error or killed in MTS mode. Consider using RESET SLAVE or START SLAVE UNTIL.Cannot recover after SLAVE errored out in parallel execution mode. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.Cannot clean up worker info tables. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.Column count of %s.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. The table is probably corruptedSlave must silently retry current transactionThere is a foreign key check running on table '%-.192s'. Cannot discard the table.Schema mismatch (%s)Table '%-.192s' in system tablespaceIO Read error: (%lu, %s) %sIO Write error: (%lu, %s) %sTablespace is missing for table %s.Tablespace '%-.192s' exists.Tablespace has been discarded for table '%-.192s'Internal error: %sALTER TABLE %-.192s IMPORT TABLESPACE failed with error %lu : '%s'Index corrupt: %sSupports only YEAR or YEAR(4) column.Your password does not satisfy the current policy requirementsYou must reset your password using ALTER USER statement before executing this statement.Failed to add the foreign key constaint. Missing index for constraint '%s' in the foreign table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constaint. Missing index for constraint '%s' in the referenced table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constraint '%s' to system tablesFailed to open the referenced table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constraint on table '%s'. Incorrect options in FOREIGN KEY constraint '%s'Duplicate foreign key constraint name '%s'The password hash doesn't have the expected format. Check if the correct password algorithm is being used with the PASSWORD() function.Cannot drop column '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s'Cannot drop column '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Column '%-.192s' cannot be NOT NULL: needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' SET NULLDuplicate index '%-.64s' defined on the table '%-.64s.%-.64s'. This is deprecated and will be disallowed in a future release.Cannot change column '%-.192s': used in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s'Cannot change column '%-.192s': used in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Cannot delete rows from table which is parent in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Malformed communication packet.Running in read-only modeWhen @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT is set to a GTID, you must explicitly set it to a different value after a COMMIT or ROLLBACK. Please check GTID_NEXT variable manual page for detailed explanation. Current @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT is '%s'.The system variable %.200s cannot be set in stored procedures.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when @@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED is empty.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when there are no ongoing transactions (not even in other clients).@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED was changed from '%s' to '%s'.@@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED was changed from '%s' to '%s'.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT, and both replicated and non replicated tables are written to.%s is not supported for this operation. Try %s.%s is not supported. Reason: %s. Try %s.COPY algorithm requires a lockPartition specific operations do not yet support LOCK/ALGORITHMColumns participating in a foreign key are renamedCannot change column type INPLACEAdding foreign keys needs foreign_key_checks=OFFCreating unique indexes with IGNORE requires COPY algorithm to remove duplicate rowsDropping a primary key is not allowed without also adding a new primary keyAdding an auto-increment column requires a lockCannot replace hidden FTS_DOC_ID with a user-visible oneCannot drop or rename FTS_DOC_IDFulltext index creation requires a locksql_slave_skip_counter can not be set when the server is running with @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON. Instead, for each transaction that you want to skip, generate an empty transaction with the same GTID as the transactionKattuv väärtus võtmele '%-.192s'Long database name and identifier for object resulted in path length exceeding %d characters. Path: '%s'.cannot silently convert NULL values, as required in this SQL_MODEYour password has expired. To log in you must change it using a client that supports expired passwords.Found a row in wrong partition %sCannot schedule event %s, relay-log name %s, position %s to Worker thread because its size %lu exceeds %lu of slave_pending_jobs_size_max.Cannot CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX WITH PARSER on InnoDB tableThe binary log file '%s' is logically corrupted: %sfile %s was not purged because it was being read by %d thread(s), purged only %d out of %d files.file %s was not purged because it is the active log file.Auto-increment value in UPDATE conflicts with internally generated valuesRow events are not logged for %s statements that modify BLACKHOLE tables in row format. Table(s): '%-.192s'Slave failed to initialize master info structure from the repositorySlave failed to initialize relay log info structure from the repositoryAccess denied trying to change to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' (using password: %s). Disconnecting.InnoDB is in read only mode.STOP SLAVE command execution is incomplete: Slave SQL thread got the stop signal, thread is busy, SQL thread will stop once the current task is complete.STOP SLAVE command execution is incomplete: Slave IO thread got the stop signal, thread is busy, IO thread will stop once the current task is complete.Operation cannot be performed. The table '%-.64s.%-.64s' is missing, corrupt or contains bad data.Temporary file write failure.Upgrade index name failed, please use create index(alter table) algorithm copy to rebuild index.TIME/TIMESTAMP/DATETIME columns of old format have been upgraded to the new format.Operation not allowed when innodb_forced_recovery > 0.The initialization vector supplied to %s is too short. Must be at least %d bytes longPlugin '%s' cannot be uninstalled now. %sCannot execute statement because it needs to be written to the binary log as multiple statements, and this is not allowed when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT == 'UUID:NUMBER'.Slave has more GTIDs than the master has, using the master's SERVER_UUID. This may indicate that the end of the binary log was truncated or that the last binary log file was lost, e.g., after a power or disk failure when sync_binlog != 1. The master may or may not have rolled back transactions that were already replicated to the slave. Suggest to replicate any transactions that master has rolled back from slave to master, and/or commit empty transactions on master to account for transactions that have been committed on master but are not included in GTID_EXECUTED.The table '%s.%s' does not have the necessary key(s) defined on it. Please check the table definition and create index(s) accordingly.File %s is corruptedQuery partially completed on the master (error on master: %d) and was aborted. There is a chance that your master is inconsistent at this point. If you are sure that your master is ok, run this query manually on the slave and then restart the slave with SET GLOBAL SQL_SLAVE_SKIP_COUNTER=1; START SLAVE;. Query:'%s'Query caused different errors on master and slave. Error on master: message (format)='%s' error code=%d; Error on slave:actual message='%s', error code=%d. Default database:'%s'. Query:'%s'Storage engine for table '%s'.'%s' is not loaded.GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS when handler not active%s is no longer supported. The statement was converted to %s.Statement is unsafe because it uses a fulltext parser plugin which may not return the same value on the slave.Cannot DISCARD/IMPORT tablespace associated with temporary tableForeign key cascade delete/update exceeds max depth of %d.Column count of %s.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. Created with MySQL %d, now running %d. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error.Trigger %s.%s.%s does not have CREATED attribute.Referenced trigger '%s' for the given action time and event type does not exist.EXPLAIN FOR CONNECTION command is supported only for SELECT/UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE/REPLACEInvalid size for column '%-.192s'.Table storage engine '%-.64s' found required create option missingOut of memory in storage engine '%-.64s'.The password for anonymous user cannot be expired.This operation cannot be performed with a running slave sql thread; run STOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD firstCannot create FULLTEXT index on materialized subqueryUndo Log error: %sInvalid argument for logarithmThis operation cannot be performed with a running slave io thread; run STOP SLAVE IO_THREAD FOR CHANNEL '%s' first.This operation may not be safe when the slave has temporary tables. The tables will be kept open until the server restarts or until the tables are deleted by any replicated DROP statement. Suggest to wait until slave_open_temp_tables = 0.CHANGE MASTER TO with a MASTER_LOG_FILE clause but no MASTER_LOG_POS clause may not be safe. The old position value may not be valid for the new binary log file.Query execution was interrupted, maximum statement execution time exceededSelect is not a read only statement, disabling timerDuplicate entry '%-.192s'.'%s' mode no longer has any effect. Use STRICT_ALL_TABLES or STRICT_TRANS_TABLES instead.Expression #%u of ORDER BY contains aggregate function and applies to a UNIONExpression #%u of ORDER BY contains aggregate function and applies to the result of a non-aggregated querySlave worker has stopped after at least one previous worker encountered an error when slave-preserve-commit-order was enabled. To preserve commit order, the last transaction executed by this thread has not been committed. When restarting the slave after fixing any failed threads, you should fix this worker as well.slave_preserve_commit_order is not supported %s.The server is currently in offline modeBinary geometry function %s given two geometries of different srids: %u and %u, which should have been identical.Calling geometry function %s with unsupported types of arguments.Unknown GIS error occured in function %s.Unknown exception caught in GIS function %s.Invalid GIS data provided to function %s.The geometry has no data in function %s.Unable to calculate centroid because geometry is empty in function %s.Geometry overlay calculation error: geometry data is invalid in function %s.Geometry turn info calculation error: geometry data is invalid in function %s.Analysis procedures of intersection points interrupted unexpectedly in function %s.Unknown exception thrown in function %s.Memory allocation error: %-.256s in function %s.Domain error: %-.256s in function %s.Length error: %-.256s in function %s.Invalid argument error: %-.256s in function %s.Out of range error: %-.256s in function %s.Overflow error error: %-.256s in function %s.Range error: %-.256s in function %s.Underflow error: %-.256s in function %s.Logic error: %-.256s in function %s.Runtime error: %-.256s in function %s.Unknown exception: %-.384s in function %s.Geometry byte string must be little endian.The password provided for the replication user exceeds the maximum length of 32 charactersIncorrect user-level lock name '%-.192s'.Deadlock found when trying to get user-level lock; try rolling back transaction/releasing locks and restarting lock acquisition.REPLACE cannot be executed as it requires deleting rows that are not in the viewDo not support online operation on table with GIS indexUser variable name '%-.100s' is illegalCannot %s when GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot %s from a replication slave thread.Incorrect type for argument %s in function %s.Expression #%u of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, references column '%-.192s' which is not in SELECT list; this is incompatible with %sExpression #%u of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, contains aggregate function; this is incompatible with %sSupplied filter list contains a value which is not in the required format 'db_pattern.table_pattern'OK packet too largeInvalid JSON data provided to function %s: %sInvalid GeoJSON data provided to function %s: Missing required member '%s'Invalid GeoJSON data provided to function %s: Member '%s' must be of type '%s'Invalid GeoJSON data provided to function %sUnsupported number of coordinate dimensions in function %s: Found %u, expected %uSlave channel '%s' does not exist.A slave channel '%s' already exists for the given host and port combination.Couldn't create channel: Channel name is either invalid or too long.To have multiple channels, repository cannot be of type FILE; Please check the repository configuration and convert them to TABLE.Cannot delete slave info objects for channel '%s'.Multiple channels exist on the slave. Please provide channel name as an argument.Maximum number of replication channels allowed exceeded.This operation cannot be performed with running replication threads; run STOP SLAVE FOR CHANNEL '%s' firstThis operation requires running replication threads; configure slave and run START SLAVE FOR CHANNEL '%s'Replication thread(s) for channel '%s' are already runnning.Replication thread(s) for channel '%s' are already stopped.This operation cannot be performed with a running slave sql thread; run STOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD FOR CHANNEL '%s' first.When sql_slave_skip_counter > 0, it is not allowed to start more than one SQL thread by using 'START SLAVE [SQL_THREAD]'. Value of sql_slave_skip_counter can only be used by one SQL thread at a time. Please use 'START SLAVE [SQL_THREAD] FOR CHANNEL' to start the SQL thread which will use the value of sql_slave_skip_counter.Expression #%u of %s is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column '%-.192s' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_byIn aggregated query without GROUP BY, expression #%u of %s contains nonaggregated column '%-.192s'; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_byUpdating '%s' is deprecated. It will be made read-only in a future release.Changing sql mode '%s' is deprecated. It will be removed in a future release.DROP DATABASE failed; some tables may have been dropped but the database directory remains. The GTID has not been added to GTID_EXECUTED and the statement was not written to the binary log. Fix this as follows: (1) remove all files from the database directory %-.192s; (2) SET GTID_NEXT='%-.192s'; (3) DROP DATABASE `%-.192s`.The server is not configured properly to be an active member of the group. Please see more details on error log.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed since the group is already running.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as the applier module failed to start.The STOP GROUP_REPLICATION command execution is incomplete: The applier thread got the stop signal while it was busy. The applier thread will stop once the current task is complete.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as there was an error when initializing the group communication layer.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as there was an error when joining the communication group.The table does not comply with the requirements by an external plugin.Cannot change the value of variable %s without binary log format as ROW.Error on observer while running replication hook '%s'.Plugin instructed the server to rollback the current transaction.Expression of generated column '%s' contains a disallowed function.INPLACE ADD or DROP of virtual columns cannot be combined with other ALTER TABLE actionsCannot define foreign key with %s clause on a generated column.The value specified for generated column '%s' in table '%s' is not allowed.'%s' is not supported for generated columns.Generated column can refer only to generated columns defined prior to it.Column '%s' has a generated column dependency.Generated column '%s' cannot refer to auto-increment column.The '%-.64s' feature is not available; you need to remove '%-.64s' or use MySQL built with '%-.64s'SET @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = %-.64s is not allowed because %-.384s.The replication receiver thread%-.192s cannot start in AUTO_POSITION mode: this server uses @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot replicate anonymous transaction when AUTO_POSITION = 1, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot replicate anonymous transaction when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot replicate GTID-transaction when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot set ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY = ON because there are ongoing transactions that violate GTID consistency.There are ongoing transactions that violate GTID consistency.Access denied for user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s'. Account is locked.Incorrect tablespace name `%-.192s`Tablespace `%-.192s` is not empty.Incorrect File Name '%s'.Inconsistent intersection points.Optimizer hint syntax errorUnsupported MAX_EXECUTION_TIMEMAX_EXECUTION_TIME hint is supported by top-level standalone SELECT statements onlyHint %s is ignored as conflicting/duplicatedQuery block name %s is not found for %s hintUnresolved name %s for %s hintPlease do not modify the %s table. This is a mysql internal system table to store GTIDs for committed transactions. Modifying it can lead to an inconsistent GTID state.Command not supported by pluggable protocolsIncorrect locking service lock name '%-.192s'.Deadlock found when trying to get locking service lock; try releasing locks and restarting lock acquisition.Service lock wait timeout exceeded.Parameter %s exceeds the maximum number of points in a geometry (%lu) in function %s.'NO_ZERO_DATE', 'NO_ZERO_IN_DATE' and 'ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO' sql modes should be used with strict mode. They will be merged with strict mode in a future release.Version token mismatch for %.*s. Correct value %.*sVersion token %.*s not found.Variable %-.192s cannot be changed by a client that owns a GTID. The client owns %s. Ownership is released on COMMIT or ROLLBACK.%-.192s cannot be performed on channel '%-.192s'.Invalid JSON text: "%s" at position %u in value for column '%-.200s'.Invalid JSON text in argument %u to function %s: "%s" at position %u.%-.0sThe JSON binary value contains invalid data.Invalid JSON path expression. The error is around character position %u.%-.200sCannot create a JSON value from a string with CHARACTER SET '%s'.Invalid JSON character data provided to function %s: '%s'; utf8 is required.Invalid data type for JSON data in argument %u to function %s; a JSON string or JSON type is required.Cannot CAST value to JSON.A path expression must be encoded in the utf8 character set. The path expression '%-.200s' is encoded in character set '%-.200s'.In this situation, path expressions may not contain the * and ** tokens.The JSON value is too big to be stored in a JSON column.The JSON object contains a key name that is too long.JSON column '%-.192s' cannot be used in key specification.The path expression '$' is not allowed in this context.The oneOrAll argument to %s may take these values: 'one' or 'all'.Out of range JSON value for CAST to %s%-.0s from column %s at row %ldInvalid JSON value for CAST to %s%-.0s from column %s at row %ldThe JSON document exceeds the maximum depth.JSON documents may not contain NULL member names.Connections using insecure transport are prohibited while --require_secure_transport=ON.No secure transports (SSL or Shared Memory) are configured, unable to set --require_secure_transport=ON.Storage engine %s is disabled (Table creation is disallowed).User %s does not exist.User %s already exists.Aborted by Audit API ('%-.48s';%d).A path expression is not a path to a cell in an array.Another buffer pool resize is already in progress.The '%s' feature is disabled; see the documentation for '%s'Server isn't availableSession was killedMemory capacity of %llu bytes for '%s' exceeded. %sRange optimization was not done for this query.Partitioning upgrade required. Please dump/reload to fix it or do: ALTER TABLE `%-.192s`.`%-.192s` UPGRADE PARTITIONINGThe client holds ownership of the GTID %s. Therefore, WAIT_FOR_EXECUTED_GTID_SET cannot wait for this GTID.Cannot add foreign key on the base column of indexed virtual column.Cannot create index on virtual column whose base column has foreign constraint.Please do not modify the %s table with an XA transaction. This is an internal system table used to store GTIDs for committed transactions. Although modifying it can lead to an inconsistent GTID state, if neccessary you can modify it with a non-XA transaction.Lock acquisition refused by storage engine.ADD COLUMN col...VIRTUAL, ADD INDEX(col)Master key rotation is not supported by storage engine.Encryption key rotation error reported by SE: %sWrite to binlog failed. However, master key rotation has been completed successfully.Storage engine is not available.This tablespace can't be encrypted.Invalid encryption option.Can't find master key from keyring, please check in the server log if a keyring plugin is loaded and initialized successfully.Parser bailed out for this query.Cannot alter encryption attribute by inplace algorithm.Function '%s' failed because underlying keyring service returned an error. Please check if a keyring plugin is installed and that provided arguments are valid for the keyring you are using.It seems that your db schema is old. The %s column is 77 characters long and should be 93 characters long. Please run mysql_upgrade.RESET MASTER is not allowed because %-.384s.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed since the group already has 9 members.Cannot add foreign key on the base column of stored column. Cannot complete the operation because table is referenced by another connection.The partition engine, used by table '%-.192s.%-.192s', is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use native partitioning instead.%.192s(geometry) is deprecated and will be replaced by st_srid(geometry, 0) in a future version. Use %.192s(st_aswkb(geometry), 0) instead.%.192s(geometry, srid) is deprecated and will be replaced by st_srid(geometry, srid) in a future version. Use %.192s(st_aswkb(geometry), srid) instead.The resource manager is not able to commit the transaction branch at this time. Please retry later.Function %s failed due to: %s.Statement is unsafe because it is being used inside a XA transaction. Concurrent XA transactions may deadlock on slaves when replicated using statements.%s UDF failed; %sCan not perform keyring migration : %sAccess denied; you need %-.128s privileges for this operationKeyring migration %s.Failed to open the %s filter tables.Failed to open '%s.%s' %s table.No keyring plugin installed.Audit log encryption password has not been set; it will be generated automatically. Use audit_log_encryption_password_get to obtain the password or audit_log_encryption_password_set to set a new one.Could not create AES key. OpenSSL's EVP_BytesToKey function failed.Audit log encryption password cannot be fetched from the keyring. Password used so far is used for encryption.Audit Log filtering has not been installed.Request ignored for '%s'@'%s'. SUPER_ACL needed to perform operationSUPER privilege required for '%s'@'%s' user.Could not reinitialize audit log filters.Invalid argument typeInvalid argument countaudit_log plugin has not been installed using INSTALL PLUGIN syntax.Invalid "max_array_length" argument type.Invalid "max_array_length" argument value.%sFilter name cannot be empty.User cannot be empty.Specified filter has not been found.First character of the user name must be alphanumeric.Invalid character in the user name.Invalid character in the host name.With the MAXDB SQL mode enabled, TIMESTAMP is identical with DATETIME. The MAXDB SQL mode is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please disable the MAXDB SQL mode and use DATETIME instead.The use of replication filters with XA transactions is not supported, and can lead to an undefined state in the replication slave.Compressed column '%-.192s' is not allowed in the key listCan not define column '%-.192s' in compressed formatCompression dictionary '%-.192s' already existsCompression dictionary '%-.192s' does not existCompression dictionary name '%-.192s' is too long (max length = %lu)Data for compression dictionary '%-.192s' is too long (max length = %lu)Compression dictionary '%-.192s' is in useCan't execute the query because you have a conflicting backup lockKeys are out order during bulk loadBulk load rows overlap existing rowsCan't execute updates on master with binlog_format != ROW.MyRocks supports only READ COMMITTED and REPEATABLE READ isolation levels. Please change from current isolation level %sWhen unique checking is disabled in MyRocks, INSERT,UPDATE,LOAD statements with clauses that update or replace the key (i.e. INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, REPLACE) are not allowed. Query: %sCan't execute updates when you started a transaction with START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT [ROCKSDB] SNAPSHOT.This transaction was rolled back and cannot be committed. Only supported operation is to roll it back, so all pending changes will be discarded. Please restart another transaction.MyRocks currently does not support ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT if modifying rows.Only REPEATABLE READ isolation level is supported for START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT SNAPSHOT in RocksDB Storage Engine.Unsupported collation on string indexed column %s.%s Use binary collation (%s).Table '%s' does not exist, but metadata information exists inside MyRocks. This is a sign of data inconsistency. Please check if '%s.frm' exists, and try to restore it if it does not exist.MyRocks failed creating new key definitions during alter.MyRocks failed populating secondary key during alter.Column family ('%s') flag (%d) is different from an existing flag (%d). Assign a new CF flag, or do not change existing CF flag.TTL support is currently disabled when table has a hidden PK.TTL column (%s) in MyRocks must be an unsigned non-null 64-bit integer, exist inside the table, and have an accompanying ttl duration.TTL duration (%s) in MyRocks must be an unsigned non-null 64-bit integer.The per-index column family option has been deprecated.ukrainian/errmsg.sys000075500000261035147633135420010606 0ustar00)Puh jDQ:kaL4\> j  x 6  3 J?i(R4dB`3X*WB9m"[ 4_ 2!i!!""#T####F$$ %8%o%%&&' ((()))*j**r++s,0---.d///300?11A22.3_33O4444a55656|66*777;888G999J::;;.<<<*==4>b>>>7?q???r@@4AAABVBBgCCDD6E"FFSGGWHHzkzzm{2||?}g}}}8~y~~XF2JՁUx-}#cUԅ"le $sՉ 6`'t,m̌o"bL}P|/i)dƒgԓ>s s:rȖė9Xzј-zҙQΚ*BbtǛ?Ԝ)Ec7\ʞWU$=Q}΢3:v01d %AUrʨ@o#S 5dƫ:kϬ@խB~L¯ȯү߯Oo;\±]ײ9VųZŵpǷCϸLѹuoӻ9ϼ,f˽>`]˿'^TBXXuF5"^<R 8u,2cV g|eL VHsI(5,bEJ&c$dT9&Kg M_)Rnr; :[RWBd6fd0(ze5!wFYIy&g,^ + n   / e x       7   JR>!uKw?j%MmV.Bp 7>FTC]C  !I"""#$y$$ %@%%%&_&&&"'Q'''2(()j))9*w****+7+S+r+++ ,?,,-D---+../%///0j000)1v111z22223m333.4o444'55555"6Y66666'7W77;8889:):a::: ;-;H;;;!<<d=== >q>??+@@@HAZAAAAAB8BCDCCC$DQD{DDDDEBEEEbExEEEEFFlGGG H= D (column '%-.192s').You can't combine write-locking of system tables with other tables or lock typesUnable to connect to foreign data source: %.64sThere was a problem processing the query on the foreign data source. Data source error: %-.64sThe foreign data source you are trying to reference does not exist. Data source error: %-.64sCan't create federated table. The data source connection string '%-.64s' is not in the correct formatThe data source connection string '%-.64s' is not in the correct formatCan't create federated table. Foreign data src error: %-.64sTrigger in wrong schemaThread stack overrun: %ld bytes used of a %ld byte stack, and %ld bytes needed. Use 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' to specify a bigger stack.Routine body for '%-.100s' is too longCannot drop default keycacheDisplay width out of range for column '%-.192s' (max = %lu)XAER_DUPID: The XID already existsDatetime function: %-.32s field overflowCan't update table '%-.192s' in stored function/trigger because it is already used by statement which invoked this stored function/trigger.The definition of table '%-.192s' prevents operation %.192s on table '%-.192s'.The prepared statement contains a stored routine call that refers to that same statement. It's not allowed to execute a prepared statement in such a recursive mannerNot allowed to set autocommit from a stored function or triggerDefiner is not fully qualifiedView '%-.192s'.'%-.192s' has no definer information (old table format). Current user is used as definer. Please recreate the view!You need the SUPER privilege for creation view with '%-.192s'@'%-.192s' definerThe user specified as a definer ('%-.64s'@'%-.64s') does not existChanging schema from '%-.192s' to '%-.192s' is not allowed.Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (%.192s)Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (%.192s)Variable '%-.64s' must be quoted with `...`, or renamedNo definer attribute for trigger '%-.192s'.'%-.192s'. The trigger will be activated under the authorization of the invoker, which may have insufficient privileges. Please recreate the trigger.'%-.192s' has an old format, you should re-create the '%s' object(s)Recursive limit %d (as set by the max_sp_recursion_depth variable) was exceeded for routine %.192sFailed to load routine %-.192s. The table mysql.proc is missing, corrupt, or contains bad data (internal code %d)Incorrect routine name '%-.192s'Table upgrade required. Please do "REPAIR TABLE `%-.64s`" or dump/reload to fix it!AGGREGATE is not supported for stored functionsCan't create more than max_prepared_stmt_count statements (current value: %lu)`%-.192s`.`%-.192s` contains view recursionNon-grouping field '%-.192s' is used in %-.64s clauseThe used table type doesn't support SPATIAL indexesTriggers can not be created on system tablesLeading spaces are removed from name '%s'Failed to read auto-increment value from storage engineuser namehost nameString '%-.70s' is too long for %s (should be no longer than %d)The target table %-.100s of the %s is not insertable-intoTable '%-.64s' is differently defined or of non-MyISAM type or doesn't existToo high level of nesting for selectName '%-.64s' has become ''First character of the FIELDS TERMINATED string is ambiguous; please use non-optional and non-empty FIELDS ENCLOSED BYThe foreign server, %s, you are trying to create already exists.The foreign server name you are trying to reference does not exist. Data source error: %-.64sTable storage engine '%-.64s' does not support the create option '%.64s'Syntax error: %-.64s PARTITIONING requires definition of VALUES %-.64s for each partitionOnly %-.64s PARTITIONING can use VALUES %-.64s in partition definitionMAXVALUE can only be used in last partition definitionSubpartitions can only be hash partitions and by keyMust define subpartitions on all partitions if on one partitionWrong number of partitions defined, mismatch with previous settingWrong number of subpartitions defined, mismatch with previous settingConstant, random or timezone-dependent expressions in (sub)partitioning function are not allowedExpression in RANGE/LIST VALUES must be constantField in list of fields for partition function not found in tableList of fields is only allowed in KEY partitionsThe partition info in the frm file is not consistent with what can be written into the frm fileThe %-.192s function returns the wrong typeFor %-.64s partitions each partition must be definedVALUES LESS THAN value must be strictly increasing for each partitionVALUES value must be of same type as partition functionMultiple definition of same constant in list partitioningPartitioning can not be used stand-alone in queryThe mix of handlers in the partitions is not allowed in this version of MySQLFor the partitioned engine it is necessary to define all %-.64sToo many partitions (including subpartitions) were definedIt is only possible to mix RANGE/LIST partitioning with HASH/KEY partitioning for subpartitioningFailed to create specific handler fileA BLOB field is not allowed in partition functionA %-.192s must include all columns in the table's partitioning functionNumber of %-.64s = 0 is not an allowed valuePartition management on a not partitioned table is not possibleForeign keys are not yet supported in conjunction with partitioningError in list of partitions to %-.64sCannot remove all partitions, use DROP TABLE insteadCOALESCE PARTITION can only be used on HASH/KEY partitionsREORGANIZE PARTITION can only be used to reorganize partitions not to change their numbersREORGANIZE PARTITION without parameters can only be used on auto-partitioned tables using HASH PARTITIONs%-.64s PARTITION can only be used on RANGE/LIST partitionsTrying to Add partition(s) with wrong number of subpartitionsAt least one partition must be addedAt least one partition must be coalescedMore partitions to reorganize than there are partitionsDuplicate partition name %-.192sIt is not allowed to shut off binlog on this commandWhen reorganizing a set of partitions they must be in consecutive orderReorganize of range partitions cannot change total ranges except for last partition where it can extend the rangePartition function not supported in this version for this handlerPartition state cannot be defined from CREATE/ALTER TABLEThe %-.64s handler only supports 32 bit integers in VALUESPlugin '%-.192s' is not loadedIncorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s'Table has no partition for value %-.64sIt is not allowed to specify %s more than onceFailed to create %sFailed to drop %sThe handler doesn't support autoextend of tablespacesA size parameter was incorrectly specified, either number or on the form 10MThe size number was correct but we don't allow the digit part to be more than 2 billionFailed to alter: %sWriting one row to the row-based binary log failedTable definition on master and slave does not match: %sSlave running with --log-slave-updates must use row-based binary logging to be able to replicate row-based binary log eventsEvent '%-.192s' already existsFailed to store event %s. Error code %d from storage engine.Unknown event '%-.192s'Failed to alter event '%-.192s'Failed to drop %sINTERVAL is either not positive or too bigENDS is either invalid or before STARTSEvent execution time is in the past. Event has been disabledFailed to open mysql.eventNo datetime expression providedColumn count of mysql.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. The table is probably corruptedCannot load from mysql.%s. The table is probably corruptedFailed to delete the event from mysql.eventError during compilation of event's bodySame old and new event nameData for column '%s' too longCannot drop index '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraintThe syntax '%s' is deprecated and will be removed in MySQL %s. Please use %s insteadYou can't write-lock a log table. Only read access is possibleYou can't use locks with log tables.Upholding foreign key constraints for table '%.192s', entry '%-.192s', key %d would lead to a duplicate entryColumn count of mysql.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. Created with MySQL %d, now running %d. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error.Cannot switch out of the row-based binary log format when the session has open temporary tablesCannot change the binary logging format inside a stored function or triggerThe NDB cluster engine does not support changing the binlog format on the fly yetCannot create temporary table with partitionsPartition constant is out of partition function domainThis partition function is not allowedError in DDL logNot allowed to use NULL value in VALUES LESS THANIncorrect partition nameTransaction characteristics can't be changed while a transaction is in progressALTER TABLE causes auto_increment resequencing, resulting in duplicate entry '%-.192s' for key '%-.192s'Internal scheduler error %dError during starting/stopping of the scheduler. Error code %uEngine cannot be used in partitioned tablesCannot activate '%-.64s' logThe server was not built with row-based replicationDecoding of base64 string failedRecursion of EVENT DDL statements is forbidden when body is presentCannot proceed because system tables used by Event Scheduler were found damaged at server startOnly integers allowed as number hereThis storage engine cannot be used for log tables"You cannot '%s' a log table if logging is enabledCannot rename '%s'. When logging enabled, rename to/from log table must rename two tables: the log table to an archive table and another table back to '%s'Incorrect parameter count in the call to native function '%-.192s'Incorrect parameters in the call to native function '%-.192s'Incorrect parameters in the call to stored function %-.192sThis function '%-.192s' has the same name as a native functionДублюючий запис '%-.64s' для ключа '%-.192s'Too many files opened, please execute the command againEvent execution time is in the past and ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE is set. The event was dropped immediately after creation.Event execution time is in the past and ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE is set. The event was not changed. Specify a time in the future.The incident %s occured on the master. Message: %sTable has no partition for some existing valuesUnsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. %sFatal error: %sRelay log read failure: %sRelay log write failure: %sFailed to create %sMaster command %s failed: %sBinary logging not possible. Message: %sView `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` has no creation contextCreation context of view `%-.64s`.`%-.64s' is invalidCreation context of stored routine `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCorrupted TRG file for table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s`Triggers for table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` have no creation contextTrigger creation context of table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCreation context of event `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCannot open table for trigger `%-.64s`.`%-.64s`Cannot create stored routine `%-.64s`. Check warningsAmbiguous slave modes combination. %sThe BINLOG statement of type `%s` was not preceded by a format description BINLOG statement.Corrupted replication event was detectedInvalid column reference (%-.64s) in LOAD DATABeing purged log %s was not foundXA_RBTIMEOUT: Transaction branch was rolled back: took too longXA_RBDEADLOCK: Transaction branch was rolled back: deadlock was detectedPrepared statement needs to be re-preparedDELAYED option not supported for table '%-.192s'The master info structure does not exist<%-.64s> option ignoredBuilt-in plugins cannot be deletedPlugin is busy and will be uninstalled on shutdown%s variable '%s' is read-only. Use SET %s to assign the valueStorage engine %s does not support rollback for this statement. Transaction rolled back and must be restartedUnexpected master's heartbeat data: %sThe requested value for the heartbeat period is either negative or exceeds the maximum allowed (%s seconds).Bad schema for mysql.ndb_replication table. Message: %-.64sError in parsing conflict function. Message: %-.64sWrite to exceptions table failed. Message: %-.128s"Comment for table '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Comment for field '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)FUNCTION %s does not exist. Check the 'Function Name Parsing and Resolution' section in the Reference ManualDatabaseTablePartitionSubpartitionTemporaryRenamedToo many active concurrent transactionsNon-ASCII separator arguments are not fully supporteddebug sync point wait timed outdebug sync point hit limit reachedDuplicate condition information item '%s'Unhandled user-defined warning conditionUnhandled user-defined not found conditionUnhandled user-defined exception conditionRESIGNAL when handler not activeSIGNAL/RESIGNAL can only use a CONDITION defined with SQLSTATEData truncated for condition item '%s'Data too long for condition item '%s'Unknown locale: '%-.64s'The requested server id %d clashes with the slave startup option --replicate-same-server-idQuery cache is disabled; restart the server with query_cache_type=1 to enable itDuplicate partition field name '%-.192s'Inconsistency in usage of column lists for partitioningPartition column values of incorrect typeToo many fields in '%-.192s'Cannot use MAXVALUE as value in VALUES INCannot have more than one value for this type of %-.64s partitioningRow expressions in VALUES IN only allowed for multi-field column partitioningField '%-.192s' is of a not allowed type for this type of partitioningThe total length of the partitioning fields is too largeCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since both row-incapable engines and statement-incapable engines are involved.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = ROW and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to statement-based logging.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. %sCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is in row format and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to statement-based logging.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to row-based logging.%sCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is in row format and BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since more than one engine is involved and at least one engine is self-logging.The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted.The statement is unsafe because it uses INSERT DELAYED. This is unsafe because the times when rows are inserted cannot be predicted.The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves.Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly.Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it accesses a non-transactional table after accessing a transactional table within the same transaction.%s Statement: %sColumn %d of table '%-.192s.%-.192s' cannot be converted from type '%-.32s' to type '%-.32s'Can't create conversion table for table '%-.192s.%-.192s'Cannot modify @@session.binlog_format inside a transactionThe path specified for %.64s is too long.'%s' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.Native table '%-.64s'.'%-.64s' has the wrong structureInvalid performance_schema usage.Table '%s'.'%s' was skipped since its definition is being modified by concurrent DDL statementCannot modify @@session.binlog_direct_non_transactional_updates inside a transactionCannot change the binlog direct flag inside a stored function or triggerA SPATIAL index may only contain a geometrical type columnComment for index '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Wait on a lock was aborted due to a pending exclusive lock%s value is out of range in '%s'A variable of a non-integer based type in LIMIT clauseMixing self-logging and non-self-logging engines in a statement is unsafe.Statement accesses nontransactional table as well as transactional or temporary table, and writes to any of them.Cannot modify @@session.sql_log_bin inside a transactionCannot change the sql_log_bin inside a stored function or triggerFailed to read from the .par fileVALUES value for partition '%-.64s' must have type INTДоступ заборонено для користувача: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s'SET PASSWORD has no significance for users authenticating via pluginsGRANT with IDENTIFIED WITH is illegal because the user %-.*s already existsCannot truncate a table referenced in a foreign key constraint (%.192s)Plugin '%s' is force_plus_permanent and can not be unloadedThe requested value for the heartbeat period is less than 1 millisecond. The value is reset to 0, meaning that heartbeating will effectively be disabled.The requested value for the heartbeat period exceeds the value of `slave_net_timeout' seconds. A sensible value for the period should be less than the timeout.Multi-row statements required more than 'max_binlog_stmt_cache_size' bytes of storage; increase this mysqld variable and try againPrimary key/partition key update is not allowed since the table is updated both as '%-.192s' and '%-.192s'.Table rebuild required. Please do "ALTER TABLE `%-.64s` FORCE" or dump/reload to fix it!The value of '%s' should be no less than the value of '%s'Index column size too large. The maximum column size is %lu bytes.Trigger '%-.64s' has an error in its body: '%-.256s'Unknown trigger has an error in its body: '%-.256s'Index %s is corruptedUndo log record is too big.INSERT IGNORE... SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.INSERT... SELECT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are updated. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.REPLACE... SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are replaced. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE... IGNORE SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE... REPLACE SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are replaced. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.UPDATE IGNORE is unsafe because the order in which rows are updated determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.Plugin '%s' is marked as not dynamically uninstallable. You have to stop the server to uninstall it.Plugin '%s' is marked as not dynamically installable. You have to stop the server to install it.Statements writing to a table with an auto-increment column after selecting from another table are unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved determines what (if any) rows will be written. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE TABLE... SELECT... on a table with an auto-increment column is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are inserted. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.INSERT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE on a table with more than one UNIQUE KEY is unsafeTable is being used in foreign key check.Storage engine '%s' does not support system tables. [%s.%s]INSERT into autoincrement field which is not the first part in the composed primary key is unsafe.Cannot load from %s.%s. The table is probably corruptedThe requested value %s for the master delay exceeds the maximum %uOnly Format_description_log_event and row events are allowed in BINLOG statements (but %s was provided)Non matching attribute '%-.64s' between partition and tableTable to exchange with partition is partitioned: '%-.64s'Table to exchange with partition is temporary: '%-.64s'Subpartitioned table, use subpartition instead of partitionUnknown partition '%-.64s' in table '%-.64s'Tables have different definitionsFound a row that does not match the partitionOption binlog_cache_size (%lu) is greater than max_binlog_cache_size (%lu); setting binlog_cache_size equal to max_binlog_cache_size.Cannot use %-.64s access on index '%-.64s' due to type or collation conversion on field '%-.64s'Table to exchange with partition has foreign key references: '%-.64s'Key value '%-.192s' was not found in table '%-.192s.%-.192s'Data for column '%s' too longReplication event checksum verification failed while reading from network.Replication event checksum verification failed while reading from a log file.Option binlog_stmt_cache_size (%lu) is greater than max_binlog_stmt_cache_size (%lu); setting binlog_stmt_cache_size equal to max_binlog_stmt_cache_size.Can't update table '%-.192s' while '%-.192s' is being created.PARTITION () clause on non partitioned tableFound a row not matching the given partition setpartition '%-.64s' doesn't existFailure while changing the type of replication repository: %s.The creation of some temporary tables could not be rolled back.Some temporary tables were dropped, but these operations could not be rolled back.%s is not supported in multi-threaded slave mode. %sThe number of modified databases exceeds the maximum %d; the database names will not be included in the replication event metadata.Cannot execute the current event group in the parallel mode. Encountered event %s, relay-log name %s, position %s which prevents execution of this event group in parallel mode. Reason: %s.%sFULLTEXT index is not supported for partitioned tables.Invalid condition numberSending passwords in plain text without SSL/TLS is extremely insecure.Storing MySQL user name or password information in the master info repository is not secure and is therefore not recommended. Please consider using the USER and PASSWORD connection options for START SLAVE; see the 'START SLAVE Syntax' in the MySQL Manual for more information.Foreign key constraint for table '%.192s', record '%-.192s' would lead to a duplicate entry in table '%.192s', key '%.192s'Foreign key constraint for table '%.192s', record '%-.192s' would lead to a duplicate entry in a child tableSetting authentication options is not possible when only the Slave SQL Thread is being started.The table does not have FULLTEXT index to support this queryThe system variable %.200s cannot be set in stored functions or triggers.The system variable %.200s cannot be set when there is an ongoing transaction.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT has the value %.200s, which is not listed in @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot change inside a transaction.The statement 'SET %.200s' cannot invoke a stored function.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be 'AUTOMATIC' when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST is non-NULL.Skipping transaction %.200s because it has already been executed and logged.Malformed GTID set specification '%.200s'.Malformed GTID set encoding.Malformed GTID specification '%.200s'.Impossible to generate Global Transaction Identifier: the integer component reached the maximal value. Restart the server with a new server_uuid.Parameters MASTER_LOG_FILE, MASTER_LOG_POS, RELAY_LOG_FILE and RELAY_LOG_POS cannot be set when MASTER_AUTO_POSITION is active.CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1 cannot be executed because @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot execute statements with implicit commit inside a transaction when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT == 'UUID:NUMBER'.GTID_MODE = ON requires ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY = ON.@@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON or ON_PERMISSIVE or OFF_PERMISSIVE requires --log-bin and --log-slave-updates.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be set to UUID:NUMBER when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be set to ANONYMOUS when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST cannot be set to a non-NULL value when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Found a Gtid_log_event when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Statement violates GTID consistency: Updates to non-transactional tables can only be done in either autocommitted statements or single-statement transactions, and never in the same statement as updates to transactional tables.Statement violates GTID consistency: CREATE TABLE ... SELECT.Statement violates GTID consistency: Under statement binary log mode CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE and DROP TEMPORARY TABLE can only be executed outside transactional context. These statements are also not allowed in a function or trigger because functions and triggers are also considered to be multi-statement transactions.The value of @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE can only be changed one step at a time: OFF <-> OFF_PERMISSIVE <-> ON_PERMISSIVE <-> ON. Also note that this value must be stepped up or down simultaneously on all servers. See the Manual for instructions.The slave is connecting using CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1, but the master has purged binary logs containing GTIDs that the slave requires.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be changed by a client that owns a GTID. The client owns %s. Ownership is released on COMMIT or ROLLBACK.Unknown EXPLAIN format name: '%s'Cannot execute statement in a READ ONLY transaction.Comment for table partition '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Slave is not configured or failed to initialize properly. You must at least set --server-id to enable either a master or a slave. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.InnoDB presently supports one FULLTEXT index creation at a timeCannot create FULLTEXT index on temporary InnoDB tableColumn '%-.192s' is of wrong type for an InnoDB FULLTEXT indexIndex '%-.192s' is of wrong type for an InnoDB FULLTEXT indexCreating index '%-.192s' required more than 'innodb_online_alter_log_max_size' bytes of modification log. Please try again.Unknown ALGORITHM '%s'Unknown LOCK type '%s'CHANGE MASTER cannot be executed when the slave was stopped with an error or killed in MTS mode. Consider using RESET SLAVE or START SLAVE UNTIL.Cannot recover after SLAVE errored out in parallel execution mode. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.Cannot clean up worker info tables. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.Column count of %s.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. The table is probably corruptedSlave must silently retry current transactionThere is a foreign key check running on table '%-.192s'. Cannot discard the table.Schema mismatch (%s)Table '%-.192s' in system tablespaceIO Read error: (%lu, %s) %sIO Write error: (%lu, %s) %sTablespace is missing for table %s.Tablespace '%-.192s' exists.Tablespace has been discarded for table '%-.192s'Internal error: %sALTER TABLE %-.192s IMPORT TABLESPACE failed with error %lu : '%s'Index corrupt: %sSupports only YEAR or YEAR(4) column.Your password does not satisfy the current policy requirementsYou must reset your password using ALTER USER statement before executing this statement.Failed to add the foreign key constaint. Missing index for constraint '%s' in the foreign table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constaint. Missing index for constraint '%s' in the referenced table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constraint '%s' to system tablesFailed to open the referenced table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constraint on table '%s'. Incorrect options in FOREIGN KEY constraint '%s'Duplicate foreign key constraint name '%s'The password hash doesn't have the expected format. Check if the correct password algorithm is being used with the PASSWORD() function.Cannot drop column '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s'Cannot drop column '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Column '%-.192s' cannot be NOT NULL: needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' SET NULLDuplicate index '%-.64s' defined on the table '%-.64s.%-.64s'. This is deprecated and will be disallowed in a future release.Cannot change column '%-.192s': used in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s'Cannot change column '%-.192s': used in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Cannot delete rows from table which is parent in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Malformed communication packet.Running in read-only modeWhen @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT is set to a GTID, you must explicitly set it to a different value after a COMMIT or ROLLBACK. Please check GTID_NEXT variable manual page for detailed explanation. Current @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT is '%s'.The system variable %.200s cannot be set in stored procedures.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when @@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED is empty.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when there are no ongoing transactions (not even in other clients).@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED was changed from '%s' to '%s'.@@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED was changed from '%s' to '%s'.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT, and both replicated and non replicated tables are written to.%s is not supported for this operation. Try %s.%s is not supported. Reason: %s. Try %s.COPY algorithm requires a lockPartition specific operations do not yet support LOCK/ALGORITHMColumns participating in a foreign key are renamedCannot change column type INPLACEAdding foreign keys needs foreign_key_checks=OFFCreating unique indexes with IGNORE requires COPY algorithm to remove duplicate rowsDropping a primary key is not allowed without also adding a new primary keyAdding an auto-increment column requires a lockCannot replace hidden FTS_DOC_ID with a user-visible oneCannot drop or rename FTS_DOC_IDFulltext index creation requires a locksql_slave_skip_counter can not be set when the server is running with @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON. Instead, for each transaction that you want to skip, generate an empty transaction with the same GTID as the transactionДублюючий запис для ключа '%-.192s'Long database name and identifier for object resulted in path length exceeding %d characters. Path: '%s'.cannot silently convert NULL values, as required in this SQL_MODEYour password has expired. To log in you must change it using a client that supports expired passwords.Found a row in wrong partition %sCannot schedule event %s, relay-log name %s, position %s to Worker thread because its size %lu exceeds %lu of slave_pending_jobs_size_max.Cannot CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX WITH PARSER on InnoDB tableThe binary log file '%s' is logically corrupted: %sfile %s was not purged because it was being read by %d thread(s), purged only %d out of %d files.file %s was not purged because it is the active log file.Auto-increment value in UPDATE conflicts with internally generated valuesRow events are not logged for %s statements that modify BLACKHOLE tables in row format. Table(s): '%-.192s'Slave failed to initialize master info structure from the repositorySlave failed to initialize relay log info structure from the repositoryAccess denied trying to change to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' (using password: %s). Disconnecting.InnoDB is in read only mode.STOP SLAVE command execution is incomplete: Slave SQL thread got the stop signal, thread is busy, SQL thread will stop once the current task is complete.STOP SLAVE command execution is incomplete: Slave IO thread got the stop signal, thread is busy, IO thread will stop once the current task is complete.Operation cannot be performed. The table '%-.64s.%-.64s' is missing, corrupt or contains bad data.Temporary file write failure.Upgrade index name failed, please use create index(alter table) algorithm copy to rebuild index.TIME/TIMESTAMP/DATETIME columns of old format have been upgraded to the new format.Operation not allowed when innodb_forced_recovery > 0.The initialization vector supplied to %s is too short. Must be at least %d bytes longPlugin '%s' cannot be uninstalled now. %sCannot execute statement because it needs to be written to the binary log as multiple statements, and this is not allowed when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT == 'UUID:NUMBER'.Slave has more GTIDs than the master has, using the master's SERVER_UUID. This may indicate that the end of the binary log was truncated or that the last binary log file was lost, e.g., after a power or disk failure when sync_binlog != 1. The master may or may not have rolled back transactions that were already replicated to the slave. Suggest to replicate any transactions that master has rolled back from slave to master, and/or commit empty transactions on master to account for transactions that have been committed on master but are not included in GTID_EXECUTED.The table '%s.%s' does not have the necessary key(s) defined on it. Please check the table definition and create index(s) accordingly.File %s is corruptedQuery partially completed on the master (error on master: %d) and was aborted. There is a chance that your master is inconsistent at this point. If you are sure that your master is ok, run this query manually on the slave and then restart the slave with SET GLOBAL SQL_SLAVE_SKIP_COUNTER=1; START SLAVE;. Query:'%s'Query caused different errors on master and slave. Error on master: message (format)='%s' error code=%d; Error on slave:actual message='%s', error code=%d. Default database:'%s'. Query:'%s'Storage engine for table '%s'.'%s' is not loaded.GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS when handler not active%s is no longer supported. The statement was converted to %s.Statement is unsafe because it uses a fulltext parser plugin which may not return the same value on the slave.Cannot DISCARD/IMPORT tablespace associated with temporary tableForeign key cascade delete/update exceeds max depth of %d.Column count of %s.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. Created with MySQL %d, now running %d. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error.Trigger %s.%s.%s does not have CREATED attribute.Referenced trigger '%s' for the given action time and event type does not exist.EXPLAIN FOR CONNECTION command is supported only for SELECT/UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE/REPLACEInvalid size for column '%-.192s'.Table storage engine '%-.64s' found required create option missingOut of memory in storage engine '%-.64s'.The password for anonymous user cannot be expired.This operation cannot be performed with a running slave sql thread; run STOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD firstCannot create FULLTEXT index on materialized subqueryUndo Log error: %sInvalid argument for logarithmThis operation cannot be performed with a running slave io thread; run STOP SLAVE IO_THREAD FOR CHANNEL '%s' first.This operation may not be safe when the slave has temporary tables. The tables will be kept open until the server restarts or until the tables are deleted by any replicated DROP statement. Suggest to wait until slave_open_temp_tables = 0.CHANGE MASTER TO with a MASTER_LOG_FILE clause but no MASTER_LOG_POS clause may not be safe. The old position value may not be valid for the new binary log file.Query execution was interrupted, maximum statement execution time exceededSelect is not a read only statement, disabling timerDuplicate entry '%-.192s'.'%s' mode no longer has any effect. Use STRICT_ALL_TABLES or STRICT_TRANS_TABLES instead.Expression #%u of ORDER BY contains aggregate function and applies to a UNIONExpression #%u of ORDER BY contains aggregate function and applies to the result of a non-aggregated querySlave worker has stopped after at least one previous worker encountered an error when slave-preserve-commit-order was enabled. To preserve commit order, the last transaction executed by this thread has not been committed. When restarting the slave after fixing any failed threads, you should fix this worker as well.slave_preserve_commit_order is not supported %s.The server is currently in offline modeBinary geometry function %s given two geometries of different srids: %u and %u, which should have been identical.Calling geometry function %s with unsupported types of arguments.Unknown GIS error occured in function %s.Unknown exception caught in GIS function %s.Invalid GIS data provided to function %s.The geometry has no data in function %s.Unable to calculate centroid because geometry is empty in function %s.Geometry overlay calculation error: geometry data is invalid in function %s.Geometry turn info calculation error: geometry data is invalid in function %s.Analysis procedures of intersection points interrupted unexpectedly in function %s.Unknown exception thrown in function %s.Memory allocation error: %-.256s in function %s.Domain error: %-.256s in function %s.Length error: %-.256s in function %s.Invalid argument error: %-.256s in function %s.Out of range error: %-.256s in function %s.Overflow error error: %-.256s in function %s.Range error: %-.256s in function %s.Underflow error: %-.256s in function %s.Logic error: %-.256s in function %s.Runtime error: %-.256s in function %s.Unknown exception: %-.384s in function %s.Geometry byte string must be little endian.The password provided for the replication user exceeds the maximum length of 32 charactersIncorrect user-level lock name '%-.192s'.Deadlock found when trying to get user-level lock; try rolling back transaction/releasing locks and restarting lock acquisition.REPLACE cannot be executed as it requires deleting rows that are not in the viewDo not support online operation on table with GIS indexUser variable name '%-.100s' is illegalCannot %s when GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot %s from a replication slave thread.Incorrect type for argument %s in function %s.Expression #%u of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, references column '%-.192s' which is not in SELECT list; this is incompatible with %sExpression #%u of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, contains aggregate function; this is incompatible with %sSupplied filter list contains a value which is not in the required format 'db_pattern.table_pattern'OK packet too largeInvalid JSON data provided to function %s: %sInvalid GeoJSON data provided to function %s: Missing required member '%s'Invalid GeoJSON data provided to function %s: Member '%s' must be of type '%s'Invalid GeoJSON data provided to function %sUnsupported number of coordinate dimensions in function %s: Found %u, expected %uSlave channel '%s' does not exist.A slave channel '%s' already exists for the given host and port combination.Couldn't create channel: Channel name is either invalid or too long.To have multiple channels, repository cannot be of type FILE; Please check the repository configuration and convert them to TABLE.Cannot delete slave info objects for channel '%s'.Multiple channels exist on the slave. Please provide channel name as an argument.Maximum number of replication channels allowed exceeded.This operation cannot be performed with running replication threads; run STOP SLAVE FOR CHANNEL '%s' firstThis operation requires running replication threads; configure slave and run START SLAVE FOR CHANNEL '%s'Replication thread(s) for channel '%s' are already runnning.Replication thread(s) for channel '%s' are already stopped.This operation cannot be performed with a running slave sql thread; run STOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD FOR CHANNEL '%s' first.When sql_slave_skip_counter > 0, it is not allowed to start more than one SQL thread by using 'START SLAVE [SQL_THREAD]'. Value of sql_slave_skip_counter can only be used by one SQL thread at a time. Please use 'START SLAVE [SQL_THREAD] FOR CHANNEL' to start the SQL thread which will use the value of sql_slave_skip_counter.Expression #%u of %s is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column '%-.192s' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_byIn aggregated query without GROUP BY, expression #%u of %s contains nonaggregated column '%-.192s'; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_byUpdating '%s' is deprecated. It will be made read-only in a future release.Changing sql mode '%s' is deprecated. It will be removed in a future release.DROP DATABASE failed; some tables may have been dropped but the database directory remains. The GTID has not been added to GTID_EXECUTED and the statement was not written to the binary log. Fix this as follows: (1) remove all files from the database directory %-.192s; (2) SET GTID_NEXT='%-.192s'; (3) DROP DATABASE `%-.192s`.The server is not configured properly to be an active member of the group. Please see more details on error log.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed since the group is already running.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as the applier module failed to start.The STOP GROUP_REPLICATION command execution is incomplete: The applier thread got the stop signal while it was busy. The applier thread will stop once the current task is complete.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as there was an error when initializing the group communication layer.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as there was an error when joining the communication group.The table does not comply with the requirements by an external plugin.Cannot change the value of variable %s without binary log format as ROW.Error on observer while running replication hook '%s'.Plugin instructed the server to rollback the current transaction.Expression of generated column '%s' contains a disallowed function.INPLACE ADD or DROP of virtual columns cannot be combined with other ALTER TABLE actionsCannot define foreign key with %s clause on a generated column.The value specified for generated column '%s' in table '%s' is not allowed.'%s' is not supported for generated columns.Generated column can refer only to generated columns defined prior to it.Column '%s' has a generated column dependency.Generated column '%s' cannot refer to auto-increment column.The '%-.64s' feature is not available; you need to remove '%-.64s' or use MySQL built with '%-.64s'SET @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = %-.64s is not allowed because %-.384s.The replication receiver thread%-.192s cannot start in AUTO_POSITION mode: this server uses @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot replicate anonymous transaction when AUTO_POSITION = 1, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot replicate anonymous transaction when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot replicate GTID-transaction when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot set ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY = ON because there are ongoing transactions that violate GTID consistency.There are ongoing transactions that violate GTID consistency.Access denied for user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s'. Account is locked.Incorrect tablespace name `%-.192s`Tablespace `%-.192s` is not empty.Incorrect File Name '%s'.Inconsistent intersection points.Optimizer hint syntax errorUnsupported MAX_EXECUTION_TIMEMAX_EXECUTION_TIME hint is supported by top-level standalone SELECT statements onlyHint %s is ignored as conflicting/duplicatedQuery block name %s is not found for %s hintUnresolved name %s for %s hintPlease do not modify the %s table. This is a mysql internal system table to store GTIDs for committed transactions. Modifying it can lead to an inconsistent GTID state.Command not supported by pluggable protocolsIncorrect locking service lock name '%-.192s'.Deadlock found when trying to get locking service lock; try releasing locks and restarting lock acquisition.Service lock wait timeout exceeded.Parameter %s exceeds the maximum number of points in a geometry (%lu) in function %s.'NO_ZERO_DATE', 'NO_ZERO_IN_DATE' and 'ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO' sql modes should be used with strict mode. They will be merged with strict mode in a future release.Version token mismatch for %.*s. Correct value %.*sVersion token %.*s not found.Variable %-.192s cannot be changed by a client that owns a GTID. The client owns %s. Ownership is released on COMMIT or ROLLBACK.%-.192s cannot be performed on channel '%-.192s'.Invalid JSON text: "%s" at position %u in value for column '%-.200s'.Invalid JSON text in argument %u to function %s: "%s" at position %u.%-.0sThe JSON binary value contains invalid data.Invalid JSON path expression. The error is around character position %u.%-.200sCannot create a JSON value from a string with CHARACTER SET '%s'.Invalid JSON character data provided to function %s: '%s'; utf8 is required.Invalid data type for JSON data in argument %u to function %s; a JSON string or JSON type is required.Cannot CAST value to JSON.A path expression must be encoded in the utf8 character set. The path expression '%-.200s' is encoded in character set '%-.200s'.In this situation, path expressions may not contain the * and ** tokens.The JSON value is too big to be stored in a JSON column.The JSON object contains a key name that is too long.JSON column '%-.192s' cannot be used in key specification.The path expression '$' is not allowed in this context.The oneOrAll argument to %s may take these values: 'one' or 'all'.Out of range JSON value for CAST to %s%-.0s from column %s at row %ldInvalid JSON value for CAST to %s%-.0s from column %s at row %ldThe JSON document exceeds the maximum depth.JSON documents may not contain NULL member names.Connections using insecure transport are prohibited while --require_secure_transport=ON.No secure transports (SSL or Shared Memory) are configured, unable to set --require_secure_transport=ON.Storage engine %s is disabled (Table creation is disallowed).User %s does not exist.User %s already exists.Aborted by Audit API ('%-.48s';%d).A path expression is not a path to a cell in an array.Another buffer pool resize is already in progress.The '%s' feature is disabled; see the documentation for '%s'Server isn't availableSession was killedMemory capacity of %llu bytes for '%s' exceeded. %sRange optimization was not done for this query.Partitioning upgrade required. Please dump/reload to fix it or do: ALTER TABLE `%-.192s`.`%-.192s` UPGRADE PARTITIONINGThe client holds ownership of the GTID %s. Therefore, WAIT_FOR_EXECUTED_GTID_SET cannot wait for this GTID.Cannot add foreign key on the base column of indexed virtual column.Cannot create index on virtual column whose base column has foreign constraint.Please do not modify the %s table with an XA transaction. This is an internal system table used to store GTIDs for committed transactions. Although modifying it can lead to an inconsistent GTID state, if neccessary you can modify it with a non-XA transaction.Lock acquisition refused by storage engine.ADD COLUMN col...VIRTUAL, ADD INDEX(col)Master key rotation is not supported by storage engine.Encryption key rotation error reported by SE: %sWrite to binlog failed. However, master key rotation has been completed successfully.Storage engine is not available.This tablespace can't be encrypted.Invalid encryption option.Can't find master key from keyring, please check in the server log if a keyring plugin is loaded and initialized successfully.Parser bailed out for this query.Cannot alter encryption attribute by inplace algorithm.Function '%s' failed because underlying keyring service returned an error. Please check if a keyring plugin is installed and that provided arguments are valid for the keyring you are using.It seems that your db schema is old. The %s column is 77 characters long and should be 93 characters long. Please run mysql_upgrade.RESET MASTER is not allowed because %-.384s.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed since the group already has 9 members.Cannot add foreign key on the base column of stored column. Cannot complete the operation because table is referenced by another connection.The partition engine, used by table '%-.192s.%-.192s', is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use native partitioning instead.%.192s(geometry) is deprecated and will be replaced by st_srid(geometry, 0) in a future version. Use %.192s(st_aswkb(geometry), 0) instead.%.192s(geometry, srid) is deprecated and will be replaced by st_srid(geometry, srid) in a future version. Use %.192s(st_aswkb(geometry), srid) instead.The resource manager is not able to commit the transaction branch at this time. Please retry later.Function %s failed due to: %s.Statement is unsafe because it is being used inside a XA transaction. Concurrent XA transactions may deadlock on slaves when replicated using statements.%s UDF failed; %sCan not perform keyring migration : %sAccess denied; you need %-.128s privileges for this operationKeyring migration %s.Failed to open the %s filter tables.Failed to open '%s.%s' %s table.No keyring plugin installed.Audit log encryption password has not been set; it will be generated automatically. Use audit_log_encryption_password_get to obtain the password or audit_log_encryption_password_set to set a new one.Could not create AES key. OpenSSL's EVP_BytesToKey function failed.Audit log encryption password cannot be fetched from the keyring. Password used so far is used for encryption.Audit Log filtering has not been installed.Request ignored for '%s'@'%s'. SUPER_ACL needed to perform operationSUPER privilege required for '%s'@'%s' user.Could not reinitialize audit log filters.Invalid argument typeInvalid argument countaudit_log plugin has not been installed using INSTALL PLUGIN syntax.Invalid "max_array_length" argument type.Invalid "max_array_length" argument value.%sFilter name cannot be empty.User cannot be empty.Specified filter has not been found.First character of the user name must be alphanumeric.Invalid character in the user name.Invalid character in the host name.With the MAXDB SQL mode enabled, TIMESTAMP is identical with DATETIME. The MAXDB SQL mode is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please disable the MAXDB SQL mode and use DATETIME instead.The use of replication filters with XA transactions is not supported, and can lead to an undefined state in the replication slave.Compressed column '%-.192s' is not allowed in the key listCan not define column '%-.192s' in compressed formatCompression dictionary '%-.192s' already existsCompression dictionary '%-.192s' does not existCompression dictionary name '%-.192s' is too long (max length = %lu)Data for compression dictionary '%-.192s' is too long (max length = %lu)Compression dictionary '%-.192s' is in useCan't execute the query because you have a conflicting backup lockKeys are out order during bulk loadBulk load rows overlap existing rowsCan't execute updates on master with binlog_format != ROW.MyRocks supports only READ COMMITTED and REPEATABLE READ isolation levels. Please change from current isolation level %sWhen unique checking is disabled in MyRocks, INSERT,UPDATE,LOAD statements with clauses that update or replace the key (i.e. INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, REPLACE) are not allowed. Query: %sCan't execute updates when you started a transaction with START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT [ROCKSDB] SNAPSHOT.This transaction was rolled back and cannot be committed. Only supported operation is to roll it back, so all pending changes will be discarded. Please restart another transaction.MyRocks currently does not support ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT if modifying rows.Only REPEATABLE READ isolation level is supported for START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT SNAPSHOT in RocksDB Storage Engine.Unsupported collation on string indexed column %s.%s Use binary collation (%s).Table '%s' does not exist, but metadata information exists inside MyRocks. This is a sign of data inconsistency. Please check if '%s.frm' exists, and try to restore it if it does not exist.MyRocks failed creating new key definitions during alter.MyRocks failed populating secondary key during alter.Column family ('%s') flag (%d) is different from an existing flag (%d). Assign a new CF flag, or do not change existing CF flag.TTL support is currently disabled when table has a hidden PK.TTL column (%s) in MyRocks must be an unsigned non-null 64-bit integer, exist inside the table, and have an accompanying ttl duration.TTL duration (%s) in MyRocks must be an unsigned non-null 64-bit integer.The per-index column family option has been deprecated.mysql_system_tables_data.sql000064400000001453147633135420012374 0ustar00-- Copyright (c) 2007, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA -- -- The inital data for system tables of MySQL Server -- dictionary.txt000064400000061747147633135420007501 0ustar000000 1111 123456 12345 password password1 123456789 12345678 1234567890 abc123 computer tigger 1234 qwerty money carmen mickey secret summer internet a1b2c3 service canada hello ranger shadow baseball donald harley hockey letmein maggie mike mustang snoopy buster dragon jordan michael michelle mindy patrick 123abc andrew bear calvin changeme diamond fuckme fuckyou matthew miller tiger trustno1 alex apple avalon brandy chelsea coffee falcon freedom gandalf green helpme linda magic merlin newyork soccer thomas wizard asdfgh bandit batman boris butthead dorothy eeyore fishing football george happy iloveyou jennifer jonathan love marina master missy monday monkey natasha ncc1701 pamela pepper piglet poohbear pookie rabbit rachel rocket rose smile sparky spring steven success sunshine victoria whatever zapata 8675309 amanda andy angel august barney biteme boomer brian casey cowboy delta doctor fisher island john joshua karen marley orange please rascal richard sarah scooter shalom silver skippy stanley taylor welcome zephyr 111111 aaaaaa access albert alexander andrea anna anthony asdfjkl; ashley basketball beavis black bob booboo bradley brandon buddy caitlin camaro charlie chicken chris cindy cricket dakota dallas daniel david debbie dolphin elephant emily friend fucker ginger goodluck hammer heather iceman jason jessica jesus joseph jupiter justin kevin knight lacrosse lakers lizard madison mary mother muffin murphy nirvana paris pentium phoenix picture rainbow sandy saturn scott shannon shithead skeeter sophie special stephanie stephen steve sweetie teacher tennis test test123 tommy topgun tristan wally william wilson 1q2w3e 654321 666666 a12345 a1b2c3d4 alpha amber angela angie archie asdf blazer bond007 booger charles christin claire control danny david1 dennis digital disney edward elvis felix flipper franklin frodo honda horses hunter indigo james jasper jeremy julian kelsey killer lauren marie maryjane matrix maverick mayday mercury mitchell morgan mountain niners nothing oliver peace peanut pearljam phantom popcorn princess psycho pumpkin purple randy rebecca reddog robert rocky roses salmon samson sharon sierra smokey startrek steelers stimpy sunflower superman support sydney techno walter willie willow winner ziggy zxcvbnm alaska alexis alice animal apples barbara benjamin billy blue bluebird bobby bonnie bubba camera chocolate clark claudia cocacola compton connect cookie cruise douglas dreamer dreams duckie eagles eddie einstein enter explorer faith family ferrari flamingo flower foxtrot francis freddy friday froggy giants gizmo global goofy happy1 hendrix henry herman homer honey house houston iguana indiana insane inside irish ironman jake jasmin jeanne jerry joey justice katherine kermit kitty koala larry leslie logan lucky mark martin matt minnie misty mitch mouse nancy nascar nelson pantera parker penguin peter piano pizza prince punkin pyramid raymond robin roger rosebud route66 royal running sadie sasha security sheena sheila skiing snapple snowball sparrow spencer spike star stealth student sunny sylvia tamara taurus teresa theresa thunderbird tigers tony toyota travel tuesday victory viper1 wesley whisky winnie winter wolves xyz123 zorro 123123 1234567 696969 888888 Anthony Joshua Matthew Tigger aaron abby abcdef adidas adrian alfred arthur athena austin awesome badger bamboo beagle bears beatles beautiful beaver benny bigmac bingo bitch blonde boogie boston brenda bright bubba1 bubbles buffy button buttons cactus candy captain carlos caroline carrie casper catch22 chance charity charlotte cheese cheryl chloe chris1 clancy compaq conrad cooper cooter copper cosmos cougar cracker crawford crystal curtis cyclone dance diablo dollars dookie dumbass dundee elizabeth eric europe farmer firebird fletcher fluffy france freak1 friends fuckoff gabriel galaxy gambit garden garfield garnet genesis genius godzilla golfer goober grace greenday groovy grover guitar hacker harry hazel hector herbert horizon hornet howard icecream imagine impala jack janice jasmine jason1 jeanette jeffrey jenifer jenni jesus1 jewels joker julie julie1 junior justin1 kathleen keith kelly kelly1 kennedy kevin1 knicks larry1 leonard lestat library lincoln lionking london louise lucky1 lucy maddog margaret mariposa marlboro martin1 marty master1 mensuck mercedes metal midori mikey millie mirage molly monet money1 monica monopoly mookie moose moroni music naomi nathan nguyen nicholas nicole nimrod october olive olivia online oscar oxford pacific painter peaches penelope pepsi petunia philip phoenix1 photo pickle player poiuyt porsche porter puppy python quality raquel raven remember robbie robert1 roman rugby runner russell ryan sailing sailor samantha savage scarlett school sean seven shadow1 sheba shelby shit shoes simba simple skipper smiley snake snickers sniper snoopdog snowman sonic spitfire sprite spunky starwars station stella stingray storm stormy stupid sunny1 sunrise surfer susan tammy tango tanya teddy1 theboss theking thumper tina tintin tomcat trebor trevor tweety unicorn valentine valerie vanilla veronica victor vincent viper warrior warriors weasel wheels wilbur winston wisdom wombat xavier yellow zeppelin 1111 1212 Andrew Family Friends Michael Michelle Snoopy abcd1234 abcdefg abigail account adam alex1 alice1 allison alpine andre1 andrea1 angel1 anita annette antares apache apollo aragorn arizona arnold arsenal asdfasdf asdfg asdfghjk avenger baby babydoll bailey banana barry basket batman1 beaner beast beatrice bella bertha bigben bigdog biggles bigman binky biology bishop blondie bluefish bobcat bosco braves brazil bruce bruno brutus buffalo bulldog bullet bullshit bunny business butch butler butter california carebear carol carol1 carole cassie castle catalina catherine cccccc celine center champion chanel chaos chelsea1 chester1 chicago chico christian christy church cinder colleen colorado columbia commander connie cookies cooking corona cowboys coyote craig creative cuddles cuervo cutie daddy daisy daniel1 danielle davids death denis derek design destiny diana diane dickhead digger dodger donna dougie dragonfly dylan eagle eclipse electric emerald etoile excalibur express fender fiona fireman flash florida flowers foster francesco francine francois frank french fuckface gemini general gerald germany gilbert goaway golden goldfish goose gordon graham grant gregory gretchen gunner hannah harold harrison harvey hawkeye heaven heidi helen helena hithere hobbit ibanez idontknow integra ireland irene isaac isabel jackass jackie jackson jaguar jamaica japan jenny1 jessie johan johnny joker1 jordan23 judith julia jumanji kangaroo karen1 kathy keepout keith1 kenneth kimberly kingdom kitkat kramer kristen laura laurie lawrence lawyer legend liberty light lindsay lindsey lisa liverpool lola lonely louis lovely loveme lucas madonna malcolm malibu marathon marcel maria1 mariah mariah1 marilyn mario marvin maurice maxine maxwell me meggie melanie melissa melody mexico michael1 michele midnight mike1 miracle misha mishka molly1 monique montreal moocow moore morris mouse1 mulder nautica nellie newton nick nirvana1 nissan norman notebook ocean olivier ollie oranges oregon orion panda pandora panther passion patricia pearl peewee pencil penny people percy person peter1 petey picasso pierre pinkfloyd polaris police pookie1 poppy power predator preston q1w2e3 queen queenie quentin ralph random rangers raptor reality redrum remote reynolds rhonda ricardo ricardo1 ricky river roadrunner robinhood rocknroll rocky1 ronald roxy ruthie sabrina sakura sally sampson samuel sandra santa sapphire scarlet scorpio scott1 scottie scruffy seattle serena shanti shark shogun simon singer skull skywalker slacker smashing smiles snowflake snuffy soccer1 soleil sonny spanky speedy spider spooky stacey star69 start steven1 stinky strawberry stuart sugar sundance superfly suzanne suzuki swimmer swimming system taffy tarzan teddy teddybear terry theatre thunder thursday tinker tootsie tornado tracy tricia trident trojan truman trumpet tucker turtle tyler utopia voyager warcraft warlock warren water wayne wendy williams willy winona woody woofwoof wrangler wright xfiles xxxxxx yankees yvonne zebra zenith zigzag zombie zxc123 zxcvb 000000 007007 11111 11111111 123321 171717 181818 1a2b3c 1chris 4runner 54321 55555 6969 7777777 789456 88888888 Alexis Bailey Charlie Chris Daniel Dragon Elizabeth HARLEY Heather Jennifer Jessica Jordan KILLER Nicholas Password Princess Purple Rebecca Robert Shadow Steven Summer Sunshine Superman Taylor Thomas Victoria abcd123 abcde accord active africa airborne alfaro alicia aliens alina aline alison allen aloha alpha1 althea altima amanda1 amazing america amour anderson andre andrew1 andromeda angels angie1 annie anything apple1 apple2 applepie april aquarius ariane ariel arlene artemis asdf1234 asdfjkl ashley1 ashraf ashton asterix attila autumn avatar babes bambi barbie barney1 barrett bball beaches beanie beans beauty becca belize belle belmont benji benson bernardo berry betsy betty bigboss bigred billy1 birdie birthday biscuit bitter blackjack blah blanche blood blowjob blowme blueeyes blues bogart bombay boobie boots bootsie boxers brandi brent brewster bridge bronco bronte brooke brother bryan bubble buddha budgie burton butterfly byron calendar calvin1 camel camille campbell camping cancer canela cannon carbon carnage carolyn carrot cascade catfish cathy catwoman cecile celica change chantal charger cherry chiara chiefs china chris123 christ1 christmas christopher chuck cindy1 cinema civic claude clueless cobain cobra cody colette college colors colt45 confused cool corvette cosmo country crusader cunningham cupcake cynthia dagger dammit dancer daphne darkstar darren darryl darwin deborah december deedee deeznuts delano delete demon denise denny desert deskjet detroit devil devine devon dexter dianne diesel director dixie dodgers doggy dollar dolly dominique domino dontknow doogie doudou downtown dragon1 driver dude dudley dutchess dwight eagle1 easter eastern edith edmund eight element elissa ellen elliot empire enigma enterprise erin escort estelle eugene evelyn explore family1 fatboy felipe ferguson ferret ferris fireball fishes fishie flight florida1 flowerpot forward freddie freebird freeman frisco fritz froggie froggies frogs fucku future gabby games garcia gaston gateway george1 georgia german germany1 getout ghost gibson giselle gmoney goblin goblue gollum grandma gremlin grizzly grumpy guess guitar1 gustavo haggis haha hailey halloween hamilton hamlet hanna hanson happy123 happyday hardcore harley1 harriet harris harvard health heart heather1 heather2 hedgehog helene hello1 hello123 hellohello hermes heythere highland hilda hillary history hitler hobbes holiday holly honda1 hongkong hootie horse hotrod hudson hummer huskies idiot iforget iloveu impact indonesia irina isabelle israel italia italy jackie1 jacob jakey james1 jamesbond jamie jamjam jeffrey1 jennie jenny jensen jesse jesse1 jester jethro jimbob jimmy joanna joelle john316 jordie jorge josh journey joyce jubilee jules julien juliet junebug juniper justdoit karin karine karma katerina katie katie1 kayla keeper keller kendall kenny ketchup kings kissme kitten kittycat kkkkkk kristi kristine labtec laddie ladybug lance laurel lawson leader leland lemon lester letter letters lexus1 libra lights lionel little lizzy lolita lonestar longhorn looney loren lorna loser lovers loveyou lucia lucifer lucky14 maddie madmax magic1 magnum maiden maine management manson manuel marcus maria marielle marine marino marshall martha maxmax meatloaf medical megan melina memphis mermaid miami michel michigan mickey1 microsoft mikael milano miles millenium million miranda miriam mission mmmmmm mobile monkey1 monroe montana monty moomoo moonbeam morpheus motorola movies mozart munchkin murray mustang1 nadia nadine napoleon nation national nestle newlife newyork1 nichole nikita nikki nintendo nokia nomore normal norton noway nugget number9 numbers nurse nutmeg ohshit oicu812 omega openup orchid oreo orlando packard packers paloma pancake panic parola parrot partner pascal patches patriots paula pauline payton peach peanuts pedro1 peggy perfect perry peterpan philips phillips phone pierce pigeon pink pioneer piper1 pirate pisces playboy pluto poetry pontiac pookey popeye prayer precious prelude premier puddin pulsar pussy pussy1 qwert qwerty12 qwertyui rabbit1 rachelle racoon rambo randy1 ravens redman redskins reggae reggie renee renegade rescue revolution richard1 richards richmond riley ripper robby roberts rock rocket1 rockie rockon roger1 rogers roland rommel rookie rootbeer rosie rufus rusty ruthless sabbath sabina safety saint samiam sammie sammy samsam sandi sanjose saphire sarah1 saskia sassy saturday science scooby scoobydoo scooter1 scorpion scotty scouts search september server seven7 sexy shaggy shanny shaolin shasta shayne shelly sherry shirley shorty shotgun sidney simba1 sinatra sirius skate skipper1 skyler slayer sleepy slider smile1 smitty smoke snakes snapper snoop solomon sophia space sparks spartan spike1 sponge spurs squash stargate starlight stars steph1 steve1 stevens stewart stone stranger stretch strong studio stumpy sucker suckme sultan summit sunfire sunset super superstar surfing susan1 sutton sweden sweetpea sweety swordfish tabatha tacobell taiwan tamtam tanner target tasha tattoo tequila terry1 texas thankyou theend thompson thrasher tiger2 timber timothy tinkerbell topcat topher toshiba tototo travis treasure trees tricky trish triton trombone trouble trucker turbo twins tyler1 ultimate unique united ursula vacation valley vampire vanessa venice venus vermont vicki vicky victor1 vincent1 violet violin virgil virginia vision volley voodoo vortex waiting wanker warner water1 wayne1 webster weezer wendy1 western white whitney whocares wildcat william1 wilma window winniethepooh wolfgang wolverine wonder xxxxxxxx yamaha yankee yogibear yolanda yomama yvette zachary zebras zxcvbn 00000000 121212 1234qwer 131313 13579 90210 99999999 ABC123 action amelie anaconda apollo13 artist asshole benoit bernard bernie bigbird blizzard bluesky bonjour caesar cardinal carolina cesar chandler chapman charlie1 chevy chiquita chocolat coco cougars courtney dolphins dominic donkey dusty eminem energy fearless forest forever glenn guinness hotdog indian jared jimbo johnson jojo josie kristin lloyd lorraine lynn maxime memory mimi mirror nebraska nemesis network nigel oatmeal patton pedro planet players portland praise psalms qwaszx raiders rambo1 rancid shawn shelley softball speedo sports ssssss steele steph stephani sunday tiffany tigre toronto trixie undead valentin velvet viking walker watson young babygirl pretty hottie teamo 987654321 naruto spongebob daniela princesa christ blessed single qazwsx pokemon iloveyou1 iloveyou2 fuckyou1 hahaha poop blessing blahblah blink182 123qwe trinity passw0rd google looking spirit iloveyou! qwerty1 onelove mylove 222222 ilovegod football1 loving emmanuel 1q2w3e4r red123 blabla 112233 hallo spiderman simpsons monster november brooklyn poopoo darkness 159753 pineapple chester 1qaz2wsx drowssap monkey12 wordpass q1w2e3r4 coolness 11235813 something alexandra estrella miguel iloveme sayang princess1 555555 999999 alejandro brittany alejandra tequiero antonio 987654 00000 fernando corazon cristina kisses myspace rebelde babygurl alyssa mahalkita gabriela pictures hellokitty babygirl1 angelica mahalko mariana eduardo andres ronaldo inuyasha adriana celtic samsung angelo 456789 sebastian karina hotmail 0123456789 barcelona cameron slipknot cutiepie 50cent bonita maganda babyboy natalie cuteako javier 789456123 123654 bowwow portugal 777777 volleyball january cristian bianca chrisbrown 101010 sweet panget benfica love123 lollipop camila qwertyuiop harrypotter ihateyou christine lorena andreea charmed rafael brianna aaliyah johncena lovelove gangsta 333333 hiphop mybaby sergio metallica myspace1 babyblue badboy fernanda westlife sasuke steaua roberto slideshow asdfghjkl santiago jayson 5201314 jerome gandako gatita babyko 246810 sweetheart chivas alberto valeria nicole1 12345678910 leonardo jayjay liliana sexygirl 232323 amores anthony1 bitch1 fatima miamor lover lalala 252525 skittles colombia 159357 manutd 123456a britney katrina christina pasaway mahal tatiana cantik 0123456 teiubesc 147258369 natalia francisco amorcito paola angelito manchester mommy1 147258 amigos marlon linkinpark 147852 diego 444444 iverson andrei justine frankie pimpin fashion bestfriend england hermosa 456123 102030 sporting hearts potter iloveu2 number1 212121 truelove jayden savannah hottie1 ganda scotland ilovehim shakira estrellita brandon1 sweets familia love12 omarion monkeys loverboy elijah ronnie mamita 999999999 broken rodrigo westside mauricio amigas preciosa shopping flores isabella martinez elaine friendster cheche gracie connor valentina darling santos joanne fuckyou2 pebbles sunshine1 gangster gloria darkangel bettyboop jessica1 cheyenne dustin iubire a123456 purple1 bestfriends inlove batista karla chacha marian sexyme pogiako jordan1 010203 daddy1 daddysgirl billabong pinky erika skater nenita tigger1 gatito lokita maldita buttercup bambam glitter 123789 sister zacefron tokiohotel loveya lovebug bubblegum marissa cecilia lollypop nicolas puppies ariana chubby sexybitch roxana mememe susana baller hotstuff carter babylove angelina playgirl sweet16 012345 bhebhe marcos loveme1 milagros lilmama beyonce lovely1 catdog armando margarita 151515 loves 202020 gerard undertaker amistad capricorn delfin cheerleader password2 PASSWORD lizzie matthew1 enrique badgirl 141414 dancing cuteme amelia skyline angeles janine carlitos justme legolas michelle1 cinderella jesuschrist ilovejesus tazmania tekiero thebest princesita lucky7 jesucristo buddy1 regina myself lipgloss jazmin rosita chichi pangit mierda 741852963 hernandez arturo silvia melvin celeste pussycat gorgeous honeyko mylife babyboo loveu lupita panthers hollywood alfredo musica hawaii sparkle kristina sexymama crazy scarface 098765 hayden micheal 242424 0987654321 marisol jeremiah mhine isaiah lolipop butterfly1 xbox360 madalina anamaria yourmom jasmine1 bubbles1 beatriz diamonds friendship sweetness desiree 741852 hannah1 bananas julius leanne marie1 lover1 twinkle february bebita 87654321 twilight imissyou pollito ashlee cookie1 147852369 beckham simone nursing torres damian 123123123 joshua1 babyface dinamo mommy juliana cassandra redsox gundam 0000 ou812 dave golf molson Monday newpass thx1138 Internet coke foobar abc fish fred help ncc1701d newuser none pat dog duck duke floyd guest joe kingfish micro sam telecom test1 7777 absolut babylon5 backup bill bird33 deliver fire flip galileo gopher hansolo jane jim mom passwd phil phish porsche911 rain red sergei training truck video volvo 007 1969 5683 Bond007 Friday Hendrix October Taurus aaa alexandr catalog challenge clipper coltrane cyrano dan dawn dean deutsch dilbert e-mail export ford fountain fox frog gabriell garlic goforit grateful hoops lady ledzep lee mailman mantra market mazda1 metallic ncc1701e nesbitt open pete quest republic research supra tara testing xanadu xxxx zaphod zeus 0007 1022 10sne1 1973 1978 2000 2222 3bears Broadway Fisher Jeanne Killer Knight Master Pepper Sierra Tennis abacab abcd ace acropolis amy anders avenir basil bass beer ben bliss blowfish boss bridges buck bugsy bull cannondale canon catnip chip civil content cook cordelia crack1 cyber daisie dark1 database deadhead denali depeche dickens emmitt entropy farout farside feedback fidel firenze fish1 fletch fool fozzie fun gargoyle gasman gold graphic hell image intern intrepid jeff jkl123 joel johanna1 kidder kim king kirk kris lambda leon logical lorrie major mariner mark1 max media merlot midway mine mmouse moon mopar mortimer nermal nina olsen opera overkill pacers packer picard polar polo primus prometheus public radio rastafarian reptile rob robotech rodeo rolex rouge roy ruby salasana scarecrow scout scuba1 sergey skibum skunk sound starter sting1 sunbird tbird teflon temporal terminal the thejudge time toby today tokyo tree trout vader val valhalla windsurf wolf wolf1 xcountry yoda yukon 1213 1214 1225 1313 1818 1975 1977 1991 1kitty 2001 2020 2112 2kids 333 4444 5050 57chevy 7dwarfs Animals Ariel Bismillah Booboo Boston Carol Computer Creative Curtis Denise Eagles Esther Fishing Freddy Gandalf Golden Goober Hacker Harley Henry Hershey Jackson Jersey Joanna Johnson Katie Kitten Liberty Lindsay Lizard Madeline Margaret Maxwell Money Monster Pamela Peaches Peter Phoenix Piglet Pookie Rabbit Raiders Random Russell Sammy Saturn Skeeter Smokey Sparky Speedy Sterling Theresa Thunder Vincent Willow Winnie Wolverine aaaa aardvark abbott acura admin admin1 adrock aerobics agent airwolf ali alien allegro allstate altamira altima1 andrew! ann anne anneli aptiva arrow asdf;lkj assmunch baraka barnyard bart bartman beasty beavis1 bebe belgium beowulf beryl best bharat bichon bigal biker bilbo bills bimmer biochem birdy blinds blitz bluejean bogey bogus boulder bourbon boxer brain branch britain broker bucks buffett bugs bulls burns buzz c00per calgary camay carl cat cement cessna chad chainsaw chameleon chang chess chinook chouette chronos cicero circuit cirque cirrus clapton clarkson class claudel cleo cliff clock color comet concept concorde coolbean corky cornflake corwin cows crescent cross crowley cthulhu cunt current cutlass daedalus dagger1 daily dale dana daytek dead decker dharma dillweed dipper disco dixon doitnow doors dork doug dutch effie ella elsie engage eric1 ernie1 escort1 excel faculty fairview faust fenris finance first fishhead flanders fleurs flute flyboy flyer franka frederic free front242 frontier fugazi funtime gaby gaelic gambler gammaphi garfunkel garth gary gateway2 gator1 gibbons gigi gilgamesh goat godiva goethe gofish good gramps gravis gray greed greg greg1 greta gretzky guido gumby h2opolo hamid hank hawkeye1 health1 hello8 help123 helper homerj hoosier hope huang hugo hydrogen ib6ub9 insight instructor integral iomega iris izzy jazz jean jeepster jetta1 joanie josee joy julia2 jumbo jump justice4 kalamazoo kali kat kate kerala kids kiwi kleenex kombat lamer laser laserjet lassie1 leblanc legal leo life lions liz logger logos loislane loki longer lori lost lotus lou macha macross madoka makeitso mallard marc math mattingly mechanic meister mercer merde merrill michal michou mickel minou mobydick modem mojo montana3 montrose motor mowgli mulder1 muscle neil neutrino newaccount nicklaus nightshade nightwing nike none1 nopass nouveau novell oaxaca obiwan obsession orville otter ozzy packrat paint papa paradigm pass pavel peterk phialpha phishy piano1 pianoman pianos pipeline plato play poetic print printing provider qqq111 quebec qwer racer racerx radar rafiki raleigh rasta1 redcloud redfish redwing redwood reed rene reznor rhino ripple rita robocop robotics roche roni rossignol rugger safety1 saigon satori saturn5 schnapps scotch scuba secret3 seeker services sex shanghai shazam shelter sigmachi signal signature simsim skydive slick smegma smiths smurfy snow sober1 sonics sony spazz sphynx spock spoon spot sprocket starbuck steel stephi sting stocks storage strat strato stud student2 susanna swanson swim switzer system5 t-bone talon tarheel tata tazdevil tester testtest thisisit thorne tightend tim tom tool total toucan transfer transit transport trapper trash trophy tucson turbo2 unity upsilon vedder vette vikram virago visual volcano walden waldo walleye webmaster wedge whale1 whit whoville wibble will wombat1 word world x-files xxx123 zack zepplin zoltan zoomer 123go 21122112 5555 911 FuckYou Fuckyou Gizmo Hello Michel Qwerty Windows angus aspen ass bird booster byteme cats changeit christia christoph classroom cloclo corrado dasha fiction french1 fubar gator gilles gocougs hilbert hola home judy koko lulu mac macintosh mailer mars meow ne1469 niki paul politics pomme property ruth sales salut scrooge skidoo spain surf sylvie symbol forum rotimi god saved 2580 1998 xxx 1928 777 info a netware sun tech doom mmm one ppp 1911 1948 1996 5252 Champs Tuesday bach crow don draft hal9000 herzog huey jethrotull jussi mail miki nicarao snowski 1316 1412 1430 1952 1953 1955 1956 1960 1964 1qw23e 2200 2252 3010 3112 4788 6262 Alpha Bastard Beavis Cardinal Celtics Cougar Darkman Figaro Fortune Geronimo Hammer Homer Janet Mellon Merlot Metallic Montreal Newton Paladin Peanuts Service Vernon Waterloo Webster aki123 aqua aylmer beta bozo car chat chinacat cora courier dogbert eieio elina1 fly funguy fuzz ggeorge glider1 gone hawk heikki histoire hugh if6was9 ingvar jan jedi jimi juhani khan lima midvale neko nesbit nexus6 nisse notta1 pam park pole pope pyro ram reliant rex rush seoul skip stan sue suzy tab testi thelorax tika tnt toto1 tre wind x-men xyz zxc 369 Abcdef Asdfgh Changeme NCC1701 Zxcvbnm demo doom2 good-luck homebrew m1911a1 nat ne1410s ne14a69 zhongguo sample123 0852 basf OU812 !@#$% informix majordomo news temp trek !@#$%^ !@#$%^&* Pentium Raistlin adi bmw law new opus plus visa www zzz 1332 1950 3141 3533 4055 4854 6301 Bonzo ChangeMe Front242 Gretel Michel1 Noriko Sidekick Sverige Swoosh Woodrow ayelet barn betacam biz boat cuda doc hal hallowell haro hosehead ilmari irmeli j1l2t3 jer kcin kerrya kissa2 leaf lissabon mart matti1 mech morecats paagal performa prof ratio ship slip stivers tapani targas test2 test3 tula unix user1 xanth !@#$%^& 1701d @#$%^& Qwert allo dirk newcourt nite notused sss german/errmsg.sys000075500000254616147633135420010105 0ustar00GuN>-Y7k35y&B~OpRhX G c v ( I w $ a  : V d 2wJ du7B"<fSGqNM Dy;b#xA{ h k!!"l""#+###!$e$$$%:%X%%%%#&T&&&'U'''(U((()))1*r*+V+q+++,,4,M,,,3-u----....U//k00C11.2v222y334n444 5}55/6l66I7w7778f889A9997::::;X;;;;G<o<<<=8=x====->s>>???@@8@@@_A~AAABqBBBCWCCCTDDD#EEkFF,GGLHiHHHICIIIJFJJK8KaKK&L|LLLLMCMMMN/NENcNNNNN OTOOOPPPQQCQbQQQQQQRZOZZZ[6[[[[\E\{\\\].]i]]]]6^i^^^_:_o___`]````a}aa1bgbb cLcvcccdMdddd8eueef{ghhhNiii6j~jj'kXkk8lll>mYmn/npnnnoo/pqfqqFrrr9sstUt/uwuuuvvv3wwwxDx|xxxyyWyyyz)zzzg{{|r|||`}}~s~~5%sH0قa9b|L9}ڇ@҈hɉKi݊:DҌ>Z׍ Y OяJ1B"œ :LxޕED7u/u֛ DҜ 0ZɝJ֞Qʟ&RHʡ ?ԢW:v#¥̥֥@j%Wz9Uè+Uȩ jEЫw"Эy'ű!p޳S}Ǵ Եm۶3~)kĸDعNѻ=ѼI}e1R`^}jTW;Y)P"W3Hm T^P{Q0=4jMR.k,l \A(=b~!dv4@igYiR%8xS)Q)UiOibwrE|cxr y <|k XP)Q/\C    @ f     ; d     b   ^     8:,{j2e[>hI [1z7Ic w  ;!!!%"I"l"""""7#d###Y$$$"%F%%D&x&&'J'''(X(((N)i))4*m***+Y+++ ,?,,-?-W-o----:.Q.d...@///A0E1q1112Y2z22283Z33P445T555x6778888809F9k999q::$;P;;;;<<^<<<<<<=E=i==Z>>?M?}???;@f@@@@-AAgBBCCTDDbEEESFFGbGhashchkisamchkNeinJaKann Datei '%-.200s' nicht erzeugen (Fehler: %d - %s)Kann Tabelle '%-.200s' nicht erzeugen (Fehler: %d)Kann Datenbank '%-.192s' nicht erzeugen (Fehler: %d)Kann Datenbank '%-.192s' nicht erzeugen. Datenbank existiert bereitsKann Datenbank '%-.192s' nicht löschen; Datenbank nicht vorhandenFehler beim Löschen der Datenbank ('%-.192s' kann nicht gelöscht werden, Fehler: %d)Fehler beim Löschen der Datenbank (Verzeichnis '%-.192s' kann nicht gelöscht werden, Fehler: %d)Fehler beim Löschen von '%-.192s' (Fehler: %d - %s)Datensatz in der Systemtabelle nicht lesbarKann Status von '%-.200s' nicht ermitteln (Fehler: %d - %s)Kann Arbeitsverzeichnis nicht ermitteln (Fehler: %d - %s)Datei kann nicht gesperrt werden (Fehler: %d - %s)Kann Datei '%-.200s' nicht öffnen (Fehler: %d - %s)Kann Datei '%-.200s' nicht finden (Fehler: %d - %s)Verzeichnis von '%-.192s' nicht lesbar (Fehler: %d - %s)Kann nicht in das Verzeichnis '%-.192s' wechseln (Fehler: %d - %s)Datensatz hat sich seit dem letzten Zugriff auf Tabelle '%-.192s' geändertFestplatte voll (%s). Warte, bis jemand Platz schafft ... (Fehler: %d - %s)Kann nicht speichern, Grund: doppelter Schlüssel in Tabelle '%-.192s'Fehler beim Schließen von '%-.192s' (Fehler: %d - %s)Fehler beim Lesen der Datei '%-.200s' (Fehler: %d - %s)Fehler beim Umbenennen von '%-.210s' in '%-.210s' (Fehler: %d - %s)Fehler beim Speichern der Datei '%-.200s' (Fehler: %d - %s)'%-.192s' ist für Änderungen gesperrtSortiervorgang abgebrochenView '%-.192s' existiert für '%-.192s' nichtFehler %d (Speicher-Engine)Diese Option gibt es nicht (Speicher-Engine für '%-.192s')Kann Datensatz in '%-.192s' nicht findenFalsche Information in Datei '%-.200s'Fehlerhafte Index-Datei für Tabelle '%-.200s'; versuche zu reparierenAlte Index-Datei für Tabelle '%-.192s'. Bitte reparierenTabelle '%-.192s' ist nur lesbarKein Speicher vorhanden (%d Bytes benötigt). Bitte Server neu startenKein Speicher zum Sortieren vorhanden. sort_buffer_size sollte im Server erhöht werdenUnerwartetes Ende beim Lesen der Datei '%-.192s' (Fehler: %d - %s)Zu viele VerbindungenKein Speicher mehr vorhanden. Prüfen Sie, ob mysqld oder ein anderer Prozess den gesamten Speicher verbraucht. Wenn nicht, sollten Sie mit 'ulimit' dafür sorgen, dass mysqld mehr Speicher benutzen darf, oder mehr Swap-Speicher einrichtenKann Hostnamen für diese Adresse nicht erhaltenUngültiger HandshakeBenutzer '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' hat keine Zugriffsberechtigung für Datenbank '%-.192s'Benutzer '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' hat keine Zugriffsberechtigung (verwendetes Passwort: %s)Keine Datenbank ausgewähltUnbekannter BefehlFeld '%-.192s' darf nicht NULL seinUnbekannte Datenbank '%-.192s'Tabelle '%-.192s' bereits vorhandenUnbekannte Tabelle '%-.100s'Feld '%-.192s' in %-.192s ist nicht eindeutigDer Server wird heruntergefahrenUnbekanntes Tabellenfeld '%-.192s' in %-.192s'%-.192s' ist nicht in GROUP BY vorhandenGruppierung über '%-.192s' nicht möglichDie Verwendung von Summierungsfunktionen und Spalten im selben Befehl ist nicht erlaubtDie Anzahl der Spalten entspricht nicht der Anzahl der WerteName des Bezeichners '%-.100s' ist zu langDoppelter Spaltenname: '%-.192s'Doppelter Name für Schlüssel vorhanden: '%-.192s'Doppelter Eintrag '%-.192s' für Schlüssel %dFalsche Spezifikation für Feld '%-.192s'%s bei '%-.80s' in Zeile %dLeere AbfrageTabellenname/Alias '%-.192s' nicht eindeutigFehlerhafter Vorgabewert (DEFAULT) für '%-.192s'Mehrere Primärschlüssel (PRIMARY KEY) definiertZu viele Schlüssel definiert. Maximal %d Schlüssel erlaubtZu viele Teilschlüssel definiert. Maximal %d Teilschlüssel erlaubtSchlüssel ist zu lang. Die maximale Schlüssellänge beträgt %dIn der Tabelle gibt es kein Schlüsselfeld '%-.192s'BLOB-Feld '%-.192s' kann beim verwendeten Tabellentyp nicht als Schlüssel verwendet werdenFeldlänge für Feld '%-.192s' zu groß (maximal %lu). BLOB- oder TEXT-Spaltentyp verwenden!Falsche Tabellendefinition. Es darf nur eine AUTO_INCREMENT-Spalte geben, und diese muss als Schlüssel definiert werden%s: Bereit für Verbindungen. Version: '%s' Socket: '%s' Port: %d%s: Normal heruntergefahren %s: Signal %d erhalten. Abbruch! %s: Herunterfahren beendet %s: Thread %ld zwangsweise beendet. Benutzer: '%-.48s' Kann IP-Socket nicht erzeugenTabelle '%-.192s' besitzt keinen wie den in CREATE INDEX verwendeten Index. Tabelle neu anlegenFeldbegrenzer-Argument ist nicht in der erwarteten Form. Bitte im Handbuch nachlesenEine feste Zeilenlänge kann für BLOB-Felder nicht verwendet werden. Bitte 'fields terminated by' verwendenDatei '%-.128s' muss im Datenbank-Verzeichnis vorhanden oder lesbar für alle seinDatei '%-.200s' bereits vorhandenDatensätze: %ld Gelöscht: %ld Ausgelassen: %ld Warnungen: %ldDatensätze: %ld Duplikate: %ldFalscher Unterteilschlüssel. Der verwendete Schlüsselteil ist entweder kein String, die verwendete Länge ist länger als der Teilschlüssel oder die Speicher-Engine unterstützt keine UnterteilschlüsselMit ALTER TABLE können nicht alle Felder auf einmal gelöscht werden. Dafür DROP TABLE verwendenKann '%-.192s' nicht löschen. Existiert die Spalte oder der Schlüssel?Datensätze: %ld Duplikate: %ld Warnungen: %ldDie Verwendung der zu aktualisierenden Zieltabelle '%-.192s' ist in der FROM-Klausel nicht zulässig.Unbekannte Thread-ID: %luSie sind nicht Eigentümer von Thread %luKeine Tabellen verwendetZu viele Strings für Feld %-.192s und SET angegebenKann keinen eindeutigen Dateinamen für die Logdatei %-.200s(1-999) erzeugen Tabelle '%-.192s' ist mit Lesesperre versehen und kann nicht aktualisiert werdenTabelle '%-.192s' wurde nicht mit LOCK TABLES gesperrtBLOB/TEXT-Feld '%-.192s' darf keinen Vorgabewert (DEFAULT) habenUnerlaubter Datenbankname '%-.100s'Unerlaubter Tabellenname '%-.100s'Die Ausführung des SELECT würde zu viele Datensätze untersuchen und wahrscheinlich sehr lange dauern. Bitte WHERE-Klausel überprüfen und gegebenenfalls SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 oder SET MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# verwendenUnbekannter FehlerUnbekannte Prozedur '%-.192s'Falsche Parameterzahl für Prozedur '%-.192s'Falsche Parameter für Prozedur '%-.192s'Unbekannte Tabelle '%-.192s' in '%-.32s'Feld '%-.192s' wurde zweimal angegebenFalsche Verwendung einer GruppierungsfunktionTabelle '%-.192s' verwendet eine Erweiterung, die in dieser MySQL-Version nicht verfügbar istEine Tabelle muss mindestens eine Spalte besitzenTabelle '%-.192s' ist vollUnbekannter Zeichensatz: '%-.64s'Zu viele Tabellen. MySQL kann in einem Join maximal %d Tabellen verwendenZu viele FelderZeilenlänge zu groß. Die maximale Zeilenlänge für den verwendeten Tabellentyp (ohne BLOB-Felder) beträgt %ld. Einige Felder müssen in BLOB oder TEXT umgewandelt werdenThread-Stack-Überlauf. Benutzt: %ld von %ld Stack. 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' verwenden, um bei Bedarf einen größeren Stack anzulegenOUTER JOIN enthält fehlerhafte Abhängigkeiten. In ON verwendete Bedingungen überprüfenTable handler doesn't support NULL in given index. Please change column '%-.192s' to be NOT NULL or use another handlerKann Funktion '%-.192s' nicht ladenKann Funktion '%-.192s' nicht initialisieren: %-.80sKeine Pfade gestattet für Shared LibraryFunktion '%-.192s' existiert schonKann Shared Library '%-.192s' nicht öffnen (Fehler: %d %-.128s)Kann Funktion '%-.128s' in der Library nicht findenFunktion '%-.192s' ist nicht definiertHost '%-.64s' blockiert wegen zu vieler Verbindungsfehler. Aufheben der Blockierung mit 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'Host '%-.64s' hat keine Berechtigung, sich mit diesem MySQL-Server zu verbindenSie benutzen MySQL als anonymer Benutzer und dürfen daher keine Passwörter ändernSie benötigen die Berechtigung zum Aktualisieren von Tabellen in der Datenbank 'mysql', um die Passwörter anderer Benutzer ändern zu könnenKann keinen passenden Datensatz in Tabelle 'user' findenDatensätze gefunden: %ld Geändert: %ld Warnungen: %ldKann keinen neuen Thread erzeugen (Fehler: %d). Sollte noch Speicher verfügbar sein, bitte im Handbuch wegen möglicher Fehler im Betriebssystem nachschlagenAnzahl der Felder stimmt nicht mit der Anzahl der Werte in Zeile %ld übereinKann Tabelle'%-.192s' nicht erneut öffnenUnerlaubte Verwendung eines NULL-Wertsregexp lieferte Fehler '%-.64s'Das Vermischen von GROUP-Feldern (MIN(),MAX(),COUNT()...) mit Nicht-GROUP-Feldern ist nicht zulässig, wenn keine GROUP-BY-Klausel vorhanden istFür Benutzer '%-.48s' auf Host '%-.64s' gibt es keine solche Berechtigung%-.128s Befehl nicht erlaubt für Benutzer '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' auf Tabelle '%-.64s'%-.16s Befehl nicht erlaubt für Benutzer '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' und Feld '%-.192s' in Tabelle '%-.192s'Unzulässiger GRANT- oder REVOKE-Befehl. Verfügbare Berechtigungen sind im Handbuch aufgeführtDas Host- oder User-Argument für GRANT ist zu langTabelle '%-.192s.%-.192s' existiert nichtEine solche Berechtigung ist für User '%-.48s' auf Host '%-.64s' an Tabelle '%-.192s' nicht definiertDer verwendete Befehl ist in dieser MySQL-Version nicht zulässigFehler in der SQL-Syntax. Bitte die korrekte Syntax im Handbuch nachschlagenDelayed insert thread couldn't get requested lock for table %-.192sToo many delayed threads in useAbbruch der Verbindung %ld zur Datenbank '%-.192s'. Benutzer: '%-.48s' (%-.64s)Empfangenes Paket ist größer als 'max_allowed_packet' BytesLese-Fehler bei einer Verbindungs-Pipefcntl() lieferte einen FehlerPakete nicht in der richtigen Reihenfolge empfangenKommunikationspaket lässt sich nicht entpackenFehler beim Lesen eines KommunikationspaketsZeitüberschreitung beim Lesen eines KommunikationspaketsFehler beim Schreiben eines KommunikationspaketsZeitüberschreitung beim Schreiben eines KommunikationspaketsErgebnis-String ist länger als 'max_allowed_packet' BytesDer verwendete Tabellentyp unterstützt keine BLOB- und TEXT-FelderDer verwendete Tabellentyp unterstützt keine AUTO_INCREMENT-FelderINSERT DELAYED can't be used with table '%-.192s' because it is locked with LOCK TABLESFalscher Spaltenname '%-.100s'Die verwendete Speicher-Engine kann die Spalte '%-.192s' nicht indizierenNicht alle Tabellen in der MERGE-Tabelle sind gleich definiertSchreiben in Tabelle '%-.192s' nicht möglich wegen einer Eindeutigkeitsbeschränkung (unique constraint)BLOB- oder TEXT-Spalte '%-.192s' wird in der Schlüsseldefinition ohne Schlüssellängenangabe verwendetAlle Teile eines PRIMARY KEY müssen als NOT NULL definiert sein. Wenn NULL in einem Schlüssel benötigt wird, muss ein UNIQUE-Schlüssel verwendet werdenErgebnis besteht aus mehr als einer ZeileDieser Tabellentyp benötigt einen Primärschlüssel (PRIMARY KEY)Diese MySQL-Version ist nicht mit RAID-Unterstützung kompiliertMySQL läuft im sicheren Aktualisierungsmodus (safe update mode). Sie haben versucht, eine Tabelle zu aktualisieren, ohne in der WHERE-Klausel ein KEY-Feld anzugebenSchlüssel '%-.192s' existiert in der Tabelle '%-.192s' nichtKann Tabelle nicht öffnenDie Speicher-Engine für diese Tabelle unterstützt kein %sSie dürfen diesen Befehl nicht in einer Transaktion ausführenFehler %d beim COMMITFehler %d beim ROLLBACKFehler %d bei FLUSH_LOGSFehler %d bei CHECKPOINTAbbruch der Verbindung %u zur Datenbank '%-.192s'. Benutzer: '%-.48s', Host: '%-.64s' (%-.64s)Die Speicher-Engine für die Tabelle unterstützt keinen binären Tabellen-DumpBinlog geschlossen. Kann RESET MASTER nicht ausführenNeuerstellung des Index der Dump-Tabelle '%-.192s' fehlgeschlagenFehler vom Master: '%-.64s'Netzfehler beim Lesen vom MasterNetzfehler beim Schreiben zum MasterKann keinen FULLTEXT-Index finden, der der Feldliste entsprichtKann den angegebenen Befehl wegen einer aktiven Tabellensperre oder einer aktiven Transaktion nicht ausführenUnbekannte Systemvariable '%-.64s'Tabelle '%-.192s' ist als defekt markiert und sollte repariert werdenTabelle '%-.192s' ist als defekt markiert und der letzte (automatische?) Reparaturversuch schlug fehlÄnderungen an einigen nicht transaktionalen Tabellen konnten nicht zurückgerollt werdenTransaktionen, die aus mehreren Befehlen bestehen, benötigten mehr als 'max_binlog_cache_size' Bytes an Speicher. Btte vergrössern Sie diese Server-Variable versuchen Sie es noch einmalDiese Operation kann bei einem aktiven Slave nicht durchgeführt werden. Bitte zuerst STOP SLAVE ausführenDiese Operation benötigt einen aktiven Slave. Bitte Slave konfigurieren und mittels START SLAVE aktivierenDer Server ist nicht als Slave konfiguriert. Bitte in der Konfigurationsdatei oder mittels CHANGE MASTER TO behebenKonnte Master-Info-Struktur nicht initialisieren. Weitere Fehlermeldungen können im MySQL-Error-Log eingesehen werdenKonnte Slave-Thread nicht starten. Bitte System-Ressourcen überprüfenBenutzer '%-.64s' hat mehr als 'max_user_connections' aktive VerbindungenBei SET dürfen nur konstante Ausdrücke verwendet werdenBeim Warten auf eine Sperre wurde die zulässige Wartezeit überschritten. Bitte versuchen Sie, die Transaktion neu zu startenDie Gesamtzahl der Sperren überschreitet die Größe der SperrtabelleWährend einer READ-UNCOMMITTED-Transaktion können keine UPDATE-Sperren angefordert werdenDROP DATABASE ist nicht erlaubt, solange der Thread eine globale Lesesperre hältCREATE DATABASE ist nicht erlaubt, solange der Thread eine globale Lesesperre hältFalsche Argumente für %s'%-.48s'@'%-.64s' ist nicht berechtigt, neue Benutzer hinzuzufügenFalsche Tabellendefinition. Alle MERGE-Tabellen müssen sich in derselben Datenbank befindenBeim Versuch, eine Sperre anzufordern, ist ein Deadlock aufgetreten. Versuchen Sie, die Transaktion neu zu startenDer verwendete Tabellentyp unterstützt keine FULLTEXT-IndizesFremdschlüssel-Beschränkung kann nicht hinzugefügt werdenHinzufügen oder Aktualisieren eines Kind-Datensatzes schlug aufgrund einer Fremdschlüssel-Beschränkung fehlLöschen oder Aktualisieren eines Eltern-Datensatzes schlug aufgrund einer Fremdschlüssel-Beschränkung fehlFehler bei der Verbindung zum Master: %-.128sBeim Ausführen einer Abfrage auf dem Master trat ein Fehler auf: %-.128sFehler beim Ausführen des Befehls %s: %-.128sFalsche Verwendung von %s und %sDie verwendeten SELECT-Befehle liefern unterschiedliche Anzahlen von Feldern zurückAugrund eines READ-LOCK-Konflikts kann die Abfrage nicht ausgeführt werdenDie gleichzeitige Verwendung von Tabellen mit und ohne Transaktionsunterstützung ist deaktiviertOption '%s' wird im Befehl zweimal verwendetBenutzer '%-.64s' hat die Ressourcenbeschränkung '%s' überschritten (aktueller Wert: %ld)Kein Zugriff. Hierfür wird die Berechtigung %-.128s benötigtVariable '%-.64s' ist eine lokale Variable und kann nicht mit SET GLOBAL verändert werdenVariable '%-.64s' ist eine globale Variable und muss mit SET GLOBAL verändert werdenVariable '%-.64s' hat keinen VorgabewertVariable '%-.64s' kann nicht auf '%-.200s' gesetzt werdenFalscher Argumenttyp für Variable '%-.64s'Variable '%-.64s' kann nur verändert, nicht gelesen werdenFalsche Verwendung oder Platzierung von '%s'Diese MySQL-Version unterstützt '%s' nichtSchwerer Fehler %d: '%-.320s vom Master beim Lesen des binären LogsSlave-SQL-Thread hat die Abfrage aufgrund von replicate-*-table-Regeln ignoriertVariable '%-.192s' ist eine %s-VariableFalsche Fremdschlüssel-Definition für '%-.192s': %sSchlüssel- und Tabellenverweis passen nicht zusammenOperand sollte %d Spalte(n) enthaltenUnterabfrage lieferte mehr als einen Datensatz zurückUnbekannter Prepared-Statement-Handler (%.*s) für %s angegebenDie Hilfe-Datenbank ist beschädigt oder existiert nichtZyklischer Verweis in UnterabfragenFeld '%s' wird von %s nach %s umgewandeltVerweis '%-.64s' wird nicht unterstützt (%s)Für jede abgeleitete Tabelle muss ein eigener Alias angegeben werdenSelect %u wurde während der Optimierung reduziertTabelle '%-.192s', die in einem der SELECT-Befehle verwendet wurde, kann nicht in %-.32s verwendet werdenClient unterstützt das vom Server erwartete Authentifizierungsprotokoll nicht. Bitte aktualisieren Sie Ihren MySQL-ClientAlle Teile eines SPATIAL-Index müssen als NOT NULL deklariert seinCOLLATION '%s' ist für CHARACTER SET '%s' ungültigSlave läuft bereitsSlave wurde bereits angehaltenUnkomprimierte Daten sind zu groß. Die maximale Größe beträgt %d (wahrscheinlich wurde die Länge der unkomprimierten Daten beschädigt)ZLIB: Nicht genug SpeicherZLIB: Im Ausgabepuffer ist nicht genug Platz vorhanden (wahrscheinlich wurde die Länge der unkomprimierten Daten beschädigt)ZLIB: Eingabedaten beschädigtRow %u was cut by GROUP_CONCAT()Zeile %ld enthält nicht für alle Felder DatenZeile %ld gekürzt, die Zeile enthielt mehr Daten, als es Eingabefelder gibtFeld auf Vorgabewert gesetzt, da NULL für NOT-NULL-Feld '%s' in Zeile %ld angegebenOut of range value for column '%s' at row %ldDaten abgeschnitten für Feld '%s' in Zeile %ldFür Tabelle '%s' wird Speicher-Engine %s benutztUnerlaubte Mischung von Sortierreihenfolgen (%s, %s) und (%s, %s) für Operation '%s'Kann einen oder mehrere der angegebenen Benutzer nicht löschenKann nicht alle Berechtigungen widerrufen, die für einen oder mehrere Benutzer gewährt wurdenUnerlaubte Mischung von Sortierreihenfolgen (%s, %s), (%s, %s), (%s, %s) für Operation '%s'Unerlaubte Mischung von Sortierreihenfolgen für Operation '%s'Variable '%-.64s' ist keine Variablen-Komponente (kann nicht als XXXX.variablen_name verwendet werden)Unbekannte Sortierreihenfolge: '%-.64s'SSL-Parameter in CHANGE MASTER werden ignoriert, weil dieser MySQL-Slave ohne SSL-Unterstützung kompiliert wurde. Sie können aber später verwendet werden, wenn ein MySQL-Slave mit SSL gestartet wirdServer läuft im Modus --secure-auth, aber '%s'@'%s' hat ein Passwort im alten Format. Bitte Passwort ins neue Format ändernFeld oder Verweis '%-.192s%s%-.192s%s%-.192s' im SELECT-Befehl Nr. %d wurde im SELECT-Befehl Nr. %d aufgelöstFalscher Parameter oder falsche Kombination von Parametern für START SLAVE UNTILEs wird empfohlen, mit --skip-slave-start zu starten, wenn mit START SLAVE UNTIL eine Schritt-für-Schritt-Replikation ausgeführt wird. Ansonsten gibt es Probleme, wenn ein Slave-Server unerwartet neu startetSQL-Thread soll nicht gestartet werden. Daher werden UNTIL-Optionen ignoriertFalscher Indexname '%-.100s'Falscher Katalogname '%-.100s'Änderung der Query-Cache-Größe auf %lu fehlgeschlagen; neue Query-Cache-Größe ist %luFeld '%-.192s' kann nicht Teil eines FULLTEXT-Index seinUnbekannter Schlüssel-Cache '%-.100s'MySQL wurde mit --skip-name-resolve gestartet. Diese Option darf nicht verwendet werden, damit diese Rechtevergabe möglich istUnbekannte Speicher-Engine '%s''%s' ist veraltet. Bitte benutzen Sie '%s'Die Zieltabelle %-.100s von %s ist nicht aktualisierbarDas Feature '%s' ist ausgeschaltet, Sie müssen MySQL mit '%s' übersetzen, damit es verfügbar istDer MySQL-Server läuft mit der Option %s und kann diese Anweisung deswegen nicht ausführenFeld '%-.100s' hat doppelten Wert '%-.64s' in %sFalscher %-.32s-Wert gekürzt: '%-.128s'Fehlerhafte Tabellendefinition. Es kann nur eine einzige TIMESTAMP-Spalte mit CURRENT_TIMESTAMP als DEFAULT oder in einer ON-UPDATE-Klausel gebenUngültige ON-UPDATE-Klausel für Spalte '%-.192s'Dieser Befehl wird im Protokoll für vorbereitete Anweisungen noch nicht unterstütztFehler %d '%-.100s' von %sTemporärer Fehler %d '%-.100s' von %sUnbekannte oder falsche Zeitzone: '%-.64s'Ungültiger TIMESTAMP-Wert in Feld '%s', Zeile %ldUngültiger %s-Zeichen-String: '%.64s'Ergebnis von %s() war größer als max_allowed_packet (%ld) Bytes und wurde deshalb gekürztWidersprüchliche Deklarationen: '%s%s' und '%s%s'Kann kein %s innerhalb einer anderen gespeicherten Routine erzeugen%s %s existiert bereits%s %s existiert nichtDROP %s %s ist fehlgeschlagenCREATE %s %s ist fehlgeschlagen%s ohne passende Marke: %sNeudefinition der Marke %sEnde-Marke %s ohne zugehörigen AnfangZugriff auf nichtinitialisierte Variable %sPROCEDURE %s kann im gegebenen Kontext keine Ergebnismenge zurückgebenRETURN ist nur innerhalb einer FUNCTION erlaubt%s ist in gespeicherten Prozeduren nicht erlaubtDas Update-Log ist veraltet und wurde durch das Binär-Log ersetzt. SET SQL_LOG_UPDATE wird ignoriert.Das Update-Log ist veraltet und wurde durch das Binär-Log ersetzt. SET SQL_LOG_UPDATE wurde in SET SQL_LOG_BIN übersetzt.Ausführung der Abfrage wurde unterbrochenFalsche Anzahl von Argumenten für %s %s; erwarte %u, erhalte %uUndefinierte CONDITION: %sKein RETURN in FUNCTION %s gefundenFUNCTION %s endete ohne RETURNCursor-Anweisung muss ein SELECT seinCursor-SELECT darf kein INTO habenUndefinierter CURSOR: %sCursor ist schon geöffnetCursor ist nicht geöffnetNicht deklarierte Variable: %sFalsche Anzahl von FETCH-VariablenKeine Daten - null Zeilen geholt (fetch), ausgewählt oder verarbeitetDoppelter Parameter: %sDoppelte Variable: %sDoppelte Bedingung: %sDoppelter Cursor: %sALTER %s %s fehlgeschlagenSubquery-Wert wird nicht unterstützt%s ist in gespeicherten Funktionen und in Triggern nicht erlaubtDeklaration einer Variablen oder einer Bedingung nach der Deklaration eines Cursors oder eines HandlersDeklaration eines Cursors nach der Deklaration eines HandlersFall für CASE-Anweisung nicht gefundenKonfigurationsdatei '%-.192s' ist zu großNicht wohlgeformter Dateityp-Header in Datei '%-.192s'Unerwartetes Dateiende beim Parsen des Kommentars '%-.200s'Fehler beim Parsen des Parameters '%-.192s' (Zeile: '%-.192s')Unerwartetes Dateiende beim Überspringen des unbekannten Parameters '%-.192s'EXPLAIN/SHOW kann nicht verlangt werden. Rechte für zugrunde liegende Tabelle fehlenDatei '%-.192s' hat unbekannten Typ '%-.64s' im Header'%-.192s.%-.192s' ist nicht %sFeld '%-.192s' ist nicht aktualisierbarSELECT der View enthält eine Subquery in der FROM-KlauselSELECT der View enthält eine '%s'-KlauselSELECT der View enthält eine Variable oder einen ParameterSELECT der View verweist auf eine temporäre Tabelle '%-.192s'SELECT- und Feldliste der Views haben unterschiedliche Anzahlen von SpaltenView-Merge-Algorithmus kann hier momentan nicht verwendet werden (undefinierter Algorithmus wird angenommen)Die aktualisierte View enthält nicht den vollständigen Schlüssel der zugrunde liegenden TabelleView '%-.192s.%-.192s' references invalid table(s) or column(s) or function(s) or definer/invoker of view lack rights to use themKann eine %s nicht von innerhalb einer anderen gespeicherten Routine löschen oder ändernGOTO ist im Handler einer gespeicherten Prozedur nicht erlaubtTrigger existiert bereitsTrigger existiert nicht'%-.192s' des Triggers ist View oder temporäre TabelleAktualisieren einer %s-Zeile ist in einem %s-Trigger nicht erlaubtEs gibt keine %s-Zeile im %s-TriggerFeld '%-.192s' hat keinen VorgabewertDivision durch 0Falscher %-.32s-Wert: '%-.128s' für Feld '%.192s' in Zeile %ldNicht zulässiger %s-Wert '%-.192s' beim Parsen gefundenCHECK OPTION auf nicht-aktualisierbarem View '%-.192s.%-.192s'CHECK OPTION fehlgeschlagen: '%-.192s.%-.192s'Befehl %-.16s nicht zulässig für Benutzer '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' in Routine '%-.192s'Bereinigen alter Relais-Logs fehlgeschlagen: %sPasswort-Hash sollte eine Hexdaezimalzahl mit %d Stellen seinZiel-Log im Binlog-Index nicht gefundenFehler beim Lesen der Log-Index-DateiServer-Konfiguration erlaubt keine Binlog-Bereinigungfseek() fehlgeschlagenSchwerwiegender Fehler bei der Log-BereinigungEin zu bereinigendes Log wird gerade benutzt, daher keine BereinigungUnbekannter Fehler bei Log-BereinigungInitialisierung der Relais-Log-Position fehlgeschlagen: %sSie verwenden keine BinärlogsDie Schreibweise '%-.64s' ist für interne Zwecke des MySQL-Servers reserviertWSAStartup fehlgeschlagenKann Prozeduren mit unterschiedlichen Gruppen noch nicht verarbeitenSELECT muss bei dieser Prozedur ein GROUP BY habenKann bei dieser Prozedur keine ORDER-BY-Klausel verwendenBinärlogs und Replikation verhindern Wechsel des globalen Servers %sKann Datei nicht abbilden: %-.200s, Fehler: %dFalsche magische Zahlen in %-.64sVorbereitete Anweisung enthält zu viele PlatzhalterLänge des Schlüsselteils '%-.192s' kann nicht 0 seinView-Text-Prüfsumme fehlgeschlagenKann nicht mehr als eine Basistabelle über Join-View '%-.192s.%-.192s' ändernKann nicht ohne Feldliste in Join-View '%-.192s.%-.192s' einfügenKann nicht aus Join-View '%-.192s.%-.192s' löschenOperation %s schlug fehl für %.256sXAER_NOTA: Unbekannte XIDXAER_INVAL: Ungültige Argumente (oder nicht unterstützter Befehl)XAER_RMFAIL: DEr Befehl kann nicht ausgeführt werden, wenn die globale Transaktion im Zustand %.64s istXAER_OUTSIDE: Einige Arbeiten werden außerhalb der globalen Transaktion verrichtetXAER_RMERR: Schwerwiegender Fehler im Transaktionszweig - prüfen Sie Ihre Daten auf KonsistenzXA_RBROLLBACK: Transaktionszweig wurde zurückgerolltEs gibt diese Berechtigung für Benutzer '%-.48s' auf Host '%-.64s' für Routine '%-.192s' nichtGewährung von EXECUTE- und ALTER-ROUTINE-Rechten fehlgeschlagenRücknahme aller Rechte für die gelöschte Routine fehlgeschlagenDaten zu lang für Feld '%s' in Zeile %ldUngültiger SQLSTATE: '%s'%s: bereit für Verbindungen. Version: '%s' Socket: '%s' Port: %d %sKann Wert aus Datei mit Zeilen fester Größe nicht in Variable ladenSie dürfen keinen Benutzer mit GRANT anlegenFalscher %-.32s-Wert: '%-.128s' für Funktion %-.32sTabellendefinition wurde geändert, bitte starten Sie die Transaktion neuDoppelter Handler im selben Block deklariertOUT- oder INOUT-Argument %d für Routine %s ist keine VariableRückgabe einer Ergebnismenge aus einer %s ist nicht erlaubtKann kein Geometrieobjekt aus den Daten machen, die Sie dem GEOMETRY-Feld übergeben habenEine Routine, die weder NO SQL noch READS SQL DATA in der Deklaration hat, schlug fehl und Binärlogging ist aktiv. Wenn Nicht-Transaktions-Tabellen aktualisiert wurden, enthält das Binärlog ihre Änderungen nichtDiese Routine hat weder DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL noch READS SQL DATA in der Deklaration und Binärlogging ist aktiv (*vielleicht* sollten Sie die weniger sichere Variable log_bin_trust_function_creators verwenden)Sie haben keine SUPER-Berechtigung und Binärlogging ist aktiv (*vielleicht* sollten Sie die weniger sichere Variable log_bin_trust_function_creators verwenden)Sie können keine vorbereitete Anweisung ausführen, die mit einem geöffneten Cursor verknüpft ist. Setzen Sie die Anweisung zurück, um sie neu auszuführenDie Anweisung (%lu) hat keinen geöffneten CursorExplizites oder implizites Commit ist in gespeicherten Funktionen und in Triggern nicht erlaubtEin Feld der dem View '%-.192s.%-.192s' zugrundeliegenden Tabelle hat keinen VorgabewertRekursive gespeicherte Routinen und Triggers sind nicht erlaubtZu großer Skalierungsfaktor %d für Feld '%-.192s' angegeben. Maximum ist %luZu große Genauigkeit %d für Feld '%-.192s' angegeben. Maximum ist %luFür FLOAT(M,D), DOUBLE(M,D) oder DECIMAL(M,D) muss M >= D sein (Feld '%-.192s')Sie können Schreibsperren auf der Systemtabelle nicht mit anderen Tabellen kombinierenKann nicht mit Fremddatenquelle verbinden: %.64sBei der Verarbeitung der Abfrage ist in der Fremddatenquelle ein Problem aufgetreten. Datenquellenfehlermeldung: %-.64sDie Fremddatenquelle, auf die Sie zugreifen wollen, existiert nicht. Datenquellenfehlermeldung: %-.64sKann föderierte Tabelle nicht erzeugen. Der Datenquellen-Verbindungsstring '%-.64s' hat kein korrektes FormatDer Datenquellen-Verbindungsstring '%-.64s' hat kein korrektes FormatKann föderierte Tabelle nicht erzeugen. Fremddatenquellenfehlermeldung: %-.64sTrigger im falschen SchemaThread-Stack-Überlauf: %ld Bytes eines %ld-Byte-Stacks in Verwendung, und %ld Bytes benötigt. Verwenden Sie 'mysqld --thread_stack=#', um einen größeren Stack anzugebenRoutinen-Body für '%-.100s' ist zu langDer vorgabemäßige Schlüssel-Cache kann nicht gelöscht werdenAnzeigebreite außerhalb des zulässigen Bereichs für Spalte '%-.192s' (Maximum: %lu)XAER_DUPID: Die XID existiert bereitsDatetime-Funktion: %-.32s FeldüberlaufKann Tabelle '%-.192s' in gespeicherter Funktion oder Trigger nicht aktualisieren, weil sie bereits von der Anweisung verwendet wird, die diese gespeicherte Funktion oder den Trigger aufriefDie Definition der Tabelle '%-.192s' verhindert die Operation %.192s auf Tabelle '%-.192s'Die vorbereitete Anweisung enthält einen Aufruf einer gespeicherten Routine, die auf eben dieselbe Anweisung verweist. Es ist nicht erlaubt, eine vorbereitete Anweisung in solch rekursiver Weise auszuführenEs ist nicht erlaubt, innerhalb einer gespeicherten Funktion oder eines Triggers AUTOCOMMIT zu setzenDefinierer des View ist nicht vollständig spezifiziertView '%-.192s'.'%-.192s' hat keine Definierer-Information (altes Tabellenformat). Der aktuelle Benutzer wird als Definierer verwendet. Bitte erstellen Sie den View neuSie brauchen die SUPER-Berechtigung, um einen View mit dem Definierer '%-.192s'@'%-.192s' zu erzeugenDer als Definierer angegebene Benutzer ('%-.64s'@'%-.64s') existiert nichtWechsel des Schemas von '%-.192s' auf '%-.192s' ist nicht erlaubtKann Eltern-Zeile nicht löschen oder aktualisieren: eine Fremdschlüsselbedingung schlägt fehl (%.192s)Kann Kind-Zeile nicht hinzufügen oder aktualisieren: eine Fremdschlüsselbedingung schlägt fehl (%.192s)Variable '%-.64s' muss mit `...` geschützt oder aber umbenannt werdenKein Definierer-Attribut für Trigger '%-.192s'.'%-.192s'. Der Trigger wird mit der Autorisierung des Aufrufers aktiviert, der möglicherweise keine zureichenden Berechtigungen hat. Bitte legen Sie den Trigger neu an.'%-.192s' hat altes Format, Sie sollten die '%s'-Objekt(e) neu erzeugenRekursionsgrenze %d (durch Variable max_sp_recursion_depth gegeben) wurde für Routine %.192s überschrittenRoutine %-.192s konnte nicht geladen werden. Die Tabelle mysql.proc fehlt, ist beschädigt, oder enthält fehlerhaften Daten (interner Code: %d)Ungültiger Routinenname '%-.192s'Tabellenaktualisierung erforderlich. Bitte zum Reparieren "REPAIR TABLE `%-.64s`" eingeben!AGGREGATE wird bei gespeicherten Funktionen nicht unterstütztKann nicht mehr Anweisungen als max_prepared_stmt_count erzeugen (aktueller Wert: %lu)`%-.192s`.`%-.192s` enthält View-RekursionIn der %-.192s-Klausel wird das die Nicht-Gruppierungsspalte '%-.64s' verwendetDer verwendete Tabellentyp unterstützt keine SPATIAL-IndizesTrigger können nicht auf Systemtabellen erzeugt werdenFührende Leerzeichen werden aus dem Namen '%s' entferntLesen des Autoincrement-Werts von der Speicher-Engine fehlgeschlagenBenutzernameHostnameString '%-.70s' ist zu lang für %s (sollte nicht länger sein als %d)Die Zieltabelle %-.100s von %s ist nicht einfügbarTabelle '%-.64s' ist unterschiedlich definiert, nicht vom Typ MyISAM oder existiert nichtZu tief verschachtelte SELECT-AnweisungenName '%-.64s' wurde zu ''Das erste Zeichen der Zeichenkette FIELDS TERMINATED ist mehrdeutig; bitte benutzen Sie nicht optionale und nicht leere FIELDS ENCLOSED BYDer entfernte Server %s, den Sie versuchen zu erzeugen, existiert schon.Die externe Verbindung, auf die Sie zugreifen wollen, existiert nicht. Datenquellenfehlermeldung: %-.64sSpeicher-Engine '%-.64s' der Tabelle unterstützt die Option '%.64s' nichtFehler in der SQL-Syntax: %-.64s-PARTITIONierung erfordert Definition von VALUES %-.64s für jede PartitionNur %-.64s-PARTITIONierung kann VALUES %-.64s in der Partitionsdefinition verwendenMAXVALUE kann nur für die Definition der letzten Partition verwendet werdenUnterpartitionen dürfen nur HASH- oder KEY-Partitionen seinWenn Sie Unterpartitionen auf einer Partition definieren, müssen Sie das für alle Partitionen tunFalsche Anzahl von Partitionen definiert, stimmt nicht mit vorherigen Einstellungen übereinFalsche Anzahl von Unterpartitionen definiert, stimmt nicht mit vorherigen Einstellungen übereinKonstante oder Random-Ausdrücke in (Unter-)Partitionsfunktionen sind nicht erlaubtAusdrücke in RANGE/LIST VALUES müssen konstant seinFelder in der Feldliste der Partitionierungsfunktion wurden in der Tabelle nicht gefundenEine Feldliste ist nur in KEY-Partitionen erlaubtDie Partitionierungsinformationen in der frm-Datei stimmen nicht mit dem überein, was in die frm-Datei geschrieben werden kannDie %-.192s-Funktion gibt einen falschen Typ zurückFür %-.64s-Partitionen muss jede Partition definiert seinWerte in VALUES LESS THAN müssen für jede Partition strikt aufsteigend seinVALUES-Werte müssen vom selben Typ wie die Partitionierungsfunktion seinMehrfachdefinition derselben Konstante bei Listen-PartitionierungPartitionierung kann in einer Abfrage nicht alleinstehend benutzt werdenDas Vermischen von Handlern in Partitionen ist in dieser Version von MySQL nicht erlaubtFür die partitionierte Engine müssen alle %-.64s definiert seinEs wurden zu vielen Partitionen (einschließlich Unterpartitionen) definiertRANGE/LIST-Partitionierung kann bei Unterpartitionen nur zusammen mit HASH/KEY-Partitionierung verwendet werdenErzeugen einer spezifischen Handler-Datei fehlgeschlagenIn der Partitionierungsfunktion sind BLOB-Spalten nicht erlaubtA %-.192s must include all columns in the table's partitioning functionEine Anzahl von %-.64s = 0 ist kein erlaubter WertPartitionsverwaltung einer nicht partitionierten Tabelle ist nicht möglichFremdschlüssel-Beschränkungen sind im Zusammenhang mit Partitionierung nicht zulässigFehler in der Partitionsliste bei %-.64sEs lassen sich nicht sämtliche Partitionen löschen, benutzen Sie statt dessen DROP TABLECOALESCE PARTITION kann nur auf HASH- oder KEY-Partitionen benutzt werdenREORGANIZE PARTITION kann nur zur Reorganisation von Partitionen verwendet werden, nicht, um ihre Nummern zu ändernREORGANIZE PARTITION ohne Parameter kann nur für auto-partitionierte Tabellen verwendet werden, die HASH-Partitionierung benutzen%-.64s PARTITION kann nur für RANGE- oder LIST-Partitionen verwendet werdenEs wurde versucht, eine oder mehrere Partitionen mit der falschen Anzahl von Unterpartitionen hinzuzufügenEs muss zumindest eine Partition hinzugefügt werdenZumindest eine Partition muss mit COALESCE PARTITION zusammengefügt werdenEs wurde versucht, mehr Partitionen als vorhanden zu reorganisierenDoppelter Partitionsname: %-.192sEs es nicht erlaubt, bei diesem Befehl binlog abzuschaltenBei der Reorganisation eines Satzes von Partitionen müssen diese in geordneter Reihenfolge vorliegenDie Reorganisation von RANGE-Partitionen kann Gesamtbereiche nicht verändern, mit Ausnahme der letzten Partition, die den Bereich erweitern kannPartitionsfunktion in dieser Version dieses Handlers nicht unterstütztPartitionszustand kann nicht von CREATE oder ALTER TABLE aus definiert werdenDer Handler %-.64s unterstützt in VALUES nur 32-Bit-IntegersPlugin '%-.192s' ist nicht geladenFalscher %-.32s-Wert: '%-.128s'Tabelle hat für den Wert %-.64s keine Partition%s darf nicht mehr als einmal angegegeben werdenAnlegen von %s fehlgeschlagenLöschen von %s fehlgeschlagenDer Handler unterstützt keine automatische Erweiterung (Autoextend) von TablespacesEin Größen-Parameter wurde unkorrekt angegeben, muss entweder Zahl sein oder im Format 10MDie Zahl für die Größe war korrekt, aber der Zahlanteil darf nicht größer als 2 Milliarden seinÄnderung von %s fehlgeschlagenSchreiben einer Zeilen ins zeilenbasierte Binärlog fehlgeschlagenTabellendefinition auf Master und Slave stimmt nicht überein: %sSlave, die mit --log-slave-updates laufen, müssen zeilenbasiertes Loggen verwenden, um zeilenbasierte Binärlog-Ereignisse loggen zu könnenEvent '%-.192s' existiert bereitsSpeichern von Event %s fehlgeschlagen. Fehlercode der Speicher-Engine: %dUnbekanntes Event '%-.192s'Ändern des Events '%-.192s' fehlgeschlagenLöschen von %s fehlgeschlagenINTERVAL ist entweder nicht positiv oder zu großENDS ist entweder ungültig oder liegt vor STARTSAusführungszeit des Events liegt in der Vergangenheit. Event wurde deaktiviertÖffnen von mysql.event fehlgeschlagenKein DATETIME-Ausdruck angegebenSpaltenanzahl von mysql.%s falsch. %d erwartet, aber %d gefunden. Tabelle ist wahrscheinlich beschädigtKann mysql.%s nicht einlesen. Tabelle ist wahrscheinlich beschädigtLöschen des Events aus mysql.event fehlgeschlagenFehler beim Kompilieren des Event-BodysAlter und neuer Event-Name sind gleichDaten der Spalte '%s' zu langKann Index '%-.192s' nicht löschen: wird für eine Fremdschlüsselbeschränkung benötigtDie Syntax '%s' ist veraltet und wird in MySQL %s entfernt. Bitte benutzen Sie statt dessen %sEine Log-Tabelle kann nicht schreibgesperrt werden. Es ist ohnehin nur Lesezugriff möglichLog-Tabellen können nicht gesperrt werden.Upholding foreign key constraints for table '%.192s', entry '%-.192s', key %d would lead to a duplicate entrySpaltenanzahl von mysql.%s falsch. %d erwartet, aber %d erhalten. Erzeugt mit MySQL %d, jetzt unter %d. Bitte benutzen Sie mysql_upgrade, um den Fehler zu behebenKann nicht aus dem zeilenbasierten Binärlog-Format herauswechseln, wenn die Sitzung offene temporäre Tabellen hatDas Binärlog-Format kann innerhalb einer gespeicherten Funktion oder eines Triggers nicht geändert werdenDie Speicher-Engine NDB Cluster unterstützt das Ändern des Binärlog-Formats zur Laufzeit noch nichtAnlegen temporärer Tabellen mit Partitionen nicht möglichPartitionskonstante liegt außerhalb der PartitionsfunktionsdomäneDiese Partitionierungsfunktion ist nicht erlaubtFehler im DDL-LogIn VALUES LESS THAN dürfen keine NULL-Werte verwendet werdenFalscher PartitionsnameTransaction characteristics can't be changed while a transaction is in progressALTER TABLE führt zur Neusequenzierung von auto_increment, wodurch der doppelte Eintrag '%-.192s' für Schlüssel '%-.192s' auftrittInterner Scheduler-Fehler %dFehler während des Startens oder Anhalten des Schedulers. Fehlercode %uEngine kann in partitionierten Tabellen nicht verwendet werdenKann Logdatei '%-.64s' nicht aktivierenDer Server wurde nicht mit zeilenbasierter Replikation gebautDer Server hat keine zeilenbasierte ReplikationRekursivität von EVENT-DDL-Anweisungen ist unzulässig wenn ein Hauptteil (Body) existiertKann nicht weitermachen, weil die Tabellen, die von Events verwendet werden, beim Serverstart als beschädigt markiert wurdenAn dieser Stelle sind nur Ganzzahlen zulässigDiese Speicher-Engine kann für Logtabellen nicht verwendet werdenSie können eine Logtabelle nicht '%s', wenn Loggen angeschaltet istKann '%s' nicht umbenennen. Wenn Loggen angeschaltet ist, müssen zwei Tabellen umbenannt werden: die Logtabelle zu einer Archivtabelle, und eine weitere Tabelle zu '%s'Falsche Anzahl von Parametern beim Aufruf der nativen Funktion '%-.192s'Falscher Parameter beim Aufruf der nativen Funktion '%-.192s'Falsche Parameter beim Aufruf der gespeicherten Funktion %-.192sDie Funktion '%-.192s' hat denselben Namen wie eine native FunktionDoppelter Eintrag '%-.64s' für Schlüssel '%-.192s'Zu viele offene Dateien, bitte führen Sie den Befehl noch einmal ausAusführungszeit des Events liegt in der Vergangenheit, und es wurde ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE gesetzt. Das Event wurde unmittelbar nach Erzeugung gelöscht.Execution Zeitpunkt des Ereignisses in der Vergangenheit liegt, und es war NACH ABSCHLUSS Set nicht erhalten. Die Veranstaltung wurde nicht verändert. Geben Sie einen Zeitpunkt in der Zukunft.Der Vorfall %s passierte auf dem Master. Meldung: %sTabelle hat für einige bestehende Werte keine PartitionUnsichere Anweisung ins Binärlog geschrieben, weil Anweisungsformat BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. %sFataler Fehler: %sRelaylog-Lesefehler: %sRelaylog-Schreibfehler: %sErzeugen von %s fehlgeschlagenMaster-Befehl %s fehlgeschlagen: %sBinärlogging nicht möglich. Meldung: %sView `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` hat keinen ErzeugungskontextErzeugungskontext des Views`%-.64s`.`%-.64s' ist ungültigErzeugungskontext der gespeicherten Routine`%-.64s`.`%-.64s` ist ungültigBeschädigte TRG-Datei für Tabelle `%-.64s`.`%-.64s`Trigger für Tabelle `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` haben keinen ErzeugungskontextTrigger-Erzeugungskontext der Tabelle `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` ist ungültigErzeugungskontext des Events `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` ist ungültigKann Tabelle für den Trigger `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` nicht öffnenKann gespeicherte Routine `%-.64s` nicht erzeugen. Beachten Sie die WarnungenMehrdeutige Kombination von Slave-Modi. %sDer BINLOG-Anweisung vom Typ `%s` ging keine BINLOG-Anweisung zur Formatbeschreibung voran.Beschädigtes Replikationsereignis entdecktUngültige Spaltenreferenz (%-.64s) bei LOAD DATAZu bereinigende Logdatei %s wurde nicht gefundenXA_RBTIMEOUT: Transaktionszweig wurde zurückgerollt: ZeitüberschreitungXA_RBDEADLOCK: Transaktionszweig wurde zurückgerollt: Deadlock entdecktVorbereitete Anweisungen müssen noch einmal vorbereitet werdenDie DELAYED-Option wird für Tabelle '%-.192s' nicht unterstütztDie Master-Info-Struktur existiert nichtOption <%-.64s> ignoriertEingebaute Plugins können nicht gelöscht werdenPlugin wird verwendet und wird erst beim Herunterfahren deinstalliert%s Variable '%s' ist nur lesbar. Benutzen Sie SET %s, um einen Wert zuzuweisenSpeicher-Engine %s unterstützt für diese Anweisung kein Rollback. Transaktion wurde zurückgerollt und muss neu gestartet werdenUnerwartete Daten vom Heartbeat des Masters: %sThe requested value for the heartbeat period is either negative or exceeds the maximum allowed (%s seconds).Fehlerhaftes Schema für mysql.ndb_replication table. Meldung: %-.64sFehler beim Parsen einer Konflikt-Funktion. Meldung: %-.64sSchreiben in Ausnahme-Tabelle fehlgeschlagen. Meldung: %-.128s"Kommentar für Tabelle '%-.64s' ist zu lang (max = %lu)Kommentar für Feld '%-.64s' ist zu lang (max = %lu)FUNCTION %s existiert nicht. Erläuterungen im Abschnitt 'Function Name Parsing and Resolution' im ReferenzhandbuchDatenbankTabellePartitionUnterpartitionTemporärUmbenanntZu viele aktive simultane TransaktionenNicht-ASCII-Trennargumente werden nicht vollständig unterstütztDebug Sync Point Wartezeit überschrittenDebug Sync Point Hit Limit erreichtInformationselement '%s' für DuplikatbedingungUnbehandelte benutzerdefinierte WarnbedingungUnbehandelte benutzerdefinierte Nicht-gefunden-BedingungUnbehandelte benutzerdefinierte AusnahmebedingungRESIGNAL bei nicht aktivem HandlerSIGNAL/RESIGNAL kann nur mit einer Bedingung (CONDITION) benutzt werden, die bei SQLSTATE definiert wurdeDaten gekürzt für Bedingungselement '%s'Daten zu lang für Bedingungselement '%s'Unbekannte Locale: '%-.64s'Die angeforderte Server-ID %d steht im Konflikt mit der Startoption --replicate-same-server-id für den SlaveAbfragen-Cache ist deaktiviert. Starten Sie den Server neu mit query_cache_type=1, um ihn zu aktivierenPartitionsfeld '%-.192s' ist ein DuplikatInkonsistenz bei der Benutzung von Spaltenlisten für PartitionierungPartitionsspaltenwerte sind vom falschen TypZu viele Felder in '%-.192s'MAXVALUE kann nicht als Wert in VALUES IN verwendet werdenFür den Partionierungstyp %-.64s darf es nicht mehr als einen Wert gebenZeilenausdrücke in VALUES IN sind nur für Mehrfeld-Spaltenpartionierung erlaubtFeld '%-.192s' ist für diese Art von Partitionierung von einem nicht zulässigen TypDie Gesamtlänge der Partitionsfelder ist zu großCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since both row-incapable engines and statement-incapable engines are involved.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = ROW and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to statement-based logging.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. %sCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is in row format and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to statement-based logging.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to row-based logging.%sCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is in row format and BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since more than one engine is involved and at least one engine is self-logging.The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted.The statement is unsafe because it uses INSERT DELAYED. This is unsafe because the times when rows are inserted cannot be predicted.The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves.Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly.Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it accesses a non-transactional table after accessing a transactional table within the same transaction.%s Statement: %sColumn %d of table '%-.192s.%-.192s' cannot be converted from type '%-.32s' to type '%-.32s'Can't create conversion table for table '%-.192s.%-.192s'Cannot modify @@session.binlog_format inside a transactionThe path specified for %.64s is too long.'%s' ist veraltet und wird in einer zukünftigen Version entfernt werden.Native table '%-.64s'.'%-.64s' has the wrong structureInvalid performance_schema usage.Table '%s'.'%s' was skipped since its definition is being modified by concurrent DDL statementCannot modify @@session.binlog_direct_non_transactional_updates inside a transactionCannot change the binlog direct flag inside a stored function or triggerEin raumbezogener Index (SPATIAL) darf nur Spalten geometrischen Typs enthaltenComment for index '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Wait on a lock was aborted due to a pending exclusive lock%s value is out of range in '%s'A variable of a non-integer based type in LIMIT clauseMixing self-logging and non-self-logging engines in a statement is unsafe.Statement accesses nontransactional table as well as transactional or temporary table, and writes to any of them.Cannot modify @@session.sql_log_bin inside a transactionCannot change the sql_log_bin inside a stored function or triggerFailed to read from the .par fileVALUES value for partition '%-.64s' must have type INTBenutzer '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' hat keine ZugriffsberechtigungSET PASSWORD has no significance for users authenticating via pluginsGRANT with IDENTIFIED WITH is illegal because the user %-.*s already existsCannot truncate a table referenced in a foreign key constraint (%.192s)Plugin '%s' is force_plus_permanent and can not be unloadedThe requested value for the heartbeat period is less than 1 millisecond. The value is reset to 0, meaning that heartbeating will effectively be disabled.The requested value for the heartbeat period exceeds the value of `slave_net_timeout' seconds. A sensible value for the period should be less than the timeout.Multi-row statements required more than 'max_binlog_stmt_cache_size' bytes of storage; increase this mysqld variable and try againPrimary key/partition key update is not allowed since the table is updated both as '%-.192s' and '%-.192s'.Table rebuild required. Please do "ALTER TABLE `%-.64s` FORCE" or dump/reload to fix it!The value of '%s' should be no less than the value of '%s'Index column size too large. The maximum column size is %lu bytes.Trigger '%-.64s' has an error in its body: '%-.256s'Unknown trigger has an error in its body: '%-.256s'Index %s is corruptedUndo log record is too big.INSERT IGNORE... SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.INSERT... SELECT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are updated. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.REPLACE... SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are replaced. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE... IGNORE SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE... REPLACE SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are replaced. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.UPDATE IGNORE is unsafe because the order in which rows are updated determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.Plugin '%s' is marked as not dynamically uninstallable. You have to stop the server to uninstall it.Plugin '%s' is marked as not dynamically installable. You have to stop the server to install it.Statements writing to a table with an auto-increment column after selecting from another table are unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved determines what (if any) rows will be written. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE TABLE... SELECT... on a table with an auto-increment column is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are inserted. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.INSERT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE on a table with more than one UNIQUE KEY is unsafeTable is being used in foreign key check.Storage engine '%s' does not support system tables. [%s.%s]INSERT into autoincrement field which is not the first part in the composed primary key is unsafe.Kann %s.%s nicht einlesen. Tabelle ist wahrscheinlich beschädigtThe requested value %s for the master delay exceeds the maximum %uOnly Format_description_log_event and row events are allowed in BINLOG statements (but %s was provided)Non matching attribute '%-.64s' between partition and tableTable to exchange with partition is partitioned: '%-.64s'Table to exchange with partition is temporary: '%-.64s'Subpartitioned table, use subpartition instead of partitionUnknown partition '%-.64s' in table '%-.64s'Tables have different definitionsFound a row that does not match the partitionOption binlog_cache_size (%lu) is greater than max_binlog_cache_size (%lu); setting binlog_cache_size equal to max_binlog_cache_size.Cannot use %-.64s access on index '%-.64s' due to type or collation conversion on field '%-.64s'Table to exchange with partition has foreign key references: '%-.64s'Key value '%-.192s' was not found in table '%-.192s.%-.192s'Data for column '%s' too longReplication event checksum verification failed while reading from network.Replication event checksum verification failed while reading from a log file.Option binlog_stmt_cache_size (%lu) is greater than max_binlog_stmt_cache_size (%lu); setting binlog_stmt_cache_size equal to max_binlog_stmt_cache_size.Can't update table '%-.192s' while '%-.192s' is being created.PARTITION () clause on non partitioned tableFound a row not matching the given partition setDie partition '%-.64s' existiert nichtFailure while changing the type of replication repository: %s.The creation of some temporary tables could not be rolled back.Some temporary tables were dropped, but these operations could not be rolled back.%s is not supported in multi-threaded slave mode. %sThe number of modified databases exceeds the maximum %d; the database names will not be included in the replication event metadata.Cannot execute the current event group in the parallel mode. Encountered event %s, relay-log name %s, position %s which prevents execution of this event group in parallel mode. Reason: %s.%sFULLTEXT index is not supported for partitioned tables.Invalid condition numberSending passwords in plain text without SSL/TLS is extremely insecure.Storing MySQL user name or password information in the master info repository is not secure and is therefore not recommended. Please consider using the USER and PASSWORD connection options for START SLAVE; see the 'START SLAVE Syntax' in the MySQL Manual for more information.Fremdschlüssel-Beschränkung für Tabelle '%.192s', Datensatz '%-.192s' würde zu einem doppelten Eintrag in Tabelle '%.192s', Schlüssel '%.192s' führenFremdschlüssel-Beschränkung für Tabelle '%.192s', Datensatz '%-.192s' würde zu einem doppelten Eintrag in einer Kind-Tabelle führenSetting authentication options is not possible when only the Slave SQL Thread is being started.The table does not have FULLTEXT index to support this queryThe system variable %.200s cannot be set in stored functions or triggers.The system variable %.200s cannot be set when there is an ongoing transaction.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT has the value %.200s, which is not listed in @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot change inside a transaction.The statement 'SET %.200s' cannot invoke a stored function.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be 'AUTOMATIC' when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST is non-NULL.Skipping transaction %.200s because it has already been executed and logged.Malformed GTID set specification '%.200s'.Malformed GTID set encoding.Malformed GTID specification '%.200s'.Impossible to generate Global Transaction Identifier: the integer component reached the maximal value. Restart the server with a new server_uuid.Parameters MASTER_LOG_FILE, MASTER_LOG_POS, RELAY_LOG_FILE and RELAY_LOG_POS cannot be set when MASTER_AUTO_POSITION is active.CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1 cannot be executed because @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot execute statements with implicit commit inside a transaction when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT == 'UUID:NUMBER'.GTID_MODE = ON requires ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY = ON.@@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON or ON_PERMISSIVE or OFF_PERMISSIVE requires --log-bin and --log-slave-updates.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be set to UUID:NUMBER when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be set to ANONYMOUS when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST cannot be set to a non-NULL value when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Found a Gtid_log_event when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Statement violates GTID consistency: Updates to non-transactional tables can only be done in either autocommitted statements or single-statement transactions, and never in the same statement as updates to transactional tables.Statement violates GTID consistency: CREATE TABLE ... SELECT.Statement violates GTID consistency: Under statement binary log mode CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE and DROP TEMPORARY TABLE can only be executed outside transactional context. These statements are also not allowed in a function or trigger because functions and triggers are also considered to be multi-statement transactions.The value of @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE can only be changed one step at a time: OFF <-> OFF_PERMISSIVE <-> ON_PERMISSIVE <-> ON. Also note that this value must be stepped up or down simultaneously on all servers. See the Manual for instructions.The slave is connecting using CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1, but the master has purged binary logs containing GTIDs that the slave requires.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be changed by a client that owns a GTID. The client owns %s. Ownership is released on COMMIT or ROLLBACK.Unknown EXPLAIN format name: '%s'Cannot execute statement in a READ ONLY transaction.Comment for table partition '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Slave is not configured or failed to initialize properly. You must at least set --server-id to enable either a master or a slave. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.InnoDB presently supports one FULLTEXT index creation at a timeCannot create FULLTEXT index on temporary InnoDB tableColumn '%-.192s' is of wrong type for an InnoDB FULLTEXT indexIndex '%-.192s' is of wrong type for an InnoDB FULLTEXT indexCreating index '%-.192s' required more than 'innodb_online_alter_log_max_size' bytes of modification log. Please try again.Unknown ALGORITHM '%s'Unknown LOCK type '%s'CHANGE MASTER cannot be executed when the slave was stopped with an error or killed in MTS mode. Consider using RESET SLAVE or START SLAVE UNTIL.Cannot recover after SLAVE errored out in parallel execution mode. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.Cannot clean up worker info tables. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.Spaltenanzahl von %s.%s falsch. %d erwartet, aber %d gefunden. Tabelle ist wahrscheinlich beschädigtSlave must silently retry current transactionThere is a foreign key check running on table '%-.192s'. Cannot discard the table.Schema mismatch (%s)Table '%-.192s' in system tablespaceIO Read error: (%lu, %s) %sIO Write error: (%lu, %s) %sTablespace is missing for table %s.Tablespace '%-.192s' exists.Tablespace has been discarded for table '%-.192s'Internal error: %sALTER TABLE %-.192s IMPORT TABLESPACE failed with error %lu : '%s'Index corrupt: %sSupports only YEAR or YEAR(4) column.Your password does not satisfy the current policy requirementsYou must reset your password using ALTER USER statement before executing this statement.Failed to add the foreign key constaint. Missing index for constraint '%s' in the foreign table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constaint. Missing index for constraint '%s' in the referenced table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constraint '%s' to system tablesFailed to open the referenced table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constraint on table '%s'. Incorrect options in FOREIGN KEY constraint '%s'Duplicate foreign key constraint name '%s'The password hash doesn't have the expected format. Check if the correct password algorithm is being used with the PASSWORD() function.Kann Spalte '%-.192s' nicht löschen: wird für eine Fremdschlüsselbeschränkung '%-.192s' benötigtKann Spalte '%-.192s' nicht löschen: wird für eine Fremdschlüsselbeschränkung '%-.192s' der Tabelle '%-.192s' benötigtSpalte '%-.192s' kann nicht NOT NULL sein: wird für eine Fremdschlüsselbeschränkung '%-.192s' SET NULL benötigtDuplicate index '%-.64s' defined on the table '%-.64s.%-.64s'. This is deprecated and will be disallowed in a future release.Cannot change column '%-.192s': used in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s'Cannot change column '%-.192s': used in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Cannot delete rows from table which is parent in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Malformed communication packet.Running in read-only modeWhen @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT is set to a GTID, you must explicitly set it to a different value after a COMMIT or ROLLBACK. Please check GTID_NEXT variable manual page for detailed explanation. Current @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT is '%s'.The system variable %.200s cannot be set in stored procedures.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when @@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED is empty.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when there are no ongoing transactions (not even in other clients).@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED was changed from '%s' to '%s'.@@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED was changed from '%s' to '%s'.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT, and both replicated and non replicated tables are written to.%s is not supported for this operation. Try %s.%s is not supported. Reason: %s. Try %s.COPY algorithm requires a lockPartition specific operations do not yet support LOCK/ALGORITHMColumns participating in a foreign key are renamedCannot change column type INPLACEAdding foreign keys needs foreign_key_checks=OFFCreating unique indexes with IGNORE requires COPY algorithm to remove duplicate rowsDropping a primary key is not allowed without also adding a new primary keyAdding an auto-increment column requires a lockCannot replace hidden FTS_DOC_ID with a user-visible oneCannot drop or rename FTS_DOC_IDFulltext index creation requires a locksql_slave_skip_counter can not be set when the server is running with @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON. Instead, for each transaction that you want to skip, generate an empty transaction with the same GTID as the transactionDoppelter Eintrag für Schlüssel '%-.192s'Long database name and identifier for object resulted in path length exceeding %d characters. Path: '%s'.cannot silently convert NULL values, as required in this SQL_MODEYour password has expired. To log in you must change it using a client that supports expired passwords.Found a row in wrong partition %sCannot schedule event %s, relay-log name %s, position %s to Worker thread because its size %lu exceeds %lu of slave_pending_jobs_size_max.Cannot CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX WITH PARSER on InnoDB tableThe binary log file '%s' is logically corrupted: %sfile %s was not purged because it was being read by %d thread(s), purged only %d out of %d files.file %s was not purged because it is the active log file.Auto-increment value in UPDATE conflicts with internally generated valuesRow events are not logged for %s statements that modify BLACKHOLE tables in row format. Table(s): '%-.192s'Slave failed to initialize master info structure from the repositorySlave failed to initialize relay log info structure from the repositoryAccess denied trying to change to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' (using password: %s). Disconnecting.InnoDB is in read only mode.STOP SLAVE command execution is incomplete: Slave SQL thread got the stop signal, thread is busy, SQL thread will stop once the current task is complete.STOP SLAVE command execution is incomplete: Slave IO thread got the stop signal, thread is busy, IO thread will stop once the current task is complete.Operation cannot be performed. The table '%-.64s.%-.64s' is missing, corrupt or contains bad data.Temporary file write failure.Upgrade index name failed, please use create index(alter table) algorithm copy to rebuild index.TIME/TIMESTAMP/DATETIME columns of old format have been upgraded to the new format.Operation not allowed when innodb_forced_recovery > 0.The initialization vector supplied to %s is too short. Must be at least %d bytes longPlugin '%s' cannot be uninstalled now. %sCannot execute statement because it needs to be written to the binary log as multiple statements, and this is not allowed when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT == 'UUID:NUMBER'.Slave has more GTIDs than the master has, using the master's SERVER_UUID. This may indicate that the end of the binary log was truncated or that the last binary log file was lost, e.g., after a power or disk failure when sync_binlog != 1. The master may or may not have rolled back transactions that were already replicated to the slave. Suggest to replicate any transactions that master has rolled back from slave to master, and/or commit empty transactions on master to account for transactions that have been committed on master but are not included in GTID_EXECUTED.The table '%s.%s' does not have the necessary key(s) defined on it. Please check the table definition and create index(s) accordingly.File %s is corruptedQuery partially completed on the master (error on master: %d) and was aborted. There is a chance that your master is inconsistent at this point. If you are sure that your master is ok, run this query manually on the slave and then restart the slave with SET GLOBAL SQL_SLAVE_SKIP_COUNTER=1; START SLAVE;. Query:'%s'Query caused different errors on master and slave. Error on master: message (format)='%s' error code=%d; Error on slave:actual message='%s', error code=%d. Default database:'%s'. Query:'%s'Storage engine for table '%s'.'%s' is not loaded.GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS when handler not active%s is no longer supported. The statement was converted to %s.Statement is unsafe because it uses a fulltext parser plugin which may not return the same value on the slave.Cannot DISCARD/IMPORT tablespace associated with temporary tableForeign key cascade delete/update exceeds max depth of %d.Spaltenanzahl von %s.%s falsch. %d erwartet, aber %d erhalten. Erzeugt mit MySQL %d, jetzt unter %d. Bitte benutzen Sie mysql_upgrade, um den Fehler zu behebenTrigger %s.%s.%s does not have CREATED attribute.Referenced trigger '%s' for the given action time and event type does not exist.EXPLAIN FOR CONNECTION command is supported only for SELECT/UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE/REPLACEInvalid size for column '%-.192s'.Table storage engine '%-.64s' found required create option missingOut of memory in storage engine '%-.64s'.The password for anonymous user cannot be expired.This operation cannot be performed with a running slave sql thread; run STOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD firstCannot create FULLTEXT index on materialized subqueryUndo Log error: %sInvalid argument for logarithmThis operation cannot be performed with a running slave io thread; run STOP SLAVE IO_THREAD FOR CHANNEL '%s' first.This operation may not be safe when the slave has temporary tables. The tables will be kept open until the server restarts or until the tables are deleted by any replicated DROP statement. Suggest to wait until slave_open_temp_tables = 0.CHANGE MASTER TO with a MASTER_LOG_FILE clause but no MASTER_LOG_POS clause may not be safe. The old position value may not be valid for the new binary log file.Query execution was interrupted, maximum statement execution time exceededSelect is not a read only statement, disabling timerDuplicate entry '%-.192s'.'%s' mode no longer has any effect. Use STRICT_ALL_TABLES or STRICT_TRANS_TABLES instead.Expression #%u of ORDER BY contains aggregate function and applies to a UNIONExpression #%u of ORDER BY contains aggregate function and applies to the result of a non-aggregated querySlave worker has stopped after at least one previous worker encountered an error when slave-preserve-commit-order was enabled. To preserve commit order, the last transaction executed by this thread has not been committed. When restarting the slave after fixing any failed threads, you should fix this worker as well.slave_preserve_commit_order is not supported %s.The server is currently in offline modeBinary geometry function %s given two geometries of different srids: %u and %u, which should have been identical.Calling geometry function %s with unsupported types of arguments.Unknown GIS error occured in function %s.Unknown exception caught in GIS function %s.Invalid GIS data provided to function %s.The geometry has no data in function %s.Unable to calculate centroid because geometry is empty in function %s.Geometry overlay calculation error: geometry data is invalid in function %s.Geometry turn info calculation error: geometry data is invalid in function %s.Analysis procedures of intersection points interrupted unexpectedly in function %s.Unknown exception thrown in function %s.Memory allocation error: %-.256s in function %s.Domain error: %-.256s in function %s.Length error: %-.256s in function %s.Invalid argument error: %-.256s in function %s.Out of range error: %-.256s in function %s.Overflow error error: %-.256s in function %s.Range error: %-.256s in function %s.Underflow error: %-.256s in function %s.Logic error: %-.256s in function %s.Runtime error: %-.256s in function %s.Unknown exception: %-.384s in function %s.Geometry byte string must be little endian.The password provided for the replication user exceeds the maximum length of 32 charactersIncorrect user-level lock name '%-.192s'.Deadlock found when trying to get user-level lock; try rolling back transaction/releasing locks and restarting lock acquisition.REPLACE cannot be executed as it requires deleting rows that are not in the viewDo not support online operation on table with GIS indexUser variable name '%-.100s' is illegalCannot %s when GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot %s from a replication slave thread.Incorrect type for argument %s in function %s.Expression #%u of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, references column '%-.192s' which is not in SELECT list; this is incompatible with %sExpression #%u of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, contains aggregate function; this is incompatible with %sSupplied filter list contains a value which is not in the required format 'db_pattern.table_pattern'OK packet too largeInvalid JSON data provided to function %s: %sInvalid GeoJSON data provided to function %s: Missing required member '%s'Invalid GeoJSON data provided to function %s: Member '%s' must be of type '%s'Invalid GeoJSON data provided to function %sUnsupported number of coordinate dimensions in function %s: Found %u, expected %uSlave channel '%s' does not exist.A slave channel '%s' already exists for the given host and port combination.Couldn't create channel: Channel name is either invalid or too long.To have multiple channels, repository cannot be of type FILE; Please check the repository configuration and convert them to TABLE.Cannot delete slave info objects for channel '%s'.Multiple channels exist on the slave. Please provide channel name as an argument.Maximum number of replication channels allowed exceeded.This operation cannot be performed with running replication threads; run STOP SLAVE FOR CHANNEL '%s' firstThis operation requires running replication threads; configure slave and run START SLAVE FOR CHANNEL '%s'Replication thread(s) for channel '%s' are already runnning.Replication thread(s) for channel '%s' are already stopped.This operation cannot be performed with a running slave sql thread; run STOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD FOR CHANNEL '%s' first.When sql_slave_skip_counter > 0, it is not allowed to start more than one SQL thread by using 'START SLAVE [SQL_THREAD]'. Value of sql_slave_skip_counter can only be used by one SQL thread at a time. Please use 'START SLAVE [SQL_THREAD] FOR CHANNEL' to start the SQL thread which will use the value of sql_slave_skip_counter.Expression #%u of %s is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column '%-.192s' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_byIn aggregated query without GROUP BY, expression #%u of %s contains nonaggregated column '%-.192s'; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_byUpdating '%s' is deprecated. It will be made read-only in a future release.Changing sql mode '%s' is deprecated. It will be removed in a future release.DROP DATABASE failed; some tables may have been dropped but the database directory remains. The GTID has not been added to GTID_EXECUTED and the statement was not written to the binary log. Fix this as follows: (1) remove all files from the database directory %-.192s; (2) SET GTID_NEXT='%-.192s'; (3) DROP DATABASE `%-.192s`.The server is not configured properly to be an active member of the group. Please see more details on error log.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed since the group is already running.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as the applier module failed to start.The STOP GROUP_REPLICATION command execution is incomplete: The applier thread got the stop signal while it was busy. The applier thread will stop once the current task is complete.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as there was an error when initializing the group communication layer.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as there was an error when joining the communication group.The table does not comply with the requirements by an external plugin.Cannot change the value of variable %s without binary log format as ROW.Error on observer while running replication hook '%s'.Plugin instructed the server to rollback the current transaction.Expression of generated column '%s' contains a disallowed function.INPLACE ADD or DROP of virtual columns cannot be combined with other ALTER TABLE actionsCannot define foreign key with %s clause on a generated column.The value specified for generated column '%s' in table '%s' is not allowed.'%s' is not supported for generated columns.Generated column can refer only to generated columns defined prior to it.Column '%s' has a generated column dependency.Generated column '%s' cannot refer to auto-increment column.The '%-.64s' feature is not available; you need to remove '%-.64s' or use MySQL built with '%-.64s'SET @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = %-.64s is not allowed because %-.384s.The replication receiver thread%-.192s cannot start in AUTO_POSITION mode: this server uses @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot replicate anonymous transaction when AUTO_POSITION = 1, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot replicate anonymous transaction when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot replicate GTID-transaction when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot set ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY = ON because there are ongoing transactions that violate GTID consistency.There are ongoing transactions that violate GTID consistency.Access denied for user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s'. Account is locked.Incorrect tablespace name `%-.192s`Tablespace `%-.192s` is not empty.Incorrect File Name '%s'.Inconsistent intersection points.Optimizer hint syntax errorUnsupported MAX_EXECUTION_TIMEMAX_EXECUTION_TIME hint is supported by top-level standalone SELECT statements onlyHint %s is ignored as conflicting/duplicatedQuery block name %s is not found for %s hintUnresolved name %s for %s hintPlease do not modify the %s table. This is a mysql internal system table to store GTIDs for committed transactions. Modifying it can lead to an inconsistent GTID state.Command not supported by pluggable protocolsIncorrect locking service lock name '%-.192s'.Deadlock found when trying to get locking service lock; try releasing locks and restarting lock acquisition.Service lock wait timeout exceeded.Parameter %s exceeds the maximum number of points in a geometry (%lu) in function %s.'NO_ZERO_DATE', 'NO_ZERO_IN_DATE' and 'ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO' sql modes should be used with strict mode. They will be merged with strict mode in a future release.Version token mismatch for %.*s. Correct value %.*sVersion token %.*s not found.Variable %-.192s cannot be changed by a client that owns a GTID. The client owns %s. Ownership is released on COMMIT or ROLLBACK.%-.192s cannot be performed on channel '%-.192s'.Invalid JSON text: "%s" at position %u in value for column '%-.200s'.Invalid JSON text in argument %u to function %s: "%s" at position %u.%-.0sThe JSON binary value contains invalid data.Invalid JSON path expression. The error is around character position %u.%-.200sCannot create a JSON value from a string with CHARACTER SET '%s'.Invalid JSON character data provided to function %s: '%s'; utf8 is required.Invalid data type for JSON data in argument %u to function %s; a JSON string or JSON type is required.Cannot CAST value to JSON.A path expression must be encoded in the utf8 character set. The path expression '%-.200s' is encoded in character set '%-.200s'.In this situation, path expressions may not contain the * and ** tokens.The JSON value is too big to be stored in a JSON column.The JSON object contains a key name that is too long.JSON column '%-.192s' cannot be used in key specification.The path expression '$' is not allowed in this context.The oneOrAll argument to %s may take these values: 'one' or 'all'.Out of range JSON value for CAST to %s%-.0s from column %s at row %ldInvalid JSON value for CAST to %s%-.0s from column %s at row %ldThe JSON document exceeds the maximum depth.JSON documents may not contain NULL member names.Connections using insecure transport are prohibited while --require_secure_transport=ON.No secure transports (SSL or Shared Memory) are configured, unable to set --require_secure_transport=ON.Storage engine %s is disabled (Table creation is disallowed).User %s does not exist.User %s already exists.Aborted by Audit API ('%-.48s';%d).A path expression is not a path to a cell in an array.Another buffer pool resize is already in progress.The '%s' feature is disabled; see the documentation for '%s'Server isn't availableSession was killedMemory capacity of %llu bytes for '%s' exceeded. %sRange optimization was not done for this query.Partitioning upgrade required. Please dump/reload to fix it or do: ALTER TABLE `%-.192s`.`%-.192s` UPGRADE PARTITIONINGThe client holds ownership of the GTID %s. Therefore, WAIT_FOR_EXECUTED_GTID_SET cannot wait for this GTID.Cannot add foreign key on the base column of indexed virtual column.Cannot create index on virtual column whose base column has foreign constraint.Please do not modify the %s table with an XA transaction. This is an internal system table used to store GTIDs for committed transactions. Although modifying it can lead to an inconsistent GTID state, if neccessary you can modify it with a non-XA transaction.Lock acquisition refused by storage engine.ADD COLUMN col...VIRTUAL, ADD INDEX(col)Master key rotation is not supported by storage engine.Encryption key rotation error reported by SE: %sWrite to binlog failed. However, master key rotation has been completed successfully.Storage engine is not available.This tablespace can't be encrypted.Invalid encryption option.Can't find master key from keyring, please check in the server log if a keyring plugin is loaded and initialized successfully.Parser bailed out for this query.Cannot alter encryption attribute by inplace algorithm.Function '%s' failed because underlying keyring service returned an error. Please check if a keyring plugin is installed and that provided arguments are valid for the keyring you are using.It seems that your db schema is old. The %s column is 77 characters long and should be 93 characters long. Please run mysql_upgrade.RESET MASTER is not allowed because %-.384s.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed since the group already has 9 members.Cannot add foreign key on the base column of stored column. Cannot complete the operation because table is referenced by another connection.The partition engine, used by table '%-.192s.%-.192s', is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use native partitioning instead.%.192s(geometry) is deprecated and will be replaced by st_srid(geometry, 0) in a future version. Use %.192s(st_aswkb(geometry), 0) instead.%.192s(geometry, srid) is deprecated and will be replaced by st_srid(geometry, srid) in a future version. Use %.192s(st_aswkb(geometry), srid) instead.The resource manager is not able to commit the transaction branch at this time. Please retry later.Function %s failed due to: %s.Statement is unsafe because it is being used inside a XA transaction. Concurrent XA transactions may deadlock on slaves when replicated using statements.%s UDF failed; %sCan not perform keyring migration : %sAccess denied; you need %-.128s privileges for this operationKeyring migration %s.Failed to open the %s filter tables.Failed to open '%s.%s' %s table.No keyring plugin installed.Audit log encryption password has not been set; it will be generated automatically. Use audit_log_encryption_password_get to obtain the password or audit_log_encryption_password_set to set a new one.Could not create AES key. OpenSSL's EVP_BytesToKey function failed.Audit log encryption password cannot be fetched from the keyring. Password used so far is used for encryption.Audit Log filtering has not been installed.Request ignored for '%s'@'%s'. SUPER_ACL needed to perform operationSUPER privilege required for '%s'@'%s' user.Could not reinitialize audit log filters.Invalid argument typeInvalid argument countaudit_log plugin has not been installed using INSTALL PLUGIN syntax.Invalid "max_array_length" argument type.Invalid "max_array_length" argument value.%sFilter name cannot be empty.User cannot be empty.Specified filter has not been found.First character of the user name must be alphanumeric.Invalid character in the user name.Invalid character in the host name.With the MAXDB SQL mode enabled, TIMESTAMP is identical with DATETIME. The MAXDB SQL mode is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please disable the MAXDB SQL mode and use DATETIME instead.The use of replication filters with XA transactions is not supported, and can lead to an undefined state in the replication slave.Compressed column '%-.192s' is not allowed in the key listCan not define column '%-.192s' in compressed formatCompression dictionary '%-.192s' already existsCompression dictionary '%-.192s' does not existCompression dictionary name '%-.192s' is too long (max length = %lu)Data for compression dictionary '%-.192s' is too long (max length = %lu)Compression dictionary '%-.192s' is in useCan't execute the query because you have a conflicting backup lockKeys are out order during bulk loadBulk load rows overlap existing rowsCan't execute updates on master with binlog_format != ROW.MyRocks supports only READ COMMITTED and REPEATABLE READ isolation levels. Please change from current isolation level %sWhen unique checking is disabled in MyRocks, INSERT,UPDATE,LOAD statements with clauses that update or replace the key (i.e. INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, REPLACE) are not allowed. Query: %sCan't execute updates when you started a transaction with START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT [ROCKSDB] SNAPSHOT.This transaction was rolled back and cannot be committed. Only supported operation is to roll it back, so all pending changes will be discarded. Please restart another transaction.MyRocks currently does not support ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT if modifying rows.Only REPEATABLE READ isolation level is supported for START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT SNAPSHOT in RocksDB Storage Engine.Unsupported collation on string indexed column %s.%s Use binary collation (%s).Table '%s' does not exist, but metadata information exists inside MyRocks. This is a sign of data inconsistency. Please check if '%s.frm' exists, and try to restore it if it does not exist.MyRocks failed creating new key definitions during alter.MyRocks failed populating secondary key during alter.Column family ('%s') flag (%d) is different from an existing flag (%d). Assign a new CF flag, or do not change existing CF flag.TTL support is currently disabled when table has a hidden PK.TTL column (%s) in MyRocks must be an unsigned non-null 64-bit integer, exist inside the table, and have an accompanying ttl duration.TTL duration (%s) in MyRocks must be an unsigned non-null 64-bit integer.The per-index column family option has been deprecated.polish/errmsg.sys000075500000237063147633135420010127 0ustar00?,u TR)Z JK JDi3r=  [  . H v  L y ! U q  G cEn$pbeB#h9bIWp )s Q (Tx}lfDJ !H!|!!!!"-"W""""#U###$;$y$$%?%f%%&3&D&q&&&&'$'r'''(,(J(f((()U)))a***N+++4,c,,,-Y----7.z.../W/{////&0g0001d111&2_2222 3U3333 4D4e4444 505\555,6Z666647L77778b8889/9p999):V:::g;;E<<E====>4>P>>>+?_??@7@c@@ AOAnAAAAB[BBBBBBC0CDC_CCCCDpDDEEE]E|EEEEE FF7F[FFFFFFGGNGGGG H8HoHHH3IjIIIIJ1JeJJJllllEm}mmm7nwnno;omooo"pfppppWqqq:r_rrrrs^sstLtttttu3uEu{uu v4vgvvw;wxwwwwwxRxmxxx"yNywyyyyFzzz{{|Q|||}/}@}r}}}D~`~~~~=9kJā:rsփ<Lg݄ B.eˆNwȇQ|ֈD([ !+3[Ԍ'R}ݍ*CQ{UՐ`` U{n IVڛ Hi]؝1Z4p --p٢ ܣ^1M:v٫T2jӭ# PDްJ{۱n'8}ݶd"n`Ϲa@MDz]ۿb >{<|0lQ)>c"ew5Aj/S8R4sjo'Z|N~p<4q(#A-R)e#U2s8j7z;q(CV^!J-'W$Kv'1Yyb:N|CJR`OiOUL+k.]>vE+Mi 6U+ Z   A   ;   5    ?   HD=8o =mQ?wC^7z6A^p1NZ: g    !-!X![!x!!!!"2""###"$R$$$ %N%r%%%K& '|'1(}((I)*A*w**6++,hashchkisamchkNIETAKNie można stworzyć pliku '%-.200s' (Kod błędu: %d - %s)Nie można stworzyć tabeli '%-.200s' (Kod błędu: %d)Nie można stworzyć bazy danych '%-.192s' (Kod błędu: %d)Nie można stworzyć bazy danych '%-.192s'; baza danych już istniejeNie można usun?ć bazy danych '%-.192s'; baza danych nie istniejeBł?d podczas usuwania bazy danych (nie można usun?ć '%-.192s', bł?d %d)Bł?d podczas usuwania bazy danych (nie można wykonać rmdir '%-.192s', bł?d %d)Bł?d podczas usuwania '%-.192s' (Kod błędu: %d - %s)Nie można odczytać rekordu z tabeli systemowejNie można otrzymać statusu '%-.200s' (Kod błędu: %d - %s)Nie można rozpoznać aktualnego katalogu (Kod błędu: %d - %s)Nie można zablokować pliku (Kod błędu: %d - %s)Nie można otworzyć pliku: '%-.200s' (Kod błędu: %d - %s)Nie można znaleĽć pliku: '%-.200s' (Kod błędu: %d - %s)Nie można odczytać katalogu '%-.192s' (Kod błędu: %d - %s)Nie można zmienić katalogu na '%-.192s' (Kod błędu: %d - %s)Rekord został zmieniony od ostaniego odczytania z tabeli '%-.192s'Dysk pełny (%s). Oczekiwanie na zwolnienie miejsca... (Kod błędu: %d - %s)Nie można zapisać, powtórzone klucze w tabeli '%-.192s'Bł?d podczas zamykania '%-.192s' (Kod błędu: %d - %s)Bł?d podczas odczytu pliku '%-.200s' (Kod błędu: %d - %s)Bł?d podczas zmieniania nazwy '%-.210s' na '%-.210s' (Kod błędu: %d - %s)Bł?d podczas zapisywania pliku '%-.200s' (Kod błędu: %d - %s)'%-.192s' jest zablokowany na wypadek zmianSortowanie przerwaneWidok '%-.192s' nie istnieje dla '%-.192s'Otrzymano bł?d %d z obsługi tabeliObsługa tabeli '%-.192s' nie posiada tej opcjiNie można znaleĽć rekordu w '%-.192s'Niewła?ciwa informacja w pliku: '%-.200s'Niewła?ciwy plik kluczy dla tabeli: '%-.200s'; spróbuj go naprawićPlik kluczy dla tabeli '%-.192s' jest starego typu; napraw go!'%-.192s' jest tylko do odczytuZbyt mało pamięci. Uruchom ponownie demona i spróbuj ponownie (potrzeba %d bajtów)Zbyt mało pamięci dla sortowania. Zwiększ wielko?ć bufora demona dla sortowaniaNieoczekiwany 'eof' napotkany podczas czytania z pliku '%-.192s' (Kod błędu: %d - %s)Zbyt wiele poł?czeńZbyt mało miejsca/pamięci dla w?tkuNie można otrzymać nazwy hosta dla twojego adresuZły uchwyt(handshake)Access denied for user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' to database '%-.192s'Access denied for user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' (using password: %s)Nie wybrano żadnej bazy danychNieznana komendaKolumna '%-.192s' nie może być nullNieznana baza danych '%-.192s'Tabela '%-.192s' już istniejeNieznana tabela '%-.100s'Kolumna: '%-.192s' w %-.192s jest dwuznacznaTrwa kończenie działania serweraNieznana kolumna '%-.192s' w %-.192sUżyto '%-.192s' bez umieszczenia w group byNie można grupować po '%-.192s'Zapytanie ma funkcje sumuj?ce i kolumny w tym samym zapytaniuLiczba kolumn nie odpowiada liczbie warto?ciNazwa identyfikatora '%-.100s' jest zbyt długaPowtórzona nazwa kolumny '%-.192s'Powtórzony nazwa klucza '%-.192s'Powtórzone wystąpienie '%-.192s' dla klucza %dBłędna specyfikacja kolumny dla kolumny '%-.192s'%s obok '%-.80s' w linii %dZapytanie było pusteTabela/alias nie s? unikalne: '%-.192s'Niewła?ciwa warto?ć domy?lna dla '%-.192s'Zdefiniowano wiele kluczy podstawowychOkre?lono zbyt wiele kluczy. Dostępnych jest maksymalnie %d kluczyOkre?lono zbyt wiele czę?ci klucza. Dostępnych jest maksymalnie %d czę?ciZdefinowany klucz jest zbyt długi. Maksymaln? długo?ci? klucza jest %dKolumna '%-.192s' zdefiniowana w kluczu nie istnieje w tabeliKolumna typu Blob '%-.192s' nie może być użyta w specyfikacji kluczaZbyt duża długo?ć kolumny '%-.192s' (maks. = %lu). W zamian użyj typu BLOBW tabeli może być tylko jedno pole auto i musi ono być zdefiniowane jako klucz%s: gotowe do poł?czenia Version: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d"%s: Standardowe zakończenie działania %s: Otrzymano sygnał %d. Kończenie działania! %s: Zakończenie działania wykonane %s: Wymuszenie zamknięcia w?tku %ld użytkownik: '%-.48s' Nie można stworzyć socket'u IPTabela '%-.192s' nie ma indeksu takiego jak w CREATE INDEX. Stwórz tabelęNie oczekiwano separatora. SprawdĽ podręcznikNie można użyć stałej długo?ci wiersza z polami typu BLOB. Użyj 'fields terminated by'.Plik '%-.128s' musi znajdować sie w katalogu bazy danych lub mieć prawa czytania przez wszystkichPlik '%-.200s' już istniejeRecordów: %ld Usuniętych: %ld Pominiętych: %ld Ostrzeżeń: %ldRekordów: %ld Duplikatów: %ldBłędna podczę?ć klucza. Użyta czę?ć klucza nie jest łańcuchem lub użyta długo?ć jest większa niż czę?ć kluczaNie można usun?ć wszystkich pól wykorzystuj?c ALTER TABLE. W zamian użyj DROP TABLENie można wykonać operacji DROP '%-.192s'. SprawdĽ, czy to pole/klucz istniejeRekordów: %ld Duplikatów: %ld Ostrzeżeń: %ldYou can't specify target table '%-.192s' for update in FROM clauseNieznany identyfikator w?tku: %luNie jeste? wła?cicielem w?tku %luNie ma żadej użytej tabeliZbyt wiele łańcuchów dla kolumny %-.192s i polecenia SETNie można stworzyć unikalnej nazwy pliku z logiem %-.200s.(1-999) Tabela '%-.192s' została zablokowana przez READ i nie może zostać zaktualizowanaTabela '%-.192s' nie została zablokowana poleceniem LOCK TABLESPole typu blob '%-.192s' nie może mieć domy?lnej warto?ciNiedozwolona nazwa bazy danych '%-.100s'Niedozwolona nazwa tabeli '%-.100s'...Operacja SELECT będzie dotyczyła zbyt wielu rekordów i prawdopodobnie zajmie bardzo dużo czasu. SprawdĽ warunek WHERE i użyj SQL_OPTION BIG_SELECTS=1 je?li operacja SELECT jest poprawnaUnknown errorUnkown procedure %-.192sIncorrect parameter count to procedure %-.192sIncorrect parameters to procedure %-.192sUnknown table '%-.192s' in %-.32sField '%-.192s' specified twiceInvalid use of group functionTable '%-.192s' uses a extension that doesn't exist in this MySQL versionA table must have at least 1 columnThe table '%-.192s' is fullUnknown character set: '%-.64s'Too many tables; MySQL can only use %d tables in a joinToo many columnsRow size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is %ld. This includes storage overhead, check the manual. You have to change some columns to TEXT or BLOBsThread stack overrun: Used: %ld of a %ld stack. Use 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' to specify a bigger stack if neededCross dependency found in OUTER JOIN; examine your ON conditionsTable handler doesn't support NULL in given index. Please change column '%-.192s' to be NOT NULL or use another handlerCan't load function '%-.192s'Can't initialize function '%-.192s'; %-.80sNo paths allowed for shared libraryFunction '%-.192s' already existsCan't open shared library '%-.192s' (errno: %d %-.128s)Can't find symbol '%-.128s' in libraryFunction '%-.192s' is not definedHost '%-.64s' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'Host '%-.64s' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL serverYou are using MySQL as an anonymous user and anonymous users are not allowed to change passwordsYou must have privileges to update tables in the mysql database to be able to change passwords for othersCan't find any matching row in the user tableRows matched: %ld Changed: %ld Warnings: %ldCan't create a new thread (errno %d); if you are not out of available memory you can consult the manual for any possible OS dependent bugColumn count doesn't match value count at row %ldCan't reopen table: '%-.192sInvalid use of NULL valueGot error '%-.64s' from regexpMixing of GROUP columns (MIN(),MAX(),COUNT(),...) with no GROUP columns is illegal if there is no GROUP BY clauseThere is no such grant defined for user '%-.48s' on host '%-.64s'%-.128s command denied to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' for table '%-.64s'%-.16s command denied to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' for column '%-.192s' in table '%-.192s'Illegal GRANT/REVOKE command; please consult the manual to see which privleges can be used.The host or user argument to GRANT is too longTable '%-.192s.%-.192s' doesn't existThere is no such grant defined for user '%-.48s' on host '%-.64s' on table '%-.192s'The used command is not allowed with this MySQL versionSomething is wrong in your syntaxDelayed insert thread couldn't get requested lock for table %-.192sToo many delayed threads in useAborted connection %ld to db: '%-.192s' user: '%-.48s' (%-.64s)Got a packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet' bytesGot a read error from the connection pipeGot an error from fcntl()Got packets out of orderCouldn't uncompress communication packetGot an error reading communication packetsGot timeout reading communication packetsGot an error writing communication packetsGot timeout writing communication packetsResult string is longer than 'max_allowed_packet' bytesThe used table type doesn't support BLOB/TEXT columnsThe used table type doesn't support AUTO_INCREMENT columnsINSERT DELAYED can't be used with table '%-.192s' because it is locked with LOCK TABLESIncorrect column name '%-.100s'The used table handler can't index column '%-.192s'All tables in the MERGE table are not defined identicallyCan't write, because of unique constraint, to table '%-.192s'BLOB column '%-.192s' used in key specification without a key lengthAll parts of a PRIMARY KEY must be NOT NULL; if you need NULL in a key, use UNIQUE insteadResult consisted of more than one rowThis table type requires a primary keyThis version of MySQL is not compiled with RAID supportYou are using safe update mode and you tried to update a table without a WHERE that uses a KEY columnKey '%-.192s' doesn't exist in table '%-.192s'Can't open tableThe handler for the table doesn't support %sYou are not allowed to execute this command in a transactionGot error %d during COMMITGot error %d during ROLLBACKGot error %d during FLUSH_LOGSGot error %d during CHECKPOINTAborted connection %u to db: '%-.192s' user: '%-.48s' host: '%-.64s' (%-.64s)The storage engine for the table does not support binary table dumpBinlog closed, cannot RESET MASTERFailed rebuilding the index of dumped table '%-.192s'Error from master: '%-.64s'Net error reading from masterNet error writing to masterCan't find FULLTEXT index matching the column listCan't execute the given command because you have active locked tables or an active transactionUnknown system variable '%-.64s'Table '%-.192s' is marked as crashed and should be repairedTable '%-.192s' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failedSome non-transactional changed tables couldn't be rolled backMulti-statement transaction required more than 'max_binlog_cache_size' bytes of storage; increase this mysqld variable and try againThis operation cannot be performed with a running slave; run STOP SLAVE firstThis operation requires a running slave; configure slave and do START SLAVEThe server is not configured as slave; fix in config file or with CHANGE MASTER TOCould not initialize master info structure; more error messages can be found in the MySQL error logCould not create slave thread; check system resourcesUser %-.64s already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connectionsYou may only use constant expressions with SETLock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transactionThe total number of locks exceeds the lock table sizeUpdate locks cannot be acquired during a READ UNCOMMITTED transactionDROP DATABASE not allowed while thread is holding global read lockCREATE DATABASE not allowed while thread is holding global read lockIncorrect arguments to %s'%-.48s'@'%-.64s' is not allowed to create new usersIncorrect table definition; all MERGE tables must be in the same databaseDeadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transactionThe used table type doesn't support FULLTEXT indexesCannot add foreign key constraintCannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint failsCannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint failsError connecting to master: %-.128sError running query on master: %-.128sError when executing command %s: %-.128sIncorrect usage of %s and %sThe used SELECT statements have a different number of columnsCan't execute the query because you have a conflicting read lockMixing of transactional and non-transactional tables is disabledOption '%s' used twice in statementUser '%-.64s' has exceeded the '%s' resource (current value: %ld)Access denied; you need (at least one of) the %-.128s privilege(s) for this operationVariable '%-.64s' is a SESSION variable and can't be used with SET GLOBALVariable '%-.64s' is a GLOBAL variable and should be set with SET GLOBALVariable '%-.64s' doesn't have a default valueVariable '%-.64s' can't be set to the value of '%-.200s'Incorrect argument type to variable '%-.64s'Variable '%-.64s' can only be set, not readIncorrect usage/placement of '%s'This version of MySQL doesn't yet support '%s'Got fatal error %d from master when reading data from binary log: '%-.320s'Slave SQL thread ignored the query because of replicate-*-table rulesVariable '%-.192s' is a %s variableIncorrect foreign key definition for '%-.192s': %sKey reference and table reference don't matchOperand should contain %d column(s)Subquery returns more than 1 rowUnknown prepared statement handler (%.*s) given to %sHelp database is corrupt or does not existCyclic reference on subqueriesConverting column '%s' from %s to %sReference '%-.64s' not supported (%s)Every derived table must have its own aliasSelect %u was reduced during optimizationTable '%-.192s' from one of the SELECTs cannot be used in %-.32sClient does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL clientAll parts of a SPATIAL index must be NOT NULLCOLLATION '%s' is not valid for CHARACTER SET '%s'Slave is already runningSlave already has been stoppedUncompressed data size too large; the maximum size is %d (probably, length of uncompressed data was corrupted)ZLIB: Not enough memoryZLIB: Not enough room in the output buffer (probably, length of uncompressed data was corrupted)ZLIB: Input data corruptedRow %u was cut by GROUP_CONCAT()Row %ld doesn't contain data for all columnsRow %ld was truncated; it contained more data than there were input columnsColumn set to default value; NULL supplied to NOT NULL column '%s' at row %ldOut of range value for column '%s' at row %ldData truncated for column '%s' at row %ldUsing storage engine %s for table '%s'Illegal mix of collations (%s,%s) and (%s,%s) for operation '%s'Cannot drop one or more of the requested usersCan't revoke all privileges for one or more of the requested usersIllegal mix of collations (%s,%s), (%s,%s), (%s,%s) for operation '%s'Illegal mix of collations for operation '%s'Variable '%-.64s' is not a variable component (can't be used as XXXX.variable_name)Unknown collation: '%-.64s'SSL parameters in CHANGE MASTER are ignored because this MySQL slave was compiled without SSL support; they can be used later if MySQL slave with SSL is startedServer is running in --secure-auth mode, but '%s'@'%s' has a password in the old format; please change the password to the new formatField or reference '%-.192s%s%-.192s%s%-.192s' of SELECT #%d was resolved in SELECT #%dIncorrect parameter or combination of parameters for START SLAVE UNTILIt is recommended to use --skip-slave-start when doing step-by-step replication with START SLAVE UNTIL; otherwise, you will get problems if you get an unexpected slave's mysqld restartSQL thread is not to be started so UNTIL options are ignoredIncorrect index name '%-.100s'Incorrect catalog name '%-.100s'Query cache failed to set size %lu; new query cache size is %luColumn '%-.192s' cannot be part of FULLTEXT indexUnknown key cache '%-.100s'MySQL is started in --skip-name-resolve mode; you must restart it without this switch for this grant to workUnknown storage engine '%s''%s' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use %s insteadThe target table %-.100s of the %s is not updatableThe '%s' feature is disabled; you need MySQL built with '%s' to have it workingThe MySQL server is running with the %s option so it cannot execute this statementColumn '%-.100s' has duplicated value '%-.64s' in %sTruncated incorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s'Incorrect table definition; there can be only one TIMESTAMP column with CURRENT_TIMESTAMP in DEFAULT or ON UPDATE clauseInvalid ON UPDATE clause for '%-.192s' columnThis command is not supported in the prepared statement protocol yetGot error %d '%-.100s' from %sGot temporary error %d '%-.100s' from %sUnknown or incorrect time zone: '%-.64s'Invalid TIMESTAMP value in column '%s' at row %ldInvalid %s character string: '%.64s'Result of %s() was larger than max_allowed_packet (%ld) - truncatedConflicting declarations: '%s%s' and '%s%s'Can't create a %s from within another stored routine%s %s already exists%s %s does not existFailed to DROP %s %sFailed to CREATE %s %s%s with no matching label: %sRedefining label %sEnd-label %s without matchReferring to uninitialized variable %sPROCEDURE %s can't return a result set in the given contextRETURN is only allowed in a FUNCTION%s is not allowed in stored proceduresThe update log is deprecated and replaced by the binary log; SET SQL_LOG_UPDATE has been ignored.The update log is deprecated and replaced by the binary log; SET SQL_LOG_UPDATE has been translated to SET SQL_LOG_BIN.Query execution was interruptedIncorrect number of arguments for %s %s; expected %u, got %uUndefined CONDITION: %sNo RETURN found in FUNCTION %sFUNCTION %s ended without RETURNCursor statement must be a SELECTCursor SELECT must not have INTOUndefined CURSOR: %sCursor is already openCursor is not openUndeclared variable: %sIncorrect number of FETCH variablesNo data - zero rows fetched, selected, or processedDuplicate parameter: %sDuplicate variable: %sDuplicate condition: %sDuplicate cursor: %sFailed to ALTER %s %sSubquery value not supported%s is not allowed in stored function or triggerVariable or condition declaration after cursor or handler declarationCursor declaration after handler declarationCase not found for CASE statementConfiguration file '%-.192s' is too bigMalformed file type header in file '%-.192s'Unexpected end of file while parsing comment '%-.200s'Error while parsing parameter '%-.192s' (line: '%-.192s')Unexpected end of file while skipping unknown parameter '%-.192s'EXPLAIN/SHOW can not be issued; lacking privileges for underlying tableFile '%-.192s' has unknown type '%-.64s' in its header'%-.192s.%-.192s' is not %sColumn '%-.192s' is not updatableView's SELECT contains a subquery in the FROM clauseView's SELECT contains a '%s' clauseView's SELECT contains a variable or parameterView's SELECT refers to a temporary table '%-.192s'View's SELECT and view's field list have different column countsView merge algorithm can't be used here for now (assumed undefined algorithm)View being updated does not have complete key of underlying table in itView '%-.192s.%-.192s' references invalid table(s) or column(s) or function(s) or definer/invoker of view lack rights to use themCan't drop or alter a %s from within another stored routineGOTO is not allowed in a stored procedure handlerTrigger already existsTrigger does not existTrigger's '%-.192s' is view or temporary tableUpdating of %s row is not allowed in %striggerThere is no %s row in %s triggerField '%-.192s' doesn't have a default valueDivision by 0Incorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s' for column '%.192s' at row %ldIllegal %s '%-.192s' value found during parsingCHECK OPTION on non-updatable view '%-.192s.%-.192s'CHECK OPTION failed '%-.192s.%-.192s'%-.16s command denied to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' for routine '%-.192s'Failed purging old relay logs: %sPassword hash should be a %d-digit hexadecimal numberTarget log not found in binlog indexI/O error reading log index fileServer configuration does not permit binlog purgeFailed on fseek()Fatal error during log purgeA purgeable log is in use, will not purgeUnknown error during log purgeFailed initializing relay log position: %sYou are not using binary loggingThe '%-.64s' syntax is reserved for purposes internal to the MySQL serverWSAStartup FailedCan't handle procedures with different groups yetSelect must have a group with this procedureCan't use ORDER clause with this procedureBinary logging and replication forbid changing the global server %sCan't map file: %-.200s, errno: %dWrong magic in %-.64sPrepared statement contains too many placeholdersKey part '%-.192s' length cannot be 0View text checksum failedCan not modify more than one base table through a join view '%-.192s.%-.192s'Can not insert into join view '%-.192s.%-.192s' without fields listCan not delete from join view '%-.192s.%-.192s'Operation %s failed for %.256sXAER_NOTA: Unknown XIDXAER_INVAL: Invalid arguments (or unsupported command)XAER_RMFAIL: The command cannot be executed when global transaction is in the %.64s stateXAER_OUTSIDE: Some work is done outside global transactionXAER_RMERR: Fatal error occurred in the transaction branch - check your data for consistencyXA_RBROLLBACK: Transaction branch was rolled backThere is no such grant defined for user '%-.48s' on host '%-.64s' on routine '%-.192s'Failed to grant EXECUTE and ALTER ROUTINE privilegesFailed to revoke all privileges to dropped routineData too long for column '%s' at row %ldBad SQLSTATE: '%s'%s: ready for connections. Version: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d %sCan't load value from file with fixed size rows to variableYou are not allowed to create a user with GRANTIncorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s' for function %-.32sTable definition has changed, please retry transactionDuplicate handler declared in the same blockOUT or INOUT argument %d for routine %s is not a variable or NEW pseudo-variable in BEFORE triggerNot allowed to return a result set from a %sCannot get geometry object from data you send to the GEOMETRY fieldA routine failed and has neither NO SQL nor READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled; if non-transactional tables were updated, the binary log will miss their changesThis function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)You do not have the SUPER privilege and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)You can't execute a prepared statement which has an open cursor associated with it. Reset the statement to re-execute it.The statement (%lu) has no open cursor.Explicit or implicit commit is not allowed in stored function or trigger.Field of view '%-.192s.%-.192s' underlying table doesn't have a default valueRecursive stored functions and triggers are not allowed.Too big scale %d specified for column '%-.192s'. Maximum is %lu.Too-big precision %d specified for '%-.192s'. Maximum is %lu.For float(M,D), double(M,D) or decimal(M,D), M must be >= D (column '%-.192s').You can't combine write-locking of system tables with other tables or lock typesUnable to connect to foreign data source: %.64sThere was a problem processing the query on the foreign data source. Data source error: %-.64sThe foreign data source you are trying to reference does not exist. Data source error: %-.64sCan't create federated table. The data source connection string '%-.64s' is not in the correct formatThe data source connection string '%-.64s' is not in the correct formatCan't create federated table. Foreign data src error: %-.64sTrigger in wrong schemaThread stack overrun: %ld bytes used of a %ld byte stack, and %ld bytes needed. Use 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' to specify a bigger stack.Routine body for '%-.100s' is too longCannot drop default keycacheDisplay width out of range for column '%-.192s' (max = %lu)XAER_DUPID: The XID already existsDatetime function: %-.32s field overflowCan't update table '%-.192s' in stored function/trigger because it is already used by statement which invoked this stored function/trigger.The definition of table '%-.192s' prevents operation %.192s on table '%-.192s'.The prepared statement contains a stored routine call that refers to that same statement. It's not allowed to execute a prepared statement in such a recursive mannerNot allowed to set autocommit from a stored function or triggerDefiner is not fully qualifiedView '%-.192s'.'%-.192s' has no definer information (old table format). Current user is used as definer. Please recreate the view!You need the SUPER privilege for creation view with '%-.192s'@'%-.192s' definerThe user specified as a definer ('%-.64s'@'%-.64s') does not existChanging schema from '%-.192s' to '%-.192s' is not allowed.Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (%.192s)Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (%.192s)Variable '%-.64s' must be quoted with `...`, or renamedNo definer attribute for trigger '%-.192s'.'%-.192s'. The trigger will be activated under the authorization of the invoker, which may have insufficient privileges. Please recreate the trigger.'%-.192s' has an old format, you should re-create the '%s' object(s)Recursive limit %d (as set by the max_sp_recursion_depth variable) was exceeded for routine %.192sFailed to load routine %-.192s. The table mysql.proc is missing, corrupt, or contains bad data (internal code %d)Incorrect routine name '%-.192s'Table upgrade required. Please do "REPAIR TABLE `%-.64s`" or dump/reload to fix it!AGGREGATE is not supported for stored functionsCan't create more than max_prepared_stmt_count statements (current value: %lu)`%-.192s`.`%-.192s` contains view recursionNon-grouping field '%-.192s' is used in %-.64s clauseThe used table type doesn't support SPATIAL indexesTriggers can not be created on system tablesLeading spaces are removed from name '%s'Failed to read auto-increment value from storage engineuser namehost nameString '%-.70s' is too long for %s (should be no longer than %d)The target table %-.100s of the %s is not insertable-intoTable '%-.64s' is differently defined or of non-MyISAM type or doesn't existToo high level of nesting for selectName '%-.64s' has become ''First character of the FIELDS TERMINATED string is ambiguous; please use non-optional and non-empty FIELDS ENCLOSED BYThe foreign server, %s, you are trying to create already exists.The foreign server name you are trying to reference does not exist. Data source error: %-.64sTable storage engine '%-.64s' does not support the create option '%.64s'Syntax error: %-.64s PARTITIONING requires definition of VALUES %-.64s for each partitionOnly %-.64s PARTITIONING can use VALUES %-.64s in partition definitionMAXVALUE can only be used in last partition definitionSubpartitions can only be hash partitions and by keyMust define subpartitions on all partitions if on one partitionWrong number of partitions defined, mismatch with previous settingWrong number of subpartitions defined, mismatch with previous settingConstant, random or timezone-dependent expressions in (sub)partitioning function are not allowedExpression in RANGE/LIST VALUES must be constantField in list of fields for partition function not found in tableList of fields is only allowed in KEY partitionsThe partition info in the frm file is not consistent with what can be written into the frm fileThe %-.192s function returns the wrong typeFor %-.64s partitions each partition must be definedVALUES LESS THAN value must be strictly increasing for each partitionVALUES value must be of same type as partition functionMultiple definition of same constant in list partitioningPartitioning can not be used stand-alone in queryThe mix of handlers in the partitions is not allowed in this version of MySQLFor the partitioned engine it is necessary to define all %-.64sToo many partitions (including subpartitions) were definedIt is only possible to mix RANGE/LIST partitioning with HASH/KEY partitioning for subpartitioningFailed to create specific handler fileA BLOB field is not allowed in partition functionA %-.192s must include all columns in the table's partitioning functionNumber of %-.64s = 0 is not an allowed valuePartition management on a not partitioned table is not possibleForeign keys are not yet supported in conjunction with partitioningError in list of partitions to %-.64sCannot remove all partitions, use DROP TABLE insteadCOALESCE PARTITION can only be used on HASH/KEY partitionsREORGANIZE PARTITION can only be used to reorganize partitions not to change their numbersREORGANIZE PARTITION without parameters can only be used on auto-partitioned tables using HASH PARTITIONs%-.64s PARTITION can only be used on RANGE/LIST partitionsTrying to Add partition(s) with wrong number of subpartitionsAt least one partition must be addedAt least one partition must be coalescedMore partitions to reorganize than there are partitionsDuplicate partition name %-.192sIt is not allowed to shut off binlog on this commandWhen reorganizing a set of partitions they must be in consecutive orderReorganize of range partitions cannot change total ranges except for last partition where it can extend the rangePartition function not supported in this version for this handlerPartition state cannot be defined from CREATE/ALTER TABLEThe %-.64s handler only supports 32 bit integers in VALUESPlugin '%-.192s' is not loadedIncorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s'Table has no partition for value %-.64sIt is not allowed to specify %s more than onceFailed to create %sFailed to drop %sThe handler doesn't support autoextend of tablespacesA size parameter was incorrectly specified, either number or on the form 10MThe size number was correct but we don't allow the digit part to be more than 2 billionFailed to alter: %sWriting one row to the row-based binary log failedTable definition on master and slave does not match: %sSlave running with --log-slave-updates must use row-based binary logging to be able to replicate row-based binary log eventsEvent '%-.192s' already existsFailed to store event %s. Error code %d from storage engine.Unknown event '%-.192s'Failed to alter event '%-.192s'Failed to drop %sINTERVAL is either not positive or too bigENDS is either invalid or before STARTSEvent execution time is in the past. Event has been disabledFailed to open mysql.eventNo datetime expression providedColumn count of mysql.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. The table is probably corruptedCannot load from mysql.%s. The table is probably corruptedFailed to delete the event from mysql.eventError during compilation of event's bodySame old and new event nameData for column '%s' too longCannot drop index '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraintThe syntax '%s' is deprecated and will be removed in MySQL %s. Please use %s insteadYou can't write-lock a log table. Only read access is possibleYou can't use locks with log tables.Upholding foreign key constraints for table '%.192s', entry '%-.192s', key %d would lead to a duplicate entryColumn count of mysql.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. Created with MySQL %d, now running %d. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error.Cannot switch out of the row-based binary log format when the session has open temporary tablesCannot change the binary logging format inside a stored function or triggerThe NDB cluster engine does not support changing the binlog format on the fly yetCannot create temporary table with partitionsPartition constant is out of partition function domainThis partition function is not allowedError in DDL logNot allowed to use NULL value in VALUES LESS THANIncorrect partition nameTransaction characteristics can't be changed while a transaction is in progressALTER TABLE causes auto_increment resequencing, resulting in duplicate entry '%-.192s' for key '%-.192s'Internal scheduler error %dError during starting/stopping of the scheduler. Error code %uEngine cannot be used in partitioned tablesCannot activate '%-.64s' logThe server was not built with row-based replicationDecoding of base64 string failedRecursion of EVENT DDL statements is forbidden when body is presentCannot proceed because system tables used by Event Scheduler were found damaged at server startOnly integers allowed as number hereThis storage engine cannot be used for log tables"You cannot '%s' a log table if logging is enabledCannot rename '%s'. When logging enabled, rename to/from log table must rename two tables: the log table to an archive table and another table back to '%s'Incorrect parameter count in the call to native function '%-.192s'Incorrect parameters in the call to native function '%-.192s'Incorrect parameters in the call to stored function %-.192sThis function '%-.192s' has the same name as a native functionPowtórzone wystąpienie '%-.64s' dla klucza '%-.192s'Too many files opened, please execute the command againEvent execution time is in the past and ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE is set. The event was dropped immediately after creation.Event execution time is in the past and ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE is set. The event was not changed. Specify a time in the future.The incident %s occured on the master. Message: %sTable has no partition for some existing valuesUnsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. %sFatal error: %sRelay log read failure: %sRelay log write failure: %sFailed to create %sMaster command %s failed: %sBinary logging not possible. Message: %sView `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` has no creation contextCreation context of view `%-.64s`.`%-.64s' is invalidCreation context of stored routine `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCorrupted TRG file for table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s`Triggers for table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` have no creation contextTrigger creation context of table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCreation context of event `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCannot open table for trigger `%-.64s`.`%-.64s`Cannot create stored routine `%-.64s`. Check warningsAmbiguous slave modes combination. %sThe BINLOG statement of type `%s` was not preceded by a format description BINLOG statement.Corrupted replication event was detectedInvalid column reference (%-.64s) in LOAD DATABeing purged log %s was not foundXA_RBTIMEOUT: Transaction branch was rolled back: took too longXA_RBDEADLOCK: Transaction branch was rolled back: deadlock was detectedPrepared statement needs to be re-preparedDELAYED option not supported for table '%-.192s'The master info structure does not exist<%-.64s> option ignoredBuilt-in plugins cannot be deletedPlugin is busy and will be uninstalled on shutdown%s variable '%s' is read-only. Use SET %s to assign the valueStorage engine %s does not support rollback for this statement. Transaction rolled back and must be restartedUnexpected master's heartbeat data: %sThe requested value for the heartbeat period is either negative or exceeds the maximum allowed (%s seconds).Bad schema for mysql.ndb_replication table. Message: %-.64sError in parsing conflict function. Message: %-.64sWrite to exceptions table failed. Message: %-.128s"Comment for table '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Comment for field '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)FUNCTION %s does not exist. Check the 'Function Name Parsing and Resolution' section in the Reference ManualDatabaseTablePartitionSubpartitionTemporaryRenamedToo many active concurrent transactionsNon-ASCII separator arguments are not fully supporteddebug sync point wait timed outdebug sync point hit limit reachedDuplicate condition information item '%s'Unhandled user-defined warning conditionUnhandled user-defined not found conditionUnhandled user-defined exception conditionRESIGNAL when handler not activeSIGNAL/RESIGNAL can only use a CONDITION defined with SQLSTATEData truncated for condition item '%s'Data too long for condition item '%s'Unknown locale: '%-.64s'The requested server id %d clashes with the slave startup option --replicate-same-server-idQuery cache is disabled; restart the server with query_cache_type=1 to enable itDuplicate partition field name '%-.192s'Inconsistency in usage of column lists for partitioningPartition column values of incorrect typeToo many fields in '%-.192s'Cannot use MAXVALUE as value in VALUES INCannot have more than one value for this type of %-.64s partitioningRow expressions in VALUES IN only allowed for multi-field column partitioningField '%-.192s' is of a not allowed type for this type of partitioningThe total length of the partitioning fields is too largeCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since both row-incapable engines and statement-incapable engines are involved.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = ROW and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to statement-based logging.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. %sCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is in row format and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to statement-based logging.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to row-based logging.%sCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is in row format and BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since more than one engine is involved and at least one engine is self-logging.The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted.The statement is unsafe because it uses INSERT DELAYED. This is unsafe because the times when rows are inserted cannot be predicted.The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves.Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly.Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it accesses a non-transactional table after accessing a transactional table within the same transaction.%s Statement: %sColumn %d of table '%-.192s.%-.192s' cannot be converted from type '%-.32s' to type '%-.32s'Can't create conversion table for table '%-.192s.%-.192s'Cannot modify @@session.binlog_format inside a transactionThe path specified for %.64s is too long.'%s' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.Native table '%-.64s'.'%-.64s' has the wrong structureInvalid performance_schema usage.Table '%s'.'%s' was skipped since its definition is being modified by concurrent DDL statementCannot modify @@session.binlog_direct_non_transactional_updates inside a transactionCannot change the binlog direct flag inside a stored function or triggerA SPATIAL index may only contain a geometrical type columnComment for index '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Wait on a lock was aborted due to a pending exclusive lock%s value is out of range in '%s'A variable of a non-integer based type in LIMIT clauseMixing self-logging and non-self-logging engines in a statement is unsafe.Statement accesses nontransactional table as well as transactional or temporary table, and writes to any of them.Cannot modify @@session.sql_log_bin inside a transactionCannot change the sql_log_bin inside a stored function or triggerFailed to read from the .par fileVALUES value for partition '%-.64s' must have type INTAccess denied for user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s'SET PASSWORD has no significance for users authenticating via pluginsGRANT with IDENTIFIED WITH is illegal because the user %-.*s already existsCannot truncate a table referenced in a foreign key constraint (%.192s)Plugin '%s' is force_plus_permanent and can not be unloadedThe requested value for the heartbeat period is less than 1 millisecond. The value is reset to 0, meaning that heartbeating will effectively be disabled.The requested value for the heartbeat period exceeds the value of `slave_net_timeout' seconds. A sensible value for the period should be less than the timeout.Multi-row statements required more than 'max_binlog_stmt_cache_size' bytes of storage; increase this mysqld variable and try againPrimary key/partition key update is not allowed since the table is updated both as '%-.192s' and '%-.192s'.Table rebuild required. Please do "ALTER TABLE `%-.64s` FORCE" or dump/reload to fix it!The value of '%s' should be no less than the value of '%s'Index column size too large. The maximum column size is %lu bytes.Trigger '%-.64s' has an error in its body: '%-.256s'Unknown trigger has an error in its body: '%-.256s'Index %s is corruptedUndo log record is too big.INSERT IGNORE... SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.INSERT... SELECT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are updated. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.REPLACE... SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are replaced. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE... IGNORE SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE... REPLACE SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are replaced. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.UPDATE IGNORE is unsafe because the order in which rows are updated determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.Plugin '%s' is marked as not dynamically uninstallable. You have to stop the server to uninstall it.Plugin '%s' is marked as not dynamically installable. You have to stop the server to install it.Statements writing to a table with an auto-increment column after selecting from another table are unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved determines what (if any) rows will be written. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE TABLE... SELECT... on a table with an auto-increment column is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are inserted. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.INSERT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE on a table with more than one UNIQUE KEY is unsafeTable is being used in foreign key check.Storage engine '%s' does not support system tables. [%s.%s]INSERT into autoincrement field which is not the first part in the composed primary key is unsafe.Cannot load from %s.%s. The table is probably corruptedThe requested value %s for the master delay exceeds the maximum %uOnly Format_description_log_event and row events are allowed in BINLOG statements (but %s was provided)Non matching attribute '%-.64s' between partition and tableTable to exchange with partition is partitioned: '%-.64s'Table to exchange with partition is temporary: '%-.64s'Subpartitioned table, use subpartition instead of partitionUnknown partition '%-.64s' in table '%-.64s'Tables have different definitionsFound a row that does not match the partitionOption binlog_cache_size (%lu) is greater than max_binlog_cache_size (%lu); setting binlog_cache_size equal to max_binlog_cache_size.Cannot use %-.64s access on index '%-.64s' due to type or collation conversion on field '%-.64s'Table to exchange with partition has foreign key references: '%-.64s'Key value '%-.192s' was not found in table '%-.192s.%-.192s'Data for column '%s' too longReplication event checksum verification failed while reading from network.Replication event checksum verification failed while reading from a log file.Option binlog_stmt_cache_size (%lu) is greater than max_binlog_stmt_cache_size (%lu); setting binlog_stmt_cache_size equal to max_binlog_stmt_cache_size.Can't update table '%-.192s' while '%-.192s' is being created.PARTITION () clause on non partitioned tableFound a row not matching the given partition setPartition '%-.64s' doesn't existFailure while changing the type of replication repository: %s.The creation of some temporary tables could not be rolled back.Some temporary tables were dropped, but these operations could not be rolled back.%s is not supported in multi-threaded slave mode. %sThe number of modified databases exceeds the maximum %d; the database names will not be included in the replication event metadata.Cannot execute the current event group in the parallel mode. Encountered event %s, relay-log name %s, position %s which prevents execution of this event group in parallel mode. Reason: %s.%sFULLTEXT index is not supported for partitioned tables.Invalid condition numberSending passwords in plain text without SSL/TLS is extremely insecure.Storing MySQL user name or password information in the master info repository is not secure and is therefore not recommended. Please consider using the USER and PASSWORD connection options for START SLAVE; see the 'START SLAVE Syntax' in the MySQL Manual for more information.Foreign key constraint for table '%.192s', record '%-.192s' would lead to a duplicate entry in table '%.192s', key '%.192s'Foreign key constraint for table '%.192s', record '%-.192s' would lead to a duplicate entry in a child tableSetting authentication options is not possible when only the Slave SQL Thread is being started.The table does not have FULLTEXT index to support this queryThe system variable %.200s cannot be set in stored functions or triggers.The system variable %.200s cannot be set when there is an ongoing transaction.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT has the value %.200s, which is not listed in @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot change inside a transaction.The statement 'SET %.200s' cannot invoke a stored function.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be 'AUTOMATIC' when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST is non-NULL.Skipping transaction %.200s because it has already been executed and logged.Malformed GTID set specification '%.200s'.Malformed GTID set encoding.Malformed GTID specification '%.200s'.Impossible to generate Global Transaction Identifier: the integer component reached the maximal value. Restart the server with a new server_uuid.Parameters MASTER_LOG_FILE, MASTER_LOG_POS, RELAY_LOG_FILE and RELAY_LOG_POS cannot be set when MASTER_AUTO_POSITION is active.CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1 cannot be executed because @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot execute statements with implicit commit inside a transaction when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT == 'UUID:NUMBER'.GTID_MODE = ON requires ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY = ON.@@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON or ON_PERMISSIVE or OFF_PERMISSIVE requires --log-bin and --log-slave-updates.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be set to UUID:NUMBER when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be set to ANONYMOUS when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST cannot be set to a non-NULL value when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Found a Gtid_log_event when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Statement violates GTID consistency: Updates to non-transactional tables can only be done in either autocommitted statements or single-statement transactions, and never in the same statement as updates to transactional tables.Statement violates GTID consistency: CREATE TABLE ... SELECT.Statement violates GTID consistency: Under statement binary log mode CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE and DROP TEMPORARY TABLE can only be executed outside transactional context. These statements are also not allowed in a function or trigger because functions and triggers are also considered to be multi-statement transactions.The value of @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE can only be changed one step at a time: OFF <-> OFF_PERMISSIVE <-> ON_PERMISSIVE <-> ON. Also note that this value must be stepped up or down simultaneously on all servers. See the Manual for instructions.The slave is connecting using CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1, but the master has purged binary logs containing GTIDs that the slave requires.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be changed by a client that owns a GTID. The client owns %s. Ownership is released on COMMIT or ROLLBACK.Unknown EXPLAIN format name: '%s'Cannot execute statement in a READ ONLY transaction.Comment for table partition '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Slave is not configured or failed to initialize properly. You must at least set --server-id to enable either a master or a slave. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.InnoDB presently supports one FULLTEXT index creation at a timeCannot create FULLTEXT index on temporary InnoDB tableColumn '%-.192s' is of wrong type for an InnoDB FULLTEXT indexIndex '%-.192s' is of wrong type for an InnoDB FULLTEXT indexCreating index '%-.192s' required more than 'innodb_online_alter_log_max_size' bytes of modification log. Please try again.Unknown ALGORITHM '%s'Unknown LOCK type '%s'CHANGE MASTER cannot be executed when the slave was stopped with an error or killed in MTS mode. Consider using RESET SLAVE or START SLAVE UNTIL.Cannot recover after SLAVE errored out in parallel execution mode. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.Cannot clean up worker info tables. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.Column count of %s.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. The table is probably corruptedSlave must silently retry current transactionThere is a foreign key check running on table '%-.192s'. Cannot discard the table.Schema mismatch (%s)Table '%-.192s' in system tablespaceIO Read error: (%lu, %s) %sIO Write error: (%lu, %s) %sTablespace is missing for table %s.Tablespace '%-.192s' exists.Tablespace has been discarded for table '%-.192s'Internal error: %sALTER TABLE %-.192s IMPORT TABLESPACE failed with error %lu : '%s'Index corrupt: %sSupports only YEAR or YEAR(4) column.Your password does not satisfy the current policy requirementsYou must reset your password using ALTER USER statement before executing this statement.Failed to add the foreign key constaint. Missing index for constraint '%s' in the foreign table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constaint. Missing index for constraint '%s' in the referenced table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constraint '%s' to system tablesFailed to open the referenced table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constraint on table '%s'. Incorrect options in FOREIGN KEY constraint '%s'Duplicate foreign key constraint name '%s'The password hash doesn't have the expected format. Check if the correct password algorithm is being used with the PASSWORD() function.Cannot drop column '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s'Cannot drop column '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Column '%-.192s' cannot be NOT NULL: needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' SET NULLDuplicate index '%-.64s' defined on the table '%-.64s.%-.64s'. This is deprecated and will be disallowed in a future release.Cannot change column '%-.192s': used in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s'Cannot change column '%-.192s': used in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Cannot delete rows from table which is parent in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Malformed communication packet.Running in read-only modeWhen @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT is set to a GTID, you must explicitly set it to a different value after a COMMIT or ROLLBACK. Please check GTID_NEXT variable manual page for detailed explanation. Current @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT is '%s'.The system variable %.200s cannot be set in stored procedures.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when @@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED is empty.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when there are no ongoing transactions (not even in other clients).@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED was changed from '%s' to '%s'.@@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED was changed from '%s' to '%s'.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT, and both replicated and non replicated tables are written to.%s is not supported for this operation. Try %s.%s is not supported. Reason: %s. Try %s.COPY algorithm requires a lockPartition specific operations do not yet support LOCK/ALGORITHMColumns participating in a foreign key are renamedCannot change column type INPLACEAdding foreign keys needs foreign_key_checks=OFFCreating unique indexes with IGNORE requires COPY algorithm to remove duplicate rowsDropping a primary key is not allowed without also adding a new primary keyAdding an auto-increment column requires a lockCannot replace hidden FTS_DOC_ID with a user-visible oneCannot drop or rename FTS_DOC_IDFulltext index creation requires a locksql_slave_skip_counter can not be set when the server is running with @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON. Instead, for each transaction that you want to skip, generate an empty transaction with the same GTID as the transactionPowtórzone wystąpienie dla klucza '%-.192s'Long database name and identifier for object resulted in path length exceeding %d characters. Path: '%s'.cannot silently convert NULL values, as required in this SQL_MODEYour password has expired. To log in you must change it using a client that supports expired passwords.Found a row in wrong partition %sCannot schedule event %s, relay-log name %s, position %s to Worker thread because its size %lu exceeds %lu of slave_pending_jobs_size_max.Cannot CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX WITH PARSER on InnoDB tableThe binary log file '%s' is logically corrupted: %sfile %s was not purged because it was being read by %d thread(s), purged only %d out of %d files.file %s was not purged because it is the active log file.Auto-increment value in UPDATE conflicts with internally generated valuesRow events are not logged for %s statements that modify BLACKHOLE tables in row format. Table(s): '%-.192s'Slave failed to initialize master info structure from the repositorySlave failed to initialize relay log info structure from the repositoryAccess denied trying to change to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' (using password: %s). Disconnecting.InnoDB is in read only mode.STOP SLAVE command execution is incomplete: Slave SQL thread got the stop signal, thread is busy, SQL thread will stop once the current task is complete.STOP SLAVE command execution is incomplete: Slave IO thread got the stop signal, thread is busy, IO thread will stop once the current task is complete.Operation cannot be performed. The table '%-.64s.%-.64s' is missing, corrupt or contains bad data.Temporary file write failure.Upgrade index name failed, please use create index(alter table) algorithm copy to rebuild index.TIME/TIMESTAMP/DATETIME columns of old format have been upgraded to the new format.Operation not allowed when innodb_forced_recovery > 0.The initialization vector supplied to %s is too short. Must be at least %d bytes longPlugin '%s' cannot be uninstalled now. %sCannot execute statement because it needs to be written to the binary log as multiple statements, and this is not allowed when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT == 'UUID:NUMBER'.Slave has more GTIDs than the master has, using the master's SERVER_UUID. This may indicate that the end of the binary log was truncated or that the last binary log file was lost, e.g., after a power or disk failure when sync_binlog != 1. The master may or may not have rolled back transactions that were already replicated to the slave. Suggest to replicate any transactions that master has rolled back from slave to master, and/or commit empty transactions on master to account for transactions that have been committed on master but are not included in GTID_EXECUTED.The table '%s.%s' does not have the necessary key(s) defined on it. Please check the table definition and create index(s) accordingly.File %s is corruptedQuery partially completed on the master (error on master: %d) and was aborted. There is a chance that your master is inconsistent at this point. If you are sure that your master is ok, run this query manually on the slave and then restart the slave with SET GLOBAL SQL_SLAVE_SKIP_COUNTER=1; START SLAVE;. Query:'%s'Query caused different errors on master and slave. Error on master: message (format)='%s' error code=%d; Error on slave:actual message='%s', error code=%d. Default database:'%s'. Query:'%s'Storage engine for table '%s'.'%s' is not loaded.GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS when handler not active%s is no longer supported. The statement was converted to %s.Statement is unsafe because it uses a fulltext parser plugin which may not return the same value on the slave.Cannot DISCARD/IMPORT tablespace associated with temporary tableForeign key cascade delete/update exceeds max depth of %d.Column count of %s.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. Created with MySQL %d, now running %d. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error.Trigger %s.%s.%s does not have CREATED attribute.Referenced trigger '%s' for the given action time and event type does not exist.EXPLAIN FOR CONNECTION command is supported only for SELECT/UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE/REPLACEInvalid size for column '%-.192s'.Table storage engine '%-.64s' found required create option missingOut of memory in storage engine '%-.64s'.The password for anonymous user cannot be expired.This operation cannot be performed with a running slave sql thread; run STOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD firstCannot create FULLTEXT index on materialized subqueryUndo Log error: %sInvalid argument for logarithmThis operation cannot be performed with a running slave io thread; run STOP SLAVE IO_THREAD FOR CHANNEL '%s' first.This operation may not be safe when the slave has temporary tables. The tables will be kept open until the server restarts or until the tables are deleted by any replicated DROP statement. Suggest to wait until slave_open_temp_tables = 0.CHANGE MASTER TO with a MASTER_LOG_FILE clause but no MASTER_LOG_POS clause may not be safe. The old position value may not be valid for the new binary log file.Query execution was interrupted, maximum statement execution time exceededSelect is not a read only statement, disabling timerDuplicate entry '%-.192s'.'%s' mode no longer has any effect. Use STRICT_ALL_TABLES or STRICT_TRANS_TABLES instead.Expression #%u of ORDER BY contains aggregate function and applies to a UNIONExpression #%u of ORDER BY contains aggregate function and applies to the result of a non-aggregated querySlave worker has stopped after at least one previous worker encountered an error when slave-preserve-commit-order was enabled. To preserve commit order, the last transaction executed by this thread has not been committed. When restarting the slave after fixing any failed threads, you should fix this worker as well.slave_preserve_commit_order is not supported %s.The server is currently in offline modeBinary geometry function %s given two geometries of different srids: %u and %u, which should have been identical.Calling geometry function %s with unsupported types of arguments.Unknown GIS error occured in function %s.Unknown exception caught in GIS function %s.Invalid GIS data provided to function %s.The geometry has no data in function %s.Unable to calculate centroid because geometry is empty in function %s.Geometry overlay calculation error: geometry data is invalid in function %s.Geometry turn info calculation error: geometry data is invalid in function %s.Analysis procedures of intersection points interrupted unexpectedly in function %s.Unknown exception thrown in function %s.Memory allocation error: %-.256s in function %s.Domain error: %-.256s in function %s.Length error: %-.256s in function %s.Invalid argument error: %-.256s in function %s.Out of range error: %-.256s in function %s.Overflow error error: %-.256s in function %s.Range error: %-.256s in function %s.Underflow error: %-.256s in function %s.Logic error: %-.256s in function %s.Runtime error: %-.256s in function %s.Unknown exception: %-.384s in function %s.Geometry byte string must be little endian.The password provided for the replication user exceeds the maximum length of 32 charactersIncorrect user-level lock name '%-.192s'.Deadlock found when trying to get user-level lock; try rolling back transaction/releasing locks and restarting lock acquisition.REPLACE cannot be executed as it requires deleting rows that are not in the viewDo not support online operation on table with GIS indexUser variable name '%-.100s' is illegalCannot %s when GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot %s from a replication slave thread.Incorrect type for argument %s in function %s.Expression #%u of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, references column '%-.192s' which is not in SELECT list; this is incompatible with %sExpression #%u of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, contains aggregate function; this is incompatible with %sSupplied filter list contains a value which is not in the required format 'db_pattern.table_pattern'OK packet too largeInvalid JSON data provided to function %s: %sInvalid GeoJSON data provided to function %s: Missing required member '%s'Invalid GeoJSON data provided to function %s: Member '%s' must be of type '%s'Invalid GeoJSON data provided to function %sUnsupported number of coordinate dimensions in function %s: Found %u, expected %uSlave channel '%s' does not exist.A slave channel '%s' already exists for the given host and port combination.Couldn't create channel: Channel name is either invalid or too long.To have multiple channels, repository cannot be of type FILE; Please check the repository configuration and convert them to TABLE.Cannot delete slave info objects for channel '%s'.Multiple channels exist on the slave. Please provide channel name as an argument.Maximum number of replication channels allowed exceeded.This operation cannot be performed with running replication threads; run STOP SLAVE FOR CHANNEL '%s' firstThis operation requires running replication threads; configure slave and run START SLAVE FOR CHANNEL '%s'Replication thread(s) for channel '%s' are already runnning.Replication thread(s) for channel '%s' are already stopped.This operation cannot be performed with a running slave sql thread; run STOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD FOR CHANNEL '%s' first.When sql_slave_skip_counter > 0, it is not allowed to start more than one SQL thread by using 'START SLAVE [SQL_THREAD]'. Value of sql_slave_skip_counter can only be used by one SQL thread at a time. Please use 'START SLAVE [SQL_THREAD] FOR CHANNEL' to start the SQL thread which will use the value of sql_slave_skip_counter.Expression #%u of %s is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column '%-.192s' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_byIn aggregated query without GROUP BY, expression #%u of %s contains nonaggregated column '%-.192s'; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_byUpdating '%s' is deprecated. It will be made read-only in a future release.Changing sql mode '%s' is deprecated. It will be removed in a future release.DROP DATABASE failed; some tables may have been dropped but the database directory remains. The GTID has not been added to GTID_EXECUTED and the statement was not written to the binary log. Fix this as follows: (1) remove all files from the database directory %-.192s; (2) SET GTID_NEXT='%-.192s'; (3) DROP DATABASE `%-.192s`.The server is not configured properly to be an active member of the group. Please see more details on error log.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed since the group is already running.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as the applier module failed to start.The STOP GROUP_REPLICATION command execution is incomplete: The applier thread got the stop signal while it was busy. The applier thread will stop once the current task is complete.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as there was an error when initializing the group communication layer.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as there was an error when joining the communication group.The table does not comply with the requirements by an external plugin.Cannot change the value of variable %s without binary log format as ROW.Error on observer while running replication hook '%s'.Plugin instructed the server to rollback the current transaction.Expression of generated column '%s' contains a disallowed function.INPLACE ADD or DROP of virtual columns cannot be combined with other ALTER TABLE actionsCannot define foreign key with %s clause on a generated column.The value specified for generated column '%s' in table '%s' is not allowed.'%s' is not supported for generated columns.Generated column can refer only to generated columns defined prior to it.Column '%s' has a generated column dependency.Generated column '%s' cannot refer to auto-increment column.The '%-.64s' feature is not available; you need to remove '%-.64s' or use MySQL built with '%-.64s'SET @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = %-.64s is not allowed because %-.384s.The replication receiver thread%-.192s cannot start in AUTO_POSITION mode: this server uses @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot replicate anonymous transaction when AUTO_POSITION = 1, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot replicate anonymous transaction when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot replicate GTID-transaction when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot set ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY = ON because there are ongoing transactions that violate GTID consistency.There are ongoing transactions that violate GTID consistency.Odmowa dostępu dla użytkownika '%-.48s'@'%-.64s'. Konto zablokowane.Incorrect tablespace name `%-.192s`Tablespace `%-.192s` is not empty.Incorrect File Name '%s'.Inconsistent intersection points.Optimizer hint syntax errorUnsupported MAX_EXECUTION_TIMEMAX_EXECUTION_TIME hint is supported by top-level standalone SELECT statements onlyHint %s is ignored as conflicting/duplicatedQuery block name %s is not found for %s hintUnresolved name %s for %s hintPlease do not modify the %s table. This is a mysql internal system table to store GTIDs for committed transactions. Modifying it can lead to an inconsistent GTID state.Command not supported by pluggable protocolsIncorrect locking service lock name '%-.192s'.Deadlock found when trying to get locking service lock; try releasing locks and restarting lock acquisition.Service lock wait timeout exceeded.Parameter %s exceeds the maximum number of points in a geometry (%lu) in function %s.'NO_ZERO_DATE', 'NO_ZERO_IN_DATE' and 'ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO' sql modes should be used with strict mode. They will be merged with strict mode in a future release.Version token mismatch for %.*s. Correct value %.*sVersion token %.*s not found.Variable %-.192s cannot be changed by a client that owns a GTID. The client owns %s. Ownership is released on COMMIT or ROLLBACK.%-.192s cannot be performed on channel '%-.192s'.Invalid JSON text: "%s" at position %u in value for column '%-.200s'.Invalid JSON text in argument %u to function %s: "%s" at position %u.%-.0sThe JSON binary value contains invalid data.Invalid JSON path expression. The error is around character position %u.%-.200sCannot create a JSON value from a string with CHARACTER SET '%s'.Invalid JSON character data provided to function %s: '%s'; utf8 is required.Invalid data type for JSON data in argument %u to function %s; a JSON string or JSON type is required.Cannot CAST value to JSON.A path expression must be encoded in the utf8 character set. The path expression '%-.200s' is encoded in character set '%-.200s'.In this situation, path expressions may not contain the * and ** tokens.The JSON value is too big to be stored in a JSON column.The JSON object contains a key name that is too long.JSON column '%-.192s' cannot be used in key specification.The path expression '$' is not allowed in this context.The oneOrAll argument to %s may take these values: 'one' or 'all'.Out of range JSON value for CAST to %s%-.0s from column %s at row %ldInvalid JSON value for CAST to %s%-.0s from column %s at row %ldThe JSON document exceeds the maximum depth.JSON documents may not contain NULL member names.Connections using insecure transport are prohibited while --require_secure_transport=ON.No secure transports (SSL or Shared Memory) are configured, unable to set --require_secure_transport=ON.Storage engine %s is disabled (Table creation is disallowed).User %s does not exist.User %s already exists.Aborted by Audit API ('%-.48s';%d).A path expression is not a path to a cell in an array.Another buffer pool resize is already in progress.The '%s' feature is disabled; see the documentation for '%s'Server isn't availableSession was killedMemory capacity of %llu bytes for '%s' exceeded. %sRange optimization was not done for this query.Partitioning upgrade required. Please dump/reload to fix it or do: ALTER TABLE `%-.192s`.`%-.192s` UPGRADE PARTITIONINGThe client holds ownership of the GTID %s. Therefore, WAIT_FOR_EXECUTED_GTID_SET cannot wait for this GTID.Cannot add foreign key on the base column of indexed virtual column.Cannot create index on virtual column whose base column has foreign constraint.Please do not modify the %s table with an XA transaction. This is an internal system table used to store GTIDs for committed transactions. Although modifying it can lead to an inconsistent GTID state, if neccessary you can modify it with a non-XA transaction.Lock acquisition refused by storage engine.ADD COLUMN col...VIRTUAL, ADD INDEX(col)Master key rotation is not supported by storage engine.Encryption key rotation error reported by SE: %sWrite to binlog failed. However, master key rotation has been completed successfully.Storage engine is not available.This tablespace can't be encrypted.Invalid encryption option.Can't find master key from keyring, please check in the server log if a keyring plugin is loaded and initialized successfully.Parser bailed out for this query.Cannot alter encryption attribute by inplace algorithm.Function '%s' failed because underlying keyring service returned an error. Please check if a keyring plugin is installed and that provided arguments are valid for the keyring you are using.It seems that your db schema is old. The %s column is 77 characters long and should be 93 characters long. Please run mysql_upgrade.RESET MASTER is not allowed because %-.384s.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed since the group already has 9 members.Cannot add foreign key on the base column of stored column. Cannot complete the operation because table is referenced by another connection.The partition engine, used by table '%-.192s.%-.192s', is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use native partitioning instead.%.192s(geometry) is deprecated and will be replaced by st_srid(geometry, 0) in a future version. Use %.192s(st_aswkb(geometry), 0) instead.%.192s(geometry, srid) is deprecated and will be replaced by st_srid(geometry, srid) in a future version. Use %.192s(st_aswkb(geometry), srid) instead.The resource manager is not able to commit the transaction branch at this time. Please retry later.Function %s failed due to: %s.Statement is unsafe because it is being used inside a XA transaction. Concurrent XA transactions may deadlock on slaves when replicated using statements.%s UDF failed; %sCan not perform keyring migration : %sAccess denied; you need %-.128s privileges for this operationKeyring migration %s.Failed to open the %s filter tables.Failed to open '%s.%s' %s table.No keyring plugin installed.Audit log encryption password has not been set; it will be generated automatically. Use audit_log_encryption_password_get to obtain the password or audit_log_encryption_password_set to set a new one.Could not create AES key. OpenSSL's EVP_BytesToKey function failed.Audit log encryption password cannot be fetched from the keyring. Password used so far is used for encryption.Audit Log filtering has not been installed.Request ignored for '%s'@'%s'. SUPER_ACL needed to perform operationSUPER privilege required for '%s'@'%s' user.Could not reinitialize audit log filters.Invalid argument typeInvalid argument countaudit_log plugin has not been installed using INSTALL PLUGIN syntax.Invalid "max_array_length" argument type.Invalid "max_array_length" argument value.%sFilter name cannot be empty.User cannot be empty.Specified filter has not been found.First character of the user name must be alphanumeric.Invalid character in the user name.Invalid character in the host name.With the MAXDB SQL mode enabled, TIMESTAMP is identical with DATETIME. The MAXDB SQL mode is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please disable the MAXDB SQL mode and use DATETIME instead.The use of replication filters with XA transactions is not supported, and can lead to an undefined state in the replication slave.Compressed column '%-.192s' is not allowed in the key listCan not define column '%-.192s' in compressed formatCompression dictionary '%-.192s' already existsCompression dictionary '%-.192s' does not existCompression dictionary name '%-.192s' is too long (max length = %lu)Data for compression dictionary '%-.192s' is too long (max length = %lu)Compression dictionary '%-.192s' is in useCan't execute the query because you have a conflicting backup lockKeys are out order during bulk loadBulk load rows overlap existing rowsCan't execute updates on master with binlog_format != ROW.MyRocks supports only READ COMMITTED and REPEATABLE READ isolation levels. Please change from current isolation level %sWhen unique checking is disabled in MyRocks, INSERT,UPDATE,LOAD statements with clauses that update or replace the key (i.e. INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, REPLACE) are not allowed. Query: %sCan't execute updates when you started a transaction with START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT [ROCKSDB] SNAPSHOT.This transaction was rolled back and cannot be committed. Only supported operation is to roll it back, so all pending changes will be discarded. Please restart another transaction.MyRocks currently does not support ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT if modifying rows.Only REPEATABLE READ isolation level is supported for START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT SNAPSHOT in RocksDB Storage Engine.Unsupported collation on string indexed column %s.%s Use binary collation (%s).Table '%s' does not exist, but metadata information exists inside MyRocks. This is a sign of data inconsistency. Please check if '%s.frm' exists, and try to restore it if it does not exist.MyRocks failed creating new key definitions during alter.MyRocks failed populating secondary key during alter.Column family ('%s') flag (%d) is different from an existing flag (%d). Assign a new CF flag, or do not change existing CF flag.TTL support is currently disabled when table has a hidden PK.TTL column (%s) in MyRocks must be an unsigned non-null 64-bit integer, exist inside the table, and have an accompanying ttl duration.TTL duration (%s) in MyRocks must be an unsigned non-null 64-bit integer.The per-index column family option has been deprecated.french/errmsg.sys000075500000240344147633135420010072 0ustar00.uOD}Y8yZCv&V&xFZ M e  , H  4 a  9 s  I "Ff0i!Db5i3jDi *O~7n/> 6_S)`2 j | -!^!!!!!">"f"""#B####D$$$u%%% &&&&'O'h''''(N(q((()3))) *Q**++,k,,z--.X.z../o///000001e11 2/2V22223\3334b4445@5l555 6O6s66667O7z77778:8{889A9Z9y99:a:|:::;d;;;;$<S<<< =^=z=>>>@??6@U@v@@@AqAAABcBBBCCCD"DKDtDDDE;EpEEEEEEEF:FvFFF$GGGGH0HQHsHHHHHHICI[IrIIIIIJHJuJJJJ#K]KKKL:L\LLLLMZMMMrNNNNO=OlOOOO P9PnPPPP2QWQxQQQQR"RMRnRRRR)STSSSST)TCTTTU$U;UrUUVeVVV#WVWWWWXCXyXXX@YmYYoZ4[[A\i\\]:]{]] ^Z^^^H___4`L```aWazaa/bb%ceccdWddd$eneegffgggg&huhhh i8ibiiiii)jvjjj.kokklqlll$mdmmmNnnnnRo~ooo1pkppp+qfqqq!rirrrs@suss tutttuĎюێ Aa׏-NڐOɑ+HrLb5>ØgaŚ+X0ROP F]-ǢgV-bȥ~J kywͭ3ήy'cfDZ Jhڳ8[ڴ-b޶>Sϸ<ٹ#r-iһJg n \9Z!:;rk+g">[$6\Y)EIp2u)].^;l =v+mQA,I{]>h H @~.i%v5_,?^cXN[L<e>l1]c4_ 7Ps FX P$ X_g@I&rUo1 > {      9        x      n1^=A4l6cW SG(Y+X8ZVu ! H      ! "z"""#B#X#o### $ $)$?$d$$$$%3&n&&&'H''''#(H((()-**.+++,,(---n..hashchkisamchkNONOUINe peut créer le fichier '%-.200s' (Errcode: %d - %s)Ne peut créer la table '%-.200s' (Errcode: %d)Ne peut créer la base '%-.192s' (Erreur %d)Ne peut créer la base '%-.192s'; elle existe déjàNe peut effacer la base '%-.192s'; elle n'existe pasNe peut effacer la base '%-.192s' (erreur %d)Erreur en effaçant la base (rmdir '%-.192s', erreur %d)Erreur en effaçant '%-.192s' (Errcode: %d - %s)Ne peut lire un enregistrement de la table 'system'Ne peut obtenir le status de '%-.200s' (Errcode: %d - %s)Ne peut obtenir le répertoire de travail (Errcode: %d - %s)Ne peut verrouiller le fichier (Errcode: %d - %s)Ne peut ouvrir le fichier: '%-.200s' (Errcode: %d - %s)Ne peut trouver le fichier: '%-.200s' (Errcode: %d - %s)Ne peut lire le répertoire de '%-.192s' (Errcode: %d - %s)Ne peut changer le répertoire pour '%-.192s' (Errcode: %d - %s)Enregistrement modifié depuis sa dernière lecture dans la table '%-.192s'Disque plein (%s). J'attend que quelqu'un libère de l'espace... (Errcode: %d - %s)Ecriture impossible, doublon dans une clé de la table '%-.192s'Erreur a la fermeture de '%-.192s' (Errcode: %d - %s)Erreur en lecture du fichier '%-.200s' (Errcode: %d - %s)Erreur en renommant '%-.210s' en '%-.210s' (Errcode: %d - %s)Erreur d'écriture du fichier '%-.200s' (Errcode: %d - %s)'%-.192s' est verrouillé contre les modificationsTri alphabétique abandonnéLa vue (View) '%-.192s' n'existe pas pour '%-.192s'Reçu l'erreur %d du handler de la tableLe handler de la table '%-.192s' n'a pas cette optionNe peut trouver l'enregistrement dans '%-.192s'Information erronnée dans le fichier: '%-.200s'Index corrompu dans la table: '%-.200s'; essayez de le réparerVieux fichier d'index pour la table '%-.192s'; réparez le!'%-.192s' est en lecture seulementManque de mémoire. Redémarrez le démon et ré-essayez (%d octets nécessaires)Manque de mémoire pour le tri. Augmentez-la.Fin de fichier inattendue en lisant '%-.192s' (Errcode: %d - %s)Trop de connexionsManque de 'threads'/mémoireNe peut obtenir de hostname pour votre adresseMauvais 'handshake'Accès refusé pour l'utilisateur: '%-.48s'@'@%-.64s'. Base '%-.192s'Accès refusé pour l'utilisateur: '%-.48s'@'@%-.64s' (mot de passe: %s)Aucune base n'a été sélectionnéeCommande inconnueLe champ '%-.192s' ne peut être vide (null)Base '%-.192s' inconnueLa table '%-.192s' existe déjàTable '%-.100s' inconnueChamp: '%-.192s' dans %-.192s est ambiguArrêt du serveur en coursChamp '%-.192s' inconnu dans %-.192s'%-.192s' n'est pas dans 'group by'Ne peut regrouper '%-.192s'Vous demandez la fonction sum() et des champs dans la même commandeColumn count doesn't match value countLe nom de l'identificateur '%-.100s' est trop longNom du champ '%-.192s' déjà utiliséNom de clef '%-.192s' déjà utiliséDuplicata du champ '%-.192s' pour la clef %dMauvais paramètre de champ pour le champ '%-.192s'%s près de '%-.80s' à la ligne %dQuery est videTable/alias: '%-.192s' non uniqueValeur par défaut invalide pour '%-.192s'Plusieurs clefs primaires définiesTrop de clefs sont définies. Maximum de %d clefs allouéTrop de parties specifiées dans la clef. Maximum de %d partiesLa clé est trop longue. Longueur maximale: %dLa clé '%-.192s' n'existe pas dans la tableChamp BLOB '%-.192s' ne peut être utilisé dans une cléChamp '%-.192s' trop long (max = %lu). Utilisez un BLOBUn seul champ automatique est permis et il doit être indexé%s: Prêt pour des connexions Version: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d"%s: Arrêt normal du serveur %s: Reçu le signal %d. Abandonne! %s: Arrêt du serveur terminé %s: Arrêt forcé de la tâche (thread) %ld utilisateur: '%-.48s' Ne peut créer la connexion IP (socket)La table '%-.192s' n'a pas d'index comme celle utilisée dans CREATE INDEX. Recréez la tableSéparateur de champs inconnu. Vérifiez dans le manuelVous ne pouvez utiliser des lignes de longueur fixe avec des BLOBs. Utiliser 'fields terminated by'.Le fichier '%-.128s' doit être dans le répertoire de la base et lisible par tousLe fichier '%-.200s' existe déjàEnregistrements: %ld Effacés: %ld Non traités: %ld Avertissements: %ldEnregistrements: %ld Doublons: %ldMauvaise sous-clef. Ce n'est pas un 'string' ou la longueur dépasse celle définie dans la clefVous ne pouvez effacer tous les champs avec ALTER TABLE. Utilisez DROP TABLENe peut effacer (DROP) '%-.192s'. Vérifiez s'il existeEnregistrements: %ld Doublons: %ld Avertissements: %ldYou can't specify target table '%-.192s' for update in FROM clauseNuméro de tâche inconnu: %luVous n'êtes pas propriétaire de la tâche no: %luAucune table utiliséeTrop de chaînes dans la colonne %-.192s avec SETNe peut générer un unique nom de journal %-.200s.(1-999) Table '%-.192s' verrouillée lecture (READ): modification impossibleTable '%-.192s' non verrouillée: utilisez LOCK TABLESBLOB '%-.192s' ne peut avoir de valeur par défautNom de base de donnée illégal: '%-.100s'Nom de table illégal: '%-.100s'SELECT va devoir examiner beaucoup d'enregistrements ce qui va prendre du temps. Vérifiez la clause WHERE et utilisez SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 si SELECT se passe bienErreur inconnueProcédure %-.192s inconnueMauvais nombre de paramètres pour la procedure %-.192sParamètre erroné pour la procedure %-.192sTable inconnue '%-.192s' dans %-.32sChamp '%-.192s' spécifié deux foisUtilisation invalide de la clause GROUPTable '%-.192s' : utilise une extension invalide pour cette version de MySQLUne table doit comporter au moins une colonneLa table '%-.192s' est pleineJeu de caractères inconnu: '%-.64s'Trop de tables. MySQL ne peut utiliser que %d tables dans un JOINTrop de champsLigne trop grande. Le taille maximale d'une ligne, sauf les BLOBs, est %ld. Changez le type de quelques colonnes en BLOBDébordement de la pile des tâches (Thread stack). Utilisées: %ld pour une pile de %ld. Essayez 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' pour indiquer une plus grande valeurDépendance croisée dans une clause OUTER JOIN. Vérifiez la condition ONTable handler doesn't support NULL in given index. Please change column '%-.192s' to be NOT NULL or use another handlerImposible de charger la fonction '%-.192s'Impossible d'initialiser la fonction '%-.192s'; %-.80sChemin interdit pour les bibliothèques partagéesLa fonction '%-.192s' existe déjàImpossible d'ouvrir la bibliothèque partagée '%-.192s' (errno: %d %-.128s)Impossible de trouver la fonction '%-.128s' dans la bibliothèqueLa fonction '%-.192s' n'est pas définieL'hôte '%-.64s' est bloqué à cause d'un trop grand nombre d'erreur de connexion. Débloquer le par 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'Le hôte '%-.64s' n'est pas authorisé à se connecter à ce serveur MySQLVous utilisez un utilisateur anonyme et les utilisateurs anonymes ne sont pas autorisés à changer les mots de passeVous devez avoir le privilège update sur les tables de la base de donnée mysql pour pouvoir changer les mots de passe des autresImpossible de trouver un enregistrement correspondant dans la table userEnregistrements correspondants: %ld Modifiés: %ld Warnings: %ldImpossible de créer une nouvelle tâche (errno %d). S'il reste de la mémoire libre, consultez le manual pour trouver un éventuel bug dépendant de l'OSColumn count doesn't match value count at row %ldImpossible de réouvrir la table: '%-.192sUtilisation incorrecte de la valeur NULLErreur '%-.64s' provenant de regexpMélanger les colonnes GROUP (MIN(),MAX(),COUNT()...) avec des colonnes normales est interdit s'il n'y a pas de clause GROUP BYUn tel droit n'est pas défini pour l'utilisateur '%-.48s' sur l'hôte '%-.64s'La commande '%-.128s' est interdite à l'utilisateur: '%-.48s'@'@%-.64s' sur la table '%-.64s'La commande '%-.16s' est interdite à l'utilisateur: '%-.48s'@'@%-.64s' sur la colonne '%-.192s' de la table '%-.192s'Commande GRANT/REVOKE incorrecte. Consultez le manuel.L'hôte ou l'utilisateur donné en argument à GRANT est trop longLa table '%-.192s.%-.192s' n'existe pasUn tel droit n'est pas défini pour l'utilisateur '%-.48s' sur l'hôte '%-.64s' sur la table '%-.192s'Cette commande n'existe pas dans cette version de MySQLErreur de syntaxeDelayed insert thread couldn't get requested lock for table %-.192sToo many delayed threads in useConnection %ld avortée vers la bd: '%-.192s' utilisateur: '%-.48s' (%-.64s)Paquet plus grand que 'max_allowed_packet' reçuErreur de lecture reçue du pipe de connexionErreur reçue de fcntl() Paquets reçus dans le désordreImpossible de décompresser le paquet reçuErreur de lecture des paquets reçusTimeout en lecture des paquets reçusErreur d'écriture des paquets envoyésTimeout d'écriture des paquets envoyésLa chaîne résultat est plus grande que 'max_allowed_packet'Ce type de table ne supporte pas les colonnes BLOB/TEXTCe type de table ne supporte pas les colonnes AUTO_INCREMENTINSERT DELAYED can't be used with table '%-.192s' because it is locked with LOCK TABLESNom de colonne '%-.100s' incorrectLe handler de la table ne peut indexé la colonne '%-.192s'Toutes les tables de la table de type MERGE n'ont pas la même définitionÉcriture impossible à cause d'un index UNIQUE sur la table '%-.192s'La colonne '%-.192s' de type BLOB est utilisée dans une définition d'index sans longueur d'indexToutes les parties d'un index PRIMARY KEY doivent être NOT NULL; Si vous avez besoin d'un NULL dans l'index, utilisez un index UNIQUELe résultat contient plus d'un enregistrementCe type de table nécessite une clé primaire (PRIMARY KEY)Cette version de MySQL n'est pas compilée avec le support RAIDVous êtes en mode 'safe update' et vous essayez de faire un UPDATE sans clause WHERE utilisant un indexL'index '%-.192s' n'existe pas sur la table '%-.192s'Impossible d'ouvrir la tableCe type de table ne supporte pas les %sVous n'êtes pas autorisé à exécute cette commande dans une transactionErreur %d lors du COMMITErreur %d lors du ROLLBACKErreur %d lors du FLUSH_LOGSErreur %d lors du CHECKPOINTConnection %u avortée vers la bd: '%-.192s' utilisateur: '%-.48s' hôte: '%-.64s' (%-.64s)Ce type de table ne supporte pas les copies binairesBinlog closed, cannot RESET MASTERLa reconstruction de l'index de la table copiée '%-.192s' a échouéErreur reçue du maître: '%-.64s'Erreur de lecture réseau reçue du maîtreErreur d'écriture réseau reçue du maîtreImpossible de trouver un index FULLTEXT correspondant à cette liste de colonnesImpossible d'exécuter la commande car vous avez des tables verrouillées ou une transaction activeVariable système '%-.64s' inconnueLa table '%-.192s' est marquée 'crashed' et devrait être réparéeLa table '%-.192s' est marquée 'crashed' et le dernier 'repair' a échouéAttention: certaines tables ne supportant pas les transactions ont été changées et elles ne pourront pas être restituéesCette transaction à commandes multiples nécessite plus de 'max_binlog_cache_size' octets de stockage, augmentez cette variable de mysqld et réessayezCette opération ne peut être réalisée avec un esclave actif, faites STOP SLAVE d'abordCette opération nécessite un esclave actif, configurez les esclaves et faites START SLAVELe server n'est pas configuré comme un esclave, changez le fichier de configuration ou utilisez CHANGE MASTER TOImpossible d'initialiser les structures d'information de maître, vous trouverez des messages d'erreur supplémentaires dans le journal des erreurs de MySQLImpossible de créer une tâche esclave, vérifiez les ressources systèmeL'utilisateur %-.64s possède déjà plus de 'max_user_connections' connexions activesSeules les expressions constantes sont autorisées avec SETTimeout sur l'obtention du verrouLe nombre total de verrou dépasse la taille de la table des verrousUn verrou en update ne peut être acquit pendant une transaction READ UNCOMMITTEDDROP DATABASE n'est pas autorisée pendant qu'une tâche possède un verrou global en lectureCREATE DATABASE n'est pas autorisée pendant qu'une tâche possède un verrou global en lectureMauvais arguments à %s'%-.48s'@'%-.64s' n'est pas autorisé à créer de nouveaux utilisateursDéfinition de table incorrecte; toutes les tables MERGE doivent être dans la même base de donnéeDeadlock découvert en essayant d'obtenir les verrous : essayez de redémarrer la transactionLe type de table utilisé ne supporte pas les index FULLTEXTImpossible d'ajouter des contraintes d'index externeImpossible d'ajouter un enregistrement fils : une constrainte externe l'empècheImpossible de supprimer un enregistrement père : une constrainte externe l'empècheError connecting to master: %-.128sError running query on master: %-.128sError when executing command %s: %-.128sIncorrect usage of %s and %sThe used SELECT statements have a different number of columnsCan't execute the query because you have a conflicting read lockMixing of transactional and non-transactional tables is disabledOption '%s' used twice in statementUser '%-.64s' has exceeded the '%s' resource (current value: %ld)Access denied; you need (at least one of) the %-.128s privilege(s) for this operationVariable '%-.64s' is a SESSION variable and can't be used with SET GLOBALVariable '%-.64s' is a GLOBAL variable and should be set with SET GLOBALVariable '%-.64s' doesn't have a default valueVariable '%-.64s' can't be set to the value of '%-.200s'Incorrect argument type to variable '%-.64s'Variable '%-.64s' can only be set, not readIncorrect usage/placement of '%s'This version of MySQL doesn't yet support '%s'Got fatal error %d from master when reading data from binary log: '%-.320s'Slave SQL thread ignored the query because of replicate-*-table rulesVariable '%-.192s' is a %s variableIncorrect foreign key definition for '%-.192s': %sKey reference and table reference don't matchOperand should contain %d column(s)Subquery returns more than 1 rowUnknown prepared statement handler (%.*s) given to %sHelp database is corrupt or does not existCyclic reference on subqueriesConverting column '%s' from %s to %sReference '%-.64s' not supported (%s)Every derived table must have its own aliasSelect %u was reduced during optimizationTable '%-.192s' from one of the SELECTs cannot be used in %-.32sClient does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL clientAll parts of a SPATIAL index must be NOT NULLCOLLATION '%s' is not valid for CHARACTER SET '%s'Slave is already runningSlave already has been stoppedUncompressed data size too large; the maximum size is %d (probably, length of uncompressed data was corrupted)ZLIB: Not enough memoryZLIB: Not enough room in the output buffer (probably, length of uncompressed data was corrupted)ZLIB: Input data corruptedRow %u was cut by GROUP_CONCAT()Row %ld doesn't contain data for all columnsRow %ld was truncated; it contained more data than there were input columnsColumn set to default value; NULL supplied to NOT NULL column '%s' at row %ldOut of range value for column '%s' at row %ldData truncated for column '%s' at row %ldUsing storage engine %s for table '%s'Illegal mix of collations (%s,%s) and (%s,%s) for operation '%s'Cannot drop one or more of the requested usersCan't revoke all privileges for one or more of the requested usersIllegal mix of collations (%s,%s), (%s,%s), (%s,%s) for operation '%s'Illegal mix of collations for operation '%s'Variable '%-.64s' is not a variable component (can't be used as XXXX.variable_name)Unknown collation: '%-.64s'SSL parameters in CHANGE MASTER are ignored because this MySQL slave was compiled without SSL support; they can be used later if MySQL slave with SSL is startedServer is running in --secure-auth mode, but '%s'@'%s' has a password in the old format; please change the password to the new formatField or reference '%-.192s%s%-.192s%s%-.192s' of SELECT #%d was resolved in SELECT #%dIncorrect parameter or combination of parameters for START SLAVE UNTILIt is recommended to use --skip-slave-start when doing step-by-step replication with START SLAVE UNTIL; otherwise, you will get problems if you get an unexpected slave's mysqld restartSQL thread is not to be started so UNTIL options are ignoredIncorrect index name '%-.100s'Incorrect catalog name '%-.100s'Query cache failed to set size %lu; new query cache size is %luColumn '%-.192s' cannot be part of FULLTEXT indexUnknown key cache '%-.100s'MySQL is started in --skip-name-resolve mode; you must restart it without this switch for this grant to workUnknown storage engine '%s''%s' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use %s insteadThe target table %-.100s of the %s is not updatableThe '%s' feature is disabled; you need MySQL built with '%s' to have it workingThe MySQL server is running with the %s option so it cannot execute this statementColumn '%-.100s' has duplicated value '%-.64s' in %sTruncated incorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s'Incorrect table definition; there can be only one TIMESTAMP column with CURRENT_TIMESTAMP in DEFAULT or ON UPDATE clauseInvalid ON UPDATE clause for '%-.192s' columnThis command is not supported in the prepared statement protocol yetGot error %d '%-.100s' from %sGot temporary error %d '%-.100s' from %sUnknown or incorrect time zone: '%-.64s'Invalid TIMESTAMP value in column '%s' at row %ldInvalid %s character string: '%.64s'Result of %s() was larger than max_allowed_packet (%ld) - truncatedConflicting declarations: '%s%s' and '%s%s'Can't create a %s from within another stored routine%s %s already exists%s %s does not existFailed to DROP %s %sFailed to CREATE %s %s%s with no matching label: %sRedefining label %sEnd-label %s without matchReferring to uninitialized variable %sPROCEDURE %s can't return a result set in the given contextRETURN is only allowed in a FUNCTION%s is not allowed in stored proceduresThe update log is deprecated and replaced by the binary log; SET SQL_LOG_UPDATE has been ignored.The update log is deprecated and replaced by the binary log; SET SQL_LOG_UPDATE has been translated to SET SQL_LOG_BIN.Query execution was interruptedIncorrect number of arguments for %s %s; expected %u, got %uUndefined CONDITION: %sNo RETURN found in FUNCTION %sFUNCTION %s ended without RETURNCursor statement must be a SELECTCursor SELECT must not have INTOUndefined CURSOR: %sCursor is already openCursor is not openUndeclared variable: %sIncorrect number of FETCH variablesNo data - zero rows fetched, selected, or processedDuplicate parameter: %sDuplicate variable: %sDuplicate condition: %sDuplicate cursor: %sFailed to ALTER %s %sSubquery value not supported%s is not allowed in stored function or triggerVariable or condition declaration after cursor or handler declarationCursor declaration after handler declarationCase not found for CASE statementConfiguration file '%-.192s' is too bigMalformed file type header in file '%-.192s'Unexpected end of file while parsing comment '%-.200s'Error while parsing parameter '%-.192s' (line: '%-.192s')Unexpected end of file while skipping unknown parameter '%-.192s'EXPLAIN/SHOW can not be issued; lacking privileges for underlying tableFile '%-.192s' has unknown type '%-.64s' in its header'%-.192s.%-.192s' is not %sColumn '%-.192s' is not updatableView's SELECT contains a subquery in the FROM clauseView's SELECT contains a '%s' clauseView's SELECT contains a variable or parameterView's SELECT refers to a temporary table '%-.192s'View's SELECT and view's field list have different column countsView merge algorithm can't be used here for now (assumed undefined algorithm)View being updated does not have complete key of underlying table in itView '%-.192s.%-.192s' references invalid table(s) or column(s) or function(s) or definer/invoker of view lack rights to use themCan't drop or alter a %s from within another stored routineGOTO is not allowed in a stored procedure handlerTrigger already existsTrigger does not existTrigger's '%-.192s' is view or temporary tableUpdating of %s row is not allowed in %striggerThere is no %s row in %s triggerField '%-.192s' doesn't have a default valueDivision by 0Incorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s' for column '%.192s' at row %ldIllegal %s '%-.192s' value found during parsingCHECK OPTION on non-updatable view '%-.192s.%-.192s'CHECK OPTION failed '%-.192s.%-.192s'%-.16s command denied to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' for routine '%-.192s'Failed purging old relay logs: %sPassword hash should be a %d-digit hexadecimal numberTarget log not found in binlog indexI/O error reading log index fileServer configuration does not permit binlog purgeFailed on fseek()Fatal error during log purgeA purgeable log is in use, will not purgeUnknown error during log purgeFailed initializing relay log position: %sYou are not using binary loggingThe '%-.64s' syntax is reserved for purposes internal to the MySQL serverWSAStartup FailedCan't handle procedures with different groups yetSelect must have a group with this procedureCan't use ORDER clause with this procedureBinary logging and replication forbid changing the global server %sCan't map file: %-.200s, errno: %dWrong magic in %-.64sPrepared statement contains too many placeholdersKey part '%-.192s' length cannot be 0View text checksum failedCan not modify more than one base table through a join view '%-.192s.%-.192s'Can not insert into join view '%-.192s.%-.192s' without fields listCan not delete from join view '%-.192s.%-.192s'Operation %s failed for %.256sXAER_NOTA: Unknown XIDXAER_INVAL: Invalid arguments (or unsupported command)XAER_RMFAIL: The command cannot be executed when global transaction is in the %.64s stateXAER_OUTSIDE: Some work is done outside global transactionXAER_RMERR: Fatal error occurred in the transaction branch - check your data for consistencyXA_RBROLLBACK: Transaction branch was rolled backThere is no such grant defined for user '%-.48s' on host '%-.64s' on routine '%-.192s'Failed to grant EXECUTE and ALTER ROUTINE privilegesFailed to revoke all privileges to dropped routineData too long for column '%s' at row %ldBad SQLSTATE: '%s'%s: ready for connections. Version: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d %sCan't load value from file with fixed size rows to variableYou are not allowed to create a user with GRANTIncorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s' for function %-.32sTable definition has changed, please retry transactionDuplicate handler declared in the same blockOUT or INOUT argument %d for routine %s is not a variable or NEW pseudo-variable in BEFORE triggerNot allowed to return a result set from a %sCannot get geometry object from data you send to the GEOMETRY fieldA routine failed and has neither NO SQL nor READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled; if non-transactional tables were updated, the binary log will miss their changesThis function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)You do not have the SUPER privilege and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)You can't execute a prepared statement which has an open cursor associated with it. Reset the statement to re-execute it.The statement (%lu) has no open cursor.Explicit or implicit commit is not allowed in stored function or trigger.Field of view '%-.192s.%-.192s' underlying table doesn't have a default valueRecursive stored functions and triggers are not allowed.Too big scale %d specified for column '%-.192s'. Maximum is %lu.Too-big precision %d specified for '%-.192s'. Maximum is %lu.For float(M,D), double(M,D) or decimal(M,D), M must be >= D (column '%-.192s').You can't combine write-locking of system tables with other tables or lock typesUnable to connect to foreign data source: %.64sThere was a problem processing the query on the foreign data source. Data source error: %-.64sThe foreign data source you are trying to reference does not exist. Data source error: %-.64sCan't create federated table. The data source connection string '%-.64s' is not in the correct formatThe data source connection string '%-.64s' is not in the correct formatCan't create federated table. Foreign data src error: %-.64sTrigger in wrong schemaThread stack overrun: %ld bytes used of a %ld byte stack, and %ld bytes needed. Use 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' to specify a bigger stack.Routine body for '%-.100s' is too longCannot drop default keycacheDisplay width out of range for column '%-.192s' (max = %lu)XAER_DUPID: The XID already existsDatetime function: %-.32s field overflowCan't update table '%-.192s' in stored function/trigger because it is already used by statement which invoked this stored function/trigger.The definition of table '%-.192s' prevents operation %.192s on table '%-.192s'.The prepared statement contains a stored routine call that refers to that same statement. It's not allowed to execute a prepared statement in such a recursive mannerNot allowed to set autocommit from a stored function or triggerDefiner is not fully qualifiedView '%-.192s'.'%-.192s' has no definer information (old table format). Current user is used as definer. Please recreate the view!You need the SUPER privilege for creation view with '%-.192s'@'%-.192s' definerThe user specified as a definer ('%-.64s'@'%-.64s') does not existChanging schema from '%-.192s' to '%-.192s' is not allowed.Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (%.192s)Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (%.192s)Variable '%-.64s' must be quoted with `...`, or renamedNo definer attribute for trigger '%-.192s'.'%-.192s'. The trigger will be activated under the authorization of the invoker, which may have insufficient privileges. Please recreate the trigger.'%-.192s' has an old format, you should re-create the '%s' object(s)Recursive limit %d (as set by the max_sp_recursion_depth variable) was exceeded for routine %.192sFailed to load routine %-.192s. The table mysql.proc is missing, corrupt, or contains bad data (internal code %d)Incorrect routine name '%-.192s'Table upgrade required. Please do "REPAIR TABLE `%-.64s`" or dump/reload to fix it!AGGREGATE is not supported for stored functionsCan't create more than max_prepared_stmt_count statements (current value: %lu)`%-.192s`.`%-.192s` contains view recursionNon-grouping field '%-.192s' is used in %-.64s clauseThe used table type doesn't support SPATIAL indexesTriggers can not be created on system tablesLeading spaces are removed from name '%s'Failed to read auto-increment value from storage engineuser namehost nameString '%-.70s' is too long for %s (should be no longer than %d)The target table %-.100s of the %s is not insertable-intoTable '%-.64s' is differently defined or of non-MyISAM type or doesn't existToo high level of nesting for selectName '%-.64s' has become ''First character of the FIELDS TERMINATED string is ambiguous; please use non-optional and non-empty FIELDS ENCLOSED BYThe foreign server, %s, you are trying to create already exists.The foreign server name you are trying to reference does not exist. Data source error: %-.64sTable storage engine '%-.64s' does not support the create option '%.64s'Syntax error: %-.64s PARTITIONING requires definition of VALUES %-.64s for each partitionOnly %-.64s PARTITIONING can use VALUES %-.64s in partition definitionMAXVALUE can only be used in last partition definitionSubpartitions can only be hash partitions and by keyMust define subpartitions on all partitions if on one partitionWrong number of partitions defined, mismatch with previous settingWrong number of subpartitions defined, mismatch with previous settingConstant, random or timezone-dependent expressions in (sub)partitioning function are not allowedExpression in RANGE/LIST VALUES must be constantField in list of fields for partition function not found in tableList of fields is only allowed in KEY partitionsThe partition info in the frm file is not consistent with what can be written into the frm fileThe %-.192s function returns the wrong typeFor %-.64s partitions each partition must be definedVALUES LESS THAN value must be strictly increasing for each partitionVALUES value must be of same type as partition functionMultiple definition of same constant in list partitioningPartitioning can not be used stand-alone in queryThe mix of handlers in the partitions is not allowed in this version of MySQLFor the partitioned engine it is necessary to define all %-.64sToo many partitions (including subpartitions) were definedIt is only possible to mix RANGE/LIST partitioning with HASH/KEY partitioning for subpartitioningFailed to create specific handler fileA BLOB field is not allowed in partition functionA %-.192s must include all columns in the table's partitioning functionNumber of %-.64s = 0 is not an allowed valuePartition management on a not partitioned table is not possibleForeign keys are not yet supported in conjunction with partitioningError in list of partitions to %-.64sCannot remove all partitions, use DROP TABLE insteadCOALESCE PARTITION can only be used on HASH/KEY partitionsREORGANIZE PARTITION can only be used to reorganize partitions not to change their numbersREORGANIZE PARTITION without parameters can only be used on auto-partitioned tables using HASH PARTITIONs%-.64s PARTITION can only be used on RANGE/LIST partitionsTrying to Add partition(s) with wrong number of subpartitionsAt least one partition must be addedAt least one partition must be coalescedMore partitions to reorganize than there are partitionsDuplicate partition name %-.192sIt is not allowed to shut off binlog on this commandWhen reorganizing a set of partitions they must be in consecutive orderReorganize of range partitions cannot change total ranges except for last partition where it can extend the rangePartition function not supported in this version for this handlerPartition state cannot be defined from CREATE/ALTER TABLEThe %-.64s handler only supports 32 bit integers in VALUESPlugin '%-.192s' is not loadedIncorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s'Table has no partition for value %-.64sIt is not allowed to specify %s more than onceFailed to create %sFailed to drop %sThe handler doesn't support autoextend of tablespacesA size parameter was incorrectly specified, either number or on the form 10MThe size number was correct but we don't allow the digit part to be more than 2 billionFailed to alter: %sWriting one row to the row-based binary log failedTable definition on master and slave does not match: %sSlave running with --log-slave-updates must use row-based binary logging to be able to replicate row-based binary log eventsEvent '%-.192s' already existsFailed to store event %s. Error code %d from storage engine.Unknown event '%-.192s'Failed to alter event '%-.192s'Failed to drop %sINTERVAL is either not positive or too bigENDS is either invalid or before STARTSEvent execution time is in the past. Event has been disabledFailed to open mysql.eventNo datetime expression providedColumn count of mysql.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. The table is probably corruptedCannot load from mysql.%s. The table is probably corruptedFailed to delete the event from mysql.eventError during compilation of event's bodySame old and new event nameData for column '%s' too longCannot drop index '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraintThe syntax '%s' is deprecated and will be removed in MySQL %s. Please use %s insteadYou can't write-lock a log table. Only read access is possibleYou can't use locks with log tables.Upholding foreign key constraints for table '%.192s', entry '%-.192s', key %d would lead to a duplicate entryColumn count of mysql.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. Created with MySQL %d, now running %d. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error.Cannot switch out of the row-based binary log format when the session has open temporary tablesCannot change the binary logging format inside a stored function or triggerThe NDB cluster engine does not support changing the binlog format on the fly yetCannot create temporary table with partitionsPartition constant is out of partition function domainThis partition function is not allowedError in DDL logNot allowed to use NULL value in VALUES LESS THANIncorrect partition nameTransaction characteristics can't be changed while a transaction is in progressALTER TABLE causes auto_increment resequencing, resulting in duplicate entry '%-.192s' for key '%-.192s'Internal scheduler error %dError during starting/stopping of the scheduler. Error code %uEngine cannot be used in partitioned tablesCannot activate '%-.64s' logThe server was not built with row-based replicationDecoding of base64 string failedRecursion of EVENT DDL statements is forbidden when body is presentCannot proceed because system tables used by Event Scheduler were found damaged at server startOnly integers allowed as number hereThis storage engine cannot be used for log tables"You cannot '%s' a log table if logging is enabledCannot rename '%s'. When logging enabled, rename to/from log table must rename two tables: the log table to an archive table and another table back to '%s'Incorrect parameter count in the call to native function '%-.192s'Incorrect parameters in the call to native function '%-.192s'Incorrect parameters in the call to stored function %-.192sThis function '%-.192s' has the same name as a native functionDuplicata du champ '%-.64s' pour la clef '%-.192s'Too many files opened, please execute the command againEvent execution time is in the past and ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE is set. The event was dropped immediately after creation.Event execution time is in the past and ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE is set. The event was not changed. Specify a time in the future.The incident %s occured on the master. Message: %sTable has no partition for some existing valuesUnsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. %sFatal error: %sRelay log read failure: %sRelay log write failure: %sFailed to create %sMaster command %s failed: %sBinary logging not possible. Message: %sView `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` has no creation contextCreation context of view `%-.64s`.`%-.64s' is invalidCreation context of stored routine `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCorrupted TRG file for table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s`Triggers for table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` have no creation contextTrigger creation context of table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCreation context of event `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCannot open table for trigger `%-.64s`.`%-.64s`Cannot create stored routine `%-.64s`. Check warningsAmbiguous slave modes combination. %sThe BINLOG statement of type `%s` was not preceded by a format description BINLOG statement.Corrupted replication event was detectedInvalid column reference (%-.64s) in LOAD DATABeing purged log %s was not foundXA_RBTIMEOUT: Transaction branch was rolled back: took too longXA_RBDEADLOCK: Transaction branch was rolled back: deadlock was detectedPrepared statement needs to be re-preparedDELAYED option not supported for table '%-.192s'The master info structure does not exist<%-.64s> option ignoredBuilt-in plugins cannot be deletedPlugin is busy and will be uninstalled on shutdown%s variable '%s' is read-only. Use SET %s to assign the valueStorage engine %s does not support rollback for this statement. Transaction rolled back and must be restartedUnexpected master's heartbeat data: %sThe requested value for the heartbeat period is either negative or exceeds the maximum allowed (%s seconds).Bad schema for mysql.ndb_replication table. Message: %-.64sError in parsing conflict function. Message: %-.64sWrite to exceptions table failed. Message: %-.128s"Comment for table '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Comment for field '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)FUNCTION %s does not exist. Check the 'Function Name Parsing and Resolution' section in the Reference ManualDatabaseTablePartitionSubpartitionTemporaryRenamedToo many active concurrent transactionsNon-ASCII separator arguments are not fully supporteddebug sync point wait timed outdebug sync point hit limit reachedDuplicate condition information item '%s'Unhandled user-defined warning conditionUnhandled user-defined not found conditionUnhandled user-defined exception conditionRESIGNAL when handler not activeSIGNAL/RESIGNAL can only use a CONDITION defined with SQLSTATEData truncated for condition item '%s'Data too long for condition item '%s'Unknown locale: '%-.64s'The requested server id %d clashes with the slave startup option --replicate-same-server-idQuery cache is disabled; restart the server with query_cache_type=1 to enable itDuplicate partition field name '%-.192s'Inconsistency in usage of column lists for partitioningPartition column values of incorrect typeToo many fields in '%-.192s'Cannot use MAXVALUE as value in VALUES INCannot have more than one value for this type of %-.64s partitioningRow expressions in VALUES IN only allowed for multi-field column partitioningField '%-.192s' is of a not allowed type for this type of partitioningThe total length of the partitioning fields is too largeCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since both row-incapable engines and statement-incapable engines are involved.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = ROW and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to statement-based logging.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. %sCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is in row format and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to statement-based logging.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to row-based logging.%sCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is in row format and BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since more than one engine is involved and at least one engine is self-logging.The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted.The statement is unsafe because it uses INSERT DELAYED. This is unsafe because the times when rows are inserted cannot be predicted.The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves.Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly.Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it accesses a non-transactional table after accessing a transactional table within the same transaction.%s Statement: %sColumn %d of table '%-.192s.%-.192s' cannot be converted from type '%-.32s' to type '%-.32s'Can't create conversion table for table '%-.192s.%-.192s'Cannot modify @@session.binlog_format inside a transactionThe path specified for %.64s is too long.'%s' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.Native table '%-.64s'.'%-.64s' has the wrong structureInvalid performance_schema usage.Table '%s'.'%s' was skipped since its definition is being modified by concurrent DDL statementCannot modify @@session.binlog_direct_non_transactional_updates inside a transactionCannot change the binlog direct flag inside a stored function or triggerA SPATIAL index may only contain a geometrical type columnComment for index '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Wait on a lock was aborted due to a pending exclusive lock%s value is out of range in '%s'A variable of a non-integer based type in LIMIT clauseMixing self-logging and non-self-logging engines in a statement is unsafe.Statement accesses nontransactional table as well as transactional or temporary table, and writes to any of them.Cannot modify @@session.sql_log_bin inside a transactionCannot change the sql_log_bin inside a stored function or triggerFailed to read from the .par fileVALUES value for partition '%-.64s' must have type INTAccès refusé pour l'utilisateur: '%-.48s'@'@%-.64s'SET PASSWORD has no significance for users authenticating via pluginsGRANT with IDENTIFIED WITH is illegal because the user %-.*s already existsCannot truncate a table referenced in a foreign key constraint (%.192s)Plugin '%s' is force_plus_permanent and can not be unloadedThe requested value for the heartbeat period is less than 1 millisecond. The value is reset to 0, meaning that heartbeating will effectively be disabled.The requested value for the heartbeat period exceeds the value of `slave_net_timeout' seconds. A sensible value for the period should be less than the timeout.Multi-row statements required more than 'max_binlog_stmt_cache_size' bytes of storage; increase this mysqld variable and try againPrimary key/partition key update is not allowed since the table is updated both as '%-.192s' and '%-.192s'.Table rebuild required. Please do "ALTER TABLE `%-.64s` FORCE" or dump/reload to fix it!The value of '%s' should be no less than the value of '%s'Index column size too large. The maximum column size is %lu bytes.Trigger '%-.64s' has an error in its body: '%-.256s'Unknown trigger has an error in its body: '%-.256s'Index %s is corruptedUndo log record is too big.INSERT IGNORE... SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.INSERT... SELECT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are updated. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.REPLACE... SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are replaced. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE... IGNORE SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE... REPLACE SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are replaced. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.UPDATE IGNORE is unsafe because the order in which rows are updated determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.Plugin '%s' is marked as not dynamically uninstallable. You have to stop the server to uninstall it.Plugin '%s' is marked as not dynamically installable. You have to stop the server to install it.Statements writing to a table with an auto-increment column after selecting from another table are unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved determines what (if any) rows will be written. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE TABLE... SELECT... on a table with an auto-increment column is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are inserted. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.INSERT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE on a table with more than one UNIQUE KEY is unsafeTable is being used in foreign key check.Storage engine '%s' does not support system tables. [%s.%s]INSERT into autoincrement field which is not the first part in the composed primary key is unsafe.Cannot load from %s.%s. The table is probably corruptedThe requested value %s for the master delay exceeds the maximum %uOnly Format_description_log_event and row events are allowed in BINLOG statements (but %s was provided)Non matching attribute '%-.64s' between partition and tableTable to exchange with partition is partitioned: '%-.64s'Table to exchange with partition is temporary: '%-.64s'Subpartitioned table, use subpartition instead of partitionUnknown partition '%-.64s' in table '%-.64s'Tables have different definitionsFound a row that does not match the partitionOption binlog_cache_size (%lu) is greater than max_binlog_cache_size (%lu); setting binlog_cache_size equal to max_binlog_cache_size.Cannot use %-.64s access on index '%-.64s' due to type or collation conversion on field '%-.64s'Table to exchange with partition has foreign key references: '%-.64s'Key value '%-.192s' was not found in table '%-.192s.%-.192s'Data for column '%s' too longReplication event checksum verification failed while reading from network.Replication event checksum verification failed while reading from a log file.Option binlog_stmt_cache_size (%lu) is greater than max_binlog_stmt_cache_size (%lu); setting binlog_stmt_cache_size equal to max_binlog_stmt_cache_size.Can't update table '%-.192s' while '%-.192s' is being created.PARTITION () clause on non partitioned tableFound a row not matching the given partition setLa partition '%-.64s' n'existe pasFailure while changing the type of replication repository: %s.The creation of some temporary tables could not be rolled back.Some temporary tables were dropped, but these operations could not be rolled back.%s is not supported in multi-threaded slave mode. %sThe number of modified databases exceeds the maximum %d; the database names will not be included in the replication event metadata.Cannot execute the current event group in the parallel mode. Encountered event %s, relay-log name %s, position %s which prevents execution of this event group in parallel mode. Reason: %s.%sFULLTEXT index is not supported for partitioned tables.Invalid condition numberSending passwords in plain text without SSL/TLS is extremely insecure.Storing MySQL user name or password information in the master info repository is not secure and is therefore not recommended. Please consider using the USER and PASSWORD connection options for START SLAVE; see the 'START SLAVE Syntax' in the MySQL Manual for more information.Foreign key constraint for table '%.192s', record '%-.192s' would lead to a duplicate entry in table '%.192s', key '%.192s'Foreign key constraint for table '%.192s', record '%-.192s' would lead to a duplicate entry in a child tableSetting authentication options is not possible when only the Slave SQL Thread is being started.The table does not have FULLTEXT index to support this queryThe system variable %.200s cannot be set in stored functions or triggers.The system variable %.200s cannot be set when there is an ongoing transaction.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT has the value %.200s, which is not listed in @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot change inside a transaction.The statement 'SET %.200s' cannot invoke a stored function.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be 'AUTOMATIC' when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST is non-NULL.Skipping transaction %.200s because it has already been executed and logged.Malformed GTID set specification '%.200s'.Malformed GTID set encoding.Malformed GTID specification '%.200s'.Impossible to generate Global Transaction Identifier: the integer component reached the maximal value. Restart the server with a new server_uuid.Parameters MASTER_LOG_FILE, MASTER_LOG_POS, RELAY_LOG_FILE and RELAY_LOG_POS cannot be set when MASTER_AUTO_POSITION is active.CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1 cannot be executed because @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot execute statements with implicit commit inside a transaction when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT == 'UUID:NUMBER'.GTID_MODE = ON requires ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY = ON.@@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON or ON_PERMISSIVE or OFF_PERMISSIVE requires --log-bin and --log-slave-updates.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be set to UUID:NUMBER when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be set to ANONYMOUS when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST cannot be set to a non-NULL value when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Found a Gtid_log_event when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Statement violates GTID consistency: Updates to non-transactional tables can only be done in either autocommitted statements or single-statement transactions, and never in the same statement as updates to transactional tables.Statement violates GTID consistency: CREATE TABLE ... SELECT.Statement violates GTID consistency: Under statement binary log mode CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE and DROP TEMPORARY TABLE can only be executed outside transactional context. These statements are also not allowed in a function or trigger because functions and triggers are also considered to be multi-statement transactions.The value of @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE can only be changed one step at a time: OFF <-> OFF_PERMISSIVE <-> ON_PERMISSIVE <-> ON. Also note that this value must be stepped up or down simultaneously on all servers. See the Manual for instructions.The slave is connecting using CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1, but the master has purged binary logs containing GTIDs that the slave requires.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be changed by a client that owns a GTID. The client owns %s. Ownership is released on COMMIT or ROLLBACK.Unknown EXPLAIN format name: '%s'Cannot execute statement in a READ ONLY transaction.Comment for table partition '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Slave is not configured or failed to initialize properly. You must at least set --server-id to enable either a master or a slave. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.InnoDB presently supports one FULLTEXT index creation at a timeCannot create FULLTEXT index on temporary InnoDB tableColumn '%-.192s' is of wrong type for an InnoDB FULLTEXT indexIndex '%-.192s' is of wrong type for an InnoDB FULLTEXT indexCreating index '%-.192s' required more than 'innodb_online_alter_log_max_size' bytes of modification log. Please try again.Unknown ALGORITHM '%s'Unknown LOCK type '%s'CHANGE MASTER cannot be executed when the slave was stopped with an error or killed in MTS mode. Consider using RESET SLAVE or START SLAVE UNTIL.Cannot recover after SLAVE errored out in parallel execution mode. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.Cannot clean up worker info tables. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.Column count of %s.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. The table is probably corruptedSlave must silently retry current transactionThere is a foreign key check running on table '%-.192s'. Cannot discard the table.Schema mismatch (%s)Table '%-.192s' in system tablespaceIO Read error: (%lu, %s) %sIO Write error: (%lu, %s) %sTablespace is missing for table %s.Tablespace '%-.192s' exists.Tablespace has been discarded for table '%-.192s'Internal error: %sALTER TABLE %-.192s IMPORT TABLESPACE failed with error %lu : '%s'Index corrupt: %sSupports only YEAR or YEAR(4) column.Your password does not satisfy the current policy requirementsYou must reset your password using ALTER USER statement before executing this statement.Failed to add the foreign key constaint. Missing index for constraint '%s' in the foreign table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constaint. Missing index for constraint '%s' in the referenced table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constraint '%s' to system tablesFailed to open the referenced table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constraint on table '%s'. Incorrect options in FOREIGN KEY constraint '%s'Duplicate foreign key constraint name '%s'The password hash doesn't have the expected format. Check if the correct password algorithm is being used with the PASSWORD() function.Cannot drop column '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s'Cannot drop column '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Column '%-.192s' cannot be NOT NULL: needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' SET NULLDuplicate index '%-.64s' defined on the table '%-.64s.%-.64s'. This is deprecated and will be disallowed in a future release.Cannot change column '%-.192s': used in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s'Cannot change column '%-.192s': used in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Cannot delete rows from table which is parent in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Malformed communication packet.Running in read-only modeWhen @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT is set to a GTID, you must explicitly set it to a different value after a COMMIT or ROLLBACK. Please check GTID_NEXT variable manual page for detailed explanation. Current @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT is '%s'.The system variable %.200s cannot be set in stored procedures.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when @@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED is empty.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when there are no ongoing transactions (not even in other clients).@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED was changed from '%s' to '%s'.@@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED was changed from '%s' to '%s'.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT, and both replicated and non replicated tables are written to.%s is not supported for this operation. Try %s.%s is not supported. Reason: %s. Try %s.COPY algorithm requires a lockPartition specific operations do not yet support LOCK/ALGORITHMColumns participating in a foreign key are renamedCannot change column type INPLACEAdding foreign keys needs foreign_key_checks=OFFCreating unique indexes with IGNORE requires COPY algorithm to remove duplicate rowsDropping a primary key is not allowed without also adding a new primary keyAdding an auto-increment column requires a lockCannot replace hidden FTS_DOC_ID with a user-visible oneCannot drop or rename FTS_DOC_IDFulltext index creation requires a locksql_slave_skip_counter can not be set when the server is running with @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON. Instead, for each transaction that you want to skip, generate an empty transaction with the same GTID as the transactionDuplicata du champ pour la clef '%-.192s'Long database name and identifier for object resulted in path length exceeding %d characters. Path: '%s'.cannot silently convert NULL values, as required in this SQL_MODEYour password has expired. To log in you must change it using a client that supports expired passwords.Found a row in wrong partition %sCannot schedule event %s, relay-log name %s, position %s to Worker thread because its size %lu exceeds %lu of slave_pending_jobs_size_max.Cannot CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX WITH PARSER on InnoDB tableThe binary log file '%s' is logically corrupted: %sfile %s was not purged because it was being read by %d thread(s), purged only %d out of %d files.file %s was not purged because it is the active log file.Auto-increment value in UPDATE conflicts with internally generated valuesRow events are not logged for %s statements that modify BLACKHOLE tables in row format. Table(s): '%-.192s'Slave failed to initialize master info structure from the repositorySlave failed to initialize relay log info structure from the repositoryAccess denied trying to change to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' (using password: %s). Disconnecting.InnoDB is in read only mode.STOP SLAVE command execution is incomplete: Slave SQL thread got the stop signal, thread is busy, SQL thread will stop once the current task is complete.STOP SLAVE command execution is incomplete: Slave IO thread got the stop signal, thread is busy, IO thread will stop once the current task is complete.Operation cannot be performed. The table '%-.64s.%-.64s' is missing, corrupt or contains bad data.Temporary file write failure.Upgrade index name failed, please use create index(alter table) algorithm copy to rebuild index.TIME/TIMESTAMP/DATETIME columns of old format have been upgraded to the new format.Operation not allowed when innodb_forced_recovery > 0.The initialization vector supplied to %s is too short. Must be at least %d bytes longPlugin '%s' cannot be uninstalled now. %sCannot execute statement because it needs to be written to the binary log as multiple statements, and this is not allowed when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT == 'UUID:NUMBER'.Slave has more GTIDs than the master has, using the master's SERVER_UUID. This may indicate that the end of the binary log was truncated or that the last binary log file was lost, e.g., after a power or disk failure when sync_binlog != 1. The master may or may not have rolled back transactions that were already replicated to the slave. Suggest to replicate any transactions that master has rolled back from slave to master, and/or commit empty transactions on master to account for transactions that have been committed on master but are not included in GTID_EXECUTED.The table '%s.%s' does not have the necessary key(s) defined on it. Please check the table definition and create index(s) accordingly.File %s is corruptedQuery partially completed on the master (error on master: %d) and was aborted. There is a chance that your master is inconsistent at this point. If you are sure that your master is ok, run this query manually on the slave and then restart the slave with SET GLOBAL SQL_SLAVE_SKIP_COUNTER=1; START SLAVE;. Query:'%s'Query caused different errors on master and slave. Error on master: message (format)='%s' error code=%d; Error on slave:actual message='%s', error code=%d. Default database:'%s'. Query:'%s'Storage engine for table '%s'.'%s' is not loaded.GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS when handler not active%s is no longer supported. The statement was converted to %s.Statement is unsafe because it uses a fulltext parser plugin which may not return the same value on the slave.Cannot DISCARD/IMPORT tablespace associated with temporary tableForeign key cascade delete/update exceeds max depth of %d.Column count of %s.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. Created with MySQL %d, now running %d. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error.Trigger %s.%s.%s does not have CREATED attribute.Referenced trigger '%s' for the given action time and event type does not exist.EXPLAIN FOR CONNECTION command is supported only for SELECT/UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE/REPLACEInvalid size for column '%-.192s'.Table storage engine '%-.64s' found required create option missingOut of memory in storage engine '%-.64s'.The password for anonymous user cannot be expired.This operation cannot be performed with a running slave sql thread; run STOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD firstCannot create FULLTEXT index on materialized subqueryUndo Log error: %sInvalid argument for logarithmThis operation cannot be performed with a running slave io thread; run STOP SLAVE IO_THREAD FOR CHANNEL '%s' first.This operation may not be safe when the slave has temporary tables. The tables will be kept open until the server restarts or until the tables are deleted by any replicated DROP statement. Suggest to wait until slave_open_temp_tables = 0.CHANGE MASTER TO with a MASTER_LOG_FILE clause but no MASTER_LOG_POS clause may not be safe. The old position value may not be valid for the new binary log file.Query execution was interrupted, maximum statement execution time exceededSelect is not a read only statement, disabling timerDuplicate entry '%-.192s'.'%s' mode no longer has any effect. Use STRICT_ALL_TABLES or STRICT_TRANS_TABLES instead.Expression #%u of ORDER BY contains aggregate function and applies to a UNIONExpression #%u of ORDER BY contains aggregate function and applies to the result of a non-aggregated querySlave worker has stopped after at least one previous worker encountered an error when slave-preserve-commit-order was enabled. To preserve commit order, the last transaction executed by this thread has not been committed. When restarting the slave after fixing any failed threads, you should fix this worker as well.slave_preserve_commit_order is not supported %s.The server is currently in offline modeBinary geometry function %s given two geometries of different srids: %u and %u, which should have been identical.Calling geometry function %s with unsupported types of arguments.Unknown GIS error occured in function %s.Unknown exception caught in GIS function %s.Invalid GIS data provided to function %s.The geometry has no data in function %s.Unable to calculate centroid because geometry is empty in function %s.Geometry overlay calculation error: geometry data is invalid in function %s.Geometry turn info calculation error: geometry data is invalid in function %s.Analysis procedures of intersection points interrupted unexpectedly in function %s.Unknown exception thrown in function %s.Memory allocation error: %-.256s in function %s.Domain error: %-.256s in function %s.Length error: %-.256s in function %s.Invalid argument error: %-.256s in function %s.Out of range error: %-.256s in function %s.Overflow error error: %-.256s in function %s.Range error: %-.256s in function %s.Underflow error: %-.256s in function %s.Logic error: %-.256s in function %s.Runtime error: %-.256s in function %s.Unknown exception: %-.384s in function %s.Geometry byte string must be little endian.The password provided for the replication user exceeds the maximum length of 32 charactersIncorrect user-level lock name '%-.192s'.Deadlock found when trying to get user-level lock; try rolling back transaction/releasing locks and restarting lock acquisition.REPLACE cannot be executed as it requires deleting rows that are not in the viewDo not support online operation on table with GIS indexUser variable name '%-.100s' is illegalCannot %s when GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot %s from a replication slave thread.Incorrect type for argument %s in function %s.Expression #%u of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, references column '%-.192s' which is not in SELECT list; this is incompatible with %sExpression #%u of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, contains aggregate function; this is incompatible with %sSupplied filter list contains a value which is not in the required format 'db_pattern.table_pattern'OK packet too largeInvalid JSON data provided to function %s: %sInvalid GeoJSON data provided to function %s: Missing required member '%s'Invalid GeoJSON data provided to function %s: Member '%s' must be of type '%s'Invalid GeoJSON data provided to function %sUnsupported number of coordinate dimensions in function %s: Found %u, expected %uSlave channel '%s' does not exist.A slave channel '%s' already exists for the given host and port combination.Couldn't create channel: Channel name is either invalid or too long.To have multiple channels, repository cannot be of type FILE; Please check the repository configuration and convert them to TABLE.Cannot delete slave info objects for channel '%s'.Multiple channels exist on the slave. Please provide channel name as an argument.Maximum number of replication channels allowed exceeded.This operation cannot be performed with running replication threads; run STOP SLAVE FOR CHANNEL '%s' firstThis operation requires running replication threads; configure slave and run START SLAVE FOR CHANNEL '%s'Replication thread(s) for channel '%s' are already runnning.Replication thread(s) for channel '%s' are already stopped.This operation cannot be performed with a running slave sql thread; run STOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD FOR CHANNEL '%s' first.When sql_slave_skip_counter > 0, it is not allowed to start more than one SQL thread by using 'START SLAVE [SQL_THREAD]'. Value of sql_slave_skip_counter can only be used by one SQL thread at a time. Please use 'START SLAVE [SQL_THREAD] FOR CHANNEL' to start the SQL thread which will use the value of sql_slave_skip_counter.Expression #%u of %s is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column '%-.192s' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_byIn aggregated query without GROUP BY, expression #%u of %s contains nonaggregated column '%-.192s'; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_byUpdating '%s' is deprecated. It will be made read-only in a future release.Changing sql mode '%s' is deprecated. It will be removed in a future release.DROP DATABASE failed; some tables may have been dropped but the database directory remains. The GTID has not been added to GTID_EXECUTED and the statement was not written to the binary log. Fix this as follows: (1) remove all files from the database directory %-.192s; (2) SET GTID_NEXT='%-.192s'; (3) DROP DATABASE `%-.192s`.The server is not configured properly to be an active member of the group. Please see more details on error log.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed since the group is already running.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as the applier module failed to start.The STOP GROUP_REPLICATION command execution is incomplete: The applier thread got the stop signal while it was busy. The applier thread will stop once the current task is complete.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as there was an error when initializing the group communication layer.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as there was an error when joining the communication group.The table does not comply with the requirements by an external plugin.Cannot change the value of variable %s without binary log format as ROW.Error on observer while running replication hook '%s'.Plugin instructed the server to rollback the current transaction.Expression of generated column '%s' contains a disallowed function.INPLACE ADD or DROP of virtual columns cannot be combined with other ALTER TABLE actionsCannot define foreign key with %s clause on a generated column.The value specified for generated column '%s' in table '%s' is not allowed.'%s' is not supported for generated columns.Generated column can refer only to generated columns defined prior to it.Column '%s' has a generated column dependency.Generated column '%s' cannot refer to auto-increment column.The '%-.64s' feature is not available; you need to remove '%-.64s' or use MySQL built with '%-.64s'SET @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = %-.64s is not allowed because %-.384s.The replication receiver thread%-.192s cannot start in AUTO_POSITION mode: this server uses @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot replicate anonymous transaction when AUTO_POSITION = 1, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot replicate anonymous transaction when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot replicate GTID-transaction when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot set ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY = ON because there are ongoing transactions that violate GTID consistency.There are ongoing transactions that violate GTID consistency.Access denied for user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s'. Account is locked.Incorrect tablespace name `%-.192s`Tablespace `%-.192s` is not empty.Incorrect File Name '%s'.Inconsistent intersection points.Optimizer hint syntax errorUnsupported MAX_EXECUTION_TIMEMAX_EXECUTION_TIME hint is supported by top-level standalone SELECT statements onlyHint %s is ignored as conflicting/duplicatedQuery block name %s is not found for %s hintUnresolved name %s for %s hintPlease do not modify the %s table. This is a mysql internal system table to store GTIDs for committed transactions. Modifying it can lead to an inconsistent GTID state.Command not supported by pluggable protocolsIncorrect locking service lock name '%-.192s'.Deadlock found when trying to get locking service lock; try releasing locks and restarting lock acquisition.Service lock wait timeout exceeded.Parameter %s exceeds the maximum number of points in a geometry (%lu) in function %s.'NO_ZERO_DATE', 'NO_ZERO_IN_DATE' and 'ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO' sql modes should be used with strict mode. They will be merged with strict mode in a future release.Version token mismatch for %.*s. Correct value %.*sVersion token %.*s not found.Variable %-.192s cannot be changed by a client that owns a GTID. The client owns %s. Ownership is released on COMMIT or ROLLBACK.%-.192s cannot be performed on channel '%-.192s'.Invalid JSON text: "%s" at position %u in value for column '%-.200s'.Invalid JSON text in argument %u to function %s: "%s" at position %u.%-.0sThe JSON binary value contains invalid data.Invalid JSON path expression. The error is around character position %u.%-.200sCannot create a JSON value from a string with CHARACTER SET '%s'.Invalid JSON character data provided to function %s: '%s'; utf8 is required.Invalid data type for JSON data in argument %u to function %s; a JSON string or JSON type is required.Cannot CAST value to JSON.A path expression must be encoded in the utf8 character set. The path expression '%-.200s' is encoded in character set '%-.200s'.In this situation, path expressions may not contain the * and ** tokens.The JSON value is too big to be stored in a JSON column.The JSON object contains a key name that is too long.JSON column '%-.192s' cannot be used in key specification.The path expression '$' is not allowed in this context.The oneOrAll argument to %s may take these values: 'one' or 'all'.Out of range JSON value for CAST to %s%-.0s from column %s at row %ldInvalid JSON value for CAST to %s%-.0s from column %s at row %ldThe JSON document exceeds the maximum depth.JSON documents may not contain NULL member names.Connections using insecure transport are prohibited while --require_secure_transport=ON.No secure transports (SSL or Shared Memory) are configured, unable to set --require_secure_transport=ON.Storage engine %s is disabled (Table creation is disallowed).User %s does not exist.User %s already exists.Aborted by Audit API ('%-.48s';%d).A path expression is not a path to a cell in an array.Another buffer pool resize is already in progress.The '%s' feature is disabled; see the documentation for '%s'Server isn't availableSession was killedMemory capacity of %llu bytes for '%s' exceeded. %sRange optimization was not done for this query.Partitioning upgrade required. Please dump/reload to fix it or do: ALTER TABLE `%-.192s`.`%-.192s` UPGRADE PARTITIONINGThe client holds ownership of the GTID %s. Therefore, WAIT_FOR_EXECUTED_GTID_SET cannot wait for this GTID.Cannot add foreign key on the base column of indexed virtual column.Cannot create index on virtual column whose base column has foreign constraint.Please do not modify the %s table with an XA transaction. This is an internal system table used to store GTIDs for committed transactions. Although modifying it can lead to an inconsistent GTID state, if neccessary you can modify it with a non-XA transaction.Lock acquisition refused by storage engine.ADD COLUMN col...VIRTUAL, ADD INDEX(col)Master key rotation is not supported by storage engine.Encryption key rotation error reported by SE: %sWrite to binlog failed. However, master key rotation has been completed successfully.Storage engine is not available.This tablespace can't be encrypted.Invalid encryption option.Can't find master key from keyring, please check in the server log if a keyring plugin is loaded and initialized successfully.Parser bailed out for this query.Cannot alter encryption attribute by inplace algorithm.Function '%s' failed because underlying keyring service returned an error. Please check if a keyring plugin is installed and that provided arguments are valid for the keyring you are using.It seems that your db schema is old. The %s column is 77 characters long and should be 93 characters long. Please run mysql_upgrade.RESET MASTER is not allowed because %-.384s.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed since the group already has 9 members.Cannot add foreign key on the base column of stored column. Cannot complete the operation because table is referenced by another connection.The partition engine, used by table '%-.192s.%-.192s', is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use native partitioning instead.%.192s(geometry) is deprecated and will be replaced by st_srid(geometry, 0) in a future version. Use %.192s(st_aswkb(geometry), 0) instead.%.192s(geometry, srid) is deprecated and will be replaced by st_srid(geometry, srid) in a future version. Use %.192s(st_aswkb(geometry), srid) instead.The resource manager is not able to commit the transaction branch at this time. Please retry later.Function %s failed due to: %s.Statement is unsafe because it is being used inside a XA transaction. Concurrent XA transactions may deadlock on slaves when replicated using statements.%s UDF failed; %sCan not perform keyring migration : %sAccess denied; you need %-.128s privileges for this operationKeyring migration %s.Failed to open the %s filter tables.Failed to open '%s.%s' %s table.No keyring plugin installed.Audit log encryption password has not been set; it will be generated automatically. Use audit_log_encryption_password_get to obtain the password or audit_log_encryption_password_set to set a new one.Could not create AES key. OpenSSL's EVP_BytesToKey function failed.Audit log encryption password cannot be fetched from the keyring. Password used so far is used for encryption.Audit Log filtering has not been installed.Request ignored for '%s'@'%s'. SUPER_ACL needed to perform operationSUPER privilege required for '%s'@'%s' user.Could not reinitialize audit log filters.Invalid argument typeInvalid argument countaudit_log plugin has not been installed using INSTALL PLUGIN syntax.Invalid "max_array_length" argument type.Invalid "max_array_length" argument value.%sFilter name cannot be empty.User cannot be empty.Specified filter has not been found.First character of the user name must be alphanumeric.Invalid character in the user name.Invalid character in the host name.With the MAXDB SQL mode enabled, TIMESTAMP is identical with DATETIME. The MAXDB SQL mode is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please disable the MAXDB SQL mode and use DATETIME instead.The use of replication filters with XA transactions is not supported, and can lead to an undefined state in the replication slave.Compressed column '%-.192s' is not allowed in the key listCan not define column '%-.192s' in compressed formatCompression dictionary '%-.192s' already existsCompression dictionary '%-.192s' does not existCompression dictionary name '%-.192s' is too long (max length = %lu)Data for compression dictionary '%-.192s' is too long (max length = %lu)Compression dictionary '%-.192s' is in useCan't execute the query because you have a conflicting backup lockKeys are out order during bulk loadBulk load rows overlap existing rowsCan't execute updates on master with binlog_format != ROW.MyRocks supports only READ COMMITTED and REPEATABLE READ isolation levels. Please change from current isolation level %sWhen unique checking is disabled in MyRocks, INSERT,UPDATE,LOAD statements with clauses that update or replace the key (i.e. INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, REPLACE) are not allowed. Query: %sCan't execute updates when you started a transaction with START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT [ROCKSDB] SNAPSHOT.This transaction was rolled back and cannot be committed. Only supported operation is to roll it back, so all pending changes will be discarded. Please restart another transaction.MyRocks currently does not support ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT if modifying rows.Only REPEATABLE READ isolation level is supported for START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT SNAPSHOT in RocksDB Storage Engine.Unsupported collation on string indexed column %s.%s Use binary collation (%s).Table '%s' does not exist, but metadata information exists inside MyRocks. This is a sign of data inconsistency. Please check if '%s.frm' exists, and try to restore it if it does not exist.MyRocks failed creating new key definitions during alter.MyRocks failed populating secondary key during alter.Column family ('%s') flag (%d) is different from an existing flag (%d). Assign a new CF flag, or do not change existing CF flag.TTL support is currently disabled when table has a hidden PK.TTL column (%s) in MyRocks must be an unsigned non-null 64-bit integer, exist inside the table, and have an accompanying ttl duration.TTL duration (%s) in MyRocks must be an unsigned non-null 64-bit integer.The per-index column family option has been deprecated.japanese/errmsg.sys000075500000254173147633135420010420 0ustar00Fu dZ R8+T?klD P R n  !@mP7eIh#a"7X?')KB0v9] R>p )!!3"""#P###-$`$$?%%-&|&&b'''(3(((v)*z***e++2,v,,,E-v---.J... /Q//0j000i112222P333"4n444 5V556j66 777}77 8888O99~: ;;M<<E===H>m>> ?u???O@@A0ApAAAB=BoBBCkCCCyDD-EkEEE*F]FFGGGGHGHHH5IlIIII+JJ2KyKKKLLLcMMMMcNN OLOOOPPPQQQR{SSSTNUUU V|VVVWW2XXXoYYZZZ[>[~[[[[B\n\\\\\\]+]F]m]]]]W^^^,_D_c______``B`v``````a5a{aaaabVbbbcQcmccccdLddd#eeef*fAfpfffff&y-_r,R#N!XhQ$7wR(P(XlR"lezuHf{u f)iXEz=>Is0- S y    ( Q v    O y  K     %  'h WRH+U6Hpg$} 6Pd(   !6!Y!s!!!!$"Q"~""F#s##$3$$1%e%%&7&}&&&E''';(V((!)Z)))*F****,+++,,D,\,,,,'->-Q----..../20^0000F1g111%2G22=333A4~44e5566 7777838X8y88^99:=:::::;K;u;;;;;;2<V<z<G==>:>j>>>(?S????@@TAAyBBACCODDD@E~EFOFhashchkisamchkNOYESファイル '%-.200s' を作成できません。(エラー番号: %d - %s)表 '%-.200s' を作成できません。(エラー番号: %d)データベース '%-.192s' を作成できません。(エラー番号: %d)データベース '%-.192s' を作成できません。データベースはすでに存在します。データベース '%-.192s' を削除できません。データベースは存在しません。データベース削除エラー ('%-.192s' を削除できません。エラー番号: %d)データベース削除エラー (ディレクトリ '%-.192s' を削除できません。エラー番号: %d)ファイル '%-.192s' の削除エラー (エラー番号: %d - %s)システム表のレコードを読み込めません。'%-.200s' の状態を取得できません。(エラー番号: %d - %s)作業ディレクトリを取得できません。(エラー番号: %d - %s)ファイルをロックできません。(エラー番号: %d - %s)ファイル '%-.200s' をオープンできません。(エラー番号: %d - %s)ファイル '%-.200s' が見つかりません。(エラー番号: %d - %s)ディレクトリ '%-.192s' を読み込めません。(エラー番号: %d - %s)ディレクトリ '%-.192s' に移動できません。(エラー番号: %d - %s)表 '%-.192s' の最後の読み込み時点から、レコードが変化しました。ディスク領域不足です(%s)。(エラー番号: %d - %s)書き込めません。表 '%-.192s' に重複するキーがあります。'%-.192s' のクローズ時エラー (エラー番号: %d - %s)ファイル '%-.200s' の読み込みエラー (エラー番号: %d - %s)'%-.210s' の名前を '%-.210s' に変更できません (エラー番号: %d - %s)ファイル '%-.200s' の書き込みエラー (エラー番号: %d - %s)'%-.192s' はロックされています。ソート処理を中断しました。ビュー '%-.192s' は '%-.192s' に存在しません。ストレージエンジンがエラー %d を返しました。表 '%-.192s' のストレージエンジンでは提供されないオプションです。'%-.192s' にレコードが見つかりません。ファイル '%-.200s' 内の情報が不正です。表 '%-.200s' の索引ファイル(key file)の内容が不正です。修復を試行してください。表 '%-.192s' の索引ファイル(key file)は古い形式です。修復してください。表 '%-.192s' は読み込み専用です。メモリが不足しています。サーバーを再起動してみてください。(%d バイトの割り当てに失敗)ソートメモリが不足しています。ソートバッファサイズ(sort buffer size)の増加を検討してください。ファイル '%-.192s' を読み込み中に予期せずファイルの終端に達しました。(エラー番号: %d - %s)接続が多すぎます。メモリが不足しています。mysqld やその他のプロセスがメモリーを使い切っていないか確認して下さい。メモリーを使い切っていない場合、'ulimit'の設定等で mysqld のメモリー使用最大量を多くするか、スワップ領域を増やす必要があるかもしれません。IPアドレスからホスト名を解決できません。ハンドシェイクエラーユーザー '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' によるデータベース '%-.192s' へのアクセスは拒否されました。ユーザー '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' のアクセスは拒否されました。(using password: %s)データベースが選択されていません。不明なコマンドです。列 '%-.192s' は null にできません。'%-.192s' は不明なデータベースです。表 '%-.192s' はすでに存在します。'%-.100s' は不明な表です。列 '%-.192s' は %-.192s 内で曖昧です。サーバーをシャットダウン中です。列 '%-.192s' は '%-.192s' にはありません。'%-.192s' はGROUP BY句で指定されていません。'%-.192s' でのグループ化はできません。集計関数と通常の列が同時に指定されています。列数が値の個数と一致しません。識別子名 '%-.100s' は長すぎます。列名 '%-.192s' は重複してます。索引名 '%-.192s' は重複しています。'%-.192s' は索引 %d で重複しています。列 '%-.192s' の定義が不正です。%s : '%-.80s' 付近 %d 行目クエリが空です。表名/別名 '%-.192s' は一意ではありません。'%-.192s' へのデフォルト値が無効です。PRIMARY KEY が複数定義されています。索引の数が多すぎます。最大 %d 個までです。索引のキー列指定が多すぎます。最大 %d 個までです。索引のキーが長すぎます。最大 %d バイトまでです。キー列 '%-.192s' は表にありません。指定されたストレージエンジンでは、BLOB列 '%-.192s' は索引キーにできません。列 '%-.192s' のサイズ定義が大きすぎます (最大 %lu まで)。代わりに BLOB または TEXT を使用してください。不正な表定義です。AUTO_INCREMENT列は1個までで、索引を定義する必要があります。%s: 接続準備完了。 バージョン: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d"%s: 通常シャットダウン %s: シグナル %d を受信しました。強制終了します! %s: シャットダウン完了 %s: スレッド %ld を強制終了します (ユーザー: '%-.48s') IPソケットを作成できません。表 '%-.192s' に以前CREATE INDEXで作成された索引がありません。表を作り直してください。フィールド区切り文字が予期せぬ使われ方をしています。マニュアルを確認して下さい。BLOBには固定長レコードが使用できません。'FIELDS TERMINATED BY'句を使用して下さい。ファイル '%-.128s' はデータベースディレクトリにあるか、全てのユーザーから読める必要があります。ファイル '%-.200s' はすでに存在します。レコード数: %ld 削除: %ld スキップ: %ld 警告: %ldレコード数: %ld 重複: %ldキーのプレフィックスが不正です。キーが文字列ではないか、プレフィックス長がキーよりも長いか、ストレージエンジンが一意索引のプレフィックス指定をサポートしていません。ALTER TABLE では全ての列の削除はできません。DROP TABLE を使用してください。'%-.192s' を削除できません。列/索引の存在を確認して下さい。レコード数: %ld 重複数: %ld 警告: %ldFROM句にある表 '%-.192s' はUPDATEの対象にできません。不明なスレッドIDです: %luスレッド %lu のオーナーではありません。表が指定されていません。SET型の列 '%-.192s' のメンバーの数が多すぎます。一意なログファイル名 %-.200s.(1-999) を生成できません。 表 '%-.192s' はREADロックされていて、更新できません。表 '%-.192s' は LOCK TABLES でロックされていません。BLOB/TEXT 列 '%-.192s' にはデフォルト値を指定できません。データベース名 '%-.100s' は不正です。表名 '%-.100s' は不正です。SELECTがMAX_JOIN_SIZEを超える行数を処理しました。WHERE句を確認し、SELECT文に問題がなければ、 SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 または SET MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# を使用して下さい。不明なエラー'%-.192s' は不明なプロシージャです。プロシージャ '%-.192s' へのパラメータ数が不正です。プロシージャ '%-.192s' へのパラメータが不正です。'%-.192s' は %-.32s では不明な表です。列 '%-.192s' は2回指定されています。集計関数の使用方法が不正です。表 '%-.192s' は、このMySQLバージョンには無い機能を使用しています。表には最低でも1個の列が必要です。表 '%-.192s' は満杯です。不明な文字コードセット: '%-.64s'表が多すぎます。MySQLがJOINできる表は %d 個までです。列が多すぎます。行サイズが大きすぎます。この表の最大行サイズは BLOB を含まずに %ld です。格納時のオーバーヘッドも含まれます(マニュアルを確認してください)。列をTEXTまたはBLOBに変更する必要があります。スレッドスタック不足です(使用: %ld ; サイズ: %ld)。必要に応じて、より大きい値で 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' の指定をしてください。OUTER JOINに相互依存が見つかりました。ON句の条件を確認して下さい。Table handler doesn't support NULL in given index. Please change column '%-.192s' to be NOT NULL or use another handler関数 '%-.192s' をロードできません。関数 '%-.192s' を初期化できません。; %-.80s共有ライブラリにはパスを指定できません。関数 '%-.192s' はすでに定義されています。共有ライブラリ '%-.192s' を開く事ができません。(エラー番号: %d %-.128s)関数 '%-.128s' は共有ライブラリー中にありません。関数 '%-.192s' は定義されていません。接続エラーが多いため、ホスト '%-.64s' は拒否されました。'mysqladmin flush-hosts' で解除できます。ホスト '%-.64s' からのこの MySQL server への接続は許可されていません。MySQL を匿名ユーザーで使用しているので、パスワードの変更はできません。他のユーザーのパスワードを変更するためには、mysqlデータベースの表を更新する権限が必要です。ユーザーテーブルに該当するレコードが見つかりません。該当した行: %ld 変更: %ld 警告: %ld新規にスレッドを作成できません。(エラー番号 %d) もしも使用可能メモリーの不足でなければ、OS依存のバグである可能性があります。%ld 行目で、列の数が値の数と一致しません。表を再オープンできません。: '%-.192s'NULL 値の使用方法が不適切です。regexp がエラー '%-.64s' を返しました。GROUP BY句が無い場合、集計関数(MIN(),MAX(),COUNT(),...)と通常の列を同時に使用できません。ユーザー '%-.48s' (ホスト '%-.64s' 上) は許可されていません。コマンド %-.128s は ユーザー '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' の表 '%-.64s' の使用に関して許可されていません。コマンド %-.16s は ユーザー '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' の列 '%-.192s'(表 '%-.192s') の利用に関して許可されていません。不正な GRANT/REVOKE コマンドです。どの権限で利用可能かはマニュアルを参照して下さい。GRANTコマンドへの、ホスト名やユーザー名が長すぎます。表 '%-.192s.%-.192s' は存在しません。ユーザー '%-.48s' (ホスト '%-.64s' 上) の表 '%-.192s' への権限は定義されていません。このMySQLバージョンでは利用できないコマンドです。SQL構文エラーです。バージョンに対応するマニュアルを参照して正しい構文を確認してください。Delayed insert thread couldn't get requested lock for table %-.192sToo many delayed threads in use接続 %ld が中断されました。データベース: '%-.192s' ユーザー: '%-.48s' (%-.64s)'max_allowed_packet'よりも大きなパケットを受信しました。接続パイプの読み込みエラーです。fcntl()がエラーを返しました。不正な順序のパケットを受信しました。圧縮パケットの展開ができませんでした。パケットの受信でエラーが発生しました。パケットの受信でタイムアウトが発生しました。パケットの送信でエラーが発生しました。パケットの送信でタイムアウトが発生しました。結果の文字列が 'max_allowed_packet' よりも大きいです。指定されたストレージエンジンでは、BLOB/TEXT型の列を使用できません。指定されたストレージエンジンでは、AUTO_INCREMENT列を使用できません。INSERT DELAYED can't be used with table '%-.192s' because it is locked with LOCK TABLES列名 '%-.100s' は不正です。使用のストレージエンジンは列 '%-.192s' の索引を作成できません。MERGE表の構成表がオープンできません。列定義が異なるか、MyISAM表ではないか、存在しません。一意性制約違反のため、表 '%-.192s' に書き込めません。BLOB列 '%-.192s' をキーに使用するには長さ指定が必要です。PRIMARY KEYの列は全てNOT NULLでなければいけません。UNIQUE索引であればNULLを含むことが可能です。結果が2行以上です。使用のストレージエンジンでは、PRIMARY KEYが必要です。このバージョンのMySQLはRAIDサポートを含めてコンパイルされていません。'safe update mode'で、索引を利用するWHERE句の無い更新処理を実行しようとしました。索引 '%-.192s' は表 '%-.192s' には存在しません。表をオープンできません。この表のストレージエンジンは '%s' を利用できません。このコマンドはトランザクション内で実行できません。COMMIT中にエラー %d が発生しました。ROLLBACK中にエラー %d が発生しました。FLUSH_LOGS中にエラー %d が発生しました。CHECKPOINT中にエラー %d が発生しました。接続 %u が中断されました。データベース: '%-.192s' ユーザー: '%-.48s' ホスト: '%-.64s' (%-.64s)この表のストレージエンジンはバイナリ形式の表ダンプを利用できません。バイナリログがクローズされています。RESET MASTER を実行できません。ダンプ表 '%-.192s' の索引再構築に失敗しました。マスターでエラーが発生: '%-.64s'マスターからのデータ受信中のネットワークエラーマスターへのデータ送信中のネットワークエラー列リストに対応する全文索引(FULLTEXT)が見つかりません。すでにアクティブな表ロックやトランザクションがあるため、コマンドを実行できません。'%-.64s' は不明なシステム変数です。表 '%-.192s' は壊れています。修復が必要です。表 '%-.192s' は壊れています。修復(自動?)にも失敗しています。トランザクション対応ではない表への変更はロールバックされません。複数ステートメントから成るトランザクションが 'max_binlog_cache_size' 以上の容量を必要としました。このシステム変数を増加して、再試行してください。この処理は、稼働中のスレーブでは実行できません。あらかじめSTOP SLAVEコマンドを実行してください。この処理は、稼働中のスレーブでなければ実行できません。スレーブの設定をしてSTART SLAVEコマンドを実行してください。このサーバーはスレーブとして設定されていません。コンフィグファイルかCHANGE MASTER TOコマンドで設定して下さい。'master info'構造体の初期化ができませんでした。MySQLエラーログでエラーメッセージを確認してください。スレーブスレッドを作成できません。システムリソースを確認してください。ユーザー '%-.64s' はすでに 'max_user_connections' 以上のアクティブな接続を行っています。SET処理が失敗しました。ロック待ちがタイムアウトしました。トランザクションを再試行してください。ロックの数が多すぎます。読み込み専用トランザクションです。グローバルリードロックを保持している間は、DROP DATABASE を実行できません。グローバルリードロックを保持している間は、CREATE DATABASE を実行できません。%s の引数が不正です'%-.48s'@'%-.64s' は新しいユーザーを作成できません。不正な表定義です。MERGE表の構成表はすべて同じデータベース内になければなりません。ロック取得中にデッドロックが検出されました。トランザクションを再試行してください。使用の表は全文索引を利用できません。外部キー制約を追加できません。親キーがありません。外部キー制約違反です。子レコードがあります。外部キー制約違反です。マスターへの接続エラー: %-.128sマスターでのクエリ実行エラー: %-.128s%s コマンドの実行エラー: %-.128s%s の %s に関する不正な使用法です。使用のSELECT文が返す列数が違います。競合するリードロックを保持しているので、クエリを実行できません。トランザクション対応の表と非対応の表の同時使用は無効化されています。オプション '%s' が2度使用されています。ユーザー '%-.64s' はリソースの上限 '%s' に達しました。(現在値: %ld)アクセスは拒否されました。この操作には %-.128s 権限が(複数の場合はどれか1つ)必要です。変数 '%-.64s' はセッション変数です。SET GLOBALでは使用できません。変数 '%-.64s' はグローバル変数です。SET GLOBALを使用してください。変数 '%-.64s' にはデフォルト値がありません。変数 '%-.64s' に値 '%-.200s' を設定できません。変数 '%-.64s' への値の型が不正です。変数 '%-.64s' は書き込み専用です。読み込みはできません。'%s' の使用法または場所が不正です。このバージョンのMySQLでは、まだ '%s' を利用できません。致命的なエラー %d: '%-.320s' がマスターでバイナリログ読み込み中に発生しました。replicate-*-table ルールに従って、スレーブSQLスレッドはクエリを無視しました。変数 '%-.192s' は %s 変数です。外部キー '%-.192s' の定義の不正: %s外部キーの参照表と定義が一致しません。オペランドに %d 個の列が必要です。サブクエリが2行以上の結果を返します。'%.*s' はプリペアードステートメントの不明なハンドルです。(%s で指定されました)ヘルプデータベースは壊れているか存在しません。サブクエリの参照がループしています。列 '%s' を %s から %s へ変換します。'%-.64s' の参照はできません。(%s)導出表には別名が必須です。Select %u は最適化によって減らされました。特定のSELECTのみで使用の表 '%-.192s' は %-.32s では使用できません。クライアントはサーバーが要求する認証プロトコルに対応できません。MySQLクライアントのアップグレードを検討してください。空間索引のキー列は NOT NULL でなければいけません。COLLATION '%s' は CHARACTER SET '%s' に適用できません。スレーブはすでに稼働中です。スレーブはすでに停止しています。展開後のデータが大きすぎます。最大サイズは %d です。(展開後データの長さ情報が壊れている可能性もあります。)ZLIB: メモリ不足です。ZLIB: 出力バッファに十分な空きがありません。(展開後データの長さ情報が壊れている可能性もあります。)ZLIB: 入力データが壊れています。Row %u was cut by GROUP_CONCAT()行 %ld はすべての列へのデータを含んでいません。行 %ld はデータを切り捨てられました。列よりも多いデータを含んでいました。列にデフォルト値が設定されました。NOT NULLの列 '%s' に 行 %ld で NULL が与えられました。Out of range value for column '%s' at row %ld列 '%s' の 行 %ld でデータが切り捨てられました。ストレージエンジン %s が表 '%s' に利用されています。照合順序 (%s,%s) と (%s,%s) の混在は操作 '%s' では不正です。Cannot drop one or more of the requested users指定されたユーザーから指定された全ての権限を剥奪することができませんでした。照合順序 (%s,%s), (%s,%s), (%s,%s) の混在は操作 '%s' では不正です。操作 '%s' では不正な照合順序の混在です。変数 '%-.64s' は構造変数の構成要素ではありません。(XXXX.変数名 という指定はできません。)不明な照合順序: '%-.64s'このMySQLスレーブはSSLサポートを含めてコンパイルされていないので、CHANGE MASTER のSSLパラメータは無視されました。今後SSLサポートを持つMySQLスレーブを起動する際に利用されます。サーバーは --secure-auth モードで稼働しています。しかし '%s'@'%s' は古い形式のパスワードを使用しています。新しい形式のパスワードに変更してください。フィールドまたは参照 '%-.192s%s%-.192s%s%-.192s' は SELECT #%d ではなく、SELECT #%d で解決されました。START SLAVE UNTIL へのパラメータまたはその組み合わせが不正です。START SLAVE UNTIL で段階的にレプリケーションを行う際には、--skip-slave-start オプションを使うことを推奨します。使わない場合、スレーブのmysqldが不慮の再起動をすると問題が発生します。スレーブSQLスレッドが開始されないため、UNTILオプションは無視されました。索引名 '%-.100s' は不正です。カタログ名 '%-.100s' は不正です。クエリキャッシュのサイズを %lu にできませんでした。サイズは %lu になりました。列 '%-.192s' は全文索引のキーにはできません。'%-.100s' は不明なキーキャッシュです。MySQLは --skip-name-resolve モードで起動しています。このオプションを外して再起動しなければ、この権限操作は機能しません。'%s' は不明なストレージエンジンです。'%s' は将来のリリースで廃止予定です。代わりに %s を使用してください。対象表 %-.100s は更新可能ではないので、%s を行えません。機能 '%s' は無効です。利用するためには '%s' を含めてビルドしたMySQLが必要です。MySQLサーバーが %s オプションで実行されているので、このステートメントは実行できません。列 '%-.100s' で、重複する値 '%-.64s' が %s に指定されています。不正な %-.32s の値が切り捨てられました。: '%-.128s'不正な表定義です。DEFAULT句またはON UPDATE句に CURRENT_TIMESTAMP をともなうTIMESTAMP型の列は1つまでです。列 '%-.192s' に ON UPDATE句は無効です。This command is not supported in the prepared statement protocol yetエラー %d '%-.100s' が %s から返されました。一時エラー %d '%-.100s' が %s から返されました。Unknown or incorrect time zone: '%-.64s'Invalid TIMESTAMP value in column '%s' at row %ldInvalid %s character string: '%.64s'Result of %s() was larger than max_allowed_packet (%ld) - truncatedConflicting declarations: '%s%s' and '%s%s'Can't create a %s from within another stored routine%s %s already exists%s %s does not existFailed to DROP %s %sFailed to CREATE %s %s%s with no matching label: %sRedefining label %sEnd-label %s without matchReferring to uninitialized variable %sPROCEDURE %s can't return a result set in the given contextRETURN is only allowed in a FUNCTION%s is not allowed in stored proceduresThe update log is deprecated and replaced by the binary log; SET SQL_LOG_UPDATE has been ignored.The update log is deprecated and replaced by the binary log; SET SQL_LOG_UPDATE has been translated to SET SQL_LOG_BIN.Query execution was interruptedIncorrect number of arguments for %s %s; expected %u, got %uUndefined CONDITION: %sNo RETURN found in FUNCTION %sFUNCTION %s ended without RETURNCursor statement must be a SELECTCursor SELECT must not have INTOUndefined CURSOR: %sCursor is already openCursor is not openUndeclared variable: %sIncorrect number of FETCH variablesNo data - zero rows fetched, selected, or processedDuplicate parameter: %sDuplicate variable: %sDuplicate condition: %sDuplicate cursor: %sFailed to ALTER %s %sSubquery value not supported%s is not allowed in stored function or triggerVariable or condition declaration after cursor or handler declarationCursor declaration after handler declarationCase not found for CASE statementConfiguration file '%-.192s' is too bigMalformed file type header in file '%-.192s'Unexpected end of file while parsing comment '%-.200s'Error while parsing parameter '%-.192s' (line: '%-.192s')Unexpected end of file while skipping unknown parameter '%-.192s'EXPLAIN/SHOW can not be issued; lacking privileges for underlying tableFile '%-.192s' has unknown type '%-.64s' in its header'%-.192s.%-.192s' is not %sColumn '%-.192s' is not updatableView's SELECT contains a subquery in the FROM clauseView's SELECT contains a '%s' clauseView's SELECT contains a variable or parameterView's SELECT refers to a temporary table '%-.192s'View's SELECT and view's field list have different column countsView merge algorithm can't be used here for now (assumed undefined algorithm)View being updated does not have complete key of underlying table in itView '%-.192s.%-.192s' references invalid table(s) or column(s) or function(s) or definer/invoker of view lack rights to use themCan't drop or alter a %s from within another stored routineGOTO is not allowed in a stored procedure handlerTrigger already existsTrigger does not existTrigger's '%-.192s' is view or temporary tableUpdating of %s row is not allowed in %striggerThere is no %s row in %s triggerField '%-.192s' doesn't have a default valueDivision by 0Incorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s' for column '%.192s' at row %ldIllegal %s '%-.192s' value found during parsingCHECK OPTION on non-updatable view '%-.192s.%-.192s'CHECK OPTION failed '%-.192s.%-.192s'%-.16s command denied to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' for routine '%-.192s'Failed purging old relay logs: %sPassword hash should be a %d-digit hexadecimal numberTarget log not found in binlog indexI/O error reading log index fileServer configuration does not permit binlog purgeFailed on fseek()Fatal error during log purgeA purgeable log is in use, will not purgeUnknown error during log purgeFailed initializing relay log position: %sYou are not using binary loggingThe '%-.64s' syntax is reserved for purposes internal to the MySQL serverWSAStartup FailedCan't handle procedures with different groups yetSelect must have a group with this procedureCan't use ORDER clause with this procedureBinary logging and replication forbid changing the global server %sCan't map file: %-.200s, errno: %dWrong magic in %-.64sPrepared statement contains too many placeholdersKey part '%-.192s' length cannot be 0View text checksum failedCan not modify more than one base table through a join view '%-.192s.%-.192s'Can not insert into join view '%-.192s.%-.192s' without fields listCan not delete from join view '%-.192s.%-.192s'Operation %s failed for %.256sXAER_NOTA: Unknown XIDXAER_INVAL: Invalid arguments (or unsupported command)XAER_RMFAIL: The command cannot be executed when global transaction is in the %.64s stateXAER_OUTSIDE: Some work is done outside global transactionXAER_RMERR: Fatal error occurred in the transaction branch - check your data for consistencyXA_RBROLLBACK: Transaction branch was rolled backThere is no such grant defined for user '%-.48s' on host '%-.64s' on routine '%-.192s'Failed to grant EXECUTE and ALTER ROUTINE privilegesFailed to revoke all privileges to dropped routineData too long for column '%s' at row %ldBad SQLSTATE: '%s'%s: ready for connections. Version: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d %sCan't load value from file with fixed size rows to variableYou are not allowed to create a user with GRANTIncorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s' for function %-.32sTable definition has changed, please retry transactionDuplicate handler declared in the same blockOUT or INOUT argument %d for routine %s is not a variable or NEW pseudo-variable in BEFORE triggerNot allowed to return a result set from a %sCannot get geometry object from data you send to the GEOMETRY fieldA routine failed and has neither NO SQL nor READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled; if non-transactional tables were updated, the binary log will miss their changesThis function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)You do not have the SUPER privilege and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)You can't execute a prepared statement which has an open cursor associated with it. Reset the statement to re-execute it.The statement (%lu) has no open cursor.Explicit or implicit commit is not allowed in stored function or trigger.Field of view '%-.192s.%-.192s' underlying table doesn't have a default valueRecursive stored functions and triggers are not allowed.Too big scale %d specified for column '%-.192s'. Maximum is %lu.Too-big precision %d specified for '%-.192s'. Maximum is %lu.For float(M,D), double(M,D) or decimal(M,D), M must be >= D (column '%-.192s').You can't combine write-locking of system tables with other tables or lock typesUnable to connect to foreign data source: %.64sThere was a problem processing the query on the foreign data source. Data source error: %-.64sThe foreign data source you are trying to reference does not exist. Data source error: %-.64sCan't create federated table. The data source connection string '%-.64s' is not in the correct formatThe data source connection string '%-.64s' is not in the correct formatCan't create federated table. Foreign data src error: %-.64sTrigger in wrong schemaスレッドスタック不足です(使用: %ld ; サイズ: %ld ; 要求: %ld)。より大きい値で 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' の指定をしてください。Routine body for '%-.100s' is too longCannot drop default keycacheDisplay width out of range for column '%-.192s' (max = %lu)XAER_DUPID: The XID already existsDatetime function: %-.32s field overflowCan't update table '%-.192s' in stored function/trigger because it is already used by statement which invoked this stored function/trigger.The definition of table '%-.192s' prevents operation %.192s on table '%-.192s'.The prepared statement contains a stored routine call that refers to that same statement. It's not allowed to execute a prepared statement in such a recursive mannerNot allowed to set autocommit from a stored function or triggerDefiner is not fully qualifiedView '%-.192s'.'%-.192s' has no definer information (old table format). Current user is used as definer. Please recreate the view!You need the SUPER privilege for creation view with '%-.192s'@'%-.192s' definerThe user specified as a definer ('%-.64s'@'%-.64s') does not existChanging schema from '%-.192s' to '%-.192s' is not allowed.Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (%.192s)Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (%.192s)Variable '%-.64s' must be quoted with `...`, or renamedNo definer attribute for trigger '%-.192s'.'%-.192s'. The trigger will be activated under the authorization of the invoker, which may have insufficient privileges. Please recreate the trigger.'%-.192s' has an old format, you should re-create the '%s' object(s)Recursive limit %d (as set by the max_sp_recursion_depth variable) was exceeded for routine %.192sFailed to load routine %-.192s. The table mysql.proc is missing, corrupt, or contains bad data (internal code %d)Incorrect routine name '%-.192s'Table upgrade required. Please do "REPAIR TABLE `%-.64s`" or dump/reload to fix it!AGGREGATE is not supported for stored functionsCan't create more than max_prepared_stmt_count statements (current value: %lu)`%-.192s`.`%-.192s` contains view recursionNon-grouping field '%-.192s' is used in %-.64s clauseThe used table type doesn't support SPATIAL indexesTriggers can not be created on system tablesLeading spaces are removed from name '%s'Failed to read auto-increment value from storage engineuser namehost nameString '%-.70s' is too long for %s (should be no longer than %d)対象表 %-.100s は挿入可能ではないので、%s を行えません。Table '%-.64s' is differently defined or of non-MyISAM type or doesn't existToo high level of nesting for selectName '%-.64s' has become ''First character of the FIELDS TERMINATED string is ambiguous; please use non-optional and non-empty FIELDS ENCLOSED BYThe foreign server, %s, you are trying to create already exists.The foreign server name you are trying to reference does not exist. Data source error: %-.64sTable storage engine '%-.64s' does not support the create option '%.64s'Syntax error: %-.64s PARTITIONING requires definition of VALUES %-.64s for each partitionOnly %-.64s PARTITIONING can use VALUES %-.64s in partition definitionMAXVALUE can only be used in last partition definitionSubpartitions can only be hash partitions and by keyMust define subpartitions on all partitions if on one partitionWrong number of partitions defined, mismatch with previous settingWrong number of subpartitions defined, mismatch with previous settingConstant, random or timezone-dependent expressions in (sub)partitioning function are not allowedExpression in RANGE/LIST VALUES must be constantField in list of fields for partition function not found in tableList of fields is only allowed in KEY partitionsThe partition info in the frm file is not consistent with what can be written into the frm fileThe %-.192s function returns the wrong typeFor %-.64s partitions each partition must be definedVALUES LESS THAN value must be strictly increasing for each partitionVALUES value must be of same type as partition functionMultiple definition of same constant in list partitioningPartitioning can not be used stand-alone in queryThe mix of handlers in the partitions is not allowed in this version of MySQLFor the partitioned engine it is necessary to define all %-.64sToo many partitions (including subpartitions) were definedIt is only possible to mix RANGE/LIST partitioning with HASH/KEY partitioning for subpartitioningFailed to create specific handler fileA BLOB field is not allowed in partition functionA %-.192s must include all columns in the table's partitioning functionNumber of %-.64s = 0 is not an allowed valuePartition management on a not partitioned table is not possibleForeign keys are not yet supported in conjunction with partitioningError in list of partitions to %-.64sCannot remove all partitions, use DROP TABLE insteadCOALESCE PARTITION can only be used on HASH/KEY partitionsREORGANIZE PARTITION can only be used to reorganize partitions not to change their numbersREORGANIZE PARTITION without parameters can only be used on auto-partitioned tables using HASH PARTITIONs%-.64s PARTITION can only be used on RANGE/LIST partitionsTrying to Add partition(s) with wrong number of subpartitionsAt least one partition must be addedAt least one partition must be coalescedMore partitions to reorganize than there are partitionsDuplicate partition name %-.192sIt is not allowed to shut off binlog on this commandWhen reorganizing a set of partitions they must be in consecutive orderReorganize of range partitions cannot change total ranges except for last partition where it can extend the rangePartition function not supported in this version for this handlerPartition state cannot be defined from CREATE/ALTER TABLEThe %-.64s handler only supports 32 bit integers in VALUESPlugin '%-.192s' is not loadedIncorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s'Table has no partition for value %-.64sIt is not allowed to specify %s more than onceFailed to create %sFailed to drop %sThe handler doesn't support autoextend of tablespacesA size parameter was incorrectly specified, either number or on the form 10MThe size number was correct but we don't allow the digit part to be more than 2 billionFailed to alter: %sWriting one row to the row-based binary log failedTable definition on master and slave does not match: %sSlave running with --log-slave-updates must use row-based binary logging to be able to replicate row-based binary log eventsEvent '%-.192s' already existsFailed to store event %s. Error code %d from storage engine.Unknown event '%-.192s'Failed to alter event '%-.192s'Failed to drop %sINTERVAL is either not positive or too bigENDS is either invalid or before STARTSEvent execution time is in the past. Event has been disabledFailed to open mysql.eventNo datetime expression providedColumn count of mysql.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. The table is probably corruptedCannot load from mysql.%s. The table is probably corruptedFailed to delete the event from mysql.eventError during compilation of event's bodySame old and new event nameData for column '%s' too longCannot drop index '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraintThe syntax '%s' is deprecated and will be removed in MySQL %s. Please use %s insteadYou can't write-lock a log table. Only read access is possibleYou can't use locks with log tables.Upholding foreign key constraints for table '%.192s', entry '%-.192s', key %d would lead to a duplicate entryColumn count of mysql.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. Created with MySQL %d, now running %d. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error.Cannot switch out of the row-based binary log format when the session has open temporary tablesCannot change the binary logging format inside a stored function or triggerThe NDB cluster engine does not support changing the binlog format on the fly yetCannot create temporary table with partitionsPartition constant is out of partition function domainThis partition function is not allowedError in DDL logNot allowed to use NULL value in VALUES LESS THANIncorrect partition nameTransaction characteristics can't be changed while a transaction is in progressALTER TABLE causes auto_increment resequencing, resulting in duplicate entry '%-.192s' for key '%-.192s'Internal scheduler error %dError during starting/stopping of the scheduler. Error code %uEngine cannot be used in partitioned tablesCannot activate '%-.64s' logThe server was not built with row-based replicationDecoding of base64 string failedRecursion of EVENT DDL statements is forbidden when body is presentCannot proceed because system tables used by Event Scheduler were found damaged at server startOnly integers allowed as number hereThis storage engine cannot be used for log tables"You cannot '%s' a log table if logging is enabledCannot rename '%s'. When logging enabled, rename to/from log table must rename two tables: the log table to an archive table and another table back to '%s'Incorrect parameter count in the call to native function '%-.192s'Incorrect parameters in the call to native function '%-.192s'Incorrect parameters in the call to stored function %-.192sThis function '%-.192s' has the same name as a native function'%-.64s' は索引 '%-.192s' で重複しています。Too many files opened, please execute the command againEvent execution time is in the past and ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE is set. The event was dropped immediately after creation.Event execution time is in the past and ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE is set. The event was not changed. Specify a time in the future.The incident %s occured on the master. Message: %sTable has no partition for some existing valuesUnsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. %sFatal error: %sRelay log read failure: %sRelay log write failure: %sFailed to create %sMaster command %s failed: %sBinary logging not possible. Message: %sView `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` has no creation contextCreation context of view `%-.64s`.`%-.64s' is invalidCreation context of stored routine `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCorrupted TRG file for table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s`Triggers for table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` have no creation contextTrigger creation context of table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCreation context of event `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCannot open table for trigger `%-.64s`.`%-.64s`Cannot create stored routine `%-.64s`. Check warningsAmbiguous slave modes combination. %sThe BINLOG statement of type `%s` was not preceded by a format description BINLOG statement.Corrupted replication event was detectedInvalid column reference (%-.64s) in LOAD DATABeing purged log %s was not foundXA_RBTIMEOUT: Transaction branch was rolled back: took too longXA_RBDEADLOCK: Transaction branch was rolled back: deadlock was detectedPrepared statement needs to be re-preparedDELAYED option not supported for table '%-.192s'The master info structure does not exist<%-.64s> option ignoredBuilt-in plugins cannot be deletedPlugin is busy and will be uninstalled on shutdown%s variable '%s' is read-only. Use SET %s to assign the valueStorage engine %s does not support rollback for this statement. Transaction rolled back and must be restartedUnexpected master's heartbeat data: %sThe requested value for the heartbeat period is either negative or exceeds the maximum allowed (%s seconds).Bad schema for mysql.ndb_replication table. Message: %-.64sError in parsing conflict function. Message: %-.64sWrite to exceptions table failed. Message: %-.128s"Comment for table '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Comment for field '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)FUNCTION %s does not exist. Check the 'Function Name Parsing and Resolution' section in the Reference ManualDatabaseTablePartitionSubpartitionTemporaryRenamedToo many active concurrent transactionsNon-ASCII separator arguments are not fully supporteddebug sync point wait timed outdebug sync point hit limit reachedDuplicate condition information item '%s'Unhandled user-defined warning conditionUnhandled user-defined not found conditionUnhandled user-defined exception conditionRESIGNAL when handler not activeSIGNAL/RESIGNAL can only use a CONDITION defined with SQLSTATEData truncated for condition item '%s'Data too long for condition item '%s'Unknown locale: '%-.64s'The requested server id %d clashes with the slave startup option --replicate-same-server-idQuery cache is disabled; restart the server with query_cache_type=1 to enable itDuplicate partition field name '%-.192s'Inconsistency in usage of column lists for partitioningPartition column values of incorrect typeToo many fields in '%-.192s'Cannot use MAXVALUE as value in VALUES INCannot have more than one value for this type of %-.64s partitioningRow expressions in VALUES IN only allowed for multi-field column partitioningField '%-.192s' is of a not allowed type for this type of partitioningThe total length of the partitioning fields is too largeCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since both row-incapable engines and statement-incapable engines are involved.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = ROW and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to statement-based logging.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. %sCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is in row format and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to statement-based logging.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to row-based logging.%sCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is in row format and BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since more than one engine is involved and at least one engine is self-logging.The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted.The statement is unsafe because it uses INSERT DELAYED. This is unsafe because the times when rows are inserted cannot be predicted.The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves.Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly.Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it accesses a non-transactional table after accessing a transactional table within the same transaction.%s Statement: %sColumn %d of table '%-.192s.%-.192s' cannot be converted from type '%-.32s' to type '%-.32s'Can't create conversion table for table '%-.192s.%-.192s'Cannot modify @@session.binlog_format inside a transactionThe path specified for %.64s is too long.'%s' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.Native table '%-.64s'.'%-.64s' has the wrong structureInvalid performance_schema usage.Table '%s'.'%s' was skipped since its definition is being modified by concurrent DDL statementCannot modify @@session.binlog_direct_non_transactional_updates inside a transactionCannot change the binlog direct flag inside a stored function or triggerA SPATIAL index may only contain a geometrical type columnComment for index '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Wait on a lock was aborted due to a pending exclusive lock%s value is out of range in '%s'A variable of a non-integer based type in LIMIT clauseMixing self-logging and non-self-logging engines in a statement is unsafe.Statement accesses nontransactional table as well as transactional or temporary table, and writes to any of them.Cannot modify @@session.sql_log_bin inside a transactionCannot change the sql_log_bin inside a stored function or triggerFailed to read from the .par fileVALUES value for partition '%-.64s' must have type INTユーザー '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' のアクセスは拒否されました。SET PASSWORD has no significance for users authenticating via pluginsGRANT with IDENTIFIED WITH is illegal because the user %-.*s already existsCannot truncate a table referenced in a foreign key constraint (%.192s)Plugin '%s' is force_plus_permanent and can not be unloadedThe requested value for the heartbeat period is less than 1 millisecond. The value is reset to 0, meaning that heartbeating will effectively be disabled.The requested value for the heartbeat period exceeds the value of `slave_net_timeout' seconds. A sensible value for the period should be less than the timeout.Multi-row statements required more than 'max_binlog_stmt_cache_size' bytes of storage; increase this mysqld variable and try againPrimary key/partition key update is not allowed since the table is updated both as '%-.192s' and '%-.192s'.Table rebuild required. Please do "ALTER TABLE `%-.64s` FORCE" or dump/reload to fix it!The value of '%s' should be no less than the value of '%s'Index column size too large. The maximum column size is %lu bytes.Trigger '%-.64s' has an error in its body: '%-.256s'Unknown trigger has an error in its body: '%-.256s'Index %s is corruptedUndo log record is too big.INSERT IGNORE... SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.INSERT... SELECT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are updated. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.REPLACE... SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are replaced. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE... IGNORE SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE... REPLACE SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are replaced. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.UPDATE IGNORE is unsafe because the order in which rows are updated determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.Plugin '%s' is marked as not dynamically uninstallable. You have to stop the server to uninstall it.Plugin '%s' is marked as not dynamically installable. You have to stop the server to install it.Statements writing to a table with an auto-increment column after selecting from another table are unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved determines what (if any) rows will be written. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE TABLE... SELECT... on a table with an auto-increment column is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are inserted. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.INSERT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE on a table with more than one UNIQUE KEY is unsafeTable is being used in foreign key check.Storage engine '%s' does not support system tables. [%s.%s]INSERT into autoincrement field which is not the first part in the composed primary key is unsafe.Cannot load from %s.%s. The table is probably corruptedThe requested value %s for the master delay exceeds the maximum %uOnly Format_description_log_event and row events are allowed in BINLOG statements (but %s was provided)Non matching attribute '%-.64s' between partition and tableTable to exchange with partition is partitioned: '%-.64s'Table to exchange with partition is temporary: '%-.64s'Subpartitioned table, use subpartition instead of partitionUnknown partition '%-.64s' in table '%-.64s'Tables have different definitionsFound a row that does not match the partitionOption binlog_cache_size (%lu) is greater than max_binlog_cache_size (%lu); setting binlog_cache_size equal to max_binlog_cache_size.Cannot use %-.64s access on index '%-.64s' due to type or collation conversion on field '%-.64s'Table to exchange with partition has foreign key references: '%-.64s'Key value '%-.192s' was not found in table '%-.192s.%-.192s'Data for column '%s' too longReplication event checksum verification failed while reading from network.Replication event checksum verification failed while reading from a log file.Option binlog_stmt_cache_size (%lu) is greater than max_binlog_stmt_cache_size (%lu); setting binlog_stmt_cache_size equal to max_binlog_stmt_cache_size.Can't update table '%-.192s' while '%-.192s' is being created.PARTITION () clause on non partitioned tableFound a row not matching the given partition setパーティション '%-.64s' は存在しません。Failure while changing the type of replication repository: %s.The creation of some temporary tables could not be rolled back.Some temporary tables were dropped, but these operations could not be rolled back.%s is not supported in multi-threaded slave mode. %sThe number of modified databases exceeds the maximum %d; the database names will not be included in the replication event metadata.Cannot execute the current event group in the parallel mode. Encountered event %s, relay-log name %s, position %s which prevents execution of this event group in parallel mode. Reason: %s.%sFULLTEXT index is not supported for partitioned tables.Invalid condition numberSending passwords in plain text without SSL/TLS is extremely insecure.Storing MySQL user name or password information in the master info repository is not secure and is therefore not recommended. Please consider using the USER and PASSWORD connection options for START SLAVE; see the 'START SLAVE Syntax' in the MySQL Manual for more information.Foreign key constraint for table '%.192s', record '%-.192s' would lead to a duplicate entry in table '%.192s', key '%.192s'Foreign key constraint for table '%.192s', record '%-.192s' would lead to a duplicate entry in a child tableSetting authentication options is not possible when only the Slave SQL Thread is being started.The table does not have FULLTEXT index to support this queryThe system variable %.200s cannot be set in stored functions or triggers.The system variable %.200s cannot be set when there is an ongoing transaction.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT has the value %.200s, which is not listed in @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot change inside a transaction.The statement 'SET %.200s' cannot invoke a stored function.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be 'AUTOMATIC' when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST is non-NULL.Skipping transaction %.200s because it has already been executed and logged.Malformed GTID set specification '%.200s'.Malformed GTID set encoding.Malformed GTID specification '%.200s'.Impossible to generate Global Transaction Identifier: the integer component reached the maximal value. Restart the server with a new server_uuid.Parameters MASTER_LOG_FILE, MASTER_LOG_POS, RELAY_LOG_FILE and RELAY_LOG_POS cannot be set when MASTER_AUTO_POSITION is active.CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1 cannot be executed because @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot execute statements with implicit commit inside a transaction when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT == 'UUID:NUMBER'.GTID_MODE = ON requires ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY = ON.@@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON or ON_PERMISSIVE or OFF_PERMISSIVE requires --log-bin and --log-slave-updates.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be set to UUID:NUMBER when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be set to ANONYMOUS when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST cannot be set to a non-NULL value when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Found a Gtid_log_event when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Statement violates GTID consistency: Updates to non-transactional tables can only be done in either autocommitted statements or single-statement transactions, and never in the same statement as updates to transactional tables.Statement violates GTID consistency: CREATE TABLE ... SELECT.Statement violates GTID consistency: Under statement binary log mode CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE and DROP TEMPORARY TABLE can only be executed outside transactional context. These statements are also not allowed in a function or trigger because functions and triggers are also considered to be multi-statement transactions.The value of @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE can only be changed one step at a time: OFF <-> OFF_PERMISSIVE <-> ON_PERMISSIVE <-> ON. Also note that this value must be stepped up or down simultaneously on all servers. See the Manual for instructions.The slave is connecting using CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1, but the master has purged binary logs containing GTIDs that the slave requires.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be changed by a client that owns a GTID. The client owns %s. Ownership is released on COMMIT or ROLLBACK.Unknown EXPLAIN format name: '%s'Cannot execute statement in a READ ONLY transaction.Comment for table partition '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Slave is not configured or failed to initialize properly. You must at least set --server-id to enable either a master or a slave. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.InnoDB presently supports one FULLTEXT index creation at a timeCannot create FULLTEXT index on temporary InnoDB tableColumn '%-.192s' is of wrong type for an InnoDB FULLTEXT indexIndex '%-.192s' is of wrong type for an InnoDB FULLTEXT indexCreating index '%-.192s' required more than 'innodb_online_alter_log_max_size' bytes of modification log. Please try again.Unknown ALGORITHM '%s'Unknown LOCK type '%s'CHANGE MASTER cannot be executed when the slave was stopped with an error or killed in MTS mode. Consider using RESET SLAVE or START SLAVE UNTIL.Cannot recover after SLAVE errored out in parallel execution mode. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.Cannot clean up worker info tables. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.Column count of %s.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. The table is probably corruptedSlave must silently retry current transactionThere is a foreign key check running on table '%-.192s'. Cannot discard the table.Schema mismatch (%s)Table '%-.192s' in system tablespaceIO Read error: (%lu, %s) %sIO Write error: (%lu, %s) %sTablespace is missing for table %s.Tablespace '%-.192s' exists.Tablespace has been discarded for table '%-.192s'Internal error: %sALTER TABLE %-.192s IMPORT TABLESPACE failed with error %lu : '%s'Index corrupt: %sSupports only YEAR or YEAR(4) column.Your password does not satisfy the current policy requirementsYou must reset your password using ALTER USER statement before executing this statement.Failed to add the foreign key constaint. Missing index for constraint '%s' in the foreign table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constaint. Missing index for constraint '%s' in the referenced table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constraint '%s' to system tablesFailed to open the referenced table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constraint on table '%s'. Incorrect options in FOREIGN KEY constraint '%s'Duplicate foreign key constraint name '%s'The password hash doesn't have the expected format. Check if the correct password algorithm is being used with the PASSWORD() function.Cannot drop column '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s'Cannot drop column '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Column '%-.192s' cannot be NOT NULL: needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' SET NULLDuplicate index '%-.64s' defined on the table '%-.64s.%-.64s'. This is deprecated and will be disallowed in a future release.Cannot change column '%-.192s': used in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s'Cannot change column '%-.192s': used in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Cannot delete rows from table which is parent in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Malformed communication packet.Running in read-only modeWhen @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT is set to a GTID, you must explicitly set it to a different value after a COMMIT or ROLLBACK. Please check GTID_NEXT variable manual page for detailed explanation. Current @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT is '%s'.The system variable %.200s cannot be set in stored procedures.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when @@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED is empty.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when there are no ongoing transactions (not even in other clients).@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED was changed from '%s' to '%s'.@@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED was changed from '%s' to '%s'.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT, and both replicated and non replicated tables are written to.%s is not supported for this operation. Try %s.%s is not supported. Reason: %s. Try %s.COPY algorithm requires a lockPartition specific operations do not yet support LOCK/ALGORITHMColumns participating in a foreign key are renamedCannot change column type INPLACEAdding foreign keys needs foreign_key_checks=OFFCreating unique indexes with IGNORE requires COPY algorithm to remove duplicate rowsDropping a primary key is not allowed without also adding a new primary keyAdding an auto-increment column requires a lockCannot replace hidden FTS_DOC_ID with a user-visible oneCannot drop or rename FTS_DOC_IDFulltext index creation requires a locksql_slave_skip_counter can not be set when the server is running with @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON. Instead, for each transaction that you want to skip, generate an empty transaction with the same GTID as the transactionは索引 '%-.192s' で重複しています。Long database name and identifier for object resulted in path length exceeding %d characters. Path: '%s'.cannot silently convert NULL values, as required in this SQL_MODEYour password has expired. To log in you must change it using a client that supports expired passwords.Found a row in wrong partition %sCannot schedule event %s, relay-log name %s, position %s to Worker thread because its size %lu exceeds %lu of slave_pending_jobs_size_max.Cannot CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX WITH PARSER on InnoDB tableThe binary log file '%s' is logically corrupted: %sfile %s was not purged because it was being read by %d thread(s), purged only %d out of %d files.file %s was not purged because it is the active log file.Auto-increment value in UPDATE conflicts with internally generated valuesRow events are not logged for %s statements that modify BLACKHOLE tables in row format. Table(s): '%-.192s'Slave failed to initialize master info structure from the repositorySlave failed to initialize relay log info structure from the repositoryAccess denied trying to change to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' (using password: %s). Disconnecting.InnoDB is in read only mode.STOP SLAVE command execution is incomplete: Slave SQL thread got the stop signal, thread is busy, SQL thread will stop once the current task is complete.STOP SLAVE command execution is incomplete: Slave IO thread got the stop signal, thread is busy, IO thread will stop once the current task is complete.Operation cannot be performed. The table '%-.64s.%-.64s' is missing, corrupt or contains bad data.Temporary file write failure.Upgrade index name failed, please use create index(alter table) algorithm copy to rebuild index.TIME/TIMESTAMP/DATETIME columns of old format have been upgraded to the new format.Operation not allowed when innodb_forced_recovery > 0.The initialization vector supplied to %s is too short. Must be at least %d bytes longPlugin '%s' cannot be uninstalled now. %sCannot execute statement because it needs to be written to the binary log as multiple statements, and this is not allowed when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT == 'UUID:NUMBER'.Slave has more GTIDs than the master has, using the master's SERVER_UUID. This may indicate that the end of the binary log was truncated or that the last binary log file was lost, e.g., after a power or disk failure when sync_binlog != 1. The master may or may not have rolled back transactions that were already replicated to the slave. Suggest to replicate any transactions that master has rolled back from slave to master, and/or commit empty transactions on master to account for transactions that have been committed on master but are not included in GTID_EXECUTED.The table '%s.%s' does not have the necessary key(s) defined on it. Please check the table definition and create index(s) accordingly.File %s is corruptedQuery partially completed on the master (error on master: %d) and was aborted. There is a chance that your master is inconsistent at this point. If you are sure that your master is ok, run this query manually on the slave and then restart the slave with SET GLOBAL SQL_SLAVE_SKIP_COUNTER=1; START SLAVE;. Query:'%s'Query caused different errors on master and slave. Error on master: message (format)='%s' error code=%d; Error on slave:actual message='%s', error code=%d. Default database:'%s'. Query:'%s'Storage engine for table '%s'.'%s' is not loaded.GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS when handler not active%s is no longer supported. The statement was converted to %s.Statement is unsafe because it uses a fulltext parser plugin which may not return the same value on the slave.Cannot DISCARD/IMPORT tablespace associated with temporary tableForeign key cascade delete/update exceeds max depth of %d.Column count of %s.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. Created with MySQL %d, now running %d. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error.Trigger %s.%s.%s does not have CREATED attribute.Referenced trigger '%s' for the given action time and event type does not exist.EXPLAIN FOR CONNECTION command is supported only for SELECT/UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE/REPLACEInvalid size for column '%-.192s'.Table storage engine '%-.64s' found required create option missingOut of memory in storage engine '%-.64s'.The password for anonymous user cannot be expired.This operation cannot be performed with a running slave sql thread; run STOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD firstCannot create FULLTEXT index on materialized subqueryUndo Log error: %sInvalid argument for logarithmThis operation cannot be performed with a running slave io thread; run STOP SLAVE IO_THREAD FOR CHANNEL '%s' first.This operation may not be safe when the slave has temporary tables. The tables will be kept open until the server restarts or until the tables are deleted by any replicated DROP statement. Suggest to wait until slave_open_temp_tables = 0.CHANGE MASTER TO with a MASTER_LOG_FILE clause but no MASTER_LOG_POS clause may not be safe. The old position value may not be valid for the new binary log file.Query execution was interrupted, maximum statement execution time exceededSelect is not a read only statement, disabling timerDuplicate entry '%-.192s'.'%s' mode no longer has any effect. Use STRICT_ALL_TABLES or STRICT_TRANS_TABLES instead.Expression #%u of ORDER BY contains aggregate function and applies to a UNIONExpression #%u of ORDER BY contains aggregate function and applies to the result of a non-aggregated querySlave worker has stopped after at least one previous worker encountered an error when slave-preserve-commit-order was enabled. To preserve commit order, the last transaction executed by this thread has not been committed. When restarting the slave after fixing any failed threads, you should fix this worker as well.slave_preserve_commit_order is not supported %s.The server is currently in offline modeBinary geometry function %s given two geometries of different srids: %u and %u, which should have been identical.Calling geometry function %s with unsupported types of arguments.Unknown GIS error occured in function %s.Unknown exception caught in GIS function %s.Invalid GIS data provided to function %s.The geometry has no data in function %s.Unable to calculate centroid because geometry is empty in function %s.Geometry overlay calculation error: geometry data is invalid in function %s.Geometry turn info calculation error: geometry data is invalid in function %s.Analysis procedures of intersection points interrupted unexpectedly in function %s.Unknown exception thrown in function %s.Memory allocation error: %-.256s in function %s.Domain error: %-.256s in function %s.Length error: %-.256s in function %s.Invalid argument error: %-.256s in function %s.Out of range error: %-.256s in function %s.Overflow error error: %-.256s in function %s.Range error: %-.256s in function %s.Underflow error: %-.256s in function %s.Logic error: %-.256s in function %s.Runtime error: %-.256s in function %s.Unknown exception: %-.384s in function %s.Geometry byte string must be little endian.The password provided for the replication user exceeds the maximum length of 32 charactersIncorrect user-level lock name '%-.192s'.Deadlock found when trying to get user-level lock; try rolling back transaction/releasing locks and restarting lock acquisition.REPLACE cannot be executed as it requires deleting rows that are not in the viewDo not support online operation on table with GIS indexUser variable name '%-.100s' is illegalCannot %s when GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot %s from a replication slave thread.Incorrect type for argument %s in function %s.Expression #%u of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, references column '%-.192s' which is not in SELECT list; this is incompatible with %sExpression #%u of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, contains aggregate function; this is incompatible with %sSupplied filter list contains a value which is not in the required format 'db_pattern.table_pattern'OK packet too largeInvalid JSON data provided to function %s: %sInvalid GeoJSON data provided to function %s: Missing required member '%s'Invalid GeoJSON data provided to function %s: Member '%s' must be of type '%s'Invalid GeoJSON data provided to function %sUnsupported number of coordinate dimensions in function %s: Found %u, expected %uSlave channel '%s' does not exist.A slave channel '%s' already exists for the given host and port combination.Couldn't create channel: Channel name is either invalid or too long.To have multiple channels, repository cannot be of type FILE; Please check the repository configuration and convert them to TABLE.Cannot delete slave info objects for channel '%s'.Multiple channels exist on the slave. Please provide channel name as an argument.Maximum number of replication channels allowed exceeded.This operation cannot be performed with running replication threads; run STOP SLAVE FOR CHANNEL '%s' firstThis operation requires running replication threads; configure slave and run START SLAVE FOR CHANNEL '%s'Replication thread(s) for channel '%s' are already runnning.Replication thread(s) for channel '%s' are already stopped.This operation cannot be performed with a running slave sql thread; run STOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD FOR CHANNEL '%s' first.When sql_slave_skip_counter > 0, it is not allowed to start more than one SQL thread by using 'START SLAVE [SQL_THREAD]'. Value of sql_slave_skip_counter can only be used by one SQL thread at a time. Please use 'START SLAVE [SQL_THREAD] FOR CHANNEL' to start the SQL thread which will use the value of sql_slave_skip_counter.Expression #%u of %s is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column '%-.192s' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_byIn aggregated query without GROUP BY, expression #%u of %s contains nonaggregated column '%-.192s'; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_byUpdating '%s' is deprecated. It will be made read-only in a future release.Changing sql mode '%s' is deprecated. It will be removed in a future release.DROP DATABASE failed; some tables may have been dropped but the database directory remains. The GTID has not been added to GTID_EXECUTED and the statement was not written to the binary log. Fix this as follows: (1) remove all files from the database directory %-.192s; (2) SET GTID_NEXT='%-.192s'; (3) DROP DATABASE `%-.192s`.The server is not configured properly to be an active member of the group. Please see more details on error log.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed since the group is already running.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as the applier module failed to start.The STOP GROUP_REPLICATION command execution is incomplete: The applier thread got the stop signal while it was busy. The applier thread will stop once the current task is complete.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as there was an error when initializing the group communication layer.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as there was an error when joining the communication group.The table does not comply with the requirements by an external plugin.Cannot change the value of variable %s without binary log format as ROW.Error on observer while running replication hook '%s'.Plugin instructed the server to rollback the current transaction.Expression of generated column '%s' contains a disallowed function.INPLACE ADD or DROP of virtual columns cannot be combined with other ALTER TABLE actionsCannot define foreign key with %s clause on a generated column.The value specified for generated column '%s' in table '%s' is not allowed.'%s' is not supported for generated columns.Generated column can refer only to generated columns defined prior to it.Column '%s' has a generated column dependency.Generated column '%s' cannot refer to auto-increment column.The '%-.64s' feature is not available; you need to remove '%-.64s' or use MySQL built with '%-.64s'SET @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = %-.64s is not allowed because %-.384s.The replication receiver thread%-.192s cannot start in AUTO_POSITION mode: this server uses @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot replicate anonymous transaction when AUTO_POSITION = 1, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot replicate anonymous transaction when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot replicate GTID-transaction when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot set ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY = ON because there are ongoing transactions that violate GTID consistency.There are ongoing transactions that violate GTID consistency.Access denied for user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s'. Account is locked.Incorrect tablespace name `%-.192s`Tablespace `%-.192s` is not empty.Incorrect File Name '%s'.Inconsistent intersection points.Optimizer hint syntax errorUnsupported MAX_EXECUTION_TIMEMAX_EXECUTION_TIME hint is supported by top-level standalone SELECT statements onlyHint %s is ignored as conflicting/duplicatedQuery block name %s is not found for %s hintUnresolved name %s for %s hintPlease do not modify the %s table. This is a mysql internal system table to store GTIDs for committed transactions. Modifying it can lead to an inconsistent GTID state.Command not supported by pluggable protocolsIncorrect locking service lock name '%-.192s'.Deadlock found when trying to get locking service lock; try releasing locks and restarting lock acquisition.Service lock wait timeout exceeded.Parameter %s exceeds the maximum number of points in a geometry (%lu) in function %s.'NO_ZERO_DATE', 'NO_ZERO_IN_DATE' and 'ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO' sql modes should be used with strict mode. They will be merged with strict mode in a future release.Version token mismatch for %.*s. Correct value %.*sVersion token %.*s not found.Variable %-.192s cannot be changed by a client that owns a GTID. The client owns %s. Ownership is released on COMMIT or ROLLBACK.%-.192s cannot be performed on channel '%-.192s'.Invalid JSON text: "%s" at position %u in value for column '%-.200s'.Invalid JSON text in argument %u to function %s: "%s" at position %u.%-.0sThe JSON binary value contains invalid data.Invalid JSON path expression. The error is around character position %u.%-.200sCannot create a JSON value from a string with CHARACTER SET '%s'.Invalid JSON character data provided to function %s: '%s'; utf8 is required.Invalid data type for JSON data in argument %u to function %s; a JSON string or JSON type is required.Cannot CAST value to JSON.A path expression must be encoded in the utf8 character set. The path expression '%-.200s' is encoded in character set '%-.200s'.In this situation, path expressions may not contain the * and ** tokens.The JSON value is too big to be stored in a JSON column.The JSON object contains a key name that is too long.JSON column '%-.192s' cannot be used in key specification.The path expression '$' is not allowed in this context.The oneOrAll argument to %s may take these values: 'one' or 'all'.Out of range JSON value for CAST to %s%-.0s from column %s at row %ldInvalid JSON value for CAST to %s%-.0s from column %s at row %ldThe JSON document exceeds the maximum depth.JSON documents may not contain NULL member names.Connections using insecure transport are prohibited while --require_secure_transport=ON.No secure transports (SSL or Shared Memory) are configured, unable to set --require_secure_transport=ON.Storage engine %s is disabled (Table creation is disallowed).User %s does not exist.User %s already exists.Aborted by Audit API ('%-.48s';%d).A path expression is not a path to a cell in an array.Another buffer pool resize is already in progress.The '%s' feature is disabled; see the documentation for '%s'Server isn't availableSession was killedMemory capacity of %llu bytes for '%s' exceeded. %sRange optimization was not done for this query.Partitioning upgrade required. Please dump/reload to fix it or do: ALTER TABLE `%-.192s`.`%-.192s` UPGRADE PARTITIONINGThe client holds ownership of the GTID %s. Therefore, WAIT_FOR_EXECUTED_GTID_SET cannot wait for this GTID.Cannot add foreign key on the base column of indexed virtual column.Cannot create index on virtual column whose base column has foreign constraint.Please do not modify the %s table with an XA transaction. This is an internal system table used to store GTIDs for committed transactions. Although modifying it can lead to an inconsistent GTID state, if neccessary you can modify it with a non-XA transaction.Lock acquisition refused by storage engine.ADD COLUMN col...VIRTUAL, ADD INDEX(col)Master key rotation is not supported by storage engine.Encryption key rotation error reported by SE: %sWrite to binlog failed. However, master key rotation has been completed successfully.Storage engine is not available.This tablespace can't be encrypted.Invalid encryption option.Can't find master key from keyring, please check in the server log if a keyring plugin is loaded and initialized successfully.Parser bailed out for this query.Cannot alter encryption attribute by inplace algorithm.Function '%s' failed because underlying keyring service returned an error. Please check if a keyring plugin is installed and that provided arguments are valid for the keyring you are using.It seems that your db schema is old. The %s column is 77 characters long and should be 93 characters long. Please run mysql_upgrade.RESET MASTER is not allowed because %-.384s.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed since the group already has 9 members.Cannot add foreign key on the base column of stored column. Cannot complete the operation because table is referenced by another connection.The partition engine, used by table '%-.192s.%-.192s', is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use native partitioning instead.%.192s(geometry) is deprecated and will be replaced by st_srid(geometry, 0) in a future version. Use %.192s(st_aswkb(geometry), 0) instead.%.192s(geometry, srid) is deprecated and will be replaced by st_srid(geometry, srid) in a future version. Use %.192s(st_aswkb(geometry), srid) instead.The resource manager is not able to commit the transaction branch at this time. Please retry later.Function %s failed due to: %s.Statement is unsafe because it is being used inside a XA transaction. Concurrent XA transactions may deadlock on slaves when replicated using statements.%s UDF failed; %sCan not perform keyring migration : %sAccess denied; you need %-.128s privileges for this operationKeyring migration %s.Failed to open the %s filter tables.Failed to open '%s.%s' %s table.No keyring plugin installed.Audit log encryption password has not been set; it will be generated automatically. Use audit_log_encryption_password_get to obtain the password or audit_log_encryption_password_set to set a new one.Could not create AES key. OpenSSL's EVP_BytesToKey function failed.Audit log encryption password cannot be fetched from the keyring. Password used so far is used for encryption.Audit Log filtering has not been installed.Request ignored for '%s'@'%s'. SUPER_ACL needed to perform operationSUPER privilege required for '%s'@'%s' user.Could not reinitialize audit log filters.Invalid argument typeInvalid argument countaudit_log plugin has not been installed using INSTALL PLUGIN syntax.Invalid "max_array_length" argument type.Invalid "max_array_length" argument value.%sFilter name cannot be empty.User cannot be empty.Specified filter has not been found.First character of the user name must be alphanumeric.Invalid character in the user name.Invalid character in the host name.With the MAXDB SQL mode enabled, TIMESTAMP is identical with DATETIME. The MAXDB SQL mode is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please disable the MAXDB SQL mode and use DATETIME instead.The use of replication filters with XA transactions is not supported, and can lead to an undefined state in the replication slave.Compressed column '%-.192s' is not allowed in the key listCan not define column '%-.192s' in compressed formatCompression dictionary '%-.192s' already existsCompression dictionary '%-.192s' does not existCompression dictionary name '%-.192s' is too long (max length = %lu)Data for compression dictionary '%-.192s' is too long (max length = %lu)Compression dictionary '%-.192s' is in useCan't execute the query because you have a conflicting backup lockKeys are out order during bulk loadBulk load rows overlap existing rowsCan't execute updates on master with binlog_format != ROW.MyRocks supports only READ COMMITTED and REPEATABLE READ isolation levels. Please change from current isolation level %sWhen unique checking is disabled in MyRocks, INSERT,UPDATE,LOAD statements with clauses that update or replace the key (i.e. INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, REPLACE) are not allowed. Query: %sCan't execute updates when you started a transaction with START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT [ROCKSDB] SNAPSHOT.This transaction was rolled back and cannot be committed. Only supported operation is to roll it back, so all pending changes will be discarded. Please restart another transaction.MyRocks currently does not support ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT if modifying rows.Only REPEATABLE READ isolation level is supported for START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT SNAPSHOT in RocksDB Storage Engine.Unsupported collation on string indexed column %s.%s Use binary collation (%s).Table '%s' does not exist, but metadata information exists inside MyRocks. This is a sign of data inconsistency. Please check if '%s.frm' exists, and try to restore it if it does not exist.MyRocks failed creating new key definitions during alter.MyRocks failed populating secondary key during alter.Column family ('%s') flag (%d) is different from an existing flag (%d). Assign a new CF flag, or do not change existing CF flag.TTL support is currently disabled when table has a hidden PK.TTL column (%s) in MyRocks must be an unsigned non-null 64-bit integer, exist inside the table, and have an accompanying ttl duration.TTL duration (%s) in MyRocks must be an unsigned non-null 64-bit integer.The per-index column family option has been deprecated.portuguese/errmsg.sys000075500000243367147633135420011037 0ustar005uPT*[2m%v FzR|/Xf{a ? e z ) M x * W z  % C f E(y8Op=Mj O"h&Qt$G =N]p`j4e / N L!!!\""".#i####G$$$$%8%n%%%@&~&&&C'f''(E((3)b)))L*|****+:+\+~++!,N,,,,,>---.m../0`00/1z112b223r333-445X55526X66666S7778L8889b9999:f:::;Q;u;;;<B<h<<<</===>->F>>?x????;@@@@ AVAAA+BbBBBC.DDDEEF:FFFFgGGGGNHHH IIIJ"JKJtJJJK;KpKKKKKKKL:LvLLL$MMMMN0NQNsNNNNNNOCO[OrOOOOOPHPuPPPP#Q]QQQR:R\RRRRSZSSSrTTTTU=UlUUUU V9VnVVVV2WWWxWWWWX"XMXnXXXX)YTYYYYZ)ZCZZZ[$[;[r[[\e\\\#]V]]]]^C^y^^^@_m__o`4aaAbibbc:c{cc dZdddHeee4fLfffgWgzgg/hh%ieiijWjjj$knkkgllmmmm&nunnn o8obooooo)pvppp.qoqqrqrrr$sdsssNttttRu~uuu1vkvvv+wfwww!xixxxy@yuyy zuzzz{<{t{{{|||};}Z}|}}}}}/~|~~~S,Ddvɀ!Aց+Ge9^̃YW&?SЇ5<x!"U2Fc1`ݎDz&Uw+\1ƒ3oדTʔДڔ!WwĕCdʖ eߗA^͘b&͚x&ϜKםTٞ}w۠Aơס4nӢFhǣeӤ/f#\'m=רwf=rثZ+{ݳC޴!ŵ7s¶v׷ZxøHh:o RgP7A}3^{4 pM0n5NO?${6Ro8Jpm=Y]& %F=qBr-O!Q> dT?\pQ{ [3#SA|8Hr ?Rqvk$a,n_Ox%QDpv'Gr0Jc Y.kc7k#rzS    \   9    + h     DQ-LDqPT GIvj3f1Z;l "    !>"k"""K##m$%i%%"&4&[&&&&&''((((+)U)k))))**<*R*w****+F,,,,-[---.6.[..//@00A11 223;33344hashchkisamchkNÃOSIMNão pode criar o arquivo '%-.200s' (erro no. %d - %s)Não pode criar a tabela '%-.200s' (erro no. %d)Não pode criar o banco de dados '%-.192s' (erro no. %d)Não pode criar o banco de dados '%-.192s'; este banco de dados já existeNão pode eliminar o banco de dados '%-.192s'; este banco de dados não existeErro ao eliminar banco de dados (não pode eliminar '%-.192s' - erro no. %d)Erro ao eliminar banco de dados (não pode remover diretório '%-.192s' - erro no. %d)Erro na remoção de '%-.192s' (erro no. %d - %s)Não pode ler um registro numa tabela do sistemaNão pode obter o status de '%-.200s' (erro no. %d - %s)Não pode obter o diretório corrente (erro no. %d - %s)Não pode travar o arquivo (erro no. %d - %s)Não pode abrir o arquivo '%-.200s' (erro no. %d - %s)Não pode encontrar o arquivo '%-.200s' (erro no. %d - %s)Não pode ler o diretório de '%-.192s' (erro no. %d - %s)Não pode mudar para o diretório '%-.192s' (erro no. %d - %s)Registro alterado desde a última leitura da tabela '%-.192s'Disco cheio (%s). Aguardando alguém liberar algum espaço... (erro no. %d - %s)Não pode gravar. Chave duplicada na tabela '%-.192s'Erro ao fechar '%-.192s' (erro no. %d - %s)Erro ao ler arquivo '%-.200s' (erro no. %d - %s)Erro ao renomear '%-.210s' para '%-.210s' (erro no. %d - %s)Erro ao gravar arquivo '%-.200s' (erro no. %d - %s)'%-.192s' está com travamento contra alteraçõesOrdenação abortadaVisão '%-.192s' não existe para '%-.192s'Obteve erro %d no manipulador de tabelasManipulador de tabela para '%-.192s' não tem esta opçãoNão pode encontrar registro em '%-.192s'Informação incorreta no arquivo '%-.200s'Arquivo de índice incorreto para tabela '%-.200s'; tente repará-loArquivo de índice desatualizado para tabela '%-.192s'; repare-o!Tabela '%-.192s' é somente para leituraSem memória. Reinicie o programa e tente novamente (necessita de %d bytes)Não há memória suficiente para ordenação. Considere aumentar o tamanho do retentor (buffer) de ordenação.Encontrado fim de arquivo inesperado ao ler arquivo '%-.192s' (erro no. %d - %s)Excesso de conexõesSem memória. Verifique se o mysqld ou algum outro processo está usando toda memória disponível. Se não, você pode ter que usar 'ulimit' para permitir ao mysqld usar mais memória ou você pode adicionar mais área de 'swap'Não pode obter nome do 'host' para seu endereçoNegociação de acesso falhouAcesso negado para o usuário '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' ao banco de dados '%-.192s'Acesso negado para o usuário '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' (senha usada: %s)Nenhum banco de dados foi selecionadoComando desconhecidoColuna '%-.192s' não pode ser vaziaBanco de dados '%-.192s' desconhecidoTabela '%-.192s' já existeTabela '%-.100s' desconhecidaColuna '%-.192s' em '%-.192s' é ambígua'Shutdown' do servidor em andamentoColuna '%-.192s' desconhecida em '%-.192s''%-.192s' não está em 'GROUP BY'Não pode agrupar em '%-.192s'Cláusula contém funções de soma e colunas juntasContagem de colunas não confere com a contagem de valoresNome identificador '%-.100s' é longo demaisNome da coluna '%-.192s' duplicadoNome da chave '%-.192s' duplicadoEntrada '%-.192s' duplicada para a chave %dEspecificador de coluna incorreto para a coluna '%-.192s'%s próximo a '%-.80s' na linha %dConsulta (query) estava vaziaTabela/alias '%-.192s' não únicaValor padrão (default) inválido para '%-.192s'Definida mais de uma chave primáriaEspecificadas chaves demais. O máximo permitido são %d chavesEspecificadas partes de chave demais. O máximo permitido são %d partesChave especificada longa demais. O comprimento de chave máximo permitido é %dColuna chave '%-.192s' não existe na tabelaColuna BLOB '%-.192s' não pode ser utilizada na especificação de chave para o tipo de tabela usadoComprimento da coluna '%-.192s' grande demais (max = %lu); use BLOB em seu lugarDefinição incorreta de tabela. Somente é permitido um único campo auto-incrementado e ele tem que ser definido como chave%s: Pronto para conexões Version: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d"%s: 'Shutdown' normal %s: Obteve sinal %d. Abortando! %s: 'Shutdown' completo %s: Forçando finalização da 'thread' %ld - usuário '%-.48s' Não pode criar o soquete IPTabela '%-.192s' não possui um índice como o usado em CREATE INDEX. Recrie a tabelaArgumento separador de campos não é o esperado. Cheque o manualVocê não pode usar comprimento de linha fixo com BLOBs. Por favor, use campos com comprimento limitado.Arquivo '%-.128s' tem que estar no diretório do banco de dados ou ter leitura possível para todosArquivo '%-.200s' já existeRegistros: %ld - Deletados: %ld - Ignorados: %ld - Avisos: %ldRegistros: %ld - Duplicados: %ldSub parte da chave incorreta. A parte da chave usada não é uma 'string' ou o comprimento usado é maior que parte da chave ou o manipulador de tabelas não suporta sub chaves únicasVocê não pode deletar todas as colunas com ALTER TABLE; use DROP TABLE em seu lugarNão se pode fazer DROP '%-.192s'. Confira se esta coluna/chave existeRegistros: %ld - Duplicados: %ld - Avisos: %ldYou can't specify target table '%-.192s' for update in FROM clause'Id' de 'thread' %lu desconhecidoVocê não é proprietário da 'thread' %luNenhuma tabela usada'Strings' demais para coluna '%-.192s' e SETNão pode gerar um nome de arquivo de 'log' único '%-.200s'.(1-999) Tabela '%-.192s' foi travada com trava de leitura e não pode ser atualizadaTabela '%-.192s' não foi travada com LOCK TABLESColuna BLOB '%-.192s' não pode ter um valor padrão (default)Nome de banco de dados '%-.100s' incorretoNome de tabela '%-.100s' incorretoO SELECT examinaria registros demais e provavelmente levaria muito tempo. Cheque sua cláusula WHERE e use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1, se o SELECT estiver corretoErro desconhecido'Procedure' '%-.192s' desconhecidaNúmero de parâmetros incorreto para a 'procedure' '%-.192s'Parâmetros incorretos para a 'procedure' '%-.192s'Tabela '%-.192s' desconhecida em '%-.32s'Coluna '%-.192s' especificada duas vezesUso inválido de função de agrupamento (GROUP)Tabela '%-.192s' usa uma extensão que não existe nesta versão do MySQLUma tabela tem que ter pelo menos uma (1) colunaTabela '%-.192s' está cheiaConjunto de caracteres '%-.64s' desconhecidoTabelas demais. O MySQL pode usar somente %d tabelas em uma junção (JOIN)Colunas demaisTamanho de linha grande demais. O máximo tamanho de linha, não contando BLOBs, é %ld. Você tem que mudar alguns campos para BLOBsEstouro da pilha do 'thread'. Usados %ld de uma pilha de %ld. Use 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' para especificar uma pilha maior, se necessárioDependência cruzada encontrada em junção externa (OUTER JOIN); examine as condições utilizadas nas cláusulas 'ON'Table handler doesn't support NULL in given index. Please change column '%-.192s' to be NOT NULL or use another handlerNão pode carregar a função '%-.192s'Não pode inicializar a função '%-.192s' - '%-.80s'Não há caminhos (paths) permitidos para biblioteca compartilhadaFunção '%-.192s' já existeNão pode abrir biblioteca compartilhada '%-.192s' (erro no. %d '%-.128s')Não pode encontrar a função '%-.128s' na bibliotecaFunção '%-.192s' não está definida'Host' '%-.64s' está bloqueado devido a muitos erros de conexão. Desbloqueie com 'mysqladmin flush-hosts''Host' '%-.64s' não tem permissão para se conectar com este servidor MySQLVocê está usando o MySQL como usuário anônimo e usuários anônimos não têm permissão para mudar senhasVocê deve ter privilégios para atualizar tabelas no banco de dados mysql para ser capaz de mudar a senha de outrosNão pode encontrar nenhuma linha que combine na tabela usuário (user table)Linhas que combinaram: %ld - Alteradas: %ld - Avisos: %ldNão pode criar uma nova 'thread' (erro no. %d). Se você não estiver sem memória disponível, você pode consultar o manual sobre um possível 'bug' dependente do sistema operacionalContagem de colunas não confere com a contagem de valores na linha %ldNão pode reabrir a tabela '%-.192sUso inválido do valor NULLObteve erro '%-.64s' em regexpMistura de colunas agrupadas (com MIN(), MAX(), COUNT(), ...) com colunas não agrupadas é ilegal, se não existir uma cláusula de agrupamento (cláusula GROUP BY)Não existe tal permissão (grant) definida para o usuário '%-.48s' no 'host' '%-.64s'Comando '%-.128s' negado para o usuário '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' na tabela '%-.64s'Comando '%-.16s' negado para o usuário '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' na coluna '%-.192s', na tabela '%-.192s'Comando GRANT/REVOKE ilegal. Por favor consulte no manual quais privilégios podem ser usados.Argumento de 'host' ou de usuário para o GRANT é longo demaisTabela '%-.192s.%-.192s' não existeNão existe tal permissão (grant) definido para o usuário '%-.48s' no 'host' '%-.64s', na tabela '%-.192s'Comando usado não é permitido para esta versão do MySQLVocê tem um erro de sintaxe no seu SQLDelayed insert thread couldn't get requested lock for table %-.192sToo many delayed threads in useConexão %ld abortou para o banco de dados '%-.192s' - usuário '%-.48s' (%-.64s)Obteve um pacote maior do que a taxa máxima de pacotes definida (max_allowed_packet)Obteve um erro de leitura no 'pipe' da conexãoObteve um erro em fcntl()Obteve pacotes fora de ordemNão conseguiu descomprimir pacote de comunicaçãoObteve um erro na leitura de pacotes de comunicaçãoObteve expiração de tempo (timeout) na leitura de pacotes de comunicaçãoObteve um erro na escrita de pacotes de comunicaçãoObteve expiração de tempo ('timeout') na escrita de pacotes de comunicação'String' resultante é mais longa do que 'max_allowed_packet'Tipo de tabela usado não permite colunas BLOB/TEXTTipo de tabela usado não permite colunas AUTO_INCREMENTINSERT DELAYED can't be used with table '%-.192s' because it is locked with LOCK TABLESNome de coluna '%-.100s' incorretoO manipulador de tabela usado não pode indexar a coluna '%-.192s'Todas as tabelas contidas na tabela fundida (MERGE) não estão definidas identicamenteNão pode gravar, devido à restrição UNIQUE, na tabela '%-.192s'Coluna BLOB '%-.192s' usada na especificação de chave sem o comprimento da chaveTodas as partes de uma chave primária devem ser não-nulas. Se você precisou usar um valor nulo (NULL) em uma chave, use a cláusula UNIQUE em seu lugarO resultado consistiu em mais do que uma linhaEste tipo de tabela requer uma chave primáriaEsta versão do MySQL não foi compilada com suporte a RAIDVocê está usando modo de atualização seguro e tentou atualizar uma tabela sem uma cláusula WHERE que use uma coluna chaveChave '%-.192s' não existe na tabela '%-.192s'Não pode abrir a tabelaO manipulador de tabela não suporta %sNão lhe é permitido executar este comando em uma transaçãoObteve erro %d durante COMMITObteve erro %d durante ROLLBACKObteve erro %d durante FLUSH_LOGSObteve erro %d durante CHECKPOINTConexão %u abortada para banco de dados '%-.192s' - usuário '%-.48s' - 'host' '%-.64s' ('%-.64s')O manipulador de tabela não suporta 'dump' binário de tabelaBinlog fechado. Não pode fazer RESET MASTERFalhou na reconstrução do índice da tabela 'dumped' '%-.192s'Erro no 'master' '%-.64s'Erro de rede lendo do 'master'Erro de rede gravando no 'master'Não pode encontrar um índice para o texto todo que combine com a lista de colunasNão pode executar o comando dado porque você tem tabelas ativas travadas ou uma transação ativaVariável de sistema '%-.64s' desconhecidaTabela '%-.192s' está marcada como danificada e deve ser reparadaTabela '%-.192s' está marcada como danificada e a última reparação (automática?) falhouAviso: Algumas tabelas não-transacionais alteradas não puderam ser reconstituídas (rolled back)Transações multi-declaradas (multi-statement transactions) requeriram mais do que o valor limite (max_binlog_cache_size) de bytes para armazenagem. Aumente o valor desta variável do mysqld e tente novamenteEsta operação não pode ser realizada com um 'slave' em execução. Execute STOP SLAVE primeiroEsta operação requer um 'slave' em execução. Configure o 'slave' e execute START SLAVEO servidor não está configurado como 'slave'. Acerte o arquivo de configuração ou use CHANGE MASTER TOCould not initialize master info structure; more error messages can be found in the MySQL error logNão conseguiu criar 'thread' de 'slave'. Verifique os recursos do sistemaUsuário '%-.64s' já possui mais que o valor máximo de conexões (max_user_connections) ativasVocê pode usar apenas expressões constantes com SETTempo de espera (timeout) de travamento excedido. Tente reiniciar a transação.O número total de travamentos excede o tamanho da tabela de travamentosTravamentos de atualização não podem ser obtidos durante uma transação de tipo READ UNCOMMITTEDDROP DATABASE não permitido enquanto uma 'thread' está mantendo um travamento global de leituraCREATE DATABASE não permitido enquanto uma 'thread' está mantendo um travamento global de leituraArgumentos errados para %sNão é permitido a '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' criar novos usuáriosDefinição incorreta da tabela. Todas as tabelas contidas na junção devem estar no mesmo banco de dados.Encontrado um travamento fatal (deadlock) quando tentava obter uma trava. Tente reiniciar a transação.O tipo de tabela utilizado não suporta índices de texto completo (fulltext indexes)Não pode acrescentar uma restrição de chave estrangeiraNão pode acrescentar uma linha filha: uma restrição de chave estrangeira falhouNão pode apagar uma linha pai: uma restrição de chave estrangeira falhouErro conectando com o master: %-.128sErro rodando consulta no master: %-.128sErro quando executando comando %s: %-.128sUso errado de %s e %sOs comandos SELECT usados têm diferente número de colunasNão posso executar a consulta porque você tem um conflito de travamento de leituraMistura de tabelas transacional e não-transacional está desabilitadaOpção '%s' usada duas vezes no comandoUsuário '%-.64s' tem excedido o '%s' recurso (atual valor: %ld)Acesso negado. Você precisa o privilégio %-.128s para essa operaçãoVariável '%-.64s' é uma SESSION variável e não pode ser usada com SET GLOBALVariável '%-.64s' é uma GLOBAL variável e deve ser configurada com SET GLOBALVariável '%-.64s' não tem um valor padrãoVariável '%-.64s' não pode ser configurada para o valor de '%-.200s'Tipo errado de argumento para variável '%-.64s'Variável '%-.64s' somente pode ser configurada, não lidaErrado uso/colocação de '%s'Esta versão de MySQL não suporta ainda '%s'Obteve fatal erro %d: '%-.320s' do master quando lendo dados do binary logSlave SQL thread ignorado a consulta devido às normas de replicação-*-tabelaVariable '%-.192s' is a %s variableDefinição errada da chave estrangeira para '%-.192s': %sReferência da chave e referência da tabela não coincidemOperand should contain %d column(s)Subconsulta retorna mais que 1 registroDesconhecido manipulador de declaração preparado (%.*s) determinado para %sBanco de dado de ajuda corrupto ou não existenteReferência cíclica em subconsultasConvertendo coluna '%s' de %s para %sReferência '%-.64s' não suportada (%s)Cada tabela derivada deve ter seu próprio aliasSelect %u foi reduzido durante otimizaçãoTabela '%-.192s' de um dos SELECTs não pode ser usada em %-.32sCliente não suporta o protocolo de autenticação exigido pelo servidor; considere a atualização do cliente MySQLTodas as partes de uma SPATIAL index devem ser NOT NULLCOLLATION '%s' não é válida para CHARACTER SET '%s'O slave já está rodandoO slave já está paradoTamanho muito grande dos dados des comprimidos. O máximo tamanho é %d. (provavelmente, o comprimento dos dados descomprimidos está corrupto)ZLIB: Não suficiente memória disponívelZLIB: Não suficiente espaço no buffer emissor (provavelmente, o comprimento dos dados descomprimidos está corrupto)ZLIB: Dados de entrada está corruptoRow %u was cut by GROUP_CONCAT()Conta de registro é menor que a conta de coluna na linha %ldConta de registro é maior que a conta de coluna na linha %ldDado truncado, NULL fornecido para NOT NULL coluna '%s' na linha %ldOut of range value for column '%s' at row %ldDado truncado para coluna '%s' na linha %ldUsando engine de armazenamento %s para tabela '%s'Combinação ilegal de collations (%s,%s) e (%s,%s) para operação '%s'Cannot drop one or more of the requested usersNão pode revocar todos os privilégios, grant para um ou mais dos usuários pedidosIlegal combinação de collations (%s,%s), (%s,%s), (%s,%s) para operação '%s'Ilegal combinação de collations para operação '%s'Variável '%-.64s' não é uma variável componente (Não pode ser usada como XXXX.variável_nome)Collation desconhecida: '%-.64s'SSL parâmetros em CHANGE MASTER são ignorados porque este escravo MySQL foi compilado sem o SSL suporte. Os mesmos podem ser usados mais tarde quando o escravo MySQL com SSL seja iniciado.Servidor está rodando em --secure-auth modo, porêm '%s'@'%s' tem senha no formato antigo; por favor troque a senha para o novo formatoCampo ou referência '%-.192s%s%-.192s%s%-.192s' de SELECT #%d foi resolvido em SELECT #%dParâmetro ou combinação de parâmetros errado para START SLAVE UNTILÉ recomendado para rodar com --skip-slave-start quando fazendo replicação passo-por-passo com START SLAVE UNTIL, de outra forma você não está seguro em caso de inesperada reinicialição do mysqld escravoThread SQL não pode ser inicializado tal que opções UNTIL são ignoradasIncorreto nome de índice '%-.100s'Incorreto nome de catálogo '%-.100s'Falha em Query cache para configurar tamanho %lu, novo tamanho de query cache é %luColuna '%-.192s' não pode ser parte de índice FULLTEXTKey cache desconhecida '%-.100s'MySQL foi inicializado em modo --skip-name-resolve. Você necesita reincializá-lo sem esta opção para este grant funcionarMotor de tabela desconhecido '%s''%s' é desatualizado. Use '%s' em seu lugarA tabela destino %-.100s do %s não é atualizávelO recurso '%s' foi desativado; você necessita MySQL construído com '%s' para ter isto funcionandoO servidor MySQL está rodando com a opção %s razão pela qual não pode executar esse commandoColuna '%-.100s' tem valor duplicado '%-.64s' em %sTruncado errado %-.32s valor: '%-.128s'Incorreta definição de tabela; Pode ter somente uma coluna TIMESTAMP com CURRENT_TIMESTAMP em DEFAULT ou ON UPDATE cláusulaInválida cláusula ON UPDATE para campo '%-.192s'This command is not supported in the prepared statement protocol yetGot error %d '%-.100s' from %sGot temporary error %d '%-.100s' from %sUnknown or incorrect time zone: '%-.64s'Invalid TIMESTAMP value in column '%s' at row %ldInvalid %s character string: '%.64s'Result of %s() was larger than max_allowed_packet (%ld) - truncatedConflicting declarations: '%s%s' and '%s%s'Can't create a %s from within another stored routine%s %s already exists%s %s does not existFailed to DROP %s %sFailed to CREATE %s %s%s with no matching label: %sRedefining label %sEnd-label %s without matchReferring to uninitialized variable %sPROCEDURE %s can't return a result set in the given contextRETURN is only allowed in a FUNCTION%s is not allowed in stored proceduresThe update log is deprecated and replaced by the binary log; SET SQL_LOG_UPDATE has been ignored.The update log is deprecated and replaced by the binary log; SET SQL_LOG_UPDATE has been translated to SET SQL_LOG_BIN.Query execution was interruptedIncorrect number of arguments for %s %s; expected %u, got %uUndefined CONDITION: %sNo RETURN found in FUNCTION %sFUNCTION %s ended without RETURNCursor statement must be a SELECTCursor SELECT must not have INTOUndefined CURSOR: %sCursor is already openCursor is not openUndeclared variable: %sIncorrect number of FETCH variablesNo data - zero rows fetched, selected, or processedDuplicate parameter: %sDuplicate variable: %sDuplicate condition: %sDuplicate cursor: %sFailed to ALTER %s %sSubquery value not supported%s is not allowed in stored function or triggerVariable or condition declaration after cursor or handler declarationCursor declaration after handler declarationCase not found for CASE statementConfiguration file '%-.192s' is too bigMalformed file type header in file '%-.192s'Unexpected end of file while parsing comment '%-.200s'Error while parsing parameter '%-.192s' (line: '%-.192s')Unexpected end of file while skipping unknown parameter '%-.192s'EXPLAIN/SHOW can not be issued; lacking privileges for underlying tableFile '%-.192s' has unknown type '%-.64s' in its header'%-.192s.%-.192s' is not %sColumn '%-.192s' is not updatableView's SELECT contains a subquery in the FROM clauseView's SELECT contains a '%s' clauseView's SELECT contains a variable or parameterView's SELECT refers to a temporary table '%-.192s'View's SELECT and view's field list have different column countsView merge algorithm can't be used here for now (assumed undefined algorithm)View being updated does not have complete key of underlying table in itView '%-.192s.%-.192s' references invalid table(s) or column(s) or function(s) or definer/invoker of view lack rights to use themCan't drop or alter a %s from within another stored routineGOTO is not allowed in a stored procedure handlerTrigger already existsTrigger does not existTrigger's '%-.192s' is view or temporary tableUpdating of %s row is not allowed in %striggerThere is no %s row in %s triggerField '%-.192s' doesn't have a default valueDivision by 0Incorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s' for column '%.192s' at row %ldIllegal %s '%-.192s' value found during parsingCHECK OPTION on non-updatable view '%-.192s.%-.192s'CHECK OPTION failed '%-.192s.%-.192s'%-.16s command denied to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' for routine '%-.192s'Failed purging old relay logs: %sPassword hash should be a %d-digit hexadecimal numberTarget log not found in binlog indexI/O error reading log index fileServer configuration does not permit binlog purgeFailed on fseek()Fatal error during log purgeA purgeable log is in use, will not purgeUnknown error during log purgeFailed initializing relay log position: %sYou are not using binary loggingThe '%-.64s' syntax is reserved for purposes internal to the MySQL serverWSAStartup FailedCan't handle procedures with different groups yetSelect must have a group with this procedureCan't use ORDER clause with this procedureBinary logging and replication forbid changing the global server %sCan't map file: %-.200s, errno: %dWrong magic in %-.64sPrepared statement contains too many placeholdersKey part '%-.192s' length cannot be 0View text checksum failedCan not modify more than one base table through a join view '%-.192s.%-.192s'Can not insert into join view '%-.192s.%-.192s' without fields listCan not delete from join view '%-.192s.%-.192s'Operation %s failed for %.256sXAER_NOTA: Unknown XIDXAER_INVAL: Invalid arguments (or unsupported command)XAER_RMFAIL: The command cannot be executed when global transaction is in the %.64s stateXAER_OUTSIDE: Some work is done outside global transactionXAER_RMERR: Fatal error occurred in the transaction branch - check your data for consistencyXA_RBROLLBACK: Transaction branch was rolled backThere is no such grant defined for user '%-.48s' on host '%-.64s' on routine '%-.192s'Failed to grant EXECUTE and ALTER ROUTINE privilegesFailed to revoke all privileges to dropped routineData too long for column '%s' at row %ldBad SQLSTATE: '%s'%s: ready for connections. Version: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d %sCan't load value from file with fixed size rows to variableYou are not allowed to create a user with GRANTIncorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s' for function %-.32sTable definition has changed, please retry transactionDuplicate handler declared in the same blockOUT or INOUT argument %d for routine %s is not a variable or NEW pseudo-variable in BEFORE triggerNot allowed to return a result set from a %sCannot get geometry object from data you send to the GEOMETRY fieldA routine failed and has neither NO SQL nor READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled; if non-transactional tables were updated, the binary log will miss their changesThis function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)You do not have the SUPER privilege and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)You can't execute a prepared statement which has an open cursor associated with it. Reset the statement to re-execute it.The statement (%lu) has no open cursor.Explicit or implicit commit is not allowed in stored function or trigger.Field of view '%-.192s.%-.192s' underlying table doesn't have a default valueRecursive stored functions and triggers are not allowed.Too big scale %d specified for column '%-.192s'. Maximum is %lu.Too-big precision %d specified for '%-.192s'. Maximum is %lu.For float(M,D), double(M,D) or decimal(M,D), M must be >= D (column '%-.192s').You can't combine write-locking of system tables with other tables or lock typesUnable to connect to foreign data source: %.64sThere was a problem processing the query on the foreign data source. Data source error: %-.64sThe foreign data source you are trying to reference does not exist. Data source error: %-.64sCan't create federated table. The data source connection string '%-.64s' is not in the correct formatThe data source connection string '%-.64s' is not in the correct formatCan't create federated table. Foreign data src error: %-.64sTrigger in wrong schemaThread stack overrun: %ld bytes used of a %ld byte stack, and %ld bytes needed. Use 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' to specify a bigger stack.Routine body for '%-.100s' is too longCannot drop default keycacheDisplay width out of range for column '%-.192s' (max = %lu)XAER_DUPID: The XID already existsDatetime function: %-.32s field overflowCan't update table '%-.192s' in stored function/trigger because it is already used by statement which invoked this stored function/trigger.The definition of table '%-.192s' prevents operation %.192s on table '%-.192s'.The prepared statement contains a stored routine call that refers to that same statement. It's not allowed to execute a prepared statement in such a recursive mannerNot allowed to set autocommit from a stored function or triggerDefiner is not fully qualifiedView '%-.192s'.'%-.192s' has no definer information (old table format). Current user is used as definer. Please recreate the view!You need the SUPER privilege for creation view with '%-.192s'@'%-.192s' definerThe user specified as a definer ('%-.64s'@'%-.64s') does not existChanging schema from '%-.192s' to '%-.192s' is not allowed.Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (%.192s)Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (%.192s)Variable '%-.64s' must be quoted with `...`, or renamedNo definer attribute for trigger '%-.192s'.'%-.192s'. The trigger will be activated under the authorization of the invoker, which may have insufficient privileges. Please recreate the trigger.'%-.192s' has an old format, you should re-create the '%s' object(s)Recursive limit %d (as set by the max_sp_recursion_depth variable) was exceeded for routine %.192sFailed to load routine %-.192s. The table mysql.proc is missing, corrupt, or contains bad data (internal code %d)Incorrect routine name '%-.192s'Table upgrade required. Please do "REPAIR TABLE `%-.64s`" or dump/reload to fix it!AGGREGATE is not supported for stored functionsCan't create more than max_prepared_stmt_count statements (current value: %lu)`%-.192s`.`%-.192s` contains view recursionNon-grouping field '%-.192s' is used in %-.64s clauseThe used table type doesn't support SPATIAL indexesTriggers can not be created on system tablesLeading spaces are removed from name '%s'Failed to read auto-increment value from storage engineuser namehost nameString '%-.70s' is too long for %s (should be no longer than %d)The target table %-.100s of the %s is not insertable-intoTable '%-.64s' is differently defined or of non-MyISAM type or doesn't existToo high level of nesting for selectName '%-.64s' has become ''First character of the FIELDS TERMINATED string is ambiguous; please use non-optional and non-empty FIELDS ENCLOSED BYThe foreign server, %s, you are trying to create already exists.The foreign server name you are trying to reference does not exist. Data source error: %-.64sTable storage engine '%-.64s' does not support the create option '%.64s'Syntax error: %-.64s PARTITIONING requires definition of VALUES %-.64s for each partitionOnly %-.64s PARTITIONING can use VALUES %-.64s in partition definitionMAXVALUE can only be used in last partition definitionSubpartitions can only be hash partitions and by keyMust define subpartitions on all partitions if on one partitionWrong number of partitions defined, mismatch with previous settingWrong number of subpartitions defined, mismatch with previous settingConstant, random or timezone-dependent expressions in (sub)partitioning function are not allowedExpression in RANGE/LIST VALUES must be constantField in list of fields for partition function not found in tableList of fields is only allowed in KEY partitionsThe partition info in the frm file is not consistent with what can be written into the frm fileThe %-.192s function returns the wrong typeFor %-.64s partitions each partition must be definedVALUES LESS THAN value must be strictly increasing for each partitionVALUES value must be of same type as partition functionMultiple definition of same constant in list partitioningPartitioning can not be used stand-alone in queryThe mix of handlers in the partitions is not allowed in this version of MySQLFor the partitioned engine it is necessary to define all %-.64sToo many partitions (including subpartitions) were definedIt is only possible to mix RANGE/LIST partitioning with HASH/KEY partitioning for subpartitioningFailed to create specific handler fileA BLOB field is not allowed in partition functionA %-.192s must include all columns in the table's partitioning functionNumber of %-.64s = 0 is not an allowed valuePartition management on a not partitioned table is not possibleForeign keys are not yet supported in conjunction with partitioningError in list of partitions to %-.64sCannot remove all partitions, use DROP TABLE insteadCOALESCE PARTITION can only be used on HASH/KEY partitionsREORGANIZE PARTITION can only be used to reorganize partitions not to change their numbersREORGANIZE PARTITION without parameters can only be used on auto-partitioned tables using HASH PARTITIONs%-.64s PARTITION can only be used on RANGE/LIST partitionsTrying to Add partition(s) with wrong number of subpartitionsAt least one partition must be addedAt least one partition must be coalescedMore partitions to reorganize than there are partitionsDuplicate partition name %-.192sIt is not allowed to shut off binlog on this commandWhen reorganizing a set of partitions they must be in consecutive orderReorganize of range partitions cannot change total ranges except for last partition where it can extend the rangePartition function not supported in this version for this handlerPartition state cannot be defined from CREATE/ALTER TABLEThe %-.64s handler only supports 32 bit integers in VALUESPlugin '%-.192s' is not loadedIncorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s'Table has no partition for value %-.64sIt is not allowed to specify %s more than onceFailed to create %sFailed to drop %sThe handler doesn't support autoextend of tablespacesA size parameter was incorrectly specified, either number or on the form 10MThe size number was correct but we don't allow the digit part to be more than 2 billionFailed to alter: %sWriting one row to the row-based binary log failedTable definition on master and slave does not match: %sSlave running with --log-slave-updates must use row-based binary logging to be able to replicate row-based binary log eventsEvent '%-.192s' already existsFailed to store event %s. Error code %d from storage engine.Unknown event '%-.192s'Failed to alter event '%-.192s'Failed to drop %sINTERVAL is either not positive or too bigENDS is either invalid or before STARTSEvent execution time is in the past. Event has been disabledFailed to open mysql.eventNo datetime expression providedColumn count of mysql.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. The table is probably corruptedCannot load from mysql.%s. The table is probably corruptedFailed to delete the event from mysql.eventError during compilation of event's bodySame old and new event nameData for column '%s' too longCannot drop index '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraintThe syntax '%s' is deprecated and will be removed in MySQL %s. Please use %s insteadYou can't write-lock a log table. Only read access is possibleYou can't use locks with log tables.Upholding foreign key constraints for table '%.192s', entry '%-.192s', key %d would lead to a duplicate entryColumn count of mysql.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. Created with MySQL %d, now running %d. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error.Cannot switch out of the row-based binary log format when the session has open temporary tablesCannot change the binary logging format inside a stored function or triggerThe NDB cluster engine does not support changing the binlog format on the fly yetCannot create temporary table with partitionsPartition constant is out of partition function domainThis partition function is not allowedError in DDL logNot allowed to use NULL value in VALUES LESS THANIncorrect partition nameTransaction characteristics can't be changed while a transaction is in progressALTER TABLE causes auto_increment resequencing, resulting in duplicate entry '%-.192s' for key '%-.192s'Internal scheduler error %dError during starting/stopping of the scheduler. Error code %uEngine cannot be used in partitioned tablesCannot activate '%-.64s' logThe server was not built with row-based replicationDecoding of base64 string failedRecursion of EVENT DDL statements is forbidden when body is presentCannot proceed because system tables used by Event Scheduler were found damaged at server startOnly integers allowed as number hereThis storage engine cannot be used for log tables"You cannot '%s' a log table if logging is enabledCannot rename '%s'. When logging enabled, rename to/from log table must rename two tables: the log table to an archive table and another table back to '%s'Incorrect parameter count in the call to native function '%-.192s'Incorrect parameters in the call to native function '%-.192s'Incorrect parameters in the call to stored function %-.192sThis function '%-.192s' has the same name as a native functionEntrada '%-.64s' duplicada para a chave '%-.192s'Too many files opened, please execute the command againEvent execution time is in the past and ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE is set. The event was dropped immediately after creation.Event execution time is in the past and ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE is set. The event was not changed. Specify a time in the future.The incident %s occured on the master. Message: %sTable has no partition for some existing valuesUnsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. %sFatal error: %sRelay log read failure: %sRelay log write failure: %sFailed to create %sMaster command %s failed: %sBinary logging not possible. Message: %sView `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` has no creation contextCreation context of view `%-.64s`.`%-.64s' is invalidCreation context of stored routine `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCorrupted TRG file for table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s`Triggers for table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` have no creation contextTrigger creation context of table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCreation context of event `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCannot open table for trigger `%-.64s`.`%-.64s`Cannot create stored routine `%-.64s`. Check warningsAmbiguous slave modes combination. %sThe BINLOG statement of type `%s` was not preceded by a format description BINLOG statement.Corrupted replication event was detectedInvalid column reference (%-.64s) in LOAD DATABeing purged log %s was not foundXA_RBTIMEOUT: Transaction branch was rolled back: took too longXA_RBDEADLOCK: Transaction branch was rolled back: deadlock was detectedPrepared statement needs to be re-preparedDELAYED option not supported for table '%-.192s'The master info structure does not exist<%-.64s> option ignoredBuilt-in plugins cannot be deletedPlugin is busy and will be uninstalled on shutdown%s variable '%s' is read-only. Use SET %s to assign the valueStorage engine %s does not support rollback for this statement. Transaction rolled back and must be restartedUnexpected master's heartbeat data: %sThe requested value for the heartbeat period is either negative or exceeds the maximum allowed (%s seconds).Bad schema for mysql.ndb_replication table. Message: %-.64sError in parsing conflict function. Message: %-.64sWrite to exceptions table failed. Message: %-.128s"Comentário para a tabela '%-.64s' é longo demais (max = %lu)Comentário para o campo '%-.64s' é longo demais (max = %lu)FUNCTION %s does not exist. Check the 'Function Name Parsing and Resolution' section in the Reference ManualDatabaseTablePartitionSubpartitionTemporaryRenamedToo many active concurrent transactionsNon-ASCII separator arguments are not fully supporteddebug sync point wait timed outdebug sync point hit limit reachedDuplicate condition information item '%s'Unhandled user-defined warning conditionUnhandled user-defined not found conditionUnhandled user-defined exception conditionRESIGNAL when handler not activeSIGNAL/RESIGNAL can only use a CONDITION defined with SQLSTATEData truncated for condition item '%s'Data too long for condition item '%s'Unknown locale: '%-.64s'The requested server id %d clashes with the slave startup option --replicate-same-server-idQuery cache is disabled; restart the server with query_cache_type=1 to enable itDuplicate partition field name '%-.192s'Inconsistency in usage of column lists for partitioningPartition column values of incorrect typeToo many fields in '%-.192s'Cannot use MAXVALUE as value in VALUES INCannot have more than one value for this type of %-.64s partitioningRow expressions in VALUES IN only allowed for multi-field column partitioningField '%-.192s' is of a not allowed type for this type of partitioningThe total length of the partitioning fields is too largeCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since both row-incapable engines and statement-incapable engines are involved.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = ROW and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to statement-based logging.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. %sCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is in row format and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to statement-based logging.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to row-based logging.%sCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is in row format and BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since more than one engine is involved and at least one engine is self-logging.The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted.The statement is unsafe because it uses INSERT DELAYED. This is unsafe because the times when rows are inserted cannot be predicted.The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves.Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly.Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it accesses a non-transactional table after accessing a transactional table within the same transaction.%s Statement: %sColumn %d of table '%-.192s.%-.192s' cannot be converted from type '%-.32s' to type '%-.32s'Can't create conversion table for table '%-.192s.%-.192s'Cannot modify @@session.binlog_format inside a transactionThe path specified for %.64s is too long.'%s' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.Native table '%-.64s'.'%-.64s' has the wrong structureInvalid performance_schema usage.Table '%s'.'%s' was skipped since its definition is being modified by concurrent DDL statementCannot modify @@session.binlog_direct_non_transactional_updates inside a transactionCannot change the binlog direct flag inside a stored function or triggerA SPATIAL index may only contain a geometrical type columnComment for index '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Wait on a lock was aborted due to a pending exclusive lock%s value is out of range in '%s'A variable of a non-integer based type in LIMIT clauseMixing self-logging and non-self-logging engines in a statement is unsafe.Statement accesses nontransactional table as well as transactional or temporary table, and writes to any of them.Cannot modify @@session.sql_log_bin inside a transactionCannot change the sql_log_bin inside a stored function or triggerFailed to read from the .par fileVALUES value for partition '%-.64s' must have type INTAcesso negado para o usuário '%-.48s'@'%-.64s'SET PASSWORD has no significance for users authenticating via pluginsGRANT with IDENTIFIED WITH is illegal because the user %-.*s already existsCannot truncate a table referenced in a foreign key constraint (%.192s)Plugin '%s' is force_plus_permanent and can not be unloadedThe requested value for the heartbeat period is less than 1 millisecond. The value is reset to 0, meaning that heartbeating will effectively be disabled.The requested value for the heartbeat period exceeds the value of `slave_net_timeout' seconds. A sensible value for the period should be less than the timeout.Multi-row statements required more than 'max_binlog_stmt_cache_size' bytes of storage; increase this mysqld variable and try againPrimary key/partition key update is not allowed since the table is updated both as '%-.192s' and '%-.192s'.Table rebuild required. Please do "ALTER TABLE `%-.64s` FORCE" or dump/reload to fix it!The value of '%s' should be no less than the value of '%s'Index column size too large. The maximum column size is %lu bytes.Trigger '%-.64s' has an error in its body: '%-.256s'Unknown trigger has an error in its body: '%-.256s'Index %s is corruptedUndo log record is too big.INSERT IGNORE... SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.INSERT... SELECT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are updated. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.REPLACE... SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are replaced. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE... IGNORE SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE... REPLACE SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are replaced. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.UPDATE IGNORE is unsafe because the order in which rows are updated determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.Plugin '%s' is marked as not dynamically uninstallable. You have to stop the server to uninstall it.Plugin '%s' is marked as not dynamically installable. You have to stop the server to install it.Statements writing to a table with an auto-increment column after selecting from another table are unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved determines what (if any) rows will be written. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE TABLE... SELECT... on a table with an auto-increment column is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are inserted. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.INSERT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE on a table with more than one UNIQUE KEY is unsafeTable is being used in foreign key check.Storage engine '%s' does not support system tables. [%s.%s]INSERT into autoincrement field which is not the first part in the composed primary key is unsafe.Cannot load from %s.%s. The table is probably corruptedThe requested value %s for the master delay exceeds the maximum %uOnly Format_description_log_event and row events are allowed in BINLOG statements (but %s was provided)Non matching attribute '%-.64s' between partition and tableTable to exchange with partition is partitioned: '%-.64s'Table to exchange with partition is temporary: '%-.64s'Subpartitioned table, use subpartition instead of partitionUnknown partition '%-.64s' in table '%-.64s'Tables have different definitionsFound a row that does not match the partitionOption binlog_cache_size (%lu) is greater than max_binlog_cache_size (%lu); setting binlog_cache_size equal to max_binlog_cache_size.Cannot use %-.64s access on index '%-.64s' due to type or collation conversion on field '%-.64s'Table to exchange with partition has foreign key references: '%-.64s'Key value '%-.192s' was not found in table '%-.192s.%-.192s'Data for column '%s' too longReplication event checksum verification failed while reading from network.Replication event checksum verification failed while reading from a log file.Option binlog_stmt_cache_size (%lu) is greater than max_binlog_stmt_cache_size (%lu); setting binlog_stmt_cache_size equal to max_binlog_stmt_cache_size.Can't update table '%-.192s' while '%-.192s' is being created.PARTITION () clause on non partitioned tableFound a row not matching the given partition setParticion '%-.64s' n�o existeFailure while changing the type of replication repository: %s.The creation of some temporary tables could not be rolled back.Some temporary tables were dropped, but these operations could not be rolled back.%s is not supported in multi-threaded slave mode. %sThe number of modified databases exceeds the maximum %d; the database names will not be included in the replication event metadata.Cannot execute the current event group in the parallel mode. Encountered event %s, relay-log name %s, position %s which prevents execution of this event group in parallel mode. Reason: %s.%sFULLTEXT index is not supported for partitioned tables.Número de condição inválidoSending passwords in plain text without SSL/TLS is extremely insecure.Storing MySQL user name or password information in the master info repository is not secure and is therefore not recommended. Please consider using the USER and PASSWORD connection options for START SLAVE; see the 'START SLAVE Syntax' in the MySQL Manual for more information.Foreign key constraint for table '%.192s', record '%-.192s' would lead to a duplicate entry in table '%.192s', key '%.192s'Foreign key constraint for table '%.192s', record '%-.192s' would lead to a duplicate entry in a child tableSetting authentication options is not possible when only the Slave SQL Thread is being started.The table does not have FULLTEXT index to support this queryThe system variable %.200s cannot be set in stored functions or triggers.The system variable %.200s cannot be set when there is an ongoing transaction.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT has the value %.200s, which is not listed in @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot change inside a transaction.The statement 'SET %.200s' cannot invoke a stored function.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be 'AUTOMATIC' when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST is non-NULL.Skipping transaction %.200s because it has already been executed and logged.Malformed GTID set specification '%.200s'.Malformed GTID set encoding.Malformed GTID specification '%.200s'.Impossible to generate Global Transaction Identifier: the integer component reached the maximal value. Restart the server with a new server_uuid.Parameters MASTER_LOG_FILE, MASTER_LOG_POS, RELAY_LOG_FILE and RELAY_LOG_POS cannot be set when MASTER_AUTO_POSITION is active.CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1 cannot be executed because @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot execute statements with implicit commit inside a transaction when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT == 'UUID:NUMBER'.GTID_MODE = ON requires ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY = ON.@@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON or ON_PERMISSIVE or OFF_PERMISSIVE requires --log-bin and --log-slave-updates.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be set to UUID:NUMBER when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be set to ANONYMOUS when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST cannot be set to a non-NULL value when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Found a Gtid_log_event when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Statement violates GTID consistency: Updates to non-transactional tables can only be done in either autocommitted statements or single-statement transactions, and never in the same statement as updates to transactional tables.Statement violates GTID consistency: CREATE TABLE ... SELECT.Statement violates GTID consistency: Under statement binary log mode CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE and DROP TEMPORARY TABLE can only be executed outside transactional context. These statements are also not allowed in a function or trigger because functions and triggers are also considered to be multi-statement transactions.The value of @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE can only be changed one step at a time: OFF <-> OFF_PERMISSIVE <-> ON_PERMISSIVE <-> ON. Also note that this value must be stepped up or down simultaneously on all servers. See the Manual for instructions.The slave is connecting using CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1, but the master has purged binary logs containing GTIDs that the slave requires.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be changed by a client that owns a GTID. The client owns %s. Ownership is released on COMMIT or ROLLBACK.Unknown EXPLAIN format name: '%s'Cannot execute statement in a READ ONLY transaction.Comment for table partition '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Slave is not configured or failed to initialize properly. You must at least set --server-id to enable either a master or a slave. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.InnoDB presently supports one FULLTEXT index creation at a timeCannot create FULLTEXT index on temporary InnoDB tableColumn '%-.192s' is of wrong type for an InnoDB FULLTEXT indexIndex '%-.192s' is of wrong type for an InnoDB FULLTEXT indexCreating index '%-.192s' required more than 'innodb_online_alter_log_max_size' bytes of modification log. Please try again.Unknown ALGORITHM '%s'Unknown LOCK type '%s'CHANGE MASTER cannot be executed when the slave was stopped with an error or killed in MTS mode. Consider using RESET SLAVE or START SLAVE UNTIL.Cannot recover after SLAVE errored out in parallel execution mode. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.Cannot clean up worker info tables. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.Column count of %s.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. The table is probably corruptedSlave must silently retry current transactionThere is a foreign key check running on table '%-.192s'. Cannot discard the table.Schema mismatch (%s)Table '%-.192s' in system tablespaceIO Read error: (%lu, %s) %sIO Write error: (%lu, %s) %sTablespace is missing for table %s.Tablespace '%-.192s' exists.Tablespace has been discarded for table '%-.192s'Internal error: %sALTER TABLE %-.192s IMPORT TABLESPACE failed with error %lu : '%s'Index corrupt: %sSupports only YEAR or YEAR(4) column.Your password does not satisfy the current policy requirementsYou must reset your password using ALTER USER statement before executing this statement.Failed to add the foreign key constaint. Missing index for constraint '%s' in the foreign table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constaint. Missing index for constraint '%s' in the referenced table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constraint '%s' to system tablesFailed to open the referenced table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constraint on table '%s'. Incorrect options in FOREIGN KEY constraint '%s'Duplicate foreign key constraint name '%s'The password hash doesn't have the expected format. Check if the correct password algorithm is being used with the PASSWORD() function.Cannot drop column '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s'Cannot drop column '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Column '%-.192s' cannot be NOT NULL: needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' SET NULLDuplicate index '%-.64s' defined on the table '%-.64s.%-.64s'. This is deprecated and will be disallowed in a future release.Cannot change column '%-.192s': used in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s'Cannot change column '%-.192s': used in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Cannot delete rows from table which is parent in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Malformed communication packet.Running in read-only modeWhen @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT is set to a GTID, you must explicitly set it to a different value after a COMMIT or ROLLBACK. Please check GTID_NEXT variable manual page for detailed explanation. Current @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT is '%s'.The system variable %.200s cannot be set in stored procedures.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when @@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED is empty.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when there are no ongoing transactions (not even in other clients).@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED was changed from '%s' to '%s'.@@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED was changed from '%s' to '%s'.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT, and both replicated and non replicated tables are written to.%s is not supported for this operation. Try %s.%s is not supported. Reason: %s. Try %s.COPY algorithm requires a lockPartition specific operations do not yet support LOCK/ALGORITHMColumns participating in a foreign key are renamedCannot change column type INPLACEAdding foreign keys needs foreign_key_checks=OFFCreating unique indexes with IGNORE requires COPY algorithm to remove duplicate rowsDropping a primary key is not allowed without also adding a new primary keyAdding an auto-increment column requires a lockCannot replace hidden FTS_DOC_ID with a user-visible oneCannot drop or rename FTS_DOC_IDFulltext index creation requires a locksql_slave_skip_counter can not be set when the server is running with @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON. Instead, for each transaction that you want to skip, generate an empty transaction with the same GTID as the transactionEntrada duplicada para a chave '%-.192s'Long database name and identifier for object resulted in path length exceeding %d characters. Path: '%s'.cannot silently convert NULL values, as required in this SQL_MODEYour password has expired. To log in you must change it using a client that supports expired passwords.Found a row in wrong partition %sCannot schedule event %s, relay-log name %s, position %s to Worker thread because its size %lu exceeds %lu of slave_pending_jobs_size_max.Cannot CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX WITH PARSER on InnoDB tableThe binary log file '%s' is logically corrupted: %sfile %s was not purged because it was being read by %d thread(s), purged only %d out of %d files.file %s was not purged because it is the active log file.Auto-increment value in UPDATE conflicts with internally generated valuesRow events are not logged for %s statements that modify BLACKHOLE tables in row format. Table(s): '%-.192s'Slave failed to initialize master info structure from the repositorySlave failed to initialize relay log info structure from the repositoryAccess denied trying to change to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' (using password: %s). Disconnecting.InnoDB is in read only mode.STOP SLAVE command execution is incomplete: Slave SQL thread got the stop signal, thread is busy, SQL thread will stop once the current task is complete.STOP SLAVE command execution is incomplete: Slave IO thread got the stop signal, thread is busy, IO thread will stop once the current task is complete.Operation cannot be performed. The table '%-.64s.%-.64s' is missing, corrupt or contains bad data.Temporary file write failure.Upgrade index name failed, please use create index(alter table) algorithm copy to rebuild index.TIME/TIMESTAMP/DATETIME columns of old format have been upgraded to the new format.Operation not allowed when innodb_forced_recovery > 0.The initialization vector supplied to %s is too short. Must be at least %d bytes longPlugin '%s' cannot be uninstalled now. %sCannot execute statement because it needs to be written to the binary log as multiple statements, and this is not allowed when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT == 'UUID:NUMBER'.Slave has more GTIDs than the master has, using the master's SERVER_UUID. This may indicate that the end of the binary log was truncated or that the last binary log file was lost, e.g., after a power or disk failure when sync_binlog != 1. The master may or may not have rolled back transactions that were already replicated to the slave. Suggest to replicate any transactions that master has rolled back from slave to master, and/or commit empty transactions on master to account for transactions that have been committed on master but are not included in GTID_EXECUTED.The table '%s.%s' does not have the necessary key(s) defined on it. Please check the table definition and create index(s) accordingly.File %s is corruptedQuery partially completed on the master (error on master: %d) and was aborted. There is a chance that your master is inconsistent at this point. If you are sure that your master is ok, run this query manually on the slave and then restart the slave with SET GLOBAL SQL_SLAVE_SKIP_COUNTER=1; START SLAVE;. Query:'%s'Query caused different errors on master and slave. Error on master: message (format)='%s' error code=%d; Error on slave:actual message='%s', error code=%d. Default database:'%s'. Query:'%s'Storage engine for table '%s'.'%s' is not loaded.GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS when handler not active%s is no longer supported. The statement was converted to %s.Statement is unsafe because it uses a fulltext parser plugin which may not return the same value on the slave.Cannot DISCARD/IMPORT tablespace associated with temporary tableForeign key cascade delete/update exceeds max depth of %d.Column count of %s.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. Created with MySQL %d, now running %d. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error.Trigger %s.%s.%s does not have CREATED attribute.Referenced trigger '%s' for the given action time and event type does not exist.EXPLAIN FOR CONNECTION command is supported only for SELECT/UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE/REPLACEInvalid size for column '%-.192s'.Table storage engine '%-.64s' found required create option missingOut of memory in storage engine '%-.64s'.The password for anonymous user cannot be expired.This operation cannot be performed with a running slave sql thread; run STOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD firstCannot create FULLTEXT index on materialized subqueryUndo Log error: %sInvalid argument for logarithmThis operation cannot be performed with a running slave io thread; run STOP SLAVE IO_THREAD FOR CHANNEL '%s' first.This operation may not be safe when the slave has temporary tables. The tables will be kept open until the server restarts or until the tables are deleted by any replicated DROP statement. Suggest to wait until slave_open_temp_tables = 0.CHANGE MASTER TO with a MASTER_LOG_FILE clause but no MASTER_LOG_POS clause may not be safe. The old position value may not be valid for the new binary log file.Query execution was interrupted, maximum statement execution time exceededSelect is not a read only statement, disabling timerDuplicate entry '%-.192s'.'%s' mode no longer has any effect. Use STRICT_ALL_TABLES or STRICT_TRANS_TABLES instead.Expression #%u of ORDER BY contains aggregate function and applies to a UNIONExpression #%u of ORDER BY contains aggregate function and applies to the result of a non-aggregated querySlave worker has stopped after at least one previous worker encountered an error when slave-preserve-commit-order was enabled. To preserve commit order, the last transaction executed by this thread has not been committed. When restarting the slave after fixing any failed threads, you should fix this worker as well.slave_preserve_commit_order is not supported %s.The server is currently in offline modeBinary geometry function %s given two geometries of different srids: %u and %u, which should have been identical.Calling geometry function %s with unsupported types of arguments.Unknown GIS error occured in function %s.Unknown exception caught in GIS function %s.Invalid GIS data provided to function %s.The geometry has no data in function %s.Unable to calculate centroid because geometry is empty in function %s.Geometry overlay calculation error: geometry data is invalid in function %s.Geometry turn info calculation error: geometry data is invalid in function %s.Analysis procedures of intersection points interrupted unexpectedly in function %s.Unknown exception thrown in function %s.Memory allocation error: %-.256s in function %s.Domain error: %-.256s in function %s.Length error: %-.256s in function %s.Invalid argument error: %-.256s in function %s.Out of range error: %-.256s in function %s.Overflow error error: %-.256s in function %s.Range error: %-.256s in function %s.Underflow error: %-.256s in function %s.Logic error: %-.256s in function %s.Runtime error: %-.256s in function %s.Unknown exception: %-.384s in function %s.Geometry byte string must be little endian.The password provided for the replication user exceeds the maximum length of 32 charactersIncorrect user-level lock name '%-.192s'.Deadlock found when trying to get user-level lock; try rolling back transaction/releasing locks and restarting lock acquisition.REPLACE cannot be executed as it requires deleting rows that are not in the viewDo not support online operation on table with GIS indexUser variable name '%-.100s' is illegalCannot %s when GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot %s from a replication slave thread.Incorrect type for argument %s in function %s.Expression #%u of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, references column '%-.192s' which is not in SELECT list; this is incompatible with %sExpression #%u of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, contains aggregate function; this is incompatible with %sSupplied filter list contains a value which is not in the required format 'db_pattern.table_pattern'OK packet too largeInvalid JSON data provided to function %s: %sInvalid GeoJSON data provided to function %s: Missing required member '%s'Invalid GeoJSON data provided to function %s: Member '%s' must be of type '%s'Invalid GeoJSON data provided to function %sUnsupported number of coordinate dimensions in function %s: Found %u, expected %uSlave channel '%s' does not exist.A slave channel '%s' already exists for the given host and port combination.Couldn't create channel: Channel name is either invalid or too long.To have multiple channels, repository cannot be of type FILE; Please check the repository configuration and convert them to TABLE.Cannot delete slave info objects for channel '%s'.Multiple channels exist on the slave. Please provide channel name as an argument.Maximum number of replication channels allowed exceeded.This operation cannot be performed with running replication threads; run STOP SLAVE FOR CHANNEL '%s' firstThis operation requires running replication threads; configure slave and run START SLAVE FOR CHANNEL '%s'Replication thread(s) for channel '%s' are already runnning.Replication thread(s) for channel '%s' are already stopped.This operation cannot be performed with a running slave sql thread; run STOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD FOR CHANNEL '%s' first.When sql_slave_skip_counter > 0, it is not allowed to start more than one SQL thread by using 'START SLAVE [SQL_THREAD]'. Value of sql_slave_skip_counter can only be used by one SQL thread at a time. Please use 'START SLAVE [SQL_THREAD] FOR CHANNEL' to start the SQL thread which will use the value of sql_slave_skip_counter.Expression #%u of %s is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column '%-.192s' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_byIn aggregated query without GROUP BY, expression #%u of %s contains nonaggregated column '%-.192s'; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_byUpdating '%s' is deprecated. It will be made read-only in a future release.Changing sql mode '%s' is deprecated. It will be removed in a future release.DROP DATABASE failed; some tables may have been dropped but the database directory remains. The GTID has not been added to GTID_EXECUTED and the statement was not written to the binary log. Fix this as follows: (1) remove all files from the database directory %-.192s; (2) SET GTID_NEXT='%-.192s'; (3) DROP DATABASE `%-.192s`.The server is not configured properly to be an active member of the group. Please see more details on error log.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed since the group is already running.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as the applier module failed to start.The STOP GROUP_REPLICATION command execution is incomplete: The applier thread got the stop signal while it was busy. The applier thread will stop once the current task is complete.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as there was an error when initializing the group communication layer.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as there was an error when joining the communication group.The table does not comply with the requirements by an external plugin.Cannot change the value of variable %s without binary log format as ROW.Error on observer while running replication hook '%s'.Plugin instructed the server to rollback the current transaction.Expression of generated column '%s' contains a disallowed function.INPLACE ADD or DROP of virtual columns cannot be combined with other ALTER TABLE actionsCannot define foreign key with %s clause on a generated column.The value specified for generated column '%s' in table '%s' is not allowed.'%s' is not supported for generated columns.Generated column can refer only to generated columns defined prior to it.Column '%s' has a generated column dependency.Generated column '%s' cannot refer to auto-increment column.The '%-.64s' feature is not available; you need to remove '%-.64s' or use MySQL built with '%-.64s'SET @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = %-.64s is not allowed because %-.384s.The replication receiver thread%-.192s cannot start in AUTO_POSITION mode: this server uses @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot replicate anonymous transaction when AUTO_POSITION = 1, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot replicate anonymous transaction when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot replicate GTID-transaction when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot set ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY = ON because there are ongoing transactions that violate GTID consistency.There are ongoing transactions that violate GTID consistency.Access denied for user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s'. Account is locked.Incorrect tablespace name `%-.192s`Tablespace `%-.192s` is not empty.Incorrect File Name '%s'.Inconsistent intersection points.Optimizer hint syntax errorUnsupported MAX_EXECUTION_TIMEMAX_EXECUTION_TIME hint is supported by top-level standalone SELECT statements onlyHint %s is ignored as conflicting/duplicatedQuery block name %s is not found for %s hintUnresolved name %s for %s hintPlease do not modify the %s table. This is a mysql internal system table to store GTIDs for committed transactions. Modifying it can lead to an inconsistent GTID state.Command not supported by pluggable protocolsIncorrect locking service lock name '%-.192s'.Deadlock found when trying to get locking service lock; try releasing locks and restarting lock acquisition.Service lock wait timeout exceeded.Parameter %s exceeds the maximum number of points in a geometry (%lu) in function %s.'NO_ZERO_DATE', 'NO_ZERO_IN_DATE' and 'ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO' sql modes should be used with strict mode. They will be merged with strict mode in a future release.Version token mismatch for %.*s. Correct value %.*sVersion token %.*s not found.Variable %-.192s cannot be changed by a client that owns a GTID. The client owns %s. Ownership is released on COMMIT or ROLLBACK.%-.192s cannot be performed on channel '%-.192s'.Invalid JSON text: "%s" at position %u in value for column '%-.200s'.Invalid JSON text in argument %u to function %s: "%s" at position %u.%-.0sThe JSON binary value contains invalid data.Invalid JSON path expression. The error is around character position %u.%-.200sCannot create a JSON value from a string with CHARACTER SET '%s'.Invalid JSON character data provided to function %s: '%s'; utf8 is required.Invalid data type for JSON data in argument %u to function %s; a JSON string or JSON type is required.Cannot CAST value to JSON.A path expression must be encoded in the utf8 character set. The path expression '%-.200s' is encoded in character set '%-.200s'.In this situation, path expressions may not contain the * and ** tokens.The JSON value is too big to be stored in a JSON column.The JSON object contains a key name that is too long.JSON column '%-.192s' cannot be used in key specification.The path expression '$' is not allowed in this context.The oneOrAll argument to %s may take these values: 'one' or 'all'.Out of range JSON value for CAST to %s%-.0s from column %s at row %ldInvalid JSON value for CAST to %s%-.0s from column %s at row %ldThe JSON document exceeds the maximum depth.JSON documents may not contain NULL member names.Connections using insecure transport are prohibited while --require_secure_transport=ON.No secure transports (SSL or Shared Memory) are configured, unable to set --require_secure_transport=ON.Storage engine %s is disabled (Table creation is disallowed).User %s does not exist.User %s already exists.Aborted by Audit API ('%-.48s';%d).A path expression is not a path to a cell in an array.Another buffer pool resize is already in progress.The '%s' feature is disabled; see the documentation for '%s'Server isn't availableSession was killedMemory capacity of %llu bytes for '%s' exceeded. %sRange optimization was not done for this query.Partitioning upgrade required. Please dump/reload to fix it or do: ALTER TABLE `%-.192s`.`%-.192s` UPGRADE PARTITIONINGThe client holds ownership of the GTID %s. Therefore, WAIT_FOR_EXECUTED_GTID_SET cannot wait for this GTID.Cannot add foreign key on the base column of indexed virtual column.Cannot create index on virtual column whose base column has foreign constraint.Please do not modify the %s table with an XA transaction. This is an internal system table used to store GTIDs for committed transactions. Although modifying it can lead to an inconsistent GTID state, if neccessary you can modify it with a non-XA transaction.Lock acquisition refused by storage engine.ADD COLUMN col...VIRTUAL, ADD INDEX(col)Master key rotation is not supported by storage engine.Encryption key rotation error reported by SE: %sWrite to binlog failed. However, master key rotation has been completed successfully.Storage engine is not available.This tablespace can't be encrypted.Invalid encryption option.Can't find master key from keyring, please check in the server log if a keyring plugin is loaded and initialized successfully.Parser bailed out for this query.Cannot alter encryption attribute by inplace algorithm.Function '%s' failed because underlying keyring service returned an error. Please check if a keyring plugin is installed and that provided arguments are valid for the keyring you are using.It seems that your db schema is old. The %s column is 77 characters long and should be 93 characters long. Please run mysql_upgrade.RESET MASTER is not allowed because %-.384s.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed since the group already has 9 members.Cannot add foreign key on the base column of stored column. Cannot complete the operation because table is referenced by another connection.The partition engine, used by table '%-.192s.%-.192s', is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use native partitioning instead.%.192s(geometry) is deprecated and will be replaced by st_srid(geometry, 0) in a future version. Use %.192s(st_aswkb(geometry), 0) instead.%.192s(geometry, srid) is deprecated and will be replaced by st_srid(geometry, srid) in a future version. Use %.192s(st_aswkb(geometry), srid) instead.The resource manager is not able to commit the transaction branch at this time. Please retry later.Function %s failed due to: %s.Statement is unsafe because it is being used inside a XA transaction. Concurrent XA transactions may deadlock on slaves when replicated using statements.%s UDF failed; %sCan not perform keyring migration : %sAccess denied; you need %-.128s privileges for this operationKeyring migration %s.Failed to open the %s filter tables.Failed to open '%s.%s' %s table.No keyring plugin installed.Audit log encryption password has not been set; it will be generated automatically. Use audit_log_encryption_password_get to obtain the password or audit_log_encryption_password_set to set a new one.Could not create AES key. OpenSSL's EVP_BytesToKey function failed.Audit log encryption password cannot be fetched from the keyring. Password used so far is used for encryption.Audit Log filtering has not been installed.Request ignored for '%s'@'%s'. SUPER_ACL needed to perform operationSUPER privilege required for '%s'@'%s' user.Could not reinitialize audit log filters.Invalid argument typeInvalid argument countaudit_log plugin has not been installed using INSTALL PLUGIN syntax.Invalid "max_array_length" argument type.Invalid "max_array_length" argument value.%sFilter name cannot be empty.User cannot be empty.Specified filter has not been found.First character of the user name must be alphanumeric.Invalid character in the user name.Invalid character in the host name.With the MAXDB SQL mode enabled, TIMESTAMP is identical with DATETIME. The MAXDB SQL mode is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please disable the MAXDB SQL mode and use DATETIME instead.The use of replication filters with XA transactions is not supported, and can lead to an undefined state in the replication slave.Compressed column '%-.192s' is not allowed in the key listCan not define column '%-.192s' in compressed formatCompression dictionary '%-.192s' already existsCompression dictionary '%-.192s' does not existCompression dictionary name '%-.192s' is too long (max length = %lu)Data for compression dictionary '%-.192s' is too long (max length = %lu)Compression dictionary '%-.192s' is in useCan't execute the query because you have a conflicting backup lockKeys are out order during bulk loadBulk load rows overlap existing rowsCan't execute updates on master with binlog_format != ROW.MyRocks supports only READ COMMITTED and REPEATABLE READ isolation levels. Please change from current isolation level %sWhen unique checking is disabled in MyRocks, INSERT,UPDATE,LOAD statements with clauses that update or replace the key (i.e. INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, REPLACE) are not allowed. Query: %sCan't execute updates when you started a transaction with START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT [ROCKSDB] SNAPSHOT.This transaction was rolled back and cannot be committed. Only supported operation is to roll it back, so all pending changes will be discarded. Please restart another transaction.MyRocks currently does not support ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT if modifying rows.Only REPEATABLE READ isolation level is supported for START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT SNAPSHOT in RocksDB Storage Engine.Unsupported collation on string indexed column %s.%s Use binary collation (%s).Table '%s' does not exist, but metadata information exists inside MyRocks. This is a sign of data inconsistency. Please check if '%s.frm' exists, and try to restore it if it does not exist.MyRocks failed creating new key definitions during alter.MyRocks failed populating secondary key during alter.Column family ('%s') flag (%d) is different from an existing flag (%d). Assign a new CF flag, or do not change existing CF flag.TTL support is currently disabled when table has a hidden PK.TTL column (%s) in MyRocks must be an unsigned non-null 64-bit integer, exist inside the table, and have an accompanying ttl duration.TTL duration (%s) in MyRocks must be an unsigned non-null 64-bit integer.The per-index column family option has been deprecated.italian/errmsg.sys000075500000241117147633135420010245 0ustar00[0uL+Q/g(}4~Ap@x,}  i ) J h  ' s  % Q {  A  L-Un1z/M-<W~U2Z~)Gm-q&m8:x[ti 4 8!X!!!"1"R""""5#o###1$$$$>%%%c&&&'f''''(C(l((()Q)t)))*,*|***A++,,&-z--I.../:///2000041}112]2223I3_333=4q445g555A6q666'7n777 898]8~8888#9I9u999E:s::::M;e;;;</<{<<<!=H====B>o>>>?@^@@^AAAABMBiBBBDCxCCDPD|DD#EhEEEE F0FtFFFFFG+GIG]GxGGGH'HHI!I^IvIIIIIJ%J8JPJtJJJJJKK7KgKKKK$LQLLLMLMMMMMNJN~NN OUOOPEP\PsPPPPQ-QnQQQQ?RaRRRRS!S>ShSSSST/TaTTTT U6UhUUUU:VjVVVV2WmWWWSXXXXXW-e֓itƖt%'˚iś)%!]j!\}qE|¢V,̤OOǦ-S oЬޭܮ2\3vްTȱE˲,rͳf?lǵFζRJc;E޻Mռ>ӽ kڿxo4ig[|Ti:M`-l)Z3~Cc}_,R-y+,@b&Z@9NIgSx:OI{X^:]a=,Ni|GpS'M}%Jq#MW`t<i+p&xu)u {D;rQ T$d8   k    - G i    % R q  G v  ]9W Q[*.d`Y0T%Ym2[;_zSR9]   z!!!!","M"j"2#v##$V$$$$$%I%t%w%%%%&*&N&'''(>(n(((')j))))g*(++M,,-e-#.]../R//#0hashchkisamchkNOSIImpossibile creare il file '%-.200s' (errno: %d - %s)Impossibile creare la tabella '%-.200s' (errno: %d)Impossibile creare il database '%-.192s' (errno: %d)Impossibile creare il database '%-.192s'; il database esisteImpossibile cancellare '%-.192s'; il database non esisteErrore durante la cancellazione del database (impossibile cancellare '%-.192s', errno: %d)Errore durante la cancellazione del database (impossibile rmdir '%-.192s', errno: %d)Errore durante la cancellazione di '%-.192s' (errno: %d - %s)Impossibile leggere il record dalla tabella di sistemaImpossibile leggere lo stato di '%-.200s' (errno: %d - %s)Impossibile leggere la directory di lavoro (errno: %d - %s)Impossibile il locking il file (errno: %d - %s)Impossibile aprire il file: '%-.200s' (errno: %d - %s)Impossibile trovare il file: '%-.200s' (errno: %d - %s)Impossibile leggere la directory di '%-.192s' (errno: %d - %s)Impossibile cambiare la directory in '%-.192s' (errno: %d - %s)Il record e` cambiato dall'ultima lettura della tabella '%-.192s'Disco pieno (%s). In attesa che qualcuno liberi un po' di spazio... (errno: %d - %s)Scrittura impossibile: chiave duplicata nella tabella '%-.192s'Errore durante la chiusura di '%-.192s' (errno: %d - %s)Errore durante la lettura del file '%-.200s' (errno: %d - %s)Errore durante la rinominazione da '%-.210s' a '%-.210s' (errno: %d - %s)Errore durante la scrittura del file '%-.200s' (errno: %d - %s)'%-.192s' e` soggetto a lock contro i cambiamentiOperazione di ordinamento abbandonataLa view '%-.192s' non esiste per '%-.192s'Rilevato l'errore %d dal gestore delle tabelleIl gestore delle tabelle per '%-.192s' non ha questa opzioneImpossibile trovare il record in '%-.192s'Informazione errata nel file: '%-.200s'File chiave errato per la tabella : '%-.200s'; prova a riparaloFile chiave vecchio per la tabella '%-.192s'; riparalo!'%-.192s' e` di sola letturaMemoria esaurita. Fai ripartire il demone e riprova (richiesti %d bytes)Memoria per gli ordinamenti esaurita. Incrementare il 'sort_buffer' al demoneFine del file inaspettata durante la lettura del file '%-.192s' (errno: %d - %s)Troppe connessioniFine dello spazio/memoria per i threadImpossibile risalire al nome dell'host dall'indirizzo (risoluzione inversa)Negoziazione impossibileAccesso non consentito per l'utente: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' al database '%-.192s'Accesso non consentito per l'utente: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' (Password: %s)Nessun database selezionatoComando sconosciutoLa colonna '%-.192s' non puo` essere nullaDatabase '%-.192s' sconosciutoLa tabella '%-.192s' esiste gia`Tabella '%-.100s' sconosciutaColonna: '%-.192s' di %-.192s e` ambiguaShutdown del server in corsoColonna sconosciuta '%-.192s' in '%-.192s'Usato '%-.192s' che non e` nel GROUP BYImpossibile raggruppare per '%-.192s'Il comando ha una funzione SUM e una colonna non specificata nella GROUP BYIl numero delle colonne non e` uguale al numero dei valoriIl nome dell'identificatore '%-.100s' e` troppo lungoNome colonna duplicato '%-.192s'Nome chiave duplicato '%-.192s'Valore duplicato '%-.192s' per la chiave %dSpecifica errata per la colonna '%-.192s'%s vicino a '%-.80s' linea %dLa query e` vuotaTabella/alias non unico: '%-.192s'Valore di default non valido per '%-.192s'Definite piu` chiave primarieTroppe chiavi. Sono ammesse max %d chiaviTroppe parti di chiave specificate. Sono ammesse max %d partiLa chiave specificata e` troppo lunga. La max lunghezza della chiave e` %dLa colonna chiave '%-.192s' non esiste nella tabellaLa colonna BLOB '%-.192s' non puo` essere usata nella specifica della chiaveLa colonna '%-.192s' e` troppo grande (max=%lu). Utilizza un BLOB.Puo` esserci solo un campo AUTO e deve essere definito come chiave%s: Pronto per le connessioni Version: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d"%s: Shutdown normale %s: Ricevuto segnale %d. Interruzione! %s: Shutdown completato %s: Forzata la chiusura del thread %ld utente: '%-.48s' Impossibile creare il socket IPLa tabella '%-.192s' non ha nessun indice come quello specificatato dalla CREATE INDEX. Ricrea la tabellaL'argomento 'Field separator' non e` quello atteso. Controlla il manualeNon possono essere usate righe a lunghezza fissa con i BLOB. Usa 'FIELDS TERMINATED BY'.Il file '%-.128s' deve essere nella directory del database e deve essere leggibile da tuttiIl file '%-.200s' esiste gia`Records: %ld Cancellati: %ld Saltati: %ld Avvertimenti: %ldRecords: %ld Duplicati: %ldSotto-parte della chiave errata. La parte di chiave utilizzata non e` una stringa o la lunghezza e` maggiore della parte di chiave.Non si possono cancellare tutti i campi con una ALTER TABLE. Utilizzare DROP TABLEImpossibile cancellare '%-.192s'. Controllare che il campo chiave esistaRecords: %ld Duplicati: %ld Avvertimenti: %ldYou can't specify target table '%-.192s' for update in FROM clauseThread id: %lu sconosciutoUtente non proprietario del thread %luNessuna tabella usataTroppe stringhe per la colonna %-.192s e la SETImpossibile generare un nome del file log unico %-.200s.(1-999) La tabella '%-.192s' e` soggetta a lock in lettura e non puo` essere aggiornataNon e` stato impostato il lock per la tabella '%-.192s' con LOCK TABLESIl campo BLOB '%-.192s' non puo` avere un valore di defaultNome database errato '%-.100s'Nome tabella errato '%-.100s'La SELECT dovrebbe esaminare troppi record e usare troppo tempo. Controllare la WHERE e usa SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 se e` tutto a posto.Errore sconosciutoProcedura '%-.192s' sconosciutaNumero di parametri errato per la procedura '%-.192s'Parametri errati per la procedura '%-.192s'Tabella '%-.192s' sconosciuta in %-.32sCampo '%-.192s' specificato 2 volteUso non valido di una funzione di raggruppamentoLa tabella '%-.192s' usa un'estensione che non esiste in questa versione di MySQLUna tabella deve avere almeno 1 colonnaLa tabella '%-.192s' e` pienaSet di caratteri '%-.64s' sconosciutoTroppe tabelle. MySQL puo` usare solo %d tabelle in una joinTroppi campiRiga troppo grande. La massima grandezza di una riga, non contando i BLOB, e` %ld. Devi cambiare alcuni campi in BLOBThread stack overrun: Usati: %ld di uno stack di %ld. Usa 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' per specificare uno stack piu` grande.Trovata una dipendenza incrociata nella OUTER JOIN. Controlla le condizioni ONTable handler doesn't support NULL in given index. Please change column '%-.192s' to be NOT NULL or use another handlerImpossibile caricare la funzione '%-.192s'Impossibile inizializzare la funzione '%-.192s'; %-.80sNon sono ammessi path per le librerie condivisaLa funzione '%-.192s' esiste gia`Impossibile aprire la libreria condivisa '%-.192s' (errno: %d %-.128s)Impossibile trovare la funzione '%-.128s' nella libreriaLa funzione '%-.192s' non e` definitaSistema '%-.64s' bloccato a causa di troppi errori di connessione. Per sbloccarlo: 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'Al sistema '%-.64s' non e` consentita la connessione a questo server MySQLImpossibile cambiare la password usando MySQL come utente anonimoE` necessario il privilegio di update sulle tabelle del database mysql per cambiare le password per gli altri utentiImpossibile trovare la riga corrispondente nella tabella userRows riconosciute: %ld Cambiate: %ld Warnings: %ldImpossibile creare un nuovo thread (errno %d). Se non ci sono problemi di memoria disponibile puoi consultare il manuale per controllare possibili problemi dipendenti dal SOIl numero delle colonne non corrisponde al conteggio alla riga %ldImpossibile riaprire la tabella: '%-.192s'Uso scorretto del valore NULLErrore '%-.64s' da regexpIl mescolare funzioni di aggregazione (MIN(),MAX(),COUNT()...) e non e` illegale se non c'e` una clausula GROUP BYGRANT non definita per l'utente '%-.48s' dalla macchina '%-.64s'Comando %-.128s negato per l'utente: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' sulla tabella '%-.64s'Comando %-.16s negato per l'utente: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' sulla colonna '%-.192s' della tabella '%-.192s'Comando GRANT/REVOKE illegale. Prego consultare il manuale per sapere quali privilegi possono essere usati.L'argomento host o utente per la GRANT e` troppo lungoLa tabella '%-.192s.%-.192s' non esisteGRANT non definita per l'utente '%-.48s' dalla macchina '%-.64s' sulla tabella '%-.192s'Il comando utilizzato non e` supportato in questa versione di MySQLErrore di sintassi nella query SQLDelayed insert thread couldn't get requested lock for table %-.192sToo many delayed threads in useInterrotta la connessione %ld al db: '%-.192s' utente: '%-.48s' (%-.64s)Ricevuto un pacchetto piu` grande di 'max_allowed_packet'Rilevato un errore di lettura dalla pipe di connessioneRilevato un errore da fcntl()Ricevuti pacchetti non in ordineImpossibile scompattare i pacchetti di comunicazioneRilevato un errore ricevendo i pacchetti di comunicazioneRilevato un timeout ricevendo i pacchetti di comunicazioneRilevato un errore inviando i pacchetti di comunicazioneRilevato un timeout inviando i pacchetti di comunicazioneLa stringa di risposta e` piu` lunga di 'max_allowed_packet'Il tipo di tabella usata non supporta colonne di tipo BLOB/TEXTIl tipo di tabella usata non supporta colonne di tipo AUTO_INCREMENTINSERT DELAYED can't be used with table '%-.192s' because it is locked with LOCK TABLESNome colonna '%-.100s' non correttoIl gestore delle tabelle non puo` indicizzare la colonna '%-.192s'Non tutte le tabelle nella tabella di MERGE sono definite in maniera identicaImpossibile scrivere nella tabella '%-.192s' per limitazione di unicita`La colonna '%-.192s' di tipo BLOB e` usata in una chiave senza specificarne la lunghezzaTutte le parti di una chiave primaria devono essere dichiarate NOT NULL; se necessitano valori NULL nelle chiavi utilizzare UNIQUEIl risultato consiste di piu` di una rigaQuesto tipo di tabella richiede una chiave primariaQuesta versione di MYSQL non e` compilata con il supporto RAIDIn modalita` 'safe update' si e` cercato di aggiornare una tabella senza clausola WHERE su una chiaveLa chiave '%-.192s' non esiste nella tabella '%-.192s'Impossibile aprire la tabellaIl gestore per la tabella non supporta il %sNon puoi eseguire questo comando in una transazioneRilevato l'errore %d durante il COMMITRilevato l'errore %d durante il ROLLBACKRilevato l'errore %d durante il FLUSH_LOGSRilevato l'errore %d durante il CHECKPOINTInterrotta la connessione %u al db: ''%-.192s' utente: '%-.48s' host: '%-.64s' (%-.64s)Il gestore per la tabella non supporta il dump binarioBinlog closed, cannot RESET MASTERFallita la ricostruzione dell'indice della tabella copiata '%-.192s'Errore dal master: '%-.64sErrore di rete durante la ricezione dal masterErrore di rete durante l'invio al masterImpossibile trovare un indice FULLTEXT che corrisponda all'elenco delle colonneImpossibile eseguire il comando richiesto: tabelle sotto lock o transazione in attoVariabile di sistema '%-.64s' sconosciutaLa tabella '%-.192s' e` segnalata come corrotta e deve essere riparataLa tabella '%-.192s' e` segnalata come corrotta e l'ultima ricostruzione (automatica?) e` fallitaAttenzione: Alcune delle modifiche alle tabelle non transazionali non possono essere ripristinate (roll back impossibile)La transazione a comandi multipli (multi-statement) ha richiesto piu` di 'max_binlog_cache_size' bytes di disco: aumentare questa variabile di mysqld e riprovareQuesta operazione non puo' essere eseguita con un database 'slave' che gira, lanciare prima STOP SLAVEQuesta operaione richiede un database 'slave', configurarlo ed eseguire START SLAVEIl server non e' configurato come 'slave', correggere il file di configurazione cambiando CHANGE MASTER TOCould not initialize master info structure; more error messages can be found in the MySQL error logImpossibile creare il thread 'slave', controllare le risorse di sistemaL'utente %-.64s ha gia' piu' di 'max_user_connections' connessioni attiveSi possono usare solo espressioni costanti con SETE' scaduto il timeout per l'attesa del lockIl numero totale di lock e' maggiore della grandezza della tabella di lockI lock di aggiornamento non possono essere acquisiti durante una transazione 'READ UNCOMMITTED'DROP DATABASE non e' permesso mentre il thread ha un lock globale di letturaCREATE DATABASE non e' permesso mentre il thread ha un lock globale di letturaArgomenti errati a %sA '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' non e' permesso creare nuovi utentiDefinizione della tabella errata; tutte le tabelle di tipo MERGE devono essere nello stesso databaseTrovato deadlock durante il lock; Provare a far ripartire la transazioneLa tabella usata non supporta gli indici FULLTEXTImpossibile aggiungere il vincolo di integrita' referenziale (foreign key constraint)Impossibile aggiungere la riga: un vincolo d'integrita' referenziale non e' soddisfattoImpossibile cancellare la riga: un vincolo d'integrita' referenziale non e' soddisfattoErrore durante la connessione al master: %-.128sErrore eseguendo una query sul master: %-.128sErrore durante l'esecuzione del comando %s: %-.128sUso errato di %s e %sLa SELECT utilizzata ha un numero di colonne differenteImpossibile eseguire la query perche' c'e' un conflitto con in lock di letturaE' disabilitata la possibilita' di mischiare tabelle transazionali e non-transazionaliL'opzione '%s' e' stata usata due volte nel comandoL'utente '%-.64s' ha ecceduto la risorsa '%s' (valore corrente: %ld)Accesso non consentito. Serve il privilegio %-.128s per questa operazioneLa variabile '%-.64s' e' una variabile locale ( SESSION ) e non puo' essere cambiata usando SET GLOBALLa variabile '%-.64s' e' una variabile globale ( GLOBAL ) e deve essere cambiata usando SET GLOBALLa variabile '%-.64s' non ha un valore di defaultAlla variabile '%-.64s' non puo' essere assegato il valore '%-.200s'Tipo di valore errato per la variabile '%-.64s'Alla variabile '%-.64s' e' di sola scrittura quindi puo' essere solo assegnato un valore, non lettoUso/posizione di '%s' sbagliatoQuesta versione di MySQL non supporta ancora '%s'Errore fatale %d: '%-.320s' dal master leggendo i dati dal log binarioSlave SQL thread ignored the query because of replicate-*-table rulesVariable '%-.192s' is a %s variableIncorrect foreign key definition for '%-.192s': %sKey reference and table reference don't matchOperand should contain %d column(s)Subquery returns more than 1 rowUnknown prepared statement handler (%.*s) given to %sHelp database is corrupt or does not existCyclic reference on subqueriesConverting column '%s' from %s to %sReference '%-.64s' not supported (%s)Every derived table must have its own aliasSelect %u was reduced during optimizationTable '%-.192s' from one of the SELECTs cannot be used in %-.32sClient does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL clientAll parts of a SPATIAL index must be NOT NULLCOLLATION '%s' is not valid for CHARACTER SET '%s'Slave is already runningSlave already has been stoppedUncompressed data size too large; the maximum size is %d (probably, length of uncompressed data was corrupted)ZLIB: Not enough memoryZLIB: Not enough room in the output buffer (probably, length of uncompressed data was corrupted)ZLIB: Input data corruptedRow %u was cut by GROUP_CONCAT()Row %ld doesn't contain data for all columnsRow %ld was truncated; it contained more data than there were input columnsColumn set to default value; NULL supplied to NOT NULL column '%s' at row %ldOut of range value for column '%s' at row %ldData truncated for column '%s' at row %ldUsing storage engine %s for table '%s'Illegal mix of collations (%s,%s) and (%s,%s) for operation '%s'Cannot drop one or more of the requested usersCan't revoke all privileges for one or more of the requested usersIllegal mix of collations (%s,%s), (%s,%s), (%s,%s) for operation '%s'Illegal mix of collations for operation '%s'Variable '%-.64s' is not a variable component (can't be used as XXXX.variable_name)Unknown collation: '%-.64s'SSL parameters in CHANGE MASTER are ignored because this MySQL slave was compiled without SSL support; they can be used later if MySQL slave with SSL is startedServer is running in --secure-auth mode, but '%s'@'%s' has a password in the old format; please change the password to the new formatField or reference '%-.192s%s%-.192s%s%-.192s' of SELECT #%d was resolved in SELECT #%dIncorrect parameter or combination of parameters for START SLAVE UNTILIt is recommended to use --skip-slave-start when doing step-by-step replication with START SLAVE UNTIL; otherwise, you will get problems if you get an unexpected slave's mysqld restartSQL thread is not to be started so UNTIL options are ignoredIncorrect index name '%-.100s'Incorrect catalog name '%-.100s'Query cache failed to set size %lu; new query cache size is %luColumn '%-.192s' cannot be part of FULLTEXT indexUnknown key cache '%-.100s'MySQL is started in --skip-name-resolve mode; you must restart it without this switch for this grant to workUnknown storage engine '%s''%s' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use %s insteadThe target table %-.100s of the %s is not updatableThe '%s' feature is disabled; you need MySQL built with '%s' to have it workingThe MySQL server is running with the %s option so it cannot execute this statementColumn '%-.100s' has duplicated value '%-.64s' in %sTruncated incorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s'Incorrect table definition; there can be only one TIMESTAMP column with CURRENT_TIMESTAMP in DEFAULT or ON UPDATE clauseInvalid ON UPDATE clause for '%-.192s' columnThis command is not supported in the prepared statement protocol yetGot error %d '%-.100s' from %sGot temporary error %d '%-.100s' from %sUnknown or incorrect time zone: '%-.64s'Invalid TIMESTAMP value in column '%s' at row %ldInvalid %s character string: '%.64s'Result of %s() was larger than max_allowed_packet (%ld) - truncatedConflicting declarations: '%s%s' and '%s%s'Can't create a %s from within another stored routine%s %s already exists%s %s does not existFailed to DROP %s %sFailed to CREATE %s %s%s with no matching label: %sRedefining label %sEnd-label %s without matchReferring to uninitialized variable %sPROCEDURE %s can't return a result set in the given contextRETURN is only allowed in a FUNCTION%s is not allowed in stored proceduresThe update log is deprecated and replaced by the binary log; SET SQL_LOG_UPDATE has been ignored.The update log is deprecated and replaced by the binary log; SET SQL_LOG_UPDATE has been translated to SET SQL_LOG_BIN.Query execution was interruptedIncorrect number of arguments for %s %s; expected %u, got %uUndefined CONDITION: %sNo RETURN found in FUNCTION %sFUNCTION %s ended without RETURNCursor statement must be a SELECTCursor SELECT must not have INTOUndefined CURSOR: %sCursor is already openCursor is not openUndeclared variable: %sIncorrect number of FETCH variablesNo data - zero rows fetched, selected, or processedDuplicate parameter: %sDuplicate variable: %sDuplicate condition: %sDuplicate cursor: %sFailed to ALTER %s %sSubquery value not supported%s is not allowed in stored function or triggerVariable or condition declaration after cursor or handler declarationCursor declaration after handler declarationCase not found for CASE statementConfiguration file '%-.192s' is too bigMalformed file type header in file '%-.192s'Unexpected end of file while parsing comment '%-.200s'Error while parsing parameter '%-.192s' (line: '%-.192s')Unexpected end of file while skipping unknown parameter '%-.192s'EXPLAIN/SHOW can not be issued; lacking privileges for underlying tableFile '%-.192s' has unknown type '%-.64s' in its header'%-.192s.%-.192s' is not %sColumn '%-.192s' is not updatableView's SELECT contains a subquery in the FROM clauseView's SELECT contains a '%s' clauseView's SELECT contains a variable or parameterView's SELECT refers to a temporary table '%-.192s'View's SELECT and view's field list have different column countsView merge algorithm can't be used here for now (assumed undefined algorithm)View being updated does not have complete key of underlying table in itView '%-.192s.%-.192s' references invalid table(s) or column(s) or function(s) or definer/invoker of view lack rights to use themCan't drop or alter a %s from within another stored routineGOTO is not allowed in a stored procedure handlerTrigger already existsTrigger does not existTrigger's '%-.192s' is view or temporary tableUpdating of %s row is not allowed in %striggerThere is no %s row in %s triggerField '%-.192s' doesn't have a default valueDivision by 0Incorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s' for column '%.192s' at row %ldIllegal %s '%-.192s' value found during parsingCHECK OPTION on non-updatable view '%-.192s.%-.192s'CHECK OPTION failed '%-.192s.%-.192s'%-.16s command denied to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' for routine '%-.192s'Failed purging old relay logs: %sPassword hash should be a %d-digit hexadecimal numberTarget log not found in binlog indexI/O error reading log index fileServer configuration does not permit binlog purgeFailed on fseek()Fatal error during log purgeA purgeable log is in use, will not purgeUnknown error during log purgeFailed initializing relay log position: %sYou are not using binary loggingThe '%-.64s' syntax is reserved for purposes internal to the MySQL serverWSAStartup FailedCan't handle procedures with different groups yetSelect must have a group with this procedureCan't use ORDER clause with this procedureBinary logging and replication forbid changing the global server %sCan't map file: %-.200s, errno: %dWrong magic in %-.64sPrepared statement contains too many placeholdersKey part '%-.192s' length cannot be 0View text checksum failedCan not modify more than one base table through a join view '%-.192s.%-.192s'Can not insert into join view '%-.192s.%-.192s' without fields listCan not delete from join view '%-.192s.%-.192s'Operation %s failed for %.256sXAER_NOTA: Unknown XIDXAER_INVAL: Invalid arguments (or unsupported command)XAER_RMFAIL: The command cannot be executed when global transaction is in the %.64s stateXAER_OUTSIDE: Some work is done outside global transactionXAER_RMERR: Fatal error occurred in the transaction branch - check your data for consistencyXA_RBROLLBACK: Transaction branch was rolled backThere is no such grant defined for user '%-.48s' on host '%-.64s' on routine '%-.192s'Failed to grant EXECUTE and ALTER ROUTINE privilegesFailed to revoke all privileges to dropped routineData too long for column '%s' at row %ldBad SQLSTATE: '%s'%s: ready for connections. Version: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d %sCan't load value from file with fixed size rows to variableYou are not allowed to create a user with GRANTIncorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s' for function %-.32sTable definition has changed, please retry transactionDuplicate handler declared in the same blockOUT or INOUT argument %d for routine %s is not a variable or NEW pseudo-variable in BEFORE triggerNot allowed to return a result set from a %sCannot get geometry object from data you send to the GEOMETRY fieldA routine failed and has neither NO SQL nor READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled; if non-transactional tables were updated, the binary log will miss their changesThis function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)You do not have the SUPER privilege and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)You can't execute a prepared statement which has an open cursor associated with it. Reset the statement to re-execute it.The statement (%lu) has no open cursor.Explicit or implicit commit is not allowed in stored function or trigger.Field of view '%-.192s.%-.192s' underlying table doesn't have a default valueRecursive stored functions and triggers are not allowed.Too big scale %d specified for column '%-.192s'. Maximum is %lu.Too-big precision %d specified for '%-.192s'. Maximum is %lu.For float(M,D), double(M,D) or decimal(M,D), M must be >= D (column '%-.192s').You can't combine write-locking of system tables with other tables or lock typesUnable to connect to foreign data source: %.64sThere was a problem processing the query on the foreign data source. Data source error: %-.64sThe foreign data source you are trying to reference does not exist. Data source error: %-.64sCan't create federated table. The data source connection string '%-.64s' is not in the correct formatThe data source connection string '%-.64s' is not in the correct formatCan't create federated table. Foreign data src error: %-.64sTrigger in wrong schemaThread stack overrun: %ld bytes used of a %ld byte stack, and %ld bytes needed. Use 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' to specify a bigger stack.Routine body for '%-.100s' is too longCannot drop default keycacheDisplay width out of range for column '%-.192s' (max = %lu)XAER_DUPID: The XID already existsDatetime function: %-.32s field overflowCan't update table '%-.192s' in stored function/trigger because it is already used by statement which invoked this stored function/trigger.The definition of table '%-.192s' prevents operation %.192s on table '%-.192s'.The prepared statement contains a stored routine call that refers to that same statement. It's not allowed to execute a prepared statement in such a recursive mannerNot allowed to set autocommit from a stored function or triggerDefiner is not fully qualifiedView '%-.192s'.'%-.192s' has no definer information (old table format). Current user is used as definer. Please recreate the view!You need the SUPER privilege for creation view with '%-.192s'@'%-.192s' definerThe user specified as a definer ('%-.64s'@'%-.64s') does not existChanging schema from '%-.192s' to '%-.192s' is not allowed.Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (%.192s)Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (%.192s)Variable '%-.64s' must be quoted with `...`, or renamedNo definer attribute for trigger '%-.192s'.'%-.192s'. The trigger will be activated under the authorization of the invoker, which may have insufficient privileges. Please recreate the trigger.'%-.192s' has an old format, you should re-create the '%s' object(s)Recursive limit %d (as set by the max_sp_recursion_depth variable) was exceeded for routine %.192sFailed to load routine %-.192s. The table mysql.proc is missing, corrupt, or contains bad data (internal code %d)Incorrect routine name '%-.192s'Table upgrade required. Please do "REPAIR TABLE `%-.64s`" or dump/reload to fix it!AGGREGATE is not supported for stored functionsCan't create more than max_prepared_stmt_count statements (current value: %lu)`%-.192s`.`%-.192s` contains view recursionNon-grouping field '%-.192s' is used in %-.64s clauseThe used table type doesn't support SPATIAL indexesTriggers can not be created on system tablesLeading spaces are removed from name '%s'Failed to read auto-increment value from storage engineuser namehost nameString '%-.70s' is too long for %s (should be no longer than %d)The target table %-.100s of the %s is not insertable-intoTable '%-.64s' is differently defined or of non-MyISAM type or doesn't existToo high level of nesting for selectName '%-.64s' has become ''First character of the FIELDS TERMINATED string is ambiguous; please use non-optional and non-empty FIELDS ENCLOSED BYThe foreign server, %s, you are trying to create already exists.The foreign server name you are trying to reference does not exist. Data source error: %-.64sTable storage engine '%-.64s' does not support the create option '%.64s'Syntax error: %-.64s PARTITIONING requires definition of VALUES %-.64s for each partitionOnly %-.64s PARTITIONING can use VALUES %-.64s in partition definitionMAXVALUE can only be used in last partition definitionSubpartitions can only be hash partitions and by keyMust define subpartitions on all partitions if on one partitionWrong number of partitions defined, mismatch with previous settingWrong number of subpartitions defined, mismatch with previous settingConstant, random or timezone-dependent expressions in (sub)partitioning function are not allowedExpression in RANGE/LIST VALUES must be constantField in list of fields for partition function not found in tableList of fields is only allowed in KEY partitionsThe partition info in the frm file is not consistent with what can be written into the frm fileThe %-.192s function returns the wrong typeFor %-.64s partitions each partition must be definedVALUES LESS THAN value must be strictly increasing for each partitionVALUES value must be of same type as partition functionMultiple definition of same constant in list partitioningPartitioning can not be used stand-alone in queryThe mix of handlers in the partitions is not allowed in this version of MySQLFor the partitioned engine it is necessary to define all %-.64sToo many partitions (including subpartitions) were definedIt is only possible to mix RANGE/LIST partitioning with HASH/KEY partitioning for subpartitioningFailed to create specific handler fileA BLOB field is not allowed in partition functionA %-.192s must include all columns in the table's partitioning functionNumber of %-.64s = 0 is not an allowed valuePartition management on a not partitioned table is not possibleForeign keys are not yet supported in conjunction with partitioningError in list of partitions to %-.64sCannot remove all partitions, use DROP TABLE insteadCOALESCE PARTITION can only be used on HASH/KEY partitionsREORGANIZE PARTITION can only be used to reorganize partitions not to change their numbersREORGANIZE PARTITION without parameters can only be used on auto-partitioned tables using HASH PARTITIONs%-.64s PARTITION can only be used on RANGE/LIST partitionsTrying to Add partition(s) with wrong number of subpartitionsAt least one partition must be addedAt least one partition must be coalescedMore partitions to reorganize than there are partitionsDuplicate partition name %-.192sIt is not allowed to shut off binlog on this commandWhen reorganizing a set of partitions they must be in consecutive orderReorganize of range partitions cannot change total ranges except for last partition where it can extend the rangePartition function not supported in this version for this handlerPartition state cannot be defined from CREATE/ALTER TABLEThe %-.64s handler only supports 32 bit integers in VALUESPlugin '%-.192s' is not loadedIncorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s'Table has no partition for value %-.64sIt is not allowed to specify %s more than onceFailed to create %sFailed to drop %sThe handler doesn't support autoextend of tablespacesA size parameter was incorrectly specified, either number or on the form 10MThe size number was correct but we don't allow the digit part to be more than 2 billionFailed to alter: %sWriting one row to the row-based binary log failedTable definition on master and slave does not match: %sSlave running with --log-slave-updates must use row-based binary logging to be able to replicate row-based binary log eventsEvent '%-.192s' already existsFailed to store event %s. Error code %d from storage engine.Unknown event '%-.192s'Failed to alter event '%-.192s'Failed to drop %sINTERVAL is either not positive or too bigENDS is either invalid or before STARTSEvent execution time is in the past. Event has been disabledFailed to open mysql.eventNo datetime expression providedColumn count of mysql.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. The table is probably corruptedCannot load from mysql.%s. The table is probably corruptedFailed to delete the event from mysql.eventError during compilation of event's bodySame old and new event nameData for column '%s' too longCannot drop index '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraintThe syntax '%s' is deprecated and will be removed in MySQL %s. Please use %s insteadYou can't write-lock a log table. Only read access is possibleYou can't use locks with log tables.Upholding foreign key constraints for table '%.192s', entry '%-.192s', key %d would lead to a duplicate entryColumn count of mysql.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. Created with MySQL %d, now running %d. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error.Cannot switch out of the row-based binary log format when the session has open temporary tablesCannot change the binary logging format inside a stored function or triggerThe NDB cluster engine does not support changing the binlog format on the fly yetCannot create temporary table with partitionsPartition constant is out of partition function domainThis partition function is not allowedError in DDL logNot allowed to use NULL value in VALUES LESS THANIncorrect partition nameTransaction characteristics can't be changed while a transaction is in progressALTER TABLE causes auto_increment resequencing, resulting in duplicate entry '%-.192s' for key '%-.192s'Internal scheduler error %dError during starting/stopping of the scheduler. Error code %uEngine cannot be used in partitioned tablesCannot activate '%-.64s' logThe server was not built with row-based replicationDecoding of base64 string failedRecursion of EVENT DDL statements is forbidden when body is presentCannot proceed because system tables used by Event Scheduler were found damaged at server startOnly integers allowed as number hereThis storage engine cannot be used for log tables"You cannot '%s' a log table if logging is enabledCannot rename '%s'. When logging enabled, rename to/from log table must rename two tables: the log table to an archive table and another table back to '%s'Incorrect parameter count in the call to native function '%-.192s'Incorrect parameters in the call to native function '%-.192s'Incorrect parameters in the call to stored function %-.192sThis function '%-.192s' has the same name as a native functionValore duplicato '%-.64s' per la chiave '%-.192s'Too many files opened, please execute the command againEvent execution time is in the past and ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE is set. The event was dropped immediately after creation.Event execution time is in the past and ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE is set. The event was not changed. Specify a time in the future.The incident %s occured on the master. Message: %sTable has no partition for some existing valuesUnsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. %sFatal error: %sRelay log read failure: %sRelay log write failure: %sFailed to create %sMaster command %s failed: %sBinary logging not possible. Message: %sView `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` has no creation contextCreation context of view `%-.64s`.`%-.64s' is invalidCreation context of stored routine `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCorrupted TRG file for table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s`Triggers for table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` have no creation contextTrigger creation context of table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCreation context of event `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCannot open table for trigger `%-.64s`.`%-.64s`Cannot create stored routine `%-.64s`. Check warningsAmbiguous slave modes combination. %sThe BINLOG statement of type `%s` was not preceded by a format description BINLOG statement.Corrupted replication event was detectedInvalid column reference (%-.64s) in LOAD DATABeing purged log %s was not foundXA_RBTIMEOUT: Transaction branch was rolled back: took too longXA_RBDEADLOCK: Transaction branch was rolled back: deadlock was detectedPrepared statement needs to be re-preparedDELAYED option not supported for table '%-.192s'The master info structure does not exist<%-.64s> option ignoredBuilt-in plugins cannot be deletedPlugin is busy and will be uninstalled on shutdown%s variable '%s' is read-only. Use SET %s to assign the valueStorage engine %s does not support rollback for this statement. Transaction rolled back and must be restartedUnexpected master's heartbeat data: %sThe requested value for the heartbeat period is either negative or exceeds the maximum allowed (%s seconds).Bad schema for mysql.ndb_replication table. Message: %-.64sError in parsing conflict function. Message: %-.64sWrite to exceptions table failed. Message: %-.128s"Comment for table '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Comment for field '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)FUNCTION %s does not exist. Check the 'Function Name Parsing and Resolution' section in the Reference ManualDatabaseTablePartitionSubpartitionTemporaryRenamedToo many active concurrent transactionsNon-ASCII separator arguments are not fully supporteddebug sync point wait timed outdebug sync point hit limit reachedDuplicate condition information item '%s'Unhandled user-defined warning conditionUnhandled user-defined not found conditionUnhandled user-defined exception conditionRESIGNAL when handler not activeSIGNAL/RESIGNAL can only use a CONDITION defined with SQLSTATEData truncated for condition item '%s'Data too long for condition item '%s'Unknown locale: '%-.64s'The requested server id %d clashes with the slave startup option --replicate-same-server-idQuery cache is disabled; restart the server with query_cache_type=1 to enable itDuplicate partition field name '%-.192s'Inconsistency in usage of column lists for partitioningPartition column values of incorrect typeToo many fields in '%-.192s'Cannot use MAXVALUE as value in VALUES INCannot have more than one value for this type of %-.64s partitioningRow expressions in VALUES IN only allowed for multi-field column partitioningField '%-.192s' is of a not allowed type for this type of partitioningThe total length of the partitioning fields is too largeCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since both row-incapable engines and statement-incapable engines are involved.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = ROW and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to statement-based logging.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. %sCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is in row format and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to statement-based logging.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to row-based logging.%sCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is in row format and BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since more than one engine is involved and at least one engine is self-logging.The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted.The statement is unsafe because it uses INSERT DELAYED. This is unsafe because the times when rows are inserted cannot be predicted.The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves.Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly.Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it accesses a non-transactional table after accessing a transactional table within the same transaction.%s Statement: %sColumn %d of table '%-.192s.%-.192s' cannot be converted from type '%-.32s' to type '%-.32s'Can't create conversion table for table '%-.192s.%-.192s'Cannot modify @@session.binlog_format inside a transactionThe path specified for %.64s is too long.'%s' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.Native table '%-.64s'.'%-.64s' has the wrong structureInvalid performance_schema usage.Table '%s'.'%s' was skipped since its definition is being modified by concurrent DDL statementCannot modify @@session.binlog_direct_non_transactional_updates inside a transactionCannot change the binlog direct flag inside a stored function or triggerA SPATIAL index may only contain a geometrical type columnComment for index '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Wait on a lock was aborted due to a pending exclusive lock%s value is out of range in '%s'A variable of a non-integer based type in LIMIT clauseMixing self-logging and non-self-logging engines in a statement is unsafe.Statement accesses nontransactional table as well as transactional or temporary table, and writes to any of them.Cannot modify @@session.sql_log_bin inside a transactionCannot change the sql_log_bin inside a stored function or triggerFailed to read from the .par fileVALUES value for partition '%-.64s' must have type INTAccesso non consentito per l'utente: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s'SET PASSWORD has no significance for users authenticating via pluginsGRANT with IDENTIFIED WITH is illegal because the user %-.*s already existsCannot truncate a table referenced in a foreign key constraint (%.192s)Plugin '%s' is force_plus_permanent and can not be unloadedThe requested value for the heartbeat period is less than 1 millisecond. The value is reset to 0, meaning that heartbeating will effectively be disabled.The requested value for the heartbeat period exceeds the value of `slave_net_timeout' seconds. A sensible value for the period should be less than the timeout.Multi-row statements required more than 'max_binlog_stmt_cache_size' bytes of storage; increase this mysqld variable and try againPrimary key/partition key update is not allowed since the table is updated both as '%-.192s' and '%-.192s'.Table rebuild required. Please do "ALTER TABLE `%-.64s` FORCE" or dump/reload to fix it!The value of '%s' should be no less than the value of '%s'Index column size too large. The maximum column size is %lu bytes.Trigger '%-.64s' has an error in its body: '%-.256s'Unknown trigger has an error in its body: '%-.256s'Index %s is corruptedUndo log record is too big.INSERT IGNORE... SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.INSERT... SELECT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are updated. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.REPLACE... SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are replaced. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE... IGNORE SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE... REPLACE SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are replaced. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.UPDATE IGNORE is unsafe because the order in which rows are updated determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.Plugin '%s' is marked as not dynamically uninstallable. You have to stop the server to uninstall it.Plugin '%s' is marked as not dynamically installable. You have to stop the server to install it.Statements writing to a table with an auto-increment column after selecting from another table are unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved determines what (if any) rows will be written. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE TABLE... SELECT... on a table with an auto-increment column is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are inserted. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.INSERT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE on a table with more than one UNIQUE KEY is unsafeTable is being used in foreign key check.Storage engine '%s' does not support system tables. [%s.%s]INSERT into autoincrement field which is not the first part in the composed primary key is unsafe.Cannot load from %s.%s. The table is probably corruptedThe requested value %s for the master delay exceeds the maximum %uOnly Format_description_log_event and row events are allowed in BINLOG statements (but %s was provided)Non matching attribute '%-.64s' between partition and tableTable to exchange with partition is partitioned: '%-.64s'Table to exchange with partition is temporary: '%-.64s'Subpartitioned table, use subpartition instead of partitionUnknown partition '%-.64s' in table '%-.64s'Tables have different definitionsFound a row that does not match the partitionOption binlog_cache_size (%lu) is greater than max_binlog_cache_size (%lu); setting binlog_cache_size equal to max_binlog_cache_size.Cannot use %-.64s access on index '%-.64s' due to type or collation conversion on field '%-.64s'Table to exchange with partition has foreign key references: '%-.64s'Key value '%-.192s' was not found in table '%-.192s.%-.192s'Data for column '%s' too longReplication event checksum verification failed while reading from network.Replication event checksum verification failed while reading from a log file.Option binlog_stmt_cache_size (%lu) is greater than max_binlog_stmt_cache_size (%lu); setting binlog_stmt_cache_size equal to max_binlog_stmt_cache_size.Can't update table '%-.192s' while '%-.192s' is being created.PARTITION () clause on non partitioned tableFound a row not matching the given partition setLa tabella particione '%-.64s' non esisteFailure while changing the type of replication repository: %s.The creation of some temporary tables could not be rolled back.Some temporary tables were dropped, but these operations could not be rolled back.%s is not supported in multi-threaded slave mode. %sThe number of modified databases exceeds the maximum %d; the database names will not be included in the replication event metadata.Cannot execute the current event group in the parallel mode. Encountered event %s, relay-log name %s, position %s which prevents execution of this event group in parallel mode. Reason: %s.%sFULLTEXT index is not supported for partitioned tables.Invalid condition numberSending passwords in plain text without SSL/TLS is extremely insecure.Storing MySQL user name or password information in the master info repository is not secure and is therefore not recommended. Please consider using the USER and PASSWORD connection options for START SLAVE; see the 'START SLAVE Syntax' in the MySQL Manual for more information.Foreign key constraint for table '%.192s', record '%-.192s' would lead to a duplicate entry in table '%.192s', key '%.192s'Foreign key constraint for table '%.192s', record '%-.192s' would lead to a duplicate entry in a child tableSetting authentication options is not possible when only the Slave SQL Thread is being started.The table does not have FULLTEXT index to support this queryThe system variable %.200s cannot be set in stored functions or triggers.The system variable %.200s cannot be set when there is an ongoing transaction.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT has the value %.200s, which is not listed in @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot change inside a transaction.The statement 'SET %.200s' cannot invoke a stored function.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be 'AUTOMATIC' when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST is non-NULL.Skipping transaction %.200s because it has already been executed and logged.Malformed GTID set specification '%.200s'.Malformed GTID set encoding.Malformed GTID specification '%.200s'.Impossible to generate Global Transaction Identifier: the integer component reached the maximal value. Restart the server with a new server_uuid.Parameters MASTER_LOG_FILE, MASTER_LOG_POS, RELAY_LOG_FILE and RELAY_LOG_POS cannot be set when MASTER_AUTO_POSITION is active.CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1 cannot be executed because @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot execute statements with implicit commit inside a transaction when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT == 'UUID:NUMBER'.GTID_MODE = ON requires ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY = ON.@@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON or ON_PERMISSIVE or OFF_PERMISSIVE requires --log-bin and --log-slave-updates.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be set to UUID:NUMBER when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be set to ANONYMOUS when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST cannot be set to a non-NULL value when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Found a Gtid_log_event when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Statement violates GTID consistency: Updates to non-transactional tables can only be done in either autocommitted statements or single-statement transactions, and never in the same statement as updates to transactional tables.Statement violates GTID consistency: CREATE TABLE ... SELECT.Statement violates GTID consistency: Under statement binary log mode CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE and DROP TEMPORARY TABLE can only be executed outside transactional context. These statements are also not allowed in a function or trigger because functions and triggers are also considered to be multi-statement transactions.The value of @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE can only be changed one step at a time: OFF <-> OFF_PERMISSIVE <-> ON_PERMISSIVE <-> ON. Also note that this value must be stepped up or down simultaneously on all servers. See the Manual for instructions.The slave is connecting using CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1, but the master has purged binary logs containing GTIDs that the slave requires.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be changed by a client that owns a GTID. The client owns %s. Ownership is released on COMMIT or ROLLBACK.Unknown EXPLAIN format name: '%s'Cannot execute statement in a READ ONLY transaction.Comment for table partition '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Slave is not configured or failed to initialize properly. You must at least set --server-id to enable either a master or a slave. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.InnoDB presently supports one FULLTEXT index creation at a timeCannot create FULLTEXT index on temporary InnoDB tableColumn '%-.192s' is of wrong type for an InnoDB FULLTEXT indexIndex '%-.192s' is of wrong type for an InnoDB FULLTEXT indexCreating index '%-.192s' required more than 'innodb_online_alter_log_max_size' bytes of modification log. Please try again.Unknown ALGORITHM '%s'Unknown LOCK type '%s'CHANGE MASTER cannot be executed when the slave was stopped with an error or killed in MTS mode. Consider using RESET SLAVE or START SLAVE UNTIL.Cannot recover after SLAVE errored out in parallel execution mode. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.Cannot clean up worker info tables. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.Column count of %s.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. The table is probably corruptedSlave must silently retry current transactionThere is a foreign key check running on table '%-.192s'. Cannot discard the table.Schema mismatch (%s)Table '%-.192s' in system tablespaceIO Read error: (%lu, %s) %sIO Write error: (%lu, %s) %sTablespace is missing for table %s.Tablespace '%-.192s' exists.Tablespace has been discarded for table '%-.192s'Internal error: %sALTER TABLE %-.192s IMPORT TABLESPACE failed with error %lu : '%s'Index corrupt: %sSupports only YEAR or YEAR(4) column.Your password does not satisfy the current policy requirementsYou must reset your password using ALTER USER statement before executing this statement.Failed to add the foreign key constaint. Missing index for constraint '%s' in the foreign table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constaint. Missing index for constraint '%s' in the referenced table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constraint '%s' to system tablesFailed to open the referenced table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constraint on table '%s'. Incorrect options in FOREIGN KEY constraint '%s'Duplicate foreign key constraint name '%s'The password hash doesn't have the expected format. Check if the correct password algorithm is being used with the PASSWORD() function.Cannot drop column '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s'Cannot drop column '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Column '%-.192s' cannot be NOT NULL: needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' SET NULLDuplicate index '%-.64s' defined on the table '%-.64s.%-.64s'. This is deprecated and will be disallowed in a future release.Cannot change column '%-.192s': used in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s'Cannot change column '%-.192s': used in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Cannot delete rows from table which is parent in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Malformed communication packet.Running in read-only modeWhen @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT is set to a GTID, you must explicitly set it to a different value after a COMMIT or ROLLBACK. Please check GTID_NEXT variable manual page for detailed explanation. Current @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT is '%s'.The system variable %.200s cannot be set in stored procedures.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when @@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED is empty.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when there are no ongoing transactions (not even in other clients).@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED was changed from '%s' to '%s'.@@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED was changed from '%s' to '%s'.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT, and both replicated and non replicated tables are written to.%s is not supported for this operation. Try %s.%s is not supported. Reason: %s. Try %s.COPY algorithm requires a lockPartition specific operations do not yet support LOCK/ALGORITHMColumns participating in a foreign key are renamedCannot change column type INPLACEAdding foreign keys needs foreign_key_checks=OFFCreating unique indexes with IGNORE requires COPY algorithm to remove duplicate rowsDropping a primary key is not allowed without also adding a new primary keyAdding an auto-increment column requires a lockCannot replace hidden FTS_DOC_ID with a user-visible oneCannot drop or rename FTS_DOC_IDFulltext index creation requires a locksql_slave_skip_counter can not be set when the server is running with @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON. Instead, for each transaction that you want to skip, generate an empty transaction with the same GTID as the transactionValore duplicato per la chiave '%-.192s'Long database name and identifier for object resulted in path length exceeding %d characters. Path: '%s'.cannot silently convert NULL values, as required in this SQL_MODEYour password has expired. To log in you must change it using a client that supports expired passwords.Found a row in wrong partition %sCannot schedule event %s, relay-log name %s, position %s to Worker thread because its size %lu exceeds %lu of slave_pending_jobs_size_max.Cannot CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX WITH PARSER on InnoDB tableThe binary log file '%s' is logically corrupted: %sfile %s was not purged because it was being read by %d thread(s), purged only %d out of %d files.file %s was not purged because it is the active log file.Auto-increment value in UPDATE conflicts with internally generated valuesRow events are not logged for %s statements that modify BLACKHOLE tables in row format. Table(s): '%-.192s'Slave failed to initialize master info structure from the repositorySlave failed to initialize relay log info structure from the repositoryAccess denied trying to change to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' (using password: %s). Disconnecting.InnoDB is in read only mode.STOP SLAVE command execution is incomplete: Slave SQL thread got the stop signal, thread is busy, SQL thread will stop once the current task is complete.STOP SLAVE command execution is incomplete: Slave IO thread got the stop signal, thread is busy, IO thread will stop once the current task is complete.Operation cannot be performed. The table '%-.64s.%-.64s' is missing, corrupt or contains bad data.Temporary file write failure.Upgrade index name failed, please use create index(alter table) algorithm copy to rebuild index.TIME/TIMESTAMP/DATETIME columns of old format have been upgraded to the new format.Operation not allowed when innodb_forced_recovery > 0.The initialization vector supplied to %s is too short. Must be at least %d bytes longPlugin '%s' cannot be uninstalled now. %sCannot execute statement because it needs to be written to the binary log as multiple statements, and this is not allowed when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT == 'UUID:NUMBER'.Slave has more GTIDs than the master has, using the master's SERVER_UUID. This may indicate that the end of the binary log was truncated or that the last binary log file was lost, e.g., after a power or disk failure when sync_binlog != 1. The master may or may not have rolled back transactions that were already replicated to the slave. Suggest to replicate any transactions that master has rolled back from slave to master, and/or commit empty transactions on master to account for transactions that have been committed on master but are not included in GTID_EXECUTED.The table '%s.%s' does not have the necessary key(s) defined on it. Please check the table definition and create index(s) accordingly.File %s is corruptedQuery partially completed on the master (error on master: %d) and was aborted. There is a chance that your master is inconsistent at this point. If you are sure that your master is ok, run this query manually on the slave and then restart the slave with SET GLOBAL SQL_SLAVE_SKIP_COUNTER=1; START SLAVE;. Query:'%s'Query caused different errors on master and slave. Error on master: message (format)='%s' error code=%d; Error on slave:actual message='%s', error code=%d. Default database:'%s'. Query:'%s'Storage engine for table '%s'.'%s' is not loaded.GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS when handler not active%s is no longer supported. The statement was converted to %s.Statement is unsafe because it uses a fulltext parser plugin which may not return the same value on the slave.Cannot DISCARD/IMPORT tablespace associated with temporary tableForeign key cascade delete/update exceeds max depth of %d.Column count of %s.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. Created with MySQL %d, now running %d. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error.Trigger %s.%s.%s does not have CREATED attribute.Referenced trigger '%s' for the given action time and event type does not exist.EXPLAIN FOR CONNECTION command is supported only for SELECT/UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE/REPLACEInvalid size for column '%-.192s'.Table storage engine '%-.64s' found required create option missingOut of memory in storage engine '%-.64s'.The password for anonymous user cannot be expired.This operation cannot be performed with a running slave sql thread; run STOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD firstCannot create FULLTEXT index on materialized subqueryUndo Log error: %sInvalid argument for logarithmThis operation cannot be performed with a running slave io thread; run STOP SLAVE IO_THREAD FOR CHANNEL '%s' first.This operation may not be safe when the slave has temporary tables. The tables will be kept open until the server restarts or until the tables are deleted by any replicated DROP statement. Suggest to wait until slave_open_temp_tables = 0.CHANGE MASTER TO with a MASTER_LOG_FILE clause but no MASTER_LOG_POS clause may not be safe. The old position value may not be valid for the new binary log file.Query execution was interrupted, maximum statement execution time exceededSelect is not a read only statement, disabling timerDuplicate entry '%-.192s'.'%s' mode no longer has any effect. Use STRICT_ALL_TABLES or STRICT_TRANS_TABLES instead.Expression #%u of ORDER BY contains aggregate function and applies to a UNIONExpression #%u of ORDER BY contains aggregate function and applies to the result of a non-aggregated querySlave worker has stopped after at least one previous worker encountered an error when slave-preserve-commit-order was enabled. To preserve commit order, the last transaction executed by this thread has not been committed. When restarting the slave after fixing any failed threads, you should fix this worker as well.slave_preserve_commit_order is not supported %s.The server is currently in offline modeBinary geometry function %s given two geometries of different srids: %u and %u, which should have been identical.Calling geometry function %s with unsupported types of arguments.Unknown GIS error occured in function %s.Unknown exception caught in GIS function %s.Invalid GIS data provided to function %s.The geometry has no data in function %s.Unable to calculate centroid because geometry is empty in function %s.Geometry overlay calculation error: geometry data is invalid in function %s.Geometry turn info calculation error: geometry data is invalid in function %s.Analysis procedures of intersection points interrupted unexpectedly in function %s.Unknown exception thrown in function %s.Memory allocation error: %-.256s in function %s.Domain error: %-.256s in function %s.Length error: %-.256s in function %s.Invalid argument error: %-.256s in function %s.Out of range error: %-.256s in function %s.Overflow error error: %-.256s in function %s.Range error: %-.256s in function %s.Underflow error: %-.256s in function %s.Logic error: %-.256s in function %s.Runtime error: %-.256s in function %s.Unknown exception: %-.384s in function %s.Geometry byte string must be little endian.The password provided for the replication user exceeds the maximum length of 32 charactersIncorrect user-level lock name '%-.192s'.Deadlock found when trying to get user-level lock; try rolling back transaction/releasing locks and restarting lock acquisition.REPLACE cannot be executed as it requires deleting rows that are not in the viewDo not support online operation on table with GIS indexUser variable name '%-.100s' is illegalCannot %s when GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot %s from a replication slave thread.Incorrect type for argument %s in function %s.Expression #%u of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, references column '%-.192s' which is not in SELECT list; this is incompatible with %sExpression #%u of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, contains aggregate function; this is incompatible with %sSupplied filter list contains a value which is not in the required format 'db_pattern.table_pattern'OK packet too largeInvalid JSON data provided to function %s: %sInvalid GeoJSON data provided to function %s: Missing required member '%s'Invalid GeoJSON data provided to function %s: Member '%s' must be of type '%s'Invalid GeoJSON data provided to function %sUnsupported number of coordinate dimensions in function %s: Found %u, expected %uSlave channel '%s' does not exist.A slave channel '%s' already exists for the given host and port combination.Couldn't create channel: Channel name is either invalid or too long.To have multiple channels, repository cannot be of type FILE; Please check the repository configuration and convert them to TABLE.Cannot delete slave info objects for channel '%s'.Multiple channels exist on the slave. Please provide channel name as an argument.Maximum number of replication channels allowed exceeded.This operation cannot be performed with running replication threads; run STOP SLAVE FOR CHANNEL '%s' firstThis operation requires running replication threads; configure slave and run START SLAVE FOR CHANNEL '%s'Replication thread(s) for channel '%s' are already runnning.Replication thread(s) for channel '%s' are already stopped.This operation cannot be performed with a running slave sql thread; run STOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD FOR CHANNEL '%s' first.When sql_slave_skip_counter > 0, it is not allowed to start more than one SQL thread by using 'START SLAVE [SQL_THREAD]'. Value of sql_slave_skip_counter can only be used by one SQL thread at a time. Please use 'START SLAVE [SQL_THREAD] FOR CHANNEL' to start the SQL thread which will use the value of sql_slave_skip_counter.Expression #%u of %s is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column '%-.192s' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_byIn aggregated query without GROUP BY, expression #%u of %s contains nonaggregated column '%-.192s'; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_byUpdating '%s' is deprecated. It will be made read-only in a future release.Changing sql mode '%s' is deprecated. It will be removed in a future release.DROP DATABASE failed; some tables may have been dropped but the database directory remains. The GTID has not been added to GTID_EXECUTED and the statement was not written to the binary log. Fix this as follows: (1) remove all files from the database directory %-.192s; (2) SET GTID_NEXT='%-.192s'; (3) DROP DATABASE `%-.192s`.The server is not configured properly to be an active member of the group. Please see more details on error log.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed since the group is already running.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as the applier module failed to start.The STOP GROUP_REPLICATION command execution is incomplete: The applier thread got the stop signal while it was busy. The applier thread will stop once the current task is complete.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as there was an error when initializing the group communication layer.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as there was an error when joining the communication group.The table does not comply with the requirements by an external plugin.Cannot change the value of variable %s without binary log format as ROW.Error on observer while running replication hook '%s'.Plugin instructed the server to rollback the current transaction.Expression of generated column '%s' contains a disallowed function.INPLACE ADD or DROP of virtual columns cannot be combined with other ALTER TABLE actionsCannot define foreign key with %s clause on a generated column.The value specified for generated column '%s' in table '%s' is not allowed.'%s' is not supported for generated columns.Generated column can refer only to generated columns defined prior to it.Column '%s' has a generated column dependency.Generated column '%s' cannot refer to auto-increment column.The '%-.64s' feature is not available; you need to remove '%-.64s' or use MySQL built with '%-.64s'SET @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = %-.64s is not allowed because %-.384s.The replication receiver thread%-.192s cannot start in AUTO_POSITION mode: this server uses @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot replicate anonymous transaction when AUTO_POSITION = 1, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot replicate anonymous transaction when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot replicate GTID-transaction when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot set ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY = ON because there are ongoing transactions that violate GTID consistency.There are ongoing transactions that violate GTID consistency.Access denied for user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s'. Account is locked.Incorrect tablespace name `%-.192s`Tablespace `%-.192s` is not empty.Incorrect File Name '%s'.Inconsistent intersection points.Optimizer hint syntax errorUnsupported MAX_EXECUTION_TIMEMAX_EXECUTION_TIME hint is supported by top-level standalone SELECT statements onlyHint %s is ignored as conflicting/duplicatedQuery block name %s is not found for %s hintUnresolved name %s for %s hintPlease do not modify the %s table. This is a mysql internal system table to store GTIDs for committed transactions. Modifying it can lead to an inconsistent GTID state.Command not supported by pluggable protocolsIncorrect locking service lock name '%-.192s'.Deadlock found when trying to get locking service lock; try releasing locks and restarting lock acquisition.Service lock wait timeout exceeded.Parameter %s exceeds the maximum number of points in a geometry (%lu) in function %s.'NO_ZERO_DATE', 'NO_ZERO_IN_DATE' and 'ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO' sql modes should be used with strict mode. They will be merged with strict mode in a future release.Version token mismatch for %.*s. Correct value %.*sVersion token %.*s not found.Variable %-.192s cannot be changed by a client that owns a GTID. The client owns %s. Ownership is released on COMMIT or ROLLBACK.%-.192s cannot be performed on channel '%-.192s'.Invalid JSON text: "%s" at position %u in value for column '%-.200s'.Invalid JSON text in argument %u to function %s: "%s" at position %u.%-.0sThe JSON binary value contains invalid data.Invalid JSON path expression. The error is around character position %u.%-.200sCannot create a JSON value from a string with CHARACTER SET '%s'.Invalid JSON character data provided to function %s: '%s'; utf8 is required.Invalid data type for JSON data in argument %u to function %s; a JSON string or JSON type is required.Cannot CAST value to JSON.A path expression must be encoded in the utf8 character set. The path expression '%-.200s' is encoded in character set '%-.200s'.In this situation, path expressions may not contain the * and ** tokens.The JSON value is too big to be stored in a JSON column.The JSON object contains a key name that is too long.JSON column '%-.192s' cannot be used in key specification.The path expression '$' is not allowed in this context.The oneOrAll argument to %s may take these values: 'one' or 'all'.Out of range JSON value for CAST to %s%-.0s from column %s at row %ldInvalid JSON value for CAST to %s%-.0s from column %s at row %ldThe JSON document exceeds the maximum depth.JSON documents may not contain NULL member names.Connections using insecure transport are prohibited while --require_secure_transport=ON.No secure transports (SSL or Shared Memory) are configured, unable to set --require_secure_transport=ON.Storage engine %s is disabled (Table creation is disallowed).User %s does not exist.User %s already exists.Aborted by Audit API ('%-.48s';%d).A path expression is not a path to a cell in an array.Another buffer pool resize is already in progress.The '%s' feature is disabled; see the documentation for '%s'Server isn't availableSession was killedMemory capacity of %llu bytes for '%s' exceeded. %sRange optimization was not done for this query.Partitioning upgrade required. Please dump/reload to fix it or do: ALTER TABLE `%-.192s`.`%-.192s` UPGRADE PARTITIONINGThe client holds ownership of the GTID %s. Therefore, WAIT_FOR_EXECUTED_GTID_SET cannot wait for this GTID.Cannot add foreign key on the base column of indexed virtual column.Cannot create index on virtual column whose base column has foreign constraint.Please do not modify the %s table with an XA transaction. This is an internal system table used to store GTIDs for committed transactions. Although modifying it can lead to an inconsistent GTID state, if neccessary you can modify it with a non-XA transaction.Lock acquisition refused by storage engine.ADD COLUMN col...VIRTUAL, ADD INDEX(col)Master key rotation is not supported by storage engine.Encryption key rotation error reported by SE: %sWrite to binlog failed. However, master key rotation has been completed successfully.Storage engine is not available.This tablespace can't be encrypted.Invalid encryption option.Can't find master key from keyring, please check in the server log if a keyring plugin is loaded and initialized successfully.Parser bailed out for this query.Cannot alter encryption attribute by inplace algorithm.Function '%s' failed because underlying keyring service returned an error. Please check if a keyring plugin is installed and that provided arguments are valid for the keyring you are using.It seems that your db schema is old. The %s column is 77 characters long and should be 93 characters long. Please run mysql_upgrade.RESET MASTER is not allowed because %-.384s.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed since the group already has 9 members.Cannot add foreign key on the base column of stored column. Cannot complete the operation because table is referenced by another connection.The partition engine, used by table '%-.192s.%-.192s', is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use native partitioning instead.%.192s(geometry) is deprecated and will be replaced by st_srid(geometry, 0) in a future version. Use %.192s(st_aswkb(geometry), 0) instead.%.192s(geometry, srid) is deprecated and will be replaced by st_srid(geometry, srid) in a future version. Use %.192s(st_aswkb(geometry), srid) instead.The resource manager is not able to commit the transaction branch at this time. Please retry later.Function %s failed due to: %s.Statement is unsafe because it is being used inside a XA transaction. Concurrent XA transactions may deadlock on slaves when replicated using statements.%s UDF failed; %sCan not perform keyring migration : %sAccess denied; you need %-.128s privileges for this operationKeyring migration %s.Failed to open the %s filter tables.Failed to open '%s.%s' %s table.No keyring plugin installed.Audit log encryption password has not been set; it will be generated automatically. Use audit_log_encryption_password_get to obtain the password or audit_log_encryption_password_set to set a new one.Could not create AES key. OpenSSL's EVP_BytesToKey function failed.Audit log encryption password cannot be fetched from the keyring. Password used so far is used for encryption.Audit Log filtering has not been installed.Request ignored for '%s'@'%s'. SUPER_ACL needed to perform operationSUPER privilege required for '%s'@'%s' user.Could not reinitialize audit log filters.Invalid argument typeInvalid argument countaudit_log plugin has not been installed using INSTALL PLUGIN syntax.Invalid "max_array_length" argument type.Invalid "max_array_length" argument value.%sFilter name cannot be empty.User cannot be empty.Specified filter has not been found.First character of the user name must be alphanumeric.Invalid character in the user name.Invalid character in the host name.With the MAXDB SQL mode enabled, TIMESTAMP is identical with DATETIME. The MAXDB SQL mode is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please disable the MAXDB SQL mode and use DATETIME instead.The use of replication filters with XA transactions is not supported, and can lead to an undefined state in the replication slave.Compressed column '%-.192s' is not allowed in the key listCan not define column '%-.192s' in compressed formatCompression dictionary '%-.192s' already existsCompression dictionary '%-.192s' does not existCompression dictionary name '%-.192s' is too long (max length = %lu)Data for compression dictionary '%-.192s' is too long (max length = %lu)Compression dictionary '%-.192s' is in useCan't execute the query because you have a conflicting backup lockKeys are out order during bulk loadBulk load rows overlap existing rowsCan't execute updates on master with binlog_format != ROW.MyRocks supports only READ COMMITTED and REPEATABLE READ isolation levels. Please change from current isolation level %sWhen unique checking is disabled in MyRocks, INSERT,UPDATE,LOAD statements with clauses that update or replace the key (i.e. INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, REPLACE) are not allowed. Query: %sCan't execute updates when you started a transaction with START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT [ROCKSDB] SNAPSHOT.This transaction was rolled back and cannot be committed. Only supported operation is to roll it back, so all pending changes will be discarded. Please restart another transaction.MyRocks currently does not support ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT if modifying rows.Only REPEATABLE READ isolation level is supported for START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT SNAPSHOT in RocksDB Storage Engine.Unsupported collation on string indexed column %s.%s Use binary collation (%s).Table '%s' does not exist, but metadata information exists inside MyRocks. This is a sign of data inconsistency. Please check if '%s.frm' exists, and try to restore it if it does not exist.MyRocks failed creating new key definitions during alter.MyRocks failed populating secondary key during alter.Column family ('%s') flag (%d) is different from an existing flag (%d). Assign a new CF flag, or do not change existing CF flag.TTL support is currently disabled when table has a hidden PK.TTL column (%s) in MyRocks must be an unsigned non-null 64-bit integer, exist inside the table, and have an accompanying ttl duration.TTL duration (%s) in MyRocks must be an unsigned non-null 64-bit integer.The per-index column family option has been deprecated.dutch/errmsg.sys000075500000241130147633135420007726 0ustar00d0uK{*v*f3pYJBf *r 5 I  3 P k 9 V ( K x ( T 1cY0JUo n<Txs+ It2[us X"Jjg t1M !G!l!! 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[ z # P   fB`Z"d37m#i b !9].b v ;d#Dh$\[Bf   !!!!"5"V"s";###$_$$$$$(%R%}%%%%%&3&W&$'''(G(w(()0)s))))p*1++V,,-n-,.f../[//,0hashchkisamchkNEEJAKan file '%-.200s' niet aanmaken (Errcode: %d - %s)Kan tabel '%-.200s' niet aanmaken (Errcode: %d)Kan database '%-.192s' niet aanmaken (Errcode: %d)Kan database '%-.192s' niet aanmaken; database bestaat reedsKan database '%-.192s' niet verwijderen; database bestaat nietFout bij verwijderen database (kan '%-.192s' niet verwijderen, Errcode: %d)Fout bij verwijderen database (kan rmdir '%-.192s' niet uitvoeren, Errcode: %d)Fout bij het verwijderen van '%-.192s' (Errcode: %d - %s)Kan record niet lezen in de systeem tabelKan de status niet krijgen van '%-.200s' (Errcode: %d - %s)Kan de werkdirectory niet krijgen (Errcode: %d - %s)Kan de file niet blokeren (Errcode: %d - %s)Kan de file '%-.200s' niet openen (Errcode: %d - %s)Kan de file: '%-.200s' niet vinden (Errcode: %d - %s)Kan de directory niet lezen van '%-.192s' (Errcode: %d - %s)Kan de directory niet veranderen naar '%-.192s' (Errcode: %d - %s)Record is veranderd sinds de laatste lees activiteit in de tabel '%-.192s'Schijf vol (%s). Aan het wachten totdat er ruimte vrij wordt gemaakt... (Errcode: %d - %s)Kan niet schrijven, dubbele zoeksleutel in tabel '%-.192s'Fout bij het sluiten van '%-.192s' (Errcode: %d - %s)Fout bij het lezen van file '%-.200s' (Errcode: %d - %s)Fout bij het hernoemen van '%-.210s' naar '%-.210s' (Errcode: %d - %s)Fout bij het wegschrijven van file '%-.200s' (Errcode: %d - %s)'%-.192s' is geblokeerd tegen veranderingenSorteren afgebrokenView '%-.192s' bestaat niet voor '%-.192s'Fout %d van tabel handlerTabel handler voor '%-.192s' heeft deze optie nietKan record niet vinden in '%-.192s'Verkeerde info in file: '%-.200s'Verkeerde zoeksleutel file voor tabel: '%-.200s'; probeer het te reparerenOude zoeksleutel file voor tabel '%-.192s'; repareer het!'%-.192s' is alleen leesbaarGeen geheugen meer. Herstart server en probeer opnieuw (%d bytes nodig)Geen geheugen om te sorteren. Verhoog de server sort buffer sizeOnverwachte eof gevonden tijdens het lezen van file '%-.192s' (Errcode: %d - %s)Te veel verbindingenGeen thread geheugen meer; controleer of mysqld of andere processen al het beschikbare geheugen gebruikt. Zo niet, dan moet u wellicht 'ulimit' gebruiken om mysqld toe te laten meer geheugen te benutten, of u kunt extra swap ruimte toevoegenKan de hostname niet krijgen van uw adresVerkeerde handshakeToegang geweigerd voor gebruiker: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' naar database '%-.192s'Toegang geweigerd voor gebruiker: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' (Wachtwoord gebruikt: %s)Geen database geselecteerdOnbekend commandoKolom '%-.192s' kan niet null zijnOnbekende database '%-.192s'Tabel '%-.192s' bestaat alOnbekende tabel '%-.100s'Kolom: '%-.192s' in %-.192s is niet eenduidigBezig met het stoppen van de serverOnbekende kolom '%-.192s' in %-.192sOpdracht gebruikt '%-.192s' dat niet in de GROUP BY voorkomtKan '%-.192s' niet groeperenOpdracht heeft totaliseer functies en kolommen in dezelfde opdrachtHet aantal kolommen komt niet overeen met het aantal opgegeven waardesNaam voor herkenning '%-.100s' is te langDubbele kolom naam '%-.192s'Dubbele zoeksleutel naam '%-.192s'Dubbele ingang '%-.192s' voor zoeksleutel %dVerkeerde kolom specificatie voor kolom '%-.192s'%s bij '%-.80s' in regel %dQuery was leegNiet unieke waarde tabel/alias: '%-.192s'Foutieve standaard waarde voor '%-.192s'Meerdere primaire zoeksleutels gedefinieerdTeveel zoeksleutels gedefinieerd. Maximaal zijn %d zoeksleutels toegestaanTeveel zoeksleutel onderdelen gespecificeerd. Maximaal %d onderdelen toegestaanGespecificeerde zoeksleutel was te lang. De maximale lengte is %dZoeksleutel kolom '%-.192s' bestaat niet in tabelBLOB kolom '%-.192s' kan niet gebruikt worden bij zoeksleutel specificatieTe grote kolomlengte voor '%-.192s' (max = %lu). Maak hiervoor gebruik van het type BLOBEr kan slechts 1 autofield zijn en deze moet als zoeksleutel worden gedefinieerd.%s: klaar voor verbindingen Version: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d"%s: Normaal afgesloten %s: Signaal %d. Systeem breekt af! %s: Afsluiten afgerond %s: Afsluiten afgedwongen van thread %ld gebruiker: '%-.48s' Kan IP-socket niet openenTabel '%-.192s' heeft geen INDEX zoals deze gemaakt worden met CREATE INDEX. Maak de tabel opnieuwDe argumenten om velden te scheiden zijn anders dan verwacht. Raadpleeg de handleidingBij het gebruik van BLOBs is het niet mogelijk om vaste rijlengte te gebruiken. Maak s.v.p. gebruik van 'fields terminated by'.Het bestand '%-.128s' dient in de database directory voor the komen of leesbaar voor iedereen te zijn.Het bestand '%-.200s' bestaat reedsRecords: %ld Verwijderd: %ld Overgeslagen: %ld Waarschuwingen: %ldRecords: %ld Dubbel: %ldFoutief sub-gedeelte van de zoeksleutel. De gebruikte zoeksleutel is geen onderdeel van een string of of de gebruikte lengte is langer dan de zoeksleutelHet is niet mogelijk alle velden te verwijderen met ALTER TABLE. Gebruik a.u.b. DROP TABLE hiervoor!Kan '%-.192s' niet weggooien. Controleer of het veld of de zoeksleutel daadwerkelijk bestaat.Records: %ld Dubbel: %ld Waarschuwing: %ldYou can't specify target table '%-.192s' for update in FROM clauseOnbekend thread id: %luU bent geen bezitter van thread %luGeen tabellen gebruikt.Teveel strings voor kolom %-.192s en SETHet is niet mogelijk een unieke naam te maken voor de logfile %-.200s.(1-999) Tabel '%-.192s' was gelocked met een lock om te lezen. Derhalve kunnen geen wijzigingen worden opgeslagen.Tabel '%-.192s' was niet gelocked met LOCK TABLESBlob veld '%-.192s' can geen standaardwaarde bevattenDatabasenaam '%-.100s' is niet getoegestaanNiet toegestane tabelnaam '%-.100s'Het SELECT-statement zou te veel records analyseren en dus veel tijd in beslagnemen. Kijk het WHERE-gedeelte van de query na en kies SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 als het stament in orde is.Onbekende FoutOnbekende procedure %-.192sFoutief aantal parameters doorgegeven aan procedure %-.192sFoutieve parameters voor procedure %-.192sOnbekende tabel '%-.192s' in %-.32sVeld '%-.192s' is dubbel gespecificeerdOngeldig gebruik van GROUP-functieTabel '%-.192s' gebruikt een extensie, die niet in deze MySQL-versie voorkomt.Een tabel moet minstens 1 kolom bevattenDe tabel '%-.192s' is volOnbekende character set: '%-.64s'Teveel tabellen. MySQL kan slechts %d tabellen in een join bevattenTe veel veldenRij-grootte is groter dan toegestaan. Maximale rij grootte, blobs niet meegeteld, is %ld. U dient sommige velden in blobs te veranderen.Thread stapel overrun: Gebruikte: %ld van een %ld stack. Gebruik 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' om een grotere stapel te definieren (indien noodzakelijk).Gekruiste afhankelijkheid gevonden in OUTER JOIN. Controleer uw ON-conditionsTable handler doesn't support NULL in given index. Please change column '%-.192s' to be NOT NULL or use another handlerKan functie '%-.192s' niet ladenKan functie '%-.192s' niet initialiseren; %-.80sGeen pad toegestaan voor shared libraryFunctie '%-.192s' bestaat reedsKan shared library '%-.192s' niet openen (Errcode: %d %-.128s)Kan functie '%-.128s' niet in library vindenFunctie '%-.192s' is niet gedefinieerdHost '%-.64s' is geblokkeeerd vanwege te veel verbindings fouten. Deblokkeer met 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'Het is host '%-.64s' is niet toegestaan verbinding te maken met deze MySQL serverU gebruikt MySQL als anonieme gebruiker en deze mogen geen wachtwoorden wijzigenU moet tabel update priveleges hebben in de mysql database om wachtwoorden voor anderen te mogen wijzigenKan geen enkele passende rij vinden in de gebruikers tabelPassende rijen: %ld Gewijzigd: %ld Waarschuwingen: %ldKan geen nieuwe thread aanmaken (Errcode: %d). Indien er geen tekort aan geheugen is kunt u de handleiding consulteren over een mogelijke OS afhankelijke foutKolom aantal komt niet overeen met waarde aantal in rij %ldKan tabel niet opnieuw openen: '%-.192sFoutief gebruik van de NULL waardeFout '%-.64s' ontvangen van regexpHet mixen van GROUP kolommen (MIN(),MAX(),COUNT()...) met no-GROUP kolommen is foutief indien er geen GROUP BY clausule isDeze toegang (GRANT) is niet toegekend voor gebruiker '%-.48s' op host '%-.64s'%-.128s commando geweigerd voor gebruiker: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' voor tabel '%-.64s'%-.16s commando geweigerd voor gebruiker: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' voor kolom '%-.192s' in tabel '%-.192s'Foutief GRANT/REVOKE commando. Raadpleeg de handleiding welke priveleges gebruikt kunnen worden.De host of gebruiker parameter voor GRANT is te langTabel '%-.192s.%-.192s' bestaat nietDeze toegang (GRANT) is niet toegekend voor gebruiker '%-.48s' op host '%-.64s' op tabel '%-.192s'Het used commando is niet toegestaan in deze MySQL versieEr is iets fout in de gebruikte syntaxDelayed insert thread couldn't get requested lock for table %-.192sToo many delayed threads in useAfgebroken verbinding %ld naar db: '%-.192s' gebruiker: '%-.48s' (%-.64s)Groter pakket ontvangen dan 'max_allowed_packet'Kreeg leesfout van de verbindings pipeKreeg fout van fcntl()Pakketten in verkeerde volgorde ontvangenCommunicatiepakket kon niet worden gedecomprimeerdFout bij het lezen van communicatiepakkettenTimeout bij het lezen van communicatiepakkettenFout bij het schrijven van communicatiepakkettenTimeout bij het schrijven van communicatiepakkettenResultaat string is langer dan 'max_allowed_packet'Het gebruikte tabel type ondersteunt geen BLOB/TEXT kolommenHet gebruikte tabel type ondersteunt geen AUTO_INCREMENT kolommenINSERT DELAYED can't be used with table '%-.192s' because it is locked with LOCK TABLESIncorrecte kolom naam '%-.100s'De gebruikte tabel 'handler' kan kolom '%-.192s' niet indexerenNiet alle tabellen in de MERGE tabel hebben identieke gedefinitiesKan niet opslaan naar table '%-.192s' vanwege 'unique' beperkingBLOB kolom '%-.192s' gebruikt in zoeksleutel specificatie zonder zoeksleutel lengteAlle delen van een PRIMARY KEY moeten NOT NULL zijn; Indien u NULL in een zoeksleutel nodig heeft kunt u UNIQUE gebruikenResultaat bevatte meer dan een rijDit tabel type heeft een primaire zoeksleutel nodigDeze versie van MySQL is niet gecompileerd met RAID ondersteuningU gebruikt 'safe update mode' en u probeerde een tabel te updaten zonder een WHERE met een KEY kolomZoeksleutel '%-.192s' bestaat niet in tabel '%-.192s'Kan tabel niet openenDe 'handler' voor de tabel ondersteund geen %sHet is u niet toegestaan dit commando uit te voeren binnen een transactieKreeg fout %d tijdens COMMITKreeg fout %d tijdens ROLLBACKKreeg fout %d tijdens FLUSH_LOGSKreeg fout %d tijdens CHECKPOINTAfgebroken verbinding %u naar db: '%-.192s' gebruiker: '%-.48s' host: '%-.64s' (%-.64s)De 'handler' voor de tabel ondersteund geen binaire tabel dumpBinlog closed, cannot RESET MASTERGefaald tijdens heropbouw index van gedumpte tabel '%-.192s'Fout van master: '%-.64s'Net fout tijdens lezen van masterNet fout tijdens schrijven naar masterKan geen FULLTEXT index vinden passend bij de kolom lijstKan het gegeven commando niet uitvoeren, want u heeft actieve gelockte tabellen of een actieve transactieOnbekende systeem variabele '%-.64s'Tabel '%-.192s' staat als gecrashed gemarkeerd en dient te worden gerepareerdTabel '%-.192s' staat als gecrashed gemarkeerd en de laatste (automatische?) reparatie poging mislukteWaarschuwing: Roll back mislukt voor sommige buiten transacties gewijzigde tabellenMulti-statement transactie vereist meer dan 'max_binlog_cache_size' bytes opslag. Verhoog deze mysqld variabele en probeer opnieuwDeze operatie kan niet worden uitgevoerd met een actieve slave, doe eerst STOP SLAVEDeze operatie vereist een actieve slave, configureer slave en doe dan START SLAVEDe server is niet geconfigureerd als slave, fix in configuratie bestand of met CHANGE MASTER TOCould not initialize master info structure; more error messages can be found in the MySQL error logKon slave thread niet aanmaken, controleer systeem resourcesGebruiker %-.64s heeft reeds meer dan 'max_user_connections' actieve verbindingenU mag alleen constante expressies gebruiken bij SETLock wacht tijd overschredenHet totale aantal locks overschrijdt de lock tabel grootteUpdate locks kunnen niet worden verkregen tijdens een READ UNCOMMITTED transactieDROP DATABASE niet toegestaan terwijl thread een globale 'read lock' bezitCREATE DATABASE niet toegestaan terwijl thread een globale 'read lock' bezitFoutieve parameters voor %s'%-.48s'@'%-.64s' mag geen nieuwe gebruikers creerenIncorrecte tabel definitie; alle MERGE tabellen moeten tot dezelfde database behorenDeadlock gevonden tijdens lock-aanvraag poging; Probeer herstart van de transactieHet gebruikte tabel type ondersteund geen FULLTEXT indexenKan foreign key beperking niet toevoegenKan onderliggende rij niet toevoegen: foreign key beperking gefaaldCannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint failsFout bij opbouwen verbinding naar master: %-.128sFout bij uitvoeren query op master: %-.128sFout tijdens uitvoeren van commando %s: %-.128sFoutief gebruik van %s en %sDe gebruikte SELECT commando's hebben een verschillend aantal kolommenKan de query niet uitvoeren vanwege een conflicterende read lockHet combineren van transactionele en niet-transactionele tabellen is uitgeschakeld.Optie '%s' tweemaal gebruikt in opdrachtGebruiker '%-.64s' heeft het maximale gebruik van de '%s' faciliteit overschreden (huidige waarde: %ld)Toegang geweigerd. U moet het %-.128s privilege hebben voor deze operatieVariabele '%-.64s' is SESSION en kan niet worden gebruikt met SET GLOBALVariabele '%-.64s' is GLOBAL en dient te worden gewijzigd met SET GLOBALVariabele '%-.64s' heeft geen standaard waardeVariabele '%-.64s' kan niet worden gewijzigd naar de waarde '%-.200s'Foutief argumenttype voor variabele '%-.64s'Variabele '%-.64s' kan alleen worden gewijzigd, niet gelezenFoutieve toepassing/plaatsing van '%s'Deze versie van MySQL ondersteunt nog geen '%s'Kreeg fatale fout %d: '%-.320s' van master tijdens lezen van data uit binaire logSlave SQL thread negeerde de query vanwege replicate-*-table optiesVariabele '%-.192s' is geen %s variabeleIncorrecte foreign key definitie voor '%-.192s': %sSleutel- en tabelreferentie komen niet overeenOperand behoort %d kolommen te bevattenSubquery retourneert meer dan 1 rijOnebekende prepared statement handler (%.*s) voor %s aangegevenHelp database is beschadigd of bestaat nietCyclische verwijzing in subqueriesVeld '%s' wordt van %s naar %s geconverteerdVerwijzing '%-.64s' niet ondersteund (%s)Voor elke afgeleide tabel moet een unieke alias worden gebruiktSelect %u werd geredureerd tijdens optimtalisatieTabel '%-.192s' uit een van de SELECTS kan niet in %-.32s gebruikt wordenClient ondersteunt het door de server verwachtte authenticatieprotocol niet. Overweeg een nieuwere MySQL client te gebruikenAlle delete van een SPATIAL index dienen als NOT NULL gedeclareerd te wordenCOLLATION '%s' is niet geldig voor CHARACTER SET '%s'Slave is reeds actiefSlave is reeds gestoptOngecomprimeerder data is te groot; de maximum lengte is %d (waarschijnlijk, de lengte van de gecomprimeerde data was beschadigd)ZLIB: Onvoldoende geheugenZLIB: Onvoldoende ruimte in uitgaande buffer (waarschijnlijk, de lengte van de ongecomprimeerde data was beschadigd)ZLIB: Invoer data beschadigdRow %u was cut by GROUP_CONCAT()Rij %ld bevat niet de data voor alle kolommenRegel %ld ingekort, bevatte meer data dan invoer kolommenColumn set to default value; NULL supplied to NOT NULL column '%s' at row %ldOut of range value for column '%s' at row %ldData truncated for column '%s' at row %ldUsing storage engine %s for table '%s'Illegal mix of collations (%s,%s) and (%s,%s) for operation '%s'Cannot drop one or more of the requested usersCan't revoke all privileges for one or more of the requested usersIllegal mix of collations (%s,%s), (%s,%s), (%s,%s) for operation '%s'Illegal mix of collations for operation '%s'Variable '%-.64s' is not a variable component (can't be used as XXXX.variable_name)Unknown collation: '%-.64s'SSL parameters in CHANGE MASTER are ignored because this MySQL slave was compiled without SSL support; they can be used later if MySQL slave with SSL is startedServer is running in --secure-auth mode, but '%s'@'%s' has a password in the old format; please change the password to the new formatField or reference '%-.192s%s%-.192s%s%-.192s' of SELECT #%d was resolved in SELECT #%dIncorrect parameter or combination of parameters for START SLAVE UNTILIt is recommended to use --skip-slave-start when doing step-by-step replication with START SLAVE UNTIL; otherwise, you will get problems if you get an unexpected slave's mysqld restartSQL thread is not to be started so UNTIL options are ignoredIncorrect index name '%-.100s'Incorrect catalog name '%-.100s'Query cache failed to set size %lu; new query cache size is %luColumn '%-.192s' cannot be part of FULLTEXT indexUnknown key cache '%-.100s'MySQL is started in --skip-name-resolve mode; you must restart it without this switch for this grant to workUnknown storage engine '%s''%s' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use %s insteadThe target table %-.100s of the %s is not updatableThe '%s' feature is disabled; you need MySQL built with '%s' to have it workingThe MySQL server is running with the %s option so it cannot execute this statementColumn '%-.100s' has duplicated value '%-.64s' in %sTruncated incorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s'Incorrect table definition; there can be only one TIMESTAMP column with CURRENT_TIMESTAMP in DEFAULT or ON UPDATE clauseInvalid ON UPDATE clause for '%-.192s' columnThis command is not supported in the prepared statement protocol yetGot error %d '%-.100s' from %sGot temporary error %d '%-.100s' from %sUnknown or incorrect time zone: '%-.64s'Invalid TIMESTAMP value in column '%s' at row %ldInvalid %s character string: '%.64s'Result of %s() was larger than max_allowed_packet (%ld) - truncatedConflicting declarations: '%s%s' and '%s%s'Can't create a %s from within another stored routine%s %s already exists%s %s does not existFailed to DROP %s %sFailed to CREATE %s %s%s with no matching label: %sRedefining label %sEnd-label %s without matchReferring to uninitialized variable %sPROCEDURE %s can't return a result set in the given contextRETURN is only allowed in a FUNCTION%s is not allowed in stored proceduresThe update log is deprecated and replaced by the binary log; SET SQL_LOG_UPDATE has been ignored.The update log is deprecated and replaced by the binary log; SET SQL_LOG_UPDATE has been translated to SET SQL_LOG_BIN.Query execution was interruptedIncorrect number of arguments for %s %s; expected %u, got %uUndefined CONDITION: %sNo RETURN found in FUNCTION %sFUNCTION %s ended without RETURNCursor statement must be a SELECTCursor SELECT must not have INTOUndefined CURSOR: %sCursor is already openCursor is not openUndeclared variable: %sIncorrect number of FETCH variablesNo data - zero rows fetched, selected, or processedDuplicate parameter: %sDuplicate variable: %sDuplicate condition: %sDuplicate cursor: %sFailed to ALTER %s %sSubquery value not supported%s is not allowed in stored function or triggerVariable or condition declaration after cursor or handler declarationCursor declaration after handler declarationCase not found for CASE statementConfiguration file '%-.192s' is too bigMalformed file type header in file '%-.192s'Unexpected end of file while parsing comment '%-.200s'Error while parsing parameter '%-.192s' (line: '%-.192s')Unexpected end of file while skipping unknown parameter '%-.192s'EXPLAIN/SHOW can not be issued; lacking privileges for underlying tableFile '%-.192s' has unknown type '%-.64s' in its header'%-.192s.%-.192s' is not %sColumn '%-.192s' is not updatableView's SELECT contains a subquery in the FROM clauseView's SELECT contains a '%s' clauseView's SELECT contains a variable or parameterView's SELECT refers to a temporary table '%-.192s'View's SELECT and view's field list have different column countsView merge algorithm can't be used here for now (assumed undefined algorithm)View being updated does not have complete key of underlying table in itView '%-.192s.%-.192s' references invalid table(s) or column(s) or function(s) or definer/invoker of view lack rights to use themCan't drop or alter a %s from within another stored routineGOTO is not allowed in a stored procedure handlerTrigger already existsTrigger does not existTrigger's '%-.192s' is view or temporary tableUpdating of %s row is not allowed in %striggerThere is no %s row in %s triggerField '%-.192s' doesn't have a default valueDivision by 0Incorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s' for column '%.192s' at row %ldIllegal %s '%-.192s' value found during parsingCHECK OPTION on non-updatable view '%-.192s.%-.192s'CHECK OPTION failed '%-.192s.%-.192s'%-.16s command denied to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' for routine '%-.192s'Failed purging old relay logs: %sPassword hash should be a %d-digit hexadecimal numberTarget log not found in binlog indexI/O error reading log index fileServer configuration does not permit binlog purgeFailed on fseek()Fatal error during log purgeA purgeable log is in use, will not purgeUnknown error during log purgeFailed initializing relay log position: %sYou are not using binary loggingThe '%-.64s' syntax is reserved for purposes internal to the MySQL serverWSAStartup FailedCan't handle procedures with different groups yetSelect must have a group with this procedureCan't use ORDER clause with this procedureBinary logging and replication forbid changing the global server %sCan't map file: %-.200s, errno: %dWrong magic in %-.64sPrepared statement contains too many placeholdersKey part '%-.192s' length cannot be 0View text checksum failedCan not modify more than one base table through a join view '%-.192s.%-.192s'Can not insert into join view '%-.192s.%-.192s' without fields listCan not delete from join view '%-.192s.%-.192s'Operation %s failed for %.256sXAER_NOTA: Unknown XIDXAER_INVAL: Invalid arguments (or unsupported command)XAER_RMFAIL: The command cannot be executed when global transaction is in the %.64s stateXAER_OUTSIDE: Some work is done outside global transactionXAER_RMERR: Fatal error occurred in the transaction branch - check your data for consistencyXA_RBROLLBACK: Transaction branch was rolled backThere is no such grant defined for user '%-.48s' on host '%-.64s' on routine '%-.192s'Failed to grant EXECUTE and ALTER ROUTINE privilegesFailed to revoke all privileges to dropped routineData too long for column '%s' at row %ldBad SQLSTATE: '%s'%s: ready for connections. Version: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d %sCan't load value from file with fixed size rows to variableYou are not allowed to create a user with GRANTIncorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s' for function %-.32sTable definition has changed, please retry transactionDuplicate handler declared in the same blockOUT or INOUT argument %d for routine %s is not a variable or NEW pseudo-variable in BEFORE triggerNot allowed to return a result set from a %sCannot get geometry object from data you send to the GEOMETRY fieldA routine failed and has neither NO SQL nor READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled; if non-transactional tables were updated, the binary log will miss their changesThis function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)You do not have the SUPER privilege and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)You can't execute a prepared statement which has an open cursor associated with it. Reset the statement to re-execute it.The statement (%lu) has no open cursor.Explicit or implicit commit is not allowed in stored function or trigger.Field of view '%-.192s.%-.192s' underlying table doesn't have a default valueRecursive stored functions and triggers are not allowed.Too big scale %d specified for column '%-.192s'. Maximum is %lu.Too-big precision %d specified for '%-.192s'. Maximum is %lu.For float(M,D), double(M,D) or decimal(M,D), M must be >= D (column '%-.192s').You can't combine write-locking of system tables with other tables or lock typesUnable to connect to foreign data source: %.64sThere was a problem processing the query on the foreign data source. Data source error: %-.64sThe foreign data source you are trying to reference does not exist. Data source error: %-.64sCan't create federated table. The data source connection string '%-.64s' is not in the correct formatThe data source connection string '%-.64s' is not in the correct formatCan't create federated table. Foreign data src error: %-.64sTrigger in wrong schemaThread stack overrun: %ld bytes used of a %ld byte stack, and %ld bytes needed. Use 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' to specify a bigger stack.Routine body for '%-.100s' is too longCannot drop default keycacheDisplay width out of range for column '%-.192s' (max = %lu)XAER_DUPID: The XID already existsDatetime function: %-.32s field overflowCan't update table '%-.192s' in stored function/trigger because it is already used by statement which invoked this stored function/trigger.The definition of table '%-.192s' prevents operation %.192s on table '%-.192s'.The prepared statement contains a stored routine call that refers to that same statement. It's not allowed to execute a prepared statement in such a recursive mannerNot allowed to set autocommit from a stored function or triggerDefiner is not fully qualifiedView '%-.192s'.'%-.192s' has no definer information (old table format). Current user is used as definer. Please recreate the view!You need the SUPER privilege for creation view with '%-.192s'@'%-.192s' definerThe user specified as a definer ('%-.64s'@'%-.64s') does not existChanging schema from '%-.192s' to '%-.192s' is not allowed.Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (%.192s)Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (%.192s)Variable '%-.64s' must be quoted with `...`, or renamedNo definer attribute for trigger '%-.192s'.'%-.192s'. The trigger will be activated under the authorization of the invoker, which may have insufficient privileges. Please recreate the trigger.'%-.192s' has an old format, you should re-create the '%s' object(s)Recursive limit %d (as set by the max_sp_recursion_depth variable) was exceeded for routine %.192sFailed to load routine %-.192s. The table mysql.proc is missing, corrupt, or contains bad data (internal code %d)Incorrect routine name '%-.192s'Table upgrade required. Please do "REPAIR TABLE `%-.64s`" or dump/reload to fix it!AGGREGATE is not supported for stored functionsCan't create more than max_prepared_stmt_count statements (current value: %lu)`%-.192s`.`%-.192s` contains view recursionNon-grouping field '%-.192s' is used in %-.64s clauseThe used table type doesn't support SPATIAL indexesTriggers can not be created on system tablesLeading spaces are removed from name '%s'Failed to read auto-increment value from storage engineuser namehost nameString '%-.70s' is too long for %s (should be no longer than %d)The target table %-.100s of the %s is not insertable-intoTable '%-.64s' is differently defined or of non-MyISAM type or doesn't existToo high level of nesting for selectName '%-.64s' has become ''First character of the FIELDS TERMINATED string is ambiguous; please use non-optional and non-empty FIELDS ENCLOSED BYThe foreign server, %s, you are trying to create already exists.The foreign server name you are trying to reference does not exist. Data source error: %-.64sTable storage engine '%-.64s' does not support the create option '%.64s'Syntax error: %-.64s PARTITIONING requires definition of VALUES %-.64s for each partitionOnly %-.64s PARTITIONING can use VALUES %-.64s in partition definitionMAXVALUE can only be used in last partition definitionSubpartitions can only be hash partitions and by keyMust define subpartitions on all partitions if on one partitionWrong number of partitions defined, mismatch with previous settingWrong number of subpartitions defined, mismatch with previous settingConstant, random or timezone-dependent expressions in (sub)partitioning function are not allowedExpression in RANGE/LIST VALUES must be constantField in list of fields for partition function not found in tableList of fields is only allowed in KEY partitionsThe partition info in the frm file is not consistent with what can be written into the frm fileThe %-.192s function returns the wrong typeFor %-.64s partitions each partition must be definedVALUES LESS THAN value must be strictly increasing for each partitionVALUES value must be of same type as partition functionMultiple definition of same constant in list partitioningPartitioning can not be used stand-alone in queryThe mix of handlers in the partitions is not allowed in this version of MySQLFor the partitioned engine it is necessary to define all %-.64sToo many partitions (including subpartitions) were definedIt is only possible to mix RANGE/LIST partitioning with HASH/KEY partitioning for subpartitioningFailed to create specific handler fileA BLOB field is not allowed in partition functionA %-.192s must include all columns in the table's partitioning functionNumber of %-.64s = 0 is not an allowed valuePartition management on a not partitioned table is not possibleForeign keys are not yet supported in conjunction with partitioningError in list of partitions to %-.64sCannot remove all partitions, use DROP TABLE insteadCOALESCE PARTITION can only be used on HASH/KEY partitionsREORGANIZE PARTITION can only be used to reorganize partitions not to change their numbersREORGANIZE PARTITION without parameters can only be used on auto-partitioned tables using HASH PARTITIONs%-.64s PARTITION can only be used on RANGE/LIST partitionsTrying to Add partition(s) with wrong number of subpartitionsAt least one partition must be addedAt least one partition must be coalescedMore partitions to reorganize than there are partitionsDuplicate partition name %-.192sIt is not allowed to shut off binlog on this commandWhen reorganizing a set of partitions they must be in consecutive orderReorganize of range partitions cannot change total ranges except for last partition where it can extend the rangePartition function not supported in this version for this handlerPartition state cannot be defined from CREATE/ALTER TABLEThe %-.64s handler only supports 32 bit integers in VALUESPlugin '%-.192s' is not loadedIncorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s'Table has no partition for value %-.64sIt is not allowed to specify %s more than onceFailed to create %sFailed to drop %sThe handler doesn't support autoextend of tablespacesA size parameter was incorrectly specified, either number or on the form 10MThe size number was correct but we don't allow the digit part to be more than 2 billionFailed to alter: %sWriting one row to the row-based binary log failedTable definition on master and slave does not match: %sSlave running with --log-slave-updates must use row-based binary logging to be able to replicate row-based binary log eventsEvent '%-.192s' already existsFailed to store event %s. Error code %d from storage engine.Unknown event '%-.192s'Failed to alter event '%-.192s'Failed to drop %sINTERVAL is either not positive or too bigENDS is either invalid or before STARTSEvent execution time is in the past. Event has been disabledFailed to open mysql.eventNo datetime expression providedColumn count of mysql.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. The table is probably corruptedCannot load from mysql.%s. The table is probably corruptedFailed to delete the event from mysql.eventError during compilation of event's bodySame old and new event nameData for column '%s' too longCannot drop index '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraintThe syntax '%s' is deprecated and will be removed in MySQL %s. Please use %s insteadYou can't write-lock a log table. Only read access is possibleYou can't use locks with log tables.Upholding foreign key constraints for table '%.192s', entry '%-.192s', key %d would lead to a duplicate entryColumn count of mysql.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. Created with MySQL %d, now running %d. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error.Cannot switch out of the row-based binary log format when the session has open temporary tablesCannot change the binary logging format inside a stored function or triggerThe NDB cluster engine does not support changing the binlog format on the fly yetCannot create temporary table with partitionsPartition constant is out of partition function domainThis partition function is not allowedError in DDL logNot allowed to use NULL value in VALUES LESS THANIncorrect partition nameTransaction characteristics can't be changed while a transaction is in progressALTER TABLE causes auto_increment resequencing, resulting in duplicate entry '%-.192s' for key '%-.192s'Internal scheduler error %dError during starting/stopping of the scheduler. Error code %uEngine cannot be used in partitioned tablesCannot activate '%-.64s' logThe server was not built with row-based replicationDecoding of base64 string failedRecursion of EVENT DDL statements is forbidden when body is presentCannot proceed because system tables used by Event Scheduler were found damaged at server startOnly integers allowed as number hereThis storage engine cannot be used for log tables"You cannot '%s' a log table if logging is enabledCannot rename '%s'. When logging enabled, rename to/from log table must rename two tables: the log table to an archive table and another table back to '%s'Incorrect parameter count in the call to native function '%-.192s'Incorrect parameters in the call to native function '%-.192s'Incorrect parameters in the call to stored function %-.192sThis function '%-.192s' has the same name as a native functionDubbele ingang '%-.64s' voor zoeksleutel '%-.192s'Too many files opened, please execute the command againEvent execution time is in the past and ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE is set. The event was dropped immediately after creation.Event execution time is in the past and ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE is set. The event was not changed. Specify a time in the future.The incident %s occured on the master. Message: %sTable has no partition for some existing valuesUnsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. %sFatal error: %sRelay log read failure: %sRelay log write failure: %sFailed to create %sMaster command %s failed: %sBinary logging not possible. Message: %sView `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` has no creation contextCreation context of view `%-.64s`.`%-.64s' is invalidCreation context of stored routine `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCorrupted TRG file for table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s`Triggers for table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` have no creation contextTrigger creation context of table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCreation context of event `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCannot open table for trigger `%-.64s`.`%-.64s`Cannot create stored routine `%-.64s`. Check warningsAmbiguous slave modes combination. %sThe BINLOG statement of type `%s` was not preceded by a format description BINLOG statement.Corrupted replication event was detectedInvalid column reference (%-.64s) in LOAD DATABeing purged log %s was not foundXA_RBTIMEOUT: Transaction branch was rolled back: took too longXA_RBDEADLOCK: Transaction branch was rolled back: deadlock was detectedPrepared statement needs to be re-preparedDELAYED option not supported for table '%-.192s'The master info structure does not exist<%-.64s> option ignoredBuilt-in plugins cannot be deletedPlugin is busy and will be uninstalled on shutdown%s variable '%s' is read-only. Use SET %s to assign the valueStorage engine %s does not support rollback for this statement. Transaction rolled back and must be restartedUnexpected master's heartbeat data: %sThe requested value for the heartbeat period is either negative or exceeds the maximum allowed (%s seconds).Bad schema for mysql.ndb_replication table. Message: %-.64sError in parsing conflict function. Message: %-.64sWrite to exceptions table failed. Message: %-.128s"Comment for table '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Comment for field '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)FUNCTION %s does not exist. Check the 'Function Name Parsing and Resolution' section in the Reference ManualDatabaseTablePartitionSubpartitionTemporaryRenamedToo many active concurrent transactionsNon-ASCII separator arguments are not fully supporteddebug sync point wait timed outdebug sync point hit limit reachedDuplicate condition information item '%s'Unhandled user-defined warning conditionUnhandled user-defined not found conditionUnhandled user-defined exception conditionRESIGNAL when handler not activeSIGNAL/RESIGNAL can only use a CONDITION defined with SQLSTATEData truncated for condition item '%s'Data too long for condition item '%s'Unknown locale: '%-.64s'The requested server id %d clashes with the slave startup option --replicate-same-server-idQuery cache is disabled; restart the server with query_cache_type=1 to enable itDuplicate partition field name '%-.192s'Inconsistency in usage of column lists for partitioningPartition column values of incorrect typeToo many fields in '%-.192s'Cannot use MAXVALUE as value in VALUES INCannot have more than one value for this type of %-.64s partitioningRow expressions in VALUES IN only allowed for multi-field column partitioningField '%-.192s' is of a not allowed type for this type of partitioningThe total length of the partitioning fields is too largeCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since both row-incapable engines and statement-incapable engines are involved.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = ROW and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to statement-based logging.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. %sCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is in row format and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to statement-based logging.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to row-based logging.%sCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is in row format and BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since more than one engine is involved and at least one engine is self-logging.The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted.The statement is unsafe because it uses INSERT DELAYED. This is unsafe because the times when rows are inserted cannot be predicted.The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves.Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly.Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it accesses a non-transactional table after accessing a transactional table within the same transaction.%s Statement: %sColumn %d of table '%-.192s.%-.192s' cannot be converted from type '%-.32s' to type '%-.32s'Can't create conversion table for table '%-.192s.%-.192s'Cannot modify @@session.binlog_format inside a transactionThe path specified for %.64s is too long.'%s' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.Native table '%-.64s'.'%-.64s' has the wrong structureInvalid performance_schema usage.Table '%s'.'%s' was skipped since its definition is being modified by concurrent DDL statementCannot modify @@session.binlog_direct_non_transactional_updates inside a transactionCannot change the binlog direct flag inside a stored function or triggerA SPATIAL index may only contain a geometrical type columnComment for index '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Wait on a lock was aborted due to a pending exclusive lock%s value is out of range in '%s'A variable of a non-integer based type in LIMIT clauseMixing self-logging and non-self-logging engines in a statement is unsafe.Statement accesses nontransactional table as well as transactional or temporary table, and writes to any of them.Cannot modify @@session.sql_log_bin inside a transactionCannot change the sql_log_bin inside a stored function or triggerFailed to read from the .par fileVALUES value for partition '%-.64s' must have type INTToegang geweigerd voor gebruiker: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s'SET PASSWORD has no significance for users authenticating via pluginsGRANT with IDENTIFIED WITH is illegal because the user %-.*s already existsCannot truncate a table referenced in a foreign key constraint (%.192s)Plugin '%s' is force_plus_permanent and can not be unloadedThe requested value for the heartbeat period is less than 1 millisecond. The value is reset to 0, meaning that heartbeating will effectively be disabled.The requested value for the heartbeat period exceeds the value of `slave_net_timeout' seconds. A sensible value for the period should be less than the timeout.Multi-row statements required more than 'max_binlog_stmt_cache_size' bytes of storage; increase this mysqld variable and try againPrimary key/partition key update is not allowed since the table is updated both as '%-.192s' and '%-.192s'.Table rebuild required. Please do "ALTER TABLE `%-.64s` FORCE" or dump/reload to fix it!The value of '%s' should be no less than the value of '%s'Index column size too large. The maximum column size is %lu bytes.Trigger '%-.64s' has an error in its body: '%-.256s'Unknown trigger has an error in its body: '%-.256s'Index %s is corruptedUndo log record is too big.INSERT IGNORE... SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.INSERT... SELECT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are updated. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.REPLACE... SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are replaced. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE... IGNORE SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE... REPLACE SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are replaced. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.UPDATE IGNORE is unsafe because the order in which rows are updated determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.Plugin '%s' is marked as not dynamically uninstallable. You have to stop the server to uninstall it.Plugin '%s' is marked as not dynamically installable. You have to stop the server to install it.Statements writing to a table with an auto-increment column after selecting from another table are unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved determines what (if any) rows will be written. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE TABLE... SELECT... on a table with an auto-increment column is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are inserted. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.INSERT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE on a table with more than one UNIQUE KEY is unsafeTable is being used in foreign key check.Storage engine '%s' does not support system tables. [%s.%s]INSERT into autoincrement field which is not the first part in the composed primary key is unsafe.Cannot load from %s.%s. The table is probably corruptedThe requested value %s for the master delay exceeds the maximum %uOnly Format_description_log_event and row events are allowed in BINLOG statements (but %s was provided)Non matching attribute '%-.64s' between partition and tableTable to exchange with partition is partitioned: '%-.64s'Table to exchange with partition is temporary: '%-.64s'Subpartitioned table, use subpartition instead of partitionUnknown partition '%-.64s' in table '%-.64s'Tables have different definitionsFound a row that does not match the partitionOption binlog_cache_size (%lu) is greater than max_binlog_cache_size (%lu); setting binlog_cache_size equal to max_binlog_cache_size.Cannot use %-.64s access on index '%-.64s' due to type or collation conversion on field '%-.64s'Table to exchange with partition has foreign key references: '%-.64s'Key value '%-.192s' was not found in table '%-.192s.%-.192s'Data for column '%s' too longReplication event checksum verification failed while reading from network.Replication event checksum verification failed while reading from a log file.Option binlog_stmt_cache_size (%lu) is greater than max_binlog_stmt_cache_size (%lu); setting binlog_stmt_cache_size equal to max_binlog_stmt_cache_size.Can't update table '%-.192s' while '%-.192s' is being created.PARTITION () clause on non partitioned tableFound a row not matching the given partition setpartition '%-.64s' bestaat nietFailure while changing the type of replication repository: %s.The creation of some temporary tables could not be rolled back.Some temporary tables were dropped, but these operations could not be rolled back.%s is not supported in multi-threaded slave mode. %sThe number of modified databases exceeds the maximum %d; the database names will not be included in the replication event metadata.Cannot execute the current event group in the parallel mode. Encountered event %s, relay-log name %s, position %s which prevents execution of this event group in parallel mode. Reason: %s.%sFULLTEXT index is not supported for partitioned tables.Invalid condition numberSending passwords in plain text without SSL/TLS is extremely insecure.Storing MySQL user name or password information in the master info repository is not secure and is therefore not recommended. Please consider using the USER and PASSWORD connection options for START SLAVE; see the 'START SLAVE Syntax' in the MySQL Manual for more information.Foreign key constraint for table '%.192s', record '%-.192s' would lead to a duplicate entry in table '%.192s', key '%.192s'Foreign key constraint for table '%.192s', record '%-.192s' would lead to a duplicate entry in a child tableSetting authentication options is not possible when only the Slave SQL Thread is being started.The table does not have FULLTEXT index to support this queryThe system variable %.200s cannot be set in stored functions or triggers.The system variable %.200s cannot be set when there is an ongoing transaction.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT has the value %.200s, which is not listed in @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot change inside a transaction.The statement 'SET %.200s' cannot invoke a stored function.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be 'AUTOMATIC' when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST is non-NULL.Skipping transaction %.200s because it has already been executed and logged.Malformed GTID set specification '%.200s'.Malformed GTID set encoding.Malformed GTID specification '%.200s'.Impossible to generate Global Transaction Identifier: the integer component reached the maximal value. Restart the server with a new server_uuid.Parameters MASTER_LOG_FILE, MASTER_LOG_POS, RELAY_LOG_FILE and RELAY_LOG_POS cannot be set when MASTER_AUTO_POSITION is active.CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1 cannot be executed because @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot execute statements with implicit commit inside a transaction when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT == 'UUID:NUMBER'.GTID_MODE = ON requires ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY = ON.@@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON or ON_PERMISSIVE or OFF_PERMISSIVE requires --log-bin and --log-slave-updates.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be set to UUID:NUMBER when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be set to ANONYMOUS when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST cannot be set to a non-NULL value when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Found a Gtid_log_event when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Statement violates GTID consistency: Updates to non-transactional tables can only be done in either autocommitted statements or single-statement transactions, and never in the same statement as updates to transactional tables.Statement violates GTID consistency: CREATE TABLE ... SELECT.Statement violates GTID consistency: Under statement binary log mode CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE and DROP TEMPORARY TABLE can only be executed outside transactional context. These statements are also not allowed in a function or trigger because functions and triggers are also considered to be multi-statement transactions.The value of @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE can only be changed one step at a time: OFF <-> OFF_PERMISSIVE <-> ON_PERMISSIVE <-> ON. Also note that this value must be stepped up or down simultaneously on all servers. See the Manual for instructions.The slave is connecting using CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1, but the master has purged binary logs containing GTIDs that the slave requires.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be changed by a client that owns a GTID. The client owns %s. Ownership is released on COMMIT or ROLLBACK.Unknown EXPLAIN format name: '%s'Cannot execute statement in a READ ONLY transaction.Comment for table partition '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Slave is not configured or failed to initialize properly. You must at least set --server-id to enable either a master or a slave. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.InnoDB presently supports one FULLTEXT index creation at a timeCannot create FULLTEXT index on temporary InnoDB tableColumn '%-.192s' is of wrong type for an InnoDB FULLTEXT indexIndex '%-.192s' is of wrong type for an InnoDB FULLTEXT indexCreating index '%-.192s' required more than 'innodb_online_alter_log_max_size' bytes of modification log. Please try again.Unknown ALGORITHM '%s'Unknown LOCK type '%s'CHANGE MASTER cannot be executed when the slave was stopped with an error or killed in MTS mode. Consider using RESET SLAVE or START SLAVE UNTIL.Cannot recover after SLAVE errored out in parallel execution mode. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.Cannot clean up worker info tables. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.Column count of %s.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. The table is probably corruptedSlave must silently retry current transactionThere is a foreign key check running on table '%-.192s'. Cannot discard the table.Schema mismatch (%s)Table '%-.192s' in system tablespaceIO Read error: (%lu, %s) %sIO Write error: (%lu, %s) %sTablespace is missing for table %s.Tablespace '%-.192s' exists.Tablespace has been discarded for table '%-.192s'Internal error: %sALTER TABLE %-.192s IMPORT TABLESPACE failed with error %lu : '%s'Index corrupt: %sSupports only YEAR or YEAR(4) column.Your password does not satisfy the current policy requirementsYou must reset your password using ALTER USER statement before executing this statement.Failed to add the foreign key constaint. Missing index for constraint '%s' in the foreign table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constaint. Missing index for constraint '%s' in the referenced table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constraint '%s' to system tablesFailed to open the referenced table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constraint on table '%s'. Incorrect options in FOREIGN KEY constraint '%s'Duplicate foreign key constraint name '%s'The password hash doesn't have the expected format. Check if the correct password algorithm is being used with the PASSWORD() function.Cannot drop column '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s'Cannot drop column '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Column '%-.192s' cannot be NOT NULL: needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' SET NULLDuplicate index '%-.64s' defined on the table '%-.64s.%-.64s'. This is deprecated and will be disallowed in a future release.Cannot change column '%-.192s': used in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s'Cannot change column '%-.192s': used in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Cannot delete rows from table which is parent in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Malformed communication packet.Running in read-only modeWhen @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT is set to a GTID, you must explicitly set it to a different value after a COMMIT or ROLLBACK. Please check GTID_NEXT variable manual page for detailed explanation. Current @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT is '%s'.The system variable %.200s cannot be set in stored procedures.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when @@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED is empty.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when there are no ongoing transactions (not even in other clients).@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED was changed from '%s' to '%s'.@@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED was changed from '%s' to '%s'.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT, and both replicated and non replicated tables are written to.%s is not supported for this operation. Try %s.%s is not supported. Reason: %s. Try %s.COPY algorithm requires a lockPartition specific operations do not yet support LOCK/ALGORITHMColumns participating in a foreign key are renamedCannot change column type INPLACEAdding foreign keys needs foreign_key_checks=OFFCreating unique indexes with IGNORE requires COPY algorithm to remove duplicate rowsDropping a primary key is not allowed without also adding a new primary keyAdding an auto-increment column requires a lockCannot replace hidden FTS_DOC_ID with a user-visible oneCannot drop or rename FTS_DOC_IDFulltext index creation requires a locksql_slave_skip_counter can not be set when the server is running with @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON. Instead, for each transaction that you want to skip, generate an empty transaction with the same GTID as the transactionDubbele ingang voor zoeksleutel '%-.192s'Long database name and identifier for object resulted in path length exceeding %d characters. Path: '%s'.cannot silently convert NULL values, as required in this SQL_MODEYour password has expired. To log in you must change it using a client that supports expired passwords.Found a row in wrong partition %sCannot schedule event %s, relay-log name %s, position %s to Worker thread because its size %lu exceeds %lu of slave_pending_jobs_size_max.Cannot CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX WITH PARSER on InnoDB tableThe binary log file '%s' is logically corrupted: %sfile %s was not purged because it was being read by %d thread(s), purged only %d out of %d files.file %s was not purged because it is the active log file.Auto-increment value in UPDATE conflicts with internally generated valuesRow events are not logged for %s statements that modify BLACKHOLE tables in row format. Table(s): '%-.192s'Slave failed to initialize master info structure from the repositorySlave failed to initialize relay log info structure from the repositoryAccess denied trying to change to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' (using password: %s). Disconnecting.InnoDB is in read only mode.STOP SLAVE command execution is incomplete: Slave SQL thread got the stop signal, thread is busy, SQL thread will stop once the current task is complete.STOP SLAVE command execution is incomplete: Slave IO thread got the stop signal, thread is busy, IO thread will stop once the current task is complete.Operation cannot be performed. The table '%-.64s.%-.64s' is missing, corrupt or contains bad data.Temporary file write failure.Upgrade index name failed, please use create index(alter table) algorithm copy to rebuild index.TIME/TIMESTAMP/DATETIME columns of old format have been upgraded to the new format.Operation not allowed when innodb_forced_recovery > 0.The initialization vector supplied to %s is too short. Must be at least %d bytes longPlugin '%s' cannot be uninstalled now. %sCannot execute statement because it needs to be written to the binary log as multiple statements, and this is not allowed when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT == 'UUID:NUMBER'.Slave has more GTIDs than the master has, using the master's SERVER_UUID. This may indicate that the end of the binary log was truncated or that the last binary log file was lost, e.g., after a power or disk failure when sync_binlog != 1. The master may or may not have rolled back transactions that were already replicated to the slave. Suggest to replicate any transactions that master has rolled back from slave to master, and/or commit empty transactions on master to account for transactions that have been committed on master but are not included in GTID_EXECUTED.The table '%s.%s' does not have the necessary key(s) defined on it. Please check the table definition and create index(s) accordingly.File %s is corruptedQuery partially completed on the master (error on master: %d) and was aborted. There is a chance that your master is inconsistent at this point. If you are sure that your master is ok, run this query manually on the slave and then restart the slave with SET GLOBAL SQL_SLAVE_SKIP_COUNTER=1; START SLAVE;. Query:'%s'Query caused different errors on master and slave. Error on master: message (format)='%s' error code=%d; Error on slave:actual message='%s', error code=%d. Default database:'%s'. Query:'%s'Storage engine for table '%s'.'%s' is not loaded.GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS when handler not active%s is no longer supported. The statement was converted to %s.Statement is unsafe because it uses a fulltext parser plugin which may not return the same value on the slave.Cannot DISCARD/IMPORT tablespace associated with temporary tableForeign key cascade delete/update exceeds max depth of %d.Column count of %s.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. Created with MySQL %d, now running %d. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error.Trigger %s.%s.%s does not have CREATED attribute.Referenced trigger '%s' for the given action time and event type does not exist.EXPLAIN FOR CONNECTION command is supported only for SELECT/UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE/REPLACEInvalid size for column '%-.192s'.Table storage engine '%-.64s' found required create option missingOut of memory in storage engine '%-.64s'.The password for anonymous user cannot be expired.This operation cannot be performed with a running slave sql thread; run STOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD firstCannot create FULLTEXT index on materialized subqueryUndo Log error: %sInvalid argument for logarithmThis operation cannot be performed with a running slave io thread; run STOP SLAVE IO_THREAD FOR CHANNEL '%s' first.This operation may not be safe when the slave has temporary tables. The tables will be kept open until the server restarts or until the tables are deleted by any replicated DROP statement. Suggest to wait until slave_open_temp_tables = 0.CHANGE MASTER TO with a MASTER_LOG_FILE clause but no MASTER_LOG_POS clause may not be safe. The old position value may not be valid for the new binary log file.Query execution was interrupted, maximum statement execution time exceededSelect is not a read only statement, disabling timerDuplicate entry '%-.192s'.'%s' mode no longer has any effect. Use STRICT_ALL_TABLES or STRICT_TRANS_TABLES instead.Expression #%u of ORDER BY contains aggregate function and applies to a UNIONExpression #%u of ORDER BY contains aggregate function and applies to the result of a non-aggregated querySlave worker has stopped after at least one previous worker encountered an error when slave-preserve-commit-order was enabled. To preserve commit order, the last transaction executed by this thread has not been committed. When restarting the slave after fixing any failed threads, you should fix this worker as well.slave_preserve_commit_order is not supported %s.The server is currently in offline modeBinary geometry function %s given two geometries of different srids: %u and %u, which should have been identical.Calling geometry function %s with unsupported types of arguments.Unknown GIS error occured in function %s.Unknown exception caught in GIS function %s.Invalid GIS data provided to function %s.The geometry has no data in function %s.Unable to calculate centroid because geometry is empty in function %s.Geometry overlay calculation error: geometry data is invalid in function %s.Geometry turn info calculation error: geometry data is invalid in function %s.Analysis procedures of intersection points interrupted unexpectedly in function %s.Unknown exception thrown in function %s.Memory allocation error: %-.256s in function %s.Domain error: %-.256s in function %s.Length error: %-.256s in function %s.Invalid argument error: %-.256s in function %s.Out of range error: %-.256s in function %s.Overflow error error: %-.256s in function %s.Range error: %-.256s in function %s.Underflow error: %-.256s in function %s.Logic error: %-.256s in function %s.Runtime error: %-.256s in function %s.Unknown exception: %-.384s in function %s.Geometry byte string must be little endian.The password provided for the replication user exceeds the maximum length of 32 charactersIncorrect user-level lock name '%-.192s'.Deadlock found when trying to get user-level lock; try rolling back transaction/releasing locks and restarting lock acquisition.REPLACE cannot be executed as it requires deleting rows that are not in the viewDo not support online operation on table with GIS indexUser variable name '%-.100s' is illegalCannot %s when GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot %s from a replication slave thread.Incorrect type for argument %s in function %s.Expression #%u of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, references column '%-.192s' which is not in SELECT list; this is incompatible with %sExpression #%u of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, contains aggregate function; this is incompatible with %sSupplied filter list contains a value which is not in the required format 'db_pattern.table_pattern'OK packet too largeInvalid JSON data provided to function %s: %sInvalid GeoJSON data provided to function %s: Missing required member '%s'Invalid GeoJSON data provided to function %s: Member '%s' must be of type '%s'Invalid GeoJSON data provided to function %sUnsupported number of coordinate dimensions in function %s: Found %u, expected %uSlave channel '%s' does not exist.A slave channel '%s' already exists for the given host and port combination.Couldn't create channel: Channel name is either invalid or too long.To have multiple channels, repository cannot be of type FILE; Please check the repository configuration and convert them to TABLE.Cannot delete slave info objects for channel '%s'.Multiple channels exist on the slave. Please provide channel name as an argument.Maximum number of replication channels allowed exceeded.This operation cannot be performed with running replication threads; run STOP SLAVE FOR CHANNEL '%s' firstThis operation requires running replication threads; configure slave and run START SLAVE FOR CHANNEL '%s'Replication thread(s) for channel '%s' are already runnning.Replication thread(s) for channel '%s' are already stopped.This operation cannot be performed with a running slave sql thread; run STOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD FOR CHANNEL '%s' first.When sql_slave_skip_counter > 0, it is not allowed to start more than one SQL thread by using 'START SLAVE [SQL_THREAD]'. Value of sql_slave_skip_counter can only be used by one SQL thread at a time. Please use 'START SLAVE [SQL_THREAD] FOR CHANNEL' to start the SQL thread which will use the value of sql_slave_skip_counter.Expression #%u of %s is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column '%-.192s' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_byIn aggregated query without GROUP BY, expression #%u of %s contains nonaggregated column '%-.192s'; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_byUpdating '%s' is deprecated. It will be made read-only in a future release.Changing sql mode '%s' is deprecated. It will be removed in a future release.DROP DATABASE failed; some tables may have been dropped but the database directory remains. The GTID has not been added to GTID_EXECUTED and the statement was not written to the binary log. Fix this as follows: (1) remove all files from the database directory %-.192s; (2) SET GTID_NEXT='%-.192s'; (3) DROP DATABASE `%-.192s`.The server is not configured properly to be an active member of the group. Please see more details on error log.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed since the group is already running.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as the applier module failed to start.The STOP GROUP_REPLICATION command execution is incomplete: The applier thread got the stop signal while it was busy. The applier thread will stop once the current task is complete.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as there was an error when initializing the group communication layer.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as there was an error when joining the communication group.The table does not comply with the requirements by an external plugin.Cannot change the value of variable %s without binary log format as ROW.Error on observer while running replication hook '%s'.Plugin instructed the server to rollback the current transaction.Expression of generated column '%s' contains a disallowed function.INPLACE ADD or DROP of virtual columns cannot be combined with other ALTER TABLE actionsCannot define foreign key with %s clause on a generated column.The value specified for generated column '%s' in table '%s' is not allowed.'%s' is not supported for generated columns.Generated column can refer only to generated columns defined prior to it.Column '%s' has a generated column dependency.Generated column '%s' cannot refer to auto-increment column.The '%-.64s' feature is not available; you need to remove '%-.64s' or use MySQL built with '%-.64s'SET @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = %-.64s is not allowed because %-.384s.The replication receiver thread%-.192s cannot start in AUTO_POSITION mode: this server uses @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot replicate anonymous transaction when AUTO_POSITION = 1, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot replicate anonymous transaction when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot replicate GTID-transaction when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot set ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY = ON because there are ongoing transactions that violate GTID consistency.There are ongoing transactions that violate GTID consistency.Access denied for user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s'. Account is locked.Incorrect tablespace name `%-.192s`Tablespace `%-.192s` is not empty.Incorrect File Name '%s'.Inconsistent intersection points.Optimizer hint syntax errorUnsupported MAX_EXECUTION_TIMEMAX_EXECUTION_TIME hint is supported by top-level standalone SELECT statements onlyHint %s is ignored as conflicting/duplicatedQuery block name %s is not found for %s hintUnresolved name %s for %s hintPlease do not modify the %s table. This is a mysql internal system table to store GTIDs for committed transactions. Modifying it can lead to an inconsistent GTID state.Command not supported by pluggable protocolsIncorrect locking service lock name '%-.192s'.Deadlock found when trying to get locking service lock; try releasing locks and restarting lock acquisition.Service lock wait timeout exceeded.Parameter %s exceeds the maximum number of points in a geometry (%lu) in function %s.'NO_ZERO_DATE', 'NO_ZERO_IN_DATE' and 'ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO' sql modes should be used with strict mode. They will be merged with strict mode in a future release.Version token mismatch for %.*s. Correct value %.*sVersion token %.*s not found.Variable %-.192s cannot be changed by a client that owns a GTID. The client owns %s. Ownership is released on COMMIT or ROLLBACK.%-.192s cannot be performed on channel '%-.192s'.Invalid JSON text: "%s" at position %u in value for column '%-.200s'.Invalid JSON text in argument %u to function %s: "%s" at position %u.%-.0sThe JSON binary value contains invalid data.Invalid JSON path expression. The error is around character position %u.%-.200sCannot create a JSON value from a string with CHARACTER SET '%s'.Invalid JSON character data provided to function %s: '%s'; utf8 is required.Invalid data type for JSON data in argument %u to function %s; a JSON string or JSON type is required.Cannot CAST value to JSON.A path expression must be encoded in the utf8 character set. The path expression '%-.200s' is encoded in character set '%-.200s'.In this situation, path expressions may not contain the * and ** tokens.The JSON value is too big to be stored in a JSON column.The JSON object contains a key name that is too long.JSON column '%-.192s' cannot be used in key specification.The path expression '$' is not allowed in this context.The oneOrAll argument to %s may take these values: 'one' or 'all'.Out of range JSON value for CAST to %s%-.0s from column %s at row %ldInvalid JSON value for CAST to %s%-.0s from column %s at row %ldThe JSON document exceeds the maximum depth.JSON documents may not contain NULL member names.Connections using insecure transport are prohibited while --require_secure_transport=ON.No secure transports (SSL or Shared Memory) are configured, unable to set --require_secure_transport=ON.Storage engine %s is disabled (Table creation is disallowed).User %s does not exist.User %s already exists.Aborted by Audit API ('%-.48s';%d).A path expression is not a path to a cell in an array.Another buffer pool resize is already in progress.The '%s' feature is disabled; see the documentation for '%s'Server isn't availableSession was killedMemory capacity of %llu bytes for '%s' exceeded. %sRange optimization was not done for this query.Partitioning upgrade required. Please dump/reload to fix it or do: ALTER TABLE `%-.192s`.`%-.192s` UPGRADE PARTITIONINGThe client holds ownership of the GTID %s. Therefore, WAIT_FOR_EXECUTED_GTID_SET cannot wait for this GTID.Cannot add foreign key on the base column of indexed virtual column.Cannot create index on virtual column whose base column has foreign constraint.Please do not modify the %s table with an XA transaction. This is an internal system table used to store GTIDs for committed transactions. Although modifying it can lead to an inconsistent GTID state, if neccessary you can modify it with a non-XA transaction.Lock acquisition refused by storage engine.ADD COLUMN col...VIRTUAL, ADD INDEX(col)Master key rotation is not supported by storage engine.Encryption key rotation error reported by SE: %sWrite to binlog failed. However, master key rotation has been completed successfully.Storage engine is not available.This tablespace can't be encrypted.Invalid encryption option.Can't find master key from keyring, please check in the server log if a keyring plugin is loaded and initialized successfully.Parser bailed out for this query.Cannot alter encryption attribute by inplace algorithm.Function '%s' failed because underlying keyring service returned an error. Please check if a keyring plugin is installed and that provided arguments are valid for the keyring you are using.It seems that your db schema is old. The %s column is 77 characters long and should be 93 characters long. Please run mysql_upgrade.RESET MASTER is not allowed because %-.384s.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed since the group already has 9 members.Cannot add foreign key on the base column of stored column. Cannot complete the operation because table is referenced by another connection.The partition engine, used by table '%-.192s.%-.192s', is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use native partitioning instead.%.192s(geometry) is deprecated and will be replaced by st_srid(geometry, 0) in a future version. Use %.192s(st_aswkb(geometry), 0) instead.%.192s(geometry, srid) is deprecated and will be replaced by st_srid(geometry, srid) in a future version. Use %.192s(st_aswkb(geometry), srid) instead.The resource manager is not able to commit the transaction branch at this time. Please retry later.Function %s failed due to: %s.Statement is unsafe because it is being used inside a XA transaction. Concurrent XA transactions may deadlock on slaves when replicated using statements.%s UDF failed; %sCan not perform keyring migration : %sAccess denied; you need %-.128s privileges for this operationKeyring migration %s.Failed to open the %s filter tables.Failed to open '%s.%s' %s table.No keyring plugin installed.Audit log encryption password has not been set; it will be generated automatically. Use audit_log_encryption_password_get to obtain the password or audit_log_encryption_password_set to set a new one.Could not create AES key. OpenSSL's EVP_BytesToKey function failed.Audit log encryption password cannot be fetched from the keyring. Password used so far is used for encryption.Audit Log filtering has not been installed.Request ignored for '%s'@'%s'. SUPER_ACL needed to perform operationSUPER privilege required for '%s'@'%s' user.Could not reinitialize audit log filters.Invalid argument typeInvalid argument countaudit_log plugin has not been installed using INSTALL PLUGIN syntax.Invalid "max_array_length" argument type.Invalid "max_array_length" argument value.%sFilter name cannot be empty.User cannot be empty.Specified filter has not been found.First character of the user name must be alphanumeric.Invalid character in the user name.Invalid character in the host name.With the MAXDB SQL mode enabled, TIMESTAMP is identical with DATETIME. The MAXDB SQL mode is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please disable the MAXDB SQL mode and use DATETIME instead.The use of replication filters with XA transactions is not supported, and can lead to an undefined state in the replication slave.Compressed column '%-.192s' is not allowed in the key listCan not define column '%-.192s' in compressed formatCompression dictionary '%-.192s' already existsCompression dictionary '%-.192s' does not existCompression dictionary name '%-.192s' is too long (max length = %lu)Data for compression dictionary '%-.192s' is too long (max length = %lu)Compression dictionary '%-.192s' is in useCan't execute the query because you have a conflicting backup lockKeys are out order during bulk loadBulk load rows overlap existing rowsCan't execute updates on master with binlog_format != ROW.MyRocks supports only READ COMMITTED and REPEATABLE READ isolation levels. Please change from current isolation level %sWhen unique checking is disabled in MyRocks, INSERT,UPDATE,LOAD statements with clauses that update or replace the key (i.e. INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, REPLACE) are not allowed. Query: %sCan't execute updates when you started a transaction with START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT [ROCKSDB] SNAPSHOT.This transaction was rolled back and cannot be committed. Only supported operation is to roll it back, so all pending changes will be discarded. Please restart another transaction.MyRocks currently does not support ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT if modifying rows.Only REPEATABLE READ isolation level is supported for START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT SNAPSHOT in RocksDB Storage Engine.Unsupported collation on string indexed column %s.%s Use binary collation (%s).Table '%s' does not exist, but metadata information exists inside MyRocks. This is a sign of data inconsistency. Please check if '%s.frm' exists, and try to restore it if it does not exist.MyRocks failed creating new key definitions during alter.MyRocks failed populating secondary key during alter.Column family ('%s') flag (%d) is different from an existing flag (%d). Assign a new CF flag, or do not change existing CF flag.TTL support is currently disabled when table has a hidden PK.TTL column (%s) in MyRocks must be an unsigned non-null 64-bit integer, exist inside the table, and have an accompanying ttl duration.TTL duration (%s) in MyRocks must be an unsigned non-null 64-bit integer.The per-index column family option has been deprecated.fill_help_tables.sql000064400003511427147633135420010602 0ustar00-- Copyright (c) 2003, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. -- DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE. It is generated automatically by the MySQL docs -- team. If you require changes to the format of this file, contact the -- docs team. -- File generation date: 2018-06-07 -- MySQL series: 5.7 -- Document repository revision: 57614 -- To use this file, load its contents into the mysql database. For example, -- with the mysql client program, process the file like this, where -- file_name is the name of this file: -- mysql -u root -p mysql < file_name SET sql_log_bin=0; SET NAMES 'utf8'; TRUNCATE TABLE help_topic; TRUNCATE TABLE help_category; TRUNCATE TABLE help_keyword; TRUNCATE TABLE help_relation; START TRANSACTION; INSERT INTO help_category (help_category_id,name,parent_category_id,url) VALUES (1,'Geographic',0,''); INSERT INTO help_category (help_category_id,name,parent_category_id,url) VALUES (2,'Polygon properties',35,''); INSERT INTO help_category (help_category_id,name,parent_category_id,url) VALUES (3,'Numeric Functions',39,''); INSERT INTO help_category (help_category_id,name,parent_category_id,url) VALUES (4,'WKT',35,''); INSERT INTO help_category (help_category_id,name,parent_category_id,url) VALUES (5,'Plugins',36,''); INSERT INTO help_category (help_category_id,name,parent_category_id,url) VALUES (6,'Control flow functions',39,''); INSERT INTO help_category (help_category_id,name,parent_category_id,url) VALUES (7,'MBR',35,''); INSERT INTO help_category (help_category_id,name,parent_category_id,url) VALUES (8,'Transactions',36,''); INSERT INTO help_category (help_category_id,name,parent_category_id,url) VALUES (9,'Help Metadata',36,''); INSERT INTO help_category (help_category_id,name,parent_category_id,url) VALUES (10,'Account Management',36,''); INSERT INTO help_category (help_category_id,name,parent_category_id,url) VALUES (11,'Point properties',35,''); INSERT INTO help_category (help_category_id,name,parent_category_id,url) VALUES (12,'Encryption Functions',39,''); INSERT INTO help_category (help_category_id,name,parent_category_id,url) VALUES (13,'LineString properties',35,''); INSERT INTO help_category (help_category_id,name,parent_category_id,url) VALUES (14,'Miscellaneous Functions',39,''); INSERT INTO help_category (help_category_id,name,parent_category_id,url) VALUES (15,'Logical operators',39,''); INSERT INTO help_category (help_category_id,name,parent_category_id,url) VALUES (16,'Functions and Modifiers for Use with GROUP BY',36,''); INSERT INTO help_category (help_category_id,name,parent_category_id,url) VALUES (17,'Information Functions',39,''); INSERT INTO help_category (help_category_id,name,parent_category_id,url) VALUES (18,'Storage Engines',36,''); INSERT INTO help_category (help_category_id,name,parent_category_id,url) VALUES (19,'Bit Functions',39,''); INSERT INTO help_category (help_category_id,name,parent_category_id,url) VALUES (20,'Comparison operators',39,''); INSERT INTO help_category (help_category_id,name,parent_category_id,url) VALUES (21,'Table Maintenance',36,''); INSERT INTO help_category (help_category_id,name,parent_category_id,url) VALUES (22,'User-Defined Functions',36,''); INSERT INTO help_category (help_category_id,name,parent_category_id,url) VALUES (23,'Data Types',36,''); INSERT INTO help_category (help_category_id,name,parent_category_id,url) VALUES (24,'Compound Statements',36,''); INSERT INTO help_category (help_category_id,name,parent_category_id,url) VALUES (25,'Geometry constructors',35,''); INSERT INTO help_category (help_category_id,name,parent_category_id,url) VALUES (26,'GeometryCollection properties',1,''); INSERT INTO help_category (help_category_id,name,parent_category_id,url) VALUES (27,'Administration',36,''); INSERT INTO help_category (help_category_id,name,parent_category_id,url) VALUES (28,'Data Manipulation',36,''); INSERT INTO help_category (help_category_id,name,parent_category_id,url) VALUES (29,'Utility',36,''); INSERT INTO help_category (help_category_id,name,parent_category_id,url) VALUES (30,'Language Structure',36,''); INSERT INTO help_category (help_category_id,name,parent_category_id,url) VALUES (31,'Geometry relations',35,''); INSERT INTO help_category (help_category_id,name,parent_category_id,url) VALUES (32,'Date and Time Functions',39,''); INSERT INTO help_category (help_category_id,name,parent_category_id,url) VALUES (33,'WKB',35,''); INSERT INTO help_category (help_category_id,name,parent_category_id,url) VALUES (34,'Procedures',36,''); INSERT INTO help_category (help_category_id,name,parent_category_id,url) VALUES (35,'Geographic Features',36,''); INSERT INTO help_category (help_category_id,name,parent_category_id,url) VALUES (36,'Contents',0,''); INSERT INTO help_category (help_category_id,name,parent_category_id,url) VALUES (37,'Geometry properties',35,''); INSERT INTO help_category (help_category_id,name,parent_category_id,url) VALUES (38,'String Functions',39,''); INSERT INTO help_category (help_category_id,name,parent_category_id,url) VALUES (39,'Functions',36,''); INSERT INTO help_category (help_category_id,name,parent_category_id,url) VALUES (40,'Data Definition',36,''); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (0,28,'JOIN','MySQL supports the following JOIN syntax for the table_references part\nof SELECT statements and multiple-table DELETE and UPDATE statements:\n\ntable_references:\n escaped_table_reference [, escaped_table_reference] ...\n\nescaped_table_reference:\n table_reference\n | { OJ table_reference }\n\ntable_reference:\n table_factor\n | join_table\n\ntable_factor:\n tbl_name [PARTITION (partition_names)]\n [[AS] alias] [index_hint_list]\n | table_subquery [AS] alias\n | ( table_references )\n\njoin_table:\n table_reference [INNER | CROSS] JOIN table_factor [join_condition]\n | table_reference STRAIGHT_JOIN table_factor\n | table_reference STRAIGHT_JOIN table_factor ON conditional_expr\n | table_reference {LEFT|RIGHT} [OUTER] JOIN table_reference join_condition\n | table_reference NATURAL [{LEFT|RIGHT} [OUTER]] JOIN table_factor\n\njoin_condition:\n ON conditional_expr\n | USING (column_list)\n\nindex_hint_list:\n index_hint [, index_hint] ...\n\nindex_hint:\n USE {INDEX|KEY}\n [FOR {JOIN|ORDER BY|GROUP BY}] ([index_list])\n | IGNORE {INDEX|KEY}\n [FOR {JOIN|ORDER BY|GROUP BY}] (index_list)\n | FORCE {INDEX|KEY}\n [FOR {JOIN|ORDER BY|GROUP BY}] (index_list)\n\nindex_list:\n index_name [, index_name] ...\n\nA table reference is also known as a join expression.\n\nA table reference (when it refers to a partitioned table) may contain a\nPARTITION option, including a list of comma-separated partitions,\nsubpartitions, or both. This option follows the name of the table and\nprecedes any alias declaration. The effect of this option is that rows\nare selected only from the listed partitions or subpartitions. Any\npartitions or subpartitions not named in the list are ignored. For more\ninformation and examples, see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/partitioning-selection.html.\n\nThe syntax of table_factor is extended in MySQL in comparison with\nstandard SQL. The standard accepts only table_reference, not a list of\nthem inside a pair of parentheses.\n\nThis is a conservative extension if each comma in a list of\ntable_reference items is considered as equivalent to an inner join. For\nexample:\n\nSELECT * FROM t1 LEFT JOIN (t2, t3, t4)\n ON (t2.a = t1.a AND t3.b = t1.b AND t4.c = t1.c)\n\nis equivalent to:\n\nSELECT * FROM t1 LEFT JOIN (t2 CROSS JOIN t3 CROSS JOIN t4)\n ON (t2.a = t1.a AND t3.b = t1.b AND t4.c = t1.c)\n\nIn MySQL, JOIN, CROSS JOIN, and INNER JOIN are syntactic equivalents\n(they can replace each other). In standard SQL, they are not\nequivalent. INNER JOIN is used with an ON clause, CROSS JOIN is used\notherwise.\n\nIn general, parentheses can be ignored in join expressions containing\nonly inner join operations. MySQL also supports nested joins. See\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/nested-join-optimization.html.\n\nIndex hints can be specified to affect how the MySQL optimizer makes\nuse of indexes. For more information, see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/index-hints.html. Optimizer\nhints and the optimizer_switch system variable are other ways to\ninfluence optimizer use of indexes. See\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/optimizer-hints.html, and\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/switchable-optimizations.html.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/join.html\n\n','SELECT left_tbl.*\n FROM left_tbl LEFT JOIN right_tbl ON left_tbl.id = right_tbl.id\n WHERE right_tbl.id IS NULL;\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/join.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (1,38,'HEX','Syntax:\nHEX(str), HEX(N)\n\nFor a string argument str, HEX() returns a hexadecimal string\nrepresentation of str where each byte of each character in str is\nconverted to two hexadecimal digits. (Multibyte characters therefore\nbecome more than two digits.) The inverse of this operation is\nperformed by the UNHEX() function.\n\nFor a numeric argument N, HEX() returns a hexadecimal string\nrepresentation of the value of N treated as a longlong (BIGINT) number.\nThis is equivalent to CONV(N,10,16). The inverse of this operation is\nperformed by CONV(HEX(N),16,10).\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT X\'616263\', HEX(\'abc\'), UNHEX(HEX(\'abc\'));\n -> \'abc\', 616263, \'abc\'\nmysql> SELECT HEX(255), CONV(HEX(255),16,10);\n -> \'FF\', 255\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (2,7,'CONTAINS','Contains(g1, g2)\n\nMBRContains() and Contains() are synonyms. For more information, see\nthe description of MBRContains().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-relation-functions-mbr.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-relation-functions-mbr.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (3,37,'SRID','SRID(g)\n\nST_SRID() and SRID() are synonyms. For more information, see the\ndescription of ST_SRID().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-general-property-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-general-property-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (4,16,'VARIANCE','Syntax:\nVARIANCE(expr)\n\nReturns the population standard variance of expr. VARIANCE() is a\nsynonym for the standard SQL function VAR_POP(), provided as a MySQL\nextension.\n\nIf there are no matching rows, VARIANCE() returns NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/group-by-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/group-by-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (5,40,'DROP SERVER','Syntax:\nDROP SERVER [ IF EXISTS ] server_name\n\nDrops the server definition for the server named server_name. The\ncorresponding row in the mysql.servers table is deleted. This statement\nrequires the SUPER privilege.\n\nDropping a server for a table does not affect any FEDERATED tables that\nused this connection information when they were created. See [HELP\nCREATE SERVER].\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/drop-server.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/drop-server.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (6,26,'ST_GEOMETRYN','ST_GeometryN(gc, N)\n\nReturns the N-th geometry in the GeometryCollection value gc.\nGeometries are numbered beginning with 1. If any argument is NULL or\nthe geometry argument is an empty geometry, the return value is NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-geometrycollection-property-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SET @gc = \'GeometryCollection(Point(1 1),LineString(2 2, 3 3))\';\nmysql> SELECT ST_AsText(ST_GeometryN(ST_GeomFromText(@gc),1));\n+-------------------------------------------------+\n| ST_AsText(ST_GeometryN(ST_GeomFromText(@gc),1)) |\n+-------------------------------------------------+\n| POINT(1 1) |\n+-------------------------------------------------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-geometrycollection-property-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (7,33,'ST_GEOMCOLLFROMWKB','ST_GeomCollFromWKB(wkb[, srid]), ST_GeometryCollectionFromWKB(wkb[,\nsrid])\n\nConstructs a GeometryCollection value using its WKB representation and\nSRID.\n\nThe result is NULL if the WKB or SRID argument is NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-wkb-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-wkb-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (8,38,'CONCAT','Syntax:\nCONCAT(str1,str2,...)\n\nReturns the string that results from concatenating the arguments. May\nhave one or more arguments. If all arguments are nonbinary strings, the\nresult is a nonbinary string. If the arguments include any binary\nstrings, the result is a binary string. A numeric argument is converted\nto its equivalent nonbinary string form.\n\nCONCAT() returns NULL if any argument is NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT CONCAT(\'My\', \'S\', \'QL\');\n -> \'MySQL\'\nmysql> SELECT CONCAT(\'My\', NULL, \'QL\');\n -> NULL\nmysql> SELECT CONCAT(14.3);\n -> \'14.3\'\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (9,35,'GEOMETRY HIERARCHY','Geometry is the base class. It is an abstract class. The instantiable\nsubclasses of Geometry are restricted to zero-, one-, and\ntwo-dimensional geometric objects that exist in two-dimensional\ncoordinate space. All instantiable geometry classes are defined so that\nvalid instances of a geometry class are topologically closed (that is,\nall defined geometries include their boundary).\n\nThe base Geometry class has subclasses for Point, Curve, Surface, and\nGeometryCollection:\n\no Point represents zero-dimensional objects.\n\no Curve represents one-dimensional objects, and has subclass\n LineString, with sub-subclasses Line and LinearRing.\n\no Surface is designed for two-dimensional objects and has subclass\n Polygon.\n\no GeometryCollection has specialized zero-, one-, and two-dimensional\n collection classes named MultiPoint, MultiLineString, and\n MultiPolygon for modeling geometries corresponding to collections of\n Points, LineStrings, and Polygons, respectively. MultiCurve and\n MultiSurface are introduced as abstract superclasses that generalize\n the collection interfaces to handle Curves and Surfaces.\n\nGeometry, Curve, Surface, MultiCurve, and MultiSurface are defined as\nnoninstantiable classes. They define a common set of methods for their\nsubclasses and are included for extensibility.\n\nPoint, LineString, Polygon, GeometryCollection, MultiPoint,\nMultiLineString, and MultiPolygon are instantiable classes.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-geometry-class-hierarchy.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-geometry-class-hierarchy.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (10,38,'CHAR FUNCTION','Syntax:\nCHAR(N,... [USING charset_name])\n\nCHAR() interprets each argument N as an integer and returns a string\nconsisting of the characters given by the code values of those\nintegers. NULL values are skipped.\nBy default, CHAR() returns a binary string. To produce a string in a\ngiven character set, use the optional USING clause:\n\nmysql> SELECT CHARSET(CHAR(X\'65\')), CHARSET(CHAR(X\'65\' USING utf8));\n+----------------------+---------------------------------+\n| CHARSET(CHAR(X\'65\')) | CHARSET(CHAR(X\'65\' USING utf8)) |\n+----------------------+---------------------------------+\n| binary | utf8 |\n+----------------------+---------------------------------+\n\nIf USING is given and the result string is illegal for the given\ncharacter set, a warning is issued. Also, if strict SQL mode is\nenabled, the result from CHAR() becomes NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT CHAR(77,121,83,81,\'76\');\n -> \'MySQL\'\nmysql> SELECT CHAR(77,77.3,\'77.3\');\n -> \'MMM\'\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (11,7,'ASYMMETRIC_DECRYPT','Syntax:\nASYMMETRIC_DECRYPT(algorithm, crypt_str, key_str)\n\nDecrypts an encrypted string using the given algorithm and key string,\nand returns the resulting cleartext as a binary string. If decryption\nfails, the result is NULL.\n\nkey_str must be a valid key string in PEM format. For successful\ndecryption, it must be the public or private key string corresponding\nto the private or public key string used with ASYMMETRIC_ENCRYPT() to\nproduce the encrypted string. algorithm indicates the encryption\nalgorithm used to create the key.\n\nSupported algorithm values: \'RSA\'\n\nFor a usage example, see the description of ASYMMETRIC_ENCRYPT().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/enterprise-encryption-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/enterprise-encryption-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (12,27,'SHOW CREATE TRIGGER','Syntax:\nSHOW CREATE TRIGGER trigger_name\n\nThis statement shows the CREATE TRIGGER statement that creates the\nnamed trigger. This statement requires the TRIGGER privilege for the\ntable associated with the trigger.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-create-trigger.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-create-trigger.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (13,27,'SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE','Syntax:\nSHOW CREATE PROCEDURE proc_name\n\nThis statement is a MySQL extension. It returns the exact string that\ncan be used to re-create the named stored procedure. A similar\nstatement, SHOW CREATE FUNCTION, displays information about stored\nfunctions (see [HELP SHOW CREATE FUNCTION]).\n\nTo use either statement, you must be the user named in the routine\nDEFINER clause or have SELECT access to the mysql.proc table. If you do\nnot have privileges for the routine itself, the value displayed for the\nCreate Procedure or Create Function field will be NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-create-procedure.html\n\n','mysql> SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE test.simpleproc\\G\n*************************** 1. row ***************************\n Procedure: simpleproc\n sql_mode:\n Create Procedure: CREATE PROCEDURE `simpleproc`(OUT param1 INT)\n BEGIN\n SELECT COUNT(*) INTO param1 FROM t;\n END\ncharacter_set_client: latin1\ncollation_connection: latin1_swedish_ci\n Database Collation: latin1_swedish_ci\n\nmysql> SHOW CREATE FUNCTION test.hello\\G\n*************************** 1. row ***************************\n Function: hello\n sql_mode:\n Create Function: CREATE FUNCTION `hello`(s CHAR(20))\n RETURNS CHAR(50)\n RETURN CONCAT(\'Hello, \',s,\'!\')\ncharacter_set_client: latin1\ncollation_connection: latin1_swedish_ci\n Database Collation: latin1_swedish_ci\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-create-procedure.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (14,24,'OPEN','Syntax:\nOPEN cursor_name\n\nThis statement opens a previously declared cursor. For an example, see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/cursors.html.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/open.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/open.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (15,31,'ST_INTERSECTS','ST_Intersects(g1, g2)\n\nReturns 1 or 0 to indicate whether g1 spatially intersects g2.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-relation-functions-object-shapes.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-relation-functions-object-shapes.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (16,38,'LOWER','Syntax:\nLOWER(str)\n\nReturns the string str with all characters changed to lowercase\naccording to the current character set mapping. The default is latin1\n(cp1252 West European).\n\nmysql> SELECT LOWER(\'QUADRATICALLY\');\n -> \'quadratically\'\n\nLOWER() (and UPPER()) are ineffective when applied to binary strings\n(BINARY, VARBINARY, BLOB). To perform lettercase conversion, convert\nthe string to a nonbinary string:\n\nmysql> SET @str = BINARY \'New York\';\nmysql> SELECT LOWER(@str), LOWER(CONVERT(@str USING latin1));\n+-------------+-----------------------------------+\n| LOWER(@str) | LOWER(CONVERT(@str USING latin1)) |\n+-------------+-----------------------------------+\n| New York | new york |\n+-------------+-----------------------------------+\n\nFor collations of Unicode character sets, LOWER() and UPPER() work\naccording to the Unicode Collation Algorithm (UCA) version in the\ncollation name, if there is one, and UCA 4.0.0 if no version is\nspecified. For example, utf8_unicode_520_ci works according to UCA\n5.2.0, whereas utf8_unicode_ci works according to UCA 4.0.0. See\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/charset-unicode-sets.html.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (17,40,'CREATE TRIGGER','Syntax:\nCREATE\n [DEFINER = { user | CURRENT_USER }]\n TRIGGER trigger_name\n trigger_time trigger_event\n ON tbl_name FOR EACH ROW\n [trigger_order]\n trigger_body\n\ntrigger_time: { BEFORE | AFTER }\n\ntrigger_event: { INSERT | UPDATE | DELETE }\n\ntrigger_order: { FOLLOWS | PRECEDES } other_trigger_name\n\nThis statement creates a new trigger. A trigger is a named database\nobject that is associated with a table, and that activates when a\nparticular event occurs for the table. The trigger becomes associated\nwith the table named tbl_name, which must refer to a permanent table.\nYou cannot associate a trigger with a TEMPORARY table or a view.\n\nTrigger names exist in the schema namespace, meaning that all triggers\nmust have unique names within a schema. Triggers in different schemas\ncan have the same name.\n\nThis section describes CREATE TRIGGER syntax. For additional\ndiscussion, see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/trigger-syntax.html.\n\nCREATE TRIGGER requires the TRIGGER privilege for the table associated\nwith the trigger. The statement might also require the SUPER privilege,\ndepending on the DEFINER value, as described later in this section. If\nbinary logging is enabled, CREATE TRIGGER might require the SUPER\nprivilege, as described in\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/stored-programs-logging.html.\n\nThe DEFINER clause determines the security context to be used when\nchecking access privileges at trigger activation time, as described\nlater in this section.\n\ntrigger_time is the trigger action time. It can be BEFORE or AFTER to\nindicate that the trigger activates before or after each row to be\nmodified.\n\nBasic column value checks occur prior to trigger activation, so you\ncannot use BEFORE triggers to convert values inappropriate for the\ncolumn type to valid values.\n\ntrigger_event indicates the kind of operation that activates the\ntrigger. These trigger_event values are permitted:\n\no INSERT: The trigger activates whenever a new row is inserted into the\n table; for example, through INSERT, LOAD DATA, and REPLACE\n statements.\n\no UPDATE: The trigger activates whenever a row is modified; for\n example, through UPDATE statements.\n\no DELETE: The trigger activates whenever a row is deleted from the\n table; for example, through DELETE and REPLACE statements. DROP TABLE\n and TRUNCATE TABLE statements on the table do not activate this\n trigger, because they do not use DELETE. Dropping a partition does\n not activate DELETE triggers, either.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/create-trigger.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/create-trigger.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (18,32,'MONTH','Syntax:\nMONTH(date)\n\nReturns the month for date, in the range 1 to 12 for January to\nDecember, or 0 for dates such as \'0000-00-00\' or \'2008-00-00\' that have\na zero month part.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT MONTH(\'2008-02-03\');\n -> 2\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (19,7,'ASYMMETRIC_ENCRYPT','Syntax:\nASYMMETRIC_ENCRYPT(algorithm, str, key_str)\n\nEncrypts a string using the given algorithm and key string, and returns\nthe resulting ciphertext as a binary string. If encryption fails, the\nresult is NULL.\n\nThe str length cannot be greater than the key_str length − 11, in\nbytes\n\nkey_str must be a valid key string in PEM format. algorithm indicates\nthe encryption algorithm used to create the key.\n\nSupported algorithm values: \'RSA\'\n\nTo encrypt a string, pass a private or public key string to\nASYMMETRIC_ENCRYPT(). To recover the original unencrypted string, pass\nthe encrypted string to ASYMMETRIC_DECRYPT(), along with the public or\nprivate key string correponding to the private or public key string\nused for encryption.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/enterprise-encryption-functions.html\n\n','-- Generate private/public key pair\nSET @priv = CREATE_ASYMMETRIC_PRIV_KEY(\'RSA\', 1024);\nSET @pub = CREATE_ASYMMETRIC_PUB_KEY(\'RSA\', @priv);\n\n-- Encrypt using private key, decrypt using public key\nSET @ciphertext = ASYMMETRIC_ENCRYPT(\'RSA\', \'The quick brown fox\', @priv);\nSET @cleartext = ASYMMETRIC_DECRYPT(\'RSA\', @ciphertext, @pub);\n\n-- Encrypt using public key, decrypt using private key\nSET @ciphertext = ASYMMETRIC_ENCRYPT(\'RSA\', \'The quick brown fox\', @pub);\nSET @cleartext = ASYMMETRIC_DECRYPT(\'RSA\', @ciphertext, @priv);\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/enterprise-encryption-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (20,27,'SHOW TRIGGERS','Syntax:\nSHOW TRIGGERS\n [{FROM | IN} db_name]\n [LIKE \'pattern\' | WHERE expr]\n\nSHOW TRIGGERS lists the triggers currently defined for tables in a\ndatabase (the default database unless a FROM clause is given). This\nstatement returns results only for databases and tables for which you\nhave the TRIGGER privilege. The LIKE clause, if present, indicates\nwhich table names to match (not trigger names) and causes the statement\nto display triggers for those tables. The WHERE clause can be given to\nselect rows using more general conditions, as discussed in\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/extended-show.html.\n\nFor the trigger ins_sum as defined in\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/triggers.html, the output of\nthis statement is as shown here:\n\nmysql> SHOW TRIGGERS LIKE \'acc%\'\\G\n*************************** 1. row ***************************\n Trigger: ins_sum\n Event: INSERT\n Table: account\n Statement: SET @sum = @sum + NEW.amount\n Timing: BEFORE\n Created: 2013-07-09 10:39:34.96\n sql_mode: NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION\n Definer: me@localhost\ncharacter_set_client: utf8\ncollation_connection: utf8_general_ci\n Database Collation: latin1_swedish_ci\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-triggers.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-triggers.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (21,13,'ISCLOSED','IsClosed(ls)\n\nST_IsClosed() and IsClosed() are synonyms. For more information, see\nthe description of ST_IsClosed().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-linestring-property-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-linestring-property-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (22,38,'REGEXP','Syntax:\nexpr REGEXP pat, expr RLIKE pat\n\nReturns 1 if the string expr matches the regular expression specified\nby the pattern pat, 0 otherwise. If either expr or pat is NULL, the\nreturn value is NULL.\n\nRLIKE is a synonym for REGEXP.\n\nThe pattern can be an extended regular expression, the syntax for which\nis discussed in\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/regexp.html#regexp-syntax. The\npattern need not be a literal string. For example, it can be specified\nas a string expression or table column.\n\n*Note*:\n\nBecause MySQL uses the C escape syntax in strings (for example, \\n to\nrepresent the newline character), you must double any \\ that you use in\nyour REGEXP arguments.\n\nRegular expression operations use the character set and collation of\nthe string expression and pattern arguments when deciding the type of a\ncharacter and performing the comparison. If the arguments have\ndifferent character sets or collations, coercibility rules apply as\ndescribed in\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/charset-collation-coercibility.h\ntml. If either argument is a binary string, the arguments are handled\nin case-sensitive fashion as binary strings.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/regexp.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT \'Michael!\' REGEXP \'.*\';\n+------------------------+\n| \'Michael!\' REGEXP \'.*\' |\n+------------------------+\n| 1 |\n+------------------------+\nmysql> SELECT \'new*\\n*line\' REGEXP \'new\\\\*.\\\\*line\';\n+---------------------------------------+\n| \'new*\\n*line\' REGEXP \'new\\\\*.\\\\*line\' |\n+---------------------------------------+\n| 0 |\n+---------------------------------------+\nmysql> SELECT \'a\' REGEXP \'^[a-d]\';\n+---------------------+\n| \'a\' REGEXP \'^[a-d]\' |\n+---------------------+\n| 1 |\n+---------------------+\nmysql> SELECT \'a\' REGEXP \'A\', \'a\' REGEXP BINARY \'A\';\n+----------------+-----------------------+\n| \'a\' REGEXP \'A\' | \'a\' REGEXP BINARY \'A\' |\n+----------------+-----------------------+\n| 1 | 0 |\n+----------------+-----------------------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/regexp.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (23,13,'ST_POINTN','ST_PointN(ls, N)\n\nReturns the N-th Point in the Linestring value ls. Points are numbered\nbeginning with 1. If any argument is NULL or the geometry argument is\nan empty geometry, the return value is NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-linestring-property-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SET @ls = \'LineString(1 1,2 2,3 3)\';\nmysql> SELECT ST_AsText(ST_PointN(ST_GeomFromText(@ls),2));\n+----------------------------------------------+\n| ST_AsText(ST_PointN(ST_GeomFromText(@ls),2)) |\n+----------------------------------------------+\n| POINT(2 2) |\n+----------------------------------------------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-linestring-property-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (24,24,'IF STATEMENT','Syntax:\nIF search_condition THEN statement_list\n [ELSEIF search_condition THEN statement_list] ...\n [ELSE statement_list]\nEND IF\n\nThe IF statement for stored programs implements a basic conditional\nconstruct.\n\n*Note*:\n\nThere is also an IF() function, which differs from the IF statement\ndescribed here. See\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/control-flow-functions.html. The\nIF statement can have THEN, ELSE, and ELSEIF clauses, and it is\nterminated with END IF.\n\nIf the search_condition evaluates to true, the corresponding THEN or\nELSEIF clause statement_list executes. If no search_condition matches,\nthe ELSE clause statement_list executes.\n\nEach statement_list consists of one or more SQL statements; an empty\nstatement_list is not permitted.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/if.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/if.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (25,12,'VALIDATE_PASSWORD_STRENGTH','Syntax:\nVALIDATE_PASSWORD_STRENGTH(str)\n\nGiven an argument representing a cleartext password, this function\nreturns an integer to indicate how strong the password is. The return\nvalue ranges from 0 (weak) to 100 (strong).\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/encryption-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/encryption-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (26,7,'WITHIN','Within(g1, g2)\n\nMBRWithin() and Within() are synonyms. For more information, see the\ndescription of MBRWithin().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-relation-functions-mbr.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-relation-functions-mbr.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (27,27,'SHOW PLUGINS','Syntax:\nSHOW PLUGINS\n\nSHOW PLUGINS displays information about server plugins. Plugin\ninformation is also available in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS table.\nSee http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/plugins-table.html.\n\nExample of SHOW PLUGINS output:\n\nmysql> SHOW PLUGINS\\G\n*************************** 1. row ***************************\n Name: binlog\n Status: ACTIVE\n Type: STORAGE ENGINE\nLibrary: NULL\nLicense: GPL\n*************************** 2. row ***************************\n Name: CSV\n Status: ACTIVE\n Type: STORAGE ENGINE\nLibrary: NULL\nLicense: GPL\n*************************** 3. row ***************************\n Name: MEMORY\n Status: ACTIVE\n Type: STORAGE ENGINE\nLibrary: NULL\nLicense: GPL\n*************************** 4. row ***************************\n Name: MyISAM\n Status: ACTIVE\n Type: STORAGE ENGINE\nLibrary: NULL\nLicense: GPL\n...\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-plugins.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-plugins.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (28,8,'PREPARE','Syntax:\nPREPARE stmt_name FROM preparable_stmt\n\nThe PREPARE statement prepares a SQL statement and assigns it a name,\nstmt_name, by which to refer to the statement later. The prepared\nstatement is executed with EXECUTE and released with DEALLOCATE\nPREPARE. For examples, see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/sql-syntax-prepared-statements.h\ntml.\n\nStatement names are not case-sensitive. preparable_stmt is either a\nstring literal or a user variable that contains the text of the SQL\nstatement. The text must represent a single statement, not multiple\nstatements. Within the statement, ? characters can be used as parameter\nmarkers to indicate where data values are to be bound to the query\nlater when you execute it. The ? characters should not be enclosed\nwithin quotation marks, even if you intend to bind them to string\nvalues. Parameter markers can be used only where data values should\nappear, not for SQL keywords, identifiers, and so forth.\n\nIf a prepared statement with the given name already exists, it is\ndeallocated implicitly before the new statement is prepared. This means\nthat if the new statement contains an error and cannot be prepared, an\nerror is returned and no statement with the given name exists.\n\nThe scope of a prepared statement is the session within which it is\ncreated, which as several implications:\n\no A prepared statement created in one session is not available to other\n sessions.\n\no When a session ends, whether normally or abnormally, its prepared\n statements no longer exist. If auto-reconnect is enabled, the client\n is not notified that the connection was lost. For this reason,\n clients may wish to disable auto-reconnect. See\n http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/c-api-auto-reconnect.html.\n\no A prepared statement created within a stored program continues to\n exist after the program finishes executing and can be executed\n outside the program later.\n\no A statement prepared in stored program context cannot refer to stored\n procedure or function parameters or local variables because they go\n out of scope when the program ends and would be unavailable were the\n statement to be executed later outside the program. As a workaround,\n refer instead to user-defined variables, which also have session\n scope; see\n http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/user-variables.html.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/prepare.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/prepare.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (29,8,'LOCK','Syntax:\nLOCK TABLES\n tbl_name [[AS] alias] lock_type\n [, tbl_name [[AS] alias] lock_type] ...\n\nlock_type:\n READ [LOCAL]\n | [LOW_PRIORITY] WRITE\n\nUNLOCK TABLES\n\nMySQL enables client sessions to acquire table locks explicitly for the\npurpose of cooperating with other sessions for access to tables, or to\nprevent other sessions from modifying tables during periods when a\nsession requires exclusive access to them. A session can acquire or\nrelease locks only for itself. One session cannot acquire locks for\nanother session or release locks held by another session.\n\nLocks may be used to emulate transactions or to get more speed when\nupdating tables. This is explained in more detail later in this\nsection.\n\nLOCK TABLES explicitly acquires table locks for the current client\nsession. Table locks can be acquired for base tables or views. You must\nhave the LOCK TABLES privilege, and the SELECT privilege for each\nobject to be locked.\n\nFor view locking, LOCK TABLES adds all base tables used in the view to\nthe set of tables to be locked and locks them automatically. If you\nlock a table explicitly with LOCK TABLES, any tables used in triggers\nare also locked implicitly, as described in\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/lock-tables-and-triggers.html.\n\nUNLOCK TABLES explicitly releases any table locks held by the current\nsession. LOCK TABLES implicitly releases any table locks held by the\ncurrent session before acquiring new locks.\n\nAnother use for UNLOCK TABLES is to release the global read lock\nacquired with the FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK statement, which enables\nyou to lock all tables in all databases. See [HELP FLUSH]. (This is a\nvery convenient way to get backups if you have a file system such as\nVeritas that can take snapshots in time.)\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/lock-tables.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/lock-tables.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (30,27,'SHOW BINARY LOGS','Syntax:\nSHOW BINARY LOGS\nSHOW MASTER LOGS\n\nLists the binary log files on the server. This statement is used as\npart of the procedure described in [HELP PURGE BINARY LOGS], that shows\nhow to determine which logs can be purged.\n\nmysql> SHOW BINARY LOGS;\n+---------------+-----------+\n| Log_name | File_size |\n+---------------+-----------+\n| binlog.000015 | 724935 |\n| binlog.000016 | 733481 |\n+---------------+-----------+\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-binary-logs.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-binary-logs.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (31,25,'POLYGON','Polygon(ls [, ls] ...)\n\nConstructs a Polygon value from a number of LineString or WKB\nLineString arguments. If any argument does not represent a LinearRing\n(that is, not a closed and simple LineString), the return value is\nNULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-mysql-specific-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-mysql-specific-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (32,32,'MINUTE','Syntax:\nMINUTE(time)\n\nReturns the minute for time, in the range 0 to 59.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT MINUTE(\'2008-02-03 10:05:03\');\n -> 5\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (33,38,'MID','Syntax:\nMID(str,pos,len)\n\nMID(str,pos,len) is a synonym for SUBSTRING(str,pos,len).\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (34,17,'CONNECTION_ID','Syntax:\nCONNECTION_ID()\n\nReturns the connection ID (thread ID) for the connection. Every\nconnection has an ID that is unique among the set of currently\nconnected clients.\n\nThe value returned by CONNECTION_ID() is the same type of value as\ndisplayed in the ID column of the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST table,\nthe Id column of SHOW PROCESSLIST output, and the PROCESSLIST_ID column\nof the Performance Schema threads table.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/information-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT CONNECTION_ID();\n -> 23786\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/information-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (35,28,'DELETE','Syntax:\nDELETE is a DML statement that removes rows from a table.\n\nSingle-Table Syntax\n\nDELETE [LOW_PRIORITY] [QUICK] [IGNORE] FROM tbl_name\n [PARTITION (partition_name [, partition_name] ...)]\n [WHERE where_condition]\n [ORDER BY ...]\n [LIMIT row_count]\n\nThe DELETE statement deletes rows from tbl_name and returns the number\nof deleted rows. To check the number of deleted rows, call the\nROW_COUNT() function described in\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/information-functions.html.\n\nMain Clauses\n\nThe conditions in the optional WHERE clause identify which rows to\ndelete. With no WHERE clause, all rows are deleted.\n\nwhere_condition is an expression that evaluates to true for each row to\nbe deleted. It is specified as described in\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/select.html.\n\nIf the ORDER BY clause is specified, the rows are deleted in the order\nthat is specified. The LIMIT clause places a limit on the number of\nrows that can be deleted. These clauses apply to single-table deletes,\nbut not multi-table deletes.\n\nMultiple-Table Syntax\n\nDELETE [LOW_PRIORITY] [QUICK] [IGNORE]\n tbl_name[.*] [, tbl_name[.*]] ...\n FROM table_references\n [WHERE where_condition]\n\nDELETE [LOW_PRIORITY] [QUICK] [IGNORE]\n FROM tbl_name[.*] [, tbl_name[.*]] ...\n USING table_references\n [WHERE where_condition]\n\nPrivileges\n\nYou need the DELETE privilege on a table to delete rows from it. You\nneed only the SELECT privilege for any columns that are only read, such\nas those named in the WHERE clause.\n\nPerformance\n\nWhen you do not need to know the number of deleted rows, the TRUNCATE\nTABLE statement is a faster way to empty a table than a DELETE\nstatement with no WHERE clause. Unlike DELETE, TRUNCATE TABLE cannot be\nused within a transaction or if you have a lock on the table. See [HELP\nTRUNCATE TABLE] and [HELP LOCK].\n\nThe speed of delete operations may also be affected by factors\ndiscussed in\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/delete-optimization.html.\n\nTo ensure that a given DELETE statement does not take too much time,\nthe MySQL-specific LIMIT row_count clause for DELETE specifies the\nmaximum number of rows to be deleted. If the number of rows to delete\nis larger than the limit, repeat the DELETE statement until the number\nof affected rows is less than the LIMIT value.\n\nSubqueries\n\nYou cannot delete from a table and select from the same table in a\nsubquery.\n\nPartitioned Tables\n\nDELETE supports explicit partition selection using the PARTITION\noption, which takes a list of the comma-separated names of one or more\npartitions or subpartitions (or both) from which to select rows to be\ndropped. Partitions not included in the list are ignored. Given a\npartitioned table t with a partition named p0, executing the statement\nDELETE FROM t PARTITION (p0) has the same effect on the table as\nexecuting ALTER TABLE t TRUNCATE PARTITION (p0); in both cases, all\nrows in partition p0 are dropped.\n\nPARTITION can be used along with a WHERE condition, in which case the\ncondition is tested only on rows in the listed partitions. For example,\nDELETE FROM t PARTITION (p0) WHERE c < 5 deletes rows only from\npartition p0 for which the condition c < 5 is true; rows in any other\npartitions are not checked and thus not affected by the DELETE.\n\nThe PARTITION option can also be used in multiple-table DELETE\nstatements. You can use up to one such option per table named in the\nFROM option.\n\nFor more information and examples, see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/partitioning-selection.html.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/delete.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/delete.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (36,7,'JSON_SEARCH','Syntax:\nJSON_SEARCH(json_doc, one_or_all, search_str[, escape_char[, path]\n...])\n\nReturns the path to the given string within a JSON document. Returns\nNULL if any of the json_doc, search_str, or path arguments are NULL; no\npath exists within the document; or search_str is not found. An error\noccurs if the json_doc argument is not a valid JSON document, any path\nargument is not a valid path expression, one_or_all is not \'one\' or\n\'all\', or escape_char is not a constant expression.\n\nThe one_or_all argument affects the search as follows:\n\no \'one\': The search terminates after the first match and returns one\n path string. It is undefined which match is considered first.\n\no \'all\': The search returns all matching path strings such that no\n duplicate paths are included. If there are multiple strings, they are\n autowrapped as an array. The order of the array elements is\n undefined.\n\nWithin the search_str search string argument, the % and _ characters\nwork as for the LIKE operator: % matches any number of characters\n(including zero characters), and _ matches exactly one character.\n\nTo specify a literal % or _ character in the search string, precede it\nby the escape character. The default is \\ if the escape_char argument\nis missing or NULL. Otherwise, escape_char must be a constant that is\nempty or one character.\n\nFor more information about matching and escape character behavior, see\nthe description of LIKE in\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-comparison-functions.html\n. For escape character handling, a difference from the LIKE behavior is\nthat the escape character for JSON_SEARCH() must evaluate to a constant\nat compile time, not just at execution time. For example, if\nJSON_SEARCH() is used in a prepared statement and the escape_char\nargument is supplied using a ? parameter, the parameter value might be\nconstant at execution time, but is not at compile time.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/json-search-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SET @j = \'["abc", [{"k": "10"}, "def"], {"x":"abc"}, {"y":"bcd"}]\';\n\nmysql> SELECT JSON_SEARCH(@j, \'one\', \'abc\');\n+-------------------------------+\n| JSON_SEARCH(@j, \'one\', \'abc\') |\n+-------------------------------+\n| "$[0]" |\n+-------------------------------+\n\nmysql> SELECT JSON_SEARCH(@j, \'all\', \'abc\');\n+-------------------------------+\n| JSON_SEARCH(@j, \'all\', \'abc\') |\n+-------------------------------+\n| ["$[0]", "$[2].x"] |\n+-------------------------------+\n\nmysql> SELECT JSON_SEARCH(@j, \'all\', \'ghi\');\n+-------------------------------+\n| JSON_SEARCH(@j, \'all\', \'ghi\') |\n+-------------------------------+\n| NULL |\n+-------------------------------+\n\nmysql> SELECT JSON_SEARCH(@j, \'all\', \'10\');\n+------------------------------+\n| JSON_SEARCH(@j, \'all\', \'10\') |\n+------------------------------+\n| "$[1][0].k" |\n+------------------------------+\n\nmysql> SELECT JSON_SEARCH(@j, \'all\', \'10\', NULL, \'$\');\n+-----------------------------------------+\n| JSON_SEARCH(@j, \'all\', \'10\', NULL, \'$\') |\n+-----------------------------------------+\n| "$[1][0].k" |\n+-----------------------------------------+\n\nmysql> SELECT JSON_SEARCH(@j, \'all\', \'10\', NULL, \'$[*]\');\n+--------------------------------------------+\n| JSON_SEARCH(@j, \'all\', \'10\', NULL, \'$[*]\') |\n+--------------------------------------------+\n| "$[1][0].k" |\n+--------------------------------------------+\n\nmysql> SELECT JSON_SEARCH(@j, \'all\', \'10\', NULL, \'$**.k\');\n+---------------------------------------------+\n| JSON_SEARCH(@j, \'all\', \'10\', NULL, \'$**.k\') |\n+---------------------------------------------+\n| "$[1][0].k" |\n+---------------------------------------------+\n\nmysql> SELECT JSON_SEARCH(@j, \'all\', \'10\', NULL, \'$[*][0].k\');\n+-------------------------------------------------+\n| JSON_SEARCH(@j, \'all\', \'10\', NULL, \'$[*][0].k\') |\n+-------------------------------------------------+\n| "$[1][0].k" |\n+-------------------------------------------------+\n\nmysql> SELECT JSON_SEARCH(@j, \'all\', \'10\', NULL, \'$[1]\');\n+--------------------------------------------+\n| JSON_SEARCH(@j, \'all\', \'10\', NULL, \'$[1]\') |\n+--------------------------------------------+\n| "$[1][0].k" |\n+--------------------------------------------+\n\nmysql> SELECT JSON_SEARCH(@j, \'all\', \'10\', NULL, \'$[1][0]\');\n+-----------------------------------------------+\n| JSON_SEARCH(@j, \'all\', \'10\', NULL, \'$[1][0]\') |\n+-----------------------------------------------+\n| "$[1][0].k" |\n+-----------------------------------------------+\n\nmysql> SELECT JSON_SEARCH(@j, \'all\', \'abc\', NULL, \'$[2]\');\n+---------------------------------------------+\n| JSON_SEARCH(@j, \'all\', \'abc\', NULL, \'$[2]\') |\n+---------------------------------------------+\n| "$[2].x" |\n+---------------------------------------------+\n\nmysql> SELECT JSON_SEARCH(@j, \'all\', \'%a%\');\n+-------------------------------+\n| JSON_SEARCH(@j, \'all\', \'%a%\') |\n+-------------------------------+\n| ["$[0]", "$[2].x"] |\n+-------------------------------+\n\nmysql> SELECT JSON_SEARCH(@j, \'all\', \'%b%\');\n+-------------------------------+\n| JSON_SEARCH(@j, \'all\', \'%b%\') |\n+-------------------------------+\n| ["$[0]", "$[2].x", "$[3].y"] |\n+-------------------------------+\n\nmysql> SELECT JSON_SEARCH(@j, \'all\', \'%b%\', NULL, \'$[0]\');\n+---------------------------------------------+\n| JSON_SEARCH(@j, \'all\', \'%b%\', NULL, \'$[0]\') |\n+---------------------------------------------+\n| "$[0]" |\n+---------------------------------------------+\n\nmysql> SELECT JSON_SEARCH(@j, \'all\', \'%b%\', NULL, \'$[2]\');\n+---------------------------------------------+\n| JSON_SEARCH(@j, \'all\', \'%b%\', NULL, \'$[2]\') |\n+---------------------------------------------+\n| "$[2].x" |\n+---------------------------------------------+\n\nmysql> SELECT JSON_SEARCH(@j, \'all\', \'%b%\', NULL, \'$[1]\');\n+---------------------------------------------+\n| JSON_SEARCH(@j, \'all\', \'%b%\', NULL, \'$[1]\') |\n+---------------------------------------------+\n| NULL |\n+---------------------------------------------+\n\nmysql> SELECT JSON_SEARCH(@j, \'all\', \'%b%\', \'\', \'$[1]\');\n+-------------------------------------------+\n| JSON_SEARCH(@j, \'all\', \'%b%\', \'\', \'$[1]\') |\n+-------------------------------------------+\n| NULL |\n+-------------------------------------------+\n\nmysql> SELECT JSON_SEARCH(@j, \'all\', \'%b%\', \'\', \'$[3]\');\n+-------------------------------------------+\n| JSON_SEARCH(@j, \'all\', \'%b%\', \'\', \'$[3]\') |\n+-------------------------------------------+\n| "$[3].y" |\n+-------------------------------------------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/json-search-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (37,24,'CLOSE','Syntax:\nCLOSE cursor_name\n\nThis statement closes a previously opened cursor. For an example, see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/cursors.html.\n\nAn error occurs if the cursor is not open.\n\nIf not closed explicitly, a cursor is closed at the end of the BEGIN\n... END block in which it was declared.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/close.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/close.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (38,38,'REPLACE FUNCTION','Syntax:\nREPLACE(str,from_str,to_str)\n\nReturns the string str with all occurrences of the string from_str\nreplaced by the string to_str. REPLACE() performs a case-sensitive\nmatch when searching for from_str.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT REPLACE(\'www.mysql.com\', \'w\', \'Ww\');\n -> \'WwWwWw.mysql.com\'\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (39,29,'USE','Syntax:\nUSE db_name\n\nThe USE db_name statement tells MySQL to use the db_name database as\nthe default (current) database for subsequent statements. The database\nremains the default until the end of the session or another USE\nstatement is issued:\n\nUSE db1;\nSELECT COUNT(*) FROM mytable; # selects from db1.mytable\nUSE db2;\nSELECT COUNT(*) FROM mytable; # selects from db2.mytable\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/use.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/use.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (40,6,'CASE OPERATOR','Syntax:\nCASE value WHEN [compare_value] THEN result [WHEN [compare_value] THEN\nresult ...] [ELSE result] END\n\nCASE WHEN [condition] THEN result [WHEN [condition] THEN result ...]\n[ELSE result] END\n\nThe first CASE syntax returns the result for the first\nvalue=compare_value comparison that is true. The second syntax returns\nthe result for the first condition that is true. If no comparison or\ncondition is true, the result after ELSE is returned, or NULL if there\nis no ELSE part.\n\n*Note*:\n\nThe syntax of the CASE expression described here differs slightly from\nthat of the SQL CASE statement described in [HELP CASE statement], for\nuse inside stored programs. The CASE statement cannot have an ELSE NULL\nclause, and it is terminated with END CASE instead of END.\n\nThe return type of a CASE expression result is the aggregated type of\nall result values.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/control-flow-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT CASE 1 WHEN 1 THEN \'one\'\n -> WHEN 2 THEN \'two\' ELSE \'more\' END;\n -> \'one\'\nmysql> SELECT CASE WHEN 1>0 THEN \'true\' ELSE \'false\' END;\n -> \'true\'\nmysql> SELECT CASE BINARY \'B\'\n -> WHEN \'a\' THEN 1 WHEN \'b\' THEN 2 END;\n -> NULL\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/control-flow-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (41,27,'SHOW MASTER STATUS','Syntax:\nSHOW MASTER STATUS\n\nThis statement provides status information about the binary log files\nof the master. It requires either the SUPER or REPLICATION CLIENT\nprivilege.\n\nExample:\n\nmysql> SHOW MASTER STATUS\\G\n*************************** 1. row ***************************\n File: master-bin.000002\n Position: 1307\n Binlog_Do_DB: test\n Binlog_Ignore_DB: manual, mysql\nExecuted_Gtid_Set: 3E11FA47-71CA-11E1-9E33-C80AA9429562:1-5\n1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-master-status.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-master-status.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (42,32,'TO_SECONDS','Syntax:\nTO_SECONDS(expr)\n\nGiven a date or datetime expr, returns the number of seconds since the\nyear 0. If expr is not a valid date or datetime value, returns NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT TO_SECONDS(950501);\n -> 62966505600\nmysql> SELECT TO_SECONDS(\'2009-11-29\');\n -> 63426672000\nmysql> SELECT TO_SECONDS(\'2009-11-29 13:43:32\');\n -> 63426721412\nmysql> SELECT TO_SECONDS( NOW() );\n -> 63426721458\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (43,32,'TIMESTAMPDIFF','Syntax:\nTIMESTAMPDIFF(unit,datetime_expr1,datetime_expr2)\n\nReturns datetime_expr2 − datetime_expr1, where datetime_expr1 and\ndatetime_expr2 are date or datetime expressions. One expression may be\na date and the other a datetime; a date value is treated as a datetime\nhaving the time part \'00:00:00\' where necessary. The unit for the\nresult (an integer) is given by the unit argument. The legal values for\nunit are the same as those listed in the description of the\nTIMESTAMPADD() function.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH,\'2003-02-01\',\'2003-05-01\');\n -> 3\nmysql> SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR,\'2002-05-01\',\'2001-01-01\');\n -> -1\nmysql> SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE,\'2003-02-01\',\'2003-05-01 12:05:55\');\n -> 128885\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (44,35,'SPATIAL','For InnoDB and MyISAM tables, MySQL can create spatial indexes using\nsyntax similar to that for creating regular indexes, but using the\nSPATIAL keyword. Columns in spatial indexes must be declared NOT NULL.\nThe following examples demonstrate how to create spatial indexes:\n\no With CREATE TABLE:\n\nCREATE TABLE geom (g GEOMETRY NOT NULL, SPATIAL INDEX(g));\n\no With ALTER TABLE:\n\nCREATE TABLE geom (g GEOMETRY NOT NULL);\nALTER TABLE geom ADD SPATIAL INDEX(g);\n\no With CREATE INDEX:\n\nCREATE TABLE geom (g GEOMETRY NOT NULL);\nCREATE SPATIAL INDEX g ON geom (g);\n\nSPATIAL INDEX creates an R-tree index. For storage engines that support\nnonspatial indexing of spatial columns, the engine creates a B-tree\nindex. A B-tree index on spatial values is useful for exact-value\nlookups, but not for range scans.\n\nFor more information on indexing spatial columns, see [HELP CREATE\nINDEX].\n\nTo drop spatial indexes, use ALTER TABLE or DROP INDEX:\n\no With ALTER TABLE:\n\nALTER TABLE geom DROP INDEX g;\n\no With DROP INDEX:\n\nDROP INDEX g ON geom;\n\nExample: Suppose that a table geom contains more than 32,000\ngeometries, which are stored in the column g of type GEOMETRY. The\ntable also has an AUTO_INCREMENT column fid for storing object ID\nvalues.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/creating-spatial-indexes.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/creating-spatial-indexes.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (45,16,'JSON_ARRAYAGG','Syntax:\nJSON_ARRAYAGG(col_or_expr)\n\nAggregates a result set as a single JSON array whose elements consist\nof the rows. The order of elements in this array is undefined. The\nfunction acts on a column or an expression that evaluates to a single\nvalue. Returns NULL if the result contains no rows, or in the event of\nan error.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/group-by-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT o_id, attribute, value FROM t3;\n+------+-----------+-------+\n| o_id | attribute | value |\n+------+-----------+-------+\n| 2 | color | red |\n| 2 | fabric | silk |\n| 3 | color | green |\n| 3 | shape | square|\n+------+-----------+-------+\n4 rows in set (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> SELECT o_id, JSON_ARRAYAGG(attribute) AS attributes \n > FROM t3 GROUP BY o_id;\n+------+---------------------+\n| o_id | attributes |\n+------+---------------------+\n| 2 | ["color", "fabric"] |\n| 3 | ["color", "shape"] |\n+------+---------------------+\n2 rows in set (0.00 sec)\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/group-by-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (46,38,'REVERSE','Syntax:\nREVERSE(str)\n\nReturns the string str with the order of the characters reversed.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT REVERSE(\'abc\');\n -> \'cba\'\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (47,20,'ISNULL','Syntax:\nISNULL(expr)\n\nIf expr is NULL, ISNULL() returns 1, otherwise it returns 0.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/comparison-operators.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT ISNULL(1+1);\n -> 0\nmysql> SELECT ISNULL(1/0);\n -> 1\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/comparison-operators.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (48,13,'ST_STARTPOINT','ST_StartPoint(ls)\n\nReturns the Point that is the start point of the LineString value ls.\nIf the argument is NULL or an empty geometry, the return value is NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-linestring-property-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SET @ls = \'LineString(1 1,2 2,3 3)\';\nmysql> SELECT ST_AsText(ST_StartPoint(ST_GeomFromText(@ls)));\n+------------------------------------------------+\n| ST_AsText(ST_StartPoint(ST_GeomFromText(@ls))) |\n+------------------------------------------------+\n| POINT(1 1) |\n+------------------------------------------------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-linestring-property-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (49,23,'BINARY','BINARY[(M)]\n\nThe BINARY type is similar to the CHAR type, but stores binary byte\nstrings rather than nonbinary character strings. An optional length M\nrepresents the column length in bytes. If omitted, M defaults to 1.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-type-overview.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-type-overview.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (50,23,'BLOB DATA TYPE','A BLOB is a binary large object that can hold a variable amount of\ndata. The four BLOB types are TINYBLOB, BLOB, MEDIUMBLOB, and LONGBLOB.\nThese differ only in the maximum length of the values they can hold.\nThe four TEXT types are TINYTEXT, TEXT, MEDIUMTEXT, and LONGTEXT. These\ncorrespond to the four BLOB types and have the same maximum lengths and\nstorage requirements. See\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/storage-requirements.html.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/blob.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/blob.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (51,17,'CURRENT_USER','Syntax:\nCURRENT_USER, CURRENT_USER()\n\nReturns the user name and host name combination for the MySQL account\nthat the server used to authenticate the current client. This account\ndetermines your access privileges. The return value is a string in the\nutf8 character set.\n\nThe value of CURRENT_USER() can differ from the value of USER().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/information-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT USER();\n -> \'davida@localhost\'\nmysql> SELECT * FROM mysql.user;\nERROR 1044: Access denied for user \'\'@\'localhost\' to\ndatabase \'mysql\'\nmysql> SELECT CURRENT_USER();\n -> \'@localhost\'\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/information-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (52,20,'<=','Syntax:\n<=\n\nLess than or equal:\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/comparison-operators.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT 0.1 <= 2;\n -> 1\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/comparison-operators.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (53,27,'SHOW PROFILES','Syntax:\nSHOW PROFILES\n\nThe SHOW PROFILES statement, together with SHOW PROFILE, displays\nprofiling information that indicates resource usage for statements\nexecuted during the course of the current session. For more\ninformation, see [HELP SHOW PROFILE].\n\n*Note*:\n\nThese statements are deprecated and will be removed in a future MySQL\nrelease. Use the Performance Schema instead; see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/performance-schema.html.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-profiles.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-profiles.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (54,28,'UPDATE','Syntax:\nUPDATE is a DML statement that modifies rows in a table.\n\nSingle-table syntax:\n\nUPDATE [LOW_PRIORITY] [IGNORE] table_reference\n SET assignment_list\n [WHERE where_condition]\n [ORDER BY ...]\n [LIMIT row_count]\n\nvalue:\n {expr | DEFAULT}\n\nassignment:\n col_name = value\n\nassignment_list:\n assignment [, assignment] ...\n\nMultiple-table syntax:\n\nUPDATE [LOW_PRIORITY] [IGNORE] table_references\n SET assignment_list\n [WHERE where_condition]\n\nFor the single-table syntax, the UPDATE statement updates columns of\nexisting rows in the named table with new values. The SET clause\nindicates which columns to modify and the values they should be given.\nEach value can be given as an expression, or the keyword DEFAULT to set\na column explicitly to its default value. The WHERE clause, if given,\nspecifies the conditions that identify which rows to update. With no\nWHERE clause, all rows are updated. If the ORDER BY clause is\nspecified, the rows are updated in the order that is specified. The\nLIMIT clause places a limit on the number of rows that can be updated.\n\nFor the multiple-table syntax, UPDATE updates rows in each table named\nin table_references that satisfy the conditions. Each matching row is\nupdated once, even if it matches the conditions multiple times. For\nmultiple-table syntax, ORDER BY and LIMIT cannot be used.\n\nFor partitioned tables, both the single-single and multiple-table forms\nof this statement support the use of a PARTITION option as part of a\ntable reference. This option takes a list of one or more partitions or\nsubpartitions (or both). Only the partitions (or subpartitions) listed\nare checked for matches, and a row that is not in any of these\npartitions or subpartitions is not updated, whether it satisfies the\nwhere_condition or not.\n\n*Note*:\n\nUnlike the case when using PARTITION with an INSERT or REPLACE\nstatement, an otherwise valid UPDATE ... PARTITION statement is\nconsidered successful even if no rows in the listed partitions (or\nsubpartitions) match the where_condition.\n\nFor more information and examples, see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/partitioning-selection.html.\n\nwhere_condition is an expression that evaluates to true for each row to\nbe updated. For expression syntax, see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/expressions.html.\n\ntable_references and where_condition are specified as described in\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/select.html.\n\nYou need the UPDATE privilege only for columns referenced in an UPDATE\nthat are actually updated. You need only the SELECT privilege for any\ncolumns that are read but not modified.\n\nThe UPDATE statement supports the following modifiers:\n\no With the LOW_PRIORITY modifier, execution of the UPDATE is delayed\n until no other clients are reading from the table. This affects only\n storage engines that use only table-level locking (such as MyISAM,\n MEMORY, and MERGE).\n\no With the IGNORE modifier, the update statement does not abort even if\n errors occur during the update. Rows for which duplicate-key\n conflicts occur on a unique key value are not updated. Rows updated\n to values that would cause data conversion errors are updated to the\n closest valid values instead. For more information, see\n http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/sql-mode.html#ignore-strict-co\n mparison.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/update.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/update.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (55,24,'CASE STATEMENT','Syntax:\nCASE case_value\n WHEN when_value THEN statement_list\n [WHEN when_value THEN statement_list] ...\n [ELSE statement_list]\nEND CASE\n\nOr:\n\nCASE\n WHEN search_condition THEN statement_list\n [WHEN search_condition THEN statement_list] ...\n [ELSE statement_list]\nEND CASE\n\nThe CASE statement for stored programs implements a complex conditional\nconstruct.\n\n*Note*:\n\nThere is also a CASE expression, which differs from the CASE statement\ndescribed here. See\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/control-flow-functions.html. The\nCASE statement cannot have an ELSE NULL clause, and it is terminated\nwith END CASE instead of END.\n\nFor the first syntax, case_value is an expression. This value is\ncompared to the when_value expression in each WHEN clause until one of\nthem is equal. When an equal when_value is found, the corresponding\nTHEN clause statement_list executes. If no when_value is equal, the\nELSE clause statement_list executes, if there is one.\n\nThis syntax cannot be used to test for equality with NULL because NULL\n= NULL is false. See\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/working-with-null.html.\n\nFor the second syntax, each WHEN clause search_condition expression is\nevaluated until one is true, at which point its corresponding THEN\nclause statement_list executes. If no search_condition is equal, the\nELSE clause statement_list executes, if there is one.\n\nIf no when_value or search_condition matches the value tested and the\nCASE statement contains no ELSE clause, a Case not found for CASE\nstatement error results.\n\nEach statement_list consists of one or more SQL statements; an empty\nstatement_list is not permitted.\n\nTo handle situations where no value is matched by any WHEN clause, use\nan ELSE containing an empty BEGIN ... END block, as shown in this\nexample. (The indentation used here in the ELSE clause is for purposes\nof clarity only, and is not otherwise significant.)\n\nDELIMITER |\n\nCREATE PROCEDURE p()\n BEGIN\n DECLARE v INT DEFAULT 1;\n\n CASE v\n WHEN 2 THEN SELECT v;\n WHEN 3 THEN SELECT 0;\n ELSE\n BEGIN\n END;\n END CASE;\n END;\n |\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/case.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/case.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (56,7,'ST_SIMPLIFY','ST_Simplify(g, max_distance)\n\nSimplifies a geometry using the Douglas-Peucker algorithm and returns a\nsimplified value of the same type. If any argument is NULL, the return\nvalue is NULL.\n\nThe geometry may be any geometry type, although the Douglas-Peucker\nalgorithm may not actually process every type. A geometry collection is\nprocessed by giving its components one by one to the simplification\nalgorithm, and the returned geometries are put into a geometry\ncollection as result.\n\nThe max_distance argument is the distance (in units of the input\ncoordinates) of a vertex to other segments to be removed. Vertices\nwithin this distance of the simplified linestring are removed. If the\nmax_distance argument is not positive, or is NaN, an ER_WRONG_ARGUMENTS\nerror occurs.\n\nAccording to Boost.Geometry, geometries might become invalid as a\nresult of the simplification process, and the process might create\nself-intersections. To check the validity of the result, pass it to\nST_IsValid().\n\nIf the geometry argument is not a syntactically well-formed geometry\nbyte string, an ER_GIS_INVALID_DATA error occurs.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-convenience-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SET @g = ST_GeomFromText(\'LINESTRING(0 0,0 1,1 1,1 2,2 2,2 3,3 3)\');\nmysql> SELECT ST_AsText(ST_Simplify(@g, 0.5));\n+---------------------------------+\n| ST_AsText(ST_Simplify(@g, 0.5)) |\n+---------------------------------+\n| LINESTRING(0 0,0 1,1 1,2 3,3 3) |\n+---------------------------------+\nmysql> SELECT ST_AsText(ST_Simplify(@g, 1.0));\n+---------------------------------+\n| ST_AsText(ST_Simplify(@g, 1.0)) |\n+---------------------------------+\n| LINESTRING(0 0,3 3) |\n+---------------------------------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-convenience-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (57,8,'EXECUTE STATEMENT','Syntax:\nEXECUTE stmt_name\n [USING @var_name [, @var_name] ...]\n\nAfter preparing a statement with PREPARE, you execute it with an\nEXECUTE statement that refers to the prepared statement name. If the\nprepared statement contains any parameter markers, you must supply a\nUSING clause that lists user variables containing the values to be\nbound to the parameters. Parameter values can be supplied only by user\nvariables, and the USING clause must name exactly as many variables as\nthe number of parameter markers in the statement.\n\nYou can execute a given prepared statement multiple times, passing\ndifferent variables to it or setting the variables to different values\nbefore each execution.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/execute.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/execute.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (58,40,'DROP INDEX','Syntax:\nDROP INDEX index_name ON tbl_name\n [algorithm_option | lock_option] ...\n\nalgorithm_option:\n ALGORITHM [=] {DEFAULT|INPLACE|COPY}\n\nlock_option:\n LOCK [=] {DEFAULT|NONE|SHARED|EXCLUSIVE}\n\nDROP INDEX drops the index named index_name from the table tbl_name.\nThis statement is mapped to an ALTER TABLE statement to drop the index.\nSee [HELP ALTER TABLE].\n\nTo drop a primary key, the index name is always PRIMARY, which must be\nspecified as a quoted identifier because PRIMARY is a reserved word:\n\nDROP INDEX `PRIMARY` ON t;\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/drop-index.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/drop-index.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (59,3,'ABS','Syntax:\nABS(X)\n\nReturns the absolute value of X.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mathematical-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT ABS(2);\n -> 2\nmysql> SELECT ABS(-32);\n -> 32\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mathematical-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (60,14,'IS_IPV4','Syntax:\nIS_IPV4(expr)\n\nReturns 1 if the argument is a valid IPv4 address specified as a\nstring, 0 otherwise.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/miscellaneous-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT IS_IPV4(\'\'), IS_IPV4(\'\');\n -> 1, 0\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/miscellaneous-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (61,33,'POLYFROMWKB','PolyFromWKB(wkb[, srid]), PolygonFromWKB(wkb[, srid])\n\nST_PolyFromWKB(), ST_PolygonFromWKB(), PolyFromWKB(), and\nPolygonFromWKB() are synonyms. For more information, see the\ndescription of ST_PolyFromWKB().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-wkb-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-wkb-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (62,38,'NOT LIKE','Syntax:\nexpr NOT LIKE pat [ESCAPE \'escape_char\']\n\nThis is the same as NOT (expr LIKE pat [ESCAPE \'escape_char\']).\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-comparison-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-comparison-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (63,38,'SPACE','Syntax:\nSPACE(N)\n\nReturns a string consisting of N space characters.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT SPACE(6);\n -> \' \'\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (64,16,'MAX','Syntax:\nMAX([DISTINCT] expr)\n\nReturns the maximum value of expr. MAX() may take a string argument; in\nsuch cases, it returns the maximum string value. See\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mysql-indexes.html. The DISTINCT\nkeyword can be used to find the maximum of the distinct values of expr,\nhowever, this produces the same result as omitting DISTINCT.\n\nIf there are no matching rows, MAX() returns NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/group-by-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT student_name, MIN(test_score), MAX(test_score)\n FROM student\n GROUP BY student_name;\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/group-by-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (65,22,'CREATE FUNCTION UDF','Syntax:\nCREATE [AGGREGATE] FUNCTION function_name\n RETURNS {STRING|INTEGER|REAL|DECIMAL}\n SONAME shared_library_name\n\nA user-defined function (UDF) is a way to extend MySQL with a new\nfunction that works like a native (built-in) MySQL function such as\nABS() or CONCAT().\n\nfunction_name is the name that should be used in SQL statements to\ninvoke the function. The RETURNS clause indicates the type of the\nfunction\'s return value. DECIMAL is a legal value after RETURNS, but\ncurrently DECIMAL functions return string values and should be written\nlike STRING functions.\n\nshared_library_name is the base name of the shared library file that\ncontains the code that implements the function. The file must be\nlocated in the plugin directory. This directory is given by the value\nof the plugin_dir system variable. For more information, see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/udf-compiling.html.\n\nTo create a function, you must have the INSERT privilege for the mysql\ndatabase. This is necessary because CREATE FUNCTION adds a row to the\nmysql.func system table that records the function\'s name, type, and\nshared library name. If you do not have this table, you should run the\nmysql_upgrade command to create it. See\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mysql-upgrade.html.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/create-function-udf.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/create-function-udf.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (66,23,'TIMESTAMP','TIMESTAMP[(fsp)]\n\nA timestamp. The range is \'1970-01-01 00:00:01.000000\' UTC to\n\'2038-01-19 03:14:07.999999\' UTC. TIMESTAMP values are stored as the\nnumber of seconds since the epoch (\'1970-01-01 00:00:00\' UTC). A\nTIMESTAMP cannot represent the value \'1970-01-01 00:00:00\' because that\nis equivalent to 0 seconds from the epoch and the value 0 is reserved\nfor representing \'0000-00-00 00:00:00\', the "zero" TIMESTAMP value.\n\nAn optional fsp value in the range from 0 to 6 may be given to specify\nfractional seconds precision. A value of 0 signifies that there is no\nfractional part. If omitted, the default precision is 0.\n\nThe way the server handles TIMESTAMP definitions depends on the value\nof the explicit_defaults_for_timestamp system variable (see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/server-system-variables.html).\n\nIf explicit_defaults_for_timestamp is enabled, there is no automatic\nassignment of the DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP or ON UPDATE\nCURRENT_TIMESTAMP attributes to any TIMESTAMP column. They must be\nincluded explicitly in the column definition. Also, any TIMESTAMP not\nexplicitly declared as NOT NULL permits NULL values.\n\nIf explicit_defaults_for_timestamp is disabled, the server handles\nTIMESTAMP as follows:\n\nUnless specified otherwise, the first TIMESTAMP column in a table is\ndefined to be automatically set to the date and time of the most recent\nmodification if not explicitly assigned a value. This makes TIMESTAMP\nuseful for recording the timestamp of an INSERT or UPDATE operation.\nYou can also set any TIMESTAMP column to the current date and time by\nassigning it a NULL value, unless it has been defined with the NULL\nattribute to permit NULL values.\n\nAutomatic initialization and updating to the current date and time can\nbe specified using DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP and ON UPDATE\nCURRENT_TIMESTAMP column definition clauses. By default, the first\nTIMESTAMP column has these properties, as previously noted. However,\nany TIMESTAMP column in a table can be defined to have these\nproperties.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-type-overview.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-type-overview.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (67,7,'CREATE_ASYMMETRIC_PUB_KEY','Syntax:\nCREATE_ASYMMETRIC_PUB_KEY(algorithm, priv_key_str)\n\nDerives a public key from the given private key using the given\nalgorithm, and returns the key as a binary string in PEM format. If key\nderivation fails, the result is NULL.\n\npriv_key_str must be a valid key string in PEM format. algorithm\nindicates the encryption algorithm used to create the key.\n\nSupported algorithm values: \'RSA\', \'DSA\', \'DH\'\n\nFor a usage example, see the description of\nCREATE_ASYMMETRIC_PRIV_KEY().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/enterprise-encryption-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/enterprise-encryption-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (68,27,'CACHE INDEX','Syntax:\nCACHE INDEX\n tbl_index_list [, tbl_index_list] ...\n [PARTITION (partition_list | ALL)]\n IN key_cache_name\n\ntbl_index_list:\n tbl_name [[INDEX|KEY] (index_name[, index_name] ...)]\n\npartition_list:\n partition_name[, partition_name][, ...]\n\nThe CACHE INDEX statement assigns table indexes to a specific key\ncache. It is used only for MyISAM tables. After the indexes have been\nassigned, they can be preloaded into the cache if desired with LOAD\nINDEX INTO CACHE.\n\nThe following statement assigns indexes from the tables t1, t2, and t3\nto the key cache named hot_cache:\n\nmysql> CACHE INDEX t1, t2, t3 IN hot_cache;\n+---------+--------------------+----------+----------+\n| Table | Op | Msg_type | Msg_text |\n+---------+--------------------+----------+----------+\n| test.t1 | assign_to_keycache | status | OK |\n| test.t2 | assign_to_keycache | status | OK |\n| test.t3 | assign_to_keycache | status | OK |\n+---------+--------------------+----------+----------+\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/cache-index.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/cache-index.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (69,12,'COMPRESS','Syntax:\nCOMPRESS(string_to_compress)\n\nCompresses a string and returns the result as a binary string. This\nfunction requires MySQL to have been compiled with a compression\nlibrary such as zlib. Otherwise, the return value is always NULL. The\ncompressed string can be uncompressed with UNCOMPRESS().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/encryption-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT LENGTH(COMPRESS(REPEAT(\'a\',1000)));\n -> 21\nmysql> SELECT LENGTH(COMPRESS(\'\'));\n -> 0\nmysql> SELECT LENGTH(COMPRESS(\'a\'));\n -> 13\nmysql> SELECT LENGTH(COMPRESS(REPEAT(\'a\',16)));\n -> 15\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/encryption-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (70,28,'HANDLER','Syntax:\nHANDLER tbl_name OPEN [ [AS] alias]\n\nHANDLER tbl_name READ index_name { = | <= | >= | < | > } (value1,value2,...)\n [ WHERE where_condition ] [LIMIT ... ]\nHANDLER tbl_name READ index_name { FIRST | NEXT | PREV | LAST }\n [ WHERE where_condition ] [LIMIT ... ]\nHANDLER tbl_name READ { FIRST | NEXT }\n [ WHERE where_condition ] [LIMIT ... ]\n\nHANDLER tbl_name CLOSE\n\nThe HANDLER statement provides direct access to table storage engine\ninterfaces. It is available for InnoDB and MyISAM tables.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/handler.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/handler.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (71,9,'HELP_DATE','This help information was generated from the MySQL 5.7 Reference Manual\non: 2018-06-07\n','',''); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (72,40,'RENAME TABLE','Syntax:\nRENAME TABLE\n tbl_name TO new_tbl_name\n [, tbl_name2 TO new_tbl_name2] ...\n\nRENAME TABLE renames one or more tables. You must have ALTER and DROP\nprivileges for the original table, and CREATE and INSERT privileges for\nthe new table.\n\nFor example, to rename a table named old_table to to new_table, use\nthis statement:\n\nRENAME TABLE old_table TO new_table;\n\nThat statement is equivalent to the following ALTER TABLE statement:\n\nALTER TABLE old_table RENAME new_table;\n\nRENAME TABLE, unlike ALTER TABLE, can rename multiple tables within a\nsingle statement:\n\nRENAME TABLE old_table1 TO new_table1,\n old_table2 TO new_table2,\n old_table3 TO new_table3;\n\nRenaming operations are performed left to right. Thus, to swap two\ntable names, do this (assuming that a table with the intermediary name\ntmp_table does not already exist):\n\nRENAME TABLE old_table TO tmp_table,\n new_table TO old_table,\n tmp_table TO new_table;\n\nWhen you execute RENAME TABLE, you cannot have any locked tables or\nactive transactions. With that condition satisfied, the rename\noperation is done atomically; no other session can access any of the\ntables while the rename is in progress.\n\nIf any errors occur during a RENAME TABLE, the statement fails and no\nchanges are made.\n\nYou can use RENAME TABLE to move a table from one database to another:\n\nRENAME TABLE current_db.tbl_name TO other_db.tbl_name;\n\nUsing this method to move all tables from one database to a different\none in effect renames the database (an operation for which MySQL has no\nsingle statement), except that the original database continues to\nexist, albeit with no tables.\n\nLike RENAME TABLE, ALTER TABLE ... RENAME can also be used to move a\ntable to a different database. Regardless of the statement used, if the\nrename operation would move the table to a database located on a\ndifferent file system, the success of the outcome is platform specific\nand depends on the underlying operating system calls used to move the\ntable files.\n\nIf a table has triggers, attempts to rename the table into a different\ndatabase fail with a Trigger in wrong schema error.\n\nRENAME TABLE does not work for TEMPORARY tables. However, you can use\nALTER TABLE to rename TEMPORARY tables.\n\nRENAME TABLE works for views, except that views cannot be renamed into\na different database.\n\nAny privileges granted specifically for a renamed table or view are not\nmigrated to the new name. They must be changed manually.\n\nRENAME TABLE changes internally generated foreign key constraint names\nand user-defined foreign key constraint names that contain the string\n"tbl_name_ibfk_" to reflect the new table name. InnoDB interprets\nforeign key constraint names that contain the string "tbl_name_ibfk_"\nas internally generated names.\n\nForeign key constraint names that point to the renamed table are\nautomatically updated unless there is a conflict, in which case, the\nstatement fails with an error. A conflict occurs if the renamed\nconstraint name already exists. In such cases, you must drop and\nre-create the foreign keys in order for them to function properly.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/rename-table.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/rename-table.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (73,23,'BOOLEAN','BOOL, BOOLEAN\n\nThese types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered\nfalse. Nonzero values are considered true:\n\nmysql> SELECT IF(0, \'true\', \'false\');\n+------------------------+\n| IF(0, \'true\', \'false\') |\n+------------------------+\n| false |\n+------------------------+\n\nmysql> SELECT IF(1, \'true\', \'false\');\n+------------------------+\n| IF(1, \'true\', \'false\') |\n+------------------------+\n| true |\n+------------------------+\n\nmysql> SELECT IF(2, \'true\', \'false\');\n+------------------------+\n| IF(2, \'true\', \'false\') |\n+------------------------+\n| true |\n+------------------------+\n\nHowever, the values TRUE and FALSE are merely aliases for 1 and 0,\nrespectively, as shown here:\n\nmysql> SELECT IF(0 = FALSE, \'true\', \'false\');\n+--------------------------------+\n| IF(0 = FALSE, \'true\', \'false\') |\n+--------------------------------+\n| true |\n+--------------------------------+\n\nmysql> SELECT IF(1 = TRUE, \'true\', \'false\');\n+-------------------------------+\n| IF(1 = TRUE, \'true\', \'false\') |\n+-------------------------------+\n| true |\n+-------------------------------+\n\nmysql> SELECT IF(2 = TRUE, \'true\', \'false\');\n+-------------------------------+\n| IF(2 = TRUE, \'true\', \'false\') |\n+-------------------------------+\n| false |\n+-------------------------------+\n\nmysql> SELECT IF(2 = FALSE, \'true\', \'false\');\n+--------------------------------+\n| IF(2 = FALSE, \'true\', \'false\') |\n+--------------------------------+\n| false |\n+--------------------------------+\n\nThe last two statements display the results shown because 2 is equal to\nneither 1 nor 0.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/numeric-type-overview.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/numeric-type-overview.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (74,7,'JSON_EXTRACT','Syntax:\nJSON_EXTRACT(json_doc, path[, path] ...)\n\nReturns data from a JSON document, selected from the parts of the\ndocument matched by the path arguments. Returns NULL if any argument is\nNULL or no paths locate a value in the document. An error occurs if the\njson_doc argument is not a valid JSON document or any path argument is\nnot a valid path expression.\n\nThe return value consists of all values matched by the path arguments.\nIf it is possible that those arguments could return multiple values,\nthe matched values are autowrapped as an array, in the order\ncorresponding to the paths that produced them. Otherwise, the return\nvalue is the single matched value.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/json-search-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT JSON_EXTRACT(\'[10, 20, [30, 40]]\', \'$[1]\');\n+--------------------------------------------+\n| JSON_EXTRACT(\'[10, 20, [30, 40]]\', \'$[1]\') |\n+--------------------------------------------+\n| 20 |\n+--------------------------------------------+\nmysql> SELECT JSON_EXTRACT(\'[10, 20, [30, 40]]\', \'$[1]\', \'$[0]\');\n+----------------------------------------------------+\n| JSON_EXTRACT(\'[10, 20, [30, 40]]\', \'$[1]\', \'$[0]\') |\n+----------------------------------------------------+\n| [20, 10] |\n+----------------------------------------------------+\nmysql> SELECT JSON_EXTRACT(\'[10, 20, [30, 40]]\', \'$[2][*]\');\n+-----------------------------------------------+\n| JSON_EXTRACT(\'[10, 20, [30, 40]]\', \'$[2][*]\') |\n+-----------------------------------------------+\n| [30, 40] |\n+-----------------------------------------------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/json-search-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (75,3,'MOD','Syntax:\nMOD(N,M), N % M, N MOD M\n\nModulo operation. Returns the remainder of N divided by M.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mathematical-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT MOD(234, 10);\n -> 4\nmysql> SELECT 253 % 7;\n -> 1\nmysql> SELECT MOD(29,9);\n -> 2\nmysql> SELECT 29 MOD 9;\n -> 2\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mathematical-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (76,37,'ST_GEOMETRYTYPE','ST_GeometryType(g)\n\nReturns a binary string indicating the name of the geometry type of\nwhich the geometry instance g is a member, or NULL if the argument is\nNULL. The name corresponds to one of the instantiable Geometry\nsubclasses.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-general-property-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT ST_GeometryType(ST_GeomFromText(\'POINT(1 1)\'));\n+------------------------------------------------+\n| ST_GeometryType(ST_GeomFromText(\'POINT(1 1)\')) |\n+------------------------------------------------+\n| POINT |\n+------------------------------------------------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-general-property-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (77,29,'HELP STATEMENT','Syntax:\nHELP \'search_string\'\n\nThe HELP statement returns online information from the MySQL Reference\nmanual. Its proper operation requires that the help tables in the mysql\ndatabase be initialized with help topic information (see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/server-side-help-support.html).\n\nThe HELP statement searches the help tables for the given search string\nand displays the result of the search. The search string is not\ncase-sensitive.\n\nThe search string can contain the wildcard characters % and _. These\nhave the same meaning as for pattern-matching operations performed with\nthe LIKE operator. For example, HELP \'rep%\' returns a list of topics\nthat begin with rep.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/help.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/help.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (78,38,'UCASE','Syntax:\nUCASE(str)\n\nUCASE() is a synonym for UPPER().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (79,27,'SHOW BINLOG EVENTS','Syntax:\nSHOW BINLOG EVENTS\n [IN \'log_name\']\n [FROM pos]\n [LIMIT [offset,] row_count]\n\nShows the events in the binary log. If you do not specify \'log_name\',\nthe first binary log is displayed.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-binlog-events.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-binlog-events.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (80,33,'MPOLYFROMWKB','MPolyFromWKB(wkb[, srid]), MultiPolygonFromWKB(wkb[, srid])\n\nST_MPolyFromWKB(), ST_MultiPolygonFromWKB(), MPolyFromWKB(), and\nMultiPolygonFromWKB() are synonyms. For more information, see the\ndescription of ST_MPolyFromWKB().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-wkb-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-wkb-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (81,24,'ITERATE','Syntax:\nITERATE label\n\nITERATE can appear only within LOOP, REPEAT, and WHILE statements.\nITERATE means "start the loop again."\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/iterate.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/iterate.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (82,28,'DO','Syntax:\nDO expr [, expr] ...\n\nDO executes the expressions but does not return any results. In most\nrespects, DO is shorthand for SELECT expr, ..., but has the advantage\nthat it is slightly faster when you do not care about the result.\n\nDO is useful primarily with functions that have side effects, such as\nRELEASE_LOCK().\n\nExample: This SELECT statement pauses, but also produces a result set:\n\nmysql> SELECT SLEEP(5);\n+----------+\n| SLEEP(5) |\n+----------+\n| 0 |\n+----------+\n1 row in set (5.02 sec)\n\nDO, on the other hand, pauses without producing a result set.:\n\nmysql> DO SLEEP(5);\nQuery OK, 0 rows affected (4.99 sec)\n\nThis could be useful, for example in a stored function or trigger,\nwhich prohibit statements that produce result sets.\n\nDO only executes expressions. It cannot be used in all cases where\nSELECT can be used. For example, DO id FROM t1 is invalid because it\nreferences a table.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/do.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/do.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (83,38,'CHAR_LENGTH','Syntax:\nCHAR_LENGTH(str)\n\nReturns the length of the string str, measured in characters. A\nmultibyte character counts as a single character. This means that for a\nstring containing five 2-byte characters, LENGTH() returns 10, whereas\nCHAR_LENGTH() returns 5.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (84,23,'DATE','DATE\n\nA date. The supported range is \'1000-01-01\' to \'9999-12-31\'. MySQL\ndisplays DATE values in \'YYYY-MM-DD\' format, but permits assignment of\nvalues to DATE columns using either strings or numbers.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-type-overview.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-type-overview.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (85,33,'ST_ASTEXT','ST_AsText(g), ST_AsWKT(g)\n\nConverts a value in internal geometry format to its WKT representation\nand returns the string result.\n\nIf the argument is NULL, the return value is NULL. If the argument is\nnot a syntactically well-formed geometry, an ER_GIS_INVALID_DATA error\noccurs.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-format-conversion-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SET @g = \'LineString(1 1,2 2,3 3)\';\nmysql> SELECT ST_AsText(ST_GeomFromText(@g));\n+--------------------------------+\n| ST_AsText(ST_GeomFromText(@g)) |\n+--------------------------------+\n| LINESTRING(1 1,2 2,3 3) |\n+--------------------------------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-format-conversion-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (86,7,'JSON_TYPE','Syntax:\nJSON_TYPE(json_val)\n\nReturns a utf8mb4 string indicating the type of a JSON value. This can\nbe an object, an array, or a scalar type, as shown here:\n\nmysql> SET @j = \'{"a": [10, true]}\';\nmysql> SELECT JSON_TYPE(@j);\n+---------------+\n| JSON_TYPE(@j) |\n+---------------+\n| OBJECT |\n+---------------+\nmysql> SELECT JSON_TYPE(JSON_EXTRACT(@j, \'$.a\'));\n+------------------------------------+\n| JSON_TYPE(JSON_EXTRACT(@j, \'$.a\')) |\n+------------------------------------+\n| ARRAY |\n+------------------------------------+\nmysql> SELECT JSON_TYPE(JSON_EXTRACT(@j, \'$.a[0]\'));\n+---------------------------------------+\n| JSON_TYPE(JSON_EXTRACT(@j, \'$.a[0]\')) |\n+---------------------------------------+\n| INTEGER |\n+---------------------------------------+\nmysql> SELECT JSON_TYPE(JSON_EXTRACT(@j, \'$.a[1]\'));\n+---------------------------------------+\n| JSON_TYPE(JSON_EXTRACT(@j, \'$.a[1]\')) |\n+---------------------------------------+\n| BOOLEAN |\n+---------------------------------------+\n\nJSON_TYPE() returns NULL if the argument is NULL:\n\nmysql> SELECT JSON_TYPE(NULL);\n+-----------------+\n| JSON_TYPE(NULL) |\n+-----------------+\n| NULL |\n+-----------------+\n\nAn error occurs if the argument is not a valid JSON value:\n\nmysql> SELECT JSON_TYPE(1);\nERROR 3146 (22032): Invalid data type for JSON data in argument 1\nto function json_type; a JSON string or JSON type is required.\n\nFor a non-NULL, non-error result, the following list describes the\npossible JSON_TYPE() return values:\n\no Purely JSON types:\n\n o OBJECT: JSON objects\n\n o ARRAY: JSON arrays\n\n o BOOLEAN: The JSON true and false literals\n\n o NULL: The JSON null literal\n\no Numeric types:\n\n o INTEGER: MySQL TINYINT, SMALLINT, MEDIUMINT and INT and BIGINT\n scalars\n\n o DOUBLE: MySQL DOUBLE FLOAT scalars\n\n o DECIMAL: MySQL DECIMAL and NUMERIC scalars\n\no Temporal types:\n\n o DATETIME: MySQL DATETIME and TIMESTAMP scalars\n\n o DATE: MySQL DATE scalars\n\n o TIME: MySQL TIME scalars\n\no String types:\n\n o STRING: MySQL utf8 character type scalars: CHAR, VARCHAR, TEXT,\n ENUM, and SET\n\no Binary types:\n\n o BLOB: MySQL binary type scalars: BINARY, VARBINARY, BLOB\n\n o BIT: MySQL BIT scalars\n\no All other types:\n\n o OPAQUE (raw bits)\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/json-attribute-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/json-attribute-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (87,38,'EXTRACTVALUE','Syntax:\nExtractValue(xml_frag, xpath_expr)\n\nExtractValue() takes two string arguments, a fragment of XML markup\nxml_frag and an XPath expression xpath_expr (also known as a locator);\nit returns the text (CDATA) of the first text node which is a child of\nthe element or elements matched by the XPath expression.\n\nUsing this function is the equivalent of performing a match using the\nxpath_expr after appending /text(). In other words,\nExtractValue(\'Sakila\', \'/a/b\') and\nExtractValue(\'Sakila\', \'/a/b/text()\') produce the same\nresult.\n\nIf multiple matches are found, the content of the first child text node\nof each matching element is returned (in the order matched) as a\nsingle, space-delimited string.\n\nIf no matching text node is found for the expression (including the\nimplicit /text())---for whatever reason, as long as xpath_expr is\nvalid, and xml_frag consists of elements which are properly nested and\nclosed---an empty string is returned. No distinction is made between a\nmatch on an empty element and no match at all. This is by design.\n\nIf you need to determine whether no matching element was found in\nxml_frag or such an element was found but contained no child text\nnodes, you should test the result of an expression that uses the XPath\ncount() function. For example, both of these statements return an empty\nstring, as shown here:\n\nmysql> SELECT ExtractValue(\'\', \'/a/b\');\n+-------------------------------------+\n| ExtractValue(\'\', \'/a/b\') |\n+-------------------------------------+\n| |\n+-------------------------------------+\n1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> SELECT ExtractValue(\'\', \'/a/b\');\n+-------------------------------------+\n| ExtractValue(\'\', \'/a/b\') |\n+-------------------------------------+\n| |\n+-------------------------------------+\n1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n\nHowever, you can determine whether there was actually a matching\nelement using the following:\n\nmysql> SELECT ExtractValue(\'\', \'count(/a/b)\');\n+-------------------------------------+\n| ExtractValue(\'\', \'count(/a/b)\') |\n+-------------------------------------+\n| 1 |\n+-------------------------------------+\n1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> SELECT ExtractValue(\'\', \'count(/a/b)\');\n+-------------------------------------+\n| ExtractValue(\'\', \'count(/a/b)\') |\n+-------------------------------------+\n| 0 |\n+-------------------------------------+\n1 row in set (0.01 sec)\n\n*Important*:\n\nExtractValue() returns only CDATA, and does not return any tags that\nmight be contained within a matching tag, nor any of their content (see\nthe result returned as val1 in the following example).\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/xml-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT\n -> ExtractValue(\'cccddd\', \'/a\') AS val1,\n -> ExtractValue(\'cccddd\', \'/a/b\') AS val2,\n -> ExtractValue(\'cccddd\', \'//b\') AS val3,\n -> ExtractValue(\'cccddd\', \'/b\') AS val4,\n -> ExtractValue(\'cccdddeee\', \'//b\') AS val5;\n\n+------+------+------+------+---------+\n| val1 | val2 | val3 | val4 | val5 |\n+------+------+------+------+---------+\n| ccc | ddd | ddd | | ddd eee |\n+------+------+------+------+---------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/xml-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (88,12,'OLD_PASSWORD','Syntax:\nOLD_PASSWORD(str)\n\nOLD_PASSWORD() was added when the implementation of PASSWORD() was\nchanged in MySQL 4.1 to improve security. OLD_PASSWORD() returned the\nvalue of the pre-4.1 implementation of PASSWORD() as a string, and was\nintended to permit you to reset passwords for any pre-4.1 clients that\nneed to connect to your MySQL server without locking them out. See\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/password-hashing.html.\n\nPasswords that use the pre-4.1 hashing method are less secure than\npasswords that use the native password hashing method. Support for\npre-4.1 passwords was removed in MySQL 5.7.5, as was OLD_PASSWORD().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/encryption-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/encryption-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (89,38,'FORMAT','Syntax:\nFORMAT(X,D[,locale])\n\nFormats the number X to a format like \'#,###,###.##\', rounded to D\ndecimal places, and returns the result as a string. If D is 0, the\nresult has no decimal point or fractional part.\n\nThe optional third parameter enables a locale to be specified to be\nused for the result number\'s decimal point, thousands separator, and\ngrouping between separators. Permissible locale values are the same as\nthe legal values for the lc_time_names system variable (see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/locale-support.html). If no\nlocale is specified, the default is \'en_US\'.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT FORMAT(12332.123456, 4);\n -> \'12,332.1235\'\nmysql> SELECT FORMAT(12332.1,4);\n -> \'12,332.1000\'\nmysql> SELECT FORMAT(12332.2,0);\n -> \'12,332\'\nmysql> SELECT FORMAT(12332.2,2,\'de_DE\');\n -> \'12.332,20\'\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (90,38,'BIT_LENGTH','Syntax:\nBIT_LENGTH(str)\n\nReturns the length of the string str in bits.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT BIT_LENGTH(\'text\');\n -> 32\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (91,2,'EXTERIORRING','ExteriorRing(poly)\n\nST_ExteriorRing() and ExteriorRing() are synonyms. For more\ninformation, see the description of ST_ExteriorRing().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-polygon-property-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-polygon-property-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (92,33,'GEOMFROMWKB','GeomFromWKB(wkb[, srid]), GeometryFromWKB(wkb[, srid])\n\nST_GeomFromWKB(), ST_GeometryFromWKB(), GeomFromWKB(), and\nGeometryFromWKB() are synonyms. For more information, see the\ndescription of ST_GeomFromWKB().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-wkb-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-wkb-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (93,20,'BETWEEN AND','Syntax:\nexpr BETWEEN min AND max\n\nIf expr is greater than or equal to min and expr is less than or equal\nto max, BETWEEN returns 1, otherwise it returns 0. This is equivalent\nto the expression (min <= expr AND expr <= max) if all the arguments\nare of the same type. Otherwise type conversion takes place according\nto the rules described in\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/type-conversion.html, but\napplied to all the three arguments.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/comparison-operators.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT 2 BETWEEN 1 AND 3, 2 BETWEEN 3 and 1;\n -> 1, 0\nmysql> SELECT 1 BETWEEN 2 AND 3;\n -> 0\nmysql> SELECT \'b\' BETWEEN \'a\' AND \'c\';\n -> 1\nmysql> SELECT 2 BETWEEN 2 AND \'3\';\n -> 1\nmysql> SELECT 2 BETWEEN 2 AND \'x-3\';\n -> 0\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/comparison-operators.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (94,25,'MULTIPOLYGON','MultiPolygon(poly [, poly] ...)\n\nConstructs a MultiPolygon value from a set of Polygon or WKB Polygon\narguments.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-mysql-specific-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-mysql-specific-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (95,38,'LEFT','Syntax:\nLEFT(str,len)\n\nReturns the leftmost len characters from the string str, or NULL if any\nargument is NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT LEFT(\'foobarbar\', 5);\n -> \'fooba\'\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (96,13,'ST_ISCLOSED','ST_IsClosed(ls)\n\nFor a LineString value ls, ST_IsClosed() returns 1 if ls is closed\n(that is, its ST_StartPoint() and ST_EndPoint() values are the same).\nIf the argument is NULL or an empty geometry, the return value is NULL.\n\nFor a MultiLineString value ls, ST_IsClosed() returns 1 if ls is closed\n(that is, the ST_StartPoint() and ST_EndPoint() values are the same for\neach LineString in ls).\n\nST_IsClosed() returns 0 if ls is not closed.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-linestring-property-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SET @ls1 = \'LineString(1 1,2 2,3 3,2 2)\';\nmysql> SET @ls2 = \'LineString(1 1,2 2,3 3,1 1)\';\n\nmysql> SELECT ST_IsClosed(ST_GeomFromText(@ls1));\n+------------------------------------+\n| ST_IsClosed(ST_GeomFromText(@ls1)) |\n+------------------------------------+\n| 0 |\n+------------------------------------+\n\nmysql> SELECT ST_IsClosed(ST_GeomFromText(@ls2));\n+------------------------------------+\n| ST_IsClosed(ST_GeomFromText(@ls2)) |\n+------------------------------------+\n| 1 |\n+------------------------------------+\n\nmysql> SET @ls3 = \'MultiLineString((1 1,2 2,3 3),(4 4,5 5))\';\n\nmysql> SELECT ST_IsClosed(ST_GeomFromText(@ls3));\n+------------------------------------+\n| ST_IsClosed(ST_GeomFromText(@ls3)) |\n+------------------------------------+\n| 0 |\n+------------------------------------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-linestring-property-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (97,27,'FLUSH QUERY CACHE','You can defragment the query cache to better utilize its memory with\nthe FLUSH QUERY CACHE statement. The statement does not remove any\nqueries from the cache.\n\nThe RESET QUERY CACHE statement removes all query results from the\nquery cache. The FLUSH TABLES statement also does this.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/query-cache-status-and-maintenance.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/query-cache-status-and-maintenance.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (98,23,'SET DATA TYPE','SET(\'value1\',\'value2\',...) [CHARACTER SET charset_name] [COLLATE\ncollation_name]\n\nA set. A string object that can have zero or more values, each of which\nmust be chosen from the list of values \'value1\', \'value2\', ... SET\nvalues are represented internally as integers.\n\nA SET column can have a maximum of 64 distinct members. A table can\nhave no more than 255 unique element list definitions among its ENUM\nand SET columns considered as a group. For more information on this\nlimit, see http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/limits-frm-file.html.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-type-overview.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-type-overview.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (99,3,'RAND','Syntax:\nRAND([N])\n\nReturns a random floating-point value v in the range 0 <= v < 1.0. To\nobtain a random integer R in the range i <= R < j, use the expression\nFLOOR(i + RAND() * (j − i)). For example, to obtain a random integer\nin the range the range 7 <= R < 12, use the following statement:\n\nSELECT FLOOR(7 + (RAND() * 5));\n\nIf an integer argument N is specified, it is used as the seed value:\n\no With a constant initializer argument, the seed is initialized once\n when the statement is prepared, prior to execution.\n\no With a nonconstant initializer argument (such as a column name), the\n seed is initialized with the value for each invocation of RAND().\n\nOne implication of this behavior is that for equal argument values,\nRAND(N) returns the same value each time, and thus produces a\nrepeatable sequence of column values. In the following example, the\nsequence of values produced by RAND(3) is the same both places it\noccurs.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mathematical-functions.html\n\n','mysql> CREATE TABLE t (i INT);\nQuery OK, 0 rows affected (0.42 sec)\n\nmysql> INSERT INTO t VALUES(1),(2),(3);\nQuery OK, 3 rows affected (0.00 sec)\nRecords: 3 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0\n\nmysql> SELECT i, RAND() FROM t;\n+------+------------------+\n| i | RAND() |\n+------+------------------+\n| 1 | 0.61914388706828 |\n| 2 | 0.93845168309142 |\n| 3 | 0.83482678498591 |\n+------+------------------+\n3 rows in set (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> SELECT i, RAND(3) FROM t;\n+------+------------------+\n| i | RAND(3) |\n+------+------------------+\n| 1 | 0.90576975597606 |\n| 2 | 0.37307905813035 |\n| 3 | 0.14808605345719 |\n+------+------------------+\n3 rows in set (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> SELECT i, RAND() FROM t;\n+------+------------------+\n| i | RAND() |\n+------+------------------+\n| 1 | 0.35877890638893 |\n| 2 | 0.28941420772058 |\n| 3 | 0.37073435016976 |\n+------+------------------+\n3 rows in set (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> SELECT i, RAND(3) FROM t;\n+------+------------------+\n| i | RAND(3) |\n+------+------------------+\n| 1 | 0.90576975597606 |\n| 2 | 0.37307905813035 |\n| 3 | 0.14808605345719 |\n+------+------------------+\n3 rows in set (0.01 sec)\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mathematical-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (100,38,'RPAD','Syntax:\nRPAD(str,len,padstr)\n\nReturns the string str, right-padded with the string padstr to a length\nof len characters. If str is longer than len, the return value is\nshortened to len characters.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT RPAD(\'hi\',5,\'?\');\n -> \'hi???\'\nmysql> SELECT RPAD(\'hi\',1,\'?\');\n -> \'h\'\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (101,23,'DEC','DEC[(M[,D])] [UNSIGNED] [ZEROFILL], NUMERIC[(M[,D])] [UNSIGNED]\n[ZEROFILL], FIXED[(M[,D])] [UNSIGNED] [ZEROFILL]\n\nThese types are synonyms for DECIMAL. The FIXED synonym is available\nfor compatibility with other database systems.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/numeric-type-overview.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/numeric-type-overview.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (102,38,'ELT','Syntax:\nELT(N,str1,str2,str3,...)\n\nELT() returns the Nth element of the list of strings: str1 if N = 1,\nstr2 if N = 2, and so on. Returns NULL if N is less than 1 or greater\nthan the number of arguments. ELT() is the complement of FIELD().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT ELT(1, \'Aa\', \'Bb\', \'Cc\', \'Dd\');\n -> \'Aa\'\nmysql> SELECT ELT(4, \'Aa\', \'Bb\', \'Cc\', \'Dd\');\n -> \'Dd\'\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (103,7,'ST_LONGFROMGEOHASH','ST_LongFromGeoHash(geohash_str)\n\nReturns the longitude from a geohash string value, as a DOUBLE value in\nthe range [−180, 180].\n\nIf the argument is NULL, the return value is NULL. If the argument is\ninvalid, an error occurs.\n\nThe remarks in the description of ST_LatFromGeoHash() regarding the\nmaximum number of characters processed from the geohash_str argument\nalso apply to ST_LongFromGeoHash().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-geohash-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT ST_LongFromGeoHash(ST_GeoHash(45,-20,10));\n+-------------------------------------------+\n| ST_LongFromGeoHash(ST_GeoHash(45,-20,10)) |\n+-------------------------------------------+\n| 45 |\n+-------------------------------------------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-geohash-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (104,40,'ALTER VIEW','Syntax:\nALTER\n [ALGORITHM = {UNDEFINED | MERGE | TEMPTABLE}]\n [DEFINER = { user | CURRENT_USER }]\n [SQL SECURITY { DEFINER | INVOKER }]\n VIEW view_name [(column_list)]\n AS select_statement\n [WITH [CASCADED | LOCAL] CHECK OPTION]\n\nThis statement changes the definition of a view, which must exist. The\nsyntax is similar to that for CREATE VIEW see [HELP CREATE VIEW]). This\nstatement requires the CREATE VIEW and DROP privileges for the view,\nand some privilege for each column referred to in the SELECT statement.\nALTER VIEW is permitted only to the definer or users with the SUPER\nprivilege.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/alter-view.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/alter-view.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (105,27,'SHOW DATABASES','Syntax:\nSHOW {DATABASES | SCHEMAS}\n [LIKE \'pattern\' | WHERE expr]\n\nSHOW DATABASES lists the databases on the MySQL server host. SHOW\nSCHEMAS is a synonym for SHOW DATABASES. The LIKE clause, if present,\nindicates which database names to match. The WHERE clause can be given\nto select rows using more general conditions, as discussed in\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/extended-show.html.\n\nYou see only those databases for which you have some kind of privilege,\nunless you have the global SHOW DATABASES privilege. You can also get\nthis list using the mysqlshow command.\n\nIf the server was started with the --skip-show-database option, you\ncannot use this statement at all unless you have the SHOW DATABASES\nprivilege.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-databases.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-databases.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (106,32,'SEC_TO_TIME','Syntax:\nSEC_TO_TIME(seconds)\n\nReturns the seconds argument, converted to hours, minutes, and seconds,\nas a TIME value. The range of the result is constrained to that of the\nTIME data type. A warning occurs if the argument corresponds to a value\noutside that range.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT SEC_TO_TIME(2378);\n -> \'00:39:38\'\nmysql> SELECT SEC_TO_TIME(2378) + 0;\n -> 3938\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (107,38,'LOCATE','Syntax:\nLOCATE(substr,str), LOCATE(substr,str,pos)\n\nThe first syntax returns the position of the first occurrence of\nsubstring substr in string str. The second syntax returns the position\nof the first occurrence of substring substr in string str, starting at\nposition pos. Returns 0 if substr is not in str. Returns NULL if substr\nor str is NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT LOCATE(\'bar\', \'foobarbar\');\n -> 4\nmysql> SELECT LOCATE(\'xbar\', \'foobar\');\n -> 0\nmysql> SELECT LOCATE(\'bar\', \'foobarbar\', 5);\n -> 7\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (108,27,'SHOW EVENTS','Syntax:\nSHOW EVENTS\n [{FROM | IN} schema_name]\n [LIKE \'pattern\' | WHERE expr]\n\nThis statement displays information about Event Manager events. It\nrequires the EVENT privilege for the database from which the events are\nto be shown.\n\nIn its simplest form, SHOW EVENTS lists all of the events in the\ncurrent schema:\n\nmysql> SELECT CURRENT_USER(), SCHEMA();\n+----------------+----------+\n| CURRENT_USER() | SCHEMA() |\n+----------------+----------+\n| jon@ghidora | myschema |\n+----------------+----------+\n1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> SHOW EVENTS\\G\n*************************** 1. row ***************************\n Db: myschema\n Name: e_daily\n Definer: jon@ghidora\n Time zone: SYSTEM\n Type: RECURRING\n Execute at: NULL\n Interval value: 10\n Interval field: SECOND\n Starts: 2006-02-09 10:41:23\n Ends: NULL\n Status: ENABLED\n Originator: 0\ncharacter_set_client: latin1\ncollation_connection: latin1_swedish_ci\n Database Collation: latin1_swedish_ci\n\nTo see events for a specific schema, use the FROM clause. For example,\nto see events for the test schema, use the following statement:\n\nSHOW EVENTS FROM test;\n\nThe LIKE clause, if present, indicates which event names to match. The\nWHERE clause can be given to select rows using more general conditions,\nas discussed in\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/extended-show.html.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-events.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-events.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (109,7,'JSON_INSERT','Syntax:\nJSON_INSERT(json_doc, path, val[, path, val] ...)\n\nInserts data into a JSON document and returns the result. Returns NULL\nif any argument is NULL. An error occurs if the json_doc argument is\nnot a valid JSON document or any path argument is not a valid path\nexpression or contains a * or ** wildcard.\n\nThe path-value pairs are evaluated left to right. The document produced\nby evaluating one pair becomes the new value against which the next\npair is evaluated.\n\nA path-value pair for an existing path in the document is ignored and\ndoes not overwrite the existing document value. A path-value pair for a\nnonexisting path in the document adds the value to the document if the\npath identifies one of these types of values:\n\no A member not present in an existing object. The member is added to\n the object and associated with the new value.\n\no A position past the end of an existing array. The array is extended\n with the new value. If the existing value is not an array, it is\n autowrapped as an array, then extended with the new value.\n\nOtherwise, a path-value pair for a nonexisting path in the document is\nignored and has no effect.\n\nFor a comparison of JSON_INSERT(), JSON_REPLACE(), and JSON_SET(), see\nthe discussion of JSON_SET().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/json-modification-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SET @j = \'{ "a": 1, "b": [2, 3]}\';\nmysql> SELECT JSON_INSERT(@j, \'$.a\', 10, \'$.c\', \'[true, false]\');\n+----------------------------------------------------+\n| JSON_INSERT(@j, \'$.a\', 10, \'$.c\', \'[true, false]\') |\n+----------------------------------------------------+\n| {"a": 1, "b": [2, 3], "c": "[true, false]"} |\n+----------------------------------------------------+\n\nmysql> SELECT JSON_INSERT(@j, \'$.a\', 10, \'$.c\', CAST(\'[true, false]\' AS JSON));\n+------------------------------------------------------------------+\n| JSON_INSERT(@j, \'$.a\', 10, \'$.c\', CAST(\'[true, false]\' AS JSON)) |\n+------------------------------------------------------------------+\n| {"a": 1, "b": [2, 3], "c": [true, false]} |\n+------------------------------------------------------------------+\n1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/json-modification-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (110,7,'JSON_UNQUOTE','Syntax:\nJSON_UNQUOTE(json_val)\n\nUnquotes JSON value and returns the result as a utf8mb4 string. Returns\nNULL if the argument is NULL. An error occurs if the value starts and\nends with double quotes but is not a valid JSON string literal.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/json-modification-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SET @j = \'"abc"\';\nmysql> SELECT @j, JSON_UNQUOTE(@j);\n+-------+------------------+\n| @j | JSON_UNQUOTE(@j) |\n+-------+------------------+\n| "abc" | abc |\n+-------+------------------+\nmysql> SET @j = \'[1, 2, 3]\';\nmysql> SELECT @j, JSON_UNQUOTE(@j);\n+-----------+------------------+\n| @j | JSON_UNQUOTE(@j) |\n+-----------+------------------+\n| [1, 2, 3] | [1, 2, 3] |\n+-----------+------------------+\n\nmysql> SELECT @@sql_mode;\n+------------+\n| @@sql_mode |\n+------------+\n| |\n+------------+\n\nmysql> SELECT JSON_UNQUOTE(\'"\\\\t\\\\u0032"\');\n+------------------------------+\n| JSON_UNQUOTE(\'"\\\\t\\\\u0032"\') |\n+------------------------------+\n| 2 |\n+------------------------------+\n\nmysql> SET @@sql_mode = \'NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES\';\nmysql> SELECT JSON_UNQUOTE(\'"\\\\t\\\\u0032"\');\n+------------------------------+\n| JSON_UNQUOTE(\'"\\\\t\\\\u0032"\') |\n+------------------------------+\n| \\t\\u0032 |\n+------------------------------+\n\nmysql> SELECT JSON_UNQUOTE(\'"\\t\\u0032"\');\n+----------------------------+\n| JSON_UNQUOTE(\'"\\t\\u0032"\') |\n+----------------------------+\n| 2 |\n+----------------------------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/json-modification-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (111,23,'LONGTEXT','LONGTEXT [CHARACTER SET charset_name] [COLLATE collation_name]\n\nA TEXT column with a maximum length of 4,294,967,295 or 4GB (232 − 1)\ncharacters. The effective maximum length is less if the value contains\nmultibyte characters. The effective maximum length of LONGTEXT columns\nalso depends on the configured maximum packet size in the client/server\nprotocol and available memory. Each LONGTEXT value is stored using a\n4-byte length prefix that indicates the number of bytes in the value.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-type-overview.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-type-overview.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (112,27,'KILL','Syntax:\nKILL [CONNECTION | QUERY] processlist_id\n\nEach connection to mysqld runs in a separate thread. You can kill a\nthread with the KILL processlist_id statement.\n\nThread processlist identifiers can be determined from the ID column of\nthe INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST table, the Id column of SHOW\nPROCESSLIST output, and the PROCESSLIST_ID column of the Performance\nSchema threads table. The value for the current thread is returned by\nthe CONNECTION_ID() function.\n\nKILL permits an optional CONNECTION or QUERY modifier:\n\no KILL CONNECTION is the same as KILL with no modifier: It terminates\n the connection associated with the given processlist_id, after\n terminating any statement the connection is executing.\n\no KILL QUERY terminates the statement the connection is currently\n executing, but leaves the connection itself intact.\n\nIf you have the PROCESS privilege, you can see all threads. If you have\nthe SUPER privilege, you can kill all threads and statements.\nOtherwise, you can see and kill only your own threads and statements.\n\nYou can also use the mysqladmin processlist and mysqladmin kill\ncommands to examine and kill threads.\n\n*Note*:\n\nYou cannot use KILL with the Embedded MySQL Server library because the\nembedded server merely runs inside the threads of the host application.\nIt does not create any connection threads of its own.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/kill.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/kill.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (113,7,'DISJOINT','Disjoint(g1, g2)\n\nMBRDisjoint() and Disjoint() are synonyms. For more information, see\nthe description of MBRDisjoint().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-relation-functions-mbr.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-relation-functions-mbr.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (114,38,'LPAD','Syntax:\nLPAD(str,len,padstr)\n\nReturns the string str, left-padded with the string padstr to a length\nof len characters. If str is longer than len, the return value is\nshortened to len characters.\n\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT LPAD(\'hi\',4,\'??\');\n -> \'??hi\'\nmysql> SELECT LPAD(\'hi\',1,\'??\');\n -> \'h\'\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (115,7,'OVERLAPS','Overlaps(g1, g2)\n\nMBROverlaps() and Overlaps() are synonyms. For more information, see\nthe description of MBROverlaps().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-relation-functions-mbr.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-relation-functions-mbr.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (116,8,'SET GLOBAL SQL_SLAVE_SKIP_COUNTER','Syntax:\nSET GLOBAL sql_slave_skip_counter = N\n\nThis statement skips the next N events from the master. This is useful\nfor recovering from replication stops caused by a statement.\n\nThis statement is valid only when the slave threads are not running.\nOtherwise, it produces an error.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/set-global-sql-slave-skip-counter.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/set-global-sql-slave-skip-counter.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (117,7,'MBREQUAL','MBREqual(g1, g2)\n\nReturns 1 or 0 to indicate whether the minimum bounding rectangles of\nthe two geometries g1 and g2 are the same.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-relation-functions-mbr.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-relation-functions-mbr.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (118,34,'PROCEDURE ANALYSE','Syntax:\nANALYSE([max_elements[,max_memory]])\n\n*Note*:\n\nPROCEDURE ANALYSE() is deprecated as of MySQL 5.7.18, and is removed in\nMySQL 8.0.\n\nANALYSE() examines the result from a query and returns an analysis of\nthe results that suggests optimal data types for each column that may\nhelp reduce table sizes. To obtain this analysis, append PROCEDURE\nANALYSE to the end of a SELECT statement:\n\nSELECT ... FROM ... WHERE ... PROCEDURE ANALYSE([max_elements,[max_memory]])\n\nFor example:\n\nSELECT col1, col2 FROM table1 PROCEDURE ANALYSE(10, 2000);\n\nThe results show some statistics for the values returned by the query,\nand propose an optimal data type for the columns. This can be helpful\nfor checking your existing tables, or after importing new data. You may\nneed to try different settings for the arguments so that PROCEDURE\nANALYSE() does not suggest the ENUM data type when it is not\nappropriate.\n\nThe arguments are optional and are used as follows:\n\no max_elements (default 256) is the maximum number of distinct values\n that ANALYSE() notices per column. This is used by ANALYSE() to check\n whether the optimal data type should be of type ENUM; if there are\n more than max_elements distinct values, then ENUM is not a suggested\n type.\n\no max_memory (default 8192) is the maximum amount of memory that\n ANALYSE() should allocate per column while trying to find all\n distinct values.\n\nA PROCEDURE clause is not permitted in a UNION statement.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/procedure-analyse.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/procedure-analyse.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (119,9,'HELP_VERSION','This help information was generated from the MySQL 5.7 Reference Manual\non: 2018-06-07 (revision: 57614)\n\nThis information applies to MySQL 5.7 through 5.7.24.\n','',''); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (120,38,'CHARACTER_LENGTH','Syntax:\nCHARACTER_LENGTH(str)\n\nCHARACTER_LENGTH() is a synonym for CHAR_LENGTH().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (121,27,'SHOW PRIVILEGES','Syntax:\nSHOW PRIVILEGES\n\nSHOW PRIVILEGES shows the list of system privileges that the MySQL\nserver supports. The exact list of privileges depends on the version of\nyour server.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-privileges.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-privileges.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (122,40,'CREATE TABLESPACE','Syntax:\nCREATE TABLESPACE tablespace_name\n\n InnoDB and NDB:\n ADD DATAFILE \'file_name\'\n\n InnoDB only:\n [FILE_BLOCK_SIZE = value]\n\n NDB only:\n USE LOGFILE GROUP logfile_group\n [EXTENT_SIZE [=] extent_size]\n [INITIAL_SIZE [=] initial_size]\n [AUTOEXTEND_SIZE [=] autoextend_size]\n [MAX_SIZE [=] max_size]\n [NODEGROUP [=] nodegroup_id]\n [WAIT]\n [COMMENT [=] \'string\']\n\n InnoDB and NDB:\n [ENGINE [=] engine_name]\n\nThis statement is used to create a tablespace. The precise syntax and\nsemantics depend on the storage engine used. In standard MySQL 5.7\nreleases, this is always an InnoDB tablespace. MySQL NDB Cluster 7.5\nalso supports tablespaces using the NDB storage engine in addition to\nthose using InnoDB.\n\nConsiderations for InnoDB\n\nAn InnoDB tablespace created using CREATE TABLESPACE is referred to as\na general tablespace. This is a shared tablespace, similar to the\nsystem tablespace. It can hold multiple tables, and supports all table\nrow formats. General tablespaces can be created in a location relative\nto or independent of the MySQL data directory.\n\nAfter creating an InnoDB general tablespace, you can use CREATE TABLE\ntbl_name ... TABLESPACE [=] tablespace_name or ALTER TABLE tbl_name\nTABLESPACE [=] tablespace_name to add tables to the tablespace.\n\nFor more information, see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/general-tablespaces.html.\n\nConsiderations for NDB Cluster\n\nThis statement is used to create a tablespace, which can contain one or\nmore data files, providing storage space for NDB Cluster Disk Data\ntables (see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mysql-cluster-disk-data.html).\nOne data file is created and added to the tablespace using this\nstatement. Additional data files may be added to the tablespace by\nusing the ALTER TABLESPACE statement (see [HELP ALTER TABLESPACE]).\n\n*Note*:\n\nAll NDB Cluster Disk Data objects share the same namespace. This means\nthat each Disk Data object must be uniquely named (and not merely each\nDisk Data object of a given type). For example, you cannot have a\ntablespace and a log file group with the same name, or a tablespace and\na data file with the same name.\n\nA log file group of one or more UNDO log files must be assigned to the\ntablespace to be created with the USE LOGFILE GROUP clause.\nlogfile_group must be an existing log file group created with CREATE\nLOGFILE GROUP (see [HELP CREATE LOGFILE GROUP]). Multiple tablespaces\nmay use the same log file group for UNDO logging.\n\nWhen setting EXTENT_SIZE or INITIAL_SIZE, you may optionally follow the\nnumber with a one-letter abbreviation for an order of magnitude,\nsimilar to those used in my.cnf. Generally, this is one of the letters\nM (for megabytes) or G (for gigabytes).\n\nINITIAL_SIZE and EXTENT_SIZE are subject to rounding as follows:\n\no EXTENT_SIZE is rounded up to the nearest whole multiple of 32K.\n\no INITIAL_SIZE is rounded down to the nearest whole multiple of 32K;\n this result is rounded up to the nearest whole multiple of\n EXTENT_SIZE (after any rounding).\n\nThe rounding just described is done explicitly, and a warning is issued\nby the MySQL Server when any such rounding is performed. The rounded\nvalues are also used by the NDB kernel for calculating\nINFORMATION_SCHEMA.FILES column values and other purposes. However, to\navoid an unexpected result, we suggest that you always use whole\nmultiples of 32K in specifying these options.\n\nWhen CREATE TABLESPACE is used with ENGINE [=] NDB, a tablespace and\nassociated data file are created on each Cluster data node. You can\nverify that the data files were created and obtain information about\nthem by querying the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.FILES table. (See the example\nlater in this section.)\n\n(See http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/files-table.html.)\n\nOptions\n\no ADD DATAFILE: Defines the name of a tablespace data file; this option\n is always required. An InnoDB tablespace supports only a single data\n file, whose name must include a .ibd extension. An NDB Cluster\n tablespace supports multiple data files which can have any legal file\n names; more data files can be added to an NDB Cluster tablespace\n following its creation by using an ALTER TABLESPACE statement.\n\n *Note*:\n\n ALTER TABLESPACE is not supported by InnoDB.\n\n To place the data file in a location outside of the MySQL data\n directory (datadir), include an absolute directory path or a path\n relative to the MySQL data directory. If you do not specify a path,\n the tablespace is created in the MySQL data directory. An isl file is\n created in the MySQL data directory when an InnoDB tablespace is\n created outside of the MySQL data directory.\n\n To avoid conflicts with implicitly created file-per-table\n tablespaces, creating a general tablespace in a subdirectory under\n the MySQL data directory is not supported. Also, when creating a\n general tablespace outside of the MySQL data directory, the directory\n must exist prior to creating the tablespace.\n\n The file_name, including the path (optional), must be quoted with\n single or double quotations marks. File names (not counting any\n ".ibd" extension for InnoDB files) and directory names must be at\n least one byte in length. Zero length file names and directory names\n are not supported.\n\no FILE_BLOCK_SIZE: This option---which is specific to InnoDB, and is\n ignored by NDB---defines the block size for the tablespace data file.\n If you do not specify this option, FILE_BLOCK_SIZE defaults to\n innodb_page_size. FILE_BLOCK_SIZE is required when you intend to use\n the tablespace for storing compressed InnoDB tables\n (ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED).\n\n If FILE_BLOCK_SIZE is equal innodb_page_size, the tablespace can\n contain only tables having an uncompressed row format (COMPACT,\n REDUNDANT, or DYNAMIC). The physical page size for tables using\n COMPRESSED differs from that of uncompressed tables; this means that\n compressed tables and uncompressed tables cannot coexist in the same\n tablespace.\n\n For a general tablespace to contain compressed tables,\n FILE_BLOCK_SIZE must be specified, and the FILE_BLOCK_SIZE value must\n be a valid compressed page size in relation to the innodb_page_size\n value. Also, the physical page size of the compressed table\n (KEY_BLOCK_SIZE) must be equal to FILE_BLOCK_SIZE/1024. For example,\n if innodb_page_size=16K, and FILE_BLOCK_SIZE=8K, the KEY_BLOCK_SIZE\n of the table must be 8. For more information, see\n http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/general-tablespaces.html.\n\no USE LOGFILE GROUP: Required for NDB, this is the name of a log file\n group previously created using CREATE LOGFILE GROUP. Not supported\n for InnoDB, where it fails with an error.\n\no EXTENT_SIZE: This option is specific to NDB, and is not supported by\n InnoDB, where it fails with an error. EXTENT_SIZE sets the size, in\n bytes, of the extents used by any files belonging to the tablespace.\n The default value is 1M. The minimum size is 32K, and theoretical\n maximum is 2G, although the practical maximum size depends on a\n number of factors. In most cases, changing the extent size does not\n have any measurable effect on performance, and the default value is\n recommended for all but the most unusual situations.\n\n An extent is a unit of disk space allocation. One extent is filled\n with as much data as that extent can contain before another extent is\n used. In theory, up to 65,535 (64K) extents may used per data file;\n however, the recommended maximum is 32,768 (32K). The recommended\n maximum size for a single data file is 32G---that is, 32K extents x 1\n MB per extent. In addition, once an extent is allocated to a given\n partition, it cannot be used to store data from a different\n partition; an extent cannot store data from more than one partition.\n This means, for example that a tablespace having a single datafile\n whose INITIAL_SIZE (described in the following item) is 256 MB and\n whose EXTENT_SIZE is 128M has just two extents, and so can be used to\n store data from at most two different disk data table partitions.\n\n You can see how many extents remain free in a given data file by\n querying the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.FILES table, and so derive an\n estimate for how much space remains free in the file. For further\n discussion and examples, see\n http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/files-table.html.\n\no INITIAL_SIZE: This option is specific to NDB, and is not supported by\n InnoDB, where it fails with an error.\n\n The INITIAL_SIZE parameter sets the total size in bytes of the data\n file that was specific using ADD DATATFILE. Once this file has been\n created, its size cannot be changed; however, you can add more data\n files to the tablespace using ALTER TABLESPACE ... ADD DATAFILE.\n\n INITIAL_SIZE is optional; its default value is 134217728 (128 MB).\n\n On 32-bit systems, the maximum supported value for INITIAL_SIZE is\n 4294967296 (4 GB).\n\no AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: Currently ignored by MySQL; reserved for possible\n future use. Has no effect in any release of MySQL 5.7 or MySQL NDB\n Cluster 7.5, regardless of the storage engine used.\n\no MAX_SIZE: Currently ignored by MySQL; reserved for possible future\n use. Has no effect in any release of MySQL 5.7 or MySQL NDB Cluster\n 7.5, regardless of the storage engine used.\n\no NODEGROUP: Currently ignored by MySQL; reserved for possible future\n use. Has no effect in any release of MySQL 5.7 or MySQL NDB Cluster\n 7.5, regardless of the storage engine used.\n\no WAIT: Currently ignored by MySQL; reserved for possible future use.\n Has no effect in any release of MySQL 5.7 or MySQL NDB Cluster 7.5,\n regardless of the storage engine used.\n\no COMMENT: Currently ignored by MySQL; reserved for possible future\n use. Has no effect in any release of MySQL 5.7 or MySQL NDB Cluster\n 7.5, regardless of the storage engine used.\n\no ENGINE: Defines the storage engine which uses the tablespace, where\n engine_name is the name of the storage engine. Currently, only the\n InnoDB storage engine is supported by standard MySQL 5.7 releases.\n MySQL NDB Cluster 7.5 supports both NDB and InnoDB tablespaces. The\n value of the default_storage_engine system variable is used for\n ENGINE if the option is not specified.\n\nNotes\n\no For the rules covering the naming of MySQL tablespaces, see\n http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/identifiers.html. In addition\n to these rules, the slash character ("/") is not permitted, nor can\n you use names beginning with innodb_, as this prefix is reserved for\n system use.\n\no Tablespaces do not support temporary tables.\n\no The TABLESPACE option may be used with CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE to\n assign InnoDB table partitions or subpartitions to a general\n tablespace, a separate file-per-table tablespace, or the system\n tablespace. TABLESPACE option support for table partitions and\n subpartitions was added in MySQL 5.7. All partitions must belong to\n the same storage engine. For more information, see\n http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/general-tablespaces.html.\n\no innodb_file_per_table, innodb_file_format, and innodb_file_format_max\n settings have no influence on CREATE TABLESPACE operations.\n innodb_file_per_table does not need to be enabled. General\n tablespaces support all table row formats regardless of file format\n settings. Likewise, general tablespaces support the addition of\n tables of any row format using CREATE TABLE ... TABLESPACE,\n regardless of file format settings.\n\no innodb_strict_mode is not applicable to general tablespaces.\n Tablespace management rules are strictly enforced independently of\n innodb_strict_mode. If CREATE TABLESPACE parameters are incorrect or\n incompatible, the operation fails regardless of the\n innodb_strict_mode setting. When a table is added to a general\n tablespace using CREATE TABLE ... TABLESPACE or ALTER TABLE ...\n TABLESPACE, innodb_strict_mode is ignored but the statement is\n evaluated as if innodb_strict_mode is enabled.\n\no Use DROP TABLESPACE to remove a tablespace. All tables must be\n dropped from a tablespace using DROP TABLE prior to dropping the\n tablespace. Before dropping an NDB Cluster tablespace you must also\n remove all its data files using one or more ALTER TABLESPACE ... DROP\n DATATFILE statements. See\n http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mysql-cluster-disk-data-object\n s.html.\n\no All parts of an InnoDB table added to an InnoDB general tablespace\n reside in the general tablespace, including indexes and BLOB pages.\n\n For an NDB table assigned to a tablespace, only those columns which\n are not indexed are stored on disk, and actually use the tablespace\n data files. Indexes and indexed columns for all NDB tables are always\n kept in memory.\n\no Similar to the system tablespace, truncating or dropping tables\n stored in a general tablespace creates free space internally in the\n general tablespace .ibd data file which can only be used for new\n InnoDB data. Space is not released back to the operating system as it\n is for file-per-table tablespaces.\n\no A general tablespace is not associated with any database or schema.\n\no ALTER TABLE ... DISCARD TABLESPACE and ALTER TABLE ...IMPORT\n TABLESPACE are not supported for tables that belong to a general\n tablespace.\n\no The server uses tablespace-level metadata locking for DDL that\n references general tablespaces. By comparison, the server uses\n table-level metadata locking for DDL that references file-per-table\n tablespaces.\n\no A generated or existing tablespace cannot be changed to a general\n tablespace.\n\no Tables stored in a general tablespace can only be opened in MySQL\n 5.7.6 or later due to the addition of new table flags.\n\no There is no conflict between general tablespace names and\n file-per-table tablespace names. The "/" character, which is present\n in file-per-table tablespace names, is not permitted in general\n tablespace names.\n\nInnoDB Examples\n\nThis example demonstrates creating a general tablespace and adding\nthree uncompressed tables of different row formats.\n\nmysql> CREATE TABLESPACE `ts1`\n -> ADD DATAFILE \'ts1.ibd\'\n -> ENGINE=INNODB;\nQuery OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)\n\nmysql> CREATE TABLE t1 (c1 INT PRIMARY KEY)\n -> TABLESPACE ts1\n -> ROW_FORMAT=REDUNDANT;\nQuery OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> CREATE TABLE t2 (c1 INT PRIMARY KEY)\n -> TABLESPACE ts1\n -> ROW_FORMAT=COMPACT;\nQuery OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> CREATE TABLE t3 (c1 INT PRIMARY KEY)\n -> TABLESPACE ts1\n -> ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC;\nQuery OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)\n\nThis example demonstrates creating a general tablespace and adding a\ncompressed table. The example assumes a default innodb_page_size of\n16K. The FILE_BLOCK_SIZE of 8192 requires that the compressed table\nhave a KEY_BLOCK_SIZE of 8.\n\nmysql> CREATE TABLESPACE `ts2`\n -> ADD DATAFILE \'ts2.ibd\'\n -> FILE_BLOCK_SIZE = 8192\n -> ENGINE=INNODB;\nQuery OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)\n\nmysql> CREATE TABLE t4 (c1 INT PRIMARY KEY)\n -> TABLESPACE ts2\n -> ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED\n -> KEY_BLOCK_SIZE=8;\nQuery OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)\n\nNDB Example\n\nSuppose that you wish to create an NDB Cluster Disk Data tablespace\nnamed myts using a datafile named mydata-1.dat. An NDB tablespace\nalways requires the use of a log file group consisting of one or more\nundo log files. For this example, we first create a log file group\nnamed mylg that contains one undo long file named myundo-1.dat, using\nthe CREATE LOGFILE GROUP statement shown here:\n\nmysql> CREATE LOGFILE GROUP myg1\n -> ADD UNDOFILE \'myundo-1.dat\'\n -> ENGINE=NDB;\nQuery OK, 0 rows affected (3.29 sec)\n\nNow you can create the tablespace previously described using the\nfollowing statement:\n\nmysql> CREATE TABLESPACE myts\n -> ADD DATAFILE \'mydata-1.dat\'\n -> USE LOGFILE GROUP mylg\n -> ENGINE=NDB;\nQuery OK, 0 rows affected (2.98 sec)\n\nYou can now create a Disk Data table using a CREATE TABLE statement\nwith the TABLESPACE and STORAGE DISK options, similar to what is shown\nhere:\n\nmysql> CREATE TABLE mytable (\n -> id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,\n -> lname VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,\n -> fname VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,\n -> dob DATE NOT NULL,\n -> joined DATE NOT NULL,\n -> INDEX(last_name, first_name)\n -> )\n -> TABLESPACE myts STORAGE DISK\n -> ENGINE=NDB;\nQuery OK, 0 rows affected (1.41 sec)\n\nIt is important to note that only the dob and joined columns from\nmytable are actually stored on disk, due to the fact that the id,\nlname, and fname columns are all indexed.\n\nAs mentioned previously, when CREATE TABLESPACE is used with ENGINE [=]\nNDB, a tablespace and associated data file are created on each NDB\nCluster data node. You can verify that the data files were created and\nobtain information about them by querying the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.FILES\ntable, as shown here:\n\nmysql> SELECT FILE_NAME, FILE_TYPE, LOGFILE_GROUP_NAME, STATUS, EXTRA\n -> FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.FILES\n -> WHERE TABLESPACE_NAME = \'myts\';\n\n+--------------+------------+--------------------+--------+----------------+\n| file_name | file_type | logfile_group_name | status | extra |\n+--------------+------------+--------------------+--------+----------------+\n| mydata-1.dat | DATAFILE | mylg | NORMAL | CLUSTER_NODE=5 |\n| mydata-1.dat | DATAFILE | mylg | NORMAL | CLUSTER_NODE=6 |\n| NULL | TABLESPACE | mylg | NORMAL | NULL |\n+--------------+------------+--------------------+--------+----------------+\n3 rows in set (0.01 sec)\n\nFor additional information and examples, see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mysql-cluster-disk-data-objects.\nhtml.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/create-tablespace.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/create-tablespace.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (123,4,'ST_GEOMFROMTEXT','ST_GeomFromText(wkt[, srid]), ST_GeometryFromText(wkt[, srid])\n\nConstructs a geometry value of any type using its WKT representation\nand SRID.\n\nIf the geometry argument is NULL or not a syntactically well-formed\ngeometry, or if the SRID argument is NULL, the return value is NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-wkt-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-wkt-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (124,38,'INSERT FUNCTION','Syntax:\nINSERT(str,pos,len,newstr)\n\nReturns the string str, with the substring beginning at position pos\nand len characters long replaced by the string newstr. Returns the\noriginal string if pos is not within the length of the string. Replaces\nthe rest of the string from position pos if len is not within the\nlength of the rest of the string. Returns NULL if any argument is NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT INSERT(\'Quadratic\', 3, 4, \'What\');\n -> \'QuWhattic\'\nmysql> SELECT INSERT(\'Quadratic\', -1, 4, \'What\');\n -> \'Quadratic\'\nmysql> SELECT INSERT(\'Quadratic\', 3, 100, \'What\');\n -> \'QuWhat\'\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (125,15,'XOR','Syntax:\nXOR\n\nLogical XOR. Returns NULL if either operand is NULL. For non-NULL\noperands, evaluates to 1 if an odd number of operands is nonzero,\notherwise 0 is returned.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/logical-operators.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT 1 XOR 1;\n -> 0\nmysql> SELECT 1 XOR 0;\n -> 1\nmysql> SELECT 1 XOR NULL;\n -> NULL\nmysql> SELECT 1 XOR 1 XOR 1;\n -> 1\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/logical-operators.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (126,10,'GRANT','Syntax:\nGRANT\n priv_type [(column_list)]\n [, priv_type [(column_list)]] ...\n ON [object_type] priv_level\n TO user [auth_option] [, user [auth_option]] ...\n [REQUIRE {NONE | tls_option [[AND] tls_option] ...}]\n [WITH {GRANT OPTION | resource_option} ...]\n\nGRANT PROXY ON user\n TO user [, user] ...\n [WITH GRANT OPTION]\n\nobject_type: {\n TABLE\n | FUNCTION\n | PROCEDURE\n}\n\npriv_level: {\n *\n | *.*\n | db_name.*\n | db_name.tbl_name\n | tbl_name\n | db_name.routine_name\n}\n\nuser:\n (see http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/account-names.html)\n\nauth_option: {\n IDENTIFIED BY \'auth_string\'\n | IDENTIFIED WITH auth_plugin\n | IDENTIFIED WITH auth_plugin BY \'auth_string\'\n | IDENTIFIED WITH auth_plugin AS \'hash_string\'\n | IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD \'hash_string\'\n}\n\ntls_option: {\n SSL\n | X509\n | CIPHER \'cipher\'\n | ISSUER \'issuer\'\n | SUBJECT \'subject\'\n}\n\nresource_option: {\n | MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR count\n | MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR count\n | MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR count\n | MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS count\n}\n\nThe GRANT statement grants privileges to MySQL user accounts.\n\nTo use GRANT, you must have the GRANT OPTION privilege, and you must\nhave the privileges that you are granting. When the read_only system\nvariable is enabled, GRANT additionally requires the SUPER privilege.\n\nThe REVOKE statement is related to GRANT and enables administrators to\nremove account privileges. See [HELP REVOKE].\n\nEach account name uses the format described in\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/account-names.html. For example:\n\nGRANT ALL ON db1.* TO \'jeffrey\'@\'localhost\';\n\nThe host name part of the account, if omitted, defaults to \'%\'.\n\nNormally, a database administrator first uses CREATE USER to create an\naccount and define its nonprivilege characteristics such as its\npassword, whether it uses secure connections, and limits on access to\nserver resources, then uses GRANT to define its privileges. ALTER USER\nmay be used to change the nonprivilege characteristics of existing\naccounts. For example:\n\nCREATE USER \'jeffrey\'@\'localhost\' IDENTIFIED BY \'password\';\nGRANT ALL ON db1.* TO \'jeffrey\'@\'localhost\';\nGRANT SELECT ON db2.invoice TO \'jeffrey\'@\'localhost\';\nALTER USER \'jeffrey\'@\'localhost\' WITH MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR 90;\n\n*Note*:\n\nExamples shown here include no IDENTIFIED clause. It is assumed that\nyou establish passwords with CREATE USER at account-creation time to\navoid creating insecure accounts.\n\n*Note*:\n\nIf an account named in a GRANT statement does not already exist, GRANT\nmay create it under the conditions described later in the discussion of\nthe NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER SQL mode. It is also possible to use GRANT to\nspecify nonprivilege account characteristics such as whether it uses\nsecure connections and limits on access to server resources.\n\nHowever, use of GRANT to create accounts or define nonprivilege\ncharacteristics is deprecated as of MySQL 5.7.6. Instead, perform these\ntasks using CREATE USER or ALTER USER.\n\nFrom the mysql program, GRANT responds with Query OK, 0 rows affected\nwhen executed successfully. To determine what privileges result from\nthe operation, use SHOW GRANTS. See [HELP SHOW GRANTS].\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/grant.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/grant.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (127,7,'MBRINTERSECTS','MBRIntersects(g1, g2)\n\nReturns 1 or 0 to indicate whether the minimum bounding rectangles of\nthe two geometries g1 and g2 intersect.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-relation-functions-mbr.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-relation-functions-mbr.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (128,20,'IS NOT','Syntax:\nIS NOT boolean_value\n\nTests a value against a boolean value, where boolean_value can be TRUE,\nFALSE, or UNKNOWN.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/comparison-operators.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT 1 IS NOT UNKNOWN, 0 IS NOT UNKNOWN, NULL IS NOT UNKNOWN;\n -> 1, 1, 0\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/comparison-operators.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (129,3,'SQRT','Syntax:\nSQRT(X)\n\nReturns the square root of a nonnegative number X.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mathematical-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT SQRT(4);\n -> 2\nmysql> SELECT SQRT(20);\n -> 4.4721359549996\nmysql> SELECT SQRT(-16);\n -> NULL\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mathematical-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (130,33,'ST_MPOLYFROMWKB','ST_MPolyFromWKB(wkb[, srid]), ST_MultiPolygonFromWKB(wkb[, srid])\n\nConstructs a MultiPolygon value using its WKB representation and SRID.\n\nThe result is NULL if the WKB or SRID argument is NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-wkb-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-wkb-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (131,40,'CREATE INDEX','Syntax:\nCREATE [UNIQUE|FULLTEXT|SPATIAL] INDEX index_name\n [index_type]\n ON tbl_name (index_col_name,...)\n [index_option]\n [algorithm_option | lock_option] ...\n\nindex_col_name:\n col_name [(length)] [ASC | DESC]\n\nindex_option:\n KEY_BLOCK_SIZE [=] value\n | index_type\n | WITH PARSER parser_name\n | COMMENT \'string\'\n\nindex_type:\n USING {BTREE | HASH}\n\nalgorithm_option:\n ALGORITHM [=] {DEFAULT|INPLACE|COPY}\n\nlock_option:\n LOCK [=] {DEFAULT|NONE|SHARED|EXCLUSIVE}\n\nCREATE INDEX is mapped to an ALTER TABLE statement to create indexes.\nSee [HELP ALTER TABLE]. CREATE INDEX cannot be used to create a PRIMARY\nKEY; use ALTER TABLE instead. For more information about indexes, see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mysql-indexes.html.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/create-index.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/create-index.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (132,40,'ALTER DATABASE','Syntax:\nALTER {DATABASE | SCHEMA} [db_name]\n alter_specification ...\nALTER {DATABASE | SCHEMA} db_name\n UPGRADE DATA DIRECTORY NAME\n\nalter_specification:\n [DEFAULT] CHARACTER SET [=] charset_name\n | [DEFAULT] COLLATE [=] collation_name\n\nALTER DATABASE enables you to change the overall characteristics of a\ndatabase. These characteristics are stored in the db.opt file in the\ndatabase directory. To use ALTER DATABASE, you need the ALTER privilege\non the database. ALTER SCHEMA is a synonym for ALTER DATABASE.\n\nThe database name can be omitted from the first syntax, in which case\nthe statement applies to the default database.\n\nNational Language Characteristics\n\nThe CHARACTER SET clause changes the default database character set.\nThe COLLATE clause changes the default database collation.\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/charset.html, discusses\ncharacter set and collation names.\n\nYou can see what character sets and collations are available using,\nrespectively, the SHOW CHARACTER SET and SHOW COLLATION statements. See\n[HELP SHOW CHARACTER SET], and [HELP SHOW COLLATION], for more\ninformation.\n\nIf you change the default character set or collation for a database,\nstored routines that use the database defaults must be dropped and\nrecreated so that they use the new defaults. (In a stored routine,\nvariables with character data types use the database defaults if the\ncharacter set or collation are not specified explicitly. See [HELP\nCREATE PROCEDURE].)\n\nUpgrading from Versions Older than MySQL 5.1\n\nThe syntax that includes the UPGRADE DATA DIRECTORY NAME clause updates\nthe name of the directory associated with the database to use the\nencoding implemented in MySQL 5.1 for mapping database names to\ndatabase directory names (see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/identifier-mapping.html). This\nclause is for use under these conditions:\n\no It is intended when upgrading MySQL to 5.1 or later from older\n versions.\n\no It is intended to update a database directory name to the current\n encoding format if the name contains special characters that need\n encoding.\n\no The statement is used by mysqlcheck (as invoked by mysql_upgrade).\n\nFor example, if a database in MySQL 5.0 has the name a-b-c, the name\ncontains instances of the - (dash) character. In MySQL 5.0, the\ndatabase directory is also named a-b-c, which is not necessarily safe\nfor all file systems. In MySQL 5.1 and later, the same database name is\nencoded as a@002db@002dc to produce a file system-neutral directory\nname.\n\nWhen a MySQL installation is upgraded to MySQL 5.1 or later from an\nolder version,the server displays a name such as a-b-c (which is in the\nold format) as #mysql50#a-b-c, and you must refer to the name using the\n#mysql50# prefix. Use UPGRADE DATA DIRECTORY NAME in this case to\nexplicitly tell the server to re-encode the database directory name to\nthe current encoding format:\n\nALTER DATABASE `#mysql50#a-b-c` UPGRADE DATA DIRECTORY NAME;\n\nAfter executing this statement, you can refer to the database as a-b-c\nwithout the special #mysql50# prefix.\n\n*Note*:\n\nThe UPGRADE DATA DIRECTORY NAME clause is deprecated in MySQL 5.7.6 and\nwill be removed in a future version of MySQL. If it is necessary to\nconvert MySQL 5.0 database or table names, a workaround is to upgrade a\nMySQL 5.0 installation to MySQL 5.1 before upgrading to a more recent\nrelease.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/alter-database.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/alter-database.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (133,7,'JSON_ARRAY','Syntax:\nJSON_ARRAY([val[, val] ...])\n\nEvaluates a (possibly empty) list of values and returns a JSON array\ncontaining those values.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/json-creation-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT JSON_ARRAY(1, "abc", NULL, TRUE, CURTIME());\n+---------------------------------------------+\n| JSON_ARRAY(1, "abc", NULL, TRUE, CURTIME()) |\n+---------------------------------------------+\n| [1, "abc", null, true, "11:30:24.000000"] |\n+---------------------------------------------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/json-creation-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (134,26,'GEOMETRYN','GeometryN(gc, N)\n\nST_GeometryN() and GeometryN() are synonyms. For more information, see\nthe description of ST_GeometryN().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-geometrycollection-property-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-geometrycollection-property-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (135,19,'<<','Syntax:\n<<\n\nShifts a longlong (BIGINT) number to the left.\n\nThe result is an unsigned 64-bit integer. The value is truncated to 64\nbits. In particular, if the shift count is greater or equal to the\nwidth of an unsigned 64-bit number, the result is zero.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/bit-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT 1 << 2;\n -> 4\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/bit-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (136,27,'SHOW TABLE STATUS','Syntax:\nSHOW TABLE STATUS\n [{FROM | IN} db_name]\n [LIKE \'pattern\' | WHERE expr]\n\nSHOW TABLE STATUS works likes SHOW TABLES, but provides a lot of\ninformation about each non-TEMPORARY table. You can also get this list\nusing the mysqlshow --status db_name command. The LIKE clause, if\npresent, indicates which table names to match. The WHERE clause can be\ngiven to select rows using more general conditions, as discussed in\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/extended-show.html.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-table-status.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-table-status.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (137,38,'ASCII','Syntax:\nASCII(str)\n\nReturns the numeric value of the leftmost character of the string str.\nReturns 0 if str is the empty string. Returns NULL if str is NULL.\nASCII() works for 8-bit characters.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT ASCII(\'2\');\n -> 50\nmysql> SELECT ASCII(2);\n -> 50\nmysql> SELECT ASCII(\'dx\');\n -> 100\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (138,3,'DIV','Syntax:\nDIV\n\nInteger division. Discards from the division result any fractional part\nto the right of the decimal point.\n\nIf either operand has a noninteger type, the operands are converted to\nDECIMAL and divided using DECIMAL arithmetic before converting the\nresult to BIGINT. If the result exceeds BIGINT range, an error occurs.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/arithmetic-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT 5 DIV 2, -5 DIV 2, 5 DIV -2, -5 DIV -2;\n -> 2, -2, -2, 2\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/arithmetic-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (139,27,'SHOW SLAVE STATUS','Syntax:\nSHOW SLAVE STATUS [FOR CHANNEL channel]\n\nThis statement provides status information on essential parameters of\nthe slave threads. It requires either the SUPER or REPLICATION CLIENT\nprivilege.\n\nIf you issue this statement using the mysql client, you can use a \\G\nstatement terminator rather than a semicolon to obtain a more readable\nvertical layout:\n\nmysql> SHOW SLAVE STATUS\\G\n*************************** 1. row ***************************\n Slave_IO_State: Waiting for master to send event\n Master_Host: localhost\n Master_User: repl\n Master_Port: 13000\n Connect_Retry: 60\n Master_Log_File: master-bin.000002\n Read_Master_Log_Pos: 1307\n Relay_Log_File: slave-relay-bin.000003\n Relay_Log_Pos: 1508\n Relay_Master_Log_File: master-bin.000002\n Slave_IO_Running: Yes\n Slave_SQL_Running: Yes\n Replicate_Do_DB:\n Replicate_Ignore_DB:\n Replicate_Do_Table:\n Replicate_Ignore_Table:\n Replicate_Wild_Do_Table:\n Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table:\n Last_Errno: 0\n Last_Error:\n Skip_Counter: 0\n Exec_Master_Log_Pos: 1307\n Relay_Log_Space: 1858\n Until_Condition: None\n Until_Log_File:\n Until_Log_Pos: 0\n Master_SSL_Allowed: No\n Master_SSL_CA_File:\n Master_SSL_CA_Path:\n Master_SSL_Cert:\n Master_SSL_Cipher:\n Master_SSL_Key:\n Seconds_Behind_Master: 0\nMaster_SSL_Verify_Server_Cert: No\n Last_IO_Errno: 0\n Last_IO_Error:\n Last_SQL_Errno: 0\n Last_SQL_Error:\n Replicate_Ignore_Server_Ids:\n Master_Server_Id: 1\n Master_UUID: 3e11fa47-71ca-11e1-9e33-c80aa9429562\n Master_Info_File: /var/mysqld.2/data/master.info\n SQL_Delay: 0\n SQL_Remaining_Delay: NULL\n Slave_SQL_Running_State: Reading event from the relay log\n Master_Retry_Count: 10\n Master_Bind:\n Last_IO_Error_Timestamp:\n Last_SQL_Error_Timestamp:\n Master_SSL_Crl:\n Master_SSL_Crlpath:\n Retrieved_Gtid_Set: 3e11fa47-71ca-11e1-9e33-c80aa9429562:1-5\n Executed_Gtid_Set: 3e11fa47-71ca-11e1-9e33-c80aa9429562:1-5\n Auto_Position: 1\n Replicate_Rewrite_DB:\n Channel_name:\n Master_TLS_Version: TLSv1.2\n\nThe Performance Schema provides tables that expose replication\ninformation. This is similar to the information available from the SHOW\nSLAVE STATUS statement, but represented in table form. For details, see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/performance-schema-replication-t\nables.html.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-slave-status.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-slave-status.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (140,35,'GEOMETRY','MySQL provides a standard way of creating spatial columns for geometry\ntypes, for example, with CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE. Spatial columns\nare supported for MyISAM, InnoDB, NDB, and ARCHIVE tables. See also the\nnotes about spatial indexes under [HELP SPATIAL].\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/creating-spatial-columns.html\n\n','CREATE TABLE geom (g GEOMETRY);\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/creating-spatial-columns.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (141,19,'&','Syntax:\n&\n\nBitwise AND.\n\nThe result is an unsigned 64-bit integer.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/bit-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT 29 & 15;\n -> 13\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/bit-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (142,15,'ASSIGN-EQUAL','Syntax:\n=\n\nThis operator is used to perform value assignments in two cases,\ndescribed in the next two paragraphs.\n\nWithin a SET statement, = is treated as an assignment operator that\ncauses the user variable on the left hand side of the operator to take\non the value to its right. (In other words, when used in a SET\nstatement, = is treated identically to :=.) The value on the right hand\nside may be a literal value, another variable storing a value, or any\nlegal expression that yields a scalar value, including the result of a\nquery (provided that this value is a scalar value). You can perform\nmultiple assignments in the same SET statement.\n\nIn the SET clause of an UPDATE statement, = also acts as an assignment\noperator; in this case, however, it causes the column named on the left\nhand side of the operator to assume the value given to the right,\nprovided any WHERE conditions that are part of the UPDATE are met. You\ncan make multiple assignments in the same SET clause of an UPDATE\nstatement.\n\nIn any other context, = is treated as a comparison operator.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/assignment-operators.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT @var1, @var2;\n -> NULL, NULL\nmysql> SELECT @var1 := 1, @var2;\n -> 1, NULL\nmysql> SELECT @var1, @var2;\n -> 1, NULL\nmysql> SELECT @var1, @var2 := @var1;\n -> 1, 1\nmysql> SELECT @var1, @var2;\n -> 1, 1\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/assignment-operators.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (143,38,'CONVERT','Syntax:\nCONVERT(expr,type), CONVERT(expr USING transcoding_name)\n\nThe CONVERT() function takes an expression of any type and produces a\nresult value of the specified type.\n\nDiscussion of CONVERT(expr, type) syntax here also applies to CAST(expr\nAS type), which is equivalent.\n\nCONVERT(... USING ...) is standard SQL syntax. The non-USING form of\nCONVERT() is ODBC syntax.\n\nCONVERT() with USING converts data between different character sets. In\nMySQL, transcoding names are the same as the corresponding character\nset names. For example, this statement converts the string \'abc\' in the\ndefault character set to the corresponding string in the utf8 character\nset:\n\nSELECT CONVERT(\'abc\' USING utf8);\n\nCONVERT() without USING and CAST() take an expression and a type value\nspecifying the result type. These type values are permitted:\n\no BINARY[(N)]\n\n Produces a string with the BINARY data type. See\n http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/binary-varbinary.html for a\n description of how this affects comparisons. If the optional length N\n is given, BINARY(N) causes the cast to use no more than N bytes of\n the argument. Values shorter than N bytes are padded with 0x00 bytes\n to a length of N.\n\no CHAR[(N)] [charset_info]\n\n Produces a string with the CHAR data type. If the optional length N\n is given, CHAR(N) causes the cast to use no more than N characters of\n the argument. No padding occurs for values shorter than N characters.\n\n With no charset_info clause, CHAR produces a string with the default\n character set. To specify the character set explicitly, these\n charset_info values are permitted:\n\n o CHARACTER SET charset_name: Produces a string with the given\n character set.\n\n o ASCII: Shorthand for CHARACTER SET latin1.\n\n o UNICODE: Shorthand for CHARACTER SET ucs2.\n\n In all cases, the string has the default collation for the character\n set.\n\no DATE\n\n Produces a DATE value.\n\no DATETIME\n\n Produces a DATETIME value.\n\no DECIMAL[(M[,D])]\n\n Produces a DECIMAL value. If the optional M and D values are given,\n they specify the maximum number of digits (the precision) and the\n number of digits following the decimal point (the scale).\n\no JSON (added in MySQL 5.7.8)\n\n Produces a JSON value. For details on the rules for conversion of\n values between JSON and other types, see\n http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/json.html#json-comparison.\n\no NCHAR[(N)]\n\n Like CHAR, but produces a string with the national character set. See\n http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/charset-national.html.\n\n Unlike CHAR, NCHAR does not permit trailing character set information\n to be specified.\n\no SIGNED [INTEGER]\n\n Produces a signed integer value.\n\no TIME\n\n Produces a TIME value.\n\no UNSIGNED [INTEGER]\n\n Produces an unsigned integer value.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/cast-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/cast-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (144,24,'REPEAT LOOP','Syntax:\n[begin_label:] REPEAT\n statement_list\nUNTIL search_condition\nEND REPEAT [end_label]\n\nThe statement list within a REPEAT statement is repeated until the\nsearch_condition expression is true. Thus, a REPEAT always enters the\nloop at least once. statement_list consists of one or more statements,\neach terminated by a semicolon (;) statement delimiter.\n\nA REPEAT statement can be labeled. For the rules regarding label use,\nsee [HELP labels].\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/repeat.html\n\n','mysql> delimiter //\n\nmysql> CREATE PROCEDURE dorepeat(p1 INT)\n -> BEGIN\n -> SET @x = 0;\n -> REPEAT\n -> SET @x = @x + 1;\n -> UNTIL @x > p1 END REPEAT;\n -> END\n -> //\nQuery OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> CALL dorepeat(1000)//\nQuery OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> SELECT @x//\n+------+\n| @x |\n+------+\n| 1001 |\n+------+\n1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/repeat.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (145,7,'ST_ISVALID','ST_IsValid(g)\n\nReturns 1 if the argument is syntactically well-formed and is\ngeometrically valid, 0 if the argument is not syntactically well-formed\nor is not geometrically valid. If the argument is NULL, the return\nvalue is NULL. Geometry validity is defined by the OGC specification.\n\nThe only valid empty geometry is represented in the form of an empty\ngeometry collection value. ST_IsValid() returns 1 in this case.\n\nST_IsValid() works only for the Cartesian coordinate system and\nrequires a geometry argument with an SRID of 0. An ER_WRONG_ARGUMENTS\nerror occurs otherwise.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-convenience-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SET @ls1 = ST_GeomFromText(\'LINESTRING(0 0,-0.00 0,0.0 0)\');\nmysql> SET @ls2 = ST_GeomFromText(\'LINESTRING(0 0, 1 1)\');\nmysql> SELECT ST_IsValid(@ls1);\n+------------------+\n| ST_IsValid(@ls1) |\n+------------------+\n| 0 |\n+------------------+\nmysql> SELECT ST_IsValid(@ls2);\n+------------------+\n| ST_IsValid(@ls2) |\n+------------------+\n| 1 |\n+------------------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-convenience-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (146,23,'SMALLINT','SMALLINT[(M)] [UNSIGNED] [ZEROFILL]\n\nA small integer. The signed range is -32768 to 32767. The unsigned\nrange is 0 to 65535.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/numeric-type-overview.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/numeric-type-overview.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (147,23,'DOUBLE PRECISION','DOUBLE PRECISION[(M,D)] [UNSIGNED] [ZEROFILL], REAL[(M,D)] [UNSIGNED]\n[ZEROFILL]\n\nThese types are synonyms for DOUBLE. Exception: If the REAL_AS_FLOAT\nSQL mode is enabled, REAL is a synonym for FLOAT rather than DOUBLE.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/numeric-type-overview.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/numeric-type-overview.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (148,38,'ORD','Syntax:\nORD(str)\n\nIf the leftmost character of the string str is a multibyte character,\nreturns the code for that character, calculated from the numeric values\nof its constituent bytes using this formula:\n\n (1st byte code)\n+ (2nd byte code * 256)\n+ (3rd byte code * 256^2) ...\n\nIf the leftmost character is not a multibyte character, ORD() returns\nthe same value as the ASCII() function.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT ORD(\'2\');\n -> 50\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (149,37,'ENVELOPE','Envelope(g)\n\nST_Envelope() and Envelope() are synonyms. For more information, see\nthe description of ST_Envelope().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-general-property-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-general-property-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (150,37,'ST_ISEMPTY','ST_IsEmpty(g)\n\nThis function is a placeholder that returns 0 for any valid geometry\nvalue, 1 for any invalid geometry value, or NULL if the argument is\nNULL.\n\nMySQL does not support GIS EMPTY values such as POINT EMPTY.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-general-property-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-general-property-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (151,14,'INET_ATON','Syntax:\nINET_ATON(expr)\n\nGiven the dotted-quad representation of an IPv4 network address as a\nstring, returns an integer that represents the numeric value of the\naddress in network byte order (big endian). INET_ATON() returns NULL if\nit does not understand its argument.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/miscellaneous-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT INET_ATON(\'\');\n -> 167773449\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/miscellaneous-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (152,37,'ISSIMPLE','IsSimple(g)\n\nST_IsSimple() and IsSimple() are synonyms. For more information, see\nthe description of ST_IsSimple().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-general-property-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-general-property-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (153,3,'- BINARY','Syntax:\n-\n\nSubtraction:\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/arithmetic-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT 3-5;\n -> -2\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/arithmetic-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (154,32,'CURRENT_TIME','Syntax:\nCURRENT_TIME, CURRENT_TIME([fsp])\n\nCURRENT_TIME and CURRENT_TIME() are synonyms for CURTIME().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (155,4,'WKT DEFINITION','The Well-Known Text (WKT) representation of geometry values is designed\nfor exchanging geometry data in ASCII form. The OpenGIS specification\nprovides a Backus-Naur grammar that specifies the formal production\nrules for writing WKT values (see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-types.html).\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-data-formats.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-data-formats.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (156,11,'ST_Y','ST_Y(p)\n\nReturns the Y-coordinate value for the Point object p as a\ndouble-precision number.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-point-property-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT ST_Y(Point(56.7, 53.34));\n+--------------------------+\n| ST_Y(Point(56.7, 53.34)) |\n+--------------------------+\n| 53.34 |\n+--------------------------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-point-property-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (157,10,'REVOKE','Syntax:\nREVOKE\n priv_type [(column_list)]\n [, priv_type [(column_list)]] ...\n ON [object_type] priv_level\n FROM user [, user] ...\n\nREVOKE ALL [PRIVILEGES], GRANT OPTION\n FROM user [, user] ...\n\nREVOKE PROXY ON user\n FROM user [, user] ...\n\nThe REVOKE statement enables system administrators to revoke privileges\nfrom MySQL accounts.\n\nWhen the read_only system variable is enabled, REVOKE requires the\nSUPER privilege in addition to any other required privileges described\nin the following discussion.\n\nEach account name uses the format described in\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/account-names.html. For example:\n\nREVOKE INSERT ON *.* FROM \'jeffrey\'@\'localhost\';\n\nThe host name part of the account name, if omitted, defaults to \'%\'.\n\nFor details on the levels at which privileges exist, the permissible\npriv_type, priv_level, and object_type values, and the syntax for\nspecifying users and passwords, see [HELP GRANT]\n\nTo use the first REVOKE syntax, you must have the GRANT OPTION\nprivilege, and you must have the privileges that you are revoking.\n\nTo revoke all privileges, use the second syntax, which drops all\nglobal, database, table, column, and routine privileges for the named\nuser or users:\n\nREVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES, GRANT OPTION FROM user [, user] ...\n\nTo use this REVOKE syntax, you must have the global CREATE USER\nprivilege, or the UPDATE privilege for the mysql database.\n\nUser accounts from which privileges are to be revoked must exist.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/revoke.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/revoke.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (158,32,'LAST_DAY','Syntax:\nLAST_DAY(date)\n\nTakes a date or datetime value and returns the corresponding value for\nthe last day of the month. Returns NULL if the argument is invalid.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT LAST_DAY(\'2003-02-05\');\n -> \'2003-02-28\'\nmysql> SELECT LAST_DAY(\'2004-02-05\');\n -> \'2004-02-29\'\nmysql> SELECT LAST_DAY(\'2004-01-01 01:01:01\');\n -> \'2004-01-31\'\nmysql> SELECT LAST_DAY(\'2003-03-32\');\n -> NULL\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (159,23,'MEDIUMINT','MEDIUMINT[(M)] [UNSIGNED] [ZEROFILL]\n\nA medium-sized integer. The signed range is -8388608 to 8388607. The\nunsigned range is 0 to 16777215.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/numeric-type-overview.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/numeric-type-overview.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (160,12,'RANDOM_BYTES','Syntax:\nRANDOM_BYTES(len)\n\nThis function returns a binary string of len random bytes generated\nusing the random number generator of the SSL library. Permitted values\nof len range from 1 to 1024. For values outside that range,\nRANDOM_BYTES() generates a warning and returns NULL.\n\nRANDOM_BYTES() can be used to provide the initialization vector for the\nAES_DECRYPT() and AES_ENCRYPT() functions. For use in that context, len\nmust be at least 16. Larger values are permitted, but bytes in excess\nof 16 are ignored.\n\nRANDOM_BYTES() generates a random value, which makes its result\nnondeterministic. Consequently, statements that use this function are\nunsafe for statement-based replication and cannot be stored in the\nquery cache.\n\nThis function is available as of MySQL 5.7.4.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/encryption-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/encryption-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (161,38,'RTRIM','Syntax:\nRTRIM(str)\n\nReturns the string str with trailing space characters removed.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT RTRIM(\'barbar \');\n -> \'barbar\'\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (162,29,'EXPLAIN','Syntax:\n{EXPLAIN | DESCRIBE | DESC}\n tbl_name [col_name | wild]\n\n{EXPLAIN | DESCRIBE | DESC}\n [explain_type]\n {explainable_stmt | FOR CONNECTION connection_id}\n\nexplain_type: {\n EXTENDED\n | PARTITIONS\n | FORMAT = format_name\n}\n\nformat_name: {\n TRADITIONAL\n | JSON\n}\n\nexplainable_stmt: {\n SELECT statement\n | DELETE statement\n | INSERT statement\n | REPLACE statement\n | UPDATE statement\n}\n\nThe DESCRIBE and EXPLAIN statements are synonyms. In practice, the\nDESCRIBE keyword is more often used to obtain information about table\nstructure, whereas EXPLAIN is used to obtain a query execution plan\n(that is, an explanation of how MySQL would execute a query).\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/explain.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/explain.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (163,3,'DEGREES','Syntax:\nDEGREES(X)\n\nReturns the argument X, converted from radians to degrees.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mathematical-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT DEGREES(PI());\n -> 180\nmysql> SELECT DEGREES(PI() / 2);\n -> 90\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mathematical-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (164,3,'- UNARY','Syntax:\n-\n\nUnary minus. This operator changes the sign of the operand.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/arithmetic-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT - 2;\n -> -2\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/arithmetic-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (165,23,'VARCHAR','[NATIONAL] VARCHAR(M) [CHARACTER SET charset_name] [COLLATE\ncollation_name]\n\nA variable-length string. M represents the maximum column length in\ncharacters. The range of M is 0 to 65,535. The effective maximum length\nof a VARCHAR is subject to the maximum row size (65,535 bytes, which is\nshared among all columns) and the character set used. For example, utf8\ncharacters can require up to three bytes per character, so a VARCHAR\ncolumn that uses the utf8 character set can be declared to be a maximum\nof 21,844 characters. See\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/column-count-limit.html.\n\nMySQL stores VARCHAR values as a 1-byte or 2-byte length prefix plus\ndata. The length prefix indicates the number of bytes in the value. A\nVARCHAR column uses one length byte if values require no more than 255\nbytes, two length bytes if values may require more than 255 bytes.\n\n*Note*:\n\nMySQL follows the standard SQL specification, and does not remove\ntrailing spaces from VARCHAR values.\n\nVARCHAR is shorthand for CHARACTER VARYING. NATIONAL VARCHAR is the\nstandard SQL way to define that a VARCHAR column should use some\npredefined character set. MySQL uses utf8 as this predefined character\nset. http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/charset-national.html.\nNVARCHAR is shorthand for NATIONAL VARCHAR.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-type-overview.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-type-overview.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (166,38,'UNHEX','Syntax:\n\nUNHEX(str)\n\nFor a string argument str, UNHEX(str) interprets each pair of\ncharacters in the argument as a hexadecimal number and converts it to\nthe byte represented by the number. The return value is a binary\nstring.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT UNHEX(\'4D7953514C\');\n -> \'MySQL\'\nmysql> SELECT X\'4D7953514C\';\n -> \'MySQL\'\nmysql> SELECT UNHEX(HEX(\'string\'));\n -> \'string\'\nmysql> SELECT HEX(UNHEX(\'1267\'));\n -> \'1267\'\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (167,40,'DROP TRIGGER','Syntax:\nDROP TRIGGER [IF EXISTS] [schema_name.]trigger_name\n\nThis statement drops a trigger. The schema (database) name is optional.\nIf the schema is omitted, the trigger is dropped from the default\nschema. DROP TRIGGER requires the TRIGGER privilege for the table\nassociated with the trigger.\n\nUse IF EXISTS to prevent an error from occurring for a trigger that\ndoes not exist. A NOTE is generated for a nonexistent trigger when\nusing IF EXISTS. See [HELP SHOW WARNINGS].\n\nTriggers for a table are also dropped if you drop the table.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/drop-trigger.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/drop-trigger.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (168,8,'RESET MASTER','Syntax:\nRESET MASTER\n\nDeletes all binary log files listed in the index file, resets the\nbinary log index file to be empty, and creates a new binary log file.\n\n*Warning*:\n\nUse this statement with caution to ensure you do not lose binary log\nfile data.\n\nRESET MASTER also clears the values of the gtid_purged system variable\nas well as the global value of the gtid_executed system variable (but\nnot its session value); that is, executing this statement sets each of\nthese values to an empty string (\'\'). In MySQL 5.7.5 and later, this\nstatement also clears the mysql.gtid_executed table (see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/replication-gtids-concepts.html#\nreplication-gtids-gtid-executed-table).\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/reset-master.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/reset-master.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (169,3,'PI','Syntax:\nPI()\n\nReturns the value of π (pi). The default number of decimal places\ndisplayed is seven, but MySQL uses the full double-precision value\ninternally.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mathematical-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT PI();\n -> 3.141593\nmysql> SELECT PI()+0.000000000000000000;\n -> 3.141592653589793116\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mathematical-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (170,14,'ANY_VALUE','ANY_VALUE(arg)\n\nThis function is useful for GROUP BY queries when the\nONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY SQL mode is enabled, for cases when MySQL rejects a\nquery that you know is valid for reasons that MySQL cannot determine.\nThe function return value and type are the same as the return value and\ntype of its argument, but the function result is not checked for the\nONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY SQL mode.\n\nFor example, if name is a nonindexed column, the following query fails\nwith ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY enabled:\n\nmysql> SELECT name, address, MAX(age) FROM t GROUP BY name;\nERROR 1055 (42000): Expression #2 of SELECT list is not in GROUP\nBY clause and contains nonaggregated column \'mydb.t.address\' which\nis not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this\nis incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by\n\nThe failure occurs because address is a nonaggregated column that is\nneither named among GROUP BY columns nor functionally dependent on\nthem. As a result, the address value for rows within each name group is\nnondeterministic. There are multiple ways to cause MySQL to accept the\nquery:\n\no Alter the table to make name a primary key or a unique NOT NULL\n column. This enables MySQL to determine that address is functionally\n dependent on name; that is, address is uniquely determined by name.\n (This technique is inapplicable if NULL must be permitted as a valid\n name value.)\n\no Use ANY_VALUE() to refer to address:\n\nSELECT name, ANY_VALUE(address), MAX(age) FROM t GROUP BY name;\n\n In this case, MySQL ignores the nondeterminism of address values\n within each name group and accepts the query. This may be useful if\n you simply do not care which value of a nonaggregated column is\n chosen for each group. ANY_VALUE() is not an aggregate function,\n unlike functions such as SUM() or COUNT(). It simply acts to suppress\n the test for nondeterminism.\n\no Disable ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY. This is equivalent to using ANY_VALUE()\n with ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY enabled, as described in the previous item.\n\nANY_VALUE() is also useful if functional dependence exists between\ncolumns but MySQL cannot determine it. The following query is valid\nbecause age is functionally dependent on the grouping column age-1, but\nMySQL cannot tell that and rejects the query with ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY\nenabled:\n\nSELECT age FROM t GROUP BY age-1;\n\nTo cause MySQL to accept the query, use ANY_VALUE():\n\nSELECT ANY_VALUE(age) FROM t GROUP BY age-1;\n\nANY_VALUE() can be used for queries that refer to aggregate functions\nin the absence of a GROUP BY clause:\n\nmysql> SELECT name, MAX(age) FROM t;\nERROR 1140 (42000): In aggregated query without GROUP BY, expression\n#1 of SELECT list contains nonaggregated column \'mydb.t.name\'; this\nis incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by\n\nWithout GROUP BY, there is a single group and it is nondeterministic\nwhich name value to choose for the group. ANY_VALUE() tells MySQL to\naccept the query:\n\nSELECT ANY_VALUE(name), MAX(age) FROM t;\n\nIt may be that, due to some property of a given data set, you know that\na selected nonaggregated column is effectively functionally dependent\non a GROUP BY column. For example, an application may enforce\nuniqueness of one column with respect to another. In this case, using\nANY_VALUE() for the effectively functionally dependent column may make\nsense.\n\nFor additional discussion, see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/group-by-handling.html.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/miscellaneous-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/miscellaneous-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (171,3,'/','Syntax:\n/\n\nDivision:\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/arithmetic-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT 3/5;\n -> 0.60\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/arithmetic-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (172,8,'PURGE BINARY LOGS','Syntax:\nPURGE { BINARY | MASTER } LOGS\n { TO \'log_name\' | BEFORE datetime_expr }\n\nThe binary log is a set of files that contain information about data\nmodifications made by the MySQL server. The log consists of a set of\nbinary log files, plus an index file (see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/binary-log.html).\n\nThe PURGE BINARY LOGS statement deletes all the binary log files listed\nin the log index file prior to the specified log file name or date.\nBINARY and MASTER are synonyms. Deleted log files also are removed from\nthe list recorded in the index file, so that the given log file becomes\nthe first in the list.\n\nThis statement has no effect if the server was not started with the\n--log-bin option to enable binary logging.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/purge-binary-logs.html\n\n','PURGE BINARY LOGS TO \'mysql-bin.010\';\nPURGE BINARY LOGS BEFORE \'2008-04-02 22:46:26\';\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/purge-binary-logs.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (173,16,'STDDEV_SAMP','Syntax:\nSTDDEV_SAMP(expr)\n\nReturns the sample standard deviation of expr (the square root of\nVAR_SAMP().\n\nIf there are no matching rows, STDDEV_SAMP() returns NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/group-by-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/group-by-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (174,31,'ST_TOUCHES','ST_Touches(g1, g2)\n\nTwo geometries spatially touch if their interiors do not intersect, but\nthe boundary of one of the geometries intersects either the boundary or\nthe interior of the other.\n\nThis function returns 1 or 0 to indicate whether g1 spatially touches\ng2.\n\nThis function returns 0 if called with an inapplicable geometry\nargument type combination. For example, it returns 0 if either of the\narguments is a Point or MultiPoint.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-relation-functions-object-shapes.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-relation-functions-object-shapes.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (175,17,'SCHEMA','Syntax:\nSCHEMA()\n\nThis function is a synonym for DATABASE().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/information-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/information-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (176,7,'MBREQUALS','MBREquals(g1, g2)\n\nReturns 1 or 0 to indicate whether the minimum bounding rectangles of\nthe two geometries g1 and g2 are the same.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-relation-functions-mbr.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-relation-functions-mbr.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (177,33,'MLINEFROMWKB','MLineFromWKB(wkb[, srid]), MultiLineStringFromWKB(wkb[, srid])\n\nST_MLineFromWKB(), ST_MultiLineStringFromWKB(), MLineFromWKB(), and\nMultiLineStringFromWKB() are synonyms. For more information, see the\ndescription of ST_MLineFromWKB().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-wkb-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-wkb-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (178,27,'SHOW CREATE TABLE','Syntax:\nSHOW CREATE TABLE tbl_name\n\nShows the CREATE TABLE statement that creates the named table. To use\nthis statement, you must have some privilege for the table. This\nstatement also works with views.\nSHOW CREATE TABLE quotes table and column names according to the value\nof the sql_quote_show_create option. See\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/server-system-variables.html.\n\nFor information about how CREATE TABLE statements are stored by MySQL,\nsee\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/create-table-statement-retention\n.html.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-create-table.html\n\n','mysql> SHOW CREATE TABLE t\\G\n*************************** 1. row ***************************\n Table: t\nCreate Table: CREATE TABLE `t` (\n `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n `s` char(60) DEFAULT NULL,\n PRIMARY KEY (`id`)\n) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-create-table.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (179,28,'DUAL','You are permitted to specify DUAL as a dummy table name in situations\nwhere no tables are referenced:\n\nmysql> SELECT 1 + 1 FROM DUAL;\n -> 2\n\nDUAL is purely for the convenience of people who require that all\nSELECT statements should have FROM and possibly other clauses. MySQL\nmay ignore the clauses. MySQL does not require FROM DUAL if no tables\nare referenced.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/select.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/select.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (180,38,'INSTR','Syntax:\nINSTR(str,substr)\n\nReturns the position of the first occurrence of substring substr in\nstring str. This is the same as the two-argument form of LOCATE(),\nexcept that the order of the arguments is reversed.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT INSTR(\'foobarbar\', \'bar\');\n -> 4\nmysql> SELECT INSTR(\'xbar\', \'foobar\');\n -> 0\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (181,20,'>=','Syntax:\n>=\n\nGreater than or equal:\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/comparison-operators.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT 2 >= 2;\n -> 1\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/comparison-operators.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (182,3,'EXP','Syntax:\nEXP(X)\n\nReturns the value of e (the base of natural logarithms) raised to the\npower of X. The inverse of this function is LOG() (using a single\nargument only) or LN().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mathematical-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT EXP(2);\n -> 7.3890560989307\nmysql> SELECT EXP(-2);\n -> 0.13533528323661\nmysql> SELECT EXP(0);\n -> 1\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mathematical-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (183,37,'ST_ISSIMPLE','ST_IsSimple(g)\n\nReturns 1 if the geometry value g has no anomalous geometric points,\nsuch as self-intersection or self-tangency. ST_IsSimple() returns 0 if\nthe argument is not simple, and NULL if the argument is NULL.\n\nThe descriptions of the instantiable geometric classes given under\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/opengis-geometry-model.html\nincludes the specific conditions that cause class instances to be\nclassified as not simple.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-general-property-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-general-property-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (184,13,'POINTN','PointN(ls, N)\n\nST_PointN() and PointN() are synonyms. For more information, see the\ndescription of ST_PointN().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-linestring-property-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-linestring-property-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (185,38,'OCT','Syntax:\nOCT(N)\n\nReturns a string representation of the octal value of N, where N is a\nlonglong (BIGINT) number. This is equivalent to CONV(N,10,8). Returns\nNULL if N is NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT OCT(12);\n -> \'14\'\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (186,32,'SYSDATE','Syntax:\nSYSDATE([fsp])\n\nReturns the current date and time as a value in \'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS\'\nor YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format, depending on whether the function is used in\na string or numeric context.\n\nIf the fsp argument is given to specify a fractional seconds precision\nfrom 0 to 6, the return value includes a fractional seconds part of\nthat many digits.\n\nSYSDATE() returns the time at which it executes. This differs from the\nbehavior for NOW(), which returns a constant time that indicates the\ntime at which the statement began to execute. (Within a stored function\nor trigger, NOW() returns the time at which the function or triggering\nstatement began to execute.)\n\nmysql> SELECT NOW(), SLEEP(2), NOW();\n+---------------------+----------+---------------------+\n| NOW() | SLEEP(2) | NOW() |\n+---------------------+----------+---------------------+\n| 2006-04-12 13:47:36 | 0 | 2006-04-12 13:47:36 |\n+---------------------+----------+---------------------+\n\nmysql> SELECT SYSDATE(), SLEEP(2), SYSDATE();\n+---------------------+----------+---------------------+\n| SYSDATE() | SLEEP(2) | SYSDATE() |\n+---------------------+----------+---------------------+\n| 2006-04-12 13:47:44 | 0 | 2006-04-12 13:47:46 |\n+---------------------+----------+---------------------+\n\nIn addition, the SET TIMESTAMP statement affects the value returned by\nNOW() but not by SYSDATE(). This means that timestamp settings in the\nbinary log have no effect on invocations of SYSDATE().\n\nBecause SYSDATE() can return different values even within the same\nstatement, and is not affected by SET TIMESTAMP, it is nondeterministic\nand therefore unsafe for replication if statement-based binary logging\nis used. If that is a problem, you can use row-based logging.\n\nAlternatively, you can use the --sysdate-is-now option to cause\nSYSDATE() to be an alias for NOW(). This works if the option is used on\nboth the master and the slave.\n\nThe nondeterministic nature of SYSDATE() also means that indexes cannot\nbe used for evaluating expressions that refer to it.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (187,5,'UNINSTALL PLUGIN','Syntax:\nUNINSTALL PLUGIN plugin_name\n\nThis statement removes an installed server plugin. It requires the\nDELETE privilege for the mysql.plugin system table. UNINSTALL PLUGIN is\nthe complement of INSTALL PLUGIN.\n\nplugin_name must be the name of some plugin that is listed in the\nmysql.plugin table. The server executes the plugin\'s deinitialization\nfunction and removes the row for the plugin from the mysql.plugin\ntable, so that subsequent server restarts will not load and initialize\nthe plugin. UNINSTALL PLUGIN does not remove the plugin\'s shared\nlibrary file.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/uninstall-plugin.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/uninstall-plugin.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (188,33,'ASBINARY','AsBinary(g), AsWKB(g)\n\nST_AsBinary(), ST_AsWKB(), AsBinary(), and AsWKB() are synonyms. For\nmore information, see the description of ST_AsBinary().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-format-conversion-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-format-conversion-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (189,33,'ST_MLINEFROMWKB','ST_MLineFromWKB(wkb[, srid]), ST_MultiLineStringFromWKB(wkb[, srid])\n\nConstructs a MultiLineString value using its WKB representation and\nSRID.\n\nThe result is NULL if the WKB or SRID argument is NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-wkb-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-wkb-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (190,27,'SHOW TABLES','Syntax:\nSHOW [FULL] TABLES\n [{FROM | IN} db_name]\n [LIKE \'pattern\' | WHERE expr]\n\nSHOW TABLES lists the non-TEMPORARY tables in a given database. You can\nalso get this list using the mysqlshow db_name command. The LIKE\nclause, if present, indicates which table names to match. The WHERE\nclause can be given to select rows using more general conditions, as\ndiscussed in http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/extended-show.html.\n\nMatching performed by the LIKE clause is dependent on the setting of\nthe lower_case_table_names system variable.\n\nThis statement also lists any views in the database. The optional FULL\nmodifier causes SHOW TABLES to display a second output column with\nvalues of BASE TABLE for a table and VIEW for a view.\n\nIf you have no privileges for a base table or view, it does not show up\nin the output from SHOW TABLES or mysqlshow db_name.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-tables.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-tables.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (191,32,'MAKEDATE','Syntax:\nMAKEDATE(year,dayofyear)\n\nReturns a date, given year and day-of-year values. dayofyear must be\ngreater than 0 or the result is NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT MAKEDATE(2011,31), MAKEDATE(2011,32);\n -> \'2011-01-31\', \'2011-02-01\'\nmysql> SELECT MAKEDATE(2011,365), MAKEDATE(2014,365);\n -> \'2011-12-31\', \'2014-12-31\'\nmysql> SELECT MAKEDATE(2011,0);\n -> NULL\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (192,38,'BINARY OPERATOR','Syntax:\nBINARY expr\n\nThe BINARY operator converts the expression to a binary string. A\ncommon use for BINARY is to force a character string comparison to be\ndone byte by byte rather than character by character, in effect\nbecoming case-sensitive. The BINARY operator also causes trailing\nspaces in comparisons to be significant.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/cast-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT \'a\' = \'A\';\n -> 1\nmysql> SELECT BINARY \'a\' = \'A\';\n -> 0\nmysql> SELECT \'a\' = \'a \';\n -> 1\nmysql> SELECT BINARY \'a\' = \'a \';\n -> 0\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/cast-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (193,7,'MBROVERLAPS','MBROverlaps(g1, g2)\n\nTwo geometries spatially overlap if they intersect and their\nintersection results in a geometry of the same dimension but not equal\nto either of the given geometries.\n\nThis function returns 1 or 0 to indicate whether the minimum bounding\nrectangles of the two geometries g1 and g2 overlap.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-relation-functions-mbr.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-relation-functions-mbr.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (194,33,'ST_LINEFROMWKB','ST_LineFromWKB(wkb[, srid]), ST_LineStringFromWKB(wkb[, srid])\n\nConstructs a LineString value using its WKB representation and SRID.\n\nThe result is NULL if the WKB or SRID argument is NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-wkb-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-wkb-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (195,7,'ASYMMETRIC_DERIVE','Syntax:\nASYMMETRIC_DERIVE(pub_key_str, priv_key_str)\n\nDerives a symmetric key using the private key of one party and the\npublic key of another, and returns the resulting key as a binary\nstring. If key derivation fails, the result is NULL.\n\npub_key_str and priv_key_str must be valid key strings in PEM format.\nThey must be created using the DH algorithm.\n\nSuppose that you have two pairs of public and private keys:\n\nSET @dhp = CREATE_DH_PARAMETERS(1024);\nSET @priv1 = CREATE_ASYMMETRIC_PRIV_KEY(\'DH\', @dhp);\nSET @pub1 = CREATE_ASYMMETRIC_PUB_KEY(\'DH\', @priv1);\nSET @priv2 = CREATE_ASYMMETRIC_PRIV_KEY(\'DH\', @dhp);\nSET @pub2 = CREATE_ASYMMETRIC_PUB_KEY(\'DH\', @priv2);\n\nSuppose further that you use the private key from one pair and the\npublic key from the other pair to create a symmetric key string. Then\nthis symmetric key identity relationship holds:\n\nASYMMETRIC_DERIVE(@pub1, @priv2) = ASYMMETRIC_DERIVE(@pub2, @priv1)\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/enterprise-encryption-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/enterprise-encryption-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (196,28,'INSERT SELECT','Syntax:\nINSERT [LOW_PRIORITY | HIGH_PRIORITY] [IGNORE]\n [INTO] tbl_name\n [PARTITION (partition_name [, partition_name] ...)]\n [(col_name [, col_name] ...)]\n SELECT ...\n [ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE assignment_list]\n\nvalue:\n {expr | DEFAULT}\n\nassignment:\n col_name = value\n\nassignment_list:\n assignment [, assignment] ...\n\nWith INSERT ... SELECT, you can quickly insert many rows into a table\nfrom the result of a SELECT statement, which can select from one or\nmany tables. For example:\n\nINSERT INTO tbl_temp2 (fld_id)\n SELECT tbl_temp1.fld_order_id\n FROM tbl_temp1 WHERE tbl_temp1.fld_order_id > 100;\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/insert-select.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/insert-select.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (197,40,'CREATE PROCEDURE','Syntax:\nCREATE\n [DEFINER = { user | CURRENT_USER }]\n PROCEDURE sp_name ([proc_parameter[,...]])\n [characteristic ...] routine_body\n\nCREATE\n [DEFINER = { user | CURRENT_USER }]\n FUNCTION sp_name ([func_parameter[,...]])\n RETURNS type\n [characteristic ...] routine_body\n\nproc_parameter:\n [ IN | OUT | INOUT ] param_name type\n\nfunc_parameter:\n param_name type\n\ntype:\n Any valid MySQL data type\n\ncharacteristic:\n COMMENT \'string\'\n | LANGUAGE SQL\n | [NOT] DETERMINISTIC\n | { CONTAINS SQL | NO SQL | READS SQL DATA | MODIFIES SQL DATA }\n | SQL SECURITY { DEFINER | INVOKER }\n\nroutine_body:\n Valid SQL routine statement\n\nThese statements create stored routines. By default, a routine is\nassociated with the default database. To associate the routine\nexplicitly with a given database, specify the name as db_name.sp_name\nwhen you create it.\n\nThe CREATE FUNCTION statement is also used in MySQL to support UDFs\n(user-defined functions). See\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/adding-functions.html. A UDF can\nbe regarded as an external stored function. Stored functions share\ntheir namespace with UDFs. See\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/function-resolution.html, for\nthe rules describing how the server interprets references to different\nkinds of functions.\n\nTo invoke a stored procedure, use the CALL statement (see [HELP CALL]).\nTo invoke a stored function, refer to it in an expression. The function\nreturns a value during expression evaluation.\n\nCREATE PROCEDURE and CREATE FUNCTION require the CREATE ROUTINE\nprivilege. They might also require the SUPER privilege, depending on\nthe DEFINER value, as described later in this section. If binary\nlogging is enabled, CREATE FUNCTION might require the SUPER privilege,\nas described in\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/stored-programs-logging.html.\n\nBy default, MySQL automatically grants the ALTER ROUTINE and EXECUTE\nprivileges to the routine creator. This behavior can be changed by\ndisabling the automatic_sp_privileges system variable. See\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/stored-routines-privileges.html.\n\nThe DEFINER and SQL SECURITY clauses specify the security context to be\nused when checking access privileges at routine execution time, as\ndescribed later in this section.\n\nIf the routine name is the same as the name of a built-in SQL function,\na syntax error occurs unless you use a space between the name and the\nfollowing parenthesis when defining the routine or invoking it later.\nFor this reason, avoid using the names of existing SQL functions for\nyour own stored routines.\n\nThe IGNORE_SPACE SQL mode applies to built-in functions, not to stored\nroutines. It is always permissible to have spaces after a stored\nroutine name, regardless of whether IGNORE_SPACE is enabled.\n\nThe parameter list enclosed within parentheses must always be present.\nIf there are no parameters, an empty parameter list of () should be\nused. Parameter names are not case sensitive.\n\nEach parameter is an IN parameter by default. To specify otherwise for\na parameter, use the keyword OUT or INOUT before the parameter name.\n\n*Note*:\n\nSpecifying a parameter as IN, OUT, or INOUT is valid only for a\nPROCEDURE. For a FUNCTION, parameters are always regarded as IN\nparameters.\n\nAn IN parameter passes a value into a procedure. The procedure might\nmodify the value, but the modification is not visible to the caller\nwhen the procedure returns. An OUT parameter passes a value from the\nprocedure back to the caller. Its initial value is NULL within the\nprocedure, and its value is visible to the caller when the procedure\nreturns. An INOUT parameter is initialized by the caller, can be\nmodified by the procedure, and any change made by the procedure is\nvisible to the caller when the procedure returns.\n\nFor each OUT or INOUT parameter, pass a user-defined variable in the\nCALL statement that invokes the procedure so that you can obtain its\nvalue when the procedure returns. If you are calling the procedure from\nwithin another stored procedure or function, you can also pass a\nroutine parameter or local routine variable as an IN or INOUT\nparameter.\n\nRoutine parameters cannot be referenced in statements prepared within\nthe routine; see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/stored-program-restrictions.html\n.\n\nThe following example shows a simple stored procedure that uses an OUT\nparameter:\n\nmysql> delimiter //\n\nmysql> CREATE PROCEDURE simpleproc (OUT param1 INT)\n -> BEGIN\n -> SELECT COUNT(*) INTO param1 FROM t;\n -> END//\nQuery OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> delimiter ;\n\nmysql> CALL simpleproc(@a);\nQuery OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> SELECT @a;\n+------+\n| @a |\n+------+\n| 3 |\n+------+\n1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n\nThe example uses the mysql client delimiter command to change the\nstatement delimiter from ; to // while the procedure is being defined.\nThis enables the ; delimiter used in the procedure body to be passed\nthrough to the server rather than being interpreted by mysql itself.\nSee\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/stored-programs-defining.html.\n\nThe RETURNS clause may be specified only for a FUNCTION, for which it\nis mandatory. It indicates the return type of the function, and the\nfunction body must contain a RETURN value statement. If the RETURN\nstatement returns a value of a different type, the value is coerced to\nthe proper type. For example, if a function specifies an ENUM or SET\nvalue in the RETURNS clause, but the RETURN statement returns an\ninteger, the value returned from the function is the string for the\ncorresponding ENUM member of set of SET members.\n\nThe following example function takes a parameter, performs an operation\nusing an SQL function, and returns the result. In this case, it is\nunnecessary to use delimiter because the function definition contains\nno internal ; statement delimiters:\n\nmysql> CREATE FUNCTION hello (s CHAR(20))\nmysql> RETURNS CHAR(50) DETERMINISTIC\n -> RETURN CONCAT(\'Hello, \',s,\'!\');\nQuery OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> SELECT hello(\'world\');\n+----------------+\n| hello(\'world\') |\n+----------------+\n| Hello, world! |\n+----------------+\n1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n\nParameter types and function return types can be declared to use any\nvalid data type. The COLLATE attribute can be used if preceded by the\nCHARACTER SET attribute.\n\nThe routine_body consists of a valid SQL routine statement. This can be\na simple statement such as SELECT or INSERT, or a compound statement\nwritten using BEGIN and END. Compound statements can contain\ndeclarations, loops, and other control structure statements. The syntax\nfor these statements is described in\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/sql-syntax-compound-statements.h\ntml.\n\nMySQL permits routines to contain DDL statements, such as CREATE and\nDROP. MySQL also permits stored procedures (but not stored functions)\nto contain SQL transaction statements such as COMMIT. Stored functions\nmay not contain statements that perform explicit or implicit commit or\nrollback. Support for these statements is not required by the SQL\nstandard, which states that each DBMS vendor may decide whether to\npermit them.\n\nStatements that return a result set can be used within a stored\nprocedure but not within a stored function. This prohibition includes\nSELECT statements that do not have an INTO var_list clause and other\nstatements such as SHOW, EXPLAIN, and CHECK TABLE. For statements that\ncan be determined at function definition time to return a result set, a\nNot allowed to return a result set from a function error occurs\n(ER_SP_NO_RETSET). For statements that can be determined only at\nruntime to return a result set, a PROCEDURE %s can\'t return a result\nset in the given context error occurs (ER_SP_BADSELECT).\n\nUSE statements within stored routines are not permitted. When a routine\nis invoked, an implicit USE db_name is performed (and undone when the\nroutine terminates). The causes the routine to have the given default\ndatabase while it executes. References to objects in databases other\nthan the routine default database should be qualified with the\nappropriate database name.\n\nFor additional information about statements that are not permitted in\nstored routines, see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/stored-program-restrictions.html\n.\n\nFor information about invoking stored procedures from within programs\nwritten in a language that has a MySQL interface, see [HELP CALL].\n\nMySQL stores the sql_mode system variable setting in effect when a\nroutine is created or altered, and always executes the routine with\nthis setting in force, regardless of the current server SQL mode when\nthe routine begins executing.\n\nThe switch from the SQL mode of the invoker to that of the routine\noccurs after evaluation of arguments and assignment of the resulting\nvalues to routine parameters. If you define a routine in strict SQL\nmode but invoke it in nonstrict mode, assignment of arguments to\nroutine parameters does not take place in strict mode. If you require\nthat expressions passed to a routine be assigned in strict SQL mode,\nyou should invoke the routine with strict mode in effect.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/create-procedure.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/create-procedure.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (198,24,'GET DIAGNOSTICS','Syntax:\nGET [CURRENT | STACKED] DIAGNOSTICS\n{\n statement_information_item\n [, statement_information_item] ...\n | CONDITION condition_number\n condition_information_item\n [, condition_information_item] ...\n}\n\nstatement_information_item:\n target = statement_information_item_name\n\ncondition_information_item:\n target = condition_information_item_name\n\nstatement_information_item_name:\n NUMBER\n | ROW_COUNT\n\ncondition_information_item_name:\n CLASS_ORIGIN\n | SUBCLASS_ORIGIN\n | RETURNED_SQLSTATE\n | MESSAGE_TEXT\n | MYSQL_ERRNO\n | CONSTRAINT_CATALOG\n | CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA\n | CONSTRAINT_NAME\n | CATALOG_NAME\n | SCHEMA_NAME\n | TABLE_NAME\n | COLUMN_NAME\n | CURSOR_NAME\n\ncondition_number, target:\n (see following discussion)\n\nSQL statements produce diagnostic information that populates the\ndiagnostics area. The GET DIAGNOSTICS statement enables applications to\ninspect this information. (You can also use SHOW WARNINGS or SHOW\nERRORS to see conditions or errors.)\n\nNo special privileges are required to execute GET DIAGNOSTICS.\n\nThe keyword CURRENT means to retrieve information from the current\ndiagnostics area. The keyword STACKED means to retrieve information\nfrom the second diagnostics area, which is available only if the\ncurrent context is a condition handler. If neither keyword is given,\nthe default is to use the current diagnostics area.\n\nThe GET DIAGNOSTICS statement is typically used in a handler within a\nstored program. It is a MySQL extension that GET [CURRENT] DIAGNOSTICS\nis permitted outside handler context to check the execution of any SQL\nstatement. For example, if you invoke the mysql client program, you can\nenter these statements at the prompt:\n\nmysql> DROP TABLE test.no_such_table;\nERROR 1051 (42S02): Unknown table \'test.no_such_table\'\nmysql> GET DIAGNOSTICS CONDITION 1\n -> @p1 = RETURNED_SQLSTATE, @p2 = MESSAGE_TEXT;\nmysql> SELECT @p1, @p2;\n+-------+------------------------------------+\n| @p1 | @p2 |\n+-------+------------------------------------+\n| 42S02 | Unknown table \'test.no_such_table\' |\n+-------+------------------------------------+\n\nThis extension applies only to the current diagnostics area. It does\nnot apply to the second diagnostics area because GET STACKED\nDIAGNOSTICS is permitted only if the current context is a condition\nhandler. If that is not the case, a GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS when\nhandler not active error occurs.\n\nFor a description of the diagnostics area, see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/diagnostics-area.html. Briefly,\nit contains two kinds of information:\n\no Statement information, such as the number of conditions that occurred\n or the affected-rows count.\n\no Condition information, such as the error code and message. If a\n statement raises multiple conditions, this part of the diagnostics\n area has a condition area for each one. If a statement raises no\n conditions, this part of the diagnostics area is empty.\n\nFor a statement that produces three conditions, the diagnostics area\ncontains statement and condition information like this:\n\nStatement information:\n row count\n ... other statement information items ...\nCondition area list:\n Condition area 1:\n error code for condition 1\n error message for condition 1\n ... other condition information items ...\n Condition area 2:\n error code for condition 2:\n error message for condition 2\n ... other condition information items ...\n Condition area 3:\n error code for condition 3\n error message for condition 3\n ... other condition information items ...\n\nGET DIAGNOSTICS can obtain either statement or condition information,\nbut not both in the same statement:\n\no To obtain statement information, retrieve the desired statement items\n into target variables. This instance of GET DIAGNOSTICS assigns the\n number of available conditions and the rows-affected count to the\n user variables @p1 and @p2:\n\nGET DIAGNOSTICS @p1 = NUMBER, @p2 = ROW_COUNT;\n\no To obtain condition information, specify the condition number and\n retrieve the desired condition items into target variables. This\n instance of GET DIAGNOSTICS assigns the SQLSTATE value and error\n message to the user variables @p3 and @p4:\n\nGET DIAGNOSTICS CONDITION 1\n @p3 = RETURNED_SQLSTATE, @p4 = MESSAGE_TEXT;\n\nThe retrieval list specifies one or more target = item_name\nassignments, separated by commas. Each assignment names a target\nvariable and either a statement_information_item_name or\ncondition_information_item_name designator, depending on whether the\nstatement retrieves statement or condition information.\n\nValid target designators for storing item information can be stored\nprocedure or function parameters, stored program local variables\ndeclared with DECLARE, or user-defined variables.\n\nValid condition_number designators can be stored procedure or function\nparameters, stored program local variables declared with DECLARE,\nuser-defined variables, system variables, or literals. A character\nliteral may include a _charset introducer. A warning occurs if the\ncondition number is not in the range from 1 to the number of condition\nareas that have information. In this case, the warning is added to the\ndiagnostics area without clearing it.\n\nWhen a condition occurs, MySQL does not populate all condition items\nrecognized by GET DIAGNOSTICS. For example:\n\nmysql> GET DIAGNOSTICS CONDITION 1\n -> @p5 = SCHEMA_NAME, @p6 = TABLE_NAME;\nmysql> SELECT @p5, @p6;\n+------+------+\n| @p5 | @p6 |\n+------+------+\n| | |\n+------+------+\n\nIn standard SQL, if there are multiple conditions, the first condition\nrelates to the SQLSTATE value returned for the previous SQL statement.\nIn MySQL, this is not guaranteed. To get the main error, you cannot do\nthis:\n\nGET DIAGNOSTICS CONDITION 1 @errno = MYSQL_ERRNO;\n\nInstead, retrieve the condition count first, then use it to specify\nwhich condition number to inspect:\n\nGET DIAGNOSTICS @cno = NUMBER;\nGET DIAGNOSTICS CONDITION @cno @errno = MYSQL_ERRNO;\n\nFor information about permissible statement and condition information\nitems, and which ones are populated when a condition occurs, see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/diagnostics-area.html#diagnostic\ns-area-information-items.\n\nHere is an example that uses GET DIAGNOSTICS and an exception handler\nin stored procedure context to assess the outcome of an insert\noperation. If the insert was successful, the procedure uses GET\nDIAGNOSTICS to get the rows-affected count. This shows that you can use\nGET DIAGNOSTICS multiple times to retrieve information about a\nstatement as long as the current diagnostics area has not been cleared.\n\nCREATE PROCEDURE do_insert(value INT)\nBEGIN\n -- Declare variables to hold diagnostics area information\n DECLARE code CHAR(5) DEFAULT \'00000\';\n DECLARE msg TEXT;\n DECLARE rows INT;\n DECLARE result TEXT;\n -- Declare exception handler for failed insert\n DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR SQLEXCEPTION\n BEGIN\n GET DIAGNOSTICS CONDITION 1\n code = RETURNED_SQLSTATE, msg = MESSAGE_TEXT;\n END;\n\n -- Perform the insert\n INSERT INTO t1 (int_col) VALUES(value);\n -- Check whether the insert was successful\n IF code = \'00000\' THEN\n GET DIAGNOSTICS rows = ROW_COUNT;\n SET result = CONCAT(\'insert succeeded, row count = \',rows);\n ELSE\n SET result = CONCAT(\'insert failed, error = \',code,\', message = \',msg);\n END IF;\n -- Say what happened\n SELECT result;\nEND;\n\nSuppose that t1.int_col is an integer column that is declared as NOT\nNULL. The procedure produces these results when invoked to insert\nnon-NULL and NULL values, respectively:\n\nmysql> CALL do_insert(1);\n+---------------------------------+\n| result |\n+---------------------------------+\n| insert succeeded, row count = 1 |\n+---------------------------------+\n\nmysql> CALL do_insert(NULL);\n+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n| result |\n+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n| insert failed, error = 23000, message = Column \'int_col\' cannot be null |\n+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/get-diagnostics.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/get-diagnostics.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (199,38,'NOT REGEXP','Syntax:\nexpr NOT REGEXP pat, expr NOT RLIKE pat\n\nThis is the same as NOT (expr REGEXP pat).\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/regexp.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/regexp.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (200,24,'LEAVE','Syntax:\nLEAVE label\n\nThis statement is used to exit the flow control construct that has the\ngiven label. If the label is for the outermost stored program block,\nLEAVE exits the program.\n\nLEAVE can be used within BEGIN ... END or loop constructs (LOOP,\nREPEAT, WHILE).\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/leave.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/leave.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (201,7,'ST_GEOHASH','ST_GeoHash(longitude, latitude, max_length), ST_GeoHash(point,\nmax_length)\n\nReturns a geohash string in the connection character set and collation.\n\nIf any argument is NULL, the return value is NULL. If any argument is\ninvalid, an error occurs.\n\nFor the first syntax, the longitude must be a number in the range\n[−180, 180], and the latitude must be a number in the range [−90,\n90]. For the second syntax, a POINT value is required, where the X and\nY coordinates are in the valid ranges for longitude and latitude,\nrespectively.\n\nThe resulting string is no longer than max_length characters, which has\nan upper limit of 100. The string might be shorter than max_length\ncharacters because the algorithm that creates the geohash value\ncontinues until it has created a string that is either an exact\nrepresentation of the location or max_length characters, whichever\ncomes first.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-geohash-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT ST_GeoHash(180,0,10), ST_GeoHash(-180,-90,15);\n+----------------------+-------------------------+\n| ST_GeoHash(180,0,10) | ST_GeoHash(-180,-90,15) |\n+----------------------+-------------------------+\n| xbpbpbpbpb | 000000000000000 |\n+----------------------+-------------------------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-geohash-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (202,20,'NOT IN','Syntax:\nexpr NOT IN (value,...)\n\nThis is the same as NOT (expr IN (value,...)).\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/comparison-operators.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/comparison-operators.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (203,11,'X','X(p)\n\nST_X() and X() are synonyms. For more information, see the description\nof ST_X().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-point-property-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-point-property-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (204,17,'FOUND_ROWS','Syntax:\nFOUND_ROWS()\n\nA SELECT statement may include a LIMIT clause to restrict the number of\nrows the server returns to the client. In some cases, it is desirable\nto know how many rows the statement would have returned without the\nLIMIT, but without running the statement again. To obtain this row\ncount, include an SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS option in the SELECT statement,\nand then invoke FOUND_ROWS() afterward:\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/information-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM tbl_name\n -> WHERE id > 100 LIMIT 10;\nmysql> SELECT FOUND_ROWS();\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/information-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (205,31,'CROSSES','Crosses(g1, g2)\n\nST_Crosses() and Crosses() are synonyms. For more information, see the\ndescription of ST_Crosses().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-relation-functions-object-shapes.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-relation-functions-object-shapes.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (206,26,'ST_UNION','ST_Union(g1, g2)\n\nReturns a geometry that represents the point set union of the geometry\nvalues g1 and g2. If any argument is NULL, the return value is NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-operator-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SET @g1 = ST_GeomFromText(\'LineString(1 1, 3 3)\');\nmysql> SET @g2 = ST_GeomFromText(\'LineString(1 3, 3 1)\');\nmysql> SELECT ST_AsText(ST_Union(@g1, @g2));\n+--------------------------------------+\n| ST_AsText(ST_Union(@g1, @g2)) |\n+--------------------------------------+\n| MULTILINESTRING((1 1,3 3),(1 3,3 1)) |\n+--------------------------------------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-operator-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (207,16,'BIT_XOR','Syntax:\nBIT_XOR(expr)\n\nReturns the bitwise XOR of all bits in expr. The calculation is\nperformed with 64-bit (BIGINT) precision.\n\nIf there are no matching rows, BIT_XOR() returns a neutral value (all\nbits set to 0).\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/group-by-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/group-by-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (208,7,'->>','Syntax:\ncolumn->>path\n\nThis is an improved, unquoting extraction operator available in MySQL\n5.7.13 and later. Whereas the -> operator simply extracts a value, the\n->> operator in addition unquotes the extracted result. In other words,\ngiven a JSON column value column and a path expression path, the\nfollowing three expressions return the same value:\n\no JSON_UNQUOTE( JSON_EXTRACT(column, path) )\n\no JSON_UNQUOTE(column -> path)\n\no column->>path\n\nThe ->> operator can be used wherever JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT())\nwould be allowed. This includes (but is not limited to) SELECT lists,\nWHERE and HAVING clauses, and ORDER BY and GROUP BY clauses.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/json-search-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT * FROM jemp WHERE g > 2;\n+-------------------------------+------+\n| c | g |\n+-------------------------------+------+\n| {"id": "3", "name": "Barney"} | 3 |\n| {"id": "4", "name": "Betty"} | 4 |\n+-------------------------------+------+\n2 rows in set (0.01 sec)\n\nmysql> SELECT c->\'$.name\' AS name\n -> FROM jemp WHERE g > 2;\n+----------+\n| name |\n+----------+\n| "Barney" |\n| "Betty" |\n+----------+\n2 rows in set (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> SELECT JSON_UNQUOTE(c->\'$.name\') AS name\n -> FROM jemp WHERE g > 2;\n+--------+\n| name |\n+--------+\n| Barney |\n| Betty |\n+--------+\n2 rows in set (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> SELECT c->>\'$.name\' AS name\n -> FROM jemp WHERE g > 2;\n+--------+\n| name |\n+--------+\n| Barney |\n| Betty |\n+--------+\n2 rows in set (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> CREATE TABLE tj10 (a JSON, b INT);\nQuery OK, 0 rows affected (0.26 sec)\n\nmysql> INSERT INTO tj10 VALUES\n -> (\'[3,10,5,"x",44]\', 33),\n -> (\'[3,10,5,17,[22,"y",66]]\', 0);\nQuery OK, 2 rows affected (0.04 sec)\nRecords: 2 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0\n\nmysql> SELECT a->"$[3]", a->"$[4][1]" FROM tj10;\n+-----------+--------------+\n| a->"$[3]" | a->"$[4][1]" |\n+-----------+--------------+\n| "x" | NULL |\n| 17 | "y" |\n+-----------+--------------+\n2 rows in set (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> SELECT a->>"$[3]", a->>"$[4][1]" FROM tj10;\n+------------+---------------+\n| a->>"$[3]" | a->>"$[4][1]" |\n+------------+---------------+\n| x | NULL |\n| 17 | y |\n+------------+---------------+\n2 rows in set (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> EXPLAIN SELECT c->>\'$.name\' AS name\n -> FROM jemp WHERE g > 2\\G\n*************************** 1. row ***************************\n id: 1\n select_type: SIMPLE\n table: jemp\n partitions: NULL\n type: range\npossible_keys: i\n key: i\n key_len: 5\n ref: NULL\n rows: 2\n filtered: 100.00\n Extra: Using where\n1 row in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> SHOW WARNINGS\\G\n*************************** 1. row ***************************\n Level: Note\n Code: 1003\nMessage: /* select#1 */ select\njson_unquote(json_extract(`jtest`.`jemp`.`c`,\'$.name\')) AS `name` from\n`jtest`.`jemp` where (`jtest`.`jemp`.`g` > 2)\n1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/json-search-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (209,27,'FLUSH','Syntax:\nFLUSH [NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG | LOCAL] {\n flush_option [, flush_option] ...\n | tables_option\n}\n\nflush_option: {\n BINARY LOGS\n | DES_KEY_FILE\n | ENGINE LOGS\n | ERROR LOGS\n | GENERAL LOGS\n | HOSTS\n | LOGS\n | PRIVILEGES\n | OPTIMIZER_COSTS\n | QUERY CACHE\n | RELAY LOGS [FOR CHANNEL channel]\n | SLOW LOGS\n | STATUS\n | USER_RESOURCES\n}\n\ntables_option: {\n TABLES\n | TABLES tbl_name [, tbl_name] ...\n | TABLES WITH READ LOCK\n | TABLES tbl_name [, tbl_name] ... WITH READ LOCK\n | TABLES tbl_name [, tbl_name] ... FOR EXPORT\n}\n\nThe FLUSH statement has several variant forms that clear or reload\nvarious internal caches, flush tables, or acquire locks. To execute\nFLUSH, you must have the RELOAD privilege. Specific flush options might\nrequire additional privileges, as described later.\n\n*Note*:\n\nIt is not possible to issue FLUSH statements within stored functions or\ntriggers. However, you may use FLUSH in stored procedures, so long as\nthese are not called from stored functions or triggers. See\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/stored-program-restrictions.html\n.\n\nBy default, the server writes FLUSH statements to the binary log so\nthat they replicate to replication slaves. To suppress logging, specify\nthe optional NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG keyword or its alias LOCAL.\n\n*Note*:\n\nFLUSH LOGS, FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK (with or without a table list),\nand FLUSH TABLES tbl_name ... FOR EXPORT are not written to the binary\nlog in any case because they would cause problems if replicated to a\nslave.\n\nThe FLUSH statement causes an implicit commit. See\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/implicit-commit.html.\n\nThe mysqladmin utility provides a command-line interface to some flush\noperations, using commands such as flush-hosts, flush-logs,\nflush-privileges, flush-status, and flush-tables. See\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mysqladmin.html.\n\nSending a SIGHUP signal to the server causes several flush operations\nto occur that are similar to various forms of the FLUSH statement. See\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/server-signal-response.html.\n\nThe RESET statement is similar to FLUSH. See [HELP RESET], for\ninformation about using the RESET statement with replication.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/flush.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/flush.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (210,24,'BEGIN END','Syntax:\n[begin_label:] BEGIN\n [statement_list]\nEND [end_label]\n\nBEGIN ... END syntax is used for writing compound statements, which can\nappear within stored programs (stored procedures and functions,\ntriggers, and events). A compound statement can contain multiple\nstatements, enclosed by the BEGIN and END keywords. statement_list\nrepresents a list of one or more statements, each terminated by a\nsemicolon (;) statement delimiter. The statement_list itself is\noptional, so the empty compound statement (BEGIN END) is legal.\n\nBEGIN ... END blocks can be nested.\n\nUse of multiple statements requires that a client is able to send\nstatement strings containing the ; statement delimiter. In the mysql\ncommand-line client, this is handled with the delimiter command.\nChanging the ; end-of-statement delimiter (for example, to //) permit ;\nto be used in a program body. For an example, see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/stored-programs-defining.html.\n\nA BEGIN ... END block can be labeled. See [HELP labels].\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/begin-end.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/begin-end.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (211,27,'SHOW PROCEDURE STATUS','Syntax:\nSHOW PROCEDURE STATUS\n [LIKE \'pattern\' | WHERE expr]\n\nThis statement is a MySQL extension. It returns characteristics of a\nstored procedure, such as the database, name, type, creator, creation\nand modification dates, and character set information. A similar\nstatement, SHOW FUNCTION STATUS, displays information about stored\nfunctions (see [HELP SHOW FUNCTION STATUS]).\n\nThe LIKE clause, if present, indicates which procedure or function\nnames to match. The WHERE clause can be given to select rows using more\ngeneral conditions, as discussed in\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/extended-show.html.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-procedure-status.html\n\n','mysql> SHOW PROCEDURE STATUS LIKE \'sp1\'\\G\n*************************** 1. row ***************************\n Db: test\n Name: sp1\n Type: PROCEDURE\n Definer: testuser@localhost\n Modified: 2004-08-03 15:29:37\n Created: 2004-08-03 15:29:37\n Security_type: DEFINER\n Comment:\ncharacter_set_client: latin1\ncollation_connection: latin1_swedish_ci\n Database Collation: latin1_swedish_ci\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-procedure-status.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (212,16,'STDDEV_POP','Syntax:\nSTDDEV_POP(expr)\n\nReturns the population standard deviation of expr (the square root of\nVAR_POP()). You can also use STD() or STDDEV(), which are equivalent\nbut not standard SQL.\n\nIf there are no matching rows, STDDEV_POP() returns NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/group-by-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/group-by-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (213,27,'SHOW CHARACTER SET','Syntax:\nSHOW CHARACTER SET\n [LIKE \'pattern\' | WHERE expr]\n\nThe SHOW CHARACTER SET statement shows all available character sets.\nThe LIKE clause, if present, indicates which character set names to\nmatch. The WHERE clause can be given to select rows using more general\nconditions, as discussed in\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/extended-show.html. For example:\n\nmysql> SHOW CHARACTER SET LIKE \'latin%\';\n+---------+-----------------------------+-------------------+--------+\n| Charset | Description | Default collation | Maxlen |\n+---------+-----------------------------+-------------------+--------+\n| latin1 | cp1252 West European | latin1_swedish_ci | 1 |\n| latin2 | ISO 8859-2 Central European | latin2_general_ci | 1 |\n| latin5 | ISO 8859-9 Turkish | latin5_turkish_ci | 1 |\n| latin7 | ISO 8859-13 Baltic | latin7_general_ci | 1 |\n+---------+-----------------------------+-------------------+--------+\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-character-set.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-character-set.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (214,16,'JSON_OBJECTAGG','Syntax:\nJSON_OBJECTAGG(key, value)\n\nTakes two column names or expressions as arguments, the first of these\nbeing used as a key and the second as a value, and returns a JSON\nobject containing key-value pairs. Returns NULL if the result contains\nno rows, or in the event of an error. An error occurs if any key name\nis NULL or the number of arguments is not equal to 2.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/group-by-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT o_id, attribute, value FROM t3;\n+------+-----------+-------+\n| o_id | attribute | value |\n+------+-----------+-------+\n| 2 | color | red |\n| 2 | fabric | silk |\n| 3 | color | green |\n| 3 | shape | square|\n+------+-----------+-------+\n4 rows in set (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> SELECT o_id, JSON_OBJECTAGG(attribute, value) FROM t3 GROUP BY o_id;\n+------+----------------------------------------+\n| o_id | JSON_OBJECTAGG(attribute, name) |\n+------+----------------------------------------+\n| 2 | {"color": "red", "fabric": "silk"} |\n| 3 | {"color": "green", "shape": "square"} |\n+------+----------------------------------------+\n1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/group-by-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (215,7,'INTERSECTS','Intersects(g1, g2)\n\nMBRIntersects() and Intersects() are synonyms. For more information,\nsee the description of MBRIntersects().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-relation-functions-mbr.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-relation-functions-mbr.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (216,24,'LOOP','Syntax:\n[begin_label:] LOOP\n statement_list\nEND LOOP [end_label]\n\nLOOP implements a simple loop construct, enabling repeated execution of\nthe statement list, which consists of one or more statements, each\nterminated by a semicolon (;) statement delimiter. The statements\nwithin the loop are repeated until the loop is terminated. Usually,\nthis is accomplished with a LEAVE statement. Within a stored function,\nRETURN can also be used, which exits the function entirely.\n\nNeglecting to include a loop-termination statement results in an\ninfinite loop.\n\nA LOOP statement can be labeled. For the rules regarding label use, see\n[HELP labels].\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/loop.html\n\n','CREATE PROCEDURE doiterate(p1 INT)\nBEGIN\n label1: LOOP\n SET p1 = p1 + 1;\n IF p1 < 10 THEN\n ITERATE label1;\n END IF;\n LEAVE label1;\n END LOOP label1;\n SET @x = p1;\nEND;\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/loop.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (217,20,'GREATEST','Syntax:\nGREATEST(value1,value2,...)\n\nWith two or more arguments, returns the largest (maximum-valued)\nargument. The arguments are compared using the same rules as for\nLEAST().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/comparison-operators.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT GREATEST(2,0);\n -> 2\nmysql> SELECT GREATEST(34.0,3.0,5.0,767.0);\n -> 767.0\nmysql> SELECT GREATEST(\'B\',\'A\',\'C\');\n -> \'C\'\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/comparison-operators.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (218,40,'ALTER INSTANCE','Syntax:\nALTER INSTANCE ROTATE INNODB MASTER KEY\n\nALTER INSTANCE, introduced in MySQL 5.7.11, defines actions applicable\nto a MySQL server instance.\n\nThe ALTER INSTANCE ROTATE INNODB MASTER KEY statement is used to rotate\nthe master encryption key used for InnoDB tablespace encryption. A\nkeyring plugin must be loaded to use this statement. For information\nabout keyring plugins, see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/keyring.html. Key rotation\nrequires the SUPER privilege.\n\nALTER INSTANCE ROTATE INNODB MASTER KEY supports concurrent DML.\nHowever, it cannot be run concurrently with CREATE TABLE ... ENCRYPTION\nor ALTER TABLE ... ENCRYPTION operations, and locks are taken to\nprevent conflicts that could arise from concurrent execution of these\nstatements. If one of the conflicting statements is running, it must\ncomplete before another can proceed.\n\nALTER INSTANCE actions are written to the binary log so that they can\nbe executed on replicated servers.\n\nFor additional ALTER INSTANCE ROTATE INNODB MASTER KEY usage\ninformation, see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/innodb-tablespace-encryption.htm\nl. For information about keyring plugins, see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/keyring.html.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/alter-instance.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/alter-instance.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (219,31,'ST_CONTAINS','ST_Contains(g1, g2)\n\nReturns 1 or 0 to indicate whether g1 completely contains g2. This\ntests the opposite relationship as ST_Within().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-relation-functions-object-shapes.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-relation-functions-object-shapes.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (220,16,'BIT_AND','Syntax:\nBIT_AND(expr)\n\nReturns the bitwise AND of all bits in expr. The calculation is\nperformed with 64-bit (BIGINT) precision.\n\nIf there are no matching rows, BIT_AND() returns a neutral value (all\nbits set to 1).\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/group-by-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/group-by-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (221,32,'SECOND','Syntax:\nSECOND(time)\n\nReturns the second for time, in the range 0 to 59.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT SECOND(\'10:05:03\');\n -> 3\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (222,7,'MBRCONTAINS','MBRContains(g1, g2)\n\nReturns 1 or 0 to indicate whether the minimum bounding rectangle of g1\ncontains the minimum bounding rectangle of g2. This tests the opposite\nrelationship as MBRWithin().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-relation-functions-mbr.html\n\n','mysql> SET @g1 = ST_GeomFromText(\'Polygon((0 0,0 3,3 3,3 0,0 0))\');\nmysql> SET @g2 = ST_GeomFromText(\'Point(1 1)\');\nmysql> SELECT MBRContains(@g1,@g2), MBRWithin(@g2,@g1);\n+----------------------+--------------------+\n| MBRContains(@g1,@g2) | MBRWithin(@g2,@g1) |\n+----------------------+--------------------+\n| 1 | 1 |\n+----------------------+--------------------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-relation-functions-mbr.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (223,14,'RELEASE_ALL_LOCKS','Syntax:\nRELEASE_ALL_LOCKS()\n\nReleases all named locks held by the current session and returns the\nnumber of locks released (0 if there were none)\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/miscellaneous-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/miscellaneous-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (224,3,'COT','Syntax:\nCOT(X)\n\nReturns the cotangent of X.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mathematical-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT COT(12);\n -> -1.5726734063977\nmysql> SELECT COT(0);\n -> out-of-range error\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mathematical-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (225,27,'SHOW CREATE EVENT','Syntax:\nSHOW CREATE EVENT event_name\n\nThis statement displays the CREATE EVENT statement needed to re-create\na given event. It requires the EVENT privilege for the database from\nwhich the event is to be shown. For example (using the same event\ne_daily defined and then altered in [HELP SHOW EVENTS]):\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-create-event.html\n\n','mysql> SHOW CREATE EVENT test.e_daily\\G\n*************************** 1. row ***************************\n Event: e_daily\n sql_mode:\n time_zone: SYSTEM\n Create Event: CREATE EVENT `e_daily`\n ON SCHEDULE EVERY 1 DAY\n STARTS CURRENT_TIMESTAMP + INTERVAL 6 HOUR\n ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE\n ENABLE\n COMMENT \'Saves total number of sessions then\n clears the table each day\'\n DO BEGIN\n INSERT INTO site_activity.totals (time, total)\n SELECT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, COUNT(*)\n FROM site_activity.sessions;\n DELETE FROM site_activity.sessions;\n END\ncharacter_set_client: latin1\ncollation_connection: latin1_swedish_ci\n Database Collation: latin1_swedish_ci\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-create-event.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (226,15,'OR','Syntax:\nOR, ||\n\nLogical OR. When both operands are non-NULL, the result is 1 if any\noperand is nonzero, and 0 otherwise. With a NULL operand, the result is\n1 if the other operand is nonzero, and NULL otherwise. If both operands\nare NULL, the result is NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/logical-operators.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT 1 OR 1;\n -> 1\nmysql> SELECT 1 OR 0;\n -> 1\nmysql> SELECT 0 OR 0;\n -> 0\nmysql> SELECT 0 OR NULL;\n -> NULL\nmysql> SELECT 1 OR NULL;\n -> 1\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/logical-operators.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (227,38,'LOAD_FILE','Syntax:\nLOAD_FILE(file_name)\n\nReads the file and returns the file contents as a string. To use this\nfunction, the file must be located on the server host, you must specify\nthe full path name to the file, and you must have the FILE privilege.\nThe file must be readable by all and its size less than\nmax_allowed_packet bytes. If the secure_file_priv system variable is\nset to a nonempty directory name, the file to be loaded must be located\nin that directory.\n\nIf the file does not exist or cannot be read because one of the\npreceding conditions is not satisfied, the function returns NULL.\n\nThe character_set_filesystem system variable controls interpretation of\nfile names that are given as literal strings.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html\n\n','mysql> UPDATE t\n SET blob_col=LOAD_FILE(\'/tmp/picture\')\n WHERE id=1;\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (228,4,'POINTFROMTEXT','PointFromText(wkt[, srid])\n\nST_PointFromText() and PointFromText() are synonyms. For more\ninformation, see the description of ST_PointFromText().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-wkt-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-wkt-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (229,32,'DATE_FORMAT','Syntax:\nDATE_FORMAT(date,format)\n\nFormats the date value according to the format string.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT DATE_FORMAT(\'2009-10-04 22:23:00\', \'%W %M %Y\');\n -> \'Sunday October 2009\'\nmysql> SELECT DATE_FORMAT(\'2007-10-04 22:23:00\', \'%H:%i:%s\');\n -> \'22:23:00\'\nmysql> SELECT DATE_FORMAT(\'1900-10-04 22:23:00\',\n -> \'%D %y %a %d %m %b %j\');\n -> \'4th 00 Thu 04 10 Oct 277\'\nmysql> SELECT DATE_FORMAT(\'1997-10-04 22:23:00\',\n -> \'%H %k %I %r %T %S %w\');\n -> \'22 22 10 10:23:00 PM 22:23:00 00 6\'\nmysql> SELECT DATE_FORMAT(\'1999-01-01\', \'%X %V\');\n -> \'1998 52\'\nmysql> SELECT DATE_FORMAT(\'2006-06-00\', \'%d\');\n -> \'00\'\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (230,32,'YEAR','Syntax:\nYEAR(date)\n\nReturns the year for date, in the range 1000 to 9999, or 0 for the\n"zero" date.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT YEAR(\'1987-01-01\');\n -> 1987\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (231,20,'IS NULL','Syntax:\nIS NULL\n\nTests whether a value is NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/comparison-operators.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT 1 IS NULL, 0 IS NULL, NULL IS NULL;\n -> 0, 0, 1\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/comparison-operators.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (232,40,'ALTER SERVER','Syntax:\nALTER SERVER server_name\n OPTIONS (option [, option] ...)\n\nAlters the server information for server_name, adjusting any of the\noptions permitted in the CREATE SERVER statement. The corresponding\nfields in the mysql.servers table are updated accordingly. This\nstatement requires the SUPER privilege.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/alter-server.html\n\n','ALTER SERVER s OPTIONS (USER \'sally\');\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/alter-server.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (233,24,'RESIGNAL','Syntax:\nRESIGNAL [condition_value]\n [SET signal_information_item\n [, signal_information_item] ...]\n\ncondition_value:\n SQLSTATE [VALUE] sqlstate_value\n | condition_name\n\nsignal_information_item:\n condition_information_item_name = simple_value_specification\n\ncondition_information_item_name:\n CLASS_ORIGIN\n | SUBCLASS_ORIGIN\n | MESSAGE_TEXT\n | MYSQL_ERRNO\n | CONSTRAINT_CATALOG\n | CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA\n | CONSTRAINT_NAME\n | CATALOG_NAME\n | SCHEMA_NAME\n | TABLE_NAME\n | COLUMN_NAME\n | CURSOR_NAME\n\ncondition_name, simple_value_specification:\n (see following discussion)\n\nRESIGNAL passes on the error condition information that is available\nduring execution of a condition handler within a compound statement\ninside a stored procedure or function, trigger, or event. RESIGNAL may\nchange some or all information before passing it on. RESIGNAL is\nrelated to SIGNAL, but instead of originating a condition as SIGNAL\ndoes, RESIGNAL relays existing condition information, possibly after\nmodifying it.\n\nRESIGNAL makes it possible to both handle an error and return the error\ninformation. Otherwise, by executing an SQL statement within the\nhandler, information that caused the handler\'s activation is destroyed.\nRESIGNAL also can make some procedures shorter if a given handler can\nhandle part of a situation, then pass the condition "up the line" to\nanother handler.\n\nNo special privileges are required to execute the RESIGNAL statement.\n\nAll forms of RESIGNAL require that the current context be a condition\nhandler. Otherwise, RESIGNAL is illegal and a RESIGNAL when handler not\nactive error occurs.\n\nTo retrieve information from the diagnostics area, use the GET\nDIAGNOSTICS statement (see [HELP GET DIAGNOSTICS]). For information\nabout the diagnostics area, see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/diagnostics-area.html.\n\nFor condition_value and signal_information_item, the definitions and\nrules are the same for RESIGNAL as for SIGNAL. For example, the\ncondition_value can be an SQLSTATE value, and the value can indicate\nerrors, warnings, or "not found." For additional information, see [HELP\nSIGNAL].\n\nThe RESIGNAL statement takes condition_value and SET clauses, both of\nwhich are optional. This leads to several possible uses:\n\no RESIGNAL alone:\n\nRESIGNAL;\n\no RESIGNAL with new signal information:\n\nRESIGNAL SET signal_information_item [, signal_information_item] ...;\n\no RESIGNAL with a condition value and possibly new signal information:\n\nRESIGNAL condition_value\n [SET signal_information_item [, signal_information_item] ...];\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/resignal.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/resignal.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (234,7,'MBRCOVERS','MBRCovers(g1, g2)\n\nReturns 1 or 0 to indicate whether the minimum bounding rectangle of g1\ncovers the minimum bounding rectangle of g2. This tests the opposite\nrelationship as MBRCoveredBy(). See the description of MBRCoveredBy()\nfor examples.\n\nMBRCovers() handles its arguments as follows:\n\no If either argument is NULL or an empty geometry, the return value is\n NULL.\n\no If either argument is not a syntactically well-formed geometry byte\n string, an ER_GIS_INVALID_DATA error occurs.\n\no Otherwise, the return value is non-NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-relation-functions-mbr.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-relation-functions-mbr.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (235,13,'ST_NUMPOINTS','ST_NumPoints(ls)\n\nReturns the number of Point objects in the LineString value ls. If the\nargument is NULL or an empty geometry, the return value is NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-linestring-property-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SET @ls = \'LineString(1 1,2 2,3 3)\';\nmysql> SELECT ST_NumPoints(ST_GeomFromText(@ls));\n+------------------------------------+\n| ST_NumPoints(ST_GeomFromText(@ls)) |\n+------------------------------------+\n| 3 |\n+------------------------------------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-linestring-property-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (236,32,'TIME FUNCTION','Syntax:\nTIME(expr)\n\nExtracts the time part of the time or datetime expression expr and\nreturns it as a string.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT TIME(\'2003-12-31 01:02:03\');\n -> \'01:02:03\'\nmysql> SELECT TIME(\'2003-12-31 01:02:03.000123\');\n -> \'01:02:03.000123\'\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (237,32,'DATE_ADD','Syntax:\nDATE_ADD(date,INTERVAL expr unit), DATE_SUB(date,INTERVAL expr unit)\n\nThese functions perform date arithmetic. The date argument specifies\nthe starting date or datetime value. expr is an expression specifying\nthe interval value to be added or subtracted from the starting date.\nexpr is a string; it may start with a - for negative intervals. unit is\na keyword indicating the units in which the expression should be\ninterpreted.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT \'2008-12-31 23:59:59\' + INTERVAL 1 SECOND;\n -> \'2009-01-01 00:00:00\'\nmysql> SELECT INTERVAL 1 DAY + \'2008-12-31\';\n -> \'2009-01-01\'\nmysql> SELECT \'2005-01-01\' - INTERVAL 1 SECOND;\n -> \'2004-12-31 23:59:59\'\nmysql> SELECT DATE_ADD(\'2000-12-31 23:59:59\',\n -> INTERVAL 1 SECOND);\n -> \'2001-01-01 00:00:00\'\nmysql> SELECT DATE_ADD(\'2010-12-31 23:59:59\',\n -> INTERVAL 1 DAY);\n -> \'2011-01-01 23:59:59\'\nmysql> SELECT DATE_ADD(\'2100-12-31 23:59:59\',\n -> INTERVAL \'1:1\' MINUTE_SECOND);\n -> \'2101-01-01 00:01:00\'\nmysql> SELECT DATE_SUB(\'2005-01-01 00:00:00\',\n -> INTERVAL \'1 1:1:1\' DAY_SECOND);\n -> \'2004-12-30 22:58:59\'\nmysql> SELECT DATE_ADD(\'1900-01-01 00:00:00\',\n -> INTERVAL \'-1 10\' DAY_HOUR);\n -> \'1899-12-30 14:00:00\'\nmysql> SELECT DATE_SUB(\'1998-01-02\', INTERVAL 31 DAY);\n -> \'1997-12-02\'\nmysql> SELECT DATE_ADD(\'1992-12-31 23:59:59.000002\',\n -> INTERVAL \'1.999999\' SECOND_MICROSECOND);\n -> \'1993-01-01 00:00:01.000001\'\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (238,7,'JSON_VALID','Syntax:\nJSON_VALID(val)\n\nReturns 0 or 1 to indicate whether a value is valid JSON. Returns NULL\nif the argument is NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/json-attribute-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT JSON_VALID(\'{"a": 1}\');\n+------------------------+\n| JSON_VALID(\'{"a": 1}\') |\n+------------------------+\n| 1 |\n+------------------------+\nmysql> SELECT JSON_VALID(\'hello\'), JSON_VALID(\'"hello"\');\n+---------------------+-----------------------+\n| JSON_VALID(\'hello\') | JSON_VALID(\'"hello"\') |\n+---------------------+-----------------------+\n| 0 | 1 |\n+---------------------+-----------------------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/json-attribute-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (239,37,'ST_ENVELOPE','ST_Envelope(g)\n\nReturns the minimum bounding rectangle (MBR) for the geometry value g,\nor NULL if the argument is NULL. The result is returned as a Polygon\nvalue that is defined by the corner points of the bounding box:\n\nPOLYGON((MINX MINY, MAXX MINY, MAXX MAXY, MINX MAXY, MINX MINY))\n\nmysql> SELECT ST_AsText(ST_Envelope(ST_GeomFromText(\'LineString(1 1,2 2)\')));\n+----------------------------------------------------------------+\n| ST_AsText(ST_Envelope(ST_GeomFromText(\'LineString(1 1,2 2)\'))) |\n+----------------------------------------------------------------+\n| POLYGON((1 1,2 1,2 2,1 2,1 1)) |\n+----------------------------------------------------------------+\n\nAs of MySQL 5.7.6, if the argument is a point or a vertical or\nhorizontal line segment, ST_Envelope() returns the point or the line\nsegment as its MBR rather than returning an invalid polygon:\n\nmysql> SELECT ST_AsText(ST_Envelope(ST_GeomFromText(\'LineString(1 1,1 2)\')));\n+----------------------------------------------------------------+\n| ST_AsText(ST_Envelope(ST_GeomFromText(\'LineString(1 1,1 2)\'))) |\n+----------------------------------------------------------------+\n| LINESTRING(1 1,1 2) |\n+----------------------------------------------------------------+\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-general-property-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-general-property-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (240,38,'LIKE','Syntax:\nexpr LIKE pat [ESCAPE \'escape_char\']\n\nPattern matching using an SQL pattern. Returns 1 (TRUE) or 0 (FALSE).\nIf either expr or pat is NULL, the result is NULL.\n\nThe pattern need not be a literal string. For example, it can be\nspecified as a string expression or table column.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-comparison-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT \'David!\' LIKE \'David_\';\n -> 1\nmysql> SELECT \'David!\' LIKE \'%D%v%\';\n -> 1\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-comparison-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (241,25,'MULTIPOINT','MultiPoint(pt [, pt2] ...)\n\nConstructs a MultiPoint value using Point or WKB Point arguments.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-mysql-specific-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-mysql-specific-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (242,19,'>>','Syntax:\n>>\n\nShifts a longlong (BIGINT) number to the right.\n\nThe result is an unsigned 64-bit integer. The value is truncated to 64\nbits. In particular, if the shift count is greater or equal to the\nwidth of an unsigned 64-bit number, the result is zero.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/bit-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT 4 >> 2;\n -> 1\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/bit-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (243,24,'FETCH','Syntax:\nFETCH [[NEXT] FROM] cursor_name INTO var_name [, var_name] ...\n\nThis statement fetches the next row for the SELECT statement associated\nwith the specified cursor (which must be open), and advances the cursor\npointer. If a row exists, the fetched columns are stored in the named\nvariables. The number of columns retrieved by the SELECT statement must\nmatch the number of output variables specified in the FETCH statement.\n\nIf no more rows are available, a No Data condition occurs with SQLSTATE\nvalue \'02000\'. To detect this condition, you can set up a handler for\nit (or for a NOT FOUND condition). For an example, see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/cursors.html.\n\nBe aware that another operation, such as a SELECT or another FETCH, may\nalso cause the handler to execute by raising the same condition. If it\nis necessary to distinguish which operation raised the condition, place\nthe operation within its own BEGIN ... END block so that it can be\nassociated with its own handler.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/fetch.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/fetch.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (244,30,'TRUE FALSE','The constants TRUE and FALSE evaluate to 1 and 0, respectively. The\nconstant names can be written in any lettercase.\n\nmysql> SELECT TRUE, true, FALSE, false;\n -> 1, 1, 0, 0\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/boolean-literals.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/boolean-literals.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (245,7,'MBRWITHIN','MBRWithin(g1, g2)\n\nReturns 1 or 0 to indicate whether the minimum bounding rectangle of g1\nis within the minimum bounding rectangle of g2. This tests the opposite\nrelationship as MBRContains().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-relation-functions-mbr.html\n\n','mysql> SET @g1 = ST_GeomFromText(\'Polygon((0 0,0 3,3 3,3 0,0 0))\');\nmysql> SET @g2 = ST_GeomFromText(\'Polygon((0 0,0 5,5 5,5 0,0 0))\');\nmysql> SELECT MBRWithin(@g1,@g2), MBRWithin(@g2,@g1);\n+--------------------+--------------------+\n| MBRWithin(@g1,@g2) | MBRWithin(@g2,@g1) |\n+--------------------+--------------------+\n| 1 | 0 |\n+--------------------+--------------------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-relation-functions-mbr.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (246,17,'SESSION_USER','Syntax:\nSESSION_USER()\n\nSESSION_USER() is a synonym for USER().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/information-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/information-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (247,27,'SHOW CREATE FUNCTION','Syntax:\nSHOW CREATE FUNCTION func_name\n\nThis statement is similar to SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE but for stored\nfunctions. See [HELP SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE].\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-create-function.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-create-function.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (248,31,'DISTANCE','Distance(g1, g2)\n\nST_Distance() and Distance() are synonyms. For more information, see\nthe description of ST_Distance().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-relation-functions-object-shapes.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-relation-functions-object-shapes.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (249,32,'STR_TO_DATE','Syntax:\nSTR_TO_DATE(str,format)\n\nThis is the inverse of the DATE_FORMAT() function. It takes a string\nstr and a format string format. STR_TO_DATE() returns a DATETIME value\nif the format string contains both date and time parts, or a DATE or\nTIME value if the string contains only date or time parts. If the date,\ntime, or datetime value extracted from str is illegal, STR_TO_DATE()\nreturns NULL and produces a warning.\n\nThe server scans str attempting to match format to it. The format\nstring can contain literal characters and format specifiers beginning\nwith %. Literal characters in format must match literally in str.\nFormat specifiers in format must match a date or time part in str. For\nthe specifiers that can be used in format, see the DATE_FORMAT()\nfunction description.\n\nmysql> SELECT STR_TO_DATE(\'01,5,2013\',\'%d,%m,%Y\');\n -> \'2013-05-01\'\nmysql> SELECT STR_TO_DATE(\'May 1, 2013\',\'%M %d,%Y\');\n -> \'2013-05-01\'\n\nScanning starts at the beginning of str and fails if format is found\nnot to match. Extra characters at the end of str are ignored.\n\nmysql> SELECT STR_TO_DATE(\'a09:30:17\',\'a%h:%i:%s\');\n -> \'09:30:17\'\nmysql> SELECT STR_TO_DATE(\'a09:30:17\',\'%h:%i:%s\');\n -> NULL\nmysql> SELECT STR_TO_DATE(\'09:30:17a\',\'%h:%i:%s\');\n -> \'09:30:17\'\n\nUnspecified date or time parts have a value of 0, so incompletely\nspecified values in str produce a result with some or all parts set to\n0:\n\nmysql> SELECT STR_TO_DATE(\'abc\',\'abc\');\n -> \'0000-00-00\'\nmysql> SELECT STR_TO_DATE(\'9\',\'%m\');\n -> \'0000-09-00\'\nmysql> SELECT STR_TO_DATE(\'9\',\'%s\');\n -> \'00:00:09\'\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (250,11,'Y','Y(p)\n\nST_Y() and Y() are synonyms. For more information, see the description\nof ST_Y().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-point-property-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-point-property-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (251,21,'CHECKSUM TABLE','Syntax:\nCHECKSUM TABLE tbl_name [, tbl_name] ... [QUICK | EXTENDED]\n\nCHECKSUM TABLE reports a checksum for the contents of a table. You can\nuse this statement to verify that the contents are the same before and\nafter a backup, rollback, or other operation that is intended to put\nthe data back to a known state.\n\nThis statement requires the SELECT privilege for the table.\n\nThis statement is not supported for views. If you run CHECKSUM TABLE\nagainst a view, the Checksum value is always NULL, and a warning is\nreturned.\n\nFor a nonexistent table, CHECKSUM TABLE returns NULL and generates a\nwarning.\n\nDuring the checksum operation, the table is locked with a read lock for\nInnoDB and MyISAM.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/checksum-table.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/checksum-table.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (252,2,'NUMINTERIORRINGS','NumInteriorRings(poly)\n\nST_NumInteriorRings() and NumInteriorRings() are synonyms. For more\ninformation, see the description of ST_NumInteriorRings().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-polygon-property-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-polygon-property-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (253,2,'INTERIORRINGN','InteriorRingN(poly, N)\n\nST_InteriorRingN() and InteriorRingN() are synonyms. For more\ninformation, see the description of ST_InteriorRingN().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-polygon-property-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-polygon-property-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (254,32,'UTC_TIME','Syntax:\nUTC_TIME, UTC_TIME([fsp])\n\nReturns the current UTC time as a value in \'HH:MM:SS\' or HHMMSS format,\ndepending on whether the function is used in a string or numeric\ncontext.\n\nIf the fsp argument is given to specify a fractional seconds precision\nfrom 0 to 6, the return value includes a fractional seconds part of\nthat many digits.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT UTC_TIME(), UTC_TIME() + 0;\n -> \'18:07:53\', 180753.000000\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (255,14,'IS_IPV4_COMPAT','Syntax:\nIS_IPV4_COMPAT(expr)\n\nThis function takes an IPv6 address represented in numeric form as a\nbinary string, as returned by INET6_ATON(). It returns 1 if the\nargument is a valid IPv4-compatible IPv6 address, 0 otherwise.\nIPv4-compatible addresses have the form ::ipv4_address.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/miscellaneous-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT IS_IPV4_COMPAT(INET6_ATON(\'::\'));\n -> 1\nmysql> SELECT IS_IPV4_COMPAT(INET6_ATON(\'::ffff:\'));\n -> 0\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/miscellaneous-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (256,40,'DROP FUNCTION','The DROP FUNCTION statement is used to drop stored functions and\nuser-defined functions (UDFs):\n\no For information about dropping stored functions, see [HELP DROP\n PROCEDURE].\n\no For information about dropping user-defined functions, see [HELP DROP\n FUNCTION UDF].\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/drop-function.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/drop-function.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (257,4,'ST_POLYFROMTEXT','ST_PolyFromText(wkt[, srid]), ST_PolygonFromText(wkt[, srid])\n\nConstructs a Polygon value using its WKT representation and SRID.\n\nIf the geometry argument is NULL or not a syntactically well-formed\ngeometry, or if the SRID argument is NULL, the return value is NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-wkt-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-wkt-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (258,16,'STDDEV','Syntax:\nSTDDEV(expr)\n\nReturns the population standard deviation of expr. STDDEV() is a\nsynonym for the standard SQL function STDDEV_POP(), provided for\ncompatibility with Oracle.\n\nIf there are no matching rows, STDDEV() returns NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/group-by-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/group-by-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (259,32,'PERIOD_ADD','Syntax:\nPERIOD_ADD(P,N)\n\nAdds N months to period P (in the format YYMM or YYYYMM). Returns a\nvalue in the format YYYYMM. Note that the period argument P is not a\ndate value.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT PERIOD_ADD(200801,2);\n -> 200803\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (260,38,'RIGHT','Syntax:\nRIGHT(str,len)\n\nReturns the rightmost len characters from the string str, or NULL if\nany argument is NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT RIGHT(\'foobarbar\', 4);\n -> \'rbar\'\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (261,40,'DROP TABLESPACE','Syntax:\nDROP TABLESPACE tablespace_name\n [ENGINE [=] engine_name]\n\nThis statement drops a tablespace that was previously created using\nCREATE TABLESPACE. It is supported with all MySQL NDB Cluster 7.5\nreleases, and with InnoDB in the standard MySQL Server as well.\n\nENGINE sets the storage engine that uses the tablespace, where\nengine_name is the name of the storage engine. Currently, the values\nInnoDB and NDB are supported. If not set, the value of\ndefault_storage_engine is used. If it is not the same as the storage\nengine used to create the tablespace, the DROP TABLESPACE statement\nfails.\n\nFor an InnoDB tablespace, all tables must be dropped from the\ntablespace prior to a DROP TABLESPACE operation. If the tablespace is\nnot empty, DROP TABLESPACE returns an error.\n\nAs with the InnoDB system tablespace, truncating or dropping InnoDB\ntables stored in a general tablespace creates free space in the\ntablespace .ibd data file, which can only be used for new InnoDB data.\nSpace is not released back to the operating system by such operations\nas it is for file-per-table tablespaces.\n\nAn NDB tablespace to be dropped must not contain any data files; in\nother words, before you can drop an NDB tablespace, you must first drop\neach of its data files using ALTER TABLESPACE ... DROP DATAFILE.\n\nNotes\n\no Tablespaces are not deleted automatically. A tablespace must be\n dropped explicitly using DROP TABLESPACE. DROP DATABASE has no effect\n in this regard, even if the operation drops all tables belonging to\n the tablespace.\n\no A DROP DATABASE operation can drop tables that belong to a general\n tablespace but it cannot drop the tablespace, even if the operation\n drops all tables that belong to the tablespace. The tablespace must\n be dropped explicitly using DROP TABLESPACE tablespace_name.\n\no Similar to the system tablespace, truncating or dropping tables\n stored in a general tablespace creates free space internally in the\n general tablespace .ibd data file which can only be used for new\n InnoDB data. Space is not released back to the operating system as it\n is for file-per-table tablespaces.\n\nInnoDB Example\n\nThis example demonstrates how to drop an InnoDB general tablespace. The\ngeneral tablespace ts1 is created with a single table. Before dropping\nthe tablespace, the table must be dropped.\n\nmysql> CREATE TABLESPACE `ts1`\n -> ADD DATAFILE \'ts1.ibd\'\n -> ENGINE=INNODB;\nQuery OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)\n\nmysql> CREATE TABLE t1 (c1 INT PRIMARY KEY)\n -> TABLESPACE ts10\n -> ENGINE=INNODB;\nQuery OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)\n\nmysql> DROP TABLE t1;\nQuery OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)\n\nmysql> DROP TABLESPACE ts1;\nQuery OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)\n\nNDB Example\n\nThis example shows how to drop an NDB tablespace myts having a data\nfile named mydata-1.dat after first creating the tablespace, and\nassumes the existence of a log file group named mylg (see [HELP CREATE\nLOGFILE GROUP]).\n\nmysql> CREATE TABLESPACE myts\n -> ADD DATAFILE \'mydata-1.dat\'\n -> USE LOGFILE GROUP mylg\n -> ENGINE=NDB;\n\nYou must remove all data files from the tablespace using ALTER\nTABLESPACE, as shown here, before it can be dropped:\n\nmysql> ALTER TABLESPACE myts\n -> DROP DATAFILE \'mydata-1.dat\'\n -> ENGINE=NDB;\n\nmysql> DROP TABLESPACE myts;\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/drop-tablespace.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/drop-tablespace.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (262,21,'CHECK TABLE','Syntax:\nCHECK TABLE tbl_name [, tbl_name] ... [option] ...\n\noption = {\n FOR UPGRADE\n | QUICK\n | FAST\n | MEDIUM\n | EXTENDED\n | CHANGED\n}\n\nCHECK TABLE checks a table or tables for errors. For MyISAM tables, the\nkey statistics are updated as well. CHECK TABLE can also check views\nfor problems, such as tables that are referenced in the view definition\nthat no longer exist.\n\nTo check a table, you must have some privilege for it.\n\nCHECK TABLE works for InnoDB, MyISAM, ARCHIVE, and CSV tables.\n\nBefore running CHECK TABLE on InnoDB tables, see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/check-table.html#check-table-inn\nodb.\n\nCHECK TABLE is supported for partitioned tables, and you can use ALTER\nTABLE ... CHECK PARTITION to check one or more partitions; for more\ninformation, see [HELP ALTER TABLE], and\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/partitioning-maintenance.html.\n\nCHECK TABLE ignores virtual generated columns that are not indexed.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/check-table.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/check-table.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (263,38,'BIN','Syntax:\nBIN(N)\n\nReturns a string representation of the binary value of N, where N is a\nlonglong (BIGINT) number. This is equivalent to CONV(N,10,2). Returns\nNULL if N is NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT BIN(12);\n -> \'1100\'\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (264,7,'JSON_STORAGE_SIZE','JSON_STORAGE_SIZE(json_val)\n\nThis function returns the number of bytes used to store the binary\nrepresentation of a JSON document. When the argument is a JSON column,\nthis is the space used to store the JSON document. json_val must be a\nvalid JSON document or a string which can be parsed as one. In the case\nwhere it is string, the function returns the amount of storage space in\nthe JSON binary representation that is created by parsing the string as\nJSON and converting it to binary. It returns NULL if the argument is\nNULL.\n\nAn error results when json_val is not NULL, and is not---or cannot be\nsuccessfully parsed as---a JSON document.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/json-utility-functions.html\n\n','mysql> CREATE TABLE jtable (jcol JSON);\nQuery OK, 0 rows affected (0.42 sec)\n\nmysql> INSERT INTO jtable VALUES\n -> (\'{"a": 1000, "b": "wxyz", "c": "[1, 3, 5, 7]"}\');\nQuery OK, 1 row affected (0.04 sec)\n\nmysql> SELECT\n -> jcol,\n -> JSON_STORAGE_SIZE(jcol) AS Size\n -> FROM jtable;\n+-----------------------------------------------+------+\n| jcol | Size |\n+-----------------------------------------------+------+\n| {"a": 1000, "b": "wxyz", "c": "[1, 3, 5, 7]"} | 47 |\n+-----------------------------------------------+------+\n1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> UPDATE jtable\nmysql> SET jcol = \'{"a": 4.55, "b": "wxyz", "c": "[true, false]"}\';\nQuery OK, 1 row affected (0.04 sec)\nRows matched: 1 Changed: 1 Warnings: 0\n\nmysql> SELECT\n -> jcol,\n -> JSON_STORAGE_SIZE(jcol) AS Size\n -> FROM jtable;\n+------------------------------------------------+------+\n| jcol | Size |\n+------------------------------------------------+------+\n| {"a": 4.55, "b": "wxyz", "c": "[true, false]"} | 56 |\n+------------------------------------------------+------+\n1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> SET @j = \'[100, "sakila", [1, 3, 5], 425.05]\';\nQuery OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> SELECT @j, JSON_STORAGE_SIZE(@j) AS Size;\n+------------------------------------+------+\n| @j | Size |\n+------------------------------------+------+\n| [100, "sakila", [1, 3, 5], 425.05] | 45 |\n+------------------------------------+------+\n1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> SET @j = JSON_SET(@j, \'$[1]\', "json");\nQuery OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> SELECT @j, JSON_STORAGE_SIZE(@j) AS Size;\n+----------------------------------+------+\n| @j | Size |\n+----------------------------------+------+\n| [100, "json", [1, 3, 5], 425.05] | 43 |\n+----------------------------------+------+\n1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> SET @j = JSON_SET(@j, \'$[2][0]\', JSON_ARRAY(10, 20, 30));\nQuery OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> SELECT @j, JSON_STORAGE_SIZE(@j) AS Size;\n+---------------------------------------------+------+\n| @j | Size |\n+---------------------------------------------+------+\n| [100, "json", [[10, 20, 30], 3, 5], 425.05] | 56 |\n+---------------------------------------------+------+\n1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> SELECT\n -> JSON_STORAGE_SIZE(\'[100, "sakila", [1, 3, 5], 425.05]\') AS A,\n -> JSON_STORAGE_SIZE(\'{"a": 1000, "b": "a", "c": "[1, 3, 5, 7]"}\') AS B,\n -> JSON_STORAGE_SIZE(\'{"a": 1000, "b": "wxyz", "c": "[1, 3, 5, 7]"}\') AS C,\n -> JSON_STORAGE_SIZE(\'[100, "json", [[10, 20, 30], 3, 5], 425.05]\') AS D;\n+----+----+----+----+\n| A | B | C | D |\n+----+----+----+----+\n| 45 | 44 | 47 | 56 |\n+----+----+----+----+\n1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/json-utility-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (265,25,'MULTILINESTRING','MultiLineString(ls [, ls] ...)\n\nConstructs a MultiLineString value using LineString or WKB LineString\narguments.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-mysql-specific-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-mysql-specific-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (266,27,'SHOW RELAYLOG EVENTS','Syntax:\nSHOW RELAYLOG EVENTS\n [IN \'log_name\']\n [FROM pos]\n [LIMIT [offset,] row_count]\n [channel_option]\n\nchannel_option:\n FOR CHANNEL channel\n\nShows the events in the relay log of a replication slave. If you do not\nspecify \'log_name\', the first relay log is displayed. This statement\nhas no effect on the master.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-relaylog-events.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-relaylog-events.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (267,4,'MPOINTFROMTEXT','MPointFromText(wkt[, srid]), MultiPointFromText(wkt[, srid])\n\nST_MPointFromText(), ST_MultiPointFromText(), MPointFromText(), and\nMultiPointFromText() are synonyms. For more information, see the\ndescription of ST_MPointFromText().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-wkt-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-wkt-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (268,38,'SUBSTR','Syntax:\nSUBSTR(str,pos), SUBSTR(str FROM pos), SUBSTR(str,pos,len), SUBSTR(str\nFROM pos FOR len)\n\nSUBSTR() is a synonym for SUBSTRING().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (269,23,'CHAR','[NATIONAL] CHAR[(M)] [CHARACTER SET charset_name] [COLLATE\ncollation_name]\n\nA fixed-length string that is always right-padded with spaces to the\nspecified length when stored. M represents the column length in\ncharacters. The range of M is 0 to 255. If M is omitted, the length is\n1.\n\n*Note*:\n\nTrailing spaces are removed when CHAR values are retrieved unless the\nPAD_CHAR_TO_FULL_LENGTH SQL mode is enabled.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-type-overview.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-type-overview.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (270,16,'COUNT DISTINCT','Syntax:\nCOUNT(DISTINCT expr,[expr...])\n\nReturns a count of the number of rows with different non-NULL expr\nvalues.\n\nIf there are no matching rows, COUNT(DISTINCT) returns 0.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/group-by-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT results) FROM student;\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/group-by-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (271,27,'SHOW CREATE VIEW','Syntax:\nSHOW CREATE VIEW view_name\n\nThis statement shows the CREATE VIEW statement that creates the named\nview.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-create-view.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-create-view.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (272,20,'INTERVAL','Syntax:\nINTERVAL(N,N1,N2,N3,...)\n\nReturns 0 if N < N1, 1 if N < N2 and so on or -1 if N is NULL. All\narguments are treated as integers. It is required that N1 < N2 < N3 <\n... < Nn for this function to work correctly. This is because a binary\nsearch is used (very fast).\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/comparison-operators.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT INTERVAL(23, 1, 15, 17, 30, 44, 200);\n -> 3\nmysql> SELECT INTERVAL(10, 1, 10, 100, 1000);\n -> 2\nmysql> SELECT INTERVAL(22, 23, 30, 44, 200);\n -> 0\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/comparison-operators.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (273,32,'FROM_DAYS','Syntax:\nFROM_DAYS(N)\n\nGiven a day number N, returns a DATE value.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT FROM_DAYS(730669);\n -> \'2000-07-03\'\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (274,40,'ALTER PROCEDURE','Syntax:\nALTER PROCEDURE proc_name [characteristic ...]\n\ncharacteristic:\n COMMENT \'string\'\n | LANGUAGE SQL\n | { CONTAINS SQL | NO SQL | READS SQL DATA | MODIFIES SQL DATA }\n | SQL SECURITY { DEFINER | INVOKER }\n\nThis statement can be used to change the characteristics of a stored\nprocedure. More than one change may be specified in an ALTER PROCEDURE\nstatement. However, you cannot change the parameters or body of a\nstored procedure using this statement; to make such changes, you must\ndrop and re-create the procedure using DROP PROCEDURE and CREATE\nPROCEDURE.\n\nYou must have the ALTER ROUTINE privilege for the procedure. By\ndefault, that privilege is granted automatically to the procedure\ncreator. This behavior can be changed by disabling the\nautomatic_sp_privileges system variable. See\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/stored-routines-privileges.html.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/alter-procedure.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/alter-procedure.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (275,19,'BIT_COUNT','Syntax:\nBIT_COUNT(N)\n\nReturns the number of bits that are set in the argument N as an\nunsigned 64-bit integer, or NULL if the argument is NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/bit-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT BIT_COUNT(29), BIT_COUNT(b\'101010\');\n -> 4, 3\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/bit-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (276,33,'ST_POINTFROMWKB','ST_PointFromWKB(wkb[, srid])\n\nConstructs a Point value using its WKB representation and SRID.\n\nThe result is NULL if the WKB or SRID argument is NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-wkb-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-wkb-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (277,7,'JSON_PRETTY','JSON_PRETTY(json_val)\n\nProvides pretty-printing of JSON values similar to that implemented in\nPHP and by other languages and database systems. The value supplied\nmust be a JSON value or a valid string representation of a JSON value.\nExtraneous whitespaces and newlines present in this value have no\neffect on the output. For a NULL value, the function returns NULL. If\nthe value is not a JSON document, or if it cannot cannot be parsed as\none, the function fails with an error.\n\nFormatting of the output from this function adheres to the following\nrules:\n\no Each array element or object member appears on a separate line,\n indented by one additional level as compared to its parent.\n\no Each level of indentation adds two leading spaces.\n\no A comma separating individual array elements or object members is\n printed before the newline that separates the two elements or\n members.\n\no The key and the value of an object member are separated by a colon\n followed by a space (\': \').\n\no An empty object or array is printed on a single line. No space is\n printed between the opening and closing brace.\n\no Special characters in string scalars and key names are escaped\n employing the same rules used by the JSON_QUOTE() function.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/json-utility-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT JSON_PRETTY(\'123\'); # scalar\n+--------------------+\n| JSON_PRETTY(\'123\') |\n+--------------------+\n| 123 |\n+--------------------+\n\nmysql> SELECT JSON_PRETTY("[1,3,5]"); # array\n+------------------------+\n| JSON_PRETTY("[1,3,5]") |\n+------------------------+\n| [\n 1,\n 3,\n 5\n] |\n+------------------------+\n\nmysql> SELECT JSON_PRETTY(\'{"a":"10","b":"15","x":"25"}\'); # object\n+---------------------------------------------+\n| JSON_PRETTY(\'{"a":"10","b":"15","x":"25"}\') |\n+---------------------------------------------+\n| {\n "a": "10",\n "b": "15",\n "x": "25"\n} |\n+---------------------------------------------+\n\nmysql> SELECT JSON_PRETTY(\'["a",1,{"key1":\n > "value1"},"5", "77" ,\n > {"key2":["value3","valueX",\n > "valueY"]},"j", "2" ]\')\\G # nested arrays and objects\n*************************** 1. row ***************************\nJSON_PRETTY(\'["a",1,{"key1":\n "value1"},"5", "77" ,\n {"key2":["value3","valuex",\n "valuey"]},"j", "2" ]\'): [\n "a",\n 1,\n {\n "key1": "value1"\n },\n "5",\n "77",\n {\n "key2": [\n "value3",\n "valuex",\n "valuey"\n ]\n },\n "j",\n "2"\n]\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/json-utility-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (278,7,'ST_MAKEENVELOPE','ST_MakeEnvelope(pt1, pt2)\n\nReturns the rectangle that forms the envelope around two points, as a\nPoint, LineString, or Polygon. If any argument is NULL, the return\nvalue is NULL.\n\nCalculations are done using the Cartesian coordinate system rather than\non a sphere, spheroid, or on earth.\n\nGiven two points pt1 and pt2, ST_MakeEnvelope() creates the result\ngeometry on an abstract plane like this:\n\no If pt1 and pt2 are equal, the result is the point pt1.\n\no Otherwise, if (pt1, pt2) is a vertical or horizontal line segment,\n the result is the line segment (pt1, pt2).\n\no Otherwise, the result is a polygon using pt1 and pt2 as diagonal\n points.\n\nThe result geometry has an SRID of 0.\n\nST_MakeEnvelope() requires Point geometry arguments with an SRID of 0.\nAn ER_WRONG_ARGUMENTS error occurs otherwise.\n\nIf any argument is not a syntactically well-formed geometry byte\nstring, or if any coordinate value of the two points is infinite (that\nis, NaN), an ER_GIS_INVALID_DATA error occurs.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-convenience-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SET @pt1 = ST_GeomFromText(\'POINT(0 0)\');\nmysql> SET @pt2 = ST_GeomFromText(\'POINT(1 1)\');\nmysql> SELECT ST_AsText(ST_MakeEnvelope(@pt1, @pt2));\n+----------------------------------------+\n| ST_AsText(ST_MakeEnvelope(@pt1, @pt2)) |\n+----------------------------------------+\n| POLYGON((0 0,1 0,1 1,0 1,0 0)) |\n+----------------------------------------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-convenience-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (279,31,'ST_WITHIN','ST_Within(g1, g2)\n\nReturns 1 or 0 to indicate whether g1 is spatially within g2. This\ntests the opposite relationship as ST_Contains().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-relation-functions-object-shapes.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-relation-functions-object-shapes.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (280,3,'ACOS','Syntax:\nACOS(X)\n\nReturns the arc cosine of X, that is, the value whose cosine is X.\nReturns NULL if X is not in the range -1 to 1.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mathematical-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT ACOS(1);\n -> 0\nmysql> SELECT ACOS(1.0001);\n -> NULL\nmysql> SELECT ACOS(0);\n -> 1.5707963267949\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mathematical-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (281,8,'ISOLATION','Syntax:\nSET [GLOBAL | SESSION] TRANSACTION\n transaction_characteristic [, transaction_characteristic] ...\n\ntransaction_characteristic:\n ISOLATION LEVEL level\n | READ WRITE\n | READ ONLY\n\nlevel:\n REPEATABLE READ\n | READ COMMITTED\n | READ UNCOMMITTED\n | SERIALIZABLE\n\nThis statement specifies transaction characteristics. It takes a list\nof one or more characteristic values separated by commas. These\ncharacteristics set the transaction isolation level or access mode. The\nisolation level is used for operations on InnoDB tables. The access\nmode may be specified as to whether transactions operate in read/write\nor read-only mode.\n\nIn addition, SET TRANSACTION can include an optional GLOBAL or SESSION\nkeyword to indicate the scope of the statement.\n\nScope of Transaction Characteristics\n\nYou can set transaction characteristics globally, for the current\nsession, or for the next transaction:\n\no With the GLOBAL keyword, the statement applies globally for all\n subsequent sessions. Existing sessions are unaffected.\n\no With the SESSION keyword, the statement applies to all subsequent\n transactions performed within the current session.\n\no Without any SESSION or GLOBAL keyword, the statement applies to the\n next (not started) transaction performed within the current session.\n Subsequent transactions revert to using the SESSION isolation level.\n\nA global change to transaction characteristics requires the SUPER\nprivilege. Any session is free to change its session characteristics\n(even in the middle of a transaction), or the characteristics for its\nnext transaction.\n\nSET TRANSACTION without GLOBAL or SESSION is not permitted while there\nis an active transaction:\n\nmysql> START TRANSACTION;\nQuery OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)\n\nmysql> SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE;\nERROR 1568 (25001): Transaction characteristics can\'t be changed\nwhile a transaction is in progress\n\nTo set the global default isolation level at server startup, use the\n--transaction-isolation=level option to mysqld on the command line or\nin an option file. Values of level for this option use dashes rather\nthan spaces, so the permissible values are READ-UNCOMMITTED,\nREAD-COMMITTED, REPEATABLE-READ, or SERIALIZABLE. For example, to set\nthe default isolation level to REPEATABLE READ, use these lines in the\n[mysqld] section of an option file:\n\n[mysqld]\ntransaction-isolation = REPEATABLE-READ\n\nIt is possible to check or set the global and session transaction\nisolation levels at runtime by using the transaction_isolation system\nvariable:\n\nSELECT @@GLOBAL.transaction_isolation, @@transaction_isolation;\nSET GLOBAL transaction_isolation=\'REPEATABLE-READ\';\nSET SESSION transaction_isolation=\'SERIALIZABLE\';\n\nPrior to MySQL 5.7.20, use tx_isolation rather than\ntransaction_isolation.\n\nSimilarly, to set the transaction access mode at server startup or at\nruntime, use the --transaction-read-only option or\ntransaction_read_only system variable. By default, these are OFF (the\nmode is read/write) but can be set to ON for a default mode of read\nonly.\n\nPrior to MySQL 5.7.20, use tx_read_only rather than\ntransaction_read_only.\n\nSetting the global or session value of transaction_isolation or\ntransaction_read_only is equivalent to setting the isolation level or\naccess mode with SET GLOBAL TRANSACTION or SET SESSION TRANSACTION.\n\nTransaction Isolation Levels\n\nFor information about transaction isolation levels, see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/innodb-transaction-isolation-lev\nels.html.\n\nTransaction Access Mode\n\nThe transaction access mode may be specified with SET TRANSACTION. By\ndefault, a transaction takes place in read/write mode, with both reads\nand writes permitted to tables used in the transaction. This mode may\nbe specified explicitly using an access mode of READ WRITE.\n\nIf the transaction access mode is set to READ ONLY, changes to tables\nare prohibited. This may enable storage engines to make performance\nimprovements that are possible when writes are not permitted.\n\nIt is not permitted to specify both READ WRITE and READ ONLY in the\nsame statement.\n\nIn read-only mode, it remains possible to change tables created with\nthe TEMPORARY keyword using DML statements. Changes made with DDL\nstatements are not permitted, just as with permanent tables.\n\nThe READ WRITE and READ ONLY access modes also may be specified for an\nindividual transaction using the START TRANSACTION statement.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/set-transaction.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/set-transaction.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (282,3,'SIN','Syntax:\nSIN(X)\n\nReturns the sine of X, where X is given in radians.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mathematical-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT SIN(PI());\n -> 1.2246063538224e-16\nmysql> SELECT ROUND(SIN(PI()));\n -> 0\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mathematical-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (283,26,'ST_BUFFER','ST_Buffer(g, d[, strategy1[, strategy2[, strategy3]]])\n\nReturns a geometry that represents all points whose distance from the\ngeometry value g is less than or equal to a distance of d, or NULL if\nany argument is NULL. The SRID of the geometry argument must be 0\nbecause ST_Buffer() supports only the Cartesian coordinate system. If\nany geometry argument is not a syntactically well-formed geometry, an\nER_GIS_INVALID_DATA error occurs.\n\nIf the geometry argument is empty, ST_Buffer() returns an empty\ngeometry.\n\nIf the distance is 0, ST_Buffer() returns the geometry argument\nunchanged:\n\nmysql> SET @pt = ST_GeomFromText(\'POINT(0 0)\');\nmysql> SELECT ST_AsText(ST_Buffer(@pt, 0));\n+------------------------------+\n| ST_AsText(ST_Buffer(@pt, 0)) |\n+------------------------------+\n| POINT(0 0) |\n+------------------------------+\n\nST_Buffer() supports negative distances for Polygon and MultiPolygon\nvalues, and for geometry collections containing Polygon or MultiPolygon\nvalues. The result may be an empty geometry. An ER_WRONG_ARGUMENTS\nerror occurs for ST_Buffer() with a negative distance for Point,\nMultiPoint, LineString, and MultiLineString values, and for geometry\ncollections not containing any Polygon or MultiPolygon values.\n\nAs of MySQL 5.7.7, ST_Buffer() permits up to three optional strategy\narguments following the distance argument. Strategies influence buffer\ncomputation. These arguments are byte string values produced by the\nST_Buffer_Strategy() function, to be used for point, join, and end\nstrategies:\n\no Point strategies apply to Point and MultiPoint geometries. If no\n point strategy is specified, the default is\n ST_Buffer_Strategy(\'point_circle\', 32).\n\no Join strategies apply to LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, and\n MultiPolygon geometries. If no join strategy is specified, the\n default is ST_Buffer_Strategy(\'join_round\', 32).\n\no End strategies apply to LineString and MultiLineString geometries. If\n no end strategy is specified, the default is\n ST_Buffer_Strategy(\'end_round\', 32).\n\nUp to one strategy of each type may be specified, and they may be given\nin any order. If multiple strategies of a given type are specified, an\nER_WRONG_ARGUMENTS error occurs.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-operator-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SET @pt = ST_GeomFromText(\'POINT(0 0)\');\nmysql> SET @pt_strategy = ST_Buffer_Strategy(\'point_square\');\nmysql> SELECT ST_AsText(ST_Buffer(@pt, 2, @pt_strategy));\n+--------------------------------------------+\n| ST_AsText(ST_Buffer(@pt, 2, @pt_strategy)) |\n+--------------------------------------------+\n| POLYGON((-2 -2,2 -2,2 2,-2 2,-2 -2)) |\n+--------------------------------------------+\n\nmysql> SET @ls = ST_GeomFromText(\'LINESTRING(0 0,0 5,5 5)\');\nmysql> SET @end_strategy = ST_Buffer_Strategy(\'end_flat\');\nmysql> SET @join_strategy = ST_Buffer_Strategy(\'join_round\', 10);\nmysql> SELECT ST_AsText(ST_Buffer(@ls, 5, @end_strategy, @join_strategy))\n+---------------------------------------------------------------+\n| ST_AsText(ST_Buffer(@ls, 5, @end_strategy, @join_strategy)) |\n+---------------------------------------------------------------+\n| POLYGON((5 5,5 10,0 10,-3.5355339059327373 8.535533905932738, |\n| -5 5,-5 0,0 0,5 0,5 5)) |\n+---------------------------------------------------------------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-operator-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (284,26,'BUFFER','Buffer(g, d[, strategy1[, strategy2[, strategy3]]])\n\nST_Buffer() and Buffer() are synonyms. For more information, see the\ndescription of ST_Buffer().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-operator-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-operator-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (285,7,'JSON_OBJECT','Syntax:\nJSON_OBJECT([key, val[, key, val] ...])\n\nEvaluates a (possibly empty) list of key-value pairs and returns a JSON\nobject containing those pairs. An error occurs if any key name is NULL\nor the number of arguments is odd.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/json-creation-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT JSON_OBJECT(\'id\', 87, \'name\', \'carrot\');\n+-----------------------------------------+\n| JSON_OBJECT(\'id\', 87, \'name\', \'carrot\') |\n+-----------------------------------------+\n| {"id": 87, "name": "carrot"} |\n+-----------------------------------------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/json-creation-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (286,7,'WAIT_FOR_EXECUTED_GTID_SET','Syntax:\nWAIT_FOR_EXECUTED_GTID_SET(gtid_set[, timeout])\n\nWait until the server has applied all of the transactions whose global\ntransaction identifiers are contained in gtid_set; that is, until the\ncondition GTID_SUBSET(gtid_subset, @@global.gtid_executed) holds. See\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/replication-gtids-concepts.html\nfor a definition of GTID sets.\n\nIf a timeout is specified, and timeout seconds elapse before all of the\ntransactions in the GTID set have been applied, the function stops\nwaiting. timeout is optional, and the default timeout is 0 seconds, in\nwhich case the function always waits until all of the transactions in\nthe GTID set have been applied.\n\nWAIT_FOR_EXECUTED_GTID_SET() monitors all the GTIDs that are applied on\nthe server, including transactions that arrive from all replication\nchannels and user clients. It does not take into account whether\nreplication channels have been started or stopped.\n\nFor more information, see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/replication-gtids.html.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gtid-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT WAIT_FOR_EXECUTED_GTID_SET(\'3E11FA47-71CA-11E1-9E33-C80AA9429562:1-5\');\n -> 0\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gtid-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (287,20,'IS','Syntax:\nIS boolean_value\n\nTests a value against a boolean value, where boolean_value can be TRUE,\nFALSE, or UNKNOWN.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/comparison-operators.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT 1 IS TRUE, 0 IS FALSE, NULL IS UNKNOWN;\n -> 1, 1, 1\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/comparison-operators.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (288,32,'GET_FORMAT','Syntax:\nGET_FORMAT({DATE|TIME|DATETIME}, {\'EUR\'|\'USA\'|\'JIS\'|\'ISO\'|\'INTERNAL\'})\n\nReturns a format string. This function is useful in combination with\nthe DATE_FORMAT() and the STR_TO_DATE() functions.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT DATE_FORMAT(\'2003-10-03\',GET_FORMAT(DATE,\'EUR\'));\n -> \'03.10.2003\'\nmysql> SELECT STR_TO_DATE(\'10.31.2003\',GET_FORMAT(DATE,\'USA\'));\n -> \'2003-10-31\'\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (289,2,'ST_CENTROID','ST_Centroid(mpoly)\n\nReturns the mathematical centroid for the MultiPolygon value mpoly as a\nPoint. The result is not guaranteed to be on the MultiPolygon. If the\nargument is NULL or an empty geometry, the return value is NULL.\n\nThis function processes geometry collections by computing the centroid\npoint for components of highest dimension in the collection. Such\ncomponents are extracted and made into a single MultiPolygon,\nMultiLineString, or MultiPoint for centroid computation. If the\nargument is an empty geometry collection, the return value is NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-polygon-property-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SET @poly =\n -> ST_GeomFromText(\'POLYGON((0 0,10 0,10 10,0 10,0 0),(5 5,7 5,7 7,5 7,5 5))\');\nmysql> SELECT ST_GeometryType(@poly),ST_AsText(ST_Centroid(@poly));\n+------------------------+--------------------------------------------+\n| ST_GeometryType(@poly) | ST_AsText(ST_Centroid(@poly)) |\n+------------------------+--------------------------------------------+\n| POLYGON | POINT(4.958333333333333 4.958333333333333) |\n+------------------------+--------------------------------------------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-polygon-property-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (290,23,'TINYBLOB','TINYBLOB\n\nA BLOB column with a maximum length of 255 (28 − 1) bytes. Each\nTINYBLOB value is stored using a 1-byte length prefix that indicates\nthe number of bytes in the value.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-type-overview.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-type-overview.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (291,17,'USER','Syntax:\nUSER()\n\nReturns the current MySQL user name and host name as a string in the\nutf8 character set.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/information-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT USER();\n -> \'davida@localhost\'\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/information-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (292,21,'REPAIR TABLE','Syntax:\nREPAIR [NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG | LOCAL]\n TABLE tbl_name [, tbl_name] ...\n [QUICK] [EXTENDED] [USE_FRM]\n\nREPAIR TABLE repairs a possibly corrupted table, for certain storage\nengines only.\n\nThis statement requires SELECT and INSERT privileges for the table.\n\nAlthough normally you should never have to run REPAIR TABLE, if\ndisaster strikes, this statement is very likely to get back all your\ndata from a MyISAM table. If your tables become corrupted often, try to\nfind the reason for it, to eliminate the need to use REPAIR TABLE. See\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/crashing.html, and\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/myisam-table-problems.html.\n\nREPAIR TABLE checks the table to see whether an upgrade is required. If\nso, it performs the upgrade, following the same rules as CHECK TABLE\n... FOR UPGRADE. See [HELP CHECK TABLE], for more information.\n\n*Important*:\n\no Make a backup of a table before performing a table repair operation;\n under some circumstances the operation might cause data loss.\n Possible causes include but are not limited to file system errors.\n See http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/backup-and-recovery.html.\n\no If the server crashes during a REPAIR TABLE operation, it is\n essential after restarting it that you immediately execute another\n REPAIR TABLE statement for the table before performing any other\n operations on it. In the worst case, you might have a new clean index\n file without information about the data file, and then the next\n operation you perform could overwrite the data file. This is an\n unlikely but possible scenario that underscores the value of making a\n backup first.\n\no In the event that a table on the master becomes corrupted and you run\n REPAIR TABLE on it, any resulting changes to the original table are\n not propagated to slaves.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/repair-table.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/repair-table.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (293,18,'MERGE','The MERGE storage engine, also known as the MRG_MyISAM engine, is a\ncollection of identical MyISAM tables that can be used as one.\n"Identical" means that all tables have identical column data types and\nindex information. You cannot merge MyISAM tables in which the columns\nare listed in a different order, do not have exactly the same data\ntypes in corresponding columns, or have the indexes in different order.\nHowever, any or all of the MyISAM tables can be compressed with\nmyisampack. See http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/myisampack.html.\nDifferences between tables such as these do not matter:\n\no Names of corresponding columns and indexes can differ.\n\no Comments for tables, columns, and indexes can differ.\n\no Table options such as AVG_ROW_LENGTH, MAX_ROWS, or PACK_KEYS can\n differ.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/merge-storage-engine.html\n\n','mysql> CREATE TABLE t1 (\n -> a INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,\n -> message CHAR(20)) ENGINE=MyISAM;\nmysql> CREATE TABLE t2 (\n -> a INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,\n -> message CHAR(20)) ENGINE=MyISAM;\nmysql> INSERT INTO t1 (message) VALUES (\'Testing\'),(\'table\'),(\'t1\');\nmysql> INSERT INTO t2 (message) VALUES (\'Testing\'),(\'table\'),(\'t2\');\nmysql> CREATE TABLE total (\n -> a INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n -> message CHAR(20), INDEX(a))\n -> ENGINE=MERGE UNION=(t1,t2) INSERT_METHOD=LAST;\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/merge-storage-engine.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (294,27,'SHOW CREATE USER','Syntax:\nSHOW CREATE USER user\n\nThis statement shows the CREATE USER statement that creates the named\nuser. An error occurs if the user does not exist. The statement\nrequires the SELECT privilege for the mysql database, except to display\ninformation for the current user.\n\nTo name the account, use the format described in\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/account-names.html. The host\nname part of the account name, if omitted, defaults to \'%\'. It is also\npossible to specify CURRENT_USER or CURRENT_USER() to refer to the\naccount associated with the current session.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-create-user.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-create-user.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (295,31,'ST_DISTANCE','ST_Distance(g1, g2)\n\nReturns the distance between g1 and g2. If either argument is NULL or\nan empty geometry, the return value is NULL.\n\nThis function processes geometry collections by returning the shortest\ndistance among all combinations of the components of the two geometry\narguments.\n\nIf an intermediate or final result produces NaN or a negative number,\nan ER_GIS_INVALID_DATA error occurs.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-relation-functions-object-shapes.html\n\n','mysql> SET @g1 = Point(1,1);\nmysql> SET @g2 = Point(2,2);\nmysql> SELECT ST_Distance(@g1, @g2);\n+-----------------------+\n| ST_Distance(@g1, @g2) |\n+-----------------------+\n| 1.4142135623730951 |\n+-----------------------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-relation-functions-object-shapes.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (296,40,'CREATE TABLE','Syntax:\nCREATE [TEMPORARY] TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] tbl_name\n (create_definition,...)\n [table_options]\n [partition_options]\n\nCREATE [TEMPORARY] TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] tbl_name\n [(create_definition,...)]\n [table_options]\n [partition_options]\n [IGNORE | REPLACE]\n [AS] query_expression\n\nCREATE [TEMPORARY] TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] tbl_name\n { LIKE old_tbl_name | (LIKE old_tbl_name) }\n\ncreate_definition:\n col_name column_definition\n | [CONSTRAINT [symbol]] PRIMARY KEY [index_type] (index_col_name,...)\n [index_option] ...\n | {INDEX|KEY} [index_name] [index_type] (index_col_name,...)\n [index_option] ...\n | [CONSTRAINT [symbol]] UNIQUE [INDEX|KEY]\n [index_name] [index_type] (index_col_name,...)\n [index_option] ...\n | {FULLTEXT|SPATIAL} [INDEX|KEY] [index_name] (index_col_name,...)\n [index_option] ...\n | [CONSTRAINT [symbol]] FOREIGN KEY\n [index_name] (index_col_name,...) reference_definition\n | CHECK (expr)\n\ncolumn_definition:\n data_type [NOT NULL | NULL] [DEFAULT default_value]\n [AUTO_INCREMENT] [UNIQUE [KEY]] [[PRIMARY] KEY]\n [COMMENT \'string\']\n [COLUMN_FORMAT {FIXED|DYNAMIC|DEFAULT}]\n [STORAGE {DISK|MEMORY|DEFAULT}]\n [reference_definition]\n | data_type [GENERATED ALWAYS] AS (expression)\n [VIRTUAL | STORED] [NOT NULL | NULL]\n [UNIQUE [KEY]] [[PRIMARY] KEY]\n [COMMENT \'string\']\n\ndata_type:\n BIT[(length)]\n | TINYINT[(length)] [UNSIGNED] [ZEROFILL]\n | SMALLINT[(length)] [UNSIGNED] [ZEROFILL]\n | MEDIUMINT[(length)] [UNSIGNED] [ZEROFILL]\n | INT[(length)] [UNSIGNED] [ZEROFILL]\n | INTEGER[(length)] [UNSIGNED] [ZEROFILL]\n | BIGINT[(length)] [UNSIGNED] [ZEROFILL]\n | REAL[(length,decimals)] [UNSIGNED] [ZEROFILL]\n | DOUBLE[(length,decimals)] [UNSIGNED] [ZEROFILL]\n | FLOAT[(length,decimals)] [UNSIGNED] [ZEROFILL]\n | DECIMAL[(length[,decimals])] [UNSIGNED] [ZEROFILL]\n | NUMERIC[(length[,decimals])] [UNSIGNED] [ZEROFILL]\n | DATE\n | TIME[(fsp)]\n | TIMESTAMP[(fsp)]\n | DATETIME[(fsp)]\n | YEAR\n | CHAR[(length)]\n [CHARACTER SET charset_name] [COLLATE collation_name]\n | VARCHAR(length)\n [CHARACTER SET charset_name] [COLLATE collation_name]\n | BINARY[(length)]\n | VARBINARY(length)\n | TINYBLOB\n | BLOB[(length)]\n | MEDIUMBLOB\n | LONGBLOB\n | TINYTEXT\n [CHARACTER SET charset_name] [COLLATE collation_name]\n | TEXT[(length)]\n [CHARACTER SET charset_name] [COLLATE collation_name]\n | MEDIUMTEXT\n [CHARACTER SET charset_name] [COLLATE collation_name]\n | LONGTEXT\n [CHARACTER SET charset_name] [COLLATE collation_name]\n | ENUM(value1,value2,value3,...)\n [CHARACTER SET charset_name] [COLLATE collation_name]\n | SET(value1,value2,value3,...)\n [CHARACTER SET charset_name] [COLLATE collation_name]\n | JSON\n | spatial_type\n\nindex_col_name:\n col_name [(length)] [ASC | DESC]\n\nindex_type:\n USING {BTREE | HASH}\n\nindex_option:\n KEY_BLOCK_SIZE [=] value\n | index_type\n | WITH PARSER parser_name\n | COMMENT \'string\'\n\nreference_definition:\n REFERENCES tbl_name (index_col_name,...)\n [MATCH FULL | MATCH PARTIAL | MATCH SIMPLE]\n [ON DELETE reference_option]\n [ON UPDATE reference_option]\n\nreference_option:\n RESTRICT | CASCADE | SET NULL | NO ACTION | SET DEFAULT\n\ntable_options:\n table_option [[,] table_option] ...\n\ntable_option:\n AUTO_INCREMENT [=] value\n | AVG_ROW_LENGTH [=] value\n | [DEFAULT] CHARACTER SET [=] charset_name\n | CHECKSUM [=] {0 | 1}\n | [DEFAULT] COLLATE [=] collation_name\n | COMMENT [=] \'string\'\n | COMPRESSION [=] {\'ZLIB\'|\'LZ4\'|\'NONE\'}\n | CONNECTION [=] \'connect_string\'\n | {DATA|INDEX} DIRECTORY [=] \'absolute path to directory\'\n | DELAY_KEY_WRITE [=] {0 | 1}\n | ENCRYPTION [=] {\'Y\' | \'N\'}\n | ENGINE [=] engine_name\n | INSERT_METHOD [=] { NO | FIRST | LAST }\n | KEY_BLOCK_SIZE [=] value\n | MAX_ROWS [=] value\n | MIN_ROWS [=] value\n | PACK_KEYS [=] {0 | 1 | DEFAULT}\n | PASSWORD [=] \'string\'\n | ROW_FORMAT [=] {DEFAULT|DYNAMIC|FIXED|COMPRESSED|REDUNDANT|COMPACT}\n | STATS_AUTO_RECALC [=] {DEFAULT|0|1}\n | STATS_PERSISTENT [=] {DEFAULT|0|1}\n | STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES [=] value\n | TABLESPACE tablespace_name [STORAGE {DISK|MEMORY|DEFAULT}]\n | UNION [=] (tbl_name[,tbl_name]...)\n\npartition_options:\n PARTITION BY\n { [LINEAR] HASH(expr)\n | [LINEAR] KEY [ALGORITHM={1|2}] (column_list)\n | RANGE{(expr) | COLUMNS(column_list)}\n | LIST{(expr) | COLUMNS(column_list)} }\n [PARTITIONS num]\n [SUBPARTITION BY\n { [LINEAR] HASH(expr)\n | [LINEAR] KEY [ALGORITHM={1|2}] (column_list) }\n [SUBPARTITIONS num]\n ]\n [(partition_definition [, partition_definition] ...)]\n\npartition_definition:\n PARTITION partition_name\n [VALUES\n {LESS THAN {(expr | value_list) | MAXVALUE}\n |\n IN (value_list)}]\n [[STORAGE] ENGINE [=] engine_name]\n [COMMENT [=] \'string\' ]\n [DATA DIRECTORY [=] \'data_dir\']\n [INDEX DIRECTORY [=] \'index_dir\']\n [MAX_ROWS [=] max_number_of_rows]\n [MIN_ROWS [=] min_number_of_rows]\n [TABLESPACE [=] tablespace_name]\n [(subpartition_definition [, subpartition_definition] ...)]\n\nsubpartition_definition:\n SUBPARTITION logical_name\n [[STORAGE] ENGINE [=] engine_name]\n [COMMENT [=] \'string\' ]\n [DATA DIRECTORY [=] \'data_dir\']\n [INDEX DIRECTORY [=] \'index_dir\']\n [MAX_ROWS [=] max_number_of_rows]\n [MIN_ROWS [=] min_number_of_rows]\n [TABLESPACE [=] tablespace_name]\n\nquery_expression:\n SELECT ... (Some valid select or union statement)\n\nCREATE TABLE creates a table with the given name. You must have the\nCREATE privilege for the table.\n\nBy default, tables are created in the default database, using the\nInnoDB storage engine. An error occurs if the table exists, if there is\nno default database, or if the database does not exist.\n\nFor information about the physical representation of a table, see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/create-table-files.html.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/create-table.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/create-table.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (297,32,'MICROSECOND','Syntax:\nMICROSECOND(expr)\n\nReturns the microseconds from the time or datetime expression expr as a\nnumber in the range from 0 to 999999.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT MICROSECOND(\'12:00:00.123456\');\n -> 123456\nmysql> SELECT MICROSECOND(\'2009-12-31 23:59:59.000010\');\n -> 10\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (298,40,'CREATE SERVER','Syntax:\nCREATE SERVER server_name\n FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER wrapper_name\n OPTIONS (option [, option] ...)\n\noption:\n { HOST character-literal\n | DATABASE character-literal\n | USER character-literal\n | PASSWORD character-literal\n | SOCKET character-literal\n | OWNER character-literal\n | PORT numeric-literal }\n\nThis statement creates the definition of a server for use with the\nFEDERATED storage engine. The CREATE SERVER statement creates a new row\nin the servers table in the mysql database. This statement requires the\nSUPER privilege.\n\nThe server_name should be a unique reference to the server. Server\ndefinitions are global within the scope of the server, it is not\npossible to qualify the server definition to a specific database.\nserver_name has a maximum length of 64 characters (names longer than 64\ncharacters are silently truncated), and is case insensitive. You may\nspecify the name as a quoted string.\n\nThe wrapper_name should be mysql, and may be quoted with single\nquotation marks. Other values for wrapper_name are not currently\nsupported.\n\nFor each option you must specify either a character literal or numeric\nliteral. Character literals are UTF-8, support a maximum length of 64\ncharacters and default to a blank (empty) string. String literals are\nsilently truncated to 64 characters. Numeric literals must be a number\nbetween 0 and 9999, default value is 0.\n\n*Note*:\n\nThe OWNER option is currently not applied, and has no effect on the\nownership or operation of the server connection that is created.\n\nThe CREATE SERVER statement creates an entry in the mysql.servers table\nthat can later be used with the CREATE TABLE statement when creating a\nFEDERATED table. The options that you specify will be used to populate\nthe columns in the mysql.servers table. The table columns are\nServer_name, Host, Db, Username, Password, Port and Socket.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/create-server.html\n\n','CREATE SERVER s\nFOREIGN DATA WRAPPER mysql\nOPTIONS (USER \'Remote\', HOST \'\', DATABASE \'test\');\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/create-server.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (299,7,'ST_DISTANCE_SPHERE','ST_Distance_Sphere(g1, g2 [, radius])\n\nReturns the mimimum spherical distance between two points and/or\nmultipoints on a sphere, in meters, or NULL if any geometry argument is\nNULL or empty.\n\nCalculations use a spherical earth and a configurable radius. The\noptional radius argument should be given in meters. If omitted, the\ndefault radius is 6,370,986 meters. An ER_WRONG_ARGUMENTS error occurs\nif the radius argument is present but not positive.\n\nThe geometry arguments should consist of points that specify\n(longitude, latitude) coordinate values:\n\no Longitude and latitude are the first and second coordinates of the\n point, respectively.\n\no Both coordinates are in degrees.\n\no Longitude values must be in the range (-180, 180]. Positive values\n are east of the prime meridian.\n\no Latitude values must be in the range [-90, 90]. Positive values are\n north of the equator.\n\nSupported argument combinations are (Point, Point), (Point,\nMultiPoint), and (MultiPoint, Point). An ER_GIS_UNSUPPORTED_ARGUMENT\nerror occurs for other combinations.\n\nIf any geometry argument is not a syntactically well-formed geometry\nbyte string, an ER_GIS_INVALID_DATA error occurs.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-convenience-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SET @pt1 = ST_GeomFromText(\'POINT(0 0)\');\nmysql> SET @pt2 = ST_GeomFromText(\'POINT(180 0)\');\nmysql> SELECT ST_Distance_Sphere(@pt1, @pt2);\n+--------------------------------+\n| ST_Distance_Sphere(@pt1, @pt2) |\n+--------------------------------+\n| 20015042.813723423 |\n+--------------------------------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-convenience-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (300,33,'ST_POLYFROMWKB','ST_PolyFromWKB(wkb[, srid]), ST_PolygonFromWKB(wkb[, srid])\n\nConstructs a Polygon value using its WKB representation and SRID.\n\nThe result is NULL if the WKB or SRID argument is NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-wkb-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-wkb-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (301,32,'MAKETIME','Syntax:\nMAKETIME(hour,minute,second)\n\nReturns a time value calculated from the hour, minute, and second\narguments.\n\nThe second argument can have a fractional part.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT MAKETIME(12,15,30);\n -> \'12:15:30\'\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (302,32,'CURDATE','Syntax:\nCURDATE()\n\nReturns the current date as a value in \'YYYY-MM-DD\' or YYYYMMDD format,\ndepending on whether the function is used in a string or numeric\ncontext.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT CURDATE();\n -> \'2008-06-13\'\nmysql> SELECT CURDATE() + 0;\n -> 20080613\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (303,10,'SET PASSWORD','Syntax:\nSET PASSWORD [FOR user] = password_option\n\npassword_option: {\n \'auth_string\'\n | PASSWORD(\'auth_string\')\n}\n\nThe SET PASSWORD statement assigns a password to a MySQL user account.\n\'auth_string\' represents a cleartext (unencrypted) password.\n\n*Note*:\n\no SET PASSWORD ... = PASSWORD(\'auth_string\') syntax is deprecated as of\n MySQL 5.7.6 and will be removed in a future MySQL release.\n\no SET PASSWORD ... = \'auth_string\' syntax is not deprecated, but ALTER\n USER is the preferred statement for account alterations, including\n assigning passwords. For example:\n\nALTER USER user IDENTIFIED BY \'auth_string\';\n\n*Important*:\n\nUnder some circumstances, SET PASSWORD may be recorded in server logs\nor on the client side in a history file such as ~/.mysql_history, which\nmeans that cleartext passwords may be read by anyone having read access\nto that information. For information about the conditions under which\nthis occurs for the server logs and how to control it, see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/password-logging.html. For\nsimilar information about client-side logging, see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mysql-logging.html.\n\nSET PASSWORD can be used with or without a FOR clause that explicitly\nnames a user account:\n\no With a FOR user clause, the statement sets the password for the named\n account, which must exist:\n\nSET PASSWORD FOR \'jeffrey\'@\'localhost\' = \'auth_string\';\n\no With no FOR user clause, the statement sets the password for the\n current user:\n\nSET PASSWORD = \'auth_string\';\n\n Any client who connects to the server using a nonanonymous account\n can change the password for that account. To see which account the\n server authenticated you as, invoke the CURRENT_USER() function:\n\nSELECT CURRENT_USER();\n\nSetting the password for a named account (with a FOR clause) requires\nthe UPDATE privilege for the mysql database. Setting the password for\nyourself (for a nonanonymous account with no FOR clause) requires no\nspecial privileges. When the read_only system variable is enabled, SET\nPASSWORD requires the SUPER privilege in addition to any other required\nprivileges.\n\nIf a FOR user clause is given, the account name uses the format\ndescribed in http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/account-names.html.\nFor example:\n\nSET PASSWORD FOR \'bob\'@\'%.example.org\' = \'auth_string\';\n\nThe host name part of the account name, if omitted, defaults to \'%\'.\n\nThe password can be specified in these ways:\n\no Use a string without PASSWORD()\n\nSET PASSWORD FOR \'jeffrey\'@\'localhost\' = \'password\';\n\n SET PASSWORD interprets the string as a cleartext string, passes it\n to the authentication plugin associated with the account, and stores\n the result returned by the plugin in the mysql.user account row. (The\n plugin is given the opportunity to hash the value into the encryption\n format it expects. The plugin may use the value as specified, in\n which case no hashing occurs.)\n\no Use the PASSWORD() function (deprecated as of MySQL 5.7.6)\n\nSET PASSWORD FOR \'jeffrey\'@\'localhost\' = PASSWORD(\'password\');\n\n The PASSWORD() argument is the cleartext (unencrypted) password.\n PASSWORD() hashes the password and returns the encrypted password\n string for storage in the mysql.user account row.\n\n The PASSWORD() function hashes the password using the hashing method\n determined by the value of the old_passwords system variable value.\n Be sure that old_passwords has the value corresponding to the hashing\n method expected by the authentication plugin associated with the\n account. For example, if the account uses the mysql_native_password\n plugin, the old_passwords value must be 0:\n\nSET old_passwords = 0;\nSET PASSWORD FOR \'jeffrey\'@\'localhost\' = PASSWORD(\'password\');\n\n If the old_passwords value differs from that required by the\n authentication plugin, the hashed password value returned by\n PASSWORD() will not by usable by the plugin and correct\n authentication of client connections will not occur.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/set-password.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/set-password.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (304,7,'JSON_QUOTE','Syntax:\nJSON_QUOTE(string)\n\nQuotes a string as a JSON value by wrapping it with double quote\ncharacters and escaping interior quote and other characters, then\nreturning the result as a utf8mb4 string. Returns NULL if the argument\nis NULL.\n\nThis function is typically used to produce a valid JSON string literal\nfor inclusion within a JSON document.\n\nCertain special characters are escaped with backslashes per the escape\nsequences shown in\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/json-modification-functions.html\n#json-unquote-character-escape-sequences.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/json-creation-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT JSON_QUOTE(\'null\'), JSON_QUOTE(\'"null"\');\n+--------------------+----------------------+\n| JSON_QUOTE(\'null\') | JSON_QUOTE(\'"null"\') |\n+--------------------+----------------------+\n| "null" | "\\"null\\"" |\n+--------------------+----------------------+\nmysql> SELECT JSON_QUOTE(\'[1, 2, 3]\');\n+-------------------------+\n| JSON_QUOTE(\'[1, 2, 3]\') |\n+-------------------------+\n| "[1, 2, 3]" |\n+-------------------------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/json-creation-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (305,17,'DATABASE','Syntax:\nDATABASE()\n\nReturns the default (current) database name as a string in the utf8\ncharacter set. If there is no default database, DATABASE() returns\nNULL. Within a stored routine, the default database is the database\nthat the routine is associated with, which is not necessarily the same\nas the database that is the default in the calling context.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/information-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT DATABASE();\n -> \'test\'\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/information-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (306,6,'IF FUNCTION','Syntax:\nIF(expr1,expr2,expr3)\n\nIf expr1 is TRUE (expr1 <> 0 and expr1 <> NULL), IF() returns expr2.\nOtherwise, it returns expr3.\n\n*Note*:\n\nThere is also an IF statement, which differs from the IF() function\ndescribed here. See [HELP IF statement].\n\nIf only one of expr2 or expr3 is explicitly NULL, the result type of\nthe IF() function is the type of the non-NULL expression.\n\nThe default return type of IF() (which may matter when it is stored\ninto a temporary table) is calculated as follows:\n\no If expr2 or expr3 produce a string, the result is a string.\n\n If expr2 and expr3 are both strings, the result is case-sensitive if\n either string is case sensitive.\n\no If expr2 or expr3 produce a floating-point value, the result is a\n floating-point value.\n\no If expr2 or expr3 produce an integer, the result is an integer.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/control-flow-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT IF(1>2,2,3);\n -> 3\nmysql> SELECT IF(1<2,\'yes\',\'no\');\n -> \'yes\'\nmysql> SELECT IF(STRCMP(\'test\',\'test1\'),\'no\',\'yes\');\n -> \'no\'\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/control-flow-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (307,33,'POINTFROMWKB','PointFromWKB(wkb[, srid])\n\nST_PointFromWKB() and PointFromWKB() are synonyms. For more\ninformation, see the description of ST_PointFromWKB().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-wkb-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-wkb-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (308,3,'POWER','Syntax:\nPOWER(X,Y)\n\nThis is a synonym for POW().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mathematical-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mathematical-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (309,3,'ATAN','Syntax:\nATAN(X)\n\nReturns the arc tangent of X, that is, the value whose tangent is X.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mathematical-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT ATAN(2);\n -> 1.1071487177941\nmysql> SELECT ATAN(-2);\n -> -1.1071487177941\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mathematical-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (310,27,'SHOW PROFILE','Syntax:\nSHOW PROFILE [type [, type] ... ]\n [FOR QUERY n]\n [LIMIT row_count [OFFSET offset]]\n\ntype:\n ALL\n | BLOCK IO\n | CONTEXT SWITCHES\n | CPU\n | IPC\n | MEMORY\n | PAGE FAULTS\n | SOURCE\n | SWAPS\n\nThe SHOW PROFILE and SHOW PROFILES statements display profiling\ninformation that indicates resource usage for statements executed\nduring the course of the current session.\n\n*Note*:\n\nThese statements are deprecated and will be removed in a future MySQL\nrelease. Use the Performance Schema instead; see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/performance-schema-query-profili\nng.html.\n\nProfiling is controlled by the profiling session variable, which has a\ndefault value of 0 (OFF). Profiling is enabled by setting profiling to\n1 or ON:\n\nmysql> SET profiling = 1;\n\nSHOW PROFILES displays a list of the most recent statements sent to the\nserver. The size of the list is controlled by the\nprofiling_history_size session variable, which has a default value of\n15. The maximum value is 100. Setting the value to 0 has the practical\neffect of disabling profiling.\n\nAll statements are profiled except SHOW PROFILE and SHOW PROFILES, so\nyou will find neither of those statements in the profile list.\nMalformed statements are profiled. For example, SHOW PROFILING is an\nillegal statement, and a syntax error occurs if you try to execute it,\nbut it will show up in the profiling list.\n\nSHOW PROFILE displays detailed information about a single statement.\nWithout the FOR QUERY n clause, the output pertains to the most\nrecently executed statement. If FOR QUERY n is included, SHOW PROFILE\ndisplays information for statement n. The values of n correspond to the\nQuery_ID values displayed by SHOW PROFILES.\n\nThe LIMIT row_count clause may be given to limit the output to\nrow_count rows. If LIMIT is given, OFFSET offset may be added to begin\nthe output offset rows into the full set of rows.\n\nBy default, SHOW PROFILE displays Status and Duration columns. The\nStatus values are like the State values displayed by SHOW PROCESSLIST,\nalthough there might be some minor differences in interpretion for the\ntwo statements for some status values (see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/thread-information.html).\n\nOptional type values may be specified to display specific additional\ntypes of information:\n\no ALL displays all information\n\no BLOCK IO displays counts for block input and output operations\n\no CONTEXT SWITCHES displays counts for voluntary and involuntary\n context switches\n\no CPU displays user and system CPU usage times\n\no IPC displays counts for messages sent and received\n\no MEMORY is not currently implemented\n\no PAGE FAULTS displays counts for major and minor page faults\n\no SOURCE displays the names of functions from the source code, together\n with the name and line number of the file in which the function\n occurs\n\no SWAPS displays swap counts\n\nProfiling is enabled per session. When a session ends, its profiling\ninformation is lost.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-profile.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT @@profiling;\n+-------------+\n| @@profiling |\n+-------------+\n| 0 |\n+-------------+\n1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> SET profiling = 1;\nQuery OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1;\nQuery OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> CREATE TABLE T1 (id INT);\nQuery OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)\n\nmysql> SHOW PROFILES;\n+----------+----------+--------------------------+\n| Query_ID | Duration | Query |\n+----------+----------+--------------------------+\n| 0 | 0.000088 | SET PROFILING = 1 |\n| 1 | 0.000136 | DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1 |\n| 2 | 0.011947 | CREATE TABLE t1 (id INT) |\n+----------+----------+--------------------------+\n3 rows in set (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> SHOW PROFILE;\n+----------------------+----------+\n| Status | Duration |\n+----------------------+----------+\n| checking permissions | 0.000040 |\n| creating table | 0.000056 |\n| After create | 0.011363 |\n| query end | 0.000375 |\n| freeing items | 0.000089 |\n| logging slow query | 0.000019 |\n| cleaning up | 0.000005 |\n+----------------------+----------+\n7 rows in set (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> SHOW PROFILE FOR QUERY 1;\n+--------------------+----------+\n| Status | Duration |\n+--------------------+----------+\n| query end | 0.000107 |\n| freeing items | 0.000008 |\n| logging slow query | 0.000015 |\n| cleaning up | 0.000006 |\n+--------------------+----------+\n4 rows in set (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> SHOW PROFILE CPU FOR QUERY 2;\n+----------------------+----------+----------+------------+\n| Status | Duration | CPU_user | CPU_system |\n+----------------------+----------+----------+------------+\n| checking permissions | 0.000040 | 0.000038 | 0.000002 |\n| creating table | 0.000056 | 0.000028 | 0.000028 |\n| After create | 0.011363 | 0.000217 | 0.001571 |\n| query end | 0.000375 | 0.000013 | 0.000028 |\n| freeing items | 0.000089 | 0.000010 | 0.000014 |\n| logging slow query | 0.000019 | 0.000009 | 0.000010 |\n| cleaning up | 0.000005 | 0.000003 | 0.000002 |\n+----------------------+----------+----------+------------+\n7 rows in set (0.00 sec)\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-profile.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (311,3,'LN','Syntax:\nLN(X)\n\nReturns the natural logarithm of X; that is, the base-e logarithm of X.\nIf X is less than or equal to 0.0E0, the function returns NULL and (as\nof MySQL 5.7.4) a warning "Invalid argument for logarithm" is reported.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mathematical-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT LN(2);\n -> 0.69314718055995\nmysql> SELECT LN(-2);\n -> NULL\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mathematical-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (312,27,'SET CHARACTER SET','Syntax:\nSET {CHARACTER SET | CHARSET}\n {\'charset_name\' | DEFAULT}\n\nThis statement maps all strings sent between the server and the current\nclient with the given mapping. SET CHARACTER SET sets three session\nsystem variables: character_set_client and character_set_results are\nset to the given character set, and character_set_connection to the\nvalue of character_set_database. See\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/charset-connection.html.\n\ncharset_name may be quoted or unquoted.\n\nThe default character set mapping can be restored by using the value\nDEFAULT. The default depends on the server configuration.\n\nucs2, utf16, and utf32 cannot be used as a client character set, which\nmeans that they do not work for SET CHARACTER SET.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/set-character-set.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/set-character-set.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (313,24,'RETURN','Syntax:\nRETURN expr\n\nThe RETURN statement terminates execution of a stored function and\nreturns the value expr to the function caller. There must be at least\none RETURN statement in a stored function. There may be more than one\nif the function has multiple exit points.\n\nThis statement is not used in stored procedures, triggers, or events.\nThe LEAVE statement can be used to exit a stored program of those\ntypes.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/return.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/return.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (314,8,'SET SQL_LOG_BIN','Syntax:\nSET sql_log_bin = {0|1}\n\nThe sql_log_bin variable controls whether logging to the binary log is\ndone. The default value is 1 (do logging). To change logging for the\ncurrent session, change the session value of this variable. The session\nuser must have the SUPER privilege to set this variable. Set this\nvariable to 0 for a session to temporarily disable binary logging while\nmaking changes to the master which you do not want to replicate to the\nslave.\n\nThe global sql_log_bin variable is read only and cannot be modified.\nThe global scope is deprecated and will be removed in a future MySQL\nrelease.\n\nIt is not possible to set @@session.sql_log_bin within a transaction or\nsubquery.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/set-sql-log-bin.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/set-sql-log-bin.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (315,12,'AES_DECRYPT','Syntax:\nAES_DECRYPT(crypt_str,key_str[,init_vector])\n\nThis function decrypts data using the official AES (Advanced Encryption\nStandard) algorithm. For more information, see the description of\nAES_ENCRYPT().\n\nThe optional initialization vector argument, init_vector, is available\nas of MySQL 5.7.4. As of that version, statements that use\nAES_DECRYPT() are unsafe for statement-based replication and cannot be\nstored in the query cache.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/encryption-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/encryption-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (316,17,'COERCIBILITY','Syntax:\nCOERCIBILITY(str)\n\nReturns the collation coercibility value of the string argument.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/information-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT COERCIBILITY(\'abc\' COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci);\n -> 0\nmysql> SELECT COERCIBILITY(USER());\n -> 3\nmysql> SELECT COERCIBILITY(\'abc\');\n -> 4\nmysql> SELECT COERCIBILITY(1000);\n -> 5\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/information-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (317,23,'INT','INT[(M)] [UNSIGNED] [ZEROFILL]\n\nA normal-size integer. The signed range is -2147483648 to 2147483647.\nThe unsigned range is 0 to 4294967295.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/numeric-type-overview.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/numeric-type-overview.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (318,13,'GLENGTH','GLength(ls)\n\nGLength() is a nonstandard name. It corresponds to the OpenGIS\nST_Length() function. (There is an existing SQL function Length() that\ncalculates the length of string values.)\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-linestring-property-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-linestring-property-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (319,27,'SHUTDOWN','Syntax:\nSHUTDOWN\n\nThis statement stops the MySQL server. It requires the SHUTDOWN\nprivilege.\n\nSHUTDOWN was added in MySQL 5.7.9. It provides an SQL-level interface\nto the same functionality available using the mysqladmin shutdown\ncommand or the mysql_shutdown() C API function.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/shutdown.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/shutdown.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (320,7,'JSON_REMOVE','Syntax:\nJSON_REMOVE(json_doc, path[, path] ...)\n\nRemoves data from a JSON document and returns the result. Returns NULL\nif any argument is NULL. An error occurs if the json_doc argument is\nnot a valid JSON document or any path argument is not a valid path\nexpression or is $ or contains a * or ** wildcard.\n\nThe path arguments are evaluated left to right. The document produced\nby evaluating one path becomes the new value against which the next\npath is evaluated.\n\nIt is not an error if the element to be removed does not exist in the\ndocument; in that case, the path does not affect the document.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/json-modification-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SET @j = \'["a", ["b", "c"], "d"]\';\nmysql> SELECT JSON_REMOVE(@j, \'$[1]\');\n+-------------------------+\n| JSON_REMOVE(@j, \'$[1]\') |\n+-------------------------+\n| ["a", "d"] |\n+-------------------------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/json-modification-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (321,7,'ST_ASGEOJSON','ST_AsGeoJSON(g [, max_dec_digits [, options]])\n\nGenerates a GeoJSON object from the geometry g. The object string has\nthe connection character set and collation.\n\nIf any argument is NULL, the return value is NULL. If any non-NULL\nargument is invalid, an error occurs.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-geojson-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT ST_AsGeoJSON(ST_GeomFromText(\'POINT(11.11111 12.22222)\'),2);\n+-------------------------------------------------------------+\n| ST_AsGeoJSON(ST_GeomFromText(\'POINT(11.11111 12.22222)\'),2) |\n+-------------------------------------------------------------+\n| {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [11.11, 12.22]} |\n+-------------------------------------------------------------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-geojson-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (322,26,'ST_BUFFER_STRATEGY','ST_Buffer_Strategy(strategy[, points_per_circle])\n\nThis function returns a strategy byte string for use with ST_Buffer()\nto influence buffer computation. If any argument is NULL, the return\nvalue is NULL. If any argument is invalid, an ER_WRONG_ARGUMENTS error\noccurs.\n\nInformation about strategies is available at Boost.org\n(http://www.boost.org).\n\nThe first argument must be a string indicating a strategy option:\n\no For point strategies, permitted values are \'point_circle\' and\n \'point_square\'.\n\no For join strategies, permitted values are \'join_round\' and\n \'join_miter\'.\n\no For end strategies, permitted values are \'end_round\' and \'end_flat\'.\n\nIf the first argument is \'point_circle\', \'join_round\', \'join_miter\', or\n\'end_round\', the points_per_circle argument must be given as a positive\nnumeric value. The maximum points_per_circle value is the value of the\nmax_points_in_geometry system variable as of MySQL 5.7.8, 65,536 before\nthat. If the first argument is \'point_square\' or \'end_flat\', the\npoints_per_circle argument must not be given or an ER_WRONG_ARGUMENTS\nerror occurs.\n\nFor examples, see the description of ST_Buffer().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-operator-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-operator-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (323,38,'MAKE_SET','Syntax:\nMAKE_SET(bits,str1,str2,...)\n\nReturns a set value (a string containing substrings separated by ,\ncharacters) consisting of the strings that have the corresponding bit\nin bits set. str1 corresponds to bit 0, str2 to bit 1, and so on. NULL\nvalues in str1, str2, ... are not appended to the result.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT MAKE_SET(1,\'a\',\'b\',\'c\');\n -> \'a\'\nmysql> SELECT MAKE_SET(1 | 4,\'hello\',\'nice\',\'world\');\n -> \'hello,world\'\nmysql> SELECT MAKE_SET(1 | 4,\'hello\',\'nice\',NULL,\'world\');\n -> \'hello\'\nmysql> SELECT MAKE_SET(0,\'a\',\'b\',\'c\');\n -> \'\'\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (324,38,'FIND_IN_SET','Syntax:\nFIND_IN_SET(str,strlist)\n\nReturns a value in the range of 1 to N if the string str is in the\nstring list strlist consisting of N substrings. A string list is a\nstring composed of substrings separated by , characters. If the first\nargument is a constant string and the second is a column of type SET,\nthe FIND_IN_SET() function is optimized to use bit arithmetic. Returns\n0 if str is not in strlist or if strlist is the empty string. Returns\nNULL if either argument is NULL. This function does not work properly\nif the first argument contains a comma (,) character.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT FIND_IN_SET(\'b\',\'a,b,c,d\');\n -> 2\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (325,16,'MIN','Syntax:\nMIN([DISTINCT] expr)\n\nReturns the minimum value of expr. MIN() may take a string argument; in\nsuch cases, it returns the minimum string value. See\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mysql-indexes.html. The DISTINCT\nkeyword can be used to find the minimum of the distinct values of expr,\nhowever, this produces the same result as omitting DISTINCT.\n\nIf there are no matching rows, MIN() returns NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/group-by-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT student_name, MIN(test_score), MAX(test_score)\n FROM student\n GROUP BY student_name;\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/group-by-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (326,28,'REPLACE','Syntax:\nREPLACE [LOW_PRIORITY | DELAYED]\n [INTO] tbl_name\n [PARTITION (partition_name [, partition_name] ...)]\n [(col_name [, col_name] ...)]\n {VALUES | VALUE} (value_list) [, (value_list)] ...\n\nREPLACE [LOW_PRIORITY | DELAYED]\n [INTO] tbl_name\n [PARTITION (partition_name [, partition_name] ...)]\n SET assignment_list\n\nREPLACE [LOW_PRIORITY | DELAYED]\n [INTO] tbl_name\n [PARTITION (partition_name [, partition_name] ...)]\n [(col_name [, col_name] ...)]\n SELECT ...\n\nvalue:\n {expr | DEFAULT}\n\nvalue_list:\n value [, value] ...\n\nassignment:\n col_name = value\n\nassignment_list:\n assignment [, assignment] ...\n\nREPLACE works exactly like INSERT, except that if an old row in the\ntable has the same value as a new row for a PRIMARY KEY or a UNIQUE\nindex, the old row is deleted before the new row is inserted. See [HELP\nINSERT].\n\nREPLACE is a MySQL extension to the SQL standard. It either inserts, or\ndeletes and inserts. For another MySQL extension to standard SQL---that\neither inserts or updates---see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/insert-on-duplicate.html.\n\nDELAYED inserts and replaces were deprecated in MySQL 5.6. In MySQL\n5.7, DELAYED is not supported. The server recognizes but ignores the\nDELAYED keyword, handles the replace as a nondelayed replace, and\ngenerates an ER_WARN_LEGACY_SYNTAX_CONVERTED warning. ("REPLACE DELAYED\nis no longer supported. The statement was converted to REPLACE.") The\nDELAYED keyword will be removed in a future release.\n\n*Note*:\n\nREPLACE makes sense only if a table has a PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE index.\nOtherwise, it becomes equivalent to INSERT, because there is no index\nto be used to determine whether a new row duplicates another.\n\nValues for all columns are taken from the values specified in the\nREPLACE statement. Any missing columns are set to their default values,\njust as happens for INSERT. You cannot refer to values from the current\nrow and use them in the new row. If you use an assignment such as SET\ncol_name = col_name + 1, the reference to the column name on the right\nhand side is treated as DEFAULT(col_name), so the assignment is\nequivalent to SET col_name = DEFAULT(col_name) + 1.\n\nTo use REPLACE, you must have both the INSERT and DELETE privileges for\nthe table.\n\nIf a generated column is replaced explicitly, the only permitted value\nis DEFAULT. For information about generated columns, see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/create-table-generated-columns.h\ntml.\n\nREPLACE supports explicit partition selection using the PARTITION\nkeyword with a list of comma-separated names of partitions,\nsubpartitions, or both. As with INSERT, if it is not possible to insert\nthe new row into any of these partitions or subpartitions, the REPLACE\nstatement fails with the error Found a row not matching the given\npartition set. For more information and examples, see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/partitioning-selection.html.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/replace.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/replace.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (327,32,'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP','Syntax:\nCURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP([fsp])\n\nCURRENT_TIMESTAMP and CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() are synonyms for NOW().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (328,26,'ST_SYMDIFFERENCE','ST_SymDifference(g1, g2)\n\nReturns a geometry that represents the point set symmetric difference\nof the geometry values g1 and g2, which is defined as:\n\ng1 symdifference g2 := (g1 union g2) difference (g1 intersection g2)\n\nOr, in function call notation:\n\nST_SymDifference(g1, g2) = ST_Difference(ST_Union(g1, g2), ST_Intersection(g1, g2))\n\nIf any argument is NULL, the return value is NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-operator-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SET @g1 = Point(1,1), @g2 = Point(2,2);\nmysql> SELECT ST_AsText(ST_SymDifference(@g1, @g2));\n+---------------------------------------+\n| ST_AsText(ST_SymDifference(@g1, @g2)) |\n+---------------------------------------+\n| MULTIPOINT((1 1),(2 2)) |\n+---------------------------------------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-operator-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (329,7,'GTID_SUBSET','Syntax:\nGTID_SUBSET(subset,set)\n\nGiven two sets of global transaction IDs subset and set, returns true\nif all GTIDs in subset are also in set. Returns false otherwise.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gtid-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT GTID_SUBSET(\'3E11FA47-71CA-11E1-9E33-C80AA9429562:23\',\n -> \'3E11FA47-71CA-11E1-9E33-C80AA9429562:21-57\')\\G\n*************************** 1. row ***************************\nGTID_SUBSET(\'3E11FA47-71CA-11E1-9E33-C80AA9429562:23\',\n \'3E11FA47-71CA-11E1-9E33-C80AA9429562:21-57\'): 1\n1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> SELECT GTID_SUBSET(\'3E11FA47-71CA-11E1-9E33-C80AA9429562:23-25\',\n -> \'3E11FA47-71CA-11E1-9E33-C80AA9429562:21-57\')\\G\n*************************** 1. row ***************************\nGTID_SUBSET(\'3E11FA47-71CA-11E1-9E33-C80AA9429562:23-25\',\n \'3E11FA47-71CA-11E1-9E33-C80AA9429562:21-57\'): 1\n1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> SELECT GTID_SUBSET(\'3E11FA47-71CA-11E1-9E33-C80AA9429562:20-25\',\n -> \'3E11FA47-71CA-11E1-9E33-C80AA9429562:21-57\')\\G\n*************************** 1. row ***************************\nGTID_SUBSET(\'3E11FA47-71CA-11E1-9E33-C80AA9429562:20-25\',\n \'3E11FA47-71CA-11E1-9E33-C80AA9429562:21-57\'): 0\n1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gtid-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (330,16,'VAR_SAMP','Syntax:\nVAR_SAMP(expr)\n\nReturns the sample variance of expr. That is, the denominator is the\nnumber of rows minus one.\n\nIf there are no matching rows, VAR_SAMP() returns NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/group-by-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/group-by-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (331,23,'DATETIME','DATETIME[(fsp)]\n\nA date and time combination. The supported range is \'1000-01-01\n00:00:00.000000\' to \'9999-12-31 23:59:59.999999\'. MySQL displays\nDATETIME values in \'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS[.fraction]\' format, but permits\nassignment of values to DATETIME columns using either strings or\nnumbers.\n\nAn optional fsp value in the range from 0 to 6 may be given to specify\nfractional seconds precision. A value of 0 signifies that there is no\nfractional part. If omitted, the default precision is 0.\n\nAutomatic initialization and updating to the current date and time for\nDATETIME columns can be specified using DEFAULT and ON UPDATE column\ndefinition clauses, as described in\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/timestamp-initialization.html.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-type-overview.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-type-overview.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (332,8,'CHANGE REPLICATION FILTER','Syntax:\nCHANGE REPLICATION FILTER filter[, filter][, ...]\n\nfilter:\n REPLICATE_DO_DB = (db_list)\n | REPLICATE_IGNORE_DB = (db_list)\n | REPLICATE_DO_TABLE = (tbl_list)\n | REPLICATE_IGNORE_TABLE = (tbl_list)\n | REPLICATE_WILD_DO_TABLE = (wild_tbl_list)\n | REPLICATE_WILD_IGNORE_TABLE = (wild_tbl_list)\n | REPLICATE_REWRITE_DB = (db_pair_list)\n\ndb_list:\n db_name[, db_name][, ...]\n\ntbl_list:\n db_name.table_name[, db_table_name][, ...]\nwild_tbl_list:\n \'db_pattern.table_pattern\'[, \'db_pattern.table_pattern\'][, ...]\n\ndb_pair_list:\n (db_pair)[, (db_pair)][, ...]\n\ndb_pair:\n from_db, to_db\n\nCHANGE REPLICATION FILTER sets one or more replication filtering rules\non the slave in the same way as starting the slave mysqld with\nreplication filtering options such as --replicate-do-db or\n--replicate-wild-ignore-table. Unlike the case with the server options,\nthis statement does not require restarting the server to take effect,\nonly that the slave SQL thread be stopped using STOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD\nfirst (and restarted with START SLAVE SQL_THREAD afterwards). CHANGE\nREPLICATION FILTER requires the SUPER privilege.\n\nThe following list shows the CHANGE REPLICATION FILTER options and how\nthey relate to --replicate-* server options:\n\no REPLICATE_DO_DB: Include updates based on database name. Equivalent\n to --replicate-do-db.\n\no REPLICATE_IGNORE_DB: Exclude updates based on database name.\n Equivalent to --replicate-ignore-db.\n\no REPLICATE_DO_TABLE: Include updates based on table name. Equivalent\n to --replicate-do-table.\n\no REPLICATE_IGNORE_TABLE: Exclude updates based on table name.\n Equivalent to --replicate-ignore-table.\n\no REPLICATE_WILD_DO_TABLE: Include updates based on wildcard pattern\n matching table name. Equivalent to --replicate-wild-do-table.\n\no REPLICATE_WILD_IGNORE_TABLE: Exclude updates based on wildcard\n pattern matching table name. Equivalent to\n --replicate-wild-ignore-table.\n\no REPLICATE_REWRITE_DB: Perform updates on slave after substituting new\n name on slave for specified database on master. Equivalent to\n --replicate-rewrite-db.\n\nThe precise effects of REPLICATE_DO_DB and REPLICATE_IGNORE_DB filters\nare dependent on whether statement-based or row-based replication is in\neffect. See\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/replication-rules.html, for more\ninformation.\n\nMultiple replication filtering rules can be created in a single CHANGE\nREPLICATION FILTER statement by separating the rules with commas, as\nshown here:\n\nCHANGE REPLICATION FILTER\n REPLICATE_DO_DB = (d1), REPLICATE_IGNORE_DB = (d2);\n\nIssuing the statement just shown is equivalent to starting the slave\nmysqld with the options --replicate-do-db=d1 --replicate-ignore-db=d2.\n\nIf the same filtering rule is specified multiple times, only the last\nsuch rule is actually used. For example, the two statements shown here\nhave exactly the same effect, because the first REPLICATE_DO_DB rule in\nthe first statement is ignored:\n\nCHANGE REPLICATION FILTER\n REPLICATE_DO_DB = (db1, db2), REPLICATE_DO_DB = (db3, db4);\n\nCHANGE REPLICATION FILTER\n REPLICATE_DO_DB = (db3,db4);\n\n*Caution*:\n\nThis behavior differs from that of the --replicate-* filter options\nwhere specifying the same option multiple times causes the creation of\nmultiple filter rules.\n\nNames of tables and database not containing any special characters need\nnot be quoted. Values used with REPLICATION_WILD_TABLE and\nREPLICATION_WILD_IGNORE_TABLE are string expressions, possibly\ncontaining (special) wildcard characters, and so must be quoted. This\nis shown in the following example statements:\n\nCHANGE REPLICATION FILTER\n REPLICATE_WILD_DO_TABLE = (\'db1.old%\');\n\nCHANGE REPLICATION FILTER\n REPLICATE_WILD_IGNORE_TABLE = (\'db1.new%\', \'db2.new%\');\n\nValues used with REPLICATE_REWRITE_DB represent pairs of database\nnames; each such value must be enclosed in parentheses. The following\nstatement rewrites statements occurring on database db1 on the master\nto database db2 on the slave:\n\nCHANGE REPLICATION FILTER REPLICATE_REWRITE_DB = ((db1, db2));\n\nThe statement just shown contains two sets of parentheses, one\nenclosing the pair of database names, and the other enclosing the\nentire list. This is perhap more easily seen in the following example,\nwhich creates two rewrite-db rules, one rewriting database dbA to dbB,\nand one rewriting database dbC to dbD:\n\nCHANGE REPLICATION FILTER\n REPLICATE_REWRITE_DB = ((dbA, dbB), (dbC, dbD));\n\nThis statement leaves any existing replication filtering rules\nunchanged; to unset all filters of a given type, set the filter\'s value\nto an explicitly empty list, as shown in this example, which removes\nall existing REPLICATE_DO_DB and REPLICATE_IGNORE_DB rules:\n\nCHANGE REPLICATION FILTER\n REPLICATE_DO_DB = (), REPLICATE_IGNORE_DB = ();\n\nSetting a filter to empty in this way removes all existing rules, does\nnot create any new ones, and does not restore any rules set at mysqld\nstartup using --replicate-* options on the command line or in the\nconfiguration file.\n\nValues employed with REPLICATE_WILD_DO_TABLE and\nREPLICATE_WILD_IGNORE_TABLE must be in the format db_name.tbl_name.\nPrior to MySQL 5.7.5, this was not strictly enforced, although using\nnonconforming values with these options could lead to erroneous results\n(Bug #18095449).\n\nFor more information, see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/replication-rules.html.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/change-replication-filter.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/change-replication-filter.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (333,23,'INTEGER','INTEGER[(M)] [UNSIGNED] [ZEROFILL]\n\nThis type is a synonym for INT.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/numeric-type-overview.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/numeric-type-overview.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (334,27,'SHOW COLUMNS','Syntax:\nSHOW [FULL] {COLUMNS | FIELDS}\n {FROM | IN} tbl_name\n [{FROM | IN} db_name]\n [LIKE \'pattern\' | WHERE expr]\n\nSHOW COLUMNS displays information about the columns in a given table.\nIt also works for views. SHOW COLUMNS displays information only for\nthose columns for which you have some privilege.\n\nYou can use db_name.tbl_name as an alternative to the tbl_name FROM\ndb_name syntax. In other words, these two statements are equivalent:\n\nSHOW COLUMNS FROM mytable FROM mydb;\nSHOW COLUMNS FROM mydb.mytable;\n\nThe optional FULL keyword causes the output to include the column\ncollation and comments, as well as the privileges you have for each\ncolumn.\n\nThe LIKE clause, if present, indicates which column names to match. The\nWHERE clause can be given to select rows using more general conditions,\nas discussed in\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/extended-show.html.\n\nmysql> SHOW COLUMNS FROM City;\n+-------------+----------+------+-----+---------+----------------+\n| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |\n+-------------+----------+------+-----+---------+----------------+\n| ID | int(11) | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |\n| Name | char(35) | NO | | | |\n| CountryCode | char(3) | NO | MUL | | |\n| District | char(20) | NO | | | |\n| Population | int(11) | NO | | 0 | |\n+-------------+----------+------+-----+---------+----------------+\n\nThe data types may differ from what you expect them to be based on a\nCREATE TABLE statement because MySQL sometimes changes data types when\nyou create or alter a table. The conditions under which this occurs are\ndescribed in\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/silent-column-changes.html.\n\nSHOW COLUMNS displays the following values for each table column:\n\no Field\n\n The column name.\n\no Type\n\n The column data type.\n\no Collation\n\n The collation for nonbinary string columns, or NULL for other\n columns. This value is displayed only if you use the FULL keyword.\n\no Null\n\n Column nullability. The value is YES if NULL values can be stored in\n the column, NO if not.\n\no Key\n\n Whether the column is indexed:\n\n o If Key is empty, the column either is not indexed or is indexed\n only as a secondary column in a multiple-column, nonunique index.\n\n o If Key is PRI, the column is a PRIMARY KEY or is one of the columns\n in a multiple-column PRIMARY KEY.\n\n o If Key is UNI, the column is the first column of a UNIQUE index. (A\n UNIQUE index permits multiple NULL values, but you can tell whether\n the column permits NULL by checking the Null field.)\n\n o If Key is MUL, the column is the first column of a nonunique index\n in which multiple occurrences of a given value are permitted within\n the column.\n\n If more than one of the Key values applies to a given column of a\n table, Key displays the one with the highest priority, in the order\n PRI, UNI, MUL.\n\n A UNIQUE index may be displayed as PRI if it cannot contain NULL\n values and there is no PRIMARY KEY in the table. A UNIQUE index may\n display as MUL if several columns form a composite UNIQUE index;\n although the combination of the columns is unique, each column can\n still hold multiple occurrences of a given value.\n\no Default\n\n The default value for the column. This is NULL if the column has an\n explicit default of NULL, or if the column definition includes no\n DEFAULT clause.\n\no Extra\n\n Any additional information that is available about a given column.\n The value is nonempty in these cases:\n\n o auto_increment for columns that have the AUTO_INCREMENT attribute\n\n o on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP for TIMESTAMP or DATETIME columns that\n have the ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP attribute\n\n o VIRTUAL GENERATED or VIRTUAL STORED for generated columns\n\no Privileges\n\n The privileges you have for the column. This value is displayed only\n if you use the FULL keyword.\n\no Comment\n\n Any comment included in the column definition. This value is\n displayed only if you use the FULL keyword.\n\nYou can also obtain information about table columns from\nINFORMATION_SCHEMA, which contains a COLUMNS table. See\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/columns-table.html.\n\nYou can list a table\'s columns with the mysqlshow db_name tbl_name\ncommand.\n\nThe DESCRIBE statement provides information similar to SHOW COLUMNS.\nSee http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/describe.html.\n\nThe SHOW CREATE TABLE, SHOW TABLE STATUS, and SHOW INDEX statements\nalso provide information about tables. See [HELP SHOW].\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-columns.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-columns.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (335,23,'TINYINT','TINYINT[(M)] [UNSIGNED] [ZEROFILL]\n\nA very small integer. The signed range is -128 to 127. The unsigned\nrange is 0 to 255.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/numeric-type-overview.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/numeric-type-overview.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (336,14,'MASTER_POS_WAIT','Syntax:\nMASTER_POS_WAIT(log_name,log_pos[,timeout][,channel])\n\nThis function is useful for control of master/slave synchronization. It\nblocks until the slave has read and applied all updates up to the\nspecified position in the master log. The return value is the number of\nlog events the slave had to wait for to advance to the specified\nposition. The function returns NULL if the slave SQL thread is not\nstarted, the slave\'s master information is not initialized, the\narguments are incorrect, or an error occurs. It returns -1 if the\ntimeout has been exceeded. If the slave SQL thread stops while\nMASTER_POS_WAIT() is waiting, the function returns NULL. If the slave\nis past the specified position, the function returns immediately.\n\nOn a multithreaded slave, the function waits until expiry of the limit\nset by the slave_checkpoint_group or slave_checkpoint_period system\nvariable, when the checkpoint operation is called to update the status\nof the slave. Depending on the setting for the system variables, the\nfunction might therefore return some time after the specified position\nwas reached.\n\nIf a timeout value is specified, MASTER_POS_WAIT() stops waiting when\ntimeout seconds have elapsed. timeout must be greater than 0; a zero or\nnegative timeout means no timeout.\n\nThe optional channel value enables you to name which replication\nchannel the function applies to. See\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/replication-channels.html for\nmore information.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/miscellaneous-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/miscellaneous-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (337,19,'^','Syntax:\n^\n\nBitwise XOR.\n\nThe result is an unsigned 64-bit integer.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/bit-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT 1 ^ 1;\n -> 0\nmysql> SELECT 1 ^ 0;\n -> 1\nmysql> SELECT 11 ^ 3;\n -> 8\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/bit-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (338,40,'DROP VIEW','Syntax:\nDROP VIEW [IF EXISTS]\n view_name [, view_name] ...\n [RESTRICT | CASCADE]\n\nDROP VIEW removes one or more views. You must have the DROP privilege\nfor each view.\n\nIf any views named in the argument list do not exist, the statement\nreturns an error indicating by name which nonexisting views it was\nunable to drop, but also drops all views in the list that do exist.\n\n*Note*:\n\nIn MySQL 8.0, DROP VIEW fails if any views named in the argument list\ndo not exist. Due to the change in behavior, a partially completed DROP\nVIEW operation on a MySQL 5.7 master fails when replicated to a MySQL\n8.0 slave. To avoid this failure scenario, use IF EXISTS syntax in DROP\nVIEW statements to prevent an error from occurring for views that do\nnot exist. For more information, see Atomic Data Definition Statement\nSupport (http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/atomic-ddl.html).\n\nThe IF EXISTS clause prevents an error from occurring for views that\ndon\'t exist. When this clause is given, a NOTE is generated for each\nnonexistent view. See [HELP SHOW WARNINGS].\n\nRESTRICT and CASCADE, if given, are parsed and ignored.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/drop-view.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/drop-view.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (339,32,'WEEK','Syntax:\nWEEK(date[,mode])\n\nThis function returns the week number for date. The two-argument form\nof WEEK() enables you to specify whether the week starts on Sunday or\nMonday and whether the return value should be in the range from 0 to 53\nor from 1 to 53. If the mode argument is omitted, the value of the\ndefault_week_format system variable is used. See\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/server-system-variables.html.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT WEEK(\'2008-02-20\');\n -> 7\nmysql> SELECT WEEK(\'2008-02-20\',0);\n -> 7\nmysql> SELECT WEEK(\'2008-02-20\',1);\n -> 8\nmysql> SELECT WEEK(\'2008-12-31\',1);\n -> 53\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (340,22,'DROP FUNCTION UDF','Syntax:\nDROP FUNCTION function_name\n\nThis statement drops the user-defined function (UDF) named\nfunction_name.\n\nTo drop a function, you must have the DELETE privilege for the mysql\ndatabase. This is because DROP FUNCTION removes a row from the\nmysql.func system table that records the function\'s name, type, and\nshared library name.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/drop-function-udf.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/drop-function-udf.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (341,7,'ST_VALIDATE','ST_Validate(g)\n\nValidates a geometry according to the OGC specification. A geometry can\nbe syntactically well-formed (WKB value plus SRID) but geometrically\ninvalid. For example, this polygon is geometrically invalid: POLYGON((0\n0, 0 0, 0 0, 0 0, 0 0))\n\nST_Validate() returns the geometry if it is syntactically well-formed\nand is geometrically valid, NULL if the argument is not syntactically\nwell-formed or is not geometrically valid or is NULL.\n\nST_Validate() can be used to filter out invalid geometry data, although\nat a cost. For applications that require more precise results not\ntainted by invalid data, this penalty may be worthwhile.\n\nIf the geometry argument is valid, it is returned as is, except that if\nan input Polygon or MultiPolygon has clockwise rings, those rings are\nreversed before checking for validity. If the geometry is valid, the\nvalue with the reversed rings is returned.\n\nThe only valid empty geometry is represented in the form of an empty\ngeometry collection value. ST_Validate() returns it directly without\nfurther checks in this case.\n\nST_Validate() works only for the Cartesian coordinate system and\nrequires a geometry argument with an SRID of 0. An ER_WRONG_ARGUMENTS\nerror occurs otherwise.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-convenience-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SET @ls1 = ST_GeomFromText(\'LINESTRING(0 0)\');\nmysql> SET @ls2 = ST_GeomFromText(\'LINESTRING(0 0, 1 1)\');\nmysql> SELECT ST_AsText(ST_Validate(@ls1));\n+------------------------------+\n| ST_AsText(ST_Validate(@ls1)) |\n+------------------------------+\n| NULL |\n+------------------------------+\nmysql> SELECT ST_AsText(ST_Validate(@ls2));\n+------------------------------+\n| ST_AsText(ST_Validate(@ls2)) |\n+------------------------------+\n| LINESTRING(0 0,1 1) |\n+------------------------------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-convenience-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (342,38,'UPDATEXML','Syntax:\nUpdateXML(xml_target, xpath_expr, new_xml)\n\nThis function replaces a single portion of a given fragment of XML\nmarkup xml_target with a new XML fragment new_xml, and then returns the\nchanged XML. The portion of xml_target that is replaced matches an\nXPath expression xpath_expr supplied by the user.\n\nIf no expression matching xpath_expr is found, or if multiple matches\nare found, the function returns the original xml_target XML fragment.\nAll three arguments should be strings.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/xml-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT\n -> UpdateXML(\'ccc\', \'/a\', \'fff\') AS val1,\n -> UpdateXML(\'ccc\', \'/b\', \'fff\') AS val2,\n -> UpdateXML(\'ccc\', \'//b\', \'fff\') AS val3,\n -> UpdateXML(\'ccc\', \'/a/d\', \'fff\') AS val4,\n -> UpdateXML(\'ccc\', \'/a/d\', \'fff\') AS val5\n -> \\G\n\n*************************** 1. row ***************************\nval1: fff\nval2: ccc\nval3: fff\nval4: cccfff\nval5: ccc\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/xml-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (343,8,'RESET SLAVE','Syntax:\nRESET SLAVE [ALL] [channel_option]\n\nchannel_option:\n FOR CHANNEL channel\n\nRESET SLAVE makes the slave forget its replication position in the\nmaster\'s binary log. This statement is meant to be used for a clean\nstart: It clears the master info and relay log info repositories,\ndeletes all the relay log files, and starts a new relay log file. It\nalso resets to 0 the replication delay specified with the MASTER_DELAY\noption to CHANGE MASTER TO. RESET SLAVE does not change the values of\ngtid_executed or gtid_purged. To use RESET SLAVE, the slave replication\nthreads must be stopped, so on a running slave use STOP SLAVE before\nissuing RESET SLAVE.\n\n*Note*:\n\nAll relay log files are deleted, even if they have not been completely\nexecuted by the slave SQL thread. (This is a condition likely to exist\non a replication slave if you have issued a STOP SLAVE statement or if\nthe slave is highly loaded.)\n\nThe optional FOR CHANNEL channel clause enables you to name which\nreplication channel the statement applies to. Providing a FOR CHANNEL\nchannel clause applies the RESET SLAVE statement to a specific\nreplication channel. Combining a FOR CHANNEL channel clause with the\nALL option deletes the specified channel. If no channel is named and no\nextra channels exist, the statement applies to the default channel.\nIssuing a RESET SLAVE ALL statement without a FOR CHANNEL channel\nclause when multiple replication channels exist deletes all replication\nchannels and recreates only the default channel. See\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/replication-channels.html for\nmore information.\n\nRESET SLAVE does not change any replication connection parameters such\nas master host, master port, master user, or master password, which are\nretained in memory. This means that START SLAVE can be issued without\nrequiring a CHANGE MASTER TO statement following RESET SLAVE.\n\nConnection parameters are reset by RESET SLAVE ALL. (RESET SLAVE\nfollowed by a restart of the slave mysqld also does this.)\n\nRESET SLAVE causes an implicit commit of an ongoing transaction. See\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/implicit-commit.html.\n\nIf the slave SQL thread was in the middle of replicating temporary\ntables when it was stopped, and RESET SLAVE is issued, these replicated\ntemporary tables are deleted on the slave.\n\nPrior to MySQL 5.7.5, RESET SLAVE also had the effect of resetting both\nthe heartbeat period (Slave_heartbeat_period) and\nSSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT. This issue is fixed in MySQL 5.7.5 and later.\n(Bug #18777899, Bug #18778485)\n\nPrior to MySQL 5.7.5, RESET SLAVE ALL did not clear the\nIGNORE_SERVER_IDS list set by CHANGE MASTER TO. In MySQL 5.7.5 and\nlater, the statement clears the list. (Bug #18816897)\n\n*Note*:\n\nWhen used on an NDB Cluster replication slave SQL node, RESET SLAVE\nclears the mysql.ndb_apply_status table. You should keep in mind when\nusing this statement that ndb_apply_status uses the NDB storage engine\nand so is shared by all SQL nodes attached to the slave cluster.\n\nYou can override this behavior by issuing SET GLOBAL\n@@ndb_clear_apply_status=OFF prior to executing RESET SLAVE, which\nkeeps the slave from purging the ndb_apply_status table in such cases.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/reset-slave.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/reset-slave.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (344,7,'ST_POINTFROMGEOHASH','ST_PointFromGeoHash(geohash_str, srid)\n\nReturns a POINT value containing the decoded geohash value, given a\ngeohash string value.\n\nThe X and Y coordinates of the point are the longitude in the range\n[−180, 180] and the latitude in the range [−90, 90], respectively.\n\nIf any argument is NULL, the return value is NULL. If any argument is\ninvalid, an error occurs.\n\nThe srid argument is an unsigned 32-bit integer.\n\nThe remarks in the description of ST_LatFromGeoHash() regarding the\nmaximum number of characters processed from the geohash_str argument\nalso apply to ST_PointFromGeoHash().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-geohash-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SET @gh = ST_GeoHash(45,-20,10);\nmysql> SELECT ST_AsText(ST_PointFromGeoHash(@gh,0));\n+---------------------------------------+\n| ST_AsText(ST_PointFromGeoHash(@gh,0)) |\n+---------------------------------------+\n| POINT(45 -20) |\n+---------------------------------------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-geohash-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (345,32,'DAY','Syntax:\nDAY(date)\n\nDAY() is a synonym for DAYOFMONTH().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (346,14,'UUID','Syntax:\nUUID()\n\nReturns a Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) generated according to RFC\n4122, "A Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID) URN Namespace"\n(http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4122.txt).\n\nA UUID is designed as a number that is globally unique in space and\ntime. Two calls to UUID() are expected to generate two different\nvalues, even if these calls are performed on two separate devices not\nconnected to each other.\n\n*Warning*:\n\nAlthough UUID() values are intended to be unique, they are not\nnecessarily unguessable or unpredictable. If unpredictability is\nrequired, UUID values should be generated some other way.\n\nUUID() returns a value that conforms to UUID version 1 as described in\nRFC 4122. The value is a 128-bit number represented as a utf8 string of\nfive hexadecimal numbers in aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee\nformat:\n\no The first three numbers are generated from the low, middle, and high\n parts of a timestamp. The high part also includes the UUID version\n number.\n\no The fourth number preserves temporal uniqueness in case the timestamp\n value loses monotonicity (for example, due to daylight saving time).\n\no The fifth number is an IEEE 802 node number that provides spatial\n uniqueness. A random number is substituted if the latter is not\n available (for example, because the host device has no Ethernet card,\n or it is unknown how to find the hardware address of an interface on\n the host operating system). In this case, spatial uniqueness cannot\n be guaranteed. Nevertheless, a collision should have very low\n probability.\n\n The MAC address of an interface is taken into account only on FreeBSD\n and Linux. On other operating systems, MySQL uses a randomly\n generated 48-bit number.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/miscellaneous-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT UUID();\n -> \'6ccd780c-baba-1026-9564-5b8c656024db\'\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/miscellaneous-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (347,25,'LINESTRING','LineString(pt [, pt] ...)\n\nConstructs a LineString value from a number of Point or WKB Point\narguments. If the number of arguments is less than two, the return\nvalue is NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-mysql-specific-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-mysql-specific-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (348,14,'SLEEP','Syntax:\nSLEEP(duration)\n\nSleeps (pauses) for the number of seconds given by the duration\nargument, then returns 0. The duration may have a fractional part. If\nthe argument is NULL or negative, SLEEP() produces a warning, or an\nerror in strict SQL mode.\n\nWhen sleep returns normally (without interruption), it returns 0:\n\nmysql> SELECT SLEEP(1000);\n+-------------+\n| SLEEP(1000) |\n+-------------+\n| 0 |\n+-------------+\n\nWhen SLEEP() is the only thing invoked by a query that is interrupted,\nit returns 1 and the query itself returns no error. This is true\nwhether the query is killed or times out:\n\no This statement is interrupted using KILL QUERY from another session:\n\nmysql> SELECT SLEEP(1000);\n+-------------+\n| SLEEP(1000) |\n+-------------+\n| 1 |\n+-------------+\n\no This statement is interrupted by timing out:\n\nmysql> SELECT /*+ MAX_EXECUTION_TIME(1) */ SLEEP(1000);\n+-------------+\n| SLEEP(1000) |\n+-------------+\n| 1 |\n+-------------+\n\nWhen SLEEP() is only part of a query that is interrupted, the query\nreturns an error:\n\no This statement is interrupted using KILL QUERY from another session:\n\nmysql> SELECT 1 FROM t1 WHERE SLEEP(1000);\nERROR 1317 (70100): Query execution was interrupted\n\no This statement is interrupted by timing out:\n\nmysql> SELECT /*+ MAX_EXECUTION_TIME(1000) */ 1 FROM t1 WHERE SLEEP(1000);\nERROR 3024 (HY000): Query execution was interrupted, maximum statement\nexecution time exceeded\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/miscellaneous-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/miscellaneous-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (349,40,'CREATE LOGFILE GROUP','Syntax:\nCREATE LOGFILE GROUP logfile_group\n ADD UNDOFILE \'undo_file\'\n [INITIAL_SIZE [=] initial_size]\n [UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE [=] undo_buffer_size]\n [REDO_BUFFER_SIZE [=] redo_buffer_size]\n [NODEGROUP [=] nodegroup_id]\n [WAIT]\n [COMMENT [=] \'string\']\n ENGINE [=] engine_name\n\nThis statement creates a new log file group named logfile_group having\na single UNDO file named \'undo_file\'. A CREATE LOGFILE GROUP statement\nhas one and only one ADD UNDOFILE clause. For rules covering the naming\nof log file groups, see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/identifiers.html.\n\n*Note*:\n\nAll NDB Cluster Disk Data objects share the same namespace. This means\nthat each Disk Data object must be uniquely named (and not merely each\nDisk Data object of a given type). For example, you cannot have a\ntablespace and a log file group with the same name, or a tablespace and\na data file with the same name.\n\nThere can be only one log file group per NDB Cluster instance at any\ngiven time.\n\nThe optional INITIAL_SIZE parameter sets the UNDO file\'s initial size;\nif not specified, it defaults to 128M (128 megabytes). The optional\nUNDO_BUFFER_SIZE parameter sets the size used by the UNDO buffer for\nthe log file group; The default value for UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE is 8M (eight\nmegabytes); this value cannot exceed the amount of system memory\navailable. Both of these parameters are specified in bytes. You may\noptionally follow either or both of these with a one-letter\nabbreviation for an order of magnitude, similar to those used in\nmy.cnf. Generally, this is one of the letters M (for megabytes) or G\n(for gigabytes).\n\nMemory used for UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE comes from the global pool whose size\nis determined by the value of the SharedGlobalMemory data node\nconfiguration parameter. This includes any default value implied for\nthis option by the setting of the InitialLogFileGroup data node\nconfiguration parameter.\n\nThe maximum permitted for UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE is 629145600 (600 MB).\n\nOn 32-bit systems, the maximum supported value for INITIAL_SIZE is\n4294967296 (4 GB). (Bug #29186)\n\nThe minimum allowed value for INITIAL_SIZE is 1048576 (1 MB).\n\nThe ENGINE option determines the storage engine to be used by this log\nfile group, with engine_name being the name of the storage engine. In\nMySQL 5.7, this must be NDB (or NDBCLUSTER). If ENGINE is not set,\nMySQL tries to use the engine specified by the default_storage_engine\nserver system variable (formerly storage_engine). In any case, if the\nengine is not specified as NDB or NDBCLUSTER, the CREATE LOGFILE GROUP\nstatement appears to succeed but actually fails to create the log file\ngroup, as shown here:\n\nmysql> CREATE LOGFILE GROUP lg1\n -> ADD UNDOFILE \'undo.dat\' INITIAL_SIZE = 10M;\nQuery OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> SHOW WARNINGS;\n+-------+------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n| Level | Code | Message |\n+-------+------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n| Error | 1478 | Table storage engine \'InnoDB\' does not support the create option \'TABLESPACE or LOGFILE GROUP\' |\n+-------+------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> DROP LOGFILE GROUP lg1 ENGINE = NDB; \nERROR 1529 (HY000): Failed to drop LOGFILE GROUP\n\nmysql> CREATE LOGFILE GROUP lg1\n -> ADD UNDOFILE \'undo.dat\' INITIAL_SIZE = 10M\n -> ENGINE = NDB;\nQuery OK, 0 rows affected (2.97 sec)\n\nThe fact that the CREATE LOGFILE GROUP statement does not actually\nreturn an error when a non-NDB storage engine is named, but rather\nappears to succeed, is a known issue which we hope to address in a\nfuture release of NDB Cluster.\n\nREDO_BUFFER_SIZE, NODEGROUP, WAIT, and COMMENT are parsed but ignored,\nand so have no effect in MySQL 5.7. These options are intended for\nfuture expansion.\n\nWhen used with ENGINE [=] NDB, a log file group and associated UNDO log\nfile are created on each Cluster data node. You can verify that the\nUNDO files were created and obtain information about them by querying\nthe INFORMATION_SCHEMA.FILES table. For example:\n\nmysql> SELECT LOGFILE_GROUP_NAME, LOGFILE_GROUP_NUMBER, EXTRA\n -> FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.FILES\n -> WHERE FILE_NAME = \'undo_10.dat\';\n+--------------------+----------------------+----------------+\n| LOGFILE_GROUP_NAME | LOGFILE_GROUP_NUMBER | EXTRA |\n+--------------------+----------------------+----------------+\n| lg_3 | 11 | CLUSTER_NODE=3 |\n| lg_3 | 11 | CLUSTER_NODE=4 |\n+--------------------+----------------------+----------------+\n2 rows in set (0.06 sec)\n\nCREATE LOGFILE GROUP is useful only with Disk Data storage for NDB\nCluster. See\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mysql-cluster-disk-data.html.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/create-logfile-group.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/create-logfile-group.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (350,6,'NULLIF','Syntax:\nNULLIF(expr1,expr2)\n\nReturns NULL if expr1 = expr2 is true, otherwise returns expr1. This is\nthe same as CASE WHEN expr1 = expr2 THEN NULL ELSE expr1 END.\n\nThe return value has the same type as the first argument.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/control-flow-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT NULLIF(1,1);\n -> NULL\nmysql> SELECT NULLIF(1,2);\n -> 1\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/control-flow-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (351,3,'ROUND','Syntax:\nROUND(X), ROUND(X,D)\n\nRounds the argument X to D decimal places. The rounding algorithm\ndepends on the data type of X. D defaults to 0 if not specified. D can\nbe negative to cause D digits left of the decimal point of the value X\nto become zero.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mathematical-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT ROUND(-1.23);\n -> -1\nmysql> SELECT ROUND(-1.58);\n -> -2\nmysql> SELECT ROUND(1.58);\n -> 2\nmysql> SELECT ROUND(1.298, 1);\n -> 1.3\nmysql> SELECT ROUND(1.298, 0);\n -> 1\nmysql> SELECT ROUND(23.298, -1);\n -> 20\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mathematical-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (352,8,'STOP SLAVE','Syntax:\nSTOP SLAVE [thread_types]\n\nthread_types:\n [thread_type [, thread_type] ... ]\n\nthread_type: IO_THREAD | SQL_THREAD\n\nchannel_option:\n FOR CHANNEL channel\n\nStops the slave threads. STOP SLAVE requires the SUPER privilege.\nRecommended best practice is to execute STOP SLAVE on the slave before\nstopping the slave server (see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/server-shutdown.html, for more\ninformation).\n\nWhen using the row-based logging format: You should execute STOP SLAVE\nor STOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD on the slave prior to shutting down the slave\nserver if you are replicating any tables that use a nontransactional\nstorage engine (see the Note later in this section).\n\nLike START SLAVE, this statement may be used with the IO_THREAD and\nSQL_THREAD options to name the thread or threads to be stopped.\n\nSTOP SLAVE causes an implicit commit of an ongoing transaction. See\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/implicit-commit.html.\n\nFrom MySQL 5.7, gtid_next must be set to AUTOMATIC before issuing this\nstatement (Bug #16062608).\n\nFrom MySQL 5.7, you can control how long STOP SLAVE waits before timing\nout by setting the rpl_stop_slave_timeout system variable. This can be\nused to avoid deadlocks between STOP SLAVE and other slave SQL\nstatements using different client connections to the slave. When the\ntimeout value is reached, the issuing client returns an error message\nand stops waiting, but the STOP SLAVE instruction remains in effect.\nOnce the slave threads are no longer busy, the STOP SLAVE statement is\nexecuted and the slave stops. (Bug #16856735)\n\nSome CHANGE MASTER TO statements are allowed while the slave is\nrunning, depending on the states of the slave SQL and I/O threads.\nHowever, using STOP SLAVE prior to executing CHANGE MASTER TO in such\ncases is still supported. See [HELP CHANGE MASTER TO], and\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/replication-solutions-switch.htm\nl, for more information.\n\nThe optional FOR CHANNEL channel clause enables you to name which\nreplication channel the statement applies to. Providing a FOR CHANNEL\nchannel clause applies the STOP SLAVE statement to a specific\nreplication channel. If no channel is named and no extra channels\nexist, the statement applies to the default channel. If a STOP SLAVE\nstatement does not name a channel when using multiple channels, this\nstatement stops the specified threads for all channels. This statement\ncannot be used with the group_replication_recovery channel. See\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/replication-channels.html for\nmore information.\n\nWhen using statement-based replication: changing the master while it\nhas open temporary tables is potentially unsafe. This is one of the\nreasons why statement-based replication of temporary tables is not\nrecommended. You can find out whether there are any temporary tables on\nthe slave by checking the value of Slave_open_temp_tables; when using\nstatement-based replication, this value should be 0 before executing\nCHANGE MASTER TO. If there are any temporary tables open on the slave,\nissuing a CHANGE MASTER TO statement after issuing a STOP SLAVE causes\nan ER_WARN_OPEN_TEMP_TABLES_MUST_BE_ZERO warning.\n\nWhen using a multithreaded slave (slave_parallel_workers is a nonzero\nvalue), any gaps in the sequence of transactions executed from the\nrelay log are closed as part of stopping the worker threads. If the\nslave is stopped unexpectedly (for example due to an error in a worker\nthread, or another thread issuing KILL) while a STOP SLAVE statement is\nexecuting, the sequence of executed transactions from the relay log may\nbecome inconsistent. See\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/replication-features-transaction\n-inconsistencies.html, for more information.\n\nIf the current replication event group has modified one or more\nnontransactional tables, STOP SLAVE waits for up to 60 seconds for the\nevent group to complete, unless you issue a KILL QUERY or KILL\nCONNECTION statement for the slave SQL thread. If the event group\nremains incomplete after the timeout, an error message is logged.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/stop-slave.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/stop-slave.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (353,32,'TIMEDIFF','Syntax:\nTIMEDIFF(expr1,expr2)\n\nTIMEDIFF() returns expr1 − expr2 expressed as a time value. expr1 and\nexpr2 are time or date-and-time expressions, but both must be of the\nsame type.\n\nThe result returned by TIMEDIFF() is limited to the range allowed for\nTIME values. Alternatively, you can use either of the functions\nTIMESTAMPDIFF() and UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), both of which return integers.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT TIMEDIFF(\'2000:01:01 00:00:00\',\n -> \'2000:01:01 00:00:00.000001\');\n -> \'-00:00:00.000001\'\nmysql> SELECT TIMEDIFF(\'2008-12-31 23:59:59.000001\',\n -> \'2008-12-30 01:01:01.000002\');\n -> \'46:58:57.999999\'\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (354,4,'LINEFROMTEXT','LineFromText(wkt[, srid]), LineStringFromText(wkt[, srid])\n\nST_LineFromText(), ST_LineStringFromText(), LineFromText(), and\nLineStringFromText() are synonyms. For more information, see the\ndescription of ST_LineFromText().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-wkt-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-wkt-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (355,32,'ADDTIME','Syntax:\nADDTIME(expr1,expr2)\n\nADDTIME() adds expr2 to expr1 and returns the result. expr1 is a time\nor datetime expression, and expr2 is a time expression.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT ADDTIME(\'2007-12-31 23:59:59.999999\', \'1 1:1:1.000002\');\n -> \'2008-01-02 01:01:01.000001\'\nmysql> SELECT ADDTIME(\'01:00:00.999999\', \'02:00:00.999998\');\n -> \'03:00:01.999997\'\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (356,38,'UPPER','Syntax:\nUPPER(str)\n\nReturns the string str with all characters changed to uppercase\naccording to the current character set mapping. The default is latin1\n(cp1252 West European).\n\nmysql> SELECT UPPER(\'Hej\');\n -> \'HEJ\'\n\nSee the description of LOWER() for information that also applies to\nUPPER(). This included information about how to perform lettercase\nconversion of binary strings (BINARY, VARBINARY, BLOB) for which these\nfunctions are ineffective, and information about case folding for\nUnicode character sets.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (357,23,'MEDIUMBLOB','MEDIUMBLOB\n\nA BLOB column with a maximum length of 16,777,215 (224 − 1) bytes.\nEach MEDIUMBLOB value is stored using a 3-byte length prefix that\nindicates the number of bytes in the value.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-type-overview.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-type-overview.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (358,32,'FROM_UNIXTIME','Syntax:\nFROM_UNIXTIME(unix_timestamp), FROM_UNIXTIME(unix_timestamp,format)\n\nReturns a representation of the unix_timestamp argument as a value in\n\'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS\' or YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format, depending on whether\nthe function is used in a string or numeric context. The value is\nexpressed in the current time zone. unix_timestamp is an internal\ntimestamp value such as is produced by the UNIX_TIMESTAMP() function.\n\nIf format is given, the result is formatted according to the format\nstring, which is used the same way as listed in the entry for the\nDATE_FORMAT() function.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT FROM_UNIXTIME(1447430881);\n -> \'2015-11-13 10:08:01\'\nmysql> SELECT FROM_UNIXTIME(1447430881) + 0;\n -> 20151113100801\nmysql> SELECT FROM_UNIXTIME(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),\n -> \'%Y %D %M %h:%i:%s %x\');\n -> \'2015 13th November 10:08:01 2015\'\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (359,12,'SHA2','Syntax:\nSHA2(str, hash_length)\n\nCalculates the SHA-2 family of hash functions (SHA-224, SHA-256,\nSHA-384, and SHA-512). The first argument is the cleartext string to be\nhashed. The second argument indicates the desired bit length of the\nresult, which must have a value of 224, 256, 384, 512, or 0 (which is\nequivalent to 256). If either argument is NULL or the hash length is\nnot one of the permitted values, the return value is NULL. Otherwise,\nthe function result is a hash value containing the desired number of\nbits. See the notes at the beginning of this section about storing hash\nvalues efficiently.\n\nThe return value is a string in the connection character set.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/encryption-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT SHA2(\'abc\', 224);\n -> \'23097d223405d8228642a477bda255b32aadbce4bda0b3f7e36c9da7\'\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/encryption-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (360,6,'IFNULL','Syntax:\nIFNULL(expr1,expr2)\n\nIf expr1 is not NULL, IFNULL() returns expr1; otherwise it returns\nexpr2.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/control-flow-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT IFNULL(1,0);\n -> 1\nmysql> SELECT IFNULL(NULL,10);\n -> 10\nmysql> SELECT IFNULL(1/0,10);\n -> 10\nmysql> SELECT IFNULL(1/0,\'yes\');\n -> \'yes\'\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/control-flow-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (361,27,'SHOW FUNCTION CODE','Syntax:\nSHOW FUNCTION CODE func_name\n\nThis statement is similar to SHOW PROCEDURE CODE but for stored\nfunctions. See [HELP SHOW PROCEDURE CODE].\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-function-code.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-function-code.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (362,27,'SHOW ERRORS','Syntax:\nSHOW ERRORS [LIMIT [offset,] row_count]\nSHOW COUNT(*) ERRORS\n\nSHOW ERRORS is a diagnostic statement that is similar to SHOW WARNINGS,\nexcept that it displays information only for errors, rather than for\nerrors, warnings, and notes.\n\nThe LIMIT clause has the same syntax as for the SELECT statement. See\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/select.html.\n\nThe SHOW COUNT(*) ERRORS statement displays the number of errors. You\ncan also retrieve this number from the error_count variable:\n\nSHOW COUNT(*) ERRORS;\nSELECT @@error_count;\n\nSHOW ERRORS and error_count apply only to errors, not warnings or\nnotes. In other respects, they are similar to SHOW WARNINGS and\nwarning_count. In particular, SHOW ERRORS cannot display information\nfor more than max_error_count messages, and error_count can exceed the\nvalue of max_error_count if the number of errors exceeds\nmax_error_count.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-errors.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-errors.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (363,27,'SET NAMES','Syntax:\nSET NAMES {\'charset_name\'\n [COLLATE \'collation_name\'] | DEFAULT}\n\nThis statement sets the three session system variables\ncharacter_set_client, character_set_connection, and\ncharacter_set_results to the given character set. Setting\ncharacter_set_connection to charset_name also sets collation_connection\nto the default collation for charset_name. See\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/charset-connection.html.\n\nThe optional COLLATE clause may be used to specify a collation\nexplicitly. If given, the collation must one of the permitted\ncollations for charset_name.\n\ncharset_name and collation_name may be quoted or unquoted.\n\nThe default mapping can be restored by using a value of DEFAULT. The\ndefault depends on the server configuration.\n\nucs2, utf16, and utf32 cannot be used as a client character set, which\nmeans that they do not work for SET NAMES.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/set-names.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/set-names.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (364,20,'LEAST','Syntax:\nLEAST(value1,value2,...)\n\nWith two or more arguments, returns the smallest (minimum-valued)\nargument. The arguments are compared using the following rules:\n\no If any argument is NULL, the result is NULL. No comparison is needed.\n\no If all arguments are integer-valued, they are compared as integers.\n\no If at least one argument is double precision, they are compared as\n double-precision values. Otherwise, if at least one argument is a\n DECIMAL value, they are compared as DECIMAL values.\n\no If the arguments comprise a mix of numbers and strings, they are\n compared as numbers.\n\no If any argument is a nonbinary (character) string, the arguments are\n compared as nonbinary strings.\n\no In all other cases, the arguments are compared as binary strings.\n\nThe return type of LEAST() is the aggregated type of the comparison\nargument types.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/comparison-operators.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT LEAST(2,0);\n -> 0\nmysql> SELECT LEAST(34.0,3.0,5.0,767.0);\n -> 3.0\nmysql> SELECT LEAST(\'B\',\'A\',\'C\');\n -> \'A\'\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/comparison-operators.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (365,20,'=','=\n\nEqual:\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/comparison-operators.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT 1 = 0;\n -> 0\nmysql> SELECT \'0\' = 0;\n -> 1\nmysql> SELECT \'0.0\' = 0;\n -> 1\nmysql> SELECT \'0.01\' = 0;\n -> 0\nmysql> SELECT \'.01\' = 0.01;\n -> 1\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/comparison-operators.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (366,4,'ST_GEOMCOLLFROMTEXT','ST_GeomCollFromText(wkt[, srid]), ST_GeometryCollectionFromText(wkt[,\nsrid]), ST_GeomCollFromTxt(wkt[, srid])\n\nConstructs a GeometryCollection value using its WKT representation and\nSRID.\n\nIf the geometry argument is NULL or not a syntactically well-formed\ngeometry, or if the SRID argument is NULL, the return value is NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-wkt-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SET @g = "MULTILINESTRING((10 10, 11 11), (9 9, 10 10))";\nmysql> SELECT ST_AsText(ST_GeomCollFromText(@g));\n+--------------------------------------------+\n| ST_AsText(ST_GeomCollFromText(@g)) |\n+--------------------------------------------+\n| MULTILINESTRING((10 10,11 11),(9 9,10 10)) |\n+--------------------------------------------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-wkt-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (367,14,'IS_IPV4_MAPPED','Syntax:\nIS_IPV4_MAPPED(expr)\n\nThis function takes an IPv6 address represented in numeric form as a\nbinary string, as returned by INET6_ATON(). It returns 1 if the\nargument is a valid IPv4-mapped IPv6 address, 0 otherwise. IPv4-mapped\naddresses have the form ::ffff:ipv4_address.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/miscellaneous-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT IS_IPV4_MAPPED(INET6_ATON(\'::\'));\n -> 0\nmysql> SELECT IS_IPV4_MAPPED(INET6_ATON(\'::ffff:\'));\n -> 1\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/miscellaneous-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (368,10,'CREATE USER','Syntax:\nCREATE USER [IF NOT EXISTS]\n user [auth_option] [, user [auth_option]] ...\n [REQUIRE {NONE | tls_option [[AND] tls_option] ...}]\n [WITH resource_option [resource_option] ...]\n [password_option | lock_option] ...\n\nuser:\n (see )\n\nauth_option: {\n IDENTIFIED BY \'auth_string\'\n | IDENTIFIED WITH auth_plugin\n | IDENTIFIED WITH auth_plugin BY \'auth_string\'\n | IDENTIFIED WITH auth_plugin AS \'hash_string\'\n | IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD \'hash_string\'\n}\n\ntls_option: {\n SSL\n | X509\n | CIPHER \'cipher\'\n | ISSUER \'issuer\'\n | SUBJECT \'subject\'\n}\n\nresource_option: {\n MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR count\n | MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR count\n | MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR count\n | MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS count\n}\n\npassword_option: {\n PASSWORD EXPIRE\n | PASSWORD EXPIRE DEFAULT\n | PASSWORD EXPIRE NEVER\n | PASSWORD EXPIRE INTERVAL N DAY\n}\n\nlock_option: {\n ACCOUNT LOCK\n | ACCOUNT UNLOCK\n}\n\nThe CREATE USER statement creates new MySQL accounts. It enables\nauthentication, SSL/TLS, resource-limit, and password-management\nproperties to be established for new accounts, and controls whether\naccounts are initially locked or unlocked.\n\nTo use CREATE USER, you must have the global CREATE USER privilege, or\nthe INSERT privilege for the mysql database. When the read_only system\nvariable is enabled, CREATE USER additionally requires the SUPER\nprivilege.\n\nAn error occurs if you try to create an account that already exists. If\nthe IF NOT EXISTS clause is given, the statement produces a warning for\neach named account that already exists, rather than an error.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/create-user.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/create-user.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (369,25,'POINT','Point(x, y)\n\nConstructs a Point using its coordinates.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-mysql-specific-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-mysql-specific-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (370,38,'LCASE','Syntax:\nLCASE(str)\n\nLCASE() is a synonym for LOWER().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (371,7,'CREATE_DH_PARAMETERS','CREATE_DH_PARAMETERS(key_len)\n\nCreates a shared secret for generating a DH private/public key pair and\nreturns a binary string that can be passed to\nCREATE_ASYMMETRIC_PRIV_KEY(). If secret generation fails, the result is\nnull.\n\nSupported key_len values: The minimum and maximum key lengths in bits\nare 1,024 and 10,000. These key-length limits are constraints imposed\nby OpenSSL. Server administrators can impose additional limits on\nmaximum key length by setting environment variables. See\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/enterprise-encryption-usage.html\n.\n\nFor an example showing how to use the return value for generating\nsymmetric keys, see the description of ASYMMETRIC_DERIVE().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/enterprise-encryption-functions.html\n\n','SET @dhp = CREATE_DH_PARAMETERS(1024);\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/enterprise-encryption-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (372,20,'IS NOT NULL','Syntax:\nIS NOT NULL\n\nTests whether a value is not NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/comparison-operators.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT 1 IS NOT NULL, 0 IS NOT NULL, NULL IS NOT NULL;\n -> 1, 1, 0\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/comparison-operators.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (373,38,'MATCH AGAINST','Syntax:\nMATCH (col1,col2,...) AGAINST (expr [search_modifier])\n\nMySQL has support for full-text indexing and searching:\n\no A full-text index in MySQL is an index of type FULLTEXT.\n\no Full-text indexes can be used only with InnoDB or MyISAM tables, and\n can be created only for CHAR, VARCHAR, or TEXT columns.\n\no As of MySQL 5.7.6, MySQL provides a built-in full-text ngram parser\n that supports Chinese, Japanese, and Korean (CJK), and an installable\n MeCab full-text parser plugin for Japanese. Parsing differences are\n outlined in\n http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/fulltext-search-ngram.html,\n and\n http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/fulltext-search-mecab.html.\n\no A FULLTEXT index definition can be given in the CREATE TABLE\n statement when a table is created, or added later using ALTER TABLE\n or CREATE INDEX.\n\no For large data sets, it is much faster to load your data into a table\n that has no FULLTEXT index and then create the index after that, than\n to load data into a table that has an existing FULLTEXT index.\n\nFull-text searching is performed using MATCH() ... AGAINST syntax.\nMATCH() takes a comma-separated list that names the columns to be\nsearched. AGAINST takes a string to search for, and an optional\nmodifier that indicates what type of search to perform. The search\nstring must be a string value that is constant during query evaluation.\nThis rules out, for example, a table column because that can differ for\neach row.\n\nThere are three types of full-text searches:\n\no A natural language search interprets the search string as a phrase in\n natural human language (a phrase in free text). There are no special\n operators, with the exception of double quote (") characters. The\n stopword list applies. For more information about stopword lists, see\n http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/fulltext-stopwords.html.\n\n Full-text searches are natural language searches if the IN NATURAL\n LANGUAGE MODE modifier is given or if no modifier is given. For more\n information, see\n http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/fulltext-natural-language.html\n .\n\no A boolean search interprets the search string using the rules of a\n special query language. The string contains the words to search for.\n It can also contain operators that specify requirements such that a\n word must be present or absent in matching rows, or that it should be\n weighted higher or lower than usual. Certain common words (stopwords)\n are omitted from the search index and do not match if present in the\n search string. The IN BOOLEAN MODE modifier specifies a boolean\n search. For more information, see\n http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/fulltext-boolean.html.\n\no A query expansion search is a modification of a natural language\n search. The search string is used to perform a natural language\n search. Then words from the most relevant rows returned by the search\n are added to the search string and the search is done again. The\n query returns the rows from the second search. The IN NATURAL\n LANGUAGE MODE WITH QUERY EXPANSION or WITH QUERY EXPANSION modifier\n specifies a query expansion search. For more information, see\n http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/fulltext-query-expansion.html.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/fulltext-search.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT id, body, MATCH (title,body) AGAINST\n (\'Security implications of running MySQL as root\'\n IN NATURAL LANGUAGE MODE) AS score\n FROM articles WHERE MATCH (title,body) AGAINST\n (\'Security implications of running MySQL as root\'\n IN NATURAL LANGUAGE MODE);\n+----+-------------------------------------+-----------------+\n| id | body | score |\n+----+-------------------------------------+-----------------+\n| 4 | 1. Never run mysqld as root. 2. ... | 1.5219271183014 |\n| 6 | When configured properly, MySQL ... | 1.3114095926285 |\n+----+-------------------------------------+-----------------+\n2 rows in set (0.00 sec)\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/fulltext-search.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (374,40,'CREATE EVENT','Syntax:\nCREATE\n [DEFINER = { user | CURRENT_USER }]\n EVENT\n [IF NOT EXISTS]\n event_name\n ON SCHEDULE schedule\n [ON COMPLETION [NOT] PRESERVE]\n [ENABLE | DISABLE | DISABLE ON SLAVE]\n [COMMENT \'string\']\n DO event_body;\n\nschedule:\n AT timestamp [+ INTERVAL interval] ...\n | EVERY interval\n [STARTS timestamp [+ INTERVAL interval] ...]\n [ENDS timestamp [+ INTERVAL interval] ...]\n\ninterval:\n quantity {YEAR | QUARTER | MONTH | DAY | HOUR | MINUTE |\n WEEK | SECOND | YEAR_MONTH | DAY_HOUR | DAY_MINUTE |\n DAY_SECOND | HOUR_MINUTE | HOUR_SECOND | MINUTE_SECOND}\n\nThis statement creates and schedules a new event. The event will not\nrun unless the Event Scheduler is enabled. For information about\nchecking Event Scheduler status and enabling it if necessary, see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/events-configuration.html.\n\nCREATE EVENT requires the EVENT privilege for the schema in which the\nevent is to be created. It might also require the SUPER privilege,\ndepending on the DEFINER value, as described later in this section.\n\nThe minimum requirements for a valid CREATE EVENT statement are as\nfollows:\n\no The keywords CREATE EVENT plus an event name, which uniquely\n identifies the event in a database schema.\n\no An ON SCHEDULE clause, which determines when and how often the event\n executes.\n\no A DO clause, which contains the SQL statement to be executed by an\n event.\n\nThis is an example of a minimal CREATE EVENT statement:\n\nCREATE EVENT myevent\n ON SCHEDULE AT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP + INTERVAL 1 HOUR\n DO\n UPDATE myschema.mytable SET mycol = mycol + 1;\n\nThe previous statement creates an event named myevent. This event\nexecutes once---one hour following its creation---by running an SQL\nstatement that increments the value of the myschema.mytable table\'s\nmycol column by 1.\n\nThe event_name must be a valid MySQL identifier with a maximum length\nof 64 characters. Event names are not case-sensitive, so you cannot\nhave two events named myevent and MyEvent in the same schema. In\ngeneral, the rules governing event names are the same as those for\nnames of stored routines. See\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/identifiers.html.\n\nAn event is associated with a schema. If no schema is indicated as part\nof event_name, the default (current) schema is assumed. To create an\nevent in a specific schema, qualify the event name with a schema using\nschema_name.event_name syntax.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/create-event.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/create-event.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (375,7,'MBR DEFINITION','Its MBR (minimum bounding rectangle), or envelope. This is the bounding\ngeometry, formed by the minimum and maximum (X,Y) coordinates:\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-class-geometry.html\n\n','((MINX MINY, MAXX MINY, MAXX MAXY, MINX MAXY, MINX MINY))\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-class-geometry.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (376,26,'ST_DIFFERENCE','ST_Difference(g1, g2)\n\nReturns a geometry that represents the point set difference of the\ngeometry values g1 and g2. If any argument is NULL, the return value is\nNULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-operator-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SET @g1 = Point(1,1), @g2 = Point(2,2);\nmysql> SELECT ST_AsText(ST_Difference(@g1, @g2));\n+------------------------------------+\n| ST_AsText(ST_Difference(@g1, @g2)) |\n+------------------------------------+\n| POINT(1 1) |\n+------------------------------------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-operator-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (377,25,'GEOMETRYCOLLECTION','GeometryCollection(g [, g] ...)\n\nConstructs a GeometryCollection value from the geometry arguments.\n\nGeometryCollection() returns all the proper geometries contained in the\narguments even if a nonsupported geometry is present.\n\nGeometryCollection() with no arguments is permitted as a way to create\nan empty geometry.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-mysql-specific-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-mysql-specific-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (378,3,'*','Syntax:\n*\n\nMultiplication:\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/arithmetic-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT 3*5;\n -> 15\nmysql> SELECT 18014398509481984*18014398509481984.0;\n -> 324518553658426726783156020576256.0\nmysql> SELECT 18014398509481984*18014398509481984;\n -> out-of-range error\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/arithmetic-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (379,33,'ST_ASBINARY','ST_AsBinary(g), ST_AsWKB(g)\n\nConverts a value in internal geometry format to its WKB representation\nand returns the binary result.\n\nIf the argument is NULL, the return value is NULL. If the argument is\nnot a syntactically well-formed geometry, an ER_GIS_INVALID_DATA error\noccurs.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-format-conversion-functions.html\n\n','SELECT ST_AsBinary(g) FROM geom;\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-format-conversion-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (380,38,'TO_BASE64','Syntax:\nTO_BASE64(str)\n\nConverts the string argument to base-64 encoded form and returns the\nresult as a character string with the connection character set and\ncollation. If the argument is not a string, it is converted to a string\nbefore conversion takes place. The result is NULL if the argument is\nNULL. Base-64 encoded strings can be decoded using the FROM_BASE64()\nfunction.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT TO_BASE64(\'abc\'), FROM_BASE64(TO_BASE64(\'abc\'));\n -> \'JWJj\', \'abc\'\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (381,12,'DES_DECRYPT','Syntax:\nDES_DECRYPT(crypt_str[,key_str])\n\nDecrypts a string encrypted with DES_ENCRYPT(). If an error occurs,\nthis function returns NULL.\n\nThis function works only if MySQL has been configured with SSL support.\nSee http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/encrypted-connections.html.\n\nIf no key_str argument is given, DES_DECRYPT() examines the first byte\nof the encrypted string to determine the DES key number that was used\nto encrypt the original string, and then reads the key from the DES key\nfile to decrypt the message. For this to work, the user must have the\nSUPER privilege. The key file can be specified with the --des-key-file\nserver option.\n\nIf you pass this function a key_str argument, that string is used as\nthe key for decrypting the message.\n\nIf the crypt_str argument does not appear to be an encrypted string,\nMySQL returns the given crypt_str.\n\n*Note*:\n\nThe DES_ENCRYPT() and DES_DECRYPT() functions are deprecated as of\nMySQL 5.7.6, will be removed in a future MySQL release, and should no\nlonger be used. Consider using AES_ENCRYPT() and AES_DECRYPT() instead.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/encryption-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/encryption-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (382,2,'ST_AREA','ST_Area(poly)\n\nReturns a double-precision number indicating the area of the argument,\nas measured in its spatial reference system. For arguments of dimension\n0 or 1, the result is 0. If the argument is an empty geometry the\nreturn value is 0. If the argument is NULL the return value is NULL.\n\nThe result is the sum of the area values of all components for a\ngeometry collection. If a geometry collection is empty, its area is\nreturned as 0.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-polygon-property-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SET @poly =\n \'Polygon((0 0,0 3,3 0,0 0),(1 1,1 2,2 1,1 1))\';\nmysql> SELECT ST_Area(ST_GeomFromText(@poly));\n+---------------------------------+\n| ST_Area(ST_GeomFromText(@poly)) |\n+---------------------------------+\n| 4 |\n+---------------------------------+\n\nmysql> SET @mpoly =\n -> \'MultiPolygon(((0 0,0 3,3 3,3 0,0 0),(1 1,1 2,2 2,2 1,1 1)))\';\nmysql> SELECT ST_Area(ST_GeomFromText(@mpoly));\n+----------------------------------+\n| ST_Area(ST_GeomFromText(@mpoly)) |\n+----------------------------------+\n| 8 |\n+----------------------------------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-polygon-property-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (383,13,'ENDPOINT','EndPoint(ls)\n\nST_EndPoint() and EndPoint() are synonyms. For more information, see\nthe description of ST_EndPoint().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-linestring-property-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-linestring-property-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (384,28,'INSERT','Syntax:\nINSERT [LOW_PRIORITY | DELAYED | HIGH_PRIORITY] [IGNORE]\n [INTO] tbl_name\n [PARTITION (partition_name [, partition_name] ...)]\n [(col_name [, col_name] ...)]\n {VALUES | VALUE} (value_list) [, (value_list)] ...\n [ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE assignment_list]\n\nINSERT [LOW_PRIORITY | DELAYED | HIGH_PRIORITY] [IGNORE]\n [INTO] tbl_name\n [PARTITION (partition_name [, partition_name] ...)]\n SET assignment_list\n [ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE assignment_list]\n\nINSERT [LOW_PRIORITY | HIGH_PRIORITY] [IGNORE]\n [INTO] tbl_name\n [PARTITION (partition_name [, partition_name] ...)]\n [(col_name [, col_name] ...)]\n SELECT ...\n [ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE assignment_list]\n\nvalue:\n {expr | DEFAULT}\n\nvalue_list:\n value [, value] ...\n\nassignment:\n col_name = value\n\nassignment_list:\n assignment [, assignment] ...\n\nINSERT inserts new rows into an existing table. The INSERT ... VALUES\nand INSERT ... SET forms of the statement insert rows based on\nexplicitly specified values. The INSERT ... SELECT form inserts rows\nselected from another table or tables. INSERT with an ON DUPLICATE KEY\nUPDATE clause enables existing rows to be updated if a row to be\ninserted would cause a duplicate value in a UNIQUE index or PRIMARY\nKEY.\n\nFor additional information about INSERT ... SELECT and INSERT ... ON\nDUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, see [HELP INSERT SELECT], and\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/insert-on-duplicate.html.\n\nIn MySQL 5.7, the DELAYED keyword is accepted but ignored by the\nserver. For the reasons for this, see [HELP INSERT DELAYED],\n\nInserting into a table requires the INSERT privilege for the table. If\nthe ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clause is used and a duplicate key causes\nan UPDATE to be performed instead, the statement requires the UPDATE\nprivilege for the columns to be updated. For columns that are read but\nnot modified you need only the SELECT privilege (such as for a column\nreferenced only on the right hand side of an col_name=expr assignment\nin an ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clause).\n\nWhen inserting into a partitioned table, you can control which\npartitions and subpartitions accept new rows. The PARTITION option\ntakes a list of the comma-separated names of one or more partitions or\nsubpartitions (or both) of the table. If any of the rows to be inserted\nby a given INSERT statement do not match one of the partitions listed,\nthe INSERT statement fails with the error Found a row not matching the\ngiven partition set. For more information and examples, see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/partitioning-selection.html.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/insert.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/insert.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (385,16,'COUNT','Syntax:\nCOUNT(expr)\n\nReturns a count of the number of non-NULL values of expr in the rows\nretrieved by a SELECT statement. The result is a BIGINT value.\n\nIf there are no matching rows, COUNT() returns 0.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/group-by-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT student.student_name,COUNT(*)\n FROM student,course\n WHERE student.student_id=course.student_id\n GROUP BY student_name;\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/group-by-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (386,7,'JSON_ARRAY_APPEND','Syntax:\nJSON_ARRAY_APPEND(json_doc, path, val[, path, val] ...)\n\nAppends values to the end of the indicated arrays within a JSON\ndocument and returns the result. Returns NULL if any argument is NULL.\nAn error occurs if the json_doc argument is not a valid JSON document\nor any path argument is not a valid path expression or contains a * or\n** wildcard.\n\nThe path-value pairs are evaluated left to right. The document produced\nby evaluating one pair becomes the new value against which the next\npair is evaluated.\n\nIf a path selects a scalar or object value, that value is autowrapped\nwithin an array and the new value is added to that array. Pairs for\nwhich the path does not identify any value in the JSON document are\nignored.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/json-modification-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SET @j = \'["a", ["b", "c"], "d"]\';\nmysql> SELECT JSON_ARRAY_APPEND(@j, \'$[1]\', 1);\n+----------------------------------+\n| JSON_ARRAY_APPEND(@j, \'$[1]\', 1) |\n+----------------------------------+\n| ["a", ["b", "c", 1], "d"] |\n+----------------------------------+\nmysql> SELECT JSON_ARRAY_APPEND(@j, \'$[0]\', 2);\n+----------------------------------+\n| JSON_ARRAY_APPEND(@j, \'$[0]\', 2) |\n+----------------------------------+\n| [["a", 2], ["b", "c"], "d"] |\n+----------------------------------+\nmysql> SELECT JSON_ARRAY_APPEND(@j, \'$[1][0]\', 3);\n+-------------------------------------+\n| JSON_ARRAY_APPEND(@j, \'$[1][0]\', 3) |\n+-------------------------------------+\n| ["a", [["b", 3], "c"], "d"] |\n+-------------------------------------+\n\nmysql> SET @j = \'{"a": 1, "b": [2, 3], "c": 4}\';\nmysql> SELECT JSON_ARRAY_APPEND(@j, \'$.b\', \'x\');\n+------------------------------------+\n| JSON_ARRAY_APPEND(@j, \'$.b\', \'x\') |\n+------------------------------------+\n| {"a": 1, "b": [2, 3, "x"], "c": 4} |\n+------------------------------------+\nmysql> SELECT JSON_ARRAY_APPEND(@j, \'$.c\', \'y\');\n+--------------------------------------+\n| JSON_ARRAY_APPEND(@j, \'$.c\', \'y\') |\n+--------------------------------------+\n| {"a": 1, "b": [2, 3], "c": [4, "y"]} |\n+--------------------------------------+\n\nmysql> SET @j = \'{"a": 1}\';\nmysql> SELECT JSON_ARRAY_APPEND(@j, \'$\', \'z\');\n+---------------------------------+\n| JSON_ARRAY_APPEND(@j, \'$\', \'z\') |\n+---------------------------------+\n| [{"a": 1}, "z"] |\n+---------------------------------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/json-modification-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (387,4,'MLINEFROMTEXT','MLineFromText(wkt[, srid]), MultiLineStringFromText(wkt[, srid])\n\nST_MLineFromText(), ST_MultiLineStringFromText(), MLineFromText(), and\nMultiLineStringFromText() are synonyms. For more information, see the\ndescription of ST_MLineFromText().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-wkt-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-wkt-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (388,33,'GEOMCOLLFROMWKB','GeomCollFromWKB(wkb[, srid]), GeometryCollectionFromWKB(wkb[, srid])\n\nST_GeomCollFromWKB(), ST_GeometryCollectionFromWKB(),\nGeomCollFromWKB(), and GeometryCollectionFromWKB() are synonyms. For\nmore information, see the description of ST_GeomCollFromWKB().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-wkb-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-wkb-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (389,23,'TINYTEXT','TINYTEXT [CHARACTER SET charset_name] [COLLATE collation_name]\n\nA TEXT column with a maximum length of 255 (28 − 1) characters. The\neffective maximum length is less if the value contains multibyte\ncharacters. Each TINYTEXT value is stored using a 1-byte length prefix\nthat indicates the number of bytes in the value.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-type-overview.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-type-overview.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (390,7,'JSON_MERGE_PATCH()','Syntax:\nJSON_MERGE_PATCH(json_doc, json_doc[, json_doc] ...)\n\nPerforms an RFC 7396 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7396) compliant\nmerge of two or more JSON documents and returns the merged result,\nwithout preserving members having duplicate keys. Raises an error if at\nleast one of the documents passed as arguments to this function is not\nvalid.\n\n*Note*:\n\nFor an explanation and example of the differences between this function\nand JSON_MERGE_PRESERVE(), see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/json-modification-functions.html\n#json-merge-patch-json-merge-preserve-compared.\n\nJSON_MERGE_PATCH() performs a merge as follows:\n\n1. If the first argument is not an object, the result of the merge is\n the same as if an empty object had been merged with the second\n argument.\n\n2. If the second argument is not an object, the result of the merge is\n the second argument.\n\n3. If both arguments are objects, the result of the merge is an object\n with the following members:\n\n o All members of the first object which do not have a corresponding\n member with the same key in the second object.\n\n o All members of the second object which do not have a corresponding\n key in the first object, and whose value is not the JSON null\n literal.\n\n o All members with a key that exists in both the first and the second\n object, and whose value in the second object is not the JSON null\n literal. The values of these members are the results of recursively\n merging the value in the first object with the value in the second\n object.\n\nFor additional information, see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/json.html#json-normalization.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/json-modification-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT JSON_MERGE_PATCH(\'[1, 2]\', \'[true, false]\');\n+---------------------------------------------+\n| JSON_MERGE_PATCH(\'[1, 2]\', \'[true, false]\') |\n+---------------------------------------------+\n| [true, false] |\n+---------------------------------------------+\n\nmysql> SELECT JSON_MERGE_PATCH(\'{"name": "x"}\', \'{"id": 47}\');\n+-------------------------------------------------+\n| JSON_MERGE_PATCH(\'{"name": "x"}\', \'{"id": 47}\') |\n+-------------------------------------------------+\n| {"id": 47, "name": "x"} |\n+-------------------------------------------------+\n\nmysql> SELECT JSON_MERGE_PATCH(\'1\', \'true\');\n+-------------------------------+\n| JSON_MERGE_PATCH(\'1\', \'true\') |\n+-------------------------------+\n| true |\n+-------------------------------+\n\nmysql> SELECT JSON_MERGE_PATCH(\'[1, 2]\', \'{"id": 47}\');\n+------------------------------------------+\n| JSON_MERGE_PATCH(\'[1, 2]\', \'{"id": 47}\') |\n+------------------------------------------+\n| {"id": 47} |\n+------------------------------------------+\n\nmysql> SELECT JSON_MERGE_PATCH(\'{ "a": 1, "b":2 }\',\n > \'{ "a": 3, "c":4 }\');\n+-----------------------------------------------------------+\n| JSON_MERGE_PATCH(\'{ "a": 1, "b":2 }\',\'{ "a": 3, "c":4 }\') |\n+-----------------------------------------------------------+\n| {"a": 3, "b": 2, "c": 4} |\n+-----------------------------------------------------------+\n\nmysql> SELECT JSON_MERGE_PATCH(\'{ "a": 1, "b":2 }\',\'{ "a": 3, "c":4 }\',\n > \'{ "a": 5, "d":6 }\');\n+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n| JSON_MERGE_PATCH(\'{ "a": 1, "b":2 }\',\'{ "a": 3, "c":4 }\',\'{ "a": 5, "d":6 }\') |\n+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n| {"a": 5, "b": 2, "c": 4, "d": 6} |\n+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n\nmysql> SELECT JSON_MERGE_PATCH(\'{"a":1, "b":2}\', \'{"b":null}\');\n+--------------------------------------------------+\n| JSON_MERGE_PATCH(\'{"a":1, "b":2}\', \'{"b":null}\') |\n+--------------------------------------------------+\n| {"a": 1} |\n+--------------------------------------------------+\n\nmysql> SELECT JSON_MERGE_PATCH(\'{"a":{"x":1}}\', \'{"a":{"y":2}}\');\n+----------------------------------------------------+\n| JSON_MERGE_PATCH(\'{"a":{"x":1}}\', \'{"a":{"y":2}}\') |\n+----------------------------------------------------+\n| {"a": {"x": 1, "y": 2}} |\n+----------------------------------------------------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/json-modification-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (391,14,'DEFAULT','Syntax:\nDEFAULT(col_name)\n\nReturns the default value for a table column. An error results if the\ncolumn has no default value.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/miscellaneous-functions.html\n\n','mysql> UPDATE t SET i = DEFAULT(i)+1 WHERE id < 100;\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/miscellaneous-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (392,21,'OPTIMIZE TABLE','Syntax:\nOPTIMIZE [NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG | LOCAL]\n TABLE tbl_name [, tbl_name] ...\n\nOPTIMIZE TABLE reorganizes the physical storage of table data and\nassociated index data, to reduce storage space and improve I/O\nefficiency when accessing the table. The exact changes made to each\ntable depend on the storage engine used by that table.\n\nUse OPTIMIZE TABLE in these cases, depending on the type of table:\n\no After doing substantial insert, update, or delete operations on an\n InnoDB table that has its own .ibd file because it was created with\n the innodb_file_per_table option enabled. The table and indexes are\n reorganized, and disk space can be reclaimed for use by the operating\n system.\n\no After doing substantial insert, update, or delete operations on\n columns that are part of a FULLTEXT index in an InnoDB table. Set the\n configuration option innodb_optimize_fulltext_only=1 first. To keep\n the index maintenance period to a reasonable time, set the\n innodb_ft_num_word_optimize option to specify how many words to\n update in the search index, and run a sequence of OPTIMIZE TABLE\n statements until the search index is fully updated.\n\no After deleting a large part of a MyISAM or ARCHIVE table, or making\n many changes to a MyISAM or ARCHIVE table with variable-length rows\n (tables that have VARCHAR, VARBINARY, BLOB, or TEXT columns). Deleted\n rows are maintained in a linked list and subsequent INSERT operations\n reuse old row positions. You can use OPTIMIZE TABLE to reclaim the\n unused space and to defragment the data file. After extensive changes\n to a table, this statement may also improve performance of statements\n that use the table, sometimes significantly.\n\nThis statement requires SELECT and INSERT privileges for the table.\n\nOPTIMIZE TABLE works for InnoDB, MyISAM, and ARCHIVE tables. OPTIMIZE\nTABLE is also supported for dynamic columns of in-memory NDB tables. It\ndoes not work for fixed-width columns of in-memory tables, nor does it\nwork for Disk Data tables. The performance of OPTIMIZE on NDB Cluster\ntables can be tuned using --ndb_optimization_delay, which controls the\nlength of time to wait between processing batches of rows by OPTIMIZE\nTABLE. For more information, see Previous NDB Cluster Issues Resolved\nin NDB Cluster 7.3\n(http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.6/en/mysql-cluster-limitations-resol\nved.html).\n\nFor NDB Cluster tables, OPTIMIZE TABLE can be interrupted by (for\nexample) killing the SQL thread performing the OPTIMIZE operation.\n\nBy default, OPTIMIZE TABLE does not work for tables created using any\nother storage engine and returns a result indicating this lack of\nsupport. You can make OPTIMIZE TABLE work for other storage engines by\nstarting mysqld with the --skip-new option. In this case, OPTIMIZE\nTABLE is just mapped to ALTER TABLE.\n\nThis statement does not work with views.\n\nOPTIMIZE TABLE is supported for partitioned tables. For information\nabout using this statement with partitioned tables and table\npartitions, see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/partitioning-maintenance.html.\n\nBy default, the server writes OPTIMIZE TABLE statements to the binary\nlog so that they replicate to replication slaves. To suppress logging,\nspecify the optional NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG keyword or its alias LOCAL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/optimize-table.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/optimize-table.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (393,12,'DECODE','Syntax:\nDECODE(crypt_str,pass_str)\n\nDECODE() decrypts the encrypted string crypt_str using pass_str as the\npassword. crypt_str should be a string returned from ENCODE().\n\n*Note*:\n\nThe ENCODE() and DECODE() functions are deprecated in MySQL 5.7, will\nbe removed in a future MySQL release, and should no longer be used.\nConsider using AES_ENCRYPT() and AES_DECRYPT() instead.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/encryption-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/encryption-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (394,7,'JSON_ARRAY_INSERT','Syntax:\nJSON_ARRAY_INSERT(json_doc, path, val[, path, val] ...)\n\nUpdates a JSON document, inserting into an array within the document\nand returning the modified document. Returns NULL if any argument is\nNULL. An error occurs if the json_doc argument is not a valid JSON\ndocument or any path argument is not a valid path expression or\ncontains a * or ** wildcard or does not end with an array element\nidentifier.\n\nThe path-value pairs are evaluated left to right. The document produced\nby evaluating one pair becomes the new value against which the next\npair is evaluated.\n\nPairs for which the path does not identify any array in the JSON\ndocument are ignored. If a path identifies an array element, the\ncorresponding value is inserted at that element position, shifting any\nfollowing values to the right. If a path identifies an array position\npast the end of an array, the value is inserted at the end of the\narray.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/json-modification-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SET @j = \'["a", {"b": [1, 2]}, [3, 4]]\';\nmysql> SELECT JSON_ARRAY_INSERT(@j, \'$[1]\', \'x\');\n+------------------------------------+\n| JSON_ARRAY_INSERT(@j, \'$[1]\', \'x\') |\n+------------------------------------+\n| ["a", "x", {"b": [1, 2]}, [3, 4]] |\n+------------------------------------+\nmysql> SELECT JSON_ARRAY_INSERT(@j, \'$[100]\', \'x\');\n+--------------------------------------+\n| JSON_ARRAY_INSERT(@j, \'$[100]\', \'x\') |\n+--------------------------------------+\n| ["a", {"b": [1, 2]}, [3, 4], "x"] |\n+--------------------------------------+\nmysql> SELECT JSON_ARRAY_INSERT(@j, \'$[1].b[0]\', \'x\');\n+-----------------------------------------+\n| JSON_ARRAY_INSERT(@j, \'$[1].b[0]\', \'x\') |\n+-----------------------------------------+\n| ["a", {"b": ["x", 1, 2]}, [3, 4]] |\n+-----------------------------------------+\nmysql> SELECT JSON_ARRAY_INSERT(@j, \'$[2][1]\', \'y\');\n+---------------------------------------+\n| JSON_ARRAY_INSERT(@j, \'$[2][1]\', \'y\') |\n+---------------------------------------+\n| ["a", {"b": [1, 2]}, [3, "y", 4]] |\n+---------------------------------------+\nmysql> SELECT JSON_ARRAY_INSERT(@j, \'$[0]\', \'x\', \'$[2][1]\', \'y\');\n+----------------------------------------------------+\n| JSON_ARRAY_INSERT(@j, \'$[0]\', \'x\', \'$[2][1]\', \'y\') |\n+----------------------------------------------------+\n| ["x", "a", {"b": [1, 2]}, [3, 4]] |\n+----------------------------------------------------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/json-modification-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (395,20,'<=>','Syntax:\n<=>\n\nNULL-safe equal. This operator performs an equality comparison like the\n= operator, but returns 1 rather than NULL if both operands are NULL,\nand 0 rather than NULL if one operand is NULL.\n\nThe <=> operator is equivalent to the standard SQL IS NOT DISTINCT FROM\noperator.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/comparison-operators.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT 1 <=> 1, NULL <=> NULL, 1 <=> NULL;\n -> 1, 1, 0\nmysql> SELECT 1 = 1, NULL = NULL, 1 = NULL;\n -> 1, NULL, NULL\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/comparison-operators.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (396,27,'RESET','Syntax:\nRESET reset_option [, reset_option] ...\n\nreset_option: {\n MASTER\n | QUERY CACHE\n | SLAVE\n}\n\nThe RESET statement is used to clear the state of various server\noperations. You must have the RELOAD privilege to execute RESET.\n\nRESET acts as a stronger version of the FLUSH statement. See [HELP\nFLUSH].\n\nThe RESET statement causes an implicit commit. See\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/implicit-commit.html.\n\nIn MySQL 5.7.1, gtid_next must be set to AUTOMATIC before issuing this\nstatement. This restriction does not apply in MySQL 5.7.2 or later.\n(Bug #16062608, Bug #16715809, Bug #69045)\n\nThe following list describes the permitted RESET statement reset_option\nvalues:\n\no RESET MASTER\n\n Deletes all binary logs listed in the index file, resets the binary\n log index file to be empty, and creates a new binary log file.\n\no RESET QUERY CACHE\n\n Removes all query results from the query cache.\n\n *Note*:\n\n The query cache is deprecated as of MySQL 5.7.20, and is removed in\n MySQL 8.0. Deprecation includes RESET QUERY CACHE.\n\no RESET SLAVE\n\n Makes the slave forget its replication position in the master binary\n logs. Also resets the relay log by deleting any existing relay log\n files and beginning a new one.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/reset.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/reset.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (397,14,'GET_LOCK','Syntax:\nGET_LOCK(str,timeout)\n\nTries to obtain a lock with a name given by the string str, using a\ntimeout of timeout seconds. A negative timeout value means infinite\ntimeout. The lock is exclusive. While held by one session, other\nsessions cannot obtain a lock of the same name.\n\nReturns 1 if the lock was obtained successfully, 0 if the attempt timed\nout (for example, because another client has previously locked the\nname), or NULL if an error occurred (such as running out of memory or\nthe thread was killed with mysqladmin kill).\n\nA lock obtained with GET_LOCK() is released explicitly by executing\nRELEASE_LOCK() or implicitly when your session terminates (either\nnormally or abnormally). Lock release may also occur with another call\nto GET_LOCK():\n\no Before 5.7.5, only a single simultaneous lock can be acquired and\n GET_LOCK() releases any existing lock.\n\no In MySQL 5.7.5, GET_LOCK() was reimplemented using the metadata\n locking (MDL) subsystem and its capabilities were extended. Multiple\n simultaneous locks can be acquired and GET_LOCK() does not release\n any existing locks. It is even possible for a given session to\n acquire multiple locks for the same name. Other sessions cannot\n acquire a lock with that name until the acquiring session releases\n all its locks for the name.\n\n As a result of the MDL reimplementation, locks acquired with\n GET_LOCK() appear in the Performance Schema metadata_locks table. The\n OBJECT_TYPE column says USER LEVEL LOCK and the OBJECT_NAME column\n indicates the lock name. Also, the capability of acquiring multiple\n locks introduces the possibility of deadlock among clients. When this\n happens, the server chooses a caller and terminates its\n lock-acquisition request with an ER_USER_LOCK_DEADLOCK error. This\n error does not cause transactions to roll back.\n\nThe difference in lock acquisition behavior as of MySQL 5.7.5 can be\nseen by the following example. Suppose that you execute these\nstatements:\n\nSELECT GET_LOCK(\'lock1\',10);\nSELECT GET_LOCK(\'lock2\',10);\nSELECT RELEASE_LOCK(\'lock2\');\nSELECT RELEASE_LOCK(\'lock1\');\n\nIn MySQL 5.7.5 or later, the second GET_LOCK() acquires a second lock\nand both RELEASE_LOCK() calls return 1 (success). Before MySQL 5.7.5,\nthe second GET_LOCK() releases the first lock (\'lock1\') and the second\nRELEASE_LOCK() returns NULL (failure) because there is no \'lock1\' to\nrelease.\n\nMySQL 5.7.5 and later enforces a maximum length on lock names of 64\ncharacters. Previously, no limit was enforced.\n\nLocks obtained with GET_LOCK() are not released when transactions\ncommit or roll back.\n\nGET_LOCK() can be used to implement application locks or to simulate\nrecord locks. Names are locked on a server-wide basis. If a name has\nbeen locked within one session, GET_LOCK() blocks any request by\nanother session for a lock with the same name. This enables clients\nthat agree on a given lock name to use the name to perform cooperative\nadvisory locking. But be aware that it also enables a client that is\nnot among the set of cooperating clients to lock a name, either\ninadvertently or deliberately, and thus prevent any of the cooperating\nclients from locking that name. One way to reduce the likelihood of\nthis is to use lock names that are database-specific or\napplication-specific. For example, use lock names of the form\ndb_name.str or app_name.str.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/miscellaneous-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/miscellaneous-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (398,23,'BIGINT','BIGINT[(M)] [UNSIGNED] [ZEROFILL]\n\nA large integer. The signed range is -9223372036854775808 to\n9223372036854775807. The unsigned range is 0 to 18446744073709551615.\n\nSERIAL is an alias for BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT UNIQUE.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/numeric-type-overview.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/numeric-type-overview.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (399,32,'CURTIME','Syntax:\nCURTIME([fsp])\n\nReturns the current time as a value in \'HH:MM:SS\' or HHMMSS format,\ndepending on whether the function is used in a string or numeric\ncontext. The value is expressed in the current time zone.\n\nIf the fsp argument is given to specify a fractional seconds precision\nfrom 0 to 6, the return value includes a fractional seconds part of\nthat many digits.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT CURTIME();\n -> \'23:50:26\'\nmysql> SELECT CURTIME() + 0;\n -> 235026.000000\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (400,37,'ST_DIMENSION','ST_Dimension(g)\n\nReturns the inherent dimension of the geometry value g, or NULL if the\nargument is NULL. The dimension can be −1, 0, 1, or 2. The meaning of\nthese values is given in\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-class-geometry.html.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-general-property-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT ST_Dimension(ST_GeomFromText(\'LineString(1 1,2 2)\'));\n+------------------------------------------------------+\n| ST_Dimension(ST_GeomFromText(\'LineString(1 1,2 2)\')) |\n+------------------------------------------------------+\n| 1 |\n+------------------------------------------------------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-general-property-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (401,27,'SET','Syntax:\nSET variable_assignment [, variable_assignment] ...\n\nvariable_assignment:\n user_var_name = expr\n | param_name = expr\n | local_var_name = expr\n | [GLOBAL | SESSION]\n system_var_name = expr\n | [@@global. | @@session. | @@]\n system_var_name = expr\n\nSET syntax for variable assignment enables you to assign values to\ndifferent types of variables that affect the operation of the server or\nclients:\n\no System variables. See\n http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/server-system-variables.html.\n System variables also can be set at server startup, as described in\n http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/using-system-variables.html.\n (To display system variable names and values, use the SHOW VARIABLES\n statement; see [HELP SHOW VARIABLES].)\n\no User-defined variables. See\n http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/user-variables.html.\n\no Stored procedure and function parameters, and stored program local\n variables. See\n http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/stored-program-variables.html.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/set-variable.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/set-variable.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (402,7,'JSON_MERGE','Syntax:\nJSON_MERGE(json_doc, json_doc[, json_doc] ...)\n\nMerges two or more JSON documents. Synonym for JSON_MERGE_PRESERVE();\ndeprecated in MySQL 5.7.22 and subject to removal in a future release.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/json-modification-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT JSON_MERGE(\'[1, 2]\', \'[true, false]\');\n+---------------------------------------+\n| JSON_MERGE(\'[1, 2]\', \'[true, false]\') |\n+---------------------------------------+\n| [1, 2, true, false] |\n+---------------------------------------+\n1 row in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> SHOW WARNINGS\\G\n*************************** 1. row ***************************\n Level: Warning\n Code: 1287\nMessage: \'JSON_MERGE\' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. \\\n Please use JSON_MERGE_PRESERVE/JSON_MERGE_PATCH instead\n1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/json-modification-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (403,28,'LOAD XML','Syntax:\nLOAD XML [LOW_PRIORITY | CONCURRENT] [LOCAL] INFILE \'file_name\'\n [REPLACE | IGNORE]\n INTO TABLE [db_name.]tbl_name\n [CHARACTER SET charset_name]\n [ROWS IDENTIFIED BY \'\']\n [IGNORE number {LINES | ROWS}]\n [(field_name_or_user_var\n [, field_name_or_user_var] ...)]\n [SET col_name={expr | DEFAULT},\n [, col_name={expr | DEFAULT}] ...]\n\nThe LOAD XML statement reads data from an XML file into a table. The\nfile_name must be given as a literal string. The tagname in the\noptional ROWS IDENTIFIED BY clause must also be given as a literal\nstring, and must be surrounded by angle brackets (< and >).\n\nLOAD XML acts as the complement of running the mysql client in XML\noutput mode (that is, starting the client with the --xml option). To\nwrite data from a table to an XML file, you can invoke the mysql client\nwith the --xml and -e options from the system shell, as shown here:\n\nshell> mysql --xml -e \'SELECT * FROM mydb.mytable\' > file.xml\n\nTo read the file back into a table, use LOAD XML INFILE. By default,\nthe element is considered to be the equivalent of a database\ntable row; this can be changed using the ROWS IDENTIFIED BY clause.\n\nThis statement supports three different XML formats:\n\no Column names as attributes and column values as attribute values:\n\n\n\no Column names as tags and column values as the content of these tags:\n\n\n value1\n value2\n\n\no Column names are the name attributes of tags, and values are\n the contents of these tags:\n\n\n value1\n value2\n\n\n This is the format used by other MySQL tools, such as mysqldump.\n\nAll three formats can be used in the same XML file; the import routine\nautomatically detects the format for each row and interprets it\ncorrectly. Tags are matched based on the tag or attribute name and the\ncolumn name.\n\nThe following clauses work essentially the same way for LOAD XML as\nthey do for LOAD DATA:\n\no LOW_PRIORITY or CONCURRENT\n\no LOCAL\n\no REPLACE or IGNORE\n\no CHARACTER SET\n\no SET\n\nSee [HELP LOAD DATA], for more information about these clauses.\n\n(field_name_or_user_var, ...) is a list of one or more comma-separated\nXML fields or user variables. The name of a user variable used for this\npurpose must match the name of a field from the XML file, prefixed with\n@. You can use field names to select only desired fields. User\nvariables can be employed to store the corresponding field values for\nsubsequent re-use.\n\nThe IGNORE number LINES or IGNORE number ROWS clause causes the first\nnumber rows in the XML file to be skipped. It is analogous to the LOAD\nDATA statement\'s IGNORE ... LINES clause.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/load-xml.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/load-xml.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (404,3,'CONV','Syntax:\nCONV(N,from_base,to_base)\n\nConverts numbers between different number bases. Returns a string\nrepresentation of the number N, converted from base from_base to base\nto_base. Returns NULL if any argument is NULL. The argument N is\ninterpreted as an integer, but may be specified as an integer or a\nstring. The minimum base is 2 and the maximum base is 36. If from_base\nis a negative number, N is regarded as a signed number. Otherwise, N is\ntreated as unsigned. CONV() works with 64-bit precision.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mathematical-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT CONV(\'a\',16,2);\n -> \'1010\'\nmysql> SELECT CONV(\'6E\',18,8);\n -> \'172\'\nmysql> SELECT CONV(-17,10,-18);\n -> \'-H\'\nmysql> SELECT CONV(10+\'10\'+\'10\'+X\'0a\',10,10);\n -> \'40\'\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mathematical-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (405,4,'ST_MPOINTFROMTEXT','ST_MPointFromText(wkt[, srid]), ST_MultiPointFromText(wkt[, srid])\n\nConstructs a MultiPoint value using its WKT representation and SRID.\n\nIf the geometry argument is NULL or not a syntactically well-formed\ngeometry, or if the SRID argument is NULL, the return value is NULL.\n\nAs of MySQL 5.7.9, spatial functions such as ST_MPointFromText() and\nST_GeomFromText() that accept WKT-format representations of MultiPoint\nvalues permit individual points within values to be surrounded by\nparentheses. For example, both of the following function calls are\nvalid, whereas before MySQL 5.7.9 the second one produces an error:\n\nST_MPointFromText(\'MULTIPOINT (1 1, 2 2, 3 3)\')\nST_MPointFromText(\'MULTIPOINT ((1 1), (2 2), (3 3))\')\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-wkt-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-wkt-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (406,15,'ASSIGN-VALUE','Syntax:\n:=\n\nAssignment operator. Causes the user variable on the left hand side of\nthe operator to take on the value to its right. The value on the right\nhand side may be a literal value, another variable storing a value, or\nany legal expression that yields a scalar value, including the result\nof a query (provided that this value is a scalar value). You can\nperform multiple assignments in the same SET statement. You can perform\nmultiple assignments in the same statement.\n\nUnlike =, the := operator is never interpreted as a comparison\noperator. This means you can use := in any valid SQL statement (not\njust in SET statements) to assign a value to a variable.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/assignment-operators.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT @var1, @var2;\n -> NULL, NULL\nmysql> SELECT @var1 := 1, @var2;\n -> 1, NULL\nmysql> SELECT @var1, @var2;\n -> 1, NULL\nmysql> SELECT @var1, @var2 := @var1;\n -> 1, 1\nmysql> SELECT @var1, @var2;\n -> 1, 1\n\nmysql> SELECT @var1:=COUNT(*) FROM t1;\n -> 4\nmysql> SELECT @var1;\n -> 4\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/assignment-operators.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (407,27,'SHOW OPEN TABLES','Syntax:\nSHOW OPEN TABLES\n [{FROM | IN} db_name]\n [LIKE \'pattern\' | WHERE expr]\n\nSHOW OPEN TABLES lists the non-TEMPORARY tables that are currently open\nin the table cache. See\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/table-cache.html. The FROM\nclause, if present, restricts the tables shown to those present in the\ndb_name database. The LIKE clause, if present, indicates which table\nnames to match. The WHERE clause can be given to select rows using more\ngeneral conditions, as discussed in\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/extended-show.html.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-open-tables.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-open-tables.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (408,32,'EXTRACT','Syntax:\nEXTRACT(unit FROM date)\n\nThe EXTRACT() function uses the same kinds of unit specifiers as\nDATE_ADD() or DATE_SUB(), but extracts parts from the date rather than\nperforming date arithmetic.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT EXTRACT(YEAR FROM \'2009-07-02\');\n -> 2009\nmysql> SELECT EXTRACT(YEAR_MONTH FROM \'2009-07-02 01:02:03\');\n -> 200907\nmysql> SELECT EXTRACT(DAY_MINUTE FROM \'2009-07-02 01:02:03\');\n -> 20102\nmysql> SELECT EXTRACT(MICROSECOND\n -> FROM \'2003-01-02 10:30:00.000123\');\n -> 123\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (409,12,'ENCRYPT','Syntax:\nENCRYPT(str[,salt])\n\nEncrypts str using the Unix crypt() system call and returns a binary\nstring. The salt argument must be a string with at least two characters\nor the result will be NULL. If no salt argument is given, a random\nvalue is used.\n\n*Note*:\n\nThe ENCRYPT() function is deprecated as of MySQL 5.7.6, will be removed\nin a future MySQL release, and should no longer be used. For one-way\nhashing, consider using SHA2() instead.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/encryption-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT ENCRYPT(\'hello\');\n -> \'VxuFAJXVARROc\'\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/encryption-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (410,27,'SHOW STATUS','Syntax:\nSHOW [GLOBAL | SESSION] STATUS\n [LIKE \'pattern\' | WHERE expr]\n\n*Note*:\n\nAs of MySQL 5.7.6, the value of the show_compatibility_56 system\nvariable affects the information available from and privileges required\nfor the statement described here. For details, see the description of\nthat variable in\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/server-system-variables.html.\n\nSHOW STATUS provides server status information (see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/server-status-variables.html).\nThis statement does not require any privilege. It requires only the\nability to connect to the server.\n\nStatus variable information is also available from these sources:\n\no Performance Schema tables. See\n http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/performance-schema-status-vari\n able-tables.html.\n\no The GLOBAL_STATUS and SESSION_STATUS tables. See\n http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/status-table.html.\n\no The mysqladmin extended-status command. See\n http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mysqladmin.html.\n\nFor SHOW STATUS, a LIKE clause, if present, indicates which variable\nnames to match. A WHERE clause can be given to select rows using more\ngeneral conditions, as discussed in\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/extended-show.html.\n\nSHOW STATUS accepts an optional GLOBAL or SESSION variable scope\nmodifier:\n\no With a GLOBAL modifier, the statement displays the global status\n values. A global status variable may represent status for some aspect\n of the server itself (for example, Aborted_connects), or the\n aggregated status over all connections to MySQL (for example,\n Bytes_received and Bytes_sent). If a variable has no global value,\n the session value is displayed.\n\no With a SESSION modifier, the statement displays the status variable\n values for the current connection. If a variable has no session\n value, the global value is displayed. LOCAL is a synonym for SESSION.\n\no If no modifier is present, the default is SESSION.\n\nThe scope for each status variable is listed at\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/server-status-variables.html.\n\nEach invocation of the SHOW STATUS statement uses an internal temporary\ntable and increments the global Created_tmp_tables value.\nWith a LIKE clause, the statement displays only rows for those\nvariables with names that match the pattern:\n\nmysql> SHOW STATUS LIKE \'Key%\';\n+--------------------+----------+\n| Variable_name | Value |\n+--------------------+----------+\n| Key_blocks_used | 14955 |\n| Key_read_requests | 96854827 |\n| Key_reads | 162040 |\n| Key_write_requests | 7589728 |\n| Key_writes | 3813196 |\n+--------------------+----------+\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-status.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-status.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (411,2,'ST_NUMINTERIORRINGS','ST_NumInteriorRing(poly), ST_NumInteriorRings(poly)\n\nReturns the number of interior rings in the Polygon value poly. If the\nargument is NULL or an empty geometry, the return value is NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-polygon-property-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SET @poly =\n -> \'Polygon((0 0,0 3,3 3,3 0,0 0),(1 1,1 2,2 2,2 1,1 1))\';\nmysql> SELECT ST_NumInteriorRings(ST_GeomFromText(@poly));\n+---------------------------------------------+\n| ST_NumInteriorRings(ST_GeomFromText(@poly)) |\n+---------------------------------------------+\n| 1 |\n+---------------------------------------------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-polygon-property-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (412,7,'JSON_KEYS','Syntax:\nJSON_KEYS(json_doc[, path])\n\nReturns the keys from the top-level value of a JSON object as a JSON\narray, or, if a path argument is given, the top-level keys from the\nselected path. Returns NULL if any argument is NULL, the json_doc\nargument is not an object, or path, if given, does not locate an\nobject. An error occurs if the json_doc argument is not a valid JSON\ndocument or the path argument is not a valid path expression or\ncontains a * or ** wildcard.\n\nThe result array is empty if the selected object is empty. If the\ntop-level value has nested subobjects, the return value does not\ninclude keys from those subobjects.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/json-search-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT JSON_KEYS(\'{"a": 1, "b": {"c": 30}}\');\n+---------------------------------------+\n| JSON_KEYS(\'{"a": 1, "b": {"c": 30}}\') |\n+---------------------------------------+\n| ["a", "b"] |\n+---------------------------------------+\nmysql> SELECT JSON_KEYS(\'{"a": 1, "b": {"c": 30}}\', \'$.b\');\n+----------------------------------------------+\n| JSON_KEYS(\'{"a": 1, "b": {"c": 30}}\', \'$.b\') |\n+----------------------------------------------+\n| ["c"] |\n+----------------------------------------------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/json-search-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (413,14,'INET6_ATON','Syntax:\nINET6_ATON(expr)\n\nGiven an IPv6 or IPv4 network address as a string, returns a binary\nstring that represents the numeric value of the address in network byte\norder (big endian). Because numeric-format IPv6 addresses require more\nbytes than the largest integer type, the representation returned by\nthis function has the VARBINARY data type: VARBINARY(16) for IPv6\naddresses and VARBINARY(4) for IPv4 addresses. If the argument is not a\nvalid address, INET6_ATON() returns NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/miscellaneous-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT HEX(INET6_ATON(\'fdfe::5a55:caff:fefa:9089\'));\n -> \'FDFE0000000000005A55CAFFFEFA9089\'\nmysql> SELECT HEX(INET6_ATON(\'\'));\n -> \'0A000509\'\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/miscellaneous-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (414,27,'SHOW SLAVE HOSTS','Syntax:\nSHOW SLAVE HOSTS\n\nDisplays a list of replication slaves currently registered with the\nmaster.\n\nSHOW SLAVE HOSTS should be executed on a server that acts as a\nreplication master. The statement displays information about servers\nthat are or have been connected as replication slaves, with each row of\nthe result corresponding to one slave server, as shown here:\n\nmysql> SHOW SLAVE HOSTS;\n+------------+-----------+------+-----------+--------------------------------------+\n| Server_id | Host | Port | Master_id | Slave_UUID |\n+------------+-----------+------+-----------+--------------------------------------+\n| 192168010 | iconnect2 | 3306 | 192168011 | 14cb6624-7f93-11e0-b2c0-c80aa9429562 |\n| 1921680101 | athena | 3306 | 192168011 | 07af4990-f41f-11df-a566-7ac56fdaf645 |\n+------------+-----------+------+-----------+--------------------------------------+\n\no Server_id: The unique server ID of the slave server, as configured in\n the slave server\'s option file, or on the command line with\n --server-id=value.\n\no Host: The host name of the slave server as specified on the slave\n with the --report-host option. This can differ from the machine name\n as configured in the operating system.\n\no User: The slave server user name as, specified on the slave with the\n --report-user option. Statement output includes this column only if\n the master server is started with the --show-slave-auth-info option.\n\no Password: The slave server password as, specified on the slave with\n the --report-password option. Statement output includes this column\n only if the master server is started with the --show-slave-auth-info\n option.\n\no Port: The port on the master to which the slave server is listening,\n as specified on the slave with the --report-port option.\n\n A zero in this column means that the slave port (--report-port) was\n not set.\n\no Master_id: The unique server ID of the master server that the slave\n server is replicating from. This is the server ID of the server on\n which SHOW SLAVE HOSTS is executed, so this same value is listed for\n each row in the result.\n\no Slave_UUID: The globally unique ID of this slave, as generated on the\n slave and found in the slave\'s auto.cnf file.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-slave-hosts.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-slave-hosts.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (415,8,'START TRANSACTION','Syntax:\nSTART TRANSACTION\n [transaction_characteristic [, transaction_characteristic] ...]\n\ntransaction_characteristic:\n WITH CONSISTENT SNAPSHOT\n | READ WRITE\n | READ ONLY\n\nBEGIN [WORK]\nCOMMIT [WORK] [AND [NO] CHAIN] [[NO] RELEASE]\nROLLBACK [WORK] [AND [NO] CHAIN] [[NO] RELEASE]\nSET autocommit = {0 | 1}\n\nThese statements provide control over use of transactions:\n\no START TRANSACTION or BEGIN start a new transaction.\n\no COMMIT commits the current transaction, making its changes permanent.\n\no ROLLBACK rolls back the current transaction, canceling its changes.\n\no SET autocommit disables or enables the default autocommit mode for\n the current session.\n\nBy default, MySQL runs with autocommit mode enabled. This means that as\nsoon as you execute a statement that updates (modifies) a table, MySQL\nstores the update on disk to make it permanent. The change cannot be\nrolled back.\n\nTo disable autocommit mode implicitly for a single series of\nstatements, use the START TRANSACTION statement:\n\nSTART TRANSACTION;\nSELECT @A:=SUM(salary) FROM table1 WHERE type=1;\nUPDATE table2 SET summary=@A WHERE type=1;\nCOMMIT;\n\nWith START TRANSACTION, autocommit remains disabled until you end the\ntransaction with COMMIT or ROLLBACK. The autocommit mode then reverts\nto its previous state.\n\nSTART TRANSACTION permits several modifiers that control transaction\ncharacteristics. To specify multiple modifiers, separate them by\ncommas.\n\no The WITH CONSISTENT SNAPSHOT modifier starts a consistent read for\n storage engines that are capable of it. This applies only to InnoDB.\n The effect is the same as issuing a START TRANSACTION followed by a\n SELECT from any InnoDB table. See\n http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/innodb-consistent-read.html.\n The WITH CONSISTENT SNAPSHOT modifier does not change the current\n transaction isolation level, so it provides a consistent snapshot\n only if the current isolation level is one that permits a consistent\n read. The only isolation level that permits a consistent read is\n REPEATABLE READ. For all other isolation levels, the WITH CONSISTENT\n SNAPSHOT clause is ignored. As of MySQL 5.7.2, a warning is generated\n when the WITH CONSISTENT SNAPSHOT clause is ignored.\n\no The READ WRITE and READ ONLY modifiers set the transaction access\n mode. They permit or prohibit changes to tables used in the\n transaction. The READ ONLY restriction prevents the transaction from\n modifying or locking both transactional and nontransactional tables\n that are visible to other transactions; the transaction can still\n modify or lock temporary tables.\n\n MySQL enables extra optimizations for queries on InnoDB tables when\n the transaction is known to be read-only. Specifying READ ONLY\n ensures these optimizations are applied in cases where the read-only\n status cannot be determined automatically. See\n http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/innodb-performance-ro-txn.html\n for more information.\n\n If no access mode is specified, the default mode applies. Unless the\n default has been changed, it is read/write. It is not permitted to\n specify both READ WRITE and READ ONLY in the same statement.\n\n In read-only mode, it remains possible to change tables created with\n the TEMPORARY keyword using DML statements. Changes made with DDL\n statements are not permitted, just as with permanent tables.\n\n For additional information about transaction access mode, including\n ways to change the default mode, see [HELP ISOLATION].\n\n If the read_only system variable is enabled, explicitly starting a\n transaction with START TRANSACTION READ WRITE requires the SUPER\n privilege.\n\n*Important*:\n\nMany APIs used for writing MySQL client applications (such as JDBC)\nprovide their own methods for starting transactions that can (and\nsometimes should) be used instead of sending a START TRANSACTION\nstatement from the client. See\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/connectors-apis.html, or the\ndocumentation for your API, for more information.\n\nTo disable autocommit mode explicitly, use the following statement:\n\nSET autocommit=0;\n\nAfter disabling autocommit mode by setting the autocommit variable to\nzero, changes to transaction-safe tables (such as those for InnoDB or\nNDB) are not made permanent immediately. You must use COMMIT to store\nyour changes to disk or ROLLBACK to ignore the changes.\n\nautocommit is a session variable and must be set for each session. To\ndisable autocommit mode for each new connection, see the description of\nthe autocommit system variable at\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/server-system-variables.html.\n\nBEGIN and BEGIN WORK are supported as aliases of START TRANSACTION for\ninitiating a transaction. START TRANSACTION is standard SQL syntax, is\nthe recommended way to start an ad-hoc transaction, and permits\nmodifiers that BEGIN does not.\n\nThe BEGIN statement differs from the use of the BEGIN keyword that\nstarts a BEGIN ... END compound statement. The latter does not begin a\ntransaction. See [HELP BEGIN END].\n\n*Note*:\n\nWithin all stored programs (stored procedures and functions, triggers,\nand events), the parser treats BEGIN [WORK] as the beginning of a BEGIN\n... END block. Begin a transaction in this context with START\nTRANSACTION instead.\n\nThe optional WORK keyword is supported for COMMIT and ROLLBACK, as are\nthe CHAIN and RELEASE clauses. CHAIN and RELEASE can be used for\nadditional control over transaction completion. The value of the\ncompletion_type system variable determines the default completion\nbehavior. See\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/server-system-variables.html.\n\nThe AND CHAIN clause causes a new transaction to begin as soon as the\ncurrent one ends, and the new transaction has the same isolation level\nas the just-terminated transaction. The new transaction also uses the\nsame access mode (READ WRITE or READ ONLY) as the just-terminated\ntransaction. The RELEASE clause causes the server to disconnect the\ncurrent client session after terminating the current transaction.\nIncluding the NO keyword suppresses CHAIN or RELEASE completion, which\ncan be useful if the completion_type system variable is set to cause\nchaining or release completion by default.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/commit.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/commit.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (416,32,'TIME_FORMAT','Syntax:\nTIME_FORMAT(time,format)\n\nThis is used like the DATE_FORMAT() function, but the format string may\ncontain format specifiers only for hours, minutes, seconds, and\nmicroseconds. Other specifiers produce a NULL value or 0.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT TIME_FORMAT(\'100:00:00\', \'%H %k %h %I %l\');\n -> \'100 100 04 04 4\'\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (417,40,'CREATE DATABASE','Syntax:\nCREATE {DATABASE | SCHEMA} [IF NOT EXISTS] db_name\n [create_specification] ...\n\ncreate_specification:\n [DEFAULT] CHARACTER SET [=] charset_name\n | [DEFAULT] COLLATE [=] collation_name\n\nCREATE DATABASE creates a database with the given name. To use this\nstatement, you need the CREATE privilege for the database. CREATE\nSCHEMA is a synonym for CREATE DATABASE.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/create-database.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/create-database.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (418,16,'VAR_POP','Syntax:\nVAR_POP(expr)\n\nReturns the population standard variance of expr. It considers rows as\nthe whole population, not as a sample, so it has the number of rows as\nthe denominator. You can also use VARIANCE(), which is equivalent but\nis not standard SQL.\n\nIf there are no matching rows, VAR_POP() returns NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/group-by-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/group-by-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (419,38,'CONCAT_WS','Syntax:\nCONCAT_WS(separator,str1,str2,...)\n\nCONCAT_WS() stands for Concatenate With Separator and is a special form\nof CONCAT(). The first argument is the separator for the rest of the\narguments. The separator is added between the strings to be\nconcatenated. The separator can be a string, as can the rest of the\narguments. If the separator is NULL, the result is NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT CONCAT_WS(\',\',\'First name\',\'Second name\',\'Last Name\');\n -> \'First name,Second name,Last Name\'\nmysql> SELECT CONCAT_WS(\',\',\'First name\',NULL,\'Last Name\');\n -> \'First name,Last Name\'\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (420,23,'TEXT','TEXT[(M)] [CHARACTER SET charset_name] [COLLATE collation_name]\n\nA TEXT column with a maximum length of 65,535 (216 − 1) characters.\nThe effective maximum length is less if the value contains multibyte\ncharacters. Each TEXT value is stored using a 2-byte length prefix that\nindicates the number of bytes in the value.\n\nAn optional length M can be given for this type. If this is done, MySQL\ncreates the column as the smallest TEXT type large enough to hold\nvalues M characters long.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-type-overview.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-type-overview.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (421,19,'~','Syntax:\n~\n\nInvert all bits.\n\nThe result is an unsigned 64-bit integer.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/bit-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT 5 & ~1;\n -> 4\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/bit-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (422,3,'ASIN','Syntax:\nASIN(X)\n\nReturns the arc sine of X, that is, the value whose sine is X. Returns\nNULL if X is not in the range -1 to 1.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mathematical-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT ASIN(0.2);\n -> 0.20135792079033\nmysql> SELECT ASIN(\'foo\');\n\n+-------------+\n| ASIN(\'foo\') |\n+-------------+\n| 0 |\n+-------------+\n1 row in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> SHOW WARNINGS;\n+---------+------+-----------------------------------------+\n| Level | Code | Message |\n+---------+------+-----------------------------------------+\n| Warning | 1292 | Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value: \'foo\' |\n+---------+------+-----------------------------------------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mathematical-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (423,17,'ROW_COUNT','Syntax:\nROW_COUNT()\n\nROW_COUNT() returns a value as follows:\n\no DDL statements: 0. This applies to statements such as CREATE TABLE or\n DROP TABLE.\n\no DML statements other than SELECT: The number of affected rows. This\n applies to statements such as UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE (as before),\n but now also to statements such as ALTER TABLE and LOAD DATA INFILE.\n\no SELECT: -1 if the statement returns a result set, or the number of\n rows "affected" if it does not. For example, for SELECT * FROM t1,\n ROW_COUNT() returns -1. For SELECT * FROM t1 INTO OUTFILE\n \'file_name\', ROW_COUNT() returns the number of rows written to the\n file.\n\no SIGNAL statements: 0.\n\nFor UPDATE statements, the affected-rows value by default is the number\nof rows actually changed. If you specify the CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS flag to\nmysql_real_connect() when connecting to mysqld, the affected-rows value\nis the number of rows "found"; that is, matched by the WHERE clause.\n\nFor REPLACE statements, the affected-rows value is 2 if the new row\nreplaced an old row, because in this case, one row was inserted after\nthe duplicate was deleted.\n\nFor INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE statements, the affected-rows\nvalue per row is 1 if the row is inserted as a new row, 2 if an\nexisting row is updated, and 0 if an existing row is set to its current\nvalues. If you specify the CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS flag, the affected-rows\nvalue is 1 (not 0) if an existing row is set to its current values.\n\nThe ROW_COUNT() value is similar to the value from the\nmysql_affected_rows() C API function and the row count that the mysql\nclient displays following statement execution.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/information-functions.html\n\n','mysql> INSERT INTO t VALUES(1),(2),(3);\nQuery OK, 3 rows affected (0.00 sec)\nRecords: 3 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0\n\nmysql> SELECT ROW_COUNT();\n+-------------+\n| ROW_COUNT() |\n+-------------+\n| 3 |\n+-------------+\n1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> DELETE FROM t WHERE i IN(1,2);\nQuery OK, 2 rows affected (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> SELECT ROW_COUNT();\n+-------------+\n| ROW_COUNT() |\n+-------------+\n| 2 |\n+-------------+\n1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/information-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (424,7,'MBRCOVEREDBY','MBRCoveredBy(g1, g2)\n\nReturns 1 or 0 to indicate whether the minimum bounding rectangle of g1\nis covered by the minimum bounding rectangle of g2. This tests the\nopposite relationship as MBRCovers().\n\nMBRCoveredBy() handles its arguments as follows:\n\no If either argument is NULL or an empty geometry, the return value is\n NULL.\n\no If either argument is not a syntactically well-formed geometry byte\n string, an ER_GIS_INVALID_DATA error occurs.\n\no Otherwise, the return value is non-NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-relation-functions-mbr.html\n\n','mysql> SET @g1 = ST_GeomFromText(\'Polygon((0 0,0 3,3 3,3 0,0 0))\');\nmysql> SET @g2 = ST_GeomFromText(\'Point(1 1)\');\nmysql> SELECT MBRCovers(@g1,@g2), MBRCoveredby(@g1,@g2);\n+--------------------+-----------------------+\n| MBRCovers(@g1,@g2) | MBRCoveredby(@g1,@g2) |\n+--------------------+-----------------------+\n| 1 | 0 |\n+--------------------+-----------------------+\nmysql> SELECT MBRCovers(@g2,@g1), MBRCoveredby(@g2,@g1);\n+--------------------+-----------------------+\n| MBRCovers(@g2,@g1) | MBRCoveredby(@g2,@g1) |\n+--------------------+-----------------------+\n| 0 | 1 |\n+--------------------+-----------------------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-relation-functions-mbr.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (425,3,'SIGN','Syntax:\nSIGN(X)\n\nReturns the sign of the argument as -1, 0, or 1, depending on whether X\nis negative, zero, or positive.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mathematical-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT SIGN(-32);\n -> -1\nmysql> SELECT SIGN(0);\n -> 0\nmysql> SELECT SIGN(234);\n -> 1\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mathematical-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (426,23,'FLOAT','FLOAT[(M,D)] [UNSIGNED] [ZEROFILL]\n\nA small (single-precision) floating-point number. Permissible values\nare -3.402823466E+38 to -1.175494351E-38, 0, and 1.175494351E-38 to\n3.402823466E+38. These are the theoretical limits, based on the IEEE\nstandard. The actual range might be slightly smaller depending on your\nhardware or operating system.\n\nM is the total number of digits and D is the number of digits following\nthe decimal point. If M and D are omitted, values are stored to the\nlimits permitted by the hardware. A single-precision floating-point\nnumber is accurate to approximately 7 decimal places.\n\nUNSIGNED, if specified, disallows negative values.\n\nUsing FLOAT might give you some unexpected problems because all\ncalculations in MySQL are done with double precision. See\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/no-matching-rows.html.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/numeric-type-overview.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/numeric-type-overview.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (427,17,'CHARSET','Syntax:\nCHARSET(str)\n\nReturns the character set of the string argument.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/information-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT CHARSET(\'abc\');\n -> \'latin1\'\nmysql> SELECT CHARSET(CONVERT(\'abc\' USING utf8));\n -> \'utf8\'\nmysql> SELECT CHARSET(USER());\n -> \'utf8\'\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/information-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (428,7,'ASYMMETRIC_VERIFY','Syntax:\nASYMMETRIC_VERIFY(algorithm, digest_str, sig_str, pub_key_str,\ndigest_type)\n\nVerifies whether the signature string matches the digest string, and\nreturns 1 or 0 to indicate whether verification succeeded or failed.\n\ndigest_str is the digest string. It can be generated by calling\nCREATE_DIGEST(). digest_type indicates the digest algorithm used to\ngenerate the digest string.\n\nsig_str is the signature string. It can be generated by calling\nASYMMETRIC_SIGN().\n\npub_key_str is the public key string of the signer. It corresponds to\nthe private key passed to ASYMMETRIC_SIGN() to generate the signature\nstring and must be a valid key string in PEM format. algorithm\nindicates the encryption algorithm used to create the key.\n\nSupported algorithm values: \'RSA\', \'DSA\'\n\nSupported digest_type values: \'SHA224\', \'SHA256\', \'SHA384\', \'SHA512\'\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/enterprise-encryption-functions.html\n\n','-- Set the encryption algorithm and digest type\nSET @algo = \'RSA\';\nSET @dig_type = \'SHA224\';\n\n-- Create private/public key pair\nSET @priv = CREATE_ASYMMETRIC_PRIV_KEY(@algo, 1024);\nSET @pub = CREATE_ASYMMETRIC_PUB_KEY(@algo, @priv);\n\n-- Generate digest from string\nSET @dig = CREATE_DIGEST(@dig_type, \'The quick brown fox\');\n\n-- Generate signature for digest and verify signature against digest\nSET @sig = ASYMMETRIC_SIGN(@algo, @dig, @priv, @dig_type);\nSET @verf = ASYMMETRIC_VERIFY(@algo, @dig, @sig, @pub, @dig_type);\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/enterprise-encryption-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (429,32,'SUBDATE','Syntax:\nSUBDATE(date,INTERVAL expr unit), SUBDATE(expr,days)\n\nWhen invoked with the INTERVAL form of the second argument, SUBDATE()\nis a synonym for DATE_SUB(). For information on the INTERVAL unit\nargument, see the discussion for DATE_ADD().\n\nmysql> SELECT DATE_SUB(\'2008-01-02\', INTERVAL 31 DAY);\n -> \'2007-12-02\'\nmysql> SELECT SUBDATE(\'2008-01-02\', INTERVAL 31 DAY);\n -> \'2007-12-02\'\n\nThe second form enables the use of an integer value for days. In such\ncases, it is interpreted as the number of days to be subtracted from\nthe date or datetime expression expr.\n\nmysql> SELECT SUBDATE(\'2008-01-02 12:00:00\', 31);\n -> \'2007-12-02 12:00:00\'\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (430,7,'JSON_CONTAINS','Syntax:\nJSON_CONTAINS(target, candidate[, path])\n\nIndicates by returning 1 or 0 whether a given candidate JSON document\nis contained within a target JSON document, or---if a path argument was\nsupplied---whether the candidate is found at a specific path within the\ntarget. Returns NULL if any argument is NULL, or if the path argument\ndoes not identify a section of the target document. An error occurs if\ntarget or candidate is not a valid JSON document, or if the path\nargument is not a valid path expression or contains a * or ** wildcard.\n\nTo check only whether any data exists at the path, use\nJSON_CONTAINS_PATH() instead.\n\nThe following rules define containment:\n\no A candidate scalar is contained in a target scalar if and only if\n they are comparable and are equal. Two scalar values are comparable\n if they have the same JSON_TYPE() types, with the exception that\n values of types INTEGER and DECIMAL are also comparable to each\n other.\n\no A candidate array is contained in a target array if and only if every\n element in the candidate is contained in some element of the target.\n\no A candidate nonarray is contained in a target array if and only if\n the candidate is contained in some element of the target.\n\no A candidate object is contained in a target object if and only if for\n each key in the candidate there is a key with the same name in the\n target and the value associated with the candidate key is contained\n in the value associated with the target key.\n\nOtherwise, the candidate value is not contained in the target document.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/json-search-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SET @j = \'{"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": {"d": 4}}\';\nmysql> SET @j2 = \'1\';\nmysql> SELECT JSON_CONTAINS(@j, @j2, \'$.a\');\n+-------------------------------+\n| JSON_CONTAINS(@j, @j2, \'$.a\') |\n+-------------------------------+\n| 1 |\n+-------------------------------+\nmysql> SELECT JSON_CONTAINS(@j, @j2, \'$.b\');\n+-------------------------------+\n| JSON_CONTAINS(@j, @j2, \'$.b\') |\n+-------------------------------+\n| 0 |\n+-------------------------------+\n\nmysql> SET @j2 = \'{"d": 4}\';\nmysql> SELECT JSON_CONTAINS(@j, @j2, \'$.a\');\n+-------------------------------+\n| JSON_CONTAINS(@j, @j2, \'$.a\') |\n+-------------------------------+\n| 0 |\n+-------------------------------+\nmysql> SELECT JSON_CONTAINS(@j, @j2, \'$.c\');\n+-------------------------------+\n| JSON_CONTAINS(@j, @j2, \'$.c\') |\n+-------------------------------+\n| 1 |\n+-------------------------------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/json-search-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (431,32,'DAYOFYEAR','Syntax:\nDAYOFYEAR(date)\n\nReturns the day of the year for date, in the range 1 to 366.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT DAYOFYEAR(\'2007-02-03\');\n -> 34\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (432,3,'%','Syntax:\nN % M, N MOD M\n\nModulo operation. Returns the remainder of N divided by M. For more\ninformation, see the description for the MOD() function in\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mathematical-functions.html.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/arithmetic-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/arithmetic-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (433,33,'ASTEXT','AsText(g), AsWKT(g)\n\nST_AsText(), ST_AsWKT(), AsText(), and AsWKT() are synonyms. For more\ninformation, see the description of ST_AsText().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-format-conversion-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-format-conversion-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (434,24,'DECLARE CONDITION','Syntax:\nDECLARE condition_name CONDITION FOR condition_value\n\ncondition_value:\n mysql_error_code\n | SQLSTATE [VALUE] sqlstate_value\n\nThe DECLARE ... CONDITION statement declares a named error condition,\nassociating a name with a condition that needs specific handling. The\nname can be referred to in a subsequent DECLARE ... HANDLER statement\n(see [HELP DECLARE HANDLER]).\n\nCondition declarations must appear before cursor or handler\ndeclarations.\n\nThe condition_value for DECLARE ... CONDITION indicates the specific\ncondition or class of conditions to associate with the condition name.\nIt can take the following forms:\n\no mysql_error_code: An integer literal indicating a MySQL error code.\n\n Do not use MySQL error code 0 because that indicates success rather\n than an error condition. For a list of MySQL error codes, see\n http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/error-messages-server.html.\n\no SQLSTATE [VALUE] sqlstate_value: A 5-character string literal\n indicating an SQLSTATE value.\n\n Do not use SQLSTATE values that begin with \'00\' because those\n indicate success rather than an error condition. For a list of\n SQLSTATE values, see\n http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/error-messages-server.html.\n\nCondition names referred to in SIGNAL or use RESIGNAL statements must\nbe associated with SQLSTATE values, not MySQL error codes.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/declare-condition.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/declare-condition.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (435,32,'MONTHNAME','Syntax:\nMONTHNAME(date)\n\nReturns the full name of the month for date. The language used for the\nname is controlled by the value of the lc_time_names system variable\n(http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/locale-support.html).\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT MONTHNAME(\'2008-02-03\');\n -> \'February\'\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (436,26,'NUMGEOMETRIES','NumGeometries(gc)\n\nST_NumGeometries() and NumGeometries() are synonyms. For more\ninformation, see the description of ST_NumGeometries().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-geometrycollection-property-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-geometrycollection-property-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (437,8,'CHANGE MASTER TO','Syntax:\nCHANGE MASTER TO option [, option] ... [ channel_option ]\n\noption:\n MASTER_BIND = \'interface_name\'\n | MASTER_HOST = \'host_name\'\n | MASTER_USER = \'user_name\'\n | MASTER_PASSWORD = \'password\'\n | MASTER_PORT = port_num\n | MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY = interval\n | MASTER_RETRY_COUNT = count\n | MASTER_DELAY = interval\n | MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD = interval\n | MASTER_LOG_FILE = \'master_log_name\'\n | MASTER_LOG_POS = master_log_pos\n | MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = {0|1}\n | RELAY_LOG_FILE = \'relay_log_name\'\n | RELAY_LOG_POS = relay_log_pos\n | MASTER_SSL = {0|1}\n | MASTER_SSL_CA = \'ca_file_name\'\n | MASTER_SSL_CAPATH = \'ca_directory_name\'\n | MASTER_SSL_CERT = \'cert_file_name\'\n | MASTER_SSL_CRL = \'crl_file_name\'\n | MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH = \'crl_directory_name\'\n | MASTER_SSL_KEY = \'key_file_name\'\n | MASTER_SSL_CIPHER = \'cipher_list\'\n | MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT = {0|1}\n | MASTER_TLS_VERSION = \'protocol_list\'\n | IGNORE_SERVER_IDS = (server_id_list)\n\nchannel_option:\n FOR CHANNEL channel\n\nserver_id_list:\n [server_id [, server_id] ... ]\n\nCHANGE MASTER TO changes the parameters that the slave server uses for\nconnecting to the master server, for reading the master binary log, and\nreading the slave relay log. It also updates the contents of the master\ninfo and relay log info repositories (see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/slave-logs.html). CHANGE MASTER\nTO requires the SUPER privilege.\n\nPrior to MySQL 5.7.4, the slave replication threads must be stopped,\nusing STOP SLAVE if necessary, before issuing this statement. In MySQL\n5.7.4 and later, you can issue CHANGE MASTER TO statements on a running\nslave without doing this, depending on the states of the slave SQL\nthread and slave I/O thread. The rules governing such use are provided\nlater in this section.\n\nWhen using a multithreaded slave (in other words slave_parallel_workers\nis greater than 0), stopping the slave can cause "gaps" in the sequence\nof transactions that have been executed from the relay log, regardless\nof whether the slave was stopped intentionally or otherwise. When such\ngaps exist, issuing CHANGE MASTER TO fails. The solution in this\nsituation is to issue START SLAVE UNTIL SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS which\nensures that the gaps are closed.\n\nThe optional FOR CHANNEL channel clause enables you to name which\nreplication channel the statement applies to. Providing a FOR CHANNEL\nchannel clause applies the CHANGE MASTER TO statement to a specific\nreplication channel, and is used to add a new channel or modify an\nexisting channel. For example, to add a new channel called channel2:\n\nCHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_HOST=host1, MASTER_PORT=3002 FOR CHANNEL \'channel2\'\n\nIf no clause is named and no extra channels exist, the statement\napplies to the default channel.\n\nWhen using multiple replication channels, if a CHANGE MASTER TO\nstatement does not name a channel using a FOR CHANNEL channel clause,\nan error occurs. See\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/replication-channels.html for\nmore information.\n\nOptions not specified retain their value, except as indicated in the\nfollowing discussion. Thus, in most cases, there is no need to specify\noptions that do not change. For example, if the password to connect to\nyour MySQL master has changed, issue this statement to tell the slave\nabout the new password:\n\nCHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_PASSWORD=\'new3cret\';\n\nMASTER_HOST, MASTER_USER, MASTER_PASSWORD, and MASTER_PORT provide\ninformation to the slave about how to connect to its master:\n\no MASTER_HOST and MASTER_PORT are the host name (or IP address) of the\n master host and its TCP/IP port.\n\n *Note*:\n\n Replication cannot use Unix socket files. You must be able to connect\n to the master MySQL server using TCP/IP.\n\n If you specify the MASTER_HOST or MASTER_PORT option, the slave\n assumes that the master server is different from before (even if the\n option value is the same as its current value.) In this case, the old\n values for the master binary log file name and position are\n considered no longer applicable, so if you do not specify\n MASTER_LOG_FILE and MASTER_LOG_POS in the statement,\n MASTER_LOG_FILE=\'\' and MASTER_LOG_POS=4 are silently appended to it.\n\n Setting MASTER_HOST=\'\' (that is, setting its value explicitly to an\n empty string) is not the same as not setting MASTER_HOST at all.\n Beginning with MySQL 5.5, trying to set MASTER_HOST to an empty\n string fails with an error. Previously, setting MASTER_HOST to an\n empty string caused START SLAVE subsequently to fail. (Bug #28796)\n\n Values used for MASTER_HOST and other CHANGE MASTER TO options are\n checked for linefeed (\\n or 0x0A) characters; the presence of such\n characters in these values causes the statement to fail with\n ER_MASTER_INFO. (Bug #11758581, Bug #50801)\n\no MASTER_USER and MASTER_PASSWORD are the user name and password of the\n account to use for connecting to the master.\n\n MASTER_USER cannot be made empty; setting MASTER_USER = \'\' or leaving\n it unset when setting a value for MASTER_PASSWORD causes an error\n (Bug #13427949).\n\n The password used for a MySQL Replication slave account in a CHANGE\n MASTER TO statement is limited to 32 characters in length; prior to\n MySQL 5.7.5, if the password was longer, the statement succeeded, but\n any excess characters were silently truncated. In MySQL 5.7.5 and\n later, trying to use a password of more than 32 characters causes\n CHANGE MASTER TO to fail. (Bug #11752299, Bug #43439)\n\n The text of a running CHANGE MASTER TO statement, including values\n for MASTER_USER and MASTER_PASSWORD, can be seen in the output of a\n concurrent SHOW PROCESSLIST statement. (The complete text of a START\n SLAVE statement is also visible to SHOW PROCESSLIST.)\n\nThe MASTER_SSL_xxx options, and the MASTER_TLS_VERSION option, specify\nhow the slave uses encryption and ciphers to secure the replication\nconnection. These options can be changed even on slaves that are\ncompiled without SSL support. They are saved to the master info\nrepository, but are ignored if the slave does not have SSL support\nenabled. The MASTER_SSL_xxx options perform the same functions as the\n--ssl-xxx options described in\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/encrypted-connection-options.htm\nl. The correspondence between the two sets of options, and the use of\nthe MASTER_SSL_xxx and MASTER_TLS_VERSION options to set up a secure\nconnection, is explained in\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/replication-solutions-encrypted-\nconnections.html.\n\nAs of MySQL 5.7.3, setting MASTER_SSL=1 means that the slave connection\nto the master must use SSL, or the connection attempt fails. Before\n5.7.3, the use of an SSL connection by the slave was not enforced with\nMASTER_SSL=1. This is analogous to the client-side meaning of the --ssl\ncommand-line option; see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/encrypted-connection-options.htm\nl.\n\nMASTER_CONNECT_RETRY specifies how many seconds to wait between connect\nretries. The default is 60.\n\nMASTER_RETRY_COUNT limits the number of reconnection attempts and\nupdates the value of the Master_Retry_Count column in the output of\nSHOW SLAVE STATUS. The default value is 24 * 3600 = 86400.\nMASTER_RETRY_COUNT is intended to replace the older\n--master-retry-count server option, and is now the preferred method for\nsetting this limit. You are encouraged not to rely on\n--master-retry-count in new applications and, when upgrading from\nversions earlier than MySQL 5.6, to update any existing applications\nthat rely on it, so that they use CHANGE MASTER TO ...\nMASTER_RETRY_COUNT instead.\n\nMASTER_DELAY specifies how many seconds behind the master the slave\nmust lag. An event received from the master is not executed until at\nleast interval seconds later than its execution on the master. The\ndefault is 0. An error occurs if interval is not a nonnegative integer\nin the range from 0 to 231−1. For more information, see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/replication-delayed.html.\n\nFrom MySQL 5.7, a CHANGE MASTER TO statement employing the MASTER_DELAY\noption can be executed on a running slave when the slave SQL thread is\nstopped.\n\nMASTER_BIND is for use on replication slaves having multiple network\ninterfaces, and determines which of the slave\'s network interfaces is\nchosen for connecting to the master.\n\nThe address configured with this option, if any, can be seen in the\nMaster_Bind column of the output from SHOW SLAVE STATUS. If you are\nusing slave status log tables (server started with\n--master-info-repository=TABLE), the value can also be seen as the\nMaster_bind column of the mysql.slave_master_info table.\n\nThe ability to bind a replication slave to a specific network interface\nis also supported by NDB Cluster.\n\nMASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD sets the interval in seconds between\nreplication heartbeats. Whenever the master\'s binary log is updated\nwith an event, the waiting period for the next heartbeat is reset.\ninterval is a decimal value having the range 0 to 4294967 seconds and a\nresolution in milliseconds; the smallest nonzero value is 0.001.\nHeartbeats are sent by the master only if there are no unsent events in\nthe binary log file for a period longer than interval.\n\nPrior to MySQL 5.7.4, not including MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD caused\nCHANGE MASTER TO to reset the heartbeat period (Slave_heartbeat_period)\nto the default, and Slave_received_heartbeats to 0. (Bug #18185490)\n\nIf you are logging master connection information to tables,\nMASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD can be seen as the value of the Heartbeat\ncolumn of the mysql.slave_master_info table.\n\nSetting interval to 0 disables heartbeats altogether. The default value\nfor interval is equal to the value of slave_net_timeout divided by 2.\n\nSetting @@global.slave_net_timeout to a value less than that of the\ncurrent heartbeat interval results in a warning being issued. The\neffect of issuing RESET SLAVE on the heartbeat interval is to reset it\nto the default value.\n\nMASTER_LOG_FILE and MASTER_LOG_POS are the coordinates at which the\nslave I/O thread should begin reading from the master the next time the\nthread starts. RELAY_LOG_FILE and RELAY_LOG_POS are the coordinates at\nwhich the slave SQL thread should begin reading from the relay log the\nnext time the thread starts. If you specify either of MASTER_LOG_FILE\nor MASTER_LOG_POS, you cannot specify RELAY_LOG_FILE or RELAY_LOG_POS.\nIf you specify either of MASTER_LOG_FILE or MASTER_LOG_POS, you also\ncannot specify MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1 (described later in this\nsection). If neither of MASTER_LOG_FILE or MASTER_LOG_POS is specified,\nthe slave uses the last coordinates of the slave SQL thread before\nCHANGE MASTER TO was issued. This ensures that there is no\ndiscontinuity in replication, even if the slave SQL thread was late\ncompared to the slave I/O thread, when you merely want to change, say,\nthe password to use.\n\nFrom MySQL 5.7, a CHANGE MASTER TO statement employing RELAY_LOG_FILE,\nRELAY_LOG_POS, or both options can be executed on a running slave when\nthe slave SQL thread is stopped.\n\nIf MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1 is used with CHANGE MASTER TO, the slave\nattempts to connect to the master using the GTID-based replication\nprotocol. From MySQL 5.7, this option can be employed by CHANGE MASTER\nTO only if both the slave SQL and slave I/O threads are stopped.\n\nWhen using GTIDs, the slave tells the master which transactions it has\nalready received, executed, or both. To compute this set, it reads the\nglobal value of gtid_executed and the value of the Retrieved_gtid_set\ncolumn from SHOW SLAVE STATUS. The GTID of the last transmitted\ntransaction is included in Retrieved_gtid_set only when the full\ntransaction is received. The slave computes the following set:\n\nUNION(@@global.gtid_executed, Retrieved_gtid_set)\n\nPrior to MySQL 5.7.5, the GTID of the last transmitted transaction was\nincluded in Retrieved_gtid_set even if the transaction was only\npartially transmitted, and the last received GTID was subtracted from\nthis set. (Bug #17943188) Thus, the slave computed the following set:\n\nUNION(@@global.gtid_executed, Retrieved_gtid_set - last_received_GTID)\n\nThis set is sent to the master as part of the initial handshake, and\nthe master sends back all transactions that it has executed which are\nnot part of the set. If any of these transactions have been already\npurged from the master\'s binary log, the master sends the error\nER_MASTER_HAS_PURGED_REQUIRED_GTIDS to the slave, and replication does\nnot start.\n\nWhen GTID-based replication is employed, the coordinates represented by\nMASTER_LOG_FILE and MASTER_LOG_POS are not used, and global transaction\nidentifiers are used instead. Thus the use of either or both of these\noptions together with MASTER_AUTO_POSITION causes an error.\n\nYou can see whether replication is running with autopositioning enabled\nby checking the output of SHOW SLAVE STATUS. (Bug #15992220)\n\ngtid_mode must also be enabled before issuing CHANGE MASTER TO ...\nMASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1. Otherwise, the statement fails with an error.\n\nTo revert to the older file-based replication protocol after using\nGTIDs, you can issue a new CHANGE MASTER TO statement that specifies\nMASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 0, as well as at least one of MASTER_LOG_FILE or\nMASTER_LOG_POS.\n\nPrior to MySQL 5.7.4, CHANGE MASTER TO deletes all relay log files and\nstarts a new one, unless you specify RELAY_LOG_FILE or RELAY_LOG_POS.\nIn that case, relay log files are kept; the relay_log_purge global\nvariable is set silently to 0. In MySQL 5.7.4 and later, relay logs are\npreserved if at least one of the slave SQL thread and the slave I/O\nthread is running; if both threads are stopped, all relay log files are\ndeleted unless at least one of RELAY_LOG_FILE or RELAY_LOG_POS is\nspecified.\n\nRELAY_LOG_FILE can use either an absolute or relative path, and uses\nthe same base name as MASTER_LOG_FILE. (Bug #12190)\n\nIGNORE_SERVER_IDS takes a comma-separated list of 0 or more server IDs.\nEvents originating from the corresponding servers are ignored, with the\nexception of log rotation and deletion events, which are still recorded\nin the relay log.\n\nIn circular replication, the originating server normally acts as the\nterminator of its own events, so that they are not applied more than\nonce. Thus, this option is useful in circular replication when one of\nthe servers in the circle is removed. Suppose that you have a circular\nreplication setup with 4 servers, having server IDs 1, 2, 3, and 4, and\nserver 3 fails. When bridging the gap by starting replication from\nserver 2 to server 4, you can include IGNORE_SERVER_IDS = (3) in the\nCHANGE MASTER TO statement that you issue on server 4 to tell it to use\nserver 2 as its master instead of server 3. Doing so causes it to\nignore and not to propagate any statements that originated with the\nserver that is no longer in use.\n\nIf a CHANGE MASTER TO statement is issued without any IGNORE_SERVER_IDS\noption, any existing list is preserved. To clear the list of ignored\nservers, it is necessary to use the option with an empty list:\n\nCHANGE MASTER TO IGNORE_SERVER_IDS = ();\n\nPrior to MySQL 5.7.5, RESET SLAVE ALL has no effect on the server ID\nlist. In MySQL 5.7.5 and later, RESET SLAVE ALL clears\nIGNORE_SERVER_IDS. (Bug #18816897)\n\nIf IGNORE_SERVER_IDS contains the server\'s own ID and the server was\nstarted with the --replicate-same-server-id option enabled, an error\nresults.\n\nThe master info repository and the output of SHOW SLAVE STATUS provide\nthe list of servers that are currently ignored. For more information,\nsee http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/slave-logs-status.html, and\n[HELP SHOW SLAVE STATUS].\n\nInvoking CHANGE MASTER TO causes the previous values for MASTER_HOST,\nMASTER_PORT, MASTER_LOG_FILE, and MASTER_LOG_POS to be written to the\nerror log, along with other information about the slave\'s state prior\nto execution.\n\nCHANGE MASTER TO causes an implicit commit of an ongoing transaction.\nSee http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/implicit-commit.html.\n\nIn MySQL 5.7.4 and later, the strict requirement to execute STOP SLAVE\nprior to issuing any CHANGE MASTER TO statement (and START SLAVE\nafterward) is removed. Instead of depending on whether the slave is\nstopped, the behavior of CHANGE MASTER TO depends (in MySQL 5.7.4 and\nlater) on the states of the slave SQL thread and slave I/O threads;\nwhich of these threads is stopped or running now determines the options\nthat can or cannot be used with a CHANGE MASTER TO statement at a given\npoint in time. The rules for making this determination are listed here:\n\no If the SQL thread is stopped, you can execute CHANGE MASTER TO using\n any combination that is otherwise allowed of RELAY_LOG_FILE,\n RELAY_LOG_POS, and MASTER_DELAY options, even if the slave I/O thread\n is running. No other options may be used with this statement when the\n I/O thread is running.\n\no If the I/O thread is stopped, you can execute CHANGE MASTER TO using\n any of the options for this statement (in any allowed combination)\n except RELAY_LOG_FILE, RELAY_LOG_POS, or MASTER_DELAY, even when the\n SQL thread is running. These three options may not be used when the\n I/O thread is running.\n\no Both the SQL thread and the I/O thread must be stopped before issuing\n a CHANGE MASTER TO statement that employs MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1.\n\nYou can check the current state of the slave SQL and I/O threads using\nSHOW SLAVE STATUS.\n\nFor more information, see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/replication-solutions-switch.htm\nl.\n\nIf you are using statement-based replication and temporary tables, it\nis possible for a CHANGE MASTER TO statement following a STOP SLAVE\nstatement to leave behind temporary tables on the slave. From MySQL\n5.7, a warning (ER_WARN_OPEN_TEMP_TABLES_MUST_BE_ZERO) is issued\nwhenever this occurs. You can avoid this in such cases by making sure\nthat the value of the Slave_open_temp_tables system status variable is\nequal to 0 prior to executing such a CHANGE MASTER TO statement.\n\nCHANGE MASTER TO is useful for setting up a slave when you have the\nsnapshot of the master and have recorded the master binary log\ncoordinates corresponding to the time of the snapshot. After loading\nthe snapshot into the slave to synchronize it with the master, you can\nrun CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_LOG_FILE=\'log_name\', MASTER_LOG_POS=log_pos\non the slave to specify the coordinates at which the slave should begin\nreading the master binary log.\n\nThe following example changes the master server the slave uses and\nestablishes the master binary log coordinates from which the slave\nbegins reading. This is used when you want to set up the slave to\nreplicate the master:\n\nCHANGE MASTER TO\n MASTER_HOST=\'master2.example.com\',\n MASTER_USER=\'replication\',\n MASTER_PASSWORD=\'password\',\n MASTER_PORT=3306,\n MASTER_LOG_FILE=\'master2-bin.001\',\n MASTER_LOG_POS=4,\n MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY=10;\n\nThe next example shows an operation that is less frequently employed.\nIt is used when the slave has relay log files that you want it to\nexecute again for some reason. To do this, the master need not be\nreachable. You need only use CHANGE MASTER TO and start the SQL thread\n(START SLAVE SQL_THREAD):\n\nCHANGE MASTER TO\n RELAY_LOG_FILE=\'slave-relay-bin.006\',\n RELAY_LOG_POS=4025;\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/change-master-to.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/change-master-to.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (438,32,'TIMESTAMP FUNCTION','Syntax:\nTIMESTAMP(expr), TIMESTAMP(expr1,expr2)\n\nWith a single argument, this function returns the date or datetime\nexpression expr as a datetime value. With two arguments, it adds the\ntime expression expr2 to the date or datetime expression expr1 and\nreturns the result as a datetime value.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT TIMESTAMP(\'2003-12-31\');\n -> \'2003-12-31 00:00:00\'\nmysql> SELECT TIMESTAMP(\'2003-12-31 12:00:00\',\'12:00:00\');\n -> \'2004-01-01 00:00:00\'\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (439,40,'DROP DATABASE','Syntax:\nDROP {DATABASE | SCHEMA} [IF EXISTS] db_name\n\nDROP DATABASE drops all tables in the database and deletes the\ndatabase. Be very careful with this statement! To use DROP DATABASE,\nyou need the DROP privilege on the database. DROP SCHEMA is a synonym\nfor DROP DATABASE.\n\n*Important*:\n\nWhen a database is dropped, privileges granted specifically for the\ndatabase are not automatically dropped. They must be dropped manually.\nSee [HELP GRANT].\n\nIF EXISTS is used to prevent an error from occurring if the database\ndoes not exist.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/drop-database.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/drop-database.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (440,27,'SHOW GRANTS','Syntax:\nSHOW GRANTS [FOR user]\n\nThis statement displays the privileges that are assigned to a MySQL\nuser account, in the form of GRANT statements that must be executed to\nduplicate the privilege assignments.\n\n*Note*:\n\nTo display nonprivilege information for MySQL accounts, use the SHOW\nCREATE USER statement. See [HELP SHOW CREATE USER].\n\nSHOW GRANTS requires the SELECT privilege for the mysql database,\nexcept to display privileges for the current user.\n\nTo name the account for SHOW GRANTS, use the same format as for the\nGRANT statement; for example, \'jeffrey\'@\'localhost\':\n\nmysql> SHOW GRANTS FOR \'jeffrey\'@\'localhost\';\n+------------------------------------------------------------------+\n| Grants for jeffrey@localhost |\n+------------------------------------------------------------------+\n| GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `jeffrey`@`localhost` |\n| GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON `db1`.* TO `jeffrey`@`localhost` |\n+------------------------------------------------------------------+\n\nThe host part, if omitted, defaults to \'%\'. For additional information\nabout specifying account names, see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/account-names.html.\n\nTo display the privileges granted to the current user (the account you\nare using to connect to the server), you can use any of the following\nstatements:\n\nSHOW GRANTS;\nSHOW GRANTS FOR CURRENT_USER;\nSHOW GRANTS FOR CURRENT_USER();\n\nIf SHOW GRANTS FOR CURRENT_USER (or any of the equivalent syntaxes) is\nused in definer context, such as within a stored procedure that\nexecutes with definer rather than invoker privileges), the grants\ndisplayed are those of the definer and not the invoker.\n\nSHOW GRANTS does not display privileges that are available to the named\naccount but are granted to a different account. For example, if an\nanonymous account exists, the named account might be able to use its\nprivileges, but SHOW GRANTS does not display them.\n\nSHOW GRANTS output does not include IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD clauses. Use\nthe SHOW CREATE USER statement instead. See [HELP SHOW CREATE USER].\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-grants.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-grants.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (441,7,'JSON_CONTAINS_PATH','Syntax:\nJSON_CONTAINS_PATH(json_doc, one_or_all, path[, path] ...)\n\nReturns 0 or 1 to indicate whether a JSON document contains data at a\ngiven path or paths. Returns NULL if any argument is NULL. An error\noccurs if the json_doc argument is not a valid JSON document, any path\nargument is not a valid path expression, or one_or_all is not \'one\' or\n\'all\'.\n\nTo check for a specific value at a path, use JSON_CONTAINS() instead.\n\nThe return value is 0 if no specified path exists within the document.\nOtherwise, the return value depends on the one_or_all argument:\n\no \'one\': 1 if at least one path exists within the document, 0\n otherwise.\n\no \'all\': 1 if all paths exist within the document, 0 otherwise.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/json-search-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SET @j = \'{"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": {"d": 4}}\';\nmysql> SELECT JSON_CONTAINS_PATH(@j, \'one\', \'$.a\', \'$.e\');\n+---------------------------------------------+\n| JSON_CONTAINS_PATH(@j, \'one\', \'$.a\', \'$.e\') |\n+---------------------------------------------+\n| 1 |\n+---------------------------------------------+\nmysql> SELECT JSON_CONTAINS_PATH(@j, \'all\', \'$.a\', \'$.e\');\n+---------------------------------------------+\n| JSON_CONTAINS_PATH(@j, \'all\', \'$.a\', \'$.e\') |\n+---------------------------------------------+\n| 0 |\n+---------------------------------------------+\nmysql> SELECT JSON_CONTAINS_PATH(@j, \'one\', \'$.c.d\');\n+----------------------------------------+\n| JSON_CONTAINS_PATH(@j, \'one\', \'$.c.d\') |\n+----------------------------------------+\n| 1 |\n+----------------------------------------+\nmysql> SELECT JSON_CONTAINS_PATH(@j, \'one\', \'$.a.d\');\n+----------------------------------------+\n| JSON_CONTAINS_PATH(@j, \'one\', \'$.a.d\') |\n+----------------------------------------+\n| 0 |\n+----------------------------------------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/json-search-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (442,33,'ST_MPOINTFROMWKB','ST_MPointFromWKB(wkb[, srid]), ST_MultiPointFromWKB(wkb[, srid])\n\nConstructs a MultiPoint value using its WKB representation and SRID.\n\nThe result is NULL if the WKB or SRID argument is NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-wkb-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-wkb-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (443,3,'CRC32','Syntax:\nCRC32(expr)\n\nComputes a cyclic redundancy check value and returns a 32-bit unsigned\nvalue. The result is NULL if the argument is NULL. The argument is\nexpected to be a string and (if possible) is treated as one if it is\nnot.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mathematical-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT CRC32(\'MySQL\');\n -> 3259397556\nmysql> SELECT CRC32(\'mysql\');\n -> 2501908538\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mathematical-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (444,13,'STARTPOINT','StartPoint(ls)\n\nST_StartPoint() and StartPoint() are synonyms. For more information,\nsee the description of ST_StartPoint().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-linestring-property-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-linestring-property-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (445,24,'DECLARE VARIABLE','Syntax:\nDECLARE var_name [, var_name] ... type [DEFAULT value]\n\nThis statement declares local variables within stored programs. To\nprovide a default value for a variable, include a DEFAULT clause. The\nvalue can be specified as an expression; it need not be a constant. If\nthe DEFAULT clause is missing, the initial value is NULL.\n\nLocal variables are treated like stored routine parameters with respect\nto data type and overflow checking. See [HELP CREATE PROCEDURE].\n\nVariable declarations must appear before cursor or handler\ndeclarations.\n\nLocal variable names are not case-sensitive. Permissible characters and\nquoting rules are the same as for other identifiers, as described in\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/identifiers.html.\n\nThe scope of a local variable is the BEGIN ... END block within which\nit is declared. The variable can be referred to in blocks nested within\nthe declaring block, except those blocks that declare a variable with\nthe same name.\n\nFor examples of variable declarations, see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/local-variable-scope.html.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/declare-local-variable.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/declare-local-variable.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (446,4,'MPOLYFROMTEXT','MPolyFromText(wkt[, srid]), MultiPolygonFromText(wkt[, srid])\n\nST_MPolyFromText(), ST_MultiPolygonFromText(), MPolyFromText(), and\nMultiPolygonFromText() are synonyms. For more information, see the\ndescription of ST_MPolyFromText().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-wkt-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-wkt-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (447,20,'NOT BETWEEN','Syntax:\nexpr NOT BETWEEN min AND max\n\nThis is the same as NOT (expr BETWEEN min AND max).\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/comparison-operators.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/comparison-operators.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (448,32,'YEARWEEK','Syntax:\nYEARWEEK(date), YEARWEEK(date,mode)\n\nReturns year and week for a date. The year in the result may be\ndifferent from the year in the date argument for the first and the last\nweek of the year.\n\nThe mode argument works exactly like the mode argument to WEEK(). For\nthe single-argument syntax, a mode value of 0 is used. Unlike WEEK(),\nthe value of default_week_format does not influence YEARWEEK().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT YEARWEEK(\'1987-01-01\');\n -> 198652\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (449,16,'BIT_OR','Syntax:\nBIT_OR(expr)\n\nReturns the bitwise OR of all bits in expr. The calculation is\nperformed with 64-bit (BIGINT) precision.\n\nIf there are no matching rows, BIT_OR() returns a neutral value (all\nbits set to 0).\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/group-by-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/group-by-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (450,3,'LOG10','Syntax:\nLOG10(X)\n\nReturns the base-10 logarithm of X. If X is less than or equal to\n0.0E0, the function returns NULL and (as of MySQL 5.7.4) a warning\n"Invalid argument for logarithm" is reported.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mathematical-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT LOG10(2);\n -> 0.30102999566398\nmysql> SELECT LOG10(100);\n -> 2\nmysql> SELECT LOG10(-100);\n -> NULL\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mathematical-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (451,23,'DECIMAL','DECIMAL[(M[,D])] [UNSIGNED] [ZEROFILL]\n\nA packed "exact" fixed-point number. M is the total number of digits\n(the precision) and D is the number of digits after the decimal point\n(the scale). The decimal point and (for negative numbers) the - sign\nare not counted in M. If D is 0, values have no decimal point or\nfractional part. The maximum number of digits (M) for DECIMAL is 65.\nThe maximum number of supported decimals (D) is 30. If D is omitted,\nthe default is 0. If M is omitted, the default is 10.\n\nUNSIGNED, if specified, disallows negative values.\n\nAll basic calculations (+, -, *, /) with DECIMAL columns are done with\na precision of 65 digits.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/numeric-type-overview.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/numeric-type-overview.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (452,40,'CREATE FUNCTION','The CREATE FUNCTION statement is used to create stored functions and\nuser-defined functions (UDFs):\n\no For information about creating stored functions, see [HELP CREATE\n PROCEDURE].\n\no For information about creating user-defined functions, see [HELP\n CREATE FUNCTION UDF].\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/create-function.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/create-function.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (453,20,'<','Syntax:\n<\n\nLess than:\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/comparison-operators.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT 2 < 2;\n -> 0\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/comparison-operators.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (454,12,'MD5','Syntax:\nMD5(str)\n\nCalculates an MD5 128-bit checksum for the string. The value is\nreturned as a string of 32 hexadecimal digits, or NULL if the argument\nwas NULL. The return value can, for example, be used as a hash key. See\nthe notes at the beginning of this section about storing hash values\nefficiently.\n\nThe return value is a string in the connection character set.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/encryption-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT MD5(\'testing\');\n -> \'ae2b1fca515949e5d54fb22b8ed95575\'\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/encryption-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (455,32,'DAYOFMONTH','Syntax:\nDAYOFMONTH(date)\n\nReturns the day of the month for date, in the range 1 to 31, or 0 for\ndates such as \'0000-00-00\' or \'2008-00-00\' that have a zero day part.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT DAYOFMONTH(\'2007-02-03\');\n -> 3\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (456,32,'UNIX_TIMESTAMP','Syntax:\nUNIX_TIMESTAMP(), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date)\n\nIf called with no argument, returns a Unix timestamp (seconds since\n\'1970-01-01 00:00:00\' UTC). The return value is an integer if no\nargument is given or the argument does not include a fractional seconds\npart, or DECIMAL if an argument is given that includes a fractional\nseconds part.\n\nIf UNIX_TIMESTAMP() is called with a date argument, it returns the\nvalue of the argument as seconds since \'1970-01-01 00:00:00\' UTC. The\ndate argument may be a DATE, DATETIME, or TIMESTAMP string, or a number\nin YYMMDD, YYMMDDHHMMSS, YYYYMMDD, or YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format. If the\nargument includes a time part, it may optionally include a fractional\nseconds part. The server interprets date as a value in the current time\nzone and converts it to an internal value in UTC. Clients can set their\ntime zone as described in\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/time-zone-support.html.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP();\n -> 1447431666\nmysql> SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(\'2015-11-13 10:20:19\');\n -> 1447431619\nmysql> SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(\'2015-11-13 10:20:19.012\');\n -> 1447431619.012\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (457,26,'ST_INTERSECTION','ST_Intersection(g1, g2)\n\nReturns a geometry that represents the point set intersection of the\ngeometry values g1 and g2. If any argument is NULL, the return value is\nNULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-operator-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SET @g1 = ST_GeomFromText(\'LineString(1 1, 3 3)\');\nmysql> SET @g2 = ST_GeomFromText(\'LineString(1 3, 3 1)\');\nmysql> SELECT ST_AsText(ST_Intersection(@g1, @g2));\n+--------------------------------------+\n| ST_AsText(ST_Intersection(@g1, @g2)) |\n+--------------------------------------+\n| POINT(2 2) |\n+--------------------------------------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-operator-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (458,10,'RENAME USER','Syntax:\nRENAME USER old_user TO new_user\n [, old_user TO new_user] ...\n\nThe RENAME USER statement renames existing MySQL accounts. An error\noccurs for old accounts that do not exist or new accounts that already\nexist.\n\nTo use RENAME USER, you must have the global CREATE USER privilege, or\nthe UPDATE privilege for the mysql database. When the read_only system\nvariable is enabled, RENAME USER additionally requires the SUPER\nprivilege.\n\nEach account name uses the format described in\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/account-names.html. For example:\n\nRENAME USER \'jeffrey\'@\'localhost\' TO \'jeff\'@\'\';\n\nThe host name part of the account name, if omitted, defaults to \'%\'.\n\nRENAME USER causes the privileges held by the old user to be those held\nby the new user. However, RENAME USER does not automatically drop or\ninvalidate databases or objects within them that the old user created.\nThis includes stored programs or views for which the DEFINER attribute\nnames the old user. Attempts to access such objects may produce an\nerror if they execute in definer security context. (For information\nabout security context, see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/stored-programs-security.html.)\n\nThe privilege changes take effect as indicated in\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/privilege-changes.html.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/rename-user.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/rename-user.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (459,13,'NUMPOINTS','NumPoints(ls)\n\nST_NumPoints() and NumPoints() are synonyms. For more information, see\nthe description of ST_NumPoints().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-linestring-property-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-linestring-property-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (460,40,'ALTER LOGFILE GROUP','Syntax:\nALTER LOGFILE GROUP logfile_group\n ADD UNDOFILE \'file_name\'\n [INITIAL_SIZE [=] size]\n [WAIT]\n ENGINE [=] engine_name\n\nThis statement adds an UNDO file named \'file_name\' to an existing log\nfile group logfile_group. An ALTER LOGFILE GROUP statement has one and\nonly one ADD UNDOFILE clause. No DROP UNDOFILE clause is currently\nsupported.\n\n*Note*:\n\nAll NDB Cluster Disk Data objects share the same namespace. This means\nthat each Disk Data object must be uniquely named (and not merely each\nDisk Data object of a given type). For example, you cannot have a\ntablespace and an undo log file with the same name, or an undo log file\nand a data file with the same name.\n\nThe optional INITIAL_SIZE parameter sets the UNDO file\'s initial size\nin bytes; if not specified, the initial size defaults to 134217728 (128\nMB). You may optionally follow size with a one-letter abbreviation for\nan order of magnitude, similar to those used in my.cnf. Generally, this\nis one of the letters M (megabytes) or G (gigabytes). (Bug #13116514,\nBug #16104705, Bug #62858)\n\nOn 32-bit systems, the maximum supported value for INITIAL_SIZE is\n4294967296 (4 GB). (Bug #29186)\n\nThe minimum allowed value for INITIAL_SIZE is 1048576 (1 MB). (Bug\n#29574)\n\n*Note*:\n\nWAIT is parsed but otherwise ignored. This keyword currently has no\neffect, and is intended for future expansion.\n\nThe ENGINE parameter (required) determines the storage engine which is\nused by this log file group, with engine_name being the name of the\nstorage engine. Currently, the only accepted values for engine_name are\n"NDBCLUSTER" and "NDB". The two values are equivalent.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/alter-logfile-group.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/alter-logfile-group.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (461,32,'LOCALTIMESTAMP','Syntax:\nLOCALTIMESTAMP, LOCALTIMESTAMP([fsp])\n\nLOCALTIMESTAMP and LOCALTIMESTAMP() are synonyms for NOW().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (462,32,'ADDDATE','Syntax:\nADDDATE(date,INTERVAL expr unit), ADDDATE(expr,days)\n\nWhen invoked with the INTERVAL form of the second argument, ADDDATE()\nis a synonym for DATE_ADD(). The related function SUBDATE() is a\nsynonym for DATE_SUB(). For information on the INTERVAL unit argument,\nsee the discussion for DATE_ADD().\n\nmysql> SELECT DATE_ADD(\'2008-01-02\', INTERVAL 31 DAY);\n -> \'2008-02-02\'\nmysql> SELECT ADDDATE(\'2008-01-02\', INTERVAL 31 DAY);\n -> \'2008-02-02\'\n\nWhen invoked with the days form of the second argument, MySQL treats it\nas an integer number of days to be added to expr.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT ADDDATE(\'2008-01-02\', 31);\n -> \'2008-02-02\'\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (463,7,'CREATE_DIGEST','Syntax:\nCREATE_DIGEST(digest_type, str)\n\nCreates a digest from the given string using the given digest type, and\nreturns the digest as a binary string. If digest generation fails, the\nresult is NULL.\n\nSupported digest_type values: \'SHA224\', \'SHA256\', \'SHA384\', \'SHA512\'\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/enterprise-encryption-functions.html\n\n','SET @dig = CREATE_DIGEST(\'SHA512\', The quick brown fox\');\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/enterprise-encryption-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (464,7,'->','Syntax:\ncolumn->path\n\nIn MySQL 5.7.9 and later, the -> operator serves as an alias for the\nJSON_EXTRACT() function when used with two arguments, a column\nidentifier on the left and a JSON path on the right that is evaluated\nagainst the JSON document (the column value). You can use such\nexpressions in place of column identifiers wherever they occur in SQL\nstatements.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/json-search-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT c, JSON_EXTRACT(c, "$.id"), g\n > FROM jemp\n > WHERE JSON_EXTRACT(c, "$.id") > 1\n > ORDER BY JSON_EXTRACT(c, "$.name");\n+-------------------------------+-----------+------+\n| c | c->"$.id" | g |\n+-------------------------------+-----------+------+\n| {"id": "3", "name": "Barney"} | "3" | 3 |\n| {"id": "4", "name": "Betty"} | "4" | 4 |\n| {"id": "2", "name": "Wilma"} | "2" | 2 |\n+-------------------------------+-----------+------+\n3 rows in set (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> SELECT c, c->"$.id", g\n > FROM jemp\n > WHERE c->"$.id" > 1\n > ORDER BY c->"$.name";\n+-------------------------------+-----------+------+\n| c | c->"$.id" | g |\n+-------------------------------+-----------+------+\n| {"id": "3", "name": "Barney"} | "3" | 3 |\n| {"id": "4", "name": "Betty"} | "4" | 4 |\n| {"id": "2", "name": "Wilma"} | "2" | 2 |\n+-------------------------------+-----------+------+\n3 rows in set (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> ALTER TABLE jemp ADD COLUMN n INT;\nQuery OK, 0 rows affected (0.68 sec)\nRecords: 0 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0\n\nmysql> UPDATE jemp SET n=1 WHERE c->"$.id" = "4";\nQuery OK, 1 row affected (0.04 sec)\nRows matched: 1 Changed: 1 Warnings: 0\n\nmysql> SELECT c, c->"$.id", g, n\n > FROM jemp\n > WHERE JSON_EXTRACT(c, "$.id") > 1\n > ORDER BY c->"$.name";\n+-------------------------------+-----------+------+------+\n| c | c->"$.id" | g | n |\n+-------------------------------+-----------+------+------+\n| {"id": "3", "name": "Barney"} | "3" | 3 | NULL |\n| {"id": "4", "name": "Betty"} | "4" | 4 | 1 |\n| {"id": "2", "name": "Wilma"} | "2" | 2 | NULL |\n+-------------------------------+-----------+------+------+\n3 rows in set (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> DELETE FROM jemp WHERE c->"$.id" = "4";\nQuery OK, 1 row affected (0.04 sec)\n\nmysql> SELECT c, c->"$.id", g, n\n > FROM jemp\n > WHERE JSON_EXTRACT(c, "$.id") > 1\n > ORDER BY c->"$.name";\n+-------------------------------+-----------+------+------+\n| c | c->"$.id" | g | n |\n+-------------------------------+-----------+------+------+\n| {"id": "3", "name": "Barney"} | "3" | 3 | NULL |\n| {"id": "2", "name": "Wilma"} | "2" | 2 | NULL |\n+-------------------------------+-----------+------+------+\n2 rows in set (0.00 sec)\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/json-search-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (465,40,'ALTER FUNCTION','Syntax:\nALTER FUNCTION func_name [characteristic ...]\n\ncharacteristic:\n COMMENT \'string\'\n | LANGUAGE SQL\n | { CONTAINS SQL | NO SQL | READS SQL DATA | MODIFIES SQL DATA }\n | SQL SECURITY { DEFINER | INVOKER }\n\nThis statement can be used to change the characteristics of a stored\nfunction. More than one change may be specified in an ALTER FUNCTION\nstatement. However, you cannot change the parameters or body of a\nstored function using this statement; to make such changes, you must\ndrop and re-create the function using DROP FUNCTION and CREATE\nFUNCTION.\n\nYou must have the ALTER ROUTINE privilege for the function. (That\nprivilege is granted automatically to the function creator.) If binary\nlogging is enabled, the ALTER FUNCTION statement might also require the\nSUPER privilege, as described in\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/stored-programs-logging.html.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/alter-function.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/alter-function.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (466,8,'DEALLOCATE PREPARE','Syntax:\n{DEALLOCATE | DROP} PREPARE stmt_name\n\nTo deallocate a prepared statement produced with PREPARE, use a\nDEALLOCATE PREPARE statement that refers to the prepared statement\nname. Attempting to execute a prepared statement after deallocating it\nresults in an error. If too many prepared statements are created and\nnot deallocated by either the DEALLOCATE PREPARE statement or the end\nof the session, you might encounter the upper limit enforced by the\nmax_prepared_stmt_count system variable.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/deallocate-prepare.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/deallocate-prepare.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (467,14,'IS_FREE_LOCK','Syntax:\nIS_FREE_LOCK(str)\n\nChecks whether the lock named str is free to use (that is, not locked).\nReturns 1 if the lock is free (no one is using the lock), 0 if the lock\nis in use, and NULL if an error occurs (such as an incorrect argument).\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/miscellaneous-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/miscellaneous-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (468,26,'CONVEXHULL','ConvexHull(g)\n\nST_ConvexHull() and ConvexHull() are synonyms. For more information,\nsee the description of ST_ConvexHull().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-operator-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-operator-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (469,31,'TOUCHES','Touches(g1, g2)\n\nST_Touches() and Touches() are synonyms. For more information, see the\ndescription of ST_Touches().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-relation-functions-object-shapes.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-relation-functions-object-shapes.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (470,23,'AUTO_INCREMENT','The AUTO_INCREMENT attribute can be used to generate a unique identity\nfor new rows:\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/example-auto-increment.html\n\n','CREATE TABLE animals (\n id MEDIUMINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n name CHAR(30) NOT NULL,\n PRIMARY KEY (id)\n);\n\nINSERT INTO animals (name) VALUES\n (\'dog\'),(\'cat\'),(\'penguin\'),\n (\'lax\'),(\'whale\'),(\'ostrich\');\n\nSELECT * FROM animals;\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/example-auto-increment.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (471,12,'UNCOMPRESS','Syntax:\nUNCOMPRESS(string_to_uncompress)\n\nUncompresses a string compressed by the COMPRESS() function. If the\nargument is not a compressed value, the result is NULL. This function\nrequires MySQL to have been compiled with a compression library such as\nzlib. Otherwise, the return value is always NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/encryption-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT UNCOMPRESS(COMPRESS(\'any string\'));\n -> \'any string\'\nmysql> SELECT UNCOMPRESS(\'any string\');\n -> NULL\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/encryption-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (472,4,'GEOMCOLLFROMTEXT','GeomCollFromText(wkt[, srid]), GeometryCollectionFromText(wkt[, srid])\n\nST_GeomCollFromText(), ST_GeometryCollectionFromText(),\nST_GeomCollFromTxt(), GeomCollFromText(), and\nGeometryCollectionFromText() are synonyms. For more information, see\nthe description of ST_GeomCollFromText().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-wkt-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-wkt-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (473,2,'ST_INTERIORRINGN','ST_InteriorRingN(poly, N)\n\nReturns the N-th interior ring for the Polygon value poly as a\nLineString. Rings are numbered beginning with 1. If the argument is\nNULL or an empty geometry, the return value is NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-polygon-property-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SET @poly =\n -> \'Polygon((0 0,0 3,3 3,3 0,0 0),(1 1,1 2,2 2,2 1,1 1))\';\nmysql> SELECT ST_AsText(ST_InteriorRingN(ST_GeomFromText(@poly),1));\n+-------------------------------------------------------+\n| ST_AsText(ST_InteriorRingN(ST_GeomFromText(@poly),1)) |\n+-------------------------------------------------------+\n| LINESTRING(1 1,1 2,2 2,2 1,1 1) |\n+-------------------------------------------------------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-polygon-property-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (474,17,'LAST_INSERT_ID','Syntax:\nLAST_INSERT_ID(), LAST_INSERT_ID(expr)\n\nWith no argument, LAST_INSERT_ID() returns a BIGINT UNSIGNED (64-bit)\nvalue representing the first automatically generated value successfully\ninserted for an AUTO_INCREMENT column as a result of the most recently\nexecuted INSERT statement. The value of LAST_INSERT_ID() remains\nunchanged if no rows are successfully inserted.\n\nWith an argument, LAST_INSERT_ID() returns an unsigned integer.\n\nFor example, after inserting a row that generates an AUTO_INCREMENT\nvalue, you can get the value like this:\n\nmysql> SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID();\n -> 195\n\nThe currently executing statement does not affect the value of\nLAST_INSERT_ID(). Suppose that you generate an AUTO_INCREMENT value\nwith one statement, and then refer to LAST_INSERT_ID() in a\nmultiple-row INSERT statement that inserts rows into a table with its\nown AUTO_INCREMENT column. The value of LAST_INSERT_ID() will remain\nstable in the second statement; its value for the second and later rows\nis not affected by the earlier row insertions. (However, if you mix\nreferences to LAST_INSERT_ID() and LAST_INSERT_ID(expr), the effect is\nundefined.)\n\nIf the previous statement returned an error, the value of\nLAST_INSERT_ID() is undefined. For transactional tables, if the\nstatement is rolled back due to an error, the value of LAST_INSERT_ID()\nis left undefined. For manual ROLLBACK, the value of LAST_INSERT_ID()\nis not restored to that before the transaction; it remains as it was at\nthe point of the ROLLBACK.\n\nPrior to MySQL 5.7.3, this function was not replicated correctly if\nreplication filtering rules were in use. (Bug #17234370, Bug #69861)\n\nWithin the body of a stored routine (procedure or function) or a\ntrigger, the value of LAST_INSERT_ID() changes the same way as for\nstatements executed outside the body of these kinds of objects. The\neffect of a stored routine or trigger upon the value of\nLAST_INSERT_ID() that is seen by following statements depends on the\nkind of routine:\n\no If a stored procedure executes statements that change the value of\n LAST_INSERT_ID(), the changed value is seen by statements that follow\n the procedure call.\n\no For stored functions and triggers that change the value, the value is\n restored when the function or trigger ends, so following statements\n will not see a changed value.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/information-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/information-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (475,3,'FLOOR','Syntax:\nFLOOR(X)\n\nReturns the largest integer value not greater than X.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mathematical-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT FLOOR(1.23), FLOOR(-1.23);\n -> 1, -2\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mathematical-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (476,3,'COS','Syntax:\nCOS(X)\n\nReturns the cosine of X, where X is given in radians.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mathematical-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT COS(PI());\n -> -1\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mathematical-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (477,16,'STD','Syntax:\nSTD(expr)\n\nReturns the population standard deviation of expr. STD() is a synonym\nfor the standard SQL function STDDEV_POP(), provided as a MySQL\nextension.\n\nIf there are no matching rows, STD() returns NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/group-by-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/group-by-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (478,32,'DATE FUNCTION','Syntax:\nDATE(expr)\n\nExtracts the date part of the date or datetime expression expr.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT DATE(\'2003-12-31 01:02:03\');\n -> \'2003-12-31\'\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (479,3,'TAN','Syntax:\nTAN(X)\n\nReturns the tangent of X, where X is given in radians.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mathematical-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT TAN(PI());\n -> -1.2246063538224e-16\nmysql> SELECT TAN(PI()+1);\n -> 1.5574077246549\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mathematical-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (480,32,'WEEKOFYEAR','Syntax:\nWEEKOFYEAR(date)\n\nReturns the calendar week of the date as a number in the range from 1\nto 53. WEEKOFYEAR() is a compatibility function that is equivalent to\nWEEK(date,3).\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT WEEKOFYEAR(\'2008-02-20\');\n -> 8\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (481,26,'ST_CONVEXHULL','ST_ConvexHull(g)\n\nReturns a geometry that represents the convex hull of the geometry\nvalue g. If the argument is NULL, the return value is NULL.\n\nThis function computes a geometry\'s convex hull by first checking\nwhether its vertex points are colinear. The function returns a linear\nhull if so, a polygon hull otherwise. This function processes geometry\ncollections by extracting all vertex points of all components of the\ncollection, creating a MultiPoint value from them, and computing its\nconvex hull. If the argument is an empty geometry collection, the\nreturn value is NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-operator-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SET @g = \'MULTIPOINT(5 0,25 0,15 10,15 25)\';\nmysql> SELECT ST_AsText(ST_ConvexHull(ST_GeomFromText(@g)));\n+-----------------------------------------------+\n| ST_AsText(ST_ConvexHull(ST_GeomFromText(@g))) |\n+-----------------------------------------------+\n| POLYGON((5 0,25 0,15 25,5 0)) |\n+-----------------------------------------------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-operator-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (482,32,'SUBTIME','Syntax:\nSUBTIME(expr1,expr2)\n\nSUBTIME() returns expr1 − expr2 expressed as a value in the same\nformat as expr1. expr1 is a time or datetime expression, and expr2 is a\ntime expression.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT SUBTIME(\'2007-12-31 23:59:59.999999\',\'1 1:1:1.000002\');\n -> \'2007-12-30 22:58:58.999997\'\nmysql> SELECT SUBTIME(\'01:00:00.999999\', \'02:00:00.999998\');\n -> \'-00:59:59.999999\'\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (483,3,'LOG2','Syntax:\nLOG2(X)\n\nReturns the base-2 logarithm of X. If X is less than or equal to 0.0E0,\nthe function returns NULL and (as of MySQL 5.7.4) a warning "Invalid\nargument for logarithm" is reported.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mathematical-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT LOG2(65536);\n -> 16\nmysql> SELECT LOG2(-100);\n -> NULL\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mathematical-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (484,12,'UNCOMPRESSED_LENGTH','Syntax:\nUNCOMPRESSED_LENGTH(compressed_string)\n\nReturns the length that the compressed string had before being\ncompressed.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/encryption-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT UNCOMPRESSED_LENGTH(COMPRESS(REPEAT(\'a\',30)));\n -> 30\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/encryption-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (485,40,'DROP TABLE','Syntax:\nDROP [TEMPORARY] TABLE [IF EXISTS]\n tbl_name [, tbl_name] ...\n [RESTRICT | CASCADE]\n\nDROP TABLE removes one or more tables. You must have the DROP privilege\nfor each table.\n\nBe careful with this statement! It removes the table definition and all\ntable data. For a partitioned table, it permanently removes the table\ndefinition, all its partitions, and all data stored in those\npartitions. It also removes partition definitions associated with the\ndropped table.\n\nDROP TABLE causes an implicit commit, except when used with the\nTEMPORARY keyword. See\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/implicit-commit.html.\n\n*Important*:\n\nWhen a table is dropped, privileges granted specifically for the table\nare not automatically dropped. They must be dropped manually. See [HELP\nGRANT].\n\nIf any tables named in the argument list do not exist, the statement\nreturns an error indicating by name which nonexisting tables it was\nunable to drop, but also drops all tables in the list that do exist.\n\nUse IF EXISTS to prevent an error from occurring for tables that do not\nexist. Instead of an error, a NOTE is generated for each nonexistent\ntable; these notes can be displayed with SHOW WARNINGS. See [HELP SHOW\nWARNINGS].\n\nIF EXISTS can also be useful for dropping tables in unusual\ncircumstances under which there is an .frm file but no table managed by\nthe storage engine. (For example, if an abnormal server exit occurs\nafter removal of the table from the storage engine but before .frm file\nremoval.)\n\nThe TEMPORARY keyword has the following effects:\n\no The statement drops only TEMPORARY tables.\n\no The statement does not cause an implicit commit.\n\no No access rights are checked. A TEMPORARY table is visible only with\n the session that created it, so no check is necessary.\n\nUsing TEMPORARY is a good way to ensure that you do not accidentally\ndrop a non-TEMPORARY table.\n\nThe RESTRICT and CASCADE keywords do nothing. They are permitted to\nmake porting easier from other database systems.\n\nDROP TABLE is not supported with all innodb_force_recovery settings.\nSee\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/forcing-innodb-recovery.html.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/drop-table.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/drop-table.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (486,3,'POW','Syntax:\nPOW(X,Y)\n\nReturns the value of X raised to the power of Y.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mathematical-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT POW(2,2);\n -> 4\nmysql> SELECT POW(2,-2);\n -> 0.25\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mathematical-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (487,32,'NOW','Syntax:\nNOW([fsp])\n\nReturns the current date and time as a value in \'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS\'\nor YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format, depending on whether the function is used in\na string or numeric context. The value is expressed in the current time\nzone.\n\nIf the fsp argument is given to specify a fractional seconds precision\nfrom 0 to 6, the return value includes a fractional seconds part of\nthat many digits.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT NOW();\n -> \'2007-12-15 23:50:26\'\nmysql> SELECT NOW() + 0;\n -> 20071215235026.000000\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (488,27,'SHOW ENGINES','Syntax:\nSHOW [STORAGE] ENGINES\n\nSHOW ENGINES displays status information about the server\'s storage\nengines. This is particularly useful for checking whether a storage\nengine is supported, or to see what the default engine is. This\ninformation can also be obtained from the INFORMATION_SCHEMA ENGINES\ntable. See http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/engines-table.html.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-engines.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-engines.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (489,4,'ST_POINTFROMTEXT','ST_PointFromText(wkt[, srid])\n\nConstructs a Point value using its WKT representation and SRID.\n\nIf the geometry argument is NULL or not a syntactically well-formed\ngeometry, or if the SRID argument is NULL, the return value is NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-wkt-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-wkt-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (490,13,'ST_ENDPOINT','ST_EndPoint(ls)\n\nReturns the Point that is the endpoint of the LineString value ls. If\nthe argument is NULL or an empty geometry, the return value is NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-linestring-property-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SET @ls = \'LineString(1 1,2 2,3 3)\';\nmysql> SELECT ST_AsText(ST_EndPoint(ST_GeomFromText(@ls)));\n+----------------------------------------------+\n| ST_AsText(ST_EndPoint(ST_GeomFromText(@ls))) |\n+----------------------------------------------+\n| POINT(3 3) |\n+----------------------------------------------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-linestring-property-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (491,14,'IS_IPV6','Syntax:\nIS_IPV6(expr)\n\nReturns 1 if the argument is a valid IPv6 address specified as a\nstring, 0 otherwise. This function does not consider IPv4 addresses to\nbe valid IPv6 addresses.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/miscellaneous-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT IS_IPV6(\'\'), IS_IPV6(\'::1\');\n -> 0, 1\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/miscellaneous-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (492,23,'LONGBLOB','LONGBLOB\n\nA BLOB column with a maximum length of 4,294,967,295 or 4GB (232 − 1)\nbytes. The effective maximum length of LONGBLOB columns depends on the\nconfigured maximum packet size in the client/server protocol and\navailable memory. Each LONGBLOB value is stored using a 4-byte length\nprefix that indicates the number of bytes in the value.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-type-overview.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-type-overview.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (493,31,'ST_OVERLAPS','ST_Overlaps(g1, g2)\n\nTwo geometries spatially overlap if they intersect and their\nintersection results in a geometry of the same dimension but not equal\nto either of the given geometries.\n\nThis function returns 1 or 0 to indicate whether g1 spatially overlaps\ng2.\n\nThis function returns 0 if called with an inapplicable geometry\nargument type combination. For example, it returns 0 if called with\ngeometries of different dimensions or any argument is a Point.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-relation-functions-object-shapes.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-relation-functions-object-shapes.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (494,23,'YEAR DATA TYPE','YEAR[(4)]\n\nA year in four-digit format. MySQL displays YEAR values in YYYY format,\nbut permits assignment of values to YEAR columns using either strings\nor numbers. Values display as 1901 to 2155, and 0000.\n\n*Note*:\n\nThe YEAR(2) data type is deprecated and support for it is removed in\nMySQL 5.7.5. To convert YEAR(2) columns to YEAR(4), see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/migrating-to-year4.html.\n\nFor additional information about YEAR display format and interpretation\nof input values, see http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/year.html.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-type-overview.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-type-overview.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (495,16,'SUM','Syntax:\nSUM([DISTINCT] expr)\n\nReturns the sum of expr. If the return set has no rows, SUM() returns\nNULL. The DISTINCT keyword can be used to sum only the distinct values\nof expr.\n\nIf there are no matching rows, SUM() returns NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/group-by-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/group-by-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (496,7,'JSON_SET','Syntax:\nJSON_SET(json_doc, path, val[, path, val] ...)\n\nInserts or updates data in a JSON document and returns the result.\nReturns NULL if any argument is NULL or path, if given, does not locate\nan object. An error occurs if the json_doc argument is not a valid JSON\ndocument or any path argument is not a valid path expression or\ncontains a * or ** wildcard.\n\nThe path-value pairs are evaluated left to right. The document produced\nby evaluating one pair becomes the new value against which the next\npair is evaluated.\n\nA path-value pair for an existing path in the document overwrites the\nexisting document value with the new value. A path-value pair for a\nnonexisting path in the document adds the value to the document if the\npath identifies one of these types of values:\n\no A member not present in an existing object. The member is added to\n the object and associated with the new value.\n\no A position past the end of an existing array. The array is extended\n with the new value. If the existing value is not an array, it is\n autowrapped as an array, then extended with the new value.\n\nOtherwise, a path-value pair for a nonexisting path in the document is\nignored and has no effect.\n\nThe JSON_SET(), JSON_INSERT(), and JSON_REPLACE() functions are\nrelated:\n\no JSON_SET() replaces existing values and adds nonexisting values.\n\no JSON_INSERT() inserts values without replacing existing values.\n\no JSON_REPLACE() replaces only existing values.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/json-modification-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SET @j = \'{ "a": 1, "b": [2, 3]}\';\nmysql> SELECT JSON_SET(@j, \'$.a\', 10, \'$.c\', \'[true, false]\');\n+-------------------------------------------------+\n| JSON_SET(@j, \'$.a\', 10, \'$.c\', \'[true, false]\') |\n+-------------------------------------------------+\n| {"a": 10, "b": [2, 3], "c": "[true, false]"} |\n+-------------------------------------------------+\nmysql> SELECT JSON_INSERT(@j, \'$.a\', 10, \'$.c\', \'[true, false]\');\n+----------------------------------------------------+\n| JSON_INSERT(@j, \'$.a\', 10, \'$.c\', \'[true, false]\') |\n+----------------------------------------------------+\n| {"a": 1, "b": [2, 3], "c": "[true, false]"} |\n+----------------------------------------------------+\nmysql> SELECT JSON_REPLACE(@j, \'$.a\', 10, \'$.c\', \'[true, false]\');\n+-----------------------------------------------------+\n| JSON_REPLACE(@j, \'$.a\', 10, \'$.c\', \'[true, false]\') |\n+-----------------------------------------------------+\n| {"a": 10, "b": [2, 3]} |\n+-----------------------------------------------------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/json-modification-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (497,38,'REPEAT FUNCTION','Syntax:\nREPEAT(str,count)\n\nReturns a string consisting of the string str repeated count times. If\ncount is less than 1, returns an empty string. Returns NULL if str or\ncount are NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT REPEAT(\'MySQL\', 3);\n -> \'MySQLMySQLMySQL\'\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (498,38,'SOUNDEX','Syntax:\nSOUNDEX(str)\n\nReturns a soundex string from str. Two strings that sound almost the\nsame should have identical soundex strings. A standard soundex string\nis four characters long, but the SOUNDEX() function returns an\narbitrarily long string. You can use SUBSTRING() on the result to get a\nstandard soundex string. All nonalphabetic characters in str are\nignored. All international alphabetic characters outside the A-Z range\nare treated as vowels.\n\n*Important*:\n\nWhen using SOUNDEX(), you should be aware of the following limitations:\n\no This function, as currently implemented, is intended to work well\n with strings that are in the English language only. Strings in other\n languages may not produce reliable results.\n\no This function is not guaranteed to provide consistent results with\n strings that use multibyte character sets, including utf-8. See Bug\n #22638 for more information.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT SOUNDEX(\'Hello\');\n -> \'H400\'\nmysql> SELECT SOUNDEX(\'Quadratically\');\n -> \'Q36324\'\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (499,7,'MBRTOUCHES','MBRTouches(g1, g2)\n\nTwo geometries spatially touch if their interiors do not intersect, but\nthe boundary of one of the geometries intersects either the boundary or\nthe interior of the other.\n\nThis function returns 1 or 0 to indicate whether the minimum bounding\nrectangles of the two geometries g1 and g2 touch.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-relation-functions-mbr.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-relation-functions-mbr.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (500,40,'DROP EVENT','Syntax:\nDROP EVENT [IF EXISTS] event_name\n\nThis statement drops the event named event_name. The event immediately\nceases being active, and is deleted completely from the server.\n\nIf the event does not exist, the error ERROR 1517 (HY000): Unknown\nevent \'event_name\' results. You can override this and cause the\nstatement to generate a warning for nonexistent events instead using IF\nEXISTS.\n\nThis statement requires the EVENT privilege for the schema to which the\nevent to be dropped belongs.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/drop-event.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/drop-event.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (501,23,'VARBINARY','VARBINARY(M)\n\nThe VARBINARY type is similar to the VARCHAR type, but stores binary\nbyte strings rather than nonbinary character strings. M represents the\nmaximum column length in bytes.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-type-overview.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-type-overview.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (502,27,'LOAD INDEX','Syntax:\nLOAD INDEX INTO CACHE\n tbl_index_list [, tbl_index_list] ...\n\ntbl_index_list:\n tbl_name\n [PARTITION (partition_list | ALL)]\n [[INDEX|KEY] (index_name[, index_name] ...)]\n [IGNORE LEAVES]\n\npartition_list:\n partition_name[, partition_name][, ...]\n\nThe LOAD INDEX INTO CACHE statement preloads a table index into the key\ncache to which it has been assigned by an explicit CACHE INDEX\nstatement, or into the default key cache otherwise.\n\nLOAD INDEX INTO CACHE is used only for MyISAM tables. In MySQL 5.7, it\nis also supported for partitioned MyISAM tables; in addition, indexes\non partitioned tables can be preloaded for one, several, or all\npartitions.\n\nThe IGNORE LEAVES modifier causes only blocks for the nonleaf nodes of\nthe index to be preloaded.\n\nIGNORE LEAVES is also supported for partitioned MyISAM tables.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/load-index.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/load-index.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (503,28,'UNION','Syntax:\nSELECT ...\nUNION [ALL | DISTINCT] SELECT ...\n[UNION [ALL | DISTINCT] SELECT ...]\n\nUNION is used to combine the result from multiple SELECT statements\ninto a single result set.\n\nThe column names from the first SELECT statement are used as the column\nnames for the results returned. Selected columns listed in\ncorresponding positions of each SELECT statement should have the same\ndata type. (For example, the first column selected by the first\nstatement should have the same type as the first column selected by the\nother statements.)\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/union.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/union.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (504,32,'TO_DAYS','Syntax:\nTO_DAYS(date)\n\nGiven a date date, returns a day number (the number of days since year\n0).\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT TO_DAYS(950501);\n -> 728779\nmysql> SELECT TO_DAYS(\'2007-10-07\');\n -> 733321\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (505,27,'SHOW INDEX','Syntax:\nSHOW {INDEX | INDEXES | KEYS}\n {FROM | IN} tbl_name\n [{FROM | IN} db_name]\n [WHERE expr]\n\nSHOW INDEX returns table index information. The format resembles that\nof the SQLStatistics call in ODBC. This statement requires some\nprivilege for any column in the table.\n\nYou can use db_name.tbl_name as an alternative to the tbl_name FROM\ndb_name syntax. These two statements are equivalent:\n\nSHOW INDEX FROM mytable FROM mydb;\nSHOW INDEX FROM mydb.mytable;\n\nThe WHERE clause can be given to select rows using more general\nconditions, as discussed in\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/extended-show.html.\n\nmysql> SHOW INDEX FROM City\\G\n*************************** 1. row ***************************\n Table: city\n Non_unique: 0\n Key_name: PRIMARY\n Seq_in_index: 1\n Column_name: ID\n Collation: A\n Cardinality: 4321\n Sub_part: NULL\n Packed: NULL\n Null: \n Index_type: BTREE\n Comment: \nIndex_comment: \n*************************** 2. row ***************************\n Table: city\n Non_unique: 1\n Key_name: CountryCode\n Seq_in_index: 1\n Column_name: CountryCode\n Collation: A\n Cardinality: 4321\n Sub_part: NULL\n Packed: NULL\n Null: \n Index_type: BTREE\n Comment: \nIndex_comment: \n\nSHOW INDEX returns the following fields:\n\no Table\n\n The name of the table.\n\no Non_unique\n\n 0 if the index cannot contain duplicates, 1 if it can.\n\no Key_name\n\n The name of the index. If the index is the primary key, the name is\n always PRIMARY.\n\no Seq_in_index\n\n The column sequence number in the index, starting with 1.\n\no Column_name\n\n The column name.\n\no Collation\n\n How the column is sorted in the index. This can have values A\n (ascending) or NULL (not sorted).\n\no Cardinality\n\n An estimate of the number of unique values in the index. To update\n this number, run ANALYZE TABLE or (for MyISAM tables) myisamchk -a.\n\n Cardinality is counted based on statistics stored as integers, so the\n value is not necessarily exact even for small tables. The higher the\n cardinality, the greater the chance that MySQL uses the index when\n doing joins.\n\no Sub_part\n\n The index prefix. That is, the number of indexed characters if the\n column is only partly indexed, NULL if the entire column is indexed.\n\n *Note*:\n\n Prefix limits are measured in bytes, whereas the prefix length in\n CREATE TABLE, ALTER TABLE, and CREATE INDEX statements is interpreted\n as number of characters for nonbinary string types (CHAR, VARCHAR,\n TEXT) and number of bytes for binary string types (BINARY, VARBINARY,\n BLOB). Take this into account when specifying a prefix length for a\n nonbinary string column that uses a multibyte character set.\n\n For additional information about index prefixes, see\n http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/column-indexes.html, and [HELP\n CREATE INDEX].\n\no Packed\n\n Indicates how the key is packed. NULL if it is not.\n\no Null\n\n Contains YES if the column may contain NULL values and \'\' if not.\n\no Index_type\n\n The index method used (BTREE, FULLTEXT, HASH, RTREE).\n\no Comment\n\n Information about the index not described in its own column, such as\n disabled if the index is disabled.\n\no Index_comment\n\n Any comment provided for the index with a COMMENT attribute when the\n index was created.\n\nYou can also obtain information about table indexes from\nINFORMATION_SCHEMA, which contains a STATISTICS table. See\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/statistics-table.html.\n\nYou can list a table\'s indexes with the mysqlshow -k db_name tbl_name\ncommand.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-index.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-index.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (506,27,'SHOW CREATE DATABASE','Syntax:\nSHOW CREATE {DATABASE | SCHEMA} [IF NOT EXISTS] db_name\n\nShows the CREATE DATABASE statement that creates the named database. If\nthe SHOW statement includes an IF NOT EXISTS clause, the output too\nincludes such a clause. SHOW CREATE SCHEMA is a synonym for SHOW CREATE\nDATABASE.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-create-database.html\n\n','mysql> SHOW CREATE DATABASE test\\G\n*************************** 1. row ***************************\n Database: test\nCreate Database: CREATE DATABASE `test`\n /*!40100 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET latin1 */\n\nmysql> SHOW CREATE SCHEMA test\\G\n*************************** 1. row ***************************\n Database: test\nCreate Database: CREATE DATABASE `test`\n /*!40100 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET latin1 */\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-create-database.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (507,15,'!','Syntax:\nNOT, !\n\nLogical NOT. Evaluates to 1 if the operand is 0, to 0 if the operand is\nnonzero, and NOT NULL returns NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/logical-operators.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT NOT 10;\n -> 0\nmysql> SELECT NOT 0;\n -> 1\nmysql> SELECT NOT NULL;\n -> NULL\nmysql> SELECT ! (1+1);\n -> 0\nmysql> SELECT ! 1+1;\n -> 1\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/logical-operators.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (508,24,'DECLARE HANDLER','Syntax:\nDECLARE handler_action HANDLER\n FOR condition_value [, condition_value] ...\n statement\n\nhandler_action:\n CONTINUE\n | EXIT\n | UNDO\n\ncondition_value:\n mysql_error_code\n | SQLSTATE [VALUE] sqlstate_value\n | condition_name\n | SQLWARNING\n | NOT FOUND\n | SQLEXCEPTION\n\nThe DECLARE ... HANDLER statement specifies a handler that deals with\none or more conditions. If one of these conditions occurs, the\nspecified statement executes. statement can be a simple statement such\nas SET var_name = value, or a compound statement written using BEGIN\nand END (see [HELP BEGIN END]).\n\nHandler declarations must appear after variable or condition\ndeclarations.\n\nThe handler_action value indicates what action the handler takes after\nexecution of the handler statement:\n\no CONTINUE: Execution of the current program continues.\n\no EXIT: Execution terminates for the BEGIN ... END compound statement\n in which the handler is declared. This is true even if the condition\n occurs in an inner block.\n\no UNDO: Not supported.\n\nThe condition_value for DECLARE ... HANDLER indicates the specific\ncondition or class of conditions that activates the handler. It can\ntake the following forms:\n\no mysql_error_code: An integer literal indicating a MySQL error code,\n such as 1051 to specify "unknown table":\n\nDECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR 1051\n BEGIN\n -- body of handler\n END;\n\n Do not use MySQL error code 0 because that indicates success rather\n than an error condition. For a list of MySQL error codes, see\n http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/error-messages-server.html.\n\no SQLSTATE [VALUE] sqlstate_value: A 5-character string literal\n indicating an SQLSTATE value, such as \'42S01\' to specify "unknown\n table":\n\nDECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR SQLSTATE \'42S02\'\n BEGIN\n -- body of handler\n END;\n\n Do not use SQLSTATE values that begin with \'00\' because those\n indicate success rather than an error condition. For a list of\n SQLSTATE values, see\n http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/error-messages-server.html.\n\no condition_name: A condition name previously specified with DECLARE\n ... CONDITION. A condition name can be associated with a MySQL error\n code or SQLSTATE value. See [HELP DECLARE CONDITION].\n\no SQLWARNING: Shorthand for the class of SQLSTATE values that begin\n with \'01\'.\n\nDECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR SQLWARNING\n BEGIN\n -- body of handler\n END;\n\no NOT FOUND: Shorthand for the class of SQLSTATE values that begin with\n \'02\'. This is relevant within the context of cursors and is used to\n control what happens when a cursor reaches the end of a data set. If\n no more rows are available, a No Data condition occurs with SQLSTATE\n value \'02000\'. To detect this condition, you can set up a handler for\n it or for a NOT FOUND condition.\n\nDECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND\n BEGIN\n -- body of handler\n END;\n\n For another example, see\n http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/cursors.html. The NOT FOUND\n condition also occurs for SELECT ... INTO var_list statements that\n retrieve no rows.\n\no SQLEXCEPTION: Shorthand for the class of SQLSTATE values that do not\n begin with \'00\', \'01\', or \'02\'.\n\nDECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR SQLEXCEPTION\n BEGIN\n -- body of handler\n END;\n\nFor information about how the server chooses handlers when a condition\noccurs, see http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/handler-scope.html.\n\nIf a condition occurs for which no handler has been declared, the\naction taken depends on the condition class:\n\no For SQLEXCEPTION conditions, the stored program terminates at the\n statement that raised the condition, as if there were an EXIT\n handler. If the program was called by another stored program, the\n calling program handles the condition using the handler selection\n rules applied to its own handlers.\n\no For SQLWARNING conditions, the program continues executing, as if\n there were a CONTINUE handler.\n\no For NOT FOUND conditions, if the condition was raised normally, the\n action is CONTINUE. If it was raised by SIGNAL or RESIGNAL, the\n action is EXIT.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/declare-handler.html\n\n','mysql> CREATE TABLE test.t (s1 INT, PRIMARY KEY (s1));\nQuery OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> delimiter //\n\nmysql> CREATE PROCEDURE handlerdemo ()\n -> BEGIN\n -> DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR SQLSTATE \'23000\' SET @x2 = 1;\n -> SET @x = 1;\n -> INSERT INTO test.t VALUES (1);\n -> SET @x = 2;\n -> INSERT INTO test.t VALUES (1);\n -> SET @x = 3;\n -> END;\n -> //\nQuery OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> CALL handlerdemo()//\nQuery OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> SELECT @x//\n +------+\n | @x |\n +------+\n | 3 |\n +------+\n 1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/declare-handler.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (509,23,'DOUBLE','DOUBLE[(M,D)] [UNSIGNED] [ZEROFILL]\n\nA normal-size (double-precision) floating-point number. Permissible\nvalues are -1.7976931348623157E+308 to -2.2250738585072014E-308, 0, and\n2.2250738585072014E-308 to 1.7976931348623157E+308. These are the\ntheoretical limits, based on the IEEE standard. The actual range might\nbe slightly smaller depending on your hardware or operating system.\n\nM is the total number of digits and D is the number of digits following\nthe decimal point. If M and D are omitted, values are stored to the\nlimits permitted by the hardware. A double-precision floating-point\nnumber is accurate to approximately 15 decimal places.\n\nUNSIGNED, if specified, disallows negative values.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/numeric-type-overview.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/numeric-type-overview.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (510,23,'TIME','TIME[(fsp)]\n\nA time. The range is \'-838:59:59.000000\' to \'838:59:59.000000\'. MySQL\ndisplays TIME values in \'HH:MM:SS[.fraction]\' format, but permits\nassignment of values to TIME columns using either strings or numbers.\n\nAn optional fsp value in the range from 0 to 6 may be given to specify\nfractional seconds precision. A value of 0 signifies that there is no\nfractional part. If omitted, the default precision is 0.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-type-overview.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-type-overview.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (511,17,'SYSTEM_USER','Syntax:\nSYSTEM_USER()\n\nSYSTEM_USER() is a synonym for USER().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/information-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/information-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (512,40,'TRUNCATE TABLE','Syntax:\nTRUNCATE [TABLE] tbl_name\n\nTRUNCATE TABLE empties a table completely. It requires the DROP\nprivilege.\n\nLogically, TRUNCATE TABLE is similar to a DELETE statement that deletes\nall rows, or a sequence of DROP TABLE and CREATE TABLE statements. To\nachieve high performance, it bypasses the DML method of deleting data.\nThus, it cannot be rolled back, it does not cause ON DELETE triggers to\nfire, and it cannot be performed for InnoDB tables with parent-child\nforeign key relationships.\n\nAlthough TRUNCATE TABLE is similar to DELETE, it is classified as a DDL\nstatement rather than a DML statement. It differs from DELETE in the\nfollowing ways:\n\no Truncate operations drop and re-create the table, which is much\n faster than deleting rows one by one, particularly for large tables.\n\no Truncate operations cause an implicit commit, and so cannot be rolled\n back. See\n http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/implicit-commit.html.\n\no Truncation operations cannot be performed if the session holds an\n active table lock.\n\no TRUNCATE TABLE fails for an InnoDB table or NDB table if there are\n any FOREIGN KEY constraints from other tables that reference the\n table. Foreign key constraints between columns of the same table are\n permitted.\n\no Truncation operations do not return a meaningful value for the number\n of deleted rows. The usual result is "0 rows affected," which should\n be interpreted as "no information."\n\no As long as the table format file tbl_name.frm is valid, the table can\n be re-created as an empty table with TRUNCATE TABLE, even if the data\n or index files have become corrupted.\n\no Any AUTO_INCREMENT value is reset to its start value. This is true\n even for MyISAM and InnoDB, which normally do not reuse sequence\n values.\n\no When used with partitioned tables, TRUNCATE TABLE preserves the\n partitioning; that is, the data and index files are dropped and\n re-created, while the partition definitions (.par) file is\n unaffected.\n\no The TRUNCATE TABLE statement does not invoke ON DELETE triggers.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/truncate-table.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/truncate-table.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (513,32,'CURRENT_DATE','Syntax:\nCURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_DATE()\n\nCURRENT_DATE and CURRENT_DATE() are synonyms for CURDATE().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (514,8,'START SLAVE','Syntax:\nSTART SLAVE [thread_types] [until_option] [connection_options] [channel_option]\n\nthread_types:\n [thread_type [, thread_type] ... ]\n\nthread_type:\n IO_THREAD | SQL_THREAD\n\nuntil_option:\n UNTIL { {SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS | SQL_AFTER_GTIDS} = gtid_set\n | MASTER_LOG_FILE = \'log_name\', MASTER_LOG_POS = log_pos\n | RELAY_LOG_FILE = \'log_name\', RELAY_LOG_POS = log_pos\n | SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS }\n\nconnection_options:\n [USER=\'user_name\'] [PASSWORD=\'user_pass\'] [DEFAULT_AUTH=\'plugin_name\'] [PLUGIN_DIR=\'plugin_dir\']\n\n\nchannel_option:\n FOR CHANNEL channel\n\ngtid_set:\n uuid_set [, uuid_set] ...\n | \'\'\n\nuuid_set:\n uuid:interval[:interval]...\n\nuuid:\n hhhhhhhh-hhhh-hhhh-hhhh-hhhhhhhhhhhh\n\nh:\n [0-9,A-F]\n\ninterval:\n n[-n]\n\n (n >= 1)\n\nSTART SLAVE with no thread_type options starts both of the slave\nthreads. The I/O thread reads events from the master server and stores\nthem in the relay log. The SQL thread reads events from the relay log\nand executes them. START SLAVE requires the SUPER privilege.\n\nIf START SLAVE succeeds in starting the slave threads, it returns\nwithout any error. However, even in that case, it might be that the\nslave threads start and then later stop (for example, because they do\nnot manage to connect to the master or read its binary log, or some\nother problem). START SLAVE does not warn you about this. You must\ncheck the slave\'s error log for error messages generated by the slave\nthreads, or check that they are running satisfactorily with SHOW SLAVE\nSTATUS.\n\nIn MySQL 5.7, START SLAVE causes an implicit commit of an ongoing\ntransaction. See\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/implicit-commit.html.\n\ngtid_next must be set to AUTOMATIC before issuing this statement.\n\nThe optional FOR CHANNEL channel clause enables you to name which\nreplication channel the statement applies to. Providing a FOR CHANNEL\nchannel clause applies the START SLAVE statement to a specific\nreplication channel. If no clause is named and no extra channels exist,\nthe statement applies to the default channel. If a START SLAVE\nstatement does not have a channel defined when using multiple channels,\nthis statement starts the specified threads for all channels. This\nstatement is disallowed for the group_replication_recovery channel. See\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/replication-channels.html for\nmore information.\n\nMySQL supports pluggable user-password authentication with START SLAVE\nwith the USER, PASSWORD, DEFAULT_AUTH and PLUGIN_DIR options, as\ndescribed in the following list:\n\no USER: User name. Cannot be set to an empty or null string, or left\n unset if PASSWORD is used.\n\no PASSWORD: Password.\n\no DEFAULT_AUTH: Name of plugin; default is MySQL native authentication.\n\no PLUGIN_DIR: Location of plugin.\n\nYou cannot use the SQL_THREAD option when specifying any of USER,\nPASSWORD, DEFAULT_AUTH, or PLUGIN_DIR, unless the IO_THREAD option is\nalso provided.\n\nSee\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/pluggable-authentication.html,\nfor more information.\n\nIf an insecure connection is used with any these options, the server\nissues the warning Sending passwords in plain text without SSL/TLS is\nextremely insecure.\n\nSTART SLAVE ... UNTIL supports two additional options for use with\nglobal transaction identifiers (GTIDs) (see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/replication-gtids.html). Each of\nthese takes a set of one or more global transaction identifiers\ngtid_set as an argument (see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/replication-gtids-concepts.html#\nreplication-gtids-concepts-gtid-sets, for more information).\n\nWhen no thread_type is specified, START SLAVE UNTIL SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS\ncauses the slave SQL thread to process transactions until it has\nreached the first transaction whose GTID is listed in the gtid_set.\nSTART SLAVE UNTIL SQL_AFTER_GTIDS causes the slave threads to process\nall transactions until the last transaction in the gtid_set has been\nprocessed by both threads. In other words, START SLAVE UNTIL\nSQL_BEFORE_GTIDS causes the slave SQL thread to process all\ntransactions occurring before the first GTID in the gtid_set is\nreached, and START SLAVE UNTIL SQL_AFTER_GTIDS causes the slave threads\nto handle all transactions, including those whose GTIDs are found in\ngtid_set, until each has encountered a transaction whose GTID is not\npart of the set. SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS and SQL_AFTER_GTIDS each support the\nSQL_THREAD and IO_THREAD options, although using IO_THREAD with them\ncurrently has no effect.\n\nFor example, START SLAVE SQL_THREAD UNTIL SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS =\n3E11FA47-71CA-11E1-9E33-C80AA9429562:11-56 causes the slave SQL thread\nto process all transactions originating from the master whose\nserver_uuid is 3E11FA47-71CA-11E1-9E33-C80AA9429562 until it encounters\nthe transaction having sequence number 11; it then stops without\nprocessing this transaction. In other words, all transactions up to and\nincluding the transaction with sequence number 10 are processed.\nExecuting START SLAVE SQL_THREAD UNTIL SQL_AFTER_GTIDS =\n3E11FA47-71CA-11E1-9E33-C80AA9429562:11-56, on the other hand, would\ncause the slave SQL thread to obtain all transactions just mentioned\nfrom the master, including all of the transactions having the sequence\nnumbers 11 through 56, and then to stop without processing any\nadditional transactions; that is, the transaction having sequence\nnumber 56 would be the last transaction fetched by the slave SQL\nthread.\n\nPrior to MySQL 5.7.3, SQL_AFTER_GTIDS did not stop the slave once the\nindicated transaction was completed, but waited until another GTID\nevent was received (Bug #14767986).\n\nWhen using a multithreaded slave, there is a chance of gaps in the\nsequence of transactions that have been executed from the relay log in\nthe following cases:\n\no killing the coordinator thread\n\no after an error occurs in the worker threads\n\no mysqld shuts down unexpectedly\n\nUse the START SLAVE UNTIL SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS statement to cause a\nmultithreaded slave\'s worker threads to only run until no more gaps are\nfound in the relay log, and then to stop. This statement can take an\nSQL_THREAD option, but the effects of the statement remain unchanged.\nIt has no effect on the slave I/O thread (and cannot be used with the\nIO_THREAD option).\n\nIssuing START SLAVE on a multithreaded slave with gaps in the sequence\nof transactions executed from the relay log generates a warning. In\nsuch a situation, the solution is to use START SLAVE UNTIL\nSQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS, then issue RESET SLAVE to remove any remaining\nrelay logs. See\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/replication-features-transaction\n-inconsistencies.html for more information.\n\nTo change a failed multithreaded slave to single-threaded mode, you can\nissue the following series of statements, in the order shown:\n\nSTART SLAVE UNTIL SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS;\n\nSET @@GLOBAL.slave_parallel_workers = 0;\n\nSTART SLAVE SQL_THREAD;\n\n*Note*:\n\nIt is possible to view the entire text of a running START SLAVE ...\nstatement, including any USER or PASSWORD values used, in the output of\nSHOW PROCESSLIST. This is also true for the text of a running CHANGE\nMASTER TO statement, including any values it employs for MASTER_USER or\nMASTER_PASSWORD.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/start-slave.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/start-slave.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (515,2,'AREA','Area(poly)\n\nST_Area() and Area() are synonyms. For more information, see the\ndescription of ST_Area().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-polygon-property-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-polygon-property-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (516,27,'SHOW WARNINGS','Syntax:\nSHOW WARNINGS [LIMIT [offset,] row_count]\nSHOW COUNT(*) WARNINGS\n\nSHOW WARNINGS is a diagnostic statement that displays information about\nthe conditions (errors, warnings, and notes) resulting from executing a\nstatement in the current session. Warnings are generated for DML\nstatements such as INSERT, UPDATE, and LOAD DATA INFILE as well as DDL\nstatements such as CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE.\n\nThe LIMIT clause has the same syntax as for the SELECT statement. See\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/select.html.\n\nSHOW WARNINGS is also used following EXPLAIN, to display the extended\ninformation generated by EXPLAIN. See\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/explain-extended.html.\n\nSHOW WARNINGS displays information about the conditions resulting from\nexecution of the most recent nondiagnostic statement in the current\nsession. If the most recent statement resulted in an error during\nparsing, SHOW WARNINGS shows the resulting conditions, regardless of\nstatement type (diagnostic or nondiagnostic).\n\nThe SHOW COUNT(*) WARNINGS diagnostic statement displays the total\nnumber of errors, warnings, and notes. You can also retrieve this\nnumber from the warning_count system variable:\n\nSHOW COUNT(*) WARNINGS;\nSELECT @@warning_count;\n\nA difference in these statements is that the first is a diagnostic\nstatement that does not clear the message list. The second, because it\nis a SELECT statement is considered nondiagnostic and does clear the\nmessage list.\n\nA related diagnostic statement, SHOW ERRORS, shows only error\nconditions (it excludes warnings and notes), and SHOW COUNT(*) ERRORS\nstatement displays the total number of errors. See [HELP SHOW ERRORS].\nGET DIAGNOSTICS can be used to examine information for individual\nconditions. See [HELP GET DIAGNOSTICS].\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-warnings.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-warnings.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (517,4,'ST_LINEFROMTEXT','ST_LineFromText(wkt[, srid]), ST_LineStringFromText(wkt[, srid])\n\nConstructs a LineString value using its WKT representation and SRID.\n\nIf the geometry argument is NULL or not a syntactically well-formed\ngeometry, or if the SRID argument is NULL, the return value is NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-wkt-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-wkt-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (518,10,'DROP USER','Syntax:\nDROP USER [IF EXISTS] user [, user] ...\n\nThe DROP USER statement removes one or more MySQL accounts and their\nprivileges. It removes privilege rows for the account from all grant\ntables.\n\nTo use DROP USER, you must have the global CREATE USER privilege, or\nthe DELETE privilege for the mysql database. When the read_only system\nvariable is enabled, DROP USER additionally requires the SUPER\nprivilege.\n\nAn error occurs if you try to drop an account that does not exist. If\nthe IF EXISTS clause is given, the statement produces a warning for\neach named user that does not exist, rather than an error.\n\nEach account name uses the format described in\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/account-names.html. For example:\n\nDROP USER \'jeffrey\'@\'localhost\';\n\nThe host name part of the account name, if omitted, defaults to \'%\'.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/drop-user.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/drop-user.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (519,38,'SUBSTRING','Syntax:\nSUBSTRING(str,pos), SUBSTRING(str FROM pos), SUBSTRING(str,pos,len),\nSUBSTRING(str FROM pos FOR len)\n\nThe forms without a len argument return a substring from string str\nstarting at position pos. The forms with a len argument return a\nsubstring len characters long from string str, starting at position\npos. The forms that use FROM are standard SQL syntax. It is also\npossible to use a negative value for pos. In this case, the beginning\nof the substring is pos characters from the end of the string, rather\nthan the beginning. A negative value may be used for pos in any of the\nforms of this function.\n\nFor all forms of SUBSTRING(), the position of the first character in\nthe string from which the substring is to be extracted is reckoned as\n1.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT SUBSTRING(\'Quadratically\',5);\n -> \'ratically\'\nmysql> SELECT SUBSTRING(\'foobarbar\' FROM 4);\n -> \'barbar\'\nmysql> SELECT SUBSTRING(\'Quadratically\',5,6);\n -> \'ratica\'\nmysql> SELECT SUBSTRING(\'Sakila\', -3);\n -> \'ila\'\nmysql> SELECT SUBSTRING(\'Sakila\', -5, 3);\n -> \'aki\'\nmysql> SELECT SUBSTRING(\'Sakila\' FROM -4 FOR 2);\n -> \'ki\'\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (520,37,'ISEMPTY','IsEmpty(g)\n\nST_IsEmpty() and IsEmpty() are synonyms. For more information, see the\ndescription of ST_IsEmpty().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-general-property-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-general-property-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (521,27,'SHOW FUNCTION STATUS','Syntax:\nSHOW FUNCTION STATUS\n [LIKE \'pattern\' | WHERE expr]\n\nThis statement is similar to SHOW PROCEDURE STATUS but for stored\nfunctions. See [HELP SHOW PROCEDURE STATUS].\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-function-status.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-function-status.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (522,38,'LTRIM','Syntax:\nLTRIM(str)\n\nReturns the string str with leading space characters removed.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT LTRIM(\' barbar\');\n -> \'barbar\'\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (523,31,'ST_CROSSES','ST_Crosses(g1, g2)\n\nThe term spatially crosses denotes a spatial relation between two given\ngeometries that has the following properties:\n\no The two geometries intersect.\n\no Their intersection results in a geometry that has a dimension that is\n one less than the maximum dimension of the two given geometries.\n\no Their intersection is not equal to either of the two given\n geometries.\n\nThis function returns 1 or 0 to indicate whether g1 spatially crosses\ng2. If g1 is a Polygon or a MultiPolygon, or if g2 is a Point or a\nMultiPoint, the return value is NULL.\n\nThis function returns 0 if called with an inapplicable geometry\nargument type combination. For example, it returns 0 if the first\nargument is a Polygon or MultiPolygon and/or the second argument is a\nPoint or MultiPoint.\n\nReturns 1 if g1 spatially crosses g2. Returns NULL if g1 is a Polygon\nor a MultiPolygon, or if g2 is a Point or a MultiPoint. Otherwise,\nreturns 0.\n\nThis function returns 0 if called with an inapplicable geometry\nargument type combination. For example, it returns 0 if the first\nargument is a Polygon or MultiPolygon and/or the second argument is a\nPoint or MultiPoint.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-relation-functions-object-shapes.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-relation-functions-object-shapes.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (524,4,'ST_MPOLYFROMTEXT','ST_MPolyFromText(wkt[, srid]), ST_MultiPolygonFromText(wkt[, srid])\n\nConstructs a MultiPolygon value using its WKT representation and SRID.\n\nIf the geometry argument is NULL or not a syntactically well-formed\ngeometry, or if the SRID argument is NULL, the return value is NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-wkt-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-wkt-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (525,28,'CALL','Syntax:\nCALL sp_name([parameter[,...]])\nCALL sp_name[()]\n\nThe CALL statement invokes a stored procedure that was defined\npreviously with CREATE PROCEDURE.\n\nStored procedures that take no arguments can be invoked without\nparentheses. That is, CALL p() and CALL p are equivalent.\n\nCALL can pass back values to its caller using parameters that are\ndeclared as OUT or INOUT parameters. When the procedure returns, a\nclient program can also obtain the number of rows affected for the\nfinal statement executed within the routine: At the SQL level, call the\nROW_COUNT() function; from the C API, call the mysql_affected_rows()\nfunction.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/call.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/call.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (526,7,'MBRDISJOINT','MBRDisjoint(g1, g2)\n\nReturns 1 or 0 to indicate whether the minimum bounding rectangles of\nthe two geometries g1 and g2 are disjoint (do not intersect).\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-relation-functions-mbr.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-relation-functions-mbr.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (527,14,'VALUES','Syntax:\nVALUES(col_name)\n\nIn an INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE statement, you can use the\nVALUES(col_name) function in the UPDATE clause to refer to column\nvalues from the INSERT portion of the statement. In other words,\nVALUES(col_name) in the UPDATE clause refers to the value of col_name\nthat would be inserted, had no duplicate-key conflict occurred. This\nfunction is especially useful in multiple-row inserts. The VALUES()\nfunction is meaningful only in the ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clause of\nINSERT statements and returns NULL otherwise. See\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/insert-on-duplicate.html.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/miscellaneous-functions.html\n\n','mysql> INSERT INTO table (a,b,c) VALUES (1,2,3),(4,5,6)\n -> ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE c=VALUES(a)+VALUES(b);\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/miscellaneous-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (528,12,'ENCODE','Syntax:\nENCODE(str,pass_str)\n\nENCODE() encrypts str using pass_str as the password. The result is a\nbinary string of the same length as str. To decrypt the result, use\nDECODE().\n\n*Note*:\n\nThe ENCODE() and DECODE() functions are deprecated in MySQL 5.7, will\nbe removed in a future MySQL release, and should no longer be used.\n\nIf you still need to use ENCODE(), a salt value must be used with it to\nreduce risk. For example:\n\nENCODE(\'cleartext\', CONCAT(\'my_random_salt\',\'my_secret_password\'))\n\nA new random salt value must be used whenever a password is updated.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/encryption-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/encryption-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (529,38,'SUBSTRING_INDEX','Syntax:\nSUBSTRING_INDEX(str,delim,count)\n\nReturns the substring from string str before count occurrences of the\ndelimiter delim. If count is positive, everything to the left of the\nfinal delimiter (counting from the left) is returned. If count is\nnegative, everything to the right of the final delimiter (counting from\nthe right) is returned. SUBSTRING_INDEX() performs a case-sensitive\nmatch when searching for delim.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX(\'www.mysql.com\', \'.\', 2);\n -> \'www.mysql\'\nmysql> SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX(\'www.mysql.com\', \'.\', -2);\n -> \'mysql.com\'\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (530,11,'ST_X','ST_X(p)\n\nReturns the X-coordinate value for the Point object p as a\ndouble-precision number.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-point-property-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT ST_X(Point(56.7, 53.34));\n+--------------------------+\n| ST_X(Point(56.7, 53.34)) |\n+--------------------------+\n| 56.7 |\n+--------------------------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-point-property-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (531,32,'TIMESTAMPADD','Syntax:\nTIMESTAMPADD(unit,interval,datetime_expr)\n\nAdds the integer expression interval to the date or datetime expression\ndatetime_expr. The unit for interval is given by the unit argument,\nwhich should be one of the following values: MICROSECOND\n(microseconds), SECOND, MINUTE, HOUR, DAY, WEEK, MONTH, QUARTER, or\nYEAR.\n\nThe unit value may be specified using one of keywords as shown, or with\na prefix of SQL_TSI_. For example, DAY and SQL_TSI_DAY both are legal.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT TIMESTAMPADD(MINUTE,1,\'2003-01-02\');\n -> \'2003-01-02 00:01:00\'\nmysql> SELECT TIMESTAMPADD(WEEK,1,\'2003-01-02\');\n -> \'2003-01-09\'\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (532,3,'TRUNCATE','Syntax:\nTRUNCATE(X,D)\n\nReturns the number X, truncated to D decimal places. If D is 0, the\nresult has no decimal point or fractional part. D can be negative to\ncause D digits left of the decimal point of the value X to become zero.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mathematical-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT TRUNCATE(1.223,1);\n -> 1.2\nmysql> SELECT TRUNCATE(1.999,1);\n -> 1.9\nmysql> SELECT TRUNCATE(1.999,0);\n -> 1\nmysql> SELECT TRUNCATE(-1.999,1);\n -> -1.9\nmysql> SELECT TRUNCATE(122,-2);\n -> 100\nmysql> SELECT TRUNCATE(10.28*100,0);\n -> 1028\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mathematical-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (533,27,'SHOW','SHOW has many forms that provide information about databases, tables,\ncolumns, or status information about the server. This section describes\nthose following:\n\nSHOW {BINARY | MASTER} LOGS\nSHOW BINLOG EVENTS [IN \'log_name\'] [FROM pos] [LIMIT [offset,] row_count]\nSHOW CHARACTER SET [like_or_where]\nSHOW COLLATION [like_or_where]\nSHOW [FULL] COLUMNS FROM tbl_name [FROM db_name] [like_or_where]\nSHOW CREATE DATABASE db_name\nSHOW CREATE EVENT event_name\nSHOW CREATE FUNCTION func_name\nSHOW CREATE PROCEDURE proc_name\nSHOW CREATE TABLE tbl_name\nSHOW CREATE TRIGGER trigger_name\nSHOW CREATE VIEW view_name\nSHOW DATABASES [like_or_where]\nSHOW ENGINE engine_name {STATUS | MUTEX}\nSHOW [STORAGE] ENGINES\nSHOW ERRORS [LIMIT [offset,] row_count]\nSHOW EVENTS\nSHOW FUNCTION CODE func_name\nSHOW FUNCTION STATUS [like_or_where]\nSHOW GRANTS FOR user\nSHOW INDEX FROM tbl_name [FROM db_name]\nSHOW MASTER STATUS\nSHOW OPEN TABLES [FROM db_name] [like_or_where]\nSHOW PLUGINS\nSHOW PROCEDURE CODE proc_name\nSHOW PROCEDURE STATUS [like_or_where]\nSHOW PRIVILEGES\nSHOW [FULL] PROCESSLIST\nSHOW PROFILE [types] [FOR QUERY n] [OFFSET n] [LIMIT n]\nSHOW PROFILES\nSHOW RELAYLOG EVENTS [IN \'log_name\'] [FROM pos] [LIMIT [offset,] row_count]\nSHOW SLAVE HOSTS\nSHOW SLAVE STATUS [FOR CHANNEL channel]\nSHOW [GLOBAL | SESSION] STATUS [like_or_where]\nSHOW TABLE STATUS [FROM db_name] [like_or_where]\nSHOW [FULL] TABLES [FROM db_name] [like_or_where]\nSHOW TRIGGERS [FROM db_name] [like_or_where]\nSHOW [GLOBAL | SESSION] VARIABLES [like_or_where]\nSHOW WARNINGS [LIMIT [offset,] row_count]\n\nlike_or_where:\n LIKE \'pattern\'\n | WHERE expr\n\nIf the syntax for a given SHOW statement includes a LIKE \'pattern\'\npart, \'pattern\' is a string that can contain the SQL % and _ wildcard\ncharacters. The pattern is useful for restricting statement output to\nmatching values.\n\nSeveral SHOW statements also accept a WHERE clause that provides more\nflexibility in specifying which rows to display. See\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/extended-show.html.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (534,27,'SHOW VARIABLES','Syntax:\nSHOW [GLOBAL | SESSION] VARIABLES\n [LIKE \'pattern\' | WHERE expr]\n\n*Note*:\n\nAs of MySQL 5.7.6, the value of the show_compatibility_56 system\nvariable affects the information available from and privileges required\nfor the statement described here. For details, see the description of\nthat variable in\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/server-system-variables.html.\n\nSHOW VARIABLES shows the values of MySQL system variables (see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/server-system-variables.html).\nThis statement does not require any privilege. It requires only the\nability to connect to the server.\n\nSystem variable information is also available from these sources:\n\no Performance Schema tables. See\n http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/performance-schema-system-vari\n able-tables.html.\n\no The GLOBAL_VARIABLES and SESSION_VARIABLES tables. See\n http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/variables-table.html.\n\no The mysqladmin variables command. See\n http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mysqladmin.html.\n\nFor SHOW VARIABLES, a LIKE clause, if present, indicates which variable\nnames to match. A WHERE clause can be given to select rows using more\ngeneral conditions, as discussed in\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/extended-show.html.\n\nSHOW VARIABLES accepts an optional GLOBAL or SESSION variable scope\nmodifier:\n\no With a GLOBAL modifier, the statement displays global system variable\n values. These are the values used to initialize the corresponding\n session variables for new connections to MySQL. If a variable has no\n global value, no value is displayed.\n\no With a SESSION modifier, the statement displays the system varaible\n values that are in effect for the current connection. If a variable\n has no session value, the global value is displayed. LOCAL is a\n synonym for SESSION.\n\no If no modifier is present, the default is SESSION.\n\nThe scope for each system variable is listed at\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/server-system-variables.html.\n\nSHOW VARIABLES is subject to a version-dependent display-width limit.\nFor variables with very long values that are not completely displayed,\nuse SELECT as a workaround. For example:\n\nSELECT @@GLOBAL.innodb_data_file_path;\n\nMost system variables can be set at server startup (read-only variables\nsuch as version_comment are exceptions). Many can be changed at runtime\nwith the SET statement. See\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/using-system-variables.html, and\n[HELP SET].\nWith a LIKE clause, the statement displays only rows for those\nvariables with names that match the pattern. To obtain the row for a\nspecific variable, use a LIKE clause as shown:\n\nSHOW VARIABLES LIKE \'max_join_size\';\nSHOW SESSION VARIABLES LIKE \'max_join_size\';\n\nTo get a list of variables whose name match a pattern, use the %\nwildcard character in a LIKE clause:\n\nSHOW VARIABLES LIKE \'%size%\';\nSHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE \'%size%\';\n\nWildcard characters can be used in any position within the pattern to\nbe matched. Strictly speaking, because _ is a wildcard that matches any\nsingle character, you should escape it as \\_ to match it literally. In\npractice, this is rarely necessary.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-variables.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-variables.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (535,27,'BINLOG','Syntax:\nBINLOG \'str\'\n\nBINLOG is an internal-use statement. It is generated by the mysqlbinlog\nprogram as the printable representation of certain events in binary log\nfiles. (See http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mysqlbinlog.html.)\nThe \'str\' value is a base 64-encoded string the that server decodes to\ndetermine the data change indicated by the corresponding event. This\nstatement requires the SUPER privilege.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/binlog.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/binlog.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (536,31,'ST_DISJOINT','ST_Disjoint(g1, g2)\n\nReturns 1 or 0 to indicate whether g1 is spatially disjoint from (does\nnot intersect) g2.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-relation-functions-object-shapes.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-relation-functions-object-shapes.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (537,3,'ATAN2','Syntax:\nATAN(Y,X), ATAN2(Y,X)\n\nReturns the arc tangent of the two variables X and Y. It is similar to\ncalculating the arc tangent of Y / X, except that the signs of both\narguments are used to determine the quadrant of the result.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mathematical-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT ATAN(-2,2);\n -> -0.78539816339745\nmysql> SELECT ATAN2(PI(),0);\n -> 1.5707963267949\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mathematical-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (538,15,'AND','Syntax:\nAND, &&\n\nLogical AND. Evaluates to 1 if all operands are nonzero and not NULL,\nto 0 if one or more operands are 0, otherwise NULL is returned.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/logical-operators.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT 1 AND 1;\n -> 1\nmysql> SELECT 1 AND 0;\n -> 0\nmysql> SELECT 1 AND NULL;\n -> NULL\nmysql> SELECT 0 AND NULL;\n -> 0\nmysql> SELECT NULL AND 0;\n -> 0\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/logical-operators.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (539,32,'HOUR','Syntax:\nHOUR(time)\n\nReturns the hour for time. The range of the return value is 0 to 23 for\ntime-of-day values. However, the range of TIME values actually is much\nlarger, so HOUR can return values greater than 23.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT HOUR(\'10:05:03\');\n -> 10\nmysql> SELECT HOUR(\'272:59:59\');\n -> 272\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (540,28,'SELECT','Syntax:\nSELECT\n [ALL | DISTINCT | DISTINCTROW ]\n [HIGH_PRIORITY]\n [STRAIGHT_JOIN]\n [SQL_SMALL_RESULT] [SQL_BIG_RESULT] [SQL_BUFFER_RESULT]\n [SQL_CACHE | SQL_NO_CACHE] [SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS]\n select_expr [, select_expr ...]\n [FROM table_references\n [PARTITION partition_list]\n [WHERE where_condition]\n [GROUP BY {col_name | expr | position}\n [ASC | DESC], ... [WITH ROLLUP]]\n [HAVING where_condition]\n [ORDER BY {col_name | expr | position}\n [ASC | DESC], ...]\n [LIMIT {[offset,] row_count | row_count OFFSET offset}]\n [PROCEDURE procedure_name(argument_list)]\n [INTO OUTFILE \'file_name\'\n [CHARACTER SET charset_name]\n export_options\n | INTO DUMPFILE \'file_name\'\n | INTO var_name [, var_name]]\n [FOR UPDATE | LOCK IN SHARE MODE]]\n\nSELECT is used to retrieve rows selected from one or more tables, and\ncan include UNION statements and subqueries. See [HELP UNION], and\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/subqueries.html.\n\nThe most commonly used clauses of SELECT statements are these:\n\no Each select_expr indicates a column that you want to retrieve. There\n must be at least one select_expr.\n\no table_references indicates the table or tables from which to retrieve\n rows. Its syntax is described in [HELP JOIN].\n\no SELECT supports explicit partition selection using the PARTITION with\n a list of partitions or subpartitions (or both) following the name of\n the table in a table_reference (see [HELP JOIN]). In this case, rows\n are selected only from the partitions listed, and any other\n partitions of the table are ignored. For more information and\n examples, see\n http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/partitioning-selection.html.\n\n SELECT ... PARTITION from tables using storage engines such as MyISAM\n that perform table-level locks (and thus partition locks) lock only\n the partitions or subpartitions named by the PARTITION option.\n\n For more information, see\n http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/partitioning-limitations-locki\n ng.html.\n\no The WHERE clause, if given, indicates the condition or conditions\n that rows must satisfy to be selected. where_condition is an\n expression that evaluates to true for each row to be selected. The\n statement selects all rows if there is no WHERE clause.\n\n In the WHERE expression, you can use any of the functions and\n operators that MySQL supports, except for aggregate (summary)\n functions. See\n http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/expressions.html, and\n http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/functions.html.\n\nSELECT can also be used to retrieve rows computed without reference to\nany table.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/select.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/select.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (541,7,'JSON_MERGE_PRESERVE()','Syntax:\nJSON_MERGE_PRESERVE(json_doc, json_doc[, json_doc] ...)\n\nMerges two or more JSON documents and returns the merged result.\nReturns NULL if any argument is NULL. An error occurs if any argument\nis not a valid JSON document.\n\nMerging takes place according to the following rules. For additional\ninformation, see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/json.html#json-normalization.\n\no Adjacent arrays are merged to a single array.\n\no Adjacent objects are merged to a single object.\n\no A scalar value is autowrapped as an array and merged as an array.\n\no An adjacent array and object are merged by autowrapping the object as\n an array and merging the two arrays.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/json-modification-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT JSON_MERGE_PRESERVE(\'[1, 2]\', \'[true, false]\');\n+------------------------------------------------+\n| JSON_MERGE_PRESERVE(\'[1, 2]\', \'[true, false]\') |\n+------------------------------------------------+\n| [1, 2, true, false] |\n+------------------------------------------------+\n\nmysql> SELECT JSON_MERGE_PRESERVE(\'{"name": "x"}\', \'{"id": 47}\');\n+----------------------------------------------------+\n| JSON_MERGE_PRESERVE(\'{"name": "x"}\', \'{"id": 47}\') |\n+----------------------------------------------------+\n| {"id": 47, "name": "x"} |\n+----------------------------------------------------+\n\nmysql> SELECT JSON_MERGE_PRESERVE(\'1\', \'true\');\n+----------------------------------+\n| JSON_MERGE_PRESERVE(\'1\', \'true\') |\n+----------------------------------+\n| [1, true] |\n+----------------------------------+\n\nmysql> SELECT JSON_MERGE_PRESERVE(\'[1, 2]\', \'{"id": 47}\');\n+---------------------------------------------+\n| JSON_MERGE_PRESERVE(\'[1, 2]\', \'{"id": 47}\') |\n+---------------------------------------------+\n| [1, 2, {"id": 47}] |\n+---------------------------------------------+\n\nmysql> SELECT JSON_MERGE_PRESERVE(\'{ "a": 1, "b": 2 }\',\n > \'{ "a": 3, "c": 4 }\');\n+--------------------------------------------------------------+\n| JSON_MERGE_PRESERVE(\'{ "a": 1, "b": 2 }\',\'{ "a": 3, "c":4 }\') |\n+--------------------------------------------------------------+\n| {"a": [1, 3], "b": 2, "c": 4} |\n+--------------------------------------------------------------+\n\nmysql> SELECT JSON_MERGE_PRESERVE(\'{ "a": 1, "b": 2 }\',\'{ "a": 3, "c": 4 }\',\n > \'{ "a": 5, "d": 6 }\');\n+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n| JSON_MERGE_PRESERVE(\'{ "a": 1, "b": 2 }\',\'{ "a": 3, "c": 4 }\',\'{ "a": 5, "d": 6 }\') |\n+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n| {"a": [1, 3, 5], "b": 2, "c": 4, "d": 6} |\n+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/json-modification-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (542,16,'GROUP_CONCAT','Syntax:\nGROUP_CONCAT(expr)\n\nThis function returns a string result with the concatenated non-NULL\nvalues from a group. It returns NULL if there are no non-NULL values.\nThe full syntax is as follows:\n\nGROUP_CONCAT([DISTINCT] expr [,expr ...]\n [ORDER BY {unsigned_integer | col_name | expr}\n [ASC | DESC] [,col_name ...]]\n [SEPARATOR str_val])\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/group-by-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT student_name,\n GROUP_CONCAT(test_score)\n FROM student\n GROUP BY student_name;\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/group-by-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (543,17,'BENCHMARK','Syntax:\nBENCHMARK(count,expr)\n\nThe BENCHMARK() function executes the expression expr repeatedly count\ntimes. It may be used to time how quickly MySQL processes the\nexpression. The result value is always 0. The intended use is from\nwithin the mysql client, which reports query execution times:\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/information-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT BENCHMARK(1000000,AES_ENCRYPT(\'hello\',\'goodbye\'));\n+---------------------------------------------------+\n| BENCHMARK(1000000,AES_ENCRYPT(\'hello\',\'goodbye\')) |\n+---------------------------------------------------+\n| 0 |\n+---------------------------------------------------+\n1 row in set (4.74 sec)\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/information-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (544,38,'FROM_BASE64','Syntax:\nFROM_BASE64(str)\n\nTakes a string encoded with the base-64 encoded rules used by\nTO_BASE64() and returns the decoded result as a binary string. The\nresult is NULL if the argument is NULL or not a valid base-64 string.\nSee the description of TO_BASE64() for details about the encoding and\ndecoding rules.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT TO_BASE64(\'abc\'), FROM_BASE64(TO_BASE64(\'abc\'));\n -> \'JWJj\', \'abc\'\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (545,27,'SHOW ENGINE','Syntax:\nSHOW ENGINE engine_name {STATUS | MUTEX}\n\nSHOW ENGINE displays operational information about a storage engine. It\nrequires the PROCESS privilege. The statement has these variants:\n\nSHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS\nSHOW ENGINE INNODB MUTEX\nSHOW ENGINE PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA STATUS\n\nSHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS displays extensive information from the\nstandard InnoDB Monitor about the state of the InnoDB storage engine.\nFor information about the standard monitor and other InnoDB Monitors\nthat provide information about InnoDB processing, see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/innodb-monitors.html.\n\nSHOW ENGINE INNODB MUTEX displays InnoDB mutex and rw-lock statistics.\n\n*Note*:\n\nInnoDB mutexes and rwlocks can also be monitored using Performance\nSchema tables. See\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/monitor-innodb-mutex-waits-perfo\nrmance-schema.html.\n\nSHOW ENGINE INNODB MUTEX output was removed in MySQL 5.7.2. It was\nrevised and reintroduced in MySQL 5.7.8.\n\nIn MySQL 5.7.8, mutex statistics collection is configured dynamically\nusing the following options:\n\no To enable the collection of mutex statistics, run:\n\nSET GLOBAL innodb_monitor_enable=\'latch\';\n\no To reset mutex statistics, run:\n\nSET GLOBAL innodb_monitor_reset=\'latch\';\n\no To disable the collection of mutex statistics, run:\n\nSET GLOBAL innodb_monitor_disable=\'latch\';\n\nCollection of mutex statistics for SHOW ENGINE INNODB MUTEX can also be\nenabled by setting innodb_monitor_enable=\'all\', or disabled by setting\ninnodb_monitor_disable=\'all\'.\n\nSHOW ENGINE INNODB MUTEX output has the following columns:\n\no Type\n\n Always InnoDB.\n\no Name\n\n Prior to MySQL 5.7.8, the Name field reports the source file where\n the mutex is implemented, and the line number in the file where the\n mutex is created. The line number is specific to your version of\n MySQL. As of MySQL 5.7.8, only the mutex name is reported. File name\n and line number are still reported for rwlocks.\n\no Status\n\n The mutex status.\n\n Prior to MySQL 5.7.8, the Status field displays several values if\n WITH_DEBUG was defined at MySQL compilation time. If WITH_DEBUG was\n not defined, the statement displays only the os_waits value. In the\n latter case (without WITH_DEBUG), the information on which the output\n is based is insufficient to distinguish regular mutexes and mutexes\n that protect rwlocks (which permit multiple readers or a single\n writer). Consequently, the output may appear to contain multiple rows\n for the same mutex. Pre-MySQL 5.7.8 Status field values include:\n\n o count indicates how many times the mutex was requested.\n\n o spin_waits indicates how many times the spinlock had to run.\n\n o spin_rounds indicates the number of spinlock rounds. (spin_rounds\n divided by spin_waits provides the average round count.)\n\n o os_waits indicates the number of operating system waits. This\n occurs when the spinlock did not work (the mutex was not locked\n during the spinlock and it was necessary to yield to the operating\n system and wait).\n\n o os_yields indicates the number of times a thread trying to lock a\n mutex gave up its timeslice and yielded to the operating system (on\n the presumption that permitting other threads to run will free the\n mutex so that it can be locked).\n\n o os_wait_times indicates the amount of time (in ms) spent in\n operating system waits. In MySQL 5.7 timing is disabled and this\n value is always 0.\n\n As of MySQL 5.7.8, the Status field reports the number of spins,\n waits, and calls. Statistics for low-level operating system mutexes,\n which are implemented outside of InnoDB, are not reported.\n\n o spins indicates the number of spins.\n\n o waits indicates the number of mutex waits.\n\n o calls indicates how many times the mutex was requested.\n\nSHOW ENGINE INNODB MUTEX skips the mutexes and rw-locks of buffer pool\nblocks, as the amount of output can be overwhelming on systems with a\nlarge buffer pool. (There is one mutex and one rw-lock in each 16K\nbuffer pool block, and there are 65,536 blocks per gigabyte.) SHOW\nENGINE INNODB MUTEX also does not list any mutexes or rw-locks that\nhave never been waited on (os_waits=0). Thus, SHOW ENGINE INNODB MUTEX\nonly displays information about mutexes and rw-locks outside of the\nbuffer pool that have caused at least one OS-level wait.\n\nUse SHOW ENGINE PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA STATUS to inspect the internal\noperation of the Performance Schema code:\n\nmysql> SHOW ENGINE PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA STATUS\\G\n...\n*************************** 3. row ***************************\n Type: performance_schema\n Name: events_waits_history.size\nStatus: 76\n*************************** 4. row ***************************\n Type: performance_schema\n Name: events_waits_history.count\nStatus: 10000\n*************************** 5. row ***************************\n Type: performance_schema\n Name: events_waits_history.memory\nStatus: 760000\n...\n*************************** 57. row ***************************\n Type: performance_schema\n Name: performance_schema.memory\nStatus: 26459600\n...\n\nThis statement is intended to help the DBA understand the effects that\ndifferent Performance Schema options have on memory requirements.\n\nName values consist of two parts, which name an internal buffer and a\nbuffer attribute, respectively. Interpret buffer names as follows:\n\no An internal buffer that is not exposed as a table is named within\n parentheses. Examples: (pfs_cond_class).size,\n (pfs_mutex_class).memory.\n\no An internal buffer that is exposed as a table in the\n performance_schema database is named after the table, without\n parentheses. Examples: events_waits_history.size,\n mutex_instances.count.\n\no A value that applies to the Performance Schema as a whole begins with\n performance_schema. Example: performance_schema.memory.\n\nBuffer attributes have these meanings:\n\no size is the size of the internal record used by the implementation,\n such as the size of a row in a table. size values cannot be changed.\n\no count is the number of internal records, such as the number of rows\n in a table. count values can be changed using Performance Schema\n configuration options.\n\no For a table, tbl_name.memory is the product of size and count. For\n the Performance Schema as a whole, performance_schema.memory is the\n sum of all the memory used (the sum of all other memory values).\n\nIn some cases, there is a direct relationship between a Performance\nSchema configuration parameter and a SHOW ENGINE value. For example,\nevents_waits_history_long.count corresponds to\nperformance_schema_events_waits_history_long_size. In other cases, the\nrelationship is more complex. For example, events_waits_history.count\ncorresponds to performance_schema_events_waits_history_size (the number\nof rows per thread) multiplied by\nperformance_schema_max_thread_instances ( the number of threads).\n\nSHOW ENGINE NDB STATUS If the server has the NDB storage engine\nenabled, SHOW ENGINE NDB STATUS displays cluster status information\nsuch as the number of connected data nodes, the cluster connectstring,\nand cluster binary log epochs, as well as counts of various Cluster API\nobjects created by the MySQL Server when connected to the cluster.\nSample output from this statement is shown here:\n\nmysql> SHOW ENGINE NDB STATUS;\n+------------+-----------------------+--------------------------------------------------+\n| Type | Name | Status |\n+------------+-----------------------+--------------------------------------------------+\n| ndbcluster | connection | cluster_node_id=7,\n connected_host=, connected_port=1186, number_of_data_nodes=4,\n number_of_ready_data_nodes=3, connect_count=0 |\n| ndbcluster | NdbTransaction | created=6, free=0, sizeof=212 |\n| ndbcluster | NdbOperation | created=8, free=8, sizeof=660 |\n| ndbcluster | NdbIndexScanOperation | created=1, free=1, sizeof=744 |\n| ndbcluster | NdbIndexOperation | created=0, free=0, sizeof=664 |\n| ndbcluster | NdbRecAttr | created=1285, free=1285, sizeof=60 |\n| ndbcluster | NdbApiSignal | created=16, free=16, sizeof=136 |\n| ndbcluster | NdbLabel | created=0, free=0, sizeof=196 |\n| ndbcluster | NdbBranch | created=0, free=0, sizeof=24 |\n| ndbcluster | NdbSubroutine | created=0, free=0, sizeof=68 |\n| ndbcluster | NdbCall | created=0, free=0, sizeof=16 |\n| ndbcluster | NdbBlob | created=1, free=1, sizeof=264 |\n| ndbcluster | NdbReceiver | created=4, free=0, sizeof=68 |\n| ndbcluster | binlog | latest_epoch=155467, latest_trans_epoch=148126,\n latest_received_binlog_epoch=0, latest_handled_binlog_epoch=0,\n latest_applied_binlog_epoch=0 |\n+------------+-----------------------+--------------------------------------------------+\n\nThe Status column in each of these rows provides information about the\nMySQL server\'s connection to the cluster and about the cluster binary\nlog\'s status, respectively. The Status information is in the form of\ncomma-delimited set of name/value pairs.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-engine.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-engine.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (546,14,'NAME_CONST','Syntax:\nNAME_CONST(name,value)\n\nReturns the given value. When used to produce a result set column,\nNAME_CONST() causes the column to have the given name. The arguments\nshould be constants.\n\nmysql> SELECT NAME_CONST(\'myname\', 14);\n+--------+\n| myname |\n+--------+\n| 14 |\n+--------+\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/miscellaneous-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/miscellaneous-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (547,14,'RELEASE_LOCK','Syntax:\nRELEASE_LOCK(str)\n\nReleases the lock named by the string str that was obtained with\nGET_LOCK(). Returns 1 if the lock was released, 0 if the lock was not\nestablished by this thread (in which case the lock is not released),\nand NULL if the named lock did not exist. The lock does not exist if it\nwas never obtained by a call to GET_LOCK() or if it has previously been\nreleased.\n\nThe DO statement is convenient to use with RELEASE_LOCK(). See [HELP\nDO].\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/miscellaneous-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/miscellaneous-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (548,32,'WEEKDAY','Syntax:\nWEEKDAY(date)\n\nReturns the weekday index for date (0 = Monday, 1 = Tuesday, ... 6 =\nSunday).\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT WEEKDAY(\'2008-02-03 22:23:00\');\n -> 6\nmysql> SELECT WEEKDAY(\'2007-11-06\');\n -> 1\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (549,32,'TIME_TO_SEC','Syntax:\nTIME_TO_SEC(time)\n\nReturns the time argument, converted to seconds.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT TIME_TO_SEC(\'22:23:00\');\n -> 80580\nmysql> SELECT TIME_TO_SEC(\'00:39:38\');\n -> 2378\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (550,32,'CONVERT_TZ','Syntax:\nCONVERT_TZ(dt,from_tz,to_tz)\n\nCONVERT_TZ() converts a datetime value dt from the time zone given by\nfrom_tz to the time zone given by to_tz and returns the resulting\nvalue. Time zones are specified as described in\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/time-zone-support.html. This\nfunction returns NULL if the arguments are invalid.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT CONVERT_TZ(\'2004-01-01 12:00:00\',\'GMT\',\'MET\');\n -> \'2004-01-01 13:00:00\'\nmysql> SELECT CONVERT_TZ(\'2004-01-01 12:00:00\',\'+00:00\',\'+10:00\');\n -> \'2004-01-01 22:00:00\'\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (551,38,'EXPORT_SET','Syntax:\nEXPORT_SET(bits,on,off[,separator[,number_of_bits]])\n\nReturns a string such that for every bit set in the value bits, you get\nan on string and for every bit not set in the value, you get an off\nstring. Bits in bits are examined from right to left (from low-order to\nhigh-order bits). Strings are added to the result from left to right,\nseparated by the separator string (the default being the comma\ncharacter ,). The number of bits examined is given by number_of_bits,\nwhich has a default of 64 if not specified. number_of_bits is silently\nclipped to 64 if larger than 64. It is treated as an unsigned integer,\nso a value of −1 is effectively the same as 64.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT EXPORT_SET(5,\'Y\',\'N\',\',\',4);\n -> \'Y,N,Y,N\'\nmysql> SELECT EXPORT_SET(6,\'1\',\'0\',\',\',10);\n -> \'0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0\'\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (552,38,'CAST','Syntax:\nCAST(expr AS type)\n\nThe CAST() function takes an expression of any type and produces a\nresult value of the specified type, similar to CONVERT(). For more\ninformation, see the description of CONVERT().\n\nCAST() is standard SQL syntax.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/cast-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/cast-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (553,38,'SOUNDS LIKE','Syntax:\nexpr1 SOUNDS LIKE expr2\n\nThis is the same as SOUNDEX(expr1) = SOUNDEX(expr2).\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (554,32,'PERIOD_DIFF','Syntax:\nPERIOD_DIFF(P1,P2)\n\nReturns the number of months between periods P1 and P2. P1 and P2\nshould be in the format YYMM or YYYYMM. Note that the period arguments\nP1 and P2 are not date values.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT PERIOD_DIFF(200802,200703);\n -> 11\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (555,16,'AVG','Syntax:\nAVG([DISTINCT] expr)\n\nReturns the average value of expr. The DISTINCT option can be used to\nreturn the average of the distinct values of expr.\n\nIf there are no matching rows, AVG() returns NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/group-by-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT student_name, AVG(test_score)\n FROM student\n GROUP BY student_name;\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/group-by-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (556,38,'QUOTE','Syntax:\nQUOTE(str)\n\nQuotes a string to produce a result that can be used as a properly\nescaped data value in an SQL statement. The string is returned enclosed\nby single quotation marks and with each instance of backslash (\\),\nsingle quote (\'), ASCII NUL, and Control+Z preceded by a backslash. If\nthe argument is NULL, the return value is the word "NULL" without\nenclosing single quotation marks.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT QUOTE(\'Don\\\'t!\');\n -> \'Don\\\'t!\'\nmysql> SELECT QUOTE(NULL);\n -> NULL\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (557,20,'IN','Syntax:\nexpr IN (value,...)\n\nReturns 1 if expr is equal to any of the values in the IN list, else\nreturns 0. If all values are constants, they are evaluated according to\nthe type of expr and sorted. The search for the item then is done using\na binary search. This means IN is very quick if the IN value list\nconsists entirely of constants. Otherwise, type conversion takes place\naccording to the rules described in\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/type-conversion.html, but\napplied to all the arguments.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/comparison-operators.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT 2 IN (0,3,5,7);\n -> 0\nmysql> SELECT \'wefwf\' IN (\'wee\',\'wefwf\',\'weg\');\n -> 1\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/comparison-operators.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (558,32,'QUARTER','Syntax:\nQUARTER(date)\n\nReturns the quarter of the year for date, in the range 1 to 4.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT QUARTER(\'2008-04-01\');\n -> 2\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (559,27,'HELP COMMAND','Syntax:\nmysql> help search_string\n\nIf you provide an argument to the help command, mysql uses it as a\nsearch string to access server-side help from the contents of the MySQL\nReference Manual. The proper operation of this command requires that\nthe help tables in the mysql database be initialized with help topic\ninformation (see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/server-side-help-support.html).\n\nIf there is no match for the search string, the search fails:\n\nmysql> help me\n\nNothing found\nPlease try to run \'help contents\' for a list of all accessible topics\n\nUse help contents to see a list of the help categories:\n\nmysql> help contents\nYou asked for help about help category: "Contents"\nFor more information, type \'help \', where is one of the\nfollowing categories:\n Account Management\n Administration\n Data Definition\n Data Manipulation\n Data Types\n Functions\n Functions and Modifiers for Use with GROUP BY\n Geographic Features\n Language Structure\n Plugins\n Storage Engines\n Stored Routines\n Table Maintenance\n Transactions\n Triggers\n\nIf the search string matches multiple items, mysql shows a list of\nmatching topics:\n\nmysql> help logs\nMany help items for your request exist.\nTo make a more specific request, please type \'help \',\nwhere is one of the following topics:\n SHOW\n SHOW BINARY LOGS\n SHOW ENGINE\n SHOW LOGS\n\nUse a topic as the search string to see the help entry for that topic:\n\nmysql> help show binary logs\nName: \'SHOW BINARY LOGS\'\nDescription:\nSyntax:\nSHOW BINARY LOGS\nSHOW MASTER LOGS\n\nLists the binary log files on the server. This statement is used as\npart of the procedure described in [purge-binary-logs], that shows how\nto determine which logs can be purged.\n\nmysql> SHOW BINARY LOGS;\n+---------------+-----------+\n| Log_name | File_size |\n+---------------+-----------+\n| binlog.000015 | 724935 |\n| binlog.000016 | 733481 |\n+---------------+-----------+\n\nThe search string can contain the wildcard characters % and _. These\nhave the same meaning as for pattern-matching operations performed with\nthe LIKE operator. For example, HELP rep% returns a list of topics that\nbegin with rep:\n\nmysql> HELP rep%\nMany help items for your request exist.\nTo make a more specific request, please type \'help \',\nwhere is one of the following\ntopics:\n REPAIR TABLE\n REPEAT FUNCTION\n REPEAT LOOP\n REPLACE\n REPLACE FUNCTION\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mysql-server-side-help.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mysql-server-side-help.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (560,7,'JSON_REPLACE','Syntax:\nJSON_REPLACE(json_doc, path, val[, path, val] ...)\n\nReplaces existing values in a JSON document and returns the result.\nReturns NULL if any argument is NULL. An error occurs if the json_doc\nargument is not a valid JSON document or any path argument is not a\nvalid path expression or contains a * or ** wildcard.\n\nThe path-value pairs are evaluated left to right. The document produced\nby evaluating one pair becomes the new value against which the next\npair is evaluated.\n\nA path-value pair for an existing path in the document overwrites the\nexisting document value with the new value. A path-value pair for a\nnonexisting path in the document is ignored and has no effect.\n\nFor a comparison of JSON_INSERT(), JSON_REPLACE(), and JSON_SET(), see\nthe discussion of JSON_SET().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/json-modification-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SET @j = \'{ "a": 1, "b": [2, 3]}\';\nmysql> SELECT JSON_REPLACE(@j, \'$.a\', 10, \'$.c\', \'[true, false]\');\n+-----------------------------------------------------+\n| JSON_REPLACE(@j, \'$.a\', 10, \'$.c\', \'[true, false]\') |\n+-----------------------------------------------------+\n| {"a": 10, "b": [2, 3]} |\n+-----------------------------------------------------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/json-modification-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (561,38,'POSITION','Syntax:\nPOSITION(substr IN str)\n\nPOSITION(substr IN str) is a synonym for LOCATE(substr,str).\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (562,14,'IS_USED_LOCK','Syntax:\nIS_USED_LOCK(str)\n\nChecks whether the lock named str is in use (that is, locked). If so,\nit returns the connection identifier of the client session that holds\nthe lock. Otherwise, it returns NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/miscellaneous-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/miscellaneous-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (563,4,'POLYFROMTEXT','PolyFromText(wkt[, srid]), PolygonFromText(wkt[, srid])\n\nST_PolyFromText(), ST_PolygonFromText(), PolyFromText(), and\nPolygonFromText() are synonyms. For more information, see the\ndescription of ST_PolyFromText().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-wkt-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-wkt-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (564,37,'ST_SRID','ST_SRID(g)\n\nReturns an integer indicating the spatial reference system ID\nassociated with the geometry value g, or NULL if the argument is NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-general-property-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT ST_SRID(ST_GeomFromText(\'LineString(1 1,2 2)\',101));\n+-----------------------------------------------------+\n| ST_SRID(ST_GeomFromText(\'LineString(1 1,2 2)\',101)) |\n+-----------------------------------------------------+\n| 101 |\n+-----------------------------------------------------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-general-property-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (565,10,'ALTER USER','Syntax:\nALTER USER [IF EXISTS]\n user [auth_option] [, user [auth_option]] ...\n [REQUIRE {NONE | tls_option [[AND] tls_option] ...}]\n [WITH resource_option [resource_option] ...]\n [password_option | lock_option] ...\n\nALTER USER [IF EXISTS]\n USER() IDENTIFIED BY \'auth_string\'\n\nuser:\n (see )\n\nauth_option: {\n IDENTIFIED BY \'auth_string\'\n | IDENTIFIED WITH auth_plugin\n | IDENTIFIED WITH auth_plugin BY \'auth_string\'\n | IDENTIFIED WITH auth_plugin AS \'hash_string\'\n}\n\ntls_option: {\n SSL\n | X509\n | CIPHER \'cipher\'\n | ISSUER \'issuer\'\n | SUBJECT \'subject\'\n}\n\nresource_option: {\n MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR count\n | MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR count\n | MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR count\n | MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS count\n}\n\npassword_option: {\n PASSWORD EXPIRE\n | PASSWORD EXPIRE DEFAULT\n | PASSWORD EXPIRE NEVER\n | PASSWORD EXPIRE INTERVAL N DAY\n}\n\nlock_option: {\n ACCOUNT LOCK\n | ACCOUNT UNLOCK\n}\n\nThe ALTER USER statement modifies MySQL accounts. It enables\nauthentication, SSL/TLS, resource-limit, and password-management\nproperties to be modified for existing accounts, and enables account\nlocking and unlocking.\n\nTo use ALTER USER, you must have the global CREATE USER privilege or\nthe UPDATE privilege for the mysql database. When the read_only system\nvariable is enabled, ALTER USER additionally requires the SUPER\nprivilege.\n\nBy default, an error occurs if you try to modify a user that does not\nexist. If the IF EXISTS clause is given, the statement produces a\nwarning for each named user that does not exist, rather than an error.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/alter-user.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/alter-user.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (566,12,'DES_ENCRYPT','Syntax:\nDES_ENCRYPT(str[,{key_num|key_str}])\n\nEncrypts the string with the given key using the Triple-DES algorithm.\n\nThis function works only if MySQL has been configured with SSL support.\nSee http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/encrypted-connections.html.\n\nThe encryption key to use is chosen based on the second argument to\nDES_ENCRYPT(), if one was given. With no argument, the first key from\nthe DES key file is used. With a key_num argument, the given key number\n(0 to 9) from the DES key file is used. With a key_str argument, the\ngiven key string is used to encrypt str.\n\nThe key file can be specified with the --des-key-file server option.\n\nThe return string is a binary string where the first character is\nCHAR(128 | key_num). If an error occurs, DES_ENCRYPT() returns NULL.\n\nThe 128 is added to make it easier to recognize an encrypted key. If\nyou use a string key, key_num is 127.\n\nThe string length for the result is given by this formula:\n\nnew_len = orig_len + (8 - (orig_len % 8)) + 1\n\nEach line in the DES key file has the following format:\n\nkey_num des_key_str\n\nEach key_num value must be a number in the range from 0 to 9. Lines in\nthe file may be in any order. des_key_str is the string that is used to\nencrypt the message. There should be at least one space between the\nnumber and the key. The first key is the default key that is used if\nyou do not specify any key argument to DES_ENCRYPT().\n\nYou can tell MySQL to read new key values from the key file with the\nFLUSH DES_KEY_FILE statement. This requires the RELOAD privilege.\n\nOne benefit of having a set of default keys is that it gives\napplications a way to check for the existence of encrypted column\nvalues, without giving the end user the right to decrypt those values.\n\n*Note*:\n\nThe DES_ENCRYPT() and DES_DECRYPT() functions are deprecated as of\nMySQL 5.7.6, will be removed in a future MySQL release, and should no\nlonger be used. Consider using AES_ENCRYPT() and AES_DECRYPT() instead.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/encryption-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT customer_address FROM customer_table \n > WHERE crypted_credit_card = DES_ENCRYPT(\'credit_card_number\');\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/encryption-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (567,3,'CEIL','Syntax:\nCEIL(X)\n\nCEIL() is a synonym for CEILING().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mathematical-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mathematical-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (568,7,'WAIT_UNTIL_SQL_THREAD_AFTER_GTIDS','Syntax:\nWAIT_UNTIL_SQL_THREAD_AFTER_GTIDS(gtid_set[, timeout][,channel])\n\nWAIT_UNTIL_SQL_THREAD_AFTER_GTIDS() is similar to\nWAIT_FOR_EXECUTED_GTID_SET() in that it waits until all of the\ntransactions whose global transaction identifiers are contained in\ngtid_set have been applied, or until timeout seconds have elapsed,\nwhichever occurs first. However, WAIT_UNTIL_SQL_THREAD_AFTER_GTIDS()\napplies to a specific replication channel, and stops only after the\ntransactions have been applied on the specified channel, for which the\napplier must be running. In contrast, WAIT_FOR_EXECUTED_GTID_SET()\nstops after the transactions have been applied, regardless of where\nthey were applied (on any replication channel or any user client), and\nwhether or not any replication channels are running.\n\nThe channel option names which replication channel the function applies\nto. If no channel is named and no channels other than the default\nreplication channel exist, the function applies to the default\nreplication channel. If multiple replication channels exist, you must\nspecify a channel as otherwise it is not known which replication\nchannel the function applies to. See\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/replication-channels.html for\nmore information on replication channels.\n\n*Note*:\n\nBecause WAIT_UNTIL_SQL_THREAD_AFTER_GTIDS() applies to a specific\nreplication channel, if an expected transaction arrives on a different\nreplication channel or from a user client, for example in a failover or\nmanual recovery situation, the function can hang indefinitely if no\ntimeout is set. Use WAIT_FOR_EXECUTED_GTID_SET() instead to ensure\ncorrect handling of transactions in these situations.\n\nGTID sets used with WAIT_UNTIL_SQL_THREAD_AFTER_GTIDS() are represented\nas strings and must be quoted in the same way as for\nWAIT_FOR_EXECUTED_GTID_SET(). For WAIT_UNTIL_SQL_THREAD_AFTER_GTIDS(),\nthe return value for the function is an arbitrary positive number. If\nGTID-based replication is not active (that is, if the value of the\ngtid_mode variable is OFF), then this value is undefined and\nWAIT_UNTIL_SQL_THREAD_AFTER_GTIDS() returns NULL. If the slave is not\nrunning then the function also returns NULL.\n\ngtid_mode cannot be changed to OFF while any client is using this\nfunction to wait for GTIDs to be applied.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gtid-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gtid-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (569,38,'LENGTH','Syntax:\nLENGTH(str)\n\nReturns the length of the string str, measured in bytes. A multibyte\ncharacter counts as multiple bytes. This means that for a string\ncontaining five 2-byte characters, LENGTH() returns 10, whereas\nCHAR_LENGTH() returns 5.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT LENGTH(\'text\');\n -> 4\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (570,38,'WEIGHT_STRING','Syntax:\nWEIGHT_STRING(str [AS {CHAR|BINARY}(N)] [LEVEL levels] [flags])\n\nlevels: N [ASC|DESC|REVERSE] [, N [ASC|DESC|REVERSE]] ...\n\nThis function returns the weight string for the input string. The\nreturn value is a binary string that represents the comparison and\nsorting value of the string. It has these properties:\n\no If WEIGHT_STRING(str1) = WEIGHT_STRING(str2), then str1 = str2 (str1\n and str2 are considered equal)\n\no If WEIGHT_STRING(str1) < WEIGHT_STRING(str2), then str1 < str2 (str1\n sorts before str2)\n\nWEIGHT_STRING() is a debugging function intended for internal use. Its\nbehavior can change without notice between MySQL versions. It can be\nused for testing and debugging of collations, especially if you are\nadding a new collation. See\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/adding-collation.html.\n\nThis list briefly summarizes the arguments. More details are given in\nthe discussion following the list.\n\no str: The input string expression.\n\no AS clause: Optional; cast the input string to a given type and\n length.\n\no LEVEL clause: Optional; specify weight levels for the return value.\n\no flags: Optional; unused.\n\nThe input string, str, is a string expression. If the input is a\nnonbinary (character) string such as a CHAR, VARCHAR, or TEXT value,\nthe return value contains the collation weights for the string. If the\ninput is a binary (byte) string such as a BINARY, VARBINARY, or BLOB\nvalue, the return value is the same as the input (the weight for each\nbyte in a binary string is the byte value). If the input is NULL,\nWEIGHT_STRING() returns NULL.\n\nExamples:\n\nmysql> SET @s = _latin1 \'AB\' COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci;\nmysql> SELECT @s, HEX(@s), HEX(WEIGHT_STRING(@s));\n+------+---------+------------------------+\n| @s | HEX(@s) | HEX(WEIGHT_STRING(@s)) |\n+------+---------+------------------------+\n| AB | 4142 | 4142 |\n+------+---------+------------------------+\n\nmysql> SET @s = _latin1 \'ab\' COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci;\nmysql> SELECT @s, HEX(@s), HEX(WEIGHT_STRING(@s));\n+------+---------+------------------------+\n| @s | HEX(@s) | HEX(WEIGHT_STRING(@s)) |\n+------+---------+------------------------+\n| ab | 6162 | 4142 |\n+------+---------+------------------------+\n\nmysql> SET @s = CAST(\'AB\' AS BINARY);\nmysql> SELECT @s, HEX(@s), HEX(WEIGHT_STRING(@s));\n+------+---------+------------------------+\n| @s | HEX(@s) | HEX(WEIGHT_STRING(@s)) |\n+------+---------+------------------------+\n| AB | 4142 | 4142 |\n+------+---------+------------------------+\n\nmysql> SET @s = CAST(\'ab\' AS BINARY);\nmysql> SELECT @s, HEX(@s), HEX(WEIGHT_STRING(@s));\n+------+---------+------------------------+\n| @s | HEX(@s) | HEX(WEIGHT_STRING(@s)) |\n+------+---------+------------------------+\n| ab | 6162 | 6162 |\n+------+---------+------------------------+\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (571,31,'ST_EQUALS','ST_Equals(g1, g2)\n\nReturns 1 or 0 to indicate whether g1 is spatially equal to g2.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-relation-functions-object-shapes.html\n\n','mysql> SET @g1 = Point(1,1), @g2 = Point(2,2);\nmysql> SELECT ST_Equals(@g1, @g1), ST_Equals(@g1, @g2);\n+---------------------+---------------------+\n| ST_Equals(@g1, @g1) | ST_Equals(@g1, @g2) |\n+---------------------+---------------------+\n| 1 | 0 |\n+---------------------+---------------------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-relation-functions-object-shapes.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (572,40,'ALTER EVENT','Syntax:\nALTER\n [DEFINER = { user | CURRENT_USER }]\n EVENT event_name\n [ON SCHEDULE schedule]\n [ON COMPLETION [NOT] PRESERVE]\n [RENAME TO new_event_name]\n [ENABLE | DISABLE | DISABLE ON SLAVE]\n [COMMENT \'string\']\n [DO event_body]\n\nThe ALTER EVENT statement changes one or more of the characteristics of\nan existing event without the need to drop and recreate it. The syntax\nfor each of the DEFINER, ON SCHEDULE, ON COMPLETION, COMMENT, ENABLE /\nDISABLE, and DO clauses is exactly the same as when used with CREATE\nEVENT. (See [HELP CREATE EVENT].)\n\nAny user can alter an event defined on a database for which that user\nhas the EVENT privilege. When a user executes a successful ALTER EVENT\nstatement, that user becomes the definer for the affected event.\n\nALTER EVENT works only with an existing event:\n\nmysql> ALTER EVENT no_such_event \n > ON SCHEDULE \n > EVERY \'2:3\' DAY_HOUR;\nERROR 1517 (HY000): Unknown event \'no_such_event\'\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/alter-event.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/alter-event.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (573,32,'DATE_SUB','Syntax:\nDATE_SUB(date,INTERVAL expr unit)\n\nSee the description for DATE_ADD().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (574,19,'|','Syntax:\n|\n\nBitwise OR.\n\nThe result is an unsigned 64-bit integer.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/bit-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT 29 | 15;\n -> 31\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/bit-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (575,7,'ASYMMETRIC_SIGN','Syntax:\nASYMMETRIC_SIGN(algorithm, digest_str, priv_key_str, digest_type)\n\nSigns a digest string using a private key string, and returns the\nsignature as a binary string. If signing fails, the result is NULL.\n\ndigest_str is the digest string. It can be generated by calling\nCREATE_DIGEST(). digest_type indicates the digest algorithm used to\ngenerate the digest string.\n\npriv_key_str is the private key string to use for signing the digest\nstring. It must be a valid key string in PEM format. algorithm\nindicates the encryption algorithm used to create the key.\n\nSupported algorithm values: \'RSA\', \'DSA\'\n\nSupported digest_type values: \'SHA224\', \'SHA256\', \'SHA384\', \'SHA512\'\n\nFor a usage example, see the description of ASYMMETRIC_VERIFY().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/enterprise-encryption-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/enterprise-encryption-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (576,4,'GEOMFROMTEXT','GeomFromText(wkt[, srid]), GeometryFromText(wkt[, srid])\n\nST_GeomFromText(), ST_GeometryFromText(), GeomFromText(), and\nGeometryFromText() are synonyms. For more information, see the\ndescription of ST_GeomFromText().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-wkt-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-wkt-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (577,14,'UUID_SHORT','Syntax:\nUUID_SHORT()\n\nReturns a "short" universal identifier as a 64-bit unsigned integer.\nValues returned by UUID_SHORT() differ from the string-format 128-bit\nidentifiers returned by the UUID() function and have different\nuniqueness properties. The value of UUID_SHORT() is guaranteed to be\nunique if the following conditions hold:\n\no The server_id value of the current server is between 0 and 255 and is\n unique among your set of master and slave servers\n\no You do not set back the system time for your server host between\n mysqld restarts\n\no You invoke UUID_SHORT() on average fewer than 16 million times per\n second between mysqld restarts\n\nThe UUID_SHORT() return value is constructed this way:\n\n (server_id & 255) << 56\n+ (server_startup_time_in_seconds << 24)\n+ incremented_variable++;\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/miscellaneous-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT UUID_SHORT();\n -> 92395783831158784\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/miscellaneous-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (578,32,'DATEDIFF','Syntax:\nDATEDIFF(expr1,expr2)\n\nDATEDIFF() returns expr1 − expr2 expressed as a value in days from\none date to the other. expr1 and expr2 are date or date-and-time\nexpressions. Only the date parts of the values are used in the\ncalculation.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT DATEDIFF(\'2007-12-31 23:59:59\',\'2007-12-30\');\n -> 1\nmysql> SELECT DATEDIFF(\'2010-11-30 23:59:59\',\'2010-12-31\');\n -> -31\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (579,40,'DROP PROCEDURE','Syntax:\nDROP {PROCEDURE | FUNCTION} [IF EXISTS] sp_name\n\nThis statement is used to drop a stored procedure or function. That is,\nthe specified routine is removed from the server. You must have the\nALTER ROUTINE privilege for the routine. (If the\nautomatic_sp_privileges system variable is enabled, that privilege and\nEXECUTE are granted automatically to the routine creator when the\nroutine is created and dropped from the creator when the routine is\ndropped. See\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/stored-routines-privileges.html.\n)\n\nThe IF EXISTS clause is a MySQL extension. It prevents an error from\noccurring if the procedure or function does not exist. A warning is\nproduced that can be viewed with SHOW WARNINGS.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/drop-procedure.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/drop-procedure.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (580,7,'ST_LATFROMGEOHASH','ST_LatFromGeoHash(geohash_str)\n\nReturns the latitude from a geohash string value, as a DOUBLE value in\nthe range [−90, 90].\n\nIf the argument is NULL, the return value is NULL. If the argument is\ninvalid, an error occurs.\n\nThe ST_LatFromGeoHash() decoding function reads no more than 433\ncharacters from the geohash_str argument. That represents the upper\nlimit on information in the internal representation of coordinate\nvalues. Characters past the 433rd are ignored, even if they are\notherwise illegal and produce an error.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-geohash-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT ST_LatFromGeoHash(ST_GeoHash(45,-20,10));\n+------------------------------------------+\n| ST_LatFromGeoHash(ST_GeoHash(45,-20,10)) |\n+------------------------------------------+\n| -20 |\n+------------------------------------------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-geohash-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (581,7,'ST_GEOMFROMGEOJSON','ST_GeomFromGeoJSON(str [, options [, srid]])\n\nParses a string str representing a GeoJSON object and returns a\ngeometry.\n\nIf any argument is NULL, the return value is NULL. If any non-NULL\nargument is invalid, an error occurs.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-geojson-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SET @json = \'{ "type": "Point", "coordinates": [102.0, 0.0]}\';\nmysql> SELECT ST_AsText(ST_GeomFromGeoJSON(@json));\n+--------------------------------------+\n| ST_AsText(ST_GeomFromGeoJSON(@json)) |\n+--------------------------------------+\n| POINT(102 0) |\n+--------------------------------------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-geojson-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (582,5,'INSTALL PLUGIN','Syntax:\nINSTALL PLUGIN plugin_name SONAME \'shared_library_name\'\n\nThis statement installs a server plugin. It requires the INSERT\nprivilege for the mysql.plugin system table.\n\nplugin_name is the name of the plugin as defined in the plugin\ndescriptor structure contained in the library file (see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/plugin-data-structures.html).\nPlugin names are not case-sensitive. For maximal compatibility, plugin\nnames should be limited to ASCII letters, digits, and underscore\nbecause they are used in C source files, shell command lines, M4 and\nBourne shell scripts, and SQL environments.\n\nshared_library_name is the name of the shared library that contains the\nplugin code. The name includes the file name extension (for example,\nlibmyplugin.so, libmyplugin.dll, or libmyplugin.dylib).\n\nThe shared library must be located in the plugin directory (the\ndirectory named by the plugin_dir system variable). The library must be\nin the plugin directory itself, not in a subdirectory. By default,\nplugin_dir is the plugin directory under the directory named by the\npkglibdir configuration variable, but it can be changed by setting the\nvalue of plugin_dir at server startup. For example, set its value in a\nmy.cnf file:\n\n[mysqld]\nplugin_dir=/path/to/plugin/directory\n\nIf the value of plugin_dir is a relative path name, it is taken to be\nrelative to the MySQL base directory (the value of the basedir system\nvariable).\n\nINSTALL PLUGIN loads and initializes the plugin code to make the plugin\navailable for use. A plugin is initialized by executing its\ninitialization function, which handles any setup that the plugin must\nperform before it can be used. When the server shuts down, it executes\nthe deinitialization function for each plugin that is loaded so that\nthe plugin has a chance to perform any final cleanup.\n\nINSTALL PLUGIN also registers the plugin by adding a line that\nindicates the plugin name and library file name to the mysql.plugin\ntable. At server startup, the server loads and initializes any plugin\nthat is listed in the mysql.plugin table. This means that a plugin is\ninstalled with INSTALL PLUGIN only once, not every time the server\nstarts. Plugin loading at startup does not occur if the server is\nstarted with the --skip-grant-tables option.\n\nA plugin library can contain multiple plugins. For each of them to be\ninstalled, use a separate INSTALL PLUGIN statement. Each statement\nnames a different plugin, but all of them specify the same library\nname.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/install-plugin.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/install-plugin.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (583,24,'DECLARE CURSOR','Syntax:\nDECLARE cursor_name CURSOR FOR select_statement\n\nThis statement declares a cursor and associates it with a SELECT\nstatement that retrieves the rows to be traversed by the cursor. To\nfetch the rows later, use a FETCH statement. The number of columns\nretrieved by the SELECT statement must match the number of output\nvariables specified in the FETCH statement.\n\nThe SELECT statement cannot have an INTO clause.\n\nCursor declarations must appear before handler declarations and after\nvariable and condition declarations.\n\nA stored program may contain multiple cursor declarations, but each\ncursor declared in a given block must have a unique name. For an\nexample, see http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/cursors.html.\n\nFor information available through SHOW statements, it is possible in\nmany cases to obtain equivalent information by using a cursor with an\nINFORMATION_SCHEMA table.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/declare-cursor.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/declare-cursor.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (584,28,'LOAD DATA','Syntax:\nLOAD DATA [LOW_PRIORITY | CONCURRENT] [LOCAL] INFILE \'file_name\'\n [REPLACE | IGNORE]\n INTO TABLE tbl_name\n [PARTITION (partition_name [, partition_name] ...)]\n [CHARACTER SET charset_name]\n [{FIELDS | COLUMNS}\n [TERMINATED BY \'string\']\n [[OPTIONALLY] ENCLOSED BY \'char\']\n [ESCAPED BY \'char\']\n ]\n [LINES\n [STARTING BY \'string\']\n [TERMINATED BY \'string\']\n ]\n [IGNORE number {LINES | ROWS}]\n [(col_name_or_user_var\n [, col_name_or_user_var] ...)]\n [SET col_name={expr | DEFAULT},\n [, col_name={expr | DEFAULT}] ...]\n\nThe LOAD DATA INFILE statement reads rows from a text file into a table\nat a very high speed. LOAD DATA INFILE is the complement of SELECT ...\nINTO OUTFILE. (See\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/select-into.html.) To write data\nfrom a table to a file, use SELECT ... INTO OUTFILE. To read the file\nback into a table, use LOAD DATA INFILE. The syntax of the FIELDS and\nLINES clauses is the same for both statements. Both clauses are\noptional, but FIELDS must precede LINES if both are specified.\n\nYou can also load data files by using the mysqlimport utility; it\noperates by sending a LOAD DATA INFILE statement to the server. The\n--local option causes mysqlimport to read data files from the client\nhost. You can specify the --compress option to get better performance\nover slow networks if the client and server support the compressed\nprotocol. See http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mysqlimport.html.\n\nFor more information about the efficiency of INSERT versus LOAD DATA\nINFILE and speeding up LOAD DATA INFILE, see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/insert-optimization.html.\n\nThe file name must be given as a literal string. On Windows, specify\nbackslashes in path names as forward slashes or doubled backslashes.\nThe character_set_filesystem system variable controls the\ninterpretation of the file name.\n\nLOAD DATA supports explicit partition selection using the PARTITION\noption with a list of one or more comma-separated names of partitions,\nsubpartitions, or both. When this option is used, if any rows from the\nfile cannot be inserted into any of the partitions or subpartitions\nnamed in the list, the statement fails with the error Found a row not\nmatching the given partition set. For more information and examples,\nsee http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/partitioning-selection.html.\n\nFor partitioned tables using storage engines that employ table locks,\nsuch as MyISAM, LOAD DATA cannot prune any partition locks. This does\nnot apply to tables using storage engines which employ row-level\nlocking, such as InnoDB. For more information, see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/partitioning-limitations-locking\n.html.\n\nThe server uses the character set indicated by the\ncharacter_set_database system variable to interpret the information in\nthe file. SET NAMES and the setting of character_set_client do not\naffect interpretation of input. If the contents of the input file use a\ncharacter set that differs from the default, it is usually preferable\nto specify the character set of the file by using the CHARACTER SET\nclause. A character set of binary specifies "no conversion."\n\nLOAD DATA INFILE interprets all fields in the file as having the same\ncharacter set, regardless of the data types of the columns into which\nfield values are loaded. For proper interpretation of file contents,\nyou must ensure that it was written with the correct character set. For\nexample, if you write a data file with mysqldump -T or by issuing a\nSELECT ... INTO OUTFILE statement in mysql, be sure to use a\n--default-character-set option so that output is written in the\ncharacter set to be used when the file is loaded with LOAD DATA INFILE.\n\n*Note*:\n\nIt is not possible to load data files that use the ucs2, utf16,\nutf16le, or utf32 character set.\n\nIf you use LOW_PRIORITY, execution of the LOAD DATA statement is\ndelayed until no other clients are reading from the table. This affects\nonly storage engines that use only table-level locking (such as MyISAM,\nMEMORY, and MERGE).\n\nIf you specify CONCURRENT with a MyISAM table that satisfies the\ncondition for concurrent inserts (that is, it contains no free blocks\nin the middle), other threads can retrieve data from the table while\nLOAD DATA is executing. This option affects the performance of LOAD\nDATA a bit, even if no other thread is using the table at the same\ntime.\n\nWith row-based replication, CONCURRENT is replicated regardless of\nMySQL version. With statement-based replication CONCURRENT is not\nreplicated prior to MySQL 5.5.1 (see Bug #34628). For more information,\nsee\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/replication-features-load-data.h\ntml.\n\nThe LOCAL keyword affects expected location of the file and error\nhandling, as described later. LOCAL works only if your server and your\nclient both have been configured to permit it. For example, if mysqld\nwas started with the local_infile system variable disabled, LOCAL does\nnot work. See\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/load-data-local.html.\n\nThe LOCAL keyword affects where the file is expected to be found:\n\no If LOCAL is specified, the file is read by the client program on the\n client host and sent to the server. The file can be given as a full\n path name to specify its exact location. If given as a relative path\n name, the name is interpreted relative to the directory in which the\n client program was started.\n\n When using LOCAL with LOAD DATA, a copy of the file is created in the\n server\'s temporary directory. This is not the directory determined by\n the value of tmpdir or slave_load_tmpdir, but rather the operating\n system\'s temporary directory, and is not configurable in the MySQL\n Server. (Typically the system temporary directory is /tmp on Linux\n systems and C:\\WINDOWS\\TEMP on Windows.) Lack of sufficient space for\n the copy in this directory can cause the LOAD DATA LOCAL statement to\n fail.\n\no If LOCAL is not specified, the file must be located on the server\n host and is read directly by the server. The server uses the\n following rules to locate the file:\n\n o If the file name is an absolute path name, the server uses it as\n given.\n\n o If the file name is a relative path name with one or more leading\n components, the server searches for the file relative to the\n server\'s data directory.\n\n o If a file name with no leading components is given, the server\n looks for the file in the database directory of the default\n database.\n\nIn the non-LOCAL case, these rules mean that a file named as\n./myfile.txt is read from the server\'s data directory, whereas the file\nnamed as myfile.txt is read from the database directory of the default\ndatabase. For example, if db1 is the default database, the following\nLOAD DATA statement reads the file data.txt from the database directory\nfor db1, even though the statement explicitly loads the file into a\ntable in the db2 database:\n\nLOAD DATA INFILE \'data.txt\' INTO TABLE db2.my_table;\n\nNon-LOCAL load operations read text files located on the server. For\nsecurity reasons, such operations require that you have the FILE\nprivilege. See\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/privileges-provided.html. Also,\nnon-LOCAL load operations are subject to the secure_file_priv system\nvariable setting. If the variable value is a nonempty directory name,\nthe file to be loaded must be located in that directory. If the\nvariable value is empty (which is insecure), the file need only be\nreadable by the server.\n\nUsing LOCAL is a bit slower than letting the server access the files\ndirectly, because the contents of the file must be sent over the\nconnection by the client to the server. On the other hand, you do not\nneed the FILE privilege to load local files.\n\nLOCAL also affects error handling:\n\no With LOAD DATA INFILE, data-interpretation and duplicate-key errors\n terminate the operation.\n\no With LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE, data-interpretation and duplicate-key\n errors become warnings and the operation continues because the server\n has no way to stop transmission of the file in the middle of the\n operation. For duplicate-key errors, this is the same as if IGNORE is\n specified. IGNORE is explained further later in this section.\n\nThe REPLACE and IGNORE keywords control handling of input rows that\nduplicate existing rows on unique key values:\n\no If you specify REPLACE, input rows replace existing rows. In other\n words, rows that have the same value for a primary key or unique\n index as an existing row. See [HELP REPLACE].\n\no If you specify IGNORE, rows that duplicate an existing row on a\n unique key value are discarded. For more information, see\n http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/sql-mode.html#ignore-strict-co\n mparison.\n\no If you do not specify either option, the behavior depends on whether\n the LOCAL keyword is specified. Without LOCAL, an error occurs when a\n duplicate key value is found, and the rest of the text file is\n ignored. With LOCAL, the default behavior is the same as if IGNORE is\n specified; this is because the server has no way to stop transmission\n of the file in the middle of the operation.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/load-data.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/load-data.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (585,32,'LOCALTIME','Syntax:\nLOCALTIME, LOCALTIME([fsp])\n\nLOCALTIME and LOCALTIME() are synonyms for NOW().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (586,33,'ST_GEOMFROMWKB','ST_GeomFromWKB(wkb[, srid]), ST_GeometryFromWKB(wkb[, srid])\n\nConstructs a geometry value of any type using its WKB representation\nand SRID.\n\nThe result is NULL if the WKB or SRID argument is NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-wkb-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-wkb-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (587,12,'SHA1','Syntax:\nSHA1(str), SHA(str)\n\nCalculates an SHA-1 160-bit checksum for the string, as described in\nRFC 3174 (Secure Hash Algorithm). The value is returned as a string of\n40 hexadecimal digits, or NULL if the argument was NULL. One of the\npossible uses for this function is as a hash key. See the notes at the\nbeginning of this section about storing hash values efficiently. You\ncan also use SHA1() as a cryptographic function for storing passwords.\nSHA() is synonymous with SHA1().\n\nThe return value is a string in the connection character set.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/encryption-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT SHA1(\'abc\');\n -> \'a9993e364706816aba3e25717850c26c9cd0d89d\'\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/encryption-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (588,23,'BLOB','BLOB[(M)]\n\nA BLOB column with a maximum length of 65,535 (216 − 1) bytes. Each\nBLOB value is stored using a 2-byte length prefix that indicates the\nnumber of bytes in the value.\n\nAn optional length M can be given for this type. If this is done, MySQL\ncreates the column as the smallest BLOB type large enough to hold\nvalues M bytes long.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-type-overview.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-type-overview.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (589,12,'PASSWORD','Syntax:\nPASSWORD(str)\n\n*Note*:\n\nThis function is deprecated as of MySQL 5.7.6 and will be removed in a\nfuture MySQL release.\n\nReturns a hashed password string calculated from the cleartext password\nstr. The return value is a string in the connection character set, or\nNULL if the argument is NULL. This function is the SQL interface to the\nalgorithm used by the server to encrypt MySQL passwords for storage in\nthe mysql.user grant table.\n\nThe old_passwords system variable controls the password hashing method\nused by the PASSWORD() function. It also influences password hashing\nperformed by CREATE USER and GRANT statements that specify a password\nusing an IDENTIFIED BY clause.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/encryption-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/encryption-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (590,32,'UTC_DATE','Syntax:\nUTC_DATE, UTC_DATE()\n\nReturns the current UTC date as a value in \'YYYY-MM-DD\' or YYYYMMDD\nformat, depending on whether the function is used in a string or\nnumeric context.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT UTC_DATE(), UTC_DATE() + 0;\n -> \'2003-08-14\', 20030814\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (591,37,'DIMENSION','Dimension(g)\n\nST_Dimension() and Dimension() are synonyms. For more information, see\nthe description of ST_Dimension().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-general-property-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-general-property-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (592,23,'BIT','BIT[(M)]\n\nA bit-value type. M indicates the number of bits per value, from 1 to\n64. The default is 1 if M is omitted.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/numeric-type-overview.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/numeric-type-overview.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (593,8,'XA','Syntax:\nXA {START|BEGIN} xid [JOIN|RESUME]\n\nXA END xid [SUSPEND [FOR MIGRATE]]\n\nXA PREPARE xid\n\nXA COMMIT xid [ONE PHASE]\n\nXA ROLLBACK xid\n\nXA RECOVER [CONVERT XID]\n\nFor XA START, the JOIN and RESUME clauses are not supported.\n\nFor XA END the SUSPEND [FOR MIGRATE] clause is not supported.\n\nEach XA statement begins with the XA keyword, and most of them require\nan xid value. An xid is an XA transaction identifier. It indicates\nwhich transaction the statement applies to. xid values are supplied by\nthe client, or generated by the MySQL server. An xid value has from one\nto three parts:\n\nxid: gtrid [, bqual [, formatID ]]\n\ngtrid is a global transaction identifier, bqual is a branch qualifier,\nand formatID is a number that identifies the format used by the gtrid\nand bqual values. As indicated by the syntax, bqual and formatID are\noptional. The default bqual value is \'\' if not given. The default\nformatID value is 1 if not given.\n\ngtrid and bqual must be string literals, each up to 64 bytes (not\ncharacters) long. gtrid and bqual can be specified in several ways. You\ncan use a quoted string (\'ab\'), hex string (X\'6162\', 0x6162), or bit\nvalue (b\'nnnn\').\n\nformatID is an unsigned integer.\n\nThe gtrid and bqual values are interpreted in bytes by the MySQL\nserver\'s underlying XA support routines. However, while an SQL\nstatement containing an XA statement is being parsed, the server works\nwith some specific character set. To be safe, write gtrid and bqual as\nhex strings.\n\nxid values typically are generated by the Transaction Manager. Values\ngenerated by one TM must be different from values generated by other\nTMs. A given TM must be able to recognize its own xid values in a list\nof values returned by the XA RECOVER statement.\n\nXA START xid starts an XA transaction with the given xid value. Each XA\ntransaction must have a unique xid value, so the value must not\ncurrently be used by another XA transaction. Uniqueness is assessed\nusing the gtrid and bqual values. All following XA statements for the\nXA transaction must be specified using the same xid value as that given\nin the XA START statement. If you use any of those statements but\nspecify an xid value that does not correspond to some existing XA\ntransaction, an error occurs.\n\nOne or more XA transactions can be part of the same global transaction.\nAll XA transactions within a given global transaction must use the same\ngtrid value in the xid value. For this reason, gtrid values must be\nglobally unique so that there is no ambiguity about which global\ntransaction a given XA transaction is part of. The bqual part of the\nxid value must be different for each XA transaction within a global\ntransaction. (The requirement that bqual values be different is a\nlimitation of the current MySQL XA implementation. It is not part of\nthe XA specification.)\n\nThe XA RECOVER statement returns information for those XA transactions\non the MySQL server that are in the PREPARED state. (See\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/xa-states.html.) The output\nincludes a row for each such XA transaction on the server, regardless\nof which client started it.\n\nXA RECOVER output rows look like this (for an example xid value\nconsisting of the parts \'abc\', \'def\', and 7):\n\nmysql> XA RECOVER;\n+----------+--------------+--------------+--------+\n| formatID | gtrid_length | bqual_length | data |\n+----------+--------------+--------------+--------+\n| 7 | 3 | 3 | abcdef |\n+----------+--------------+--------------+--------+\n\nThe output columns have the following meanings:\n\no formatID is the formatID part of the transaction xid\n\no gtrid_length is the length in bytes of the gtrid part of the xid\n\no bqual_length is the length in bytes of the bqual part of the xid\n\no data is the concatenation of the gtrid and bqual parts of the xid\n\nXID values may contain nonprintable characters. As of MySQL 5.7.5, XA\nRECOVER permits an optional CONVERT XID clause so that clients can\nrequest XID values in hexadecimal.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/xa-statements.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/xa-statements.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (594,7,'EQUALS','Equals(g1, g2)\n\nMBREquals() and Equals() are synonyms. For more information, see the\ndescription of MBREquals().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-relation-functions-mbr.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-relation-functions-mbr.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (595,2,'CENTROID','Centroid(mpoly)\n\nST_Centroid() and Centroid() are synonyms. For more information, see\nthe description of ST_Centroid().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-polygon-property-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-polygon-property-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (596,38,'OCTET_LENGTH','Syntax:\nOCTET_LENGTH(str)\n\nOCTET_LENGTH() is a synonym for LENGTH().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (597,32,'UTC_TIMESTAMP','Syntax:\nUTC_TIMESTAMP, UTC_TIMESTAMP([fsp])\n\nReturns the current UTC date and time as a value in \'YYYY-MM-DD\nHH:MM:SS\' or YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format, depending on whether the function\nis used in a string or numeric context.\n\nIf the fsp argument is given to specify a fractional seconds precision\nfrom 0 to 6, the return value includes a fractional seconds part of\nthat many digits.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT UTC_TIMESTAMP(), UTC_TIMESTAMP() + 0;\n -> \'2003-08-14 18:08:04\', 20030814180804.000000\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (598,12,'AES_ENCRYPT','Syntax:\nAES_ENCRYPT(str,key_str[,init_vector])\n\nAES_ENCRYPT() and AES_DECRYPT() implement encryption and decryption of\ndata using the official AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) algorithm,\npreviously known as "Rijndael." The AES standard permits various key\nlengths. By default these functions implement AES with a 128-bit key\nlength. As of MySQL 5.7.4, key lengths of 196 or 256 bits can be used,\nas described later. The key length is a trade off between performance\nand security.\n\nAES_ENCRYPT() encrypts the string str using the key string key_str and\nreturns a binary string containing the encrypted output. AES_DECRYPT()\ndecrypts the encrypted string crypt_str using the key string key_str\nand returns the original cleartext string. If either function argument\nis NULL, the function returns NULL.\n\nThe str and crypt_str arguments can be any length, and padding is\nautomatically added to str so it is a multiple of a block as required\nby block-based algorithms such as AES. This padding is automatically\nremoved by the AES_DECRYPT() function. The length of crypt_str can be\ncalculated using this formula:\n\n16 * (trunc(string_length / 16) + 1)\n\nFor a key length of 128 bits, the most secure way to pass a key to the\nkey_str argument is to create a truly random 128-bit value and pass it\nas a binary value. For example:\n\nINSERT INTO t\nVALUES (1,AES_ENCRYPT(\'text\',UNHEX(\'F3229A0B371ED2D9441B830D21A390C3\')));\n\nA passphrase can be used to generate an AES key by hashing the\npassphrase. For example:\n\nINSERT INTO t\nVALUES (1,AES_ENCRYPT(\'text\', UNHEX(SHA2(\'My secret passphrase\',512))));\n\nDo not pass a password or passphrase directly to crypt_str, hash it\nfirst. Previous versions of this documentation suggested the former\napproach, but it is no longer recommended as the examples shown here\nare more secure.\n\nIf AES_DECRYPT() detects invalid data or incorrect padding, it returns\nNULL. However, it is possible for AES_DECRYPT() to return a non-NULL\nvalue (possibly garbage) if the input data or the key is invalid.\n\nAs of MySQL 5.7.4, AES_ENCRYPT() and AES_DECRYPT() permit control of\nthe block encryption mode and take an optional init_vector\ninitialization vector argument:\n\no The block_encryption_mode system variable controls the mode for\n block-based encryption algorithms. Its default value is aes-128-ecb,\n which signifies encryption using a key length of 128 bits and ECB\n mode. For a description of the permitted values of this variable, see\n http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/server-system-variables.html.\n\no The optional init_vector argument provides an initialization vector\n for block encryption modes that require it.\n\nFor modes that require the optional init_vector argument, it must be 16\nbytes or longer (bytes in excess of 16 are ignored). An error occurs if\ninit_vector is missing.\n\nFor modes that do not require init_vector, it is ignored and a warning\nis generated if it is specified.\n\nA random string of bytes to use for the initialization vector can be\nproduced by calling RANDOM_BYTES(16). For encryption modes that require\nan initialization vector, the same vector must be used for encryption\nand decryption.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/encryption-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SET block_encryption_mode = \'aes-256-cbc\';\nmysql> SET @key_str = SHA2(\'My secret passphrase\',512);\nmysql> SET @init_vector = RANDOM_BYTES(16);\nmysql> SET @crypt_str = AES_ENCRYPT(\'text\',@key_str,@init_vector);\nmysql> SELECT AES_DECRYPT(@crypt_str,@key_str,@init_vector);\n+-----------------------------------------------+\n| AES_DECRYPT(@crypt_str,@key_str,@init_vector) |\n+-----------------------------------------------+\n| text |\n+-----------------------------------------------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/encryption-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (599,3,'+','Syntax:\n+\n\nAddition:\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/arithmetic-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT 3+5;\n -> 8\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/arithmetic-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (600,7,'GTID_SUBTRACT','Syntax:\nGTID_SUBTRACT(set,subset)\n\nGiven two sets of global transaction IDs subset and set, returns only\nthose GTIDs from set that are not in subset.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gtid-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT GTID_SUBTRACT(\'3E11FA47-71CA-11E1-9E33-C80AA9429562:21-57\',\n -> \'3E11FA47-71CA-11E1-9E33-C80AA9429562:21\')\\G\n*************************** 1. row ***************************\nGTID_SUBTRACT(\'3E11FA47-71CA-11E1-9E33-C80AA9429562:21-57\',\n \'3E11FA47-71CA-11E1-9E33-C80AA9429562:21\'): 3e11fa47-71ca-11e1-9e33-c80aa9429562:22-57\n1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> SELECT GTID_SUBTRACT(\'3E11FA47-71CA-11E1-9E33-C80AA9429562:21-57\',\n -> \'3E11FA47-71CA-11E1-9E33-C80AA9429562:20-25\')\\G\n*************************** 1. row ***************************\nGTID_SUBTRACT(\'3E11FA47-71CA-11E1-9E33-C80AA9429562:21-57\',\n \'3E11FA47-71CA-11E1-9E33-C80AA9429562:20-25\'): 3e11fa47-71ca-11e1-9e33-c80aa9429562:26-57\n1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> SELECT GTID_SUBTRACT(\'3E11FA47-71CA-11E1-9E33-C80AA9429562:21-57\',\n -> \'3E11FA47-71CA-11E1-9E33-C80AA9429562:23-24\')\\G\n*************************** 1. row ***************************\nGTID_SUBTRACT(\'3E11FA47-71CA-11E1-9E33-C80AA9429562:21-57\',\n \'3E11FA47-71CA-11E1-9E33-C80AA9429562:23-24\'): 3e11fa47-71ca-11e1-9e33-c80aa9429562:21-22:25-57\n1 row in set (0.01 sec)\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gtid-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (601,14,'INET_NTOA','Syntax:\nINET_NTOA(expr)\n\nGiven a numeric IPv4 network address in network byte order, returns the\ndotted-quad string representation of the address as a string in the\nconnection character set. INET_NTOA() returns NULL if it does not\nunderstand its argument.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/miscellaneous-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT INET_NTOA(167773449);\n -> \'\'\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/miscellaneous-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (602,32,'DAYOFWEEK','Syntax:\nDAYOFWEEK(date)\n\nReturns the weekday index for date (1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday, ..., 7 =\nSaturday). These index values correspond to the ODBC standard.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT DAYOFWEEK(\'2007-02-03\');\n -> 7\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (603,3,'CEILING','Syntax:\nCEILING(X)\n\nReturns the smallest integer value not less than X.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mathematical-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT CEILING(1.23);\n -> 2\nmysql> SELECT CEILING(-1.23);\n -> -1\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mathematical-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (604,27,'SHOW PROCESSLIST','Syntax:\nSHOW [FULL] PROCESSLIST\n\nSHOW PROCESSLIST shows you which threads are running. You can also get\nthis information from the INFORMATION_SCHEMA PROCESSLIST table or the\nmysqladmin processlist command. If you have the PROCESS privilege, you\ncan see all threads. Otherwise, you can see only your own threads (that\nis, threads associated with the MySQL account that you are using). If\nyou do not use the FULL keyword, only the first 100 characters of each\nstatement are shown in the Info field.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-processlist.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-processlist.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (605,33,'LINEFROMWKB','LineFromWKB(wkb[, srid]), LineStringFromWKB(wkb[, srid])\n\nST_LineFromWKB(), ST_LineStringFromWKB(), LineFromWKB(), and\nLineStringFromWKB() are synonyms. For more information, see the\ndescription of ST_LineFromWKB().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-wkb-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-wkb-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (606,37,'GEOMETRYTYPE','GeometryType(g)\n\nST_GeometryType() and GeometryType() are synonyms. For more\ninformation, see the description of ST_GeometryType().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-general-property-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-general-property-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (607,40,'CREATE VIEW','Syntax:\nCREATE\n [OR REPLACE]\n [ALGORITHM = {UNDEFINED | MERGE | TEMPTABLE}]\n [DEFINER = { user | CURRENT_USER }]\n [SQL SECURITY { DEFINER | INVOKER }]\n VIEW view_name [(column_list)]\n AS select_statement\n [WITH [CASCADED | LOCAL] CHECK OPTION]\n\nThe CREATE VIEW statement creates a new view, or replaces an existing\nview if the OR REPLACE clause is given. If the view does not exist,\nCREATE OR REPLACE VIEW is the same as CREATE VIEW. If the view does\nexist, CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW replaces it.\n\nFor information about restrictions on view use, see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/view-restrictions.html.\n\nThe select_statement is a SELECT statement that provides the definition\nof the view. (Selecting from the view selects, in effect, using the\nSELECT statement.) The select_statement can select from base tables or\nother views.\n\nThe view definition is "frozen" at creation time and is not affected by\nsubsequent changes to the definitions of the underlying tables. For\nexample, if a view is defined as SELECT * on a table, new columns added\nto the table later do not become part of the view, and columns dropped\nfrom the table will result in an error when selecting from the view.\n\nThe ALGORITHM clause affects how MySQL processes the view. The DEFINER\nand SQL SECURITY clauses specify the security context to be used when\nchecking access privileges at view invocation time. The WITH CHECK\nOPTION clause can be given to constrain inserts or updates to rows in\ntables referenced by the view. These clauses are described later in\nthis section.\n\nThe CREATE VIEW statement requires the CREATE VIEW privilege for the\nview, and some privilege for each column selected by the SELECT\nstatement. For columns used elsewhere in the SELECT statement, you must\nhave the SELECT privilege. If the OR REPLACE clause is present, you\nmust also have the DROP privilege for the view. CREATE VIEW might also\nrequire the SUPER privilege, depending on the DEFINER value, as\ndescribed later in this section.\n\nWhen a view is referenced, privilege checking occurs as described later\nin this section.\n\nA view belongs to a database. By default, a new view is created in the\ndefault database. To create the view explicitly in a given database,\nuse db_name.view_name syntax to qualify the view name with the database\nname:\n\nCREATE VIEW test.v AS SELECT * FROM t;\n\nUnqualified table or view names in the SELECT statement are also\ninterpreted with respect to the default database. A view can refer to\ntables or views in other databases by qualifying the table or view name\nwith the appropriate database name.\n\nWithin a database, base tables and views share the same namespace, so a\nbase table and a view cannot have the same name.\n\nColumns retrieved by the SELECT statement can be simple references to\ntable columns, or expressions that use functions, constant values,\noperators, and so forth.\n\nA view must have unique column names with no duplicates, just like a\nbase table. By default, the names of the columns retrieved by the\nSELECT statement are used for the view column names. To define explicit\nnames for the view columns, specify the optional column_list clause as\na list of comma-separated identifiers. The number of names in\ncolumn_list must be the same as the number of columns retrieved by the\nSELECT statement.\n\nA view can be created from many kinds of SELECT statements. It can\nrefer to base tables or other views. It can use joins, UNION, and\nsubqueries. The SELECT need not even refer to any tables:\n\nCREATE VIEW v_today (today) AS SELECT CURRENT_DATE;\n\nThe following example defines a view that selects two columns from\nanother table as well as an expression calculated from those columns:\n\nmysql> CREATE TABLE t (qty INT, price INT);\nmysql> INSERT INTO t VALUES(3, 50);\nmysql> CREATE VIEW v AS SELECT qty, price, qty*price AS value FROM t;\nmysql> SELECT * FROM v;\n+------+-------+-------+\n| qty | price | value |\n+------+-------+-------+\n| 3 | 50 | 150 |\n+------+-------+-------+\n\nA view definition is subject to the following restrictions:\n\no The SELECT statement cannot refer to system variables or user-defined\n variables.\n\no Within a stored program, the SELECT statement cannot refer to program\n parameters or local variables.\n\no The SELECT statement cannot refer to prepared statement parameters.\n\no Any table or view referred to in the definition must exist. If, after\n the view has been created, a table or view that the definition refers\n to is dropped, use of the view results in an error. To check a view\n definition for problems of this kind, use the CHECK TABLE statement.\n\no The definition cannot refer to a TEMPORARY table, and you cannot\n create a TEMPORARY view.\n\no You cannot associate a trigger with a view.\n\no Aliases for column names in the SELECT statement are checked against\n the maximum column length of 64 characters (not the maximum alias\n length of 256 characters).\n\nORDER BY is permitted in a view definition, but it is ignored if you\nselect from a view using a statement that has its own ORDER BY.\n\nFor other options or clauses in the definition, they are added to the\noptions or clauses of the statement that references the view, but the\neffect is undefined. For example, if a view definition includes a LIMIT\nclause, and you select from the view using a statement that has its own\nLIMIT clause, it is undefined which limit applies. This same principle\napplies to options such as ALL, DISTINCT, or SQL_SMALL_RESULT that\nfollow the SELECT keyword, and to clauses such as INTO, FOR UPDATE,\nLOCK IN SHARE MODE, and PROCEDURE.\n\nThe results obtained from a view may be affected if you change the\nquery processing environment by changing system variables:\n\nmysql> CREATE VIEW v (mycol) AS SELECT \'abc\';\nQuery OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)\n\nmysql> SET sql_mode = \'\';\nQuery OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> SELECT "mycol" FROM v;\n+-------+\n| mycol |\n+-------+\n| mycol |\n+-------+\n1 row in set (0.01 sec)\n\nmysql> SET sql_mode = \'ANSI_QUOTES\';\nQuery OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> SELECT "mycol" FROM v;\n+-------+\n| mycol |\n+-------+\n| abc |\n+-------+\n1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n\nThe DEFINER and SQL SECURITY clauses determine which MySQL account to\nuse when checking access privileges for the view when a statement is\nexecuted that references the view. The valid SQL SECURITY\ncharacteristic values are DEFINER (the default) and INVOKER. These\nindicate that the required privileges must be held by the user who\ndefined or invoked the view, respectively.\n\nIf a user value is given for the DEFINER clause, it should be a MySQL\naccount specified as \'user_name\'@\'host_name\', CURRENT_USER, or\nCURRENT_USER(). The default DEFINER value is the user who executes the\nCREATE VIEW statement. This is the same as specifying DEFINER =\nCURRENT_USER explicitly.\n\nIf the DEFINER clause is present, these rules determine the valid\nDEFINER user values:\n\no If you do not have the SUPER privilege, the only valid user value is\n your own account, either specified literally or by using\n CURRENT_USER. You cannot set the definer to some other account.\n\no If you have the SUPER privilege, you can specify any syntactically\n valid account name. If the account does not exist, a warning is\n generated.\n\no Although it is possible to create a view with a nonexistent DEFINER\n account, an error occurs when the view is referenced if the SQL\n SECURITY value is DEFINER but the definer account does not exist.\n\nFor more information about view security, see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/stored-programs-security.html.\n\nWithin a view definition, CURRENT_USER returns the view\'s DEFINER value\nby default. For views defined with the SQL SECURITY INVOKER\ncharacteristic, CURRENT_USER returns the account for the view\'s\ninvoker. For information about user auditing within views, see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/account-activity-auditing.html.\n\nWithin a stored routine that is defined with the SQL SECURITY DEFINER\ncharacteristic, CURRENT_USER returns the routine\'s DEFINER value. This\nalso affects a view defined within such a routine, if the view\ndefinition contains a DEFINER value of CURRENT_USER.\n\nMySQL checks view privileges like this:\n\no At view definition time, the view creator must have the privileges\n needed to use the top-level objects accessed by the view. For\n example, if the view definition refers to table columns, the creator\n must have some privilege for each column in the select list of the\n definition, and the SELECT privilege for each column used elsewhere\n in the definition. If the definition refers to a stored function,\n only the privileges needed to invoke the function can be checked. The\n privileges required at function invocation time can be checked only\n as it executes: For different invocations, different execution paths\n within the function might be taken.\n\no The user who references a view must have appropriate privileges to\n access it (SELECT to select from it, INSERT to insert into it, and so\n forth.)\n\no When a view has been referenced, privileges for objects accessed by\n the view are checked against the privileges held by the view DEFINER\n account or invoker, depending on whether the SQL SECURITY\n characteristic is DEFINER or INVOKER, respectively.\n\no If reference to a view causes execution of a stored function,\n privilege checking for statements executed within the function depend\n on whether the function SQL SECURITY characteristic is DEFINER or\n INVOKER. If the security characteristic is DEFINER, the function runs\n with the privileges of the DEFINER account. If the characteristic is\n INVOKER, the function runs with the privileges determined by the\n view\'s SQL SECURITY characteristic.\n\nExample: A view might depend on a stored function, and that function\nmight invoke other stored routines. For example, the following view\ninvokes a stored function f():\n\nCREATE VIEW v AS SELECT * FROM t WHERE t.id = f(t.name);\n\nSuppose that f() contains a statement such as this:\n\nIF name IS NULL then\n CALL p1();\nELSE\n CALL p2();\nEND IF;\n\nThe privileges required for executing statements within f() need to be\nchecked when f() executes. This might mean that privileges are needed\nfor p1() or p2(), depending on the execution path within f(). Those\nprivileges must be checked at runtime, and the user who must possess\nthe privileges is determined by the SQL SECURITY values of the view v\nand the function f().\n\nThe DEFINER and SQL SECURITY clauses for views are extensions to\nstandard SQL. In standard SQL, views are handled using the rules for\nSQL SECURITY DEFINER. The standard says that the definer of the view,\nwhich is the same as the owner of the view\'s schema, gets applicable\nprivileges on the view (for example, SELECT) and may grant them. MySQL\nhas no concept of a schema "owner", so MySQL adds a clause to identify\nthe definer. The DEFINER clause is an extension where the intent is to\nhave what the standard has; that is, a permanent record of who defined\nthe view. This is why the default DEFINER value is the account of the\nview creator.\n\nThe optional ALGORITHM clause is a MySQL extension to standard SQL. It\naffects how MySQL processes the view. ALGORITHM takes three values:\nMERGE, TEMPTABLE, or UNDEFINED. For more information, see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/view-algorithms.html, as well as\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/derived-table-optimization.html.\n\nSome views are updatable. That is, you can use them in statements such\nas UPDATE, DELETE, or INSERT to update the contents of the underlying\ntable. For a view to be updatable, there must be a one-to-one\nrelationship between the rows in the view and the rows in the\nunderlying table. There are also certain other constructs that make a\nview nonupdatable.\n\nA generated column in a view is considered updatable because it is\npossible to assign to it. However, if such a column is updated\nexplicitly, the only permitted value is DEFAULT. For information about\ngenerated columns, see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/create-table-generated-columns.h\ntml.\n\nThe WITH CHECK OPTION clause can be given for an updatable view to\nprevent inserts or updates to rows except those for which the WHERE\nclause in the select_statement is true.\n\nIn a WITH CHECK OPTION clause for an updatable view, the LOCAL and\nCASCADED keywords determine the scope of check testing when the view is\ndefined in terms of another view. The LOCAL keyword restricts the CHECK\nOPTION only to the view being defined. CASCADED causes the checks for\nunderlying views to be evaluated as well. When neither keyword is\ngiven, the default is CASCADED.\n\nFor more information about updatable views and the WITH CHECK OPTION\nclause, see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/view-updatability.html, and\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/view-check-option.html.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/create-view.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/create-view.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (608,38,'TRIM','Syntax:\nTRIM([{BOTH | LEADING | TRAILING} [remstr] FROM] str), TRIM([remstr\nFROM] str)\n\nReturns the string str with all remstr prefixes or suffixes removed. If\nnone of the specifiers BOTH, LEADING, or TRAILING is given, BOTH is\nassumed. remstr is optional and, if not specified, spaces are removed.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT TRIM(\' bar \');\n -> \'bar\'\nmysql> SELECT TRIM(LEADING \'x\' FROM \'xxxbarxxx\');\n -> \'barxxx\'\nmysql> SELECT TRIM(BOTH \'x\' FROM \'xxxbarxxx\');\n -> \'bar\'\nmysql> SELECT TRIM(TRAILING \'xyz\' FROM \'barxxyz\');\n -> \'barx\'\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (609,14,'INET6_NTOA','Syntax:\nINET6_NTOA(expr)\n\nGiven an IPv6 or IPv4 network address represented in numeric form as a\nbinary string, returns the string representation of the address as a\nstring in the connection character set. If the argument is not a valid\naddress, INET6_NTOA() returns NULL.\n\nINET6_NTOA() has these properties:\n\no It does not use operating system functions to perform conversions,\n thus the output string is platform independent.\n\no The return string has a maximum length of 39 (4 x 8 + 7). Given this\n statement:\n\nCREATE TABLE t AS SELECT INET6_NTOA(expr) AS c1;\n\n The resulting table would have this definition:\n\nCREATE TABLE t (c1 VARCHAR(39) CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT NULL);\n\no The return string uses lowercase letters for IPv6 addresses.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/miscellaneous-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT INET6_NTOA(INET6_ATON(\'fdfe::5a55:caff:fefa:9089\'));\n -> \'fdfe::5a55:caff:fefa:9089\'\nmysql> SELECT INET6_NTOA(INET6_ATON(\'\'));\n -> \'\'\n\nmysql> SELECT INET6_NTOA(UNHEX(\'FDFE0000000000005A55CAFFFEFA9089\'));\n -> \'fdfe::5a55:caff:fefa:9089\'\nmysql> SELECT INET6_NTOA(UNHEX(\'0A000509\'));\n -> \'\'\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/miscellaneous-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (610,24,'SIGNAL','Syntax:\nSIGNAL condition_value\n [SET signal_information_item\n [, signal_information_item] ...]\n\ncondition_value:\n SQLSTATE [VALUE] sqlstate_value\n | condition_name\n\nsignal_information_item:\n condition_information_item_name = simple_value_specification\n\ncondition_information_item_name:\n CLASS_ORIGIN\n | SUBCLASS_ORIGIN\n | MESSAGE_TEXT\n | MYSQL_ERRNO\n | CONSTRAINT_CATALOG\n | CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA\n | CONSTRAINT_NAME\n | CATALOG_NAME\n | SCHEMA_NAME\n | TABLE_NAME\n | COLUMN_NAME\n | CURSOR_NAME\n\ncondition_name, simple_value_specification:\n (see following discussion)\n\nSIGNAL is the way to "return" an error. SIGNAL provides error\ninformation to a handler, to an outer portion of the application, or to\nthe client. Also, it provides control over the error\'s characteristics\n(error number, SQLSTATE value, message). Without SIGNAL, it is\nnecessary to resort to workarounds such as deliberately referring to a\nnonexistent table to cause a routine to return an error.\n\nNo special privileges are required to execute the SIGNAL statement.\n\nTo retrieve information from the diagnostics area, use the GET\nDIAGNOSTICS statement (see [HELP GET DIAGNOSTICS]). For information\nabout the diagnostics area, see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/diagnostics-area.html.\n\nThe condition_value in a SIGNAL statement indicates the error value to\nbe returned. It can be an SQLSTATE value (a 5-character string literal)\nor a condition_name that refers to a named condition previously defined\nwith DECLARE ... CONDITION (see [HELP DECLARE CONDITION]).\n\nAn SQLSTATE value can indicate errors, warnings, or "not found." The\nfirst two characters of the value indicate its error class, as\ndiscussed in\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/signal.html#signal-condition-inf\normation-items. Some signal values cause statement termination; see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/signal.html#signal-effects.\n\nThe SQLSTATE value for a SIGNAL statement should not start with \'00\'\nbecause such values indicate success and are not valid for signaling an\nerror. This is true whether the SQLSTATE value is specified directly in\nthe SIGNAL statement or in a named condition referred to in the\nstatement. If the value is invalid, a Bad SQLSTATE error occurs.\n\nTo signal a generic SQLSTATE value, use \'45000\', which means "unhandled\nuser-defined exception."\n\nThe SIGNAL statement optionally includes a SET clause that contains\nmultiple signal items, in a comma-separated list of\ncondition_information_item_name = simple_value_specification\nassignments.\n\nEach condition_information_item_name may be specified only once in the\nSET clause. Otherwise, a Duplicate condition information item error\noccurs.\n\nValid simple_value_specification designators can be specified using\nstored procedure or function parameters, stored program local variables\ndeclared with DECLARE, user-defined variables, system variables, or\nliterals. A character literal may include a _charset introducer.\n\nFor information about permissible condition_information_item_name\nvalues, see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/signal.html#signal-condition-inf\normation-items.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/signal.html\n\n','CREATE PROCEDURE p (pval INT)\nBEGIN\n DECLARE specialty CONDITION FOR SQLSTATE \'45000\';\n IF pval = 0 THEN\n SIGNAL SQLSTATE \'01000\';\n ELSEIF pval = 1 THEN\n SIGNAL SQLSTATE \'45000\'\n SET MESSAGE_TEXT = \'An error occurred\';\n ELSEIF pval = 2 THEN\n SIGNAL specialty\n SET MESSAGE_TEXT = \'An error occurred\';\n ELSE\n SIGNAL SQLSTATE \'01000\'\n SET MESSAGE_TEXT = \'A warning occurred\', MYSQL_ERRNO = 1000;\n SIGNAL SQLSTATE \'45000\'\n SET MESSAGE_TEXT = \'An error occurred\', MYSQL_ERRNO = 1001;\n END IF;\nEND;\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/signal.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (611,8,'SAVEPOINT','Syntax:\nSAVEPOINT identifier\nROLLBACK [WORK] TO [SAVEPOINT] identifier\nRELEASE SAVEPOINT identifier\n\nInnoDB supports the SQL statements SAVEPOINT, ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT,\nRELEASE SAVEPOINT and the optional WORK keyword for ROLLBACK.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/savepoint.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/savepoint.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (612,26,'ST_NUMGEOMETRIES','ST_NumGeometries(gc)\n\nReturns the number of geometries in the GeometryCollection value gc. If\nthe argument is NULL or an empty geometry, the return value is NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-geometrycollection-property-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SET @gc = \'GeometryCollection(Point(1 1),LineString(2 2, 3 3))\';\nmysql> SELECT ST_NumGeometries(ST_GeomFromText(@gc));\n+----------------------------------------+\n| ST_NumGeometries(ST_GeomFromText(@gc)) |\n+----------------------------------------+\n| 2 |\n+----------------------------------------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-geometrycollection-property-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (613,7,'JSON_DEPTH','Syntax:\nJSON_DEPTH(json_doc)\n\nReturns the maximum depth of a JSON document. Returns NULL if the\nargument is NULL. An error occurs if the argument is not a valid JSON\ndocument.\n\nAn empty array, empty object, or scalar value has depth 1. A nonempty\narray containing only elements of depth 1 or nonempty object containing\nonly member values of depth 1 has depth 2. Otherwise, a JSON document\nhas depth greater than 2.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/json-attribute-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT JSON_DEPTH(\'{}\'), JSON_DEPTH(\'[]\'), JSON_DEPTH(\'true\');\n+------------------+------------------+--------------------+\n| JSON_DEPTH(\'{}\') | JSON_DEPTH(\'[]\') | JSON_DEPTH(\'true\') |\n+------------------+------------------+--------------------+\n| 1 | 1 | 1 |\n+------------------+------------------+--------------------+\nmysql> SELECT JSON_DEPTH(\'[10, 20]\'), JSON_DEPTH(\'[[], {}]\');\n+------------------------+------------------------+\n| JSON_DEPTH(\'[10, 20]\') | JSON_DEPTH(\'[[], {}]\') |\n+------------------------+------------------------+\n| 2 | 2 |\n+------------------------+------------------------+\nmysql> SELECT JSON_DEPTH(\'[10, {"a": 20}]\');\n+-------------------------------+\n| JSON_DEPTH(\'[10, {"a": 20}]\') |\n+-------------------------------+\n| 3 |\n+-------------------------------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/json-attribute-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (614,24,'LABELS','Syntax:\n[begin_label:] BEGIN\n [statement_list]\nEND [end_label]\n\n[begin_label:] LOOP\n statement_list\nEND LOOP [end_label]\n\n[begin_label:] REPEAT\n statement_list\nUNTIL search_condition\nEND REPEAT [end_label]\n\n[begin_label:] WHILE search_condition DO\n statement_list\nEND WHILE [end_label]\n\nLabels are permitted for BEGIN ... END blocks and for the LOOP, REPEAT,\nand WHILE statements. Label use for those statements follows these\nrules:\n\no begin_label must be followed by a colon.\n\no begin_label can be given without end_label. If end_label is present,\n it must be the same as begin_label.\n\no end_label cannot be given without begin_label.\n\no Labels at the same nesting level must be distinct.\n\no Labels can be up to 16 characters long.\n\nTo refer to a label within the labeled construct, use an ITERATE or\nLEAVE statement. The following example uses those statements to\ncontinue iterating or terminate the loop:\n\nCREATE PROCEDURE doiterate(p1 INT)\nBEGIN\n label1: LOOP\n SET p1 = p1 + 1;\n IF p1 < 10 THEN ITERATE label1; END IF;\n LEAVE label1;\n END LOOP label1;\nEND;\n\nThe scope of a block label does not include the code for handlers\ndeclared within the block. For details, see [HELP DECLARE HANDLER].\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/statement-labels.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/statement-labels.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (615,33,'MPOINTFROMWKB','MPointFromWKB(wkb[, srid]), MultiPointFromWKB(wkb[, srid])\n\nST_MPointFromWKB(), ST_MultiPointFromWKB(), MPointFromWKB(), and\nMultiPointFromWKB() are synonyms. For more information, see the\ndescription of ST_MPointFromWKB().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-wkb-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-wkb-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (616,40,'ALTER TABLE','Syntax:\nALTER TABLE tbl_name\n [alter_specification [, alter_specification] ...]\n [partition_options]\n\nalter_specification:\n table_options\n | ADD [COLUMN] col_name column_definition\n [FIRST | AFTER col_name]\n | ADD [COLUMN] (col_name column_definition,...)\n | ADD {INDEX|KEY} [index_name]\n [index_type] (index_col_name,...) [index_option] ...\n | ADD [CONSTRAINT [symbol]] PRIMARY KEY\n [index_type] (index_col_name,...) [index_option] ...\n | ADD [CONSTRAINT [symbol]]\n UNIQUE [INDEX|KEY] [index_name]\n [index_type] (index_col_name,...) [index_option] ...\n | ADD FULLTEXT [INDEX|KEY] [index_name]\n (index_col_name,...) [index_option] ...\n | ADD SPATIAL [INDEX|KEY] [index_name]\n (index_col_name,...) [index_option] ...\n | ADD [CONSTRAINT [symbol]]\n FOREIGN KEY [index_name] (index_col_name,...)\n reference_definition\n | ALGORITHM [=] {DEFAULT|INPLACE|COPY}\n | ALTER [COLUMN] col_name {SET DEFAULT literal | DROP DEFAULT}\n | CHANGE [COLUMN] old_col_name new_col_name column_definition\n [FIRST|AFTER col_name]\n | [DEFAULT] CHARACTER SET [=] charset_name [COLLATE [=] collation_name]\n | CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET charset_name [COLLATE collation_name]\n | {DISABLE|ENABLE} KEYS\n | {DISCARD|IMPORT} TABLESPACE\n | DROP [COLUMN] col_name\n | DROP {INDEX|KEY} index_name\n | DROP PRIMARY KEY\n | DROP FOREIGN KEY fk_symbol\n | FORCE\n | LOCK [=] {DEFAULT|NONE|SHARED|EXCLUSIVE}\n | MODIFY [COLUMN] col_name column_definition\n [FIRST | AFTER col_name]\n | ORDER BY col_name [, col_name] ...\n | RENAME {INDEX|KEY} old_index_name TO new_index_name\n | RENAME [TO|AS] new_tbl_name\n | {WITHOUT|WITH} VALIDATION\n | ADD PARTITION (partition_definition)\n | DROP PARTITION partition_names\n | DISCARD PARTITION {partition_names | ALL} TABLESPACE\n | IMPORT PARTITION {partition_names | ALL} TABLESPACE\n | TRUNCATE PARTITION {partition_names | ALL}\n | COALESCE PARTITION number\n | REORGANIZE PARTITION partition_names INTO (partition_definitions)\n | EXCHANGE PARTITION partition_name WITH TABLE tbl_name [{WITH|WITHOUT} VALIDATION]\n | ANALYZE PARTITION {partition_names | ALL}\n | CHECK PARTITION {partition_names | ALL}\n | OPTIMIZE PARTITION {partition_names | ALL}\n | REBUILD PARTITION {partition_names | ALL}\n | REPAIR PARTITION {partition_names | ALL}\n | REMOVE PARTITIONING\n | UPGRADE PARTITIONING\n\nindex_col_name:\n col_name [(length)] [ASC | DESC]\n\nindex_type:\n USING {BTREE | HASH}\n\nindex_option:\n KEY_BLOCK_SIZE [=] value\n | index_type\n | WITH PARSER parser_name\n | COMMENT \'string\'\n\ntable_options:\n table_option [[,] table_option] ...\n\ntable_option:\n AUTO_INCREMENT [=] value\n | AVG_ROW_LENGTH [=] value\n | [DEFAULT] CHARACTER SET [=] charset_name\n | CHECKSUM [=] {0 | 1}\n | [DEFAULT] COLLATE [=] collation_name\n | COMMENT [=] \'string\'\n | COMPRESSION [=] {\'ZLIB\'|\'LZ4\'|\'NONE\'}\n | CONNECTION [=] \'connect_string\'\n | {DATA|INDEX} DIRECTORY [=] \'absolute path to directory\'\n | DELAY_KEY_WRITE [=] {0 | 1}\n | ENCRYPTION [=] {\'Y\' | \'N\'}\n | ENGINE [=] engine_name\n | INSERT_METHOD [=] { NO | FIRST | LAST }\n | KEY_BLOCK_SIZE [=] value\n | MAX_ROWS [=] value\n | MIN_ROWS [=] value\n | PACK_KEYS [=] {0 | 1 | DEFAULT}\n | PASSWORD [=] \'string\'\n | ROW_FORMAT [=] {DEFAULT|DYNAMIC|FIXED|COMPRESSED|REDUNDANT|COMPACT}\n | STATS_AUTO_RECALC [=] {DEFAULT|0|1}\n | STATS_PERSISTENT [=] {DEFAULT|0|1}\n | STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES [=] value\n | TABLESPACE tablespace_name [STORAGE {DISK|MEMORY|DEFAULT}]\n | UNION [=] (tbl_name[,tbl_name]...)\n\npartition_options:\n (see CREATE TABLE options)\n\nALTER TABLE changes the structure of a table. For example, you can add\nor delete columns, create or destroy indexes, change the type of\nexisting columns, or rename columns or the table itself. You can also\nchange characteristics such as the storage engine used for the table or\nthe table comment.\n\no To use ALTER TABLE, you need ALTER, CREATE, and INSERT privileges for\n the table. Renaming a table requires ALTER and DROP on the old table,\n ALTER, CREATE, and INSERT on the new table.\n\no Following the table name, specify the alterations to be made. If none\n are given, ALTER TABLE does nothing.\n\no The syntax for many of the permissible alterations is similar to\n clauses of the CREATE TABLE statement. column_definition clauses use\n the same syntax for ADD and CHANGE as for CREATE TABLE. For more\n information, see [HELP CREATE TABLE].\n\no The word COLUMN is optional and can be omitted.\n\no Multiple ADD, ALTER, DROP, and CHANGE clauses are permitted in a\n single ALTER TABLE statement, separated by commas. This is a MySQL\n extension to standard SQL, which permits only one of each clause per\n ALTER TABLE statement. For example, to drop multiple columns in a\n single statement, do this:\n\nALTER TABLE t2 DROP COLUMN c, DROP COLUMN d;\n\no If a storage engine does not support an attempted ALTER TABLE\n operation, a warning may result. Such warnings can be displayed with\n SHOW WARNINGS. See [HELP SHOW WARNINGS]. For information on\n troubleshooting ALTER TABLE, see\n http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/alter-table-problems.html.\n\no For information about generated columns, see\n http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/alter-table-generated-columns.\n html.\n\no For usage examples, see\n http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/alter-table-examples.html.\n\no With the mysql_info() C API function, you can find out how many rows\n were copied by ALTER TABLE. See\n http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mysql-info.html.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/alter-table.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/alter-table.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (617,23,'CHAR BYTE','The CHAR BYTE data type is an alias for the BINARY data type. This is a\ncompatibility feature.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-type-overview.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-type-overview.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (618,4,'ST_MLINEFROMTEXT','ST_MLineFromText(wkt[, srid]), ST_MultiLineStringFromText(wkt[, srid])\n\nConstructs a MultiLineString value using its WKT representation and\nSRID.\n\nIf the geometry argument is NULL or not a syntactically well-formed\ngeometry, or if the SRID argument is NULL, the return value is NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-wkt-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-wkt-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (619,20,'>','Syntax:\n>\n\nGreater than:\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/comparison-operators.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT 2 > 2;\n -> 0\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/comparison-operators.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (620,21,'ANALYZE TABLE','Syntax:\nANALYZE [NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG | LOCAL]\n TABLE tbl_name [, tbl_name] ...\n\nANALYZE TABLE performs a key distribution analysis and stores the\ndistribution for the named table or tables. For MyISAM tables, this\nstatement is equivalent to using myisamchk --analyze.\n\nThis statement requires SELECT and INSERT privileges for the table.\n\nANALYZE TABLE works with InnoDB, NDB, and MyISAM tables. It does not\nwork with views.\n\nANALYZE TABLE is supported for partitioned tables, and you can use\nALTER TABLE ... ANALYZE PARTITION to analyze one or more partitions;\nfor more information, see [HELP ALTER TABLE], and\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/partitioning-maintenance.html.\n\nDuring the analysis, the table is locked with a read lock for InnoDB\nand MyISAM.\n\nBy default, the server writes ANALYZE TABLE statements to the binary\nlog so that they replicate to replication slaves. To suppress logging,\nspecify the optional NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG keyword or its alias LOCAL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/analyze-table.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/analyze-table.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (621,2,'ST_EXTERIORRING','ST_ExteriorRing(poly)\n\nReturns the exterior ring of the Polygon value poly as a LineString. If\nthe argument is NULL or an empty geometry, the return value is NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-polygon-property-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SET @poly =\n -> \'Polygon((0 0,0 3,3 3,3 0,0 0),(1 1,1 2,2 2,2 1,1 1))\';\nmysql> SELECT ST_AsText(ST_ExteriorRing(ST_GeomFromText(@poly)));\n+----------------------------------------------------+\n| ST_AsText(ST_ExteriorRing(ST_GeomFromText(@poly))) |\n+----------------------------------------------------+\n| LINESTRING(0 0,0 3,3 3,3 0,0 0) |\n+----------------------------------------------------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-polygon-property-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (622,38,'FIELD','Syntax:\nFIELD(str,str1,str2,str3,...)\n\nReturns the index (position) of str in the str1, str2, str3, ... list.\nReturns 0 if str is not found.\n\nIf all arguments to FIELD() are strings, all arguments are compared as\nstrings. If all arguments are numbers, they are compared as numbers.\nOtherwise, the arguments are compared as double.\n\nIf str is NULL, the return value is 0 because NULL fails equality\ncomparison with any value. FIELD() is the complement of ELT().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT FIELD(\'Bb\', \'Aa\', \'Bb\', \'Cc\', \'Dd\', \'Ff\');\n -> 2\nmysql> SELECT FIELD(\'Gg\', \'Aa\', \'Bb\', \'Cc\', \'Dd\', \'Ff\');\n -> 0\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (623,40,'CONSTRAINT','MySQL supports foreign keys, which let you cross-reference related data\nacross tables, and foreign key constraints, which help keep this\nspread-out data consistent. The essential syntax for a foreign key\nconstraint definition in a CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statement looks\nlike this:\n\n[CONSTRAINT [symbol]] FOREIGN KEY\n [index_name] (index_col_name, ...)\n REFERENCES tbl_name (index_col_name,...)\n [ON DELETE reference_option]\n [ON UPDATE reference_option]\n\nreference_option:\n RESTRICT | CASCADE | SET NULL | NO ACTION | SET DEFAULT\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/create-table-foreign-keys.html\n\n','CREATE TABLE product (\n category INT NOT NULL, id INT NOT NULL,\n price DECIMAL,\n PRIMARY KEY(category, id)\n) ENGINE=INNODB;\n\nCREATE TABLE customer (\n id INT NOT NULL,\n PRIMARY KEY (id)\n) ENGINE=INNODB;\n\nCREATE TABLE product_order (\n no INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n product_category INT NOT NULL,\n product_id INT NOT NULL,\n customer_id INT NOT NULL,\n\n PRIMARY KEY(no),\n INDEX (product_category, product_id),\n INDEX (customer_id),\n\n FOREIGN KEY (product_category, product_id)\n REFERENCES product(category, id)\n ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE RESTRICT,\n\n FOREIGN KEY (customer_id)\n REFERENCES customer(id)\n) ENGINE=INNODB;\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/create-table-foreign-keys.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (624,7,'CREATE_ASYMMETRIC_PRIV_KEY','Syntax:\nCREATE_ASYMMETRIC_PRIV_KEY(algorithm, {key_len|dh_secret})\n\nCreates a private key using the given algorithm and key length or DH\nsecret, and returns the key as a binary string in PEM format. If key\ngeneration fails, the result is NULL.\n\nSupported algorithm values: \'RSA\', \'DSA\', \'DH\'\n\nSupported key_len values: The minimum key length in bits is 1,024. The\nmaximum key length depends on the algorithm: 16,384 for RSA and 10,000\nfor DSA. These key-length limits are constraints imposed by OpenSSL.\nServer administrators can impose additional limits on maximum key\nlength by setting environment variables. See\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/enterprise-encryption-usage.html\n.\n\nFor DH keys, pass a shared DH secret instead of a key length. To create\nthe secret, pass the key length to CREATE_DH_PARAMETERS().\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/enterprise-encryption-functions.html\n\n','SET @priv = CREATE_ASYMMETRIC_PRIV_KEY(\'DSA\', 2048);\nSET @pub = CREATE_ASYMMETRIC_PUB_KEY(\'DSA\', @priv);\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/enterprise-encryption-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (625,40,'ALTER TABLESPACE','Syntax:\nALTER TABLESPACE tablespace_name\n {ADD|DROP} DATAFILE \'file_name\'\n [INITIAL_SIZE [=] size]\n [WAIT]\n ENGINE [=] engine_name\n\nThis statement can be used either to add a new data file, or to drop a\ndata file from a tablespace.\n\nThe ADD DATAFILE variant enables you to specify an initial size using\nan INITIAL_SIZE clause, where size is measured in bytes; the default\nvalue is 134217728 (128 MB). You may optionally follow size with a\none-letter abbreviation for an order of magnitude, similar to those\nused in my.cnf. Generally, this is one of the letters M (megabytes) or\nG (gigabytes).\n\n*Note*:\n\nAll NDB Cluster Disk Data objects share the same namespace. This means\nthat each Disk Data object must be uniquely named (and not merely each\nDisk Data object of a given type). For example, you cannot have a\ntablespace and an data file with the same name, or an undo log file and\na tablespace with the same name.\n\nOn 32-bit systems, the maximum supported value for INITIAL_SIZE is\n4294967296 (4 GB). (Bug #29186)\n\nINITIAL_SIZE is rounded, explicitly, as for CREATE TABLESPACE.\n\nOnce a data file has been created, its size cannot be changed; however,\nyou can add more data files to the tablespace using additional ALTER\nTABLESPACE ... ADD DATAFILE statements.\n\nUsing DROP DATAFILE with ALTER TABLESPACE drops the data file\n\'file_name\' from the tablespace. You cannot drop a data file from a\ntablespace which is in use by any table; in other words, the data file\nmust be empty (no extents used). See\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mysql-cluster-disk-data-objects.\nhtml. In addition, any data file to be dropped must previously have\nbeen added to the tablespace with CREATE TABLESPACE or ALTER\nTABLESPACE.\n\nBoth ALTER TABLESPACE ... ADD DATAFILE and ALTER TABLESPACE ... DROP\nDATAFILE require an ENGINE clause which specifies the storage engine\nused by the tablespace. Currently, the only accepted values for\nengine_name are NDB and NDBCLUSTER.\n\nWAIT is parsed but otherwise ignored, and so has no effect in MySQL\n5.7. It is intended for future expansion.\n\nWhen ALTER TABLESPACE ... ADD DATAFILE is used with ENGINE = NDB, a\ndata file is created on each Cluster data node. You can verify that the\ndata files were created and obtain information about them by querying\nthe INFORMATION_SCHEMA.FILES table. For example, the following query\nshows all data files belonging to the tablespace named newts:\n\nmysql> SELECT LOGFILE_GROUP_NAME, FILE_NAME, EXTRA\n -> FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.FILES\n -> WHERE TABLESPACE_NAME = \'newts\' AND FILE_TYPE = \'DATAFILE\';\n+--------------------+--------------+----------------+\n| LOGFILE_GROUP_NAME | FILE_NAME | EXTRA |\n+--------------------+--------------+----------------+\n| lg_3 | newdata.dat | CLUSTER_NODE=3 |\n| lg_3 | newdata.dat | CLUSTER_NODE=4 |\n| lg_3 | newdata2.dat | CLUSTER_NODE=3 |\n| lg_3 | newdata2.dat | CLUSTER_NODE=4 |\n+--------------------+--------------+----------------+\n2 rows in set (0.03 sec)\n\nSee http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/files-table.html.\n\nALTER TABLESPACE is useful only with Disk Data storage for NDB Cluster.\nSee\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mysql-cluster-disk-data.html.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/alter-tablespace.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/alter-tablespace.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (626,23,'ENUM','ENUM(\'value1\',\'value2\',...) [CHARACTER SET charset_name] [COLLATE\ncollation_name]\n\nAn enumeration. A string object that can have only one value, chosen\nfrom the list of values \'value1\', \'value2\', ..., NULL or the special \'\'\nerror value. ENUM values are represented internally as integers.\n\nAn ENUM column can have a maximum of 65,535 distinct elements. (The\npractical limit is less than 3000.) A table can have no more than 255\nunique element list definitions among its ENUM and SET columns\nconsidered as a group. For more information on these limits, see\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/limits-frm-file.html.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-type-overview.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-type-overview.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (627,13,'ST_LENGTH','ST_Length(ls)\n\nReturns a double-precision number indicating the length of the\nLineString or MultiLineString value ls in its associated spatial\nreference. The length of a MultiLineString value is equal to the sum of\nthe lengths of its elements. If the argument is NULL or an empty\ngeometry, the return value is NULL.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-linestring-property-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SET @ls = \'LineString(1 1,2 2,3 3)\';\nmysql> SELECT ST_Length(ST_GeomFromText(@ls));\n+---------------------------------+\n| ST_Length(ST_GeomFromText(@ls)) |\n+---------------------------------+\n| 2.8284271247461903 |\n+---------------------------------+\n\nmysql> SET @mls = \'MultiLineString((1 1,2 2,3 3),(4 4,5 5))\';\nmysql> SELECT ST_Length(ST_GeomFromText(@mls));\n+----------------------------------+\n| ST_Length(ST_GeomFromText(@mls)) |\n+----------------------------------+\n| 4.242640687119286 |\n+----------------------------------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/gis-linestring-property-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (628,38,'STRCMP','Syntax:\nSTRCMP(expr1,expr2)\n\nSTRCMP() returns 0 if the strings are the same, -1 if the first\nargument is smaller than the second according to the current sort\norder, and 1 otherwise.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-comparison-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT STRCMP(\'text\', \'text2\');\n -> -1\nmysql> SELECT STRCMP(\'text2\', \'text\');\n -> 1\nmysql> SELECT STRCMP(\'text\', \'text\');\n -> 0\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-comparison-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (629,28,'INSERT DELAYED','Syntax:\nINSERT DELAYED ...\n\nThe DELAYED option for the INSERT statement is a MySQL extension to\nstandard SQL. In previous versions of MySQL, it can be used for certain\nkinds of tables (such as MyISAM), such that when a client uses INSERT\nDELAYED, it gets an okay from the server at once, and the row is queued\nto be inserted when the table is not in use by any other thread.\n\nDELAYED inserts and replaces were deprecated in MySQL 5.6. In MySQL\n5.7, DELAYED is not supported. The server recognizes but ignores the\nDELAYED keyword, handles the insert as a nondelayed insert, and\ngenerates an ER_WARN_LEGACY_SYNTAX_CONVERTED warning ("INSERT DELAYED\nis no longer supported. The statement was converted to INSERT"). The\nDELAYED keyword is scheduled for removal in a future release.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/insert-delayed.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/insert-delayed.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (630,27,'SHOW PROCEDURE CODE','Syntax:\nSHOW PROCEDURE CODE proc_name\n\nThis statement is a MySQL extension that is available only for servers\nthat have been built with debugging support. It displays a\nrepresentation of the internal implementation of the named stored\nprocedure. A similar statement, SHOW FUNCTION CODE, displays\ninformation about stored functions (see [HELP SHOW FUNCTION CODE]).\n\nTo use either statement, you must be the owner of the routine or have\nSELECT access to the mysql.proc table.\n\nIf the named routine is available, each statement produces a result\nset. Each row in the result set corresponds to one "instruction" in the\nroutine. The first column is Pos, which is an ordinal number beginning\nwith 0. The second column is Instruction, which contains an SQL\nstatement (usually changed from the original source), or a directive\nwhich has meaning only to the stored-routine handler.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-procedure-code.html\n\n','mysql> DELIMITER //\nmysql> CREATE PROCEDURE p1 ()\n -> BEGIN\n -> DECLARE fanta INT DEFAULT 55;\n -> DROP TABLE t2;\n -> LOOP\n -> INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (fanta);\n -> END LOOP;\n -> END//\nQuery OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> SHOW PROCEDURE CODE p1//\n+-----+----------------------------------------+\n| Pos | Instruction |\n+-----+----------------------------------------+\n| 0 | set fanta@0 55 |\n| 1 | stmt 9 "DROP TABLE t2" |\n| 2 | stmt 5 "INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (fanta)" |\n| 3 | jump 2 |\n+-----+----------------------------------------+\n4 rows in set (0.00 sec)\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-procedure-code.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (631,23,'MEDIUMTEXT','MEDIUMTEXT [CHARACTER SET charset_name] [COLLATE collation_name]\n\nA TEXT column with a maximum length of 16,777,215 (224 − 1)\ncharacters. The effective maximum length is less if the value contains\nmultibyte characters. Each MEDIUMTEXT value is stored using a 3-byte\nlength prefix that indicates the number of bytes in the value.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-type-overview.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-type-overview.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (632,27,'SHOW COLLATION','Syntax:\nSHOW COLLATION\n [LIKE \'pattern\' | WHERE expr]\n\nThis statement lists collations supported by the server. By default,\nthe output from SHOW COLLATION includes all available collations. The\nLIKE clause, if present, indicates which collation names to match. The\nWHERE clause can be given to select rows using more general conditions,\nas discussed in\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/extended-show.html. For example:\n\nmysql> SHOW COLLATION WHERE Charset = \'latin1\';\n+-------------------+---------+----+---------+----------+---------+\n| Collation | Charset | Id | Default | Compiled | Sortlen |\n+-------------------+---------+----+---------+----------+---------+\n| latin1_german1_ci | latin1 | 5 | | Yes | 1 |\n| latin1_swedish_ci | latin1 | 8 | Yes | Yes | 1 |\n| latin1_danish_ci | latin1 | 15 | | Yes | 1 |\n| latin1_german2_ci | latin1 | 31 | | Yes | 2 |\n| latin1_bin | latin1 | 47 | | Yes | 1 |\n| latin1_general_ci | latin1 | 48 | | Yes | 1 |\n| latin1_general_cs | latin1 | 49 | | Yes | 1 |\n| latin1_spanish_ci | latin1 | 94 | | Yes | 1 |\n+-------------------+---------+----+---------+----------+---------+\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-collation.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-collation.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (633,3,'LOG','Syntax:\nLOG(X), LOG(B,X)\n\nIf called with one parameter, this function returns the natural\nlogarithm of X. If X is less than or equal to 0.0E0, the function\nreturns NULL and (as of MySQL 5.7.4) a warning "Invalid argument for\nlogarithm" is reported.\n\nThe inverse of this function (when called with a single argument) is\nthe EXP() function.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mathematical-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT LOG(2);\n -> 0.69314718055995\nmysql> SELECT LOG(-2);\n -> NULL\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mathematical-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (634,20,'!=','Syntax:\n<>, !=\n\nNot equal:\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/comparison-operators.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT \'.01\' <> \'0.01\';\n -> 1\nmysql> SELECT .01 <> \'0.01\';\n -> 0\nmysql> SELECT \'zapp\' <> \'zappp\';\n -> 1\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/comparison-operators.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (635,24,'WHILE','Syntax:\n[begin_label:] WHILE search_condition DO\n statement_list\nEND WHILE [end_label]\n\nThe statement list within a WHILE statement is repeated as long as the\nsearch_condition expression is true. statement_list consists of one or\nmore SQL statements, each terminated by a semicolon (;) statement\ndelimiter.\n\nA WHILE statement can be labeled. For the rules regarding label use,\nsee [HELP labels].\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/while.html\n\n','CREATE PROCEDURE dowhile()\nBEGIN\n DECLARE v1 INT DEFAULT 5;\n\n WHILE v1 > 0 DO\n ...\n SET v1 = v1 - 1;\n END WHILE;\nEND;\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/while.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (636,7,'JSON_APPEND','Syntax:\nJSON_APPEND(json_doc, path, val[, path, val] ...)\n\nAppends values to the end of the indicated arrays within a JSON\ndocument and returns the result. This function was renamed to\nJSON_ARRAY_APPEND() in MySQL 5.7.9; the alias JSON_APPEND() is now\ndeprecated in MySQL 5.7, and is removed in MySQL 8.0.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/json-modification-functions.html\n\n','','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/json-modification-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (637,7,'JSON_LENGTH','Syntax:\nJSON_LENGTH(json_doc[, path])\n\nReturns the length of a JSON document, or, if a path argument is given,\nthe length of the value within the document identified by the path.\nReturns NULL if any argument is NULL or the path argument does not\nidentify a value in the document. An error occurs if the json_doc\nargument is not a valid JSON document or the path argument is not a\nvalid path expression or contains a * or ** wildcard.\n\nThe length of a document is determined as follows:\n\no The length of a scalar is 1.\n\no The length of an array is the number of array elements.\n\no The length of an object is the number of object members.\n\no The length does not count the length of nested arrays or objects.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/json-attribute-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT JSON_LENGTH(\'[1, 2, {"a": 3}]\');\n+---------------------------------+\n| JSON_LENGTH(\'[1, 2, {"a": 3}]\') |\n+---------------------------------+\n| 3 |\n+---------------------------------+\nmysql> SELECT JSON_LENGTH(\'{"a": 1, "b": {"c": 30}}\');\n+-----------------------------------------+\n| JSON_LENGTH(\'{"a": 1, "b": {"c": 30}}\') |\n+-----------------------------------------+\n| 2 |\n+-----------------------------------------+\nmysql> SELECT JSON_LENGTH(\'{"a": 1, "b": {"c": 30}}\', \'$.b\');\n+------------------------------------------------+\n| JSON_LENGTH(\'{"a": 1, "b": {"c": 30}}\', \'$.b\') |\n+------------------------------------------------+\n| 1 |\n+------------------------------------------------+\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/json-attribute-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (638,32,'DAYNAME','Syntax:\nDAYNAME(date)\n\nReturns the name of the weekday for date. The language used for the\nname is controlled by the value of the lc_time_names system variable\n(http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/locale-support.html).\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT DAYNAME(\'2007-02-03\');\n -> \'Saturday\'\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (639,3,'RADIANS','Syntax:\nRADIANS(X)\n\nReturns the argument X, converted from degrees to radians. (Note that\nπ radians equals 180 degrees.)\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mathematical-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT RADIANS(90);\n -> 1.5707963267949\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mathematical-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (640,17,'COLLATION','Syntax:\nCOLLATION(str)\n\nReturns the collation of the string argument.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/information-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT COLLATION(\'abc\');\n -> \'latin1_swedish_ci\'\nmysql> SELECT COLLATION(_utf8\'abc\');\n -> \'utf8_general_ci\'\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/information-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (641,20,'COALESCE','Syntax:\nCOALESCE(value,...)\n\nReturns the first non-NULL value in the list, or NULL if there are no\nnon-NULL values.\n\nThe return type of COALESCE() is the aggregated type of the argument\ntypes.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/comparison-operators.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT COALESCE(NULL,1);\n -> 1\nmysql> SELECT COALESCE(NULL,NULL,NULL);\n -> NULL\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/comparison-operators.html'); INSERT INTO help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) VALUES (642,17,'VERSION','Syntax:\nVERSION()\n\nReturns a string that indicates the MySQL server version. The string\nuses the utf8 character set. The value might have a suffix in addition\nto the version number. See the description of the version system\nvariable in\nhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/server-system-variables.html.\n\nURL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/information-functions.html\n\n','mysql> SELECT VERSION();\n -> \'5.7.24-standard\'\n','http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/information-functions.html'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (0,'JOIN'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (1,'HOST'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (2,'SERIALIZABLE'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (3,'CONTAINS'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (4,'SRID'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (5,'AT'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (6,'SCHEDULE'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (7,'RETURNS'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (8,'MASTER_TLS_VERSION'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (9,'MASTER_SSL_CA'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (10,'NCHAR'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (11,'ONLY'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (12,'ST_GEOMETRYN'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (13,'ST_GEOMCOLLFROMWKB'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (14,'WORK'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (15,'OPEN'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (16,'ST_INTERSECTS'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (17,'ESCAPE'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (18,'EVENTS'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (19,'MONTH'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (20,'PROFILES'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (21,'ISCLOSED'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (22,'DUPLICATE'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (23,'ST_POINTN'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (24,'REPLICATION'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (25,'UNLOCK'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (26,'STATS_PERSISTENT'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (27,'INNODB'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (28,'REPLICATE_REWRITE_DB'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (29,'YEAR_MONTH'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (30,'WITHIN'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (31,'PREPARE'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (32,'LOCK'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (33,'NDB'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (34,'INT4'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (35,'POLYGON'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (36,'MINUTE'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (37,'SEPARATOR'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (38,'DELETE'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (39,'JSON_SEARCH'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (40,'ON'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (41,'CONNECTION'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (42,'CLOSE'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (43,'MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (44,'USE'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (45,'PRIVILEGES'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (46,'SPATIAL'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (47,'SQL_BUFFER_RESULT'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (48,'JSON_ARRAYAGG'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (49,'ERROR'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (50,'SECURITY'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (51,'AUTOEXTEND_SIZE'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (52,'ST_STARTPOINT'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (53,'NDBCLUSTER'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (54,'ST_POLYGONFROMWKB'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (55,'LEVEL'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (56,'BINARY'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (57,'CURRENT_USER'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (58,'HOUR_MINUTE'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (59,'UPDATE'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (60,'PRESERVE'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (61,'ST_SIMPLIFY'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (62,'INTO'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (63,'POLYFROMWKB'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (64,'SQL_AFTER_GTIDS'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (65,'VARIABLE'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (66,'ROLLBACK'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (67,'TIMESTAMP'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (68,'IMPORT'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (69,'CHECKSUM'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (70,'THEN'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (71,'ENGINES'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (72,'HANDLER'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (73,'DAY_SECOND'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (74,'HELP_DATE'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (75,'BOOLEAN'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (76,'JSON_EXTRACT'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (77,'MOD'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (78,'ST_GEOMETRYTYPE'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (79,'CLASS_ORIGIN'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (80,'MPOLYFROMWKB'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (81,'ITERATE'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (82,'DO'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (83,'DATE'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (84,'FULLTEXT'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (85,'COMMENT'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (86,'COMPRESSION'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (87,'ST_ASTEXT'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (88,'MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (89,'JSON_TYPE'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (90,'MASTER_LOG_FILE'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (91,'PRECISION'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (92,'REQUIRE'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (93,'ST_ASWKT'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (94,'LONG'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (95,'FORMAT'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (96,'OPTION'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (97,'REORGANIZE'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (98,'ELSE'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (99,'EXTERIORRING'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (100,'GEOMFROMWKB'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (101,'STATS_AUTO_RECALC'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (102,'FROM'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (103,'MULTIPOLYGON'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (104,'LEFT'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (105,'ELSEIF'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (106,'ST_ISCLOSED'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (107,'COMPACT'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (108,'DEC'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (109,'FOR'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (110,'WARNINGS'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (111,'ST_LONGFROMGEOHASH'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (112,'ST_LINESTRINGFROMWKB'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (113,'STRING'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (114,'CONDITION'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (115,'ENCLOSED'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (116,'AGGREGATE'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (117,'NUMBER'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (118,'FIELDS'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (119,'JSON_INSERT'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (120,'JSON_UNQUOTE'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (121,'PATH)'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (122,'KILL'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (123,'DISJOINT'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (124,'TABLESPACE'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (125,'OVERLAPS'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (126,'INFILE'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (127,'MBREQUAL'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (128,'HELP_VERSION'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (129,'ORDER'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (130,'MASTER_SSL_CRL'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (131,'ST_GEOMFROMTEXT'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (132,'USING'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (133,'REPLICATE_WILD_DO_TABLE'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (134,'MIDDLEINT'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (135,'GRANT'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (136,'MBRINTERSECTS'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (137,'ST_MPOLYFROMWKB'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (138,'JSON_ARRAY'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (139,'GEOMETRYN'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (140,'GEOMETRYFROMTEXT'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (141,'DEFAULT_AUTH'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (142,'FOREIGN'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (143,'CACHE'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (144,'MYSQL_ERRNO'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (145,'SCHEMAS'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (146,'LEADING'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (147,'CONSTRAINT_NAME'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (148,'CONVERT'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (149,'DYNAMIC'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (150,'ST_ISVALID'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (151,'POLYGONFROMTEXT'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (152,'ENVELOPE'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (153,'ST_ISEMPTY'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (154,'HAVING'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (155,'STARTING'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (156,'RELOAD'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (157,'ISSIMPLE'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (158,'AUTOCOMMIT'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (159,'ST_Y'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (160,'REVOKE'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (161,'RANDOM_BYTES'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (162,'EXPLAIN'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (163,'CSV'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (164,'OUTFILE'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (165,'LOW_PRIORITY'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (166,'FILE'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (167,'ANY_VALUE'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (168,'NODEGROUP'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (169,'SCHEMA'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (170,'ST_TOUCHES'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (171,'MLINEFROMWKB'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (172,'ST_POLYGONFROMTEXT'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (173,'DUAL'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (174,'MULTIPOINTFROMWKB'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (175,'MULTIPOINTFROMTEXT'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (176,'EXTENDED'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (177,'CROSS'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (178,'GROUP'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (179,'NATIONAL'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (180,'ST_ISSIMPLE'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (181,'SHA'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (182,'POINTN'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (183,'IGNORE_SERVER_IDS'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (184,'MASTER_AUTO_POSITION'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (185,'ASBINARY'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (186,'ST_MLINEFROMWKB'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (187,'EXTRACTION)'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (188,'MBROVERLAPS'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (189,'GENERAL'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (190,'OWNER'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (191,'TRUE'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (192,'CHARACTER'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (193,'SCHEMA_NAME'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (194,'TABLE'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (195,'ST_LINEFROMWKB'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (196,'CASCADE'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (197,'RELAY_LOG_POS'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (198,'ASWKB'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (199,'LEAVE'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (200,'ST_GEOHASH'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (201,'MODIFY'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (202,'MATCH'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (203,'MASTER_LOG_POS'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (204,'DISTINCTROW'); INSERT INTO help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) VALUES (205,'X'); 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INSERT INTO help_relation (help_topic_id,help_keyword_id) VALUES (542,679); INSERT INTO help_relation (help_topic_id,help_keyword_id) VALUES (292,680); INSERT INTO help_relation (help_topic_id,help_keyword_id) VALUES (209,680); INSERT INTO help_relation (help_topic_id,help_keyword_id) VALUES (29,680); INSERT INTO help_relation (help_topic_id,help_keyword_id) VALUES (403,680); INSERT INTO help_relation (help_topic_id,help_keyword_id) VALUES (392,680); INSERT INTO help_relation (help_topic_id,help_keyword_id) VALUES (584,680); INSERT INTO help_relation (help_topic_id,help_keyword_id) VALUES (620,680); INSERT INTO help_relation (help_topic_id,help_keyword_id) VALUES (437,681); INSERT INTO help_relation (help_topic_id,help_keyword_id) VALUES (636,682); INSERT INTO help_relation (help_topic_id,help_keyword_id) VALUES (637,683); INSERT INTO help_relation (help_topic_id,help_keyword_id) VALUES (126,684); INSERT INTO help_relation (help_topic_id,help_keyword_id) VALUES (407,685); INSERT INTO help_relation (help_topic_id,help_keyword_id) VALUES (533,685); INSERT INTO help_relation (help_topic_id,help_keyword_id) VALUES (209,685); INSERT INTO help_relation (help_topic_id,help_keyword_id) VALUES (190,685); INSERT INTO help_relation (help_topic_id,help_keyword_id) VALUES (29,685); INSERT INTO help_relation (help_topic_id,help_keyword_id) VALUES (634,686); INSERT INTO help_relation (help_topic_id,help_keyword_id) VALUES (209,687); INSERT INTO help_relation (help_topic_id,help_keyword_id) VALUES (22,688); INSERT INTO help_relation (help_topic_id,help_keyword_id) VALUES (533,689); INSERT INTO help_relation (help_topic_id,help_keyword_id) VALUES (17,689); INSERT INTO help_relation (help_topic_id,help_keyword_id) VALUES (167,689); INSERT INTO help_relation (help_topic_id,help_keyword_id) VALUES (533,690); INSERT INTO help_relation (help_topic_id,help_keyword_id) VALUES (632,690); INSERT INTO help_relation (help_topic_id,help_keyword_id) VALUES (540,691); INSERT INTO help_relation (help_topic_id,help_keyword_id) VALUES (384,691); INSERT INTO help_relation (help_topic_id,help_keyword_id) VALUES (131,692); INSERT INTO help_relation (help_topic_id,help_keyword_id) VALUES (296,693); INSERT INTO help_relation (help_topic_id,help_keyword_id) VALUES (70,693); INSERT INTO help_relation (help_topic_id,help_keyword_id) VALUES (616,693); INSERT INTO help_relation (help_topic_id,help_keyword_id) VALUES (616,694); INSERT INTO help_relation (help_topic_id,help_keyword_id) VALUES (122,695); INSERT INTO help_relation (help_topic_id,help_keyword_id) VALUES (625,695); INSERT INTO help_relation (help_topic_id,help_keyword_id) VALUES (30,696); INSERT INTO help_relation (help_topic_id,help_keyword_id) VALUES (396,696); INSERT INTO help_relation (help_topic_id,help_keyword_id) VALUES (41,696); INSERT INTO help_relation (help_topic_id,help_keyword_id) VALUES (172,696); INSERT INTO help_relation (help_topic_id,help_keyword_id) VALUES (437,696); INSERT INTO help_relation (help_topic_id,help_keyword_id) VALUES (168,696); INSERT INTO help_relation (help_topic_id,help_keyword_id) VALUES (296,697); INSERT INTO help_relation (help_topic_id,help_keyword_id) VALUES (616,697); INSERT INTO help_relation (help_topic_id,help_keyword_id) VALUES (208,698); INSERT INTO help_relation (help_topic_id,help_keyword_id) VALUES (464,698); COMMIT; mysql_security_commands.sql000064400000003340147633135420012252 0ustar00-- Copyright (c) 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # This set of commands will modify the predefined accounts of a MySQL installation # to increase security. # 1) Set passwords for the root account. # Note that the password 'ABC123xyz' will be replaced by a random string # when these commands are transferred to the server. SET @@old_passwords=0; UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('ABC123xyz') WHERE User='root' and plugin in ('', 'mysql_native_password'); SET @@old_passwords=2; UPDATE mysql.user SET authentication_string=PASSWORD('ABC123xyz') WHERE User='root' and plugin='sha256_password'; # 2) Drop the anonymous account. DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE User=''; # 3) Force the root user to change the password on first connect. UPDATE mysql.user SET Password_expired='Y' WHERE User='root'; # 4) remove remote accounts DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE Host <> 'localhost'; # 5) Drop the test database DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS test; DELETE FROM mysql.db WHERE Db='test' OR Db='test\\_%'; # In case this file is sent to a running server. FLUSH PRIVILEGES; danish/errmsg.sys000075500000237134147633135420010076 0ustar00h,uL,{%\M Bt#GY$eY7x  B Y  [ O m . h  g 3F,+A>d5f1OGs,Rm6kN~D3dYzALe&p* n !\!!!%"h"""#B###?$h$$$d%%%% &>&s&&&;'p''''(9(y(( )G)))v**,+++2,,,, -L----/.y.../T//// 0*0h0001P11192h22223K333444b44445'5L5r555 6n66667v777 8+8X888 9J9q999$:k:::;;/<<<===>D>v>>>?m???D@y@@ALAAAAB6B[BBBCC*C?CVCtCCCCD+DRDD,ELEEEEEF$F9FPFcF{FFFFGG/GEGbGGGH'HOH|HHH/IwIIII!JFJuJJJ8KKL>LpLLLLLMJMXMMMM$NjNNNNO:OLOiOOOOOHPZPPPP(QKQaQQQQ!ReRRRRS]SSS'T~TTTU"UgUUU V@VmVVVAWWXWYYYCZZZ [I[[[\y\\>]]]]g^^^^ _3__```aaa*bfbbb6ccgggh+hGhhh^iijHjjjj7k}kklQlllmCmmmm-n{nnnXoooo&pfpppq@qqr@r~rrrs%sZsstVtttt u4ucuwuuu vdvxvvv`wwwwwx1xYxxxx+yfyyyyy5zzzz\{{I|||}L}s}}}}~~~~,`%J}ḰGr'ރtτDz'f͆)އ@&I|(O,`Ƌ3<BLYckɌ 6_֍<b{׎(QЏ?Ԑ ?AIƕKM8IEښ9כE؜#Ν2i؞$lBeѡ*eݢ'Cťi HrI0jޭ -[Bů.|UֱUݲa!YrεJT\MŹ z ׼$~վ!Cxv,j(cxI\o<{ 8 iBRrn;!a<:9Mo3gMF[Vt)`G\VekGj nJ9&[v*T}`4Z 2W~0Z,dmIv8}3) 6)QH^a1qE x:Tv2_~' T    j  F d   ^   & h  7;q'm f %=a2fz?h'Hl(`"_Fj9Zw? c     ,!V!!!!!!"7"["(###$K${$$ %4%w%%%%t&5''Z((")r)0*j**!+_++0,hashchkisamchkNEJJAKan ikke oprette filen '%-.200s' (Fejlkode: %d - %s)Kan ikke oprette tabellen '%-.200s' (Fejlkode: %d)Kan ikke oprette databasen '%-.192s' (Fejlkode: %d)Kan ikke oprette databasen '%-.192s'; databasen eksistererKan ikke slette (droppe) '%-.192s'; databasen eksisterer ikkeFejl ved sletning (drop) af databasen (kan ikke slette '%-.192s', Fejlkode %d)Fejl ved sletting af database (kan ikke slette folderen '%-.192s', Fejlkode %d)Fejl ved sletning af '%-.192s' (Fejlkode: %d - %s)Kan ikke læse posten i systemfolderenKan ikke læse status af '%-.200s' (Fejlkode: %d - %s)Kan ikke læse aktive folder (Fejlkode: %d - %s)Kan ikke låse fil (Fejlkode: %d - %s)Kan ikke åbne fil: '%-.200s' (Fejlkode: %d - %s)Kan ikke finde fila: '%-.200s' (Fejlkode: %d - %s)Kan ikke læse folder '%-.192s' (Fejlkode: %d - %s)Kan ikke skifte folder til '%-.192s' (Fejlkode: %d - %s)Posten er ændret siden sidste læsning '%-.192s'Ikke mere diskplads (%s). Venter på at få frigjort plads... (Fejlkode: %d - %s)Kan ikke skrive, flere ens nøgler i tabellen '%-.192s'Fejl ved lukning af '%-.192s' (Fejlkode: %d - %s)Fejl ved læsning af '%-.200s' (Fejlkode: %d - %s)Fejl ved omdøbning af '%-.210s' til '%-.210s' (Fejlkode: %d - %s)Fejl ved skriving av filen '%-.200s' (Fejlkode: %d - %s)'%-.192s' er låst mod opdateringerSortering afbrudtView '%-.192s' eksisterer ikke for '%-.192s'Modtog fejl %d fra tabel håndteringenDenne mulighed eksisterer ikke for tabeltypen '%-.192s'Kan ikke finde posten i '%-.192s'Forkert indhold i: '%-.200s'Fejl i indeksfilen til tabellen '%-.200s'; prøv at reparere denGammel indeksfil for tabellen '%-.192s'; reparer den'%-.192s' er skrivebeskyttetIkke mere hukommelse. Genstart serveren og prøv igen (mangler %d bytes)Ikke mere sorteringshukommelse. Øg sorteringshukommelse (sort buffer size) for serverenUventet afslutning på fil (eof) ved læsning af filen '%-.192s' (Fejlkode: %d - %s)For mange forbindelser (connections)Udgået for tråde/hukommelseKan ikke få værtsnavn for din adresseForkert håndtryk (handshake)Adgang nægtet bruger: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' til databasen '%-.192s'Adgang nægtet bruger: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' (Bruger adgangskode: %s)Ingen database valgtUkendt kommandoKolonne '%-.192s' kan ikke være NULLUkendt database '%-.192s'Tabellen '%-.192s' findes alleredeUkendt tabel '%-.100s'Felt: '%-.192s' i tabel %-.192s er ikke entydigtDatabase nedlukning er i gangUkendt kolonne '%-.192s' i tabel %-.192sBrugte '%-.192s' som ikke var i group byKan ikke gruppere på '%-.192s'Udtrykket har summer (sum) funktioner og kolonner i samme udtrykKolonne tæller stemmer ikke med antallet af værdierNavnet '%-.100s' er for langtFeltnavnet '%-.192s' findes alleredeIndeksnavnet '%-.192s' findes alleredeEns værdier '%-.192s' for indeks %dForkert kolonnespecifikaton for felt '%-.192s'%s nær '%-.80s' på linje %dForespørgsel var tomTabellen/aliaset: '%-.192s' er ikke uniktUgyldig standardværdi for '%-.192s'Flere primærnøgler specificeretFor mange nøgler specificeret. Kun %d nøgler må brugesFor mange nøgledele specificeret. Kun %d dele må brugesSpecificeret nøgle var for lang. Maksimal nøglelængde er %dNøglefeltet '%-.192s' eksisterer ikke i tabellenBLOB feltet '%-.192s' kan ikke bruges ved specifikation af indeksFor stor feltlængde for kolonne '%-.192s' (maks = %lu). Brug BLOB i stedetDer kan kun specificeres eet AUTO_INCREMENT-felt, og det skal være indekseret%s: klar til tilslutninger Version: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d"%s: Normal nedlukning %s: Fangede signal %d. Afslutter!! %s: Server lukket %s: Forceret nedlukning af tråd: %ld bruger: '%-.48s' Kan ikke oprette IP socketTabellen '%-.192s' har ikke den nøgle, som blev brugt i CREATE INDEX. Genopret tabellenFelt adskiller er ikke som forventet, se dokumentationenMan kan ikke bruge faste feltlængder med BLOB. Brug i stedet 'fields terminated by'.Filen '%-.128s' skal være i database-folderen og kunne læses af alleFilen '%-.200s' eksisterer alleredePoster: %ld Fjernet: %ld Sprunget over: %ld Advarsler: %ldPoster: %ld Ens: %ldForkert indeksdel. Den anvendte nøgledel er ikke en streng eller længden er større end nøglelængdenMan kan ikke slette alle felter med ALTER TABLE. Brug DROP TABLE i stedet.Kan ikke udføre DROP '%-.192s'. Undersøg om feltet/nøglen eksisterer.Poster: %ld Ens: %ld Advarsler: %ldYou can't specify target table '%-.192s' for update in FROM clauseUkendt tråd id: %luDu er ikke ejer af tråden %luIngen tabeller i brugFor mange tekststrenge til specifikationen af SET i kolonne %-.192sKan ikke lave unikt log-filnavn %-.200s.(1-999) Tabellen '%-.192s' var låst med READ lås og kan ikke opdateresTabellen '%-.192s' var ikke låst med LOCK TABLESBLOB feltet '%-.192s' kan ikke have en standard værdiUgyldigt database navn '%-.100s'Ugyldigt tabel navn '%-.100s'SELECT ville undersøge for mange poster og ville sandsynligvis tage meget lang tid. Undersøg WHERE delen og brug SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 hvis udtrykket er korrektUkendt fejlUkendt procedure %-.192sForkert antal parametre til proceduren %-.192sForkert(e) parametre til proceduren %-.192sUkendt tabel '%-.192s' i %-.32sFeltet '%-.192s' er anvendt to gangeForkert brug af grupperings-funktionTabellen '%-.192s' bruger et filtypenavn som ikke findes i denne MySQL versionEn tabel skal have mindst een kolonneTabellen '%-.192s' er fuldUkendt tegnsæt: '%-.64s'For mange tabeller. MySQL kan kun bruge %d tabeller i et joinFor mange felterFor store poster. Max post størrelse, uden BLOB's, er %ld. Du må lave nogle felter til BLOB'sThread stack brugt: Brugt: %ld af en %ld stak. Brug 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' for at allokere en større stak om nødvendigtKrydsreferencer fundet i OUTER JOIN; check dine ON conditionsTable handler doesn't support NULL in given index. Please change column '%-.192s' to be NOT NULL or use another handlerKan ikke læse funktionen '%-.192s'Kan ikke starte funktionen '%-.192s'; %-.80sAngivelse af sti ikke tilladt for delt bibliotekFunktionen '%-.192s' findes alleredeKan ikke åbne delt bibliotek '%-.192s' (errno: %d %-.128s)Kan ikke finde funktionen '%-.128s' i bibliotekFunktionen '%-.192s' er ikke defineretVærten '%-.64s' er blokeret på grund af mange fejlforespørgsler. Lås op med 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'Værten '%-.64s' kan ikke tilkoble denne MySQL-serverDu bruger MySQL som anonym bruger. Anonyme brugere må ikke ændre adgangskoderDu skal have tilladelse til at opdatere tabeller i MySQL databasen for at ændre andres adgangskoderKan ikke finde nogen tilsvarende poster i bruger tabellenPoster fundet: %ld Ændret: %ld Advarsler: %ldKan ikke danne en ny tråd (fejl nr. %d). Hvis computeren ikke er løbet tør for hukommelse, kan du se i brugervejledningen for en mulig operativ-system - afhængig fejlKolonne antallet stemmer ikke overens med antallet af værdier i post %ldKan ikke genåbne tabel '%-.192sForkert brug af nulværdi (NULL)Fik fejl '%-.64s' fra regexpSammenblanding af GROUP kolonner (MIN(),MAX(),COUNT()...) uden GROUP kolonner er ikke tilladt, hvis der ikke er noget GROUP BY prædikatDenne tilladelse findes ikke for brugeren '%-.48s' på vært '%-.64s'%-.128s-kommandoen er ikke tilladt for brugeren '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' for tabellen '%-.64s'%-.16s-kommandoen er ikke tilladt for brugeren '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' for kolonne '%-.192s' in tabellen '%-.192s'Forkert GRANT/REVOKE kommando. Se i brugervejledningen hvilke privilegier der kan specificeres.Værts- eller brugernavn for langt til GRANTTabellen '%-.192s.%-.192s' eksisterer ikkeDenne tilladelse eksisterer ikke for brugeren '%-.48s' på vært '%-.64s' for tabellen '%-.192s'Den brugte kommando er ikke tilladt med denne udgave af MySQLDer er en fejl i SQL syntaksenDelayed insert thread couldn't get requested lock for table %-.192sToo many delayed threads in useAfbrudt forbindelse %ld til database: '%-.192s' bruger: '%-.48s' (%-.64s)Modtog en datapakke som var større end 'max_allowed_packet'Fik læsefejl fra forbindelse (connection pipe)Fik fejlmeddelelse fra fcntl()Modtog ikke datapakker i korrekt rækkefølgeKunne ikke dekomprimere kommunikations-pakke (communication packet)Fik fejlmeddelelse ved læsning af kommunikations-pakker (communication packets)Timeout-fejl ved læsning af kommunukations-pakker (communication packets)Fik fejlmeddelelse ved skrivning af kommunukations-pakker (communication packets)Timeout-fejl ved skrivning af kommunukations-pakker (communication packets)Strengen med resultater er større end 'max_allowed_packet'Denne tabeltype understøtter ikke brug af BLOB og TEXT kolonnerDenne tabeltype understøtter ikke brug af AUTO_INCREMENT kolonnerINSERT DELAYED can't be used with table '%-.192s' because it is locked with LOCK TABLESForkert kolonnenavn '%-.100s'Den brugte tabeltype kan ikke indeksere kolonnen '%-.192s'Tabellerne i MERGE er ikke defineret ensKan ikke skrive til tabellen '%-.192s' fordi det vil bryde CONSTRAINT reglerBLOB kolonnen '%-.192s' brugt i nøglespecifikation uden nøglelængdeAlle dele af en PRIMARY KEY skal være NOT NULL; Hvis du skal bruge NULL i nøglen, brug UNIQUE istedetResultatet bestod af mere end een rækkeDenne tabeltype kræver en primærnøgleDenne udgave af MySQL er ikke oversat med understøttelse af RAIDDu bruger sikker opdaterings modus ('safe update mode') og du forsøgte at opdatere en tabel uden en WHERE klausul, der gør brug af et KEY feltNøglen '%-.192s' eksisterer ikke i tabellen '%-.192s'Kan ikke åbne tabellenDenne tabeltype understøtter ikke %sDu må ikke bruge denne kommando i en transaktionModtog fejl %d mens kommandoen COMMIT blev udførtModtog fejl %d mens kommandoen ROLLBACK blev udførtModtog fejl %d mens kommandoen FLUSH_LOGS blev udførtModtog fejl %d mens kommandoen CHECKPOINT blev udførtAfbrød forbindelsen %u til databasen '%-.192s' bruger: '%-.48s' vært: '%-.64s' (%-.64s)Denne tabeltype unserstøtter ikke binært tabeldumpBinlog closed, cannot RESET MASTERKunne ikke genopbygge indekset for den dumpede tabel '%-.192s'Fejl fra master: '%-.64s'Netværksfejl ved læsning fra masterNetværksfejl ved skrivning til masterKan ikke finde en FULLTEXT nøgle som svarer til kolonne listenKan ikke udføre den givne kommando fordi der findes aktive, låste tabeller eller fordi der udføres en transaktionUkendt systemvariabel '%-.64s'Tabellen '%-.192s' er markeret med fejl og bør repareresTabellen '%-.192s' er markeret med fejl og sidste (automatiske?) REPAIR fejledeAdvarsel: Visse data i tabeller der ikke understøtter transaktioner kunne ikke tilbagestillesFler-udtryks transaktion krævede mere plads en 'max_binlog_cache_size' bytes. Forhøj værdien af denne variabel og prøv igenDenne handling kunne ikke udføres med kørende slave, brug først kommandoen STOP SLAVEDenne handling kræver en kørende slave. Konfigurer en slave og brug kommandoen START SLAVEDenne server er ikke konfigureret som slave. Ret in config-filen eller brug kommandoen CHANGE MASTER TOCould not initialize master info structure; more error messages can be found in the MySQL error logKunne ikke danne en slave-tråd; check systemressourcerneBrugeren %-.64s har allerede mere end 'max_user_connections' aktive forbindelserDu må kun bruge konstantudtryk med SETLock wait timeout overskredetDet totale antal låse overstiger størrelsen på låse-tabellenUpdate lås kan ikke opnås under en READ UNCOMMITTED transaktionDROP DATABASE er ikke tilladt mens en tråd holder på globalt read lockCREATE DATABASE er ikke tilladt mens en tråd holder på globalt read lockIncorrect arguments to %s'%-.48s'@'%-.64s' is not allowed to create new usersIncorrect table definition; all MERGE tables must be in the same databaseDeadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transactionThe used table type doesn't support FULLTEXT indexesCannot add foreign key constraintCannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint failsCannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint failsError connecting to master: %-.128sError running query on master: %-.128sError when executing command %s: %-.128sIncorrect usage of %s and %sThe used SELECT statements have a different number of columnsCan't execute the query because you have a conflicting read lockMixing of transactional and non-transactional tables is disabledOption '%s' used twice in statementUser '%-.64s' has exceeded the '%s' resource (current value: %ld)Access denied; you need (at least one of) the %-.128s privilege(s) for this operationVariable '%-.64s' is a SESSION variable and can't be used with SET GLOBALVariable '%-.64s' is a GLOBAL variable and should be set with SET GLOBALVariable '%-.64s' doesn't have a default valueVariable '%-.64s' can't be set to the value of '%-.200s'Incorrect argument type to variable '%-.64s'Variable '%-.64s' can only be set, not readIncorrect usage/placement of '%s'This version of MySQL doesn't yet support '%s'Got fatal error %d from master when reading data from binary log: '%-.320s'Slave SQL thread ignored the query because of replicate-*-table rulesVariable '%-.192s' is a %s variableIncorrect foreign key definition for '%-.192s': %sKey reference and table reference don't matchOperand should contain %d column(s)Subquery returns more than 1 rowUnknown prepared statement handler (%.*s) given to %sHelp database is corrupt or does not existCyclic reference on subqueriesConverting column '%s' from %s to %sReference '%-.64s' not supported (%s)Every derived table must have its own aliasSelect %u was reduced during optimizationTable '%-.192s' from one of the SELECTs cannot be used in %-.32sClient does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL clientAll parts of a SPATIAL index must be NOT NULLCOLLATION '%s' is not valid for CHARACTER SET '%s'Slave is already runningSlave already has been stoppedUncompressed data size too large; the maximum size is %d (probably, length of uncompressed data was corrupted)ZLIB: Not enough memoryZLIB: Not enough room in the output buffer (probably, length of uncompressed data was corrupted)ZLIB: Input data corruptedRow %u was cut by GROUP_CONCAT()Row %ld doesn't contain data for all columnsRow %ld was truncated; it contained more data than there were input columnsColumn set to default value; NULL supplied to NOT NULL column '%s' at row %ldOut of range value for column '%s' at row %ldData truncated for column '%s' at row %ldUsing storage engine %s for table '%s'Illegal mix of collations (%s,%s) and (%s,%s) for operation '%s'Cannot drop one or more of the requested usersCan't revoke all privileges for one or more of the requested usersIllegal mix of collations (%s,%s), (%s,%s), (%s,%s) for operation '%s'Illegal mix of collations for operation '%s'Variable '%-.64s' is not a variable component (can't be used as XXXX.variable_name)Unknown collation: '%-.64s'SSL parameters in CHANGE MASTER are ignored because this MySQL slave was compiled without SSL support; they can be used later if MySQL slave with SSL is startedServer is running in --secure-auth mode, but '%s'@'%s' has a password in the old format; please change the password to the new formatField or reference '%-.192s%s%-.192s%s%-.192s' of SELECT #%d was resolved in SELECT #%dIncorrect parameter or combination of parameters for START SLAVE UNTILIt is recommended to use --skip-slave-start when doing step-by-step replication with START SLAVE UNTIL; otherwise, you will get problems if you get an unexpected slave's mysqld restartSQL thread is not to be started so UNTIL options are ignoredIncorrect index name '%-.100s'Incorrect catalog name '%-.100s'Query cache failed to set size %lu; new query cache size is %luColumn '%-.192s' cannot be part of FULLTEXT indexUnknown key cache '%-.100s'MySQL is started in --skip-name-resolve mode; you must restart it without this switch for this grant to workUnknown storage engine '%s''%s' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use %s insteadThe target table %-.100s of the %s is not updatableThe '%s' feature is disabled; you need MySQL built with '%s' to have it workingThe MySQL server is running with the %s option so it cannot execute this statementColumn '%-.100s' has duplicated value '%-.64s' in %sTruncated incorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s'Incorrect table definition; there can be only one TIMESTAMP column with CURRENT_TIMESTAMP in DEFAULT or ON UPDATE clauseInvalid ON UPDATE clause for '%-.192s' columnThis command is not supported in the prepared statement protocol yetModtog fejl %d '%-.100s' fra %sModtog temporary fejl %d '%-.100s' fra %sUnknown or incorrect time zone: '%-.64s'Invalid TIMESTAMP value in column '%s' at row %ldInvalid %s character string: '%.64s'Result of %s() was larger than max_allowed_packet (%ld) - truncatedConflicting declarations: '%s%s' and '%s%s'Can't create a %s from within another stored routine%s %s already exists%s %s does not existFailed to DROP %s %sFailed to CREATE %s %s%s with no matching label: %sRedefining label %sEnd-label %s without matchReferring to uninitialized variable %sPROCEDURE %s can't return a result set in the given contextRETURN is only allowed in a FUNCTION%s is not allowed in stored proceduresThe update log is deprecated and replaced by the binary log; SET SQL_LOG_UPDATE has been ignored.The update log is deprecated and replaced by the binary log; SET SQL_LOG_UPDATE has been translated to SET SQL_LOG_BIN.Query execution was interruptedIncorrect number of arguments for %s %s; expected %u, got %uUndefined CONDITION: %sNo RETURN found in FUNCTION %sFUNCTION %s ended without RETURNCursor statement must be a SELECTCursor SELECT must not have INTOUndefined CURSOR: %sCursor is already openCursor is not openUndeclared variable: %sIncorrect number of FETCH variablesNo data - zero rows fetched, selected, or processedDuplicate parameter: %sDuplicate variable: %sDuplicate condition: %sDuplicate cursor: %sFailed to ALTER %s %sSubquery value not supported%s is not allowed in stored function or triggerVariable or condition declaration after cursor or handler declarationCursor declaration after handler declarationCase not found for CASE statementConfiguration file '%-.192s' is too bigMalformed file type header in file '%-.192s'Unexpected end of file while parsing comment '%-.200s'Error while parsing parameter '%-.192s' (line: '%-.192s')Unexpected end of file while skipping unknown parameter '%-.192s'EXPLAIN/SHOW can not be issued; lacking privileges for underlying tableFile '%-.192s' has unknown type '%-.64s' in its header'%-.192s.%-.192s' is not %sColumn '%-.192s' is not updatableView's SELECT contains a subquery in the FROM clauseView's SELECT contains a '%s' clauseView's SELECT contains a variable or parameterView's SELECT refers to a temporary table '%-.192s'View's SELECT and view's field list have different column countsView merge algorithm can't be used here for now (assumed undefined algorithm)View being updated does not have complete key of underlying table in itView '%-.192s.%-.192s' references invalid table(s) or column(s) or function(s) or definer/invoker of view lack rights to use themCan't drop or alter a %s from within another stored routineGOTO is not allowed in a stored procedure handlerTrigger already existsTrigger does not existTrigger's '%-.192s' is view or temporary tableUpdating of %s row is not allowed in %striggerThere is no %s row in %s triggerField '%-.192s' doesn't have a default valueDivision by 0Incorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s' for column '%.192s' at row %ldIllegal %s '%-.192s' value found during parsingCHECK OPTION on non-updatable view '%-.192s.%-.192s'CHECK OPTION failed '%-.192s.%-.192s'%-.16s command denied to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' for routine '%-.192s'Failed purging old relay logs: %sPassword hash should be a %d-digit hexadecimal numberTarget log not found in binlog indexI/O error reading log index fileServer configuration does not permit binlog purgeFailed on fseek()Fatal error during log purgeA purgeable log is in use, will not purgeUnknown error during log purgeFailed initializing relay log position: %sYou are not using binary loggingThe '%-.64s' syntax is reserved for purposes internal to the MySQL serverWSAStartup FailedCan't handle procedures with different groups yetSelect must have a group with this procedureCan't use ORDER clause with this procedureBinary logging and replication forbid changing the global server %sCan't map file: %-.200s, errno: %dWrong magic in %-.64sPrepared statement contains too many placeholdersKey part '%-.192s' length cannot be 0View text checksum failedCan not modify more than one base table through a join view '%-.192s.%-.192s'Can not insert into join view '%-.192s.%-.192s' without fields listCan not delete from join view '%-.192s.%-.192s'Operation %s failed for %.256sXAER_NOTA: Unknown XIDXAER_INVAL: Invalid arguments (or unsupported command)XAER_RMFAIL: The command cannot be executed when global transaction is in the %.64s stateXAER_OUTSIDE: Some work is done outside global transactionXAER_RMERR: Fatal error occurred in the transaction branch - check your data for consistencyXA_RBROLLBACK: Transaction branch was rolled backThere is no such grant defined for user '%-.48s' on host '%-.64s' on routine '%-.192s'Failed to grant EXECUTE and ALTER ROUTINE privilegesFailed to revoke all privileges to dropped routineData too long for column '%s' at row %ldBad SQLSTATE: '%s'%s: ready for connections. Version: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d %sCan't load value from file with fixed size rows to variableYou are not allowed to create a user with GRANTIncorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s' for function %-.32sTable definition has changed, please retry transactionDuplicate handler declared in the same blockOUT or INOUT argument %d for routine %s is not a variable or NEW pseudo-variable in BEFORE triggerNot allowed to return a result set from a %sCannot get geometry object from data you send to the GEOMETRY fieldA routine failed and has neither NO SQL nor READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled; if non-transactional tables were updated, the binary log will miss their changesThis function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)You do not have the SUPER privilege and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)You can't execute a prepared statement which has an open cursor associated with it. Reset the statement to re-execute it.The statement (%lu) has no open cursor.Explicit or implicit commit is not allowed in stored function or trigger.Field of view '%-.192s.%-.192s' underlying table doesn't have a default valueRecursive stored functions and triggers are not allowed.Too big scale %d specified for column '%-.192s'. Maximum is %lu.Too-big precision %d specified for '%-.192s'. Maximum is %lu.For float(M,D), double(M,D) or decimal(M,D), M must be >= D (column '%-.192s').You can't combine write-locking of system tables with other tables or lock typesUnable to connect to foreign data source: %.64sThere was a problem processing the query on the foreign data source. Data source error: %-.64sThe foreign data source you are trying to reference does not exist. Data source error: %-.64sCan't create federated table. The data source connection string '%-.64s' is not in the correct formatThe data source connection string '%-.64s' is not in the correct formatCan't create federated table. Foreign data src error: %-.64sTrigger in wrong schemaThread stack overrun: %ld bytes used of a %ld byte stack, and %ld bytes needed. Use 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' to specify a bigger stack.Routine body for '%-.100s' is too longCannot drop default keycacheDisplay width out of range for column '%-.192s' (max = %lu)XAER_DUPID: The XID already existsDatetime function: %-.32s field overflowCan't update table '%-.192s' in stored function/trigger because it is already used by statement which invoked this stored function/trigger.The definition of table '%-.192s' prevents operation %.192s on table '%-.192s'.The prepared statement contains a stored routine call that refers to that same statement. It's not allowed to execute a prepared statement in such a recursive mannerNot allowed to set autocommit from a stored function or triggerDefiner is not fully qualifiedView '%-.192s'.'%-.192s' has no definer information (old table format). Current user is used as definer. Please recreate the view!You need the SUPER privilege for creation view with '%-.192s'@'%-.192s' definerThe user specified as a definer ('%-.64s'@'%-.64s') does not existChanging schema from '%-.192s' to '%-.192s' is not allowed.Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (%.192s)Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (%.192s)Variable '%-.64s' must be quoted with `...`, or renamedNo definer attribute for trigger '%-.192s'.'%-.192s'. The trigger will be activated under the authorization of the invoker, which may have insufficient privileges. Please recreate the trigger.'%-.192s' has an old format, you should re-create the '%s' object(s)Recursive limit %d (as set by the max_sp_recursion_depth variable) was exceeded for routine %.192sFailed to load routine %-.192s. The table mysql.proc is missing, corrupt, or contains bad data (internal code %d)Incorrect routine name '%-.192s'Table upgrade required. Please do "REPAIR TABLE `%-.64s`" or dump/reload to fix it!AGGREGATE is not supported for stored functionsCan't create more than max_prepared_stmt_count statements (current value: %lu)`%-.192s`.`%-.192s` contains view recursionNon-grouping field '%-.192s' is used in %-.64s clauseThe used table type doesn't support SPATIAL indexesTriggers can not be created on system tablesLeading spaces are removed from name '%s'Failed to read auto-increment value from storage engineuser namehost nameString '%-.70s' is too long for %s (should be no longer than %d)The target table %-.100s of the %s is not insertable-intoTable '%-.64s' is differently defined or of non-MyISAM type or doesn't existToo high level of nesting for selectName '%-.64s' has become ''First character of the FIELDS TERMINATED string is ambiguous; please use non-optional and non-empty FIELDS ENCLOSED BYThe foreign server, %s, you are trying to create already exists.The foreign server name you are trying to reference does not exist. Data source error: %-.64sTable storage engine '%-.64s' does not support the create option '%.64s'Syntax error: %-.64s PARTITIONING requires definition of VALUES %-.64s for each partitionOnly %-.64s PARTITIONING can use VALUES %-.64s in partition definitionMAXVALUE can only be used in last partition definitionSubpartitions can only be hash partitions and by keyMust define subpartitions on all partitions if on one partitionWrong number of partitions defined, mismatch with previous settingWrong number of subpartitions defined, mismatch with previous settingConstant, random or timezone-dependent expressions in (sub)partitioning function are not allowedExpression in RANGE/LIST VALUES must be constantField in list of fields for partition function not found in tableList of fields is only allowed in KEY partitionsThe partition info in the frm file is not consistent with what can be written into the frm fileThe %-.192s function returns the wrong typeFor %-.64s partitions each partition must be definedVALUES LESS THAN value must be strictly increasing for each partitionVALUES value must be of same type as partition functionMultiple definition of same constant in list partitioningPartitioning can not be used stand-alone in queryThe mix of handlers in the partitions is not allowed in this version of MySQLFor the partitioned engine it is necessary to define all %-.64sToo many partitions (including subpartitions) were definedIt is only possible to mix RANGE/LIST partitioning with HASH/KEY partitioning for subpartitioningFailed to create specific handler fileA BLOB field is not allowed in partition functionA %-.192s must include all columns in the table's partitioning functionNumber of %-.64s = 0 is not an allowed valuePartition management on a not partitioned table is not possibleForeign keys are not yet supported in conjunction with partitioningError in list of partitions to %-.64sCannot remove all partitions, use DROP TABLE insteadCOALESCE PARTITION can only be used on HASH/KEY partitionsREORGANIZE PARTITION can only be used to reorganize partitions not to change their numbersREORGANIZE PARTITION without parameters can only be used on auto-partitioned tables using HASH PARTITIONs%-.64s PARTITION can only be used on RANGE/LIST partitionsTrying to Add partition(s) with wrong number of subpartitionsAt least one partition must be addedAt least one partition must be coalescedMore partitions to reorganize than there are partitionsDuplicate partition name %-.192sIt is not allowed to shut off binlog on this commandWhen reorganizing a set of partitions they must be in consecutive orderReorganize of range partitions cannot change total ranges except for last partition where it can extend the rangePartition function not supported in this version for this handlerPartition state cannot be defined from CREATE/ALTER TABLEThe %-.64s handler only supports 32 bit integers in VALUESPlugin '%-.192s' is not loadedIncorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s'Table has no partition for value %-.64sIt is not allowed to specify %s more than onceFailed to create %sFailed to drop %sThe handler doesn't support autoextend of tablespacesA size parameter was incorrectly specified, either number or on the form 10MThe size number was correct but we don't allow the digit part to be more than 2 billionFailed to alter: %sWriting one row to the row-based binary log failedTable definition on master and slave does not match: %sSlave running with --log-slave-updates must use row-based binary logging to be able to replicate row-based binary log eventsEvent '%-.192s' already existsFailed to store event %s. Error code %d from storage engine.Unknown event '%-.192s'Failed to alter event '%-.192s'Failed to drop %sINTERVAL is either not positive or too bigENDS is either invalid or before STARTSEvent execution time is in the past. Event has been disabledFailed to open mysql.eventNo datetime expression providedColumn count of mysql.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. The table is probably corruptedCannot load from mysql.%s. The table is probably corruptedFailed to delete the event from mysql.eventError during compilation of event's bodySame old and new event nameData for column '%s' too longCannot drop index '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraintThe syntax '%s' is deprecated and will be removed in MySQL %s. Please use %s insteadYou can't write-lock a log table. Only read access is possibleYou can't use locks with log tables.Upholding foreign key constraints for table '%.192s', entry '%-.192s', key %d would lead to a duplicate entryColumn count of mysql.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. Created with MySQL %d, now running %d. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error.Cannot switch out of the row-based binary log format when the session has open temporary tablesCannot change the binary logging format inside a stored function or triggerThe NDB cluster engine does not support changing the binlog format on the fly yetCannot create temporary table with partitionsPartition constant is out of partition function domainThis partition function is not allowedError in DDL logNot allowed to use NULL value in VALUES LESS THANIncorrect partition nameTransaction characteristics can't be changed while a transaction is in progressALTER TABLE causes auto_increment resequencing, resulting in duplicate entry '%-.192s' for key '%-.192s'Internal scheduler error %dError during starting/stopping of the scheduler. Error code %uEngine cannot be used in partitioned tablesCannot activate '%-.64s' logThe server was not built with row-based replicationDecoding of base64 string failedRecursion of EVENT DDL statements is forbidden when body is presentCannot proceed because system tables used by Event Scheduler were found damaged at server startOnly integers allowed as number hereThis storage engine cannot be used for log tables"You cannot '%s' a log table if logging is enabledCannot rename '%s'. When logging enabled, rename to/from log table must rename two tables: the log table to an archive table and another table back to '%s'Incorrect parameter count in the call to native function '%-.192s'Incorrect parameters in the call to native function '%-.192s'Incorrect parameters in the call to stored function %-.192sThis function '%-.192s' has the same name as a native functionEns værdier '%-.64s' for indeks '%-.192s'Too many files opened, please execute the command againEvent execution time is in the past and ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE is set. The event was dropped immediately after creation.Event execution time is in the past and ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE is set. The event was not changed. Specify a time in the future.The incident %s occured on the master. Message: %sTable has no partition for some existing valuesUnsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. %sFatal error: %sRelay log read failure: %sRelay log write failure: %sFailed to create %sMaster command %s failed: %sBinary logging not possible. Message: %sView `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` has no creation contextCreation context of view `%-.64s`.`%-.64s' is invalidCreation context of stored routine `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCorrupted TRG file for table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s`Triggers for table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` have no creation contextTrigger creation context of table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCreation context of event `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCannot open table for trigger `%-.64s`.`%-.64s`Cannot create stored routine `%-.64s`. Check warningsAmbiguous slave modes combination. %sThe BINLOG statement of type `%s` was not preceded by a format description BINLOG statement.Corrupted replication event was detectedInvalid column reference (%-.64s) in LOAD DATABeing purged log %s was not foundXA_RBTIMEOUT: Transaction branch was rolled back: took too longXA_RBDEADLOCK: Transaction branch was rolled back: deadlock was detectedPrepared statement needs to be re-preparedDELAYED option not supported for table '%-.192s'The master info structure does not exist<%-.64s> option ignoredBuilt-in plugins cannot be deletedPlugin is busy and will be uninstalled on shutdown%s variable '%s' is read-only. Use SET %s to assign the valueStorage engine %s does not support rollback for this statement. Transaction rolled back and must be restartedUnexpected master's heartbeat data: %sThe requested value for the heartbeat period is either negative or exceeds the maximum allowed (%s seconds).Bad schema for mysql.ndb_replication table. Message: %-.64sError in parsing conflict function. Message: %-.64sWrite to exceptions table failed. Message: %-.128s"Comment for table '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Comment for field '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)FUNCTION %s does not exist. Check the 'Function Name Parsing and Resolution' section in the Reference ManualDatabaseTablePartitionSubpartitionTemporaryRenamedToo many active concurrent transactionsNon-ASCII separator arguments are not fully supporteddebug sync point wait timed outdebug sync point hit limit reachedDuplicate condition information item '%s'Unhandled user-defined warning conditionUnhandled user-defined not found conditionUnhandled user-defined exception conditionRESIGNAL when handler not activeSIGNAL/RESIGNAL can only use a CONDITION defined with SQLSTATEData truncated for condition item '%s'Data too long for condition item '%s'Unknown locale: '%-.64s'The requested server id %d clashes with the slave startup option --replicate-same-server-idQuery cache is disabled; restart the server with query_cache_type=1 to enable itDuplicate partition field name '%-.192s'Inconsistency in usage of column lists for partitioningPartition column values of incorrect typeToo many fields in '%-.192s'Cannot use MAXVALUE as value in VALUES INCannot have more than one value for this type of %-.64s partitioningRow expressions in VALUES IN only allowed for multi-field column partitioningField '%-.192s' is of a not allowed type for this type of partitioningThe total length of the partitioning fields is too largeCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since both row-incapable engines and statement-incapable engines are involved.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = ROW and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to statement-based logging.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. %sCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is in row format and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to statement-based logging.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to row-based logging.%sCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is in row format and BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since more than one engine is involved and at least one engine is self-logging.The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted.The statement is unsafe because it uses INSERT DELAYED. This is unsafe because the times when rows are inserted cannot be predicted.The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves.Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly.Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it accesses a non-transactional table after accessing a transactional table within the same transaction.%s Statement: %sColumn %d of table '%-.192s.%-.192s' cannot be converted from type '%-.32s' to type '%-.32s'Can't create conversion table for table '%-.192s.%-.192s'Cannot modify @@session.binlog_format inside a transactionThe path specified for %.64s is too long.'%s' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.Native table '%-.64s'.'%-.64s' has the wrong structureInvalid performance_schema usage.Table '%s'.'%s' was skipped since its definition is being modified by concurrent DDL statementCannot modify @@session.binlog_direct_non_transactional_updates inside a transactionCannot change the binlog direct flag inside a stored function or triggerA SPATIAL index may only contain a geometrical type columnComment for index '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Wait on a lock was aborted due to a pending exclusive lock%s value is out of range in '%s'A variable of a non-integer based type in LIMIT clauseMixing self-logging and non-self-logging engines in a statement is unsafe.Statement accesses nontransactional table as well as transactional or temporary table, and writes to any of them.Cannot modify @@session.sql_log_bin inside a transactionCannot change the sql_log_bin inside a stored function or triggerFailed to read from the .par fileVALUES value for partition '%-.64s' must have type INTAdgang nægtet bruger: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s'SET PASSWORD has no significance for users authenticating via pluginsGRANT with IDENTIFIED WITH is illegal because the user %-.*s already existsCannot truncate a table referenced in a foreign key constraint (%.192s)Plugin '%s' is force_plus_permanent and can not be unloadedThe requested value for the heartbeat period is less than 1 millisecond. The value is reset to 0, meaning that heartbeating will effectively be disabled.The requested value for the heartbeat period exceeds the value of `slave_net_timeout' seconds. A sensible value for the period should be less than the timeout.Multi-row statements required more than 'max_binlog_stmt_cache_size' bytes of storage; increase this mysqld variable and try againPrimary key/partition key update is not allowed since the table is updated both as '%-.192s' and '%-.192s'.Table rebuild required. Please do "ALTER TABLE `%-.64s` FORCE" or dump/reload to fix it!The value of '%s' should be no less than the value of '%s'Index column size too large. The maximum column size is %lu bytes.Trigger '%-.64s' has an error in its body: '%-.256s'Unknown trigger has an error in its body: '%-.256s'Index %s is corruptedUndo log record is too big.INSERT IGNORE... SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.INSERT... SELECT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are updated. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.REPLACE... SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are replaced. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE... IGNORE SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE... REPLACE SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are replaced. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.UPDATE IGNORE is unsafe because the order in which rows are updated determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.Plugin '%s' is marked as not dynamically uninstallable. You have to stop the server to uninstall it.Plugin '%s' is marked as not dynamically installable. You have to stop the server to install it.Statements writing to a table with an auto-increment column after selecting from another table are unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved determines what (if any) rows will be written. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE TABLE... SELECT... on a table with an auto-increment column is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are inserted. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.INSERT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE on a table with more than one UNIQUE KEY is unsafeTable is being used in foreign key check.Storage engine '%s' does not support system tables. [%s.%s]INSERT into autoincrement field which is not the first part in the composed primary key is unsafe.Cannot load from %s.%s. The table is probably corruptedThe requested value %s for the master delay exceeds the maximum %uOnly Format_description_log_event and row events are allowed in BINLOG statements (but %s was provided)Non matching attribute '%-.64s' between partition and tableTable to exchange with partition is partitioned: '%-.64s'Table to exchange with partition is temporary: '%-.64s'Subpartitioned table, use subpartition instead of partitionUnknown partition '%-.64s' in table '%-.64s'Tables have different definitionsFound a row that does not match the partitionOption binlog_cache_size (%lu) is greater than max_binlog_cache_size (%lu); setting binlog_cache_size equal to max_binlog_cache_size.Cannot use %-.64s access on index '%-.64s' due to type or collation conversion on field '%-.64s'Table to exchange with partition has foreign key references: '%-.64s'Key value '%-.192s' was not found in table '%-.192s.%-.192s'Data for column '%s' too longReplication event checksum verification failed while reading from network.Replication event checksum verification failed while reading from a log file.Option binlog_stmt_cache_size (%lu) is greater than max_binlog_stmt_cache_size (%lu); setting binlog_stmt_cache_size equal to max_binlog_stmt_cache_size.Can't update table '%-.192s' while '%-.192s' is being created.PARTITION () clause on non partitioned tableFound a row not matching the given partition setpartition '%-.64s' eksisterer ikkeFailure while changing the type of replication repository: %s.The creation of some temporary tables could not be rolled back.Some temporary tables were dropped, but these operations could not be rolled back.%s is not supported in multi-threaded slave mode. %sThe number of modified databases exceeds the maximum %d; the database names will not be included in the replication event metadata.Cannot execute the current event group in the parallel mode. Encountered event %s, relay-log name %s, position %s which prevents execution of this event group in parallel mode. Reason: %s.%sFULLTEXT index is not supported for partitioned tables.Invalid condition numberSending passwords in plain text without SSL/TLS is extremely insecure.Storing MySQL user name or password information in the master info repository is not secure and is therefore not recommended. Please consider using the USER and PASSWORD connection options for START SLAVE; see the 'START SLAVE Syntax' in the MySQL Manual for more information.Foreign key constraint for table '%.192s', record '%-.192s' would lead to a duplicate entry in table '%.192s', key '%.192s'Foreign key constraint for table '%.192s', record '%-.192s' would lead to a duplicate entry in a child tableSetting authentication options is not possible when only the Slave SQL Thread is being started.The table does not have FULLTEXT index to support this queryThe system variable %.200s cannot be set in stored functions or triggers.The system variable %.200s cannot be set when there is an ongoing transaction.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT has the value %.200s, which is not listed in @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot change inside a transaction.The statement 'SET %.200s' cannot invoke a stored function.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be 'AUTOMATIC' when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST is non-NULL.Skipping transaction %.200s because it has already been executed and logged.Malformed GTID set specification '%.200s'.Malformed GTID set encoding.Malformed GTID specification '%.200s'.Impossible to generate Global Transaction Identifier: the integer component reached the maximal value. Restart the server with a new server_uuid.Parameters MASTER_LOG_FILE, MASTER_LOG_POS, RELAY_LOG_FILE and RELAY_LOG_POS cannot be set when MASTER_AUTO_POSITION is active.CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1 cannot be executed because @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot execute statements with implicit commit inside a transaction when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT == 'UUID:NUMBER'.GTID_MODE = ON requires ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY = ON.@@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON or ON_PERMISSIVE or OFF_PERMISSIVE requires --log-bin and --log-slave-updates.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be set to UUID:NUMBER when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be set to ANONYMOUS when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST cannot be set to a non-NULL value when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Found a Gtid_log_event when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Statement violates GTID consistency: Updates to non-transactional tables can only be done in either autocommitted statements or single-statement transactions, and never in the same statement as updates to transactional tables.Statement violates GTID consistency: CREATE TABLE ... SELECT.Statement violates GTID consistency: Under statement binary log mode CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE and DROP TEMPORARY TABLE can only be executed outside transactional context. These statements are also not allowed in a function or trigger because functions and triggers are also considered to be multi-statement transactions.The value of @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE can only be changed one step at a time: OFF <-> OFF_PERMISSIVE <-> ON_PERMISSIVE <-> ON. Also note that this value must be stepped up or down simultaneously on all servers. See the Manual for instructions.The slave is connecting using CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1, but the master has purged binary logs containing GTIDs that the slave requires.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be changed by a client that owns a GTID. The client owns %s. Ownership is released on COMMIT or ROLLBACK.Unknown EXPLAIN format name: '%s'Cannot execute statement in a READ ONLY transaction.Comment for table partition '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Slave is not configured or failed to initialize properly. You must at least set --server-id to enable either a master or a slave. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.InnoDB presently supports one FULLTEXT index creation at a timeCannot create FULLTEXT index on temporary InnoDB tableColumn '%-.192s' is of wrong type for an InnoDB FULLTEXT indexIndex '%-.192s' is of wrong type for an InnoDB FULLTEXT indexCreating index '%-.192s' required more than 'innodb_online_alter_log_max_size' bytes of modification log. Please try again.Unknown ALGORITHM '%s'Unknown LOCK type '%s'CHANGE MASTER cannot be executed when the slave was stopped with an error or killed in MTS mode. Consider using RESET SLAVE or START SLAVE UNTIL.Cannot recover after SLAVE errored out in parallel execution mode. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.Cannot clean up worker info tables. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.Column count of %s.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. The table is probably corruptedSlave must silently retry current transactionThere is a foreign key check running on table '%-.192s'. Cannot discard the table.Schema mismatch (%s)Table '%-.192s' in system tablespaceIO Read error: (%lu, %s) %sIO Write error: (%lu, %s) %sTablespace is missing for table %s.Tablespace '%-.192s' exists.Tablespace has been discarded for table '%-.192s'Internal error: %sALTER TABLE %-.192s IMPORT TABLESPACE failed with error %lu : '%s'Index corrupt: %sSupports only YEAR or YEAR(4) column.Your password does not satisfy the current policy requirementsYou must reset your password using ALTER USER statement before executing this statement.Failed to add the foreign key constaint. Missing index for constraint '%s' in the foreign table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constaint. Missing index for constraint '%s' in the referenced table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constraint '%s' to system tablesFailed to open the referenced table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constraint on table '%s'. Incorrect options in FOREIGN KEY constraint '%s'Duplicate foreign key constraint name '%s'The password hash doesn't have the expected format. Check if the correct password algorithm is being used with the PASSWORD() function.Cannot drop column '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s'Cannot drop column '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Column '%-.192s' cannot be NOT NULL: needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' SET NULLDuplicate index '%-.64s' defined on the table '%-.64s.%-.64s'. This is deprecated and will be disallowed in a future release.Cannot change column '%-.192s': used in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s'Cannot change column '%-.192s': used in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Cannot delete rows from table which is parent in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Malformed communication packet.Running in read-only modeWhen @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT is set to a GTID, you must explicitly set it to a different value after a COMMIT or ROLLBACK. Please check GTID_NEXT variable manual page for detailed explanation. Current @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT is '%s'.The system variable %.200s cannot be set in stored procedures.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when @@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED is empty.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when there are no ongoing transactions (not even in other clients).@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED was changed from '%s' to '%s'.@@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED was changed from '%s' to '%s'.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT, and both replicated and non replicated tables are written to.%s is not supported for this operation. Try %s.%s is not supported. Reason: %s. Try %s.COPY algorithm requires a lockPartition specific operations do not yet support LOCK/ALGORITHMColumns participating in a foreign key are renamedCannot change column type INPLACEAdding foreign keys needs foreign_key_checks=OFFCreating unique indexes with IGNORE requires COPY algorithm to remove duplicate rowsDropping a primary key is not allowed without also adding a new primary keyAdding an auto-increment column requires a lockCannot replace hidden FTS_DOC_ID with a user-visible oneCannot drop or rename FTS_DOC_IDFulltext index creation requires a locksql_slave_skip_counter can not be set when the server is running with @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON. Instead, for each transaction that you want to skip, generate an empty transaction with the same GTID as the transactionFlere ens nøgler for indeks '%-.192s'Long database name and identifier for object resulted in path length exceeding %d characters. Path: '%s'.cannot silently convert NULL values, as required in this SQL_MODEYour password has expired. To log in you must change it using a client that supports expired passwords.Found a row in wrong partition %sCannot schedule event %s, relay-log name %s, position %s to Worker thread because its size %lu exceeds %lu of slave_pending_jobs_size_max.Cannot CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX WITH PARSER on InnoDB tableThe binary log file '%s' is logically corrupted: %sfile %s was not purged because it was being read by %d thread(s), purged only %d out of %d files.file %s was not purged because it is the active log file.Auto-increment value in UPDATE conflicts with internally generated valuesRow events are not logged for %s statements that modify BLACKHOLE tables in row format. Table(s): '%-.192s'Slave failed to initialize master info structure from the repositorySlave failed to initialize relay log info structure from the repositoryAccess denied trying to change to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' (using password: %s). Disconnecting.InnoDB is in read only mode.STOP SLAVE command execution is incomplete: Slave SQL thread got the stop signal, thread is busy, SQL thread will stop once the current task is complete.STOP SLAVE command execution is incomplete: Slave IO thread got the stop signal, thread is busy, IO thread will stop once the current task is complete.Operation cannot be performed. The table '%-.64s.%-.64s' is missing, corrupt or contains bad data.Temporary file write failure.Upgrade index name failed, please use create index(alter table) algorithm copy to rebuild index.TIME/TIMESTAMP/DATETIME columns of old format have been upgraded to the new format.Operation not allowed when innodb_forced_recovery > 0.The initialization vector supplied to %s is too short. Must be at least %d bytes longPlugin '%s' cannot be uninstalled now. %sCannot execute statement because it needs to be written to the binary log as multiple statements, and this is not allowed when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT == 'UUID:NUMBER'.Slave has more GTIDs than the master has, using the master's SERVER_UUID. This may indicate that the end of the binary log was truncated or that the last binary log file was lost, e.g., after a power or disk failure when sync_binlog != 1. The master may or may not have rolled back transactions that were already replicated to the slave. Suggest to replicate any transactions that master has rolled back from slave to master, and/or commit empty transactions on master to account for transactions that have been committed on master but are not included in GTID_EXECUTED.The table '%s.%s' does not have the necessary key(s) defined on it. Please check the table definition and create index(s) accordingly.File %s is corruptedQuery partially completed on the master (error on master: %d) and was aborted. There is a chance that your master is inconsistent at this point. If you are sure that your master is ok, run this query manually on the slave and then restart the slave with SET GLOBAL SQL_SLAVE_SKIP_COUNTER=1; START SLAVE;. Query:'%s'Query caused different errors on master and slave. Error on master: message (format)='%s' error code=%d; Error on slave:actual message='%s', error code=%d. Default database:'%s'. Query:'%s'Storage engine for table '%s'.'%s' is not loaded.GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS when handler not active%s is no longer supported. The statement was converted to %s.Statement is unsafe because it uses a fulltext parser plugin which may not return the same value on the slave.Cannot DISCARD/IMPORT tablespace associated with temporary tableForeign key cascade delete/update exceeds max depth of %d.Column count of %s.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. Created with MySQL %d, now running %d. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error.Trigger %s.%s.%s does not have CREATED attribute.Referenced trigger '%s' for the given action time and event type does not exist.EXPLAIN FOR CONNECTION command is supported only for SELECT/UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE/REPLACEInvalid size for column '%-.192s'.Table storage engine '%-.64s' found required create option missingOut of memory in storage engine '%-.64s'.The password for anonymous user cannot be expired.This operation cannot be performed with a running slave sql thread; run STOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD firstCannot create FULLTEXT index on materialized subqueryUndo Log error: %sInvalid argument for logarithmThis operation cannot be performed with a running slave io thread; run STOP SLAVE IO_THREAD FOR CHANNEL '%s' first.This operation may not be safe when the slave has temporary tables. The tables will be kept open until the server restarts or until the tables are deleted by any replicated DROP statement. Suggest to wait until slave_open_temp_tables = 0.CHANGE MASTER TO with a MASTER_LOG_FILE clause but no MASTER_LOG_POS clause may not be safe. The old position value may not be valid for the new binary log file.Query execution was interrupted, maximum statement execution time exceededSelect is not a read only statement, disabling timerDuplicate entry '%-.192s'.'%s' mode no longer has any effect. Use STRICT_ALL_TABLES or STRICT_TRANS_TABLES instead.Expression #%u of ORDER BY contains aggregate function and applies to a UNIONExpression #%u of ORDER BY contains aggregate function and applies to the result of a non-aggregated querySlave worker has stopped after at least one previous worker encountered an error when slave-preserve-commit-order was enabled. To preserve commit order, the last transaction executed by this thread has not been committed. When restarting the slave after fixing any failed threads, you should fix this worker as well.slave_preserve_commit_order is not supported %s.The server is currently in offline modeBinary geometry function %s given two geometries of different srids: %u and %u, which should have been identical.Calling geometry function %s with unsupported types of arguments.Unknown GIS error occured in function %s.Unknown exception caught in GIS function %s.Invalid GIS data provided to function %s.The geometry has no data in function %s.Unable to calculate centroid because geometry is empty in function %s.Geometry overlay calculation error: geometry data is invalid in function %s.Geometry turn info calculation error: geometry data is invalid in function %s.Analysis procedures of intersection points interrupted unexpectedly in function %s.Unknown exception thrown in function %s.Memory allocation error: %-.256s in function %s.Domain error: %-.256s in function %s.Length error: %-.256s in function %s.Invalid argument error: %-.256s in function %s.Out of range error: %-.256s in function %s.Overflow error error: %-.256s in function %s.Range error: %-.256s in function %s.Underflow error: %-.256s in function %s.Logic error: %-.256s in function %s.Runtime error: %-.256s in function %s.Unknown exception: %-.384s in function %s.Geometry byte string must be little endian.The password provided for the replication user exceeds the maximum length of 32 charactersIncorrect user-level lock name '%-.192s'.Deadlock found when trying to get user-level lock; try rolling back transaction/releasing locks and restarting lock acquisition.REPLACE cannot be executed as it requires deleting rows that are not in the viewDo not support online operation on table with GIS indexUser variable name '%-.100s' is illegalCannot %s when GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot %s from a replication slave thread.Incorrect type for argument %s in function %s.Expression #%u of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, references column '%-.192s' which is not in SELECT list; this is incompatible with %sExpression #%u of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, contains aggregate function; this is incompatible with %sSupplied filter list contains a value which is not in the required format 'db_pattern.table_pattern'OK packet too largeInvalid JSON data provided to function %s: %sInvalid GeoJSON data provided to function %s: Missing required member '%s'Invalid GeoJSON data provided to function %s: Member '%s' must be of type '%s'Invalid GeoJSON data provided to function %sUnsupported number of coordinate dimensions in function %s: Found %u, expected %uSlave channel '%s' does not exist.A slave channel '%s' already exists for the given host and port combination.Couldn't create channel: Channel name is either invalid or too long.To have multiple channels, repository cannot be of type FILE; Please check the repository configuration and convert them to TABLE.Cannot delete slave info objects for channel '%s'.Multiple channels exist on the slave. Please provide channel name as an argument.Maximum number of replication channels allowed exceeded.This operation cannot be performed with running replication threads; run STOP SLAVE FOR CHANNEL '%s' firstThis operation requires running replication threads; configure slave and run START SLAVE FOR CHANNEL '%s'Replication thread(s) for channel '%s' are already runnning.Replication thread(s) for channel '%s' are already stopped.This operation cannot be performed with a running slave sql thread; run STOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD FOR CHANNEL '%s' first.When sql_slave_skip_counter > 0, it is not allowed to start more than one SQL thread by using 'START SLAVE [SQL_THREAD]'. Value of sql_slave_skip_counter can only be used by one SQL thread at a time. Please use 'START SLAVE [SQL_THREAD] FOR CHANNEL' to start the SQL thread which will use the value of sql_slave_skip_counter.Expression #%u of %s is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column '%-.192s' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_byIn aggregated query without GROUP BY, expression #%u of %s contains nonaggregated column '%-.192s'; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_byUpdating '%s' is deprecated. It will be made read-only in a future release.Changing sql mode '%s' is deprecated. It will be removed in a future release.DROP DATABASE failed; some tables may have been dropped but the database directory remains. The GTID has not been added to GTID_EXECUTED and the statement was not written to the binary log. Fix this as follows: (1) remove all files from the database directory %-.192s; (2) SET GTID_NEXT='%-.192s'; (3) DROP DATABASE `%-.192s`.The server is not configured properly to be an active member of the group. Please see more details on error log.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed since the group is already running.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as the applier module failed to start.The STOP GROUP_REPLICATION command execution is incomplete: The applier thread got the stop signal while it was busy. The applier thread will stop once the current task is complete.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as there was an error when initializing the group communication layer.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as there was an error when joining the communication group.The table does not comply with the requirements by an external plugin.Cannot change the value of variable %s without binary log format as ROW.Error on observer while running replication hook '%s'.Plugin instructed the server to rollback the current transaction.Expression of generated column '%s' contains a disallowed function.INPLACE ADD or DROP of virtual columns cannot be combined with other ALTER TABLE actionsCannot define foreign key with %s clause on a generated column.The value specified for generated column '%s' in table '%s' is not allowed.'%s' is not supported for generated columns.Generated column can refer only to generated columns defined prior to it.Column '%s' has a generated column dependency.Generated column '%s' cannot refer to auto-increment column.The '%-.64s' feature is not available; you need to remove '%-.64s' or use MySQL built with '%-.64s'SET @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = %-.64s is not allowed because %-.384s.The replication receiver thread%-.192s cannot start in AUTO_POSITION mode: this server uses @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot replicate anonymous transaction when AUTO_POSITION = 1, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot replicate anonymous transaction when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot replicate GTID-transaction when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot set ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY = ON because there are ongoing transactions that violate GTID consistency.There are ongoing transactions that violate GTID consistency.Access denied for user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s'. Account is locked.Incorrect tablespace name `%-.192s`Tablespace `%-.192s` is not empty.Incorrect File Name '%s'.Inconsistent intersection points.Optimizer hint syntax errorUnsupported MAX_EXECUTION_TIMEMAX_EXECUTION_TIME hint is supported by top-level standalone SELECT statements onlyHint %s is ignored as conflicting/duplicatedQuery block name %s is not found for %s hintUnresolved name %s for %s hintPlease do not modify the %s table. This is a mysql internal system table to store GTIDs for committed transactions. Modifying it can lead to an inconsistent GTID state.Command not supported by pluggable protocolsIncorrect locking service lock name '%-.192s'.Deadlock found when trying to get locking service lock; try releasing locks and restarting lock acquisition.Service lock wait timeout exceeded.Parameter %s exceeds the maximum number of points in a geometry (%lu) in function %s.'NO_ZERO_DATE', 'NO_ZERO_IN_DATE' and 'ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO' sql modes should be used with strict mode. They will be merged with strict mode in a future release.Version token mismatch for %.*s. Correct value %.*sVersion token %.*s not found.Variable %-.192s cannot be changed by a client that owns a GTID. The client owns %s. Ownership is released on COMMIT or ROLLBACK.%-.192s cannot be performed on channel '%-.192s'.Invalid JSON text: "%s" at position %u in value for column '%-.200s'.Invalid JSON text in argument %u to function %s: "%s" at position %u.%-.0sThe JSON binary value contains invalid data.Invalid JSON path expression. The error is around character position %u.%-.200sCannot create a JSON value from a string with CHARACTER SET '%s'.Invalid JSON character data provided to function %s: '%s'; utf8 is required.Invalid data type for JSON data in argument %u to function %s; a JSON string or JSON type is required.Cannot CAST value to JSON.A path expression must be encoded in the utf8 character set. The path expression '%-.200s' is encoded in character set '%-.200s'.In this situation, path expressions may not contain the * and ** tokens.The JSON value is too big to be stored in a JSON column.The JSON object contains a key name that is too long.JSON column '%-.192s' cannot be used in key specification.The path expression '$' is not allowed in this context.The oneOrAll argument to %s may take these values: 'one' or 'all'.Out of range JSON value for CAST to %s%-.0s from column %s at row %ldInvalid JSON value for CAST to %s%-.0s from column %s at row %ldThe JSON document exceeds the maximum depth.JSON documents may not contain NULL member names.Connections using insecure transport are prohibited while --require_secure_transport=ON.No secure transports (SSL or Shared Memory) are configured, unable to set --require_secure_transport=ON.Storage engine %s is disabled (Table creation is disallowed).User %s does not exist.User %s already exists.Aborted by Audit API ('%-.48s';%d).A path expression is not a path to a cell in an array.Another buffer pool resize is already in progress.The '%s' feature is disabled; see the documentation for '%s'Server isn't availableSession was killedMemory capacity of %llu bytes for '%s' exceeded. %sRange optimization was not done for this query.Partitioning upgrade required. Please dump/reload to fix it or do: ALTER TABLE `%-.192s`.`%-.192s` UPGRADE PARTITIONINGThe client holds ownership of the GTID %s. Therefore, WAIT_FOR_EXECUTED_GTID_SET cannot wait for this GTID.Cannot add foreign key on the base column of indexed virtual column.Cannot create index on virtual column whose base column has foreign constraint.Please do not modify the %s table with an XA transaction. This is an internal system table used to store GTIDs for committed transactions. Although modifying it can lead to an inconsistent GTID state, if neccessary you can modify it with a non-XA transaction.Lock acquisition refused by storage engine.ADD COLUMN col...VIRTUAL, ADD INDEX(col)Master key rotation is not supported by storage engine.Encryption key rotation error reported by SE: %sWrite to binlog failed. However, master key rotation has been completed successfully.Storage engine is not available.This tablespace can't be encrypted.Invalid encryption option.Can't find master key from keyring, please check in the server log if a keyring plugin is loaded and initialized successfully.Parser bailed out for this query.Cannot alter encryption attribute by inplace algorithm.Function '%s' failed because underlying keyring service returned an error. Please check if a keyring plugin is installed and that provided arguments are valid for the keyring you are using.It seems that your db schema is old. The %s column is 77 characters long and should be 93 characters long. Please run mysql_upgrade.RESET MASTER is not allowed because %-.384s.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed since the group already has 9 members.Cannot add foreign key on the base column of stored column. Cannot complete the operation because table is referenced by another connection.The partition engine, used by table '%-.192s.%-.192s', is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use native partitioning instead.%.192s(geometry) is deprecated and will be replaced by st_srid(geometry, 0) in a future version. Use %.192s(st_aswkb(geometry), 0) instead.%.192s(geometry, srid) is deprecated and will be replaced by st_srid(geometry, srid) in a future version. Use %.192s(st_aswkb(geometry), srid) instead.The resource manager is not able to commit the transaction branch at this time. Please retry later.Function %s failed due to: %s.Statement is unsafe because it is being used inside a XA transaction. Concurrent XA transactions may deadlock on slaves when replicated using statements.%s UDF failed; %sCan not perform keyring migration : %sAccess denied; you need %-.128s privileges for this operationKeyring migration %s.Failed to open the %s filter tables.Failed to open '%s.%s' %s table.No keyring plugin installed.Audit log encryption password has not been set; it will be generated automatically. Use audit_log_encryption_password_get to obtain the password or audit_log_encryption_password_set to set a new one.Could not create AES key. OpenSSL's EVP_BytesToKey function failed.Audit log encryption password cannot be fetched from the keyring. Password used so far is used for encryption.Audit Log filtering has not been installed.Request ignored for '%s'@'%s'. SUPER_ACL needed to perform operationSUPER privilege required for '%s'@'%s' user.Could not reinitialize audit log filters.Invalid argument typeInvalid argument countaudit_log plugin has not been installed using INSTALL PLUGIN syntax.Invalid "max_array_length" argument type.Invalid "max_array_length" argument value.%sFilter name cannot be empty.User cannot be empty.Specified filter has not been found.First character of the user name must be alphanumeric.Invalid character in the user name.Invalid character in the host name.With the MAXDB SQL mode enabled, TIMESTAMP is identical with DATETIME. The MAXDB SQL mode is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please disable the MAXDB SQL mode and use DATETIME instead.The use of replication filters with XA transactions is not supported, and can lead to an undefined state in the replication slave.Compressed column '%-.192s' is not allowed in the key listCan not define column '%-.192s' in compressed formatCompression dictionary '%-.192s' already existsCompression dictionary '%-.192s' does not existCompression dictionary name '%-.192s' is too long (max length = %lu)Data for compression dictionary '%-.192s' is too long (max length = %lu)Compression dictionary '%-.192s' is in useCan't execute the query because you have a conflicting backup lockKeys are out order during bulk loadBulk load rows overlap existing rowsCan't execute updates on master with binlog_format != ROW.MyRocks supports only READ COMMITTED and REPEATABLE READ isolation levels. Please change from current isolation level %sWhen unique checking is disabled in MyRocks, INSERT,UPDATE,LOAD statements with clauses that update or replace the key (i.e. INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, REPLACE) are not allowed. Query: %sCan't execute updates when you started a transaction with START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT [ROCKSDB] SNAPSHOT.This transaction was rolled back and cannot be committed. Only supported operation is to roll it back, so all pending changes will be discarded. Please restart another transaction.MyRocks currently does not support ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT if modifying rows.Only REPEATABLE READ isolation level is supported for START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT SNAPSHOT in RocksDB Storage Engine.Unsupported collation on string indexed column %s.%s Use binary collation (%s).Table '%s' does not exist, but metadata information exists inside MyRocks. This is a sign of data inconsistency. Please check if '%s.frm' exists, and try to restore it if it does not exist.MyRocks failed creating new key definitions during alter.MyRocks failed populating secondary key during alter.Column family ('%s') flag (%d) is different from an existing flag (%d). Assign a new CF flag, or do not change existing CF flag.TTL support is currently disabled when table has a hidden PK.TTL column (%s) in MyRocks must be an unsigned non-null 64-bit integer, exist inside the table, and have an accompanying ttl duration.TTL duration (%s) in MyRocks must be an unsigned non-null 64-bit integer.The per-index column family option has been deprecated.mysql_sys_schema.sql000064400001060606147633135420010671 0ustar00-- Copyright (c) 2014, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA -- -- WARNING: THIS IS A GENERATED FILE, CHANGES NEED TO BE MADE ON THE UPSTREAM MYSQL-SYS REPOSITORY AS WELL -- PLEASE SUBMIT A PULL REQUEST TO https://github.com/mysql/mysql-sys -- REPLACE INTO mysql.user VALUES ('localhost','mysql.sys','N','N','N','N','N','N','N','N','N','N','N','N','N','N','N','N','N','N','N','N','N','N','N','N','N','N','N','N','N','','','','',0,0,0,0,'mysql_native_password','*THISISNOTAVALIDPASSWORDTHATCANBEUSEDHERE','N',CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,NULL,'Y'); REPLACE INTO mysql.db VALUES ('localhost','sys','mysql.sys','N','N','N','N','N','N','N','N','N','N','N','N','N','N','N','N','N','N','Y'); REPLACE INTO mysql.tables_priv VALUES ('localhost','sys','mysql.sys','sys_config','root@localhost', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'Select', ''); FLUSH PRIVILEGES; SET NAMES utf8; CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS sys DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8; USE sys; CREATE OR REPLACE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW version ( sys_version, mysql_version ) AS SELECT '1.5.1' AS sys_version, version() AS mysql_version; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sys_config ( variable VARCHAR(128) PRIMARY KEY, value VARCHAR(128), set_time TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, set_by VARCHAR(128) ) ENGINE = InnoDB; INSERT IGNORE INTO sys.sys_config (variable, value) VALUES ('statement_truncate_len', 64), ('statement_performance_analyzer.limit', 100), ('statement_performance_analyzer.view', NULL), ('diagnostics.allow_i_s_tables', 'OFF'), ('diagnostics.include_raw', 'OFF'), ('ps_thread_trx_info.max_length', 65535); DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS sys_config_insert_set_user; CREATE DEFINER='mysql.sys'@'localhost' TRIGGER sys_config_insert_set_user BEFORE INSERT on sys_config FOR EACH ROW BEGIN IF @sys.ignore_sys_config_triggers != true AND NEW.set_by IS NULL THEN SET NEW.set_by = USER(); END IF; END; DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS sys_config_update_set_user; CREATE DEFINER='mysql.sys'@'localhost' TRIGGER sys_config_update_set_user BEFORE UPDATE on sys_config FOR EACH ROW BEGIN IF @sys.ignore_sys_config_triggers != true AND NEW.set_by IS NULL THEN SET NEW.set_by = USER(); END IF; END; DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS extract_schema_from_file_name; CREATE DEFINER='mysql.sys'@'localhost' FUNCTION extract_schema_from_file_name ( path VARCHAR(512) ) RETURNS VARCHAR(64) COMMENT '\n Description\n \n Takes a raw file path, and attempts to extract the schema name from it.\n \n Useful for when interacting with Performance Schema data \n concerning IO statistics, for example.\n \n Currently relies on the fact that a table data file will be within a \n specified database directory (will not work with partitions or tables\n that specify an individual DATA_DIRECTORY).\n \n Parameters\n \n path (VARCHAR(512)):\n The full file path to a data file to extract the schema name from.\n \n Returns\n \n VARCHAR(64)\n \n Example\n \n mysql> SELECT sys.extract_schema_from_file_name(\'/var/lib/mysql/employees/employee.ibd\');\n +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n | sys.extract_schema_from_file_name(\'/var/lib/mysql/employees/employee.ibd\') |\n +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n | employees |\n +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n 1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n ' SQL SECURITY INVOKER DETERMINISTIC NO SQL BEGIN RETURN LEFT(SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(REPLACE(path, '\\', '/'), '/', -2), '/', 1), 64); END; DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS extract_table_from_file_name; CREATE DEFINER='mysql.sys'@'localhost' FUNCTION extract_table_from_file_name ( path VARCHAR(512) ) RETURNS VARCHAR(64) COMMENT '\n Description\n \n Takes a raw file path, and extracts the table name from it.\n \n Useful for when interacting with Performance Schema data \n concerning IO statistics, for example.\n \n Parameters\n \n path (VARCHAR(512)):\n The full file path to a data file to extract the table name from.\n \n Returns\n \n VARCHAR(64)\n \n Example\n \n mysql> SELECT sys.extract_table_from_file_name(\'/var/lib/mysql/employees/employee.ibd\');\n +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n | sys.extract_table_from_file_name(\'/var/lib/mysql/employees/employee.ibd\') |\n +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n | employee |\n +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n 1 row in set (0.02 sec)\n ' SQL SECURITY INVOKER DETERMINISTIC NO SQL BEGIN RETURN LEFT(SUBSTRING_INDEX(REPLACE(SUBSTRING_INDEX(REPLACE(path, '\\', '/'), '/', -1), '@0024', '$'), '.', 1), 64); END; DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS format_bytes; CREATE DEFINER='mysql.sys'@'localhost' FUNCTION format_bytes ( bytes TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT COMMENT '\n Description\n \n Takes a raw bytes value, and converts it to a human readable format.\n \n Parameters\n \n bytes (TEXT):\n A raw bytes value.\n \n Returns\n \n TEXT\n \n Example\n \n mysql> SELECT sys.format_bytes(2348723492723746) AS size;\n +----------+\n | size |\n +----------+\n | 2.09 PiB |\n +----------+\n 1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n \n mysql> SELECT sys.format_bytes(2348723492723) AS size;\n +----------+\n | size |\n +----------+\n | 2.14 TiB |\n +----------+\n 1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n \n mysql> SELECT sys.format_bytes(23487234) AS size;\n +-----------+\n | size |\n +-----------+\n | 22.40 MiB |\n +-----------+\n 1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n ' SQL SECURITY INVOKER DETERMINISTIC NO SQL BEGIN IF bytes IS NULL THEN RETURN NULL; ELSEIF bytes >= 1125899906842624 THEN RETURN CONCAT(ROUND(bytes / 1125899906842624, 2), ' PiB'); ELSEIF bytes >= 1099511627776 THEN RETURN CONCAT(ROUND(bytes / 1099511627776, 2), ' TiB'); ELSEIF bytes >= 1073741824 THEN RETURN CONCAT(ROUND(bytes / 1073741824, 2), ' GiB'); ELSEIF bytes >= 1048576 THEN RETURN CONCAT(ROUND(bytes / 1048576, 2), ' MiB'); ELSEIF bytes >= 1024 THEN RETURN CONCAT(ROUND(bytes / 1024, 2), ' KiB'); ELSE RETURN CONCAT(ROUND(bytes, 0), ' bytes'); END IF; END; DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS format_path; CREATE DEFINER='mysql.sys'@'localhost' FUNCTION format_path ( in_path VARCHAR(512) ) RETURNS VARCHAR(512) CHARSET UTF8 COMMENT '\n Description\n \n Takes a raw path value, and strips out the datadir or tmpdir\n replacing with @@datadir and @@tmpdir respectively. \n \n Also normalizes the paths across operating systems, so backslashes\n on Windows are converted to forward slashes\n \n Parameters\n \n path (VARCHAR(512)):\n The raw file path value to format.\n \n Returns\n \n VARCHAR(512) CHARSET UTF8\n \n Example\n \n mysql> select @@datadir;\n +-----------------------------------------------+\n | @@datadir |\n +-----------------------------------------------+\n | /Users/mark/sandboxes/SmallTree/AMaster/data/ |\n +-----------------------------------------------+\n 1 row in set (0.06 sec)\n \n mysql> select format_path(\'/Users/mark/sandboxes/SmallTree/AMaster/data/mysql/proc.MYD\') AS path;\n +--------------------------+\n | path |\n +--------------------------+\n | @@datadir/mysql/proc.MYD |\n +--------------------------+\n 1 row in set (0.03 sec)\n ' SQL SECURITY INVOKER DETERMINISTIC NO SQL BEGIN DECLARE v_path VARCHAR(512); DECLARE v_undo_dir VARCHAR(1024); DECLARE path_separator CHAR(1) DEFAULT '/'; IF @@global.version_compile_os LIKE 'win%' THEN SET path_separator = '\\'; END IF; IF in_path LIKE '/private/%' THEN SET v_path = REPLACE(in_path, '/private', ''); ELSE SET v_path = in_path; END IF; SET v_undo_dir = IFNULL((SELECT VARIABLE_VALUE FROM performance_schema.global_variables WHERE VARIABLE_NAME = 'innodb_undo_directory'), ''); IF v_path IS NULL THEN RETURN NULL; ELSEIF v_path LIKE CONCAT(@@global.datadir, IF(SUBSTRING(@@global.datadir, -1) = path_separator, '%', CONCAT(path_separator, '%'))) ESCAPE '|' THEN SET v_path = REPLACE(v_path, @@global.datadir, CONCAT('@@datadir', IF(SUBSTRING(@@global.datadir, -1) = path_separator, path_separator, ''))); ELSEIF v_path LIKE CONCAT(@@global.tmpdir, IF(SUBSTRING(@@global.tmpdir, -1) = path_separator, '%', CONCAT(path_separator, '%'))) ESCAPE '|' THEN SET v_path = REPLACE(v_path, @@global.tmpdir, CONCAT('@@tmpdir', IF(SUBSTRING(@@global.tmpdir, -1) = path_separator, path_separator, ''))); ELSEIF v_path LIKE CONCAT(@@global.slave_load_tmpdir, IF(SUBSTRING(@@global.slave_load_tmpdir, -1) = path_separator, '%', CONCAT(path_separator, '%'))) ESCAPE '|' THEN SET v_path = REPLACE(v_path, @@global.slave_load_tmpdir, CONCAT('@@slave_load_tmpdir', IF(SUBSTRING(@@global.slave_load_tmpdir, -1) = path_separator, path_separator, ''))); ELSEIF v_path LIKE CONCAT(@@global.innodb_data_home_dir, IF(SUBSTRING(@@global.innodb_data_home_dir, -1) = path_separator, '%', CONCAT(path_separator, '%'))) ESCAPE '|' THEN SET v_path = REPLACE(v_path, @@global.innodb_data_home_dir, CONCAT('@@innodb_data_home_dir', IF(SUBSTRING(@@global.innodb_data_home_dir, -1) = path_separator, path_separator, ''))); ELSEIF v_path LIKE CONCAT(@@global.innodb_log_group_home_dir, IF(SUBSTRING(@@global.innodb_log_group_home_dir, -1) = path_separator, '%', CONCAT(path_separator, '%'))) ESCAPE '|' THEN SET v_path = REPLACE(v_path, @@global.innodb_log_group_home_dir, CONCAT('@@innodb_log_group_home_dir', IF(SUBSTRING(@@global.innodb_log_group_home_dir, -1) = path_separator, path_separator, ''))); ELSEIF v_path LIKE CONCAT(v_undo_dir, IF(SUBSTRING(v_undo_dir, -1) = path_separator, '%', CONCAT(path_separator, '%'))) ESCAPE '|' THEN SET v_path = REPLACE(v_path, v_undo_dir, CONCAT('@@innodb_undo_directory', IF(SUBSTRING(v_undo_dir, -1) = path_separator, path_separator, ''))); ELSEIF v_path LIKE CONCAT(@@global.basedir, IF(SUBSTRING(@@global.basedir, -1) = path_separator, '%', CONCAT(path_separator, '%'))) ESCAPE '|' THEN SET v_path = REPLACE(v_path, @@global.basedir, CONCAT('@@basedir', IF(SUBSTRING(@@global.basedir, -1) = path_separator, path_separator, ''))); END IF; RETURN v_path; END; DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS format_statement; CREATE DEFINER='mysql.sys'@'localhost' FUNCTION format_statement ( statement LONGTEXT ) RETURNS LONGTEXT COMMENT '\n Description\n \n Formats a normalized statement, truncating it if it is > 64 characters long by default.\n \n To configure the length to truncate the statement to by default, update the `statement_truncate_len`\n variable with `sys_config` table to a different value. Alternatively, to change it just for just \n your particular session, use `SET @sys.statement_truncate_len := `.\n \n Useful for printing statement related data from Performance Schema from \n the command line.\n \n Parameters\n \n statement (LONGTEXT): \n The statement to format.\n \n Returns\n \n LONGTEXT\n \n Example\n \n mysql> SELECT sys.format_statement(digest_text)\n -> FROM performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_digest\n -> ORDER by sum_timer_wait DESC limit 5;\n +-------------------------------------------------------------------+\n | sys.format_statement(digest_text) |\n +-------------------------------------------------------------------+\n | CREATE SQL SECURITY INVOKER VI ... KE ? AND `variable_value` > ? |\n | CREATE SQL SECURITY INVOKER VI ... ait` IS NOT NULL , `esc` . ... |\n | CREATE SQL SECURITY INVOKER VI ... ait` IS NOT NULL , `sys` . ... |\n | CREATE SQL SECURITY INVOKER VI ... , `compressed_size` ) ) DESC |\n | CREATE SQL SECURITY INVOKER VI ... LIKE ? ORDER BY `timer_start` |\n +-------------------------------------------------------------------+\n 5 rows in set (0.00 sec)\n ' SQL SECURITY INVOKER DETERMINISTIC NO SQL BEGIN IF @sys.statement_truncate_len IS NULL THEN SET @sys.statement_truncate_len = sys_get_config('statement_truncate_len', 64); END IF; IF CHAR_LENGTH(statement) > @sys.statement_truncate_len THEN RETURN REPLACE(CONCAT(LEFT(statement, (@sys.statement_truncate_len/2)-2), ' ... ', RIGHT(statement, (@sys.statement_truncate_len/2)-2)), '\n', ' '); ELSE RETURN REPLACE(statement, '\n', ' '); END IF; END; DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS format_time; CREATE DEFINER='mysql.sys'@'localhost' FUNCTION format_time ( picoseconds TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT CHARSET UTF8 COMMENT '\n Description\n \n Takes a raw picoseconds value, and converts it to a human readable form.\n \n Picoseconds are the precision that all latency values are printed in \n within Performance Schema, however are not user friendly when wanting\n to scan output from the command line.\n \n Parameters\n \n picoseconds (TEXT): \n The raw picoseconds value to convert.\n \n Returns\n \n TEXT\n \n Example\n \n mysql> select format_time(342342342342345);\n +------------------------------+\n | format_time(342342342342345) |\n +------------------------------+\n | 00:05:42 |\n +------------------------------+\n 1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n \n mysql> select format_time(342342342);\n +------------------------+\n | format_time(342342342) |\n +------------------------+\n | 342.34 us |\n +------------------------+\n 1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n \n mysql> select format_time(34234);\n +--------------------+\n | format_time(34234) |\n +--------------------+\n | 34.23 ns |\n +--------------------+\n 1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n ' SQL SECURITY INVOKER DETERMINISTIC NO SQL BEGIN IF picoseconds IS NULL THEN RETURN NULL; ELSEIF picoseconds >= 604800000000000000 THEN RETURN CONCAT(ROUND(picoseconds / 604800000000000000, 2), ' w'); ELSEIF picoseconds >= 86400000000000000 THEN RETURN CONCAT(ROUND(picoseconds / 86400000000000000, 2), ' d'); ELSEIF picoseconds >= 3600000000000000 THEN RETURN CONCAT(ROUND(picoseconds / 3600000000000000, 2), ' h'); ELSEIF picoseconds >= 60000000000000 THEN RETURN CONCAT(ROUND(picoseconds / 60000000000000, 2), ' m'); ELSEIF picoseconds >= 1000000000000 THEN RETURN CONCAT(ROUND(picoseconds / 1000000000000, 2), ' s'); ELSEIF picoseconds >= 1000000000 THEN RETURN CONCAT(ROUND(picoseconds / 1000000000, 2), ' ms'); ELSEIF picoseconds >= 1000000 THEN RETURN CONCAT(ROUND(picoseconds / 1000000, 2), ' us'); ELSEIF picoseconds >= 1000 THEN RETURN CONCAT(ROUND(picoseconds / 1000, 2), ' ns'); ELSE RETURN CONCAT(picoseconds, ' ps'); END IF; END; DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS list_add; CREATE DEFINER='mysql.sys'@'localhost' FUNCTION list_add ( in_list TEXT, in_add_value TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT COMMENT '\n Description\n \n Takes a list, and a value to add to the list, and returns the resulting list.\n \n Useful for altering certain session variables, like sql_mode or optimizer_switch for instance.\n \n Parameters\n \n in_list (TEXT):\n The comma separated list to add a value to\n \n in_add_value (TEXT):\n The value to add to the input list\n \n Returns\n \n TEXT\n \n Example\n \n mysql> select @@sql_mode;\n +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n | @@sql_mode |\n +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n | ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY,STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION |\n +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n 1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n \n mysql> set sql_mode = sys.list_add(@@sql_mode, ''ANSI_QUOTES'');\n Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.06 sec)\n \n mysql> select @@sql_mode;\n +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n | @@sql_mode |\n +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n | ANSI_QUOTES,ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY,STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION |\n +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n 1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n \n ' SQL SECURITY INVOKER DETERMINISTIC CONTAINS SQL BEGIN IF (in_add_value IS NULL) THEN SIGNAL SQLSTATE '02200' SET MESSAGE_TEXT = 'Function sys.list_add: in_add_value input variable should not be NULL', MYSQL_ERRNO = 1138; END IF; IF (in_list IS NULL OR LENGTH(in_list) = 0) THEN RETURN in_add_value; END IF; RETURN (SELECT CONCAT(TRIM(BOTH ',' FROM TRIM(in_list)), ',', in_add_value)); END; DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS list_drop; CREATE DEFINER='mysql.sys'@'localhost' FUNCTION list_drop ( in_list TEXT, in_drop_value TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT COMMENT '\n Description\n \n Takes a list, and a value to attempt to remove from the list, and returns the resulting list.\n \n Useful for altering certain session variables, like sql_mode or optimizer_switch for instance.\n \n Parameters\n \n in_list (TEXT):\n The comma separated list to drop a value from\n \n in_drop_value (TEXT):\n The value to drop from the input list\n \n Returns\n \n TEXT\n \n Example\n \n mysql> select @@sql_mode;\n +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n | @@sql_mode |\n +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n | ANSI_QUOTES,ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY,STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION |\n +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n 1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n \n mysql> set sql_mode = sys.list_drop(@@sql_mode, ''ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY'');\n Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.03 sec)\n \n mysql> select @@sql_mode;\n +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n | @@sql_mode |\n +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n | ANSI_QUOTES,STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION |\n +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n 1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n \n ' SQL SECURITY INVOKER DETERMINISTIC CONTAINS SQL BEGIN IF (in_drop_value IS NULL) THEN SIGNAL SQLSTATE '02200' SET MESSAGE_TEXT = 'Function sys.list_drop: in_drop_value input variable should not be NULL', MYSQL_ERRNO = 1138; END IF; IF (in_list IS NULL OR LENGTH(in_list) = 0) THEN RETURN in_list; END IF; RETURN (SELECT TRIM(BOTH ',' FROM REPLACE(REPLACE(CONCAT(',', in_list), CONCAT(',', in_drop_value), ''), CONCAT(', ', in_drop_value), ''))); END; DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ps_is_account_enabled; CREATE DEFINER='mysql.sys'@'localhost' FUNCTION ps_is_account_enabled ( in_host VARCHAR(60), in_user VARCHAR(32) ) RETURNS ENUM('YES', 'NO') COMMENT '\n Description\n \n Determines whether instrumentation of an account is enabled \n within Performance Schema.\n \n Parameters\n \n in_host VARCHAR(60): \n The hostname of the account to check.\n in_user VARCHAR(32):\n The username of the account to check.\n \n Returns\n \n ENUM(\'YES\', \'NO\', \'PARTIAL\')\n \n Example\n \n mysql> SELECT sys.ps_is_account_enabled(\'localhost\', \'root\');\n +------------------------------------------------+\n | sys.ps_is_account_enabled(\'localhost\', \'root\') |\n +------------------------------------------------+\n | YES |\n +------------------------------------------------+\n 1 row in set (0.01 sec)\n ' SQL SECURITY INVOKER DETERMINISTIC READS SQL DATA BEGIN RETURN IF(EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM performance_schema.setup_actors WHERE (`HOST` = '%' OR in_host LIKE `HOST`) AND (`USER` = '%' OR `USER` = in_user) AND (`ENABLED` = 'YES') ), 'YES', 'NO' ); END; DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ps_is_consumer_enabled; CREATE DEFINER='mysql.sys'@'localhost' FUNCTION ps_is_consumer_enabled ( in_consumer varchar(64) ) RETURNS enum('YES', 'NO') COMMENT '\n Description\n \n Determines whether a consumer is enabled (taking the consumer hierarchy into consideration)\n within the Performance Schema.\n \n Parameters\n \n in_consumer VARCHAR(64): \n The name of the consumer to check.\n \n Returns\n \n ENUM(\'YES\', \'NO\')\n \n Example\n \n mysql> SELECT sys.ps_is_consumer_enabled(\'events_stages_history\');\n +-----------------------------------------------------+\n | sys.ps_is_consumer_enabled(\'events_stages_history\') |\n +-----------------------------------------------------+\n | NO |\n +-----------------------------------------------------+\n 1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n ' SQL SECURITY INVOKER DETERMINISTIC READS SQL DATA BEGIN RETURN ( SELECT (CASE WHEN c.NAME = 'global_instrumentation' THEN c.ENABLED WHEN c.NAME = 'thread_instrumentation' THEN IF(cg.ENABLED = 'YES' AND c.ENABLED = 'YES', 'YES', 'NO') WHEN c.NAME LIKE '%\_digest' THEN IF(cg.ENABLED = 'YES' AND c.ENABLED = 'YES', 'YES', 'NO') WHEN c.NAME LIKE '%\_current' THEN IF(cg.ENABLED = 'YES' AND ct.ENABLED = 'YES' AND c.ENABLED = 'YES', 'YES', 'NO') ELSE IF(cg.ENABLED = 'YES' AND ct.ENABLED = 'YES' AND c.ENABLED = 'YES' AND ( SELECT cc.ENABLED FROM performance_schema.setup_consumers cc WHERE NAME = CONCAT(SUBSTRING_INDEX(c.NAME, '_', 2), '_current') ) = 'YES', 'YES', 'NO') END) AS IsEnabled FROM performance_schema.setup_consumers c INNER JOIN performance_schema.setup_consumers cg INNER JOIN performance_schema.setup_consumers ct WHERE cg.NAME = 'global_instrumentation' AND ct.NAME = 'thread_instrumentation' AND c.NAME = in_consumer ); END; DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ps_is_instrument_default_enabled; CREATE DEFINER='mysql.sys'@'localhost' FUNCTION ps_is_instrument_default_enabled ( in_instrument VARCHAR(128) ) RETURNS ENUM('YES', 'NO') COMMENT '\n Description\n \n Returns whether an instrument is enabled by default in this version of MySQL.\n \n Parameters\n \n in_instrument VARCHAR(128): \n The instrument to check.\n \n Returns\n \n ENUM(\'YES\', \'NO\')\n \n Example\n \n mysql> SELECT sys.ps_is_instrument_default_enabled(\'statement/sql/select\');\n +--------------------------------------------------------------+\n | sys.ps_is_instrument_default_enabled(\'statement/sql/select\') |\n +--------------------------------------------------------------+\n | YES |\n +--------------------------------------------------------------+\n 1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n ' SQL SECURITY INVOKER DETERMINISTIC READS SQL DATA BEGIN DECLARE v_enabled ENUM('YES', 'NO'); SET v_enabled = IF(in_instrument LIKE 'wait/io/file/%' OR in_instrument LIKE 'wait/io/table/%' OR in_instrument LIKE 'statement/%' OR in_instrument LIKE 'memory/performance_schema/%' OR in_instrument IN ('wait/lock/table/sql/handler', 'idle') /*!50707 OR in_instrument LIKE 'stage/innodb/%' OR in_instrument = 'stage/sql/copy to tmp table' */ , 'YES', 'NO' ); RETURN v_enabled; END; DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ps_is_instrument_default_timed; CREATE DEFINER='mysql.sys'@'localhost' FUNCTION ps_is_instrument_default_timed ( in_instrument VARCHAR(128) ) RETURNS ENUM('YES', 'NO') COMMENT '\n Description\n \n Returns whether an instrument is timed by default in this version of MySQL.\n \n Parameters\n \n in_instrument VARCHAR(128): \n The instrument to check.\n \n Returns\n \n ENUM(\'YES\', \'NO\')\n \n Example\n \n mysql> SELECT sys.ps_is_instrument_default_timed(\'statement/sql/select\');\n +------------------------------------------------------------+\n | sys.ps_is_instrument_default_timed(\'statement/sql/select\') |\n +------------------------------------------------------------+\n | YES |\n +------------------------------------------------------------+\n 1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n ' SQL SECURITY INVOKER DETERMINISTIC READS SQL DATA BEGIN DECLARE v_timed ENUM('YES', 'NO'); SET v_timed = IF(in_instrument LIKE 'wait/io/file/%' OR in_instrument LIKE 'wait/io/table/%' OR in_instrument LIKE 'statement/%' OR in_instrument IN ('wait/lock/table/sql/handler', 'idle') /*!50707 OR in_instrument LIKE 'stage/innodb/%' OR in_instrument = 'stage/sql/copy to tmp table' */ , 'YES', 'NO' ); RETURN v_timed; END; DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ps_is_thread_instrumented; CREATE DEFINER='mysql.sys'@'localhost' FUNCTION ps_is_thread_instrumented ( in_connection_id BIGINT UNSIGNED ) RETURNS ENUM('YES', 'NO', 'UNKNOWN') COMMENT '\n Description\n \n Checks whether the provided connection id is instrumented within Performance Schema.\n \n Parameters\n \n in_connection_id (BIGINT UNSIGNED):\n The id of the connection to check.\n \n Returns\n \n ENUM(\'YES\', \'NO\', \'UNKNOWN\')\n \n Example\n \n mysql> SELECT sys.ps_is_thread_instrumented(CONNECTION_ID());\n +------------------------------------------------+\n | sys.ps_is_thread_instrumented(CONNECTION_ID()) |\n +------------------------------------------------+\n | YES |\n +------------------------------------------------+\n ' SQL SECURITY INVOKER NOT DETERMINISTIC READS SQL DATA BEGIN DECLARE v_enabled ENUM('YES', 'NO', 'UNKNOWN'); IF (in_connection_id IS NULL) THEN RETURN NULL; END IF; SELECT INSTRUMENTED INTO v_enabled FROM performance_schema.threads WHERE PROCESSLIST_ID = in_connection_id; IF (v_enabled IS NULL) THEN RETURN 'UNKNOWN'; ELSE RETURN v_enabled; END IF; END; DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ps_thread_id; CREATE DEFINER='mysql.sys'@'localhost' FUNCTION ps_thread_id ( in_connection_id BIGINT UNSIGNED ) RETURNS BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT '\n Description\n \n Return the Performance Schema THREAD_ID for the specified connection ID.\n \n Parameters\n \n in_connection_id (BIGINT UNSIGNED):\n The id of the connection to return the thread id for. If NULL, the current\n connection thread id is returned.\n \n Example\n \n mysql> SELECT sys.ps_thread_id(79);\n +----------------------+\n | sys.ps_thread_id(79) |\n +----------------------+\n | 98 |\n +----------------------+\n 1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n \n mysql> SELECT sys.ps_thread_id(CONNECTION_ID());\n +-----------------------------------+\n | sys.ps_thread_id(CONNECTION_ID()) |\n +-----------------------------------+\n | 98 |\n +-----------------------------------+\n 1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n ' SQL SECURITY INVOKER NOT DETERMINISTIC READS SQL DATA BEGIN RETURN (SELECT THREAD_ID FROM `performance_schema`.`threads` WHERE PROCESSLIST_ID = IFNULL(in_connection_id, CONNECTION_ID()) ); END; DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ps_thread_account; CREATE DEFINER='mysql.sys'@'localhost' FUNCTION ps_thread_account ( in_thread_id BIGINT UNSIGNED ) RETURNS TEXT COMMENT '\n Description\n \n Return the user@host account for the given Performance Schema thread id.\n \n Parameters\n \n in_thread_id (BIGINT UNSIGNED):\n The id of the thread to return the account for.\n \n Example\n \n mysql> select thread_id, processlist_user, processlist_host from performance_schema.threads where type = ''foreground'';\n +-----------+------------------+------------------+\n | thread_id | processlist_user | processlist_host |\n +-----------+------------------+------------------+\n | 23 | NULL | NULL |\n | 30 | root | localhost |\n | 31 | msandbox | localhost |\n | 32 | msandbox | localhost |\n +-----------+------------------+------------------+\n 4 rows in set (0.00 sec)\n \n mysql> select sys.ps_thread_account(31);\n +---------------------------+\n | sys.ps_thread_account(31) |\n +---------------------------+\n | msandbox@localhost |\n +---------------------------+\n 1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n ' SQL SECURITY INVOKER NOT DETERMINISTIC READS SQL DATA BEGIN RETURN (SELECT IF( type = 'FOREGROUND', CONCAT(processlist_user, '@', processlist_host), type ) AS account FROM `performance_schema`.`threads` WHERE thread_id = in_thread_id); END; DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ps_thread_stack; CREATE DEFINER='mysql.sys'@'localhost' FUNCTION ps_thread_stack ( thd_id BIGINT UNSIGNED, debug BOOLEAN ) RETURNS LONGTEXT CHARSET latin1 COMMENT '\n Description\n \n Outputs a JSON formatted stack of all statements, stages and events\n within Performance Schema for the specified thread.\n \n Parameters\n \n thd_id (BIGINT UNSIGNED):\n The id of the thread to trace. This should match the thread_id\n column from the performance_schema.threads table.\n in_verbose (BOOLEAN):\n Include file:lineno information in the events.\n \n Example\n \n (line separation added for output)\n \n mysql> SELECT sys.ps_thread_stack(37, FALSE) AS thread_stack\\G\n *************************** 1. row ***************************\n thread_stack: {"rankdir": "LR","nodesep": "0.10","stack_created": "2014-02-19 13:39:03",\n "mysql_version": "5.7.3-m13","mysql_user": "root@localhost","events": \n [{"nesting_event_id": "0", "event_id": "10", "timer_wait": 256.35, "event_info": \n "sql/select", "wait_info": "select @@version_comment limit 1\\nerrors: 0\\nwarnings: 0\\nlock time:\n ...\n ' SQL SECURITY INVOKER NOT DETERMINISTIC READS SQL DATA BEGIN DECLARE json_objects LONGTEXT; /*!50602 UPDATE performance_schema.threads SET instrumented = 'NO' WHERE processlist_id = CONNECTION_ID(); */ SET SESSION group_concat_max_len=@@global.max_allowed_packet; SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT( '{' , CONCAT_WS( ', ' , CONCAT('"nesting_event_id": "', IF(nesting_event_id IS NULL, '0', nesting_event_id), '"') , CONCAT('"event_id": "', event_id, '"') , CONCAT( '"timer_wait": ', ROUND(timer_wait/1000000, 2)) , CONCAT( '"event_info": "' , CASE WHEN event_name NOT LIKE 'wait/io%' THEN REPLACE(SUBSTRING_INDEX(event_name, '/', -2), '\\', '\\\\') WHEN event_name NOT LIKE 'wait/io/file%' OR event_name NOT LIKE 'wait/io/socket%' THEN REPLACE(SUBSTRING_INDEX(event_name, '/', -4), '\\', '\\\\') ELSE event_name END , '"' ) , CONCAT( '"wait_info": "', IFNULL(wait_info, ''), '"') , CONCAT( '"source": "', IF(true AND event_name LIKE 'wait%', IFNULL(wait_info, ''), ''), '"') , CASE WHEN event_name LIKE 'wait/io/file%' THEN '"event_type": "io/file"' WHEN event_name LIKE 'wait/io/table%' THEN '"event_type": "io/table"' WHEN event_name LIKE 'wait/io/socket%' THEN '"event_type": "io/socket"' WHEN event_name LIKE 'wait/synch/mutex%' THEN '"event_type": "synch/mutex"' WHEN event_name LIKE 'wait/synch/cond%' THEN '"event_type": "synch/cond"' WHEN event_name LIKE 'wait/synch/rwlock%' THEN '"event_type": "synch/rwlock"' WHEN event_name LIKE 'wait/lock%' THEN '"event_type": "lock"' WHEN event_name LIKE 'statement/%' THEN '"event_type": "stmt"' WHEN event_name LIKE 'stage/%' THEN '"event_type": "stage"' WHEN event_name LIKE '%idle%' THEN '"event_type": "idle"' ELSE '' END ) , '}' ) ORDER BY event_id ASC SEPARATOR ',') event INTO json_objects FROM ( /*!50600 (SELECT thread_id, event_id, event_name, timer_wait, timer_start, nesting_event_id, CONCAT(sql_text, '\\n', 'errors: ', errors, '\\n', 'warnings: ', warnings, '\\n', 'lock time: ', ROUND(lock_time/1000000, 2),'us\\n', 'rows affected: ', rows_affected, '\\n', 'rows sent: ', rows_sent, '\\n', 'rows examined: ', rows_examined, '\\n', 'tmp tables: ', created_tmp_tables, '\\n', 'tmp disk tables: ', created_tmp_disk_tables, '\\n', 'select scan: ', select_scan, '\\n', 'select full join: ', select_full_join, '\\n', 'select full range join: ', select_full_range_join, '\\n', 'select range: ', select_range, '\\n', 'select range check: ', select_range_check, '\\n', 'sort merge passes: ', sort_merge_passes, '\\n', 'sort rows: ', sort_rows, '\\n', 'sort range: ', sort_range, '\\n', 'sort scan: ', sort_scan, '\\n', 'no index used: ', IF(no_index_used, 'TRUE', 'FALSE'), '\\n', 'no good index used: ', IF(no_good_index_used, 'TRUE', 'FALSE'), '\\n' ) AS wait_info FROM performance_schema.events_statements_history_long WHERE thread_id = thd_id) UNION (SELECT thread_id, event_id, event_name, timer_wait, timer_start, nesting_event_id, null AS wait_info FROM performance_schema.events_stages_history_long WHERE thread_id = thd_id) UNION */ (SELECT thread_id, event_id, CONCAT(event_name , IF(event_name NOT LIKE 'wait/synch/mutex%', IFNULL(CONCAT(' - ', operation), ''), ''), IF(number_of_bytes IS NOT NULL, CONCAT(' ', number_of_bytes, ' bytes'), ''), IF(event_name LIKE 'wait/io/file%', '\\n', ''), IF(object_schema IS NOT NULL, CONCAT('\\nObject: ', object_schema, '.'), ''), IF(object_name IS NOT NULL, IF (event_name LIKE 'wait/io/socket%', CONCAT(IF (object_name LIKE ':0%', @@socket, object_name)), object_name), ''), /*!50600 IF(index_name IS NOT NULL, CONCAT(' Index: ', index_name), ''),*/'\\n' ) AS event_name, timer_wait, timer_start, nesting_event_id, source AS wait_info FROM performance_schema.events_waits_history_long WHERE thread_id = thd_id)) events ORDER BY event_id; RETURN CONCAT('{', CONCAT_WS(',', '"rankdir": "LR"', '"nodesep": "0.10"', CONCAT('"stack_created": "', NOW(), '"'), CONCAT('"mysql_version": "', VERSION(), '"'), CONCAT('"mysql_user": "', CURRENT_USER(), '"'), CONCAT('"events": [', IFNULL(json_objects,''), ']') ), '}'); END; DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ps_thread_trx_info; CREATE DEFINER='mysql.sys'@'localhost' FUNCTION ps_thread_trx_info ( in_thread_id BIGINT UNSIGNED ) RETURNS LONGTEXT COMMENT '\n Description\n \n Returns a JSON object with info on the given threads current transaction, \n and the statements it has already executed, derived from the\n performance_schema.events_transactions_current and\n performance_schema.events_statements_history tables (so the consumers \n for these also have to be enabled within Performance Schema to get full\n data in the object).\n \n When the output exceeds the default truncation length (65535), a JSON error\n object is returned, such as:\n \n { "error": "Trx info truncated: Row 6 was cut by GROUP_CONCAT()" }\n \n Similar error objects are returned for other warnings/and exceptions raised\n when calling the function.\n \n The max length of the output of this function can be controlled with the\n ps_thread_trx_info.max_length variable set via sys_config, or the\n @sys.ps_thread_trx_info.max_length user variable, as appropriate.\n \n Parameters\n \n in_thread_id (BIGINT UNSIGNED):\n The id of the thread to return the transaction info for.\n \n Example\n \n SELECT sys.ps_thread_trx_info(48)\\G\n *************************** 1. row ***************************\n sys.ps_thread_trx_info(48): [\n {\n "time": "790.70 us",\n "state": "COMMITTED",\n "mode": "READ WRITE",\n "autocommitted": "NO",\n "gtid": "AUTOMATIC",\n "isolation": "REPEATABLE READ",\n "statements_executed": [\n {\n "sql_text": "INSERT INTO info VALUES (1, \'foo\')",\n "time": "471.02 us",\n "schema": "trx",\n "rows_examined": 0,\n "rows_affected": 1,\n "rows_sent": 0,\n "tmp_tables": 0,\n "tmp_disk_tables": 0,\n "sort_rows": 0,\n "sort_merge_passes": 0\n },\n {\n "sql_text": "COMMIT",\n "time": "254.42 us",\n "schema": "trx",\n "rows_examined": 0,\n "rows_affected": 0,\n "rows_sent": 0,\n "tmp_tables": 0,\n "tmp_disk_tables": 0,\n "sort_rows": 0,\n "sort_merge_passes": 0\n }\n ]\n },\n {\n "time": "426.20 us",\n "state": "COMMITTED",\n "mode": "READ WRITE",\n "autocommitted": "NO",\n "gtid": "AUTOMATIC",\n "isolation": "REPEATABLE READ",\n "statements_executed": [\n {\n "sql_text": "INSERT INTO info VALUES (2, \'bar\')",\n "time": "107.33 us",\n "schema": "trx",\n "rows_examined": 0,\n "rows_affected": 1,\n "rows_sent": 0,\n "tmp_tables": 0,\n "tmp_disk_tables": 0,\n "sort_rows": 0,\n "sort_merge_passes": 0\n },\n {\n "sql_text": "COMMIT",\n "time": "213.23 us",\n "schema": "trx",\n "rows_examined": 0,\n "rows_affected": 0,\n "rows_sent": 0,\n "tmp_tables": 0,\n "tmp_disk_tables": 0,\n "sort_rows": 0,\n "sort_merge_passes": 0\n }\n ]\n }\n ]\n 1 row in set (0.03 sec)\n ' SQL SECURITY INVOKER NOT DETERMINISTIC READS SQL DATA BEGIN DECLARE v_output LONGTEXT DEFAULT '{}'; DECLARE v_msg_text TEXT DEFAULT ''; DECLARE v_signal_msg TEXT DEFAULT ''; DECLARE v_mysql_errno INT; DECLARE v_max_output_len BIGINT; DECLARE EXIT HANDLER FOR SQLWARNING, SQLEXCEPTION BEGIN GET DIAGNOSTICS CONDITION 1 v_msg_text = MESSAGE_TEXT, v_mysql_errno = MYSQL_ERRNO; IF v_mysql_errno = 1260 THEN SET v_signal_msg = CONCAT('{ "error": "Trx info truncated: ', v_msg_text, '" }'); ELSE SET v_signal_msg = CONCAT('{ "error": "', v_msg_text, '" }'); END IF; RETURN v_signal_msg; END; IF (@sys.ps_thread_trx_info.max_length IS NULL) THEN SET @sys.ps_thread_trx_info.max_length = sys.sys_get_config('ps_thread_trx_info.max_length', 65535); END IF; IF (@sys.ps_thread_trx_info.max_length != @@session.group_concat_max_len) THEN SET @old_group_concat_max_len = @@session.group_concat_max_len; SET v_max_output_len = (@sys.ps_thread_trx_info.max_length - 5); SET SESSION group_concat_max_len = v_max_output_len; END IF; SET v_output = ( SELECT CONCAT('[', IFNULL(GROUP_CONCAT(trx_info ORDER BY event_id), ''), '\n]') AS trx_info FROM (SELECT trxi.thread_id, trxi.event_id, GROUP_CONCAT( IFNULL( CONCAT('\n {\n', ' "time": "', IFNULL(sys.format_time(trxi.timer_wait), ''), '",\n', ' "state": "', IFNULL(trxi.state, ''), '",\n', ' "mode": "', IFNULL(trxi.access_mode, ''), '",\n', ' "autocommitted": "', IFNULL(trxi.autocommit, ''), '",\n', ' "gtid": "', IFNULL(trxi.gtid, ''), '",\n', ' "isolation": "', IFNULL(trxi.isolation_level, ''), '",\n', ' "statements_executed": [', IFNULL(s.stmts, ''), IF(s.stmts IS NULL, ' ]\n', '\n ]\n'), ' }' ), '') ORDER BY event_id) AS trx_info FROM ( (SELECT thread_id, event_id, timer_wait, state,access_mode, autocommit, gtid, isolation_level FROM performance_schema.events_transactions_current WHERE thread_id = in_thread_id AND end_event_id IS NULL) UNION (SELECT thread_id, event_id, timer_wait, state,access_mode, autocommit, gtid, isolation_level FROM performance_schema.events_transactions_history WHERE thread_id = in_thread_id) ) AS trxi LEFT JOIN (SELECT thread_id, nesting_event_id, GROUP_CONCAT( IFNULL( CONCAT('\n {\n', ' "sql_text": "', IFNULL(sys.format_statement(REPLACE(sql_text, '\\', '\\\\')), ''), '",\n', ' "time": "', IFNULL(sys.format_time(timer_wait), ''), '",\n', ' "schema": "', IFNULL(current_schema, ''), '",\n', ' "rows_examined": ', IFNULL(rows_examined, ''), ',\n', ' "rows_affected": ', IFNULL(rows_affected, ''), ',\n', ' "rows_sent": ', IFNULL(rows_sent, ''), ',\n', ' "tmp_tables": ', IFNULL(created_tmp_tables, ''), ',\n', ' "tmp_disk_tables": ', IFNULL(created_tmp_disk_tables, ''), ',\n', ' "sort_rows": ', IFNULL(sort_rows, ''), ',\n', ' "sort_merge_passes": ', IFNULL(sort_merge_passes, ''), '\n', ' }'), '') ORDER BY event_id) AS stmts FROM performance_schema.events_statements_history WHERE sql_text IS NOT NULL AND thread_id = in_thread_id GROUP BY thread_id, nesting_event_id ) AS s ON trxi.thread_id = s.thread_id AND trxi.event_id = s.nesting_event_id WHERE trxi.thread_id = in_thread_id GROUP BY trxi.thread_id, trxi.event_id ) trxs GROUP BY thread_id ); IF (@old_group_concat_max_len IS NOT NULL) THEN SET SESSION group_concat_max_len = @old_group_concat_max_len; END IF; RETURN v_output; END; DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS quote_identifier; CREATE DEFINER='mysql.sys'@'localhost' FUNCTION quote_identifier(in_identifier TEXT) RETURNS TEXT CHARSET UTF8 COMMENT '\n Description\n \n Takes an unquoted identifier (schema name, table name, etc.) and\n returns the identifier quoted with backticks.\n \n Parameters\n \n in_identifier (TEXT):\n The identifier to quote.\n \n Returns\n \n TEXT\n \n Example\n \n mysql> SELECT sys.quote_identifier(''my_identifier'') AS Identifier;\n +-----------------+\n | Identifier |\n +-----------------+\n | `my_identifier` |\n +-----------------+\n 1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n \n mysql> SELECT sys.quote_identifier(''my`idenfier'') AS Identifier;\n +----------------+\n | Identifier |\n +----------------+\n | `my``idenfier` |\n +----------------+\n 1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n ' SQL SECURITY INVOKER DETERMINISTIC NO SQL BEGIN RETURN CONCAT('`', REPLACE(in_identifier, '`', '``'), '`'); END; DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS sys_get_config; CREATE DEFINER='mysql.sys'@'localhost' FUNCTION sys_get_config ( in_variable_name VARCHAR(128), in_default_value VARCHAR(128) ) RETURNS VARCHAR(128) COMMENT '\n Description\n \n Returns the value for the requested variable using the following logic:\n \n 1. If the option exists in sys.sys_config return the value from there.\n 2. Else fall back on the provided default value.\n \n Notes for using sys_get_config():\n \n * If the default value argument to sys_get_config() is NULL and case 2. is reached, NULL is returned.\n It is then expected that the caller is able to handle NULL for the given configuration option.\n * The convention is to name the user variables @sys.. It is that\n is stored in the sys_config table and is what is expected as the argument to sys_get_config().\n * If you want to check whether the configuration option has already been set and if not assign with\n the return value of sys_get_config() you can use IFNULL(...) (see example below). However this should\n not be done inside a loop (e.g. for each row in a result set) as for repeated calls where assignment\n is only needed in the first iteration using IFNULL(...) is expected to be significantly slower than\n using an IF (...) THEN ... END IF; block (see example below).\n \n Parameters\n \n in_variable_name (VARCHAR(128)):\n The name of the config option to return the value for.\n \n in_default_value (VARCHAR(128)):\n The default value to return if the variable does not exist in sys.sys_config.\n \n Returns\n \n VARCHAR(128)\n \n Example\n \n mysql> SELECT sys.sys_get_config(''statement_truncate_len'', 128) AS Value;\n +-------+\n | Value |\n +-------+\n | 64 |\n +-------+\n 1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n \n mysql> SET @sys.statement_truncate_len = IFNULL(@sys.statement_truncate_len, sys.sys_get_config(''statement_truncate_len'', 64));\n Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)\n \n IF (@sys.statement_truncate_len IS NULL) THEN\n SET @sys.statement_truncate_len = sys.sys_get_config(''statement_truncate_len'', 64);\n END IF;\n ' SQL SECURITY INVOKER DETERMINISTIC READS SQL DATA BEGIN DECLARE v_value VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT NULL; SET v_value = (SELECT value FROM sys.sys_config WHERE variable = in_variable_name); IF (v_value IS NULL) THEN SET v_value = in_default_value; END IF; RETURN v_value; END ; DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS version_major; CREATE DEFINER='mysql.sys'@'localhost' FUNCTION version_major () RETURNS TINYINT UNSIGNED COMMENT '\n Description\n \n Returns the major version of MySQL Server.\n \n Returns\n \n TINYINT UNSIGNED\n \n Example\n \n mysql> SELECT VERSION(), sys.version_major();\n +--------------------------------------+---------------------+\n | VERSION() | sys.version_major() |\n +--------------------------------------+---------------------+\n | 5.7.9-enterprise-commercial-advanced | 5 |\n +--------------------------------------+---------------------+\n 1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n ' SQL SECURITY INVOKER NOT DETERMINISTIC NO SQL BEGIN RETURN SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(VERSION(), '-', 1), '.', 1); END; DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS version_minor; CREATE DEFINER='mysql.sys'@'localhost' FUNCTION version_minor () RETURNS TINYINT UNSIGNED COMMENT '\n Description\n \n Returns the minor (release series) version of MySQL Server.\n \n Returns\n \n TINYINT UNSIGNED\n \n Example\n \n mysql> SELECT VERSION(), sys.server_minor();\n +--------------------------------------+---------------------+\n | VERSION() | sys.version_minor() |\n +--------------------------------------+---------------------+\n | 5.7.9-enterprise-commercial-advanced | 7 |\n +--------------------------------------+---------------------+\n 1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n ' SQL SECURITY INVOKER NOT DETERMINISTIC NO SQL BEGIN RETURN SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(VERSION(), '-', 1), '.', 2), '.', -1); END; DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS version_patch; CREATE DEFINER='mysql.sys'@'localhost' FUNCTION version_patch () RETURNS TINYINT UNSIGNED COMMENT '\n Description\n \n Returns the patch release version of MySQL Server.\n \n Returns\n \n TINYINT UNSIGNED\n \n Example\n \n mysql> SELECT VERSION(), sys.version_patch();\n +--------------------------------------+---------------------+\n | VERSION() | sys.version_patch() |\n +--------------------------------------+---------------------+\n | 5.7.9-enterprise-commercial-advanced | 9 |\n +--------------------------------------+---------------------+\n 1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n ' SQL SECURITY INVOKER NOT DETERMINISTIC NO SQL BEGIN RETURN SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(VERSION(), '-', 1), '.', -1); END; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = TEMPTABLE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW innodb_buffer_stats_by_schema ( object_schema, allocated, data, pages, pages_hashed, pages_old, rows_cached ) AS SELECT IF(LOCATE('.', ibp.table_name) = 0, 'InnoDB System', REPLACE(SUBSTRING_INDEX(ibp.table_name, '.', 1), '`', '')) AS object_schema, sys.format_bytes(SUM(IF(ibp.compressed_size = 0, 16384, compressed_size))) AS allocated, sys.format_bytes(SUM(ibp.data_size)) AS data, COUNT(ibp.page_number) AS pages, COUNT(IF(ibp.is_hashed = 'YES', 1, NULL)) AS pages_hashed, COUNT(IF(ibp.is_old = 'YES', 1, NULL)) AS pages_old, ROUND(SUM(ibp.number_records)/COUNT(DISTINCT ibp.index_name)) AS rows_cached FROM information_schema.innodb_buffer_page ibp WHERE table_name IS NOT NULL GROUP BY object_schema ORDER BY SUM(IF(ibp.compressed_size = 0, 16384, compressed_size)) DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = TEMPTABLE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW x$innodb_buffer_stats_by_schema ( object_schema, allocated, data, pages, pages_hashed, pages_old, rows_cached ) AS SELECT IF(LOCATE('.', ibp.table_name) = 0, 'InnoDB System', REPLACE(SUBSTRING_INDEX(ibp.table_name, '.', 1), '`', '')) AS object_schema, SUM(IF(ibp.compressed_size = 0, 16384, compressed_size)) AS allocated, SUM(ibp.data_size) AS data, COUNT(ibp.page_number) AS pages, COUNT(IF(ibp.is_hashed = 'YES', 1, NULL)) AS pages_hashed, COUNT(IF(ibp.is_old = 'YES', 1, NULL)) AS pages_old, ROUND(IFNULL(SUM(ibp.number_records)/NULLIF(COUNT(DISTINCT ibp.index_name), 0), 0)) AS rows_cached FROM information_schema.innodb_buffer_page ibp WHERE table_name IS NOT NULL GROUP BY object_schema ORDER BY SUM(IF(ibp.compressed_size = 0, 16384, compressed_size)) DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = TEMPTABLE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW innodb_buffer_stats_by_table ( object_schema, object_name, allocated, data, pages, pages_hashed, pages_old, rows_cached ) AS SELECT IF(LOCATE('.', ibp.table_name) = 0, 'InnoDB System', REPLACE(SUBSTRING_INDEX(ibp.table_name, '.', 1), '`', '')) AS object_schema, REPLACE(SUBSTRING_INDEX(ibp.table_name, '.', -1), '`', '') AS object_name, sys.format_bytes(SUM(IF(ibp.compressed_size = 0, 16384, compressed_size))) AS allocated, sys.format_bytes(SUM(ibp.data_size)) AS data, COUNT(ibp.page_number) AS pages, COUNT(IF(ibp.is_hashed = 'YES', 1, NULL)) AS pages_hashed, COUNT(IF(ibp.is_old = 'YES', 1, NULL)) AS pages_old, ROUND(SUM(ibp.number_records)/COUNT(DISTINCT ibp.index_name)) AS rows_cached FROM information_schema.innodb_buffer_page ibp WHERE table_name IS NOT NULL GROUP BY object_schema, object_name ORDER BY SUM(IF(ibp.compressed_size = 0, 16384, compressed_size)) DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = TEMPTABLE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW x$innodb_buffer_stats_by_table ( object_schema, object_name, allocated, data, pages, pages_hashed, pages_old, rows_cached ) AS SELECT IF(LOCATE('.', ibp.table_name) = 0, 'InnoDB System', REPLACE(SUBSTRING_INDEX(ibp.table_name, '.', 1), '`', '')) AS object_schema, REPLACE(SUBSTRING_INDEX(ibp.table_name, '.', -1), '`', '') AS object_name, SUM(IF(ibp.compressed_size = 0, 16384, compressed_size)) AS allocated, SUM(ibp.data_size) AS data, COUNT(ibp.page_number) AS pages, COUNT(IF(ibp.is_hashed = 'YES', 1, NULL)) AS pages_hashed, COUNT(IF(ibp.is_old = 'YES', 1, NULL)) AS pages_old, ROUND(IFNULL(SUM(ibp.number_records)/NULLIF(COUNT(DISTINCT ibp.index_name), 0), 0)) AS rows_cached FROM information_schema.innodb_buffer_page ibp WHERE table_name IS NOT NULL GROUP BY object_schema, object_name ORDER BY SUM(IF(ibp.compressed_size = 0, 16384, compressed_size)) DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = TEMPTABLE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW innodb_lock_waits ( wait_started, wait_age, wait_age_secs, locked_table, locked_index, locked_type, waiting_trx_id, waiting_trx_started, waiting_trx_age, waiting_trx_rows_locked, waiting_trx_rows_modified, waiting_pid, waiting_query, waiting_lock_id, waiting_lock_mode, blocking_trx_id, blocking_pid, blocking_query, blocking_lock_id, blocking_lock_mode, blocking_trx_started, blocking_trx_age, blocking_trx_rows_locked, blocking_trx_rows_modified, sql_kill_blocking_query, sql_kill_blocking_connection ) AS SELECT r.trx_wait_started AS wait_started, TIMEDIFF(NOW(), r.trx_wait_started) AS wait_age, TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, r.trx_wait_started, NOW()) AS wait_age_secs, rl.lock_table AS locked_table, rl.lock_index AS locked_index, rl.lock_type AS locked_type, r.trx_id AS waiting_trx_id, r.trx_started as waiting_trx_started, TIMEDIFF(NOW(), r.trx_started) AS waiting_trx_age, r.trx_rows_locked AS waiting_trx_rows_locked, r.trx_rows_modified AS waiting_trx_rows_modified, r.trx_mysql_thread_id AS waiting_pid, sys.format_statement(r.trx_query) AS waiting_query, rl.lock_id AS waiting_lock_id, rl.lock_mode AS waiting_lock_mode, b.trx_id AS blocking_trx_id, b.trx_mysql_thread_id AS blocking_pid, sys.format_statement(b.trx_query) AS blocking_query, bl.lock_id AS blocking_lock_id, bl.lock_mode AS blocking_lock_mode, b.trx_started AS blocking_trx_started, TIMEDIFF(NOW(), b.trx_started) AS blocking_trx_age, b.trx_rows_locked AS blocking_trx_rows_locked, b.trx_rows_modified AS blocking_trx_rows_modified, CONCAT('KILL QUERY ', b.trx_mysql_thread_id) AS sql_kill_blocking_query, CONCAT('KILL ', b.trx_mysql_thread_id) AS sql_kill_blocking_connection FROM information_schema.innodb_lock_waits w INNER JOIN information_schema.innodb_trx b ON b.trx_id = w.blocking_trx_id INNER JOIN information_schema.innodb_trx r ON r.trx_id = w.requesting_trx_id INNER JOIN information_schema.innodb_locks bl ON bl.lock_id = w.blocking_lock_id INNER JOIN information_schema.innodb_locks rl ON rl.lock_id = w.requested_lock_id ORDER BY r.trx_wait_started; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = TEMPTABLE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW x$innodb_lock_waits ( wait_started, wait_age, wait_age_secs, locked_table, locked_index, locked_type, waiting_trx_id, waiting_trx_started, waiting_trx_age, waiting_trx_rows_locked, waiting_trx_rows_modified, waiting_pid, waiting_query, waiting_lock_id, waiting_lock_mode, blocking_trx_id, blocking_pid, blocking_query, blocking_lock_id, blocking_lock_mode, blocking_trx_started, blocking_trx_age, blocking_trx_rows_locked, blocking_trx_rows_modified, sql_kill_blocking_query, sql_kill_blocking_connection ) AS SELECT r.trx_wait_started AS wait_started, TIMEDIFF(NOW(), r.trx_wait_started) AS wait_age, TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, r.trx_wait_started, NOW()) AS wait_age_secs, rl.lock_table AS locked_table, rl.lock_index AS locked_index, rl.lock_type AS locked_type, r.trx_id AS waiting_trx_id, r.trx_started as waiting_trx_started, TIMEDIFF(NOW(), r.trx_started) AS waiting_trx_age, r.trx_rows_locked AS waiting_trx_rows_locked, r.trx_rows_modified AS waiting_trx_rows_modified, r.trx_mysql_thread_id AS waiting_pid, r.trx_query AS waiting_query, rl.lock_id AS waiting_lock_id, rl.lock_mode AS waiting_lock_mode, b.trx_id AS blocking_trx_id, b.trx_mysql_thread_id AS blocking_pid, b.trx_query AS blocking_query, bl.lock_id AS blocking_lock_id, bl.lock_mode AS blocking_lock_mode, b.trx_started AS blocking_trx_started, TIMEDIFF(NOW(), b.trx_started) AS blocking_trx_age, b.trx_rows_locked AS blocking_trx_rows_locked, b.trx_rows_modified AS blocking_trx_rows_modified, CONCAT('KILL QUERY ', b.trx_mysql_thread_id) AS sql_kill_blocking_query, CONCAT('KILL ', b.trx_mysql_thread_id) AS sql_kill_blocking_connection FROM information_schema.innodb_lock_waits w INNER JOIN information_schema.innodb_trx b ON b.trx_id = w.blocking_trx_id INNER JOIN information_schema.innodb_trx r ON r.trx_id = w.requesting_trx_id INNER JOIN information_schema.innodb_locks bl ON bl.lock_id = w.blocking_lock_id INNER JOIN information_schema.innodb_locks rl ON rl.lock_id = w.requested_lock_id ORDER BY r.trx_wait_started; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = TEMPTABLE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW schema_object_overview ( db, object_type, count ) AS SELECT ROUTINE_SCHEMA AS db, ROUTINE_TYPE AS object_type, COUNT(*) AS count FROM information_schema.routines GROUP BY ROUTINE_SCHEMA, ROUTINE_TYPE UNION SELECT TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_TYPE, COUNT(*) FROM information_schema.tables GROUP BY TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_TYPE UNION SELECT TABLE_SCHEMA, CONCAT('INDEX (', INDEX_TYPE, ')'), COUNT(*) FROM information_schema.statistics GROUP BY TABLE_SCHEMA, INDEX_TYPE UNION SELECT TRIGGER_SCHEMA, 'TRIGGER', COUNT(*) FROM information_schema.triggers GROUP BY TRIGGER_SCHEMA UNION SELECT EVENT_SCHEMA, 'EVENT', COUNT(*) FROM information_schema.events GROUP BY EVENT_SCHEMA ORDER BY DB, OBJECT_TYPE; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = MERGE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW schema_auto_increment_columns ( table_schema, table_name, column_name, data_type, column_type, is_signed, is_unsigned, max_value, auto_increment, auto_increment_ratio ) AS SELECT TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, DATA_TYPE, COLUMN_TYPE, (LOCATE('unsigned', COLUMN_TYPE) = 0) AS is_signed, (LOCATE('unsigned', COLUMN_TYPE) > 0) AS is_unsigned, ( CASE DATA_TYPE WHEN 'tinyint' THEN 255 WHEN 'smallint' THEN 65535 WHEN 'mediumint' THEN 16777215 WHEN 'int' THEN 4294967295 WHEN 'bigint' THEN 18446744073709551615 END >> IF(LOCATE('unsigned', COLUMN_TYPE) > 0, 0, 1) ) AS max_value, AUTO_INCREMENT, AUTO_INCREMENT / ( CASE DATA_TYPE WHEN 'tinyint' THEN 255 WHEN 'smallint' THEN 65535 WHEN 'mediumint' THEN 16777215 WHEN 'int' THEN 4294967295 WHEN 'bigint' THEN 18446744073709551615 END >> IF(LOCATE('unsigned', COLUMN_TYPE) > 0, 0, 1) ) AS auto_increment_ratio FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS INNER JOIN INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES USING (TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME) WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA NOT IN ('mysql', 'sys', 'INFORMATION_SCHEMA', 'performance_schema') AND TABLE_TYPE='BASE TABLE' AND EXTRA='auto_increment' ORDER BY auto_increment_ratio DESC, max_value; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = TEMPTABLE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW x$schema_flattened_keys ( table_schema, table_name, index_name, non_unique, subpart_exists, index_columns ) AS SELECT TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME, INDEX_NAME, MAX(NON_UNIQUE) AS non_unique, MAX(IF(SUB_PART IS NULL, 0, 1)) AS subpart_exists, GROUP_CONCAT(COLUMN_NAME ORDER BY SEQ_IN_INDEX) AS index_columns FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.STATISTICS WHERE INDEX_TYPE='BTREE' AND TABLE_SCHEMA NOT IN ('mysql', 'sys', 'INFORMATION_SCHEMA', 'PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA') GROUP BY TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME, INDEX_NAME; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = TEMPTABLE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW schema_redundant_indexes ( table_schema, table_name, redundant_index_name, redundant_index_columns, redundant_index_non_unique, dominant_index_name, dominant_index_columns, dominant_index_non_unique, subpart_exists, sql_drop_index ) AS SELECT redundant_keys.table_schema, redundant_keys.table_name, redundant_keys.index_name AS redundant_index_name, redundant_keys.index_columns AS redundant_index_columns, redundant_keys.non_unique AS redundant_index_non_unique, dominant_keys.index_name AS dominant_index_name, dominant_keys.index_columns AS dominant_index_columns, dominant_keys.non_unique AS dominant_index_non_unique, IF(redundant_keys.subpart_exists OR dominant_keys.subpart_exists, 1 ,0) AS subpart_exists, CONCAT( 'ALTER TABLE `', redundant_keys.table_schema, '`.`', redundant_keys.table_name, '` DROP INDEX `', redundant_keys.index_name, '`' ) AS sql_drop_index FROM x$schema_flattened_keys AS redundant_keys INNER JOIN x$schema_flattened_keys AS dominant_keys USING (TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME) WHERE redundant_keys.index_name != dominant_keys.index_name AND ( ( /* Identical columns */ (redundant_keys.index_columns = dominant_keys.index_columns) AND ( (redundant_keys.non_unique > dominant_keys.non_unique) OR (redundant_keys.non_unique = dominant_keys.non_unique AND IF(redundant_keys.index_name='PRIMARY', '', redundant_keys.index_name) > IF(dominant_keys.index_name='PRIMARY', '', dominant_keys.index_name) ) ) ) OR ( /* Non-unique prefix columns */ LOCATE(CONCAT(redundant_keys.index_columns, ','), dominant_keys.index_columns) = 1 AND redundant_keys.non_unique = 1 ) OR ( /* Unique prefix columns */ LOCATE(CONCAT(dominant_keys.index_columns, ','), redundant_keys.index_columns) = 1 AND dominant_keys.non_unique = 0 ) ); CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = MERGE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW ps_check_lost_instrumentation ( variable_name, variable_value ) AS SELECT variable_name, variable_value FROM performance_schema.global_status WHERE variable_name LIKE 'perf%lost' AND variable_value > 0; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = MERGE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW latest_file_io ( thread, file, latency, operation, requested ) AS SELECT IF(id IS NULL, CONCAT(SUBSTRING_INDEX(name, '/', -1), ':', thread_id), CONCAT(user, '@', host, ':', id) ) thread, sys.format_path(object_name) file, sys.format_time(timer_wait) AS latency, operation, sys.format_bytes(number_of_bytes) AS requested FROM performance_schema.events_waits_history_long JOIN performance_schema.threads USING (thread_id) LEFT JOIN information_schema.processlist ON processlist_id = id WHERE object_name IS NOT NULL AND event_name LIKE 'wait/io/file/%' ORDER BY timer_start; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = MERGE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW x$latest_file_io ( thread, file, latency, operation, requested ) AS SELECT IF(id IS NULL, CONCAT(SUBSTRING_INDEX(name, '/', -1), ':', thread_id), CONCAT(user, '@', host, ':', id) ) thread, object_name file, timer_wait AS latency, operation, number_of_bytes AS requested FROM performance_schema.events_waits_history_long JOIN performance_schema.threads USING (thread_id) LEFT JOIN information_schema.processlist ON processlist_id = id WHERE object_name IS NOT NULL AND event_name LIKE 'wait/io/file/%' ORDER BY timer_start; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = TEMPTABLE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW io_by_thread_by_latency ( user, total, total_latency, min_latency, avg_latency, max_latency, thread_id, processlist_id ) AS SELECT IF(processlist_id IS NULL, SUBSTRING_INDEX(name, '/', -1), CONCAT(processlist_user, '@', processlist_host) ) user, SUM(count_star) total, sys.format_time(SUM(sum_timer_wait)) total_latency, sys.format_time(MIN(min_timer_wait)) min_latency, sys.format_time(AVG(avg_timer_wait)) avg_latency, sys.format_time(MAX(max_timer_wait)) max_latency, thread_id, processlist_id FROM performance_schema.events_waits_summary_by_thread_by_event_name LEFT JOIN performance_schema.threads USING (thread_id) WHERE event_name LIKE 'wait/io/file/%' AND sum_timer_wait > 0 GROUP BY thread_id, processlist_id, user ORDER BY SUM(sum_timer_wait) DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = TEMPTABLE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW x$io_by_thread_by_latency ( user, total, total_latency, min_latency, avg_latency, max_latency, thread_id, processlist_id ) AS SELECT IF(processlist_id IS NULL, SUBSTRING_INDEX(name, '/', -1), CONCAT(processlist_user, '@', processlist_host) ) user, SUM(count_star) total, SUM(sum_timer_wait) total_latency, MIN(min_timer_wait) min_latency, AVG(avg_timer_wait) avg_latency, MAX(max_timer_wait) max_latency, thread_id, processlist_id FROM performance_schema.events_waits_summary_by_thread_by_event_name LEFT JOIN performance_schema.threads USING (thread_id) WHERE event_name LIKE 'wait/io/file/%' AND sum_timer_wait > 0 GROUP BY thread_id, processlist_id, user ORDER BY SUM(sum_timer_wait) DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = MERGE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW io_global_by_file_by_bytes ( file, count_read, total_read, avg_read, count_write, total_written, avg_write, total, write_pct ) AS SELECT sys.format_path(file_name) AS file, count_read, sys.format_bytes(sum_number_of_bytes_read) AS total_read, sys.format_bytes(IFNULL(sum_number_of_bytes_read / NULLIF(count_read, 0), 0)) AS avg_read, count_write, sys.format_bytes(sum_number_of_bytes_write) AS total_written, sys.format_bytes(IFNULL(sum_number_of_bytes_write / NULLIF(count_write, 0), 0.00)) AS avg_write, sys.format_bytes(sum_number_of_bytes_read + sum_number_of_bytes_write) AS total, IFNULL(ROUND(100-((sum_number_of_bytes_read/ NULLIF((sum_number_of_bytes_read+sum_number_of_bytes_write), 0))*100), 2), 0.00) AS write_pct FROM performance_schema.file_summary_by_instance ORDER BY sum_number_of_bytes_read + sum_number_of_bytes_write DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = MERGE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW x$io_global_by_file_by_bytes ( file, count_read, total_read, avg_read, count_write, total_written, avg_write, total, write_pct ) AS SELECT file_name AS file, count_read, sum_number_of_bytes_read AS total_read, IFNULL(sum_number_of_bytes_read / NULLIF(count_read, 0), 0) AS avg_read, count_write, sum_number_of_bytes_write AS total_written, IFNULL(sum_number_of_bytes_write / NULLIF(count_write, 0), 0.00) AS avg_write, sum_number_of_bytes_read + sum_number_of_bytes_write AS total, IFNULL(ROUND(100-((sum_number_of_bytes_read/ NULLIF((sum_number_of_bytes_read+sum_number_of_bytes_write), 0))*100), 2), 0.00) AS write_pct FROM performance_schema.file_summary_by_instance ORDER BY sum_number_of_bytes_read + sum_number_of_bytes_write DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = MERGE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW io_global_by_file_by_latency ( file, total, total_latency, count_read, read_latency, count_write, write_latency, count_misc, misc_latency ) AS SELECT sys.format_path(file_name) AS file, count_star AS total, sys.format_time(sum_timer_wait) AS total_latency, count_read, sys.format_time(sum_timer_read) AS read_latency, count_write, sys.format_time(sum_timer_write) AS write_latency, count_misc, sys.format_time(sum_timer_misc) AS misc_latency FROM performance_schema.file_summary_by_instance ORDER BY sum_timer_wait DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = MERGE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW x$io_global_by_file_by_latency ( file, total, total_latency, count_read, read_latency, count_write, write_latency, count_misc, misc_latency ) AS SELECT file_name AS file, count_star AS total, sum_timer_wait AS total_latency, count_read, sum_timer_read AS read_latency, count_write, sum_timer_write AS write_latency, count_misc, sum_timer_misc AS misc_latency FROM performance_schema.file_summary_by_instance ORDER BY sum_timer_wait DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = MERGE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW io_global_by_wait_by_bytes ( event_name, total, total_latency, min_latency, avg_latency, max_latency, count_read, total_read, avg_read, count_write, total_written, avg_written, total_requested ) AS SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX(event_name, '/', -2) event_name, count_star AS total, sys.format_time(sum_timer_wait) AS total_latency, sys.format_time(min_timer_wait) AS min_latency, sys.format_time(avg_timer_wait) AS avg_latency, sys.format_time(max_timer_wait) AS max_latency, count_read, sys.format_bytes(sum_number_of_bytes_read) AS total_read, sys.format_bytes(IFNULL(sum_number_of_bytes_read / NULLIF(count_read, 0), 0)) AS avg_read, count_write, sys.format_bytes(sum_number_of_bytes_write) AS total_written, sys.format_bytes(IFNULL(sum_number_of_bytes_write / NULLIF(count_write, 0), 0)) AS avg_written, sys.format_bytes(sum_number_of_bytes_write + sum_number_of_bytes_read) AS total_requested FROM performance_schema.file_summary_by_event_name WHERE event_name LIKE 'wait/io/file/%' AND count_star > 0 ORDER BY sum_number_of_bytes_write + sum_number_of_bytes_read DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = MERGE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW x$io_global_by_wait_by_bytes ( event_name, total, total_latency, min_latency, avg_latency, max_latency, count_read, total_read, avg_read, count_write, total_written, avg_written, total_requested ) AS SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX(event_name, '/', -2) AS event_name, count_star AS total, sum_timer_wait AS total_latency, min_timer_wait AS min_latency, avg_timer_wait AS avg_latency, max_timer_wait AS max_latency, count_read, sum_number_of_bytes_read AS total_read, IFNULL(sum_number_of_bytes_read / NULLIF(count_read, 0), 0) AS avg_read, count_write, sum_number_of_bytes_write AS total_written, IFNULL(sum_number_of_bytes_write / NULLIF(count_write, 0), 0) AS avg_written, sum_number_of_bytes_write + sum_number_of_bytes_read AS total_requested FROM performance_schema.file_summary_by_event_name WHERE event_name LIKE 'wait/io/file/%' AND count_star > 0 ORDER BY sum_number_of_bytes_write + sum_number_of_bytes_read DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = MERGE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW io_global_by_wait_by_latency ( event_name, total, total_latency, avg_latency, max_latency, read_latency, write_latency, misc_latency, count_read, total_read, avg_read, count_write, total_written, avg_written ) AS SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX(event_name, '/', -2) AS event_name, count_star AS total, sys.format_time(sum_timer_wait) AS total_latency, sys.format_time(avg_timer_wait) AS avg_latency, sys.format_time(max_timer_wait) AS max_latency, sys.format_time(sum_timer_read) AS read_latency, sys.format_time(sum_timer_write) AS write_latency, sys.format_time(sum_timer_misc) AS misc_latency, count_read, sys.format_bytes(sum_number_of_bytes_read) AS total_read, sys.format_bytes(IFNULL(sum_number_of_bytes_read / NULLIF(count_read, 0), 0)) AS avg_read, count_write, sys.format_bytes(sum_number_of_bytes_write) AS total_written, sys.format_bytes(IFNULL(sum_number_of_bytes_write / NULLIF(count_write, 0), 0)) AS avg_written FROM performance_schema.file_summary_by_event_name WHERE event_name LIKE 'wait/io/file/%' AND count_star > 0 ORDER BY sum_timer_wait DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = MERGE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW x$io_global_by_wait_by_latency ( event_name, total, total_latency, avg_latency, max_latency, read_latency, write_latency, misc_latency, count_read, total_read, avg_read, count_write, total_written, avg_written ) AS SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX(event_name, '/', -2) AS event_name, count_star AS total, sum_timer_wait AS total_latency, avg_timer_wait AS avg_latency, max_timer_wait AS max_latency, sum_timer_read AS read_latency, sum_timer_write AS write_latency, sum_timer_misc AS misc_latency, count_read, sum_number_of_bytes_read AS total_read, IFNULL(sum_number_of_bytes_read / NULLIF(count_read, 0), 0) AS avg_read, count_write, sum_number_of_bytes_write AS total_written, IFNULL(sum_number_of_bytes_write / NULLIF(count_write, 0), 0) AS avg_written FROM performance_schema.file_summary_by_event_name WHERE event_name LIKE 'wait/io/file/%' AND count_star > 0 ORDER BY sum_timer_wait DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = TEMPTABLE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW memory_by_user_by_current_bytes ( user, current_count_used, current_allocated, current_avg_alloc, current_max_alloc, total_allocated ) AS SELECT IF(user IS NULL, 'background', user) AS user, SUM(current_count_used) AS current_count_used, sys.format_bytes(SUM(current_number_of_bytes_used)) AS current_allocated, sys.format_bytes(IFNULL(SUM(current_number_of_bytes_used) / NULLIF(SUM(current_count_used), 0), 0)) AS current_avg_alloc, sys.format_bytes(MAX(current_number_of_bytes_used)) AS current_max_alloc, sys.format_bytes(SUM(sum_number_of_bytes_alloc)) AS total_allocated FROM performance_schema.memory_summary_by_user_by_event_name GROUP BY IF(user IS NULL, 'background', user) ORDER BY SUM(current_number_of_bytes_used) DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = TEMPTABLE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW x$memory_by_user_by_current_bytes ( user, current_count_used, current_allocated, current_avg_alloc, current_max_alloc, total_allocated ) AS SELECT IF(user IS NULL, 'background', user) AS user, SUM(current_count_used) AS current_count_used, SUM(current_number_of_bytes_used) AS current_allocated, IFNULL(SUM(current_number_of_bytes_used) / NULLIF(SUM(current_count_used), 0), 0) AS current_avg_alloc, MAX(current_number_of_bytes_used) AS current_max_alloc, SUM(sum_number_of_bytes_alloc) AS total_allocated FROM performance_schema.memory_summary_by_user_by_event_name GROUP BY IF(user IS NULL, 'background', user) ORDER BY SUM(current_number_of_bytes_used) DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = TEMPTABLE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW memory_by_host_by_current_bytes ( host, current_count_used, current_allocated, current_avg_alloc, current_max_alloc, total_allocated ) AS SELECT IF(host IS NULL, 'background', host) AS host, SUM(current_count_used) AS current_count_used, sys.format_bytes(SUM(current_number_of_bytes_used)) AS current_allocated, sys.format_bytes(IFNULL(SUM(current_number_of_bytes_used) / NULLIF(SUM(current_count_used), 0), 0)) AS current_avg_alloc, sys.format_bytes(MAX(current_number_of_bytes_used)) AS current_max_alloc, sys.format_bytes(SUM(sum_number_of_bytes_alloc)) AS total_allocated FROM performance_schema.memory_summary_by_host_by_event_name GROUP BY IF(host IS NULL, 'background', host) ORDER BY SUM(current_number_of_bytes_used) DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = TEMPTABLE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW x$memory_by_host_by_current_bytes ( host, current_count_used, current_allocated, current_avg_alloc, current_max_alloc, total_allocated ) AS SELECT IF(host IS NULL, 'background', host) AS host, SUM(current_count_used) AS current_count_used, SUM(current_number_of_bytes_used) AS current_allocated, IFNULL(SUM(current_number_of_bytes_used) / NULLIF(SUM(current_count_used), 0), 0) AS current_avg_alloc, MAX(current_number_of_bytes_used) AS current_max_alloc, SUM(sum_number_of_bytes_alloc) AS total_allocated FROM performance_schema.memory_summary_by_host_by_event_name GROUP BY IF(host IS NULL, 'background', host) ORDER BY SUM(current_number_of_bytes_used) DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = TEMPTABLE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW memory_by_thread_by_current_bytes ( thread_id, user, current_count_used, current_allocated, current_avg_alloc, current_max_alloc, total_allocated ) AS SELECT thread_id, IF(t.name = 'thread/sql/one_connection', CONCAT(t.processlist_user, '@', t.processlist_host), REPLACE(t.name, 'thread/', '')) user, SUM(mt.current_count_used) AS current_count_used, sys.format_bytes(SUM(mt.current_number_of_bytes_used)) AS current_allocated, sys.format_bytes(IFNULL(SUM(mt.current_number_of_bytes_used) / NULLIF(SUM(current_count_used), 0), 0)) AS current_avg_alloc, sys.format_bytes(MAX(mt.current_number_of_bytes_used)) AS current_max_alloc, sys.format_bytes(SUM(mt.sum_number_of_bytes_alloc)) AS total_allocated FROM performance_schema.memory_summary_by_thread_by_event_name AS mt JOIN performance_schema.threads AS t USING (thread_id) GROUP BY thread_id, IF(t.name = 'thread/sql/one_connection', CONCAT(t.processlist_user, '@', t.processlist_host), REPLACE(t.name, 'thread/', '')) ORDER BY SUM(current_number_of_bytes_used) DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = TEMPTABLE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW x$memory_by_thread_by_current_bytes ( thread_id, user, current_count_used, current_allocated, current_avg_alloc, current_max_alloc, total_allocated ) AS SELECT t.thread_id, IF(t.name = 'thread/sql/one_connection', CONCAT(t.processlist_user, '@', t.processlist_host), REPLACE(t.name, 'thread/', '')) user, SUM(mt.current_count_used) AS current_count_used, SUM(mt.current_number_of_bytes_used) AS current_allocated, IFNULL(SUM(mt.current_number_of_bytes_used) / NULLIF(SUM(current_count_used), 0), 0) AS current_avg_alloc, MAX(mt.current_number_of_bytes_used) AS current_max_alloc, SUM(mt.sum_number_of_bytes_alloc) AS total_allocated FROM performance_schema.memory_summary_by_thread_by_event_name AS mt JOIN performance_schema.threads AS t USING (thread_id) GROUP BY thread_id, IF(t.name = 'thread/sql/one_connection', CONCAT(t.processlist_user, '@', t.processlist_host), REPLACE(t.name, 'thread/', '')) ORDER BY SUM(mt.current_number_of_bytes_used) DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = MERGE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW memory_global_by_current_bytes ( event_name, current_count, current_alloc, current_avg_alloc, high_count, high_alloc, high_avg_alloc ) AS SELECT event_name, current_count_used AS current_count, sys.format_bytes(current_number_of_bytes_used) AS current_alloc, sys.format_bytes(IFNULL(current_number_of_bytes_used / NULLIF(current_count_used, 0), 0)) AS current_avg_alloc, high_count_used AS high_count, sys.format_bytes(high_number_of_bytes_used) AS high_alloc, sys.format_bytes(IFNULL(high_number_of_bytes_used / NULLIF(high_count_used, 0), 0)) AS high_avg_alloc FROM performance_schema.memory_summary_global_by_event_name WHERE current_number_of_bytes_used > 0 ORDER BY current_number_of_bytes_used DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = MERGE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW x$memory_global_by_current_bytes ( event_name, current_count, current_alloc, current_avg_alloc, high_count, high_alloc, high_avg_alloc ) AS SELECT event_name, current_count_used AS current_count, current_number_of_bytes_used AS current_alloc, IFNULL(current_number_of_bytes_used / NULLIF(current_count_used, 0), 0) AS current_avg_alloc, high_count_used AS high_count, high_number_of_bytes_used AS high_alloc, IFNULL(high_number_of_bytes_used / NULLIF(high_count_used, 0), 0) AS high_avg_alloc FROM performance_schema.memory_summary_global_by_event_name WHERE current_number_of_bytes_used > 0 ORDER BY current_number_of_bytes_used DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = TEMPTABLE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW memory_global_total ( total_allocated ) AS SELECT sys.format_bytes(SUM(CURRENT_NUMBER_OF_BYTES_USED)) total_allocated FROM performance_schema.memory_summary_global_by_event_name; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = TEMPTABLE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW x$memory_global_total ( total_allocated ) AS SELECT SUM(CURRENT_NUMBER_OF_BYTES_USED) total_allocated FROM performance_schema.memory_summary_global_by_event_name; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = MERGE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW schema_index_statistics ( table_schema, table_name, index_name, rows_selected, select_latency, rows_inserted, insert_latency, rows_updated, update_latency, rows_deleted, delete_latency ) AS SELECT OBJECT_SCHEMA AS table_schema, OBJECT_NAME AS table_name, INDEX_NAME as index_name, COUNT_FETCH AS rows_selected, sys.format_time(SUM_TIMER_FETCH) AS select_latency, COUNT_INSERT AS rows_inserted, sys.format_time(SUM_TIMER_INSERT) AS insert_latency, COUNT_UPDATE AS rows_updated, sys.format_time(SUM_TIMER_UPDATE) AS update_latency, COUNT_DELETE AS rows_deleted, sys.format_time(SUM_TIMER_INSERT) AS delete_latency FROM performance_schema.table_io_waits_summary_by_index_usage WHERE index_name IS NOT NULL ORDER BY sum_timer_wait DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = MERGE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW x$schema_index_statistics ( table_schema, table_name, index_name, rows_selected, select_latency, rows_inserted, insert_latency, rows_updated, update_latency, rows_deleted, delete_latency ) AS SELECT OBJECT_SCHEMA AS table_schema, OBJECT_NAME AS table_name, INDEX_NAME as index_name, COUNT_FETCH AS rows_selected, SUM_TIMER_FETCH AS select_latency, COUNT_INSERT AS rows_inserted, SUM_TIMER_INSERT AS insert_latency, COUNT_UPDATE AS rows_updated, SUM_TIMER_UPDATE AS update_latency, COUNT_DELETE AS rows_deleted, SUM_TIMER_INSERT AS delete_latency FROM performance_schema.table_io_waits_summary_by_index_usage WHERE index_name IS NOT NULL ORDER BY sum_timer_wait DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = TEMPTABLE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW x$ps_schema_table_statistics_io ( table_schema, table_name, count_read, sum_number_of_bytes_read, sum_timer_read, count_write, sum_number_of_bytes_write, sum_timer_write, count_misc, sum_timer_misc ) AS SELECT extract_schema_from_file_name(file_name) AS table_schema, extract_table_from_file_name(file_name) AS table_name, SUM(count_read) AS count_read, SUM(sum_number_of_bytes_read) AS sum_number_of_bytes_read, SUM(sum_timer_read) AS sum_timer_read, SUM(count_write) AS count_write, SUM(sum_number_of_bytes_write) AS sum_number_of_bytes_write, SUM(sum_timer_write) AS sum_timer_write, SUM(count_misc) AS count_misc, SUM(sum_timer_misc) AS sum_timer_misc FROM performance_schema.file_summary_by_instance GROUP BY table_schema, table_name; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = TEMPTABLE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW schema_table_statistics ( table_schema, table_name, total_latency, rows_fetched, fetch_latency, rows_inserted, insert_latency, rows_updated, update_latency, rows_deleted, delete_latency, io_read_requests, io_read, io_read_latency, io_write_requests, io_write, io_write_latency, io_misc_requests, io_misc_latency ) AS SELECT pst.object_schema AS table_schema, pst.object_name AS table_name, sys.format_time(pst.sum_timer_wait) AS total_latency, pst.count_fetch AS rows_fetched, sys.format_time(pst.sum_timer_fetch) AS fetch_latency, pst.count_insert AS rows_inserted, sys.format_time(pst.sum_timer_insert) AS insert_latency, pst.count_update AS rows_updated, sys.format_time(pst.sum_timer_update) AS update_latency, pst.count_delete AS rows_deleted, sys.format_time(pst.sum_timer_delete) AS delete_latency, fsbi.count_read AS io_read_requests, sys.format_bytes(fsbi.sum_number_of_bytes_read) AS io_read, sys.format_time(fsbi.sum_timer_read) AS io_read_latency, fsbi.count_write AS io_write_requests, sys.format_bytes(fsbi.sum_number_of_bytes_write) AS io_write, sys.format_time(fsbi.sum_timer_write) AS io_write_latency, fsbi.count_misc AS io_misc_requests, sys.format_time(fsbi.sum_timer_misc) AS io_misc_latency FROM performance_schema.table_io_waits_summary_by_table AS pst LEFT JOIN x$ps_schema_table_statistics_io AS fsbi ON pst.object_schema = fsbi.table_schema AND pst.object_name = fsbi.table_name ORDER BY pst.sum_timer_wait DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = TEMPTABLE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW x$schema_table_statistics ( table_schema, table_name, total_latency, rows_fetched, fetch_latency, rows_inserted, insert_latency, rows_updated, update_latency, rows_deleted, delete_latency, io_read_requests, io_read, io_read_latency, io_write_requests, io_write, io_write_latency, io_misc_requests, io_misc_latency ) AS SELECT pst.object_schema AS table_schema, pst.object_name AS table_name, pst.sum_timer_wait AS total_latency, pst.count_fetch AS rows_fetched, pst.sum_timer_fetch AS fetch_latency, pst.count_insert AS rows_inserted, pst.sum_timer_insert AS insert_latency, pst.count_update AS rows_updated, pst.sum_timer_update AS update_latency, pst.count_delete AS rows_deleted, pst.sum_timer_delete AS delete_latency, fsbi.count_read AS io_read_requests, fsbi.sum_number_of_bytes_read AS io_read, fsbi.sum_timer_read AS io_read_latency, fsbi.count_write AS io_write_requests, fsbi.sum_number_of_bytes_write AS io_write, fsbi.sum_timer_write AS io_write_latency, fsbi.count_misc AS io_misc_requests, fsbi.sum_timer_misc AS io_misc_latency FROM performance_schema.table_io_waits_summary_by_table AS pst LEFT JOIN x$ps_schema_table_statistics_io AS fsbi ON pst.object_schema = fsbi.table_schema AND pst.object_name = fsbi.table_name ORDER BY pst.sum_timer_wait DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = TEMPTABLE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW schema_table_statistics_with_buffer ( table_schema, table_name, rows_fetched, fetch_latency, rows_inserted, insert_latency, rows_updated, update_latency, rows_deleted, delete_latency, io_read_requests, io_read, io_read_latency, io_write_requests, io_write, io_write_latency, io_misc_requests, io_misc_latency, innodb_buffer_allocated, innodb_buffer_data, innodb_buffer_free, innodb_buffer_pages, innodb_buffer_pages_hashed, innodb_buffer_pages_old, innodb_buffer_rows_cached ) AS SELECT pst.object_schema AS table_schema, pst.object_name AS table_name, pst.count_fetch AS rows_fetched, sys.format_time(pst.sum_timer_fetch) AS fetch_latency, pst.count_insert AS rows_inserted, sys.format_time(pst.sum_timer_insert) AS insert_latency, pst.count_update AS rows_updated, sys.format_time(pst.sum_timer_update) AS update_latency, pst.count_delete AS rows_deleted, sys.format_time(pst.sum_timer_delete) AS delete_latency, fsbi.count_read AS io_read_requests, sys.format_bytes(fsbi.sum_number_of_bytes_read) AS io_read, sys.format_time(fsbi.sum_timer_read) AS io_read_latency, fsbi.count_write AS io_write_requests, sys.format_bytes(fsbi.sum_number_of_bytes_write) AS io_write, sys.format_time(fsbi.sum_timer_write) AS io_write_latency, fsbi.count_misc AS io_misc_requests, sys.format_time(fsbi.sum_timer_misc) AS io_misc_latency, sys.format_bytes(ibp.allocated) AS innodb_buffer_allocated, sys.format_bytes(ibp.data) AS innodb_buffer_data, sys.format_bytes(ibp.allocated - ibp.data) AS innodb_buffer_free, ibp.pages AS innodb_buffer_pages, ibp.pages_hashed AS innodb_buffer_pages_hashed, ibp.pages_old AS innodb_buffer_pages_old, ibp.rows_cached AS innodb_buffer_rows_cached FROM performance_schema.table_io_waits_summary_by_table AS pst LEFT JOIN x$ps_schema_table_statistics_io AS fsbi ON pst.object_schema = fsbi.table_schema AND pst.object_name = fsbi.table_name LEFT JOIN sys.x$innodb_buffer_stats_by_table AS ibp ON pst.object_schema = ibp.object_schema AND pst.object_name = ibp.object_name ORDER BY pst.sum_timer_wait DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = TEMPTABLE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW x$schema_table_statistics_with_buffer ( table_schema, table_name, rows_fetched, fetch_latency, rows_inserted, insert_latency, rows_updated, update_latency, rows_deleted, delete_latency, io_read_requests, io_read, io_read_latency, io_write_requests, io_write, io_write_latency, io_misc_requests, io_misc_latency, innodb_buffer_allocated, innodb_buffer_data, innodb_buffer_free, innodb_buffer_pages, innodb_buffer_pages_hashed, innodb_buffer_pages_old, innodb_buffer_rows_cached ) AS SELECT pst.object_schema AS table_schema, pst.object_name AS table_name, pst.count_fetch AS rows_fetched, pst.sum_timer_fetch AS fetch_latency, pst.count_insert AS rows_inserted, pst.sum_timer_insert AS insert_latency, pst.count_update AS rows_updated, pst.sum_timer_update AS update_latency, pst.count_delete AS rows_deleted, pst.sum_timer_delete AS delete_latency, fsbi.count_read AS io_read_requests, fsbi.sum_number_of_bytes_read AS io_read, fsbi.sum_timer_read AS io_read_latency, fsbi.count_write AS io_write_requests, fsbi.sum_number_of_bytes_write AS io_write, fsbi.sum_timer_write AS io_write_latency, fsbi.count_misc AS io_misc_requests, fsbi.sum_timer_misc AS io_misc_latency, ibp.allocated AS innodb_buffer_allocated, ibp.data AS innodb_buffer_data, (ibp.allocated - ibp.data) AS innodb_buffer_free, ibp.pages AS innodb_buffer_pages, ibp.pages_hashed AS innodb_buffer_pages_hashed, ibp.pages_old AS innodb_buffer_pages_old, ibp.rows_cached AS innodb_buffer_rows_cached FROM performance_schema.table_io_waits_summary_by_table AS pst LEFT JOIN x$ps_schema_table_statistics_io AS fsbi ON pst.object_schema = fsbi.table_schema AND pst.object_name = fsbi.table_name LEFT JOIN sys.x$innodb_buffer_stats_by_table AS ibp ON pst.object_schema = ibp.object_schema AND pst.object_name = ibp.object_name ORDER BY pst.sum_timer_wait DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = MERGE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW schema_tables_with_full_table_scans ( object_schema, object_name, rows_full_scanned, latency ) AS SELECT object_schema, object_name, count_read AS rows_full_scanned, sys.format_time(sum_timer_wait) AS latency FROM performance_schema.table_io_waits_summary_by_index_usage WHERE index_name IS NULL AND count_read > 0 ORDER BY count_read DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = MERGE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW x$schema_tables_with_full_table_scans ( object_schema, object_name, rows_full_scanned, latency ) AS SELECT object_schema, object_name, count_read AS rows_full_scanned, sum_timer_wait AS latency FROM performance_schema.table_io_waits_summary_by_index_usage WHERE index_name IS NULL AND count_read > 0 ORDER BY count_read DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = MERGE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW schema_unused_indexes ( object_schema, object_name, index_name ) AS SELECT object_schema, object_name, index_name FROM performance_schema.table_io_waits_summary_by_index_usage WHERE index_name IS NOT NULL AND count_star = 0 AND object_schema != 'mysql' AND index_name != 'PRIMARY' ORDER BY object_schema, object_name; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = TEMPTABLE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW schema_table_lock_waits ( object_schema, object_name, waiting_thread_id, waiting_pid, waiting_account, waiting_lock_type, waiting_lock_duration, waiting_query, waiting_query_secs, waiting_query_rows_affected, waiting_query_rows_examined, blocking_thread_id, blocking_pid, blocking_account, blocking_lock_type, blocking_lock_duration, sql_kill_blocking_query, sql_kill_blocking_connection ) AS SELECT g.object_schema AS object_schema, g.object_name AS object_name, pt.thread_id AS waiting_thread_id, pt.processlist_id AS waiting_pid, sys.ps_thread_account(p.owner_thread_id) AS waiting_account, p.lock_type AS waiting_lock_type, p.lock_duration AS waiting_lock_duration, sys.format_statement(pt.processlist_info) AS waiting_query, pt.processlist_time AS waiting_query_secs, ps.rows_affected AS waiting_query_rows_affected, ps.rows_examined AS waiting_query_rows_examined, gt.thread_id AS blocking_thread_id, gt.processlist_id AS blocking_pid, sys.ps_thread_account(g.owner_thread_id) AS blocking_account, g.lock_type AS blocking_lock_type, g.lock_duration AS blocking_lock_duration, CONCAT('KILL QUERY ', gt.processlist_id) AS sql_kill_blocking_query, CONCAT('KILL ', gt.processlist_id) AS sql_kill_blocking_connection FROM performance_schema.metadata_locks g INNER JOIN performance_schema.metadata_locks p ON g.object_type = p.object_type AND g.object_schema = p.object_schema AND g.object_name = p.object_name AND g.lock_status = 'GRANTED' AND p.lock_status = 'PENDING' INNER JOIN performance_schema.threads gt ON g.owner_thread_id = gt.thread_id INNER JOIN performance_schema.threads pt ON p.owner_thread_id = pt.thread_id LEFT JOIN performance_schema.events_statements_current gs ON g.owner_thread_id = gs.thread_id LEFT JOIN performance_schema.events_statements_current ps ON p.owner_thread_id = ps.thread_id WHERE g.object_type = 'TABLE'; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = TEMPTABLE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW x$schema_table_lock_waits ( object_schema, object_name, waiting_thread_id, waiting_pid, waiting_account, waiting_lock_type, waiting_lock_duration, waiting_query, waiting_query_secs, waiting_query_rows_affected, waiting_query_rows_examined, blocking_thread_id, blocking_pid, blocking_account, blocking_lock_type, blocking_lock_duration, sql_kill_blocking_query, sql_kill_blocking_connection ) AS SELECT g.object_schema AS object_schema, g.object_name AS object_name, pt.thread_id AS waiting_thread_id, pt.processlist_id AS waiting_pid, sys.ps_thread_account(p.owner_thread_id) AS waiting_account, p.lock_type AS waiting_lock_type, p.lock_duration AS waiting_lock_duration, pt.processlist_info AS waiting_query, pt.processlist_time AS waiting_query_secs, ps.rows_affected AS waiting_query_rows_affected, ps.rows_examined AS waiting_query_rows_examined, gt.thread_id AS blocking_thread_id, gt.processlist_id AS blocking_pid, sys.ps_thread_account(g.owner_thread_id) AS blocking_account, g.lock_type AS blocking_lock_type, g.lock_duration AS blocking_lock_duration, CONCAT('KILL QUERY ', gt.processlist_id) AS sql_kill_blocking_query, CONCAT('KILL ', gt.processlist_id) AS sql_kill_blocking_connection FROM performance_schema.metadata_locks g INNER JOIN performance_schema.metadata_locks p ON g.object_type = p.object_type AND g.object_schema = p.object_schema AND g.object_name = p.object_name AND g.lock_status = 'GRANTED' AND p.lock_status = 'PENDING' INNER JOIN performance_schema.threads gt ON g.owner_thread_id = gt.thread_id INNER JOIN performance_schema.threads pt ON p.owner_thread_id = pt.thread_id LEFT JOIN performance_schema.events_statements_current gs ON g.owner_thread_id = gs.thread_id LEFT JOIN performance_schema.events_statements_current ps ON p.owner_thread_id = ps.thread_id WHERE g.object_type = 'TABLE'; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = MERGE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW statement_analysis ( query, db, full_scan, exec_count, err_count, warn_count, total_latency, max_latency, avg_latency, lock_latency, rows_sent, rows_sent_avg, rows_examined, rows_examined_avg, rows_affected, rows_affected_avg, tmp_tables, tmp_disk_tables, rows_sorted, sort_merge_passes, digest, first_seen, last_seen ) AS SELECT sys.format_statement(DIGEST_TEXT) AS query, SCHEMA_NAME AS db, IF(SUM_NO_GOOD_INDEX_USED > 0 OR SUM_NO_INDEX_USED > 0, '*', '') AS full_scan, COUNT_STAR AS exec_count, SUM_ERRORS AS err_count, SUM_WARNINGS AS warn_count, sys.format_time(SUM_TIMER_WAIT) AS total_latency, sys.format_time(MAX_TIMER_WAIT) AS max_latency, sys.format_time(AVG_TIMER_WAIT) AS avg_latency, sys.format_time(SUM_LOCK_TIME) AS lock_latency, SUM_ROWS_SENT AS rows_sent, ROUND(IFNULL(SUM_ROWS_SENT / NULLIF(COUNT_STAR, 0), 0)) AS rows_sent_avg, SUM_ROWS_EXAMINED AS rows_examined, ROUND(IFNULL(SUM_ROWS_EXAMINED / NULLIF(COUNT_STAR, 0), 0)) AS rows_examined_avg, SUM_ROWS_AFFECTED AS rows_affected, ROUND(IFNULL(SUM_ROWS_AFFECTED / NULLIF(COUNT_STAR, 0), 0)) AS rows_affected_avg, SUM_CREATED_TMP_TABLES AS tmp_tables, SUM_CREATED_TMP_DISK_TABLES AS tmp_disk_tables, SUM_SORT_ROWS AS rows_sorted, SUM_SORT_MERGE_PASSES AS sort_merge_passes, DIGEST AS digest, FIRST_SEEN AS first_seen, LAST_SEEN as last_seen FROM performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_digest ORDER BY SUM_TIMER_WAIT DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = MERGE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW x$statement_analysis ( query, db, full_scan, exec_count, err_count, warn_count, total_latency, max_latency, avg_latency, lock_latency, rows_sent, rows_sent_avg, rows_examined, rows_examined_avg, rows_affected, rows_affected_avg, tmp_tables, tmp_disk_tables, rows_sorted, sort_merge_passes, digest, first_seen, last_seen ) AS SELECT DIGEST_TEXT AS query, SCHEMA_NAME AS db, IF(SUM_NO_GOOD_INDEX_USED > 0 OR SUM_NO_INDEX_USED > 0, '*', '') AS full_scan, COUNT_STAR AS exec_count, SUM_ERRORS AS err_count, SUM_WARNINGS AS warn_count, SUM_TIMER_WAIT AS total_latency, MAX_TIMER_WAIT AS max_latency, AVG_TIMER_WAIT AS avg_latency, SUM_LOCK_TIME AS lock_latency, SUM_ROWS_SENT AS rows_sent, ROUND(IFNULL(SUM_ROWS_SENT / NULLIF(COUNT_STAR, 0), 0)) AS rows_sent_avg, SUM_ROWS_EXAMINED AS rows_examined, ROUND(IFNULL(SUM_ROWS_EXAMINED / NULLIF(COUNT_STAR, 0), 0)) AS rows_examined_avg, SUM_ROWS_AFFECTED AS rows_affected, ROUND(IFNULL(SUM_ROWS_AFFECTED / NULLIF(COUNT_STAR, 0), 0)) AS rows_affected_avg, SUM_CREATED_TMP_TABLES AS tmp_tables, SUM_CREATED_TMP_DISK_TABLES AS tmp_disk_tables, SUM_SORT_ROWS AS rows_sorted, SUM_SORT_MERGE_PASSES AS sort_merge_passes, DIGEST AS digest, FIRST_SEEN AS first_seen, LAST_SEEN as last_seen FROM performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_digest ORDER BY SUM_TIMER_WAIT DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = MERGE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW statements_with_errors_or_warnings ( query, db, exec_count, errors, error_pct, warnings, warning_pct, first_seen, last_seen, digest ) AS SELECT sys.format_statement(DIGEST_TEXT) AS query, SCHEMA_NAME as db, COUNT_STAR AS exec_count, SUM_ERRORS AS errors, IFNULL(SUM_ERRORS / NULLIF(COUNT_STAR, 0), 0) * 100 as error_pct, SUM_WARNINGS AS warnings, IFNULL(SUM_WARNINGS / NULLIF(COUNT_STAR, 0), 0) * 100 as warning_pct, FIRST_SEEN as first_seen, LAST_SEEN as last_seen, DIGEST AS digest FROM performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_digest WHERE SUM_ERRORS > 0 OR SUM_WARNINGS > 0 ORDER BY SUM_ERRORS DESC, SUM_WARNINGS DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = MERGE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW x$statements_with_errors_or_warnings ( query, db, exec_count, errors, error_pct, warnings, warning_pct, first_seen, last_seen, digest ) AS SELECT DIGEST_TEXT AS query, SCHEMA_NAME as db, COUNT_STAR AS exec_count, SUM_ERRORS AS errors, IFNULL(SUM_ERRORS / NULLIF(COUNT_STAR, 0), 0) * 100 as error_pct, SUM_WARNINGS AS warnings, IFNULL(SUM_WARNINGS / NULLIF(COUNT_STAR, 0), 0) * 100 as warning_pct, FIRST_SEEN as first_seen, LAST_SEEN as last_seen, DIGEST AS digest FROM performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_digest WHERE SUM_ERRORS > 0 OR SUM_WARNINGS > 0 ORDER BY SUM_ERRORS DESC, SUM_WARNINGS DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = MERGE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW statements_with_full_table_scans ( query, db, exec_count, total_latency, no_index_used_count, no_good_index_used_count, no_index_used_pct, rows_sent, rows_examined, rows_sent_avg, rows_examined_avg, first_seen, last_seen, digest ) AS SELECT sys.format_statement(DIGEST_TEXT) AS query, SCHEMA_NAME as db, COUNT_STAR AS exec_count, sys.format_time(SUM_TIMER_WAIT) AS total_latency, SUM_NO_INDEX_USED AS no_index_used_count, SUM_NO_GOOD_INDEX_USED AS no_good_index_used_count, ROUND(IFNULL(SUM_NO_INDEX_USED / NULLIF(COUNT_STAR, 0), 0) * 100) AS no_index_used_pct, SUM_ROWS_SENT AS rows_sent, SUM_ROWS_EXAMINED AS rows_examined, ROUND(SUM_ROWS_SENT/COUNT_STAR) AS rows_sent_avg, ROUND(SUM_ROWS_EXAMINED/COUNT_STAR) AS rows_examined_avg, FIRST_SEEN as first_seen, LAST_SEEN as last_seen, DIGEST AS digest FROM performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_digest WHERE (SUM_NO_INDEX_USED > 0 OR SUM_NO_GOOD_INDEX_USED > 0) AND DIGEST_TEXT NOT LIKE 'SHOW%' ORDER BY no_index_used_pct DESC, total_latency DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = MERGE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW x$statements_with_full_table_scans ( query, db, exec_count, total_latency, no_index_used_count, no_good_index_used_count, no_index_used_pct, rows_sent, rows_examined, rows_sent_avg, rows_examined_avg, first_seen, last_seen, digest ) AS SELECT DIGEST_TEXT AS query, SCHEMA_NAME as db, COUNT_STAR AS exec_count, SUM_TIMER_WAIT AS total_latency, SUM_NO_INDEX_USED AS no_index_used_count, SUM_NO_GOOD_INDEX_USED AS no_good_index_used_count, ROUND(IFNULL(SUM_NO_INDEX_USED / NULLIF(COUNT_STAR, 0), 0) * 100) AS no_index_used_pct, SUM_ROWS_SENT AS rows_sent, SUM_ROWS_EXAMINED AS rows_examined, ROUND(SUM_ROWS_SENT/COUNT_STAR) AS rows_sent_avg, ROUND(SUM_ROWS_EXAMINED/COUNT_STAR) AS rows_examined_avg, FIRST_SEEN as first_seen, LAST_SEEN as last_seen, DIGEST AS digest FROM performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_digest WHERE (SUM_NO_INDEX_USED > 0 OR SUM_NO_GOOD_INDEX_USED > 0) AND DIGEST_TEXT NOT LIKE 'SHOW%' ORDER BY no_index_used_pct DESC, total_latency DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = TEMPTABLE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW x$ps_digest_avg_latency_distribution ( cnt, avg_us ) AS SELECT COUNT(*) cnt, ROUND(avg_timer_wait/1000000) AS avg_us FROM performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_digest GROUP BY avg_us; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = TEMPTABLE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW x$ps_digest_95th_percentile_by_avg_us ( avg_us, percentile ) AS SELECT s2.avg_us avg_us, IFNULL(SUM(s1.cnt)/NULLIF((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_digest), 0), 0) percentile FROM sys.x$ps_digest_avg_latency_distribution AS s1 JOIN sys.x$ps_digest_avg_latency_distribution AS s2 ON s1.avg_us <= s2.avg_us GROUP BY s2.avg_us HAVING IFNULL(SUM(s1.cnt)/NULLIF((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_digest), 0), 0) > 0.95 ORDER BY percentile LIMIT 1; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = MERGE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW statements_with_runtimes_in_95th_percentile ( query, db, full_scan, exec_count, err_count, warn_count, total_latency, max_latency, avg_latency, rows_sent, rows_sent_avg, rows_examined, rows_examined_avg, first_seen, last_seen, digest ) AS SELECT sys.format_statement(DIGEST_TEXT) AS query, SCHEMA_NAME as db, IF(SUM_NO_GOOD_INDEX_USED > 0 OR SUM_NO_INDEX_USED > 0, '*', '') AS full_scan, COUNT_STAR AS exec_count, SUM_ERRORS AS err_count, SUM_WARNINGS AS warn_count, sys.format_time(SUM_TIMER_WAIT) AS total_latency, sys.format_time(MAX_TIMER_WAIT) AS max_latency, sys.format_time(AVG_TIMER_WAIT) AS avg_latency, SUM_ROWS_SENT AS rows_sent, ROUND(IFNULL(SUM_ROWS_SENT / NULLIF(COUNT_STAR, 0), 0)) AS rows_sent_avg, SUM_ROWS_EXAMINED AS rows_examined, ROUND(IFNULL(SUM_ROWS_EXAMINED / NULLIF(COUNT_STAR, 0), 0)) AS rows_examined_avg, FIRST_SEEN AS first_seen, LAST_SEEN AS last_seen, DIGEST AS digest FROM performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_digest stmts JOIN sys.x$ps_digest_95th_percentile_by_avg_us AS top_percentile ON ROUND(stmts.avg_timer_wait/1000000) >= top_percentile.avg_us ORDER BY AVG_TIMER_WAIT DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = MERGE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW x$statements_with_runtimes_in_95th_percentile ( query, db, full_scan, exec_count, err_count, warn_count, total_latency, max_latency, avg_latency, rows_sent, rows_sent_avg, rows_examined, rows_examined_avg, first_seen, last_seen, digest ) AS SELECT DIGEST_TEXT AS query, SCHEMA_NAME AS db, IF(SUM_NO_GOOD_INDEX_USED > 0 OR SUM_NO_INDEX_USED > 0, '*', '') AS full_scan, COUNT_STAR AS exec_count, SUM_ERRORS AS err_count, SUM_WARNINGS AS warn_count, SUM_TIMER_WAIT AS total_latency, MAX_TIMER_WAIT AS max_latency, AVG_TIMER_WAIT AS avg_latency, SUM_ROWS_SENT AS rows_sent, ROUND(IFNULL(SUM_ROWS_SENT / NULLIF(COUNT_STAR, 0), 0)) AS rows_sent_avg, SUM_ROWS_EXAMINED AS rows_examined, ROUND(IFNULL(SUM_ROWS_EXAMINED / NULLIF(COUNT_STAR, 0), 0)) AS rows_examined_avg, FIRST_SEEN as first_seen, LAST_SEEN as last_seen, DIGEST AS digest FROM performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_digest stmts JOIN sys.x$ps_digest_95th_percentile_by_avg_us AS top_percentile ON ROUND(stmts.avg_timer_wait/1000000) >= top_percentile.avg_us ORDER BY AVG_TIMER_WAIT DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = MERGE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW statements_with_sorting ( query, db, exec_count, total_latency, sort_merge_passes, avg_sort_merges, sorts_using_scans, sort_using_range, rows_sorted, avg_rows_sorted, first_seen, last_seen, digest ) AS SELECT sys.format_statement(DIGEST_TEXT) AS query, SCHEMA_NAME db, COUNT_STAR AS exec_count, sys.format_time(SUM_TIMER_WAIT) AS total_latency, SUM_SORT_MERGE_PASSES AS sort_merge_passes, ROUND(IFNULL(SUM_SORT_MERGE_PASSES / NULLIF(COUNT_STAR, 0), 0)) AS avg_sort_merges, SUM_SORT_SCAN AS sorts_using_scans, SUM_SORT_RANGE AS sort_using_range, SUM_SORT_ROWS AS rows_sorted, ROUND(IFNULL(SUM_SORT_ROWS / NULLIF(COUNT_STAR, 0), 0)) AS avg_rows_sorted, FIRST_SEEN as first_seen, LAST_SEEN as last_seen, DIGEST AS digest FROM performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_digest WHERE SUM_SORT_ROWS > 0 ORDER BY SUM_TIMER_WAIT DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = MERGE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW x$statements_with_sorting ( query, db, exec_count, total_latency, sort_merge_passes, avg_sort_merges, sorts_using_scans, sort_using_range, rows_sorted, avg_rows_sorted, first_seen, last_seen, digest ) AS SELECT DIGEST_TEXT AS query, SCHEMA_NAME db, COUNT_STAR AS exec_count, SUM_TIMER_WAIT AS total_latency, SUM_SORT_MERGE_PASSES AS sort_merge_passes, ROUND(IFNULL(SUM_SORT_MERGE_PASSES / NULLIF(COUNT_STAR, 0), 0)) AS avg_sort_merges, SUM_SORT_SCAN AS sorts_using_scans, SUM_SORT_RANGE AS sort_using_range, SUM_SORT_ROWS AS rows_sorted, ROUND(IFNULL(SUM_SORT_ROWS / NULLIF(COUNT_STAR, 0), 0)) AS avg_rows_sorted, FIRST_SEEN as first_seen, LAST_SEEN as last_seen, DIGEST AS digest FROM performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_digest WHERE SUM_SORT_ROWS > 0 ORDER BY SUM_TIMER_WAIT DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = MERGE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW statements_with_temp_tables ( query, db, exec_count, total_latency, memory_tmp_tables, disk_tmp_tables, avg_tmp_tables_per_query, tmp_tables_to_disk_pct, first_seen, last_seen, digest ) AS SELECT sys.format_statement(DIGEST_TEXT) AS query, SCHEMA_NAME as db, COUNT_STAR AS exec_count, sys.format_time(SUM_TIMER_WAIT) as total_latency, SUM_CREATED_TMP_TABLES AS memory_tmp_tables, SUM_CREATED_TMP_DISK_TABLES AS disk_tmp_tables, ROUND(IFNULL(SUM_CREATED_TMP_TABLES / NULLIF(COUNT_STAR, 0), 0)) AS avg_tmp_tables_per_query, ROUND(IFNULL(SUM_CREATED_TMP_DISK_TABLES / NULLIF(SUM_CREATED_TMP_TABLES, 0), 0) * 100) AS tmp_tables_to_disk_pct, FIRST_SEEN as first_seen, LAST_SEEN as last_seen, DIGEST AS digest FROM performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_digest WHERE SUM_CREATED_TMP_TABLES > 0 ORDER BY SUM_CREATED_TMP_DISK_TABLES DESC, SUM_CREATED_TMP_TABLES DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = MERGE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW x$statements_with_temp_tables ( query, db, exec_count, total_latency, memory_tmp_tables, disk_tmp_tables, avg_tmp_tables_per_query, tmp_tables_to_disk_pct, first_seen, last_seen, digest ) AS SELECT DIGEST_TEXT AS query, SCHEMA_NAME as db, COUNT_STAR AS exec_count, SUM_TIMER_WAIT as total_latency, SUM_CREATED_TMP_TABLES AS memory_tmp_tables, SUM_CREATED_TMP_DISK_TABLES AS disk_tmp_tables, ROUND(IFNULL(SUM_CREATED_TMP_TABLES / NULLIF(COUNT_STAR, 0), 0)) AS avg_tmp_tables_per_query, ROUND(IFNULL(SUM_CREATED_TMP_DISK_TABLES / NULLIF(SUM_CREATED_TMP_TABLES, 0), 0) * 100) AS tmp_tables_to_disk_pct, FIRST_SEEN as first_seen, LAST_SEEN as last_seen, DIGEST AS digest FROM performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_digest WHERE SUM_CREATED_TMP_TABLES > 0 ORDER BY SUM_CREATED_TMP_DISK_TABLES DESC, SUM_CREATED_TMP_TABLES DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = MERGE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW user_summary_by_file_io_type ( user, event_name, total, latency, max_latency ) AS SELECT IF(user IS NULL, 'background', user) AS user, event_name, count_star AS total, sys.format_time(sum_timer_wait) AS latency, sys.format_time(max_timer_wait) AS max_latency FROM performance_schema.events_waits_summary_by_user_by_event_name WHERE event_name LIKE 'wait/io/file%' AND count_star > 0 ORDER BY user, sum_timer_wait DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = MERGE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW x$user_summary_by_file_io_type ( user, event_name, total, latency, max_latency ) AS SELECT IF(user IS NULL, 'background', user) AS user, event_name, count_star AS total, sum_timer_wait AS latency, max_timer_wait AS max_latency FROM performance_schema.events_waits_summary_by_user_by_event_name WHERE event_name LIKE 'wait/io/file%' AND count_star > 0 ORDER BY user, sum_timer_wait DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = TEMPTABLE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW user_summary_by_file_io ( user, ios, io_latency ) AS SELECT IF(user IS NULL, 'background', user) AS user, SUM(count_star) AS ios, sys.format_time(SUM(sum_timer_wait)) AS io_latency FROM performance_schema.events_waits_summary_by_user_by_event_name WHERE event_name LIKE 'wait/io/file/%' GROUP BY IF(user IS NULL, 'background', user) ORDER BY SUM(sum_timer_wait) DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = TEMPTABLE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW x$user_summary_by_file_io ( user, ios, io_latency ) AS SELECT IF(user IS NULL, 'background', user) AS user, SUM(count_star) AS ios, SUM(sum_timer_wait) AS io_latency FROM performance_schema.events_waits_summary_by_user_by_event_name WHERE event_name LIKE 'wait/io/file/%' GROUP BY IF(user IS NULL, 'background', user) ORDER BY SUM(sum_timer_wait) DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = MERGE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW user_summary_by_statement_type ( user, statement, total, total_latency, max_latency, lock_latency, rows_sent, rows_examined, rows_affected, full_scans ) AS SELECT IF(user IS NULL, 'background', user) AS user, SUBSTRING_INDEX(event_name, '/', -1) AS statement, count_star AS total, sys.format_time(sum_timer_wait) AS total_latency, sys.format_time(max_timer_wait) AS max_latency, sys.format_time(sum_lock_time) AS lock_latency, sum_rows_sent AS rows_sent, sum_rows_examined AS rows_examined, sum_rows_affected AS rows_affected, sum_no_index_used + sum_no_good_index_used AS full_scans FROM performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_user_by_event_name WHERE sum_timer_wait != 0 ORDER BY user, sum_timer_wait DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = MERGE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW x$user_summary_by_statement_type ( user, statement, total, total_latency, max_latency, lock_latency, rows_sent, rows_examined, rows_affected, full_scans ) AS SELECT IF(user IS NULL, 'background', user) AS user, SUBSTRING_INDEX(event_name, '/', -1) AS statement, count_star AS total, sum_timer_wait AS total_latency, max_timer_wait AS max_latency, sum_lock_time AS lock_latency, sum_rows_sent AS rows_sent, sum_rows_examined AS rows_examined, sum_rows_affected AS rows_affected, sum_no_index_used + sum_no_good_index_used AS full_scans FROM performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_user_by_event_name WHERE sum_timer_wait != 0 ORDER BY user, sum_timer_wait DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = TEMPTABLE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW user_summary_by_statement_latency ( user, total, total_latency, max_latency, lock_latency, rows_sent, rows_examined, rows_affected, full_scans ) AS SELECT IF(user IS NULL, 'background', user) AS user, SUM(count_star) AS total, sys.format_time(SUM(sum_timer_wait)) AS total_latency, sys.format_time(SUM(max_timer_wait)) AS max_latency, sys.format_time(SUM(sum_lock_time)) AS lock_latency, SUM(sum_rows_sent) AS rows_sent, SUM(sum_rows_examined) AS rows_examined, SUM(sum_rows_affected) AS rows_affected, SUM(sum_no_index_used) + SUM(sum_no_good_index_used) AS full_scans FROM performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_user_by_event_name GROUP BY IF(user IS NULL, 'background', user) ORDER BY SUM(sum_timer_wait) DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = TEMPTABLE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW x$user_summary_by_statement_latency ( user, total, total_latency, max_latency, lock_latency, rows_sent, rows_examined, rows_affected, full_scans ) AS SELECT IF(user IS NULL, 'background', user) AS user, SUM(count_star) AS total, SUM(sum_timer_wait) AS total_latency, SUM(max_timer_wait) AS max_latency, SUM(sum_lock_time) AS lock_latency, SUM(sum_rows_sent) AS rows_sent, SUM(sum_rows_examined) AS rows_examined, SUM(sum_rows_affected) AS rows_affected, SUM(sum_no_index_used) + SUM(sum_no_good_index_used) AS full_scans FROM performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_user_by_event_name GROUP BY IF(user IS NULL, 'background', user) ORDER BY SUM(sum_timer_wait) DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = MERGE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW user_summary_by_stages ( user, event_name, total, total_latency, avg_latency ) AS SELECT IF(user IS NULL, 'background', user) AS user, event_name, count_star AS total, sys.format_time(sum_timer_wait) AS total_latency, sys.format_time(avg_timer_wait) AS avg_latency FROM performance_schema.events_stages_summary_by_user_by_event_name WHERE sum_timer_wait != 0 ORDER BY user, sum_timer_wait DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = MERGE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW x$user_summary_by_stages ( user, event_name, total, total_latency, avg_latency ) AS SELECT IF(user IS NULL, 'background', user) AS user, event_name, count_star AS total, sum_timer_wait AS total_latency, avg_timer_wait AS avg_latency FROM performance_schema.events_stages_summary_by_user_by_event_name WHERE sum_timer_wait != 0 ORDER BY user, sum_timer_wait DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = TEMPTABLE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW user_summary ( user, statements, statement_latency, statement_avg_latency, table_scans, file_ios, file_io_latency, current_connections, total_connections, unique_hosts, current_memory, total_memory_allocated ) AS SELECT IF(accounts.user IS NULL, 'background', accounts.user) AS user, SUM(stmt.total) AS statements, sys.format_time(SUM(stmt.total_latency)) AS statement_latency, sys.format_time(IFNULL(SUM(stmt.total_latency) / NULLIF(SUM(stmt.total), 0), 0)) AS statement_avg_latency, SUM(stmt.full_scans) AS table_scans, SUM(io.ios) AS file_ios, sys.format_time(SUM(io.io_latency)) AS file_io_latency, SUM(accounts.current_connections) AS current_connections, SUM(accounts.total_connections) AS total_connections, COUNT(DISTINCT host) AS unique_hosts, sys.format_bytes(SUM(mem.current_allocated)) AS current_memory, sys.format_bytes(SUM(mem.total_allocated)) AS total_memory_allocated FROM performance_schema.accounts LEFT JOIN sys.x$user_summary_by_statement_latency AS stmt ON IF(accounts.user IS NULL, 'background', accounts.user) = stmt.user LEFT JOIN sys.x$user_summary_by_file_io AS io ON IF(accounts.user IS NULL, 'background', accounts.user) = io.user LEFT JOIN sys.x$memory_by_user_by_current_bytes mem ON IF(accounts.user IS NULL, 'background', accounts.user) = mem.user GROUP BY IF(accounts.user IS NULL, 'background', accounts.user) ORDER BY SUM(stmt.total_latency) DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = TEMPTABLE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW x$user_summary ( user, statements, statement_latency, statement_avg_latency, table_scans, file_ios, file_io_latency, current_connections, total_connections, unique_hosts, current_memory, total_memory_allocated ) AS SELECT IF(accounts.user IS NULL, 'background', accounts.user) AS user, SUM(stmt.total) AS statements, SUM(stmt.total_latency) AS statement_latency, IFNULL(SUM(stmt.total_latency) / NULLIF(SUM(stmt.total), 0), 0) AS statement_avg_latency, SUM(stmt.full_scans) AS table_scans, SUM(io.ios) AS file_ios, SUM(io.io_latency) AS file_io_latency, SUM(accounts.current_connections) AS current_connections, SUM(accounts.total_connections) AS total_connections, COUNT(DISTINCT host) AS unique_hosts, SUM(mem.current_allocated) AS current_memory, SUM(mem.total_allocated) AS total_memory_allocated FROM performance_schema.accounts LEFT JOIN sys.x$user_summary_by_statement_latency AS stmt ON IF(accounts.user IS NULL, 'background', accounts.user) = stmt.user LEFT JOIN sys.x$user_summary_by_file_io AS io ON IF(accounts.user IS NULL, 'background', accounts.user) = io.user LEFT JOIN sys.x$memory_by_user_by_current_bytes mem ON IF(accounts.user IS NULL, 'background', accounts.user) = mem.user GROUP BY IF(accounts.user IS NULL, 'background', accounts.user) ORDER BY SUM(stmt.total_latency) DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = MERGE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW host_summary_by_file_io_type ( host, event_name, total, total_latency, max_latency ) AS SELECT IF(host IS NULL, 'background', host) AS host, event_name, count_star AS total, sys.format_time(sum_timer_wait) AS total_latency, sys.format_time(max_timer_wait) AS max_latency FROM performance_schema.events_waits_summary_by_host_by_event_name WHERE event_name LIKE 'wait/io/file%' AND count_star > 0 ORDER BY IF(host IS NULL, 'background', host), sum_timer_wait DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = MERGE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW x$host_summary_by_file_io_type ( host, event_name, total, total_latency, max_latency ) AS SELECT IF(host IS NULL, 'background', host) AS host, event_name, count_star AS total, sum_timer_wait AS total_latency, max_timer_wait AS max_latency FROM performance_schema.events_waits_summary_by_host_by_event_name WHERE event_name LIKE 'wait/io/file%' AND count_star > 0 ORDER BY IF(host IS NULL, 'background', host), sum_timer_wait DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = TEMPTABLE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW host_summary_by_file_io ( host, ios, io_latency ) AS SELECT IF(host IS NULL, 'background', host) AS host, SUM(count_star) AS ios, sys.format_time(SUM(sum_timer_wait)) AS io_latency FROM performance_schema.events_waits_summary_by_host_by_event_name WHERE event_name LIKE 'wait/io/file/%' GROUP BY IF(host IS NULL, 'background', host) ORDER BY SUM(sum_timer_wait) DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = TEMPTABLE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW x$host_summary_by_file_io ( host, ios, io_latency ) AS SELECT IF(host IS NULL, 'background', host) AS host, SUM(count_star) AS ios, SUM(sum_timer_wait) AS io_latency FROM performance_schema.events_waits_summary_by_host_by_event_name WHERE event_name LIKE 'wait/io/file/%' GROUP BY IF(host IS NULL, 'background', host) ORDER BY SUM(sum_timer_wait) DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = MERGE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW host_summary_by_statement_type ( host, statement, total, total_latency, max_latency, lock_latency, rows_sent, rows_examined, rows_affected, full_scans ) AS SELECT IF(host IS NULL, 'background', host) AS host, SUBSTRING_INDEX(event_name, '/', -1) AS statement, count_star AS total, sys.format_time(sum_timer_wait) AS total_latency, sys.format_time(max_timer_wait) AS max_latency, sys.format_time(sum_lock_time) AS lock_latency, sum_rows_sent AS rows_sent, sum_rows_examined AS rows_examined, sum_rows_affected AS rows_affected, sum_no_index_used + sum_no_good_index_used AS full_scans FROM performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_host_by_event_name WHERE sum_timer_wait != 0 ORDER BY IF(host IS NULL, 'background', host), sum_timer_wait DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = MERGE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW x$host_summary_by_statement_type ( host, statement, total, total_latency, max_latency, lock_latency, rows_sent, rows_examined, rows_affected, full_scans ) AS SELECT IF(host IS NULL, 'background', host) AS host, SUBSTRING_INDEX(event_name, '/', -1) AS statement, count_star AS total, sum_timer_wait AS total_latency, max_timer_wait AS max_latency, sum_lock_time AS lock_latency, sum_rows_sent AS rows_sent, sum_rows_examined AS rows_examined, sum_rows_affected AS rows_affected, sum_no_index_used + sum_no_good_index_used AS full_scans FROM performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_host_by_event_name WHERE sum_timer_wait != 0 ORDER BY IF(host IS NULL, 'background', host), sum_timer_wait DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = TEMPTABLE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW host_summary_by_statement_latency ( host, total, total_latency, max_latency, lock_latency, rows_sent, rows_examined, rows_affected, full_scans ) AS SELECT IF(host IS NULL, 'background', host) AS host, SUM(count_star) AS total, sys.format_time(SUM(sum_timer_wait)) AS total_latency, sys.format_time(MAX(max_timer_wait)) AS max_latency, sys.format_time(SUM(sum_lock_time)) AS lock_latency, SUM(sum_rows_sent) AS rows_sent, SUM(sum_rows_examined) AS rows_examined, SUM(sum_rows_affected) AS rows_affected, SUM(sum_no_index_used) + SUM(sum_no_good_index_used) AS full_scans FROM performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_host_by_event_name GROUP BY IF(host IS NULL, 'background', host) ORDER BY SUM(sum_timer_wait) DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = TEMPTABLE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW x$host_summary_by_statement_latency ( host, total, total_latency, max_latency, lock_latency, rows_sent, rows_examined, rows_affected, full_scans ) AS SELECT IF(host IS NULL, 'background', host) AS host, SUM(count_star) AS total, SUM(sum_timer_wait) AS total_latency, MAX(max_timer_wait) AS max_latency, SUM(sum_lock_time) AS lock_latency, SUM(sum_rows_sent) AS rows_sent, SUM(sum_rows_examined) AS rows_examined, SUM(sum_rows_affected) AS rows_affected, SUM(sum_no_index_used) + SUM(sum_no_good_index_used) AS full_scans FROM performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_host_by_event_name GROUP BY IF(host IS NULL, 'background', host) ORDER BY SUM(sum_timer_wait) DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = MERGE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW host_summary_by_stages ( host, event_name, total, total_latency, avg_latency ) AS SELECT IF(host IS NULL, 'background', host) AS host, event_name, count_star AS total, sys.format_time(sum_timer_wait) AS total_latency, sys.format_time(avg_timer_wait) AS avg_latency FROM performance_schema.events_stages_summary_by_host_by_event_name WHERE sum_timer_wait != 0 ORDER BY IF(host IS NULL, 'background', host), sum_timer_wait DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = MERGE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW x$host_summary_by_stages ( host, event_name, total, total_latency, avg_latency ) AS SELECT IF(host IS NULL, 'background', host) AS host, event_name, count_star AS total, sum_timer_wait AS total_latency, avg_timer_wait AS avg_latency FROM performance_schema.events_stages_summary_by_host_by_event_name WHERE sum_timer_wait != 0 ORDER BY IF(host IS NULL, 'background', host), sum_timer_wait DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = TEMPTABLE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW host_summary ( host, statements, statement_latency, statement_avg_latency, table_scans, file_ios, file_io_latency, current_connections, total_connections, unique_users, current_memory, total_memory_allocated ) AS SELECT IF(accounts.host IS NULL, 'background', accounts.host) AS host, SUM(stmt.total) AS statements, sys.format_time(SUM(stmt.total_latency)) AS statement_latency, sys.format_time(IFNULL(SUM(stmt.total_latency) / NULLIF(SUM(stmt.total), 0), 0)) AS statement_avg_latency, SUM(stmt.full_scans) AS table_scans, SUM(io.ios) AS file_ios, sys.format_time(SUM(io.io_latency)) AS file_io_latency, SUM(accounts.current_connections) AS current_connections, SUM(accounts.total_connections) AS total_connections, COUNT(DISTINCT user) AS unique_users, sys.format_bytes(SUM(mem.current_allocated)) AS current_memory, sys.format_bytes(SUM(mem.total_allocated)) AS total_memory_allocated FROM performance_schema.accounts JOIN sys.x$host_summary_by_statement_latency AS stmt ON accounts.host = stmt.host JOIN sys.x$host_summary_by_file_io AS io ON accounts.host = io.host JOIN sys.x$memory_by_host_by_current_bytes mem ON accounts.host = mem.host GROUP BY IF(accounts.host IS NULL, 'background', accounts.host); CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = TEMPTABLE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW x$host_summary ( host, statements, statement_latency, statement_avg_latency, table_scans, file_ios, file_io_latency, current_connections, total_connections, unique_users, current_memory, total_memory_allocated ) AS SELECT IF(accounts.host IS NULL, 'background', accounts.host) AS host, SUM(stmt.total) AS statements, SUM(stmt.total_latency) AS statement_latency, SUM(stmt.total_latency) / SUM(stmt.total) AS statement_avg_latency, SUM(stmt.full_scans) AS table_scans, SUM(io.ios) AS file_ios, SUM(io.io_latency) AS file_io_latency, SUM(accounts.current_connections) AS current_connections, SUM(accounts.total_connections) AS total_connections, COUNT(DISTINCT accounts.user) AS unique_users, SUM(mem.current_allocated) AS current_memory, SUM(mem.total_allocated) AS total_memory_allocated FROM performance_schema.accounts JOIN sys.x$host_summary_by_statement_latency AS stmt ON accounts.host = stmt.host JOIN sys.x$host_summary_by_file_io AS io ON accounts.host = io.host JOIN sys.x$memory_by_host_by_current_bytes mem ON accounts.host = mem.host GROUP BY IF(accounts.host IS NULL, 'background', accounts.host); CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = TEMPTABLE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW wait_classes_global_by_avg_latency ( event_class, total, total_latency, min_latency, avg_latency, max_latency ) AS SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX(event_name,'/', 3) AS event_class, SUM(COUNT_STAR) AS total, sys.format_time(CAST(SUM(sum_timer_wait) AS UNSIGNED)) AS total_latency, sys.format_time(MIN(min_timer_wait)) AS min_latency, sys.format_time(IFNULL(SUM(sum_timer_wait) / NULLIF(SUM(COUNT_STAR), 0), 0)) AS avg_latency, sys.format_time(CAST(MAX(max_timer_wait) AS UNSIGNED)) AS max_latency FROM performance_schema.events_waits_summary_global_by_event_name WHERE sum_timer_wait > 0 AND event_name != 'idle' GROUP BY event_class ORDER BY IFNULL(SUM(sum_timer_wait) / NULLIF(SUM(COUNT_STAR), 0), 0) DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = TEMPTABLE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW x$wait_classes_global_by_avg_latency ( event_class, total, total_latency, min_latency, avg_latency, max_latency ) AS SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX(event_name,'/', 3) AS event_class, SUM(COUNT_STAR) AS total, SUM(sum_timer_wait) AS total_latency, MIN(min_timer_wait) AS min_latency, IFNULL(SUM(sum_timer_wait) / NULLIF(SUM(COUNT_STAR), 0), 0) AS avg_latency, MAX(max_timer_wait) AS max_latency FROM performance_schema.events_waits_summary_global_by_event_name WHERE sum_timer_wait > 0 AND event_name != 'idle' GROUP BY event_class ORDER BY IFNULL(SUM(sum_timer_wait) / NULLIF(SUM(COUNT_STAR), 0), 0) DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = TEMPTABLE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW wait_classes_global_by_latency ( event_class, total, total_latency, min_latency, avg_latency, max_latency ) AS SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX(event_name,'/', 3) AS event_class, SUM(COUNT_STAR) AS total, sys.format_time(SUM(sum_timer_wait)) AS total_latency, sys.format_time(MIN(min_timer_wait)) min_latency, sys.format_time(IFNULL(SUM(sum_timer_wait) / NULLIF(SUM(COUNT_STAR), 0), 0)) AS avg_latency, sys.format_time(MAX(max_timer_wait)) AS max_latency FROM performance_schema.events_waits_summary_global_by_event_name WHERE sum_timer_wait > 0 AND event_name != 'idle' GROUP BY SUBSTRING_INDEX(event_name,'/', 3) ORDER BY SUM(sum_timer_wait) DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = TEMPTABLE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW x$wait_classes_global_by_latency ( event_class, total, total_latency, min_latency, avg_latency, max_latency ) AS SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX(event_name,'/', 3) AS event_class, SUM(COUNT_STAR) AS total, SUM(sum_timer_wait) AS total_latency, MIN(min_timer_wait) AS min_latency, IFNULL(SUM(sum_timer_wait) / NULLIF(SUM(COUNT_STAR), 0), 0) AS avg_latency, MAX(max_timer_wait) AS max_latency FROM performance_schema.events_waits_summary_global_by_event_name WHERE sum_timer_wait > 0 AND event_name != 'idle' GROUP BY SUBSTRING_INDEX(event_name,'/', 3) ORDER BY SUM(sum_timer_wait) DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = MERGE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW waits_by_user_by_latency ( user, event, total, total_latency, avg_latency, max_latency ) AS SELECT IF(user IS NULL, 'background', user) AS user, event_name AS event, count_star AS total, sys.format_time(sum_timer_wait) AS total_latency, sys.format_time(avg_timer_wait) AS avg_latency, sys.format_time(max_timer_wait) AS max_latency FROM performance_schema.events_waits_summary_by_user_by_event_name WHERE event_name != 'idle' AND user IS NOT NULL AND sum_timer_wait > 0 ORDER BY user, sum_timer_wait DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = MERGE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW x$waits_by_user_by_latency ( user, event, total, total_latency, avg_latency, max_latency ) AS SELECT IF(user IS NULL, 'background', user) AS user, event_name AS event, count_star AS total, sum_timer_wait AS total_latency, avg_timer_wait AS avg_latency, max_timer_wait AS max_latency FROM performance_schema.events_waits_summary_by_user_by_event_name WHERE event_name != 'idle' AND user IS NOT NULL AND sum_timer_wait > 0 ORDER BY user, sum_timer_wait DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = MERGE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW waits_by_host_by_latency ( host, event, total, total_latency, avg_latency, max_latency ) AS SELECT IF(host IS NULL, 'background', host) AS host, event_name AS event, count_star AS total, sys.format_time(sum_timer_wait) AS total_latency, sys.format_time(avg_timer_wait) AS avg_latency, sys.format_time(max_timer_wait) AS max_latency FROM performance_schema.events_waits_summary_by_host_by_event_name WHERE event_name != 'idle' AND sum_timer_wait > 0 ORDER BY host, sum_timer_wait DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = MERGE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW x$waits_by_host_by_latency ( host, event, total, total_latency, avg_latency, max_latency ) AS SELECT IF(host IS NULL, 'background', host) AS host, event_name AS event, count_star AS total, sum_timer_wait AS total_latency, avg_timer_wait AS avg_latency, max_timer_wait AS max_latency FROM performance_schema.events_waits_summary_by_host_by_event_name WHERE event_name != 'idle' AND sum_timer_wait > 0 ORDER BY host, sum_timer_wait DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = MERGE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW waits_global_by_latency ( events, total, total_latency, avg_latency, max_latency ) AS SELECT event_name AS event, count_star AS total, sys.format_time(sum_timer_wait) AS total_latency, sys.format_time(avg_timer_wait) AS avg_latency, sys.format_time(max_timer_wait) AS max_latency FROM performance_schema.events_waits_summary_global_by_event_name WHERE event_name != 'idle' AND sum_timer_wait > 0 ORDER BY sum_timer_wait DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = MERGE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW x$waits_global_by_latency ( events, total, total_latency, avg_latency, max_latency ) AS SELECT event_name AS event, count_star AS total, sum_timer_wait AS total_latency, avg_timer_wait AS avg_latency, max_timer_wait AS max_latency FROM performance_schema.events_waits_summary_global_by_event_name WHERE event_name != 'idle' AND sum_timer_wait > 0 ORDER BY sum_timer_wait DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = TEMPTABLE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW metrics ( Variable_name, Variable_value, Type, Enabled ) AS ( SELECT LOWER(VARIABLE_NAME) AS Variable_name, VARIABLE_VALUE AS Variable_value, 'Global Status' AS Type, 'YES' AS Enabled FROM performance_schema.global_status ) UNION ALL ( SELECT NAME AS Variable_name, COUNT AS Variable_value, CONCAT('InnoDB Metrics - ', SUBSYSTEM) AS Type, IF(STATUS = 'enabled', 'YES', 'NO') AS Enabled FROM information_schema.INNODB_METRICS WHERE NAME NOT IN ( 'lock_row_lock_time', 'lock_row_lock_time_avg', 'lock_row_lock_time_max', 'lock_row_lock_waits', 'buffer_pool_reads', 'buffer_pool_read_requests', 'buffer_pool_write_requests', 'buffer_pool_wait_free', 'buffer_pool_read_ahead', 'buffer_pool_read_ahead_evicted', 'buffer_pool_pages_total', 'buffer_pool_pages_misc', 'buffer_pool_pages_data', 'buffer_pool_bytes_data', 'buffer_pool_pages_dirty', 'buffer_pool_bytes_dirty', 'buffer_pool_pages_free', 'buffer_pages_created', 'buffer_pages_written', 'buffer_pages_read', 'buffer_data_reads', 'buffer_data_written', 'file_num_open_files', 'os_log_bytes_written', 'os_log_fsyncs', 'os_log_pending_fsyncs', 'os_log_pending_writes', 'log_waits', 'log_write_requests', 'log_writes', 'innodb_dblwr_writes', 'innodb_dblwr_pages_written', 'innodb_page_size') ) /*!50702 UNION ALL ( SELECT 'memory_current_allocated' AS Variable_name, SUM(CURRENT_NUMBER_OF_BYTES_USED) AS Variable_value, 'Performance Schema' AS Type, IF((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM performance_schema.setup_instruments WHERE NAME LIKE 'memory/%' AND ENABLED = 'YES') = 0, 'NO', IF((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM performance_schema.setup_instruments WHERE NAME LIKE 'memory/%' AND ENABLED = 'YES') = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM performance_schema.setup_instruments WHERE NAME LIKE 'memory/%'), 'YES', 'PARTIAL')) AS Enabled FROM performance_schema.memory_summary_global_by_event_name ) UNION ALL ( SELECT 'memory_total_allocated' AS Variable_name, SUM(SUM_NUMBER_OF_BYTES_ALLOC) AS Variable_value, 'Performance Schema' AS Type, IF((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM performance_schema.setup_instruments WHERE NAME LIKE 'memory/%' AND ENABLED = 'YES') = 0, 'NO', IF((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM performance_schema.setup_instruments WHERE NAME LIKE 'memory/%' AND ENABLED = 'YES') = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM performance_schema.setup_instruments WHERE NAME LIKE 'memory/%'), 'YES', 'PARTIAL')) AS Enabled FROM performance_schema.memory_summary_global_by_event_name ) */ UNION ALL ( SELECT 'NOW()' AS Variable_name, NOW(3) AS Variable_value, 'System Time' AS Type, 'YES' AS Enabled ) UNION ALL ( SELECT 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP()' AS Variable_name, ROUND(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW(3)), 3) AS Variable_value, 'System Time' AS Type, 'YES' AS Enabled ) ORDER BY Type, Variable_name; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = TEMPTABLE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW processlist ( thd_id, conn_id, user, db, command, state, time, current_statement, statement_latency, progress, lock_latency, rows_examined, rows_sent, rows_affected, tmp_tables, tmp_disk_tables, full_scan, last_statement, last_statement_latency, current_memory, last_wait, last_wait_latency, source, trx_latency, trx_state, trx_autocommit, pid, program_name ) AS SELECT pps.thread_id AS thd_id, pps.processlist_id AS conn_id, IF(pps.name = 'thread/sql/one_connection', CONCAT(pps.processlist_user, '@', pps.processlist_host), REPLACE(pps.name, 'thread/', '')) user, pps.processlist_db AS db, pps.processlist_command AS command, pps.processlist_state AS state, pps.processlist_time AS time, sys.format_statement(pps.processlist_info) AS current_statement, IF(esc.end_event_id IS NULL, sys.format_time(esc.timer_wait), NULL) AS statement_latency, IF(esc.end_event_id IS NULL, ROUND(100 * (estc.work_completed / estc.work_estimated), 2), NULL) AS progress, sys.format_time(esc.lock_time) AS lock_latency, esc.rows_examined AS rows_examined, esc.rows_sent AS rows_sent, esc.rows_affected AS rows_affected, esc.created_tmp_tables AS tmp_tables, esc.created_tmp_disk_tables AS tmp_disk_tables, IF(esc.no_good_index_used > 0 OR esc.no_index_used > 0, 'YES', 'NO') AS full_scan, IF(esc.end_event_id IS NOT NULL, sys.format_statement(esc.sql_text), NULL) AS last_statement, IF(esc.end_event_id IS NOT NULL, sys.format_time(esc.timer_wait), NULL) AS last_statement_latency, sys.format_bytes(mem.current_allocated) AS current_memory, ewc.event_name AS last_wait, IF(ewc.end_event_id IS NULL AND ewc.event_name IS NOT NULL, 'Still Waiting', sys.format_time(ewc.timer_wait)) last_wait_latency, ewc.source, sys.format_time(etc.timer_wait) AS trx_latency, etc.state AS trx_state, etc.autocommit AS trx_autocommit, conattr_pid.attr_value as pid, conattr_progname.attr_value as program_name FROM performance_schema.threads AS pps LEFT JOIN performance_schema.events_waits_current AS ewc USING (thread_id) LEFT JOIN performance_schema.events_stages_current AS estc USING (thread_id) LEFT JOIN performance_schema.events_statements_current AS esc USING (thread_id) LEFT JOIN performance_schema.events_transactions_current AS etc USING (thread_id) LEFT JOIN sys.x$memory_by_thread_by_current_bytes AS mem USING (thread_id) LEFT JOIN performance_schema.session_connect_attrs AS conattr_pid ON conattr_pid.processlist_id=pps.processlist_id and conattr_pid.attr_name='_pid' LEFT JOIN performance_schema.session_connect_attrs AS conattr_progname ON conattr_progname.processlist_id=pps.processlist_id and conattr_progname.attr_name='program_name' ORDER BY pps.processlist_time DESC, last_wait_latency DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = TEMPTABLE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW x$processlist ( thd_id, conn_id, user, db, command, state, time, current_statement, statement_latency, progress, lock_latency, rows_examined, rows_sent, rows_affected, tmp_tables, tmp_disk_tables, full_scan, last_statement, last_statement_latency, current_memory, last_wait, last_wait_latency, source, trx_latency, trx_state, trx_autocommit, pid, program_name ) AS SELECT pps.thread_id AS thd_id, pps.processlist_id AS conn_id, IF(pps.name = 'thread/sql/one_connection', CONCAT(pps.processlist_user, '@', pps.processlist_host), REPLACE(pps.name, 'thread/', '')) user, pps.processlist_db AS db, pps.processlist_command AS command, pps.processlist_state AS state, pps.processlist_time AS time, pps.processlist_info AS current_statement, IF(esc.end_event_id IS NULL, esc.timer_wait, NULL) AS statement_latency, IF(esc.end_event_id IS NULL, ROUND(100 * (estc.work_completed / estc.work_estimated), 2), NULL) AS progress, esc.lock_time AS lock_latency, esc.rows_examined AS rows_examined, esc.rows_sent AS rows_sent, esc.rows_affected AS rows_affected, esc.created_tmp_tables AS tmp_tables, esc.created_tmp_disk_tables AS tmp_disk_tables, IF(esc.no_good_index_used > 0 OR esc.no_index_used > 0, 'YES', 'NO') AS full_scan, IF(esc.end_event_id IS NOT NULL, esc.sql_text, NULL) AS last_statement, IF(esc.end_event_id IS NOT NULL, esc.timer_wait, NULL) AS last_statement_latency, mem.current_allocated AS current_memory, ewc.event_name AS last_wait, IF(ewc.end_event_id IS NULL AND ewc.event_name IS NOT NULL, 'Still Waiting', ewc.timer_wait) last_wait_latency, ewc.source, etc.timer_wait AS trx_latency, etc.state AS trx_state, etc.autocommit AS trx_autocommit, conattr_pid.attr_value as pid, conattr_progname.attr_value as program_name FROM performance_schema.threads AS pps LEFT JOIN performance_schema.events_waits_current AS ewc USING (thread_id) LEFT JOIN performance_schema.events_stages_current AS estc USING (thread_id) LEFT JOIN performance_schema.events_statements_current AS esc USING (thread_id) LEFT JOIN performance_schema.events_transactions_current AS etc USING (thread_id) LEFT JOIN sys.x$memory_by_thread_by_current_bytes AS mem USING (thread_id) LEFT JOIN performance_schema.session_connect_attrs AS conattr_pid ON conattr_pid.processlist_id=pps.processlist_id and conattr_pid.attr_name='_pid' LEFT JOIN performance_schema.session_connect_attrs AS conattr_progname ON conattr_progname.processlist_id=pps.processlist_id and conattr_progname.attr_name='program_name' ORDER BY pps.processlist_time DESC, last_wait_latency DESC; CREATE OR REPLACE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW session AS SELECT * FROM sys.processlist WHERE conn_id IS NOT NULL AND command != 'Daemon'; CREATE OR REPLACE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW x$session AS SELECT * FROM sys.x$processlist WHERE conn_id IS NOT NULL AND command != 'Daemon'; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM = MERGE DEFINER = 'mysql.sys'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW session_ssl_status ( thread_id, ssl_version, ssl_cipher, ssl_sessions_reused ) AS SELECT sslver.thread_id, sslver.variable_value ssl_version, sslcip.variable_value ssl_cipher, sslreuse.variable_value ssl_sessions_reused FROM performance_schema.status_by_thread sslver LEFT JOIN performance_schema.status_by_thread sslcip ON (sslcip.thread_id=sslver.thread_id and sslcip.variable_name='Ssl_cipher') LEFT JOIN performance_schema.status_by_thread sslreuse ON (sslreuse.thread_id=sslver.thread_id and sslreuse.variable_name='Ssl_sessions_reused') WHERE sslver.variable_name='Ssl_version'; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS create_synonym_db; CREATE DEFINER='mysql.sys'@'localhost' PROCEDURE create_synonym_db ( IN in_db_name VARCHAR(64), IN in_synonym VARCHAR(64) ) COMMENT '\n Description\n \n Takes a source database name and synonym name, and then creates the \n synonym database with views that point to all of the tables within\n the source database.\n \n Useful for creating a "ps" synonym for "performance_schema",\n or "is" instead of "information_schema", for example.\n \n Parameters\n \n in_db_name (VARCHAR(64)):\n The database name that you would like to create a synonym for.\n in_synonym (VARCHAR(64)):\n The database synonym name.\n \n Example\n \n mysql> SHOW DATABASES;\n +--------------------+\n | Database |\n +--------------------+\n | information_schema |\n | mysql |\n | performance_schema |\n | sys |\n | test |\n +--------------------+\n 5 rows in set (0.00 sec)\n \n mysql> CALL sys.create_synonym_db(\'performance_schema\', \'ps\');\n +---------------------------------------+\n | summary |\n +---------------------------------------+\n | Created 74 views in the `ps` database |\n +---------------------------------------+\n 1 row in set (8.57 sec)\n \n Query OK, 0 rows affected (8.57 sec)\n \n mysql> SHOW DATABASES;\n +--------------------+\n | Database |\n +--------------------+\n | information_schema |\n | mysql |\n | performance_schema |\n | ps |\n | sys |\n | test |\n +--------------------+\n 6 rows in set (0.00 sec)\n \n mysql> SHOW FULL TABLES FROM ps;\n +------------------------------------------------------+------------+\n | Tables_in_ps | Table_type |\n +------------------------------------------------------+------------+\n | accounts | VIEW |\n | cond_instances | VIEW |\n | events_stages_current | VIEW |\n | events_stages_history | VIEW |\n ...\n ' SQL SECURITY INVOKER NOT DETERMINISTIC MODIFIES SQL DATA BEGIN DECLARE v_done bool DEFAULT FALSE; DECLARE v_db_name_check VARCHAR(64); DECLARE v_db_err_msg TEXT; DECLARE v_table VARCHAR(64); DECLARE v_views_created INT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE db_doesnt_exist CONDITION FOR SQLSTATE '42000'; DECLARE db_name_exists CONDITION FOR SQLSTATE 'HY000'; DECLARE c_table_names CURSOR FOR SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = in_db_name; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET v_done = TRUE; SELECT SCHEMA_NAME INTO v_db_name_check FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SCHEMATA WHERE SCHEMA_NAME = in_db_name; IF v_db_name_check IS NULL THEN SET v_db_err_msg = CONCAT('Unknown database ', in_db_name); SIGNAL SQLSTATE 'HY000' SET MESSAGE_TEXT = v_db_err_msg; END IF; SELECT SCHEMA_NAME INTO v_db_name_check FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SCHEMATA WHERE SCHEMA_NAME = in_synonym; IF v_db_name_check = in_synonym THEN SET v_db_err_msg = CONCAT('Can\'t create database ', in_synonym, '; database exists'); SIGNAL SQLSTATE 'HY000' SET MESSAGE_TEXT = v_db_err_msg; END IF; SET @create_db_stmt := CONCAT('CREATE DATABASE ', sys.quote_identifier(in_synonym)); PREPARE create_db_stmt FROM @create_db_stmt; EXECUTE create_db_stmt; DEALLOCATE PREPARE create_db_stmt; SET v_done = FALSE; OPEN c_table_names; c_table_names: LOOP FETCH c_table_names INTO v_table; IF v_done THEN LEAVE c_table_names; END IF; SET @create_view_stmt = CONCAT( 'CREATE SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW ', sys.quote_identifier(in_synonym), '.', sys.quote_identifier(v_table), ' AS SELECT * FROM ', sys.quote_identifier(in_db_name), '.', sys.quote_identifier(v_table) ); PREPARE create_view_stmt FROM @create_view_stmt; EXECUTE create_view_stmt; DEALLOCATE PREPARE create_view_stmt; SET v_views_created = v_views_created + 1; END LOOP; CLOSE c_table_names; SELECT CONCAT( 'Created ', v_views_created, ' view', IF(v_views_created != 1, 's', ''), ' in the ', sys.quote_identifier(in_synonym), ' database' ) AS summary; END; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS execute_prepared_stmt; CREATE DEFINER='mysql.sys'@'localhost' PROCEDURE execute_prepared_stmt ( IN in_query longtext CHARACTER SET UTF8 ) COMMENT '\n Description\n \n Takes the query in the argument and executes it using a prepared statement. The prepared statement is deallocated,\n so the procedure is mainly useful for executing one off dynamically created queries.\n \n The sys_execute_prepared_stmt prepared statement name is used for the query and is required not to exist.\n \n \n Parameters\n \n in_query (longtext CHARACTER SET UTF8):\n The query to execute.\n \n \n Configuration Options\n \n sys.debug\n Whether to provide debugging output.\n Default is ''OFF''. Set to ''ON'' to include.\n \n \n Example\n \n mysql> CALL sys.execute_prepared_stmt(''SELECT * FROM sys.sys_config'');\n +------------------------+-------+---------------------+--------+\n | variable | value | set_time | set_by |\n +------------------------+-------+---------------------+--------+\n | statement_truncate_len | 64 | 2015-06-30 13:06:00 | NULL |\n +------------------------+-------+---------------------+--------+\n 1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n \n Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)\n ' SQL SECURITY INVOKER NOT DETERMINISTIC READS SQL DATA BEGIN IF (@sys.debug IS NULL) THEN SET @sys.debug = sys.sys_get_config('debug', 'OFF'); END IF; IF (in_query IS NULL OR LENGTH(in_query) < 4) THEN SIGNAL SQLSTATE '45000' SET MESSAGE_TEXT = "The @sys.execute_prepared_stmt.sql must contain a query"; END IF; SET @sys.execute_prepared_stmt.sql = in_query; IF (@sys.debug = 'ON') THEN SELECT @sys.execute_prepared_stmt.sql AS 'Debug'; END IF; PREPARE sys_execute_prepared_stmt FROM @sys.execute_prepared_stmt.sql; EXECUTE sys_execute_prepared_stmt; DEALLOCATE PREPARE sys_execute_prepared_stmt; SET @sys.execute_prepared_stmt.sql = NULL; END; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS diagnostics; CREATE DEFINER='mysql.sys'@'localhost' PROCEDURE diagnostics ( IN in_max_runtime int unsigned, IN in_interval int unsigned, IN in_auto_config enum ('current', 'medium', 'full') ) COMMENT '\n Description\n \n Create a report of the current status of the server for diagnostics purposes. Data collected includes (some items depends on versions and settings):\n \n * The GLOBAL VARIABLES\n * Several sys schema views including metrics or equivalent (depending on version and settings)\n * Queries in the 95th percentile\n * Several ndbinfo views for MySQL Cluster\n * Replication (both master and slave) information.\n \n Some of the sys schema views are calculated as initial (optional), overall, delta:\n \n * The initial view is the content of the view at the start of this procedure.\n This output will be the same as the the start values used for the delta view.\n The initial view is included if @sys.diagnostics.include_raw = ''ON''.\n * The overall view is the content of the view at the end of this procedure.\n This output is the same as the end values used for the delta view.\n The overall view is always included.\n * The delta view is the difference from the beginning to the end. Note that for min and max values\n they are simply the min or max value from the end view respectively, so does not necessarily reflect\n the minimum/maximum value in the monitored period.\n Note: except for the metrics views the delta is only calculation between the first and last outputs.\n \n Requires the SUPER privilege for "SET sql_log_bin = 0;".\n \n Versions supported:\n * MySQL 5.6: 5.6.10 and later\n * MySQL 5.7: 5.7.9 and later\n \n Parameters\n \n in_max_runtime (INT UNSIGNED):\n The maximum time to keep collecting data.\n Use NULL to get the default which is 60 seconds, otherwise enter a value greater than 0.\n in_interval (INT UNSIGNED):\n How long to sleep between data collections.\n Use NULL to get the default which is 30 seconds, otherwise enter a value greater than 0.\n in_auto_config (ENUM(''current'', ''medium'', ''full''))\n Automatically enable Performance Schema instruments and consumers.\n NOTE: The more that are enabled, the more impact on the performance.\n Supported values are:\n * current - use the current settings.\n * medium - enable some settings.\n * full - enables all settings. This will have a big impact on the\n performance - be careful using this option.\n If another setting the ''current'' is chosen, the current settings\n are restored at the end of the procedure.\n \n \n Configuration Options\n \n sys.diagnostics.allow_i_s_tables\n Specifies whether it is allowed to do table scan queries on information_schema.TABLES. This can be expensive if there\n are many tables. Set to ''ON'' to allow, ''OFF'' to not allow.\n Default is ''OFF''.\n \n sys.diagnostics.include_raw\n Set to ''ON'' to include the raw data (e.g. the original output of "SELECT * FROM sys.metrics").\n Use this to get the initial values of the various views.\n Default is ''OFF''.\n \n sys.statement_truncate_len\n How much of queries in the process list output to include.\n Default is 64.\n \n sys.debug\n Whether to provide debugging output.\n Default is ''OFF''. Set to ''ON'' to include.\n \n \n Example\n \n To create a report and append it to the file diag.out:\n \n mysql> TEE diag.out;\n mysql> CALL sys.diagnostics(120, 30, ''current'');\n ...\n mysql> NOTEE;\n ' SQL SECURITY INVOKER NOT DETERMINISTIC READS SQL DATA BEGIN DECLARE v_start, v_runtime, v_iter_start, v_sleep DECIMAL(20,2) DEFAULT 0.0; DECLARE v_has_innodb, v_has_ndb, v_has_ps, v_has_replication, v_has_ps_replication VARCHAR(8) CHARSET utf8 DEFAULT 'NO'; DECLARE v_this_thread_enabled, v_has_ps_vars, v_has_metrics ENUM('YES', 'NO'); DECLARE v_table_name, v_banner VARCHAR(64) CHARSET utf8; DECLARE v_sql_status_summary_select, v_sql_status_summary_delta, v_sql_status_summary_from, v_no_delta_names TEXT; DECLARE v_output_time, v_output_time_prev DECIMAL(20,3) UNSIGNED; DECLARE v_output_count, v_count, v_old_group_concat_max_len INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0; DECLARE v_status_summary_width TINYINT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 50; DECLARE v_done BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE; DECLARE c_ndbinfo CURSOR FOR SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = 'ndbinfo' AND TABLE_NAME NOT IN ( 'blocks', 'config_params', 'dict_obj_types', 'disk_write_speed_base', 'memory_per_fragment', 'memoryusage', 'operations_per_fragment', 'threadblocks' ); DECLARE c_sysviews_w_delta CURSOR FOR SELECT table_name FROM tmp_sys_views_delta ORDER BY table_name; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET v_done = TRUE; SELECT INSTRUMENTED INTO v_this_thread_enabled FROM performance_schema.threads WHERE PROCESSLIST_ID = CONNECTION_ID(); IF (v_this_thread_enabled = 'YES') THEN CALL sys.ps_setup_disable_thread(CONNECTION_ID()); END IF; IF (in_max_runtime < in_interval) THEN SIGNAL SQLSTATE '45000' SET MESSAGE_TEXT = 'in_max_runtime must be greater than or equal to in_interval'; END IF; IF (in_max_runtime = 0) THEN SIGNAL SQLSTATE '45000' SET MESSAGE_TEXT = 'in_max_runtime must be greater than 0'; END IF; IF (in_interval = 0) THEN SIGNAL SQLSTATE '45000' SET MESSAGE_TEXT = 'in_interval must be greater than 0'; END IF; IF (@sys.diagnostics.allow_i_s_tables IS NULL) THEN SET @sys.diagnostics.allow_i_s_tables = sys.sys_get_config('diagnostics.allow_i_s_tables', 'OFF'); END IF; IF (@sys.diagnostics.include_raw IS NULL) THEN SET @sys.diagnostics.include_raw = sys.sys_get_config('diagnostics.include_raw' , 'OFF'); END IF; IF (@sys.debug IS NULL) THEN SET @sys.debug = sys.sys_get_config('debug' , 'OFF'); END IF; IF (@sys.statement_truncate_len IS NULL) THEN SET @sys.statement_truncate_len = sys.sys_get_config('statement_truncate_len' , '64' ); END IF; SET @log_bin := @@sql_log_bin; IF (@log_bin = 1) THEN SET sql_log_bin = 0; END IF; SET v_no_delta_names = CONCAT('s%{COUNT}.Variable_name NOT IN (', '''innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total'', ', '''innodb_page_size'', ', '''last_query_cost'', ', '''last_query_partial_plans'', ', '''qcache_total_blocks'', ', '''slave_last_heartbeat'', ', '''ssl_ctx_verify_depth'', ', '''ssl_ctx_verify_mode'', ', '''ssl_session_cache_size'', ', '''ssl_verify_depth'', ', '''ssl_verify_mode'', ', '''ssl_version'', ', '''buffer_flush_lsn_avg_rate'', ', '''buffer_flush_pct_for_dirty'', ', '''buffer_flush_pct_for_lsn'', ', '''buffer_pool_pages_total'', ', '''lock_row_lock_time_avg'', ', '''lock_row_lock_time_max'', ', '''innodb_page_size''', ')'); IF (in_auto_config <> 'current') THEN IF (@sys.debug = 'ON') THEN SELECT CONCAT('Updating Performance Schema configuration to ', in_auto_config) AS 'Debug'; END IF; CALL sys.ps_setup_save(0); IF (in_auto_config = 'medium') THEN UPDATE performance_schema.setup_consumers SET ENABLED = 'YES' WHERE NAME NOT LIKE '%\_history%'; UPDATE performance_schema.setup_instruments SET ENABLED = 'YES', TIMED = 'YES' WHERE NAME NOT LIKE 'wait/synch/%'; ELSEIF (in_auto_config = 'full') THEN UPDATE performance_schema.setup_consumers SET ENABLED = 'YES'; UPDATE performance_schema.setup_instruments SET ENABLED = 'YES', TIMED = 'YES'; END IF; UPDATE performance_schema.threads SET INSTRUMENTED = 'YES' WHERE PROCESSLIST_ID <> CONNECTION_ID(); END IF; SET v_start = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW(2)), in_interval = IFNULL(in_interval, 30), in_max_runtime = IFNULL(in_max_runtime, 60); SET v_banner = REPEAT( '-', LEAST( GREATEST( 36, CHAR_LENGTH(VERSION()), CHAR_LENGTH(@@global.version_comment), CHAR_LENGTH(@@global.version_compile_os), CHAR_LENGTH(@@global.version_compile_machine), CHAR_LENGTH(@@global.socket), CHAR_LENGTH(@@global.datadir) ), 64 ) ); SELECT 'Hostname' AS 'Name', @@global.hostname AS 'Value' UNION ALL SELECT 'Port' AS 'Name', @@global.port AS 'Value' UNION ALL SELECT 'Socket' AS 'Name', @@global.socket AS 'Value' UNION ALL SELECT 'Datadir' AS 'Name', @@global.datadir AS 'Value' UNION ALL SELECT 'Server UUID' AS 'Name', @@global.server_uuid AS 'Value' UNION ALL SELECT REPEAT('-', 23) AS 'Name', v_banner AS 'Value' UNION ALL SELECT 'MySQL Version' AS 'Name', VERSION() AS 'Value' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sys Schema Version' AS 'Name', (SELECT sys_version FROM sys.version) AS 'Value' UNION ALL SELECT 'Version Comment' AS 'Name', @@global.version_comment AS 'Value' UNION ALL SELECT 'Version Compile OS' AS 'Name', @@global.version_compile_os AS 'Value' UNION ALL SELECT 'Version Compile Machine' AS 'Name', @@global.version_compile_machine AS 'Value' UNION ALL SELECT REPEAT('-', 23) AS 'Name', v_banner AS 'Value' UNION ALL SELECT 'UTC Time' AS 'Name', UTC_TIMESTAMP() AS 'Value' UNION ALL SELECT 'Local Time' AS 'Name', NOW() AS 'Value' UNION ALL SELECT 'Time Zone' AS 'Name', @@global.time_zone AS 'Value' UNION ALL SELECT 'System Time Zone' AS 'Name', @@global.system_time_zone AS 'Value' UNION ALL SELECT 'Time Zone Offset' AS 'Name', TIMEDIFF(NOW(), UTC_TIMESTAMP()) AS 'Value'; SET v_has_innodb = IFNULL((SELECT SUPPORT FROM information_schema.ENGINES WHERE ENGINE = 'InnoDB'), 'NO'), v_has_ndb = IFNULL((SELECT SUPPORT FROM information_schema.ENGINES WHERE ENGINE = 'NDBCluster'), 'NO'), v_has_ps = IFNULL((SELECT SUPPORT FROM information_schema.ENGINES WHERE ENGINE = 'PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA'), 'NO'), v_has_ps_replication = IF(v_has_ps = 'YES' AND EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = 'performance_schema' AND TABLE_NAME = 'replication_applier_status'), 'YES', 'NO' ), v_has_replication = /*!50707 IF(v_has_ps_replication = 'YES', IF((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM performance_schema.replication_connection_status) > 0, 'YES', 'NO'),*/ IF(@@master_info_repository = 'TABLE', IF((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mysql.slave_master_info) > 0, 'YES', 'NO'), IF(@@relay_log_info_repository = 'TABLE', IF((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mysql.slave_relay_log_info) > 0, 'YES', 'NO'), 'MAYBE'))/*!50707 )*/, v_has_metrics = IF(v_has_ps = 'YES' OR (sys.version_major() = 5 AND sys.version_minor() = 6), 'YES', 'NO'), v_has_ps_vars = 'NO'; /*!50707 SET v_has_ps_vars = IF(@@global.show_compatibility_56, 'NO', 'YES');*/ /*!50709 SET v_has_ps_vars = 'YES';*/ IF (@sys.debug = 'ON') THEN SELECT v_has_innodb AS 'Has_InnoDB', v_has_ndb AS 'Has_NDBCluster', v_has_ps AS 'Has_Performance_Schema', v_has_ps_vars AS 'Has_P_S_SHOW_Variables', v_has_metrics AS 'Has_metrics', v_has_ps_replication 'AS Has_P_S_Replication', v_has_replication AS 'Has_Replication'; END IF; IF (v_has_innodb IN ('DEFAULT', 'YES')) THEN SET @sys.diagnostics.sql = 'SHOW ENGINE InnoDB STATUS'; PREPARE stmt_innodb_status FROM @sys.diagnostics.sql; END IF; IF (v_has_ps = 'YES') THEN SET @sys.diagnostics.sql = 'SHOW ENGINE PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA STATUS'; PREPARE stmt_ps_status FROM @sys.diagnostics.sql; END IF; IF (v_has_ndb IN ('DEFAULT', 'YES')) THEN SET @sys.diagnostics.sql = 'SHOW ENGINE NDBCLUSTER STATUS'; PREPARE stmt_ndbcluster_status FROM @sys.diagnostics.sql; END IF; SET @sys.diagnostics.sql_gen_query_template = 'SELECT CONCAT( ''SELECT '', GROUP_CONCAT( CASE WHEN (SUBSTRING(TABLE_NAME, 3), COLUMN_NAME) IN ( (''io_global_by_file_by_bytes'', ''total''), (''io_global_by_wait_by_bytes'', ''total_requested'') ) THEN CONCAT(''sys.format_bytes('', COLUMN_NAME, '') AS '', COLUMN_NAME) WHEN SUBSTRING(COLUMN_NAME, -8) = ''_latency'' THEN CONCAT(''sys.format_time('', COLUMN_NAME, '') AS '', COLUMN_NAME) WHEN SUBSTRING(COLUMN_NAME, -7) = ''_memory'' OR SUBSTRING(COLUMN_NAME, -17) = ''_memory_allocated'' OR ((SUBSTRING(COLUMN_NAME, -5) = ''_read'' OR SUBSTRING(COLUMN_NAME, -8) = ''_written'' OR SUBSTRING(COLUMN_NAME, -6) = ''_write'') AND SUBSTRING(COLUMN_NAME, 1, 6) <> ''COUNT_'') THEN CONCAT(''sys.format_bytes('', COLUMN_NAME, '') AS '', COLUMN_NAME) ELSE COLUMN_NAME END ORDER BY ORDINAL_POSITION SEPARATOR '',\n '' ), ''\n FROM tmp_'', SUBSTRING(TABLE_NAME FROM 3), ''_%{OUTPUT}'' ) AS Query INTO @sys.diagnostics.sql_select FROM information_schema.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = ''sys'' AND TABLE_NAME = ? GROUP BY TABLE_NAME'; SET @sys.diagnostics.sql_gen_query_delta = 'SELECT CONCAT( ''SELECT '', GROUP_CONCAT( CASE WHEN FIND_IN_SET(COLUMN_NAME, diag.pk) THEN COLUMN_NAME WHEN diag.TABLE_NAME = ''io_global_by_file_by_bytes'' AND COLUMN_NAME = ''write_pct'' THEN CONCAT(''IFNULL(ROUND(100-(((e.total_read-IFNULL(s.total_read, 0))'', ''/NULLIF(((e.total_read-IFNULL(s.total_read, 0))+(e.total_written-IFNULL(s.total_written, 0))), 0))*100), 2), 0.00) AS '', COLUMN_NAME) WHEN (diag.TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME) IN ( (''io_global_by_file_by_bytes'', ''total''), (''io_global_by_wait_by_bytes'', ''total_requested'') ) THEN CONCAT(''sys.format_bytes(e.'', COLUMN_NAME, ''-IFNULL(s.'', COLUMN_NAME, '', 0)) AS '', COLUMN_NAME) WHEN SUBSTRING(COLUMN_NAME, 1, 4) IN (''max_'', ''min_'') AND SUBSTRING(COLUMN_NAME, -8) = ''_latency'' THEN CONCAT(''sys.format_time(e.'', COLUMN_NAME, '') AS '', COLUMN_NAME) WHEN COLUMN_NAME = ''avg_latency'' THEN CONCAT(''sys.format_time((e.total_latency - IFNULL(s.total_latency, 0))'', ''/NULLIF(e.total - IFNULL(s.total, 0), 0)) AS '', COLUMN_NAME) WHEN SUBSTRING(COLUMN_NAME, -12) = ''_avg_latency'' THEN CONCAT(''sys.format_time((e.'', SUBSTRING(COLUMN_NAME FROM 1 FOR CHAR_LENGTH(COLUMN_NAME)-12), ''_latency - IFNULL(s.'', SUBSTRING(COLUMN_NAME FROM 1 FOR CHAR_LENGTH(COLUMN_NAME)-12), ''_latency, 0))'', ''/NULLIF(e.'', SUBSTRING(COLUMN_NAME FROM 1 FOR CHAR_LENGTH(COLUMN_NAME)-12), ''s - IFNULL(s.'', SUBSTRING(COLUMN_NAME FROM 1 FOR CHAR_LENGTH(COLUMN_NAME)-12), ''s, 0), 0)) AS '', COLUMN_NAME) WHEN SUBSTRING(COLUMN_NAME, -8) = ''_latency'' THEN CONCAT(''sys.format_time(e.'', COLUMN_NAME, '' - IFNULL(s.'', COLUMN_NAME, '', 0)) AS '', COLUMN_NAME) WHEN COLUMN_NAME IN (''avg_read'', ''avg_write'', ''avg_written'') THEN CONCAT(''sys.format_bytes(IFNULL((e.total_'', IF(COLUMN_NAME = ''avg_read'', ''read'', ''written''), ''-IFNULL(s.total_'', IF(COLUMN_NAME = ''avg_read'', ''read'', ''written''), '', 0))'', ''/NULLIF(e.count_'', IF(COLUMN_NAME = ''avg_read'', ''read'', ''write''), ''-IFNULL(s.count_'', IF(COLUMN_NAME = ''avg_read'', ''read'', ''write''), '', 0), 0), 0)) AS '', COLUMN_NAME) WHEN SUBSTRING(COLUMN_NAME, -7) = ''_memory'' OR SUBSTRING(COLUMN_NAME, -17) = ''_memory_allocated'' OR ((SUBSTRING(COLUMN_NAME, -5) = ''_read'' OR SUBSTRING(COLUMN_NAME, -8) = ''_written'' OR SUBSTRING(COLUMN_NAME, -6) = ''_write'') AND SUBSTRING(COLUMN_NAME, 1, 6) <> ''COUNT_'') THEN CONCAT(''sys.format_bytes(e.'', COLUMN_NAME, '' - IFNULL(s.'', COLUMN_NAME, '', 0)) AS '', COLUMN_NAME) ELSE CONCAT(''(e.'', COLUMN_NAME, '' - IFNULL(s.'', COLUMN_NAME, '', 0)) AS '', COLUMN_NAME) END ORDER BY ORDINAL_POSITION SEPARATOR '',\n '' ), ''\n FROM tmp_'', diag.TABLE_NAME, ''_end e LEFT OUTER JOIN tmp_'', diag.TABLE_NAME, ''_start s USING ('', diag.pk, '')'' ) AS Query INTO @sys.diagnostics.sql_select FROM tmp_sys_views_delta diag INNER JOIN information_schema.COLUMNS c ON c.TABLE_NAME = CONCAT(''x$'', diag.TABLE_NAME) WHERE c.TABLE_SCHEMA = ''sys'' AND diag.TABLE_NAME = ? GROUP BY diag.TABLE_NAME'; IF (v_has_ps = 'YES') THEN DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS tmp_sys_views_delta; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_sys_views_delta ( TABLE_NAME varchar(64) NOT NULL, order_by text COMMENT 'ORDER BY clause for the initial and overall views', order_by_delta text COMMENT 'ORDER BY clause for the delta views', where_delta text COMMENT 'WHERE clause to use for delta views to only include rows with a "count" > 0', limit_rows int unsigned COMMENT 'The maximum number of rows to include for the view', pk varchar(128) COMMENT 'Used with the FIND_IN_SET() function so use comma separated list without whitespace', PRIMARY KEY (TABLE_NAME) ); IF (@sys.debug = 'ON') THEN SELECT 'Populating tmp_sys_views_delta' AS 'Debug'; END IF; INSERT INTO tmp_sys_views_delta VALUES ('host_summary' , '%{TABLE}.statement_latency DESC', '(e.statement_latency-IFNULL(s.statement_latency, 0)) DESC', '(e.statements - IFNULL(s.statements, 0)) > 0', NULL, 'host'), ('host_summary_by_file_io' , '%{TABLE}.io_latency DESC', '(e.io_latency-IFNULL(s.io_latency, 0)) DESC', '(e.ios - IFNULL(s.ios, 0)) > 0', NULL, 'host'), ('host_summary_by_file_io_type' , '%{TABLE}.host, %{TABLE}.total_latency DESC', 'e.host, (e.total_latency-IFNULL(s.total_latency, 0)) DESC', '(e.total - IFNULL(s.total, 0)) > 0', NULL, 'host,event_name'), ('host_summary_by_stages' , '%{TABLE}.host, %{TABLE}.total_latency DESC', 'e.host, (e.total_latency-IFNULL(s.total_latency, 0)) DESC', '(e.total - IFNULL(s.total, 0)) > 0', NULL, 'host,event_name'), ('host_summary_by_statement_latency' , '%{TABLE}.total_latency DESC', '(e.total_latency-IFNULL(s.total_latency, 0)) DESC', '(e.total - IFNULL(s.total, 0)) > 0', NULL, 'host'), ('host_summary_by_statement_type' , '%{TABLE}.host, %{TABLE}.total_latency DESC', 'e.host, (e.total_latency-IFNULL(s.total_latency, 0)) DESC', '(e.total - IFNULL(s.total, 0)) > 0', NULL, 'host,statement'), ('io_by_thread_by_latency' , '%{TABLE}.total_latency DESC', '(e.total_latency-IFNULL(s.total_latency, 0)) DESC', '(e.total - IFNULL(s.total, 0)) > 0', NULL, 'user,thread_id,processlist_id'), ('io_global_by_file_by_bytes' , '%{TABLE}.total DESC', '(e.total-IFNULL(s.total, 0)) DESC', '(e.total - IFNULL(s.total, 0)) > 0', 100, 'file'), ('io_global_by_file_by_latency' , '%{TABLE}.total_latency DESC', '(e.total_latency-IFNULL(s.total_latency, 0)) DESC', '(e.total - IFNULL(s.total, 0)) > 0', 100, 'file'), ('io_global_by_wait_by_bytes' , '%{TABLE}.total_requested DESC', '(e.total_requested-IFNULL(s.total_requested, 0)) DESC', '(e.total - IFNULL(s.total, 0)) > 0', NULL, 'event_name'), ('io_global_by_wait_by_latency' , '%{TABLE}.total_latency DESC', '(e.total_latency-IFNULL(s.total_latency, 0)) DESC', '(e.total - IFNULL(s.total, 0)) > 0', NULL, 'event_name'), ('schema_index_statistics' , '(%{TABLE}.select_latency+%{TABLE}.insert_latency+%{TABLE}.update_latency+%{TABLE}.delete_latency) DESC', '((e.select_latency+e.insert_latency+e.update_latency+e.delete_latency)-IFNULL(s.select_latency+s.insert_latency+s.update_latency+s.delete_latency, 0)) DESC', '((e.rows_selected+e.insert_latency+e.rows_updated+e.rows_deleted)-IFNULL(s.rows_selected+s.rows_inserted+s.rows_updated+s.rows_deleted, 0)) > 0', 100, 'table_schema,table_name,index_name'), ('schema_table_statistics' , '%{TABLE}.total_latency DESC', '(e.total_latency-IFNULL(s.total_latency, 0)) DESC', '(e.total_latency-IFNULL(s.total_latency, 0)) > 0', 100, 'table_schema,table_name'), ('schema_tables_with_full_table_scans', '%{TABLE}.rows_full_scanned DESC', '(e.rows_full_scanned-IFNULL(s.rows_full_scanned, 0)) DESC', '(e.rows_full_scanned-IFNULL(s.rows_full_scanned, 0)) > 0', 100, 'object_schema,object_name'), ('user_summary' , '%{TABLE}.statement_latency DESC', '(e.statement_latency-IFNULL(s.statement_latency, 0)) DESC', '(e.statements - IFNULL(s.statements, 0)) > 0', NULL, 'user'), ('user_summary_by_file_io' , '%{TABLE}.io_latency DESC', '(e.io_latency-IFNULL(s.io_latency, 0)) DESC', '(e.ios - IFNULL(s.ios, 0)) > 0', NULL, 'user'), ('user_summary_by_file_io_type' , '%{TABLE}.user, %{TABLE}.latency DESC', 'e.user, (e.latency-IFNULL(s.latency, 0)) DESC', '(e.total - IFNULL(s.total, 0)) > 0', NULL, 'user,event_name'), ('user_summary_by_stages' , '%{TABLE}.user, %{TABLE}.total_latency DESC', 'e.user, (e.total_latency-IFNULL(s.total_latency, 0)) DESC', '(e.total - IFNULL(s.total, 0)) > 0', NULL, 'user,event_name'), ('user_summary_by_statement_latency' , '%{TABLE}.total_latency DESC', '(e.total_latency-IFNULL(s.total_latency, 0)) DESC', '(e.total - IFNULL(s.total, 0)) > 0', NULL, 'user'), ('user_summary_by_statement_type' , '%{TABLE}.user, %{TABLE}.total_latency DESC', 'e.user, (e.total_latency-IFNULL(s.total_latency, 0)) DESC', '(e.total - IFNULL(s.total, 0)) > 0', NULL, 'user,statement'), ('wait_classes_global_by_avg_latency' , 'IFNULL(%{TABLE}.total_latency / NULLIF(%{TABLE}.total, 0), 0) DESC', 'IFNULL((e.total_latency-IFNULL(s.total_latency, 0)) / NULLIF((e.total - IFNULL(s.total, 0)), 0), 0) DESC', '(e.total - IFNULL(s.total, 0)) > 0', NULL, 'event_class'), ('wait_classes_global_by_latency' , '%{TABLE}.total_latency DESC', '(e.total_latency-IFNULL(s.total_latency, 0)) DESC', '(e.total - IFNULL(s.total, 0)) > 0', NULL, 'event_class'), ('waits_by_host_by_latency' , '%{TABLE}.host, %{TABLE}.total_latency DESC', 'e.host, (e.total_latency-IFNULL(s.total_latency, 0)) DESC', '(e.total - IFNULL(s.total, 0)) > 0', NULL, 'host,event'), ('waits_by_user_by_latency' , '%{TABLE}.user, %{TABLE}.total_latency DESC', 'e.user, (e.total_latency-IFNULL(s.total_latency, 0)) DESC', '(e.total - IFNULL(s.total, 0)) > 0', NULL, 'user,event'), ('waits_global_by_latency' , '%{TABLE}.total_latency DESC', '(e.total_latency-IFNULL(s.total_latency, 0)) DESC', '(e.total - IFNULL(s.total, 0)) > 0', NULL, 'events') ; END IF; SELECT ' ======================= Configuration ======================= ' AS ''; SELECT 'GLOBAL VARIABLES' AS 'The following output is:'; IF (v_has_ps_vars = 'YES') THEN SELECT LOWER(VARIABLE_NAME) AS Variable_name, VARIABLE_VALUE AS Variable_value FROM performance_schema.global_variables ORDER BY VARIABLE_NAME; ELSE SELECT LOWER(VARIABLE_NAME) AS Variable_name, VARIABLE_VALUE AS Variable_value FROM information_schema.GLOBAL_VARIABLES ORDER BY VARIABLE_NAME; END IF; IF (v_has_ps = 'YES') THEN SELECT 'Performance Schema Setup - Actors' AS 'The following output is:'; SELECT * FROM performance_schema.setup_actors; SELECT 'Performance Schema Setup - Consumers' AS 'The following output is:'; SELECT NAME AS Consumer, ENABLED, sys.ps_is_consumer_enabled(NAME) AS COLLECTS FROM performance_schema.setup_consumers; SELECT 'Performance Schema Setup - Instruments' AS 'The following output is:'; SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX(NAME, '/', 2) AS 'InstrumentClass', ROUND(100*SUM(IF(ENABLED = 'YES', 1, 0))/COUNT(*), 2) AS 'EnabledPct', ROUND(100*SUM(IF(TIMED = 'YES', 1, 0))/COUNT(*), 2) AS 'TimedPct' FROM performance_schema.setup_instruments GROUP BY SUBSTRING_INDEX(NAME, '/', 2) ORDER BY SUBSTRING_INDEX(NAME, '/', 2); SELECT 'Performance Schema Setup - Objects' AS 'The following output is:'; SELECT * FROM performance_schema.setup_objects; SELECT 'Performance Schema Setup - Threads' AS 'The following output is:'; SELECT `TYPE` AS ThreadType, COUNT(*) AS 'Total', ROUND(100*SUM(IF(INSTRUMENTED = 'YES', 1, 0))/COUNT(*), 2) AS 'InstrumentedPct' FROM performance_schema.threads GROUP BY TYPE; END IF; IF (v_has_replication = 'NO') THEN SELECT 'No Replication Configured' AS 'Replication Status'; ELSE SELECT CONCAT('Replication Configured: ', v_has_replication, ' - Performance Schema Replication Tables: ', v_has_ps_replication) AS 'Replication Status'; IF (v_has_ps_replication = 'YES') THEN SELECT 'Replication - Connection Configuration' AS 'The following output is:'; SELECT * FROM performance_schema.replication_connection_configuration/*!50706 ORDER BY CHANNEL_NAME*/; END IF; IF (v_has_ps_replication = 'YES') THEN SELECT 'Replication - Applier Configuration' AS 'The following output is:'; SELECT * FROM performance_schema.replication_applier_configuration ORDER BY CHANNEL_NAME; END IF; IF (@@master_info_repository = 'TABLE') THEN SELECT 'Replication - Master Info Repository Configuration' AS 'The following output is:'; SELECT /*!50706 Channel_name, */Host, User_name, Port, Connect_retry, Enabled_ssl, Ssl_ca, Ssl_capath, Ssl_cert, Ssl_cipher, Ssl_key, Ssl_verify_server_cert, Heartbeat, Bind, Ignored_server_ids, Uuid, Retry_count, Ssl_crl, Ssl_crlpath, Tls_version, Enabled_auto_position FROM mysql.slave_master_info/*!50706 ORDER BY Channel_name*/; END IF; IF (@@relay_log_info_repository = 'TABLE') THEN SELECT 'Replication - Relay Log Repository Configuration' AS 'The following output is:'; SELECT /*!50706 Channel_name, */Sql_delay, Number_of_workers, Id FROM mysql.slave_relay_log_info/*!50706 ORDER BY Channel_name*/; END IF; END IF; IF (v_has_ndb IN ('DEFAULT', 'YES')) THEN SELECT 'Cluster Thread Blocks' AS 'The following output is:'; SELECT * FROM ndbinfo.threadblocks; END IF; IF (v_has_ps = 'YES') THEN IF (@sys.diagnostics.include_raw = 'ON') THEN SELECT ' ======================== Initial Status ======================== ' AS ''; END IF; DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS tmp_digests_start; CALL sys.statement_performance_analyzer('create_tmp', 'tmp_digests_start', NULL); CALL sys.statement_performance_analyzer('snapshot', NULL, NULL); CALL sys.statement_performance_analyzer('save', 'tmp_digests_start', NULL); IF (@sys.diagnostics.include_raw = 'ON') THEN SET @sys.diagnostics.sql = REPLACE(@sys.diagnostics.sql_gen_query_template, '%{OUTPUT}', 'start'); IF (@sys.debug = 'ON') THEN SELECT 'The following query will be used to generate the query for each sys view' AS 'Debug'; SELECT @sys.diagnostics.sql AS 'Debug'; END IF; PREPARE stmt_gen_query FROM @sys.diagnostics.sql; END IF; SET v_done = FALSE; OPEN c_sysviews_w_delta; c_sysviews_w_delta_loop: LOOP FETCH c_sysviews_w_delta INTO v_table_name; IF v_done THEN LEAVE c_sysviews_w_delta_loop; END IF; IF (@sys.debug = 'ON') THEN SELECT CONCAT('The following queries are for storing the initial content of ', v_table_name) AS 'Debug'; END IF; CALL sys.execute_prepared_stmt(CONCAT('DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS `tmp_', v_table_name, '_start`')); CALL sys.execute_prepared_stmt(CONCAT('CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `tmp_', v_table_name, '_start` SELECT * FROM `sys`.`x$', v_table_name, '`')); IF (@sys.diagnostics.include_raw = 'ON') THEN SET @sys.diagnostics.table_name = CONCAT('x$', v_table_name); EXECUTE stmt_gen_query USING @sys.diagnostics.table_name; SELECT CONCAT(@sys.diagnostics.sql_select, IF(order_by IS NOT NULL, CONCAT('\n ORDER BY ', REPLACE(order_by, '%{TABLE}', CONCAT('tmp_', v_table_name, '_start'))), ''), IF(limit_rows IS NOT NULL, CONCAT('\n LIMIT ', limit_rows), '') ) INTO @sys.diagnostics.sql_select FROM tmp_sys_views_delta WHERE TABLE_NAME = v_table_name; SELECT CONCAT('Initial ', v_table_name) AS 'The following output is:'; CALL sys.execute_prepared_stmt(@sys.diagnostics.sql_select); END IF; END LOOP; CLOSE c_sysviews_w_delta; IF (@sys.diagnostics.include_raw = 'ON') THEN DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt_gen_query; END IF; END IF; SET v_sql_status_summary_select = 'SELECT Variable_name', v_sql_status_summary_delta = '', v_sql_status_summary_from = ''; REPEAT SET v_output_count = v_output_count + 1; IF (v_output_count > 1) THEN SET v_sleep = in_interval-(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW(2))-v_iter_start); SELECT NOW() AS 'Time', CONCAT('Going to sleep for ', v_sleep, ' seconds. Please do not interrupt') AS 'The following output is:'; DO SLEEP(in_interval); END IF; SET v_iter_start = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW(2)); SELECT NOW(), CONCAT('Iteration Number ', IFNULL(v_output_count, 'NULL')) AS 'The following output is:'; IF (@@log_bin = 1) THEN SELECT 'SHOW MASTER STATUS' AS 'The following output is:'; SHOW MASTER STATUS; END IF; IF (v_has_replication <> 'NO') THEN SELECT 'SHOW SLAVE STATUS' AS 'The following output is:'; SHOW SLAVE STATUS; IF (v_has_ps_replication = 'YES') THEN SELECT 'Replication Connection Status' AS 'The following output is:'; SELECT * FROM performance_schema.replication_connection_status; SELECT 'Replication Applier Status' AS 'The following output is:'; SELECT * FROM performance_schema.replication_applier_status ORDER BY CHANNEL_NAME; SELECT 'Replication Applier Status - Coordinator' AS 'The following output is:'; SELECT * FROM performance_schema.replication_applier_status_by_coordinator ORDER BY CHANNEL_NAME; SELECT 'Replication Applier Status - Worker' AS 'The following output is:'; SELECT * FROM performance_schema.replication_applier_status_by_worker ORDER BY CHANNEL_NAME, WORKER_ID; END IF; IF (@@master_info_repository = 'TABLE') THEN SELECT 'Replication - Master Log Status' AS 'The following output is:'; SELECT Master_log_name, Master_log_pos FROM mysql.slave_master_info; END IF; IF (@@relay_log_info_repository = 'TABLE') THEN SELECT 'Replication - Relay Log Status' AS 'The following output is:'; SELECT sys.format_path(Relay_log_name) AS Relay_log_name, Relay_log_pos, Master_log_name, Master_log_pos FROM mysql.slave_relay_log_info; SELECT 'Replication - Worker Status' AS 'The following output is:'; SELECT Id, sys.format_path(Relay_log_name) AS Relay_log_name, Relay_log_pos, Master_log_name, Master_log_pos, sys.format_path(Checkpoint_relay_log_name) AS Checkpoint_relay_log_name, Checkpoint_relay_log_pos, Checkpoint_master_log_name, Checkpoint_master_log_pos, Checkpoint_seqno, Checkpoint_group_size, HEX(Checkpoint_group_bitmap) AS Checkpoint_group_bitmap/*!50706 , Channel_name*/ FROM mysql.slave_worker_info ORDER BY /*!50706 Channel_name, */Id; END IF; END IF; SET v_table_name = CONCAT('tmp_metrics_', v_output_count); CALL sys.execute_prepared_stmt(CONCAT('DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS ', v_table_name)); CALL sys.execute_prepared_stmt(CONCAT('CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE ', v_table_name, ' ( Variable_name VARCHAR(193) NOT NULL, Variable_value VARCHAR(1024), Type VARCHAR(225) NOT NULL, Enabled ENUM(''YES'', ''NO'', ''PARTIAL'') NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Type, Variable_name) ) ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8')); IF (v_has_metrics) THEN SET @sys.diagnostics.sql = CONCAT( 'INSERT INTO ', v_table_name, ' SELECT Variable_name, REPLACE(Variable_value, ''\n'', ''\\\\n'') AS Variable_value, Type, Enabled FROM sys.metrics' ); ELSE SET @sys.diagnostics.sql = CONCAT( 'INSERT INTO ', v_table_name, '(SELECT LOWER(VARIABLE_NAME) AS Variable_name, REPLACE(VARIABLE_VALUE, ''\n'', ''\\\\n'') AS Variable_value, ''Global Status'' AS Type, ''YES'' AS Enabled FROM performance_schema.global_status ) UNION ALL ( SELECT NAME AS Variable_name, COUNT AS Variable_value, CONCAT(''InnoDB Metrics - '', SUBSYSTEM) AS Type, IF(STATUS = ''enabled'', ''YES'', ''NO'') AS Enabled FROM information_schema.INNODB_METRICS WHERE NAME NOT IN ( ''lock_row_lock_time'', ''lock_row_lock_time_avg'', ''lock_row_lock_time_max'', ''lock_row_lock_waits'', ''buffer_pool_reads'', ''buffer_pool_read_requests'', ''buffer_pool_write_requests'', ''buffer_pool_wait_free'', ''buffer_pool_read_ahead'', ''buffer_pool_read_ahead_evicted'', ''buffer_pool_pages_total'', ''buffer_pool_pages_misc'', ''buffer_pool_pages_data'', ''buffer_pool_bytes_data'', ''buffer_pool_pages_dirty'', ''buffer_pool_bytes_dirty'', ''buffer_pool_pages_free'', ''buffer_pages_created'', ''buffer_pages_written'', ''buffer_pages_read'', ''buffer_data_reads'', ''buffer_data_written'', ''file_num_open_files'', ''os_log_bytes_written'', ''os_log_fsyncs'', ''os_log_pending_fsyncs'', ''os_log_pending_writes'', ''log_waits'', ''log_write_requests'', ''log_writes'', ''innodb_dblwr_writes'', ''innodb_dblwr_pages_written'', ''innodb_page_size'') ) UNION ALL ( SELECT ''NOW()'' AS Variable_name, NOW(3) AS Variable_value, ''System Time'' AS Type, ''YES'' AS Enabled ) UNION ALL ( SELECT ''UNIX_TIMESTAMP()'' AS Variable_name, ROUND(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW(3)), 3) AS Variable_value, ''System Time'' AS Type, ''YES'' AS Enabled ) ORDER BY Type, Variable_name;' ); END IF; CALL sys.execute_prepared_stmt(@sys.diagnostics.sql); CALL sys.execute_prepared_stmt( CONCAT('(SELECT Variable_value INTO @sys.diagnostics.output_time FROM ', v_table_name, ' WHERE Type = ''System Time'' AND Variable_name = ''UNIX_TIMESTAMP()'')') ); SET v_output_time = @sys.diagnostics.output_time; SET v_sql_status_summary_select = CONCAT(v_sql_status_summary_select, ', CONCAT( LEFT(s', v_output_count, '.Variable_value, ', v_status_summary_width, '), IF(', REPLACE(v_no_delta_names, '%{COUNT}', v_output_count), ' AND s', v_output_count, '.Variable_value REGEXP ''^[0-9]+(\\\\.[0-9]+)?$'', CONCAT('' ('', ROUND(s', v_output_count, '.Variable_value/', v_output_time, ', 2), ''/sec)''), '''') ) AS ''Output ', v_output_count, ''''), v_sql_status_summary_from = CONCAT(v_sql_status_summary_from, ' ', IF(v_output_count = 1, ' FROM ', ' INNER JOIN '), v_table_name, ' s', v_output_count, IF (v_output_count = 1, '', ' USING (Type, Variable_name)')); IF (v_output_count > 1) THEN SET v_sql_status_summary_delta = CONCAT(v_sql_status_summary_delta, ', IF(', REPLACE(v_no_delta_names, '%{COUNT}', v_output_count), ' AND s', (v_output_count-1), '.Variable_value REGEXP ''^[0-9]+(\\\\.[0-9]+)?$'' AND s', v_output_count, '.Variable_value REGEXP ''^[0-9]+(\\\\.[0-9]+)?$'', CONCAT(IF(s', (v_output_count-1), '.Variable_value REGEXP ''^[0-9]+\\\\.[0-9]+$'' OR s', v_output_count, '.Variable_value REGEXP ''^[0-9]+\\\\.[0-9]+$'', ROUND((s', v_output_count, '.Variable_value-s', (v_output_count-1), '.Variable_value), 2), (s', v_output_count, '.Variable_value-s', (v_output_count-1), '.Variable_value) ), '' ('', ROUND((s', v_output_count, '.Variable_value-s', (v_output_count-1), '.Variable_value)/(', v_output_time, '-', v_output_time_prev, '), 2), ''/sec)'' ), '''' ) AS ''Delta (', (v_output_count-1), ' -> ', v_output_count, ')'''); END IF; SET v_output_time_prev = v_output_time; IF (@sys.diagnostics.include_raw = 'ON') THEN IF (v_has_metrics) THEN SELECT 'SELECT * FROM sys.metrics' AS 'The following output is:'; ELSE SELECT 'sys.metrics equivalent' AS 'The following output is:'; END IF; CALL sys.execute_prepared_stmt(CONCAT('SELECT Type, Variable_name, Enabled, Variable_value FROM ', v_table_name, ' ORDER BY Type, Variable_name')); END IF; IF (v_has_innodb IN ('DEFAULT', 'YES')) THEN SELECT 'SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS' AS 'The following output is:'; EXECUTE stmt_innodb_status; SELECT 'InnoDB - Transactions' AS 'The following output is:'; SELECT * FROM information_schema.INNODB_TRX; END IF; IF (v_has_ndb IN ('DEFAULT', 'YES')) THEN SELECT 'SHOW ENGINE NDBCLUSTER STATUS' AS 'The following output is:'; EXECUTE stmt_ndbcluster_status; SELECT 'ndbinfo.memoryusage' AS 'The following output is:'; SELECT node_id, memory_type, sys.format_bytes(used) AS used, used_pages, sys.format_bytes(total) AS total, total_pages, ROUND(100*(used/total), 2) AS 'Used %' FROM ndbinfo.memoryusage; SET v_done = FALSE; OPEN c_ndbinfo; c_ndbinfo_loop: LOOP FETCH c_ndbinfo INTO v_table_name; IF v_done THEN LEAVE c_ndbinfo_loop; END IF; SELECT CONCAT('SELECT * FROM ndbinfo.', v_table_name) AS 'The following output is:'; CALL sys.execute_prepared_stmt(CONCAT('SELECT * FROM `ndbinfo`.`', v_table_name, '`')); END LOOP; CLOSE c_ndbinfo; SELECT * FROM information_schema.FILES; END IF; SELECT 'SELECT * FROM sys.processlist' AS 'The following output is:'; SELECT processlist.* FROM sys.processlist; IF (v_has_ps = 'YES') THEN IF (sys.ps_is_consumer_enabled('events_waits_history_long') = 'YES') THEN SELECT 'SELECT * FROM sys.latest_file_io' AS 'The following output is:'; SELECT * FROM sys.latest_file_io; END IF; IF (EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM performance_schema.setup_instruments WHERE NAME LIKE 'memory/%' AND ENABLED = 'YES')) THEN SELECT 'SELECT * FROM sys.memory_by_host_by_current_bytes' AS 'The following output is:'; SELECT * FROM sys.memory_by_host_by_current_bytes; SELECT 'SELECT * FROM sys.memory_by_thread_by_current_bytes' AS 'The following output is:'; SELECT * FROM sys.memory_by_thread_by_current_bytes; SELECT 'SELECT * FROM sys.memory_by_user_by_current_bytes' AS 'The following output is:'; SELECT * FROM sys.memory_by_user_by_current_bytes; SELECT 'SELECT * FROM sys.memory_global_by_current_bytes' AS 'The following output is:'; SELECT * FROM sys.memory_global_by_current_bytes; END IF; END IF; SET v_runtime = (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW(2)) - v_start); UNTIL (v_runtime + in_interval >= in_max_runtime) END REPEAT; IF (v_has_ps = 'YES') THEN SELECT 'SHOW ENGINE PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA STATUS' AS 'The following output is:'; EXECUTE stmt_ps_status; END IF; IF (v_has_innodb IN ('DEFAULT', 'YES')) THEN DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt_innodb_status; END IF; IF (v_has_ps = 'YES') THEN DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt_ps_status; END IF; IF (v_has_ndb IN ('DEFAULT', 'YES')) THEN DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt_ndbcluster_status; END IF; SELECT ' ============================ Schema Information ============================ ' AS ''; SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'Total Number of Tables' FROM information_schema.TABLES; IF (@sys.diagnostics.allow_i_s_tables = 'ON') THEN SELECT 'Storage Engine Usage' AS 'The following output is:'; SELECT ENGINE, COUNT(*) AS NUM_TABLES, sys.format_bytes(SUM(DATA_LENGTH)) AS DATA_LENGTH, sys.format_bytes(SUM(INDEX_LENGTH)) AS INDEX_LENGTH, sys.format_bytes(SUM(DATA_LENGTH+INDEX_LENGTH)) AS TOTAL FROM information_schema.TABLES GROUP BY ENGINE; SELECT 'Schema Object Overview' AS 'The following output is:'; SELECT * FROM sys.schema_object_overview; SELECT 'Tables without a PRIMARY KEY' AS 'The following output is:'; SELECT TABLES.TABLE_SCHEMA, ENGINE, COUNT(*) AS NumTables FROM information_schema.TABLES LEFT OUTER JOIN information_schema.STATISTICS ON STATISTICS.TABLE_SCHEMA = TABLES.TABLE_SCHEMA AND STATISTICS.TABLE_NAME = TABLES.TABLE_NAME AND STATISTICS.INDEX_NAME = 'PRIMARY' WHERE STATISTICS.TABLE_NAME IS NULL AND TABLES.TABLE_SCHEMA NOT IN ('mysql', 'information_schema', 'performance_schema', 'sys') AND TABLES.TABLE_TYPE = 'BASE TABLE' GROUP BY TABLES.TABLE_SCHEMA, ENGINE; END IF; IF (v_has_ps = 'YES') THEN SELECT 'Unused Indexes' AS 'The following output is:'; SELECT object_schema, COUNT(*) AS NumUnusedIndexes FROM performance_schema.table_io_waits_summary_by_index_usage WHERE index_name IS NOT NULL AND count_star = 0 AND object_schema NOT IN ('mysql', 'sys') AND index_name != 'PRIMARY' GROUP BY object_schema; END IF; IF (v_has_ps = 'YES') THEN SELECT ' ========================= Overall Status ========================= ' AS ''; SELECT 'CALL sys.ps_statement_avg_latency_histogram()' AS 'The following output is:'; CALL sys.ps_statement_avg_latency_histogram(); CALL sys.statement_performance_analyzer('snapshot', NULL, NULL); CALL sys.statement_performance_analyzer('overall', NULL, 'with_runtimes_in_95th_percentile'); SET @sys.diagnostics.sql = REPLACE(@sys.diagnostics.sql_gen_query_template, '%{OUTPUT}', 'end'); IF (@sys.debug = 'ON') THEN SELECT 'The following query will be used to generate the query for each sys view' AS 'Debug'; SELECT @sys.diagnostics.sql AS 'Debug'; END IF; PREPARE stmt_gen_query FROM @sys.diagnostics.sql; SET v_done = FALSE; OPEN c_sysviews_w_delta; c_sysviews_w_delta_loop: LOOP FETCH c_sysviews_w_delta INTO v_table_name; IF v_done THEN LEAVE c_sysviews_w_delta_loop; END IF; IF (@sys.debug = 'ON') THEN SELECT CONCAT('The following queries are for storing the final content of ', v_table_name) AS 'Debug'; END IF; CALL sys.execute_prepared_stmt(CONCAT('DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS `tmp_', v_table_name, '_end`')); CALL sys.execute_prepared_stmt(CONCAT('CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `tmp_', v_table_name, '_end` SELECT * FROM `sys`.`x$', v_table_name, '`')); IF (@sys.diagnostics.include_raw = 'ON') THEN SET @sys.diagnostics.table_name = CONCAT('x$', v_table_name); EXECUTE stmt_gen_query USING @sys.diagnostics.table_name; SELECT CONCAT(@sys.diagnostics.sql_select, IF(order_by IS NOT NULL, CONCAT('\n ORDER BY ', REPLACE(order_by, '%{TABLE}', CONCAT('tmp_', v_table_name, '_end'))), ''), IF(limit_rows IS NOT NULL, CONCAT('\n LIMIT ', limit_rows), '') ) INTO @sys.diagnostics.sql_select FROM tmp_sys_views_delta WHERE TABLE_NAME = v_table_name; SELECT CONCAT('Overall ', v_table_name) AS 'The following output is:'; CALL sys.execute_prepared_stmt(@sys.diagnostics.sql_select); END IF; END LOOP; CLOSE c_sysviews_w_delta; DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt_gen_query; SELECT ' ====================== Delta Status ====================== ' AS ''; CALL sys.statement_performance_analyzer('delta', 'tmp_digests_start', 'with_runtimes_in_95th_percentile'); CALL sys.statement_performance_analyzer('cleanup', NULL, NULL); DROP TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_digests_start; IF (@sys.debug = 'ON') THEN SELECT 'The following query will be used to generate the query for each sys view delta' AS 'Debug'; SELECT @sys.diagnostics.sql_gen_query_delta AS 'Debug'; END IF; PREPARE stmt_gen_query_delta FROM @sys.diagnostics.sql_gen_query_delta; SET v_old_group_concat_max_len = @@session.group_concat_max_len; SET @@session.group_concat_max_len = 2048; SET v_done = FALSE; OPEN c_sysviews_w_delta; c_sysviews_w_delta_loop: LOOP FETCH c_sysviews_w_delta INTO v_table_name; IF v_done THEN LEAVE c_sysviews_w_delta_loop; END IF; SET @sys.diagnostics.table_name = v_table_name; EXECUTE stmt_gen_query_delta USING @sys.diagnostics.table_name; SELECT CONCAT(@sys.diagnostics.sql_select, IF(where_delta IS NOT NULL, CONCAT('\n WHERE ', where_delta), ''), IF(order_by_delta IS NOT NULL, CONCAT('\n ORDER BY ', order_by_delta), ''), IF(limit_rows IS NOT NULL, CONCAT('\n LIMIT ', limit_rows), '') ) INTO @sys.diagnostics.sql_select FROM tmp_sys_views_delta WHERE TABLE_NAME = v_table_name; SELECT CONCAT('Delta ', v_table_name) AS 'The following output is:'; CALL sys.execute_prepared_stmt(@sys.diagnostics.sql_select); CALL sys.execute_prepared_stmt(CONCAT('DROP TEMPORARY TABLE `tmp_', v_table_name, '_end`')); CALL sys.execute_prepared_stmt(CONCAT('DROP TEMPORARY TABLE `tmp_', v_table_name, '_start`')); END LOOP; CLOSE c_sysviews_w_delta; SET @@session.group_concat_max_len = v_old_group_concat_max_len; DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt_gen_query_delta; DROP TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_sys_views_delta; END IF; IF (v_has_metrics) THEN SELECT 'SELECT * FROM sys.metrics' AS 'The following output is:'; ELSE SELECT 'sys.metrics equivalent' AS 'The following output is:'; END IF; CALL sys.execute_prepared_stmt( CONCAT(v_sql_status_summary_select, v_sql_status_summary_delta, ', Type, s1.Enabled', v_sql_status_summary_from, ' ORDER BY Type, Variable_name' ) ); SET v_count = 0; WHILE (v_count < v_output_count) DO SET v_count = v_count + 1; SET v_table_name = CONCAT('tmp_metrics_', v_count); CALL sys.execute_prepared_stmt(CONCAT('DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS ', v_table_name)); END WHILE; IF (in_auto_config <> 'current') THEN CALL sys.ps_setup_reload_saved(); SET sql_log_bin = @log_bin; END IF; SET @sys.diagnostics.output_time = NULL, @sys.diagnostics.sql = NULL, @sys.diagnostics.sql_gen_query_delta = NULL, @sys.diagnostics.sql_gen_query_template = NULL, @sys.diagnostics.sql_select = NULL, @sys.diagnostics.table_name = NULL; IF (v_this_thread_enabled = 'YES') THEN CALL sys.ps_setup_enable_thread(CONNECTION_ID()); END IF; IF (@log_bin = 1) THEN SET sql_log_bin = @log_bin; END IF; END; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS ps_statement_avg_latency_histogram; CREATE DEFINER='mysql.sys'@'localhost' PROCEDURE ps_statement_avg_latency_histogram () COMMENT '\n Description\n \n Outputs a textual histogram graph of the average latency values\n across all normalized queries tracked within the Performance Schema\n events_statements_summary_by_digest table.\n \n Can be used to show a very high level picture of what kind of \n latency distribution statements running within this instance have.\n \n Parameters\n \n None.\n \n Example\n \n mysql> CALL sys.ps_statement_avg_latency_histogram()\\G\n *************************** 1. row ***************************\n Performance Schema Statement Digest Average Latency Histogram:\n \n . = 1 unit\n * = 2 units\n # = 3 units\n \n (0 - 38ms) 240 | ################################################################################\n (38 - 77ms) 38 | ......................................\n (77 - 115ms) 3 | ...\n (115 - 154ms) 62 | *******************************\n (154 - 192ms) 3 | ...\n (192 - 231ms) 0 |\n (231 - 269ms) 0 |\n (269 - 307ms) 0 |\n (307 - 346ms) 0 |\n (346 - 384ms) 1 | .\n (384 - 423ms) 1 | .\n (423 - 461ms) 0 |\n (461 - 499ms) 0 |\n (499 - 538ms) 0 |\n (538 - 576ms) 0 |\n (576 - 615ms) 1 | .\n \n Total Statements: 350; Buckets: 16; Bucket Size: 38 ms;\n ' SQL SECURITY INVOKER NOT DETERMINISTIC READS SQL DATA BEGIN SELECT CONCAT('\n', '\n . = 1 unit', '\n * = 2 units', '\n # = 3 units\n', @label := CONCAT(@label_inner := CONCAT('\n(0 - ', ROUND((@bucket_size := (SELECT ROUND((MAX(avg_us) - MIN(avg_us)) / (@buckets := 16)) AS size FROM sys.x$ps_digest_avg_latency_distribution)) / (@unit_div := 1000)), (@unit := 'ms'), ')'), REPEAT(' ', (@max_label_size := ((1 + LENGTH(ROUND((@bucket_size * 15) / @unit_div)) + 3 + LENGTH(ROUND(@bucket_size * 16) / @unit_div)) + 1)) - LENGTH(@label_inner)), @count_in_bucket := IFNULL((SELECT SUM(cnt) FROM sys.x$ps_digest_avg_latency_distribution AS b1 WHERE b1.avg_us <= @bucket_size), 0)), REPEAT(' ', (@max_label_len := (@max_label_size + LENGTH((@total_queries := (SELECT SUM(cnt) FROM sys.x$ps_digest_avg_latency_distribution)))) + 1) - LENGTH(@label)), '| ', IFNULL(REPEAT(IF(@count_in_bucket < (@one_unit := 40), '.', IF(@count_in_bucket < (@two_unit := 80), '*', '#')), IF(@count_in_bucket < @one_unit, @count_in_bucket, IF(@count_in_bucket < @two_unit, @count_in_bucket / 2, @count_in_bucket / 3))), ''), @label := CONCAT(@label_inner := CONCAT('\n(', ROUND(@bucket_size / @unit_div), ' - ', ROUND((@bucket_size * 2) / @unit_div), @unit, ')'), REPEAT(' ', @max_label_size - LENGTH(@label_inner)), @count_in_bucket := IFNULL((SELECT SUM(cnt) FROM sys.x$ps_digest_avg_latency_distribution AS b1 WHERE b1.avg_us > @bucket_size AND b1.avg_us <= @bucket_size * 2), 0)), REPEAT(' ', @max_label_len - LENGTH(@label)), '| ', IFNULL(REPEAT(IF(@count_in_bucket < @one_unit, '.', IF(@count_in_bucket < @two_unit, '*', '#')), IF(@count_in_bucket < @one_unit, @count_in_bucket, IF(@count_in_bucket < @two_unit, @count_in_bucket / 2, @count_in_bucket / 3))), ''), @label := CONCAT(@label_inner := CONCAT('\n(', ROUND((@bucket_size * 2) / @unit_div), ' - ', ROUND((@bucket_size * 3) / @unit_div), @unit, ')'), REPEAT(' ', @max_label_size - LENGTH(@label_inner)), @count_in_bucket := IFNULL((SELECT SUM(cnt) FROM sys.x$ps_digest_avg_latency_distribution AS b1 WHERE b1.avg_us > @bucket_size * 2 AND b1.avg_us <= @bucket_size * 3), 0)), REPEAT(' ', @max_label_len - LENGTH(@label)), '| ', IFNULL(REPEAT(IF(@count_in_bucket < @one_unit, '.', IF(@count_in_bucket < @two_unit, '*', '#')), IF(@count_in_bucket < @one_unit, @count_in_bucket, IF(@count_in_bucket < @two_unit, @count_in_bucket / 2, @count_in_bucket / 3))), ''), @label := CONCAT(@label_inner := CONCAT('\n(', ROUND((@bucket_size * 3) / @unit_div), ' - ', ROUND((@bucket_size * 4) / @unit_div), @unit, ')'), REPEAT(' ', @max_label_size - LENGTH(@label_inner)), @count_in_bucket := IFNULL((SELECT SUM(cnt) FROM sys.x$ps_digest_avg_latency_distribution AS b1 WHERE b1.avg_us > @bucket_size * 3 AND b1.avg_us <= @bucket_size * 4), 0)), REPEAT(' ', @max_label_len - LENGTH(@label)), '| ', IFNULL(REPEAT(IF(@count_in_bucket < @one_unit, '.', IF(@count_in_bucket < @two_unit, '*', '#')), IF(@count_in_bucket < @one_unit, @count_in_bucket, IF(@count_in_bucket < @two_unit, @count_in_bucket / 2, @count_in_bucket / 3))), ''), @label := CONCAT(@label_inner := CONCAT('\n(', ROUND((@bucket_size * 4) / @unit_div), ' - ', ROUND((@bucket_size * 5) / @unit_div), @unit, ')'), REPEAT(' ', @max_label_size - LENGTH(@label_inner)), @count_in_bucket := IFNULL((SELECT SUM(cnt) FROM sys.x$ps_digest_avg_latency_distribution AS b1 WHERE b1.avg_us > @bucket_size * 4 AND b1.avg_us <= @bucket_size * 5), 0)), REPEAT(' ', @max_label_len - LENGTH(@label)), '| ', IFNULL(REPEAT(IF(@count_in_bucket < @one_unit, '.', IF(@count_in_bucket < @two_unit, '*', '#')), IF(@count_in_bucket < @one_unit, @count_in_bucket, IF(@count_in_bucket < @two_unit, @count_in_bucket / 2, @count_in_bucket / 3))), ''), @label := CONCAT(@label_inner := CONCAT('\n(', ROUND((@bucket_size * 5) / @unit_div), ' - ', ROUND((@bucket_size * 6) / @unit_div), @unit, ')'), REPEAT(' ', @max_label_size - LENGTH(@label_inner)), @count_in_bucket := IFNULL((SELECT SUM(cnt) FROM sys.x$ps_digest_avg_latency_distribution AS b1 WHERE b1.avg_us > @bucket_size * 5 AND b1.avg_us <= @bucket_size * 6), 0)), REPEAT(' ', @max_label_len - LENGTH(@label)), '| ', IFNULL(REPEAT(IF(@count_in_bucket < @one_unit, '.', IF(@count_in_bucket < @two_unit, '*', '#')), IF(@count_in_bucket < @one_unit, @count_in_bucket, IF(@count_in_bucket < @two_unit, @count_in_bucket / 2, @count_in_bucket / 3))), ''), @label := CONCAT(@label_inner := CONCAT('\n(', ROUND((@bucket_size * 6) / @unit_div), ' - ', ROUND((@bucket_size * 7) / @unit_div), @unit, ')'), REPEAT(' ', @max_label_size - LENGTH(@label_inner)), @count_in_bucket := IFNULL((SELECT SUM(cnt) FROM sys.x$ps_digest_avg_latency_distribution AS b1 WHERE b1.avg_us > @bucket_size * 6 AND b1.avg_us <= @bucket_size * 7), 0)), REPEAT(' ', @max_label_len - LENGTH(@label)), '| ', IFNULL(REPEAT(IF(@count_in_bucket < @one_unit, '.', IF(@count_in_bucket < @two_unit, '*', '#')), IF(@count_in_bucket < @one_unit, @count_in_bucket, IF(@count_in_bucket < @two_unit, @count_in_bucket / 2, @count_in_bucket / 3))), ''), @label := CONCAT(@label_inner := CONCAT('\n(', ROUND((@bucket_size * 7) / @unit_div), ' - ', ROUND((@bucket_size * 8) / @unit_div), @unit, ')'), REPEAT(' ', @max_label_size - LENGTH(@label_inner)), @count_in_bucket := IFNULL((SELECT SUM(cnt) FROM sys.x$ps_digest_avg_latency_distribution AS b1 WHERE b1.avg_us > @bucket_size * 7 AND b1.avg_us <= @bucket_size * 8), 0)), REPEAT(' ', @max_label_len - LENGTH(@label)), '| ', IFNULL(REPEAT(IF(@count_in_bucket < @one_unit, '.', IF(@count_in_bucket < @two_unit, '*', '#')), IF(@count_in_bucket < @one_unit, @count_in_bucket, IF(@count_in_bucket < @two_unit, @count_in_bucket / 2, @count_in_bucket / 3))), ''), @label := CONCAT(@label_inner := CONCAT('\n(', ROUND((@bucket_size * 8) / @unit_div), ' - ', ROUND((@bucket_size * 9) / @unit_div), @unit, ')'), REPEAT(' ', @max_label_size - LENGTH(@label_inner)), @count_in_bucket := IFNULL((SELECT SUM(cnt) FROM sys.x$ps_digest_avg_latency_distribution AS b1 WHERE b1.avg_us > @bucket_size * 8 AND b1.avg_us <= @bucket_size * 9), 0)), REPEAT(' ', @max_label_len - LENGTH(@label)), '| ', IFNULL(REPEAT(IF(@count_in_bucket < @one_unit, '.', IF(@count_in_bucket < @two_unit, '*', '#')), IF(@count_in_bucket < @one_unit, @count_in_bucket, IF(@count_in_bucket < @two_unit, @count_in_bucket / 2, @count_in_bucket / 3))), ''), @label := CONCAT(@label_inner := CONCAT('\n(', ROUND((@bucket_size * 9) / @unit_div), ' - ', ROUND((@bucket_size * 10) / @unit_div), @unit, ')'), REPEAT(' ', @max_label_size - LENGTH(@label_inner)), @count_in_bucket := IFNULL((SELECT SUM(cnt) FROM sys.x$ps_digest_avg_latency_distribution AS b1 WHERE b1.avg_us > @bucket_size * 9 AND b1.avg_us <= @bucket_size * 10), 0)), REPEAT(' ', @max_label_len - LENGTH(@label)), '| ', IFNULL(REPEAT(IF(@count_in_bucket < @one_unit, '.', IF(@count_in_bucket < @two_unit, '*', '#')), IF(@count_in_bucket < @one_unit, @count_in_bucket, IF(@count_in_bucket < @two_unit, @count_in_bucket / 2, @count_in_bucket / 3))), ''), @label := CONCAT(@label_inner := CONCAT('\n(', ROUND((@bucket_size * 10) / @unit_div), ' - ', ROUND((@bucket_size * 11) / @unit_div), @unit, ')'), REPEAT(' ', @max_label_size - LENGTH(@label_inner)), @count_in_bucket := IFNULL((SELECT SUM(cnt) FROM sys.x$ps_digest_avg_latency_distribution AS b1 WHERE b1.avg_us > @bucket_size * 10 AND b1.avg_us <= @bucket_size * 11), 0)), REPEAT(' ', @max_label_len - LENGTH(@label)), '| ', IFNULL(REPEAT(IF(@count_in_bucket < @one_unit, '.', IF(@count_in_bucket < @two_unit, '*', '#')), IF(@count_in_bucket < @one_unit, @count_in_bucket, IF(@count_in_bucket < @two_unit, @count_in_bucket / 2, @count_in_bucket / 3))), ''), @label := CONCAT(@label_inner := CONCAT('\n(', ROUND((@bucket_size * 11) / @unit_div), ' - ', ROUND((@bucket_size * 12) / @unit_div), @unit, ')'), REPEAT(' ', @max_label_size - LENGTH(@label_inner)), @count_in_bucket := IFNULL((SELECT SUM(cnt) FROM sys.x$ps_digest_avg_latency_distribution AS b1 WHERE b1.avg_us > @bucket_size * 11 AND b1.avg_us <= @bucket_size * 12), 0)), REPEAT(' ', @max_label_len - LENGTH(@label)), '| ', IFNULL(REPEAT(IF(@count_in_bucket < @one_unit, '.', IF(@count_in_bucket < @two_unit, '*', '#')), IF(@count_in_bucket < @one_unit, @count_in_bucket, IF(@count_in_bucket < @two_unit, @count_in_bucket / 2, @count_in_bucket / 3))), ''), @label := CONCAT(@label_inner := CONCAT('\n(', ROUND((@bucket_size * 12) / @unit_div), ' - ', ROUND((@bucket_size * 13) / @unit_div), @unit, ')'), REPEAT(' ', @max_label_size - LENGTH(@label_inner)), @count_in_bucket := IFNULL((SELECT SUM(cnt) FROM sys.x$ps_digest_avg_latency_distribution AS b1 WHERE b1.avg_us > @bucket_size * 12 AND b1.avg_us <= @bucket_size * 13), 0)), REPEAT(' ', @max_label_len - LENGTH(@label)), '| ', IFNULL(REPEAT(IF(@count_in_bucket < @one_unit, '.', IF(@count_in_bucket < @two_unit, '*', '#')), IF(@count_in_bucket < @one_unit, @count_in_bucket, IF(@count_in_bucket < @two_unit, @count_in_bucket / 2, @count_in_bucket / 3))), ''), @label := CONCAT(@label_inner := CONCAT('\n(', ROUND((@bucket_size * 13) / @unit_div), ' - ', ROUND((@bucket_size * 14) / @unit_div), @unit, ')'), REPEAT(' ', @max_label_size - LENGTH(@label_inner)), @count_in_bucket := IFNULL((SELECT SUM(cnt) FROM sys.x$ps_digest_avg_latency_distribution AS b1 WHERE b1.avg_us > @bucket_size * 13 AND b1.avg_us <= @bucket_size * 14), 0)), REPEAT(' ', @max_label_len - LENGTH(@label)), '| ', IFNULL(REPEAT(IF(@count_in_bucket < @one_unit, '.', IF(@count_in_bucket < @two_unit, '*', '#')), IF(@count_in_bucket < @one_unit, @count_in_bucket, IF(@count_in_bucket < @two_unit, @count_in_bucket / 2, @count_in_bucket / 3))), ''), @label := CONCAT(@label_inner := CONCAT('\n(', ROUND((@bucket_size * 14) / @unit_div), ' - ', ROUND((@bucket_size * 15) / @unit_div), @unit, ')'), REPEAT(' ', @max_label_size - LENGTH(@label_inner)), @count_in_bucket := IFNULL((SELECT SUM(cnt) FROM sys.x$ps_digest_avg_latency_distribution AS b1 WHERE b1.avg_us > @bucket_size * 14 AND b1.avg_us <= @bucket_size * 15), 0)), REPEAT(' ', @max_label_len - LENGTH(@label)), '| ', IFNULL(REPEAT(IF(@count_in_bucket < @one_unit, '.', IF(@count_in_bucket < @two_unit, '*', '#')), IF(@count_in_bucket < @one_unit, @count_in_bucket, IF(@count_in_bucket < @two_unit, @count_in_bucket / 2, @count_in_bucket / 3))), ''), @label := CONCAT(@label_inner := CONCAT('\n(', ROUND((@bucket_size * 15) / @unit_div), ' - ', ROUND((@bucket_size * 16) / @unit_div), @unit, ')'), REPEAT(' ', @max_label_size - LENGTH(@label_inner)), @count_in_bucket := IFNULL((SELECT SUM(cnt) FROM sys.x$ps_digest_avg_latency_distribution AS b1 WHERE b1.avg_us > @bucket_size * 15 AND b1.avg_us <= @bucket_size * 16), 0)), REPEAT(' ', @max_label_len - LENGTH(@label)), '| ', IFNULL(REPEAT(IF(@count_in_bucket < @one_unit, '.', IF(@count_in_bucket < @two_unit, '*', '#')), IF(@count_in_bucket < @one_unit, @count_in_bucket, IF(@count_in_bucket < @two_unit, @count_in_bucket / 2, @count_in_bucket / 3))), ''), '\n\n Total Statements: ', @total_queries, '; Buckets: ', @buckets , '; Bucket Size: ', ROUND(@bucket_size / @unit_div) , ' ', @unit, ';\n' ) AS `Performance Schema Statement Digest Average Latency Histogram`; END ; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS ps_trace_statement_digest; CREATE DEFINER='mysql.sys'@'localhost' PROCEDURE ps_trace_statement_digest ( IN in_digest VARCHAR(32), IN in_runtime INT, IN in_interval DECIMAL(2,2), IN in_start_fresh BOOLEAN, IN in_auto_enable BOOLEAN ) COMMENT '\n Description\n \n Traces all instrumentation within Performance Schema for a specific\n Statement Digest. \n \n When finding a statement of interest within the \n performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_digest table, feed\n the DIGEST MD5 value in to this procedure, set how long to poll for, \n and at what interval to poll, and it will generate a report of all \n statistics tracked within Performance Schema for that digest for the\n interval.\n \n It will also attempt to generate an EXPLAIN for the longest running \n example of the digest during the interval. Note this may fail, as:\n \n * Performance Schema truncates long SQL_TEXT values (and hence the \n EXPLAIN will fail due to parse errors)\n * the default schema is sys (so tables that are not fully qualified\n in the query may not be found)\n * some queries such as SHOW are not supported in EXPLAIN.\n \n When the EXPLAIN fails, the error will be ignored and no EXPLAIN\n output generated.\n \n Requires the SUPER privilege for "SET sql_log_bin = 0;".\n \n Parameters\n \n in_digest (VARCHAR(32)):\n The statement digest identifier you would like to analyze\n in_runtime (INT):\n The number of seconds to run analysis for\n in_interval (DECIMAL(2,2)):\n The interval (in seconds, may be fractional) at which to try\n and take snapshots\n in_start_fresh (BOOLEAN):\n Whether to TRUNCATE the events_statements_history_long and\n events_stages_history_long tables before starting\n in_auto_enable (BOOLEAN):\n Whether to automatically turn on required consumers\n \n Example\n \n mysql> call ps_trace_statement_digest(\'891ec6860f98ba46d89dd20b0c03652c\', 10, 0.1, true, true);\n +--------------------+\n | SUMMARY STATISTICS |\n +--------------------+\n | SUMMARY STATISTICS |\n +--------------------+\n 1 row in set (9.11 sec)\n \n +------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------+------------+------------+\n | executions | exec_time | lock_time | rows_sent | rows_examined | tmp_tables | full_scans |\n +------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------+------------+------------+\n | 21 | 4.11 ms | 2.00 ms | 0 | 21 | 0 | 0 |\n +------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------+------------+------------+\n 1 row in set (9.11 sec)\n \n +------------------------------------------+-------+-----------+\n | event_name | count | latency |\n +------------------------------------------+-------+-----------+\n | stage/sql/checking query cache for query | 16 | 724.37 us |\n | stage/sql/statistics | 16 | 546.92 us |\n | stage/sql/freeing items | 18 | 520.11 us |\n | stage/sql/init | 51 | 466.80 us |\n ...\n | stage/sql/cleaning up | 18 | 11.92 us |\n | stage/sql/executing | 16 | 6.95 us |\n +------------------------------------------+-------+-----------+\n 17 rows in set (9.12 sec)\n \n +---------------------------+\n | LONGEST RUNNING STATEMENT |\n +---------------------------+\n | LONGEST RUNNING STATEMENT |\n +---------------------------+\n 1 row in set (9.16 sec)\n \n +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------+------------+-----------+\n | thread_id | exec_time | lock_time | rows_sent | rows_examined | tmp_tables | full_scan |\n +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------+------------+-----------+\n | 166646 | 618.43 us | 1.00 ms | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |\n +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------+------------+-----------+\n 1 row in set (9.16 sec)\n \n // Truncated for clarity...\n +-----------------------------------------------------------------+\n | sql_text |\n +-----------------------------------------------------------------+\n | select hibeventhe0_.id as id1382_, hibeventhe0_.createdTime ... |\n +-----------------------------------------------------------------+\n 1 row in set (9.17 sec)\n \n +------------------------------------------+-----------+\n | event_name | latency |\n +------------------------------------------+-----------+\n | stage/sql/init | 8.61 us |\n | stage/sql/Waiting for query cache lock | 453.23 us |\n | stage/sql/init | 331.07 ns |\n | stage/sql/checking query cache for query | 43.04 us |\n ...\n | stage/sql/freeing items | 30.46 us |\n | stage/sql/cleaning up | 662.13 ns |\n +------------------------------------------+-----------+\n 18 rows in set (9.23 sec)\n \n +----+-------------+--------------+-------+---------------+-----------+---------+-------------+------+-------+\n | id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |\n +----+-------------+--------------+-------+---------------+-----------+---------+-------------+------+-------+\n | 1 | SIMPLE | hibeventhe0_ | const | fixedTime | fixedTime | 775 | const,const | 1 | NULL |\n +----+-------------+--------------+-------+---------------+-----------+---------+-------------+------+-------+\n 1 row in set (9.27 sec)\n \n Query OK, 0 rows affected (9.28 sec)\n ' SQL SECURITY INVOKER NOT DETERMINISTIC MODIFIES SQL DATA BEGIN DECLARE v_start_fresh BOOLEAN DEFAULT false; DECLARE v_auto_enable BOOLEAN DEFAULT false; DECLARE v_explain BOOLEAN DEFAULT true; DECLARE v_this_thread_enabed ENUM('YES', 'NO'); DECLARE v_runtime INT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE v_start INT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE v_found_stmts INT; SET @log_bin := @@sql_log_bin; SET sql_log_bin = 0; SELECT INSTRUMENTED INTO v_this_thread_enabed FROM performance_schema.threads WHERE PROCESSLIST_ID = CONNECTION_ID(); CALL sys.ps_setup_disable_thread(CONNECTION_ID()); DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS stmt_trace; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE stmt_trace ( thread_id BIGINT UNSIGNED, timer_start BIGINT UNSIGNED, event_id BIGINT UNSIGNED, sql_text longtext, timer_wait BIGINT UNSIGNED, lock_time BIGINT UNSIGNED, errors BIGINT UNSIGNED, mysql_errno INT, rows_sent BIGINT UNSIGNED, rows_affected BIGINT UNSIGNED, rows_examined BIGINT UNSIGNED, created_tmp_tables BIGINT UNSIGNED, created_tmp_disk_tables BIGINT UNSIGNED, no_index_used BIGINT UNSIGNED, PRIMARY KEY (thread_id, timer_start) ); DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS stmt_stages; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE stmt_stages ( event_id BIGINT UNSIGNED, stmt_id BIGINT UNSIGNED, event_name VARCHAR(128), timer_wait BIGINT UNSIGNED, PRIMARY KEY (event_id) ); SET v_start_fresh = in_start_fresh; IF v_start_fresh THEN TRUNCATE TABLE performance_schema.events_statements_history_long; TRUNCATE TABLE performance_schema.events_stages_history_long; END IF; SET v_auto_enable = in_auto_enable; IF v_auto_enable THEN CALL sys.ps_setup_save(0); UPDATE performance_schema.threads SET INSTRUMENTED = IF(PROCESSLIST_ID IS NOT NULL, 'YES', 'NO'); UPDATE performance_schema.setup_consumers SET ENABLED = 'YES' WHERE NAME NOT LIKE '%\_history' AND NAME NOT LIKE 'events_wait%' AND NAME NOT LIKE 'events_transactions%' AND NAME <> 'statements_digest'; UPDATE performance_schema.setup_instruments SET ENABLED = 'YES', TIMED = 'YES' WHERE NAME LIKE 'statement/%' OR NAME LIKE 'stage/%'; END IF; WHILE v_runtime < in_runtime DO SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP() INTO v_start; INSERT IGNORE INTO stmt_trace SELECT thread_id, timer_start, event_id, sql_text, timer_wait, lock_time, errors, mysql_errno, rows_sent, rows_affected, rows_examined, created_tmp_tables, created_tmp_disk_tables, no_index_used FROM performance_schema.events_statements_history_long WHERE digest = in_digest; INSERT IGNORE INTO stmt_stages SELECT stages.event_id, stmt_trace.event_id, stages.event_name, stages.timer_wait FROM performance_schema.events_stages_history_long AS stages JOIN stmt_trace ON stages.nesting_event_id = stmt_trace.event_id; SELECT SLEEP(in_interval) INTO @sleep; SET v_runtime = v_runtime + (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - v_start); END WHILE; SELECT "SUMMARY STATISTICS"; SELECT COUNT(*) executions, sys.format_time(SUM(timer_wait)) AS exec_time, sys.format_time(SUM(lock_time)) AS lock_time, SUM(rows_sent) AS rows_sent, SUM(rows_affected) AS rows_affected, SUM(rows_examined) AS rows_examined, SUM(created_tmp_tables) AS tmp_tables, SUM(no_index_used) AS full_scans FROM stmt_trace; SELECT event_name, COUNT(*) as count, sys.format_time(SUM(timer_wait)) as latency FROM stmt_stages GROUP BY event_name ORDER BY SUM(timer_wait) DESC; SELECT "LONGEST RUNNING STATEMENT"; SELECT thread_id, sys.format_time(timer_wait) AS exec_time, sys.format_time(lock_time) AS lock_time, rows_sent, rows_affected, rows_examined, created_tmp_tables AS tmp_tables, no_index_used AS full_scan FROM stmt_trace ORDER BY timer_wait DESC LIMIT 1; SELECT sql_text FROM stmt_trace ORDER BY timer_wait DESC LIMIT 1; SELECT sql_text, event_id INTO @sql, @sql_id FROM stmt_trace ORDER BY timer_wait DESC LIMIT 1; IF (@sql_id IS NOT NULL) THEN SELECT event_name, sys.format_time(timer_wait) as latency FROM stmt_stages WHERE stmt_id = @sql_id ORDER BY event_id; END IF; DROP TEMPORARY TABLE stmt_trace; DROP TEMPORARY TABLE stmt_stages; IF (@sql IS NOT NULL) THEN SET @stmt := CONCAT("EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON ", @sql); BEGIN DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR 1064, 1146 SET v_explain = false; PREPARE explain_stmt FROM @stmt; END; IF (v_explain) THEN EXECUTE explain_stmt; DEALLOCATE PREPARE explain_stmt; END IF; END IF; IF v_auto_enable THEN CALL sys.ps_setup_reload_saved(); END IF; IF (v_this_thread_enabed = 'YES') THEN CALL sys.ps_setup_enable_thread(CONNECTION_ID()); END IF; SET sql_log_bin = @log_bin; END; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS ps_trace_thread; CREATE DEFINER='mysql.sys'@'localhost' PROCEDURE ps_trace_thread ( IN in_thread_id BIGINT UNSIGNED, IN in_outfile VARCHAR(255), IN in_max_runtime DECIMAL(20,2), IN in_interval DECIMAL(20,2), IN in_start_fresh BOOLEAN, IN in_auto_setup BOOLEAN, IN in_debug BOOLEAN ) COMMENT '\n Description\n \n Dumps all data within Performance Schema for an instrumented thread,\n to create a DOT formatted graph file. \n \n Each resultset returned from the procedure should be used for a complete graph\n \n Requires the SUPER privilege for "SET sql_log_bin = 0;".\n \n Parameters\n \n in_thread_id (BIGINT UNSIGNED):\n The thread that you would like a stack trace for\n in_outfile (VARCHAR(255)):\n The filename the dot file will be written to\n in_max_runtime (DECIMAL(20,2)):\n The maximum time to keep collecting data.\n Use NULL to get the default which is 60 seconds.\n in_interval (DECIMAL(20,2)): \n How long to sleep between data collections. \n Use NULL to get the default which is 1 second.\n in_start_fresh (BOOLEAN):\n Whether to reset all Performance Schema data before tracing.\n in_auto_setup (BOOLEAN):\n Whether to disable all other threads and enable all consumers/instruments. \n This will also reset the settings at the end of the run.\n in_debug (BOOLEAN):\n Whether you would like to include file:lineno in the graph\n \n Example\n \n mysql> CALL sys.ps_trace_thread(25, CONCAT(\'/tmp/stack-\', REPLACE(NOW(), \' \', \'-\'), \'.dot\'), NULL, NULL, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);\n +-------------------+\n | summary |\n +-------------------+\n | Disabled 1 thread |\n +-------------------+\n 1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n \n +---------------------------------------------+\n | Info |\n +---------------------------------------------+\n | Data collection starting for THREAD_ID = 25 |\n +---------------------------------------------+\n 1 row in set (0.03 sec)\n \n +-----------------------------------------------------------+\n | Info |\n +-----------------------------------------------------------+\n | Stack trace written to /tmp/stack-2014-02-16-21:18:41.dot |\n +-----------------------------------------------------------+\n 1 row in set (60.07 sec)\n \n +-------------------------------------------------------------------+\n | Convert to PDF |\n +-------------------------------------------------------------------+\n | dot -Tpdf -o /tmp/stack_25.pdf /tmp/stack-2014-02-16-21:18:41.dot |\n +-------------------------------------------------------------------+\n 1 row in set (60.07 sec)\n \n +-------------------------------------------------------------------+\n | Convert to PNG |\n +-------------------------------------------------------------------+\n | dot -Tpng -o /tmp/stack_25.png /tmp/stack-2014-02-16-21:18:41.dot |\n +-------------------------------------------------------------------+\n 1 row in set (60.07 sec)\n \n +------------------+\n | summary |\n +------------------+\n | Enabled 1 thread |\n +------------------+\n 1 row in set (60.32 sec)\n ' SQL SECURITY INVOKER NOT DETERMINISTIC MODIFIES SQL DATA BEGIN DECLARE v_done bool DEFAULT FALSE; DECLARE v_start, v_runtime DECIMAL(20,2) DEFAULT 0.0; DECLARE v_min_event_id bigint unsigned DEFAULT 0; DECLARE v_this_thread_enabed ENUM('YES', 'NO'); DECLARE v_event longtext; DECLARE c_stack CURSOR FOR SELECT CONCAT(IF(nesting_event_id IS NOT NULL, CONCAT(nesting_event_id, ' -> '), ''), event_id, '; ', event_id, ' [label="', '(', sys.format_time(timer_wait), ') ', IF (event_name NOT LIKE 'wait/io%', SUBSTRING_INDEX(event_name, '/', -2), IF (event_name NOT LIKE 'wait/io/file%' OR event_name NOT LIKE 'wait/io/socket%', SUBSTRING_INDEX(event_name, '/', -4), event_name) ), IF (event_name LIKE 'transaction', IFNULL(CONCAT('\\n', wait_info), ''), ''), IF (event_name LIKE 'statement/%', IFNULL(CONCAT('\\n', wait_info), ''), ''), IF (in_debug AND event_name LIKE 'wait%', wait_info, ''), '", ', CASE WHEN event_name LIKE 'wait/io/file%' THEN 'shape=box, style=filled, color=red' WHEN event_name LIKE 'wait/io/table%' THEN 'shape=box, style=filled, color=green' WHEN event_name LIKE 'wait/io/socket%' THEN 'shape=box, style=filled, color=yellow' WHEN event_name LIKE 'wait/synch/mutex%' THEN 'style=filled, color=lightskyblue' WHEN event_name LIKE 'wait/synch/cond%' THEN 'style=filled, color=darkseagreen3' WHEN event_name LIKE 'wait/synch/rwlock%' THEN 'style=filled, color=orchid' WHEN event_name LIKE 'wait/synch/sxlock%' THEN 'style=filled, color=palevioletred' WHEN event_name LIKE 'wait/lock%' THEN 'shape=box, style=filled, color=tan' WHEN event_name LIKE 'statement/%' THEN CONCAT('shape=box, style=bold', CASE WHEN event_name LIKE 'statement/com/%' THEN ' style=filled, color=darkseagreen' ELSE IF((timer_wait/1000000000000) > @@long_query_time, ' style=filled, color=red', ' style=filled, color=lightblue') END ) WHEN event_name LIKE 'transaction' THEN 'shape=box, style=filled, color=lightblue3' WHEN event_name LIKE 'stage/%' THEN 'style=filled, color=slategray3' WHEN event_name LIKE '%idle%' THEN 'shape=box, style=filled, color=firebrick3' ELSE '' END, '];\n' ) event, event_id FROM ( (SELECT thread_id, event_id, event_name, timer_wait, timer_start, nesting_event_id, CONCAT('trx_id: ', IFNULL(trx_id, ''), '\\n', 'gtid: ', IFNULL(gtid, ''), '\\n', 'state: ', state, '\\n', 'mode: ', access_mode, '\\n', 'isolation: ', isolation_level, '\\n', 'autocommit: ', autocommit, '\\n', 'savepoints: ', number_of_savepoints, '\\n' ) AS wait_info FROM performance_schema.events_transactions_history_long WHERE thread_id = in_thread_id AND event_id > v_min_event_id) UNION (SELECT thread_id, event_id, event_name, timer_wait, timer_start, nesting_event_id, CONCAT('statement: ', sql_text, '\\n', 'errors: ', errors, '\\n', 'warnings: ', warnings, '\\n', 'lock time: ', sys.format_time(lock_time),'\\n', 'rows affected: ', rows_affected, '\\n', 'rows sent: ', rows_sent, '\\n', 'rows examined: ', rows_examined, '\\n', 'tmp tables: ', created_tmp_tables, '\\n', 'tmp disk tables: ', created_tmp_disk_tables, '\\n' 'select scan: ', select_scan, '\\n', 'select full join: ', select_full_join, '\\n', 'select full range join: ', select_full_range_join, '\\n', 'select range: ', select_range, '\\n', 'select range check: ', select_range_check, '\\n', 'sort merge passes: ', sort_merge_passes, '\\n', 'sort rows: ', sort_rows, '\\n', 'sort range: ', sort_range, '\\n', 'sort scan: ', sort_scan, '\\n', 'no index used: ', IF(no_index_used, 'TRUE', 'FALSE'), '\\n', 'no good index used: ', IF(no_good_index_used, 'TRUE', 'FALSE'), '\\n' ) AS wait_info FROM performance_schema.events_statements_history_long WHERE thread_id = in_thread_id AND event_id > v_min_event_id) UNION (SELECT thread_id, event_id, event_name, timer_wait, timer_start, nesting_event_id, null AS wait_info FROM performance_schema.events_stages_history_long WHERE thread_id = in_thread_id AND event_id > v_min_event_id) UNION (SELECT thread_id, event_id, CONCAT(event_name, IF(event_name NOT LIKE 'wait/synch/mutex%', IFNULL(CONCAT(' - ', operation), ''), ''), IF(number_of_bytes IS NOT NULL, CONCAT(' ', number_of_bytes, ' bytes'), ''), IF(event_name LIKE 'wait/io/file%', '\\n', ''), IF(object_schema IS NOT NULL, CONCAT('\\nObject: ', object_schema, '.'), ''), IF(object_name IS NOT NULL, IF (event_name LIKE 'wait/io/socket%', CONCAT('\\n', IF (object_name LIKE ':0%', @@socket, object_name)), object_name), '' ), IF(index_name IS NOT NULL, CONCAT(' Index: ', index_name), ''), '\\n' ) AS event_name, timer_wait, timer_start, nesting_event_id, source AS wait_info FROM performance_schema.events_waits_history_long WHERE thread_id = in_thread_id AND event_id > v_min_event_id) ) events ORDER BY event_id; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET v_done = TRUE; SET @log_bin := @@sql_log_bin; SET sql_log_bin = 0; SELECT INSTRUMENTED INTO v_this_thread_enabed FROM performance_schema.threads WHERE PROCESSLIST_ID = CONNECTION_ID(); CALL sys.ps_setup_disable_thread(CONNECTION_ID()); IF (in_auto_setup) THEN CALL sys.ps_setup_save(0); DELETE FROM performance_schema.setup_actors; UPDATE performance_schema.threads SET INSTRUMENTED = IF(THREAD_ID = in_thread_id, 'YES', 'NO'); UPDATE performance_schema.setup_consumers SET ENABLED = 'YES' WHERE NAME NOT LIKE '%\_history'; UPDATE performance_schema.setup_instruments SET ENABLED = 'YES', TIMED = 'YES'; END IF; IF (in_start_fresh) THEN TRUNCATE performance_schema.events_transactions_history_long; TRUNCATE performance_schema.events_statements_history_long; TRUNCATE performance_schema.events_stages_history_long; TRUNCATE performance_schema.events_waits_history_long; END IF; DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS tmp_events; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_events ( event_id bigint unsigned NOT NULL, event longblob, PRIMARY KEY (event_id) ); INSERT INTO tmp_events VALUES (0, CONCAT('digraph events { rankdir=LR; nodesep=0.10;\n', '// Stack created .....: ', NOW(), '\n', '// MySQL version .....: ', VERSION(), '\n', '// MySQL hostname ....: ', @@hostname, '\n', '// MySQL port ........: ', @@port, '\n', '// MySQL socket ......: ', @@socket, '\n', '// MySQL user ........: ', CURRENT_USER(), '\n')); SELECT CONCAT('Data collection starting for THREAD_ID = ', in_thread_id) AS 'Info'; SET v_min_event_id = 0, v_start = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), in_interval = IFNULL(in_interval, 1.00), in_max_runtime = IFNULL(in_max_runtime, 60.00); WHILE (v_runtime < in_max_runtime AND (SELECT INSTRUMENTED FROM performance_schema.threads WHERE THREAD_ID = in_thread_id) = 'YES') DO SET v_done = FALSE; OPEN c_stack; c_stack_loop: LOOP FETCH c_stack INTO v_event, v_min_event_id; IF v_done THEN LEAVE c_stack_loop; END IF; IF (LENGTH(v_event) > 0) THEN INSERT INTO tmp_events VALUES (v_min_event_id, v_event); END IF; END LOOP; CLOSE c_stack; SELECT SLEEP(in_interval) INTO @sleep; SET v_runtime = (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - v_start); END WHILE; INSERT INTO tmp_events VALUES (v_min_event_id+1, '}'); SET @query = CONCAT('SELECT event FROM tmp_events ORDER BY event_id INTO OUTFILE ''', in_outfile, ''' FIELDS ESCAPED BY '''' LINES TERMINATED BY '''''); PREPARE stmt_output FROM @query; EXECUTE stmt_output; DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt_output; SELECT CONCAT('Stack trace written to ', in_outfile) AS 'Info'; SELECT CONCAT('dot -Tpdf -o /tmp/stack_', in_thread_id, '.pdf ', in_outfile) AS 'Convert to PDF'; SELECT CONCAT('dot -Tpng -o /tmp/stack_', in_thread_id, '.png ', in_outfile) AS 'Convert to PNG'; DROP TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_events; IF (in_auto_setup) THEN CALL sys.ps_setup_reload_saved(); END IF; IF (v_this_thread_enabed = 'YES') THEN CALL sys.ps_setup_enable_thread(CONNECTION_ID()); END IF; SET sql_log_bin = @log_bin; END; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS ps_setup_disable_background_threads; CREATE DEFINER='mysql.sys'@'localhost' PROCEDURE ps_setup_disable_background_threads () COMMENT '\n Description\n \n Disable all background thread instrumentation within Performance Schema.\n \n Parameters\n \n None.\n \n Example\n \n mysql> CALL sys.ps_setup_disable_background_threads();\n +--------------------------------+\n | summary |\n +--------------------------------+\n | Disabled 18 background threads |\n +--------------------------------+\n 1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n ' SQL SECURITY INVOKER NOT DETERMINISTIC MODIFIES SQL DATA BEGIN UPDATE performance_schema.threads SET instrumented = 'NO' WHERE type = 'BACKGROUND'; SELECT CONCAT('Disabled ', @rows := ROW_COUNT(), ' background thread', IF(@rows != 1, 's', '')) AS summary; END; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS ps_setup_disable_consumer; CREATE DEFINER='mysql.sys'@'localhost' PROCEDURE ps_setup_disable_consumer ( IN consumer VARCHAR(128) ) COMMENT '\n Description\n \n Disables consumers within Performance Schema \n matching the input pattern.\n \n Parameters\n \n consumer (VARCHAR(128)):\n A LIKE pattern match (using "%consumer%") of consumers to disable\n \n Example\n \n To disable all consumers:\n \n mysql> CALL sys.ps_setup_disable_consumer(\'\');\n +--------------------------+\n | summary |\n +--------------------------+\n | Disabled 15 consumers |\n +--------------------------+\n 1 row in set (0.02 sec)\n \n To disable just the event_stage consumers:\n \n mysql> CALL sys.ps_setup_disable_comsumers(\'stage\');\n +------------------------+\n | summary |\n +------------------------+\n | Disabled 3 consumers |\n +------------------------+\n 1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n ' SQL SECURITY INVOKER NOT DETERMINISTIC MODIFIES SQL DATA BEGIN UPDATE performance_schema.setup_consumers SET enabled = 'NO' WHERE name LIKE CONCAT('%', consumer, '%'); SELECT CONCAT('Disabled ', @rows := ROW_COUNT(), ' consumer', IF(@rows != 1, 's', '')) AS summary; END; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS ps_setup_disable_instrument; CREATE DEFINER='mysql.sys'@'localhost' PROCEDURE ps_setup_disable_instrument ( IN in_pattern VARCHAR(128) ) COMMENT '\n Description\n \n Disables instruments within Performance Schema \n matching the input pattern.\n \n Parameters\n \n in_pattern (VARCHAR(128)):\n A LIKE pattern match (using "%in_pattern%") of events to disable\n \n Example\n \n To disable all mutex instruments:\n \n mysql> CALL sys.ps_setup_disable_instrument(\'wait/synch/mutex\');\n +--------------------------+\n | summary |\n +--------------------------+\n | Disabled 155 instruments |\n +--------------------------+\n 1 row in set (0.02 sec)\n \n To disable just a specific TCP/IP based network IO instrument:\n \n mysql> CALL sys.ps_setup_disable_instrument(\'wait/io/socket/sql/server_tcpip_socket\');\n +------------------------+\n | summary |\n +------------------------+\n | Disabled 1 instruments |\n +------------------------+\n 1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n \n To disable all instruments:\n \n mysql> CALL sys.ps_setup_disable_instrument(\'\');\n +--------------------------+\n | summary |\n +--------------------------+\n | Disabled 547 instruments |\n +--------------------------+\n 1 row in set (0.01 sec)\n ' SQL SECURITY INVOKER NOT DETERMINISTIC MODIFIES SQL DATA BEGIN UPDATE performance_schema.setup_instruments SET enabled = 'NO', timed = 'NO' WHERE name LIKE CONCAT('%', in_pattern, '%'); SELECT CONCAT('Disabled ', @rows := ROW_COUNT(), ' instrument', IF(@rows != 1, 's', '')) AS summary; END; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS ps_setup_disable_thread; CREATE DEFINER='mysql.sys'@'localhost' PROCEDURE ps_setup_disable_thread ( IN in_connection_id BIGINT ) COMMENT '\n Description\n \n Disable the given connection/thread in Performance Schema.\n \n Parameters\n \n in_connection_id (BIGINT):\n The connection ID (PROCESSLIST_ID from performance_schema.threads\n or the ID shown within SHOW PROCESSLIST)\n \n Example\n \n mysql> CALL sys.ps_setup_disable_thread(3);\n +-------------------+\n | summary |\n +-------------------+\n | Disabled 1 thread |\n +-------------------+\n 1 row in set (0.01 sec)\n \n To disable the current connection:\n \n mysql> CALL sys.ps_setup_disable_thread(CONNECTION_ID());\n +-------------------+\n | summary |\n +-------------------+\n | Disabled 1 thread |\n +-------------------+\n 1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n ' SQL SECURITY INVOKER NOT DETERMINISTIC MODIFIES SQL DATA BEGIN UPDATE performance_schema.threads SET instrumented = 'NO' WHERE processlist_id = in_connection_id; SELECT CONCAT('Disabled ', @rows := ROW_COUNT(), ' thread', IF(@rows != 1, 's', '')) AS summary; END; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS ps_setup_enable_background_threads; CREATE DEFINER='mysql.sys'@'localhost' PROCEDURE ps_setup_enable_background_threads () COMMENT '\n Description\n \n Enable all background thread instrumentation within Performance Schema.\n \n Parameters\n \n None.\n \n Example\n \n mysql> CALL sys.ps_setup_enable_background_threads();\n +-------------------------------+\n | summary |\n +-------------------------------+\n | Enabled 18 background threads |\n +-------------------------------+\n 1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n ' SQL SECURITY INVOKER NOT DETERMINISTIC MODIFIES SQL DATA BEGIN UPDATE performance_schema.threads SET instrumented = 'YES' WHERE type = 'BACKGROUND'; SELECT CONCAT('Enabled ', @rows := ROW_COUNT(), ' background thread', IF(@rows != 1, 's', '')) AS summary; END; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS ps_setup_enable_consumer; CREATE DEFINER='mysql.sys'@'localhost' PROCEDURE ps_setup_enable_consumer ( IN consumer VARCHAR(128) ) COMMENT '\n Description\n \n Enables consumers within Performance Schema \n matching the input pattern.\n \n Parameters\n \n consumer (VARCHAR(128)):\n A LIKE pattern match (using "%consumer%") of consumers to enable\n \n Example\n \n To enable all consumers:\n \n mysql> CALL sys.ps_setup_enable_consumer(\'\');\n +-------------------------+\n | summary |\n +-------------------------+\n | Enabled 10 consumers |\n +-------------------------+\n 1 row in set (0.02 sec)\n \n Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)\n \n To enable just "waits" consumers:\n \n mysql> CALL sys.ps_setup_enable_consumer(\'waits\');\n +-----------------------+\n | summary |\n +-----------------------+\n | Enabled 3 consumers |\n +-----------------------+\n 1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n \n Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)\n ' SQL SECURITY INVOKER NOT DETERMINISTIC MODIFIES SQL DATA BEGIN UPDATE performance_schema.setup_consumers SET enabled = 'YES' WHERE name LIKE CONCAT('%', consumer, '%'); SELECT CONCAT('Enabled ', @rows := ROW_COUNT(), ' consumer', IF(@rows != 1, 's', '')) AS summary; END; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS ps_setup_enable_instrument; CREATE DEFINER='mysql.sys'@'localhost' PROCEDURE ps_setup_enable_instrument ( IN in_pattern VARCHAR(128) ) COMMENT '\n Description\n \n Enables instruments within Performance Schema \n matching the input pattern.\n \n Parameters\n \n in_pattern (VARCHAR(128)):\n A LIKE pattern match (using "%in_pattern%") of events to enable\n \n Example\n \n To enable all mutex instruments:\n \n mysql> CALL sys.ps_setup_enable_instrument(\'wait/synch/mutex\');\n +-------------------------+\n | summary |\n +-------------------------+\n | Enabled 155 instruments |\n +-------------------------+\n 1 row in set (0.02 sec)\n \n Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)\n \n To enable just a specific TCP/IP based network IO instrument:\n \n mysql> CALL sys.ps_setup_enable_instrument(\'wait/io/socket/sql/server_tcpip_socket\');\n +-----------------------+\n | summary |\n +-----------------------+\n | Enabled 1 instruments |\n +-----------------------+\n 1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n \n Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)\n \n To enable all instruments:\n \n mysql> CALL sys.ps_setup_enable_instrument(\'\');\n +-------------------------+\n | summary |\n +-------------------------+\n | Enabled 547 instruments |\n +-------------------------+\n 1 row in set (0.01 sec)\n \n Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)\n ' SQL SECURITY INVOKER NOT DETERMINISTIC MODIFIES SQL DATA BEGIN UPDATE performance_schema.setup_instruments SET enabled = 'YES', timed = 'YES' WHERE name LIKE CONCAT('%', in_pattern, '%'); SELECT CONCAT('Enabled ', @rows := ROW_COUNT(), ' instrument', IF(@rows != 1, 's', '')) AS summary; END; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS ps_setup_enable_thread; CREATE DEFINER='mysql.sys'@'localhost' PROCEDURE ps_setup_enable_thread ( IN in_connection_id BIGINT ) COMMENT '\n Description\n \n Enable the given connection/thread in Performance Schema.\n \n Parameters\n \n in_connection_id (BIGINT):\n The connection ID (PROCESSLIST_ID from performance_schema.threads\n or the ID shown within SHOW PROCESSLIST)\n \n Example\n \n mysql> CALL sys.ps_setup_enable_thread(3);\n +------------------+\n | summary |\n +------------------+\n | Enabled 1 thread |\n +------------------+\n 1 row in set (0.01 sec)\n \n To enable the current connection:\n \n mysql> CALL sys.ps_setup_enable_thread(CONNECTION_ID());\n +------------------+\n | summary |\n +------------------+\n | Enabled 1 thread |\n +------------------+\n 1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n ' SQL SECURITY INVOKER NOT DETERMINISTIC MODIFIES SQL DATA BEGIN UPDATE performance_schema.threads SET instrumented = 'YES' WHERE processlist_id = in_connection_id; SELECT CONCAT('Enabled ', @rows := ROW_COUNT(), ' thread', IF(@rows != 1, 's', '')) AS summary; END; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS ps_setup_reload_saved; CREATE DEFINER='mysql.sys'@'localhost' PROCEDURE ps_setup_reload_saved () COMMENT '\n Description\n \n Reloads a saved Performance Schema configuration,\n so that you can alter the setup for debugging purposes, \n but restore it to a previous state.\n \n Use the companion procedure - ps_setup_save(), to \n save a configuration.\n \n Requires the SUPER privilege for "SET sql_log_bin = 0;".\n \n Parameters\n \n None.\n \n Example\n \n mysql> CALL sys.ps_setup_save();\n Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.08 sec)\n \n mysql> UPDATE performance_schema.setup_instruments SET enabled = \'YES\', timed = \'YES\';\n Query OK, 547 rows affected (0.40 sec)\n Rows matched: 784 Changed: 547 Warnings: 0\n \n /* Run some tests that need more detailed instrumentation here */\n \n mysql> CALL sys.ps_setup_reload_saved();\n Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.32 sec)\n ' SQL SECURITY INVOKER NOT DETERMINISTIC MODIFIES SQL DATA BEGIN DECLARE v_done bool DEFAULT FALSE; DECLARE v_lock_result INT; DECLARE v_lock_used_by BIGINT; DECLARE v_signal_message TEXT; DECLARE EXIT HANDLER FOR SQLEXCEPTION BEGIN SIGNAL SQLSTATE VALUE '90001' SET MESSAGE_TEXT = 'An error occurred, was sys.ps_setup_save() run before this procedure?'; END; SET @log_bin := @@sql_log_bin; SET sql_log_bin = 0; SELECT IS_USED_LOCK('sys.ps_setup_save') INTO v_lock_used_by; IF (v_lock_used_by != CONNECTION_ID()) THEN SET v_signal_message = CONCAT('The sys.ps_setup_save lock is currently owned by ', v_lock_used_by); SIGNAL SQLSTATE VALUE '90002' SET MESSAGE_TEXT = v_signal_message; END IF; DELETE FROM performance_schema.setup_actors; INSERT INTO performance_schema.setup_actors SELECT * FROM tmp_setup_actors; BEGIN DECLARE v_name varchar(64); DECLARE v_enabled enum('YES', 'NO'); DECLARE c_consumers CURSOR FOR SELECT NAME, ENABLED FROM tmp_setup_consumers; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET v_done = TRUE; SET v_done = FALSE; OPEN c_consumers; c_consumers_loop: LOOP FETCH c_consumers INTO v_name, v_enabled; IF v_done THEN LEAVE c_consumers_loop; END IF; UPDATE performance_schema.setup_consumers SET ENABLED = v_enabled WHERE NAME = v_name; END LOOP; CLOSE c_consumers; END; UPDATE performance_schema.setup_instruments INNER JOIN tmp_setup_instruments USING (NAME) SET performance_schema.setup_instruments.ENABLED = tmp_setup_instruments.ENABLED, performance_schema.setup_instruments.TIMED = tmp_setup_instruments.TIMED; BEGIN DECLARE v_thread_id bigint unsigned; DECLARE v_instrumented enum('YES', 'NO'); DECLARE c_threads CURSOR FOR SELECT THREAD_ID, INSTRUMENTED FROM tmp_threads; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET v_done = TRUE; SET v_done = FALSE; OPEN c_threads; c_threads_loop: LOOP FETCH c_threads INTO v_thread_id, v_instrumented; IF v_done THEN LEAVE c_threads_loop; END IF; UPDATE performance_schema.threads SET INSTRUMENTED = v_instrumented WHERE THREAD_ID = v_thread_id; END LOOP; CLOSE c_threads; END; UPDATE performance_schema.threads SET INSTRUMENTED = IF(PROCESSLIST_USER IS NOT NULL, sys.ps_is_account_enabled(PROCESSLIST_HOST, PROCESSLIST_USER), 'YES') WHERE THREAD_ID NOT IN (SELECT THREAD_ID FROM tmp_threads); DROP TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_setup_actors; DROP TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_setup_consumers; DROP TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_setup_instruments; DROP TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_threads; SELECT RELEASE_LOCK('sys.ps_setup_save') INTO v_lock_result; SET sql_log_bin = @log_bin; END; SET @old_sql_mode = @@session.sql_mode, @@session.sql_mode = ''; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS ps_setup_reset_to_default; CREATE DEFINER='mysql.sys'@'localhost' PROCEDURE ps_setup_reset_to_default ( IN in_verbose BOOLEAN ) COMMENT '\n Description\n \n Resets the Performance Schema setup to the default settings.\n \n Parameters\n \n in_verbose (BOOLEAN):\n Whether to print each setup stage (including the SQL) whilst running.\n \n Example\n \n mysql> CALL sys.ps_setup_reset_to_default(true)\\G\n *************************** 1. row ***************************\n status: Resetting: setup_actors\n DELETE\n FROM performance_schema.setup_actors\n WHERE NOT (HOST = \'%\' AND USER = \'%\' AND ROLE = \'%\')\n 1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n \n *************************** 1. row ***************************\n status: Resetting: setup_actors\n INSERT IGNORE INTO performance_schema.setup_actors\n VALUES (\'%\', \'%\', \'%\')\n 1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n ...\n \n mysql> CALL sys.ps_setup_reset_to_default(false)\\G\n Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)\n ' SQL SECURITY INVOKER NOT DETERMINISTIC MODIFIES SQL DATA BEGIN SET @query = 'DELETE FROM performance_schema.setup_actors WHERE NOT (HOST = ''%'' AND USER = ''%'' AND ROLE = ''%'')'; IF (in_verbose) THEN SELECT CONCAT('Resetting: setup_actors\n', REPLACE(@query, ' ', '')) AS status; END IF; PREPARE reset_stmt FROM @query; EXECUTE reset_stmt; DEALLOCATE PREPARE reset_stmt; SET @query = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO performance_schema.setup_actors VALUES (''%'', ''%'', ''%'', ''YES'', ''YES'')'; IF (in_verbose) THEN SELECT CONCAT('Resetting: setup_actors\n', REPLACE(@query, ' ', '')) AS status; END IF; PREPARE reset_stmt FROM @query; EXECUTE reset_stmt; DEALLOCATE PREPARE reset_stmt; SET @query = 'UPDATE performance_schema.setup_instruments SET ENABLED = sys.ps_is_instrument_default_enabled(NAME), TIMED = sys.ps_is_instrument_default_timed(NAME)'; IF (in_verbose) THEN SELECT CONCAT('Resetting: setup_instruments\n', REPLACE(@query, ' ', '')) AS status; END IF; PREPARE reset_stmt FROM @query; EXECUTE reset_stmt; DEALLOCATE PREPARE reset_stmt; SET @query = 'UPDATE performance_schema.setup_consumers SET ENABLED = IF(NAME IN (''events_statements_current'', ''events_transactions_current'', ''global_instrumentation'', ''thread_instrumentation'', ''statements_digest''), ''YES'', ''NO'')'; IF (in_verbose) THEN SELECT CONCAT('Resetting: setup_consumers\n', REPLACE(@query, ' ', '')) AS status; END IF; PREPARE reset_stmt FROM @query; EXECUTE reset_stmt; DEALLOCATE PREPARE reset_stmt; SET @query = 'DELETE FROM performance_schema.setup_objects WHERE NOT (OBJECT_TYPE IN (''EVENT'', ''FUNCTION'', ''PROCEDURE'', ''TABLE'', ''TRIGGER'') AND OBJECT_NAME = ''%'' AND (OBJECT_SCHEMA = ''mysql'' AND ENABLED = ''NO'' AND TIMED = ''NO'' ) OR (OBJECT_SCHEMA = ''performance_schema'' AND ENABLED = ''NO'' AND TIMED = ''NO'' ) OR (OBJECT_SCHEMA = ''information_schema'' AND ENABLED = ''NO'' AND TIMED = ''NO'' ) OR (OBJECT_SCHEMA = ''%'' AND ENABLED = ''YES'' AND TIMED = ''YES''))'; IF (in_verbose) THEN SELECT CONCAT('Resetting: setup_objects\n', REPLACE(@query, ' ', '')) AS status; END IF; PREPARE reset_stmt FROM @query; EXECUTE reset_stmt; DEALLOCATE PREPARE reset_stmt; SET @query = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO performance_schema.setup_objects VALUES (''EVENT'' , ''mysql'' , ''%'', ''NO'' , ''NO'' ), (''EVENT'' , ''performance_schema'', ''%'', ''NO'' , ''NO'' ), (''EVENT'' , ''information_schema'', ''%'', ''NO'' , ''NO'' ), (''EVENT'' , ''%'' , ''%'', ''YES'', ''YES''), (''FUNCTION'' , ''mysql'' , ''%'', ''NO'' , ''NO'' ), (''FUNCTION'' , ''performance_schema'', ''%'', ''NO'' , ''NO'' ), (''FUNCTION'' , ''information_schema'', ''%'', ''NO'' , ''NO'' ), (''FUNCTION'' , ''%'' , ''%'', ''YES'', ''YES''), (''PROCEDURE'', ''mysql'' , ''%'', ''NO'' , ''NO'' ), (''PROCEDURE'', ''performance_schema'', ''%'', ''NO'' , ''NO'' ), (''PROCEDURE'', ''information_schema'', ''%'', ''NO'' , ''NO'' ), (''PROCEDURE'', ''%'' , ''%'', ''YES'', ''YES''), (''TABLE'' , ''mysql'' , ''%'', ''NO'' , ''NO'' ), (''TABLE'' , ''performance_schema'', ''%'', ''NO'' , ''NO'' ), (''TABLE'' , ''information_schema'', ''%'', ''NO'' , ''NO'' ), (''TABLE'' , ''%'' , ''%'', ''YES'', ''YES''), (''TRIGGER'' , ''mysql'' , ''%'', ''NO'' , ''NO'' ), (''TRIGGER'' , ''performance_schema'', ''%'', ''NO'' , ''NO'' ), (''TRIGGER'' , ''information_schema'', ''%'', ''NO'' , ''NO'' ), (''TRIGGER'' , ''%'' , ''%'', ''YES'', ''YES'')'; IF (in_verbose) THEN SELECT CONCAT('Resetting: setup_objects\n', REPLACE(@query, ' ', '')) AS status; END IF; PREPARE reset_stmt FROM @query; EXECUTE reset_stmt; DEALLOCATE PREPARE reset_stmt; SET @query = 'UPDATE performance_schema.threads SET INSTRUMENTED = ''YES'''; IF (in_verbose) THEN SELECT CONCAT('Resetting: threads\n', REPLACE(@query, ' ', '')) AS status; END IF; PREPARE reset_stmt FROM @query; EXECUTE reset_stmt; DEALLOCATE PREPARE reset_stmt; END; SET @@session.sql_mode = @old_sql_mode; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS ps_setup_save; CREATE DEFINER='mysql.sys'@'localhost' PROCEDURE ps_setup_save ( IN in_timeout INT ) COMMENT '\n Description\n \n Saves the current configuration of Performance Schema, \n so that you can alter the setup for debugging purposes, \n but restore it to a previous state.\n \n Use the companion procedure - ps_setup_reload_saved(), to \n restore the saved config.\n \n The named lock "sys.ps_setup_save" is taken before the\n current configuration is saved. If the attempt to get the named\n lock times out, an error occurs.\n \n The lock is released after the settings have been restored by\n calling ps_setup_reload_saved().\n \n Requires the SUPER privilege for "SET sql_log_bin = 0;".\n \n Parameters\n \n in_timeout INT\n The timeout in seconds used when trying to obtain the lock.\n A negative timeout means infinite timeout.\n \n Example\n \n mysql> CALL sys.ps_setup_save(-1);\n Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.08 sec)\n \n mysql> UPDATE performance_schema.setup_instruments \n -> SET enabled = \'YES\', timed = \'YES\';\n Query OK, 547 rows affected (0.40 sec)\n Rows matched: 784 Changed: 547 Warnings: 0\n \n /* Run some tests that need more detailed instrumentation here */\n \n mysql> CALL sys.ps_setup_reload_saved();\n Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.32 sec)\n ' SQL SECURITY INVOKER NOT DETERMINISTIC MODIFIES SQL DATA BEGIN DECLARE v_lock_result INT; SET @log_bin := @@sql_log_bin; SET sql_log_bin = 0; SELECT GET_LOCK('sys.ps_setup_save', in_timeout) INTO v_lock_result; IF v_lock_result THEN DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS tmp_setup_actors; DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS tmp_setup_consumers; DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS tmp_setup_instruments; DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS tmp_threads; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_setup_actors LIKE performance_schema.setup_actors; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_setup_consumers LIKE performance_schema.setup_consumers; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_setup_instruments LIKE performance_schema.setup_instruments; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_threads (THREAD_ID bigint unsigned NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, INSTRUMENTED enum('YES','NO') NOT NULL); INSERT INTO tmp_setup_actors SELECT * FROM performance_schema.setup_actors; INSERT INTO tmp_setup_consumers SELECT * FROM performance_schema.setup_consumers; INSERT INTO tmp_setup_instruments SELECT * FROM performance_schema.setup_instruments; INSERT INTO tmp_threads SELECT THREAD_ID, INSTRUMENTED FROM performance_schema.threads; ELSE SIGNAL SQLSTATE VALUE '90000' SET MESSAGE_TEXT = 'Could not lock the sys.ps_setup_save user lock, another thread has a saved configuration'; END IF; SET sql_log_bin = @log_bin; END; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS ps_setup_show_disabled; CREATE DEFINER='mysql.sys'@'localhost' PROCEDURE ps_setup_show_disabled ( IN in_show_instruments BOOLEAN, IN in_show_threads BOOLEAN ) COMMENT '\n Description\n \n Shows all currently disable Performance Schema configuration.\n \n Disabled users is only available for MySQL 5.7.6 and later.\n In earlier versions it was only possible to enable users.\n \n Parameters\n \n in_show_instruments (BOOLEAN):\n Whether to print disabled instruments (can print many items)\n \n in_show_threads (BOOLEAN):\n Whether to print disabled threads\n \n Example\n \n mysql> CALL sys.ps_setup_show_disabled(TRUE, TRUE);\n +----------------------------+\n | performance_schema_enabled |\n +----------------------------+\n | 1 |\n +----------------------------+\n 1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n \n +--------------------+\n | disabled_users |\n +--------------------+\n | \'mark\'@\'localhost\' |\n +--------------------+\n 1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n \n +-------------+----------------------+---------+-------+\n | object_type | objects | enabled | timed |\n +-------------+----------------------+---------+-------+\n | EVENT | mysql.% | NO | NO |\n | EVENT | performance_schema.% | NO | NO |\n | EVENT | information_schema.% | NO | NO |\n | FUNCTION | mysql.% | NO | NO |\n | FUNCTION | performance_schema.% | NO | NO |\n | FUNCTION | information_schema.% | NO | NO |\n | PROCEDURE | mysql.% | NO | NO |\n | PROCEDURE | performance_schema.% | NO | NO |\n | PROCEDURE | information_schema.% | NO | NO |\n | TABLE | mysql.% | NO | NO |\n | TABLE | performance_schema.% | NO | NO |\n | TABLE | information_schema.% | NO | NO |\n | TRIGGER | mysql.% | NO | NO |\n | TRIGGER | performance_schema.% | NO | NO |\n | TRIGGER | information_schema.% | NO | NO |\n +-------------+----------------------+---------+-------+\n 15 rows in set (0.00 sec)\n \n +----------------------------------+\n | disabled_consumers |\n +----------------------------------+\n | events_stages_current |\n | events_stages_history |\n | events_stages_history_long |\n | events_statements_history |\n | events_statements_history_long |\n | events_transactions_history |\n | events_transactions_history_long |\n | events_waits_current |\n | events_waits_history |\n | events_waits_history_long |\n +----------------------------------+\n 10 rows in set (0.00 sec)\n \n Empty set (0.00 sec)\n \n +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------+\n | disabled_instruments | timed |\n +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------+\n | wait/synch/mutex/sql/TC_LOG_MMAP::LOCK_tc | NO |\n | wait/synch/mutex/sql/LOCK_des_key_file | NO |\n | wait/synch/mutex/sql/MYSQL_BIN_LOG::LOCK_commit | NO |\n ...\n | memory/sql/servers_cache | NO |\n | memory/sql/udf_mem | NO |\n | wait/lock/metadata/sql/mdl | NO |\n +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------+\n 547 rows in set (0.00 sec)\n \n Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)\n ' SQL SECURITY INVOKER NOT DETERMINISTIC READS SQL DATA BEGIN SELECT @@performance_schema AS performance_schema_enabled; /*!50706 SELECT CONCAT('\'', user, '\'@\'', host, '\'') AS disabled_users FROM performance_schema.setup_actors WHERE enabled = 'NO' ORDER BY disabled_users; */ SELECT object_type, CONCAT(object_schema, '.', object_name) AS objects, enabled, timed FROM performance_schema.setup_objects WHERE enabled = 'NO' ORDER BY object_type, objects; SELECT name AS disabled_consumers FROM performance_schema.setup_consumers WHERE enabled = 'NO' ORDER BY disabled_consumers; IF (in_show_threads) THEN SELECT IF(name = 'thread/sql/one_connection', CONCAT(processlist_user, '@', processlist_host), REPLACE(name, 'thread/', '')) AS disabled_threads, TYPE AS thread_type FROM performance_schema.threads WHERE INSTRUMENTED = 'NO' ORDER BY disabled_threads; END IF; IF (in_show_instruments) THEN SELECT name AS disabled_instruments, timed FROM performance_schema.setup_instruments WHERE enabled = 'NO' ORDER BY disabled_instruments; END IF; END; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS ps_setup_show_disabled_consumers; CREATE DEFINER='mysql.sys'@'localhost' PROCEDURE ps_setup_show_disabled_consumers () COMMENT '\n Description\n \n Shows all currently disabled consumers.\n \n Parameters\n \n None\n \n Example\n \n mysql> CALL sys.ps_setup_show_disabled_consumers();\n \n +---------------------------+\n | disabled_consumers |\n +---------------------------+\n | events_statements_current |\n | global_instrumentation |\n | thread_instrumentation |\n | statements_digest |\n +---------------------------+\n 4 rows in set (0.05 sec)\n ' SQL SECURITY INVOKER DETERMINISTIC READS SQL DATA BEGIN SELECT name AS disabled_consumers FROM performance_schema.setup_consumers WHERE enabled = 'NO' ORDER BY disabled_consumers; END; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS ps_setup_show_disabled_instruments; CREATE DEFINER='mysql.sys'@'localhost' PROCEDURE ps_setup_show_disabled_instruments () COMMENT '\n Description\n \n Shows all currently disabled instruments.\n \n Parameters\n \n None\n \n Example\n \n mysql> CALL sys.ps_setup_show_disabled_instruments();\n ' SQL SECURITY INVOKER DETERMINISTIC READS SQL DATA BEGIN SELECT name AS disabled_instruments, timed FROM performance_schema.setup_instruments WHERE enabled = 'NO' ORDER BY disabled_instruments; END; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS ps_setup_show_enabled; CREATE DEFINER='mysql.sys'@'localhost' PROCEDURE ps_setup_show_enabled ( IN in_show_instruments BOOLEAN, IN in_show_threads BOOLEAN ) COMMENT '\n Description\n \n Shows all currently enabled Performance Schema configuration.\n \n Parameters\n \n in_show_instruments (BOOLEAN):\n Whether to print enabled instruments (can print many items)\n \n in_show_threads (BOOLEAN):\n Whether to print enabled threads\n \n Example\n \n mysql> CALL sys.ps_setup_show_enabled(TRUE, TRUE);\n +----------------------------+\n | performance_schema_enabled |\n +----------------------------+\n | 1 |\n +----------------------------+\n 1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n \n +---------------+\n | enabled_users |\n +---------------+\n | \'%\'@\'%\' |\n +---------------+\n 1 row in set (0.01 sec)\n \n +-------------+---------+---------+-------+\n | object_type | objects | enabled | timed |\n +-------------+---------+---------+-------+\n | EVENT | %.% | YES | YES |\n | FUNCTION | %.% | YES | YES |\n | PROCEDURE | %.% | YES | YES |\n | TABLE | %.% | YES | YES |\n | TRIGGER | %.% | YES | YES |\n +-------------+---------+---------+-------+\n 5 rows in set (0.01 sec)\n \n +---------------------------+\n | enabled_consumers |\n +---------------------------+\n | events_statements_current |\n | global_instrumentation |\n | thread_instrumentation |\n | statements_digest |\n +---------------------------+\n 4 rows in set (0.05 sec)\n \n +---------------------------------+-------------+\n | enabled_threads | thread_type |\n +---------------------------------+-------------+\n | sql/main | BACKGROUND |\n | sql/thread_timer_notifier | BACKGROUND |\n | innodb/io_ibuf_thread | BACKGROUND |\n | innodb/io_log_thread | BACKGROUND |\n | innodb/io_read_thread | BACKGROUND |\n | innodb/io_read_thread | BACKGROUND |\n | innodb/io_write_thread | BACKGROUND |\n | innodb/io_write_thread | BACKGROUND |\n | innodb/page_cleaner_thread | BACKGROUND |\n | innodb/srv_lock_timeout_thread | BACKGROUND |\n | innodb/srv_error_monitor_thread | BACKGROUND |\n | innodb/srv_monitor_thread | BACKGROUND |\n | innodb/srv_master_thread | BACKGROUND |\n | innodb/srv_purge_thread | BACKGROUND |\n | innodb/srv_worker_thread | BACKGROUND |\n | innodb/srv_worker_thread | BACKGROUND |\n | innodb/srv_worker_thread | BACKGROUND |\n | innodb/buf_dump_thread | BACKGROUND |\n | innodb/dict_stats_thread | BACKGROUND |\n | sql/signal_handler | BACKGROUND |\n | sql/compress_gtid_table | FOREGROUND |\n | root@localhost | FOREGROUND |\n +---------------------------------+-------------+\n 22 rows in set (0.01 sec)\n \n +-------------------------------------+-------+\n | enabled_instruments | timed |\n +-------------------------------------+-------+\n | wait/io/file/sql/map | YES |\n | wait/io/file/sql/binlog | YES |\n ...\n | statement/com/Error | YES |\n | statement/com/ | YES |\n | idle | YES |\n +-------------------------------------+-------+\n 210 rows in set (0.08 sec)\n \n Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.89 sec)\n ' SQL SECURITY INVOKER DETERMINISTIC READS SQL DATA BEGIN SELECT @@performance_schema AS performance_schema_enabled; SELECT CONCAT('\'', user, '\'@\'', host, '\'') AS enabled_users FROM performance_schema.setup_actors /*!50706 WHERE enabled = 'YES' */ ORDER BY enabled_users; SELECT object_type, CONCAT(object_schema, '.', object_name) AS objects, enabled, timed FROM performance_schema.setup_objects WHERE enabled = 'YES' ORDER BY object_type, objects; SELECT name AS enabled_consumers FROM performance_schema.setup_consumers WHERE enabled = 'YES' ORDER BY enabled_consumers; IF (in_show_threads) THEN SELECT IF(name = 'thread/sql/one_connection', CONCAT(processlist_user, '@', processlist_host), REPLACE(name, 'thread/', '')) AS enabled_threads, TYPE AS thread_type FROM performance_schema.threads WHERE INSTRUMENTED = 'YES' ORDER BY enabled_threads; END IF; IF (in_show_instruments) THEN SELECT name AS enabled_instruments, timed FROM performance_schema.setup_instruments WHERE enabled = 'YES' ORDER BY enabled_instruments; END IF; END; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS ps_setup_show_enabled_consumers; CREATE DEFINER='mysql.sys'@'localhost' PROCEDURE ps_setup_show_enabled_consumers () COMMENT '\n Description\n \n Shows all currently enabled consumers.\n \n Parameters\n \n None\n \n Example\n \n mysql> CALL sys.ps_setup_show_enabled_consumers();\n \n +---------------------------+\n | enabled_consumers |\n +---------------------------+\n | events_statements_current |\n | global_instrumentation |\n | thread_instrumentation |\n | statements_digest |\n +---------------------------+\n 4 rows in set (0.05 sec)\n ' SQL SECURITY INVOKER DETERMINISTIC READS SQL DATA BEGIN SELECT name AS enabled_consumers FROM performance_schema.setup_consumers WHERE enabled = 'YES' ORDER BY enabled_consumers; END; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS ps_setup_show_enabled_instruments; CREATE DEFINER='mysql.sys'@'localhost' PROCEDURE ps_setup_show_enabled_instruments () COMMENT '\n Description\n \n Shows all currently enabled instruments.\n \n Parameters\n \n None\n \n Example\n \n mysql> CALL sys.ps_setup_show_enabled_instruments();\n ' SQL SECURITY INVOKER DETERMINISTIC READS SQL DATA BEGIN SELECT name AS enabled_instruments, timed FROM performance_schema.setup_instruments WHERE enabled = 'YES' ORDER BY enabled_instruments; END; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS ps_truncate_all_tables; CREATE DEFINER='mysql.sys'@'localhost' PROCEDURE ps_truncate_all_tables ( IN in_verbose BOOLEAN ) COMMENT '\n Description\n \n Truncates all summary tables within Performance Schema, \n resetting all aggregated instrumentation as a snapshot.\n \n Parameters\n \n in_verbose (BOOLEAN):\n Whether to print each TRUNCATE statement before running\n \n Example\n \n mysql> CALL sys.ps_truncate_all_tables(false);\n +---------------------+\n | summary |\n +---------------------+\n | Truncated 44 tables |\n +---------------------+\n 1 row in set (0.10 sec)\n \n Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.10 sec)\n ' SQL SECURITY INVOKER DETERMINISTIC MODIFIES SQL DATA BEGIN DECLARE v_done INT DEFAULT FALSE; DECLARE v_total_tables INT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE v_ps_table VARCHAR(64); DECLARE ps_tables CURSOR FOR SELECT table_name FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE table_schema = 'performance_schema' AND (table_name LIKE '%summary%' OR table_name LIKE '%history%'); DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET v_done = TRUE; OPEN ps_tables; ps_tables_loop: LOOP FETCH ps_tables INTO v_ps_table; IF v_done THEN LEAVE ps_tables_loop; END IF; SET @truncate_stmt := CONCAT('TRUNCATE TABLE performance_schema.', v_ps_table); IF in_verbose THEN SELECT CONCAT('Running: ', @truncate_stmt) AS status; END IF; PREPARE truncate_stmt FROM @truncate_stmt; EXECUTE truncate_stmt; DEALLOCATE PREPARE truncate_stmt; SET v_total_tables = v_total_tables + 1; END LOOP; CLOSE ps_tables; SELECT CONCAT('Truncated ', v_total_tables, ' tables') AS summary; END; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS statement_performance_analyzer; CREATE DEFINER='mysql.sys'@'localhost' PROCEDURE statement_performance_analyzer ( IN in_action ENUM('snapshot', 'overall', 'delta', 'create_table', 'create_tmp', 'save', 'cleanup'), IN in_table VARCHAR(129), IN in_views SET ('with_runtimes_in_95th_percentile', 'analysis', 'with_errors_or_warnings', 'with_full_table_scans', 'with_sorting', 'with_temp_tables', 'custom') ) COMMENT '\n Description\n \n Create a report of the statements running on the server.\n \n The views are calculated based on the overall and/or delta activity.\n \n Requires the SUPER privilege for "SET sql_log_bin = 0;".\n \n Parameters\n \n in_action (ENUM(''snapshot'', ''overall'', ''delta'', ''create_tmp'', ''create_table'', ''save'', ''cleanup'')):\n The action to take. Supported actions are:\n * snapshot Store a snapshot. The default is to make a snapshot of the current content of\n performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_digest, but by setting in_table\n this can be overwritten to copy the content of the specified table.\n The snapshot is stored in the sys.tmp_digests temporary table.\n * overall Generate analyzis based on the content specified by in_table. For the overall analyzis,\n in_table can be NOW() to use a fresh snapshot. This will overwrite an existing snapshot.\n Use NULL for in_table to use the existing snapshot. If in_table IS NULL and no snapshot\n exists, a new will be created.\n See also in_views and @sys.statement_performance_analyzer.limit.\n * delta Generate a delta analysis. The delta will be calculated between the reference table in\n in_table and the snapshot. An existing snapshot must exist.\n The action uses the sys.tmp_digests_delta temporary table.\n See also in_views and @sys.statement_performance_analyzer.limit.\n * create_table Create a regular table suitable for storing the snapshot for later use, e.g. for\n calculating deltas.\n * create_tmp Create a temporary table suitable for storing the snapshot for later use, e.g. for\n calculating deltas.\n * save Save the snapshot in the table specified by in_table. The table must exists and have\n the correct structure.\n If no snapshot exists, a new is created.\n * cleanup Remove the temporary tables used for the snapshot and delta.\n \n in_table (VARCHAR(129)):\n The table argument used for some actions. Use the format ''db1.t1'' or ''t1'' without using any backticks (`)\n for quoting. Periods (.) are not supported in the database and table names.\n \n The meaning of the table for each action supporting the argument is:\n \n * snapshot The snapshot is created based on the specified table. Set to NULL or NOW() to use\n the current content of performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_digest.\n * overall The table with the content to create the overall analyzis for. The following values\n can be used:\n - A table name - use the content of that table.\n - NOW() - create a fresh snapshot and overwrite the existing snapshot.\n - NULL - use the last stored snapshot.\n * delta The table name is mandatory and specified the reference view to compare the currently\n stored snapshot against. If no snapshot exists, a new will be created.\n * create_table The name of the regular table to create.\n * create_tmp The name of the temporary table to create.\n * save The name of the table to save the currently stored snapshot into.\n \n in_views (SET (''with_runtimes_in_95th_percentile'', ''analysis'', ''with_errors_or_warnings'',\n ''with_full_table_scans'', ''with_sorting'', ''with_temp_tables'', ''custom''))\n Which views to include: * with_runtimes_in_95th_percentile Based on the sys.statements_with_runtimes_in_95th_percentile view * analysis Based on the sys.statement_analysis view * with_errors_or_warnings Based on the sys.statements_with_errors_or_warnings view * with_full_table_scans Based on the sys.statements_with_full_table_scans view * with_sorting Based on the sys.statements_with_sorting view * with_temp_tables Based on the sys.statements_with_temp_tables view * custom Use a custom view. This view must be specified in @sys.statement_performance_analyzer.view to an existing view or a query Default is to include all except ''custom''. Configuration Options sys.statement_performance_analyzer.limit The maximum number of rows to include for the views that does not have a built-in limit (e.g. the 95th percentile view). If not set the limit is 100. sys.statement_performance_analyzer.view Used together with the ''custom'' view. If the value contains a space, it is considered a query, otherwise it must be an existing view querying the performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_digest table. There cannot be any limit clause including in the query or view definition if @sys.statement_performance_analyzer.limit > 0. If specifying a view, use the same format as for in_table. sys.debug Whether to provide debugging output. Default is ''OFF''. Set to ''ON'' to include. Example To create a report with the queries in the 95th percentile since last truncate of performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_digest and the delta for a 1 minute period: 1. Create a temporary table to store the initial snapshot. 2. Create the initial snapshot. 3. Save the initial snapshot in the temporary table. 4. Wait one minute. 5. Create a new snapshot. 6. Perform analyzis based on the new snapshot. 7. Perform analyzis based on the delta between the initial and new snapshots. mysql> CALL sys.statement_performance_analyzer(''create_tmp'', ''mydb.tmp_digests_ini'', NULL); Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.08 sec) mysql> CALL sys.statement_performance_analyzer(''snapshot'', NULL, NULL); Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec) mysql> CALL sys.statement_performance_analyzer(''save'', ''mydb.tmp_digests_ini'', NULL); Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) mysql> DO SLEEP(60); Query OK, 0 rows affected (1 min 0.00 sec) mysql> CALL sys.statement_performance_analyzer(''snapshot'', NULL, NULL); Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec) mysql> CALL sys.statement_performance_analyzer(''overall'', NULL, ''with_runtimes_in_95th_percentile''); +-----------------------------------------+ | Next Output | +-----------------------------------------+ | Queries with Runtime in 95th Percentile | +-----------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.05 sec) ... mysql> CALL sys.statement_performance_analyzer(''delta'', ''mydb.tmp_digests_ini'', ''with_runtimes_in_95th_percentile''); +-----------------------------------------+ | Next Output | +-----------------------------------------+ | Queries with Runtime in 95th Percentile | +-----------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.03 sec) ... To create an overall report of the 95th percentile queries and the top 10 queries with full table scans: mysql> CALL sys.statement_performance_analyzer(''snapshot'', NULL, NULL); Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec) mysql> SET @sys.statement_performance_analyzer.limit = 10; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) mysql> CALL sys.statement_performance_analyzer(''overall'', NULL, ''with_runtimes_in_95th_percentile,with_full_table_scans''); +-----------------------------------------+ | Next Output | +-----------------------------------------+ | Queries with Runtime in 95th Percentile | +-----------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.01 sec) ... +-------------------------------------+ | Next Output | +-------------------------------------+ | Top 10 Queries with Full Table Scan | +-------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.09 sec) ... Use a custom view showing the top 10 query sorted by total execution time refreshing the view every minute using the watch command in Linux. mysql> CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW mydb.my_statements AS -> SELECT sys.format_statement(DIGEST_TEXT) AS query, -> SCHEMA_NAME AS db, -> COUNT_STAR AS exec_count, -> sys.format_time(SUM_TIMER_WAIT) AS total_latency, -> sys.format_time(AVG_TIMER_WAIT) AS avg_latency, -> ROUND(IFNULL(SUM_ROWS_SENT / NULLIF(COUNT_STAR, 0), 0)) AS rows_sent_avg, -> ROUND(IFNULL(SUM_ROWS_EXAMINED / NULLIF(COUNT_STAR, 0), 0)) AS rows_examined_avg, -> ROUND(IFNULL(SUM_ROWS_AFFECTED / NULLIF(COUNT_STAR, 0), 0)) AS rows_affected_avg, -> DIGEST AS digest -> FROM performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_digest -> ORDER BY SUM_TIMER_WAIT DESC; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec) mysql> CALL sys.statement_performance_analyzer(''create_table'', ''mydb.digests_prev'', NULL); Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.10 sec) shell$ watch -n 60 "mysql sys --table -e \" > SET @sys.statement_performance_analyzer.view = ''mydb.my_statements''; > SET @sys.statement_performance_analyzer.limit = 10; > CALL statement_performance_analyzer(''snapshot'', NULL, NULL); > CALL statement_performance_analyzer(''delta'', ''mydb.digests_prev'', ''custom''); > CALL statement_performance_analyzer(''save'', ''mydb.digests_prev'', NULL); > \"" Every 60.0s: mysql sys --table -e " ... Mon Dec 22 10:58:51 2014 +----------------------------------+ | Next Output | +----------------------------------+ | Top 10 Queries Using Custom View | +----------------------------------+ +-------------------+-------+------------+---------------+-------------+---------------+-------------------+-------------------+----------------------------------+ | query | db | exec_count | total_latency | avg_latency | rows_sent_avg | rows_examined_avg | rows_affected_avg | digest | +-------------------+-------+------------+---------------+-------------+---------------+-------------------+-------------------+----------------------------------+ ... ' SQL SECURITY INVOKER NOT DETERMINISTIC CONTAINS SQL BEGIN DECLARE v_table_exists, v_tmp_digests_table_exists, v_custom_view_exists ENUM('', 'BASE TABLE', 'VIEW', 'TEMPORARY') DEFAULT ''; DECLARE v_this_thread_enabled ENUM('YES', 'NO'); DECLARE v_force_new_snapshot BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE; DECLARE v_digests_table VARCHAR(133); DECLARE v_quoted_table, v_quoted_custom_view VARCHAR(133) DEFAULT ''; DECLARE v_table_db, v_table_name, v_custom_db, v_custom_name VARCHAR(64); DECLARE v_digest_table_template, v_checksum_ref, v_checksum_table text; DECLARE v_sql longtext; DECLARE v_error_msg VARCHAR(128); SELECT INSTRUMENTED INTO v_this_thread_enabled FROM performance_schema.threads WHERE PROCESSLIST_ID = CONNECTION_ID(); IF (v_this_thread_enabled = 'YES') THEN CALL sys.ps_setup_disable_thread(CONNECTION_ID()); END IF; SET @log_bin := @@sql_log_bin; IF (@log_bin = 1) THEN SET sql_log_bin = 0; END IF; IF (@sys.statement_performance_analyzer.limit IS NULL) THEN SET @sys.statement_performance_analyzer.limit = sys.sys_get_config('statement_performance_analyzer.limit', '100'); END IF; IF (@sys.debug IS NULL) THEN SET @sys.debug = sys.sys_get_config('debug' , 'OFF'); END IF; IF (in_table = 'NOW()') THEN SET v_force_new_snapshot = TRUE, in_table = NULL; ELSEIF (in_table IS NOT NULL) THEN IF (NOT INSTR(in_table, '.')) THEN SET v_table_db = DATABASE(), v_table_name = in_table; ELSE SET v_table_db = SUBSTRING_INDEX(in_table, '.', 1); SET v_table_name = SUBSTRING(in_table, CHAR_LENGTH(v_table_db)+2); END IF; SET v_quoted_table = CONCAT('`', v_table_db, '`.`', v_table_name, '`'); IF (@sys.debug = 'ON') THEN SELECT CONCAT('in_table is: db = ''', v_table_db, ''', table = ''', v_table_name, '''') AS 'Debug'; END IF; IF (v_table_db = DATABASE() AND (v_table_name = 'tmp_digests' OR v_table_name = 'tmp_digests_delta')) THEN SET v_error_msg = CONCAT('Invalid value for in_table: ', v_quoted_table, ' is reserved table name.'); SIGNAL SQLSTATE '45000' SET MESSAGE_TEXT = v_error_msg; END IF; CALL sys.table_exists(v_table_db, v_table_name, v_table_exists); IF (@sys.debug = 'ON') THEN SELECT CONCAT('v_table_exists = ', v_table_exists) AS 'Debug'; END IF; IF (v_table_exists = 'BASE TABLE') THEN SET v_checksum_ref = ( SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT(COLUMN_NAME, COLUMN_TYPE) ORDER BY ORDINAL_POSITION) AS Checksum FROM information_schema.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = 'performance_schema' AND TABLE_NAME = 'events_statements_summary_by_digest' ), v_checksum_table = ( SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT(COLUMN_NAME, COLUMN_TYPE) ORDER BY ORDINAL_POSITION) AS Checksum FROM information_schema.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = v_table_db AND TABLE_NAME = v_table_name ); IF (v_checksum_ref <> v_checksum_table) THEN SET v_error_msg = CONCAT('The table ', IF(CHAR_LENGTH(v_quoted_table) > 93, CONCAT('...', SUBSTRING(v_quoted_table, -90)), v_quoted_table), ' has the wrong definition.'); SIGNAL SQLSTATE '45000' SET MESSAGE_TEXT = v_error_msg; END IF; END IF; END IF; IF (in_views IS NULL OR in_views = '') THEN SET in_views = 'with_runtimes_in_95th_percentile,analysis,with_errors_or_warnings,with_full_table_scans,with_sorting,with_temp_tables'; END IF; CALL sys.table_exists(DATABASE(), 'tmp_digests', v_tmp_digests_table_exists); IF (@sys.debug = 'ON') THEN SELECT CONCAT('v_tmp_digests_table_exists = ', v_tmp_digests_table_exists) AS 'Debug'; END IF; CASE WHEN in_action IN ('snapshot', 'overall') THEN IF (in_table IS NOT NULL) THEN IF (NOT v_table_exists IN ('TEMPORARY', 'BASE TABLE')) THEN SET v_error_msg = CONCAT('The ', in_action, ' action requires in_table to be NULL, NOW() or specify an existing table.', ' The table ', IF(CHAR_LENGTH(v_quoted_table) > 16, CONCAT('...', SUBSTRING(v_quoted_table, -13)), v_quoted_table), ' does not exist.'); SIGNAL SQLSTATE '45000' SET MESSAGE_TEXT = v_error_msg; END IF; END IF; WHEN in_action IN ('delta', 'save') THEN IF (v_table_exists NOT IN ('TEMPORARY', 'BASE TABLE')) THEN SET v_error_msg = CONCAT('The ', in_action, ' action requires in_table to be an existing table.', IF(in_table IS NOT NULL, CONCAT(' The table ', IF(CHAR_LENGTH(v_quoted_table) > 39, CONCAT('...', SUBSTRING(v_quoted_table, -36)), v_quoted_table), ' does not exist.'), '')); SIGNAL SQLSTATE '45000' SET MESSAGE_TEXT = v_error_msg; END IF; IF (in_action = 'delta' AND v_tmp_digests_table_exists <> 'TEMPORARY') THEN SIGNAL SQLSTATE '45000' SET MESSAGE_TEXT = 'An existing snapshot generated with the statement_performance_analyzer() must exist.'; END IF; WHEN in_action = 'create_tmp' THEN IF (v_table_exists = 'TEMPORARY') THEN SET v_error_msg = CONCAT('Cannot create the table ', IF(CHAR_LENGTH(v_quoted_table) > 72, CONCAT('...', SUBSTRING(v_quoted_table, -69)), v_quoted_table), ' as it already exists.'); SIGNAL SQLSTATE '45000' SET MESSAGE_TEXT = v_error_msg; END IF; WHEN in_action = 'create_table' THEN IF (v_table_exists <> '') THEN SET v_error_msg = CONCAT('Cannot create the table ', IF(CHAR_LENGTH(v_quoted_table) > 52, CONCAT('...', SUBSTRING(v_quoted_table, -49)), v_quoted_table), ' as it already exists', IF(v_table_exists = 'TEMPORARY', ' as a temporary table.', '.')); SIGNAL SQLSTATE '45000' SET MESSAGE_TEXT = v_error_msg; END IF; WHEN in_action = 'cleanup' THEN DO (SELECT 1); ELSE SIGNAL SQLSTATE '45000' SET MESSAGE_TEXT = 'Unknown action. Supported actions are: cleanup, create_table, create_tmp, delta, overall, save, snapshot'; END CASE; SET v_digest_table_template = 'CREATE %{TEMPORARY}TABLE %{TABLE_NAME} ( `SCHEMA_NAME` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL, `DIGEST` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL, `DIGEST_TEXT` longtext, `COUNT_STAR` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL, `SUM_TIMER_WAIT` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL, `MIN_TIMER_WAIT` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL, `AVG_TIMER_WAIT` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL, `MAX_TIMER_WAIT` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL, `SUM_LOCK_TIME` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL, `SUM_ERRORS` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL, `SUM_WARNINGS` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL, `SUM_ROWS_AFFECTED` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL, `SUM_ROWS_SENT` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL, `SUM_ROWS_EXAMINED` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL, `SUM_CREATED_TMP_DISK_TABLES` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL, `SUM_CREATED_TMP_TABLES` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL, `SUM_SELECT_FULL_JOIN` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL, `SUM_SELECT_FULL_RANGE_JOIN` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL, `SUM_SELECT_RANGE` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL, `SUM_SELECT_RANGE_CHECK` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL, `SUM_SELECT_SCAN` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL, `SUM_SORT_MERGE_PASSES` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL, `SUM_SORT_RANGE` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL, `SUM_SORT_ROWS` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL, `SUM_SORT_SCAN` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL, `SUM_NO_INDEX_USED` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL, `SUM_NO_GOOD_INDEX_USED` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL, `FIRST_SEEN` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL, `LAST_SEEN` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL, INDEX (SCHEMA_NAME, DIGEST) ) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8'; IF (v_force_new_snapshot OR in_action = 'snapshot' OR (in_action = 'overall' AND in_table IS NULL) OR (in_action = 'save' AND v_tmp_digests_table_exists <> 'TEMPORARY') ) THEN IF (v_tmp_digests_table_exists = 'TEMPORARY') THEN IF (@sys.debug = 'ON') THEN SELECT 'DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS tmp_digests' AS 'Debug'; END IF; DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS tmp_digests; END IF; CALL sys.execute_prepared_stmt(REPLACE(REPLACE(v_digest_table_template, '%{TEMPORARY}', 'TEMPORARY '), '%{TABLE_NAME}', 'tmp_digests')); SET v_sql = CONCAT('INSERT INTO tmp_digests SELECT * FROM ', IF(in_table IS NULL OR in_action = 'save', 'performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_digest', v_quoted_table)); CALL sys.execute_prepared_stmt(v_sql); END IF; IF (in_action IN ('create_table', 'create_tmp')) THEN IF (in_action = 'create_table') THEN CALL sys.execute_prepared_stmt(REPLACE(REPLACE(v_digest_table_template, '%{TEMPORARY}', ''), '%{TABLE_NAME}', v_quoted_table)); ELSE CALL sys.execute_prepared_stmt(REPLACE(REPLACE(v_digest_table_template, '%{TEMPORARY}', 'TEMPORARY '), '%{TABLE_NAME}', v_quoted_table)); END IF; ELSEIF (in_action = 'save') THEN CALL sys.execute_prepared_stmt(CONCAT('DELETE FROM ', v_quoted_table)); CALL sys.execute_prepared_stmt(CONCAT('INSERT INTO ', v_quoted_table, ' SELECT * FROM tmp_digests')); ELSEIF (in_action = 'cleanup') THEN DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS sys.tmp_digests; DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS sys.tmp_digests_delta; ELSEIF (in_action IN ('overall', 'delta')) THEN IF (in_action = 'overall') THEN IF (in_table IS NULL) THEN SET v_digests_table = 'tmp_digests'; ELSE SET v_digests_table = v_quoted_table; END IF; ELSE SET v_digests_table = 'tmp_digests_delta'; DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS tmp_digests_delta; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_digests_delta LIKE tmp_digests; SET v_sql = CONCAT('INSERT INTO tmp_digests_delta SELECT `d_end`.`SCHEMA_NAME`, `d_end`.`DIGEST`, `d_end`.`DIGEST_TEXT`, `d_end`.`COUNT_STAR`-IFNULL(`d_start`.`COUNT_STAR`, 0) AS ''COUNT_STAR'', `d_end`.`SUM_TIMER_WAIT`-IFNULL(`d_start`.`SUM_TIMER_WAIT`, 0) AS ''SUM_TIMER_WAIT'', `d_end`.`MIN_TIMER_WAIT` AS ''MIN_TIMER_WAIT'', IFNULL((`d_end`.`SUM_TIMER_WAIT`-IFNULL(`d_start`.`SUM_TIMER_WAIT`, 0))/NULLIF(`d_end`.`COUNT_STAR`-IFNULL(`d_start`.`COUNT_STAR`, 0), 0), 0) AS ''AVG_TIMER_WAIT'', `d_end`.`MAX_TIMER_WAIT` AS ''MAX_TIMER_WAIT'', `d_end`.`SUM_LOCK_TIME`-IFNULL(`d_start`.`SUM_LOCK_TIME`, 0) AS ''SUM_LOCK_TIME'', `d_end`.`SUM_ERRORS`-IFNULL(`d_start`.`SUM_ERRORS`, 0) AS ''SUM_ERRORS'', `d_end`.`SUM_WARNINGS`-IFNULL(`d_start`.`SUM_WARNINGS`, 0) AS ''SUM_WARNINGS'', `d_end`.`SUM_ROWS_AFFECTED`-IFNULL(`d_start`.`SUM_ROWS_AFFECTED`, 0) AS ''SUM_ROWS_AFFECTED'', `d_end`.`SUM_ROWS_SENT`-IFNULL(`d_start`.`SUM_ROWS_SENT`, 0) AS ''SUM_ROWS_SENT'', `d_end`.`SUM_ROWS_EXAMINED`-IFNULL(`d_start`.`SUM_ROWS_EXAMINED`, 0) AS ''SUM_ROWS_EXAMINED'', `d_end`.`SUM_CREATED_TMP_DISK_TABLES`-IFNULL(`d_start`.`SUM_CREATED_TMP_DISK_TABLES`, 0) AS ''SUM_CREATED_TMP_DISK_TABLES'', `d_end`.`SUM_CREATED_TMP_TABLES`-IFNULL(`d_start`.`SUM_CREATED_TMP_TABLES`, 0) AS ''SUM_CREATED_TMP_TABLES'', `d_end`.`SUM_SELECT_FULL_JOIN`-IFNULL(`d_start`.`SUM_SELECT_FULL_JOIN`, 0) AS ''SUM_SELECT_FULL_JOIN'', `d_end`.`SUM_SELECT_FULL_RANGE_JOIN`-IFNULL(`d_start`.`SUM_SELECT_FULL_RANGE_JOIN`, 0) AS ''SUM_SELECT_FULL_RANGE_JOIN'', `d_end`.`SUM_SELECT_RANGE`-IFNULL(`d_start`.`SUM_SELECT_RANGE`, 0) AS ''SUM_SELECT_RANGE'', `d_end`.`SUM_SELECT_RANGE_CHECK`-IFNULL(`d_start`.`SUM_SELECT_RANGE_CHECK`, 0) AS ''SUM_SELECT_RANGE_CHECK'', `d_end`.`SUM_SELECT_SCAN`-IFNULL(`d_start`.`SUM_SELECT_SCAN`, 0) AS ''SUM_SELECT_SCAN'', `d_end`.`SUM_SORT_MERGE_PASSES`-IFNULL(`d_start`.`SUM_SORT_MERGE_PASSES`, 0) AS ''SUM_SORT_MERGE_PASSES'', `d_end`.`SUM_SORT_RANGE`-IFNULL(`d_start`.`SUM_SORT_RANGE`, 0) AS ''SUM_SORT_RANGE'', `d_end`.`SUM_SORT_ROWS`-IFNULL(`d_start`.`SUM_SORT_ROWS`, 0) AS ''SUM_SORT_ROWS'', `d_end`.`SUM_SORT_SCAN`-IFNULL(`d_start`.`SUM_SORT_SCAN`, 0) AS ''SUM_SORT_SCAN'', `d_end`.`SUM_NO_INDEX_USED`-IFNULL(`d_start`.`SUM_NO_INDEX_USED`, 0) AS ''SUM_NO_INDEX_USED'', `d_end`.`SUM_NO_GOOD_INDEX_USED`-IFNULL(`d_start`.`SUM_NO_GOOD_INDEX_USED`, 0) AS ''SUM_NO_GOOD_INDEX_USED'', `d_end`.`FIRST_SEEN`, `d_end`.`LAST_SEEN` FROM tmp_digests d_end LEFT OUTER JOIN ', v_quoted_table, ' d_start ON `d_start`.`DIGEST` = `d_end`.`DIGEST` AND (`d_start`.`SCHEMA_NAME` = `d_end`.`SCHEMA_NAME` OR (`d_start`.`SCHEMA_NAME` IS NULL AND `d_end`.`SCHEMA_NAME` IS NULL) ) WHERE `d_end`.`COUNT_STAR`-IFNULL(`d_start`.`COUNT_STAR`, 0) > 0'); CALL sys.execute_prepared_stmt(v_sql); END IF; IF (FIND_IN_SET('with_runtimes_in_95th_percentile', in_views)) THEN SELECT 'Queries with Runtime in 95th Percentile' AS 'Next Output'; DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS tmp_digest_avg_latency_distribution1; DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS tmp_digest_avg_latency_distribution2; DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS tmp_digest_95th_percentile_by_avg_us; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_digest_avg_latency_distribution1 ( cnt bigint unsigned NOT NULL, avg_us decimal(21,0) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (avg_us) ) ENGINE=InnoDB; SET v_sql = CONCAT('INSERT INTO tmp_digest_avg_latency_distribution1 SELECT COUNT(*) cnt, ROUND(avg_timer_wait/1000000) AS avg_us FROM ', v_digests_table, ' GROUP BY avg_us'); CALL sys.execute_prepared_stmt(v_sql); CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_digest_avg_latency_distribution2 LIKE tmp_digest_avg_latency_distribution1; INSERT INTO tmp_digest_avg_latency_distribution2 SELECT * FROM tmp_digest_avg_latency_distribution1; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_digest_95th_percentile_by_avg_us ( avg_us decimal(21,0) NOT NULL, percentile decimal(46,4) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (avg_us) ) ENGINE=InnoDB; SET v_sql = CONCAT('INSERT INTO tmp_digest_95th_percentile_by_avg_us SELECT s2.avg_us avg_us, IFNULL(SUM(s1.cnt)/NULLIF((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ', v_digests_table, '), 0), 0) percentile FROM tmp_digest_avg_latency_distribution1 AS s1 JOIN tmp_digest_avg_latency_distribution2 AS s2 ON s1.avg_us <= s2.avg_us GROUP BY s2.avg_us HAVING percentile > 0.95 ORDER BY percentile LIMIT 1'); CALL sys.execute_prepared_stmt(v_sql); SET v_sql = REPLACE( REPLACE( (SELECT VIEW_DEFINITION FROM information_schema.VIEWS WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = DATABASE() AND TABLE_NAME = 'statements_with_runtimes_in_95th_percentile' ), '`performance_schema`.`events_statements_summary_by_digest`', v_digests_table ), 'sys.x$ps_digest_95th_percentile_by_avg_us', '`sys`.`x$ps_digest_95th_percentile_by_avg_us`' ); CALL sys.execute_prepared_stmt(v_sql); DROP TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_digest_avg_latency_distribution1; DROP TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_digest_avg_latency_distribution2; DROP TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_digest_95th_percentile_by_avg_us; END IF; IF (FIND_IN_SET('analysis', in_views)) THEN SELECT CONCAT('Top ', @sys.statement_performance_analyzer.limit, ' Queries Ordered by Total Latency') AS 'Next Output'; SET v_sql = REPLACE( (SELECT VIEW_DEFINITION FROM information_schema.VIEWS WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = DATABASE() AND TABLE_NAME = 'statement_analysis' ), '`performance_schema`.`events_statements_summary_by_digest`', v_digests_table ); IF (@sys.statement_performance_analyzer.limit > 0) THEN SET v_sql = CONCAT(v_sql, ' LIMIT ', @sys.statement_performance_analyzer.limit); END IF; CALL sys.execute_prepared_stmt(v_sql); END IF; IF (FIND_IN_SET('with_errors_or_warnings', in_views)) THEN SELECT CONCAT('Top ', @sys.statement_performance_analyzer.limit, ' Queries with Errors') AS 'Next Output'; SET v_sql = REPLACE( (SELECT VIEW_DEFINITION FROM information_schema.VIEWS WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = DATABASE() AND TABLE_NAME = 'statements_with_errors_or_warnings' ), '`performance_schema`.`events_statements_summary_by_digest`', v_digests_table ); IF (@sys.statement_performance_analyzer.limit > 0) THEN SET v_sql = CONCAT(v_sql, ' LIMIT ', @sys.statement_performance_analyzer.limit); END IF; CALL sys.execute_prepared_stmt(v_sql); END IF; IF (FIND_IN_SET('with_full_table_scans', in_views)) THEN SELECT CONCAT('Top ', @sys.statement_performance_analyzer.limit, ' Queries with Full Table Scan') AS 'Next Output'; SET v_sql = REPLACE( (SELECT VIEW_DEFINITION FROM information_schema.VIEWS WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = DATABASE() AND TABLE_NAME = 'statements_with_full_table_scans' ), '`performance_schema`.`events_statements_summary_by_digest`', v_digests_table ); IF (@sys.statement_performance_analyzer.limit > 0) THEN SET v_sql = CONCAT(v_sql, ' LIMIT ', @sys.statement_performance_analyzer.limit); END IF; CALL sys.execute_prepared_stmt(v_sql); END IF; IF (FIND_IN_SET('with_sorting', in_views)) THEN SELECT CONCAT('Top ', @sys.statement_performance_analyzer.limit, ' Queries with Sorting') AS 'Next Output'; SET v_sql = REPLACE( (SELECT VIEW_DEFINITION FROM information_schema.VIEWS WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = DATABASE() AND TABLE_NAME = 'statements_with_sorting' ), '`performance_schema`.`events_statements_summary_by_digest`', v_digests_table ); IF (@sys.statement_performance_analyzer.limit > 0) THEN SET v_sql = CONCAT(v_sql, ' LIMIT ', @sys.statement_performance_analyzer.limit); END IF; CALL sys.execute_prepared_stmt(v_sql); END IF; IF (FIND_IN_SET('with_temp_tables', in_views)) THEN SELECT CONCAT('Top ', @sys.statement_performance_analyzer.limit, ' Queries with Internal Temporary Tables') AS 'Next Output'; SET v_sql = REPLACE( (SELECT VIEW_DEFINITION FROM information_schema.VIEWS WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = DATABASE() AND TABLE_NAME = 'statements_with_temp_tables' ), '`performance_schema`.`events_statements_summary_by_digest`', v_digests_table ); IF (@sys.statement_performance_analyzer.limit > 0) THEN SET v_sql = CONCAT(v_sql, ' LIMIT ', @sys.statement_performance_analyzer.limit); END IF; CALL sys.execute_prepared_stmt(v_sql); END IF; IF (FIND_IN_SET('custom', in_views)) THEN SELECT CONCAT('Top ', @sys.statement_performance_analyzer.limit, ' Queries Using Custom View') AS 'Next Output'; IF (@sys.statement_performance_analyzer.view IS NULL) THEN SET @sys.statement_performance_analyzer.view = sys.sys_get_config('statement_performance_analyzer.view', NULL); END IF; IF (@sys.statement_performance_analyzer.view IS NULL) THEN SIGNAL SQLSTATE '45000' SET MESSAGE_TEXT = 'The @sys.statement_performance_analyzer.view user variable must be set with the view or query to use.'; END IF; IF (NOT INSTR(@sys.statement_performance_analyzer.view, ' ')) THEN IF (NOT INSTR(@sys.statement_performance_analyzer.view, '.')) THEN SET v_custom_db = DATABASE(), v_custom_name = @sys.statement_performance_analyzer.view; ELSE SET v_custom_db = SUBSTRING_INDEX(@sys.statement_performance_analyzer.view, '.', 1); SET v_custom_name = SUBSTRING(@sys.statement_performance_analyzer.view, CHAR_LENGTH(v_custom_db)+2); END IF; CALL sys.table_exists(v_custom_db, v_custom_name, v_custom_view_exists); IF (v_custom_view_exists <> 'VIEW') THEN SIGNAL SQLSTATE '45000' SET MESSAGE_TEXT = 'The @sys.statement_performance_analyzer.view user variable is set but specified neither an existing view nor a query.'; END IF; SET v_sql = REPLACE( (SELECT VIEW_DEFINITION FROM information_schema.VIEWS WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = v_custom_db AND TABLE_NAME = v_custom_name ), '`performance_schema`.`events_statements_summary_by_digest`', v_digests_table ); ELSE SET v_sql = REPLACE(@sys.statement_performance_analyzer.view, '`performance_schema`.`events_statements_summary_by_digest`', v_digests_table); END IF; IF (@sys.statement_performance_analyzer.limit > 0) THEN SET v_sql = CONCAT(v_sql, ' LIMIT ', @sys.statement_performance_analyzer.limit); END IF; CALL sys.execute_prepared_stmt(v_sql); END IF; END IF; IF (v_this_thread_enabled = 'YES') THEN CALL sys.ps_setup_enable_thread(CONNECTION_ID()); END IF; IF (@log_bin = 1) THEN SET sql_log_bin = @log_bin; END IF; END; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS table_exists; CREATE DEFINER='mysql.sys'@'localhost' PROCEDURE table_exists ( IN in_db VARCHAR(64), IN in_table VARCHAR(64), OUT out_exists ENUM('', 'BASE TABLE', 'VIEW', 'TEMPORARY') ) COMMENT '\n Description\n \n Tests whether the table specified in in_db and in_table exists either as a regular\n table, or as a temporary table. The returned value corresponds to the table that\n will be used, so if there''s both a temporary and a permanent table with the given\n name, then ''TEMPORARY'' will be returned.\n \n Parameters\n \n in_db (VARCHAR(64)):\n The database name to check for the existance of the table in.\n \n in_table (VARCHAR(64)):\n The name of the table to check the existance of.\n \n out_exists ENUM('''', ''BASE TABLE'', ''VIEW'', ''TEMPORARY''):\n The return value: whether the table exists. The value is one of:\n * '''' - the table does not exist neither as a base table, view, nor temporary table.\n * ''BASE TABLE'' - the table name exists as a permanent base table table.\n * ''VIEW'' - the table name exists as a view.\n * ''TEMPORARY'' - the table name exists as a temporary table.\n \n Example\n \n mysql> CREATE DATABASE db1;\n Query OK, 1 row affected (0.07 sec)\n \n mysql> use db1;\n Database changed\n mysql> CREATE TABLE t1 (id INT PRIMARY KEY);\n Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.08 sec)\n \n mysql> CREATE TABLE t2 (id INT PRIMARY KEY);\n Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.08 sec)\n \n mysql> CREATE view v_t1 AS SELECT * FROM t1;\n Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)\n \n mysql> CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t1 (id INT PRIMARY KEY);\n Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)\n \n mysql> CALL sys.table_exists(''db1'', ''t1'', @exists); SELECT @exists;\n Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)\n \n +------------+\n | @exists |\n +------------+\n | TEMPORARY |\n +------------+\n 1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n \n mysql> CALL sys.table_exists(''db1'', ''t2'', @exists); SELECT @exists;\n Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)\n \n +------------+\n | @exists |\n +------------+\n | BASE TABLE |\n +------------+\n 1 row in set (0.01 sec)\n \n mysql> CALL sys.table_exists(''db1'', ''v_t1'', @exists); SELECT @exists;\n Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)\n \n +---------+\n | @exists |\n +---------+\n | VIEW |\n +---------+\n 1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n \n mysql> CALL sys.table_exists(''db1'', ''t3'', @exists); SELECT @exists;\n Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)\n \n +---------+\n | @exists |\n +---------+\n | |\n +---------+\n 1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n ' SQL SECURITY INVOKER NOT DETERMINISTIC CONTAINS SQL BEGIN DECLARE v_error BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR 1050 SET v_error = TRUE; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR 1146 SET v_error = TRUE; SET out_exists = ''; IF (EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = in_db AND TABLE_NAME = in_table)) THEN SET @sys.tmp.table_exists.SQL = CONCAT('CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `', in_db, '`.`', in_table, '` (id INT PRIMARY KEY)'); PREPARE stmt_create_table FROM @sys.tmp.table_exists.SQL; EXECUTE stmt_create_table; DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt_create_table; IF (v_error) THEN SET out_exists = 'TEMPORARY'; ELSE SET @sys.tmp.table_exists.SQL = CONCAT('DROP TEMPORARY TABLE `', in_db, '`.`', in_table, '`'); PREPARE stmt_drop_table FROM @sys.tmp.table_exists.SQL; EXECUTE stmt_drop_table; DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt_drop_table; SET out_exists = (SELECT TABLE_TYPE FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = in_db AND TABLE_NAME = in_table); END IF; ELSE SET @sys.tmp.table_exists.SQL = CONCAT('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `', in_db, '`.`', in_table, '`'); PREPARE stmt_select FROM @sys.tmp.table_exists.SQL; IF (NOT v_error) THEN DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt_select; SET out_exists = 'TEMPORARY'; END IF; END IF; END; swedish/errmsg.sys000075500000237272147633135420010301 0ustar00,uHwK=u4c,c6Kv M|ACmC _ o  " D d  A j  , G " f PgD.N^$F\ =qcn(SI[S@uR{I/\ (&z o.} 5 _ !>>?A???-@L@u@@@@9AeAAAAAAB"B=BdBBBBNCCC#D;DZD{DDDDDDE9EmEEEEEEE,FrFFFFGMGGGHHHdHHHHICIIIJJJ K!K8KgKKKKK3LcLLLM&M\MMMMMN-NLNwNNNN&OSO~OOOO-PSPmPPP/QNQeQQQ2RRRSMSSSST=TmTTTUjUUUV^WWkXXX+YdYYY3ZZZ[r[[ \^\v\](]E]]]]Y^^O___1```aNaaabb9ccc dPddde5ebeeeeefSffffXgggAhhh3iiiii3jjjkWkkk$lplll;mmmnnnnCoroop+p}pp(qqq rLrrrr,systBtttttuKu_uquuuLv`vvvHwgwwwwwxAx~xxxyNyzyyyyzrzzzD{{1|}|||A}r}}}}0~~~~$AuBg̀h%dÂ@ă'Ƅڄ OŅ2q؆4 K1Tʼn3ZNJ7kы>FMWdnz،Enč$Kq7`ߏ NNP̔XՕZ\˜GX*TǚH!T2ݝCOӟm UӢ<Rn?$Ks٫<tYӭFh|įjRȱ-l4uxȴ$~TøK,IpP><|jTMd{ Iw =a~>}; t'r+RW ?u@iNXyyCX'a\Q3>T?L 5h49.|$U}1["o;lBg39 5df X&I^.j&.u5=]cHu+EgQuc   N r  p   D v   4   z` B 9k-k)f}lmq/d|.0,K\rP |   !.!E!!!!!!":"q"""# $D$y$$$%g%%%%&Y&&'(()))***++D,,hashchkisamchkNOYESKan inte skapa filen '%-.200s' (Felkod: %d - %s)Kan inte skapa tabellen '%-.200s' (Felkod: %d)Kan inte skapa databasen '%-.192s' (Felkod: %d)Databasen '%-.192s' existerar redanKan inte radera databasen '%-.192s'; databasen finns inteFel vid radering av databasen (Kan inte radera '%-.192s'. Felkod: %d)Fel vid radering av databasen (Kan inte radera biblioteket '%-.192s'. Felkod: %d)Kan inte radera filen '%-.192s' (Felkod: %d - %s)Hittar inte posten i systemregistretKan inte läsa filinformationen (stat) från '%-.200s' (Felkod: %d - %s)Kan inte inte läsa aktivt bibliotek. (Felkod: %d - %s)Kan inte låsa filen. (Felkod: %d - %s)Kan inte använda '%-.200s' (Felkod: %d - %s)Hittar inte filen '%-.200s' (Felkod: %d - %s)Kan inte läsa från bibliotek '%-.192s' (Felkod: %d - %s)Kan inte byta till '%-.192s' (Felkod: %d - %s)Posten har förändrats sedan den lästes i register '%-.192s'Disken är full (%s). Väntar tills det finns ledigt utrymme... (Felkod: %d - %s)Kan inte skriva, dubbel söknyckel i register '%-.192s'Fick fel vid stängning av '%-.192s' (Felkod: %d - %s)Fick fel vid läsning av '%-.200s' (Felkod %d - %s)Kan inte byta namn från '%-.210s' till '%-.210s' (Felkod: %d - %s)Fick fel vid skrivning till '%-.200s' (Felkod %d - %s)'%-.192s' är låst mot användningSorteringen avbrutenFormulär '%-.192s' finns inte i '%-.192s'Fick felkod %d från databashanterarenTabellhanteraren for tabell '%-.192s' stödjer ej dettaHittar inte posten '%-.192s'Felaktig fil: '%-.200s'Fatalt fel vid hantering av register '%-.200s'; kör en reparationGammal nyckelfil '%-.192s'; reparera registret'%-.192s' är skyddad mot förändringOväntat slut på minnet, starta om programmet och försök på nytt (Behövde %d bytes)Sorteringsbufferten räcker inte till. Kontrollera startparametrarnaOväntat filslut vid läsning från '%-.192s' (Felkod: %d - %s)För många anslutningarFick slut på minnet. Kontrollera om mysqld eller någon annan process använder allt tillgängligt minne. Om inte, försök använda 'ulimit' eller allokera mera swapKan inte hitta 'hostname' för din adressFel vid initiering av kommunikationen med klientenAnvändare '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' är ej berättigad att använda databasen %-.192sAnvändare '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' är ej berättigad att logga in (Använder lösen: %s)Ingen databas i användningOkänt kommandoKolumn '%-.192s' får inte vara NULLOkänd databas: '%-.192s'Tabellen '%-.192s' finns redanOkänd tabell '%-.100s'Kolumn '%-.192s' i %-.192s är inte unikServern går nu nedOkänd kolumn '%-.192s' i %-.192s'%-.192s' finns inte i GROUP BYKan inte använda GROUP BY med '%-.192s'Kommandot har både sum functions och enkla funktionerAntalet kolumner motsvarar inte antalet värdenKolumnnamn '%-.100s' är för långtKolumnnamn '%-.192s finns flera gångerNyckelnamn '%-.192s' finns flera gångerDublett '%-.192s' för nyckel %dFelaktigt kolumntyp för kolumn '%-.192s'%s nära '%-.80s' på rad %dFrågan var tomIcke unikt tabell/alias: '%-.192s'Ogiltigt DEFAULT värde för '%-.192s'Flera PRIMARY KEY användaFör många nycklar använda. Man får ha högst %d nycklarFör många nyckeldelar använda. Man får ha högst %d nyckeldelarFör lång nyckel. Högsta tillåtna nyckellängd är %dNyckelkolumn '%-.192s' finns inteEn BLOB '%-.192s' kan inte vara nyckel med den använda tabelltypenFör stor kolumnlängd angiven för '%-.192s' (max= %lu). Använd en BLOB inställetDet får finnas endast ett AUTO_INCREMENT-fält och detta måste vara en nyckel%s: klar att ta emot klienter Version: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d"%s: Normal avslutning %s: Fick signal %d. Avslutar! %s: Avslutning klar %s: Stänger av tråd %ld; användare: '%-.48s' Kan inte skapa IP-socketTabellen '%-.192s' har inget index som motsvarar det angivna i CREATE INDEX. Skapa om tabellenFältseparatorerna är vad som förväntades. Kontrollera mot manualenMan kan inte använda fast radlängd med blobs. Använd 'fields terminated by'Textfilen '%-.128s' måste finnas i databasbiblioteket eller vara läsbar för allaFilen '%-.200s' existerar redanRader: %ld Bortagna: %ld Dubletter: %ld Varningar: %ldRader: %ld Dubletter: %ldFelaktig delnyckel. Nyckeldelen är inte en sträng eller den angivna längden är längre än kolumnlängdenMan kan inte radera alla fält med ALTER TABLE. Använd DROP TABLE iställetKan inte ta bort '%-.192s'. Kontrollera att fältet/nyckel finnsRader: %ld Dubletter: %ld Varningar: %ldINSERT-table '%-.192s' får inte finnas i FROM tabell-listanFinns ingen tråd med id %luDu är inte ägare till tråd %luInga tabeller angivnaFör många alternativ till kolumn %-.192s för SETKan inte generera ett unikt filnamn %-.200s.(1-999) Tabell '%-.192s' kan inte uppdateras emedan den är låst för läsningTabell '%-.192s' är inte låst med LOCK TABLESBLOB fält '%-.192s' kan inte ha ett DEFAULT-värdeFelaktigt databasnamn '%-.100s'Felaktigt tabellnamn '%-.100s'Den angivna frågan skulle läsa mer än MAX_JOIN_SIZE rader. Kontrollera din WHERE och använd SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 eller SET MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# ifall du vill hantera stora joinsOkänt felOkänd procedur: %-.192sFelaktigt antal parametrar till procedur %-.192sFelaktiga parametrar till procedur %-.192sOkänd tabell '%-.192s' i '%-.32s'Fält '%-.192s' är redan använtFelaktig användning av SQL grupp functionTabell '%-.192s' har en extension som inte finns i denna version av MySQLTabeller måste ha minst 1 kolumnTabellen '%-.192s' är fullOkänd teckenuppsättning: '%-.64s'För många tabeller. MySQL can ha högst %d tabeller i en och samma joinFör många fältFör stor total radlängd. Den högst tillåtna radlängden, förutom BLOBs, är %ld. Ändra några av dina fält till BLOBTrådstacken tog slut: Har använt %ld av %ld bytes. Använd 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' ifall du behöver en större stackFelaktigt referens i OUTER JOIN. Kontrollera ON-uttrycketTabell hanteraren kan inte indexera NULL kolumner för den givna index typen. Ändra '%-.192s' till NOT NULL eller använd en annan hanterareKan inte ladda funktionen '%-.192s'Kan inte initialisera funktionen '%-.192s'; '%-.80s'Man får inte ange sökväg för dynamiska bibliotekFunktionen '%-.192s' finns redanKan inte öppna det dynamiska biblioteket '%-.192s' (Felkod: %d %-.128s)Hittar inte funktionen '%-.128s' in det dynamiska biblioteketFunktionen '%-.192s' är inte definieradDenna dator, '%-.64s', är blockerad pga många felaktig paket. Gör 'mysqladmin flush-hosts' för att ta bort alla blockeringarnaDenna dator, '%-.64s', har inte privileger att använda denna MySQL serverDu använder MySQL som en anonym användare och som sådan får du inte ändra ditt lösenordFör att ändra lösenord för andra måste du ha rättigheter att uppdatera mysql-databasenHittade inte användaren i 'user'-tabellenRader: %ld Uppdaterade: %ld Varningar: %ldKan inte skapa en ny tråd (errno %d)Antalet kolumner motsvarar inte antalet värden på rad: %ldKunde inte stänga och öppna tabell '%-.192sFelaktig använding av NULLFick fel '%-.64s' från REGEXPMan får ha både GROUP-kolumner (MIN(),MAX(),COUNT()...) och fält i en fråga om man inte har en GROUP BY-delDet finns inget privilegium definierat för användare '%-.48s' på '%-.64s'%-.128s ej tillåtet för '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' för tabell '%-.64s'%-.16s ej tillåtet för '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' för kolumn '%-.192s' i tabell '%-.192s'Felaktigt GRANT-privilegium använtFelaktigt maskinnamn eller användarnamn använt med GRANTDet finns ingen tabell som heter '%-.192s.%-.192s'Det finns inget privilegium definierat för användare '%-.48s' på '%-.64s' för tabell '%-.192s'Du kan inte använda detta kommando med denna MySQL versionDu har något fel i din syntaxDelayed insert thread couldn't get requested lock for table %-.192sToo many delayed threads in useAvbröt länken för tråd %ld till db '%-.192s', användare '%-.48s' (%-.64s)Kommunkationspaketet är större än 'max_allowed_packet'Fick läsfel från klienten vid läsning från 'PIPE'Fick fatalt fel från 'fcntl()'Kommunikationspaketen kom i fel ordningKunde inte packa up kommunikationspaketetFick ett fel vid läsning från klientenFick 'timeout' vid läsning från klientenFick ett fel vid skrivning till klientenFick 'timeout' vid skrivning till klientenResultatsträngen är längre än max_allowed_packetDen använda tabelltypen kan inte hantera BLOB/TEXT-kolumnerDen använda tabelltypen kan inte hantera AUTO_INCREMENT-kolumnerINSERT DELAYED can't be used with table '%-.192s' because it is locked with LOCK TABLESFelaktigt kolumnnamn '%-.100s'Den använda tabelltypen kan inte indexera kolumn '%-.192s'Tabellerna i MERGE-tabellen är inte identiskt definieradeKan inte skriva till tabell '%-.192s'; UNIQUE-testDu har inte angett någon nyckellängd för BLOB '%-.192s'Alla delar av en PRIMARY KEY måste vara NOT NULL; Om du vill ha en nyckel med NULL, använd UNIQUE iställetResultet bestod av mera än en radDenna tabelltyp kräver en PRIMARY KEYDenna version av MySQL är inte kompilerad med RAIDDu använder 'säker uppdateringsmod' och försökte uppdatera en tabell utan en WHERE-sats som använder sig av en nyckelNyckel '%-.192s' finns inte in tabell '%-.192s'Kan inte öppna tabellenTabellhanteraren för denna tabell kan inte göra %sDu får inte utföra detta kommando i en transaktionFick fel %d vid COMMITFick fel %d vid ROLLBACKFick fel %d vid FLUSH_LOGSFick fel %d vid CHECKPOINTAvbröt länken för tråd %u till db '%-.192s', användare '%-.48s', host '%-.64s' (%-.64s)Tabellhanteraren klarar inte en binär kopiering av tabellenBinlog closed, cannot RESET MASTERFailed rebuilding the index of dumped table '%-.192s'Fel från master: '%-.64s'Fick nätverksfel vid läsning från masterFick nätverksfel vid skrivning till masterHittar inte ett FULLTEXT-index i kolumnlistanKan inte utföra kommandot emedan du har en låst tabell eller an aktiv transaktionOkänd systemvariabel: '%-.64s'Tabell '%-.192s' är trasig och bör repareras med REPAIR TABLETabell '%-.192s' är trasig och senast (automatiska?) reparation misslyckadesWarning: Några icke transaktionella tabeller kunde inte återställas vid ROLLBACKTransaktionen krävde mera än 'max_binlog_cache_size' minne. Öka denna mysqld-variabel och försök på nyttDenna operation kan inte göras under replikering; Gör STOP SLAVE förstDenna operation kan endast göras under replikering; Konfigurera slaven och gör START SLAVEServern är inte konfigurerade som en replikationsslav. Ändra konfigurationsfilen eller gör CHANGE MASTER TOKunde inte initialisera replikationsstrukturerna. See MySQL fel fil för mera informationKunde inte starta en tråd för replikeringAnvändare '%-.64s' har redan 'max_user_connections' aktiva inloggningarMan kan endast använda konstantuttryck med SETFick inte ett lås i tid ; Försök att starta om transaktionenAntal lås överskrider antalet reserverade låsUpdateringslås kan inte göras när man använder READ UNCOMMITTEDDROP DATABASE är inte tillåtet när man har ett globalt läslåsCREATE DATABASE är inte tillåtet när man har ett globalt läslåsFelaktiga argument till %s'%-.48s'@'%-.64s' har inte rättighet att skapa nya användareFelaktig tabelldefinition; alla tabeller i en MERGE-tabell måste vara i samma databasFick 'DEADLOCK' vid låsförsök av block/rad. Försök att starta om transaktionenTabelltypen har inte hantering av FULLTEXT-indexKan inte lägga till 'FOREIGN KEY constraint'FOREIGN KEY-konflikt: Kan inte skriva barnFOREIGN KEY-konflikt: Kan inte radera faderFick fel vid anslutning till master: %-.128sFick fel vid utförande av command på mastern: %-.128sFick fel vid utförande av %s: %-.128sFelaktig använding av %s and %sSELECT-kommandona har olika antal kolumnerKan inte utföra kommandot emedan du har ett READ-låsBlandning av transaktionella och icke-transaktionella tabeller är inaktiveratOption '%s' användes två gångerAnvändare '%-.64s' har överskridit '%s' (nuvarande värde: %ld)Du har inte privlegiet '%-.128s' som behövs för denna operationVariabel '%-.64s' är en SESSION variabel och kan inte ändrad med SET GLOBALVariabel '%-.64s' är en GLOBAL variabel och bör sättas med SET GLOBALVariabel '%-.64s' har inte ett DEFAULT-värdeVariabel '%-.64s' kan inte sättas till '%-.200s'Fel typ av argument till variabel '%-.64s'Variabeln '%-.64s' kan endast sättas, inte läsasFel använding/placering av '%s'Denna version av MySQL kan ännu inte utföra '%s'Fick fatalt fel %d: '%-.320s' från master vid läsning av binärloggenSlav SQL tråden ignorerade frågan pga en replicate-*-table regelVariabel '%-.192s' är av typ %sFelaktig FOREIGN KEY-definition för '%-.192s': %sNyckelreferensen och tabellreferensen stämmer inte överensOperand should contain %d column(s)Subquery returnerade mer än 1 radOkänd PREPARED STATEMENT id (%.*s) var given till %sHjälpdatabasen finns inte eller är skadadCyklisk referens i subqueriesKonvertar kolumn '%s' från %s till %sReferens '%-.64s' stöds inte (%s)Varje 'derived table' måste ha sitt eget aliasSelect %u reducerades vid optimieringTabell '%-.192s' från en SELECT kan inte användas i %-.32sKlienten stöder inte autentiseringsprotokollet som begärts av servern; överväg uppgradering av klientprogrammet.Alla delar av en SPATIAL index måste vara NOT NULLCOLLATION '%s' är inte tillåtet för CHARACTER SET '%s'Slaven har redan startatSlaven har redan stoppatUncompressed data size too large; the maximum size is %d (probably, length of uncompressed data was corrupted)ZLIB: Not enough memoryZLIB: Not enough room in the output buffer (probably, length of uncompressed data was corrupted)ZLIB: Input data corruptedRow %u was cut by GROUP_CONCAT()Row %ld doesn't contain data for all columnsRow %ld was truncated; it contained more data than there were input columnsColumn set to default value; NULL supplied to NOT NULL column '%s' at row %ldOut of range value for column '%s' at row %ldData truncated for column '%s' at row %ldAnvänder handler %s för tabell '%s'Illegal mix of collations (%s,%s) and (%s,%s) for operation '%s'Cannot drop one or more of the requested usersCan't revoke all privileges for one or more of the requested usersIllegal mix of collations (%s,%s), (%s,%s), (%s,%s) for operation '%s'Illegal mix of collations for operation '%s'Variable '%-.64s' is not a variable component (can't be used as XXXX.variable_name)Unknown collation: '%-.64s'SSL parameters in CHANGE MASTER are ignored because this MySQL slave was compiled without SSL support; they can be used later if MySQL slave with SSL is startedServer is running in --secure-auth mode, but '%s'@'%s' has a password in the old format; please change the password to the new formatField or reference '%-.192s%s%-.192s%s%-.192s' of SELECT #%d was resolved in SELECT #%dIncorrect parameter or combination of parameters for START SLAVE UNTILIt is recommended to use --skip-slave-start when doing step-by-step replication with START SLAVE UNTIL; otherwise, you will get problems if you get an unexpected slave's mysqld restartSQL thread is not to be started so UNTIL options are ignoredFelaktigt index namn '%-.100s'Felaktigt katalog namn '%-.100s'Storleken av 'Query cache' kunde inte sättas till %lu, ny storlek är %luKolumn '%-.192s' kan inte vara del av ett FULLTEXT indexOkänd nyckel cache '%-.100s'MySQL is started in --skip-name-resolve mode; you must restart it without this switch for this grant to workUnknown storage engine '%s''%s' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use %s insteadTabell %-.100s använd med '%s' är inte uppdateringsbar'%s' är inte aktiverad; För att aktivera detta måste du bygga om MySQL med '%s' definieradMySQL är startad med %s. Pga av detta kan du inte använda detta kommandoColumn '%-.100s' has duplicated value '%-.64s' in %sTruncated incorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s'Incorrect table definition; there can be only one TIMESTAMP column with CURRENT_TIMESTAMP in DEFAULT or ON UPDATE clauseInvalid ON UPDATE clause for '%-.192s' columnThis command is not supported in the prepared statement protocol yetGot error %d '%-.100s' from %sGot temporary error %d '%-.100s' from %sUnknown or incorrect time zone: '%-.64s'Invalid TIMESTAMP value in column '%s' at row %ldInvalid %s character string: '%.64s'Result of %s() was larger than max_allowed_packet (%ld) - truncatedConflicting declarations: '%s%s' and '%s%s'Can't create a %s from within another stored routine%s %s already exists%s %s does not existFailed to DROP %s %sFailed to CREATE %s %s%s with no matching label: %sRedefining label %sEnd-label %s without matchReferring to uninitialized variable %sPROCEDURE %s can't return a result set in the given contextRETURN is only allowed in a FUNCTION%s is not allowed in stored proceduresThe update log is deprecated and replaced by the binary log; SET SQL_LOG_UPDATE has been ignored.The update log is deprecated and replaced by the binary log; SET SQL_LOG_UPDATE has been translated to SET SQL_LOG_BIN.Query execution was interruptedIncorrect number of arguments for %s %s; expected %u, got %uUndefined CONDITION: %sNo RETURN found in FUNCTION %sFUNCTION %s ended without RETURNCursor statement must be a SELECTCursor SELECT must not have INTOUndefined CURSOR: %sCursor is already openCursor is not openUndeclared variable: %sIncorrect number of FETCH variablesNo data - zero rows fetched, selected, or processedDuplicate parameter: %sDuplicate variable: %sDuplicate condition: %sDuplicate cursor: %sFailed to ALTER %s %sSubquery value not supported%s is not allowed in stored function or triggerVariable or condition declaration after cursor or handler declarationCursor declaration after handler declarationCase not found for CASE statementConfiguration file '%-.192s' is too bigMalformed file type header in file '%-.192s'Unexpected end of file while parsing comment '%-.200s'Error while parsing parameter '%-.192s' (line: '%-.192s')Unexpected end of file while skipping unknown parameter '%-.192s'EXPLAIN/SHOW can not be issued; lacking privileges for underlying tableFile '%-.192s' has unknown type '%-.64s' in its header'%-.192s.%-.192s' is not %sColumn '%-.192s' is not updatableView's SELECT contains a subquery in the FROM clauseView's SELECT contains a '%s' clauseView's SELECT contains a variable or parameterView's SELECT refers to a temporary table '%-.192s'View's SELECT and view's field list have different column countsView merge algorithm can't be used here for now (assumed undefined algorithm)View being updated does not have complete key of underlying table in itView '%-.192s.%-.192s' references invalid table(s) or column(s) or function(s) or definer/invoker of view lack rights to use themCan't drop or alter a %s from within another stored routineGOTO is not allowed in a stored procedure handlerTrigger already existsTrigger does not existTrigger's '%-.192s' is view or temporary tableUpdating of %s row is not allowed in %striggerThere is no %s row in %s triggerField '%-.192s' doesn't have a default valueDivision by 0Incorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s' for column '%.192s' at row %ldIllegal %s '%-.192s' value found during parsingCHECK OPTION on non-updatable view '%-.192s.%-.192s'CHECK OPTION failed '%-.192s.%-.192s'%-.16s command denied to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' for routine '%-.192s'Failed purging old relay logs: %sPassword hash should be a %d-digit hexadecimal numberTarget log not found in binlog indexI/O error reading log index fileServer configuration does not permit binlog purgeFailed on fseek()Fatal error during log purgeA purgeable log is in use, will not purgeUnknown error during log purgeFailed initializing relay log position: %sYou are not using binary loggingThe '%-.64s' syntax is reserved for purposes internal to the MySQL serverWSAStartup FailedCan't handle procedures with different groups yetSelect must have a group with this procedureCan't use ORDER clause with this procedureBinary logging and replication forbid changing the global server %sCan't map file: %-.200s, errno: %dWrong magic in %-.64sPrepared statement contains too many placeholdersKey part '%-.192s' length cannot be 0View text checksum failedCan not modify more than one base table through a join view '%-.192s.%-.192s'Can not insert into join view '%-.192s.%-.192s' without fields listCan not delete from join view '%-.192s.%-.192s'Operation %s failed for %.256sXAER_NOTA: Unknown XIDXAER_INVAL: Invalid arguments (or unsupported command)XAER_RMFAIL: The command cannot be executed when global transaction is in the %.64s stateXAER_OUTSIDE: Some work is done outside global transactionXAER_RMERR: Fatal error occurred in the transaction branch - check your data for consistencyXA_RBROLLBACK: Transaction branch was rolled backThere is no such grant defined for user '%-.48s' on host '%-.64s' on routine '%-.192s'Failed to grant EXECUTE and ALTER ROUTINE privilegesFailed to revoke all privileges to dropped routineData too long for column '%s' at row %ldBad SQLSTATE: '%s'%s: ready for connections. Version: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d %sCan't load value from file with fixed size rows to variableYou are not allowed to create a user with GRANTIncorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s' for function %-.32sTable definition has changed, please retry transactionDuplicate handler declared in the same blockOUT or INOUT argument %d for routine %s is not a variable or NEW pseudo-variable in BEFORE triggerNot allowed to return a result set from a %sCannot get geometry object from data you send to the GEOMETRY fieldA routine failed and has neither NO SQL nor READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled; if non-transactional tables were updated, the binary log will miss their changesThis function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)You do not have the SUPER privilege and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)You can't execute a prepared statement which has an open cursor associated with it. Reset the statement to re-execute it.The statement (%lu) has no open cursor.Explicit or implicit commit is not allowed in stored function or trigger.Field of view '%-.192s.%-.192s' underlying table doesn't have a default valueRecursive stored functions and triggers are not allowed.Too big scale %d specified for column '%-.192s'. Maximum is %lu.Too-big precision %d specified for '%-.192s'. Maximum is %lu.For float(M,D), double(M,D) or decimal(M,D), M must be >= D (column '%-.192s').You can't combine write-locking of system tables with other tables or lock typesUnable to connect to foreign data source: %.64sThere was a problem processing the query on the foreign data source. Data source error: %-.64sThe foreign data source you are trying to reference does not exist. Data source error: %-.64sCan't create federated table. The data source connection string '%-.64s' is not in the correct formatThe data source connection string '%-.64s' is not in the correct formatCan't create federated table. Foreign data src error: %-.64sTrigger in wrong schemaThread stack overrun: %ld bytes used of a %ld byte stack, and %ld bytes needed. Use 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' to specify a bigger stack.Routine body for '%-.100s' is too longCannot drop default keycacheDisplay width out of range for column '%-.192s' (max = %lu)XAER_DUPID: The XID already existsDatetime function: %-.32s field overflowCan't update table '%-.192s' in stored function/trigger because it is already used by statement which invoked this stored function/trigger.The definition of table '%-.192s' prevents operation %.192s on table '%-.192s'.The prepared statement contains a stored routine call that refers to that same statement. It's not allowed to execute a prepared statement in such a recursive mannerNot allowed to set autocommit from a stored function or triggerDefiner is not fully qualifiedView '%-.192s'.'%-.192s' has no definer information (old table format). Current user is used as definer. Please recreate the view!You need the SUPER privilege for creation view with '%-.192s'@'%-.192s' definerThe user specified as a definer ('%-.64s'@'%-.64s') does not existChanging schema from '%-.192s' to '%-.192s' is not allowed.Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (%.192s)Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (%.192s)Variable '%-.64s' must be quoted with `...`, or renamedNo definer attribute for trigger '%-.192s'.'%-.192s'. The trigger will be activated under the authorization of the invoker, which may have insufficient privileges. Please recreate the trigger.'%-.192s' has an old format, you should re-create the '%s' object(s)Recursive limit %d (as set by the max_sp_recursion_depth variable) was exceeded for routine %.192sFailed to load routine %-.192s. The table mysql.proc is missing, corrupt, or contains bad data (internal code %d)Incorrect routine name '%-.192s'Table upgrade required. Please do "REPAIR TABLE `%-.64s`" or dump/reload to fix it!AGGREGATE is not supported for stored functionsCan't create more than max_prepared_stmt_count statements (current value: %lu)`%-.192s`.`%-.192s` contains view recursionNon-grouping field '%-.192s' is used in %-.64s clauseThe used table type doesn't support SPATIAL indexesTriggers can not be created on system tablesLeading spaces are removed from name '%s'Failed to read auto-increment value from storage engineuser namehost nameString '%-.70s' is too long for %s (should be no longer than %d)The target table %-.100s of the %s is not insertable-intoTable '%-.64s' is differently defined or of non-MyISAM type or doesn't existToo high level of nesting for selectName '%-.64s' has become ''First character of the FIELDS TERMINATED string is ambiguous; please use non-optional and non-empty FIELDS ENCLOSED BYThe foreign server, %s, you are trying to create already exists.The foreign server name you are trying to reference does not exist. Data source error: %-.64sTable storage engine '%-.64s' does not support the create option '%.64s'Syntaxfel: %-.64s PARTITIONering kräver definition av VALUES %-.64s för varje partitionEndast %-.64s partitionering kan använda VALUES %-.64s i definition av partitionenMAXVALUE kan bara användas i definitionen av den sista partitionenSubpartitioner kan bara vara hash och key partitionerSubpartitioner måste definieras på alla partitioner om på enAntal partitioner definierade och antal partitioner är inte likaAntal subpartitioner definierade och antal subpartitioner är inte likaKonstanta uttryck eller slumpmässiga uttryck är inte tillåtna (sub)partitioneringsfunktionerUttryck i RANGE/LIST VALUES måste vara ett konstant uttryckFält i listan av fält för partitionering med key inte funnen i tabellenEn lista av fält är endast tillåtet för KEY partitionerPartitioneringsinformationen i frm-filen är inte konsistent med vad som kan skrivas i frm-filen%-.192s-funktionen returnerar felaktig typFör %-.64s partitionering så måste varje partition definierasVärden i VALUES LESS THAN måste vara strikt växande för varje partitionVärden i VALUES måste vara av samma typ som partitioneringsfunktionenMultipel definition av samma konstant i list partitioneringPartitioneringssyntax kan inte användas på egen hand i en SQL-frågaDenna mix av lagringsmotorer är inte tillåten i denna version av MySQLFör partitioneringsmotorn så är det nödvändigt att definiera alla %-.64sFör många partitioner (inkluderande subpartitioner) definieradesDet är endast möjligt att blanda RANGE/LIST partitionering med HASH/KEY partitionering för subpartitioneringMisslyckades med att skapa specifik fil i lagringsmotorEtt BLOB-fält är inte tillåtet i partitioneringsfunktionerA %-.192s must include all columns in the table's partitioning functionAntal %-.64s = 0 är inte ett tillåten värdePartitioneringskommando på en opartitionerad tabell är inte möjligtForeign keys är inte ännu implementerad i kombination med partitioneringFel i listan av partitioner att %-.64sDet är inte tillåtet att ta bort alla partitioner, använd DROP TABLE iställetCOALESCE PARTITION kan bara användas på HASH/KEY partitionerREORGANIZE PARTITION kan bara användas för att omorganisera partitioner, inte för att ändra deras antalREORGANIZE PARTITION utan parametrar kan bara användas på auto-partitionerade tabeller som använder HASH partitionering%-.64s PARTITION kan bara användas på RANGE/LIST-partitionerADD PARTITION med fel antal subpartitionerÅtminstone en partition måste läggas till vid ADD PARTITIONÅtminstone en partition måste slås ihop vid COALESCE PARTITIONFler partitioner att reorganisera än det finns partitionerDuplicerat partitionsnamn %-.192sDet är inte tillåtet att stänga av binlog på detta kommandoNär ett antal partitioner omorganiseras måste de vara i konsekutiv ordningReorganisering av rangepartitioner kan inte ändra den totala intervallet utom för den sista partitionen där intervallet kan utökasPartition function not supported in this version for this handlerPartition state kan inte definieras från CREATE/ALTER TABLE%-.64s stödjer endast 32 bitar i integers i VALUESPlugin '%-.192s' is not loadedIncorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s'Table has no partition for value %-.64sIt is not allowed to specify %s more than onceFailed to create %sFailed to drop %sThe handler doesn't support autoextend of tablespacesA size parameter was incorrectly specified, either number or on the form 10MThe size number was correct but we don't allow the digit part to be more than 2 billionFailed to alter: %sWriting one row to the row-based binary log failedTable definition on master and slave does not match: %sSlave running with --log-slave-updates must use row-based binary logging to be able to replicate row-based binary log eventsEvent '%-.192s' already existsFailed to store event %s. Error code %d from storage engine.Unknown event '%-.192s'Failed to alter event '%-.192s'Failed to drop %sINTERVAL is either not positive or too bigENDS is either invalid or before STARTSEvent execution time is in the past. Event has been disabledFailed to open mysql.eventNo datetime expression providedColumn count of mysql.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. The table is probably corruptedCannot load from mysql.%s. The table is probably corruptedFailed to delete the event from mysql.eventError during compilation of event's bodySame old and new event nameData for column '%s' too longCannot drop index '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraintThe syntax '%s' is deprecated and will be removed in MySQL %s. Please use %s insteadYou can't write-lock a log table. Only read access is possibleYou can't use locks with log tables.Upholding foreign key constraints for table '%.192s', entry '%-.192s', key %d would lead to a duplicate entryColumn count of mysql.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. Created with MySQL %d, now running %d. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error.Cannot switch out of the row-based binary log format when the session has open temporary tablesCannot change the binary logging format inside a stored function or triggerThe NDB cluster engine does not support changing the binlog format on the fly yetCannot create temporary table with partitionsPartitionskonstanten är utanför partitioneringsfunktionens domänDenna partitioneringsfunktion är inte tillåtenError in DDL logDet är inte tillåtet att använda NULL-värden i VALUES LESS THANFelaktigt partitionsnamnTransaction characteristics can't be changed while a transaction is in progressALTER TABLE causes auto_increment resequencing, resulting in duplicate entry '%-.192s' for key '%-.192s'Internal scheduler error %dError during starting/stopping of the scheduler. Error code %uEngine inte användas i en partitionerad tabellCannot activate '%-.64s' logThe server was not built with row-based replicationAvkodning av base64 sträng misslyckadesRecursion of EVENT DDL statements is forbidden when body is presentCannot proceed because system tables used by Event Scheduler were found damaged at server startOnly integers allowed as number hereThis storage engine cannot be used for log tables"You cannot '%s' a log table if logging is enabledCannot rename '%s'. When logging enabled, rename to/from log table must rename two tables: the log table to an archive table and another table back to '%s'Incorrect parameter count in the call to native function '%-.192s'Incorrect parameters in the call to native function '%-.192s'Incorrect parameters in the call to stored function %-.192sThis function '%-.192s' has the same name as a native functionDublett '%-.64s' för nyckel '%-.192s'Too many files opened, please execute the command againEvent execution time is in the past and ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE is set. The event was dropped immediately after creation.Event execution time is in the past and ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE is set. The event was not changed. Specify a time in the future.The incident %s occured on the master. Message: %sTable has no partition for some existing valuesDetta är inte säkert att logga i statement-format, för BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. %sFatal error: %sRelay log read failure: %sRelay log write failure: %sFailed to create %sMaster command %s failed: %sBinary logging not possible. Message: %sView `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` has no creation contextCreation context of view `%-.64s`.`%-.64s' is invalidCreation context of stored routine `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCorrupted TRG file for table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s`Triggers for table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` have no creation contextTrigger creation context of table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCreation context of event `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCannot open table for trigger `%-.64s`.`%-.64s`Cannot create stored routine `%-.64s`. Check warningsAmbiguous slave modes combination. %sThe BINLOG statement of type `%s` was not preceded by a format description BINLOG statement.Corrupted replication event was detectedInvalid column reference (%-.64s) in LOAD DATABeing purged log %s was not foundXA_RBTIMEOUT: Transaction branch was rolled back: took too longXA_RBDEADLOCK: Transaction branch was rolled back: deadlock was detectedPrepared statement needs to be re-preparedDELAYED option not supported for table '%-.192s'The master info structure does not exist<%-.64s> option ignoredBuilt-in plugins cannot be deletedPlugin is busy and will be uninstalled on shutdown%s variable '%s' is read-only. Use SET %s to assign the valueStorage engine %s does not support rollback for this statement. Transaction rolled back and must be restartedUnexpected master's heartbeat data: %sThe requested value for the heartbeat period is either negative or exceeds the maximum allowed (%s seconds).Bad schema for mysql.ndb_replication table. Message: %-.64sError in parsing conflict function. Message: %-.64sWrite to exceptions table failed. Message: %-.128s"Comment for table '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Comment for field '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)FUNCTION %s does not exist. Check the 'Function Name Parsing and Resolution' section in the Reference ManualDatabasTabellPartitionSubpartitionTemporärNamnändradToo many active concurrent transactionsNon-ASCII separator arguments are not fully supporteddebug sync point wait timed outdebug sync point hit limit reachedDuplicate condition information item '%s'Unhandled user-defined warning conditionUnhandled user-defined not found conditionUnhandled user-defined exception conditionRESIGNAL when handler not activeSIGNAL/RESIGNAL can only use a CONDITION defined with SQLSTATEData truncated for condition item '%s'Data too long for condition item '%s'Unknown locale: '%-.64s'The requested server id %d clashes with the slave startup option --replicate-same-server-idQuery cache is disabled; restart the server with query_cache_type=1 to enable itDuplicate partition field name '%-.192s'Inconsistency in usage of column lists for partitioningPartition column values of incorrect typeToo many fields in '%-.192s'Cannot use MAXVALUE as value in VALUES INCannot have more than one value for this type of %-.64s partitioningRow expressions in VALUES IN only allowed for multi-field column partitioningField '%-.192s' is of a not allowed type for this type of partitioningThe total length of the partitioning fields is too largeCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since both row-incapable engines and statement-incapable engines are involved.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = ROW and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to statement-based logging.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. %sCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is in row format and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to statement-based logging.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to row-based logging.%sCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is in row format and BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since more than one engine is involved and at least one engine is self-logging.The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted.The statement is unsafe because it uses INSERT DELAYED. This is unsafe because the times when rows are inserted cannot be predicted.The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves.Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly.Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it accesses a non-transactional table after accessing a transactional table within the same transaction.%s Statement: %sColumn %d of table '%-.192s.%-.192s' cannot be converted from type '%-.32s' to type '%-.32s'Can't create conversion table for table '%-.192s.%-.192s'Cannot modify @@session.binlog_format inside a transactionThe path specified for %.64s is too long.'%s' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.Native table '%-.64s'.'%-.64s' has the wrong structureInvalid performance_schema usage.Table '%s'.'%s' was skipped since its definition is being modified by concurrent DDL statementCannot modify @@session.binlog_direct_non_transactional_updates inside a transactionCannot change the binlog direct flag inside a stored function or triggerA SPATIAL index may only contain a geometrical type columnComment for index '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Wait on a lock was aborted due to a pending exclusive lock%s value is out of range in '%s'A variable of a non-integer based type in LIMIT clauseMixing self-logging and non-self-logging engines in a statement is unsafe.Statement accesses nontransactional table as well as transactional or temporary table, and writes to any of them.Cannot modify @@session.sql_log_bin inside a transactionCannot change the sql_log_bin inside a stored function or triggerMisslyckades läsa från .par filenVärden i VALUES för partition '%-.64s' måste ha typen INTAnvändare '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' är ej berättigad att logga inSET PASSWORD has no significance for users authenticating via pluginsGRANT with IDENTIFIED WITH is illegal because the user %-.*s already existsCannot truncate a table referenced in a foreign key constraint (%.192s)Plugin '%s' is force_plus_permanent and can not be unloadedThe requested value for the heartbeat period is less than 1 millisecond. The value is reset to 0, meaning that heartbeating will effectively be disabled.The requested value for the heartbeat period exceeds the value of `slave_net_timeout' seconds. A sensible value for the period should be less than the timeout.Multi-row statements required more than 'max_binlog_stmt_cache_size' bytes of storage; increase this mysqld variable and try againPrimary key/partition key update is not allowed since the table is updated both as '%-.192s' and '%-.192s'.Table rebuild required. Please do "ALTER TABLE `%-.64s` FORCE" or dump/reload to fix it!The value of '%s' should be no less than the value of '%s'Index column size too large. The maximum column size is %lu bytes.Trigger '%-.64s' has an error in its body: '%-.256s'Unknown trigger has an error in its body: '%-.256s'Index %s is corruptedUndo log record is too big.INSERT IGNORE... SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.INSERT... SELECT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are updated. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.REPLACE... SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are replaced. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE... IGNORE SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE... REPLACE SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are replaced. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.UPDATE IGNORE is unsafe because the order in which rows are updated determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.Plugin '%s' is marked as not dynamically uninstallable. You have to stop the server to uninstall it.Plugin '%s' is marked as not dynamically installable. You have to stop the server to install it.Statements writing to a table with an auto-increment column after selecting from another table are unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved determines what (if any) rows will be written. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE TABLE... SELECT... on a table with an auto-increment column is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are inserted. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.INSERT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE on a table with more than one UNIQUE KEY is unsafeTable is being used in foreign key check.Storage engine '%s' does not support system tables. [%s.%s]INSERT into autoincrement field which is not the first part in the composed primary key is unsafe.Cannot load from %s.%s. The table is probably corruptedThe requested value %s for the master delay exceeds the maximum %uOnly Format_description_log_event and row events are allowed in BINLOG statements (but %s was provided)Attributet '%-.64s' är olika mellan partition och tabellTabellen att byta ut mot partition är partitionerad: '%-.64s'Tabellen att byta ut mot partition är temporär: '%-.64s'Subpartitionerad tabell, använd subpartition istället för partitionOkänd partition '%-.64s' i tabell '%-.64s'Tabellerna har olika definitionerHittade en rad som inte passar i partitionenOption binlog_cache_size (%lu) is greater than max_binlog_cache_size (%lu); setting binlog_cache_size equal to max_binlog_cache_size.Cannot use %-.64s access on index '%-.64s' due to type or collation conversion on field '%-.64s'Tabellen att byta ut mot partition har foreign key referenser: '%-.64s'Key value '%-.192s' was not found in table '%-.192s.%-.192s'Data for column '%s' too longReplication event checksum verification failed while reading from network.Replication event checksum verification failed while reading from a log file.Option binlog_stmt_cache_size (%lu) is greater than max_binlog_stmt_cache_size (%lu); setting binlog_stmt_cache_size equal to max_binlog_stmt_cache_size.Can't update table '%-.192s' while '%-.192s' is being created.PARTITION () klausul för en icke partitionerad tabellHittade en rad som inte passar i någon given partitionDet finns ingen partition som heter '%-.64s'Failure while changing the type of replication repository: %s.The creation of some temporary tables could not be rolled back.Some temporary tables were dropped, but these operations could not be rolled back.%s is not supported in multi-threaded slave mode. %sThe number of modified databases exceeds the maximum %d; the database names will not be included in the replication event metadata.Cannot execute the current event group in the parallel mode. Encountered event %s, relay-log name %s, position %s which prevents execution of this event group in parallel mode. Reason: %s.%sFULLTEXT index stöds ej för partitionerade tabeller.Invalid condition numberSending passwords in plain text without SSL/TLS is extremely insecure.Storing MySQL user name or password information in the master info repository is not secure and is therefore not recommended. Please consider using the USER and PASSWORD connection options for START SLAVE; see the 'START SLAVE Syntax' in the MySQL Manual for more information.FOREIGN KEY constraint för tabell '%.192s', posten '%-.192s' kan inte uppdatera barntabell '%.192s' på grund av nyckel '%.192s'FOREIGN KEY constraint för tabell '%.192s', posten '%-.192s' kan inte uppdatera en barntabell på grund av UNIQUE-testSetting authentication options is not possible when only the Slave SQL Thread is being started.The table does not have FULLTEXT index to support this queryThe system variable %.200s cannot be set in stored functions or triggers.The system variable %.200s cannot be set when there is an ongoing transaction.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT has the value %.200s, which is not listed in @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot change inside a transaction.The statement 'SET %.200s' cannot invoke a stored function.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be 'AUTOMATIC' when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST is non-NULL.Skipping transaction %.200s because it has already been executed and logged.Malformed GTID set specification '%.200s'.Malformed GTID set encoding.Malformed GTID specification '%.200s'.Impossible to generate Global Transaction Identifier: the integer component reached the maximal value. Restart the server with a new server_uuid.Parameters MASTER_LOG_FILE, MASTER_LOG_POS, RELAY_LOG_FILE and RELAY_LOG_POS cannot be set when MASTER_AUTO_POSITION is active.CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1 cannot be executed because @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot execute statements with implicit commit inside a transaction when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT == 'UUID:NUMBER'.GTID_MODE = ON requires ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY = ON.@@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON or ON_PERMISSIVE or OFF_PERMISSIVE requires --log-bin and --log-slave-updates.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be set to UUID:NUMBER when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be set to ANONYMOUS when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST cannot be set to a non-NULL value when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Found a Gtid_log_event when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Statement violates GTID consistency: Updates to non-transactional tables can only be done in either autocommitted statements or single-statement transactions, and never in the same statement as updates to transactional tables.Statement violates GTID consistency: CREATE TABLE ... SELECT.Statement violates GTID consistency: Under statement binary log mode CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE and DROP TEMPORARY TABLE can only be executed outside transactional context. These statements are also not allowed in a function or trigger because functions and triggers are also considered to be multi-statement transactions.The value of @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE can only be changed one step at a time: OFF <-> OFF_PERMISSIVE <-> ON_PERMISSIVE <-> ON. Also note that this value must be stepped up or down simultaneously on all servers. See the Manual for instructions.The slave is connecting using CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1, but the master has purged binary logs containing GTIDs that the slave requires.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be changed by a client that owns a GTID. The client owns %s. Ownership is released on COMMIT or ROLLBACK.Unknown EXPLAIN format name: '%s'Cannot execute statement in a READ ONLY transaction.Comment for table partition '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Slave is not configured or failed to initialize properly. You must at least set --server-id to enable either a master or a slave. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.InnoDB presently supports one FULLTEXT index creation at a timeCannot create FULLTEXT index on temporary InnoDB tableColumn '%-.192s' is of wrong type for an InnoDB FULLTEXT indexIndex '%-.192s' is of wrong type for an InnoDB FULLTEXT indexCreating index '%-.192s' required more than 'innodb_online_alter_log_max_size' bytes of modification log. Please try again.Unknown ALGORITHM '%s'Unknown LOCK type '%s'CHANGE MASTER cannot be executed when the slave was stopped with an error or killed in MTS mode. Consider using RESET SLAVE or START SLAVE UNTIL.Cannot recover after SLAVE errored out in parallel execution mode. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.Cannot clean up worker info tables. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.Column count of %s.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. The table is probably corruptedSlave must silently retry current transactionThere is a foreign key check running on table '%-.192s'. Cannot discard the table.Schema mismatch (%s)Table '%-.192s' in system tablespaceIO Read error: (%lu, %s) %sIO Write error: (%lu, %s) %sTablespace is missing for table %s.Tablespace '%-.192s' exists.Tablespace has been discarded for table '%-.192s'Internal error: %sALTER TABLE %-.192s IMPORT TABLESPACE failed with error %lu : '%s'Index corrupt: %sSupports only YEAR or YEAR(4) column.Your password does not satisfy the current policy requirementsYou must reset your password using ALTER USER statement before executing this statement.Failed to add the foreign key constaint. Missing index for constraint '%s' in the foreign table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constaint. Missing index for constraint '%s' in the referenced table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constraint '%s' to system tablesFailed to open the referenced table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constraint on table '%s'. Incorrect options in FOREIGN KEY constraint '%s'Duplicate foreign key constraint name '%s'The password hash doesn't have the expected format. Check if the correct password algorithm is being used with the PASSWORD() function.Cannot drop column '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s'Cannot drop column '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Column '%-.192s' cannot be NOT NULL: needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' SET NULLDuplicate index '%-.64s' defined on the table '%-.64s.%-.64s'. This is deprecated and will be disallowed in a future release.Cannot change column '%-.192s': used in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s'Cannot change column '%-.192s': used in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Cannot delete rows from table which is parent in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Malformed communication packet.Running in read-only modeWhen @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT is set to a GTID, you must explicitly set it to a different value after a COMMIT or ROLLBACK. Please check GTID_NEXT variable manual page for detailed explanation. Current @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT is '%s'.The system variable %.200s cannot be set in stored procedures.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when @@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED is empty.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when there are no ongoing transactions (not even in other clients).@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED was changed from '%s' to '%s'.@@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED was changed from '%s' to '%s'.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT, and both replicated and non replicated tables are written to.%s is not supported for this operation. Try %s.%s is not supported. Reason: %s. Try %s.COPY algorithm requires a lockPartition specific operations do not yet support LOCK/ALGORITHMColumns participating in a foreign key are renamedCannot change column type INPLACEAdding foreign keys needs foreign_key_checks=OFFCreating unique indexes with IGNORE requires COPY algorithm to remove duplicate rowsDropping a primary key is not allowed without also adding a new primary keyAdding an auto-increment column requires a lockCannot replace hidden FTS_DOC_ID with a user-visible oneCannot drop or rename FTS_DOC_IDFulltext index creation requires a locksql_slave_skip_counter can not be set when the server is running with @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON. Instead, for each transaction that you want to skip, generate an empty transaction with the same GTID as the transactionDublett för nyckel '%-.192s'Long database name and identifier for object resulted in path length exceeding %d characters. Path: '%s'.cannot silently convert NULL values, as required in this SQL_MODEYour password has expired. To log in you must change it using a client that supports expired passwords.Hittade en rad i fel partition %sCannot schedule event %s, relay-log name %s, position %s to Worker thread because its size %lu exceeds %lu of slave_pending_jobs_size_max.Cannot CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX WITH PARSER on InnoDB tableThe binary log file '%s' is logically corrupted: %sfile %s was not purged because it was being read by %d thread(s), purged only %d out of %d files.file %s was not purged because it is the active log file.Auto-increment value in UPDATE conflicts with internally generated valuesRow events are not logged for %s statements that modify BLACKHOLE tables in row format. Table(s): '%-.192s'Slave failed to initialize master info structure from the repositorySlave failed to initialize relay log info structure from the repositoryAccess denied trying to change to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' (using password: %s). Disconnecting.InnoDB is in read only mode.STOP SLAVE command execution is incomplete: Slave SQL thread got the stop signal, thread is busy, SQL thread will stop once the current task is complete.STOP SLAVE command execution is incomplete: Slave IO thread got the stop signal, thread is busy, IO thread will stop once the current task is complete.Operation cannot be performed. The table '%-.64s.%-.64s' is missing, corrupt or contains bad data.Temporary file write failure.Upgrade index name failed, please use create index(alter table) algorithm copy to rebuild index.TIME/TIMESTAMP/DATETIME columns of old format have been upgraded to the new format.Operation not allowed when innodb_forced_recovery > 0.The initialization vector supplied to %s is too short. Must be at least %d bytes longPlugin '%s' cannot be uninstalled now. %sCannot execute statement because it needs to be written to the binary log as multiple statements, and this is not allowed when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT == 'UUID:NUMBER'.Slave has more GTIDs than the master has, using the master's SERVER_UUID. This may indicate that the end of the binary log was truncated or that the last binary log file was lost, e.g., after a power or disk failure when sync_binlog != 1. The master may or may not have rolled back transactions that were already replicated to the slave. Suggest to replicate any transactions that master has rolled back from slave to master, and/or commit empty transactions on master to account for transactions that have been committed on master but are not included in GTID_EXECUTED.The table '%s.%s' does not have the necessary key(s) defined on it. Please check the table definition and create index(s) accordingly.File %s is corruptedQuery partially completed on the master (error on master: %d) and was aborted. There is a chance that your master is inconsistent at this point. If you are sure that your master is ok, run this query manually on the slave and then restart the slave with SET GLOBAL SQL_SLAVE_SKIP_COUNTER=1; START SLAVE;. Query:'%s'Query caused different errors on master and slave. Error on master: message (format)='%s' error code=%d; Error on slave:actual message='%s', error code=%d. Default database:'%s'. Query:'%s'Storage engine for table '%s'.'%s' is not loaded.GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS when handler not active%s is no longer supported. The statement was converted to %s.Statement is unsafe because it uses a fulltext parser plugin which may not return the same value on the slave.Cannot DISCARD/IMPORT tablespace associated with temporary tableForeign key cascade delete/update exceeds max depth of %d.Column count of %s.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. Created with MySQL %d, now running %d. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error.Trigger %s.%s.%s does not have CREATED attribute.Referenced trigger '%s' for the given action time and event type does not exist.EXPLAIN FOR CONNECTION command is supported only for SELECT/UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE/REPLACEInvalid size for column '%-.192s'.Table storage engine '%-.64s' found required create option missingOut of memory in storage engine '%-.64s'.The password for anonymous user cannot be expired.This operation cannot be performed with a running slave sql thread; run STOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD firstCannot create FULLTEXT index on materialized subqueryUndo Log error: %sInvalid argument for logarithmThis operation cannot be performed with a running slave io thread; run STOP SLAVE IO_THREAD FOR CHANNEL '%s' first.This operation may not be safe when the slave has temporary tables. The tables will be kept open until the server restarts or until the tables are deleted by any replicated DROP statement. Suggest to wait until slave_open_temp_tables = 0.CHANGE MASTER TO with a MASTER_LOG_FILE clause but no MASTER_LOG_POS clause may not be safe. The old position value may not be valid for the new binary log file.Query execution was interrupted, maximum statement execution time exceededSelect is not a read only statement, disabling timerDuplicate entry '%-.192s'.'%s' mode no longer has any effect. Use STRICT_ALL_TABLES or STRICT_TRANS_TABLES instead.Expression #%u of ORDER BY contains aggregate function and applies to a UNIONExpression #%u of ORDER BY contains aggregate function and applies to the result of a non-aggregated querySlave worker has stopped after at least one previous worker encountered an error when slave-preserve-commit-order was enabled. To preserve commit order, the last transaction executed by this thread has not been committed. When restarting the slave after fixing any failed threads, you should fix this worker as well.slave_preserve_commit_order is not supported %s.The server is currently in offline modeBinary geometry function %s given two geometries of different srids: %u and %u, which should have been identical.Calling geometry function %s with unsupported types of arguments.Unknown GIS error occured in function %s.Unknown exception caught in GIS function %s.Invalid GIS data provided to function %s.The geometry has no data in function %s.Unable to calculate centroid because geometry is empty in function %s.Geometry overlay calculation error: geometry data is invalid in function %s.Geometry turn info calculation error: geometry data is invalid in function %s.Analysis procedures of intersection points interrupted unexpectedly in function %s.Unknown exception thrown in function %s.Memory allocation error: %-.256s in function %s.Domain error: %-.256s in function %s.Length error: %-.256s in function %s.Invalid argument error: %-.256s in function %s.Out of range error: %-.256s in function %s.Overflow error error: %-.256s in function %s.Range error: %-.256s in function %s.Underflow error: %-.256s in function %s.Logic error: %-.256s in function %s.Runtime error: %-.256s in function %s.Unknown exception: %-.384s in function %s.Geometry byte string must be little endian.The password provided for the replication user exceeds the maximum length of 32 charactersIncorrect user-level lock name '%-.192s'.Deadlock found when trying to get user-level lock; try rolling back transaction/releasing locks and restarting lock acquisition.REPLACE cannot be executed as it requires deleting rows that are not in the viewDo not support online operation on table with GIS indexUser variable name '%-.100s' is illegalCannot %s when GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot %s from a replication slave thread.Incorrect type for argument %s in function %s.Expression #%u of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, references column '%-.192s' which is not in SELECT list; this is incompatible with %sExpression #%u of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, contains aggregate function; this is incompatible with %sSupplied filter list contains a value which is not in the required format 'db_pattern.table_pattern'OK packet too largeInvalid JSON data provided to function %s: %sInvalid GeoJSON data provided to function %s: Missing required member '%s'Invalid GeoJSON data provided to function %s: Member '%s' must be of type '%s'Invalid GeoJSON data provided to function %sUnsupported number of coordinate dimensions in function %s: Found %u, expected %uSlave channel '%s' does not exist.A slave channel '%s' already exists for the given host and port combination.Couldn't create channel: Channel name is either invalid or too long.To have multiple channels, repository cannot be of type FILE; Please check the repository configuration and convert them to TABLE.Cannot delete slave info objects for channel '%s'.Multiple channels exist on the slave. Please provide channel name as an argument.Maximum number of replication channels allowed exceeded.This operation cannot be performed with running replication threads; run STOP SLAVE FOR CHANNEL '%s' firstThis operation requires running replication threads; configure slave and run START SLAVE FOR CHANNEL '%s'Replication thread(s) for channel '%s' are already runnning.Replication thread(s) for channel '%s' are already stopped.This operation cannot be performed with a running slave sql thread; run STOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD FOR CHANNEL '%s' first.When sql_slave_skip_counter > 0, it is not allowed to start more than one SQL thread by using 'START SLAVE [SQL_THREAD]'. Value of sql_slave_skip_counter can only be used by one SQL thread at a time. Please use 'START SLAVE [SQL_THREAD] FOR CHANNEL' to start the SQL thread which will use the value of sql_slave_skip_counter.Expression #%u of %s is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column '%-.192s' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_byIn aggregated query without GROUP BY, expression #%u of %s contains nonaggregated column '%-.192s'; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_byUpdating '%s' is deprecated. It will be made read-only in a future release.Changing sql mode '%s' is deprecated. It will be removed in a future release.DROP DATABASE failed; some tables may have been dropped but the database directory remains. The GTID has not been added to GTID_EXECUTED and the statement was not written to the binary log. Fix this as follows: (1) remove all files from the database directory %-.192s; (2) SET GTID_NEXT='%-.192s'; (3) DROP DATABASE `%-.192s`.The server is not configured properly to be an active member of the group. Please see more details on error log.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed since the group is already running.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as the applier module failed to start.The STOP GROUP_REPLICATION command execution is incomplete: The applier thread got the stop signal while it was busy. The applier thread will stop once the current task is complete.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as there was an error when initializing the group communication layer.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as there was an error when joining the communication group.The table does not comply with the requirements by an external plugin.Cannot change the value of variable %s without binary log format as ROW.Error on observer while running replication hook '%s'.Plugin instructed the server to rollback the current transaction.Expression of generated column '%s' contains a disallowed function.INPLACE ADD or DROP of virtual columns cannot be combined with other ALTER TABLE actionsCannot define foreign key with %s clause on a generated column.The value specified for generated column '%s' in table '%s' is not allowed.'%s' is not supported for generated columns.Generated column can refer only to generated columns defined prior to it.Column '%s' has a generated column dependency.Generated column '%s' cannot refer to auto-increment column.The '%-.64s' feature is not available; you need to remove '%-.64s' or use MySQL built with '%-.64s'SET @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = %-.64s is not allowed because %-.384s.The replication receiver thread%-.192s cannot start in AUTO_POSITION mode: this server uses @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot replicate anonymous transaction when AUTO_POSITION = 1, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot replicate anonymous transaction when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot replicate GTID-transaction when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot set ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY = ON because there are ongoing transactions that violate GTID consistency.There are ongoing transactions that violate GTID consistency.Access denied for user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s'. Account is locked.Incorrect tablespace name `%-.192s`Tablespace `%-.192s` is not empty.Incorrect File Name '%s'.Inconsistent intersection points.Optimizer hint syntax errorUnsupported MAX_EXECUTION_TIMEMAX_EXECUTION_TIME hint is supported by top-level standalone SELECT statements onlyHint %s is ignored as conflicting/duplicatedQuery block name %s is not found for %s hintUnresolved name %s for %s hintPlease do not modify the %s table. This is a mysql internal system table to store GTIDs for committed transactions. Modifying it can lead to an inconsistent GTID state.Command not supported by pluggable protocolsIncorrect locking service lock name '%-.192s'.Deadlock found when trying to get locking service lock; try releasing locks and restarting lock acquisition.Service lock wait timeout exceeded.Parameter %s exceeds the maximum number of points in a geometry (%lu) in function %s.'NO_ZERO_DATE', 'NO_ZERO_IN_DATE' and 'ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO' sql modes should be used with strict mode. They will be merged with strict mode in a future release.Version token mismatch for %.*s. Correct value %.*sVersion token %.*s not found.Variable %-.192s cannot be changed by a client that owns a GTID. The client owns %s. Ownership is released on COMMIT or ROLLBACK.%-.192s cannot be performed on channel '%-.192s'.Invalid JSON text: "%s" at position %u in value for column '%-.200s'.Invalid JSON text in argument %u to function %s: "%s" at position %u.%-.0sThe JSON binary value contains invalid data.Invalid JSON path expression. The error is around character position %u.%-.200sCannot create a JSON value from a string with CHARACTER SET '%s'.Invalid JSON character data provided to function %s: '%s'; utf8 is required.Invalid data type for JSON data in argument %u to function %s; a JSON string or JSON type is required.Cannot CAST value to JSON.A path expression must be encoded in the utf8 character set. The path expression '%-.200s' is encoded in character set '%-.200s'.In this situation, path expressions may not contain the * and ** tokens.The JSON value is too big to be stored in a JSON column.The JSON object contains a key name that is too long.JSON column '%-.192s' cannot be used in key specification.The path expression '$' is not allowed in this context.The oneOrAll argument to %s may take these values: 'one' or 'all'.Out of range JSON value for CAST to %s%-.0s from column %s at row %ldInvalid JSON value for CAST to %s%-.0s from column %s at row %ldThe JSON document exceeds the maximum depth.JSON documents may not contain NULL member names.Connections using insecure transport are prohibited while --require_secure_transport=ON.No secure transports (SSL or Shared Memory) are configured, unable to set --require_secure_transport=ON.Storage engine %s is disabled (Table creation is disallowed).User %s does not exist.User %s already exists.Aborted by Audit API ('%-.48s';%d).A path expression is not a path to a cell in an array.Another buffer pool resize is already in progress.The '%s' feature is disabled; see the documentation for '%s'Server isn't availableSession was killedMemory capacity of %llu bytes for '%s' exceeded. %sRange optimization was not done for this query.Partitioning upgrade required. Please dump/reload to fix it or do: ALTER TABLE `%-.192s`.`%-.192s` UPGRADE PARTITIONINGThe client holds ownership of the GTID %s. Therefore, WAIT_FOR_EXECUTED_GTID_SET cannot wait for this GTID.Cannot add foreign key on the base column of indexed virtual column.Cannot create index on virtual column whose base column has foreign constraint.Please do not modify the %s table with an XA transaction. This is an internal system table used to store GTIDs for committed transactions. Although modifying it can lead to an inconsistent GTID state, if neccessary you can modify it with a non-XA transaction.Lock acquisition refused by storage engine.ADD COLUMN col...VIRTUAL, ADD INDEX(col)Master key rotation is not supported by storage engine.Encryption key rotation error reported by SE: %sWrite to binlog failed. However, master key rotation has been completed successfully.Storage engine is not available.This tablespace can't be encrypted.Invalid encryption option.Can't find master key from keyring, please check in the server log if a keyring plugin is loaded and initialized successfully.Parser bailed out for this query.Cannot alter encryption attribute by inplace algorithm.Function '%s' failed because underlying keyring service returned an error. Please check if a keyring plugin is installed and that provided arguments are valid for the keyring you are using.It seems that your db schema is old. The %s column is 77 characters long and should be 93 characters long. Please run mysql_upgrade.RESET MASTER is not allowed because %-.384s.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed since the group already has 9 members.Cannot add foreign key on the base column of stored column. Cannot complete the operation because table is referenced by another connection.The partition engine, used by table '%-.192s.%-.192s', is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use native partitioning instead.%.192s(geometry) is deprecated and will be replaced by st_srid(geometry, 0) in a future version. Use %.192s(st_aswkb(geometry), 0) instead.%.192s(geometry, srid) is deprecated and will be replaced by st_srid(geometry, srid) in a future version. Use %.192s(st_aswkb(geometry), srid) instead.The resource manager is not able to commit the transaction branch at this time. Please retry later.Function %s failed due to: %s.Statement is unsafe because it is being used inside a XA transaction. Concurrent XA transactions may deadlock on slaves when replicated using statements.%s UDF failed; %sCan not perform keyring migration : %sAccess denied; you need %-.128s privileges for this operationKeyring migration %s.Failed to open the %s filter tables.Failed to open '%s.%s' %s table.No keyring plugin installed.Audit log encryption password has not been set; it will be generated automatically. Use audit_log_encryption_password_get to obtain the password or audit_log_encryption_password_set to set a new one.Could not create AES key. OpenSSL's EVP_BytesToKey function failed.Audit log encryption password cannot be fetched from the keyring. Password used so far is used for encryption.Audit Log filtering has not been installed.Request ignored for '%s'@'%s'. SUPER_ACL needed to perform operationSUPER privilege required for '%s'@'%s' user.Could not reinitialize audit log filters.Invalid argument typeInvalid argument countaudit_log plugin has not been installed using INSTALL PLUGIN syntax.Invalid "max_array_length" argument type.Invalid "max_array_length" argument value.%sFilter name cannot be empty.User cannot be empty.Specified filter has not been found.First character of the user name must be alphanumeric.Invalid character in the user name.Invalid character in the host name.With the MAXDB SQL mode enabled, TIMESTAMP is identical with DATETIME. The MAXDB SQL mode is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please disable the MAXDB SQL mode and use DATETIME instead.The use of replication filters with XA transactions is not supported, and can lead to an undefined state in the replication slave.Compressed column '%-.192s' is not allowed in the key listCan not define column '%-.192s' in compressed formatCompression dictionary '%-.192s' already existsCompression dictionary '%-.192s' does not existCompression dictionary name '%-.192s' is too long (max length = %lu)Data for compression dictionary '%-.192s' is too long (max length = %lu)Compression dictionary '%-.192s' is in useCan't execute the query because you have a conflicting backup lockKeys are out order during bulk loadBulk load rows overlap existing rowsCan't execute updates on master with binlog_format != ROW.MyRocks supports only READ COMMITTED and REPEATABLE READ isolation levels. Please change from current isolation level %sWhen unique checking is disabled in MyRocks, INSERT,UPDATE,LOAD statements with clauses that update or replace the key (i.e. INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, REPLACE) are not allowed. Query: %sCan't execute updates when you started a transaction with START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT [ROCKSDB] SNAPSHOT.This transaction was rolled back and cannot be committed. Only supported operation is to roll it back, so all pending changes will be discarded. Please restart another transaction.MyRocks currently does not support ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT if modifying rows.Only REPEATABLE READ isolation level is supported for START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT SNAPSHOT in RocksDB Storage Engine.Unsupported collation on string indexed column %s.%s Use binary collation (%s).Table '%s' does not exist, but metadata information exists inside MyRocks. This is a sign of data inconsistency. Please check if '%s.frm' exists, and try to restore it if it does not exist.MyRocks failed creating new key definitions during alter.MyRocks failed populating secondary key during alter.Column family ('%s') flag (%d) is different from an existing flag (%d). Assign a new CF flag, or do not change existing CF flag.TTL support is currently disabled when table has a hidden PK.TTL column (%s) in MyRocks must be an unsigned non-null 64-bit integer, exist inside the table, and have an accompanying ttl duration.TTL duration (%s) in MyRocks must be an unsigned non-null 64-bit integer.The per-index column family option has been deprecated.norwegian-ny/errmsg.sys000075500000235740147633135420011246 0ustar00)uM3(b#Z#\:_q$G$B]  A [  = ^  @ e  2 g R *Mf]%ax5u+W6Vt$=f>b~]CeHP~7i1skMoGq" M w !x!!!"D""" #1#i###$<$y$$$$$=%%%%%&1&d&&& 'i'',(z(()}))).*e***$+i+++,E,z,,,-<-c----(.i...%/o/// 0M0y0001\11112&2\222223G3334N4g444 5n5555#6q666617`7778k88(99:M:;C;b;;;;<~<<< =p===$>>>?0?Z????@J@@@@@@@A"AIAAAA3BBBC C?C`CCCCCCCDRDjDDDDDDEWEEEEE2FlFFF-GIGkGGGG(HiHHHIIIJJLJ{JJJJKHK}KKK LALfLLLLLM1M\M}MMM N8NcNNNNO8OROOOP5PLPPPQvQQQ4RgRRRR$STSSSSQT~TTUEVVRWzWWXKXXXYkYYYYZZ[E[][[\,\h\\\@]]6^v^^_h___5```xaa bbbc7ccccdIdsdddde:eeee?fff(gggh5huhhh_iiijcjjj kBk|kkkʒG̓pjΕ4ʖ'aƗ9[Xƙ"YOc3͝m\3hΠP!q}Ө9ԩ-ilͬPn >_ޯ1fBWӳ@ݴ'v1mֶ#Nk$r`= ^%̿>?vo/k&B_(:`]-IMt6y-a2b?pAz'i~M=(EwY:d D <z*e!r1[(;Z_T J{WH8a:h-Y_0[3~Lo BTL T [c<E"nQk-:w5tj   - Z   9   =    0 h   2_SOC$U 'T4VRq Dv>Tk%;` /!j!!!!D""""#D###$)%%*&&&''$(((j))hashchkisamchkNEIJAKan ikkje opprette fila '%-.200s' (Feilkode: %d - %s)Kan ikkje opprette tabellen '%-.200s' (Feilkode: %d)Kan ikkje opprette databasen '%-.192s' (Feilkode: %d)Kan ikkje opprette databasen '%-.192s'; databasen eksistererKan ikkje fjerne (drop) '%-.192s'; databasen eksisterer ikkjeFeil ved fjerning (drop) av databasen (kan ikkje slette '%-.192s', feil %d)Feil ved sletting av database (kan ikkje slette katalogen '%-.192s', feil %d)Feil ved sletting av '%-.192s' (Feilkode: %d - %s)Kan ikkje lese posten i systemkatalogenKan ikkje lese statusen til '%-.200s' (Feilkode: %d - %s)Kan ikkje lese aktiv katalog(Feilkode: %d - %s)Kan ikkje låse fila (Feilkode: %d - %s)Kan ikkje åpne fila: '%-.200s' (Feilkode: %d - %s)Kan ikkje finne fila: '%-.200s' (Feilkode: %d - %s)Kan ikkje lese katalogen '%-.192s' (Feilkode: %d - %s)Kan ikkje skifte katalog til '%-.192s' (Feilkode: %d - %s)Posten har vorte endra sidan den sist vart lesen '%-.192s'Ikkje meir diskplass (%s). Ventar på å få frigjort plass... (Feilkode: %d - %s)Kan ikkje skrive, flere like nyklar i tabellen '%-.192s'Feil ved lukking av '%-.192s' (Feilkode: %d - %s)Feil ved lesing av '%-.200s' (Feilkode: %d - %s)Feil ved omdøyping av '%-.210s' til '%-.210s' (Feilkode: %d - %s)Feil ved skriving av fila '%-.200s' (Feilkode: %d - %s)'%-.192s' er låst mot oppdateringarSortering avbroteView '%-.192s' eksisterar ikkje for '%-.192s'Mottok feil %d fra tabell handterarTabell håndteraren for '%-.192s' har ikkje denne moglegheitaKan ikkje finne posten i '%-.192s'Feil informasjon i fila: '%-.200s'Tabellen '%-.200s' har feil i nykkelfila; prøv å reparere denGammel nykkelfil for tabellen '%-.192s'; reparer den!'%-.192s' er skrivetryggjaIkkje meir minne. Start på nytt tenesten og prøv igjen (trengte %d bytar)Ikkje meir sorteringsminne. Vurder å auke sorteringsminnet (sorteringsbuffer storleik) for tenestenUventa slutt på fil (eof) ved lesing av fila '%-.192s' (Feilkode: %d - %s)For mange tilkoplingar (connections)Tomt for tråd plass/minneKan ikkje få tak i vertsnavn for di adresseFeil handtrykk (handshake)Tilgang ikkje tillate for brukar: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' til databasen '%-.192s' nektaTilgang ikke tillate for brukar: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' (Brukar passord: %s)Ingen database valdUkjent kommandoKolonne '%-.192s' kan ikkje vere nullUkjent database '%-.192s'Tabellen '%-.192s' eksisterar allereideUkjent tabell '%-.100s'Kolonne: '%-.192s' i tabell %-.192s er ikkje eintydigTenar nedkopling er i gangUkjent felt '%-.192s' i tabell %-.192sBrukte '%-.192s' som ikkje var i group byKan ikkje gruppere på '%-.192s'Uttrykket har summer (sum) funksjoner og kolonner i same uttrykkKolonne telling stemmer verdi tellingIdentifikator '%-.100s' er for langFeltnamnet '%-.192s' eksisterte frå førNøkkelnamnet '%-.192s' eksisterte frå førLike verdiar '%-.192s' for nykkel %dFeil kolonne spesifikator for kolonne '%-.192s'%s attmed '%-.80s' på line %dFørespurnad var tomIkkje unikt tabell/alias: '%-.192s'Ugyldig standardverdi for '%-.192s'Fleire primærnyklar spesifisertFor mange nykler spesifisert. Maks %d nyklar tillattFor mange nykkeldelar spesifisert. Maks %d delar tillattSpesifisert nykkel var for lang. Maks nykkellengde er %dNykkel kolonne '%-.192s' eksiterar ikkje i tabellenBlob kolonne '%-.192s' kan ikkje brukast ved spesifikasjon av nyklarFor stor nykkellengde for felt '%-.192s' (maks = %lu). Bruk BLOB istadenforBare eitt auto felt kan være definert som nøkkel.%s: klar for tilkoblingar Version: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d"%s: Normal nedkopling %s: Oppdaga signal %d. Avsluttar! %s: Nedkopling komplett %s: Påtvinga avslutning av tråd %ld brukar: '%-.48s' Kan ikkje opprette IP socketTabellen '%-.192s' har ingen index som den som er brukt i CREATE INDEX. Oprett tabellen på nyttFelt skiljer argumenta er ikkje som venta, sjå dokumentasjonenEin kan ikkje bruke faste feltlengder med BLOB. Vennlisgt bruk 'fields terminated by'.Filen '%-.128s' må være i database-katalogen for å være lesbar for alleFilen '%-.200s' eksisterte allereidePoster: %ld Fjerna: %ld Hoppa over: %ld Åtvaringar: %ldPoster: %ld Like: %ldFeil delnykkel. Den brukte delnykkelen er ikkje ein streng eller den oppgitte lengda er lengre enn nykkellengdenEin kan ikkje slette alle felt med ALTER TABLE. Bruk DROP TABLE istadenfor.Kan ikkje DROP '%-.192s'. Undersøk om felt/nøkkel eksisterar.Postar: %ld Like: %ld Åtvaringar: %ldYou can't specify target table '%-.192s' for update in FROM clauseUkjent tråd id: %luDu er ikkje eigar av tråd %luIngen tabellar i brukFor mange tekststrengar felt %-.192s og SETKan ikkje lage unikt loggfilnavn %-.200s.(1-999) Tabellen '%-.192s' var låst med READ lås og kan ikkje oppdaterastTabellen '%-.192s' var ikkje låst med LOCK TABLESBlob feltet '%-.192s' kan ikkje ha ein standard verdiUgyldig database namn '%-.100s'Ugyldig tabell namn '%-.100s'SELECT ville undersøkje for mange postar og ville sannsynligvis ta veldig lang tid. Undersøk WHERE klausulen og bruk SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 om SELECTen er korrektUkjend feilUkjend prosedyre %-.192sFeil parameter tal til prosedyra %-.192sFeil parameter til prosedyra %-.192sUkjend tabell '%-.192s' i %-.32sFeltet '%-.192s' er spesifisert to gangarInvalid use of group functionTable '%-.192s' uses a extension that doesn't exist in this MySQL versionA table must have at least 1 columnThe table '%-.192s' is fullUnknown character set: '%-.64s'Too many tables; MySQL can only use %d tables in a joinToo many columnsRow size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is %ld. This includes storage overhead, check the manual. You have to change some columns to TEXT or BLOBsThread stack overrun: Used: %ld of a %ld stack. Use 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' to specify a bigger stack if neededCross dependency found in OUTER JOIN; examine your ON conditionsTable handler doesn't support NULL in given index. Please change column '%-.192s' to be NOT NULL or use another handlerCan't load function '%-.192s'Can't initialize function '%-.192s'; %-.80sNo paths allowed for shared libraryFunction '%-.192s' already existsCan't open shared library '%-.192s' (errno: %d %-.128s)Can't find symbol '%-.128s' in libraryFunction '%-.192s' is not definedHost '%-.64s' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'Host '%-.64s' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL serverYou are using MySQL as an anonymous user and anonymous users are not allowed to change passwordsYou must have privileges to update tables in the mysql database to be able to change passwords for othersCan't find any matching row in the user tableRows matched: %ld Changed: %ld Warnings: %ldCan't create a new thread (errno %d); if you are not out of available memory you can consult the manual for any possible OS dependent bugColumn count doesn't match value count at row %ldCan't reopen table: '%-.192sInvalid use of NULL valueGot error '%-.64s' from regexpMixing of GROUP columns (MIN(),MAX(),COUNT(),...) with no GROUP columns is illegal if there is no GROUP BY clauseThere is no such grant defined for user '%-.48s' on host '%-.64s'%-.128s command denied to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' for table '%-.64s'%-.16s command denied to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' for column '%-.192s' in table '%-.192s'Illegal GRANT/REVOKE command; please consult the manual to see which privleges can be used.The host or user argument to GRANT is too longTable '%-.192s.%-.192s' doesn't existThere is no such grant defined for user '%-.48s' on host '%-.64s' on table '%-.192s'The used command is not allowed with this MySQL versionSomething is wrong in your syntaxDelayed insert thread couldn't get requested lock for table %-.192sToo many delayed threads in useAborted connection %ld to db: '%-.192s' user: '%-.48s' (%-.64s)Got a packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet' bytesGot a read error from the connection pipeGot an error from fcntl()Got packets out of orderCouldn't uncompress communication packetGot an error reading communication packetsGot timeout reading communication packetsGot an error writing communication packetsGot timeout writing communication packetsResult string is longer than 'max_allowed_packet' bytesThe used table type doesn't support BLOB/TEXT columnsThe used table type doesn't support AUTO_INCREMENT columnsINSERT DELAYED can't be used with table '%-.192s' because it is locked with LOCK TABLESIncorrect column name '%-.100s'The used table handler can't index column '%-.192s'All tables in the MERGE table are not defined identicallyCan't write, because of unique constraint, to table '%-.192s'BLOB column '%-.192s' used in key specification without a key lengthAll parts of a PRIMARY KEY must be NOT NULL; if you need NULL in a key, use UNIQUE insteadResult consisted of more than one rowThis table type requires a primary keyThis version of MySQL is not compiled with RAID supportYou are using safe update mode and you tried to update a table without a WHERE that uses a KEY columnKey '%-.192s' doesn't exist in table '%-.192s'Can't open tableThe handler for the table doesn't support %sYou are not allowed to execute this command in a transactionGot error %d during COMMITGot error %d during ROLLBACKGot error %d during FLUSH_LOGSGot error %d during CHECKPOINTAborted connection %u to db: '%-.192s' user: '%-.48s' host: '%-.64s' (%-.64s)The storage engine for the table does not support binary table dumpBinlog closed, cannot RESET MASTERFailed rebuilding the index of dumped table '%-.192s'Error from master: '%-.64s'Net error reading from masterNet error writing to masterCan't find FULLTEXT index matching the column listCan't execute the given command because you have active locked tables or an active transactionUnknown system variable '%-.64s'Table '%-.192s' is marked as crashed and should be repairedTable '%-.192s' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failedSome non-transactional changed tables couldn't be rolled backMulti-statement transaction required more than 'max_binlog_cache_size' bytes of storage; increase this mysqld variable and try againThis operation cannot be performed with a running slave; run STOP SLAVE firstThis operation requires a running slave; configure slave and do START SLAVEThe server is not configured as slave; fix in config file or with CHANGE MASTER TOCould not initialize master info structure; more error messages can be found in the MySQL error logCould not create slave thread; check system resourcesUser %-.64s already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connectionsYou may only use constant expressions with SETLock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transactionThe total number of locks exceeds the lock table sizeUpdate locks cannot be acquired during a READ UNCOMMITTED transactionDROP DATABASE not allowed while thread is holding global read lockCREATE DATABASE not allowed while thread is holding global read lockIncorrect arguments to %s'%-.48s'@'%-.64s' is not allowed to create new usersIncorrect table definition; all MERGE tables must be in the same databaseDeadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transactionThe used table type doesn't support FULLTEXT indexesCannot add foreign key constraintCannot add a child row: a foreign key constraint failsCannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint failsError connecting to master: %-.128sError running query on master: %-.128sError when executing command %s: %-.128sIncorrect usage of %s and %sThe used SELECT statements have a different number of columnsCan't execute the query because you have a conflicting read lockMixing of transactional and non-transactional tables is disabledOption '%s' used twice in statementUser '%-.64s' has exceeded the '%s' resource (current value: %ld)Access denied; you need (at least one of) the %-.128s privilege(s) for this operationVariable '%-.64s' is a SESSION variable and can't be used with SET GLOBALVariable '%-.64s' is a GLOBAL variable and should be set with SET GLOBALVariable '%-.64s' doesn't have a default valueVariable '%-.64s' can't be set to the value of '%-.200s'Incorrect argument type to variable '%-.64s'Variable '%-.64s' can only be set, not readIncorrect usage/placement of '%s'This version of MySQL doesn't yet support '%s'Got fatal error %d from master when reading data from binary log: '%-.320s'Slave SQL thread ignored the query because of replicate-*-table rulesVariable '%-.192s' is a %s variableIncorrect foreign key definition for '%-.192s': %sKey reference and table reference don't matchOperand should contain %d column(s)Subquery returns more than 1 rowUnknown prepared statement handler (%.*s) given to %sHelp database is corrupt or does not existCyclic reference on subqueriesConverting column '%s' from %s to %sReference '%-.64s' not supported (%s)Every derived table must have its own aliasSelect %u was reduced during optimizationTable '%-.192s' from one of the SELECTs cannot be used in %-.32sClient does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL clientAll parts of a SPATIAL index must be NOT NULLCOLLATION '%s' is not valid for CHARACTER SET '%s'Slave is already runningSlave already has been stoppedUncompressed data size too large; the maximum size is %d (probably, length of uncompressed data was corrupted)ZLIB: Not enough memoryZLIB: Not enough room in the output buffer (probably, length of uncompressed data was corrupted)ZLIB: Input data corruptedRow %u was cut by GROUP_CONCAT()Row %ld doesn't contain data for all columnsRow %ld was truncated; it contained more data than there were input columnsColumn set to default value; NULL supplied to NOT NULL column '%s' at row %ldOut of range value for column '%s' at row %ldData truncated for column '%s' at row %ldUsing storage engine %s for table '%s'Illegal mix of collations (%s,%s) and (%s,%s) for operation '%s'Cannot drop one or more of the requested usersCan't revoke all privileges for one or more of the requested usersIllegal mix of collations (%s,%s), (%s,%s), (%s,%s) for operation '%s'Illegal mix of collations for operation '%s'Variable '%-.64s' is not a variable component (can't be used as XXXX.variable_name)Unknown collation: '%-.64s'SSL parameters in CHANGE MASTER are ignored because this MySQL slave was compiled without SSL support; they can be used later if MySQL slave with SSL is startedServer is running in --secure-auth mode, but '%s'@'%s' has a password in the old format; please change the password to the new formatField or reference '%-.192s%s%-.192s%s%-.192s' of SELECT #%d was resolved in SELECT #%dIncorrect parameter or combination of parameters for START SLAVE UNTILIt is recommended to use --skip-slave-start when doing step-by-step replication with START SLAVE UNTIL; otherwise, you will get problems if you get an unexpected slave's mysqld restartSQL thread is not to be started so UNTIL options are ignoredIncorrect index name '%-.100s'Incorrect catalog name '%-.100s'Query cache failed to set size %lu; new query cache size is %luColumn '%-.192s' cannot be part of FULLTEXT indexUnknown key cache '%-.100s'MySQL is started in --skip-name-resolve mode; you must restart it without this switch for this grant to workUnknown storage engine '%s''%s' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use %s insteadThe target table %-.100s of the %s is not updatableThe '%s' feature is disabled; you need MySQL built with '%s' to have it workingThe MySQL server is running with the %s option so it cannot execute this statementColumn '%-.100s' has duplicated value '%-.64s' in %sTruncated incorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s'Incorrect table definition; there can be only one TIMESTAMP column with CURRENT_TIMESTAMP in DEFAULT or ON UPDATE clauseInvalid ON UPDATE clause for '%-.192s' columnThis command is not supported in the prepared statement protocol yetMottok feil %d '%-.100s' fra %sMottok temporary feil %d '%-.100s' fra %sUnknown or incorrect time zone: '%-.64s'Invalid TIMESTAMP value in column '%s' at row %ldInvalid %s character string: '%.64s'Result of %s() was larger than max_allowed_packet (%ld) - truncatedConflicting declarations: '%s%s' and '%s%s'Can't create a %s from within another stored routine%s %s already exists%s %s does not existFailed to DROP %s %sFailed to CREATE %s %s%s with no matching label: %sRedefining label %sEnd-label %s without matchReferring to uninitialized variable %sPROCEDURE %s can't return a result set in the given contextRETURN is only allowed in a FUNCTION%s is not allowed in stored proceduresThe update log is deprecated and replaced by the binary log; SET SQL_LOG_UPDATE has been ignored.The update log is deprecated and replaced by the binary log; SET SQL_LOG_UPDATE has been translated to SET SQL_LOG_BIN.Query execution was interruptedIncorrect number of arguments for %s %s; expected %u, got %uUndefined CONDITION: %sNo RETURN found in FUNCTION %sFUNCTION %s ended without RETURNCursor statement must be a SELECTCursor SELECT must not have INTOUndefined CURSOR: %sCursor is already openCursor is not openUndeclared variable: %sIncorrect number of FETCH variablesNo data - zero rows fetched, selected, or processedDuplicate parameter: %sDuplicate variable: %sDuplicate condition: %sDuplicate cursor: %sFailed to ALTER %s %sSubquery value not supported%s is not allowed in stored function or triggerVariable or condition declaration after cursor or handler declarationCursor declaration after handler declarationCase not found for CASE statementConfiguration file '%-.192s' is too bigMalformed file type header in file '%-.192s'Unexpected end of file while parsing comment '%-.200s'Error while parsing parameter '%-.192s' (line: '%-.192s')Unexpected end of file while skipping unknown parameter '%-.192s'EXPLAIN/SHOW can not be issued; lacking privileges for underlying tableFile '%-.192s' has unknown type '%-.64s' in its header'%-.192s.%-.192s' is not %sColumn '%-.192s' is not updatableView's SELECT contains a subquery in the FROM clauseView's SELECT contains a '%s' clauseView's SELECT contains a variable or parameterView's SELECT refers to a temporary table '%-.192s'View's SELECT and view's field list have different column countsView merge algorithm can't be used here for now (assumed undefined algorithm)View being updated does not have complete key of underlying table in itView '%-.192s.%-.192s' references invalid table(s) or column(s) or function(s) or definer/invoker of view lack rights to use themCan't drop or alter a %s from within another stored routineGOTO is not allowed in a stored procedure handlerTrigger already existsTrigger does not existTrigger's '%-.192s' is view or temporary tableUpdating of %s row is not allowed in %striggerThere is no %s row in %s triggerField '%-.192s' doesn't have a default valueDivision by 0Incorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s' for column '%.192s' at row %ldIllegal %s '%-.192s' value found during parsingCHECK OPTION on non-updatable view '%-.192s.%-.192s'CHECK OPTION failed '%-.192s.%-.192s'%-.16s command denied to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' for routine '%-.192s'Failed purging old relay logs: %sPassword hash should be a %d-digit hexadecimal numberTarget log not found in binlog indexI/O error reading log index fileServer configuration does not permit binlog purgeFailed on fseek()Fatal error during log purgeA purgeable log is in use, will not purgeUnknown error during log purgeFailed initializing relay log position: %sYou are not using binary loggingThe '%-.64s' syntax is reserved for purposes internal to the MySQL serverWSAStartup FailedCan't handle procedures with different groups yetSelect must have a group with this procedureCan't use ORDER clause with this procedureBinary logging and replication forbid changing the global server %sCan't map file: %-.200s, errno: %dWrong magic in %-.64sPrepared statement contains too many placeholdersKey part '%-.192s' length cannot be 0View text checksum failedCan not modify more than one base table through a join view '%-.192s.%-.192s'Can not insert into join view '%-.192s.%-.192s' without fields listCan not delete from join view '%-.192s.%-.192s'Operation %s failed for '%.256s'XAER_NOTA: Unknown XIDXAER_INVAL: Invalid arguments (or unsupported command)XAER_RMFAIL: The command cannot be executed when global transaction is in the %.64s stateXAER_OUTSIDE: Some work is done outside global transactionXAER_RMERR: Fatal error occurred in the transaction branch - check your data for consistencyXA_RBROLLBACK: Transaction branch was rolled backThere is no such grant defined for user '%-.48s' on host '%-.64s' on routine '%-.192s'Failed to grant EXECUTE and ALTER ROUTINE privilegesFailed to revoke all privileges to dropped routineData too long for column '%s' at row %ldBad SQLSTATE: '%s'%s: ready for connections. Version: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d %sCan't load value from file with fixed size rows to variableYou are not allowed to create a user with GRANTIncorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s' for function %-.32sTable definition has changed, please retry transactionDuplicate handler declared in the same blockOUT or INOUT argument %d for routine %s is not a variable or NEW pseudo-variable in BEFORE triggerNot allowed to return a result set from a %sCannot get geometry object from data you send to the GEOMETRY fieldA routine failed and has neither NO SQL nor READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled; if non-transactional tables were updated, the binary log will miss their changesThis function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)You do not have the SUPER privilege and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)You can't execute a prepared statement which has an open cursor associated with it. Reset the statement to re-execute it.The statement (%lu) has no open cursor.Explicit or implicit commit is not allowed in stored function or trigger.Field of view '%-.192s.%-.192s' underlying table doesn't have a default valueRecursive stored functions and triggers are not allowed.Too big scale %d specified for column '%-.192s'. Maximum is %lu.Too-big precision %d specified for '%-.192s'. Maximum is %lu.For float(M,D), double(M,D) or decimal(M,D), M must be >= D (column '%-.192s').You can't combine write-locking of system tables with other tables or lock typesUnable to connect to foreign data source: %.64sThere was a problem processing the query on the foreign data source. Data source error: %-.64sThe foreign data source you are trying to reference does not exist. Data source error: %-.64sCan't create federated table. The data source connection string '%-.64s' is not in the correct formatThe data source connection string '%-.64s' is not in the correct formatCan't create federated table. Foreign data src error: %-.64sTrigger in wrong schemaThread stack overrun: %ld bytes used of a %ld byte stack, and %ld bytes needed. Use 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' to specify a bigger stack.Routine body for '%-.100s' is too longCannot drop default keycacheDisplay width out of range for column '%-.192s' (max = %lu)XAER_DUPID: The XID already existsDatetime function: %-.32s field overflowCan't update table '%-.192s' in stored function/trigger because it is already used by statement which invoked this stored function/trigger.The definition of table '%-.192s' prevents operation %.192s on table '%-.192s'.The prepared statement contains a stored routine call that refers to that same statement. It's not allowed to execute a prepared statement in such a recursive mannerNot allowed to set autocommit from a stored function or triggerDefiner is not fully qualifiedView '%-.192s'.'%-.192s' has no definer information (old table format). Current user is used as definer. Please recreate the view!You need the SUPER privilege for creation view with '%-.192s'@'%-.192s' definerThe user specified as a definer ('%-.64s'@'%-.64s') does not existChanging schema from '%-.192s' to '%-.192s' is not allowed.Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (%.192s)Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (%.192s)Variable '%-.64s' must be quoted with `...`, or renamedNo definer attribute for trigger '%-.192s'.'%-.192s'. The trigger will be activated under the authorization of the invoker, which may have insufficient privileges. Please recreate the trigger.'%-.192s' has an old format, you should re-create the '%s' object(s)Recursive limit %d (as set by the max_sp_recursion_depth variable) was exceeded for routine %.192sFailed to load routine %-.192s. The table mysql.proc is missing, corrupt, or contains bad data (internal code %d)Incorrect routine name '%-.192s'Table upgrade required. Please do "REPAIR TABLE `%-.64s`" or dump/reload to fix it!AGGREGATE is not supported for stored functionsCan't create more than max_prepared_stmt_count statements (current value: %lu)`%-.192s`.`%-.192s` contains view recursionNon-grouping field '%-.192s' is used in %-.64s clauseThe used table type doesn't support SPATIAL indexesTriggers can not be created on system tablesLeading spaces are removed from name '%s'Failed to read auto-increment value from storage engineuser namehost nameString '%-.70s' is too long for %s (should be no longer than %d)The target table %-.100s of the %s is not insertable-intoTable '%-.64s' is differently defined or of non-MyISAM type or doesn't existToo high level of nesting for selectName '%-.64s' has become ''First character of the FIELDS TERMINATED string is ambiguous; please use non-optional and non-empty FIELDS ENCLOSED BYThe foreign server, %s, you are trying to create already exists.The foreign server name you are trying to reference does not exist. Data source error: %-.64sTable storage engine '%-.64s' does not support the create option '%.64s'Syntax error: %-.64s PARTITIONING requires definition of VALUES %-.64s for each partitionOnly %-.64s PARTITIONING can use VALUES %-.64s in partition definitionMAXVALUE can only be used in last partition definitionSubpartitions can only be hash partitions and by keyMust define subpartitions on all partitions if on one partitionWrong number of partitions defined, mismatch with previous settingWrong number of subpartitions defined, mismatch with previous settingConstant, random or timezone-dependent expressions in (sub)partitioning function are not allowedExpression in RANGE/LIST VALUES must be constantField in list of fields for partition function not found in tableList of fields is only allowed in KEY partitionsThe partition info in the frm file is not consistent with what can be written into the frm fileThe %-.192s function returns the wrong typeFor %-.64s partitions each partition must be definedVALUES LESS THAN value must be strictly increasing for each partitionVALUES value must be of same type as partition functionMultiple definition of same constant in list partitioningPartitioning can not be used stand-alone in queryThe mix of handlers in the partitions is not allowed in this version of MySQLFor the partitioned engine it is necessary to define all %-.64sToo many partitions (including subpartitions) were definedIt is only possible to mix RANGE/LIST partitioning with HASH/KEY partitioning for subpartitioningFailed to create specific handler fileA BLOB field is not allowed in partition functionA %-.192s must include all columns in the table's partitioning functionNumber of %-.64s = 0 is not an allowed valuePartition management on a not partitioned table is not possibleForeign keys are not yet supported in conjunction with partitioningError in list of partitions to %-.64sCannot remove all partitions, use DROP TABLE insteadCOALESCE PARTITION can only be used on HASH/KEY partitionsREORGANIZE PARTITION can only be used to reorganize partitions not to change their numbersREORGANIZE PARTITION without parameters can only be used on auto-partitioned tables using HASH PARTITIONs%-.64s PARTITION can only be used on RANGE/LIST partitionsTrying to Add partition(s) with wrong number of subpartitionsAt least one partition must be addedAt least one partition must be coalescedMore partitions to reorganize than there are partitionsDuplicate partition name %-.192sIt is not allowed to shut off binlog on this commandWhen reorganizing a set of partitions they must be in consecutive orderReorganize of range partitions cannot change total ranges except for last partition where it can extend the rangePartition function not supported in this version for this handlerPartition state cannot be defined from CREATE/ALTER TABLEThe %-.64s handler only supports 32 bit integers in VALUESPlugin '%-.192s' is not loadedIncorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s'Table has no partition for value %-.64sIt is not allowed to specify %s more than onceFailed to create %sFailed to drop %sThe handler doesn't support autoextend of tablespacesA size parameter was incorrectly specified, either number or on the form 10MThe size number was correct but we don't allow the digit part to be more than 2 billionFailed to alter: %sWriting one row to the row-based binary log failedTable definition on master and slave does not match: %sSlave running with --log-slave-updates must use row-based binary logging to be able to replicate row-based binary log eventsEvent '%-.192s' already existsFailed to store event %s. Error code %d from storage engine.Unknown event '%-.192s'Failed to alter event '%-.192s'Failed to drop %sINTERVAL is either not positive or too bigENDS is either invalid or before STARTSEvent execution time is in the past. Event has been disabledFailed to open mysql.eventNo datetime expression providedColumn count of mysql.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. The table is probably corruptedCannot load from mysql.%s. The table is probably corruptedFailed to delete the event from mysql.eventError during compilation of event's bodySame old and new event nameData for column '%s' too longCannot drop index '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraintThe syntax '%s' is deprecated and will be removed in MySQL %s. Please use %s insteadYou can't write-lock a log table. Only read access is possibleYou can't use locks with log tables.Upholding foreign key constraints for table '%.192s', entry '%-.192s', key %d would lead to a duplicate entryColumn count of mysql.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. Created with MySQL %d, now running %d. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error.Cannot switch out of the row-based binary log format when the session has open temporary tablesCannot change the binary logging format inside a stored function or triggerThe NDB cluster engine does not support changing the binlog format on the fly yetCannot create temporary table with partitionsPartition constant is out of partition function domainThis partition function is not allowedError in DDL logNot allowed to use NULL value in VALUES LESS THANIncorrect partition nameTransaction characteristics can't be changed while a transaction is in progressALTER TABLE causes auto_increment resequencing, resulting in duplicate entry '%-.192s' for key '%-.192s'Internal scheduler error %dError during starting/stopping of the scheduler. Error code %uEngine cannot be used in partitioned tablesCannot activate '%-.64s' logThe server was not built with row-based replicationDecoding of base64 string failedRecursion of EVENT DDL statements is forbidden when body is presentCannot proceed because system tables used by Event Scheduler were found damaged at server startOnly integers allowed as number hereThis storage engine cannot be used for log tables"You cannot '%s' a log table if logging is enabledCannot rename '%s'. When logging enabled, rename to/from log table must rename two tables: the log table to an archive table and another table back to '%s'Incorrect parameter count in the call to native function '%-.192s'Incorrect parameters in the call to native function '%-.192s'Incorrect parameters in the call to stored function %-.192sThis function '%-.192s' has the same name as a native functionLike verdiar '%-.64s' for nykkel '%-.192s'Too many files opened, please execute the command againEvent execution time is in the past and ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE is set. The event was dropped immediately after creation.Event execution time is in the past and ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE is set. The event was not changed. Specify a time in the future.The incident %s occured on the master. Message: %sTable has no partition for some existing valuesUnsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. %sFatal error: %sRelay log read failure: %sRelay log write failure: %sFailed to create %sMaster command %s failed: %sBinary logging not possible. Message: %sView `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` has no creation contextCreation context of view `%-.64s`.`%-.64s' is invalidCreation context of stored routine `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCorrupted TRG file for table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s`Triggers for table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` have no creation contextTrigger creation context of table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCreation context of event `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCannot open table for trigger `%-.64s`.`%-.64s`Cannot create stored routine `%-.64s`. Check warningsAmbiguous slave modes combination. %sThe BINLOG statement of type `%s` was not preceded by a format description BINLOG statement.Corrupted replication event was detectedInvalid column reference (%-.64s) in LOAD DATABeing purged log %s was not foundXA_RBTIMEOUT: Transaction branch was rolled back: took too longXA_RBDEADLOCK: Transaction branch was rolled back: deadlock was detectedPrepared statement needs to be re-preparedDELAYED option not supported for table '%-.192s'The master info structure does not exist<%-.64s> option ignoredBuilt-in plugins cannot be deletedPlugin is busy and will be uninstalled on shutdown%s variable '%s' is read-only. Use SET %s to assign the valueStorage engine %s does not support rollback for this statement. Transaction rolled back and must be restartedUnexpected master's heartbeat data: %sThe requested value for the heartbeat period is either negative or exceeds the maximum allowed (%s seconds).Bad schema for mysql.ndb_replication table. Message: %-.64sError in parsing conflict function. Message: %-.64sWrite to exceptions table failed. Message: %-.128s"Comment for table '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Comment for field '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)FUNCTION %s does not exist. Check the 'Function Name Parsing and Resolution' section in the Reference ManualDatabaseTablePartitionSubpartitionTemporaryRenamedToo many active concurrent transactionsNon-ASCII separator arguments are not fully supporteddebug sync point wait timed outdebug sync point hit limit reachedDuplicate condition information item '%s'Unhandled user-defined warning conditionUnhandled user-defined not found conditionUnhandled user-defined exception conditionRESIGNAL when handler not activeSIGNAL/RESIGNAL can only use a CONDITION defined with SQLSTATEData truncated for condition item '%s'Data too long for condition item '%s'Unknown locale: '%-.64s'The requested server id %d clashes with the slave startup option --replicate-same-server-idQuery cache is disabled; restart the server with query_cache_type=1 to enable itDuplicate partition field name '%-.192s'Inconsistency in usage of column lists for partitioningPartition column values of incorrect typeToo many fields in '%-.192s'Cannot use MAXVALUE as value in VALUES INCannot have more than one value for this type of %-.64s partitioningRow expressions in VALUES IN only allowed for multi-field column partitioningField '%-.192s' is of a not allowed type for this type of partitioningThe total length of the partitioning fields is too largeCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since both row-incapable engines and statement-incapable engines are involved.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = ROW and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to statement-based logging.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. %sCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is in row format and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to statement-based logging.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to row-based logging.%sCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is in row format and BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since more than one engine is involved and at least one engine is self-logging.The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted.The statement is unsafe because it uses INSERT DELAYED. This is unsafe because the times when rows are inserted cannot be predicted.The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves.Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly.Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it accesses a non-transactional table after accessing a transactional table within the same transaction.%s Statement: %sColumn %d of table '%-.192s.%-.192s' cannot be converted from type '%-.32s' to type '%-.32s'Can't create conversion table for table '%-.192s.%-.192s'Cannot modify @@session.binlog_format inside a transactionThe path specified for %.64s is too long.'%s' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.Native table '%-.64s'.'%-.64s' has the wrong structureInvalid performance_schema usage.Table '%s'.'%s' was skipped since its definition is being modified by concurrent DDL statementCannot modify @@session.binlog_direct_non_transactional_updates inside a transactionCannot change the binlog direct flag inside a stored function or triggerA SPATIAL index may only contain a geometrical type columnComment for index '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Wait on a lock was aborted due to a pending exclusive lock%s value is out of range in '%s'A variable of a non-integer based type in LIMIT clauseMixing self-logging and non-self-logging engines in a statement is unsafe.Statement accesses nontransactional table as well as transactional or temporary table, and writes to any of them.Cannot modify @@session.sql_log_bin inside a transactionCannot change the sql_log_bin inside a stored function or triggerFailed to read from the .par fileVALUES value for partition '%-.64s' must have type INTTilgang ikke tillate for brukar: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s'SET PASSWORD has no significance for users authenticating via pluginsGRANT with IDENTIFIED WITH is illegal because the user %-.*s already existsCannot truncate a table referenced in a foreign key constraint (%.192s)Plugin '%s' is force_plus_permanent and can not be unloadedThe requested value for the heartbeat period is less than 1 millisecond. The value is reset to 0, meaning that heartbeating will effectively be disabled.The requested value for the heartbeat period exceeds the value of `slave_net_timeout' seconds. A sensible value for the period should be less than the timeout.Multi-row statements required more than 'max_binlog_stmt_cache_size' bytes of storage; increase this mysqld variable and try againPrimary key/partition key update is not allowed since the table is updated both as '%-.192s' and '%-.192s'.Table rebuild required. Please do "ALTER TABLE `%-.64s` FORCE" or dump/reload to fix it!The value of '%s' should be no less than the value of '%s'Index column size too large. The maximum column size is %lu bytes.Trigger '%-.64s' has an error in its body: '%-.256s'Unknown trigger has an error in its body: '%-.256s'Index %s is corruptedUndo log record is too big.INSERT IGNORE... SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.INSERT... SELECT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are updated. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.REPLACE... SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are replaced. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE... IGNORE SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE... REPLACE SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are replaced. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.UPDATE IGNORE is unsafe because the order in which rows are updated determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.Plugin '%s' is marked as not dynamically uninstallable. You have to stop the server to uninstall it.Plugin '%s' is marked as not dynamically installable. You have to stop the server to install it.Statements writing to a table with an auto-increment column after selecting from another table are unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved determines what (if any) rows will be written. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE TABLE... SELECT... on a table with an auto-increment column is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are inserted. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.INSERT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE on a table with more than one UNIQUE KEY is unsafeTable is being used in foreign key check.Storage engine '%s' does not support system tables. [%s.%s]INSERT into autoincrement field which is not the first part in the composed primary key is unsafe.Cannot load from %s.%s. The table is probably corruptedThe requested value %s for the master delay exceeds the maximum %uOnly Format_description_log_event and row events are allowed in BINLOG statements (but %s was provided)Non matching attribute '%-.64s' between partition and tableTable to exchange with partition is partitioned: '%-.64s'Table to exchange with partition is temporary: '%-.64s'Subpartitioned table, use subpartition instead of partitionUnknown partition '%-.64s' in table '%-.64s'Tables have different definitionsFound a row that does not match the partitionOption binlog_cache_size (%lu) is greater than max_binlog_cache_size (%lu); setting binlog_cache_size equal to max_binlog_cache_size.Cannot use %-.64s access on index '%-.64s' due to type or collation conversion on field '%-.64s'Table to exchange with partition has foreign key references: '%-.64s'Key value '%-.192s' was not found in table '%-.192s.%-.192s'Data for column '%s' too longReplication event checksum verification failed while reading from network.Replication event checksum verification failed while reading from a log file.Option binlog_stmt_cache_size (%lu) is greater than max_binlog_stmt_cache_size (%lu); setting binlog_stmt_cache_size equal to max_binlog_stmt_cache_size.Can't update table '%-.192s' while '%-.192s' is being created.PARTITION () clause on non partitioned tableFound a row not matching the given partition setPartition '%-.64s' doesn't existFailure while changing the type of replication repository: %s.The creation of some temporary tables could not be rolled back.Some temporary tables were dropped, but these operations could not be rolled back.%s is not supported in multi-threaded slave mode. %sThe number of modified databases exceeds the maximum %d; the database names will not be included in the replication event metadata.Cannot execute the current event group in the parallel mode. Encountered event %s, relay-log name %s, position %s which prevents execution of this event group in parallel mode. Reason: %s.%sFULLTEXT index is not supported for partitioned tables.Invalid condition numberSending passwords in plain text without SSL/TLS is extremely insecure.Storing MySQL user name or password information in the master info repository is not secure and is therefore not recommended. Please consider using the USER and PASSWORD connection options for START SLAVE; see the 'START SLAVE Syntax' in the MySQL Manual for more information.Foreign key constraint for table '%.192s', record '%-.192s' would lead to a duplicate entry in table '%.192s', key '%.192s'Foreign key constraint for table '%.192s', record '%-.192s' would lead to a duplicate entry in a child tableSetting authentication options is not possible when only the Slave SQL Thread is being started.The table does not have FULLTEXT index to support this queryThe system variable %.200s cannot be set in stored functions or triggers.The system variable %.200s cannot be set when there is an ongoing transaction.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT has the value %.200s, which is not listed in @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot change inside a transaction.The statement 'SET %.200s' cannot invoke a stored function.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be 'AUTOMATIC' when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST is non-NULL.Skipping transaction %.200s because it has already been executed and logged.Malformed GTID set specification '%.200s'.Malformed GTID set encoding.Malformed GTID specification '%.200s'.Impossible to generate Global Transaction Identifier: the integer component reached the maximal value. Restart the server with a new server_uuid.Parameters MASTER_LOG_FILE, MASTER_LOG_POS, RELAY_LOG_FILE and RELAY_LOG_POS cannot be set when MASTER_AUTO_POSITION is active.CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1 cannot be executed because @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot execute statements with implicit commit inside a transaction when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT == 'UUID:NUMBER'.GTID_MODE = ON requires ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY = ON.@@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON or ON_PERMISSIVE or OFF_PERMISSIVE requires --log-bin and --log-slave-updates.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be set to UUID:NUMBER when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be set to ANONYMOUS when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST cannot be set to a non-NULL value when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Found a Gtid_log_event when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Statement violates GTID consistency: Updates to non-transactional tables can only be done in either autocommitted statements or single-statement transactions, and never in the same statement as updates to transactional tables.Statement violates GTID consistency: CREATE TABLE ... SELECT.Statement violates GTID consistency: Under statement binary log mode CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE and DROP TEMPORARY TABLE can only be executed outside transactional context. These statements are also not allowed in a function or trigger because functions and triggers are also considered to be multi-statement transactions.The value of @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE can only be changed one step at a time: OFF <-> OFF_PERMISSIVE <-> ON_PERMISSIVE <-> ON. Also note that this value must be stepped up or down simultaneously on all servers. See the Manual for instructions.The slave is connecting using CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1, but the master has purged binary logs containing GTIDs that the slave requires.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be changed by a client that owns a GTID. The client owns %s. Ownership is released on COMMIT or ROLLBACK.Unknown EXPLAIN format name: '%s'Cannot execute statement in a READ ONLY transaction.Comment for table partition '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Slave is not configured or failed to initialize properly. You must at least set --server-id to enable either a master or a slave. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.InnoDB presently supports one FULLTEXT index creation at a timeCannot create FULLTEXT index on temporary InnoDB tableColumn '%-.192s' is of wrong type for an InnoDB FULLTEXT indexIndex '%-.192s' is of wrong type for an InnoDB FULLTEXT indexCreating index '%-.192s' required more than 'innodb_online_alter_log_max_size' bytes of modification log. Please try again.Unknown ALGORITHM '%s'Unknown LOCK type '%s'CHANGE MASTER cannot be executed when the slave was stopped with an error or killed in MTS mode. Consider using RESET SLAVE or START SLAVE UNTIL.Cannot recover after SLAVE errored out in parallel execution mode. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.Cannot clean up worker info tables. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.Column count of %s.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. The table is probably corruptedSlave must silently retry current transactionThere is a foreign key check running on table '%-.192s'. Cannot discard the table.Schema mismatch (%s)Table '%-.192s' in system tablespaceIO Read error: (%lu, %s) %sIO Write error: (%lu, %s) %sTablespace is missing for table %s.Tablespace '%-.192s' exists.Tablespace has been discarded for table '%-.192s'Internal error: %sALTER TABLE %-.192s IMPORT TABLESPACE failed with error %lu : '%s'Index corrupt: %sSupports only YEAR or YEAR(4) column.Your password does not satisfy the current policy requirementsYou must reset your password using ALTER USER statement before executing this statement.Failed to add the foreign key constaint. Missing index for constraint '%s' in the foreign table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constaint. Missing index for constraint '%s' in the referenced table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constraint '%s' to system tablesFailed to open the referenced table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constraint on table '%s'. Incorrect options in FOREIGN KEY constraint '%s'Duplicate foreign key constraint name '%s'The password hash doesn't have the expected format. Check if the correct password algorithm is being used with the PASSWORD() function.Cannot drop column '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s'Cannot drop column '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Column '%-.192s' cannot be NOT NULL: needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' SET NULLDuplicate index '%-.64s' defined on the table '%-.64s.%-.64s'. This is deprecated and will be disallowed in a future release.Cannot change column '%-.192s': used in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s'Cannot change column '%-.192s': used in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Cannot delete rows from table which is parent in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Malformed communication packet.Running in read-only modeWhen @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT is set to a GTID, you must explicitly set it to a different value after a COMMIT or ROLLBACK. Please check GTID_NEXT variable manual page for detailed explanation. Current @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT is '%s'.The system variable %.200s cannot be set in stored procedures.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when @@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED is empty.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when there are no ongoing transactions (not even in other clients).@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED was changed from '%s' to '%s'.@@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED was changed from '%s' to '%s'.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT, and both replicated and non replicated tables are written to.%s is not supported for this operation. Try %s.%s is not supported. Reason: %s. Try %s.COPY algorithm requires a lockPartition specific operations do not yet support LOCK/ALGORITHMColumns participating in a foreign key are renamedCannot change column type INPLACEAdding foreign keys needs foreign_key_checks=OFFCreating unique indexes with IGNORE requires COPY algorithm to remove duplicate rowsDropping a primary key is not allowed without also adding a new primary keyAdding an auto-increment column requires a lockCannot replace hidden FTS_DOC_ID with a user-visible oneCannot drop or rename FTS_DOC_IDFulltext index creation requires a locksql_slave_skip_counter can not be set when the server is running with @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON. Instead, for each transaction that you want to skip, generate an empty transaction with the same GTID as the transactionLike verdiar for nykkel '%-.192s'Long database name and identifier for object resulted in path length exceeding %d characters. Path: '%s'.cannot silently convert NULL values, as required in this SQL_MODEYour password has expired. To log in you must change it using a client that supports expired passwords.Found a row in wrong partition %sCannot schedule event %s, relay-log name %s, position %s to Worker thread because its size %lu exceeds %lu of slave_pending_jobs_size_max.Cannot CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX WITH PARSER on InnoDB tableThe binary log file '%s' is logically corrupted: %sfile %s was not purged because it was being read by %d thread(s), purged only %d out of %d files.file %s was not purged because it is the active log file.Auto-increment value in UPDATE conflicts with internally generated valuesRow events are not logged for %s statements that modify BLACKHOLE tables in row format. Table(s): '%-.192s'Slave failed to initialize master info structure from the repositorySlave failed to initialize relay log info structure from the repositoryAccess denied trying to change to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' (using password: %s). Disconnecting.InnoDB is in read only mode.STOP SLAVE command execution is incomplete: Slave SQL thread got the stop signal, thread is busy, SQL thread will stop once the current task is complete.STOP SLAVE command execution is incomplete: Slave IO thread got the stop signal, thread is busy, IO thread will stop once the current task is complete.Operation cannot be performed. The table '%-.64s.%-.64s' is missing, corrupt or contains bad data.Temporary file write failure.Upgrade index name failed, please use create index(alter table) algorithm copy to rebuild index.TIME/TIMESTAMP/DATETIME columns of old format have been upgraded to the new format.Operation not allowed when innodb_forced_recovery > 0.The initialization vector supplied to %s is too short. Must be at least %d bytes longPlugin '%s' cannot be uninstalled now. %sCannot execute statement because it needs to be written to the binary log as multiple statements, and this is not allowed when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT == 'UUID:NUMBER'.Slave has more GTIDs than the master has, using the master's SERVER_UUID. This may indicate that the end of the binary log was truncated or that the last binary log file was lost, e.g., after a power or disk failure when sync_binlog != 1. The master may or may not have rolled back transactions that were already replicated to the slave. Suggest to replicate any transactions that master has rolled back from slave to master, and/or commit empty transactions on master to account for transactions that have been committed on master but are not included in GTID_EXECUTED.The table '%s.%s' does not have the necessary key(s) defined on it. Please check the table definition and create index(s) accordingly.File %s is corruptedQuery partially completed on the master (error on master: %d) and was aborted. There is a chance that your master is inconsistent at this point. If you are sure that your master is ok, run this query manually on the slave and then restart the slave with SET GLOBAL SQL_SLAVE_SKIP_COUNTER=1; START SLAVE;. Query:'%s'Query caused different errors on master and slave. Error on master: message (format)='%s' error code=%d; Error on slave:actual message='%s', error code=%d. Default database:'%s'. Query:'%s'Storage engine for table '%s'.'%s' is not loaded.GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS when handler not active%s is no longer supported. The statement was converted to %s.Statement is unsafe because it uses a fulltext parser plugin which may not return the same value on the slave.Cannot DISCARD/IMPORT tablespace associated with temporary tableForeign key cascade delete/update exceeds max depth of %d.Column count of %s.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. Created with MySQL %d, now running %d. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error.Trigger %s.%s.%s does not have CREATED attribute.Referenced trigger '%s' for the given action time and event type does not exist.EXPLAIN FOR CONNECTION command is supported only for SELECT/UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE/REPLACEInvalid size for column '%-.192s'.Table storage engine '%-.64s' found required create option missingOut of memory in storage engine '%-.64s'.The password for anonymous user cannot be expired.This operation cannot be performed with a running slave sql thread; run STOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD firstCannot create FULLTEXT index on materialized subqueryUndo Log error: %sInvalid argument for logarithmThis operation cannot be performed with a running slave io thread; run STOP SLAVE IO_THREAD FOR CHANNEL '%s' first.This operation may not be safe when the slave has temporary tables. The tables will be kept open until the server restarts or until the tables are deleted by any replicated DROP statement. Suggest to wait until slave_open_temp_tables = 0.CHANGE MASTER TO with a MASTER_LOG_FILE clause but no MASTER_LOG_POS clause may not be safe. The old position value may not be valid for the new binary log file.Query execution was interrupted, maximum statement execution time exceededSelect is not a read only statement, disabling timerDuplicate entry '%-.192s'.'%s' mode no longer has any effect. Use STRICT_ALL_TABLES or STRICT_TRANS_TABLES instead.Expression #%u of ORDER BY contains aggregate function and applies to a UNIONExpression #%u of ORDER BY contains aggregate function and applies to the result of a non-aggregated querySlave worker has stopped after at least one previous worker encountered an error when slave-preserve-commit-order was enabled. To preserve commit order, the last transaction executed by this thread has not been committed. When restarting the slave after fixing any failed threads, you should fix this worker as well.slave_preserve_commit_order is not supported %s.The server is currently in offline modeBinary geometry function %s given two geometries of different srids: %u and %u, which should have been identical.Calling geometry function %s with unsupported types of arguments.Unknown GIS error occured in function %s.Unknown exception caught in GIS function %s.Invalid GIS data provided to function %s.The geometry has no data in function %s.Unable to calculate centroid because geometry is empty in function %s.Geometry overlay calculation error: geometry data is invalid in function %s.Geometry turn info calculation error: geometry data is invalid in function %s.Analysis procedures of intersection points interrupted unexpectedly in function %s.Unknown exception thrown in function %s.Memory allocation error: %-.256s in function %s.Domain error: %-.256s in function %s.Length error: %-.256s in function %s.Invalid argument error: %-.256s in function %s.Out of range error: %-.256s in function %s.Overflow error error: %-.256s in function %s.Range error: %-.256s in function %s.Underflow error: %-.256s in function %s.Logic error: %-.256s in function %s.Runtime error: %-.256s in function %s.Unknown exception: %-.384s in function %s.Geometry byte string must be little endian.The password provided for the replication user exceeds the maximum length of 32 charactersIncorrect user-level lock name '%-.192s'.Deadlock found when trying to get user-level lock; try rolling back transaction/releasing locks and restarting lock acquisition.REPLACE cannot be executed as it requires deleting rows that are not in the viewDo not support online operation on table with GIS indexUser variable name '%-.100s' is illegalCannot %s when GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot %s from a replication slave thread.Incorrect type for argument %s in function %s.Expression #%u of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, references column '%-.192s' which is not in SELECT list; this is incompatible with %sExpression #%u of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, contains aggregate function; this is incompatible with %sSupplied filter list contains a value which is not in the required format 'db_pattern.table_pattern'OK packet too largeInvalid JSON data provided to function %s: %sInvalid GeoJSON data provided to function %s: Missing required member '%s'Invalid GeoJSON data provided to function %s: Member '%s' must be of type '%s'Invalid GeoJSON data provided to function %sUnsupported number of coordinate dimensions in function %s: Found %u, expected %uSlave channel '%s' does not exist.A slave channel '%s' already exists for the given host and port combination.Couldn't create channel: Channel name is either invalid or too long.To have multiple channels, repository cannot be of type FILE; Please check the repository configuration and convert them to TABLE.Cannot delete slave info objects for channel '%s'.Multiple channels exist on the slave. Please provide channel name as an argument.Maximum number of replication channels allowed exceeded.This operation cannot be performed with running replication threads; run STOP SLAVE FOR CHANNEL '%s' firstThis operation requires running replication threads; configure slave and run START SLAVE FOR CHANNEL '%s'Replication thread(s) for channel '%s' are already runnning.Replication thread(s) for channel '%s' are already stopped.This operation cannot be performed with a running slave sql thread; run STOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD FOR CHANNEL '%s' first.When sql_slave_skip_counter > 0, it is not allowed to start more than one SQL thread by using 'START SLAVE [SQL_THREAD]'. Value of sql_slave_skip_counter can only be used by one SQL thread at a time. Please use 'START SLAVE [SQL_THREAD] FOR CHANNEL' to start the SQL thread which will use the value of sql_slave_skip_counter.Expression #%u of %s is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column '%-.192s' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_byIn aggregated query without GROUP BY, expression #%u of %s contains nonaggregated column '%-.192s'; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_byUpdating '%s' is deprecated. It will be made read-only in a future release.Changing sql mode '%s' is deprecated. It will be removed in a future release.DROP DATABASE failed; some tables may have been dropped but the database directory remains. The GTID has not been added to GTID_EXECUTED and the statement was not written to the binary log. Fix this as follows: (1) remove all files from the database directory %-.192s; (2) SET GTID_NEXT='%-.192s'; (3) DROP DATABASE `%-.192s`.The server is not configured properly to be an active member of the group. Please see more details on error log.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed since the group is already running.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as the applier module failed to start.The STOP GROUP_REPLICATION command execution is incomplete: The applier thread got the stop signal while it was busy. The applier thread will stop once the current task is complete.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as there was an error when initializing the group communication layer.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as there was an error when joining the communication group.The table does not comply with the requirements by an external plugin.Cannot change the value of variable %s without binary log format as ROW.Error on observer while running replication hook '%s'.Plugin instructed the server to rollback the current transaction.Expression of generated column '%s' contains a disallowed function.INPLACE ADD or DROP of virtual columns cannot be combined with other ALTER TABLE actionsCannot define foreign key with %s clause on a generated column.The value specified for generated column '%s' in table '%s' is not allowed.'%s' is not supported for generated columns.Generated column can refer only to generated columns defined prior to it.Column '%s' has a generated column dependency.Generated column '%s' cannot refer to auto-increment column.The '%-.64s' feature is not available; you need to remove '%-.64s' or use MySQL built with '%-.64s'SET @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = %-.64s is not allowed because %-.384s.The replication receiver thread%-.192s cannot start in AUTO_POSITION mode: this server uses @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot replicate anonymous transaction when AUTO_POSITION = 1, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot replicate anonymous transaction when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot replicate GTID-transaction when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot set ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY = ON because there are ongoing transactions that violate GTID consistency.There are ongoing transactions that violate GTID consistency.Access denied for user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s'. Account is locked.Incorrect tablespace name `%-.192s`Tablespace `%-.192s` is not empty.Incorrect File Name '%s'.Inconsistent intersection points.Optimizer hint syntax errorUnsupported MAX_EXECUTION_TIMEMAX_EXECUTION_TIME hint is supported by top-level standalone SELECT statements onlyHint %s is ignored as conflicting/duplicatedQuery block name %s is not found for %s hintUnresolved name %s for %s hintPlease do not modify the %s table. This is a mysql internal system table to store GTIDs for committed transactions. Modifying it can lead to an inconsistent GTID state.Command not supported by pluggable protocolsIncorrect locking service lock name '%-.192s'.Deadlock found when trying to get locking service lock; try releasing locks and restarting lock acquisition.Service lock wait timeout exceeded.Parameter %s exceeds the maximum number of points in a geometry (%lu) in function %s.'NO_ZERO_DATE', 'NO_ZERO_IN_DATE' and 'ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO' sql modes should be used with strict mode. They will be merged with strict mode in a future release.Version token mismatch for %.*s. Correct value %.*sVersion token %.*s not found.Variable %-.192s cannot be changed by a client that owns a GTID. The client owns %s. Ownership is released on COMMIT or ROLLBACK.%-.192s cannot be performed on channel '%-.192s'.Invalid JSON text: "%s" at position %u in value for column '%-.200s'.Invalid JSON text in argument %u to function %s: "%s" at position %u.%-.0sThe JSON binary value contains invalid data.Invalid JSON path expression. The error is around character position %u.%-.200sCannot create a JSON value from a string with CHARACTER SET '%s'.Invalid JSON character data provided to function %s: '%s'; utf8 is required.Invalid data type for JSON data in argument %u to function %s; a JSON string or JSON type is required.Cannot CAST value to JSON.A path expression must be encoded in the utf8 character set. The path expression '%-.200s' is encoded in character set '%-.200s'.In this situation, path expressions may not contain the * and ** tokens.The JSON value is too big to be stored in a JSON column.The JSON object contains a key name that is too long.JSON column '%-.192s' cannot be used in key specification.The path expression '$' is not allowed in this context.The oneOrAll argument to %s may take these values: 'one' or 'all'.Out of range JSON value for CAST to %s%-.0s from column %s at row %ldInvalid JSON value for CAST to %s%-.0s from column %s at row %ldThe JSON document exceeds the maximum depth.JSON documents may not contain NULL member names.Connections using insecure transport are prohibited while --require_secure_transport=ON.No secure transports (SSL or Shared Memory) are configured, unable to set --require_secure_transport=ON.Storage engine %s is disabled (Table creation is disallowed).User %s does not exist.User %s already exists.Aborted by Audit API ('%-.48s';%d).A path expression is not a path to a cell in an array.Another buffer pool resize is already in progress.The '%s' feature is disabled; see the documentation for '%s'Server isn't availableSession was killedMemory capacity of %llu bytes for '%s' exceeded. %sRange optimization was not done for this query.Partitioning upgrade required. Please dump/reload to fix it or do: ALTER TABLE `%-.192s`.`%-.192s` UPGRADE PARTITIONINGThe client holds ownership of the GTID %s. Therefore, WAIT_FOR_EXECUTED_GTID_SET cannot wait for this GTID.Cannot add foreign key on the base column of indexed virtual column.Cannot create index on virtual column whose base column has foreign constraint.Please do not modify the %s table with an XA transaction. This is an internal system table used to store GTIDs for committed transactions. Although modifying it can lead to an inconsistent GTID state, if neccessary you can modify it with a non-XA transaction.Lock acquisition refused by storage engine.ADD COLUMN col...VIRTUAL, ADD INDEX(col)Master key rotation is not supported by storage engine.Encryption key rotation error reported by SE: %sWrite to binlog failed. However, master key rotation has been completed successfully.Storage engine is not available.This tablespace can't be encrypted.Invalid encryption option.Can't find master key from keyring, please check in the server log if a keyring plugin is loaded and initialized successfully.Parser bailed out for this query.Cannot alter encryption attribute by inplace algorithm.Function '%s' failed because underlying keyring service returned an error. Please check if a keyring plugin is installed and that provided arguments are valid for the keyring you are using.It seems that your db schema is old. The %s column is 77 characters long and should be 93 characters long. Please run mysql_upgrade.RESET MASTER is not allowed because %-.384s.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed since the group already has 9 members.Cannot add foreign key on the base column of stored column. Cannot complete the operation because table is referenced by another connection.The partition engine, used by table '%-.192s.%-.192s', is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use native partitioning instead.%.192s(geometry) is deprecated and will be replaced by st_srid(geometry, 0) in a future version. Use %.192s(st_aswkb(geometry), 0) instead.%.192s(geometry, srid) is deprecated and will be replaced by st_srid(geometry, srid) in a future version. Use %.192s(st_aswkb(geometry), srid) instead.The resource manager is not able to commit the transaction branch at this time. Please retry later.Function %s failed due to: %s.Statement is unsafe because it is being used inside a XA transaction. Concurrent XA transactions may deadlock on slaves when replicated using statements.%s UDF failed; %sCan not perform keyring migration : %sAccess denied; you need %-.128s privileges for this operationKeyring migration %s.Failed to open the %s filter tables.Failed to open '%s.%s' %s table.No keyring plugin installed.Audit log encryption password has not been set; it will be generated automatically. Use audit_log_encryption_password_get to obtain the password or audit_log_encryption_password_set to set a new one.Could not create AES key. OpenSSL's EVP_BytesToKey function failed.Audit log encryption password cannot be fetched from the keyring. Password used so far is used for encryption.Audit Log filtering has not been installed.Request ignored for '%s'@'%s'. SUPER_ACL needed to perform operationSUPER privilege required for '%s'@'%s' user.Could not reinitialize audit log filters.Invalid argument typeInvalid argument countaudit_log plugin has not been installed using INSTALL PLUGIN syntax.Invalid "max_array_length" argument type.Invalid "max_array_length" argument value.%sFilter name cannot be empty.User cannot be empty.Specified filter has not been found.First character of the user name must be alphanumeric.Invalid character in the user name.Invalid character in the host name.With the MAXDB SQL mode enabled, TIMESTAMP is identical with DATETIME. The MAXDB SQL mode is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please disable the MAXDB SQL mode and use DATETIME instead.The use of replication filters with XA transactions is not supported, and can lead to an undefined state in the replication slave.Compressed column '%-.192s' is not allowed in the key listCan not define column '%-.192s' in compressed formatCompression dictionary '%-.192s' already existsCompression dictionary '%-.192s' does not existCompression dictionary name '%-.192s' is too long (max length = %lu)Data for compression dictionary '%-.192s' is too long (max length = %lu)Compression dictionary '%-.192s' is in useCan't execute the query because you have a conflicting backup lockKeys are out order during bulk loadBulk load rows overlap existing rowsCan't execute updates on master with binlog_format != ROW.MyRocks supports only READ COMMITTED and REPEATABLE READ isolation levels. Please change from current isolation level %sWhen unique checking is disabled in MyRocks, INSERT,UPDATE,LOAD statements with clauses that update or replace the key (i.e. INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, REPLACE) are not allowed. Query: %sCan't execute updates when you started a transaction with START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT [ROCKSDB] SNAPSHOT.This transaction was rolled back and cannot be committed. Only supported operation is to roll it back, so all pending changes will be discarded. Please restart another transaction.MyRocks currently does not support ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT if modifying rows.Only REPEATABLE READ isolation level is supported for START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT SNAPSHOT in RocksDB Storage Engine.Unsupported collation on string indexed column %s.%s Use binary collation (%s).Table '%s' does not exist, but metadata information exists inside MyRocks. This is a sign of data inconsistency. Please check if '%s.frm' exists, and try to restore it if it does not exist.MyRocks failed creating new key definitions during alter.MyRocks failed populating secondary key during alter.Column family ('%s') flag (%d) is different from an existing flag (%d). Assign a new CF flag, or do not change existing CF flag.TTL support is currently disabled when table has a hidden PK.TTL column (%s) in MyRocks must be an unsigned non-null 64-bit integer, exist inside the table, and have an accompanying ttl duration.TTL duration (%s) in MyRocks must be an unsigned non-null 64-bit integer.The per-index column family option has been deprecated.greek/errmsg.sys000075500000252754147633135420007732 0ustar00Cuk?I!g X ]  U q NY-nc:lN|'MF%{PBN8w] :!m!""3####$M$$$\%%+&i&&''!(v(((8)l))[***X++,_--a..#/^//00011234@444535R556J666.7T7778J8j8889"9;9d9999:F:|::;/;c;;<J<<<<*=====:>U>r>>>>B?e?????$@@@@)AgAA:BBB=CsCCC%D[DDD)ECExEEF:F\FFFFGBG_GGGHCHHH%InIIIJ/JQJJJK6KiKKKKL=L\LLLLL>MMMNNr|rrsMss tqtttuuuuv=vfvvBww(xGxxy]yyy1ziz*{o{{D|e|||8}d}}}}%~]~g~q~~~9^z2ڀ4{'jBAv.`),Y݇8sΈ8s։7XՊGË?g?ލ'9dɏ^Ő (h!|ȓHRוB_X}~;zu,\›қ :cȜ7uQwԞ,Nן3\tʠv Fz7Zؤ$cɥ%vצHۧ"[8 =ۮ7.iϱ(ܲ%`γ&q^T$^M$YuAbpn*pZ]A_/P"W3H1g"^?\cQ.O}/0g`w \3Pt+QN:>e'jR#S|0a2k3uYI4QeFpP(H6q-~=g4Gfk`V!c TDmFt9ek    < g  %    ?    X {   N#`X,`goHQ.z ]w9F"A   !!!!"""v###9$f$$$E%%%I&&&'<'t'''>(k(((_)))))(*[*****&++ ,O,,---0.a....////031`111@22b33^4}45)5P55555667777 8J8`8w8889919G9l9999:;;v;;; <P<<<=+=P==>>5??6@@AAA0BBBvCChashchkisamchkΟΧΙΝΑΙΑδύνατη η δημιουργία του αρχείου '%-.200s' (κωδικός λάθους: %d - %s)Αδύνατη η δημιουργία του πίνακα '%-.200s' (κωδικός λάθους: %d)Αδύνατη η δημιουργία της βάσης δεδομένων '%-.192s' (κωδικός λάθους: %d)Αδύνατη η δημιουργία της βάσης δεδομένων '%-.192s'; Η βάση δεδομένων υπάρχει ήδηΑδύνατη η διαγραφή της βάσης δεδομένων '%-.192s'. Η βάση δεδομένων δεν υπάρχειΠαρουσιάστηκε πρόβλημα κατά τη διαγραφή της βάσης δεδομένων (αδύνατη η διαγραφή '%-.192s', κωδικός λάθους: %d)Παρουσιάστηκε πρόβλημα κατά τη διαγραφή της βάσης δεδομένων (αδύνατη η διαγραφή του φακέλλου '%-.192s', κωδικός λάθους: %d)Παρουσιάστηκε πρόβλημα κατά τη διαγραφή '%-.192s' (κωδικός λάθους: %d - %s)Αδύνατη η ανάγνωση εγγραφής από πίνακα του συστήματοςΑδύνατη η λήψη πληροφοριών για την κατάσταση του '%-.200s' (κωδικός λάθους: %d - %s)Ο φάκελλος εργασίας δεν βρέθηκε (κωδικός λάθους: %d - %s)Το αρχείο δεν μπορεί να κλειδωθεί (κωδικός λάθους: %d - %s)Δεν είναι δυνατό να ανοιχτεί το αρχείο: '%-.200s' (κωδικός λάθους: %d - %s)Δεν βρέθηκε το αρχείο: '%-.200s' (κωδικός λάθους: %d - %s)Δεν είναι δυνατό να διαβαστεί ο φάκελλος του '%-.192s' (κωδικός λάθους: %d - %s)Αδύνατη η αλλαγή του τρέχοντος καταλόγου σε '%-.192s' (κωδικός λάθους: %d - %s)Η εγγραφή έχει αλλάξει από την τελευταία φορά που ανασύρθηκε από τον πίνακα '%-.192s'Δεν υπάρχει χώρος στο δίσκο (%s). Παρακαλώ, περιμένετε να ελευθερωθεί χώρος... (κωδικός λάθους: %d - %s)Δεν είναι δυνατή η καταχώρηση, η τιμή υπάρχει ήδη στον πίνακα '%-.192s'Παρουσιάστηκε πρόβλημα κλείνοντας το '%-.192s' (κωδικός λάθους: %d - %s)Πρόβλημα κατά την ανάγνωση του αρχείου '%-.200s' (κωδικός λάθους: %d - %s)Πρόβλημα κατά την μετονομασία του αρχείου '%-.210s' to '%-.210s' (κωδικός λάθους: %d - %s)Πρόβλημα κατά την αποθήκευση του αρχείου '%-.200s' (κωδικός λάθους: %d - %s)'%-.192s' δεν επιτρέπονται αλλαγέςΗ διαδικασία ταξινόμισης ακυρώθηκεΤο View '%-.192s' δεν υπάρχει για '%-.192s'Ελήφθη μήνυμα λάθους %d από τον χειριστή πίνακα (table handler)Ο χειριστής πίνακα (table handler) για '%-.192s' δεν διαθέτει αυτή την επιλογήΑδύνατη η ανεύρεση εγγραφής στο '%-.192s'Λάθος πληροφορίες στο αρχείο: '%-.200s'Λάθος αρχείο ταξινόμισης (key file) για τον πίνακα: '%-.200s'; Παρακαλώ, διορθώστε το!Παλαιό αρχείο ταξινόμισης (key file) για τον πίνακα '%-.192s'; Παρακαλώ, διορθώστε το!'%-.192s' επιτρέπεται μόνο η ανάγνωσηΔεν υπάρχει διαθέσιμη μνήμη. Προσπαθήστε πάλι, επανεκινώντας τη διαδικασία (demon) (χρειάζονται %d bytes)Δεν υπάρχει διαθέσιμη μνήμη για ταξινόμιση. Αυξήστε το sort buffer size για τη διαδικασία (demon)Κατά τη διάρκεια της ανάγνωσης, βρέθηκε απροσδόκητα το τέλος του αρχείου '%-.192s' (κωδικός λάθους: %d - %s)Υπάρχουν πολλές συνδέσεις...Πρόβλημα με τη διαθέσιμη μνήμη (Out of thread space/memory)Δεν έγινε γνωστό το hostname για την address σαςΗ αναγνώριση (handshake) δεν έγινε σωστάΔεν επιτέρεται η πρόσβαση στο χρήστη: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' στη βάση δεδομένων '%-.192s'Δεν επιτέρεται η πρόσβαση στο χρήστη: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' (χρήση password: %s)Δεν επιλέχθηκε βάση δεδομένωνΑγνωστη εντολήΤο πεδίο '%-.192s' δεν μπορεί να είναι κενό (null)Αγνωστη βάση δεδομένων '%-.192s'Ο πίνακας '%-.192s' υπάρχει ήδηΑγνωστος πίνακας '%-.100s'Το πεδίο: '%-.192s' σε %-.192s δεν έχει καθοριστείΕναρξη διαδικασίας αποσύνδεσης του εξυπηρετητή (server shutdown)Αγνωστο πεδίο '%-.192s' σε '%-.192s'Χρησιμοποιήθηκε '%-.192s' που δεν υπήρχε στο group byΑδύνατη η ομαδοποίηση (group on) '%-.192s'Η διατύπωση περιέχει sum functions και columns στην ίδια διατύπωσηΤο Column count δεν ταιριάζει με το value countΤο identifier name '%-.100s' είναι πολύ μεγάλοΕπανάληψη column name '%-.192s'Επανάληψη key name '%-.192s'Διπλή εγγραφή '%-.192s' για το κλειδί %dΕσφαλμένο column specifier για το πεδίο '%-.192s'%s πλησίον '%-.80s' στη γραμμή %dΤο ερώτημα (query) που θέσατε ήταν κενόΑδύνατη η ανεύρεση unique table/alias: '%-.192s'Εσφαλμένη προκαθορισμένη τιμή (default value) για '%-.192s'Περισσότερα από ένα primary key ορίστηκανΠάρα πολλά key ορίσθηκαν. Το πολύ %d επιτρέπονταιΠάρα πολλά key parts ορίσθηκαν. Το πολύ %d επιτρέπονταιΤο κλειδί που ορίσθηκε είναι πολύ μεγάλο. Το μέγιστο μήκος είναι %dΤο πεδίο κλειδί '%-.192s' δεν υπάρχει στον πίνακαΠεδίο τύπου Blob '%-.192s' δεν μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί στον ορισμό ενός κλειδιού (key specification)Πολύ μεγάλο μήκος για το πεδίο '%-.192s' (max = %lu). Παρακαλώ χρησιμοποιείστε τον τύπο BLOBΜπορεί να υπάρχει μόνο ένα auto field και πρέπει να έχει ορισθεί σαν key%s: σε αναμονή συνδέσεων Version: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d"%s: Φυσιολογική διαδικασία shutdown %s: Ελήφθη το μήνυμα %d. Η διαδικασία εγκαταλείπεται! %s: Η διαδικασία Shutdown ολοκληρώθηκε %s: Το thread θα κλείσει %ld user: '%-.48s' Δεν είναι δυνατή η δημιουργία IP socketΟ πίνακας '%-.192s' δεν έχει ευρετήριο (index) σαν αυτό που χρησιμοποιείτε στην CREATE INDEX. Παρακαλώ, ξαναδημιουργήστε τον πίνακαΟ διαχωριστής πεδίων δεν είναι αυτός που αναμενόταν. Παρακαλώ ανατρέξτε στο manualΔεν μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε fixed rowlength σε BLOBs. Παρακαλώ χρησιμοποιείστε 'fields terminated by'.Το αρχείο '%-.128s' πρέπει να υπάρχει στο database directory ή να μπορεί να διαβαστεί από όλουςΤο αρχείο '%-.200s' υπάρχει ήδηΕγγραφές: %ld Διαγραφές: %ld Παρεκάμφθησαν: %ld Προειδοποιήσεις: %ldΕγγραφές: %ld Επαναλήψεις: %ldΕσφαλμένο sub part key. Το χρησιμοποιούμενο key part δεν είναι string ή το μήκος του είναι μεγαλύτεροΔεν είναι δυνατή η διαγραφή όλων των πεδίων με ALTER TABLE. Παρακαλώ χρησιμοποιείστε DROP TABLEΑδύνατη η διαγραφή (DROP) '%-.192s'. Παρακαλώ ελέγξτε αν το πεδίο/κλειδί υπάρχειΕγγραφές: %ld Επαναλήψεις: %ld Προειδοποιήσεις: %ldYou can't specify target table '%-.192s' for update in FROM clauseΑγνωστο thread id: %luΔεν είσθε owner του thread %luΔεν χρησιμοποιήθηκαν πίνακεςΠάρα πολλά strings για το πεδίο %-.192s και SETΑδύνατη η δημιουργία unique log-filename %-.200s.(1-999) Ο πίνακας '%-.192s' έχει κλειδωθεί με READ lock και δεν επιτρέπονται αλλαγέςΟ πίνακας '%-.192s' δεν έχει κλειδωθεί με LOCK TABLESΤα Blob πεδία '%-.192s' δεν μπορούν να έχουν προκαθορισμένες τιμές (default value)Λάθος όνομα βάσης δεδομένων '%-.100s'Λάθος όνομα πίνακα '%-.100s'Το SELECT θα εξετάσει μεγάλο αριθμό εγγραφών και πιθανώς θα καθυστερήσει. Παρακαλώ εξετάστε τις παραμέτρους του WHERE και χρησιμοποιείστε SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 αν το SELECT είναι σωστόΠροέκυψε άγνωστο λάθοςΑγνωστη διαδικασία '%-.192s'Λάθος αριθμός παραμέτρων στη διαδικασία '%-.192s'Λάθος παράμετροι στην διαδικασία '%-.192s'Αγνωστος πίνακας '%-.192s' σε %-.32sΤο πεδίο '%-.192s' έχει ορισθεί δύο φορέςΕσφαλμένη χρήση της group functionΟ πίνακς '%-.192s' χρησιμοποιεί κάποιο extension που δεν υπάρχει στην έκδοση αυτή της MySQLΕνας πίνακας πρέπει να έχει τουλάχιστον ένα πεδίοΟ πίνακας '%-.192s' είναι γεμάτοςΑγνωστο character set: '%-.64s'Πολύ μεγάλος αριθμός πινάκων. Η MySQL μπορεί να χρησιμοποιήσει %d πίνακες σε διαδικασία joinΠολύ μεγάλος αριθμός πεδίωνΠολύ μεγάλο μέγεθος εγγραφής. Το μέγιστο μέγεθος εγγραφής, χωρίς να υπολογίζονται τα blobs, είναι %ld. Πρέπει να ορίσετε κάποια πεδία σαν blobsStack overrun στο thread: Used: %ld of a %ld stack. Παρακαλώ χρησιμοποιείστε 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' για να ορίσετε ένα μεγαλύτερο stack αν χρειάζεταιCross dependency βρέθηκε σε OUTER JOIN. Παρακαλώ εξετάστε τις συνθήκες που θέσατε στο ONTable handler doesn't support NULL in given index. Please change column '%-.192s' to be NOT NULL or use another handlerΔεν είναι δυνατή η διαδικασία load για τη συνάρτηση '%-.192s'Δεν είναι δυνατή η έναρξη της συνάρτησης '%-.192s'; %-.80sΔεν βρέθηκαν paths για την shared libraryΗ συνάρτηση '%-.192s' υπάρχει ήδηΔεν είναι δυνατή η ανάγνωση της shared library '%-.192s' (κωδικός λάθους: %d %-.128s)Δεν είναι δυνατή η ανεύρεση της συνάρτησης '%-.128s' στην βιβλιοθήκηΗ συνάρτηση '%-.192s' δεν έχει ορισθείΟ υπολογιστής '%-.64s' έχει αποκλεισθεί λόγω πολλαπλών λαθών σύνδεσης. Προσπαθήστε να διορώσετε με 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'Ο υπολογιστής '%-.64s' δεν έχει δικαίωμα σύνδεσης με τον MySQL serverΧρησιμοποιείτε την MySQL σαν anonymous user και έτσι δεν μπορείτε να αλλάξετε τα passwords άλλων χρηστώνΠρέπει να έχετε δικαίωμα διόρθωσης πινάκων (update) στη βάση δεδομένων mysql για να μπορείτε να αλλάξετε τα passwords άλλων χρηστώνΔεν είναι δυνατή η ανεύρεση της αντίστοιχης εγγραφής στον πίνακα των χρηστώνRows matched: %ld Changed: %ld Warnings: %ldCan't create a new thread (errno %d); if you are not out of available memory, you can consult the manual for a possible OS-dependent bugColumn count doesn't match value count at row %ldCan't reopen table: '%-.192s'Invalid use of NULL valueGot error '%-.64s' from regexpMixing of GROUP columns (MIN(),MAX(),COUNT(),...) with no GROUP columns is illegal if there is no GROUP BY clauseThere is no such grant defined for user '%-.48s' on host '%-.64s'%-.128s command denied to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' for table '%-.64s'%-.16s command denied to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' for column '%-.192s' in table '%-.192s'Illegal GRANT/REVOKE command; please consult the manual to see which privileges can be used.The host or user argument to GRANT is too longTable '%-.192s.%-.192s' doesn't existThere is no such grant defined for user '%-.48s' on host '%-.64s' on table '%-.192s'The used command is not allowed with this MySQL versionYou have an error in your SQL syntaxDelayed insert thread couldn't get requested lock for table %-.192sToo many delayed threads in useAborted connection %ld to db: '%-.192s' user: '%-.48s' (%-.64s)Got a packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet' bytesGot a read error from the connection pipeGot an error from fcntl()Got packets out of orderCouldn't uncompress communication packetGot an error reading communication packetsGot timeout reading communication packetsGot an error writing communication packetsGot timeout writing communication packetsResult string is longer than 'max_allowed_packet' bytesThe used table type doesn't support BLOB/TEXT columnsThe used table type doesn't support AUTO_INCREMENT columnsINSERT DELAYED can't be used with table '%-.192s' because it is locked with LOCK TABLESIncorrect column name '%-.100s'The used table handler can't index column '%-.192s'Unable to open underlying table which is differently defined or of non-MyISAM type or doesn't existCan't write, because of unique constraint, to table '%-.192s'BLOB column '%-.192s' used in key specification without a key lengthAll parts of a PRIMARY KEY must be NOT NULL; if you need NULL in a key, use UNIQUE insteadResult consisted of more than one rowThis table type requires a primary keyThis version of MySQL is not compiled with RAID supportYou are using safe update mode and you tried to update a table without a WHERE that uses a KEY columnKey '%-.192s' doesn't exist in table '%-.192s'Can't open tableThe handler for the table doesn't support %sYou are not allowed to execute this command in a transactionGot error %d during COMMITGot error %d during ROLLBACKGot error %d during FLUSH_LOGSGot error %d during CHECKPOINTAborted connection %u to db: '%-.192s' user: '%-.48s' host: '%-.64s' (%-.64s)The storage engine for the table does not support binary table dumpBinlog closed, cannot RESET MASTERFailed rebuilding the index of dumped table '%-.192s'Error from master: '%-.64s'Net error reading from masterNet error writing to masterCan't find FULLTEXT index matching the column listCan't execute the given command because you have active locked tables or an active transactionUnknown system variable '%-.64s'Table '%-.192s' is marked as crashed and should be repairedTable '%-.192s' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failedSome non-transactional changed tables couldn't be rolled backMulti-statement transaction required more than 'max_binlog_cache_size' bytes of storage; increase this mysqld variable and try againThis operation cannot be performed with a running slave; run STOP SLAVE firstThis operation requires a running slave; configure slave and do START SLAVEThe server is not configured as slave; fix in config file or with CHANGE MASTER TOCould not initialize master info structure; more error messages can be found in the MySQL error logCould not create slave thread; check system resourcesUser %-.64s already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connectionsYou may only use constant expressions with SETLock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transactionThe total number of locks exceeds the lock table sizeUpdate locks cannot be acquired during a READ UNCOMMITTED transactionDROP DATABASE not allowed while thread is holding global read lockCREATE DATABASE not allowed while thread is holding global read lockIncorrect arguments to %s'%-.48s'@'%-.64s' is not allowed to create new usersIncorrect table definition; all MERGE tables must be in the same databaseDeadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transactionThe used table type doesn't support FULLTEXT indexesCannot add foreign key constraintCannot add a child row: a foreign key constraint failsCannot delete a parent row: a foreign key constraint failsError connecting to master: %-.128sError running query on master: %-.128sError when executing command %s: %-.128sIncorrect usage of %s and %sThe used SELECT statements have a different number of columnsCan't execute the query because you have a conflicting read lockMixing of transactional and non-transactional tables is disabledOption '%s' used twice in statementUser '%-.64s' has exceeded the '%s' resource (current value: %ld)Access denied; you need (at least one of) the %-.128s privilege(s) for this operationVariable '%-.64s' is a SESSION variable and can't be used with SET GLOBALVariable '%-.64s' is a GLOBAL variable and should be set with SET GLOBALVariable '%-.64s' doesn't have a default valueVariable '%-.64s' can't be set to the value of '%-.200s'Incorrect argument type to variable '%-.64s'Variable '%-.64s' can only be set, not readIncorrect usage/placement of '%s'This version of MySQL doesn't yet support '%s'Got fatal error %d from master when reading data from binary log: '%-.320s'Slave SQL thread ignored the query because of replicate-*-table rulesVariable '%-.192s' is a %s variableIncorrect foreign key definition for '%-.192s': %sKey reference and table reference don't matchOperand should contain %d column(s)Subquery returns more than 1 rowUnknown prepared statement handler (%.*s) given to %sHelp database is corrupt or does not existCyclic reference on subqueriesConverting column '%s' from %s to %sReference '%-.64s' not supported (%s)Every derived table must have its own aliasSelect %u was reduced during optimizationTable '%-.192s' from one of the SELECTs cannot be used in %-.32sClient does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL clientAll parts of a SPATIAL index must be NOT NULLCOLLATION '%s' is not valid for CHARACTER SET '%s'Slave is already runningSlave already has been stoppedUncompressed data size too large; the maximum size is %d (probably, length of uncompressed data was corrupted)ZLIB: Not enough memoryZLIB: Not enough room in the output buffer (probably, length of uncompressed data was corrupted)ZLIB: Input data corruptedRow %u was cut by GROUP_CONCAT()Row %ld doesn't contain data for all columnsRow %ld was truncated; it contained more data than there were input columnsColumn set to default value; NULL supplied to NOT NULL column '%s' at row %ldOut of range value for column '%s' at row %ldData truncated for column '%s' at row %ldUsing storage engine %s for table '%s'Illegal mix of collations (%s,%s) and (%s,%s) for operation '%s'Cannot drop one or more of the requested usersCan't revoke all privileges for one or more of the requested usersIllegal mix of collations (%s,%s), (%s,%s), (%s,%s) for operation '%s'Illegal mix of collations for operation '%s'Variable '%-.64s' is not a variable component (can't be used as XXXX.variable_name)Unknown collation: '%-.64s'SSL parameters in CHANGE MASTER are ignored because this MySQL slave was compiled without SSL support; they can be used later if MySQL slave with SSL is startedServer is running in --secure-auth mode, but '%s'@'%s' has a password in the old format; please change the password to the new formatField or reference '%-.192s%s%-.192s%s%-.192s' of SELECT #%d was resolved in SELECT #%dIncorrect parameter or combination of parameters for START SLAVE UNTILIt is recommended to use --skip-slave-start when doing step-by-step replication with START SLAVE UNTIL; otherwise, you will get problems if you get an unexpected slave's mysqld restartSQL thread is not to be started so UNTIL options are ignoredIncorrect index name '%-.100s'Incorrect catalog name '%-.100s'Query cache failed to set size %lu; new query cache size is %luColumn '%-.192s' cannot be part of FULLTEXT indexUnknown key cache '%-.100s'MySQL is started in --skip-name-resolve mode; you must restart it without this switch for this grant to workUnknown storage engine '%s''%s' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use %s insteadThe target table %-.100s of the %s is not updatableThe '%s' feature is disabled; you need MySQL built with '%s' to have it workingThe MySQL server is running with the %s option so it cannot execute this statementColumn '%-.100s' has duplicated value '%-.64s' in %sTruncated incorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s'Incorrect table definition; there can be only one TIMESTAMP column with CURRENT_TIMESTAMP in DEFAULT or ON UPDATE clauseInvalid ON UPDATE clause for '%-.192s' columnThis command is not supported in the prepared statement protocol yetGot error %d '%-.100s' from %sGot temporary error %d '%-.100s' from %sUnknown or incorrect time zone: '%-.64s'Invalid TIMESTAMP value in column '%s' at row %ldInvalid %s character string: '%.64s'Result of %s() was larger than max_allowed_packet (%ld) - truncatedConflicting declarations: '%s%s' and '%s%s'Can't create a %s from within another stored routine%s %s already exists%s %s does not existFailed to DROP %s %sFailed to CREATE %s %s%s with no matching label: %sRedefining label %sEnd-label %s without matchReferring to uninitialized variable %sPROCEDURE %s can't return a result set in the given contextRETURN is only allowed in a FUNCTION%s is not allowed in stored proceduresThe update log is deprecated and replaced by the binary log; SET SQL_LOG_UPDATE has been ignored.The update log is deprecated and replaced by the binary log; SET SQL_LOG_UPDATE has been translated to SET SQL_LOG_BIN.Query execution was interruptedIncorrect number of arguments for %s %s; expected %u, got %uUndefined CONDITION: %sNo RETURN found in FUNCTION %sFUNCTION %s ended without RETURNCursor statement must be a SELECTCursor SELECT must not have INTOUndefined CURSOR: %sCursor is already openCursor is not openUndeclared variable: %sIncorrect number of FETCH variablesNo data - zero rows fetched, selected, or processedDuplicate parameter: %sDuplicate variable: %sDuplicate condition: %sDuplicate cursor: %sFailed to ALTER %s %sSubquery value not supported%s is not allowed in stored function or triggerVariable or condition declaration after cursor or handler declarationCursor declaration after handler declarationCase not found for CASE statementConfiguration file '%-.192s' is too bigMalformed file type header in file '%-.192s'Unexpected end of file while parsing comment '%-.200s'Error while parsing parameter '%-.192s' (line: '%-.192s')Unexpected end of file while skipping unknown parameter '%-.192s'EXPLAIN/SHOW can not be issued; lacking privileges for underlying tableFile '%-.192s' has unknown type '%-.64s' in its header'%-.192s.%-.192s' is not %sColumn '%-.192s' is not updatableView's SELECT contains a subquery in the FROM clauseView's SELECT contains a '%s' clauseView's SELECT contains a variable or parameterView's SELECT refers to a temporary table '%-.192s'View's SELECT and view's field list have different column countsView merge algorithm can't be used here for now (assumed undefined algorithm)View being updated does not have complete key of underlying table in itView '%-.192s.%-.192s' references invalid table(s) or column(s) or function(s) or definer/invoker of view lack rights to use themCan't drop or alter a %s from within another stored routineGOTO is not allowed in a stored procedure handlerTrigger already existsTrigger does not existTrigger's '%-.192s' is view or temporary tableUpdating of %s row is not allowed in %striggerThere is no %s row in %s triggerField '%-.192s' doesn't have a default valueDivision by 0Incorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s' for column '%.192s' at row %ldIllegal %s '%-.192s' value found during parsingCHECK OPTION on non-updatable view '%-.192s.%-.192s'CHECK OPTION failed '%-.192s.%-.192s'%-.16s command denied to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' for routine '%-.192s'Failed purging old relay logs: %sPassword hash should be a %d-digit hexadecimal numberTarget log not found in binlog indexI/O error reading log index fileServer configuration does not permit binlog purgeFailed on fseek()Fatal error during log purgeA purgeable log is in use, will not purgeUnknown error during log purgeFailed initializing relay log position: %sYou are not using binary loggingThe '%-.64s' syntax is reserved for purposes internal to the MySQL serverWSAStartup FailedCan't handle procedures with different groups yetSelect must have a group with this procedureCan't use ORDER clause with this procedureBinary logging and replication forbid changing the global server %sCan't map file: %-.200s, errno: %dWrong magic in %-.64sPrepared statement contains too many placeholdersKey part '%-.192s' length cannot be 0View text checksum failedCan not modify more than one base table through a join view '%-.192s.%-.192s'Can not insert into join view '%-.192s.%-.192s' without fields listCan not delete from join view '%-.192s.%-.192s'Operation %s failed for %.256sXAER_NOTA: Unknown XIDXAER_INVAL: Invalid arguments (or unsupported command)XAER_RMFAIL: The command cannot be executed when global transaction is in the %.64s stateXAER_OUTSIDE: Some work is done outside global transactionXAER_RMERR: Fatal error occurred in the transaction branch - check your data for consistencyXA_RBROLLBACK: Transaction branch was rolled backThere is no such grant defined for user '%-.48s' on host '%-.64s' on routine '%-.192s'Failed to grant EXECUTE and ALTER ROUTINE privilegesFailed to revoke all privileges to dropped routineData too long for column '%s' at row %ldBad SQLSTATE: '%s'%s: ready for connections. Version: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d %sCan't load value from file with fixed size rows to variableYou are not allowed to create a user with GRANTIncorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s' for function %-.32sTable definition has changed, please retry transactionDuplicate handler declared in the same blockOUT or INOUT argument %d for routine %s is not a variable or NEW pseudo-variable in BEFORE triggerNot allowed to return a result set from a %sCannot get geometry object from data you send to the GEOMETRY fieldA routine failed and has neither NO SQL nor READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled; if non-transactional tables were updated, the binary log will miss their changesThis function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)You do not have the SUPER privilege and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)You can't execute a prepared statement which has an open cursor associated with it. Reset the statement to re-execute it.The statement (%lu) has no open cursor.Explicit or implicit commit is not allowed in stored function or trigger.Field of view '%-.192s.%-.192s' underlying table doesn't have a default valueRecursive stored functions and triggers are not allowed.Too big scale %d specified for column '%-.192s'. Maximum is %lu.Too-big precision %d specified for '%-.192s'. Maximum is %lu.For float(M,D), double(M,D) or decimal(M,D), M must be >= D (column '%-.192s').You can't combine write-locking of system tables with other tables or lock typesUnable to connect to foreign data source: %.64sThere was a problem processing the query on the foreign data source. Data source error: %-.64sThe foreign data source you are trying to reference does not exist. Data source error: %-.64sCan't create federated table. The data source connection string '%-.64s' is not in the correct formatThe data source connection string '%-.64s' is not in the correct formatCan't create federated table. Foreign data src error: %-.64sTrigger in wrong schemaThread stack overrun: %ld bytes used of a %ld byte stack, and %ld bytes needed. Use 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' to specify a bigger stack.Routine body for '%-.100s' is too longCannot drop default keycacheDisplay width out of range for column '%-.192s' (max = %lu)XAER_DUPID: The XID already existsDatetime function: %-.32s field overflowCan't update table '%-.192s' in stored function/trigger because it is already used by statement which invoked this stored function/trigger.The definition of table '%-.192s' prevents operation %.192s on table '%-.192s'.The prepared statement contains a stored routine call that refers to that same statement. It's not allowed to execute a prepared statement in such a recursive mannerNot allowed to set autocommit from a stored function or triggerDefiner is not fully qualifiedView '%-.192s'.'%-.192s' has no definer information (old table format). Current user is used as definer. Please recreate the view!You need the SUPER privilege for creation view with '%-.192s'@'%-.192s' definerThe user specified as a definer ('%-.64s'@'%-.64s') does not existChanging schema from '%-.192s' to '%-.192s' is not allowed.Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (%.192s)Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (%.192s)Variable '%-.64s' must be quoted with `...`, or renamedNo definer attribute for trigger '%-.192s'.'%-.192s'. The trigger will be activated under the authorization of the invoker, which may have insufficient privileges. Please recreate the trigger.'%-.192s' has an old format, you should re-create the '%s' object(s)Recursive limit %d (as set by the max_sp_recursion_depth variable) was exceeded for routine %.192sFailed to load routine %-.192s. The table mysql.proc is missing, corrupt, or contains bad data (internal code %d)Incorrect routine name '%-.192s'Table upgrade required. Please do "REPAIR TABLE `%-.64s`" or dump/reload to fix it!AGGREGATE is not supported for stored functionsCan't create more than max_prepared_stmt_count statements (current value: %lu)`%-.192s`.`%-.192s` contains view recursionNon-grouping field '%-.192s' is used in %-.64s clauseThe used table type doesn't support SPATIAL indexesTriggers can not be created on system tablesLeading spaces are removed from name '%s'Failed to read auto-increment value from storage engineuser namehost nameString '%-.70s' is too long for %s (should be no longer than %d)The target table %-.100s of the %s is not insertable-intoTable '%-.64s' is differently defined or of non-MyISAM type or doesn't existToo high level of nesting for selectName '%-.64s' has become ''First character of the FIELDS TERMINATED string is ambiguous; please use non-optional and non-empty FIELDS ENCLOSED BYThe foreign server, %s, you are trying to create already exists.The foreign server name you are trying to reference does not exist. Data source error: %-.64sTable storage engine '%-.64s' does not support the create option '%.64s'Syntax error: %-.64s PARTITIONING requires definition of VALUES %-.64s for each partitionOnly %-.64s PARTITIONING can use VALUES %-.64s in partition definitionMAXVALUE can only be used in last partition definitionSubpartitions can only be hash partitions and by keyMust define subpartitions on all partitions if on one partitionWrong number of partitions defined, mismatch with previous settingWrong number of subpartitions defined, mismatch with previous settingConstant, random or timezone-dependent expressions in (sub)partitioning function are not allowedExpression in RANGE/LIST VALUES must be constantField in list of fields for partition function not found in tableList of fields is only allowed in KEY partitionsThe partition info in the frm file is not consistent with what can be written into the frm fileThe %-.192s function returns the wrong typeFor %-.64s partitions each partition must be definedVALUES LESS THAN value must be strictly increasing for each partitionVALUES value must be of same type as partition functionMultiple definition of same constant in list partitioningPartitioning can not be used stand-alone in queryThe mix of handlers in the partitions is not allowed in this version of MySQLFor the partitioned engine it is necessary to define all %-.64sToo many partitions (including subpartitions) were definedIt is only possible to mix RANGE/LIST partitioning with HASH/KEY partitioning for subpartitioningFailed to create specific handler fileA BLOB field is not allowed in partition functionA %-.192s must include all columns in the table's partitioning functionNumber of %-.64s = 0 is not an allowed valuePartition management on a not partitioned table is not possibleForeign keys are not yet supported in conjunction with partitioningError in list of partitions to %-.64sCannot remove all partitions, use DROP TABLE insteadCOALESCE PARTITION can only be used on HASH/KEY partitionsREORGANIZE PARTITION can only be used to reorganize partitions not to change their numbersREORGANIZE PARTITION without parameters can only be used on auto-partitioned tables using HASH PARTITIONs%-.64s PARTITION can only be used on RANGE/LIST partitionsTrying to Add partition(s) with wrong number of subpartitionsAt least one partition must be addedAt least one partition must be coalescedMore partitions to reorganize than there are partitionsDuplicate partition name %-.192sIt is not allowed to shut off binlog on this commandWhen reorganizing a set of partitions they must be in consecutive orderReorganize of range partitions cannot change total ranges except for last partition where it can extend the rangePartition function not supported in this version for this handlerPartition state cannot be defined from CREATE/ALTER TABLEThe %-.64s handler only supports 32 bit integers in VALUESPlugin '%-.192s' is not loadedIncorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s'Table has no partition for value %-.64sIt is not allowed to specify %s more than onceFailed to create %sFailed to drop %sThe handler doesn't support autoextend of tablespacesA size parameter was incorrectly specified, either number or on the form 10MThe size number was correct but we don't allow the digit part to be more than 2 billionFailed to alter: %sWriting one row to the row-based binary log failedTable definition on master and slave does not match: %sSlave running with --log-slave-updates must use row-based binary logging to be able to replicate row-based binary log eventsEvent '%-.192s' already existsFailed to store event %s. Error code %d from storage engine.Unknown event '%-.192s'Failed to alter event '%-.192s'Failed to drop %sINTERVAL is either not positive or too bigENDS is either invalid or before STARTSEvent execution time is in the past. Event has been disabledFailed to open mysql.eventNo datetime expression providedColumn count of mysql.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. The table is probably corruptedCannot load from mysql.%s. The table is probably corruptedFailed to delete the event from mysql.eventError during compilation of event's bodySame old and new event nameData for column '%s' too longCannot drop index '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraintThe syntax '%s' is deprecated and will be removed in MySQL %s. Please use %s insteadYou can't write-lock a log table. Only read access is possibleYou can't use locks with log tables.Upholding foreign key constraints for table '%.192s', entry '%-.192s', key %d would lead to a duplicate entryColumn count of mysql.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. Created with MySQL %d, now running %d. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error.Cannot switch out of the row-based binary log format when the session has open temporary tablesCannot change the binary logging format inside a stored function or triggerThe NDB cluster engine does not support changing the binlog format on the fly yetCannot create temporary table with partitionsPartition constant is out of partition function domainThis partition function is not allowedError in DDL logNot allowed to use NULL value in VALUES LESS THANIncorrect partition nameTransaction characteristics can't be changed while a transaction is in progressALTER TABLE causes auto_increment resequencing, resulting in duplicate entry '%-.192s' for key '%-.192s'Internal scheduler error %dError during starting/stopping of the scheduler. Error code %uEngine cannot be used in partitioned tablesCannot activate '%-.64s' logThe server was not built with row-based replicationDecoding of base64 string failedRecursion of EVENT DDL statements is forbidden when body is presentCannot proceed because system tables used by Event Scheduler were found damaged at server startOnly integers allowed as number hereThis storage engine cannot be used for log tables"You cannot '%s' a log table if logging is enabledCannot rename '%s'. When logging enabled, rename to/from log table must rename two tables: the log table to an archive table and another table back to '%s'Incorrect parameter count in the call to native function '%-.192s'Incorrect parameters in the call to native function '%-.192s'Incorrect parameters in the call to stored function %-.192sThis function '%-.192s' has the same name as a native functionΔιπλή εγγραφή '%-.64s' για το κλειδί '%-.192s'Too many files opened, please execute the command againEvent execution time is in the past and ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE is set. The event was dropped immediately after creation.Event execution time is in the past and ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE is set. The event was not changed. Specify a time in the future.The incident %s occured on the master. Message: %sTable has no partition for some existing valuesUnsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. %sFatal error: %sRelay log read failure: %sRelay log write failure: %sFailed to create %sMaster command %s failed: %sBinary logging not possible. Message: %sView `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` has no creation contextCreation context of view `%-.64s`.`%-.64s' is invalidCreation context of stored routine `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCorrupted TRG file for table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s`Triggers for table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` have no creation contextTrigger creation context of table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCreation context of event `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCannot open table for trigger `%-.64s`.`%-.64s`Cannot create stored routine `%-.64s`. Check warningsAmbiguous slave modes combination. %sThe BINLOG statement of type `%s` was not preceded by a format description BINLOG statement.Corrupted replication event was detectedInvalid column reference (%-.64s) in LOAD DATABeing purged log %s was not foundXA_RBTIMEOUT: Transaction branch was rolled back: took too longXA_RBDEADLOCK: Transaction branch was rolled back: deadlock was detectedPrepared statement needs to be re-preparedDELAYED option not supported for table '%-.192s'The master info structure does not exist<%-.64s> option ignoredBuilt-in plugins cannot be deletedPlugin is busy and will be uninstalled on shutdown%s variable '%s' is read-only. Use SET %s to assign the valueStorage engine %s does not support rollback for this statement. Transaction rolled back and must be restartedUnexpected master's heartbeat data: %sThe requested value for the heartbeat period is either negative or exceeds the maximum allowed (%s seconds).Bad schema for mysql.ndb_replication table. Message: %-.64sError in parsing conflict function. Message: %-.64sWrite to exceptions table failed. Message: %-.128s"Comment for table '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Comment for field '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)FUNCTION %s does not exist. Check the 'Function Name Parsing and Resolution' section in the Reference ManualDatabaseTablePartitionSubpartitionTemporaryRenamedToo many active concurrent transactionsNon-ASCII separator arguments are not fully supporteddebug sync point wait timed outdebug sync point hit limit reachedDuplicate condition information item '%s'Unhandled user-defined warning conditionUnhandled user-defined not found conditionUnhandled user-defined exception conditionRESIGNAL when handler not activeSIGNAL/RESIGNAL can only use a CONDITION defined with SQLSTATEData truncated for condition item '%s'Data too long for condition item '%s'Unknown locale: '%-.64s'The requested server id %d clashes with the slave startup option --replicate-same-server-idQuery cache is disabled; restart the server with query_cache_type=1 to enable itDuplicate partition field name '%-.192s'Inconsistency in usage of column lists for partitioningPartition column values of incorrect typeToo many fields in '%-.192s'Cannot use MAXVALUE as value in VALUES INCannot have more than one value for this type of %-.64s partitioningRow expressions in VALUES IN only allowed for multi-field column partitioningField '%-.192s' is of a not allowed type for this type of partitioningThe total length of the partitioning fields is too largeCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since both row-incapable engines and statement-incapable engines are involved.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = ROW and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to statement-based logging.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. %sCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is in row format and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to statement-based logging.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to row-based logging.%sCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is in row format and BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since more than one engine is involved and at least one engine is self-logging.The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted.The statement is unsafe because it uses INSERT DELAYED. This is unsafe because the times when rows are inserted cannot be predicted.The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves.Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly.Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it accesses a non-transactional table after accessing a transactional table within the same transaction.%s Statement: %sColumn %d of table '%-.192s.%-.192s' cannot be converted from type '%-.32s' to type '%-.32s'Can't create conversion table for table '%-.192s.%-.192s'Cannot modify @@session.binlog_format inside a transactionThe path specified for %.64s is too long.'%s' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.Native table '%-.64s'.'%-.64s' has the wrong structureInvalid performance_schema usage.Table '%s'.'%s' was skipped since its definition is being modified by concurrent DDL statementCannot modify @@session.binlog_direct_non_transactional_updates inside a transactionCannot change the binlog direct flag inside a stored function or triggerA SPATIAL index may only contain a geometrical type columnComment for index '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Wait on a lock was aborted due to a pending exclusive lock%s value is out of range in '%s'A variable of a non-integer based type in LIMIT clauseMixing self-logging and non-self-logging engines in a statement is unsafe.Statement accesses nontransactional table as well as transactional or temporary table, and writes to any of them.Cannot modify @@session.sql_log_bin inside a transactionCannot change the sql_log_bin inside a stored function or triggerFailed to read from the .par fileVALUES value for partition '%-.64s' must have type INTΔεν επιτέρεται η πρόσβαση στο χρήστη: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s'SET PASSWORD has no significance for users authenticating via pluginsGRANT with IDENTIFIED WITH is illegal because the user %-.*s already existsCannot truncate a table referenced in a foreign key constraint (%.192s)Plugin '%s' is force_plus_permanent and can not be unloadedThe requested value for the heartbeat period is less than 1 millisecond. The value is reset to 0, meaning that heartbeating will effectively be disabled.The requested value for the heartbeat period exceeds the value of `slave_net_timeout' seconds. A sensible value for the period should be less than the timeout.Multi-row statements required more than 'max_binlog_stmt_cache_size' bytes of storage; increase this mysqld variable and try againPrimary key/partition key update is not allowed since the table is updated both as '%-.192s' and '%-.192s'.Table rebuild required. Please do "ALTER TABLE `%-.64s` FORCE" or dump/reload to fix it!The value of '%s' should be no less than the value of '%s'Index column size too large. The maximum column size is %lu bytes.Trigger '%-.64s' has an error in its body: '%-.256s'Unknown trigger has an error in its body: '%-.256s'Index %s is corruptedUndo log record is too big.INSERT IGNORE... SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.INSERT... SELECT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are updated. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.REPLACE... SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are replaced. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE... IGNORE SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE... REPLACE SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are replaced. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.UPDATE IGNORE is unsafe because the order in which rows are updated determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.Plugin '%s' is marked as not dynamically uninstallable. You have to stop the server to uninstall it.Plugin '%s' is marked as not dynamically installable. You have to stop the server to install it.Statements writing to a table with an auto-increment column after selecting from another table are unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved determines what (if any) rows will be written. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE TABLE... SELECT... on a table with an auto-increment column is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are inserted. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.INSERT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE on a table with more than one UNIQUE KEY is unsafeTable is being used in foreign key check.Storage engine '%s' does not support system tables. [%s.%s]INSERT into autoincrement field which is not the first part in the composed primary key is unsafe.Cannot load from %s.%s. The table is probably corruptedThe requested value %s for the master delay exceeds the maximum %uOnly Format_description_log_event and row events are allowed in BINLOG statements (but %s was provided)Non matching attribute '%-.64s' between partition and tableTable to exchange with partition is partitioned: '%-.64s'Table to exchange with partition is temporary: '%-.64s'Subpartitioned table, use subpartition instead of partitionUnknown partition '%-.64s' in table '%-.64s'Tables have different definitionsFound a row that does not match the partitionOption binlog_cache_size (%lu) is greater than max_binlog_cache_size (%lu); setting binlog_cache_size equal to max_binlog_cache_size.Cannot use %-.64s access on index '%-.64s' due to type or collation conversion on field '%-.64s'Table to exchange with partition has foreign key references: '%-.64s'Key value '%-.192s' was not found in table '%-.192s.%-.192s'Data for column '%s' too longReplication event checksum verification failed while reading from network.Replication event checksum verification failed while reading from a log file.Option binlog_stmt_cache_size (%lu) is greater than max_binlog_stmt_cache_size (%lu); setting binlog_stmt_cache_size equal to max_binlog_stmt_cache_size.Can't update table '%-.192s' while '%-.192s' is being created.PARTITION () clause on non partitioned tableFound a row not matching the given partition setpartition '%-.64s' doesn't existFailure while changing the type of replication repository: %s.The creation of some temporary tables could not be rolled back.Some temporary tables were dropped, but these operations could not be rolled back.%s is not supported in multi-threaded slave mode. %sThe number of modified databases exceeds the maximum %d; the database names will not be included in the replication event metadata.Cannot execute the current event group in the parallel mode. Encountered event %s, relay-log name %s, position %s which prevents execution of this event group in parallel mode. Reason: %s.%sFULLTEXT index is not supported for partitioned tables.Invalid condition numberSending passwords in plain text without SSL/TLS is extremely insecure.Storing MySQL user name or password information in the master info repository is not secure and is therefore not recommended. Please consider using the USER and PASSWORD connection options for START SLAVE; see the 'START SLAVE Syntax' in the MySQL Manual for more information.Foreign key constraint for table '%.192s', record '%-.192s' would lead to a duplicate entry in table '%.192s', key '%.192s'Foreign key constraint for table '%.192s', record '%-.192s' would lead to a duplicate entry in a child tableSetting authentication options is not possible when only the Slave SQL Thread is being started.The table does not have FULLTEXT index to support this queryThe system variable %.200s cannot be set in stored functions or triggers.The system variable %.200s cannot be set when there is an ongoing transaction.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT has the value %.200s, which is not listed in @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot change inside a transaction.The statement 'SET %.200s' cannot invoke a stored function.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be 'AUTOMATIC' when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST is non-NULL.Skipping transaction %.200s because it has already been executed and logged.Malformed GTID set specification '%.200s'.Malformed GTID set encoding.Malformed GTID specification '%.200s'.Impossible to generate Global Transaction Identifier: the integer component reached the maximal value. Restart the server with a new server_uuid.Parameters MASTER_LOG_FILE, MASTER_LOG_POS, RELAY_LOG_FILE and RELAY_LOG_POS cannot be set when MASTER_AUTO_POSITION is active.CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1 cannot be executed because @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot execute statements with implicit commit inside a transaction when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT == 'UUID:NUMBER'.GTID_MODE = ON requires ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY = ON.@@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON or ON_PERMISSIVE or OFF_PERMISSIVE requires --log-bin and --log-slave-updates.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be set to UUID:NUMBER when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be set to ANONYMOUS when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST cannot be set to a non-NULL value when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Found a Gtid_log_event when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Statement violates GTID consistency: Updates to non-transactional tables can only be done in either autocommitted statements or single-statement transactions, and never in the same statement as updates to transactional tables.Statement violates GTID consistency: CREATE TABLE ... SELECT.Statement violates GTID consistency: Under statement binary log mode CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE and DROP TEMPORARY TABLE can only be executed outside transactional context. These statements are also not allowed in a function or trigger because functions and triggers are also considered to be multi-statement transactions.The value of @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE can only be changed one step at a time: OFF <-> OFF_PERMISSIVE <-> ON_PERMISSIVE <-> ON. Also note that this value must be stepped up or down simultaneously on all servers. See the Manual for instructions.The slave is connecting using CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1, but the master has purged binary logs containing GTIDs that the slave requires.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be changed by a client that owns a GTID. The client owns %s. Ownership is released on COMMIT or ROLLBACK.Unknown EXPLAIN format name: '%s'Cannot execute statement in a READ ONLY transaction.Comment for table partition '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Slave is not configured or failed to initialize properly. You must at least set --server-id to enable either a master or a slave. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.InnoDB presently supports one FULLTEXT index creation at a timeCannot create FULLTEXT index on temporary InnoDB tableColumn '%-.192s' is of wrong type for an InnoDB FULLTEXT indexIndex '%-.192s' is of wrong type for an InnoDB FULLTEXT indexCreating index '%-.192s' required more than 'innodb_online_alter_log_max_size' bytes of modification log. Please try again.Unknown ALGORITHM '%s'Unknown LOCK type '%s'CHANGE MASTER cannot be executed when the slave was stopped with an error or killed in MTS mode. Consider using RESET SLAVE or START SLAVE UNTIL.Cannot recover after SLAVE errored out in parallel execution mode. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.Cannot clean up worker info tables. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.Column count of %s.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. The table is probably corruptedSlave must silently retry current transactionThere is a foreign key check running on table '%-.192s'. Cannot discard the table.Schema mismatch (%s)Table '%-.192s' in system tablespaceIO Read error: (%lu, %s) %sIO Write error: (%lu, %s) %sTablespace is missing for table %s.Tablespace '%-.192s' exists.Tablespace has been discarded for table '%-.192s'Internal error: %sALTER TABLE %-.192s IMPORT TABLESPACE failed with error %lu : '%s'Index corrupt: %sSupports only YEAR or YEAR(4) column.Your password does not satisfy the current policy requirementsYou must reset your password using ALTER USER statement before executing this statement.Failed to add the foreign key constaint. Missing index for constraint '%s' in the foreign table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constaint. Missing index for constraint '%s' in the referenced table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constraint '%s' to system tablesFailed to open the referenced table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constraint on table '%s'. Incorrect options in FOREIGN KEY constraint '%s'Duplicate foreign key constraint name '%s'The password hash doesn't have the expected format. Check if the correct password algorithm is being used with the PASSWORD() function.Cannot drop column '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s'Cannot drop column '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Column '%-.192s' cannot be NOT NULL: needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' SET NULLDuplicate index '%-.64s' defined on the table '%-.64s.%-.64s'. This is deprecated and will be disallowed in a future release.Cannot change column '%-.192s': used in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s'Cannot change column '%-.192s': used in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Cannot delete rows from table which is parent in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Malformed communication packet.Running in read-only modeWhen @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT is set to a GTID, you must explicitly set it to a different value after a COMMIT or ROLLBACK. Please check GTID_NEXT variable manual page for detailed explanation. Current @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT is '%s'.The system variable %.200s cannot be set in stored procedures.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when @@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED is empty.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when there are no ongoing transactions (not even in other clients).@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED was changed from '%s' to '%s'.@@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED was changed from '%s' to '%s'.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT, and both replicated and non replicated tables are written to.%s is not supported for this operation. Try %s.%s is not supported. Reason: %s. Try %s.COPY algorithm requires a lockPartition specific operations do not yet support LOCK/ALGORITHMColumns participating in a foreign key are renamedCannot change column type INPLACEAdding foreign keys needs foreign_key_checks=OFFCreating unique indexes with IGNORE requires COPY algorithm to remove duplicate rowsDropping a primary key is not allowed without also adding a new primary keyAdding an auto-increment column requires a lockCannot replace hidden FTS_DOC_ID with a user-visible oneCannot drop or rename FTS_DOC_IDFulltext index creation requires a locksql_slave_skip_counter can not be set when the server is running with @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON. Instead, for each transaction that you want to skip, generate an empty transaction with the same GTID as the transactionΔιπλή εγγραφή για το κλειδί '%-.192s'Long database name and identifier for object resulted in path length exceeding %d characters. Path: '%s'.cannot silently convert NULL values, as required in this SQL_MODEYour password has expired. To log in you must change it using a client that supports expired passwords.Found a row in wrong partition %sCannot schedule event %s, relay-log name %s, position %s to Worker thread because its size %lu exceeds %lu of slave_pending_jobs_size_max.Cannot CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX WITH PARSER on InnoDB tableThe binary log file '%s' is logically corrupted: %sfile %s was not purged because it was being read by %d thread(s), purged only %d out of %d files.file %s was not purged because it is the active log file.Auto-increment value in UPDATE conflicts with internally generated valuesRow events are not logged for %s statements that modify BLACKHOLE tables in row format. Table(s): '%-.192s'Slave failed to initialize master info structure from the repositorySlave failed to initialize relay log info structure from the repositoryAccess denied trying to change to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' (using password: %s). Disconnecting.InnoDB is in read only mode.STOP SLAVE command execution is incomplete: Slave SQL thread got the stop signal, thread is busy, SQL thread will stop once the current task is complete.STOP SLAVE command execution is incomplete: Slave IO thread got the stop signal, thread is busy, IO thread will stop once the current task is complete.Operation cannot be performed. The table '%-.64s.%-.64s' is missing, corrupt or contains bad data.Temporary file write failure.Upgrade index name failed, please use create index(alter table) algorithm copy to rebuild index.TIME/TIMESTAMP/DATETIME columns of old format have been upgraded to the new format.Operation not allowed when innodb_forced_recovery > 0.The initialization vector supplied to %s is too short. Must be at least %d bytes longPlugin '%s' cannot be uninstalled now. %sCannot execute statement because it needs to be written to the binary log as multiple statements, and this is not allowed when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT == 'UUID:NUMBER'.Slave has more GTIDs than the master has, using the master's SERVER_UUID. This may indicate that the end of the binary log was truncated or that the last binary log file was lost, e.g., after a power or disk failure when sync_binlog != 1. The master may or may not have rolled back transactions that were already replicated to the slave. Suggest to replicate any transactions that master has rolled back from slave to master, and/or commit empty transactions on master to account for transactions that have been committed on master but are not included in GTID_EXECUTED.The table '%s.%s' does not have the necessary key(s) defined on it. Please check the table definition and create index(s) accordingly.File %s is corruptedQuery partially completed on the master (error on master: %d) and was aborted. There is a chance that your master is inconsistent at this point. If you are sure that your master is ok, run this query manually on the slave and then restart the slave with SET GLOBAL SQL_SLAVE_SKIP_COUNTER=1; START SLAVE;. Query:'%s'Query caused different errors on master and slave. Error on master: message (format)='%s' error code=%d; Error on slave:actual message='%s', error code=%d. Default database:'%s'. Query:'%s'Storage engine for table '%s'.'%s' is not loaded.GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS when handler not active%s is no longer supported. The statement was converted to %s.Statement is unsafe because it uses a fulltext parser plugin which may not return the same value on the slave.Cannot DISCARD/IMPORT tablespace associated with temporary tableForeign key cascade delete/update exceeds max depth of %d.Column count of %s.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. Created with MySQL %d, now running %d. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error.Trigger %s.%s.%s does not have CREATED attribute.Referenced trigger '%s' for the given action time and event type does not exist.EXPLAIN FOR CONNECTION command is supported only for SELECT/UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE/REPLACEInvalid size for column '%-.192s'.Table storage engine '%-.64s' found required create option missingOut of memory in storage engine '%-.64s'.The password for anonymous user cannot be expired.This operation cannot be performed with a running slave sql thread; run STOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD firstCannot create FULLTEXT index on materialized subqueryUndo Log error: %sInvalid argument for logarithmThis operation cannot be performed with a running slave io thread; run STOP SLAVE IO_THREAD FOR CHANNEL '%s' first.This operation may not be safe when the slave has temporary tables. The tables will be kept open until the server restarts or until the tables are deleted by any replicated DROP statement. Suggest to wait until slave_open_temp_tables = 0.CHANGE MASTER TO with a MASTER_LOG_FILE clause but no MASTER_LOG_POS clause may not be safe. The old position value may not be valid for the new binary log file.Query execution was interrupted, maximum statement execution time exceededSelect is not a read only statement, disabling timerDuplicate entry '%-.192s'.'%s' mode no longer has any effect. Use STRICT_ALL_TABLES or STRICT_TRANS_TABLES instead.Expression #%u of ORDER BY contains aggregate function and applies to a UNIONExpression #%u of ORDER BY contains aggregate function and applies to the result of a non-aggregated querySlave worker has stopped after at least one previous worker encountered an error when slave-preserve-commit-order was enabled. To preserve commit order, the last transaction executed by this thread has not been committed. When restarting the slave after fixing any failed threads, you should fix this worker as well.slave_preserve_commit_order is not supported %s.The server is currently in offline modeBinary geometry function %s given two geometries of different srids: %u and %u, which should have been identical.Calling geometry function %s with unsupported types of arguments.Unknown GIS error occured in function %s.Unknown exception caught in GIS function %s.Invalid GIS data provided to function %s.The geometry has no data in function %s.Unable to calculate centroid because geometry is empty in function %s.Geometry overlay calculation error: geometry data is invalid in function %s.Geometry turn info calculation error: geometry data is invalid in function %s.Analysis procedures of intersection points interrupted unexpectedly in function %s.Unknown exception thrown in function %s.Memory allocation error: %-.256s in function %s.Domain error: %-.256s in function %s.Length error: %-.256s in function %s.Invalid argument error: %-.256s in function %s.Out of range error: %-.256s in function %s.Overflow error error: %-.256s in function %s.Range error: %-.256s in function %s.Underflow error: %-.256s in function %s.Logic error: %-.256s in function %s.Runtime error: %-.256s in function %s.Unknown exception: %-.384s in function %s.Geometry byte string must be little endian.The password provided for the replication user exceeds the maximum length of 32 charactersIncorrect user-level lock name '%-.192s'.Deadlock found when trying to get user-level lock; try rolling back transaction/releasing locks and restarting lock acquisition.REPLACE cannot be executed as it requires deleting rows that are not in the viewDo not support online operation on table with GIS indexUser variable name '%-.100s' is illegalCannot %s when GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot %s from a replication slave thread.Incorrect type for argument %s in function %s.Expression #%u of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, references column '%-.192s' which is not in SELECT list; this is incompatible with %sExpression #%u of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, contains aggregate function; this is incompatible with %sSupplied filter list contains a value which is not in the required format 'db_pattern.table_pattern'OK packet too largeInvalid JSON data provided to function %s: %sInvalid GeoJSON data provided to function %s: Missing required member '%s'Invalid GeoJSON data provided to function %s: Member '%s' must be of type '%s'Invalid GeoJSON data provided to function %sUnsupported number of coordinate dimensions in function %s: Found %u, expected %uSlave channel '%s' does not exist.A slave channel '%s' already exists for the given host and port combination.Couldn't create channel: Channel name is either invalid or too long.To have multiple channels, repository cannot be of type FILE; Please check the repository configuration and convert them to TABLE.Cannot delete slave info objects for channel '%s'.Multiple channels exist on the slave. Please provide channel name as an argument.Maximum number of replication channels allowed exceeded.This operation cannot be performed with running replication threads; run STOP SLAVE FOR CHANNEL '%s' firstThis operation requires running replication threads; configure slave and run START SLAVE FOR CHANNEL '%s'Replication thread(s) for channel '%s' are already runnning.Replication thread(s) for channel '%s' are already stopped.This operation cannot be performed with a running slave sql thread; run STOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD FOR CHANNEL '%s' first.When sql_slave_skip_counter > 0, it is not allowed to start more than one SQL thread by using 'START SLAVE [SQL_THREAD]'. Value of sql_slave_skip_counter can only be used by one SQL thread at a time. Please use 'START SLAVE [SQL_THREAD] FOR CHANNEL' to start the SQL thread which will use the value of sql_slave_skip_counter.Expression #%u of %s is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column '%-.192s' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_byIn aggregated query without GROUP BY, expression #%u of %s contains nonaggregated column '%-.192s'; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_byUpdating '%s' is deprecated. It will be made read-only in a future release.Changing sql mode '%s' is deprecated. It will be removed in a future release.DROP DATABASE failed; some tables may have been dropped but the database directory remains. The GTID has not been added to GTID_EXECUTED and the statement was not written to the binary log. Fix this as follows: (1) remove all files from the database directory %-.192s; (2) SET GTID_NEXT='%-.192s'; (3) DROP DATABASE `%-.192s`.The server is not configured properly to be an active member of the group. Please see more details on error log.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed since the group is already running.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as the applier module failed to start.The STOP GROUP_REPLICATION command execution is incomplete: The applier thread got the stop signal while it was busy. The applier thread will stop once the current task is complete.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as there was an error when initializing the group communication layer.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as there was an error when joining the communication group.The table does not comply with the requirements by an external plugin.Cannot change the value of variable %s without binary log format as ROW.Error on observer while running replication hook '%s'.Plugin instructed the server to rollback the current transaction.Expression of generated column '%s' contains a disallowed function.INPLACE ADD or DROP of virtual columns cannot be combined with other ALTER TABLE actionsCannot define foreign key with %s clause on a generated column.The value specified for generated column '%s' in table '%s' is not allowed.'%s' is not supported for generated columns.Generated column can refer only to generated columns defined prior to it.Column '%s' has a generated column dependency.Generated column '%s' cannot refer to auto-increment column.The '%-.64s' feature is not available; you need to remove '%-.64s' or use MySQL built with '%-.64s'SET @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = %-.64s is not allowed because %-.384s.The replication receiver thread%-.192s cannot start in AUTO_POSITION mode: this server uses @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot replicate anonymous transaction when AUTO_POSITION = 1, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot replicate anonymous transaction when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot replicate GTID-transaction when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot set ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY = ON because there are ongoing transactions that violate GTID consistency.There are ongoing transactions that violate GTID consistency.Access denied for user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s'. Account is locked.Incorrect tablespace name `%-.192s`Tablespace `%-.192s` is not empty.Incorrect File Name '%s'.Inconsistent intersection points.Optimizer hint syntax errorUnsupported MAX_EXECUTION_TIMEMAX_EXECUTION_TIME hint is supported by top-level standalone SELECT statements onlyHint %s is ignored as conflicting/duplicatedQuery block name %s is not found for %s hintUnresolved name %s for %s hintPlease do not modify the %s table. This is a mysql internal system table to store GTIDs for committed transactions. Modifying it can lead to an inconsistent GTID state.Command not supported by pluggable protocolsIncorrect locking service lock name '%-.192s'.Deadlock found when trying to get locking service lock; try releasing locks and restarting lock acquisition.Service lock wait timeout exceeded.Parameter %s exceeds the maximum number of points in a geometry (%lu) in function %s.'NO_ZERO_DATE', 'NO_ZERO_IN_DATE' and 'ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO' sql modes should be used with strict mode. They will be merged with strict mode in a future release.Version token mismatch for %.*s. Correct value %.*sVersion token %.*s not found.Variable %-.192s cannot be changed by a client that owns a GTID. The client owns %s. Ownership is released on COMMIT or ROLLBACK.%-.192s cannot be performed on channel '%-.192s'.Invalid JSON text: "%s" at position %u in value for column '%-.200s'.Invalid JSON text in argument %u to function %s: "%s" at position %u.%-.0sThe JSON binary value contains invalid data.Invalid JSON path expression. The error is around character position %u.%-.200sCannot create a JSON value from a string with CHARACTER SET '%s'.Invalid JSON character data provided to function %s: '%s'; utf8 is required.Invalid data type for JSON data in argument %u to function %s; a JSON string or JSON type is required.Cannot CAST value to JSON.A path expression must be encoded in the utf8 character set. The path expression '%-.200s' is encoded in character set '%-.200s'.In this situation, path expressions may not contain the * and ** tokens.The JSON value is too big to be stored in a JSON column.The JSON object contains a key name that is too long.JSON column '%-.192s' cannot be used in key specification.The path expression '$' is not allowed in this context.The oneOrAll argument to %s may take these values: 'one' or 'all'.Out of range JSON value for CAST to %s%-.0s from column %s at row %ldInvalid JSON value for CAST to %s%-.0s from column %s at row %ldThe JSON document exceeds the maximum depth.JSON documents may not contain NULL member names.Connections using insecure transport are prohibited while --require_secure_transport=ON.No secure transports (SSL or Shared Memory) are configured, unable to set --require_secure_transport=ON.Storage engine %s is disabled (Table creation is disallowed).User %s does not exist.User %s already exists.Aborted by Audit API ('%-.48s';%d).A path expression is not a path to a cell in an array.Another buffer pool resize is already in progress.The '%s' feature is disabled; see the documentation for '%s'Server isn't availableSession was killedMemory capacity of %llu bytes for '%s' exceeded. %sRange optimization was not done for this query.Partitioning upgrade required. Please dump/reload to fix it or do: ALTER TABLE `%-.192s`.`%-.192s` UPGRADE PARTITIONINGThe client holds ownership of the GTID %s. Therefore, WAIT_FOR_EXECUTED_GTID_SET cannot wait for this GTID.Cannot add foreign key on the base column of indexed virtual column.Cannot create index on virtual column whose base column has foreign constraint.Please do not modify the %s table with an XA transaction. This is an internal system table used to store GTIDs for committed transactions. Although modifying it can lead to an inconsistent GTID state, if neccessary you can modify it with a non-XA transaction.Lock acquisition refused by storage engine.ADD COLUMN col...VIRTUAL, ADD INDEX(col)Master key rotation is not supported by storage engine.Encryption key rotation error reported by SE: %sWrite to binlog failed. However, master key rotation has been completed successfully.Storage engine is not available.This tablespace can't be encrypted.Invalid encryption option.Can't find master key from keyring, please check in the server log if a keyring plugin is loaded and initialized successfully.Parser bailed out for this query.Cannot alter encryption attribute by inplace algorithm.Function '%s' failed because underlying keyring service returned an error. Please check if a keyring plugin is installed and that provided arguments are valid for the keyring you are using.It seems that your db schema is old. The %s column is 77 characters long and should be 93 characters long. Please run mysql_upgrade.RESET MASTER is not allowed because %-.384s.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed since the group already has 9 members.Cannot add foreign key on the base column of stored column. Cannot complete the operation because table is referenced by another connection.The partition engine, used by table '%-.192s.%-.192s', is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use native partitioning instead.%.192s(geometry) is deprecated and will be replaced by st_srid(geometry, 0) in a future version. Use %.192s(st_aswkb(geometry), 0) instead.%.192s(geometry, srid) is deprecated and will be replaced by st_srid(geometry, srid) in a future version. Use %.192s(st_aswkb(geometry), srid) instead.The resource manager is not able to commit the transaction branch at this time. Please retry later.Function %s failed due to: %s.Statement is unsafe because it is being used inside a XA transaction. Concurrent XA transactions may deadlock on slaves when replicated using statements.%s UDF failed; %sCan not perform keyring migration : %sAccess denied; you need %-.128s privileges for this operationKeyring migration %s.Failed to open the %s filter tables.Failed to open '%s.%s' %s table.No keyring plugin installed.Audit log encryption password has not been set; it will be generated automatically. Use audit_log_encryption_password_get to obtain the password or audit_log_encryption_password_set to set a new one.Could not create AES key. OpenSSL's EVP_BytesToKey function failed.Audit log encryption password cannot be fetched from the keyring. Password used so far is used for encryption.Audit Log filtering has not been installed.Request ignored for '%s'@'%s'. SUPER_ACL needed to perform operationSUPER privilege required for '%s'@'%s' user.Could not reinitialize audit log filters.Invalid argument typeInvalid argument countaudit_log plugin has not been installed using INSTALL PLUGIN syntax.Invalid "max_array_length" argument type.Invalid "max_array_length" argument value.%sFilter name cannot be empty.User cannot be empty.Specified filter has not been found.First character of the user name must be alphanumeric.Invalid character in the user name.Invalid character in the host name.With the MAXDB SQL mode enabled, TIMESTAMP is identical with DATETIME. The MAXDB SQL mode is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please disable the MAXDB SQL mode and use DATETIME instead.The use of replication filters with XA transactions is not supported, and can lead to an undefined state in the replication slave.Compressed column '%-.192s' is not allowed in the key listCan not define column '%-.192s' in compressed formatCompression dictionary '%-.192s' already existsCompression dictionary '%-.192s' does not existCompression dictionary name '%-.192s' is too long (max length = %lu)Data for compression dictionary '%-.192s' is too long (max length = %lu)Compression dictionary '%-.192s' is in useCan't execute the query because you have a conflicting backup lockKeys are out order during bulk loadBulk load rows overlap existing rowsCan't execute updates on master with binlog_format != ROW.MyRocks supports only READ COMMITTED and REPEATABLE READ isolation levels. Please change from current isolation level %sWhen unique checking is disabled in MyRocks, INSERT,UPDATE,LOAD statements with clauses that update or replace the key (i.e. INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, REPLACE) are not allowed. Query: %sCan't execute updates when you started a transaction with START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT [ROCKSDB] SNAPSHOT.This transaction was rolled back and cannot be committed. Only supported operation is to roll it back, so all pending changes will be discarded. Please restart another transaction.MyRocks currently does not support ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT if modifying rows.Only REPEATABLE READ isolation level is supported for START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT SNAPSHOT in RocksDB Storage Engine.Unsupported collation on string indexed column %s.%s Use binary collation (%s).Table '%s' does not exist, but metadata information exists inside MyRocks. This is a sign of data inconsistency. Please check if '%s.frm' exists, and try to restore it if it does not exist.MyRocks failed creating new key definitions during alter.MyRocks failed populating secondary key during alter.Column family ('%s') flag (%d) is different from an existing flag (%d). Assign a new CF flag, or do not change existing CF flag.TTL support is currently disabled when table has a hidden PK.TTL column (%s) in MyRocks must be an unsigned non-null 64-bit integer, exist inside the table, and have an accompanying ttl duration.TTL duration (%s) in MyRocks must be an unsigned non-null 64-bit integer.The per-index column family option has been deprecated.russian/errmsg.sys000075500000273650147633135420010317 0ustar00euksEr's$(. 9 = w I 4 IAD2z2bI&R}Y{V%`#>. ] !"" ###$Y$$%%%d&&&3(W(((B)|))***+L+++,-. /L// 0>00 1=1$22X33445b66)7s778Z99^:&;|;;S<<l===H>>>!?b??|@@wABYBB(CCC1tLKƥ8j36c B}ةB} Ab߫Qͬ'IqƭI 1CnӰhϱ2rDz+&Ҵ$R \Ŷ Lib˹ EϺ;kѼ,Ir׽Fþ*` ;]BkU#&Fi3r4-W1jG#LF=x74o5+mX(bQ(]yEftr. t"^aEc3T&[7L5k&bC`gU2S[\L1 C_|EWFR{@d)IcE {       8 k    _      +?a%Y?8MHfRw9NHzW]9\`< +!!"M"h""#{#$$%%%%&F&o&&'R'''(&(L(|(((($)I)p)))"*L**+V+~++++,,_-s---;.h...*/o//%0w001111t234(5t55 7z7788C999::q:::P;;; <S<<<#=c==7>>>j??? @,@F@h@@@@$AQApABFBuBBC\CD8DVDD EPEEEFZFFG)GGG-HcHHHI_IIIIXJJJK/KSKKKKL$LXLLMlMMNO1OZOOOP:P^PyPPQRQRRRSQSS8TT\UUUyVVVVW+WLWiW1XuXXYUYYYYYZHZsZvZZZZ[)[M[\\\ ]=]m]]]&^^^ _G__``aanbb|cccmdd2e|ehashchkisamchkНЕТДАНевозможно создать файл '%-.200s' (ошибка: %d - %s)Невозможно создать таблицу '%-.200s' (ошибка: %d)Невозможно создать базу данных '%-.192s' (ошибка: %d)Невозможно создать базу данных '%-.192s'. База данных уже существуетНевозможно удалить базу данных '%-.192s'. Такой базы данных нетОшибка при удалении базы данных (невозможно удалить '%-.192s', ошибка: %d)Невозможно удалить базу данных (невозможно удалить каталог '%-.192s', ошибка: %d)Ошибка при удалении '%-.192s' (ошибка: %d - %s)Невозможно прочитать запись в системной таблицеНевозможно получить статусную информацию о '%-.200s' (ошибка: %d - %s)Невозможно определить рабочий каталог (ошибка: %d - %s)Невозможно поставить блокировку на файле (ошибка: %d - %s)Невозможно открыть файл: '%-.200s' (ошибка: %d - %s)Невозможно найти файл: '%-.200s' (ошибка: %d - %s)Невозможно прочитать каталог '%-.192s' (ошибка: %d - %s)Невозможно перейти в каталог '%-.192s' (ошибка: %d - %s)Запись изменилась с момента последней выборки в таблице '%-.192s'Диск заполнен. (%s). Ожидаем, пока кто-то не уберет после себя мусор... (ошибка: %d - %s)Невозможно произвести запись, дублирующийся ключ в таблице '%-.192s'Ошибка при закрытии '%-.192s' (ошибка: %d - %s)Ошибка чтения файла '%-.200s' (ошибка: %d - %s)Ошибка при переименовании '%-.210s' в '%-.210s' (ошибка: %d - %s)Ошибка записи в файл '%-.200s' (ошибка: %d - %s)'%-.192s' заблокирован для измененийСортировка прерванаПредставление '%-.192s' не существует для '%-.192s'Получена ошибка %d от обработчика таблицОбработчик таблицы '%-.192s' не поддерживает эту возможностьНевозможно найти запись в '%-.192s'Некорректная информация в файле '%-.200s'Некорректный индексный файл для таблицы: '%-.200s'. Попробуйте восстановить егоСтарый индексный файл для таблицы '%-.192s'; отремонтируйте его!Таблица '%-.192s' предназначена только для чтенияНедостаточно памяти. Перезапустите сервер и попробуйте еще раз (нужно %d байт)Недостаточно памяти для сортировки. Увеличьте размер буфера сортировки на сервереНеожиданный конец файла '%-.192s' (ошибка: %d - %s)Слишком много соединенийНедостаточно памяти; удостоверьтесь, что mysqld или какой-либо другой процесс не занимает всю доступную память. Если нет, то вы можете использовать ulimit, чтобы выделить для mysqld больше памяти, или увеличить объем файла подкачкиНевозможно получить имя хоста для вашего адресаНекорректное приветствиеДля пользователя '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' доступ к базе данных '%-.192s' закрытДоступ закрыт для пользователя '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' (был использован пароль: %s)База данных не выбранаНеизвестная команда коммуникационного протоколаСтолбец '%-.192s' не может принимать величину NULLНеизвестная база данных '%-.192s'Таблица '%-.192s' уже существуетНеизвестная таблица '%-.100s'Столбец '%-.192s' в %-.192s задан неоднозначноСервер находится в процессе остановкиНеизвестный столбец '%-.192s' в '%-.192s''%-.192s' не присутствует в GROUP BYНевозможно произвести группировку по '%-.192s'Выражение содержит групповые функции и столбцы, но не включает GROUP BY. А как вы умудрились получить это сообщение об ошибке?Количество столбцов не совпадает с количеством значенийСлишком длинный идентификатор '%-.100s'Дублирующееся имя столбца '%-.192s'Дублирующееся имя ключа '%-.192s'Дублирующаяся запись '%-.192s' по ключу %dНекорректный определитель столбца для столбца '%-.192s'%s около '%-.80s' на строке %dЗапрос оказался пустымПовторяющаяся таблица/псевдоним '%-.192s'Некорректное значение по умолчанию для '%-.192s'Указано несколько первичных ключейУказано слишком много ключей. Разрешается указывать не более %d ключейУказано слишком много частей составного ключа. Разрешается указывать не более %d частейУказан слишком длинный ключ. Максимальная длина ключа составляет %d байтКлючевой столбец '%-.192s' в таблице не существуетСтолбец типа BLOB '%-.192s' не может быть использован как значение ключа в таблице такого типаСлишком большая длина столбца '%-.192s' (максимум = %lu). Используйте тип BLOB или TEXT вместо текущегоНекорректное определение таблицы: может существовать только один автоинкрементный столбец, и он должен быть определен как ключ%s: Готов принимать соединения. Версия: '%s' сокет: '%s' порт: %d%s: Корректная остановка %s: Получен сигнал %d. Прекращаем! %s: Остановка завершена %s: Принудительно закрываем поток %ld пользователя: '%-.48s' Невозможно создать IP-сокетВ таблице '%-.192s' нет такого индекса, как в CREATE INDEX. Создайте таблицу зановоАргумент разделителя полей - не тот, который ожидался. Обращайтесь к документацииФиксированный размер записи с полями типа BLOB использовать нельзя, применяйте 'fields terminated by'Файл '%-.128s' должен находиться в том же каталоге, что и база данных, или быть общедоступным для чтенияФайл '%-.200s' уже существуетЗаписей: %ld Удалено: %ld Пропущено: %ld Предупреждений: %ldЗаписей: %ld Дубликатов: %ldНекорректная часть ключа. Используемая часть ключа не является строкой, указанная длина больше, чем длина части ключа, или обработчик таблицы не поддерживает уникальные части ключаНельзя удалить все столбцы с помощью ALTER TABLE. Используйте DROP TABLEНевозможно удалить (DROP) '%-.192s'. Убедитесь что столбец/ключ действительно существуетЗаписей: %ld Дубликатов: %ld Предупреждений: %ldНе допускается указание таблицы '%-.192s' в списке таблиц FROM для внесения в нее измененийНеизвестный номер потока: %luВы не являетесь владельцем потока %luНикакие таблицы не использованыСлишком много значений для столбца %-.192s в SETНевозможно создать уникальное имя файла журнала %-.200s.(1-999) Таблица '%-.192s' заблокирована уровнем READ lock и не может быть измененаТаблица '%-.192s' не была заблокирована с помощью LOCK TABLESНевозможно указывать значение по умолчанию для столбца BLOB '%-.192s'Некорректное имя базы данных '%-.100s'Некорректное имя таблицы '%-.100s'Для такой выборки SELECT должен будет просмотреть слишком много записей и, видимо, это займет очень много времени. Проверьте ваше указание WHERE, и, если в нем все в порядке, укажите SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1Неизвестная ошибкаНеизвестная процедура '%-.192s'Некорректное количество параметров для процедуры '%-.192s'Некорректные параметры для процедуры '%-.192s'Неизвестная таблица '%-.192s' в %-.32sСтолбец '%-.192s' указан дваждыНеправильное использование групповых функцийВ таблице '%-.192s' используются возможности, не поддерживаемые в этой версии MySQLВ таблице должен быть как минимум один столбецТаблица '%-.192s' переполненаНеизвестная кодировка '%-.64s'Слишком много таблиц. MySQL может использовать только %d таблиц в соединенииСлишком много столбцовСлишком большой размер записи. Максимальный размер строки, исключая поля BLOB, - %ld. Возможно, вам следует изменить тип некоторых полей на BLOBСтек потоков переполнен: использовано: %ld из %ld стека. Применяйте 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' для указания большего размера стека, если необходимоВ OUTER JOIN обнаружена перекрестная зависимость. Внимательно проанализируйте свои условия ONTable handler doesn't support NULL in given index. Please change column '%-.192s' to be NOT NULL or use another handlerНевозможно загрузить функцию '%-.192s'Невозможно инициализировать функцию '%-.192s'; %-.80sНедопустимо указывать пути для динамических библиотекФункция '%-.192s' уже существуетНевозможно открыть динамическую библиотеку '%-.192s' (ошибка: %d %-.128s)Невозможно отыскать символ '%-.128s' в библиотекеФункция '%-.192s' не определенаХост '%-.64s' заблокирован из-за слишком большого количества ошибок соединения. Разблокировать его можно с помощью 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'Хосту '%-.64s' не разрешается подключаться к этому серверу MySQLВы используете MySQL от имени анонимного пользователя, а анонимным пользователям не разрешается менять паролиДля того чтобы изменять пароли других пользователей, у вас должны быть привилегии на изменение таблиц в базе данных mysqlНевозможно отыскать подходящую запись в таблице пользователейСовпало записей: %ld Изменено: %ld Предупреждений: %ldНевозможно создать новый поток (ошибка %d). Если это не ситуация, связанная с нехваткой памяти, то вам следует изучить документацию на предмет описания возможной ошибки работы в конкретной ОСКоличество столбцов не совпадает с количеством значений в записи %ldНевозможно заново открыть таблицу '%-.192s'Неправильное использование величины NULLПолучена ошибка '%-.64s' от регулярного выраженияОдновременное использование сгруппированных (GROUP) столбцов (MIN(),MAX(),COUNT(),...) с несгруппированными столбцами является некорректным, если в выражении есть GROUP BYТакие права не определены для пользователя '%-.48s' на хосте '%-.64s'Команда %-.128s запрещена пользователю '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' для таблицы '%-.64s'Команда %-.16s запрещена пользователю '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' для столбца '%-.192s' в таблице '%-.192s'Неверная команда GRANT или REVOKE. Обратитесь к документации, чтобы выяснить, какие привилегии можно использоватьСлишком длинное имя пользователя/хоста для GRANTТаблица '%-.192s.%-.192s' не существуетТакие права не определены для пользователя '%-.48s' на компьютере '%-.64s' для таблицы '%-.192s'Эта команда не допускается в данной версии MySQLУ вас ошибка в запросе. Изучите документацию по используемой версии MySQL на предмет корректного синтаксисаDelayed insert thread couldn't get requested lock for table %-.192sToo many delayed threads in useПрервано соединение %ld к базе данных '%-.192s' пользователя '%-.48s' (%-.64s)Полученный пакет больше, чем 'max_allowed_packet'Получена ошибка чтения от потока соединения (connection pipe)Получена ошибка от fcntl()Пакеты получены в неверном порядкеНевозможно распаковать пакет, полученный через коммуникационный протоколПолучена ошибка в процессе получения пакета через коммуникационный протокол Получен таймаут ожидания пакета через коммуникационный протокол Получена ошибка при передаче пакета через коммуникационный протокол Получен таймаут в процессе передачи пакета через коммуникационный протокол Результирующая строка больше, чем 'max_allowed_packet'Используемая таблица не поддерживает типы BLOB/TEXTИспользуемая таблица не поддерживает автоинкрементные столбцыINSERT DELAYED can't be used with table '%-.192s' because it is locked with LOCK TABLESНеверное имя столбца '%-.100s'Использованный обработчик таблицы не может проиндексировать столбец '%-.192s'Не все таблицы в MERGE определены одинаковоНевозможно записать в таблицу '%-.192s' из-за ограничений уникального ключаСтолбец типа BLOB '%-.192s' был указан в определении ключа без указания длины ключаВсе части первичного ключа (PRIMARY KEY) должны быть определены как NOT NULL; Если вам нужна поддержка величин NULL в ключе, воспользуйтесь индексом UNIQUEВ результате возвращена более чем одна строкаЭтот тип таблицы требует определения первичного ключаЭта версия MySQL скомпилирована без поддержки RAIDВы работаете в режиме безопасных обновлений (safe update mode) и попробовали изменить таблицу без использования ключевого столбца в части WHEREКлюч '%-.192s' не существует в таблице '%-.192s'Невозможно открыть таблицуОбработчик таблицы не поддерживает этого: %sВам не разрешено выполнять эту команду в транзакцииПолучена ошибка %d в процессе COMMITПолучена ошибка %d в процессе ROLLBACKПолучена ошибка %d в процессе FLUSH_LOGSПолучена ошибка %d в процессе CHECKPOINTПрервано соединение %u к базе данных '%-.192s' пользователя '%-.48s' с хоста '%-.64s' (%-.64s)Обработчик этой таблицы не поддерживает двоичного сохранения образа таблицы (dump)Двоичный журнал обновления закрыт, невозможно выполнить RESET MASTERОшибка перестройки индекса сохраненной таблицы '%-.192s'Ошибка от головного сервера: '%-.64s'Возникла ошибка чтения в процессе коммуникации с головным серверомВозникла ошибка записи в процессе коммуникации с головным серверомНевозможно отыскать полнотекстовый (FULLTEXT) индекс, соответствующий списку столбцовНевозможно выполнить указанную команду, поскольку у вас присутствуют активно заблокированные таблица или открытая транзакцияНеизвестная системная переменная '%-.64s'Таблица '%-.192s' помечена как испорченная и должна пройти проверку и ремонтТаблица '%-.192s' помечена как испорченная и последний (автоматический?) ремонт не был успешнымВнимание: по некоторым измененным нетранзакционным таблицам невозможно будет произвести откат транзакцииТранзакции, включающей большое количество команд, потребовалось более чем 'max_binlog_cache_size' байт. Увеличьте эту переменную сервера mysqld и попробуйте еще разЭту операцию невозможно выполнить при работающем потоке подчиненного сервера. Сначала выполните STOP SLAVEДля этой операции требуется работающий подчиненный сервер. Сначала выполните START SLAVEЭтот сервер не настроен как подчиненный. Внесите исправления в конфигурационном файле или с помощью CHANGE MASTER TOCould not initialize master info structure; more error messages can be found in the MySQL error logНевозможно создать поток подчиненного сервера. Проверьте системные ресурсыУ пользователя %-.64s уже больше чем 'max_user_connections' активных соединенийВы можете использовать в SET только константные выраженияТаймаут ожидания блокировки истек; попробуйте перезапустить транзакциюОбщее количество блокировок превысило размеры таблицы блокировокБлокировки обновлений нельзя получить в процессе чтения не принятой (в режиме READ UNCOMMITTED) транзакцииНе допускается DROP DATABASE, пока поток держит глобальную блокировку чтенияНе допускается CREATE DATABASE, пока поток держит глобальную блокировку чтенияНеверные параметры для %s'%-.48s'@'%-.64s' не разрешается создавать новых пользователейНеверное определение таблицы; Все таблицы в MERGE должны принадлежать одной и той же базе данныхВозникла тупиковая ситуация в процессе получения блокировки; Попробуйте перезапустить транзакциюИспользуемый тип таблиц не поддерживает полнотекстовых индексовНевозможно добавить ограничения внешнего ключаНевозможно добавить или обновить дочернюю строку: проверка ограничений внешнего ключа не выполняетсяНевозможно удалить или обновить родительскую строку: проверка ограничений внешнего ключа не выполняетсяОшибка соединения с головным сервером: %-.128sОшибка выполнения запроса на головном сервере: %-.128sОшибка при выполнении команды %s: %-.128sНеверное использование %s и %sИспользованные операторы выборки (SELECT) дают разное количество столбцовНевозможно исполнить запрос, поскольку у вас установлены конфликтующие блокировки чтенияИспользование транзакционных таблиц наряду с нетранзакционными запрещеноОпция '%s' дважды использована в выраженииПользователь '%-.64s' превысил использование ресурса '%s' (текущее значение: %ld)В доступе отказано. Вам нужны привилегии %-.128s для этой операцииПеременная '%-.64s' является потоковой (SESSION) переменной и не может быть изменена с помощью SET GLOBALПеременная '%-.64s' является глобальной (GLOBAL) переменной, и ее следует изменять с помощью SET GLOBALПеременная '%-.64s' не имеет значения по умолчаниюПеременная '%-.64s' не может быть установлена в значение '%-.200s'Неверный тип аргумента для переменной '%-.64s'Переменная '%-.64s' может быть только установлена, но не считанаНеверное использование или в неверном месте указан '%s'Эта версия MySQL пока еще не поддерживает '%s'Получена неисправимая ошибка %d: '%-.320s' от головного сервера в процессе выборки данных из двоичного журналаSlave SQL thread ignored the query because of replicate-*-table rulesVariable '%-.192s' is a %s variableIncorrect foreign key definition for '%-.192s': %sKey reference and table reference don't matchОперанд должен содержать %d колонокПодзапрос возвращает более одной записиUnknown prepared statement handler (%.*s) given to %sHelp database is corrupt or does not existЦиклическая ссылка на подзапросПреобразование поля '%s' из %s в %sСсылка '%-.64s' не поддерживается (%s)Every derived table must have its own aliasSelect %u был упразднен в процессе оптимизацииTable '%-.192s' from one of the SELECTs cannot be used in %-.32sClient does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL clientAll parts of a SPATIAL index must be NOT NULLCOLLATION '%s' is not valid for CHARACTER SET '%s'Slave is already runningSlave already has been stoppedUncompressed data size too large; the maximum size is %d (probably, length of uncompressed data was corrupted)ZLIB: Not enough memoryZLIB: Not enough room in the output buffer (probably, length of uncompressed data was corrupted)ZLIB: Input data corruptedRow %u was cut by GROUP_CONCAT()Row %ld doesn't contain data for all columnsRow %ld was truncated; it contained more data than there were input columnsColumn set to default value; NULL supplied to NOT NULL column '%s' at row %ldOut of range value for column '%s' at row %ldData truncated for column '%s' at row %ldUsing storage engine %s for table '%s'Illegal mix of collations (%s,%s) and (%s,%s) for operation '%s'Cannot drop one or more of the requested usersCan't revoke all privileges for one or more of the requested usersIllegal mix of collations (%s,%s), (%s,%s), (%s,%s) for operation '%s'Illegal mix of collations for operation '%s'Variable '%-.64s' is not a variable component (can't be used as XXXX.variable_name)Unknown collation: '%-.64s'SSL parameters in CHANGE MASTER are ignored because this MySQL slave was compiled without SSL support; they can be used later if MySQL slave with SSL is startedСервер запущен в режиме --secure-auth (безопасной авторизации), но для пользователя '%s'@'%s' пароль сохранён в старом формате; необходимо обновить формат пароляПоле или ссылка '%-.192s%s%-.192s%s%-.192s' из SELECTа #%d была найдена в SELECTе #%dIncorrect parameter or combination of parameters for START SLAVE UNTILIt is recommended to use --skip-slave-start when doing step-by-step replication with START SLAVE UNTIL; otherwise, you will get problems if you get an unexpected slave's mysqld restartSQL thread is not to be started so UNTIL options are ignoredIncorrect index name '%-.100s'Incorrect catalog name '%-.100s'Кеш запросов не может установить размер %lu, новый размер кеша зпросов - %luColumn '%-.192s' cannot be part of FULLTEXT indexUnknown key cache '%-.100s'MySQL is started in --skip-name-resolve mode; you must restart it without this switch for this grant to workUnknown storage engine '%s''%s' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use %s insteadТаблица %-.100s в %s не может изменятсяThe '%s' feature is disabled; you need MySQL built with '%s' to have it workingThe MySQL server is running with the %s option so it cannot execute this statementColumn '%-.100s' has duplicated value '%-.64s' in %sTruncated incorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s'Incorrect table definition; there can be only one TIMESTAMP column with CURRENT_TIMESTAMP in DEFAULT or ON UPDATE clauseInvalid ON UPDATE clause for '%-.192s' columnThis command is not supported in the prepared statement protocol yetGot error %d '%-.100s' from %sGot temporary error %d '%-.100s' from %sUnknown or incorrect time zone: '%-.64s'Invalid TIMESTAMP value in column '%s' at row %ldInvalid %s character string: '%.64s'Result of %s() was larger than max_allowed_packet (%ld) - truncatedConflicting declarations: '%s%s' and '%s%s'Can't create a %s from within another stored routine%s %s already exists%s %s does not existFailed to DROP %s %sFailed to CREATE %s %s%s with no matching label: %sRedefining label %sEnd-label %s without matchReferring to uninitialized variable %sPROCEDURE %s can't return a result set in the given contextRETURN is only allowed in a FUNCTION%s is not allowed in stored proceduresThe update log is deprecated and replaced by the binary log; SET SQL_LOG_UPDATE has been ignored.The update log is deprecated and replaced by the binary log; SET SQL_LOG_UPDATE has been translated to SET SQL_LOG_BIN.Query execution was interruptedIncorrect number of arguments for %s %s; expected %u, got %uUndefined CONDITION: %sNo RETURN found in FUNCTION %sFUNCTION %s ended without RETURNCursor statement must be a SELECTCursor SELECT must not have INTOUndefined CURSOR: %sCursor is already openCursor is not openUndeclared variable: %sIncorrect number of FETCH variablesNo data - zero rows fetched, selected, or processedDuplicate parameter: %sDuplicate variable: %sDuplicate condition: %sDuplicate cursor: %sFailed to ALTER %s %sSubquery value not supported%s is not allowed in stored function or triggerVariable or condition declaration after cursor or handler declarationCursor declaration after handler declarationCase not found for CASE statementСлишком большой конфигурационный файл '%-.192s'Неверный заголовок типа файла '%-.192s'Неожиданный конец файла в коментарии '%-.200s'Ошибка при распознавании параметра '%-.192s' (строка: '%-.192s')Неожиданный конец файла при пропуске неизвестного параметра '%-.192s'EXPLAIN/SHOW не может быть выполненно; недостаточно прав на такблицы запросаФайл '%-.192s' содержит неизвестный тип '%-.64s' в заголовке'%-.192s.%-.192s' - не %sСтолбец '%-.192s' не обновляемыйView SELECT содержит подзапрос в конструкции FROMView SELECT содержит конструкцию '%s'View SELECT содержит переменную или параметрView SELECT содержит ссылку на временную таблицу '%-.192s'View SELECT и список полей view имеют разное количество столбцовАлгоритм слияния view не может быть использован сейчас (алгоритм будет неопеределенным)Обновляемый view не содержит ключа использованных(ой) в нем таблиц(ы)View '%-.192s.%-.192s' references invalid table(s) or column(s) or function(s) or definer/invoker of view lack rights to use themCan't drop or alter a %s from within another stored routineGOTO is not allowed in a stored procedure handlerTrigger already existsTrigger does not existTrigger's '%-.192s' is view or temporary tableUpdating of %s row is not allowed in %striggerThere is no %s row in %s triggerField '%-.192s' doesn't have a default valueDivision by 0Incorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s' for column '%.192s' at row %ldIllegal %s '%-.192s' value found during parsingCHECK OPTION для необновляемого VIEW '%-.192s.%-.192s'проверка CHECK OPTION для VIEW '%-.192s.%-.192s' провалилась%-.16s command denied to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' for routine '%-.192s'Failed purging old relay logs: %sPassword hash should be a %d-digit hexadecimal numberTarget log not found in binlog indexI/O error reading log index fileServer configuration does not permit binlog purgeFailed on fseek()Fatal error during log purgeA purgeable log is in use, will not purgeUnknown error during log purgeFailed initializing relay log position: %sYou are not using binary loggingThe '%-.64s' syntax is reserved for purposes internal to the MySQL serverWSAStartup FailedCan't handle procedures with different groups yetSelect must have a group with this procedureCan't use ORDER clause with this procedureBinary logging and replication forbid changing the global server %sCan't map file: %-.200s, errno: %dWrong magic in %-.64sPrepared statement contains too many placeholdersKey part '%-.192s' length cannot be 0Проверка контрольной суммы текста VIEW провалиласьНельзя изменить больше чем одну базовую таблицу используя многотабличный VIEW '%-.192s.%-.192s'Нельзя вставлять записи в многотабличный VIEW '%-.192s.%-.192s' без списка полейНельзя удалять из многотабличного VIEW '%-.192s.%-.192s'Operation %s failed for %.256sXAER_NOTA: Unknown XIDXAER_INVAL: Invalid arguments (or unsupported command)XAER_RMFAIL: эту команду нельзя выполнять когда глобальная транзакция находится в состоянии '%.64s'XAER_OUTSIDE: Some work is done outside global transactionXAER_RMERR: Fatal error occurred in the transaction branch - check your data for consistencyXA_RBROLLBACK: Transaction branch was rolled backThere is no such grant defined for user '%-.48s' on host '%-.64s' on routine '%-.192s'Failed to grant EXECUTE and ALTER ROUTINE privilegesFailed to revoke all privileges to dropped routineData too long for column '%s' at row %ldBad SQLSTATE: '%s'%s: ready for connections. Version: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d %sCan't load value from file with fixed size rows to variableYou are not allowed to create a user with GRANTIncorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s' for function %-.32sTable definition has changed, please retry transactionDuplicate handler declared in the same blockOUT or INOUT argument %d for routine %s is not a variable or NEW pseudo-variable in BEFORE triggerNot allowed to return a result set from a %sCannot get geometry object from data you send to the GEOMETRY fieldA routine failed and has neither NO SQL nor READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled; if non-transactional tables were updated, the binary log will miss their changesThis function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)You do not have the SUPER privilege and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)You can't execute a prepared statement which has an open cursor associated with it. Reset the statement to re-execute it.The statement (%lu) has no open cursor.Explicit or implicit commit is not allowed in stored function or trigger.Field of view '%-.192s.%-.192s' underlying table doesn't have a default valueRecursive stored functions and triggers are not allowed.Too big scale %d specified for column '%-.192s'. Maximum is %lu.Too-big precision %d specified for '%-.192s'. Maximum is %lu.For float(M,D), double(M,D) or decimal(M,D), M must be >= D (column '%-.192s').You can't combine write-locking of system tables with other tables or lock typesUnable to connect to foreign data source: %.64sThere was a problem processing the query on the foreign data source. Data source error: %-.64sThe foreign data source you are trying to reference does not exist. Data source error: %-.64sCan't create federated table. The data source connection string '%-.64s' is not in the correct formatThe data source connection string '%-.64s' is not in the correct formatCan't create federated table. Foreign data src error: %-.64sTrigger in wrong schemaThread stack overrun: %ld bytes used of a %ld byte stack, and %ld bytes needed. Use 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' to specify a bigger stack.Routine body for '%-.100s' is too longCannot drop default keycacheDisplay width out of range for column '%-.192s' (max = %lu)XAER_DUPID: The XID already existsDatetime function: %-.32s field overflowCan't update table '%-.192s' in stored function/trigger because it is already used by statement which invoked this stored function/trigger.The definition of table '%-.192s' prevents operation %.192s on table '%-.192s'.The prepared statement contains a stored routine call that refers to that same statement. It's not allowed to execute a prepared statement in such a recursive mannerNot allowed to set autocommit from a stored function or triggerDefiner is not fully qualifiedView '%-.192s'.'%-.192s' has no definer information (old table format). Current user is used as definer. Please recreate the view!You need the SUPER privilege for creation view with '%-.192s'@'%-.192s' definerThe user specified as a definer ('%-.64s'@'%-.64s') does not existChanging schema from '%-.192s' to '%-.192s' is not allowed.Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (%.192s)Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (%.192s)Variable '%-.64s' must be quoted with `...`, or renamedNo definer attribute for trigger '%-.192s'.'%-.192s'. The trigger will be activated under the authorization of the invoker, which may have insufficient privileges. Please recreate the trigger.'%-.192s' has an old format, you should re-create the '%s' object(s)Recursive limit %d (as set by the max_sp_recursion_depth variable) was exceeded for routine %.192sFailed to load routine %-.192s. The table mysql.proc is missing, corrupt, or contains bad data (internal code %d)Incorrect routine name '%-.192s'Table upgrade required. Please do "REPAIR TABLE `%-.64s`" or dump/reload to fix it!AGGREGATE is not supported for stored functionsCan't create more than max_prepared_stmt_count statements (current value: %lu)`%-.192s`.`%-.192s` contains view recursionNon-grouping field '%-.192s' is used in %-.64s clauseThe used table type doesn't support SPATIAL indexesTriggers can not be created on system tablesLeading spaces are removed from name '%s'Failed to read auto-increment value from storage engineuser namehost nameString '%-.70s' is too long for %s (should be no longer than %d)The target table %-.100s of the %s is not insertable-intoTable '%-.64s' is differently defined or of non-MyISAM type or doesn't existToo high level of nesting for selectName '%-.64s' has become ''First character of the FIELDS TERMINATED string is ambiguous; please use non-optional and non-empty FIELDS ENCLOSED BYThe foreign server, %s, you are trying to create already exists.The foreign server name you are trying to reference does not exist. Data source error: %-.64sTable storage engine '%-.64s' does not support the create option '%.64s'Syntax error: %-.64s PARTITIONING requires definition of VALUES %-.64s for each partitionOnly %-.64s PARTITIONING can use VALUES %-.64s in partition definitionMAXVALUE can only be used in last partition definitionSubpartitions can only be hash partitions and by keyMust define subpartitions on all partitions if on one partitionWrong number of partitions defined, mismatch with previous settingWrong number of subpartitions defined, mismatch with previous settingConstant, random or timezone-dependent expressions in (sub)partitioning function are not allowedExpression in RANGE/LIST VALUES must be constantField in list of fields for partition function not found in tableList of fields is only allowed in KEY partitionsThe partition info in the frm file is not consistent with what can be written into the frm fileThe %-.192s function returns the wrong typeFor %-.64s partitions each partition must be definedVALUES LESS THAN value must be strictly increasing for each partitionVALUES value must be of same type as partition functionMultiple definition of same constant in list partitioningPartitioning can not be used stand-alone in queryThe mix of handlers in the partitions is not allowed in this version of MySQLFor the partitioned engine it is necessary to define all %-.64sToo many partitions (including subpartitions) were definedIt is only possible to mix RANGE/LIST partitioning with HASH/KEY partitioning for subpartitioningFailed to create specific handler fileA BLOB field is not allowed in partition functionA %-.192s must include all columns in the table's partitioning functionNumber of %-.64s = 0 is not an allowed valuePartition management on a not partitioned table is not possibleForeign keys are not yet supported in conjunction with partitioningError in list of partitions to %-.64sCannot remove all partitions, use DROP TABLE insteadCOALESCE PARTITION can only be used on HASH/KEY partitionsREORGANIZE PARTITION can only be used to reorganize partitions not to change their numbersREORGANIZE PARTITION without parameters can only be used on auto-partitioned tables using HASH PARTITIONs%-.64s PARTITION can only be used on RANGE/LIST partitionsTrying to Add partition(s) with wrong number of subpartitionsAt least one partition must be addedAt least one partition must be coalescedMore partitions to reorganize than there are partitionsDuplicate partition name %-.192sIt is not allowed to shut off binlog on this commandWhen reorganizing a set of partitions they must be in consecutive orderReorganize of range partitions cannot change total ranges except for last partition where it can extend the rangePartition function not supported in this version for this handlerPartition state cannot be defined from CREATE/ALTER TABLEThe %-.64s handler only supports 32 bit integers in VALUESPlugin '%-.192s' is not loadedIncorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s'Table has no partition for value %-.64sIt is not allowed to specify %s more than onceFailed to create %sFailed to drop %sThe handler doesn't support autoextend of tablespacesA size parameter was incorrectly specified, either number or on the form 10MThe size number was correct but we don't allow the digit part to be more than 2 billionFailed to alter: %sWriting one row to the row-based binary log failedTable definition on master and slave does not match: %sSlave running with --log-slave-updates must use row-based binary logging to be able to replicate row-based binary log eventsEvent '%-.192s' already existsFailed to store event %s. Error code %d from storage engine.Unknown event '%-.192s'Failed to alter event '%-.192s'Failed to drop %sINTERVAL is either not positive or too bigENDS is either invalid or before STARTSEvent execution time is in the past. Event has been disabledFailed to open mysql.eventNo datetime expression providedColumn count of mysql.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. The table is probably corruptedCannot load from mysql.%s. The table is probably corruptedFailed to delete the event from mysql.eventError during compilation of event's bodySame old and new event nameData for column '%s' too longCannot drop index '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraintThe syntax '%s' is deprecated and will be removed in MySQL %s. Please use %s insteadYou can't write-lock a log table. Only read access is possibleYou can't use locks with log tables.Upholding foreign key constraints for table '%.192s', entry '%-.192s', key %d would lead to a duplicate entryColumn count of mysql.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. Created with MySQL %d, now running %d. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error.Cannot switch out of the row-based binary log format when the session has open temporary tablesCannot change the binary logging format inside a stored function or triggerThe NDB cluster engine does not support changing the binlog format on the fly yetCannot create temporary table with partitionsPartition constant is out of partition function domainThis partition function is not allowedError in DDL logNot allowed to use NULL value in VALUES LESS THANIncorrect partition nameTransaction characteristics can't be changed while a transaction is in progressALTER TABLE causes auto_increment resequencing, resulting in duplicate entry '%-.192s' for key '%-.192s'Internal scheduler error %dError during starting/stopping of the scheduler. Error code %uEngine cannot be used in partitioned tablesCannot activate '%-.64s' logThe server was not built with row-based replicationDecoding of base64 string failedRecursion of EVENT DDL statements is forbidden when body is presentCannot proceed because system tables used by Event Scheduler were found damaged at server startOnly integers allowed as number hereThis storage engine cannot be used for log tables"You cannot '%s' a log table if logging is enabledCannot rename '%s'. When logging enabled, rename to/from log table must rename two tables: the log table to an archive table and another table back to '%s'Incorrect parameter count in the call to native function '%-.192s'Incorrect parameters in the call to native function '%-.192s'Incorrect parameters in the call to stored function %-.192sThis function '%-.192s' has the same name as a native functionДублирующаяся запись '%-.64s' по ключу '%-.192s'Too many files opened, please execute the command againEvent execution time is in the past and ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE is set. The event was dropped immediately after creation.Event execution time is in the past and ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE is set. The event was not changed. Specify a time in the future.The incident %s occured on the master. Message: %sTable has no partition for some existing valuesUnsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. %sFatal error: %sRelay log read failure: %sRelay log write failure: %sFailed to create %sMaster command %s failed: %sBinary logging not possible. Message: %sView `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` has no creation contextCreation context of view `%-.64s`.`%-.64s' is invalidCreation context of stored routine `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCorrupted TRG file for table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s`Triggers for table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` have no creation contextTrigger creation context of table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCreation context of event `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCannot open table for trigger `%-.64s`.`%-.64s`Cannot create stored routine `%-.64s`. Check warningsAmbiguous slave modes combination. %sThe BINLOG statement of type `%s` was not preceded by a format description BINLOG statement.Corrupted replication event was detectedInvalid column reference (%-.64s) in LOAD DATABeing purged log %s was not foundXA_RBTIMEOUT: Transaction branch was rolled back: took too longXA_RBDEADLOCK: Transaction branch was rolled back: deadlock was detectedPrepared statement needs to be re-preparedDELAYED option not supported for table '%-.192s'The master info structure does not exist<%-.64s> option ignoredBuilt-in plugins cannot be deletedPlugin is busy and will be uninstalled on shutdown%s variable '%s' is read-only. Use SET %s to assign the valueStorage engine %s does not support rollback for this statement. Transaction rolled back and must be restartedUnexpected master's heartbeat data: %sThe requested value for the heartbeat period is either negative or exceeds the maximum allowed (%s seconds).Bad schema for mysql.ndb_replication table. Message: %-.64sError in parsing conflict function. Message: %-.64sWrite to exceptions table failed. Message: %-.128s"Comment for table '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Comment for field '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)FUNCTION %s does not exist. Check the 'Function Name Parsing and Resolution' section in the Reference ManualDatabaseTablePartitionSubpartitionTemporaryRenamedToo many active concurrent transactionsNon-ASCII separator arguments are not fully supporteddebug sync point wait timed outdebug sync point hit limit reachedDuplicate condition information item '%s'Unhandled user-defined warning conditionUnhandled user-defined not found conditionUnhandled user-defined exception conditionRESIGNAL when handler not activeSIGNAL/RESIGNAL can only use a CONDITION defined with SQLSTATEData truncated for condition item '%s'Data too long for condition item '%s'Unknown locale: '%-.64s'The requested server id %d clashes with the slave startup option --replicate-same-server-idQuery cache is disabled; restart the server with query_cache_type=1 to enable itDuplicate partition field name '%-.192s'Inconsistency in usage of column lists for partitioningPartition column values of incorrect typeToo many fields in '%-.192s'Cannot use MAXVALUE as value in VALUES INCannot have more than one value for this type of %-.64s partitioningRow expressions in VALUES IN only allowed for multi-field column partitioningField '%-.192s' is of a not allowed type for this type of partitioningThe total length of the partitioning fields is too largeCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since both row-incapable engines and statement-incapable engines are involved.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = ROW and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to statement-based logging.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. %sCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is in row format and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to statement-based logging.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to row-based logging.%sCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is in row format and BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since more than one engine is involved and at least one engine is self-logging.The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted.The statement is unsafe because it uses INSERT DELAYED. This is unsafe because the times when rows are inserted cannot be predicted.The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves.Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly.Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it accesses a non-transactional table after accessing a transactional table within the same transaction.%s Statement: %sColumn %d of table '%-.192s.%-.192s' cannot be converted from type '%-.32s' to type '%-.32s'Can't create conversion table for table '%-.192s.%-.192s'Cannot modify @@session.binlog_format inside a transactionThe path specified for %.64s is too long.'%s' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.Native table '%-.64s'.'%-.64s' has the wrong structureInvalid performance_schema usage.Table '%s'.'%s' was skipped since its definition is being modified by concurrent DDL statementCannot modify @@session.binlog_direct_non_transactional_updates inside a transactionCannot change the binlog direct flag inside a stored function or triggerA SPATIAL index may only contain a geometrical type columnComment for index '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Wait on a lock was aborted due to a pending exclusive lock%s value is out of range in '%s'A variable of a non-integer based type in LIMIT clauseMixing self-logging and non-self-logging engines in a statement is unsafe.Statement accesses nontransactional table as well as transactional or temporary table, and writes to any of them.Cannot modify @@session.sql_log_bin inside a transactionCannot change the sql_log_bin inside a stored function or triggerFailed to read from the .par fileVALUES value for partition '%-.64s' must have type INTДоступ закрыт для пользователя '%-.48s'@'%-.64s'SET PASSWORD has no significance for users authenticating via pluginsGRANT with IDENTIFIED WITH is illegal because the user %-.*s already existsCannot truncate a table referenced in a foreign key constraint (%.192s)Plugin '%s' is force_plus_permanent and can not be unloadedThe requested value for the heartbeat period is less than 1 millisecond. The value is reset to 0, meaning that heartbeating will effectively be disabled.The requested value for the heartbeat period exceeds the value of `slave_net_timeout' seconds. A sensible value for the period should be less than the timeout.Multi-row statements required more than 'max_binlog_stmt_cache_size' bytes of storage; increase this mysqld variable and try againPrimary key/partition key update is not allowed since the table is updated both as '%-.192s' and '%-.192s'.Table rebuild required. Please do "ALTER TABLE `%-.64s` FORCE" or dump/reload to fix it!The value of '%s' should be no less than the value of '%s'Index column size too large. The maximum column size is %lu bytes.Trigger '%-.64s' has an error in its body: '%-.256s'Unknown trigger has an error in its body: '%-.256s'Index %s is corruptedUndo log record is too big.INSERT IGNORE... SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.INSERT... SELECT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are updated. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.REPLACE... SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are replaced. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE... IGNORE SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE... REPLACE SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are replaced. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.UPDATE IGNORE is unsafe because the order in which rows are updated determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.Plugin '%s' is marked as not dynamically uninstallable. You have to stop the server to uninstall it.Plugin '%s' is marked as not dynamically installable. You have to stop the server to install it.Statements writing to a table with an auto-increment column after selecting from another table are unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved determines what (if any) rows will be written. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE TABLE... SELECT... on a table with an auto-increment column is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are inserted. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.INSERT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE on a table with more than one UNIQUE KEY is unsafeTable is being used in foreign key check.Storage engine '%s' does not support system tables. [%s.%s]INSERT into autoincrement field which is not the first part in the composed primary key is unsafe.Cannot load from %s.%s. The table is probably corruptedThe requested value %s for the master delay exceeds the maximum %uOnly Format_description_log_event and row events are allowed in BINLOG statements (but %s was provided)Non matching attribute '%-.64s' between partition and tableTable to exchange with partition is partitioned: '%-.64s'Table to exchange with partition is temporary: '%-.64s'Subpartitioned table, use subpartition instead of partitionUnknown partition '%-.64s' in table '%-.64s'Tables have different definitionsFound a row that does not match the partitionOption binlog_cache_size (%lu) is greater than max_binlog_cache_size (%lu); setting binlog_cache_size equal to max_binlog_cache_size.Cannot use %-.64s access on index '%-.64s' due to type or collation conversion on field '%-.64s'Table to exchange with partition has foreign key references: '%-.64s'Key value '%-.192s' was not found in table '%-.192s.%-.192s'Data for column '%s' too longReplication event checksum verification failed while reading from network.Replication event checksum verification failed while reading from a log file.Option binlog_stmt_cache_size (%lu) is greater than max_binlog_stmt_cache_size (%lu); setting binlog_stmt_cache_size equal to max_binlog_stmt_cache_size.Can't update table '%-.192s' while '%-.192s' is being created.PARTITION () clause on non partitioned tableFound a row not matching the given partition setpartition '%-.64s' doesn't existFailure while changing the type of replication repository: %s.The creation of some temporary tables could not be rolled back.Some temporary tables were dropped, but these operations could not be rolled back.%s is not supported in multi-threaded slave mode. %sThe number of modified databases exceeds the maximum %d; the database names will not be included in the replication event metadata.Cannot execute the current event group in the parallel mode. Encountered event %s, relay-log name %s, position %s which prevents execution of this event group in parallel mode. Reason: %s.%sFULLTEXT index is not supported for partitioned tables.Invalid condition numberSending passwords in plain text without SSL/TLS is extremely insecure.Storing MySQL user name or password information in the master info repository is not secure and is therefore not recommended. Please consider using the USER and PASSWORD connection options for START SLAVE; see the 'START SLAVE Syntax' in the MySQL Manual for more information.Foreign key constraint for table '%.192s', record '%-.192s' would lead to a duplicate entry in table '%.192s', key '%.192s'Foreign key constraint for table '%.192s', record '%-.192s' would lead to a duplicate entry in a child tableSetting authentication options is not possible when only the Slave SQL Thread is being started.The table does not have FULLTEXT index to support this queryThe system variable %.200s cannot be set in stored functions or triggers.The system variable %.200s cannot be set when there is an ongoing transaction.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT has the value %.200s, which is not listed in @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot change inside a transaction.The statement 'SET %.200s' cannot invoke a stored function.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be 'AUTOMATIC' when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST is non-NULL.Skipping transaction %.200s because it has already been executed and logged.Malformed GTID set specification '%.200s'.Malformed GTID set encoding.Malformed GTID specification '%.200s'.Impossible to generate Global Transaction Identifier: the integer component reached the maximal value. Restart the server with a new server_uuid.Parameters MASTER_LOG_FILE, MASTER_LOG_POS, RELAY_LOG_FILE and RELAY_LOG_POS cannot be set when MASTER_AUTO_POSITION is active.CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1 cannot be executed because @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot execute statements with implicit commit inside a transaction when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT == 'UUID:NUMBER'.GTID_MODE = ON requires ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY = ON.@@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON or ON_PERMISSIVE or OFF_PERMISSIVE requires --log-bin and --log-slave-updates.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be set to UUID:NUMBER when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be set to ANONYMOUS when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST cannot be set to a non-NULL value when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Found a Gtid_log_event when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Statement violates GTID consistency: Updates to non-transactional tables can only be done in either autocommitted statements or single-statement transactions, and never in the same statement as updates to transactional tables.Statement violates GTID consistency: CREATE TABLE ... SELECT.Statement violates GTID consistency: Under statement binary log mode CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE and DROP TEMPORARY TABLE can only be executed outside transactional context. These statements are also not allowed in a function or trigger because functions and triggers are also considered to be multi-statement transactions.The value of @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE can only be changed one step at a time: OFF <-> OFF_PERMISSIVE <-> ON_PERMISSIVE <-> ON. Also note that this value must be stepped up or down simultaneously on all servers. See the Manual for instructions.The slave is connecting using CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1, but the master has purged binary logs containing GTIDs that the slave requires.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be changed by a client that owns a GTID. The client owns %s. Ownership is released on COMMIT or ROLLBACK.Неизвестное имя формата команды EXPLAIN: '%s'Cannot execute statement in a READ ONLY transaction.Comment for table partition '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Slave is not configured or failed to initialize properly. You must at least set --server-id to enable either a master or a slave. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.InnoDB presently supports one FULLTEXT index creation at a timeCannot create FULLTEXT index on temporary InnoDB tableColumn '%-.192s' is of wrong type for an InnoDB FULLTEXT indexIndex '%-.192s' is of wrong type for an InnoDB FULLTEXT indexCreating index '%-.192s' required more than 'innodb_online_alter_log_max_size' bytes of modification log. Please try again.Unknown ALGORITHM '%s'Unknown LOCK type '%s'CHANGE MASTER cannot be executed when the slave was stopped with an error or killed in MTS mode. Consider using RESET SLAVE or START SLAVE UNTIL.Cannot recover after SLAVE errored out in parallel execution mode. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.Cannot clean up worker info tables. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.Column count of %s.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. The table is probably corruptedSlave must silently retry current transactionThere is a foreign key check running on table '%-.192s'. Cannot discard the table.Schema mismatch (%s)Table '%-.192s' in system tablespaceIO Read error: (%lu, %s) %sIO Write error: (%lu, %s) %sTablespace is missing for table %s.Tablespace '%-.192s' exists.Tablespace has been discarded for table '%-.192s'Internal error: %sALTER TABLE %-.192s IMPORT TABLESPACE failed with error %lu : '%s'Index corrupt: %sПоддерживаются только типы колонок YEAR или YEAR(4).Your password does not satisfy the current policy requirementsYou must reset your password using ALTER USER statement before executing this statement.Failed to add the foreign key constaint. Missing index for constraint '%s' in the foreign table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constaint. Missing index for constraint '%s' in the referenced table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constraint '%s' to system tablesFailed to open the referenced table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constraint on table '%s'. Incorrect options in FOREIGN KEY constraint '%s'Duplicate foreign key constraint name '%s'The password hash doesn't have the expected format. Check if the correct password algorithm is being used with the PASSWORD() function.Cannot drop column '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s'Cannot drop column '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Column '%-.192s' cannot be NOT NULL: needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' SET NULLDuplicate index '%-.64s' defined on the table '%-.64s.%-.64s'. This is deprecated and will be disallowed in a future release.Cannot change column '%-.192s': used in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s'Cannot change column '%-.192s': used in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Cannot delete rows from table which is parent in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Malformed communication packet.Running in read-only modeWhen @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT is set to a GTID, you must explicitly set it to a different value after a COMMIT or ROLLBACK. Please check GTID_NEXT variable manual page for detailed explanation. Current @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT is '%s'.The system variable %.200s cannot be set in stored procedures.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when @@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED is empty.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when there are no ongoing transactions (not even in other clients).@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED was changed from '%s' to '%s'.@@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED was changed from '%s' to '%s'.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT, and both replicated and non replicated tables are written to.%s is not supported for this operation. Try %s.%s is not supported. Reason: %s. Try %s.COPY algorithm requires a lockPartition specific operations do not yet support LOCK/ALGORITHMColumns participating in a foreign key are renamedCannot change column type INPLACEAdding foreign keys needs foreign_key_checks=OFFCreating unique indexes with IGNORE requires COPY algorithm to remove duplicate rowsDropping a primary key is not allowed without also adding a new primary keyAdding an auto-increment column requires a lockCannot replace hidden FTS_DOC_ID with a user-visible oneCannot drop or rename FTS_DOC_IDFulltext index creation requires a locksql_slave_skip_counter can not be set when the server is running with @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON. Instead, for each transaction that you want to skip, generate an empty transaction with the same GTID as the transactionДублирующаяся запись по ключу '%-.192s'Long database name and identifier for object resulted in path length exceeding %d characters. Path: '%s'.cannot silently convert NULL values, as required in this SQL_MODEYour password has expired. To log in you must change it using a client that supports expired passwords.Found a row in wrong partition %sCannot schedule event %s, relay-log name %s, position %s to Worker thread because its size %lu exceeds %lu of slave_pending_jobs_size_max.Cannot CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX WITH PARSER on InnoDB tableThe binary log file '%s' is logically corrupted: %sfile %s was not purged because it was being read by %d thread(s), purged only %d out of %d files.file %s was not purged because it is the active log file.Auto-increment value in UPDATE conflicts with internally generated valuesRow events are not logged for %s statements that modify BLACKHOLE tables in row format. Table(s): '%-.192s'Slave failed to initialize master info structure from the repositorySlave failed to initialize relay log info structure from the repositoryAccess denied trying to change to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' (using password: %s). Disconnecting.InnoDB is in read only mode.STOP SLAVE command execution is incomplete: Slave SQL thread got the stop signal, thread is busy, SQL thread will stop once the current task is complete.STOP SLAVE command execution is incomplete: Slave IO thread got the stop signal, thread is busy, IO thread will stop once the current task is complete.Operation cannot be performed. The table '%-.64s.%-.64s' is missing, corrupt or contains bad data.Temporary file write failure.Upgrade index name failed, please use create index(alter table) algorithm copy to rebuild index.TIME/TIMESTAMP/DATETIME columns of old format have been upgraded to the new format.Operation not allowed when innodb_forced_recovery > 0.The initialization vector supplied to %s is too short. Must be at least %d bytes longPlugin '%s' cannot be uninstalled now. %sCannot execute statement because it needs to be written to the binary log as multiple statements, and this is not allowed when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT == 'UUID:NUMBER'.Slave has more GTIDs than the master has, using the master's SERVER_UUID. This may indicate that the end of the binary log was truncated or that the last binary log file was lost, e.g., after a power or disk failure when sync_binlog != 1. The master may or may not have rolled back transactions that were already replicated to the slave. Suggest to replicate any transactions that master has rolled back from slave to master, and/or commit empty transactions on master to account for transactions that have been committed on master but are not included in GTID_EXECUTED.The table '%s.%s' does not have the necessary key(s) defined on it. Please check the table definition and create index(s) accordingly.File %s is corruptedQuery partially completed on the master (error on master: %d) and was aborted. There is a chance that your master is inconsistent at this point. If you are sure that your master is ok, run this query manually on the slave and then restart the slave with SET GLOBAL SQL_SLAVE_SKIP_COUNTER=1; START SLAVE;. Query:'%s'Query caused different errors on master and slave. Error on master: message (format)='%s' error code=%d; Error on slave:actual message='%s', error code=%d. Default database:'%s'. Query:'%s'Storage engine for table '%s'.'%s' is not loaded.GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS when handler not active%s is no longer supported. The statement was converted to %s.Statement is unsafe because it uses a fulltext parser plugin which may not return the same value on the slave.Cannot DISCARD/IMPORT tablespace associated with temporary tableForeign key cascade delete/update exceeds max depth of %d.Column count of %s.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. Created with MySQL %d, now running %d. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error.Trigger %s.%s.%s does not have CREATED attribute.Referenced trigger '%s' for the given action time and event type does not exist.EXPLAIN FOR CONNECTION command is supported only for SELECT/UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE/REPLACEInvalid size for column '%-.192s'.Table storage engine '%-.64s' found required create option missingOut of memory in storage engine '%-.64s'.The password for anonymous user cannot be expired.This operation cannot be performed with a running slave sql thread; run STOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD firstCannot create FULLTEXT index on materialized subqueryUndo Log error: %sInvalid argument for logarithmThis operation cannot be performed with a running slave io thread; run STOP SLAVE IO_THREAD FOR CHANNEL '%s' first.This operation may not be safe when the slave has temporary tables. The tables will be kept open until the server restarts or until the tables are deleted by any replicated DROP statement. Suggest to wait until slave_open_temp_tables = 0.CHANGE MASTER TO with a MASTER_LOG_FILE clause but no MASTER_LOG_POS clause may not be safe. The old position value may not be valid for the new binary log file.Query execution was interrupted, maximum statement execution time exceededSelect is not a read only statement, disabling timerDuplicate entry '%-.192s'.'%s' mode no longer has any effect. Use STRICT_ALL_TABLES or STRICT_TRANS_TABLES instead.Expression #%u of ORDER BY contains aggregate function and applies to a UNIONExpression #%u of ORDER BY contains aggregate function and applies to the result of a non-aggregated querySlave worker has stopped after at least one previous worker encountered an error when slave-preserve-commit-order was enabled. To preserve commit order, the last transaction executed by this thread has not been committed. When restarting the slave after fixing any failed threads, you should fix this worker as well.slave_preserve_commit_order is not supported %s.The server is currently in offline modeBinary geometry function %s given two geometries of different srids: %u and %u, which should have been identical.Calling geometry function %s with unsupported types of arguments.Unknown GIS error occured in function %s.Unknown exception caught in GIS function %s.Invalid GIS data provided to function %s.The geometry has no data in function %s.Unable to calculate centroid because geometry is empty in function %s.Geometry overlay calculation error: geometry data is invalid in function %s.Geometry turn info calculation error: geometry data is invalid in function %s.Analysis procedures of intersection points interrupted unexpectedly in function %s.Unknown exception thrown in function %s.Memory allocation error: %-.256s in function %s.Domain error: %-.256s in function %s.Length error: %-.256s in function %s.Invalid argument error: %-.256s in function %s.Out of range error: %-.256s in function %s.Overflow error error: %-.256s in function %s.Range error: %-.256s in function %s.Underflow error: %-.256s in function %s.Logic error: %-.256s in function %s.Runtime error: %-.256s in function %s.Unknown exception: %-.384s in function %s.Geometry byte string must be little endian.The password provided for the replication user exceeds the maximum length of 32 charactersIncorrect user-level lock name '%-.192s'.Deadlock found when trying to get user-level lock; try rolling back transaction/releasing locks and restarting lock acquisition.REPLACE cannot be executed as it requires deleting rows that are not in the viewDo not support online operation on table with GIS indexUser variable name '%-.100s' is illegalCannot %s when GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot %s from a replication slave thread.Incorrect type for argument %s in function %s.Expression #%u of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, references column '%-.192s' which is not in SELECT list; this is incompatible with %sExpression #%u of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, contains aggregate function; this is incompatible with %sSupplied filter list contains a value which is not in the required format 'db_pattern.table_pattern'OK packet too largeInvalid JSON data provided to function %s: %sInvalid GeoJSON data provided to function %s: Missing required member '%s'Invalid GeoJSON data provided to function %s: Member '%s' must be of type '%s'Invalid GeoJSON data provided to function %sUnsupported number of coordinate dimensions in function %s: Found %u, expected %uSlave channel '%s' does not exist.A slave channel '%s' already exists for the given host and port combination.Couldn't create channel: Channel name is either invalid or too long.To have multiple channels, repository cannot be of type FILE; Please check the repository configuration and convert them to TABLE.Cannot delete slave info objects for channel '%s'.Multiple channels exist on the slave. Please provide channel name as an argument.Maximum number of replication channels allowed exceeded.This operation cannot be performed with running replication threads; run STOP SLAVE FOR CHANNEL '%s' firstThis operation requires running replication threads; configure slave and run START SLAVE FOR CHANNEL '%s'Replication thread(s) for channel '%s' are already runnning.Replication thread(s) for channel '%s' are already stopped.This operation cannot be performed with a running slave sql thread; run STOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD FOR CHANNEL '%s' first.When sql_slave_skip_counter > 0, it is not allowed to start more than one SQL thread by using 'START SLAVE [SQL_THREAD]'. Value of sql_slave_skip_counter can only be used by one SQL thread at a time. Please use 'START SLAVE [SQL_THREAD] FOR CHANNEL' to start the SQL thread which will use the value of sql_slave_skip_counter.Expression #%u of %s is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column '%-.192s' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_byIn aggregated query without GROUP BY, expression #%u of %s contains nonaggregated column '%-.192s'; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_byUpdating '%s' is deprecated. It will be made read-only in a future release.Changing sql mode '%s' is deprecated. It will be removed in a future release.DROP DATABASE failed; some tables may have been dropped but the database directory remains. The GTID has not been added to GTID_EXECUTED and the statement was not written to the binary log. Fix this as follows: (1) remove all files from the database directory %-.192s; (2) SET GTID_NEXT='%-.192s'; (3) DROP DATABASE `%-.192s`.The server is not configured properly to be an active member of the group. Please see more details on error log.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed since the group is already running.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as the applier module failed to start.The STOP GROUP_REPLICATION command execution is incomplete: The applier thread got the stop signal while it was busy. The applier thread will stop once the current task is complete.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as there was an error when initializing the group communication layer.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as there was an error when joining the communication group.The table does not comply with the requirements by an external plugin.Cannot change the value of variable %s without binary log format as ROW.Error on observer while running replication hook '%s'.Plugin instructed the server to rollback the current transaction.Expression of generated column '%s' contains a disallowed function.INPLACE ADD or DROP of virtual columns cannot be combined with other ALTER TABLE actionsCannot define foreign key with %s clause on a generated column.The value specified for generated column '%s' in table '%s' is not allowed.'%s' is not supported for generated columns.Generated column can refer only to generated columns defined prior to it.Column '%s' has a generated column dependency.Generated column '%s' cannot refer to auto-increment column.The '%-.64s' feature is not available; you need to remove '%-.64s' or use MySQL built with '%-.64s'SET @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = %-.64s is not allowed because %-.384s.The replication receiver thread%-.192s cannot start in AUTO_POSITION mode: this server uses @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot replicate anonymous transaction when AUTO_POSITION = 1, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot replicate anonymous transaction when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot replicate GTID-transaction when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot set ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY = ON because there are ongoing transactions that violate GTID consistency.There are ongoing transactions that violate GTID consistency.Access denied for user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s'. Account is locked.Incorrect tablespace name `%-.192s`Tablespace `%-.192s` is not empty.Incorrect File Name '%s'.Inconsistent intersection points.Optimizer hint syntax errorUnsupported MAX_EXECUTION_TIMEMAX_EXECUTION_TIME hint is supported by top-level standalone SELECT statements onlyHint %s is ignored as conflicting/duplicatedQuery block name %s is not found for %s hintUnresolved name %s for %s hintPlease do not modify the %s table. This is a mysql internal system table to store GTIDs for committed transactions. Modifying it can lead to an inconsistent GTID state.Command not supported by pluggable protocolsIncorrect locking service lock name '%-.192s'.Deadlock found when trying to get locking service lock; try releasing locks and restarting lock acquisition.Service lock wait timeout exceeded.Parameter %s exceeds the maximum number of points in a geometry (%lu) in function %s.'NO_ZERO_DATE', 'NO_ZERO_IN_DATE' and 'ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO' sql modes should be used with strict mode. They will be merged with strict mode in a future release.Version token mismatch for %.*s. Correct value %.*sVersion token %.*s not found.Variable %-.192s cannot be changed by a client that owns a GTID. The client owns %s. Ownership is released on COMMIT or ROLLBACK.%-.192s cannot be performed on channel '%-.192s'.Invalid JSON text: "%s" at position %u in value for column '%-.200s'.Invalid JSON text in argument %u to function %s: "%s" at position %u.%-.0sThe JSON binary value contains invalid data.Invalid JSON path expression. The error is around character position %u.%-.200sCannot create a JSON value from a string with CHARACTER SET '%s'.Invalid JSON character data provided to function %s: '%s'; utf8 is required.Invalid data type for JSON data in argument %u to function %s; a JSON string or JSON type is required.Cannot CAST value to JSON.A path expression must be encoded in the utf8 character set. The path expression '%-.200s' is encoded in character set '%-.200s'.In this situation, path expressions may not contain the * and ** tokens.The JSON value is too big to be stored in a JSON column.The JSON object contains a key name that is too long.JSON column '%-.192s' cannot be used in key specification.The path expression '$' is not allowed in this context.The oneOrAll argument to %s may take these values: 'one' or 'all'.Out of range JSON value for CAST to %s%-.0s from column %s at row %ldInvalid JSON value for CAST to %s%-.0s from column %s at row %ldThe JSON document exceeds the maximum depth.JSON documents may not contain NULL member names.Connections using insecure transport are prohibited while --require_secure_transport=ON.No secure transports (SSL or Shared Memory) are configured, unable to set --require_secure_transport=ON.Storage engine %s is disabled (Table creation is disallowed).User %s does not exist.User %s already exists.Aborted by Audit API ('%-.48s';%d).A path expression is not a path to a cell in an array.Another buffer pool resize is already in progress.The '%s' feature is disabled; see the documentation for '%s'Server isn't availableSession was killedMemory capacity of %llu bytes for '%s' exceeded. %sRange optimization was not done for this query.Partitioning upgrade required. Please dump/reload to fix it or do: ALTER TABLE `%-.192s`.`%-.192s` UPGRADE PARTITIONINGThe client holds ownership of the GTID %s. Therefore, WAIT_FOR_EXECUTED_GTID_SET cannot wait for this GTID.Cannot add foreign key on the base column of indexed virtual column.Cannot create index on virtual column whose base column has foreign constraint.Please do not modify the %s table with an XA transaction. This is an internal system table used to store GTIDs for committed transactions. Although modifying it can lead to an inconsistent GTID state, if neccessary you can modify it with a non-XA transaction.Lock acquisition refused by storage engine.ADD COLUMN col...VIRTUAL, ADD INDEX(col)Master key rotation is not supported by storage engine.Encryption key rotation error reported by SE: %sWrite to binlog failed. However, master key rotation has been completed successfully.Storage engine is not available.This tablespace can't be encrypted.Invalid encryption option.Can't find master key from keyring, please check in the server log if a keyring plugin is loaded and initialized successfully.Parser bailed out for this query.Cannot alter encryption attribute by inplace algorithm.Function '%s' failed because underlying keyring service returned an error. Please check if a keyring plugin is installed and that provided arguments are valid for the keyring you are using.It seems that your db schema is old. The %s column is 77 characters long and should be 93 characters long. Please run mysql_upgrade.RESET MASTER is not allowed because %-.384s.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed since the group already has 9 members.Cannot add foreign key on the base column of stored column. Cannot complete the operation because table is referenced by another connection.The partition engine, used by table '%-.192s.%-.192s', is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use native partitioning instead.%.192s(geometry) is deprecated and will be replaced by st_srid(geometry, 0) in a future version. Use %.192s(st_aswkb(geometry), 0) instead.%.192s(geometry, srid) is deprecated and will be replaced by st_srid(geometry, srid) in a future version. Use %.192s(st_aswkb(geometry), srid) instead.The resource manager is not able to commit the transaction branch at this time. Please retry later.Function %s failed due to: %s.Statement is unsafe because it is being used inside a XA transaction. Concurrent XA transactions may deadlock on slaves when replicated using statements.%s UDF failed; %sCan not perform keyring migration : %sAccess denied; you need %-.128s privileges for this operationKeyring migration %s.Failed to open the %s filter tables.Failed to open '%s.%s' %s table.No keyring plugin installed.Audit log encryption password has not been set; it will be generated automatically. Use audit_log_encryption_password_get to obtain the password or audit_log_encryption_password_set to set a new one.Could not create AES key. OpenSSL's EVP_BytesToKey function failed.Audit log encryption password cannot be fetched from the keyring. Password used so far is used for encryption.Audit Log filtering has not been installed.Request ignored for '%s'@'%s'. SUPER_ACL needed to perform operationSUPER privilege required for '%s'@'%s' user.Could not reinitialize audit log filters.Invalid argument typeInvalid argument countaudit_log plugin has not been installed using INSTALL PLUGIN syntax.Invalid "max_array_length" argument type.Invalid "max_array_length" argument value.%sFilter name cannot be empty.User cannot be empty.Specified filter has not been found.First character of the user name must be alphanumeric.Invalid character in the user name.Invalid character in the host name.With the MAXDB SQL mode enabled, TIMESTAMP is identical with DATETIME. The MAXDB SQL mode is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please disable the MAXDB SQL mode and use DATETIME instead.The use of replication filters with XA transactions is not supported, and can lead to an undefined state in the replication slave.Compressed column '%-.192s' is not allowed in the key listCan not define column '%-.192s' in compressed formatCompression dictionary '%-.192s' already existsCompression dictionary '%-.192s' does not existCompression dictionary name '%-.192s' is too long (max length = %lu)Data for compression dictionary '%-.192s' is too long (max length = %lu)Compression dictionary '%-.192s' is in useЗапрос не может быть выполнен из-за конфликтующей блокировки резервного копированияKeys are out order during bulk loadBulk load rows overlap existing rowsCan't execute updates on master with binlog_format != ROW.MyRocks supports only READ COMMITTED and REPEATABLE READ isolation levels. Please change from current isolation level %sWhen unique checking is disabled in MyRocks, INSERT,UPDATE,LOAD statements with clauses that update or replace the key (i.e. INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, REPLACE) are not allowed. Query: %sCan't execute updates when you started a transaction with START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT [ROCKSDB] SNAPSHOT.This transaction was rolled back and cannot be committed. Only supported operation is to roll it back, so all pending changes will be discarded. Please restart another transaction.MyRocks currently does not support ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT if modifying rows.Only REPEATABLE READ isolation level is supported for START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT SNAPSHOT in RocksDB Storage Engine.Unsupported collation on string indexed column %s.%s Use binary collation (%s).Table '%s' does not exist, but metadata information exists inside MyRocks. This is a sign of data inconsistency. Please check if '%s.frm' exists, and try to restore it if it does not exist.MyRocks failed creating new key definitions during alter.MyRocks failed populating secondary key during alter.Column family ('%s') flag (%d) is different from an existing flag (%d). Assign a new CF flag, or do not change existing CF flag.TTL support is currently disabled when table has a hidden PK.TTL column (%s) in MyRocks must be an unsigned non-null 64-bit integer, exist inside the table, and have an accompanying ttl duration.TTL duration (%s) in MyRocks must be an unsigned non-null 64-bit integer.The per-index column family option has been deprecated.romanian/errmsg.sys000075500000241025147633135430010427 0ustar00!0u Kx2w0iKO5hIp =Ka ?  - L w  P  . ] { =lDYpX "5qI2_ /K q&9^/P| 6V t+z.qj !}!!"A""# #d###$A$_$$$%c%%%)&e&&& '^'''g(()M)))'*8*e*****+f++++,7,S,,,-B---N...;///!0P0001F1111$2g2222D3h33334T4444Q5556L6y6666B7777 818R888889I9s99:G:z:::!;9;;;;<O<<<<=]===>C>>>T??2@y@2AoAAAA!B=BBBCLCCC$DPDDDV]VtVVWAWWW'X\XXXXYLY|YYYZyZZZ[m\]z]]]:^s^^^B___"```/amaab7bTbbbbhcc^ddd@eeef]fffggHhhh/i_iiijDjqjjjjj(kbkkkkgllmPmmm(n]nnn&oooo+pppp2qjqqq$rdrrs(sZssstStytttDuuu'vLvuvvvwKwww9xtxxxx y y2yhyy z!zTzz {({e{}{{{{|?|Z|z||};}d}}}}3~r~~>-_xȁ1MՂ *n΃&X7u"Z׆[$4Okň*j׉M}ي6_9d֌,j؍l܎Cv Cy:eő+ؒ9c=HHmv=cV˝1h>Ÿ0QӠE~O)e""eΦѧS&ݫB/kίI'_ȱE9Ӵ?p̵ _շط)pnκ U_Q|RҾ1׿>5kNS/l-m!]B/TpVh&2[w {D )C%d[`Km?o\( r]z-o>yQAq_$V#f']p/BJ 6}mCo7bEeN&:h/6>wL;U;A q8zWI*b  1 o     / K j    7   <   #b!nr*e&gQO3x!Y%@\i#   @!R!y!!!!"0""<###$I$s$$$$%:%=%Z%p%%%%&&d'''(4(y(((0)T)y))-**^+,_,,+--#.Y..///hashchkisamchkNUDANu pot sa creez fisierul '%-.200s' (Eroare: %d - %s)Nu pot sa creez tabla '%-.200s' (Eroare: %d)Nu pot sa creez baza de date '%-.192s' (Eroare: %d)Nu pot sa creez baza de date '%-.192s'; baza de date exista dejaNu pot sa drop baza de date '%-.192s'; baza da date este inexistentaEroare dropuind baza de date (nu pot sa sterg '%-.192s', Eroare: %d)Eroare dropuind baza de date (nu pot sa rmdir '%-.192s', Eroare: %d)Eroare incercind sa delete '%-.192s' (Eroare: %d - %s)Nu pot sa citesc cimpurile in tabla de system (system table)Nu pot sa obtin statusul lui '%-.200s' (Eroare: %d - %s)Nu pot sa obtin directorul current (working directory) (Eroare: %d - %s)Nu pot sa lock fisierul (Eroare: %d - %s)Nu pot sa deschid fisierul: '%-.200s' (Eroare: %d - %s)Nu pot sa gasesc fisierul: '%-.200s' (Eroare: %d - %s)Nu pot sa citesc directorul '%-.192s' (Eroare: %d - %s)Nu pot sa schimb directorul '%-.192s' (Eroare: %d - %s)Cimpul a fost schimbat de la ultima citire a tabelei '%-.192s'Hard-disk-ul este plin (%s). Astept sa se elibereze ceva spatiu... (Eroare: %d - %s)Nu pot sa scriu (can't write), cheie duplicata in tabela '%-.192s'Eroare inchizind '%-.192s' (errno: %d - %s)Eroare citind fisierul '%-.200s' (errno: %d - %s)Eroare incercind sa renumesc '%-.210s' in '%-.210s' (errno: %d - %s)Eroare scriind fisierul '%-.200s' (errno: %d - %s)'%-.192s' este blocat pentry schimbari (loccked against change)Sortare intreruptaView '%-.192s' nu exista pentru '%-.192s'Eroarea %d obtinuta din handlerul tabeleiHandlerul tabelei pentru '%-.192s' nu are aceasta optiuneNu pot sa gasesc recordul in '%-.192s'Informatie incorecta in fisierul: '%-.200s'Cheia fisierului incorecta pentru tabela: '%-.200s'; incearca s-o repariCheia fisierului e veche pentru tabela '%-.192s'; repar-o!Tabela '%-.192s' e read-onlyOut of memory. Porneste daemon-ul din nou si incearca inca o data (e nevoie de %d bytes)Out of memory pentru sortare. Largeste marimea buffer-ului pentru sortare in daemon (sort buffer size)Sfirsit de fisier neasteptat in citirea fisierului '%-.192s' (errno: %d - %s)Prea multe conectiuniOut of memory; Verifica daca mysqld sau vreun alt proces foloseste toate memoria disponbila. Altfel, trebuie sa folosesi 'ulimit' ca sa permiti lui memoria disponbila. Altfel, trebuie sa folosesi 'ulimit' ca sa permiti lui mysqld sa foloseasca mai multa memorie ori adauga mai mult spatiu pentru swap (swap space)Nu pot sa obtin hostname-ul adresei taleProst inceput de conectie (bad handshake)Acces interzis pentru utilizatorul: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' la baza de date '%-.192s'Acces interzis pentru utilizatorul: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' (Folosind parola: %s)Nici o baza de data nu a fost selectata incaComanda invalidaColoana '%-.192s' nu poate sa fie nullBaza de data invalida '%-.192s'Tabela '%-.192s' exista dejaTabela '%-.100s' este invalidaColoana: '%-.192s' in %-.192s este ambiguaTerminarea serverului este in desfasurareColoana invalida '%-.192s' in '%-.192s''%-.192s' nu exista in clauza GROUP BYNu pot sa grupez pe (group on) '%-.192s'Comanda are functii suma si coloane in aceeasi comandaNumarul de coloane nu este acelasi cu numarul valoareiNumele indentificatorului '%-.100s' este prea lungNumele coloanei '%-.192s' e duplicatNumele cheiei '%-.192s' e duplicatCimpul '%-.192s' e duplicat pentru cheia %dSpecificandul coloanei '%-.192s' este incorect%s linga '%-.80s' pe linia %dQuery-ul a fost golTabela/alias: '%-.192s' nu este unicValoarea de default este invalida pentru '%-.192s'Chei primare definite de mai multe oriPrea multe chei. Numarul de chei maxim este %dPrea multe chei. Numarul de chei maxim este %dCheia specificata este prea lunga. Marimea maxima a unei chei este de %dColoana cheie '%-.192s' nu exista in tabelaColoana de tip BLOB '%-.192s' nu poate fi folosita in specificarea cheii cu tipul de tabla folositLungimea coloanei '%-.192s' este prea lunga (maximum = %lu). Foloseste BLOB mai bineDefinitia tabelei este incorecta; Nu pot fi mai mult de o singura coloana de tip auto si aceasta trebuie definita ca cheie%s: sint gata pentru conectii Version: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d"%s: Terminare normala %s: Semnal %d obtinut. Aborting! %s: Terminare completa %s: Terminare fortata a thread-ului %ld utilizatorului: '%-.48s' Nu pot crea IP socketTabela '%-.192s' nu are un index ca acela folosit in CREATE INDEX. Re-creeaza tabelaArgumentul pentru separatorul de cimpuri este diferit de ce ma asteptam. Verifica manualulNu poti folosi lungime de cimp fix pentru BLOB-uri. Foloseste 'fields terminated by'.Fisierul '%-.128s' trebuie sa fie in directorul bazei de data sau trebuie sa poata sa fie citit de catre toata lumea (verifica permisiile)Fisierul '%-.200s' exista dejaRecorduri: %ld Sterse: %ld Sarite (skipped): %ld Atentionari (warnings): %ldRecorduri: %ld Duplicate: %ldComponentul cheii este incorrect. Componentul folosit al cheii nu este un sir sau lungimea folosita este mai lunga decit lungimea cheiiNu poti sterge toate coloanele cu ALTER TABLE. Foloseste DROP TABLE in schimbNu pot sa DROP '%-.192s'. Verifica daca coloana/cheia existaRecorduri: %ld Duplicate: %ld Atentionari (warnings): %ldYou can't specify target table '%-.192s' for update in FROM clauseId-ul: %lu thread-ului este necunoscutNu sinteti proprietarul threadului %luNici o tabela folositaPrea multe siruri pentru coloana %-.192s si SETNu pot sa generez un nume de log unic %-.200s.(1-999) Tabela '%-.192s' a fost locked cu un READ lock si nu poate fi actualizataTabela '%-.192s' nu a fost locked cu LOCK TABLESColoana BLOB '%-.192s' nu poate avea o valoare defaultNumele bazei de date este incorect '%-.100s'Numele tabelei este incorect '%-.100s'SELECT-ul ar examina prea multe cimpuri si probabil ar lua prea mult timp; verifica clauza WHERE si foloseste SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 daca SELECT-ul e okayEroare unknownProcedura unknown '%-.192s'Procedura '%-.192s' are un numar incorect de parametriProcedura '%-.192s' are parametrii incorectiTabla '%-.192s' invalida in %-.32sColoana '%-.192s' specificata de doua oriFolosire incorecta a functiei groupTabela '%-.192s' foloseste o extensire inexistenta in versiunea curenta de MySQLO tabela trebuie sa aiba cel putin o coloanaTabela '%-.192s' e plinaSet de caractere invalid: '%-.64s'Prea multe tabele. MySQL nu poate folosi mai mult de %d tabele intr-un joinPrea multe coloaneMarimea liniei (row) prea mare. Marimea maxima a liniei, excluzind BLOB-urile este de %ld. Trebuie sa schimbati unele cimpuri in BLOB-uriStack-ul thread-ului a fost depasit (prea mic): Folositi: %ld intr-un stack de %ld. Folositi 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' ca sa specifici un stack mai mareDependinta incrucisata (cross dependency) gasita in OUTER JOIN. Examinati conditiile ONTable handler doesn't support NULL in given index. Please change column '%-.192s' to be NOT NULL or use another handlerNu pot incarca functia '%-.192s'Nu pot initializa functia '%-.192s'; %-.80sNici un paths nu e permis pentru o librarie sharedFunctia '%-.192s' exista dejaNu pot deschide libraria shared '%-.192s' (Eroare: %d %-.128s)Nu pot gasi functia '%-.128s' in librariaFunctia '%-.192s' nu e definitaHost-ul '%-.64s' e blocat din cauza multelor erori de conectie. Poti deploca folosind 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'Host-ul '%-.64s' nu este permis a se conecta la aceste server MySQLDumneavoastra folositi MySQL ca un utilizator anonim si utilizatorii anonimi nu au voie sa schime paroleleTrebuie sa aveti privilegii sa actualizati tabelele in bazele de date mysql ca sa puteti sa schimati parolele altoraNu pot gasi nici o linie corespunzatoare in tabela utilizatoruluiLinii identificate (matched): %ld Schimbate: %ld Atentionari (warnings): %ldNu pot crea un thread nou (Eroare %d). Daca mai aveti memorie disponibila in sistem, puteti consulta manualul - ar putea exista un potential bug in legatura cu sistemul de operareNumarul de coloane nu corespunde cu numarul de valori la linia %ldNu pot redeschide tabela: '%-.192s'Folosirea unei value NULL e invalidaEroarea '%-.64s' obtinuta din expresia regulara (regexp)Amestecarea de coloane GROUP (MIN(),MAX(),COUNT()...) fara coloane GROUP este ilegala daca nu exista o clauza GROUP BYNu exista un astfel de grant definit pentru utilzatorul '%-.48s' de pe host-ul '%-.64s'Comanda %-.128s interzisa utilizatorului: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' pentru tabela '%-.64s'Comanda %-.16s interzisa utilizatorului: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' pentru coloana '%-.192s' in tabela '%-.192s'Comanda GRANT/REVOKE ilegala. Consultati manualul in privinta privilegiilor ce pot fi folosite.Argumentul host-ului sau utilizatorului pentru GRANT e prea lungTabela '%-.192s.%-.192s' nu existaNu exista un astfel de privilegiu (grant) definit pentru utilizatorul '%-.48s' de pe host-ul '%-.64s' pentru tabela '%-.192s'Comanda folosita nu este permisa pentru aceasta versiune de MySQLAveti o eroare in sintaxa RSQLDelayed insert thread couldn't get requested lock for table %-.192sToo many delayed threads in useConectie terminata %ld la baza de date: '%-.192s' utilizator: '%-.48s' (%-.64s)Un packet mai mare decit 'max_allowed_packet' a fost primitEroare la citire din cauza lui 'connection pipe'Eroare obtinuta de la fcntl()Packets care nu sint ordonati au fost gasitiNu s-a putut decompresa pachetul de comunicatie (communication packet)Eroare obtinuta citind pachetele de comunicatie (communication packets)Timeout obtinut citind pachetele de comunicatie (communication packets)Eroare in scrierea pachetelor de comunicatie (communication packets)Timeout obtinut scriind pachetele de comunicatie (communication packets)Sirul rezultat este mai lung decit 'max_allowed_packet'Tipul de tabela folosit nu suporta coloane de tip BLOB/TEXTTipul de tabela folosit nu suporta coloane de tip AUTO_INCREMENTINSERT DELAYED can't be used with table '%-.192s' because it is locked with LOCK TABLESNume increct de coloana '%-.100s'Handler-ul tabelei folosite nu poate indexa coloana '%-.192s'Toate tabelele din tabela MERGE nu sint definite identicNu pot scrie pe hard-drive, din cauza constraintului unic (unique constraint) pentru tabela '%-.192s'Coloana BLOB '%-.192s' este folosita in specificarea unei chei fara ca o lungime de cheie sa fie folositaToate partile unei chei primare (PRIMARY KEY) trebuie sa fie NOT NULL; Daca aveti nevoie de NULL in vreo cheie, folositi UNIQUE in schimbResultatul constista din mai multe liniiAceast tip de tabela are nevoie de o cheie primaraAceasta versiune de MySQL, nu a fost compilata cu suport pentru RAIDYou are using safe update mode and you tried to update a table without a WHERE that uses a KEY columnKey '%-.192s' doesn't exist in table '%-.192s'Can't open tableThe handler for the table doesn't support %sYou are not allowed to execute this command in a transactionGot error %d during COMMITGot error %d during ROLLBACKGot error %d during FLUSH_LOGSGot error %d during CHECKPOINTAborted connection %u to db: '%-.192s' user: '%-.48s' host: '%-.64s' (%-.64s)The handler for the table does not support binary table dumpBinlog closed, cannot RESET MASTERFailed rebuilding the index of dumped table '%-.192s'Error from master: '%-.64s'Net error reading from masterNet error writing to masterCan't find FULLTEXT index matching the column listCan't execute the given command because you have active locked tables or an active transactionUnknown system variable '%-.64s'Table '%-.192s' is marked as crashed and should be repairedTable '%-.192s' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failedSome non-transactional changed tables couldn't be rolled backMulti-statement transaction required more than 'max_binlog_cache_size' bytes of storage; increase this mysqld variable and try againThis operation cannot be performed with a running slave; run STOP SLAVE firstThis operation requires a running slave; configure slave and do START SLAVEThe server is not configured as slave; fix in config file or with CHANGE MASTER TOCould not initialize master info structure; more error messages can be found in the MySQL error logCould not create slave thread; check system resourcesUser %-.64s already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connectionsYou may only use constant expressions with SETLock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transactionThe total number of locks exceeds the lock table sizeUpdate locks cannot be acquired during a READ UNCOMMITTED transactionDROP DATABASE not allowed while thread is holding global read lockCREATE DATABASE not allowed while thread is holding global read lockIncorrect arguments to %s'%-.48s'@'%-.64s' is not allowed to create new usersIncorrect table definition; all MERGE tables must be in the same databaseDeadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transactionThe used table type doesn't support FULLTEXT indexesCannot add foreign key constraintCannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint failsCannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint failsError connecting to master: %-.128sError running query on master: %-.128sError when executing command %s: %-.128sIncorrect usage of %s and %sThe used SELECT statements have a different number of columnsCan't execute the query because you have a conflicting read lockMixing of transactional and non-transactional tables is disabledOption '%s' used twice in statementUser '%-.64s' has exceeded the '%s' resource (current value: %ld)Access denied; you need (at least one of) the %-.128s privilege(s) for this operationVariable '%-.64s' is a SESSION variable and can't be used with SET GLOBALVariable '%-.64s' is a GLOBAL variable and should be set with SET GLOBALVariable '%-.64s' doesn't have a default valueVariable '%-.64s' can't be set to the value of '%-.200s'Incorrect argument type to variable '%-.64s'Variable '%-.64s' can only be set, not readIncorrect usage/placement of '%s'This version of MySQL doesn't yet support '%s'Got fatal error %d from master when reading data from binary log: '%-.320s'Slave SQL thread ignored the query because of replicate-*-table rulesVariable '%-.192s' is a %s variableIncorrect foreign key definition for '%-.192s': %sKey reference and table reference don't matchOperand should contain %d column(s)Subquery returns more than 1 rowUnknown prepared statement handler (%.*s) given to %sHelp database is corrupt or does not existCyclic reference on subqueriesConverting column '%s' from %s to %sReference '%-.64s' not supported (%s)Every derived table must have its own aliasSelect %u was reduced during optimizationTable '%-.192s' from one of the SELECTs cannot be used in %-.32sClient does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL clientAll parts of a SPATIAL index must be NOT NULLCOLLATION '%s' is not valid for CHARACTER SET '%s'Slave is already runningSlave already has been stoppedUncompressed data size too large; the maximum size is %d (probably, length of uncompressed data was corrupted)ZLIB: Not enough memoryZLIB: Not enough room in the output buffer (probably, length of uncompressed data was corrupted)ZLIB: Input data corruptedRow %u was cut by GROUP_CONCAT()Row %ld doesn't contain data for all columnsRow %ld was truncated; it contained more data than there were input columnsColumn set to default value; NULL supplied to NOT NULL column '%s' at row %ldOut of range value for column '%s' at row %ldData truncated for column '%s' at row %ldUsing storage engine %s for table '%s'Illegal mix of collations (%s,%s) and (%s,%s) for operation '%s'Cannot drop one or more of the requested usersCan't revoke all privileges for one or more of the requested usersIllegal mix of collations (%s,%s), (%s,%s), (%s,%s) for operation '%s'Illegal mix of collations for operation '%s'Variable '%-.64s' is not a variable component (can't be used as XXXX.variable_name)Unknown collation: '%-.64s'SSL parameters in CHANGE MASTER are ignored because this MySQL slave was compiled without SSL support; they can be used later if MySQL slave with SSL is startedServer is running in --secure-auth mode, but '%s'@'%s' has a password in the old format; please change the password to the new formatField or reference '%-.192s%s%-.192s%s%-.192s' of SELECT #%d was resolved in SELECT #%dIncorrect parameter or combination of parameters for START SLAVE UNTILIt is recommended to use --skip-slave-start when doing step-by-step replication with START SLAVE UNTIL; otherwise, you will get problems if you get an unexpected slave's mysqld restartSQL thread is not to be started so UNTIL options are ignoredIncorrect index name '%-.100s'Incorrect catalog name '%-.100s'Query cache failed to set size %lu; new query cache size is %luColumn '%-.192s' cannot be part of FULLTEXT indexUnknown key cache '%-.100s'MySQL is started in --skip-name-resolve mode; you must restart it without this switch for this grant to workUnknown storage engine '%s''%s' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use %s insteadThe target table %-.100s of the %s is not updatableThe '%s' feature is disabled; you need MySQL built with '%s' to have it workingThe MySQL server is running with the %s option so it cannot execute this statementColumn '%-.100s' has duplicated value '%-.64s' in %sTruncated incorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s'Incorrect table definition; there can be only one TIMESTAMP column with CURRENT_TIMESTAMP in DEFAULT or ON UPDATE clauseInvalid ON UPDATE clause for '%-.192s' columnThis command is not supported in the prepared statement protocol yetGot error %d '%-.100s' from %sGot temporary error %d '%-.100s' from %sUnknown or incorrect time zone: '%-.64s'Invalid TIMESTAMP value in column '%s' at row %ldInvalid %s character string: '%.64s'Result of %s() was larger than max_allowed_packet (%ld) - truncatedConflicting declarations: '%s%s' and '%s%s'Can't create a %s from within another stored routine%s %s already exists%s %s does not existFailed to DROP %s %sFailed to CREATE %s %s%s with no matching label: %sRedefining label %sEnd-label %s without matchReferring to uninitialized variable %sPROCEDURE %s can't return a result set in the given contextRETURN is only allowed in a FUNCTION%s is not allowed in stored proceduresThe update log is deprecated and replaced by the binary log; SET SQL_LOG_UPDATE has been ignored.The update log is deprecated and replaced by the binary log; SET SQL_LOG_UPDATE has been translated to SET SQL_LOG_BIN.Query execution was interruptedIncorrect number of arguments for %s %s; expected %u, got %uUndefined CONDITION: %sNo RETURN found in FUNCTION %sFUNCTION %s ended without RETURNCursor statement must be a SELECTCursor SELECT must not have INTOUndefined CURSOR: %sCursor is already openCursor is not openUndeclared variable: %sIncorrect number of FETCH variablesNo data - zero rows fetched, selected, or processedDuplicate parameter: %sDuplicate variable: %sDuplicate condition: %sDuplicate cursor: %sFailed to ALTER %s %sSubquery value not supported%s is not allowed in stored function or triggerVariable or condition declaration after cursor or handler declarationCursor declaration after handler declarationCase not found for CASE statementConfiguration file '%-.192s' is too bigMalformed file type header in file '%-.192s'Unexpected end of file while parsing comment '%-.200s'Error while parsing parameter '%-.192s' (line: '%-.192s')Unexpected end of file while skipping unknown parameter '%-.192s'EXPLAIN/SHOW can not be issued; lacking privileges for underlying tableFile '%-.192s' has unknown type '%-.64s' in its header'%-.192s.%-.192s' is not %sColumn '%-.192s' is not updatableView's SELECT contains a subquery in the FROM clauseView's SELECT contains a '%s' clauseView's SELECT contains a variable or parameterView's SELECT refers to a temporary table '%-.192s'View's SELECT and view's field list have different column countsView merge algorithm can't be used here for now (assumed undefined algorithm)View being updated does not have complete key of underlying table in itView '%-.192s.%-.192s' references invalid table(s) or column(s) or function(s) or definer/invoker of view lack rights to use themCan't drop or alter a %s from within another stored routineGOTO is not allowed in a stored procedure handlerTrigger already existsTrigger does not existTrigger's '%-.192s' is view or temporary tableUpdating of %s row is not allowed in %striggerThere is no %s row in %s triggerField '%-.192s' doesn't have a default valueDivision by 0Incorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s' for column '%.192s' at row %ldIllegal %s '%-.192s' value found during parsingCHECK OPTION on non-updatable view '%-.192s.%-.192s'CHECK OPTION failed '%-.192s.%-.192s'%-.16s command denied to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' for routine '%-.192s'Failed purging old relay logs: %sPassword hash should be a %d-digit hexadecimal numberTarget log not found in binlog indexI/O error reading log index fileServer configuration does not permit binlog purgeFailed on fseek()Fatal error during log purgeA purgeable log is in use, will not purgeUnknown error during log purgeFailed initializing relay log position: %sYou are not using binary loggingThe '%-.64s' syntax is reserved for purposes internal to the MySQL serverWSAStartup FailedCan't handle procedures with different groups yetSelect must have a group with this procedureCan't use ORDER clause with this procedureBinary logging and replication forbid changing the global server %sCan't map file: %-.200s, errno: %dWrong magic in %-.64sPrepared statement contains too many placeholdersKey part '%-.192s' length cannot be 0View text checksum failedCan not modify more than one base table through a join view '%-.192s.%-.192s'Can not insert into join view '%-.192s.%-.192s' without fields listCan not delete from join view '%-.192s.%-.192s'Operation %s failed for %.256sXAER_NOTA: Unknown XIDXAER_INVAL: Invalid arguments (or unsupported command)XAER_RMFAIL: The command cannot be executed when global transaction is in the %.64s stateXAER_OUTSIDE: Some work is done outside global transactionXAER_RMERR: Fatal error occurred in the transaction branch - check your data for consistencyXA_RBROLLBACK: Transaction branch was rolled backThere is no such grant defined for user '%-.48s' on host '%-.64s' on routine '%-.192s'Failed to grant EXECUTE and ALTER ROUTINE privilegesFailed to revoke all privileges to dropped routineData too long for column '%s' at row %ldBad SQLSTATE: '%s'%s: ready for connections. Version: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d %sCan't load value from file with fixed size rows to variableYou are not allowed to create a user with GRANTIncorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s' for function %-.32sTable definition has changed, please retry transactionDuplicate handler declared in the same blockOUT or INOUT argument %d for routine %s is not a variable or NEW pseudo-variable in BEFORE triggerNot allowed to return a result set from a %sCannot get geometry object from data you send to the GEOMETRY fieldA routine failed and has neither NO SQL nor READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled; if non-transactional tables were updated, the binary log will miss their changesThis function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)You do not have the SUPER privilege and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)You can't execute a prepared statement which has an open cursor associated with it. Reset the statement to re-execute it.The statement (%lu) has no open cursor.Explicit or implicit commit is not allowed in stored function or trigger.Field of view '%-.192s.%-.192s' underlying table doesn't have a default valueRecursive stored functions and triggers are not allowed.Too big scale %d specified for column '%-.192s'. Maximum is %lu.Too-big precision %d specified for '%-.192s'. Maximum is %lu.For float(M,D), double(M,D) or decimal(M,D), M must be >= D (column '%-.192s').You can't combine write-locking of system tables with other tables or lock typesUnable to connect to foreign data source: %.64sThere was a problem processing the query on the foreign data source. Data source error: %-.64sThe foreign data source you are trying to reference does not exist. Data source error: %-.64sCan't create federated table. The data source connection string '%-.64s' is not in the correct formatThe data source connection string '%-.64s' is not in the correct formatCan't create federated table. Foreign data src error: %-.64sTrigger in wrong schemaThread stack overrun: %ld bytes used of a %ld byte stack, and %ld bytes needed. Use 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' to specify a bigger stack.Routine body for '%-.100s' is too longCannot drop default keycacheDisplay width out of range for column '%-.192s' (max = %lu)XAER_DUPID: The XID already existsDatetime function: %-.32s field overflowCan't update table '%-.192s' in stored function/trigger because it is already used by statement which invoked this stored function/trigger.The definition of table '%-.192s' prevents operation %.192s on table '%-.192s'.The prepared statement contains a stored routine call that refers to that same statement. It's not allowed to execute a prepared statement in such a recursive mannerNot allowed to set autocommit from a stored function or triggerDefiner is not fully qualifiedView '%-.192s'.'%-.192s' has no definer information (old table format). Current user is used as definer. Please recreate the view!You need the SUPER privilege for creation view with '%-.192s'@'%-.192s' definerThe user specified as a definer ('%-.64s'@'%-.64s') does not existChanging schema from '%-.192s' to '%-.192s' is not allowed.Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (%.192s)Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (%.192s)Variable '%-.64s' must be quoted with `...`, or renamedNo definer attribute for trigger '%-.192s'.'%-.192s'. The trigger will be activated under the authorization of the invoker, which may have insufficient privileges. Please recreate the trigger.'%-.192s' has an old format, you should re-create the '%s' object(s)Recursive limit %d (as set by the max_sp_recursion_depth variable) was exceeded for routine %.192sFailed to load routine %-.192s. The table mysql.proc is missing, corrupt, or contains bad data (internal code %d)Incorrect routine name '%-.192s'Table upgrade required. Please do "REPAIR TABLE `%-.64s`" or dump/reload to fix it!AGGREGATE is not supported for stored functionsCan't create more than max_prepared_stmt_count statements (current value: %lu)`%-.192s`.`%-.192s` contains view recursionNon-grouping field '%-.192s' is used in %-.64s clauseThe used table type doesn't support SPATIAL indexesTriggers can not be created on system tablesLeading spaces are removed from name '%s'Failed to read auto-increment value from storage engineuser namehost nameString '%-.70s' is too long for %s (should be no longer than %d)The target table %-.100s of the %s is not insertable-intoTable '%-.64s' is differently defined or of non-MyISAM type or doesn't existToo high level of nesting for selectName '%-.64s' has become ''First character of the FIELDS TERMINATED string is ambiguous; please use non-optional and non-empty FIELDS ENCLOSED BYThe foreign server, %s, you are trying to create already exists.The foreign server name you are trying to reference does not exist. Data source error: %-.64sTable storage engine '%-.64s' does not support the create option '%.64s'Syntax error: %-.64s PARTITIONING requires definition of VALUES %-.64s for each partitionOnly %-.64s PARTITIONING can use VALUES %-.64s in partition definitionMAXVALUE can only be used in last partition definitionSubpartitions can only be hash partitions and by keyMust define subpartitions on all partitions if on one partitionWrong number of partitions defined, mismatch with previous settingWrong number of subpartitions defined, mismatch with previous settingConstant, random or timezone-dependent expressions in (sub)partitioning function are not allowedExpression in RANGE/LIST VALUES must be constantField in list of fields for partition function not found in tableList of fields is only allowed in KEY partitionsThe partition info in the frm file is not consistent with what can be written into the frm fileThe %-.192s function returns the wrong typeFor %-.64s partitions each partition must be definedVALUES LESS THAN value must be strictly increasing for each partitionVALUES value must be of same type as partition functionMultiple definition of same constant in list partitioningPartitioning can not be used stand-alone in queryThe mix of handlers in the partitions is not allowed in this version of MySQLFor the partitioned engine it is necessary to define all %-.64sToo many partitions (including subpartitions) were definedIt is only possible to mix RANGE/LIST partitioning with HASH/KEY partitioning for subpartitioningFailed to create specific handler fileA BLOB field is not allowed in partition functionA %-.192s must include all columns in the table's partitioning functionNumber of %-.64s = 0 is not an allowed valuePartition management on a not partitioned table is not possibleForeign keys are not yet supported in conjunction with partitioningError in list of partitions to %-.64sCannot remove all partitions, use DROP TABLE insteadCOALESCE PARTITION can only be used on HASH/KEY partitionsREORGANIZE PARTITION can only be used to reorganize partitions not to change their numbersREORGANIZE PARTITION without parameters can only be used on auto-partitioned tables using HASH PARTITIONs%-.64s PARTITION can only be used on RANGE/LIST partitionsTrying to Add partition(s) with wrong number of subpartitionsAt least one partition must be addedAt least one partition must be coalescedMore partitions to reorganize than there are partitionsDuplicate partition name %-.192sIt is not allowed to shut off binlog on this commandWhen reorganizing a set of partitions they must be in consecutive orderReorganize of range partitions cannot change total ranges except for last partition where it can extend the rangePartition function not supported in this version for this handlerPartition state cannot be defined from CREATE/ALTER TABLEThe %-.64s handler only supports 32 bit integers in VALUESPlugin '%-.192s' is not loadedIncorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s'Table has no partition for value %-.64sIt is not allowed to specify %s more than onceFailed to create %sFailed to drop %sThe handler doesn't support autoextend of tablespacesA size parameter was incorrectly specified, either number or on the form 10MThe size number was correct but we don't allow the digit part to be more than 2 billionFailed to alter: %sWriting one row to the row-based binary log failedTable definition on master and slave does not match: %sSlave running with --log-slave-updates must use row-based binary logging to be able to replicate row-based binary log eventsEvent '%-.192s' already existsFailed to store event %s. Error code %d from storage engine.Unknown event '%-.192s'Failed to alter event '%-.192s'Failed to drop %sINTERVAL is either not positive or too bigENDS is either invalid or before STARTSEvent execution time is in the past. Event has been disabledFailed to open mysql.eventNo datetime expression providedColumn count of mysql.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. The table is probably corruptedCannot load from mysql.%s. The table is probably corruptedFailed to delete the event from mysql.eventError during compilation of event's bodySame old and new event nameData for column '%s' too longCannot drop index '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraintThe syntax '%s' is deprecated and will be removed in MySQL %s. Please use %s insteadYou can't write-lock a log table. Only read access is possibleYou can't use locks with log tables.Upholding foreign key constraints for table '%.192s', entry '%-.192s', key %d would lead to a duplicate entryColumn count of mysql.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. Created with MySQL %d, now running %d. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error.Cannot switch out of the row-based binary log format when the session has open temporary tablesCannot change the binary logging format inside a stored function or triggerThe NDB cluster engine does not support changing the binlog format on the fly yetCannot create temporary table with partitionsPartition constant is out of partition function domainThis partition function is not allowedError in DDL logNot allowed to use NULL value in VALUES LESS THANIncorrect partition nameTransaction characteristics can't be changed while a transaction is in progressALTER TABLE causes auto_increment resequencing, resulting in duplicate entry '%-.192s' for key '%-.192s'Internal scheduler error %dError during starting/stopping of the scheduler. Error code %uEngine cannot be used in partitioned tablesCannot activate '%-.64s' logThe server was not built with row-based replicationDecoding of base64 string failedRecursion of EVENT DDL statements is forbidden when body is presentCannot proceed because system tables used by Event Scheduler were found damaged at server startOnly integers allowed as number hereThis storage engine cannot be used for log tables"You cannot '%s' a log table if logging is enabledCannot rename '%s'. When logging enabled, rename to/from log table must rename two tables: the log table to an archive table and another table back to '%s'Incorrect parameter count in the call to native function '%-.192s'Incorrect parameters in the call to native function '%-.192s'Incorrect parameters in the call to stored function %-.192sThis function '%-.192s' has the same name as a native functionCimpul '%-.64s' e duplicat pentru cheia '%-.192s'Too many files opened, please execute the command againEvent execution time is in the past and ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE is set. The event was dropped immediately after creation.Event execution time is in the past and ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE is set. The event was not changed. Specify a time in the future.The incident %s occured on the master. Message: %sTable has no partition for some existing valuesUnsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. %sFatal error: %sRelay log read failure: %sRelay log write failure: %sFailed to create %sMaster command %s failed: %sBinary logging not possible. Message: %sView `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` has no creation contextCreation context of view `%-.64s`.`%-.64s' is invalidCreation context of stored routine `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCorrupted TRG file for table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s`Triggers for table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` have no creation contextTrigger creation context of table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCreation context of event `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCannot open table for trigger `%-.64s`.`%-.64s`Cannot create stored routine `%-.64s`. Check warningsAmbiguous slave modes combination. %sThe BINLOG statement of type `%s` was not preceded by a format description BINLOG statement.Corrupted replication event was detectedInvalid column reference (%-.64s) in LOAD DATABeing purged log %s was not foundXA_RBTIMEOUT: Transaction branch was rolled back: took too longXA_RBDEADLOCK: Transaction branch was rolled back: deadlock was detectedPrepared statement needs to be re-preparedDELAYED option not supported for table '%-.192s'The master info structure does not exist<%-.64s> option ignoredBuilt-in plugins cannot be deletedPlugin is busy and will be uninstalled on shutdown%s variable '%s' is read-only. Use SET %s to assign the valueStorage engine %s does not support rollback for this statement. Transaction rolled back and must be restartedUnexpected master's heartbeat data: %sThe requested value for the heartbeat period is either negative or exceeds the maximum allowed (%s seconds).Bad schema for mysql.ndb_replication table. Message: %-.64sError in parsing conflict function. Message: %-.64sWrite to exceptions table failed. Message: %-.128s"Comment for table '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Comment for field '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)FUNCTION %s does not exist. Check the 'Function Name Parsing and Resolution' section in the Reference ManualDatabaseTablePartitionSubpartitionTemporaryRenamedToo many active concurrent transactionsNon-ASCII separator arguments are not fully supporteddebug sync point wait timed outdebug sync point hit limit reachedDuplicate condition information item '%s'Unhandled user-defined warning conditionUnhandled user-defined not found conditionUnhandled user-defined exception conditionRESIGNAL when handler not activeSIGNAL/RESIGNAL can only use a CONDITION defined with SQLSTATEData truncated for condition item '%s'Data too long for condition item '%s'Unknown locale: '%-.64s'The requested server id %d clashes with the slave startup option --replicate-same-server-idQuery cache is disabled; restart the server with query_cache_type=1 to enable itDuplicate partition field name '%-.192s'Inconsistency in usage of column lists for partitioningPartition column values of incorrect typeToo many fields in '%-.192s'Cannot use MAXVALUE as value in VALUES INCannot have more than one value for this type of %-.64s partitioningRow expressions in VALUES IN only allowed for multi-field column partitioningField '%-.192s' is of a not allowed type for this type of partitioningThe total length of the partitioning fields is too largeCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since both row-incapable engines and statement-incapable engines are involved.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = ROW and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to statement-based logging.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. %sCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is in row format and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to statement-based logging.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to row-based logging.%sCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is in row format and BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since more than one engine is involved and at least one engine is self-logging.The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted.The statement is unsafe because it uses INSERT DELAYED. This is unsafe because the times when rows are inserted cannot be predicted.The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves.Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly.Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it accesses a non-transactional table after accessing a transactional table within the same transaction.%s Statement: %sColumn %d of table '%-.192s.%-.192s' cannot be converted from type '%-.32s' to type '%-.32s'Can't create conversion table for table '%-.192s.%-.192s'Cannot modify @@session.binlog_format inside a transactionThe path specified for %.64s is too long.'%s' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.Native table '%-.64s'.'%-.64s' has the wrong structureInvalid performance_schema usage.Table '%s'.'%s' was skipped since its definition is being modified by concurrent DDL statementCannot modify @@session.binlog_direct_non_transactional_updates inside a transactionCannot change the binlog direct flag inside a stored function or triggerA SPATIAL index may only contain a geometrical type columnComment for index '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Wait on a lock was aborted due to a pending exclusive lock%s value is out of range in '%s'A variable of a non-integer based type in LIMIT clauseMixing self-logging and non-self-logging engines in a statement is unsafe.Statement accesses nontransactional table as well as transactional or temporary table, and writes to any of them.Cannot modify @@session.sql_log_bin inside a transactionCannot change the sql_log_bin inside a stored function or triggerFailed to read from the .par fileVALUES value for partition '%-.64s' must have type INTAcces interzis pentru utilizatorul: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s'SET PASSWORD has no significance for users authenticating via pluginsGRANT with IDENTIFIED WITH is illegal because the user %-.*s already existsCannot truncate a table referenced in a foreign key constraint (%.192s)Plugin '%s' is force_plus_permanent and can not be unloadedThe requested value for the heartbeat period is less than 1 millisecond. The value is reset to 0, meaning that heartbeating will effectively be disabled.The requested value for the heartbeat period exceeds the value of `slave_net_timeout' seconds. A sensible value for the period should be less than the timeout.Multi-row statements required more than 'max_binlog_stmt_cache_size' bytes of storage; increase this mysqld variable and try againPrimary key/partition key update is not allowed since the table is updated both as '%-.192s' and '%-.192s'.Table rebuild required. Please do "ALTER TABLE `%-.64s` FORCE" or dump/reload to fix it!The value of '%s' should be no less than the value of '%s'Index column size too large. The maximum column size is %lu bytes.Trigger '%-.64s' has an error in its body: '%-.256s'Unknown trigger has an error in its body: '%-.256s'Index %s is corruptedUndo log record is too big.INSERT IGNORE... SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.INSERT... SELECT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are updated. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.REPLACE... SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are replaced. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE... IGNORE SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE... REPLACE SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are replaced. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.UPDATE IGNORE is unsafe because the order in which rows are updated determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.Plugin '%s' is marked as not dynamically uninstallable. You have to stop the server to uninstall it.Plugin '%s' is marked as not dynamically installable. You have to stop the server to install it.Statements writing to a table with an auto-increment column after selecting from another table are unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved determines what (if any) rows will be written. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE TABLE... SELECT... on a table with an auto-increment column is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are inserted. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.INSERT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE on a table with more than one UNIQUE KEY is unsafeTable is being used in foreign key check.Storage engine '%s' does not support system tables. [%s.%s]INSERT into autoincrement field which is not the first part in the composed primary key is unsafe.Cannot load from %s.%s. The table is probably corruptedThe requested value %s for the master delay exceeds the maximum %uOnly Format_description_log_event and row events are allowed in BINLOG statements (but %s was provided)Non matching attribute '%-.64s' between partition and tableTable to exchange with partition is partitioned: '%-.64s'Table to exchange with partition is temporary: '%-.64s'Subpartitioned table, use subpartition instead of partitionUnknown partition '%-.64s' in table '%-.64s'Tables have different definitionsFound a row that does not match the partitionOption binlog_cache_size (%lu) is greater than max_binlog_cache_size (%lu); setting binlog_cache_size equal to max_binlog_cache_size.Cannot use %-.64s access on index '%-.64s' due to type or collation conversion on field '%-.64s'Table to exchange with partition has foreign key references: '%-.64s'Key value '%-.192s' was not found in table '%-.192s.%-.192s'Data for column '%s' too longReplication event checksum verification failed while reading from network.Replication event checksum verification failed while reading from a log file.Option binlog_stmt_cache_size (%lu) is greater than max_binlog_stmt_cache_size (%lu); setting binlog_stmt_cache_size equal to max_binlog_stmt_cache_size.Can't update table '%-.192s' while '%-.192s' is being created.PARTITION () clause on non partitioned tableFound a row not matching the given partition setPartition '%-.64s' nu existaFailure while changing the type of replication repository: %s.The creation of some temporary tables could not be rolled back.Some temporary tables were dropped, but these operations could not be rolled back.%s is not supported in multi-threaded slave mode. %sThe number of modified databases exceeds the maximum %d; the database names will not be included in the replication event metadata.Cannot execute the current event group in the parallel mode. Encountered event %s, relay-log name %s, position %s which prevents execution of this event group in parallel mode. Reason: %s.%sFULLTEXT index is not supported for partitioned tables.Invalid condition numberSending passwords in plain text without SSL/TLS is extremely insecure.Storing MySQL user name or password information in the master info repository is not secure and is therefore not recommended. Please consider using the USER and PASSWORD connection options for START SLAVE; see the 'START SLAVE Syntax' in the MySQL Manual for more information.Foreign key constraint for table '%.192s', record '%-.192s' would lead to a duplicate entry in table '%.192s', key '%.192s'Foreign key constraint for table '%.192s', record '%-.192s' would lead to a duplicate entry in a child tableSetting authentication options is not possible when only the Slave SQL Thread is being started.The table does not have FULLTEXT index to support this queryThe system variable %.200s cannot be set in stored functions or triggers.The system variable %.200s cannot be set when there is an ongoing transaction.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT has the value %.200s, which is not listed in @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot change inside a transaction.The statement 'SET %.200s' cannot invoke a stored function.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be 'AUTOMATIC' when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST is non-NULL.Skipping transaction %.200s because it has already been executed and logged.Malformed GTID set specification '%.200s'.Malformed GTID set encoding.Malformed GTID specification '%.200s'.Impossible to generate Global Transaction Identifier: the integer component reached the maximal value. Restart the server with a new server_uuid.Parameters MASTER_LOG_FILE, MASTER_LOG_POS, RELAY_LOG_FILE and RELAY_LOG_POS cannot be set when MASTER_AUTO_POSITION is active.CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1 cannot be executed because @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot execute statements with implicit commit inside a transaction when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT == 'UUID:NUMBER'.GTID_MODE = ON requires ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY = ON.@@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON or ON_PERMISSIVE or OFF_PERMISSIVE requires --log-bin and --log-slave-updates.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be set to UUID:NUMBER when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be set to ANONYMOUS when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST cannot be set to a non-NULL value when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Found a Gtid_log_event when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Statement violates GTID consistency: Updates to non-transactional tables can only be done in either autocommitted statements or single-statement transactions, and never in the same statement as updates to transactional tables.Statement violates GTID consistency: CREATE TABLE ... SELECT.Statement violates GTID consistency: Under statement binary log mode CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE and DROP TEMPORARY TABLE can only be executed outside transactional context. These statements are also not allowed in a function or trigger because functions and triggers are also considered to be multi-statement transactions.The value of @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE can only be changed one step at a time: OFF <-> OFF_PERMISSIVE <-> ON_PERMISSIVE <-> ON. Also note that this value must be stepped up or down simultaneously on all servers. See the Manual for instructions.The slave is connecting using CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1, but the master has purged binary logs containing GTIDs that the slave requires.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be changed by a client that owns a GTID. The client owns %s. Ownership is released on COMMIT or ROLLBACK.Unknown EXPLAIN format name: '%s'Cannot execute statement in a READ ONLY transaction.Comment for table partition '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Slave is not configured or failed to initialize properly. You must at least set --server-id to enable either a master or a slave. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.InnoDB presently supports one FULLTEXT index creation at a timeCannot create FULLTEXT index on temporary InnoDB tableColumn '%-.192s' is of wrong type for an InnoDB FULLTEXT indexIndex '%-.192s' is of wrong type for an InnoDB FULLTEXT indexCreating index '%-.192s' required more than 'innodb_online_alter_log_max_size' bytes of modification log. Please try again.Unknown ALGORITHM '%s'Unknown LOCK type '%s'CHANGE MASTER cannot be executed when the slave was stopped with an error or killed in MTS mode. Consider using RESET SLAVE or START SLAVE UNTIL.Cannot recover after SLAVE errored out in parallel execution mode. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.Cannot clean up worker info tables. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.Column count of %s.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. The table is probably corruptedSlave must silently retry current transactionThere is a foreign key check running on table '%-.192s'. Cannot discard the table.Schema mismatch (%s)Table '%-.192s' in system tablespaceIO Read error: (%lu, %s) %sIO Write error: (%lu, %s) %sTablespace is missing for table %s.Tablespace '%-.192s' exists.Tablespace has been discarded for table '%-.192s'Internal error: %sALTER TABLE %-.192s IMPORT TABLESPACE failed with error %lu : '%s'Index corrupt: %sSupports only YEAR or YEAR(4) column.Your password does not satisfy the current policy requirementsYou must reset your password using ALTER USER statement before executing this statement.Failed to add the foreign key constaint. Missing index for constraint '%s' in the foreign table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constaint. Missing index for constraint '%s' in the referenced table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constraint '%s' to system tablesFailed to open the referenced table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constraint on table '%s'. Incorrect options in FOREIGN KEY constraint '%s'Duplicate foreign key constraint name '%s'The password hash doesn't have the expected format. Check if the correct password algorithm is being used with the PASSWORD() function.Cannot drop column '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s'Cannot drop column '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Column '%-.192s' cannot be NOT NULL: needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' SET NULLDuplicate index '%-.64s' defined on the table '%-.64s.%-.64s'. This is deprecated and will be disallowed in a future release.Cannot change column '%-.192s': used in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s'Cannot change column '%-.192s': used in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Cannot delete rows from table which is parent in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Malformed communication packet.Running in read-only modeWhen @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT is set to a GTID, you must explicitly set it to a different value after a COMMIT or ROLLBACK. Please check GTID_NEXT variable manual page for detailed explanation. Current @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT is '%s'.The system variable %.200s cannot be set in stored procedures.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when @@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED is empty.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when there are no ongoing transactions (not even in other clients).@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED was changed from '%s' to '%s'.@@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED was changed from '%s' to '%s'.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT, and both replicated and non replicated tables are written to.%s is not supported for this operation. Try %s.%s is not supported. Reason: %s. Try %s.COPY algorithm requires a lockPartition specific operations do not yet support LOCK/ALGORITHMColumns participating in a foreign key are renamedCannot change column type INPLACEAdding foreign keys needs foreign_key_checks=OFFCreating unique indexes with IGNORE requires COPY algorithm to remove duplicate rowsDropping a primary key is not allowed without also adding a new primary keyAdding an auto-increment column requires a lockCannot replace hidden FTS_DOC_ID with a user-visible oneCannot drop or rename FTS_DOC_IDFulltext index creation requires a locksql_slave_skip_counter can not be set when the server is running with @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON. Instead, for each transaction that you want to skip, generate an empty transaction with the same GTID as the transactionCimpul e duplicat pentru cheia '%-.192s'Long database name and identifier for object resulted in path length exceeding %d characters. Path: '%s'.cannot silently convert NULL values, as required in this SQL_MODEYour password has expired. To log in you must change it using a client that supports expired passwords.Found a row in wrong partition %sCannot schedule event %s, relay-log name %s, position %s to Worker thread because its size %lu exceeds %lu of slave_pending_jobs_size_max.Cannot CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX WITH PARSER on InnoDB tableThe binary log file '%s' is logically corrupted: %sfile %s was not purged because it was being read by %d thread(s), purged only %d out of %d files.file %s was not purged because it is the active log file.Auto-increment value in UPDATE conflicts with internally generated valuesRow events are not logged for %s statements that modify BLACKHOLE tables in row format. Table(s): '%-.192s'Slave failed to initialize master info structure from the repositorySlave failed to initialize relay log info structure from the repositoryAccess denied trying to change to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' (using password: %s). Disconnecting.InnoDB is in read only mode.STOP SLAVE command execution is incomplete: Slave SQL thread got the stop signal, thread is busy, SQL thread will stop once the current task is complete.STOP SLAVE command execution is incomplete: Slave IO thread got the stop signal, thread is busy, IO thread will stop once the current task is complete.Operation cannot be performed. The table '%-.64s.%-.64s' is missing, corrupt or contains bad data.Temporary file write failure.Upgrade index name failed, please use create index(alter table) algorithm copy to rebuild index.TIME/TIMESTAMP/DATETIME columns of old format have been upgraded to the new format.Operation not allowed when innodb_forced_recovery > 0.The initialization vector supplied to %s is too short. Must be at least %d bytes longPlugin '%s' cannot be uninstalled now. %sCannot execute statement because it needs to be written to the binary log as multiple statements, and this is not allowed when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT == 'UUID:NUMBER'.Slave has more GTIDs than the master has, using the master's SERVER_UUID. This may indicate that the end of the binary log was truncated or that the last binary log file was lost, e.g., after a power or disk failure when sync_binlog != 1. The master may or may not have rolled back transactions that were already replicated to the slave. Suggest to replicate any transactions that master has rolled back from slave to master, and/or commit empty transactions on master to account for transactions that have been committed on master but are not included in GTID_EXECUTED.The table '%s.%s' does not have the necessary key(s) defined on it. Please check the table definition and create index(s) accordingly.File %s is corruptedQuery partially completed on the master (error on master: %d) and was aborted. There is a chance that your master is inconsistent at this point. If you are sure that your master is ok, run this query manually on the slave and then restart the slave with SET GLOBAL SQL_SLAVE_SKIP_COUNTER=1; START SLAVE;. Query:'%s'Query caused different errors on master and slave. Error on master: message (format)='%s' error code=%d; Error on slave:actual message='%s', error code=%d. Default database:'%s'. Query:'%s'Storage engine for table '%s'.'%s' is not loaded.GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS when handler not active%s is no longer supported. The statement was converted to %s.Statement is unsafe because it uses a fulltext parser plugin which may not return the same value on the slave.Cannot DISCARD/IMPORT tablespace associated with temporary tableForeign key cascade delete/update exceeds max depth of %d.Column count of %s.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. Created with MySQL %d, now running %d. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error.Trigger %s.%s.%s does not have CREATED attribute.Referenced trigger '%s' for the given action time and event type does not exist.EXPLAIN FOR CONNECTION command is supported only for SELECT/UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE/REPLACEInvalid size for column '%-.192s'.Table storage engine '%-.64s' found required create option missingOut of memory in storage engine '%-.64s'.The password for anonymous user cannot be expired.This operation cannot be performed with a running slave sql thread; run STOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD firstCannot create FULLTEXT index on materialized subqueryUndo Log error: %sInvalid argument for logarithmThis operation cannot be performed with a running slave io thread; run STOP SLAVE IO_THREAD FOR CHANNEL '%s' first.This operation may not be safe when the slave has temporary tables. The tables will be kept open until the server restarts or until the tables are deleted by any replicated DROP statement. Suggest to wait until slave_open_temp_tables = 0.CHANGE MASTER TO with a MASTER_LOG_FILE clause but no MASTER_LOG_POS clause may not be safe. The old position value may not be valid for the new binary log file.Query execution was interrupted, maximum statement execution time exceededSelect is not a read only statement, disabling timerDuplicate entry '%-.192s'.'%s' mode no longer has any effect. Use STRICT_ALL_TABLES or STRICT_TRANS_TABLES instead.Expression #%u of ORDER BY contains aggregate function and applies to a UNIONExpression #%u of ORDER BY contains aggregate function and applies to the result of a non-aggregated querySlave worker has stopped after at least one previous worker encountered an error when slave-preserve-commit-order was enabled. To preserve commit order, the last transaction executed by this thread has not been committed. When restarting the slave after fixing any failed threads, you should fix this worker as well.slave_preserve_commit_order is not supported %s.The server is currently in offline modeBinary geometry function %s given two geometries of different srids: %u and %u, which should have been identical.Calling geometry function %s with unsupported types of arguments.Unknown GIS error occured in function %s.Unknown exception caught in GIS function %s.Invalid GIS data provided to function %s.The geometry has no data in function %s.Unable to calculate centroid because geometry is empty in function %s.Geometry overlay calculation error: geometry data is invalid in function %s.Geometry turn info calculation error: geometry data is invalid in function %s.Analysis procedures of intersection points interrupted unexpectedly in function %s.Unknown exception thrown in function %s.Memory allocation error: %-.256s in function %s.Domain error: %-.256s in function %s.Length error: %-.256s in function %s.Invalid argument error: %-.256s in function %s.Out of range error: %-.256s in function %s.Overflow error error: %-.256s in function %s.Range error: %-.256s in function %s.Underflow error: %-.256s in function %s.Logic error: %-.256s in function %s.Runtime error: %-.256s in function %s.Unknown exception: %-.384s in function %s.Geometry byte string must be little endian.The password provided for the replication user exceeds the maximum length of 32 charactersIncorrect user-level lock name '%-.192s'.Deadlock found when trying to get user-level lock; try rolling back transaction/releasing locks and restarting lock acquisition.REPLACE cannot be executed as it requires deleting rows that are not in the viewDo not support online operation on table with GIS indexUser variable name '%-.100s' is illegalCannot %s when GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot %s from a replication slave thread.Incorrect type for argument %s in function %s.Expression #%u of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, references column '%-.192s' which is not in SELECT list; this is incompatible with %sExpression #%u of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, contains aggregate function; this is incompatible with %sSupplied filter list contains a value which is not in the required format 'db_pattern.table_pattern'OK packet too largeInvalid JSON data provided to function %s: %sInvalid GeoJSON data provided to function %s: Missing required member '%s'Invalid GeoJSON data provided to function %s: Member '%s' must be of type '%s'Invalid GeoJSON data provided to function %sUnsupported number of coordinate dimensions in function %s: Found %u, expected %uSlave channel '%s' does not exist.A slave channel '%s' already exists for the given host and port combination.Couldn't create channel: Channel name is either invalid or too long.To have multiple channels, repository cannot be of type FILE; Please check the repository configuration and convert them to TABLE.Cannot delete slave info objects for channel '%s'.Multiple channels exist on the slave. Please provide channel name as an argument.Maximum number of replication channels allowed exceeded.This operation cannot be performed with running replication threads; run STOP SLAVE FOR CHANNEL '%s' firstThis operation requires running replication threads; configure slave and run START SLAVE FOR CHANNEL '%s'Replication thread(s) for channel '%s' are already runnning.Replication thread(s) for channel '%s' are already stopped.This operation cannot be performed with a running slave sql thread; run STOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD FOR CHANNEL '%s' first.When sql_slave_skip_counter > 0, it is not allowed to start more than one SQL thread by using 'START SLAVE [SQL_THREAD]'. Value of sql_slave_skip_counter can only be used by one SQL thread at a time. Please use 'START SLAVE [SQL_THREAD] FOR CHANNEL' to start the SQL thread which will use the value of sql_slave_skip_counter.Expression #%u of %s is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column '%-.192s' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_byIn aggregated query without GROUP BY, expression #%u of %s contains nonaggregated column '%-.192s'; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_byUpdating '%s' is deprecated. It will be made read-only in a future release.Changing sql mode '%s' is deprecated. It will be removed in a future release.DROP DATABASE failed; some tables may have been dropped but the database directory remains. The GTID has not been added to GTID_EXECUTED and the statement was not written to the binary log. Fix this as follows: (1) remove all files from the database directory %-.192s; (2) SET GTID_NEXT='%-.192s'; (3) DROP DATABASE `%-.192s`.The server is not configured properly to be an active member of the group. Please see more details on error log.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed since the group is already running.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as the applier module failed to start.The STOP GROUP_REPLICATION command execution is incomplete: The applier thread got the stop signal while it was busy. The applier thread will stop once the current task is complete.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as there was an error when initializing the group communication layer.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as there was an error when joining the communication group.The table does not comply with the requirements by an external plugin.Cannot change the value of variable %s without binary log format as ROW.Error on observer while running replication hook '%s'.Plugin instructed the server to rollback the current transaction.Expression of generated column '%s' contains a disallowed function.INPLACE ADD or DROP of virtual columns cannot be combined with other ALTER TABLE actionsCannot define foreign key with %s clause on a generated column.The value specified for generated column '%s' in table '%s' is not allowed.'%s' is not supported for generated columns.Generated column can refer only to generated columns defined prior to it.Column '%s' has a generated column dependency.Generated column '%s' cannot refer to auto-increment column.The '%-.64s' feature is not available; you need to remove '%-.64s' or use MySQL built with '%-.64s'SET @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = %-.64s is not allowed because %-.384s.The replication receiver thread%-.192s cannot start in AUTO_POSITION mode: this server uses @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot replicate anonymous transaction when AUTO_POSITION = 1, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot replicate anonymous transaction when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot replicate GTID-transaction when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot set ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY = ON because there are ongoing transactions that violate GTID consistency.There are ongoing transactions that violate GTID consistency.Access denied for user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s'. Account is locked.Incorrect tablespace name `%-.192s`Tablespace `%-.192s` is not empty.Incorrect File Name '%s'.Inconsistent intersection points.Optimizer hint syntax errorUnsupported MAX_EXECUTION_TIMEMAX_EXECUTION_TIME hint is supported by top-level standalone SELECT statements onlyHint %s is ignored as conflicting/duplicatedQuery block name %s is not found for %s hintUnresolved name %s for %s hintPlease do not modify the %s table. This is a mysql internal system table to store GTIDs for committed transactions. Modifying it can lead to an inconsistent GTID state.Command not supported by pluggable protocolsIncorrect locking service lock name '%-.192s'.Deadlock found when trying to get locking service lock; try releasing locks and restarting lock acquisition.Service lock wait timeout exceeded.Parameter %s exceeds the maximum number of points in a geometry (%lu) in function %s.'NO_ZERO_DATE', 'NO_ZERO_IN_DATE' and 'ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO' sql modes should be used with strict mode. They will be merged with strict mode in a future release.Version token mismatch for %.*s. Correct value %.*sVersion token %.*s not found.Variable %-.192s cannot be changed by a client that owns a GTID. The client owns %s. Ownership is released on COMMIT or ROLLBACK.%-.192s cannot be performed on channel '%-.192s'.Invalid JSON text: "%s" at position %u in value for column '%-.200s'.Invalid JSON text in argument %u to function %s: "%s" at position %u.%-.0sThe JSON binary value contains invalid data.Invalid JSON path expression. The error is around character position %u.%-.200sCannot create a JSON value from a string with CHARACTER SET '%s'.Invalid JSON character data provided to function %s: '%s'; utf8 is required.Invalid data type for JSON data in argument %u to function %s; a JSON string or JSON type is required.Cannot CAST value to JSON.A path expression must be encoded in the utf8 character set. The path expression '%-.200s' is encoded in character set '%-.200s'.In this situation, path expressions may not contain the * and ** tokens.The JSON value is too big to be stored in a JSON column.The JSON object contains a key name that is too long.JSON column '%-.192s' cannot be used in key specification.The path expression '$' is not allowed in this context.The oneOrAll argument to %s may take these values: 'one' or 'all'.Out of range JSON value for CAST to %s%-.0s from column %s at row %ldInvalid JSON value for CAST to %s%-.0s from column %s at row %ldThe JSON document exceeds the maximum depth.JSON documents may not contain NULL member names.Connections using insecure transport are prohibited while --require_secure_transport=ON.No secure transports (SSL or Shared Memory) are configured, unable to set --require_secure_transport=ON.Storage engine %s is disabled (Table creation is disallowed).User %s does not exist.User %s already exists.Aborted by Audit API ('%-.48s';%d).A path expression is not a path to a cell in an array.Another buffer pool resize is already in progress.The '%s' feature is disabled; see the documentation for '%s'Server isn't availableSession was killedMemory capacity of %llu bytes for '%s' exceeded. %sRange optimization was not done for this query.Partitioning upgrade required. Please dump/reload to fix it or do: ALTER TABLE `%-.192s`.`%-.192s` UPGRADE PARTITIONINGThe client holds ownership of the GTID %s. Therefore, WAIT_FOR_EXECUTED_GTID_SET cannot wait for this GTID.Cannot add foreign key on the base column of indexed virtual column.Cannot create index on virtual column whose base column has foreign constraint.Please do not modify the %s table with an XA transaction. This is an internal system table used to store GTIDs for committed transactions. Although modifying it can lead to an inconsistent GTID state, if neccessary you can modify it with a non-XA transaction.Lock acquisition refused by storage engine.ADD COLUMN col...VIRTUAL, ADD INDEX(col)Master key rotation is not supported by storage engine.Encryption key rotation error reported by SE: %sWrite to binlog failed. However, master key rotation has been completed successfully.Storage engine is not available.This tablespace can't be encrypted.Invalid encryption option.Can't find master key from keyring, please check in the server log if a keyring plugin is loaded and initialized successfully.Parser bailed out for this query.Cannot alter encryption attribute by inplace algorithm.Function '%s' failed because underlying keyring service returned an error. Please check if a keyring plugin is installed and that provided arguments are valid for the keyring you are using.It seems that your db schema is old. The %s column is 77 characters long and should be 93 characters long. Please run mysql_upgrade.RESET MASTER is not allowed because %-.384s.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed since the group already has 9 members.Cannot add foreign key on the base column of stored column. Cannot complete the operation because table is referenced by another connection.The partition engine, used by table '%-.192s.%-.192s', is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use native partitioning instead.%.192s(geometry) is deprecated and will be replaced by st_srid(geometry, 0) in a future version. Use %.192s(st_aswkb(geometry), 0) instead.%.192s(geometry, srid) is deprecated and will be replaced by st_srid(geometry, srid) in a future version. Use %.192s(st_aswkb(geometry), srid) instead.The resource manager is not able to commit the transaction branch at this time. Please retry later.Function %s failed due to: %s.Statement is unsafe because it is being used inside a XA transaction. Concurrent XA transactions may deadlock on slaves when replicated using statements.%s UDF failed; %sCan not perform keyring migration : %sAccess denied; you need %-.128s privileges for this operationKeyring migration %s.Failed to open the %s filter tables.Failed to open '%s.%s' %s table.No keyring plugin installed.Audit log encryption password has not been set; it will be generated automatically. Use audit_log_encryption_password_get to obtain the password or audit_log_encryption_password_set to set a new one.Could not create AES key. OpenSSL's EVP_BytesToKey function failed.Audit log encryption password cannot be fetched from the keyring. Password used so far is used for encryption.Audit Log filtering has not been installed.Request ignored for '%s'@'%s'. SUPER_ACL needed to perform operationSUPER privilege required for '%s'@'%s' user.Could not reinitialize audit log filters.Invalid argument typeInvalid argument countaudit_log plugin has not been installed using INSTALL PLUGIN syntax.Invalid "max_array_length" argument type.Invalid "max_array_length" argument value.%sFilter name cannot be empty.User cannot be empty.Specified filter has not been found.First character of the user name must be alphanumeric.Invalid character in the user name.Invalid character in the host name.With the MAXDB SQL mode enabled, TIMESTAMP is identical with DATETIME. The MAXDB SQL mode is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please disable the MAXDB SQL mode and use DATETIME instead.The use of replication filters with XA transactions is not supported, and can lead to an undefined state in the replication slave.Compressed column '%-.192s' is not allowed in the key listCan not define column '%-.192s' in compressed formatCompression dictionary '%-.192s' already existsCompression dictionary '%-.192s' does not existCompression dictionary name '%-.192s' is too long (max length = %lu)Data for compression dictionary '%-.192s' is too long (max length = %lu)Compression dictionary '%-.192s' is in useCan't execute the query because you have a conflicting backup lockKeys are out order during bulk loadBulk load rows overlap existing rowsCan't execute updates on master with binlog_format != ROW.MyRocks supports only READ COMMITTED and REPEATABLE READ isolation levels. Please change from current isolation level %sWhen unique checking is disabled in MyRocks, INSERT,UPDATE,LOAD statements with clauses that update or replace the key (i.e. INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, REPLACE) are not allowed. Query: %sCan't execute updates when you started a transaction with START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT [ROCKSDB] SNAPSHOT.This transaction was rolled back and cannot be committed. Only supported operation is to roll it back, so all pending changes will be discarded. Please restart another transaction.MyRocks currently does not support ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT if modifying rows.Only REPEATABLE READ isolation level is supported for START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT SNAPSHOT in RocksDB Storage Engine.Unsupported collation on string indexed column %s.%s Use binary collation (%s).Table '%s' does not exist, but metadata information exists inside MyRocks. This is a sign of data inconsistency. Please check if '%s.frm' exists, and try to restore it if it does not exist.MyRocks failed creating new key definitions during alter.MyRocks failed populating secondary key during alter.Column family ('%s') flag (%d) is different from an existing flag (%d). Assign a new CF flag, or do not change existing CF flag.TTL support is currently disabled when table has a hidden PK.TTL column (%s) in MyRocks must be an unsigned non-null 64-bit integer, exist inside the table, and have an accompanying ttl duration.TTL duration (%s) in MyRocks must be an unsigned non-null 64-bit integer.The per-index column family option has been deprecated.mysql_system_tables.sql000064400000455737147633135430011426 0ustar00-- Copyright (c) 2007, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA -- -- The system tables of MySQL Server -- set sql_mode=''; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS db ( Host char(60) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, Db char(64) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, User char(32) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, Select_priv enum('N','Y') COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL, Insert_priv enum('N','Y') COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL, Update_priv enum('N','Y') COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL, Delete_priv enum('N','Y') COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL, Create_priv enum('N','Y') COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL, Drop_priv enum('N','Y') COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL, Grant_priv enum('N','Y') COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL, References_priv enum('N','Y') COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL, Index_priv enum('N','Y') COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL, Alter_priv enum('N','Y') COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL, Create_tmp_table_priv enum('N','Y') COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL, Lock_tables_priv enum('N','Y') COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL, Create_view_priv enum('N','Y') COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL, Show_view_priv enum('N','Y') COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL, Create_routine_priv enum('N','Y') COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL, Alter_routine_priv enum('N','Y') COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL, Execute_priv enum('N','Y') COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL, Event_priv enum('N','Y') COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL, Trigger_priv enum('N','Y') COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY Host (Host,Db,User), KEY User (User) ) engine=MyISAM CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin comment='Database privileges'; -- Remember for later if db table already existed set @had_db_table= @@warning_count != 0; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS user ( Host char(60) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, User char(32) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, Select_priv enum('N','Y') COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL, Insert_priv enum('N','Y') COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL, Update_priv enum('N','Y') COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL, Delete_priv enum('N','Y') COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL, Create_priv enum('N','Y') COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL, Drop_priv enum('N','Y') COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL, Reload_priv enum('N','Y') COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL, Shutdown_priv enum('N','Y') COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL, Process_priv enum('N','Y') COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL, File_priv enum('N','Y') COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL, Grant_priv enum('N','Y') COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL, References_priv enum('N','Y') COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL, Index_priv enum('N','Y') COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL, Alter_priv enum('N','Y') COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL, Show_db_priv enum('N','Y') COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL, Super_priv enum('N','Y') COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL, Create_tmp_table_priv enum('N','Y') COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL, Lock_tables_priv enum('N','Y') COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL, Execute_priv enum('N','Y') COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL, Repl_slave_priv enum('N','Y') COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL, Repl_client_priv enum('N','Y') COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL, Create_view_priv enum('N','Y') COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL, Show_view_priv enum('N','Y') COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL, Create_routine_priv enum('N','Y') COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL, Alter_routine_priv enum('N','Y') COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL, Create_user_priv enum('N','Y') COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL, Event_priv enum('N','Y') COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL, Trigger_priv enum('N','Y') COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL, Create_tablespace_priv enum('N','Y') COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL, ssl_type enum('','ANY','X509', 'SPECIFIED') COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, ssl_cipher BLOB NOT NULL, x509_issuer BLOB NOT NULL, x509_subject BLOB NOT NULL, max_questions int(11) unsigned DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, max_updates int(11) unsigned DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, max_connections int(11) unsigned DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, max_user_connections int(11) unsigned DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, plugin char(64) DEFAULT 'mysql_native_password' NOT NULL, authentication_string TEXT, password_expired ENUM('N', 'Y') COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL, password_last_changed timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL, password_lifetime smallint unsigned NULL DEFAULT NULL, account_locked ENUM('N', 'Y') COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY Host (Host,User) ) engine=MyISAM CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin comment='Users and global privileges'; -- Remember for later if user table already existed set @had_user_table= @@warning_count != 0; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS func ( name char(64) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, ret tinyint(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, dl char(128) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, type enum ('function','aggregate') COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (name) ) engine=MyISAM CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin comment='User defined functions'; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plugin ( name varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, dl varchar(128) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (name) ) engine=InnoDB STATS_PERSISTENT=0 CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci comment='MySQL plugins'; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS servers ( Server_name char(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', Host char(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', Db char(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', Username char(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', Password char(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', Port INT(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', Socket char(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', Wrapper char(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', Owner char(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY (Server_name)) engine=InnoDB STATS_PERSISTENT=0 CHARACTER SET utf8 comment='MySQL Foreign Servers table'; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tables_priv ( Host char(60) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, Db char(64) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, User char(32) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, Table_name char(64) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, Grantor char(93) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, Timestamp timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, Table_priv set('Select','Insert','Update','Delete','Create','Drop','Grant','References','Index','Alter','Create View','Show view','Trigger') COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, Column_priv set('Select','Insert','Update','References') COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Host,Db,User,Table_name), KEY Grantor (Grantor) ) engine=MyISAM CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin comment='Table privileges'; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS columns_priv ( Host char(60) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, Db char(64) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, User char(32) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, Table_name char(64) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, Column_name char(64) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, Timestamp timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, Column_priv set('Select','Insert','Update','References') COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Host,Db,User,Table_name,Column_name) ) engine=MyISAM CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin comment='Column privileges'; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS help_topic ( help_topic_id int unsigned not null, name char(64) not null, help_category_id smallint unsigned not null, description text not null, example text not null, url text not null, primary key (help_topic_id), unique index (name) ) engine=INNODB STATS_PERSISTENT=0 CHARACTER SET utf8 comment='help topics'; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS help_category ( help_category_id smallint unsigned not null, name char(64) not null, parent_category_id smallint unsigned null, url text not null, primary key (help_category_id), unique index (name) ) engine=INNODB STATS_PERSISTENT=0 CHARACTER SET utf8 comment='help categories'; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS help_relation ( help_topic_id int unsigned not null, help_keyword_id int unsigned not null, primary key (help_keyword_id, help_topic_id) ) engine=INNODB STATS_PERSISTENT=0 CHARACTER SET utf8 comment='keyword-topic relation'; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS help_keyword ( help_keyword_id int unsigned not null, name char(64) not null, primary key (help_keyword_id), unique index (name) ) engine=INNODB STATS_PERSISTENT=0 CHARACTER SET utf8 comment='help keywords'; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS time_zone_name ( Name char(64) NOT NULL, Time_zone_id int unsigned NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY Name (Name) ) engine=INNODB STATS_PERSISTENT=0 CHARACTER SET utf8 comment='Time zone names'; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS time_zone ( Time_zone_id int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, Use_leap_seconds enum('Y','N') COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY TzId (Time_zone_id) ) engine=INNODB STATS_PERSISTENT=0 CHARACTER SET utf8 comment='Time zones'; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS time_zone_transition ( Time_zone_id int unsigned NOT NULL, Transition_time bigint signed NOT NULL, Transition_type_id int unsigned NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY TzIdTranTime (Time_zone_id, Transition_time) ) engine=INNODB STATS_PERSISTENT=0 CHARACTER SET utf8 comment='Time zone transitions'; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS time_zone_transition_type ( Time_zone_id int unsigned NOT NULL, Transition_type_id int unsigned NOT NULL, Offset int signed DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, Is_DST tinyint unsigned DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, Abbreviation char(8) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY TzIdTrTId (Time_zone_id, Transition_type_id) ) engine=INNODB STATS_PERSISTENT=0 CHARACTER SET utf8 comment='Time zone transition types'; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS time_zone_leap_second ( Transition_time bigint signed NOT NULL, Correction int signed NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY TranTime (Transition_time) ) engine=INNODB STATS_PERSISTENT=0 CHARACTER SET utf8 comment='Leap seconds information for time zones'; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS proc (db char(64) collate utf8_bin DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, name char(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, type enum('FUNCTION','PROCEDURE') NOT NULL, specific_name char(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, language enum('SQL') DEFAULT 'SQL' NOT NULL, sql_data_access enum( 'CONTAINS_SQL', 'NO_SQL', 'READS_SQL_DATA', 'MODIFIES_SQL_DATA') DEFAULT 'CONTAINS_SQL' NOT NULL, is_deterministic enum('YES','NO') DEFAULT 'NO' NOT NULL, security_type enum('INVOKER','DEFINER') DEFAULT 'DEFINER' NOT NULL, param_list blob NOT NULL, returns longblob DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, body longblob NOT NULL, definer char(93) collate utf8_bin DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, created timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, modified timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', sql_mode set( 'REAL_AS_FLOAT', 'PIPES_AS_CONCAT', 'ANSI_QUOTES', 'IGNORE_SPACE', 'NOT_USED', 'ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY', 'NO_UNSIGNED_SUBTRACTION', 'NO_DIR_IN_CREATE', 'POSTGRESQL', 'ORACLE', 'MSSQL', 'DB2', 'MAXDB', 'NO_KEY_OPTIONS', 'NO_TABLE_OPTIONS', 'NO_FIELD_OPTIONS', 'MYSQL323', 'MYSQL40', 'ANSI', 'NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO', 'NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES', 'STRICT_TRANS_TABLES', 'STRICT_ALL_TABLES', 'NO_ZERO_IN_DATE', 'NO_ZERO_DATE', 'INVALID_DATES', 'ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO', 'TRADITIONAL', 'NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER', 'HIGH_NOT_PRECEDENCE', 'NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION', 'PAD_CHAR_TO_FULL_LENGTH') DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, comment text collate utf8_bin NOT NULL, character_set_client char(32) collate utf8_bin, collation_connection char(32) collate utf8_bin, db_collation char(32) collate utf8_bin, body_utf8 longblob, PRIMARY KEY (db,name,type)) engine=MyISAM character set utf8 comment='Stored Procedures'; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS procs_priv ( Host char(60) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, Db char(64) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, User char(32) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, Routine_name char(64) COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, Routine_type enum('FUNCTION','PROCEDURE') NOT NULL, Grantor char(93) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, Proc_priv set('Execute','Alter Routine','Grant') COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, Timestamp timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (Host,Db,User,Routine_name,Routine_type), KEY Grantor (Grantor) ) engine=MyISAM CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin comment='Procedure privileges'; -- Create general_log CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS general_log (event_time TIMESTAMP(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(6) ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(6), user_host MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL, thread_id BIGINT(21) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, server_id INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL, command_type VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL, argument MEDIUMBLOB NOT NULL) engine=CSV CHARACTER SET utf8 comment="General log"; -- Create slow_log CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS slow_log (start_time TIMESTAMP(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(6) ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(6), user_host MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL, query_time TIME(6) NOT NULL, lock_time TIME(6) NOT NULL, rows_sent INTEGER NOT NULL, rows_examined INTEGER NOT NULL, db VARCHAR(512) NOT NULL, last_insert_id INTEGER NOT NULL, insert_id INTEGER NOT NULL, server_id INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL, sql_text MEDIUMBLOB NOT NULL, thread_id BIGINT(21) UNSIGNED NOT NULL) engine=CSV CHARACTER SET utf8 comment="Slow log"; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS event ( db char(64) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL default '', name char(64) CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL default '', body longblob NOT NULL, definer char(93) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL default '', execute_at DATETIME default NULL, interval_value int(11) default NULL, interval_field ENUM('YEAR','QUARTER','MONTH','DAY','HOUR','MINUTE','WEEK','SECOND','MICROSECOND','YEAR_MONTH','DAY_HOUR','DAY_MINUTE','DAY_SECOND','HOUR_MINUTE','HOUR_SECOND','MINUTE_SECOND','DAY_MICROSECOND','HOUR_MICROSECOND','MINUTE_MICROSECOND','SECOND_MICROSECOND') default NULL, created TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, modified TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', last_executed DATETIME default NULL, starts DATETIME default NULL, ends DATETIME default NULL, status ENUM('ENABLED','DISABLED','SLAVESIDE_DISABLED') NOT NULL default 'ENABLED', on_completion ENUM('DROP','PRESERVE') NOT NULL default 'DROP', sql_mode set('REAL_AS_FLOAT','PIPES_AS_CONCAT','ANSI_QUOTES','IGNORE_SPACE','NOT_USED','ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY','NO_UNSIGNED_SUBTRACTION','NO_DIR_IN_CREATE','POSTGRESQL','ORACLE','MSSQL','DB2','MAXDB','NO_KEY_OPTIONS','NO_TABLE_OPTIONS','NO_FIELD_OPTIONS','MYSQL323','MYSQL40','ANSI','NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO','NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES','STRICT_TRANS_TABLES','STRICT_ALL_TABLES','NO_ZERO_IN_DATE','NO_ZERO_DATE','INVALID_DATES','ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO','TRADITIONAL','NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER','HIGH_NOT_PRECEDENCE','NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION','PAD_CHAR_TO_FULL_LENGTH') DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, comment char(64) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL default '', originator INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL, time_zone char(64) CHARACTER SET latin1 NOT NULL DEFAULT 'SYSTEM', character_set_client char(32) collate utf8_bin, collation_connection char(32) collate utf8_bin, db_collation char(32) collate utf8_bin, body_utf8 longblob, PRIMARY KEY (db, name) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT 'Events'; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ndb_binlog_index (Position BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, File VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, epoch BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, inserts INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, updates INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, deletes INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, schemaops INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, orig_server_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, orig_epoch BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, gci INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, next_position BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, next_file VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(epoch, orig_server_id, orig_epoch)) ENGINE=MYISAM; SET @sql_mode_orig=@@SESSION.sql_mode; SET SESSION sql_mode='NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION'; SET @create_innodb_table_stats="CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS innodb_table_stats ( database_name VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL, table_name VARCHAR(199) NOT NULL, last_update TIMESTAMP NOT NULL NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, n_rows BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, clustered_index_size BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, sum_of_other_index_sizes BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (database_name, table_name) ) ENGINE=INNODB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_bin STATS_PERSISTENT=0"; SET @create_innodb_index_stats="CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS innodb_index_stats ( database_name VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL, table_name VARCHAR(199) NOT NULL, index_name VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL, last_update TIMESTAMP NOT NULL NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, /* there are at least: stat_name='size' stat_name='n_leaf_pages' stat_name='n_diff_pfx%' */ stat_name VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL, stat_value BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, sample_size BIGINT UNSIGNED, stat_description VARCHAR(1024) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (database_name, table_name, index_name, stat_name) ) ENGINE=INNODB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_bin STATS_PERSISTENT=0"; set @have_innodb= (select count(engine) from information_schema.engines where engine='INNODB' and support != 'NO'); SET @str=IF(@have_innodb <> 0, @create_innodb_table_stats, "SET @dummy = 0"); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @str=IF(@have_innodb <> 0, @create_innodb_index_stats, "SET @dummy = 0"); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET SESSION sql_mode=@sql_mode_orig; SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS slave_relay_log_info ( Number_of_lines INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'Number of lines in the file or rows in the table. Used to version table definitions.', Relay_log_name TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL COMMENT 'The name of the current relay log file.', Relay_log_pos BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'The relay log position of the last executed event.', Master_log_name TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL COMMENT 'The name of the master binary log file from which the events in the relay log file were read.', Master_log_pos BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'The master log position of the last executed event.', Sql_delay INTEGER NOT NULL COMMENT 'The number of seconds that the slave must lag behind the master.', Number_of_workers INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL, Id INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'Internal Id that uniquely identifies this record.', Channel_name CHAR(64) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL COMMENT 'The channel on which the slave is connected to a source. Used in Multisource Replication', PRIMARY KEY(Channel_name)) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 STATS_PERSISTENT=0 COMMENT 'Relay Log Information'"; SET @str=IF(@have_innodb <> 0, CONCAT(@cmd, ' ENGINE= INNODB;'), CONCAT(@cmd, ' ENGINE= MYISAM;')); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @cmd= "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS slave_master_info ( Number_of_lines INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'Number of lines in the file.', Master_log_name TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL COMMENT 'The name of the master binary log currently being read from the master.', Master_log_pos BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'The master log position of the last read event.', Host CHAR(64) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin COMMENT 'The host name of the master.', User_name TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin COMMENT 'The user name used to connect to the master.', User_password TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin COMMENT 'The password used to connect to the master.', Port INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'The network port used to connect to the master.', Connect_retry INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'The period (in seconds) that the slave will wait before trying to reconnect to the master.', Enabled_ssl BOOLEAN NOT NULL COMMENT 'Indicates whether the server supports SSL connections.', Ssl_ca TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin COMMENT 'The file used for the Certificate Authority (CA) certificate.', Ssl_capath TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin COMMENT 'The path to the Certificate Authority (CA) certificates.', Ssl_cert TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin COMMENT 'The name of the SSL certificate file.', Ssl_cipher TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin COMMENT 'The name of the cipher in use for the SSL connection.', Ssl_key TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin COMMENT 'The name of the SSL key file.', Ssl_verify_server_cert BOOLEAN NOT NULL COMMENT 'Whether to verify the server certificate.', Heartbeat FLOAT NOT NULL COMMENT '', Bind TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin COMMENT 'Displays which interface is employed when connecting to the MySQL server', Ignored_server_ids TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin COMMENT 'The number of server IDs to be ignored, followed by the actual server IDs', Uuid TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin COMMENT 'The master server uuid.', Retry_count BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'Number of reconnect attempts, to the master, before giving up.', Ssl_crl TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin COMMENT 'The file used for the Certificate Revocation List (CRL)', Ssl_crlpath TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin COMMENT 'The path used for Certificate Revocation List (CRL) files', Enabled_auto_position BOOLEAN NOT NULL COMMENT 'Indicates whether GTIDs will be used to retrieve events from the master.', Channel_name CHAR(64) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL COMMENT 'The channel on which the slave is connected to a source. Used in Multisource Replication', Tls_version TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin COMMENT 'Tls version', PRIMARY KEY(Channel_name)) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 STATS_PERSISTENT=0 COMMENT 'Master Information'"; SET @str=IF(@have_innodb <> 0, CONCAT(@cmd, ' ENGINE= INNODB;'), CONCAT(@cmd, ' ENGINE= MYISAM;')); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @cmd= "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS slave_worker_info ( Id INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL, Relay_log_name TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL, Relay_log_pos BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, Master_log_name TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL, Master_log_pos BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, Checkpoint_relay_log_name TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL, Checkpoint_relay_log_pos BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, Checkpoint_master_log_name TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL, Checkpoint_master_log_pos BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, Checkpoint_seqno INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, Checkpoint_group_size INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL, Checkpoint_group_bitmap BLOB NOT NULL, Channel_name CHAR(64) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL COMMENT 'The channel on which the slave is connected to a source. Used in Multisource Replication', PRIMARY KEY(Channel_name, Id)) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 STATS_PERSISTENT=0 COMMENT 'Worker Information'"; SET @str=IF(@have_innodb <> 0, CONCAT(@cmd, ' ENGINE= INNODB;'), CONCAT(@cmd, ' ENGINE= MYISAM;')); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @cmd= "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS gtid_executed ( source_uuid CHAR(36) NOT NULL COMMENT 'uuid of the source where the transaction was originally executed.', interval_start BIGINT NOT NULL COMMENT 'First number of interval.', interval_end BIGINT NOT NULL COMMENT 'Last number of interval.', PRIMARY KEY(source_uuid, interval_start))"; SET @str=IF(@have_innodb <> 0, CONCAT(@cmd, ' ENGINE= INNODB;'), CONCAT(@cmd, ' ENGINE= MYISAM;')); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- Optimizer Cost Model configuration -- -- Server cost constants CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS server_cost ( cost_name VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL, cost_value FLOAT DEFAULT NULL, last_update TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, comment VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (cost_name) ) ENGINE=InnoDB CHARACTER SET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_general_ci STATS_PERSISTENT=0; INSERT IGNORE INTO server_cost(cost_name) VALUES ("row_evaluate_cost"), ("key_compare_cost"), ("memory_temptable_create_cost"), ("memory_temptable_row_cost"), ("disk_temptable_create_cost"), ("disk_temptable_row_cost"); -- Engine cost constants CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS engine_cost ( engine_name VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL, device_type INTEGER NOT NULL, cost_name VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL, cost_value FLOAT DEFAULT NULL, last_update TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, comment VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (cost_name, engine_name, device_type) ) ENGINE=InnoDB CHARACTER SET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_general_ci STATS_PERSISTENT=0; INSERT IGNORE INTO engine_cost(engine_name, device_type, cost_name) VALUES ("default", 0, "memory_block_read_cost"), ("default", 0, "io_block_read_cost"); -- -- PERFORMANCE SCHEMA INSTALLATION -- Note that this script is also reused by mysql_upgrade, -- so we have to be very careful here to not destroy any -- existing database named 'performance_schema' if it -- can contain user data. -- In case of downgrade, it's ok to drop unknown tables -- from a future version, as long as they belong to the -- performance schema engine. -- set @have_old_pfs= (select count(*) from information_schema.schemata where schema_name='performance_schema'); SET @cmd="SET @broken_tables = (select count(*) from information_schema.tables" " where engine != \'PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA\' and table_schema=\'performance_schema\')"; -- Work around for bug#49542 SET @str = IF(@have_old_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @broken_tables = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @cmd="SET @broken_views = (select count(*) from information_schema.views" " where table_schema='performance_schema')"; -- Work around for bug#49542 SET @str = IF(@have_old_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @broken_views = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @broken_routines = (select count(*) from mysql.proc where db='performance_schema'); SET @broken_events = (select count(*) from mysql.event where db='performance_schema'); SET @broken_pfs= (select @broken_tables + @broken_views + @broken_routines + @broken_events); -- -- The performance schema database. -- Only drop and create the database if this is safe (no broken_pfs). -- This database is created, even in --without-perfschema builds, -- so that the database name is always reserved by the MySQL implementation. -- SET @cmd= "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS performance_schema"; SET @str = IF(@broken_pfs = 0, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @cmd= "CREATE DATABASE performance_schema character set utf8"; SET @str = IF(@broken_pfs = 0, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- From this point, only create the performance schema tables -- if the server is built with performance schema -- set @have_pfs= (select count(engine) from information_schema.engines where engine='PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA'); -- -- TABLE COND_INSTANCES -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.cond_instances(" "NAME VARCHAR(128) not null," "OBJECT_INSTANCE_BEGIN BIGINT unsigned not null" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE EVENTS_WAITS_CURRENT -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.events_waits_current(" "THREAD_ID BIGINT unsigned not null," "EVENT_ID BIGINT unsigned not null," "END_EVENT_ID BIGINT unsigned," "EVENT_NAME VARCHAR(128) not null," "SOURCE VARCHAR(64)," "TIMER_START BIGINT unsigned," "TIMER_END BIGINT unsigned," "TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned," "SPINS INTEGER unsigned," "OBJECT_SCHEMA VARCHAR(64)," "OBJECT_NAME VARCHAR(512)," "INDEX_NAME VARCHAR(64)," "OBJECT_TYPE VARCHAR(64)," "OBJECT_INSTANCE_BEGIN BIGINT unsigned not null," "NESTING_EVENT_ID BIGINT unsigned," "NESTING_EVENT_TYPE ENUM('TRANSACTION', 'STATEMENT', 'STAGE', 'WAIT')," "OPERATION VARCHAR(32) not null," "NUMBER_OF_BYTES BIGINT," "FLAGS INTEGER unsigned" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE EVENTS_WAITS_HISTORY -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.events_waits_history(" "THREAD_ID BIGINT unsigned not null," "EVENT_ID BIGINT unsigned not null," "END_EVENT_ID BIGINT unsigned," "EVENT_NAME VARCHAR(128) not null," "SOURCE VARCHAR(64)," "TIMER_START BIGINT unsigned," "TIMER_END BIGINT unsigned," "TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned," "SPINS INTEGER unsigned," "OBJECT_SCHEMA VARCHAR(64)," "OBJECT_NAME VARCHAR(512)," "INDEX_NAME VARCHAR(64)," "OBJECT_TYPE VARCHAR(64)," "OBJECT_INSTANCE_BEGIN BIGINT unsigned not null," "NESTING_EVENT_ID BIGINT unsigned," "NESTING_EVENT_TYPE ENUM('TRANSACTION', 'STATEMENT', 'STAGE', 'WAIT')," "OPERATION VARCHAR(32) not null," "NUMBER_OF_BYTES BIGINT," "FLAGS INTEGER unsigned" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE EVENTS_WAITS_HISTORY_LONG -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.events_waits_history_long(" "THREAD_ID BIGINT unsigned not null," "EVENT_ID BIGINT unsigned not null," "END_EVENT_ID BIGINT unsigned," "EVENT_NAME VARCHAR(128) not null," "SOURCE VARCHAR(64)," "TIMER_START BIGINT unsigned," "TIMER_END BIGINT unsigned," "TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned," "SPINS INTEGER unsigned," "OBJECT_SCHEMA VARCHAR(64)," "OBJECT_NAME VARCHAR(512)," "INDEX_NAME VARCHAR(64)," "OBJECT_TYPE VARCHAR(64)," "OBJECT_INSTANCE_BEGIN BIGINT unsigned not null," "NESTING_EVENT_ID BIGINT unsigned," "NESTING_EVENT_TYPE ENUM('TRANSACTION', 'STATEMENT', 'STAGE', 'WAIT')," "OPERATION VARCHAR(32) not null," "NUMBER_OF_BYTES BIGINT," "FLAGS INTEGER unsigned" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE EVENTS_WAITS_SUMMARY_BY_INSTANCE -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.events_waits_summary_by_instance(" "EVENT_NAME VARCHAR(128) not null," "OBJECT_INSTANCE_BEGIN BIGINT unsigned not null," "COUNT_STAR BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE EVENTS_WAITS_SUMMARY_BY_HOST_BY_EVENT_NAME -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.events_waits_summary_by_host_by_event_name(" "HOST CHAR(60) collate utf8_bin default null," "EVENT_NAME VARCHAR(128) not null," "COUNT_STAR BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE EVENTS_WAITS_SUMMARY_BY_USER_BY_EVENT_NAME -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.events_waits_summary_by_user_by_event_name(" "USER CHAR(32) collate utf8_bin default null," "EVENT_NAME VARCHAR(128) not null," "COUNT_STAR BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE EVENTS_WAITS_SUMMARY_BY_ACCOUNT_BY_EVENT_NAME -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.events_waits_summary_by_account_by_event_name(" "USER CHAR(32) collate utf8_bin default null," "HOST CHAR(60) collate utf8_bin default null," "EVENT_NAME VARCHAR(128) not null," "COUNT_STAR BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE EVENTS_WAITS_SUMMARY_BY_THREAD_BY_EVENT_NAME -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.events_waits_summary_by_thread_by_event_name(" "THREAD_ID BIGINT unsigned not null," "EVENT_NAME VARCHAR(128) not null," "COUNT_STAR BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE EVENTS_WAITS_SUMMARY_GLOBAL_BY_EVENT_NAME -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.events_waits_summary_global_by_event_name(" "EVENT_NAME VARCHAR(128) not null," "COUNT_STAR BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE FILE_INSTANCES -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.file_instances(" "FILE_NAME VARCHAR(512) not null," "EVENT_NAME VARCHAR(128) not null," "OPEN_COUNT INTEGER unsigned not null" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE FILE_SUMMARY_BY_EVENT_NAME -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.file_summary_by_event_name(" "EVENT_NAME VARCHAR(128) not null," "COUNT_STAR BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "COUNT_READ BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_READ BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_READ BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_READ BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_READ BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_NUMBER_OF_BYTES_READ BIGINT not null," "COUNT_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_NUMBER_OF_BYTES_WRITE BIGINT not null," "COUNT_MISC BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_MISC BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_MISC BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_MISC BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_MISC BIGINT unsigned not null" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE FILE_SUMMARY_BY_INSTANCE -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.file_summary_by_instance(" "FILE_NAME VARCHAR(512) not null," "EVENT_NAME VARCHAR(128) not null," "OBJECT_INSTANCE_BEGIN BIGINT unsigned not null," "COUNT_STAR BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "COUNT_READ BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_READ BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_READ BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_READ BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_READ BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_NUMBER_OF_BYTES_READ BIGINT not null," "COUNT_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_NUMBER_OF_BYTES_WRITE BIGINT not null," "COUNT_MISC BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_MISC BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_MISC BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_MISC BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_MISC BIGINT unsigned not null" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE SOCKET_INSTANCES -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.socket_instances(" "EVENT_NAME VARCHAR(128) not null," "OBJECT_INSTANCE_BEGIN BIGINT unsigned not null," "THREAD_ID BIGINT unsigned," "SOCKET_ID INTEGER not null," "IP VARCHAR(64) not null," "PORT INTEGER not null," "STATE ENUM('IDLE','ACTIVE') not null" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE SOCKET_SUMMARY_BY_INSTANCE -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.socket_summary_by_instance(" "EVENT_NAME VARCHAR(128) not null," "OBJECT_INSTANCE_BEGIN BIGINT unsigned not null," "COUNT_STAR BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "COUNT_READ BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_READ BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_READ BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_READ BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_READ BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_NUMBER_OF_BYTES_READ BIGINT unsigned not null," "COUNT_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_NUMBER_OF_BYTES_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "COUNT_MISC BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_MISC BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_MISC BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_MISC BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_MISC BIGINT unsigned not null" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE SOCKET_SUMMARY_BY_INSTANCE -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.socket_summary_by_event_name(" "EVENT_NAME VARCHAR(128) not null," "COUNT_STAR BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "COUNT_READ BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_READ BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_READ BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_READ BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_READ BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_NUMBER_OF_BYTES_READ BIGINT unsigned not null," "COUNT_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_NUMBER_OF_BYTES_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "COUNT_MISC BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_MISC BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_MISC BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_MISC BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_MISC BIGINT unsigned not null" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE HOST_CACHE -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.host_cache(" "IP VARCHAR(64) not null," "HOST VARCHAR(255) collate utf8_bin," "HOST_VALIDATED ENUM ('YES', 'NO') not null," "SUM_CONNECT_ERRORS BIGINT not null," "COUNT_HOST_BLOCKED_ERRORS BIGINT not null," "COUNT_NAMEINFO_TRANSIENT_ERRORS BIGINT not null," "COUNT_NAMEINFO_PERMANENT_ERRORS BIGINT not null," "COUNT_FORMAT_ERRORS BIGINT not null," "COUNT_ADDRINFO_TRANSIENT_ERRORS BIGINT not null," "COUNT_ADDRINFO_PERMANENT_ERRORS BIGINT not null," "COUNT_FCRDNS_ERRORS BIGINT not null," "COUNT_HOST_ACL_ERRORS BIGINT not null," "COUNT_NO_AUTH_PLUGIN_ERRORS BIGINT not null," "COUNT_AUTH_PLUGIN_ERRORS BIGINT not null," "COUNT_HANDSHAKE_ERRORS BIGINT not null," "COUNT_PROXY_USER_ERRORS BIGINT not null," "COUNT_PROXY_USER_ACL_ERRORS BIGINT not null," "COUNT_AUTHENTICATION_ERRORS BIGINT not null," "COUNT_SSL_ERRORS BIGINT not null," "COUNT_MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS_ERRORS BIGINT not null," "COUNT_MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR_ERRORS BIGINT not null," "COUNT_DEFAULT_DATABASE_ERRORS BIGINT not null," "COUNT_INIT_CONNECT_ERRORS BIGINT not null," "COUNT_LOCAL_ERRORS BIGINT not null," "COUNT_UNKNOWN_ERRORS BIGINT not null," "FIRST_SEEN TIMESTAMP(0) NOT NULL default 0," "LAST_SEEN TIMESTAMP(0) NOT NULL default 0," "FIRST_ERROR_SEEN TIMESTAMP(0) null default 0," "LAST_ERROR_SEEN TIMESTAMP(0) null default 0" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE MUTEX_INSTANCES -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.mutex_instances(" "NAME VARCHAR(128) not null," "OBJECT_INSTANCE_BEGIN BIGINT unsigned not null," "LOCKED_BY_THREAD_ID BIGINT unsigned" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE OBJECTS_SUMMARY_GLOBAL_BY_TYPE -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.objects_summary_global_by_type(" "OBJECT_TYPE VARCHAR(64)," "OBJECT_SCHEMA VARCHAR(64)," "OBJECT_NAME VARCHAR(64)," "COUNT_STAR BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE PERFORMANCE_TIMERS -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.performance_timers(" "TIMER_NAME ENUM ('CYCLE', 'NANOSECOND', 'MICROSECOND', 'MILLISECOND', 'TICK') not null," "TIMER_FREQUENCY BIGINT," "TIMER_RESOLUTION BIGINT," "TIMER_OVERHEAD BIGINT" ") ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE RWLOCK_INSTANCES -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.rwlock_instances(" "NAME VARCHAR(128) not null," "OBJECT_INSTANCE_BEGIN BIGINT unsigned not null," "WRITE_LOCKED_BY_THREAD_ID BIGINT unsigned," "READ_LOCKED_BY_COUNT INTEGER unsigned not null" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE SETUP_ACTORS -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.setup_actors(" "HOST CHAR(60) collate utf8_bin default '%' not null," "USER CHAR(32) collate utf8_bin default '%' not null," "ROLE CHAR(16) collate utf8_bin default '%' not null," "ENABLED ENUM ('YES', 'NO') not null default 'YES'," "HISTORY ENUM ('YES', 'NO') not null default 'YES'" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE SETUP_CONSUMERS -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.setup_consumers(" "NAME VARCHAR(64) not null," "ENABLED ENUM ('YES', 'NO') not null" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE SETUP_INSTRUMENTS -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.setup_instruments(" "NAME VARCHAR(128) not null," "ENABLED ENUM ('YES', 'NO') not null," "TIMED ENUM ('YES', 'NO') not null" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE SETUP_OBJECTS -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.setup_objects(" "OBJECT_TYPE ENUM ('EVENT', 'FUNCTION', 'PROCEDURE', 'TABLE', 'TRIGGER') not null default 'TABLE'," "OBJECT_SCHEMA VARCHAR(64) default '%'," "OBJECT_NAME VARCHAR(64) not null default '%'," "ENABLED ENUM ('YES', 'NO') not null default 'YES'," "TIMED ENUM ('YES', 'NO') not null default 'YES'" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE SETUP_TIMERS -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.setup_timers(" "NAME VARCHAR(64) not null," "TIMER_NAME ENUM ('CYCLE', 'NANOSECOND', 'MICROSECOND', 'MILLISECOND', 'TICK') not null" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE TABLE_IO_WAITS_SUMMARY_BY_INDEX_USAGE -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.table_io_waits_summary_by_index_usage(" "OBJECT_TYPE VARCHAR(64)," "OBJECT_SCHEMA VARCHAR(64)," "OBJECT_NAME VARCHAR(64)," "INDEX_NAME VARCHAR(64)," "COUNT_STAR BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "COUNT_READ BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_READ BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_READ BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_READ BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_READ BIGINT unsigned not null," "COUNT_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "COUNT_FETCH BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_FETCH BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_FETCH BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_FETCH BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_FETCH BIGINT unsigned not null," "COUNT_INSERT BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_INSERT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_INSERT BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_INSERT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_INSERT BIGINT unsigned not null," "COUNT_UPDATE BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_UPDATE BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_UPDATE BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_UPDATE BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_UPDATE BIGINT unsigned not null," "COUNT_DELETE BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_DELETE BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_DELETE BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_DELETE BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_DELETE BIGINT unsigned not null" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE TABLE_IO_WAITS_SUMMARY_BY_TABLE -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.table_io_waits_summary_by_table(" "OBJECT_TYPE VARCHAR(64)," "OBJECT_SCHEMA VARCHAR(64)," "OBJECT_NAME VARCHAR(64)," "COUNT_STAR BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "COUNT_READ BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_READ BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_READ BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_READ BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_READ BIGINT unsigned not null," "COUNT_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "COUNT_FETCH BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_FETCH BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_FETCH BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_FETCH BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_FETCH BIGINT unsigned not null," "COUNT_INSERT BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_INSERT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_INSERT BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_INSERT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_INSERT BIGINT unsigned not null," "COUNT_UPDATE BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_UPDATE BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_UPDATE BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_UPDATE BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_UPDATE BIGINT unsigned not null," "COUNT_DELETE BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_DELETE BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_DELETE BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_DELETE BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_DELETE BIGINT unsigned not null" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE TABLE_LOCK_WAITS_SUMMARY_BY_TABLE -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.table_lock_waits_summary_by_table(" "OBJECT_TYPE VARCHAR(64)," "OBJECT_SCHEMA VARCHAR(64)," "OBJECT_NAME VARCHAR(64)," "COUNT_STAR BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "COUNT_READ BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_READ BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_READ BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_READ BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_READ BIGINT unsigned not null," "COUNT_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "COUNT_READ_NORMAL BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_READ_NORMAL BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_READ_NORMAL BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_READ_NORMAL BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_READ_NORMAL BIGINT unsigned not null," "COUNT_READ_WITH_SHARED_LOCKS BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_READ_WITH_SHARED_LOCKS BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_READ_WITH_SHARED_LOCKS BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_READ_WITH_SHARED_LOCKS BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_READ_WITH_SHARED_LOCKS BIGINT unsigned not null," "COUNT_READ_HIGH_PRIORITY BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_READ_HIGH_PRIORITY BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_READ_HIGH_PRIORITY BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_READ_HIGH_PRIORITY BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_READ_HIGH_PRIORITY BIGINT unsigned not null," "COUNT_READ_NO_INSERT BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_READ_NO_INSERT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_READ_NO_INSERT BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_READ_NO_INSERT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_READ_NO_INSERT BIGINT unsigned not null," "COUNT_READ_EXTERNAL BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_READ_EXTERNAL BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_READ_EXTERNAL BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_READ_EXTERNAL BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_READ_EXTERNAL BIGINT unsigned not null," "COUNT_WRITE_ALLOW_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_WRITE_ALLOW_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_WRITE_ALLOW_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_WRITE_ALLOW_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_WRITE_ALLOW_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "COUNT_WRITE_CONCURRENT_INSERT BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_WRITE_CONCURRENT_INSERT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_WRITE_CONCURRENT_INSERT BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_WRITE_CONCURRENT_INSERT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_WRITE_CONCURRENT_INSERT BIGINT unsigned not null," "COUNT_WRITE_LOW_PRIORITY BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_WRITE_LOW_PRIORITY BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_WRITE_LOW_PRIORITY BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_WRITE_LOW_PRIORITY BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_WRITE_LOW_PRIORITY BIGINT unsigned not null," "COUNT_WRITE_NORMAL BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_WRITE_NORMAL BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_WRITE_NORMAL BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_WRITE_NORMAL BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_WRITE_NORMAL BIGINT unsigned not null," "COUNT_WRITE_EXTERNAL BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_WRITE_EXTERNAL BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_WRITE_EXTERNAL BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_WRITE_EXTERNAL BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_WRITE_EXTERNAL BIGINT unsigned not null" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE THREADS -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.threads(" "THREAD_ID BIGINT unsigned not null," "NAME VARCHAR(128) not null," "TYPE VARCHAR(10) not null," "PROCESSLIST_ID BIGINT unsigned," "PROCESSLIST_USER VARCHAR(32)," "PROCESSLIST_HOST VARCHAR(60)," "PROCESSLIST_DB VARCHAR(64)," "PROCESSLIST_COMMAND VARCHAR(16)," "PROCESSLIST_TIME BIGINT," "PROCESSLIST_STATE VARCHAR(64)," "PROCESSLIST_INFO LONGTEXT," "PARENT_THREAD_ID BIGINT unsigned," "ROLE VARCHAR(64)," "INSTRUMENTED ENUM ('YES', 'NO') not null," "HISTORY ENUM ('YES', 'NO') not null," "CONNECTION_TYPE VARCHAR(16)," "THREAD_OS_ID BIGINT unsigned" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE EVENTS_STAGES_CURRENT -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.events_stages_current(" "THREAD_ID BIGINT unsigned not null," "EVENT_ID BIGINT unsigned not null," "END_EVENT_ID BIGINT unsigned," "EVENT_NAME VARCHAR(128) not null," "SOURCE VARCHAR(64)," "TIMER_START BIGINT unsigned," "TIMER_END BIGINT unsigned," "TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned," "WORK_COMPLETED BIGINT unsigned," "WORK_ESTIMATED BIGINT unsigned," "NESTING_EVENT_ID BIGINT unsigned," "NESTING_EVENT_TYPE ENUM('TRANSACTION', 'STATEMENT', 'STAGE', 'WAIT')" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE EVENTS_STAGES_HISTORY -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.events_stages_history(" "THREAD_ID BIGINT unsigned not null," "EVENT_ID BIGINT unsigned not null," "END_EVENT_ID BIGINT unsigned," "EVENT_NAME VARCHAR(128) not null," "SOURCE VARCHAR(64)," "TIMER_START BIGINT unsigned," "TIMER_END BIGINT unsigned," "TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned," "WORK_COMPLETED BIGINT unsigned," "WORK_ESTIMATED BIGINT unsigned," "NESTING_EVENT_ID BIGINT unsigned," "NESTING_EVENT_TYPE ENUM('TRANSACTION', 'STATEMENT', 'STAGE', 'WAIT')" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE EVENTS_STAGES_HISTORY_LONG -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.events_stages_history_long(" "THREAD_ID BIGINT unsigned not null," "EVENT_ID BIGINT unsigned not null," "END_EVENT_ID BIGINT unsigned," "EVENT_NAME VARCHAR(128) not null," "SOURCE VARCHAR(64)," "TIMER_START BIGINT unsigned," "TIMER_END BIGINT unsigned," "TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned," "WORK_COMPLETED BIGINT unsigned," "WORK_ESTIMATED BIGINT unsigned," "NESTING_EVENT_ID BIGINT unsigned," "NESTING_EVENT_TYPE ENUM('TRANSACTION', 'STATEMENT', 'STAGE', 'WAIT')" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE EVENTS_STAGES_SUMMARY_BY_THREAD_BY_EVENT_NAME -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.events_stages_summary_by_thread_by_event_name(" "THREAD_ID BIGINT unsigned not null," "EVENT_NAME VARCHAR(128) not null," "COUNT_STAR BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE EVENTS_STAGES_SUMMARY_BY_HOST_BY_EVENT_NAME -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.events_stages_summary_by_host_by_event_name(" "HOST CHAR(60) collate utf8_bin default null," "EVENT_NAME VARCHAR(128) not null," "COUNT_STAR BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE EVENTS_STAGES_SUMMARY_BY_USER_BY_EVENT_NAME -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.events_stages_summary_by_user_by_event_name(" "USER CHAR(32) collate utf8_bin default null," "EVENT_NAME VARCHAR(128) not null," "COUNT_STAR BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE EVENTS_STAGES_SUMMARY_BY_ACCOUNT_BY_EVENT_NAME -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.events_stages_summary_by_account_by_event_name(" "USER CHAR(32) collate utf8_bin default null," "HOST CHAR(60) collate utf8_bin default null," "EVENT_NAME VARCHAR(128) not null," "COUNT_STAR BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE EVENTS_STAGES_SUMMARY_GLOBAL_BY_EVENT_NAME -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.events_stages_summary_global_by_event_name(" "EVENT_NAME VARCHAR(128) not null," "COUNT_STAR BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE EVENTS_STATEMENTS_CURRENT -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.events_statements_current(" "THREAD_ID BIGINT unsigned not null," "EVENT_ID BIGINT unsigned not null," "END_EVENT_ID BIGINT unsigned," "EVENT_NAME VARCHAR(128) not null," "SOURCE VARCHAR(64)," "TIMER_START BIGINT unsigned," "TIMER_END BIGINT unsigned," "TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned," "LOCK_TIME bigint unsigned not null," "SQL_TEXT LONGTEXT," "DIGEST VARCHAR(32)," "DIGEST_TEXT LONGTEXT," "CURRENT_SCHEMA VARCHAR(64)," "OBJECT_TYPE VARCHAR(64)," "OBJECT_SCHEMA VARCHAR(64)," "OBJECT_NAME VARCHAR(64)," "OBJECT_INSTANCE_BEGIN BIGINT unsigned," "MYSQL_ERRNO INTEGER," "RETURNED_SQLSTATE VARCHAR(5)," "MESSAGE_TEXT VARCHAR(128)," "ERRORS BIGINT unsigned not null," "WARNINGS BIGINT unsigned not null," "ROWS_AFFECTED BIGINT unsigned not null," "ROWS_SENT BIGINT unsigned not null," "ROWS_EXAMINED BIGINT unsigned not null," "CREATED_TMP_DISK_TABLES BIGINT unsigned not null," "CREATED_TMP_TABLES BIGINT unsigned not null," "SELECT_FULL_JOIN BIGINT unsigned not null," "SELECT_FULL_RANGE_JOIN BIGINT unsigned not null," "SELECT_RANGE BIGINT unsigned not null," "SELECT_RANGE_CHECK BIGINT unsigned not null," "SELECT_SCAN BIGINT unsigned not null," "SORT_MERGE_PASSES BIGINT unsigned not null," "SORT_RANGE BIGINT unsigned not null," "SORT_ROWS BIGINT unsigned not null," "SORT_SCAN BIGINT unsigned not null," "NO_INDEX_USED BIGINT unsigned not null," "NO_GOOD_INDEX_USED BIGINT unsigned not null," "NESTING_EVENT_ID BIGINT unsigned," "NESTING_EVENT_TYPE ENUM('TRANSACTION', 'STATEMENT', 'STAGE', 'WAIT')," "NESTING_EVENT_LEVEL INTEGER" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE EVENTS_STATEMENTS_HISTORY -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.events_statements_history(" "THREAD_ID BIGINT unsigned not null," "EVENT_ID BIGINT unsigned not null," "END_EVENT_ID BIGINT unsigned," "EVENT_NAME VARCHAR(128) not null," "SOURCE VARCHAR(64)," "TIMER_START BIGINT unsigned," "TIMER_END BIGINT unsigned," "TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned," "LOCK_TIME bigint unsigned not null," "SQL_TEXT LONGTEXT," "DIGEST VARCHAR(32)," "DIGEST_TEXT LONGTEXT," "CURRENT_SCHEMA VARCHAR(64)," "OBJECT_TYPE VARCHAR(64)," "OBJECT_SCHEMA VARCHAR(64)," "OBJECT_NAME VARCHAR(64)," "OBJECT_INSTANCE_BEGIN BIGINT unsigned," "MYSQL_ERRNO INTEGER," "RETURNED_SQLSTATE VARCHAR(5)," "MESSAGE_TEXT VARCHAR(128)," "ERRORS BIGINT unsigned not null," "WARNINGS BIGINT unsigned not null," "ROWS_AFFECTED BIGINT unsigned not null," "ROWS_SENT BIGINT unsigned not null," "ROWS_EXAMINED BIGINT unsigned not null," "CREATED_TMP_DISK_TABLES BIGINT unsigned not null," "CREATED_TMP_TABLES BIGINT unsigned not null," "SELECT_FULL_JOIN BIGINT unsigned not null," "SELECT_FULL_RANGE_JOIN BIGINT unsigned not null," "SELECT_RANGE BIGINT unsigned not null," "SELECT_RANGE_CHECK BIGINT unsigned not null," "SELECT_SCAN BIGINT unsigned not null," "SORT_MERGE_PASSES BIGINT unsigned not null," "SORT_RANGE BIGINT unsigned not null," "SORT_ROWS BIGINT unsigned not null," "SORT_SCAN BIGINT unsigned not null," "NO_INDEX_USED BIGINT unsigned not null," "NO_GOOD_INDEX_USED BIGINT unsigned not null," "NESTING_EVENT_ID BIGINT unsigned," "NESTING_EVENT_TYPE ENUM('TRANSACTION', 'STATEMENT', 'STAGE', 'WAIT')," "NESTING_EVENT_LEVEL INTEGER" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE EVENTS_STATEMENTS_HISTORY_LONG -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.events_statements_history_long(" "THREAD_ID BIGINT unsigned not null," "EVENT_ID BIGINT unsigned not null," "END_EVENT_ID BIGINT unsigned," "EVENT_NAME VARCHAR(128) not null," "SOURCE VARCHAR(64)," "TIMER_START BIGINT unsigned," "TIMER_END BIGINT unsigned," "TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned," "LOCK_TIME bigint unsigned not null," "SQL_TEXT LONGTEXT," "DIGEST VARCHAR(32)," "DIGEST_TEXT LONGTEXT," "CURRENT_SCHEMA VARCHAR(64)," "OBJECT_TYPE VARCHAR(64)," "OBJECT_SCHEMA VARCHAR(64)," "OBJECT_NAME VARCHAR(64)," "OBJECT_INSTANCE_BEGIN BIGINT unsigned," "MYSQL_ERRNO INTEGER," "RETURNED_SQLSTATE VARCHAR(5)," "MESSAGE_TEXT VARCHAR(128)," "ERRORS BIGINT unsigned not null," "WARNINGS BIGINT unsigned not null," "ROWS_AFFECTED BIGINT unsigned not null," "ROWS_SENT BIGINT unsigned not null," "ROWS_EXAMINED BIGINT unsigned not null," "CREATED_TMP_DISK_TABLES BIGINT unsigned not null," "CREATED_TMP_TABLES BIGINT unsigned not null," "SELECT_FULL_JOIN BIGINT unsigned not null," "SELECT_FULL_RANGE_JOIN BIGINT unsigned not null," "SELECT_RANGE BIGINT unsigned not null," "SELECT_RANGE_CHECK BIGINT unsigned not null," "SELECT_SCAN BIGINT unsigned not null," "SORT_MERGE_PASSES BIGINT unsigned not null," "SORT_RANGE BIGINT unsigned not null," "SORT_ROWS BIGINT unsigned not null," "SORT_SCAN BIGINT unsigned not null," "NO_INDEX_USED BIGINT unsigned not null," "NO_GOOD_INDEX_USED BIGINT unsigned not null," "NESTING_EVENT_ID BIGINT unsigned," "NESTING_EVENT_TYPE ENUM('TRANSACTION', 'STATEMENT', 'STAGE', 'WAIT')," "NESTING_EVENT_LEVEL INTEGER" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE EVENTS_STATEMENTS_SUMMARY_BY_THREAD_BY_EVENT_NAME -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_thread_by_event_name(" "THREAD_ID BIGINT unsigned not null," "EVENT_NAME VARCHAR(128) not null," "COUNT_STAR BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_LOCK_TIME BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_ERRORS BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_WARNINGS BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_ROWS_AFFECTED BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_ROWS_SENT BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_ROWS_EXAMINED BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_CREATED_TMP_DISK_TABLES BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_CREATED_TMP_TABLES BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_SELECT_FULL_JOIN BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_SELECT_FULL_RANGE_JOIN BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_SELECT_RANGE BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_SELECT_RANGE_CHECK BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_SELECT_SCAN BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_SORT_MERGE_PASSES BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_SORT_RANGE BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_SORT_ROWS BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_SORT_SCAN BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_NO_INDEX_USED BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_NO_GOOD_INDEX_USED BIGINT unsigned not null" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE EVENTS_STATEMENTS_SUMMARY_BY_HOST_BY_EVENT_NAME -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_host_by_event_name(" "HOST CHAR(60) collate utf8_bin default null," "EVENT_NAME VARCHAR(128) not null," "COUNT_STAR BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_LOCK_TIME BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_ERRORS BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_WARNINGS BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_ROWS_AFFECTED BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_ROWS_SENT BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_ROWS_EXAMINED BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_CREATED_TMP_DISK_TABLES BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_CREATED_TMP_TABLES BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_SELECT_FULL_JOIN BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_SELECT_FULL_RANGE_JOIN BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_SELECT_RANGE BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_SELECT_RANGE_CHECK BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_SELECT_SCAN BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_SORT_MERGE_PASSES BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_SORT_RANGE BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_SORT_ROWS BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_SORT_SCAN BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_NO_INDEX_USED BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_NO_GOOD_INDEX_USED BIGINT unsigned not null" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE EVENTS_STATEMENTS_SUMMARY_BY_USER_BY_EVENT_NAME -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_user_by_event_name(" "USER CHAR(32) collate utf8_bin default null," "EVENT_NAME VARCHAR(128) not null," "COUNT_STAR BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_LOCK_TIME BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_ERRORS BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_WARNINGS BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_ROWS_AFFECTED BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_ROWS_SENT BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_ROWS_EXAMINED BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_CREATED_TMP_DISK_TABLES BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_CREATED_TMP_TABLES BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_SELECT_FULL_JOIN BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_SELECT_FULL_RANGE_JOIN BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_SELECT_RANGE BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_SELECT_RANGE_CHECK BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_SELECT_SCAN BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_SORT_MERGE_PASSES BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_SORT_RANGE BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_SORT_ROWS BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_SORT_SCAN BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_NO_INDEX_USED BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_NO_GOOD_INDEX_USED BIGINT unsigned not null" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE EVENTS_STATEMENTS_SUMMARY_BY_ACCOUNT_BY_EVENT_NAME -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_account_by_event_name(" "USER CHAR(32) collate utf8_bin default null," "HOST CHAR(60) collate utf8_bin default null," "EVENT_NAME VARCHAR(128) not null," "COUNT_STAR BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_LOCK_TIME BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_ERRORS BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_WARNINGS BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_ROWS_AFFECTED BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_ROWS_SENT BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_ROWS_EXAMINED BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_CREATED_TMP_DISK_TABLES BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_CREATED_TMP_TABLES BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_SELECT_FULL_JOIN BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_SELECT_FULL_RANGE_JOIN BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_SELECT_RANGE BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_SELECT_RANGE_CHECK BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_SELECT_SCAN BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_SORT_MERGE_PASSES BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_SORT_RANGE BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_SORT_ROWS BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_SORT_SCAN BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_NO_INDEX_USED BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_NO_GOOD_INDEX_USED BIGINT unsigned not null" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE EVENTS_STATEMENTS_SUMMARY_GLOBAL_BY_EVENT_NAME -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.events_statements_summary_global_by_event_name(" "EVENT_NAME VARCHAR(128) not null," "COUNT_STAR BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_LOCK_TIME BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_ERRORS BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_WARNINGS BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_ROWS_AFFECTED BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_ROWS_SENT BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_ROWS_EXAMINED BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_CREATED_TMP_DISK_TABLES BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_CREATED_TMP_TABLES BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_SELECT_FULL_JOIN BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_SELECT_FULL_RANGE_JOIN BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_SELECT_RANGE BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_SELECT_RANGE_CHECK BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_SELECT_SCAN BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_SORT_MERGE_PASSES BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_SORT_RANGE BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_SORT_ROWS BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_SORT_SCAN BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_NO_INDEX_USED BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_NO_GOOD_INDEX_USED BIGINT unsigned not null" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE EVENTS_TRANSACTIONS_CURRENT -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.events_transactions_current(" "THREAD_ID BIGINT unsigned not null," "EVENT_ID BIGINT unsigned not null," "END_EVENT_ID BIGINT unsigned," "EVENT_NAME VARCHAR(128) not null," "STATE ENUM('ACTIVE', 'COMMITTED', 'ROLLED BACK')," "TRX_ID BIGINT unsigned," "GTID VARCHAR(64)," "XID_FORMAT_ID INTEGER," "XID_GTRID VARCHAR(130)," "XID_BQUAL VARCHAR(130)," "XA_STATE VARCHAR(64)," "SOURCE VARCHAR(64)," "TIMER_START BIGINT unsigned," "TIMER_END BIGINT unsigned," "TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned," "ACCESS_MODE ENUM('READ ONLY', 'READ WRITE')," "ISOLATION_LEVEL VARCHAR(64)," "AUTOCOMMIT ENUM('YES','NO') not null," "NUMBER_OF_SAVEPOINTS BIGINT unsigned," "NUMBER_OF_ROLLBACK_TO_SAVEPOINT BIGINT unsigned," "NUMBER_OF_RELEASE_SAVEPOINT BIGINT unsigned," "OBJECT_INSTANCE_BEGIN BIGINT unsigned," "NESTING_EVENT_ID BIGINT unsigned," "NESTING_EVENT_TYPE ENUM('TRANSACTION', 'STATEMENT', 'STAGE', 'WAIT')" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE EVENTS_TRANSACTIONS_HISTORY -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.events_transactions_history(" "THREAD_ID BIGINT unsigned not null," "EVENT_ID BIGINT unsigned not null," "END_EVENT_ID BIGINT unsigned," "EVENT_NAME VARCHAR(128) not null," "STATE ENUM('ACTIVE', 'COMMITTED', 'ROLLED BACK')," "TRX_ID BIGINT unsigned," "GTID VARCHAR(64)," "XID_FORMAT_ID INTEGER," "XID_GTRID VARCHAR(130)," "XID_BQUAL VARCHAR(130)," "XA_STATE VARCHAR(64)," "SOURCE VARCHAR(64)," "TIMER_START BIGINT unsigned," "TIMER_END BIGINT unsigned," "TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned," "ACCESS_MODE ENUM('READ ONLY', 'READ WRITE')," "ISOLATION_LEVEL VARCHAR(64)," "AUTOCOMMIT ENUM('YES','NO') not null," "NUMBER_OF_SAVEPOINTS BIGINT unsigned," "NUMBER_OF_ROLLBACK_TO_SAVEPOINT BIGINT unsigned," "NUMBER_OF_RELEASE_SAVEPOINT BIGINT unsigned," "OBJECT_INSTANCE_BEGIN BIGINT unsigned," "NESTING_EVENT_ID BIGINT unsigned," "NESTING_EVENT_TYPE ENUM('TRANSACTION', 'STATEMENT', 'STAGE', 'WAIT')" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE EVENTS_TRANSACTIONS_HISTORY_LONG -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.events_transactions_history_long(" "THREAD_ID BIGINT unsigned not null," "EVENT_ID BIGINT unsigned not null," "END_EVENT_ID BIGINT unsigned," "EVENT_NAME VARCHAR(128) not null," "STATE ENUM('ACTIVE', 'COMMITTED', 'ROLLED BACK')," "TRX_ID BIGINT unsigned," "GTID VARCHAR(64)," "XID_FORMAT_ID INTEGER," "XID_GTRID VARCHAR(130)," "XID_BQUAL VARCHAR(130)," "XA_STATE VARCHAR(64)," "SOURCE VARCHAR(64)," "TIMER_START BIGINT unsigned," "TIMER_END BIGINT unsigned," "TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned," "ACCESS_MODE ENUM('READ ONLY', 'READ WRITE')," "ISOLATION_LEVEL VARCHAR(64)," "AUTOCOMMIT ENUM('YES','NO') not null," "NUMBER_OF_SAVEPOINTS BIGINT unsigned," "NUMBER_OF_ROLLBACK_TO_SAVEPOINT BIGINT unsigned," "NUMBER_OF_RELEASE_SAVEPOINT BIGINT unsigned," "OBJECT_INSTANCE_BEGIN BIGINT unsigned," "NESTING_EVENT_ID BIGINT unsigned," "NESTING_EVENT_TYPE ENUM('TRANSACTION', 'STATEMENT', 'STAGE', 'WAIT')" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE EVENTS_TRANSACTIONS_SUMMARY_BY_THREAD_BY_EVENT_NAME -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.events_transactions_summary_by_thread_by_event_name(" "THREAD_ID BIGINT unsigned not null," "EVENT_NAME VARCHAR(128) not null," "COUNT_STAR BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "COUNT_READ_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_READ_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_READ_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_READ_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_READ_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "COUNT_READ_ONLY BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_READ_ONLY BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_READ_ONLY BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_READ_ONLY BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_READ_ONLY BIGINT unsigned not null" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE EVENTS_TRANSACTIONS_SUMMARY_BY_HOST_BY_EVENT_NAME -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.events_transactions_summary_by_host_by_event_name(" "HOST CHAR(60) collate utf8_bin default null," "EVENT_NAME VARCHAR(128) not null," "COUNT_STAR BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "COUNT_READ_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_READ_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_READ_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_READ_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_READ_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "COUNT_READ_ONLY BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_READ_ONLY BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_READ_ONLY BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_READ_ONLY BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_READ_ONLY BIGINT unsigned not null" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE EVENTS_TRANSACTIONS_SUMMARY_BY_USER_BY_EVENT_NAME -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.events_transactions_summary_by_user_by_event_name(" "USER CHAR(32) collate utf8_bin default null," "EVENT_NAME VARCHAR(128) not null," "COUNT_STAR BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "COUNT_READ_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_READ_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_READ_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_READ_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_READ_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "COUNT_READ_ONLY BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_READ_ONLY BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_READ_ONLY BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_READ_ONLY BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_READ_ONLY BIGINT unsigned not null" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE EVENTS_TRANSACTIONS_SUMMARY_BY_ACCOUNT_BY_EVENT_NAME -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.events_transactions_summary_by_account_by_event_name(" "USER CHAR(32) collate utf8_bin default null," "HOST CHAR(60) collate utf8_bin default null," "EVENT_NAME VARCHAR(128) not null," "COUNT_STAR BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "COUNT_READ_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_READ_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_READ_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_READ_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_READ_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "COUNT_READ_ONLY BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_READ_ONLY BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_READ_ONLY BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_READ_ONLY BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_READ_ONLY BIGINT unsigned not null" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE EVENTS_TRANSACTIONS_SUMMARY_GLOBAL_BY_EVENT_NAME -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.events_transactions_summary_global_by_event_name(" "EVENT_NAME VARCHAR(128) not null," "COUNT_STAR BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "COUNT_READ_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_READ_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_READ_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_READ_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_READ_WRITE BIGINT unsigned not null," "COUNT_READ_ONLY BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_READ_ONLY BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_READ_ONLY BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_READ_ONLY BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_READ_ONLY BIGINT unsigned not null" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE HOSTS -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.hosts(" "HOST CHAR(60) collate utf8_bin default null," "CURRENT_CONNECTIONS bigint not null," "TOTAL_CONNECTIONS bigint not null" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE USERS -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.users(" "USER CHAR(32) collate utf8_bin default null," "CURRENT_CONNECTIONS bigint not null," "TOTAL_CONNECTIONS bigint not null" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE ACCOUNTS -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.accounts(" "USER CHAR(32) collate utf8_bin default null," "HOST CHAR(60) collate utf8_bin default null," "CURRENT_CONNECTIONS bigint not null," "TOTAL_CONNECTIONS bigint not null" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE MEMORY_SUMMARY_GLOBAL_BY_EVENT_NAME -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.memory_summary_global_by_event_name(" "EVENT_NAME VARCHAR(128) not null," "COUNT_ALLOC BIGINT unsigned not null," "COUNT_FREE BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_NUMBER_OF_BYTES_ALLOC BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_NUMBER_OF_BYTES_FREE BIGINT unsigned not null," "LOW_COUNT_USED BIGINT not null," "CURRENT_COUNT_USED BIGINT not null," "HIGH_COUNT_USED BIGINT not null," "LOW_NUMBER_OF_BYTES_USED BIGINT not null," "CURRENT_NUMBER_OF_BYTES_USED BIGINT not null," "HIGH_NUMBER_OF_BYTES_USED BIGINT not null" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE MEMORY_SUMMARY_BY_THREAD_BY_EVENT_NAME -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.memory_summary_by_thread_by_event_name(" "THREAD_ID BIGINT unsigned not null," "EVENT_NAME VARCHAR(128) not null," "COUNT_ALLOC BIGINT unsigned not null," "COUNT_FREE BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_NUMBER_OF_BYTES_ALLOC BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_NUMBER_OF_BYTES_FREE BIGINT unsigned not null," "LOW_COUNT_USED BIGINT not null," "CURRENT_COUNT_USED BIGINT not null," "HIGH_COUNT_USED BIGINT not null," "LOW_NUMBER_OF_BYTES_USED BIGINT not null," "CURRENT_NUMBER_OF_BYTES_USED BIGINT not null," "HIGH_NUMBER_OF_BYTES_USED BIGINT not null" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE MEMORY_SUMMARY_BY_ACCOUNT_BY_EVENT_NAME -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.memory_summary_by_account_by_event_name(" "USER CHAR(32) collate utf8_bin default null," "HOST CHAR(60) collate utf8_bin default null," "EVENT_NAME VARCHAR(128) not null," "COUNT_ALLOC BIGINT unsigned not null," "COUNT_FREE BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_NUMBER_OF_BYTES_ALLOC BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_NUMBER_OF_BYTES_FREE BIGINT unsigned not null," "LOW_COUNT_USED BIGINT not null," "CURRENT_COUNT_USED BIGINT not null," "HIGH_COUNT_USED BIGINT not null," "LOW_NUMBER_OF_BYTES_USED BIGINT not null," "CURRENT_NUMBER_OF_BYTES_USED BIGINT not null," "HIGH_NUMBER_OF_BYTES_USED BIGINT not null" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE MEMORY_SUMMARY_BY_HOST_BY_EVENT_NAME -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.memory_summary_by_host_by_event_name(" "HOST CHAR(60) collate utf8_bin default null," "EVENT_NAME VARCHAR(128) not null," "COUNT_ALLOC BIGINT unsigned not null," "COUNT_FREE BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_NUMBER_OF_BYTES_ALLOC BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_NUMBER_OF_BYTES_FREE BIGINT unsigned not null," "LOW_COUNT_USED BIGINT not null," "CURRENT_COUNT_USED BIGINT not null," "HIGH_COUNT_USED BIGINT not null," "LOW_NUMBER_OF_BYTES_USED BIGINT not null," "CURRENT_NUMBER_OF_BYTES_USED BIGINT not null," "HIGH_NUMBER_OF_BYTES_USED BIGINT not null" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE MEMORY_SUMMARY_BY_USER_BY_EVENT_NAME -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.memory_summary_by_user_by_event_name(" "USER CHAR(32) collate utf8_bin default null," "EVENT_NAME VARCHAR(128) not null," "COUNT_ALLOC BIGINT unsigned not null," "COUNT_FREE BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_NUMBER_OF_BYTES_ALLOC BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_NUMBER_OF_BYTES_FREE BIGINT unsigned not null," "LOW_COUNT_USED BIGINT not null," "CURRENT_COUNT_USED BIGINT not null," "HIGH_COUNT_USED BIGINT not null," "LOW_NUMBER_OF_BYTES_USED BIGINT not null," "CURRENT_NUMBER_OF_BYTES_USED BIGINT not null," "HIGH_NUMBER_OF_BYTES_USED BIGINT not null" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE EVENTS_STATEMENTS_SUMMARY_BY_DIGEST -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_digest(" "SCHEMA_NAME VARCHAR(64)," "DIGEST VARCHAR(32)," "DIGEST_TEXT LONGTEXT," "COUNT_STAR BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MIN_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "AVG_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "MAX_TIMER_WAIT BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_LOCK_TIME BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_ERRORS BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_WARNINGS BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_ROWS_AFFECTED BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_ROWS_SENT BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_ROWS_EXAMINED BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_CREATED_TMP_DISK_TABLES BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_CREATED_TMP_TABLES BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_SELECT_FULL_JOIN BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_SELECT_FULL_RANGE_JOIN BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_SELECT_RANGE BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_SELECT_RANGE_CHECK BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_SELECT_SCAN BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_SORT_MERGE_PASSES BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_SORT_RANGE BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_SORT_ROWS BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_SORT_SCAN BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_NO_INDEX_USED BIGINT unsigned not null," "SUM_NO_GOOD_INDEX_USED BIGINT unsigned not null," "FIRST_SEEN TIMESTAMP(0) NOT NULL default 0," "LAST_SEEN TIMESTAMP(0) NOT NULL default 0" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE EVENTS_STATEMENTS_SUMMARY_BY_PROGRAM -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_program(" "OBJECT_TYPE enum('EVENT', 'FUNCTION', 'PROCEDURE', 'TABLE', 'TRIGGER')," "OBJECT_SCHEMA varchar(64) NOT NULL," "OBJECT_NAME varchar(64) NOT NULL," "COUNT_STAR bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL," "SUM_TIMER_WAIT bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL," "MIN_TIMER_WAIT bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL," "AVG_TIMER_WAIT bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL," "MAX_TIMER_WAIT bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL," "COUNT_STATEMENTS bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL," "SUM_STATEMENTS_WAIT bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL," "MIN_STATEMENTS_WAIT bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL," "AVG_STATEMENTS_WAIT bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL," "MAX_STATEMENTS_WAIT bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL," "SUM_LOCK_TIME bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL," "SUM_ERRORS bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL," "SUM_WARNINGS bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL," "SUM_ROWS_AFFECTED bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL," "SUM_ROWS_SENT bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL," "SUM_ROWS_EXAMINED bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL," "SUM_CREATED_TMP_DISK_TABLES bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL," "SUM_CREATED_TMP_TABLES bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL," "SUM_SELECT_FULL_JOIN bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL," "SUM_SELECT_FULL_RANGE_JOIN bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL," "SUM_SELECT_RANGE bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL," "SUM_SELECT_RANGE_CHECK bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL," "SUM_SELECT_SCAN bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL," "SUM_SORT_MERGE_PASSES bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL," "SUM_SORT_RANGE bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL," "SUM_SORT_ROWS bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL," "SUM_SORT_SCAN bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL," "SUM_NO_INDEX_USED bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL," "SUM_NO_GOOD_INDEX_USED bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE PREPARED_STATEMENT_INSTANCES -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.prepared_statements_instances(" "OBJECT_INSTANCE_BEGIN bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL," "STATEMENT_ID bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL," "STATEMENT_NAME varchar(64) default NULL," "SQL_TEXT longtext NOT NULL," "OWNER_THREAD_ID bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL," "OWNER_EVENT_ID bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL," "OWNER_OBJECT_TYPE enum('EVENT','FUNCTION','PROCEDURE','TABLE','TRIGGER') DEFAULT NULL," "OWNER_OBJECT_SCHEMA varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL," "OWNER_OBJECT_NAME varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL," "TIMER_PREPARE bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL," "COUNT_REPREPARE bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL," "COUNT_EXECUTE bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL," "SUM_TIMER_EXECUTE bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL," "MIN_TIMER_EXECUTE bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL," "AVG_TIMER_EXECUTE bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL," "MAX_TIMER_EXECUTE bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL," "SUM_LOCK_TIME bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL," "SUM_ERRORS bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL," "SUM_WARNINGS bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL," "SUM_ROWS_AFFECTED bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL," "SUM_ROWS_SENT bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL," "SUM_ROWS_EXAMINED bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL," "SUM_CREATED_TMP_DISK_TABLES bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL," "SUM_CREATED_TMP_TABLES bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL," "SUM_SELECT_FULL_JOIN bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL," "SUM_SELECT_FULL_RANGE_JOIN bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL," "SUM_SELECT_RANGE bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL," "SUM_SELECT_RANGE_CHECK bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL," "SUM_SELECT_SCAN bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL," "SUM_SORT_MERGE_PASSES bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL," "SUM_SORT_RANGE bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL," "SUM_SORT_ROWS bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL," "SUM_SORT_SCAN bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL," "SUM_NO_INDEX_USED bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL," "SUM_NO_GOOD_INDEX_USED bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE replication_connection_configuration -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.replication_connection_configuration(" "CHANNEL_NAME CHAR(64) collate utf8_general_ci not null," "HOST CHAR(60) collate utf8_bin not null," "PORT INTEGER not null," "USER CHAR(32) collate utf8_bin not null," "NETWORK_INTERFACE CHAR(60) collate utf8_bin not null," "AUTO_POSITION ENUM('1','0') not null," "SSL_ALLOWED ENUM('YES','NO','IGNORED') not null," "SSL_CA_FILE VARCHAR(512) not null," "SSL_CA_PATH VARCHAR(512) not null," "SSL_CERTIFICATE VARCHAR(512) not null," "SSL_CIPHER VARCHAR(512) not null," "SSL_KEY VARCHAR(512) not null," "SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERTIFICATE ENUM('YES','NO') not null," "SSL_CRL_FILE VARCHAR(255) not null," "SSL_CRL_PATH VARCHAR(255) not null," "CONNECTION_RETRY_INTERVAL INTEGER not null," "CONNECTION_RETRY_COUNT BIGINT unsigned not null," "HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL DOUBLE(10,3) unsigned not null COMMENT 'Number of seconds after which a heartbeat will be sent .'," "TLS_VERSION VARCHAR(255) not null" ") ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE replication_group_member_stats -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.replication_group_member_stats(" "CHANNEL_NAME CHAR(64) collate utf8_general_ci not null," "VIEW_ID CHAR(60) collate utf8_bin not null," "MEMBER_ID CHAR(36) collate utf8_bin not null," "COUNT_TRANSACTIONS_IN_QUEUE BIGINT unsigned not null," "COUNT_TRANSACTIONS_CHECKED BIGINT unsigned not null," "COUNT_CONFLICTS_DETECTED BIGINT unsigned not null," "COUNT_TRANSACTIONS_ROWS_VALIDATING BIGINT unsigned not null," "TRANSACTIONS_COMMITTED_ALL_MEMBERS LONGTEXT not null," "LAST_CONFLICT_FREE_TRANSACTION TEXT not null" ") ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE replication_group_members -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.replication_group_members(" "CHANNEL_NAME CHAR(64) collate utf8_general_ci not null," "MEMBER_ID CHAR(36) collate utf8_bin not null," "MEMBER_HOST CHAR(60) collate utf8_bin not null," "MEMBER_PORT INTEGER," "MEMBER_STATE CHAR(64) collate utf8_bin not null" ") ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE replication_connection_status -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.replication_connection_status(" "CHANNEL_NAME CHAR(64) collate utf8_general_ci not null," "GROUP_NAME CHAR(36) collate utf8_bin not null," "SOURCE_UUID CHAR(36) collate utf8_bin not null," "THREAD_ID BIGINT unsigned," "SERVICE_STATE ENUM('ON','OFF','CONNECTING') not null," "COUNT_RECEIVED_HEARTBEATS bigint unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0," "LAST_HEARTBEAT_TIMESTAMP TIMESTAMP(0) not null COMMENT 'Shows when the most recent heartbeat signal was received.'," "RECEIVED_TRANSACTION_SET LONGTEXT not null," "LAST_ERROR_NUMBER INTEGER not null," "LAST_ERROR_MESSAGE VARCHAR(1024) not null," "LAST_ERROR_TIMESTAMP TIMESTAMP(0) not null" ") ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE replication_applier_configuration -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.replication_applier_configuration(" "CHANNEL_NAME CHAR(64) collate utf8_general_ci not null," "DESIRED_DELAY INTEGER not null" ") ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE replication_applier_status -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.replication_applier_status(" "CHANNEL_NAME CHAR(64) collate utf8_general_ci not null," "SERVICE_STATE ENUM('ON','OFF') not null," "REMAINING_DELAY INTEGER unsigned," "COUNT_TRANSACTIONS_RETRIES BIGINT unsigned not null" ") ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE replication_applier_status_by_coordinator -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.replication_applier_status_by_coordinator(" "CHANNEL_NAME CHAR(64) collate utf8_general_ci not null," "THREAD_ID BIGINT UNSIGNED," "SERVICE_STATE ENUM('ON','OFF') not null," "LAST_ERROR_NUMBER INTEGER not null," "LAST_ERROR_MESSAGE VARCHAR(1024) not null," "LAST_ERROR_TIMESTAMP TIMESTAMP(0) not null" ") ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE replication_applier_status_by_worker -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.replication_applier_status_by_worker(" "CHANNEL_NAME CHAR(64) collate utf8_general_ci not null," "WORKER_ID BIGINT UNSIGNED not null," "THREAD_ID BIGINT UNSIGNED," "SERVICE_STATE ENUM('ON','OFF') not null," "LAST_SEEN_TRANSACTION CHAR(57) not null," "LAST_ERROR_NUMBER INTEGER not null," "LAST_ERROR_MESSAGE VARCHAR(1024) not null," "LAST_ERROR_TIMESTAMP TIMESTAMP(0) not null" ") ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE SESSION_CONNECT_ATTRS -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.session_connect_attrs(" "PROCESSLIST_ID INT NOT NULL," "ATTR_NAME VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL," "ATTR_VALUE VARCHAR(1024)," "ORDINAL_POSITION INT" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE SESSION_ACCOUNT_CONNECT_ATTRS -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.session_account_connect_attrs " " LIKE performance_schema.session_connect_attrs;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE TABLE_HANDLES -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.table_handles(" "OBJECT_TYPE VARCHAR(64) not null," "OBJECT_SCHEMA VARCHAR(64) not null," "OBJECT_NAME VARCHAR(64) not null," "OBJECT_INSTANCE_BEGIN BIGINT unsigned not null," "OWNER_THREAD_ID BIGINT unsigned," "OWNER_EVENT_ID BIGINT unsigned," "INTERNAL_LOCK VARCHAR(64)," "EXTERNAL_LOCK VARCHAR(64)" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE METADATA_LOCKS -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.metadata_locks(" "OBJECT_TYPE VARCHAR(64) not null," "OBJECT_SCHEMA VARCHAR(64)," "OBJECT_NAME VARCHAR(64)," "OBJECT_INSTANCE_BEGIN BIGINT unsigned not null," "LOCK_TYPE VARCHAR(32) not null," "LOCK_DURATION VARCHAR(32) not null," "LOCK_STATUS VARCHAR(32) not null," "SOURCE VARCHAR(64)," "OWNER_THREAD_ID BIGINT unsigned," "OWNER_EVENT_ID BIGINT unsigned" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE USER_VARIABLES_BY_THREAD -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.user_variables_by_thread(" "THREAD_ID BIGINT unsigned not null," "VARIABLE_NAME VARCHAR(64) not null," "VARIABLE_VALUE LONGBLOB" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE VARIABLES_BY_THREAD -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.variables_by_thread(" "THREAD_ID BIGINT unsigned not null," "VARIABLE_NAME VARCHAR(64) not null," "VARIABLE_VALUE VARCHAR(1024)" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE GLOBAL_VARIABLES -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.global_variables(" "VARIABLE_NAME VARCHAR(64) not null," "VARIABLE_VALUE VARCHAR(1024)" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE SESSION_VARIABLES -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.session_variables(" "VARIABLE_NAME VARCHAR(64) not null," "VARIABLE_VALUE VARCHAR(1024)" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE STATUS_BY_THREAD -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.status_by_thread(" "THREAD_ID BIGINT unsigned not null," "VARIABLE_NAME VARCHAR(64) not null," "VARIABLE_VALUE VARCHAR(1024)" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE STATUS_BY_USER -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.status_by_user(" "USER CHAR(32) collate utf8_bin default null," "VARIABLE_NAME VARCHAR(64) not null," "VARIABLE_VALUE VARCHAR(1024)" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE STATUS_BY_HOST -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.status_by_host(" "HOST CHAR(60) collate utf8_bin default null," "VARIABLE_NAME VARCHAR(64) not null," "VARIABLE_VALUE VARCHAR(1024)" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE STATUS_BY_ACCOUNT -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.status_by_account(" "USER CHAR(32) collate utf8_bin default null," "HOST CHAR(60) collate utf8_bin default null," "VARIABLE_NAME VARCHAR(64) not null," "VARIABLE_VALUE VARCHAR(1024)" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE GLOBAL_STATUS -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.global_status(" "VARIABLE_NAME VARCHAR(64) not null," "VARIABLE_VALUE VARCHAR(1024)" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; -- -- TABLE SESSION_STATUS -- SET @cmd="CREATE TABLE performance_schema.session_status(" "VARIABLE_NAME VARCHAR(64) not null," "VARIABLE_VALUE VARCHAR(1024)" ")ENGINE=PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA;"; SET @str = IF(@have_pfs = 1, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS proxies_priv (Host char(60) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, User char(32) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, Proxied_host char(60) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, Proxied_user char(32) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, With_grant BOOL DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, Grantor char(93) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, Timestamp timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY Host (Host,User,Proxied_host,Proxied_user), KEY Grantor (Grantor) ) engine=MyISAM CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin comment='User proxy privileges'; -- Remember for later if proxies_priv table already existed set @had_proxies_priv_table= @@warning_count != 0; # # SQL commands for creating the tables in MySQL Server which # are used by the NDBINFO storage engine to access system # information and statistics from MySQL Cluster # # Only create objects if NDBINFO is supported SELECT @have_ndbinfo:= COUNT(*) FROM information_schema.engines WHERE engine='NDBINFO' AND support IN ('YES', 'DEFAULT'); # Only create objects if version >= 7.1 SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'SELECT @have_ndbinfo:= (@@ndbinfo_version >= (7 << 16) | (1 << 8)) || @ndbinfo_skip_version_check','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `ndbinfo`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; # Set NDBINFO in offline mode during (re)create of tables # and views to avoid errors caused by no such table or # different table definition in NDB SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'SET @@global.ndbinfo_offline=TRUE','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; # Drop obsolete lookups in ndbinfo SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ndbinfo`.`blocks`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ndbinfo`.`dict_obj_types`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ndbinfo`.`config_params`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ndbinfo`.`ndb$dbtc_apiconnect_state`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ndbinfo`.`ndb$dblqh_tcconnect_state`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; # Drop any old views in ndbinfo SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `ndbinfo`.`transporters`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `ndbinfo`.`logspaces`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `ndbinfo`.`logbuffers`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `ndbinfo`.`resources`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `ndbinfo`.`counters`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `ndbinfo`.`nodes`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `ndbinfo`.`memoryusage`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `ndbinfo`.`diskpagebuffer`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `ndbinfo`.`diskpagebuffer`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `ndbinfo`.`threadblocks`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `ndbinfo`.`threadstat`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `ndbinfo`.`disk_write_speed_base`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `ndbinfo`.`disk_write_speed_aggregate`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `ndbinfo`.`restart_info`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `ndbinfo`.`cluster_transactions`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `ndbinfo`.`server_transactions`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `ndbinfo`.`cluster_operations`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `ndbinfo`.`server_operations`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `ndbinfo`.`membership`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `ndbinfo`.`arbitrator_validity_detail`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `ndbinfo`.`arbitrator_validity_summary`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `ndbinfo`.`memory_per_fragment`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `ndbinfo`.`operations_per_fragment`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `ndbinfo`.`blocks`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `ndbinfo`.`dict_obj_types`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `ndbinfo`.`config_params`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; # Drop any old lookup tables in ndbinfo SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ndbinfo`.`ndb$blocks`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ndbinfo`.`ndb$dict_obj_types`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ndbinfo`.`ndb$config_params`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ndbinfo`.`ndb$dbtc_apiconnect_state`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ndbinfo`.`ndb$dblqh_tcconnect_state`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; # ndbinfo.ndb$tables SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ndbinfo`.`ndb$tables`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'CREATE TABLE `ndbinfo`.`ndb$tables` (`table_id` INT UNSIGNED,`table_name` VARCHAR(512),`comment` VARCHAR(512)) COMMENT="metadata for tables available through ndbinfo" ENGINE=NDBINFO','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; # ndbinfo.ndb$columns SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ndbinfo`.`ndb$columns`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'CREATE TABLE `ndbinfo`.`ndb$columns` (`table_id` INT UNSIGNED,`column_id` INT UNSIGNED,`column_name` VARCHAR(512),`column_type` INT UNSIGNED,`comment` VARCHAR(512)) COMMENT="metadata for columns available through ndbinfo " ENGINE=NDBINFO','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; # ndbinfo.ndb$test SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ndbinfo`.`ndb$test`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'CREATE TABLE `ndbinfo`.`ndb$test` (`node_id` INT UNSIGNED,`block_number` INT UNSIGNED,`block_instance` INT UNSIGNED,`counter` INT UNSIGNED,`counter2` BIGINT UNSIGNED) COMMENT="for testing" ENGINE=NDBINFO','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; # ndbinfo.ndb$pools SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ndbinfo`.`ndb$pools`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'CREATE TABLE `ndbinfo`.`ndb$pools` (`node_id` INT UNSIGNED,`block_number` INT UNSIGNED,`block_instance` INT UNSIGNED,`pool_name` VARCHAR(512),`used` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "currently in use",`total` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "total allocated",`high` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "in use high water mark",`entry_size` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "size in bytes of each object",`config_param1` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "config param 1 affecting pool",`config_param2` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "config param 2 affecting pool",`config_param3` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "config param 3 affecting pool",`config_param4` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "config param 4 affecting pool") COMMENT="pool usage" ENGINE=NDBINFO','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; # ndbinfo.ndb$transporters SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ndbinfo`.`ndb$transporters`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'CREATE TABLE `ndbinfo`.`ndb$transporters` (`node_id` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Node id reporting",`remote_node_id` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Node id at other end of link",`connection_status` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "State of inter-node link",`remote_address` VARCHAR(512) COMMENT "Address of remote node",`bytes_sent` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Bytes sent to remote node",`bytes_received` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Bytes received from remote node",`connect_count` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Number of times connected",`overloaded` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Is link reporting overload",`overload_count` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Number of overload onsets since connect",`slowdown` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Is link requesting slowdown",`slowdown_count` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Number of slowdown onsets since connect") COMMENT="transporter status" ENGINE=NDBINFO','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; # ndbinfo.ndb$logspaces SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ndbinfo`.`ndb$logspaces`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'CREATE TABLE `ndbinfo`.`ndb$logspaces` (`node_id` INT UNSIGNED,`log_type` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "0 = REDO, 1 = DD-UNDO",`log_id` INT UNSIGNED,`log_part` INT UNSIGNED,`total` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "total allocated",`used` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "currently in use",`high` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "in use high water mark") COMMENT="logspace usage" ENGINE=NDBINFO','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; # ndbinfo.ndb$logbuffers SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ndbinfo`.`ndb$logbuffers`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'CREATE TABLE `ndbinfo`.`ndb$logbuffers` (`node_id` INT UNSIGNED,`log_type` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "0 = REDO, 1 = DD-UNDO",`log_id` INT UNSIGNED,`log_part` INT UNSIGNED,`total` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "total allocated",`used` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "currently in use",`high` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "in use high water mark") COMMENT="logbuffer usage" ENGINE=NDBINFO','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; # ndbinfo.ndb$resources SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ndbinfo`.`ndb$resources`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'CREATE TABLE `ndbinfo`.`ndb$resources` (`node_id` INT UNSIGNED,`resource_id` INT UNSIGNED,`reserved` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "reserved for this resource",`used` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "currently in use",`max` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "max available",`high` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "in use high water mark") COMMENT="resources usage (a.k.a superpool)" ENGINE=NDBINFO','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; # ndbinfo.ndb$counters SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ndbinfo`.`ndb$counters`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'CREATE TABLE `ndbinfo`.`ndb$counters` (`node_id` INT UNSIGNED,`block_number` INT UNSIGNED,`block_instance` INT UNSIGNED,`counter_id` INT UNSIGNED,`val` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "monotonically increasing since process start") COMMENT="monotonic counters" ENGINE=NDBINFO','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; # ndbinfo.ndb$nodes SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ndbinfo`.`ndb$nodes`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'CREATE TABLE `ndbinfo`.`ndb$nodes` (`node_id` INT UNSIGNED,`uptime` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "time in seconds that node has been running",`status` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "starting/started/stopped etc.",`start_phase` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "start phase if node is starting",`config_generation` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "configuration generation number") COMMENT="node status" ENGINE=NDBINFO','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; # ndbinfo.ndb$diskpagebuffer SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ndbinfo`.`ndb$diskpagebuffer`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'CREATE TABLE `ndbinfo`.`ndb$diskpagebuffer` (`node_id` INT UNSIGNED,`block_instance` INT UNSIGNED,`pages_written` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Pages written to disk",`pages_written_lcp` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Pages written by local checkpoint",`pages_read` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Pages read from disk",`log_waits` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Page writes waiting for log to be written to disk",`page_requests_direct_return` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Page in buffer and no requests waiting for it",`page_requests_wait_queue` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Page in buffer, but some requests are already waiting for it",`page_requests_wait_io` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Page not in buffer, waiting to be read from disk") COMMENT="disk page buffer info" ENGINE=NDBINFO','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; # ndbinfo.ndb$threadblocks SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ndbinfo`.`ndb$threadblocks`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'CREATE TABLE `ndbinfo`.`ndb$threadblocks` (`node_id` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "node id",`thr_no` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "thread number",`block_number` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "block number",`block_instance` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "block instance") COMMENT="which blocks are run in which threads" ENGINE=NDBINFO','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; # ndbinfo.ndb$threadstat SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ndbinfo`.`ndb$threadstat`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'CREATE TABLE `ndbinfo`.`ndb$threadstat` (`node_id` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "node id",`thr_no` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "thread number",`thr_nm` VARCHAR(512) COMMENT "thread name",`c_loop` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "No of loops in main loop",`c_exec` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "No of signals executed",`c_wait` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "No of times waited for more input",`c_l_sent_prioa` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "No of prio A signals sent to own node",`c_l_sent_priob` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "No of prio B signals sent to own node",`c_r_sent_prioa` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "No of prio A signals sent to remote node",`c_r_sent_priob` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "No of prio B signals sent to remote node",`os_tid` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "OS thread id",`os_now` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "OS gettimeofday (millis)",`os_ru_utime` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "OS user CPU time (micros)",`os_ru_stime` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "OS system CPU time (micros)",`os_ru_minflt` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "OS page reclaims (soft page faults",`os_ru_majflt` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "OS page faults (hard page faults)",`os_ru_nvcsw` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "OS voluntary context switches",`os_ru_nivcsw` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "OS involuntary context switches") COMMENT="Statistics on execution threads" ENGINE=NDBINFO','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; # ndbinfo.ndb$disk_write_speed_base SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ndbinfo`.`ndb$disk_write_speed_base`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'CREATE TABLE `ndbinfo`.`ndb$disk_write_speed_base` (`node_id` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "node id",`thr_no` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "LDM thread instance",`millis_ago` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Milliseconds ago since this period finished",`millis_passed` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Milliseconds passed in the period reported", `backup_lcp_bytes_written` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Bytes written by backup and LCP in the period",`redo_bytes_written` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Bytes written to REDO log in the period",`target_disk_write_speed` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Target disk write speed in bytes per second at the measurement point") COMMENT="Actual speed of disk writes per LDM thread, base data" ENGINE=NDBINFO','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; # ndbinfo.ndb$disk_write_speed_aggregate SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ndbinfo`.`ndb$disk_write_speed_aggregate`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'CREATE TABLE `ndbinfo`.`ndb$disk_write_speed_aggregate` (`node_id` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "node id",`thr_no` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "LDM thread instance",`backup_lcp_speed_last_sec` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Number of bytes written by backup and LCP last second",`redo_speed_last_sec` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Number of bytes written to REDO log last second",`backup_lcp_speed_last_10sec` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Number of bytes written by backup and LCP per second last 10 seconds",`redo_speed_last_10sec` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Number of bytes written to REDO log per second last 10 seconds",`std_dev_backup_lcp_speed_last_10sec` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Standard deviation of Number of bytes written by backup and LCP per second last 10 seconds",`std_dev_redo_speed_last_10sec` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Standard deviation of Number of bytes written to REDO log per second last 10 seconds",`backup_lcp_speed_last_60sec` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Number of bytes written by backup and LCP per second last 60 seconds",`redo_speed_last_60sec` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Number of bytes written to REDO log per second last 60 seconds",`std_dev_backup_lcp_speed_last_60sec` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Standard deviation of Number of bytes written by backup and LCP per second last 60 seconds",`std_dev_redo_speed_last_60sec` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Standard deviation of Number of bytes written to REDO log per second last 60 seconds",`slowdowns_due_to_io_lag` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Number of seconds that we slowed down disk writes due to REDO log IO lagging",`slowdowns_due_to_high_cpu` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Number of seconds we slowed down disk writes due to high CPU usage of LDM thread",`disk_write_speed_set_to_min` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Number of seconds we set disk write speed to a minimum",`current_target_disk_write_speed` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Current target of disk write speed in bytes per second") COMMENT="Actual speed of disk writes per LDM thread, aggregate data" ENGINE=NDBINFO','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; # ndbinfo.ndb$restart_info SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ndbinfo`.`ndb$restart_info`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'CREATE TABLE `ndbinfo`.`ndb$restart_info` (`node_id` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "node id",`node_restart_status` VARCHAR(256) COMMENT "Current state of node recovery",`node_restart_status_int` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Current state of node recovery as number",`secs_to_complete_node_failure` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Seconds to complete node failure handling",`secs_to_allocate_node_id` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Seconds from node failure completion to allocation of node id", `secs_to_include_in_heartbeat_protocol` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Seonds from allocation of node id to inclusion in HB protocol",`secs_until_wait_for_ndbcntr_master` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Seconds from included in HB protocol until we wait for ndbcntr master",`secs_wait_for_ndbcntr_master` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Seconds we waited for being accepted by NDBCNTR master to start",`secs_to_get_start_permitted` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Seconds from permit by master until all nodes accepted our start",`secs_to_wait_for_lcp_for_copy_meta_data` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Seconds waiting for LCP completion before copying meta data",`secs_to_copy_meta_data` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Seconds to copy meta data to starting node from master",`secs_to_include_node` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Seconds to wait for GCP and inclusion of all nodes into protocols",`secs_starting_node_to_request_local_recovery` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Seconds for starting node to request local recovery",`secs_for_local_recovery` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Seconds for local recovery in starting node",`secs_restore_fragments` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Seconds to restore fragments from LCP files",`secs_undo_disk_data` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Seconds to execute UNDO log on disk data part of records",`secs_exec_redo_log` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Seconds to execute REDO log on all restored fragments",`secs_index_rebuild` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Seconds to rebuild indexes on restored fragments",`secs_to_synchronize_starting_node` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Seconds to synchronize starting node from live nodes",`secs_wait_lcp_for_restart` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Seconds to wait for LCP start and completion before restart is completed",`secs_wait_subscription_handover` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Seconds waiting for handover of replication subscriptions",`total_restart_secs` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Total number of seconds from node failure until node is started again") COMMENT="Times of restart phases in seconds and current state" ENGINE=NDBINFO','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; # ndbinfo.ndb$transactions SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ndbinfo`.`ndb$transactions`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'CREATE TABLE `ndbinfo`.`ndb$transactions` (`node_id` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "node id",`block_instance` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "TC instance no",`objid` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Object id of transaction object",`apiref` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "API reference",`transid0` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Transaction id",`transid1` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Transaction id",`state` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Transaction state",`flags` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Transaction flags",`c_ops` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "No of operations in transaction",`outstanding` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Currently outstanding request",`timer` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Timer (seconds)") COMMENT="transactions" ENGINE=NDBINFO','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; # ndbinfo.ndb$operations SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ndbinfo`.`ndb$operations`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'CREATE TABLE `ndbinfo`.`ndb$operations` (`node_id` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "node id",`block_instance` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "LQH instance no",`objid` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Object id of operation object",`tcref` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "TC reference",`apiref` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "API reference",`transid0` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Transaction id",`transid1` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Transaction id",`tableid` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Table id",`fragmentid` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Fragment id",`op` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Operation type",`state` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Operation state",`flags` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Operation flags") COMMENT="operations" ENGINE=NDBINFO','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; # ndbinfo.ndb$membership SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ndbinfo`.`ndb$membership`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'CREATE TABLE `ndbinfo`.`ndb$membership` (`node_id` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "node id",`group_id` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "node group id",`left_node` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Left node in heart beat chain",`right_node` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Right node in heart beat chain",`president` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "President nodeid",`successor` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "President successor",`dynamic_id` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "President, Configured_heartbeat order",`arbitrator` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Arbitrator nodeid",`arb_ticket` VARCHAR(512) COMMENT "Arbitrator ticket",`arb_state` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Arbitrator state",`arb_connected` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Arbitrator connected",`conn_rank1_arbs` VARCHAR(512) COMMENT "Connected rank 1 arbitrators",`conn_rank2_arbs` VARCHAR(512) COMMENT "Connected rank 2 arbitrators") COMMENT="membership" ENGINE=NDBINFO','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; # ndbinfo.ndb$frag_mem_use SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ndbinfo`.`ndb$frag_mem_use`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'CREATE TABLE `ndbinfo`.`ndb$frag_mem_use` (`node_id` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "node id",`block_instance` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "LDM instance number",`table_id` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Table identity",`fragment_num` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Fragment number",`rows` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Number of rows in table",`fixed_elem_alloc_bytes` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Number of bytes allocated for fixed-sized elements",`fixed_elem_free_bytes` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Free bytes in fixed-size element pages",`fixed_elem_count` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Number of fixed size elements in use",`fixed_elem_size_bytes` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Length of each fixed sized element in bytes",`var_elem_alloc_bytes` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Number of bytes allocated for var-size elements",`var_elem_free_bytes` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Free bytes in var-size element pages",`var_elem_count` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Number of var size elements in use",`tuple_l2pmap_alloc_bytes` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Bytes in logical to physical page map for tuple store",`hash_index_l2pmap_alloc_bytes` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Bytes in logical to physical page map for the hash index",`hash_index_alloc_bytes` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Bytes in linear hash map") COMMENT="Per fragment space information" ENGINE=NDBINFO','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; # ndbinfo.ndb$frag_operations # This table contains per-fragment usage statistics. Most values in this table # reflects only user operations, meaning that they do not include the # activities of LCPs and COPY_FRAG scans.. The exceptions are the counters # that concern scan queueing and concurrency: tot_qd_frag_scans, # conc_frag_scans, conc_qd_plain_frag_scans and conc_qd_tup_frag_scans (though # LCPs currently does not use TUP scans). # The values starting with 'tot_' are accumulated values, meaning that they # give the totalt count of some event or sum of some attribute attibute since # the node was last restarted. # Also observe that this table does *not* reflect 'early aborts' in any way. # By 'early aborts' we mean operations that are rejected by LQH before # beginning execution due to resource issues such as overloaded transporters # or lack of free space in internal structures. SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ndbinfo`.`ndb$frag_operations`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @cmd='CREATE TABLE ndbinfo.ndb$frag_operations ( node_id INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "node id", block_instance INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "LQH instance no", table_id INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Table identity", fragment_num INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Fragment number", tot_key_reads BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Total number of key reads received", tot_key_inserts BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Total number of key inserts received", tot_key_updates BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Total number of key updates received", # 'write' operations, meaning update if key exists, insert otherwise are used # by e.g. restore and sql REPLACE. tot_key_writes BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Total number of key writes received", tot_key_deletes BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Total number of key deletes received", # Number of key operations refused by the LDM due to either: # - no matching key for update/delete. # - key exists already for insert. # - operation rejected by interpreted program. # - internal errors such as checksum errors. tot_key_refs BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Total number of key operations refused by LDM", tot_key_attrinfo_bytes BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Total attrinfo bytes received for key operations", tot_key_keyinfo_bytes BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Total keyinfo bytes received for key operations", tot_key_prog_bytes BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Total bytes of filter programs for key operations", tot_key_inst_exec BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Total number of interpreter instructions executed for key operations", tot_key_bytes_returned BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Total number of bytes returned to client for key operations", tot_frag_scans BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Total number of fragment scans received", tot_scan_rows_examined BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Total number of rows examined by scans", tot_scan_rows_returned BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Total number or rows returned to client", tot_scan_bytes_returned BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Total number of bytes returned to client by scans", tot_scan_prog_bytes BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Total bytes of scan filter programs", tot_scan_bound_bytes BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Total bytes of scan bounds", tot_scan_inst_exec BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Total number of interpreter instructions executed for scans", tot_qd_frag_scans BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Total number of fragment scans queued before exec", conc_frag_scans INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Number of frag scans currently running", conc_qd_plain_frag_scans INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Number of tux frag scans currently queued", conc_qd_tup_frag_scans INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Number of tup frag scans currently queued", conc_qd_acc_frag_scans INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Number of acc frag scans currently queued", tot_commits BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Total number of committed row changes") COMMENT="Per fragment operational information" ENGINE=NDBINFO;'; SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo <> 0, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0;'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; # ndbinfo.ndb$blocks SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ndbinfo`.`ndb$blocks`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'CREATE TABLE `ndbinfo`.`ndb$blocks` (block_number INT UNSIGNED, block_name VARCHAR(512)) ENGINE=NDBINFO','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; # ndbinfo.ndb$dict_obj_info SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ndbinfo`.`ndb$dict_obj_info`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'CREATE TABLE `ndbinfo`.`ndb$dict_obj_info` (`type` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Type of dict object",`id` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Object identity",`version` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Object version",`state` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Object state",`parent_obj_type` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Parent object type",`parent_obj_id` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT "Parent object id",`fq_name` VARCHAR(512) COMMENT "Fully qualified object name") COMMENT="Dictionary object info" ENGINE=NDBINFO','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; # ndbinfo.ndb$dict_obj_types SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ndbinfo`.`ndb$dict_obj_types`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'CREATE TABLE `ndbinfo`.`ndb$dict_obj_types` (type_id INT UNSIGNED, type_name VARCHAR(512)) ENGINE=NDBINFO','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; # ndbinfo.ndb$config_params SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ndbinfo`.`ndb$config_params`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'CREATE TABLE `ndbinfo`.`ndb$config_params` (param_number INT UNSIGNED, param_name VARCHAR(512)) ENGINE=NDBINFO','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; # ndbinfo.ndb$dbtc_apiconnect_state SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ndbinfo`.`ndb$dbtc_apiconnect_state`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'CREATE TABLE `ndbinfo`.`ndb$dbtc_apiconnect_state` (state_int_value INT UNSIGNED, state_name VARCHAR(256), state_friendly_name VARCHAR(256), state_description VARCHAR(256)) ENGINE=NDBINFO','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; # ndbinfo.ndb$dblqh_tcconnect_state SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ndbinfo`.`ndb$dblqh_tcconnect_state`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'CREATE TABLE `ndbinfo`.`ndb$dblqh_tcconnect_state` (state_int_value INT UNSIGNED, state_name VARCHAR(256), state_friendly_name VARCHAR(256), state_description VARCHAR(256)) ENGINE=NDBINFO','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; # ndbinfo.transporters SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'CREATE OR REPLACE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW `ndbinfo`.`transporters` AS SELECT node_id, remote_node_id, CASE connection_status WHEN 0 THEN "CONNECTED" WHEN 1 THEN "CONNECTING" WHEN 2 THEN "DISCONNECTED" WHEN 3 THEN "DISCONNECTING" ELSE NULL END AS status, remote_address, bytes_sent, bytes_received, connect_count, overloaded, overload_count, slowdown, slowdown_count FROM `ndbinfo`.`ndb$transporters`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; # ndbinfo.logspaces SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'CREATE OR REPLACE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW `ndbinfo`.`logspaces` AS SELECT node_id, CASE log_type WHEN 0 THEN "REDO" WHEN 1 THEN "DD-UNDO" ELSE NULL END AS log_type, log_id, log_part, total, used FROM `ndbinfo`.`ndb$logspaces`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; # ndbinfo.logbuffers SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'CREATE OR REPLACE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW `ndbinfo`.`logbuffers` AS SELECT node_id, CASE log_type WHEN 0 THEN "REDO" WHEN 1 THEN "DD-UNDO" ELSE "" END AS log_type, log_id, log_part, total, used FROM `ndbinfo`.`ndb$logbuffers`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; # ndbinfo.resources SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'CREATE OR REPLACE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW `ndbinfo`.`resources` AS SELECT node_id, CASE resource_id WHEN 0 THEN "RESERVED" WHEN 1 THEN "DISK_OPERATIONS" WHEN 2 THEN "DISK_RECORDS" WHEN 3 THEN "DATA_MEMORY" WHEN 4 THEN "JOBBUFFER" WHEN 5 THEN "FILE_BUFFERS" WHEN 6 THEN "TRANSPORTER_BUFFERS" WHEN 7 THEN "DISK_PAGE_BUFFER" WHEN 8 THEN "QUERY_MEMORY" WHEN 9 THEN "SCHEMA_TRANS_MEMORY" ELSE "" END AS resource_name, reserved, used, max FROM `ndbinfo`.`ndb$resources`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; # ndbinfo.counters SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'CREATE OR REPLACE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW `ndbinfo`.`counters` AS SELECT node_id, b.block_name, block_instance, counter_id, CASE counter_id WHEN 1 THEN "ATTRINFO" WHEN 2 THEN "TRANSACTIONS" WHEN 3 THEN "COMMITS" WHEN 4 THEN "READS" WHEN 5 THEN "SIMPLE_READS" WHEN 6 THEN "WRITES" WHEN 7 THEN "ABORTS" WHEN 8 THEN "TABLE_SCANS" WHEN 9 THEN "RANGE_SCANS" WHEN 10 THEN "OPERATIONS" WHEN 11 THEN "READS_RECEIVED" WHEN 12 THEN "LOCAL_READS_SENT" WHEN 13 THEN "REMOTE_READS_SENT" WHEN 14 THEN "READS_NOT_FOUND" WHEN 15 THEN "TABLE_SCANS_RECEIVED" WHEN 16 THEN "LOCAL_TABLE_SCANS_SENT" WHEN 17 THEN "RANGE_SCANS_RECEIVED" WHEN 18 THEN "LOCAL_RANGE_SCANS_SENT" WHEN 19 THEN "REMOTE_RANGE_SCANS_SENT" WHEN 20 THEN "SCAN_BATCHES_RETURNED" WHEN 21 THEN "SCAN_ROWS_RETURNED" WHEN 22 THEN "PRUNED_RANGE_SCANS_RECEIVED" WHEN 23 THEN "CONST_PRUNED_RANGE_SCANS_RECEIVED" WHEN 24 THEN "LOCAL_READS" WHEN 25 THEN "LOCAL_WRITES" WHEN 26 THEN "LQHKEY_OVERLOAD" WHEN 27 THEN "LQHKEY_OVERLOAD_TC" WHEN 28 THEN "LQHKEY_OVERLOAD_READER" WHEN 29 THEN "LQHKEY_OVERLOAD_NODE_PEER" WHEN 30 THEN "LQHKEY_OVERLOAD_SUBSCRIBER" WHEN 31 THEN "LQHSCAN_SLOWDOWNS" ELSE "" END AS counter_name, val FROM `ndbinfo`.`ndb$counters` c LEFT JOIN `ndbinfo`.`ndb$blocks` b ON c.block_number = b.block_number','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; # ndbinfo.nodes SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'CREATE OR REPLACE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW `ndbinfo`.`nodes` AS SELECT node_id, uptime, CASE status WHEN 0 THEN "NOTHING" WHEN 1 THEN "CMVMI" WHEN 2 THEN "STARTING" WHEN 3 THEN "STARTED" WHEN 4 THEN "SINGLEUSER" WHEN 5 THEN "STOPPING_1" WHEN 6 THEN "STOPPING_2" WHEN 7 THEN "STOPPING_3" WHEN 8 THEN "STOPPING_4" ELSE "" END AS status, start_phase, config_generation FROM `ndbinfo`.`ndb$nodes`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; # ndbinfo.memoryusage SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'CREATE OR REPLACE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW `ndbinfo`.`memoryusage` AS SELECT node_id, pool_name AS memory_type, SUM(used*entry_size) AS used, SUM(used) AS used_pages, SUM(total*entry_size) AS total, SUM(total) AS total_pages FROM `ndbinfo`.`ndb$pools` WHERE (block_number IN (248, 254) AND (pool_name = "Index memory" OR pool_name = "Data memory")) OR pool_name = "Long message buffer" GROUP BY node_id, memory_type','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; # ndbinfo.diskpagebuffer SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'CREATE OR REPLACE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW `ndbinfo`.`diskpagebuffer` AS SELECT node_id, block_instance, pages_written, pages_written_lcp, pages_read, log_waits, page_requests_direct_return, page_requests_wait_queue, page_requests_wait_io FROM `ndbinfo`.`ndb$diskpagebuffer`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; # ndbinfo.diskpagebuffer SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'CREATE OR REPLACE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW `ndbinfo`.`diskpagebuffer` AS SELECT node_id, block_instance, pages_written, pages_written_lcp, pages_read, log_waits, page_requests_direct_return, page_requests_wait_queue, page_requests_wait_io FROM `ndbinfo`.`ndb$diskpagebuffer`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; # ndbinfo.threadblocks SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'CREATE OR REPLACE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW `ndbinfo`.`threadblocks` AS SELECT t.node_id, t.thr_no, b.block_name, t.block_instance FROM `ndbinfo`.`ndb$threadblocks` t LEFT JOIN `ndbinfo`.`ndb$blocks` b ON t.block_number = b.block_number','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; # ndbinfo.threadstat SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'CREATE OR REPLACE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW `ndbinfo`.`threadstat` AS SELECT * from `ndbinfo`.`ndb$threadstat`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; # ndbinfo.disk_write_speed_base SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'CREATE OR REPLACE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW `ndbinfo`.`disk_write_speed_base` AS SELECT * from `ndbinfo`.`ndb$disk_write_speed_base`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; # ndbinfo.disk_write_speed_aggregate SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'CREATE OR REPLACE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW `ndbinfo`.`disk_write_speed_aggregate` AS SELECT * from `ndbinfo`.`ndb$disk_write_speed_aggregate`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; # ndbinfo.disk_write_speed_aggregate_node SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'CREATE OR REPLACE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW `ndbinfo`.`disk_write_speed_aggregate_node` AS SELECT node_id,SUM(backup_lcp_speed_last_sec) AS backup_lcp_speed_last_sec,SUM(redo_speed_last_sec) AS redo_speed_last_sec,SUM(backup_lcp_speed_last_10sec) AS backup_lcp_speed_last_10sec,SUM(redo_speed_last_10sec) AS redo_speed_last_10sec,SUM(backup_lcp_speed_last_60sec) AS backup_lcp_speed_last_60sec,SUM(redo_speed_last_60sec) AS redo_speed_last_60sec from `ndbinfo`.`ndb$disk_write_speed_aggregate` GROUP by node_id','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; # ndbinfo.restart_info SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'CREATE OR REPLACE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW `ndbinfo`.`restart_info` AS SELECT * from `ndbinfo`.`ndb$restart_info`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; # ndbinfo.cluster_transactions SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'CREATE OR REPLACE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW `ndbinfo`.`cluster_transactions` AS SELECT t.node_id, t.block_instance, t.transid0 + (t.transid1 << 32) as transid, s.state_friendly_name as state, t.c_ops as count_operations, t.outstanding as outstanding_operations, t.timer as inactive_seconds, (t.apiref & 65535) as client_node_id, (t.apiref >> 16) as client_block_ref FROM `ndbinfo`.`ndb$transactions` t LEFT JOIN `ndbinfo`.`ndb$dbtc_apiconnect_state` s ON s.state_int_value = t.state','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; # ndbinfo.server_transactions SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'CREATE OR REPLACE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW `ndbinfo`.`server_transactions` AS SELECT map.mysql_connection_id, t.*FROM information_schema.ndb_transid_mysql_connection_map map JOIN `ndbinfo`.cluster_transactions t ON (map.ndb_transid >> 32) = (t.transid >> 32)','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; # ndbinfo.cluster_operations SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'CREATE OR REPLACE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW `ndbinfo`.`cluster_operations` AS SELECT o.node_id, o.block_instance, o.transid0 + (o.transid1 << 32) as transid, case o.op when 1 then "READ" when 2 then "READ-SH" when 3 then "READ-EX" when 4 then "INSERT" when 5 then "UPDATE" when 6 then "DELETE" when 7 then "WRITE" when 8 then "UNLOCK" when 9 then "REFRESH" when 257 then "SCAN" when 258 then "SCAN-SH" when 259 then "SCAN-EX" ELSE "" END as operation_type, s.state_friendly_name as state, o.tableid, o.fragmentid, (o.apiref & 65535) as client_node_id, (o.apiref >> 16) as client_block_ref, (o.tcref & 65535) as tc_node_id, ((o.tcref >> 16) & 511) as tc_block_no, ((o.tcref >> (16 + 9)) & 127) as tc_block_instance FROM `ndbinfo`.`ndb$operations` o LEFT JOIN `ndbinfo`.`ndb$dblqh_tcconnect_state` s ON s.state_int_value = o.state','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; # ndbinfo.server_operations SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'CREATE OR REPLACE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW `ndbinfo`.`server_operations` AS SELECT map.mysql_connection_id, o.* FROM `ndbinfo`.cluster_operations o JOIN information_schema.ndb_transid_mysql_connection_map map ON (map.ndb_transid >> 32) = (o.transid >> 32)','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; # ndbinfo.membership SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'CREATE OR REPLACE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW `ndbinfo`.`membership` AS SELECT node_id, group_id, left_node, right_node, president, successor, dynamic_id & 0xFFFF AS succession_order, dynamic_id >> 16 AS Conf_HB_order, arbitrator, arb_ticket, CASE arb_state WHEN 0 THEN "ARBIT_NULL" WHEN 1 THEN "ARBIT_INIT" WHEN 2 THEN "ARBIT_FIND" WHEN 3 THEN "ARBIT_PREP1" WHEN 4 THEN "ARBIT_PREP2" WHEN 5 THEN "ARBIT_START" WHEN 6 THEN "ARBIT_RUN" WHEN 7 THEN "ARBIT_CHOOSE" WHEN 8 THEN "ARBIT_CRASH" ELSE "UNKNOWN" END AS arb_state, CASE arb_connected WHEN 1 THEN "Yes" ELSE "No" END AS arb_connected, conn_rank1_arbs AS connected_rank1_arbs, conn_rank2_arbs AS connected_rank2_arbs FROM `ndbinfo`.`ndb$membership`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; # ndbinfo.arbitrator_validity_detail SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'CREATE OR REPLACE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW `ndbinfo`.`arbitrator_validity_detail` AS SELECT node_id, arbitrator, arb_ticket, CASE arb_connected WHEN 1 THEN "Yes" ELSE "No" END AS arb_connected, CASE arb_state WHEN 0 THEN "ARBIT_NULL" WHEN 1 THEN "ARBIT_INIT" WHEN 2 THEN "ARBIT_FIND" WHEN 3 THEN "ARBIT_PREP1" WHEN 4 THEN "ARBIT_PREP2" WHEN 5 THEN "ARBIT_START" WHEN 6 THEN "ARBIT_RUN" WHEN 7 THEN "ARBIT_CHOOSE" WHEN 8 THEN "ARBIT_CRASH" ELSE "UNKNOWN" END AS arb_state FROM `ndbinfo`.`ndb$membership` ORDER BY arbitrator, arb_connected DESC','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; # ndbinfo.arbitrator_validity_summary SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'CREATE OR REPLACE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW `ndbinfo`.`arbitrator_validity_summary` AS SELECT arbitrator, arb_ticket, CASE arb_connected WHEN 1 THEN "Yes" ELSE "No" END AS arb_connected, count(*) as consensus_count FROM `ndbinfo`.`ndb$membership` GROUP BY arbitrator, arb_ticket, arb_connected','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; # ndbinfo.memory_per_fragment # The test for name.type<=6 is there to elimiate matching non-table objects # (triggers, files etc.), since the 'id' of these may collide with table ids. SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'CREATE OR REPLACE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW `ndbinfo`.`memory_per_fragment` AS SELECT name.fq_name, parent_name.fq_name AS parent_fq_name, types.type_name AS type, table_id, node_id, block_instance, fragment_num, fixed_elem_alloc_bytes, fixed_elem_free_bytes, fixed_elem_size_bytes, fixed_elem_count, FLOOR(fixed_elem_free_bytes/fixed_elem_size_bytes) AS fixed_elem_free_count, var_elem_alloc_bytes, var_elem_free_bytes, var_elem_count, hash_index_alloc_bytes FROM ndbinfo.ndb$frag_mem_use AS space JOIN ndbinfo.ndb$dict_obj_info AS name ON name.id=space.table_id AND name.type<=6 JOIN ndbinfo.ndb$dict_obj_types AS types ON name.type=types.type_id LEFT JOIN ndbinfo.ndb$dict_obj_info AS parent_name ON name.parent_obj_id=parent_name.id AND name.parent_obj_type=parent_name.type','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; # Finally turn off offline mode SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'SET @@global.ndbinfo_offline=FALSE','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; # ndbinfo.operations_per_fragment # This is the end-user view of ndb$frag_operations. It adds some # dictionary information such as the table name and type, and the name of the # parent table, if there is any. # # The test for name.type<=6 is there to elimiate matching non-table objects # (triggers, files etc.), since the 'id' of these may collide with table ids. SET @cmd='CREATE OR REPLACE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW `ndbinfo`.`operations_per_fragment` AS SELECT name.fq_name, parent_name.fq_name AS parent_fq_name, types.type_name AS type, table_id, node_id, block_instance, fragment_num, tot_key_reads, tot_key_inserts, tot_key_updates, tot_key_writes, tot_key_deletes, tot_key_refs, tot_key_attrinfo_bytes, tot_key_keyinfo_bytes, tot_key_prog_bytes, tot_key_inst_exec, tot_key_bytes_returned, tot_frag_scans, tot_scan_rows_examined, tot_scan_rows_returned, tot_scan_bytes_returned, tot_scan_prog_bytes, tot_scan_bound_bytes, tot_scan_inst_exec, tot_qd_frag_scans, conc_frag_scans, conc_qd_plain_frag_scans+conc_qd_tup_frag_scans+conc_qd_acc_frag_scans AS conc_qd_frag_scans, tot_commits FROM ndbinfo.ndb$frag_operations AS ops JOIN ndbinfo.ndb$dict_obj_info AS name ON name.id=ops.table_id AND name.type<=6 JOIN ndbinfo.ndb$dict_obj_types AS types ON name.type=types.type_id LEFT JOIN ndbinfo.ndb$dict_obj_info AS parent_name ON name.parent_obj_id=parent_name.id AND name.parent_obj_type=parent_name.type'; SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo <> 0, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0;'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; # ndbinfo.blocks SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'CREATE OR REPLACE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW `ndbinfo`.`blocks` AS SELECT block_number, block_name FROM `ndbinfo`.`ndb$blocks`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; # ndbinfo.dict_obj_types SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'CREATE OR REPLACE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW `ndbinfo`.`dict_obj_types` AS SELECT type_id, type_name FROM `ndbinfo`.`ndb$dict_obj_types`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; # ndbinfo.config_params SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'CREATE OR REPLACE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW `ndbinfo`.`config_params` AS SELECT param_number, param_name FROM `ndbinfo`.`ndb$config_params`','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; # Finally turn off offline mode SET @str=IF(@have_ndbinfo,'SET @@global.ndbinfo_offline=FALSE','SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt; korean/errmsg.sys000075500000243505147633135430010107 0ustar00Q5ueUv.uB18UBG !  )  5 l  6 \  :d:XL4zZ/W4E%b&gE>|Vq0L x !D!!1""2#y##X$$$%'%%%d&&V'''g((( )@)))*V****=++++2,m,,,-S---1.W.~../K/\/////0<0000(1D1b1~11212m222y334f445L5{555.6q6667O7777*8o88889>9999&:|::;>;w;;;;!<m<<< =8=\=}====">H>t>>>D?r????L@d@@@A.AzAAA BGBBBBACnCCCDE]EE]FFFFGLGhGGGCHwHHIOI{II"JgJJJJ K/KsKKKKKL*LHL\LwLLLL&MMN N]NuNNNNN O$O7OOOsOOOOOPP6PfPPPP#QPQQQRKRRRRRSIS}SS TTTTUDU[UrUUUUV,VmVVVV>W`WWWWX X=XgXXXXY.Y`YYYYZ5ZgZZZZ9[i[[[[1\l\\\R]]]]];^w^^^_A___``a+bbbcecccdmdddMeefZfff;gbgggghhhiiikjjj:kkk llmsmmnZnnno;ooooooppSppppqqq2r{rrsSsss tQttt%uVuuuv]vvvwOwww,xSxxxx:y~yyyzozz{R{w{{{{.|v||*}d}}}}~7~K~]~~~8L4SȀڀ-j:fɂ ^ƒ0i GX\x4UQb܊HJZuP<sُ\֐_R%Γ6i "/9Ai 5`8Q'_Иcnn!şc#|WdVwk?ƧZ0ЩSS˫1WsԱ6`7zX̶IϷ0vѸjCpºAɻM E^6@H9f sj /dbVwOd5H[(g$U.y>^xZ' M(t&"6XP6/D?]In0E?qNT0SW3"D_rz=fICs@gCMu~Vj2_!fn|kkq:   1 h   G    J y   Z  .a#=_{Hg=lS/MGQ $ZVO&JOc(Q 1 U p  !I!""" #H##/$$S%%%p&&&&&"'C'`'((l(()L)y))))*?*j*m***** +D+,,,-4-d---.`....]/00C11 2[23S33 4H445hashchkisamchk아니오예화일 '%-.200s'를 만들지 못했습니다. (에러번호: %d - %s)테이블 '%-.200s'를 만들지 못했습니다. (에러번호: %d)데이타베이스 '%-.192s'를 만들지 못했습니다.. (에러번호: %d)데이타베이스 '%-.192s'를 만들지 못했습니다.. 데이타베이스가 존재함데이타베이스 '%-.192s'를 제거하지 못했습니다. 데이타베이스가 존재하지 않음 데이타베이스 제거 에러('%-.192s'를 삭제할 수 없읍니다, 에러번호: %d)데이타베이스 제거 에러(rmdir '%-.192s'를 할 수 없읍니다, 에러번호: %d)'%-.192s' 삭제 중 에러 (에러번호: %d - %s)system 테이블에서 레코드를 읽을 수 없습니다.'%-.200s'의 상태를 얻지 못했습니다. (에러번호: %d - %s)수행 디렉토리를 찾지 못했습니다. (에러번호: %d - %s)화일을 잠그지(lock) 못했습니다. (에러번호: %d - %s)화일을 열지 못했습니다.: '%-.200s' (에러번호: %d - %s)화일을 찾지 못했습니다.: '%-.200s' (에러번호: %d - %s)'%-.192s'디렉토리를 읽지 못했습니다. (에러번호: %d - %s)'%-.192s'디렉토리로 이동할 수 없었습니다. (에러번호: %d - %s)테이블 '%-.192s'에서 마지막으로 읽은 후 Record가 변경되었습니다.Disk full (%s). 다른 사람이 지울때까지 기다립니다... (에러번호: %d - %s)기록할 수 없읍니다., 테이블 '%-.192s'에서 중복 키'%-.192s'닫는 중 에러 (에러번호: %d - %s)'%-.200s'화일 읽기 에러 (에러번호: %d - %s)'%-.210s'를 '%-.210s'로 이름 변경중 에러 (에러번호: %d - %s)'%-.200s'화일 기록 중 에러 (에러번호: %d - %s)'%-.192s'가 변경할 수 없도록 잠겨있읍니다.소트가 중단되었습니다.뷰 '%-.192s'가 '%-.192s'에서는 존재하지 않읍니다.테이블 handler에서 %d 에러가 발생 하였습니다.'%-.192s'의 테이블 handler는 이러한 옵션을 제공하지 않읍니다.'%-.192s'에서 레코드를 찾을 수 없읍니다.화일의 부정확한 정보: '%-.200s''%-.200s' 테이블의 부정확한 키 존재. 수정하시오!'%-.192s' 테이블의 이전버젼의 키 존재. 수정하시오!테이블 '%-.192s'는 읽기전용 입니다.Out of memory. 데몬을 재 실행 후 다시 시작하시오 (needed %d bytes)Out of sort memory. daemon sort buffer의 크기를 증가시키세요'%-.192s' 화일을 읽는 도중 잘못된 eof을 발견 (에러번호: %d - %s)너무 많은 연결... max_connection을 증가 시키시오...Out of memory; check if mysqld or some other process uses all available memory; if not, you may have to use 'ulimit' to allow mysqld to use more memory or you can add more swap space당신의 컴퓨터의 호스트이름을 얻을 수 없읍니다.Bad handshake'%-.48s'@'%-.64s' 사용자는 '%-.192s' 데이타베이스에 접근이 거부 되었습니다.'%-.48s'@'%-.64s' 사용자는 접근이 거부 되었습니다. (using password: %s)선택된 데이타베이스가 없습니다.명령어가 뭔지 모르겠어요...칼럼 '%-.192s'는 널(Null)이 되면 안됩니다. 데이타베이스 '%-.192s'는 알수 없음테이블 '%-.192s'는 이미 존재함테이블 '%-.100s'는 알수 없음칼럼: '%-.192s' in '%-.192s' 이 모호함Server가 셧다운 중입니다.Unknown 칼럼 '%-.192s' in '%-.192s''%-.192s'은 GROUP BY속에 없음'%-.192s'를 그룹할 수 없음Statement 가 sum기능을 동작중이고 칼럼도 동일한 statement입니다.칼럼의 카운트가 값의 카운트와 일치하지 않습니다.Identifier '%-.100s'는 너무 길군요.중복된 칼럼 이름: '%-.192s'중복된 키 이름 : '%-.192s'중복된 입력 값 '%-.192s': key %d칼럼 '%-.192s'의 부정확한 칼럼 정의자'%s' 에러 같읍니다. ('%-.80s' 명령어 라인 %d)쿼리결과가 없습니다.Unique 하지 않은 테이블/alias: '%-.192s''%-.192s'의 유효하지 못한 디폴트 값을 사용하셨습니다.Multiple primary key가 정의되어 있슴너무 많은 키가 정의되어 있읍니다.. 최대 %d의 키가 가능함너무 많은 키 부분(parts)들이 정의되어 있읍니다.. 최대 %d 부분이 가능함정의된 키가 너무 깁니다. 최대 키의 길이는 %d입니다.Key 칼럼 '%-.192s'는 테이블에 존재하지 않습니다.BLOB 칼럼 '%-.192s'는 키 정의에서 사용될 수 없습니다.칼럼 '%-.192s'의 칼럼 길이가 너무 깁니다 (최대 = %lu). 대신에 BLOB를 사용하세요.부정확한 테이블 정의; 테이블은 하나의 auto 칼럼이 존재하고 키로 정의되어져야 합니다.%s: 연결 준비중입니다 Version: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d"%s: 정상적인 shutdown %s: %d 신호가 들어왔음. 중지! %s: Shutdown 이 완료됨! %s: thread %ld의 강제 종료 user: '%-.48s' IP 소켓을 만들지 못했습니다.테이블 '%-.192s'는 인덱스를 만들지 않았습니다. alter 테이블명령을 이용하여 테이블을 수정하세요...필드 구분자 인수들이 완전하지 않습니다. 메뉴얼을 찾아 보세요.BLOB로는 고정길이의 lowlength를 사용할 수 없습니다. 'fields terminated by'를 사용하세요.'%-.128s' 화일는 데이타베이스 디렉토리에 존재하거나 모두에게 읽기 가능하여야 합니다.'%-.200s' 화일은 이미 존재합니다.레코드: %ld개 삭제: %ld개 스킵: %ld개 경고: %ld개레코드: %ld개 중복: %ld개부정확한 서버 파트 키. 사용된 키 파트가 스트링이 아니거나 키 파트의 길이가 너무 깁니다.ALTER TABLE 명령으로는 모든 칼럼을 지울 수 없습니다. DROP TABLE 명령을 이용하세요.'%-.192s'를 DROP할 수 없습니다. 칼럼이나 키가 존재하는지 채크하세요.레코드: %ld개 중복: %ld개 경고: %ld개You can't specify target table '%-.192s' for update in FROM clause알수 없는 쓰레드 id: %lu쓰레드(Thread) %lu의 소유자가 아닙니다.어떤 테이블도 사용되지 않았습니다.칼럼 %-.192s와 SET에서 스트링이 너무 많습니다.Unique 로그화일 '%-.200s'를 만들수 없습니다.(1-999) 테이블 '%-.192s'는 READ 락이 잠겨있어서 갱신할 수 없습니다.테이블 '%-.192s'는 LOCK TABLES 명령으로 잠기지 않았습니다.BLOB 칼럼 '%-.192s' 는 디폴트 값을 가질 수 없습니다.'%-.100s' 데이타베이스의 이름이 부정확합니다.'%-.100s' 테이블 이름이 부정확합니다.SELECT 명령에서 너무 많은 레코드를 찾기 때문에 많은 시간이 소요됩니다. 따라서 WHERE 문을 점검하거나, 만약 SELECT가 ok되면 SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 옵션을 사용하세요.알수 없는 에러입니다.알수 없는 수행문 : '%-.192s''%-.192s' 수행문에 대한 부정확한 파라메터'%-.192s' 수행문에 대한 부정확한 파라메터알수 없는 테이블 '%-.192s' (데이타베이스 %-.32s)칼럼 '%-.192s'는 두번 정의되어 있읍니다.잘못된 그룹 함수를 사용하였습니다.테이블 '%-.192s'는 확장명령을 이용하지만 현재의 MySQL 버젼에서는 존재하지 않습니다.하나의 테이블에서는 적어도 하나의 칼럼이 존재하여야 합니다.테이블 '%-.192s'가 full났습니다. 알수없는 언어 Set: '%-.64s'너무 많은 테이블이 Join되었습니다. MySQL에서는 JOIN시 %d개의 테이블만 사용할 수 있습니다.칼럼이 너무 많습니다.너무 큰 row 사이즈입니다. BLOB를 계산하지 않고 최대 row 사이즈는 %ld입니다. 얼마간의 필드들을 BLOB로 바꾸셔야 겠군요..쓰레드 스택이 넘쳤습니다. 사용: %ld개 스택: %ld개. 만약 필요시 더큰 스택을 원할때에는 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' 를 정의하세요Cross dependency found in OUTER JOIN; examine your ON conditionsTable handler doesn't support NULL in given index. Please change column '%-.192s' to be NOT NULL or use another handler'%-.192s' 함수를 로드하지 못했습니다.'%-.192s' 함수를 초기화 하지 못했습니다.; %-.80s공유 라이버러리를 위한 패스가 정의되어 있지 않습니다.'%-.192s' 함수는 이미 존재합니다.'%-.192s' 공유 라이버러리를 열수 없습니다.(에러번호: %d %-.128s)라이버러리에서 '%-.128s' 함수를 찾을 수 없습니다.'%-.192s' 함수가 정의되어 있지 않습니다.너무 많은 연결오류로 인하여 호스트 '%-.64s'는 블락되었습니다. 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'를 이용하여 블락을 해제하세요'%-.64s' 호스트는 이 MySQL서버에 접속할 허가를 받지 못했습니다.당신은 MySQL서버에 익명의 사용자로 접속을 하셨습니다.익명의 사용자는 암호를 변경할 수 없습니다.당신은 다른사용자들의 암호를 변경할 수 있도록 데이타베이스 변경권한을 가져야 합니다.사용자 테이블에서 일치하는 것을 찾을 수 없읍니다.일치하는 Rows : %ld개 변경됨: %ld개 경고: %ld개새로운 쓰레드를 만들 수 없습니다.(에러번호 %d). 만약 여유메모리가 있다면 OS-dependent버그 의 메뉴얼 부분을 찾아보시오.Row %ld에서 칼럼 카운트와 value 카운터와 일치하지 않습니다.테이블을 다시 열수 없군요: '%-.192sNULL 값을 잘못 사용하셨군요...regexp에서 '%-.64s'가 났습니다.Mixing of GROUP 칼럼s (MIN(),MAX(),COUNT(),...) with no GROUP 칼럼s is illegal if there is no GROUP BY clause사용자 '%-.48s' (호스트 '%-.64s')를 위하여 정의된 그런 승인은 없습니다.'%-.128s' 명령은 다음 사용자에게 거부되었습니다. : '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' for 테이블 '%-.64s''%-.16s' 명령은 다음 사용자에게 거부되었습니다. : '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' for 칼럼 '%-.192s' in 테이블 '%-.192s'잘못된 GRANT/REVOKE 명령. 어떤 권리와 승인이 사용되어 질 수 있는지 메뉴얼을 보시오.승인(GRANT)을 위하여 사용한 사용자나 호스트의 값들이 너무 깁니다.테이블 '%-.192s.%-.192s' 는 존재하지 않습니다.사용자 '%-.48s'(호스트 '%-.64s')는 테이블 '%-.192s'를 사용하기 위하여 정의된 승인은 없습니다. 사용된 명령은 현재의 MySQL 버젼에서는 이용되지 않습니다.SQL 구문에 오류가 있습니다.Delayed insert thread couldn't get requested lock for table %-.192sToo many delayed threads in use데이타베이스 접속을 위한 연결 %ld가 중단됨 : '%-.192s' 사용자: '%-.48s' (%-.64s)'max_allowed_packet'보다 더큰 패킷을 받았습니다.연결 파이프로부터 에러가 발생하였습니다.fcntl() 함수로부터 에러가 발생하였습니다.순서가 맞지않는 패킷을 받았습니다.통신 패킷의 압축해제를 할 수 없었습니다.통신 패킷을 읽는 중 오류가 발생하였습니다.통신 패킷을 읽는 중 timeout이 발생하였습니다.통신 패킷을 기록하는 중 오류가 발생하였습니다.통신 패팃을 기록하는 중 timeout이 발생하였습니다.Result string is longer than 'max_allowed_packet' bytesThe used table type doesn't support BLOB/TEXT columnsThe used table type doesn't support AUTO_INCREMENT columnsINSERT DELAYED can't be used with table '%-.192s' because it is locked with LOCK TABLESIncorrect column name '%-.100s'The used table handler can't index column '%-.192s'All tables in the MERGE table are not defined identicallyCan't write, because of unique constraint, to table '%-.192s'BLOB column '%-.192s' used in key specification without a key lengthAll parts of a PRIMARY KEY must be NOT NULL; if you need NULL in a key, use UNIQUE insteadResult consisted of more than one rowThis table type requires a primary keyThis version of MySQL is not compiled with RAID supportYou are using safe update mode and you tried to update a table without a WHERE that uses a KEY columnKey '%-.192s' doesn't exist in table '%-.192s'Can't open tableThe handler for the table doesn't support %sYou are not allowed to execute this command in a transactionGot error %d during COMMITGot error %d during ROLLBACKGot error %d during FLUSH_LOGSGot error %d during CHECKPOINTAborted connection %u to db: '%-.192s' user: '%-.48s' host: '%-.64s' (%-.64s)The storage engine for the table does not support binary table dumpBinlog closed, cannot RESET MASTERFailed rebuilding the index of dumped table '%-.192s'Error from master: '%-.64s'Net error reading from masterNet error writing to masterCan't find FULLTEXT index matching the column listCan't execute the given command because you have active locked tables or an active transactionUnknown system variable '%-.64s'Table '%-.192s' is marked as crashed and should be repairedTable '%-.192s' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failedSome non-transactional changed tables couldn't be rolled backMulti-statement transaction required more than 'max_binlog_cache_size' bytes of storage; increase this mysqld variable and try againThis operation cannot be performed with a running slave; run STOP SLAVE firstThis operation requires a running slave; configure slave and do START SLAVEThe server is not configured as slave; fix in config file or with CHANGE MASTER TOCould not initialize master info structure; more error messages can be found in the MySQL error logCould not create slave thread; check system resourcesUser %-.64s already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connectionsYou may only use constant expressions with SETLock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transactionThe total number of locks exceeds the lock table sizeUpdate locks cannot be acquired during a READ UNCOMMITTED transactionDROP DATABASE not allowed while thread is holding global read lockCREATE DATABASE not allowed while thread is holding global read lockIncorrect arguments to %s'%-.48s'@'%-.64s' is not allowed to create new usersIncorrect table definition; all MERGE tables must be in the same databaseDeadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transactionThe used table type doesn't support FULLTEXT indexesCannot add foreign key constraintCannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint failsCannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint failsError connecting to master: %-.128sError running query on master: %-.128sError when executing command %s: %-.128sIncorrect usage of %s and %sThe used SELECT statements have a different number of columnsCan't execute the query because you have a conflicting read lockMixing of transactional and non-transactional tables is disabledOption '%s' used twice in statementUser '%-.64s' has exceeded the '%s' resource (current value: %ld)Access denied; you need (at least one of) the %-.128s privilege(s) for this operationVariable '%-.64s' is a SESSION variable and can't be used with SET GLOBALVariable '%-.64s' is a GLOBAL variable and should be set with SET GLOBALVariable '%-.64s' doesn't have a default valueVariable '%-.64s' can't be set to the value of '%-.200s'Incorrect argument type to variable '%-.64s'Variable '%-.64s' can only be set, not readIncorrect usage/placement of '%s'This version of MySQL doesn't yet support '%s'Got fatal error %d from master when reading data from binary log: '%-.320s'Slave SQL thread ignored the query because of replicate-*-table rulesVariable '%-.192s' is a %s variableIncorrect foreign key definition for '%-.192s': %sKey reference and table reference don't matchOperand should contain %d column(s)Subquery returns more than 1 rowUnknown prepared statement handler (%.*s) given to %sHelp database is corrupt or does not existCyclic reference on subqueriesConverting column '%s' from %s to %sReference '%-.64s' not supported (%s)Every derived table must have its own aliasSelect %u was reduced during optimizationTable '%-.192s' from one of the SELECTs cannot be used in %-.32sClient does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL clientAll parts of a SPATIAL index must be NOT NULLCOLLATION '%s' is not valid for CHARACTER SET '%s'Slave is already runningSlave already has been stoppedUncompressed data size too large; the maximum size is %d (probably, length of uncompressed data was corrupted)ZLIB: Not enough memoryZLIB: Not enough room in the output buffer (probably, length of uncompressed data was corrupted)ZLIB: Input data corruptedRow %u was cut by GROUP_CONCAT()Row %ld doesn't contain data for all columnsRow %ld was truncated; it contained more data than there were input columnsColumn set to default value; NULL supplied to NOT NULL column '%s' at row %ldOut of range value for column '%s' at row %ldData truncated for column '%s' at row %ldUsing storage engine %s for table '%s'Illegal mix of collations (%s,%s) and (%s,%s) for operation '%s'Cannot drop one or more of the requested usersCan't revoke all privileges for one or more of the requested usersIllegal mix of collations (%s,%s), (%s,%s), (%s,%s) for operation '%s'Illegal mix of collations for operation '%s'Variable '%-.64s' is not a variable component (can't be used as XXXX.variable_name)Unknown collation: '%-.64s'SSL parameters in CHANGE MASTER are ignored because this MySQL slave was compiled without SSL support; they can be used later if MySQL slave with SSL is startedServer is running in --secure-auth mode, but '%s'@'%s' has a password in the old format; please change the password to the new formatField or reference '%-.192s%s%-.192s%s%-.192s' of SELECT #%d was resolved in SELECT #%dIncorrect parameter or combination of parameters for START SLAVE UNTILIt is recommended to use --skip-slave-start when doing step-by-step replication with START SLAVE UNTIL; otherwise, you will get problems if you get an unexpected slave's mysqld restartSQL thread is not to be started so UNTIL options are ignoredIncorrect index name '%-.100s'Incorrect catalog name '%-.100s'Query cache failed to set size %lu; new query cache size is %luColumn '%-.192s' cannot be part of FULLTEXT indexUnknown key cache '%-.100s'MySQL is started in --skip-name-resolve mode; you must restart it without this switch for this grant to workUnknown storage engine '%s''%s' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use %s insteadThe target table %-.100s of the %s is not updatableThe '%s' feature is disabled; you need MySQL built with '%s' to have it workingThe MySQL server is running with the %s option so it cannot execute this statementColumn '%-.100s' has duplicated value '%-.64s' in %sTruncated incorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s'Incorrect table definition; there can be only one TIMESTAMP column with CURRENT_TIMESTAMP in DEFAULT or ON UPDATE clauseInvalid ON UPDATE clause for '%-.192s' columnThis command is not supported in the prepared statement protocol yetGot error %d '%-.100s' from %sGot temporary error %d '%-.100s' from %sUnknown or incorrect time zone: '%-.64s'Invalid TIMESTAMP value in column '%s' at row %ldInvalid %s character string: '%.64s'Result of %s() was larger than max_allowed_packet (%ld) - truncatedConflicting declarations: '%s%s' and '%s%s'Can't create a %s from within another stored routine%s %s already exists%s %s does not existFailed to DROP %s %sFailed to CREATE %s %s%s with no matching label: %sRedefining label %sEnd-label %s without matchReferring to uninitialized variable %sPROCEDURE %s can't return a result set in the given contextRETURN is only allowed in a FUNCTION%s is not allowed in stored proceduresThe update log is deprecated and replaced by the binary log; SET SQL_LOG_UPDATE has been ignored.The update log is deprecated and replaced by the binary log; SET SQL_LOG_UPDATE has been translated to SET SQL_LOG_BIN.Query execution was interruptedIncorrect number of arguments for %s %s; expected %u, got %uUndefined CONDITION: %sNo RETURN found in FUNCTION %sFUNCTION %s ended without RETURNCursor statement must be a SELECTCursor SELECT must not have INTOUndefined CURSOR: %sCursor is already openCursor is not openUndeclared variable: %sIncorrect number of FETCH variablesNo data - zero rows fetched, selected, or processedDuplicate parameter: %sDuplicate variable: %sDuplicate condition: %sDuplicate cursor: %sFailed to ALTER %s %sSubquery value not supported%s is not allowed in stored function or triggerVariable or condition declaration after cursor or handler declarationCursor declaration after handler declarationCase not found for CASE statementConfiguration file '%-.192s' is too bigMalformed file type header in file '%-.192s'Unexpected end of file while parsing comment '%-.200s'Error while parsing parameter '%-.192s' (line: '%-.192s')Unexpected end of file while skipping unknown parameter '%-.192s'EXPLAIN/SHOW can not be issued; lacking privileges for underlying tableFile '%-.192s' has unknown type '%-.64s' in its header'%-.192s.%-.192s' is not %sColumn '%-.192s' is not updatableView's SELECT contains a subquery in the FROM clauseView's SELECT contains a '%s' clauseView's SELECT contains a variable or parameterView's SELECT refers to a temporary table '%-.192s'View's SELECT and view's field list have different column countsView merge algorithm can't be used here for now (assumed undefined algorithm)View being updated does not have complete key of underlying table in itView '%-.192s.%-.192s' references invalid table(s) or column(s) or function(s) or definer/invoker of view lack rights to use themCan't drop or alter a %s from within another stored routineGOTO is not allowed in a stored procedure handlerTrigger already existsTrigger does not existTrigger's '%-.192s' is view or temporary tableUpdating of %s row is not allowed in %striggerThere is no %s row in %s triggerField '%-.192s' doesn't have a default valueDivision by 0Incorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s' for column '%.192s' at row %ldIllegal %s '%-.192s' value found during parsingCHECK OPTION on non-updatable view '%-.192s.%-.192s'CHECK OPTION failed '%-.192s.%-.192s'%-.16s command denied to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' for routine '%-.192s'Failed purging old relay logs: %sPassword hash should be a %d-digit hexadecimal numberTarget log not found in binlog indexI/O error reading log index fileServer configuration does not permit binlog purgeFailed on fseek()Fatal error during log purgeA purgeable log is in use, will not purgeUnknown error during log purgeFailed initializing relay log position: %sYou are not using binary loggingThe '%-.64s' syntax is reserved for purposes internal to the MySQL serverWSAStartup FailedCan't handle procedures with different groups yetSelect must have a group with this procedureCan't use ORDER clause with this procedureBinary logging and replication forbid changing the global server %sCan't map file: %-.200s, errno: %dWrong magic in %-.64sPrepared statement contains too many placeholdersKey part '%-.192s' length cannot be 0View text checksum failedCan not modify more than one base table through a join view '%-.192s.%-.192s'Can not insert into join view '%-.192s.%-.192s' without fields listCan not delete from join view '%-.192s.%-.192s'Operation %s failed for %.256sXAER_NOTA: Unknown XIDXAER_INVAL: Invalid arguments (or unsupported command)XAER_RMFAIL: The command cannot be executed when global transaction is in the %.64s stateXAER_OUTSIDE: Some work is done outside global transactionXAER_RMERR: Fatal error occurred in the transaction branch - check your data for consistencyXA_RBROLLBACK: Transaction branch was rolled backThere is no such grant defined for user '%-.48s' on host '%-.64s' on routine '%-.192s'Failed to grant EXECUTE and ALTER ROUTINE privilegesFailed to revoke all privileges to dropped routineData too long for column '%s' at row %ldBad SQLSTATE: '%s'%s: ready for connections. Version: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d %sCan't load value from file with fixed size rows to variableYou are not allowed to create a user with GRANTIncorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s' for function %-.32sTable definition has changed, please retry transactionDuplicate handler declared in the same blockOUT or INOUT argument %d for routine %s is not a variable or NEW pseudo-variable in BEFORE triggerNot allowed to return a result set from a %sCannot get geometry object from data you send to the GEOMETRY fieldA routine failed and has neither NO SQL nor READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled; if non-transactional tables were updated, the binary log will miss their changesThis function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)You do not have the SUPER privilege and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)You can't execute a prepared statement which has an open cursor associated with it. Reset the statement to re-execute it.The statement (%lu) has no open cursor.Explicit or implicit commit is not allowed in stored function or trigger.Field of view '%-.192s.%-.192s' underlying table doesn't have a default valueRecursive stored functions and triggers are not allowed.Too big scale %d specified for column '%-.192s'. Maximum is %lu.Too-big precision %d specified for '%-.192s'. Maximum is %lu.For float(M,D), double(M,D) or decimal(M,D), M must be >= D (column '%-.192s').You can't combine write-locking of system tables with other tables or lock typesUnable to connect to foreign data source: %.64sThere was a problem processing the query on the foreign data source. Data source error: %-.64sThe foreign data source you are trying to reference does not exist. Data source error: %-.64sCan't create federated table. The data source connection string '%-.64s' is not in the correct formatThe data source connection string '%-.64s' is not in the correct formatCan't create federated table. Foreign data src error: %-.64sTrigger in wrong schemaThread stack overrun: %ld bytes used of a %ld byte stack, and %ld bytes needed. Use 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' to specify a bigger stack.Routine body for '%-.100s' is too longCannot drop default keycacheDisplay width out of range for column '%-.192s' (max = %lu)XAER_DUPID: The XID already existsDatetime function: %-.32s field overflowCan't update table '%-.192s' in stored function/trigger because it is already used by statement which invoked this stored function/trigger.The definition of table '%-.192s' prevents operation %.192s on table '%-.192s'.The prepared statement contains a stored routine call that refers to that same statement. It's not allowed to execute a prepared statement in such a recursive mannerNot allowed to set autocommit from a stored function or triggerDefiner is not fully qualifiedView '%-.192s'.'%-.192s' has no definer information (old table format). Current user is used as definer. Please recreate the view!You need the SUPER privilege for creation view with '%-.192s'@'%-.192s' definerThe user specified as a definer ('%-.64s'@'%-.64s') does not existChanging schema from '%-.192s' to '%-.192s' is not allowed.Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (%.192s)Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (%.192s)Variable '%-.64s' must be quoted with `...`, or renamedNo definer attribute for trigger '%-.192s'.'%-.192s'. The trigger will be activated under the authorization of the invoker, which may have insufficient privileges. Please recreate the trigger.'%-.192s' has an old format, you should re-create the '%s' object(s)Recursive limit %d (as set by the max_sp_recursion_depth variable) was exceeded for routine %.192sFailed to load routine %-.192s. The table mysql.proc is missing, corrupt, or contains bad data (internal code %d)Incorrect routine name '%-.192s'Table upgrade required. Please do "REPAIR TABLE `%-.64s`" or dump/reload to fix it!AGGREGATE is not supported for stored functionsCan't create more than max_prepared_stmt_count statements (current value: %lu)`%-.192s`.`%-.192s` contains view recursionNon-grouping field '%-.192s' is used in %-.64s clauseThe used table type doesn't support SPATIAL indexesTriggers can not be created on system tablesLeading spaces are removed from name '%s'Failed to read auto-increment value from storage engineuser namehost nameString '%-.70s' is too long for %s (should be no longer than %d)The target table %-.100s of the %s is not insertable-intoTable '%-.64s' is differently defined or of non-MyISAM type or doesn't existToo high level of nesting for selectName '%-.64s' has become ''First character of the FIELDS TERMINATED string is ambiguous; please use non-optional and non-empty FIELDS ENCLOSED BYThe foreign server, %s, you are trying to create already exists.The foreign server name you are trying to reference does not exist. Data source error: %-.64sTable storage engine '%-.64s' does not support the create option '%.64s'Syntax error: %-.64s PARTITIONING requires definition of VALUES %-.64s for each partitionOnly %-.64s PARTITIONING can use VALUES %-.64s in partition definitionMAXVALUE can only be used in last partition definitionSubpartitions can only be hash partitions and by keyMust define subpartitions on all partitions if on one partitionWrong number of partitions defined, mismatch with previous settingWrong number of subpartitions defined, mismatch with previous settingConstant, random or timezone-dependent expressions in (sub)partitioning function are not allowedExpression in RANGE/LIST VALUES must be constantField in list of fields for partition function not found in tableList of fields is only allowed in KEY partitionsThe partition info in the frm file is not consistent with what can be written into the frm fileThe %-.192s function returns the wrong typeFor %-.64s partitions each partition must be definedVALUES LESS THAN value must be strictly increasing for each partitionVALUES value must be of same type as partition functionMultiple definition of same constant in list partitioningPartitioning can not be used stand-alone in queryThe mix of handlers in the partitions is not allowed in this version of MySQLFor the partitioned engine it is necessary to define all %-.64sToo many partitions (including subpartitions) were definedIt is only possible to mix RANGE/LIST partitioning with HASH/KEY partitioning for subpartitioningFailed to create specific handler fileA BLOB field is not allowed in partition functionA %-.192s must include all columns in the table's partitioning functionNumber of %-.64s = 0 is not an allowed valuePartition management on a not partitioned table is not possibleForeign keys are not yet supported in conjunction with partitioningError in list of partitions to %-.64sCannot remove all partitions, use DROP TABLE insteadCOALESCE PARTITION can only be used on HASH/KEY partitionsREORGANIZE PARTITION can only be used to reorganize partitions not to change their numbersREORGANIZE PARTITION without parameters can only be used on auto-partitioned tables using HASH PARTITIONs%-.64s PARTITION can only be used on RANGE/LIST partitionsTrying to Add partition(s) with wrong number of subpartitionsAt least one partition must be addedAt least one partition must be coalescedMore partitions to reorganize than there are partitionsDuplicate partition name %-.192sIt is not allowed to shut off binlog on this commandWhen reorganizing a set of partitions they must be in consecutive orderReorganize of range partitions cannot change total ranges except for last partition where it can extend the rangePartition function not supported in this version for this handlerPartition state cannot be defined from CREATE/ALTER TABLEThe %-.64s handler only supports 32 bit integers in VALUESPlugin '%-.192s' is not loadedIncorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s'Table has no partition for value %-.64sIt is not allowed to specify %s more than onceFailed to create %sFailed to drop %sThe handler doesn't support autoextend of tablespacesA size parameter was incorrectly specified, either number or on the form 10MThe size number was correct but we don't allow the digit part to be more than 2 billionFailed to alter: %sWriting one row to the row-based binary log failedTable definition on master and slave does not match: %sSlave running with --log-slave-updates must use row-based binary logging to be able to replicate row-based binary log eventsEvent '%-.192s' already existsFailed to store event %s. Error code %d from storage engine.Unknown event '%-.192s'Failed to alter event '%-.192s'Failed to drop %sINTERVAL is either not positive or too bigENDS is either invalid or before STARTSEvent execution time is in the past. Event has been disabledFailed to open mysql.eventNo datetime expression providedColumn count of mysql.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. The table is probably corruptedCannot load from mysql.%s. The table is probably corruptedFailed to delete the event from mysql.eventError during compilation of event's bodySame old and new event nameData for column '%s' too longCannot drop index '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraintThe syntax '%s' is deprecated and will be removed in MySQL %s. Please use %s insteadYou can't write-lock a log table. Only read access is possibleYou can't use locks with log tables.Upholding foreign key constraints for table '%.192s', entry '%-.192s', key %d would lead to a duplicate entryColumn count of mysql.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. Created with MySQL %d, now running %d. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error.Cannot switch out of the row-based binary log format when the session has open temporary tablesCannot change the binary logging format inside a stored function or triggerThe NDB cluster engine does not support changing the binlog format on the fly yetCannot create temporary table with partitionsPartition constant is out of partition function domainThis partition function is not allowedError in DDL logNot allowed to use NULL value in VALUES LESS THANIncorrect partition nameTransaction characteristics can't be changed while a transaction is in progressALTER TABLE causes auto_increment resequencing, resulting in duplicate entry '%-.192s' for key '%-.192s'Internal scheduler error %dError during starting/stopping of the scheduler. Error code %uEngine cannot be used in partitioned tablesCannot activate '%-.64s' logThe server was not built with row-based replicationDecoding of base64 string failedRecursion of EVENT DDL statements is forbidden when body is presentCannot proceed because system tables used by Event Scheduler were found damaged at server startOnly integers allowed as number hereThis storage engine cannot be used for log tables"You cannot '%s' a log table if logging is enabledCannot rename '%s'. When logging enabled, rename to/from log table must rename two tables: the log table to an archive table and another table back to '%s'Incorrect parameter count in the call to native function '%-.192s'Incorrect parameters in the call to native function '%-.192s'Incorrect parameters in the call to stored function %-.192sThis function '%-.192s' has the same name as a native function중복된 입력 값 '%-.64s': key '%-.192s'Too many files opened, please execute the command againEvent execution time is in the past and ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE is set. The event was dropped immediately after creation.Event execution time is in the past and ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE is set. The event was not changed. Specify a time in the future.The incident %s occured on the master. Message: %sTable has no partition for some existing valuesUnsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. %sFatal error: %sRelay log read failure: %sRelay log write failure: %sFailed to create %sMaster command %s failed: %sBinary logging not possible. Message: %sView `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` has no creation contextCreation context of view `%-.64s`.`%-.64s' is invalidCreation context of stored routine `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCorrupted TRG file for table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s`Triggers for table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` have no creation contextTrigger creation context of table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCreation context of event `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCannot open table for trigger `%-.64s`.`%-.64s`Cannot create stored routine `%-.64s`. Check warningsAmbiguous slave modes combination. %sThe BINLOG statement of type `%s` was not preceded by a format description BINLOG statement.Corrupted replication event was detectedInvalid column reference (%-.64s) in LOAD DATABeing purged log %s was not foundXA_RBTIMEOUT: Transaction branch was rolled back: took too longXA_RBDEADLOCK: Transaction branch was rolled back: deadlock was detectedPrepared statement needs to be re-preparedDELAYED option not supported for table '%-.192s'The master info structure does not exist<%-.64s> option ignoredBuilt-in plugins cannot be deletedPlugin is busy and will be uninstalled on shutdown%s variable '%s' is read-only. Use SET %s to assign the valueStorage engine %s does not support rollback for this statement. Transaction rolled back and must be restartedUnexpected master's heartbeat data: %sThe requested value for the heartbeat period is either negative or exceeds the maximum allowed (%s seconds).Bad schema for mysql.ndb_replication table. Message: %-.64sError in parsing conflict function. Message: %-.64sWrite to exceptions table failed. Message: %-.128s"Comment for table '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Comment for field '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)FUNCTION %s does not exist. Check the 'Function Name Parsing and Resolution' section in the Reference ManualDatabaseTablePartitionSubpartitionTemporaryRenamedToo many active concurrent transactionsNon-ASCII separator arguments are not fully supporteddebug sync point wait timed outdebug sync point hit limit reachedDuplicate condition information item '%s'Unhandled user-defined warning conditionUnhandled user-defined not found conditionUnhandled user-defined exception conditionRESIGNAL when handler not activeSIGNAL/RESIGNAL can only use a CONDITION defined with SQLSTATEData truncated for condition item '%s'Data too long for condition item '%s'Unknown locale: '%-.64s'The requested server id %d clashes with the slave startup option --replicate-same-server-idQuery cache is disabled; restart the server with query_cache_type=1 to enable itDuplicate partition field name '%-.192s'Inconsistency in usage of column lists for partitioningPartition column values of incorrect typeToo many fields in '%-.192s'Cannot use MAXVALUE as value in VALUES INCannot have more than one value for this type of %-.64s partitioningRow expressions in VALUES IN only allowed for multi-field column partitioningField '%-.192s' is of a not allowed type for this type of partitioningThe total length of the partitioning fields is too largeCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since both row-incapable engines and statement-incapable engines are involved.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = ROW and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to statement-based logging.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. %sCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is in row format and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to statement-based logging.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to row-based logging.%sCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is in row format and BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since more than one engine is involved and at least one engine is self-logging.The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted.The statement is unsafe because it uses INSERT DELAYED. This is unsafe because the times when rows are inserted cannot be predicted.The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves.Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly.Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it accesses a non-transactional table after accessing a transactional table within the same transaction.%s Statement: %sColumn %d of table '%-.192s.%-.192s' cannot be converted from type '%-.32s' to type '%-.32s'Can't create conversion table for table '%-.192s.%-.192s'Cannot modify @@session.binlog_format inside a transactionThe path specified for %.64s is too long.'%s' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.Native table '%-.64s'.'%-.64s' has the wrong structureInvalid performance_schema usage.Table '%s'.'%s' was skipped since its definition is being modified by concurrent DDL statementCannot modify @@session.binlog_direct_non_transactional_updates inside a transactionCannot change the binlog direct flag inside a stored function or triggerA SPATIAL index may only contain a geometrical type columnComment for index '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Wait on a lock was aborted due to a pending exclusive lock%s value is out of range in '%s'A variable of a non-integer based type in LIMIT clauseMixing self-logging and non-self-logging engines in a statement is unsafe.Statement accesses nontransactional table as well as transactional or temporary table, and writes to any of them.Cannot modify @@session.sql_log_bin inside a transactionCannot change the sql_log_bin inside a stored function or triggerFailed to read from the .par fileVALUES value for partition '%-.64s' must have type INT'%-.48s'@'%-.64s' 사용자는 접근이 거부 되었습니다.SET PASSWORD has no significance for users authenticating via pluginsGRANT with IDENTIFIED WITH is illegal because the user %-.*s already existsCannot truncate a table referenced in a foreign key constraint (%.192s)Plugin '%s' is force_plus_permanent and can not be unloadedThe requested value for the heartbeat period is less than 1 millisecond. The value is reset to 0, meaning that heartbeating will effectively be disabled.The requested value for the heartbeat period exceeds the value of `slave_net_timeout' seconds. A sensible value for the period should be less than the timeout.Multi-row statements required more than 'max_binlog_stmt_cache_size' bytes of storage; increase this mysqld variable and try againPrimary key/partition key update is not allowed since the table is updated both as '%-.192s' and '%-.192s'.Table rebuild required. Please do "ALTER TABLE `%-.64s` FORCE" or dump/reload to fix it!The value of '%s' should be no less than the value of '%s'Index column size too large. The maximum column size is %lu bytes.Trigger '%-.64s' has an error in its body: '%-.256s'Unknown trigger has an error in its body: '%-.256s'Index %s is corruptedUndo log record is too big.INSERT IGNORE... SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.INSERT... SELECT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are updated. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.REPLACE... SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are replaced. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE... IGNORE SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE... REPLACE SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are replaced. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.UPDATE IGNORE is unsafe because the order in which rows are updated determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.Plugin '%s' is marked as not dynamically uninstallable. You have to stop the server to uninstall it.Plugin '%s' is marked as not dynamically installable. You have to stop the server to install it.Statements writing to a table with an auto-increment column after selecting from another table are unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved determines what (if any) rows will be written. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE TABLE... SELECT... on a table with an auto-increment column is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are inserted. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.INSERT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE on a table with more than one UNIQUE KEY is unsafeTable is being used in foreign key check.Storage engine '%s' does not support system tables. [%s.%s]INSERT into autoincrement field which is not the first part in the composed primary key is unsafe.Cannot load from %s.%s. The table is probably corruptedThe requested value %s for the master delay exceeds the maximum %uOnly Format_description_log_event and row events are allowed in BINLOG statements (but %s was provided)Non matching attribute '%-.64s' between partition and tableTable to exchange with partition is partitioned: '%-.64s'Table to exchange with partition is temporary: '%-.64s'Subpartitioned table, use subpartition instead of partitionUnknown partition '%-.64s' in table '%-.64s'Tables have different definitionsFound a row that does not match the partitionOption binlog_cache_size (%lu) is greater than max_binlog_cache_size (%lu); setting binlog_cache_size equal to max_binlog_cache_size.Cannot use %-.64s access on index '%-.64s' due to type or collation conversion on field '%-.64s'Table to exchange with partition has foreign key references: '%-.64s'Key value '%-.192s' was not found in table '%-.192s.%-.192s'Data for column '%s' too longReplication event checksum verification failed while reading from network.Replication event checksum verification failed while reading from a log file.Option binlog_stmt_cache_size (%lu) is greater than max_binlog_stmt_cache_size (%lu); setting binlog_stmt_cache_size equal to max_binlog_stmt_cache_size.Can't update table '%-.192s' while '%-.192s' is being created.PARTITION () clause on non partitioned tableFound a row not matching the given partition setpartition '%-.64s' doesn't existFailure while changing the type of replication repository: %s.The creation of some temporary tables could not be rolled back.Some temporary tables were dropped, but these operations could not be rolled back.%s is not supported in multi-threaded slave mode. %sThe number of modified databases exceeds the maximum %d; the database names will not be included in the replication event metadata.Cannot execute the current event group in the parallel mode. Encountered event %s, relay-log name %s, position %s which prevents execution of this event group in parallel mode. Reason: %s.%sFULLTEXT index is not supported for partitioned tables.Invalid condition numberSending passwords in plain text without SSL/TLS is extremely insecure.Storing MySQL user name or password information in the master info repository is not secure and is therefore not recommended. Please consider using the USER and PASSWORD connection options for START SLAVE; see the 'START SLAVE Syntax' in the MySQL Manual for more information.Foreign key constraint for table '%.192s', record '%-.192s' would lead to a duplicate entry in table '%.192s', key '%.192s'Foreign key constraint for table '%.192s', record '%-.192s' would lead to a duplicate entry in a child tableSetting authentication options is not possible when only the Slave SQL Thread is being started.The table does not have FULLTEXT index to support this queryThe system variable %.200s cannot be set in stored functions or triggers.The system variable %.200s cannot be set when there is an ongoing transaction.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT has the value %.200s, which is not listed in @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot change inside a transaction.The statement 'SET %.200s' cannot invoke a stored function.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be 'AUTOMATIC' when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST is non-NULL.Skipping transaction %.200s because it has already been executed and logged.Malformed GTID set specification '%.200s'.Malformed GTID set encoding.Malformed GTID specification '%.200s'.Impossible to generate Global Transaction Identifier: the integer component reached the maximal value. Restart the server with a new server_uuid.Parameters MASTER_LOG_FILE, MASTER_LOG_POS, RELAY_LOG_FILE and RELAY_LOG_POS cannot be set when MASTER_AUTO_POSITION is active.CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1 cannot be executed because @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot execute statements with implicit commit inside a transaction when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT == 'UUID:NUMBER'.GTID_MODE = ON requires ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY = ON.@@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON or ON_PERMISSIVE or OFF_PERMISSIVE requires --log-bin and --log-slave-updates.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be set to UUID:NUMBER when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be set to ANONYMOUS when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST cannot be set to a non-NULL value when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Found a Gtid_log_event when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Statement violates GTID consistency: Updates to non-transactional tables can only be done in either autocommitted statements or single-statement transactions, and never in the same statement as updates to transactional tables.Statement violates GTID consistency: CREATE TABLE ... SELECT.Statement violates GTID consistency: Under statement binary log mode CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE and DROP TEMPORARY TABLE can only be executed outside transactional context. These statements are also not allowed in a function or trigger because functions and triggers are also considered to be multi-statement transactions.The value of @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE can only be changed one step at a time: OFF <-> OFF_PERMISSIVE <-> ON_PERMISSIVE <-> ON. Also note that this value must be stepped up or down simultaneously on all servers. See the Manual for instructions.The slave is connecting using CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1, but the master has purged binary logs containing GTIDs that the slave requires.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be changed by a client that owns a GTID. The client owns %s. Ownership is released on COMMIT or ROLLBACK.Unknown EXPLAIN format name: '%s'Cannot execute statement in a READ ONLY transaction.Comment for table partition '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Slave is not configured or failed to initialize properly. You must at least set --server-id to enable either a master or a slave. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.InnoDB presently supports one FULLTEXT index creation at a timeCannot create FULLTEXT index on temporary InnoDB tableColumn '%-.192s' is of wrong type for an InnoDB FULLTEXT indexIndex '%-.192s' is of wrong type for an InnoDB FULLTEXT indexCreating index '%-.192s' required more than 'innodb_online_alter_log_max_size' bytes of modification log. Please try again.Unknown ALGORITHM '%s'Unknown LOCK type '%s'CHANGE MASTER cannot be executed when the slave was stopped with an error or killed in MTS mode. Consider using RESET SLAVE or START SLAVE UNTIL.Cannot recover after SLAVE errored out in parallel execution mode. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.Cannot clean up worker info tables. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.Column count of %s.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. The table is probably corruptedSlave must silently retry current transactionThere is a foreign key check running on table '%-.192s'. Cannot discard the table.Schema mismatch (%s)Table '%-.192s' in system tablespaceIO Read error: (%lu, %s) %sIO Write error: (%lu, %s) %sTablespace is missing for table %s.Tablespace '%-.192s' exists.Tablespace has been discarded for table '%-.192s'Internal error: %sALTER TABLE %-.192s IMPORT TABLESPACE failed with error %lu : '%s'Index corrupt: %sSupports only YEAR or YEAR(4) column.Your password does not satisfy the current policy requirementsYou must reset your password using ALTER USER statement before executing this statement.Failed to add the foreign key constaint. Missing index for constraint '%s' in the foreign table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constaint. Missing index for constraint '%s' in the referenced table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constraint '%s' to system tablesFailed to open the referenced table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constraint on table '%s'. Incorrect options in FOREIGN KEY constraint '%s'Duplicate foreign key constraint name '%s'The password hash doesn't have the expected format. Check if the correct password algorithm is being used with the PASSWORD() function.Cannot drop column '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s'Cannot drop column '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Column '%-.192s' cannot be NOT NULL: needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' SET NULLDuplicate index '%-.64s' defined on the table '%-.64s.%-.64s'. This is deprecated and will be disallowed in a future release.Cannot change column '%-.192s': used in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s'Cannot change column '%-.192s': used in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Cannot delete rows from table which is parent in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Malformed communication packet.Running in read-only modeWhen @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT is set to a GTID, you must explicitly set it to a different value after a COMMIT or ROLLBACK. Please check GTID_NEXT variable manual page for detailed explanation. Current @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT is '%s'.The system variable %.200s cannot be set in stored procedures.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when @@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED is empty.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when there are no ongoing transactions (not even in other clients).@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED was changed from '%s' to '%s'.@@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED was changed from '%s' to '%s'.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT, and both replicated and non replicated tables are written to.%s is not supported for this operation. Try %s.%s is not supported. Reason: %s. Try %s.COPY algorithm requires a lockPartition specific operations do not yet support LOCK/ALGORITHMColumns participating in a foreign key are renamedCannot change column type INPLACEAdding foreign keys needs foreign_key_checks=OFFCreating unique indexes with IGNORE requires COPY algorithm to remove duplicate rowsDropping a primary key is not allowed without also adding a new primary keyAdding an auto-increment column requires a lockCannot replace hidden FTS_DOC_ID with a user-visible oneCannot drop or rename FTS_DOC_IDFulltext index creation requires a locksql_slave_skip_counter can not be set when the server is running with @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON. Instead, for each transaction that you want to skip, generate an empty transaction with the same GTID as the transaction중복된 입력 값: key '%-.192s'Long database name and identifier for object resulted in path length exceeding %d characters. Path: '%s'.cannot silently convert NULL values, as required in this SQL_MODEYour password has expired. To log in you must change it using a client that supports expired passwords.Found a row in wrong partition %sCannot schedule event %s, relay-log name %s, position %s to Worker thread because its size %lu exceeds %lu of slave_pending_jobs_size_max.Cannot CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX WITH PARSER on InnoDB tableThe binary log file '%s' is logically corrupted: %sfile %s was not purged because it was being read by %d thread(s), purged only %d out of %d files.file %s was not purged because it is the active log file.Auto-increment value in UPDATE conflicts with internally generated valuesRow events are not logged for %s statements that modify BLACKHOLE tables in row format. Table(s): '%-.192s'Slave failed to initialize master info structure from the repositorySlave failed to initialize relay log info structure from the repositoryAccess denied trying to change to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' (using password: %s). Disconnecting.InnoDB is in read only mode.STOP SLAVE command execution is incomplete: Slave SQL thread got the stop signal, thread is busy, SQL thread will stop once the current task is complete.STOP SLAVE command execution is incomplete: Slave IO thread got the stop signal, thread is busy, IO thread will stop once the current task is complete.Operation cannot be performed. The table '%-.64s.%-.64s' is missing, corrupt or contains bad data.Temporary file write failure.Upgrade index name failed, please use create index(alter table) algorithm copy to rebuild index.TIME/TIMESTAMP/DATETIME columns of old format have been upgraded to the new format.Operation not allowed when innodb_forced_recovery > 0.The initialization vector supplied to %s is too short. Must be at least %d bytes longPlugin '%s' cannot be uninstalled now. %sCannot execute statement because it needs to be written to the binary log as multiple statements, and this is not allowed when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT == 'UUID:NUMBER'.Slave has more GTIDs than the master has, using the master's SERVER_UUID. This may indicate that the end of the binary log was truncated or that the last binary log file was lost, e.g., after a power or disk failure when sync_binlog != 1. The master may or may not have rolled back transactions that were already replicated to the slave. Suggest to replicate any transactions that master has rolled back from slave to master, and/or commit empty transactions on master to account for transactions that have been committed on master but are not included in GTID_EXECUTED.The table '%s.%s' does not have the necessary key(s) defined on it. Please check the table definition and create index(s) accordingly.File %s is corruptedQuery partially completed on the master (error on master: %d) and was aborted. There is a chance that your master is inconsistent at this point. If you are sure that your master is ok, run this query manually on the slave and then restart the slave with SET GLOBAL SQL_SLAVE_SKIP_COUNTER=1; START SLAVE;. Query:'%s'Query caused different errors on master and slave. Error on master: message (format)='%s' error code=%d; Error on slave:actual message='%s', error code=%d. Default database:'%s'. Query:'%s'Storage engine for table '%s'.'%s' is not loaded.GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS when handler not active%s is no longer supported. The statement was converted to %s.Statement is unsafe because it uses a fulltext parser plugin which may not return the same value on the slave.Cannot DISCARD/IMPORT tablespace associated with temporary tableForeign key cascade delete/update exceeds max depth of %d.Column count of %s.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. Created with MySQL %d, now running %d. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error.Trigger %s.%s.%s does not have CREATED attribute.Referenced trigger '%s' for the given action time and event type does not exist.EXPLAIN FOR CONNECTION command is supported only for SELECT/UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE/REPLACEInvalid size for column '%-.192s'.Table storage engine '%-.64s' found required create option missingOut of memory in storage engine '%-.64s'.The password for anonymous user cannot be expired.This operation cannot be performed with a running slave sql thread; run STOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD firstCannot create FULLTEXT index on materialized subqueryUndo Log error: %sInvalid argument for logarithmThis operation cannot be performed with a running slave io thread; run STOP SLAVE IO_THREAD FOR CHANNEL '%s' first.This operation may not be safe when the slave has temporary tables. The tables will be kept open until the server restarts or until the tables are deleted by any replicated DROP statement. Suggest to wait until slave_open_temp_tables = 0.CHANGE MASTER TO with a MASTER_LOG_FILE clause but no MASTER_LOG_POS clause may not be safe. The old position value may not be valid for the new binary log file.Query execution was interrupted, maximum statement execution time exceededSelect is not a read only statement, disabling timerDuplicate entry '%-.192s'.'%s' mode no longer has any effect. Use STRICT_ALL_TABLES or STRICT_TRANS_TABLES instead.Expression #%u of ORDER BY contains aggregate function and applies to a UNIONExpression #%u of ORDER BY contains aggregate function and applies to the result of a non-aggregated querySlave worker has stopped after at least one previous worker encountered an error when slave-preserve-commit-order was enabled. To preserve commit order, the last transaction executed by this thread has not been committed. When restarting the slave after fixing any failed threads, you should fix this worker as well.slave_preserve_commit_order is not supported %s.The server is currently in offline modeBinary geometry function %s given two geometries of different srids: %u and %u, which should have been identical.Calling geometry function %s with unsupported types of arguments.Unknown GIS error occured in function %s.Unknown exception caught in GIS function %s.Invalid GIS data provided to function %s.The geometry has no data in function %s.Unable to calculate centroid because geometry is empty in function %s.Geometry overlay calculation error: geometry data is invalid in function %s.Geometry turn info calculation error: geometry data is invalid in function %s.Analysis procedures of intersection points interrupted unexpectedly in function %s.Unknown exception thrown in function %s.Memory allocation error: %-.256s in function %s.Domain error: %-.256s in function %s.Length error: %-.256s in function %s.Invalid argument error: %-.256s in function %s.Out of range error: %-.256s in function %s.Overflow error error: %-.256s in function %s.Range error: %-.256s in function %s.Underflow error: %-.256s in function %s.Logic error: %-.256s in function %s.Runtime error: %-.256s in function %s.Unknown exception: %-.384s in function %s.Geometry byte string must be little endian.The password provided for the replication user exceeds the maximum length of 32 charactersIncorrect user-level lock name '%-.192s'.Deadlock found when trying to get user-level lock; try rolling back transaction/releasing locks and restarting lock acquisition.REPLACE cannot be executed as it requires deleting rows that are not in the viewDo not support online operation on table with GIS indexUser variable name '%-.100s' is illegalCannot %s when GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot %s from a replication slave thread.Incorrect type for argument %s in function %s.Expression #%u of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, references column '%-.192s' which is not in SELECT list; this is incompatible with %sExpression #%u of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, contains aggregate function; this is incompatible with %sSupplied filter list contains a value which is not in the required format 'db_pattern.table_pattern'OK packet too largeInvalid JSON data provided to function %s: %sInvalid GeoJSON data provided to function %s: Missing required member '%s'Invalid GeoJSON data provided to function %s: Member '%s' must be of type '%s'Invalid GeoJSON data provided to function %sUnsupported number of coordinate dimensions in function %s: Found %u, expected %uSlave channel '%s' does not exist.A slave channel '%s' already exists for the given host and port combination.Couldn't create channel: Channel name is either invalid or too long.To have multiple channels, repository cannot be of type FILE; Please check the repository configuration and convert them to TABLE.Cannot delete slave info objects for channel '%s'.Multiple channels exist on the slave. Please provide channel name as an argument.Maximum number of replication channels allowed exceeded.This operation cannot be performed with running replication threads; run STOP SLAVE FOR CHANNEL '%s' firstThis operation requires running replication threads; configure slave and run START SLAVE FOR CHANNEL '%s'Replication thread(s) for channel '%s' are already runnning.Replication thread(s) for channel '%s' are already stopped.This operation cannot be performed with a running slave sql thread; run STOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD FOR CHANNEL '%s' first.When sql_slave_skip_counter > 0, it is not allowed to start more than one SQL thread by using 'START SLAVE [SQL_THREAD]'. Value of sql_slave_skip_counter can only be used by one SQL thread at a time. Please use 'START SLAVE [SQL_THREAD] FOR CHANNEL' to start the SQL thread which will use the value of sql_slave_skip_counter.Expression #%u of %s is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column '%-.192s' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_byIn aggregated query without GROUP BY, expression #%u of %s contains nonaggregated column '%-.192s'; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_byUpdating '%s' is deprecated. It will be made read-only in a future release.Changing sql mode '%s' is deprecated. It will be removed in a future release.DROP DATABASE failed; some tables may have been dropped but the database directory remains. The GTID has not been added to GTID_EXECUTED and the statement was not written to the binary log. Fix this as follows: (1) remove all files from the database directory %-.192s; (2) SET GTID_NEXT='%-.192s'; (3) DROP DATABASE `%-.192s`.The server is not configured properly to be an active member of the group. Please see more details on error log.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed since the group is already running.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as the applier module failed to start.The STOP GROUP_REPLICATION command execution is incomplete: The applier thread got the stop signal while it was busy. The applier thread will stop once the current task is complete.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as there was an error when initializing the group communication layer.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as there was an error when joining the communication group.The table does not comply with the requirements by an external plugin.Cannot change the value of variable %s without binary log format as ROW.Error on observer while running replication hook '%s'.Plugin instructed the server to rollback the current transaction.Expression of generated column '%s' contains a disallowed function.INPLACE ADD or DROP of virtual columns cannot be combined with other ALTER TABLE actionsCannot define foreign key with %s clause on a generated column.The value specified for generated column '%s' in table '%s' is not allowed.'%s' is not supported for generated columns.Generated column can refer only to generated columns defined prior to it.Column '%s' has a generated column dependency.Generated column '%s' cannot refer to auto-increment column.The '%-.64s' feature is not available; you need to remove '%-.64s' or use MySQL built with '%-.64s'SET @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = %-.64s is not allowed because %-.384s.The replication receiver thread%-.192s cannot start in AUTO_POSITION mode: this server uses @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot replicate anonymous transaction when AUTO_POSITION = 1, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot replicate anonymous transaction when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot replicate GTID-transaction when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot set ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY = ON because there are ongoing transactions that violate GTID consistency.There are ongoing transactions that violate GTID consistency.Access denied for user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s'. Account is locked.Incorrect tablespace name `%-.192s`Tablespace `%-.192s` is not empty.Incorrect File Name '%s'.Inconsistent intersection points.Optimizer hint syntax errorUnsupported MAX_EXECUTION_TIMEMAX_EXECUTION_TIME hint is supported by top-level standalone SELECT statements onlyHint %s is ignored as conflicting/duplicatedQuery block name %s is not found for %s hintUnresolved name %s for %s hintPlease do not modify the %s table. This is a mysql internal system table to store GTIDs for committed transactions. Modifying it can lead to an inconsistent GTID state.Command not supported by pluggable protocolsIncorrect locking service lock name '%-.192s'.Deadlock found when trying to get locking service lock; try releasing locks and restarting lock acquisition.Service lock wait timeout exceeded.Parameter %s exceeds the maximum number of points in a geometry (%lu) in function %s.'NO_ZERO_DATE', 'NO_ZERO_IN_DATE' and 'ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO' sql modes should be used with strict mode. They will be merged with strict mode in a future release.Version token mismatch for %.*s. Correct value %.*sVersion token %.*s not found.Variable %-.192s cannot be changed by a client that owns a GTID. The client owns %s. Ownership is released on COMMIT or ROLLBACK.%-.192s cannot be performed on channel '%-.192s'.Invalid JSON text: "%s" at position %u in value for column '%-.200s'.Invalid JSON text in argument %u to function %s: "%s" at position %u.%-.0sThe JSON binary value contains invalid data.Invalid JSON path expression. The error is around character position %u.%-.200sCannot create a JSON value from a string with CHARACTER SET '%s'.Invalid JSON character data provided to function %s: '%s'; utf8 is required.Invalid data type for JSON data in argument %u to function %s; a JSON string or JSON type is required.Cannot CAST value to JSON.A path expression must be encoded in the utf8 character set. The path expression '%-.200s' is encoded in character set '%-.200s'.In this situation, path expressions may not contain the * and ** tokens.The JSON value is too big to be stored in a JSON column.The JSON object contains a key name that is too long.JSON column '%-.192s' cannot be used in key specification.The path expression '$' is not allowed in this context.The oneOrAll argument to %s may take these values: 'one' or 'all'.Out of range JSON value for CAST to %s%-.0s from column %s at row %ldInvalid JSON value for CAST to %s%-.0s from column %s at row %ldThe JSON document exceeds the maximum depth.JSON documents may not contain NULL member names.Connections using insecure transport are prohibited while --require_secure_transport=ON.No secure transports (SSL or Shared Memory) are configured, unable to set --require_secure_transport=ON.Storage engine %s is disabled (Table creation is disallowed).User %s does not exist.User %s already exists.Aborted by Audit API ('%-.48s';%d).A path expression is not a path to a cell in an array.Another buffer pool resize is already in progress.The '%s' feature is disabled; see the documentation for '%s'Server isn't availableSession was killedMemory capacity of %llu bytes for '%s' exceeded. %sRange optimization was not done for this query.Partitioning upgrade required. Please dump/reload to fix it or do: ALTER TABLE `%-.192s`.`%-.192s` UPGRADE PARTITIONINGThe client holds ownership of the GTID %s. Therefore, WAIT_FOR_EXECUTED_GTID_SET cannot wait for this GTID.Cannot add foreign key on the base column of indexed virtual column.Cannot create index on virtual column whose base column has foreign constraint.Please do not modify the %s table with an XA transaction. This is an internal system table used to store GTIDs for committed transactions. Although modifying it can lead to an inconsistent GTID state, if neccessary you can modify it with a non-XA transaction.Lock acquisition refused by storage engine.ADD COLUMN col...VIRTUAL, ADD INDEX(col)Master key rotation is not supported by storage engine.Encryption key rotation error reported by SE: %sWrite to binlog failed. However, master key rotation has been completed successfully.Storage engine is not available.This tablespace can't be encrypted.Invalid encryption option.Can't find master key from keyring, please check in the server log if a keyring plugin is loaded and initialized successfully.Parser bailed out for this query.Cannot alter encryption attribute by inplace algorithm.Function '%s' failed because underlying keyring service returned an error. Please check if a keyring plugin is installed and that provided arguments are valid for the keyring you are using.It seems that your db schema is old. The %s column is 77 characters long and should be 93 characters long. Please run mysql_upgrade.RESET MASTER is not allowed because %-.384s.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed since the group already has 9 members.Cannot add foreign key on the base column of stored column. Cannot complete the operation because table is referenced by another connection.The partition engine, used by table '%-.192s.%-.192s', is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use native partitioning instead.%.192s(geometry) is deprecated and will be replaced by st_srid(geometry, 0) in a future version. Use %.192s(st_aswkb(geometry), 0) instead.%.192s(geometry, srid) is deprecated and will be replaced by st_srid(geometry, srid) in a future version. Use %.192s(st_aswkb(geometry), srid) instead.The resource manager is not able to commit the transaction branch at this time. Please retry later.Function %s failed due to: %s.Statement is unsafe because it is being used inside a XA transaction. Concurrent XA transactions may deadlock on slaves when replicated using statements.%s UDF failed; %sCan not perform keyring migration : %sAccess denied; you need %-.128s privileges for this operationKeyring migration %s.Failed to open the %s filter tables.Failed to open '%s.%s' %s table.No keyring plugin installed.Audit log encryption password has not been set; it will be generated automatically. Use audit_log_encryption_password_get to obtain the password or audit_log_encryption_password_set to set a new one.Could not create AES key. OpenSSL's EVP_BytesToKey function failed.Audit log encryption password cannot be fetched from the keyring. Password used so far is used for encryption.Audit Log filtering has not been installed.Request ignored for '%s'@'%s'. SUPER_ACL needed to perform operationSUPER privilege required for '%s'@'%s' user.Could not reinitialize audit log filters.Invalid argument typeInvalid argument countaudit_log plugin has not been installed using INSTALL PLUGIN syntax.Invalid "max_array_length" argument type.Invalid "max_array_length" argument value.%sFilter name cannot be empty.User cannot be empty.Specified filter has not been found.First character of the user name must be alphanumeric.Invalid character in the user name.Invalid character in the host name.With the MAXDB SQL mode enabled, TIMESTAMP is identical with DATETIME. The MAXDB SQL mode is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please disable the MAXDB SQL mode and use DATETIME instead.The use of replication filters with XA transactions is not supported, and can lead to an undefined state in the replication slave.Compressed column '%-.192s' is not allowed in the key listCan not define column '%-.192s' in compressed formatCompression dictionary '%-.192s' already existsCompression dictionary '%-.192s' does not existCompression dictionary name '%-.192s' is too long (max length = %lu)Data for compression dictionary '%-.192s' is too long (max length = %lu)Compression dictionary '%-.192s' is in useCan't execute the query because you have a conflicting backup lockKeys are out order during bulk loadBulk load rows overlap existing rowsCan't execute updates on master with binlog_format != ROW.MyRocks supports only READ COMMITTED and REPEATABLE READ isolation levels. Please change from current isolation level %sWhen unique checking is disabled in MyRocks, INSERT,UPDATE,LOAD statements with clauses that update or replace the key (i.e. INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, REPLACE) are not allowed. Query: %sCan't execute updates when you started a transaction with START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT [ROCKSDB] SNAPSHOT.This transaction was rolled back and cannot be committed. Only supported operation is to roll it back, so all pending changes will be discarded. Please restart another transaction.MyRocks currently does not support ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT if modifying rows.Only REPEATABLE READ isolation level is supported for START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT SNAPSHOT in RocksDB Storage Engine.Unsupported collation on string indexed column %s.%s Use binary collation (%s).Table '%s' does not exist, but metadata information exists inside MyRocks. This is a sign of data inconsistency. Please check if '%s.frm' exists, and try to restore it if it does not exist.MyRocks failed creating new key definitions during alter.MyRocks failed populating secondary key during alter.Column family ('%s') flag (%d) is different from an existing flag (%d). Assign a new CF flag, or do not change existing CF flag.TTL support is currently disabled when table has a hidden PK.TTL column (%s) in MyRocks must be an unsigned non-null 64-bit integer, exist inside the table, and have an accompanying ttl duration.TTL duration (%s) in MyRocks must be an unsigned non-null 64-bit integer.The per-index column family option has been deprecated.uninstall_rewriter.sql000064400000001502147633135430011230 0ustar00/* Copyright (c) 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA */ DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS query_rewrite; DROP FUNCTION load_rewrite_rules; UNINSTALL PLUGIN rewriter; mysql_test_data_timezone.sql000064400000024252147633135430012412 0ustar00-- Copyright (C) 2007 MySQL AB -- Use is subject to license terms -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA INSERT INTO time_zone_name (Name, Time_Zone_id) VALUES ('MET', 1), ('UTC', 2), ('Universal', 2), ('Europe/Moscow',3), ('leap/Europe/Moscow',4), ('Japan', 5); INSERT INTO time_zone (Time_zone_id, Use_leap_seconds) VALUES (1,'N'), (2,'N'), (3,'N'), (4,'Y'), (5,'N'); INSERT INTO time_zone_transition (Time_zone_id, Transition_time, Transition_type_id) VALUES (1, -1693706400, 0) ,(1, -1680483600, 1) ,(1, -1663455600, 2) ,(1, -1650150000, 3) ,(1, -1632006000, 2) ,(1, -1618700400, 3) ,(1, -938905200, 2) ,(1, -857257200, 3) ,(1, -844556400, 2) ,(1, -828226800, 3) ,(1, -812502000, 2) ,(1, -796777200, 3) ,(1, 228877200, 2) ,(1, 243997200, 3) ,(1, 260326800, 2) ,(1, 276051600, 3) ,(1, 291776400, 2) ,(1, 307501200, 3) ,(1, 323830800, 2) ,(1, 338950800, 3) ,(1, 354675600, 2) ,(1, 370400400, 3) ,(1, 386125200, 2) ,(1, 401850000, 3) ,(1, 417574800, 2) ,(1, 433299600, 3) ,(1, 449024400, 2) ,(1, 465354000, 3) ,(1, 481078800, 2) ,(1, 496803600, 3) ,(1, 512528400, 2) ,(1, 528253200, 3) ,(1, 543978000, 2) ,(1, 559702800, 3) ,(1, 575427600, 2) ,(1, 591152400, 3) ,(1, 606877200, 2) ,(1, 622602000, 3) ,(1, 638326800, 2) ,(1, 654656400, 3) ,(1, 670381200, 2) ,(1, 686106000, 3) ,(1, 701830800, 2) ,(1, 717555600, 3) ,(1, 733280400, 2) ,(1, 749005200, 3) ,(1, 764730000, 2) ,(1, 780454800, 3) ,(1, 796179600, 2) ,(1, 811904400, 3) ,(1, 828234000, 2) ,(1, 846378000, 3) ,(1, 859683600, 2) ,(1, 877827600, 3) ,(1, 891133200, 2) ,(1, 909277200, 3) ,(1, 922582800, 2) ,(1, 941331600, 3) ,(1, 954032400, 2) ,(1, 972781200, 3) ,(1, 985482000, 2) ,(1, 1004230800, 3) ,(1, 1017536400, 2) ,(1, 1035680400, 3) ,(1, 1048986000, 2) ,(1, 1067130000, 3) ,(1, 1080435600, 2) ,(1, 1099184400, 3) ,(1, 1111885200, 2) ,(1, 1130634000, 3) ,(1, 1143334800, 2) ,(1, 1162083600, 3) ,(1, 1174784400, 2) ,(1, 1193533200, 3) ,(1, 1206838800, 2) ,(1, 1224982800, 3) ,(1, 1238288400, 2) ,(1, 1256432400, 3) ,(1, 1269738000, 2) ,(1, 1288486800, 3) ,(1, 1301187600, 2) ,(1, 1319936400, 3) ,(1, 1332637200, 2) ,(1, 1351386000, 3) ,(1, 1364691600, 2) ,(1, 1382835600, 3) ,(1, 1396141200, 2) ,(1, 1414285200, 3) ,(1, 1427590800, 2) ,(1, 1445734800, 3) ,(1, 1459040400, 2) ,(1, 1477789200, 3) ,(1, 1490490000, 2) ,(1, 1509238800, 3) ,(1, 1521939600, 2) ,(1, 1540688400, 3) ,(1, 1553994000, 2) ,(1, 1572138000, 3) ,(1, 1585443600, 2) ,(1, 1603587600, 3) ,(1, 1616893200, 2) ,(1, 1635642000, 3) ,(1, 1648342800, 2) ,(1, 1667091600, 3) ,(1, 1679792400, 2) ,(1, 1698541200, 3) ,(1, 1711846800, 2) ,(1, 1729990800, 3) ,(1, 1743296400, 2) ,(1, 1761440400, 3) ,(1, 1774746000, 2) ,(1, 1792890000, 3) ,(1, 1806195600, 2) ,(1, 1824944400, 3) ,(1, 1837645200, 2) ,(1, 1856394000, 3) ,(1, 1869094800, 2) ,(1, 1887843600, 3) ,(1, 1901149200, 2) ,(1, 1919293200, 3) ,(1, 1932598800, 2) ,(1, 1950742800, 3) ,(1, 1964048400, 2) ,(1, 1982797200, 3) ,(1, 1995498000, 2) ,(1, 2014246800, 3) ,(1, 2026947600, 2) ,(1, 2045696400, 3) ,(1, 2058397200, 2) ,(1, 2077146000, 3) ,(1, 2090451600, 2) ,(1, 2108595600, 3) ,(1, 2121901200, 2) ,(1, 2140045200, 3) ,(3, -1688265000, 2) ,(3, -1656819048, 1) ,(3, -1641353448, 2) ,(3, -1627965048, 3) ,(3, -1618716648, 1) ,(3, -1596429048, 3) ,(3, -1593829848, 5) ,(3, -1589860800, 4) ,(3, -1542427200, 5) ,(3, -1539493200, 6) ,(3, -1525323600, 5) ,(3, -1522728000, 4) ,(3, -1491188400, 7) ,(3, -1247536800, 4) ,(3, 354920400, 5) ,(3, 370728000, 4) ,(3, 386456400, 5) ,(3, 402264000, 4) ,(3, 417992400, 5) ,(3, 433800000, 4) ,(3, 449614800, 5) ,(3, 465346800, 8) ,(3, 481071600, 9) ,(3, 496796400, 8) ,(3, 512521200, 9) ,(3, 528246000, 8) ,(3, 543970800, 9) ,(3, 559695600, 8) ,(3, 575420400, 9) ,(3, 591145200, 8) ,(3, 606870000, 9) ,(3, 622594800, 8) ,(3, 638319600, 9) ,(3, 654649200, 8) ,(3, 670374000, 10) ,(3, 686102400, 11) ,(3, 695779200, 8) ,(3, 701812800, 5) ,(3, 717534000, 4) ,(3, 733273200, 9) ,(3, 748998000, 8) ,(3, 764722800, 9) ,(3, 780447600, 8) ,(3, 796172400, 9) ,(3, 811897200, 8) ,(3, 828226800, 9) ,(3, 846370800, 8) ,(3, 859676400, 9) ,(3, 877820400, 8) ,(3, 891126000, 9) ,(3, 909270000, 8) ,(3, 922575600, 9) ,(3, 941324400, 8) ,(3, 954025200, 9) ,(3, 972774000, 8) ,(3, 985474800, 9) ,(3, 1004223600, 8) ,(3, 1017529200, 9) ,(3, 1035673200, 8) ,(3, 1048978800, 9) ,(3, 1067122800, 8) ,(3, 1080428400, 9) ,(3, 1099177200, 8) ,(3, 1111878000, 9) ,(3, 1130626800, 8) ,(3, 1143327600, 9) ,(3, 1162076400, 8) ,(3, 1174777200, 9) ,(3, 1193526000, 8) ,(3, 1206831600, 9) ,(3, 1224975600, 8) ,(3, 1238281200, 9) ,(3, 1256425200, 8) ,(3, 1269730800, 9) ,(3, 1288479600, 8) ,(3, 1301180400, 9) ,(3, 1319929200, 8) ,(3, 1332630000, 9) ,(3, 1351378800, 8) ,(3, 1364684400, 9) ,(3, 1382828400, 8) ,(3, 1396134000, 9) ,(3, 1414278000, 8) ,(3, 1427583600, 9) ,(3, 1445727600, 8) ,(3, 1459033200, 9) ,(3, 1477782000, 8) ,(3, 1490482800, 9) ,(3, 1509231600, 8) ,(3, 1521932400, 9) ,(3, 1540681200, 8) ,(3, 1553986800, 9) ,(3, 1572130800, 8) ,(3, 1585436400, 9) ,(3, 1603580400, 8) ,(3, 1616886000, 9) ,(3, 1635634800, 8) ,(3, 1648335600, 9) ,(3, 1667084400, 8) ,(3, 1679785200, 9) ,(3, 1698534000, 8) ,(3, 1711839600, 9) ,(3, 1729983600, 8) ,(3, 1743289200, 9) ,(3, 1761433200, 8) ,(3, 1774738800, 9) ,(3, 1792882800, 8) ,(3, 1806188400, 9) ,(3, 1824937200, 8) ,(3, 1837638000, 9) ,(3, 1856386800, 8) ,(3, 1869087600, 9) ,(3, 1887836400, 8) ,(3, 1901142000, 9) ,(3, 1919286000, 8) ,(3, 1932591600, 9) ,(3, 1950735600, 8) ,(3, 1964041200, 9) ,(3, 1982790000, 8) ,(3, 1995490800, 9) ,(3, 2014239600, 8) ,(3, 2026940400, 9) ,(3, 2045689200, 8) ,(3, 2058390000, 9) ,(3, 2077138800, 8) ,(3, 2090444400, 9) ,(3, 2108588400, 8) ,(3, 2121894000, 9) ,(3, 2140038000, 8) ,(4, -1688265000, 2) ,(4, -1656819048, 1) ,(4, -1641353448, 2) ,(4, -1627965048, 3) ,(4, -1618716648, 1) ,(4, -1596429048, 3) ,(4, -1593829848, 5) ,(4, -1589860800, 4) ,(4, -1542427200, 5) ,(4, -1539493200, 6) ,(4, -1525323600, 5) ,(4, -1522728000, 4) ,(4, -1491188400, 7) ,(4, -1247536800, 4) ,(4, 354920409, 5) ,(4, 370728010, 4) ,(4, 386456410, 5) ,(4, 402264011, 4) ,(4, 417992411, 5) ,(4, 433800012, 4) ,(4, 449614812, 5) ,(4, 465346812, 8) ,(4, 481071612, 9) ,(4, 496796413, 8) ,(4, 512521213, 9) ,(4, 528246013, 8) ,(4, 543970813, 9) ,(4, 559695613, 8) ,(4, 575420414, 9) ,(4, 591145214, 8) ,(4, 606870014, 9) ,(4, 622594814, 8) ,(4, 638319615, 9) ,(4, 654649215, 8) ,(4, 670374016, 10) ,(4, 686102416, 11) ,(4, 695779216, 8) ,(4, 701812816, 5) ,(4, 717534017, 4) ,(4, 733273217, 9) ,(4, 748998018, 8) ,(4, 764722818, 9) ,(4, 780447619, 8) ,(4, 796172419, 9) ,(4, 811897219, 8) ,(4, 828226820, 9) ,(4, 846370820, 8) ,(4, 859676420, 9) ,(4, 877820421, 8) ,(4, 891126021, 9) ,(4, 909270021, 8) ,(4, 922575622, 9) ,(4, 941324422, 8) ,(4, 954025222, 9) ,(4, 972774022, 8) ,(4, 985474822, 9) ,(4, 1004223622, 8) ,(4, 1017529222, 9) ,(4, 1035673222, 8) ,(4, 1048978822, 9) ,(4, 1067122822, 8) ,(4, 1080428422, 9) ,(4, 1099177222, 8) ,(4, 1111878022, 9) ,(4, 1130626822, 8) ,(4, 1143327622, 9) ,(4, 1162076422, 8) ,(4, 1174777222, 9) ,(4, 1193526022, 8) ,(4, 1206831622, 9) ,(4, 1224975622, 8) ,(4, 1238281222, 9) ,(4, 1256425222, 8) ,(4, 1269730822, 9) ,(4, 1288479622, 8) ,(4, 1301180422, 9) ,(4, 1319929222, 8) ,(4, 1332630022, 9) ,(4, 1351378822, 8) ,(4, 1364684422, 9) ,(4, 1382828422, 8) ,(4, 1396134022, 9) ,(4, 1414278022, 8) ,(4, 1427583622, 9) ,(4, 1445727622, 8) ,(4, 1459033222, 9) ,(4, 1477782022, 8) ,(4, 1490482822, 9) ,(4, 1509231622, 8) ,(4, 1521932422, 9) ,(4, 1540681222, 8) ,(4, 1553986822, 9) ,(4, 1572130822, 8) ,(4, 1585436422, 9) ,(4, 1603580422, 8) ,(4, 1616886022, 9) ,(4, 1635634822, 8) ,(4, 1648335622, 9) ,(4, 1667084422, 8) ,(4, 1679785222, 9) ,(4, 1698534022, 8) ,(4, 1711839622, 9) ,(4, 1729983622, 8) ,(4, 1743289222, 9) ,(4, 1761433222, 8) ,(4, 1774738822, 9) ,(4, 1792882822, 8) ,(4, 1806188422, 9) ,(4, 1824937222, 8) ,(4, 1837638022, 9) ,(4, 1856386822, 8) ,(4, 1869087622, 9) ,(4, 1887836422, 8) ,(4, 1901142022, 9) ,(4, 1919286022, 8) ,(4, 1932591622, 9) ,(4, 1950735622, 8) ,(4, 1964041222, 9) ,(4, 1982790022, 8) ,(4, 1995490822, 9) ,(4, 2014239622, 8) ,(4, 2026940422, 9) ,(4, 2045689222, 8) ,(4, 2058390022, 9) ,(4, 2077138822, 8) ,(4, 2090444422, 9) ,(4, 2108588422, 8) ,(4, 2121894022, 9) ,(4, 2140038022, 8) ,(5, -1009875600, 1); INSERT INTO time_zone_transition_type (Time_zone_id, Transition_type_id, Offset, Is_DST, Abbreviation) VALUES (1, 0, 7200, 1, 'MEST') ,(1, 1, 3600, 0, 'MET') ,(1, 2, 7200, 1, 'MEST') ,(1, 3, 3600, 0, 'MET') ,(2, 0, 0, 0, 'UTC') ,(3, 0, 9000, 0, 'MMT') ,(3, 1, 12648, 1, 'MST') ,(3, 2, 9048, 0, 'MMT') ,(3, 3, 16248, 1, 'MDST') ,(3, 4, 10800, 0, 'MSK') ,(3, 5, 14400, 1, 'MSD') ,(3, 6, 18000, 1, 'MSD') ,(3, 7, 7200, 0, 'EET') ,(3, 8, 10800, 0, 'MSK') ,(3, 9, 14400, 1, 'MSD') ,(3, 10, 10800, 1, 'EEST') ,(3, 11, 7200, 0, 'EET') ,(4, 0, 9000, 0, 'MMT') ,(4, 1, 12648, 1, 'MST') ,(4, 2, 9048, 0, 'MMT') ,(4, 3, 16248, 1, 'MDST') ,(4, 4, 10800, 0, 'MSK') ,(4, 5, 14400, 1, 'MSD') ,(4, 6, 18000, 1, 'MSD') ,(4, 7, 7200, 0, 'EET') ,(4, 8, 10800, 0, 'MSK') ,(4, 9, 14400, 1, 'MSD') ,(4, 10, 10800, 1, 'EEST') ,(4, 11, 7200, 0, 'EET') ,(5, 0, 32400, 0, 'CJT') ,(5, 1, 32400, 0, 'JST'); INSERT INTO time_zone_leap_second (Transition_time, Correction) VALUES (78796800, 1) ,(94694401, 2) ,(126230402, 3) ,(157766403, 4) ,(189302404, 5) ,(220924805, 6) ,(252460806, 7) ,(283996807, 8) ,(315532808, 9) ,(362793609, 10) ,(394329610, 11) ,(425865611, 12) ,(489024012, 13) ,(567993613, 14) ,(631152014, 15) ,(662688015, 16) ,(709948816, 17) ,(741484817, 18) ,(773020818, 19) ,(820454419, 20) ,(867715220, 21) ,(915148821, 22); norwegian/errmsg.sys000075500000235653147633135430010626 0ustar00)uL-xXK Dv!FX,o h#? 1 X p  2 t  6 c 5 o  o 7q-.E>e!R8-St*Ffp% -eMFu1Nh;3b7{9Sl ? w @!`!!! "Q""""1####$A$\$y$$$%I%l%%%%%,&&&&1'o''B(((E){)))-*c***1+K+++ ,B,d,,,-5-^-{---;._...A////0K0m000.1R11111.2Y2x22223Z333 494X444@5[5|555C6q666727u777=8Y8899::;4;U;;;;P<l<<<B====o>>>?+?T????@P@e@z@@@@@@AVA{AAB|BBBBC1CSCtCCCCCC#D;DRDjDDDDD(EUEwEEEF=FFFFGxx9yyy7zezzzz{{o{{{3|_|||||}u}}}}~~Xx/_ŁՁ =f˂ :xTzׄ/Qڅ6_w͆ y I}:]ۊ'f̋(yڌ!Kލ%^;@ޔ:1lҗ +ߘ(cљ)ta-y7&2f|iNuڥ;IGǨfI3`6ݬ8ѭk׮)h0qtű ! j@75\n͸<sڹ*wѺ(hVt˿ @9Pg{5c )Mj*i'`^>C+a,Ut : Dee4IRMB$x/E0=&Y%*umFn"Ly`,]3X$*{&UWI:O x[f&x.NT9f6XBfTv?ca5 g   % u   k   Q    3 v   *\\tWn]^b vUwmq!<McAm 6{+bw  5!j!!!"X""""#J##$$%%q&&'''p((5))hashchkisamchkNEIJAKan ikke opprette fila '%-.200s' (Feilkode: %d - %s)Kan ikke opprette tabellen '%-.200s' (Feilkode: %d)Kan ikke opprette databasen '%-.192s' (Feilkode: %d)Kan ikke opprette databasen '%-.192s'; databasen eksistererKan ikke fjerne (drop) '%-.192s'; databasen eksisterer ikkeFeil ved fjerning (drop) av databasen (kan ikke slette '%-.192s', feil %d)Feil ved sletting av database (kan ikke slette katalogen '%-.192s', feil %d)Feil ved sletting av '%-.192s' (Feilkode: %d - %s)Kan ikke lese posten i systemkatalogenKan ikke lese statusen til '%-.200s' (Feilkode: %d - %s)Kan ikke lese aktiv katalog(Feilkode: %d - %s)Kan ikke låse fila (Feilkode: %d - %s)Kan ikke åpne fila: '%-.200s' (Feilkode: %d - %s)Kan ikke finne fila: '%-.200s' (Feilkode: %d - %s)Kan ikke lese katalogen '%-.192s' (Feilkode: %d - %s)Kan ikke skifte katalog til '%-.192s' (Feilkode: %d - %s)Posten har blitt endret siden den ble lest '%-.192s'Ikke mer diskplass (%s). Venter på å få frigjort plass... (Feilkode: %d - %s)Kan ikke skrive, flere like nøkler i tabellen '%-.192s'Feil ved lukking av '%-.192s' (Feilkode: %d - %s)Feil ved lesing av '%-.200s' (Feilkode: %d - %s)Feil ved omdøping av '%-.210s' til '%-.210s' (Feilkode: %d - %s)Feil ved skriving av fila '%-.200s' (Feilkode: %d - %s)'%-.192s' er låst mot oppdateringerSortering avbruttView '%-.192s' eksisterer ikke for '%-.192s'Mottok feil %d fra tabell håndtererTabell håndtereren for '%-.192s' har ikke denne mulighetenKan ikke finne posten i '%-.192s'Feil informasjon i filen: '%-.200s'Tabellen '%-.200s' har feil i nøkkelfilen; forsøk å reparer denGammel nøkkelfil for tabellen '%-.192s'; reparer den!'%-.192s' er skrivebeskyttetIkke mer minne. Star på nytt tjenesten og prøv igjen (trengte %d byter)Ikke mer sorteringsminne. Vurder å øke sorteringsminnet (sort buffer size) for tjenestenUventet slutt på fil (eof) ved lesing av filen '%-.192s' (Feilkode: %d - %s)For mange tilkoblinger (connections)Tomt for tråd plass/minneKan ikke få tak i vertsnavn for din adresseFeil håndtrykk (handshake)Tilgang nektet for bruker: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' til databasen '%-.192s' nektetTilgang nektet for bruker: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' (Bruker passord: %s)Ingen database valgtUkjent kommandoKolonne '%-.192s' kan ikke vere nullUkjent database '%-.192s'Tabellen '%-.192s' eksisterer alleredeUkjent tabell '%-.100s'Felt: '%-.192s' i tabell %-.192s er ikke entydigDatabase nedkobling er i gangUkjent kolonne '%-.192s' i tabell %-.192sBrukte '%-.192s' som ikke var i group byKan ikke gruppere på '%-.192s'Uttrykket har summer (sum) funksjoner og kolonner i samme uttrykkFelt telling stemmer verdi tellingIdentifikator '%-.100s' er for langFeltnavnet '%-.192s' eksisterte fra førNøkkelnavnet '%-.192s' eksisterte fra førLike verdier '%-.192s' for nøkkel %dFeil kolonne spesifikator for felt '%-.192s'%s nær '%-.80s' på linje %dForespørsel var tomIkke unikt tabell/alias: '%-.192s'Ugyldig standardverdi for '%-.192s'Fleire primærnøkle spesifisertFor mange nøkler spesifisert. Maks %d nøkler tillattFor mange nøkkeldeler spesifisert. Maks %d deler tillattSpesifisert nøkkel var for lang. Maks nøkkellengde er is %dNøkkel felt '%-.192s' eksiterer ikke i tabellenBlob felt '%-.192s' kan ikke brukes ved spesifikasjon av nøklerFor stor nøkkellengde for kolonne '%-.192s' (maks = %lu). Bruk BLOB istedenforBare ett auto felt kan være definert som nøkkel.%s: klar for tilkoblinger Version: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d"%s: Normal avslutning %s: Oppdaget signal %d. Avslutter! %s: Avslutning komplett %s: Påtvinget avslutning av tråd %ld bruker: '%-.48s' Kan ikke opprette IP socketTabellen '%-.192s' har ingen index som den som er brukt i CREATE INDEX. Gjenopprett tabellenFelt skiller argumentene er ikke som forventet, se dokumentasjonenEn kan ikke bruke faste feltlengder med BLOB. Vennlisgt bruk 'fields terminated by'.Filen '%-.128s' må være i database-katalogen for å være lesbar for alleFilen '%-.200s' eksisterte alleredePoster: %ld Fjernet: %ld Hoppet over: %ld Advarsler: %ldPoster: %ld Like: %ldFeil delnøkkel. Den brukte delnøkkelen er ikke en streng eller den oppgitte lengde er lengre enn nøkkel lengdenEn kan ikke slette alle felt med ALTER TABLE. Bruk DROP TABLE isteden.Kan ikke DROP '%-.192s'. Undersøk om felt/nøkkel eksisterer.Poster: %ld Like: %ld Advarsler: %ldYou can't specify target table '%-.192s' for update in FROM clauseUkjent tråd id: %luDu er ikke eier av tråden %luIngen tabeller i brukFor mange tekststrenger kolonne %-.192s og SETKan ikke lage unikt loggfilnavn %-.200s.(1-999) Tabellen '%-.192s' var låst med READ lås og kan ikke oppdateresTabellen '%-.192s' var ikke låst med LOCK TABLESBlob feltet '%-.192s' kan ikke ha en standard verdiUgyldig database navn '%-.100s'Ugyldig tabell navn '%-.100s'SELECT ville undersøke for mange poster og ville sannsynligvis ta veldig lang tid. Undersøk WHERE klausulen og bruk SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 om SELECTen er korrektUkjent feilUkjent prosedyre %-.192sFeil parameter antall til prosedyren %-.192sFeil parametre til prosedyren %-.192sUkjent tabell '%-.192s' i %-.32sFeltet '%-.192s' er spesifisert to gangerInvalid use of group functionTable '%-.192s' uses a extension that doesn't exist in this MySQL versionA table must have at least 1 columnThe table '%-.192s' is fullUnknown character set: '%-.64s'Too many tables; MySQL can only use %d tables in a joinToo many columnsRow size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is %ld. This includes storage overhead, check the manual. You have to change some columns to TEXT or BLOBsThread stack overrun: Used: %ld of a %ld stack. Use 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' to specify a bigger stack if neededCross dependency found in OUTER JOIN; examine your ON conditionsTable handler doesn't support NULL in given index. Please change column '%-.192s' to be NOT NULL or use another handlerCan't load function '%-.192s'Can't initialize function '%-.192s'; %-.80sNo paths allowed for shared libraryFunction '%-.192s' already existsCan't open shared library '%-.192s' (errno: %d %-.128s)Can't find symbol '%-.128s' in libraryFunction '%-.192s' is not definedHost '%-.64s' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'Host '%-.64s' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL serverYou are using MySQL as an anonymous user and anonymous users are not allowed to change passwordsYou must have privileges to update tables in the mysql database to be able to change passwords for othersCan't find any matching row in the user tableRows matched: %ld Changed: %ld Warnings: %ldCan't create a new thread (errno %d); if you are not out of available memory you can consult the manual for any possible OS dependent bugColumn count doesn't match value count at row %ldCan't reopen table: '%-.192sInvalid use of NULL valueGot error '%-.64s' from regexpMixing of GROUP columns (MIN(),MAX(),COUNT(),...) with no GROUP columns is illegal if there is no GROUP BY clauseThere is no such grant defined for user '%-.48s' on host '%-.64s'%-.128s command denied to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' for table '%-.64s'%-.16s command denied to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' for column '%-.192s' in table '%-.192s'Illegal GRANT/REVOKE command; please consult the manual to see which privleges can be used.The host or user argument to GRANT is too longTable '%-.192s.%-.192s' doesn't existThere is no such grant defined for user '%-.48s' on host '%-.64s' on table '%-.192s'The used command is not allowed with this MySQL versionSomething is wrong in your syntaxDelayed insert thread couldn't get requested lock for table %-.192sToo many delayed threads in useAborted connection %ld to db: '%-.192s' user: '%-.48s' (%-.64s)Got a packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet' bytesGot a read error from the connection pipeGot an error from fcntl()Got packets out of orderCouldn't uncompress communication packetGot an error reading communication packetsGot timeout reading communication packetsGot an error writing communication packetsGot timeout writing communication packetsResult string is longer than 'max_allowed_packet' bytesThe used table type doesn't support BLOB/TEXT columnsThe used table type doesn't support AUTO_INCREMENT columnsINSERT DELAYED can't be used with table '%-.192s' because it is locked with LOCK TABLESIncorrect column name '%-.100s'The used table handler can't index column '%-.192s'All tables in the MERGE table are not defined identicallyCan't write, because of unique constraint, to table '%-.192s'BLOB column '%-.192s' used in key specification without a key lengthAll parts of a PRIMARY KEY must be NOT NULL; if you need NULL in a key, use UNIQUE insteadResult consisted of more than one rowThis table type requires a primary keyThis version of MySQL is not compiled with RAID supportYou are using safe update mode and you tried to update a table without a WHERE that uses a KEY columnKey '%-.192s' doesn't exist in table '%-.192s'Can't open tableThe handler for the table doesn't support %sYou are not allowed to execute this command in a transactionGot error %d during COMMITGot error %d during ROLLBACKGot error %d during FLUSH_LOGSGot error %d during CHECKPOINTAborted connection %u to db: '%-.192s' user: '%-.48s' host: '%-.64s' (%-.64s)The storage engine for the table does not support binary table dumpBinlog closed, cannot RESET MASTERFailed rebuilding the index of dumped table '%-.192s'Error from master: '%-.64s'Net error reading from masterNet error writing to masterCan't find FULLTEXT index matching the column listCan't execute the given command because you have active locked tables or an active transactionUnknown system variable '%-.64s'Table '%-.192s' is marked as crashed and should be repairedTable '%-.192s' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failedSome non-transactional changed tables couldn't be rolled backMulti-statement transaction required more than 'max_binlog_cache_size' bytes of storage; increase this mysqld variable and try againThis operation cannot be performed with a running slave; run STOP SLAVE firstThis operation requires a running slave; configure slave and do START SLAVEThe server is not configured as slave; fix in config file or with CHANGE MASTER TOCould not initialize master info structure; more error messages can be found in the MySQL error logCould not create slave thread; check system resourcesUser %-.64s already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connectionsYou may only use constant expressions with SETLock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transactionThe total number of locks exceeds the lock table sizeUpdate locks cannot be acquired during a READ UNCOMMITTED transactionDROP DATABASE not allowed while thread is holding global read lockCREATE DATABASE not allowed while thread is holding global read lockIncorrect arguments to %s'%-.48s'@'%-.64s' is not allowed to create new usersIncorrect table definition; all MERGE tables must be in the same databaseDeadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transactionThe used table type doesn't support FULLTEXT indexesCannot add foreign key constraintCannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint failsCannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint failsError connecting to master: %-.128sError running query on master: %-.128sError when executing command %s: %-.128sIncorrect usage of %s and %sThe used SELECT statements have a different number of columnsCan't execute the query because you have a conflicting read lockMixing of transactional and non-transactional tables is disabledOption '%s' used twice in statementUser '%-.64s' has exceeded the '%s' resource (current value: %ld)Access denied; you need (at least one of) the %-.128s privilege(s) for this operationVariable '%-.64s' is a SESSION variable and can't be used with SET GLOBALVariable '%-.64s' is a GLOBAL variable and should be set with SET GLOBALVariable '%-.64s' doesn't have a default valueVariable '%-.64s' can't be set to the value of '%-.200s'Incorrect argument type to variable '%-.64s'Variable '%-.64s' can only be set, not readIncorrect usage/placement of '%s'This version of MySQL doesn't yet support '%s'Got fatal error %d from master when reading data from binary log: '%-.320s'Slave SQL thread ignored the query because of replicate-*-table rulesVariable '%-.192s' is a %s variableIncorrect foreign key definition for '%-.192s': %sKey reference and table reference don't matchOperand should contain %d column(s)Subquery returns more than 1 rowUnknown prepared statement handler (%.*s) given to %sHelp database is corrupt or does not existCyclic reference on subqueriesConverting column '%s' from %s to %sReference '%-.64s' not supported (%s)Every derived table must have its own aliasSelect %u was reduced during optimizationTable '%-.192s' from one of the SELECTs cannot be used in %-.32sClient does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL clientAll parts of a SPATIAL index must be NOT NULLCOLLATION '%s' is not valid for CHARACTER SET '%s'Slave is already runningSlave already has been stoppedUncompressed data size too large; the maximum size is %d (probably, length of uncompressed data was corrupted)ZLIB: Not enough memoryZLIB: Not enough room in the output buffer (probably, length of uncompressed data was corrupted)ZLIB: Input data corruptedRow %u was cut by GROUP_CONCAT()Row %ld doesn't contain data for all columnsRow %ld was truncated; it contained more data than there were input columnsColumn set to default value; NULL supplied to NOT NULL column '%s' at row %ldOut of range value for column '%s' at row %ldData truncated for column '%s' at row %ldUsing storage engine %s for table '%s'Illegal mix of collations (%s,%s) and (%s,%s) for operation '%s'Cannot drop one or more of the requested usersCan't revoke all privileges for one or more of the requested usersIllegal mix of collations (%s,%s), (%s,%s), (%s,%s) for operation '%s'Illegal mix of collations for operation '%s'Variable '%-.64s' is not a variable component (can't be used as XXXX.variable_name)Unknown collation: '%-.64s'SSL parameters in CHANGE MASTER are ignored because this MySQL slave was compiled without SSL support; they can be used later if MySQL slave with SSL is startedServer is running in --secure-auth mode, but '%s'@'%s' has a password in the old format; please change the password to the new formatField or reference '%-.192s%s%-.192s%s%-.192s' of SELECT #%d was resolved in SELECT #%dIncorrect parameter or combination of parameters for START SLAVE UNTILIt is recommended to use --skip-slave-start when doing step-by-step replication with START SLAVE UNTIL; otherwise, you will get problems if you get an unexpected slave's mysqld restartSQL thread is not to be started so UNTIL options are ignoredIncorrect index name '%-.100s'Incorrect catalog name '%-.100s'Query cache failed to set size %lu; new query cache size is %luColumn '%-.192s' cannot be part of FULLTEXT indexUnknown key cache '%-.100s'MySQL is started in --skip-name-resolve mode; you must restart it without this switch for this grant to workUnknown storage engine '%s''%s' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use %s insteadThe target table %-.100s of the %s is not updatableThe '%s' feature is disabled; you need MySQL built with '%s' to have it workingThe MySQL server is running with the %s option so it cannot execute this statementColumn '%-.100s' has duplicated value '%-.64s' in %sTruncated incorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s'Incorrect table definition; there can be only one TIMESTAMP column with CURRENT_TIMESTAMP in DEFAULT or ON UPDATE clauseInvalid ON UPDATE clause for '%-.192s' columnThis command is not supported in the prepared statement protocol yetMottok feil %d '%-.100s' fa %sMottok temporary feil %d '%-.100s' fra %sUnknown or incorrect time zone: '%-.64s'Invalid TIMESTAMP value in column '%s' at row %ldInvalid %s character string: '%.64s'Result of %s() was larger than max_allowed_packet (%ld) - truncatedConflicting declarations: '%s%s' and '%s%s'Can't create a %s from within another stored routine%s %s already exists%s %s does not existFailed to DROP %s %sFailed to CREATE %s %s%s with no matching label: %sRedefining label %sEnd-label %s without matchReferring to uninitialized variable %sPROCEDURE %s can't return a result set in the given contextRETURN is only allowed in a FUNCTION%s is not allowed in stored proceduresThe update log is deprecated and replaced by the binary log; SET SQL_LOG_UPDATE has been ignored.The update log is deprecated and replaced by the binary log; SET SQL_LOG_UPDATE has been translated to SET SQL_LOG_BIN.Query execution was interruptedIncorrect number of arguments for %s %s; expected %u, got %uUndefined CONDITION: %sNo RETURN found in FUNCTION %sFUNCTION %s ended without RETURNCursor statement must be a SELECTCursor SELECT must not have INTOUndefined CURSOR: %sCursor is already openCursor is not openUndeclared variable: %sIncorrect number of FETCH variablesNo data - zero rows fetched, selected, or processedDuplicate parameter: %sDuplicate variable: %sDuplicate condition: %sDuplicate cursor: %sFailed to ALTER %s %sSubquery value not supported%s is not allowed in stored function or triggerVariable or condition declaration after cursor or handler declarationCursor declaration after handler declarationCase not found for CASE statementConfiguration file '%-.192s' is too bigMalformed file type header in file '%-.192s'Unexpected end of file while parsing comment '%-.200s'Error while parsing parameter '%-.192s' (line: '%-.192s')Unexpected end of file while skipping unknown parameter '%-.192s'EXPLAIN/SHOW can not be issued; lacking privileges for underlying tableFile '%-.192s' has unknown type '%-.64s' in its header'%-.192s.%-.192s' is not %sColumn '%-.192s' is not updatableView's SELECT contains a subquery in the FROM clauseView's SELECT contains a '%s' clauseView's SELECT contains a variable or parameterView's SELECT refers to a temporary table '%-.192s'View's SELECT and view's field list have different column countsView merge algorithm can't be used here for now (assumed undefined algorithm)View being updated does not have complete key of underlying table in itView '%-.192s.%-.192s' references invalid table(s) or column(s) or function(s) or definer/invoker of view lack rights to use themCan't drop or alter a %s from within another stored routineGOTO is not allowed in a stored procedure handlerTrigger already existsTrigger does not existTrigger's '%-.192s' is view or temporary tableUpdating of %s row is not allowed in %striggerThere is no %s row in %s triggerField '%-.192s' doesn't have a default valueDivision by 0Incorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s' for column '%.192s' at row %ldIllegal %s '%-.192s' value found during parsingCHECK OPTION on non-updatable view '%-.192s.%-.192s'CHECK OPTION failed '%-.192s.%-.192s'%-.16s command denied to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' for routine '%-.192s'Failed purging old relay logs: %sPassword hash should be a %d-digit hexadecimal numberTarget log not found in binlog indexI/O error reading log index fileServer configuration does not permit binlog purgeFailed on fseek()Fatal error during log purgeA purgeable log is in use, will not purgeUnknown error during log purgeFailed initializing relay log position: %sYou are not using binary loggingThe '%-.64s' syntax is reserved for purposes internal to the MySQL serverWSAStartup FailedCan't handle procedures with different groups yetSelect must have a group with this procedureCan't use ORDER clause with this procedureBinary logging and replication forbid changing the global server %sCan't map file: %-.200s, errno: %dWrong magic in %-.64sPrepared statement contains too many placeholdersKey part '%-.192s' length cannot be 0View text checksum failedCan not modify more than one base table through a join view '%-.192s.%-.192s'Can not insert into join view '%-.192s.%-.192s' without fields listCan not delete from join view '%-.192s.%-.192s'Operation %s failed for %.256sXAER_NOTA: Unknown XIDXAER_INVAL: Invalid arguments (or unsupported command)XAER_RMFAIL: The command cannot be executed when global transaction is in the %.64s stateXAER_OUTSIDE: Some work is done outside global transactionXAER_RMERR: Fatal error occurred in the transaction branch - check your data for consistencyXA_RBROLLBACK: Transaction branch was rolled backThere is no such grant defined for user '%-.48s' on host '%-.64s' on routine '%-.192s'Failed to grant EXECUTE and ALTER ROUTINE privilegesFailed to revoke all privileges to dropped routineData too long for column '%s' at row %ldBad SQLSTATE: '%s'%s: ready for connections. Version: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d %sCan't load value from file with fixed size rows to variableYou are not allowed to create a user with GRANTIncorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s' for function %-.32sTable definition has changed, please retry transactionDuplicate handler declared in the same blockOUT or INOUT argument %d for routine %s is not a variable or NEW pseudo-variable in BEFORE triggerNot allowed to return a result set from a %sCannot get geometry object from data you send to the GEOMETRY fieldA routine failed and has neither NO SQL nor READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled; if non-transactional tables were updated, the binary log will miss their changesThis function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)You do not have the SUPER privilege and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)You can't execute a prepared statement which has an open cursor associated with it. Reset the statement to re-execute it.The statement (%lu) has no open cursor.Explicit or implicit commit is not allowed in stored function or trigger.Field of view '%-.192s.%-.192s' underlying table doesn't have a default valueRecursive stored functions and triggers are not allowed.Too big scale %d specified for column '%-.192s'. Maximum is %lu.Too-big precision %d specified for '%-.192s'. Maximum is %lu.For float(M,D), double(M,D) or decimal(M,D), M must be >= D (column '%-.192s').You can't combine write-locking of system tables with other tables or lock typesUnable to connect to foreign data source: %.64sThere was a problem processing the query on the foreign data source. Data source error: %-.64sThe foreign data source you are trying to reference does not exist. Data source error: %-.64sCan't create federated table. The data source connection string '%-.64s' is not in the correct formatThe data source connection string '%-.64s' is not in the correct formatCan't create federated table. Foreign data src error: %-.64sTrigger in wrong schemaThread stack overrun: %ld bytes used of a %ld byte stack, and %ld bytes needed. Use 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' to specify a bigger stack.Routine body for '%-.100s' is too longCannot drop default keycacheDisplay width out of range for column '%-.192s' (max = %lu)XAER_DUPID: The XID already existsDatetime function: %-.32s field overflowCan't update table '%-.192s' in stored function/trigger because it is already used by statement which invoked this stored function/trigger.The definition of table '%-.192s' prevents operation %.192s on table '%-.192s'.The prepared statement contains a stored routine call that refers to that same statement. It's not allowed to execute a prepared statement in such a recursive mannerNot allowed to set autocommit from a stored function or triggerDefiner is not fully qualifiedView '%-.192s'.'%-.192s' has no definer information (old table format). Current user is used as definer. Please recreate the view!You need the SUPER privilege for creation view with '%-.192s'@'%-.192s' definerThe user specified as a definer ('%-.64s'@'%-.64s') does not existChanging schema from '%-.192s' to '%-.192s' is not allowed.Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (%.192s)Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (%.192s)Variable '%-.64s' must be quoted with `...`, or renamedNo definer attribute for trigger '%-.192s'.'%-.192s'. The trigger will be activated under the authorization of the invoker, which may have insufficient privileges. Please recreate the trigger.'%-.192s' has an old format, you should re-create the '%s' object(s)Recursive limit %d (as set by the max_sp_recursion_depth variable) was exceeded for routine %.192sFailed to load routine %-.192s. The table mysql.proc is missing, corrupt, or contains bad data (internal code %d)Incorrect routine name '%-.192s'Table upgrade required. Please do "REPAIR TABLE `%-.64s`" or dump/reload to fix it!AGGREGATE is not supported for stored functionsCan't create more than max_prepared_stmt_count statements (current value: %lu)`%-.192s`.`%-.192s` contains view recursionNon-grouping field '%-.192s' is used in %-.64s clauseThe used table type doesn't support SPATIAL indexesTriggers can not be created on system tablesLeading spaces are removed from name '%s'Failed to read auto-increment value from storage engineuser namehost nameString '%-.70s' is too long for %s (should be no longer than %d)The target table %-.100s of the %s is not insertable-intoTable '%-.64s' is differently defined or of non-MyISAM type or doesn't existToo high level of nesting for selectName '%-.64s' has become ''First character of the FIELDS TERMINATED string is ambiguous; please use non-optional and non-empty FIELDS ENCLOSED BYThe foreign server, %s, you are trying to create already exists.The foreign server name you are trying to reference does not exist. Data source error: %-.64sTable storage engine '%-.64s' does not support the create option '%.64s'Syntax error: %-.64s PARTITIONING requires definition of VALUES %-.64s for each partitionOnly %-.64s PARTITIONING can use VALUES %-.64s in partition definitionMAXVALUE can only be used in last partition definitionSubpartitions can only be hash partitions and by keyMust define subpartitions on all partitions if on one partitionWrong number of partitions defined, mismatch with previous settingWrong number of subpartitions defined, mismatch with previous settingConstant, random or timezone-dependent expressions in (sub)partitioning function are not allowedExpression in RANGE/LIST VALUES must be constantField in list of fields for partition function not found in tableList of fields is only allowed in KEY partitionsThe partition info in the frm file is not consistent with what can be written into the frm fileThe %-.192s function returns the wrong typeFor %-.64s partitions each partition must be definedVALUES LESS THAN value must be strictly increasing for each partitionVALUES value must be of same type as partition functionMultiple definition of same constant in list partitioningPartitioning can not be used stand-alone in queryThe mix of handlers in the partitions is not allowed in this version of MySQLFor the partitioned engine it is necessary to define all %-.64sToo many partitions (including subpartitions) were definedIt is only possible to mix RANGE/LIST partitioning with HASH/KEY partitioning for subpartitioningFailed to create specific handler fileA BLOB field is not allowed in partition functionA %-.192s must include all columns in the table's partitioning functionNumber of %-.64s = 0 is not an allowed valuePartition management on a not partitioned table is not possibleForeign keys are not yet supported in conjunction with partitioningError in list of partitions to %-.64sCannot remove all partitions, use DROP TABLE insteadCOALESCE PARTITION can only be used on HASH/KEY partitionsREORGANIZE PARTITION can only be used to reorganize partitions not to change their numbersREORGANIZE PARTITION without parameters can only be used on auto-partitioned tables using HASH PARTITIONs%-.64s PARTITION can only be used on RANGE/LIST partitionsTrying to Add partition(s) with wrong number of subpartitionsAt least one partition must be addedAt least one partition must be coalescedMore partitions to reorganize than there are partitionsDuplicate partition name %-.192sIt is not allowed to shut off binlog on this commandWhen reorganizing a set of partitions they must be in consecutive orderReorganize of range partitions cannot change total ranges except for last partition where it can extend the rangePartition function not supported in this version for this handlerPartition state cannot be defined from CREATE/ALTER TABLEThe %-.64s handler only supports 32 bit integers in VALUESPlugin '%-.192s' is not loadedIncorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s'Table has no partition for value %-.64sIt is not allowed to specify %s more than onceFailed to create %sFailed to drop %sThe handler doesn't support autoextend of tablespacesA size parameter was incorrectly specified, either number or on the form 10MThe size number was correct but we don't allow the digit part to be more than 2 billionFailed to alter: %sWriting one row to the row-based binary log failedTable definition on master and slave does not match: %sSlave running with --log-slave-updates must use row-based binary logging to be able to replicate row-based binary log eventsEvent '%-.192s' already existsFailed to store event %s. Error code %d from storage engine.Unknown event '%-.192s'Failed to alter event '%-.192s'Failed to drop %sINTERVAL is either not positive or too bigENDS is either invalid or before STARTSEvent execution time is in the past. Event has been disabledFailed to open mysql.eventNo datetime expression providedColumn count of mysql.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. The table is probably corruptedCannot load from mysql.%s. The table is probably corruptedFailed to delete the event from mysql.eventError during compilation of event's bodySame old and new event nameData for column '%s' too longCannot drop index '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraintThe syntax '%s' is deprecated and will be removed in MySQL %s. Please use %s insteadYou can't write-lock a log table. Only read access is possibleYou can't use locks with log tables.Upholding foreign key constraints for table '%.192s', entry '%-.192s', key %d would lead to a duplicate entryColumn count of mysql.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. Created with MySQL %d, now running %d. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error.Cannot switch out of the row-based binary log format when the session has open temporary tablesCannot change the binary logging format inside a stored function or triggerThe NDB cluster engine does not support changing the binlog format on the fly yetCannot create temporary table with partitionsPartition constant is out of partition function domainThis partition function is not allowedError in DDL logNot allowed to use NULL value in VALUES LESS THANIncorrect partition nameTransaction characteristics can't be changed while a transaction is in progressALTER TABLE causes auto_increment resequencing, resulting in duplicate entry '%-.192s' for key '%-.192s'Internal scheduler error %dError during starting/stopping of the scheduler. Error code %uEngine cannot be used in partitioned tablesCannot activate '%-.64s' logThe server was not built with row-based replicationDecoding of base64 string failedRecursion of EVENT DDL statements is forbidden when body is presentCannot proceed because system tables used by Event Scheduler were found damaged at server startOnly integers allowed as number hereThis storage engine cannot be used for log tables"You cannot '%s' a log table if logging is enabledCannot rename '%s'. When logging enabled, rename to/from log table must rename two tables: the log table to an archive table and another table back to '%s'Incorrect parameter count in the call to native function '%-.192s'Incorrect parameters in the call to native function '%-.192s'Incorrect parameters in the call to stored function %-.192sThis function '%-.192s' has the same name as a native functionLike verdier '%-.64s' for nøkkel '%-.192s'Too many files opened, please execute the command againEvent execution time is in the past and ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE is set. The event was dropped immediately after creation.Event execution time is in the past and ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE is set. The event was not changed. Specify a time in the future.The incident %s occured on the master. Message: %sTable has no partition for some existing valuesUnsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. %sFatal error: %sRelay log read failure: %sRelay log write failure: %sFailed to create %sMaster command %s failed: %sBinary logging not possible. Message: %sView `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` has no creation contextCreation context of view `%-.64s`.`%-.64s' is invalidCreation context of stored routine `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCorrupted TRG file for table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s`Triggers for table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` have no creation contextTrigger creation context of table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCreation context of event `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCannot open table for trigger `%-.64s`.`%-.64s`Cannot create stored routine `%-.64s`. Check warningsAmbiguous slave modes combination. %sThe BINLOG statement of type `%s` was not preceded by a format description BINLOG statement.Corrupted replication event was detectedInvalid column reference (%-.64s) in LOAD DATABeing purged log %s was not foundXA_RBTIMEOUT: Transaction branch was rolled back: took too longXA_RBDEADLOCK: Transaction branch was rolled back: deadlock was detectedPrepared statement needs to be re-preparedDELAYED option not supported for table '%-.192s'The master info structure does not exist<%-.64s> option ignoredBuilt-in plugins cannot be deletedPlugin is busy and will be uninstalled on shutdown%s variable '%s' is read-only. Use SET %s to assign the valueStorage engine %s does not support rollback for this statement. Transaction rolled back and must be restartedUnexpected master's heartbeat data: %sThe requested value for the heartbeat period is either negative or exceeds the maximum allowed (%s seconds).Bad schema for mysql.ndb_replication table. Message: %-.64sError in parsing conflict function. Message: %-.64sWrite to exceptions table failed. Message: %-.128s"Comment for table '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Comment for field '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)FUNCTION %s does not exist. Check the 'Function Name Parsing and Resolution' section in the Reference ManualDatabaseTablePartitionSubpartitionTemporaryRenamedToo many active concurrent transactionsNon-ASCII separator arguments are not fully supporteddebug sync point wait timed outdebug sync point hit limit reachedDuplicate condition information item '%s'Unhandled user-defined warning conditionUnhandled user-defined not found conditionUnhandled user-defined exception conditionRESIGNAL when handler not activeSIGNAL/RESIGNAL can only use a CONDITION defined with SQLSTATEData truncated for condition item '%s'Data too long for condition item '%s'Unknown locale: '%-.64s'The requested server id %d clashes with the slave startup option --replicate-same-server-idQuery cache is disabled; restart the server with query_cache_type=1 to enable itDuplicate partition field name '%-.192s'Inconsistency in usage of column lists for partitioningPartition column values of incorrect typeToo many fields in '%-.192s'Cannot use MAXVALUE as value in VALUES INCannot have more than one value for this type of %-.64s partitioningRow expressions in VALUES IN only allowed for multi-field column partitioningField '%-.192s' is of a not allowed type for this type of partitioningThe total length of the partitioning fields is too largeCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since both row-incapable engines and statement-incapable engines are involved.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = ROW and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to statement-based logging.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. %sCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is in row format and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to statement-based logging.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to row-based logging.%sCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is in row format and BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since more than one engine is involved and at least one engine is self-logging.The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted.The statement is unsafe because it uses INSERT DELAYED. This is unsafe because the times when rows are inserted cannot be predicted.The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves.Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly.Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it accesses a non-transactional table after accessing a transactional table within the same transaction.%s Statement: %sColumn %d of table '%-.192s.%-.192s' cannot be converted from type '%-.32s' to type '%-.32s'Can't create conversion table for table '%-.192s.%-.192s'Cannot modify @@session.binlog_format inside a transactionThe path specified for %.64s is too long.'%s' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.Native table '%-.64s'.'%-.64s' has the wrong structureInvalid performance_schema usage.Table '%s'.'%s' was skipped since its definition is being modified by concurrent DDL statementCannot modify @@session.binlog_direct_non_transactional_updates inside a transactionCannot change the binlog direct flag inside a stored function or triggerA SPATIAL index may only contain a geometrical type columnComment for index '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Wait on a lock was aborted due to a pending exclusive lock%s value is out of range in '%s'A variable of a non-integer based type in LIMIT clauseMixing self-logging and non-self-logging engines in a statement is unsafe.Statement accesses nontransactional table as well as transactional or temporary table, and writes to any of them.Cannot modify @@session.sql_log_bin inside a transactionCannot change the sql_log_bin inside a stored function or triggerFailed to read from the .par fileVALUES value for partition '%-.64s' must have type INTTilgang nektet for bruker: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s'SET PASSWORD has no significance for users authenticating via pluginsGRANT with IDENTIFIED WITH is illegal because the user %-.*s already existsCannot truncate a table referenced in a foreign key constraint (%.192s)Plugin '%s' is force_plus_permanent and can not be unloadedThe requested value for the heartbeat period is less than 1 millisecond. The value is reset to 0, meaning that heartbeating will effectively be disabled.The requested value for the heartbeat period exceeds the value of `slave_net_timeout' seconds. A sensible value for the period should be less than the timeout.Multi-row statements required more than 'max_binlog_stmt_cache_size' bytes of storage; increase this mysqld variable and try againPrimary key/partition key update is not allowed since the table is updated both as '%-.192s' and '%-.192s'.Table rebuild required. Please do "ALTER TABLE `%-.64s` FORCE" or dump/reload to fix it!The value of '%s' should be no less than the value of '%s'Index column size too large. The maximum column size is %lu bytes.Trigger '%-.64s' has an error in its body: '%-.256s'Unknown trigger has an error in its body: '%-.256s'Index %s is corruptedUndo log record is too big.INSERT IGNORE... SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.INSERT... SELECT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are updated. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.REPLACE... SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are replaced. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE... IGNORE SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE... REPLACE SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are replaced. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.UPDATE IGNORE is unsafe because the order in which rows are updated determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.Plugin '%s' is marked as not dynamically uninstallable. You have to stop the server to uninstall it.Plugin '%s' is marked as not dynamically installable. You have to stop the server to install it.Statements writing to a table with an auto-increment column after selecting from another table are unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved determines what (if any) rows will be written. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE TABLE... SELECT... on a table with an auto-increment column is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are inserted. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.INSERT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE on a table with more than one UNIQUE KEY is unsafeTable is being used in foreign key check.Storage engine '%s' does not support system tables. [%s.%s]INSERT into autoincrement field which is not the first part in the composed primary key is unsafe.Cannot load from %s.%s. The table is probably corruptedThe requested value %s for the master delay exceeds the maximum %uOnly Format_description_log_event and row events are allowed in BINLOG statements (but %s was provided)Non matching attribute '%-.64s' between partition and tableTable to exchange with partition is partitioned: '%-.64s'Table to exchange with partition is temporary: '%-.64s'Subpartitioned table, use subpartition instead of partitionUnknown partition '%-.64s' in table '%-.64s'Tables have different definitionsFound a row that does not match the partitionOption binlog_cache_size (%lu) is greater than max_binlog_cache_size (%lu); setting binlog_cache_size equal to max_binlog_cache_size.Cannot use %-.64s access on index '%-.64s' due to type or collation conversion on field '%-.64s'Table to exchange with partition has foreign key references: '%-.64s'Key value '%-.192s' was not found in table '%-.192s.%-.192s'Data for column '%s' too longReplication event checksum verification failed while reading from network.Replication event checksum verification failed while reading from a log file.Option binlog_stmt_cache_size (%lu) is greater than max_binlog_stmt_cache_size (%lu); setting binlog_stmt_cache_size equal to max_binlog_stmt_cache_size.Can't update table '%-.192s' while '%-.192s' is being created.PARTITION () clause on non partitioned tableFound a row not matching the given partition setPartition '%-.64s' doesn't existFailure while changing the type of replication repository: %s.The creation of some temporary tables could not be rolled back.Some temporary tables were dropped, but these operations could not be rolled back.%s is not supported in multi-threaded slave mode. %sThe number of modified databases exceeds the maximum %d; the database names will not be included in the replication event metadata.Cannot execute the current event group in the parallel mode. Encountered event %s, relay-log name %s, position %s which prevents execution of this event group in parallel mode. Reason: %s.%sFULLTEXT index is not supported for partitioned tables.Invalid condition numberSending passwords in plain text without SSL/TLS is extremely insecure.Storing MySQL user name or password information in the master info repository is not secure and is therefore not recommended. Please consider using the USER and PASSWORD connection options for START SLAVE; see the 'START SLAVE Syntax' in the MySQL Manual for more information.Foreign key constraint for table '%.192s', record '%-.192s' would lead to a duplicate entry in table '%.192s', key '%.192s'Foreign key constraint for table '%.192s', record '%-.192s' would lead to a duplicate entry in a child tableSetting authentication options is not possible when only the Slave SQL Thread is being started.The table does not have FULLTEXT index to support this queryThe system variable %.200s cannot be set in stored functions or triggers.The system variable %.200s cannot be set when there is an ongoing transaction.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT has the value %.200s, which is not listed in @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot change inside a transaction.The statement 'SET %.200s' cannot invoke a stored function.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be 'AUTOMATIC' when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST is non-NULL.Skipping transaction %.200s because it has already been executed and logged.Malformed GTID set specification '%.200s'.Malformed GTID set encoding.Malformed GTID specification '%.200s'.Impossible to generate Global Transaction Identifier: the integer component reached the maximal value. Restart the server with a new server_uuid.Parameters MASTER_LOG_FILE, MASTER_LOG_POS, RELAY_LOG_FILE and RELAY_LOG_POS cannot be set when MASTER_AUTO_POSITION is active.CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1 cannot be executed because @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot execute statements with implicit commit inside a transaction when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT == 'UUID:NUMBER'.GTID_MODE = ON requires ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY = ON.@@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON or ON_PERMISSIVE or OFF_PERMISSIVE requires --log-bin and --log-slave-updates.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be set to UUID:NUMBER when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be set to ANONYMOUS when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST cannot be set to a non-NULL value when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Found a Gtid_log_event when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Statement violates GTID consistency: Updates to non-transactional tables can only be done in either autocommitted statements or single-statement transactions, and never in the same statement as updates to transactional tables.Statement violates GTID consistency: CREATE TABLE ... SELECT.Statement violates GTID consistency: Under statement binary log mode CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE and DROP TEMPORARY TABLE can only be executed outside transactional context. These statements are also not allowed in a function or trigger because functions and triggers are also considered to be multi-statement transactions.The value of @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE can only be changed one step at a time: OFF <-> OFF_PERMISSIVE <-> ON_PERMISSIVE <-> ON. Also note that this value must be stepped up or down simultaneously on all servers. See the Manual for instructions.The slave is connecting using CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1, but the master has purged binary logs containing GTIDs that the slave requires.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be changed by a client that owns a GTID. The client owns %s. Ownership is released on COMMIT or ROLLBACK.Unknown EXPLAIN format name: '%s'Cannot execute statement in a READ ONLY transaction.Comment for table partition '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Slave is not configured or failed to initialize properly. You must at least set --server-id to enable either a master or a slave. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.InnoDB presently supports one FULLTEXT index creation at a timeCannot create FULLTEXT index on temporary InnoDB tableColumn '%-.192s' is of wrong type for an InnoDB FULLTEXT indexIndex '%-.192s' is of wrong type for an InnoDB FULLTEXT indexCreating index '%-.192s' required more than 'innodb_online_alter_log_max_size' bytes of modification log. Please try again.Unknown ALGORITHM '%s'Unknown LOCK type '%s'CHANGE MASTER cannot be executed when the slave was stopped with an error or killed in MTS mode. Consider using RESET SLAVE or START SLAVE UNTIL.Cannot recover after SLAVE errored out in parallel execution mode. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.Cannot clean up worker info tables. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.Column count of %s.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. The table is probably corruptedSlave must silently retry current transactionThere is a foreign key check running on table '%-.192s'. Cannot discard the table.Schema mismatch (%s)Table '%-.192s' in system tablespaceIO Read error: (%lu, %s) %sIO Write error: (%lu, %s) %sTablespace is missing for table %s.Tablespace '%-.192s' exists.Tablespace has been discarded for table '%-.192s'Internal error: %sALTER TABLE %-.192s IMPORT TABLESPACE failed with error %lu : '%s'Index corrupt: %sSupports only YEAR or YEAR(4) column.Your password does not satisfy the current policy requirementsYou must reset your password using ALTER USER statement before executing this statement.Failed to add the foreign key constaint. Missing index for constraint '%s' in the foreign table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constaint. Missing index for constraint '%s' in the referenced table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constraint '%s' to system tablesFailed to open the referenced table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constraint on table '%s'. Incorrect options in FOREIGN KEY constraint '%s'Duplicate foreign key constraint name '%s'The password hash doesn't have the expected format. Check if the correct password algorithm is being used with the PASSWORD() function.Cannot drop column '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s'Cannot drop column '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Column '%-.192s' cannot be NOT NULL: needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' SET NULLDuplicate index '%-.64s' defined on the table '%-.64s.%-.64s'. This is deprecated and will be disallowed in a future release.Cannot change column '%-.192s': used in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s'Cannot change column '%-.192s': used in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Cannot delete rows from table which is parent in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Malformed communication packet.Running in read-only modeWhen @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT is set to a GTID, you must explicitly set it to a different value after a COMMIT or ROLLBACK. Please check GTID_NEXT variable manual page for detailed explanation. Current @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT is '%s'.The system variable %.200s cannot be set in stored procedures.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when @@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED is empty.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when there are no ongoing transactions (not even in other clients).@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED was changed from '%s' to '%s'.@@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED was changed from '%s' to '%s'.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT, and both replicated and non replicated tables are written to.%s is not supported for this operation. Try %s.%s is not supported. Reason: %s. Try %s.COPY algorithm requires a lockPartition specific operations do not yet support LOCK/ALGORITHMColumns participating in a foreign key are renamedCannot change column type INPLACEAdding foreign keys needs foreign_key_checks=OFFCreating unique indexes with IGNORE requires COPY algorithm to remove duplicate rowsDropping a primary key is not allowed without also adding a new primary keyAdding an auto-increment column requires a lockCannot replace hidden FTS_DOC_ID with a user-visible oneCannot drop or rename FTS_DOC_IDFulltext index creation requires a locksql_slave_skip_counter can not be set when the server is running with @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON. Instead, for each transaction that you want to skip, generate an empty transaction with the same GTID as the transactionLike verdier for nøkkel '%-.192s'Long database name and identifier for object resulted in path length exceeding %d characters. Path: '%s'.cannot silently convert NULL values, as required in this SQL_MODEYour password has expired. To log in you must change it using a client that supports expired passwords.Found a row in wrong partition %sCannot schedule event %s, relay-log name %s, position %s to Worker thread because its size %lu exceeds %lu of slave_pending_jobs_size_max.Cannot CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX WITH PARSER on InnoDB tableThe binary log file '%s' is logically corrupted: %sfile %s was not purged because it was being read by %d thread(s), purged only %d out of %d files.file %s was not purged because it is the active log file.Auto-increment value in UPDATE conflicts with internally generated valuesRow events are not logged for %s statements that modify BLACKHOLE tables in row format. Table(s): '%-.192s'Slave failed to initialize master info structure from the repositorySlave failed to initialize relay log info structure from the repositoryAccess denied trying to change to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' (using password: %s). Disconnecting.InnoDB is in read only mode.STOP SLAVE command execution is incomplete: Slave SQL thread got the stop signal, thread is busy, SQL thread will stop once the current task is complete.STOP SLAVE command execution is incomplete: Slave IO thread got the stop signal, thread is busy, IO thread will stop once the current task is complete.Operation cannot be performed. The table '%-.64s.%-.64s' is missing, corrupt or contains bad data.Temporary file write failure.Upgrade index name failed, please use create index(alter table) algorithm copy to rebuild index.TIME/TIMESTAMP/DATETIME columns of old format have been upgraded to the new format.Operation not allowed when innodb_forced_recovery > 0.The initialization vector supplied to %s is too short. Must be at least %d bytes longPlugin '%s' cannot be uninstalled now. %sCannot execute statement because it needs to be written to the binary log as multiple statements, and this is not allowed when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT == 'UUID:NUMBER'.Slave has more GTIDs than the master has, using the master's SERVER_UUID. This may indicate that the end of the binary log was truncated or that the last binary log file was lost, e.g., after a power or disk failure when sync_binlog != 1. The master may or may not have rolled back transactions that were already replicated to the slave. Suggest to replicate any transactions that master has rolled back from slave to master, and/or commit empty transactions on master to account for transactions that have been committed on master but are not included in GTID_EXECUTED.The table '%s.%s' does not have the necessary key(s) defined on it. Please check the table definition and create index(s) accordingly.File %s is corruptedQuery partially completed on the master (error on master: %d) and was aborted. There is a chance that your master is inconsistent at this point. If you are sure that your master is ok, run this query manually on the slave and then restart the slave with SET GLOBAL SQL_SLAVE_SKIP_COUNTER=1; START SLAVE;. Query:'%s'Query caused different errors on master and slave. Error on master: message (format)='%s' error code=%d; Error on slave:actual message='%s', error code=%d. Default database:'%s'. Query:'%s'Storage engine for table '%s'.'%s' is not loaded.GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS when handler not active%s is no longer supported. The statement was converted to %s.Statement is unsafe because it uses a fulltext parser plugin which may not return the same value on the slave.Cannot DISCARD/IMPORT tablespace associated with temporary tableForeign key cascade delete/update exceeds max depth of %d.Column count of %s.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. Created with MySQL %d, now running %d. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error.Trigger %s.%s.%s does not have CREATED attribute.Referenced trigger '%s' for the given action time and event type does not exist.EXPLAIN FOR CONNECTION command is supported only for SELECT/UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE/REPLACEInvalid size for column '%-.192s'.Table storage engine '%-.64s' found required create option missingOut of memory in storage engine '%-.64s'.The password for anonymous user cannot be expired.This operation cannot be performed with a running slave sql thread; run STOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD firstCannot create FULLTEXT index on materialized subqueryUndo Log error: %sInvalid argument for logarithmThis operation cannot be performed with a running slave io thread; run STOP SLAVE IO_THREAD FOR CHANNEL '%s' first.This operation may not be safe when the slave has temporary tables. The tables will be kept open until the server restarts or until the tables are deleted by any replicated DROP statement. Suggest to wait until slave_open_temp_tables = 0.CHANGE MASTER TO with a MASTER_LOG_FILE clause but no MASTER_LOG_POS clause may not be safe. The old position value may not be valid for the new binary log file.Query execution was interrupted, maximum statement execution time exceededSelect is not a read only statement, disabling timerDuplicate entry '%-.192s'.'%s' mode no longer has any effect. Use STRICT_ALL_TABLES or STRICT_TRANS_TABLES instead.Expression #%u of ORDER BY contains aggregate function and applies to a UNIONExpression #%u of ORDER BY contains aggregate function and applies to the result of a non-aggregated querySlave worker has stopped after at least one previous worker encountered an error when slave-preserve-commit-order was enabled. To preserve commit order, the last transaction executed by this thread has not been committed. When restarting the slave after fixing any failed threads, you should fix this worker as well.slave_preserve_commit_order is not supported %s.The server is currently in offline modeBinary geometry function %s given two geometries of different srids: %u and %u, which should have been identical.Calling geometry function %s with unsupported types of arguments.Unknown GIS error occured in function %s.Unknown exception caught in GIS function %s.Invalid GIS data provided to function %s.The geometry has no data in function %s.Unable to calculate centroid because geometry is empty in function %s.Geometry overlay calculation error: geometry data is invalid in function %s.Geometry turn info calculation error: geometry data is invalid in function %s.Analysis procedures of intersection points interrupted unexpectedly in function %s.Unknown exception thrown in function %s.Memory allocation error: %-.256s in function %s.Domain error: %-.256s in function %s.Length error: %-.256s in function %s.Invalid argument error: %-.256s in function %s.Out of range error: %-.256s in function %s.Overflow error error: %-.256s in function %s.Range error: %-.256s in function %s.Underflow error: %-.256s in function %s.Logic error: %-.256s in function %s.Runtime error: %-.256s in function %s.Unknown exception: %-.384s in function %s.Geometry byte string must be little endian.The password provided for the replication user exceeds the maximum length of 32 charactersIncorrect user-level lock name '%-.192s'.Deadlock found when trying to get user-level lock; try rolling back transaction/releasing locks and restarting lock acquisition.REPLACE cannot be executed as it requires deleting rows that are not in the viewDo not support online operation on table with GIS indexUser variable name '%-.100s' is illegalCannot %s when GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot %s from a replication slave thread.Incorrect type for argument %s in function %s.Expression #%u of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, references column '%-.192s' which is not in SELECT list; this is incompatible with %sExpression #%u of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, contains aggregate function; this is incompatible with %sSupplied filter list contains a value which is not in the required format 'db_pattern.table_pattern'OK packet too largeInvalid JSON data provided to function %s: %sInvalid GeoJSON data provided to function %s: Missing required member '%s'Invalid GeoJSON data provided to function %s: Member '%s' must be of type '%s'Invalid GeoJSON data provided to function %sUnsupported number of coordinate dimensions in function %s: Found %u, expected %uSlave channel '%s' does not exist.A slave channel '%s' already exists for the given host and port combination.Couldn't create channel: Channel name is either invalid or too long.To have multiple channels, repository cannot be of type FILE; Please check the repository configuration and convert them to TABLE.Cannot delete slave info objects for channel '%s'.Multiple channels exist on the slave. Please provide channel name as an argument.Maximum number of replication channels allowed exceeded.This operation cannot be performed with running replication threads; run STOP SLAVE FOR CHANNEL '%s' firstThis operation requires running replication threads; configure slave and run START SLAVE FOR CHANNEL '%s'Replication thread(s) for channel '%s' are already runnning.Replication thread(s) for channel '%s' are already stopped.This operation cannot be performed with a running slave sql thread; run STOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD FOR CHANNEL '%s' first.When sql_slave_skip_counter > 0, it is not allowed to start more than one SQL thread by using 'START SLAVE [SQL_THREAD]'. Value of sql_slave_skip_counter can only be used by one SQL thread at a time. Please use 'START SLAVE [SQL_THREAD] FOR CHANNEL' to start the SQL thread which will use the value of sql_slave_skip_counter.Expression #%u of %s is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column '%-.192s' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_byIn aggregated query without GROUP BY, expression #%u of %s contains nonaggregated column '%-.192s'; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_byUpdating '%s' is deprecated. It will be made read-only in a future release.Changing sql mode '%s' is deprecated. It will be removed in a future release.DROP DATABASE failed; some tables may have been dropped but the database directory remains. The GTID has not been added to GTID_EXECUTED and the statement was not written to the binary log. Fix this as follows: (1) remove all files from the database directory %-.192s; (2) SET GTID_NEXT='%-.192s'; (3) DROP DATABASE `%-.192s`.The server is not configured properly to be an active member of the group. Please see more details on error log.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed since the group is already running.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as the applier module failed to start.The STOP GROUP_REPLICATION command execution is incomplete: The applier thread got the stop signal while it was busy. The applier thread will stop once the current task is complete.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as there was an error when initializing the group communication layer.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as there was an error when joining the communication group.The table does not comply with the requirements by an external plugin.Cannot change the value of variable %s without binary log format as ROW.Error on observer while running replication hook '%s'.Plugin instructed the server to rollback the current transaction.Expression of generated column '%s' contains a disallowed function.INPLACE ADD or DROP of virtual columns cannot be combined with other ALTER TABLE actionsCannot define foreign key with %s clause on a generated column.The value specified for generated column '%s' in table '%s' is not allowed.'%s' is not supported for generated columns.Generated column can refer only to generated columns defined prior to it.Column '%s' has a generated column dependency.Generated column '%s' cannot refer to auto-increment column.The '%-.64s' feature is not available; you need to remove '%-.64s' or use MySQL built with '%-.64s'SET @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = %-.64s is not allowed because %-.384s.The replication receiver thread%-.192s cannot start in AUTO_POSITION mode: this server uses @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot replicate anonymous transaction when AUTO_POSITION = 1, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot replicate anonymous transaction when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot replicate GTID-transaction when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot set ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY = ON because there are ongoing transactions that violate GTID consistency.There are ongoing transactions that violate GTID consistency.Access denied for user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s'. Account is locked.Incorrect tablespace name `%-.192s`Tablespace `%-.192s` is not empty.Incorrect File Name '%s'.Inconsistent intersection points.Optimizer hint syntax errorUnsupported MAX_EXECUTION_TIMEMAX_EXECUTION_TIME hint is supported by top-level standalone SELECT statements onlyHint %s is ignored as conflicting/duplicatedQuery block name %s is not found for %s hintUnresolved name %s for %s hintPlease do not modify the %s table. This is a mysql internal system table to store GTIDs for committed transactions. Modifying it can lead to an inconsistent GTID state.Command not supported by pluggable protocolsIncorrect locking service lock name '%-.192s'.Deadlock found when trying to get locking service lock; try releasing locks and restarting lock acquisition.Service lock wait timeout exceeded.Parameter %s exceeds the maximum number of points in a geometry (%lu) in function %s.'NO_ZERO_DATE', 'NO_ZERO_IN_DATE' and 'ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO' sql modes should be used with strict mode. They will be merged with strict mode in a future release.Version token mismatch for %.*s. Correct value %.*sVersion token %.*s not found.Variable %-.192s cannot be changed by a client that owns a GTID. The client owns %s. Ownership is released on COMMIT or ROLLBACK.%-.192s cannot be performed on channel '%-.192s'.Invalid JSON text: "%s" at position %u in value for column '%-.200s'.Invalid JSON text in argument %u to function %s: "%s" at position %u.%-.0sThe JSON binary value contains invalid data.Invalid JSON path expression. The error is around character position %u.%-.200sCannot create a JSON value from a string with CHARACTER SET '%s'.Invalid JSON character data provided to function %s: '%s'; utf8 is required.Invalid data type for JSON data in argument %u to function %s; a JSON string or JSON type is required.Cannot CAST value to JSON.A path expression must be encoded in the utf8 character set. The path expression '%-.200s' is encoded in character set '%-.200s'.In this situation, path expressions may not contain the * and ** tokens.The JSON value is too big to be stored in a JSON column.The JSON object contains a key name that is too long.JSON column '%-.192s' cannot be used in key specification.The path expression '$' is not allowed in this context.The oneOrAll argument to %s may take these values: 'one' or 'all'.Out of range JSON value for CAST to %s%-.0s from column %s at row %ldInvalid JSON value for CAST to %s%-.0s from column %s at row %ldThe JSON document exceeds the maximum depth.JSON documents may not contain NULL member names.Connections using insecure transport are prohibited while --require_secure_transport=ON.No secure transports (SSL or Shared Memory) are configured, unable to set --require_secure_transport=ON.Storage engine %s is disabled (Table creation is disallowed).User %s does not exist.User %s already exists.Aborted by Audit API ('%-.48s';%d).A path expression is not a path to a cell in an array.Another buffer pool resize is already in progress.The '%s' feature is disabled; see the documentation for '%s'Server isn't availableSession was killedMemory capacity of %llu bytes for '%s' exceeded. %sRange optimization was not done for this query.Partitioning upgrade required. Please dump/reload to fix it or do: ALTER TABLE `%-.192s`.`%-.192s` UPGRADE PARTITIONINGThe client holds ownership of the GTID %s. Therefore, WAIT_FOR_EXECUTED_GTID_SET cannot wait for this GTID.Cannot add foreign key on the base column of indexed virtual column.Cannot create index on virtual column whose base column has foreign constraint.Please do not modify the %s table with an XA transaction. This is an internal system table used to store GTIDs for committed transactions. Although modifying it can lead to an inconsistent GTID state, if neccessary you can modify it with a non-XA transaction.Lock acquisition refused by storage engine.ADD COLUMN col...VIRTUAL, ADD INDEX(col)Master key rotation is not supported by storage engine.Encryption key rotation error reported by SE: %sWrite to binlog failed. However, master key rotation has been completed successfully.Storage engine is not available.This tablespace can't be encrypted.Invalid encryption option.Can't find master key from keyring, please check in the server log if a keyring plugin is loaded and initialized successfully.Parser bailed out for this query.Cannot alter encryption attribute by inplace algorithm.Function '%s' failed because underlying keyring service returned an error. Please check if a keyring plugin is installed and that provided arguments are valid for the keyring you are using.It seems that your db schema is old. The %s column is 77 characters long and should be 93 characters long. Please run mysql_upgrade.RESET MASTER is not allowed because %-.384s.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed since the group already has 9 members.Cannot add foreign key on the base column of stored column. Cannot complete the operation because table is referenced by another connection.The partition engine, used by table '%-.192s.%-.192s', is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use native partitioning instead.%.192s(geometry) is deprecated and will be replaced by st_srid(geometry, 0) in a future version. Use %.192s(st_aswkb(geometry), 0) instead.%.192s(geometry, srid) is deprecated and will be replaced by st_srid(geometry, srid) in a future version. Use %.192s(st_aswkb(geometry), srid) instead.The resource manager is not able to commit the transaction branch at this time. Please retry later.Function %s failed due to: %s.Statement is unsafe because it is being used inside a XA transaction. Concurrent XA transactions may deadlock on slaves when replicated using statements.%s UDF failed; %sCan not perform keyring migration : %sAccess denied; you need %-.128s privileges for this operationKeyring migration %s.Failed to open the %s filter tables.Failed to open '%s.%s' %s table.No keyring plugin installed.Audit log encryption password has not been set; it will be generated automatically. Use audit_log_encryption_password_get to obtain the password or audit_log_encryption_password_set to set a new one.Could not create AES key. OpenSSL's EVP_BytesToKey function failed.Audit log encryption password cannot be fetched from the keyring. Password used so far is used for encryption.Audit Log filtering has not been installed.Request ignored for '%s'@'%s'. SUPER_ACL needed to perform operationSUPER privilege required for '%s'@'%s' user.Could not reinitialize audit log filters.Invalid argument typeInvalid argument countaudit_log plugin has not been installed using INSTALL PLUGIN syntax.Invalid "max_array_length" argument type.Invalid "max_array_length" argument value.%sFilter name cannot be empty.User cannot be empty.Specified filter has not been found.First character of the user name must be alphanumeric.Invalid character in the user name.Invalid character in the host name.With the MAXDB SQL mode enabled, TIMESTAMP is identical with DATETIME. The MAXDB SQL mode is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please disable the MAXDB SQL mode and use DATETIME instead.The use of replication filters with XA transactions is not supported, and can lead to an undefined state in the replication slave.Compressed column '%-.192s' is not allowed in the key listCan not define column '%-.192s' in compressed formatCompression dictionary '%-.192s' already existsCompression dictionary '%-.192s' does not existCompression dictionary name '%-.192s' is too long (max length = %lu)Data for compression dictionary '%-.192s' is too long (max length = %lu)Compression dictionary '%-.192s' is in useCan't execute the query because you have a conflicting backup lockKeys are out order during bulk loadBulk load rows overlap existing rowsCan't execute updates on master with binlog_format != ROW.MyRocks supports only READ COMMITTED and REPEATABLE READ isolation levels. Please change from current isolation level %sWhen unique checking is disabled in MyRocks, INSERT,UPDATE,LOAD statements with clauses that update or replace the key (i.e. INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, REPLACE) are not allowed. Query: %sCan't execute updates when you started a transaction with START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT [ROCKSDB] SNAPSHOT.This transaction was rolled back and cannot be committed. Only supported operation is to roll it back, so all pending changes will be discarded. Please restart another transaction.MyRocks currently does not support ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT if modifying rows.Only REPEATABLE READ isolation level is supported for START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT SNAPSHOT in RocksDB Storage Engine.Unsupported collation on string indexed column %s.%s Use binary collation (%s).Table '%s' does not exist, but metadata information exists inside MyRocks. This is a sign of data inconsistency. Please check if '%s.frm' exists, and try to restore it if it does not exist.MyRocks failed creating new key definitions during alter.MyRocks failed populating secondary key during alter.Column family ('%s') flag (%d) is different from an existing flag (%d). Assign a new CF flag, or do not change existing CF flag.TTL support is currently disabled when table has a hidden PK.TTL column (%s) in MyRocks must be an unsigned non-null 64-bit integer, exist inside the table, and have an accompanying ttl duration.TTL duration (%s) in MyRocks must be an unsigned non-null 64-bit integer.The per-index column family option has been deprecated.errmsg-utf8.txt000075500002017721147633135430007516 0ustar00languages czech=cze latin2, danish=dan latin1, dutch=nla latin1, english=eng latin1, estonian=est latin7, french=fre latin1, german=ger latin1, greek=greek greek, hungarian=hun latin2, italian=ita latin1, japanese=jpn ujis, korean=kor euckr, norwegian-ny=norwegian-ny latin1, norwegian=nor latin1, polish=pol latin2, portuguese=por latin1, romanian=rum latin2, russian=rus koi8r, serbian=serbian cp1250, slovak=slo latin2, spanish=spa latin1, swedish=swe latin1, ukrainian=ukr koi8u, bulgarian=bgn cp1251; default-language eng start-error-number 1000 ER_HASHCHK eng "hashchk" ER_NISAMCHK eng "isamchk" ER_NO cze "NE" dan "NEJ" nla "NEE" eng "NO" est "EI" fre "NON" ger "Nein" greek "ΟΧΙ" hun "NEM" kor "아니오" nor "NEI" norwegian-ny "NEI" pol "NIE" por "NÃO" rum "NU" rus "НЕТ" serbian "NE" slo "NIE" ukr "НІ" ER_YES cze "ANO" dan "JA" nla "JA" eng "YES" est "JAH" fre "OUI" ger "Ja" greek "ΝΑΙ" hun "IGEN" ita "SI" kor "예" nor "JA" norwegian-ny "JA" pol "TAK" por "SIM" rum "DA" rus "ДА" serbian "DA" slo "Áno" spa "SI" ukr "ТАК" ER_CANT_CREATE_FILE cze "Nemohu vytvořit soubor '%-.200s' (chybový kód: %d - %s)" dan "Kan ikke oprette filen '%-.200s' (Fejlkode: %d - %s)" nla "Kan file '%-.200s' niet aanmaken (Errcode: %d - %s)" eng "Can't create file '%-.200s' (errno: %d - %s)" est "Ei suuda luua faili '%-.200s' (veakood: %d - %s)" fre "Ne peut créer le fichier '%-.200s' (Errcode: %d - %s)" ger "Kann Datei '%-.200s' nicht erzeugen (Fehler: %d - %s)" greek "Αδύνατη η δημιουργία του αρχείου '%-.200s' (κωδικός λάθους: %d - %s)" hun "A '%-.200s' file nem hozhato letre (hibakod: %d - %s)" ita "Impossibile creare il file '%-.200s' (errno: %d - %s)" jpn "ファイル '%-.200s' を作成できません。(エラー番号: %d - %s)" kor "화일 '%-.200s'를 만들지 못했습니다. (에러번호: %d - %s)" nor "Kan ikke opprette fila '%-.200s' (Feilkode: %d - %s)" norwegian-ny "Kan ikkje opprette fila '%-.200s' (Feilkode: %d - %s)" pol "Nie można stworzyć pliku '%-.200s' (Kod błędu: %d - %s)" por "Não pode criar o arquivo '%-.200s' (erro no. %d - %s)" rum "Nu pot sa creez fisierul '%-.200s' (Eroare: %d - %s)" rus "Невозможно создать файл '%-.200s' (ошибка: %d - %s)" serbian "Ne mogu da kreiram file '%-.200s' (errno: %d - %s)" slo "Nemôžem vytvoriť súbor '%-.200s' (chybový kód: %d - %s)" spa "No puedo crear archivo '%-.200s' (Error: %d - %s)" swe "Kan inte skapa filen '%-.200s' (Felkod: %d - %s)" ukr "Не можу створити файл '%-.200s' (помилка: %d - %s)" ER_CANT_CREATE_TABLE cze "Nemohu vytvořit tabulku '%-.200s' (chybový kód: %d)" dan "Kan ikke oprette tabellen '%-.200s' (Fejlkode: %d)" nla "Kan tabel '%-.200s' niet aanmaken (Errcode: %d)" eng "Can't create table '%-.200s' (errno: %d)" est "Ei suuda luua tabelit '%-.200s' (veakood: %d)" fre "Ne peut créer la table '%-.200s' (Errcode: %d)" ger "Kann Tabelle '%-.200s' nicht erzeugen (Fehler: %d)" greek "Αδύνατη η δημιουργία του πίνακα '%-.200s' (κωδικός λάθους: %d)" hun "A '%-.200s' tabla nem hozhato letre (hibakod: %d)" ita "Impossibile creare la tabella '%-.200s' (errno: %d)" jpn "表 '%-.200s' を作成できません。(エラー番号: %d)" kor "테이블 '%-.200s'를 만들지 못했습니다. (에러번호: %d)" nor "Kan ikke opprette tabellen '%-.200s' (Feilkode: %d)" norwegian-ny "Kan ikkje opprette tabellen '%-.200s' (Feilkode: %d)" pol "Nie można stworzyć tabeli '%-.200s' (Kod błędu: %d)" por "Não pode criar a tabela '%-.200s' (erro no. %d)" rum "Nu pot sa creez tabla '%-.200s' (Eroare: %d)" rus "Невозможно создать таблицу '%-.200s' (ошибка: %d)" serbian "Ne mogu da kreiram tabelu '%-.200s' (errno: %d)" slo "Nemôžem vytvoriť tabuľku '%-.200s' (chybový kód: %d)" spa "No puedo crear tabla '%-.200s' (Error: %d)" swe "Kan inte skapa tabellen '%-.200s' (Felkod: %d)" ukr "Не можу створити таблицю '%-.200s' (помилка: %d)" ER_CANT_CREATE_DB cze "Nemohu vytvořit databázi '%-.192s' (chybový kód: %d)" dan "Kan ikke oprette databasen '%-.192s' (Fejlkode: %d)" nla "Kan database '%-.192s' niet aanmaken (Errcode: %d)" eng "Can't create database '%-.192s' (errno: %d)" est "Ei suuda luua andmebaasi '%-.192s' (veakood: %d)" fre "Ne peut créer la base '%-.192s' (Erreur %d)" ger "Kann Datenbank '%-.192s' nicht erzeugen (Fehler: %d)" greek "Αδύνατη η δημιουργία της βάσης δεδομένων '%-.192s' (κωδικός λάθους: %d)" hun "Az '%-.192s' adatbazis nem hozhato letre (hibakod: %d)" ita "Impossibile creare il database '%-.192s' (errno: %d)" jpn "データベース '%-.192s' を作成できません。(エラー番号: %d)" kor "데이타베이스 '%-.192s'를 만들지 못했습니다.. (에러번호: %d)" nor "Kan ikke opprette databasen '%-.192s' (Feilkode: %d)" norwegian-ny "Kan ikkje opprette databasen '%-.192s' (Feilkode: %d)" pol "Nie można stworzyć bazy danych '%-.192s' (Kod błędu: %d)" por "Não pode criar o banco de dados '%-.192s' (erro no. %d)" rum "Nu pot sa creez baza de date '%-.192s' (Eroare: %d)" rus "Невозможно создать базу данных '%-.192s' (ошибка: %d)" serbian "Ne mogu da kreiram bazu '%-.192s' (errno: %d)" slo "Nemôžem vytvoriť databázu '%-.192s' (chybový kód: %d)" spa "No puedo crear base de datos '%-.192s' (Error: %d)" swe "Kan inte skapa databasen '%-.192s' (Felkod: %d)" ukr "Не можу створити базу данних '%-.192s' (помилка: %d)" ER_DB_CREATE_EXISTS cze "Nemohu vytvořit databázi '%-.192s'; databáze již existuje" dan "Kan ikke oprette databasen '%-.192s'; databasen eksisterer" nla "Kan database '%-.192s' niet aanmaken; database bestaat reeds" eng "Can't create database '%-.192s'; database exists" est "Ei suuda luua andmebaasi '%-.192s': andmebaas juba eksisteerib" fre "Ne peut créer la base '%-.192s'; elle existe déjà" ger "Kann Datenbank '%-.192s' nicht erzeugen. Datenbank existiert bereits" greek "Αδύνατη η δημιουργία της βάσης δεδομένων '%-.192s'; Η βάση δεδομένων υπάρχει ήδη" hun "Az '%-.192s' adatbazis nem hozhato letre Az adatbazis mar letezik" ita "Impossibile creare il database '%-.192s'; il database esiste" jpn "データベース '%-.192s' を作成できません。データベースはすでに存在します。" kor "데이타베이스 '%-.192s'를 만들지 못했습니다.. 데이타베이스가 존재함" nor "Kan ikke opprette databasen '%-.192s'; databasen eksisterer" norwegian-ny "Kan ikkje opprette databasen '%-.192s'; databasen eksisterer" pol "Nie można stworzyć bazy danych '%-.192s'; baza danych już istnieje" por "Não pode criar o banco de dados '%-.192s'; este banco de dados já existe" rum "Nu pot sa creez baza de date '%-.192s'; baza de date exista deja" rus "Невозможно создать базу данных '%-.192s'. База данных уже существует" serbian "Ne mogu da kreiram bazu '%-.192s'; baza već postoji." slo "Nemôžem vytvoriť databázu '%-.192s'; databáza existuje" spa "No puedo crear base de datos '%-.192s'; la base de datos ya existe" swe "Databasen '%-.192s' existerar redan" ukr "Не можу створити базу данних '%-.192s'. База данних існує" ER_DB_DROP_EXISTS cze "Nemohu zrušit databázi '%-.192s', databáze neexistuje" dan "Kan ikke slette (droppe) '%-.192s'; databasen eksisterer ikke" nla "Kan database '%-.192s' niet verwijderen; database bestaat niet" eng "Can't drop database '%-.192s'; database doesn't exist" est "Ei suuda kustutada andmebaasi '%-.192s': andmebaasi ei eksisteeri" fre "Ne peut effacer la base '%-.192s'; elle n'existe pas" ger "Kann Datenbank '%-.192s' nicht löschen; Datenbank nicht vorhanden" greek "Αδύνατη η διαγραφή της βάσης δεδομένων '%-.192s'. Η βάση δεδομένων δεν υπάρχει" hun "A(z) '%-.192s' adatbazis nem szuntetheto meg. Az adatbazis nem letezik" ita "Impossibile cancellare '%-.192s'; il database non esiste" jpn "データベース '%-.192s' を削除できません。データベースは存在しません。" kor "데이타베이스 '%-.192s'를 제거하지 못했습니다. 데이타베이스가 존재하지 않음 " nor "Kan ikke fjerne (drop) '%-.192s'; databasen eksisterer ikke" norwegian-ny "Kan ikkje fjerne (drop) '%-.192s'; databasen eksisterer ikkje" pol "Nie można usun?ć bazy danych '%-.192s'; baza danych nie istnieje" por "Não pode eliminar o banco de dados '%-.192s'; este banco de dados não existe" rum "Nu pot sa drop baza de date '%-.192s'; baza da date este inexistenta" rus "Невозможно удалить базу данных '%-.192s'. Такой базы данных нет" serbian "Ne mogu da izbrišem bazu '%-.192s'; baza ne postoji." slo "Nemôžem zmazať databázu '%-.192s'; databáza neexistuje" spa "No puedo eliminar base de datos '%-.192s'; la base de datos no existe" swe "Kan inte radera databasen '%-.192s'; databasen finns inte" ukr "Не можу видалити базу данних '%-.192s'. База данних не існує" ER_DB_DROP_DELETE cze "Chyba při rušení databáze (nemohu vymazat '%-.192s', chyba %d)" dan "Fejl ved sletning (drop) af databasen (kan ikke slette '%-.192s', Fejlkode %d)" nla "Fout bij verwijderen database (kan '%-.192s' niet verwijderen, Errcode: %d)" eng "Error dropping database (can't delete '%-.192s', errno: %d)" est "Viga andmebaasi kustutamisel (ei suuda kustutada faili '%-.192s', veakood: %d)" fre "Ne peut effacer la base '%-.192s' (erreur %d)" ger "Fehler beim Löschen der Datenbank ('%-.192s' kann nicht gelöscht werden, Fehler: %d)" greek "Παρουσιάστηκε πρόβλημα κατά τη διαγραφή της βάσης δεδομένων (αδύνατη η διαγραφή '%-.192s', κωδικός λάθους: %d)" hun "Adatbazis megszuntetesi hiba ('%-.192s' nem torolheto, hibakod: %d)" ita "Errore durante la cancellazione del database (impossibile cancellare '%-.192s', errno: %d)" jpn "データベース削除エラー ('%-.192s' を削除できません。エラー番号: %d)" kor "데이타베이스 제거 에러('%-.192s'를 삭제할 수 없읍니다, 에러번호: %d)" nor "Feil ved fjerning (drop) av databasen (kan ikke slette '%-.192s', feil %d)" norwegian-ny "Feil ved fjerning (drop) av databasen (kan ikkje slette '%-.192s', feil %d)" pol "Bł?d podczas usuwania bazy danych (nie można usun?ć '%-.192s', bł?d %d)" por "Erro ao eliminar banco de dados (não pode eliminar '%-.192s' - erro no. %d)" rum "Eroare dropuind baza de date (nu pot sa sterg '%-.192s', Eroare: %d)" rus "Ошибка при удалении базы данных (невозможно удалить '%-.192s', ошибка: %d)" serbian "Ne mogu da izbrišem bazu (ne mogu da izbrišem '%-.192s', errno: %d)" slo "Chyba pri mazaní databázy (nemôžem zmazať '%-.192s', chybový kód: %d)" spa "Error eliminando la base de datos(no puedo borrar '%-.192s', error %d)" swe "Fel vid radering av databasen (Kan inte radera '%-.192s'. Felkod: %d)" ukr "Не можу видалити базу данних (Не можу видалити '%-.192s', помилка: %d)" ER_DB_DROP_RMDIR cze "Chyba při rušení databáze (nemohu vymazat adresář '%-.192s', chyba %d)" dan "Fejl ved sletting af database (kan ikke slette folderen '%-.192s', Fejlkode %d)" nla "Fout bij verwijderen database (kan rmdir '%-.192s' niet uitvoeren, Errcode: %d)" eng "Error dropping database (can't rmdir '%-.192s', errno: %d)" est "Viga andmebaasi kustutamisel (ei suuda kustutada kataloogi '%-.192s', veakood: %d)" fre "Erreur en effaçant la base (rmdir '%-.192s', erreur %d)" ger "Fehler beim Löschen der Datenbank (Verzeichnis '%-.192s' kann nicht gelöscht werden, Fehler: %d)" greek "Παρουσιάστηκε πρόβλημα κατά τη διαγραφή της βάσης δεδομένων (αδύνατη η διαγραφή του φακέλλου '%-.192s', κωδικός λάθους: %d)" hun "Adatbazis megszuntetesi hiba ('%-.192s' nem szuntetheto meg, hibakod: %d)" ita "Errore durante la cancellazione del database (impossibile rmdir '%-.192s', errno: %d)" jpn "データベース削除エラー (ディレクトリ '%-.192s' を削除できません。エラー番号: %d)" kor "데이타베이스 제거 에러(rmdir '%-.192s'를 할 수 없읍니다, 에러번호: %d)" nor "Feil ved sletting av database (kan ikke slette katalogen '%-.192s', feil %d)" norwegian-ny "Feil ved sletting av database (kan ikkje slette katalogen '%-.192s', feil %d)" pol "Bł?d podczas usuwania bazy danych (nie można wykonać rmdir '%-.192s', bł?d %d)" por "Erro ao eliminar banco de dados (não pode remover diretório '%-.192s' - erro no. %d)" rum "Eroare dropuind baza de date (nu pot sa rmdir '%-.192s', Eroare: %d)" rus "Невозможно удалить базу данных (невозможно удалить каталог '%-.192s', ошибка: %d)" serbian "Ne mogu da izbrišem bazu (ne mogu da izbrišem direktorijum '%-.192s', errno: %d)" slo "Chyba pri mazaní databázy (nemôžem vymazať adresár '%-.192s', chybový kód: %d)" spa "Error eliminando la base de datos (No puedo borrar directorio '%-.192s', error %d)" swe "Fel vid radering av databasen (Kan inte radera biblioteket '%-.192s'. Felkod: %d)" ukr "Не можу видалити базу данних (Не можу видалити теку '%-.192s', помилка: %d)" ER_CANT_DELETE_FILE cze "Chyba při výmazu '%-.192s' (chybový kód: %d - %s)" dan "Fejl ved sletning af '%-.192s' (Fejlkode: %d - %s)" nla "Fout bij het verwijderen van '%-.192s' (Errcode: %d - %s)" eng "Error on delete of '%-.192s' (errno: %d - %s)" est "Viga '%-.192s' kustutamisel (veakood: %d - %s)" fre "Erreur en effaçant '%-.192s' (Errcode: %d - %s)" ger "Fehler beim Löschen von '%-.192s' (Fehler: %d - %s)" greek "Παρουσιάστηκε πρόβλημα κατά τη διαγραφή '%-.192s' (κωδικός λάθους: %d - %s)" hun "Torlesi hiba: '%-.192s' (hibakod: %d - %s)" ita "Errore durante la cancellazione di '%-.192s' (errno: %d - %s)" jpn "ファイル '%-.192s' の削除エラー (エラー番号: %d - %s)" kor "'%-.192s' 삭제 중 에러 (에러번호: %d - %s)" nor "Feil ved sletting av '%-.192s' (Feilkode: %d - %s)" norwegian-ny "Feil ved sletting av '%-.192s' (Feilkode: %d - %s)" pol "Bł?d podczas usuwania '%-.192s' (Kod błędu: %d - %s)" por "Erro na remoção de '%-.192s' (erro no. %d - %s)" rum "Eroare incercind sa delete '%-.192s' (Eroare: %d - %s)" rus "Ошибка при удалении '%-.192s' (ошибка: %d - %s)" serbian "Greška pri brisanju '%-.192s' (errno: %d - %s)" slo "Chyba pri mazaní '%-.192s' (chybový kód: %d - %s)" spa "Error en el borrado de '%-.192s' (Error: %d - %s)" swe "Kan inte radera filen '%-.192s' (Felkod: %d - %s)" ukr "Не можу видалити '%-.192s' (помилка: %d - %s)" ER_CANT_FIND_SYSTEM_REC cze "Nemohu číst záznam v systémové tabulce" dan "Kan ikke læse posten i systemfolderen" nla "Kan record niet lezen in de systeem tabel" eng "Can't read record in system table" est "Ei suuda lugeda kirjet süsteemsest tabelist" fre "Ne peut lire un enregistrement de la table 'system'" ger "Datensatz in der Systemtabelle nicht lesbar" greek "Αδύνατη η ανάγνωση εγγραφής από πίνακα του συστήματος" hun "Nem olvashato rekord a rendszertablaban" ita "Impossibile leggere il record dalla tabella di sistema" jpn "システム表のレコードを読み込めません。" kor "system 테이블에서 레코드를 읽을 수 없습니다." nor "Kan ikke lese posten i systemkatalogen" norwegian-ny "Kan ikkje lese posten i systemkatalogen" pol "Nie można odczytać rekordu z tabeli systemowej" por "Não pode ler um registro numa tabela do sistema" rum "Nu pot sa citesc cimpurile in tabla de system (system table)" rus "Невозможно прочитать запись в системной таблице" serbian "Ne mogu da pročitam slog iz sistemske tabele" slo "Nemôžem čítať záznam v systémovej tabuľke" spa "No puedo leer el registro en la tabla del sistema" swe "Hittar inte posten i systemregistret" ukr "Не можу зчитати запис з системної таблиці" ER_CANT_GET_STAT cze "Nemohu získat stav '%-.200s' (chybový kód: %d - %s)" dan "Kan ikke læse status af '%-.200s' (Fejlkode: %d - %s)" nla "Kan de status niet krijgen van '%-.200s' (Errcode: %d - %s)" eng "Can't get status of '%-.200s' (errno: %d - %s)" est "Ei suuda lugeda '%-.200s' olekut (veakood: %d - %s)" fre "Ne peut obtenir le status de '%-.200s' (Errcode: %d - %s)" ger "Kann Status von '%-.200s' nicht ermitteln (Fehler: %d - %s)" greek "Αδύνατη η λήψη πληροφοριών για την κατάσταση του '%-.200s' (κωδικός λάθους: %d - %s)" hun "A(z) '%-.200s' statusza nem allapithato meg (hibakod: %d - %s)" ita "Impossibile leggere lo stato di '%-.200s' (errno: %d - %s)" jpn "'%-.200s' の状態を取得できません。(エラー番号: %d - %s)" kor "'%-.200s'의 상태를 얻지 못했습니다. (에러번호: %d - %s)" nor "Kan ikke lese statusen til '%-.200s' (Feilkode: %d - %s)" norwegian-ny "Kan ikkje lese statusen til '%-.200s' (Feilkode: %d - %s)" pol "Nie można otrzymać statusu '%-.200s' (Kod błędu: %d - %s)" por "Não pode obter o status de '%-.200s' (erro no. %d - %s)" rum "Nu pot sa obtin statusul lui '%-.200s' (Eroare: %d - %s)" rus "Невозможно получить статусную информацию о '%-.200s' (ошибка: %d - %s)" serbian "Ne mogu da dobijem stanje file-a '%-.200s' (errno: %d - %s)" slo "Nemôžem zistiť stav '%-.200s' (chybový kód: %d - %s)" spa "No puedo obtener el estado de '%-.200s' (Error: %d - %s)" swe "Kan inte läsa filinformationen (stat) från '%-.200s' (Felkod: %d - %s)" ukr "Не можу отримати статус '%-.200s' (помилка: %d - %s)" ER_CANT_GET_WD cze "Chyba při zjišťování pracovní adresář (chybový kód: %d - %s)" dan "Kan ikke læse aktive folder (Fejlkode: %d - %s)" nla "Kan de werkdirectory niet krijgen (Errcode: %d - %s)" eng "Can't get working directory (errno: %d - %s)" est "Ei suuda identifitseerida jooksvat kataloogi (veakood: %d - %s)" fre "Ne peut obtenir le répertoire de travail (Errcode: %d - %s)" ger "Kann Arbeitsverzeichnis nicht ermitteln (Fehler: %d - %s)" greek "Ο φάκελλος εργασίας δεν βρέθηκε (κωδικός λάθους: %d - %s)" hun "A munkakonyvtar nem allapithato meg (hibakod: %d - %s)" ita "Impossibile leggere la directory di lavoro (errno: %d - %s)" jpn "作業ディレクトリを取得できません。(エラー番号: %d - %s)" kor "수행 디렉토리를 찾지 못했습니다. (에러번호: %d - %s)" nor "Kan ikke lese aktiv katalog(Feilkode: %d - %s)" norwegian-ny "Kan ikkje lese aktiv katalog(Feilkode: %d - %s)" pol "Nie można rozpoznać aktualnego katalogu (Kod błędu: %d - %s)" por "Não pode obter o diretório corrente (erro no. %d - %s)" rum "Nu pot sa obtin directorul current (working directory) (Eroare: %d - %s)" rus "Невозможно определить рабочий каталог (ошибка: %d - %s)" serbian "Ne mogu da dobijem trenutni direktorijum (errno: %d - %s)" slo "Nemôžem zistiť pracovný adresár (chybový kód: %d - %s)" spa "No puedo acceder al directorio (Error: %d - %s)" swe "Kan inte inte läsa aktivt bibliotek. (Felkod: %d - %s)" ukr "Не можу визначити робочу теку (помилка: %d - %s)" ER_CANT_LOCK cze "Nemohu uzamknout soubor (chybový kód: %d - %s)" dan "Kan ikke låse fil (Fejlkode: %d - %s)" nla "Kan de file niet blokeren (Errcode: %d - %s)" eng "Can't lock file (errno: %d - %s)" est "Ei suuda lukustada faili (veakood: %d - %s)" fre "Ne peut verrouiller le fichier (Errcode: %d - %s)" ger "Datei kann nicht gesperrt werden (Fehler: %d - %s)" greek "Το αρχείο δεν μπορεί να κλειδωθεί (κωδικός λάθους: %d - %s)" hun "A file nem zarolhato. (hibakod: %d - %s)" ita "Impossibile il locking il file (errno: %d - %s)" jpn "ファイルをロックできません。(エラー番号: %d - %s)" kor "화일을 잠그지(lock) 못했습니다. (에러번호: %d - %s)" nor "Kan ikke låse fila (Feilkode: %d - %s)" norwegian-ny "Kan ikkje låse fila (Feilkode: %d - %s)" pol "Nie można zablokować pliku (Kod błędu: %d - %s)" por "Não pode travar o arquivo (erro no. %d - %s)" rum "Nu pot sa lock fisierul (Eroare: %d - %s)" rus "Невозможно поставить блокировку на файле (ошибка: %d - %s)" serbian "Ne mogu da zaključam file (errno: %d - %s)" slo "Nemôžem zamknúť súbor (chybový kód: %d - %s)" spa "No puedo bloquear archivo: (Error: %d - %s)" swe "Kan inte låsa filen. (Felkod: %d - %s)" ukr "Не можу заблокувати файл (помилка: %d - %s)" ER_CANT_OPEN_FILE cze "Nemohu otevřít soubor '%-.200s' (chybový kód: %d - %s)" dan "Kan ikke åbne fil: '%-.200s' (Fejlkode: %d - %s)" nla "Kan de file '%-.200s' niet openen (Errcode: %d - %s)" eng "Can't open file: '%-.200s' (errno: %d - %s)" est "Ei suuda avada faili '%-.200s' (veakood: %d - %s)" fre "Ne peut ouvrir le fichier: '%-.200s' (Errcode: %d - %s)" ger "Kann Datei '%-.200s' nicht öffnen (Fehler: %d - %s)" greek "Δεν είναι δυνατό να ανοιχτεί το αρχείο: '%-.200s' (κωδικός λάθους: %d - %s)" hun "A '%-.200s' file nem nyithato meg (hibakod: %d - %s)" ita "Impossibile aprire il file: '%-.200s' (errno: %d - %s)" jpn "ファイル '%-.200s' をオープンできません。(エラー番号: %d - %s)" kor "화일을 열지 못했습니다.: '%-.200s' (에러번호: %d - %s)" nor "Kan ikke åpne fila: '%-.200s' (Feilkode: %d - %s)" norwegian-ny "Kan ikkje åpne fila: '%-.200s' (Feilkode: %d - %s)" pol "Nie można otworzyć pliku: '%-.200s' (Kod błędu: %d - %s)" por "Não pode abrir o arquivo '%-.200s' (erro no. %d - %s)" rum "Nu pot sa deschid fisierul: '%-.200s' (Eroare: %d - %s)" rus "Невозможно открыть файл: '%-.200s' (ошибка: %d - %s)" serbian "Ne mogu da otvorim file: '%-.200s' (errno: %d - %s)" slo "Nemôžem otvoriť súbor: '%-.200s' (chybový kód: %d - %s)" spa "No puedo abrir archivo: '%-.200s' (Error: %d - %s)" swe "Kan inte använda '%-.200s' (Felkod: %d - %s)" ukr "Не можу відкрити файл: '%-.200s' (помилка: %d - %s)" ER_FILE_NOT_FOUND cze "Nemohu najít soubor '%-.200s' (chybový kód: %d - %s)" dan "Kan ikke finde fila: '%-.200s' (Fejlkode: %d - %s)" nla "Kan de file: '%-.200s' niet vinden (Errcode: %d - %s)" eng "Can't find file: '%-.200s' (errno: %d - %s)" est "Ei suuda leida faili '%-.200s' (veakood: %d - %s)" fre "Ne peut trouver le fichier: '%-.200s' (Errcode: %d - %s)" ger "Kann Datei '%-.200s' nicht finden (Fehler: %d - %s)" greek "Δεν βρέθηκε το αρχείο: '%-.200s' (κωδικός λάθους: %d - %s)" hun "A(z) '%-.200s' file nem talalhato (hibakod: %d - %s)" ita "Impossibile trovare il file: '%-.200s' (errno: %d - %s)" jpn "ファイル '%-.200s' が見つかりません。(エラー番号: %d - %s)" kor "화일을 찾지 못했습니다.: '%-.200s' (에러번호: %d - %s)" nor "Kan ikke finne fila: '%-.200s' (Feilkode: %d - %s)" norwegian-ny "Kan ikkje finne fila: '%-.200s' (Feilkode: %d - %s)" pol "Nie można znaleĽć pliku: '%-.200s' (Kod błędu: %d - %s)" por "Não pode encontrar o arquivo '%-.200s' (erro no. %d - %s)" rum "Nu pot sa gasesc fisierul: '%-.200s' (Eroare: %d - %s)" rus "Невозможно найти файл: '%-.200s' (ошибка: %d - %s)" serbian "Ne mogu da pronađem file: '%-.200s' (errno: %d - %s)" slo "Nemôžem nájsť súbor: '%-.200s' (chybový kód: %d - %s)" spa "No puedo encontrar archivo: '%-.200s' (Error: %d - %s)" swe "Hittar inte filen '%-.200s' (Felkod: %d - %s)" ukr "Не можу знайти файл: '%-.200s' (помилка: %d - %s)" ER_CANT_READ_DIR cze "Nemohu číst adresář '%-.192s' (chybový kód: %d - %s)" dan "Kan ikke læse folder '%-.192s' (Fejlkode: %d - %s)" nla "Kan de directory niet lezen van '%-.192s' (Errcode: %d - %s)" eng "Can't read dir of '%-.192s' (errno: %d - %s)" est "Ei suuda lugeda kataloogi '%-.192s' (veakood: %d - %s)" fre "Ne peut lire le répertoire de '%-.192s' (Errcode: %d - %s)" ger "Verzeichnis von '%-.192s' nicht lesbar (Fehler: %d - %s)" greek "Δεν είναι δυνατό να διαβαστεί ο φάκελλος του '%-.192s' (κωδικός λάθους: %d - %s)" hun "A(z) '%-.192s' konyvtar nem olvashato. (hibakod: %d - %s)" ita "Impossibile leggere la directory di '%-.192s' (errno: %d - %s)" jpn "ディレクトリ '%-.192s' を読み込めません。(エラー番号: %d - %s)" kor "'%-.192s'디렉토리를 읽지 못했습니다. (에러번호: %d - %s)" nor "Kan ikke lese katalogen '%-.192s' (Feilkode: %d - %s)" norwegian-ny "Kan ikkje lese katalogen '%-.192s' (Feilkode: %d - %s)" pol "Nie można odczytać katalogu '%-.192s' (Kod błędu: %d - %s)" por "Não pode ler o diretório de '%-.192s' (erro no. %d - %s)" rum "Nu pot sa citesc directorul '%-.192s' (Eroare: %d - %s)" rus "Невозможно прочитать каталог '%-.192s' (ошибка: %d - %s)" serbian "Ne mogu da pročitam direktorijum '%-.192s' (errno: %d - %s)" slo "Nemôžem čítať adresár '%-.192s' (chybový kód: %d - %s)" spa "No puedo leer el directorio de '%-.192s' (Error: %d - %s)" swe "Kan inte läsa från bibliotek '%-.192s' (Felkod: %d - %s)" ukr "Не можу прочитати теку '%-.192s' (помилка: %d - %s)" ER_CANT_SET_WD cze "Nemohu změnit adresář na '%-.192s' (chybový kód: %d - %s)" dan "Kan ikke skifte folder til '%-.192s' (Fejlkode: %d - %s)" nla "Kan de directory niet veranderen naar '%-.192s' (Errcode: %d - %s)" eng "Can't change dir to '%-.192s' (errno: %d - %s)" est "Ei suuda siseneda kataloogi '%-.192s' (veakood: %d - %s)" fre "Ne peut changer le répertoire pour '%-.192s' (Errcode: %d - %s)" ger "Kann nicht in das Verzeichnis '%-.192s' wechseln (Fehler: %d - %s)" greek "Αδύνατη η αλλαγή του τρέχοντος καταλόγου σε '%-.192s' (κωδικός λάθους: %d - %s)" hun "Konyvtarvaltas nem lehetseges a(z) '%-.192s'-ba. (hibakod: %d - %s)" ita "Impossibile cambiare la directory in '%-.192s' (errno: %d - %s)" jpn "ディレクトリ '%-.192s' に移動できません。(エラー番号: %d - %s)" kor "'%-.192s'디렉토리로 이동할 수 없었습니다. (에러번호: %d - %s)" nor "Kan ikke skifte katalog til '%-.192s' (Feilkode: %d - %s)" norwegian-ny "Kan ikkje skifte katalog til '%-.192s' (Feilkode: %d - %s)" pol "Nie można zmienić katalogu na '%-.192s' (Kod błędu: %d - %s)" por "Não pode mudar para o diretório '%-.192s' (erro no. %d - %s)" rum "Nu pot sa schimb directorul '%-.192s' (Eroare: %d - %s)" rus "Невозможно перейти в каталог '%-.192s' (ошибка: %d - %s)" serbian "Ne mogu da promenim direktorijum na '%-.192s' (errno: %d - %s)" slo "Nemôžem vojsť do adresára '%-.192s' (chybový kód: %d - %s)" spa "No puedo cambiar al directorio de '%-.192s' (Error: %d - %s)" swe "Kan inte byta till '%-.192s' (Felkod: %d - %s)" ukr "Не можу перейти у теку '%-.192s' (помилка: %d - %s)" ER_CHECKREAD cze "Záznam byl změněn od posledního čtení v tabulce '%-.192s'" dan "Posten er ændret siden sidste læsning '%-.192s'" nla "Record is veranderd sinds de laatste lees activiteit in de tabel '%-.192s'" eng "Record has changed since last read in table '%-.192s'" est "Kirje tabelis '%-.192s' on muutunud viimasest lugemisest saadik" fre "Enregistrement modifié depuis sa dernière lecture dans la table '%-.192s'" ger "Datensatz hat sich seit dem letzten Zugriff auf Tabelle '%-.192s' geändert" greek "Η εγγραφή έχει αλλάξει από την τελευταία φορά που ανασύρθηκε από τον πίνακα '%-.192s'" hun "A(z) '%-.192s' tablaban talalhato rekord megvaltozott az utolso olvasas ota" ita "Il record e` cambiato dall'ultima lettura della tabella '%-.192s'" jpn "表 '%-.192s' の最後の読み込み時点から、レコードが変化しました。" kor "테이블 '%-.192s'에서 마지막으로 읽은 후 Record가 변경되었습니다." nor "Posten har blitt endret siden den ble lest '%-.192s'" norwegian-ny "Posten har vorte endra sidan den sist vart lesen '%-.192s'" pol "Rekord został zmieniony od ostaniego odczytania z tabeli '%-.192s'" por "Registro alterado desde a última leitura da tabela '%-.192s'" rum "Cimpul a fost schimbat de la ultima citire a tabelei '%-.192s'" rus "Запись изменилась с момента последней выборки в таблице '%-.192s'" serbian "Slog je promenjen od zadnjeg čitanja tabele '%-.192s'" slo "Záznam bol zmenený od posledného čítania v tabuľke '%-.192s'" spa "El registro ha cambiado desde la ultima lectura de la tabla '%-.192s'" swe "Posten har förändrats sedan den lästes i register '%-.192s'" ukr "Запис було змінено з часу останнього читання з таблиці '%-.192s'" ER_DISK_FULL cze "Disk je plný (%s), čekám na uvolnění nějakého místa ... (chybový kód: %d - %s)" dan "Ikke mere diskplads (%s). Venter på at få frigjort plads... (Fejlkode: %d - %s)" nla "Schijf vol (%s). Aan het wachten totdat er ruimte vrij wordt gemaakt... (Errcode: %d - %s)" eng "Disk full (%s); waiting for someone to free some space... (errno: %d - %s)" est "Ketas täis (%s). Ootame kuni tekib vaba ruumi... (veakood: %d - %s)" fre "Disque plein (%s). J'attend que quelqu'un libère de l'espace... (Errcode: %d - %s)" ger "Festplatte voll (%s). Warte, bis jemand Platz schafft ... (Fehler: %d - %s)" greek "Δεν υπάρχει χώρος στο δίσκο (%s). Παρακαλώ, περιμένετε να ελευθερωθεί χώρος... (κωδικός λάθους: %d - %s)" hun "A lemez megtelt (%s). (hibakod: %d - %s)" ita "Disco pieno (%s). In attesa che qualcuno liberi un po' di spazio... (errno: %d - %s)" jpn "ディスク領域不足です(%s)。(エラー番号: %d - %s)" kor "Disk full (%s). 다른 사람이 지울때까지 기다립니다... (에러번호: %d - %s)" nor "Ikke mer diskplass (%s). Venter på å få frigjort plass... (Feilkode: %d - %s)" norwegian-ny "Ikkje meir diskplass (%s). Ventar på å få frigjort plass... (Feilkode: %d - %s)" pol "Dysk pełny (%s). Oczekiwanie na zwolnienie miejsca... (Kod błędu: %d - %s)" por "Disco cheio (%s). Aguardando alguém liberar algum espaço... (erro no. %d - %s)" rum "Hard-disk-ul este plin (%s). Astept sa se elibereze ceva spatiu... (Eroare: %d - %s)" rus "Диск заполнен. (%s). Ожидаем, пока кто-то не уберет после себя мусор... (ошибка: %d - %s)" serbian "Disk je pun (%s). Čekam nekoga da dođe i oslobodi nešto mesta... (errno: %d - %s)" slo "Disk je plný (%s), čakám na uvoľnenie miesta... (chybový kód: %d - %s)" spa "Disco lleno (%s). Esperando para que se libere algo de espacio... (Error: %d - %s)" swe "Disken är full (%s). Väntar tills det finns ledigt utrymme... (Felkod: %d - %s)" ukr "Диск заповнений (%s). Вичикую, доки звільниться трохи місця... (помилка: %d - %s)" ER_DUP_KEY 23000 cze "Nemohu zapsat, zdvojený klíč v tabulce '%-.192s'" dan "Kan ikke skrive, flere ens nøgler i tabellen '%-.192s'" nla "Kan niet schrijven, dubbele zoeksleutel in tabel '%-.192s'" eng "Can't write; duplicate key in table '%-.192s'" est "Ei saa kirjutada, korduv võti tabelis '%-.192s'" fre "Ecriture impossible, doublon dans une clé de la table '%-.192s'" ger "Kann nicht speichern, Grund: doppelter Schlüssel in Tabelle '%-.192s'" greek "Δεν είναι δυνατή η καταχώρηση, η τιμή υπάρχει ήδη στον πίνακα '%-.192s'" hun "Irasi hiba, duplikalt kulcs a '%-.192s' tablaban." ita "Scrittura impossibile: chiave duplicata nella tabella '%-.192s'" jpn "書き込めません。表 '%-.192s' に重複するキーがあります。" kor "기록할 수 없읍니다., 테이블 '%-.192s'에서 중복 키" nor "Kan ikke skrive, flere like nøkler i tabellen '%-.192s'" norwegian-ny "Kan ikkje skrive, flere like nyklar i tabellen '%-.192s'" pol "Nie można zapisać, powtórzone klucze w tabeli '%-.192s'" por "Não pode gravar. Chave duplicada na tabela '%-.192s'" rum "Nu pot sa scriu (can't write), cheie duplicata in tabela '%-.192s'" rus "Невозможно произвести запись, дублирующийся ключ в таблице '%-.192s'" serbian "Ne mogu da pišem pošto postoji duplirani ključ u tabeli '%-.192s'" slo "Nemôžem zapísať, duplikát kľúča v tabuľke '%-.192s'" spa "No puedo escribir, clave duplicada en la tabla '%-.192s'" swe "Kan inte skriva, dubbel söknyckel i register '%-.192s'" ukr "Не можу записати, дублюючийся ключ в таблиці '%-.192s'" ER_ERROR_ON_CLOSE cze "Chyba při zavírání '%-.192s' (chybový kód: %d - %s)" dan "Fejl ved lukning af '%-.192s' (Fejlkode: %d - %s)" nla "Fout bij het sluiten van '%-.192s' (Errcode: %d - %s)" eng "Error on close of '%-.192s' (errno: %d - %s)" est "Viga faili '%-.192s' sulgemisel (veakood: %d - %s)" fre "Erreur a la fermeture de '%-.192s' (Errcode: %d - %s)" ger "Fehler beim Schließen von '%-.192s' (Fehler: %d - %s)" greek "Παρουσιάστηκε πρόβλημα κλείνοντας το '%-.192s' (κωδικός λάθους: %d - %s)" hun "Hiba a(z) '%-.192s' zarasakor. (hibakod: %d - %s)" ita "Errore durante la chiusura di '%-.192s' (errno: %d - %s)" jpn "'%-.192s' のクローズ時エラー (エラー番号: %d - %s)" kor "'%-.192s'닫는 중 에러 (에러번호: %d - %s)" nor "Feil ved lukking av '%-.192s' (Feilkode: %d - %s)" norwegian-ny "Feil ved lukking av '%-.192s' (Feilkode: %d - %s)" pol "Bł?d podczas zamykania '%-.192s' (Kod błędu: %d - %s)" por "Erro ao fechar '%-.192s' (erro no. %d - %s)" rum "Eroare inchizind '%-.192s' (errno: %d - %s)" rus "Ошибка при закрытии '%-.192s' (ошибка: %d - %s)" serbian "Greška pri zatvaranju '%-.192s' (errno: %d - %s)" slo "Chyba pri zatváraní '%-.192s' (chybový kód: %d - %s)" spa "Error en el cierre de '%-.192s' (Error: %d - %s)" swe "Fick fel vid stängning av '%-.192s' (Felkod: %d - %s)" ukr "Не можу закрити '%-.192s' (помилка: %d - %s)" ER_ERROR_ON_READ cze "Chyba při čtení souboru '%-.200s' (chybový kód: %d - %s)" dan "Fejl ved læsning af '%-.200s' (Fejlkode: %d - %s)" nla "Fout bij het lezen van file '%-.200s' (Errcode: %d - %s)" eng "Error reading file '%-.200s' (errno: %d - %s)" est "Viga faili '%-.200s' lugemisel (veakood: %d - %s)" fre "Erreur en lecture du fichier '%-.200s' (Errcode: %d - %s)" ger "Fehler beim Lesen der Datei '%-.200s' (Fehler: %d - %s)" greek "Πρόβλημα κατά την ανάγνωση του αρχείου '%-.200s' (κωδικός λάθους: %d - %s)" hun "Hiba a '%-.200s'file olvasasakor. (hibakod: %d - %s)" ita "Errore durante la lettura del file '%-.200s' (errno: %d - %s)" jpn "ファイル '%-.200s' の読み込みエラー (エラー番号: %d - %s)" kor "'%-.200s'화일 읽기 에러 (에러번호: %d - %s)" nor "Feil ved lesing av '%-.200s' (Feilkode: %d - %s)" norwegian-ny "Feil ved lesing av '%-.200s' (Feilkode: %d - %s)" pol "Bł?d podczas odczytu pliku '%-.200s' (Kod błędu: %d - %s)" por "Erro ao ler arquivo '%-.200s' (erro no. %d - %s)" rum "Eroare citind fisierul '%-.200s' (errno: %d - %s)" rus "Ошибка чтения файла '%-.200s' (ошибка: %d - %s)" serbian "Greška pri čitanju file-a '%-.200s' (errno: %d - %s)" slo "Chyba pri čítaní súboru '%-.200s' (chybový kód: %d - %s)" spa "Error leyendo el fichero '%-.200s' (Error: %d - %s)" swe "Fick fel vid läsning av '%-.200s' (Felkod %d - %s)" ukr "Не можу прочитати файл '%-.200s' (помилка: %d - %s)" ER_ERROR_ON_RENAME cze "Chyba při přejmenování '%-.210s' na '%-.210s' (chybový kód: %d - %s)" dan "Fejl ved omdøbning af '%-.210s' til '%-.210s' (Fejlkode: %d - %s)" nla "Fout bij het hernoemen van '%-.210s' naar '%-.210s' (Errcode: %d - %s)" eng "Error on rename of '%-.210s' to '%-.210s' (errno: %d - %s)" est "Viga faili '%-.210s' ümbernimetamisel '%-.210s'-ks (veakood: %d - %s)" fre "Erreur en renommant '%-.210s' en '%-.210s' (Errcode: %d - %s)" ger "Fehler beim Umbenennen von '%-.210s' in '%-.210s' (Fehler: %d - %s)" greek "Πρόβλημα κατά την μετονομασία του αρχείου '%-.210s' to '%-.210s' (κωδικός λάθους: %d - %s)" hun "Hiba a '%-.210s' file atnevezesekor '%-.210s'. (hibakod: %d - %s)" ita "Errore durante la rinominazione da '%-.210s' a '%-.210s' (errno: %d - %s)" jpn "'%-.210s' の名前を '%-.210s' に変更できません (エラー番号: %d - %s)" kor "'%-.210s'를 '%-.210s'로 이름 변경중 에러 (에러번호: %d - %s)" nor "Feil ved omdøping av '%-.210s' til '%-.210s' (Feilkode: %d - %s)" norwegian-ny "Feil ved omdøyping av '%-.210s' til '%-.210s' (Feilkode: %d - %s)" pol "Bł?d podczas zmieniania nazwy '%-.210s' na '%-.210s' (Kod błędu: %d - %s)" por "Erro ao renomear '%-.210s' para '%-.210s' (erro no. %d - %s)" rum "Eroare incercind sa renumesc '%-.210s' in '%-.210s' (errno: %d - %s)" rus "Ошибка при переименовании '%-.210s' в '%-.210s' (ошибка: %d - %s)" serbian "Greška pri promeni imena '%-.210s' na '%-.210s' (errno: %d - %s)" slo "Chyba pri premenovávaní '%-.210s' na '%-.210s' (chybový kód: %d - %s)" spa "Error en el renombrado de '%-.210s' a '%-.210s' (Error: %d - %s)" swe "Kan inte byta namn från '%-.210s' till '%-.210s' (Felkod: %d - %s)" ukr "Не можу перейменувати '%-.210s' у '%-.210s' (помилка: %d - %s)" ER_ERROR_ON_WRITE cze "Chyba při zápisu do souboru '%-.200s' (chybový kód: %d - %s)" dan "Fejl ved skriving av filen '%-.200s' (Fejlkode: %d - %s)" nla "Fout bij het wegschrijven van file '%-.200s' (Errcode: %d - %s)" eng "Error writing file '%-.200s' (errno: %d - %s)" est "Viga faili '%-.200s' kirjutamisel (veakood: %d - %s)" fre "Erreur d'écriture du fichier '%-.200s' (Errcode: %d - %s)" ger "Fehler beim Speichern der Datei '%-.200s' (Fehler: %d - %s)" greek "Πρόβλημα κατά την αποθήκευση του αρχείου '%-.200s' (κωδικός λάθους: %d - %s)" hun "Hiba a '%-.200s' file irasakor. (hibakod: %d - %s)" ita "Errore durante la scrittura del file '%-.200s' (errno: %d - %s)" jpn "ファイル '%-.200s' の書き込みエラー (エラー番号: %d - %s)" kor "'%-.200s'화일 기록 중 에러 (에러번호: %d - %s)" nor "Feil ved skriving av fila '%-.200s' (Feilkode: %d - %s)" norwegian-ny "Feil ved skriving av fila '%-.200s' (Feilkode: %d - %s)" pol "Bł?d podczas zapisywania pliku '%-.200s' (Kod błędu: %d - %s)" por "Erro ao gravar arquivo '%-.200s' (erro no. %d - %s)" rum "Eroare scriind fisierul '%-.200s' (errno: %d - %s)" rus "Ошибка записи в файл '%-.200s' (ошибка: %d - %s)" serbian "Greška pri upisu '%-.200s' (errno: %d - %s)" slo "Chyba pri zápise do súboru '%-.200s' (chybový kód: %d - %s)" spa "Error escribiendo el archivo '%-.200s' (Error: %d - %s)" swe "Fick fel vid skrivning till '%-.200s' (Felkod %d - %s)" ukr "Не можу записати файл '%-.200s' (помилка: %d - %s)" ER_FILE_USED cze "'%-.192s' je zamčen proti změnám" dan "'%-.192s' er låst mod opdateringer" nla "'%-.192s' is geblokeerd tegen veranderingen" eng "'%-.192s' is locked against change" est "'%-.192s' on lukustatud muudatuste vastu" fre "'%-.192s' est verrouillé contre les modifications" ger "'%-.192s' ist für Änderungen gesperrt" greek "'%-.192s' δεν επιτρέπονται αλλαγές" hun "'%-.192s' a valtoztatas ellen zarolva" ita "'%-.192s' e` soggetto a lock contro i cambiamenti" jpn "'%-.192s' はロックされています。" kor "'%-.192s'가 변경할 수 없도록 잠겨있읍니다." nor "'%-.192s' er låst mot oppdateringer" norwegian-ny "'%-.192s' er låst mot oppdateringar" pol "'%-.192s' jest zablokowany na wypadek zmian" por "'%-.192s' está com travamento contra alterações" rum "'%-.192s' este blocat pentry schimbari (loccked against change)" rus "'%-.192s' заблокирован для изменений" serbian "'%-.192s' je zaključan za upis" slo "'%-.192s' je zamknutý proti zmenám" spa "'%-.192s' esta bloqueado contra cambios" swe "'%-.192s' är låst mot användning" ukr "'%-.192s' заблокований на внесення змін" ER_FILSORT_ABORT cze "Třídění přerušeno" dan "Sortering afbrudt" nla "Sorteren afgebroken" eng "Sort aborted" est "Sorteerimine katkestatud" fre "Tri alphabétique abandonné" ger "Sortiervorgang abgebrochen" greek "Η διαδικασία ταξινόμισης ακυρώθηκε" hun "Sikertelen rendezes" ita "Operazione di ordinamento abbandonata" jpn "ソート処理を中断しました。" kor "소트가 중단되었습니다." nor "Sortering avbrutt" norwegian-ny "Sortering avbrote" pol "Sortowanie przerwane" por "Ordenação abortada" rum "Sortare intrerupta" rus "Сортировка прервана" serbian "Sortiranje je prekinuto" slo "Triedenie prerušené" spa "Ordeancion cancelada" swe "Sorteringen avbruten" ukr "Сортування перервано" ER_FORM_NOT_FOUND cze "Pohled '%-.192s' pro '%-.192s' neexistuje" dan "View '%-.192s' eksisterer ikke for '%-.192s'" nla "View '%-.192s' bestaat niet voor '%-.192s'" eng "View '%-.192s' doesn't exist for '%-.192s'" est "Vaade '%-.192s' ei eksisteeri '%-.192s' jaoks" fre "La vue (View) '%-.192s' n'existe pas pour '%-.192s'" ger "View '%-.192s' existiert für '%-.192s' nicht" greek "Το View '%-.192s' δεν υπάρχει για '%-.192s'" hun "A(z) '%-.192s' nezet nem letezik a(z) '%-.192s'-hoz" ita "La view '%-.192s' non esiste per '%-.192s'" jpn "ビュー '%-.192s' は '%-.192s' に存在しません。" kor "뷰 '%-.192s'가 '%-.192s'에서는 존재하지 않읍니다." nor "View '%-.192s' eksisterer ikke for '%-.192s'" norwegian-ny "View '%-.192s' eksisterar ikkje for '%-.192s'" pol "Widok '%-.192s' nie istnieje dla '%-.192s'" por "Visão '%-.192s' não existe para '%-.192s'" rum "View '%-.192s' nu exista pentru '%-.192s'" rus "Представление '%-.192s' не существует для '%-.192s'" serbian "View '%-.192s' ne postoji za '%-.192s'" slo "Pohľad '%-.192s' neexistuje pre '%-.192s'" spa "La vista '%-.192s' no existe para '%-.192s'" swe "Formulär '%-.192s' finns inte i '%-.192s'" ukr "Вигляд '%-.192s' не існує для '%-.192s'" ER_GET_ERRNO cze "Obsluha tabulky vrátila chybu %d" dan "Modtog fejl %d fra tabel håndteringen" nla "Fout %d van tabel handler" eng "Got error %d from storage engine" est "Tabeli handler tagastas vea %d" fre "Reçu l'erreur %d du handler de la table" ger "Fehler %d (Speicher-Engine)" greek "Ελήφθη μήνυμα λάθους %d από τον χειριστή πίνακα (table handler)" hun "%d hibajelzes a tablakezelotol" ita "Rilevato l'errore %d dal gestore delle tabelle" jpn "ストレージエンジンがエラー %d を返しました。" kor "테이블 handler에서 %d 에러가 발생 하였습니다." nor "Mottok feil %d fra tabell håndterer" norwegian-ny "Mottok feil %d fra tabell handterar" pol "Otrzymano bł?d %d z obsługi tabeli" por "Obteve erro %d no manipulador de tabelas" rum "Eroarea %d obtinuta din handlerul tabelei" rus "Получена ошибка %d от обработчика таблиц" serbian "Handler tabela je vratio grešku %d" slo "Obsluha tabuľky vrátila chybu %d" spa "Error %d desde el manejador de la tabla" swe "Fick felkod %d från databashanteraren" ukr "Отримано помилку %d від дескриптора таблиці" ER_ILLEGAL_HA cze "Obsluha tabulky '%-.192s' nemá tento parametr" dan "Denne mulighed eksisterer ikke for tabeltypen '%-.192s'" nla "Tabel handler voor '%-.192s' heeft deze optie niet" eng "Table storage engine for '%-.192s' doesn't have this option" est "Tabeli '%-.192s' handler ei toeta antud operatsiooni" fre "Le handler de la table '%-.192s' n'a pas cette option" ger "Diese Option gibt es nicht (Speicher-Engine für '%-.192s')" greek "Ο χειριστής πίνακα (table handler) για '%-.192s' δεν διαθέτει αυτή την επιλογή" hun "A(z) '%-.192s' tablakezelonek nincs ilyen opcioja" ita "Il gestore delle tabelle per '%-.192s' non ha questa opzione" jpn "表 '%-.192s' のストレージエンジンでは提供されないオプションです。" kor "'%-.192s'의 테이블 handler는 이러한 옵션을 제공하지 않읍니다." nor "Tabell håndtereren for '%-.192s' har ikke denne muligheten" norwegian-ny "Tabell håndteraren for '%-.192s' har ikkje denne moglegheita" pol "Obsługa tabeli '%-.192s' nie posiada tej opcji" por "Manipulador de tabela para '%-.192s' não tem esta opção" rum "Handlerul tabelei pentru '%-.192s' nu are aceasta optiune" rus "Обработчик таблицы '%-.192s' не поддерживает эту возможность" serbian "Handler tabela za '%-.192s' nema ovu opciju" slo "Obsluha tabuľky '%-.192s' nemá tento parameter" spa "El manejador de la tabla de '%-.192s' no tiene esta opcion" swe "Tabellhanteraren for tabell '%-.192s' stödjer ej detta" ukr "Дескриптор таблиці '%-.192s' не має цієї властивості" ER_KEY_NOT_FOUND cze "Nemohu najít záznam v '%-.192s'" dan "Kan ikke finde posten i '%-.192s'" nla "Kan record niet vinden in '%-.192s'" eng "Can't find record in '%-.192s'" est "Ei suuda leida kirjet '%-.192s'-s" fre "Ne peut trouver l'enregistrement dans '%-.192s'" ger "Kann Datensatz in '%-.192s' nicht finden" greek "Αδύνατη η ανεύρεση εγγραφής στο '%-.192s'" hun "Nem talalhato a rekord '%-.192s'-ben" ita "Impossibile trovare il record in '%-.192s'" jpn "'%-.192s' にレコードが見つかりません。" kor "'%-.192s'에서 레코드를 찾을 수 없읍니다." nor "Kan ikke finne posten i '%-.192s'" norwegian-ny "Kan ikkje finne posten i '%-.192s'" pol "Nie można znaleĽć rekordu w '%-.192s'" por "Não pode encontrar registro em '%-.192s'" rum "Nu pot sa gasesc recordul in '%-.192s'" rus "Невозможно найти запись в '%-.192s'" serbian "Ne mogu da pronađem slog u '%-.192s'" slo "Nemôžem nájsť záznam v '%-.192s'" spa "No puedo encontrar el registro en '%-.192s'" swe "Hittar inte posten '%-.192s'" ukr "Не можу записати у '%-.192s'" ER_NOT_FORM_FILE cze "Nesprávná informace v souboru '%-.200s'" dan "Forkert indhold i: '%-.200s'" nla "Verkeerde info in file: '%-.200s'" eng "Incorrect information in file: '%-.200s'" est "Vigane informatsioon failis '%-.200s'" fre "Information erronnée dans le fichier: '%-.200s'" ger "Falsche Information in Datei '%-.200s'" greek "Λάθος πληροφορίες στο αρχείο: '%-.200s'" hun "Ervenytelen info a file-ban: '%-.200s'" ita "Informazione errata nel file: '%-.200s'" jpn "ファイル '%-.200s' 内の情報が不正です。" kor "화일의 부정확한 정보: '%-.200s'" nor "Feil informasjon i filen: '%-.200s'" norwegian-ny "Feil informasjon i fila: '%-.200s'" pol "Niewła?ciwa informacja w pliku: '%-.200s'" por "Informação incorreta no arquivo '%-.200s'" rum "Informatie incorecta in fisierul: '%-.200s'" rus "Некорректная информация в файле '%-.200s'" serbian "Pogrešna informacija u file-u: '%-.200s'" slo "Nesprávna informácia v súbore: '%-.200s'" spa "Informacion erronea en el archivo: '%-.200s'" swe "Felaktig fil: '%-.200s'" ukr "Хибна інформація у файлі: '%-.200s'" ER_NOT_KEYFILE cze "Nesprávný klíč pro tabulku '%-.200s'; pokuste se ho opravit" dan "Fejl i indeksfilen til tabellen '%-.200s'; prøv at reparere den" nla "Verkeerde zoeksleutel file voor tabel: '%-.200s'; probeer het te repareren" eng "Incorrect key file for table '%-.200s'; try to repair it" est "Tabeli '%-.200s' võtmefail on vigane; proovi seda parandada" fre "Index corrompu dans la table: '%-.200s'; essayez de le réparer" ger "Fehlerhafte Index-Datei für Tabelle '%-.200s'; versuche zu reparieren" greek "Λάθος αρχείο ταξινόμισης (key file) για τον πίνακα: '%-.200s'; Παρακαλώ, διορθώστε το!" hun "Ervenytelen kulcsfile a tablahoz: '%-.200s'; probalja kijavitani!" ita "File chiave errato per la tabella : '%-.200s'; prova a riparalo" jpn "表 '%-.200s' の索引ファイル(key file)の内容が不正です。修復を試行してください。" kor "'%-.200s' 테이블의 부정확한 키 존재. 수정하시오!" nor "Tabellen '%-.200s' har feil i nøkkelfilen; forsøk å reparer den" norwegian-ny "Tabellen '%-.200s' har feil i nykkelfila; prøv å reparere den" pol "Niewła?ciwy plik kluczy dla tabeli: '%-.200s'; spróbuj go naprawić" por "Arquivo de índice incorreto para tabela '%-.200s'; tente repará-lo" rum "Cheia fisierului incorecta pentru tabela: '%-.200s'; incearca s-o repari" rus "Некорректный индексный файл для таблицы: '%-.200s'. Попробуйте восстановить его" serbian "Pogrešan key file za tabelu: '%-.200s'; probajte da ga ispravite" slo "Nesprávny kľúč pre tabuľku '%-.200s'; pokúste sa ho opraviť" spa "Clave de archivo erronea para la tabla: '%-.200s'; intente repararlo" swe "Fatalt fel vid hantering av register '%-.200s'; kör en reparation" ukr "Хибний файл ключей для таблиці: '%-.200s'; Спробуйте його відновити" ER_OLD_KEYFILE cze "Starý klíčový soubor pro '%-.192s'; opravte ho." dan "Gammel indeksfil for tabellen '%-.192s'; reparer den" nla "Oude zoeksleutel file voor tabel '%-.192s'; repareer het!" eng "Old key file for table '%-.192s'; repair it!" est "Tabeli '%-.192s' võtmefail on aegunud; paranda see!" fre "Vieux fichier d'index pour la table '%-.192s'; réparez le!" ger "Alte Index-Datei für Tabelle '%-.192s'. Bitte reparieren" greek "Παλαιό αρχείο ταξινόμισης (key file) για τον πίνακα '%-.192s'; Παρακαλώ, διορθώστε το!" hun "Regi kulcsfile a '%-.192s'tablahoz; probalja kijavitani!" ita "File chiave vecchio per la tabella '%-.192s'; riparalo!" jpn "表 '%-.192s' の索引ファイル(key file)は古い形式です。修復してください。" kor "'%-.192s' 테이블의 이전버젼의 키 존재. 수정하시오!" nor "Gammel nøkkelfil for tabellen '%-.192s'; reparer den!" norwegian-ny "Gammel nykkelfil for tabellen '%-.192s'; reparer den!" pol "Plik kluczy dla tabeli '%-.192s' jest starego typu; napraw go!" por "Arquivo de índice desatualizado para tabela '%-.192s'; repare-o!" rum "Cheia fisierului e veche pentru tabela '%-.192s'; repar-o!" rus "Старый индексный файл для таблицы '%-.192s'; отремонтируйте его!" serbian "Zastareo key file za tabelu '%-.192s'; ispravite ga" slo "Starý kľúčový súbor pre '%-.192s'; opravte ho!" spa "Clave de archivo antigua para la tabla '%-.192s'; reparelo!" swe "Gammal nyckelfil '%-.192s'; reparera registret" ukr "Старий файл ключей для таблиці '%-.192s'; Відновіть його!" ER_OPEN_AS_READONLY cze "'%-.192s' je jen pro čtení" dan "'%-.192s' er skrivebeskyttet" nla "'%-.192s' is alleen leesbaar" eng "Table '%-.192s' is read only" est "Tabel '%-.192s' on ainult lugemiseks" fre "'%-.192s' est en lecture seulement" ger "Tabelle '%-.192s' ist nur lesbar" greek "'%-.192s' επιτρέπεται μόνο η ανάγνωση" hun "'%-.192s' irasvedett" ita "'%-.192s' e` di sola lettura" jpn "表 '%-.192s' は読み込み専用です。" kor "테이블 '%-.192s'는 읽기전용 입니다." nor "'%-.192s' er skrivebeskyttet" norwegian-ny "'%-.192s' er skrivetryggja" pol "'%-.192s' jest tylko do odczytu" por "Tabela '%-.192s' é somente para leitura" rum "Tabela '%-.192s' e read-only" rus "Таблица '%-.192s' предназначена только для чтения" serbian "Tabelu '%-.192s' je dozvoljeno samo čitati" slo "'%-.192s' is čítať only" spa "'%-.192s' es de solo lectura" swe "'%-.192s' är skyddad mot förändring" ukr "Таблиця '%-.192s' тільки для читання" ER_OUTOFMEMORY HY001 S1001 cze "Málo paměti. Přestartujte daemona a zkuste znovu (je potřeba %d bytů)" dan "Ikke mere hukommelse. Genstart serveren og prøv igen (mangler %d bytes)" nla "Geen geheugen meer. Herstart server en probeer opnieuw (%d bytes nodig)" eng "Out of memory; restart server and try again (needed %d bytes)" est "Mälu sai otsa. Proovi MySQL uuesti käivitada (puudu jäi %d baiti)" fre "Manque de mémoire. Redémarrez le démon et ré-essayez (%d octets nécessaires)" ger "Kein Speicher vorhanden (%d Bytes benötigt). Bitte Server neu starten" greek "Δεν υπάρχει διαθέσιμη μνήμη. Προσπαθήστε πάλι, επανεκινώντας τη διαδικασία (demon) (χρειάζονται %d bytes)" hun "Nincs eleg memoria. Inditsa ujra a demont, es probalja ismet. (%d byte szukseges.)" ita "Memoria esaurita. Fai ripartire il demone e riprova (richiesti %d bytes)" jpn "メモリが不足しています。サーバーを再起動してみてください。(%d バイトの割り当てに失敗)" kor "Out of memory. 데몬을 재 실행 후 다시 시작하시오 (needed %d bytes)" nor "Ikke mer minne. Star på nytt tjenesten og prøv igjen (trengte %d byter)" norwegian-ny "Ikkje meir minne. Start på nytt tenesten og prøv igjen (trengte %d bytar)" pol "Zbyt mało pamięci. Uruchom ponownie demona i spróbuj ponownie (potrzeba %d bajtów)" por "Sem memória. Reinicie o programa e tente novamente (necessita de %d bytes)" rum "Out of memory. Porneste daemon-ul din nou si incearca inca o data (e nevoie de %d bytes)" rus "Недостаточно памяти. Перезапустите сервер и попробуйте еще раз (нужно %d байт)" serbian "Nema memorije. Restartujte MySQL server i probajte ponovo (potrebno je %d byte-ova)" slo "Málo pamäti. Reštartujte daemona a skúste znova (je potrebných %d bytov)" spa "Memoria insuficiente. Reinicie el demonio e intentelo otra vez (necesita %d bytes)" swe "Oväntat slut på minnet, starta om programmet och försök på nytt (Behövde %d bytes)" ukr "Брак пам'яті. Рестартуйте сервер та спробуйте знову (потрібно %d байтів)" ER_OUT_OF_SORTMEMORY HY001 S1001 cze "Málo paměti pro třídění. Zvyšte velikost třídícího bufferu" dan "Ikke mere sorteringshukommelse. Øg sorteringshukommelse (sort buffer size) for serveren" nla "Geen geheugen om te sorteren. Verhoog de server sort buffer size" eng "Out of sort memory, consider increasing server sort buffer size" est "Mälu sai sorteerimisel otsa. Suurenda MySQL-i sorteerimispuhvrit" fre "Manque de mémoire pour le tri. Augmentez-la." ger "Kein Speicher zum Sortieren vorhanden. sort_buffer_size sollte im Server erhöht werden" greek "Δεν υπάρχει διαθέσιμη μνήμη για ταξινόμιση. Αυξήστε το sort buffer size για τη διαδικασία (demon)" hun "Nincs eleg memoria a rendezeshez. Novelje a rendezo demon puffermeretet" ita "Memoria per gli ordinamenti esaurita. Incrementare il 'sort_buffer' al demone" jpn "ソートメモリが不足しています。ソートバッファサイズ(sort buffer size)の増加を検討してください。" kor "Out of sort memory. daemon sort buffer의 크기를 증가시키세요" nor "Ikke mer sorteringsminne. Vurder å øke sorteringsminnet (sort buffer size) for tjenesten" norwegian-ny "Ikkje meir sorteringsminne. Vurder å auke sorteringsminnet (sorteringsbuffer storleik) for tenesten" pol "Zbyt mało pamięci dla sortowania. Zwiększ wielko?ć bufora demona dla sortowania" por "Não há memória suficiente para ordenação. Considere aumentar o tamanho do retentor (buffer) de ordenação." rum "Out of memory pentru sortare. Largeste marimea buffer-ului pentru sortare in daemon (sort buffer size)" rus "Недостаточно памяти для сортировки. Увеличьте размер буфера сортировки на сервере" serbian "Nema memorije za sortiranje. Povećajte veličinu sort buffer-a MySQL server-u" slo "Málo pamäti pre triedenie, zvýšte veľkosť triediaceho bufferu" spa "Memoria de ordenacion insuficiente. Incremente el tamano del buffer de ordenacion" swe "Sorteringsbufferten räcker inte till. Kontrollera startparametrarna" ukr "Брак пам'яті для сортування. Треба збільшити розмір буфера сортування у сервера" ER_UNEXPECTED_EOF cze "Neočekávaný konec souboru při čtení '%-.192s' (chybový kód: %d - %s)" dan "Uventet afslutning på fil (eof) ved læsning af filen '%-.192s' (Fejlkode: %d - %s)" nla "Onverwachte eof gevonden tijdens het lezen van file '%-.192s' (Errcode: %d - %s)" eng "Unexpected EOF found when reading file '%-.192s' (errno: %d - %s)" est "Ootamatu faililõpumärgend faili '%-.192s' lugemisel (veakood: %d - %s)" fre "Fin de fichier inattendue en lisant '%-.192s' (Errcode: %d - %s)" ger "Unerwartetes Ende beim Lesen der Datei '%-.192s' (Fehler: %d - %s)" greek "Κατά τη διάρκεια της ανάγνωσης, βρέθηκε απροσδόκητα το τέλος του αρχείου '%-.192s' (κωδικός λάθους: %d - %s)" hun "Varatlan filevege-jel a '%-.192s'olvasasakor. (hibakod: %d - %s)" ita "Fine del file inaspettata durante la lettura del file '%-.192s' (errno: %d - %s)" jpn "ファイル '%-.192s' を読み込み中に予期せずファイルの終端に達しました。(エラー番号: %d - %s)" kor "'%-.192s' 화일을 읽는 도중 잘못된 eof을 발견 (에러번호: %d - %s)" nor "Uventet slutt på fil (eof) ved lesing av filen '%-.192s' (Feilkode: %d - %s)" norwegian-ny "Uventa slutt på fil (eof) ved lesing av fila '%-.192s' (Feilkode: %d - %s)" pol "Nieoczekiwany 'eof' napotkany podczas czytania z pliku '%-.192s' (Kod błędu: %d - %s)" por "Encontrado fim de arquivo inesperado ao ler arquivo '%-.192s' (erro no. %d - %s)" rum "Sfirsit de fisier neasteptat in citirea fisierului '%-.192s' (errno: %d - %s)" rus "Неожиданный конец файла '%-.192s' (ошибка: %d - %s)" serbian "Neočekivani kraj pri čitanju file-a '%-.192s' (errno: %d - %s)" slo "Neočakávaný koniec súboru pri čítaní '%-.192s' (chybový kód: %d - %s)" spa "Inesperado fin de ficheroU mientras leiamos el archivo '%-.192s' (Error: %d - %s)" swe "Oväntat filslut vid läsning från '%-.192s' (Felkod: %d - %s)" ukr "Хибний кінець файлу '%-.192s' (помилка: %d - %s)" ER_CON_COUNT_ERROR 08004 cze "Příliš mnoho spojení" dan "For mange forbindelser (connections)" nla "Te veel verbindingen" eng "Too many connections" est "Liiga palju samaaegseid ühendusi" fre "Trop de connexions" ger "Zu viele Verbindungen" greek "Υπάρχουν πολλές συνδέσεις..." hun "Tul sok kapcsolat" ita "Troppe connessioni" jpn "接続が多すぎます。" kor "너무 많은 연결... max_connection을 증가 시키시오..." nor "For mange tilkoblinger (connections)" norwegian-ny "For mange tilkoplingar (connections)" pol "Zbyt wiele poł?czeń" por "Excesso de conexões" rum "Prea multe conectiuni" rus "Слишком много соединений" serbian "Previše konekcija" slo "Príliš mnoho spojení" spa "Demasiadas conexiones" swe "För många anslutningar" ukr "Забагато з'єднань" ER_OUT_OF_RESOURCES cze "Málo prostoru/paměti pro thread" dan "Udgået for tråde/hukommelse" nla "Geen thread geheugen meer; controleer of mysqld of andere processen al het beschikbare geheugen gebruikt. Zo niet, dan moet u wellicht 'ulimit' gebruiken om mysqld toe te laten meer geheugen te benutten, of u kunt extra swap ruimte toevoegen" eng "Out of memory; check if mysqld or some other process uses all available memory; if not, you may have to use 'ulimit' to allow mysqld to use more memory or you can add more swap space" est "Mälu sai otsa. Võimalik, et aitab swap-i lisamine või käsu 'ulimit' abil MySQL-le rohkema mälu kasutamise lubamine" fre "Manque de 'threads'/mémoire" ger "Kein Speicher mehr vorhanden. Prüfen Sie, ob mysqld oder ein anderer Prozess den gesamten Speicher verbraucht. Wenn nicht, sollten Sie mit 'ulimit' dafür sorgen, dass mysqld mehr Speicher benutzen darf, oder mehr Swap-Speicher einrichten" greek "Πρόβλημα με τη διαθέσιμη μνήμη (Out of thread space/memory)" hun "Elfogyott a thread-memoria" ita "Fine dello spazio/memoria per i thread" jpn "メモリが不足しています。mysqld やその他のプロセスがメモリーを使い切っていないか確認して下さい。メモリーを使い切っていない場合、'ulimit'の設定等で mysqld のメモリー使用最大量を多くするか、スワップ領域を増やす必要があるかもしれません。" # This message failed to convert from euc-kr, skipped nor "Tomt for tråd plass/minne" norwegian-ny "Tomt for tråd plass/minne" pol "Zbyt mało miejsca/pamięci dla w?tku" por "Sem memória. Verifique se o mysqld ou algum outro processo está usando toda memória disponível. Se não, você pode ter que usar 'ulimit' para permitir ao mysqld usar mais memória ou você pode adicionar mais área de 'swap'" rum "Out of memory; Verifica daca mysqld sau vreun alt proces foloseste toate memoria disponbila. Altfel, trebuie sa folosesi 'ulimit' ca sa permiti lui memoria disponbila. Altfel, trebuie sa folosesi 'ulimit' ca sa permiti lui mysqld sa foloseasca mai multa memorie ori adauga mai mult spatiu pentru swap (swap space)" rus "Недостаточно памяти; удостоверьтесь, что mysqld или какой-либо другой процесс не занимает всю доступную память. Если нет, то вы можете использовать ulimit, чтобы выделить для mysqld больше памяти, или увеличить объем файла подкачки" serbian "Nema memorije; Proverite da li MySQL server ili neki drugi proces koristi svu slobodnu memoriju. (UNIX: Ako ne, probajte da upotrebite 'ulimit' komandu da biste dozvolili daemon-u da koristi više memorije ili probajte da dodate više swap memorije)" slo "Málo miesta-pamäti pre vlákno" spa "Memoria/espacio de tranpaso insuficiente" swe "Fick slut på minnet. Kontrollera om mysqld eller någon annan process använder allt tillgängligt minne. Om inte, försök använda 'ulimit' eller allokera mera swap" ukr "Брак пам'яті; Перевірте чи mysqld або якісь інші процеси використовують усю доступну пам'ять. Як ні, то ви можете скористатися 'ulimit', аби дозволити mysqld використовувати більше пам'яті або ви можете додати більше місця під свап" ER_BAD_HOST_ERROR 08S01 cze "Nemohu zjistit jméno stroje pro Vaši adresu" dan "Kan ikke få værtsnavn for din adresse" nla "Kan de hostname niet krijgen van uw adres" eng "Can't get hostname for your address" est "Ei suuda lahendada IP aadressi masina nimeks" fre "Ne peut obtenir de hostname pour votre adresse" ger "Kann Hostnamen für diese Adresse nicht erhalten" greek "Δεν έγινε γνωστό το hostname για την address σας" hun "A gepnev nem allapithato meg a cimbol" ita "Impossibile risalire al nome dell'host dall'indirizzo (risoluzione inversa)" jpn "IPアドレスからホスト名を解決できません。" kor "당신의 컴퓨터의 호스트이름을 얻을 수 없읍니다." nor "Kan ikke få tak i vertsnavn for din adresse" norwegian-ny "Kan ikkje få tak i vertsnavn for di adresse" pol "Nie można otrzymać nazwy hosta dla twojego adresu" por "Não pode obter nome do 'host' para seu endereço" rum "Nu pot sa obtin hostname-ul adresei tale" rus "Невозможно получить имя хоста для вашего адреса" serbian "Ne mogu da dobijem ime host-a za vašu IP adresu" slo "Nemôžem zistiť meno hostiteľa pre vašu adresu" spa "No puedo obtener el nombre de maquina de tu direccion" swe "Kan inte hitta 'hostname' för din adress" ukr "Не можу визначити ім'я хосту для вашої адреси" ER_HANDSHAKE_ERROR 08S01 cze "Chyba při ustavování spojení" dan "Forkert håndtryk (handshake)" nla "Verkeerde handshake" eng "Bad handshake" est "Väär handshake" fre "Mauvais 'handshake'" ger "Ungültiger Handshake" greek "Η αναγνώριση (handshake) δεν έγινε σωστά" hun "A kapcsolatfelvetel nem sikerult (Bad handshake)" ita "Negoziazione impossibile" jpn "ハンドシェイクエラー" nor "Feil håndtrykk (handshake)" norwegian-ny "Feil handtrykk (handshake)" pol "Zły uchwyt(handshake)" por "Negociação de acesso falhou" rum "Prost inceput de conectie (bad handshake)" rus "Некорректное приветствие" serbian "Loš početak komunikacije (handshake)" slo "Chyba pri nadväzovaní spojenia" spa "Protocolo erroneo" swe "Fel vid initiering av kommunikationen med klienten" ukr "Невірна установка зв'язку" ER_DBACCESS_DENIED_ERROR 42000 cze "Přístup pro uživatele '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' k databázi '%-.192s' není povolen" dan "Adgang nægtet bruger: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' til databasen '%-.192s'" nla "Toegang geweigerd voor gebruiker: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' naar database '%-.192s'" eng "Access denied for user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' to database '%-.192s'" est "Ligipääs keelatud kasutajale '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' andmebaasile '%-.192s'" fre "Accès refusé pour l'utilisateur: '%-.48s'@'@%-.64s'. Base '%-.192s'" ger "Benutzer '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' hat keine Zugriffsberechtigung für Datenbank '%-.192s'" greek "Δεν επιτέρεται η πρόσβαση στο χρήστη: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' στη βάση δεδομένων '%-.192s'" hun "A(z) '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' felhasznalo szamara tiltott eleres az '%-.192s' adabazishoz." ita "Accesso non consentito per l'utente: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' al database '%-.192s'" jpn "ユーザー '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' によるデータベース '%-.192s' へのアクセスは拒否されました。" kor "'%-.48s'@'%-.64s' 사용자는 '%-.192s' 데이타베이스에 접근이 거부 되었습니다." nor "Tilgang nektet for bruker: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' til databasen '%-.192s' nektet" norwegian-ny "Tilgang ikkje tillate for brukar: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' til databasen '%-.192s' nekta" por "Acesso negado para o usuário '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' ao banco de dados '%-.192s'" rum "Acces interzis pentru utilizatorul: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' la baza de date '%-.192s'" rus "Для пользователя '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' доступ к базе данных '%-.192s' закрыт" serbian "Pristup je zabranjen korisniku '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' za bazu '%-.192s'" slo "Zakázaný prístup pre užívateľa: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' k databázi '%-.192s'" spa "Acceso negado para usuario: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' para la base de datos '%-.192s'" swe "Användare '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' är ej berättigad att använda databasen %-.192s" ukr "Доступ заборонено для користувача: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' до бази данних '%-.192s'" ER_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR 28000 cze "Přístup pro uživatele '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' (s heslem %s)" dan "Adgang nægtet bruger: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' (Bruger adgangskode: %s)" nla "Toegang geweigerd voor gebruiker: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' (Wachtwoord gebruikt: %s)" eng "Access denied for user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' (using password: %s)" est "Ligipääs keelatud kasutajale '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' (kasutab parooli: %s)" fre "Accès refusé pour l'utilisateur: '%-.48s'@'@%-.64s' (mot de passe: %s)" ger "Benutzer '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' hat keine Zugriffsberechtigung (verwendetes Passwort: %s)" greek "Δεν επιτέρεται η πρόσβαση στο χρήστη: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' (χρήση password: %s)" hun "A(z) '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' felhasznalo szamara tiltott eleres. (Hasznalja a jelszot: %s)" ita "Accesso non consentito per l'utente: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' (Password: %s)" jpn "ユーザー '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' のアクセスは拒否されました。(using password: %s)" kor "'%-.48s'@'%-.64s' 사용자는 접근이 거부 되었습니다. (using password: %s)" nor "Tilgang nektet for bruker: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' (Bruker passord: %s)" norwegian-ny "Tilgang ikke tillate for brukar: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' (Brukar passord: %s)" por "Acesso negado para o usuário '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' (senha usada: %s)" rum "Acces interzis pentru utilizatorul: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' (Folosind parola: %s)" rus "Доступ закрыт для пользователя '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' (был использован пароль: %s)" serbian "Pristup je zabranjen korisniku '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' (koristi lozinku: '%s')" slo "Zakázaný prístup pre užívateľa: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' (použitie hesla: %s)" spa "Acceso negado para usuario: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' (Usando clave: %s)" swe "Användare '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' är ej berättigad att logga in (Använder lösen: %s)" ukr "Доступ заборонено для користувача: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' (Використано пароль: %s)" ER_NO_DB_ERROR 3D000 cze "Nebyla vybrána žádná databáze" dan "Ingen database valgt" nla "Geen database geselecteerd" eng "No database selected" est "Andmebaasi ei ole valitud" fre "Aucune base n'a été sélectionnée" ger "Keine Datenbank ausgewählt" greek "Δεν επιλέχθηκε βάση δεδομένων" hun "Nincs kivalasztott adatbazis" ita "Nessun database selezionato" jpn "データベースが選択されていません。" kor "선택된 데이타베이스가 없습니다." nor "Ingen database valgt" norwegian-ny "Ingen database vald" pol "Nie wybrano żadnej bazy danych" por "Nenhum banco de dados foi selecionado" rum "Nici o baza de data nu a fost selectata inca" rus "База данных не выбрана" serbian "Ni jedna baza nije selektovana" slo "Nebola vybraná databáza" spa "Base de datos no seleccionada" swe "Ingen databas i användning" ukr "Базу данних не вибрано" ER_UNKNOWN_COM_ERROR 08S01 cze "Neznámý příkaz" dan "Ukendt kommando" nla "Onbekend commando" eng "Unknown command" est "Tundmatu käsk" fre "Commande inconnue" ger "Unbekannter Befehl" greek "Αγνωστη εντολή" hun "Ervenytelen parancs" ita "Comando sconosciuto" jpn "不明なコマンドです。" kor "명령어가 뭔지 모르겠어요..." nor "Ukjent kommando" norwegian-ny "Ukjent kommando" pol "Nieznana komenda" por "Comando desconhecido" rum "Comanda invalida" rus "Неизвестная команда коммуникационного протокола" serbian "Nepoznata komanda" slo "Neznámy príkaz" spa "Comando desconocido" swe "Okänt kommando" ukr "Невідома команда" ER_BAD_NULL_ERROR 23000 cze "Sloupec '%-.192s' nemůže být null" dan "Kolonne '%-.192s' kan ikke være NULL" nla "Kolom '%-.192s' kan niet null zijn" eng "Column '%-.192s' cannot be null" est "Tulp '%-.192s' ei saa omada nullväärtust" fre "Le champ '%-.192s' ne peut être vide (null)" ger "Feld '%-.192s' darf nicht NULL sein" greek "Το πεδίο '%-.192s' δεν μπορεί να είναι κενό (null)" hun "A(z) '%-.192s' oszlop erteke nem lehet nulla" ita "La colonna '%-.192s' non puo` essere nulla" jpn "列 '%-.192s' は null にできません。" kor "칼럼 '%-.192s'는 널(Null)이 되면 안됩니다. " nor "Kolonne '%-.192s' kan ikke vere null" norwegian-ny "Kolonne '%-.192s' kan ikkje vere null" pol "Kolumna '%-.192s' nie może być null" por "Coluna '%-.192s' não pode ser vazia" rum "Coloana '%-.192s' nu poate sa fie null" rus "Столбец '%-.192s' не может принимать величину NULL" serbian "Kolona '%-.192s' ne može biti NULL" slo "Pole '%-.192s' nemôže byť null" spa "La columna '%-.192s' no puede ser nula" swe "Kolumn '%-.192s' får inte vara NULL" ukr "Стовбець '%-.192s' не може бути нульовим" ER_BAD_DB_ERROR 42000 cze "Neznámá databáze '%-.192s'" dan "Ukendt database '%-.192s'" nla "Onbekende database '%-.192s'" eng "Unknown database '%-.192s'" est "Tundmatu andmebaas '%-.192s'" fre "Base '%-.192s' inconnue" ger "Unbekannte Datenbank '%-.192s'" greek "Αγνωστη βάση δεδομένων '%-.192s'" hun "Ervenytelen adatbazis: '%-.192s'" ita "Database '%-.192s' sconosciuto" jpn "'%-.192s' は不明なデータベースです。" kor "데이타베이스 '%-.192s'는 알수 없음" nor "Ukjent database '%-.192s'" norwegian-ny "Ukjent database '%-.192s'" pol "Nieznana baza danych '%-.192s'" por "Banco de dados '%-.192s' desconhecido" rum "Baza de data invalida '%-.192s'" rus "Неизвестная база данных '%-.192s'" serbian "Nepoznata baza '%-.192s'" slo "Neznáma databáza '%-.192s'" spa "Base de datos desconocida '%-.192s'" swe "Okänd databas: '%-.192s'" ukr "Невідома база данних '%-.192s'" ER_TABLE_EXISTS_ERROR 42S01 cze "Tabulka '%-.192s' již existuje" dan "Tabellen '%-.192s' findes allerede" nla "Tabel '%-.192s' bestaat al" eng "Table '%-.192s' already exists" est "Tabel '%-.192s' juba eksisteerib" fre "La table '%-.192s' existe déjà" ger "Tabelle '%-.192s' bereits vorhanden" greek "Ο πίνακας '%-.192s' υπάρχει ήδη" hun "A(z) '%-.192s' tabla mar letezik" ita "La tabella '%-.192s' esiste gia`" jpn "表 '%-.192s' はすでに存在します。" kor "테이블 '%-.192s'는 이미 존재함" nor "Tabellen '%-.192s' eksisterer allerede" norwegian-ny "Tabellen '%-.192s' eksisterar allereide" pol "Tabela '%-.192s' już istnieje" por "Tabela '%-.192s' já existe" rum "Tabela '%-.192s' exista deja" rus "Таблица '%-.192s' уже существует" serbian "Tabela '%-.192s' već postoji" slo "Tabuľka '%-.192s' už existuje" spa "La tabla '%-.192s' ya existe" swe "Tabellen '%-.192s' finns redan" ukr "Таблиця '%-.192s' вже існує" ER_BAD_TABLE_ERROR 42S02 cze "Neznámá tabulka '%-.100s'" dan "Ukendt tabel '%-.100s'" nla "Onbekende tabel '%-.100s'" eng "Unknown table '%-.100s'" est "Tundmatu tabel '%-.100s'" fre "Table '%-.100s' inconnue" ger "Unbekannte Tabelle '%-.100s'" greek "Αγνωστος πίνακας '%-.100s'" hun "Ervenytelen tabla: '%-.100s'" ita "Tabella '%-.100s' sconosciuta" jpn "'%-.100s' は不明な表です。" kor "테이블 '%-.100s'는 알수 없음" nor "Ukjent tabell '%-.100s'" norwegian-ny "Ukjent tabell '%-.100s'" pol "Nieznana tabela '%-.100s'" por "Tabela '%-.100s' desconhecida" rum "Tabela '%-.100s' este invalida" rus "Неизвестная таблица '%-.100s'" serbian "Nepoznata tabela '%-.100s'" slo "Neznáma tabuľka '%-.100s'" spa "Tabla '%-.100s' desconocida" swe "Okänd tabell '%-.100s'" ukr "Невідома таблиця '%-.100s'" ER_NON_UNIQ_ERROR 23000 cze "Sloupec '%-.192s' v %-.192s není zcela jasný" dan "Felt: '%-.192s' i tabel %-.192s er ikke entydigt" nla "Kolom: '%-.192s' in %-.192s is niet eenduidig" eng "Column '%-.192s' in %-.192s is ambiguous" est "Väli '%-.192s' %-.192s-s ei ole ühene" fre "Champ: '%-.192s' dans %-.192s est ambigu" ger "Feld '%-.192s' in %-.192s ist nicht eindeutig" greek "Το πεδίο: '%-.192s' σε %-.192s δεν έχει καθοριστεί" hun "A(z) '%-.192s' oszlop %-.192s-ben ketertelmu" ita "Colonna: '%-.192s' di %-.192s e` ambigua" jpn "列 '%-.192s' は %-.192s 内で曖昧です。" kor "칼럼: '%-.192s' in '%-.192s' 이 모호함" nor "Felt: '%-.192s' i tabell %-.192s er ikke entydig" norwegian-ny "Kolonne: '%-.192s' i tabell %-.192s er ikkje eintydig" pol "Kolumna: '%-.192s' w %-.192s jest dwuznaczna" por "Coluna '%-.192s' em '%-.192s' é ambígua" rum "Coloana: '%-.192s' in %-.192s este ambigua" rus "Столбец '%-.192s' в %-.192s задан неоднозначно" serbian "Kolona '%-.192s' u %-.192s nije jedinstvena u kontekstu" slo "Pole: '%-.192s' v %-.192s je nejasné" spa "La columna: '%-.192s' en %-.192s es ambigua" swe "Kolumn '%-.192s' i %-.192s är inte unik" ukr "Стовбець '%-.192s' у %-.192s визначений неоднозначно" ER_SERVER_SHUTDOWN 08S01 cze "Probíhá ukončování práce serveru" dan "Database nedlukning er i gang" nla "Bezig met het stoppen van de server" eng "Server shutdown in progress" est "Serveri seiskamine käib" fre "Arrêt du serveur en cours" ger "Der Server wird heruntergefahren" greek "Εναρξη διαδικασίας αποσύνδεσης του εξυπηρετητή (server shutdown)" hun "A szerver leallitasa folyamatban" ita "Shutdown del server in corso" jpn "サーバーをシャットダウン中です。" kor "Server가 셧다운 중입니다." nor "Database nedkobling er i gang" norwegian-ny "Tenar nedkopling er i gang" pol "Trwa kończenie działania serwera" por "'Shutdown' do servidor em andamento" rum "Terminarea serverului este in desfasurare" rus "Сервер находится в процессе остановки" serbian "Gašenje servera je u toku" slo "Prebieha ukončovanie práce servera" spa "Desconexion de servidor en proceso" swe "Servern går nu ned" ukr "Завершується работа сервера" ER_BAD_FIELD_ERROR 42S22 S0022 cze "Neznámý sloupec '%-.192s' v %-.192s" dan "Ukendt kolonne '%-.192s' i tabel %-.192s" nla "Onbekende kolom '%-.192s' in %-.192s" eng "Unknown column '%-.192s' in '%-.192s'" est "Tundmatu tulp '%-.192s' '%-.192s'-s" fre "Champ '%-.192s' inconnu dans %-.192s" ger "Unbekanntes Tabellenfeld '%-.192s' in %-.192s" greek "Αγνωστο πεδίο '%-.192s' σε '%-.192s'" hun "A(z) '%-.192s' oszlop ervenytelen '%-.192s'-ben" ita "Colonna sconosciuta '%-.192s' in '%-.192s'" jpn "列 '%-.192s' は '%-.192s' にはありません。" kor "Unknown 칼럼 '%-.192s' in '%-.192s'" nor "Ukjent kolonne '%-.192s' i tabell %-.192s" norwegian-ny "Ukjent felt '%-.192s' i tabell %-.192s" pol "Nieznana kolumna '%-.192s' w %-.192s" por "Coluna '%-.192s' desconhecida em '%-.192s'" rum "Coloana invalida '%-.192s' in '%-.192s'" rus "Неизвестный столбец '%-.192s' в '%-.192s'" serbian "Nepoznata kolona '%-.192s' u '%-.192s'" slo "Neznáme pole '%-.192s' v '%-.192s'" spa "La columna '%-.192s' en %-.192s es desconocida" swe "Okänd kolumn '%-.192s' i %-.192s" ukr "Невідомий стовбець '%-.192s' у '%-.192s'" # When using this error code, please use ER(ER_WRONG_FIELD_WITH_GROUP_V2) # for the message string. ER_WRONG_FIELD_WITH_GROUP 42000 S1009 cze "Použité '%-.192s' nebylo v group by" dan "Brugte '%-.192s' som ikke var i group by" nla "Opdracht gebruikt '%-.192s' dat niet in de GROUP BY voorkomt" eng "'%-.192s' isn't in GROUP BY" est "'%-.192s' puudub GROUP BY klauslis" fre "'%-.192s' n'est pas dans 'group by'" ger "'%-.192s' ist nicht in GROUP BY vorhanden" greek "Χρησιμοποιήθηκε '%-.192s' που δεν υπήρχε στο group by" hun "Used '%-.192s' with wasn't in group by" ita "Usato '%-.192s' che non e` nel GROUP BY" jpn "'%-.192s' はGROUP BY句で指定されていません。" kor "'%-.192s'은 GROUP BY속에 없음" nor "Brukte '%-.192s' som ikke var i group by" norwegian-ny "Brukte '%-.192s' som ikkje var i group by" pol "Użyto '%-.192s' bez umieszczenia w group by" por "'%-.192s' não está em 'GROUP BY'" rum "'%-.192s' nu exista in clauza GROUP BY" rus "'%-.192s' не присутствует в GROUP BY" serbian "Entitet '%-.192s' nije naveden u komandi 'GROUP BY'" slo "Použité '%-.192s' nebolo v 'group by'" spa "Usado '%-.192s' el cual no esta group by" swe "'%-.192s' finns inte i GROUP BY" ukr "'%-.192s' не є у GROUP BY" ER_WRONG_GROUP_FIELD 42000 S1009 cze "Nemohu použít group na '%-.192s'" dan "Kan ikke gruppere på '%-.192s'" nla "Kan '%-.192s' niet groeperen" eng "Can't group on '%-.192s'" est "Ei saa grupeerida '%-.192s' järgi" fre "Ne peut regrouper '%-.192s'" ger "Gruppierung über '%-.192s' nicht möglich" greek "Αδύνατη η ομαδοποίηση (group on) '%-.192s'" hun "A group nem hasznalhato: '%-.192s'" ita "Impossibile raggruppare per '%-.192s'" jpn "'%-.192s' でのグループ化はできません。" kor "'%-.192s'를 그룹할 수 없음" nor "Kan ikke gruppere på '%-.192s'" norwegian-ny "Kan ikkje gruppere på '%-.192s'" pol "Nie można grupować po '%-.192s'" por "Não pode agrupar em '%-.192s'" rum "Nu pot sa grupez pe (group on) '%-.192s'" rus "Невозможно произвести группировку по '%-.192s'" serbian "Ne mogu da grupišem po '%-.192s'" slo "Nemôžem použiť 'group' na '%-.192s'" spa "No puedo agrupar por '%-.192s'" swe "Kan inte använda GROUP BY med '%-.192s'" ukr "Не можу групувати по '%-.192s'" ER_WRONG_SUM_SELECT 42000 S1009 cze "Příkaz obsahuje zároveň funkci sum a sloupce" dan "Udtrykket har summer (sum) funktioner og kolonner i samme udtryk" nla "Opdracht heeft totaliseer functies en kolommen in dezelfde opdracht" eng "Statement has sum functions and columns in same statement" est "Lauses on korraga nii tulbad kui summeerimisfunktsioonid" fre "Vous demandez la fonction sum() et des champs dans la même commande" ger "Die Verwendung von Summierungsfunktionen und Spalten im selben Befehl ist nicht erlaubt" greek "Η διατύπωση περιέχει sum functions και columns στην ίδια διατύπωση" ita "Il comando ha una funzione SUM e una colonna non specificata nella GROUP BY" jpn "集計関数と通常の列が同時に指定されています。" kor "Statement 가 sum기능을 동작중이고 칼럼도 동일한 statement입니다." nor "Uttrykket har summer (sum) funksjoner og kolonner i samme uttrykk" norwegian-ny "Uttrykket har summer (sum) funksjoner og kolonner i same uttrykk" pol "Zapytanie ma funkcje sumuj?ce i kolumny w tym samym zapytaniu" por "Cláusula contém funções de soma e colunas juntas" rum "Comanda are functii suma si coloane in aceeasi comanda" rus "Выражение содержит групповые функции и столбцы, но не включает GROUP BY. А как вы умудрились получить это сообщение об ошибке?" serbian "Izraz ima 'SUM' agregatnu funkciju i kolone u isto vreme" slo "Príkaz obsahuje zároveň funkciu 'sum' a poľa" spa "El estamento tiene funciones de suma y columnas en el mismo estamento" swe "Kommandot har både sum functions och enkla funktioner" ukr "У виразі використано підсумовуючі функції поряд з іменами стовбців" ER_WRONG_VALUE_COUNT 21S01 cze "Počet sloupců neodpovídá zadané hodnotě" dan "Kolonne tæller stemmer ikke med antallet af værdier" nla "Het aantal kolommen komt niet overeen met het aantal opgegeven waardes" eng "Column count doesn't match value count" est "Tulpade arv erineb väärtuste arvust" ger "Die Anzahl der Spalten entspricht nicht der Anzahl der Werte" greek "Το Column count δεν ταιριάζει με το value count" hun "Az oszlopban levo ertek nem egyezik meg a szamitott ertekkel" ita "Il numero delle colonne non e` uguale al numero dei valori" jpn "列数が値の個数と一致しません。" kor "칼럼의 카운트가 값의 카운트와 일치하지 않습니다." nor "Felt telling stemmer verdi telling" norwegian-ny "Kolonne telling stemmer verdi telling" pol "Liczba kolumn nie odpowiada liczbie warto?ci" por "Contagem de colunas não confere com a contagem de valores" rum "Numarul de coloane nu este acelasi cu numarul valoarei" rus "Количество столбцов не совпадает с количеством значений" serbian "Broj kolona ne odgovara broju vrednosti" slo "Počet polí nezodpovedá zadanej hodnote" spa "La columna con count no tiene valores para contar" swe "Antalet kolumner motsvarar inte antalet värden" ukr "Кількість стовбців не співпадає з кількістю значень" ER_TOO_LONG_IDENT 42000 S1009 cze "Jméno identifikátoru '%-.100s' je příliš dlouhé" dan "Navnet '%-.100s' er for langt" nla "Naam voor herkenning '%-.100s' is te lang" eng "Identifier name '%-.100s' is too long" est "Identifikaatori '%-.100s' nimi on liiga pikk" fre "Le nom de l'identificateur '%-.100s' est trop long" ger "Name des Bezeichners '%-.100s' ist zu lang" greek "Το identifier name '%-.100s' είναι πολύ μεγάλο" hun "A(z) '%-.100s' azonositonev tul hosszu." ita "Il nome dell'identificatore '%-.100s' e` troppo lungo" jpn "識別子名 '%-.100s' は長すぎます。" kor "Identifier '%-.100s'는 너무 길군요." nor "Identifikator '%-.100s' er for lang" norwegian-ny "Identifikator '%-.100s' er for lang" pol "Nazwa identyfikatora '%-.100s' jest zbyt długa" por "Nome identificador '%-.100s' é longo demais" rum "Numele indentificatorului '%-.100s' este prea lung" rus "Слишком длинный идентификатор '%-.100s'" serbian "Ime '%-.100s' je predugačko" slo "Meno identifikátora '%-.100s' je príliš dlhé" spa "El nombre del identificador '%-.100s' es demasiado grande" swe "Kolumnnamn '%-.100s' är för långt" ukr "Ім'я ідентифікатора '%-.100s' задовге" ER_DUP_FIELDNAME 42S21 S1009 cze "Zdvojené jméno sloupce '%-.192s'" dan "Feltnavnet '%-.192s' findes allerede" nla "Dubbele kolom naam '%-.192s'" eng "Duplicate column name '%-.192s'" est "Kattuv tulba nimi '%-.192s'" fre "Nom du champ '%-.192s' déjà utilisé" ger "Doppelter Spaltenname: '%-.192s'" greek "Επανάληψη column name '%-.192s'" hun "Duplikalt oszlopazonosito: '%-.192s'" ita "Nome colonna duplicato '%-.192s'" jpn "列名 '%-.192s' は重複してます。" kor "중복된 칼럼 이름: '%-.192s'" nor "Feltnavnet '%-.192s' eksisterte fra før" norwegian-ny "Feltnamnet '%-.192s' eksisterte frå før" pol "Powtórzona nazwa kolumny '%-.192s'" por "Nome da coluna '%-.192s' duplicado" rum "Numele coloanei '%-.192s' e duplicat" rus "Дублирующееся имя столбца '%-.192s'" serbian "Duplirano ime kolone '%-.192s'" slo "Opakované meno poľa '%-.192s'" spa "Nombre de columna duplicado '%-.192s'" swe "Kolumnnamn '%-.192s finns flera gånger" ukr "Дублююче ім'я стовбця '%-.192s'" ER_DUP_KEYNAME 42000 S1009 cze "Zdvojené jméno klíče '%-.192s'" dan "Indeksnavnet '%-.192s' findes allerede" nla "Dubbele zoeksleutel naam '%-.192s'" eng "Duplicate key name '%-.192s'" est "Kattuv võtme nimi '%-.192s'" fre "Nom de clef '%-.192s' déjà utilisé" ger "Doppelter Name für Schlüssel vorhanden: '%-.192s'" greek "Επανάληψη key name '%-.192s'" hun "Duplikalt kulcsazonosito: '%-.192s'" ita "Nome chiave duplicato '%-.192s'" jpn "索引名 '%-.192s' は重複しています。" kor "중복된 키 이름 : '%-.192s'" nor "Nøkkelnavnet '%-.192s' eksisterte fra før" norwegian-ny "Nøkkelnamnet '%-.192s' eksisterte frå før" pol "Powtórzony nazwa klucza '%-.192s'" por "Nome da chave '%-.192s' duplicado" rum "Numele cheiei '%-.192s' e duplicat" rus "Дублирующееся имя ключа '%-.192s'" serbian "Duplirano ime ključa '%-.192s'" slo "Opakované meno kľúča '%-.192s'" spa "Nombre de clave duplicado '%-.192s'" swe "Nyckelnamn '%-.192s' finns flera gånger" ukr "Дублююче ім'я ключа '%-.192s'" # When using this error code, please use ER(ER_DUP_ENTRY_WITH_KEY_NAME) # for the message string. See, for example, code in handler.cc. ER_DUP_ENTRY 23000 S1009 cze "Zdvojený klíč '%-.192s' (číslo klíče %d)" dan "Ens værdier '%-.192s' for indeks %d" nla "Dubbele ingang '%-.192s' voor zoeksleutel %d" eng "Duplicate entry '%-.192s' for key %d" est "Kattuv väärtus '%-.192s' võtmele %d" fre "Duplicata du champ '%-.192s' pour la clef %d" ger "Doppelter Eintrag '%-.192s' für Schlüssel %d" greek "Διπλή εγγραφή '%-.192s' για το κλειδί %d" hun "Duplikalt bejegyzes '%-.192s' a %d kulcs szerint." ita "Valore duplicato '%-.192s' per la chiave %d" jpn "'%-.192s' は索引 %d で重複しています。" kor "중복된 입력 값 '%-.192s': key %d" nor "Like verdier '%-.192s' for nøkkel %d" norwegian-ny "Like verdiar '%-.192s' for nykkel %d" pol "Powtórzone wystąpienie '%-.192s' dla klucza %d" por "Entrada '%-.192s' duplicada para a chave %d" rum "Cimpul '%-.192s' e duplicat pentru cheia %d" rus "Дублирующаяся запись '%-.192s' по ключу %d" serbian "Dupliran unos '%-.192s' za ključ '%d'" slo "Opakovaný kľúč '%-.192s' (číslo kľúča %d)" spa "Entrada duplicada '%-.192s' para la clave %d" swe "Dublett '%-.192s' för nyckel %d" ukr "Дублюючий запис '%-.192s' для ключа %d" ER_WRONG_FIELD_SPEC 42000 S1009 cze "Chybná specifikace sloupce '%-.192s'" dan "Forkert kolonnespecifikaton for felt '%-.192s'" nla "Verkeerde kolom specificatie voor kolom '%-.192s'" eng "Incorrect column specifier for column '%-.192s'" est "Vigane tulba kirjeldus tulbale '%-.192s'" fre "Mauvais paramètre de champ pour le champ '%-.192s'" ger "Falsche Spezifikation für Feld '%-.192s'" greek "Εσφαλμένο column specifier για το πεδίο '%-.192s'" hun "Rossz oszlopazonosito: '%-.192s'" ita "Specifica errata per la colonna '%-.192s'" jpn "列 '%-.192s' の定義が不正です。" kor "칼럼 '%-.192s'의 부정확한 칼럼 정의자" nor "Feil kolonne spesifikator for felt '%-.192s'" norwegian-ny "Feil kolonne spesifikator for kolonne '%-.192s'" pol "Błędna specyfikacja kolumny dla kolumny '%-.192s'" por "Especificador de coluna incorreto para a coluna '%-.192s'" rum "Specificandul coloanei '%-.192s' este incorect" rus "Некорректный определитель столбца для столбца '%-.192s'" serbian "Pogrešan naziv kolone za kolonu '%-.192s'" slo "Chyba v špecifikácii poľa '%-.192s'" spa "Especificador de columna erroneo para la columna '%-.192s'" swe "Felaktigt kolumntyp för kolumn '%-.192s'" ukr "Невірний специфікатор стовбця '%-.192s'" ER_PARSE_ERROR 42000 s1009 cze "%s blízko '%-.80s' na řádku %d" dan "%s nær '%-.80s' på linje %d" nla "%s bij '%-.80s' in regel %d" eng "%s near '%-.80s' at line %d" est "%s '%-.80s' ligidal real %d" fre "%s près de '%-.80s' à la ligne %d" ger "%s bei '%-.80s' in Zeile %d" greek "%s πλησίον '%-.80s' στη γραμμή %d" hun "A %s a '%-.80s'-hez kozeli a %d sorban" ita "%s vicino a '%-.80s' linea %d" jpn "%s : '%-.80s' 付近 %d 行目" kor "'%s' 에러 같읍니다. ('%-.80s' 명령어 라인 %d)" nor "%s nær '%-.80s' på linje %d" norwegian-ny "%s attmed '%-.80s' på line %d" pol "%s obok '%-.80s' w linii %d" por "%s próximo a '%-.80s' na linha %d" rum "%s linga '%-.80s' pe linia %d" rus "%s около '%-.80s' на строке %d" serbian "'%s' u iskazu '%-.80s' na liniji %d" slo "%s blízko '%-.80s' na riadku %d" spa "%s cerca '%-.80s' en la linea %d" swe "%s nära '%-.80s' på rad %d" ukr "%s біля '%-.80s' в строці %d" ER_EMPTY_QUERY 42000 cze "Výsledek dotazu je prázdný" dan "Forespørgsel var tom" nla "Query was leeg" eng "Query was empty" est "Tühi päring" fre "Query est vide" ger "Leere Abfrage" greek "Το ερώτημα (query) που θέσατε ήταν κενό" hun "Ures lekerdezes." ita "La query e` vuota" jpn "クエリが空です。" kor "쿼리결과가 없습니다." nor "Forespørsel var tom" norwegian-ny "Førespurnad var tom" pol "Zapytanie było puste" por "Consulta (query) estava vazia" rum "Query-ul a fost gol" rus "Запрос оказался пустым" serbian "Upit je bio prazan" slo "Výsledok požiadavky bol prázdny" spa "La query estaba vacia" swe "Frågan var tom" ukr "Пустий запит" ER_NONUNIQ_TABLE 42000 S1009 cze "Nejednoznačná tabulka/alias: '%-.192s'" dan "Tabellen/aliaset: '%-.192s' er ikke unikt" nla "Niet unieke waarde tabel/alias: '%-.192s'" eng "Not unique table/alias: '%-.192s'" est "Ei ole unikaalne tabel/alias '%-.192s'" fre "Table/alias: '%-.192s' non unique" ger "Tabellenname/Alias '%-.192s' nicht eindeutig" greek "Αδύνατη η ανεύρεση unique table/alias: '%-.192s'" hun "Nem egyedi tabla/alias: '%-.192s'" ita "Tabella/alias non unico: '%-.192s'" jpn "表名/別名 '%-.192s' は一意ではありません。" kor "Unique 하지 않은 테이블/alias: '%-.192s'" nor "Ikke unikt tabell/alias: '%-.192s'" norwegian-ny "Ikkje unikt tabell/alias: '%-.192s'" pol "Tabela/alias nie s? unikalne: '%-.192s'" por "Tabela/alias '%-.192s' não única" rum "Tabela/alias: '%-.192s' nu este unic" rus "Повторяющаяся таблица/псевдоним '%-.192s'" serbian "Tabela ili alias nisu bili jedinstveni: '%-.192s'" slo "Nie jednoznačná tabuľka/alias: '%-.192s'" spa "Tabla/alias: '%-.192s' es no unica" swe "Icke unikt tabell/alias: '%-.192s'" ukr "Неунікальна таблиця/псевдонім: '%-.192s'" ER_INVALID_DEFAULT 42000 S1009 cze "Chybná defaultní hodnota pro '%-.192s'" dan "Ugyldig standardværdi for '%-.192s'" nla "Foutieve standaard waarde voor '%-.192s'" eng "Invalid default value for '%-.192s'" est "Vigane vaikeväärtus '%-.192s' jaoks" fre "Valeur par défaut invalide pour '%-.192s'" ger "Fehlerhafter Vorgabewert (DEFAULT) für '%-.192s'" greek "Εσφαλμένη προκαθορισμένη τιμή (default value) για '%-.192s'" hun "Ervenytelen ertek: '%-.192s'" ita "Valore di default non valido per '%-.192s'" jpn "'%-.192s' へのデフォルト値が無効です。" kor "'%-.192s'의 유효하지 못한 디폴트 값을 사용하셨습니다." nor "Ugyldig standardverdi for '%-.192s'" norwegian-ny "Ugyldig standardverdi for '%-.192s'" pol "Niewła?ciwa warto?ć domy?lna dla '%-.192s'" por "Valor padrão (default) inválido para '%-.192s'" rum "Valoarea de default este invalida pentru '%-.192s'" rus "Некорректное значение по умолчанию для '%-.192s'" serbian "Loša default vrednost za '%-.192s'" slo "Chybná implicitná hodnota pre '%-.192s'" spa "Valor por defecto invalido para '%-.192s'" swe "Ogiltigt DEFAULT värde för '%-.192s'" ukr "Невірне значення по замовчуванню для '%-.192s'" ER_MULTIPLE_PRI_KEY 42000 S1009 cze "Definováno více primárních klíčů" dan "Flere primærnøgler specificeret" nla "Meerdere primaire zoeksleutels gedefinieerd" eng "Multiple primary key defined" est "Mitut primaarset võtit ei saa olla" fre "Plusieurs clefs primaires définies" ger "Mehrere Primärschlüssel (PRIMARY KEY) definiert" greek "Περισσότερα από ένα primary key ορίστηκαν" hun "Tobbszoros elsodleges kulcs definialas." ita "Definite piu` chiave primarie" jpn "PRIMARY KEY が複数定義されています。" kor "Multiple primary key가 정의되어 있슴" nor "Fleire primærnøkle spesifisert" norwegian-ny "Fleire primærnyklar spesifisert" pol "Zdefiniowano wiele kluczy podstawowych" por "Definida mais de uma chave primária" rum "Chei primare definite de mai multe ori" rus "Указано несколько первичных ключей" serbian "Definisani višestruki primarni ključevi" slo "Zadefinovaných viac primárnych kľúčov" spa "Multiples claves primarias definidas" swe "Flera PRIMARY KEY använda" ukr "Первинного ключа визначено неодноразово" ER_TOO_MANY_KEYS 42000 S1009 cze "Zadáno příliš mnoho klíčů, je povoleno nejvíce %d klíčů" dan "For mange nøgler specificeret. Kun %d nøgler må bruges" nla "Teveel zoeksleutels gedefinieerd. Maximaal zijn %d zoeksleutels toegestaan" eng "Too many keys specified; max %d keys allowed" est "Liiga palju võtmeid. Maksimaalselt võib olla %d võtit" fre "Trop de clefs sont définies. Maximum de %d clefs alloué" ger "Zu viele Schlüssel definiert. Maximal %d Schlüssel erlaubt" greek "Πάρα πολλά key ορίσθηκαν. Το πολύ %d επιτρέπονται" hun "Tul sok kulcs. Maximum %d kulcs engedelyezett." ita "Troppe chiavi. Sono ammesse max %d chiavi" jpn "索引の数が多すぎます。最大 %d 個までです。" kor "너무 많은 키가 정의되어 있읍니다.. 최대 %d의 키가 가능함" nor "For mange nøkler spesifisert. Maks %d nøkler tillatt" norwegian-ny "For mange nykler spesifisert. Maks %d nyklar tillatt" pol "Okre?lono zbyt wiele kluczy. Dostępnych jest maksymalnie %d kluczy" por "Especificadas chaves demais. O máximo permitido são %d chaves" rum "Prea multe chei. Numarul de chei maxim este %d" rus "Указано слишком много ключей. Разрешается указывать не более %d ключей" serbian "Navedeno je previše ključeva. Maksimum %d ključeva je dozvoljeno" slo "Zadaných ríliš veľa kľúčov. Najviac %d kľúčov je povolených" spa "Demasiadas claves primarias declaradas. Un maximo de %d claves son permitidas" swe "För många nycklar använda. Man får ha högst %d nycklar" ukr "Забагато ключів зазначено. Дозволено не більше %d ключів" ER_TOO_MANY_KEY_PARTS 42000 S1009 cze "Zadáno příliš mnoho část klíčů, je povoleno nejvíce %d částí" dan "For mange nøgledele specificeret. Kun %d dele må bruges" nla "Teveel zoeksleutel onderdelen gespecificeerd. Maximaal %d onderdelen toegestaan" eng "Too many key parts specified; max %d parts allowed" est "Võti koosneb liiga paljudest osadest. Maksimaalselt võib olla %d osa" fre "Trop de parties specifiées dans la clef. Maximum de %d parties" ger "Zu viele Teilschlüssel definiert. Maximal %d Teilschlüssel erlaubt" greek "Πάρα πολλά key parts ορίσθηκαν. Το πολύ %d επιτρέπονται" hun "Tul sok kulcsdarabot definialt. Maximum %d resz engedelyezett" ita "Troppe parti di chiave specificate. Sono ammesse max %d parti" jpn "索引のキー列指定が多すぎます。最大 %d 個までです。" kor "너무 많은 키 부분(parts)들이 정의되어 있읍니다.. 최대 %d 부분이 가능함" nor "For mange nøkkeldeler spesifisert. Maks %d deler tillatt" norwegian-ny "For mange nykkeldelar spesifisert. Maks %d delar tillatt" pol "Okre?lono zbyt wiele czę?ci klucza. Dostępnych jest maksymalnie %d czę?ci" por "Especificadas partes de chave demais. O máximo permitido são %d partes" rum "Prea multe chei. Numarul de chei maxim este %d" rus "Указано слишком много частей составного ключа. Разрешается указывать не более %d частей" serbian "Navedeno je previše delova ključa. Maksimum %d delova je dozvoljeno" slo "Zadaných ríliš veľa častí kľúčov. Je povolených najviac %d častí" spa "Demasiadas partes de clave declaradas. Un maximo de %d partes son permitidas" swe "För många nyckeldelar använda. Man får ha högst %d nyckeldelar" ukr "Забагато частин ключа зазначено. Дозволено не більше %d частин" ER_TOO_LONG_KEY 42000 S1009 cze "Zadaný klíč byl příliš dlouhý, největší délka klíče je %d" dan "Specificeret nøgle var for lang. Maksimal nøglelængde er %d" nla "Gespecificeerde zoeksleutel was te lang. De maximale lengte is %d" eng "Specified key was too long; max key length is %d bytes" est "Võti on liiga pikk. Maksimaalne võtmepikkus on %d" fre "La clé est trop longue. Longueur maximale: %d" ger "Schlüssel ist zu lang. Die maximale Schlüssellänge beträgt %d" greek "Το κλειδί που ορίσθηκε είναι πολύ μεγάλο. Το μέγιστο μήκος είναι %d" hun "A megadott kulcs tul hosszu. Maximalis kulcshosszusag: %d" ita "La chiave specificata e` troppo lunga. La max lunghezza della chiave e` %d" jpn "索引のキーが長すぎます。最大 %d バイトまでです。" kor "정의된 키가 너무 깁니다. 최대 키의 길이는 %d입니다." nor "Spesifisert nøkkel var for lang. Maks nøkkellengde er is %d" norwegian-ny "Spesifisert nykkel var for lang. Maks nykkellengde er %d" pol "Zdefinowany klucz jest zbyt długi. Maksymaln? długo?ci? klucza jest %d" por "Chave especificada longa demais. O comprimento de chave máximo permitido é %d" rum "Cheia specificata este prea lunga. Marimea maxima a unei chei este de %d" rus "Указан слишком длинный ключ. Максимальная длина ключа составляет %d байт" serbian "Navedeni ključ je predug. Maksimalna dužina ključa je %d" slo "Zadaný kľúč je príliš dlhý, najväčšia dĺžka kľúča je %d" spa "Declaracion de clave demasiado larga. La maxima longitud de clave es %d" swe "För lång nyckel. Högsta tillåtna nyckellängd är %d" ukr "Зазначений ключ задовгий. Найбільша довжина ключа %d байтів" ER_KEY_COLUMN_DOES_NOT_EXITS 42000 S1009 cze "Klíčový sloupec '%-.192s' v tabulce neexistuje" dan "Nøglefeltet '%-.192s' eksisterer ikke i tabellen" nla "Zoeksleutel kolom '%-.192s' bestaat niet in tabel" eng "Key column '%-.192s' doesn't exist in table" est "Võtme tulp '%-.192s' puudub tabelis" fre "La clé '%-.192s' n'existe pas dans la table" ger "In der Tabelle gibt es kein Schlüsselfeld '%-.192s'" greek "Το πεδίο κλειδί '%-.192s' δεν υπάρχει στον πίνακα" hun "A(z) '%-.192s'kulcsoszlop nem letezik a tablaban" ita "La colonna chiave '%-.192s' non esiste nella tabella" jpn "キー列 '%-.192s' は表にありません。" kor "Key 칼럼 '%-.192s'는 테이블에 존재하지 않습니다." nor "Nøkkel felt '%-.192s' eksiterer ikke i tabellen" norwegian-ny "Nykkel kolonne '%-.192s' eksiterar ikkje i tabellen" pol "Kolumna '%-.192s' zdefiniowana w kluczu nie istnieje w tabeli" por "Coluna chave '%-.192s' não existe na tabela" rum "Coloana cheie '%-.192s' nu exista in tabela" rus "Ключевой столбец '%-.192s' в таблице не существует" serbian "Ključna kolona '%-.192s' ne postoji u tabeli" slo "Kľúčový stĺpec '%-.192s' v tabuľke neexistuje" spa "La columna clave '%-.192s' no existe en la tabla" swe "Nyckelkolumn '%-.192s' finns inte" ukr "Ключовий стовбець '%-.192s' не існує у таблиці" ER_BLOB_USED_AS_KEY 42000 S1009 cze "Blob sloupec '%-.192s' nemůže být použit jako klíč" dan "BLOB feltet '%-.192s' kan ikke bruges ved specifikation af indeks" nla "BLOB kolom '%-.192s' kan niet gebruikt worden bij zoeksleutel specificatie" eng "BLOB column '%-.192s' can't be used in key specification with the used table type" est "BLOB-tüüpi tulpa '%-.192s' ei saa kasutada võtmena" fre "Champ BLOB '%-.192s' ne peut être utilisé dans une clé" ger "BLOB-Feld '%-.192s' kann beim verwendeten Tabellentyp nicht als Schlüssel verwendet werden" greek "Πεδίο τύπου Blob '%-.192s' δεν μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί στον ορισμό ενός κλειδιού (key specification)" hun "Blob objektum '%-.192s' nem hasznalhato kulcskent" ita "La colonna BLOB '%-.192s' non puo` essere usata nella specifica della chiave" jpn "指定されたストレージエンジンでは、BLOB列 '%-.192s' は索引キーにできません。" kor "BLOB 칼럼 '%-.192s'는 키 정의에서 사용될 수 없습니다." nor "Blob felt '%-.192s' kan ikke brukes ved spesifikasjon av nøkler" norwegian-ny "Blob kolonne '%-.192s' kan ikkje brukast ved spesifikasjon av nyklar" pol "Kolumna typu Blob '%-.192s' nie może być użyta w specyfikacji klucza" por "Coluna BLOB '%-.192s' não pode ser utilizada na especificação de chave para o tipo de tabela usado" rum "Coloana de tip BLOB '%-.192s' nu poate fi folosita in specificarea cheii cu tipul de tabla folosit" rus "Столбец типа BLOB '%-.192s' не может быть использован как значение ключа в таблице такого типа" serbian "BLOB kolona '%-.192s' ne može biti upotrebljena za navođenje ključa sa tipom tabele koji se trenutno koristi" slo "Blob pole '%-.192s' nemôže byť použité ako kľúč" spa "La columna Blob '%-.192s' no puede ser usada en una declaracion de clave" swe "En BLOB '%-.192s' kan inte vara nyckel med den använda tabelltypen" ukr "BLOB стовбець '%-.192s' не може бути використаний у визначенні ключа в цьому типі таблиці" ER_TOO_BIG_FIELDLENGTH 42000 S1009 cze "Příliš velká délka sloupce '%-.192s' (nejvíce %lu). Použijte BLOB" dan "For stor feltlængde for kolonne '%-.192s' (maks = %lu). Brug BLOB i stedet" nla "Te grote kolomlengte voor '%-.192s' (max = %lu). Maak hiervoor gebruik van het type BLOB" eng "Column length too big for column '%-.192s' (max = %lu); use BLOB or TEXT instead" est "Tulba '%-.192s' pikkus on liiga pikk (maksimaalne pikkus: %lu). Kasuta BLOB väljatüüpi" fre "Champ '%-.192s' trop long (max = %lu). Utilisez un BLOB" ger "Feldlänge für Feld '%-.192s' zu groß (maximal %lu). BLOB- oder TEXT-Spaltentyp verwenden!" greek "Πολύ μεγάλο μήκος για το πεδίο '%-.192s' (max = %lu). Παρακαλώ χρησιμοποιείστε τον τύπο BLOB" hun "A(z) '%-.192s' oszlop tul hosszu. (maximum = %lu). Hasznaljon BLOB tipust inkabb." ita "La colonna '%-.192s' e` troppo grande (max=%lu). Utilizza un BLOB." jpn "列 '%-.192s' のサイズ定義が大きすぎます (最大 %lu まで)。代わりに BLOB または TEXT を使用してください。" kor "칼럼 '%-.192s'의 칼럼 길이가 너무 깁니다 (최대 = %lu). 대신에 BLOB를 사용하세요." nor "For stor nøkkellengde for kolonne '%-.192s' (maks = %lu). Bruk BLOB istedenfor" norwegian-ny "For stor nykkellengde for felt '%-.192s' (maks = %lu). Bruk BLOB istadenfor" pol "Zbyt duża długo?ć kolumny '%-.192s' (maks. = %lu). W zamian użyj typu BLOB" por "Comprimento da coluna '%-.192s' grande demais (max = %lu); use BLOB em seu lugar" rum "Lungimea coloanei '%-.192s' este prea lunga (maximum = %lu). Foloseste BLOB mai bine" rus "Слишком большая длина столбца '%-.192s' (максимум = %lu). Используйте тип BLOB или TEXT вместо текущего" serbian "Previše podataka za kolonu '%-.192s' (maksimum je %lu). Upotrebite BLOB polje" slo "Príliš veľká dĺžka pre pole '%-.192s' (maximum = %lu). Použite BLOB" spa "Longitud de columna demasiado grande para la columna '%-.192s' (maximo = %lu).Usar BLOB en su lugar" swe "För stor kolumnlängd angiven för '%-.192s' (max= %lu). Använd en BLOB instället" ukr "Задовга довжина стовбця '%-.192s' (max = %lu). Використайте тип BLOB" ER_WRONG_AUTO_KEY 42000 S1009 cze "Můžete mít pouze jedno AUTO pole a to musí být definováno jako klíč" dan "Der kan kun specificeres eet AUTO_INCREMENT-felt, og det skal være indekseret" nla "Er kan slechts 1 autofield zijn en deze moet als zoeksleutel worden gedefinieerd." eng "Incorrect table definition; there can be only one auto column and it must be defined as a key" est "Vigane tabelikirjeldus; Tabelis tohib olla üks auto_increment tüüpi tulp ning see peab olema defineeritud võtmena" fre "Un seul champ automatique est permis et il doit être indexé" ger "Falsche Tabellendefinition. Es darf nur eine AUTO_INCREMENT-Spalte geben, und diese muss als Schlüssel definiert werden" greek "Μπορεί να υπάρχει μόνο ένα auto field και πρέπει να έχει ορισθεί σαν key" hun "Csak egy auto mezo lehetseges, es azt kulcskent kell definialni." ita "Puo` esserci solo un campo AUTO e deve essere definito come chiave" jpn "不正な表定義です。AUTO_INCREMENT列は1個までで、索引を定義する必要があります。" kor "부정확한 테이블 정의; 테이블은 하나의 auto 칼럼이 존재하고 키로 정의되어져야 합니다." nor "Bare ett auto felt kan være definert som nøkkel." norwegian-ny "Bare eitt auto felt kan være definert som nøkkel." pol "W tabeli może być tylko jedno pole auto i musi ono być zdefiniowane jako klucz" por "Definição incorreta de tabela. Somente é permitido um único campo auto-incrementado e ele tem que ser definido como chave" rum "Definitia tabelei este incorecta; Nu pot fi mai mult de o singura coloana de tip auto si aceasta trebuie definita ca cheie" rus "Некорректное определение таблицы: может существовать только один автоинкрементный столбец, и он должен быть определен как ключ" serbian "Pogrešna definicija tabele; U tabeli može postojati samo jedna 'AUTO' kolona i ona mora biti istovremeno definisana kao kolona ključa" slo "Môžete mať iba jedno AUTO pole a to musí byť definované ako kľúč" spa "Puede ser solamente un campo automatico y este debe ser definido como una clave" swe "Det får finnas endast ett AUTO_INCREMENT-fält och detta måste vara en nyckel" ukr "Невірне визначення таблиці; Може бути лише один автоматичний стовбець, що повинен бути визначений як ключ" ER_READY cze "%s: připraven na spojení\nVersion: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d"" dan "%s: klar til tilslutninger\nVersion: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d"" nla "%s: klaar voor verbindingen\nVersion: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d"" eng "%s: ready for connections.\nVersion: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d" est "%s: ootab ühendusi\nVersion: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d"" fre "%s: Prêt pour des connexions\nVersion: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d"" ger "%s: Bereit für Verbindungen.\nVersion: '%s' Socket: '%s' Port: %d" greek "%s: σε αναμονή συνδέσεων\nVersion: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d"" hun "%s: kapcsolatra kesz\nVersion: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d"" ita "%s: Pronto per le connessioni\nVersion: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d"" jpn "%s: 接続準備完了。\nバージョン: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d"" kor "%s: 연결 준비중입니다\nVersion: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d"" nor "%s: klar for tilkoblinger\nVersion: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d"" norwegian-ny "%s: klar for tilkoblingar\nVersion: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d"" pol "%s: gotowe do poł?czenia\nVersion: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d"" por "%s: Pronto para conexões\nVersion: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d"" rum "%s: sint gata pentru conectii\nVersion: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d"" rus "%s: Готов принимать соединения.\nВерсия: '%s' сокет: '%s' порт: %d" serbian "%s: Spreman za konekcije\nVersion: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d"" slo "%s: pripravený na spojenie\nVersion: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d"" spa "%s: preparado para conexiones\nVersion: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d"" swe "%s: klar att ta emot klienter\nVersion: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d"" ukr "%s: Готовий для з'єднань!\nVersion: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d"" ER_NORMAL_SHUTDOWN cze "%s: normální ukončení\n" dan "%s: Normal nedlukning\n" nla "%s: Normaal afgesloten \n" eng "%s: Normal shutdown\n" est "%s: MySQL lõpetas\n" fre "%s: Arrêt normal du serveur\n" ger "%s: Normal heruntergefahren\n" greek "%s: Φυσιολογική διαδικασία shutdown\n" hun "%s: Normal leallitas\n" ita "%s: Shutdown normale\n" jpn "%s: 通常シャットダウン\n" kor "%s: 정상적인 shutdown\n" nor "%s: Normal avslutning\n" norwegian-ny "%s: Normal nedkopling\n" pol "%s: Standardowe zakończenie działania\n" por "%s: 'Shutdown' normal\n" rum "%s: Terminare normala\n" rus "%s: Корректная остановка\n" serbian "%s: Normalno gašenje\n" slo "%s: normálne ukončenie\n" spa "%s: Apagado normal\n" swe "%s: Normal avslutning\n" ukr "%s: Нормальне завершення\n" ER_GOT_SIGNAL cze "%s: přijat signal %d, končím\n" dan "%s: Fangede signal %d. Afslutter!!\n" nla "%s: Signaal %d. Systeem breekt af!\n" eng "%s: Got signal %d. Aborting!\n" est "%s: sain signaali %d. Lõpetan!\n" fre "%s: Reçu le signal %d. Abandonne!\n" ger "%s: Signal %d erhalten. Abbruch!\n" greek "%s: Ελήφθη το μήνυμα %d. Η διαδικασία εγκαταλείπεται!\n" hun "%s: %d jelzes. Megszakitva!\n" ita "%s: Ricevuto segnale %d. Interruzione!\n" jpn "%s: シグナル %d を受信しました。強制終了します!\n" kor "%s: %d 신호가 들어왔음. 중지!\n" nor "%s: Oppdaget signal %d. Avslutter!\n" norwegian-ny "%s: Oppdaga signal %d. Avsluttar!\n" pol "%s: Otrzymano sygnał %d. Kończenie działania!\n" por "%s: Obteve sinal %d. Abortando!\n" rum "%s: Semnal %d obtinut. Aborting!\n" rus "%s: Получен сигнал %d. Прекращаем!\n" serbian "%s: Dobio signal %d. Prekidam!\n" slo "%s: prijatý signál %d, ukončenie (Abort)!\n" spa "%s: Recibiendo signal %d. Abortando!\n" swe "%s: Fick signal %d. Avslutar!\n" ukr "%s: Отримано сигнал %d. Перериваюсь!\n" ER_SHUTDOWN_COMPLETE cze "%s: ukončení práce hotovo\n" dan "%s: Server lukket\n" nla "%s: Afsluiten afgerond\n" eng "%s: Shutdown complete\n" est "%s: Lõpp\n" fre "%s: Arrêt du serveur terminé\n" ger "%s: Herunterfahren beendet\n" greek "%s: Η διαδικασία Shutdown ολοκληρώθηκε\n" hun "%s: A leallitas kesz\n" ita "%s: Shutdown completato\n" jpn "%s: シャットダウン完了\n" kor "%s: Shutdown 이 완료됨!\n" nor "%s: Avslutning komplett\n" norwegian-ny "%s: Nedkopling komplett\n" pol "%s: Zakończenie działania wykonane\n" por "%s: 'Shutdown' completo\n" rum "%s: Terminare completa\n" rus "%s: Остановка завершена\n" serbian "%s: Gašenje završeno\n" slo "%s: práca ukončená\n" spa "%s: Apagado completado\n" swe "%s: Avslutning klar\n" ukr "%s: Роботу завершено\n" ER_FORCING_CLOSE 08S01 cze "%s: násilné uzavření threadu %ld uživatele '%-.48s'\n" dan "%s: Forceret nedlukning af tråd: %ld bruger: '%-.48s'\n" nla "%s: Afsluiten afgedwongen van thread %ld gebruiker: '%-.48s'\n" eng "%s: Forcing close of thread %ld user: '%-.48s'\n" est "%s: Sulgen jõuga lõime %ld kasutaja: '%-.48s'\n" fre "%s: Arrêt forcé de la tâche (thread) %ld utilisateur: '%-.48s'\n" ger "%s: Thread %ld zwangsweise beendet. Benutzer: '%-.48s'\n" greek "%s: Το thread θα κλείσει %ld user: '%-.48s'\n" hun "%s: A(z) %ld thread kenyszeritett zarasa. Felhasznalo: '%-.48s'\n" ita "%s: Forzata la chiusura del thread %ld utente: '%-.48s'\n" jpn "%s: スレッド %ld を強制終了します (ユーザー: '%-.48s')\n" kor "%s: thread %ld의 강제 종료 user: '%-.48s'\n" nor "%s: Påtvinget avslutning av tråd %ld bruker: '%-.48s'\n" norwegian-ny "%s: Påtvinga avslutning av tråd %ld brukar: '%-.48s'\n" pol "%s: Wymuszenie zamknięcia w?tku %ld użytkownik: '%-.48s'\n" por "%s: Forçando finalização da 'thread' %ld - usuário '%-.48s'\n" rum "%s: Terminare fortata a thread-ului %ld utilizatorului: '%-.48s'\n" rus "%s: Принудительно закрываем поток %ld пользователя: '%-.48s'\n" serbian "%s: Usiljeno gašenje thread-a %ld koji pripada korisniku: '%-.48s'\n" slo "%s: násilné ukončenie vlákna %ld užívateľa '%-.48s'\n" spa "%s: Forzando a cerrar el thread %ld usuario: '%-.48s'\n" swe "%s: Stänger av tråd %ld; användare: '%-.48s'\n" ukr "%s: Прискорюю закриття гілки %ld користувача: '%-.48s'\n" ER_IPSOCK_ERROR 08S01 cze "Nemohu vytvořit IP socket" dan "Kan ikke oprette IP socket" nla "Kan IP-socket niet openen" eng "Can't create IP socket" est "Ei suuda luua IP socketit" fre "Ne peut créer la connexion IP (socket)" ger "Kann IP-Socket nicht erzeugen" greek "Δεν είναι δυνατή η δημιουργία IP socket" hun "Az IP socket nem hozhato letre" ita "Impossibile creare il socket IP" jpn "IPソケットを作成できません。" kor "IP 소켓을 만들지 못했습니다." nor "Kan ikke opprette IP socket" norwegian-ny "Kan ikkje opprette IP socket" pol "Nie można stworzyć socket'u IP" por "Não pode criar o soquete IP" rum "Nu pot crea IP socket" rus "Невозможно создать IP-сокет" serbian "Ne mogu da kreiram IP socket" slo "Nemôžem vytvoriť IP socket" spa "No puedo crear IP socket" swe "Kan inte skapa IP-socket" ukr "Не можу створити IP роз'єм" ER_NO_SUCH_INDEX 42S12 S1009 cze "Tabulka '%-.192s' nemá index odpovídající CREATE INDEX. Vytvořte tabulku znovu" dan "Tabellen '%-.192s' har ikke den nøgle, som blev brugt i CREATE INDEX. Genopret tabellen" nla "Tabel '%-.192s' heeft geen INDEX zoals deze gemaakt worden met CREATE INDEX. Maak de tabel opnieuw" eng "Table '%-.192s' has no index like the one used in CREATE INDEX; recreate the table" est "Tabelil '%-.192s' puuduvad võtmed. Loo tabel uuesti" fre "La table '%-.192s' n'a pas d'index comme celle utilisée dans CREATE INDEX. Recréez la table" ger "Tabelle '%-.192s' besitzt keinen wie den in CREATE INDEX verwendeten Index. Tabelle neu anlegen" greek "Ο πίνακας '%-.192s' δεν έχει ευρετήριο (index) σαν αυτό που χρησιμοποιείτε στην CREATE INDEX. Παρακαλώ, ξαναδημιουργήστε τον πίνακα" hun "A(z) '%-.192s' tablahoz nincs meg a CREATE INDEX altal hasznalt index. Alakitsa at a tablat" ita "La tabella '%-.192s' non ha nessun indice come quello specificatato dalla CREATE INDEX. Ricrea la tabella" jpn "表 '%-.192s' に以前CREATE INDEXで作成された索引がありません。表を作り直してください。" kor "테이블 '%-.192s'는 인덱스를 만들지 않았습니다. alter 테이블명령을 이용하여 테이블을 수정하세요..." nor "Tabellen '%-.192s' har ingen index som den som er brukt i CREATE INDEX. Gjenopprett tabellen" norwegian-ny "Tabellen '%-.192s' har ingen index som den som er brukt i CREATE INDEX. Oprett tabellen på nytt" pol "Tabela '%-.192s' nie ma indeksu takiego jak w CREATE INDEX. Stwórz tabelę" por "Tabela '%-.192s' não possui um índice como o usado em CREATE INDEX. Recrie a tabela" rum "Tabela '%-.192s' nu are un index ca acela folosit in CREATE INDEX. Re-creeaza tabela" rus "В таблице '%-.192s' нет такого индекса, как в CREATE INDEX. Создайте таблицу заново" serbian "Tabela '%-.192s' nema isti indeks kao onaj upotrebljen pri komandi 'CREATE INDEX'. Napravite tabelu ponovo" slo "Tabuľka '%-.192s' nemá index zodpovedajúci CREATE INDEX. Vytvorte tabulku znova" spa "La tabla '%-.192s' no tiene indice como el usado en CREATE INDEX. Crea de nuevo la tabla" swe "Tabellen '%-.192s' har inget index som motsvarar det angivna i CREATE INDEX. Skapa om tabellen" ukr "Таблиця '%-.192s' має індекс, що не співпадає з вказанним у CREATE INDEX. Створіть таблицю знову" ER_WRONG_FIELD_TERMINATORS 42000 S1009 cze "Argument separátoru položek nebyl očekáván. Přečtěte si manuál" dan "Felt adskiller er ikke som forventet, se dokumentationen" nla "De argumenten om velden te scheiden zijn anders dan verwacht. Raadpleeg de handleiding" eng "Field separator argument is not what is expected; check the manual" est "Väljade eraldaja erineb oodatust. Tutvu kasutajajuhendiga" fre "Séparateur de champs inconnu. Vérifiez dans le manuel" ger "Feldbegrenzer-Argument ist nicht in der erwarteten Form. Bitte im Handbuch nachlesen" greek "Ο διαχωριστής πεδίων δεν είναι αυτός που αναμενόταν. Παρακαλώ ανατρέξτε στο manual" hun "A mezoelvalaszto argumentumok nem egyeznek meg a varttal. Nezze meg a kezikonyvben!" ita "L'argomento 'Field separator' non e` quello atteso. Controlla il manuale" jpn "フィールド区切り文字が予期せぬ使われ方をしています。マニュアルを確認して下さい。" kor "필드 구분자 인수들이 완전하지 않습니다. 메뉴얼을 찾아 보세요." nor "Felt skiller argumentene er ikke som forventet, se dokumentasjonen" norwegian-ny "Felt skiljer argumenta er ikkje som venta, sjå dokumentasjonen" pol "Nie oczekiwano separatora. SprawdĽ podręcznik" por "Argumento separador de campos não é o esperado. Cheque o manual" rum "Argumentul pentru separatorul de cimpuri este diferit de ce ma asteptam. Verifica manualul" rus "Аргумент разделителя полей - не тот, который ожидался. Обращайтесь к документации" serbian "Argument separatora polja nije ono što se očekivalo. Proverite uputstvo MySQL server-a" slo "Argument oddeľovač polí nezodpovedá požiadavkám. Skontrolujte v manuáli" spa "Los separadores de argumentos del campo no son los especificados. Comprueba el manual" swe "Fältseparatorerna är vad som förväntades. Kontrollera mot manualen" ukr "Хибний розділювач полів. Почитайте документацію" ER_BLOBS_AND_NO_TERMINATED 42000 S1009 cze "Není možné použít pevný rowlength s BLOBem. Použijte 'fields terminated by'." dan "Man kan ikke bruge faste feltlængder med BLOB. Brug i stedet 'fields terminated by'." nla "Bij het gebruik van BLOBs is het niet mogelijk om vaste rijlengte te gebruiken. Maak s.v.p. gebruik van 'fields terminated by'." eng "You can't use fixed rowlength with BLOBs; please use 'fields terminated by'" est "BLOB-tüüpi väljade olemasolul ei saa kasutada fikseeritud väljapikkust. Vajalik 'fields terminated by' määrang." fre "Vous ne pouvez utiliser des lignes de longueur fixe avec des BLOBs. Utiliser 'fields terminated by'." ger "Eine feste Zeilenlänge kann für BLOB-Felder nicht verwendet werden. Bitte 'fields terminated by' verwenden" greek "Δεν μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε fixed rowlength σε BLOBs. Παρακαλώ χρησιμοποιείστε 'fields terminated by'." hun "Fix hosszusagu BLOB-ok nem hasznalhatok. Hasznalja a 'mezoelvalaszto jelet' ." ita "Non possono essere usate righe a lunghezza fissa con i BLOB. Usa 'FIELDS TERMINATED BY'." jpn "BLOBには固定長レコードが使用できません。'FIELDS TERMINATED BY'句を使用して下さい。" kor "BLOB로는 고정길이의 lowlength를 사용할 수 없습니다. 'fields terminated by'를 사용하세요." nor "En kan ikke bruke faste feltlengder med BLOB. Vennlisgt bruk 'fields terminated by'." norwegian-ny "Ein kan ikkje bruke faste feltlengder med BLOB. Vennlisgt bruk 'fields terminated by'." pol "Nie można użyć stałej długo?ci wiersza z polami typu BLOB. Użyj 'fields terminated by'." por "Você não pode usar comprimento de linha fixo com BLOBs. Por favor, use campos com comprimento limitado." rum "Nu poti folosi lungime de cimp fix pentru BLOB-uri. Foloseste 'fields terminated by'." rus "Фиксированный размер записи с полями типа BLOB использовать нельзя, применяйте 'fields terminated by'" serbian "Ne možete koristiti fiksnu veličinu sloga kada imate BLOB polja. Molim koristite 'fields terminated by' opciju." slo "Nie je možné použiť fixnú dĺžku s BLOBom. Použite 'fields terminated by'." spa "No puedes usar longitudes de filas fijos con BLOBs. Por favor usa 'campos terminados por '." swe "Man kan inte använda fast radlängd med blobs. Använd 'fields terminated by'" ukr "Не можна використовувати сталу довжину строки з BLOB. Зкористайтеся 'fields terminated by'" ER_TEXTFILE_NOT_READABLE cze "Soubor '%-.128s' musí být v adresáři databáze nebo čitelný pro všechny" dan "Filen '%-.128s' skal være i database-folderen og kunne læses af alle" nla "Het bestand '%-.128s' dient in de database directory voor the komen of leesbaar voor iedereen te zijn." eng "The file '%-.128s' must be in the database directory or be readable by all" est "Fail '%-.128s' peab asuma andmebaasi kataloogis või olema kõigile loetav" fre "Le fichier '%-.128s' doit être dans le répertoire de la base et lisible par tous" ger "Datei '%-.128s' muss im Datenbank-Verzeichnis vorhanden oder lesbar für alle sein" greek "Το αρχείο '%-.128s' πρέπει να υπάρχει στο database directory ή να μπορεί να διαβαστεί από όλους" hun "A(z) '%-.128s'-nak az adatbazis konyvtarban kell lennie, vagy mindenki szamara olvashatonak" ita "Il file '%-.128s' deve essere nella directory del database e deve essere leggibile da tutti" jpn "ファイル '%-.128s' はデータベースディレクトリにあるか、全てのユーザーから読める必要があります。" kor "'%-.128s' 화일는 데이타베이스 디렉토리에 존재하거나 모두에게 읽기 가능하여야 합니다." nor "Filen '%-.128s' må være i database-katalogen for å være lesbar for alle" norwegian-ny "Filen '%-.128s' må være i database-katalogen for å være lesbar for alle" pol "Plik '%-.128s' musi znajdować sie w katalogu bazy danych lub mieć prawa czytania przez wszystkich" por "Arquivo '%-.128s' tem que estar no diretório do banco de dados ou ter leitura possível para todos" rum "Fisierul '%-.128s' trebuie sa fie in directorul bazei de data sau trebuie sa poata sa fie citit de catre toata lumea (verifica permisiile)" rus "Файл '%-.128s' должен находиться в том же каталоге, что и база данных, или быть общедоступным для чтения" serbian "File '%-.128s' mora biti u direktorijumu gde su file-ovi baze i mora imati odgovarajuća prava pristupa" slo "Súbor '%-.128s' musí byť v adresári databázy, alebo čitateľný pre všetkých" spa "El archivo '%-.128s' debe estar en el directorio de la base de datos o ser de lectura por todos" swe "Textfilen '%-.128s' måste finnas i databasbiblioteket eller vara läsbar för alla" ukr "Файл '%-.128s' повинен бути у теці бази данних або мати встановлене право на читання для усіх" ER_FILE_EXISTS_ERROR cze "Soubor '%-.200s' již existuje" dan "Filen '%-.200s' eksisterer allerede" nla "Het bestand '%-.200s' bestaat reeds" eng "File '%-.200s' already exists" est "Fail '%-.200s' juba eksisteerib" fre "Le fichier '%-.200s' existe déjà" ger "Datei '%-.200s' bereits vorhanden" greek "Το αρχείο '%-.200s' υπάρχει ήδη" hun "A '%-.200s' file mar letezik." ita "Il file '%-.200s' esiste gia`" jpn "ファイル '%-.200s' はすでに存在します。" kor "'%-.200s' 화일은 이미 존재합니다." nor "Filen '%-.200s' eksisterte allerede" norwegian-ny "Filen '%-.200s' eksisterte allereide" pol "Plik '%-.200s' już istnieje" por "Arquivo '%-.200s' já existe" rum "Fisierul '%-.200s' exista deja" rus "Файл '%-.200s' уже существует" serbian "File '%-.200s' već postoji" slo "Súbor '%-.200s' už existuje" spa "El archivo '%-.200s' ya existe" swe "Filen '%-.200s' existerar redan" ukr "Файл '%-.200s' вже існує" ER_LOAD_INFO cze "Záznamů: %ld Vymazáno: %ld Přeskočeno: %ld Varování: %ld" dan "Poster: %ld Fjernet: %ld Sprunget over: %ld Advarsler: %ld" nla "Records: %ld Verwijderd: %ld Overgeslagen: %ld Waarschuwingen: %ld" eng "Records: %ld Deleted: %ld Skipped: %ld Warnings: %ld" est "Kirjeid: %ld Kustutatud: %ld Vahele jäetud: %ld Hoiatusi: %ld" fre "Enregistrements: %ld Effacés: %ld Non traités: %ld Avertissements: %ld" ger "Datensätze: %ld Gelöscht: %ld Ausgelassen: %ld Warnungen: %ld" greek "Εγγραφές: %ld Διαγραφές: %ld Παρεκάμφθησαν: %ld Προειδοποιήσεις: %ld" hun "Rekordok: %ld Torolve: %ld Skipped: %ld Warnings: %ld" ita "Records: %ld Cancellati: %ld Saltati: %ld Avvertimenti: %ld" jpn "レコード数: %ld 削除: %ld スキップ: %ld 警告: %ld" kor "레코드: %ld개 삭제: %ld개 스킵: %ld개 경고: %ld개" nor "Poster: %ld Fjernet: %ld Hoppet over: %ld Advarsler: %ld" norwegian-ny "Poster: %ld Fjerna: %ld Hoppa over: %ld Åtvaringar: %ld" pol "Recordów: %ld Usuniętych: %ld Pominiętych: %ld Ostrzeżeń: %ld" por "Registros: %ld - Deletados: %ld - Ignorados: %ld - Avisos: %ld" rum "Recorduri: %ld Sterse: %ld Sarite (skipped): %ld Atentionari (warnings): %ld" rus "Записей: %ld Удалено: %ld Пропущено: %ld Предупреждений: %ld" serbian "Slogova: %ld Izbrisano: %ld Preskočeno: %ld Upozorenja: %ld" slo "Záznamov: %ld Zmazaných: %ld Preskočených: %ld Varovania: %ld" spa "Registros: %ld Borrados: %ld Saltados: %ld Peligros: %ld" swe "Rader: %ld Bortagna: %ld Dubletter: %ld Varningar: %ld" ukr "Записів: %ld Видалено: %ld Пропущено: %ld Застережень: %ld" ER_ALTER_INFO cze "Záznamů: %ld Zdvojených: %ld" dan "Poster: %ld Ens: %ld" nla "Records: %ld Dubbel: %ld" eng "Records: %ld Duplicates: %ld" est "Kirjeid: %ld Kattuvaid: %ld" fre "Enregistrements: %ld Doublons: %ld" ger "Datensätze: %ld Duplikate: %ld" greek "Εγγραφές: %ld Επαναλήψεις: %ld" hun "Rekordok: %ld Duplikalva: %ld" ita "Records: %ld Duplicati: %ld" jpn "レコード数: %ld 重複: %ld" kor "레코드: %ld개 중복: %ld개" nor "Poster: %ld Like: %ld" norwegian-ny "Poster: %ld Like: %ld" pol "Rekordów: %ld Duplikatów: %ld" por "Registros: %ld - Duplicados: %ld" rum "Recorduri: %ld Duplicate: %ld" rus "Записей: %ld Дубликатов: %ld" serbian "Slogova: %ld Duplikata: %ld" slo "Záznamov: %ld Opakovaných: %ld" spa "Registros: %ld Duplicados: %ld" swe "Rader: %ld Dubletter: %ld" ukr "Записів: %ld Дублікатів: %ld" ER_WRONG_SUB_KEY cze "Chybná podčást klíče -- není to řetězec nebo je delší než délka části klíče" dan "Forkert indeksdel. Den anvendte nøgledel er ikke en streng eller længden er større end nøglelængden" nla "Foutief sub-gedeelte van de zoeksleutel. De gebruikte zoeksleutel is geen onderdeel van een string of of de gebruikte lengte is langer dan de zoeksleutel" eng "Incorrect prefix key; the used key part isn't a string, the used length is longer than the key part, or the storage engine doesn't support unique prefix keys" est "Vigane võtme osa. Kasutatud võtmeosa ei ole string tüüpi, määratud pikkus on pikem kui võtmeosa või tabelihandler ei toeta seda tüüpi võtmeid" fre "Mauvaise sous-clef. Ce n'est pas un 'string' ou la longueur dépasse celle définie dans la clef" ger "Falscher Unterteilschlüssel. Der verwendete Schlüsselteil ist entweder kein String, die verwendete Länge ist länger als der Teilschlüssel oder die Speicher-Engine unterstützt keine Unterteilschlüssel" greek "Εσφαλμένο sub part key. Το χρησιμοποιούμενο key part δεν είναι string ή το μήκος του είναι μεγαλύτερο" hun "Rossz alkulcs. A hasznalt kulcsresz nem karaktersorozat vagy hosszabb, mint a kulcsresz" ita "Sotto-parte della chiave errata. La parte di chiave utilizzata non e` una stringa o la lunghezza e` maggiore della parte di chiave." jpn "キーのプレフィックスが不正です。キーが文字列ではないか、プレフィックス長がキーよりも長いか、ストレージエンジンが一意索引のプレフィックス指定をサポートしていません。" kor "부정확한 서버 파트 키. 사용된 키 파트가 스트링이 아니거나 키 파트의 길이가 너무 깁니다." nor "Feil delnøkkel. Den brukte delnøkkelen er ikke en streng eller den oppgitte lengde er lengre enn nøkkel lengden" norwegian-ny "Feil delnykkel. Den brukte delnykkelen er ikkje ein streng eller den oppgitte lengda er lengre enn nykkellengden" pol "Błędna podczę?ć klucza. Użyta czę?ć klucza nie jest łańcuchem lub użyta długo?ć jest większa niż czę?ć klucza" por "Sub parte da chave incorreta. A parte da chave usada não é uma 'string' ou o comprimento usado é maior que parte da chave ou o manipulador de tabelas não suporta sub chaves únicas" rum "Componentul cheii este incorrect. Componentul folosit al cheii nu este un sir sau lungimea folosita este mai lunga decit lungimea cheii" rus "Некорректная часть ключа. Используемая часть ключа не является строкой, указанная длина больше, чем длина части ключа, или обработчик таблицы не поддерживает уникальные части ключа" serbian "Pogrešan pod-ključ dela ključa. Upotrebljeni deo ključa nije string, upotrebljena dužina je veća od dela ključa ili handler tabela ne podržava jedinstvene pod-ključeve" slo "Incorrect prefix key; the used key part isn't a string or the used length is longer than the key part" spa "Parte de la clave es erronea. Una parte de la clave no es una cadena o la longitud usada es tan grande como la parte de la clave" swe "Felaktig delnyckel. Nyckeldelen är inte en sträng eller den angivna längden är längre än kolumnlängden" ukr "Невірна частина ключа. Використана частина ключа не є строкою, задовга або вказівник таблиці не підтримує унікальних частин ключей" ER_CANT_REMOVE_ALL_FIELDS 42000 cze "Není možné vymazat všechny položky s ALTER TABLE. Použijte DROP TABLE" dan "Man kan ikke slette alle felter med ALTER TABLE. Brug DROP TABLE i stedet." nla "Het is niet mogelijk alle velden te verwijderen met ALTER TABLE. Gebruik a.u.b. DROP TABLE hiervoor!" eng "You can't delete all columns with ALTER TABLE; use DROP TABLE instead" est "ALTER TABLE kasutades ei saa kustutada kõiki tulpasid. Kustuta tabel DROP TABLE abil" fre "Vous ne pouvez effacer tous les champs avec ALTER TABLE. Utilisez DROP TABLE" ger "Mit ALTER TABLE können nicht alle Felder auf einmal gelöscht werden. Dafür DROP TABLE verwenden" greek "Δεν είναι δυνατή η διαγραφή όλων των πεδίων με ALTER TABLE. Παρακαλώ χρησιμοποιείστε DROP TABLE" hun "Az osszes mezo nem torolheto az ALTER TABLE-lel. Hasznalja a DROP TABLE-t helyette" ita "Non si possono cancellare tutti i campi con una ALTER TABLE. Utilizzare DROP TABLE" jpn "ALTER TABLE では全ての列の削除はできません。DROP TABLE を使用してください。" kor "ALTER TABLE 명령으로는 모든 칼럼을 지울 수 없습니다. DROP TABLE 명령을 이용하세요." nor "En kan ikke slette alle felt med ALTER TABLE. Bruk DROP TABLE isteden." norwegian-ny "Ein kan ikkje slette alle felt med ALTER TABLE. Bruk DROP TABLE istadenfor." pol "Nie można usun?ć wszystkich pól wykorzystuj?c ALTER TABLE. W zamian użyj DROP TABLE" por "Você não pode deletar todas as colunas com ALTER TABLE; use DROP TABLE em seu lugar" rum "Nu poti sterge toate coloanele cu ALTER TABLE. Foloseste DROP TABLE in schimb" rus "Нельзя удалить все столбцы с помощью ALTER TABLE. Используйте DROP TABLE" serbian "Ne možete da izbrišete sve kolone pomoću komande 'ALTER TABLE'. Upotrebite komandu 'DROP TABLE' ako želite to da uradite" slo "One nemôžem zmazať all fields with ALTER TABLE; use DROP TABLE instead" spa "No puede borrar todos los campos con ALTER TABLE. Usa DROP TABLE para hacerlo" swe "Man kan inte radera alla fält med ALTER TABLE. Använd DROP TABLE istället" ukr "Не можливо видалити всі стовбці за допомогою ALTER TABLE. Для цього скористайтеся DROP TABLE" ER_CANT_DROP_FIELD_OR_KEY 42000 cze "Nemohu zrušit '%-.192s' (provést DROP). Zkontrolujte, zda neexistují záznamy/klíče" dan "Kan ikke udføre DROP '%-.192s'. Undersøg om feltet/nøglen eksisterer." nla "Kan '%-.192s' niet weggooien. Controleer of het veld of de zoeksleutel daadwerkelijk bestaat." eng "Can't DROP '%-.192s'; check that column/key exists" est "Ei suuda kustutada '%-.192s'. Kontrolli kas tulp/võti eksisteerib" fre "Ne peut effacer (DROP) '%-.192s'. Vérifiez s'il existe" ger "Kann '%-.192s' nicht löschen. Existiert die Spalte oder der Schlüssel?" greek "Αδύνατη η διαγραφή (DROP) '%-.192s'. Παρακαλώ ελέγξτε αν το πεδίο/κλειδί υπάρχει" hun "A DROP '%-.192s' nem lehetseges. Ellenorizze, hogy a mezo/kulcs letezik-e" ita "Impossibile cancellare '%-.192s'. Controllare che il campo chiave esista" jpn "'%-.192s' を削除できません。列/索引の存在を確認して下さい。" kor "'%-.192s'를 DROP할 수 없습니다. 칼럼이나 키가 존재하는지 채크하세요." nor "Kan ikke DROP '%-.192s'. Undersøk om felt/nøkkel eksisterer." norwegian-ny "Kan ikkje DROP '%-.192s'. Undersøk om felt/nøkkel eksisterar." pol "Nie można wykonać operacji DROP '%-.192s'. SprawdĽ, czy to pole/klucz istnieje" por "Não se pode fazer DROP '%-.192s'. Confira se esta coluna/chave existe" rum "Nu pot sa DROP '%-.192s'. Verifica daca coloana/cheia exista" rus "Невозможно удалить (DROP) '%-.192s'. Убедитесь что столбец/ключ действительно существует" serbian "Ne mogu da izvršim komandu drop 'DROP' na '%-.192s'. Proverite da li ta kolona (odnosno ključ) postoji" slo "Nemôžem zrušiť (DROP) '%-.192s'. Skontrolujte, či neexistujú záznamy/kľúče" spa "No puedo ELIMINAR '%-.192s'. compuebe que el campo/clave existe" swe "Kan inte ta bort '%-.192s'. Kontrollera att fältet/nyckel finns" ukr "Не можу DROP '%-.192s'. Перевірте, чи цей стовбець/ключ існує" ER_INSERT_INFO cze "Záznamů: %ld Zdvojených: %ld Varování: %ld" dan "Poster: %ld Ens: %ld Advarsler: %ld" nla "Records: %ld Dubbel: %ld Waarschuwing: %ld" eng "Records: %ld Duplicates: %ld Warnings: %ld" est "Kirjeid: %ld Kattuvaid: %ld Hoiatusi: %ld" fre "Enregistrements: %ld Doublons: %ld Avertissements: %ld" ger "Datensätze: %ld Duplikate: %ld Warnungen: %ld" greek "Εγγραφές: %ld Επαναλήψεις: %ld Προειδοποιήσεις: %ld" hun "Rekordok: %ld Duplikalva: %ld Warnings: %ld" ita "Records: %ld Duplicati: %ld Avvertimenti: %ld" jpn "レコード数: %ld 重複数: %ld 警告: %ld" kor "레코드: %ld개 중복: %ld개 경고: %ld개" nor "Poster: %ld Like: %ld Advarsler: %ld" norwegian-ny "Postar: %ld Like: %ld Åtvaringar: %ld" pol "Rekordów: %ld Duplikatów: %ld Ostrzeżeń: %ld" por "Registros: %ld - Duplicados: %ld - Avisos: %ld" rum "Recorduri: %ld Duplicate: %ld Atentionari (warnings): %ld" rus "Записей: %ld Дубликатов: %ld Предупреждений: %ld" serbian "Slogova: %ld Duplikata: %ld Upozorenja: %ld" slo "Záznamov: %ld Opakovaných: %ld Varovania: %ld" spa "Registros: %ld Duplicados: %ld Peligros: %ld" swe "Rader: %ld Dubletter: %ld Varningar: %ld" ukr "Записів: %ld Дублікатів: %ld Застережень: %ld" ER_UPDATE_TABLE_USED eng "You can't specify target table '%-.192s' for update in FROM clause" ger "Die Verwendung der zu aktualisierenden Zieltabelle '%-.192s' ist in der FROM-Klausel nicht zulässig." jpn "FROM句にある表 '%-.192s' はUPDATEの対象にできません。" rus "Не допускается указание таблицы '%-.192s' в списке таблиц FROM для внесения в нее изменений" swe "INSERT-table '%-.192s' får inte finnas i FROM tabell-listan" ukr "Таблиця '%-.192s' що змінюється не дозволена у переліку таблиць FROM" ER_NO_SUCH_THREAD cze "Neznámá identifikace threadu: %lu" dan "Ukendt tråd id: %lu" nla "Onbekend thread id: %lu" eng "Unknown thread id: %lu" est "Tundmatu lõim: %lu" fre "Numéro de tâche inconnu: %lu" ger "Unbekannte Thread-ID: %lu" greek "Αγνωστο thread id: %lu" hun "Ervenytelen szal (thread) id: %lu" ita "Thread id: %lu sconosciuto" jpn "不明なスレッドIDです: %lu" kor "알수 없는 쓰레드 id: %lu" nor "Ukjent tråd id: %lu" norwegian-ny "Ukjent tråd id: %lu" pol "Nieznany identyfikator w?tku: %lu" por "'Id' de 'thread' %lu desconhecido" rum "Id-ul: %lu thread-ului este necunoscut" rus "Неизвестный номер потока: %lu" serbian "Nepoznat thread identifikator: %lu" slo "Neznáma identifikácia vlákna: %lu" spa "Identificador del thread: %lu desconocido" swe "Finns ingen tråd med id %lu" ukr "Невідомий ідентифікатор гілки: %lu" ER_KILL_DENIED_ERROR cze "Nejste vlastníkem threadu %lu" dan "Du er ikke ejer af tråden %lu" nla "U bent geen bezitter van thread %lu" eng "You are not owner of thread %lu" est "Ei ole lõime %lu omanik" fre "Vous n'êtes pas propriétaire de la tâche no: %lu" ger "Sie sind nicht Eigentümer von Thread %lu" greek "Δεν είσθε owner του thread %lu" hun "A %lu thread-nek mas a tulajdonosa" ita "Utente non proprietario del thread %lu" jpn "スレッド %lu のオーナーではありません。" kor "쓰레드(Thread) %lu의 소유자가 아닙니다." nor "Du er ikke eier av tråden %lu" norwegian-ny "Du er ikkje eigar av tråd %lu" pol "Nie jeste? wła?cicielem w?tku %lu" por "Você não é proprietário da 'thread' %lu" rum "Nu sinteti proprietarul threadului %lu" rus "Вы не являетесь владельцем потока %lu" serbian "Vi niste vlasnik thread-a %lu" slo "Nie ste vlastníkom vlákna %lu" spa "Tu no eres el propietario del thread%lu" swe "Du är inte ägare till tråd %lu" ukr "Ви не володар гілки %lu" ER_NO_TABLES_USED cze "Nejsou použity žádné tabulky" dan "Ingen tabeller i brug" nla "Geen tabellen gebruikt." eng "No tables used" est "Ühtegi tabelit pole kasutusel" fre "Aucune table utilisée" ger "Keine Tabellen verwendet" greek "Δεν χρησιμοποιήθηκαν πίνακες" hun "Nincs hasznalt tabla" ita "Nessuna tabella usata" jpn "表が指定されていません。" kor "어떤 테이블도 사용되지 않았습니다." nor "Ingen tabeller i bruk" norwegian-ny "Ingen tabellar i bruk" pol "Nie ma żadej użytej tabeli" por "Nenhuma tabela usada" rum "Nici o tabela folosita" rus "Никакие таблицы не использованы" serbian "Nema upotrebljenih tabela" slo "Nie je použitá žiadna tabuľka" spa "No ha tablas usadas" swe "Inga tabeller angivna" ukr "Не використано таблиць" ER_TOO_BIG_SET cze "Příliš mnoho řetězců pro sloupec %-.192s a SET" dan "For mange tekststrenge til specifikationen af SET i kolonne %-.192s" nla "Teveel strings voor kolom %-.192s en SET" eng "Too many strings for column %-.192s and SET" est "Liiga palju string tulbale %-.192s tüübile SET" fre "Trop de chaînes dans la colonne %-.192s avec SET" ger "Zu viele Strings für Feld %-.192s und SET angegeben" greek "Πάρα πολλά strings για το πεδίο %-.192s και SET" hun "Tul sok karakter: %-.192s es SET" ita "Troppe stringhe per la colonna %-.192s e la SET" jpn "SET型の列 '%-.192s' のメンバーの数が多すぎます。" kor "칼럼 %-.192s와 SET에서 스트링이 너무 많습니다." nor "For mange tekststrenger kolonne %-.192s og SET" norwegian-ny "For mange tekststrengar felt %-.192s og SET" pol "Zbyt wiele łańcuchów dla kolumny %-.192s i polecenia SET" por "'Strings' demais para coluna '%-.192s' e SET" rum "Prea multe siruri pentru coloana %-.192s si SET" rus "Слишком много значений для столбца %-.192s в SET" serbian "Previše string-ova za kolonu '%-.192s' i komandu 'SET'" slo "Príliš mnoho reťazcov pre pole %-.192s a SET" spa "Muchas strings para columna %-.192s y SET" swe "För många alternativ till kolumn %-.192s för SET" ukr "Забагато строк для стовбця %-.192s та SET" ER_NO_UNIQUE_LOGFILE cze "Nemohu vytvořit jednoznačné jméno logovacího souboru %-.200s.(1-999)\n" dan "Kan ikke lave unikt log-filnavn %-.200s.(1-999)\n" nla "Het is niet mogelijk een unieke naam te maken voor de logfile %-.200s.(1-999)\n" eng "Can't generate a unique log-filename %-.200s.(1-999)\n" est "Ei suuda luua unikaalset logifaili nime %-.200s.(1-999)\n" fre "Ne peut générer un unique nom de journal %-.200s.(1-999)\n" ger "Kann keinen eindeutigen Dateinamen für die Logdatei %-.200s(1-999) erzeugen\n" greek "Αδύνατη η δημιουργία unique log-filename %-.200s.(1-999)\n" hun "Egyedi log-filenev nem generalhato: %-.200s.(1-999)\n" ita "Impossibile generare un nome del file log unico %-.200s.(1-999)\n" jpn "一意なログファイル名 %-.200s.(1-999) を生成できません。\n" kor "Unique 로그화일 '%-.200s'를 만들수 없습니다.(1-999)\n" nor "Kan ikke lage unikt loggfilnavn %-.200s.(1-999)\n" norwegian-ny "Kan ikkje lage unikt loggfilnavn %-.200s.(1-999)\n" pol "Nie można stworzyć unikalnej nazwy pliku z logiem %-.200s.(1-999)\n" por "Não pode gerar um nome de arquivo de 'log' único '%-.200s'.(1-999)\n" rum "Nu pot sa generez un nume de log unic %-.200s.(1-999)\n" rus "Невозможно создать уникальное имя файла журнала %-.200s.(1-999)\n" serbian "Ne mogu da generišem jedinstveno ime log-file-a: '%-.200s.(1-999)'\n" slo "Nemôžem vytvoriť unikátne meno log-súboru %-.200s.(1-999)\n" spa "No puede crear un unico archivo log %-.200s.(1-999)\n" swe "Kan inte generera ett unikt filnamn %-.200s.(1-999)\n" ukr "Не можу згенерувати унікальне ім'я log-файлу %-.200s.(1-999)\n" ER_TABLE_NOT_LOCKED_FOR_WRITE cze "Tabulka '%-.192s' byla zamčena s READ a nemůže být změněna" dan "Tabellen '%-.192s' var låst med READ lås og kan ikke opdateres" nla "Tabel '%-.192s' was gelocked met een lock om te lezen. Derhalve kunnen geen wijzigingen worden opgeslagen." eng "Table '%-.192s' was locked with a READ lock and can't be updated" est "Tabel '%-.192s' on lukustatud READ lukuga ning ei ole muudetav" fre "Table '%-.192s' verrouillée lecture (READ): modification impossible" ger "Tabelle '%-.192s' ist mit Lesesperre versehen und kann nicht aktualisiert werden" greek "Ο πίνακας '%-.192s' έχει κλειδωθεί με READ lock και δεν επιτρέπονται αλλαγές" hun "A(z) '%-.192s' tabla zarolva lett (READ lock) es nem lehet frissiteni" ita "La tabella '%-.192s' e` soggetta a lock in lettura e non puo` essere aggiornata" jpn "表 '%-.192s' はREADロックされていて、更新できません。" kor "테이블 '%-.192s'는 READ 락이 잠겨있어서 갱신할 수 없습니다." nor "Tabellen '%-.192s' var låst med READ lås og kan ikke oppdateres" norwegian-ny "Tabellen '%-.192s' var låst med READ lås og kan ikkje oppdaterast" pol "Tabela '%-.192s' została zablokowana przez READ i nie może zostać zaktualizowana" por "Tabela '%-.192s' foi travada com trava de leitura e não pode ser atualizada" rum "Tabela '%-.192s' a fost locked cu un READ lock si nu poate fi actualizata" rus "Таблица '%-.192s' заблокирована уровнем READ lock и не может быть изменена" serbian "Tabela '%-.192s' je zaključana READ lock-om; iz nje se može samo čitati ali u nju se ne može pisati" slo "Tabuľka '%-.192s' bola zamknutá s READ a nemôže byť zmenená" spa "Tabla '%-.192s' fue trabada con un READ lock y no puede ser actualizada" swe "Tabell '%-.192s' kan inte uppdateras emedan den är låst för läsning" ukr "Таблицю '%-.192s' заблоковано тільки для читання, тому її не можна оновити" ER_TABLE_NOT_LOCKED cze "Tabulka '%-.192s' nebyla zamčena s LOCK TABLES" dan "Tabellen '%-.192s' var ikke låst med LOCK TABLES" nla "Tabel '%-.192s' was niet gelocked met LOCK TABLES" eng "Table '%-.192s' was not locked with LOCK TABLES" est "Tabel '%-.192s' ei ole lukustatud käsuga LOCK TABLES" fre "Table '%-.192s' non verrouillée: utilisez LOCK TABLES" ger "Tabelle '%-.192s' wurde nicht mit LOCK TABLES gesperrt" greek "Ο πίνακας '%-.192s' δεν έχει κλειδωθεί με LOCK TABLES" hun "A(z) '%-.192s' tabla nincs zarolva a LOCK TABLES-szel" ita "Non e` stato impostato il lock per la tabella '%-.192s' con LOCK TABLES" jpn "表 '%-.192s' は LOCK TABLES でロックされていません。" kor "테이블 '%-.192s'는 LOCK TABLES 명령으로 잠기지 않았습니다." nor "Tabellen '%-.192s' var ikke låst med LOCK TABLES" norwegian-ny "Tabellen '%-.192s' var ikkje låst med LOCK TABLES" pol "Tabela '%-.192s' nie została zablokowana poleceniem LOCK TABLES" por "Tabela '%-.192s' não foi travada com LOCK TABLES" rum "Tabela '%-.192s' nu a fost locked cu LOCK TABLES" rus "Таблица '%-.192s' не была заблокирована с помощью LOCK TABLES" serbian "Tabela '%-.192s' nije bila zaključana komandom 'LOCK TABLES'" slo "Tabuľka '%-.192s' nebola zamknutá s LOCK TABLES" spa "Tabla '%-.192s' no fue trabada con LOCK TABLES" swe "Tabell '%-.192s' är inte låst med LOCK TABLES" ukr "Таблицю '%-.192s' не було блоковано з LOCK TABLES" ER_BLOB_CANT_HAVE_DEFAULT 42000 cze "Blob položka '%-.192s' nemůže mít defaultní hodnotu" dan "BLOB feltet '%-.192s' kan ikke have en standard værdi" nla "Blob veld '%-.192s' can geen standaardwaarde bevatten" eng "BLOB, TEXT, GEOMETRY or JSON column '%-.192s' can't have a default value" est "BLOB-tüüpi tulp '%-.192s' ei saa omada vaikeväärtust" fre "BLOB '%-.192s' ne peut avoir de valeur par défaut" ger "BLOB/TEXT-Feld '%-.192s' darf keinen Vorgabewert (DEFAULT) haben" greek "Τα Blob πεδία '%-.192s' δεν μπορούν να έχουν προκαθορισμένες τιμές (default value)" hun "A(z) '%-.192s' blob objektumnak nem lehet alapertelmezett erteke" ita "Il campo BLOB '%-.192s' non puo` avere un valore di default" jpn "BLOB/TEXT 列 '%-.192s' にはデフォルト値を指定できません。" kor "BLOB 칼럼 '%-.192s' 는 디폴트 값을 가질 수 없습니다." nor "Blob feltet '%-.192s' kan ikke ha en standard verdi" norwegian-ny "Blob feltet '%-.192s' kan ikkje ha ein standard verdi" pol "Pole typu blob '%-.192s' nie może mieć domy?lnej warto?ci" por "Coluna BLOB '%-.192s' não pode ter um valor padrão (default)" rum "Coloana BLOB '%-.192s' nu poate avea o valoare default" rus "Невозможно указывать значение по умолчанию для столбца BLOB '%-.192s'" serbian "BLOB kolona '%-.192s' ne može imati default vrednost" slo "Pole BLOB '%-.192s' nemôže mať implicitnú hodnotu" spa "Campo Blob '%-.192s' no puede tener valores patron" swe "BLOB fält '%-.192s' kan inte ha ett DEFAULT-värde" ukr "Стовбець BLOB '%-.192s' не може мати значення по замовчуванню" ER_WRONG_DB_NAME 42000 cze "Nepřípustné jméno databáze '%-.100s'" dan "Ugyldigt database navn '%-.100s'" nla "Databasenaam '%-.100s' is niet getoegestaan" eng "Incorrect database name '%-.100s'" est "Vigane andmebaasi nimi '%-.100s'" fre "Nom de base de donnée illégal: '%-.100s'" ger "Unerlaubter Datenbankname '%-.100s'" greek "Λάθος όνομα βάσης δεδομένων '%-.100s'" hun "Hibas adatbazisnev: '%-.100s'" ita "Nome database errato '%-.100s'" jpn "データベース名 '%-.100s' は不正です。" kor "'%-.100s' 데이타베이스의 이름이 부정확합니다." nor "Ugyldig database navn '%-.100s'" norwegian-ny "Ugyldig database namn '%-.100s'" pol "Niedozwolona nazwa bazy danych '%-.100s'" por "Nome de banco de dados '%-.100s' incorreto" rum "Numele bazei de date este incorect '%-.100s'" rus "Некорректное имя базы данных '%-.100s'" serbian "Pogrešno ime baze '%-.100s'" slo "Neprípustné meno databázy '%-.100s'" spa "Nombre de base de datos ilegal '%-.100s'" swe "Felaktigt databasnamn '%-.100s'" ukr "Невірне ім'я бази данних '%-.100s'" ER_WRONG_TABLE_NAME 42000 cze "Nepřípustné jméno tabulky '%-.100s'" dan "Ugyldigt tabel navn '%-.100s'" nla "Niet toegestane tabelnaam '%-.100s'" eng "Incorrect table name '%-.100s'" est "Vigane tabeli nimi '%-.100s'" fre "Nom de table illégal: '%-.100s'" ger "Unerlaubter Tabellenname '%-.100s'" greek "Λάθος όνομα πίνακα '%-.100s'" hun "Hibas tablanev: '%-.100s'" ita "Nome tabella errato '%-.100s'" jpn "表名 '%-.100s' は不正です。" kor "'%-.100s' 테이블 이름이 부정확합니다." nor "Ugyldig tabell navn '%-.100s'" norwegian-ny "Ugyldig tabell namn '%-.100s'" pol "Niedozwolona nazwa tabeli '%-.100s'..." por "Nome de tabela '%-.100s' incorreto" rum "Numele tabelei este incorect '%-.100s'" rus "Некорректное имя таблицы '%-.100s'" serbian "Pogrešno ime tabele '%-.100s'" slo "Neprípustné meno tabuľky '%-.100s'" spa "Nombre de tabla ilegal '%-.100s'" swe "Felaktigt tabellnamn '%-.100s'" ukr "Невірне ім'я таблиці '%-.100s'" ER_TOO_BIG_SELECT 42000 cze "Zadaný SELECT by procházel příliš mnoho záznamů a trval velmi dlouho. Zkontrolujte tvar WHERE a je-li SELECT v pořádku, použijte SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1" dan "SELECT ville undersøge for mange poster og ville sandsynligvis tage meget lang tid. Undersøg WHERE delen og brug SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 hvis udtrykket er korrekt" nla "Het SELECT-statement zou te veel records analyseren en dus veel tijd in beslagnemen. Kijk het WHERE-gedeelte van de query na en kies SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 als het stament in orde is." eng "The SELECT would examine more than MAX_JOIN_SIZE rows; check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is okay" est "SELECT lause peab läbi vaatama suure hulga kirjeid ja võtaks tõenäoliselt liiga kaua aega. Tasub kontrollida WHERE klauslit ja vajadusel kasutada käsku SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1" fre "SELECT va devoir examiner beaucoup d'enregistrements ce qui va prendre du temps. Vérifiez la clause WHERE et utilisez SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 si SELECT se passe bien" ger "Die Ausführung des SELECT würde zu viele Datensätze untersuchen und wahrscheinlich sehr lange dauern. Bitte WHERE-Klausel überprüfen und gegebenenfalls SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 oder SET MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# verwenden" greek "Το SELECT θα εξετάσει μεγάλο αριθμό εγγραφών και πιθανώς θα καθυστερήσει. Παρακαλώ εξετάστε τις παραμέτρους του WHERE και χρησιμοποιείστε SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 αν το SELECT είναι σωστό" hun "A SELECT tul sok rekordot fog megvizsgalni es nagyon sokaig fog tartani. Ellenorizze a WHERE-t es hasznalja a SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 beallitast, ha a SELECT okay" ita "La SELECT dovrebbe esaminare troppi record e usare troppo tempo. Controllare la WHERE e usa SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 se e` tutto a posto." jpn "SELECTがMAX_JOIN_SIZEを超える行数を処理しました。WHERE句を確認し、SELECT文に問題がなければ、 SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 または SET MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# を使用して下さい。" kor "SELECT 명령에서 너무 많은 레코드를 찾기 때문에 많은 시간이 소요됩니다. 따라서 WHERE 문을 점검하거나, 만약 SELECT가 ok되면 SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 옵션을 사용하세요." nor "SELECT ville undersøke for mange poster og ville sannsynligvis ta veldig lang tid. Undersøk WHERE klausulen og bruk SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 om SELECTen er korrekt" norwegian-ny "SELECT ville undersøkje for mange postar og ville sannsynligvis ta veldig lang tid. Undersøk WHERE klausulen og bruk SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 om SELECTen er korrekt" pol "Operacja SELECT będzie dotyczyła zbyt wielu rekordów i prawdopodobnie zajmie bardzo dużo czasu. SprawdĽ warunek WHERE i użyj SQL_OPTION BIG_SELECTS=1 je?li operacja SELECT jest poprawna" por "O SELECT examinaria registros demais e provavelmente levaria muito tempo. Cheque sua cláusula WHERE e use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1, se o SELECT estiver correto" rum "SELECT-ul ar examina prea multe cimpuri si probabil ar lua prea mult timp; verifica clauza WHERE si foloseste SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 daca SELECT-ul e okay" rus "Для такой выборки SELECT должен будет просмотреть слишком много записей и, видимо, это займет очень много времени. Проверьте ваше указание WHERE, и, если в нем все в порядке, укажите SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1" serbian "Komanda 'SELECT' će ispitati previše slogova i potrošiti previše vremena. Proverite vaš 'WHERE' filter i upotrebite 'SET OPTION SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1' ako želite baš ovakvu komandu" slo "Zadaná požiadavka SELECT by prechádzala príliš mnoho záznamov a trvala by príliš dlho. Skontrolujte tvar WHERE a ak je v poriadku, použite SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1" spa "El SELECT puede examinar muchos registros y probablemente con mucho tiempo. Verifique tu WHERE y usa SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 si el SELECT esta correcto" swe "Den angivna frågan skulle läsa mer än MAX_JOIN_SIZE rader. Kontrollera din WHERE och använd SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 eller SET MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# ifall du vill hantera stora joins" ukr "Запиту SELECT потрібно обробити багато записів, що, певне, займе дуже багато часу. Перевірте ваше WHERE та використовуйте SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1, якщо цей запит SELECT є вірним" ER_UNKNOWN_ERROR cze "Neznámá chyba" dan "Ukendt fejl" nla "Onbekende Fout" eng "Unknown error" est "Tundmatu viga" fre "Erreur inconnue" ger "Unbekannter Fehler" greek "Προέκυψε άγνωστο λάθος" hun "Ismeretlen hiba" ita "Errore sconosciuto" jpn "不明なエラー" kor "알수 없는 에러입니다." nor "Ukjent feil" norwegian-ny "Ukjend feil" por "Erro desconhecido" rum "Eroare unknown" rus "Неизвестная ошибка" serbian "Nepoznata greška" slo "Neznámá chyba" spa "Error desconocido" swe "Okänt fel" ukr "Невідома помилка" ER_UNKNOWN_PROCEDURE 42000 cze "Neznámá procedura %-.192s" dan "Ukendt procedure %-.192s" nla "Onbekende procedure %-.192s" eng "Unknown procedure '%-.192s'" est "Tundmatu protseduur '%-.192s'" fre "Procédure %-.192s inconnue" ger "Unbekannte Prozedur '%-.192s'" greek "Αγνωστη διαδικασία '%-.192s'" hun "Ismeretlen eljaras: '%-.192s'" ita "Procedura '%-.192s' sconosciuta" jpn "'%-.192s' は不明なプロシージャです。" kor "알수 없는 수행문 : '%-.192s'" nor "Ukjent prosedyre %-.192s" norwegian-ny "Ukjend prosedyre %-.192s" pol "Unkown procedure %-.192s" por "'Procedure' '%-.192s' desconhecida" rum "Procedura unknown '%-.192s'" rus "Неизвестная процедура '%-.192s'" serbian "Nepoznata procedura '%-.192s'" slo "Neznámá procedúra '%-.192s'" spa "Procedimiento desconocido %-.192s" swe "Okänd procedur: %-.192s" ukr "Невідома процедура '%-.192s'" ER_WRONG_PARAMCOUNT_TO_PROCEDURE 42000 cze "Chybný počet parametrů procedury %-.192s" dan "Forkert antal parametre til proceduren %-.192s" nla "Foutief aantal parameters doorgegeven aan procedure %-.192s" eng "Incorrect parameter count to procedure '%-.192s'" est "Vale parameetrite hulk protseduurile '%-.192s'" fre "Mauvais nombre de paramètres pour la procedure %-.192s" ger "Falsche Parameterzahl für Prozedur '%-.192s'" greek "Λάθος αριθμός παραμέτρων στη διαδικασία '%-.192s'" hun "Rossz parameter a(z) '%-.192s'eljaras szamitasanal" ita "Numero di parametri errato per la procedura '%-.192s'" jpn "プロシージャ '%-.192s' へのパラメータ数が不正です。" kor "'%-.192s' 수행문에 대한 부정확한 파라메터" nor "Feil parameter antall til prosedyren %-.192s" norwegian-ny "Feil parameter tal til prosedyra %-.192s" pol "Incorrect parameter count to procedure %-.192s" por "Número de parâmetros incorreto para a 'procedure' '%-.192s'" rum "Procedura '%-.192s' are un numar incorect de parametri" rus "Некорректное количество параметров для процедуры '%-.192s'" serbian "Pogrešan broj parametara za proceduru '%-.192s'" slo "Chybný počet parametrov procedúry '%-.192s'" spa "Equivocado parametro count para procedimiento %-.192s" swe "Felaktigt antal parametrar till procedur %-.192s" ukr "Хибна кількість параметрів процедури '%-.192s'" ER_WRONG_PARAMETERS_TO_PROCEDURE cze "Chybné parametry procedury %-.192s" dan "Forkert(e) parametre til proceduren %-.192s" nla "Foutieve parameters voor procedure %-.192s" eng "Incorrect parameters to procedure '%-.192s'" est "Vigased parameetrid protseduurile '%-.192s'" fre "Paramètre erroné pour la procedure %-.192s" ger "Falsche Parameter für Prozedur '%-.192s'" greek "Λάθος παράμετροι στην διαδικασία '%-.192s'" hun "Rossz parameter a(z) '%-.192s' eljarasban" ita "Parametri errati per la procedura '%-.192s'" jpn "プロシージャ '%-.192s' へのパラメータが不正です。" kor "'%-.192s' 수행문에 대한 부정확한 파라메터" nor "Feil parametre til prosedyren %-.192s" norwegian-ny "Feil parameter til prosedyra %-.192s" pol "Incorrect parameters to procedure %-.192s" por "Parâmetros incorretos para a 'procedure' '%-.192s'" rum "Procedura '%-.192s' are parametrii incorecti" rus "Некорректные параметры для процедуры '%-.192s'" serbian "Pogrešni parametri prosleđeni proceduri '%-.192s'" slo "Chybné parametre procedúry '%-.192s'" spa "Equivocados parametros para procedimiento %-.192s" swe "Felaktiga parametrar till procedur %-.192s" ukr "Хибний параметер процедури '%-.192s'" ER_UNKNOWN_TABLE 42S02 cze "Neznámá tabulka '%-.192s' v %-.32s" dan "Ukendt tabel '%-.192s' i %-.32s" nla "Onbekende tabel '%-.192s' in %-.32s" eng "Unknown table '%-.192s' in %-.32s" est "Tundmatu tabel '%-.192s' %-.32s-s" fre "Table inconnue '%-.192s' dans %-.32s" ger "Unbekannte Tabelle '%-.192s' in '%-.32s'" greek "Αγνωστος πίνακας '%-.192s' σε %-.32s" hun "Ismeretlen tabla: '%-.192s' %-.32s-ban" ita "Tabella '%-.192s' sconosciuta in %-.32s" jpn "'%-.192s' は %-.32s では不明な表です。" kor "알수 없는 테이블 '%-.192s' (데이타베이스 %-.32s)" nor "Ukjent tabell '%-.192s' i %-.32s" norwegian-ny "Ukjend tabell '%-.192s' i %-.32s" pol "Unknown table '%-.192s' in %-.32s" por "Tabela '%-.192s' desconhecida em '%-.32s'" rum "Tabla '%-.192s' invalida in %-.32s" rus "Неизвестная таблица '%-.192s' в %-.32s" serbian "Nepoznata tabela '%-.192s' u '%-.32s'" slo "Neznáma tabuľka '%-.192s' v %-.32s" spa "Tabla desconocida '%-.192s' in %-.32s" swe "Okänd tabell '%-.192s' i '%-.32s'" ukr "Невідома таблиця '%-.192s' у %-.32s" ER_FIELD_SPECIFIED_TWICE 42000 cze "Položka '%-.192s' je zadána dvakrát" dan "Feltet '%-.192s' er anvendt to gange" nla "Veld '%-.192s' is dubbel gespecificeerd" eng "Column '%-.192s' specified twice" est "Tulp '%-.192s' on määratletud topelt" fre "Champ '%-.192s' spécifié deux fois" ger "Feld '%-.192s' wurde zweimal angegeben" greek "Το πεδίο '%-.192s' έχει ορισθεί δύο φορές" hun "A(z) '%-.192s' mezot ketszer definialta" ita "Campo '%-.192s' specificato 2 volte" jpn "列 '%-.192s' は2回指定されています。" kor "칼럼 '%-.192s'는 두번 정의되어 있읍니다." nor "Feltet '%-.192s' er spesifisert to ganger" norwegian-ny "Feltet '%-.192s' er spesifisert to gangar" pol "Field '%-.192s' specified twice" por "Coluna '%-.192s' especificada duas vezes" rum "Coloana '%-.192s' specificata de doua ori" rus "Столбец '%-.192s' указан дважды" serbian "Kolona '%-.192s' je navedena dva puta" slo "Pole '%-.192s' je zadané dvakrát" spa "Campo '%-.192s' especificado dos veces" swe "Fält '%-.192s' är redan använt" ukr "Стовбець '%-.192s' зазначено двічі" ER_INVALID_GROUP_FUNC_USE cze "Nesprávné použití funkce group" dan "Forkert brug af grupperings-funktion" nla "Ongeldig gebruik van GROUP-functie" eng "Invalid use of group function" est "Vigane grupeerimisfunktsiooni kasutus" fre "Utilisation invalide de la clause GROUP" ger "Falsche Verwendung einer Gruppierungsfunktion" greek "Εσφαλμένη χρήση της group function" hun "A group funkcio ervenytelen hasznalata" ita "Uso non valido di una funzione di raggruppamento" jpn "集計関数の使用方法が不正です。" kor "잘못된 그룹 함수를 사용하였습니다." por "Uso inválido de função de agrupamento (GROUP)" rum "Folosire incorecta a functiei group" rus "Неправильное использование групповых функций" serbian "Pogrešna upotreba 'GROUP' funkcije" slo "Nesprávne použitie funkcie GROUP" spa "Invalido uso de función en grupo" swe "Felaktig användning av SQL grupp function" ukr "Хибне використання функції групування" ER_UNSUPPORTED_EXTENSION 42000 cze "Tabulka '%-.192s' používá rozšíření, které v této verzi MySQL není" dan "Tabellen '%-.192s' bruger et filtypenavn som ikke findes i denne MySQL version" nla "Tabel '%-.192s' gebruikt een extensie, die niet in deze MySQL-versie voorkomt." eng "Table '%-.192s' uses an extension that doesn't exist in this MySQL version" est "Tabel '%-.192s' kasutab laiendust, mis ei eksisteeri antud MySQL versioonis" fre "Table '%-.192s' : utilise une extension invalide pour cette version de MySQL" ger "Tabelle '%-.192s' verwendet eine Erweiterung, die in dieser MySQL-Version nicht verfügbar ist" greek "Ο πίνακς '%-.192s' χρησιμοποιεί κάποιο extension που δεν υπάρχει στην έκδοση αυτή της MySQL" hun "A(z) '%-.192s' tabla olyan bovitest hasznal, amely nem letezik ebben a MySQL versioban." ita "La tabella '%-.192s' usa un'estensione che non esiste in questa versione di MySQL" jpn "表 '%-.192s' は、このMySQLバージョンには無い機能を使用しています。" kor "테이블 '%-.192s'는 확장명령을 이용하지만 현재의 MySQL 버젼에서는 존재하지 않습니다." nor "Table '%-.192s' uses a extension that doesn't exist in this MySQL version" norwegian-ny "Table '%-.192s' uses a extension that doesn't exist in this MySQL version" pol "Table '%-.192s' uses a extension that doesn't exist in this MySQL version" por "Tabela '%-.192s' usa uma extensão que não existe nesta versão do MySQL" rum "Tabela '%-.192s' foloseste o extensire inexistenta in versiunea curenta de MySQL" rus "В таблице '%-.192s' используются возможности, не поддерживаемые в этой версии MySQL" serbian "Tabela '%-.192s' koristi ekstenziju koje ne postoji u ovoj verziji MySQL-a" slo "Tabuľka '%-.192s' používa rozšírenie, ktoré v tejto verzii MySQL nie je" spa "Tabla '%-.192s' usa una extensión que no existe en esta MySQL versión" swe "Tabell '%-.192s' har en extension som inte finns i denna version av MySQL" ukr "Таблиця '%-.192s' використовує розширення, що не існує у цій версії MySQL" ER_TABLE_MUST_HAVE_COLUMNS 42000 cze "Tabulka musí mít alespoň jeden sloupec" dan "En tabel skal have mindst een kolonne" nla "Een tabel moet minstens 1 kolom bevatten" eng "A table must have at least 1 column" est "Tabelis peab olema vähemalt üks tulp" fre "Une table doit comporter au moins une colonne" ger "Eine Tabelle muss mindestens eine Spalte besitzen" greek "Ενας πίνακας πρέπει να έχει τουλάχιστον ένα πεδίο" hun "A tablanak legalabb egy oszlopot tartalmazni kell" ita "Una tabella deve avere almeno 1 colonna" jpn "表には最低でも1個の列が必要です。" kor "하나의 테이블에서는 적어도 하나의 칼럼이 존재하여야 합니다." por "Uma tabela tem que ter pelo menos uma (1) coluna" rum "O tabela trebuie sa aiba cel putin o coloana" rus "В таблице должен быть как минимум один столбец" serbian "Tabela mora imati najmanje jednu kolonu" slo "Tabuľka musí mať aspoň 1 pole" spa "Una tabla debe tener al menos 1 columna" swe "Tabeller måste ha minst 1 kolumn" ukr "Таблиця повинна мати хочаб один стовбець" ER_RECORD_FILE_FULL cze "Tabulka '%-.192s' je plná" dan "Tabellen '%-.192s' er fuld" nla "De tabel '%-.192s' is vol" eng "The table '%-.192s' is full" est "Tabel '%-.192s' on täis" fre "La table '%-.192s' est pleine" ger "Tabelle '%-.192s' ist voll" greek "Ο πίνακας '%-.192s' είναι γεμάτος" hun "A '%-.192s' tabla megtelt" ita "La tabella '%-.192s' e` piena" jpn "表 '%-.192s' は満杯です。" kor "테이블 '%-.192s'가 full났습니다. " por "Tabela '%-.192s' está cheia" rum "Tabela '%-.192s' e plina" rus "Таблица '%-.192s' переполнена" serbian "Tabela '%-.192s' je popunjena do kraja" slo "Tabuľka '%-.192s' je plná" spa "La tabla '%-.192s' está llena" swe "Tabellen '%-.192s' är full" ukr "Таблиця '%-.192s' заповнена" ER_UNKNOWN_CHARACTER_SET 42000 cze "Neznámá znaková sada: '%-.64s'" dan "Ukendt tegnsæt: '%-.64s'" nla "Onbekende character set: '%-.64s'" eng "Unknown character set: '%-.64s'" est "Vigane kooditabel '%-.64s'" fre "Jeu de caractères inconnu: '%-.64s'" ger "Unbekannter Zeichensatz: '%-.64s'" greek "Αγνωστο character set: '%-.64s'" hun "Ervenytelen karakterkeszlet: '%-.64s'" ita "Set di caratteri '%-.64s' sconosciuto" jpn "不明な文字コードセット: '%-.64s'" kor "알수없는 언어 Set: '%-.64s'" por "Conjunto de caracteres '%-.64s' desconhecido" rum "Set de caractere invalid: '%-.64s'" rus "Неизвестная кодировка '%-.64s'" serbian "Nepoznati karakter-set: '%-.64s'" slo "Neznáma znaková sada: '%-.64s'" spa "Juego de caracteres desconocido: '%-.64s'" swe "Okänd teckenuppsättning: '%-.64s'" ukr "Невідома кодова таблиця: '%-.64s'" ER_TOO_MANY_TABLES cze "Příliš mnoho tabulek, MySQL jich může mít v joinu jen %d" dan "For mange tabeller. MySQL kan kun bruge %d tabeller i et join" nla "Teveel tabellen. MySQL kan slechts %d tabellen in een join bevatten" eng "Too many tables; MySQL can only use %d tables in a join" est "Liiga palju tabeleid. MySQL suudab JOINiga ühendada kuni %d tabelit" fre "Trop de tables. MySQL ne peut utiliser que %d tables dans un JOIN" ger "Zu viele Tabellen. MySQL kann in einem Join maximal %d Tabellen verwenden" greek "Πολύ μεγάλος αριθμός πινάκων. Η MySQL μπορεί να χρησιμοποιήσει %d πίνακες σε διαδικασία join" hun "Tul sok tabla. A MySQL csak %d tablat tud kezelni osszefuzeskor" ita "Troppe tabelle. MySQL puo` usare solo %d tabelle in una join" jpn "表が多すぎます。MySQLがJOINできる表は %d 個までです。" kor "너무 많은 테이블이 Join되었습니다. MySQL에서는 JOIN시 %d개의 테이블만 사용할 수 있습니다." por "Tabelas demais. O MySQL pode usar somente %d tabelas em uma junção (JOIN)" rum "Prea multe tabele. MySQL nu poate folosi mai mult de %d tabele intr-un join" rus "Слишком много таблиц. MySQL может использовать только %d таблиц в соединении" serbian "Previše tabela. MySQL može upotrebiti maksimum %d tabela pri 'JOIN' operaciji" slo "Príliš mnoho tabuliek. MySQL môže použiť len %d v JOIN-e" spa "Muchas tablas. MySQL solamente puede usar %d tablas en un join" swe "För många tabeller. MySQL can ha högst %d tabeller i en och samma join" ukr "Забагато таблиць. MySQL може використовувати лише %d таблиць у об'єднанні" ER_TOO_MANY_FIELDS cze "Příliš mnoho položek" dan "For mange felter" nla "Te veel velden" eng "Too many columns" est "Liiga palju tulpasid" fre "Trop de champs" ger "Zu viele Felder" greek "Πολύ μεγάλος αριθμός πεδίων" hun "Tul sok mezo" ita "Troppi campi" jpn "列が多すぎます。" kor "칼럼이 너무 많습니다." por "Colunas demais" rum "Prea multe coloane" rus "Слишком много столбцов" serbian "Previše kolona" slo "Príliš mnoho polí" spa "Muchos campos" swe "För många fält" ukr "Забагато стовбців" ER_TOO_BIG_ROWSIZE 42000 cze "Řádek je příliš velký. Maximální velikost řádku, nepočítaje položky blob, je %ld. Musíte změnit některé položky na blob" dan "For store poster. Max post størrelse, uden BLOB's, er %ld. Du må lave nogle felter til BLOB's" nla "Rij-grootte is groter dan toegestaan. Maximale rij grootte, blobs niet meegeteld, is %ld. U dient sommige velden in blobs te veranderen." eng "Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is %ld. This includes storage overhead, check the manual. You have to change some columns to TEXT or BLOBs" est "Liiga pikk kirje. Kirje maksimumpikkus arvestamata BLOB-tüüpi välju on %ld. Muuda mõned väljad BLOB-tüüpi väljadeks" fre "Ligne trop grande. Le taille maximale d'une ligne, sauf les BLOBs, est %ld. Changez le type de quelques colonnes en BLOB" ger "Zeilenlänge zu groß. Die maximale Zeilenlänge für den verwendeten Tabellentyp (ohne BLOB-Felder) beträgt %ld. Einige Felder müssen in BLOB oder TEXT umgewandelt werden" greek "Πολύ μεγάλο μέγεθος εγγραφής. Το μέγιστο μέγεθος εγγραφής, χωρίς να υπολογίζονται τα blobs, είναι %ld. Πρέπει να ορίσετε κάποια πεδία σαν blobs" hun "Tul nagy sormeret. A maximalis sormeret (nem szamolva a blob objektumokat) %ld. Nehany mezot meg kell valtoztatnia" ita "Riga troppo grande. La massima grandezza di una riga, non contando i BLOB, e` %ld. Devi cambiare alcuni campi in BLOB" jpn "行サイズが大きすぎます。この表の最大行サイズは BLOB を含まずに %ld です。格納時のオーバーヘッドも含まれます(マニュアルを確認してください)。列をTEXTまたはBLOBに変更する必要があります。" kor "너무 큰 row 사이즈입니다. BLOB를 계산하지 않고 최대 row 사이즈는 %ld입니다. 얼마간의 필드들을 BLOB로 바꾸셔야 겠군요.." por "Tamanho de linha grande demais. O máximo tamanho de linha, não contando BLOBs, é %ld. Você tem que mudar alguns campos para BLOBs" rum "Marimea liniei (row) prea mare. Marimea maxima a liniei, excluzind BLOB-urile este de %ld. Trebuie sa schimbati unele cimpuri in BLOB-uri" rus "Слишком большой размер записи. Максимальный размер строки, исключая поля BLOB, - %ld. Возможно, вам следует изменить тип некоторых полей на BLOB" serbian "Prevelik slog. Maksimalna veličina sloga, ne računajući BLOB polja, je %ld. Trebali bi da promenite tip nekih polja u BLOB" slo "Riadok je príliš veľký. Maximálna veľkosť riadku, okrem 'BLOB', je %ld. Musíte zmeniť niektoré položky na BLOB" spa "Tamaño de línea muy grande. Máximo tamaño de línea, no contando blob, es %ld. Tu tienes que cambiar algunos campos para blob" swe "För stor total radlängd. Den högst tillåtna radlängden, förutom BLOBs, är %ld. Ändra några av dina fält till BLOB" ukr "Задовга строка. Найбільшою довжиною строки, не рахуючи BLOB, є %ld. Вам потрібно привести деякі стовбці до типу BLOB" ER_STACK_OVERRUN cze "Přetečení zásobníku threadu: použito %ld z %ld. Použijte 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' k zadání většího zásobníku" dan "Thread stack brugt: Brugt: %ld af en %ld stak. Brug 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' for at allokere en større stak om nødvendigt" nla "Thread stapel overrun: Gebruikte: %ld van een %ld stack. Gebruik 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' om een grotere stapel te definieren (indien noodzakelijk)." eng "Thread stack overrun: Used: %ld of a %ld stack. Use 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' to specify a bigger stack if needed" fre "Débordement de la pile des tâches (Thread stack). Utilisées: %ld pour une pile de %ld. Essayez 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' pour indiquer une plus grande valeur" ger "Thread-Stack-Überlauf. Benutzt: %ld von %ld Stack. 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' verwenden, um bei Bedarf einen größeren Stack anzulegen" greek "Stack overrun στο thread: Used: %ld of a %ld stack. Παρακαλώ χρησιμοποιείστε 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' για να ορίσετε ένα μεγαλύτερο stack αν χρειάζεται" hun "Thread verem tullepes: Used: %ld of a %ld stack. Hasznalja a 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' nagyobb verem definialasahoz" ita "Thread stack overrun: Usati: %ld di uno stack di %ld. Usa 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' per specificare uno stack piu` grande." jpn "スレッドスタック不足です(使用: %ld ; サイズ: %ld)。必要に応じて、より大きい値で 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' の指定をしてください。" kor "쓰레드 스택이 넘쳤습니다. 사용: %ld개 스택: %ld개. 만약 필요시 더큰 스택을 원할때에는 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' 를 정의하세요" por "Estouro da pilha do 'thread'. Usados %ld de uma pilha de %ld. Use 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' para especificar uma pilha maior, se necessário" rum "Stack-ul thread-ului a fost depasit (prea mic): Folositi: %ld intr-un stack de %ld. Folositi 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' ca sa specifici un stack mai mare" rus "Стек потоков переполнен: использовано: %ld из %ld стека. Применяйте 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' для указания большего размера стека, если необходимо" serbian "Prepisivanje thread stack-a: Upotrebljeno: %ld od %ld stack memorije. Upotrebite 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' da navedete veći stack ako je potrebno" slo "Pretečenie zásobníku vlákna: použité: %ld z %ld. Použite 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' k zadaniu väčšieho zásobníka" spa "Sobrecarga de la pila de thread: Usada: %ld de una %ld pila. Use 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' para especificar una mayor pila si necesario" swe "Trådstacken tog slut: Har använt %ld av %ld bytes. Använd 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' ifall du behöver en större stack" ukr "Стек гілок переповнено: Використано: %ld з %ld. Використовуйте 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' аби зазначити більший стек, якщо необхідно" ER_WRONG_OUTER_JOIN 42000 cze "V OUTER JOIN byl nalezen křížový odkaz. Prověřte ON podmínky" dan "Krydsreferencer fundet i OUTER JOIN; check dine ON conditions" nla "Gekruiste afhankelijkheid gevonden in OUTER JOIN. Controleer uw ON-conditions" eng "Cross dependency found in OUTER JOIN; examine your ON conditions" est "Ristsõltuvus OUTER JOIN klauslis. Kontrolli oma ON tingimusi" fre "Dépendance croisée dans une clause OUTER JOIN. Vérifiez la condition ON" ger "OUTER JOIN enthält fehlerhafte Abhängigkeiten. In ON verwendete Bedingungen überprüfen" greek "Cross dependency βρέθηκε σε OUTER JOIN. Παρακαλώ εξετάστε τις συνθήκες που θέσατε στο ON" hun "Keresztfuggoseg van az OUTER JOIN-ban. Ellenorizze az ON felteteleket" ita "Trovata una dipendenza incrociata nella OUTER JOIN. Controlla le condizioni ON" jpn "OUTER JOINに相互依存が見つかりました。ON句の条件を確認して下さい。" por "Dependência cruzada encontrada em junção externa (OUTER JOIN); examine as condições utilizadas nas cláusulas 'ON'" rum "Dependinta incrucisata (cross dependency) gasita in OUTER JOIN. Examinati conditiile ON" rus "В OUTER JOIN обнаружена перекрестная зависимость. Внимательно проанализируйте свои условия ON" serbian "Unakrsna zavisnost pronađena u komandi 'OUTER JOIN'. Istražite vaše 'ON' uslove" slo "V OUTER JOIN bol nájdený krížový odkaz. Skontrolujte podmienky ON" spa "Dependencia cruzada encontrada en OUTER JOIN. Examine su condición ON" swe "Felaktigt referens i OUTER JOIN. Kontrollera ON-uttrycket" ukr "Перехресна залежність у OUTER JOIN. Перевірте умову ON" ER_NULL_COLUMN_IN_INDEX 42000 eng "Table handler doesn't support NULL in given index. Please change column '%-.192s' to be NOT NULL or use another handler" swe "Tabell hanteraren kan inte indexera NULL kolumner för den givna index typen. Ändra '%-.192s' till NOT NULL eller använd en annan hanterare" ER_CANT_FIND_UDF cze "Nemohu načíst funkci '%-.192s'" dan "Kan ikke læse funktionen '%-.192s'" nla "Kan functie '%-.192s' niet laden" eng "Can't load function '%-.192s'" est "Ei suuda avada funktsiooni '%-.192s'" fre "Imposible de charger la fonction '%-.192s'" ger "Kann Funktion '%-.192s' nicht laden" greek "Δεν είναι δυνατή η διαδικασία load για τη συνάρτηση '%-.192s'" hun "A(z) '%-.192s' fuggveny nem toltheto be" ita "Impossibile caricare la funzione '%-.192s'" jpn "関数 '%-.192s' をロードできません。" kor "'%-.192s' 함수를 로드하지 못했습니다." por "Não pode carregar a função '%-.192s'" rum "Nu pot incarca functia '%-.192s'" rus "Невозможно загрузить функцию '%-.192s'" serbian "Ne mogu da učitam funkciju '%-.192s'" slo "Nemôžem načítať funkciu '%-.192s'" spa "No puedo cargar función '%-.192s'" swe "Kan inte ladda funktionen '%-.192s'" ukr "Не можу завантажити функцію '%-.192s'" ER_CANT_INITIALIZE_UDF cze "Nemohu inicializovat funkci '%-.192s'; %-.80s" dan "Kan ikke starte funktionen '%-.192s'; %-.80s" nla "Kan functie '%-.192s' niet initialiseren; %-.80s" eng "Can't initialize function '%-.192s'; %-.80s" est "Ei suuda algväärtustada funktsiooni '%-.192s'; %-.80s" fre "Impossible d'initialiser la fonction '%-.192s'; %-.80s" ger "Kann Funktion '%-.192s' nicht initialisieren: %-.80s" greek "Δεν είναι δυνατή η έναρξη της συνάρτησης '%-.192s'; %-.80s" hun "A(z) '%-.192s' fuggveny nem inicializalhato; %-.80s" ita "Impossibile inizializzare la funzione '%-.192s'; %-.80s" jpn "関数 '%-.192s' を初期化できません。; %-.80s" kor "'%-.192s' 함수를 초기화 하지 못했습니다.; %-.80s" por "Não pode inicializar a função '%-.192s' - '%-.80s'" rum "Nu pot initializa functia '%-.192s'; %-.80s" rus "Невозможно инициализировать функцию '%-.192s'; %-.80s" serbian "Ne mogu da inicijalizujem funkciju '%-.192s'; %-.80s" slo "Nemôžem inicializovať funkciu '%-.192s'; %-.80s" spa "No puedo inicializar función '%-.192s'; %-.80s" swe "Kan inte initialisera funktionen '%-.192s'; '%-.80s'" ukr "Не можу ініціалізувати функцію '%-.192s'; %-.80s" ER_UDF_NO_PATHS cze "Pro sdílenou knihovnu nejsou povoleny cesty" dan "Angivelse af sti ikke tilladt for delt bibliotek" nla "Geen pad toegestaan voor shared library" eng "No paths allowed for shared library" est "Teegi nimes ei tohi olla kataloogi" fre "Chemin interdit pour les bibliothèques partagées" ger "Keine Pfade gestattet für Shared Library" greek "Δεν βρέθηκαν paths για την shared library" hun "Nincs ut a megosztott konyvtarakhoz (shared library)" ita "Non sono ammessi path per le librerie condivisa" jpn "共有ライブラリにはパスを指定できません。" kor "공유 라이버러리를 위한 패스가 정의되어 있지 않습니다." por "Não há caminhos (paths) permitidos para biblioteca compartilhada" rum "Nici un paths nu e permis pentru o librarie shared" rus "Недопустимо указывать пути для динамических библиотек" serbian "Ne postoje dozvoljene putanje do share-ovane biblioteke" slo "Neprípustné žiadne cesty k zdieľanej knižnici" spa "No pasos permitidos para librarias conjugadas" swe "Man får inte ange sökväg för dynamiska bibliotek" ukr "Не дозволено використовувати путі для розділюваних бібліотек" ER_UDF_EXISTS cze "Funkce '%-.192s' již existuje" dan "Funktionen '%-.192s' findes allerede" nla "Functie '%-.192s' bestaat reeds" eng "Function '%-.192s' already exists" est "Funktsioon '%-.192s' juba eksisteerib" fre "La fonction '%-.192s' existe déjà" ger "Funktion '%-.192s' existiert schon" greek "Η συνάρτηση '%-.192s' υπάρχει ήδη" hun "A '%-.192s' fuggveny mar letezik" ita "La funzione '%-.192s' esiste gia`" jpn "関数 '%-.192s' はすでに定義されています。" kor "'%-.192s' 함수는 이미 존재합니다." por "Função '%-.192s' já existe" rum "Functia '%-.192s' exista deja" rus "Функция '%-.192s' уже существует" serbian "Funkcija '%-.192s' već postoji" slo "Funkcia '%-.192s' už existuje" spa "Función '%-.192s' ya existe" swe "Funktionen '%-.192s' finns redan" ukr "Функція '%-.192s' вже існує" ER_CANT_OPEN_LIBRARY cze "Nemohu otevřít sdílenou knihovnu '%-.192s' (errno: %d %-.128s)" dan "Kan ikke åbne delt bibliotek '%-.192s' (errno: %d %-.128s)" nla "Kan shared library '%-.192s' niet openen (Errcode: %d %-.128s)" eng "Can't open shared library '%-.192s' (errno: %d %-.128s)" est "Ei suuda avada jagatud teeki '%-.192s' (veakood: %d %-.128s)" fre "Impossible d'ouvrir la bibliothèque partagée '%-.192s' (errno: %d %-.128s)" ger "Kann Shared Library '%-.192s' nicht öffnen (Fehler: %d %-.128s)" greek "Δεν είναι δυνατή η ανάγνωση της shared library '%-.192s' (κωδικός λάθους: %d %-.128s)" hun "A(z) '%-.192s' megosztott konyvtar nem hasznalhato (hibakod: %d %-.128s)" ita "Impossibile aprire la libreria condivisa '%-.192s' (errno: %d %-.128s)" jpn "共有ライブラリ '%-.192s' を開く事ができません。(エラー番号: %d %-.128s)" kor "'%-.192s' 공유 라이버러리를 열수 없습니다.(에러번호: %d %-.128s)" nor "Can't open shared library '%-.192s' (errno: %d %-.128s)" norwegian-ny "Can't open shared library '%-.192s' (errno: %d %-.128s)" pol "Can't open shared library '%-.192s' (errno: %d %-.128s)" por "Não pode abrir biblioteca compartilhada '%-.192s' (erro no. %d '%-.128s')" rum "Nu pot deschide libraria shared '%-.192s' (Eroare: %d %-.128s)" rus "Невозможно открыть динамическую библиотеку '%-.192s' (ошибка: %d %-.128s)" serbian "Ne mogu da otvorim share-ovanu biblioteku '%-.192s' (errno: %d %-.128s)" slo "Nemôžem otvoriť zdieľanú knižnicu '%-.192s' (chybový kód: %d %-.128s)" spa "No puedo abrir libraria conjugada '%-.192s' (errno: %d %-.128s)" swe "Kan inte öppna det dynamiska biblioteket '%-.192s' (Felkod: %d %-.128s)" ukr "Не можу відкрити розділювану бібліотеку '%-.192s' (помилка: %d %-.128s)" ER_CANT_FIND_DL_ENTRY cze "Nemohu najít funkci '%-.128s' v knihovně" dan "Kan ikke finde funktionen '%-.128s' i bibliotek" nla "Kan functie '%-.128s' niet in library vinden" eng "Can't find symbol '%-.128s' in library" est "Ei leia funktsiooni '%-.128s' antud teegis" fre "Impossible de trouver la fonction '%-.128s' dans la bibliothèque" ger "Kann Funktion '%-.128s' in der Library nicht finden" greek "Δεν είναι δυνατή η ανεύρεση της συνάρτησης '%-.128s' στην βιβλιοθήκη" hun "A(z) '%-.128s' fuggveny nem talalhato a konyvtarban" ita "Impossibile trovare la funzione '%-.128s' nella libreria" jpn "関数 '%-.128s' は共有ライブラリー中にありません。" kor "라이버러리에서 '%-.128s' 함수를 찾을 수 없습니다." por "Não pode encontrar a função '%-.128s' na biblioteca" rum "Nu pot gasi functia '%-.128s' in libraria" rus "Невозможно отыскать символ '%-.128s' в библиотеке" serbian "Ne mogu da pronadjem funkciju '%-.128s' u biblioteci" slo "Nemôžem nájsť funkciu '%-.128s' v knižnici" spa "No puedo encontrar función '%-.128s' en libraria" swe "Hittar inte funktionen '%-.128s' in det dynamiska biblioteket" ukr "Не можу знайти функцію '%-.128s' у бібліотеці" ER_FUNCTION_NOT_DEFINED cze "Funkce '%-.192s' není definována" dan "Funktionen '%-.192s' er ikke defineret" nla "Functie '%-.192s' is niet gedefinieerd" eng "Function '%-.192s' is not defined" est "Funktsioon '%-.192s' ei ole defineeritud" fre "La fonction '%-.192s' n'est pas définie" ger "Funktion '%-.192s' ist nicht definiert" greek "Η συνάρτηση '%-.192s' δεν έχει ορισθεί" hun "A '%-.192s' fuggveny nem definialt" ita "La funzione '%-.192s' non e` definita" jpn "関数 '%-.192s' は定義されていません。" kor "'%-.192s' 함수가 정의되어 있지 않습니다." por "Função '%-.192s' não está definida" rum "Functia '%-.192s' nu e definita" rus "Функция '%-.192s' не определена" serbian "Funkcija '%-.192s' nije definisana" slo "Funkcia '%-.192s' nie je definovaná" spa "Función '%-.192s' no está definida" swe "Funktionen '%-.192s' är inte definierad" ukr "Функцію '%-.192s' не визначено" ER_HOST_IS_BLOCKED cze "Stroj '%-.64s' je zablokován kvůli mnoha chybám při připojování. Odblokujete použitím 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'" dan "Værten '%-.64s' er blokeret på grund af mange fejlforespørgsler. Lås op med 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'" nla "Host '%-.64s' is geblokkeeerd vanwege te veel verbindings fouten. Deblokkeer met 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'" eng "Host '%-.64s' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'" est "Masin '%-.64s' on blokeeritud hulgaliste ühendusvigade tõttu. Blokeeringu saab tühistada 'mysqladmin flush-hosts' käsuga" fre "L'hôte '%-.64s' est bloqué à cause d'un trop grand nombre d'erreur de connexion. Débloquer le par 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'" ger "Host '%-.64s' blockiert wegen zu vieler Verbindungsfehler. Aufheben der Blockierung mit 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'" greek "Ο υπολογιστής '%-.64s' έχει αποκλεισθεί λόγω πολλαπλών λαθών σύνδεσης. Προσπαθήστε να διορώσετε με 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'" hun "A '%-.64s' host blokkolodott, tul sok kapcsolodasi hiba miatt. Hasznalja a 'mysqladmin flush-hosts' parancsot" ita "Sistema '%-.64s' bloccato a causa di troppi errori di connessione. Per sbloccarlo: 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'" jpn "接続エラーが多いため、ホスト '%-.64s' は拒否されました。'mysqladmin flush-hosts' で解除できます。" kor "너무 많은 연결오류로 인하여 호스트 '%-.64s'는 블락되었습니다. 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'를 이용하여 블락을 해제하세요" por "'Host' '%-.64s' está bloqueado devido a muitos erros de conexão. Desbloqueie com 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'" rum "Host-ul '%-.64s' e blocat din cauza multelor erori de conectie. Poti deploca folosind 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'" rus "Хост '%-.64s' заблокирован из-за слишком большого количества ошибок соединения. Разблокировать его можно с помощью 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'" serbian "Host '%-.64s' je blokiran zbog previše grešaka u konekciji. Možete ga odblokirati pomoću komande 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'" spa "Servidor '%-.64s' está bloqueado por muchos errores de conexión. Desbloquear con 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'" swe "Denna dator, '%-.64s', är blockerad pga många felaktig paket. Gör 'mysqladmin flush-hosts' för att ta bort alla blockeringarna" ukr "Хост '%-.64s' заблоковано з причини великої кількості помилок з'єднання. Для розблокування використовуйте 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'" ER_HOST_NOT_PRIVILEGED cze "Stroj '%-.64s' nemá povoleno se k tomuto MySQL serveru připojit" dan "Værten '%-.64s' kan ikke tilkoble denne MySQL-server" nla "Het is host '%-.64s' is niet toegestaan verbinding te maken met deze MySQL server" eng "Host '%-.64s' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server" est "Masinal '%-.64s' puudub ligipääs sellele MySQL serverile" fre "Le hôte '%-.64s' n'est pas authorisé à se connecter à ce serveur MySQL" ger "Host '%-.64s' hat keine Berechtigung, sich mit diesem MySQL-Server zu verbinden" greek "Ο υπολογιστής '%-.64s' δεν έχει δικαίωμα σύνδεσης με τον MySQL server" hun "A '%-.64s' host szamara nem engedelyezett a kapcsolodas ehhez a MySQL szerverhez" ita "Al sistema '%-.64s' non e` consentita la connessione a questo server MySQL" jpn "ホスト '%-.64s' からのこの MySQL server への接続は許可されていません。" kor "'%-.64s' 호스트는 이 MySQL서버에 접속할 허가를 받지 못했습니다." por "'Host' '%-.64s' não tem permissão para se conectar com este servidor MySQL" rum "Host-ul '%-.64s' nu este permis a se conecta la aceste server MySQL" rus "Хосту '%-.64s' не разрешается подключаться к этому серверу MySQL" serbian "Host-u '%-.64s' nije dozvoljeno da se konektuje na ovaj MySQL server" spa "Servidor '%-.64s' no está permitido para conectar con este servidor MySQL" swe "Denna dator, '%-.64s', har inte privileger att använda denna MySQL server" ukr "Хосту '%-.64s' не доволено зв'язуватись з цим сервером MySQL" ER_PASSWORD_ANONYMOUS_USER 42000 cze "Používáte MySQL jako anonymní uživatel a anonymní uživatelé nemají povoleno měnit hesla" dan "Du bruger MySQL som anonym bruger. Anonyme brugere må ikke ændre adgangskoder" nla "U gebruikt MySQL als anonieme gebruiker en deze mogen geen wachtwoorden wijzigen" eng "You are using MySQL as an anonymous user and anonymous users are not allowed to change passwords" est "Te kasutate MySQL-i anonüümse kasutajana, kelledel pole parooli muutmise õigust" fre "Vous utilisez un utilisateur anonyme et les utilisateurs anonymes ne sont pas autorisés à changer les mots de passe" ger "Sie benutzen MySQL als anonymer Benutzer und dürfen daher keine Passwörter ändern" greek "Χρησιμοποιείτε την MySQL σαν anonymous user και έτσι δεν μπορείτε να αλλάξετε τα passwords άλλων χρηστών" hun "Nevtelen (anonymous) felhasznalokent nem negedelyezett a jelszovaltoztatas" ita "Impossibile cambiare la password usando MySQL come utente anonimo" jpn "MySQL を匿名ユーザーで使用しているので、パスワードの変更はできません。" kor "당신은 MySQL서버에 익명의 사용자로 접속을 하셨습니다.익명의 사용자는 암호를 변경할 수 없습니다." por "Você está usando o MySQL como usuário anônimo e usuários anônimos não têm permissão para mudar senhas" rum "Dumneavoastra folositi MySQL ca un utilizator anonim si utilizatorii anonimi nu au voie sa schime parolele" rus "Вы используете MySQL от имени анонимного пользователя, а анонимным пользователям не разрешается менять пароли" serbian "Vi koristite MySQL kao anonimni korisnik a anonimnim korisnicima nije dozvoljeno da menjaju lozinke" spa "Tu estás usando MySQL como un usuario anonimo y usuarios anonimos no tienen permiso para cambiar las claves" swe "Du använder MySQL som en anonym användare och som sådan får du inte ändra ditt lösenord" ukr "Ви використовуєте MySQL як анонімний користувач, тому вам не дозволено змінювати паролі" ER_PASSWORD_NOT_ALLOWED 42000 cze "Na změnu hesel ostatním musíte mít právo provést update tabulek v databázi mysql" dan "Du skal have tilladelse til at opdatere tabeller i MySQL databasen for at ændre andres adgangskoder" nla "U moet tabel update priveleges hebben in de mysql database om wachtwoorden voor anderen te mogen wijzigen" eng "You must have privileges to update tables in the mysql database to be able to change passwords for others" est "Teiste paroolide muutmiseks on nõutav tabelite muutmisõigus 'mysql' andmebaasis" fre "Vous devez avoir le privilège update sur les tables de la base de donnée mysql pour pouvoir changer les mots de passe des autres" ger "Sie benötigen die Berechtigung zum Aktualisieren von Tabellen in der Datenbank 'mysql', um die Passwörter anderer Benutzer ändern zu können" greek "Πρέπει να έχετε δικαίωμα διόρθωσης πινάκων (update) στη βάση δεδομένων mysql για να μπορείτε να αλλάξετε τα passwords άλλων χρηστών" hun "Onnek tabla-update joggal kell rendelkeznie a mysql adatbazisban masok jelszavanak megvaltoztatasahoz" ita "E` necessario il privilegio di update sulle tabelle del database mysql per cambiare le password per gli altri utenti" jpn "他のユーザーのパスワードを変更するためには、mysqlデータベースの表を更新する権限が必要です。" kor "당신은 다른사용자들의 암호를 변경할 수 있도록 데이타베이스 변경권한을 가져야 합니다." por "Você deve ter privilégios para atualizar tabelas no banco de dados mysql para ser capaz de mudar a senha de outros" rum "Trebuie sa aveti privilegii sa actualizati tabelele in bazele de date mysql ca sa puteti sa schimati parolele altora" rus "Для того чтобы изменять пароли других пользователей, у вас должны быть привилегии на изменение таблиц в базе данных mysql" serbian "Morate imati privilegije da možete da update-ujete određene tabele ako želite da menjate lozinke za druge korisnike" spa "Tu debes de tener permiso para actualizar tablas en la base de datos mysql para cambiar las claves para otros" swe "För att ändra lösenord för andra måste du ha rättigheter att uppdatera mysql-databasen" ukr "Ви повині мати право на оновлення таблиць у базі данних mysql, аби мати можливість змінювати пароль іншим" ER_PASSWORD_NO_MATCH 42000 cze "V tabulce user není žádný odpovídající řádek" dan "Kan ikke finde nogen tilsvarende poster i bruger tabellen" nla "Kan geen enkele passende rij vinden in de gebruikers tabel" eng "Can't find any matching row in the user table" est "Ei leia vastavat kirjet kasutajate tabelis" fre "Impossible de trouver un enregistrement correspondant dans la table user" ger "Kann keinen passenden Datensatz in Tabelle 'user' finden" greek "Δεν είναι δυνατή η ανεύρεση της αντίστοιχης εγγραφής στον πίνακα των χρηστών" hun "Nincs megegyezo sor a user tablaban" ita "Impossibile trovare la riga corrispondente nella tabella user" jpn "ユーザーテーブルに該当するレコードが見つかりません。" kor "사용자 테이블에서 일치하는 것을 찾을 수 없읍니다." por "Não pode encontrar nenhuma linha que combine na tabela usuário (user table)" rum "Nu pot gasi nici o linie corespunzatoare in tabela utilizatorului" rus "Невозможно отыскать подходящую запись в таблице пользователей" serbian "Ne mogu da pronađem odgovarajući slog u 'user' tabeli" spa "No puedo encontrar una línea correponsdiente en la tabla user" swe "Hittade inte användaren i 'user'-tabellen" ukr "Не можу знайти відповідних записів у таблиці користувача" ER_UPDATE_INFO cze "Nalezených řádků: %ld Změněno: %ld Varování: %ld" dan "Poster fundet: %ld Ændret: %ld Advarsler: %ld" nla "Passende rijen: %ld Gewijzigd: %ld Waarschuwingen: %ld" eng "Rows matched: %ld Changed: %ld Warnings: %ld" est "Sobinud kirjeid: %ld Muudetud: %ld Hoiatusi: %ld" fre "Enregistrements correspondants: %ld Modifiés: %ld Warnings: %ld" ger "Datensätze gefunden: %ld Geändert: %ld Warnungen: %ld" hun "Megegyezo sorok szama: %ld Valtozott: %ld Warnings: %ld" ita "Rows riconosciute: %ld Cambiate: %ld Warnings: %ld" jpn "該当した行: %ld 変更: %ld 警告: %ld" kor "일치하는 Rows : %ld개 변경됨: %ld개 경고: %ld개" por "Linhas que combinaram: %ld - Alteradas: %ld - Avisos: %ld" rum "Linii identificate (matched): %ld Schimbate: %ld Atentionari (warnings): %ld" rus "Совпало записей: %ld Изменено: %ld Предупреждений: %ld" serbian "Odgovarajućih slogova: %ld Promenjeno: %ld Upozorenja: %ld" spa "Líneas correspondientes: %ld Cambiadas: %ld Avisos: %ld" swe "Rader: %ld Uppdaterade: %ld Varningar: %ld" ukr "Записів відповідає: %ld Змінено: %ld Застережень: %ld" ER_CANT_CREATE_THREAD cze "Nemohu vytvořit nový thread (errno %d). Pokud je ještě nějaká volná paměť, podívejte se do manuálu na část o chybách specifických pro jednotlivé operační systémy" dan "Kan ikke danne en ny tråd (fejl nr. %d). Hvis computeren ikke er løbet tør for hukommelse, kan du se i brugervejledningen for en mulig operativ-system - afhængig fejl" nla "Kan geen nieuwe thread aanmaken (Errcode: %d). Indien er geen tekort aan geheugen is kunt u de handleiding consulteren over een mogelijke OS afhankelijke fout" eng "Can't create a new thread (errno %d); if you are not out of available memory, you can consult the manual for a possible OS-dependent bug" est "Ei suuda luua uut lõime (veakood %d). Kui mälu ei ole otsas, on tõenäoliselt tegemist operatsioonisüsteemispetsiifilise veaga" fre "Impossible de créer une nouvelle tâche (errno %d). S'il reste de la mémoire libre, consultez le manual pour trouver un éventuel bug dépendant de l'OS" ger "Kann keinen neuen Thread erzeugen (Fehler: %d). Sollte noch Speicher verfügbar sein, bitte im Handbuch wegen möglicher Fehler im Betriebssystem nachschlagen" hun "Uj thread letrehozasa nem lehetseges (Hibakod: %d). Amenyiben van meg szabad memoria, olvassa el a kezikonyv operacios rendszerfuggo hibalehetosegekrol szolo reszet" ita "Impossibile creare un nuovo thread (errno %d). Se non ci sono problemi di memoria disponibile puoi consultare il manuale per controllare possibili problemi dipendenti dal SO" jpn "新規にスレッドを作成できません。(エラー番号 %d) もしも使用可能メモリーの不足でなければ、OS依存のバグである可能性があります。" kor "새로운 쓰레드를 만들 수 없습니다.(에러번호 %d). 만약 여유메모리가 있다면 OS-dependent버그 의 메뉴얼 부분을 찾아보시오." nor "Can't create a new thread (errno %d); if you are not out of available memory you can consult the manual for any possible OS dependent bug" norwegian-ny "Can't create a new thread (errno %d); if you are not out of available memory you can consult the manual for any possible OS dependent bug" pol "Can't create a new thread (errno %d); if you are not out of available memory you can consult the manual for any possible OS dependent bug" por "Não pode criar uma nova 'thread' (erro no. %d). Se você não estiver sem memória disponível, você pode consultar o manual sobre um possível 'bug' dependente do sistema operacional" rum "Nu pot crea un thread nou (Eroare %d). Daca mai aveti memorie disponibila in sistem, puteti consulta manualul - ar putea exista un potential bug in legatura cu sistemul de operare" rus "Невозможно создать новый поток (ошибка %d). Если это не ситуация, связанная с нехваткой памяти, то вам следует изучить документацию на предмет описания возможной ошибки работы в конкретной ОС" serbian "Ne mogu da kreiram novi thread (errno %d). Ako imate još slobodne memorije, trebali biste da pogledate u priručniku da li je ovo specifična greška vašeg operativnog sistema" spa "No puedo crear un nuevo thread (errno %d). Si tu está con falta de memoria disponible, tu puedes consultar el Manual para posibles problemas con SO" swe "Kan inte skapa en ny tråd (errno %d)" ukr "Не можу створити нову гілку (помилка %d). Якщо ви не використали усю пам'ять, то прочитайте документацію до вашої ОС - можливо це помилка ОС" ER_WRONG_VALUE_COUNT_ON_ROW 21S01 cze "Počet sloupců neodpovídá počtu hodnot na řádku %ld" dan "Kolonne antallet stemmer ikke overens med antallet af værdier i post %ld" nla "Kolom aantal komt niet overeen met waarde aantal in rij %ld" eng "Column count doesn't match value count at row %ld" est "Tulpade hulk erineb väärtuste hulgast real %ld" ger "Anzahl der Felder stimmt nicht mit der Anzahl der Werte in Zeile %ld überein" hun "Az oszlopban talalhato ertek nem egyezik meg a %ld sorban szamitott ertekkel" ita "Il numero delle colonne non corrisponde al conteggio alla riga %ld" jpn "%ld 行目で、列の数が値の数と一致しません。" kor "Row %ld에서 칼럼 카운트와 value 카운터와 일치하지 않습니다." por "Contagem de colunas não confere com a contagem de valores na linha %ld" rum "Numarul de coloane nu corespunde cu numarul de valori la linia %ld" rus "Количество столбцов не совпадает с количеством значений в записи %ld" serbian "Broj kolona ne odgovara broju vrednosti u slogu %ld" spa "El número de columnas no corresponde al número en la línea %ld" swe "Antalet kolumner motsvarar inte antalet värden på rad: %ld" ukr "Кількість стовбців не співпадає з кількістю значень у строці %ld" ER_CANT_REOPEN_TABLE cze "Nemohu znovuotevřít tabulku: '%-.192s" dan "Kan ikke genåbne tabel '%-.192s" nla "Kan tabel niet opnieuw openen: '%-.192s" eng "Can't reopen table: '%-.192s'" est "Ei suuda taasavada tabelit '%-.192s'" fre "Impossible de réouvrir la table: '%-.192s" ger "Kann Tabelle'%-.192s' nicht erneut öffnen" hun "Nem lehet ujra-megnyitni a tablat: '%-.192s" ita "Impossibile riaprire la tabella: '%-.192s'" jpn "表を再オープンできません。: '%-.192s'" kor "테이블을 다시 열수 없군요: '%-.192s" nor "Can't reopen table: '%-.192s" norwegian-ny "Can't reopen table: '%-.192s" pol "Can't reopen table: '%-.192s" por "Não pode reabrir a tabela '%-.192s" rum "Nu pot redeschide tabela: '%-.192s'" rus "Невозможно заново открыть таблицу '%-.192s'" serbian "Ne mogu da ponovo otvorim tabelu '%-.192s'" slo "Can't reopen table: '%-.192s" spa "No puedo reabrir tabla: '%-.192s" swe "Kunde inte stänga och öppna tabell '%-.192s" ukr "Не можу перевідкрити таблицю: '%-.192s'" ER_INVALID_USE_OF_NULL 22004 cze "Neplatné užití hodnoty NULL" dan "Forkert brug af nulværdi (NULL)" nla "Foutief gebruik van de NULL waarde" eng "Invalid use of NULL value" est "NULL väärtuse väärkasutus" fre "Utilisation incorrecte de la valeur NULL" ger "Unerlaubte Verwendung eines NULL-Werts" hun "A NULL ervenytelen hasznalata" ita "Uso scorretto del valore NULL" jpn "NULL 値の使用方法が不適切です。" kor "NULL 값을 잘못 사용하셨군요..." por "Uso inválido do valor NULL" rum "Folosirea unei value NULL e invalida" rus "Неправильное использование величины NULL" serbian "Pogrešna upotreba vrednosti NULL" spa "Invalido uso de valor NULL" swe "Felaktig använding av NULL" ukr "Хибне використання значення NULL" ER_REGEXP_ERROR 42000 cze "Regulární výraz vrátil chybu '%-.64s'" dan "Fik fejl '%-.64s' fra regexp" nla "Fout '%-.64s' ontvangen van regexp" eng "Got error '%-.64s' from regexp" est "regexp tagastas vea '%-.64s'" fre "Erreur '%-.64s' provenant de regexp" ger "regexp lieferte Fehler '%-.64s'" hun "'%-.64s' hiba a regularis kifejezes hasznalata soran (regexp)" ita "Errore '%-.64s' da regexp" jpn "regexp がエラー '%-.64s' を返しました。" kor "regexp에서 '%-.64s'가 났습니다." por "Obteve erro '%-.64s' em regexp" rum "Eroarea '%-.64s' obtinuta din expresia regulara (regexp)" rus "Получена ошибка '%-.64s' от регулярного выражения" serbian "Funkcija regexp je vratila grešku '%-.64s'" spa "Obtenido error '%-.64s' de regexp" swe "Fick fel '%-.64s' från REGEXP" ukr "Отримано помилку '%-.64s' від регулярного виразу" # When using this error code, please use ER(ER_MIX_OF_GROUP_FUNC_AND_FIELDS_V2) # for the message string. ER_MIX_OF_GROUP_FUNC_AND_FIELDS 42000 cze "Pokud není žádná GROUP BY klauzule, není dovoleno současné použití GROUP položek (MIN(),MAX(),COUNT()...) s ne GROUP položkami" dan "Sammenblanding af GROUP kolonner (MIN(),MAX(),COUNT()...) uden GROUP kolonner er ikke tilladt, hvis der ikke er noget GROUP BY prædikat" nla "Het mixen van GROUP kolommen (MIN(),MAX(),COUNT()...) met no-GROUP kolommen is foutief indien er geen GROUP BY clausule is" eng "Mixing of GROUP columns (MIN(),MAX(),COUNT(),...) with no GROUP columns is illegal if there is no GROUP BY clause" est "GROUP tulpade (MIN(),MAX(),COUNT()...) kooskasutamine tavaliste tulpadega ilma GROUP BY klauslita ei ole lubatud" fre "Mélanger les colonnes GROUP (MIN(),MAX(),COUNT()...) avec des colonnes normales est interdit s'il n'y a pas de clause GROUP BY" ger "Das Vermischen von GROUP-Feldern (MIN(),MAX(),COUNT()...) mit Nicht-GROUP-Feldern ist nicht zulässig, wenn keine GROUP-BY-Klausel vorhanden ist" hun "A GROUP mezok (MIN(),MAX(),COUNT()...) kevert hasznalata nem lehetseges GROUP BY hivatkozas nelkul" ita "Il mescolare funzioni di aggregazione (MIN(),MAX(),COUNT()...) e non e` illegale se non c'e` una clausula GROUP BY" jpn "GROUP BY句が無い場合、集計関数(MIN(),MAX(),COUNT(),...)と通常の列を同時に使用できません。" kor "Mixing of GROUP 칼럼s (MIN(),MAX(),COUNT(),...) with no GROUP 칼럼s is illegal if there is no GROUP BY clause" por "Mistura de colunas agrupadas (com MIN(), MAX(), COUNT(), ...) com colunas não agrupadas é ilegal, se não existir uma cláusula de agrupamento (cláusula GROUP BY)" rum "Amestecarea de coloane GROUP (MIN(),MAX(),COUNT()...) fara coloane GROUP este ilegala daca nu exista o clauza GROUP BY" rus "Одновременное использование сгруппированных (GROUP) столбцов (MIN(),MAX(),COUNT(),...) с несгруппированными столбцами является некорректным, если в выражении есть GROUP BY" serbian "Upotreba agregatnih funkcija (MIN(),MAX(),COUNT()...) bez 'GROUP' kolona je pogrešna ako ne postoji 'GROUP BY' iskaz" spa "Mezcla de columnas GROUP (MIN(),MAX(),COUNT()...) con no GROUP columnas es ilegal si no hat la clausula GROUP BY" swe "Man får ha både GROUP-kolumner (MIN(),MAX(),COUNT()...) och fält i en fråga om man inte har en GROUP BY-del" ukr "Змішування GROUP стовбців (MIN(),MAX(),COUNT()...) з не GROUP стовбцями є забороненим, якщо не має GROUP BY" ER_NONEXISTING_GRANT 42000 cze "Neexistuje odpovídající grant pro uživatele '%-.48s' na stroji '%-.64s'" dan "Denne tilladelse findes ikke for brugeren '%-.48s' på vært '%-.64s'" nla "Deze toegang (GRANT) is niet toegekend voor gebruiker '%-.48s' op host '%-.64s'" eng "There is no such grant defined for user '%-.48s' on host '%-.64s'" est "Sellist õigust ei ole defineeritud kasutajale '%-.48s' masinast '%-.64s'" fre "Un tel droit n'est pas défini pour l'utilisateur '%-.48s' sur l'hôte '%-.64s'" ger "Für Benutzer '%-.48s' auf Host '%-.64s' gibt es keine solche Berechtigung" hun "A '%-.48s' felhasznalonak nincs ilyen joga a '%-.64s' host-on" ita "GRANT non definita per l'utente '%-.48s' dalla macchina '%-.64s'" jpn "ユーザー '%-.48s' (ホスト '%-.64s' 上) は許可されていません。" kor "사용자 '%-.48s' (호스트 '%-.64s')를 위하여 정의된 그런 승인은 없습니다." por "Não existe tal permissão (grant) definida para o usuário '%-.48s' no 'host' '%-.64s'" rum "Nu exista un astfel de grant definit pentru utilzatorul '%-.48s' de pe host-ul '%-.64s'" rus "Такие права не определены для пользователя '%-.48s' на хосте '%-.64s'" serbian "Ne postoji odobrenje za pristup korisniku '%-.48s' na host-u '%-.64s'" spa "No existe permiso definido para usuario '%-.48s' en el servidor '%-.64s'" swe "Det finns inget privilegium definierat för användare '%-.48s' på '%-.64s'" ukr "Повноважень не визначено для користувача '%-.48s' з хосту '%-.64s'" ER_TABLEACCESS_DENIED_ERROR 42000 cze "%-.128s příkaz nepřístupný pro uživatele: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' pro tabulku '%-.64s'" dan "%-.128s-kommandoen er ikke tilladt for brugeren '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' for tabellen '%-.64s'" nla "%-.128s commando geweigerd voor gebruiker: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' voor tabel '%-.64s'" eng "%-.128s command denied to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' for table '%-.64s'" est "%-.128s käsk ei ole lubatud kasutajale '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' tabelis '%-.64s'" fre "La commande '%-.128s' est interdite à l'utilisateur: '%-.48s'@'@%-.64s' sur la table '%-.64s'" ger "%-.128s Befehl nicht erlaubt für Benutzer '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' auf Tabelle '%-.64s'" hun "%-.128s parancs a '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' felhasznalo szamara nem engedelyezett a '%-.64s' tablaban" ita "Comando %-.128s negato per l'utente: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' sulla tabella '%-.64s'" jpn "コマンド %-.128s は ユーザー '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' の表 '%-.64s' の使用に関して許可されていません。" kor "'%-.128s' 명령은 다음 사용자에게 거부되었습니다. : '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' for 테이블 '%-.64s'" por "Comando '%-.128s' negado para o usuário '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' na tabela '%-.64s'" rum "Comanda %-.128s interzisa utilizatorului: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' pentru tabela '%-.64s'" rus "Команда %-.128s запрещена пользователю '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' для таблицы '%-.64s'" serbian "%-.128s komanda zabranjena za korisnika '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' za tabelu '%-.64s'" spa "%-.128s comando negado para usuario: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' para tabla '%-.64s'" swe "%-.128s ej tillåtet för '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' för tabell '%-.64s'" ukr "%-.128s команда заборонена користувачу: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' у таблиці '%-.64s'" ER_COLUMNACCESS_DENIED_ERROR 42000 cze "%-.16s příkaz nepřístupný pro uživatele: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' pro sloupec '%-.192s' v tabulce '%-.192s'" dan "%-.16s-kommandoen er ikke tilladt for brugeren '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' for kolonne '%-.192s' in tabellen '%-.192s'" nla "%-.16s commando geweigerd voor gebruiker: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' voor kolom '%-.192s' in tabel '%-.192s'" eng "%-.16s command denied to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' for column '%-.192s' in table '%-.192s'" est "%-.16s käsk ei ole lubatud kasutajale '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' tulbale '%-.192s' tabelis '%-.192s'" fre "La commande '%-.16s' est interdite à l'utilisateur: '%-.48s'@'@%-.64s' sur la colonne '%-.192s' de la table '%-.192s'" ger "%-.16s Befehl nicht erlaubt für Benutzer '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' und Feld '%-.192s' in Tabelle '%-.192s'" hun "%-.16s parancs a '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' felhasznalo szamara nem engedelyezett a '%-.192s' mezo eseten a '%-.192s' tablaban" ita "Comando %-.16s negato per l'utente: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' sulla colonna '%-.192s' della tabella '%-.192s'" jpn "コマンド %-.16s は ユーザー '%-.48s'@'%-.64s'\n の列 '%-.192s'(表 '%-.192s') の利用に関して許可されていません。" kor "'%-.16s' 명령은 다음 사용자에게 거부되었습니다. : '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' for 칼럼 '%-.192s' in 테이블 '%-.192s'" por "Comando '%-.16s' negado para o usuário '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' na coluna '%-.192s', na tabela '%-.192s'" rum "Comanda %-.16s interzisa utilizatorului: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' pentru coloana '%-.192s' in tabela '%-.192s'" rus "Команда %-.16s запрещена пользователю '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' для столбца '%-.192s' в таблице '%-.192s'" serbian "%-.16s komanda zabranjena za korisnika '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' za kolonu '%-.192s' iz tabele '%-.192s'" spa "%-.16s comando negado para usuario: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' para columna '%-.192s' en la tabla '%-.192s'" swe "%-.16s ej tillåtet för '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' för kolumn '%-.192s' i tabell '%-.192s'" ukr "%-.16s команда заборонена користувачу: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' для стовбця '%-.192s' у таблиці '%-.192s'" ER_ILLEGAL_GRANT_FOR_TABLE 42000 cze "Neplatný příkaz GRANT/REVOKE. Prosím, přečtěte si v manuálu, jaká privilegia je možné použít." dan "Forkert GRANT/REVOKE kommando. Se i brugervejledningen hvilke privilegier der kan specificeres." nla "Foutief GRANT/REVOKE commando. Raadpleeg de handleiding welke priveleges gebruikt kunnen worden." eng "Illegal GRANT/REVOKE command; please consult the manual to see which privileges can be used" est "Vigane GRANT/REVOKE käsk. Tutvu kasutajajuhendiga" fre "Commande GRANT/REVOKE incorrecte. Consultez le manuel." ger "Unzulässiger GRANT- oder REVOKE-Befehl. Verfügbare Berechtigungen sind im Handbuch aufgeführt" greek "Illegal GRANT/REVOKE command; please consult the manual to see which privileges can be used." hun "Ervenytelen GRANT/REVOKE parancs. Kerem, nezze meg a kezikonyvben, milyen jogok lehetsegesek" ita "Comando GRANT/REVOKE illegale. Prego consultare il manuale per sapere quali privilegi possono essere usati." jpn "不正な GRANT/REVOKE コマンドです。どの権限で利用可能かはマニュアルを参照して下さい。" kor "잘못된 GRANT/REVOKE 명령. 어떤 권리와 승인이 사용되어 질 수 있는지 메뉴얼을 보시오." nor "Illegal GRANT/REVOKE command; please consult the manual to see which privleges can be used." norwegian-ny "Illegal GRANT/REVOKE command; please consult the manual to see which privleges can be used." pol "Illegal GRANT/REVOKE command; please consult the manual to see which privleges can be used." por "Comando GRANT/REVOKE ilegal. Por favor consulte no manual quais privilégios podem ser usados." rum "Comanda GRANT/REVOKE ilegala. Consultati manualul in privinta privilegiilor ce pot fi folosite." rus "Неверная команда GRANT или REVOKE. Обратитесь к документации, чтобы выяснить, какие привилегии можно использовать" serbian "Pogrešna 'GRANT' odnosno 'REVOKE' komanda. Molim Vas pogledajte u priručniku koje vrednosti mogu biti upotrebljene." slo "Illegal GRANT/REVOKE command; please consult the manual to see which privleges can be used." spa "Ilegal comando GRANT/REVOKE. Por favor consulte el manual para cuales permisos pueden ser usados." swe "Felaktigt GRANT-privilegium använt" ukr "Хибна GRANT/REVOKE команда; прочитайте документацію стосовно того, які права можна використовувати" ER_GRANT_WRONG_HOST_OR_USER 42000 cze "Argument příkazu GRANT uživatel nebo stroj je příliš dlouhý" dan "Værts- eller brugernavn for langt til GRANT" nla "De host of gebruiker parameter voor GRANT is te lang" eng "The host or user argument to GRANT is too long" est "Masina või kasutaja nimi GRANT lauses on liiga pikk" fre "L'hôte ou l'utilisateur donné en argument à GRANT est trop long" ger "Das Host- oder User-Argument für GRANT ist zu lang" hun "A host vagy felhasznalo argumentuma tul hosszu a GRANT parancsban" ita "L'argomento host o utente per la GRANT e` troppo lungo" jpn "GRANTコマンドへの、ホスト名やユーザー名が長すぎます。" kor "승인(GRANT)을 위하여 사용한 사용자나 호스트의 값들이 너무 깁니다." por "Argumento de 'host' ou de usuário para o GRANT é longo demais" rum "Argumentul host-ului sau utilizatorului pentru GRANT e prea lung" rus "Слишком длинное имя пользователя/хоста для GRANT" serbian "Argument 'host' ili 'korisnik' prosleđen komandi 'GRANT' je predugačak" spa "El argumento para servidor o usuario para GRANT es demasiado grande" swe "Felaktigt maskinnamn eller användarnamn använt med GRANT" ukr "Аргумент host або user для GRANT задовгий" ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE 42S02 cze "Tabulka '%-.192s.%-.192s' neexistuje" dan "Tabellen '%-.192s.%-.192s' eksisterer ikke" nla "Tabel '%-.192s.%-.192s' bestaat niet" eng "Table '%-.192s.%-.192s' doesn't exist" est "Tabelit '%-.192s.%-.192s' ei eksisteeri" fre "La table '%-.192s.%-.192s' n'existe pas" ger "Tabelle '%-.192s.%-.192s' existiert nicht" hun "A '%-.192s.%-.192s' tabla nem letezik" ita "La tabella '%-.192s.%-.192s' non esiste" jpn "表 '%-.192s.%-.192s' は存在しません。" kor "테이블 '%-.192s.%-.192s' 는 존재하지 않습니다." nor "Table '%-.192s.%-.192s' doesn't exist" norwegian-ny "Table '%-.192s.%-.192s' doesn't exist" pol "Table '%-.192s.%-.192s' doesn't exist" por "Tabela '%-.192s.%-.192s' não existe" rum "Tabela '%-.192s.%-.192s' nu exista" rus "Таблица '%-.192s.%-.192s' не существует" serbian "Tabela '%-.192s.%-.192s' ne postoji" slo "Table '%-.192s.%-.192s' doesn't exist" spa "Tabla '%-.192s.%-.192s' no existe" swe "Det finns ingen tabell som heter '%-.192s.%-.192s'" ukr "Таблиця '%-.192s.%-.192s' не існує" ER_NONEXISTING_TABLE_GRANT 42000 cze "Neexistuje odpovídající grant pro uživatele '%-.48s' na stroji '%-.64s' pro tabulku '%-.192s'" dan "Denne tilladelse eksisterer ikke for brugeren '%-.48s' på vært '%-.64s' for tabellen '%-.192s'" nla "Deze toegang (GRANT) is niet toegekend voor gebruiker '%-.48s' op host '%-.64s' op tabel '%-.192s'" eng "There is no such grant defined for user '%-.48s' on host '%-.64s' on table '%-.192s'" est "Sellist õigust ei ole defineeritud kasutajale '%-.48s' masinast '%-.64s' tabelile '%-.192s'" fre "Un tel droit n'est pas défini pour l'utilisateur '%-.48s' sur l'hôte '%-.64s' sur la table '%-.192s'" ger "Eine solche Berechtigung ist für User '%-.48s' auf Host '%-.64s' an Tabelle '%-.192s' nicht definiert" hun "A '%-.48s' felhasznalo szamara a '%-.64s' host '%-.192s' tablajaban ez a parancs nem engedelyezett" ita "GRANT non definita per l'utente '%-.48s' dalla macchina '%-.64s' sulla tabella '%-.192s'" jpn "ユーザー '%-.48s' (ホスト '%-.64s' 上) の表 '%-.192s' への権限は定義されていません。" kor "사용자 '%-.48s'(호스트 '%-.64s')는 테이블 '%-.192s'를 사용하기 위하여 정의된 승인은 없습니다. " por "Não existe tal permissão (grant) definido para o usuário '%-.48s' no 'host' '%-.64s', na tabela '%-.192s'" rum "Nu exista un astfel de privilegiu (grant) definit pentru utilizatorul '%-.48s' de pe host-ul '%-.64s' pentru tabela '%-.192s'" rus "Такие права не определены для пользователя '%-.48s' на компьютере '%-.64s' для таблицы '%-.192s'" serbian "Ne postoji odobrenje za pristup korisniku '%-.48s' na host-u '%-.64s' tabeli '%-.192s'" spa "No existe tal permiso definido para usuario '%-.48s' en el servidor '%-.64s' en la tabla '%-.192s'" swe "Det finns inget privilegium definierat för användare '%-.48s' på '%-.64s' för tabell '%-.192s'" ukr "Повноважень не визначено для користувача '%-.48s' з хосту '%-.64s' для таблиці '%-.192s'" ER_NOT_ALLOWED_COMMAND 42000 cze "Použitý příkaz není v této verzi MySQL povolen" dan "Den brugte kommando er ikke tilladt med denne udgave af MySQL" nla "Het used commando is niet toegestaan in deze MySQL versie" eng "The used command is not allowed with this MySQL version" est "Antud käsk ei ole lubatud käesolevas MySQL versioonis" fre "Cette commande n'existe pas dans cette version de MySQL" ger "Der verwendete Befehl ist in dieser MySQL-Version nicht zulässig" hun "A hasznalt parancs nem engedelyezett ebben a MySQL verzioban" ita "Il comando utilizzato non e` supportato in questa versione di MySQL" jpn "このMySQLバージョンでは利用できないコマンドです。" kor "사용된 명령은 현재의 MySQL 버젼에서는 이용되지 않습니다." por "Comando usado não é permitido para esta versão do MySQL" rum "Comanda folosita nu este permisa pentru aceasta versiune de MySQL" rus "Эта команда не допускается в данной версии MySQL" serbian "Upotrebljena komanda nije dozvoljena sa ovom verzijom MySQL servera" spa "El comando usado no es permitido con esta versión de MySQL" swe "Du kan inte använda detta kommando med denna MySQL version" ukr "Використовувана команда не дозволена у цій версії MySQL" ER_SYNTAX_ERROR 42000 cze "Vaše syntaxe je nějaká divná" dan "Der er en fejl i SQL syntaksen" nla "Er is iets fout in de gebruikte syntax" eng "You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use" est "Viga SQL süntaksis" fre "Erreur de syntaxe" ger "Fehler in der SQL-Syntax. Bitte die korrekte Syntax im Handbuch nachschlagen" greek "You have an error in your SQL syntax" hun "Szintaktikai hiba" ita "Errore di sintassi nella query SQL" jpn "SQL構文エラーです。バージョンに対応するマニュアルを参照して正しい構文を確認してください。" kor "SQL 구문에 오류가 있습니다." nor "Something is wrong in your syntax" norwegian-ny "Something is wrong in your syntax" pol "Something is wrong in your syntax" por "Você tem um erro de sintaxe no seu SQL" rum "Aveti o eroare in sintaxa RSQL" rus "У вас ошибка в запросе. Изучите документацию по используемой версии MySQL на предмет корректного синтаксиса" serbian "Imate grešku u vašoj SQL sintaksi" slo "Something is wrong in your syntax" spa "Algo está equivocado en su sintax" swe "Du har något fel i din syntax" ukr "У вас помилка у синтаксисі SQL" ER_UNUSED1 eng "Delayed insert thread couldn't get requested lock for table %-.192s" ER_UNUSED2 eng "Too many delayed threads in use" ER_ABORTING_CONNECTION 08S01 cze "Zrušeno spojení %ld do databáze: '%-.192s' uživatel: '%-.48s' (%-.64s)" dan "Afbrudt forbindelse %ld til database: '%-.192s' bruger: '%-.48s' (%-.64s)" nla "Afgebroken verbinding %ld naar db: '%-.192s' gebruiker: '%-.48s' (%-.64s)" eng "Aborted connection %ld to db: '%-.192s' user: '%-.48s' (%-.64s)" est "Ühendus katkestatud %ld andmebaasile: '%-.192s' kasutajale: '%-.48s' (%-.64s)" fre "Connection %ld avortée vers la bd: '%-.192s' utilisateur: '%-.48s' (%-.64s)" ger "Abbruch der Verbindung %ld zur Datenbank '%-.192s'. Benutzer: '%-.48s' (%-.64s)" hun "Megszakitott kapcsolat %ld db: '%-.192s' adatbazishoz, felhasznalo: '%-.48s' (%-.64s)" ita "Interrotta la connessione %ld al db: '%-.192s' utente: '%-.48s' (%-.64s)" jpn "接続 %ld が中断されました。データベース: '%-.192s' ユーザー: '%-.48s' (%-.64s)" kor "데이타베이스 접속을 위한 연결 %ld가 중단됨 : '%-.192s' 사용자: '%-.48s' (%-.64s)" nor "Aborted connection %ld to db: '%-.192s' user: '%-.48s' (%-.64s)" norwegian-ny "Aborted connection %ld to db: '%-.192s' user: '%-.48s' (%-.64s)" pol "Aborted connection %ld to db: '%-.192s' user: '%-.48s' (%-.64s)" por "Conexão %ld abortou para o banco de dados '%-.192s' - usuário '%-.48s' (%-.64s)" rum "Conectie terminata %ld la baza de date: '%-.192s' utilizator: '%-.48s' (%-.64s)" rus "Прервано соединение %ld к базе данных '%-.192s' пользователя '%-.48s' (%-.64s)" serbian "Prekinuta konekcija broj %ld ka bazi: '%-.192s' korisnik je bio: '%-.48s' (%-.64s)" slo "Aborted connection %ld to db: '%-.192s' user: '%-.48s' (%-.64s)" spa "Conexión abortada %ld para db: '%-.192s' usuario: '%-.48s' (%-.64s)" swe "Avbröt länken för tråd %ld till db '%-.192s', användare '%-.48s' (%-.64s)" ukr "Перервано з'єднання %ld до бази данних: '%-.192s' користувача: '%-.48s' (%-.64s)" ER_NET_PACKET_TOO_LARGE 08S01 cze "Zjištěn příchozí packet delší než 'max_allowed_packet'" dan "Modtog en datapakke som var større end 'max_allowed_packet'" nla "Groter pakket ontvangen dan 'max_allowed_packet'" eng "Got a packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet' bytes" est "Saabus suurem pakett kui lubatud 'max_allowed_packet' muutujaga" fre "Paquet plus grand que 'max_allowed_packet' reçu" ger "Empfangenes Paket ist größer als 'max_allowed_packet' Bytes" hun "A kapott csomag nagyobb, mint a maximalisan engedelyezett: 'max_allowed_packet'" ita "Ricevuto un pacchetto piu` grande di 'max_allowed_packet'" jpn "'max_allowed_packet'よりも大きなパケットを受信しました。" kor "'max_allowed_packet'보다 더큰 패킷을 받았습니다." por "Obteve um pacote maior do que a taxa máxima de pacotes definida (max_allowed_packet)" rum "Un packet mai mare decit 'max_allowed_packet' a fost primit" rus "Полученный пакет больше, чем 'max_allowed_packet'" serbian "Primio sam mrežni paket veći od definisane vrednosti 'max_allowed_packet'" spa "Obtenido un paquete mayor que 'max_allowed_packet'" swe "Kommunkationspaketet är större än 'max_allowed_packet'" ukr "Отримано пакет більший ніж max_allowed_packet" ER_NET_READ_ERROR_FROM_PIPE 08S01 cze "Zjištěna chyba při čtení z roury spojení" dan "Fik læsefejl fra forbindelse (connection pipe)" nla "Kreeg leesfout van de verbindings pipe" eng "Got a read error from the connection pipe" est "Viga ühendustoru lugemisel" fre "Erreur de lecture reçue du pipe de connexion" ger "Lese-Fehler bei einer Verbindungs-Pipe" hun "Olvasasi hiba a kapcsolat soran" ita "Rilevato un errore di lettura dalla pipe di connessione" jpn "接続パイプの読み込みエラーです。" kor "연결 파이프로부터 에러가 발생하였습니다." por "Obteve um erro de leitura no 'pipe' da conexão" rum "Eroare la citire din cauza lui 'connection pipe'" rus "Получена ошибка чтения от потока соединения (connection pipe)" serbian "Greška pri čitanju podataka sa pipe-a" spa "Obtenido un error de lectura de la conexión pipe" swe "Fick läsfel från klienten vid läsning från 'PIPE'" ukr "Отримано помилку читання з комунікаційного каналу" ER_NET_FCNTL_ERROR 08S01 cze "Zjištěna chyba fcntl()" dan "Fik fejlmeddelelse fra fcntl()" nla "Kreeg fout van fcntl()" eng "Got an error from fcntl()" est "fcntl() tagastas vea" fre "Erreur reçue de fcntl() " ger "fcntl() lieferte einen Fehler" hun "Hiba a fcntl() fuggvenyben" ita "Rilevato un errore da fcntl()" jpn "fcntl()がエラーを返しました。" kor "fcntl() 함수로부터 에러가 발생하였습니다." por "Obteve um erro em fcntl()" rum "Eroare obtinuta de la fcntl()" rus "Получена ошибка от fcntl()" serbian "Greška pri izvršavanju funkcije fcntl()" spa "Obtenido un error de fcntl()" swe "Fick fatalt fel från 'fcntl()'" ukr "Отримано помилкку від fcntl()" ER_NET_PACKETS_OUT_OF_ORDER 08S01 cze "Příchozí packety v chybném pořadí" dan "Modtog ikke datapakker i korrekt rækkefølge" nla "Pakketten in verkeerde volgorde ontvangen" eng "Got packets out of order" est "Paketid saabusid vales järjekorras" fre "Paquets reçus dans le désordre" ger "Pakete nicht in der richtigen Reihenfolge empfangen" hun "Helytelen sorrendben erkezett adatcsomagok" ita "Ricevuti pacchetti non in ordine" jpn "不正な順序のパケットを受信しました。" kor "순서가 맞지않는 패킷을 받았습니다." por "Obteve pacotes fora de ordem" rum "Packets care nu sint ordonati au fost gasiti" rus "Пакеты получены в неверном порядке" serbian "Primio sam mrežne pakete van reda" spa "Obtenido paquetes desordenados" swe "Kommunikationspaketen kom i fel ordning" ukr "Отримано пакети у неналежному порядку" ER_NET_UNCOMPRESS_ERROR 08S01 cze "Nemohu rozkomprimovat komunikační packet" dan "Kunne ikke dekomprimere kommunikations-pakke (communication packet)" nla "Communicatiepakket kon niet worden gedecomprimeerd" eng "Couldn't uncompress communication packet" est "Viga andmepaketi lahtipakkimisel" fre "Impossible de décompresser le paquet reçu" ger "Kommunikationspaket lässt sich nicht entpacken" hun "A kommunikacios adatcsomagok nem tomorithetok ki" ita "Impossibile scompattare i pacchetti di comunicazione" jpn "圧縮パケットの展開ができませんでした。" kor "통신 패킷의 압축해제를 할 수 없었습니다." por "Não conseguiu descomprimir pacote de comunicação" rum "Nu s-a putut decompresa pachetul de comunicatie (communication packet)" rus "Невозможно распаковать пакет, полученный через коммуникационный протокол" serbian "Ne mogu da dekompresujem mrežne pakete" spa "No puedo descomprimir paquetes de comunicación" swe "Kunde inte packa up kommunikationspaketet" ukr "Не можу декомпресувати комунікаційний пакет" ER_NET_READ_ERROR 08S01 cze "Zjištěna chyba při čtení komunikačního packetu" dan "Fik fejlmeddelelse ved læsning af kommunikations-pakker (communication packets)" nla "Fout bij het lezen van communicatiepakketten" eng "Got an error reading communication packets" est "Viga andmepaketi lugemisel" fre "Erreur de lecture des paquets reçus" ger "Fehler beim Lesen eines Kommunikationspakets" hun "HIba a kommunikacios adatcsomagok olvasasa soran" ita "Rilevato un errore ricevendo i pacchetti di comunicazione" jpn "パケットの受信でエラーが発生しました。" kor "통신 패킷을 읽는 중 오류가 발생하였습니다." por "Obteve um erro na leitura de pacotes de comunicação" rum "Eroare obtinuta citind pachetele de comunicatie (communication packets)" rus "Получена ошибка в процессе получения пакета через коммуникационный протокол " serbian "Greška pri primanju mrežnih paketa" spa "Obtenido un error leyendo paquetes de comunicación" swe "Fick ett fel vid läsning från klienten" ukr "Отримано помилку читання комунікаційних пакетів" ER_NET_READ_INTERRUPTED 08S01 cze "Zjištěn timeout při čtení komunikačního packetu" dan "Timeout-fejl ved læsning af kommunukations-pakker (communication packets)" nla "Timeout bij het lezen van communicatiepakketten" eng "Got timeout reading communication packets" est "Kontrollaja ületamine andmepakettide lugemisel" fre "Timeout en lecture des paquets reçus" ger "Zeitüberschreitung beim Lesen eines Kommunikationspakets" hun "Idotullepes a kommunikacios adatcsomagok olvasasa soran" ita "Rilevato un timeout ricevendo i pacchetti di comunicazione" jpn "パケットの受信でタイムアウトが発生しました。" kor "통신 패킷을 읽는 중 timeout이 발생하였습니다." por "Obteve expiração de tempo (timeout) na leitura de pacotes de comunicação" rum "Timeout obtinut citind pachetele de comunicatie (communication packets)" rus "Получен таймаут ожидания пакета через коммуникационный протокол " serbian "Vremenski limit za čitanje mrežnih paketa je istekao" spa "Obtenido timeout leyendo paquetes de comunicación" swe "Fick 'timeout' vid läsning från klienten" ukr "Отримано затримку читання комунікаційних пакетів" ER_NET_ERROR_ON_WRITE 08S01 cze "Zjištěna chyba při zápisu komunikačního packetu" dan "Fik fejlmeddelelse ved skrivning af kommunukations-pakker (communication packets)" nla "Fout bij het schrijven van communicatiepakketten" eng "Got an error writing communication packets" est "Viga andmepaketi kirjutamisel" fre "Erreur d'écriture des paquets envoyés" ger "Fehler beim Schreiben eines Kommunikationspakets" hun "Hiba a kommunikacios csomagok irasa soran" ita "Rilevato un errore inviando i pacchetti di comunicazione" jpn "パケットの送信でエラーが発生しました。" kor "통신 패킷을 기록하는 중 오류가 발생하였습니다." por "Obteve um erro na escrita de pacotes de comunicação" rum "Eroare in scrierea pachetelor de comunicatie (communication packets)" rus "Получена ошибка при передаче пакета через коммуникационный протокол " serbian "Greška pri slanju mrežnih paketa" spa "Obtenido un error de escribiendo paquetes de comunicación" swe "Fick ett fel vid skrivning till klienten" ukr "Отримано помилку запису комунікаційних пакетів" ER_NET_WRITE_INTERRUPTED 08S01 cze "Zjištěn timeout při zápisu komunikačního packetu" dan "Timeout-fejl ved skrivning af kommunukations-pakker (communication packets)" nla "Timeout bij het schrijven van communicatiepakketten" eng "Got timeout writing communication packets" est "Kontrollaja ületamine andmepakettide kirjutamisel" fre "Timeout d'écriture des paquets envoyés" ger "Zeitüberschreitung beim Schreiben eines Kommunikationspakets" hun "Idotullepes a kommunikacios csomagok irasa soran" ita "Rilevato un timeout inviando i pacchetti di comunicazione" jpn "パケットの送信でタイムアウトが発生しました。" kor "통신 패팃을 기록하는 중 timeout이 발생하였습니다." por "Obteve expiração de tempo ('timeout') na escrita de pacotes de comunicação" rum "Timeout obtinut scriind pachetele de comunicatie (communication packets)" rus "Получен таймаут в процессе передачи пакета через коммуникационный протокол " serbian "Vremenski limit za slanje mrežnih paketa je istekao" spa "Obtenido timeout escribiendo paquetes de comunicación" swe "Fick 'timeout' vid skrivning till klienten" ukr "Отримано затримку запису комунікаційних пакетів" ER_TOO_LONG_STRING 42000 cze "Výsledný řetězec je delší než 'max_allowed_packet'" dan "Strengen med resultater er større end 'max_allowed_packet'" nla "Resultaat string is langer dan 'max_allowed_packet'" eng "Result string is longer than 'max_allowed_packet' bytes" est "Tulemus on pikem kui lubatud 'max_allowed_packet' muutujaga" fre "La chaîne résultat est plus grande que 'max_allowed_packet'" ger "Ergebnis-String ist länger als 'max_allowed_packet' Bytes" hun "Ez eredmeny sztring nagyobb, mint a lehetseges maximum: 'max_allowed_packet'" ita "La stringa di risposta e` piu` lunga di 'max_allowed_packet'" jpn "結果の文字列が 'max_allowed_packet' よりも大きいです。" por "'String' resultante é mais longa do que 'max_allowed_packet'" rum "Sirul rezultat este mai lung decit 'max_allowed_packet'" rus "Результирующая строка больше, чем 'max_allowed_packet'" serbian "Rezultujuči string je duži nego što to dozvoljava parametar servera 'max_allowed_packet'" spa "La string resultante es mayor que max_allowed_packet" swe "Resultatsträngen är längre än max_allowed_packet" ukr "Строка результату довша ніж max_allowed_packet" ER_TABLE_CANT_HANDLE_BLOB 42000 cze "Typ použité tabulky nepodporuje BLOB/TEXT sloupce" dan "Denne tabeltype understøtter ikke brug af BLOB og TEXT kolonner" nla "Het gebruikte tabel type ondersteunt geen BLOB/TEXT kolommen" eng "The used table type doesn't support BLOB/TEXT columns" est "Valitud tabelitüüp ei toeta BLOB/TEXT tüüpi välju" fre "Ce type de table ne supporte pas les colonnes BLOB/TEXT" ger "Der verwendete Tabellentyp unterstützt keine BLOB- und TEXT-Felder" hun "A hasznalt tabla tipus nem tamogatja a BLOB/TEXT mezoket" ita "Il tipo di tabella usata non supporta colonne di tipo BLOB/TEXT" jpn "指定されたストレージエンジンでは、BLOB/TEXT型の列を使用できません。" por "Tipo de tabela usado não permite colunas BLOB/TEXT" rum "Tipul de tabela folosit nu suporta coloane de tip BLOB/TEXT" rus "Используемая таблица не поддерживает типы BLOB/TEXT" serbian "Iskorišteni tip tabele ne podržava kolone tipa 'BLOB' odnosno 'TEXT'" spa "El tipo de tabla usada no permite soporte para columnas BLOB/TEXT" swe "Den använda tabelltypen kan inte hantera BLOB/TEXT-kolumner" ukr "Використаний тип таблиці не підтримує BLOB/TEXT стовбці" ER_TABLE_CANT_HANDLE_AUTO_INCREMENT 42000 cze "Typ použité tabulky nepodporuje AUTO_INCREMENT sloupce" dan "Denne tabeltype understøtter ikke brug af AUTO_INCREMENT kolonner" nla "Het gebruikte tabel type ondersteunt geen AUTO_INCREMENT kolommen" eng "The used table type doesn't support AUTO_INCREMENT columns" est "Valitud tabelitüüp ei toeta AUTO_INCREMENT tüüpi välju" fre "Ce type de table ne supporte pas les colonnes AUTO_INCREMENT" ger "Der verwendete Tabellentyp unterstützt keine AUTO_INCREMENT-Felder" hun "A hasznalt tabla tipus nem tamogatja az AUTO_INCREMENT tipusu mezoket" jpn "指定されたストレージエンジンでは、AUTO_INCREMENT列を使用できません。" ita "Il tipo di tabella usata non supporta colonne di tipo AUTO_INCREMENT" por "Tipo de tabela usado não permite colunas AUTO_INCREMENT" rum "Tipul de tabela folosit nu suporta coloane de tip AUTO_INCREMENT" rus "Используемая таблица не поддерживает автоинкрементные столбцы" serbian "Iskorišteni tip tabele ne podržava kolone tipa 'AUTO_INCREMENT'" spa "El tipo de tabla usada no permite soporte para columnas AUTO_INCREMENT" swe "Den använda tabelltypen kan inte hantera AUTO_INCREMENT-kolumner" ukr "Використаний тип таблиці не підтримує AUTO_INCREMENT стовбці" ER_UNUSED3 eng "INSERT DELAYED can't be used with table '%-.192s' because it is locked with LOCK TABLES" ER_WRONG_COLUMN_NAME 42000 cze "Nesprávné jméno sloupce '%-.100s'" dan "Forkert kolonnenavn '%-.100s'" nla "Incorrecte kolom naam '%-.100s'" eng "Incorrect column name '%-.100s'" est "Vigane tulba nimi '%-.100s'" fre "Nom de colonne '%-.100s' incorrect" ger "Falscher Spaltenname '%-.100s'" hun "Ervenytelen mezonev: '%-.100s'" ita "Nome colonna '%-.100s' non corretto" jpn "列名 '%-.100s' は不正です。" por "Nome de coluna '%-.100s' incorreto" rum "Nume increct de coloana '%-.100s'" rus "Неверное имя столбца '%-.100s'" serbian "Pogrešno ime kolone '%-.100s'" spa "Incorrecto nombre de columna '%-.100s'" swe "Felaktigt kolumnnamn '%-.100s'" ukr "Невірне ім'я стовбця '%-.100s'" ER_WRONG_KEY_COLUMN 42000 cze "Handler použité tabulky neumí indexovat sloupce '%-.192s'" dan "Den brugte tabeltype kan ikke indeksere kolonnen '%-.192s'" nla "De gebruikte tabel 'handler' kan kolom '%-.192s' niet indexeren" eng "The used storage engine can't index column '%-.192s'" est "Tabelihandler ei oska indekseerida tulpa '%-.192s'" fre "Le handler de la table ne peut indexé la colonne '%-.192s'" ger "Die verwendete Speicher-Engine kann die Spalte '%-.192s' nicht indizieren" greek "The used table handler can't index column '%-.192s'" hun "A hasznalt tablakezelo nem tudja a '%-.192s' mezot indexelni" ita "Il gestore delle tabelle non puo` indicizzare la colonna '%-.192s'" jpn "使用のストレージエンジンは列 '%-.192s' の索引を作成できません。" kor "The used table handler can't index column '%-.192s'" nor "The used table handler can't index column '%-.192s'" norwegian-ny "The used table handler can't index column '%-.192s'" pol "The used table handler can't index column '%-.192s'" por "O manipulador de tabela usado não pode indexar a coluna '%-.192s'" rum "Handler-ul tabelei folosite nu poate indexa coloana '%-.192s'" rus "Использованный обработчик таблицы не может проиндексировать столбец '%-.192s'" serbian "Handler tabele ne može da indeksira kolonu '%-.192s'" slo "The used table handler can't index column '%-.192s'" spa "El manipulador de tabla usado no puede indexar columna '%-.192s'" swe "Den använda tabelltypen kan inte indexera kolumn '%-.192s'" ukr "Використаний вказівник таблиці не може індексувати стовбець '%-.192s'" ER_WRONG_MRG_TABLE cze "Všechny tabulky v MERGE tabulce nejsou definovány stejně" dan "Tabellerne i MERGE er ikke defineret ens" nla "Niet alle tabellen in de MERGE tabel hebben identieke gedefinities" eng "Unable to open underlying table which is differently defined or of non-MyISAM type or doesn't exist" est "Kõik tabelid MERGE tabeli määratluses ei ole identsed" fre "Toutes les tables de la table de type MERGE n'ont pas la même définition" ger "Nicht alle Tabellen in der MERGE-Tabelle sind gleich definiert" hun "A MERGE tablaban talalhato tablak definicioja nem azonos" ita "Non tutte le tabelle nella tabella di MERGE sono definite in maniera identica" jpn "MERGE表の構成表がオープンできません。列定義が異なるか、MyISAM表ではないか、存在しません。" kor "All tables in the MERGE table are not defined identically" nor "All tables in the MERGE table are not defined identically" norwegian-ny "All tables in the MERGE table are not defined identically" pol "All tables in the MERGE table are not defined identically" por "Todas as tabelas contidas na tabela fundida (MERGE) não estão definidas identicamente" rum "Toate tabelele din tabela MERGE nu sint definite identic" rus "Не все таблицы в MERGE определены одинаково" serbian "Tabele iskorištene u 'MERGE' tabeli nisu definisane na isti način" slo "All tables in the MERGE table are not defined identically" spa "Todas las tablas en la MERGE tabla no estan definidas identicamente" swe "Tabellerna i MERGE-tabellen är inte identiskt definierade" ukr "Таблиці у MERGE TABLE мають різну структуру" ER_DUP_UNIQUE 23000 cze "Kvůli unique constraintu nemozu zapsat do tabulky '%-.192s'" dan "Kan ikke skrive til tabellen '%-.192s' fordi det vil bryde CONSTRAINT regler" nla "Kan niet opslaan naar table '%-.192s' vanwege 'unique' beperking" eng "Can't write, because of unique constraint, to table '%-.192s'" est "Ei suuda kirjutada tabelisse '%-.192s', kuna see rikub ühesuse kitsendust" fre "Écriture impossible à cause d'un index UNIQUE sur la table '%-.192s'" ger "Schreiben in Tabelle '%-.192s' nicht möglich wegen einer Eindeutigkeitsbeschränkung (unique constraint)" hun "A '%-.192s' nem irhato, az egyedi mezok miatt" jpn "一意性制約違反のため、表 '%-.192s' に書き込めません。" ita "Impossibile scrivere nella tabella '%-.192s' per limitazione di unicita`" por "Não pode gravar, devido à restrição UNIQUE, na tabela '%-.192s'" rum "Nu pot scrie pe hard-drive, din cauza constraintului unic (unique constraint) pentru tabela '%-.192s'" rus "Невозможно записать в таблицу '%-.192s' из-за ограничений уникального ключа" serbian "Zbog provere jedinstvenosti ne mogu da upišem podatke u tabelu '%-.192s'" spa "No puedo escribir, debido al único constraint, para tabla '%-.192s'" swe "Kan inte skriva till tabell '%-.192s'; UNIQUE-test" ukr "Не можу записати до таблиці '%-.192s', з причини вимог унікальності" ER_BLOB_KEY_WITHOUT_LENGTH 42000 cze "BLOB sloupec '%-.192s' je použit ve specifikaci klíče bez délky" dan "BLOB kolonnen '%-.192s' brugt i nøglespecifikation uden nøglelængde" nla "BLOB kolom '%-.192s' gebruikt in zoeksleutel specificatie zonder zoeksleutel lengte" eng "BLOB/TEXT column '%-.192s' used in key specification without a key length" est "BLOB-tüüpi tulp '%-.192s' on kasutusel võtmes ilma pikkust määratlemata" fre "La colonne '%-.192s' de type BLOB est utilisée dans une définition d'index sans longueur d'index" ger "BLOB- oder TEXT-Spalte '%-.192s' wird in der Schlüsseldefinition ohne Schlüssellängenangabe verwendet" greek "BLOB column '%-.192s' used in key specification without a key length" hun "BLOB mezo '%-.192s' hasznalt a mezo specifikacioban, a mezohossz megadasa nelkul" ita "La colonna '%-.192s' di tipo BLOB e` usata in una chiave senza specificarne la lunghezza" jpn "BLOB列 '%-.192s' をキーに使用するには長さ指定が必要です。" kor "BLOB column '%-.192s' used in key specification without a key length" nor "BLOB column '%-.192s' used in key specification without a key length" norwegian-ny "BLOB column '%-.192s' used in key specification without a key length" pol "BLOB column '%-.192s' used in key specification without a key length" por "Coluna BLOB '%-.192s' usada na especificação de chave sem o comprimento da chave" rum "Coloana BLOB '%-.192s' este folosita in specificarea unei chei fara ca o lungime de cheie sa fie folosita" rus "Столбец типа BLOB '%-.192s' был указан в определении ключа без указания длины ключа" serbian "BLOB kolona '%-.192s' je upotrebljena u specifikaciji ključa bez navođenja dužine ključa" slo "BLOB column '%-.192s' used in key specification without a key length" spa "Columna BLOB column '%-.192s' usada en especificación de clave sin tamaño de la clave" swe "Du har inte angett någon nyckellängd för BLOB '%-.192s'" ukr "Стовбець BLOB '%-.192s' використано у визначенні ключа без вказання довжини ключа" ER_PRIMARY_CANT_HAVE_NULL 42000 cze "Všechny části primárního klíče musejí být NOT NULL; pokud potřebujete NULL, použijte UNIQUE" dan "Alle dele af en PRIMARY KEY skal være NOT NULL; Hvis du skal bruge NULL i nøglen, brug UNIQUE istedet" nla "Alle delen van een PRIMARY KEY moeten NOT NULL zijn; Indien u NULL in een zoeksleutel nodig heeft kunt u UNIQUE gebruiken" eng "All parts of a PRIMARY KEY must be NOT NULL; if you need NULL in a key, use UNIQUE instead" est "Kõik PRIMARY KEY peavad olema määratletud NOT NULL piiranguga; vajadusel kasuta UNIQUE tüüpi võtit" fre "Toutes les parties d'un index PRIMARY KEY doivent être NOT NULL; Si vous avez besoin d'un NULL dans l'index, utilisez un index UNIQUE" ger "Alle Teile eines PRIMARY KEY müssen als NOT NULL definiert sein. Wenn NULL in einem Schlüssel benötigt wird, muss ein UNIQUE-Schlüssel verwendet werden" hun "Az elsodleges kulcs teljes egeszeben csak NOT NULL tipusu lehet; Ha NULL mezot szeretne a kulcskent, hasznalja inkabb a UNIQUE-ot" ita "Tutte le parti di una chiave primaria devono essere dichiarate NOT NULL; se necessitano valori NULL nelle chiavi utilizzare UNIQUE" jpn "PRIMARY KEYの列は全てNOT NULLでなければいけません。UNIQUE索引であればNULLを含むことが可能です。" por "Todas as partes de uma chave primária devem ser não-nulas. Se você precisou usar um valor nulo (NULL) em uma chave, use a cláusula UNIQUE em seu lugar" rum "Toate partile unei chei primare (PRIMARY KEY) trebuie sa fie NOT NULL; Daca aveti nevoie de NULL in vreo cheie, folositi UNIQUE in schimb" rus "Все части первичного ключа (PRIMARY KEY) должны быть определены как NOT NULL; Если вам нужна поддержка величин NULL в ключе, воспользуйтесь индексом UNIQUE" serbian "Svi delovi primarnog ključa moraju biti različiti od NULL; Ako Vam ipak treba NULL vrednost u ključu, upotrebite 'UNIQUE'" spa "Todas las partes de un PRIMARY KEY deben ser NOT NULL; Si necesitas NULL en una clave, use UNIQUE" swe "Alla delar av en PRIMARY KEY måste vara NOT NULL; Om du vill ha en nyckel med NULL, använd UNIQUE istället" ukr "Усі частини PRIMARY KEY повинні бути NOT NULL; Якщо ви потребуєте NULL у ключі, скористайтеся UNIQUE" ER_TOO_MANY_ROWS 42000 cze "Výsledek obsahuje více než jeden řádek" dan "Resultatet bestod af mere end een række" nla "Resultaat bevatte meer dan een rij" eng "Result consisted of more than one row" est "Tulemis oli rohkem kui üks kirje" fre "Le résultat contient plus d'un enregistrement" ger "Ergebnis besteht aus mehr als einer Zeile" hun "Az eredmeny tobb, mint egy sort tartalmaz" ita "Il risultato consiste di piu` di una riga" jpn "結果が2行以上です。" por "O resultado consistiu em mais do que uma linha" rum "Resultatul constista din mai multe linii" rus "В результате возвращена более чем одна строка" serbian "Rezultat je sačinjen od više slogova" spa "Resultado compuesto de mas que una línea" swe "Resultet bestod av mera än en rad" ukr "Результат знаходиться у більше ніж одній строці" ER_REQUIRES_PRIMARY_KEY 42000 cze "Tento typ tabulky vyžaduje primární klíč" dan "Denne tabeltype kræver en primærnøgle" nla "Dit tabel type heeft een primaire zoeksleutel nodig" eng "This table type requires a primary key" est "Antud tabelitüüp nõuab primaarset võtit" fre "Ce type de table nécessite une clé primaire (PRIMARY KEY)" ger "Dieser Tabellentyp benötigt einen Primärschlüssel (PRIMARY KEY)" hun "Az adott tablatipushoz elsodleges kulcs hasznalata kotelezo" ita "Questo tipo di tabella richiede una chiave primaria" jpn "使用のストレージエンジンでは、PRIMARY KEYが必要です。" por "Este tipo de tabela requer uma chave primária" rum "Aceast tip de tabela are nevoie de o cheie primara" rus "Этот тип таблицы требует определения первичного ключа" serbian "Ovaj tip tabele zahteva da imate definisan primarni ključ" spa "Este tipo de tabla necesita de una primary key" swe "Denna tabelltyp kräver en PRIMARY KEY" ukr "Цей тип таблиці потребує первинного ключа" ER_NO_RAID_COMPILED cze "Tato verze MySQL není zkompilována s podporou RAID" dan "Denne udgave af MySQL er ikke oversat med understøttelse af RAID" nla "Deze versie van MySQL is niet gecompileerd met RAID ondersteuning" eng "This version of MySQL is not compiled with RAID support" est "Antud MySQL versioon on kompileeritud ilma RAID toeta" fre "Cette version de MySQL n'est pas compilée avec le support RAID" ger "Diese MySQL-Version ist nicht mit RAID-Unterstützung kompiliert" hun "Ezen leforditott MySQL verzio nem tartalmaz RAID support-ot" ita "Questa versione di MYSQL non e` compilata con il supporto RAID" jpn "このバージョンのMySQLはRAIDサポートを含めてコンパイルされていません。" por "Esta versão do MySQL não foi compilada com suporte a RAID" rum "Aceasta versiune de MySQL, nu a fost compilata cu suport pentru RAID" rus "Эта версия MySQL скомпилирована без поддержки RAID" serbian "Ova verzija MySQL servera nije kompajlirana sa podrškom za RAID uređaje" spa "Esta versión de MySQL no es compilada con soporte RAID" swe "Denna version av MySQL är inte kompilerad med RAID" ukr "Ця версія MySQL не зкомпільована з підтримкою RAID" ER_UPDATE_WITHOUT_KEY_IN_SAFE_MODE cze "Update tabulky bez WHERE s klíčem není v módu bezpečných update dovoleno" dan "Du bruger sikker opdaterings modus ('safe update mode') og du forsøgte at opdatere en tabel uden en WHERE klausul, der gør brug af et KEY felt" nla "U gebruikt 'safe update mode' en u probeerde een tabel te updaten zonder een WHERE met een KEY kolom" eng "You are using safe update mode and you tried to update a table without a WHERE that uses a KEY column" est "Katse muuta tabelit turvalises rezhiimis ilma WHERE klauslita" fre "Vous êtes en mode 'safe update' et vous essayez de faire un UPDATE sans clause WHERE utilisant un index" ger "MySQL läuft im sicheren Aktualisierungsmodus (safe update mode). Sie haben versucht, eine Tabelle zu aktualisieren, ohne in der WHERE-Klausel ein KEY-Feld anzugeben" hun "On a biztonsagos update modot hasznalja, es WHERE that uses a KEY column" ita "In modalita` 'safe update' si e` cercato di aggiornare una tabella senza clausola WHERE su una chiave" jpn "'safe update mode'で、索引を利用するWHERE句の無い更新処理を実行しようとしました。" por "Você está usando modo de atualização seguro e tentou atualizar uma tabela sem uma cláusula WHERE que use uma coluna chave" rus "Вы работаете в режиме безопасных обновлений (safe update mode) и попробовали изменить таблицу без использования ключевого столбца в части WHERE" serbian "Vi koristite safe update mod servera, a probali ste da promenite podatke bez 'WHERE' komande koja koristi kolonu ključa" spa "Tu estás usando modo de actualización segura y tentado actualizar una tabla sin un WHERE que usa una KEY columna" swe "Du använder 'säker uppdateringsmod' och försökte uppdatera en tabell utan en WHERE-sats som använder sig av en nyckel" ukr "Ви у режимі безпечного оновлення та намагаєтесь оновити таблицю без оператора WHERE, що використовує KEY стовбець" ER_KEY_DOES_NOT_EXITS 42000 S1009 cze "Klíč '%-.192s' v tabulce '%-.192s' neexistuje" dan "Nøglen '%-.192s' eksisterer ikke i tabellen '%-.192s'" nla "Zoeksleutel '%-.192s' bestaat niet in tabel '%-.192s'" eng "Key '%-.192s' doesn't exist in table '%-.192s'" est "Võti '%-.192s' ei eksisteeri tabelis '%-.192s'" fre "L'index '%-.192s' n'existe pas sur la table '%-.192s'" ger "Schlüssel '%-.192s' existiert in der Tabelle '%-.192s' nicht" hun "A '%-.192s' kulcs nem letezik a '%-.192s' tablaban" ita "La chiave '%-.192s' non esiste nella tabella '%-.192s'" jpn "索引 '%-.192s' は表 '%-.192s' には存在しません。" por "Chave '%-.192s' não existe na tabela '%-.192s'" rus "Ключ '%-.192s' не существует в таблице '%-.192s'" serbian "Ključ '%-.192s' ne postoji u tabeli '%-.192s'" spa "Clave '%-.192s' no existe en la tabla '%-.192s'" swe "Nyckel '%-.192s' finns inte in tabell '%-.192s'" ukr "Ключ '%-.192s' не існує в таблиці '%-.192s'" ER_CHECK_NO_SUCH_TABLE 42000 cze "Nemohu otevřít tabulku" dan "Kan ikke åbne tabellen" nla "Kan tabel niet openen" eng "Can't open table" est "Ei suuda avada tabelit" fre "Impossible d'ouvrir la table" ger "Kann Tabelle nicht öffnen" hun "Nem tudom megnyitni a tablat" ita "Impossibile aprire la tabella" jpn "表をオープンできません。" por "Não pode abrir a tabela" rus "Невозможно открыть таблицу" serbian "Ne mogu da otvorim tabelu" spa "No puedo abrir tabla" swe "Kan inte öppna tabellen" ukr "Не можу відкрити таблицю" ER_CHECK_NOT_IMPLEMENTED 42000 cze "Handler tabulky nepodporuje %s" dan "Denne tabeltype understøtter ikke %s" nla "De 'handler' voor de tabel ondersteund geen %s" eng "The storage engine for the table doesn't support %s" est "Antud tabelitüüp ei toeta %s käske" fre "Ce type de table ne supporte pas les %s" ger "Die Speicher-Engine für diese Tabelle unterstützt kein %s" greek "The handler for the table doesn't support %s" hun "A tabla kezeloje (handler) nem tamogatja az %s" ita "Il gestore per la tabella non supporta il %s" jpn "この表のストレージエンジンは '%s' を利用できません。" kor "The handler for the table doesn't support %s" nor "The handler for the table doesn't support %s" norwegian-ny "The handler for the table doesn't support %s" pol "The handler for the table doesn't support %s" por "O manipulador de tabela não suporta %s" rum "The handler for the table doesn't support %s" rus "Обработчик таблицы не поддерживает этого: %s" serbian "Handler za ovu tabelu ne dozvoljava %s komande" slo "The handler for the table doesn't support %s" spa "El manipulador de la tabla no permite soporte para %s" swe "Tabellhanteraren för denna tabell kan inte göra %s" ukr "Вказівник таблиці не підтримуе %s" ER_CANT_DO_THIS_DURING_AN_TRANSACTION 25000 cze "Provedení tohoto příkazu není v transakci dovoleno" dan "Du må ikke bruge denne kommando i en transaktion" nla "Het is u niet toegestaan dit commando uit te voeren binnen een transactie" eng "You are not allowed to execute this command in a transaction" est "Seda käsku ei saa kasutada transaktsiooni sees" fre "Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à exécute cette commande dans une transaction" ger "Sie dürfen diesen Befehl nicht in einer Transaktion ausführen" hun "Az On szamara nem engedelyezett a parancs vegrehajtasa a tranzakcioban" ita "Non puoi eseguire questo comando in una transazione" jpn "このコマンドはトランザクション内で実行できません。" por "Não lhe é permitido executar este comando em uma transação" rus "Вам не разрешено выполнять эту команду в транзакции" serbian "Nije Vam dozvoljeno da izvršite ovu komandu u transakciji" spa "No tienes el permiso para ejecutar este comando en una transición" swe "Du får inte utföra detta kommando i en transaktion" ukr "Вам не дозволено виконувати цю команду в транзакції" ER_ERROR_DURING_COMMIT cze "Chyba %d při COMMIT" dan "Modtog fejl %d mens kommandoen COMMIT blev udført" nla "Kreeg fout %d tijdens COMMIT" eng "Got error %d during COMMIT" est "Viga %d käsu COMMIT täitmisel" fre "Erreur %d lors du COMMIT" ger "Fehler %d beim COMMIT" hun "%d hiba a COMMIT vegrehajtasa soran" ita "Rilevato l'errore %d durante il COMMIT" jpn "COMMIT中にエラー %d が発生しました。" por "Obteve erro %d durante COMMIT" rus "Получена ошибка %d в процессе COMMIT" serbian "Greška %d za vreme izvršavanja komande 'COMMIT'" spa "Obtenido error %d durante COMMIT" swe "Fick fel %d vid COMMIT" ukr "Отримано помилку %d під час COMMIT" ER_ERROR_DURING_ROLLBACK cze "Chyba %d při ROLLBACK" dan "Modtog fejl %d mens kommandoen ROLLBACK blev udført" nla "Kreeg fout %d tijdens ROLLBACK" eng "Got error %d during ROLLBACK" est "Viga %d käsu ROLLBACK täitmisel" fre "Erreur %d lors du ROLLBACK" ger "Fehler %d beim ROLLBACK" hun "%d hiba a ROLLBACK vegrehajtasa soran" ita "Rilevato l'errore %d durante il ROLLBACK" jpn "ROLLBACK中にエラー %d が発生しました。" por "Obteve erro %d durante ROLLBACK" rus "Получена ошибка %d в процессе ROLLBACK" serbian "Greška %d za vreme izvršavanja komande 'ROLLBACK'" spa "Obtenido error %d durante ROLLBACK" swe "Fick fel %d vid ROLLBACK" ukr "Отримано помилку %d під час ROLLBACK" ER_ERROR_DURING_FLUSH_LOGS cze "Chyba %d při FLUSH_LOGS" dan "Modtog fejl %d mens kommandoen FLUSH_LOGS blev udført" nla "Kreeg fout %d tijdens FLUSH_LOGS" eng "Got error %d during FLUSH_LOGS" est "Viga %d käsu FLUSH_LOGS täitmisel" fre "Erreur %d lors du FLUSH_LOGS" ger "Fehler %d bei FLUSH_LOGS" hun "%d hiba a FLUSH_LOGS vegrehajtasa soran" ita "Rilevato l'errore %d durante il FLUSH_LOGS" jpn "FLUSH_LOGS中にエラー %d が発生しました。" por "Obteve erro %d durante FLUSH_LOGS" rus "Получена ошибка %d в процессе FLUSH_LOGS" serbian "Greška %d za vreme izvršavanja komande 'FLUSH_LOGS'" spa "Obtenido error %d durante FLUSH_LOGS" swe "Fick fel %d vid FLUSH_LOGS" ukr "Отримано помилку %d під час FLUSH_LOGS" ER_ERROR_DURING_CHECKPOINT cze "Chyba %d při CHECKPOINT" dan "Modtog fejl %d mens kommandoen CHECKPOINT blev udført" nla "Kreeg fout %d tijdens CHECKPOINT" eng "Got error %d during CHECKPOINT" est "Viga %d käsu CHECKPOINT täitmisel" fre "Erreur %d lors du CHECKPOINT" ger "Fehler %d bei CHECKPOINT" hun "%d hiba a CHECKPOINT vegrehajtasa soran" ita "Rilevato l'errore %d durante il CHECKPOINT" jpn "CHECKPOINT中にエラー %d が発生しました。" por "Obteve erro %d durante CHECKPOINT" rus "Получена ошибка %d в процессе CHECKPOINT" serbian "Greška %d za vreme izvršavanja komande 'CHECKPOINT'" spa "Obtenido error %d durante CHECKPOINT" swe "Fick fel %d vid CHECKPOINT" ukr "Отримано помилку %d під час CHECKPOINT" ER_NEW_ABORTING_CONNECTION 08S01 cze "Spojení %u do databáze: '%-.192s' uživatel: '%-.48s' stroj: '%-.64s' (%-.64s) bylo přerušeno" dan "Afbrød forbindelsen %u til databasen '%-.192s' bruger: '%-.48s' vært: '%-.64s' (%-.64s)" nla "Afgebroken verbinding %u naar db: '%-.192s' gebruiker: '%-.48s' host: '%-.64s' (%-.64s)" eng "Aborted connection %u to db: '%-.192s' user: '%-.48s' host: '%-.64s' (%-.64s)" est "Ühendus katkestatud %u andmebaas: '%-.192s' kasutaja: '%-.48s' masin: '%-.64s' (%-.64s)" fre "Connection %u avortée vers la bd: '%-.192s' utilisateur: '%-.48s' hôte: '%-.64s' (%-.64s)" ger "Abbruch der Verbindung %u zur Datenbank '%-.192s'. Benutzer: '%-.48s', Host: '%-.64s' (%-.64s)" ita "Interrotta la connessione %u al db: ''%-.192s' utente: '%-.48s' host: '%-.64s' (%-.64s)" jpn "接続 %u が中断されました。データベース: '%-.192s' ユーザー: '%-.48s' ホスト: '%-.64s' (%-.64s)" por "Conexão %u abortada para banco de dados '%-.192s' - usuário '%-.48s' - 'host' '%-.64s' ('%-.64s')" rus "Прервано соединение %u к базе данных '%-.192s' пользователя '%-.48s' с хоста '%-.64s' (%-.64s)" serbian "Prekinuta konekcija broj %u ka bazi: '%-.192s' korisnik je bio: '%-.48s' a host: '%-.64s' (%-.64s)" spa "Abortada conexión %u para db: '%-.192s' usuario: '%-.48s' servidor: '%-.64s' (%-.64s)" swe "Avbröt länken för tråd %u till db '%-.192s', användare '%-.48s', host '%-.64s' (%-.64s)" ukr "Перервано з'єднання %u до бази данних: '%-.192s' користувач: '%-.48s' хост: '%-.64s' (%-.64s)" ER_DUMP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED cze "Handler tabulky nepodporuje binární dump" dan "Denne tabeltype unserstøtter ikke binært tabeldump" nla "De 'handler' voor de tabel ondersteund geen binaire tabel dump" eng "The storage engine for the table does not support binary table dump" fre "Ce type de table ne supporte pas les copies binaires" ger "Die Speicher-Engine für die Tabelle unterstützt keinen binären Tabellen-Dump" ita "Il gestore per la tabella non supporta il dump binario" jpn "この表のストレージエンジンはバイナリ形式の表ダンプを利用できません。" por "O manipulador de tabela não suporta 'dump' binário de tabela" rum "The handler for the table does not support binary table dump" rus "Обработчик этой таблицы не поддерживает двоичного сохранения образа таблицы (dump)" serbian "Handler tabele ne podržava binarni dump tabele" spa "El manipulador de tabla no soporta dump para tabla binaria" swe "Tabellhanteraren klarar inte en binär kopiering av tabellen" ukr "Цей тип таблиці не підтримує бінарну передачу таблиці" ER_FLUSH_MASTER_BINLOG_CLOSED eng "Binlog closed, cannot RESET MASTER" ger "Binlog geschlossen. Kann RESET MASTER nicht ausführen" jpn "バイナリログがクローズされています。RESET MASTER を実行できません。" por "Binlog fechado. Não pode fazer RESET MASTER" rus "Двоичный журнал обновления закрыт, невозможно выполнить RESET MASTER" serbian "Binarni log file zatvoren, ne mogu da izvršim komandu 'RESET MASTER'" ukr "Реплікаційний лог закрито, не можу виконати RESET MASTER" ER_INDEX_REBUILD cze "Přebudování indexu dumpnuté tabulky '%-.192s' nebylo úspěšné" dan "Kunne ikke genopbygge indekset for den dumpede tabel '%-.192s'" nla "Gefaald tijdens heropbouw index van gedumpte tabel '%-.192s'" eng "Failed rebuilding the index of dumped table '%-.192s'" fre "La reconstruction de l'index de la table copiée '%-.192s' a échoué" ger "Neuerstellung des Index der Dump-Tabelle '%-.192s' fehlgeschlagen" greek "Failed rebuilding the index of dumped table '%-.192s'" hun "Failed rebuilding the index of dumped table '%-.192s'" ita "Fallita la ricostruzione dell'indice della tabella copiata '%-.192s'" jpn "ダンプ表 '%-.192s' の索引再構築に失敗しました。" por "Falhou na reconstrução do índice da tabela 'dumped' '%-.192s'" rus "Ошибка перестройки индекса сохраненной таблицы '%-.192s'" serbian "Izgradnja indeksa dump-ovane tabele '%-.192s' nije uspela" spa "Falla reconstruyendo el indice de la tabla dumped '%-.192s'" ukr "Невдале відновлення індекса переданої таблиці '%-.192s'" ER_MASTER cze "Chyba masteru: '%-.64s'" dan "Fejl fra master: '%-.64s'" nla "Fout van master: '%-.64s'" eng "Error from master: '%-.64s'" fre "Erreur reçue du maître: '%-.64s'" ger "Fehler vom Master: '%-.64s'" ita "Errore dal master: '%-.64s" jpn "マスターでエラーが発生: '%-.64s'" por "Erro no 'master' '%-.64s'" rus "Ошибка от головного сервера: '%-.64s'" serbian "Greška iz glavnog servera '%-.64s' u klasteru" spa "Error del master: '%-.64s'" swe "Fel från master: '%-.64s'" ukr "Помилка від головного: '%-.64s'" ER_MASTER_NET_READ 08S01 cze "Síťová chyba při čtení z masteru" dan "Netværksfejl ved læsning fra master" nla "Net fout tijdens lezen van master" eng "Net error reading from master" fre "Erreur de lecture réseau reçue du maître" ger "Netzfehler beim Lesen vom Master" ita "Errore di rete durante la ricezione dal master" jpn "マスターからのデータ受信中のネットワークエラー" por "Erro de rede lendo do 'master'" rus "Возникла ошибка чтения в процессе коммуникации с головным сервером" serbian "Greška u primanju mrežnih paketa sa glavnog servera u klasteru" spa "Error de red leyendo del master" swe "Fick nätverksfel vid läsning från master" ukr "Мережева помилка читання від головного" ER_MASTER_NET_WRITE 08S01 cze "Síťová chyba při zápisu na master" dan "Netværksfejl ved skrivning til master" nla "Net fout tijdens schrijven naar master" eng "Net error writing to master" fre "Erreur d'écriture réseau reçue du maître" ger "Netzfehler beim Schreiben zum Master" ita "Errore di rete durante l'invio al master" jpn "マスターへのデータ送信中のネットワークエラー" por "Erro de rede gravando no 'master'" rus "Возникла ошибка записи в процессе коммуникации с головным сервером" serbian "Greška u slanju mrežnih paketa na glavni server u klasteru" spa "Error de red escribiendo para el master" swe "Fick nätverksfel vid skrivning till master" ukr "Мережева помилка запису до головного" ER_FT_MATCHING_KEY_NOT_FOUND cze "Žádný sloupec nemá vytvořen fulltextový index" dan "Kan ikke finde en FULLTEXT nøgle som svarer til kolonne listen" nla "Kan geen FULLTEXT index vinden passend bij de kolom lijst" eng "Can't find FULLTEXT index matching the column list" est "Ei suutnud leida FULLTEXT indeksit, mis kattuks kasutatud tulpadega" fre "Impossible de trouver un index FULLTEXT correspondant à cette liste de colonnes" ger "Kann keinen FULLTEXT-Index finden, der der Feldliste entspricht" ita "Impossibile trovare un indice FULLTEXT che corrisponda all'elenco delle colonne" jpn "列リストに対応する全文索引(FULLTEXT)が見つかりません。" por "Não pode encontrar um índice para o texto todo que combine com a lista de colunas" rus "Невозможно отыскать полнотекстовый (FULLTEXT) индекс, соответствующий списку столбцов" serbian "Ne mogu da pronađem 'FULLTEXT' indeks koli odgovara listi kolona" spa "No puedo encontrar índice FULLTEXT correspondiendo a la lista de columnas" swe "Hittar inte ett FULLTEXT-index i kolumnlistan" ukr "Не можу знайти FULLTEXT індекс, що відповідає переліку стовбців" ER_LOCK_OR_ACTIVE_TRANSACTION cze "Nemohu provést zadaný příkaz, protože existují aktivní zamčené tabulky nebo aktivní transakce" dan "Kan ikke udføre den givne kommando fordi der findes aktive, låste tabeller eller fordi der udføres en transaktion" nla "Kan het gegeven commando niet uitvoeren, want u heeft actieve gelockte tabellen of een actieve transactie" eng "Can't execute the given command because you have active locked tables or an active transaction" est "Ei suuda täita antud käsku kuna on aktiivseid lukke või käimasolev transaktsioon" fre "Impossible d'exécuter la commande car vous avez des tables verrouillées ou une transaction active" ger "Kann den angegebenen Befehl wegen einer aktiven Tabellensperre oder einer aktiven Transaktion nicht ausführen" ita "Impossibile eseguire il comando richiesto: tabelle sotto lock o transazione in atto" jpn "すでにアクティブな表ロックやトランザクションがあるため、コマンドを実行できません。" por "Não pode executar o comando dado porque você tem tabelas ativas travadas ou uma transação ativa" rus "Невозможно выполнить указанную команду, поскольку у вас присутствуют активно заблокированные таблица или открытая транзакция" serbian "Ne mogu da izvršim datu komandu zbog toga što su tabele zaključane ili je transakcija u toku" spa "No puedo ejecutar el comando dado porque tienes tablas bloqueadas o una transición activa" swe "Kan inte utföra kommandot emedan du har en låst tabell eller an aktiv transaktion" ukr "Не можу виконати подану команду тому, що таблиця заблокована або виконується транзакція" ER_UNKNOWN_SYSTEM_VARIABLE cze "Neznámá systémová proměnná '%-.64s'" dan "Ukendt systemvariabel '%-.64s'" nla "Onbekende systeem variabele '%-.64s'" eng "Unknown system variable '%-.64s'" est "Tundmatu süsteemne muutuja '%-.64s'" fre "Variable système '%-.64s' inconnue" ger "Unbekannte Systemvariable '%-.64s'" ita "Variabile di sistema '%-.64s' sconosciuta" jpn "'%-.64s' は不明なシステム変数です。" por "Variável de sistema '%-.64s' desconhecida" rus "Неизвестная системная переменная '%-.64s'" serbian "Nepoznata sistemska promenljiva '%-.64s'" spa "Desconocida variable de sistema '%-.64s'" swe "Okänd systemvariabel: '%-.64s'" ukr "Невідома системна змінна '%-.64s'" ER_CRASHED_ON_USAGE cze "Tabulka '%-.192s' je označena jako porušená a měla by být opravena" dan "Tabellen '%-.192s' er markeret med fejl og bør repareres" nla "Tabel '%-.192s' staat als gecrashed gemarkeerd en dient te worden gerepareerd" eng "Table '%-.192s' is marked as crashed and should be repaired" est "Tabel '%-.192s' on märgitud vigaseks ja tuleb parandada" fre "La table '%-.192s' est marquée 'crashed' et devrait être réparée" ger "Tabelle '%-.192s' ist als defekt markiert und sollte repariert werden" ita "La tabella '%-.192s' e` segnalata come corrotta e deve essere riparata" jpn "表 '%-.192s' は壊れています。修復が必要です。" por "Tabela '%-.192s' está marcada como danificada e deve ser reparada" rus "Таблица '%-.192s' помечена как испорченная и должна пройти проверку и ремонт" serbian "Tabela '%-.192s' je markirana kao oštećena i trebala bi biti popravljena" spa "Tabla '%-.192s' está marcada como crashed y debe ser reparada" swe "Tabell '%-.192s' är trasig och bör repareras med REPAIR TABLE" ukr "Таблицю '%-.192s' марковано як зіпсовану та її потрібно відновити" ER_CRASHED_ON_REPAIR cze "Tabulka '%-.192s' je označena jako porušená a poslední (automatická?) oprava se nezdařila" dan "Tabellen '%-.192s' er markeret med fejl og sidste (automatiske?) REPAIR fejlede" nla "Tabel '%-.192s' staat als gecrashed gemarkeerd en de laatste (automatische?) reparatie poging mislukte" eng "Table '%-.192s' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed" est "Tabel '%-.192s' on märgitud vigaseks ja viimane (automaatne?) parandus ebaõnnestus" fre "La table '%-.192s' est marquée 'crashed' et le dernier 'repair' a échoué" ger "Tabelle '%-.192s' ist als defekt markiert und der letzte (automatische?) Reparaturversuch schlug fehl" ita "La tabella '%-.192s' e` segnalata come corrotta e l'ultima ricostruzione (automatica?) e` fallita" jpn "表 '%-.192s' は壊れています。修復(自動?)にも失敗しています。" por "Tabela '%-.192s' está marcada como danificada e a última reparação (automática?) falhou" rus "Таблица '%-.192s' помечена как испорченная и последний (автоматический?) ремонт не был успешным" serbian "Tabela '%-.192s' je markirana kao oštećena, a zadnja (automatska?) popravka je bila neuspela" spa "Tabla '%-.192s' está marcada como crashed y la última reparación (automactica?) falló" swe "Tabell '%-.192s' är trasig och senast (automatiska?) reparation misslyckades" ukr "Таблицю '%-.192s' марковано як зіпсовану та останнє (автоматичне?) відновлення не вдалося" ER_WARNING_NOT_COMPLETE_ROLLBACK dan "Advarsel: Visse data i tabeller der ikke understøtter transaktioner kunne ikke tilbagestilles" nla "Waarschuwing: Roll back mislukt voor sommige buiten transacties gewijzigde tabellen" eng "Some non-transactional changed tables couldn't be rolled back" est "Hoiatus: mõnesid transaktsioone mittetoetavaid tabeleid ei suudetud tagasi kerida" fre "Attention: certaines tables ne supportant pas les transactions ont été changées et elles ne pourront pas être restituées" ger "Änderungen an einigen nicht transaktionalen Tabellen konnten nicht zurückgerollt werden" ita "Attenzione: Alcune delle modifiche alle tabelle non transazionali non possono essere ripristinate (roll back impossibile)" jpn "トランザクション対応ではない表への変更はロールバックされません。" por "Aviso: Algumas tabelas não-transacionais alteradas não puderam ser reconstituídas (rolled back)" rus "Внимание: по некоторым измененным нетранзакционным таблицам невозможно будет произвести откат транзакции" serbian "Upozorenje: Neke izmenjene tabele ne podržavaju komandu 'ROLLBACK'" spa "Aviso: Algunas tablas no transancionales no pueden tener rolled back" swe "Warning: Några icke transaktionella tabeller kunde inte återställas vid ROLLBACK" ukr "Застереження: Деякі нетранзакційні зміни таблиць не можна буде повернути" ER_TRANS_CACHE_FULL dan "Fler-udtryks transaktion krævede mere plads en 'max_binlog_cache_size' bytes. Forhøj værdien af denne variabel og prøv igen" nla "Multi-statement transactie vereist meer dan 'max_binlog_cache_size' bytes opslag. Verhoog deze mysqld variabele en probeer opnieuw" eng "Multi-statement transaction required more than 'max_binlog_cache_size' bytes of storage; increase this mysqld variable and try again" est "Mitme lausendiga transaktsioon nõudis rohkem ruumi kui lubatud 'max_binlog_cache_size' muutujaga. Suurenda muutuja väärtust ja proovi uuesti" fre "Cette transaction à commandes multiples nécessite plus de 'max_binlog_cache_size' octets de stockage, augmentez cette variable de mysqld et réessayez" ger "Transaktionen, die aus mehreren Befehlen bestehen, benötigten mehr als 'max_binlog_cache_size' Bytes an Speicher. Btte vergrössern Sie diese Server-Variable versuchen Sie es noch einmal" ita "La transazione a comandi multipli (multi-statement) ha richiesto piu` di 'max_binlog_cache_size' bytes di disco: aumentare questa variabile di mysqld e riprovare" jpn "複数ステートメントから成るトランザクションが 'max_binlog_cache_size' 以上の容量を必要としました。このシステム変数を増加して、再試行してください。" por "Transações multi-declaradas (multi-statement transactions) requeriram mais do que o valor limite (max_binlog_cache_size) de bytes para armazenagem. Aumente o valor desta variável do mysqld e tente novamente" rus "Транзакции, включающей большое количество команд, потребовалось более чем 'max_binlog_cache_size' байт. Увеличьте эту переменную сервера mysqld и попробуйте еще раз" spa "Multipla transición necesita mas que 'max_binlog_cache_size' bytes de almacenamiento. Aumente esta variable mysqld y tente de nuevo" swe "Transaktionen krävde mera än 'max_binlog_cache_size' minne. Öka denna mysqld-variabel och försök på nytt" ukr "Транзакція з багатьма виразами вимагає більше ніж 'max_binlog_cache_size' байтів для зберігання. Збільште цю змінну mysqld та спробуйте знову" ER_SLAVE_MUST_STOP dan "Denne handling kunne ikke udføres med kørende slave, brug først kommandoen STOP SLAVE" nla "Deze operatie kan niet worden uitgevoerd met een actieve slave, doe eerst STOP SLAVE" eng "This operation cannot be performed with a running slave; run STOP SLAVE first" fre "Cette opération ne peut être réalisée avec un esclave actif, faites STOP SLAVE d'abord" ger "Diese Operation kann bei einem aktiven Slave nicht durchgeführt werden. Bitte zuerst STOP SLAVE ausführen" ita "Questa operazione non puo' essere eseguita con un database 'slave' che gira, lanciare prima STOP SLAVE" jpn "この処理は、稼働中のスレーブでは実行できません。あらかじめSTOP SLAVEコマンドを実行してください。" por "Esta operação não pode ser realizada com um 'slave' em execução. Execute STOP SLAVE primeiro" rus "Эту операцию невозможно выполнить при работающем потоке подчиненного сервера. Сначала выполните STOP SLAVE" serbian "Ova operacija ne može biti izvršena dok je aktivan podređeni server. Zadajte prvo komandu 'STOP SLAVE' da zaustavite podređeni server." spa "Esta operación no puede ser hecha con el esclavo funcionando, primero use STOP SLAVE" swe "Denna operation kan inte göras under replikering; Gör STOP SLAVE först" ukr "Операція не може бути виконана з запущеним підлеглим, спочатку виконайте STOP SLAVE" ER_SLAVE_NOT_RUNNING dan "Denne handling kræver en kørende slave. Konfigurer en slave og brug kommandoen START SLAVE" nla "Deze operatie vereist een actieve slave, configureer slave en doe dan START SLAVE" eng "This operation requires a running slave; configure slave and do START SLAVE" fre "Cette opération nécessite un esclave actif, configurez les esclaves et faites START SLAVE" ger "Diese Operation benötigt einen aktiven Slave. Bitte Slave konfigurieren und mittels START SLAVE aktivieren" ita "Questa operaione richiede un database 'slave', configurarlo ed eseguire START SLAVE" jpn "この処理は、稼働中のスレーブでなければ実行できません。スレーブの設定をしてSTART SLAVEコマンドを実行してください。" por "Esta operação requer um 'slave' em execução. Configure o 'slave' e execute START SLAVE" rus "Для этой операции требуется работающий подчиненный сервер. Сначала выполните START SLAVE" serbian "Ova operacija zahteva da je aktivan podređeni server. Konfigurišite prvo podređeni server i onda izvršite komandu 'START SLAVE'" spa "Esta operación necesita el esclavo funcionando, configure esclavo y haga el START SLAVE" swe "Denna operation kan endast göras under replikering; Konfigurera slaven och gör START SLAVE" ukr "Операція вимагає запущеного підлеглого, зконфігуруйте підлеглого та виконайте START SLAVE" ER_BAD_SLAVE dan "Denne server er ikke konfigureret som slave. Ret in config-filen eller brug kommandoen CHANGE MASTER TO" nla "De server is niet geconfigureerd als slave, fix in configuratie bestand of met CHANGE MASTER TO" eng "The server is not configured as slave; fix in config file or with CHANGE MASTER TO" fre "Le server n'est pas configuré comme un esclave, changez le fichier de configuration ou utilisez CHANGE MASTER TO" ger "Der Server ist nicht als Slave konfiguriert. Bitte in der Konfigurationsdatei oder mittels CHANGE MASTER TO beheben" ita "Il server non e' configurato come 'slave', correggere il file di configurazione cambiando CHANGE MASTER TO" jpn "このサーバーはスレーブとして設定されていません。コンフィグファイルかCHANGE MASTER TOコマンドで設定して下さい。" por "O servidor não está configurado como 'slave'. Acerte o arquivo de configuração ou use CHANGE MASTER TO" rus "Этот сервер не настроен как подчиненный. Внесите исправления в конфигурационном файле или с помощью CHANGE MASTER TO" serbian "Server nije konfigurisan kao podređeni server, ispravite konfiguracioni file ili na njemu izvršite komandu 'CHANGE MASTER TO'" spa "El servidor no está configurado como esclavo, edite el archivo config file o con CHANGE MASTER TO" swe "Servern är inte konfigurerade som en replikationsslav. Ändra konfigurationsfilen eller gör CHANGE MASTER TO" ukr "Сервер не зконфігуровано як підлеглий, виправте це у файлі конфігурації або з CHANGE MASTER TO" ER_MASTER_INFO eng "Could not initialize master info structure; more error messages can be found in the MySQL error log" fre "Impossible d'initialiser les structures d'information de maître, vous trouverez des messages d'erreur supplémentaires dans le journal des erreurs de MySQL" ger "Konnte Master-Info-Struktur nicht initialisieren. Weitere Fehlermeldungen können im MySQL-Error-Log eingesehen werden" jpn "'master info'構造体の初期化ができませんでした。MySQLエラーログでエラーメッセージを確認してください。" serbian "Nisam mogao da inicijalizujem informacionu strukturu glavnog servera, proverite da li imam privilegije potrebne za pristup file-u 'master.info'" swe "Kunde inte initialisera replikationsstrukturerna. See MySQL fel fil för mera information" ER_SLAVE_THREAD dan "Kunne ikke danne en slave-tråd; check systemressourcerne" nla "Kon slave thread niet aanmaken, controleer systeem resources" eng "Could not create slave thread; check system resources" fre "Impossible de créer une tâche esclave, vérifiez les ressources système" ger "Konnte Slave-Thread nicht starten. Bitte System-Ressourcen überprüfen" ita "Impossibile creare il thread 'slave', controllare le risorse di sistema" jpn "スレーブスレッドを作成できません。システムリソースを確認してください。" por "Não conseguiu criar 'thread' de 'slave'. Verifique os recursos do sistema" rus "Невозможно создать поток подчиненного сервера. Проверьте системные ресурсы" serbian "Nisam mogao da startujem thread za podređeni server, proverite sistemske resurse" spa "No puedo crear el thread esclavo, verifique recursos del sistema" swe "Kunde inte starta en tråd för replikering" ukr "Не можу створити підлеглу гілку, перевірте системні ресурси" ER_TOO_MANY_USER_CONNECTIONS 42000 dan "Brugeren %-.64s har allerede mere end 'max_user_connections' aktive forbindelser" nla "Gebruiker %-.64s heeft reeds meer dan 'max_user_connections' actieve verbindingen" eng "User %-.64s already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections" est "Kasutajal %-.64s on juba rohkem ühendusi kui lubatud 'max_user_connections' muutujaga" fre "L'utilisateur %-.64s possède déjà plus de 'max_user_connections' connexions actives" ger "Benutzer '%-.64s' hat mehr als 'max_user_connections' aktive Verbindungen" ita "L'utente %-.64s ha gia' piu' di 'max_user_connections' connessioni attive" jpn "ユーザー '%-.64s' はすでに 'max_user_connections' 以上のアクティブな接続を行っています。" por "Usuário '%-.64s' já possui mais que o valor máximo de conexões (max_user_connections) ativas" rus "У пользователя %-.64s уже больше чем 'max_user_connections' активных соединений" serbian "Korisnik %-.64s već ima više aktivnih konekcija nego što je to određeno 'max_user_connections' promenljivom" spa "Usario %-.64s ya tiene mas que 'max_user_connections' conexiones activas" swe "Användare '%-.64s' har redan 'max_user_connections' aktiva inloggningar" ukr "Користувач %-.64s вже має більше ніж 'max_user_connections' активних з'єднань" ER_SET_CONSTANTS_ONLY dan "Du må kun bruge konstantudtryk med SET" nla "U mag alleen constante expressies gebruiken bij SET" eng "You may only use constant expressions with SET" est "Ainult konstantsed suurused on lubatud SET klauslis" fre "Seules les expressions constantes sont autorisées avec SET" ger "Bei SET dürfen nur konstante Ausdrücke verwendet werden" ita "Si possono usare solo espressioni costanti con SET" jpn "SET処理が失敗しました。" por "Você pode usar apenas expressões constantes com SET" rus "Вы можете использовать в SET только константные выражения" serbian "Možete upotrebiti samo konstantan iskaz sa komandom 'SET'" spa "Tu solo debes usar expresiones constantes con SET" swe "Man kan endast använda konstantuttryck med SET" ukr "Можна використовувати лише вирази зі сталими у SET" ER_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT dan "Lock wait timeout overskredet" nla "Lock wacht tijd overschreden" eng "Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction" est "Kontrollaeg ületatud luku järel ootamisel; Proovi transaktsiooni otsast alata" fre "Timeout sur l'obtention du verrou" ger "Beim Warten auf eine Sperre wurde die zulässige Wartezeit überschritten. Bitte versuchen Sie, die Transaktion neu zu starten" ita "E' scaduto il timeout per l'attesa del lock" jpn "ロック待ちがタイムアウトしました。トランザクションを再試行してください。" por "Tempo de espera (timeout) de travamento excedido. Tente reiniciar a transação." rus "Таймаут ожидания блокировки истек; попробуйте перезапустить транзакцию" serbian "Vremenski limit za zaključavanje tabele je istekao; Probajte da ponovo startujete transakciju" spa "Tiempo de bloqueo de espera excedido" swe "Fick inte ett lås i tid ; Försök att starta om transaktionen" ukr "Затримку очікування блокування вичерпано" ER_LOCK_TABLE_FULL dan "Det totale antal låse overstiger størrelsen på låse-tabellen" nla "Het totale aantal locks overschrijdt de lock tabel grootte" eng "The total number of locks exceeds the lock table size" est "Lukkude koguarv ületab lukutabeli suuruse" fre "Le nombre total de verrou dépasse la taille de la table des verrous" ger "Die Gesamtzahl der Sperren überschreitet die Größe der Sperrtabelle" ita "Il numero totale di lock e' maggiore della grandezza della tabella di lock" jpn "ロックの数が多すぎます。" por "O número total de travamentos excede o tamanho da tabela de travamentos" rus "Общее количество блокировок превысило размеры таблицы блокировок" serbian "Broj totalnih zaključavanja tabele premašuje veličinu tabele zaključavanja" spa "El número total de bloqueos excede el tamaño de bloqueo de la tabla" swe "Antal lås överskrider antalet reserverade lås" ukr "Загальна кількість блокувань перевищила розмір блокувань для таблиці" ER_READ_ONLY_TRANSACTION 25000 dan "Update lås kan ikke opnås under en READ UNCOMMITTED transaktion" nla "Update locks kunnen niet worden verkregen tijdens een READ UNCOMMITTED transactie" eng "Update locks cannot be acquired during a READ UNCOMMITTED transaction" est "Uuenduslukke ei saa kasutada READ UNCOMMITTED transaktsiooni käigus" fre "Un verrou en update ne peut être acquit pendant une transaction READ UNCOMMITTED" ger "Während einer READ-UNCOMMITTED-Transaktion können keine UPDATE-Sperren angefordert werden" ita "I lock di aggiornamento non possono essere acquisiti durante una transazione 'READ UNCOMMITTED'" jpn "読み込み専用トランザクションです。" por "Travamentos de atualização não podem ser obtidos durante uma transação de tipo READ UNCOMMITTED" rus "Блокировки обновлений нельзя получить в процессе чтения не принятой (в режиме READ UNCOMMITTED) транзакции" serbian "Zaključavanja izmena ne mogu biti realizovana sve dok traje 'READ UNCOMMITTED' transakcija" spa "Bloqueos de actualización no pueden ser adqueridos durante una transición READ UNCOMMITTED" swe "Updateringslås kan inte göras när man använder READ UNCOMMITTED" ukr "Оновити блокування не можливо на протязі транзакції READ UNCOMMITTED" ER_DROP_DB_WITH_READ_LOCK dan "DROP DATABASE er ikke tilladt mens en tråd holder på globalt read lock" nla "DROP DATABASE niet toegestaan terwijl thread een globale 'read lock' bezit" eng "DROP DATABASE not allowed while thread is holding global read lock" est "DROP DATABASE ei ole lubatud kui lõim omab globaalset READ lukku" fre "DROP DATABASE n'est pas autorisée pendant qu'une tâche possède un verrou global en lecture" ger "DROP DATABASE ist nicht erlaubt, solange der Thread eine globale Lesesperre hält" ita "DROP DATABASE non e' permesso mentre il thread ha un lock globale di lettura" jpn "グローバルリードロックを保持している間は、DROP DATABASE を実行できません。" por "DROP DATABASE não permitido enquanto uma 'thread' está mantendo um travamento global de leitura" rus "Не допускается DROP DATABASE, пока поток держит глобальную блокировку чтения" serbian "Komanda 'DROP DATABASE' nije dozvoljena dok thread globalno zaključava čitanje podataka" spa "DROP DATABASE no permitido mientras un thread está ejerciendo un bloqueo de lectura global" swe "DROP DATABASE är inte tillåtet när man har ett globalt läslås" ukr "DROP DATABASE не дозволено доки гілка перебуває під загальним блокуванням читання" ER_CREATE_DB_WITH_READ_LOCK dan "CREATE DATABASE er ikke tilladt mens en tråd holder på globalt read lock" nla "CREATE DATABASE niet toegestaan terwijl thread een globale 'read lock' bezit" eng "CREATE DATABASE not allowed while thread is holding global read lock" est "CREATE DATABASE ei ole lubatud kui lõim omab globaalset READ lukku" fre "CREATE DATABASE n'est pas autorisée pendant qu'une tâche possède un verrou global en lecture" ger "CREATE DATABASE ist nicht erlaubt, solange der Thread eine globale Lesesperre hält" ita "CREATE DATABASE non e' permesso mentre il thread ha un lock globale di lettura" jpn "グローバルリードロックを保持している間は、CREATE DATABASE を実行できません。" por "CREATE DATABASE não permitido enquanto uma 'thread' está mantendo um travamento global de leitura" rus "Не допускается CREATE DATABASE, пока поток держит глобальную блокировку чтения" serbian "Komanda 'CREATE DATABASE' nije dozvoljena dok thread globalno zaključava čitanje podataka" spa "CREATE DATABASE no permitido mientras un thread está ejerciendo un bloqueo de lectura global" swe "CREATE DATABASE är inte tillåtet när man har ett globalt läslås" ukr "CREATE DATABASE не дозволено доки гілка перебуває під загальним блокуванням читання" ER_WRONG_ARGUMENTS nla "Foutieve parameters voor %s" eng "Incorrect arguments to %s" est "Vigased parameetrid %s-le" fre "Mauvais arguments à %s" ger "Falsche Argumente für %s" ita "Argomenti errati a %s" jpn "%s の引数が不正です" por "Argumentos errados para %s" rus "Неверные параметры для %s" serbian "Pogrešni argumenti prosleđeni na %s" spa "Argumentos errados para %s" swe "Felaktiga argument till %s" ukr "Хибний аргумент для %s" ER_NO_PERMISSION_TO_CREATE_USER 42000 nla "'%-.48s'@'%-.64s' mag geen nieuwe gebruikers creeren" eng "'%-.48s'@'%-.64s' is not allowed to create new users" est "Kasutajal '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' ei ole lubatud luua uusi kasutajaid" fre "'%-.48s'@'%-.64s' n'est pas autorisé à créer de nouveaux utilisateurs" ger "'%-.48s'@'%-.64s' ist nicht berechtigt, neue Benutzer hinzuzufügen" ita "A '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' non e' permesso creare nuovi utenti" jpn "'%-.48s'@'%-.64s' は新しいユーザーを作成できません。" por "Não é permitido a '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' criar novos usuários" rus "'%-.48s'@'%-.64s' не разрешается создавать новых пользователей" serbian "Korisniku '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' nije dozvoljeno da kreira nove korisnike" spa "'%-.48s`@`%-.64s` no es permitido para crear nuevos usuarios" swe "'%-.48s'@'%-.64s' har inte rättighet att skapa nya användare" ukr "Користувачу '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' не дозволено створювати нових користувачів" ER_UNION_TABLES_IN_DIFFERENT_DIR nla "Incorrecte tabel definitie; alle MERGE tabellen moeten tot dezelfde database behoren" eng "Incorrect table definition; all MERGE tables must be in the same database" est "Vigane tabelimääratlus; kõik MERGE tabeli liikmed peavad asuma samas andmebaasis" fre "Définition de table incorrecte; toutes les tables MERGE doivent être dans la même base de donnée" ger "Falsche Tabellendefinition. Alle MERGE-Tabellen müssen sich in derselben Datenbank befinden" ita "Definizione della tabella errata; tutte le tabelle di tipo MERGE devono essere nello stesso database" jpn "不正な表定義です。MERGE表の構成表はすべて同じデータベース内になければなりません。" por "Definição incorreta da tabela. Todas as tabelas contidas na junção devem estar no mesmo banco de dados." rus "Неверное определение таблицы; Все таблицы в MERGE должны принадлежать одной и той же базе данных" serbian "Pogrešna definicija tabele; sve 'MERGE' tabele moraju biti u istoj bazi podataka" spa "Incorrecta definición de la tabla; Todas las tablas MERGE deben estar en el mismo banco de datos" swe "Felaktig tabelldefinition; alla tabeller i en MERGE-tabell måste vara i samma databas" ER_LOCK_DEADLOCK 40001 nla "Deadlock gevonden tijdens lock-aanvraag poging; Probeer herstart van de transactie" eng "Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction" est "Lukustamisel tekkis tupik (deadlock); alusta transaktsiooni otsast" fre "Deadlock découvert en essayant d'obtenir les verrous : essayez de redémarrer la transaction" ger "Beim Versuch, eine Sperre anzufordern, ist ein Deadlock aufgetreten. Versuchen Sie, die Transaktion neu zu starten" ita "Trovato deadlock durante il lock; Provare a far ripartire la transazione" jpn "ロック取得中にデッドロックが検出されました。トランザクションを再試行してください。" por "Encontrado um travamento fatal (deadlock) quando tentava obter uma trava. Tente reiniciar a transação." rus "Возникла тупиковая ситуация в процессе получения блокировки; Попробуйте перезапустить транзакцию" serbian "Unakrsno zaključavanje pronađeno kada sam pokušao da dobijem pravo na zaključavanje; Probajte da restartujete transakciju" spa "Encontrado deadlock cuando tentando obtener el bloqueo; Tente recomenzar la transición" swe "Fick 'DEADLOCK' vid låsförsök av block/rad. Försök att starta om transaktionen" ER_TABLE_CANT_HANDLE_FT nla "Het gebruikte tabel type ondersteund geen FULLTEXT indexen" eng "The used table type doesn't support FULLTEXT indexes" est "Antud tabelitüüp ei toeta FULLTEXT indekseid" fre "Le type de table utilisé ne supporte pas les index FULLTEXT" ger "Der verwendete Tabellentyp unterstützt keine FULLTEXT-Indizes" ita "La tabella usata non supporta gli indici FULLTEXT" jpn "使用の表は全文索引を利用できません。" por "O tipo de tabela utilizado não suporta índices de texto completo (fulltext indexes)" rus "Используемый тип таблиц не поддерживает полнотекстовых индексов" serbian "Upotrebljeni tip tabele ne podržava 'FULLTEXT' indekse" spa "El tipo de tabla usada no soporta índices FULLTEXT" swe "Tabelltypen har inte hantering av FULLTEXT-index" ukr "Використаний тип таблиці не підтримує FULLTEXT індексів" ER_CANNOT_ADD_FOREIGN nla "Kan foreign key beperking niet toevoegen" eng "Cannot add foreign key constraint" fre "Impossible d'ajouter des contraintes d'index externe" ger "Fremdschlüssel-Beschränkung kann nicht hinzugefügt werden" ita "Impossibile aggiungere il vincolo di integrita' referenziale (foreign key constraint)" jpn "外部キー制約を追加できません。" por "Não pode acrescentar uma restrição de chave estrangeira" rus "Невозможно добавить ограничения внешнего ключа" serbian "Ne mogu da dodam proveru spoljnog ključa" spa "No puede adicionar clave extranjera constraint" swe "Kan inte lägga till 'FOREIGN KEY constraint'" ER_NO_REFERENCED_ROW 23000 nla "Kan onderliggende rij niet toevoegen: foreign key beperking gefaald" eng "Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails" fre "Impossible d'ajouter un enregistrement fils : une constrainte externe l'empèche" ger "Hinzufügen oder Aktualisieren eines Kind-Datensatzes schlug aufgrund einer Fremdschlüssel-Beschränkung fehl" greek "Cannot add a child row: a foreign key constraint fails" hun "Cannot add a child row: a foreign key constraint fails" ita "Impossibile aggiungere la riga: un vincolo d'integrita' referenziale non e' soddisfatto" jpn "親キーがありません。外部キー制約違反です。" norwegian-ny "Cannot add a child row: a foreign key constraint fails" por "Não pode acrescentar uma linha filha: uma restrição de chave estrangeira falhou" rus "Невозможно добавить или обновить дочернюю строку: проверка ограничений внешнего ключа не выполняется" spa "No puede adicionar una línea hijo: falla de clave extranjera constraint" swe "FOREIGN KEY-konflikt: Kan inte skriva barn" ER_ROW_IS_REFERENCED 23000 eng "Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails" fre "Impossible de supprimer un enregistrement père : une constrainte externe l'empèche" ger "Löschen oder Aktualisieren eines Eltern-Datensatzes schlug aufgrund einer Fremdschlüssel-Beschränkung fehl" greek "Cannot delete a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails" hun "Cannot delete a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails" ita "Impossibile cancellare la riga: un vincolo d'integrita' referenziale non e' soddisfatto" jpn "子レコードがあります。外部キー制約違反です。" por "Não pode apagar uma linha pai: uma restrição de chave estrangeira falhou" rus "Невозможно удалить или обновить родительскую строку: проверка ограничений внешнего ключа не выполняется" serbian "Ne mogu da izbrišem roditeljski slog: provera spoljnog ključa je neuspela" spa "No puede deletar una línea padre: falla de clave extranjera constraint" swe "FOREIGN KEY-konflikt: Kan inte radera fader" ER_CONNECT_TO_MASTER 08S01 nla "Fout bij opbouwen verbinding naar master: %-.128s" eng "Error connecting to master: %-.128s" ger "Fehler bei der Verbindung zum Master: %-.128s" ita "Errore durante la connessione al master: %-.128s" jpn "マスターへの接続エラー: %-.128s" por "Erro conectando com o master: %-.128s" rus "Ошибка соединения с головным сервером: %-.128s" spa "Error de coneccion a master: %-.128s" swe "Fick fel vid anslutning till master: %-.128s" ER_QUERY_ON_MASTER nla "Fout bij uitvoeren query op master: %-.128s" eng "Error running query on master: %-.128s" ger "Beim Ausführen einer Abfrage auf dem Master trat ein Fehler auf: %-.128s" ita "Errore eseguendo una query sul master: %-.128s" jpn "マスターでのクエリ実行エラー: %-.128s" por "Erro rodando consulta no master: %-.128s" rus "Ошибка выполнения запроса на головном сервере: %-.128s" spa "Error executando el query en master: %-.128s" swe "Fick fel vid utförande av command på mastern: %-.128s" ER_ERROR_WHEN_EXECUTING_COMMAND nla "Fout tijdens uitvoeren van commando %s: %-.128s" eng "Error when executing command %s: %-.128s" est "Viga käsu %s täitmisel: %-.128s" ger "Fehler beim Ausführen des Befehls %s: %-.128s" ita "Errore durante l'esecuzione del comando %s: %-.128s" jpn "%s コマンドの実行エラー: %-.128s" por "Erro quando executando comando %s: %-.128s" rus "Ошибка при выполнении команды %s: %-.128s" serbian "Greška pri izvršavanju komande %s: %-.128s" spa "Error de %s: %-.128s" swe "Fick fel vid utförande av %s: %-.128s" ER_WRONG_USAGE nla "Foutief gebruik van %s en %s" eng "Incorrect usage of %s and %s" est "Vigane %s ja %s kasutus" ger "Falsche Verwendung von %s und %s" ita "Uso errato di %s e %s" jpn "%s の %s に関する不正な使用法です。" por "Uso errado de %s e %s" rus "Неверное использование %s и %s" serbian "Pogrešna upotreba %s i %s" spa "Equivocado uso de %s y %s" swe "Felaktig använding av %s and %s" ukr "Wrong usage of %s and %s" ER_WRONG_NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS_IN_SELECT 21000 nla "De gebruikte SELECT commando's hebben een verschillend aantal kolommen" eng "The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns" est "Tulpade arv kasutatud SELECT lausetes ei kattu" ger "Die verwendeten SELECT-Befehle liefern unterschiedliche Anzahlen von Feldern zurück" ita "La SELECT utilizzata ha un numero di colonne differente" jpn "使用のSELECT文が返す列数が違います。" por "Os comandos SELECT usados têm diferente número de colunas" rus "Использованные операторы выборки (SELECT) дают разное количество столбцов" serbian "Upotrebljene 'SELECT' komande adresiraju različit broj kolona" spa "El comando SELECT usado tiene diferente número de columnas" swe "SELECT-kommandona har olika antal kolumner" ER_CANT_UPDATE_WITH_READLOCK nla "Kan de query niet uitvoeren vanwege een conflicterende read lock" eng "Can't execute the query because you have a conflicting read lock" est "Ei suuda täita päringut konfliktse luku tõttu" ger "Augrund eines READ-LOCK-Konflikts kann die Abfrage nicht ausgeführt werden" ita "Impossibile eseguire la query perche' c'e' un conflitto con in lock di lettura" jpn "競合するリードロックを保持しているので、クエリを実行できません。" por "Não posso executar a consulta porque você tem um conflito de travamento de leitura" rus "Невозможно исполнить запрос, поскольку у вас установлены конфликтующие блокировки чтения" serbian "Ne mogu da izvršim upit zbog toga što imate zaključavanja čitanja podataka u konfliktu" spa "No puedo ejecutar el query porque usted tiene conflicto de traba de lectura" swe "Kan inte utföra kommandot emedan du har ett READ-lås" ER_MIXING_NOT_ALLOWED nla "Het combineren van transactionele en niet-transactionele tabellen is uitgeschakeld." eng "Mixing of transactional and non-transactional tables is disabled" est "Transaktsioone toetavate ning mittetoetavate tabelite kooskasutamine ei ole lubatud" ger "Die gleichzeitige Verwendung von Tabellen mit und ohne Transaktionsunterstützung ist deaktiviert" ita "E' disabilitata la possibilita' di mischiare tabelle transazionali e non-transazionali" jpn "トランザクション対応の表と非対応の表の同時使用は無効化されています。" por "Mistura de tabelas transacional e não-transacional está desabilitada" rus "Использование транзакционных таблиц наряду с нетранзакционными запрещено" serbian "Mešanje tabela koje podržavaju transakcije i onih koje ne podržavaju transakcije je isključeno" spa "Mezla de transancional y no-transancional tablas está deshabilitada" swe "Blandning av transaktionella och icke-transaktionella tabeller är inaktiverat" ER_DUP_ARGUMENT nla "Optie '%s' tweemaal gebruikt in opdracht" eng "Option '%s' used twice in statement" est "Määrangut '%s' on lauses kasutatud topelt" ger "Option '%s' wird im Befehl zweimal verwendet" ita "L'opzione '%s' e' stata usata due volte nel comando" jpn "オプション '%s' が2度使用されています。" por "Opção '%s' usada duas vezes no comando" rus "Опция '%s' дважды использована в выражении" spa "Opción '%s' usada dos veces en el comando" swe "Option '%s' användes två gånger" ER_USER_LIMIT_REACHED 42000 nla "Gebruiker '%-.64s' heeft het maximale gebruik van de '%s' faciliteit overschreden (huidige waarde: %ld)" eng "User '%-.64s' has exceeded the '%s' resource (current value: %ld)" ger "Benutzer '%-.64s' hat die Ressourcenbeschränkung '%s' überschritten (aktueller Wert: %ld)" ita "L'utente '%-.64s' ha ecceduto la risorsa '%s' (valore corrente: %ld)" jpn "ユーザー '%-.64s' はリソースの上限 '%s' に達しました。(現在値: %ld)" por "Usuário '%-.64s' tem excedido o '%s' recurso (atual valor: %ld)" rus "Пользователь '%-.64s' превысил использование ресурса '%s' (текущее значение: %ld)" spa "Usuario '%-.64s' ha excedido el recurso '%s' (actual valor: %ld)" swe "Användare '%-.64s' har överskridit '%s' (nuvarande värde: %ld)" ER_SPECIFIC_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR 42000 nla "Toegang geweigerd. U moet het %-.128s privilege hebben voor deze operatie" eng "Access denied; you need (at least one of) the %-.128s privilege(s) for this operation" ger "Kein Zugriff. Hierfür wird die Berechtigung %-.128s benötigt" ita "Accesso non consentito. Serve il privilegio %-.128s per questa operazione" jpn "アクセスは拒否されました。この操作には %-.128s 権限が(複数の場合はどれか1つ)必要です。" por "Acesso negado. Você precisa o privilégio %-.128s para essa operação" rus "В доступе отказано. Вам нужны привилегии %-.128s для этой операции" spa "Acceso negado. Usted necesita el privilegio %-.128s para esta operación" swe "Du har inte privlegiet '%-.128s' som behövs för denna operation" ukr "Access denied. You need the %-.128s privilege for this operation" ER_LOCAL_VARIABLE nla "Variabele '%-.64s' is SESSION en kan niet worden gebruikt met SET GLOBAL" eng "Variable '%-.64s' is a SESSION variable and can't be used with SET GLOBAL" ger "Variable '%-.64s' ist eine lokale Variable und kann nicht mit SET GLOBAL verändert werden" ita "La variabile '%-.64s' e' una variabile locale ( SESSION ) e non puo' essere cambiata usando SET GLOBAL" jpn "変数 '%-.64s' はセッション変数です。SET GLOBALでは使用できません。" por "Variável '%-.64s' é uma SESSION variável e não pode ser usada com SET GLOBAL" rus "Переменная '%-.64s' является потоковой (SESSION) переменной и не может быть изменена с помощью SET GLOBAL" spa "Variable '%-.64s' es una SESSION variable y no puede ser usada con SET GLOBAL" swe "Variabel '%-.64s' är en SESSION variabel och kan inte ändrad med SET GLOBAL" ER_GLOBAL_VARIABLE nla "Variabele '%-.64s' is GLOBAL en dient te worden gewijzigd met SET GLOBAL" eng "Variable '%-.64s' is a GLOBAL variable and should be set with SET GLOBAL" ger "Variable '%-.64s' ist eine globale Variable und muss mit SET GLOBAL verändert werden" ita "La variabile '%-.64s' e' una variabile globale ( GLOBAL ) e deve essere cambiata usando SET GLOBAL" jpn "変数 '%-.64s' はグローバル変数です。SET GLOBALを使用してください。" por "Variável '%-.64s' é uma GLOBAL variável e deve ser configurada com SET GLOBAL" rus "Переменная '%-.64s' является глобальной (GLOBAL) переменной, и ее следует изменять с помощью SET GLOBAL" spa "Variable '%-.64s' es una GLOBAL variable y no puede ser configurada con SET GLOBAL" swe "Variabel '%-.64s' är en GLOBAL variabel och bör sättas med SET GLOBAL" ER_NO_DEFAULT 42000 nla "Variabele '%-.64s' heeft geen standaard waarde" eng "Variable '%-.64s' doesn't have a default value" ger "Variable '%-.64s' hat keinen Vorgabewert" ita "La variabile '%-.64s' non ha un valore di default" jpn "変数 '%-.64s' にはデフォルト値がありません。" por "Variável '%-.64s' não tem um valor padrão" rus "Переменная '%-.64s' не имеет значения по умолчанию" spa "Variable '%-.64s' no tiene un valor patrón" swe "Variabel '%-.64s' har inte ett DEFAULT-värde" ER_WRONG_VALUE_FOR_VAR 42000 nla "Variabele '%-.64s' kan niet worden gewijzigd naar de waarde '%-.200s'" eng "Variable '%-.64s' can't be set to the value of '%-.200s'" ger "Variable '%-.64s' kann nicht auf '%-.200s' gesetzt werden" ita "Alla variabile '%-.64s' non puo' essere assegato il valore '%-.200s'" jpn "変数 '%-.64s' に値 '%-.200s' を設定できません。" por "Variável '%-.64s' não pode ser configurada para o valor de '%-.200s'" rus "Переменная '%-.64s' не может быть установлена в значение '%-.200s'" spa "Variable '%-.64s' no puede ser configurada para el valor de '%-.200s'" swe "Variabel '%-.64s' kan inte sättas till '%-.200s'" ER_WRONG_TYPE_FOR_VAR 42000 nla "Foutief argumenttype voor variabele '%-.64s'" eng "Incorrect argument type to variable '%-.64s'" ger "Falscher Argumenttyp für Variable '%-.64s'" ita "Tipo di valore errato per la variabile '%-.64s'" jpn "変数 '%-.64s' への値の型が不正です。" por "Tipo errado de argumento para variável '%-.64s'" rus "Неверный тип аргумента для переменной '%-.64s'" spa "Tipo de argumento equivocado para variable '%-.64s'" swe "Fel typ av argument till variabel '%-.64s'" ER_VAR_CANT_BE_READ nla "Variabele '%-.64s' kan alleen worden gewijzigd, niet gelezen" eng "Variable '%-.64s' can only be set, not read" ger "Variable '%-.64s' kann nur verändert, nicht gelesen werden" ita "Alla variabile '%-.64s' e' di sola scrittura quindi puo' essere solo assegnato un valore, non letto" jpn "変数 '%-.64s' は書き込み専用です。読み込みはできません。" por "Variável '%-.64s' somente pode ser configurada, não lida" rus "Переменная '%-.64s' может быть только установлена, но не считана" spa "Variable '%-.64s' solamente puede ser configurada, no leída" swe "Variabeln '%-.64s' kan endast sättas, inte läsas" ER_CANT_USE_OPTION_HERE 42000 nla "Foutieve toepassing/plaatsing van '%s'" eng "Incorrect usage/placement of '%s'" ger "Falsche Verwendung oder Platzierung von '%s'" ita "Uso/posizione di '%s' sbagliato" jpn "'%s' の使用法または場所が不正です。" por "Errado uso/colocação de '%s'" rus "Неверное использование или в неверном месте указан '%s'" spa "Equivocado uso/colocación de '%s'" swe "Fel använding/placering av '%s'" ER_NOT_SUPPORTED_YET 42000 nla "Deze versie van MySQL ondersteunt nog geen '%s'" eng "This version of MySQL doesn't yet support '%s'" ger "Diese MySQL-Version unterstützt '%s' nicht" ita "Questa versione di MySQL non supporta ancora '%s'" jpn "このバージョンのMySQLでは、まだ '%s' を利用できません。" por "Esta versão de MySQL não suporta ainda '%s'" rus "Эта версия MySQL пока еще не поддерживает '%s'" spa "Esta versión de MySQL no soporta todavia '%s'" swe "Denna version av MySQL kan ännu inte utföra '%s'" ER_MASTER_FATAL_ERROR_READING_BINLOG nla "Kreeg fatale fout %d: '%-.320s' van master tijdens lezen van data uit binaire log" eng "Got fatal error %d from master when reading data from binary log: '%-.320s'" ger "Schwerer Fehler %d: '%-.320s vom Master beim Lesen des binären Logs" ita "Errore fatale %d: '%-.320s' dal master leggendo i dati dal log binario" jpn "致命的なエラー %d: '%-.320s' がマスターでバイナリログ読み込み中に発生しました。" por "Obteve fatal erro %d: '%-.320s' do master quando lendo dados do binary log" rus "Получена неисправимая ошибка %d: '%-.320s' от головного сервера в процессе выборки данных из двоичного журнала" spa "Recibió fatal error %d: '%-.320s' del master cuando leyendo datos del binary log" swe "Fick fatalt fel %d: '%-.320s' från master vid läsning av binärloggen" ER_SLAVE_IGNORED_TABLE eng "Slave SQL thread ignored the query because of replicate-*-table rules" ger "Slave-SQL-Thread hat die Abfrage aufgrund von replicate-*-table-Regeln ignoriert" jpn "replicate-*-table ルールに従って、スレーブSQLスレッドはクエリを無視しました。" nla "Slave SQL thread negeerde de query vanwege replicate-*-table opties" por "Slave SQL thread ignorado a consulta devido às normas de replicação-*-tabela" spa "Slave SQL thread ignorado el query debido a las reglas de replicación-*-tabla" swe "Slav SQL tråden ignorerade frågan pga en replicate-*-table regel" ER_INCORRECT_GLOBAL_LOCAL_VAR eng "Variable '%-.192s' is a %s variable" serbian "Promenljiva '%-.192s' je %s promenljiva" ger "Variable '%-.192s' ist eine %s-Variable" jpn "変数 '%-.192s' は %s 変数です。" nla "Variabele '%-.192s' is geen %s variabele" spa "Variable '%-.192s' es una %s variable" swe "Variabel '%-.192s' är av typ %s" ER_WRONG_FK_DEF 42000 eng "Incorrect foreign key definition for '%-.192s': %s" ger "Falsche Fremdschlüssel-Definition für '%-.192s': %s" jpn "外部キー '%-.192s' の定義の不正: %s" nla "Incorrecte foreign key definitie voor '%-.192s': %s" por "Definição errada da chave estrangeira para '%-.192s': %s" spa "Equivocada definición de llave extranjera para '%-.192s': %s" swe "Felaktig FOREIGN KEY-definition för '%-.192s': %s" ER_KEY_REF_DO_NOT_MATCH_TABLE_REF eng "Key reference and table reference don't match" ger "Schlüssel- und Tabellenverweis passen nicht zusammen" jpn "外部キーの参照表と定義が一致しません。" nla "Sleutel- en tabelreferentie komen niet overeen" por "Referência da chave e referência da tabela não coincidem" spa "Referencia de llave y referencia de tabla no coinciden" swe "Nyckelreferensen och tabellreferensen stämmer inte överens" ER_OPERAND_COLUMNS 21000 eng "Operand should contain %d column(s)" ger "Operand sollte %d Spalte(n) enthalten" jpn "オペランドに %d 個の列が必要です。" nla "Operand behoort %d kolommen te bevatten" rus "Операнд должен содержать %d колонок" spa "Operando debe tener %d columna(s)" ukr "Операнд має складатися з %d стовбців" ER_SUBQUERY_NO_1_ROW 21000 eng "Subquery returns more than 1 row" ger "Unterabfrage lieferte mehr als einen Datensatz zurück" jpn "サブクエリが2行以上の結果を返します。" nla "Subquery retourneert meer dan 1 rij" por "Subconsulta retorna mais que 1 registro" rus "Подзапрос возвращает более одной записи" spa "Subconsulta retorna mas que 1 línea" swe "Subquery returnerade mer än 1 rad" ukr "Підзапит повертає більш нiж 1 запис" ER_UNKNOWN_STMT_HANDLER dan "Unknown prepared statement handler (%.*s) given to %s" eng "Unknown prepared statement handler (%.*s) given to %s" ger "Unbekannter Prepared-Statement-Handler (%.*s) für %s angegeben" jpn "'%.*s' はプリペアードステートメントの不明なハンドルです。(%s で指定されました)" nla "Onebekende prepared statement handler (%.*s) voor %s aangegeven" por "Desconhecido manipulador de declaração preparado (%.*s) determinado para %s" spa "Desconocido preparado comando handler (%.*s) dado para %s" swe "Okänd PREPARED STATEMENT id (%.*s) var given till %s" ukr "Unknown prepared statement handler (%.*s) given to %s" ER_CORRUPT_HELP_DB eng "Help database is corrupt or does not exist" ger "Die Hilfe-Datenbank ist beschädigt oder existiert nicht" jpn "ヘルプデータベースは壊れているか存在しません。" nla "Help database is beschadigd of bestaat niet" por "Banco de dado de ajuda corrupto ou não existente" spa "Base de datos Help está corrupto o no existe" swe "Hjälpdatabasen finns inte eller är skadad" ER_CYCLIC_REFERENCE eng "Cyclic reference on subqueries" ger "Zyklischer Verweis in Unterabfragen" jpn "サブクエリの参照がループしています。" nla "Cyclische verwijzing in subqueries" por "Referência cíclica em subconsultas" rus "Циклическая ссылка на подзапрос" spa "Cíclica referencia en subconsultas" swe "Cyklisk referens i subqueries" ukr "Циклічне посилання на підзапит" ER_AUTO_CONVERT eng "Converting column '%s' from %s to %s" ger "Feld '%s' wird von %s nach %s umgewandelt" jpn "列 '%s' を %s から %s へ変換します。" nla "Veld '%s' wordt van %s naar %s geconverteerd" por "Convertendo coluna '%s' de %s para %s" rus "Преобразование поля '%s' из %s в %s" spa "Convirtiendo columna '%s' de %s para %s" swe "Konvertar kolumn '%s' från %s till %s" ukr "Перетворення стовбца '%s' з %s у %s" ER_ILLEGAL_REFERENCE 42S22 eng "Reference '%-.64s' not supported (%s)" ger "Verweis '%-.64s' wird nicht unterstützt (%s)" jpn "'%-.64s' の参照はできません。(%s)" nla "Verwijzing '%-.64s' niet ondersteund (%s)" por "Referência '%-.64s' não suportada (%s)" rus "Ссылка '%-.64s' не поддерживается (%s)" spa "Referencia '%-.64s' no soportada (%s)" swe "Referens '%-.64s' stöds inte (%s)" ukr "Посилання '%-.64s' не пiдтримуется (%s)" ER_DERIVED_MUST_HAVE_ALIAS 42000 eng "Every derived table must have its own alias" ger "Für jede abgeleitete Tabelle muss ein eigener Alias angegeben werden" jpn "導出表には別名が必須です。" nla "Voor elke afgeleide tabel moet een unieke alias worden gebruikt" por "Cada tabela derivada deve ter seu próprio alias" spa "Cada tabla derivada debe tener su propio alias" swe "Varje 'derived table' måste ha sitt eget alias" ER_SELECT_REDUCED 01000 eng "Select %u was reduced during optimization" ger "Select %u wurde während der Optimierung reduziert" jpn "Select %u は最適化によって減らされました。" nla "Select %u werd geredureerd tijdens optimtalisatie" por "Select %u foi reduzido durante otimização" rus "Select %u был упразднен в процессе оптимизации" spa "Select %u fué reducido durante optimización" swe "Select %u reducerades vid optimiering" ukr "Select %u was скасовано при оптимiзацii" ER_TABLENAME_NOT_ALLOWED_HERE 42000 eng "Table '%-.192s' from one of the SELECTs cannot be used in %-.32s" ger "Tabelle '%-.192s', die in einem der SELECT-Befehle verwendet wurde, kann nicht in %-.32s verwendet werden" jpn "特定のSELECTのみで使用の表 '%-.192s' は %-.32s では使用できません。" nla "Tabel '%-.192s' uit een van de SELECTS kan niet in %-.32s gebruikt worden" por "Tabela '%-.192s' de um dos SELECTs não pode ser usada em %-.32s" spa "Tabla '%-.192s' de uno de los SELECT no puede ser usada en %-.32s" swe "Tabell '%-.192s' från en SELECT kan inte användas i %-.32s" ER_NOT_SUPPORTED_AUTH_MODE 08004 eng "Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client" ger "Client unterstützt das vom Server erwartete Authentifizierungsprotokoll nicht. Bitte aktualisieren Sie Ihren MySQL-Client" jpn "クライアントはサーバーが要求する認証プロトコルに対応できません。MySQLクライアントのアップグレードを検討してください。" nla "Client ondersteunt het door de server verwachtte authenticatieprotocol niet. Overweeg een nieuwere MySQL client te gebruiken" por "Cliente não suporta o protocolo de autenticação exigido pelo servidor; considere a atualização do cliente MySQL" spa "Cliente no soporta protocolo de autenticación solicitado por el servidor; considere actualizar el cliente MySQL" swe "Klienten stöder inte autentiseringsprotokollet som begärts av servern; överväg uppgradering av klientprogrammet." ER_SPATIAL_CANT_HAVE_NULL 42000 eng "All parts of a SPATIAL index must be NOT NULL" ger "Alle Teile eines SPATIAL-Index müssen als NOT NULL deklariert sein" jpn "空間索引のキー列は NOT NULL でなければいけません。" nla "Alle delete van een SPATIAL index dienen als NOT NULL gedeclareerd te worden" por "Todas as partes de uma SPATIAL index devem ser NOT NULL" spa "Todas las partes de una SPATIAL index deben ser NOT NULL" swe "Alla delar av en SPATIAL index måste vara NOT NULL" ER_COLLATION_CHARSET_MISMATCH 42000 eng "COLLATION '%s' is not valid for CHARACTER SET '%s'" ger "COLLATION '%s' ist für CHARACTER SET '%s' ungültig" jpn "COLLATION '%s' は CHARACTER SET '%s' に適用できません。" nla "COLLATION '%s' is niet geldig voor CHARACTER SET '%s'" por "COLLATION '%s' não é válida para CHARACTER SET '%s'" spa "COLLATION '%s' no es válido para CHARACTER SET '%s'" swe "COLLATION '%s' är inte tillåtet för CHARACTER SET '%s'" ER_SLAVE_WAS_RUNNING eng "Slave is already running" ger "Slave läuft bereits" jpn "スレーブはすでに稼働中です。" nla "Slave is reeds actief" por "O slave já está rodando" spa "Slave ya está funcionando" swe "Slaven har redan startat" ER_SLAVE_WAS_NOT_RUNNING eng "Slave already has been stopped" ger "Slave wurde bereits angehalten" jpn "スレーブはすでに停止しています。" nla "Slave is reeds gestopt" por "O slave já está parado" spa "Slave ya fué parado" swe "Slaven har redan stoppat" ER_TOO_BIG_FOR_UNCOMPRESS eng "Uncompressed data size too large; the maximum size is %d (probably, length of uncompressed data was corrupted)" ger "Unkomprimierte Daten sind zu groß. Die maximale Größe beträgt %d (wahrscheinlich wurde die Länge der unkomprimierten Daten beschädigt)" jpn "展開後のデータが大きすぎます。最大サイズは %d です。(展開後データの長さ情報が壊れている可能性もあります。)" nla "Ongecomprimeerder data is te groot; de maximum lengte is %d (waarschijnlijk, de lengte van de gecomprimeerde data was beschadigd)" por "Tamanho muito grande dos dados des comprimidos. O máximo tamanho é %d. (provavelmente, o comprimento dos dados descomprimidos está corrupto)" spa "Tamaño demasiado grande para datos descomprimidos. El máximo tamaño es %d. (probablemente, extensión de datos descomprimidos fué corrompida)" ER_ZLIB_Z_MEM_ERROR eng "ZLIB: Not enough memory" ger "ZLIB: Nicht genug Speicher" jpn "ZLIB: メモリ不足です。" nla "ZLIB: Onvoldoende geheugen" por "ZLIB: Não suficiente memória disponível" spa "Z_MEM_ERROR: No suficiente memoria para zlib" ER_ZLIB_Z_BUF_ERROR eng "ZLIB: Not enough room in the output buffer (probably, length of uncompressed data was corrupted)" ger "ZLIB: Im Ausgabepuffer ist nicht genug Platz vorhanden (wahrscheinlich wurde die Länge der unkomprimierten Daten beschädigt)" jpn "ZLIB: 出力バッファに十分な空きがありません。(展開後データの長さ情報が壊れている可能性もあります。)" nla "ZLIB: Onvoldoende ruimte in uitgaande buffer (waarschijnlijk, de lengte van de ongecomprimeerde data was beschadigd)" por "ZLIB: Não suficiente espaço no buffer emissor (provavelmente, o comprimento dos dados descomprimidos está corrupto)" spa "Z_BUF_ERROR: No suficiente espacio en el búfer de salida para zlib (probablemente, extensión de datos descomprimidos fué corrompida)" ER_ZLIB_Z_DATA_ERROR eng "ZLIB: Input data corrupted" ger "ZLIB: Eingabedaten beschädigt" jpn "ZLIB: 入力データが壊れています。" nla "ZLIB: Invoer data beschadigd" por "ZLIB: Dados de entrada está corrupto" spa "ZLIB: Dato de entrada fué corrompido para zlib" ER_CUT_VALUE_GROUP_CONCAT eng "Row %u was cut by GROUP_CONCAT()" ER_WARN_TOO_FEW_RECORDS 01000 eng "Row %ld doesn't contain data for all columns" ger "Zeile %ld enthält nicht für alle Felder Daten" jpn "行 %ld はすべての列へのデータを含んでいません。" nla "Rij %ld bevat niet de data voor alle kolommen" por "Conta de registro é menor que a conta de coluna na linha %ld" spa "Línea %ld no contiene datos para todas las columnas" ER_WARN_TOO_MANY_RECORDS 01000 eng "Row %ld was truncated; it contained more data than there were input columns" ger "Zeile %ld gekürzt, die Zeile enthielt mehr Daten, als es Eingabefelder gibt" jpn "行 %ld はデータを切り捨てられました。列よりも多いデータを含んでいました。" nla "Regel %ld ingekort, bevatte meer data dan invoer kolommen" por "Conta de registro é maior que a conta de coluna na linha %ld" spa "Línea %ld fué truncada; La misma contine mas datos que las que existen en las columnas de entrada" ER_WARN_NULL_TO_NOTNULL 22004 eng "Column set to default value; NULL supplied to NOT NULL column '%s' at row %ld" ger "Feld auf Vorgabewert gesetzt, da NULL für NOT-NULL-Feld '%s' in Zeile %ld angegeben" jpn "列にデフォルト値が設定されました。NOT NULLの列 '%s' に 行 %ld で NULL が与えられました。" por "Dado truncado, NULL fornecido para NOT NULL coluna '%s' na linha %ld" spa "Datos truncado, NULL suministrado para NOT NULL columna '%s' en la línea %ld" ER_WARN_DATA_OUT_OF_RANGE 22003 eng "Out of range value for column '%s' at row %ld" WARN_DATA_TRUNCATED 01000 eng "Data truncated for column '%s' at row %ld" ger "Daten abgeschnitten für Feld '%s' in Zeile %ld" jpn "列 '%s' の 行 %ld でデータが切り捨てられました。" por "Dado truncado para coluna '%s' na linha %ld" spa "Datos truncados para columna '%s' en la línea %ld" ER_WARN_USING_OTHER_HANDLER eng "Using storage engine %s for table '%s'" ger "Für Tabelle '%s' wird Speicher-Engine %s benutzt" jpn "ストレージエンジン %s が表 '%s' に利用されています。" por "Usando engine de armazenamento %s para tabela '%s'" spa "Usando motor de almacenamiento %s para tabla '%s'" swe "Använder handler %s för tabell '%s'" ER_CANT_AGGREGATE_2COLLATIONS eng "Illegal mix of collations (%s,%s) and (%s,%s) for operation '%s'" ger "Unerlaubte Mischung von Sortierreihenfolgen (%s, %s) und (%s, %s) für Operation '%s'" jpn "照合順序 (%s,%s) と (%s,%s) の混在は操作 '%s' では不正です。" por "Combinação ilegal de collations (%s,%s) e (%s,%s) para operação '%s'" spa "Ilegal mezcla de collations (%s,%s) y (%s,%s) para operación '%s'" ER_DROP_USER eng "Cannot drop one or more of the requested users" ger "Kann einen oder mehrere der angegebenen Benutzer nicht löschen" ER_REVOKE_GRANTS eng "Can't revoke all privileges for one or more of the requested users" ger "Kann nicht alle Berechtigungen widerrufen, die für einen oder mehrere Benutzer gewährt wurden" jpn "指定されたユーザーから指定された全ての権限を剥奪することができませんでした。" por "Não pode revocar todos os privilégios, grant para um ou mais dos usuários pedidos" spa "No puede revocar todos los privilegios, derecho para uno o mas de los usuarios solicitados" ER_CANT_AGGREGATE_3COLLATIONS eng "Illegal mix of collations (%s,%s), (%s,%s), (%s,%s) for operation '%s'" ger "Unerlaubte Mischung von Sortierreihenfolgen (%s, %s), (%s, %s), (%s, %s) für Operation '%s'" jpn "照合順序 (%s,%s), (%s,%s), (%s,%s) の混在は操作 '%s' では不正です。" por "Ilegal combinação de collations (%s,%s), (%s,%s), (%s,%s) para operação '%s'" spa "Ilegal mezcla de collations (%s,%s), (%s,%s), (%s,%s) para operación '%s'" ER_CANT_AGGREGATE_NCOLLATIONS eng "Illegal mix of collations for operation '%s'" ger "Unerlaubte Mischung von Sortierreihenfolgen für Operation '%s'" jpn "操作 '%s' では不正な照合順序の混在です。" por "Ilegal combinação de collations para operação '%s'" spa "Ilegal mezcla de collations para operación '%s'" ER_VARIABLE_IS_NOT_STRUCT eng "Variable '%-.64s' is not a variable component (can't be used as XXXX.variable_name)" ger "Variable '%-.64s' ist keine Variablen-Komponente (kann nicht als XXXX.variablen_name verwendet werden)" jpn "変数 '%-.64s' は構造変数の構成要素ではありません。(XXXX.変数名 という指定はできません。)" por "Variável '%-.64s' não é uma variável componente (Não pode ser usada como XXXX.variável_nome)" spa "Variable '%-.64s' no es una variable componente (No puede ser usada como XXXX.variable_name)" ER_UNKNOWN_COLLATION eng "Unknown collation: '%-.64s'" ger "Unbekannte Sortierreihenfolge: '%-.64s'" jpn "不明な照合順序: '%-.64s'" por "Collation desconhecida: '%-.64s'" spa "Collation desconocida: '%-.64s'" ER_SLAVE_IGNORED_SSL_PARAMS eng "SSL parameters in CHANGE MASTER are ignored because this MySQL slave was compiled without SSL support; they can be used later if MySQL slave with SSL is started" ger "SSL-Parameter in CHANGE MASTER werden ignoriert, weil dieser MySQL-Slave ohne SSL-Unterstützung kompiliert wurde. Sie können aber später verwendet werden, wenn ein MySQL-Slave mit SSL gestartet wird" jpn "このMySQLスレーブはSSLサポートを含めてコンパイルされていないので、CHANGE MASTER のSSLパラメータは無視されました。今後SSLサポートを持つMySQLスレーブを起動する際に利用されます。" por "SSL parâmetros em CHANGE MASTER são ignorados porque este escravo MySQL foi compilado sem o SSL suporte. Os mesmos podem ser usados mais tarde quando o escravo MySQL com SSL seja iniciado." spa "Parametros SSL en CHANGE MASTER son ignorados porque este slave MySQL fue compilado sin soporte SSL; pueden ser usados despues cuando el slave MySQL con SSL sea inicializado" ER_SERVER_IS_IN_SECURE_AUTH_MODE eng "Server is running in --secure-auth mode, but '%s'@'%s' has a password in the old format; please change the password to the new format" ger "Server läuft im Modus --secure-auth, aber '%s'@'%s' hat ein Passwort im alten Format. Bitte Passwort ins neue Format ändern" jpn "サーバーは --secure-auth モードで稼働しています。しかし '%s'@'%s' は古い形式のパスワードを使用しています。新しい形式のパスワードに変更してください。" por "Servidor está rodando em --secure-auth modo, porêm '%s'@'%s' tem senha no formato antigo; por favor troque a senha para o novo formato" rus "Сервер запущен в режиме --secure-auth (безопасной авторизации), но для пользователя '%s'@'%s' пароль сохранён в старом формате; необходимо обновить формат пароля" spa "Servidor está rodando en modo --secure-auth, pero '%s'@'%s' tiene clave en el antiguo formato; por favor cambie la clave para el nuevo formato" ER_WARN_FIELD_RESOLVED eng "Field or reference '%-.192s%s%-.192s%s%-.192s' of SELECT #%d was resolved in SELECT #%d" ger "Feld oder Verweis '%-.192s%s%-.192s%s%-.192s' im SELECT-Befehl Nr. %d wurde im SELECT-Befehl Nr. %d aufgelöst" jpn "フィールドまたは参照 '%-.192s%s%-.192s%s%-.192s' は SELECT #%d ではなく、SELECT #%d で解決されました。" por "Campo ou referência '%-.192s%s%-.192s%s%-.192s' de SELECT #%d foi resolvido em SELECT #%d" rus "Поле или ссылка '%-.192s%s%-.192s%s%-.192s' из SELECTа #%d была найдена в SELECTе #%d" spa "Campo o referencia '%-.192s%s%-.192s%s%-.192s' de SELECT #%d fue resolvido en SELECT #%d" ukr "Стовбець або посилання '%-.192s%s%-.192s%s%-.192s' із SELECTу #%d було знайдене у SELECTі #%d" ER_BAD_SLAVE_UNTIL_COND eng "Incorrect parameter or combination of parameters for START SLAVE UNTIL" ger "Falscher Parameter oder falsche Kombination von Parametern für START SLAVE UNTIL" jpn "START SLAVE UNTIL へのパラメータまたはその組み合わせが不正です。" por "Parâmetro ou combinação de parâmetros errado para START SLAVE UNTIL" spa "Parametro equivocado o combinación de parametros para START SLAVE UNTIL" ER_MISSING_SKIP_SLAVE eng "It is recommended to use --skip-slave-start when doing step-by-step replication with START SLAVE UNTIL; otherwise, you will get problems if you get an unexpected slave's mysqld restart" ger "Es wird empfohlen, mit --skip-slave-start zu starten, wenn mit START SLAVE UNTIL eine Schritt-für-Schritt-Replikation ausgeführt wird. Ansonsten gibt es Probleme, wenn ein Slave-Server unerwartet neu startet" jpn "START SLAVE UNTIL で段階的にレプリケーションを行う際には、--skip-slave-start オプションを使うことを推奨します。使わない場合、スレーブのmysqldが不慮の再起動をすると問題が発生します。" por "É recomendado para rodar com --skip-slave-start quando fazendo replicação passo-por-passo com START SLAVE UNTIL, de outra forma você não está seguro em caso de inesperada reinicialição do mysqld escravo" spa "Es recomendado rodar con --skip-slave-start cuando haciendo replicación step-by-step con START SLAVE UNTIL, a menos que usted no esté seguro en caso de inesperada reinicialización del mysqld slave" ER_UNTIL_COND_IGNORED eng "SQL thread is not to be started so UNTIL options are ignored" ger "SQL-Thread soll nicht gestartet werden. Daher werden UNTIL-Optionen ignoriert" jpn "スレーブSQLスレッドが開始されないため、UNTILオプションは無視されました。" por "Thread SQL não pode ser inicializado tal que opções UNTIL são ignoradas" spa "SQL thread no es inicializado tal que opciones UNTIL son ignoradas" ER_WRONG_NAME_FOR_INDEX 42000 eng "Incorrect index name '%-.100s'" ger "Falscher Indexname '%-.100s'" jpn "索引名 '%-.100s' は不正です。" por "Incorreto nome de índice '%-.100s'" spa "Nombre de índice incorrecto '%-.100s'" swe "Felaktigt index namn '%-.100s'" ER_WRONG_NAME_FOR_CATALOG 42000 eng "Incorrect catalog name '%-.100s'" ger "Falscher Katalogname '%-.100s'" jpn "カタログ名 '%-.100s' は不正です。" por "Incorreto nome de catálogo '%-.100s'" spa "Nombre de catalog incorrecto '%-.100s'" swe "Felaktigt katalog namn '%-.100s'" ER_WARN_QC_RESIZE eng "Query cache failed to set size %lu; new query cache size is %lu" ger "Änderung der Query-Cache-Größe auf %lu fehlgeschlagen; neue Query-Cache-Größe ist %lu" jpn "クエリキャッシュのサイズを %lu にできませんでした。サイズは %lu になりました。" por "Falha em Query cache para configurar tamanho %lu, novo tamanho de query cache é %lu" rus "Кеш запросов не может установить размер %lu, новый размер кеша зпросов - %lu" spa "Query cache fallada para configurar tamaño %lu, nuevo tamaño de query cache es %lu" swe "Storleken av 'Query cache' kunde inte sättas till %lu, ny storlek är %lu" ukr "Кеш запитів неспроможен встановити розмір %lu, новий розмір кеша запитів - %lu" ER_BAD_FT_COLUMN eng "Column '%-.192s' cannot be part of FULLTEXT index" ger "Feld '%-.192s' kann nicht Teil eines FULLTEXT-Index sein" jpn "列 '%-.192s' は全文索引のキーにはできません。" por "Coluna '%-.192s' não pode ser parte de índice FULLTEXT" spa "Columna '%-.192s' no puede ser parte de FULLTEXT index" swe "Kolumn '%-.192s' kan inte vara del av ett FULLTEXT index" ER_UNKNOWN_KEY_CACHE eng "Unknown key cache '%-.100s'" ger "Unbekannter Schlüssel-Cache '%-.100s'" jpn "'%-.100s' は不明なキーキャッシュです。" por "Key cache desconhecida '%-.100s'" spa "Desconocida key cache '%-.100s'" swe "Okänd nyckel cache '%-.100s'" ER_WARN_HOSTNAME_WONT_WORK eng "MySQL is started in --skip-name-resolve mode; you must restart it without this switch for this grant to work" ger "MySQL wurde mit --skip-name-resolve gestartet. Diese Option darf nicht verwendet werden, damit diese Rechtevergabe möglich ist" jpn "MySQLは --skip-name-resolve モードで起動しています。このオプションを外して再起動しなければ、この権限操作は機能しません。" por "MySQL foi inicializado em modo --skip-name-resolve. Você necesita reincializá-lo sem esta opção para este grant funcionar" spa "MySQL esta inicializado en modo --skip-name-resolve. Usted necesita reinicializarlo sin esta opción para este derecho funcionar" ER_UNKNOWN_STORAGE_ENGINE 42000 eng "Unknown storage engine '%s'" ger "Unbekannte Speicher-Engine '%s'" jpn "'%s' は不明なストレージエンジンです。" por "Motor de tabela desconhecido '%s'" spa "Desconocido motor de tabla '%s'" ER_WARN_DEPRECATED_SYNTAX eng "'%s' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use %s instead" ger "'%s' ist veraltet. Bitte benutzen Sie '%s'" jpn "'%s' は将来のリリースで廃止予定です。代わりに %s を使用してください。" por "'%s' é desatualizado. Use '%s' em seu lugar" spa "'%s' está desaprobado, use '%s' en su lugar" ER_NON_UPDATABLE_TABLE eng "The target table %-.100s of the %s is not updatable" ger "Die Zieltabelle %-.100s von %s ist nicht aktualisierbar" jpn "対象表 %-.100s は更新可能ではないので、%s を行えません。" por "A tabela destino %-.100s do %s não é atualizável" rus "Таблица %-.100s в %s не может изменятся" spa "La tabla destino %-.100s del %s no es actualizable" swe "Tabell %-.100s använd med '%s' är inte uppdateringsbar" ukr "Таблиця %-.100s у %s не може оновлюватись" ER_FEATURE_DISABLED eng "The '%s' feature is disabled; you need MySQL built with '%s' to have it working" ger "Das Feature '%s' ist ausgeschaltet, Sie müssen MySQL mit '%s' übersetzen, damit es verfügbar ist" jpn "機能 '%s' は無効です。利用するためには '%s' を含めてビルドしたMySQLが必要です。" por "O recurso '%s' foi desativado; você necessita MySQL construído com '%s' para ter isto funcionando" spa "El recurso '%s' fue deshabilitado; usted necesita construir MySQL con '%s' para tener eso funcionando" swe "'%s' är inte aktiverad; För att aktivera detta måste du bygga om MySQL med '%s' definierad" ER_OPTION_PREVENTS_STATEMENT eng "The MySQL server is running with the %s option so it cannot execute this statement" ger "Der MySQL-Server läuft mit der Option %s und kann diese Anweisung deswegen nicht ausführen" jpn "MySQLサーバーが %s オプションで実行されているので、このステートメントは実行できません。" por "O servidor MySQL está rodando com a opção %s razão pela qual não pode executar esse commando" spa "El servidor MySQL está rodando con la opción %s tal que no puede ejecutar este comando" swe "MySQL är startad med %s. Pga av detta kan du inte använda detta kommando" ER_DUPLICATED_VALUE_IN_TYPE eng "Column '%-.100s' has duplicated value '%-.64s' in %s" ger "Feld '%-.100s' hat doppelten Wert '%-.64s' in %s" jpn "列 '%-.100s' で、重複する値 '%-.64s' が %s に指定されています。" por "Coluna '%-.100s' tem valor duplicado '%-.64s' em %s" spa "Columna '%-.100s' tiene valor doblado '%-.64s' en %s" ER_TRUNCATED_WRONG_VALUE 22007 eng "Truncated incorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s'" ger "Falscher %-.32s-Wert gekürzt: '%-.128s'" jpn "不正な %-.32s の値が切り捨てられました。: '%-.128s'" por "Truncado errado %-.32s valor: '%-.128s'" spa "Equivocado truncado %-.32s valor: '%-.128s'" ER_TOO_MUCH_AUTO_TIMESTAMP_COLS eng "Incorrect table definition; there can be only one TIMESTAMP column with CURRENT_TIMESTAMP in DEFAULT or ON UPDATE clause" ger "Fehlerhafte Tabellendefinition. Es kann nur eine einzige TIMESTAMP-Spalte mit CURRENT_TIMESTAMP als DEFAULT oder in einer ON-UPDATE-Klausel geben" jpn "不正な表定義です。DEFAULT句またはON UPDATE句に CURRENT_TIMESTAMP をともなうTIMESTAMP型の列は1つまでです。" por "Incorreta definição de tabela; Pode ter somente uma coluna TIMESTAMP com CURRENT_TIMESTAMP em DEFAULT ou ON UPDATE cláusula" spa "Incorrecta definición de tabla; Solamente debe haber una columna TIMESTAMP con CURRENT_TIMESTAMP en DEFAULT o ON UPDATE cláusula" ER_INVALID_ON_UPDATE eng "Invalid ON UPDATE clause for '%-.192s' column" ger "Ungültige ON-UPDATE-Klausel für Spalte '%-.192s'" jpn "列 '%-.192s' に ON UPDATE句は無効です。" por "Inválida cláusula ON UPDATE para campo '%-.192s'" spa "Inválido ON UPDATE cláusula para campo '%-.192s'" ER_UNSUPPORTED_PS eng "This command is not supported in the prepared statement protocol yet" ger "Dieser Befehl wird im Protokoll für vorbereitete Anweisungen noch nicht unterstützt" ER_GET_ERRMSG dan "Modtog fejl %d '%-.100s' fra %s" eng "Got error %d '%-.100s' from %s" ger "Fehler %d '%-.100s' von %s" jpn "エラー %d '%-.100s' が %s から返されました。" nor "Mottok feil %d '%-.100s' fa %s" norwegian-ny "Mottok feil %d '%-.100s' fra %s" ER_GET_TEMPORARY_ERRMSG dan "Modtog temporary fejl %d '%-.100s' fra %s" eng "Got temporary error %d '%-.100s' from %s" jpn "一時エラー %d '%-.100s' が %s から返されました。" ger "Temporärer Fehler %d '%-.100s' von %s" nor "Mottok temporary feil %d '%-.100s' fra %s" norwegian-ny "Mottok temporary feil %d '%-.100s' fra %s" ER_UNKNOWN_TIME_ZONE eng "Unknown or incorrect time zone: '%-.64s'" ger "Unbekannte oder falsche Zeitzone: '%-.64s'" ER_WARN_INVALID_TIMESTAMP eng "Invalid TIMESTAMP value in column '%s' at row %ld" ger "Ungültiger TIMESTAMP-Wert in Feld '%s', Zeile %ld" ER_INVALID_CHARACTER_STRING eng "Invalid %s character string: '%.64s'" ger "Ungültiger %s-Zeichen-String: '%.64s'" ER_WARN_ALLOWED_PACKET_OVERFLOWED eng "Result of %s() was larger than max_allowed_packet (%ld) - truncated" ger "Ergebnis von %s() war größer als max_allowed_packet (%ld) Bytes und wurde deshalb gekürzt" ER_CONFLICTING_DECLARATIONS eng "Conflicting declarations: '%s%s' and '%s%s'" ger "Widersprüchliche Deklarationen: '%s%s' und '%s%s'" ER_SP_NO_RECURSIVE_CREATE 2F003 eng "Can't create a %s from within another stored routine" ger "Kann kein %s innerhalb einer anderen gespeicherten Routine erzeugen" ER_SP_ALREADY_EXISTS 42000 eng "%s %s already exists" ger "%s %s existiert bereits" ER_SP_DOES_NOT_EXIST 42000 eng "%s %s does not exist" ger "%s %s existiert nicht" ER_SP_DROP_FAILED eng "Failed to DROP %s %s" ger "DROP %s %s ist fehlgeschlagen" ER_SP_STORE_FAILED eng "Failed to CREATE %s %s" ger "CREATE %s %s ist fehlgeschlagen" ER_SP_LILABEL_MISMATCH 42000 eng "%s with no matching label: %s" ger "%s ohne passende Marke: %s" ER_SP_LABEL_REDEFINE 42000 eng "Redefining label %s" ger "Neudefinition der Marke %s" ER_SP_LABEL_MISMATCH 42000 eng "End-label %s without match" ger "Ende-Marke %s ohne zugehörigen Anfang" ER_SP_UNINIT_VAR 01000 eng "Referring to uninitialized variable %s" ger "Zugriff auf nichtinitialisierte Variable %s" ER_SP_BADSELECT 0A000 eng "PROCEDURE %s can't return a result set in the given context" ger "PROCEDURE %s kann im gegebenen Kontext keine Ergebnismenge zurückgeben" ER_SP_BADRETURN 42000 eng "RETURN is only allowed in a FUNCTION" ger "RETURN ist nur innerhalb einer FUNCTION erlaubt" ER_SP_BADSTATEMENT 0A000 eng "%s is not allowed in stored procedures" ger "%s ist in gespeicherten Prozeduren nicht erlaubt" ER_UPDATE_LOG_DEPRECATED_IGNORED 42000 eng "The update log is deprecated and replaced by the binary log; SET SQL_LOG_UPDATE has been ignored." ger "Das Update-Log ist veraltet und wurde durch das Binär-Log ersetzt. SET SQL_LOG_UPDATE wird ignoriert." ER_UPDATE_LOG_DEPRECATED_TRANSLATED 42000 eng "The update log is deprecated and replaced by the binary log; SET SQL_LOG_UPDATE has been translated to SET SQL_LOG_BIN." ger "Das Update-Log ist veraltet und wurde durch das Binär-Log ersetzt. SET SQL_LOG_UPDATE wurde in SET SQL_LOG_BIN übersetzt." ER_QUERY_INTERRUPTED 70100 eng "Query execution was interrupted" ger "Ausführung der Abfrage wurde unterbrochen" ER_SP_WRONG_NO_OF_ARGS 42000 eng "Incorrect number of arguments for %s %s; expected %u, got %u" ger "Falsche Anzahl von Argumenten für %s %s; erwarte %u, erhalte %u" ER_SP_COND_MISMATCH 42000 eng "Undefined CONDITION: %s" ger "Undefinierte CONDITION: %s" ER_SP_NORETURN 42000 eng "No RETURN found in FUNCTION %s" ger "Kein RETURN in FUNCTION %s gefunden" ER_SP_NORETURNEND 2F005 eng "FUNCTION %s ended without RETURN" ger "FUNCTION %s endete ohne RETURN" ER_SP_BAD_CURSOR_QUERY 42000 eng "Cursor statement must be a SELECT" ger "Cursor-Anweisung muss ein SELECT sein" ER_SP_BAD_CURSOR_SELECT 42000 eng "Cursor SELECT must not have INTO" ger "Cursor-SELECT darf kein INTO haben" ER_SP_CURSOR_MISMATCH 42000 eng "Undefined CURSOR: %s" ger "Undefinierter CURSOR: %s" ER_SP_CURSOR_ALREADY_OPEN 24000 eng "Cursor is already open" ger "Cursor ist schon geöffnet" ER_SP_CURSOR_NOT_OPEN 24000 eng "Cursor is not open" ger "Cursor ist nicht geöffnet" ER_SP_UNDECLARED_VAR 42000 eng "Undeclared variable: %s" ger "Nicht deklarierte Variable: %s" ER_SP_WRONG_NO_OF_FETCH_ARGS eng "Incorrect number of FETCH variables" ger "Falsche Anzahl von FETCH-Variablen" ER_SP_FETCH_NO_DATA 02000 eng "No data - zero rows fetched, selected, or processed" ger "Keine Daten - null Zeilen geholt (fetch), ausgewählt oder verarbeitet" ER_SP_DUP_PARAM 42000 eng "Duplicate parameter: %s" ger "Doppelter Parameter: %s" ER_SP_DUP_VAR 42000 eng "Duplicate variable: %s" ger "Doppelte Variable: %s" ER_SP_DUP_COND 42000 eng "Duplicate condition: %s" ger "Doppelte Bedingung: %s" ER_SP_DUP_CURS 42000 eng "Duplicate cursor: %s" ger "Doppelter Cursor: %s" ER_SP_CANT_ALTER eng "Failed to ALTER %s %s" ger "ALTER %s %s fehlgeschlagen" ER_SP_SUBSELECT_NYI 0A000 eng "Subquery value not supported" ger "Subquery-Wert wird nicht unterstützt" ER_STMT_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_SF_OR_TRG 0A000 eng "%s is not allowed in stored function or trigger" ger "%s ist in gespeicherten Funktionen und in Triggern nicht erlaubt" ER_SP_VARCOND_AFTER_CURSHNDLR 42000 eng "Variable or condition declaration after cursor or handler declaration" ger "Deklaration einer Variablen oder einer Bedingung nach der Deklaration eines Cursors oder eines Handlers" ER_SP_CURSOR_AFTER_HANDLER 42000 eng "Cursor declaration after handler declaration" ger "Deklaration eines Cursors nach der Deklaration eines Handlers" ER_SP_CASE_NOT_FOUND 20000 eng "Case not found for CASE statement" ger "Fall für CASE-Anweisung nicht gefunden" ER_FPARSER_TOO_BIG_FILE eng "Configuration file '%-.192s' is too big" ger "Konfigurationsdatei '%-.192s' ist zu groß" rus "Слишком большой конфигурационный файл '%-.192s'" ukr "Занадто великий конфігураційний файл '%-.192s'" ER_FPARSER_BAD_HEADER eng "Malformed file type header in file '%-.192s'" ger "Nicht wohlgeformter Dateityp-Header in Datei '%-.192s'" rus "Неверный заголовок типа файла '%-.192s'" ukr "Невірний заголовок типу у файлі '%-.192s'" ER_FPARSER_EOF_IN_COMMENT eng "Unexpected end of file while parsing comment '%-.200s'" ger "Unerwartetes Dateiende beim Parsen des Kommentars '%-.200s'" rus "Неожиданный конец файла в коментарии '%-.200s'" ukr "Несподіванний кінець файлу у коментарі '%-.200s'" ER_FPARSER_ERROR_IN_PARAMETER eng "Error while parsing parameter '%-.192s' (line: '%-.192s')" ger "Fehler beim Parsen des Parameters '%-.192s' (Zeile: '%-.192s')" rus "Ошибка при распознавании параметра '%-.192s' (строка: '%-.192s')" ukr "Помилка в роспізнаванні параметру '%-.192s' (рядок: '%-.192s')" ER_FPARSER_EOF_IN_UNKNOWN_PARAMETER eng "Unexpected end of file while skipping unknown parameter '%-.192s'" ger "Unerwartetes Dateiende beim Überspringen des unbekannten Parameters '%-.192s'" rus "Неожиданный конец файла при пропуске неизвестного параметра '%-.192s'" ukr "Несподіванний кінець файлу у спробі проминути невідомий параметр '%-.192s'" ER_VIEW_NO_EXPLAIN eng "EXPLAIN/SHOW can not be issued; lacking privileges for underlying table" ger "EXPLAIN/SHOW kann nicht verlangt werden. Rechte für zugrunde liegende Tabelle fehlen" rus "EXPLAIN/SHOW не может быть выполненно; недостаточно прав на такблицы запроса" ukr "EXPLAIN/SHOW не може бути віконано; немає прав на тиблиці запиту" ER_FRM_UNKNOWN_TYPE eng "File '%-.192s' has unknown type '%-.64s' in its header" ger "Datei '%-.192s' hat unbekannten Typ '%-.64s' im Header" rus "Файл '%-.192s' содержит неизвестный тип '%-.64s' в заголовке" ukr "Файл '%-.192s' має невідомий тип '%-.64s' у заголовку" ER_WRONG_OBJECT eng "'%-.192s.%-.192s' is not %s" ger "'%-.192s.%-.192s' ist nicht %s" rus "'%-.192s.%-.192s' - не %s" ukr "'%-.192s.%-.192s' не є %s" ER_NONUPDATEABLE_COLUMN eng "Column '%-.192s' is not updatable" ger "Feld '%-.192s' ist nicht aktualisierbar" rus "Столбец '%-.192s' не обновляемый" ukr "Стовбець '%-.192s' не може бути зминений" # Unused since MySQL 5.8.0 ER_VIEW_SELECT_DERIVED_UNUSED eng "View's SELECT contains a subquery in the FROM clause" ger "SELECT der View enthält eine Subquery in der FROM-Klausel" rus "View SELECT содержит подзапрос в конструкции FROM" ukr "View SELECT має підзапит у конструкції FROM" ER_VIEW_SELECT_CLAUSE eng "View's SELECT contains a '%s' clause" ger "SELECT der View enthält eine '%s'-Klausel" rus "View SELECT содержит конструкцию '%s'" ukr "View SELECT має конструкцію '%s'" ER_VIEW_SELECT_VARIABLE eng "View's SELECT contains a variable or parameter" ger "SELECT der View enthält eine Variable oder einen Parameter" rus "View SELECT содержит переменную или параметр" ukr "View SELECT має зминну або параметер" ER_VIEW_SELECT_TMPTABLE eng "View's SELECT refers to a temporary table '%-.192s'" ger "SELECT der View verweist auf eine temporäre Tabelle '%-.192s'" rus "View SELECT содержит ссылку на временную таблицу '%-.192s'" ukr "View SELECT використовує тимчасову таблицю '%-.192s'" ER_VIEW_WRONG_LIST eng "View's SELECT and view's field list have different column counts" ger "SELECT- und Feldliste der Views haben unterschiedliche Anzahlen von Spalten" rus "View SELECT и список полей view имеют разное количество столбцов" ukr "View SELECT і перелік стовбців view мають різну кількість сковбців" ER_WARN_VIEW_MERGE eng "View merge algorithm can't be used here for now (assumed undefined algorithm)" ger "View-Merge-Algorithmus kann hier momentan nicht verwendet werden (undefinierter Algorithmus wird angenommen)" rus "Алгоритм слияния view не может быть использован сейчас (алгоритм будет неопеределенным)" ukr "Алгоритм зливання view не може бути використаний зараз (алгоритм буде невизначений)" ER_WARN_VIEW_WITHOUT_KEY eng "View being updated does not have complete key of underlying table in it" ger "Die aktualisierte View enthält nicht den vollständigen Schlüssel der zugrunde liegenden Tabelle" rus "Обновляемый view не содержит ключа использованных(ой) в нем таблиц(ы)" ukr "View, що оновлюеться, не містить повного ключа таблиці(ь), що викорістана в ньюому" ER_VIEW_INVALID eng "View '%-.192s.%-.192s' references invalid table(s) or column(s) or function(s) or definer/invoker of view lack rights to use them" ER_SP_NO_DROP_SP eng "Can't drop or alter a %s from within another stored routine" ger "Kann eine %s nicht von innerhalb einer anderen gespeicherten Routine löschen oder ändern" ER_SP_GOTO_IN_HNDLR eng "GOTO is not allowed in a stored procedure handler" ger "GOTO ist im Handler einer gespeicherten Prozedur nicht erlaubt" ER_TRG_ALREADY_EXISTS eng "Trigger already exists" ger "Trigger existiert bereits" ER_TRG_DOES_NOT_EXIST eng "Trigger does not exist" ger "Trigger existiert nicht" ER_TRG_ON_VIEW_OR_TEMP_TABLE eng "Trigger's '%-.192s' is view or temporary table" ger "'%-.192s' des Triggers ist View oder temporäre Tabelle" ER_TRG_CANT_CHANGE_ROW eng "Updating of %s row is not allowed in %strigger" ger "Aktualisieren einer %s-Zeile ist in einem %s-Trigger nicht erlaubt" ER_TRG_NO_SUCH_ROW_IN_TRG eng "There is no %s row in %s trigger" ger "Es gibt keine %s-Zeile im %s-Trigger" ER_NO_DEFAULT_FOR_FIELD eng "Field '%-.192s' doesn't have a default value" ger "Feld '%-.192s' hat keinen Vorgabewert" ER_DIVISION_BY_ZERO 22012 eng "Division by 0" ger "Division durch 0" ER_TRUNCATED_WRONG_VALUE_FOR_FIELD eng "Incorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s' for column '%.192s' at row %ld" ger "Falscher %-.32s-Wert: '%-.128s' für Feld '%.192s' in Zeile %ld" ER_ILLEGAL_VALUE_FOR_TYPE 22007 eng "Illegal %s '%-.192s' value found during parsing" ger "Nicht zulässiger %s-Wert '%-.192s' beim Parsen gefunden" ER_VIEW_NONUPD_CHECK eng "CHECK OPTION on non-updatable view '%-.192s.%-.192s'" ger "CHECK OPTION auf nicht-aktualisierbarem View '%-.192s.%-.192s'" rus "CHECK OPTION для необновляемого VIEW '%-.192s.%-.192s'" ukr "CHECK OPTION для VIEW '%-.192s.%-.192s' що не може бути оновленним" ER_VIEW_CHECK_FAILED eng "CHECK OPTION failed '%-.192s.%-.192s'" ger "CHECK OPTION fehlgeschlagen: '%-.192s.%-.192s'" rus "проверка CHECK OPTION для VIEW '%-.192s.%-.192s' провалилась" ukr "Перевірка CHECK OPTION для VIEW '%-.192s.%-.192s' не пройшла" ER_PROCACCESS_DENIED_ERROR 42000 eng "%-.16s command denied to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' for routine '%-.192s'" ger "Befehl %-.16s nicht zulässig für Benutzer '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' in Routine '%-.192s'" ER_RELAY_LOG_FAIL eng "Failed purging old relay logs: %s" ger "Bereinigen alter Relais-Logs fehlgeschlagen: %s" ER_PASSWD_LENGTH eng "Password hash should be a %d-digit hexadecimal number" ger "Passwort-Hash sollte eine Hexdaezimalzahl mit %d Stellen sein" ER_UNKNOWN_TARGET_BINLOG eng "Target log not found in binlog index" ger "Ziel-Log im Binlog-Index nicht gefunden" ER_IO_ERR_LOG_INDEX_READ eng "I/O error reading log index file" ger "Fehler beim Lesen der Log-Index-Datei" ER_BINLOG_PURGE_PROHIBITED eng "Server configuration does not permit binlog purge" ger "Server-Konfiguration erlaubt keine Binlog-Bereinigung" ER_FSEEK_FAIL eng "Failed on fseek()" ger "fseek() fehlgeschlagen" ER_BINLOG_PURGE_FATAL_ERR eng "Fatal error during log purge" ger "Schwerwiegender Fehler bei der Log-Bereinigung" ER_LOG_IN_USE eng "A purgeable log is in use, will not purge" ger "Ein zu bereinigendes Log wird gerade benutzt, daher keine Bereinigung" ER_LOG_PURGE_UNKNOWN_ERR eng "Unknown error during log purge" ger "Unbekannter Fehler bei Log-Bereinigung" ER_RELAY_LOG_INIT eng "Failed initializing relay log position: %s" ger "Initialisierung der Relais-Log-Position fehlgeschlagen: %s" ER_NO_BINARY_LOGGING eng "You are not using binary logging" ger "Sie verwenden keine Binärlogs" ER_RESERVED_SYNTAX eng "The '%-.64s' syntax is reserved for purposes internal to the MySQL server" ger "Die Schreibweise '%-.64s' ist für interne Zwecke des MySQL-Servers reserviert" ER_WSAS_FAILED eng "WSAStartup Failed" ger "WSAStartup fehlgeschlagen" ER_DIFF_GROUPS_PROC eng "Can't handle procedures with different groups yet" ger "Kann Prozeduren mit unterschiedlichen Gruppen noch nicht verarbeiten" ER_NO_GROUP_FOR_PROC eng "Select must have a group with this procedure" ger "SELECT muss bei dieser Prozedur ein GROUP BY haben" ER_ORDER_WITH_PROC eng "Can't use ORDER clause with this procedure" ger "Kann bei dieser Prozedur keine ORDER-BY-Klausel verwenden" ER_LOGGING_PROHIBIT_CHANGING_OF eng "Binary logging and replication forbid changing the global server %s" ger "Binärlogs und Replikation verhindern Wechsel des globalen Servers %s" ER_NO_FILE_MAPPING eng "Can't map file: %-.200s, errno: %d" ger "Kann Datei nicht abbilden: %-.200s, Fehler: %d" ER_WRONG_MAGIC eng "Wrong magic in %-.64s" ger "Falsche magische Zahlen in %-.64s" ER_PS_MANY_PARAM eng "Prepared statement contains too many placeholders" ger "Vorbereitete Anweisung enthält zu viele Platzhalter" ER_KEY_PART_0 eng "Key part '%-.192s' length cannot be 0" ger "Länge des Schlüsselteils '%-.192s' kann nicht 0 sein" ER_VIEW_CHECKSUM eng "View text checksum failed" ger "View-Text-Prüfsumme fehlgeschlagen" rus "Проверка контрольной суммы текста VIEW провалилась" ukr "Перевірка контрольної суми тексту VIEW не пройшла" ER_VIEW_MULTIUPDATE eng "Can not modify more than one base table through a join view '%-.192s.%-.192s'" ger "Kann nicht mehr als eine Basistabelle über Join-View '%-.192s.%-.192s' ändern" rus "Нельзя изменить больше чем одну базовую таблицу используя многотабличный VIEW '%-.192s.%-.192s'" ukr "Неможливо оновити більш ниж одну базову таблицю выкористовуючи VIEW '%-.192s.%-.192s', що містіть декілька таблиць" ER_VIEW_NO_INSERT_FIELD_LIST eng "Can not insert into join view '%-.192s.%-.192s' without fields list" ger "Kann nicht ohne Feldliste in Join-View '%-.192s.%-.192s' einfügen" rus "Нельзя вставлять записи в многотабличный VIEW '%-.192s.%-.192s' без списка полей" ukr "Неможливо уставити рядки у VIEW '%-.192s.%-.192s', що містить декілька таблиць, без списку стовбців" ER_VIEW_DELETE_MERGE_VIEW eng "Can not delete from join view '%-.192s.%-.192s'" ger "Kann nicht aus Join-View '%-.192s.%-.192s' löschen" rus "Нельзя удалять из многотабличного VIEW '%-.192s.%-.192s'" ukr "Неможливо видалити рядки у VIEW '%-.192s.%-.192s', що містить декілька таблиць" ER_CANNOT_USER eng "Operation %s failed for %.256s" ger "Operation %s schlug fehl für %.256s" norwegian-ny "Operation %s failed for '%.256s'" ER_XAER_NOTA XAE04 eng "XAER_NOTA: Unknown XID" ger "XAER_NOTA: Unbekannte XID" ER_XAER_INVAL XAE05 eng "XAER_INVAL: Invalid arguments (or unsupported command)" ger "XAER_INVAL: Ungültige Argumente (oder nicht unterstützter Befehl)" ER_XAER_RMFAIL XAE07 eng "XAER_RMFAIL: The command cannot be executed when global transaction is in the %.64s state" ger "XAER_RMFAIL: DEr Befehl kann nicht ausgeführt werden, wenn die globale Transaktion im Zustand %.64s ist" rus "XAER_RMFAIL: эту команду нельзя выполнять когда глобальная транзакция находится в состоянии '%.64s'" ER_XAER_OUTSIDE XAE09 eng "XAER_OUTSIDE: Some work is done outside global transaction" ger "XAER_OUTSIDE: Einige Arbeiten werden außerhalb der globalen Transaktion verrichtet" ER_XAER_RMERR XAE03 eng "XAER_RMERR: Fatal error occurred in the transaction branch - check your data for consistency" ger "XAER_RMERR: Schwerwiegender Fehler im Transaktionszweig - prüfen Sie Ihre Daten auf Konsistenz" ER_XA_RBROLLBACK XA100 eng "XA_RBROLLBACK: Transaction branch was rolled back" ger "XA_RBROLLBACK: Transaktionszweig wurde zurückgerollt" ER_NONEXISTING_PROC_GRANT 42000 eng "There is no such grant defined for user '%-.48s' on host '%-.64s' on routine '%-.192s'" ger "Es gibt diese Berechtigung für Benutzer '%-.48s' auf Host '%-.64s' für Routine '%-.192s' nicht" ER_PROC_AUTO_GRANT_FAIL eng "Failed to grant EXECUTE and ALTER ROUTINE privileges" ger "Gewährung von EXECUTE- und ALTER-ROUTINE-Rechten fehlgeschlagen" ER_PROC_AUTO_REVOKE_FAIL eng "Failed to revoke all privileges to dropped routine" ger "Rücknahme aller Rechte für die gelöschte Routine fehlgeschlagen" ER_DATA_TOO_LONG 22001 eng "Data too long for column '%s' at row %ld" ger "Daten zu lang für Feld '%s' in Zeile %ld" ER_SP_BAD_SQLSTATE 42000 eng "Bad SQLSTATE: '%s'" ger "Ungültiger SQLSTATE: '%s'" ER_STARTUP eng "%s: ready for connections.\nVersion: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d %s" ger "%s: bereit für Verbindungen.\nVersion: '%s' Socket: '%s' Port: %d %s" ER_LOAD_FROM_FIXED_SIZE_ROWS_TO_VAR eng "Can't load value from file with fixed size rows to variable" ger "Kann Wert aus Datei mit Zeilen fester Größe nicht in Variable laden" ER_CANT_CREATE_USER_WITH_GRANT 42000 eng "You are not allowed to create a user with GRANT" ger "Sie dürfen keinen Benutzer mit GRANT anlegen" ER_WRONG_VALUE_FOR_TYPE eng "Incorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s' for function %-.32s" ger "Falscher %-.32s-Wert: '%-.128s' für Funktion %-.32s" ER_TABLE_DEF_CHANGED eng "Table definition has changed, please retry transaction" ger "Tabellendefinition wurde geändert, bitte starten Sie die Transaktion neu" ER_SP_DUP_HANDLER 42000 eng "Duplicate handler declared in the same block" ger "Doppelter Handler im selben Block deklariert" ER_SP_NOT_VAR_ARG 42000 eng "OUT or INOUT argument %d for routine %s is not a variable or NEW pseudo-variable in BEFORE trigger" ger "OUT- oder INOUT-Argument %d für Routine %s ist keine Variable" ER_SP_NO_RETSET 0A000 eng "Not allowed to return a result set from a %s" ger "Rückgabe einer Ergebnismenge aus einer %s ist nicht erlaubt" ER_CANT_CREATE_GEOMETRY_OBJECT 22003 eng "Cannot get geometry object from data you send to the GEOMETRY field" ger "Kann kein Geometrieobjekt aus den Daten machen, die Sie dem GEOMETRY-Feld übergeben haben" ER_FAILED_ROUTINE_BREAK_BINLOG eng "A routine failed and has neither NO SQL nor READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled; if non-transactional tables were updated, the binary log will miss their changes" ger "Eine Routine, die weder NO SQL noch READS SQL DATA in der Deklaration hat, schlug fehl und Binärlogging ist aktiv. Wenn Nicht-Transaktions-Tabellen aktualisiert wurden, enthält das Binärlog ihre Änderungen nicht" ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_ROUTINE eng "This function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)" ger "Diese Routine hat weder DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL noch READS SQL DATA in der Deklaration und Binärlogging ist aktiv (*vielleicht* sollten Sie die weniger sichere Variable log_bin_trust_function_creators verwenden)" ER_BINLOG_CREATE_ROUTINE_NEED_SUPER eng "You do not have the SUPER privilege and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)" ger "Sie haben keine SUPER-Berechtigung und Binärlogging ist aktiv (*vielleicht* sollten Sie die weniger sichere Variable log_bin_trust_function_creators verwenden)" ER_EXEC_STMT_WITH_OPEN_CURSOR eng "You can't execute a prepared statement which has an open cursor associated with it. Reset the statement to re-execute it." ger "Sie können keine vorbereitete Anweisung ausführen, die mit einem geöffneten Cursor verknüpft ist. Setzen Sie die Anweisung zurück, um sie neu auszuführen" ER_STMT_HAS_NO_OPEN_CURSOR eng "The statement (%lu) has no open cursor." ger "Die Anweisung (%lu) hat keinen geöffneten Cursor" ER_COMMIT_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_SF_OR_TRG eng "Explicit or implicit commit is not allowed in stored function or trigger." ger "Explizites oder implizites Commit ist in gespeicherten Funktionen und in Triggern nicht erlaubt" ER_NO_DEFAULT_FOR_VIEW_FIELD eng "Field of view '%-.192s.%-.192s' underlying table doesn't have a default value" ger "Ein Feld der dem View '%-.192s.%-.192s' zugrundeliegenden Tabelle hat keinen Vorgabewert" ER_SP_NO_RECURSION eng "Recursive stored functions and triggers are not allowed." ger "Rekursive gespeicherte Routinen und Triggers sind nicht erlaubt" ER_TOO_BIG_SCALE 42000 S1009 eng "Too big scale %d specified for column '%-.192s'. Maximum is %lu." ger "Zu großer Skalierungsfaktor %d für Feld '%-.192s' angegeben. Maximum ist %lu" ER_TOO_BIG_PRECISION 42000 S1009 eng "Too-big precision %d specified for '%-.192s'. Maximum is %lu." ger "Zu große Genauigkeit %d für Feld '%-.192s' angegeben. Maximum ist %lu" ER_M_BIGGER_THAN_D 42000 S1009 eng "For float(M,D), double(M,D) or decimal(M,D), M must be >= D (column '%-.192s')." ger "Für FLOAT(M,D), DOUBLE(M,D) oder DECIMAL(M,D) muss M >= D sein (Feld '%-.192s')" ER_WRONG_LOCK_OF_SYSTEM_TABLE eng "You can't combine write-locking of system tables with other tables or lock types" ger "Sie können Schreibsperren auf der Systemtabelle nicht mit anderen Tabellen kombinieren" ER_CONNECT_TO_FOREIGN_DATA_SOURCE eng "Unable to connect to foreign data source: %.64s" ger "Kann nicht mit Fremddatenquelle verbinden: %.64s" ER_QUERY_ON_FOREIGN_DATA_SOURCE eng "There was a problem processing the query on the foreign data source. Data source error: %-.64s" ger "Bei der Verarbeitung der Abfrage ist in der Fremddatenquelle ein Problem aufgetreten. Datenquellenfehlermeldung: %-.64s" ER_FOREIGN_DATA_SOURCE_DOESNT_EXIST eng "The foreign data source you are trying to reference does not exist. Data source error: %-.64s" ger "Die Fremddatenquelle, auf die Sie zugreifen wollen, existiert nicht. Datenquellenfehlermeldung: %-.64s" ER_FOREIGN_DATA_STRING_INVALID_CANT_CREATE eng "Can't create federated table. The data source connection string '%-.64s' is not in the correct format" ger "Kann föderierte Tabelle nicht erzeugen. Der Datenquellen-Verbindungsstring '%-.64s' hat kein korrektes Format" ER_FOREIGN_DATA_STRING_INVALID eng "The data source connection string '%-.64s' is not in the correct format" ger "Der Datenquellen-Verbindungsstring '%-.64s' hat kein korrektes Format" ER_CANT_CREATE_FEDERATED_TABLE eng "Can't create federated table. Foreign data src error: %-.64s" ger "Kann föderierte Tabelle nicht erzeugen. Fremddatenquellenfehlermeldung: %-.64s" ER_TRG_IN_WRONG_SCHEMA eng "Trigger in wrong schema" ger "Trigger im falschen Schema" ER_STACK_OVERRUN_NEED_MORE eng "Thread stack overrun: %ld bytes used of a %ld byte stack, and %ld bytes needed. Use 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' to specify a bigger stack." ger "Thread-Stack-Überlauf: %ld Bytes eines %ld-Byte-Stacks in Verwendung, und %ld Bytes benötigt. Verwenden Sie 'mysqld --thread_stack=#', um einen größeren Stack anzugeben" jpn "スレッドスタック不足です(使用: %ld ; サイズ: %ld ; 要求: %ld)。より大きい値で 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' の指定をしてください。" ER_TOO_LONG_BODY 42000 S1009 eng "Routine body for '%-.100s' is too long" ger "Routinen-Body für '%-.100s' ist zu lang" ER_WARN_CANT_DROP_DEFAULT_KEYCACHE eng "Cannot drop default keycache" ger "Der vorgabemäßige Schlüssel-Cache kann nicht gelöscht werden" ER_TOO_BIG_DISPLAYWIDTH 42000 S1009 eng "Display width out of range for column '%-.192s' (max = %lu)" ger "Anzeigebreite außerhalb des zulässigen Bereichs für Spalte '%-.192s' (Maximum: %lu)" ER_XAER_DUPID XAE08 eng "XAER_DUPID: The XID already exists" ger "XAER_DUPID: Die XID existiert bereits" ER_DATETIME_FUNCTION_OVERFLOW 22008 eng "Datetime function: %-.32s field overflow" ger "Datetime-Funktion: %-.32s Feldüberlauf" ER_CANT_UPDATE_USED_TABLE_IN_SF_OR_TRG eng "Can't update table '%-.192s' in stored function/trigger because it is already used by statement which invoked this stored function/trigger." ger "Kann Tabelle '%-.192s' in gespeicherter Funktion oder Trigger nicht aktualisieren, weil sie bereits von der Anweisung verwendet wird, die diese gespeicherte Funktion oder den Trigger aufrief" ER_VIEW_PREVENT_UPDATE eng "The definition of table '%-.192s' prevents operation %.192s on table '%-.192s'." ger "Die Definition der Tabelle '%-.192s' verhindert die Operation %.192s auf Tabelle '%-.192s'" ER_PS_NO_RECURSION eng "The prepared statement contains a stored routine call that refers to that same statement. It's not allowed to execute a prepared statement in such a recursive manner" ger "Die vorbereitete Anweisung enthält einen Aufruf einer gespeicherten Routine, die auf eben dieselbe Anweisung verweist. Es ist nicht erlaubt, eine vorbereitete Anweisung in solch rekursiver Weise auszuführen" ER_SP_CANT_SET_AUTOCOMMIT eng "Not allowed to set autocommit from a stored function or trigger" ger "Es ist nicht erlaubt, innerhalb einer gespeicherten Funktion oder eines Triggers AUTOCOMMIT zu setzen" ER_MALFORMED_DEFINER eng "Definer is not fully qualified" ger "Definierer des View ist nicht vollständig spezifiziert" ER_VIEW_FRM_NO_USER eng "View '%-.192s'.'%-.192s' has no definer information (old table format). Current user is used as definer. Please recreate the view!" ger "View '%-.192s'.'%-.192s' hat keine Definierer-Information (altes Tabellenformat). Der aktuelle Benutzer wird als Definierer verwendet. Bitte erstellen Sie den View neu" ER_VIEW_OTHER_USER eng "You need the SUPER privilege for creation view with '%-.192s'@'%-.192s' definer" ger "Sie brauchen die SUPER-Berechtigung, um einen View mit dem Definierer '%-.192s'@'%-.192s' zu erzeugen" ER_NO_SUCH_USER eng "The user specified as a definer ('%-.64s'@'%-.64s') does not exist" ger "Der als Definierer angegebene Benutzer ('%-.64s'@'%-.64s') existiert nicht" ER_FORBID_SCHEMA_CHANGE eng "Changing schema from '%-.192s' to '%-.192s' is not allowed." ger "Wechsel des Schemas von '%-.192s' auf '%-.192s' ist nicht erlaubt" ER_ROW_IS_REFERENCED_2 23000 eng "Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (%.192s)" ger "Kann Eltern-Zeile nicht löschen oder aktualisieren: eine Fremdschlüsselbedingung schlägt fehl (%.192s)" ER_NO_REFERENCED_ROW_2 23000 eng "Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (%.192s)" ger "Kann Kind-Zeile nicht hinzufügen oder aktualisieren: eine Fremdschlüsselbedingung schlägt fehl (%.192s)" ER_SP_BAD_VAR_SHADOW 42000 eng "Variable '%-.64s' must be quoted with `...`, or renamed" ger "Variable '%-.64s' muss mit `...` geschützt oder aber umbenannt werden" ER_TRG_NO_DEFINER eng "No definer attribute for trigger '%-.192s'.'%-.192s'. The trigger will be activated under the authorization of the invoker, which may have insufficient privileges. Please recreate the trigger." ger "Kein Definierer-Attribut für Trigger '%-.192s'.'%-.192s'. Der Trigger wird mit der Autorisierung des Aufrufers aktiviert, der möglicherweise keine zureichenden Berechtigungen hat. Bitte legen Sie den Trigger neu an." ER_OLD_FILE_FORMAT eng "'%-.192s' has an old format, you should re-create the '%s' object(s)" ger "'%-.192s' hat altes Format, Sie sollten die '%s'-Objekt(e) neu erzeugen" ER_SP_RECURSION_LIMIT eng "Recursive limit %d (as set by the max_sp_recursion_depth variable) was exceeded for routine %.192s" ger "Rekursionsgrenze %d (durch Variable max_sp_recursion_depth gegeben) wurde für Routine %.192s überschritten" ER_SP_PROC_TABLE_CORRUPT eng "Failed to load routine %-.192s. The table mysql.proc is missing, corrupt, or contains bad data (internal code %d)" ger "Routine %-.192s konnte nicht geladen werden. Die Tabelle mysql.proc fehlt, ist beschädigt, oder enthält fehlerhaften Daten (interner Code: %d)" ER_SP_WRONG_NAME 42000 eng "Incorrect routine name '%-.192s'" ger "Ungültiger Routinenname '%-.192s'" ER_TABLE_NEEDS_UPGRADE eng "Table upgrade required. Please do \"REPAIR TABLE `%-.64s`\" or dump/reload to fix it!" ger "Tabellenaktualisierung erforderlich. Bitte zum Reparieren \"REPAIR TABLE `%-.64s`\" eingeben!" ER_SP_NO_AGGREGATE 42000 eng "AGGREGATE is not supported for stored functions" ger "AGGREGATE wird bei gespeicherten Funktionen nicht unterstützt" ER_MAX_PREPARED_STMT_COUNT_REACHED 42000 eng "Can't create more than max_prepared_stmt_count statements (current value: %lu)" ger "Kann nicht mehr Anweisungen als max_prepared_stmt_count erzeugen (aktueller Wert: %lu)" ER_VIEW_RECURSIVE eng "`%-.192s`.`%-.192s` contains view recursion" ger "`%-.192s`.`%-.192s` enthält View-Rekursion" # the one below is not used anymore: ER_NON_GROUPING_FIELD_USED 42000 eng "Non-grouping field '%-.192s' is used in %-.64s clause" ger "In der %-.192s-Klausel wird das die Nicht-Gruppierungsspalte '%-.64s' verwendet" ER_TABLE_CANT_HANDLE_SPKEYS eng "The used table type doesn't support SPATIAL indexes" ger "Der verwendete Tabellentyp unterstützt keine SPATIAL-Indizes" ER_NO_TRIGGERS_ON_SYSTEM_SCHEMA eng "Triggers can not be created on system tables" ger "Trigger können nicht auf Systemtabellen erzeugt werden" ER_REMOVED_SPACES eng "Leading spaces are removed from name '%s'" ger "Führende Leerzeichen werden aus dem Namen '%s' entfernt" ER_AUTOINC_READ_FAILED eng "Failed to read auto-increment value from storage engine" ger "Lesen des Autoincrement-Werts von der Speicher-Engine fehlgeschlagen" ER_USERNAME eng "user name" ger "Benutzername" ER_HOSTNAME eng "host name" ger "Hostname" ER_WRONG_STRING_LENGTH eng "String '%-.70s' is too long for %s (should be no longer than %d)" ger "String '%-.70s' ist zu lang für %s (sollte nicht länger sein als %d)" ER_NON_INSERTABLE_TABLE eng "The target table %-.100s of the %s is not insertable-into" ger "Die Zieltabelle %-.100s von %s ist nicht einfügbar" jpn "対象表 %-.100s は挿入可能ではないので、%s を行えません。" ER_ADMIN_WRONG_MRG_TABLE eng "Table '%-.64s' is differently defined or of non-MyISAM type or doesn't exist" ger "Tabelle '%-.64s' ist unterschiedlich definiert, nicht vom Typ MyISAM oder existiert nicht" ER_TOO_HIGH_LEVEL_OF_NESTING_FOR_SELECT eng "Too high level of nesting for select" ger "Zu tief verschachtelte SELECT-Anweisungen" ER_NAME_BECOMES_EMPTY eng "Name '%-.64s' has become ''" ger "Name '%-.64s' wurde zu ''" ER_AMBIGUOUS_FIELD_TERM eng "First character of the FIELDS TERMINATED string is ambiguous; please use non-optional and non-empty FIELDS ENCLOSED BY" ger "Das erste Zeichen der Zeichenkette FIELDS TERMINATED ist mehrdeutig; bitte benutzen Sie nicht optionale und nicht leere FIELDS ENCLOSED BY" ER_FOREIGN_SERVER_EXISTS eng "The foreign server, %s, you are trying to create already exists." ger "Der entfernte Server %s, den Sie versuchen zu erzeugen, existiert schon." ER_FOREIGN_SERVER_DOESNT_EXIST eng "The foreign server name you are trying to reference does not exist. Data source error: %-.64s" ger "Die externe Verbindung, auf die Sie zugreifen wollen, existiert nicht. Datenquellenfehlermeldung: %-.64s" ER_ILLEGAL_HA_CREATE_OPTION eng "Table storage engine '%-.64s' does not support the create option '%.64s'" ger "Speicher-Engine '%-.64s' der Tabelle unterstützt die Option '%.64s' nicht" ER_PARTITION_REQUIRES_VALUES_ERROR eng "Syntax error: %-.64s PARTITIONING requires definition of VALUES %-.64s for each partition" ger "Fehler in der SQL-Syntax: %-.64s-PARTITIONierung erfordert Definition von VALUES %-.64s für jede Partition" swe "Syntaxfel: %-.64s PARTITIONering kräver definition av VALUES %-.64s för varje partition" ER_PARTITION_WRONG_VALUES_ERROR eng "Only %-.64s PARTITIONING can use VALUES %-.64s in partition definition" ger "Nur %-.64s-PARTITIONierung kann VALUES %-.64s in der Partitionsdefinition verwenden" swe "Endast %-.64s partitionering kan använda VALUES %-.64s i definition av partitionen" ER_PARTITION_MAXVALUE_ERROR eng "MAXVALUE can only be used in last partition definition" ger "MAXVALUE kann nur für die Definition der letzten Partition verwendet werden" swe "MAXVALUE kan bara användas i definitionen av den sista partitionen" ER_PARTITION_SUBPARTITION_ERROR eng "Subpartitions can only be hash partitions and by key" ger "Unterpartitionen dürfen nur HASH- oder KEY-Partitionen sein" swe "Subpartitioner kan bara vara hash och key partitioner" ER_PARTITION_SUBPART_MIX_ERROR eng "Must define subpartitions on all partitions if on one partition" ger "Wenn Sie Unterpartitionen auf einer Partition definieren, müssen Sie das für alle Partitionen tun" swe "Subpartitioner måste definieras på alla partitioner om på en" ER_PARTITION_WRONG_NO_PART_ERROR eng "Wrong number of partitions defined, mismatch with previous setting" ger "Falsche Anzahl von Partitionen definiert, stimmt nicht mit vorherigen Einstellungen überein" swe "Antal partitioner definierade och antal partitioner är inte lika" ER_PARTITION_WRONG_NO_SUBPART_ERROR eng "Wrong number of subpartitions defined, mismatch with previous setting" ger "Falsche Anzahl von Unterpartitionen definiert, stimmt nicht mit vorherigen Einstellungen überein" swe "Antal subpartitioner definierade och antal subpartitioner är inte lika" ER_WRONG_EXPR_IN_PARTITION_FUNC_ERROR eng "Constant, random or timezone-dependent expressions in (sub)partitioning function are not allowed" ger "Konstante oder Random-Ausdrücke in (Unter-)Partitionsfunktionen sind nicht erlaubt" swe "Konstanta uttryck eller slumpmässiga uttryck är inte tillåtna (sub)partitioneringsfunktioner" ER_NO_CONST_EXPR_IN_RANGE_OR_LIST_ERROR eng "Expression in RANGE/LIST VALUES must be constant" ger "Ausdrücke in RANGE/LIST VALUES müssen konstant sein" swe "Uttryck i RANGE/LIST VALUES måste vara ett konstant uttryck" ER_FIELD_NOT_FOUND_PART_ERROR eng "Field in list of fields for partition function not found in table" ger "Felder in der Feldliste der Partitionierungsfunktion wurden in der Tabelle nicht gefunden" swe "Fält i listan av fält för partitionering med key inte funnen i tabellen" ER_LIST_OF_FIELDS_ONLY_IN_HASH_ERROR eng "List of fields is only allowed in KEY partitions" ger "Eine Feldliste ist nur in KEY-Partitionen erlaubt" swe "En lista av fält är endast tillåtet för KEY partitioner" ER_INCONSISTENT_PARTITION_INFO_ERROR eng "The partition info in the frm file is not consistent with what can be written into the frm file" ger "Die Partitionierungsinformationen in der frm-Datei stimmen nicht mit dem überein, was in die frm-Datei geschrieben werden kann" swe "Partitioneringsinformationen i frm-filen är inte konsistent med vad som kan skrivas i frm-filen" ER_PARTITION_FUNC_NOT_ALLOWED_ERROR eng "The %-.192s function returns the wrong type" ger "Die %-.192s-Funktion gibt einen falschen Typ zurück" swe "%-.192s-funktionen returnerar felaktig typ" ER_PARTITIONS_MUST_BE_DEFINED_ERROR eng "For %-.64s partitions each partition must be defined" ger "Für %-.64s-Partitionen muss jede Partition definiert sein" swe "För %-.64s partitionering så måste varje partition definieras" ER_RANGE_NOT_INCREASING_ERROR eng "VALUES LESS THAN value must be strictly increasing for each partition" ger "Werte in VALUES LESS THAN müssen für jede Partition strikt aufsteigend sein" swe "Värden i VALUES LESS THAN måste vara strikt växande för varje partition" ER_INCONSISTENT_TYPE_OF_FUNCTIONS_ERROR eng "VALUES value must be of same type as partition function" ger "VALUES-Werte müssen vom selben Typ wie die Partitionierungsfunktion sein" swe "Värden i VALUES måste vara av samma typ som partitioneringsfunktionen" ER_MULTIPLE_DEF_CONST_IN_LIST_PART_ERROR eng "Multiple definition of same constant in list partitioning" ger "Mehrfachdefinition derselben Konstante bei Listen-Partitionierung" swe "Multipel definition av samma konstant i list partitionering" ER_PARTITION_ENTRY_ERROR eng "Partitioning can not be used stand-alone in query" ger "Partitionierung kann in einer Abfrage nicht alleinstehend benutzt werden" swe "Partitioneringssyntax kan inte användas på egen hand i en SQL-fråga" ER_MIX_HANDLER_ERROR eng "The mix of handlers in the partitions is not allowed in this version of MySQL" ger "Das Vermischen von Handlern in Partitionen ist in dieser Version von MySQL nicht erlaubt" swe "Denna mix av lagringsmotorer är inte tillåten i denna version av MySQL" ER_PARTITION_NOT_DEFINED_ERROR eng "For the partitioned engine it is necessary to define all %-.64s" ger "Für die partitionierte Engine müssen alle %-.64s definiert sein" swe "För partitioneringsmotorn så är det nödvändigt att definiera alla %-.64s" ER_TOO_MANY_PARTITIONS_ERROR eng "Too many partitions (including subpartitions) were defined" ger "Es wurden zu vielen Partitionen (einschließlich Unterpartitionen) definiert" swe "För många partitioner (inkluderande subpartitioner) definierades" ER_SUBPARTITION_ERROR eng "It is only possible to mix RANGE/LIST partitioning with HASH/KEY partitioning for subpartitioning" ger "RANGE/LIST-Partitionierung kann bei Unterpartitionen nur zusammen mit HASH/KEY-Partitionierung verwendet werden" swe "Det är endast möjligt att blanda RANGE/LIST partitionering med HASH/KEY partitionering för subpartitionering" ER_CANT_CREATE_HANDLER_FILE eng "Failed to create specific handler file" ger "Erzeugen einer spezifischen Handler-Datei fehlgeschlagen" swe "Misslyckades med att skapa specifik fil i lagringsmotor" ER_BLOB_FIELD_IN_PART_FUNC_ERROR eng "A BLOB field is not allowed in partition function" ger "In der Partitionierungsfunktion sind BLOB-Spalten nicht erlaubt" swe "Ett BLOB-fält är inte tillåtet i partitioneringsfunktioner" ER_UNIQUE_KEY_NEED_ALL_FIELDS_IN_PF eng "A %-.192s must include all columns in the table's partitioning function" ER_NO_PARTS_ERROR eng "Number of %-.64s = 0 is not an allowed value" ger "Eine Anzahl von %-.64s = 0 ist kein erlaubter Wert" swe "Antal %-.64s = 0 är inte ett tillåten värde" ER_PARTITION_MGMT_ON_NONPARTITIONED eng "Partition management on a not partitioned table is not possible" ger "Partitionsverwaltung einer nicht partitionierten Tabelle ist nicht möglich" swe "Partitioneringskommando på en opartitionerad tabell är inte möjligt" ER_FOREIGN_KEY_ON_PARTITIONED eng "Foreign keys are not yet supported in conjunction with partitioning" ger "Fremdschlüssel-Beschränkungen sind im Zusammenhang mit Partitionierung nicht zulässig" swe "Foreign keys är inte ännu implementerad i kombination med partitionering" ER_DROP_PARTITION_NON_EXISTENT eng "Error in list of partitions to %-.64s" ger "Fehler in der Partitionsliste bei %-.64s" swe "Fel i listan av partitioner att %-.64s" ER_DROP_LAST_PARTITION eng "Cannot remove all partitions, use DROP TABLE instead" ger "Es lassen sich nicht sämtliche Partitionen löschen, benutzen Sie statt dessen DROP TABLE" swe "Det är inte tillåtet att ta bort alla partitioner, använd DROP TABLE istället" ER_COALESCE_ONLY_ON_HASH_PARTITION eng "COALESCE PARTITION can only be used on HASH/KEY partitions" ger "COALESCE PARTITION kann nur auf HASH- oder KEY-Partitionen benutzt werden" swe "COALESCE PARTITION kan bara användas på HASH/KEY partitioner" ER_REORG_HASH_ONLY_ON_SAME_NO eng "REORGANIZE PARTITION can only be used to reorganize partitions not to change their numbers" ger "REORGANIZE PARTITION kann nur zur Reorganisation von Partitionen verwendet werden, nicht, um ihre Nummern zu ändern" swe "REORGANIZE PARTITION kan bara användas för att omorganisera partitioner, inte för att ändra deras antal" ER_REORG_NO_PARAM_ERROR eng "REORGANIZE PARTITION without parameters can only be used on auto-partitioned tables using HASH PARTITIONs" ger "REORGANIZE PARTITION ohne Parameter kann nur für auto-partitionierte Tabellen verwendet werden, die HASH-Partitionierung benutzen" swe "REORGANIZE PARTITION utan parametrar kan bara användas på auto-partitionerade tabeller som använder HASH partitionering" ER_ONLY_ON_RANGE_LIST_PARTITION eng "%-.64s PARTITION can only be used on RANGE/LIST partitions" ger "%-.64s PARTITION kann nur für RANGE- oder LIST-Partitionen verwendet werden" swe "%-.64s PARTITION kan bara användas på RANGE/LIST-partitioner" ER_ADD_PARTITION_SUBPART_ERROR eng "Trying to Add partition(s) with wrong number of subpartitions" ger "Es wurde versucht, eine oder mehrere Partitionen mit der falschen Anzahl von Unterpartitionen hinzuzufügen" swe "ADD PARTITION med fel antal subpartitioner" ER_ADD_PARTITION_NO_NEW_PARTITION eng "At least one partition must be added" ger "Es muss zumindest eine Partition hinzugefügt werden" swe "Åtminstone en partition måste läggas till vid ADD PARTITION" ER_COALESCE_PARTITION_NO_PARTITION eng "At least one partition must be coalesced" ger "Zumindest eine Partition muss mit COALESCE PARTITION zusammengefügt werden" swe "Åtminstone en partition måste slås ihop vid COALESCE PARTITION" ER_REORG_PARTITION_NOT_EXIST eng "More partitions to reorganize than there are partitions" ger "Es wurde versucht, mehr Partitionen als vorhanden zu reorganisieren" swe "Fler partitioner att reorganisera än det finns partitioner" ER_SAME_NAME_PARTITION eng "Duplicate partition name %-.192s" ger "Doppelter Partitionsname: %-.192s" swe "Duplicerat partitionsnamn %-.192s" ER_NO_BINLOG_ERROR eng "It is not allowed to shut off binlog on this command" ger "Es es nicht erlaubt, bei diesem Befehl binlog abzuschalten" swe "Det är inte tillåtet att stänga av binlog på detta kommando" ER_CONSECUTIVE_REORG_PARTITIONS eng "When reorganizing a set of partitions they must be in consecutive order" ger "Bei der Reorganisation eines Satzes von Partitionen müssen diese in geordneter Reihenfolge vorliegen" swe "När ett antal partitioner omorganiseras måste de vara i konsekutiv ordning" ER_REORG_OUTSIDE_RANGE eng "Reorganize of range partitions cannot change total ranges except for last partition where it can extend the range" ger "Die Reorganisation von RANGE-Partitionen kann Gesamtbereiche nicht verändern, mit Ausnahme der letzten Partition, die den Bereich erweitern kann" swe "Reorganisering av rangepartitioner kan inte ändra den totala intervallet utom för den sista partitionen där intervallet kan utökas" ER_PARTITION_FUNCTION_FAILURE eng "Partition function not supported in this version for this handler" ger "Partitionsfunktion in dieser Version dieses Handlers nicht unterstützt" ER_PART_STATE_ERROR eng "Partition state cannot be defined from CREATE/ALTER TABLE" ger "Partitionszustand kann nicht von CREATE oder ALTER TABLE aus definiert werden" swe "Partition state kan inte definieras från CREATE/ALTER TABLE" ER_LIMITED_PART_RANGE eng "The %-.64s handler only supports 32 bit integers in VALUES" ger "Der Handler %-.64s unterstützt in VALUES nur 32-Bit-Integers" swe "%-.64s stödjer endast 32 bitar i integers i VALUES" ER_PLUGIN_IS_NOT_LOADED eng "Plugin '%-.192s' is not loaded" ger "Plugin '%-.192s' ist nicht geladen" ER_WRONG_VALUE eng "Incorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s'" ger "Falscher %-.32s-Wert: '%-.128s'" ER_NO_PARTITION_FOR_GIVEN_VALUE eng "Table has no partition for value %-.64s" ger "Tabelle hat für den Wert %-.64s keine Partition" ER_FILEGROUP_OPTION_ONLY_ONCE eng "It is not allowed to specify %s more than once" ger "%s darf nicht mehr als einmal angegegeben werden" ER_CREATE_FILEGROUP_FAILED eng "Failed to create %s" ger "Anlegen von %s fehlgeschlagen" ER_DROP_FILEGROUP_FAILED eng "Failed to drop %s" ger "Löschen von %s fehlgeschlagen" ER_TABLESPACE_AUTO_EXTEND_ERROR eng "The handler doesn't support autoextend of tablespaces" ger "Der Handler unterstützt keine automatische Erweiterung (Autoextend) von Tablespaces" ER_WRONG_SIZE_NUMBER eng "A size parameter was incorrectly specified, either number or on the form 10M" ger "Ein Größen-Parameter wurde unkorrekt angegeben, muss entweder Zahl sein oder im Format 10M" ER_SIZE_OVERFLOW_ERROR eng "The size number was correct but we don't allow the digit part to be more than 2 billion" ger "Die Zahl für die Größe war korrekt, aber der Zahlanteil darf nicht größer als 2 Milliarden sein" ER_ALTER_FILEGROUP_FAILED eng "Failed to alter: %s" ger "Änderung von %s fehlgeschlagen" ER_BINLOG_ROW_LOGGING_FAILED eng "Writing one row to the row-based binary log failed" ger "Schreiben einer Zeilen ins zeilenbasierte Binärlog fehlgeschlagen" ER_BINLOG_ROW_WRONG_TABLE_DEF eng "Table definition on master and slave does not match: %s" ger "Tabellendefinition auf Master und Slave stimmt nicht überein: %s" ER_BINLOG_ROW_RBR_TO_SBR eng "Slave running with --log-slave-updates must use row-based binary logging to be able to replicate row-based binary log events" ger "Slave, die mit --log-slave-updates laufen, müssen zeilenbasiertes Loggen verwenden, um zeilenbasierte Binärlog-Ereignisse loggen zu können" ER_EVENT_ALREADY_EXISTS eng "Event '%-.192s' already exists" ger "Event '%-.192s' existiert bereits" ER_EVENT_STORE_FAILED eng "Failed to store event %s. Error code %d from storage engine." ger "Speichern von Event %s fehlgeschlagen. Fehlercode der Speicher-Engine: %d" ER_EVENT_DOES_NOT_EXIST eng "Unknown event '%-.192s'" ger "Unbekanntes Event '%-.192s'" ER_EVENT_CANT_ALTER eng "Failed to alter event '%-.192s'" ger "Ändern des Events '%-.192s' fehlgeschlagen" ER_EVENT_DROP_FAILED eng "Failed to drop %s" ger "Löschen von %s fehlgeschlagen" ER_EVENT_INTERVAL_NOT_POSITIVE_OR_TOO_BIG eng "INTERVAL is either not positive or too big" ger "INTERVAL ist entweder nicht positiv oder zu groß" ER_EVENT_ENDS_BEFORE_STARTS eng "ENDS is either invalid or before STARTS" ger "ENDS ist entweder ungültig oder liegt vor STARTS" ER_EVENT_EXEC_TIME_IN_THE_PAST eng "Event execution time is in the past. Event has been disabled" ger "Ausführungszeit des Events liegt in der Vergangenheit. Event wurde deaktiviert" ER_EVENT_OPEN_TABLE_FAILED eng "Failed to open mysql.event" ger "Öffnen von mysql.event fehlgeschlagen" ER_EVENT_NEITHER_M_EXPR_NOR_M_AT eng "No datetime expression provided" ger "Kein DATETIME-Ausdruck angegeben" # OBSOLETE, USE ER_COL_COUNT_DOESNT_MATCH_CORRUPTED_V2 ER_OBSOLETE_COL_COUNT_DOESNT_MATCH_CORRUPTED eng "Column count of mysql.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. The table is probably corrupted" ger "Spaltenanzahl von mysql.%s falsch. %d erwartet, aber %d gefunden. Tabelle ist wahrscheinlich beschädigt" # OBSOLETE, USE ER_CANNOT_LOAD_FROM_TABLE_V2 ER_OBSOLETE_CANNOT_LOAD_FROM_TABLE eng "Cannot load from mysql.%s. The table is probably corrupted" ger "Kann mysql.%s nicht einlesen. Tabelle ist wahrscheinlich beschädigt" ER_EVENT_CANNOT_DELETE eng "Failed to delete the event from mysql.event" ger "Löschen des Events aus mysql.event fehlgeschlagen" ER_EVENT_COMPILE_ERROR eng "Error during compilation of event's body" ger "Fehler beim Kompilieren des Event-Bodys" ER_EVENT_SAME_NAME eng "Same old and new event name" ger "Alter und neuer Event-Name sind gleich" ER_EVENT_DATA_TOO_LONG eng "Data for column '%s' too long" ger "Daten der Spalte '%s' zu lang" ER_DROP_INDEX_FK eng "Cannot drop index '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraint" ger "Kann Index '%-.192s' nicht löschen: wird für eine Fremdschlüsselbeschränkung benötigt" # When using this error message, use the ER_WARN_DEPRECATED_SYNTAX error # code. ER_WARN_DEPRECATED_SYNTAX_WITH_VER eng "The syntax '%s' is deprecated and will be removed in MySQL %s. Please use %s instead" ger "Die Syntax '%s' ist veraltet und wird in MySQL %s entfernt. Bitte benutzen Sie statt dessen %s" ER_CANT_WRITE_LOCK_LOG_TABLE eng "You can't write-lock a log table. Only read access is possible" ger "Eine Log-Tabelle kann nicht schreibgesperrt werden. Es ist ohnehin nur Lesezugriff möglich" ER_CANT_LOCK_LOG_TABLE eng "You can't use locks with log tables." ger "Log-Tabellen können nicht gesperrt werden." ER_FOREIGN_DUPLICATE_KEY_OLD_UNUSED 23000 S1009 eng "Upholding foreign key constraints for table '%.192s', entry '%-.192s', key %d would lead to a duplicate entry" # OBSOLETE, USE ER_COL_COUNT_DOESNT_MATCH_PLEASE_UPDATE_V2 ER_COL_COUNT_DOESNT_MATCH_PLEASE_UPDATE eng "Column count of mysql.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. Created with MySQL %d, now running %d. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error." ger "Spaltenanzahl von mysql.%s falsch. %d erwartet, aber %d erhalten. Erzeugt mit MySQL %d, jetzt unter %d. Bitte benutzen Sie mysql_upgrade, um den Fehler zu beheben" ER_TEMP_TABLE_PREVENTS_SWITCH_OUT_OF_RBR eng "Cannot switch out of the row-based binary log format when the session has open temporary tables" ger "Kann nicht aus dem zeilenbasierten Binärlog-Format herauswechseln, wenn die Sitzung offene temporäre Tabellen hat" ER_STORED_FUNCTION_PREVENTS_SWITCH_BINLOG_FORMAT eng "Cannot change the binary logging format inside a stored function or trigger" ger "Das Binärlog-Format kann innerhalb einer gespeicherten Funktion oder eines Triggers nicht geändert werden" ER_NDB_CANT_SWITCH_BINLOG_FORMAT eng "The NDB cluster engine does not support changing the binlog format on the fly yet" ger "Die Speicher-Engine NDB Cluster unterstützt das Ändern des Binärlog-Formats zur Laufzeit noch nicht" ER_PARTITION_NO_TEMPORARY eng "Cannot create temporary table with partitions" ger "Anlegen temporärer Tabellen mit Partitionen nicht möglich" ER_PARTITION_CONST_DOMAIN_ERROR eng "Partition constant is out of partition function domain" ger "Partitionskonstante liegt außerhalb der Partitionsfunktionsdomäne" swe "Partitionskonstanten är utanför partitioneringsfunktionens domän" ER_PARTITION_FUNCTION_IS_NOT_ALLOWED eng "This partition function is not allowed" ger "Diese Partitionierungsfunktion ist nicht erlaubt" swe "Denna partitioneringsfunktion är inte tillåten" ER_DDL_LOG_ERROR eng "Error in DDL log" ger "Fehler im DDL-Log" ER_NULL_IN_VALUES_LESS_THAN eng "Not allowed to use NULL value in VALUES LESS THAN" ger "In VALUES LESS THAN dürfen keine NULL-Werte verwendet werden" swe "Det är inte tillåtet att använda NULL-värden i VALUES LESS THAN" ER_WRONG_PARTITION_NAME eng "Incorrect partition name" ger "Falscher Partitionsname" swe "Felaktigt partitionsnamn" ER_CANT_CHANGE_TX_CHARACTERISTICS 25001 eng "Transaction characteristics can't be changed while a transaction is in progress" ER_DUP_ENTRY_AUTOINCREMENT_CASE eng "ALTER TABLE causes auto_increment resequencing, resulting in duplicate entry '%-.192s' for key '%-.192s'" ger "ALTER TABLE führt zur Neusequenzierung von auto_increment, wodurch der doppelte Eintrag '%-.192s' für Schlüssel '%-.192s' auftritt" ER_EVENT_MODIFY_QUEUE_ERROR eng "Internal scheduler error %d" ger "Interner Scheduler-Fehler %d" ER_EVENT_SET_VAR_ERROR eng "Error during starting/stopping of the scheduler. Error code %u" ger "Fehler während des Startens oder Anhalten des Schedulers. Fehlercode %u" ER_PARTITION_MERGE_ERROR eng "Engine cannot be used in partitioned tables" ger "Engine kann in partitionierten Tabellen nicht verwendet werden" swe "Engine inte användas i en partitionerad tabell" ER_CANT_ACTIVATE_LOG eng "Cannot activate '%-.64s' log" ger "Kann Logdatei '%-.64s' nicht aktivieren" ER_RBR_NOT_AVAILABLE eng "The server was not built with row-based replication" ger "Der Server wurde nicht mit zeilenbasierter Replikation gebaut" ER_BASE64_DECODE_ERROR eng "Decoding of base64 string failed" swe "Avkodning av base64 sträng misslyckades" ger "Der Server hat keine zeilenbasierte Replikation" ER_EVENT_RECURSION_FORBIDDEN eng "Recursion of EVENT DDL statements is forbidden when body is present" ger "Rekursivität von EVENT-DDL-Anweisungen ist unzulässig wenn ein Hauptteil (Body) existiert" ER_EVENTS_DB_ERROR eng "Cannot proceed because system tables used by Event Scheduler were found damaged at server start" ger "Kann nicht weitermachen, weil die Tabellen, die von Events verwendet werden, beim Serverstart als beschädigt markiert wurden" ER_ONLY_INTEGERS_ALLOWED eng "Only integers allowed as number here" ger "An dieser Stelle sind nur Ganzzahlen zulässig" ER_UNSUPORTED_LOG_ENGINE eng "This storage engine cannot be used for log tables"" ger "Diese Speicher-Engine kann für Logtabellen nicht verwendet werden" ER_BAD_LOG_STATEMENT eng "You cannot '%s' a log table if logging is enabled" ger "Sie können eine Logtabelle nicht '%s', wenn Loggen angeschaltet ist" ER_CANT_RENAME_LOG_TABLE eng "Cannot rename '%s'. When logging enabled, rename to/from log table must rename two tables: the log table to an archive table and another table back to '%s'" ger "Kann '%s' nicht umbenennen. Wenn Loggen angeschaltet ist, müssen zwei Tabellen umbenannt werden: die Logtabelle zu einer Archivtabelle, und eine weitere Tabelle zu '%s'" ER_WRONG_PARAMCOUNT_TO_NATIVE_FCT 42000 eng "Incorrect parameter count in the call to native function '%-.192s'" ger "Falsche Anzahl von Parametern beim Aufruf der nativen Funktion '%-.192s'" ER_WRONG_PARAMETERS_TO_NATIVE_FCT 42000 eng "Incorrect parameters in the call to native function '%-.192s'" ger "Falscher Parameter beim Aufruf der nativen Funktion '%-.192s'" ER_WRONG_PARAMETERS_TO_STORED_FCT 42000 eng "Incorrect parameters in the call to stored function %-.192s" ger "Falsche Parameter beim Aufruf der gespeicherten Funktion %-.192s" ER_NATIVE_FCT_NAME_COLLISION eng "This function '%-.192s' has the same name as a native function" ger "Die Funktion '%-.192s' hat denselben Namen wie eine native Funktion" # When using this error message, use the ER_DUP_ENTRY error code. See, for # example, code in handler.cc. ER_DUP_ENTRY_WITH_KEY_NAME 23000 S1009 cze "Zvojený klíč '%-.64s' (číslo klíče '%-.192s')" dan "Ens værdier '%-.64s' for indeks '%-.192s'" nla "Dubbele ingang '%-.64s' voor zoeksleutel '%-.192s'" eng "Duplicate entry '%-.64s' for key '%-.192s'" est "Kattuv väärtus '%-.64s' võtmele '%-.192s'" fre "Duplicata du champ '%-.64s' pour la clef '%-.192s'" ger "Doppelter Eintrag '%-.64s' für Schlüssel '%-.192s'" greek "Διπλή εγγραφή '%-.64s' για το κλειδί '%-.192s'" hun "Duplikalt bejegyzes '%-.64s' a '%-.192s' kulcs szerint." ita "Valore duplicato '%-.64s' per la chiave '%-.192s'" jpn "'%-.64s' は索引 '%-.192s' で重複しています。" kor "중복된 입력 값 '%-.64s': key '%-.192s'" nor "Like verdier '%-.64s' for nøkkel '%-.192s'" norwegian-ny "Like verdiar '%-.64s' for nykkel '%-.192s'" pol "Powtórzone wystąpienie '%-.64s' dla klucza '%-.192s'" por "Entrada '%-.64s' duplicada para a chave '%-.192s'" rum "Cimpul '%-.64s' e duplicat pentru cheia '%-.192s'" rus "Дублирующаяся запись '%-.64s' по ключу '%-.192s'" serbian "Dupliran unos '%-.64s' za ključ '%-.192s'" slo "Opakovaný kľúč '%-.64s' (číslo kľúča '%-.192s')" spa "Entrada duplicada '%-.64s' para la clave '%-.192s'" swe "Dublett '%-.64s' för nyckel '%-.192s'" ukr "Дублюючий запис '%-.64s' для ключа '%-.192s'" ER_BINLOG_PURGE_EMFILE eng "Too many files opened, please execute the command again" ger "Zu viele offene Dateien, bitte führen Sie den Befehl noch einmal aus" ER_EVENT_CANNOT_CREATE_IN_THE_PAST eng "Event execution time is in the past and ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE is set. The event was dropped immediately after creation." ger "Ausführungszeit des Events liegt in der Vergangenheit, und es wurde ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE gesetzt. Das Event wurde unmittelbar nach Erzeugung gelöscht." ER_EVENT_CANNOT_ALTER_IN_THE_PAST eng "Event execution time is in the past and ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE is set. The event was not changed. Specify a time in the future." ger "Execution Zeitpunkt des Ereignisses in der Vergangenheit liegt, und es war NACH ABSCHLUSS Set nicht erhalten. Die Veranstaltung wurde nicht verändert. Geben Sie einen Zeitpunkt in der Zukunft." ER_SLAVE_INCIDENT eng "The incident %s occured on the master. Message: %s" ger "Der Vorfall %s passierte auf dem Master. Meldung: %s" ER_NO_PARTITION_FOR_GIVEN_VALUE_SILENT eng "Table has no partition for some existing values" ger "Tabelle hat für einige bestehende Werte keine Partition" ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_STATEMENT eng "Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. %s" swe "Detta är inte säkert att logga i statement-format, för BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. %s" ger "Unsichere Anweisung ins Binärlog geschrieben, weil Anweisungsformat BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. %s" ER_SLAVE_FATAL_ERROR eng "Fatal error: %s" ger "Fataler Fehler: %s" ER_SLAVE_RELAY_LOG_READ_FAILURE eng "Relay log read failure: %s" ger "Relaylog-Lesefehler: %s" ER_SLAVE_RELAY_LOG_WRITE_FAILURE eng "Relay log write failure: %s" ger "Relaylog-Schreibfehler: %s" ER_SLAVE_CREATE_EVENT_FAILURE eng "Failed to create %s" ger "Erzeugen von %s fehlgeschlagen" ER_SLAVE_MASTER_COM_FAILURE eng "Master command %s failed: %s" ger "Master-Befehl %s fehlgeschlagen: %s" ER_BINLOG_LOGGING_IMPOSSIBLE eng "Binary logging not possible. Message: %s" ger "Binärlogging nicht möglich. Meldung: %s" ER_VIEW_NO_CREATION_CTX eng "View `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` has no creation context" ger "View `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` hat keinen Erzeugungskontext" ER_VIEW_INVALID_CREATION_CTX eng "Creation context of view `%-.64s`.`%-.64s' is invalid" ger "Erzeugungskontext des Views`%-.64s`.`%-.64s' ist ungültig" ER_SR_INVALID_CREATION_CTX eng "Creation context of stored routine `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalid" ger "Erzeugungskontext der gespeicherten Routine`%-.64s`.`%-.64s` ist ungültig" ER_TRG_CORRUPTED_FILE eng "Corrupted TRG file for table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s`" ger "Beschädigte TRG-Datei für Tabelle `%-.64s`.`%-.64s`" ER_TRG_NO_CREATION_CTX eng "Triggers for table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` have no creation context" ger "Trigger für Tabelle `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` haben keinen Erzeugungskontext" ER_TRG_INVALID_CREATION_CTX eng "Trigger creation context of table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalid" ger "Trigger-Erzeugungskontext der Tabelle `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` ist ungültig" ER_EVENT_INVALID_CREATION_CTX eng "Creation context of event `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalid" ger "Erzeugungskontext des Events `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` ist ungültig" ER_TRG_CANT_OPEN_TABLE eng "Cannot open table for trigger `%-.64s`.`%-.64s`" ger "Kann Tabelle für den Trigger `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` nicht öffnen" ER_CANT_CREATE_SROUTINE eng "Cannot create stored routine `%-.64s`. Check warnings" ger "Kann gespeicherte Routine `%-.64s` nicht erzeugen. Beachten Sie die Warnungen" ER_NEVER_USED eng "Ambiguous slave modes combination. %s" ger "Mehrdeutige Kombination von Slave-Modi. %s" ER_NO_FORMAT_DESCRIPTION_EVENT_BEFORE_BINLOG_STATEMENT eng "The BINLOG statement of type `%s` was not preceded by a format description BINLOG statement." ger "Der BINLOG-Anweisung vom Typ `%s` ging keine BINLOG-Anweisung zur Formatbeschreibung voran." ER_SLAVE_CORRUPT_EVENT eng "Corrupted replication event was detected" ger "Beschädigtes Replikationsereignis entdeckt" ER_LOAD_DATA_INVALID_COLUMN_UNUSED eng "Invalid column reference (%-.64s) in LOAD DATA" ger "Ungültige Spaltenreferenz (%-.64s) bei LOAD DATA" ER_LOG_PURGE_NO_FILE eng "Being purged log %s was not found" ger "Zu bereinigende Logdatei %s wurde nicht gefunden" ER_XA_RBTIMEOUT XA106 eng "XA_RBTIMEOUT: Transaction branch was rolled back: took too long" ger "XA_RBTIMEOUT: Transaktionszweig wurde zurückgerollt: Zeitüberschreitung" ER_XA_RBDEADLOCK XA102 eng "XA_RBDEADLOCK: Transaction branch was rolled back: deadlock was detected" ger "XA_RBDEADLOCK: Transaktionszweig wurde zurückgerollt: Deadlock entdeckt" ER_NEED_REPREPARE eng "Prepared statement needs to be re-prepared" ger "Vorbereitete Anweisungen müssen noch einmal vorbereitet werden" ER_DELAYED_NOT_SUPPORTED eng "DELAYED option not supported for table '%-.192s'" ger "Die DELAYED-Option wird für Tabelle '%-.192s' nicht unterstützt" WARN_NO_MASTER_INFO eng "The master info structure does not exist" ger "Die Master-Info-Struktur existiert nicht" WARN_OPTION_IGNORED eng "<%-.64s> option ignored" ger "Option <%-.64s> ignoriert" ER_PLUGIN_DELETE_BUILTIN eng "Built-in plugins cannot be deleted" ger "Eingebaute Plugins können nicht gelöscht werden" WARN_PLUGIN_BUSY eng "Plugin is busy and will be uninstalled on shutdown" ger "Plugin wird verwendet und wird erst beim Herunterfahren deinstalliert" ER_VARIABLE_IS_READONLY eng "%s variable '%s' is read-only. Use SET %s to assign the value" ger "%s Variable '%s' ist nur lesbar. Benutzen Sie SET %s, um einen Wert zuzuweisen" ER_WARN_ENGINE_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK eng "Storage engine %s does not support rollback for this statement. Transaction rolled back and must be restarted" ger "Speicher-Engine %s unterstützt für diese Anweisung kein Rollback. Transaktion wurde zurückgerollt und muss neu gestartet werden" ER_SLAVE_HEARTBEAT_FAILURE eng "Unexpected master's heartbeat data: %s" ger "Unerwartete Daten vom Heartbeat des Masters: %s" ER_SLAVE_HEARTBEAT_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE eng "The requested value for the heartbeat period is either negative or exceeds the maximum allowed (%s seconds)." ER_NDB_REPLICATION_SCHEMA_ERROR eng "Bad schema for mysql.ndb_replication table. Message: %-.64s" ger "Fehlerhaftes Schema für mysql.ndb_replication table. Meldung: %-.64s" ER_CONFLICT_FN_PARSE_ERROR eng "Error in parsing conflict function. Message: %-.64s" ger "Fehler beim Parsen einer Konflikt-Funktion. Meldung: %-.64s" ER_EXCEPTIONS_WRITE_ERROR eng "Write to exceptions table failed. Message: %-.128s"" ger "Schreiben in Ausnahme-Tabelle fehlgeschlagen. Meldung: %-.128s"" ER_TOO_LONG_TABLE_COMMENT eng "Comment for table '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)" por "Comentário para a tabela '%-.64s' é longo demais (max = %lu)" ger "Kommentar für Tabelle '%-.64s' ist zu lang (max = %lu)" ER_TOO_LONG_FIELD_COMMENT eng "Comment for field '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)" por "Comentário para o campo '%-.64s' é longo demais (max = %lu)" ger "Kommentar für Feld '%-.64s' ist zu lang (max = %lu)" ER_FUNC_INEXISTENT_NAME_COLLISION 42000 eng "FUNCTION %s does not exist. Check the 'Function Name Parsing and Resolution' section in the Reference Manual" ger "FUNCTION %s existiert nicht. Erläuterungen im Abschnitt 'Function Name Parsing and Resolution' im Referenzhandbuch" # When updating these, please update EXPLAIN_FILENAME_MAX_EXTRA_LENGTH in # sql_table.h with the new maximal additional length for explain_filename. ER_DATABASE_NAME eng "Database" swe "Databas" ger "Datenbank" ER_TABLE_NAME eng "Table" swe "Tabell" ger "Tabelle" ER_PARTITION_NAME eng "Partition" swe "Partition" ger "Partition" ER_SUBPARTITION_NAME eng "Subpartition" swe "Subpartition" ger "Unterpartition" ER_TEMPORARY_NAME eng "Temporary" swe "Temporär" ger "Temporär" ER_RENAMED_NAME eng "Renamed" swe "Namnändrad" ger "Umbenannt" ER_TOO_MANY_CONCURRENT_TRXS eng "Too many active concurrent transactions" ger "Zu viele aktive simultane Transaktionen" WARN_NON_ASCII_SEPARATOR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED eng "Non-ASCII separator arguments are not fully supported" ger "Nicht-ASCII-Trennargumente werden nicht vollständig unterstützt" ER_DEBUG_SYNC_TIMEOUT eng "debug sync point wait timed out" ger "Debug Sync Point Wartezeit überschritten" ER_DEBUG_SYNC_HIT_LIMIT eng "debug sync point hit limit reached" ger "Debug Sync Point Hit Limit erreicht" ER_DUP_SIGNAL_SET 42000 eng "Duplicate condition information item '%s'" ger "Informationselement '%s' für Duplikatbedingung" # Note that the SQLSTATE is not 01000, it is provided by SIGNAL/RESIGNAL ER_SIGNAL_WARN 01000 eng "Unhandled user-defined warning condition" ger "Unbehandelte benutzerdefinierte Warnbedingung" # Note that the SQLSTATE is not 02000, it is provided by SIGNAL/RESIGNAL ER_SIGNAL_NOT_FOUND 02000 eng "Unhandled user-defined not found condition" ger "Unbehandelte benutzerdefinierte Nicht-gefunden-Bedingung" # Note that the SQLSTATE is not HY000, it is provided by SIGNAL/RESIGNAL ER_SIGNAL_EXCEPTION HY000 eng "Unhandled user-defined exception condition" ger "Unbehandelte benutzerdefinierte Ausnahmebedingung" ER_RESIGNAL_WITHOUT_ACTIVE_HANDLER 0K000 eng "RESIGNAL when handler not active" ger "RESIGNAL bei nicht aktivem Handler" ER_SIGNAL_BAD_CONDITION_TYPE eng "SIGNAL/RESIGNAL can only use a CONDITION defined with SQLSTATE" ger "SIGNAL/RESIGNAL kann nur mit einer Bedingung (CONDITION) benutzt werden, die bei SQLSTATE definiert wurde" WARN_COND_ITEM_TRUNCATED eng "Data truncated for condition item '%s'" ger "Daten gekürzt für Bedingungselement '%s'" ER_COND_ITEM_TOO_LONG eng "Data too long for condition item '%s'" ger "Daten zu lang für Bedingungselement '%s'" ER_UNKNOWN_LOCALE eng "Unknown locale: '%-.64s'" ger "Unbekannte Locale: '%-.64s'" ER_SLAVE_IGNORE_SERVER_IDS eng "The requested server id %d clashes with the slave startup option --replicate-same-server-id" ger "Die angeforderte Server-ID %d steht im Konflikt mit der Startoption --replicate-same-server-id für den Slave" ER_QUERY_CACHE_DISABLED eng "Query cache is disabled; restart the server with query_cache_type=1 to enable it" ger "Abfragen-Cache ist deaktiviert. Starten Sie den Server neu mit query_cache_type=1, um ihn zu aktivieren" ER_SAME_NAME_PARTITION_FIELD eng "Duplicate partition field name '%-.192s'" ger "Partitionsfeld '%-.192s' ist ein Duplikat" ER_PARTITION_COLUMN_LIST_ERROR eng "Inconsistency in usage of column lists for partitioning" ger "Inkonsistenz bei der Benutzung von Spaltenlisten für Partitionierung" ER_WRONG_TYPE_COLUMN_VALUE_ERROR eng "Partition column values of incorrect type" ger "Partitionsspaltenwerte sind vom falschen Typ" ER_TOO_MANY_PARTITION_FUNC_FIELDS_ERROR eng "Too many fields in '%-.192s'" ger "Zu viele Felder in '%-.192s'" ER_MAXVALUE_IN_VALUES_IN eng "Cannot use MAXVALUE as value in VALUES IN" ger "MAXVALUE kann nicht als Wert in VALUES IN verwendet werden" ER_TOO_MANY_VALUES_ERROR eng "Cannot have more than one value for this type of %-.64s partitioning" ger "Für den Partionierungstyp %-.64s darf es nicht mehr als einen Wert geben" ER_ROW_SINGLE_PARTITION_FIELD_ERROR eng "Row expressions in VALUES IN only allowed for multi-field column partitioning" ger "Zeilenausdrücke in VALUES IN sind nur für Mehrfeld-Spaltenpartionierung erlaubt" ER_FIELD_TYPE_NOT_ALLOWED_AS_PARTITION_FIELD eng "Field '%-.192s' is of a not allowed type for this type of partitioning" ger "Feld '%-.192s' ist für diese Art von Partitionierung von einem nicht zulässigen Typ" ER_PARTITION_FIELDS_TOO_LONG eng "The total length of the partitioning fields is too large" ger "Die Gesamtlänge der Partitionsfelder ist zu groß" ER_BINLOG_ROW_ENGINE_AND_STMT_ENGINE eng "Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since both row-incapable engines and statement-incapable engines are involved." ER_BINLOG_ROW_MODE_AND_STMT_ENGINE eng "Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = ROW and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to statement-based logging." ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_AND_STMT_ENGINE eng "Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. %s" ER_BINLOG_ROW_INJECTION_AND_STMT_ENGINE eng "Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is in row format and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to statement-based logging." ER_BINLOG_STMT_MODE_AND_ROW_ENGINE eng "Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to row-based logging.%s" ER_BINLOG_ROW_INJECTION_AND_STMT_MODE eng "Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is in row format and BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT." ER_BINLOG_MULTIPLE_ENGINES_AND_SELF_LOGGING_ENGINE eng "Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since more than one engine is involved and at least one engine is self-logging." ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_LIMIT eng "The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted." ER_UNUSED4 eng "The statement is unsafe because it uses INSERT DELAYED. This is unsafe because the times when rows are inserted cannot be predicted." ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_SYSTEM_TABLE eng "The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves." ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_AUTOINC_COLUMNS eng "Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly." ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_UDF eng "Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave." ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_SYSTEM_VARIABLE eng "Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave." ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_SYSTEM_FUNCTION eng "Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave." ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_NONTRANS_AFTER_TRANS eng "Statement is unsafe because it accesses a non-transactional table after accessing a transactional table within the same transaction." ER_MESSAGE_AND_STATEMENT eng "%s Statement: %s" ER_SLAVE_CONVERSION_FAILED eng "Column %d of table '%-.192s.%-.192s' cannot be converted from type '%-.32s' to type '%-.32s'" ER_SLAVE_CANT_CREATE_CONVERSION eng "Can't create conversion table for table '%-.192s.%-.192s'" ER_INSIDE_TRANSACTION_PREVENTS_SWITCH_BINLOG_FORMAT eng "Cannot modify @@session.binlog_format inside a transaction" ER_PATH_LENGTH eng "The path specified for %.64s is too long." ER_WARN_DEPRECATED_SYNTAX_NO_REPLACEMENT eng "'%s' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release." ger "'%s' ist veraltet und wird in einer zukünftigen Version entfernt werden." ER_WRONG_NATIVE_TABLE_STRUCTURE eng "Native table '%-.64s'.'%-.64s' has the wrong structure" ER_WRONG_PERFSCHEMA_USAGE eng "Invalid performance_schema usage." ER_WARN_I_S_SKIPPED_TABLE eng "Table '%s'.'%s' was skipped since its definition is being modified by concurrent DDL statement" ER_INSIDE_TRANSACTION_PREVENTS_SWITCH_BINLOG_DIRECT eng "Cannot modify @@session.binlog_direct_non_transactional_updates inside a transaction" ER_STORED_FUNCTION_PREVENTS_SWITCH_BINLOG_DIRECT eng "Cannot change the binlog direct flag inside a stored function or trigger" ER_SPATIAL_MUST_HAVE_GEOM_COL 42000 eng "A SPATIAL index may only contain a geometrical type column" ger "Ein raumbezogener Index (SPATIAL) darf nur Spalten geometrischen Typs enthalten" ER_TOO_LONG_INDEX_COMMENT eng "Comment for index '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)" ER_LOCK_ABORTED eng "Wait on a lock was aborted due to a pending exclusive lock" ER_DATA_OUT_OF_RANGE 22003 eng "%s value is out of range in '%s'" ER_WRONG_SPVAR_TYPE_IN_LIMIT eng "A variable of a non-integer based type in LIMIT clause" ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_MULTIPLE_ENGINES_AND_SELF_LOGGING_ENGINE eng "Mixing self-logging and non-self-logging engines in a statement is unsafe." ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_MIXED_STATEMENT eng "Statement accesses nontransactional table as well as transactional or temporary table, and writes to any of them." ER_INSIDE_TRANSACTION_PREVENTS_SWITCH_SQL_LOG_BIN eng "Cannot modify @@session.sql_log_bin inside a transaction" ER_STORED_FUNCTION_PREVENTS_SWITCH_SQL_LOG_BIN eng "Cannot change the sql_log_bin inside a stored function or trigger" ER_FAILED_READ_FROM_PAR_FILE eng "Failed to read from the .par file" swe "Misslyckades läsa från .par filen" ER_VALUES_IS_NOT_INT_TYPE_ERROR eng "VALUES value for partition '%-.64s' must have type INT" swe "Värden i VALUES för partition '%-.64s' måste ha typen INT" ER_ACCESS_DENIED_NO_PASSWORD_ERROR 28000 cze "Přístup pro uživatele '%-.48s'@'%-.64s'" dan "Adgang nægtet bruger: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s'" nla "Toegang geweigerd voor gebruiker: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s'" eng "Access denied for user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s'" est "Ligipääs keelatud kasutajale '%-.48s'@'%-.64s'" fre "Accès refusé pour l'utilisateur: '%-.48s'@'@%-.64s'" ger "Benutzer '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' hat keine Zugriffsberechtigung" greek "Δεν επιτέρεται η πρόσβαση στο χρήστη: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s'" hun "A(z) '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' felhasznalo szamara tiltott eleres." ita "Accesso non consentito per l'utente: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s'" jpn "ユーザー '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' のアクセスは拒否されました。" kor "'%-.48s'@'%-.64s' 사용자는 접근이 거부 되었습니다." nor "Tilgang nektet for bruker: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s'" norwegian-ny "Tilgang ikke tillate for brukar: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s'" por "Acesso negado para o usuário '%-.48s'@'%-.64s'" rum "Acces interzis pentru utilizatorul: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s'" rus "Доступ закрыт для пользователя '%-.48s'@'%-.64s'" serbian "Pristup je zabranjen korisniku '%-.48s'@'%-.64s'" slo "Zakázaný prístup pre užívateľa: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s'" spa "Acceso negado para usuario: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s'" swe "Användare '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' är ej berättigad att logga in" ukr "Доступ заборонено для користувача: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s'" ER_SET_PASSWORD_AUTH_PLUGIN eng "SET PASSWORD has no significance for users authenticating via plugins" ER_GRANT_PLUGIN_USER_EXISTS eng "GRANT with IDENTIFIED WITH is illegal because the user %-.*s already exists" ER_TRUNCATE_ILLEGAL_FK 42000 eng "Cannot truncate a table referenced in a foreign key constraint (%.192s)" ER_PLUGIN_IS_PERMANENT eng "Plugin '%s' is force_plus_permanent and can not be unloaded" ER_SLAVE_HEARTBEAT_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE_MIN eng "The requested value for the heartbeat period is less than 1 millisecond. The value is reset to 0, meaning that heartbeating will effectively be disabled." ER_SLAVE_HEARTBEAT_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE_MAX eng "The requested value for the heartbeat period exceeds the value of `slave_net_timeout' seconds. A sensible value for the period should be less than the timeout." ER_STMT_CACHE_FULL eng "Multi-row statements required more than 'max_binlog_stmt_cache_size' bytes of storage; increase this mysqld variable and try again" ER_MULTI_UPDATE_KEY_CONFLICT eng "Primary key/partition key update is not allowed since the table is updated both as '%-.192s' and '%-.192s'." # When translating this error message make sure to include "ALTER TABLE" in the # message as mysqlcheck parses the error message looking for ALTER TABLE. ER_TABLE_NEEDS_REBUILD eng "Table rebuild required. Please do \"ALTER TABLE `%-.64s` FORCE\" or dump/reload to fix it!" WARN_OPTION_BELOW_LIMIT eng "The value of '%s' should be no less than the value of '%s'" ER_INDEX_COLUMN_TOO_LONG eng "Index column size too large. The maximum column size is %lu bytes." ER_ERROR_IN_TRIGGER_BODY eng "Trigger '%-.64s' has an error in its body: '%-.256s'" ER_ERROR_IN_UNKNOWN_TRIGGER_BODY eng "Unknown trigger has an error in its body: '%-.256s'" ER_INDEX_CORRUPT eng "Index %s is corrupted" ER_UNDO_RECORD_TOO_BIG eng "Undo log record is too big." ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_INSERT_IGNORE_SELECT eng "INSERT IGNORE... SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave." ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_INSERT_SELECT_UPDATE eng "INSERT... SELECT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are updated. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave." ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_REPLACE_SELECT eng "REPLACE... SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are replaced. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave." ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_CREATE_IGNORE_SELECT eng "CREATE... IGNORE SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave." ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_CREATE_REPLACE_SELECT eng "CREATE... REPLACE SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are replaced. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave." ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_UPDATE_IGNORE eng "UPDATE IGNORE is unsafe because the order in which rows are updated determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave." ER_PLUGIN_NO_UNINSTALL eng "Plugin '%s' is marked as not dynamically uninstallable. You have to stop the server to uninstall it." ER_PLUGIN_NO_INSTALL eng "Plugin '%s' is marked as not dynamically installable. You have to stop the server to install it." ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_WRITE_AUTOINC_SELECT eng "Statements writing to a table with an auto-increment column after selecting from another table are unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved determines what (if any) rows will be written. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave." ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_CREATE_SELECT_AUTOINC eng "CREATE TABLE... SELECT... on a table with an auto-increment column is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are inserted. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave." ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_INSERT_TWO_KEYS eng "INSERT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE on a table with more than one UNIQUE KEY is unsafe" ER_TABLE_IN_FK_CHECK eng "Table is being used in foreign key check." ER_UNSUPPORTED_ENGINE eng "Storage engine '%s' does not support system tables. [%s.%s]" ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_AUTOINC_NOT_FIRST eng "INSERT into autoincrement field which is not the first part in the composed primary key is unsafe." # # End of 5.5 error messages. # ER_CANNOT_LOAD_FROM_TABLE_V2 eng "Cannot load from %s.%s. The table is probably corrupted" ger "Kann %s.%s nicht einlesen. Tabelle ist wahrscheinlich beschädigt" ER_MASTER_DELAY_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE eng "The requested value %s for the master delay exceeds the maximum %u" ER_ONLY_FD_AND_RBR_EVENTS_ALLOWED_IN_BINLOG_STATEMENT eng "Only Format_description_log_event and row events are allowed in BINLOG statements (but %s was provided)" ER_PARTITION_EXCHANGE_DIFFERENT_OPTION eng "Non matching attribute '%-.64s' between partition and table" swe "Attributet '%-.64s' är olika mellan partition och tabell" ER_PARTITION_EXCHANGE_PART_TABLE eng "Table to exchange with partition is partitioned: '%-.64s'" swe "Tabellen att byta ut mot partition är partitionerad: '%-.64s'" ER_PARTITION_EXCHANGE_TEMP_TABLE eng "Table to exchange with partition is temporary: '%-.64s'" swe "Tabellen att byta ut mot partition är temporär: '%-.64s'" ER_PARTITION_INSTEAD_OF_SUBPARTITION eng "Subpartitioned table, use subpartition instead of partition" swe "Subpartitionerad tabell, använd subpartition istället för partition" ER_UNKNOWN_PARTITION eng "Unknown partition '%-.64s' in table '%-.64s'" swe "Okänd partition '%-.64s' i tabell '%-.64s'" ER_TABLES_DIFFERENT_METADATA eng "Tables have different definitions" swe "Tabellerna har olika definitioner" ER_ROW_DOES_NOT_MATCH_PARTITION eng "Found a row that does not match the partition" swe "Hittade en rad som inte passar i partitionen" ER_BINLOG_CACHE_SIZE_GREATER_THAN_MAX eng "Option binlog_cache_size (%lu) is greater than max_binlog_cache_size (%lu); setting binlog_cache_size equal to max_binlog_cache_size." ER_WARN_INDEX_NOT_APPLICABLE eng "Cannot use %-.64s access on index '%-.64s' due to type or collation conversion on field '%-.64s'" ER_PARTITION_EXCHANGE_FOREIGN_KEY eng "Table to exchange with partition has foreign key references: '%-.64s'" swe "Tabellen att byta ut mot partition har foreign key referenser: '%-.64s'" ER_NO_SUCH_KEY_VALUE eng "Key value '%-.192s' was not found in table '%-.192s.%-.192s'" ER_RPL_INFO_DATA_TOO_LONG eng "Data for column '%s' too long" ER_NETWORK_READ_EVENT_CHECKSUM_FAILURE eng "Replication event checksum verification failed while reading from network." ER_BINLOG_READ_EVENT_CHECKSUM_FAILURE eng "Replication event checksum verification failed while reading from a log file." ER_BINLOG_STMT_CACHE_SIZE_GREATER_THAN_MAX eng "Option binlog_stmt_cache_size (%lu) is greater than max_binlog_stmt_cache_size (%lu); setting binlog_stmt_cache_size equal to max_binlog_stmt_cache_size." ER_CANT_UPDATE_TABLE_IN_CREATE_TABLE_SELECT eng "Can't update table '%-.192s' while '%-.192s' is being created." ER_PARTITION_CLAUSE_ON_NONPARTITIONED eng "PARTITION () clause on non partitioned table" swe "PARTITION () klausul för en icke partitionerad tabell" ER_ROW_DOES_NOT_MATCH_GIVEN_PARTITION_SET eng "Found a row not matching the given partition set" swe "Hittade en rad som inte passar i någon given partition" # Not used any longer, use ER_UNKNOWN_PARTITION which includes the tablename. # was ER_NO_SUCH_PARTITION ER_NO_SUCH_PARTITION__UNUSED cze "partion '%-.64s' neexistuje" dan "partition '%-.64s' eksisterer ikke" nla "partition '%-.64s' bestaat niet" eng "partition '%-.64s' doesn't exist" est "partition '%-.64s' ei eksisteeri" fre "La partition '%-.64s' n'existe pas" ger "Die partition '%-.64s' existiert nicht" hun "A '%-.64s' partition nem letezik" ita "La tabella particione '%-.64s' non esiste" jpn "パーティション '%-.64s' は存在しません。" nor "Partition '%-.64s' doesn't exist" norwegian-ny "Partition '%-.64s' doesn't exist" pol "Partition '%-.64s' doesn't exist" por "Particion '%-.64s' n�o existe" rum "Partition '%-.64s' nu exista" serbian "Partition '%-.64s' ne postoji" slo "Partition '%-.64s' doesn't exist" spa "Particion '%-.64s' no existe" swe "Det finns ingen partition som heter '%-.64s'" ER_CHANGE_RPL_INFO_REPOSITORY_FAILURE eng "Failure while changing the type of replication repository: %s." ER_WARNING_NOT_COMPLETE_ROLLBACK_WITH_CREATED_TEMP_TABLE eng "The creation of some temporary tables could not be rolled back." ER_WARNING_NOT_COMPLETE_ROLLBACK_WITH_DROPPED_TEMP_TABLE eng "Some temporary tables were dropped, but these operations could not be rolled back." ER_MTS_FEATURE_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED eng "%s is not supported in multi-threaded slave mode. %s" ER_MTS_UPDATED_DBS_GREATER_MAX eng "The number of modified databases exceeds the maximum %d; the database names will not be included in the replication event metadata." ER_MTS_CANT_PARALLEL eng "Cannot execute the current event group in the parallel mode. Encountered event %s, relay-log name %s, position %s which prevents execution of this event group in parallel mode. Reason: %s." ER_MTS_INCONSISTENT_DATA eng "%s" ER_FULLTEXT_NOT_SUPPORTED_WITH_PARTITIONING eng "FULLTEXT index is not supported for partitioned tables." swe "FULLTEXT index stöds ej för partitionerade tabeller." ER_DA_INVALID_CONDITION_NUMBER 35000 eng "Invalid condition number" por "Número de condição inválido" ER_INSECURE_PLAIN_TEXT eng "Sending passwords in plain text without SSL/TLS is extremely insecure." ER_INSECURE_CHANGE_MASTER eng "Storing MySQL user name or password information in the master info repository is not secure and is therefore not recommended. Please consider using the USER and PASSWORD connection options for START SLAVE; see the 'START SLAVE Syntax' in the MySQL Manual for more information." ER_FOREIGN_DUPLICATE_KEY_WITH_CHILD_INFO 23000 S1009 eng "Foreign key constraint for table '%.192s', record '%-.192s' would lead to a duplicate entry in table '%.192s', key '%.192s'" ger "Fremdschlüssel-Beschränkung für Tabelle '%.192s', Datensatz '%-.192s' würde zu einem doppelten Eintrag in Tabelle '%.192s', Schlüssel '%.192s' führen" swe "FOREIGN KEY constraint för tabell '%.192s', posten '%-.192s' kan inte uppdatera barntabell '%.192s' på grund av nyckel '%.192s'" ER_FOREIGN_DUPLICATE_KEY_WITHOUT_CHILD_INFO 23000 S1009 eng "Foreign key constraint for table '%.192s', record '%-.192s' would lead to a duplicate entry in a child table" ger "Fremdschlüssel-Beschränkung für Tabelle '%.192s', Datensatz '%-.192s' würde zu einem doppelten Eintrag in einer Kind-Tabelle führen" swe "FOREIGN KEY constraint för tabell '%.192s', posten '%-.192s' kan inte uppdatera en barntabell på grund av UNIQUE-test" ER_SQLTHREAD_WITH_SECURE_SLAVE eng "Setting authentication options is not possible when only the Slave SQL Thread is being started." ER_TABLE_HAS_NO_FT eng "The table does not have FULLTEXT index to support this query" ER_VARIABLE_NOT_SETTABLE_IN_SF_OR_TRIGGER eng "The system variable %.200s cannot be set in stored functions or triggers." ER_VARIABLE_NOT_SETTABLE_IN_TRANSACTION eng "The system variable %.200s cannot be set when there is an ongoing transaction." ER_GTID_NEXT_IS_NOT_IN_GTID_NEXT_LIST eng "The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT has the value %.200s, which is not listed in @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST." ER_CANT_CHANGE_GTID_NEXT_IN_TRANSACTION eng "The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot change inside a transaction." ER_SET_STATEMENT_CANNOT_INVOKE_FUNCTION eng "The statement 'SET %.200s' cannot invoke a stored function." ER_GTID_NEXT_CANT_BE_AUTOMATIC_IF_GTID_NEXT_LIST_IS_NON_NULL eng "The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be 'AUTOMATIC' when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST is non-NULL." ER_SKIPPING_LOGGED_TRANSACTION eng "Skipping transaction %.200s because it has already been executed and logged." ER_MALFORMED_GTID_SET_SPECIFICATION eng "Malformed GTID set specification '%.200s'." ER_MALFORMED_GTID_SET_ENCODING eng "Malformed GTID set encoding." ER_MALFORMED_GTID_SPECIFICATION eng "Malformed GTID specification '%.200s'." ER_GNO_EXHAUSTED eng "Impossible to generate Global Transaction Identifier: the integer component reached the maximal value. Restart the server with a new server_uuid." ER_BAD_SLAVE_AUTO_POSITION eng "Parameters MASTER_LOG_FILE, MASTER_LOG_POS, RELAY_LOG_FILE and RELAY_LOG_POS cannot be set when MASTER_AUTO_POSITION is active." ER_AUTO_POSITION_REQUIRES_GTID_MODE_NOT_OFF eng "CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1 cannot be executed because @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF." ER_CANT_DO_IMPLICIT_COMMIT_IN_TRX_WHEN_GTID_NEXT_IS_SET eng "Cannot execute statements with implicit commit inside a transaction when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT == 'UUID:NUMBER'." ER_GTID_MODE_ON_REQUIRES_ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY_ON eng "GTID_MODE = ON requires ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY = ON." ER_GTID_MODE_REQUIRES_BINLOG eng "@@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON or ON_PERMISSIVE or OFF_PERMISSIVE requires --log-bin and --log-slave-updates." ER_CANT_SET_GTID_NEXT_TO_GTID_WHEN_GTID_MODE_IS_OFF eng "@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be set to UUID:NUMBER when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF." ER_CANT_SET_GTID_NEXT_TO_ANONYMOUS_WHEN_GTID_MODE_IS_ON eng "@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be set to ANONYMOUS when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON." ER_CANT_SET_GTID_NEXT_LIST_TO_NON_NULL_WHEN_GTID_MODE_IS_OFF eng "@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST cannot be set to a non-NULL value when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF." ER_FOUND_GTID_EVENT_WHEN_GTID_MODE_IS_OFF__UNUSED eng "Found a Gtid_log_event when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF." ER_GTID_UNSAFE_NON_TRANSACTIONAL_TABLE eng "Statement violates GTID consistency: Updates to non-transactional tables can only be done in either autocommitted statements or single-statement transactions, and never in the same statement as updates to transactional tables." ER_GTID_UNSAFE_CREATE_SELECT eng "Statement violates GTID consistency: CREATE TABLE ... SELECT." ER_GTID_UNSAFE_CREATE_DROP_TEMPORARY_TABLE_IN_TRANSACTION eng "Statement violates GTID consistency: Under statement binary log mode CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE and DROP TEMPORARY TABLE can only be executed outside transactional context. These statements are also not allowed in a function or trigger because functions and triggers are also considered to be multi-statement transactions." ER_GTID_MODE_CAN_ONLY_CHANGE_ONE_STEP_AT_A_TIME eng "The value of @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE can only be changed one step at a time: OFF <-> OFF_PERMISSIVE <-> ON_PERMISSIVE <-> ON. Also note that this value must be stepped up or down simultaneously on all servers. See the Manual for instructions." ER_MASTER_HAS_PURGED_REQUIRED_GTIDS eng "The slave is connecting using CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1, but the master has purged binary logs containing GTIDs that the slave requires." ER_CANT_SET_GTID_NEXT_WHEN_OWNING_GTID eng "@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be changed by a client that owns a GTID. The client owns %s. Ownership is released on COMMIT or ROLLBACK." ER_UNKNOWN_EXPLAIN_FORMAT eng "Unknown EXPLAIN format name: '%s'" rus "Неизвестное имя формата команды EXPLAIN: '%s'" ER_CANT_EXECUTE_IN_READ_ONLY_TRANSACTION 25006 eng "Cannot execute statement in a READ ONLY transaction." ER_TOO_LONG_TABLE_PARTITION_COMMENT eng "Comment for table partition '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)" ER_SLAVE_CONFIGURATION eng "Slave is not configured or failed to initialize properly. You must at least set --server-id to enable either a master or a slave. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log." ER_INNODB_FT_LIMIT eng "InnoDB presently supports one FULLTEXT index creation at a time" ER_INNODB_NO_FT_TEMP_TABLE eng "Cannot create FULLTEXT index on temporary InnoDB table" ER_INNODB_FT_WRONG_DOCID_COLUMN eng "Column '%-.192s' is of wrong type for an InnoDB FULLTEXT index" ER_INNODB_FT_WRONG_DOCID_INDEX eng "Index '%-.192s' is of wrong type for an InnoDB FULLTEXT index" ER_INNODB_ONLINE_LOG_TOO_BIG eng "Creating index '%-.192s' required more than 'innodb_online_alter_log_max_size' bytes of modification log. Please try again." ER_UNKNOWN_ALTER_ALGORITHM eng "Unknown ALGORITHM '%s'" ER_UNKNOWN_ALTER_LOCK eng "Unknown LOCK type '%s'" ER_MTS_CHANGE_MASTER_CANT_RUN_WITH_GAPS eng "CHANGE MASTER cannot be executed when the slave was stopped with an error or killed in MTS mode. Consider using RESET SLAVE or START SLAVE UNTIL." ER_MTS_RECOVERY_FAILURE eng "Cannot recover after SLAVE errored out in parallel execution mode. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log." ER_MTS_RESET_WORKERS eng "Cannot clean up worker info tables. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log." ER_COL_COUNT_DOESNT_MATCH_CORRUPTED_V2 eng "Column count of %s.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. The table is probably corrupted" ger "Spaltenanzahl von %s.%s falsch. %d erwartet, aber %d gefunden. Tabelle ist wahrscheinlich beschädigt" ER_SLAVE_SILENT_RETRY_TRANSACTION eng "Slave must silently retry current transaction" ER_DISCARD_FK_CHECKS_RUNNING eng "There is a foreign key check running on table '%-.192s'. Cannot discard the table." ER_TABLE_SCHEMA_MISMATCH eng "Schema mismatch (%s)" ER_TABLE_IN_SYSTEM_TABLESPACE eng "Table '%-.192s' in system tablespace" ER_IO_READ_ERROR eng "IO Read error: (%lu, %s) %s" ER_IO_WRITE_ERROR eng "IO Write error: (%lu, %s) %s" ER_TABLESPACE_MISSING eng "Tablespace is missing for table %s." ER_TABLESPACE_EXISTS eng "Tablespace '%-.192s' exists." ER_TABLESPACE_DISCARDED eng "Tablespace has been discarded for table '%-.192s'" ER_INTERNAL_ERROR eng "Internal error: %s" ER_INNODB_IMPORT_ERROR eng "ALTER TABLE %-.192s IMPORT TABLESPACE failed with error %lu : '%s'" ER_INNODB_INDEX_CORRUPT eng "Index corrupt: %s" ER_INVALID_YEAR_COLUMN_LENGTH eng "Supports only YEAR or YEAR(4) column." rus "Поддерживаются только типы колонок YEAR или YEAR(4)." ER_NOT_VALID_PASSWORD eng "Your password does not satisfy the current policy requirements" ER_MUST_CHANGE_PASSWORD eng "You must reset your password using ALTER USER statement before executing this statement." bgn "Трябва първо да си смените паролата със SET PASSWORD за да можете да изпълните тази команда" ER_FK_NO_INDEX_CHILD eng "Failed to add the foreign key constaint. Missing index for constraint '%s' in the foreign table '%s'" ER_FK_NO_INDEX_PARENT eng "Failed to add the foreign key constaint. Missing index for constraint '%s' in the referenced table '%s'" ER_FK_FAIL_ADD_SYSTEM eng "Failed to add the foreign key constraint '%s' to system tables" ER_FK_CANNOT_OPEN_PARENT eng "Failed to open the referenced table '%s'" ER_FK_INCORRECT_OPTION eng "Failed to add the foreign key constraint on table '%s'. Incorrect options in FOREIGN KEY constraint '%s'" ER_FK_DUP_NAME eng "Duplicate foreign key constraint name '%s'" ER_PASSWORD_FORMAT eng "The password hash doesn't have the expected format. Check if the correct password algorithm is being used with the PASSWORD() function." ER_FK_COLUMN_CANNOT_DROP eng "Cannot drop column '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s'" ger "Kann Spalte '%-.192s' nicht löschen: wird für eine Fremdschlüsselbeschränkung '%-.192s' benötigt" ER_FK_COLUMN_CANNOT_DROP_CHILD eng "Cannot drop column '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'" ger "Kann Spalte '%-.192s' nicht löschen: wird für eine Fremdschlüsselbeschränkung '%-.192s' der Tabelle '%-.192s' benötigt" ER_FK_COLUMN_NOT_NULL eng "Column '%-.192s' cannot be NOT NULL: needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' SET NULL" ger "Spalte '%-.192s' kann nicht NOT NULL sein: wird für eine Fremdschlüsselbeschränkung '%-.192s' SET NULL benötigt" ER_DUP_INDEX eng "Duplicate index '%-.64s' defined on the table '%-.64s.%-.64s'. This is deprecated and will be disallowed in a future release." ER_FK_COLUMN_CANNOT_CHANGE eng "Cannot change column '%-.192s': used in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s'" ER_FK_COLUMN_CANNOT_CHANGE_CHILD eng "Cannot change column '%-.192s': used in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'" # No longer used as IGNORE support for ALTER TABLE was removed. ER_UNUSED5 eng "Cannot delete rows from table which is parent in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'" ER_MALFORMED_PACKET eng "Malformed communication packet." ER_READ_ONLY_MODE eng "Running in read-only mode" ER_GTID_NEXT_TYPE_UNDEFINED_GROUP eng "When @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT is set to a GTID, you must explicitly set it to a different value after a COMMIT or ROLLBACK. Please check GTID_NEXT variable manual page for detailed explanation. Current @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT is '%s'." ER_VARIABLE_NOT_SETTABLE_IN_SP eng "The system variable %.200s cannot be set in stored procedures." ER_CANT_SET_GTID_PURGED_WHEN_GTID_MODE_IS_OFF eng "@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON." ER_CANT_SET_GTID_PURGED_WHEN_GTID_EXECUTED_IS_NOT_EMPTY eng "@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when @@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED is empty." ER_CANT_SET_GTID_PURGED_WHEN_OWNED_GTIDS_IS_NOT_EMPTY eng "@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when there are no ongoing transactions (not even in other clients)." ER_GTID_PURGED_WAS_CHANGED eng "@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED was changed from '%s' to '%s'." ER_GTID_EXECUTED_WAS_CHANGED eng "@@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED was changed from '%s' to '%s'." ER_BINLOG_STMT_MODE_AND_NO_REPL_TABLES eng "Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT, and both replicated and non replicated tables are written to." ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED 0A000 eng "%s is not supported for this operation. Try %s." ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON 0A000 eng "%s is not supported. Reason: %s. Try %s." ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_COPY eng "COPY algorithm requires a lock" ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_PARTITION eng "Partition specific operations do not yet support LOCK/ALGORITHM" ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_FK_RENAME eng "Columns participating in a foreign key are renamed" ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_COLUMN_TYPE eng "Cannot change column type INPLACE" ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_FK_CHECK eng "Adding foreign keys needs foreign_key_checks=OFF" # No longer used as IGNORE support for ALTER TABLE was removed. ER_UNUSED6 eng "Creating unique indexes with IGNORE requires COPY algorithm to remove duplicate rows" ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_NOPK eng "Dropping a primary key is not allowed without also adding a new primary key" ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_AUTOINC eng "Adding an auto-increment column requires a lock" ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_HIDDEN_FTS eng "Cannot replace hidden FTS_DOC_ID with a user-visible one" ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_CHANGE_FTS eng "Cannot drop or rename FTS_DOC_ID" ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_FTS eng "Fulltext index creation requires a lock" ER_SQL_SLAVE_SKIP_COUNTER_NOT_SETTABLE_IN_GTID_MODE eng "sql_slave_skip_counter can not be set when the server is running with @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON. Instead, for each transaction that you want to skip, generate an empty transaction with the same GTID as the transaction" ER_DUP_UNKNOWN_IN_INDEX 23000 cze "Zdvojený klíč (číslo klíče '%-.192s')" dan "Flere ens nøgler for indeks '%-.192s'" nla "Dubbele ingang voor zoeksleutel '%-.192s'" eng "Duplicate entry for key '%-.192s'" est "Kattuv väärtus võtmele '%-.192s'" fre "Duplicata du champ pour la clef '%-.192s'" ger "Doppelter Eintrag für Schlüssel '%-.192s'" greek "Διπλή εγγραφή για το κλειδί '%-.192s'" hun "Duplikalt bejegyzes a '%-.192s' kulcs szerint." ita "Valore duplicato per la chiave '%-.192s'" jpn "は索引 '%-.192s' で重複しています。" kor "중복된 입력 값: key '%-.192s'" nor "Like verdier for nøkkel '%-.192s'" norwegian-ny "Like verdiar for nykkel '%-.192s'" pol "Powtórzone wystąpienie dla klucza '%-.192s'" por "Entrada duplicada para a chave '%-.192s'" rum "Cimpul e duplicat pentru cheia '%-.192s'" rus "Дублирующаяся запись по ключу '%-.192s'" serbian "Dupliran unos za ključ '%-.192s'" slo "Opakovaný kľúč (číslo kľúča '%-.192s')" spa "Entrada duplicada para la clave '%-.192s'" swe "Dublett för nyckel '%-.192s'" ukr "Дублюючий запис для ключа '%-.192s'" ER_IDENT_CAUSES_TOO_LONG_PATH eng "Long database name and identifier for object resulted in path length exceeding %d characters. Path: '%s'." ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_NOT_NULL eng "cannot silently convert NULL values, as required in this SQL_MODE" ER_MUST_CHANGE_PASSWORD_LOGIN eng "Your password has expired. To log in you must change it using a client that supports expired passwords." bgn "Паролата ви е изтекла. За да влезете трябва да я смените използвайки клиент който поддрържа такива пароли." ER_ROW_IN_WRONG_PARTITION eng "Found a row in wrong partition %s" swe "Hittade en rad i fel partition %s" ER_MTS_EVENT_BIGGER_PENDING_JOBS_SIZE_MAX eng "Cannot schedule event %s, relay-log name %s, position %s to Worker thread because its size %lu exceeds %lu of slave_pending_jobs_size_max." ER_INNODB_NO_FT_USES_PARSER eng "Cannot CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX WITH PARSER on InnoDB table" ER_BINLOG_LOGICAL_CORRUPTION eng "The binary log file '%s' is logically corrupted: %s" ER_WARN_PURGE_LOG_IN_USE eng "file %s was not purged because it was being read by %d thread(s), purged only %d out of %d files." ER_WARN_PURGE_LOG_IS_ACTIVE eng "file %s was not purged because it is the active log file." ER_AUTO_INCREMENT_CONFLICT eng "Auto-increment value in UPDATE conflicts with internally generated values" WARN_ON_BLOCKHOLE_IN_RBR eng "Row events are not logged for %s statements that modify BLACKHOLE tables in row format. Table(s): '%-.192s'" ER_SLAVE_MI_INIT_REPOSITORY eng "Slave failed to initialize master info structure from the repository" ER_SLAVE_RLI_INIT_REPOSITORY eng "Slave failed to initialize relay log info structure from the repository" ER_ACCESS_DENIED_CHANGE_USER_ERROR 28000 eng "Access denied trying to change to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' (using password: %s). Disconnecting." bgn "Отказан достъп при опит за смяна към потребител %-.48s'@'%-.64s' (използвана парола: %s). Затваряне на връзката." ER_INNODB_READ_ONLY eng "InnoDB is in read only mode." ER_STOP_SLAVE_SQL_THREAD_TIMEOUT eng "STOP SLAVE command execution is incomplete: Slave SQL thread got the stop signal, thread is busy, SQL thread will stop once the current task is complete." ER_STOP_SLAVE_IO_THREAD_TIMEOUT eng "STOP SLAVE command execution is incomplete: Slave IO thread got the stop signal, thread is busy, IO thread will stop once the current task is complete." ER_TABLE_CORRUPT eng "Operation cannot be performed. The table '%-.64s.%-.64s' is missing, corrupt or contains bad data." ER_TEMP_FILE_WRITE_FAILURE eng "Temporary file write failure." ER_INNODB_FT_AUX_NOT_HEX_ID eng "Upgrade index name failed, please use create index(alter table) algorithm copy to rebuild index." ER_OLD_TEMPORALS_UPGRADED eng "TIME/TIMESTAMP/DATETIME columns of old format have been upgraded to the new format." ER_INNODB_FORCED_RECOVERY eng "Operation not allowed when innodb_forced_recovery > 0." ER_AES_INVALID_IV eng "The initialization vector supplied to %s is too short. Must be at least %d bytes long" bg "Инициализационния вектор подаден на %s е прекалено къс. Трябва да е поне %d байта" ER_PLUGIN_CANNOT_BE_UNINSTALLED eng "Plugin '%s' cannot be uninstalled now. %s" ER_GTID_UNSAFE_BINLOG_SPLITTABLE_STATEMENT_AND_GTID_GROUP eng "Cannot execute statement because it needs to be written to the binary log as multiple statements, and this is not allowed when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT == 'UUID:NUMBER'." ER_SLAVE_HAS_MORE_GTIDS_THAN_MASTER eng "Slave has more GTIDs than the master has, using the master's SERVER_UUID. This may indicate that the end of the binary log was truncated or that the last binary log file was lost, e.g., after a power or disk failure when sync_binlog != 1. The master may or may not have rolled back transactions that were already replicated to the slave. Suggest to replicate any transactions that master has rolled back from slave to master, and/or commit empty transactions on master to account for transactions that have been committed on master but are not included in GTID_EXECUTED." ER_MISSING_KEY eng "The table '%s.%s' does not have the necessary key(s) defined on it. Please check the table definition and create index(s) accordingly." # # End of 5.6 error messages. # start-error-number 3000 ER_FILE_CORRUPT eng "File %s is corrupted" ER_ERROR_ON_MASTER eng "Query partially completed on the master (error on master: %d) and was aborted. There is a chance that your master is inconsistent at this point. If you are sure that your master is ok, run this query manually on the slave and then restart the slave with SET GLOBAL SQL_SLAVE_SKIP_COUNTER=1; START SLAVE;. Query:'%s'" ER_INCONSISTENT_ERROR eng "Query caused different errors on master and slave. Error on master: message (format)='%s' error code=%d; Error on slave:actual message='%s', error code=%d. Default database:'%s'. Query:'%s'" ER_STORAGE_ENGINE_NOT_LOADED eng "Storage engine for table '%s'.'%s' is not loaded." ER_GET_STACKED_DA_WITHOUT_ACTIVE_HANDLER 0Z002 eng "GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS when handler not active" ER_WARN_LEGACY_SYNTAX_CONVERTED eng "%s is no longer supported. The statement was converted to %s." ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_FULLTEXT_PLUGIN eng "Statement is unsafe because it uses a fulltext parser plugin which may not return the same value on the slave." ER_CANNOT_DISCARD_TEMPORARY_TABLE eng "Cannot DISCARD/IMPORT tablespace associated with temporary table" ER_FK_DEPTH_EXCEEDED eng "Foreign key cascade delete/update exceeds max depth of %d." ER_COL_COUNT_DOESNT_MATCH_PLEASE_UPDATE_V2 eng "Column count of %s.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. Created with MySQL %d, now running %d. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error." ger "Spaltenanzahl von %s.%s falsch. %d erwartet, aber %d erhalten. Erzeugt mit MySQL %d, jetzt unter %d. Bitte benutzen Sie mysql_upgrade, um den Fehler zu beheben" ER_WARN_TRIGGER_DOESNT_HAVE_CREATED eng "Trigger %s.%s.%s does not have CREATED attribute." ER_REFERENCED_TRG_DOES_NOT_EXIST eng "Referenced trigger '%s' for the given action time and event type does not exist." ER_EXPLAIN_NOT_SUPPORTED eng "EXPLAIN FOR CONNECTION command is supported only for SELECT/UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE/REPLACE" ER_INVALID_FIELD_SIZE eng "Invalid size for column '%-.192s'." ER_MISSING_HA_CREATE_OPTION eng "Table storage engine '%-.64s' found required create option missing" ER_ENGINE_OUT_OF_MEMORY eng "Out of memory in storage engine '%-.64s'." ER_PASSWORD_EXPIRE_ANONYMOUS_USER eng "The password for anonymous user cannot be expired." ER_SLAVE_SQL_THREAD_MUST_STOP eng "This operation cannot be performed with a running slave sql thread; run STOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD first" ER_NO_FT_MATERIALIZED_SUBQUERY eng "Cannot create FULLTEXT index on materialized subquery" ER_INNODB_UNDO_LOG_FULL eng "Undo Log error: %s" ER_INVALID_ARGUMENT_FOR_LOGARITHM 2201E eng "Invalid argument for logarithm" ER_SLAVE_CHANNEL_IO_THREAD_MUST_STOP eng "This operation cannot be performed with a running slave io thread; run STOP SLAVE IO_THREAD FOR CHANNEL '%s' first." ER_WARN_OPEN_TEMP_TABLES_MUST_BE_ZERO eng "This operation may not be safe when the slave has temporary tables. The tables will be kept open until the server restarts or until the tables are deleted by any replicated DROP statement. Suggest to wait until slave_open_temp_tables = 0." ER_WARN_ONLY_MASTER_LOG_FILE_NO_POS eng "CHANGE MASTER TO with a MASTER_LOG_FILE clause but no MASTER_LOG_POS clause may not be safe. The old position value may not be valid for the new binary log file." ER_QUERY_TIMEOUT eng "Query execution was interrupted, maximum statement execution time exceeded" ER_NON_RO_SELECT_DISABLE_TIMER eng "Select is not a read only statement, disabling timer" ER_DUP_LIST_ENTRY eng "Duplicate entry '%-.192s'." ER_SQL_MODE_NO_EFFECT eng "'%s' mode no longer has any effect. Use STRICT_ALL_TABLES or STRICT_TRANS_TABLES instead." ER_AGGREGATE_ORDER_FOR_UNION eng "Expression #%u of ORDER BY contains aggregate function and applies to a UNION" ER_AGGREGATE_ORDER_NON_AGG_QUERY eng "Expression #%u of ORDER BY contains aggregate function and applies to the result of a non-aggregated query" ER_SLAVE_WORKER_STOPPED_PREVIOUS_THD_ERROR eng "Slave worker has stopped after at least one previous worker encountered an error when slave-preserve-commit-order was enabled. To preserve commit order, the last transaction executed by this thread has not been committed. When restarting the slave after fixing any failed threads, you should fix this worker as well." ER_DONT_SUPPORT_SLAVE_PRESERVE_COMMIT_ORDER eng "slave_preserve_commit_order is not supported %s." ER_SERVER_OFFLINE_MODE eng "The server is currently in offline mode" ER_GIS_DIFFERENT_SRIDS eng "Binary geometry function %s given two geometries of different srids: %u and %u, which should have been identical." ER_GIS_UNSUPPORTED_ARGUMENT eng "Calling geometry function %s with unsupported types of arguments." ER_GIS_UNKNOWN_ERROR eng "Unknown GIS error occured in function %s." ER_GIS_UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION eng "Unknown exception caught in GIS function %s." ER_GIS_INVALID_DATA 22023 eng "Invalid GIS data provided to function %s." ER_BOOST_GEOMETRY_EMPTY_INPUT_EXCEPTION eng "The geometry has no data in function %s." ER_BOOST_GEOMETRY_CENTROID_EXCEPTION eng "Unable to calculate centroid because geometry is empty in function %s." ER_BOOST_GEOMETRY_OVERLAY_INVALID_INPUT_EXCEPTION eng "Geometry overlay calculation error: geometry data is invalid in function %s." ER_BOOST_GEOMETRY_TURN_INFO_EXCEPTION eng "Geometry turn info calculation error: geometry data is invalid in function %s." ER_BOOST_GEOMETRY_SELF_INTERSECTION_POINT_EXCEPTION eng "Analysis procedures of intersection points interrupted unexpectedly in function %s." ER_BOOST_GEOMETRY_UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION eng "Unknown exception thrown in function %s." ER_STD_BAD_ALLOC_ERROR eng "Memory allocation error: %-.256s in function %s." ER_STD_DOMAIN_ERROR eng "Domain error: %-.256s in function %s." ER_STD_LENGTH_ERROR eng "Length error: %-.256s in function %s." ER_STD_INVALID_ARGUMENT eng "Invalid argument error: %-.256s in function %s." ER_STD_OUT_OF_RANGE_ERROR eng "Out of range error: %-.256s in function %s." ER_STD_OVERFLOW_ERROR eng "Overflow error error: %-.256s in function %s." ER_STD_RANGE_ERROR eng "Range error: %-.256s in function %s." ER_STD_UNDERFLOW_ERROR eng "Underflow error: %-.256s in function %s." ER_STD_LOGIC_ERROR eng "Logic error: %-.256s in function %s." ER_STD_RUNTIME_ERROR eng "Runtime error: %-.256s in function %s." ER_STD_UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION eng "Unknown exception: %-.384s in function %s." ER_GIS_DATA_WRONG_ENDIANESS eng "Geometry byte string must be little endian." ER_CHANGE_MASTER_PASSWORD_LENGTH eng "The password provided for the replication user exceeds the maximum length of 32 characters" ER_USER_LOCK_WRONG_NAME 42000 eng "Incorrect user-level lock name '%-.192s'." # Should be different from ER_LOCK_DEADLOCK since it doesn't cause implicit # rollback. Should not be mapped to SQLSTATE 40001 for the same reason. ER_USER_LOCK_DEADLOCK eng "Deadlock found when trying to get user-level lock; try rolling back transaction/releasing locks and restarting lock acquisition." ER_REPLACE_INACCESSIBLE_ROWS eng "REPLACE cannot be executed as it requires deleting rows that are not in the view" ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_GIS eng "Do not support online operation on table with GIS index" ER_ILLEGAL_USER_VAR 42000 S1009 eng "User variable name '%-.100s' is illegal" ER_GTID_MODE_OFF eng "Cannot %s when GTID_MODE = OFF." ER_UNSUPPORTED_BY_REPLICATION_THREAD eng "Cannot %s from a replication slave thread." ER_INCORRECT_TYPE eng "Incorrect type for argument %s in function %s." ER_FIELD_IN_ORDER_NOT_SELECT eng "Expression #%u of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, references column '%-.192s' which is not in SELECT list; this is incompatible with %s" ER_AGGREGATE_IN_ORDER_NOT_SELECT eng "Expression #%u of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, contains aggregate function; this is incompatible with %s" ER_INVALID_RPL_WILD_TABLE_FILTER_PATTERN eng "Supplied filter list contains a value which is not in the required format 'db_pattern.table_pattern'" ER_NET_OK_PACKET_TOO_LARGE 08S01 eng "OK packet too large" ER_INVALID_JSON_DATA eng "Invalid JSON data provided to function %s: %s" ER_INVALID_GEOJSON_MISSING_MEMBER eng "Invalid GeoJSON data provided to function %s: Missing required member '%s'" ER_INVALID_GEOJSON_WRONG_TYPE eng "Invalid GeoJSON data provided to function %s: Member '%s' must be of type '%s'" ER_INVALID_GEOJSON_UNSPECIFIED eng "Invalid GeoJSON data provided to function %s" ER_DIMENSION_UNSUPPORTED eng "Unsupported number of coordinate dimensions in function %s: Found %u, expected %u" ER_SLAVE_CHANNEL_DOES_NOT_EXIST eng "Slave channel '%s' does not exist." ER_SLAVE_MULTIPLE_CHANNELS_HOST_PORT eng "A slave channel '%s' already exists for the given host and port combination." ER_SLAVE_CHANNEL_NAME_INVALID_OR_TOO_LONG eng "Couldn't create channel: Channel name is either invalid or too long." ER_SLAVE_NEW_CHANNEL_WRONG_REPOSITORY eng "To have multiple channels, repository cannot be of type FILE; Please check the repository configuration and convert them to TABLE." ER_SLAVE_CHANNEL_DELETE eng "Cannot delete slave info objects for channel '%s'." ER_SLAVE_MULTIPLE_CHANNELS_CMD eng "Multiple channels exist on the slave. Please provide channel name as an argument." ER_SLAVE_MAX_CHANNELS_EXCEEDED eng "Maximum number of replication channels allowed exceeded." ER_SLAVE_CHANNEL_MUST_STOP eng "This operation cannot be performed with running replication threads; run STOP SLAVE FOR CHANNEL '%s' first" ER_SLAVE_CHANNEL_NOT_RUNNING eng "This operation requires running replication threads; configure slave and run START SLAVE FOR CHANNEL '%s'" ER_SLAVE_CHANNEL_WAS_RUNNING eng "Replication thread(s) for channel '%s' are already runnning." ER_SLAVE_CHANNEL_WAS_NOT_RUNNING eng "Replication thread(s) for channel '%s' are already stopped." ER_SLAVE_CHANNEL_SQL_THREAD_MUST_STOP eng "This operation cannot be performed with a running slave sql thread; run STOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD FOR CHANNEL '%s' first." ER_SLAVE_CHANNEL_SQL_SKIP_COUNTER eng "When sql_slave_skip_counter > 0, it is not allowed to start more than one SQL thread by using 'START SLAVE [SQL_THREAD]'. Value of sql_slave_skip_counter can only be used by one SQL thread at a time. Please use 'START SLAVE [SQL_THREAD] FOR CHANNEL' to start the SQL thread which will use the value of sql_slave_skip_counter." # When using this error message, use the ER_WRONG_FIELD_WITH_GROUP error code. ER_WRONG_FIELD_WITH_GROUP_V2 eng "Expression #%u of %s is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column '%-.192s' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by" # When using this error message, use the ER_MIX_OF_GROUP_FUNC_AND_FIELDS error code. ER_MIX_OF_GROUP_FUNC_AND_FIELDS_V2 eng "In aggregated query without GROUP BY, expression #%u of %s contains nonaggregated column '%-.192s'; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by" # When using this error message, use the ER_WARN_DEPRECATED_SYNTAX_NO_REPLACEMENT error code. ER_WARN_DEPRECATED_SYSVAR_UPDATE eng "Updating '%s' is deprecated. It will be made read-only in a future release." # Use this error message to deprecate SQL MODES ER_WARN_DEPRECATED_SQLMODE eng "Changing sql mode '%s' is deprecated. It will be removed in a future release." ER_CANNOT_LOG_PARTIAL_DROP_DATABASE_WITH_GTID eng "DROP DATABASE failed; some tables may have been dropped but the database directory remains. The GTID has not been added to GTID_EXECUTED and the statement was not written to the binary log. Fix this as follows: (1) remove all files from the database directory %-.192s; (2) SET GTID_NEXT='%-.192s'; (3) DROP DATABASE `%-.192s`." ER_GROUP_REPLICATION_CONFIGURATION eng "The server is not configured properly to be an active member of the group. Please see more details on error log." ER_GROUP_REPLICATION_RUNNING eng "The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed since the group is already running." ER_GROUP_REPLICATION_APPLIER_INIT_ERROR eng "The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as the applier module failed to start." ER_GROUP_REPLICATION_STOP_APPLIER_THREAD_TIMEOUT eng "The STOP GROUP_REPLICATION command execution is incomplete: The applier thread got the stop signal while it was busy. The applier thread will stop once the current task is complete." ER_GROUP_REPLICATION_COMMUNICATION_LAYER_SESSION_ERROR eng "The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as there was an error when initializing the group communication layer." ER_GROUP_REPLICATION_COMMUNICATION_LAYER_JOIN_ERROR eng "The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as there was an error when joining the communication group." ER_BEFORE_DML_VALIDATION_ERROR eng "The table does not comply with the requirements by an external plugin." ER_PREVENTS_VARIABLE_WITHOUT_RBR eng "Cannot change the value of variable %s without binary log format as ROW." ER_RUN_HOOK_ERROR eng "Error on observer while running replication hook '%s'." ER_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK_DURING_COMMIT eng "Plugin instructed the server to rollback the current transaction." ER_GENERATED_COLUMN_FUNCTION_IS_NOT_ALLOWED eng "Expression of generated column '%s' contains a disallowed function." ER_UNSUPPORTED_ALTER_INPLACE_ON_VIRTUAL_COLUMN eng "INPLACE ADD or DROP of virtual columns cannot be combined with other ALTER TABLE actions" ER_WRONG_FK_OPTION_FOR_GENERATED_COLUMN eng "Cannot define foreign key with %s clause on a generated column." ER_NON_DEFAULT_VALUE_FOR_GENERATED_COLUMN eng "The value specified for generated column '%s' in table '%s' is not allowed." ER_UNSUPPORTED_ACTION_ON_GENERATED_COLUMN eng "'%s' is not supported for generated columns." ER_GENERATED_COLUMN_NON_PRIOR eng "Generated column can refer only to generated columns defined prior to it." ER_DEPENDENT_BY_GENERATED_COLUMN eng "Column '%s' has a generated column dependency." ER_GENERATED_COLUMN_REF_AUTO_INC, eng "Generated column '%s' cannot refer to auto-increment column." ER_FEATURE_NOT_AVAILABLE eng "The '%-.64s' feature is not available; you need to remove '%-.64s' or use MySQL built with '%-.64s'" ER_CANT_SET_GTID_MODE eng "SET @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = %-.64s is not allowed because %-.384s." ER_CANT_USE_AUTO_POSITION_WITH_GTID_MODE_OFF eng "The replication receiver thread%-.192s cannot start in AUTO_POSITION mode: this server uses @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF." ER_CANT_REPLICATE_ANONYMOUS_WITH_AUTO_POSITION eng "Cannot replicate anonymous transaction when AUTO_POSITION = 1, at file %.512s, position %lld." ER_CANT_REPLICATE_ANONYMOUS_WITH_GTID_MODE_ON eng "Cannot replicate anonymous transaction when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON, at file %.512s, position %lld." ER_CANT_REPLICATE_GTID_WITH_GTID_MODE_OFF eng "Cannot replicate GTID-transaction when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF, at file %.512s, position %lld." ER_CANT_SET_ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY_ON_WITH_ONGOING_GTID_VIOLATING_TRANSACTIONS eng "Cannot set ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY = ON because there are ongoing transactions that violate GTID consistency." ER_SET_ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY_WARN_WITH_ONGOING_GTID_VIOLATING_TRANSACTIONS eng "There are ongoing transactions that violate GTID consistency." ER_ACCOUNT_HAS_BEEN_LOCKED eng "Access denied for user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s'. Account is locked." pol "Odmowa dostępu dla użytkownika '%-.48s'@'%-.64s'. Konto zablokowane." ER_WRONG_TABLESPACE_NAME 42000 eng "Incorrect tablespace name `%-.192s`" ER_TABLESPACE_IS_NOT_EMPTY eng "Tablespace `%-.192s` is not empty." ER_WRONG_FILE_NAME eng "Incorrect File Name '%s'." ER_BOOST_GEOMETRY_INCONSISTENT_TURNS_EXCEPTION eng "Inconsistent intersection points." ER_WARN_OPTIMIZER_HINT_SYNTAX_ERROR eng "Optimizer hint syntax error" ER_WARN_BAD_MAX_EXECUTION_TIME eng "Unsupported MAX_EXECUTION_TIME" ER_WARN_UNSUPPORTED_MAX_EXECUTION_TIME eng "MAX_EXECUTION_TIME hint is supported by top-level standalone SELECT statements only" ER_WARN_CONFLICTING_HINT eng "Hint %s is ignored as conflicting/duplicated" ER_WARN_UNKNOWN_QB_NAME eng "Query block name %s is not found for %s hint" ER_UNRESOLVED_HINT_NAME eng "Unresolved name %s for %s hint" ER_WARN_ON_MODIFYING_GTID_EXECUTED_TABLE eng "Please do not modify the %s table. This is a mysql internal system table to store GTIDs for committed transactions. Modifying it can lead to an inconsistent GTID state." ER_PLUGGABLE_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_NOT_SUPPORTED eng "Command not supported by pluggable protocols" ER_LOCKING_SERVICE_WRONG_NAME 42000 eng "Incorrect locking service lock name '%-.192s'." # Should be different from ER_LOCK_DEADLOCK since it doesn't cause implicit # rollback. Should not be mapped to SQLSTATE 40001 for the same reason. ER_LOCKING_SERVICE_DEADLOCK eng "Deadlock found when trying to get locking service lock; try releasing locks and restarting lock acquisition." ER_LOCKING_SERVICE_TIMEOUT eng "Service lock wait timeout exceeded." ER_GIS_MAX_POINTS_IN_GEOMETRY_OVERFLOWED eng "Parameter %s exceeds the maximum number of points in a geometry (%lu) in function %s." ER_SQL_MODE_MERGED eng "'NO_ZERO_DATE', 'NO_ZERO_IN_DATE' and 'ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO' sql modes should be used with strict mode. They will be merged with strict mode in a future release." ER_VTOKEN_PLUGIN_TOKEN_MISMATCH eng "Version token mismatch for %.*s. Correct value %.*s" bg "Клеймото за версия %.*s не съвпада. Правилната стойност е %.*s" ER_VTOKEN_PLUGIN_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND eng "Version token %.*s not found." bg "Не е намерено клеймо за версия %.*s" ER_CANT_SET_VARIABLE_WHEN_OWNING_GTID eng "Variable %-.192s cannot be changed by a client that owns a GTID. The client owns %s. Ownership is released on COMMIT or ROLLBACK." ER_SLAVE_CHANNEL_OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED eng "%-.192s cannot be performed on channel '%-.192s'." ER_INVALID_JSON_TEXT 22032 eng "Invalid JSON text: \"%s\" at position %u in value for column '%-.200s'." # The last parameter is now always empty but kept for backward compatibility ER_INVALID_JSON_TEXT_IN_PARAM 22032 eng "Invalid JSON text in argument %u to function %s: \"%s\" at position %u.%-.0s" ER_INVALID_JSON_BINARY_DATA eng "The JSON binary value contains invalid data." ER_INVALID_JSON_PATH 42000 eng "Invalid JSON path expression. The error is around character position %u.%-.200s" ER_INVALID_JSON_CHARSET 22032 eng "Cannot create a JSON value from a string with CHARACTER SET '%s'." ER_INVALID_JSON_CHARSET_IN_FUNCTION 22032 eng "Invalid JSON character data provided to function %s: '%s'; utf8 is required." ER_INVALID_TYPE_FOR_JSON 22032 eng "Invalid data type for JSON data in argument %u to function %s; a JSON string or JSON type is required." ER_INVALID_CAST_TO_JSON 22032 eng "Cannot CAST value to JSON." ER_INVALID_JSON_PATH_CHARSET 42000 eng "A path expression must be encoded in the utf8 character set. The path expression '%-.200s' is encoded in character set '%-.200s'." ER_INVALID_JSON_PATH_WILDCARD 42000 eng "In this situation, path expressions may not contain the * and ** tokens." ER_JSON_VALUE_TOO_BIG 22032 eng "The JSON value is too big to be stored in a JSON column." ER_JSON_KEY_TOO_BIG 22032 eng "The JSON object contains a key name that is too long." ER_JSON_USED_AS_KEY 42000 eng "JSON column '%-.192s' cannot be used in key specification." ER_JSON_VACUOUS_PATH 42000 eng "The path expression '$' is not allowed in this context." ER_JSON_BAD_ONE_OR_ALL_ARG 42000 eng "The oneOrAll argument to %s may take these values: 'one' or 'all'." # The second parameter is now always empty but kept for backward compatibility ER_NUMERIC_JSON_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE 22003 eng "Out of range JSON value for CAST to %s%-.0s from column %s at row %ld" # The second parameter is now always empty but kept for backward compatibility ER_INVALID_JSON_VALUE_FOR_CAST 22018 eng "Invalid JSON value for CAST to %s%-.0s from column %s at row %ld" ER_JSON_DOCUMENT_TOO_DEEP 22032 eng "The JSON document exceeds the maximum depth." ER_JSON_DOCUMENT_NULL_KEY 22032 eng "JSON documents may not contain NULL member names." ER_SECURE_TRANSPORT_REQUIRED eng "Connections using insecure transport are prohibited while --require_secure_transport=ON." ER_NO_SECURE_TRANSPORTS_CONFIGURED eng "No secure transports (SSL or Shared Memory) are configured, unable to set --require_secure_transport=ON." ER_DISABLED_STORAGE_ENGINE eng "Storage engine %s is disabled (Table creation is disallowed)." ER_USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST eng "User %s does not exist." ER_USER_ALREADY_EXISTS eng "User %s already exists." ER_AUDIT_API_ABORT eng "Aborted by Audit API ('%-.48s';%d)." ER_INVALID_JSON_PATH_ARRAY_CELL 42000 eng "A path expression is not a path to a cell in an array." ER_BUFPOOL_RESIZE_INPROGRESS eng "Another buffer pool resize is already in progress." ER_FEATURE_DISABLED_SEE_DOC eng "The '%s' feature is disabled; see the documentation for '%s'" ER_SERVER_ISNT_AVAILABLE eng "Server isn't available" ER_SESSION_WAS_KILLED eng "Session was killed" ER_CAPACITY_EXCEEDED eng "Memory capacity of %llu bytes for '%s' exceeded. %s" ER_CAPACITY_EXCEEDED_IN_RANGE_OPTIMIZER eng "Range optimization was not done for this query." ER_TABLE_NEEDS_UPG_PART eng "Partitioning upgrade required. Please dump/reload to fix it or do: ALTER TABLE `%-.192s`.`%-.192s` UPGRADE PARTITIONING" ER_CANT_WAIT_FOR_EXECUTED_GTID_SET_WHILE_OWNING_A_GTID eng "The client holds ownership of the GTID %s. Therefore, WAIT_FOR_EXECUTED_GTID_SET cannot wait for this GTID." ER_CANNOT_ADD_FOREIGN_BASE_COL_VIRTUAL eng "Cannot add foreign key on the base column of indexed virtual column." ER_CANNOT_CREATE_VIRTUAL_INDEX_CONSTRAINT eng "Cannot create index on virtual column whose base column has foreign constraint." ER_ERROR_ON_MODIFYING_GTID_EXECUTED_TABLE eng "Please do not modify the %s table with an XA transaction. This is an internal system table used to store GTIDs for committed transactions. Although modifying it can lead to an inconsistent GTID state, if neccessary you can modify it with a non-XA transaction." ER_LOCK_REFUSED_BY_ENGINE eng "Lock acquisition refused by storage engine." ER_UNSUPPORTED_ALTER_ONLINE_ON_VIRTUAL_COLUMN eng "ADD COLUMN col...VIRTUAL, ADD INDEX(col)" ER_MASTER_KEY_ROTATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_BY_SE eng "Master key rotation is not supported by storage engine." ER_MASTER_KEY_ROTATION_ERROR_BY_SE eng "Encryption key rotation error reported by SE: %s" ER_MASTER_KEY_ROTATION_BINLOG_FAILED eng "Write to binlog failed. However, master key rotation has been completed successfully." ER_MASTER_KEY_ROTATION_SE_UNAVAILABLE eng "Storage engine is not available." ER_TABLESPACE_CANNOT_ENCRYPT eng "This tablespace can't be encrypted." ER_INVALID_ENCRYPTION_OPTION eng "Invalid encryption option." ER_CANNOT_FIND_KEY_IN_KEYRING eng "Can't find master key from keyring, please check in the server log if a keyring plugin is loaded and initialized successfully." ER_CAPACITY_EXCEEDED_IN_PARSER eng "Parser bailed out for this query." ER_UNSUPPORTED_ALTER_ENCRYPTION_INPLACE eng "Cannot alter encryption attribute by inplace algorithm." ER_KEYRING_UDF_KEYRING_SERVICE_ERROR eng "Function '%s' failed because underlying keyring service returned an error. Please check if a keyring plugin is installed and that provided arguments are valid for the keyring you are using." ER_USER_COLUMN_OLD_LENGTH eng "It seems that your db schema is old. The %s column is 77 characters long and should be 93 characters long. Please run mysql_upgrade." ER_CANT_RESET_MASTER eng "RESET MASTER is not allowed because %-.384s." ER_GROUP_REPLICATION_MAX_GROUP_SIZE eng "The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed since the group already has 9 members." ER_CANNOT_ADD_FOREIGN_BASE_COL_STORED eng "Cannot add foreign key on the base column of stored column. " ER_TABLE_REFERENCED eng "Cannot complete the operation because table is referenced by another connection." ER_PARTITION_ENGINE_DEPRECATED_FOR_TABLE eng "The partition engine, used by table '%-.192s.%-.192s', is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use native partitioning instead." ER_WARN_USING_GEOMFROMWKB_TO_SET_SRID_ZERO 01000 eng "%.192s(geometry) is deprecated and will be replaced by st_srid(geometry, 0) in a future version. Use %.192s(st_aswkb(geometry), 0) instead." ER_WARN_USING_GEOMFROMWKB_TO_SET_SRID 01000 eng "%.192s(geometry, srid) is deprecated and will be replaced by st_srid(geometry, srid) in a future version. Use %.192s(st_aswkb(geometry), srid) instead." ER_XA_RETRY eng "The resource manager is not able to commit the transaction branch at this time. Please retry later." ER_KEYRING_AWS_UDF_AWS_KMS_ERROR eng "Function %s failed due to: %s." ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_XA eng "Statement is unsafe because it is being used inside a XA transaction. Concurrent XA transactions may deadlock on slaves when replicated using statements." ER_UDF_ERROR eng "%s UDF failed; %s" ER_KEYRING_MIGRATION_FAILURE eng "Can not perform keyring migration : %s" ER_KEYRING_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR 42000 eng "Access denied; you need %-.128s privileges for this operation"a ER_KEYRING_MIGRATION_STATUS eng "Keyring migration %s." ER_PLUGIN_FAILED_TO_OPEN_TABLES eng "Failed to open the %s filter tables." ER_PLUGIN_FAILED_TO_OPEN_TABLE eng "Failed to open '%s.%s' %s table." ER_AUDIT_LOG_NO_KEYRING_PLUGIN_INSTALLED eng "No keyring plugin installed." ER_AUDIT_LOG_ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD_HAS_NOT_BEEN_SET eng "Audit log encryption password has not been set; it will be generated automatically. Use audit_log_encryption_password_get to obtain the password or audit_log_encryption_password_set to set a new one." ER_AUDIT_LOG_COULD_NOT_CREATE_AES_KEY eng "Could not create AES key. OpenSSL's EVP_BytesToKey function failed." ER_AUDIT_LOG_ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD_CANNOT_BE_FETCHED eng "Audit log encryption password cannot be fetched from the keyring. Password used so far is used for encryption." ER_AUDIT_LOG_JSON_FILTERING_NOT_ENABLED eng "Audit Log filtering has not been installed." ER_AUDIT_LOG_UDF_INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGE eng "Request ignored for '%s'@'%s'. SUPER_ACL needed to perform operation" ER_AUDIT_LOG_SUPER_PRIVILEGE_REQUIRED eng "SUPER privilege required for '%s'@'%s' user." ER_COULD_NOT_REINITIALIZE_AUDIT_LOG_FILTERS eng "Could not reinitialize audit log filters." ER_AUDIT_LOG_UDF_INVALID_ARGUMENT_TYPE eng "Invalid argument type" ER_AUDIT_LOG_UDF_INVALID_ARGUMENT_COUNT eng "Invalid argument count" ER_AUDIT_LOG_HAS_NOT_BEEN_INSTALLED eng "audit_log plugin has not been installed using INSTALL PLUGIN syntax." ER_AUDIT_LOG_UDF_READ_INVALID_MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH_ARG_TYPE eng "Invalid \"max_array_length\" argument type." ER_AUDIT_LOG_UDF_READ_INVALID_MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH_ARG_VALUE eng "Invalid \"max_array_length\" argument value." ER_AUDIT_LOG_JSON_FILTER_PARSING_ERROR eng "%s" ER_AUDIT_LOG_JSON_FILTER_NAME_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY eng "Filter name cannot be empty." ER_AUDIT_LOG_JSON_USER_NAME_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY eng "User cannot be empty." ER_AUDIT_LOG_JSON_FILTER_DOES_NOT_EXISTS eng "Specified filter has not been found." ER_AUDIT_LOG_USER_FIRST_CHARACTER_MUST_BE_ALPHANUMERIC eng "First character of the user name must be alphanumeric." ER_AUDIT_LOG_USER_NAME_INVALID_CHARACTER eng "Invalid character in the user name." ER_AUDIT_LOG_HOST_NAME_INVALID_CHARACTER eng "Invalid character in the host name." WARN_DEPRECATED_MAXDB_SQL_MODE_FOR_TIMESTAMP eng "With the MAXDB SQL mode enabled, TIMESTAMP is identical with DATETIME. The MAXDB SQL mode is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please disable the MAXDB SQL mode and use DATETIME instead." ER_XA_REPLICATION_FILTERS eng "The use of replication filters with XA transactions is not supported, and can lead to an undefined state in the replication slave." ER_COMPRESSED_COLUMN_USED_AS_KEY eng "Compressed column '%-.192s' is not allowed in the key list" ER_UNSUPPORTED_COMPRESSED_COLUMN_TYPE eng "Can not define column '%-.192s' in compressed format" ER_COMPRESSION_DICTIONARY_EXISTS eng "Compression dictionary '%-.192s' already exists" ER_COMPRESSION_DICTIONARY_DOES_NOT_EXIST eng "Compression dictionary '%-.192s' does not exist" ER_COMPRESSION_DICTIONARY_NAME_TOO_LONG eng "Compression dictionary name '%-.192s' is too long (max length = %lu)" ER_COMPRESSION_DICTIONARY_DATA_TOO_LONG eng "Data for compression dictionary '%-.192s' is too long (max length = %lu)" ER_COMPRESSION_DICTIONARY_IS_REFERENCED eng "Compression dictionary '%-.192s' is in use" # # End of 5.7 error messages. # ER_CANT_EXECUTE_WITH_BACKUP_LOCK eng "Can't execute the query because you have a conflicting backup lock" rus "Запрос не может быть выполнен из-за конфликтующей блокировки резервного копирования" # # Start of MyRocks specific messages # start-error-number 12000 ER_KEYS_OUT_OF_ORDER eng "Keys are out order during bulk load" ER_OVERLAPPING_KEYS eng "Bulk load rows overlap existing rows" ER_REQUIRE_ROW_BINLOG_FORMAT eng "Can't execute updates on master with binlog_format != ROW." ER_ISOLATION_MODE_NOT_SUPPORTED eng "MyRocks supports only READ COMMITTED and REPEATABLE READ isolation levels. Please change from current isolation level %s" ER_ON_DUPLICATE_DISABLED eng "When unique checking is disabled in MyRocks, INSERT,UPDATE,LOAD statements with clauses that update or replace the key (i.e. INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, REPLACE) are not allowed. Query: %s" ER_UPDATES_WITH_CONSISTENT_SNAPSHOT eng "Can't execute updates when you started a transaction with START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT [ROCKSDB] SNAPSHOT." ER_ROLLBACK_ONLY eng "This transaction was rolled back and cannot be committed. Only supported operation is to roll it back, so all pending changes will be discarded. Please restart another transaction." ER_ROLLBACK_TO_SAVEPOINT eng "MyRocks currently does not support ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT if modifying rows." ER_ISOLATION_LEVEL_WITH_CONSISTENT_SNAPSHOT eng "Only REPEATABLE READ isolation level is supported for START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT SNAPSHOT in RocksDB Storage Engine." ER_UNSUPPORTED_COLLATION eng "Unsupported collation on string indexed column %s.%s Use binary collation (%s)." ER_METADATA_INCONSISTENCY eng "Table '%s' does not exist, but metadata information exists inside MyRocks. This is a sign of data inconsistency. Please check if '%s.frm' exists, and try to restore it if it does not exist." ER_KEY_CREATE_DURING_ALTER eng "MyRocks failed creating new key definitions during alter." ER_SK_POPULATE_DURING_ALTER eng "MyRocks failed populating secondary key during alter." ER_CF_DIFFERENT eng "Column family ('%s') flag (%d) is different from an existing flag (%d). Assign a new CF flag, or do not change existing CF flag." ER_RDB_TTL_UNSUPPORTED eng "TTL support is currently disabled when table has a hidden PK." ER_RDB_TTL_COL_FORMAT eng "TTL column (%s) in MyRocks must be an unsigned non-null 64-bit integer, exist inside the table, and have an accompanying ttl duration." ER_RDB_TTL_DURATION_FORMAT eng "TTL duration (%s) in MyRocks must be an unsigned non-null 64-bit integer." ER_PER_INDEX_CF_DEPRECATED eng "The per-index column family option has been deprecated." # # End of MyRocks specific messages # install_rewriter.sql000064400000003424147633135430010672 0ustar00/* Copyright (c) 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA */ CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS query_rewrite; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS query_rewrite.rewrite_rules ( id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, pattern VARCHAR(10000) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL, pattern_database VARCHAR(20) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin, replacement VARCHAR(10000) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL, enabled ENUM('YES', 'NO') CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL DEFAULT 'YES', message VARCHAR(1000) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin, pattern_digest VARCHAR(32), normalized_pattern VARCHAR(100) ) DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8 ENGINE = INNODB; INSTALL PLUGIN rewriter SONAME 'rewriter.so'; CREATE FUNCTION load_rewrite_rules RETURNS STRING SONAME 'rewriter.so'; DELIMITER // CREATE PROCEDURE query_rewrite.flush_rewrite_rules() BEGIN DECLARE message_text VARCHAR(100); COMMIT; SELECT load_rewrite_rules() INTO message_text; RESET QUERY CACHE; IF NOT message_text IS NULL THEN SIGNAL SQLSTATE '45000' SET MESSAGE_TEXT = message_text; END IF; END // DELIMITER ; RESET QUERY CACHE; innodb_memcached_config.sql000064400000007637147633135430012077 0ustar00create database innodb_memcache; use innodb_memcache; -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Following are set of "configuration tables" that used to configure -- the InnoDB Memcached. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Table `cache_policies` -- -- Each record in this table represents a named caching policy, specifying: -- * How the memcache GET command is executed, including whether to get -- records from local cache only, from InnoDB only, from local cache if -- present (treating InnoDB as a backing store), or not at all. -- * Similarly, how memcache SET commands are executed. -- * How memcache DELETE commands are executed. -- * Whether flushing the cache should cause a mass delete from NDB. -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `cache_policies` ( `policy_name` VARCHAR(40) PRIMARY KEY, `get_policy` ENUM('innodb_only', 'cache_only', 'caching','disabled') NOT NULL , `set_policy` ENUM('innodb_only', 'cache_only','caching','disabled') NOT NULL , `delete_policy` ENUM('innodb_only', 'cache_only', 'caching','disabled') NOT NULL, `flush_policy` ENUM('innodb_only', 'cache_only', 'caching','disabled') NOT NULL ) ENGINE = innodb; -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Table `containers` -- -- A container record describes an InnoDB table used for data storage by -- InnoDB Memcache. -- There must be a unique index on the `key column`, and unique index name -- is specified in the `unique_idx_name_on_key` column of the table -- `value_columns` are comma-separated lists of the columns that make up -- the memcache key and value. Each column width is defined such that they -- are in consistent with NDB memcached. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `containers` ( `name` varchar(50) not null primary key, `db_schema` VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, `db_table` VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, `key_columns` VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, `value_columns` VARCHAR(250), `flags` VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL DEFAULT "0", `cas_column` VARCHAR(250), `expire_time_column` VARCHAR(250), `unique_idx_name_on_key` VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `config_options` ( `name` varchar(50) not null primary key, `value` varchar(50)) ENGINE = InnoDB; -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This is an example -- We create a InnoDB table `demo_test` is the `test` database -- and insert an entry into contrainers' table to tell InnoDB Memcache -- that we has such InnoDB table as back store: -- c1 -> key -- c2 -> value -- c3 -> flags -- c4 -> cas -- c5 -> exp time -- PRIMARY -> use primary key to search -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ INSERT INTO containers VALUES ("aaa", "test", "demo_test", "c1", "c2", "c3", "c4", "c5", "PRIMARY"); INSERT INTO cache_policies VALUES("cache_policy", "innodb_only", "innodb_only", "innodb_only", "innodb_only"); INSERT INTO config_options VALUES("separator", "|"); INSERT INTO config_options VALUES("table_map_delimiter", "."); CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS test; USE test -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Key (c1) must be VARCHAR or CHAR type, memcached supports key up to 255 -- Bytes -- Value (c2) must be VARCHAR or CHAR type -- Flag (c3) is a 32 bits integer -- CAS (c4) is a 64 bits integer, per memcached define -- Exp (c5) is again a 32 bits integer -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CREATE TABLE demo_test (c1 VARCHAR(32), c2 VARCHAR(1024), c3 INT, c4 BIGINT UNSIGNED, c5 INT, primary key(c1)) ENGINE = INNODB; INSERT INTO demo_test VALUES ("AA", "HELLO, HELLO", 8, 0, 0); magic000064400000001405147633135430005560 0ustar00# # Add the following to the end of your /etc/magic file to get the 'file' # command to recognize some MySQL files. # 0 beshort 0xfe01 MySQL table definition file >2 byte x Version %d 0 belong&0xffffff00 0xfefe0300 MySQL MISAM index file >3 byte x Version %d 0 belong&0xffffff00 0xfefe0700 MySQL MISAM compressed data file >3 byte x Version %d 0 belong&0xffffff00 0xfefe0500 MySQL ISAM index file >3 byte x Version %d 0 belong&0xffffff00 0xfefe0600 MySQL ISAM compressed data file >3 byte x Version %d 0 string \376bin MySQL replication log spanish/errmsg.sys000075500000240733147633135430010275 0ustar00/uHs/v-f,f<uS{Kxi #L# A U |  ) X  R x  % ; ^ H n=UU0l [ 8`tJ}]oFh!`nz:]Jo'A|St"k{D !L!!!!!"Q""""+#m## $3$t$$$U%%%&I&&&'7'z''''(_(((()4)\))*+*j** +++>,,-F----,...C/^///U0001I1n11112T2223N3334a4444$5v555)6`6666737[7777 88889/999v::::`;;;<A<<<=Y===>>E???@@A@AAAAmBBBBSCCC DDDE'EPEyEEEF@FuFFFFFFFG?G{GGG)HHHHI5IVIxIIIIIIJHJ`JwJJJJJKMKzKKKK(LbLLL#M?MaMMMMN_NNNwOOOOPBPqPPPPQ>QsQQQR7R\R}RRRRS'SRSsSSST.TYTTTTU.UHUUU V)V@VwVV WjWWW(X[XXXXYHY~YYYEZrZZt[9\\F]n]]^?^^^_____M```9aQaab b\bbb4cc*djdd e\eee)fsfflgghhhh+iziiij=jgjjjjj.k{kkk3ltllmvmmm)ninnnSooooWpppp6qpqqq0rkrrr&snssstEtzttuzuuuvAvyvvvwwwx@x_xxxxxx4yyyy zXzzz1{I{i{{{{{ |&|F|||}0}L}j}}}>~c~~^ \+DXՂ:$A}'([8Li7fJ,[}1bƌ7̍9uݎCɏ֏Ffܐ2SߑTΒ0Mw Qg:ƘCșl fʛ0Ɯ#]5W TŸUKZ*ģdS*_Ŧ{Ghvtʮ0˯v$`ݱcIJ Ge״5Rѵ$Yݶշ5Jƹ3кiػ$`ɼA^eS0Q12iby"^5Rv-SP <@ g)l T%U~2c4m"dyH8}#@rT5_?7u%`m,V#6UZOEvR|C3\ 5c(TZ +V.yGj=OGOV^7~@iLf(   5 r      0        o   e(U48+c-ZNJ>P"O/QM l !!?!}!!!!!"#q###$9$O$f$$$%% %6%[%%%%&*'e''''?(((()?)z))*$++%,,,--...e//hashchkisamchkNOSINo puedo crear archivo '%-.200s' (Error: %d - %s)No puedo crear tabla '%-.200s' (Error: %d)No puedo crear base de datos '%-.192s' (Error: %d)No puedo crear base de datos '%-.192s'; la base de datos ya existeNo puedo eliminar base de datos '%-.192s'; la base de datos no existeError eliminando la base de datos(no puedo borrar '%-.192s', error %d)Error eliminando la base de datos (No puedo borrar directorio '%-.192s', error %d)Error en el borrado de '%-.192s' (Error: %d - %s)No puedo leer el registro en la tabla del sistemaNo puedo obtener el estado de '%-.200s' (Error: %d - %s)No puedo acceder al directorio (Error: %d - %s)No puedo bloquear archivo: (Error: %d - %s)No puedo abrir archivo: '%-.200s' (Error: %d - %s)No puedo encontrar archivo: '%-.200s' (Error: %d - %s)No puedo leer el directorio de '%-.192s' (Error: %d - %s)No puedo cambiar al directorio de '%-.192s' (Error: %d - %s)El registro ha cambiado desde la ultima lectura de la tabla '%-.192s'Disco lleno (%s). Esperando para que se libere algo de espacio... (Error: %d - %s)No puedo escribir, clave duplicada en la tabla '%-.192s'Error en el cierre de '%-.192s' (Error: %d - %s)Error leyendo el fichero '%-.200s' (Error: %d - %s)Error en el renombrado de '%-.210s' a '%-.210s' (Error: %d - %s)Error escribiendo el archivo '%-.200s' (Error: %d - %s)'%-.192s' esta bloqueado contra cambiosOrdeancion canceladaLa vista '%-.192s' no existe para '%-.192s'Error %d desde el manejador de la tablaEl manejador de la tabla de '%-.192s' no tiene esta opcionNo puedo encontrar el registro en '%-.192s'Informacion erronea en el archivo: '%-.200s'Clave de archivo erronea para la tabla: '%-.200s'; intente repararloClave de archivo antigua para la tabla '%-.192s'; reparelo!'%-.192s' es de solo lecturaMemoria insuficiente. Reinicie el demonio e intentelo otra vez (necesita %d bytes)Memoria de ordenacion insuficiente. Incremente el tamano del buffer de ordenacionInesperado fin de ficheroU mientras leiamos el archivo '%-.192s' (Error: %d - %s)Demasiadas conexionesMemoria/espacio de tranpaso insuficienteNo puedo obtener el nombre de maquina de tu direccionProtocolo erroneoAcceso negado para usuario: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' para la base de datos '%-.192s'Acceso negado para usuario: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' (Usando clave: %s)Base de datos no seleccionadaComando desconocidoLa columna '%-.192s' no puede ser nulaBase de datos desconocida '%-.192s'La tabla '%-.192s' ya existeTabla '%-.100s' desconocidaLa columna: '%-.192s' en %-.192s es ambiguaDesconexion de servidor en procesoLa columna '%-.192s' en %-.192s es desconocidaUsado '%-.192s' el cual no esta group byNo puedo agrupar por '%-.192s'El estamento tiene funciones de suma y columnas en el mismo estamentoLa columna con count no tiene valores para contarEl nombre del identificador '%-.100s' es demasiado grandeNombre de columna duplicado '%-.192s'Nombre de clave duplicado '%-.192s'Entrada duplicada '%-.192s' para la clave %dEspecificador de columna erroneo para la columna '%-.192s'%s cerca '%-.80s' en la linea %dLa query estaba vaciaTabla/alias: '%-.192s' es no unicaValor por defecto invalido para '%-.192s'Multiples claves primarias definidasDemasiadas claves primarias declaradas. Un maximo de %d claves son permitidasDemasiadas partes de clave declaradas. Un maximo de %d partes son permitidasDeclaracion de clave demasiado larga. La maxima longitud de clave es %dLa columna clave '%-.192s' no existe en la tablaLa columna Blob '%-.192s' no puede ser usada en una declaracion de claveLongitud de columna demasiado grande para la columna '%-.192s' (maximo = %lu).Usar BLOB en su lugarPuede ser solamente un campo automatico y este debe ser definido como una clave%s: preparado para conexiones Version: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d"%s: Apagado normal %s: Recibiendo signal %d. Abortando! %s: Apagado completado %s: Forzando a cerrar el thread %ld usuario: '%-.48s' No puedo crear IP socketLa tabla '%-.192s' no tiene indice como el usado en CREATE INDEX. Crea de nuevo la tablaLos separadores de argumentos del campo no son los especificados. Comprueba el manualNo puedes usar longitudes de filas fijos con BLOBs. Por favor usa 'campos terminados por '.El archivo '%-.128s' debe estar en el directorio de la base de datos o ser de lectura por todosEl archivo '%-.200s' ya existeRegistros: %ld Borrados: %ld Saltados: %ld Peligros: %ldRegistros: %ld Duplicados: %ldParte de la clave es erronea. Una parte de la clave no es una cadena o la longitud usada es tan grande como la parte de la claveNo puede borrar todos los campos con ALTER TABLE. Usa DROP TABLE para hacerloNo puedo ELIMINAR '%-.192s'. compuebe que el campo/clave existeRegistros: %ld Duplicados: %ld Peligros: %ldYou can't specify target table '%-.192s' for update in FROM clauseIdentificador del thread: %lu desconocidoTu no eres el propietario del thread%luNo ha tablas usadasMuchas strings para columna %-.192s y SETNo puede crear un unico archivo log %-.200s.(1-999) Tabla '%-.192s' fue trabada con un READ lock y no puede ser actualizadaTabla '%-.192s' no fue trabada con LOCK TABLESCampo Blob '%-.192s' no puede tener valores patronNombre de base de datos ilegal '%-.100s'Nombre de tabla ilegal '%-.100s'El SELECT puede examinar muchos registros y probablemente con mucho tiempo. Verifique tu WHERE y usa SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 si el SELECT esta correctoError desconocidoProcedimiento desconocido %-.192sEquivocado parametro count para procedimiento %-.192sEquivocados parametros para procedimiento %-.192sTabla desconocida '%-.192s' in %-.32sCampo '%-.192s' especificado dos vecesInvalido uso de función en grupoTabla '%-.192s' usa una extensión que no existe en esta MySQL versiónUna tabla debe tener al menos 1 columnaLa tabla '%-.192s' está llenaJuego de caracteres desconocido: '%-.64s'Muchas tablas. MySQL solamente puede usar %d tablas en un joinMuchos camposTamaño de línea muy grande. Máximo tamaño de línea, no contando blob, es %ld. Tu tienes que cambiar algunos campos para blobSobrecarga de la pila de thread: Usada: %ld de una %ld pila. Use 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' para especificar una mayor pila si necesarioDependencia cruzada encontrada en OUTER JOIN. Examine su condición ONTable handler doesn't support NULL in given index. Please change column '%-.192s' to be NOT NULL or use another handlerNo puedo cargar función '%-.192s'No puedo inicializar función '%-.192s'; %-.80sNo pasos permitidos para librarias conjugadasFunción '%-.192s' ya existeNo puedo abrir libraria conjugada '%-.192s' (errno: %d %-.128s)No puedo encontrar función '%-.128s' en librariaFunción '%-.192s' no está definidaServidor '%-.64s' está bloqueado por muchos errores de conexión. Desbloquear con 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'Servidor '%-.64s' no está permitido para conectar con este servidor MySQLTu estás usando MySQL como un usuario anonimo y usuarios anonimos no tienen permiso para cambiar las clavesTu debes de tener permiso para actualizar tablas en la base de datos mysql para cambiar las claves para otrosNo puedo encontrar una línea correponsdiente en la tabla userLíneas correspondientes: %ld Cambiadas: %ld Avisos: %ldNo puedo crear un nuevo thread (errno %d). Si tu está con falta de memoria disponible, tu puedes consultar el Manual para posibles problemas con SOEl número de columnas no corresponde al número en la línea %ldNo puedo reabrir tabla: '%-.192sInvalido uso de valor NULLObtenido error '%-.64s' de regexpMezcla de columnas GROUP (MIN(),MAX(),COUNT()...) con no GROUP columnas es ilegal si no hat la clausula GROUP BYNo existe permiso definido para usuario '%-.48s' en el servidor '%-.64s'%-.128s comando negado para usuario: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' para tabla '%-.64s'%-.16s comando negado para usuario: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' para columna '%-.192s' en la tabla '%-.192s'Ilegal comando GRANT/REVOKE. Por favor consulte el manual para cuales permisos pueden ser usados.El argumento para servidor o usuario para GRANT es demasiado grandeTabla '%-.192s.%-.192s' no existeNo existe tal permiso definido para usuario '%-.48s' en el servidor '%-.64s' en la tabla '%-.192s'El comando usado no es permitido con esta versión de MySQLAlgo está equivocado en su sintaxDelayed insert thread couldn't get requested lock for table %-.192sToo many delayed threads in useConexión abortada %ld para db: '%-.192s' usuario: '%-.48s' (%-.64s)Obtenido un paquete mayor que 'max_allowed_packet'Obtenido un error de lectura de la conexión pipeObtenido un error de fcntl()Obtenido paquetes desordenadosNo puedo descomprimir paquetes de comunicaciónObtenido un error leyendo paquetes de comunicaciónObtenido timeout leyendo paquetes de comunicaciónObtenido un error de escribiendo paquetes de comunicaciónObtenido timeout escribiendo paquetes de comunicaciónLa string resultante es mayor que max_allowed_packetEl tipo de tabla usada no permite soporte para columnas BLOB/TEXTEl tipo de tabla usada no permite soporte para columnas AUTO_INCREMENTINSERT DELAYED can't be used with table '%-.192s' because it is locked with LOCK TABLESIncorrecto nombre de columna '%-.100s'El manipulador de tabla usado no puede indexar columna '%-.192s'Todas las tablas en la MERGE tabla no estan definidas identicamenteNo puedo escribir, debido al único constraint, para tabla '%-.192s'Columna BLOB column '%-.192s' usada en especificación de clave sin tamaño de la claveTodas las partes de un PRIMARY KEY deben ser NOT NULL; Si necesitas NULL en una clave, use UNIQUEResultado compuesto de mas que una líneaEste tipo de tabla necesita de una primary keyEsta versión de MySQL no es compilada con soporte RAIDTu estás usando modo de actualización segura y tentado actualizar una tabla sin un WHERE que usa una KEY columnaClave '%-.192s' no existe en la tabla '%-.192s'No puedo abrir tablaEl manipulador de la tabla no permite soporte para %sNo tienes el permiso para ejecutar este comando en una transiciónObtenido error %d durante COMMITObtenido error %d durante ROLLBACKObtenido error %d durante FLUSH_LOGSObtenido error %d durante CHECKPOINTAbortada conexión %u para db: '%-.192s' usuario: '%-.48s' servidor: '%-.64s' (%-.64s)El manipulador de tabla no soporta dump para tabla binariaBinlog closed, cannot RESET MASTERFalla reconstruyendo el indice de la tabla dumped '%-.192s'Error del master: '%-.64s'Error de red leyendo del masterError de red escribiendo para el masterNo puedo encontrar índice FULLTEXT correspondiendo a la lista de columnasNo puedo ejecutar el comando dado porque tienes tablas bloqueadas o una transición activaDesconocida variable de sistema '%-.64s'Tabla '%-.192s' está marcada como crashed y debe ser reparadaTabla '%-.192s' está marcada como crashed y la última reparación (automactica?) fallóAviso: Algunas tablas no transancionales no pueden tener rolled backMultipla transición necesita mas que 'max_binlog_cache_size' bytes de almacenamiento. Aumente esta variable mysqld y tente de nuevoEsta operación no puede ser hecha con el esclavo funcionando, primero use STOP SLAVEEsta operación necesita el esclavo funcionando, configure esclavo y haga el START SLAVEEl servidor no está configurado como esclavo, edite el archivo config file o con CHANGE MASTER TOCould not initialize master info structure; more error messages can be found in the MySQL error logNo puedo crear el thread esclavo, verifique recursos del sistemaUsario %-.64s ya tiene mas que 'max_user_connections' conexiones activasTu solo debes usar expresiones constantes con SETTiempo de bloqueo de espera excedidoEl número total de bloqueos excede el tamaño de bloqueo de la tablaBloqueos de actualización no pueden ser adqueridos durante una transición READ UNCOMMITTEDDROP DATABASE no permitido mientras un thread está ejerciendo un bloqueo de lectura globalCREATE DATABASE no permitido mientras un thread está ejerciendo un bloqueo de lectura globalArgumentos errados para %s'%-.48s`@`%-.64s` no es permitido para crear nuevos usuariosIncorrecta definición de la tabla; Todas las tablas MERGE deben estar en el mismo banco de datosEncontrado deadlock cuando tentando obtener el bloqueo; Tente recomenzar la transiciónEl tipo de tabla usada no soporta índices FULLTEXTNo puede adicionar clave extranjera constraintNo puede adicionar una línea hijo: falla de clave extranjera constraintNo puede deletar una línea padre: falla de clave extranjera constraintError de coneccion a master: %-.128sError executando el query en master: %-.128sError de %s: %-.128sEquivocado uso de %s y %sEl comando SELECT usado tiene diferente número de columnasNo puedo ejecutar el query porque usted tiene conflicto de traba de lecturaMezla de transancional y no-transancional tablas está deshabilitadaOpción '%s' usada dos veces en el comandoUsuario '%-.64s' ha excedido el recurso '%s' (actual valor: %ld)Acceso negado. Usted necesita el privilegio %-.128s para esta operaciónVariable '%-.64s' es una SESSION variable y no puede ser usada con SET GLOBALVariable '%-.64s' es una GLOBAL variable y no puede ser configurada con SET GLOBALVariable '%-.64s' no tiene un valor patrónVariable '%-.64s' no puede ser configurada para el valor de '%-.200s'Tipo de argumento equivocado para variable '%-.64s'Variable '%-.64s' solamente puede ser configurada, no leídaEquivocado uso/colocación de '%s'Esta versión de MySQL no soporta todavia '%s'Recibió fatal error %d: '%-.320s' del master cuando leyendo datos del binary logSlave SQL thread ignorado el query debido a las reglas de replicación-*-tablaVariable '%-.192s' es una %s variableEquivocada definición de llave extranjera para '%-.192s': %sReferencia de llave y referencia de tabla no coincidenOperando debe tener %d columna(s)Subconsulta retorna mas que 1 líneaDesconocido preparado comando handler (%.*s) dado para %sBase de datos Help está corrupto o no existeCíclica referencia en subconsultasConvirtiendo columna '%s' de %s para %sReferencia '%-.64s' no soportada (%s)Cada tabla derivada debe tener su propio aliasSelect %u fué reducido durante optimizaciónTabla '%-.192s' de uno de los SELECT no puede ser usada en %-.32sCliente no soporta protocolo de autenticación solicitado por el servidor; considere actualizar el cliente MySQLTodas las partes de una SPATIAL index deben ser NOT NULLCOLLATION '%s' no es válido para CHARACTER SET '%s'Slave ya está funcionandoSlave ya fué paradoTamaño demasiado grande para datos descomprimidos. El máximo tamaño es %d. (probablemente, extensión de datos descomprimidos fué corrompida)Z_MEM_ERROR: No suficiente memoria para zlibZ_BUF_ERROR: No suficiente espacio en el búfer de salida para zlib (probablemente, extensión de datos descomprimidos fué corrompida)ZLIB: Dato de entrada fué corrompido para zlibRow %u was cut by GROUP_CONCAT()Línea %ld no contiene datos para todas las columnasLínea %ld fué truncada; La misma contine mas datos que las que existen en las columnas de entradaDatos truncado, NULL suministrado para NOT NULL columna '%s' en la línea %ldOut of range value for column '%s' at row %ldDatos truncados para columna '%s' en la línea %ldUsando motor de almacenamiento %s para tabla '%s'Ilegal mezcla de collations (%s,%s) y (%s,%s) para operación '%s'Cannot drop one or more of the requested usersNo puede revocar todos los privilegios, derecho para uno o mas de los usuarios solicitadosIlegal mezcla de collations (%s,%s), (%s,%s), (%s,%s) para operación '%s'Ilegal mezcla de collations para operación '%s'Variable '%-.64s' no es una variable componente (No puede ser usada como XXXX.variable_name)Collation desconocida: '%-.64s'Parametros SSL en CHANGE MASTER son ignorados porque este slave MySQL fue compilado sin soporte SSL; pueden ser usados despues cuando el slave MySQL con SSL sea inicializadoServidor está rodando en modo --secure-auth, pero '%s'@'%s' tiene clave en el antiguo formato; por favor cambie la clave para el nuevo formatoCampo o referencia '%-.192s%s%-.192s%s%-.192s' de SELECT #%d fue resolvido en SELECT #%dParametro equivocado o combinación de parametros para START SLAVE UNTILEs recomendado rodar con --skip-slave-start cuando haciendo replicación step-by-step con START SLAVE UNTIL, a menos que usted no esté seguro en caso de inesperada reinicialización del mysqld slaveSQL thread no es inicializado tal que opciones UNTIL son ignoradasNombre de índice incorrecto '%-.100s'Nombre de catalog incorrecto '%-.100s'Query cache fallada para configurar tamaño %lu, nuevo tamaño de query cache es %luColumna '%-.192s' no puede ser parte de FULLTEXT indexDesconocida key cache '%-.100s'MySQL esta inicializado en modo --skip-name-resolve. Usted necesita reinicializarlo sin esta opción para este derecho funcionarDesconocido motor de tabla '%s''%s' está desaprobado, use '%s' en su lugarLa tabla destino %-.100s del %s no es actualizableEl recurso '%s' fue deshabilitado; usted necesita construir MySQL con '%s' para tener eso funcionandoEl servidor MySQL está rodando con la opción %s tal que no puede ejecutar este comandoColumna '%-.100s' tiene valor doblado '%-.64s' en %sEquivocado truncado %-.32s valor: '%-.128s'Incorrecta definición de tabla; Solamente debe haber una columna TIMESTAMP con CURRENT_TIMESTAMP en DEFAULT o ON UPDATE cláusulaInválido ON UPDATE cláusula para campo '%-.192s'This command is not supported in the prepared statement protocol yetGot error %d '%-.100s' from %sGot temporary error %d '%-.100s' from %sUnknown or incorrect time zone: '%-.64s'Invalid TIMESTAMP value in column '%s' at row %ldInvalid %s character string: '%.64s'Result of %s() was larger than max_allowed_packet (%ld) - truncatedConflicting declarations: '%s%s' and '%s%s'Can't create a %s from within another stored routine%s %s already exists%s %s does not existFailed to DROP %s %sFailed to CREATE %s %s%s with no matching label: %sRedefining label %sEnd-label %s without matchReferring to uninitialized variable %sPROCEDURE %s can't return a result set in the given contextRETURN is only allowed in a FUNCTION%s is not allowed in stored proceduresThe update log is deprecated and replaced by the binary log; SET SQL_LOG_UPDATE has been ignored.The update log is deprecated and replaced by the binary log; SET SQL_LOG_UPDATE has been translated to SET SQL_LOG_BIN.Query execution was interruptedIncorrect number of arguments for %s %s; expected %u, got %uUndefined CONDITION: %sNo RETURN found in FUNCTION %sFUNCTION %s ended without RETURNCursor statement must be a SELECTCursor SELECT must not have INTOUndefined CURSOR: %sCursor is already openCursor is not openUndeclared variable: %sIncorrect number of FETCH variablesNo data - zero rows fetched, selected, or processedDuplicate parameter: %sDuplicate variable: %sDuplicate condition: %sDuplicate cursor: %sFailed to ALTER %s %sSubquery value not supported%s is not allowed in stored function or triggerVariable or condition declaration after cursor or handler declarationCursor declaration after handler declarationCase not found for CASE statementConfiguration file '%-.192s' is too bigMalformed file type header in file '%-.192s'Unexpected end of file while parsing comment '%-.200s'Error while parsing parameter '%-.192s' (line: '%-.192s')Unexpected end of file while skipping unknown parameter '%-.192s'EXPLAIN/SHOW can not be issued; lacking privileges for underlying tableFile '%-.192s' has unknown type '%-.64s' in its header'%-.192s.%-.192s' is not %sColumn '%-.192s' is not updatableView's SELECT contains a subquery in the FROM clauseView's SELECT contains a '%s' clauseView's SELECT contains a variable or parameterView's SELECT refers to a temporary table '%-.192s'View's SELECT and view's field list have different column countsView merge algorithm can't be used here for now (assumed undefined algorithm)View being updated does not have complete key of underlying table in itView '%-.192s.%-.192s' references invalid table(s) or column(s) or function(s) or definer/invoker of view lack rights to use themCan't drop or alter a %s from within another stored routineGOTO is not allowed in a stored procedure handlerTrigger already existsTrigger does not existTrigger's '%-.192s' is view or temporary tableUpdating of %s row is not allowed in %striggerThere is no %s row in %s triggerField '%-.192s' doesn't have a default valueDivision by 0Incorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s' for column '%.192s' at row %ldIllegal %s '%-.192s' value found during parsingCHECK OPTION on non-updatable view '%-.192s.%-.192s'CHECK OPTION failed '%-.192s.%-.192s'%-.16s command denied to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' for routine '%-.192s'Failed purging old relay logs: %sPassword hash should be a %d-digit hexadecimal numberTarget log not found in binlog indexI/O error reading log index fileServer configuration does not permit binlog purgeFailed on fseek()Fatal error during log purgeA purgeable log is in use, will not purgeUnknown error during log purgeFailed initializing relay log position: %sYou are not using binary loggingThe '%-.64s' syntax is reserved for purposes internal to the MySQL serverWSAStartup FailedCan't handle procedures with different groups yetSelect must have a group with this procedureCan't use ORDER clause with this procedureBinary logging and replication forbid changing the global server %sCan't map file: %-.200s, errno: %dWrong magic in %-.64sPrepared statement contains too many placeholdersKey part '%-.192s' length cannot be 0View text checksum failedCan not modify more than one base table through a join view '%-.192s.%-.192s'Can not insert into join view '%-.192s.%-.192s' without fields listCan not delete from join view '%-.192s.%-.192s'Operation %s failed for %.256sXAER_NOTA: Unknown XIDXAER_INVAL: Invalid arguments (or unsupported command)XAER_RMFAIL: The command cannot be executed when global transaction is in the %.64s stateXAER_OUTSIDE: Some work is done outside global transactionXAER_RMERR: Fatal error occurred in the transaction branch - check your data for consistencyXA_RBROLLBACK: Transaction branch was rolled backThere is no such grant defined for user '%-.48s' on host '%-.64s' on routine '%-.192s'Failed to grant EXECUTE and ALTER ROUTINE privilegesFailed to revoke all privileges to dropped routineData too long for column '%s' at row %ldBad SQLSTATE: '%s'%s: ready for connections. Version: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d %sCan't load value from file with fixed size rows to variableYou are not allowed to create a user with GRANTIncorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s' for function %-.32sTable definition has changed, please retry transactionDuplicate handler declared in the same blockOUT or INOUT argument %d for routine %s is not a variable or NEW pseudo-variable in BEFORE triggerNot allowed to return a result set from a %sCannot get geometry object from data you send to the GEOMETRY fieldA routine failed and has neither NO SQL nor READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled; if non-transactional tables were updated, the binary log will miss their changesThis function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)You do not have the SUPER privilege and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)You can't execute a prepared statement which has an open cursor associated with it. Reset the statement to re-execute it.The statement (%lu) has no open cursor.Explicit or implicit commit is not allowed in stored function or trigger.Field of view '%-.192s.%-.192s' underlying table doesn't have a default valueRecursive stored functions and triggers are not allowed.Too big scale %d specified for column '%-.192s'. Maximum is %lu.Too-big precision %d specified for '%-.192s'. Maximum is %lu.For float(M,D), double(M,D) or decimal(M,D), M must be >= D (column '%-.192s').You can't combine write-locking of system tables with other tables or lock typesUnable to connect to foreign data source: %.64sThere was a problem processing the query on the foreign data source. Data source error: %-.64sThe foreign data source you are trying to reference does not exist. Data source error: %-.64sCan't create federated table. The data source connection string '%-.64s' is not in the correct formatThe data source connection string '%-.64s' is not in the correct formatCan't create federated table. Foreign data src error: %-.64sTrigger in wrong schemaThread stack overrun: %ld bytes used of a %ld byte stack, and %ld bytes needed. Use 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' to specify a bigger stack.Routine body for '%-.100s' is too longCannot drop default keycacheDisplay width out of range for column '%-.192s' (max = %lu)XAER_DUPID: The XID already existsDatetime function: %-.32s field overflowCan't update table '%-.192s' in stored function/trigger because it is already used by statement which invoked this stored function/trigger.The definition of table '%-.192s' prevents operation %.192s on table '%-.192s'.The prepared statement contains a stored routine call that refers to that same statement. It's not allowed to execute a prepared statement in such a recursive mannerNot allowed to set autocommit from a stored function or triggerDefiner is not fully qualifiedView '%-.192s'.'%-.192s' has no definer information (old table format). Current user is used as definer. Please recreate the view!You need the SUPER privilege for creation view with '%-.192s'@'%-.192s' definerThe user specified as a definer ('%-.64s'@'%-.64s') does not existChanging schema from '%-.192s' to '%-.192s' is not allowed.Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (%.192s)Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (%.192s)Variable '%-.64s' must be quoted with `...`, or renamedNo definer attribute for trigger '%-.192s'.'%-.192s'. The trigger will be activated under the authorization of the invoker, which may have insufficient privileges. Please recreate the trigger.'%-.192s' has an old format, you should re-create the '%s' object(s)Recursive limit %d (as set by the max_sp_recursion_depth variable) was exceeded for routine %.192sFailed to load routine %-.192s. The table mysql.proc is missing, corrupt, or contains bad data (internal code %d)Incorrect routine name '%-.192s'Table upgrade required. Please do "REPAIR TABLE `%-.64s`" or dump/reload to fix it!AGGREGATE is not supported for stored functionsCan't create more than max_prepared_stmt_count statements (current value: %lu)`%-.192s`.`%-.192s` contains view recursionNon-grouping field '%-.192s' is used in %-.64s clauseThe used table type doesn't support SPATIAL indexesTriggers can not be created on system tablesLeading spaces are removed from name '%s'Failed to read auto-increment value from storage engineuser namehost nameString '%-.70s' is too long for %s (should be no longer than %d)The target table %-.100s of the %s is not insertable-intoTable '%-.64s' is differently defined or of non-MyISAM type or doesn't existToo high level of nesting for selectName '%-.64s' has become ''First character of the FIELDS TERMINATED string is ambiguous; please use non-optional and non-empty FIELDS ENCLOSED BYThe foreign server, %s, you are trying to create already exists.The foreign server name you are trying to reference does not exist. Data source error: %-.64sTable storage engine '%-.64s' does not support the create option '%.64s'Syntax error: %-.64s PARTITIONING requires definition of VALUES %-.64s for each partitionOnly %-.64s PARTITIONING can use VALUES %-.64s in partition definitionMAXVALUE can only be used in last partition definitionSubpartitions can only be hash partitions and by keyMust define subpartitions on all partitions if on one partitionWrong number of partitions defined, mismatch with previous settingWrong number of subpartitions defined, mismatch with previous settingConstant, random or timezone-dependent expressions in (sub)partitioning function are not allowedExpression in RANGE/LIST VALUES must be constantField in list of fields for partition function not found in tableList of fields is only allowed in KEY partitionsThe partition info in the frm file is not consistent with what can be written into the frm fileThe %-.192s function returns the wrong typeFor %-.64s partitions each partition must be definedVALUES LESS THAN value must be strictly increasing for each partitionVALUES value must be of same type as partition functionMultiple definition of same constant in list partitioningPartitioning can not be used stand-alone in queryThe mix of handlers in the partitions is not allowed in this version of MySQLFor the partitioned engine it is necessary to define all %-.64sToo many partitions (including subpartitions) were definedIt is only possible to mix RANGE/LIST partitioning with HASH/KEY partitioning for subpartitioningFailed to create specific handler fileA BLOB field is not allowed in partition functionA %-.192s must include all columns in the table's partitioning functionNumber of %-.64s = 0 is not an allowed valuePartition management on a not partitioned table is not possibleForeign keys are not yet supported in conjunction with partitioningError in list of partitions to %-.64sCannot remove all partitions, use DROP TABLE insteadCOALESCE PARTITION can only be used on HASH/KEY partitionsREORGANIZE PARTITION can only be used to reorganize partitions not to change their numbersREORGANIZE PARTITION without parameters can only be used on auto-partitioned tables using HASH PARTITIONs%-.64s PARTITION can only be used on RANGE/LIST partitionsTrying to Add partition(s) with wrong number of subpartitionsAt least one partition must be addedAt least one partition must be coalescedMore partitions to reorganize than there are partitionsDuplicate partition name %-.192sIt is not allowed to shut off binlog on this commandWhen reorganizing a set of partitions they must be in consecutive orderReorganize of range partitions cannot change total ranges except for last partition where it can extend the rangePartition function not supported in this version for this handlerPartition state cannot be defined from CREATE/ALTER TABLEThe %-.64s handler only supports 32 bit integers in VALUESPlugin '%-.192s' is not loadedIncorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s'Table has no partition for value %-.64sIt is not allowed to specify %s more than onceFailed to create %sFailed to drop %sThe handler doesn't support autoextend of tablespacesA size parameter was incorrectly specified, either number or on the form 10MThe size number was correct but we don't allow the digit part to be more than 2 billionFailed to alter: %sWriting one row to the row-based binary log failedTable definition on master and slave does not match: %sSlave running with --log-slave-updates must use row-based binary logging to be able to replicate row-based binary log eventsEvent '%-.192s' already existsFailed to store event %s. Error code %d from storage engine.Unknown event '%-.192s'Failed to alter event '%-.192s'Failed to drop %sINTERVAL is either not positive or too bigENDS is either invalid or before STARTSEvent execution time is in the past. Event has been disabledFailed to open mysql.eventNo datetime expression providedColumn count of mysql.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. The table is probably corruptedCannot load from mysql.%s. The table is probably corruptedFailed to delete the event from mysql.eventError during compilation of event's bodySame old and new event nameData for column '%s' too longCannot drop index '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraintThe syntax '%s' is deprecated and will be removed in MySQL %s. Please use %s insteadYou can't write-lock a log table. Only read access is possibleYou can't use locks with log tables.Upholding foreign key constraints for table '%.192s', entry '%-.192s', key %d would lead to a duplicate entryColumn count of mysql.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. Created with MySQL %d, now running %d. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error.Cannot switch out of the row-based binary log format when the session has open temporary tablesCannot change the binary logging format inside a stored function or triggerThe NDB cluster engine does not support changing the binlog format on the fly yetCannot create temporary table with partitionsPartition constant is out of partition function domainThis partition function is not allowedError in DDL logNot allowed to use NULL value in VALUES LESS THANIncorrect partition nameTransaction characteristics can't be changed while a transaction is in progressALTER TABLE causes auto_increment resequencing, resulting in duplicate entry '%-.192s' for key '%-.192s'Internal scheduler error %dError during starting/stopping of the scheduler. Error code %uEngine cannot be used in partitioned tablesCannot activate '%-.64s' logThe server was not built with row-based replicationDecoding of base64 string failedRecursion of EVENT DDL statements is forbidden when body is presentCannot proceed because system tables used by Event Scheduler were found damaged at server startOnly integers allowed as number hereThis storage engine cannot be used for log tables"You cannot '%s' a log table if logging is enabledCannot rename '%s'. When logging enabled, rename to/from log table must rename two tables: the log table to an archive table and another table back to '%s'Incorrect parameter count in the call to native function '%-.192s'Incorrect parameters in the call to native function '%-.192s'Incorrect parameters in the call to stored function %-.192sThis function '%-.192s' has the same name as a native functionEntrada duplicada '%-.64s' para la clave '%-.192s'Too many files opened, please execute the command againEvent execution time is in the past and ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE is set. The event was dropped immediately after creation.Event execution time is in the past and ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE is set. The event was not changed. Specify a time in the future.The incident %s occured on the master. Message: %sTable has no partition for some existing valuesUnsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. %sFatal error: %sRelay log read failure: %sRelay log write failure: %sFailed to create %sMaster command %s failed: %sBinary logging not possible. Message: %sView `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` has no creation contextCreation context of view `%-.64s`.`%-.64s' is invalidCreation context of stored routine `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCorrupted TRG file for table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s`Triggers for table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` have no creation contextTrigger creation context of table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCreation context of event `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCannot open table for trigger `%-.64s`.`%-.64s`Cannot create stored routine `%-.64s`. Check warningsAmbiguous slave modes combination. %sThe BINLOG statement of type `%s` was not preceded by a format description BINLOG statement.Corrupted replication event was detectedInvalid column reference (%-.64s) in LOAD DATABeing purged log %s was not foundXA_RBTIMEOUT: Transaction branch was rolled back: took too longXA_RBDEADLOCK: Transaction branch was rolled back: deadlock was detectedPrepared statement needs to be re-preparedDELAYED option not supported for table '%-.192s'The master info structure does not exist<%-.64s> option ignoredBuilt-in plugins cannot be deletedPlugin is busy and will be uninstalled on shutdown%s variable '%s' is read-only. Use SET %s to assign the valueStorage engine %s does not support rollback for this statement. Transaction rolled back and must be restartedUnexpected master's heartbeat data: %sThe requested value for the heartbeat period is either negative or exceeds the maximum allowed (%s seconds).Bad schema for mysql.ndb_replication table. Message: %-.64sError in parsing conflict function. Message: %-.64sWrite to exceptions table failed. Message: %-.128s"Comment for table '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Comment for field '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)FUNCTION %s does not exist. Check the 'Function Name Parsing and Resolution' section in the Reference ManualDatabaseTablePartitionSubpartitionTemporaryRenamedToo many active concurrent transactionsNon-ASCII separator arguments are not fully supporteddebug sync point wait timed outdebug sync point hit limit reachedDuplicate condition information item '%s'Unhandled user-defined warning conditionUnhandled user-defined not found conditionUnhandled user-defined exception conditionRESIGNAL when handler not activeSIGNAL/RESIGNAL can only use a CONDITION defined with SQLSTATEData truncated for condition item '%s'Data too long for condition item '%s'Unknown locale: '%-.64s'The requested server id %d clashes with the slave startup option --replicate-same-server-idQuery cache is disabled; restart the server with query_cache_type=1 to enable itDuplicate partition field name '%-.192s'Inconsistency in usage of column lists for partitioningPartition column values of incorrect typeToo many fields in '%-.192s'Cannot use MAXVALUE as value in VALUES INCannot have more than one value for this type of %-.64s partitioningRow expressions in VALUES IN only allowed for multi-field column partitioningField '%-.192s' is of a not allowed type for this type of partitioningThe total length of the partitioning fields is too largeCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since both row-incapable engines and statement-incapable engines are involved.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = ROW and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to statement-based logging.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. %sCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is in row format and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to statement-based logging.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to row-based logging.%sCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is in row format and BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since more than one engine is involved and at least one engine is self-logging.The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted.The statement is unsafe because it uses INSERT DELAYED. This is unsafe because the times when rows are inserted cannot be predicted.The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves.Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly.Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it accesses a non-transactional table after accessing a transactional table within the same transaction.%s Statement: %sColumn %d of table '%-.192s.%-.192s' cannot be converted from type '%-.32s' to type '%-.32s'Can't create conversion table for table '%-.192s.%-.192s'Cannot modify @@session.binlog_format inside a transactionThe path specified for %.64s is too long.'%s' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.Native table '%-.64s'.'%-.64s' has the wrong structureInvalid performance_schema usage.Table '%s'.'%s' was skipped since its definition is being modified by concurrent DDL statementCannot modify @@session.binlog_direct_non_transactional_updates inside a transactionCannot change the binlog direct flag inside a stored function or triggerA SPATIAL index may only contain a geometrical type columnComment for index '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Wait on a lock was aborted due to a pending exclusive lock%s value is out of range in '%s'A variable of a non-integer based type in LIMIT clauseMixing self-logging and non-self-logging engines in a statement is unsafe.Statement accesses nontransactional table as well as transactional or temporary table, and writes to any of them.Cannot modify @@session.sql_log_bin inside a transactionCannot change the sql_log_bin inside a stored function or triggerFailed to read from the .par fileVALUES value for partition '%-.64s' must have type INTAcceso negado para usuario: '%-.48s'@'%-.64s'SET PASSWORD has no significance for users authenticating via pluginsGRANT with IDENTIFIED WITH is illegal because the user %-.*s already existsCannot truncate a table referenced in a foreign key constraint (%.192s)Plugin '%s' is force_plus_permanent and can not be unloadedThe requested value for the heartbeat period is less than 1 millisecond. The value is reset to 0, meaning that heartbeating will effectively be disabled.The requested value for the heartbeat period exceeds the value of `slave_net_timeout' seconds. A sensible value for the period should be less than the timeout.Multi-row statements required more than 'max_binlog_stmt_cache_size' bytes of storage; increase this mysqld variable and try againPrimary key/partition key update is not allowed since the table is updated both as '%-.192s' and '%-.192s'.Table rebuild required. Please do "ALTER TABLE `%-.64s` FORCE" or dump/reload to fix it!The value of '%s' should be no less than the value of '%s'Index column size too large. The maximum column size is %lu bytes.Trigger '%-.64s' has an error in its body: '%-.256s'Unknown trigger has an error in its body: '%-.256s'Index %s is corruptedUndo log record is too big.INSERT IGNORE... SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.INSERT... SELECT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are updated. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.REPLACE... SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are replaced. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE... IGNORE SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE... REPLACE SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are replaced. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.UPDATE IGNORE is unsafe because the order in which rows are updated determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.Plugin '%s' is marked as not dynamically uninstallable. You have to stop the server to uninstall it.Plugin '%s' is marked as not dynamically installable. You have to stop the server to install it.Statements writing to a table with an auto-increment column after selecting from another table are unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved determines what (if any) rows will be written. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE TABLE... SELECT... on a table with an auto-increment column is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are inserted. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.INSERT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE on a table with more than one UNIQUE KEY is unsafeTable is being used in foreign key check.Storage engine '%s' does not support system tables. [%s.%s]INSERT into autoincrement field which is not the first part in the composed primary key is unsafe.Cannot load from %s.%s. The table is probably corruptedThe requested value %s for the master delay exceeds the maximum %uOnly Format_description_log_event and row events are allowed in BINLOG statements (but %s was provided)Non matching attribute '%-.64s' between partition and tableTable to exchange with partition is partitioned: '%-.64s'Table to exchange with partition is temporary: '%-.64s'Subpartitioned table, use subpartition instead of partitionUnknown partition '%-.64s' in table '%-.64s'Tables have different definitionsFound a row that does not match the partitionOption binlog_cache_size (%lu) is greater than max_binlog_cache_size (%lu); setting binlog_cache_size equal to max_binlog_cache_size.Cannot use %-.64s access on index '%-.64s' due to type or collation conversion on field '%-.64s'Table to exchange with partition has foreign key references: '%-.64s'Key value '%-.192s' was not found in table '%-.192s.%-.192s'Data for column '%s' too longReplication event checksum verification failed while reading from network.Replication event checksum verification failed while reading from a log file.Option binlog_stmt_cache_size (%lu) is greater than max_binlog_stmt_cache_size (%lu); setting binlog_stmt_cache_size equal to max_binlog_stmt_cache_size.Can't update table '%-.192s' while '%-.192s' is being created.PARTITION () clause on non partitioned tableFound a row not matching the given partition setParticion '%-.64s' no existeFailure while changing the type of replication repository: %s.The creation of some temporary tables could not be rolled back.Some temporary tables were dropped, but these operations could not be rolled back.%s is not supported in multi-threaded slave mode. %sThe number of modified databases exceeds the maximum %d; the database names will not be included in the replication event metadata.Cannot execute the current event group in the parallel mode. Encountered event %s, relay-log name %s, position %s which prevents execution of this event group in parallel mode. Reason: %s.%sFULLTEXT index is not supported for partitioned tables.Invalid condition numberSending passwords in plain text without SSL/TLS is extremely insecure.Storing MySQL user name or password information in the master info repository is not secure and is therefore not recommended. Please consider using the USER and PASSWORD connection options for START SLAVE; see the 'START SLAVE Syntax' in the MySQL Manual for more information.Foreign key constraint for table '%.192s', record '%-.192s' would lead to a duplicate entry in table '%.192s', key '%.192s'Foreign key constraint for table '%.192s', record '%-.192s' would lead to a duplicate entry in a child tableSetting authentication options is not possible when only the Slave SQL Thread is being started.The table does not have FULLTEXT index to support this queryThe system variable %.200s cannot be set in stored functions or triggers.The system variable %.200s cannot be set when there is an ongoing transaction.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT has the value %.200s, which is not listed in @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot change inside a transaction.The statement 'SET %.200s' cannot invoke a stored function.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be 'AUTOMATIC' when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST is non-NULL.Skipping transaction %.200s because it has already been executed and logged.Malformed GTID set specification '%.200s'.Malformed GTID set encoding.Malformed GTID specification '%.200s'.Impossible to generate Global Transaction Identifier: the integer component reached the maximal value. Restart the server with a new server_uuid.Parameters MASTER_LOG_FILE, MASTER_LOG_POS, RELAY_LOG_FILE and RELAY_LOG_POS cannot be set when MASTER_AUTO_POSITION is active.CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1 cannot be executed because @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot execute statements with implicit commit inside a transaction when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT == 'UUID:NUMBER'.GTID_MODE = ON requires ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY = ON.@@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON or ON_PERMISSIVE or OFF_PERMISSIVE requires --log-bin and --log-slave-updates.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be set to UUID:NUMBER when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be set to ANONYMOUS when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST cannot be set to a non-NULL value when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Found a Gtid_log_event when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Statement violates GTID consistency: Updates to non-transactional tables can only be done in either autocommitted statements or single-statement transactions, and never in the same statement as updates to transactional tables.Statement violates GTID consistency: CREATE TABLE ... SELECT.Statement violates GTID consistency: Under statement binary log mode CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE and DROP TEMPORARY TABLE can only be executed outside transactional context. These statements are also not allowed in a function or trigger because functions and triggers are also considered to be multi-statement transactions.The value of @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE can only be changed one step at a time: OFF <-> OFF_PERMISSIVE <-> ON_PERMISSIVE <-> ON. Also note that this value must be stepped up or down simultaneously on all servers. See the Manual for instructions.The slave is connecting using CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1, but the master has purged binary logs containing GTIDs that the slave requires.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be changed by a client that owns a GTID. The client owns %s. Ownership is released on COMMIT or ROLLBACK.Unknown EXPLAIN format name: '%s'Cannot execute statement in a READ ONLY transaction.Comment for table partition '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Slave is not configured or failed to initialize properly. You must at least set --server-id to enable either a master or a slave. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.InnoDB presently supports one FULLTEXT index creation at a timeCannot create FULLTEXT index on temporary InnoDB tableColumn '%-.192s' is of wrong type for an InnoDB FULLTEXT indexIndex '%-.192s' is of wrong type for an InnoDB FULLTEXT indexCreating index '%-.192s' required more than 'innodb_online_alter_log_max_size' bytes of modification log. Please try again.Unknown ALGORITHM '%s'Unknown LOCK type '%s'CHANGE MASTER cannot be executed when the slave was stopped with an error or killed in MTS mode. Consider using RESET SLAVE or START SLAVE UNTIL.Cannot recover after SLAVE errored out in parallel execution mode. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.Cannot clean up worker info tables. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.Column count of %s.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. The table is probably corruptedSlave must silently retry current transactionThere is a foreign key check running on table '%-.192s'. Cannot discard the table.Schema mismatch (%s)Table '%-.192s' in system tablespaceIO Read error: (%lu, %s) %sIO Write error: (%lu, %s) %sTablespace is missing for table %s.Tablespace '%-.192s' exists.Tablespace has been discarded for table '%-.192s'Internal error: %sALTER TABLE %-.192s IMPORT TABLESPACE failed with error %lu : '%s'Index corrupt: %sSupports only YEAR or YEAR(4) column.Your password does not satisfy the current policy requirementsYou must reset your password using ALTER USER statement before executing this statement.Failed to add the foreign key constaint. Missing index for constraint '%s' in the foreign table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constaint. Missing index for constraint '%s' in the referenced table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constraint '%s' to system tablesFailed to open the referenced table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constraint on table '%s'. Incorrect options in FOREIGN KEY constraint '%s'Duplicate foreign key constraint name '%s'The password hash doesn't have the expected format. Check if the correct password algorithm is being used with the PASSWORD() function.Cannot drop column '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s'Cannot drop column '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Column '%-.192s' cannot be NOT NULL: needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' SET NULLDuplicate index '%-.64s' defined on the table '%-.64s.%-.64s'. This is deprecated and will be disallowed in a future release.Cannot change column '%-.192s': used in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s'Cannot change column '%-.192s': used in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Cannot delete rows from table which is parent in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Malformed communication packet.Running in read-only modeWhen @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT is set to a GTID, you must explicitly set it to a different value after a COMMIT or ROLLBACK. Please check GTID_NEXT variable manual page for detailed explanation. Current @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT is '%s'.The system variable %.200s cannot be set in stored procedures.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when @@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED is empty.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when there are no ongoing transactions (not even in other clients).@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED was changed from '%s' to '%s'.@@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED was changed from '%s' to '%s'.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT, and both replicated and non replicated tables are written to.%s is not supported for this operation. Try %s.%s is not supported. Reason: %s. Try %s.COPY algorithm requires a lockPartition specific operations do not yet support LOCK/ALGORITHMColumns participating in a foreign key are renamedCannot change column type INPLACEAdding foreign keys needs foreign_key_checks=OFFCreating unique indexes with IGNORE requires COPY algorithm to remove duplicate rowsDropping a primary key is not allowed without also adding a new primary keyAdding an auto-increment column requires a lockCannot replace hidden FTS_DOC_ID with a user-visible oneCannot drop or rename FTS_DOC_IDFulltext index creation requires a locksql_slave_skip_counter can not be set when the server is running with @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON. Instead, for each transaction that you want to skip, generate an empty transaction with the same GTID as the transactionEntrada duplicada para la clave '%-.192s'Long database name and identifier for object resulted in path length exceeding %d characters. Path: '%s'.cannot silently convert NULL values, as required in this SQL_MODEYour password has expired. To log in you must change it using a client that supports expired passwords.Found a row in wrong partition %sCannot schedule event %s, relay-log name %s, position %s to Worker thread because its size %lu exceeds %lu of slave_pending_jobs_size_max.Cannot CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX WITH PARSER on InnoDB tableThe binary log file '%s' is logically corrupted: %sfile %s was not purged because it was being read by %d thread(s), purged only %d out of %d files.file %s was not purged because it is the active log file.Auto-increment value in UPDATE conflicts with internally generated valuesRow events are not logged for %s statements that modify BLACKHOLE tables in row format. Table(s): '%-.192s'Slave failed to initialize master info structure from the repositorySlave failed to initialize relay log info structure from the repositoryAccess denied trying to change to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' (using password: %s). Disconnecting.InnoDB is in read only mode.STOP SLAVE command execution is incomplete: Slave SQL thread got the stop signal, thread is busy, SQL thread will stop once the current task is complete.STOP SLAVE command execution is incomplete: Slave IO thread got the stop signal, thread is busy, IO thread will stop once the current task is complete.Operation cannot be performed. The table '%-.64s.%-.64s' is missing, corrupt or contains bad data.Temporary file write failure.Upgrade index name failed, please use create index(alter table) algorithm copy to rebuild index.TIME/TIMESTAMP/DATETIME columns of old format have been upgraded to the new format.Operation not allowed when innodb_forced_recovery > 0.The initialization vector supplied to %s is too short. Must be at least %d bytes longPlugin '%s' cannot be uninstalled now. %sCannot execute statement because it needs to be written to the binary log as multiple statements, and this is not allowed when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT == 'UUID:NUMBER'.Slave has more GTIDs than the master has, using the master's SERVER_UUID. This may indicate that the end of the binary log was truncated or that the last binary log file was lost, e.g., after a power or disk failure when sync_binlog != 1. The master may or may not have rolled back transactions that were already replicated to the slave. Suggest to replicate any transactions that master has rolled back from slave to master, and/or commit empty transactions on master to account for transactions that have been committed on master but are not included in GTID_EXECUTED.The table '%s.%s' does not have the necessary key(s) defined on it. Please check the table definition and create index(s) accordingly.File %s is corruptedQuery partially completed on the master (error on master: %d) and was aborted. There is a chance that your master is inconsistent at this point. If you are sure that your master is ok, run this query manually on the slave and then restart the slave with SET GLOBAL SQL_SLAVE_SKIP_COUNTER=1; START SLAVE;. Query:'%s'Query caused different errors on master and slave. Error on master: message (format)='%s' error code=%d; Error on slave:actual message='%s', error code=%d. Default database:'%s'. Query:'%s'Storage engine for table '%s'.'%s' is not loaded.GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS when handler not active%s is no longer supported. The statement was converted to %s.Statement is unsafe because it uses a fulltext parser plugin which may not return the same value on the slave.Cannot DISCARD/IMPORT tablespace associated with temporary tableForeign key cascade delete/update exceeds max depth of %d.Column count of %s.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. Created with MySQL %d, now running %d. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error.Trigger %s.%s.%s does not have CREATED attribute.Referenced trigger '%s' for the given action time and event type does not exist.EXPLAIN FOR CONNECTION command is supported only for SELECT/UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE/REPLACEInvalid size for column '%-.192s'.Table storage engine '%-.64s' found required create option missingOut of memory in storage engine '%-.64s'.The password for anonymous user cannot be expired.This operation cannot be performed with a running slave sql thread; run STOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD firstCannot create FULLTEXT index on materialized subqueryUndo Log error: %sInvalid argument for logarithmThis operation cannot be performed with a running slave io thread; run STOP SLAVE IO_THREAD FOR CHANNEL '%s' first.This operation may not be safe when the slave has temporary tables. The tables will be kept open until the server restarts or until the tables are deleted by any replicated DROP statement. Suggest to wait until slave_open_temp_tables = 0.CHANGE MASTER TO with a MASTER_LOG_FILE clause but no MASTER_LOG_POS clause may not be safe. The old position value may not be valid for the new binary log file.Query execution was interrupted, maximum statement execution time exceededSelect is not a read only statement, disabling timerDuplicate entry '%-.192s'.'%s' mode no longer has any effect. Use STRICT_ALL_TABLES or STRICT_TRANS_TABLES instead.Expression #%u of ORDER BY contains aggregate function and applies to a UNIONExpression #%u of ORDER BY contains aggregate function and applies to the result of a non-aggregated querySlave worker has stopped after at least one previous worker encountered an error when slave-preserve-commit-order was enabled. To preserve commit order, the last transaction executed by this thread has not been committed. When restarting the slave after fixing any failed threads, you should fix this worker as well.slave_preserve_commit_order is not supported %s.The server is currently in offline modeBinary geometry function %s given two geometries of different srids: %u and %u, which should have been identical.Calling geometry function %s with unsupported types of arguments.Unknown GIS error occured in function %s.Unknown exception caught in GIS function %s.Invalid GIS data provided to function %s.The geometry has no data in function %s.Unable to calculate centroid because geometry is empty in function %s.Geometry overlay calculation error: geometry data is invalid in function %s.Geometry turn info calculation error: geometry data is invalid in function %s.Analysis procedures of intersection points interrupted unexpectedly in function %s.Unknown exception thrown in function %s.Memory allocation error: %-.256s in function %s.Domain error: %-.256s in function %s.Length error: %-.256s in function %s.Invalid argument error: %-.256s in function %s.Out of range error: %-.256s in function %s.Overflow error error: %-.256s in function %s.Range error: %-.256s in function %s.Underflow error: %-.256s in function %s.Logic error: %-.256s in function %s.Runtime error: %-.256s in function %s.Unknown exception: %-.384s in function %s.Geometry byte string must be little endian.The password provided for the replication user exceeds the maximum length of 32 charactersIncorrect user-level lock name '%-.192s'.Deadlock found when trying to get user-level lock; try rolling back transaction/releasing locks and restarting lock acquisition.REPLACE cannot be executed as it requires deleting rows that are not in the viewDo not support online operation on table with GIS indexUser variable name '%-.100s' is illegalCannot %s when GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot %s from a replication slave thread.Incorrect type for argument %s in function %s.Expression #%u of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, references column '%-.192s' which is not in SELECT list; this is incompatible with %sExpression #%u of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, contains aggregate function; this is incompatible with %sSupplied filter list contains a value which is not in the required format 'db_pattern.table_pattern'OK packet too largeInvalid JSON data provided to function %s: %sInvalid GeoJSON data provided to function %s: Missing required member '%s'Invalid GeoJSON data provided to function %s: Member '%s' must be of type '%s'Invalid GeoJSON data provided to function %sUnsupported number of coordinate dimensions in function %s: Found %u, expected %uSlave channel '%s' does not exist.A slave channel '%s' already exists for the given host and port combination.Couldn't create channel: Channel name is either invalid or too long.To have multiple channels, repository cannot be of type FILE; Please check the repository configuration and convert them to TABLE.Cannot delete slave info objects for channel '%s'.Multiple channels exist on the slave. Please provide channel name as an argument.Maximum number of replication channels allowed exceeded.This operation cannot be performed with running replication threads; run STOP SLAVE FOR CHANNEL '%s' firstThis operation requires running replication threads; configure slave and run START SLAVE FOR CHANNEL '%s'Replication thread(s) for channel '%s' are already runnning.Replication thread(s) for channel '%s' are already stopped.This operation cannot be performed with a running slave sql thread; run STOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD FOR CHANNEL '%s' first.When sql_slave_skip_counter > 0, it is not allowed to start more than one SQL thread by using 'START SLAVE [SQL_THREAD]'. Value of sql_slave_skip_counter can only be used by one SQL thread at a time. Please use 'START SLAVE [SQL_THREAD] FOR CHANNEL' to start the SQL thread which will use the value of sql_slave_skip_counter.Expression #%u of %s is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column '%-.192s' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_byIn aggregated query without GROUP BY, expression #%u of %s contains nonaggregated column '%-.192s'; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_byUpdating '%s' is deprecated. It will be made read-only in a future release.Changing sql mode '%s' is deprecated. It will be removed in a future release.DROP DATABASE failed; some tables may have been dropped but the database directory remains. The GTID has not been added to GTID_EXECUTED and the statement was not written to the binary log. Fix this as follows: (1) remove all files from the database directory %-.192s; (2) SET GTID_NEXT='%-.192s'; (3) DROP DATABASE `%-.192s`.The server is not configured properly to be an active member of the group. Please see more details on error log.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed since the group is already running.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as the applier module failed to start.The STOP GROUP_REPLICATION command execution is incomplete: The applier thread got the stop signal while it was busy. The applier thread will stop once the current task is complete.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as there was an error when initializing the group communication layer.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as there was an error when joining the communication group.The table does not comply with the requirements by an external plugin.Cannot change the value of variable %s without binary log format as ROW.Error on observer while running replication hook '%s'.Plugin instructed the server to rollback the current transaction.Expression of generated column '%s' contains a disallowed function.INPLACE ADD or DROP of virtual columns cannot be combined with other ALTER TABLE actionsCannot define foreign key with %s clause on a generated column.The value specified for generated column '%s' in table '%s' is not allowed.'%s' is not supported for generated columns.Generated column can refer only to generated columns defined prior to it.Column '%s' has a generated column dependency.Generated column '%s' cannot refer to auto-increment column.The '%-.64s' feature is not available; you need to remove '%-.64s' or use MySQL built with '%-.64s'SET @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = %-.64s is not allowed because %-.384s.The replication receiver thread%-.192s cannot start in AUTO_POSITION mode: this server uses @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot replicate anonymous transaction when AUTO_POSITION = 1, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot replicate anonymous transaction when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot replicate GTID-transaction when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot set ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY = ON because there are ongoing transactions that violate GTID consistency.There are ongoing transactions that violate GTID consistency.Access denied for user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s'. Account is locked.Incorrect tablespace name `%-.192s`Tablespace `%-.192s` is not empty.Incorrect File Name '%s'.Inconsistent intersection points.Optimizer hint syntax errorUnsupported MAX_EXECUTION_TIMEMAX_EXECUTION_TIME hint is supported by top-level standalone SELECT statements onlyHint %s is ignored as conflicting/duplicatedQuery block name %s is not found for %s hintUnresolved name %s for %s hintPlease do not modify the %s table. This is a mysql internal system table to store GTIDs for committed transactions. Modifying it can lead to an inconsistent GTID state.Command not supported by pluggable protocolsIncorrect locking service lock name '%-.192s'.Deadlock found when trying to get locking service lock; try releasing locks and restarting lock acquisition.Service lock wait timeout exceeded.Parameter %s exceeds the maximum number of points in a geometry (%lu) in function %s.'NO_ZERO_DATE', 'NO_ZERO_IN_DATE' and 'ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO' sql modes should be used with strict mode. They will be merged with strict mode in a future release.Version token mismatch for %.*s. Correct value %.*sVersion token %.*s not found.Variable %-.192s cannot be changed by a client that owns a GTID. The client owns %s. Ownership is released on COMMIT or ROLLBACK.%-.192s cannot be performed on channel '%-.192s'.Invalid JSON text: "%s" at position %u in value for column '%-.200s'.Invalid JSON text in argument %u to function %s: "%s" at position %u.%-.0sThe JSON binary value contains invalid data.Invalid JSON path expression. The error is around character position %u.%-.200sCannot create a JSON value from a string with CHARACTER SET '%s'.Invalid JSON character data provided to function %s: '%s'; utf8 is required.Invalid data type for JSON data in argument %u to function %s; a JSON string or JSON type is required.Cannot CAST value to JSON.A path expression must be encoded in the utf8 character set. The path expression '%-.200s' is encoded in character set '%-.200s'.In this situation, path expressions may not contain the * and ** tokens.The JSON value is too big to be stored in a JSON column.The JSON object contains a key name that is too long.JSON column '%-.192s' cannot be used in key specification.The path expression '$' is not allowed in this context.The oneOrAll argument to %s may take these values: 'one' or 'all'.Out of range JSON value for CAST to %s%-.0s from column %s at row %ldInvalid JSON value for CAST to %s%-.0s from column %s at row %ldThe JSON document exceeds the maximum depth.JSON documents may not contain NULL member names.Connections using insecure transport are prohibited while --require_secure_transport=ON.No secure transports (SSL or Shared Memory) are configured, unable to set --require_secure_transport=ON.Storage engine %s is disabled (Table creation is disallowed).User %s does not exist.User %s already exists.Aborted by Audit API ('%-.48s';%d).A path expression is not a path to a cell in an array.Another buffer pool resize is already in progress.The '%s' feature is disabled; see the documentation for '%s'Server isn't availableSession was killedMemory capacity of %llu bytes for '%s' exceeded. %sRange optimization was not done for this query.Partitioning upgrade required. Please dump/reload to fix it or do: ALTER TABLE `%-.192s`.`%-.192s` UPGRADE PARTITIONINGThe client holds ownership of the GTID %s. Therefore, WAIT_FOR_EXECUTED_GTID_SET cannot wait for this GTID.Cannot add foreign key on the base column of indexed virtual column.Cannot create index on virtual column whose base column has foreign constraint.Please do not modify the %s table with an XA transaction. This is an internal system table used to store GTIDs for committed transactions. Although modifying it can lead to an inconsistent GTID state, if neccessary you can modify it with a non-XA transaction.Lock acquisition refused by storage engine.ADD COLUMN col...VIRTUAL, ADD INDEX(col)Master key rotation is not supported by storage engine.Encryption key rotation error reported by SE: %sWrite to binlog failed. However, master key rotation has been completed successfully.Storage engine is not available.This tablespace can't be encrypted.Invalid encryption option.Can't find master key from keyring, please check in the server log if a keyring plugin is loaded and initialized successfully.Parser bailed out for this query.Cannot alter encryption attribute by inplace algorithm.Function '%s' failed because underlying keyring service returned an error. Please check if a keyring plugin is installed and that provided arguments are valid for the keyring you are using.It seems that your db schema is old. The %s column is 77 characters long and should be 93 characters long. Please run mysql_upgrade.RESET MASTER is not allowed because %-.384s.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed since the group already has 9 members.Cannot add foreign key on the base column of stored column. Cannot complete the operation because table is referenced by another connection.The partition engine, used by table '%-.192s.%-.192s', is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use native partitioning instead.%.192s(geometry) is deprecated and will be replaced by st_srid(geometry, 0) in a future version. Use %.192s(st_aswkb(geometry), 0) instead.%.192s(geometry, srid) is deprecated and will be replaced by st_srid(geometry, srid) in a future version. Use %.192s(st_aswkb(geometry), srid) instead.The resource manager is not able to commit the transaction branch at this time. Please retry later.Function %s failed due to: %s.Statement is unsafe because it is being used inside a XA transaction. Concurrent XA transactions may deadlock on slaves when replicated using statements.%s UDF failed; %sCan not perform keyring migration : %sAccess denied; you need %-.128s privileges for this operationKeyring migration %s.Failed to open the %s filter tables.Failed to open '%s.%s' %s table.No keyring plugin installed.Audit log encryption password has not been set; it will be generated automatically. Use audit_log_encryption_password_get to obtain the password or audit_log_encryption_password_set to set a new one.Could not create AES key. OpenSSL's EVP_BytesToKey function failed.Audit log encryption password cannot be fetched from the keyring. Password used so far is used for encryption.Audit Log filtering has not been installed.Request ignored for '%s'@'%s'. SUPER_ACL needed to perform operationSUPER privilege required for '%s'@'%s' user.Could not reinitialize audit log filters.Invalid argument typeInvalid argument countaudit_log plugin has not been installed using INSTALL PLUGIN syntax.Invalid "max_array_length" argument type.Invalid "max_array_length" argument value.%sFilter name cannot be empty.User cannot be empty.Specified filter has not been found.First character of the user name must be alphanumeric.Invalid character in the user name.Invalid character in the host name.With the MAXDB SQL mode enabled, TIMESTAMP is identical with DATETIME. The MAXDB SQL mode is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please disable the MAXDB SQL mode and use DATETIME instead.The use of replication filters with XA transactions is not supported, and can lead to an undefined state in the replication slave.Compressed column '%-.192s' is not allowed in the key listCan not define column '%-.192s' in compressed formatCompression dictionary '%-.192s' already existsCompression dictionary '%-.192s' does not existCompression dictionary name '%-.192s' is too long (max length = %lu)Data for compression dictionary '%-.192s' is too long (max length = %lu)Compression dictionary '%-.192s' is in useCan't execute the query because you have a conflicting backup lockKeys are out order during bulk loadBulk load rows overlap existing rowsCan't execute updates on master with binlog_format != ROW.MyRocks supports only READ COMMITTED and REPEATABLE READ isolation levels. Please change from current isolation level %sWhen unique checking is disabled in MyRocks, INSERT,UPDATE,LOAD statements with clauses that update or replace the key (i.e. INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, REPLACE) are not allowed. Query: %sCan't execute updates when you started a transaction with START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT [ROCKSDB] SNAPSHOT.This transaction was rolled back and cannot be committed. Only supported operation is to roll it back, so all pending changes will be discarded. Please restart another transaction.MyRocks currently does not support ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT if modifying rows.Only REPEATABLE READ isolation level is supported for START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT SNAPSHOT in RocksDB Storage Engine.Unsupported collation on string indexed column %s.%s Use binary collation (%s).Table '%s' does not exist, but metadata information exists inside MyRocks. This is a sign of data inconsistency. Please check if '%s.frm' exists, and try to restore it if it does not exist.MyRocks failed creating new key definitions during alter.MyRocks failed populating secondary key during alter.Column family ('%s') flag (%d) is different from an existing flag (%d). Assign a new CF flag, or do not change existing CF flag.TTL support is currently disabled when table has a hidden PK.TTL column (%s) in MyRocks must be an unsigned non-null 64-bit integer, exist inside the table, and have an accompanying ttl duration.TTL duration (%s) in MyRocks must be an unsigned non-null 64-bit integer.The per-index column family option has been deprecated.bulgarian/errmsg.sys000075500000236141147633135430010572 0ustar00m*u3Dm<w#Dp.y=k#Bk,lz)>Nn + G `  $ I y  5 h  n " @ W 5"@$W 9o)Kj 'X0TpO5W:wBp(Zx#e]?$dIs 6 q !!! "e""""P####$$9$X$w$$ %,%c%%%%%K&l&&&/''(N(();))))#*i*** +@+++,$,e,,,,-;-y---.a../J/y/// 0-0\0001E1s1111282]22223333344455<5i55616[666657|77788@999:::;U;;;<,<~<<=U===/>]>>>>?E?j???@$@9@N@e@@@@@A:AaAA;B[BBBBBC3CHC_CrCCCCCD)D>DTDqDDDE6E^EEEE>FFFFF0GUGGGGGHHIMIIIII J,JYJgJJJ K3KyKKKKLIL[LxLLLL MWMiMMMM7NZNpNNNN0OtOOOOPlPPQ6QQQQR1RvRRRSOS|SS TPTUUfVVWRWWWXXXXX)YYYMZZZZv[[[[\B\\]]^#^^^9_u__ `E`aKaa bAbbbc@cvcccd9dCdMddde:eVeefmffgWggghFhhhi`iiijRjjj k+`{#$/Ye9_7\5_1i rN{=8.;.VM cf6vJ}?Y{ 7d,Yo K i   c   + m  ! <   @ v   ,rk*Bf $7kDm,Mq -e#'dKo>_|D#h1[ < ` -!!! "P"""#9#|###$y$:%%_&&''w'5(o((&)d))5*hashchkisamchkNOYESCan't create file '%-.200s' (errno: %d - %s)Can't create table '%-.200s' (errno: %d)Can't create database '%-.192s' (errno: %d)Can't create database '%-.192s'; database existsCan't drop database '%-.192s'; database doesn't existError dropping database (can't delete '%-.192s', errno: %d)Error dropping database (can't rmdir '%-.192s', errno: %d)Error on delete of '%-.192s' (errno: %d - %s)Can't read record in system tableCan't get status of '%-.200s' (errno: %d - %s)Can't get working directory (errno: %d - %s)Can't lock file (errno: %d - %s)Can't open file: '%-.200s' (errno: %d - %s)Can't find file: '%-.200s' (errno: %d - %s)Can't read dir of '%-.192s' (errno: %d - %s)Can't change dir to '%-.192s' (errno: %d - %s)Record has changed since last read in table '%-.192s'Disk full (%s); waiting for someone to free some space... (errno: %d - %s)Can't write; duplicate key in table '%-.192s'Error on close of '%-.192s' (errno: %d - %s)Error reading file '%-.200s' (errno: %d - %s)Error on rename of '%-.210s' to '%-.210s' (errno: %d - %s)Error writing file '%-.200s' (errno: %d - %s)'%-.192s' is locked against changeSort abortedView '%-.192s' doesn't exist for '%-.192s'Got error %d from storage engineTable storage engine for '%-.192s' doesn't have this optionCan't find record in '%-.192s'Incorrect information in file: '%-.200s'Incorrect key file for table '%-.200s'; try to repair itOld key file for table '%-.192s'; repair it!Table '%-.192s' is read onlyOut of memory; restart server and try again (needed %d bytes)Out of sort memory, consider increasing server sort buffer sizeUnexpected EOF found when reading file '%-.192s' (errno: %d - %s)Too many connectionsOut of memory; check if mysqld or some other process uses all available memory; if not, you may have to use 'ulimit' to allow mysqld to use more memory or you can add more swap spaceCan't get hostname for your addressBad handshakeAccess denied for user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' to database '%-.192s'Access denied for user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' (using password: %s)No database selectedUnknown commandColumn '%-.192s' cannot be nullUnknown database '%-.192s'Table '%-.192s' already existsUnknown table '%-.100s'Column '%-.192s' in %-.192s is ambiguousServer shutdown in progressUnknown column '%-.192s' in '%-.192s''%-.192s' isn't in GROUP BYCan't group on '%-.192s'Statement has sum functions and columns in same statementColumn count doesn't match value countIdentifier name '%-.100s' is too longDuplicate column name '%-.192s'Duplicate key name '%-.192s'Duplicate entry '%-.192s' for key %dIncorrect column specifier for column '%-.192s'%s near '%-.80s' at line %dQuery was emptyNot unique table/alias: '%-.192s'Invalid default value for '%-.192s'Multiple primary key definedToo many keys specified; max %d keys allowedToo many key parts specified; max %d parts allowedSpecified key was too long; max key length is %d bytesKey column '%-.192s' doesn't exist in tableBLOB column '%-.192s' can't be used in key specification with the used table typeColumn length too big for column '%-.192s' (max = %lu); use BLOB or TEXT insteadIncorrect table definition; there can be only one auto column and it must be defined as a key%s: ready for connections. Version: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d%s: Normal shutdown %s: Got signal %d. Aborting! %s: Shutdown complete %s: Forcing close of thread %ld user: '%-.48s' Can't create IP socketTable '%-.192s' has no index like the one used in CREATE INDEX; recreate the tableField separator argument is not what is expected; check the manualYou can't use fixed rowlength with BLOBs; please use 'fields terminated by'The file '%-.128s' must be in the database directory or be readable by allFile '%-.200s' already existsRecords: %ld Deleted: %ld Skipped: %ld Warnings: %ldRecords: %ld Duplicates: %ldIncorrect prefix key; the used key part isn't a string, the used length is longer than the key part, or the storage engine doesn't support unique prefix keysYou can't delete all columns with ALTER TABLE; use DROP TABLE insteadCan't DROP '%-.192s'; check that column/key existsRecords: %ld Duplicates: %ld Warnings: %ldYou can't specify target table '%-.192s' for update in FROM clauseUnknown thread id: %luYou are not owner of thread %luNo tables usedToo many strings for column %-.192s and SETCan't generate a unique log-filename %-.200s.(1-999) Table '%-.192s' was locked with a READ lock and can't be updatedTable '%-.192s' was not locked with LOCK TABLESBLOB, TEXT, GEOMETRY or JSON column '%-.192s' can't have a default valueIncorrect database name '%-.100s'Incorrect table name '%-.100s'The SELECT would examine more than MAX_JOIN_SIZE rows; check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is okayUnknown errorUnknown procedure '%-.192s'Incorrect parameter count to procedure '%-.192s'Incorrect parameters to procedure '%-.192s'Unknown table '%-.192s' in %-.32sColumn '%-.192s' specified twiceInvalid use of group functionTable '%-.192s' uses an extension that doesn't exist in this MySQL versionA table must have at least 1 columnThe table '%-.192s' is fullUnknown character set: '%-.64s'Too many tables; MySQL can only use %d tables in a joinToo many columnsRow size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is %ld. This includes storage overhead, check the manual. You have to change some columns to TEXT or BLOBsThread stack overrun: Used: %ld of a %ld stack. Use 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' to specify a bigger stack if neededCross dependency found in OUTER JOIN; examine your ON conditionsTable handler doesn't support NULL in given index. Please change column '%-.192s' to be NOT NULL or use another handlerCan't load function '%-.192s'Can't initialize function '%-.192s'; %-.80sNo paths allowed for shared libraryFunction '%-.192s' already existsCan't open shared library '%-.192s' (errno: %d %-.128s)Can't find symbol '%-.128s' in libraryFunction '%-.192s' is not definedHost '%-.64s' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'Host '%-.64s' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL serverYou are using MySQL as an anonymous user and anonymous users are not allowed to change passwordsYou must have privileges to update tables in the mysql database to be able to change passwords for othersCan't find any matching row in the user tableRows matched: %ld Changed: %ld Warnings: %ldCan't create a new thread (errno %d); if you are not out of available memory, you can consult the manual for a possible OS-dependent bugColumn count doesn't match value count at row %ldCan't reopen table: '%-.192s'Invalid use of NULL valueGot error '%-.64s' from regexpMixing of GROUP columns (MIN(),MAX(),COUNT(),...) with no GROUP columns is illegal if there is no GROUP BY clauseThere is no such grant defined for user '%-.48s' on host '%-.64s'%-.128s command denied to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' for table '%-.64s'%-.16s command denied to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' for column '%-.192s' in table '%-.192s'Illegal GRANT/REVOKE command; please consult the manual to see which privileges can be usedThe host or user argument to GRANT is too longTable '%-.192s.%-.192s' doesn't existThere is no such grant defined for user '%-.48s' on host '%-.64s' on table '%-.192s'The used command is not allowed with this MySQL versionYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to useDelayed insert thread couldn't get requested lock for table %-.192sToo many delayed threads in useAborted connection %ld to db: '%-.192s' user: '%-.48s' (%-.64s)Got a packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet' bytesGot a read error from the connection pipeGot an error from fcntl()Got packets out of orderCouldn't uncompress communication packetGot an error reading communication packetsGot timeout reading communication packetsGot an error writing communication packetsGot timeout writing communication packetsResult string is longer than 'max_allowed_packet' bytesThe used table type doesn't support BLOB/TEXT columnsThe used table type doesn't support AUTO_INCREMENT columnsINSERT DELAYED can't be used with table '%-.192s' because it is locked with LOCK TABLESIncorrect column name '%-.100s'The used storage engine can't index column '%-.192s'Unable to open underlying table which is differently defined or of non-MyISAM type or doesn't existCan't write, because of unique constraint, to table '%-.192s'BLOB/TEXT column '%-.192s' used in key specification without a key lengthAll parts of a PRIMARY KEY must be NOT NULL; if you need NULL in a key, use UNIQUE insteadResult consisted of more than one rowThis table type requires a primary keyThis version of MySQL is not compiled with RAID supportYou are using safe update mode and you tried to update a table without a WHERE that uses a KEY columnKey '%-.192s' doesn't exist in table '%-.192s'Can't open tableThe storage engine for the table doesn't support %sYou are not allowed to execute this command in a transactionGot error %d during COMMITGot error %d during ROLLBACKGot error %d during FLUSH_LOGSGot error %d during CHECKPOINTAborted connection %u to db: '%-.192s' user: '%-.48s' host: '%-.64s' (%-.64s)The storage engine for the table does not support binary table dumpBinlog closed, cannot RESET MASTERFailed rebuilding the index of dumped table '%-.192s'Error from master: '%-.64s'Net error reading from masterNet error writing to masterCan't find FULLTEXT index matching the column listCan't execute the given command because you have active locked tables or an active transactionUnknown system variable '%-.64s'Table '%-.192s' is marked as crashed and should be repairedTable '%-.192s' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failedSome non-transactional changed tables couldn't be rolled backMulti-statement transaction required more than 'max_binlog_cache_size' bytes of storage; increase this mysqld variable and try againThis operation cannot be performed with a running slave; run STOP SLAVE firstThis operation requires a running slave; configure slave and do START SLAVEThe server is not configured as slave; fix in config file or with CHANGE MASTER TOCould not initialize master info structure; more error messages can be found in the MySQL error logCould not create slave thread; check system resourcesUser %-.64s already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connectionsYou may only use constant expressions with SETLock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transactionThe total number of locks exceeds the lock table sizeUpdate locks cannot be acquired during a READ UNCOMMITTED transactionDROP DATABASE not allowed while thread is holding global read lockCREATE DATABASE not allowed while thread is holding global read lockIncorrect arguments to %s'%-.48s'@'%-.64s' is not allowed to create new usersIncorrect table definition; all MERGE tables must be in the same databaseDeadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transactionThe used table type doesn't support FULLTEXT indexesCannot add foreign key constraintCannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint failsCannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint failsError connecting to master: %-.128sError running query on master: %-.128sError when executing command %s: %-.128sIncorrect usage of %s and %sThe used SELECT statements have a different number of columnsCan't execute the query because you have a conflicting read lockMixing of transactional and non-transactional tables is disabledOption '%s' used twice in statementUser '%-.64s' has exceeded the '%s' resource (current value: %ld)Access denied; you need (at least one of) the %-.128s privilege(s) for this operationVariable '%-.64s' is a SESSION variable and can't be used with SET GLOBALVariable '%-.64s' is a GLOBAL variable and should be set with SET GLOBALVariable '%-.64s' doesn't have a default valueVariable '%-.64s' can't be set to the value of '%-.200s'Incorrect argument type to variable '%-.64s'Variable '%-.64s' can only be set, not readIncorrect usage/placement of '%s'This version of MySQL doesn't yet support '%s'Got fatal error %d from master when reading data from binary log: '%-.320s'Slave SQL thread ignored the query because of replicate-*-table rulesVariable '%-.192s' is a %s variableIncorrect foreign key definition for '%-.192s': %sKey reference and table reference don't matchOperand should contain %d column(s)Subquery returns more than 1 rowUnknown prepared statement handler (%.*s) given to %sHelp database is corrupt or does not existCyclic reference on subqueriesConverting column '%s' from %s to %sReference '%-.64s' not supported (%s)Every derived table must have its own aliasSelect %u was reduced during optimizationTable '%-.192s' from one of the SELECTs cannot be used in %-.32sClient does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL clientAll parts of a SPATIAL index must be NOT NULLCOLLATION '%s' is not valid for CHARACTER SET '%s'Slave is already runningSlave already has been stoppedUncompressed data size too large; the maximum size is %d (probably, length of uncompressed data was corrupted)ZLIB: Not enough memoryZLIB: Not enough room in the output buffer (probably, length of uncompressed data was corrupted)ZLIB: Input data corruptedRow %u was cut by GROUP_CONCAT()Row %ld doesn't contain data for all columnsRow %ld was truncated; it contained more data than there were input columnsColumn set to default value; NULL supplied to NOT NULL column '%s' at row %ldOut of range value for column '%s' at row %ldData truncated for column '%s' at row %ldUsing storage engine %s for table '%s'Illegal mix of collations (%s,%s) and (%s,%s) for operation '%s'Cannot drop one or more of the requested usersCan't revoke all privileges for one or more of the requested usersIllegal mix of collations (%s,%s), (%s,%s), (%s,%s) for operation '%s'Illegal mix of collations for operation '%s'Variable '%-.64s' is not a variable component (can't be used as XXXX.variable_name)Unknown collation: '%-.64s'SSL parameters in CHANGE MASTER are ignored because this MySQL slave was compiled without SSL support; they can be used later if MySQL slave with SSL is startedServer is running in --secure-auth mode, but '%s'@'%s' has a password in the old format; please change the password to the new formatField or reference '%-.192s%s%-.192s%s%-.192s' of SELECT #%d was resolved in SELECT #%dIncorrect parameter or combination of parameters for START SLAVE UNTILIt is recommended to use --skip-slave-start when doing step-by-step replication with START SLAVE UNTIL; otherwise, you will get problems if you get an unexpected slave's mysqld restartSQL thread is not to be started so UNTIL options are ignoredIncorrect index name '%-.100s'Incorrect catalog name '%-.100s'Query cache failed to set size %lu; new query cache size is %luColumn '%-.192s' cannot be part of FULLTEXT indexUnknown key cache '%-.100s'MySQL is started in --skip-name-resolve mode; you must restart it without this switch for this grant to workUnknown storage engine '%s''%s' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use %s insteadThe target table %-.100s of the %s is not updatableThe '%s' feature is disabled; you need MySQL built with '%s' to have it workingThe MySQL server is running with the %s option so it cannot execute this statementColumn '%-.100s' has duplicated value '%-.64s' in %sTruncated incorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s'Incorrect table definition; there can be only one TIMESTAMP column with CURRENT_TIMESTAMP in DEFAULT or ON UPDATE clauseInvalid ON UPDATE clause for '%-.192s' columnThis command is not supported in the prepared statement protocol yetGot error %d '%-.100s' from %sGot temporary error %d '%-.100s' from %sUnknown or incorrect time zone: '%-.64s'Invalid TIMESTAMP value in column '%s' at row %ldInvalid %s character string: '%.64s'Result of %s() was larger than max_allowed_packet (%ld) - truncatedConflicting declarations: '%s%s' and '%s%s'Can't create a %s from within another stored routine%s %s already exists%s %s does not existFailed to DROP %s %sFailed to CREATE %s %s%s with no matching label: %sRedefining label %sEnd-label %s without matchReferring to uninitialized variable %sPROCEDURE %s can't return a result set in the given contextRETURN is only allowed in a FUNCTION%s is not allowed in stored proceduresThe update log is deprecated and replaced by the binary log; SET SQL_LOG_UPDATE has been ignored.The update log is deprecated and replaced by the binary log; SET SQL_LOG_UPDATE has been translated to SET SQL_LOG_BIN.Query execution was interruptedIncorrect number of arguments for %s %s; expected %u, got %uUndefined CONDITION: %sNo RETURN found in FUNCTION %sFUNCTION %s ended without RETURNCursor statement must be a SELECTCursor SELECT must not have INTOUndefined CURSOR: %sCursor is already openCursor is not openUndeclared variable: %sIncorrect number of FETCH variablesNo data - zero rows fetched, selected, or processedDuplicate parameter: %sDuplicate variable: %sDuplicate condition: %sDuplicate cursor: %sFailed to ALTER %s %sSubquery value not supported%s is not allowed in stored function or triggerVariable or condition declaration after cursor or handler declarationCursor declaration after handler declarationCase not found for CASE statementConfiguration file '%-.192s' is too bigMalformed file type header in file '%-.192s'Unexpected end of file while parsing comment '%-.200s'Error while parsing parameter '%-.192s' (line: '%-.192s')Unexpected end of file while skipping unknown parameter '%-.192s'EXPLAIN/SHOW can not be issued; lacking privileges for underlying tableFile '%-.192s' has unknown type '%-.64s' in its header'%-.192s.%-.192s' is not %sColumn '%-.192s' is not updatableView's SELECT contains a subquery in the FROM clauseView's SELECT contains a '%s' clauseView's SELECT contains a variable or parameterView's SELECT refers to a temporary table '%-.192s'View's SELECT and view's field list have different column countsView merge algorithm can't be used here for now (assumed undefined algorithm)View being updated does not have complete key of underlying table in itView '%-.192s.%-.192s' references invalid table(s) or column(s) or function(s) or definer/invoker of view lack rights to use themCan't drop or alter a %s from within another stored routineGOTO is not allowed in a stored procedure handlerTrigger already existsTrigger does not existTrigger's '%-.192s' is view or temporary tableUpdating of %s row is not allowed in %striggerThere is no %s row in %s triggerField '%-.192s' doesn't have a default valueDivision by 0Incorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s' for column '%.192s' at row %ldIllegal %s '%-.192s' value found during parsingCHECK OPTION on non-updatable view '%-.192s.%-.192s'CHECK OPTION failed '%-.192s.%-.192s'%-.16s command denied to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' for routine '%-.192s'Failed purging old relay logs: %sPassword hash should be a %d-digit hexadecimal numberTarget log not found in binlog indexI/O error reading log index fileServer configuration does not permit binlog purgeFailed on fseek()Fatal error during log purgeA purgeable log is in use, will not purgeUnknown error during log purgeFailed initializing relay log position: %sYou are not using binary loggingThe '%-.64s' syntax is reserved for purposes internal to the MySQL serverWSAStartup FailedCan't handle procedures with different groups yetSelect must have a group with this procedureCan't use ORDER clause with this procedureBinary logging and replication forbid changing the global server %sCan't map file: %-.200s, errno: %dWrong magic in %-.64sPrepared statement contains too many placeholdersKey part '%-.192s' length cannot be 0View text checksum failedCan not modify more than one base table through a join view '%-.192s.%-.192s'Can not insert into join view '%-.192s.%-.192s' without fields listCan not delete from join view '%-.192s.%-.192s'Operation %s failed for %.256sXAER_NOTA: Unknown XIDXAER_INVAL: Invalid arguments (or unsupported command)XAER_RMFAIL: The command cannot be executed when global transaction is in the %.64s stateXAER_OUTSIDE: Some work is done outside global transactionXAER_RMERR: Fatal error occurred in the transaction branch - check your data for consistencyXA_RBROLLBACK: Transaction branch was rolled backThere is no such grant defined for user '%-.48s' on host '%-.64s' on routine '%-.192s'Failed to grant EXECUTE and ALTER ROUTINE privilegesFailed to revoke all privileges to dropped routineData too long for column '%s' at row %ldBad SQLSTATE: '%s'%s: ready for connections. Version: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d %sCan't load value from file with fixed size rows to variableYou are not allowed to create a user with GRANTIncorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s' for function %-.32sTable definition has changed, please retry transactionDuplicate handler declared in the same blockOUT or INOUT argument %d for routine %s is not a variable or NEW pseudo-variable in BEFORE triggerNot allowed to return a result set from a %sCannot get geometry object from data you send to the GEOMETRY fieldA routine failed and has neither NO SQL nor READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled; if non-transactional tables were updated, the binary log will miss their changesThis function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)You do not have the SUPER privilege and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)You can't execute a prepared statement which has an open cursor associated with it. Reset the statement to re-execute it.The statement (%lu) has no open cursor.Explicit or implicit commit is not allowed in stored function or trigger.Field of view '%-.192s.%-.192s' underlying table doesn't have a default valueRecursive stored functions and triggers are not allowed.Too big scale %d specified for column '%-.192s'. Maximum is %lu.Too-big precision %d specified for '%-.192s'. Maximum is %lu.For float(M,D), double(M,D) or decimal(M,D), M must be >= D (column '%-.192s').You can't combine write-locking of system tables with other tables or lock typesUnable to connect to foreign data source: %.64sThere was a problem processing the query on the foreign data source. Data source error: %-.64sThe foreign data source you are trying to reference does not exist. Data source error: %-.64sCan't create federated table. The data source connection string '%-.64s' is not in the correct formatThe data source connection string '%-.64s' is not in the correct formatCan't create federated table. Foreign data src error: %-.64sTrigger in wrong schemaThread stack overrun: %ld bytes used of a %ld byte stack, and %ld bytes needed. Use 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' to specify a bigger stack.Routine body for '%-.100s' is too longCannot drop default keycacheDisplay width out of range for column '%-.192s' (max = %lu)XAER_DUPID: The XID already existsDatetime function: %-.32s field overflowCan't update table '%-.192s' in stored function/trigger because it is already used by statement which invoked this stored function/trigger.The definition of table '%-.192s' prevents operation %.192s on table '%-.192s'.The prepared statement contains a stored routine call that refers to that same statement. It's not allowed to execute a prepared statement in such a recursive mannerNot allowed to set autocommit from a stored function or triggerDefiner is not fully qualifiedView '%-.192s'.'%-.192s' has no definer information (old table format). Current user is used as definer. Please recreate the view!You need the SUPER privilege for creation view with '%-.192s'@'%-.192s' definerThe user specified as a definer ('%-.64s'@'%-.64s') does not existChanging schema from '%-.192s' to '%-.192s' is not allowed.Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (%.192s)Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (%.192s)Variable '%-.64s' must be quoted with `...`, or renamedNo definer attribute for trigger '%-.192s'.'%-.192s'. The trigger will be activated under the authorization of the invoker, which may have insufficient privileges. Please recreate the trigger.'%-.192s' has an old format, you should re-create the '%s' object(s)Recursive limit %d (as set by the max_sp_recursion_depth variable) was exceeded for routine %.192sFailed to load routine %-.192s. The table mysql.proc is missing, corrupt, or contains bad data (internal code %d)Incorrect routine name '%-.192s'Table upgrade required. Please do "REPAIR TABLE `%-.64s`" or dump/reload to fix it!AGGREGATE is not supported for stored functionsCan't create more than max_prepared_stmt_count statements (current value: %lu)`%-.192s`.`%-.192s` contains view recursionNon-grouping field '%-.192s' is used in %-.64s clauseThe used table type doesn't support SPATIAL indexesTriggers can not be created on system tablesLeading spaces are removed from name '%s'Failed to read auto-increment value from storage engineuser namehost nameString '%-.70s' is too long for %s (should be no longer than %d)The target table %-.100s of the %s is not insertable-intoTable '%-.64s' is differently defined or of non-MyISAM type or doesn't existToo high level of nesting for selectName '%-.64s' has become ''First character of the FIELDS TERMINATED string is ambiguous; please use non-optional and non-empty FIELDS ENCLOSED BYThe foreign server, %s, you are trying to create already exists.The foreign server name you are trying to reference does not exist. Data source error: %-.64sTable storage engine '%-.64s' does not support the create option '%.64s'Syntax error: %-.64s PARTITIONING requires definition of VALUES %-.64s for each partitionOnly %-.64s PARTITIONING can use VALUES %-.64s in partition definitionMAXVALUE can only be used in last partition definitionSubpartitions can only be hash partitions and by keyMust define subpartitions on all partitions if on one partitionWrong number of partitions defined, mismatch with previous settingWrong number of subpartitions defined, mismatch with previous settingConstant, random or timezone-dependent expressions in (sub)partitioning function are not allowedExpression in RANGE/LIST VALUES must be constantField in list of fields for partition function not found in tableList of fields is only allowed in KEY partitionsThe partition info in the frm file is not consistent with what can be written into the frm fileThe %-.192s function returns the wrong typeFor %-.64s partitions each partition must be definedVALUES LESS THAN value must be strictly increasing for each partitionVALUES value must be of same type as partition functionMultiple definition of same constant in list partitioningPartitioning can not be used stand-alone in queryThe mix of handlers in the partitions is not allowed in this version of MySQLFor the partitioned engine it is necessary to define all %-.64sToo many partitions (including subpartitions) were definedIt is only possible to mix RANGE/LIST partitioning with HASH/KEY partitioning for subpartitioningFailed to create specific handler fileA BLOB field is not allowed in partition functionA %-.192s must include all columns in the table's partitioning functionNumber of %-.64s = 0 is not an allowed valuePartition management on a not partitioned table is not possibleForeign keys are not yet supported in conjunction with partitioningError in list of partitions to %-.64sCannot remove all partitions, use DROP TABLE insteadCOALESCE PARTITION can only be used on HASH/KEY partitionsREORGANIZE PARTITION can only be used to reorganize partitions not to change their numbersREORGANIZE PARTITION without parameters can only be used on auto-partitioned tables using HASH PARTITIONs%-.64s PARTITION can only be used on RANGE/LIST partitionsTrying to Add partition(s) with wrong number of subpartitionsAt least one partition must be addedAt least one partition must be coalescedMore partitions to reorganize than there are partitionsDuplicate partition name %-.192sIt is not allowed to shut off binlog on this commandWhen reorganizing a set of partitions they must be in consecutive orderReorganize of range partitions cannot change total ranges except for last partition where it can extend the rangePartition function not supported in this version for this handlerPartition state cannot be defined from CREATE/ALTER TABLEThe %-.64s handler only supports 32 bit integers in VALUESPlugin '%-.192s' is not loadedIncorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s'Table has no partition for value %-.64sIt is not allowed to specify %s more than onceFailed to create %sFailed to drop %sThe handler doesn't support autoextend of tablespacesA size parameter was incorrectly specified, either number or on the form 10MThe size number was correct but we don't allow the digit part to be more than 2 billionFailed to alter: %sWriting one row to the row-based binary log failedTable definition on master and slave does not match: %sSlave running with --log-slave-updates must use row-based binary logging to be able to replicate row-based binary log eventsEvent '%-.192s' already existsFailed to store event %s. Error code %d from storage engine.Unknown event '%-.192s'Failed to alter event '%-.192s'Failed to drop %sINTERVAL is either not positive or too bigENDS is either invalid or before STARTSEvent execution time is in the past. Event has been disabledFailed to open mysql.eventNo datetime expression providedColumn count of mysql.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. The table is probably corruptedCannot load from mysql.%s. The table is probably corruptedFailed to delete the event from mysql.eventError during compilation of event's bodySame old and new event nameData for column '%s' too longCannot drop index '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraintThe syntax '%s' is deprecated and will be removed in MySQL %s. Please use %s insteadYou can't write-lock a log table. Only read access is possibleYou can't use locks with log tables.Upholding foreign key constraints for table '%.192s', entry '%-.192s', key %d would lead to a duplicate entryColumn count of mysql.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. Created with MySQL %d, now running %d. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error.Cannot switch out of the row-based binary log format when the session has open temporary tablesCannot change the binary logging format inside a stored function or triggerThe NDB cluster engine does not support changing the binlog format on the fly yetCannot create temporary table with partitionsPartition constant is out of partition function domainThis partition function is not allowedError in DDL logNot allowed to use NULL value in VALUES LESS THANIncorrect partition nameTransaction characteristics can't be changed while a transaction is in progressALTER TABLE causes auto_increment resequencing, resulting in duplicate entry '%-.192s' for key '%-.192s'Internal scheduler error %dError during starting/stopping of the scheduler. Error code %uEngine cannot be used in partitioned tablesCannot activate '%-.64s' logThe server was not built with row-based replicationDecoding of base64 string failedRecursion of EVENT DDL statements is forbidden when body is presentCannot proceed because system tables used by Event Scheduler were found damaged at server startOnly integers allowed as number hereThis storage engine cannot be used for log tables"You cannot '%s' a log table if logging is enabledCannot rename '%s'. When logging enabled, rename to/from log table must rename two tables: the log table to an archive table and another table back to '%s'Incorrect parameter count in the call to native function '%-.192s'Incorrect parameters in the call to native function '%-.192s'Incorrect parameters in the call to stored function %-.192sThis function '%-.192s' has the same name as a native functionDuplicate entry '%-.64s' for key '%-.192s'Too many files opened, please execute the command againEvent execution time is in the past and ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE is set. The event was dropped immediately after creation.Event execution time is in the past and ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE is set. The event was not changed. Specify a time in the future.The incident %s occured on the master. Message: %sTable has no partition for some existing valuesUnsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. %sFatal error: %sRelay log read failure: %sRelay log write failure: %sFailed to create %sMaster command %s failed: %sBinary logging not possible. Message: %sView `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` has no creation contextCreation context of view `%-.64s`.`%-.64s' is invalidCreation context of stored routine `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCorrupted TRG file for table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s`Triggers for table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` have no creation contextTrigger creation context of table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCreation context of event `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCannot open table for trigger `%-.64s`.`%-.64s`Cannot create stored routine `%-.64s`. Check warningsAmbiguous slave modes combination. %sThe BINLOG statement of type `%s` was not preceded by a format description BINLOG statement.Corrupted replication event was detectedInvalid column reference (%-.64s) in LOAD DATABeing purged log %s was not foundXA_RBTIMEOUT: Transaction branch was rolled back: took too longXA_RBDEADLOCK: Transaction branch was rolled back: deadlock was detectedPrepared statement needs to be re-preparedDELAYED option not supported for table '%-.192s'The master info structure does not exist<%-.64s> option ignoredBuilt-in plugins cannot be deletedPlugin is busy and will be uninstalled on shutdown%s variable '%s' is read-only. Use SET %s to assign the valueStorage engine %s does not support rollback for this statement. Transaction rolled back and must be restartedUnexpected master's heartbeat data: %sThe requested value for the heartbeat period is either negative or exceeds the maximum allowed (%s seconds).Bad schema for mysql.ndb_replication table. Message: %-.64sError in parsing conflict function. Message: %-.64sWrite to exceptions table failed. Message: %-.128s"Comment for table '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Comment for field '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)FUNCTION %s does not exist. Check the 'Function Name Parsing and Resolution' section in the Reference ManualDatabaseTablePartitionSubpartitionTemporaryRenamedToo many active concurrent transactionsNon-ASCII separator arguments are not fully supporteddebug sync point wait timed outdebug sync point hit limit reachedDuplicate condition information item '%s'Unhandled user-defined warning conditionUnhandled user-defined not found conditionUnhandled user-defined exception conditionRESIGNAL when handler not activeSIGNAL/RESIGNAL can only use a CONDITION defined with SQLSTATEData truncated for condition item '%s'Data too long for condition item '%s'Unknown locale: '%-.64s'The requested server id %d clashes with the slave startup option --replicate-same-server-idQuery cache is disabled; restart the server with query_cache_type=1 to enable itDuplicate partition field name '%-.192s'Inconsistency in usage of column lists for partitioningPartition column values of incorrect typeToo many fields in '%-.192s'Cannot use MAXVALUE as value in VALUES INCannot have more than one value for this type of %-.64s partitioningRow expressions in VALUES IN only allowed for multi-field column partitioningField '%-.192s' is of a not allowed type for this type of partitioningThe total length of the partitioning fields is too largeCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since both row-incapable engines and statement-incapable engines are involved.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = ROW and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to statement-based logging.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. %sCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is in row format and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to statement-based logging.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to row-based logging.%sCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is in row format and BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since more than one engine is involved and at least one engine is self-logging.The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted.The statement is unsafe because it uses INSERT DELAYED. This is unsafe because the times when rows are inserted cannot be predicted.The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves.Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly.Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it accesses a non-transactional table after accessing a transactional table within the same transaction.%s Statement: %sColumn %d of table '%-.192s.%-.192s' cannot be converted from type '%-.32s' to type '%-.32s'Can't create conversion table for table '%-.192s.%-.192s'Cannot modify @@session.binlog_format inside a transactionThe path specified for %.64s is too long.'%s' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.Native table '%-.64s'.'%-.64s' has the wrong structureInvalid performance_schema usage.Table '%s'.'%s' was skipped since its definition is being modified by concurrent DDL statementCannot modify @@session.binlog_direct_non_transactional_updates inside a transactionCannot change the binlog direct flag inside a stored function or triggerA SPATIAL index may only contain a geometrical type columnComment for index '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Wait on a lock was aborted due to a pending exclusive lock%s value is out of range in '%s'A variable of a non-integer based type in LIMIT clauseMixing self-logging and non-self-logging engines in a statement is unsafe.Statement accesses nontransactional table as well as transactional or temporary table, and writes to any of them.Cannot modify @@session.sql_log_bin inside a transactionCannot change the sql_log_bin inside a stored function or triggerFailed to read from the .par fileVALUES value for partition '%-.64s' must have type INTAccess denied for user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s'SET PASSWORD has no significance for users authenticating via pluginsGRANT with IDENTIFIED WITH is illegal because the user %-.*s already existsCannot truncate a table referenced in a foreign key constraint (%.192s)Plugin '%s' is force_plus_permanent and can not be unloadedThe requested value for the heartbeat period is less than 1 millisecond. The value is reset to 0, meaning that heartbeating will effectively be disabled.The requested value for the heartbeat period exceeds the value of `slave_net_timeout' seconds. A sensible value for the period should be less than the timeout.Multi-row statements required more than 'max_binlog_stmt_cache_size' bytes of storage; increase this mysqld variable and try againPrimary key/partition key update is not allowed since the table is updated both as '%-.192s' and '%-.192s'.Table rebuild required. Please do "ALTER TABLE `%-.64s` FORCE" or dump/reload to fix it!The value of '%s' should be no less than the value of '%s'Index column size too large. The maximum column size is %lu bytes.Trigger '%-.64s' has an error in its body: '%-.256s'Unknown trigger has an error in its body: '%-.256s'Index %s is corruptedUndo log record is too big.INSERT IGNORE... SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.INSERT... SELECT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are updated. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.REPLACE... SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are replaced. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE... IGNORE SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE... REPLACE SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are replaced. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.UPDATE IGNORE is unsafe because the order in which rows are updated determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.Plugin '%s' is marked as not dynamically uninstallable. You have to stop the server to uninstall it.Plugin '%s' is marked as not dynamically installable. You have to stop the server to install it.Statements writing to a table with an auto-increment column after selecting from another table are unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved determines what (if any) rows will be written. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE TABLE... SELECT... on a table with an auto-increment column is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are inserted. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.INSERT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE on a table with more than one UNIQUE KEY is unsafeTable is being used in foreign key check.Storage engine '%s' does not support system tables. [%s.%s]INSERT into autoincrement field which is not the first part in the composed primary key is unsafe.Cannot load from %s.%s. The table is probably corruptedThe requested value %s for the master delay exceeds the maximum %uOnly Format_description_log_event and row events are allowed in BINLOG statements (but %s was provided)Non matching attribute '%-.64s' between partition and tableTable to exchange with partition is partitioned: '%-.64s'Table to exchange with partition is temporary: '%-.64s'Subpartitioned table, use subpartition instead of partitionUnknown partition '%-.64s' in table '%-.64s'Tables have different definitionsFound a row that does not match the partitionOption binlog_cache_size (%lu) is greater than max_binlog_cache_size (%lu); setting binlog_cache_size equal to max_binlog_cache_size.Cannot use %-.64s access on index '%-.64s' due to type or collation conversion on field '%-.64s'Table to exchange with partition has foreign key references: '%-.64s'Key value '%-.192s' was not found in table '%-.192s.%-.192s'Data for column '%s' too longReplication event checksum verification failed while reading from network.Replication event checksum verification failed while reading from a log file.Option binlog_stmt_cache_size (%lu) is greater than max_binlog_stmt_cache_size (%lu); setting binlog_stmt_cache_size equal to max_binlog_stmt_cache_size.Can't update table '%-.192s' while '%-.192s' is being created.PARTITION () clause on non partitioned tableFound a row not matching the given partition setpartition '%-.64s' doesn't existFailure while changing the type of replication repository: %s.The creation of some temporary tables could not be rolled back.Some temporary tables were dropped, but these operations could not be rolled back.%s is not supported in multi-threaded slave mode. %sThe number of modified databases exceeds the maximum %d; the database names will not be included in the replication event metadata.Cannot execute the current event group in the parallel mode. Encountered event %s, relay-log name %s, position %s which prevents execution of this event group in parallel mode. Reason: %s.%sFULLTEXT index is not supported for partitioned tables.Invalid condition numberSending passwords in plain text without SSL/TLS is extremely insecure.Storing MySQL user name or password information in the master info repository is not secure and is therefore not recommended. Please consider using the USER and PASSWORD connection options for START SLAVE; see the 'START SLAVE Syntax' in the MySQL Manual for more information.Foreign key constraint for table '%.192s', record '%-.192s' would lead to a duplicate entry in table '%.192s', key '%.192s'Foreign key constraint for table '%.192s', record '%-.192s' would lead to a duplicate entry in a child tableSetting authentication options is not possible when only the Slave SQL Thread is being started.The table does not have FULLTEXT index to support this queryThe system variable %.200s cannot be set in stored functions or triggers.The system variable %.200s cannot be set when there is an ongoing transaction.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT has the value %.200s, which is not listed in @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot change inside a transaction.The statement 'SET %.200s' cannot invoke a stored function.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be 'AUTOMATIC' when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST is non-NULL.Skipping transaction %.200s because it has already been executed and logged.Malformed GTID set specification '%.200s'.Malformed GTID set encoding.Malformed GTID specification '%.200s'.Impossible to generate Global Transaction Identifier: the integer component reached the maximal value. Restart the server with a new server_uuid.Parameters MASTER_LOG_FILE, MASTER_LOG_POS, RELAY_LOG_FILE and RELAY_LOG_POS cannot be set when MASTER_AUTO_POSITION is active.CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1 cannot be executed because @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot execute statements with implicit commit inside a transaction when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT == 'UUID:NUMBER'.GTID_MODE = ON requires ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY = ON.@@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON or ON_PERMISSIVE or OFF_PERMISSIVE requires --log-bin and --log-slave-updates.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be set to UUID:NUMBER when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be set to ANONYMOUS when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST cannot be set to a non-NULL value when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Found a Gtid_log_event when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Statement violates GTID consistency: Updates to non-transactional tables can only be done in either autocommitted statements or single-statement transactions, and never in the same statement as updates to transactional tables.Statement violates GTID consistency: CREATE TABLE ... SELECT.Statement violates GTID consistency: Under statement binary log mode CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE and DROP TEMPORARY TABLE can only be executed outside transactional context. These statements are also not allowed in a function or trigger because functions and triggers are also considered to be multi-statement transactions.The value of @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE can only be changed one step at a time: OFF <-> OFF_PERMISSIVE <-> ON_PERMISSIVE <-> ON. Also note that this value must be stepped up or down simultaneously on all servers. See the Manual for instructions.The slave is connecting using CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1, but the master has purged binary logs containing GTIDs that the slave requires.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be changed by a client that owns a GTID. The client owns %s. Ownership is released on COMMIT or ROLLBACK.Unknown EXPLAIN format name: '%s'Cannot execute statement in a READ ONLY transaction.Comment for table partition '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Slave is not configured or failed to initialize properly. You must at least set --server-id to enable either a master or a slave. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.InnoDB presently supports one FULLTEXT index creation at a timeCannot create FULLTEXT index on temporary InnoDB tableColumn '%-.192s' is of wrong type for an InnoDB FULLTEXT indexIndex '%-.192s' is of wrong type for an InnoDB FULLTEXT indexCreating index '%-.192s' required more than 'innodb_online_alter_log_max_size' bytes of modification log. Please try again.Unknown ALGORITHM '%s'Unknown LOCK type '%s'CHANGE MASTER cannot be executed when the slave was stopped with an error or killed in MTS mode. Consider using RESET SLAVE or START SLAVE UNTIL.Cannot recover after SLAVE errored out in parallel execution mode. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.Cannot clean up worker info tables. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.Column count of %s.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. The table is probably corruptedSlave must silently retry current transactionThere is a foreign key check running on table '%-.192s'. Cannot discard the table.Schema mismatch (%s)Table '%-.192s' in system tablespaceIO Read error: (%lu, %s) %sIO Write error: (%lu, %s) %sTablespace is missing for table %s.Tablespace '%-.192s' exists.Tablespace has been discarded for table '%-.192s'Internal error: %sALTER TABLE %-.192s IMPORT TABLESPACE failed with error %lu : '%s'Index corrupt: %sSupports only YEAR or YEAR(4) column.Your password does not satisfy the current policy requirementsТрябва първо да си смените паролата със SET PASSWORD за да можете да изпълните тази командаFailed to add the foreign key constaint. Missing index for constraint '%s' in the foreign table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constaint. Missing index for constraint '%s' in the referenced table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constraint '%s' to system tablesFailed to open the referenced table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constraint on table '%s'. Incorrect options in FOREIGN KEY constraint '%s'Duplicate foreign key constraint name '%s'The password hash doesn't have the expected format. Check if the correct password algorithm is being used with the PASSWORD() function.Cannot drop column '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s'Cannot drop column '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Column '%-.192s' cannot be NOT NULL: needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' SET NULLDuplicate index '%-.64s' defined on the table '%-.64s.%-.64s'. This is deprecated and will be disallowed in a future release.Cannot change column '%-.192s': used in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s'Cannot change column '%-.192s': used in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Cannot delete rows from table which is parent in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Malformed communication packet.Running in read-only modeWhen @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT is set to a GTID, you must explicitly set it to a different value after a COMMIT or ROLLBACK. Please check GTID_NEXT variable manual page for detailed explanation. Current @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT is '%s'.The system variable %.200s cannot be set in stored procedures.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when @@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED is empty.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when there are no ongoing transactions (not even in other clients).@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED was changed from '%s' to '%s'.@@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED was changed from '%s' to '%s'.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT, and both replicated and non replicated tables are written to.%s is not supported for this operation. Try %s.%s is not supported. Reason: %s. Try %s.COPY algorithm requires a lockPartition specific operations do not yet support LOCK/ALGORITHMColumns participating in a foreign key are renamedCannot change column type INPLACEAdding foreign keys needs foreign_key_checks=OFFCreating unique indexes with IGNORE requires COPY algorithm to remove duplicate rowsDropping a primary key is not allowed without also adding a new primary keyAdding an auto-increment column requires a lockCannot replace hidden FTS_DOC_ID with a user-visible oneCannot drop or rename FTS_DOC_IDFulltext index creation requires a locksql_slave_skip_counter can not be set when the server is running with @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON. Instead, for each transaction that you want to skip, generate an empty transaction with the same GTID as the transactionDuplicate entry for key '%-.192s'Long database name and identifier for object resulted in path length exceeding %d characters. Path: '%s'.cannot silently convert NULL values, as required in this SQL_MODEПаролата ви е изтекла. За да влезете трябва да я смените използвайки клиент който поддрържа такива пароли.Found a row in wrong partition %sCannot schedule event %s, relay-log name %s, position %s to Worker thread because its size %lu exceeds %lu of slave_pending_jobs_size_max.Cannot CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX WITH PARSER on InnoDB tableThe binary log file '%s' is logically corrupted: %sfile %s was not purged because it was being read by %d thread(s), purged only %d out of %d files.file %s was not purged because it is the active log file.Auto-increment value in UPDATE conflicts with internally generated valuesRow events are not logged for %s statements that modify BLACKHOLE tables in row format. Table(s): '%-.192s'Slave failed to initialize master info structure from the repositorySlave failed to initialize relay log info structure from the repositoryОтказан достъп при опит за смяна към потребител %-.48s'@'%-.64s' (използвана парола: %s). Затваряне на връзката.InnoDB is in read only mode.STOP SLAVE command execution is incomplete: Slave SQL thread got the stop signal, thread is busy, SQL thread will stop once the current task is complete.STOP SLAVE command execution is incomplete: Slave IO thread got the stop signal, thread is busy, IO thread will stop once the current task is complete.Operation cannot be performed. The table '%-.64s.%-.64s' is missing, corrupt or contains bad data.Temporary file write failure.Upgrade index name failed, please use create index(alter table) algorithm copy to rebuild index.TIME/TIMESTAMP/DATETIME columns of old format have been upgraded to the new format.Operation not allowed when innodb_forced_recovery > 0.The initialization vector supplied to %s is too short. Must be at least %d bytes longPlugin '%s' cannot be uninstalled now. %sCannot execute statement because it needs to be written to the binary log as multiple statements, and this is not allowed when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT == 'UUID:NUMBER'.Slave has more GTIDs than the master has, using the master's SERVER_UUID. This may indicate that the end of the binary log was truncated or that the last binary log file was lost, e.g., after a power or disk failure when sync_binlog != 1. The master may or may not have rolled back transactions that were already replicated to the slave. Suggest to replicate any transactions that master has rolled back from slave to master, and/or commit empty transactions on master to account for transactions that have been committed on master but are not included in GTID_EXECUTED.The table '%s.%s' does not have the necessary key(s) defined on it. Please check the table definition and create index(s) accordingly.File %s is corruptedQuery partially completed on the master (error on master: %d) and was aborted. There is a chance that your master is inconsistent at this point. If you are sure that your master is ok, run this query manually on the slave and then restart the slave with SET GLOBAL SQL_SLAVE_SKIP_COUNTER=1; START SLAVE;. Query:'%s'Query caused different errors on master and slave. Error on master: message (format)='%s' error code=%d; Error on slave:actual message='%s', error code=%d. Default database:'%s'. Query:'%s'Storage engine for table '%s'.'%s' is not loaded.GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS when handler not active%s is no longer supported. The statement was converted to %s.Statement is unsafe because it uses a fulltext parser plugin which may not return the same value on the slave.Cannot DISCARD/IMPORT tablespace associated with temporary tableForeign key cascade delete/update exceeds max depth of %d.Column count of %s.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. Created with MySQL %d, now running %d. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error.Trigger %s.%s.%s does not have CREATED attribute.Referenced trigger '%s' for the given action time and event type does not exist.EXPLAIN FOR CONNECTION command is supported only for SELECT/UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE/REPLACEInvalid size for column '%-.192s'.Table storage engine '%-.64s' found required create option missingOut of memory in storage engine '%-.64s'.The password for anonymous user cannot be expired.This operation cannot be performed with a running slave sql thread; run STOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD firstCannot create FULLTEXT index on materialized subqueryUndo Log error: %sInvalid argument for logarithmThis operation cannot be performed with a running slave io thread; run STOP SLAVE IO_THREAD FOR CHANNEL '%s' first.This operation may not be safe when the slave has temporary tables. The tables will be kept open until the server restarts or until the tables are deleted by any replicated DROP statement. Suggest to wait until slave_open_temp_tables = 0.CHANGE MASTER TO with a MASTER_LOG_FILE clause but no MASTER_LOG_POS clause may not be safe. The old position value may not be valid for the new binary log file.Query execution was interrupted, maximum statement execution time exceededSelect is not a read only statement, disabling timerDuplicate entry '%-.192s'.'%s' mode no longer has any effect. Use STRICT_ALL_TABLES or STRICT_TRANS_TABLES instead.Expression #%u of ORDER BY contains aggregate function and applies to a UNIONExpression #%u of ORDER BY contains aggregate function and applies to the result of a non-aggregated querySlave worker has stopped after at least one previous worker encountered an error when slave-preserve-commit-order was enabled. To preserve commit order, the last transaction executed by this thread has not been committed. When restarting the slave after fixing any failed threads, you should fix this worker as well.slave_preserve_commit_order is not supported %s.The server is currently in offline modeBinary geometry function %s given two geometries of different srids: %u and %u, which should have been identical.Calling geometry function %s with unsupported types of arguments.Unknown GIS error occured in function %s.Unknown exception caught in GIS function %s.Invalid GIS data provided to function %s.The geometry has no data in function %s.Unable to calculate centroid because geometry is empty in function %s.Geometry overlay calculation error: geometry data is invalid in function %s.Geometry turn info calculation error: geometry data is invalid in function %s.Analysis procedures of intersection points interrupted unexpectedly in function %s.Unknown exception thrown in function %s.Memory allocation error: %-.256s in function %s.Domain error: %-.256s in function %s.Length error: %-.256s in function %s.Invalid argument error: %-.256s in function %s.Out of range error: %-.256s in function %s.Overflow error error: %-.256s in function %s.Range error: %-.256s in function %s.Underflow error: %-.256s in function %s.Logic error: %-.256s in function %s.Runtime error: %-.256s in function %s.Unknown exception: %-.384s in function %s.Geometry byte string must be little endian.The password provided for the replication user exceeds the maximum length of 32 charactersIncorrect user-level lock name '%-.192s'.Deadlock found when trying to get user-level lock; try rolling back transaction/releasing locks and restarting lock acquisition.REPLACE cannot be executed as it requires deleting rows that are not in the viewDo not support online operation on table with GIS indexUser variable name '%-.100s' is illegalCannot %s when GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot %s from a replication slave thread.Incorrect type for argument %s in function %s.Expression #%u of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, references column '%-.192s' which is not in SELECT list; this is incompatible with %sExpression #%u of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, contains aggregate function; this is incompatible with %sSupplied filter list contains a value which is not in the required format 'db_pattern.table_pattern'OK packet too largeInvalid JSON data provided to function %s: %sInvalid GeoJSON data provided to function %s: Missing required member '%s'Invalid GeoJSON data provided to function %s: Member '%s' must be of type '%s'Invalid GeoJSON data provided to function %sUnsupported number of coordinate dimensions in function %s: Found %u, expected %uSlave channel '%s' does not exist.A slave channel '%s' already exists for the given host and port combination.Couldn't create channel: Channel name is either invalid or too long.To have multiple channels, repository cannot be of type FILE; Please check the repository configuration and convert them to TABLE.Cannot delete slave info objects for channel '%s'.Multiple channels exist on the slave. Please provide channel name as an argument.Maximum number of replication channels allowed exceeded.This operation cannot be performed with running replication threads; run STOP SLAVE FOR CHANNEL '%s' firstThis operation requires running replication threads; configure slave and run START SLAVE FOR CHANNEL '%s'Replication thread(s) for channel '%s' are already runnning.Replication thread(s) for channel '%s' are already stopped.This operation cannot be performed with a running slave sql thread; run STOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD FOR CHANNEL '%s' first.When sql_slave_skip_counter > 0, it is not allowed to start more than one SQL thread by using 'START SLAVE [SQL_THREAD]'. Value of sql_slave_skip_counter can only be used by one SQL thread at a time. Please use 'START SLAVE [SQL_THREAD] FOR CHANNEL' to start the SQL thread which will use the value of sql_slave_skip_counter.Expression #%u of %s is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column '%-.192s' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_byIn aggregated query without GROUP BY, expression #%u of %s contains nonaggregated column '%-.192s'; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_byUpdating '%s' is deprecated. It will be made read-only in a future release.Changing sql mode '%s' is deprecated. It will be removed in a future release.DROP DATABASE failed; some tables may have been dropped but the database directory remains. The GTID has not been added to GTID_EXECUTED and the statement was not written to the binary log. Fix this as follows: (1) remove all files from the database directory %-.192s; (2) SET GTID_NEXT='%-.192s'; (3) DROP DATABASE `%-.192s`.The server is not configured properly to be an active member of the group. Please see more details on error log.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed since the group is already running.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as the applier module failed to start.The STOP GROUP_REPLICATION command execution is incomplete: The applier thread got the stop signal while it was busy. The applier thread will stop once the current task is complete.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as there was an error when initializing the group communication layer.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as there was an error when joining the communication group.The table does not comply with the requirements by an external plugin.Cannot change the value of variable %s without binary log format as ROW.Error on observer while running replication hook '%s'.Plugin instructed the server to rollback the current transaction.Expression of generated column '%s' contains a disallowed function.INPLACE ADD or DROP of virtual columns cannot be combined with other ALTER TABLE actionsCannot define foreign key with %s clause on a generated column.The value specified for generated column '%s' in table '%s' is not allowed.'%s' is not supported for generated columns.Generated column can refer only to generated columns defined prior to it.Column '%s' has a generated column dependency.Generated column '%s' cannot refer to auto-increment column.The '%-.64s' feature is not available; you need to remove '%-.64s' or use MySQL built with '%-.64s'SET @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = %-.64s is not allowed because %-.384s.The replication receiver thread%-.192s cannot start in AUTO_POSITION mode: this server uses @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot replicate anonymous transaction when AUTO_POSITION = 1, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot replicate anonymous transaction when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot replicate GTID-transaction when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot set ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY = ON because there are ongoing transactions that violate GTID consistency.There are ongoing transactions that violate GTID consistency.Access denied for user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s'. Account is locked.Incorrect tablespace name `%-.192s`Tablespace `%-.192s` is not empty.Incorrect File Name '%s'.Inconsistent intersection points.Optimizer hint syntax errorUnsupported MAX_EXECUTION_TIMEMAX_EXECUTION_TIME hint is supported by top-level standalone SELECT statements onlyHint %s is ignored as conflicting/duplicatedQuery block name %s is not found for %s hintUnresolved name %s for %s hintPlease do not modify the %s table. This is a mysql internal system table to store GTIDs for committed transactions. Modifying it can lead to an inconsistent GTID state.Command not supported by pluggable protocolsIncorrect locking service lock name '%-.192s'.Deadlock found when trying to get locking service lock; try releasing locks and restarting lock acquisition.Service lock wait timeout exceeded.Parameter %s exceeds the maximum number of points in a geometry (%lu) in function %s.'NO_ZERO_DATE', 'NO_ZERO_IN_DATE' and 'ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO' sql modes should be used with strict mode. They will be merged with strict mode in a future release.Version token mismatch for %.*s. Correct value %.*sVersion token %.*s not found.Variable %-.192s cannot be changed by a client that owns a GTID. The client owns %s. Ownership is released on COMMIT or ROLLBACK.%-.192s cannot be performed on channel '%-.192s'.Invalid JSON text: "%s" at position %u in value for column '%-.200s'.Invalid JSON text in argument %u to function %s: "%s" at position %u.%-.0sThe JSON binary value contains invalid data.Invalid JSON path expression. The error is around character position %u.%-.200sCannot create a JSON value from a string with CHARACTER SET '%s'.Invalid JSON character data provided to function %s: '%s'; utf8 is required.Invalid data type for JSON data in argument %u to function %s; a JSON string or JSON type is required.Cannot CAST value to JSON.A path expression must be encoded in the utf8 character set. The path expression '%-.200s' is encoded in character set '%-.200s'.In this situation, path expressions may not contain the * and ** tokens.The JSON value is too big to be stored in a JSON column.The JSON object contains a key name that is too long.JSON column '%-.192s' cannot be used in key specification.The path expression '$' is not allowed in this context.The oneOrAll argument to %s may take these values: 'one' or 'all'.Out of range JSON value for CAST to %s%-.0s from column %s at row %ldInvalid JSON value for CAST to %s%-.0s from column %s at row %ldThe JSON document exceeds the maximum depth.JSON documents may not contain NULL member names.Connections using insecure transport are prohibited while --require_secure_transport=ON.No secure transports (SSL or Shared Memory) are configured, unable to set --require_secure_transport=ON.Storage engine %s is disabled (Table creation is disallowed).User %s does not exist.User %s already exists.Aborted by Audit API ('%-.48s';%d).A path expression is not a path to a cell in an array.Another buffer pool resize is already in progress.The '%s' feature is disabled; see the documentation for '%s'Server isn't availableSession was killedMemory capacity of %llu bytes for '%s' exceeded. %sRange optimization was not done for this query.Partitioning upgrade required. Please dump/reload to fix it or do: ALTER TABLE `%-.192s`.`%-.192s` UPGRADE PARTITIONINGThe client holds ownership of the GTID %s. Therefore, WAIT_FOR_EXECUTED_GTID_SET cannot wait for this GTID.Cannot add foreign key on the base column of indexed virtual column.Cannot create index on virtual column whose base column has foreign constraint.Please do not modify the %s table with an XA transaction. This is an internal system table used to store GTIDs for committed transactions. Although modifying it can lead to an inconsistent GTID state, if neccessary you can modify it with a non-XA transaction.Lock acquisition refused by storage engine.ADD COLUMN col...VIRTUAL, ADD INDEX(col)Master key rotation is not supported by storage engine.Encryption key rotation error reported by SE: %sWrite to binlog failed. However, master key rotation has been completed successfully.Storage engine is not available.This tablespace can't be encrypted.Invalid encryption option.Can't find master key from keyring, please check in the server log if a keyring plugin is loaded and initialized successfully.Parser bailed out for this query.Cannot alter encryption attribute by inplace algorithm.Function '%s' failed because underlying keyring service returned an error. Please check if a keyring plugin is installed and that provided arguments are valid for the keyring you are using.It seems that your db schema is old. The %s column is 77 characters long and should be 93 characters long. Please run mysql_upgrade.RESET MASTER is not allowed because %-.384s.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed since the group already has 9 members.Cannot add foreign key on the base column of stored column. Cannot complete the operation because table is referenced by another connection.The partition engine, used by table '%-.192s.%-.192s', is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use native partitioning instead.%.192s(geometry) is deprecated and will be replaced by st_srid(geometry, 0) in a future version. Use %.192s(st_aswkb(geometry), 0) instead.%.192s(geometry, srid) is deprecated and will be replaced by st_srid(geometry, srid) in a future version. Use %.192s(st_aswkb(geometry), srid) instead.The resource manager is not able to commit the transaction branch at this time. Please retry later.Function %s failed due to: %s.Statement is unsafe because it is being used inside a XA transaction. Concurrent XA transactions may deadlock on slaves when replicated using statements.%s UDF failed; %sCan not perform keyring migration : %sAccess denied; you need %-.128s privileges for this operationKeyring migration %s.Failed to open the %s filter tables.Failed to open '%s.%s' %s table.No keyring plugin installed.Audit log encryption password has not been set; it will be generated automatically. Use audit_log_encryption_password_get to obtain the password or audit_log_encryption_password_set to set a new one.Could not create AES key. OpenSSL's EVP_BytesToKey function failed.Audit log encryption password cannot be fetched from the keyring. Password used so far is used for encryption.Audit Log filtering has not been installed.Request ignored for '%s'@'%s'. SUPER_ACL needed to perform operationSUPER privilege required for '%s'@'%s' user.Could not reinitialize audit log filters.Invalid argument typeInvalid argument countaudit_log plugin has not been installed using INSTALL PLUGIN syntax.Invalid "max_array_length" argument type.Invalid "max_array_length" argument value.%sFilter name cannot be empty.User cannot be empty.Specified filter has not been found.First character of the user name must be alphanumeric.Invalid character in the user name.Invalid character in the host name.With the MAXDB SQL mode enabled, TIMESTAMP is identical with DATETIME. The MAXDB SQL mode is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please disable the MAXDB SQL mode and use DATETIME instead.The use of replication filters with XA transactions is not supported, and can lead to an undefined state in the replication slave.Compressed column '%-.192s' is not allowed in the key listCan not define column '%-.192s' in compressed formatCompression dictionary '%-.192s' already existsCompression dictionary '%-.192s' does not existCompression dictionary name '%-.192s' is too long (max length = %lu)Data for compression dictionary '%-.192s' is too long (max length = %lu)Compression dictionary '%-.192s' is in useCan't execute the query because you have a conflicting backup lockKeys are out order during bulk loadBulk load rows overlap existing rowsCan't execute updates on master with binlog_format != ROW.MyRocks supports only READ COMMITTED and REPEATABLE READ isolation levels. Please change from current isolation level %sWhen unique checking is disabled in MyRocks, INSERT,UPDATE,LOAD statements with clauses that update or replace the key (i.e. INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, REPLACE) are not allowed. Query: %sCan't execute updates when you started a transaction with START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT [ROCKSDB] SNAPSHOT.This transaction was rolled back and cannot be committed. Only supported operation is to roll it back, so all pending changes will be discarded. Please restart another transaction.MyRocks currently does not support ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT if modifying rows.Only REPEATABLE READ isolation level is supported for START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT SNAPSHOT in RocksDB Storage Engine.Unsupported collation on string indexed column %s.%s Use binary collation (%s).Table '%s' does not exist, but metadata information exists inside MyRocks. This is a sign of data inconsistency. Please check if '%s.frm' exists, and try to restore it if it does not exist.MyRocks failed creating new key definitions during alter.MyRocks failed populating secondary key during alter.Column family ('%s') flag (%d) is different from an existing flag (%d). Assign a new CF flag, or do not change existing CF flag.TTL support is currently disabled when table has a hidden PK.TTL column (%s) in MyRocks must be an unsigned non-null 64-bit integer, exist inside the table, and have an accompanying ttl duration.TTL duration (%s) in MyRocks must be an unsigned non-null 64-bit integer.The per-index column family option has been deprecated.serbian/errmsg.sys000075500000242262147633135430010252 0ustar002uIyY FSc;[s:|0% h   = X  ( a 7 [ n 2 x R*jQ2`:]{z *Cw2Zh;s3[ H.Y{ c !!!!K""""#j###$+$S$x$$$%c%%%D&c&&&'''()(d((')V)p))) *@*v**+?++++/,l,,-7---%..5//900111%2t22*3333C444#5d5555(6C666@7d777F8888$9P9r9993:[::::;7;b;;;;;"<c<<<)=B=a===I>d>>>>L?z??? @;@~@@@FAbABBB(CCD=D^DDDDYEuEEEKFFFFxGGG H3H\HHHH#IXImIIIIIII"J^JJJ KKKKKL9L[L|LLLLLL+MCMZMrMMMMM0N]NNNN OEOOOP"PDPyPPPQBQQQZRRRRR%STSuSSSS!TVT|TTTU?U`UUUUU V5VVVVVVW[g[z[[[+\a\\\(]U]]W^__)`Q```"acaaaBbrbb0cccd4ddde?ebeefgf gMglgg?hhh iViiOjjjikkkl]llll mJmmmmmn^nnnoWoooYppp qLqqq6rgrrr:sfssstStttuNuuu vQv~vvw(w]www]xxxx$y\y}yyylzzz#{B{d{{{{{|d|||};}}}~,~L~^~~~~ )/M!FA?m˃܃'w;gم}Ն$`ʈ6f̊܊'DmҋA%[ލ6X =f~ԏPÒ!Ad .mӔ/ (R,eBGA 8s٠2/jآ0{&h8̥Bŧ1Ũ=qtY%ɭFTRұqTʳ>kA%Cܶv1p8y|ͺ)rH? =dvD{20p^|HAXo=k1Ur 2q/hfFK3i4]|BLmm;PYTI+ 6L7D-` ,1|&tMu)Sg 3d :_+1-\^PAV&b&m-5U[@ m   #   =   _   I m     [}Fjh<n,| rX:}1c%c{!^udei'}\~t& x  !!(""$#C###$T$j$$$$%%H&t&&&'&'='''''' (2(i(((~)*<*q***+_++++,Q,,--..x//000w11<22hashchkisamchkNEDANe mogu da kreiram file '%-.200s' (errno: %d - %s)Ne mogu da kreiram tabelu '%-.200s' (errno: %d)Ne mogu da kreiram bazu '%-.192s' (errno: %d)Ne mogu da kreiram bazu '%-.192s'; baza već postoji.Ne mogu da izbrišem bazu '%-.192s'; baza ne postoji.Ne mogu da izbrišem bazu (ne mogu da izbrišem '%-.192s', errno: %d)Ne mogu da izbrišem bazu (ne mogu da izbrišem direktorijum '%-.192s', errno: %d)Greška pri brisanju '%-.192s' (errno: %d - %s)Ne mogu da pročitam slog iz sistemske tabeleNe mogu da dobijem stanje file-a '%-.200s' (errno: %d - %s)Ne mogu da dobijem trenutni direktorijum (errno: %d - %s)Ne mogu da zaključam file (errno: %d - %s)Ne mogu da otvorim file: '%-.200s' (errno: %d - %s)Ne mogu da pronađem file: '%-.200s' (errno: %d - %s)Ne mogu da pročitam direktorijum '%-.192s' (errno: %d - %s)Ne mogu da promenim direktorijum na '%-.192s' (errno: %d - %s)Slog je promenjen od zadnjeg čitanja tabele '%-.192s'Disk je pun (%s). Čekam nekoga da dođe i oslobodi nešto mesta... (errno: %d - %s)Ne mogu da pišem pošto postoji duplirani ključ u tabeli '%-.192s'Greška pri zatvaranju '%-.192s' (errno: %d - %s)Greška pri čitanju file-a '%-.200s' (errno: %d - %s)Greška pri promeni imena '%-.210s' na '%-.210s' (errno: %d - %s)Greška pri upisu '%-.200s' (errno: %d - %s)'%-.192s' je zaključan za upisSortiranje je prekinutoView '%-.192s' ne postoji za '%-.192s'Handler tabela je vratio grešku %dHandler tabela za '%-.192s' nema ovu opcijuNe mogu da pronađem slog u '%-.192s'Pogrešna informacija u file-u: '%-.200s'Pogrešan key file za tabelu: '%-.200s'; probajte da ga ispraviteZastareo key file za tabelu '%-.192s'; ispravite gaTabelu '%-.192s' je dozvoljeno samo čitatiNema memorije. Restartujte MySQL server i probajte ponovo (potrebno je %d byte-ova)Nema memorije za sortiranje. Povećajte veličinu sort buffer-a MySQL server-uNeočekivani kraj pri čitanju file-a '%-.192s' (errno: %d - %s)Previše konekcijaNema memorije; Proverite da li MySQL server ili neki drugi proces koristi svu slobodnu memoriju. (UNIX: Ako ne, probajte da upotrebite 'ulimit' komandu da biste dozvolili daemon-u da koristi više memorije ili probajte da dodate više swap memorije)Ne mogu da dobijem ime host-a za vašu IP adresuLoš početak komunikacije (handshake)Pristup je zabranjen korisniku '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' za bazu '%-.192s'Pristup je zabranjen korisniku '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' (koristi lozinku: '%s')Ni jedna baza nije selektovanaNepoznata komandaKolona '%-.192s' ne može biti NULLNepoznata baza '%-.192s'Tabela '%-.192s' već postojiNepoznata tabela '%-.100s'Kolona '%-.192s' u %-.192s nije jedinstvena u kontekstuGašenje servera je u tokuNepoznata kolona '%-.192s' u '%-.192s'Entitet '%-.192s' nije naveden u komandi 'GROUP BY'Ne mogu da grupišem po '%-.192s'Izraz ima 'SUM' agregatnu funkciju i kolone u isto vremeBroj kolona ne odgovara broju vrednostiIme '%-.100s' je predugačkoDuplirano ime kolone '%-.192s'Duplirano ime ključa '%-.192s'Dupliran unos '%-.192s' za ključ '%d'Pogrešan naziv kolone za kolonu '%-.192s''%s' u iskazu '%-.80s' na liniji %dUpit je bio prazanTabela ili alias nisu bili jedinstveni: '%-.192s'Loša default vrednost za '%-.192s'Definisani višestruki primarni ključeviNavedeno je previše ključeva. Maksimum %d ključeva je dozvoljenoNavedeno je previše delova ključa. Maksimum %d delova je dozvoljenoNavedeni ključ je predug. Maksimalna dužina ključa je %dKljučna kolona '%-.192s' ne postoji u tabeliBLOB kolona '%-.192s' ne može biti upotrebljena za navođenje ključa sa tipom tabele koji se trenutno koristiPreviše podataka za kolonu '%-.192s' (maksimum je %lu). Upotrebite BLOB poljePogrešna definicija tabele; U tabeli može postojati samo jedna 'AUTO' kolona i ona mora biti istovremeno definisana kao kolona ključa%s: Spreman za konekcije Version: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d"%s: Normalno gašenje %s: Dobio signal %d. Prekidam! %s: Gašenje završeno %s: Usiljeno gašenje thread-a %ld koji pripada korisniku: '%-.48s' Ne mogu da kreiram IP socketTabela '%-.192s' nema isti indeks kao onaj upotrebljen pri komandi 'CREATE INDEX'. Napravite tabelu ponovoArgument separatora polja nije ono što se očekivalo. Proverite uputstvo MySQL server-aNe možete koristiti fiksnu veličinu sloga kada imate BLOB polja. Molim koristite 'fields terminated by' opciju.File '%-.128s' mora biti u direktorijumu gde su file-ovi baze i mora imati odgovarajuća prava pristupaFile '%-.200s' već postojiSlogova: %ld Izbrisano: %ld Preskočeno: %ld Upozorenja: %ldSlogova: %ld Duplikata: %ldPogrešan pod-ključ dela ključa. Upotrebljeni deo ključa nije string, upotrebljena dužina je veća od dela ključa ili handler tabela ne podržava jedinstvene pod-ključeveNe možete da izbrišete sve kolone pomoću komande 'ALTER TABLE'. Upotrebite komandu 'DROP TABLE' ako želite to da uraditeNe mogu da izvršim komandu drop 'DROP' na '%-.192s'. Proverite da li ta kolona (odnosno ključ) postojiSlogova: %ld Duplikata: %ld Upozorenja: %ldYou can't specify target table '%-.192s' for update in FROM clauseNepoznat thread identifikator: %luVi niste vlasnik thread-a %luNema upotrebljenih tabelaPreviše string-ova za kolonu '%-.192s' i komandu 'SET'Ne mogu da generišem jedinstveno ime log-file-a: '%-.200s.(1-999)' Tabela '%-.192s' je zaključana READ lock-om; iz nje se može samo čitati ali u nju se ne može pisatiTabela '%-.192s' nije bila zaključana komandom 'LOCK TABLES'BLOB kolona '%-.192s' ne može imati default vrednostPogrešno ime baze '%-.100s'Pogrešno ime tabele '%-.100s'Komanda 'SELECT' će ispitati previše slogova i potrošiti previše vremena. Proverite vaš 'WHERE' filter i upotrebite 'SET OPTION SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1' ako želite baš ovakvu komanduNepoznata greškaNepoznata procedura '%-.192s'Pogrešan broj parametara za proceduru '%-.192s'Pogrešni parametri prosleđeni proceduri '%-.192s'Nepoznata tabela '%-.192s' u '%-.32s'Kolona '%-.192s' je navedena dva putaPogrešna upotreba 'GROUP' funkcijeTabela '%-.192s' koristi ekstenziju koje ne postoji u ovoj verziji MySQL-aTabela mora imati najmanje jednu kolonuTabela '%-.192s' je popunjena do krajaNepoznati karakter-set: '%-.64s'Previše tabela. MySQL može upotrebiti maksimum %d tabela pri 'JOIN' operacijiPreviše kolonaPrevelik slog. Maksimalna veličina sloga, ne računajući BLOB polja, je %ld. Trebali bi da promenite tip nekih polja u BLOBPrepisivanje thread stack-a: Upotrebljeno: %ld od %ld stack memorije. Upotrebite 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' da navedete veći stack ako je potrebnoUnakrsna zavisnost pronađena u komandi 'OUTER JOIN'. Istražite vaše 'ON' usloveTable handler doesn't support NULL in given index. Please change column '%-.192s' to be NOT NULL or use another handlerNe mogu da učitam funkciju '%-.192s'Ne mogu da inicijalizujem funkciju '%-.192s'; %-.80sNe postoje dozvoljene putanje do share-ovane bibliotekeFunkcija '%-.192s' već postojiNe mogu da otvorim share-ovanu biblioteku '%-.192s' (errno: %d %-.128s)Ne mogu da pronadjem funkciju '%-.128s' u biblioteciFunkcija '%-.192s' nije definisanaHost '%-.64s' je blokiran zbog previše grešaka u konekciji. Možete ga odblokirati pomoću komande 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'Host-u '%-.64s' nije dozvoljeno da se konektuje na ovaj MySQL serverVi koristite MySQL kao anonimni korisnik a anonimnim korisnicima nije dozvoljeno da menjaju lozinkeMorate imati privilegije da možete da update-ujete određene tabele ako želite da menjate lozinke za druge korisnikeNe mogu da pronađem odgovarajući slog u 'user' tabeliOdgovarajućih slogova: %ld Promenjeno: %ld Upozorenja: %ldNe mogu da kreiram novi thread (errno %d). Ako imate još slobodne memorije, trebali biste da pogledate u priručniku da li je ovo specifična greška vašeg operativnog sistemaBroj kolona ne odgovara broju vrednosti u slogu %ldNe mogu da ponovo otvorim tabelu '%-.192s'Pogrešna upotreba vrednosti NULLFunkcija regexp je vratila grešku '%-.64s'Upotreba agregatnih funkcija (MIN(),MAX(),COUNT()...) bez 'GROUP' kolona je pogrešna ako ne postoji 'GROUP BY' iskazNe postoji odobrenje za pristup korisniku '%-.48s' na host-u '%-.64s'%-.128s komanda zabranjena za korisnika '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' za tabelu '%-.64s'%-.16s komanda zabranjena za korisnika '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' za kolonu '%-.192s' iz tabele '%-.192s'Pogrešna 'GRANT' odnosno 'REVOKE' komanda. Molim Vas pogledajte u priručniku koje vrednosti mogu biti upotrebljene.Argument 'host' ili 'korisnik' prosleđen komandi 'GRANT' je predugačakTabela '%-.192s.%-.192s' ne postojiNe postoji odobrenje za pristup korisniku '%-.48s' na host-u '%-.64s' tabeli '%-.192s'Upotrebljena komanda nije dozvoljena sa ovom verzijom MySQL serveraImate grešku u vašoj SQL sintaksiDelayed insert thread couldn't get requested lock for table %-.192sToo many delayed threads in usePrekinuta konekcija broj %ld ka bazi: '%-.192s' korisnik je bio: '%-.48s' (%-.64s)Primio sam mrežni paket veći od definisane vrednosti 'max_allowed_packet'Greška pri čitanju podataka sa pipe-aGreška pri izvršavanju funkcije fcntl()Primio sam mrežne pakete van redaNe mogu da dekompresujem mrežne paketeGreška pri primanju mrežnih paketaVremenski limit za čitanje mrežnih paketa je istekaoGreška pri slanju mrežnih paketaVremenski limit za slanje mrežnih paketa je istekaoRezultujuči string je duži nego što to dozvoljava parametar servera 'max_allowed_packet'Iskorišteni tip tabele ne podržava kolone tipa 'BLOB' odnosno 'TEXT'Iskorišteni tip tabele ne podržava kolone tipa 'AUTO_INCREMENT'INSERT DELAYED can't be used with table '%-.192s' because it is locked with LOCK TABLESPogrešno ime kolone '%-.100s'Handler tabele ne može da indeksira kolonu '%-.192s'Tabele iskorištene u 'MERGE' tabeli nisu definisane na isti načinZbog provere jedinstvenosti ne mogu da upišem podatke u tabelu '%-.192s'BLOB kolona '%-.192s' je upotrebljena u specifikaciji ključa bez navođenja dužine ključaSvi delovi primarnog ključa moraju biti različiti od NULL; Ako Vam ipak treba NULL vrednost u ključu, upotrebite 'UNIQUE'Rezultat je sačinjen od više slogovaOvaj tip tabele zahteva da imate definisan primarni ključOva verzija MySQL servera nije kompajlirana sa podrškom za RAID uređajeVi koristite safe update mod servera, a probali ste da promenite podatke bez 'WHERE' komande koja koristi kolonu ključaKljuč '%-.192s' ne postoji u tabeli '%-.192s'Ne mogu da otvorim tabeluHandler za ovu tabelu ne dozvoljava %s komandeNije Vam dozvoljeno da izvršite ovu komandu u transakcijiGreška %d za vreme izvršavanja komande 'COMMIT'Greška %d za vreme izvršavanja komande 'ROLLBACK'Greška %d za vreme izvršavanja komande 'FLUSH_LOGS'Greška %d za vreme izvršavanja komande 'CHECKPOINT'Prekinuta konekcija broj %u ka bazi: '%-.192s' korisnik je bio: '%-.48s' a host: '%-.64s' (%-.64s)Handler tabele ne podržava binarni dump tabeleBinarni log file zatvoren, ne mogu da izvršim komandu 'RESET MASTER'Izgradnja indeksa dump-ovane tabele '%-.192s' nije uspelaGreška iz glavnog servera '%-.64s' u klasteruGreška u primanju mrežnih paketa sa glavnog servera u klasteruGreška u slanju mrežnih paketa na glavni server u klasteruNe mogu da pronađem 'FULLTEXT' indeks koli odgovara listi kolonaNe mogu da izvršim datu komandu zbog toga što su tabele zaključane ili je transakcija u tokuNepoznata sistemska promenljiva '%-.64s'Tabela '%-.192s' je markirana kao oštećena i trebala bi biti popravljenaTabela '%-.192s' je markirana kao oštećena, a zadnja (automatska?) popravka je bila neuspelaUpozorenje: Neke izmenjene tabele ne podržavaju komandu 'ROLLBACK'Multi-statement transaction required more than 'max_binlog_cache_size' bytes of storage; increase this mysqld variable and try againOva operacija ne može biti izvršena dok je aktivan podređeni server. Zadajte prvo komandu 'STOP SLAVE' da zaustavite podređeni server.Ova operacija zahteva da je aktivan podređeni server. Konfigurišite prvo podređeni server i onda izvršite komandu 'START SLAVE'Server nije konfigurisan kao podređeni server, ispravite konfiguracioni file ili na njemu izvršite komandu 'CHANGE MASTER TO'Nisam mogao da inicijalizujem informacionu strukturu glavnog servera, proverite da li imam privilegije potrebne za pristup file-u 'master.info'Nisam mogao da startujem thread za podređeni server, proverite sistemske resurseKorisnik %-.64s već ima više aktivnih konekcija nego što je to određeno 'max_user_connections' promenljivomMožete upotrebiti samo konstantan iskaz sa komandom 'SET'Vremenski limit za zaključavanje tabele je istekao; Probajte da ponovo startujete transakcijuBroj totalnih zaključavanja tabele premašuje veličinu tabele zaključavanjaZaključavanja izmena ne mogu biti realizovana sve dok traje 'READ UNCOMMITTED' transakcijaKomanda 'DROP DATABASE' nije dozvoljena dok thread globalno zaključava čitanje podatakaKomanda 'CREATE DATABASE' nije dozvoljena dok thread globalno zaključava čitanje podatakaPogrešni argumenti prosleđeni na %sKorisniku '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' nije dozvoljeno da kreira nove korisnikePogrešna definicija tabele; sve 'MERGE' tabele moraju biti u istoj bazi podatakaUnakrsno zaključavanje pronađeno kada sam pokušao da dobijem pravo na zaključavanje; Probajte da restartujete transakcijuUpotrebljeni tip tabele ne podržava 'FULLTEXT' indekseNe mogu da dodam proveru spoljnog ključaCannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint failsNe mogu da izbrišem roditeljski slog: provera spoljnog ključa je neuspelaError connecting to master: %-.128sError running query on master: %-.128sGreška pri izvršavanju komande %s: %-.128sPogrešna upotreba %s i %sUpotrebljene 'SELECT' komande adresiraju različit broj kolonaNe mogu da izvršim upit zbog toga što imate zaključavanja čitanja podataka u konfliktuMešanje tabela koje podržavaju transakcije i onih koje ne podržavaju transakcije je isključenoOption '%s' used twice in statementUser '%-.64s' has exceeded the '%s' resource (current value: %ld)Access denied; you need (at least one of) the %-.128s privilege(s) for this operationVariable '%-.64s' is a SESSION variable and can't be used with SET GLOBALVariable '%-.64s' is a GLOBAL variable and should be set with SET GLOBALVariable '%-.64s' doesn't have a default valueVariable '%-.64s' can't be set to the value of '%-.200s'Incorrect argument type to variable '%-.64s'Variable '%-.64s' can only be set, not readIncorrect usage/placement of '%s'This version of MySQL doesn't yet support '%s'Got fatal error %d from master when reading data from binary log: '%-.320s'Slave SQL thread ignored the query because of replicate-*-table rulesPromenljiva '%-.192s' je %s promenljivaIncorrect foreign key definition for '%-.192s': %sKey reference and table reference don't matchOperand should contain %d column(s)Subquery returns more than 1 rowUnknown prepared statement handler (%.*s) given to %sHelp database is corrupt or does not existCyclic reference on subqueriesConverting column '%s' from %s to %sReference '%-.64s' not supported (%s)Every derived table must have its own aliasSelect %u was reduced during optimizationTable '%-.192s' from one of the SELECTs cannot be used in %-.32sClient does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL clientAll parts of a SPATIAL index must be NOT NULLCOLLATION '%s' is not valid for CHARACTER SET '%s'Slave is already runningSlave already has been stoppedUncompressed data size too large; the maximum size is %d (probably, length of uncompressed data was corrupted)ZLIB: Not enough memoryZLIB: Not enough room in the output buffer (probably, length of uncompressed data was corrupted)ZLIB: Input data corruptedRow %u was cut by GROUP_CONCAT()Row %ld doesn't contain data for all columnsRow %ld was truncated; it contained more data than there were input columnsColumn set to default value; NULL supplied to NOT NULL column '%s' at row %ldOut of range value for column '%s' at row %ldData truncated for column '%s' at row %ldUsing storage engine %s for table '%s'Illegal mix of collations (%s,%s) and (%s,%s) for operation '%s'Cannot drop one or more of the requested usersCan't revoke all privileges for one or more of the requested usersIllegal mix of collations (%s,%s), (%s,%s), (%s,%s) for operation '%s'Illegal mix of collations for operation '%s'Variable '%-.64s' is not a variable component (can't be used as XXXX.variable_name)Unknown collation: '%-.64s'SSL parameters in CHANGE MASTER are ignored because this MySQL slave was compiled without SSL support; they can be used later if MySQL slave with SSL is startedServer is running in --secure-auth mode, but '%s'@'%s' has a password in the old format; please change the password to the new formatField or reference '%-.192s%s%-.192s%s%-.192s' of SELECT #%d was resolved in SELECT #%dIncorrect parameter or combination of parameters for START SLAVE UNTILIt is recommended to use --skip-slave-start when doing step-by-step replication with START SLAVE UNTIL; otherwise, you will get problems if you get an unexpected slave's mysqld restartSQL thread is not to be started so UNTIL options are ignoredIncorrect index name '%-.100s'Incorrect catalog name '%-.100s'Query cache failed to set size %lu; new query cache size is %luColumn '%-.192s' cannot be part of FULLTEXT indexUnknown key cache '%-.100s'MySQL is started in --skip-name-resolve mode; you must restart it without this switch for this grant to workUnknown storage engine '%s''%s' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use %s insteadThe target table %-.100s of the %s is not updatableThe '%s' feature is disabled; you need MySQL built with '%s' to have it workingThe MySQL server is running with the %s option so it cannot execute this statementColumn '%-.100s' has duplicated value '%-.64s' in %sTruncated incorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s'Incorrect table definition; there can be only one TIMESTAMP column with CURRENT_TIMESTAMP in DEFAULT or ON UPDATE clauseInvalid ON UPDATE clause for '%-.192s' columnThis command is not supported in the prepared statement protocol yetGot error %d '%-.100s' from %sGot temporary error %d '%-.100s' from %sUnknown or incorrect time zone: '%-.64s'Invalid TIMESTAMP value in column '%s' at row %ldInvalid %s character string: '%.64s'Result of %s() was larger than max_allowed_packet (%ld) - truncatedConflicting declarations: '%s%s' and '%s%s'Can't create a %s from within another stored routine%s %s already exists%s %s does not existFailed to DROP %s %sFailed to CREATE %s %s%s with no matching label: %sRedefining label %sEnd-label %s without matchReferring to uninitialized variable %sPROCEDURE %s can't return a result set in the given contextRETURN is only allowed in a FUNCTION%s is not allowed in stored proceduresThe update log is deprecated and replaced by the binary log; SET SQL_LOG_UPDATE has been ignored.The update log is deprecated and replaced by the binary log; SET SQL_LOG_UPDATE has been translated to SET SQL_LOG_BIN.Query execution was interruptedIncorrect number of arguments for %s %s; expected %u, got %uUndefined CONDITION: %sNo RETURN found in FUNCTION %sFUNCTION %s ended without RETURNCursor statement must be a SELECTCursor SELECT must not have INTOUndefined CURSOR: %sCursor is already openCursor is not openUndeclared variable: %sIncorrect number of FETCH variablesNo data - zero rows fetched, selected, or processedDuplicate parameter: %sDuplicate variable: %sDuplicate condition: %sDuplicate cursor: %sFailed to ALTER %s %sSubquery value not supported%s is not allowed in stored function or triggerVariable or condition declaration after cursor or handler declarationCursor declaration after handler declarationCase not found for CASE statementConfiguration file '%-.192s' is too bigMalformed file type header in file '%-.192s'Unexpected end of file while parsing comment '%-.200s'Error while parsing parameter '%-.192s' (line: '%-.192s')Unexpected end of file while skipping unknown parameter '%-.192s'EXPLAIN/SHOW can not be issued; lacking privileges for underlying tableFile '%-.192s' has unknown type '%-.64s' in its header'%-.192s.%-.192s' is not %sColumn '%-.192s' is not updatableView's SELECT contains a subquery in the FROM clauseView's SELECT contains a '%s' clauseView's SELECT contains a variable or parameterView's SELECT refers to a temporary table '%-.192s'View's SELECT and view's field list have different column countsView merge algorithm can't be used here for now (assumed undefined algorithm)View being updated does not have complete key of underlying table in itView '%-.192s.%-.192s' references invalid table(s) or column(s) or function(s) or definer/invoker of view lack rights to use themCan't drop or alter a %s from within another stored routineGOTO is not allowed in a stored procedure handlerTrigger already existsTrigger does not existTrigger's '%-.192s' is view or temporary tableUpdating of %s row is not allowed in %striggerThere is no %s row in %s triggerField '%-.192s' doesn't have a default valueDivision by 0Incorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s' for column '%.192s' at row %ldIllegal %s '%-.192s' value found during parsingCHECK OPTION on non-updatable view '%-.192s.%-.192s'CHECK OPTION failed '%-.192s.%-.192s'%-.16s command denied to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' for routine '%-.192s'Failed purging old relay logs: %sPassword hash should be a %d-digit hexadecimal numberTarget log not found in binlog indexI/O error reading log index fileServer configuration does not permit binlog purgeFailed on fseek()Fatal error during log purgeA purgeable log is in use, will not purgeUnknown error during log purgeFailed initializing relay log position: %sYou are not using binary loggingThe '%-.64s' syntax is reserved for purposes internal to the MySQL serverWSAStartup FailedCan't handle procedures with different groups yetSelect must have a group with this procedureCan't use ORDER clause with this procedureBinary logging and replication forbid changing the global server %sCan't map file: %-.200s, errno: %dWrong magic in %-.64sPrepared statement contains too many placeholdersKey part '%-.192s' length cannot be 0View text checksum failedCan not modify more than one base table through a join view '%-.192s.%-.192s'Can not insert into join view '%-.192s.%-.192s' without fields listCan not delete from join view '%-.192s.%-.192s'Operation %s failed for %.256sXAER_NOTA: Unknown XIDXAER_INVAL: Invalid arguments (or unsupported command)XAER_RMFAIL: The command cannot be executed when global transaction is in the %.64s stateXAER_OUTSIDE: Some work is done outside global transactionXAER_RMERR: Fatal error occurred in the transaction branch - check your data for consistencyXA_RBROLLBACK: Transaction branch was rolled backThere is no such grant defined for user '%-.48s' on host '%-.64s' on routine '%-.192s'Failed to grant EXECUTE and ALTER ROUTINE privilegesFailed to revoke all privileges to dropped routineData too long for column '%s' at row %ldBad SQLSTATE: '%s'%s: ready for connections. Version: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d %sCan't load value from file with fixed size rows to variableYou are not allowed to create a user with GRANTIncorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s' for function %-.32sTable definition has changed, please retry transactionDuplicate handler declared in the same blockOUT or INOUT argument %d for routine %s is not a variable or NEW pseudo-variable in BEFORE triggerNot allowed to return a result set from a %sCannot get geometry object from data you send to the GEOMETRY fieldA routine failed and has neither NO SQL nor READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled; if non-transactional tables were updated, the binary log will miss their changesThis function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)You do not have the SUPER privilege and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)You can't execute a prepared statement which has an open cursor associated with it. Reset the statement to re-execute it.The statement (%lu) has no open cursor.Explicit or implicit commit is not allowed in stored function or trigger.Field of view '%-.192s.%-.192s' underlying table doesn't have a default valueRecursive stored functions and triggers are not allowed.Too big scale %d specified for column '%-.192s'. Maximum is %lu.Too-big precision %d specified for '%-.192s'. Maximum is %lu.For float(M,D), double(M,D) or decimal(M,D), M must be >= D (column '%-.192s').You can't combine write-locking of system tables with other tables or lock typesUnable to connect to foreign data source: %.64sThere was a problem processing the query on the foreign data source. Data source error: %-.64sThe foreign data source you are trying to reference does not exist. Data source error: %-.64sCan't create federated table. The data source connection string '%-.64s' is not in the correct formatThe data source connection string '%-.64s' is not in the correct formatCan't create federated table. Foreign data src error: %-.64sTrigger in wrong schemaThread stack overrun: %ld bytes used of a %ld byte stack, and %ld bytes needed. Use 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' to specify a bigger stack.Routine body for '%-.100s' is too longCannot drop default keycacheDisplay width out of range for column '%-.192s' (max = %lu)XAER_DUPID: The XID already existsDatetime function: %-.32s field overflowCan't update table '%-.192s' in stored function/trigger because it is already used by statement which invoked this stored function/trigger.The definition of table '%-.192s' prevents operation %.192s on table '%-.192s'.The prepared statement contains a stored routine call that refers to that same statement. It's not allowed to execute a prepared statement in such a recursive mannerNot allowed to set autocommit from a stored function or triggerDefiner is not fully qualifiedView '%-.192s'.'%-.192s' has no definer information (old table format). Current user is used as definer. Please recreate the view!You need the SUPER privilege for creation view with '%-.192s'@'%-.192s' definerThe user specified as a definer ('%-.64s'@'%-.64s') does not existChanging schema from '%-.192s' to '%-.192s' is not allowed.Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (%.192s)Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (%.192s)Variable '%-.64s' must be quoted with `...`, or renamedNo definer attribute for trigger '%-.192s'.'%-.192s'. The trigger will be activated under the authorization of the invoker, which may have insufficient privileges. Please recreate the trigger.'%-.192s' has an old format, you should re-create the '%s' object(s)Recursive limit %d (as set by the max_sp_recursion_depth variable) was exceeded for routine %.192sFailed to load routine %-.192s. The table mysql.proc is missing, corrupt, or contains bad data (internal code %d)Incorrect routine name '%-.192s'Table upgrade required. Please do "REPAIR TABLE `%-.64s`" or dump/reload to fix it!AGGREGATE is not supported for stored functionsCan't create more than max_prepared_stmt_count statements (current value: %lu)`%-.192s`.`%-.192s` contains view recursionNon-grouping field '%-.192s' is used in %-.64s clauseThe used table type doesn't support SPATIAL indexesTriggers can not be created on system tablesLeading spaces are removed from name '%s'Failed to read auto-increment value from storage engineuser namehost nameString '%-.70s' is too long for %s (should be no longer than %d)The target table %-.100s of the %s is not insertable-intoTable '%-.64s' is differently defined or of non-MyISAM type or doesn't existToo high level of nesting for selectName '%-.64s' has become ''First character of the FIELDS TERMINATED string is ambiguous; please use non-optional and non-empty FIELDS ENCLOSED BYThe foreign server, %s, you are trying to create already exists.The foreign server name you are trying to reference does not exist. Data source error: %-.64sTable storage engine '%-.64s' does not support the create option '%.64s'Syntax error: %-.64s PARTITIONING requires definition of VALUES %-.64s for each partitionOnly %-.64s PARTITIONING can use VALUES %-.64s in partition definitionMAXVALUE can only be used in last partition definitionSubpartitions can only be hash partitions and by keyMust define subpartitions on all partitions if on one partitionWrong number of partitions defined, mismatch with previous settingWrong number of subpartitions defined, mismatch with previous settingConstant, random or timezone-dependent expressions in (sub)partitioning function are not allowedExpression in RANGE/LIST VALUES must be constantField in list of fields for partition function not found in tableList of fields is only allowed in KEY partitionsThe partition info in the frm file is not consistent with what can be written into the frm fileThe %-.192s function returns the wrong typeFor %-.64s partitions each partition must be definedVALUES LESS THAN value must be strictly increasing for each partitionVALUES value must be of same type as partition functionMultiple definition of same constant in list partitioningPartitioning can not be used stand-alone in queryThe mix of handlers in the partitions is not allowed in this version of MySQLFor the partitioned engine it is necessary to define all %-.64sToo many partitions (including subpartitions) were definedIt is only possible to mix RANGE/LIST partitioning with HASH/KEY partitioning for subpartitioningFailed to create specific handler fileA BLOB field is not allowed in partition functionA %-.192s must include all columns in the table's partitioning functionNumber of %-.64s = 0 is not an allowed valuePartition management on a not partitioned table is not possibleForeign keys are not yet supported in conjunction with partitioningError in list of partitions to %-.64sCannot remove all partitions, use DROP TABLE insteadCOALESCE PARTITION can only be used on HASH/KEY partitionsREORGANIZE PARTITION can only be used to reorganize partitions not to change their numbersREORGANIZE PARTITION without parameters can only be used on auto-partitioned tables using HASH PARTITIONs%-.64s PARTITION can only be used on RANGE/LIST partitionsTrying to Add partition(s) with wrong number of subpartitionsAt least one partition must be addedAt least one partition must be coalescedMore partitions to reorganize than there are partitionsDuplicate partition name %-.192sIt is not allowed to shut off binlog on this commandWhen reorganizing a set of partitions they must be in consecutive orderReorganize of range partitions cannot change total ranges except for last partition where it can extend the rangePartition function not supported in this version for this handlerPartition state cannot be defined from CREATE/ALTER TABLEThe %-.64s handler only supports 32 bit integers in VALUESPlugin '%-.192s' is not loadedIncorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s'Table has no partition for value %-.64sIt is not allowed to specify %s more than onceFailed to create %sFailed to drop %sThe handler doesn't support autoextend of tablespacesA size parameter was incorrectly specified, either number or on the form 10MThe size number was correct but we don't allow the digit part to be more than 2 billionFailed to alter: %sWriting one row to the row-based binary log failedTable definition on master and slave does not match: %sSlave running with --log-slave-updates must use row-based binary logging to be able to replicate row-based binary log eventsEvent '%-.192s' already existsFailed to store event %s. Error code %d from storage engine.Unknown event '%-.192s'Failed to alter event '%-.192s'Failed to drop %sINTERVAL is either not positive or too bigENDS is either invalid or before STARTSEvent execution time is in the past. Event has been disabledFailed to open mysql.eventNo datetime expression providedColumn count of mysql.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. The table is probably corruptedCannot load from mysql.%s. The table is probably corruptedFailed to delete the event from mysql.eventError during compilation of event's bodySame old and new event nameData for column '%s' too longCannot drop index '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraintThe syntax '%s' is deprecated and will be removed in MySQL %s. Please use %s insteadYou can't write-lock a log table. Only read access is possibleYou can't use locks with log tables.Upholding foreign key constraints for table '%.192s', entry '%-.192s', key %d would lead to a duplicate entryColumn count of mysql.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. Created with MySQL %d, now running %d. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error.Cannot switch out of the row-based binary log format when the session has open temporary tablesCannot change the binary logging format inside a stored function or triggerThe NDB cluster engine does not support changing the binlog format on the fly yetCannot create temporary table with partitionsPartition constant is out of partition function domainThis partition function is not allowedError in DDL logNot allowed to use NULL value in VALUES LESS THANIncorrect partition nameTransaction characteristics can't be changed while a transaction is in progressALTER TABLE causes auto_increment resequencing, resulting in duplicate entry '%-.192s' for key '%-.192s'Internal scheduler error %dError during starting/stopping of the scheduler. Error code %uEngine cannot be used in partitioned tablesCannot activate '%-.64s' logThe server was not built with row-based replicationDecoding of base64 string failedRecursion of EVENT DDL statements is forbidden when body is presentCannot proceed because system tables used by Event Scheduler were found damaged at server startOnly integers allowed as number hereThis storage engine cannot be used for log tables"You cannot '%s' a log table if logging is enabledCannot rename '%s'. When logging enabled, rename to/from log table must rename two tables: the log table to an archive table and another table back to '%s'Incorrect parameter count in the call to native function '%-.192s'Incorrect parameters in the call to native function '%-.192s'Incorrect parameters in the call to stored function %-.192sThis function '%-.192s' has the same name as a native functionDupliran unos '%-.64s' za ključ '%-.192s'Too many files opened, please execute the command againEvent execution time is in the past and ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE is set. The event was dropped immediately after creation.Event execution time is in the past and ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE is set. The event was not changed. Specify a time in the future.The incident %s occured on the master. Message: %sTable has no partition for some existing valuesUnsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. %sFatal error: %sRelay log read failure: %sRelay log write failure: %sFailed to create %sMaster command %s failed: %sBinary logging not possible. Message: %sView `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` has no creation contextCreation context of view `%-.64s`.`%-.64s' is invalidCreation context of stored routine `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCorrupted TRG file for table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s`Triggers for table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` have no creation contextTrigger creation context of table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCreation context of event `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalidCannot open table for trigger `%-.64s`.`%-.64s`Cannot create stored routine `%-.64s`. Check warningsAmbiguous slave modes combination. %sThe BINLOG statement of type `%s` was not preceded by a format description BINLOG statement.Corrupted replication event was detectedInvalid column reference (%-.64s) in LOAD DATABeing purged log %s was not foundXA_RBTIMEOUT: Transaction branch was rolled back: took too longXA_RBDEADLOCK: Transaction branch was rolled back: deadlock was detectedPrepared statement needs to be re-preparedDELAYED option not supported for table '%-.192s'The master info structure does not exist<%-.64s> option ignoredBuilt-in plugins cannot be deletedPlugin is busy and will be uninstalled on shutdown%s variable '%s' is read-only. Use SET %s to assign the valueStorage engine %s does not support rollback for this statement. Transaction rolled back and must be restartedUnexpected master's heartbeat data: %sThe requested value for the heartbeat period is either negative or exceeds the maximum allowed (%s seconds).Bad schema for mysql.ndb_replication table. Message: %-.64sError in parsing conflict function. Message: %-.64sWrite to exceptions table failed. Message: %-.128s"Comment for table '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Comment for field '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)FUNCTION %s does not exist. Check the 'Function Name Parsing and Resolution' section in the Reference ManualDatabaseTablePartitionSubpartitionTemporaryRenamedToo many active concurrent transactionsNon-ASCII separator arguments are not fully supporteddebug sync point wait timed outdebug sync point hit limit reachedDuplicate condition information item '%s'Unhandled user-defined warning conditionUnhandled user-defined not found conditionUnhandled user-defined exception conditionRESIGNAL when handler not activeSIGNAL/RESIGNAL can only use a CONDITION defined with SQLSTATEData truncated for condition item '%s'Data too long for condition item '%s'Unknown locale: '%-.64s'The requested server id %d clashes with the slave startup option --replicate-same-server-idQuery cache is disabled; restart the server with query_cache_type=1 to enable itDuplicate partition field name '%-.192s'Inconsistency in usage of column lists for partitioningPartition column values of incorrect typeToo many fields in '%-.192s'Cannot use MAXVALUE as value in VALUES INCannot have more than one value for this type of %-.64s partitioningRow expressions in VALUES IN only allowed for multi-field column partitioningField '%-.192s' is of a not allowed type for this type of partitioningThe total length of the partitioning fields is too largeCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since both row-incapable engines and statement-incapable engines are involved.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = ROW and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to statement-based logging.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. %sCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is in row format and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to statement-based logging.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to row-based logging.%sCannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is in row format and BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since more than one engine is involved and at least one engine is self-logging.The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted.The statement is unsafe because it uses INSERT DELAYED. This is unsafe because the times when rows are inserted cannot be predicted.The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves.Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly.Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave.Statement is unsafe because it accesses a non-transactional table after accessing a transactional table within the same transaction.%s Statement: %sColumn %d of table '%-.192s.%-.192s' cannot be converted from type '%-.32s' to type '%-.32s'Can't create conversion table for table '%-.192s.%-.192s'Cannot modify @@session.binlog_format inside a transactionThe path specified for %.64s is too long.'%s' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.Native table '%-.64s'.'%-.64s' has the wrong structureInvalid performance_schema usage.Table '%s'.'%s' was skipped since its definition is being modified by concurrent DDL statementCannot modify @@session.binlog_direct_non_transactional_updates inside a transactionCannot change the binlog direct flag inside a stored function or triggerA SPATIAL index may only contain a geometrical type columnComment for index '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Wait on a lock was aborted due to a pending exclusive lock%s value is out of range in '%s'A variable of a non-integer based type in LIMIT clauseMixing self-logging and non-self-logging engines in a statement is unsafe.Statement accesses nontransactional table as well as transactional or temporary table, and writes to any of them.Cannot modify @@session.sql_log_bin inside a transactionCannot change the sql_log_bin inside a stored function or triggerFailed to read from the .par fileVALUES value for partition '%-.64s' must have type INTPristup je zabranjen korisniku '%-.48s'@'%-.64s'SET PASSWORD has no significance for users authenticating via pluginsGRANT with IDENTIFIED WITH is illegal because the user %-.*s already existsCannot truncate a table referenced in a foreign key constraint (%.192s)Plugin '%s' is force_plus_permanent and can not be unloadedThe requested value for the heartbeat period is less than 1 millisecond. The value is reset to 0, meaning that heartbeating will effectively be disabled.The requested value for the heartbeat period exceeds the value of `slave_net_timeout' seconds. A sensible value for the period should be less than the timeout.Multi-row statements required more than 'max_binlog_stmt_cache_size' bytes of storage; increase this mysqld variable and try againPrimary key/partition key update is not allowed since the table is updated both as '%-.192s' and '%-.192s'.Table rebuild required. Please do "ALTER TABLE `%-.64s` FORCE" or dump/reload to fix it!The value of '%s' should be no less than the value of '%s'Index column size too large. The maximum column size is %lu bytes.Trigger '%-.64s' has an error in its body: '%-.256s'Unknown trigger has an error in its body: '%-.256s'Index %s is corruptedUndo log record is too big.INSERT IGNORE... SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.INSERT... SELECT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are updated. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.REPLACE... SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are replaced. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE... IGNORE SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE... REPLACE SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are replaced. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.UPDATE IGNORE is unsafe because the order in which rows are updated determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.Plugin '%s' is marked as not dynamically uninstallable. You have to stop the server to uninstall it.Plugin '%s' is marked as not dynamically installable. You have to stop the server to install it.Statements writing to a table with an auto-increment column after selecting from another table are unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved determines what (if any) rows will be written. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.CREATE TABLE... SELECT... on a table with an auto-increment column is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are inserted. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.INSERT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE on a table with more than one UNIQUE KEY is unsafeTable is being used in foreign key check.Storage engine '%s' does not support system tables. [%s.%s]INSERT into autoincrement field which is not the first part in the composed primary key is unsafe.Cannot load from %s.%s. The table is probably corruptedThe requested value %s for the master delay exceeds the maximum %uOnly Format_description_log_event and row events are allowed in BINLOG statements (but %s was provided)Non matching attribute '%-.64s' between partition and tableTable to exchange with partition is partitioned: '%-.64s'Table to exchange with partition is temporary: '%-.64s'Subpartitioned table, use subpartition instead of partitionUnknown partition '%-.64s' in table '%-.64s'Tables have different definitionsFound a row that does not match the partitionOption binlog_cache_size (%lu) is greater than max_binlog_cache_size (%lu); setting binlog_cache_size equal to max_binlog_cache_size.Cannot use %-.64s access on index '%-.64s' due to type or collation conversion on field '%-.64s'Table to exchange with partition has foreign key references: '%-.64s'Key value '%-.192s' was not found in table '%-.192s.%-.192s'Data for column '%s' too longReplication event checksum verification failed while reading from network.Replication event checksum verification failed while reading from a log file.Option binlog_stmt_cache_size (%lu) is greater than max_binlog_stmt_cache_size (%lu); setting binlog_stmt_cache_size equal to max_binlog_stmt_cache_size.Can't update table '%-.192s' while '%-.192s' is being created.PARTITION () clause on non partitioned tableFound a row not matching the given partition setPartition '%-.64s' ne postojiFailure while changing the type of replication repository: %s.The creation of some temporary tables could not be rolled back.Some temporary tables were dropped, but these operations could not be rolled back.%s is not supported in multi-threaded slave mode. %sThe number of modified databases exceeds the maximum %d; the database names will not be included in the replication event metadata.Cannot execute the current event group in the parallel mode. Encountered event %s, relay-log name %s, position %s which prevents execution of this event group in parallel mode. Reason: %s.%sFULLTEXT index is not supported for partitioned tables.Invalid condition numberSending passwords in plain text without SSL/TLS is extremely insecure.Storing MySQL user name or password information in the master info repository is not secure and is therefore not recommended. Please consider using the USER and PASSWORD connection options for START SLAVE; see the 'START SLAVE Syntax' in the MySQL Manual for more information.Foreign key constraint for table '%.192s', record '%-.192s' would lead to a duplicate entry in table '%.192s', key '%.192s'Foreign key constraint for table '%.192s', record '%-.192s' would lead to a duplicate entry in a child tableSetting authentication options is not possible when only the Slave SQL Thread is being started.The table does not have FULLTEXT index to support this queryThe system variable %.200s cannot be set in stored functions or triggers.The system variable %.200s cannot be set when there is an ongoing transaction.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT has the value %.200s, which is not listed in @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot change inside a transaction.The statement 'SET %.200s' cannot invoke a stored function.The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be 'AUTOMATIC' when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST is non-NULL.Skipping transaction %.200s because it has already been executed and logged.Malformed GTID set specification '%.200s'.Malformed GTID set encoding.Malformed GTID specification '%.200s'.Impossible to generate Global Transaction Identifier: the integer component reached the maximal value. Restart the server with a new server_uuid.Parameters MASTER_LOG_FILE, MASTER_LOG_POS, RELAY_LOG_FILE and RELAY_LOG_POS cannot be set when MASTER_AUTO_POSITION is active.CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1 cannot be executed because @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot execute statements with implicit commit inside a transaction when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT == 'UUID:NUMBER'.GTID_MODE = ON requires ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY = ON.@@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON or ON_PERMISSIVE or OFF_PERMISSIVE requires --log-bin and --log-slave-updates.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be set to UUID:NUMBER when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be set to ANONYMOUS when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST cannot be set to a non-NULL value when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Found a Gtid_log_event when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Statement violates GTID consistency: Updates to non-transactional tables can only be done in either autocommitted statements or single-statement transactions, and never in the same statement as updates to transactional tables.Statement violates GTID consistency: CREATE TABLE ... SELECT.Statement violates GTID consistency: Under statement binary log mode CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE and DROP TEMPORARY TABLE can only be executed outside transactional context. These statements are also not allowed in a function or trigger because functions and triggers are also considered to be multi-statement transactions.The value of @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE can only be changed one step at a time: OFF <-> OFF_PERMISSIVE <-> ON_PERMISSIVE <-> ON. Also note that this value must be stepped up or down simultaneously on all servers. See the Manual for instructions.The slave is connecting using CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1, but the master has purged binary logs containing GTIDs that the slave requires.@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be changed by a client that owns a GTID. The client owns %s. Ownership is released on COMMIT or ROLLBACK.Unknown EXPLAIN format name: '%s'Cannot execute statement in a READ ONLY transaction.Comment for table partition '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)Slave is not configured or failed to initialize properly. You must at least set --server-id to enable either a master or a slave. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.InnoDB presently supports one FULLTEXT index creation at a timeCannot create FULLTEXT index on temporary InnoDB tableColumn '%-.192s' is of wrong type for an InnoDB FULLTEXT indexIndex '%-.192s' is of wrong type for an InnoDB FULLTEXT indexCreating index '%-.192s' required more than 'innodb_online_alter_log_max_size' bytes of modification log. Please try again.Unknown ALGORITHM '%s'Unknown LOCK type '%s'CHANGE MASTER cannot be executed when the slave was stopped with an error or killed in MTS mode. Consider using RESET SLAVE or START SLAVE UNTIL.Cannot recover after SLAVE errored out in parallel execution mode. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.Cannot clean up worker info tables. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.Column count of %s.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. The table is probably corruptedSlave must silently retry current transactionThere is a foreign key check running on table '%-.192s'. Cannot discard the table.Schema mismatch (%s)Table '%-.192s' in system tablespaceIO Read error: (%lu, %s) %sIO Write error: (%lu, %s) %sTablespace is missing for table %s.Tablespace '%-.192s' exists.Tablespace has been discarded for table '%-.192s'Internal error: %sALTER TABLE %-.192s IMPORT TABLESPACE failed with error %lu : '%s'Index corrupt: %sSupports only YEAR or YEAR(4) column.Your password does not satisfy the current policy requirementsYou must reset your password using ALTER USER statement before executing this statement.Failed to add the foreign key constaint. Missing index for constraint '%s' in the foreign table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constaint. Missing index for constraint '%s' in the referenced table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constraint '%s' to system tablesFailed to open the referenced table '%s'Failed to add the foreign key constraint on table '%s'. Incorrect options in FOREIGN KEY constraint '%s'Duplicate foreign key constraint name '%s'The password hash doesn't have the expected format. Check if the correct password algorithm is being used with the PASSWORD() function.Cannot drop column '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s'Cannot drop column '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Column '%-.192s' cannot be NOT NULL: needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' SET NULLDuplicate index '%-.64s' defined on the table '%-.64s.%-.64s'. This is deprecated and will be disallowed in a future release.Cannot change column '%-.192s': used in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s'Cannot change column '%-.192s': used in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Cannot delete rows from table which is parent in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'Malformed communication packet.Running in read-only modeWhen @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT is set to a GTID, you must explicitly set it to a different value after a COMMIT or ROLLBACK. Please check GTID_NEXT variable manual page for detailed explanation. Current @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT is '%s'.The system variable %.200s cannot be set in stored procedures.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when @@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED is empty.@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when there are no ongoing transactions (not even in other clients).@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED was changed from '%s' to '%s'.@@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED was changed from '%s' to '%s'.Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT, and both replicated and non replicated tables are written to.%s is not supported for this operation. Try %s.%s is not supported. Reason: %s. Try %s.COPY algorithm requires a lockPartition specific operations do not yet support LOCK/ALGORITHMColumns participating in a foreign key are renamedCannot change column type INPLACEAdding foreign keys needs foreign_key_checks=OFFCreating unique indexes with IGNORE requires COPY algorithm to remove duplicate rowsDropping a primary key is not allowed without also adding a new primary keyAdding an auto-increment column requires a lockCannot replace hidden FTS_DOC_ID with a user-visible oneCannot drop or rename FTS_DOC_IDFulltext index creation requires a locksql_slave_skip_counter can not be set when the server is running with @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON. Instead, for each transaction that you want to skip, generate an empty transaction with the same GTID as the transactionDupliran unos za ključ '%-.192s'Long database name and identifier for object resulted in path length exceeding %d characters. Path: '%s'.cannot silently convert NULL values, as required in this SQL_MODEYour password has expired. To log in you must change it using a client that supports expired passwords.Found a row in wrong partition %sCannot schedule event %s, relay-log name %s, position %s to Worker thread because its size %lu exceeds %lu of slave_pending_jobs_size_max.Cannot CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX WITH PARSER on InnoDB tableThe binary log file '%s' is logically corrupted: %sfile %s was not purged because it was being read by %d thread(s), purged only %d out of %d files.file %s was not purged because it is the active log file.Auto-increment value in UPDATE conflicts with internally generated valuesRow events are not logged for %s statements that modify BLACKHOLE tables in row format. Table(s): '%-.192s'Slave failed to initialize master info structure from the repositorySlave failed to initialize relay log info structure from the repositoryAccess denied trying to change to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' (using password: %s). Disconnecting.InnoDB is in read only mode.STOP SLAVE command execution is incomplete: Slave SQL thread got the stop signal, thread is busy, SQL thread will stop once the current task is complete.STOP SLAVE command execution is incomplete: Slave IO thread got the stop signal, thread is busy, IO thread will stop once the current task is complete.Operation cannot be performed. The table '%-.64s.%-.64s' is missing, corrupt or contains bad data.Temporary file write failure.Upgrade index name failed, please use create index(alter table) algorithm copy to rebuild index.TIME/TIMESTAMP/DATETIME columns of old format have been upgraded to the new format.Operation not allowed when innodb_forced_recovery > 0.The initialization vector supplied to %s is too short. Must be at least %d bytes longPlugin '%s' cannot be uninstalled now. %sCannot execute statement because it needs to be written to the binary log as multiple statements, and this is not allowed when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT == 'UUID:NUMBER'.Slave has more GTIDs than the master has, using the master's SERVER_UUID. This may indicate that the end of the binary log was truncated or that the last binary log file was lost, e.g., after a power or disk failure when sync_binlog != 1. The master may or may not have rolled back transactions that were already replicated to the slave. Suggest to replicate any transactions that master has rolled back from slave to master, and/or commit empty transactions on master to account for transactions that have been committed on master but are not included in GTID_EXECUTED.The table '%s.%s' does not have the necessary key(s) defined on it. Please check the table definition and create index(s) accordingly.File %s is corruptedQuery partially completed on the master (error on master: %d) and was aborted. There is a chance that your master is inconsistent at this point. If you are sure that your master is ok, run this query manually on the slave and then restart the slave with SET GLOBAL SQL_SLAVE_SKIP_COUNTER=1; START SLAVE;. Query:'%s'Query caused different errors on master and slave. Error on master: message (format)='%s' error code=%d; Error on slave:actual message='%s', error code=%d. Default database:'%s'. Query:'%s'Storage engine for table '%s'.'%s' is not loaded.GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS when handler not active%s is no longer supported. The statement was converted to %s.Statement is unsafe because it uses a fulltext parser plugin which may not return the same value on the slave.Cannot DISCARD/IMPORT tablespace associated with temporary tableForeign key cascade delete/update exceeds max depth of %d.Column count of %s.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. Created with MySQL %d, now running %d. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error.Trigger %s.%s.%s does not have CREATED attribute.Referenced trigger '%s' for the given action time and event type does not exist.EXPLAIN FOR CONNECTION command is supported only for SELECT/UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE/REPLACEInvalid size for column '%-.192s'.Table storage engine '%-.64s' found required create option missingOut of memory in storage engine '%-.64s'.The password for anonymous user cannot be expired.This operation cannot be performed with a running slave sql thread; run STOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD firstCannot create FULLTEXT index on materialized subqueryUndo Log error: %sInvalid argument for logarithmThis operation cannot be performed with a running slave io thread; run STOP SLAVE IO_THREAD FOR CHANNEL '%s' first.This operation may not be safe when the slave has temporary tables. The tables will be kept open until the server restarts or until the tables are deleted by any replicated DROP statement. Suggest to wait until slave_open_temp_tables = 0.CHANGE MASTER TO with a MASTER_LOG_FILE clause but no MASTER_LOG_POS clause may not be safe. The old position value may not be valid for the new binary log file.Query execution was interrupted, maximum statement execution time exceededSelect is not a read only statement, disabling timerDuplicate entry '%-.192s'.'%s' mode no longer has any effect. Use STRICT_ALL_TABLES or STRICT_TRANS_TABLES instead.Expression #%u of ORDER BY contains aggregate function and applies to a UNIONExpression #%u of ORDER BY contains aggregate function and applies to the result of a non-aggregated querySlave worker has stopped after at least one previous worker encountered an error when slave-preserve-commit-order was enabled. To preserve commit order, the last transaction executed by this thread has not been committed. When restarting the slave after fixing any failed threads, you should fix this worker as well.slave_preserve_commit_order is not supported %s.The server is currently in offline modeBinary geometry function %s given two geometries of different srids: %u and %u, which should have been identical.Calling geometry function %s with unsupported types of arguments.Unknown GIS error occured in function %s.Unknown exception caught in GIS function %s.Invalid GIS data provided to function %s.The geometry has no data in function %s.Unable to calculate centroid because geometry is empty in function %s.Geometry overlay calculation error: geometry data is invalid in function %s.Geometry turn info calculation error: geometry data is invalid in function %s.Analysis procedures of intersection points interrupted unexpectedly in function %s.Unknown exception thrown in function %s.Memory allocation error: %-.256s in function %s.Domain error: %-.256s in function %s.Length error: %-.256s in function %s.Invalid argument error: %-.256s in function %s.Out of range error: %-.256s in function %s.Overflow error error: %-.256s in function %s.Range error: %-.256s in function %s.Underflow error: %-.256s in function %s.Logic error: %-.256s in function %s.Runtime error: %-.256s in function %s.Unknown exception: %-.384s in function %s.Geometry byte string must be little endian.The password provided for the replication user exceeds the maximum length of 32 charactersIncorrect user-level lock name '%-.192s'.Deadlock found when trying to get user-level lock; try rolling back transaction/releasing locks and restarting lock acquisition.REPLACE cannot be executed as it requires deleting rows that are not in the viewDo not support online operation on table with GIS indexUser variable name '%-.100s' is illegalCannot %s when GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot %s from a replication slave thread.Incorrect type for argument %s in function %s.Expression #%u of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, references column '%-.192s' which is not in SELECT list; this is incompatible with %sExpression #%u of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, contains aggregate function; this is incompatible with %sSupplied filter list contains a value which is not in the required format 'db_pattern.table_pattern'OK packet too largeInvalid JSON data provided to function %s: %sInvalid GeoJSON data provided to function %s: Missing required member '%s'Invalid GeoJSON data provided to function %s: Member '%s' must be of type '%s'Invalid GeoJSON data provided to function %sUnsupported number of coordinate dimensions in function %s: Found %u, expected %uSlave channel '%s' does not exist.A slave channel '%s' already exists for the given host and port combination.Couldn't create channel: Channel name is either invalid or too long.To have multiple channels, repository cannot be of type FILE; Please check the repository configuration and convert them to TABLE.Cannot delete slave info objects for channel '%s'.Multiple channels exist on the slave. Please provide channel name as an argument.Maximum number of replication channels allowed exceeded.This operation cannot be performed with running replication threads; run STOP SLAVE FOR CHANNEL '%s' firstThis operation requires running replication threads; configure slave and run START SLAVE FOR CHANNEL '%s'Replication thread(s) for channel '%s' are already runnning.Replication thread(s) for channel '%s' are already stopped.This operation cannot be performed with a running slave sql thread; run STOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD FOR CHANNEL '%s' first.When sql_slave_skip_counter > 0, it is not allowed to start more than one SQL thread by using 'START SLAVE [SQL_THREAD]'. Value of sql_slave_skip_counter can only be used by one SQL thread at a time. Please use 'START SLAVE [SQL_THREAD] FOR CHANNEL' to start the SQL thread which will use the value of sql_slave_skip_counter.Expression #%u of %s is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column '%-.192s' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_byIn aggregated query without GROUP BY, expression #%u of %s contains nonaggregated column '%-.192s'; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_byUpdating '%s' is deprecated. It will be made read-only in a future release.Changing sql mode '%s' is deprecated. It will be removed in a future release.DROP DATABASE failed; some tables may have been dropped but the database directory remains. The GTID has not been added to GTID_EXECUTED and the statement was not written to the binary log. Fix this as follows: (1) remove all files from the database directory %-.192s; (2) SET GTID_NEXT='%-.192s'; (3) DROP DATABASE `%-.192s`.The server is not configured properly to be an active member of the group. Please see more details on error log.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed since the group is already running.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as the applier module failed to start.The STOP GROUP_REPLICATION command execution is incomplete: The applier thread got the stop signal while it was busy. The applier thread will stop once the current task is complete.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as there was an error when initializing the group communication layer.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as there was an error when joining the communication group.The table does not comply with the requirements by an external plugin.Cannot change the value of variable %s without binary log format as ROW.Error on observer while running replication hook '%s'.Plugin instructed the server to rollback the current transaction.Expression of generated column '%s' contains a disallowed function.INPLACE ADD or DROP of virtual columns cannot be combined with other ALTER TABLE actionsCannot define foreign key with %s clause on a generated column.The value specified for generated column '%s' in table '%s' is not allowed.'%s' is not supported for generated columns.Generated column can refer only to generated columns defined prior to it.Column '%s' has a generated column dependency.Generated column '%s' cannot refer to auto-increment column.The '%-.64s' feature is not available; you need to remove '%-.64s' or use MySQL built with '%-.64s'SET @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = %-.64s is not allowed because %-.384s.The replication receiver thread%-.192s cannot start in AUTO_POSITION mode: this server uses @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.Cannot replicate anonymous transaction when AUTO_POSITION = 1, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot replicate anonymous transaction when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot replicate GTID-transaction when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF, at file %.512s, position %lld.Cannot set ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY = ON because there are ongoing transactions that violate GTID consistency.There are ongoing transactions that violate GTID consistency.Access denied for user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s'. Account is locked.Incorrect tablespace name `%-.192s`Tablespace `%-.192s` is not empty.Incorrect File Name '%s'.Inconsistent intersection points.Optimizer hint syntax errorUnsupported MAX_EXECUTION_TIMEMAX_EXECUTION_TIME hint is supported by top-level standalone SELECT statements onlyHint %s is ignored as conflicting/duplicatedQuery block name %s is not found for %s hintUnresolved name %s for %s hintPlease do not modify the %s table. This is a mysql internal system table to store GTIDs for committed transactions. Modifying it can lead to an inconsistent GTID state.Command not supported by pluggable protocolsIncorrect locking service lock name '%-.192s'.Deadlock found when trying to get locking service lock; try releasing locks and restarting lock acquisition.Service lock wait timeout exceeded.Parameter %s exceeds the maximum number of points in a geometry (%lu) in function %s.'NO_ZERO_DATE', 'NO_ZERO_IN_DATE' and 'ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO' sql modes should be used with strict mode. They will be merged with strict mode in a future release.Version token mismatch for %.*s. Correct value %.*sVersion token %.*s not found.Variable %-.192s cannot be changed by a client that owns a GTID. The client owns %s. Ownership is released on COMMIT or ROLLBACK.%-.192s cannot be performed on channel '%-.192s'.Invalid JSON text: "%s" at position %u in value for column '%-.200s'.Invalid JSON text in argument %u to function %s: "%s" at position %u.%-.0sThe JSON binary value contains invalid data.Invalid JSON path expression. The error is around character position %u.%-.200sCannot create a JSON value from a string with CHARACTER SET '%s'.Invalid JSON character data provided to function %s: '%s'; utf8 is required.Invalid data type for JSON data in argument %u to function %s; a JSON string or JSON type is required.Cannot CAST value to JSON.A path expression must be encoded in the utf8 character set. The path expression '%-.200s' is encoded in character set '%-.200s'.In this situation, path expressions may not contain the * and ** tokens.The JSON value is too big to be stored in a JSON column.The JSON object contains a key name that is too long.JSON column '%-.192s' cannot be used in key specification.The path expression '$' is not allowed in this context.The oneOrAll argument to %s may take these values: 'one' or 'all'.Out of range JSON value for CAST to %s%-.0s from column %s at row %ldInvalid JSON value for CAST to %s%-.0s from column %s at row %ldThe JSON document exceeds the maximum depth.JSON documents may not contain NULL member names.Connections using insecure transport are prohibited while --require_secure_transport=ON.No secure transports (SSL or Shared Memory) are configured, unable to set --require_secure_transport=ON.Storage engine %s is disabled (Table creation is disallowed).User %s does not exist.User %s already exists.Aborted by Audit API ('%-.48s';%d).A path expression is not a path to a cell in an array.Another buffer pool resize is already in progress.The '%s' feature is disabled; see the documentation for '%s'Server isn't availableSession was killedMemory capacity of %llu bytes for '%s' exceeded. %sRange optimization was not done for this query.Partitioning upgrade required. Please dump/reload to fix it or do: ALTER TABLE `%-.192s`.`%-.192s` UPGRADE PARTITIONINGThe client holds ownership of the GTID %s. Therefore, WAIT_FOR_EXECUTED_GTID_SET cannot wait for this GTID.Cannot add foreign key on the base column of indexed virtual column.Cannot create index on virtual column whose base column has foreign constraint.Please do not modify the %s table with an XA transaction. This is an internal system table used to store GTIDs for committed transactions. Although modifying it can lead to an inconsistent GTID state, if neccessary you can modify it with a non-XA transaction.Lock acquisition refused by storage engine.ADD COLUMN col...VIRTUAL, ADD INDEX(col)Master key rotation is not supported by storage engine.Encryption key rotation error reported by SE: %sWrite to binlog failed. However, master key rotation has been completed successfully.Storage engine is not available.This tablespace can't be encrypted.Invalid encryption option.Can't find master key from keyring, please check in the server log if a keyring plugin is loaded and initialized successfully.Parser bailed out for this query.Cannot alter encryption attribute by inplace algorithm.Function '%s' failed because underlying keyring service returned an error. Please check if a keyring plugin is installed and that provided arguments are valid for the keyring you are using.It seems that your db schema is old. The %s column is 77 characters long and should be 93 characters long. Please run mysql_upgrade.RESET MASTER is not allowed because %-.384s.The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed since the group already has 9 members.Cannot add foreign key on the base column of stored column. Cannot complete the operation because table is referenced by another connection.The partition engine, used by table '%-.192s.%-.192s', is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use native partitioning instead.%.192s(geometry) is deprecated and will be replaced by st_srid(geometry, 0) in a future version. Use %.192s(st_aswkb(geometry), 0) instead.%.192s(geometry, srid) is deprecated and will be replaced by st_srid(geometry, srid) in a future version. Use %.192s(st_aswkb(geometry), srid) instead.The resource manager is not able to commit the transaction branch at this time. Please retry later.Function %s failed due to: %s.Statement is unsafe because it is being used inside a XA transaction. Concurrent XA transactions may deadlock on slaves when replicated using statements.%s UDF failed; %sCan not perform keyring migration : %sAccess denied; you need %-.128s privileges for this operationKeyring migration %s.Failed to open the %s filter tables.Failed to open '%s.%s' %s table.No keyring plugin installed.Audit log encryption password has not been set; it will be generated automatically. Use audit_log_encryption_password_get to obtain the password or audit_log_encryption_password_set to set a new one.Could not create AES key. OpenSSL's EVP_BytesToKey function failed.Audit log encryption password cannot be fetched from the keyring. Password used so far is used for encryption.Audit Log filtering has not been installed.Request ignored for '%s'@'%s'. SUPER_ACL needed to perform operationSUPER privilege required for '%s'@'%s' user.Could not reinitialize audit log filters.Invalid argument typeInvalid argument countaudit_log plugin has not been installed using INSTALL PLUGIN syntax.Invalid "max_array_length" argument type.Invalid "max_array_length" argument value.%sFilter name cannot be empty.User cannot be empty.Specified filter has not been found.First character of the user name must be alphanumeric.Invalid character in the user name.Invalid character in the host name.With the MAXDB SQL mode enabled, TIMESTAMP is identical with DATETIME. The MAXDB SQL mode is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please disable the MAXDB SQL mode and use DATETIME instead.The use of replication filters with XA transactions is not supported, and can lead to an undefined state in the replication slave.Compressed column '%-.192s' is not allowed in the key listCan not define column '%-.192s' in compressed formatCompression dictionary '%-.192s' already existsCompression dictionary '%-.192s' does not existCompression dictionary name '%-.192s' is too long (max length = %lu)Data for compression dictionary '%-.192s' is too long (max length = %lu)Compression dictionary '%-.192s' is in useCan't execute the query because you have a conflicting backup lockKeys are out order during bulk loadBulk load rows overlap existing rowsCan't execute updates on master with binlog_format != ROW.MyRocks supports only READ COMMITTED and REPEATABLE READ isolation levels. Please change from current isolation level %sWhen unique checking is disabled in MyRocks, INSERT,UPDATE,LOAD statements with clauses that update or replace the key (i.e. INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, REPLACE) are not allowed. Query: %sCan't execute updates when you started a transaction with START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT [ROCKSDB] SNAPSHOT.This transaction was rolled back and cannot be committed. Only supported operation is to roll it back, so all pending changes will be discarded. Please restart another transaction.MyRocks currently does not support ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT if modifying rows.Only REPEATABLE READ isolation level is supported for START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT SNAPSHOT in RocksDB Storage Engine.Unsupported collation on string indexed column %s.%s Use binary collation (%s).Table '%s' does not exist, but metadata information exists inside MyRocks. This is a sign of data inconsistency. Please check if '%s.frm' exists, and try to restore it if it does not exist.MyRocks failed creating new key definitions during alter.MyRocks failed populating secondary key during alter.Column family ('%s') flag (%d) is different from an existing flag (%d). Assign a new CF flag, or do not change existing CF flag.TTL support is currently disabled when table has a hidden PK.TTL column (%s) in MyRocks must be an unsigned non-null 64-bit integer, exist inside the table, and have an accompanying ttl duration.TTL duration (%s) in MyRocks must be an unsigned non-null 64-bit integer.The per-index column family option has been deprecated.