eaiovnaovbqoebvqoeavibavo PK“ijZ»ðqËËjs/searcher.jsnu„[µü¤Searcher = function(data) { this.data = data; this.handlers = []; } Searcher.prototype = new function() { // search is performed in chunks of 1000 for non-blocking user input var CHUNK_SIZE = 1000; // do not try to find more than 100 results var MAX_RESULTS = 100; var huid = 1; var suid = 1; var runs = 0; this.find = function(query) { var queries = splitQuery(query); var regexps = buildRegexps(queries); var highlighters = buildHilighters(queries); var state = { from: 0, pass: 0, limit: MAX_RESULTS, n: suid++}; var _this = this; this.currentSuid = state.n; if (!query) return; var run = function() { // stop current search thread if new search started if (state.n != _this.currentSuid) return; var results = performSearch(_this.data, regexps, queries, highlighters, state); var hasMore = (state.limit > 0 && state.pass < 4); triggerResults.call(_this, results, !hasMore); if (hasMore) { setTimeout(run, 2); } runs++; }; runs = 0; // start search thread run(); } /* ----- Events ------ */ this.ready = function(fn) { fn.huid = huid; this.handlers.push(fn); } /* ----- Utilities ------ */ function splitQuery(query) { return jQuery.grep(query.split(/(\s+|::?|\(\)?)/), function(string) { return string.match(/\S/) }); } function buildRegexps(queries) { return jQuery.map(queries, function(query) { return new RegExp(query.replace(/(.)/g, '([$1])([^$1]*?)'), 'i') }); } function buildHilighters(queries) { return jQuery.map(queries, function(query) { return jQuery.map(query.split(''), function(l, i) { return '\u0001$' + (i*2+1) + '\u0002$' + (i*2+2); }).join(''); }); } // function longMatchRegexp(index, longIndex, regexps) { // for (var i = regexps.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){ // if (!index.match(regexps[i]) && !longIndex.match(regexps[i])) return false; // }; // return true; // } /* ----- Mathchers ------ */ /* * This record matches if the index starts with queries[0] and the record * matches all of the regexps */ function matchPassBeginning(index, longIndex, queries, regexps) { if (index.indexOf(queries[0]) != 0) return false; for (var i=1, l = regexps.length; i < l; i++) { if (!index.match(regexps[i]) && !longIndex.match(regexps[i])) return false; }; return true; } /* * This record matches if the longIndex starts with queries[0] and the * longIndex matches all of the regexps */ function matchPassLongIndex(index, longIndex, queries, regexps) { if (longIndex.indexOf(queries[0]) != 0) return false; for (var i=1, l = regexps.length; i < l; i++) { if (!longIndex.match(regexps[i])) return false; }; return true; } /* * This record matches if the index contains queries[0] and the record * matches all of the regexps */ function matchPassContains(index, longIndex, queries, regexps) { if (index.indexOf(queries[0]) == -1) return false; for (var i=1, l = regexps.length; i < l; i++) { if (!index.match(regexps[i]) && !longIndex.match(regexps[i])) return false; }; return true; } /* * This record matches if regexps[0] matches the index and the record * matches all of the regexps */ function matchPassRegexp(index, longIndex, queries, regexps) { if (!index.match(regexps[0])) return false; for (var i=1, l = regexps.length; i < l; i++) { if (!index.match(regexps[i]) && !longIndex.match(regexps[i])) return false; }; return true; } /* ----- Highlighters ------ */ function highlightRegexp(info, queries, regexps, highlighters) { var result = createResult(info); for (var i=0, l = regexps.length; i < l; i++) { result.title = result.title.replace(regexps[i], highlighters[i]); result.namespace = result.namespace.replace(regexps[i], highlighters[i]); }; return result; } function hltSubstring(string, pos, length) { return string.substring(0, pos) + '\u0001' + string.substring(pos, pos + length) + '\u0002' + string.substring(pos + length); } function highlightQuery(info, queries, regexps, highlighters) { var result = createResult(info); var pos = 0; var lcTitle = result.title.toLowerCase(); pos = lcTitle.indexOf(queries[0]); if (pos != -1) { result.title = hltSubstring(result.title, pos, queries[0].length); } result.namespace = result.namespace.replace(regexps[0], highlighters[0]); for (var i=1, l = regexps.length; i < l; i++) { result.title = result.title.replace(regexps[i], highlighters[i]); result.namespace = result.namespace.replace(regexps[i], highlighters[i]); }; return result; } function createResult(info) { var result = {}; result.title = info[0]; result.namespace = info[1]; result.path = info[2]; result.params = info[3]; result.snippet = info[4]; return result; } /* ----- Searching ------ */ function performSearch(data, regexps, queries, highlighters, state) { var searchIndex = data.searchIndex; var longSearchIndex = data.longSearchIndex; var info = data.info; var result = []; var i = state.from; var l = searchIndex.length; var togo = CHUNK_SIZE; var matchFunc, hltFunc; while (state.pass < 4 && state.limit > 0 && togo > 0) { if (state.pass == 0) { matchFunc = matchPassBeginning; hltFunc = highlightQuery; } else if (state.pass == 1) { matchFunc = matchPassLongIndex; hltFunc = highlightQuery; } else if (state.pass == 2) { matchFunc = matchPassContains; hltFunc = highlightQuery; } else if (state.pass == 3) { matchFunc = matchPassRegexp; hltFunc = highlightRegexp; } for (; togo > 0 && i < l && state.limit > 0; i++, togo--) { if (info[i].n == state.n) continue; if (matchFunc(searchIndex[i], longSearchIndex[i], queries, regexps)) { info[i].n = state.n; result.push(hltFunc(info[i], queries, regexps, highlighters)); state.limit--; } }; if (searchIndex.length <= i) { state.pass++; i = state.from = 0; } else { state.from = i; } } return result; } function triggerResults(results, isLast) { jQuery.each(this.handlers, function(i, fn) { fn.call(this, results, isLast) }) } } PK“ijZ ð.COOjs/navigation.jsnu„[µü¤/* * Navigation allows movement using the arrow keys through the search results. * * When using this library you will need to set scrollIntoView to the * appropriate function for your layout. Use scrollInWindow if the container * is not scrollable and scrollInElement if the container is a separate * scrolling region. */ Navigation = new function() { this.initNavigation = function() { var _this = this; $(document).keydown(function(e) { _this.onkeydown(e); }).keyup(function(e) { _this.onkeyup(e); }); this.navigationActive = true; } this.setNavigationActive = function(state) { this.navigationActive = state; this.clearMoveTimeout(); } this.onkeyup = function(e) { if (!this.navigationActive) return; switch(e.keyCode) { case 37: //Event.KEY_LEFT: case 38: //Event.KEY_UP: case 39: //Event.KEY_RIGHT: case 40: //Event.KEY_DOWN: this.clearMoveTimeout(); break; } } this.onkeydown = function(e) { if (!this.navigationActive) return; switch(e.keyCode) { case 37: //Event.KEY_LEFT: if (this.moveLeft()) e.preventDefault(); break; case 38: //Event.KEY_UP: if (e.keyCode == 38 || e.ctrlKey) { if (this.moveUp()) e.preventDefault(); this.startMoveTimeout(false); } break; case 39: //Event.KEY_RIGHT: if (this.moveRight()) e.preventDefault(); break; case 40: //Event.KEY_DOWN: if (e.keyCode == 40 || e.ctrlKey) { if (this.moveDown()) e.preventDefault(); this.startMoveTimeout(true); } break; case 13: //Event.KEY_RETURN: if (this.$current) e.preventDefault(); this.select(this.$current); break; } if (e.ctrlKey && e.shiftKey) this.select(this.$current); } this.clearMoveTimeout = function() { clearTimeout(this.moveTimeout); this.moveTimeout = null; } this.startMoveTimeout = function(isDown) { if (!$.browser.mozilla && !$.browser.opera) return; if (this.moveTimeout) this.clearMoveTimeout(); var _this = this; var go = function() { if (!_this.moveTimeout) return; _this[isDown ? 'moveDown' : 'moveUp'](); _this.moveTimout = setTimeout(go, 100); } this.moveTimeout = setTimeout(go, 200); } this.moveRight = function() { } this.moveLeft = function() { } this.move = function(isDown) { } this.moveUp = function() { return this.move(false); } this.moveDown = function() { return this.move(true); } /* * Scrolls to the given element in the scrollable element view. */ this.scrollInElement = function(element, view) { var offset, viewHeight, viewScroll, height; offset = element.offsetTop; height = element.offsetHeight; viewHeight = view.offsetHeight; viewScroll = view.scrollTop; if (offset - viewScroll + height > viewHeight) { view.scrollTop = offset - viewHeight + height; } if (offset < viewScroll) { view.scrollTop = offset; } } /* * Scrolls to the given element in the window. The second argument is * ignored */ this.scrollInWindow = function(element, ignored) { var offset, viewHeight, viewScroll, height; offset = element.offsetTop; height = element.offsetHeight; viewHeight = window.innerHeight; viewScroll = window.scrollY; if (offset - viewScroll + height > viewHeight) { window.scrollTo(window.scrollX, offset - viewHeight + height); } if (offset < viewScroll) { window.scrollTo(window.scrollX, offset); } } } PK“ijZ»ðqËËjs/searcher.jsnu„[µü¤PK“ijZ ð.COO js/navigation.jsnu„[µü¤PKž˜(