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If not, see . */ .reference { color : rgb(205,0,205); } .keyword { color : rgb(0,255,255); font-weight : bold; } .string { color : rgb(0,255,255); font-weight : bold; } .text { color : rgb(0,0,0); font-weight : normal; } .escape-sequence { color : rgb(205,205,0); } .format-directive { color : rgb(205,205,0); } styles/po-emacs-x.css000064400000002216147633151230010560 0ustar00/* Styling rules for PO files, imitating emacs 21 and 22 in an X window. Copyright (C) 2006, 2015-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ .comment { color : rgb(178,34,34); } .reference { color : rgb(95,158,160); } .flag { color : rgb(0,0,0); } .keyword { color : rgb(160,32,240); } .string { color : rgb(160,32,240); } .text { color : rgb(0,0,0); } .escape-sequence { color : rgb(184,134,11); } .format-directive { color : rgb(184,134,11); } styles/po-emacs-xterm16.css000064400000002216147633151230011617 0ustar00/* Styling rules for PO files, imitating emacs 22 in an xterm-16color terminal. Copyright (C) 2006, 2015-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ .comment { color : rgb(205,0,0); } .reference { color : rgb(0,205,205); } .flag { color : rgb(0,0,0); } .keyword { color : rgb(205,0,205); } .string { color : rgb(205,0,205); } .text { color : rgb(0,0,0); } .escape-sequence { color : rgb(205,205,0); } .format-directive { color : rgb(205,205,0); } styles/po-default.css000064400000002451147633151230010650 0ustar00/* Default styling rules for PO files when doing terminal output. Copyright (C) 2006-2007, 2015-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ .translator-comment { color : green; } .obsolete { color : green; } .extracted-comment { color : green; font-weight: bold; } .flag { text-decoration : underline; } .fuzzy-flag { text-decoration : none; } .text { color : magenta; } .msgstr .text { color : blue; } .fuzzy .msgstr .text { color : red; } .format-directive { font-weight: bold; } .invalid-format-directive { background-color : red; color : white; font-weight: bold; } styles/po-emacs-xterm256.css000064400000002220147633151230011700 0ustar00/* Styling rules for PO files, imitating emacs 22 in an xterm-256color terminal. Copyright (C) 2006, 2015-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ .comment { color : rgb(175,0,0); } .reference { color : rgb(95,175,175); } .flag { color : rgb(0,0,0); } .keyword { color : rgb(175,0,255); } .string { color : rgb(175,0,255); } .text { color : rgb(0,0,0); } .escape-sequence { color : rgb(175,135,0); } .format-directive { color : rgb(175,135,0); } styles/po-vim.css000064400000002223147633151230010014 0ustar00/* Styling rules for PO files, imitating vim 7. Copyright (C) 2006, 2015-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ .comment { color : rgb(0,0,205); } .reference-comment { color : rgb(205,0,205); } .flag-comment { color : rgb(205,0,205); } .fuzzy-flag { color : rgb(0,0,0); background-color : rgb(205,205,0); } .keyword { color : rgb(205,205,0); } .string { color : rgb(205,0,0); } .escape-sequence { color : rgb(205,0,205); } .format-directive { color : rgb(205,0,205); } ABOUT-NLS000064400000267474147633151230006024 0ustar001 Notes on the Free Translation Project *************************************** Free software is going international! The Free Translation Project is a way to get maintainers of free software, translators, and users all together, so that free software will gradually become able to speak many languages. A few packages already provide translations for their messages. If you found this 'ABOUT-NLS' file inside a distribution, you may assume that the distributed package does use GNU 'gettext' internally, itself available at your nearest GNU archive site. But you do _not_ need to install GNU 'gettext' prior to configuring, installing or using this package with messages translated. Installers will find here some useful hints. These notes also explain how users should proceed for getting the programs to use the available translations. They tell how people wanting to contribute and work on translations can contact the appropriate team. 1.1 INSTALL Matters =================== Some packages are "localizable" when properly installed; the programs they contain can be made to speak your own native language. Most such packages use GNU 'gettext'. Other packages have their own ways to internationalization, predating GNU 'gettext'. By default, this package will be installed to allow translation of messages. It will automatically detect whether the system already provides the GNU 'gettext' functions. Installers may use special options at configuration time for changing the default behaviour. The command: ./configure --disable-nls will _totally_ disable translation of messages. When you already have GNU 'gettext' installed on your system and run configure without an option for your new package, 'configure' will probably detect the previously built and installed 'libintl' library and will decide to use it. If not, you may have to to use the '--with-libintl-prefix' option to tell 'configure' where to look for it. Internationalized packages usually have many 'po/LL.po' files, where LL gives an ISO 639 two-letter code identifying the language. Unless translations have been forbidden at 'configure' time by using the '--disable-nls' switch, all available translations are installed together with the package. However, the environment variable 'LINGUAS' may be set, prior to configuration, to limit the installed set. 'LINGUAS' should then contain a space separated list of two-letter codes, stating which languages are allowed. 1.2 Using This Package ====================== As a user, if your language has been installed for this package, you only have to set the 'LANG' environment variable to the appropriate 'LL_CC' combination. If you happen to have the 'LC_ALL' or some other 'LC_xxx' environment variables set, you should unset them before setting 'LANG', otherwise the setting of 'LANG' will not have the desired effect. Here 'LL' is an ISO 639 two-letter language code, and 'CC' is an ISO 3166 two-letter country code. For example, let's suppose that you speak German and live in Germany. At the shell prompt, merely execute 'setenv LANG de_DE' (in 'csh'), 'export LANG; LANG=de_DE' (in 'sh') or 'export LANG=de_DE' (in 'bash'). This can be done from your '.login' or '.profile' file, once and for all. You might think that the country code specification is redundant. But in fact, some languages have dialects in different countries. For example, 'de_AT' is used for Austria, and 'pt_BR' for Brazil. The country code serves to distinguish the dialects. The locale naming convention of 'LL_CC', with 'LL' denoting the language and 'CC' denoting the country, is the one use on systems based on GNU libc. On other systems, some variations of this scheme are used, such as 'LL' or 'LL_CC.ENCODING'. You can get the list of locales supported by your system for your language by running the command 'locale -a | grep '^LL''. Not all programs have translations for all languages. By default, an English message is shown in place of a nonexistent translation. If you understand other languages, you can set up a priority list of languages. This is done through a different environment variable, called 'LANGUAGE'. GNU 'gettext' gives preference to 'LANGUAGE' over 'LANG' for the purpose of message handling, but you still need to have 'LANG' set to the primary language; this is required by other parts of the system libraries. For example, some Swedish users who would rather read translations in German than English for when Swedish is not available, set 'LANGUAGE' to 'sv:de' while leaving 'LANG' to 'sv_SE'. Special advice for Norwegian users: The language code for Norwegian bokma*l changed from 'no' to 'nb' recently (in 2003). During the transition period, while some message catalogs for this language are installed under 'nb' and some older ones under 'no', it's recommended for Norwegian users to set 'LANGUAGE' to 'nb:no' so that both newer and older translations are used. In the 'LANGUAGE' environment variable, but not in the 'LANG' environment variable, 'LL_CC' combinations can be abbreviated as 'LL' to denote the language's main dialect. For example, 'de' is equivalent to 'de_DE' (German as spoken in Germany), and 'pt' to 'pt_PT' (Portuguese as spoken in Portugal) in this context. 1.3 Translating Teams ===================== For the Free Translation Project to be a success, we need interested people who like their own language and write it well, and who are also able to synergize with other translators speaking the same language. Each translation team has its own mailing list. The up-to-date list of teams can be found at the Free Translation Project's homepage, 'http://translationproject.org/', in the "Teams" area. If you'd like to volunteer to _work_ at translating messages, you should become a member of the translating team for your own language. The subscribing address is _not_ the same as the list itself, it has '-request' appended. For example, speakers of Swedish can send a message to 'sv-request@li.org', having this message body: subscribe Keep in mind that team members are expected to participate _actively_ in translations, or at solving translational difficulties, rather than merely lurking around. If your team does not exist yet and you want to start one, or if you are unsure about what to do or how to get started, please write to 'coordinator@translationproject.org' to reach the coordinator for all translator teams. The English team is special. It works at improving and uniformizing the terminology in use. Proven linguistic skills are praised more than programming skills, here. 1.4 Available Packages ====================== Languages are not equally supported in all packages. The following matrix shows the current state of internationalization, as of Jun 2014. The matrix shows, in regard of each package, for which languages PO files have been submitted to translation coordination, with a translation percentage of at least 50%. Ready PO files af am an ar as ast az be bg bn bn_IN bs ca crh cs +---------------------------------------------------+ a2ps | [] [] [] | aegis | | anubis | | aspell | [] [] [] | bash | [] [] [] | bfd | | binutils | [] | bison | | bison-runtime | [] | buzztrax | [] | ccd2cue | | ccide | | cflow | | clisp | | coreutils | [] [] | cpio | | cppi | | cpplib | [] | cryptsetup | [] | datamash | | denemo | [] [] | dfarc | [] | dialog | [] [] [] | dico | | diffutils | [] | dink | [] | direvent | | doodle | [] | dos2unix | | dos2unix-man | | e2fsprogs | [] [] | enscript | [] | exif | [] | fetchmail | [] [] | findutils | [] | flex | [] | freedink | [] [] | fusionforge | | gas | | gawk | [] | gcal | [] | gcc | | gdbm | | gettext-examples | [] [] [] [] [] | gettext-runtime | [] [] [] | gettext-tools | [] [] | gjay | | glunarclock | [] [] [] | gnubiff | [] | gnubik | [] | gnucash | () () [] | gnuchess | | gnulib | [] | gnunet | | gnunet-gtk | | gold | | gphoto2 | [] | gprof | [] | gramadoir | | grep | [] [] [] | grub | [] | gsasl | | gss | | gst-plugins-bad | [] [] | gst-plugins-base | [] [] [] | gst-plugins-good | [] [] [] | gst-plugins-ugly | [] [] [] | gstreamer | [] [] [] [] | gtick | [] | gtkam | [] [] | gtkspell | [] [] [] [] [] | guix | | guix-packages | | gutenprint | [] | hello | [] | help2man | | help2man-texi | | hylafax | | idutils | | iso_15924 | [] | iso_3166 | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | iso_3166_2 | | iso_4217 | [] | iso_639 | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | iso_639_3 | [] [] | iso_639_5 | | jwhois | | kbd | [] | klavaro | [] [] [] [] [] | ld | [] | leafpad | [] [] [] [] | libc | [] [] [] | libexif | () | libextractor | | libgnutls | [] | libgphoto2 | [] | libgphoto2_port | [] | libgsasl | | libiconv | [] [] | libidn | [] | liferea | [] [] [] [] | lilypond | [] [] | lordsawar | [] | lprng | | lynx | [] [] | m4 | [] | mailfromd | | mailutils | | make | [] | man-db | [] [] | man-db-manpages | | midi-instruments | [] [] [] | minicom | [] | mkisofs | [] | myserver | [] | nano | [] [] [] | opcodes | | parted | [] | pies | | pnmixer | | popt | [] | procps-ng | | procps-ng-man | | psmisc | [] | pspp | [] | pushover | [] | pwdutils | | pyspread | | radius | [] | recode | [] [] [] | recutils | | rpm | | rush | | sarg | | sed | [] [] [] [] | sharutils | [] | shishi | | skribilo | | solfege | [] [] | solfege-manual | | spotmachine | | sudo | [] [] | sudoers | [] [] | sysstat | [] | tar | [] [] [] | texinfo | [] [] | texinfo_document | [] [] | tigervnc | [] | tin | | tin-man | | tracgoogleappsa... | | trader | | util-linux | [] | ve | | vice | | vmm | | vorbis-tools | [] | wastesedge | | wcd | | wcd-man | | wdiff | [] [] | wget | [] | wyslij-po | | xboard | | xdg-user-dirs | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | xkeyboard-config | [] [] [] | +---------------------------------------------------+ af am an ar as ast az be bg bn bn_IN bs ca crh cs 4 0 2 5 3 11 0 8 25 3 3 1 55 4 74 da de el en en_GB en_ZA eo es et eu fa fi fr +--------------------------------------------------+ a2ps | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | aegis | [] [] [] [] | anubis | [] [] [] [] [] | aspell | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | bash | [] [] [] | bfd | [] [] [] [] | binutils | [] [] [] | bison | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | bison-runtime | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | buzztrax | [] [] [] [] | ccd2cue | [] [] [] [] | ccide | [] [] [] [] [] [] | cflow | [] [] [] [] [] | clisp | [] [] [] [] [] | coreutils | [] [] [] [] [] | cpio | [] [] [] [] [] | cppi | [] [] [] [] [] | cpplib | [] [] [] [] [] [] | cryptsetup | [] [] [] [] [] | datamash | [] [] [] [] | denemo | [] | dfarc | [] [] [] [] [] [] | dialog | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | dico | [] [] [] [] | diffutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] | dink | [] [] [] [] [] [] | direvent | [] [] [] [] | doodle | [] [] [] [] | dos2unix | [] [] [] [] [] | dos2unix-man | [] [] [] | e2fsprogs | [] [] [] [] [] | enscript | [] [] [] [] [] [] | exif | [] [] [] [] [] [] | fetchmail | [] () [] [] [] [] [] | findutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | flex | [] [] [] [] [] [] | freedink | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | fusionforge | [] [] [] | gas | [] [] [] | gawk | [] [] [] [] [] | gcal | [] [] [] [] | gcc | [] | gdbm | [] [] [] [] [] | gettext-examples | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | gettext-runtime | [] [] [] [] [] [] | gettext-tools | [] [] [] [] [] | gjay | [] [] [] [] | glunarclock | [] [] [] [] [] | gnubiff | () [] [] () | gnubik | [] [] [] [] [] | gnucash | [] () () () () () () | gnuchess | [] [] [] [] | gnulib | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | gnunet | [] | gnunet-gtk | [] | gold | [] [] [] | gphoto2 | [] () [] [] | gprof | [] [] [] [] [] [] | gramadoir | [] [] [] [] [] | grep | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | grub | [] [] [] [] [] | gsasl | [] [] [] [] [] | gss | [] [] [] [] [] | gst-plugins-bad | [] [] [] | gst-plugins-base | [] [] [] [] [] [] | gst-plugins-good | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | gst-plugins-ugly | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | gstreamer | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | gtick | [] () [] [] [] | gtkam | [] () [] [] [] [] | gtkspell | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | guix | [] [] | guix-packages | | gutenprint | [] [] [] [] | hello | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | help2man | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | help2man-texi | [] [] [] | hylafax | [] [] | idutils | [] [] [] [] [] | iso_15924 | [] () [] [] () [] () | iso_3166 | [] () [] [] [] [] () [] () | iso_3166_2 | [] () () () | iso_4217 | [] () [] [] [] () [] () | iso_639 | [] () [] [] () [] () | iso_639_3 | () () () | iso_639_5 | () () () | jwhois | [] [] [] [] [] | kbd | [] [] [] [] [] [] | klavaro | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | ld | [] [] [] [] | leafpad | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | libc | [] [] [] [] [] | libexif | [] [] () [] [] | libextractor | [] | libgnutls | [] [] [] [] | libgphoto2 | [] () [] | libgphoto2_port | [] () [] [] [] [] | libgsasl | [] [] [] [] [] | libiconv | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | libidn | [] [] [] [] [] | liferea | [] () [] [] [] [] [] | lilypond | [] [] [] [] [] [] | lordsawar | [] [] | lprng | | lynx | [] [] [] [] [] [] | m4 | [] [] [] [] [] [] | mailfromd | [] | mailutils | [] [] [] [] | make | [] [] [] [] [] | man-db | [] [] [] [] | man-db-manpages | [] [] | midi-instruments | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | minicom | [] [] [] [] [] | mkisofs | [] [] [] | myserver | [] [] [] [] | nano | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | opcodes | [] [] [] [] [] | parted | [] [] [] | pies | [] | pnmixer | [] [] | popt | [] [] [] [] [] [] | procps-ng | [] [] | procps-ng-man | [] [] | psmisc | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | pspp | [] [] [] | pushover | () [] [] [] | pwdutils | [] [] [] | pyspread | [] [] [] | radius | [] [] | recode | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | recutils | [] [] [] [] | rpm | [] [] [] [] [] | rush | [] [] [] | sarg | [] [] | sed | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | sharutils | [] [] [] [] | shishi | [] [] [] | skribilo | [] [] [] | solfege | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | solfege-manual | [] [] [] [] [] | spotmachine | [] [] [] [] [] | sudo | [] [] [] [] [] [] | sudoers | [] [] [] [] [] [] | sysstat | [] [] [] [] [] [] | tar | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | texinfo | [] [] [] [] [] | texinfo_document | [] [] [] [] | tigervnc | [] [] [] [] [] [] | tin | [] [] [] [] | tin-man | [] | tracgoogleappsa... | [] [] [] [] [] | trader | [] [] [] [] [] [] | util-linux | [] [] [] [] | ve | [] [] [] [] [] | vice | () () () | vmm | [] [] | vorbis-tools | [] [] [] [] | wastesedge | [] | wcd | [] [] [] [] | wcd-man | [] | wdiff | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | wget | [] [] [] [] [] [] | wyslij-po | [] [] [] [] | xboard | [] [] [] [] | xdg-user-dirs | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | xkeyboard-config | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | +--------------------------------------------------+ da de el en en_GB en_ZA eo es et eu fa fi fr 119 131 32 1 6 0 94 95 22 13 4 102 139 ga gd gl gu he hi hr hu hy ia id is it ja ka kk +-------------------------------------------------+ a2ps | [] [] [] [] | aegis | [] | anubis | [] [] [] [] | aspell | [] [] [] [] [] | bash | [] [] [] [] | bfd | [] [] | binutils | [] [] [] | bison | [] | bison-runtime | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | buzztrax | | ccd2cue | [] | ccide | [] [] | cflow | [] [] [] | clisp | | coreutils | [] [] | cpio | [] [] [] [] [] [] | cppi | [] [] [] [] [] | cpplib | [] [] | cryptsetup | [] | datamash | | denemo | [] | dfarc | [] [] [] | dialog | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | dico | | diffutils | [] [] [] [] | dink | [] | direvent | [] | doodle | [] [] | dos2unix | [] [] | dos2unix-man | | e2fsprogs | [] [] | enscript | [] [] [] | exif | [] [] [] [] [] [] | fetchmail | [] [] [] | findutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | flex | [] | freedink | [] [] [] [] | fusionforge | | gas | [] | gawk | [] () [] | gcal | | gcc | | gdbm | | gettext-examples | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | gettext-runtime | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | gettext-tools | [] [] [] | gjay | [] | glunarclock | [] [] [] [] [] [] | gnubiff | [] [] () | gnubik | [] [] [] | gnucash | () () () () () | gnuchess | | gnulib | [] [] [] [] [] | gnunet | | gnunet-gtk | | gold | [] [] | gphoto2 | [] [] [] [] | gprof | [] [] [] [] | gramadoir | [] [] [] | grep | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | grub | [] [] [] | gsasl | [] [] [] [] [] | gss | [] [] [] [] [] | gst-plugins-bad | [] [] [] | gst-plugins-base | [] [] [] [] | gst-plugins-good | [] [] [] [] [] [] | gst-plugins-ugly | [] [] [] [] [] [] | gstreamer | [] [] [] [] [] | gtick | [] [] [] [] [] | gtkam | [] [] [] [] [] | gtkspell | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | guix | | guix-packages | | gutenprint | [] [] [] | hello | [] [] [] [] [] | help2man | [] [] [] | help2man-texi | | hylafax | [] | idutils | [] [] | iso_15924 | [] [] [] [] [] [] | iso_3166 | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | iso_3166_2 | [] [] | iso_4217 | [] [] [] [] [] [] | iso_639 | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | iso_639_3 | [] [] | iso_639_5 | | jwhois | [] [] [] [] | kbd | [] [] [] | klavaro | [] [] [] [] [] | ld | [] [] [] [] | leafpad | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] () | libc | [] [] [] [] [] | libexif | [] | libextractor | | libgnutls | [] | libgphoto2 | [] [] | libgphoto2_port | [] [] | libgsasl | [] [] [] [] | libiconv | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | libidn | [] [] [] [] | liferea | [] [] [] [] [] | lilypond | [] | lordsawar | | lprng | [] | lynx | [] [] [] [] | m4 | [] [] [] [] [] | mailfromd | | mailutils | | make | [] [] [] [] | man-db | [] [] | man-db-manpages | [] [] | midi-instruments | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | minicom | [] [] [] | mkisofs | [] [] | myserver | [] | nano | [] [] [] [] [] [] | opcodes | [] [] [] | parted | [] [] [] [] [] | pies | | pnmixer | [] [] | popt | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | procps-ng | | procps-ng-man | | psmisc | [] [] [] [] | pspp | [] [] | pushover | [] | pwdutils | [] | pyspread | | radius | [] | recode | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | recutils | | rpm | [] | rush | [] | sarg | | sed | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | sharutils | | shishi | | skribilo | [] | solfege | [] [] | solfege-manual | | spotmachine | | sudo | [] [] [] [] | sudoers | [] [] [] | sysstat | [] [] [] [] | tar | [] [] [] [] [] [] | texinfo | [] [] [] | texinfo_document | [] [] [] | tigervnc | | tin | | tin-man | | tracgoogleappsa... | [] [] [] [] | trader | [] [] | util-linux | [] | ve | [] | vice | () () | vmm | | vorbis-tools | [] [] | wastesedge | [] | wcd | | wcd-man | | wdiff | [] [] [] | wget | [] [] [] [] | wyslij-po | [] [] [] | xboard | | xdg-user-dirs | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | xkeyboard-config | [] [] [] [] [] [] | +-------------------------------------------------+ ga gd gl gu he hi hr hu hy ia id is it ja ka kk 35 2 47 4 8 2 60 71 2 6 81 11 87 57 0 3 kn ko ku ky lg lt lv mk ml mn mr ms mt nb ne nl +--------------------------------------------------+ a2ps | [] [] | aegis | [] | anubis | [] [] [] | aspell | [] [] | bash | [] [] | bfd | | binutils | | bison | [] | bison-runtime | [] [] [] [] [] [] | buzztrax | | ccd2cue | | ccide | [] [] | cflow | [] | clisp | [] | coreutils | [] [] | cpio | [] | cppi | | cpplib | [] | cryptsetup | [] | datamash | [] [] | denemo | | dfarc | [] [] | dialog | [] [] [] [] [] [] | dico | | diffutils | [] [] [] | dink | [] | direvent | [] | doodle | [] | dos2unix | [] [] | dos2unix-man | [] | e2fsprogs | [] | enscript | [] | exif | [] [] [] | fetchmail | [] | findutils | [] [] | flex | [] | freedink | [] [] | fusionforge | | gas | | gawk | [] | gcal | | gcc | | gdbm | | gettext-examples | [] [] [] [] [] [] | gettext-runtime | [] [] [] | gettext-tools | [] | gjay | | glunarclock | [] [] | gnubiff | [] | gnubik | [] [] | gnucash | () () () () () () () [] | gnuchess | [] [] | gnulib | [] | gnunet | | gnunet-gtk | | gold | | gphoto2 | [] | gprof | [] [] | gramadoir | [] | grep | [] [] | grub | [] [] [] | gsasl | [] | gss | | gst-plugins-bad | [] [] [] | gst-plugins-base | [] [] [] | gst-plugins-good | [] [] [] [] | gst-plugins-ugly | [] [] [] [] [] | gstreamer | [] [] [] | gtick | [] | gtkam | [] [] | gtkspell | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | guix | | guix-packages | | gutenprint | [] | hello | [] [] [] | help2man | [] | help2man-texi | | hylafax | [] | idutils | [] | iso_15924 | () [] [] | iso_3166 | [] [] [] () [] [] [] [] [] [] | iso_3166_2 | () [] | iso_4217 | () [] [] [] | iso_639 | [] [] () [] [] [] [] | iso_639_3 | [] () [] | iso_639_5 | () | jwhois | [] [] | kbd | [] | klavaro | [] [] | ld | | leafpad | [] [] [] [] [] | libc | [] [] | libexif | [] | libextractor | [] | libgnutls | [] [] | libgphoto2 | [] | libgphoto2_port | [] | libgsasl | [] | libiconv | [] [] | libidn | [] | liferea | [] [] [] | lilypond | [] | lordsawar | | lprng | | lynx | [] | m4 | [] | mailfromd | | mailutils | | make | [] [] | man-db | [] | man-db-manpages | [] | midi-instruments | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | minicom | [] | mkisofs | [] | myserver | | nano | [] [] [] | opcodes | [] | parted | [] [] | pies | | pnmixer | [] | popt | [] [] [] [] [] | procps-ng | | procps-ng-man | | psmisc | [] | pspp | [] [] | pushover | | pwdutils | [] | pyspread | | radius | [] | recode | [] [] | recutils | [] | rpm | [] | rush | [] | sarg | | sed | [] [] | sharutils | [] | shishi | | skribilo | | solfege | [] [] | solfege-manual | [] | spotmachine | [] | sudo | [] [] [] | sudoers | [] [] [] | sysstat | [] [] | tar | [] [] [] | texinfo | [] | texinfo_document | [] | tigervnc | [] | tin | | tin-man | | tracgoogleappsa... | [] [] [] | trader | [] | util-linux | [] | ve | [] | vice | [] | vmm | [] | vorbis-tools | [] | wastesedge | [] | wcd | [] | wcd-man | [] | wdiff | [] | wget | [] [] | wyslij-po | [] | xboard | [] | xdg-user-dirs | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | xkeyboard-config | [] [] [] | +--------------------------------------------------+ kn ko ku ky lg lt lv mk ml mn mr ms mt nb ne nl 5 15 4 6 0 13 23 3 3 3 4 11 2 42 1 125 nn or pa pl ps pt pt_BR ro ru rw sk sl sq sr +------------------------------------------------+ a2ps | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | aegis | [] [] | anubis | [] [] [] | aspell | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | bash | [] [] [] [] [] [] | bfd | [] [] | binutils | [] [] | bison | [] [] [] | bison-runtime | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | buzztrax | [] | ccd2cue | [] [] | ccide | [] [] [] | cflow | [] [] [] | clisp | [] | coreutils | [] [] [] [] | cpio | [] [] [] | cppi | [] [] [] | cpplib | [] [] [] | cryptsetup | [] [] [] | datamash | [] [] | denemo | | dfarc | [] [] [] | dialog | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | dico | [] | diffutils | [] [] [] | dink | | direvent | [] [] [] | doodle | [] [] | dos2unix | [] [] [] [] | dos2unix-man | [] [] | e2fsprogs | [] | enscript | [] [] [] [] [] [] | exif | [] [] [] [] [] [] | fetchmail | [] [] [] | findutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] | flex | [] [] [] [] [] | freedink | [] [] [] [] [] | fusionforge | | gas | | gawk | [] | gcal | | gcc | | gdbm | [] [] [] | gettext-examples | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | gettext-runtime | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | gettext-tools | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | gjay | [] | glunarclock | [] [] [] [] [] [] | gnubiff | [] | gnubik | [] [] [] [] | gnucash | () () () () () [] | gnuchess | [] [] | gnulib | [] [] [] [] [] | gnunet | | gnunet-gtk | | gold | | gphoto2 | [] [] [] [] [] | gprof | [] [] [] [] | gramadoir | [] [] | grep | [] [] [] [] [] [] | grub | [] [] [] [] [] | gsasl | [] [] [] | gss | [] [] [] [] | gst-plugins-bad | [] [] [] [] [] | gst-plugins-base | [] [] [] [] [] [] | gst-plugins-good | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | gst-plugins-ugly | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | gstreamer | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | gtick | [] [] [] [] [] | gtkam | [] [] [] [] [] [] | gtkspell | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | guix | | guix-packages | | gutenprint | [] [] | hello | [] [] [] [] [] [] | help2man | [] [] [] [] | help2man-texi | [] | hylafax | | idutils | [] [] [] | iso_15924 | [] () [] [] [] [] | iso_3166 | [] [] [] [] () [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | iso_3166_2 | [] () [] | iso_4217 | [] [] () [] [] [] [] [] | iso_639 | [] [] [] () [] [] [] [] [] [] | iso_639_3 | [] () | iso_639_5 | () [] | jwhois | [] [] [] [] | kbd | [] [] | klavaro | [] [] [] [] [] | ld | | leafpad | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | libc | [] [] [] | libexif | [] () [] | libextractor | [] | libgnutls | [] | libgphoto2 | [] | libgphoto2_port | [] [] [] [] [] | libgsasl | [] [] [] [] | libiconv | [] [] [] [] [] | libidn | [] [] [] | liferea | [] [] [] [] () [] [] | lilypond | | lordsawar | | lprng | [] | lynx | [] [] | m4 | [] [] [] [] [] | mailfromd | [] | mailutils | [] | make | [] [] [] | man-db | [] [] [] | man-db-manpages | [] [] [] | midi-instruments | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | minicom | [] [] [] [] | mkisofs | [] [] [] | myserver | [] [] | nano | [] [] [] [] [] [] | opcodes | | parted | [] [] [] [] [] [] | pies | [] | pnmixer | [] | popt | [] [] [] [] [] [] | procps-ng | [] | procps-ng-man | [] | psmisc | [] [] [] [] | pspp | [] [] | pushover | | pwdutils | [] | pyspread | [] [] | radius | [] [] | recode | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | recutils | [] [] | rpm | [] | rush | [] [] [] | sarg | [] [] | sed | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | sharutils | [] [] [] | shishi | [] [] | skribilo | [] | solfege | [] [] [] | solfege-manual | [] [] | spotmachine | [] [] | sudo | [] [] [] [] [] [] | sudoers | [] [] [] [] | sysstat | [] [] [] [] [] | tar | [] [] [] [] [] | texinfo | [] [] [] | texinfo_document | [] [] | tigervnc | [] [] [] | tin | [] | tin-man | | tracgoogleappsa... | [] [] [] [] | trader | [] [] | util-linux | [] [] | ve | [] [] [] | vice | | vmm | | vorbis-tools | [] [] [] | wastesedge | | wcd | | wcd-man | | wdiff | [] [] [] [] [] | wget | [] [] [] [] [] | wyslij-po | [] [] [] [] | xboard | [] [] [] | xdg-user-dirs | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | xkeyboard-config | [] [] [] [] | +------------------------------------------------+ nn or pa pl ps pt pt_BR ro ru rw sk sl sq sr 7 3 6 114 1 12 88 32 82 3 40 45 7 101 sv sw ta te tg th tr uk ur vi wa wo zh_CN +----------------------------------------------+ a2ps | [] [] [] [] [] | aegis | [] | anubis | [] [] [] [] | aspell | [] [] [] [] [] | bash | [] [] [] [] | bfd | [] [] [] | binutils | [] [] [] | bison | [] [] [] [] | bison-runtime | [] [] [] [] [] [] | buzztrax | [] [] [] | ccd2cue | [] [] [] | ccide | [] [] [] [] | cflow | [] [] [] [] | clisp | | coreutils | [] [] [] | cpio | [] [] [] [] [] | cppi | [] [] [] [] | cpplib | [] [] [] [] [] | cryptsetup | [] [] [] | datamash | [] [] [] | denemo | [] | dfarc | [] [] | dialog | [] [] [] [] [] [] | dico | [] | diffutils | [] [] [] [] [] | dink | [] | direvent | [] [] | doodle | [] [] | dos2unix | [] [] [] [] | dos2unix-man | [] [] [] | e2fsprogs | [] [] [] [] | enscript | [] [] [] [] | exif | [] [] [] [] [] | fetchmail | [] [] [] [] | findutils | [] [] [] [] [] | flex | [] [] [] [] | freedink | [] [] [] | fusionforge | | gas | [] | gawk | [] [] [] | gcal | [] [] [] | gcc | [] | gdbm | [] [] | gettext-examples | [] [] [] [] [] | gettext-runtime | [] [] [] [] [] | gettext-tools | [] [] [] [] [] | gjay | [] [] [] | glunarclock | [] [] [] [] | gnubiff | [] [] | gnubik | [] [] [] [] | gnucash | () () () () [] | gnuchess | [] [] [] | gnulib | [] [] [] [] | gnunet | | gnunet-gtk | | gold | [] [] | gphoto2 | [] [] [] [] | gprof | [] [] [] [] | gramadoir | [] [] [] | grep | [] [] [] [] [] | grub | [] [] [] [] | gsasl | [] [] [] [] | gss | [] [] [] | gst-plugins-bad | [] [] [] [] [] | gst-plugins-base | [] [] [] [] [] | gst-plugins-good | [] [] [] [] [] | gst-plugins-ugly | [] [] [] [] [] | gstreamer | [] [] [] [] [] | gtick | [] [] [] | gtkam | [] [] [] [] | gtkspell | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | guix | | guix-packages | | gutenprint | [] [] [] [] | hello | [] [] [] [] [] [] | help2man | [] [] [] | help2man-texi | [] | hylafax | [] | idutils | [] [] [] | iso_15924 | [] () [] [] () [] | iso_3166 | [] [] () [] [] () [] [] | iso_3166_2 | () [] [] () [] | iso_4217 | [] () [] [] () [] | iso_639 | [] [] [] () [] [] () [] [] | iso_639_3 | [] () [] [] () | iso_639_5 | () [] () | jwhois | [] [] [] [] | kbd | [] [] [] [] | klavaro | [] [] [] [] [] [] | ld | [] [] [] [] [] | leafpad | [] [] [] [] [] [] | libc | [] [] [] [] [] | libexif | [] [] () | libextractor | [] [] | libgnutls | [] [] [] [] | libgphoto2 | [] [] [] | libgphoto2_port | [] [] [] [] | libgsasl | [] [] [] [] | libiconv | [] [] [] [] [] | libidn | () [] [] [] | liferea | [] [] [] [] [] | lilypond | [] | lordsawar | | lprng | [] | lynx | [] [] [] [] | m4 | [] [] [] | mailfromd | [] [] | mailutils | [] | make | [] [] [] [] | man-db | [] [] [] | man-db-manpages | [] [] | midi-instruments | [] [] [] [] [] [] | minicom | [] [] | mkisofs | [] [] [] | myserver | [] | nano | [] [] [] [] | opcodes | [] [] [] | parted | [] [] [] [] [] | pies | [] [] | pnmixer | [] [] [] | popt | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | procps-ng | [] [] | procps-ng-man | [] | psmisc | [] [] [] [] | pspp | [] [] [] | pushover | [] | pwdutils | [] [] | pyspread | [] | radius | [] [] | recode | [] [] [] [] | recutils | [] [] [] | rpm | [] [] [] [] | rush | [] [] | sarg | | sed | [] [] [] [] [] | sharutils | [] [] [] [] | shishi | [] [] | skribilo | [] [] | solfege | [] [] [] [] | solfege-manual | [] | spotmachine | [] [] [] | sudo | [] [] [] [] [] | sudoers | [] [] [] [] | sysstat | [] [] [] [] [] | tar | [] [] [] [] [] | texinfo | [] [] [] | texinfo_document | [] | tigervnc | [] [] [] | tin | [] | tin-man | | tracgoogleappsa... | [] [] [] [] [] | trader | [] | util-linux | [] [] [] [] | ve | [] [] [] [] | vice | () () | vmm | | vorbis-tools | [] [] | wastesedge | | wcd | [] [] [] | wcd-man | [] | wdiff | [] [] [] [] | wget | [] [] [] | wyslij-po | [] [] | xboard | [] [] | xdg-user-dirs | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | xkeyboard-config | [] [] [] [] | +----------------------------------------------+ sv sw ta te tg th tr uk ur vi wa wo zh_CN 106 1 4 3 0 13 51 115 1 125 7 1 100 zh_HK zh_TW +-------------+ a2ps | | 30 aegis | | 9 anubis | | 19 aspell | | 29 bash | [] | 23 bfd | | 11 binutils | | 12 bison | [] | 18 bison-runtime | [] | 38 buzztrax | | 9 ccd2cue | | 10 ccide | | 17 cflow | | 16 clisp | | 10 coreutils | | 18 cpio | | 20 cppi | | 17 cpplib | [] | 19 cryptsetup | | 14 datamash | | 11 denemo | | 5 dfarc | | 17 dialog | [] | 42 dico | | 6 diffutils | | 22 dink | | 10 direvent | | 11 doodle | | 12 dos2unix | [] | 18 dos2unix-man | | 9 e2fsprogs | | 15 enscript | | 21 exif | | 27 fetchmail | | 19 findutils | | 29 flex | [] | 19 freedink | | 24 fusionforge | | 3 gas | | 5 gawk | | 13 gcal | | 8 gcc | | 2 gdbm | | 10 gettext-examples | [] [] | 40 gettext-runtime | [] [] | 35 gettext-tools | [] | 24 gjay | | 9 glunarclock | [] | 27 gnubiff | | 9 gnubik | | 19 gnucash | () | 6 gnuchess | | 11 gnulib | | 23 gnunet | | 1 gnunet-gtk | | 1 gold | | 7 gphoto2 | [] | 19 gprof | | 21 gramadoir | | 14 grep | [] | 31 grub | | 21 gsasl | [] | 19 gss | | 17 gst-plugins-bad | | 21 gst-plugins-base | | 27 gst-plugins-good | | 32 gst-plugins-ugly | | 34 gstreamer | [] | 32 gtick | | 19 gtkam | | 24 gtkspell | [] [] | 48 guix | | 2 guix-packages | | 0 gutenprint | | 15 hello | [] | 30 help2man | | 18 help2man-texi | | 5 hylafax | | 5 idutils | | 14 iso_15924 | [] | 23 iso_3166 | [] [] | 58 iso_3166_2 | | 9 iso_4217 | [] [] | 28 iso_639 | [] [] | 46 iso_639_3 | | 10 iso_639_5 | | 2 jwhois | [] | 20 kbd | | 17 klavaro | | 30 ld | [] | 15 leafpad | [] | 39 libc | [] | 24 libexif | | 10 libextractor | | 5 libgnutls | | 13 libgphoto2 | | 10 libgphoto2_port | [] | 19 libgsasl | | 18 libiconv | [] | 29 libidn | | 17 liferea | | 29 lilypond | | 11 lordsawar | | 3 lprng | | 3 lynx | | 19 m4 | [] | 22 mailfromd | | 4 mailutils | | 6 make | | 19 man-db | | 15 man-db-manpages | | 10 midi-instruments | [] | 43 minicom | [] | 17 mkisofs | | 13 myserver | | 9 nano | [] | 30 opcodes | | 12 parted | [] | 23 pies | | 4 pnmixer | | 9 popt | [] | 36 procps-ng | | 5 procps-ng-man | | 4 psmisc | [] | 22 pspp | | 13 pushover | | 6 pwdutils | | 8 pyspread | | 6 radius | | 9 recode | | 31 recutils | | 10 rpm | [] | 13 rush | | 10 sarg | | 4 sed | [] | 35 sharutils | | 13 shishi | | 7 skribilo | | 7 solfege | | 21 solfege-manual | | 9 spotmachine | | 11 sudo | | 26 sudoers | | 22 sysstat | | 23 tar | [] | 30 texinfo | | 17 texinfo_document | | 13 tigervnc | | 14 tin | [] | 7 tin-man | | 1 tracgoogleappsa... | [] | 22 trader | | 12 util-linux | | 13 ve | | 14 vice | | 1 vmm | | 3 vorbis-tools | | 13 wastesedge | | 3 wcd | | 8 wcd-man | | 3 wdiff | [] | 23 wget | | 21 wyslij-po | | 14 xboard | | 10 xdg-user-dirs | [] [] | 68 xkeyboard-config | [] | 28 +-------------+ 89 teams zh_HK zh_TW 166 domains 7 42 2809 Some counters in the preceding matrix are higher than the number of visible blocks let us expect. This is because a few extra PO files are used for implementing regional variants of languages, or language dialects. For a PO file in the matrix above to be effective, the package to which it applies should also have been internationalized and distributed as such by its maintainer. There might be an observable lag between the mere existence a PO file and its wide availability in a distribution. If Jun 2014 seems to be old, you may fetch a more recent copy of this 'ABOUT-NLS' file on most GNU archive sites. The most up-to-date matrix with full percentage details can be found at 'http://translationproject.org/extra/matrix.html'. 1.5 Using 'gettext' in new packages =================================== If you are writing a freely available program and want to internationalize it you are welcome to use GNU 'gettext' in your package. Of course you have to respect the GNU Lesser General Public License which covers the use of the GNU 'gettext' library. This means in particular that even non-free programs can use 'libintl' as a shared library, whereas only free software can use 'libintl' as a static library or use modified versions of 'libintl'. Once the sources are changed appropriately and the setup can handle the use of 'gettext' the only thing missing are the translations. The Free Translation Project is also available for packages which are not developed inside the GNU project. Therefore the information given above applies also for every other Free Software Project. Contact 'coordinator@translationproject.org' to make the '.pot' files available to the translation teams. its/fontconfig.its000064400000000275147633151230010231 0ustar00 its/fontconfig.loc000064400000000275147633151230010207 0ustar00 intl/locale.alias000064400000006016147633151230007774 0ustar00# Locale name alias data base. # Copyright (C) 1996-2001, 2003, 2007, 2015 Free Software Foundation, # Inc. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # The format of this file is the same as for the corresponding file of # the X Window System, which normally can be found in # /usr/lib/X11/locale/locale.alias # A single line contains two fields: an alias and a substitution value. # All entries are case independent. # Note: This file is obsolete and is kept around for the time being for # backward compatibility. Nobody should rely on the names defined here. # Locales should always be specified by their full name. # Note: This file used to contain the following lines: # bokmaal nb_NO.ISO-8859-1 # franc,ais fr_FR.ISO-8859-1 # except that the "aa" was actually the byte '\0xE5' (the Latin-1 # encoding for U+00E5 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE) and the # "c," was actually the byte '\xE7' (the Latin-1 encoding for U+00E7 # LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA). These lines were removed # because they caused 'locale -a' to output text encoded in Latin-1, # which broke applications in UTF-8 locales. See: # https://sourceware.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=18412 # Packages using this file: bokmal nb_NO.ISO-8859-1 catalan ca_ES.ISO-8859-1 croatian hr_HR.ISO-8859-2 czech cs_CZ.ISO-8859-2 danish da_DK.ISO-8859-1 dansk da_DK.ISO-8859-1 deutsch de_DE.ISO-8859-1 dutch nl_NL.ISO-8859-1 eesti et_EE.ISO-8859-1 estonian et_EE.ISO-8859-1 finnish fi_FI.ISO-8859-1 french fr_FR.ISO-8859-1 galego gl_ES.ISO-8859-1 galician gl_ES.ISO-8859-1 german de_DE.ISO-8859-1 greek el_GR.ISO-8859-7 hebrew he_IL.ISO-8859-8 hrvatski hr_HR.ISO-8859-2 hungarian hu_HU.ISO-8859-2 icelandic is_IS.ISO-8859-1 italian it_IT.ISO-8859-1 japanese ja_JP.eucJP japanese.euc ja_JP.eucJP ja_JP ja_JP.eucJP ja_JP.ujis ja_JP.eucJP japanese.sjis ja_JP.SJIS korean ko_KR.eucKR korean.euc ko_KR.eucKR ko_KR ko_KR.eucKR lithuanian lt_LT.ISO-8859-13 no_NO nb_NO.ISO-8859-1 no_NO.ISO-8859-1 nb_NO.ISO-8859-1 norwegian nb_NO.ISO-8859-1 nynorsk nn_NO.ISO-8859-1 polish pl_PL.ISO-8859-2 portuguese pt_PT.ISO-8859-1 romanian ro_RO.ISO-8859-2 russian ru_RU.ISO-8859-5 slovak sk_SK.ISO-8859-2 slovene sl_SI.ISO-8859-2 slovenian sl_SI.ISO-8859-2 spanish es_ES.ISO-8859-1 swedish sv_SE.ISO-8859-1 thai th_TH.TIS-620 turkish tr_TR.ISO-8859-9 intl/ngettext.c000064400000003563147633151230007534 0ustar00/* Implementation of ngettext(3) function. Copyright (C) 1995-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #ifdef _LIBC # define __need_NULL # include #else # include /* Just for NULL. */ #endif #include "gettextP.h" #ifdef _LIBC # include #else # include "libgnuintl.h" #endif #include /* @@ end of prolog @@ */ /* Names for the libintl functions are a problem. They must not clash with existing names and they should follow ANSI C. But this source code is also used in GNU C Library where the names have a __ prefix. So we have to make a difference here. */ #ifdef _LIBC # define NGETTEXT __ngettext # define DCNGETTEXT __dcngettext #else # define NGETTEXT libintl_ngettext # define DCNGETTEXT libintl_dcngettext #endif /* Look up MSGID in the current default message catalog for the current LC_MESSAGES locale. If not found, returns MSGID itself (the default text). */ char * NGETTEXT (const char *msgid1, const char *msgid2, unsigned long int n) { return DCNGETTEXT (NULL, msgid1, msgid2, n, LC_MESSAGES); } #ifdef _LIBC /* Alias for function name in GNU C Library. */ weak_alias (__ngettext, ngettext); #endif intl/lock.h000064400000106734147633151230006633 0ustar00/* Locking in multithreaded situations. Copyright (C) 2005-2008, 2015-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /* Written by Bruno Haible , 2005. Based on GCC's gthr-posix.h, gthr-posix95.h, gthr-solaris.h, gthr-win32.h. */ /* This file contains locking primitives for use with a given thread library. It does not contain primitives for creating threads or for other synchronization primitives. Normal (non-recursive) locks: Type: gl_lock_t Declaration: gl_lock_define(extern, name) Initializer: gl_lock_define_initialized(, name) Initialization: gl_lock_init (name); Taking the lock: gl_lock_lock (name); Releasing the lock: gl_lock_unlock (name); De-initialization: gl_lock_destroy (name); Equivalent functions with control of error handling: Initialization: err = glthread_lock_init (&name); Taking the lock: err = glthread_lock_lock (&name); Releasing the lock: err = glthread_lock_unlock (&name); De-initialization: err = glthread_lock_destroy (&name); Read-Write (non-recursive) locks: Type: gl_rwlock_t Declaration: gl_rwlock_define(extern, name) Initializer: gl_rwlock_define_initialized(, name) Initialization: gl_rwlock_init (name); Taking the lock: gl_rwlock_rdlock (name); gl_rwlock_wrlock (name); Releasing the lock: gl_rwlock_unlock (name); De-initialization: gl_rwlock_destroy (name); Equivalent functions with control of error handling: Initialization: err = glthread_rwlock_init (&name); Taking the lock: err = glthread_rwlock_rdlock (&name); err = glthread_rwlock_wrlock (&name); Releasing the lock: err = glthread_rwlock_unlock (&name); De-initialization: err = glthread_rwlock_destroy (&name); Recursive locks: Type: gl_recursive_lock_t Declaration: gl_recursive_lock_define(extern, name) Initializer: gl_recursive_lock_define_initialized(, name) Initialization: gl_recursive_lock_init (name); Taking the lock: gl_recursive_lock_lock (name); Releasing the lock: gl_recursive_lock_unlock (name); De-initialization: gl_recursive_lock_destroy (name); Equivalent functions with control of error handling: Initialization: err = glthread_recursive_lock_init (&name); Taking the lock: err = glthread_recursive_lock_lock (&name); Releasing the lock: err = glthread_recursive_lock_unlock (&name); De-initialization: err = glthread_recursive_lock_destroy (&name); Once-only execution: Type: gl_once_t Initializer: gl_once_define(extern, name) Execution: gl_once (name, initfunction); Equivalent functions with control of error handling: Execution: err = glthread_once (&name, initfunction); */ #ifndef _LOCK_H #define _LOCK_H #include #include /* ========================================================================= */ #if USE_POSIX_THREADS /* Use the POSIX threads library. */ # include # ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { # endif # if PTHREAD_IN_USE_DETECTION_HARD /* The pthread_in_use() detection needs to be done at runtime. */ # define pthread_in_use() \ glthread_in_use () extern int glthread_in_use (void); # endif # if USE_POSIX_THREADS_WEAK /* Use weak references to the POSIX threads library. */ /* Weak references avoid dragging in external libraries if the other parts of the program don't use them. Here we use them, because we don't want every program that uses libintl to depend on libpthread. This assumes that libpthread would not be loaded after libintl; i.e. if libintl is loaded first, by an executable that does not depend on libpthread, and then a module is dynamically loaded that depends on libpthread, libintl will not be multithread-safe. */ /* The way to test at runtime whether libpthread is present is to test whether a function pointer's value, such as &pthread_mutex_init, is non-NULL. However, some versions of GCC have a bug through which, in PIC mode, &foo != NULL always evaluates to true if there is a direct call to foo(...) in the same function. To avoid this, we test the address of a function in libpthread that we don't use. */ # pragma weak pthread_mutex_init # pragma weak pthread_mutex_lock # pragma weak pthread_mutex_unlock # pragma weak pthread_mutex_destroy # pragma weak pthread_rwlock_init # pragma weak pthread_rwlock_rdlock # pragma weak pthread_rwlock_wrlock # pragma weak pthread_rwlock_unlock # pragma weak pthread_rwlock_destroy # pragma weak pthread_once # pragma weak pthread_cond_init # pragma weak pthread_cond_wait # pragma weak pthread_cond_signal # pragma weak pthread_cond_broadcast # pragma weak pthread_cond_destroy # pragma weak pthread_mutexattr_init # pragma weak pthread_mutexattr_settype # pragma weak pthread_mutexattr_destroy # ifndef pthread_self # pragma weak pthread_self # endif # if !PTHREAD_IN_USE_DETECTION_HARD # pragma weak pthread_cancel # define pthread_in_use() (pthread_cancel != NULL) # endif # else # if !PTHREAD_IN_USE_DETECTION_HARD # define pthread_in_use() 1 # endif # endif /* -------------------------- gl_lock_t datatype -------------------------- */ typedef pthread_mutex_t gl_lock_t; # define gl_lock_define(STORAGECLASS, NAME) \ STORAGECLASS pthread_mutex_t NAME; # define gl_lock_define_initialized(STORAGECLASS, NAME) \ STORAGECLASS pthread_mutex_t NAME = gl_lock_initializer; # define gl_lock_initializer \ PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER # define glthread_lock_init(LOCK) \ (pthread_in_use () ? pthread_mutex_init (LOCK, NULL) : 0) # define glthread_lock_lock(LOCK) \ (pthread_in_use () ? pthread_mutex_lock (LOCK) : 0) # define glthread_lock_unlock(LOCK) \ (pthread_in_use () ? pthread_mutex_unlock (LOCK) : 0) # define glthread_lock_destroy(LOCK) \ (pthread_in_use () ? pthread_mutex_destroy (LOCK) : 0) /* ------------------------- gl_rwlock_t datatype ------------------------- */ # if HAVE_PTHREAD_RWLOCK # ifdef PTHREAD_RWLOCK_INITIALIZER typedef pthread_rwlock_t gl_rwlock_t; # define gl_rwlock_define(STORAGECLASS, NAME) \ STORAGECLASS pthread_rwlock_t NAME; # define gl_rwlock_define_initialized(STORAGECLASS, NAME) \ STORAGECLASS pthread_rwlock_t NAME = gl_rwlock_initializer; # define gl_rwlock_initializer \ PTHREAD_RWLOCK_INITIALIZER # define glthread_rwlock_init(LOCK) \ (pthread_in_use () ? pthread_rwlock_init (LOCK, NULL) : 0) # define glthread_rwlock_rdlock(LOCK) \ (pthread_in_use () ? pthread_rwlock_rdlock (LOCK) : 0) # define glthread_rwlock_wrlock(LOCK) \ (pthread_in_use () ? pthread_rwlock_wrlock (LOCK) : 0) # define glthread_rwlock_unlock(LOCK) \ (pthread_in_use () ? pthread_rwlock_unlock (LOCK) : 0) # define glthread_rwlock_destroy(LOCK) \ (pthread_in_use () ? pthread_rwlock_destroy (LOCK) : 0) # else typedef struct { int initialized; pthread_mutex_t guard; /* protects the initialization */ pthread_rwlock_t rwlock; /* read-write lock */ } gl_rwlock_t; # define gl_rwlock_define(STORAGECLASS, NAME) \ STORAGECLASS gl_rwlock_t NAME; # define gl_rwlock_define_initialized(STORAGECLASS, NAME) \ STORAGECLASS gl_rwlock_t NAME = gl_rwlock_initializer; # define gl_rwlock_initializer \ { 0, PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER } # define glthread_rwlock_init(LOCK) \ (pthread_in_use () ? glthread_rwlock_init_multithreaded (LOCK) : 0) # define glthread_rwlock_rdlock(LOCK) \ (pthread_in_use () ? glthread_rwlock_rdlock_multithreaded (LOCK) : 0) # define glthread_rwlock_wrlock(LOCK) \ (pthread_in_use () ? glthread_rwlock_wrlock_multithreaded (LOCK) : 0) # define glthread_rwlock_unlock(LOCK) \ (pthread_in_use () ? glthread_rwlock_unlock_multithreaded (LOCK) : 0) # define glthread_rwlock_destroy(LOCK) \ (pthread_in_use () ? glthread_rwlock_destroy_multithreaded (LOCK) : 0) extern int glthread_rwlock_init_multithreaded (gl_rwlock_t *lock); extern int glthread_rwlock_rdlock_multithreaded (gl_rwlock_t *lock); extern int glthread_rwlock_wrlock_multithreaded (gl_rwlock_t *lock); extern int glthread_rwlock_unlock_multithreaded (gl_rwlock_t *lock); extern int glthread_rwlock_destroy_multithreaded (gl_rwlock_t *lock); # endif # else typedef struct { pthread_mutex_t lock; /* protects the remaining fields */ pthread_cond_t waiting_readers; /* waiting readers */ pthread_cond_t waiting_writers; /* waiting writers */ unsigned int waiting_writers_count; /* number of waiting writers */ int runcount; /* number of readers running, or -1 when a writer runs */ } gl_rwlock_t; # define gl_rwlock_define(STORAGECLASS, NAME) \ STORAGECLASS gl_rwlock_t NAME; # define gl_rwlock_define_initialized(STORAGECLASS, NAME) \ STORAGECLASS gl_rwlock_t NAME = gl_rwlock_initializer; # define gl_rwlock_initializer \ { PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER, PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER, PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER, 0, 0 } # define glthread_rwlock_init(LOCK) \ (pthread_in_use () ? glthread_rwlock_init_multithreaded (LOCK) : 0) # define glthread_rwlock_rdlock(LOCK) \ (pthread_in_use () ? glthread_rwlock_rdlock_multithreaded (LOCK) : 0) # define glthread_rwlock_wrlock(LOCK) \ (pthread_in_use () ? glthread_rwlock_wrlock_multithreaded (LOCK) : 0) # define glthread_rwlock_unlock(LOCK) \ (pthread_in_use () ? glthread_rwlock_unlock_multithreaded (LOCK) : 0) # define glthread_rwlock_destroy(LOCK) \ (pthread_in_use () ? glthread_rwlock_destroy_multithreaded (LOCK) : 0) extern int glthread_rwlock_init_multithreaded (gl_rwlock_t *lock); extern int glthread_rwlock_rdlock_multithreaded (gl_rwlock_t *lock); extern int glthread_rwlock_wrlock_multithreaded (gl_rwlock_t *lock); extern int glthread_rwlock_unlock_multithreaded (gl_rwlock_t *lock); extern int glthread_rwlock_destroy_multithreaded (gl_rwlock_t *lock); # endif /* --------------------- gl_recursive_lock_t datatype --------------------- */ # if HAVE_PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE # if defined PTHREAD_RECURSIVE_MUTEX_INITIALIZER || defined PTHREAD_RECURSIVE_MUTEX_INITIALIZER_NP typedef pthread_mutex_t gl_recursive_lock_t; # define gl_recursive_lock_define(STORAGECLASS, NAME) \ STORAGECLASS pthread_mutex_t NAME; # define gl_recursive_lock_define_initialized(STORAGECLASS, NAME) \ STORAGECLASS pthread_mutex_t NAME = gl_recursive_lock_initializer; # ifdef PTHREAD_RECURSIVE_MUTEX_INITIALIZER # define gl_recursive_lock_initializer \ PTHREAD_RECURSIVE_MUTEX_INITIALIZER # else # define gl_recursive_lock_initializer \ PTHREAD_RECURSIVE_MUTEX_INITIALIZER_NP # endif # define glthread_recursive_lock_init(LOCK) \ (pthread_in_use () ? glthread_recursive_lock_init_multithreaded (LOCK) : 0) # define glthread_recursive_lock_lock(LOCK) \ (pthread_in_use () ? pthread_mutex_lock (LOCK) : 0) # define glthread_recursive_lock_unlock(LOCK) \ (pthread_in_use () ? pthread_mutex_unlock (LOCK) : 0) # define glthread_recursive_lock_destroy(LOCK) \ (pthread_in_use () ? pthread_mutex_destroy (LOCK) : 0) extern int glthread_recursive_lock_init_multithreaded (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock); # else typedef struct { pthread_mutex_t recmutex; /* recursive mutex */ pthread_mutex_t guard; /* protects the initialization */ int initialized; } gl_recursive_lock_t; # define gl_recursive_lock_define(STORAGECLASS, NAME) \ STORAGECLASS gl_recursive_lock_t NAME; # define gl_recursive_lock_define_initialized(STORAGECLASS, NAME) \ STORAGECLASS gl_recursive_lock_t NAME = gl_recursive_lock_initializer; # define gl_recursive_lock_initializer \ { PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER, PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER, 0 } # define glthread_recursive_lock_init(LOCK) \ (pthread_in_use () ? glthread_recursive_lock_init_multithreaded (LOCK) : 0) # define glthread_recursive_lock_lock(LOCK) \ (pthread_in_use () ? glthread_recursive_lock_lock_multithreaded (LOCK) : 0) # define glthread_recursive_lock_unlock(LOCK) \ (pthread_in_use () ? glthread_recursive_lock_unlock_multithreaded (LOCK) : 0) # define glthread_recursive_lock_destroy(LOCK) \ (pthread_in_use () ? glthread_recursive_lock_destroy_multithreaded (LOCK) : 0) extern int glthread_recursive_lock_init_multithreaded (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock); extern int glthread_recursive_lock_lock_multithreaded (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock); extern int glthread_recursive_lock_unlock_multithreaded (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock); extern int glthread_recursive_lock_destroy_multithreaded (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock); # endif # else /* Old versions of POSIX threads on Solaris did not have recursive locks. We have to implement them ourselves. */ typedef struct { pthread_mutex_t mutex; pthread_t owner; unsigned long depth; } gl_recursive_lock_t; # define gl_recursive_lock_define(STORAGECLASS, NAME) \ STORAGECLASS gl_recursive_lock_t NAME; # define gl_recursive_lock_define_initialized(STORAGECLASS, NAME) \ STORAGECLASS gl_recursive_lock_t NAME = gl_recursive_lock_initializer; # define gl_recursive_lock_initializer \ { PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER, (pthread_t) 0, 0 } # define glthread_recursive_lock_init(LOCK) \ (pthread_in_use () ? glthread_recursive_lock_init_multithreaded (LOCK) : 0) # define glthread_recursive_lock_lock(LOCK) \ (pthread_in_use () ? glthread_recursive_lock_lock_multithreaded (LOCK) : 0) # define glthread_recursive_lock_unlock(LOCK) \ (pthread_in_use () ? glthread_recursive_lock_unlock_multithreaded (LOCK) : 0) # define glthread_recursive_lock_destroy(LOCK) \ (pthread_in_use () ? glthread_recursive_lock_destroy_multithreaded (LOCK) : 0) extern int glthread_recursive_lock_init_multithreaded (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock); extern int glthread_recursive_lock_lock_multithreaded (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock); extern int glthread_recursive_lock_unlock_multithreaded (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock); extern int glthread_recursive_lock_destroy_multithreaded (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock); # endif /* -------------------------- gl_once_t datatype -------------------------- */ typedef pthread_once_t gl_once_t; # define gl_once_define(STORAGECLASS, NAME) \ STORAGECLASS pthread_once_t NAME = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT; # define glthread_once(ONCE_CONTROL, INITFUNCTION) \ (pthread_in_use () \ ? pthread_once (ONCE_CONTROL, INITFUNCTION) \ : (glthread_once_singlethreaded (ONCE_CONTROL) ? (INITFUNCTION (), 0) : 0)) extern int glthread_once_singlethreaded (pthread_once_t *once_control); # ifdef __cplusplus } # endif #endif /* ========================================================================= */ #if USE_PTH_THREADS /* Use the GNU Pth threads library. */ # include # ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { # endif # if USE_PTH_THREADS_WEAK /* Use weak references to the GNU Pth threads library. */ # pragma weak pth_mutex_init # pragma weak pth_mutex_acquire # pragma weak pth_mutex_release # pragma weak pth_rwlock_init # pragma weak pth_rwlock_acquire # pragma weak pth_rwlock_release # pragma weak pth_once # pragma weak pth_cancel # define pth_in_use() (pth_cancel != NULL) # else # define pth_in_use() 1 # endif /* -------------------------- gl_lock_t datatype -------------------------- */ typedef pth_mutex_t gl_lock_t; # define gl_lock_define(STORAGECLASS, NAME) \ STORAGECLASS pth_mutex_t NAME; # define gl_lock_define_initialized(STORAGECLASS, NAME) \ STORAGECLASS pth_mutex_t NAME = gl_lock_initializer; # define gl_lock_initializer \ PTH_MUTEX_INIT # define glthread_lock_init(LOCK) \ (pth_in_use () && !pth_mutex_init (LOCK) ? errno : 0) # define glthread_lock_lock(LOCK) \ (pth_in_use () && !pth_mutex_acquire (LOCK, 0, NULL) ? errno : 0) # define glthread_lock_unlock(LOCK) \ (pth_in_use () && !pth_mutex_release (LOCK) ? errno : 0) # define glthread_lock_destroy(LOCK) \ ((void)(LOCK), 0) /* ------------------------- gl_rwlock_t datatype ------------------------- */ typedef pth_rwlock_t gl_rwlock_t; # define gl_rwlock_define(STORAGECLASS, NAME) \ STORAGECLASS pth_rwlock_t NAME; # define gl_rwlock_define_initialized(STORAGECLASS, NAME) \ STORAGECLASS pth_rwlock_t NAME = gl_rwlock_initializer; # define gl_rwlock_initializer \ PTH_RWLOCK_INIT # define glthread_rwlock_init(LOCK) \ (pth_in_use () && !pth_rwlock_init (LOCK) ? errno : 0) # define glthread_rwlock_rdlock(LOCK) \ (pth_in_use () && !pth_rwlock_acquire (LOCK, PTH_RWLOCK_RD, 0, NULL) ? errno : 0) # define glthread_rwlock_wrlock(LOCK) \ (pth_in_use () && !pth_rwlock_acquire (LOCK, PTH_RWLOCK_RW, 0, NULL) ? errno : 0) # define glthread_rwlock_unlock(LOCK) \ (pth_in_use () && !pth_rwlock_release (LOCK) ? errno : 0) # define glthread_rwlock_destroy(LOCK) \ ((void)(LOCK), 0) /* --------------------- gl_recursive_lock_t datatype --------------------- */ /* In Pth, mutexes are recursive by default. */ typedef pth_mutex_t gl_recursive_lock_t; # define gl_recursive_lock_define(STORAGECLASS, NAME) \ STORAGECLASS pth_mutex_t NAME; # define gl_recursive_lock_define_initialized(STORAGECLASS, NAME) \ STORAGECLASS pth_mutex_t NAME = gl_recursive_lock_initializer; # define gl_recursive_lock_initializer \ PTH_MUTEX_INIT # define glthread_recursive_lock_init(LOCK) \ (pth_in_use () && !pth_mutex_init (LOCK) ? errno : 0) # define glthread_recursive_lock_lock(LOCK) \ (pth_in_use () && !pth_mutex_acquire (LOCK, 0, NULL) ? errno : 0) # define glthread_recursive_lock_unlock(LOCK) \ (pth_in_use () && !pth_mutex_release (LOCK) ? errno : 0) # define glthread_recursive_lock_destroy(LOCK) \ ((void)(LOCK), 0) /* -------------------------- gl_once_t datatype -------------------------- */ typedef pth_once_t gl_once_t; # define gl_once_define(STORAGECLASS, NAME) \ STORAGECLASS pth_once_t NAME = PTH_ONCE_INIT; # define glthread_once(ONCE_CONTROL, INITFUNCTION) \ (pth_in_use () \ ? glthread_once_multithreaded (ONCE_CONTROL, INITFUNCTION) \ : (glthread_once_singlethreaded (ONCE_CONTROL) ? (INITFUNCTION (), 0) : 0)) extern int glthread_once_multithreaded (pth_once_t *once_control, void (*initfunction) (void)); extern int glthread_once_singlethreaded (pth_once_t *once_control); # ifdef __cplusplus } # endif #endif /* ========================================================================= */ #if USE_SOLARIS_THREADS /* Use the old Solaris threads library. */ # include # include # ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { # endif # if USE_SOLARIS_THREADS_WEAK /* Use weak references to the old Solaris threads library. */ # pragma weak mutex_init # pragma weak mutex_lock # pragma weak mutex_unlock # pragma weak mutex_destroy # pragma weak rwlock_init # pragma weak rw_rdlock # pragma weak rw_wrlock # pragma weak rw_unlock # pragma weak rwlock_destroy # pragma weak thr_self # pragma weak thr_suspend # define thread_in_use() (thr_suspend != NULL) # else # define thread_in_use() 1 # endif /* -------------------------- gl_lock_t datatype -------------------------- */ typedef mutex_t gl_lock_t; # define gl_lock_define(STORAGECLASS, NAME) \ STORAGECLASS mutex_t NAME; # define gl_lock_define_initialized(STORAGECLASS, NAME) \ STORAGECLASS mutex_t NAME = gl_lock_initializer; # define gl_lock_initializer \ DEFAULTMUTEX # define glthread_lock_init(LOCK) \ (thread_in_use () ? mutex_init (LOCK, USYNC_THREAD, NULL) : 0) # define glthread_lock_lock(LOCK) \ (thread_in_use () ? mutex_lock (LOCK) : 0) # define glthread_lock_unlock(LOCK) \ (thread_in_use () ? mutex_unlock (LOCK) : 0) # define glthread_lock_destroy(LOCK) \ (thread_in_use () ? mutex_destroy (LOCK) : 0) /* ------------------------- gl_rwlock_t datatype ------------------------- */ typedef rwlock_t gl_rwlock_t; # define gl_rwlock_define(STORAGECLASS, NAME) \ STORAGECLASS rwlock_t NAME; # define gl_rwlock_define_initialized(STORAGECLASS, NAME) \ STORAGECLASS rwlock_t NAME = gl_rwlock_initializer; # define gl_rwlock_initializer \ DEFAULTRWLOCK # define glthread_rwlock_init(LOCK) \ (thread_in_use () ? rwlock_init (LOCK, USYNC_THREAD, NULL) : 0) # define glthread_rwlock_rdlock(LOCK) \ (thread_in_use () ? rw_rdlock (LOCK) : 0) # define glthread_rwlock_wrlock(LOCK) \ (thread_in_use () ? rw_wrlock (LOCK) : 0) # define glthread_rwlock_unlock(LOCK) \ (thread_in_use () ? rw_unlock (LOCK) : 0) # define glthread_rwlock_destroy(LOCK) \ (thread_in_use () ? rwlock_destroy (LOCK) : 0) /* --------------------- gl_recursive_lock_t datatype --------------------- */ /* Old Solaris threads did not have recursive locks. We have to implement them ourselves. */ typedef struct { mutex_t mutex; thread_t owner; unsigned long depth; } gl_recursive_lock_t; # define gl_recursive_lock_define(STORAGECLASS, NAME) \ STORAGECLASS gl_recursive_lock_t NAME; # define gl_recursive_lock_define_initialized(STORAGECLASS, NAME) \ STORAGECLASS gl_recursive_lock_t NAME = gl_recursive_lock_initializer; # define gl_recursive_lock_initializer \ { DEFAULTMUTEX, (thread_t) 0, 0 } # define glthread_recursive_lock_init(LOCK) \ (thread_in_use () ? glthread_recursive_lock_init_multithreaded (LOCK) : 0) # define glthread_recursive_lock_lock(LOCK) \ (thread_in_use () ? glthread_recursive_lock_lock_multithreaded (LOCK) : 0) # define glthread_recursive_lock_unlock(LOCK) \ (thread_in_use () ? glthread_recursive_lock_unlock_multithreaded (LOCK) : 0) # define glthread_recursive_lock_destroy(LOCK) \ (thread_in_use () ? glthread_recursive_lock_destroy_multithreaded (LOCK) : 0) extern int glthread_recursive_lock_init_multithreaded (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock); extern int glthread_recursive_lock_lock_multithreaded (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock); extern int glthread_recursive_lock_unlock_multithreaded (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock); extern int glthread_recursive_lock_destroy_multithreaded (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock); /* -------------------------- gl_once_t datatype -------------------------- */ typedef struct { volatile int inited; mutex_t mutex; } gl_once_t; # define gl_once_define(STORAGECLASS, NAME) \ STORAGECLASS gl_once_t NAME = { 0, DEFAULTMUTEX }; # define glthread_once(ONCE_CONTROL, INITFUNCTION) \ (thread_in_use () \ ? glthread_once_multithreaded (ONCE_CONTROL, INITFUNCTION) \ : (glthread_once_singlethreaded (ONCE_CONTROL) ? (INITFUNCTION (), 0) : 0)) extern int glthread_once_multithreaded (gl_once_t *once_control, void (*initfunction) (void)); extern int glthread_once_singlethreaded (gl_once_t *once_control); # ifdef __cplusplus } # endif #endif /* ========================================================================= */ #if USE_WINDOWS_THREADS # define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN /* avoid including junk */ # include # ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { # endif /* We can use CRITICAL_SECTION directly, rather than the native Windows Event, Mutex, Semaphore types, because - we need only to synchronize inside a single process (address space), not inter-process locking, - we don't need to support trylock operations. (TryEnterCriticalSection does not work on Windows 95/98/ME. Packages that need trylock usually define their own mutex type.) */ /* There is no way to statically initialize a CRITICAL_SECTION. It needs to be done lazily, once only. For this we need spinlocks. */ typedef struct { volatile int done; volatile long started; } gl_spinlock_t; /* -------------------------- gl_lock_t datatype -------------------------- */ typedef struct { gl_spinlock_t guard; /* protects the initialization */ CRITICAL_SECTION lock; } gl_lock_t; # define gl_lock_define(STORAGECLASS, NAME) \ STORAGECLASS gl_lock_t NAME; # define gl_lock_define_initialized(STORAGECLASS, NAME) \ STORAGECLASS gl_lock_t NAME = gl_lock_initializer; # define gl_lock_initializer \ { { 0, -1 } } # define glthread_lock_init(LOCK) \ (glthread_lock_init_func (LOCK), 0) # define glthread_lock_lock(LOCK) \ glthread_lock_lock_func (LOCK) # define glthread_lock_unlock(LOCK) \ glthread_lock_unlock_func (LOCK) # define glthread_lock_destroy(LOCK) \ glthread_lock_destroy_func (LOCK) extern void glthread_lock_init_func (gl_lock_t *lock); extern int glthread_lock_lock_func (gl_lock_t *lock); extern int glthread_lock_unlock_func (gl_lock_t *lock); extern int glthread_lock_destroy_func (gl_lock_t *lock); /* ------------------------- gl_rwlock_t datatype ------------------------- */ /* It is impossible to implement read-write locks using plain locks, without introducing an extra thread dedicated to managing read-write locks. Therefore here we need to use the low-level Event type. */ typedef struct { HANDLE *array; /* array of waiting threads, each represented by an event */ unsigned int count; /* number of waiting threads */ unsigned int alloc; /* length of allocated array */ unsigned int offset; /* index of first waiting thread in array */ } gl_carray_waitqueue_t; typedef struct { gl_spinlock_t guard; /* protects the initialization */ CRITICAL_SECTION lock; /* protects the remaining fields */ gl_carray_waitqueue_t waiting_readers; /* waiting readers */ gl_carray_waitqueue_t waiting_writers; /* waiting writers */ int runcount; /* number of readers running, or -1 when a writer runs */ } gl_rwlock_t; # define gl_rwlock_define(STORAGECLASS, NAME) \ STORAGECLASS gl_rwlock_t NAME; # define gl_rwlock_define_initialized(STORAGECLASS, NAME) \ STORAGECLASS gl_rwlock_t NAME = gl_rwlock_initializer; # define gl_rwlock_initializer \ { { 0, -1 } } # define glthread_rwlock_init(LOCK) \ (glthread_rwlock_init_func (LOCK), 0) # define glthread_rwlock_rdlock(LOCK) \ glthread_rwlock_rdlock_func (LOCK) # define glthread_rwlock_wrlock(LOCK) \ glthread_rwlock_wrlock_func (LOCK) # define glthread_rwlock_unlock(LOCK) \ glthread_rwlock_unlock_func (LOCK) # define glthread_rwlock_destroy(LOCK) \ glthread_rwlock_destroy_func (LOCK) extern void glthread_rwlock_init_func (gl_rwlock_t *lock); extern int glthread_rwlock_rdlock_func (gl_rwlock_t *lock); extern int glthread_rwlock_wrlock_func (gl_rwlock_t *lock); extern int glthread_rwlock_unlock_func (gl_rwlock_t *lock); extern int glthread_rwlock_destroy_func (gl_rwlock_t *lock); /* --------------------- gl_recursive_lock_t datatype --------------------- */ /* The native Windows documentation says that CRITICAL_SECTION already implements a recursive lock. But we need not rely on it: It's easy to implement a recursive lock without this assumption. */ typedef struct { gl_spinlock_t guard; /* protects the initialization */ DWORD owner; unsigned long depth; CRITICAL_SECTION lock; } gl_recursive_lock_t; # define gl_recursive_lock_define(STORAGECLASS, NAME) \ STORAGECLASS gl_recursive_lock_t NAME; # define gl_recursive_lock_define_initialized(STORAGECLASS, NAME) \ STORAGECLASS gl_recursive_lock_t NAME = gl_recursive_lock_initializer; # define gl_recursive_lock_initializer \ { { 0, -1 }, 0, 0 } # define glthread_recursive_lock_init(LOCK) \ (glthread_recursive_lock_init_func (LOCK), 0) # define glthread_recursive_lock_lock(LOCK) \ glthread_recursive_lock_lock_func (LOCK) # define glthread_recursive_lock_unlock(LOCK) \ glthread_recursive_lock_unlock_func (LOCK) # define glthread_recursive_lock_destroy(LOCK) \ glthread_recursive_lock_destroy_func (LOCK) extern void glthread_recursive_lock_init_func (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock); extern int glthread_recursive_lock_lock_func (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock); extern int glthread_recursive_lock_unlock_func (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock); extern int glthread_recursive_lock_destroy_func (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock); /* -------------------------- gl_once_t datatype -------------------------- */ typedef struct { volatile int inited; volatile long started; CRITICAL_SECTION lock; } gl_once_t; # define gl_once_define(STORAGECLASS, NAME) \ STORAGECLASS gl_once_t NAME = { -1, -1 }; # define glthread_once(ONCE_CONTROL, INITFUNCTION) \ (glthread_once_func (ONCE_CONTROL, INITFUNCTION), 0) extern void glthread_once_func (gl_once_t *once_control, void (*initfunction) (void)); # ifdef __cplusplus } # endif #endif /* ========================================================================= */ #if !(USE_POSIX_THREADS || USE_PTH_THREADS || USE_SOLARIS_THREADS || USE_WINDOWS_THREADS) /* Provide dummy implementation if threads are not supported. */ /* -------------------------- gl_lock_t datatype -------------------------- */ typedef int gl_lock_t; # define gl_lock_define(STORAGECLASS, NAME) # define gl_lock_define_initialized(STORAGECLASS, NAME) # define glthread_lock_init(NAME) 0 # define glthread_lock_lock(NAME) 0 # define glthread_lock_unlock(NAME) 0 # define glthread_lock_destroy(NAME) 0 /* ------------------------- gl_rwlock_t datatype ------------------------- */ typedef int gl_rwlock_t; # define gl_rwlock_define(STORAGECLASS, NAME) # define gl_rwlock_define_initialized(STORAGECLASS, NAME) # define glthread_rwlock_init(NAME) 0 # define glthread_rwlock_rdlock(NAME) 0 # define glthread_rwlock_wrlock(NAME) 0 # define glthread_rwlock_unlock(NAME) 0 # define glthread_rwlock_destroy(NAME) 0 /* --------------------- gl_recursive_lock_t datatype --------------------- */ typedef int gl_recursive_lock_t; # define gl_recursive_lock_define(STORAGECLASS, NAME) # define gl_recursive_lock_define_initialized(STORAGECLASS, NAME) # define glthread_recursive_lock_init(NAME) 0 # define glthread_recursive_lock_lock(NAME) 0 # define glthread_recursive_lock_unlock(NAME) 0 # define glthread_recursive_lock_destroy(NAME) 0 /* -------------------------- gl_once_t datatype -------------------------- */ typedef int gl_once_t; # define gl_once_define(STORAGECLASS, NAME) \ STORAGECLASS gl_once_t NAME = 0; # define glthread_once(ONCE_CONTROL, INITFUNCTION) \ (*(ONCE_CONTROL) == 0 ? (*(ONCE_CONTROL) = ~ 0, INITFUNCTION (), 0) : 0) #endif /* ========================================================================= */ /* Macros with built-in error handling. */ /* -------------------------- gl_lock_t datatype -------------------------- */ #define gl_lock_init(NAME) \ do \ { \ if (glthread_lock_init (&NAME)) \ abort (); \ } \ while (0) #define gl_lock_lock(NAME) \ do \ { \ if (glthread_lock_lock (&NAME)) \ abort (); \ } \ while (0) #define gl_lock_unlock(NAME) \ do \ { \ if (glthread_lock_unlock (&NAME)) \ abort (); \ } \ while (0) #define gl_lock_destroy(NAME) \ do \ { \ if (glthread_lock_destroy (&NAME)) \ abort (); \ } \ while (0) /* ------------------------- gl_rwlock_t datatype ------------------------- */ #define gl_rwlock_init(NAME) \ do \ { \ if (glthread_rwlock_init (&NAME)) \ abort (); \ } \ while (0) #define gl_rwlock_rdlock(NAME) \ do \ { \ if (glthread_rwlock_rdlock (&NAME)) \ abort (); \ } \ while (0) #define gl_rwlock_wrlock(NAME) \ do \ { \ if (glthread_rwlock_wrlock (&NAME)) \ abort (); \ } \ while (0) #define gl_rwlock_unlock(NAME) \ do \ { \ if (glthread_rwlock_unlock (&NAME)) \ abort (); \ } \ while (0) #define gl_rwlock_destroy(NAME) \ do \ { \ if (glthread_rwlock_destroy (&NAME)) \ abort (); \ } \ while (0) /* --------------------- gl_recursive_lock_t datatype --------------------- */ #define gl_recursive_lock_init(NAME) \ do \ { \ if (glthread_recursive_lock_init (&NAME)) \ abort (); \ } \ while (0) #define gl_recursive_lock_lock(NAME) \ do \ { \ if (glthread_recursive_lock_lock (&NAME)) \ abort (); \ } \ while (0) #define gl_recursive_lock_unlock(NAME) \ do \ { \ if (glthread_recursive_lock_unlock (&NAME)) \ abort (); \ } \ while (0) #define gl_recursive_lock_destroy(NAME) \ do \ { \ if (glthread_recursive_lock_destroy (&NAME)) \ abort (); \ } \ while (0) /* -------------------------- gl_once_t datatype -------------------------- */ #define gl_once(NAME, INITFUNCTION) \ do \ { \ if (glthread_once (&NAME, INITFUNCTION)) \ abort (); \ } \ while (0) /* ========================================================================= */ #endif /* _LOCK_H */ intl/printf-parse.c000064400000053261147633151230010304 0ustar00/* Formatted output to strings. Copyright (C) 1999-2000, 2002-2003, 2006-2008, 2011, 2015-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /* This file can be parametrized with the following macros: CHAR_T The element type of the format string. CHAR_T_ONLY_ASCII Set to 1 to enable verification that all characters in the format string are ASCII. DIRECTIVE Structure denoting a format directive. Depends on CHAR_T. DIRECTIVES Structure denoting the set of format directives of a format string. Depends on CHAR_T. PRINTF_PARSE Function that parses a format string. Depends on CHAR_T. STATIC Set to 'static' to declare the function static. ENABLE_UNISTDIO Set to 1 to enable the unistdio extensions. */ #ifndef PRINTF_PARSE # include #endif /* Specification. */ #ifndef PRINTF_PARSE # include "printf-parse.h" #endif /* Default parameters. */ #ifndef PRINTF_PARSE # define PRINTF_PARSE printf_parse # define CHAR_T char # define DIRECTIVE char_directive # define DIRECTIVES char_directives #endif /* Get size_t, NULL. */ #include /* Get intmax_t. */ #if defined IN_LIBINTL || defined IN_LIBASPRINTF # if HAVE_STDINT_H_WITH_UINTMAX # include # endif # if HAVE_INTTYPES_H_WITH_UINTMAX # include # endif #else # include #endif /* malloc(), realloc(), free(). */ #include /* memcpy(). */ #include /* errno. */ #include /* Checked size_t computations. */ #include "xsize.h" #if CHAR_T_ONLY_ASCII /* c_isascii(). */ # include "c-ctype.h" #endif #ifdef STATIC STATIC #endif int PRINTF_PARSE (const CHAR_T *format, DIRECTIVES *d, arguments *a) { const CHAR_T *cp = format; /* pointer into format */ size_t arg_posn = 0; /* number of regular arguments consumed */ size_t d_allocated; /* allocated elements of d->dir */ size_t a_allocated; /* allocated elements of a->arg */ size_t max_width_length = 0; size_t max_precision_length = 0; d->count = 0; d_allocated = N_DIRECT_ALLOC_DIRECTIVES; d->dir = d->direct_alloc_dir; a->count = 0; a_allocated = N_DIRECT_ALLOC_ARGUMENTS; a->arg = a->direct_alloc_arg; #define REGISTER_ARG(_index_,_type_) \ { \ size_t n = (_index_); \ if (n >= a_allocated) \ { \ size_t memory_size; \ argument *memory; \ \ a_allocated = xtimes (a_allocated, 2); \ if (a_allocated <= n) \ a_allocated = xsum (n, 1); \ memory_size = xtimes (a_allocated, sizeof (argument)); \ if (size_overflow_p (memory_size)) \ /* Overflow, would lead to out of memory. */ \ goto out_of_memory; \ memory = (argument *) (a->arg != a->direct_alloc_arg \ ? realloc (a->arg, memory_size) \ : malloc (memory_size)); \ if (memory == NULL) \ /* Out of memory. */ \ goto out_of_memory; \ if (a->arg == a->direct_alloc_arg) \ memcpy (memory, a->arg, a->count * sizeof (argument)); \ a->arg = memory; \ } \ while (a->count <= n) \ a->arg[a->count++].type = TYPE_NONE; \ if (a->arg[n].type == TYPE_NONE) \ a->arg[n].type = (_type_); \ else if (a->arg[n].type != (_type_)) \ /* Ambiguous type for positional argument. */ \ goto error; \ } while (*cp != '\0') { CHAR_T c = *cp++; if (c == '%') { size_t arg_index = ARG_NONE; DIRECTIVE *dp = &d->dir[d->count]; /* pointer to next directive */ /* Initialize the next directive. */ dp->dir_start = cp - 1; dp->flags = 0; dp->width_start = NULL; dp->width_end = NULL; dp->width_arg_index = ARG_NONE; dp->precision_start = NULL; dp->precision_end = NULL; dp->precision_arg_index = ARG_NONE; dp->arg_index = ARG_NONE; /* Test for positional argument. */ if (*cp >= '0' && *cp <= '9') { const CHAR_T *np; for (np = cp; *np >= '0' && *np <= '9'; np++) ; if (*np == '$') { size_t n = 0; for (np = cp; *np >= '0' && *np <= '9'; np++) n = xsum (xtimes (n, 10), *np - '0'); if (n == 0) /* Positional argument 0. */ goto error; if (size_overflow_p (n)) /* n too large, would lead to out of memory later. */ goto error; arg_index = n - 1; cp = np + 1; } } /* Read the flags. */ for (;;) { if (*cp == '\'') { dp->flags |= FLAG_GROUP; cp++; } else if (*cp == '-') { dp->flags |= FLAG_LEFT; cp++; } else if (*cp == '+') { dp->flags |= FLAG_SHOWSIGN; cp++; } else if (*cp == ' ') { dp->flags |= FLAG_SPACE; cp++; } else if (*cp == '#') { dp->flags |= FLAG_ALT; cp++; } else if (*cp == '0') { dp->flags |= FLAG_ZERO; cp++; } #if __GLIBC__ >= 2 && !defined __UCLIBC__ else if (*cp == 'I') { dp->flags |= FLAG_LOCALIZED; cp++; } #endif else break; } /* Parse the field width. */ if (*cp == '*') { dp->width_start = cp; cp++; dp->width_end = cp; if (max_width_length < 1) max_width_length = 1; /* Test for positional argument. */ if (*cp >= '0' && *cp <= '9') { const CHAR_T *np; for (np = cp; *np >= '0' && *np <= '9'; np++) ; if (*np == '$') { size_t n = 0; for (np = cp; *np >= '0' && *np <= '9'; np++) n = xsum (xtimes (n, 10), *np - '0'); if (n == 0) /* Positional argument 0. */ goto error; if (size_overflow_p (n)) /* n too large, would lead to out of memory later. */ goto error; dp->width_arg_index = n - 1; cp = np + 1; } } if (dp->width_arg_index == ARG_NONE) { dp->width_arg_index = arg_posn++; if (dp->width_arg_index == ARG_NONE) /* arg_posn wrapped around. */ goto error; } REGISTER_ARG (dp->width_arg_index, TYPE_INT); } else if (*cp >= '0' && *cp <= '9') { size_t width_length; dp->width_start = cp; for (; *cp >= '0' && *cp <= '9'; cp++) ; dp->width_end = cp; width_length = dp->width_end - dp->width_start; if (max_width_length < width_length) max_width_length = width_length; } /* Parse the precision. */ if (*cp == '.') { cp++; if (*cp == '*') { dp->precision_start = cp - 1; cp++; dp->precision_end = cp; if (max_precision_length < 2) max_precision_length = 2; /* Test for positional argument. */ if (*cp >= '0' && *cp <= '9') { const CHAR_T *np; for (np = cp; *np >= '0' && *np <= '9'; np++) ; if (*np == '$') { size_t n = 0; for (np = cp; *np >= '0' && *np <= '9'; np++) n = xsum (xtimes (n, 10), *np - '0'); if (n == 0) /* Positional argument 0. */ goto error; if (size_overflow_p (n)) /* n too large, would lead to out of memory later. */ goto error; dp->precision_arg_index = n - 1; cp = np + 1; } } if (dp->precision_arg_index == ARG_NONE) { dp->precision_arg_index = arg_posn++; if (dp->precision_arg_index == ARG_NONE) /* arg_posn wrapped around. */ goto error; } REGISTER_ARG (dp->precision_arg_index, TYPE_INT); } else { size_t precision_length; dp->precision_start = cp - 1; for (; *cp >= '0' && *cp <= '9'; cp++) ; dp->precision_end = cp; precision_length = dp->precision_end - dp->precision_start; if (max_precision_length < precision_length) max_precision_length = precision_length; } } { arg_type type; /* Parse argument type/size specifiers. */ { int flags = 0; for (;;) { if (*cp == 'h') { flags |= (1 << (flags & 1)); cp++; } else if (*cp == 'L') { flags |= 4; cp++; } else if (*cp == 'l') { flags += 8; cp++; } else if (*cp == 'j') { if (sizeof (intmax_t) > sizeof (long)) { /* intmax_t = long long */ flags += 16; } else if (sizeof (intmax_t) > sizeof (int)) { /* intmax_t = long */ flags += 8; } cp++; } else if (*cp == 'z' || *cp == 'Z') { /* 'z' is standardized in ISO C 99, but glibc uses 'Z' because the warning facility in gcc-2.95.2 understands only 'Z' (see gcc-2.95.2/gcc/c-common.c:1784). */ if (sizeof (size_t) > sizeof (long)) { /* size_t = long long */ flags += 16; } else if (sizeof (size_t) > sizeof (int)) { /* size_t = long */ flags += 8; } cp++; } else if (*cp == 't') { if (sizeof (ptrdiff_t) > sizeof (long)) { /* ptrdiff_t = long long */ flags += 16; } else if (sizeof (ptrdiff_t) > sizeof (int)) { /* ptrdiff_t = long */ flags += 8; } cp++; } #if defined __APPLE__ && defined __MACH__ /* On MacOS X 10.3, PRIdMAX is defined as "qd". We cannot change it to "lld" because PRIdMAX must also be understood by the system's printf routines. */ else if (*cp == 'q') { if (64 / 8 > sizeof (long)) { /* int64_t = long long */ flags += 16; } else { /* int64_t = long */ flags += 8; } cp++; } #endif #if (defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__) && ! defined __CYGWIN__ /* On native Win32, PRIdMAX is defined as "I64d". We cannot change it to "lld" because PRIdMAX must also be understood by the system's printf routines. */ else if (*cp == 'I' && cp[1] == '6' && cp[2] == '4') { if (64 / 8 > sizeof (long)) { /* __int64 = long long */ flags += 16; } else { /* __int64 = long */ flags += 8; } cp += 3; } #endif else break; } /* Read the conversion character. */ c = *cp++; switch (c) { case 'd': case 'i': #if HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT /* If 'long long' exists and is larger than 'long': */ if (flags >= 16 || (flags & 4)) type = TYPE_LONGLONGINT; else #endif /* If 'long long' exists and is the same as 'long', we parse "lld" into TYPE_LONGINT. */ if (flags >= 8) type = TYPE_LONGINT; else if (flags & 2) type = TYPE_SCHAR; else if (flags & 1) type = TYPE_SHORT; else type = TYPE_INT; break; case 'o': case 'u': case 'x': case 'X': #if HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT /* If 'long long' exists and is larger than 'long': */ if (flags >= 16 || (flags & 4)) type = TYPE_ULONGLONGINT; else #endif /* If 'unsigned long long' exists and is the same as 'unsigned long', we parse "llu" into TYPE_ULONGINT. */ if (flags >= 8) type = TYPE_ULONGINT; else if (flags & 2) type = TYPE_UCHAR; else if (flags & 1) type = TYPE_USHORT; else type = TYPE_UINT; break; case 'f': case 'F': case 'e': case 'E': case 'g': case 'G': case 'a': case 'A': if (flags >= 16 || (flags & 4)) type = TYPE_LONGDOUBLE; else type = TYPE_DOUBLE; break; case 'c': if (flags >= 8) #if HAVE_WINT_T type = TYPE_WIDE_CHAR; #else goto error; #endif else type = TYPE_CHAR; break; #if HAVE_WINT_T case 'C': type = TYPE_WIDE_CHAR; c = 'c'; break; #endif case 's': if (flags >= 8) #if HAVE_WCHAR_T type = TYPE_WIDE_STRING; #else goto error; #endif else type = TYPE_STRING; break; #if HAVE_WCHAR_T case 'S': type = TYPE_WIDE_STRING; c = 's'; break; #endif case 'p': type = TYPE_POINTER; break; case 'n': #if HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT /* If 'long long' exists and is larger than 'long': */ if (flags >= 16 || (flags & 4)) type = TYPE_COUNT_LONGLONGINT_POINTER; else #endif /* If 'long long' exists and is the same as 'long', we parse "lln" into TYPE_COUNT_LONGINT_POINTER. */ if (flags >= 8) type = TYPE_COUNT_LONGINT_POINTER; else if (flags & 2) type = TYPE_COUNT_SCHAR_POINTER; else if (flags & 1) type = TYPE_COUNT_SHORT_POINTER; else type = TYPE_COUNT_INT_POINTER; break; #if ENABLE_UNISTDIO /* The unistdio extensions. */ case 'U': if (flags >= 16) type = TYPE_U32_STRING; else if (flags >= 8) type = TYPE_U16_STRING; else type = TYPE_U8_STRING; break; #endif case '%': type = TYPE_NONE; break; default: /* Unknown conversion character. */ goto error; } } if (type != TYPE_NONE) { dp->arg_index = arg_index; if (dp->arg_index == ARG_NONE) { dp->arg_index = arg_posn++; if (dp->arg_index == ARG_NONE) /* arg_posn wrapped around. */ goto error; } REGISTER_ARG (dp->arg_index, type); } dp->conversion = c; dp->dir_end = cp; } d->count++; if (d->count >= d_allocated) { size_t memory_size; DIRECTIVE *memory; d_allocated = xtimes (d_allocated, 2); memory_size = xtimes (d_allocated, sizeof (DIRECTIVE)); if (size_overflow_p (memory_size)) /* Overflow, would lead to out of memory. */ goto out_of_memory; memory = (DIRECTIVE *) (d->dir != d->direct_alloc_dir ? realloc (d->dir, memory_size) : malloc (memory_size)); if (memory == NULL) /* Out of memory. */ goto out_of_memory; if (d->dir == d->direct_alloc_dir) memcpy (memory, d->dir, d->count * sizeof (DIRECTIVE)); d->dir = memory; } } #if CHAR_T_ONLY_ASCII else if (!c_isascii (c)) { /* Non-ASCII character. Not supported. */ goto error; } #endif } d->dir[d->count].dir_start = cp; d->max_width_length = max_width_length; d->max_precision_length = max_precision_length; return 0; error: if (a->arg != a->direct_alloc_arg) free (a->arg); if (d->dir != d->direct_alloc_dir) free (d->dir); errno = EINVAL; return -1; out_of_memory: if (a->arg != a->direct_alloc_arg) free (a->arg); if (d->dir != d->direct_alloc_dir) free (d->dir); errno = ENOMEM; return -1; } #undef PRINTF_PARSE #undef DIRECTIVES #undef DIRECTIVE #undef CHAR_T_ONLY_ASCII #undef CHAR_T intl/libintl.rc000064400000003126147633151230007504 0ustar00/* Resources for intl.dll */ #include VS_VERSION_INFO VERSIONINFO FILEVERSION PACKAGE_VERSION_MAJOR,PACKAGE_VERSION_MINOR,PACKAGE_VERSION_SUBMINOR,0 PRODUCTVERSION PACKAGE_VERSION_MAJOR,PACKAGE_VERSION_MINOR,PACKAGE_VERSION_SUBMINOR,0 FILEFLAGSMASK 0x3fL /* VS_FFI_FILEFLAGSMASK */ #ifdef _DEBUG FILEFLAGS 0x1L /* VS_FF_DEBUG */ #else FILEFLAGS 0x0L #endif FILEOS 0x10004L /* VOS_DOS_WINDOWS32 */ FILETYPE 0x2L /* VFT_DLL */ FILESUBTYPE 0x0L /* VFT2_UNKNOWN */ BEGIN BLOCK "StringFileInfo" BEGIN BLOCK "04090000" /* Lang = US English, Charset = ASCII */ BEGIN VALUE "Comments", "This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, see .\0" VALUE "CompanyName", "Free Software Foundation\0" VALUE "FileDescription", "LGPLed libintl for Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista/7 and Windows 95/98/ME\0" VALUE "FileVersion", PACKAGE_VERSION_STRING "\0" VALUE "InternalName", "intl.dll\0" VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Copyright (C) 1995-2010\0" VALUE "LegalTrademarks", "\0" VALUE "OriginalFilename", "intl.dll\0" VALUE "ProductName", "libintl: accessing NLS message catalogs\0" VALUE "ProductVersion", PACKAGE_VERSION_STRING "\0" END END BLOCK "VarFileInfo" BEGIN VALUE "Translation", 0x0409, 0 /* US English, ASCII */ END END intl/localealias.c000064400000024617147633151230010146 0ustar00/* Handle aliases for locale names. Copyright (C) 1995-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /* Tell glibc's to provide a prototype for mempcpy(). This must come before because may include , and once has been included, it's too late. */ #ifndef _GNU_SOURCE # define _GNU_SOURCE 1 #endif #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #include #if defined _LIBC || defined HAVE___FSETLOCKING # include #endif #include #ifdef __GNUC__ # undef alloca # define alloca __builtin_alloca # define HAVE_ALLOCA 1 #else # ifdef _MSC_VER # include # define alloca _alloca # else # if defined HAVE_ALLOCA_H || defined _LIBC # include # else # ifdef _AIX #pragma alloca # else # ifndef alloca char *alloca (); # endif # endif # endif # endif #endif #include #include #include "gettextP.h" #ifdef ENABLE_RELOCATABLE # include "relocatable.h" #else # define relocate(pathname) (pathname) #endif /* @@ end of prolog @@ */ #ifdef _LIBC /* Rename the non ANSI C functions. This is required by the standard because some ANSI C functions will require linking with this object file and the name space must not be polluted. */ # define strcasecmp(s1, s2) __strcasecmp_l (s1, s2, _nl_C_locobj_ptr) # ifndef mempcpy # define mempcpy __mempcpy # endif # define HAVE_MEMPCPY 1 # define HAVE___FSETLOCKING 1 #endif /* Handle multi-threaded applications. */ #ifdef _LIBC # include #else # include "lock.h" #endif #ifndef internal_function # define internal_function #endif /* Some optimizations for glibc. */ #ifdef _LIBC # define FEOF(fp) feof_unlocked (fp) # define FGETS(buf, n, fp) __fgets_unlocked (buf, n, fp) #else # define FEOF(fp) feof (fp) # define FGETS(buf, n, fp) fgets (buf, n, fp) #endif /* For those losing systems which don't have `alloca' we have to add some additional code emulating it. */ #ifdef HAVE_ALLOCA # define freea(p) /* nothing */ #else # define alloca(n) malloc (n) # define freea(p) free (p) #endif #if defined _LIBC_REENTRANT \ || (defined HAVE_DECL_FGETS_UNLOCKED && HAVE_DECL_FGETS_UNLOCKED) # undef fgets # define fgets(buf, len, s) fgets_unlocked (buf, len, s) #endif #if defined _LIBC_REENTRANT \ || (defined HAVE_DECL_FEOF_UNLOCKED && HAVE_DECL_FEOF_UNLOCKED) # undef feof # define feof(s) feof_unlocked (s) #endif __libc_lock_define_initialized (static, lock) struct alias_map { const char *alias; const char *value; }; #ifndef _LIBC # define libc_freeres_ptr(decl) decl #endif libc_freeres_ptr (static char *string_space); static size_t string_space_act; static size_t string_space_max; libc_freeres_ptr (static struct alias_map *map); static size_t nmap; static size_t maxmap; /* Prototypes for local functions. */ static size_t read_alias_file (const char *fname, int fname_len) internal_function; static int extend_alias_table (void); static int alias_compare (const struct alias_map *map1, const struct alias_map *map2); const char * _nl_expand_alias (const char *name) { static const char *locale_alias_path; struct alias_map *retval; const char *result = NULL; size_t added; __libc_lock_lock (lock); if (locale_alias_path == NULL) locale_alias_path = LOCALE_ALIAS_PATH; do { struct alias_map item; item.alias = name; if (nmap > 0) retval = (struct alias_map *) bsearch (&item, map, nmap, sizeof (struct alias_map), (int (*) (const void *, const void *) ) alias_compare); else retval = NULL; /* We really found an alias. Return the value. */ if (retval != NULL) { result = retval->value; break; } /* Perhaps we can find another alias file. */ added = 0; while (added == 0 && locale_alias_path[0] != '\0') { const char *start; while (locale_alias_path[0] == PATH_SEPARATOR) ++locale_alias_path; start = locale_alias_path; while (locale_alias_path[0] != '\0' && locale_alias_path[0] != PATH_SEPARATOR) ++locale_alias_path; if (start < locale_alias_path) added = read_alias_file (start, locale_alias_path - start); } } while (added != 0); __libc_lock_unlock (lock); return result; } static size_t internal_function read_alias_file (const char *fname, int fname_len) { FILE *fp; char *full_fname; size_t added; static const char aliasfile[] = "/locale.alias"; full_fname = (char *) alloca (fname_len + sizeof aliasfile); #ifdef HAVE_MEMPCPY mempcpy (mempcpy (full_fname, fname, fname_len), aliasfile, sizeof aliasfile); #else memcpy (full_fname, fname, fname_len); memcpy (&full_fname[fname_len], aliasfile, sizeof aliasfile); #endif #ifdef _LIBC /* Note the file is opened with cancellation in the I/O functions disabled. */ fp = fopen (relocate (full_fname), "rce"); #else fp = fopen (relocate (full_fname), "r"); #endif freea (full_fname); if (fp == NULL) return 0; #ifdef HAVE___FSETLOCKING /* No threads present. */ __fsetlocking (fp, FSETLOCKING_BYCALLER); #endif added = 0; while (!FEOF (fp)) { /* It is a reasonable approach to use a fix buffer here because a) we are only interested in the first two fields b) these fields must be usable as file names and so must not be that long We avoid a multi-kilobyte buffer here since this would use up stack space which we might not have if the program ran out of memory. */ char buf[400]; char *alias; char *value; char *cp; int complete_line; if (FGETS (buf, sizeof buf, fp) == NULL) /* EOF reached. */ break; /* Determine whether the line is complete. */ complete_line = strchr (buf, '\n') != NULL; cp = buf; /* Ignore leading white space. */ while (isspace ((unsigned char) cp[0])) ++cp; /* A leading '#' signals a comment line. */ if (cp[0] != '\0' && cp[0] != '#') { alias = cp++; while (cp[0] != '\0' && !isspace ((unsigned char) cp[0])) ++cp; /* Terminate alias name. */ if (cp[0] != '\0') *cp++ = '\0'; /* Now look for the beginning of the value. */ while (isspace ((unsigned char) cp[0])) ++cp; if (cp[0] != '\0') { value = cp++; while (cp[0] != '\0' && !isspace ((unsigned char) cp[0])) ++cp; /* Terminate value. */ if (cp[0] == '\n') { /* This has to be done to make the following test for the end of line possible. We are looking for the terminating '\n' which do not overwrite here. */ *cp++ = '\0'; *cp = '\n'; } else if (cp[0] != '\0') *cp++ = '\0'; #ifdef IN_LIBGLOCALE /* glibc's locale.alias contains entries for ja_JP and ko_KR that make it impossible to use a Japanese or Korean UTF-8 locale under the name "ja_JP" or "ko_KR". Ignore these entries. */ if (strchr (alias, '_') == NULL) #endif { size_t alias_len; size_t value_len; if (nmap >= maxmap) if (__builtin_expect (extend_alias_table (), 0)) goto out; alias_len = strlen (alias) + 1; value_len = strlen (value) + 1; if (string_space_act + alias_len + value_len > string_space_max) { /* Increase size of memory pool. */ size_t new_size = (string_space_max + (alias_len + value_len > 1024 ? alias_len + value_len : 1024)); char *new_pool = (char *) realloc (string_space, new_size); if (new_pool == NULL) goto out; if (__builtin_expect (string_space != new_pool, 0)) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < nmap; i++) { map[i].alias += new_pool - string_space; map[i].value += new_pool - string_space; } } string_space = new_pool; string_space_max = new_size; } map[nmap].alias = (const char *) memcpy (&string_space[string_space_act], alias, alias_len); string_space_act += alias_len; map[nmap].value = (const char *) memcpy (&string_space[string_space_act], value, value_len); string_space_act += value_len; ++nmap; ++added; } } } /* Possibly not the whole line fits into the buffer. Ignore the rest of the line. */ if (! complete_line) do if (FGETS (buf, sizeof buf, fp) == NULL) /* Make sure the inner loop will be left. The outer loop will exit at the `feof' test. */ break; while (strchr (buf, '\n') == NULL); } out: /* Should we test for ferror()? I think we have to silently ignore errors. --drepper */ fclose (fp); if (added > 0) qsort (map, nmap, sizeof (struct alias_map), (int (*) (const void *, const void *)) alias_compare); return added; } static int extend_alias_table (void) { size_t new_size; struct alias_map *new_map; new_size = maxmap == 0 ? 100 : 2 * maxmap; new_map = (struct alias_map *) realloc (map, (new_size * sizeof (struct alias_map))); if (new_map == NULL) /* Simply don't extend: we don't have any more core. */ return -1; map = new_map; maxmap = new_size; return 0; } static int alias_compare (const struct alias_map *map1, const struct alias_map *map2) { #if defined _LIBC || defined HAVE_STRCASECMP return strcasecmp (map1->alias, map2->alias); #else const unsigned char *p1 = (const unsigned char *) map1->alias; const unsigned char *p2 = (const unsigned char *) map2->alias; unsigned char c1, c2; if (p1 == p2) return 0; do { /* I know this seems to be odd but the tolower() function in some systems libc cannot handle nonalpha characters. */ c1 = isupper (*p1) ? tolower (*p1) : *p1; c2 = isupper (*p2) ? tolower (*p2) : *p2; if (c1 == '\0') break; ++p1; ++p2; } while (c1 == c2); return c1 - c2; #endif } intl/hash-string.c000064400000003015147633151230010111 0ustar00/* Implements a string hashing function. Copyright (C) 1995-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of the GNU C Library. The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see . */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif /* Specification. */ #include "hash-string.h" /* Defines the so called `hashpjw' function by P.J. Weinberger [see Aho/Sethi/Ullman, COMPILERS: Principles, Techniques and Tools, 1986, 1987 Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc.] */ unsigned long int __hash_string (const char *str_param) { unsigned long int hval, g; const char *str = str_param; /* Compute the hash value for the given string. */ hval = 0; while (*str != '\0') { hval <<= 4; hval += (unsigned char) *str++; g = hval & ((unsigned long int) 0xf << (HASHWORDBITS - 4)); if (g != 0) { hval ^= g >> (HASHWORDBITS - 8); hval ^= g; } } return hval; } intl/localename.c000064400000250177147633151230007777 0ustar00/* Determine name of the currently selected locale. Copyright (C) 1995-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /* Written by Ulrich Drepper , 1995. */ /* Native Windows code written by Tor Lillqvist . */ /* Mac OS X code written by Bruno Haible . */ #include /* Specification. */ #ifdef IN_LIBINTL # include "gettextP.h" #else # include "localename.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #if HAVE_USELOCALE /* Mac OS X 10.5 defines the locale_t type in . */ # if defined __APPLE__ && defined __MACH__ # include # endif # if __GLIBC__ >= 2 && !defined __UCLIBC__ # include # endif # if !defined IN_LIBINTL # include "glthread/lock.h" # endif # if defined __sun && HAVE_GETLOCALENAME_L /* Solaris >= 12. */ extern char * getlocalename_l(int, locale_t); # endif #endif #if HAVE_CFLOCALECOPYCURRENT || HAVE_CFPREFERENCESCOPYAPPVALUE # include # if HAVE_CFLOCALECOPYCURRENT # include # elif HAVE_CFPREFERENCESCOPYAPPVALUE # include # endif #endif #if defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__ # define WINDOWS_NATIVE # if !defined IN_LIBINTL # include "glthread/lock.h" # endif #endif #if defined WINDOWS_NATIVE || defined __CYGWIN__ /* Native Windows or Cygwin */ # define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN # include # include /* List of language codes, sorted by value: 0x01 LANG_ARABIC 0x02 LANG_BULGARIAN 0x03 LANG_CATALAN 0x04 LANG_CHINESE 0x05 LANG_CZECH 0x06 LANG_DANISH 0x07 LANG_GERMAN 0x08 LANG_GREEK 0x09 LANG_ENGLISH 0x0a LANG_SPANISH 0x0b LANG_FINNISH 0x0c LANG_FRENCH 0x0d LANG_HEBREW 0x0e LANG_HUNGARIAN 0x0f LANG_ICELANDIC 0x10 LANG_ITALIAN 0x11 LANG_JAPANESE 0x12 LANG_KOREAN 0x13 LANG_DUTCH 0x14 LANG_NORWEGIAN 0x15 LANG_POLISH 0x16 LANG_PORTUGUESE 0x17 LANG_ROMANSH 0x18 LANG_ROMANIAN 0x19 LANG_RUSSIAN 0x1a LANG_CROATIAN == LANG_SERBIAN 0x1b LANG_SLOVAK 0x1c LANG_ALBANIAN 0x1d LANG_SWEDISH 0x1e LANG_THAI 0x1f LANG_TURKISH 0x20 LANG_URDU 0x21 LANG_INDONESIAN 0x22 LANG_UKRAINIAN 0x23 LANG_BELARUSIAN 0x24 LANG_SLOVENIAN 0x25 LANG_ESTONIAN 0x26 LANG_LATVIAN 0x27 LANG_LITHUANIAN 0x28 LANG_TAJIK 0x29 LANG_FARSI 0x2a LANG_VIETNAMESE 0x2b LANG_ARMENIAN 0x2c LANG_AZERI 0x2d LANG_BASQUE 0x2e LANG_SORBIAN 0x2f LANG_MACEDONIAN 0x30 LANG_SUTU 0x31 LANG_TSONGA 0x32 LANG_TSWANA 0x33 LANG_VENDA 0x34 LANG_XHOSA 0x35 LANG_ZULU 0x36 LANG_AFRIKAANS 0x37 LANG_GEORGIAN 0x38 LANG_FAEROESE 0x39 LANG_HINDI 0x3a LANG_MALTESE 0x3b LANG_SAMI 0x3c LANG_GAELIC 0x3d LANG_YIDDISH 0x3e LANG_MALAY 0x3f LANG_KAZAK 0x40 LANG_KYRGYZ 0x41 LANG_SWAHILI 0x42 LANG_TURKMEN 0x43 LANG_UZBEK 0x44 LANG_TATAR 0x45 LANG_BENGALI 0x46 LANG_PUNJABI 0x47 LANG_GUJARATI 0x48 LANG_ORIYA 0x49 LANG_TAMIL 0x4a LANG_TELUGU 0x4b LANG_KANNADA 0x4c LANG_MALAYALAM 0x4d LANG_ASSAMESE 0x4e LANG_MARATHI 0x4f LANG_SANSKRIT 0x50 LANG_MONGOLIAN 0x51 LANG_TIBETAN 0x52 LANG_WELSH 0x53 LANG_CAMBODIAN 0x54 LANG_LAO 0x55 LANG_BURMESE 0x56 LANG_GALICIAN 0x57 LANG_KONKANI 0x58 LANG_MANIPURI 0x59 LANG_SINDHI 0x5a LANG_SYRIAC 0x5b LANG_SINHALESE 0x5c LANG_CHEROKEE 0x5d LANG_INUKTITUT 0x5e LANG_AMHARIC 0x5f LANG_TAMAZIGHT 0x60 LANG_KASHMIRI 0x61 LANG_NEPALI 0x62 LANG_FRISIAN 0x63 LANG_PASHTO 0x64 LANG_TAGALOG 0x65 LANG_DIVEHI 0x66 LANG_EDO 0x67 LANG_FULFULDE 0x68 LANG_HAUSA 0x69 LANG_IBIBIO 0x6a LANG_YORUBA 0x6d LANG_BASHKIR 0x6e LANG_LUXEMBOURGISH 0x6f LANG_GREENLANDIC 0x70 LANG_IGBO 0x71 LANG_KANURI 0x72 LANG_OROMO 0x73 LANG_TIGRINYA 0x74 LANG_GUARANI 0x75 LANG_HAWAIIAN 0x76 LANG_LATIN 0x77 LANG_SOMALI 0x78 LANG_YI 0x79 LANG_PAPIAMENTU 0x7a LANG_MAPUDUNGUN 0x7c LANG_MOHAWK 0x7e LANG_BRETON 0x82 LANG_OCCITAN 0x83 LANG_CORSICAN 0x84 LANG_ALSATIAN 0x85 LANG_YAKUT 0x86 LANG_KICHE 0x87 LANG_KINYARWANDA 0x88 LANG_WOLOF 0x8c LANG_DARI 0x91 LANG_SCOTTISH_GAELIC */ /* Mingw headers don't have latest language and sublanguage codes. */ # ifndef LANG_AFRIKAANS # define LANG_AFRIKAANS 0x36 # endif # ifndef LANG_ALBANIAN # define LANG_ALBANIAN 0x1c # endif # ifndef LANG_ALSATIAN # define LANG_ALSATIAN 0x84 # endif # ifndef LANG_AMHARIC # define LANG_AMHARIC 0x5e # endif # ifndef LANG_ARABIC # define LANG_ARABIC 0x01 # endif # ifndef LANG_ARMENIAN # define LANG_ARMENIAN 0x2b # endif # ifndef LANG_ASSAMESE # define LANG_ASSAMESE 0x4d # endif # ifndef LANG_AZERI # define LANG_AZERI 0x2c # endif # ifndef LANG_BASHKIR # define LANG_BASHKIR 0x6d # endif # ifndef LANG_BASQUE # define LANG_BASQUE 0x2d # endif # ifndef LANG_BELARUSIAN # define LANG_BELARUSIAN 0x23 # endif # ifndef LANG_BENGALI # define LANG_BENGALI 0x45 # endif # ifndef LANG_BRETON # define LANG_BRETON 0x7e # endif # ifndef LANG_BURMESE # define LANG_BURMESE 0x55 # endif # ifndef LANG_CAMBODIAN # define LANG_CAMBODIAN 0x53 # endif # ifndef LANG_CATALAN # define LANG_CATALAN 0x03 # endif # ifndef LANG_CHEROKEE # define LANG_CHEROKEE 0x5c # endif # ifndef LANG_CORSICAN # define LANG_CORSICAN 0x83 # endif # ifndef LANG_DARI # define LANG_DARI 0x8c # endif # ifndef LANG_DIVEHI # define LANG_DIVEHI 0x65 # endif # ifndef LANG_EDO # define LANG_EDO 0x66 # endif # ifndef LANG_ESTONIAN # define LANG_ESTONIAN 0x25 # endif # ifndef LANG_FAEROESE # define LANG_FAEROESE 0x38 # endif # ifndef LANG_FARSI # define LANG_FARSI 0x29 # endif # ifndef LANG_FRISIAN # define LANG_FRISIAN 0x62 # endif # ifndef LANG_FULFULDE # define LANG_FULFULDE 0x67 # endif # ifndef LANG_GAELIC # define LANG_GAELIC 0x3c # endif # ifndef LANG_GALICIAN # define LANG_GALICIAN 0x56 # endif # ifndef LANG_GEORGIAN # define LANG_GEORGIAN 0x37 # endif # ifndef LANG_GREENLANDIC # define LANG_GREENLANDIC 0x6f # endif # ifndef LANG_GUARANI # define LANG_GUARANI 0x74 # endif # ifndef LANG_GUJARATI # define LANG_GUJARATI 0x47 # endif # ifndef LANG_HAUSA # define LANG_HAUSA 0x68 # endif # ifndef LANG_HAWAIIAN # define LANG_HAWAIIAN 0x75 # endif # ifndef LANG_HEBREW # define LANG_HEBREW 0x0d # endif # ifndef LANG_HINDI # define LANG_HINDI 0x39 # endif # ifndef LANG_IBIBIO # define LANG_IBIBIO 0x69 # endif # ifndef LANG_IGBO # define LANG_IGBO 0x70 # endif # ifndef LANG_INDONESIAN # define LANG_INDONESIAN 0x21 # endif # ifndef LANG_INUKTITUT # define LANG_INUKTITUT 0x5d # endif # ifndef LANG_KANNADA # define LANG_KANNADA 0x4b # endif # ifndef LANG_KANURI # define LANG_KANURI 0x71 # endif # ifndef LANG_KASHMIRI # define LANG_KASHMIRI 0x60 # endif # ifndef LANG_KAZAK # define LANG_KAZAK 0x3f # endif # ifndef LANG_KICHE # define LANG_KICHE 0x86 # endif # ifndef LANG_KINYARWANDA # define LANG_KINYARWANDA 0x87 # endif # ifndef LANG_KONKANI # define LANG_KONKANI 0x57 # endif # ifndef LANG_KYRGYZ # define LANG_KYRGYZ 0x40 # endif # ifndef LANG_LAO # define LANG_LAO 0x54 # endif # ifndef LANG_LATIN # define LANG_LATIN 0x76 # endif # ifndef LANG_LATVIAN # define LANG_LATVIAN 0x26 # endif # ifndef LANG_LITHUANIAN # define LANG_LITHUANIAN 0x27 # endif # ifndef LANG_LUXEMBOURGISH # define LANG_LUXEMBOURGISH 0x6e # endif # ifndef LANG_MACEDONIAN # define LANG_MACEDONIAN 0x2f # endif # ifndef LANG_MALAY # define LANG_MALAY 0x3e # endif # ifndef LANG_MALAYALAM # define LANG_MALAYALAM 0x4c # endif # ifndef LANG_MALTESE # define LANG_MALTESE 0x3a # endif # ifndef LANG_MANIPURI # define LANG_MANIPURI 0x58 # endif # ifndef LANG_MAORI # define LANG_MAORI 0x81 # endif # ifndef LANG_MAPUDUNGUN # define LANG_MAPUDUNGUN 0x7a # endif # ifndef LANG_MARATHI # define LANG_MARATHI 0x4e # endif # ifndef LANG_MOHAWK # define LANG_MOHAWK 0x7c # endif # ifndef LANG_MONGOLIAN # define LANG_MONGOLIAN 0x50 # endif # ifndef LANG_NEPALI # define LANG_NEPALI 0x61 # endif # ifndef LANG_OCCITAN # define LANG_OCCITAN 0x82 # endif # ifndef LANG_ORIYA # define LANG_ORIYA 0x48 # endif # ifndef LANG_OROMO # define LANG_OROMO 0x72 # endif # ifndef LANG_PAPIAMENTU # define LANG_PAPIAMENTU 0x79 # endif # ifndef LANG_PASHTO # define LANG_PASHTO 0x63 # endif # ifndef LANG_PUNJABI # define LANG_PUNJABI 0x46 # endif # ifndef LANG_QUECHUA # define LANG_QUECHUA 0x6b # endif # ifndef LANG_ROMANSH # define LANG_ROMANSH 0x17 # endif # ifndef LANG_SAMI # define LANG_SAMI 0x3b # endif # ifndef LANG_SANSKRIT # define LANG_SANSKRIT 0x4f # endif # ifndef LANG_SCOTTISH_GAELIC # define LANG_SCOTTISH_GAELIC 0x91 # endif # ifndef LANG_SERBIAN # define LANG_SERBIAN 0x1a # endif # ifndef LANG_SINDHI # define LANG_SINDHI 0x59 # endif # ifndef LANG_SINHALESE # define LANG_SINHALESE 0x5b # endif # ifndef LANG_SLOVAK # define LANG_SLOVAK 0x1b # endif # ifndef LANG_SOMALI # define LANG_SOMALI 0x77 # endif # ifndef LANG_SORBIAN # define LANG_SORBIAN 0x2e # endif # ifndef LANG_SOTHO # define LANG_SOTHO 0x6c # endif # ifndef LANG_SUTU # define LANG_SUTU 0x30 # endif # ifndef LANG_SWAHILI # define LANG_SWAHILI 0x41 # endif # ifndef LANG_SYRIAC # define LANG_SYRIAC 0x5a # endif # ifndef LANG_TAGALOG # define LANG_TAGALOG 0x64 # endif # ifndef LANG_TAJIK # define LANG_TAJIK 0x28 # endif # ifndef LANG_TAMAZIGHT # define LANG_TAMAZIGHT 0x5f # endif # ifndef LANG_TAMIL # define LANG_TAMIL 0x49 # endif # ifndef LANG_TATAR # define LANG_TATAR 0x44 # endif # ifndef LANG_TELUGU # define LANG_TELUGU 0x4a # endif # ifndef LANG_THAI # define LANG_THAI 0x1e # endif # ifndef LANG_TIBETAN # define LANG_TIBETAN 0x51 # endif # ifndef LANG_TIGRINYA # define LANG_TIGRINYA 0x73 # endif # ifndef LANG_TSONGA # define LANG_TSONGA 0x31 # endif # ifndef LANG_TSWANA # define LANG_TSWANA 0x32 # endif # ifndef LANG_TURKMEN # define LANG_TURKMEN 0x42 # endif # ifndef LANG_UIGHUR # define LANG_UIGHUR 0x80 # endif # ifndef LANG_UKRAINIAN # define LANG_UKRAINIAN 0x22 # endif # ifndef LANG_URDU # define LANG_URDU 0x20 # endif # ifndef LANG_UZBEK # define LANG_UZBEK 0x43 # endif # ifndef LANG_VENDA # define LANG_VENDA 0x33 # endif # ifndef LANG_VIETNAMESE # define LANG_VIETNAMESE 0x2a # endif # ifndef LANG_WELSH # define LANG_WELSH 0x52 # endif # ifndef LANG_WOLOF # define LANG_WOLOF 0x88 # endif # ifndef LANG_XHOSA # define LANG_XHOSA 0x34 # endif # ifndef LANG_YAKUT # define LANG_YAKUT 0x85 # endif # ifndef LANG_YI # define LANG_YI 0x78 # endif # ifndef LANG_YIDDISH # define LANG_YIDDISH 0x3d # endif # ifndef LANG_YORUBA # define LANG_YORUBA 0x6a # endif # ifndef LANG_ZULU # define LANG_ZULU 0x35 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_AFRIKAANS_SOUTH_AFRICA # define SUBLANG_AFRIKAANS_SOUTH_AFRICA 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_ALBANIAN_ALBANIA # define SUBLANG_ALBANIAN_ALBANIA 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_ALSATIAN_FRANCE # define SUBLANG_ALSATIAN_FRANCE 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_AMHARIC_ETHIOPIA # define SUBLANG_AMHARIC_ETHIOPIA 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_ARABIC_SAUDI_ARABIA # define SUBLANG_ARABIC_SAUDI_ARABIA 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_ARABIC_IRAQ # define SUBLANG_ARABIC_IRAQ 0x02 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_ARABIC_EGYPT # define SUBLANG_ARABIC_EGYPT 0x03 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_ARABIC_LIBYA # define SUBLANG_ARABIC_LIBYA 0x04 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_ARABIC_ALGERIA # define SUBLANG_ARABIC_ALGERIA 0x05 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_ARABIC_MOROCCO # define SUBLANG_ARABIC_MOROCCO 0x06 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_ARABIC_TUNISIA # define SUBLANG_ARABIC_TUNISIA 0x07 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_ARABIC_OMAN # define SUBLANG_ARABIC_OMAN 0x08 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_ARABIC_YEMEN # define SUBLANG_ARABIC_YEMEN 0x09 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_ARABIC_SYRIA # define SUBLANG_ARABIC_SYRIA 0x0a # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_ARABIC_JORDAN # define SUBLANG_ARABIC_JORDAN 0x0b # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_ARABIC_LEBANON # define SUBLANG_ARABIC_LEBANON 0x0c # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_ARABIC_KUWAIT # define SUBLANG_ARABIC_KUWAIT 0x0d # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_ARABIC_UAE # define SUBLANG_ARABIC_UAE 0x0e # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_ARABIC_BAHRAIN # define SUBLANG_ARABIC_BAHRAIN 0x0f # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_ARABIC_QATAR # define SUBLANG_ARABIC_QATAR 0x10 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_ARMENIAN_ARMENIA # define SUBLANG_ARMENIAN_ARMENIA 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_ASSAMESE_INDIA # define SUBLANG_ASSAMESE_INDIA 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_AZERI_LATIN # define SUBLANG_AZERI_LATIN 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_AZERI_CYRILLIC # define SUBLANG_AZERI_CYRILLIC 0x02 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_BASHKIR_RUSSIA # define SUBLANG_BASHKIR_RUSSIA 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_BASQUE_BASQUE # define SUBLANG_BASQUE_BASQUE 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_BELARUSIAN_BELARUS # define SUBLANG_BELARUSIAN_BELARUS 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_BENGALI_INDIA # define SUBLANG_BENGALI_INDIA 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_BENGALI_BANGLADESH # define SUBLANG_BENGALI_BANGLADESH 0x02 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_BOSNIAN_BOSNIA_HERZEGOVINA_LATIN # define SUBLANG_BOSNIAN_BOSNIA_HERZEGOVINA_LATIN 0x05 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_BOSNIAN_BOSNIA_HERZEGOVINA_CYRILLIC # define SUBLANG_BOSNIAN_BOSNIA_HERZEGOVINA_CYRILLIC 0x08 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_BRETON_FRANCE # define SUBLANG_BRETON_FRANCE 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_BULGARIAN_BULGARIA # define SUBLANG_BULGARIAN_BULGARIA 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_CAMBODIAN_CAMBODIA # define SUBLANG_CAMBODIAN_CAMBODIA 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_CATALAN_SPAIN # define SUBLANG_CATALAN_SPAIN 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_CORSICAN_FRANCE # define SUBLANG_CORSICAN_FRANCE 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_CROATIAN_CROATIA # define SUBLANG_CROATIAN_CROATIA 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_CROATIAN_BOSNIA_HERZEGOVINA_LATIN # define SUBLANG_CROATIAN_BOSNIA_HERZEGOVINA_LATIN 0x04 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_CHINESE_MACAU # define SUBLANG_CHINESE_MACAU 0x05 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_CZECH_CZECH_REPUBLIC # define SUBLANG_CZECH_CZECH_REPUBLIC 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_DANISH_DENMARK # define SUBLANG_DANISH_DENMARK 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_DARI_AFGHANISTAN # define SUBLANG_DARI_AFGHANISTAN 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_DIVEHI_MALDIVES # define SUBLANG_DIVEHI_MALDIVES 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_DUTCH_SURINAM # define SUBLANG_DUTCH_SURINAM 0x03 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_ENGLISH_SOUTH_AFRICA # define SUBLANG_ENGLISH_SOUTH_AFRICA 0x07 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_ENGLISH_JAMAICA # define SUBLANG_ENGLISH_JAMAICA 0x08 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_ENGLISH_CARIBBEAN # define SUBLANG_ENGLISH_CARIBBEAN 0x09 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_ENGLISH_BELIZE # define SUBLANG_ENGLISH_BELIZE 0x0a # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_ENGLISH_TRINIDAD # define SUBLANG_ENGLISH_TRINIDAD 0x0b # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_ENGLISH_ZIMBABWE # define SUBLANG_ENGLISH_ZIMBABWE 0x0c # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_ENGLISH_PHILIPPINES # define SUBLANG_ENGLISH_PHILIPPINES 0x0d # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_ENGLISH_INDONESIA # define SUBLANG_ENGLISH_INDONESIA 0x0e # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_ENGLISH_HONGKONG # define SUBLANG_ENGLISH_HONGKONG 0x0f # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_ENGLISH_INDIA # define SUBLANG_ENGLISH_INDIA 0x10 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_ENGLISH_MALAYSIA # define SUBLANG_ENGLISH_MALAYSIA 0x11 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_ENGLISH_SINGAPORE # define SUBLANG_ENGLISH_SINGAPORE 0x12 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_ESTONIAN_ESTONIA # define SUBLANG_ESTONIAN_ESTONIA 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_FAEROESE_FAROE_ISLANDS # define SUBLANG_FAEROESE_FAROE_ISLANDS 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_FARSI_IRAN # define SUBLANG_FARSI_IRAN 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_FINNISH_FINLAND # define SUBLANG_FINNISH_FINLAND 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_FRENCH_LUXEMBOURG # define SUBLANG_FRENCH_LUXEMBOURG 0x05 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_FRENCH_MONACO # define SUBLANG_FRENCH_MONACO 0x06 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_FRENCH_WESTINDIES # define SUBLANG_FRENCH_WESTINDIES 0x07 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_FRENCH_REUNION # define SUBLANG_FRENCH_REUNION 0x08 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_FRENCH_CONGO # define SUBLANG_FRENCH_CONGO 0x09 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_FRENCH_SENEGAL # define SUBLANG_FRENCH_SENEGAL 0x0a # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_FRENCH_CAMEROON # define SUBLANG_FRENCH_CAMEROON 0x0b # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_FRENCH_COTEDIVOIRE # define SUBLANG_FRENCH_COTEDIVOIRE 0x0c # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_FRENCH_MALI # define SUBLANG_FRENCH_MALI 0x0d # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_FRENCH_MOROCCO # define SUBLANG_FRENCH_MOROCCO 0x0e # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_FRENCH_HAITI # define SUBLANG_FRENCH_HAITI 0x0f # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_FRISIAN_NETHERLANDS # define SUBLANG_FRISIAN_NETHERLANDS 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_GALICIAN_SPAIN # define SUBLANG_GALICIAN_SPAIN 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_GEORGIAN_GEORGIA # define SUBLANG_GEORGIAN_GEORGIA 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_GERMAN_LUXEMBOURG # define SUBLANG_GERMAN_LUXEMBOURG 0x04 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_GERMAN_LIECHTENSTEIN # define SUBLANG_GERMAN_LIECHTENSTEIN 0x05 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_GREEK_GREECE # define SUBLANG_GREEK_GREECE 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_GREENLANDIC_GREENLAND # define SUBLANG_GREENLANDIC_GREENLAND 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_GUJARATI_INDIA # define SUBLANG_GUJARATI_INDIA 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_HAUSA_NIGERIA_LATIN # define SUBLANG_HAUSA_NIGERIA_LATIN 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_HEBREW_ISRAEL # define SUBLANG_HEBREW_ISRAEL 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_HINDI_INDIA # define SUBLANG_HINDI_INDIA 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_HUNGARIAN_HUNGARY # define SUBLANG_HUNGARIAN_HUNGARY 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_ICELANDIC_ICELAND # define SUBLANG_ICELANDIC_ICELAND 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_IGBO_NIGERIA # define SUBLANG_IGBO_NIGERIA 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_INDONESIAN_INDONESIA # define SUBLANG_INDONESIAN_INDONESIA 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_INUKTITUT_CANADA # define SUBLANG_INUKTITUT_CANADA 0x01 # endif # undef SUBLANG_INUKTITUT_CANADA_LATIN # define SUBLANG_INUKTITUT_CANADA_LATIN 0x02 # undef SUBLANG_IRISH_IRELAND # define SUBLANG_IRISH_IRELAND 0x02 # ifndef SUBLANG_JAPANESE_JAPAN # define SUBLANG_JAPANESE_JAPAN 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_KANNADA_INDIA # define SUBLANG_KANNADA_INDIA 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_KASHMIRI_INDIA # define SUBLANG_KASHMIRI_INDIA 0x02 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_KAZAK_KAZAKHSTAN # define SUBLANG_KAZAK_KAZAKHSTAN 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_KICHE_GUATEMALA # define SUBLANG_KICHE_GUATEMALA 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_KINYARWANDA_RWANDA # define SUBLANG_KINYARWANDA_RWANDA 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_KONKANI_INDIA # define SUBLANG_KONKANI_INDIA 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_KYRGYZ_KYRGYZSTAN # define SUBLANG_KYRGYZ_KYRGYZSTAN 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_LAO_LAOS # define SUBLANG_LAO_LAOS 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_LATVIAN_LATVIA # define SUBLANG_LATVIAN_LATVIA 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_LITHUANIAN_LITHUANIA # define SUBLANG_LITHUANIAN_LITHUANIA 0x01 # endif # undef SUBLANG_LOWER_SORBIAN_GERMANY # define SUBLANG_LOWER_SORBIAN_GERMANY 0x02 # ifndef SUBLANG_LUXEMBOURGISH_LUXEMBOURG # define SUBLANG_LUXEMBOURGISH_LUXEMBOURG 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_MACEDONIAN_MACEDONIA # define SUBLANG_MACEDONIAN_MACEDONIA 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_MALAY_MALAYSIA # define SUBLANG_MALAY_MALAYSIA 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_MALAY_BRUNEI_DARUSSALAM # define SUBLANG_MALAY_BRUNEI_DARUSSALAM 0x02 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_MALAYALAM_INDIA # define SUBLANG_MALAYALAM_INDIA 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_MALTESE_MALTA # define SUBLANG_MALTESE_MALTA 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_MAORI_NEW_ZEALAND # define SUBLANG_MAORI_NEW_ZEALAND 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_MAPUDUNGUN_CHILE # define SUBLANG_MAPUDUNGUN_CHILE 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_MARATHI_INDIA # define SUBLANG_MARATHI_INDIA 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_MOHAWK_CANADA # define SUBLANG_MOHAWK_CANADA 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_MONGOLIAN_CYRILLIC_MONGOLIA # define SUBLANG_MONGOLIAN_CYRILLIC_MONGOLIA 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_MONGOLIAN_PRC # define SUBLANG_MONGOLIAN_PRC 0x02 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_NEPALI_NEPAL # define SUBLANG_NEPALI_NEPAL 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_NEPALI_INDIA # define SUBLANG_NEPALI_INDIA 0x02 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_OCCITAN_FRANCE # define SUBLANG_OCCITAN_FRANCE 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_ORIYA_INDIA # define SUBLANG_ORIYA_INDIA 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_PASHTO_AFGHANISTAN # define SUBLANG_PASHTO_AFGHANISTAN 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_POLISH_POLAND # define SUBLANG_POLISH_POLAND 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_PUNJABI_INDIA # define SUBLANG_PUNJABI_INDIA 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_PUNJABI_PAKISTAN # define SUBLANG_PUNJABI_PAKISTAN 0x02 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_QUECHUA_BOLIVIA # define SUBLANG_QUECHUA_BOLIVIA 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_QUECHUA_ECUADOR # define SUBLANG_QUECHUA_ECUADOR 0x02 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_QUECHUA_PERU # define SUBLANG_QUECHUA_PERU 0x03 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_ROMANIAN_ROMANIA # define SUBLANG_ROMANIAN_ROMANIA 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_ROMANIAN_MOLDOVA # define SUBLANG_ROMANIAN_MOLDOVA 0x02 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_ROMANSH_SWITZERLAND # define SUBLANG_ROMANSH_SWITZERLAND 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_RUSSIAN_RUSSIA # define SUBLANG_RUSSIAN_RUSSIA 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_RUSSIAN_MOLDAVIA # define SUBLANG_RUSSIAN_MOLDAVIA 0x02 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_SAMI_NORTHERN_NORWAY # define SUBLANG_SAMI_NORTHERN_NORWAY 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_SAMI_NORTHERN_SWEDEN # define SUBLANG_SAMI_NORTHERN_SWEDEN 0x02 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_SAMI_NORTHERN_FINLAND # define SUBLANG_SAMI_NORTHERN_FINLAND 0x03 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_SAMI_LULE_NORWAY # define SUBLANG_SAMI_LULE_NORWAY 0x04 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_SAMI_LULE_SWEDEN # define SUBLANG_SAMI_LULE_SWEDEN 0x05 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_SAMI_SOUTHERN_NORWAY # define SUBLANG_SAMI_SOUTHERN_NORWAY 0x06 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_SAMI_SOUTHERN_SWEDEN # define SUBLANG_SAMI_SOUTHERN_SWEDEN 0x07 # endif # undef SUBLANG_SAMI_SKOLT_FINLAND # define SUBLANG_SAMI_SKOLT_FINLAND 0x08 # undef SUBLANG_SAMI_INARI_FINLAND # define SUBLANG_SAMI_INARI_FINLAND 0x09 # ifndef SUBLANG_SANSKRIT_INDIA # define SUBLANG_SANSKRIT_INDIA 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_SERBIAN_LATIN # define SUBLANG_SERBIAN_LATIN 0x02 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_SERBIAN_CYRILLIC # define SUBLANG_SERBIAN_CYRILLIC 0x03 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_SINDHI_INDIA # define SUBLANG_SINDHI_INDIA 0x01 # endif # undef SUBLANG_SINDHI_PAKISTAN # define SUBLANG_SINDHI_PAKISTAN 0x02 # ifndef SUBLANG_SINDHI_AFGHANISTAN # define SUBLANG_SINDHI_AFGHANISTAN 0x02 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_SINHALESE_SRI_LANKA # define SUBLANG_SINHALESE_SRI_LANKA 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_SLOVAK_SLOVAKIA # define SUBLANG_SLOVAK_SLOVAKIA 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_SLOVENIAN_SLOVENIA # define SUBLANG_SLOVENIAN_SLOVENIA 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_SOTHO_SOUTH_AFRICA # define SUBLANG_SOTHO_SOUTH_AFRICA 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_SPANISH_GUATEMALA # define SUBLANG_SPANISH_GUATEMALA 0x04 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_SPANISH_COSTA_RICA # define SUBLANG_SPANISH_COSTA_RICA 0x05 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_SPANISH_PANAMA # define SUBLANG_SPANISH_PANAMA 0x06 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_SPANISH_DOMINICAN_REPUBLIC # define SUBLANG_SPANISH_DOMINICAN_REPUBLIC 0x07 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_SPANISH_VENEZUELA # define SUBLANG_SPANISH_VENEZUELA 0x08 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_SPANISH_COLOMBIA # define SUBLANG_SPANISH_COLOMBIA 0x09 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_SPANISH_PERU # define SUBLANG_SPANISH_PERU 0x0a # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_SPANISH_ARGENTINA # define SUBLANG_SPANISH_ARGENTINA 0x0b # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_SPANISH_ECUADOR # define SUBLANG_SPANISH_ECUADOR 0x0c # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_SPANISH_CHILE # define SUBLANG_SPANISH_CHILE 0x0d # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_SPANISH_URUGUAY # define SUBLANG_SPANISH_URUGUAY 0x0e # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_SPANISH_PARAGUAY # define SUBLANG_SPANISH_PARAGUAY 0x0f # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_SPANISH_BOLIVIA # define SUBLANG_SPANISH_BOLIVIA 0x10 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_SPANISH_EL_SALVADOR # define SUBLANG_SPANISH_EL_SALVADOR 0x11 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_SPANISH_HONDURAS # define SUBLANG_SPANISH_HONDURAS 0x12 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_SPANISH_NICARAGUA # define SUBLANG_SPANISH_NICARAGUA 0x13 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_SPANISH_PUERTO_RICO # define SUBLANG_SPANISH_PUERTO_RICO 0x14 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_SPANISH_US # define SUBLANG_SPANISH_US 0x15 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_SWAHILI_KENYA # define SUBLANG_SWAHILI_KENYA 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_SWEDISH_SWEDEN # define SUBLANG_SWEDISH_SWEDEN 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_SWEDISH_FINLAND # define SUBLANG_SWEDISH_FINLAND 0x02 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_SYRIAC_SYRIA # define SUBLANG_SYRIAC_SYRIA 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_TAGALOG_PHILIPPINES # define SUBLANG_TAGALOG_PHILIPPINES 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_TAJIK_TAJIKISTAN # define SUBLANG_TAJIK_TAJIKISTAN 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_TAMAZIGHT_ARABIC # define SUBLANG_TAMAZIGHT_ARABIC 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_TAMAZIGHT_ALGERIA_LATIN # define SUBLANG_TAMAZIGHT_ALGERIA_LATIN 0x02 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_TAMIL_INDIA # define SUBLANG_TAMIL_INDIA 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_TATAR_RUSSIA # define SUBLANG_TATAR_RUSSIA 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_TELUGU_INDIA # define SUBLANG_TELUGU_INDIA 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_THAI_THAILAND # define SUBLANG_THAI_THAILAND 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_TIBETAN_PRC # define SUBLANG_TIBETAN_PRC 0x01 # endif # undef SUBLANG_TIBETAN_BHUTAN # define SUBLANG_TIBETAN_BHUTAN 0x02 # ifndef SUBLANG_TIGRINYA_ETHIOPIA # define SUBLANG_TIGRINYA_ETHIOPIA 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_TIGRINYA_ERITREA # define SUBLANG_TIGRINYA_ERITREA 0x02 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_TSWANA_SOUTH_AFRICA # define SUBLANG_TSWANA_SOUTH_AFRICA 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_TURKISH_TURKEY # define SUBLANG_TURKISH_TURKEY 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_TURKMEN_TURKMENISTAN # define SUBLANG_TURKMEN_TURKMENISTAN 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_UIGHUR_PRC # define SUBLANG_UIGHUR_PRC 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_UKRAINIAN_UKRAINE # define SUBLANG_UKRAINIAN_UKRAINE 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_UPPER_SORBIAN_GERMANY # define SUBLANG_UPPER_SORBIAN_GERMANY 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_URDU_PAKISTAN # define SUBLANG_URDU_PAKISTAN 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_URDU_INDIA # define SUBLANG_URDU_INDIA 0x02 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_UZBEK_LATIN # define SUBLANG_UZBEK_LATIN 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_UZBEK_CYRILLIC # define SUBLANG_UZBEK_CYRILLIC 0x02 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_VIETNAMESE_VIETNAM # define SUBLANG_VIETNAMESE_VIETNAM 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_WELSH_UNITED_KINGDOM # define SUBLANG_WELSH_UNITED_KINGDOM 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_WOLOF_SENEGAL # define SUBLANG_WOLOF_SENEGAL 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_XHOSA_SOUTH_AFRICA # define SUBLANG_XHOSA_SOUTH_AFRICA 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_YAKUT_RUSSIA # define SUBLANG_YAKUT_RUSSIA 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_YI_PRC # define SUBLANG_YI_PRC 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_YORUBA_NIGERIA # define SUBLANG_YORUBA_NIGERIA 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_ZULU_SOUTH_AFRICA # define SUBLANG_ZULU_SOUTH_AFRICA 0x01 # endif /* GetLocaleInfoA operations. */ # ifndef LOCALE_SNAME # define LOCALE_SNAME 0x5c # endif # ifndef LOCALE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH # define LOCALE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH 85 # endif #endif #if HAVE_CFLOCALECOPYCURRENT || HAVE_CFPREFERENCESCOPYAPPVALUE /* Mac OS X 10.2 or newer */ /* Canonicalize a Mac OS X locale name to a Unix locale name. NAME is a sufficiently large buffer. On input, it contains the Mac OS X locale name. On output, it contains the Unix locale name. */ # if !defined IN_LIBINTL static # endif void gl_locale_name_canonicalize (char *name) { /* This conversion is based on a posting by Deborah GoldSmith on 2005-03-08, http://lists.apple.com/archives/carbon-dev/2005/Mar/msg00293.html */ /* Convert legacy (NeXTstep inherited) English names to Unix (ISO 639 and ISO 3166) names. Prior to Mac OS X 10.3, there is no API for doing this. Therefore we do it ourselves, using a table based on the results of the Mac OS X 10.3.8 function CFLocaleCreateCanonicalLocaleIdentifierFromString(). */ typedef struct { const char legacy[21+1]; const char unixy[5+1]; } legacy_entry; static const legacy_entry legacy_table[] = { { "Afrikaans", "af" }, { "Albanian", "sq" }, { "Amharic", "am" }, { "Arabic", "ar" }, { "Armenian", "hy" }, { "Assamese", "as" }, { "Aymara", "ay" }, { "Azerbaijani", "az" }, { "Basque", "eu" }, { "Belarusian", "be" }, { "Belorussian", "be" }, { "Bengali", "bn" }, { "Brazilian Portugese", "pt_BR" }, { "Brazilian Portuguese", "pt_BR" }, { "Breton", "br" }, { "Bulgarian", "bg" }, { "Burmese", "my" }, { "Byelorussian", "be" }, { "Catalan", "ca" }, { "Chewa", "ny" }, { "Chichewa", "ny" }, { "Chinese", "zh" }, { "Chinese, Simplified", "zh_CN" }, { "Chinese, Traditional", "zh_TW" }, { "Chinese, Tradtional", "zh_TW" }, { "Croatian", "hr" }, { "Czech", "cs" }, { "Danish", "da" }, { "Dutch", "nl" }, { "Dzongkha", "dz" }, { "English", "en" }, { "Esperanto", "eo" }, { "Estonian", "et" }, { "Faroese", "fo" }, { "Farsi", "fa" }, { "Finnish", "fi" }, { "Flemish", "nl_BE" }, { "French", "fr" }, { "Galician", "gl" }, { "Gallegan", "gl" }, { "Georgian", "ka" }, { "German", "de" }, { "Greek", "el" }, { "Greenlandic", "kl" }, { "Guarani", "gn" }, { "Gujarati", "gu" }, { "Hawaiian", "haw" }, /* Yes, "haw", not "cpe". */ { "Hebrew", "he" }, { "Hindi", "hi" }, { "Hungarian", "hu" }, { "Icelandic", "is" }, { "Indonesian", "id" }, { "Inuktitut", "iu" }, { "Irish", "ga" }, { "Italian", "it" }, { "Japanese", "ja" }, { "Javanese", "jv" }, { "Kalaallisut", "kl" }, { "Kannada", "kn" }, { "Kashmiri", "ks" }, { "Kazakh", "kk" }, { "Khmer", "km" }, { "Kinyarwanda", "rw" }, { "Kirghiz", "ky" }, { "Korean", "ko" }, { "Kurdish", "ku" }, { "Latin", "la" }, { "Latvian", "lv" }, { "Lithuanian", "lt" }, { "Macedonian", "mk" }, { "Malagasy", "mg" }, { "Malay", "ms" }, { "Malayalam", "ml" }, { "Maltese", "mt" }, { "Manx", "gv" }, { "Marathi", "mr" }, { "Moldavian", "mo" }, { "Mongolian", "mn" }, { "Nepali", "ne" }, { "Norwegian", "nb" }, /* Yes, "nb", not the obsolete "no". */ { "Nyanja", "ny" }, { "Nynorsk", "nn" }, { "Oriya", "or" }, { "Oromo", "om" }, { "Panjabi", "pa" }, { "Pashto", "ps" }, { "Persian", "fa" }, { "Polish", "pl" }, { "Portuguese", "pt" }, { "Portuguese, Brazilian", "pt_BR" }, { "Punjabi", "pa" }, { "Pushto", "ps" }, { "Quechua", "qu" }, { "Romanian", "ro" }, { "Ruanda", "rw" }, { "Rundi", "rn" }, { "Russian", "ru" }, { "Sami", "se_NO" }, /* Not just "se". */ { "Sanskrit", "sa" }, { "Scottish", "gd" }, { "Serbian", "sr" }, { "Simplified Chinese", "zh_CN" }, { "Sindhi", "sd" }, { "Sinhalese", "si" }, { "Slovak", "sk" }, { "Slovenian", "sl" }, { "Somali", "so" }, { "Spanish", "es" }, { "Sundanese", "su" }, { "Swahili", "sw" }, { "Swedish", "sv" }, { "Tagalog", "tl" }, { "Tajik", "tg" }, { "Tajiki", "tg" }, { "Tamil", "ta" }, { "Tatar", "tt" }, { "Telugu", "te" }, { "Thai", "th" }, { "Tibetan", "bo" }, { "Tigrinya", "ti" }, { "Tongan", "to" }, { "Traditional Chinese", "zh_TW" }, { "Turkish", "tr" }, { "Turkmen", "tk" }, { "Uighur", "ug" }, { "Ukrainian", "uk" }, { "Urdu", "ur" }, { "Uzbek", "uz" }, { "Vietnamese", "vi" }, { "Welsh", "cy" }, { "Yiddish", "yi" } }; /* Convert new-style locale names with language tags (ISO 639 and ISO 15924) to Unix (ISO 639 and ISO 3166) names. */ typedef struct { const char langtag[7+1]; const char unixy[12+1]; } langtag_entry; static const langtag_entry langtag_table[] = { /* Mac OS X has "az-Arab", "az-Cyrl", "az-Latn". The default script for az on Unix is Latin. */ { "az-Latn", "az" }, /* Mac OS X has "ga-dots". Does not yet exist on Unix. */ { "ga-dots", "ga" }, /* Mac OS X has "kk-Cyrl". Does not yet exist on Unix. */ /* Mac OS X has "mn-Cyrl", "mn-Mong". The default script for mn on Unix is Cyrillic. */ { "mn-Cyrl", "mn" }, /* Mac OS X has "ms-Arab", "ms-Latn". The default script for ms on Unix is Latin. */ { "ms-Latn", "ms" }, /* Mac OS X has "tg-Cyrl". The default script for tg on Unix is Cyrillic. */ { "tg-Cyrl", "tg" }, /* Mac OS X has "tk-Cyrl". Does not yet exist on Unix. */ /* Mac OS X has "tt-Cyrl". The default script for tt on Unix is Cyrillic. */ { "tt-Cyrl", "tt" }, /* Mac OS X has "zh-Hans", "zh-Hant". Country codes are used to distinguish these on Unix. */ { "zh-Hans", "zh_CN" }, { "zh-Hant", "zh_TW" } }; /* Convert script names (ISO 15924) to Unix conventions. See http://www.unicode.org/iso15924/iso15924-codes.html */ typedef struct { const char script[4+1]; const char unixy[9+1]; } script_entry; static const script_entry script_table[] = { { "Arab", "arabic" }, { "Cyrl", "cyrillic" }, { "Mong", "mongolian" } }; /* Step 1: Convert using legacy_table. */ if (name[0] >= 'A' && name[0] <= 'Z') { unsigned int i1, i2; i1 = 0; i2 = sizeof (legacy_table) / sizeof (legacy_entry); while (i2 - i1 > 1) { /* At this point we know that if name occurs in legacy_table, its index must be >= i1 and < i2. */ unsigned int i = (i1 + i2) >> 1; const legacy_entry *p = &legacy_table[i]; if (strcmp (name, p->legacy) < 0) i2 = i; else i1 = i; } if (strcmp (name, legacy_table[i1].legacy) == 0) { strcpy (name, legacy_table[i1].unixy); return; } } /* Step 2: Convert using langtag_table and script_table. */ if (strlen (name) == 7 && name[2] == '-') { unsigned int i1, i2; i1 = 0; i2 = sizeof (langtag_table) / sizeof (langtag_entry); while (i2 - i1 > 1) { /* At this point we know that if name occurs in langtag_table, its index must be >= i1 and < i2. */ unsigned int i = (i1 + i2) >> 1; const langtag_entry *p = &langtag_table[i]; if (strcmp (name, p->langtag) < 0) i2 = i; else i1 = i; } if (strcmp (name, langtag_table[i1].langtag) == 0) { strcpy (name, langtag_table[i1].unixy); return; } i1 = 0; i2 = sizeof (script_table) / sizeof (script_entry); while (i2 - i1 > 1) { /* At this point we know that if (name + 3) occurs in script_table, its index must be >= i1 and < i2. */ unsigned int i = (i1 + i2) >> 1; const script_entry *p = &script_table[i]; if (strcmp (name + 3, p->script) < 0) i2 = i; else i1 = i; } if (strcmp (name + 3, script_table[i1].script) == 0) { name[2] = '@'; strcpy (name + 3, script_table[i1].unixy); return; } } /* Step 3: Convert new-style dash to Unix underscore. */ { char *p; for (p = name; *p != '\0'; p++) if (*p == '-') *p = '_'; } } #endif #if defined WINDOWS_NATIVE || defined __CYGWIN__ /* Native Windows or Cygwin */ /* Canonicalize a Windows native locale name to a Unix locale name. NAME is a sufficiently large buffer. On input, it contains the Windows locale name. On output, it contains the Unix locale name. */ # if !defined IN_LIBINTL static # endif void gl_locale_name_canonicalize (char *name) { /* FIXME: This is probably incomplete: it does not handle "zh-Hans" and "zh-Hant". */ char *p; for (p = name; *p != '\0'; p++) if (*p == '-') { *p = '_'; p++; for (; *p != '\0'; p++) { if (*p >= 'a' && *p <= 'z') *p += 'A' - 'a'; if (*p == '-') { *p = '\0'; return; } } return; } } # if !defined IN_LIBINTL static # endif const char * gl_locale_name_from_win32_LANGID (LANGID langid) { /* Activate the new code only when the GETTEXT_MUI environment variable is set, for the time being, since the new code is not well tested. */ if (getenv ("GETTEXT_MUI") != NULL) { static char namebuf[256]; /* Query the system's notion of locale name. On Windows95/98/ME, GetLocaleInfoA returns some incorrect results. But we don't need to support systems that are so old. */ if (GetLocaleInfoA (MAKELCID (langid, SORT_DEFAULT), LOCALE_SNAME, namebuf, sizeof (namebuf) - 1)) { /* Convert it to a Unix locale name. */ gl_locale_name_canonicalize (namebuf); return namebuf; } } /* Internet Explorer has an LCID to RFC3066 name mapping stored in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Mime\Database\Rfc1766. But we better don't use that since IE's i18n subsystem is known to be inconsistent with the native Windows base (e.g. they have different character conversion facilities that produce different results). */ /* Use our own table. */ { int primary, sub; /* Split into language and territory part. */ primary = PRIMARYLANGID (langid); sub = SUBLANGID (langid); /* Dispatch on language. See also http://www.unicode.org/unicode/onlinedat/languages.html . For details about languages, see http://www.ethnologue.com/ . */ switch (primary) { case LANG_AFRIKAANS: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_AFRIKAANS_SOUTH_AFRICA: return "af_ZA"; } return "af"; case LANG_ALBANIAN: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_ALBANIAN_ALBANIA: return "sq_AL"; } return "sq"; case LANG_ALSATIAN: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_ALSATIAN_FRANCE: return "gsw_FR"; } return "gsw"; case LANG_AMHARIC: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_AMHARIC_ETHIOPIA: return "am_ET"; } return "am"; case LANG_ARABIC: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_ARABIC_SAUDI_ARABIA: return "ar_SA"; case SUBLANG_ARABIC_IRAQ: return "ar_IQ"; case SUBLANG_ARABIC_EGYPT: return "ar_EG"; case SUBLANG_ARABIC_LIBYA: return "ar_LY"; case SUBLANG_ARABIC_ALGERIA: return "ar_DZ"; case SUBLANG_ARABIC_MOROCCO: return "ar_MA"; case SUBLANG_ARABIC_TUNISIA: return "ar_TN"; case SUBLANG_ARABIC_OMAN: return "ar_OM"; case SUBLANG_ARABIC_YEMEN: return "ar_YE"; case SUBLANG_ARABIC_SYRIA: return "ar_SY"; case SUBLANG_ARABIC_JORDAN: return "ar_JO"; case SUBLANG_ARABIC_LEBANON: return "ar_LB"; case SUBLANG_ARABIC_KUWAIT: return "ar_KW"; case SUBLANG_ARABIC_UAE: return "ar_AE"; case SUBLANG_ARABIC_BAHRAIN: return "ar_BH"; case SUBLANG_ARABIC_QATAR: return "ar_QA"; } return "ar"; case LANG_ARMENIAN: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_ARMENIAN_ARMENIA: return "hy_AM"; } return "hy"; case LANG_ASSAMESE: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_ASSAMESE_INDIA: return "as_IN"; } return "as"; case LANG_AZERI: switch (sub) { /* FIXME: Adjust this when Azerbaijani locales appear on Unix. */ case 0x1e: return "az@latin"; case SUBLANG_AZERI_LATIN: return "az_AZ@latin"; case 0x1d: return "az@cyrillic"; case SUBLANG_AZERI_CYRILLIC: return "az_AZ@cyrillic"; } return "az"; case LANG_BASHKIR: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_BASHKIR_RUSSIA: return "ba_RU"; } return "ba"; case LANG_BASQUE: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_BASQUE_BASQUE: return "eu_ES"; } return "eu"; /* Ambiguous: could be "eu_ES" or "eu_FR". */ case LANG_BELARUSIAN: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_BELARUSIAN_BELARUS: return "be_BY"; } return "be"; case LANG_BENGALI: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_BENGALI_INDIA: return "bn_IN"; case SUBLANG_BENGALI_BANGLADESH: return "bn_BD"; } return "bn"; case LANG_BRETON: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_BRETON_FRANCE: return "br_FR"; } return "br"; case LANG_BULGARIAN: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_BULGARIAN_BULGARIA: return "bg_BG"; } return "bg"; case LANG_BURMESE: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_DEFAULT: return "my_MM"; } return "my"; case LANG_CAMBODIAN: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_CAMBODIAN_CAMBODIA: return "km_KH"; } return "km"; case LANG_CATALAN: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_CATALAN_SPAIN: return "ca_ES"; } return "ca"; case LANG_CHEROKEE: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_DEFAULT: return "chr_US"; } return "chr"; case LANG_CHINESE: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_CHINESE_TRADITIONAL: case 0x1f: return "zh_TW"; case SUBLANG_CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED: case 0x00: return "zh_CN"; case SUBLANG_CHINESE_HONGKONG: return "zh_HK"; /* traditional */ case SUBLANG_CHINESE_SINGAPORE: return "zh_SG"; /* simplified */ case SUBLANG_CHINESE_MACAU: return "zh_MO"; /* traditional */ } return "zh"; case LANG_CORSICAN: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_CORSICAN_FRANCE: return "co_FR"; } return "co"; case LANG_CROATIAN: /* LANG_CROATIAN == LANG_SERBIAN == LANG_BOSNIAN * What used to be called Serbo-Croatian * should really now be two separate * languages because of political reasons. * (Says tml, who knows nothing about Serbian * or Croatian.) * (I can feel those flames coming already.) */ switch (sub) { /* Croatian */ case 0x00: return "hr"; case SUBLANG_CROATIAN_CROATIA: return "hr_HR"; case SUBLANG_CROATIAN_BOSNIA_HERZEGOVINA_LATIN: return "hr_BA"; /* Serbian */ case 0x1f: return "sr"; case 0x1c: return "sr"; /* latin */ case SUBLANG_SERBIAN_LATIN: return "sr_CS"; /* latin */ case 0x09: return "sr_RS"; /* latin */ case 0x0b: return "sr_ME"; /* latin */ case 0x06: return "sr_BA"; /* latin */ case 0x1b: return "sr@cyrillic"; case SUBLANG_SERBIAN_CYRILLIC: return "sr_CS@cyrillic"; case 0x0a: return "sr_RS@cyrillic"; case 0x0c: return "sr_ME@cyrillic"; case 0x07: return "sr_BA@cyrillic"; /* Bosnian */ case 0x1e: return "bs"; case 0x1a: return "bs"; /* latin */ case SUBLANG_BOSNIAN_BOSNIA_HERZEGOVINA_LATIN: return "bs_BA"; /* latin */ case 0x19: return "bs@cyrillic"; case SUBLANG_BOSNIAN_BOSNIA_HERZEGOVINA_CYRILLIC: return "bs_BA@cyrillic"; } return "hr"; case LANG_CZECH: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_CZECH_CZECH_REPUBLIC: return "cs_CZ"; } return "cs"; case LANG_DANISH: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_DANISH_DENMARK: return "da_DK"; } return "da"; case LANG_DARI: /* FIXME: Adjust this when such locales appear on Unix. */ switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_DARI_AFGHANISTAN: return "prs_AF"; } return "prs"; case LANG_DIVEHI: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_DIVEHI_MALDIVES: return "dv_MV"; } return "dv"; case LANG_DUTCH: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_DUTCH: return "nl_NL"; case SUBLANG_DUTCH_BELGIAN: /* FLEMISH, VLAAMS */ return "nl_BE"; case SUBLANG_DUTCH_SURINAM: return "nl_SR"; } return "nl"; case LANG_EDO: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_DEFAULT: return "bin_NG"; } return "bin"; case LANG_ENGLISH: switch (sub) { /* SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US == SUBLANG_DEFAULT. Heh. I thought * English was the language spoken in England. * Oh well. */ case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US: return "en_US"; case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_UK: return "en_GB"; case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_AUS: return "en_AU"; case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_CAN: return "en_CA"; case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_NZ: return "en_NZ"; case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_EIRE: return "en_IE"; case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_SOUTH_AFRICA: return "en_ZA"; case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_JAMAICA: return "en_JM"; case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_CARIBBEAN: return "en_GD"; /* Grenada? */ case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_BELIZE: return "en_BZ"; case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_TRINIDAD: return "en_TT"; case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_ZIMBABWE: return "en_ZW"; case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_PHILIPPINES: return "en_PH"; case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_INDONESIA: return "en_ID"; case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_HONGKONG: return "en_HK"; case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_INDIA: return "en_IN"; case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_MALAYSIA: return "en_MY"; case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_SINGAPORE: return "en_SG"; } return "en"; case LANG_ESTONIAN: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_ESTONIAN_ESTONIA: return "et_EE"; } return "et"; case LANG_FAEROESE: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_FAEROESE_FAROE_ISLANDS: return "fo_FO"; } return "fo"; case LANG_FARSI: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_FARSI_IRAN: return "fa_IR"; } return "fa"; case LANG_FINNISH: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_FINNISH_FINLAND: return "fi_FI"; } return "fi"; case LANG_FRENCH: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_FRENCH: return "fr_FR"; case SUBLANG_FRENCH_BELGIAN: /* WALLOON */ return "fr_BE"; case SUBLANG_FRENCH_CANADIAN: return "fr_CA"; case SUBLANG_FRENCH_SWISS: return "fr_CH"; case SUBLANG_FRENCH_LUXEMBOURG: return "fr_LU"; case SUBLANG_FRENCH_MONACO: return "fr_MC"; case SUBLANG_FRENCH_WESTINDIES: return "fr"; /* Caribbean? */ case SUBLANG_FRENCH_REUNION: return "fr_RE"; case SUBLANG_FRENCH_CONGO: return "fr_CG"; case SUBLANG_FRENCH_SENEGAL: return "fr_SN"; case SUBLANG_FRENCH_CAMEROON: return "fr_CM"; case SUBLANG_FRENCH_COTEDIVOIRE: return "fr_CI"; case SUBLANG_FRENCH_MALI: return "fr_ML"; case SUBLANG_FRENCH_MOROCCO: return "fr_MA"; case SUBLANG_FRENCH_HAITI: return "fr_HT"; } return "fr"; case LANG_FRISIAN: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_FRISIAN_NETHERLANDS: return "fy_NL"; } return "fy"; case LANG_FULFULDE: /* Spoken in Nigeria, Guinea, Senegal, Mali, Niger, Cameroon, Benin. */ switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_DEFAULT: return "ff_NG"; } return "ff"; case LANG_GAELIC: switch (sub) { case 0x01: /* SCOTTISH */ /* old, superseded by LANG_SCOTTISH_GAELIC */ return "gd_GB"; case SUBLANG_IRISH_IRELAND: return "ga_IE"; } return "ga"; case LANG_GALICIAN: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_GALICIAN_SPAIN: return "gl_ES"; } return "gl"; case LANG_GEORGIAN: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_GEORGIAN_GEORGIA: return "ka_GE"; } return "ka"; case LANG_GERMAN: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_GERMAN: return "de_DE"; case SUBLANG_GERMAN_SWISS: return "de_CH"; case SUBLANG_GERMAN_AUSTRIAN: return "de_AT"; case SUBLANG_GERMAN_LUXEMBOURG: return "de_LU"; case SUBLANG_GERMAN_LIECHTENSTEIN: return "de_LI"; } return "de"; case LANG_GREEK: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_GREEK_GREECE: return "el_GR"; } return "el"; case LANG_GREENLANDIC: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_GREENLANDIC_GREENLAND: return "kl_GL"; } return "kl"; case LANG_GUARANI: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_DEFAULT: return "gn_PY"; } return "gn"; case LANG_GUJARATI: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_GUJARATI_INDIA: return "gu_IN"; } return "gu"; case LANG_HAUSA: switch (sub) { case 0x1f: return "ha"; case SUBLANG_HAUSA_NIGERIA_LATIN: return "ha_NG"; } return "ha"; case LANG_HAWAIIAN: /* FIXME: Do they mean Hawaiian ("haw_US", 1000 speakers) or Hawaii Creole English ("cpe_US", 600000 speakers)? */ switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_DEFAULT: return "cpe_US"; } return "cpe"; case LANG_HEBREW: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_HEBREW_ISRAEL: return "he_IL"; } return "he"; case LANG_HINDI: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_HINDI_INDIA: return "hi_IN"; } return "hi"; case LANG_HUNGARIAN: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_HUNGARIAN_HUNGARY: return "hu_HU"; } return "hu"; case LANG_IBIBIO: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_DEFAULT: return "nic_NG"; } return "nic"; case LANG_ICELANDIC: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_ICELANDIC_ICELAND: return "is_IS"; } return "is"; case LANG_IGBO: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_IGBO_NIGERIA: return "ig_NG"; } return "ig"; case LANG_INDONESIAN: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_INDONESIAN_INDONESIA: return "id_ID"; } return "id"; case LANG_INUKTITUT: switch (sub) { case 0x1e: return "iu"; /* syllabic */ case SUBLANG_INUKTITUT_CANADA: return "iu_CA"; /* syllabic */ case 0x1f: return "iu@latin"; case SUBLANG_INUKTITUT_CANADA_LATIN: return "iu_CA@latin"; } return "iu"; case LANG_ITALIAN: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_ITALIAN: return "it_IT"; case SUBLANG_ITALIAN_SWISS: return "it_CH"; } return "it"; case LANG_JAPANESE: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_JAPANESE_JAPAN: return "ja_JP"; } return "ja"; case LANG_KANNADA: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_KANNADA_INDIA: return "kn_IN"; } return "kn"; case LANG_KANURI: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_DEFAULT: return "kr_NG"; } return "kr"; case LANG_KASHMIRI: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_DEFAULT: return "ks_PK"; case SUBLANG_KASHMIRI_INDIA: return "ks_IN"; } return "ks"; case LANG_KAZAK: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_KAZAK_KAZAKHSTAN: return "kk_KZ"; } return "kk"; case LANG_KICHE: /* FIXME: Adjust this when such locales appear on Unix. */ switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_KICHE_GUATEMALA: return "qut_GT"; } return "qut"; case LANG_KINYARWANDA: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_KINYARWANDA_RWANDA: return "rw_RW"; } return "rw"; case LANG_KONKANI: /* FIXME: Adjust this when such locales appear on Unix. */ switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_KONKANI_INDIA: return "kok_IN"; } return "kok"; case LANG_KOREAN: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_DEFAULT: return "ko_KR"; } return "ko"; case LANG_KYRGYZ: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_KYRGYZ_KYRGYZSTAN: return "ky_KG"; } return "ky"; case LANG_LAO: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_LAO_LAOS: return "lo_LA"; } return "lo"; case LANG_LATIN: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_DEFAULT: return "la_VA"; } return "la"; case LANG_LATVIAN: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_LATVIAN_LATVIA: return "lv_LV"; } return "lv"; case LANG_LITHUANIAN: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_LITHUANIAN_LITHUANIA: return "lt_LT"; } return "lt"; case LANG_LUXEMBOURGISH: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_LUXEMBOURGISH_LUXEMBOURG: return "lb_LU"; } return "lb"; case LANG_MACEDONIAN: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_MACEDONIAN_MACEDONIA: return "mk_MK"; } return "mk"; case LANG_MALAY: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_MALAY_MALAYSIA: return "ms_MY"; case SUBLANG_MALAY_BRUNEI_DARUSSALAM: return "ms_BN"; } return "ms"; case LANG_MALAYALAM: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_MALAYALAM_INDIA: return "ml_IN"; } return "ml"; case LANG_MALTESE: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_MALTESE_MALTA: return "mt_MT"; } return "mt"; case LANG_MANIPURI: /* FIXME: Adjust this when such locales appear on Unix. */ switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_DEFAULT: return "mni_IN"; } return "mni"; case LANG_MAORI: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_MAORI_NEW_ZEALAND: return "mi_NZ"; } return "mi"; case LANG_MAPUDUNGUN: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_MAPUDUNGUN_CHILE: return "arn_CL"; } return "arn"; case LANG_MARATHI: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_MARATHI_INDIA: return "mr_IN"; } return "mr"; case LANG_MOHAWK: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_MOHAWK_CANADA: return "moh_CA"; } return "moh"; case LANG_MONGOLIAN: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_MONGOLIAN_CYRILLIC_MONGOLIA: case 0x1e: return "mn_MN"; case SUBLANG_MONGOLIAN_PRC: case 0x1f: return "mn_CN"; } return "mn"; /* Ambiguous: could be "mn_CN" or "mn_MN". */ case LANG_NEPALI: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_NEPALI_NEPAL: return "ne_NP"; case SUBLANG_NEPALI_INDIA: return "ne_IN"; } return "ne"; case LANG_NORWEGIAN: switch (sub) { case 0x1f: return "nb"; case SUBLANG_NORWEGIAN_BOKMAL: return "nb_NO"; case 0x1e: return "nn"; case SUBLANG_NORWEGIAN_NYNORSK: return "nn_NO"; } return "no"; case LANG_OCCITAN: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_OCCITAN_FRANCE: return "oc_FR"; } return "oc"; case LANG_ORIYA: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_ORIYA_INDIA: return "or_IN"; } return "or"; case LANG_OROMO: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_DEFAULT: return "om_ET"; } return "om"; case LANG_PAPIAMENTU: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_DEFAULT: return "pap_AN"; } return "pap"; case LANG_PASHTO: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_PASHTO_AFGHANISTAN: return "ps_AF"; } return "ps"; /* Ambiguous: could be "ps_PK" or "ps_AF". */ case LANG_POLISH: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_POLISH_POLAND: return "pl_PL"; } return "pl"; case LANG_PORTUGUESE: switch (sub) { /* Hmm. SUBLANG_PORTUGUESE_BRAZILIAN == SUBLANG_DEFAULT. Same phenomenon as SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US == SUBLANG_DEFAULT. */ case SUBLANG_PORTUGUESE_BRAZILIAN: return "pt_BR"; case SUBLANG_PORTUGUESE: return "pt_PT"; } return "pt"; case LANG_PUNJABI: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_PUNJABI_INDIA: return "pa_IN"; /* Gurmukhi script */ case SUBLANG_PUNJABI_PAKISTAN: return "pa_PK"; /* Arabic script */ } return "pa"; case LANG_QUECHUA: /* Note: Microsoft uses the non-ISO language code "quz". */ switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_QUECHUA_BOLIVIA: return "qu_BO"; case SUBLANG_QUECHUA_ECUADOR: return "qu_EC"; case SUBLANG_QUECHUA_PERU: return "qu_PE"; } return "qu"; case LANG_ROMANIAN: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_ROMANIAN_ROMANIA: return "ro_RO"; case SUBLANG_ROMANIAN_MOLDOVA: return "ro_MD"; } return "ro"; case LANG_ROMANSH: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_ROMANSH_SWITZERLAND: return "rm_CH"; } return "rm"; case LANG_RUSSIAN: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_RUSSIAN_RUSSIA: return "ru_RU"; case SUBLANG_RUSSIAN_MOLDAVIA: return "ru_MD"; } return "ru"; /* Ambiguous: could be "ru_RU" or "ru_UA" or "ru_MD". */ case LANG_SAMI: switch (sub) { /* Northern Sami */ case 0x00: return "se"; case SUBLANG_SAMI_NORTHERN_NORWAY: return "se_NO"; case SUBLANG_SAMI_NORTHERN_SWEDEN: return "se_SE"; case SUBLANG_SAMI_NORTHERN_FINLAND: return "se_FI"; /* Lule Sami */ case 0x1f: return "smj"; case SUBLANG_SAMI_LULE_NORWAY: return "smj_NO"; case SUBLANG_SAMI_LULE_SWEDEN: return "smj_SE"; /* Southern Sami */ case 0x1e: return "sma"; case SUBLANG_SAMI_SOUTHERN_NORWAY: return "sma_NO"; case SUBLANG_SAMI_SOUTHERN_SWEDEN: return "sma_SE"; /* Skolt Sami */ case 0x1d: return "sms"; case SUBLANG_SAMI_SKOLT_FINLAND: return "sms_FI"; /* Inari Sami */ case 0x1c: return "smn"; case SUBLANG_SAMI_INARI_FINLAND: return "smn_FI"; } return "se"; /* or "smi"? */ case LANG_SANSKRIT: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_SANSKRIT_INDIA: return "sa_IN"; } return "sa"; case LANG_SCOTTISH_GAELIC: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_DEFAULT: return "gd_GB"; } return "gd"; case LANG_SINDHI: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_SINDHI_INDIA: return "sd_IN"; case SUBLANG_SINDHI_PAKISTAN: return "sd_PK"; /*case SUBLANG_SINDHI_AFGHANISTAN: return "sd_AF";*/ } return "sd"; case LANG_SINHALESE: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_SINHALESE_SRI_LANKA: return "si_LK"; } return "si"; case LANG_SLOVAK: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_SLOVAK_SLOVAKIA: return "sk_SK"; } return "sk"; case LANG_SLOVENIAN: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_SLOVENIAN_SLOVENIA: return "sl_SI"; } return "sl"; case LANG_SOMALI: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_DEFAULT: return "so_SO"; } return "so"; case LANG_SORBIAN: /* FIXME: Adjust this when such locales appear on Unix. */ switch (sub) { /* Upper Sorbian */ case 0x00: return "hsb"; case SUBLANG_UPPER_SORBIAN_GERMANY: return "hsb_DE"; /* Lower Sorbian */ case 0x1f: return "dsb"; case SUBLANG_LOWER_SORBIAN_GERMANY: return "dsb_DE"; } return "wen"; case LANG_SOTHO: /* calls it "Sepedi"; according to it's the same as Northern Sotho. */ switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_SOTHO_SOUTH_AFRICA: return "nso_ZA"; } return "nso"; case LANG_SPANISH: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_SPANISH: return "es_ES"; case SUBLANG_SPANISH_MEXICAN: return "es_MX"; case SUBLANG_SPANISH_MODERN: return "es_ES@modern"; /* not seen on Unix */ case SUBLANG_SPANISH_GUATEMALA: return "es_GT"; case SUBLANG_SPANISH_COSTA_RICA: return "es_CR"; case SUBLANG_SPANISH_PANAMA: return "es_PA"; case SUBLANG_SPANISH_DOMINICAN_REPUBLIC: return "es_DO"; case SUBLANG_SPANISH_VENEZUELA: return "es_VE"; case SUBLANG_SPANISH_COLOMBIA: return "es_CO"; case SUBLANG_SPANISH_PERU: return "es_PE"; case SUBLANG_SPANISH_ARGENTINA: return "es_AR"; case SUBLANG_SPANISH_ECUADOR: return "es_EC"; case SUBLANG_SPANISH_CHILE: return "es_CL"; case SUBLANG_SPANISH_URUGUAY: return "es_UY"; case SUBLANG_SPANISH_PARAGUAY: return "es_PY"; case SUBLANG_SPANISH_BOLIVIA: return "es_BO"; case SUBLANG_SPANISH_EL_SALVADOR: return "es_SV"; case SUBLANG_SPANISH_HONDURAS: return "es_HN"; case SUBLANG_SPANISH_NICARAGUA: return "es_NI"; case SUBLANG_SPANISH_PUERTO_RICO: return "es_PR"; case SUBLANG_SPANISH_US: return "es_US"; } return "es"; case LANG_SUTU: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_DEFAULT: return "bnt_TZ"; /* or "st_LS" or "nso_ZA"? */ } return "bnt"; case LANG_SWAHILI: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_SWAHILI_KENYA: return "sw_KE"; } return "sw"; case LANG_SWEDISH: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_SWEDISH_SWEDEN: return "sv_SE"; case SUBLANG_SWEDISH_FINLAND: return "sv_FI"; } return "sv"; case LANG_SYRIAC: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_SYRIAC_SYRIA: return "syr_SY"; /* An extinct language. */ } return "syr"; case LANG_TAGALOG: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_TAGALOG_PHILIPPINES: return "tl_PH"; /* or "fil_PH"? */ } return "tl"; /* or "fil"? */ case LANG_TAJIK: switch (sub) { case 0x1f: return "tg"; case SUBLANG_TAJIK_TAJIKISTAN: return "tg_TJ"; } return "tg"; case LANG_TAMAZIGHT: /* Note: Microsoft uses the non-ISO language code "tmz". */ switch (sub) { /* FIXME: Adjust this when Tamazight locales appear on Unix. */ case SUBLANG_TAMAZIGHT_ARABIC: return "ber_MA@arabic"; case 0x1f: return "ber@latin"; case SUBLANG_TAMAZIGHT_ALGERIA_LATIN: return "ber_DZ@latin"; } return "ber"; case LANG_TAMIL: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_TAMIL_INDIA: return "ta_IN"; } return "ta"; /* Ambiguous: could be "ta_IN" or "ta_LK" or "ta_SG". */ case LANG_TATAR: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_TATAR_RUSSIA: return "tt_RU"; } return "tt"; case LANG_TELUGU: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_TELUGU_INDIA: return "te_IN"; } return "te"; case LANG_THAI: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_THAI_THAILAND: return "th_TH"; } return "th"; case LANG_TIBETAN: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_TIBETAN_PRC: /* Most Tibetans would not like "bo_CN". But Tibet does not yet have a country code of its own. */ return "bo"; case SUBLANG_TIBETAN_BHUTAN: return "bo_BT"; } return "bo"; case LANG_TIGRINYA: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_TIGRINYA_ETHIOPIA: return "ti_ET"; case SUBLANG_TIGRINYA_ERITREA: return "ti_ER"; } return "ti"; case LANG_TSONGA: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_DEFAULT: return "ts_ZA"; } return "ts"; case LANG_TSWANA: /* Spoken in South Africa, Botswana. */ switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_TSWANA_SOUTH_AFRICA: return "tn_ZA"; } return "tn"; case LANG_TURKISH: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_TURKISH_TURKEY: return "tr_TR"; } return "tr"; case LANG_TURKMEN: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_TURKMEN_TURKMENISTAN: return "tk_TM"; } return "tk"; case LANG_UIGHUR: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_UIGHUR_PRC: return "ug_CN"; } return "ug"; case LANG_UKRAINIAN: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_UKRAINIAN_UKRAINE: return "uk_UA"; } return "uk"; case LANG_URDU: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_URDU_PAKISTAN: return "ur_PK"; case SUBLANG_URDU_INDIA: return "ur_IN"; } return "ur"; case LANG_UZBEK: switch (sub) { case 0x1f: return "uz"; case SUBLANG_UZBEK_LATIN: return "uz_UZ"; case 0x1e: return "uz@cyrillic"; case SUBLANG_UZBEK_CYRILLIC: return "uz_UZ@cyrillic"; } return "uz"; case LANG_VENDA: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_DEFAULT: return "ve_ZA"; } return "ve"; case LANG_VIETNAMESE: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_VIETNAMESE_VIETNAM: return "vi_VN"; } return "vi"; case LANG_WELSH: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_WELSH_UNITED_KINGDOM: return "cy_GB"; } return "cy"; case LANG_WOLOF: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_WOLOF_SENEGAL: return "wo_SN"; } return "wo"; case LANG_XHOSA: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_XHOSA_SOUTH_AFRICA: return "xh_ZA"; } return "xh"; case LANG_YAKUT: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_YAKUT_RUSSIA: return "sah_RU"; } return "sah"; case LANG_YI: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_YI_PRC: return "ii_CN"; } return "ii"; case LANG_YIDDISH: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_DEFAULT: return "yi_IL"; } return "yi"; case LANG_YORUBA: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_YORUBA_NIGERIA: return "yo_NG"; } return "yo"; case LANG_ZULU: switch (sub) { case SUBLANG_ZULU_SOUTH_AFRICA: return "zu_ZA"; } return "zu"; default: return "C"; } } } # if !defined IN_LIBINTL static # endif const char * gl_locale_name_from_win32_LCID (LCID lcid) { LANGID langid; /* Strip off the sorting rules, keep only the language part. */ langid = LANGIDFROMLCID (lcid); return gl_locale_name_from_win32_LANGID (langid); } # ifdef WINDOWS_NATIVE /* Two variables to interface between get_lcid and the EnumLocales callback function below. */ static LCID found_lcid; static char lname[LC_MAX * (LOCALE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH + 1) + 1]; /* Callback function for EnumLocales. */ static BOOL CALLBACK enum_locales_fn (LPTSTR locale_num_str) { char *endp; char locval[2 * LOCALE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH + 1 + 1]; LCID try_lcid = strtoul (locale_num_str, &endp, 16); if (GetLocaleInfo (try_lcid, LOCALE_SENGLANGUAGE, locval, LOCALE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH)) { strcat (locval, "_"); if (GetLocaleInfo (try_lcid, LOCALE_SENGCOUNTRY, locval + strlen (locval), LOCALE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH)) { size_t locval_len = strlen (locval); if (strncmp (locval, lname, locval_len) == 0 && (lname[locval_len] == '.' || lname[locval_len] == '\0')) { found_lcid = try_lcid; return FALSE; } } } return TRUE; } /* This lock protects the get_lcid against multiple simultaneous calls. */ gl_lock_define_initialized(static, get_lcid_lock) /* Return the Locale ID (LCID) number given the locale's name, a string, in LOCALE_NAME. This works by enumerating all the locales supported by the system, until we find one whose name matches LOCALE_NAME. */ static LCID get_lcid (const char *locale_name) { /* A simple cache. */ static LCID last_lcid; static char last_locale[1000]; /* Lock while looking for an LCID, to protect access to static variables: last_lcid, last_locale, found_lcid, and lname. */ gl_lock_lock (get_lcid_lock); if (last_lcid > 0 && strcmp (locale_name, last_locale) == 0) { gl_lock_unlock (get_lcid_lock); return last_lcid; } strncpy (lname, locale_name, sizeof (lname) - 1); lname[sizeof (lname) - 1] = '\0'; found_lcid = 0; EnumSystemLocales (enum_locales_fn, LCID_SUPPORTED); if (found_lcid > 0) { last_lcid = found_lcid; strcpy (last_locale, locale_name); } gl_lock_unlock (get_lcid_lock); return found_lcid; } # endif #endif #if HAVE_USELOCALE /* glibc, Solaris >= 12 or Mac OS X */ /* Simple hash set of strings. We don't want to drag in lots of hash table code here. */ # define SIZE_BITS (sizeof (size_t) * CHAR_BIT) /* A hash function for NUL-terminated char* strings using the method described by Bruno Haible. See http://www.haible.de/bruno/hashfunc.html. */ static size_t _GL_ATTRIBUTE_PURE string_hash (const void *x) { const char *s = (const char *) x; size_t h = 0; for (; *s; s++) h = *s + ((h << 9) | (h >> (SIZE_BITS - 9))); return h; } /* A hash table of fixed size. Multiple threads can access it read-only simultaneously, but only one thread can insert into it at the same time. */ /* A node in a hash bucket collision list. */ struct hash_node { struct hash_node * volatile next; char contents[100]; /* has variable size */ }; # define HASH_TABLE_SIZE 257 static struct hash_node * volatile struniq_hash_table[HASH_TABLE_SIZE] /* = { NULL, ..., NULL } */; /* This lock protects the struniq_hash_table against multiple simultaneous insertions. */ gl_lock_define_initialized(static, struniq_lock) /* Store a copy of the given string in a string pool with indefinite extent. Return a pointer to this copy. */ static const char * struniq (const char *string) { size_t hashcode = string_hash (string); size_t slot = hashcode % HASH_TABLE_SIZE; size_t size; struct hash_node *new_node; struct hash_node *p; for (p = struniq_hash_table[slot]; p != NULL; p = p->next) if (strcmp (p->contents, string) == 0) return p->contents; size = strlen (string) + 1; new_node = (struct hash_node *) malloc (offsetof (struct hash_node, contents[0]) + size); if (new_node == NULL) /* Out of memory. Return a statically allocated string. */ return "C"; memcpy (new_node->contents, string, size); /* Lock while inserting new_node. */ gl_lock_lock (struniq_lock); /* Check whether another thread already added the string while we were waiting on the lock. */ for (p = struniq_hash_table[slot]; p != NULL; p = p->next) if (strcmp (p->contents, string) == 0) { free (new_node); new_node = p; goto done; } /* Really insert new_node into the hash table. Fill new_node entirely first, because other threads may be iterating over the linked list. */ new_node->next = struniq_hash_table[slot]; struniq_hash_table[slot] = new_node; done: /* Unlock after new_node is inserted. */ gl_lock_unlock (struniq_lock); return new_node->contents; } #endif #if defined IN_LIBINTL || HAVE_USELOCALE /* Like gl_locale_name_thread, except that the result is not in storage of indefinite extent. */ # if !defined IN_LIBINTL static # endif const char * gl_locale_name_thread_unsafe (int category, const char *categoryname) { # if HAVE_USELOCALE { locale_t thread_locale = uselocale (NULL); if (thread_locale != LC_GLOBAL_LOCALE) { # if __GLIBC__ >= 2 && !defined __UCLIBC__ /* Work around an incorrect definition of the _NL_LOCALE_NAME macro in glibc < 2.12. See . */ const char *name = nl_langinfo (_NL_ITEM ((category), _NL_ITEM_INDEX (-1))); if (name[0] == '\0') /* Fallback code for glibc < 2.4, which did not implement nl_langinfo (_NL_LOCALE_NAME (category)). */ name = thread_locale->__names[category]; return name; # elif defined __FreeBSD__ || (defined __APPLE__ && defined __MACH__) /* FreeBSD, Mac OS X */ int mask; switch (category) { case LC_CTYPE: mask = LC_CTYPE_MASK; break; case LC_NUMERIC: mask = LC_NUMERIC_MASK; break; case LC_TIME: mask = LC_TIME_MASK; break; case LC_COLLATE: mask = LC_COLLATE_MASK; break; case LC_MONETARY: mask = LC_MONETARY_MASK; break; case LC_MESSAGES: mask = LC_MESSAGES_MASK; break; default: /* We shouldn't get here. */ return ""; } return querylocale (mask, thread_locale); # elif defined __sun && HAVE_GETLOCALENAME_L /* Solaris >= 12. */ return getlocalename_l (category, thread_locale); # elif defined __ANDROID__ return MB_CUR_MAX == 4 ? "C.UTF-8" : "C"; # endif } } # endif return NULL; } #endif const char * gl_locale_name_thread (int category, const char *categoryname) { #if HAVE_USELOCALE const char *name = gl_locale_name_thread_unsafe (category, categoryname); if (name != NULL) return struniq (name); #elif defined WINDOWS_NATIVE if (LC_MIN <= category && category <= LC_MAX) { char *locname = setlocale (category, NULL); LCID lcid = 0; /* If CATEGORY is LC_ALL, the result might be a semi-colon separated list of locales. We need only one, so we take the one corresponding to LC_CTYPE, as the most important for character translations. */ if (strchr (locname, ';')) locname = setlocale (LC_CTYPE, NULL); /* Convert locale name to LCID. We don't want to use LocaleNameToLCID because (a) it is only available since Vista, and (b) it doesn't accept locale names returned by 'setlocale'. */ lcid = get_lcid (locname); if (lcid > 0) return gl_locale_name_from_win32_LCID (lcid); } #endif return NULL; } /* XPG3 defines the result of 'setlocale (category, NULL)' as: "Directs 'setlocale()' to query 'category' and return the current setting of 'local'." However it does not specify the exact format. Neither do SUSV2 and ISO C 99. So we can use this feature only on selected systems (e.g. those using GNU C Library). */ #if defined _LIBC || ((defined __GLIBC__ && __GLIBC__ >= 2) && !defined __UCLIBC__) # define HAVE_LOCALE_NULL #endif const char * gl_locale_name_posix (int category, const char *categoryname) { /* Use the POSIX methods of looking to 'LC_ALL', 'LC_xxx', and 'LANG'. On some systems this can be done by the 'setlocale' function itself. */ #if defined HAVE_SETLOCALE && defined HAVE_LC_MESSAGES && defined HAVE_LOCALE_NULL return setlocale (category, NULL); #else /* On other systems we ignore what setlocale reports and instead look at the environment variables directly. This is necessary 1. on systems which have a facility for customizing the default locale (Mac OS X, native Windows, Cygwin) and where the system's setlocale() function ignores this default locale (Mac OS X, Cygwin), in two cases: a. when the user missed to use the setlocale() override from libintl (for example by not including ), b. when setlocale supports only the "C" locale, such as on Cygwin 1.5.x. In this case even the override from libintl cannot help. 2. on all systems where setlocale supports only the "C" locale. */ /* Strictly speaking, it is a POSIX violation to look at the environment variables regardless whether setlocale has been called or not. POSIX says: "For C-language programs, the POSIX locale shall be the default locale when the setlocale() function is not called." But we assume that all programs that use internationalized APIs call setlocale (LC_ALL, ""). */ return gl_locale_name_environ (category, categoryname); #endif } const char * gl_locale_name_environ (int category, const char *categoryname) { const char *retval; /* Setting of LC_ALL overrides all other. */ retval = getenv ("LC_ALL"); if (retval != NULL && retval[0] != '\0') return retval; /* Next comes the name of the desired category. */ retval = getenv (categoryname); if (retval != NULL && retval[0] != '\0') return retval; /* Last possibility is the LANG environment variable. */ retval = getenv ("LANG"); if (retval != NULL && retval[0] != '\0') { #if HAVE_CFLOCALECOPYCURRENT || HAVE_CFPREFERENCESCOPYAPPVALUE /* Mac OS X 10.2 or newer. Ignore invalid LANG value set by the Terminal application. */ if (strcmp (retval, "UTF-8") != 0) #endif #if defined __CYGWIN__ /* Cygwin. Ignore dummy LANG value set by ~/.profile. */ if (strcmp (retval, "C.UTF-8") != 0) #endif return retval; } return NULL; } const char * gl_locale_name_default (void) { /* POSIX:2001 says: "All implementations shall define a locale as the default locale, to be invoked when no environment variables are set, or set to the empty string. This default locale can be the POSIX locale or any other implementation-defined locale. Some implementations may provide facilities for local installation administrators to set the default locale, customizing it for each location. POSIX:2001 does not require such a facility. The systems with such a facility are Mac OS X and Windows: They provide a GUI that allows the user to choose a locale. - On Mac OS X, by default, none of LC_* or LANG are set. Starting with Mac OS X 10.4 or 10.5, LANG is set for processes launched by the 'Terminal' application (but sometimes to an incorrect value "UTF-8"). When no environment variable is set, setlocale (LC_ALL, "") uses the "C" locale. - On native Windows, by default, none of LC_* or LANG are set. When no environment variable is set, setlocale (LC_ALL, "") uses the locale chosen by the user. - On Cygwin 1.5.x, by default, none of LC_* or LANG are set. When no environment variable is set, setlocale (LC_ALL, "") uses the "C" locale. - On Cygwin 1.7, by default, LANG is set to "C.UTF-8" when the default ~/.profile is executed. When no environment variable is set, setlocale (LC_ALL, "") uses the "C.UTF-8" locale, which operates in the same way as the "C" locale. */ #if !(HAVE_CFLOCALECOPYCURRENT || HAVE_CFPREFERENCESCOPYAPPVALUE || defined WINDOWS_NATIVE || defined __CYGWIN__) /* The system does not have a way of setting the locale, other than the POSIX specified environment variables. We use C as default locale. */ return "C"; #else /* Return an XPG style locale name language[_territory][@modifier]. Don't even bother determining the codeset; it's not useful in this context, because message catalogs are not specific to a single codeset. */ # if HAVE_CFLOCALECOPYCURRENT || HAVE_CFPREFERENCESCOPYAPPVALUE /* Mac OS X 10.2 or newer */ { /* Cache the locale name, since CoreFoundation calls are expensive. */ static const char *cached_localename; if (cached_localename == NULL) { char namebuf[256]; # if HAVE_CFLOCALECOPYCURRENT /* Mac OS X 10.3 or newer */ CFLocaleRef locale = CFLocaleCopyCurrent (); CFStringRef name = CFLocaleGetIdentifier (locale); if (CFStringGetCString (name, namebuf, sizeof (namebuf), kCFStringEncodingASCII)) { gl_locale_name_canonicalize (namebuf); cached_localename = strdup (namebuf); } CFRelease (locale); # elif HAVE_CFPREFERENCESCOPYAPPVALUE /* Mac OS X 10.2 or newer */ CFTypeRef value = CFPreferencesCopyAppValue (CFSTR ("AppleLocale"), kCFPreferencesCurrentApplication); if (value != NULL && CFGetTypeID (value) == CFStringGetTypeID () && CFStringGetCString ((CFStringRef)value, namebuf, sizeof (namebuf), kCFStringEncodingASCII)) { gl_locale_name_canonicalize (namebuf); cached_localename = strdup (namebuf); } # endif if (cached_localename == NULL) cached_localename = "C"; } return cached_localename; } # endif # if defined WINDOWS_NATIVE || defined __CYGWIN__ /* Native Windows or Cygwin */ { LCID lcid; /* Use native Windows API locale ID. */ lcid = GetThreadLocale (); return gl_locale_name_from_win32_LCID (lcid); } # endif #endif } /* Determine the current locale's name, and canonicalize it into XPG syntax language[_territory][.codeset][@modifier] The codeset part in the result is not reliable; the locale_charset() should be used for codeset information instead. The result must not be freed; it is statically allocated. */ const char * gl_locale_name (int category, const char *categoryname) { const char *retval; retval = gl_locale_name_thread (category, categoryname); if (retval != NULL) return retval; retval = gl_locale_name_posix (category, categoryname); if (retval != NULL) return retval; return gl_locale_name_default (); } intl/COPYING.LIB000064400000063661147633151230007173 0ustar00 GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2.1, February 1999 Copyright (C) 1991, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc. 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. [This is the first released version of the Lesser GPL. It also counts as the successor of the GNU Library Public License, version 2, hence the version number 2.1.] Preamble The licenses for most software are designed to take away your freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This license, the Lesser General Public License, applies to some specially designated software packages--typically libraries--of the Free Software Foundation and other authors who decide to use it. You can use it too, but we suggest you first think carefully about whether this license or the ordinary General Public License is the better strategy to use in any particular case, based on the explanations below. When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom of use, not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for this service if you wish); that you receive source code or can get it if you want it; that you can change the software and use pieces of it in new free programs; and that you are informed that you can do these things. To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid distributors to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender these rights. These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you distribute copies of the library or if you modify it. For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that we gave you. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source code. If you link other code with the library, you must provide complete object files to the recipients, so that they can relink them with the library after making changes to the library and recompiling it. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights. We protect your rights with a two-step method: (1) we copyright the library, and (2) we offer you this license, which gives you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the library. To protect each distributor, we want to make it very clear that there is no warranty for the free library. Also, if the library is modified by someone else and passed on, the recipients should know that what they have is not the original version, so that the original author's reputation will not be affected by problems that might be introduced by others. ^L Finally, software patents pose a constant threat to the existence of any free program. We wish to make sure that a company cannot effectively restrict the users of a free program by obtaining a restrictive license from a patent holder. Therefore, we insist that any patent license obtained for a version of the library must be consistent with the full freedom of use specified in this license. Most GNU software, including some libraries, is covered by the ordinary GNU General Public License. This license, the GNU Lesser General Public License, applies to certain designated libraries, and is quite different from the ordinary General Public License. We use this license for certain libraries in order to permit linking those libraries into non-free programs. When a program is linked with a library, whether statically or using a shared library, the combination of the two is legally speaking a combined work, a derivative of the original library. The ordinary General Public License therefore permits such linking only if the entire combination fits its criteria of freedom. The Lesser General Public License permits more lax criteria for linking other code with the library. We call this license the "Lesser" General Public License because it does Less to protect the user's freedom than the ordinary General Public License. It also provides other free software developers Less of an advantage over competing non-free programs. These disadvantages are the reason we use the ordinary General Public License for many libraries. However, the Lesser license provides advantages in certain special circumstances. For example, on rare occasions, there may be a special need to encourage the widest possible use of a certain library, so that it becomes a de-facto standard. To achieve this, non-free programs must be allowed to use the library. A more frequent case is that a free library does the same job as widely used non-free libraries. In this case, there is little to gain by limiting the free library to free software only, so we use the Lesser General Public License. In other cases, permission to use a particular library in non-free programs enables a greater number of people to use a large body of free software. For example, permission to use the GNU C Library in non-free programs enables many more people to use the whole GNU operating system, as well as its variant, the GNU/Linux operating system. Although the Lesser General Public License is Less protective of the users' freedom, it does ensure that the user of a program that is linked with the Library has the freedom and the wherewithal to run that program using a modified version of the Library. The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and modification follow. Pay close attention to the difference between a "work based on the library" and a "work that uses the library". The former contains code derived from the library, whereas the latter must be combined with the library in order to run. ^L GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION 0. This License Agreement applies to any software library or other program which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder or other authorized party saying it may be distributed under the terms of this Lesser General Public License (also called "this License"). Each licensee is addressed as "you". A "library" means a collection of software functions and/or data prepared so as to be conveniently linked with application programs (which use some of those functions and data) to form executables. The "Library", below, refers to any such software library or work which has been distributed under these terms. A "work based on the Library" means either the Library or any derivative work under copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Library or a portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated straightforwardly into another language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in the term "modification".) "Source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for making modifications to it. For a library, complete source code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation and installation of the library. Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of running a program using the Library is not restricted, and output from such a program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the Library (independent of the use of the Library in a tool for writing it). Whether that is true depends on what the Library does and what the program that uses the Library does. 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Library's complete source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; and distribute a copy of this License along with the Library. You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Library or any portion of it, thus forming a work based on the Library, and copy and distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: a) The modified work must itself be a software library. b) You must cause the files modified to carry prominent notices stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. c) You must cause the whole of the work to be licensed at no charge to all third parties under the terms of this License. d) If a facility in the modified Library refers to a function or a table of data to be supplied by an application program that uses the facility, other than as an argument passed when the facility is invoked, then you must make a good faith effort to ensure that, in the event an application does not supply such function or table, the facility still operates, and performs whatever part of its purpose remains meaningful. (For example, a function in a library to compute square roots has a purpose that is entirely well-defined independent of the application. Therefore, Subsection 2d requires that any application-supplied function or table used by this function must be optional: if the application does not supply it, the square root function must still compute square roots.) These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Library, and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based on the Library, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or collective works based on the Library. In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Library with the Library (or with a work based on the Library) on a volume of a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under the scope of this License. 3. You may opt to apply the terms of the ordinary GNU General Public License instead of this License to a given copy of the Library. To do this, you must alter all the notices that refer to this License, so that they refer to the ordinary GNU General Public License, version 2, instead of to this License. (If a newer version than version 2 of the ordinary GNU General Public License has appeared, then you can specify that version instead if you wish.) Do not make any other change in these notices. ^L Once this change is made in a given copy, it is irreversible for that copy, so the ordinary GNU General Public License applies to all subsequent copies and derivative works made from that copy. This option is useful when you wish to copy part of the code of the Library into a program that is not a library. 4. You may copy and distribute the Library (or a portion or derivative of it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange. If distribution of object code is made by offering access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the source code from the same place satisfies the requirement to distribute the source code, even though third parties are not compelled to copy the source along with the object code. 5. A program that contains no derivative of any portion of the Library, but is designed to work with the Library by being compiled or linked with it, is called a "work that uses the Library". Such a work, in isolation, is not a derivative work of the Library, and therefore falls outside the scope of this License. However, linking a "work that uses the Library" with the Library creates an executable that is a derivative of the Library (because it contains portions of the Library), rather than a "work that uses the library". The executable is therefore covered by this License. Section 6 states terms for distribution of such executables. When a "work that uses the Library" uses material from a header file that is part of the Library, the object code for the work may be a derivative work of the Library even though the source code is not. Whether this is true is especially significant if the work can be linked without the Library, or if the work is itself a library. The threshold for this to be true is not precisely defined by law. If such an object file uses only numerical parameters, data structure layouts and accessors, and small macros and small inline functions (ten lines or less in length), then the use of the object file is unrestricted, regardless of whether it is legally a derivative work. (Executables containing this object code plus portions of the Library will still fall under Section 6.) Otherwise, if the work is a derivative of the Library, you may distribute the object code for the work under the terms of Section 6. Any executables containing that work also fall under Section 6, whether or not they are linked directly with the Library itself. ^L 6. As an exception to the Sections above, you may also combine or link a "work that uses the Library" with the Library to produce a work containing portions of the Library, and distribute that work under terms of your choice, provided that the terms permit modification of the work for the customer's own use and reverse engineering for debugging such modifications. You must give prominent notice with each copy of the work that the Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by this License. You must supply a copy of this License. If the work during execution displays copyright notices, you must include the copyright notice for the Library among them, as well as a reference directing the user to the copy of this License. Also, you must do one of these things: a) Accompany the work with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code for the Library including whatever changes were used in the work (which must be distributed under Sections 1 and 2 above); and, if the work is an executable linked with the Library, with the complete machine-readable "work that uses the Library", as object code and/or source code, so that the user can modify the Library and then relink to produce a modified executable containing the modified Library. (It is understood that the user who changes the contents of definitions files in the Library will not necessarily be able to recompile the application to use the modified definitions.) b) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (1) uses at run time a copy of the library already present on the user's computer system, rather than copying library functions into the executable, and (2) will operate properly with a modified version of the library, if the user installs one, as long as the modified version is interface-compatible with the version that the work was made with. c) Accompany the work with a written offer, valid for at least three years, to give the same user the materials specified in Subsection 6a, above, for a charge no more than the cost of performing this distribution. d) If distribution of the work is made by offering access to copy from a designated place, offer equivalent access to copy the above specified materials from the same place. e) Verify that the user has already received a copy of these materials or that you have already sent this user a copy. For an executable, the required form of the "work that uses the Library" must include any data and utility programs needed for reproducing the executable from it. However, as a special exception, the materials to be distributed need not include anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies the executable. It may happen that this requirement contradicts the license restrictions of other proprietary libraries that do not normally accompany the operating system. Such a contradiction means you cannot use both them and the Library together in an executable that you distribute. ^L 7. You may place library facilities that are a work based on the Library side-by-side in a single library together with other library facilities not covered by this License, and distribute such a combined library, provided that the separate distribution of the work based on the Library and of the other library facilities is otherwise permitted, and provided that you do these two things: a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work based on the Library, uncombined with any other library facilities. This must be distributed under the terms of the Sections above. b) Give prominent notice with the combined library of the fact that part of it is a work based on the Library, and explaining where to find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work. 8. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute the Library except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute the Library is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance. 9. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or distribute the Library or its derivative works. These actions are prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or distributing the Library (or any work based on the Library), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying the Library or works based on it. 10. Each time you redistribute the Library (or any work based on the Library), the recipient automatically receives a license from the original licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify the Library subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License. ^L 11. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may not distribute the Library at all. For example, if a patent license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Library by all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to refrain entirely from distribution of the Library. If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply, and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances. It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the integrity of the free software distribution system which is implemented by public license practices. Many people have made generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed through that system in reliance on consistent application of that system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot impose that choice. This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to be a consequence of the rest of this License. 12. If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restricted in certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the original copyright holder who places the Library under this License may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if written in the body of this License. 13. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of the Lesser General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Library specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions either of that version or of any later version published by the Free Software Foundation. If the Library does not specify a license version number, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software Foundation. ^L 14. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Library into other free programs whose distribution conditions are incompatible with these, write to the author to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. NO WARRANTY 15. BECAUSE THE LIBRARY IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE LIBRARY, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE LIBRARY "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE LIBRARY IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE LIBRARY PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. 16. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR REDISTRIBUTE THE LIBRARY AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE LIBRARY (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE LIBRARY TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER SOFTWARE), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS ^L How to Apply These Terms to Your New Libraries If you develop a new library, and you want it to be of the greatest possible use to the public, we recommend making it free software that everyone can redistribute and change. You can do so by permitting redistribution under these terms (or, alternatively, under the terms of the ordinary General Public License). To apply these terms, attach the following notices to the library. It is safest to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. Copyright (C) This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the library, if necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the library `Frob' (a library for tweaking knobs) written by James Random Hacker. , 1 April 1990 Ty Coon, President of Vice That's all there is to it! intl/eval-plural.h000064400000005260147633151230010117 0ustar00/* Plural expression evaluation. Copyright (C) 2000-2003, 2007, 2015-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef STATIC #define STATIC static #endif /* Evaluate the plural expression and return an index value. */ STATIC unsigned long int internal_function plural_eval (const struct expression *pexp, unsigned long int n) { switch (pexp->nargs) { case 0: switch (pexp->operation) { case var: return n; case num: return pexp->val.num; default: break; } /* NOTREACHED */ break; case 1: { /* pexp->operation must be lnot. */ unsigned long int arg = plural_eval (pexp->val.args[0], n); return ! arg; } case 2: { unsigned long int leftarg = plural_eval (pexp->val.args[0], n); if (pexp->operation == lor) return leftarg || plural_eval (pexp->val.args[1], n); else if (pexp->operation == land) return leftarg && plural_eval (pexp->val.args[1], n); else { unsigned long int rightarg = plural_eval (pexp->val.args[1], n); switch (pexp->operation) { case mult: return leftarg * rightarg; case divide: #if !INTDIV0_RAISES_SIGFPE if (rightarg == 0) raise (SIGFPE); #endif return leftarg / rightarg; case module: #if !INTDIV0_RAISES_SIGFPE if (rightarg == 0) raise (SIGFPE); #endif return leftarg % rightarg; case plus: return leftarg + rightarg; case minus: return leftarg - rightarg; case less_than: return leftarg < rightarg; case greater_than: return leftarg > rightarg; case less_or_equal: return leftarg <= rightarg; case greater_or_equal: return leftarg >= rightarg; case equal: return leftarg == rightarg; case not_equal: return leftarg != rightarg; default: break; } } /* NOTREACHED */ break; } case 3: { /* pexp->operation must be qmop. */ unsigned long int boolarg = plural_eval (pexp->val.args[0], n); return plural_eval (pexp->val.args[boolarg ? 1 : 2], n); } } /* NOTREACHED */ return 0; } intl/tsearch.h000064400000005374147633151230007332 0ustar00/* Binary tree data structure. Copyright (C) 2006, 2015-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef _TSEARCH_H #define _TSEARCH_H #if HAVE_TSEARCH /* Get tseach(), tfind(), tdelete(), twalk() declarations. */ #include #else #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* See , for details. */ typedef enum { preorder, postorder, endorder, leaf } VISIT; /* Searches an element in the tree *VROOTP that compares equal to KEY. If one is found, it is returned. Otherwise, a new element equal to KEY is inserted in the tree and is returned. */ extern void * tsearch (const void *key, void **vrootp, int (*compar) (const void *, const void *)); /* Searches an element in the tree *VROOTP that compares equal to KEY. If one is found, it is returned. Otherwise, NULL is returned. */ extern void * tfind (const void *key, void *const *vrootp, int (*compar) (const void *, const void *)); /* Searches an element in the tree *VROOTP that compares equal to KEY. If one is found, it is removed from the tree, and its parent node is returned. Otherwise, NULL is returned. */ extern void * tdelete (const void *key, void **vrootp, int (*compar) (const void *, const void *)); /* Perform a depth-first, left-to-right traversal of the tree VROOT. The ACTION function is called: - for non-leaf nodes: 3 times, before the left subtree traversal, after the left subtree traversal but before the right subtree traversal, and after the right subtree traversal, - for leaf nodes: once. The arguments passed to ACTION are: 1. the node; it can be casted to a 'const void * const *', i.e. into a pointer to the key, 2. an indicator which visit of the node this is, 3. the level of the node in the tree (0 for the root). */ extern void twalk (const void *vroot, void (*action) (const void *, VISIT, int)); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif #endif /* _TSEARCH_H */ intl/explodename.c000064400000006414147633151230010171 0ustar00/* Copyright (C) 1995-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Contributed by Ulrich Drepper , 1995. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #include #include #include "loadinfo.h" /* On some strange systems still no definition of NULL is found. Sigh! */ #ifndef NULL # if defined __STDC__ && __STDC__ # define NULL ((void *) 0) # else # define NULL 0 # endif #endif /* @@ end of prolog @@ */ /* Split a locale name NAME into a leading language part and all the rest. Return a pointer to the first character after the language, i.e. to the first byte of the rest. */ static char *_nl_find_language (const char *name); static char * _nl_find_language (const char *name) { while (name[0] != '\0' && name[0] != '_' && name[0] != '@' && name[0] != '.') ++name; return (char *) name; } int _nl_explode_name (char *name, const char **language, const char **modifier, const char **territory, const char **codeset, const char **normalized_codeset) { char *cp; int mask; *modifier = NULL; *territory = NULL; *codeset = NULL; *normalized_codeset = NULL; /* Now we determine the single parts of the locale name. First look for the language. Termination symbols are `_', '.', and `@'. */ mask = 0; *language = cp = name; cp = _nl_find_language (*language); if (*language == cp) /* This does not make sense: language has to be specified. Use this entry as it is without exploding. Perhaps it is an alias. */ cp = strchr (*language, '\0'); else { if (cp[0] == '_') { /* Next is the territory. */ cp[0] = '\0'; *territory = ++cp; while (cp[0] != '\0' && cp[0] != '.' && cp[0] != '@') ++cp; mask |= XPG_TERRITORY; } if (cp[0] == '.') { /* Next is the codeset. */ cp[0] = '\0'; *codeset = ++cp; while (cp[0] != '\0' && cp[0] != '@') ++cp; mask |= XPG_CODESET; if (*codeset != cp && (*codeset)[0] != '\0') { *normalized_codeset = _nl_normalize_codeset (*codeset, cp - *codeset); if (*normalized_codeset == NULL) return -1; else if (strcmp (*codeset, *normalized_codeset) == 0) free ((char *) *normalized_codeset); else mask |= XPG_NORM_CODESET; } } } if (cp[0] == '@') { /* Next is the modifier. */ cp[0] = '\0'; *modifier = ++cp; if (cp[0] != '\0') mask |= XPG_MODIFIER; } if (*territory != NULL && (*territory)[0] == '\0') mask &= ~XPG_TERRITORY; if (*codeset != NULL && (*codeset)[0] == '\0') mask &= ~XPG_CODESET; return mask; } intl/gettext.c000064400000003433147633151230007352 0ustar00/* Implementation of gettext(3) function. Copyright (C) 1995-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #ifdef _LIBC # define __need_NULL # include #else # include /* Just for NULL. */ #endif #include "gettextP.h" #ifdef _LIBC # include #else # include "libgnuintl.h" #endif /* @@ end of prolog @@ */ /* Names for the libintl functions are a problem. They must not clash with existing names and they should follow ANSI C. But this source code is also used in GNU C Library where the names have a __ prefix. So we have to make a difference here. */ #ifdef _LIBC # define GETTEXT __gettext # define DCGETTEXT __dcgettext #else # define GETTEXT libintl_gettext # define DCGETTEXT libintl_dcgettext #endif /* Look up MSGID in the current default message catalog for the current LC_MESSAGES locale. If not found, returns MSGID itself (the default text). */ char * GETTEXT (const char *msgid) { return DCGETTEXT (NULL, msgid, LC_MESSAGES); } #ifdef _LIBC /* Alias for function name in GNU C Library. */ weak_alias (__gettext, gettext); #endif intl/plural.y000064400000016534147633151230007221 0ustar00%{ /* Expression parsing for plural form selection. Copyright (C) 2000-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Written by Ulrich Drepper , 2000. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /* For bison < 2.0, the bison generated parser uses alloca. AIX 3 forces us to put this declaration at the beginning of the file. The declaration in bison's skeleton file comes too late. This must come before because may include arbitrary system headers. This can go away once the AM_INTL_SUBDIR macro requires bison >= 2.0. */ #if defined _AIX && !defined __GNUC__ #pragma alloca #endif #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #include #include #include "plural-exp.h" /* The main function generated by the parser is called __gettextparse, but we want it to be called PLURAL_PARSE. */ #ifndef _LIBC # define __gettextparse PLURAL_PARSE #endif %} %parse-param {struct parse_args *arg} %lex-param {struct parse_args *arg} %define api.pure full %expect 7 %union { unsigned long int num; enum expression_operator op; struct expression *exp; } %{ /* Prototypes for local functions. */ static int yylex (YYSTYPE *lval, struct parse_args *arg); static void yyerror (struct parse_args *arg, const char *str); /* Allocation of expressions. */ static struct expression * new_exp (int nargs, enum expression_operator op, struct expression * const *args) { int i; struct expression *newp; /* If any of the argument could not be malloc'ed, just return NULL. */ for (i = nargs - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (args[i] == NULL) goto fail; /* Allocate a new expression. */ newp = (struct expression *) malloc (sizeof (*newp)); if (newp != NULL) { newp->nargs = nargs; newp->operation = op; for (i = nargs - 1; i >= 0; i--) newp->val.args[i] = args[i]; return newp; } fail: for (i = nargs - 1; i >= 0; i--) FREE_EXPRESSION (args[i]); return NULL; } static inline struct expression * new_exp_0 (enum expression_operator op) { return new_exp (0, op, NULL); } static inline struct expression * new_exp_1 (enum expression_operator op, struct expression *right) { struct expression *args[1]; args[0] = right; return new_exp (1, op, args); } static struct expression * new_exp_2 (enum expression_operator op, struct expression *left, struct expression *right) { struct expression *args[2]; args[0] = left; args[1] = right; return new_exp (2, op, args); } static inline struct expression * new_exp_3 (enum expression_operator op, struct expression *bexp, struct expression *tbranch, struct expression *fbranch) { struct expression *args[3]; args[0] = bexp; args[1] = tbranch; args[2] = fbranch; return new_exp (3, op, args); } %} /* This declares that all operators have the same associativity and the precedence order as in C. See [Harbison, Steele: C, A Reference Manual]. There is no unary minus and no bitwise operators. Operators with the same syntactic behaviour have been merged into a single token, to save space in the array generated by bison. */ %right '?' /* ? */ %left '|' /* || */ %left '&' /* && */ %left EQUOP2 /* == != */ %left CMPOP2 /* < > <= >= */ %left ADDOP2 /* + - */ %left MULOP2 /* * / % */ %right '!' /* ! */ %token EQUOP2 CMPOP2 ADDOP2 MULOP2 %token NUMBER %type exp %% start: exp { if ($1 == NULL) YYABORT; arg->res = $1; } ; exp: exp '?' exp ':' exp { $$ = new_exp_3 (qmop, $1, $3, $5); } | exp '|' exp { $$ = new_exp_2 (lor, $1, $3); } | exp '&' exp { $$ = new_exp_2 (land, $1, $3); } | exp EQUOP2 exp { $$ = new_exp_2 ($2, $1, $3); } | exp CMPOP2 exp { $$ = new_exp_2 ($2, $1, $3); } | exp ADDOP2 exp { $$ = new_exp_2 ($2, $1, $3); } | exp MULOP2 exp { $$ = new_exp_2 ($2, $1, $3); } | '!' exp { $$ = new_exp_1 (lnot, $2); } | 'n' { $$ = new_exp_0 (var); } | NUMBER { if (($$ = new_exp_0 (num)) != NULL) $$->val.num = $1; } | '(' exp ')' { $$ = $2; } ; %% void internal_function FREE_EXPRESSION (struct expression *exp) { if (exp == NULL) return; /* Handle the recursive case. */ switch (exp->nargs) { case 3: FREE_EXPRESSION (exp->val.args[2]); /* FALLTHROUGH */ case 2: FREE_EXPRESSION (exp->val.args[1]); /* FALLTHROUGH */ case 1: FREE_EXPRESSION (exp->val.args[0]); /* FALLTHROUGH */ default: break; } free (exp); } static int yylex (YYSTYPE *lval, struct parse_args *arg) { const char *exp = arg->cp; int result; while (1) { if (exp[0] == '\0') { arg->cp = exp; return YYEOF; } if (exp[0] != ' ' && exp[0] != '\t') break; ++exp; } result = *exp++; switch (result) { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': { unsigned long int n = result - '0'; while (exp[0] >= '0' && exp[0] <= '9') { n *= 10; n += exp[0] - '0'; ++exp; } lval->num = n; result = NUMBER; } break; case '=': if (exp[0] == '=') { ++exp; lval->op = equal; result = EQUOP2; } else result = YYERRCODE; break; case '!': if (exp[0] == '=') { ++exp; lval->op = not_equal; result = EQUOP2; } break; case '&': case '|': if (exp[0] == result) ++exp; else result = YYERRCODE; break; case '<': if (exp[0] == '=') { ++exp; lval->op = less_or_equal; } else lval->op = less_than; result = CMPOP2; break; case '>': if (exp[0] == '=') { ++exp; lval->op = greater_or_equal; } else lval->op = greater_than; result = CMPOP2; break; case '*': lval->op = mult; result = MULOP2; break; case '/': lval->op = divide; result = MULOP2; break; case '%': lval->op = module; result = MULOP2; break; case '+': lval->op = plus; result = ADDOP2; break; case '-': lval->op = minus; result = ADDOP2; break; case 'n': case '?': case ':': case '(': case ')': /* Nothing, just return the character. */ break; case ';': case '\n': case '\0': /* Be safe and let the user call this function again. */ --exp; result = YYEOF; break; default: result = YYERRCODE; #if YYDEBUG != 0 --exp; #endif break; } arg->cp = exp; return result; } static void yyerror (struct parse_args *arg, const char *str) { /* Do nothing. We don't print error messages here. */ } intl/tsearch.c000064400000051753147633151230007327 0ustar00/* Copyright (C) 1995-1997, 2000, 2006, 2015-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Contributed by Bernd Schmidt , 1997. NOTE: The canonical source of this file is maintained with the GNU C Library. Bugs can be reported to bug-glibc@gnu.org. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /* Tree search for red/black trees. The algorithm for adding nodes is taken from one of the many "Algorithms" books by Robert Sedgewick, although the implementation differs. The algorithm for deleting nodes can probably be found in a book named "Introduction to Algorithms" by Cormen/Leiserson/Rivest. At least that's the book that my professor took most algorithms from during the "Data Structures" course... Totally public domain. */ /* Red/black trees are binary trees in which the edges are colored either red or black. They have the following properties: 1. The number of black edges on every path from the root to a leaf is constant. 2. No two red edges are adjacent. Therefore there is an upper bound on the length of every path, it's O(log n) where n is the number of nodes in the tree. No path can be longer than 1+2*P where P is the length of the shortest path in the tree. Useful for the implementation: 3. If one of the children of a node is NULL, then the other one is red (if it exists). In the implementation, not the edges are colored, but the nodes. The color interpreted as the color of the edge leading to this node. The color is meaningless for the root node, but we color the root node black for convenience. All added nodes are red initially. Adding to a red/black tree is rather easy. The right place is searched with a usual binary tree search. Additionally, whenever a node N is reached that has two red successors, the successors are colored black and the node itself colored red. This moves red edges up the tree where they pose less of a problem once we get to really insert the new node. Changing N's color to red may violate rule 2, however, so rotations may become necessary to restore the invariants. Adding a new red leaf may violate the same rule, so afterwards an additional check is run and the tree possibly rotated. Deleting is hairy. There are mainly two nodes involved: the node to be deleted (n1), and another node that is to be unchained from the tree (n2). If n1 has a successor (the node with a smallest key that is larger than n1), then the successor becomes n2 and its contents are copied into n1, otherwise n1 becomes n2. Unchaining a node may violate rule 1: if n2 is black, one subtree is missing one black edge afterwards. The algorithm must try to move this error upwards towards the root, so that the subtree that does not have enough black edges becomes the whole tree. Once that happens, the error has disappeared. It may not be necessary to go all the way up, since it is possible that rotations and recoloring can fix the error before that. Although the deletion algorithm must walk upwards through the tree, we do not store parent pointers in the nodes. Instead, delete allocates a small array of parent pointers and fills it while descending the tree. Since we know that the length of a path is O(log n), where n is the number of nodes, this is likely to use less memory. */ /* Tree rotations look like this: A C / \ / \ B C A G / \ / \ --> / \ D E F G B F / \ D E In this case, A has been rotated left. This preserves the ordering of the binary tree. */ #include /* Specification. */ #ifdef IN_LIBINTL # include "tsearch.h" #else # include #endif #include typedef int (*__compar_fn_t) (const void *, const void *); typedef void (*__action_fn_t) (const void *, VISIT, int); #ifndef weak_alias # define __tsearch tsearch # define __tfind tfind # define __tdelete tdelete # define __twalk twalk #endif #ifndef internal_function /* Inside GNU libc we mark some function in a special way. In other environments simply ignore the marking. */ # define internal_function #endif typedef struct node_t { /* Callers expect this to be the first element in the structure - do not move! */ const void *key; struct node_t *left; struct node_t *right; unsigned int red:1; } *node; typedef const struct node_t *const_node; #undef DEBUGGING #ifdef DEBUGGING /* Routines to check tree invariants. */ #include #define CHECK_TREE(a) check_tree(a) static void check_tree_recurse (node p, int d_sofar, int d_total) { if (p == NULL) { assert (d_sofar == d_total); return; } check_tree_recurse (p->left, d_sofar + (p->left && !p->left->red), d_total); check_tree_recurse (p->right, d_sofar + (p->right && !p->right->red), d_total); if (p->left) assert (!(p->left->red && p->red)); if (p->right) assert (!(p->right->red && p->red)); } static void check_tree (node root) { int cnt = 0; node p; if (root == NULL) return; root->red = 0; for(p = root->left; p; p = p->left) cnt += !p->red; check_tree_recurse (root, 0, cnt); } #else #define CHECK_TREE(a) #endif /* Possibly "split" a node with two red successors, and/or fix up two red edges in a row. ROOTP is a pointer to the lowest node we visited, PARENTP and GPARENTP pointers to its parent/grandparent. P_R and GP_R contain the comparison values that determined which way was taken in the tree to reach ROOTP. MODE is 1 if we need not do the split, but must check for two red edges between GPARENTP and ROOTP. */ static void maybe_split_for_insert (node *rootp, node *parentp, node *gparentp, int p_r, int gp_r, int mode) { node root = *rootp; node *rp, *lp; rp = &(*rootp)->right; lp = &(*rootp)->left; /* See if we have to split this node (both successors red). */ if (mode == 1 || ((*rp) != NULL && (*lp) != NULL && (*rp)->red && (*lp)->red)) { /* This node becomes red, its successors black. */ root->red = 1; if (*rp) (*rp)->red = 0; if (*lp) (*lp)->red = 0; /* If the parent of this node is also red, we have to do rotations. */ if (parentp != NULL && (*parentp)->red) { node gp = *gparentp; node p = *parentp; /* There are two main cases: 1. The edge types (left or right) of the two red edges differ. 2. Both red edges are of the same type. There exist two symmetries of each case, so there is a total of 4 cases. */ if ((p_r > 0) != (gp_r > 0)) { /* Put the child at the top of the tree, with its parent and grandparent as successors. */ p->red = 1; gp->red = 1; root->red = 0; if (p_r < 0) { /* Child is left of parent. */ p->left = *rp; *rp = p; gp->right = *lp; *lp = gp; } else { /* Child is right of parent. */ p->right = *lp; *lp = p; gp->left = *rp; *rp = gp; } *gparentp = root; } else { *gparentp = *parentp; /* Parent becomes the top of the tree, grandparent and child are its successors. */ p->red = 0; gp->red = 1; if (p_r < 0) { /* Left edges. */ gp->left = p->right; p->right = gp; } else { /* Right edges. */ gp->right = p->left; p->left = gp; } } } } } /* Find or insert datum into search tree. KEY is the key to be located, ROOTP is the address of tree root, COMPAR the ordering function. */ void * __tsearch (const void *key, void **vrootp, __compar_fn_t compar) { node q; node *parentp = NULL, *gparentp = NULL; node *rootp = (node *) vrootp; node *nextp; int r = 0, p_r = 0, gp_r = 0; /* No they might not, Mr Compiler. */ if (rootp == NULL) return NULL; /* This saves some additional tests below. */ if (*rootp != NULL) (*rootp)->red = 0; CHECK_TREE (*rootp); nextp = rootp; while (*nextp != NULL) { node root = *rootp; r = (*compar) (key, root->key); if (r == 0) return root; maybe_split_for_insert (rootp, parentp, gparentp, p_r, gp_r, 0); /* If that did any rotations, parentp and gparentp are now garbage. That doesn't matter, because the values they contain are never used again in that case. */ nextp = r < 0 ? &root->left : &root->right; if (*nextp == NULL) break; gparentp = parentp; parentp = rootp; rootp = nextp; gp_r = p_r; p_r = r; } q = (struct node_t *) malloc (sizeof (struct node_t)); if (q != NULL) { *nextp = q; /* link new node to old */ q->key = key; /* initialize new node */ q->red = 1; q->left = q->right = NULL; if (nextp != rootp) /* There may be two red edges in a row now, which we must avoid by rotating the tree. */ maybe_split_for_insert (nextp, rootp, parentp, r, p_r, 1); } return q; } #ifdef weak_alias weak_alias (__tsearch, tsearch) #endif /* Find datum in search tree. KEY is the key to be located, ROOTP is the address of tree root, COMPAR the ordering function. */ void * __tfind (key, vrootp, compar) const void *key; void *const *vrootp; __compar_fn_t compar; { node *rootp = (node *) vrootp; if (rootp == NULL) return NULL; CHECK_TREE (*rootp); while (*rootp != NULL) { node root = *rootp; int r; r = (*compar) (key, root->key); if (r == 0) return root; rootp = r < 0 ? &root->left : &root->right; } return NULL; } #ifdef weak_alias weak_alias (__tfind, tfind) #endif /* Delete node with given key. KEY is the key to be deleted, ROOTP is the address of the root of tree, COMPAR the comparison function. */ void * __tdelete (const void *key, void **vrootp, __compar_fn_t compar) { node p, q, r, retval; int cmp; node *rootp = (node *) vrootp; node root, unchained; /* Stack of nodes so we remember the parents without recursion. It's _very_ unlikely that there are paths longer than 40 nodes. The tree would need to have around 250.000 nodes. */ int stacksize = 100; int sp = 0; node *nodestack[100]; if (rootp == NULL) return NULL; p = *rootp; if (p == NULL) return NULL; CHECK_TREE (p); while ((cmp = (*compar) (key, (*rootp)->key)) != 0) { if (sp == stacksize) abort (); nodestack[sp++] = rootp; p = *rootp; rootp = ((cmp < 0) ? &(*rootp)->left : &(*rootp)->right); if (*rootp == NULL) return NULL; } /* This is bogus if the node to be deleted is the root... this routine really should return an integer with 0 for success, -1 for failure and errno = ESRCH or something. */ retval = p; /* We don't unchain the node we want to delete. Instead, we overwrite it with its successor and unchain the successor. If there is no successor, we really unchain the node to be deleted. */ root = *rootp; r = root->right; q = root->left; if (q == NULL || r == NULL) unchained = root; else { node *parent = rootp, *up = &root->right; for (;;) { if (sp == stacksize) abort (); nodestack[sp++] = parent; parent = up; if ((*up)->left == NULL) break; up = &(*up)->left; } unchained = *up; } /* We know that either the left or right successor of UNCHAINED is NULL. R becomes the other one, it is chained into the parent of UNCHAINED. */ r = unchained->left; if (r == NULL) r = unchained->right; if (sp == 0) *rootp = r; else { q = *nodestack[sp-1]; if (unchained == q->right) q->right = r; else q->left = r; } if (unchained != root) root->key = unchained->key; if (!unchained->red) { /* Now we lost a black edge, which means that the number of black edges on every path is no longer constant. We must balance the tree. */ /* NODESTACK now contains all parents of R. R is likely to be NULL in the first iteration. */ /* NULL nodes are considered black throughout - this is necessary for correctness. */ while (sp > 0 && (r == NULL || !r->red)) { node *pp = nodestack[sp - 1]; p = *pp; /* Two symmetric cases. */ if (r == p->left) { /* Q is R's brother, P is R's parent. The subtree with root R has one black edge less than the subtree with root Q. */ q = p->right; if (q->red) { /* If Q is red, we know that P is black. We rotate P left so that Q becomes the top node in the tree, with P below it. P is colored red, Q is colored black. This action does not change the black edge count for any leaf in the tree, but we will be able to recognize one of the following situations, which all require that Q is black. */ q->red = 0; p->red = 1; /* Left rotate p. */ p->right = q->left; q->left = p; *pp = q; /* Make sure pp is right if the case below tries to use it. */ nodestack[sp++] = pp = &q->left; q = p->right; } /* We know that Q can't be NULL here. We also know that Q is black. */ if ((q->left == NULL || !q->left->red) && (q->right == NULL || !q->right->red)) { /* Q has two black successors. We can simply color Q red. The whole subtree with root P is now missing one black edge. Note that this action can temporarily make the tree invalid (if P is red). But we will exit the loop in that case and set P black, which both makes the tree valid and also makes the black edge count come out right. If P is black, we are at least one step closer to the root and we'll try again the next iteration. */ q->red = 1; r = p; } else { /* Q is black, one of Q's successors is red. We can repair the tree with one operation and will exit the loop afterwards. */ if (q->right == NULL || !q->right->red) { /* The left one is red. We perform the same action as in maybe_split_for_insert where two red edges are adjacent but point in different directions: Q's left successor (let's call it Q2) becomes the top of the subtree we are looking at, its parent (Q) and grandparent (P) become its successors. The former successors of Q2 are placed below P and Q. P becomes black, and Q2 gets the color that P had. This changes the black edge count only for node R and its successors. */ node q2 = q->left; q2->red = p->red; p->right = q2->left; q->left = q2->right; q2->right = q; q2->left = p; *pp = q2; p->red = 0; } else { /* It's the right one. Rotate P left. P becomes black, and Q gets the color that P had. Q's right successor also becomes black. This changes the black edge count only for node R and its successors. */ q->red = p->red; p->red = 0; q->right->red = 0; /* left rotate p */ p->right = q->left; q->left = p; *pp = q; } /* We're done. */ sp = 1; r = NULL; } } else { /* Comments: see above. */ q = p->left; if (q->red) { q->red = 0; p->red = 1; p->left = q->right; q->right = p; *pp = q; nodestack[sp++] = pp = &q->right; q = p->left; } if ((q->right == NULL || !q->right->red) && (q->left == NULL || !q->left->red)) { q->red = 1; r = p; } else { if (q->left == NULL || !q->left->red) { node q2 = q->right; q2->red = p->red; p->left = q2->right; q->right = q2->left; q2->left = q; q2->right = p; *pp = q2; p->red = 0; } else { q->red = p->red; p->red = 0; q->left->red = 0; p->left = q->right; q->right = p; *pp = q; } sp = 1; r = NULL; } } --sp; } if (r != NULL) r->red = 0; } free (unchained); return retval; } #ifdef weak_alias weak_alias (__tdelete, tdelete) #endif /* Walk the nodes of a tree. ROOT is the root of the tree to be walked, ACTION the function to be called at each node. LEVEL is the level of ROOT in the whole tree. */ static void internal_function trecurse (const void *vroot, __action_fn_t action, int level) { const_node root = (const_node) vroot; if (root->left == NULL && root->right == NULL) (*action) (root, leaf, level); else { (*action) (root, preorder, level); if (root->left != NULL) trecurse (root->left, action, level + 1); (*action) (root, postorder, level); if (root->right != NULL) trecurse (root->right, action, level + 1); (*action) (root, endorder, level); } } /* Walk the nodes of a tree. ROOT is the root of the tree to be walked, ACTION the function to be called at each node. */ void __twalk (const void *vroot, __action_fn_t action) { const_node root = (const_node) vroot; CHECK_TREE (root); if (root != NULL && action != NULL) trecurse (root, action, 0); } #ifdef weak_alias weak_alias (__twalk, twalk) #endif #ifdef _LIBC /* The standardized functions miss an important functionality: the tree cannot be removed easily. We provide a function to do this. */ static void internal_function tdestroy_recurse (node root, __free_fn_t freefct) { if (root->left != NULL) tdestroy_recurse (root->left, freefct); if (root->right != NULL) tdestroy_recurse (root->right, freefct); (*freefct) ((void *) root->key); /* Free the node itself. */ free (root); } void __tdestroy (void *vroot, __free_fn_t freefct) { node root = (node) vroot; CHECK_TREE (root); if (root != NULL) tdestroy_recurse (root, freefct); } weak_alias (__tdestroy, tdestroy) #endif /* _LIBC */ intl/dngettext.c000064400000003436147633151230007677 0ustar00/* Implementation of the dngettext(3) function. Copyright (C) 1995-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include "gettextP.h" #include #ifdef _LIBC # include #else # include "libgnuintl.h" #endif /* @@ end of prolog @@ */ /* Names for the libintl functions are a problem. They must not clash with existing names and they should follow ANSI C. But this source code is also used in GNU C Library where the names have a __ prefix. So we have to make a difference here. */ #ifdef _LIBC # define DNGETTEXT __dngettext # define DCNGETTEXT __dcngettext #else # define DNGETTEXT libintl_dngettext # define DCNGETTEXT libintl_dcngettext #endif /* Look up MSGID in the DOMAINNAME message catalog of the current LC_MESSAGES locale and skip message according to the plural form. */ char * DNGETTEXT (const char *domainname, const char *msgid1, const char *msgid2, unsigned long int n) { return DCNGETTEXT (domainname, msgid1, msgid2, n, LC_MESSAGES); } #ifdef _LIBC /* Alias for function name in GNU C Library. */ weak_alias (__dngettext, dngettext); #endif intl/hash-string.h000064400000002442147633151230010121 0ustar00/* Description of GNU message catalog format: string hashing function. Copyright (C) 1995-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /* @@ end of prolog @@ */ /* We assume to have `unsigned long int' value with at least 32 bits. */ #define HASHWORDBITS 32 #ifndef _LIBC # ifdef IN_LIBINTL # define __hash_string libintl_hash_string # else # define __hash_string hash_string # endif #endif /* Defines the so called `hashpjw' function by P.J. Weinberger [see Aho/Sethi/Ullman, COMPILERS: Principles, Techniques and Tools, 1986, 1987 Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc.] */ extern unsigned long int __hash_string (const char *str_param); intl/vasnprintf.c000064400000664145147633151230010075 0ustar00/* vsprintf with automatic memory allocation. Copyright (C) 1999, 2002-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /* This file can be parametrized with the following macros: VASNPRINTF The name of the function being defined. FCHAR_T The element type of the format string. DCHAR_T The element type of the destination (result) string. FCHAR_T_ONLY_ASCII Set to 1 to enable verification that all characters in the format string are ASCII. MUST be set if FCHAR_T and DCHAR_T are not the same type. DIRECTIVE Structure denoting a format directive. Depends on FCHAR_T. DIRECTIVES Structure denoting the set of format directives of a format string. Depends on FCHAR_T. PRINTF_PARSE Function that parses a format string. Depends on FCHAR_T. DCHAR_CPY memcpy like function for DCHAR_T[] arrays. DCHAR_SET memset like function for DCHAR_T[] arrays. DCHAR_MBSNLEN mbsnlen like function for DCHAR_T[] arrays. SNPRINTF The system's snprintf (or similar) function. This may be either snprintf or swprintf. TCHAR_T The element type of the argument and result string of the said SNPRINTF function. This may be either char or wchar_t. The code exploits that sizeof (TCHAR_T) | sizeof (DCHAR_T) and alignof (TCHAR_T) <= alignof (DCHAR_T). DCHAR_IS_TCHAR Set to 1 if DCHAR_T and TCHAR_T are the same type. DCHAR_CONV_FROM_ENCODING A function to convert from char[] to DCHAR[]. DCHAR_IS_UINT8_T Set to 1 if DCHAR_T is uint8_t. DCHAR_IS_UINT16_T Set to 1 if DCHAR_T is uint16_t. DCHAR_IS_UINT32_T Set to 1 if DCHAR_T is uint32_t. */ /* Tell glibc's to provide a prototype for snprintf(). This must come before because may include , and once has been included, it's too late. */ #ifndef _GNU_SOURCE # define _GNU_SOURCE 1 #endif #ifndef VASNPRINTF # include #endif #ifndef IN_LIBINTL # include #endif /* Specification. */ #ifndef VASNPRINTF # if WIDE_CHAR_VERSION # include "vasnwprintf.h" # else # include "vasnprintf.h" # endif #endif #include /* localeconv() */ #include /* snprintf(), sprintf() */ #include /* abort(), malloc(), realloc(), free() */ #include /* memcpy(), strlen() */ #include /* errno */ #include /* CHAR_BIT */ #include /* DBL_MAX_EXP, LDBL_MAX_EXP */ #if HAVE_NL_LANGINFO # include #endif #ifndef VASNPRINTF # if WIDE_CHAR_VERSION # include "wprintf-parse.h" # else # include "printf-parse.h" # endif #endif /* Checked size_t computations. */ #include "xsize.h" #include "verify.h" #if (NEED_PRINTF_DOUBLE || NEED_PRINTF_LONG_DOUBLE) && !defined IN_LIBINTL # include # include "float+.h" #endif #if (NEED_PRINTF_DOUBLE || NEED_PRINTF_INFINITE_DOUBLE) && !defined IN_LIBINTL # include # include "isnand-nolibm.h" #endif #if (NEED_PRINTF_LONG_DOUBLE || NEED_PRINTF_INFINITE_LONG_DOUBLE) && !defined IN_LIBINTL # include # include "isnanl-nolibm.h" # include "fpucw.h" #endif #if (NEED_PRINTF_DIRECTIVE_A || NEED_PRINTF_DOUBLE) && !defined IN_LIBINTL # include # include "isnand-nolibm.h" # include "printf-frexp.h" #endif #if (NEED_PRINTF_DIRECTIVE_A || NEED_PRINTF_LONG_DOUBLE) && !defined IN_LIBINTL # include # include "isnanl-nolibm.h" # include "printf-frexpl.h" # include "fpucw.h" #endif /* Default parameters. */ #ifndef VASNPRINTF # if WIDE_CHAR_VERSION # define VASNPRINTF vasnwprintf # define FCHAR_T wchar_t # define DCHAR_T wchar_t # define TCHAR_T wchar_t # define DCHAR_IS_TCHAR 1 # define DIRECTIVE wchar_t_directive # define DIRECTIVES wchar_t_directives # define PRINTF_PARSE wprintf_parse # define DCHAR_CPY wmemcpy # define DCHAR_SET wmemset # else # define VASNPRINTF vasnprintf # define FCHAR_T char # define DCHAR_T char # define TCHAR_T char # define DCHAR_IS_TCHAR 1 # define DIRECTIVE char_directive # define DIRECTIVES char_directives # define PRINTF_PARSE printf_parse # define DCHAR_CPY memcpy # define DCHAR_SET memset # endif #endif #if WIDE_CHAR_VERSION /* TCHAR_T is wchar_t. */ # define USE_SNPRINTF 1 # if HAVE_DECL__SNWPRINTF /* On Windows, the function swprintf() has a different signature than on Unix; we use the function _snwprintf() or - on mingw - snwprintf() instead. The mingw function snwprintf() has fewer bugs than the MSVCRT function _snwprintf(), so prefer that. */ # if defined __MINGW32__ # define SNPRINTF snwprintf # else # define SNPRINTF _snwprintf # endif # else /* Unix. */ # define SNPRINTF swprintf # endif #else /* TCHAR_T is char. */ /* Use snprintf if it exists under the name 'snprintf' or '_snprintf'. But don't use it on BeOS, since BeOS snprintf produces no output if the size argument is >= 0x3000000. Also don't use it on Linux libc5, since there snprintf with size = 1 writes any output without bounds, like sprintf. */ # if (HAVE_DECL__SNPRINTF || HAVE_SNPRINTF) && !defined __BEOS__ && !(__GNU_LIBRARY__ == 1) # define USE_SNPRINTF 1 # else # define USE_SNPRINTF 0 # endif # if HAVE_DECL__SNPRINTF /* Windows. The mingw function snprintf() has fewer bugs than the MSVCRT function _snprintf(), so prefer that. */ # if defined __MINGW32__ # define SNPRINTF snprintf /* Here we need to call the native snprintf, not rpl_snprintf. */ # undef snprintf # else # define SNPRINTF _snprintf # endif # else /* Unix. */ # define SNPRINTF snprintf /* Here we need to call the native snprintf, not rpl_snprintf. */ # undef snprintf # endif #endif /* Here we need to call the native sprintf, not rpl_sprintf. */ #undef sprintf /* GCC >= 4.0 with -Wall emits unjustified "... may be used uninitialized" warnings in this file. Use -Dlint to suppress them. */ #ifdef lint # define IF_LINT(Code) Code #else # define IF_LINT(Code) /* empty */ #endif /* Avoid some warnings from "gcc -Wshadow". This file doesn't use the exp() and remainder() functions. */ #undef exp #define exp expo #undef remainder #define remainder rem #if (!USE_SNPRINTF || !HAVE_SNPRINTF_RETVAL_C99) && !WIDE_CHAR_VERSION # if (HAVE_STRNLEN && !defined _AIX) # define local_strnlen strnlen # else # ifndef local_strnlen_defined # define local_strnlen_defined 1 static size_t local_strnlen (const char *string, size_t maxlen) { const char *end = memchr (string, '\0', maxlen); return end ? (size_t) (end - string) : maxlen; } # endif # endif #endif #if (((!USE_SNPRINTF || !HAVE_SNPRINTF_RETVAL_C99) && WIDE_CHAR_VERSION) || ((!USE_SNPRINTF || !HAVE_SNPRINTF_RETVAL_C99 || (NEED_PRINTF_DIRECTIVE_LS && !defined IN_LIBINTL)) && !WIDE_CHAR_VERSION && DCHAR_IS_TCHAR)) && HAVE_WCHAR_T # if HAVE_WCSLEN # define local_wcslen wcslen # else /* Solaris 2.5.1 has wcslen() in a separate library libw.so. To avoid a dependency towards this library, here is a local substitute. Define this substitute only once, even if this file is included twice in the same compilation unit. */ # ifndef local_wcslen_defined # define local_wcslen_defined 1 static size_t local_wcslen (const wchar_t *s) { const wchar_t *ptr; for (ptr = s; *ptr != (wchar_t) 0; ptr++) ; return ptr - s; } # endif # endif #endif #if (!USE_SNPRINTF || !HAVE_SNPRINTF_RETVAL_C99) && HAVE_WCHAR_T && WIDE_CHAR_VERSION # if HAVE_WCSNLEN # define local_wcsnlen wcsnlen # else # ifndef local_wcsnlen_defined # define local_wcsnlen_defined 1 static size_t local_wcsnlen (const wchar_t *s, size_t maxlen) { const wchar_t *ptr; for (ptr = s; maxlen > 0 && *ptr != (wchar_t) 0; ptr++, maxlen--) ; return ptr - s; } # endif # endif #endif #if (NEED_PRINTF_DIRECTIVE_A || NEED_PRINTF_LONG_DOUBLE || NEED_PRINTF_INFINITE_LONG_DOUBLE || NEED_PRINTF_DOUBLE || NEED_PRINTF_INFINITE_DOUBLE) && !defined IN_LIBINTL /* Determine the decimal-point character according to the current locale. */ # ifndef decimal_point_char_defined # define decimal_point_char_defined 1 static char decimal_point_char (void) { const char *point; /* Determine it in a multithread-safe way. We know nl_langinfo is multithread-safe on glibc systems and Mac OS X systems, but is not required to be multithread-safe by POSIX. sprintf(), however, is multithread-safe. localeconv() is rarely multithread-safe. */ # if HAVE_NL_LANGINFO && (__GLIBC__ || defined __UCLIBC__ || (defined __APPLE__ && defined __MACH__)) point = nl_langinfo (RADIXCHAR); # elif 1 char pointbuf[5]; sprintf (pointbuf, "%#.0f", 1.0); point = &pointbuf[1]; # else point = localeconv () -> decimal_point; # endif /* The decimal point is always a single byte: either '.' or ','. */ return (point[0] != '\0' ? point[0] : '.'); } # endif #endif #if NEED_PRINTF_INFINITE_DOUBLE && !NEED_PRINTF_DOUBLE && !defined IN_LIBINTL /* Equivalent to !isfinite(x) || x == 0, but does not require libm. */ static int is_infinite_or_zero (double x) { return isnand (x) || x + x == x; } #endif #if NEED_PRINTF_INFINITE_LONG_DOUBLE && !NEED_PRINTF_LONG_DOUBLE && !defined IN_LIBINTL /* Equivalent to !isfinite(x) || x == 0, but does not require libm. */ static int is_infinite_or_zerol (long double x) { return isnanl (x) || x + x == x; } #endif #if (NEED_PRINTF_LONG_DOUBLE || NEED_PRINTF_DOUBLE) && !defined IN_LIBINTL /* Converting 'long double' to decimal without rare rounding bugs requires real bignums. We use the naming conventions of GNU gmp, but vastly simpler (and slower) algorithms. */ typedef unsigned int mp_limb_t; # define GMP_LIMB_BITS 32 verify (sizeof (mp_limb_t) * CHAR_BIT == GMP_LIMB_BITS); typedef unsigned long long mp_twolimb_t; # define GMP_TWOLIMB_BITS 64 verify (sizeof (mp_twolimb_t) * CHAR_BIT == GMP_TWOLIMB_BITS); /* Representation of a bignum >= 0. */ typedef struct { size_t nlimbs; mp_limb_t *limbs; /* Bits in little-endian order, allocated with malloc(). */ } mpn_t; /* Compute the product of two bignums >= 0. Return the allocated memory in case of success, NULL in case of memory allocation failure. */ static void * multiply (mpn_t src1, mpn_t src2, mpn_t *dest) { const mp_limb_t *p1; const mp_limb_t *p2; size_t len1; size_t len2; if (src1.nlimbs <= src2.nlimbs) { len1 = src1.nlimbs; p1 = src1.limbs; len2 = src2.nlimbs; p2 = src2.limbs; } else { len1 = src2.nlimbs; p1 = src2.limbs; len2 = src1.nlimbs; p2 = src1.limbs; } /* Now 0 <= len1 <= len2. */ if (len1 == 0) { /* src1 or src2 is zero. */ dest->nlimbs = 0; dest->limbs = (mp_limb_t *) malloc (1); } else { /* Here 1 <= len1 <= len2. */ size_t dlen; mp_limb_t *dp; size_t k, i, j; dlen = len1 + len2; dp = (mp_limb_t *) malloc (dlen * sizeof (mp_limb_t)); if (dp == NULL) return NULL; for (k = len2; k > 0; ) dp[--k] = 0; for (i = 0; i < len1; i++) { mp_limb_t digit1 = p1[i]; mp_twolimb_t carry = 0; for (j = 0; j < len2; j++) { mp_limb_t digit2 = p2[j]; carry += (mp_twolimb_t) digit1 * (mp_twolimb_t) digit2; carry += dp[i + j]; dp[i + j] = (mp_limb_t) carry; carry = carry >> GMP_LIMB_BITS; } dp[i + len2] = (mp_limb_t) carry; } /* Normalise. */ while (dlen > 0 && dp[dlen - 1] == 0) dlen--; dest->nlimbs = dlen; dest->limbs = dp; } return dest->limbs; } /* Compute the quotient of a bignum a >= 0 and a bignum b > 0. a is written as a = q * b + r with 0 <= r < b. q is the quotient, r the remainder. Finally, round-to-even is performed: If r > b/2 or if r = b/2 and q is odd, q is incremented. Return the allocated memory in case of success, NULL in case of memory allocation failure. */ static void * divide (mpn_t a, mpn_t b, mpn_t *q) { /* Algorithm: First normalise a and b: a=[a[m-1],...,a[0]], b=[b[n-1],...,b[0]] with m>=0 and n>0 (in base beta = 2^GMP_LIMB_BITS). If m=n=1, perform a single-precision division: r:=0, j:=m, while j>0 do {Here (q[m-1]*beta^(m-1)+...+q[j]*beta^j) * b[0] + r*beta^j = = a[m-1]*beta^(m-1)+...+a[j]*beta^j und 0<=r=n>1, perform a multiple-precision division: We have a/b < beta^(m-n+1). s:=intDsize-1-(highest bit in b[n-1]), 0<=s=beta/2. For j=m-n,...,0: {Here 0 <= r < b*beta^(j+1).} Compute q* : q* := floor((r[j+n]*beta+r[j+n-1])/b[n-1]). In case of overflow (q* >= beta) set q* := beta-1. Compute c2 := ((r[j+n]*beta+r[j+n-1]) - q* * b[n-1])*beta + r[j+n-2] and c3 := b[n-2] * q*. {We have 0 <= c2 < 2*beta^2, even 0 <= c2 < beta^2 if no overflow occurred. Furthermore 0 <= c3 < beta^2. If there was overflow and r[j+n]*beta+r[j+n-1] - q* * b[n-1] >= beta, i.e. c2 >= beta^2, the next test can be skipped.} While c3 > c2, {Here 0 <= c2 < c3 < beta^2} Put q* := q* - 1, c2 := c2 + b[n-1]*beta, c3 := c3 - b[n-2]. If q* > 0: Put r := r - b * q* * beta^j. In detail: [r[n+j],...,r[j]] := [r[n+j],...,r[j]] - q* * [b[n-1],...,b[0]]. hence: u:=0, for i:=0 to n-1 do u := u + q* * b[i], r[j+i]:=r[j+i]-(u mod beta) (+ beta, if carry), u:=u div beta (+ 1, if carry in subtraction) r[n+j]:=r[n+j]-u. {Since always u = (q* * [b[i-1],...,b[0]] div beta^i) + 1 < q* + 1 <= beta, the carry u does not overflow.} If a negative carry occurs, put q* := q* - 1 and [r[n+j],...,r[j]] := [r[n+j],...,r[j]] + [0,b[n-1],...,b[0]]. Set q[j] := q*. Normalise [q[m-n],..,q[0]]; this yields the quotient q. Shift [r[n-1],...,r[0]] right by s bits and normalise; this yields the rest r. The room for q[j] can be allocated at the memory location of r[n+j]. Finally, round-to-even: Shift r left by 1 bit. If r > b or if r = b and q[0] is odd, q := q+1. */ const mp_limb_t *a_ptr = a.limbs; size_t a_len = a.nlimbs; const mp_limb_t *b_ptr = b.limbs; size_t b_len = b.nlimbs; mp_limb_t *roomptr; mp_limb_t *tmp_roomptr = NULL; mp_limb_t *q_ptr; size_t q_len; mp_limb_t *r_ptr; size_t r_len; /* Allocate room for a_len+2 digits. (Need a_len+1 digits for the real division and 1 more digit for the final rounding of q.) */ roomptr = (mp_limb_t *) malloc ((a_len + 2) * sizeof (mp_limb_t)); if (roomptr == NULL) return NULL; /* Normalise a. */ while (a_len > 0 && a_ptr[a_len - 1] == 0) a_len--; /* Normalise b. */ for (;;) { if (b_len == 0) /* Division by zero. */ abort (); if (b_ptr[b_len - 1] == 0) b_len--; else break; } /* Here m = a_len >= 0 and n = b_len > 0. */ if (a_len < b_len) { /* m beta^(m-2) <= a/b < beta^m */ r_ptr = roomptr; q_ptr = roomptr + 1; { mp_limb_t den = b_ptr[0]; mp_limb_t remainder = 0; const mp_limb_t *sourceptr = a_ptr + a_len; mp_limb_t *destptr = q_ptr + a_len; size_t count; for (count = a_len; count > 0; count--) { mp_twolimb_t num = ((mp_twolimb_t) remainder << GMP_LIMB_BITS) | *--sourceptr; *--destptr = num / den; remainder = num % den; } /* Normalise and store r. */ if (remainder > 0) { r_ptr[0] = remainder; r_len = 1; } else r_len = 0; /* Normalise q. */ q_len = a_len; if (q_ptr[q_len - 1] == 0) q_len--; } } else { /* n>1: multiple precision division. beta^(m-1) <= a < beta^m, beta^(n-1) <= b < beta^n ==> beta^(m-n-1) <= a/b < beta^(m-n+1). */ /* Determine s. */ size_t s; { mp_limb_t msd = b_ptr[b_len - 1]; /* = b[n-1], > 0 */ /* Determine s = GMP_LIMB_BITS - integer_length (msd). Code copied from gnulib's integer_length.c. */ # if __GNUC__ > 3 || (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 4) s = __builtin_clz (msd); # else # if defined DBL_EXPBIT0_WORD && defined DBL_EXPBIT0_BIT if (GMP_LIMB_BITS <= DBL_MANT_BIT) { /* Use 'double' operations. Assumes an IEEE 754 'double' implementation. */ # define DBL_EXP_MASK ((DBL_MAX_EXP - DBL_MIN_EXP) | 7) # define DBL_EXP_BIAS (DBL_EXP_MASK / 2 - 1) # define NWORDS \ ((sizeof (double) + sizeof (unsigned int) - 1) / sizeof (unsigned int)) union { double value; unsigned int word[NWORDS]; } m; /* Use a single integer to floating-point conversion. */ m.value = msd; s = GMP_LIMB_BITS - (((m.word[DBL_EXPBIT0_WORD] >> DBL_EXPBIT0_BIT) & DBL_EXP_MASK) - DBL_EXP_BIAS); } else # undef NWORDS # endif { s = 31; if (msd >= 0x10000) { msd = msd >> 16; s -= 16; } if (msd >= 0x100) { msd = msd >> 8; s -= 8; } if (msd >= 0x10) { msd = msd >> 4; s -= 4; } if (msd >= 0x4) { msd = msd >> 2; s -= 2; } if (msd >= 0x2) { msd = msd >> 1; s -= 1; } } # endif } /* 0 <= s < GMP_LIMB_BITS. Copy b, shifting it left by s bits. */ if (s > 0) { tmp_roomptr = (mp_limb_t *) malloc (b_len * sizeof (mp_limb_t)); if (tmp_roomptr == NULL) { free (roomptr); return NULL; } { const mp_limb_t *sourceptr = b_ptr; mp_limb_t *destptr = tmp_roomptr; mp_twolimb_t accu = 0; size_t count; for (count = b_len; count > 0; count--) { accu += (mp_twolimb_t) *sourceptr++ << s; *destptr++ = (mp_limb_t) accu; accu = accu >> GMP_LIMB_BITS; } /* accu must be zero, since that was how s was determined. */ if (accu != 0) abort (); } b_ptr = tmp_roomptr; } /* Copy a, shifting it left by s bits, yields r. Memory layout: At the beginning: r = roomptr[0..a_len], at the end: r = roomptr[0..b_len-1], q = roomptr[b_len..a_len] */ r_ptr = roomptr; if (s == 0) { memcpy (r_ptr, a_ptr, a_len * sizeof (mp_limb_t)); r_ptr[a_len] = 0; } else { const mp_limb_t *sourceptr = a_ptr; mp_limb_t *destptr = r_ptr; mp_twolimb_t accu = 0; size_t count; for (count = a_len; count > 0; count--) { accu += (mp_twolimb_t) *sourceptr++ << s; *destptr++ = (mp_limb_t) accu; accu = accu >> GMP_LIMB_BITS; } *destptr++ = (mp_limb_t) accu; } q_ptr = roomptr + b_len; q_len = a_len - b_len + 1; /* q will have m-n+1 limbs */ { size_t j = a_len - b_len; /* m-n */ mp_limb_t b_msd = b_ptr[b_len - 1]; /* b[n-1] */ mp_limb_t b_2msd = b_ptr[b_len - 2]; /* b[n-2] */ mp_twolimb_t b_msdd = /* b[n-1]*beta+b[n-2] */ ((mp_twolimb_t) b_msd << GMP_LIMB_BITS) | b_2msd; /* Division loop, traversed m-n+1 times. j counts down, b is unchanged, beta/2 <= b[n-1] < beta. */ for (;;) { mp_limb_t q_star; mp_limb_t c1; if (r_ptr[j + b_len] < b_msd) /* r[j+n] < b[n-1] ? */ { /* Divide r[j+n]*beta+r[j+n-1] by b[n-1], no overflow. */ mp_twolimb_t num = ((mp_twolimb_t) r_ptr[j + b_len] << GMP_LIMB_BITS) | r_ptr[j + b_len - 1]; q_star = num / b_msd; c1 = num % b_msd; } else { /* Overflow, hence r[j+n]*beta+r[j+n-1] >= beta*b[n-1]. */ q_star = (mp_limb_t)~(mp_limb_t)0; /* q* = beta-1 */ /* Test whether r[j+n]*beta+r[j+n-1] - (beta-1)*b[n-1] >= beta <==> r[j+n]*beta+r[j+n-1] + b[n-1] >= beta*b[n-1]+beta <==> b[n-1] < floor((r[j+n]*beta+r[j+n-1]+b[n-1])/beta) {<= beta !}. If yes, jump directly to the subtraction loop. (Otherwise, r[j+n]*beta+r[j+n-1] - (beta-1)*b[n-1] < beta <==> floor((r[j+n]*beta+r[j+n-1]+b[n-1])/beta) = b[n-1] ) */ if (r_ptr[j + b_len] > b_msd || (c1 = r_ptr[j + b_len - 1] + b_msd) < b_msd) /* r[j+n] >= b[n-1]+1 or r[j+n] = b[n-1] and the addition r[j+n-1]+b[n-1] gives a carry. */ goto subtract; } /* q_star = q*, c1 = (r[j+n]*beta+r[j+n-1]) - q* * b[n-1] (>=0, 0, decrease it by b[n-1]*beta+b[n-2]. Because of b[n-1]*beta+b[n-2] >= beta^2/2 this can happen only twice. */ if (c3 > c2) { q_star = q_star - 1; /* q* := q* - 1 */ if (c3 - c2 > b_msdd) q_star = q_star - 1; /* q* := q* - 1 */ } } if (q_star > 0) subtract: { /* Subtract r := r - b * q* * beta^j. */ mp_limb_t cr; { const mp_limb_t *sourceptr = b_ptr; mp_limb_t *destptr = r_ptr + j; mp_twolimb_t carry = 0; size_t count; for (count = b_len; count > 0; count--) { /* Here 0 <= carry <= q*. */ carry = carry + (mp_twolimb_t) q_star * (mp_twolimb_t) *sourceptr++ + (mp_limb_t) ~(*destptr); /* Here 0 <= carry <= beta*q* + beta-1. */ *destptr++ = ~(mp_limb_t) carry; carry = carry >> GMP_LIMB_BITS; /* <= q* */ } cr = (mp_limb_t) carry; } /* Subtract cr from r_ptr[j + b_len], then forget about r_ptr[j + b_len]. */ if (cr > r_ptr[j + b_len]) { /* Subtraction gave a carry. */ q_star = q_star - 1; /* q* := q* - 1 */ /* Add b back. */ { const mp_limb_t *sourceptr = b_ptr; mp_limb_t *destptr = r_ptr + j; mp_limb_t carry = 0; size_t count; for (count = b_len; count > 0; count--) { mp_limb_t source1 = *sourceptr++; mp_limb_t source2 = *destptr; *destptr++ = source1 + source2 + carry; carry = (carry ? source1 >= (mp_limb_t) ~source2 : source1 > (mp_limb_t) ~source2); } } /* Forget about the carry and about r[j+n]. */ } } /* q* is determined. Store it as q[j]. */ q_ptr[j] = q_star; if (j == 0) break; j--; } } r_len = b_len; /* Normalise q. */ if (q_ptr[q_len - 1] == 0) q_len--; # if 0 /* Not needed here, since we need r only to compare it with b/2, and b is shifted left by s bits. */ /* Shift r right by s bits. */ if (s > 0) { mp_limb_t ptr = r_ptr + r_len; mp_twolimb_t accu = 0; size_t count; for (count = r_len; count > 0; count--) { accu = (mp_twolimb_t) (mp_limb_t) accu << GMP_LIMB_BITS; accu += (mp_twolimb_t) *--ptr << (GMP_LIMB_BITS - s); *ptr = (mp_limb_t) (accu >> GMP_LIMB_BITS); } } # endif /* Normalise r. */ while (r_len > 0 && r_ptr[r_len - 1] == 0) r_len--; } /* Compare r << 1 with b. */ if (r_len > b_len) goto increment_q; { size_t i; for (i = b_len;;) { mp_limb_t r_i = (i <= r_len && i > 0 ? r_ptr[i - 1] >> (GMP_LIMB_BITS - 1) : 0) | (i < r_len ? r_ptr[i] << 1 : 0); mp_limb_t b_i = (i < b_len ? b_ptr[i] : 0); if (r_i > b_i) goto increment_q; if (r_i < b_i) goto keep_q; if (i == 0) break; i--; } } if (q_len > 0 && ((q_ptr[0] & 1) != 0)) /* q is odd. */ increment_q: { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < q_len; i++) if (++(q_ptr[i]) != 0) goto keep_q; q_ptr[q_len++] = 1; } keep_q: if (tmp_roomptr != NULL) free (tmp_roomptr); q->limbs = q_ptr; q->nlimbs = q_len; return roomptr; } /* Convert a bignum a >= 0, multiplied with 10^extra_zeroes, to decimal representation. Destroys the contents of a. Return the allocated memory - containing the decimal digits in low-to-high order, terminated with a NUL character - in case of success, NULL in case of memory allocation failure. */ static char * convert_to_decimal (mpn_t a, size_t extra_zeroes) { mp_limb_t *a_ptr = a.limbs; size_t a_len = a.nlimbs; /* 0.03345 is slightly larger than log(2)/(9*log(10)). */ size_t c_len = 9 * ((size_t)(a_len * (GMP_LIMB_BITS * 0.03345f)) + 1); char *c_ptr = (char *) malloc (xsum (c_len, extra_zeroes)); if (c_ptr != NULL) { char *d_ptr = c_ptr; for (; extra_zeroes > 0; extra_zeroes--) *d_ptr++ = '0'; while (a_len > 0) { /* Divide a by 10^9, in-place. */ mp_limb_t remainder = 0; mp_limb_t *ptr = a_ptr + a_len; size_t count; for (count = a_len; count > 0; count--) { mp_twolimb_t num = ((mp_twolimb_t) remainder << GMP_LIMB_BITS) | *--ptr; *ptr = num / 1000000000; remainder = num % 1000000000; } /* Store the remainder as 9 decimal digits. */ for (count = 9; count > 0; count--) { *d_ptr++ = '0' + (remainder % 10); remainder = remainder / 10; } /* Normalize a. */ if (a_ptr[a_len - 1] == 0) a_len--; } /* Remove leading zeroes. */ while (d_ptr > c_ptr && d_ptr[-1] == '0') d_ptr--; /* But keep at least one zero. */ if (d_ptr == c_ptr) *d_ptr++ = '0'; /* Terminate the string. */ *d_ptr = '\0'; } return c_ptr; } # if NEED_PRINTF_LONG_DOUBLE /* Assuming x is finite and >= 0: write x as x = 2^e * m, where m is a bignum. Return the allocated memory in case of success, NULL in case of memory allocation failure. */ static void * decode_long_double (long double x, int *ep, mpn_t *mp) { mpn_t m; int exp; long double y; size_t i; /* Allocate memory for result. */ m.nlimbs = (LDBL_MANT_BIT + GMP_LIMB_BITS - 1) / GMP_LIMB_BITS; m.limbs = (mp_limb_t *) malloc (m.nlimbs * sizeof (mp_limb_t)); if (m.limbs == NULL) return NULL; /* Split into exponential part and mantissa. */ y = frexpl (x, &exp); if (!(y >= 0.0L && y < 1.0L)) abort (); /* x = 2^exp * y = 2^(exp - LDBL_MANT_BIT) * (y * 2^LDBL_MANT_BIT), and the latter is an integer. */ /* Convert the mantissa (y * 2^LDBL_MANT_BIT) to a sequence of limbs. I'm not sure whether it's safe to cast a 'long double' value between 2^31 and 2^32 to 'unsigned int', therefore play safe and cast only 'long double' values between 0 and 2^16 (to 'unsigned int' or 'int', doesn't matter). */ # if (LDBL_MANT_BIT % GMP_LIMB_BITS) != 0 # if (LDBL_MANT_BIT % GMP_LIMB_BITS) > GMP_LIMB_BITS / 2 { mp_limb_t hi, lo; y *= (mp_limb_t) 1 << (LDBL_MANT_BIT % (GMP_LIMB_BITS / 2)); hi = (int) y; y -= hi; if (!(y >= 0.0L && y < 1.0L)) abort (); y *= (mp_limb_t) 1 << (GMP_LIMB_BITS / 2); lo = (int) y; y -= lo; if (!(y >= 0.0L && y < 1.0L)) abort (); m.limbs[LDBL_MANT_BIT / GMP_LIMB_BITS] = (hi << (GMP_LIMB_BITS / 2)) | lo; } # else { mp_limb_t d; y *= (mp_limb_t) 1 << (LDBL_MANT_BIT % GMP_LIMB_BITS); d = (int) y; y -= d; if (!(y >= 0.0L && y < 1.0L)) abort (); m.limbs[LDBL_MANT_BIT / GMP_LIMB_BITS] = d; } # endif # endif for (i = LDBL_MANT_BIT / GMP_LIMB_BITS; i > 0; ) { mp_limb_t hi, lo; y *= (mp_limb_t) 1 << (GMP_LIMB_BITS / 2); hi = (int) y; y -= hi; if (!(y >= 0.0L && y < 1.0L)) abort (); y *= (mp_limb_t) 1 << (GMP_LIMB_BITS / 2); lo = (int) y; y -= lo; if (!(y >= 0.0L && y < 1.0L)) abort (); m.limbs[--i] = (hi << (GMP_LIMB_BITS / 2)) | lo; } # if 0 /* On FreeBSD 6.1/x86, 'long double' numbers sometimes have excess precision. */ if (!(y == 0.0L)) abort (); # endif /* Normalise. */ while (m.nlimbs > 0 && m.limbs[m.nlimbs - 1] == 0) m.nlimbs--; *mp = m; *ep = exp - LDBL_MANT_BIT; return m.limbs; } # endif # if NEED_PRINTF_DOUBLE /* Assuming x is finite and >= 0: write x as x = 2^e * m, where m is a bignum. Return the allocated memory in case of success, NULL in case of memory allocation failure. */ static void * decode_double (double x, int *ep, mpn_t *mp) { mpn_t m; int exp; double y; size_t i; /* Allocate memory for result. */ m.nlimbs = (DBL_MANT_BIT + GMP_LIMB_BITS - 1) / GMP_LIMB_BITS; m.limbs = (mp_limb_t *) malloc (m.nlimbs * sizeof (mp_limb_t)); if (m.limbs == NULL) return NULL; /* Split into exponential part and mantissa. */ y = frexp (x, &exp); if (!(y >= 0.0 && y < 1.0)) abort (); /* x = 2^exp * y = 2^(exp - DBL_MANT_BIT) * (y * 2^DBL_MANT_BIT), and the latter is an integer. */ /* Convert the mantissa (y * 2^DBL_MANT_BIT) to a sequence of limbs. I'm not sure whether it's safe to cast a 'double' value between 2^31 and 2^32 to 'unsigned int', therefore play safe and cast only 'double' values between 0 and 2^16 (to 'unsigned int' or 'int', doesn't matter). */ # if (DBL_MANT_BIT % GMP_LIMB_BITS) != 0 # if (DBL_MANT_BIT % GMP_LIMB_BITS) > GMP_LIMB_BITS / 2 { mp_limb_t hi, lo; y *= (mp_limb_t) 1 << (DBL_MANT_BIT % (GMP_LIMB_BITS / 2)); hi = (int) y; y -= hi; if (!(y >= 0.0 && y < 1.0)) abort (); y *= (mp_limb_t) 1 << (GMP_LIMB_BITS / 2); lo = (int) y; y -= lo; if (!(y >= 0.0 && y < 1.0)) abort (); m.limbs[DBL_MANT_BIT / GMP_LIMB_BITS] = (hi << (GMP_LIMB_BITS / 2)) | lo; } # else { mp_limb_t d; y *= (mp_limb_t) 1 << (DBL_MANT_BIT % GMP_LIMB_BITS); d = (int) y; y -= d; if (!(y >= 0.0 && y < 1.0)) abort (); m.limbs[DBL_MANT_BIT / GMP_LIMB_BITS] = d; } # endif # endif for (i = DBL_MANT_BIT / GMP_LIMB_BITS; i > 0; ) { mp_limb_t hi, lo; y *= (mp_limb_t) 1 << (GMP_LIMB_BITS / 2); hi = (int) y; y -= hi; if (!(y >= 0.0 && y < 1.0)) abort (); y *= (mp_limb_t) 1 << (GMP_LIMB_BITS / 2); lo = (int) y; y -= lo; if (!(y >= 0.0 && y < 1.0)) abort (); m.limbs[--i] = (hi << (GMP_LIMB_BITS / 2)) | lo; } if (!(y == 0.0)) abort (); /* Normalise. */ while (m.nlimbs > 0 && m.limbs[m.nlimbs - 1] == 0) m.nlimbs--; *mp = m; *ep = exp - DBL_MANT_BIT; return m.limbs; } # endif /* Assuming x = 2^e * m is finite and >= 0, and n is an integer: Returns the decimal representation of round (x * 10^n). Return the allocated memory - containing the decimal digits in low-to-high order, terminated with a NUL character - in case of success, NULL in case of memory allocation failure. */ static char * scale10_round_decimal_decoded (int e, mpn_t m, void *memory, int n) { int s; size_t extra_zeroes; unsigned int abs_n; unsigned int abs_s; mp_limb_t *pow5_ptr; size_t pow5_len; unsigned int s_limbs; unsigned int s_bits; mpn_t pow5; mpn_t z; void *z_memory; char *digits; if (memory == NULL) return NULL; /* x = 2^e * m, hence y = round (2^e * 10^n * m) = round (2^(e+n) * 5^n * m) = round (2^s * 5^n * m). */ s = e + n; extra_zeroes = 0; /* Factor out a common power of 10 if possible. */ if (s > 0 && n > 0) { extra_zeroes = (s < n ? s : n); s -= extra_zeroes; n -= extra_zeroes; } /* Here y = round (2^s * 5^n * m) * 10^extra_zeroes. Before converting to decimal, we need to compute z = round (2^s * 5^n * m). */ /* Compute 5^|n|, possibly shifted by |s| bits if n and s have the same sign. 2.322 is slightly larger than log(5)/log(2). */ abs_n = (n >= 0 ? n : -n); abs_s = (s >= 0 ? s : -s); pow5_ptr = (mp_limb_t *) malloc (((int)(abs_n * (2.322f / GMP_LIMB_BITS)) + 1 + abs_s / GMP_LIMB_BITS + 1) * sizeof (mp_limb_t)); if (pow5_ptr == NULL) { free (memory); return NULL; } /* Initialize with 1. */ pow5_ptr[0] = 1; pow5_len = 1; /* Multiply with 5^|n|. */ if (abs_n > 0) { static mp_limb_t const small_pow5[13 + 1] = { 1, 5, 25, 125, 625, 3125, 15625, 78125, 390625, 1953125, 9765625, 48828125, 244140625, 1220703125 }; unsigned int n13; for (n13 = 0; n13 <= abs_n; n13 += 13) { mp_limb_t digit1 = small_pow5[n13 + 13 <= abs_n ? 13 : abs_n - n13]; size_t j; mp_twolimb_t carry = 0; for (j = 0; j < pow5_len; j++) { mp_limb_t digit2 = pow5_ptr[j]; carry += (mp_twolimb_t) digit1 * (mp_twolimb_t) digit2; pow5_ptr[j] = (mp_limb_t) carry; carry = carry >> GMP_LIMB_BITS; } if (carry > 0) pow5_ptr[pow5_len++] = (mp_limb_t) carry; } } s_limbs = abs_s / GMP_LIMB_BITS; s_bits = abs_s % GMP_LIMB_BITS; if (n >= 0 ? s >= 0 : s <= 0) { /* Multiply with 2^|s|. */ if (s_bits > 0) { mp_limb_t *ptr = pow5_ptr; mp_twolimb_t accu = 0; size_t count; for (count = pow5_len; count > 0; count--) { accu += (mp_twolimb_t) *ptr << s_bits; *ptr++ = (mp_limb_t) accu; accu = accu >> GMP_LIMB_BITS; } if (accu > 0) { *ptr = (mp_limb_t) accu; pow5_len++; } } if (s_limbs > 0) { size_t count; for (count = pow5_len; count > 0;) { count--; pow5_ptr[s_limbs + count] = pow5_ptr[count]; } for (count = s_limbs; count > 0;) { count--; pow5_ptr[count] = 0; } pow5_len += s_limbs; } pow5.limbs = pow5_ptr; pow5.nlimbs = pow5_len; if (n >= 0) { /* Multiply m with pow5. No division needed. */ z_memory = multiply (m, pow5, &z); } else { /* Divide m by pow5 and round. */ z_memory = divide (m, pow5, &z); } } else { pow5.limbs = pow5_ptr; pow5.nlimbs = pow5_len; if (n >= 0) { /* n >= 0, s < 0. Multiply m with pow5, then divide by 2^|s|. */ mpn_t numerator; mpn_t denominator; void *tmp_memory; tmp_memory = multiply (m, pow5, &numerator); if (tmp_memory == NULL) { free (pow5_ptr); free (memory); return NULL; } /* Construct 2^|s|. */ { mp_limb_t *ptr = pow5_ptr + pow5_len; size_t i; for (i = 0; i < s_limbs; i++) ptr[i] = 0; ptr[s_limbs] = (mp_limb_t) 1 << s_bits; denominator.limbs = ptr; denominator.nlimbs = s_limbs + 1; } z_memory = divide (numerator, denominator, &z); free (tmp_memory); } else { /* n < 0, s > 0. Multiply m with 2^s, then divide by pow5. */ mpn_t numerator; mp_limb_t *num_ptr; num_ptr = (mp_limb_t *) malloc ((m.nlimbs + s_limbs + 1) * sizeof (mp_limb_t)); if (num_ptr == NULL) { free (pow5_ptr); free (memory); return NULL; } { mp_limb_t *destptr = num_ptr; { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < s_limbs; i++) *destptr++ = 0; } if (s_bits > 0) { const mp_limb_t *sourceptr = m.limbs; mp_twolimb_t accu = 0; size_t count; for (count = m.nlimbs; count > 0; count--) { accu += (mp_twolimb_t) *sourceptr++ << s_bits; *destptr++ = (mp_limb_t) accu; accu = accu >> GMP_LIMB_BITS; } if (accu > 0) *destptr++ = (mp_limb_t) accu; } else { const mp_limb_t *sourceptr = m.limbs; size_t count; for (count = m.nlimbs; count > 0; count--) *destptr++ = *sourceptr++; } numerator.limbs = num_ptr; numerator.nlimbs = destptr - num_ptr; } z_memory = divide (numerator, pow5, &z); free (num_ptr); } } free (pow5_ptr); free (memory); /* Here y = round (x * 10^n) = z * 10^extra_zeroes. */ if (z_memory == NULL) return NULL; digits = convert_to_decimal (z, extra_zeroes); free (z_memory); return digits; } # if NEED_PRINTF_LONG_DOUBLE /* Assuming x is finite and >= 0, and n is an integer: Returns the decimal representation of round (x * 10^n). Return the allocated memory - containing the decimal digits in low-to-high order, terminated with a NUL character - in case of success, NULL in case of memory allocation failure. */ static char * scale10_round_decimal_long_double (long double x, int n) { int e IF_LINT(= 0); mpn_t m; void *memory = decode_long_double (x, &e, &m); return scale10_round_decimal_decoded (e, m, memory, n); } # endif # if NEED_PRINTF_DOUBLE /* Assuming x is finite and >= 0, and n is an integer: Returns the decimal representation of round (x * 10^n). Return the allocated memory - containing the decimal digits in low-to-high order, terminated with a NUL character - in case of success, NULL in case of memory allocation failure. */ static char * scale10_round_decimal_double (double x, int n) { int e IF_LINT(= 0); mpn_t m; void *memory = decode_double (x, &e, &m); return scale10_round_decimal_decoded (e, m, memory, n); } # endif # if NEED_PRINTF_LONG_DOUBLE /* Assuming x is finite and > 0: Return an approximation for n with 10^n <= x < 10^(n+1). The approximation is usually the right n, but may be off by 1 sometimes. */ static int floorlog10l (long double x) { int exp; long double y; double z; double l; /* Split into exponential part and mantissa. */ y = frexpl (x, &exp); if (!(y >= 0.0L && y < 1.0L)) abort (); if (y == 0.0L) return INT_MIN; if (y < 0.5L) { while (y < (1.0L / (1 << (GMP_LIMB_BITS / 2)) / (1 << (GMP_LIMB_BITS / 2)))) { y *= 1.0L * (1 << (GMP_LIMB_BITS / 2)) * (1 << (GMP_LIMB_BITS / 2)); exp -= GMP_LIMB_BITS; } if (y < (1.0L / (1 << 16))) { y *= 1.0L * (1 << 16); exp -= 16; } if (y < (1.0L / (1 << 8))) { y *= 1.0L * (1 << 8); exp -= 8; } if (y < (1.0L / (1 << 4))) { y *= 1.0L * (1 << 4); exp -= 4; } if (y < (1.0L / (1 << 2))) { y *= 1.0L * (1 << 2); exp -= 2; } if (y < (1.0L / (1 << 1))) { y *= 1.0L * (1 << 1); exp -= 1; } } if (!(y >= 0.5L && y < 1.0L)) abort (); /* Compute an approximation for l = log2(x) = exp + log2(y). */ l = exp; z = y; if (z < 0.70710678118654752444) { z *= 1.4142135623730950488; l -= 0.5; } if (z < 0.8408964152537145431) { z *= 1.1892071150027210667; l -= 0.25; } if (z < 0.91700404320467123175) { z *= 1.0905077326652576592; l -= 0.125; } if (z < 0.9576032806985736469) { z *= 1.0442737824274138403; l -= 0.0625; } /* Now 0.95 <= z <= 1.01. */ z = 1 - z; /* log2(1-z) = 1/log(2) * (- z - z^2/2 - z^3/3 - z^4/4 - ...) Four terms are enough to get an approximation with error < 10^-7. */ l -= 1.4426950408889634074 * z * (1.0 + z * (0.5 + z * ((1.0 / 3) + z * 0.25))); /* Finally multiply with log(2)/log(10), yields an approximation for log10(x). */ l *= 0.30102999566398119523; /* Round down to the next integer. */ return (int) l + (l < 0 ? -1 : 0); } # endif # if NEED_PRINTF_DOUBLE /* Assuming x is finite and > 0: Return an approximation for n with 10^n <= x < 10^(n+1). The approximation is usually the right n, but may be off by 1 sometimes. */ static int floorlog10 (double x) { int exp; double y; double z; double l; /* Split into exponential part and mantissa. */ y = frexp (x, &exp); if (!(y >= 0.0 && y < 1.0)) abort (); if (y == 0.0) return INT_MIN; if (y < 0.5) { while (y < (1.0 / (1 << (GMP_LIMB_BITS / 2)) / (1 << (GMP_LIMB_BITS / 2)))) { y *= 1.0 * (1 << (GMP_LIMB_BITS / 2)) * (1 << (GMP_LIMB_BITS / 2)); exp -= GMP_LIMB_BITS; } if (y < (1.0 / (1 << 16))) { y *= 1.0 * (1 << 16); exp -= 16; } if (y < (1.0 / (1 << 8))) { y *= 1.0 * (1 << 8); exp -= 8; } if (y < (1.0 / (1 << 4))) { y *= 1.0 * (1 << 4); exp -= 4; } if (y < (1.0 / (1 << 2))) { y *= 1.0 * (1 << 2); exp -= 2; } if (y < (1.0 / (1 << 1))) { y *= 1.0 * (1 << 1); exp -= 1; } } if (!(y >= 0.5 && y < 1.0)) abort (); /* Compute an approximation for l = log2(x) = exp + log2(y). */ l = exp; z = y; if (z < 0.70710678118654752444) { z *= 1.4142135623730950488; l -= 0.5; } if (z < 0.8408964152537145431) { z *= 1.1892071150027210667; l -= 0.25; } if (z < 0.91700404320467123175) { z *= 1.0905077326652576592; l -= 0.125; } if (z < 0.9576032806985736469) { z *= 1.0442737824274138403; l -= 0.0625; } /* Now 0.95 <= z <= 1.01. */ z = 1 - z; /* log2(1-z) = 1/log(2) * (- z - z^2/2 - z^3/3 - z^4/4 - ...) Four terms are enough to get an approximation with error < 10^-7. */ l -= 1.4426950408889634074 * z * (1.0 + z * (0.5 + z * ((1.0 / 3) + z * 0.25))); /* Finally multiply with log(2)/log(10), yields an approximation for log10(x). */ l *= 0.30102999566398119523; /* Round down to the next integer. */ return (int) l + (l < 0 ? -1 : 0); } # endif /* Tests whether a string of digits consists of exactly PRECISION zeroes and a single '1' digit. */ static int is_borderline (const char *digits, size_t precision) { for (; precision > 0; precision--, digits++) if (*digits != '0') return 0; if (*digits != '1') return 0; digits++; return *digits == '\0'; } #endif #if !USE_SNPRINTF || !HAVE_SNPRINTF_RETVAL_C99 /* Use a different function name, to make it possible that the 'wchar_t' parametrization and the 'char' parametrization get compiled in the same translation unit. */ # if WIDE_CHAR_VERSION # define MAX_ROOM_NEEDED wmax_room_needed # else # define MAX_ROOM_NEEDED max_room_needed # endif /* Returns the number of TCHAR_T units needed as temporary space for the result of sprintf or SNPRINTF of a single conversion directive. */ static size_t MAX_ROOM_NEEDED (const arguments *ap, size_t arg_index, FCHAR_T conversion, arg_type type, int flags, size_t width, int has_precision, size_t precision, int pad_ourselves) { size_t tmp_length; switch (conversion) { case 'd': case 'i': case 'u': # if HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT if (type == TYPE_LONGLONGINT || type == TYPE_ULONGLONGINT) tmp_length = (unsigned int) (sizeof (unsigned long long) * CHAR_BIT * 0.30103 /* binary -> decimal */ ) + 1; /* turn floor into ceil */ else # endif if (type == TYPE_LONGINT || type == TYPE_ULONGINT) tmp_length = (unsigned int) (sizeof (unsigned long) * CHAR_BIT * 0.30103 /* binary -> decimal */ ) + 1; /* turn floor into ceil */ else tmp_length = (unsigned int) (sizeof (unsigned int) * CHAR_BIT * 0.30103 /* binary -> decimal */ ) + 1; /* turn floor into ceil */ if (tmp_length < precision) tmp_length = precision; /* Multiply by 2, as an estimate for FLAG_GROUP. */ tmp_length = xsum (tmp_length, tmp_length); /* Add 1, to account for a leading sign. */ tmp_length = xsum (tmp_length, 1); break; case 'o': # if HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT if (type == TYPE_LONGLONGINT || type == TYPE_ULONGLONGINT) tmp_length = (unsigned int) (sizeof (unsigned long long) * CHAR_BIT * 0.333334 /* binary -> octal */ ) + 1; /* turn floor into ceil */ else # endif if (type == TYPE_LONGINT || type == TYPE_ULONGINT) tmp_length = (unsigned int) (sizeof (unsigned long) * CHAR_BIT * 0.333334 /* binary -> octal */ ) + 1; /* turn floor into ceil */ else tmp_length = (unsigned int) (sizeof (unsigned int) * CHAR_BIT * 0.333334 /* binary -> octal */ ) + 1; /* turn floor into ceil */ if (tmp_length < precision) tmp_length = precision; /* Add 1, to account for a leading sign. */ tmp_length = xsum (tmp_length, 1); break; case 'x': case 'X': # if HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT if (type == TYPE_LONGLONGINT || type == TYPE_ULONGLONGINT) tmp_length = (unsigned int) (sizeof (unsigned long long) * CHAR_BIT * 0.25 /* binary -> hexadecimal */ ) + 1; /* turn floor into ceil */ else # endif if (type == TYPE_LONGINT || type == TYPE_ULONGINT) tmp_length = (unsigned int) (sizeof (unsigned long) * CHAR_BIT * 0.25 /* binary -> hexadecimal */ ) + 1; /* turn floor into ceil */ else tmp_length = (unsigned int) (sizeof (unsigned int) * CHAR_BIT * 0.25 /* binary -> hexadecimal */ ) + 1; /* turn floor into ceil */ if (tmp_length < precision) tmp_length = precision; /* Add 2, to account for a leading sign or alternate form. */ tmp_length = xsum (tmp_length, 2); break; case 'f': case 'F': if (type == TYPE_LONGDOUBLE) tmp_length = (unsigned int) (LDBL_MAX_EXP * 0.30103 /* binary -> decimal */ * 2 /* estimate for FLAG_GROUP */ ) + 1 /* turn floor into ceil */ + 10; /* sign, decimal point etc. */ else tmp_length = (unsigned int) (DBL_MAX_EXP * 0.30103 /* binary -> decimal */ * 2 /* estimate for FLAG_GROUP */ ) + 1 /* turn floor into ceil */ + 10; /* sign, decimal point etc. */ tmp_length = xsum (tmp_length, precision); break; case 'e': case 'E': case 'g': case 'G': tmp_length = 12; /* sign, decimal point, exponent etc. */ tmp_length = xsum (tmp_length, precision); break; case 'a': case 'A': if (type == TYPE_LONGDOUBLE) tmp_length = (unsigned int) (LDBL_DIG * 0.831 /* decimal -> hexadecimal */ ) + 1; /* turn floor into ceil */ else tmp_length = (unsigned int) (DBL_DIG * 0.831 /* decimal -> hexadecimal */ ) + 1; /* turn floor into ceil */ if (tmp_length < precision) tmp_length = precision; /* Account for sign, decimal point etc. */ tmp_length = xsum (tmp_length, 12); break; case 'c': # if HAVE_WINT_T && !WIDE_CHAR_VERSION if (type == TYPE_WIDE_CHAR) tmp_length = MB_CUR_MAX; else # endif tmp_length = 1; break; case 's': # if HAVE_WCHAR_T if (type == TYPE_WIDE_STRING) { # if WIDE_CHAR_VERSION /* ISO C says about %ls in fwprintf: "If the precision is not specified or is greater than the size of the array, the array shall contain a null wide character." So if there is a precision, we must not use wcslen. */ const wchar_t *arg = ap->arg[arg_index].a.a_wide_string; if (has_precision) tmp_length = local_wcsnlen (arg, precision); else tmp_length = local_wcslen (arg); # else /* ISO C says about %ls in fprintf: "If a precision is specified, no more than that many bytes are written (including shift sequences, if any), and the array shall contain a null wide character if, to equal the multibyte character sequence length given by the precision, the function would need to access a wide character one past the end of the array." So if there is a precision, we must not use wcslen. */ /* This case has already been handled separately in VASNPRINTF. */ abort (); # endif } else # endif { # if WIDE_CHAR_VERSION /* ISO C says about %s in fwprintf: "If the precision is not specified or is greater than the size of the converted array, the converted array shall contain a null wide character." So if there is a precision, we must not use strlen. */ /* This case has already been handled separately in VASNPRINTF. */ abort (); # else /* ISO C says about %s in fprintf: "If the precision is not specified or greater than the size of the array, the array shall contain a null character." So if there is a precision, we must not use strlen. */ const char *arg = ap->arg[arg_index].a.a_string; if (has_precision) tmp_length = local_strnlen (arg, precision); else tmp_length = strlen (arg); # endif } break; case 'p': tmp_length = (unsigned int) (sizeof (void *) * CHAR_BIT * 0.25 /* binary -> hexadecimal */ ) + 1 /* turn floor into ceil */ + 2; /* account for leading 0x */ break; default: abort (); } if (!pad_ourselves) { # if ENABLE_UNISTDIO /* Padding considers the number of characters, therefore the number of elements after padding may be > max (tmp_length, width) but is certainly <= tmp_length + width. */ tmp_length = xsum (tmp_length, width); # else /* Padding considers the number of elements, says POSIX. */ if (tmp_length < width) tmp_length = width; # endif } tmp_length = xsum (tmp_length, 1); /* account for trailing NUL */ return tmp_length; } #endif DCHAR_T * VASNPRINTF (DCHAR_T *resultbuf, size_t *lengthp, const FCHAR_T *format, va_list args) { DIRECTIVES d; arguments a; if (PRINTF_PARSE (format, &d, &a) < 0) /* errno is already set. */ return NULL; #define CLEANUP() \ if (d.dir != d.direct_alloc_dir) \ free (d.dir); \ if (a.arg != a.direct_alloc_arg) \ free (a.arg); if (PRINTF_FETCHARGS (args, &a) < 0) { CLEANUP (); errno = EINVAL; return NULL; } { size_t buf_neededlength; TCHAR_T *buf; TCHAR_T *buf_malloced; const FCHAR_T *cp; size_t i; DIRECTIVE *dp; /* Output string accumulator. */ DCHAR_T *result; size_t allocated; size_t length; /* Allocate a small buffer that will hold a directive passed to sprintf or snprintf. */ buf_neededlength = xsum4 (7, d.max_width_length, d.max_precision_length, 6); #if HAVE_ALLOCA if (buf_neededlength < 4000 / sizeof (TCHAR_T)) { buf = (TCHAR_T *) alloca (buf_neededlength * sizeof (TCHAR_T)); buf_malloced = NULL; } else #endif { size_t buf_memsize = xtimes (buf_neededlength, sizeof (TCHAR_T)); if (size_overflow_p (buf_memsize)) goto out_of_memory_1; buf = (TCHAR_T *) malloc (buf_memsize); if (buf == NULL) goto out_of_memory_1; buf_malloced = buf; } if (resultbuf != NULL) { result = resultbuf; allocated = *lengthp; } else { result = NULL; allocated = 0; } length = 0; /* Invariants: result is either == resultbuf or == NULL or malloc-allocated. If length > 0, then result != NULL. */ /* Ensures that allocated >= needed. Aborts through a jump to out_of_memory if needed is SIZE_MAX or otherwise too big. */ #define ENSURE_ALLOCATION(needed) \ if ((needed) > allocated) \ { \ size_t memory_size; \ DCHAR_T *memory; \ \ allocated = (allocated > 0 ? xtimes (allocated, 2) : 12); \ if ((needed) > allocated) \ allocated = (needed); \ memory_size = xtimes (allocated, sizeof (DCHAR_T)); \ if (size_overflow_p (memory_size)) \ goto out_of_memory; \ if (result == resultbuf || result == NULL) \ memory = (DCHAR_T *) malloc (memory_size); \ else \ memory = (DCHAR_T *) realloc (result, memory_size); \ if (memory == NULL) \ goto out_of_memory; \ if (result == resultbuf && length > 0) \ DCHAR_CPY (memory, result, length); \ result = memory; \ } for (cp = format, i = 0, dp = &d.dir[0]; ; cp = dp->dir_end, i++, dp++) { if (cp != dp->dir_start) { size_t n = dp->dir_start - cp; size_t augmented_length = xsum (length, n); ENSURE_ALLOCATION (augmented_length); /* This copies a piece of FCHAR_T[] into a DCHAR_T[]. Here we need that the format string contains only ASCII characters if FCHAR_T and DCHAR_T are not the same type. */ if (sizeof (FCHAR_T) == sizeof (DCHAR_T)) { DCHAR_CPY (result + length, (const DCHAR_T *) cp, n); length = augmented_length; } else { do result[length++] = *cp++; while (--n > 0); } } if (i == d.count) break; /* Execute a single directive. */ if (dp->conversion == '%') { size_t augmented_length; if (!(dp->arg_index == ARG_NONE)) abort (); augmented_length = xsum (length, 1); ENSURE_ALLOCATION (augmented_length); result[length] = '%'; length = augmented_length; } else { if (!(dp->arg_index != ARG_NONE)) abort (); if (dp->conversion == 'n') { switch (a.arg[dp->arg_index].type) { case TYPE_COUNT_SCHAR_POINTER: *a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_count_schar_pointer = length; break; case TYPE_COUNT_SHORT_POINTER: *a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_count_short_pointer = length; break; case TYPE_COUNT_INT_POINTER: *a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_count_int_pointer = length; break; case TYPE_COUNT_LONGINT_POINTER: *a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_count_longint_pointer = length; break; #if HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT case TYPE_COUNT_LONGLONGINT_POINTER: *a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_count_longlongint_pointer = length; break; #endif default: abort (); } } #if ENABLE_UNISTDIO /* The unistdio extensions. */ else if (dp->conversion == 'U') { arg_type type = a.arg[dp->arg_index].type; int flags = dp->flags; int has_width; size_t width; int has_precision; size_t precision; has_width = 0; width = 0; if (dp->width_start != dp->width_end) { if (dp->width_arg_index != ARG_NONE) { int arg; if (!(a.arg[dp->width_arg_index].type == TYPE_INT)) abort (); arg = a.arg[dp->width_arg_index].a.a_int; width = arg; if (arg < 0) { /* "A negative field width is taken as a '-' flag followed by a positive field width." */ flags |= FLAG_LEFT; width = -width; } } else { const FCHAR_T *digitp = dp->width_start; do width = xsum (xtimes (width, 10), *digitp++ - '0'); while (digitp != dp->width_end); } has_width = 1; } has_precision = 0; precision = 0; if (dp->precision_start != dp->precision_end) { if (dp->precision_arg_index != ARG_NONE) { int arg; if (!(a.arg[dp->precision_arg_index].type == TYPE_INT)) abort (); arg = a.arg[dp->precision_arg_index].a.a_int; /* "A negative precision is taken as if the precision were omitted." */ if (arg >= 0) { precision = arg; has_precision = 1; } } else { const FCHAR_T *digitp = dp->precision_start + 1; precision = 0; while (digitp != dp->precision_end) precision = xsum (xtimes (precision, 10), *digitp++ - '0'); has_precision = 1; } } switch (type) { case TYPE_U8_STRING: { const uint8_t *arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_u8_string; const uint8_t *arg_end; size_t characters; if (has_precision) { /* Use only PRECISION characters, from the left. */ arg_end = arg; characters = 0; for (; precision > 0; precision--) { int count = u8_strmblen (arg_end); if (count == 0) break; if (count < 0) { if (!(result == resultbuf || result == NULL)) free (result); if (buf_malloced != NULL) free (buf_malloced); CLEANUP (); errno = EILSEQ; return NULL; } arg_end += count; characters++; } } else if (has_width) { /* Use the entire string, and count the number of characters. */ arg_end = arg; characters = 0; for (;;) { int count = u8_strmblen (arg_end); if (count == 0) break; if (count < 0) { if (!(result == resultbuf || result == NULL)) free (result); if (buf_malloced != NULL) free (buf_malloced); CLEANUP (); errno = EILSEQ; return NULL; } arg_end += count; characters++; } } else { /* Use the entire string. */ arg_end = arg + u8_strlen (arg); /* The number of characters doesn't matter. */ characters = 0; } if (characters < width && !(dp->flags & FLAG_LEFT)) { size_t n = width - characters; ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, n)); DCHAR_SET (result + length, ' ', n); length += n; } # if DCHAR_IS_UINT8_T { size_t n = arg_end - arg; ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, n)); DCHAR_CPY (result + length, arg, n); length += n; } # else { /* Convert. */ DCHAR_T *converted = result + length; size_t converted_len = allocated - length; # if DCHAR_IS_TCHAR /* Convert from UTF-8 to locale encoding. */ converted = u8_conv_to_encoding (locale_charset (), iconveh_question_mark, arg, arg_end - arg, NULL, converted, &converted_len); # else /* Convert from UTF-8 to UTF-16/UTF-32. */ converted = U8_TO_DCHAR (arg, arg_end - arg, converted, &converted_len); # endif if (converted == NULL) { int saved_errno = errno; if (!(result == resultbuf || result == NULL)) free (result); if (buf_malloced != NULL) free (buf_malloced); CLEANUP (); errno = saved_errno; return NULL; } if (converted != result + length) { ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, converted_len)); DCHAR_CPY (result + length, converted, converted_len); free (converted); } length += converted_len; } # endif if (characters < width && (dp->flags & FLAG_LEFT)) { size_t n = width - characters; ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, n)); DCHAR_SET (result + length, ' ', n); length += n; } } break; case TYPE_U16_STRING: { const uint16_t *arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_u16_string; const uint16_t *arg_end; size_t characters; if (has_precision) { /* Use only PRECISION characters, from the left. */ arg_end = arg; characters = 0; for (; precision > 0; precision--) { int count = u16_strmblen (arg_end); if (count == 0) break; if (count < 0) { if (!(result == resultbuf || result == NULL)) free (result); if (buf_malloced != NULL) free (buf_malloced); CLEANUP (); errno = EILSEQ; return NULL; } arg_end += count; characters++; } } else if (has_width) { /* Use the entire string, and count the number of characters. */ arg_end = arg; characters = 0; for (;;) { int count = u16_strmblen (arg_end); if (count == 0) break; if (count < 0) { if (!(result == resultbuf || result == NULL)) free (result); if (buf_malloced != NULL) free (buf_malloced); CLEANUP (); errno = EILSEQ; return NULL; } arg_end += count; characters++; } } else { /* Use the entire string. */ arg_end = arg + u16_strlen (arg); /* The number of characters doesn't matter. */ characters = 0; } if (characters < width && !(dp->flags & FLAG_LEFT)) { size_t n = width - characters; ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, n)); DCHAR_SET (result + length, ' ', n); length += n; } # if DCHAR_IS_UINT16_T { size_t n = arg_end - arg; ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, n)); DCHAR_CPY (result + length, arg, n); length += n; } # else { /* Convert. */ DCHAR_T *converted = result + length; size_t converted_len = allocated - length; # if DCHAR_IS_TCHAR /* Convert from UTF-16 to locale encoding. */ converted = u16_conv_to_encoding (locale_charset (), iconveh_question_mark, arg, arg_end - arg, NULL, converted, &converted_len); # else /* Convert from UTF-16 to UTF-8/UTF-32. */ converted = U16_TO_DCHAR (arg, arg_end - arg, converted, &converted_len); # endif if (converted == NULL) { int saved_errno = errno; if (!(result == resultbuf || result == NULL)) free (result); if (buf_malloced != NULL) free (buf_malloced); CLEANUP (); errno = saved_errno; return NULL; } if (converted != result + length) { ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, converted_len)); DCHAR_CPY (result + length, converted, converted_len); free (converted); } length += converted_len; } # endif if (characters < width && (dp->flags & FLAG_LEFT)) { size_t n = width - characters; ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, n)); DCHAR_SET (result + length, ' ', n); length += n; } } break; case TYPE_U32_STRING: { const uint32_t *arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_u32_string; const uint32_t *arg_end; size_t characters; if (has_precision) { /* Use only PRECISION characters, from the left. */ arg_end = arg; characters = 0; for (; precision > 0; precision--) { int count = u32_strmblen (arg_end); if (count == 0) break; if (count < 0) { if (!(result == resultbuf || result == NULL)) free (result); if (buf_malloced != NULL) free (buf_malloced); CLEANUP (); errno = EILSEQ; return NULL; } arg_end += count; characters++; } } else if (has_width) { /* Use the entire string, and count the number of characters. */ arg_end = arg; characters = 0; for (;;) { int count = u32_strmblen (arg_end); if (count == 0) break; if (count < 0) { if (!(result == resultbuf || result == NULL)) free (result); if (buf_malloced != NULL) free (buf_malloced); CLEANUP (); errno = EILSEQ; return NULL; } arg_end += count; characters++; } } else { /* Use the entire string. */ arg_end = arg + u32_strlen (arg); /* The number of characters doesn't matter. */ characters = 0; } if (characters < width && !(dp->flags & FLAG_LEFT)) { size_t n = width - characters; ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, n)); DCHAR_SET (result + length, ' ', n); length += n; } # if DCHAR_IS_UINT32_T { size_t n = arg_end - arg; ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, n)); DCHAR_CPY (result + length, arg, n); length += n; } # else { /* Convert. */ DCHAR_T *converted = result + length; size_t converted_len = allocated - length; # if DCHAR_IS_TCHAR /* Convert from UTF-32 to locale encoding. */ converted = u32_conv_to_encoding (locale_charset (), iconveh_question_mark, arg, arg_end - arg, NULL, converted, &converted_len); # else /* Convert from UTF-32 to UTF-8/UTF-16. */ converted = U32_TO_DCHAR (arg, arg_end - arg, converted, &converted_len); # endif if (converted == NULL) { int saved_errno = errno; if (!(result == resultbuf || result == NULL)) free (result); if (buf_malloced != NULL) free (buf_malloced); CLEANUP (); errno = saved_errno; return NULL; } if (converted != result + length) { ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, converted_len)); DCHAR_CPY (result + length, converted, converted_len); free (converted); } length += converted_len; } # endif if (characters < width && (dp->flags & FLAG_LEFT)) { size_t n = width - characters; ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, n)); DCHAR_SET (result + length, ' ', n); length += n; } } break; default: abort (); } } #endif #if (!USE_SNPRINTF || !HAVE_SNPRINTF_RETVAL_C99 || (NEED_PRINTF_DIRECTIVE_LS && !defined IN_LIBINTL)) && HAVE_WCHAR_T else if (dp->conversion == 's' # if WIDE_CHAR_VERSION && a.arg[dp->arg_index].type != TYPE_WIDE_STRING # else && a.arg[dp->arg_index].type == TYPE_WIDE_STRING # endif ) { /* The normal handling of the 's' directive below requires allocating a temporary buffer. The determination of its length (tmp_length), in the case when a precision is specified, below requires a conversion between a char[] string and a wchar_t[] wide string. It could be done, but we have no guarantee that the implementation of sprintf will use the exactly same algorithm. Without this guarantee, it is possible to have buffer overrun bugs. In order to avoid such bugs, we implement the entire processing of the 's' directive ourselves. */ int flags = dp->flags; int has_width; size_t width; int has_precision; size_t precision; has_width = 0; width = 0; if (dp->width_start != dp->width_end) { if (dp->width_arg_index != ARG_NONE) { int arg; if (!(a.arg[dp->width_arg_index].type == TYPE_INT)) abort (); arg = a.arg[dp->width_arg_index].a.a_int; width = arg; if (arg < 0) { /* "A negative field width is taken as a '-' flag followed by a positive field width." */ flags |= FLAG_LEFT; width = -width; } } else { const FCHAR_T *digitp = dp->width_start; do width = xsum (xtimes (width, 10), *digitp++ - '0'); while (digitp != dp->width_end); } has_width = 1; } has_precision = 0; precision = 6; if (dp->precision_start != dp->precision_end) { if (dp->precision_arg_index != ARG_NONE) { int arg; if (!(a.arg[dp->precision_arg_index].type == TYPE_INT)) abort (); arg = a.arg[dp->precision_arg_index].a.a_int; /* "A negative precision is taken as if the precision were omitted." */ if (arg >= 0) { precision = arg; has_precision = 1; } } else { const FCHAR_T *digitp = dp->precision_start + 1; precision = 0; while (digitp != dp->precision_end) precision = xsum (xtimes (precision, 10), *digitp++ - '0'); has_precision = 1; } } # if WIDE_CHAR_VERSION /* %s in vasnwprintf. See the specification of fwprintf. */ { const char *arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_string; const char *arg_end; size_t characters; if (has_precision) { /* Use only as many bytes as needed to produce PRECISION wide characters, from the left. */ # if HAVE_MBRTOWC mbstate_t state; memset (&state, '\0', sizeof (mbstate_t)); # endif arg_end = arg; characters = 0; for (; precision > 0; precision--) { int count; # if HAVE_MBRTOWC count = mbrlen (arg_end, MB_CUR_MAX, &state); # else count = mblen (arg_end, MB_CUR_MAX); # endif if (count == 0) /* Found the terminating NUL. */ break; if (count < 0) { /* Invalid or incomplete multibyte character. */ if (!(result == resultbuf || result == NULL)) free (result); if (buf_malloced != NULL) free (buf_malloced); CLEANUP (); errno = EILSEQ; return NULL; } arg_end += count; characters++; } } else if (has_width) { /* Use the entire string, and count the number of wide characters. */ # if HAVE_MBRTOWC mbstate_t state; memset (&state, '\0', sizeof (mbstate_t)); # endif arg_end = arg; characters = 0; for (;;) { int count; # if HAVE_MBRTOWC count = mbrlen (arg_end, MB_CUR_MAX, &state); # else count = mblen (arg_end, MB_CUR_MAX); # endif if (count == 0) /* Found the terminating NUL. */ break; if (count < 0) { /* Invalid or incomplete multibyte character. */ if (!(result == resultbuf || result == NULL)) free (result); if (buf_malloced != NULL) free (buf_malloced); CLEANUP (); errno = EILSEQ; return NULL; } arg_end += count; characters++; } } else { /* Use the entire string. */ arg_end = arg + strlen (arg); /* The number of characters doesn't matter. */ characters = 0; } if (characters < width && !(dp->flags & FLAG_LEFT)) { size_t n = width - characters; ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, n)); DCHAR_SET (result + length, ' ', n); length += n; } if (has_precision || has_width) { /* We know the number of wide characters in advance. */ size_t remaining; # if HAVE_MBRTOWC mbstate_t state; memset (&state, '\0', sizeof (mbstate_t)); # endif ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, characters)); for (remaining = characters; remaining > 0; remaining--) { wchar_t wc; int count; # if HAVE_MBRTOWC count = mbrtowc (&wc, arg, arg_end - arg, &state); # else count = mbtowc (&wc, arg, arg_end - arg); # endif if (count <= 0) /* mbrtowc not consistent with mbrlen, or mbtowc not consistent with mblen. */ abort (); result[length++] = wc; arg += count; } if (!(arg == arg_end)) abort (); } else { # if HAVE_MBRTOWC mbstate_t state; memset (&state, '\0', sizeof (mbstate_t)); # endif while (arg < arg_end) { wchar_t wc; int count; # if HAVE_MBRTOWC count = mbrtowc (&wc, arg, arg_end - arg, &state); # else count = mbtowc (&wc, arg, arg_end - arg); # endif if (count <= 0) /* mbrtowc not consistent with mbrlen, or mbtowc not consistent with mblen. */ abort (); ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, 1)); result[length++] = wc; arg += count; } } if (characters < width && (dp->flags & FLAG_LEFT)) { size_t n = width - characters; ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, n)); DCHAR_SET (result + length, ' ', n); length += n; } } # else /* %ls in vasnprintf. See the specification of fprintf. */ { const wchar_t *arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_wide_string; const wchar_t *arg_end; size_t characters; # if !DCHAR_IS_TCHAR /* This code assumes that TCHAR_T is 'char'. */ verify (sizeof (TCHAR_T) == 1); TCHAR_T *tmpsrc; DCHAR_T *tmpdst; size_t tmpdst_len; # endif size_t w; if (has_precision) { /* Use only as many wide characters as needed to produce at most PRECISION bytes, from the left. */ # if HAVE_WCRTOMB && !defined GNULIB_defined_mbstate_t mbstate_t state; memset (&state, '\0', sizeof (mbstate_t)); # endif arg_end = arg; characters = 0; while (precision > 0) { char cbuf[64]; /* Assume MB_CUR_MAX <= 64. */ int count; if (*arg_end == 0) /* Found the terminating null wide character. */ break; # if HAVE_WCRTOMB && !defined GNULIB_defined_mbstate_t count = wcrtomb (cbuf, *arg_end, &state); # else count = wctomb (cbuf, *arg_end); # endif if (count < 0) { /* Cannot convert. */ if (!(result == resultbuf || result == NULL)) free (result); if (buf_malloced != NULL) free (buf_malloced); CLEANUP (); errno = EILSEQ; return NULL; } if (precision < count) break; arg_end++; characters += count; precision -= count; } } # if DCHAR_IS_TCHAR else if (has_width) # else else # endif { /* Use the entire string, and count the number of bytes. */ # if HAVE_WCRTOMB && !defined GNULIB_defined_mbstate_t mbstate_t state; memset (&state, '\0', sizeof (mbstate_t)); # endif arg_end = arg; characters = 0; for (;;) { char cbuf[64]; /* Assume MB_CUR_MAX <= 64. */ int count; if (*arg_end == 0) /* Found the terminating null wide character. */ break; # if HAVE_WCRTOMB && !defined GNULIB_defined_mbstate_t count = wcrtomb (cbuf, *arg_end, &state); # else count = wctomb (cbuf, *arg_end); # endif if (count < 0) { /* Cannot convert. */ if (!(result == resultbuf || result == NULL)) free (result); if (buf_malloced != NULL) free (buf_malloced); CLEANUP (); errno = EILSEQ; return NULL; } arg_end++; characters += count; } } # if DCHAR_IS_TCHAR else { /* Use the entire string. */ arg_end = arg + local_wcslen (arg); /* The number of bytes doesn't matter. */ characters = 0; } # endif # if !DCHAR_IS_TCHAR /* Convert the string into a piece of temporary memory. */ tmpsrc = (TCHAR_T *) malloc (characters * sizeof (TCHAR_T)); if (tmpsrc == NULL) goto out_of_memory; { TCHAR_T *tmpptr = tmpsrc; size_t remaining; # if HAVE_WCRTOMB && !defined GNULIB_defined_mbstate_t mbstate_t state; memset (&state, '\0', sizeof (mbstate_t)); # endif for (remaining = characters; remaining > 0; ) { char cbuf[64]; /* Assume MB_CUR_MAX <= 64. */ int count; if (*arg == 0) abort (); # if HAVE_WCRTOMB && !defined GNULIB_defined_mbstate_t count = wcrtomb (cbuf, *arg, &state); # else count = wctomb (cbuf, *arg); # endif if (count <= 0) /* Inconsistency. */ abort (); memcpy (tmpptr, cbuf, count); tmpptr += count; arg++; remaining -= count; } if (!(arg == arg_end)) abort (); } /* Convert from TCHAR_T[] to DCHAR_T[]. */ tmpdst = DCHAR_CONV_FROM_ENCODING (locale_charset (), iconveh_question_mark, tmpsrc, characters, NULL, NULL, &tmpdst_len); if (tmpdst == NULL) { int saved_errno = errno; free (tmpsrc); if (!(result == resultbuf || result == NULL)) free (result); if (buf_malloced != NULL) free (buf_malloced); CLEANUP (); errno = saved_errno; return NULL; } free (tmpsrc); # endif if (has_width) { # if ENABLE_UNISTDIO /* Outside POSIX, it's preferable to compare the width against the number of _characters_ of the converted value. */ w = DCHAR_MBSNLEN (result + length, characters); # else /* The width is compared against the number of _bytes_ of the converted value, says POSIX. */ w = characters; # endif } else /* w doesn't matter. */ w = 0; if (w < width && !(dp->flags & FLAG_LEFT)) { size_t n = width - w; ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, n)); DCHAR_SET (result + length, ' ', n); length += n; } # if DCHAR_IS_TCHAR if (has_precision || has_width) { /* We know the number of bytes in advance. */ size_t remaining; # if HAVE_WCRTOMB && !defined GNULIB_defined_mbstate_t mbstate_t state; memset (&state, '\0', sizeof (mbstate_t)); # endif ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, characters)); for (remaining = characters; remaining > 0; ) { char cbuf[64]; /* Assume MB_CUR_MAX <= 64. */ int count; if (*arg == 0) abort (); # if HAVE_WCRTOMB && !defined GNULIB_defined_mbstate_t count = wcrtomb (cbuf, *arg, &state); # else count = wctomb (cbuf, *arg); # endif if (count <= 0) /* Inconsistency. */ abort (); memcpy (result + length, cbuf, count); length += count; arg++; remaining -= count; } if (!(arg == arg_end)) abort (); } else { # if HAVE_WCRTOMB && !defined GNULIB_defined_mbstate_t mbstate_t state; memset (&state, '\0', sizeof (mbstate_t)); # endif while (arg < arg_end) { char cbuf[64]; /* Assume MB_CUR_MAX <= 64. */ int count; if (*arg == 0) abort (); # if HAVE_WCRTOMB && !defined GNULIB_defined_mbstate_t count = wcrtomb (cbuf, *arg, &state); # else count = wctomb (cbuf, *arg); # endif if (count <= 0) { /* Cannot convert. */ if (!(result == resultbuf || result == NULL)) free (result); if (buf_malloced != NULL) free (buf_malloced); CLEANUP (); errno = EILSEQ; return NULL; } ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, count)); memcpy (result + length, cbuf, count); length += count; arg++; } } # else ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, tmpdst_len)); DCHAR_CPY (result + length, tmpdst, tmpdst_len); free (tmpdst); length += tmpdst_len; # endif if (w < width && (dp->flags & FLAG_LEFT)) { size_t n = width - w; ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, n)); DCHAR_SET (result + length, ' ', n); length += n; } } # endif } #endif #if (NEED_PRINTF_DIRECTIVE_A || NEED_PRINTF_LONG_DOUBLE || NEED_PRINTF_DOUBLE) && !defined IN_LIBINTL else if ((dp->conversion == 'a' || dp->conversion == 'A') # if !(NEED_PRINTF_DIRECTIVE_A || (NEED_PRINTF_LONG_DOUBLE && NEED_PRINTF_DOUBLE)) && (0 # if NEED_PRINTF_DOUBLE || a.arg[dp->arg_index].type == TYPE_DOUBLE # endif # if NEED_PRINTF_LONG_DOUBLE || a.arg[dp->arg_index].type == TYPE_LONGDOUBLE # endif ) # endif ) { arg_type type = a.arg[dp->arg_index].type; int flags = dp->flags; size_t width; int has_precision; size_t precision; size_t tmp_length; size_t count; DCHAR_T tmpbuf[700]; DCHAR_T *tmp; DCHAR_T *pad_ptr; DCHAR_T *p; width = 0; if (dp->width_start != dp->width_end) { if (dp->width_arg_index != ARG_NONE) { int arg; if (!(a.arg[dp->width_arg_index].type == TYPE_INT)) abort (); arg = a.arg[dp->width_arg_index].a.a_int; width = arg; if (arg < 0) { /* "A negative field width is taken as a '-' flag followed by a positive field width." */ flags |= FLAG_LEFT; width = -width; } } else { const FCHAR_T *digitp = dp->width_start; do width = xsum (xtimes (width, 10), *digitp++ - '0'); while (digitp != dp->width_end); } } has_precision = 0; precision = 0; if (dp->precision_start != dp->precision_end) { if (dp->precision_arg_index != ARG_NONE) { int arg; if (!(a.arg[dp->precision_arg_index].type == TYPE_INT)) abort (); arg = a.arg[dp->precision_arg_index].a.a_int; /* "A negative precision is taken as if the precision were omitted." */ if (arg >= 0) { precision = arg; has_precision = 1; } } else { const FCHAR_T *digitp = dp->precision_start + 1; precision = 0; while (digitp != dp->precision_end) precision = xsum (xtimes (precision, 10), *digitp++ - '0'); has_precision = 1; } } /* Allocate a temporary buffer of sufficient size. */ if (type == TYPE_LONGDOUBLE) tmp_length = (unsigned int) ((LDBL_DIG + 1) * 0.831 /* decimal -> hexadecimal */ ) + 1; /* turn floor into ceil */ else tmp_length = (unsigned int) ((DBL_DIG + 1) * 0.831 /* decimal -> hexadecimal */ ) + 1; /* turn floor into ceil */ if (tmp_length < precision) tmp_length = precision; /* Account for sign, decimal point etc. */ tmp_length = xsum (tmp_length, 12); if (tmp_length < width) tmp_length = width; tmp_length = xsum (tmp_length, 1); /* account for trailing NUL */ if (tmp_length <= sizeof (tmpbuf) / sizeof (DCHAR_T)) tmp = tmpbuf; else { size_t tmp_memsize = xtimes (tmp_length, sizeof (DCHAR_T)); if (size_overflow_p (tmp_memsize)) /* Overflow, would lead to out of memory. */ goto out_of_memory; tmp = (DCHAR_T *) malloc (tmp_memsize); if (tmp == NULL) /* Out of memory. */ goto out_of_memory; } pad_ptr = NULL; p = tmp; if (type == TYPE_LONGDOUBLE) { # if NEED_PRINTF_DIRECTIVE_A || NEED_PRINTF_LONG_DOUBLE long double arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_longdouble; if (isnanl (arg)) { if (dp->conversion == 'A') { *p++ = 'N'; *p++ = 'A'; *p++ = 'N'; } else { *p++ = 'n'; *p++ = 'a'; *p++ = 'n'; } } else { int sign = 0; DECL_LONG_DOUBLE_ROUNDING BEGIN_LONG_DOUBLE_ROUNDING (); if (signbit (arg)) /* arg < 0.0L or negative zero */ { sign = -1; arg = -arg; } if (sign < 0) *p++ = '-'; else if (flags & FLAG_SHOWSIGN) *p++ = '+'; else if (flags & FLAG_SPACE) *p++ = ' '; if (arg > 0.0L && arg + arg == arg) { if (dp->conversion == 'A') { *p++ = 'I'; *p++ = 'N'; *p++ = 'F'; } else { *p++ = 'i'; *p++ = 'n'; *p++ = 'f'; } } else { int exponent; long double mantissa; if (arg > 0.0L) mantissa = printf_frexpl (arg, &exponent); else { exponent = 0; mantissa = 0.0L; } if (has_precision && precision < (unsigned int) ((LDBL_DIG + 1) * 0.831) + 1) { /* Round the mantissa. */ long double tail = mantissa; size_t q; for (q = precision; ; q--) { int digit = (int) tail; tail -= digit; if (q == 0) { if (digit & 1 ? tail >= 0.5L : tail > 0.5L) tail = 1 - tail; else tail = - tail; break; } tail *= 16.0L; } if (tail != 0.0L) for (q = precision; q > 0; q--) tail *= 0.0625L; mantissa += tail; } *p++ = '0'; *p++ = dp->conversion - 'A' + 'X'; pad_ptr = p; { int digit; digit = (int) mantissa; mantissa -= digit; *p++ = '0' + digit; if ((flags & FLAG_ALT) || mantissa > 0.0L || precision > 0) { *p++ = decimal_point_char (); /* This loop terminates because we assume that FLT_RADIX is a power of 2. */ while (mantissa > 0.0L) { mantissa *= 16.0L; digit = (int) mantissa; mantissa -= digit; *p++ = digit + (digit < 10 ? '0' : dp->conversion - 10); if (precision > 0) precision--; } while (precision > 0) { *p++ = '0'; precision--; } } } *p++ = dp->conversion - 'A' + 'P'; # if WIDE_CHAR_VERSION { static const wchar_t decimal_format[] = { '%', '+', 'd', '\0' }; SNPRINTF (p, 6 + 1, decimal_format, exponent); } while (*p != '\0') p++; # else if (sizeof (DCHAR_T) == 1) { sprintf ((char *) p, "%+d", exponent); while (*p != '\0') p++; } else { char expbuf[6 + 1]; const char *ep; sprintf (expbuf, "%+d", exponent); for (ep = expbuf; (*p = *ep) != '\0'; ep++) p++; } # endif } END_LONG_DOUBLE_ROUNDING (); } # else abort (); # endif } else { # if NEED_PRINTF_DIRECTIVE_A || NEED_PRINTF_DOUBLE double arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_double; if (isnand (arg)) { if (dp->conversion == 'A') { *p++ = 'N'; *p++ = 'A'; *p++ = 'N'; } else { *p++ = 'n'; *p++ = 'a'; *p++ = 'n'; } } else { int sign = 0; if (signbit (arg)) /* arg < 0.0 or negative zero */ { sign = -1; arg = -arg; } if (sign < 0) *p++ = '-'; else if (flags & FLAG_SHOWSIGN) *p++ = '+'; else if (flags & FLAG_SPACE) *p++ = ' '; if (arg > 0.0 && arg + arg == arg) { if (dp->conversion == 'A') { *p++ = 'I'; *p++ = 'N'; *p++ = 'F'; } else { *p++ = 'i'; *p++ = 'n'; *p++ = 'f'; } } else { int exponent; double mantissa; if (arg > 0.0) mantissa = printf_frexp (arg, &exponent); else { exponent = 0; mantissa = 0.0; } if (has_precision && precision < (unsigned int) ((DBL_DIG + 1) * 0.831) + 1) { /* Round the mantissa. */ double tail = mantissa; size_t q; for (q = precision; ; q--) { int digit = (int) tail; tail -= digit; if (q == 0) { if (digit & 1 ? tail >= 0.5 : tail > 0.5) tail = 1 - tail; else tail = - tail; break; } tail *= 16.0; } if (tail != 0.0) for (q = precision; q > 0; q--) tail *= 0.0625; mantissa += tail; } *p++ = '0'; *p++ = dp->conversion - 'A' + 'X'; pad_ptr = p; { int digit; digit = (int) mantissa; mantissa -= digit; *p++ = '0' + digit; if ((flags & FLAG_ALT) || mantissa > 0.0 || precision > 0) { *p++ = decimal_point_char (); /* This loop terminates because we assume that FLT_RADIX is a power of 2. */ while (mantissa > 0.0) { mantissa *= 16.0; digit = (int) mantissa; mantissa -= digit; *p++ = digit + (digit < 10 ? '0' : dp->conversion - 10); if (precision > 0) precision--; } while (precision > 0) { *p++ = '0'; precision--; } } } *p++ = dp->conversion - 'A' + 'P'; # if WIDE_CHAR_VERSION { static const wchar_t decimal_format[] = { '%', '+', 'd', '\0' }; SNPRINTF (p, 6 + 1, decimal_format, exponent); } while (*p != '\0') p++; # else if (sizeof (DCHAR_T) == 1) { sprintf ((char *) p, "%+d", exponent); while (*p != '\0') p++; } else { char expbuf[6 + 1]; const char *ep; sprintf (expbuf, "%+d", exponent); for (ep = expbuf; (*p = *ep) != '\0'; ep++) p++; } # endif } } # else abort (); # endif } /* The generated string now extends from tmp to p, with the zero padding insertion point being at pad_ptr. */ count = p - tmp; if (count < width) { size_t pad = width - count; DCHAR_T *end = p + pad; if (flags & FLAG_LEFT) { /* Pad with spaces on the right. */ for (; pad > 0; pad--) *p++ = ' '; } else if ((flags & FLAG_ZERO) && pad_ptr != NULL) { /* Pad with zeroes. */ DCHAR_T *q = end; while (p > pad_ptr) *--q = *--p; for (; pad > 0; pad--) *p++ = '0'; } else { /* Pad with spaces on the left. */ DCHAR_T *q = end; while (p > tmp) *--q = *--p; for (; pad > 0; pad--) *p++ = ' '; } p = end; } count = p - tmp; if (count >= tmp_length) /* tmp_length was incorrectly calculated - fix the code above! */ abort (); /* Make room for the result. */ if (count >= allocated - length) { size_t n = xsum (length, count); ENSURE_ALLOCATION (n); } /* Append the result. */ memcpy (result + length, tmp, count * sizeof (DCHAR_T)); if (tmp != tmpbuf) free (tmp); length += count; } #endif #if (NEED_PRINTF_INFINITE_DOUBLE || NEED_PRINTF_DOUBLE || NEED_PRINTF_INFINITE_LONG_DOUBLE || NEED_PRINTF_LONG_DOUBLE) && !defined IN_LIBINTL else if ((dp->conversion == 'f' || dp->conversion == 'F' || dp->conversion == 'e' || dp->conversion == 'E' || dp->conversion == 'g' || dp->conversion == 'G' || dp->conversion == 'a' || dp->conversion == 'A') && (0 # if NEED_PRINTF_DOUBLE || a.arg[dp->arg_index].type == TYPE_DOUBLE # elif NEED_PRINTF_INFINITE_DOUBLE || (a.arg[dp->arg_index].type == TYPE_DOUBLE /* The systems (mingw) which produce wrong output for Inf, -Inf, and NaN also do so for -0.0. Therefore we treat this case here as well. */ && is_infinite_or_zero (a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_double)) # endif # if NEED_PRINTF_LONG_DOUBLE || a.arg[dp->arg_index].type == TYPE_LONGDOUBLE # elif NEED_PRINTF_INFINITE_LONG_DOUBLE || (a.arg[dp->arg_index].type == TYPE_LONGDOUBLE /* Some systems produce wrong output for Inf, -Inf, and NaN. Some systems in this category (IRIX 5.3) also do so for -0.0. Therefore we treat this case here as well. */ && is_infinite_or_zerol (a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_longdouble)) # endif )) { # if (NEED_PRINTF_DOUBLE || NEED_PRINTF_INFINITE_DOUBLE) && (NEED_PRINTF_LONG_DOUBLE || NEED_PRINTF_INFINITE_LONG_DOUBLE) arg_type type = a.arg[dp->arg_index].type; # endif int flags = dp->flags; size_t width; size_t count; int has_precision; size_t precision; size_t tmp_length; DCHAR_T tmpbuf[700]; DCHAR_T *tmp; DCHAR_T *pad_ptr; DCHAR_T *p; width = 0; if (dp->width_start != dp->width_end) { if (dp->width_arg_index != ARG_NONE) { int arg; if (!(a.arg[dp->width_arg_index].type == TYPE_INT)) abort (); arg = a.arg[dp->width_arg_index].a.a_int; width = arg; if (arg < 0) { /* "A negative field width is taken as a '-' flag followed by a positive field width." */ flags |= FLAG_LEFT; width = -width; } } else { const FCHAR_T *digitp = dp->width_start; do width = xsum (xtimes (width, 10), *digitp++ - '0'); while (digitp != dp->width_end); } } has_precision = 0; precision = 0; if (dp->precision_start != dp->precision_end) { if (dp->precision_arg_index != ARG_NONE) { int arg; if (!(a.arg[dp->precision_arg_index].type == TYPE_INT)) abort (); arg = a.arg[dp->precision_arg_index].a.a_int; /* "A negative precision is taken as if the precision were omitted." */ if (arg >= 0) { precision = arg; has_precision = 1; } } else { const FCHAR_T *digitp = dp->precision_start + 1; precision = 0; while (digitp != dp->precision_end) precision = xsum (xtimes (precision, 10), *digitp++ - '0'); has_precision = 1; } } /* POSIX specifies the default precision to be 6 for %f, %F, %e, %E, but not for %g, %G. Implementations appear to use the same default precision also for %g, %G. But for %a, %A, the default precision is 0. */ if (!has_precision) if (!(dp->conversion == 'a' || dp->conversion == 'A')) precision = 6; /* Allocate a temporary buffer of sufficient size. */ # if NEED_PRINTF_DOUBLE && NEED_PRINTF_LONG_DOUBLE tmp_length = (type == TYPE_LONGDOUBLE ? LDBL_DIG + 1 : DBL_DIG + 1); # elif NEED_PRINTF_INFINITE_DOUBLE && NEED_PRINTF_LONG_DOUBLE tmp_length = (type == TYPE_LONGDOUBLE ? LDBL_DIG + 1 : 0); # elif NEED_PRINTF_LONG_DOUBLE tmp_length = LDBL_DIG + 1; # elif NEED_PRINTF_DOUBLE tmp_length = DBL_DIG + 1; # else tmp_length = 0; # endif if (tmp_length < precision) tmp_length = precision; # if NEED_PRINTF_LONG_DOUBLE # if NEED_PRINTF_DOUBLE || NEED_PRINTF_INFINITE_DOUBLE if (type == TYPE_LONGDOUBLE) # endif if (dp->conversion == 'f' || dp->conversion == 'F') { long double arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_longdouble; if (!(isnanl (arg) || arg + arg == arg)) { /* arg is finite and nonzero. */ int exponent = floorlog10l (arg < 0 ? -arg : arg); if (exponent >= 0 && tmp_length < exponent + precision) tmp_length = exponent + precision; } } # endif # if NEED_PRINTF_DOUBLE # if NEED_PRINTF_LONG_DOUBLE || NEED_PRINTF_INFINITE_LONG_DOUBLE if (type == TYPE_DOUBLE) # endif if (dp->conversion == 'f' || dp->conversion == 'F') { double arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_double; if (!(isnand (arg) || arg + arg == arg)) { /* arg is finite and nonzero. */ int exponent = floorlog10 (arg < 0 ? -arg : arg); if (exponent >= 0 && tmp_length < exponent + precision) tmp_length = exponent + precision; } } # endif /* Account for sign, decimal point etc. */ tmp_length = xsum (tmp_length, 12); if (tmp_length < width) tmp_length = width; tmp_length = xsum (tmp_length, 1); /* account for trailing NUL */ if (tmp_length <= sizeof (tmpbuf) / sizeof (DCHAR_T)) tmp = tmpbuf; else { size_t tmp_memsize = xtimes (tmp_length, sizeof (DCHAR_T)); if (size_overflow_p (tmp_memsize)) /* Overflow, would lead to out of memory. */ goto out_of_memory; tmp = (DCHAR_T *) malloc (tmp_memsize); if (tmp == NULL) /* Out of memory. */ goto out_of_memory; } pad_ptr = NULL; p = tmp; # if NEED_PRINTF_LONG_DOUBLE || NEED_PRINTF_INFINITE_LONG_DOUBLE # if NEED_PRINTF_DOUBLE || NEED_PRINTF_INFINITE_DOUBLE if (type == TYPE_LONGDOUBLE) # endif { long double arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_longdouble; if (isnanl (arg)) { if (dp->conversion >= 'A' && dp->conversion <= 'Z') { *p++ = 'N'; *p++ = 'A'; *p++ = 'N'; } else { *p++ = 'n'; *p++ = 'a'; *p++ = 'n'; } } else { int sign = 0; DECL_LONG_DOUBLE_ROUNDING BEGIN_LONG_DOUBLE_ROUNDING (); if (signbit (arg)) /* arg < 0.0L or negative zero */ { sign = -1; arg = -arg; } if (sign < 0) *p++ = '-'; else if (flags & FLAG_SHOWSIGN) *p++ = '+'; else if (flags & FLAG_SPACE) *p++ = ' '; if (arg > 0.0L && arg + arg == arg) { if (dp->conversion >= 'A' && dp->conversion <= 'Z') { *p++ = 'I'; *p++ = 'N'; *p++ = 'F'; } else { *p++ = 'i'; *p++ = 'n'; *p++ = 'f'; } } else { # if NEED_PRINTF_LONG_DOUBLE pad_ptr = p; if (dp->conversion == 'f' || dp->conversion == 'F') { char *digits; size_t ndigits; digits = scale10_round_decimal_long_double (arg, precision); if (digits == NULL) { END_LONG_DOUBLE_ROUNDING (); goto out_of_memory; } ndigits = strlen (digits); if (ndigits > precision) do { --ndigits; *p++ = digits[ndigits]; } while (ndigits > precision); else *p++ = '0'; /* Here ndigits <= precision. */ if ((flags & FLAG_ALT) || precision > 0) { *p++ = decimal_point_char (); for (; precision > ndigits; precision--) *p++ = '0'; while (ndigits > 0) { --ndigits; *p++ = digits[ndigits]; } } free (digits); } else if (dp->conversion == 'e' || dp->conversion == 'E') { int exponent; if (arg == 0.0L) { exponent = 0; *p++ = '0'; if ((flags & FLAG_ALT) || precision > 0) { *p++ = decimal_point_char (); for (; precision > 0; precision--) *p++ = '0'; } } else { /* arg > 0.0L. */ int adjusted; char *digits; size_t ndigits; exponent = floorlog10l (arg); adjusted = 0; for (;;) { digits = scale10_round_decimal_long_double (arg, (int)precision - exponent); if (digits == NULL) { END_LONG_DOUBLE_ROUNDING (); goto out_of_memory; } ndigits = strlen (digits); if (ndigits == precision + 1) break; if (ndigits < precision || ndigits > precision + 2) /* The exponent was not guessed precisely enough. */ abort (); if (adjusted) /* None of two values of exponent is the right one. Prevent an endless loop. */ abort (); free (digits); if (ndigits == precision) exponent -= 1; else exponent += 1; adjusted = 1; } /* Here ndigits = precision+1. */ if (is_borderline (digits, precision)) { /* Maybe the exponent guess was too high and a smaller exponent can be reached by turning a 10...0 into 9...9x. */ char *digits2 = scale10_round_decimal_long_double (arg, (int)precision - exponent + 1); if (digits2 == NULL) { free (digits); END_LONG_DOUBLE_ROUNDING (); goto out_of_memory; } if (strlen (digits2) == precision + 1) { free (digits); digits = digits2; exponent -= 1; } else free (digits2); } /* Here ndigits = precision+1. */ *p++ = digits[--ndigits]; if ((flags & FLAG_ALT) || precision > 0) { *p++ = decimal_point_char (); while (ndigits > 0) { --ndigits; *p++ = digits[ndigits]; } } free (digits); } *p++ = dp->conversion; /* 'e' or 'E' */ # if WIDE_CHAR_VERSION { static const wchar_t decimal_format[] = { '%', '+', '.', '2', 'd', '\0' }; SNPRINTF (p, 6 + 1, decimal_format, exponent); } while (*p != '\0') p++; # else if (sizeof (DCHAR_T) == 1) { sprintf ((char *) p, "%+.2d", exponent); while (*p != '\0') p++; } else { char expbuf[6 + 1]; const char *ep; sprintf (expbuf, "%+.2d", exponent); for (ep = expbuf; (*p = *ep) != '\0'; ep++) p++; } # endif } else if (dp->conversion == 'g' || dp->conversion == 'G') { if (precision == 0) precision = 1; /* precision >= 1. */ if (arg == 0.0L) /* The exponent is 0, >= -4, < precision. Use fixed-point notation. */ { size_t ndigits = precision; /* Number of trailing zeroes that have to be dropped. */ size_t nzeroes = (flags & FLAG_ALT ? 0 : precision - 1); --ndigits; *p++ = '0'; if ((flags & FLAG_ALT) || ndigits > nzeroes) { *p++ = decimal_point_char (); while (ndigits > nzeroes) { --ndigits; *p++ = '0'; } } } else { /* arg > 0.0L. */ int exponent; int adjusted; char *digits; size_t ndigits; size_t nzeroes; exponent = floorlog10l (arg); adjusted = 0; for (;;) { digits = scale10_round_decimal_long_double (arg, (int)(precision - 1) - exponent); if (digits == NULL) { END_LONG_DOUBLE_ROUNDING (); goto out_of_memory; } ndigits = strlen (digits); if (ndigits == precision) break; if (ndigits < precision - 1 || ndigits > precision + 1) /* The exponent was not guessed precisely enough. */ abort (); if (adjusted) /* None of two values of exponent is the right one. Prevent an endless loop. */ abort (); free (digits); if (ndigits < precision) exponent -= 1; else exponent += 1; adjusted = 1; } /* Here ndigits = precision. */ if (is_borderline (digits, precision - 1)) { /* Maybe the exponent guess was too high and a smaller exponent can be reached by turning a 10...0 into 9...9x. */ char *digits2 = scale10_round_decimal_long_double (arg, (int)(precision - 1) - exponent + 1); if (digits2 == NULL) { free (digits); END_LONG_DOUBLE_ROUNDING (); goto out_of_memory; } if (strlen (digits2) == precision) { free (digits); digits = digits2; exponent -= 1; } else free (digits2); } /* Here ndigits = precision. */ /* Determine the number of trailing zeroes that have to be dropped. */ nzeroes = 0; if ((flags & FLAG_ALT) == 0) while (nzeroes < ndigits && digits[nzeroes] == '0') nzeroes++; /* The exponent is now determined. */ if (exponent >= -4 && exponent < (long)precision) { /* Fixed-point notation: max(exponent,0)+1 digits, then the decimal point, then the remaining digits without trailing zeroes. */ if (exponent >= 0) { size_t ecount = exponent + 1; /* Note: count <= precision = ndigits. */ for (; ecount > 0; ecount--) *p++ = digits[--ndigits]; if ((flags & FLAG_ALT) || ndigits > nzeroes) { *p++ = decimal_point_char (); while (ndigits > nzeroes) { --ndigits; *p++ = digits[ndigits]; } } } else { size_t ecount = -exponent - 1; *p++ = '0'; *p++ = decimal_point_char (); for (; ecount > 0; ecount--) *p++ = '0'; while (ndigits > nzeroes) { --ndigits; *p++ = digits[ndigits]; } } } else { /* Exponential notation. */ *p++ = digits[--ndigits]; if ((flags & FLAG_ALT) || ndigits > nzeroes) { *p++ = decimal_point_char (); while (ndigits > nzeroes) { --ndigits; *p++ = digits[ndigits]; } } *p++ = dp->conversion - 'G' + 'E'; /* 'e' or 'E' */ # if WIDE_CHAR_VERSION { static const wchar_t decimal_format[] = { '%', '+', '.', '2', 'd', '\0' }; SNPRINTF (p, 6 + 1, decimal_format, exponent); } while (*p != '\0') p++; # else if (sizeof (DCHAR_T) == 1) { sprintf ((char *) p, "%+.2d", exponent); while (*p != '\0') p++; } else { char expbuf[6 + 1]; const char *ep; sprintf (expbuf, "%+.2d", exponent); for (ep = expbuf; (*p = *ep) != '\0'; ep++) p++; } # endif } free (digits); } } else abort (); # else /* arg is finite. */ if (!(arg == 0.0L)) abort (); pad_ptr = p; if (dp->conversion == 'f' || dp->conversion == 'F') { *p++ = '0'; if ((flags & FLAG_ALT) || precision > 0) { *p++ = decimal_point_char (); for (; precision > 0; precision--) *p++ = '0'; } } else if (dp->conversion == 'e' || dp->conversion == 'E') { *p++ = '0'; if ((flags & FLAG_ALT) || precision > 0) { *p++ = decimal_point_char (); for (; precision > 0; precision--) *p++ = '0'; } *p++ = dp->conversion; /* 'e' or 'E' */ *p++ = '+'; *p++ = '0'; *p++ = '0'; } else if (dp->conversion == 'g' || dp->conversion == 'G') { *p++ = '0'; if (flags & FLAG_ALT) { size_t ndigits = (precision > 0 ? precision - 1 : 0); *p++ = decimal_point_char (); for (; ndigits > 0; --ndigits) *p++ = '0'; } } else if (dp->conversion == 'a' || dp->conversion == 'A') { *p++ = '0'; *p++ = dp->conversion - 'A' + 'X'; pad_ptr = p; *p++ = '0'; if ((flags & FLAG_ALT) || precision > 0) { *p++ = decimal_point_char (); for (; precision > 0; precision--) *p++ = '0'; } *p++ = dp->conversion - 'A' + 'P'; *p++ = '+'; *p++ = '0'; } else abort (); # endif } END_LONG_DOUBLE_ROUNDING (); } } # if NEED_PRINTF_DOUBLE || NEED_PRINTF_INFINITE_DOUBLE else # endif # endif # if NEED_PRINTF_DOUBLE || NEED_PRINTF_INFINITE_DOUBLE { double arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_double; if (isnand (arg)) { if (dp->conversion >= 'A' && dp->conversion <= 'Z') { *p++ = 'N'; *p++ = 'A'; *p++ = 'N'; } else { *p++ = 'n'; *p++ = 'a'; *p++ = 'n'; } } else { int sign = 0; if (signbit (arg)) /* arg < 0.0 or negative zero */ { sign = -1; arg = -arg; } if (sign < 0) *p++ = '-'; else if (flags & FLAG_SHOWSIGN) *p++ = '+'; else if (flags & FLAG_SPACE) *p++ = ' '; if (arg > 0.0 && arg + arg == arg) { if (dp->conversion >= 'A' && dp->conversion <= 'Z') { *p++ = 'I'; *p++ = 'N'; *p++ = 'F'; } else { *p++ = 'i'; *p++ = 'n'; *p++ = 'f'; } } else { # if NEED_PRINTF_DOUBLE pad_ptr = p; if (dp->conversion == 'f' || dp->conversion == 'F') { char *digits; size_t ndigits; digits = scale10_round_decimal_double (arg, precision); if (digits == NULL) goto out_of_memory; ndigits = strlen (digits); if (ndigits > precision) do { --ndigits; *p++ = digits[ndigits]; } while (ndigits > precision); else *p++ = '0'; /* Here ndigits <= precision. */ if ((flags & FLAG_ALT) || precision > 0) { *p++ = decimal_point_char (); for (; precision > ndigits; precision--) *p++ = '0'; while (ndigits > 0) { --ndigits; *p++ = digits[ndigits]; } } free (digits); } else if (dp->conversion == 'e' || dp->conversion == 'E') { int exponent; if (arg == 0.0) { exponent = 0; *p++ = '0'; if ((flags & FLAG_ALT) || precision > 0) { *p++ = decimal_point_char (); for (; precision > 0; precision--) *p++ = '0'; } } else { /* arg > 0.0. */ int adjusted; char *digits; size_t ndigits; exponent = floorlog10 (arg); adjusted = 0; for (;;) { digits = scale10_round_decimal_double (arg, (int)precision - exponent); if (digits == NULL) goto out_of_memory; ndigits = strlen (digits); if (ndigits == precision + 1) break; if (ndigits < precision || ndigits > precision + 2) /* The exponent was not guessed precisely enough. */ abort (); if (adjusted) /* None of two values of exponent is the right one. Prevent an endless loop. */ abort (); free (digits); if (ndigits == precision) exponent -= 1; else exponent += 1; adjusted = 1; } /* Here ndigits = precision+1. */ if (is_borderline (digits, precision)) { /* Maybe the exponent guess was too high and a smaller exponent can be reached by turning a 10...0 into 9...9x. */ char *digits2 = scale10_round_decimal_double (arg, (int)precision - exponent + 1); if (digits2 == NULL) { free (digits); goto out_of_memory; } if (strlen (digits2) == precision + 1) { free (digits); digits = digits2; exponent -= 1; } else free (digits2); } /* Here ndigits = precision+1. */ *p++ = digits[--ndigits]; if ((flags & FLAG_ALT) || precision > 0) { *p++ = decimal_point_char (); while (ndigits > 0) { --ndigits; *p++ = digits[ndigits]; } } free (digits); } *p++ = dp->conversion; /* 'e' or 'E' */ # if WIDE_CHAR_VERSION { static const wchar_t decimal_format[] = /* Produce the same number of exponent digits as the native printf implementation. */ # if (defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__) && ! defined __CYGWIN__ { '%', '+', '.', '3', 'd', '\0' }; # else { '%', '+', '.', '2', 'd', '\0' }; # endif SNPRINTF (p, 6 + 1, decimal_format, exponent); } while (*p != '\0') p++; # else { static const char decimal_format[] = /* Produce the same number of exponent digits as the native printf implementation. */ # if (defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__) && ! defined __CYGWIN__ "%+.3d"; # else "%+.2d"; # endif if (sizeof (DCHAR_T) == 1) { sprintf ((char *) p, decimal_format, exponent); while (*p != '\0') p++; } else { char expbuf[6 + 1]; const char *ep; sprintf (expbuf, decimal_format, exponent); for (ep = expbuf; (*p = *ep) != '\0'; ep++) p++; } } # endif } else if (dp->conversion == 'g' || dp->conversion == 'G') { if (precision == 0) precision = 1; /* precision >= 1. */ if (arg == 0.0) /* The exponent is 0, >= -4, < precision. Use fixed-point notation. */ { size_t ndigits = precision; /* Number of trailing zeroes that have to be dropped. */ size_t nzeroes = (flags & FLAG_ALT ? 0 : precision - 1); --ndigits; *p++ = '0'; if ((flags & FLAG_ALT) || ndigits > nzeroes) { *p++ = decimal_point_char (); while (ndigits > nzeroes) { --ndigits; *p++ = '0'; } } } else { /* arg > 0.0. */ int exponent; int adjusted; char *digits; size_t ndigits; size_t nzeroes; exponent = floorlog10 (arg); adjusted = 0; for (;;) { digits = scale10_round_decimal_double (arg, (int)(precision - 1) - exponent); if (digits == NULL) goto out_of_memory; ndigits = strlen (digits); if (ndigits == precision) break; if (ndigits < precision - 1 || ndigits > precision + 1) /* The exponent was not guessed precisely enough. */ abort (); if (adjusted) /* None of two values of exponent is the right one. Prevent an endless loop. */ abort (); free (digits); if (ndigits < precision) exponent -= 1; else exponent += 1; adjusted = 1; } /* Here ndigits = precision. */ if (is_borderline (digits, precision - 1)) { /* Maybe the exponent guess was too high and a smaller exponent can be reached by turning a 10...0 into 9...9x. */ char *digits2 = scale10_round_decimal_double (arg, (int)(precision - 1) - exponent + 1); if (digits2 == NULL) { free (digits); goto out_of_memory; } if (strlen (digits2) == precision) { free (digits); digits = digits2; exponent -= 1; } else free (digits2); } /* Here ndigits = precision. */ /* Determine the number of trailing zeroes that have to be dropped. */ nzeroes = 0; if ((flags & FLAG_ALT) == 0) while (nzeroes < ndigits && digits[nzeroes] == '0') nzeroes++; /* The exponent is now determined. */ if (exponent >= -4 && exponent < (long)precision) { /* Fixed-point notation: max(exponent,0)+1 digits, then the decimal point, then the remaining digits without trailing zeroes. */ if (exponent >= 0) { size_t ecount = exponent + 1; /* Note: ecount <= precision = ndigits. */ for (; ecount > 0; ecount--) *p++ = digits[--ndigits]; if ((flags & FLAG_ALT) || ndigits > nzeroes) { *p++ = decimal_point_char (); while (ndigits > nzeroes) { --ndigits; *p++ = digits[ndigits]; } } } else { size_t ecount = -exponent - 1; *p++ = '0'; *p++ = decimal_point_char (); for (; ecount > 0; ecount--) *p++ = '0'; while (ndigits > nzeroes) { --ndigits; *p++ = digits[ndigits]; } } } else { /* Exponential notation. */ *p++ = digits[--ndigits]; if ((flags & FLAG_ALT) || ndigits > nzeroes) { *p++ = decimal_point_char (); while (ndigits > nzeroes) { --ndigits; *p++ = digits[ndigits]; } } *p++ = dp->conversion - 'G' + 'E'; /* 'e' or 'E' */ # if WIDE_CHAR_VERSION { static const wchar_t decimal_format[] = /* Produce the same number of exponent digits as the native printf implementation. */ # if (defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__) && ! defined __CYGWIN__ { '%', '+', '.', '3', 'd', '\0' }; # else { '%', '+', '.', '2', 'd', '\0' }; # endif SNPRINTF (p, 6 + 1, decimal_format, exponent); } while (*p != '\0') p++; # else { static const char decimal_format[] = /* Produce the same number of exponent digits as the native printf implementation. */ # if (defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__) && ! defined __CYGWIN__ "%+.3d"; # else "%+.2d"; # endif if (sizeof (DCHAR_T) == 1) { sprintf ((char *) p, decimal_format, exponent); while (*p != '\0') p++; } else { char expbuf[6 + 1]; const char *ep; sprintf (expbuf, decimal_format, exponent); for (ep = expbuf; (*p = *ep) != '\0'; ep++) p++; } } # endif } free (digits); } } else abort (); # else /* arg is finite. */ if (!(arg == 0.0)) abort (); pad_ptr = p; if (dp->conversion == 'f' || dp->conversion == 'F') { *p++ = '0'; if ((flags & FLAG_ALT) || precision > 0) { *p++ = decimal_point_char (); for (; precision > 0; precision--) *p++ = '0'; } } else if (dp->conversion == 'e' || dp->conversion == 'E') { *p++ = '0'; if ((flags & FLAG_ALT) || precision > 0) { *p++ = decimal_point_char (); for (; precision > 0; precision--) *p++ = '0'; } *p++ = dp->conversion; /* 'e' or 'E' */ *p++ = '+'; /* Produce the same number of exponent digits as the native printf implementation. */ # if (defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__) && ! defined __CYGWIN__ *p++ = '0'; # endif *p++ = '0'; *p++ = '0'; } else if (dp->conversion == 'g' || dp->conversion == 'G') { *p++ = '0'; if (flags & FLAG_ALT) { size_t ndigits = (precision > 0 ? precision - 1 : 0); *p++ = decimal_point_char (); for (; ndigits > 0; --ndigits) *p++ = '0'; } } else abort (); # endif } } } # endif /* The generated string now extends from tmp to p, with the zero padding insertion point being at pad_ptr. */ count = p - tmp; if (count < width) { size_t pad = width - count; DCHAR_T *end = p + pad; if (flags & FLAG_LEFT) { /* Pad with spaces on the right. */ for (; pad > 0; pad--) *p++ = ' '; } else if ((flags & FLAG_ZERO) && pad_ptr != NULL) { /* Pad with zeroes. */ DCHAR_T *q = end; while (p > pad_ptr) *--q = *--p; for (; pad > 0; pad--) *p++ = '0'; } else { /* Pad with spaces on the left. */ DCHAR_T *q = end; while (p > tmp) *--q = *--p; for (; pad > 0; pad--) *p++ = ' '; } p = end; } count = p - tmp; if (count >= tmp_length) /* tmp_length was incorrectly calculated - fix the code above! */ abort (); /* Make room for the result. */ if (count >= allocated - length) { size_t n = xsum (length, count); ENSURE_ALLOCATION (n); } /* Append the result. */ memcpy (result + length, tmp, count * sizeof (DCHAR_T)); if (tmp != tmpbuf) free (tmp); length += count; } #endif else { arg_type type = a.arg[dp->arg_index].type; int flags = dp->flags; #if !DCHAR_IS_TCHAR || ENABLE_UNISTDIO || NEED_PRINTF_FLAG_LEFTADJUST || NEED_PRINTF_FLAG_ZERO || NEED_PRINTF_UNBOUNDED_PRECISION int has_width; #endif #if !USE_SNPRINTF || !HAVE_SNPRINTF_RETVAL_C99 || !DCHAR_IS_TCHAR || ENABLE_UNISTDIO || NEED_PRINTF_FLAG_LEFTADJUST || NEED_PRINTF_FLAG_ZERO || NEED_PRINTF_UNBOUNDED_PRECISION size_t width; #endif #if !USE_SNPRINTF || !HAVE_SNPRINTF_RETVAL_C99 || NEED_PRINTF_UNBOUNDED_PRECISION int has_precision; size_t precision; #endif #if NEED_PRINTF_UNBOUNDED_PRECISION int prec_ourselves; #else # define prec_ourselves 0 #endif #if NEED_PRINTF_FLAG_LEFTADJUST # define pad_ourselves 1 #elif !DCHAR_IS_TCHAR || ENABLE_UNISTDIO || NEED_PRINTF_FLAG_ZERO || NEED_PRINTF_UNBOUNDED_PRECISION int pad_ourselves; #else # define pad_ourselves 0 #endif TCHAR_T *fbp; unsigned int prefix_count; int prefixes[2] IF_LINT (= { 0 }); int orig_errno; #if !USE_SNPRINTF size_t tmp_length; TCHAR_T tmpbuf[700]; TCHAR_T *tmp; #endif #if !DCHAR_IS_TCHAR || ENABLE_UNISTDIO || NEED_PRINTF_FLAG_LEFTADJUST || NEED_PRINTF_FLAG_ZERO || NEED_PRINTF_UNBOUNDED_PRECISION has_width = 0; #endif #if !USE_SNPRINTF || !HAVE_SNPRINTF_RETVAL_C99 || !DCHAR_IS_TCHAR || ENABLE_UNISTDIO || NEED_PRINTF_FLAG_LEFTADJUST || NEED_PRINTF_FLAG_ZERO || NEED_PRINTF_UNBOUNDED_PRECISION width = 0; if (dp->width_start != dp->width_end) { if (dp->width_arg_index != ARG_NONE) { int arg; if (!(a.arg[dp->width_arg_index].type == TYPE_INT)) abort (); arg = a.arg[dp->width_arg_index].a.a_int; width = arg; if (arg < 0) { /* "A negative field width is taken as a '-' flag followed by a positive field width." */ flags |= FLAG_LEFT; width = -width; } } else { const FCHAR_T *digitp = dp->width_start; do width = xsum (xtimes (width, 10), *digitp++ - '0'); while (digitp != dp->width_end); } #if !DCHAR_IS_TCHAR || ENABLE_UNISTDIO || NEED_PRINTF_FLAG_LEFTADJUST || NEED_PRINTF_FLAG_ZERO || NEED_PRINTF_UNBOUNDED_PRECISION has_width = 1; #endif } #endif #if !USE_SNPRINTF || !HAVE_SNPRINTF_RETVAL_C99 || NEED_PRINTF_UNBOUNDED_PRECISION has_precision = 0; precision = 6; if (dp->precision_start != dp->precision_end) { if (dp->precision_arg_index != ARG_NONE) { int arg; if (!(a.arg[dp->precision_arg_index].type == TYPE_INT)) abort (); arg = a.arg[dp->precision_arg_index].a.a_int; /* "A negative precision is taken as if the precision were omitted." */ if (arg >= 0) { precision = arg; has_precision = 1; } } else { const FCHAR_T *digitp = dp->precision_start + 1; precision = 0; while (digitp != dp->precision_end) precision = xsum (xtimes (precision, 10), *digitp++ - '0'); has_precision = 1; } } #endif /* Decide whether to handle the precision ourselves. */ #if NEED_PRINTF_UNBOUNDED_PRECISION switch (dp->conversion) { case 'd': case 'i': case 'u': case 'o': case 'x': case 'X': case 'p': prec_ourselves = has_precision && (precision > 0); break; default: prec_ourselves = 0; break; } #endif /* Decide whether to perform the padding ourselves. */ #if !NEED_PRINTF_FLAG_LEFTADJUST && (!DCHAR_IS_TCHAR || ENABLE_UNISTDIO || NEED_PRINTF_FLAG_ZERO || NEED_PRINTF_UNBOUNDED_PRECISION) switch (dp->conversion) { # if !DCHAR_IS_TCHAR || ENABLE_UNISTDIO /* If we need conversion from TCHAR_T[] to DCHAR_T[], we need to perform the padding after this conversion. Functions with unistdio extensions perform the padding based on character count rather than element count. */ case 'c': case 's': # endif # if NEED_PRINTF_FLAG_ZERO case 'f': case 'F': case 'e': case 'E': case 'g': case 'G': case 'a': case 'A': # endif pad_ourselves = 1; break; default: pad_ourselves = prec_ourselves; break; } #endif #if !USE_SNPRINTF /* Allocate a temporary buffer of sufficient size for calling sprintf. */ tmp_length = MAX_ROOM_NEEDED (&a, dp->arg_index, dp->conversion, type, flags, width, has_precision, precision, pad_ourselves); if (tmp_length <= sizeof (tmpbuf) / sizeof (TCHAR_T)) tmp = tmpbuf; else { size_t tmp_memsize = xtimes (tmp_length, sizeof (TCHAR_T)); if (size_overflow_p (tmp_memsize)) /* Overflow, would lead to out of memory. */ goto out_of_memory; tmp = (TCHAR_T *) malloc (tmp_memsize); if (tmp == NULL) /* Out of memory. */ goto out_of_memory; } #endif /* Construct the format string for calling snprintf or sprintf. */ fbp = buf; *fbp++ = '%'; #if NEED_PRINTF_FLAG_GROUPING /* The underlying implementation doesn't support the ' flag. Produce no grouping characters in this case; this is acceptable because the grouping is locale dependent. */ #else if (flags & FLAG_GROUP) *fbp++ = '\''; #endif if (flags & FLAG_LEFT) *fbp++ = '-'; if (flags & FLAG_SHOWSIGN) *fbp++ = '+'; if (flags & FLAG_SPACE) *fbp++ = ' '; if (flags & FLAG_ALT) *fbp++ = '#'; #if __GLIBC__ >= 2 && !defined __UCLIBC__ if (flags & FLAG_LOCALIZED) *fbp++ = 'I'; #endif if (!pad_ourselves) { if (flags & FLAG_ZERO) *fbp++ = '0'; if (dp->width_start != dp->width_end) { size_t n = dp->width_end - dp->width_start; /* The width specification is known to consist only of standard ASCII characters. */ if (sizeof (FCHAR_T) == sizeof (TCHAR_T)) { memcpy (fbp, dp->width_start, n * sizeof (TCHAR_T)); fbp += n; } else { const FCHAR_T *mp = dp->width_start; do *fbp++ = *mp++; while (--n > 0); } } } if (!prec_ourselves) { if (dp->precision_start != dp->precision_end) { size_t n = dp->precision_end - dp->precision_start; /* The precision specification is known to consist only of standard ASCII characters. */ if (sizeof (FCHAR_T) == sizeof (TCHAR_T)) { memcpy (fbp, dp->precision_start, n * sizeof (TCHAR_T)); fbp += n; } else { const FCHAR_T *mp = dp->precision_start; do *fbp++ = *mp++; while (--n > 0); } } } switch (type) { #if HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT case TYPE_LONGLONGINT: case TYPE_ULONGLONGINT: # if (defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__) && ! defined __CYGWIN__ *fbp++ = 'I'; *fbp++ = '6'; *fbp++ = '4'; break; # else *fbp++ = 'l'; /*FALLTHROUGH*/ # endif #endif case TYPE_LONGINT: case TYPE_ULONGINT: #if HAVE_WINT_T case TYPE_WIDE_CHAR: #endif #if HAVE_WCHAR_T case TYPE_WIDE_STRING: #endif *fbp++ = 'l'; break; case TYPE_LONGDOUBLE: *fbp++ = 'L'; break; default: break; } #if NEED_PRINTF_DIRECTIVE_F if (dp->conversion == 'F') *fbp = 'f'; else #endif *fbp = dp->conversion; #if USE_SNPRINTF # if !(((__GLIBC__ > 2 || (__GLIBC__ == 2 && __GLIBC_MINOR__ >= 3)) && !defined __UCLIBC__) || ((defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__) && ! defined __CYGWIN__)) fbp[1] = '%'; fbp[2] = 'n'; fbp[3] = '\0'; # else /* On glibc2 systems from glibc >= 2.3 - probably also older ones - we know that snprintf's return value conforms to ISO C 99: the tests gl_SNPRINTF_RETVAL_C99 and gl_SNPRINTF_TRUNCATION_C99 pass. Therefore we can avoid using %n in this situation. On glibc2 systems from 2004-10-18 or newer, the use of %n in format strings in writable memory may crash the program (if compiled with _FORTIFY_SOURCE=2), so we should avoid it in this situation. */ /* On native Windows systems (such as mingw), we can avoid using %n because: - Although the gl_SNPRINTF_TRUNCATION_C99 test fails, snprintf does not write more than the specified number of bytes. (snprintf (buf, 3, "%d %d", 4567, 89) writes '4', '5', '6' into buf, not '4', '5', '\0'.) - Although the gl_SNPRINTF_RETVAL_C99 test fails, snprintf allows us to recognize the case of an insufficient buffer size: it returns -1 in this case. On native Windows systems (such as mingw) where the OS is Windows Vista, the use of %n in format strings by default crashes the program. See and So we should avoid %n in this situation. */ fbp[1] = '\0'; # endif #else fbp[1] = '\0'; #endif /* Construct the arguments for calling snprintf or sprintf. */ prefix_count = 0; if (!pad_ourselves && dp->width_arg_index != ARG_NONE) { if (!(a.arg[dp->width_arg_index].type == TYPE_INT)) abort (); prefixes[prefix_count++] = a.arg[dp->width_arg_index].a.a_int; } if (!prec_ourselves && dp->precision_arg_index != ARG_NONE) { if (!(a.arg[dp->precision_arg_index].type == TYPE_INT)) abort (); prefixes[prefix_count++] = a.arg[dp->precision_arg_index].a.a_int; } #if USE_SNPRINTF /* The SNPRINTF result is appended after result[0..length]. The latter is an array of DCHAR_T; SNPRINTF appends an array of TCHAR_T to it. This is possible because sizeof (TCHAR_T) divides sizeof (DCHAR_T) and alignof (TCHAR_T) <= alignof (DCHAR_T). */ # define TCHARS_PER_DCHAR (sizeof (DCHAR_T) / sizeof (TCHAR_T)) /* Ensure that maxlen below will be >= 2. Needed on BeOS, where an snprintf() with maxlen==1 acts like sprintf(). */ ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, (2 + TCHARS_PER_DCHAR - 1) / TCHARS_PER_DCHAR)); /* Prepare checking whether snprintf returns the count via %n. */ *(TCHAR_T *) (result + length) = '\0'; #endif orig_errno = errno; for (;;) { int count = -1; #if USE_SNPRINTF int retcount = 0; size_t maxlen = allocated - length; /* SNPRINTF can fail if its second argument is > INT_MAX. */ if (maxlen > INT_MAX / TCHARS_PER_DCHAR) maxlen = INT_MAX / TCHARS_PER_DCHAR; maxlen = maxlen * TCHARS_PER_DCHAR; # define SNPRINTF_BUF(arg) \ switch (prefix_count) \ { \ case 0: \ retcount = SNPRINTF ((TCHAR_T *) (result + length), \ maxlen, buf, \ arg, &count); \ break; \ case 1: \ retcount = SNPRINTF ((TCHAR_T *) (result + length), \ maxlen, buf, \ prefixes[0], arg, &count); \ break; \ case 2: \ retcount = SNPRINTF ((TCHAR_T *) (result + length), \ maxlen, buf, \ prefixes[0], prefixes[1], arg, \ &count); \ break; \ default: \ abort (); \ } #else # define SNPRINTF_BUF(arg) \ switch (prefix_count) \ { \ case 0: \ count = sprintf (tmp, buf, arg); \ break; \ case 1: \ count = sprintf (tmp, buf, prefixes[0], arg); \ break; \ case 2: \ count = sprintf (tmp, buf, prefixes[0], prefixes[1],\ arg); \ break; \ default: \ abort (); \ } #endif errno = 0; switch (type) { case TYPE_SCHAR: { int arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_schar; SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); } break; case TYPE_UCHAR: { unsigned int arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_uchar; SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); } break; case TYPE_SHORT: { int arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_short; SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); } break; case TYPE_USHORT: { unsigned int arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_ushort; SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); } break; case TYPE_INT: { int arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_int; SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); } break; case TYPE_UINT: { unsigned int arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_uint; SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); } break; case TYPE_LONGINT: { long int arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_longint; SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); } break; case TYPE_ULONGINT: { unsigned long int arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_ulongint; SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); } break; #if HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT case TYPE_LONGLONGINT: { long long int arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_longlongint; SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); } break; case TYPE_ULONGLONGINT: { unsigned long long int arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_ulonglongint; SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); } break; #endif case TYPE_DOUBLE: { double arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_double; SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); } break; case TYPE_LONGDOUBLE: { long double arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_longdouble; SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); } break; case TYPE_CHAR: { int arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_char; SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); } break; #if HAVE_WINT_T case TYPE_WIDE_CHAR: { wint_t arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_wide_char; SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); } break; #endif case TYPE_STRING: { const char *arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_string; SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); } break; #if HAVE_WCHAR_T case TYPE_WIDE_STRING: { const wchar_t *arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_wide_string; SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); } break; #endif case TYPE_POINTER: { void *arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_pointer; SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); } break; default: abort (); } #if USE_SNPRINTF /* Portability: Not all implementations of snprintf() are ISO C 99 compliant. Determine the number of bytes that snprintf() has produced or would have produced. */ if (count >= 0) { /* Verify that snprintf() has NUL-terminated its result. */ if (count < maxlen && ((TCHAR_T *) (result + length)) [count] != '\0') abort (); /* Portability hack. */ if (retcount > count) count = retcount; } else { /* snprintf() doesn't understand the '%n' directive. */ if (fbp[1] != '\0') { /* Don't use the '%n' directive; instead, look at the snprintf() return value. */ fbp[1] = '\0'; continue; } else { /* Look at the snprintf() return value. */ if (retcount < 0) { # if !HAVE_SNPRINTF_RETVAL_C99 /* HP-UX 10.20 snprintf() is doubly deficient: It doesn't understand the '%n' directive, *and* it returns -1 (rather than the length that would have been required) when the buffer is too small. But a failure at this point can also come from other reasons than a too small buffer, such as an invalid wide string argument to the %ls directive, or possibly an invalid floating-point argument. */ size_t tmp_length = MAX_ROOM_NEEDED (&a, dp->arg_index, dp->conversion, type, flags, width, has_precision, precision, pad_ourselves); if (maxlen < tmp_length) { /* Make more room. But try to do through this reallocation only once. */ size_t bigger_need = xsum (length, xsum (tmp_length, TCHARS_PER_DCHAR - 1) / TCHARS_PER_DCHAR); /* And always grow proportionally. (There may be several arguments, each needing a little more room than the previous one.) */ size_t bigger_need2 = xsum (xtimes (allocated, 2), 12); if (bigger_need < bigger_need2) bigger_need = bigger_need2; ENSURE_ALLOCATION (bigger_need); continue; } # endif } else count = retcount; } } #endif /* Attempt to handle failure. */ if (count < 0) { /* SNPRINTF or sprintf failed. Save and use the errno that it has set, if any. */ int saved_errno = errno; if (saved_errno == 0) { if (dp->conversion == 'c' || dp->conversion == 's') saved_errno = EILSEQ; else saved_errno = EINVAL; } if (!(result == resultbuf || result == NULL)) free (result); if (buf_malloced != NULL) free (buf_malloced); CLEANUP (); errno = saved_errno; return NULL; } #if USE_SNPRINTF /* Handle overflow of the allocated buffer. If such an overflow occurs, a C99 compliant snprintf() returns a count >= maxlen. However, a non-compliant snprintf() function returns only count = maxlen - 1. To cover both cases, test whether count >= maxlen - 1. */ if ((unsigned int) count + 1 >= maxlen) { /* If maxlen already has attained its allowed maximum, allocating more memory will not increase maxlen. Instead of looping, bail out. */ if (maxlen == INT_MAX / TCHARS_PER_DCHAR) goto overflow; else { /* Need at least (count + 1) * sizeof (TCHAR_T) bytes. (The +1 is for the trailing NUL.) But ask for (count + 2) * sizeof (TCHAR_T) bytes, so that in the next round, we likely get maxlen > (unsigned int) count + 1 and so we don't get here again. And allocate proportionally, to avoid looping eternally if snprintf() reports a too small count. */ size_t n = xmax (xsum (length, ((unsigned int) count + 2 + TCHARS_PER_DCHAR - 1) / TCHARS_PER_DCHAR), xtimes (allocated, 2)); ENSURE_ALLOCATION (n); continue; } } #endif #if NEED_PRINTF_UNBOUNDED_PRECISION if (prec_ourselves) { /* Handle the precision. */ TCHAR_T *prec_ptr = # if USE_SNPRINTF (TCHAR_T *) (result + length); # else tmp; # endif size_t prefix_count; size_t move; prefix_count = 0; /* Put the additional zeroes after the sign. */ if (count >= 1 && (*prec_ptr == '-' || *prec_ptr == '+' || *prec_ptr == ' ')) prefix_count = 1; /* Put the additional zeroes after the 0x prefix if (flags & FLAG_ALT) || (dp->conversion == 'p'). */ else if (count >= 2 && prec_ptr[0] == '0' && (prec_ptr[1] == 'x' || prec_ptr[1] == 'X')) prefix_count = 2; move = count - prefix_count; if (precision > move) { /* Insert zeroes. */ size_t insert = precision - move; TCHAR_T *prec_end; # if USE_SNPRINTF size_t n = xsum (length, (count + insert + TCHARS_PER_DCHAR - 1) / TCHARS_PER_DCHAR); length += (count + TCHARS_PER_DCHAR - 1) / TCHARS_PER_DCHAR; ENSURE_ALLOCATION (n); length -= (count + TCHARS_PER_DCHAR - 1) / TCHARS_PER_DCHAR; prec_ptr = (TCHAR_T *) (result + length); # endif prec_end = prec_ptr + count; prec_ptr += prefix_count; while (prec_end > prec_ptr) { prec_end--; prec_end[insert] = prec_end[0]; } prec_end += insert; do *--prec_end = '0'; while (prec_end > prec_ptr); count += insert; } } #endif #if !USE_SNPRINTF if (count >= tmp_length) /* tmp_length was incorrectly calculated - fix the code above! */ abort (); #endif #if !DCHAR_IS_TCHAR /* Convert from TCHAR_T[] to DCHAR_T[]. */ if (dp->conversion == 'c' || dp->conversion == 's') { /* type = TYPE_CHAR or TYPE_WIDE_CHAR or TYPE_STRING TYPE_WIDE_STRING. The result string is not certainly ASCII. */ const TCHAR_T *tmpsrc; DCHAR_T *tmpdst; size_t tmpdst_len; /* This code assumes that TCHAR_T is 'char'. */ verify (sizeof (TCHAR_T) == 1); # if USE_SNPRINTF tmpsrc = (TCHAR_T *) (result + length); # else tmpsrc = tmp; # endif tmpdst = DCHAR_CONV_FROM_ENCODING (locale_charset (), iconveh_question_mark, tmpsrc, count, NULL, NULL, &tmpdst_len); if (tmpdst == NULL) { int saved_errno = errno; if (!(result == resultbuf || result == NULL)) free (result); if (buf_malloced != NULL) free (buf_malloced); CLEANUP (); errno = saved_errno; return NULL; } ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, tmpdst_len)); DCHAR_CPY (result + length, tmpdst, tmpdst_len); free (tmpdst); count = tmpdst_len; } else { /* The result string is ASCII. Simple 1:1 conversion. */ # if USE_SNPRINTF /* If sizeof (DCHAR_T) == sizeof (TCHAR_T), it's a no-op conversion, in-place on the array starting at (result + length). */ if (sizeof (DCHAR_T) != sizeof (TCHAR_T)) # endif { const TCHAR_T *tmpsrc; DCHAR_T *tmpdst; size_t n; # if USE_SNPRINTF if (result == resultbuf) { tmpsrc = (TCHAR_T *) (result + length); /* ENSURE_ALLOCATION will not move tmpsrc (because it's part of resultbuf). */ ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, count)); } else { /* ENSURE_ALLOCATION will move the array (because it uses realloc(). */ ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, count)); tmpsrc = (TCHAR_T *) (result + length); } # else tmpsrc = tmp; ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, count)); # endif tmpdst = result + length; /* Copy backwards, because of overlapping. */ tmpsrc += count; tmpdst += count; for (n = count; n > 0; n--) *--tmpdst = *--tmpsrc; } } #endif #if DCHAR_IS_TCHAR && !USE_SNPRINTF /* Make room for the result. */ if (count > allocated - length) { /* Need at least count elements. But allocate proportionally. */ size_t n = xmax (xsum (length, count), xtimes (allocated, 2)); ENSURE_ALLOCATION (n); } #endif /* Here count <= allocated - length. */ /* Perform padding. */ #if !DCHAR_IS_TCHAR || ENABLE_UNISTDIO || NEED_PRINTF_FLAG_LEFTADJUST || NEED_PRINTF_FLAG_ZERO || NEED_PRINTF_UNBOUNDED_PRECISION if (pad_ourselves && has_width) { size_t w; # if ENABLE_UNISTDIO /* Outside POSIX, it's preferable to compare the width against the number of _characters_ of the converted value. */ w = DCHAR_MBSNLEN (result + length, count); # else /* The width is compared against the number of _bytes_ of the converted value, says POSIX. */ w = count; # endif if (w < width) { size_t pad = width - w; /* Make room for the result. */ if (xsum (count, pad) > allocated - length) { /* Need at least count + pad elements. But allocate proportionally. */ size_t n = xmax (xsum3 (length, count, pad), xtimes (allocated, 2)); # if USE_SNPRINTF length += count; ENSURE_ALLOCATION (n); length -= count; # else ENSURE_ALLOCATION (n); # endif } /* Here count + pad <= allocated - length. */ { # if !DCHAR_IS_TCHAR || USE_SNPRINTF DCHAR_T * const rp = result + length; # else DCHAR_T * const rp = tmp; # endif DCHAR_T *p = rp + count; DCHAR_T *end = p + pad; DCHAR_T *pad_ptr; # if !DCHAR_IS_TCHAR || ENABLE_UNISTDIO if (dp->conversion == 'c' || dp->conversion == 's') /* No zero-padding for string directives. */ pad_ptr = NULL; else # endif { pad_ptr = (*rp == '-' ? rp + 1 : rp); /* No zero-padding of "inf" and "nan". */ if ((*pad_ptr >= 'A' && *pad_ptr <= 'Z') || (*pad_ptr >= 'a' && *pad_ptr <= 'z')) pad_ptr = NULL; } /* The generated string now extends from rp to p, with the zero padding insertion point being at pad_ptr. */ count = count + pad; /* = end - rp */ if (flags & FLAG_LEFT) { /* Pad with spaces on the right. */ for (; pad > 0; pad--) *p++ = ' '; } else if ((flags & FLAG_ZERO) && pad_ptr != NULL) { /* Pad with zeroes. */ DCHAR_T *q = end; while (p > pad_ptr) *--q = *--p; for (; pad > 0; pad--) *p++ = '0'; } else { /* Pad with spaces on the left. */ DCHAR_T *q = end; while (p > rp) *--q = *--p; for (; pad > 0; pad--) *p++ = ' '; } } } } #endif /* Here still count <= allocated - length. */ #if !DCHAR_IS_TCHAR || USE_SNPRINTF /* The snprintf() result did fit. */ #else /* Append the sprintf() result. */ memcpy (result + length, tmp, count * sizeof (DCHAR_T)); #endif #if !USE_SNPRINTF if (tmp != tmpbuf) free (tmp); #endif #if NEED_PRINTF_DIRECTIVE_F if (dp->conversion == 'F') { /* Convert the %f result to upper case for %F. */ DCHAR_T *rp = result + length; size_t rc; for (rc = count; rc > 0; rc--, rp++) if (*rp >= 'a' && *rp <= 'z') *rp = *rp - 'a' + 'A'; } #endif length += count; break; } errno = orig_errno; #undef pad_ourselves #undef prec_ourselves } } } /* Add the final NUL. */ ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, 1)); result[length] = '\0'; if (result != resultbuf && length + 1 < allocated) { /* Shrink the allocated memory if possible. */ DCHAR_T *memory; memory = (DCHAR_T *) realloc (result, (length + 1) * sizeof (DCHAR_T)); if (memory != NULL) result = memory; } if (buf_malloced != NULL) free (buf_malloced); CLEANUP (); *lengthp = length; /* Note that we can produce a big string of a length > INT_MAX. POSIX says that snprintf() fails with errno = EOVERFLOW in this case, but that's only because snprintf() returns an 'int'. This function does not have this limitation. */ return result; #if USE_SNPRINTF overflow: if (!(result == resultbuf || result == NULL)) free (result); if (buf_malloced != NULL) free (buf_malloced); CLEANUP (); errno = EOVERFLOW; return NULL; #endif out_of_memory: if (!(result == resultbuf || result == NULL)) free (result); if (buf_malloced != NULL) free (buf_malloced); out_of_memory_1: CLEANUP (); errno = ENOMEM; return NULL; } } #undef MAX_ROOM_NEEDED #undef TCHARS_PER_DCHAR #undef SNPRINTF #undef USE_SNPRINTF #undef DCHAR_SET #undef DCHAR_CPY #undef PRINTF_PARSE #undef DIRECTIVES #undef DIRECTIVE #undef DCHAR_IS_TCHAR #undef TCHAR_T #undef DCHAR_T #undef FCHAR_T #undef VASNPRINTF intl/printf.c000064400000024135147633151230007172 0ustar00/* Formatted output to strings, using POSIX/XSI format strings with positions. Copyright (C) 2003, 2006-2007, 2009-2011, 2015-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Written by Bruno Haible , 2003. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #ifdef __GNUC__ # define alloca __builtin_alloca # define HAVE_ALLOCA 1 #else # ifdef _MSC_VER # include # define alloca _alloca # else # if defined HAVE_ALLOCA_H || defined _LIBC # include # else # ifdef _AIX #pragma alloca # else # ifndef alloca char *alloca (); # endif # endif # endif # endif #endif #include #if !HAVE_POSIX_PRINTF #include #include #include #include /* Some systems, like OSF/1 4.0 and Woe32, don't have EOVERFLOW. */ #ifndef EOVERFLOW # define EOVERFLOW E2BIG #endif /* When building a DLL, we must export some functions. Note that because the functions are only defined for binary backward compatibility, we don't need to use __declspec(dllimport) in any case. */ #if HAVE_VISIBILITY && BUILDING_DLL # define DLL_EXPORTED __attribute__((__visibility__("default"))) #elif defined _MSC_VER && BUILDING_DLL # define DLL_EXPORTED __declspec(dllexport) #else # define DLL_EXPORTED #endif #define STATIC static /* This needs to be consistent with libgnuintl.in.h. */ #if defined __NetBSD__ || defined __BEOS__ || defined __CYGWIN__ || defined __MINGW32__ /* Don't break __attribute__((format(printf,M,N))). This redefinition is only possible because the libc in NetBSD, Cygwin, mingw does not have a function __printf__. */ # define libintl_printf __printf__ #endif /* Define auxiliary functions declared in "printf-args.h". */ #include "printf-args.c" /* Define auxiliary functions declared in "printf-parse.h". */ #include "printf-parse.c" /* Define functions declared in "vasnprintf.h". */ #define vasnprintf libintl_vasnprintf #include "vasnprintf.c" #if 0 /* not needed */ #define asnprintf libintl_asnprintf #include "asnprintf.c" #endif DLL_EXPORTED int libintl_vfprintf (FILE *stream, const char *format, va_list args) { if (strchr (format, '$') == NULL) return vfprintf (stream, format, args); else { size_t length; char *result = libintl_vasnprintf (NULL, &length, format, args); int retval = -1; if (result != NULL) { size_t written = fwrite (result, 1, length, stream); free (result); if (written == length) { if (length > INT_MAX) errno = EOVERFLOW; else retval = length; } } return retval; } } DLL_EXPORTED int libintl_fprintf (FILE *stream, const char *format, ...) { va_list args; int retval; va_start (args, format); retval = libintl_vfprintf (stream, format, args); va_end (args); return retval; } DLL_EXPORTED int libintl_vprintf (const char *format, va_list args) { return libintl_vfprintf (stdout, format, args); } DLL_EXPORTED int libintl_printf (const char *format, ...) { va_list args; int retval; va_start (args, format); retval = libintl_vprintf (format, args); va_end (args); return retval; } DLL_EXPORTED int libintl_vsprintf (char *resultbuf, const char *format, va_list args) { if (strchr (format, '$') == NULL) return vsprintf (resultbuf, format, args); else { size_t length = (size_t) ~0 / (4 * sizeof (char)); char *result = libintl_vasnprintf (resultbuf, &length, format, args); if (result != resultbuf) { free (result); return -1; } if (length > INT_MAX) { errno = EOVERFLOW; return -1; } else return length; } } DLL_EXPORTED int libintl_sprintf (char *resultbuf, const char *format, ...) { va_list args; int retval; va_start (args, format); retval = libintl_vsprintf (resultbuf, format, args); va_end (args); return retval; } #if HAVE_SNPRINTF # if HAVE_DECL__SNPRINTF /* Windows. The mingw function vsnprintf() has fewer bugs than the MSVCRT function _vsnprintf(), so prefer that. */ # if defined __MINGW32__ # define system_vsnprintf vsnprintf # else # define system_vsnprintf _vsnprintf # endif # else /* Unix. */ # define system_vsnprintf vsnprintf # endif DLL_EXPORTED int libintl_vsnprintf (char *resultbuf, size_t length, const char *format, va_list args) { if (strchr (format, '$') == NULL) return system_vsnprintf (resultbuf, length, format, args); else { size_t maxlength = length; char *result = libintl_vasnprintf (resultbuf, &length, format, args); if (result == NULL) return -1; if (result != resultbuf) { if (maxlength > 0) { size_t pruned_length = (length < maxlength ? length : maxlength - 1); memcpy (resultbuf, result, pruned_length); resultbuf[pruned_length] = '\0'; } free (result); } if (length > INT_MAX) { errno = EOVERFLOW; return -1; } else return length; } } DLL_EXPORTED int libintl_snprintf (char *resultbuf, size_t length, const char *format, ...) { va_list args; int retval; va_start (args, format); retval = libintl_vsnprintf (resultbuf, length, format, args); va_end (args); return retval; } #endif #if HAVE_ASPRINTF DLL_EXPORTED int libintl_vasprintf (char **resultp, const char *format, va_list args) { size_t length; char *result = libintl_vasnprintf (NULL, &length, format, args); if (result == NULL) return -1; if (length > INT_MAX) { free (result); errno = EOVERFLOW; return -1; } *resultp = result; return length; } DLL_EXPORTED int libintl_asprintf (char **resultp, const char *format, ...) { va_list args; int retval; va_start (args, format); retval = libintl_vasprintf (resultp, format, args); va_end (args); return retval; } #endif #if HAVE_FWPRINTF #include #define WIDE_CHAR_VERSION 1 #include "wprintf-parse.h" /* Define auxiliary functions declared in "wprintf-parse.h". */ #define CHAR_T wchar_t #define DIRECTIVE wchar_t_directive #define DIRECTIVES wchar_t_directives #define PRINTF_PARSE wprintf_parse #include "printf-parse.c" /* Define functions declared in "vasnprintf.h". */ #define vasnwprintf libintl_vasnwprintf #include "vasnprintf.c" #if 0 /* not needed */ #define asnwprintf libintl_asnwprintf #include "asnprintf.c" #endif # if HAVE_DECL__SNWPRINTF /* Windows. The function vswprintf() has a different signature than on Unix; we use the function _vsnwprintf() instead. */ # define system_vswprintf _vsnwprintf # else /* Unix. */ # define system_vswprintf vswprintf # endif DLL_EXPORTED int libintl_vfwprintf (FILE *stream, const wchar_t *format, va_list args) { if (wcschr (format, '$') == NULL) return vfwprintf (stream, format, args); else { size_t length; wchar_t *result = libintl_vasnwprintf (NULL, &length, format, args); int retval = -1; if (result != NULL) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) if (fputwc (result[i], stream) == WEOF) break; free (result); if (i == length) { if (length > INT_MAX) errno = EOVERFLOW; else retval = length; } } return retval; } } DLL_EXPORTED int libintl_fwprintf (FILE *stream, const wchar_t *format, ...) { va_list args; int retval; va_start (args, format); retval = libintl_vfwprintf (stream, format, args); va_end (args); return retval; } DLL_EXPORTED int libintl_vwprintf (const wchar_t *format, va_list args) { return libintl_vfwprintf (stdout, format, args); } DLL_EXPORTED int libintl_wprintf (const wchar_t *format, ...) { va_list args; int retval; va_start (args, format); retval = libintl_vwprintf (format, args); va_end (args); return retval; } DLL_EXPORTED int libintl_vswprintf (wchar_t *resultbuf, size_t length, const wchar_t *format, va_list args) { if (wcschr (format, '$') == NULL) return system_vswprintf (resultbuf, length, format, args); else { size_t maxlength = length; wchar_t *result = libintl_vasnwprintf (resultbuf, &length, format, args); if (result == NULL) return -1; if (result != resultbuf) { if (maxlength > 0) { size_t pruned_length = (length < maxlength ? length : maxlength - 1); memcpy (resultbuf, result, pruned_length * sizeof (wchar_t)); resultbuf[pruned_length] = 0; } free (result); /* Unlike vsnprintf, which has to return the number of character that would have been produced if the resultbuf had been sufficiently large, the vswprintf function has to return a negative value if the resultbuf was not sufficiently large. */ if (length >= maxlength) return -1; } if (length > INT_MAX) { errno = EOVERFLOW; return -1; } else return length; } } DLL_EXPORTED int libintl_swprintf (wchar_t *resultbuf, size_t length, const wchar_t *format, ...) { va_list args; int retval; va_start (args, format); retval = libintl_vswprintf (resultbuf, length, format, args); va_end (args); return retval; } #endif #endif intl/dcngettext.c000064400000003364147633151230010042 0ustar00/* Implementation of the dcngettext(3) function. Copyright (C) 1995-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include "gettextP.h" #ifdef _LIBC # include #else # include "libgnuintl.h" #endif /* @@ end of prolog @@ */ /* Names for the libintl functions are a problem. They must not clash with existing names and they should follow ANSI C. But this source code is also used in GNU C Library where the names have a __ prefix. So we have to make a difference here. */ #ifdef _LIBC # define DCNGETTEXT __dcngettext # define DCIGETTEXT __dcigettext #else # define DCNGETTEXT libintl_dcngettext # define DCIGETTEXT libintl_dcigettext #endif /* Look up MSGID in the DOMAINNAME message catalog for the current CATEGORY locale. */ char * DCNGETTEXT (const char *domainname, const char *msgid1, const char *msgid2, unsigned long int n, int category) { return DCIGETTEXT (domainname, msgid1, msgid2, 1, n, category); } #ifdef _LIBC /* Alias for function name in GNU C Library. */ weak_alias (__dcngettext, dcngettext); #endif intl/ref-add.sin000064400000002021147633151230007527 0ustar00# Add this package to a list of references stored in a text file. # # Copyright (C) 2000, 2015-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # Written by Bruno Haible . # /^# Packages using this file: / { s/# Packages using this file:// ta :a s/ @PACKAGE@ / @PACKAGE@ / tb s/ $/ @PACKAGE@ / :b s/^/# Packages using this file:/ } intl/textdomain.c000064400000007343147633151230010046 0ustar00/* Implementation of the textdomain(3) function. Copyright (C) 1995-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #include #include "gettextP.h" #ifdef _LIBC # include #else # include "libgnuintl.h" #endif /* Handle multi-threaded applications. */ #ifdef _LIBC # include # define gl_rwlock_define __libc_rwlock_define # define gl_rwlock_wrlock __libc_rwlock_wrlock # define gl_rwlock_unlock __libc_rwlock_unlock #else # include "lock.h" #endif /* @@ end of prolog @@ */ /* Names for the libintl functions are a problem. They must not clash with existing names and they should follow ANSI C. But this source code is also used in GNU C Library where the names have a __ prefix. So we have to make a difference here. */ #ifdef _LIBC # define TEXTDOMAIN __textdomain # ifndef strdup # define strdup(str) __strdup (str) # endif #else # define TEXTDOMAIN libintl_textdomain #endif /* Lock variable to protect the global data in the gettext implementation. */ gl_rwlock_define (extern, _nl_state_lock attribute_hidden) /* Set the current default message catalog to DOMAINNAME. If DOMAINNAME is null, return the current default. If DOMAINNAME is "", reset to the default of "messages". */ char * TEXTDOMAIN (const char *domainname) { char *new_domain; char *old_domain; /* A NULL pointer requests the current setting. */ if (domainname == NULL) return (char *) _nl_current_default_domain; gl_rwlock_wrlock (_nl_state_lock); old_domain = (char *) _nl_current_default_domain; /* If domain name is the null string set to default domain "messages". */ if (domainname[0] == '\0' || strcmp (domainname, _nl_default_default_domain) == 0) { _nl_current_default_domain = _nl_default_default_domain; new_domain = (char *) _nl_current_default_domain; } else if (strcmp (domainname, old_domain) == 0) /* This can happen and people will use it to signal that some environment variable changed. */ new_domain = old_domain; else { /* If the following malloc fails `_nl_current_default_domain' will be NULL. This value will be returned and so signals we are out of core. */ #if defined _LIBC || defined HAVE_STRDUP new_domain = strdup (domainname); #else size_t len = strlen (domainname) + 1; new_domain = (char *) malloc (len); if (new_domain != NULL) memcpy (new_domain, domainname, len); #endif if (new_domain != NULL) _nl_current_default_domain = new_domain; } /* We use this possibility to signal a change of the loaded catalogs since this is most likely the case and there is no other easy we to do it. Do it only when the call was successful. */ if (new_domain != NULL) { ++_nl_msg_cat_cntr; if (old_domain != new_domain && old_domain != _nl_default_default_domain) free (old_domain); } gl_rwlock_unlock (_nl_state_lock); return new_domain; } #ifdef _LIBC /* Alias for function name in GNU C Library. */ weak_alias (__textdomain, textdomain); #endif intl/loadmsgcat.c000064400000103351147633151230010004 0ustar00/* Load needed message catalogs. Copyright (C) 1995-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /* Tell glibc's to provide a prototype for mempcpy(). This must come before because may include , and once has been included, it's too late. */ #ifndef _GNU_SOURCE # define _GNU_SOURCE 1 #endif #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __GNUC__ # undef alloca # define alloca __builtin_alloca # define HAVE_ALLOCA 1 #else # ifdef _MSC_VER # include # define alloca _alloca # else # if defined HAVE_ALLOCA_H || defined _LIBC # include # else # ifdef _AIX #pragma alloca # else # ifndef alloca char *alloca (); # endif # endif # endif # endif #endif #include #include #if defined HAVE_UNISTD_H || defined _LIBC # include #endif #ifdef _LIBC # include # include #endif #if (defined HAVE_MMAP && defined HAVE_MUNMAP && !defined DISALLOW_MMAP) \ || (defined _LIBC && defined _POSIX_MAPPED_FILES) # include # undef HAVE_MMAP # define HAVE_MMAP 1 #else # undef HAVE_MMAP #endif #if defined HAVE_STDINT_H_WITH_UINTMAX || defined _LIBC # include #endif #if defined HAVE_INTTYPES_H || defined _LIBC # include #endif #include "gmo.h" #include "gettextP.h" #include "hash-string.h" #include "plural-exp.h" #ifdef _LIBC # include "../locale/localeinfo.h" # include #endif /* Handle multi-threaded applications. */ #ifdef _LIBC # include #else # include "lock.h" #endif #ifdef _LIBC # define PRI_MACROS_BROKEN 0 #endif /* Provide fallback values for macros that ought to be defined in . Note that our fallback values need not be literal strings, because we don't use them with preprocessor string concatenation. */ #if !defined PRId8 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRId8 # define PRId8 "d" #endif #if !defined PRIi8 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIi8 # define PRIi8 "i" #endif #if !defined PRIo8 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIo8 # define PRIo8 "o" #endif #if !defined PRIu8 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIu8 # define PRIu8 "u" #endif #if !defined PRIx8 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIx8 # define PRIx8 "x" #endif #if !defined PRIX8 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIX8 # define PRIX8 "X" #endif #if !defined PRId16 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRId16 # define PRId16 "d" #endif #if !defined PRIi16 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIi16 # define PRIi16 "i" #endif #if !defined PRIo16 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIo16 # define PRIo16 "o" #endif #if !defined PRIu16 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIu16 # define PRIu16 "u" #endif #if !defined PRIx16 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIx16 # define PRIx16 "x" #endif #if !defined PRIX16 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIX16 # define PRIX16 "X" #endif #if !defined PRId32 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRId32 # define PRId32 "d" #endif #if !defined PRIi32 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIi32 # define PRIi32 "i" #endif #if !defined PRIo32 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIo32 # define PRIo32 "o" #endif #if !defined PRIu32 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIu32 # define PRIu32 "u" #endif #if !defined PRIx32 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIx32 # define PRIx32 "x" #endif #if !defined PRIX32 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIX32 # define PRIX32 "X" #endif #if !defined PRId64 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRId64 # define PRId64 (sizeof (long) == 8 ? "ld" : "lld") #endif #if !defined PRIi64 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIi64 # define PRIi64 (sizeof (long) == 8 ? "li" : "lli") #endif #if !defined PRIo64 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIo64 # define PRIo64 (sizeof (long) == 8 ? "lo" : "llo") #endif #if !defined PRIu64 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIu64 # define PRIu64 (sizeof (long) == 8 ? "lu" : "llu") #endif #if !defined PRIx64 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIx64 # define PRIx64 (sizeof (long) == 8 ? "lx" : "llx") #endif #if !defined PRIX64 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIX64 # define PRIX64 (sizeof (long) == 8 ? "lX" : "llX") #endif #if !defined PRIdLEAST8 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIdLEAST8 # define PRIdLEAST8 "d" #endif #if !defined PRIiLEAST8 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIiLEAST8 # define PRIiLEAST8 "i" #endif #if !defined PRIoLEAST8 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIoLEAST8 # define PRIoLEAST8 "o" #endif #if !defined PRIuLEAST8 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIuLEAST8 # define PRIuLEAST8 "u" #endif #if !defined PRIxLEAST8 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIxLEAST8 # define PRIxLEAST8 "x" #endif #if !defined PRIXLEAST8 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIXLEAST8 # define PRIXLEAST8 "X" #endif #if !defined PRIdLEAST16 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIdLEAST16 # define PRIdLEAST16 "d" #endif #if !defined PRIiLEAST16 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIiLEAST16 # define PRIiLEAST16 "i" #endif #if !defined PRIoLEAST16 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIoLEAST16 # define PRIoLEAST16 "o" #endif #if !defined PRIuLEAST16 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIuLEAST16 # define PRIuLEAST16 "u" #endif #if !defined PRIxLEAST16 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIxLEAST16 # define PRIxLEAST16 "x" #endif #if !defined PRIXLEAST16 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIXLEAST16 # define PRIXLEAST16 "X" #endif #if !defined PRIdLEAST32 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIdLEAST32 # define PRIdLEAST32 "d" #endif #if !defined PRIiLEAST32 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIiLEAST32 # define PRIiLEAST32 "i" #endif #if !defined PRIoLEAST32 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIoLEAST32 # define PRIoLEAST32 "o" #endif #if !defined PRIuLEAST32 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIuLEAST32 # define PRIuLEAST32 "u" #endif #if !defined PRIxLEAST32 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIxLEAST32 # define PRIxLEAST32 "x" #endif #if !defined PRIXLEAST32 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIXLEAST32 # define PRIXLEAST32 "X" #endif #if !defined PRIdLEAST64 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIdLEAST64 # define PRIdLEAST64 PRId64 #endif #if !defined PRIiLEAST64 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIiLEAST64 # define PRIiLEAST64 PRIi64 #endif #if !defined PRIoLEAST64 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIoLEAST64 # define PRIoLEAST64 PRIo64 #endif #if !defined PRIuLEAST64 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIuLEAST64 # define PRIuLEAST64 PRIu64 #endif #if !defined PRIxLEAST64 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIxLEAST64 # define PRIxLEAST64 PRIx64 #endif #if !defined PRIXLEAST64 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIXLEAST64 # define PRIXLEAST64 PRIX64 #endif #if !defined PRIdFAST8 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIdFAST8 # define PRIdFAST8 "d" #endif #if !defined PRIiFAST8 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIiFAST8 # define PRIiFAST8 "i" #endif #if !defined PRIoFAST8 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIoFAST8 # define PRIoFAST8 "o" #endif #if !defined PRIuFAST8 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIuFAST8 # define PRIuFAST8 "u" #endif #if !defined PRIxFAST8 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIxFAST8 # define PRIxFAST8 "x" #endif #if !defined PRIXFAST8 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIXFAST8 # define PRIXFAST8 "X" #endif #if !defined PRIdFAST16 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIdFAST16 # define PRIdFAST16 "d" #endif #if !defined PRIiFAST16 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIiFAST16 # define PRIiFAST16 "i" #endif #if !defined PRIoFAST16 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIoFAST16 # define PRIoFAST16 "o" #endif #if !defined PRIuFAST16 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIuFAST16 # define PRIuFAST16 "u" #endif #if !defined PRIxFAST16 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIxFAST16 # define PRIxFAST16 "x" #endif #if !defined PRIXFAST16 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIXFAST16 # define PRIXFAST16 "X" #endif #if !defined PRIdFAST32 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIdFAST32 # define PRIdFAST32 "d" #endif #if !defined PRIiFAST32 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIiFAST32 # define PRIiFAST32 "i" #endif #if !defined PRIoFAST32 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIoFAST32 # define PRIoFAST32 "o" #endif #if !defined PRIuFAST32 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIuFAST32 # define PRIuFAST32 "u" #endif #if !defined PRIxFAST32 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIxFAST32 # define PRIxFAST32 "x" #endif #if !defined PRIXFAST32 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIXFAST32 # define PRIXFAST32 "X" #endif #if !defined PRIdFAST64 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIdFAST64 # define PRIdFAST64 PRId64 #endif #if !defined PRIiFAST64 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIiFAST64 # define PRIiFAST64 PRIi64 #endif #if !defined PRIoFAST64 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIoFAST64 # define PRIoFAST64 PRIo64 #endif #if !defined PRIuFAST64 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIuFAST64 # define PRIuFAST64 PRIu64 #endif #if !defined PRIxFAST64 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIxFAST64 # define PRIxFAST64 PRIx64 #endif #if !defined PRIXFAST64 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIXFAST64 # define PRIXFAST64 PRIX64 #endif #if !defined PRIdMAX || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIdMAX # define PRIdMAX (sizeof (uintmax_t) == sizeof (long) ? "ld" : "lld") #endif #if !defined PRIiMAX || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIiMAX # define PRIiMAX (sizeof (uintmax_t) == sizeof (long) ? "li" : "lli") #endif #if !defined PRIoMAX || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIoMAX # define PRIoMAX (sizeof (uintmax_t) == sizeof (long) ? "lo" : "llo") #endif #if !defined PRIuMAX || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIuMAX # define PRIuMAX (sizeof (uintmax_t) == sizeof (long) ? "lu" : "llu") #endif #if !defined PRIxMAX || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIxMAX # define PRIxMAX (sizeof (uintmax_t) == sizeof (long) ? "lx" : "llx") #endif #if !defined PRIXMAX || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIXMAX # define PRIXMAX (sizeof (uintmax_t) == sizeof (long) ? "lX" : "llX") #endif #if !defined PRIdPTR || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIdPTR # define PRIdPTR \ (sizeof (void *) == sizeof (long) ? "ld" : \ sizeof (void *) == sizeof (int) ? "d" : \ "lld") #endif #if !defined PRIiPTR || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIiPTR # define PRIiPTR \ (sizeof (void *) == sizeof (long) ? "li" : \ sizeof (void *) == sizeof (int) ? "i" : \ "lli") #endif #if !defined PRIoPTR || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIoPTR # define PRIoPTR \ (sizeof (void *) == sizeof (long) ? "lo" : \ sizeof (void *) == sizeof (int) ? "o" : \ "llo") #endif #if !defined PRIuPTR || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIuPTR # define PRIuPTR \ (sizeof (void *) == sizeof (long) ? "lu" : \ sizeof (void *) == sizeof (int) ? "u" : \ "llu") #endif #if !defined PRIxPTR || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIxPTR # define PRIxPTR \ (sizeof (void *) == sizeof (long) ? "lx" : \ sizeof (void *) == sizeof (int) ? "x" : \ "llx") #endif #if !defined PRIXPTR || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN # undef PRIXPTR # define PRIXPTR \ (sizeof (void *) == sizeof (long) ? "lX" : \ sizeof (void *) == sizeof (int) ? "X" : \ "llX") #endif /* @@ end of prolog @@ */ #ifdef _LIBC /* Rename the non ISO C functions. This is required by the standard because some ISO C functions will require linking with this object file and the name space must not be polluted. */ # define open(name, flags) open_not_cancel_2 (name, flags) # define close(fd) close_not_cancel_no_status (fd) # define read(fd, buf, n) read_not_cancel (fd, buf, n) # define mmap(addr, len, prot, flags, fd, offset) \ __mmap (addr, len, prot, flags, fd, offset) # define munmap(addr, len) __munmap (addr, len) #endif /* For those losing systems which don't have `alloca' we have to add some additional code emulating it. */ #ifdef HAVE_ALLOCA # define freea(p) /* nothing */ #else # define alloca(n) malloc (n) # define freea(p) free (p) #endif /* For systems that distinguish between text and binary I/O. O_BINARY is usually declared in . */ #if !defined O_BINARY && defined _O_BINARY /* For MSC-compatible compilers. */ # define O_BINARY _O_BINARY # define O_TEXT _O_TEXT #endif #ifdef __BEOS__ /* BeOS 5 has O_BINARY and O_TEXT, but they have no effect. */ # undef O_BINARY # undef O_TEXT #endif /* On reasonable systems, binary I/O is the default. */ #ifndef O_BINARY # define O_BINARY 0 #endif /* We need a sign, whether a new catalog was loaded, which can be associated with all translations. This is important if the translations are cached by one of GCC's features. */ int _nl_msg_cat_cntr; /* Expand a system dependent string segment. Return NULL if unsupported. */ static const char * get_sysdep_segment_value (const char *name) { /* Test for an ISO C 99 section 7.8.1 format string directive. Syntax: P R I { d | i | o | u | x | X } { { | LEAST | FAST } { 8 | 16 | 32 | 64 } | MAX | PTR } */ /* We don't use a table of 14 times 6 'const char *' strings here, because data relocations cost startup time. */ if (name[0] == 'P' && name[1] == 'R' && name[2] == 'I') { if (name[3] == 'd' || name[3] == 'i' || name[3] == 'o' || name[3] == 'u' || name[3] == 'x' || name[3] == 'X') { if (name[4] == '8' && name[5] == '\0') { if (name[3] == 'd') return PRId8; if (name[3] == 'i') return PRIi8; if (name[3] == 'o') return PRIo8; if (name[3] == 'u') return PRIu8; if (name[3] == 'x') return PRIx8; if (name[3] == 'X') return PRIX8; abort (); } if (name[4] == '1' && name[5] == '6' && name[6] == '\0') { if (name[3] == 'd') return PRId16; if (name[3] == 'i') return PRIi16; if (name[3] == 'o') return PRIo16; if (name[3] == 'u') return PRIu16; if (name[3] == 'x') return PRIx16; if (name[3] == 'X') return PRIX16; abort (); } if (name[4] == '3' && name[5] == '2' && name[6] == '\0') { if (name[3] == 'd') return PRId32; if (name[3] == 'i') return PRIi32; if (name[3] == 'o') return PRIo32; if (name[3] == 'u') return PRIu32; if (name[3] == 'x') return PRIx32; if (name[3] == 'X') return PRIX32; abort (); } if (name[4] == '6' && name[5] == '4' && name[6] == '\0') { if (name[3] == 'd') return PRId64; if (name[3] == 'i') return PRIi64; if (name[3] == 'o') return PRIo64; if (name[3] == 'u') return PRIu64; if (name[3] == 'x') return PRIx64; if (name[3] == 'X') return PRIX64; abort (); } if (name[4] == 'L' && name[5] == 'E' && name[6] == 'A' && name[7] == 'S' && name[8] == 'T') { if (name[9] == '8' && name[10] == '\0') { if (name[3] == 'd') return PRIdLEAST8; if (name[3] == 'i') return PRIiLEAST8; if (name[3] == 'o') return PRIoLEAST8; if (name[3] == 'u') return PRIuLEAST8; if (name[3] == 'x') return PRIxLEAST8; if (name[3] == 'X') return PRIXLEAST8; abort (); } if (name[9] == '1' && name[10] == '6' && name[11] == '\0') { if (name[3] == 'd') return PRIdLEAST16; if (name[3] == 'i') return PRIiLEAST16; if (name[3] == 'o') return PRIoLEAST16; if (name[3] == 'u') return PRIuLEAST16; if (name[3] == 'x') return PRIxLEAST16; if (name[3] == 'X') return PRIXLEAST16; abort (); } if (name[9] == '3' && name[10] == '2' && name[11] == '\0') { if (name[3] == 'd') return PRIdLEAST32; if (name[3] == 'i') return PRIiLEAST32; if (name[3] == 'o') return PRIoLEAST32; if (name[3] == 'u') return PRIuLEAST32; if (name[3] == 'x') return PRIxLEAST32; if (name[3] == 'X') return PRIXLEAST32; abort (); } if (name[9] == '6' && name[10] == '4' && name[11] == '\0') { if (name[3] == 'd') return PRIdLEAST64; if (name[3] == 'i') return PRIiLEAST64; if (name[3] == 'o') return PRIoLEAST64; if (name[3] == 'u') return PRIuLEAST64; if (name[3] == 'x') return PRIxLEAST64; if (name[3] == 'X') return PRIXLEAST64; abort (); } } if (name[4] == 'F' && name[5] == 'A' && name[6] == 'S' && name[7] == 'T') { if (name[8] == '8' && name[9] == '\0') { if (name[3] == 'd') return PRIdFAST8; if (name[3] == 'i') return PRIiFAST8; if (name[3] == 'o') return PRIoFAST8; if (name[3] == 'u') return PRIuFAST8; if (name[3] == 'x') return PRIxFAST8; if (name[3] == 'X') return PRIXFAST8; abort (); } if (name[8] == '1' && name[9] == '6' && name[10] == '\0') { if (name[3] == 'd') return PRIdFAST16; if (name[3] == 'i') return PRIiFAST16; if (name[3] == 'o') return PRIoFAST16; if (name[3] == 'u') return PRIuFAST16; if (name[3] == 'x') return PRIxFAST16; if (name[3] == 'X') return PRIXFAST16; abort (); } if (name[8] == '3' && name[9] == '2' && name[10] == '\0') { if (name[3] == 'd') return PRIdFAST32; if (name[3] == 'i') return PRIiFAST32; if (name[3] == 'o') return PRIoFAST32; if (name[3] == 'u') return PRIuFAST32; if (name[3] == 'x') return PRIxFAST32; if (name[3] == 'X') return PRIXFAST32; abort (); } if (name[8] == '6' && name[9] == '4' && name[10] == '\0') { if (name[3] == 'd') return PRIdFAST64; if (name[3] == 'i') return PRIiFAST64; if (name[3] == 'o') return PRIoFAST64; if (name[3] == 'u') return PRIuFAST64; if (name[3] == 'x') return PRIxFAST64; if (name[3] == 'X') return PRIXFAST64; abort (); } } if (name[4] == 'M' && name[5] == 'A' && name[6] == 'X' && name[7] == '\0') { if (name[3] == 'd') return PRIdMAX; if (name[3] == 'i') return PRIiMAX; if (name[3] == 'o') return PRIoMAX; if (name[3] == 'u') return PRIuMAX; if (name[3] == 'x') return PRIxMAX; if (name[3] == 'X') return PRIXMAX; abort (); } if (name[4] == 'P' && name[5] == 'T' && name[6] == 'R' && name[7] == '\0') { if (name[3] == 'd') return PRIdPTR; if (name[3] == 'i') return PRIiPTR; if (name[3] == 'o') return PRIoPTR; if (name[3] == 'u') return PRIuPTR; if (name[3] == 'x') return PRIxPTR; if (name[3] == 'X') return PRIXPTR; abort (); } } } /* Test for a glibc specific printf() format directive flag. */ if (name[0] == 'I' && name[1] == '\0') { #if defined _LIBC \ || ((__GLIBC__ > 2 || (__GLIBC__ == 2 && __GLIBC_MINOR__ >= 2)) \ && !defined __UCLIBC__) /* The 'I' flag, in numeric format directives, replaces ASCII digits with the 'outdigits' defined in the LC_CTYPE locale facet. This is used for Farsi (Persian), some Indic languages, and maybe Arabic. */ return "I"; #else return ""; #endif } /* Other system dependent strings are not valid. */ return NULL; } /* Load the message catalogs specified by FILENAME. If it is no valid message catalog do nothing. */ void internal_function _nl_load_domain (struct loaded_l10nfile *domain_file, struct binding *domainbinding) { int fd = -1; size_t size; #ifdef _LIBC struct stat64 st; #else struct stat st; #endif struct mo_file_header *data = (struct mo_file_header *) -1; int use_mmap = 0; struct loaded_domain *domain; int revision; const char *nullentry; size_t nullentrylen; __libc_lock_define_initialized_recursive (static, lock); __libc_lock_lock_recursive (lock); if (domain_file->decided != 0) { /* There are two possibilities: + this is the same thread calling again during this initialization via _nl_find_msg. We have initialized everything this call needs. + this is another thread which tried to initialize this object. Not necessary anymore since if the lock is available this is finished. */ goto done; } domain_file->decided = -1; domain_file->data = NULL; /* Note that it would be useless to store domainbinding in domain_file because domainbinding might be == NULL now but != NULL later (after a call to bind_textdomain_codeset). */ /* If the record does not represent a valid locale the FILENAME might be NULL. This can happen when according to the given specification the locale file name is different for XPG and CEN syntax. */ if (domain_file->filename == NULL) goto out; /* Try to open the addressed file. */ fd = open (domain_file->filename, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY); if (fd == -1) goto out; /* We must know about the size of the file. */ if ( #ifdef _LIBC __builtin_expect (fstat64 (fd, &st) != 0, 0) #else __builtin_expect (fstat (fd, &st) != 0, 0) #endif || __builtin_expect ((size = (size_t) st.st_size) != st.st_size, 0) || __builtin_expect (size < sizeof (struct mo_file_header), 0)) /* Something went wrong. */ goto out; #ifdef HAVE_MMAP /* Now we are ready to load the file. If mmap() is available we try this first. If not available or it failed we try to load it. */ data = (struct mo_file_header *) mmap (NULL, size, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0); if (__builtin_expect (data != MAP_FAILED, 1)) { /* mmap() call was successful. */ close (fd); fd = -1; use_mmap = 1; } assert (MAP_FAILED == (void *) -1); #endif /* If the data is not yet available (i.e. mmap'ed) we try to load it manually. */ if (data == (struct mo_file_header *) -1) { size_t to_read; char *read_ptr; data = (struct mo_file_header *) malloc (size); if (data == NULL) goto out; to_read = size; read_ptr = (char *) data; do { long int nb = (long int) read (fd, read_ptr, to_read); if (nb <= 0) { #ifdef EINTR if (nb == -1 && errno == EINTR) continue; #endif free (data); goto out; } read_ptr += nb; to_read -= nb; } while (to_read > 0); close (fd); fd = -1; } /* Using the magic number we can test whether it really is a message catalog file. */ if (__builtin_expect (data->magic != _MAGIC && data->magic != _MAGIC_SWAPPED, 0)) { /* The magic number is wrong: not a message catalog file. */ #ifdef HAVE_MMAP if (use_mmap) munmap ((caddr_t) data, size); else #endif free (data); goto out; } domain = (struct loaded_domain *) malloc (sizeof (struct loaded_domain)); if (domain == NULL) goto out; domain_file->data = domain; domain->data = (char *) data; domain->use_mmap = use_mmap; domain->mmap_size = size; domain->must_swap = data->magic != _MAGIC; domain->malloced = NULL; /* Fill in the information about the available tables. */ revision = W (domain->must_swap, data->revision); /* We support only the major revisions 0 and 1. */ switch (revision >> 16) { case 0: case 1: domain->nstrings = W (domain->must_swap, data->nstrings); domain->orig_tab = (const struct string_desc *) ((char *) data + W (domain->must_swap, data->orig_tab_offset)); domain->trans_tab = (const struct string_desc *) ((char *) data + W (domain->must_swap, data->trans_tab_offset)); domain->hash_size = W (domain->must_swap, data->hash_tab_size); domain->hash_tab = (domain->hash_size > 2 ? (const nls_uint32 *) ((char *) data + W (domain->must_swap, data->hash_tab_offset)) : NULL); domain->must_swap_hash_tab = domain->must_swap; /* Now dispatch on the minor revision. */ switch (revision & 0xffff) { case 0: domain->n_sysdep_strings = 0; domain->orig_sysdep_tab = NULL; domain->trans_sysdep_tab = NULL; break; case 1: default: { nls_uint32 n_sysdep_strings; if (domain->hash_tab == NULL) /* This is invalid. These minor revisions need a hash table. */ goto invalid; n_sysdep_strings = W (domain->must_swap, data->n_sysdep_strings); if (n_sysdep_strings > 0) { nls_uint32 n_sysdep_segments; const struct sysdep_segment *sysdep_segments; const char **sysdep_segment_values; const nls_uint32 *orig_sysdep_tab; const nls_uint32 *trans_sysdep_tab; nls_uint32 n_inmem_sysdep_strings; size_t memneed; char *mem; struct sysdep_string_desc *inmem_orig_sysdep_tab; struct sysdep_string_desc *inmem_trans_sysdep_tab; nls_uint32 *inmem_hash_tab; unsigned int i, j; /* Get the values of the system dependent segments. */ n_sysdep_segments = W (domain->must_swap, data->n_sysdep_segments); sysdep_segments = (const struct sysdep_segment *) ((char *) data + W (domain->must_swap, data->sysdep_segments_offset)); sysdep_segment_values = (const char **) alloca (n_sysdep_segments * sizeof (const char *)); for (i = 0; i < n_sysdep_segments; i++) { const char *name = (char *) data + W (domain->must_swap, sysdep_segments[i].offset); nls_uint32 namelen = W (domain->must_swap, sysdep_segments[i].length); if (!(namelen > 0 && name[namelen - 1] == '\0')) { freea (sysdep_segment_values); goto invalid; } sysdep_segment_values[i] = get_sysdep_segment_value (name); } orig_sysdep_tab = (const nls_uint32 *) ((char *) data + W (domain->must_swap, data->orig_sysdep_tab_offset)); trans_sysdep_tab = (const nls_uint32 *) ((char *) data + W (domain->must_swap, data->trans_sysdep_tab_offset)); /* Compute the amount of additional memory needed for the system dependent strings and the augmented hash table. At the same time, also drop string pairs which refer to an undefined system dependent segment. */ n_inmem_sysdep_strings = 0; memneed = domain->hash_size * sizeof (nls_uint32); for (i = 0; i < n_sysdep_strings; i++) { int valid = 1; size_t needs[2]; for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) { const struct sysdep_string *sysdep_string = (const struct sysdep_string *) ((char *) data + W (domain->must_swap, j == 0 ? orig_sysdep_tab[i] : trans_sysdep_tab[i])); size_t need = 0; const struct segment_pair *p = sysdep_string->segments; if (W (domain->must_swap, p->sysdepref) != SEGMENTS_END) for (p = sysdep_string->segments;; p++) { nls_uint32 sysdepref; need += W (domain->must_swap, p->segsize); sysdepref = W (domain->must_swap, p->sysdepref); if (sysdepref == SEGMENTS_END) break; if (sysdepref >= n_sysdep_segments) { /* Invalid. */ freea (sysdep_segment_values); goto invalid; } if (sysdep_segment_values[sysdepref] == NULL) { /* This particular string pair is invalid. */ valid = 0; break; } need += strlen (sysdep_segment_values[sysdepref]); } needs[j] = need; if (!valid) break; } if (valid) { n_inmem_sysdep_strings++; memneed += needs[0] + needs[1]; } } memneed += 2 * n_inmem_sysdep_strings * sizeof (struct sysdep_string_desc); if (n_inmem_sysdep_strings > 0) { unsigned int k; /* Allocate additional memory. */ mem = (char *) malloc (memneed); if (mem == NULL) goto invalid; domain->malloced = mem; inmem_orig_sysdep_tab = (struct sysdep_string_desc *) mem; mem += n_inmem_sysdep_strings * sizeof (struct sysdep_string_desc); inmem_trans_sysdep_tab = (struct sysdep_string_desc *) mem; mem += n_inmem_sysdep_strings * sizeof (struct sysdep_string_desc); inmem_hash_tab = (nls_uint32 *) mem; mem += domain->hash_size * sizeof (nls_uint32); /* Compute the system dependent strings. */ k = 0; for (i = 0; i < n_sysdep_strings; i++) { int valid = 1; for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) { const struct sysdep_string *sysdep_string = (const struct sysdep_string *) ((char *) data + W (domain->must_swap, j == 0 ? orig_sysdep_tab[i] : trans_sysdep_tab[i])); const struct segment_pair *p = sysdep_string->segments; if (W (domain->must_swap, p->sysdepref) != SEGMENTS_END) for (p = sysdep_string->segments;; p++) { nls_uint32 sysdepref; sysdepref = W (domain->must_swap, p->sysdepref); if (sysdepref == SEGMENTS_END) break; if (sysdep_segment_values[sysdepref] == NULL) { /* This particular string pair is invalid. */ valid = 0; break; } } if (!valid) break; } if (valid) { for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) { const struct sysdep_string *sysdep_string = (const struct sysdep_string *) ((char *) data + W (domain->must_swap, j == 0 ? orig_sysdep_tab[i] : trans_sysdep_tab[i])); const char *static_segments = (char *) data + W (domain->must_swap, sysdep_string->offset); const struct segment_pair *p = sysdep_string->segments; /* Concatenate the segments, and fill inmem_orig_sysdep_tab[k] (for j == 0) and inmem_trans_sysdep_tab[k] (for j == 1). */ struct sysdep_string_desc *inmem_tab_entry = (j == 0 ? inmem_orig_sysdep_tab : inmem_trans_sysdep_tab) + k; if (W (domain->must_swap, p->sysdepref) == SEGMENTS_END) { /* Only one static segment. */ inmem_tab_entry->length = W (domain->must_swap, p->segsize); inmem_tab_entry->pointer = static_segments; } else { inmem_tab_entry->pointer = mem; for (p = sysdep_string->segments;; p++) { nls_uint32 segsize = W (domain->must_swap, p->segsize); nls_uint32 sysdepref = W (domain->must_swap, p->sysdepref); size_t n; if (segsize > 0) { memcpy (mem, static_segments, segsize); mem += segsize; static_segments += segsize; } if (sysdepref == SEGMENTS_END) break; n = strlen (sysdep_segment_values[sysdepref]); memcpy (mem, sysdep_segment_values[sysdepref], n); mem += n; } inmem_tab_entry->length = mem - inmem_tab_entry->pointer; } } k++; } } if (k != n_inmem_sysdep_strings) abort (); /* Compute the augmented hash table. */ for (i = 0; i < domain->hash_size; i++) inmem_hash_tab[i] = W (domain->must_swap_hash_tab, domain->hash_tab[i]); for (i = 0; i < n_inmem_sysdep_strings; i++) { const char *msgid = inmem_orig_sysdep_tab[i].pointer; nls_uint32 hash_val = __hash_string (msgid); nls_uint32 idx = hash_val % domain->hash_size; nls_uint32 incr = 1 + (hash_val % (domain->hash_size - 2)); for (;;) { if (inmem_hash_tab[idx] == 0) { /* Hash table entry is empty. Use it. */ inmem_hash_tab[idx] = 1 + domain->nstrings + i; break; } if (idx >= domain->hash_size - incr) idx -= domain->hash_size - incr; else idx += incr; } } domain->n_sysdep_strings = n_inmem_sysdep_strings; domain->orig_sysdep_tab = inmem_orig_sysdep_tab; domain->trans_sysdep_tab = inmem_trans_sysdep_tab; domain->hash_tab = inmem_hash_tab; domain->must_swap_hash_tab = 0; } else { domain->n_sysdep_strings = 0; domain->orig_sysdep_tab = NULL; domain->trans_sysdep_tab = NULL; } freea (sysdep_segment_values); } else { domain->n_sysdep_strings = 0; domain->orig_sysdep_tab = NULL; domain->trans_sysdep_tab = NULL; } } break; } break; default: /* This is an invalid revision. */ invalid: /* This is an invalid .mo file or we ran out of resources. */ free (domain->malloced); #ifdef HAVE_MMAP if (use_mmap) munmap ((caddr_t) data, size); else #endif free (data); free (domain); domain_file->data = NULL; goto out; } /* No caches of converted translations so far. */ domain->conversions = NULL; domain->nconversions = 0; #ifdef _LIBC __libc_rwlock_init (domain->conversions_lock); #else gl_rwlock_init (domain->conversions_lock); #endif /* Get the header entry and look for a plural specification. */ #ifdef IN_LIBGLOCALE nullentry = _nl_find_msg (domain_file, domainbinding, NULL, "", &nullentrylen); #else nullentry = _nl_find_msg (domain_file, domainbinding, "", 0, &nullentrylen); #endif if (__builtin_expect (nullentry == (char *) -1, 0)) { #ifdef _LIBC __libc_rwlock_fini (domain->conversions_lock); #endif goto invalid; } EXTRACT_PLURAL_EXPRESSION (nullentry, &domain->plural, &domain->nplurals); out: if (fd != -1) close (fd); domain_file->decided = 1; done: __libc_lock_unlock_recursive (lock); } #ifdef _LIBC void internal_function __libc_freeres_fn_section _nl_unload_domain (struct loaded_domain *domain) { size_t i; if (domain->plural != &__gettext_germanic_plural) __gettext_free_exp ((struct expression *) domain->plural); for (i = 0; i < domain->nconversions; i++) { struct converted_domain *convd = &domain->conversions[i]; free ((char *) convd->encoding); if (convd->conv_tab != NULL && convd->conv_tab != (char **) -1) free (convd->conv_tab); if (convd->conv != (__gconv_t) -1) __gconv_close (convd->conv); } free (domain->conversions); __libc_rwlock_fini (domain->conversions_lock); free (domain->malloced); # ifdef _POSIX_MAPPED_FILES if (domain->use_mmap) munmap ((caddr_t) domain->data, domain->mmap_size); else # endif /* _POSIX_MAPPED_FILES */ free ((void *) domain->data); free (domain); } #endif intl/VERSION000064400000000052147633151230006564 0ustar00GNU gettext library from gettext- intl/dcigettext.c000064400000134761147633151230010043 0ustar00/* Implementation of the internal dcigettext function. Copyright (C) 1995-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /* Tell glibc's to provide a prototype for mempcpy(). This must come before because may include , and once has been included, it's too late. */ #ifndef _GNU_SOURCE # define _GNU_SOURCE 1 #endif #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #ifdef __GNUC__ # define alloca __builtin_alloca # define HAVE_ALLOCA 1 #else # ifdef _MSC_VER # include # define alloca _alloca # else # if defined HAVE_ALLOCA_H || defined _LIBC # include # else # ifdef _AIX #pragma alloca # else # ifndef alloca char *alloca (); # endif # endif # endif # endif #endif #include #ifndef errno extern int errno; #endif #ifndef __set_errno # define __set_errno(val) errno = (val) #endif #include #include #include #if defined HAVE_UNISTD_H || defined _LIBC # include #endif #include #ifdef _LIBC /* Guess whether integer division by zero raises signal SIGFPE. Set to 1 only if you know for sure. In case of doubt, set to 0. */ # if defined __alpha__ || defined __arm__ || defined __i386__ \ || defined __m68k__ || defined __s390__ # define INTDIV0_RAISES_SIGFPE 1 # else # define INTDIV0_RAISES_SIGFPE 0 # endif #endif #if !INTDIV0_RAISES_SIGFPE # include #endif #if defined HAVE_SYS_PARAM_H || defined _LIBC # include #endif #if !defined _LIBC # include "localcharset.h" #endif #include "gettextP.h" #include "plural-exp.h" #ifdef _LIBC # include #else # ifdef IN_LIBGLOCALE # include # endif # include "libgnuintl.h" #endif #include "hash-string.h" /* Handle multi-threaded applications. */ #ifdef _LIBC # include # define gl_rwlock_define_initialized __libc_rwlock_define_initialized # define gl_rwlock_rdlock __libc_rwlock_rdlock # define gl_rwlock_wrlock __libc_rwlock_wrlock # define gl_rwlock_unlock __libc_rwlock_unlock #else # include "lock.h" #endif /* Alignment of types. */ #if defined __GNUC__ && __GNUC__ >= 2 # define alignof(TYPE) __alignof__ (TYPE) #else # define alignof(TYPE) \ ((int) &((struct { char dummy1; TYPE dummy2; } *) 0)->dummy2) #endif /* Some compilers, like SunOS4 cc, don't have offsetof in . */ #ifndef offsetof # define offsetof(type,ident) ((size_t)&(((type*)0)->ident)) #endif /* @@ end of prolog @@ */ #ifdef _LIBC /* Rename the non ANSI C functions. This is required by the standard because some ANSI C functions will require linking with this object file and the name space must not be polluted. */ # define getcwd __getcwd # ifndef stpcpy # define stpcpy __stpcpy # endif # define tfind __tfind #else # if !defined HAVE_GETCWD char *getwd (); # define getcwd(buf, max) getwd (buf) # else # if VMS # define getcwd(buf, max) (getcwd) (buf, max, 0) # else char *getcwd (); # endif # endif # ifndef HAVE_STPCPY static char *stpcpy (char *dest, const char *src); # endif # ifndef HAVE_MEMPCPY static void *mempcpy (void *dest, const void *src, size_t n); # endif #endif /* Use a replacement if the system does not provide the `tsearch' function family. */ #if defined HAVE_TSEARCH || defined _LIBC # include #else # define tsearch libintl_tsearch # define tfind libintl_tfind # define tdelete libintl_tdelete # define twalk libintl_twalk # include "tsearch.h" #endif #ifdef _LIBC # define tsearch __tsearch #endif /* Amount to increase buffer size by in each try. */ #define PATH_INCR 32 /* The following is from pathmax.h. */ /* Non-POSIX BSD systems might have gcc's limits.h, which doesn't define PATH_MAX but might cause redefinition warnings when sys/param.h is later included (as on MORE/BSD 4.3). */ #if defined _POSIX_VERSION || (defined HAVE_LIMITS_H && !defined __GNUC__) # include #endif #ifndef _POSIX_PATH_MAX # define _POSIX_PATH_MAX 255 #endif #if !defined PATH_MAX && defined _PC_PATH_MAX # define PATH_MAX (pathconf ("/", _PC_PATH_MAX) < 1 ? 1024 : pathconf ("/", _PC_PATH_MAX)) #endif /* Don't include sys/param.h if it already has been. */ #if defined HAVE_SYS_PARAM_H && !defined PATH_MAX && !defined MAXPATHLEN # include #endif #if !defined PATH_MAX && defined MAXPATHLEN # define PATH_MAX MAXPATHLEN #endif #ifndef PATH_MAX # define PATH_MAX _POSIX_PATH_MAX #endif /* Pathname support. ISSLASH(C) tests whether C is a directory separator character. IS_ABSOLUTE_PATH(P) tests whether P is an absolute path. If it is not, it may be concatenated to a directory pathname. IS_PATH_WITH_DIR(P) tests whether P contains a directory specification. */ #if defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__ || defined __CYGWIN__ || defined __EMX__ || defined __DJGPP__ /* Win32, Cygwin, OS/2, DOS */ # define ISSLASH(C) ((C) == '/' || (C) == '\\') # define HAS_DEVICE(P) \ ((((P)[0] >= 'A' && (P)[0] <= 'Z') || ((P)[0] >= 'a' && (P)[0] <= 'z')) \ && (P)[1] == ':') # define IS_ABSOLUTE_PATH(P) (ISSLASH ((P)[0]) || HAS_DEVICE (P)) # define IS_PATH_WITH_DIR(P) \ (strchr (P, '/') != NULL || strchr (P, '\\') != NULL || HAS_DEVICE (P)) #else /* Unix */ # define ISSLASH(C) ((C) == '/') # define IS_ABSOLUTE_PATH(P) ISSLASH ((P)[0]) # define IS_PATH_WITH_DIR(P) (strchr (P, '/') != NULL) #endif /* Whether to support different locales in different threads. */ #if defined _LIBC || HAVE_USELOCALE || defined IN_LIBGLOCALE # define HAVE_PER_THREAD_LOCALE #endif /* This is the type used for the search tree where known translations are stored. */ struct known_translation_t { /* Domain in which to search. */ const char *domainname; /* The category. */ int category; #ifdef HAVE_PER_THREAD_LOCALE /* Name of the relevant locale category, or "" for the global locale. */ const char *localename; #endif #ifdef IN_LIBGLOCALE /* The character encoding. */ const char *encoding; #endif /* State of the catalog counter at the point the string was found. */ int counter; /* Catalog where the string was found. */ struct loaded_l10nfile *domain; /* And finally the translation. */ const char *translation; size_t translation_length; /* Pointer to the string in question. */ union { char appended[ZERO]; /* used if domain != NULL */ const char *ptr; /* used if domain == NULL */ } msgid; }; gl_rwlock_define_initialized (static, tree_lock) /* Root of the search tree with known translations. */ static void *root; /* Function to compare two entries in the table of known translations. */ static int transcmp (const void *p1, const void *p2) { const struct known_translation_t *s1; const struct known_translation_t *s2; int result; s1 = (const struct known_translation_t *) p1; s2 = (const struct known_translation_t *) p2; result = strcmp (s1->domain != NULL ? s1->msgid.appended : s1->msgid.ptr, s2->domain != NULL ? s2->msgid.appended : s2->msgid.ptr); if (result == 0) { result = strcmp (s1->domainname, s2->domainname); if (result == 0) { #ifdef HAVE_PER_THREAD_LOCALE result = strcmp (s1->localename, s2->localename); if (result == 0) #endif { #ifdef IN_LIBGLOCALE result = strcmp (s1->encoding, s2->encoding); if (result == 0) #endif /* We compare the category last (though this is the cheapest operation) since it is hopefully always the same (namely LC_MESSAGES). */ result = s1->category - s2->category; } } } return result; } /* Name of the default domain used for gettext(3) prior any call to textdomain(3). The default value for this is "messages". */ const char _nl_default_default_domain[] attribute_hidden = "messages"; #ifndef IN_LIBGLOCALE /* Value used as the default domain for gettext(3). */ const char *_nl_current_default_domain attribute_hidden = _nl_default_default_domain; #endif /* Contains the default location of the message catalogs. */ #if defined __EMX__ && !defined __KLIBC__ extern const char _nl_default_dirname[]; #else # ifdef _LIBC extern const char _nl_default_dirname[]; libc_hidden_proto (_nl_default_dirname) # endif const char _nl_default_dirname[] = LOCALEDIR; # ifdef _LIBC libc_hidden_data_def (_nl_default_dirname) # endif #endif #ifndef IN_LIBGLOCALE /* List with bindings of specific domains created by bindtextdomain() calls. */ struct binding *_nl_domain_bindings; #endif /* Prototypes for local functions. */ static char *plural_lookup (struct loaded_l10nfile *domain, unsigned long int n, const char *translation, size_t translation_len) internal_function; #ifdef IN_LIBGLOCALE static const char *guess_category_value (int category, const char *categoryname, const char *localename) internal_function; #else static const char *guess_category_value (int category, const char *categoryname) internal_function; #endif #ifdef _LIBC # include "../locale/localeinfo.h" # define category_to_name(category) \ _nl_category_names.str + _nl_category_name_idxs[category] #else static const char *category_to_name (int category) internal_function; #endif #if (defined _LIBC || HAVE_ICONV) && !defined IN_LIBGLOCALE static const char *get_output_charset (struct binding *domainbinding) internal_function; #endif /* For those losing systems which don't have `alloca' we have to add some additional code emulating it. */ #ifdef HAVE_ALLOCA /* Nothing has to be done. */ # define freea(p) /* nothing */ # define ADD_BLOCK(list, address) /* nothing */ # define FREE_BLOCKS(list) /* nothing */ #else struct block_list { void *address; struct block_list *next; }; # define ADD_BLOCK(list, addr) \ do { \ struct block_list *newp = (struct block_list *) malloc (sizeof (*newp)); \ /* If we cannot get a free block we cannot add the new element to \ the list. */ \ if (newp != NULL) { \ newp->address = (addr); \ newp->next = (list); \ (list) = newp; \ } \ } while (0) # define FREE_BLOCKS(list) \ do { \ while (list != NULL) { \ struct block_list *old = list; \ list = list->next; \ free (old->address); \ free (old); \ } \ } while (0) # undef alloca # define alloca(size) (malloc (size)) # define freea(p) free (p) #endif /* have alloca */ #ifdef _LIBC /* List of blocks allocated for translations. */ typedef struct transmem_list { struct transmem_list *next; char data[ZERO]; } transmem_block_t; static struct transmem_list *transmem_list; #else typedef unsigned char transmem_block_t; #endif /* Names for the libintl functions are a problem. They must not clash with existing names and they should follow ANSI C. But this source code is also used in GNU C Library where the names have a __ prefix. So we have to make a difference here. */ #ifdef _LIBC # define DCIGETTEXT __dcigettext #else # define DCIGETTEXT libintl_dcigettext #endif /* Lock variable to protect the global data in the gettext implementation. */ gl_rwlock_define_initialized (, _nl_state_lock attribute_hidden) /* Checking whether the binaries runs SUID must be done and glibc provides easier methods therefore we make a difference here. */ #ifdef _LIBC # define ENABLE_SECURE __libc_enable_secure # define DETERMINE_SECURE #else # ifndef HAVE_GETUID # define getuid() 0 # endif # ifndef HAVE_GETGID # define getgid() 0 # endif # ifndef HAVE_GETEUID # define geteuid() getuid() # endif # ifndef HAVE_GETEGID # define getegid() getgid() # endif static int enable_secure; # define ENABLE_SECURE (enable_secure == 1) # define DETERMINE_SECURE \ if (enable_secure == 0) \ { \ if (getuid () != geteuid () || getgid () != getegid ()) \ enable_secure = 1; \ else \ enable_secure = -1; \ } #endif /* Get the function to evaluate the plural expression. */ #include "eval-plural.h" /* Look up MSGID in the DOMAINNAME message catalog for the current CATEGORY locale and, if PLURAL is nonzero, search over string depending on the plural form determined by N. */ #ifdef IN_LIBGLOCALE char * gl_dcigettext (const char *domainname, const char *msgid1, const char *msgid2, int plural, unsigned long int n, int category, const char *localename, const char *encoding) #else char * DCIGETTEXT (const char *domainname, const char *msgid1, const char *msgid2, int plural, unsigned long int n, int category) #endif { #ifndef HAVE_ALLOCA struct block_list *block_list = NULL; #endif struct loaded_l10nfile *domain; struct binding *binding; const char *categoryname; const char *categoryvalue; const char *dirname; char *xdomainname; char *single_locale; char *retval; size_t retlen; int saved_errno; struct known_translation_t search; struct known_translation_t **foundp = NULL; #if defined HAVE_PER_THREAD_LOCALE && !defined IN_LIBGLOCALE const char *localename; #endif size_t domainname_len; /* If no real MSGID is given return NULL. */ if (msgid1 == NULL) return NULL; #ifdef _LIBC if (category < 0 || category >= __LC_LAST || category == LC_ALL) /* Bogus. */ return (plural == 0 ? (char *) msgid1 /* Use the Germanic plural rule. */ : n == 1 ? (char *) msgid1 : (char *) msgid2); #endif /* Preserve the `errno' value. */ saved_errno = errno; #ifdef _LIBC __libc_rwlock_define (extern, __libc_setlocale_lock attribute_hidden) __libc_rwlock_rdlock (__libc_setlocale_lock); #endif gl_rwlock_rdlock (_nl_state_lock); /* If DOMAINNAME is NULL, we are interested in the default domain. If CATEGORY is not LC_MESSAGES this might not make much sense but the definition left this undefined. */ if (domainname == NULL) domainname = _nl_current_default_domain; /* OS/2 specific: backward compatibility with older libintl versions */ #ifdef LC_MESSAGES_COMPAT if (category == LC_MESSAGES_COMPAT) category = LC_MESSAGES; #endif /* Try to find the translation among those which we found at some time. */ search.domain = NULL; search.msgid.ptr = msgid1; search.domainname = domainname; search.category = category; #ifdef HAVE_PER_THREAD_LOCALE # ifndef IN_LIBGLOCALE # ifdef _LIBC localename = strdupa (__current_locale_name (category)); # else categoryname = category_to_name (category); # define CATEGORYNAME_INITIALIZED localename = _nl_locale_name_thread_unsafe (category, categoryname); if (localename == NULL) localename = ""; # endif # endif search.localename = localename; # ifdef IN_LIBGLOCALE search.encoding = encoding; # endif /* Since tfind/tsearch manage a balanced tree, concurrent tfind and tsearch calls can be fatal. */ gl_rwlock_rdlock (tree_lock); foundp = (struct known_translation_t **) tfind (&search, &root, transcmp); gl_rwlock_unlock (tree_lock); if (foundp != NULL && (*foundp)->counter == _nl_msg_cat_cntr) { /* Now deal with plural. */ if (plural) retval = plural_lookup ((*foundp)->domain, n, (*foundp)->translation, (*foundp)->translation_length); else retval = (char *) (*foundp)->translation; gl_rwlock_unlock (_nl_state_lock); # ifdef _LIBC __libc_rwlock_unlock (__libc_setlocale_lock); # endif __set_errno (saved_errno); return retval; } #endif /* See whether this is a SUID binary or not. */ DETERMINE_SECURE; /* First find matching binding. */ #ifdef IN_LIBGLOCALE /* We can use a trivial binding, since _nl_find_msg will ignore it anyway, and _nl_load_domain and _nl_find_domain just pass it through. */ binding = NULL; dirname = bindtextdomain (domainname, NULL); #else for (binding = _nl_domain_bindings; binding != NULL; binding = binding->next) { int compare = strcmp (domainname, binding->domainname); if (compare == 0) /* We found it! */ break; if (compare < 0) { /* It is not in the list. */ binding = NULL; break; } } if (binding == NULL) dirname = _nl_default_dirname; else { dirname = binding->dirname; #endif if (!IS_ABSOLUTE_PATH (dirname)) { /* We have a relative path. Make it absolute now. */ size_t dirname_len = strlen (dirname) + 1; size_t path_max; char *resolved_dirname; char *ret; path_max = (unsigned int) PATH_MAX; path_max += 2; /* The getcwd docs say to do this. */ for (;;) { resolved_dirname = (char *) alloca (path_max + dirname_len); ADD_BLOCK (block_list, tmp_dirname); __set_errno (0); ret = getcwd (resolved_dirname, path_max); if (ret != NULL || errno != ERANGE) break; path_max += path_max / 2; path_max += PATH_INCR; } if (ret == NULL) /* We cannot get the current working directory. Don't signal an error but simply return the default string. */ goto return_untranslated; stpcpy (stpcpy (strchr (resolved_dirname, '\0'), "/"), dirname); dirname = resolved_dirname; } #ifndef IN_LIBGLOCALE } #endif /* Now determine the symbolic name of CATEGORY and its value. */ #ifndef CATEGORYNAME_INITIALIZED categoryname = category_to_name (category); #endif #ifdef IN_LIBGLOCALE categoryvalue = guess_category_value (category, categoryname, localename); #else categoryvalue = guess_category_value (category, categoryname); #endif domainname_len = strlen (domainname); xdomainname = (char *) alloca (strlen (categoryname) + domainname_len + 5); ADD_BLOCK (block_list, xdomainname); stpcpy ((char *) mempcpy (stpcpy (stpcpy (xdomainname, categoryname), "/"), domainname, domainname_len), ".mo"); /* Creating working area. */ single_locale = (char *) alloca (strlen (categoryvalue) + 1); ADD_BLOCK (block_list, single_locale); /* Search for the given string. This is a loop because we perhaps got an ordered list of languages to consider for the translation. */ while (1) { /* Make CATEGORYVALUE point to the next element of the list. */ while (categoryvalue[0] != '\0' && categoryvalue[0] == ':') ++categoryvalue; if (categoryvalue[0] == '\0') { /* The whole contents of CATEGORYVALUE has been searched but no valid entry has been found. We solve this situation by implicitly appending a "C" entry, i.e. no translation will take place. */ single_locale[0] = 'C'; single_locale[1] = '\0'; } else { char *cp = single_locale; while (categoryvalue[0] != '\0' && categoryvalue[0] != ':') *cp++ = *categoryvalue++; *cp = '\0'; /* When this is a SUID binary we must not allow accessing files outside the dedicated directories. */ if (ENABLE_SECURE && IS_PATH_WITH_DIR (single_locale)) /* Ingore this entry. */ continue; } /* If the current locale value is C (or POSIX) we don't load a domain. Return the MSGID. */ if (strcmp (single_locale, "C") == 0 || strcmp (single_locale, "POSIX") == 0) break; /* Find structure describing the message catalog matching the DOMAINNAME and CATEGORY. */ domain = _nl_find_domain (dirname, single_locale, xdomainname, binding); if (domain != NULL) { #if defined IN_LIBGLOCALE retval = _nl_find_msg (domain, binding, encoding, msgid1, &retlen); #else retval = _nl_find_msg (domain, binding, msgid1, 1, &retlen); #endif if (retval == NULL) { int cnt; for (cnt = 0; domain->successor[cnt] != NULL; ++cnt) { #if defined IN_LIBGLOCALE retval = _nl_find_msg (domain->successor[cnt], binding, encoding, msgid1, &retlen); #else retval = _nl_find_msg (domain->successor[cnt], binding, msgid1, 1, &retlen); #endif /* Resource problems are not fatal, instead we return no translation. */ if (__builtin_expect (retval == (char *) -1, 0)) goto return_untranslated; if (retval != NULL) { domain = domain->successor[cnt]; break; } } } /* Returning -1 means that some resource problem exists (likely memory) and that the strings could not be converted. Return the original strings. */ if (__builtin_expect (retval == (char *) -1, 0)) break; if (retval != NULL) { /* Found the translation of MSGID1 in domain DOMAIN: starting at RETVAL, RETLEN bytes. */ FREE_BLOCKS (block_list); if (foundp == NULL) { /* Create a new entry and add it to the search tree. */ size_t msgid_len; size_t size; struct known_translation_t *newp; msgid_len = strlen (msgid1) + 1; size = offsetof (struct known_translation_t, msgid) + msgid_len + domainname_len + 1; #ifdef HAVE_PER_THREAD_LOCALE size += strlen (localename) + 1; #endif newp = (struct known_translation_t *) malloc (size); if (newp != NULL) { char *new_domainname; #ifdef HAVE_PER_THREAD_LOCALE char *new_localename; #endif new_domainname = (char *) mempcpy (newp->msgid.appended, msgid1, msgid_len); memcpy (new_domainname, domainname, domainname_len + 1); #ifdef HAVE_PER_THREAD_LOCALE new_localename = new_domainname + domainname_len + 1; strcpy (new_localename, localename); #endif newp->domainname = new_domainname; newp->category = category; #ifdef HAVE_PER_THREAD_LOCALE newp->localename = new_localename; #endif #ifdef IN_LIBGLOCALE newp->encoding = encoding; #endif newp->counter = _nl_msg_cat_cntr; newp->domain = domain; newp->translation = retval; newp->translation_length = retlen; gl_rwlock_wrlock (tree_lock); /* Insert the entry in the search tree. */ foundp = (struct known_translation_t **) tsearch (newp, &root, transcmp); gl_rwlock_unlock (tree_lock); if (foundp == NULL || __builtin_expect (*foundp != newp, 0)) /* The insert failed. */ free (newp); } } else { /* We can update the existing entry. */ (*foundp)->counter = _nl_msg_cat_cntr; (*foundp)->domain = domain; (*foundp)->translation = retval; (*foundp)->translation_length = retlen; } __set_errno (saved_errno); /* Now deal with plural. */ if (plural) retval = plural_lookup (domain, n, retval, retlen); gl_rwlock_unlock (_nl_state_lock); #ifdef _LIBC __libc_rwlock_unlock (__libc_setlocale_lock); #endif return retval; } } } return_untranslated: /* Return the untranslated MSGID. */ FREE_BLOCKS (block_list); gl_rwlock_unlock (_nl_state_lock); #ifdef _LIBC __libc_rwlock_unlock (__libc_setlocale_lock); #endif #ifndef _LIBC if (!ENABLE_SECURE) { extern void _nl_log_untranslated (const char *logfilename, const char *domainname, const char *msgid1, const char *msgid2, int plural); const char *logfilename = getenv ("GETTEXT_LOG_UNTRANSLATED"); if (logfilename != NULL && logfilename[0] != '\0') _nl_log_untranslated (logfilename, domainname, msgid1, msgid2, plural); } #endif __set_errno (saved_errno); return (plural == 0 ? (char *) msgid1 /* Use the Germanic plural rule. */ : n == 1 ? (char *) msgid1 : (char *) msgid2); } /* Look up the translation of msgid within DOMAIN_FILE and DOMAINBINDING. Return it if found. Return NULL if not found or in case of a conversion failure (problem in the particular message catalog). Return (char *) -1 in case of a memory allocation failure during conversion (only if ENCODING != NULL resp. CONVERT == true). */ char * internal_function #ifdef IN_LIBGLOCALE _nl_find_msg (struct loaded_l10nfile *domain_file, struct binding *domainbinding, const char *encoding, const char *msgid, size_t *lengthp) #else _nl_find_msg (struct loaded_l10nfile *domain_file, struct binding *domainbinding, const char *msgid, int convert, size_t *lengthp) #endif { struct loaded_domain *domain; nls_uint32 nstrings; size_t act; char *result; size_t resultlen; if (domain_file->decided <= 0) _nl_load_domain (domain_file, domainbinding); if (domain_file->data == NULL) return NULL; domain = (struct loaded_domain *) domain_file->data; nstrings = domain->nstrings; /* Locate the MSGID and its translation. */ if (domain->hash_tab != NULL) { /* Use the hashing table. */ nls_uint32 len = strlen (msgid); nls_uint32 hash_val = __hash_string (msgid); nls_uint32 idx = hash_val % domain->hash_size; nls_uint32 incr = 1 + (hash_val % (domain->hash_size - 2)); while (1) { nls_uint32 nstr = W (domain->must_swap_hash_tab, domain->hash_tab[idx]); if (nstr == 0) /* Hash table entry is empty. */ return NULL; nstr--; /* Compare msgid with the original string at index nstr. We compare the lengths with >=, not ==, because plural entries are represented by strings with an embedded NUL. */ if (nstr < nstrings ? W (domain->must_swap, domain->orig_tab[nstr].length) >= len && (strcmp (msgid, domain->data + W (domain->must_swap, domain->orig_tab[nstr].offset)) == 0) : domain->orig_sysdep_tab[nstr - nstrings].length > len && (strcmp (msgid, domain->orig_sysdep_tab[nstr - nstrings].pointer) == 0)) { act = nstr; goto found; } if (idx >= domain->hash_size - incr) idx -= domain->hash_size - incr; else idx += incr; } /* NOTREACHED */ } else { /* Try the default method: binary search in the sorted array of messages. */ size_t top, bottom; bottom = 0; top = nstrings; while (bottom < top) { int cmp_val; act = (bottom + top) / 2; cmp_val = strcmp (msgid, (domain->data + W (domain->must_swap, domain->orig_tab[act].offset))); if (cmp_val < 0) top = act; else if (cmp_val > 0) bottom = act + 1; else goto found; } /* No translation was found. */ return NULL; } found: /* The translation was found at index ACT. If we have to convert the string to use a different character set, this is the time. */ if (act < nstrings) { result = (char *) (domain->data + W (domain->must_swap, domain->trans_tab[act].offset)); resultlen = W (domain->must_swap, domain->trans_tab[act].length) + 1; } else { result = (char *) domain->trans_sysdep_tab[act - nstrings].pointer; resultlen = domain->trans_sysdep_tab[act - nstrings].length; } #if defined _LIBC || HAVE_ICONV # ifdef IN_LIBGLOCALE if (encoding != NULL) # else if (convert) # endif { /* We are supposed to do a conversion. */ # ifndef IN_LIBGLOCALE const char *encoding = get_output_charset (domainbinding); # endif size_t nconversions; struct converted_domain *convd; size_t i; /* Protect against reallocation of the table. */ gl_rwlock_rdlock (domain->conversions_lock); /* Search whether a table with converted translations for this encoding has already been allocated. */ nconversions = domain->nconversions; convd = NULL; for (i = nconversions; i > 0; ) { i--; if (strcmp (domain->conversions[i].encoding, encoding) == 0) { convd = &domain->conversions[i]; break; } } gl_rwlock_unlock (domain->conversions_lock); if (convd == NULL) { /* We have to allocate a new conversions table. */ gl_rwlock_wrlock (domain->conversions_lock); nconversions = domain->nconversions; /* Maybe in the meantime somebody added the translation. Recheck. */ for (i = nconversions; i > 0; ) { i--; if (strcmp (domain->conversions[i].encoding, encoding) == 0) { convd = &domain->conversions[i]; goto found_convd; } } { /* Allocate a table for the converted translations for this encoding. */ struct converted_domain *new_conversions = (struct converted_domain *) (domain->conversions != NULL ? realloc (domain->conversions, (nconversions + 1) * sizeof (struct converted_domain)) : malloc ((nconversions + 1) * sizeof (struct converted_domain))); if (__builtin_expect (new_conversions == NULL, 0)) { /* Nothing we can do, no more memory. We cannot use the translation because it might be encoded incorrectly. */ unlock_fail: gl_rwlock_unlock (domain->conversions_lock); return (char *) -1; } domain->conversions = new_conversions; /* Copy the 'encoding' string to permanent storage. */ encoding = strdup (encoding); if (__builtin_expect (encoding == NULL, 0)) /* Nothing we can do, no more memory. We cannot use the translation because it might be encoded incorrectly. */ goto unlock_fail; convd = &new_conversions[nconversions]; convd->encoding = encoding; /* Find out about the character set the file is encoded with. This can be found (in textual form) in the entry "". If this entry does not exist or if this does not contain the 'charset=' information, we will assume the charset matches the one the current locale and we don't have to perform any conversion. */ # ifdef _LIBC convd->conv = (__gconv_t) -1; # else # if HAVE_ICONV convd->conv = (iconv_t) -1; # endif # endif { char *nullentry; size_t nullentrylen; /* Get the header entry. This is a recursion, but it doesn't reallocate domain->conversions because we pass encoding = NULL or convert = 0, respectively. */ nullentry = # ifdef IN_LIBGLOCALE _nl_find_msg (domain_file, domainbinding, NULL, "", &nullentrylen); # else _nl_find_msg (domain_file, domainbinding, "", 0, &nullentrylen); # endif /* Resource problems are fatal. If we continue onwards we will only attempt to calloc a new conv_tab and fail later. */ if (__builtin_expect (nullentry == (char *) -1, 0)) return (char *) -1; if (nullentry != NULL) { const char *charsetstr; charsetstr = strstr (nullentry, "charset="); if (charsetstr != NULL) { size_t len; char *charset; const char *outcharset; charsetstr += strlen ("charset="); len = strcspn (charsetstr, " \t\n"); charset = (char *) alloca (len + 1); # if defined _LIBC || HAVE_MEMPCPY *((char *) mempcpy (charset, charsetstr, len)) = '\0'; # else memcpy (charset, charsetstr, len); charset[len] = '\0'; # endif outcharset = encoding; # ifdef _LIBC /* We always want to use transliteration. */ outcharset = norm_add_slashes (outcharset, "TRANSLIT"); charset = norm_add_slashes (charset, ""); int r = __gconv_open (outcharset, charset, &convd->conv, GCONV_AVOID_NOCONV); if (__builtin_expect (r != __GCONV_OK, 0)) { /* If the output encoding is the same there is nothing to do. Otherwise do not use the translation at all. */ if (__builtin_expect (r != __GCONV_NULCONV, 1)) { gl_rwlock_unlock (domain->conversions_lock); free ((char *) encoding); return NULL; } convd->conv = (__gconv_t) -1; } # else # if HAVE_ICONV /* When using GNU libc >= 2.2 or GNU libiconv >= 1.5, we want to use transliteration. */ # if (((__GLIBC__ == 2 && __GLIBC_MINOR__ >= 2) || __GLIBC__ > 2) \ && !defined __UCLIBC__) \ || _LIBICONV_VERSION >= 0x0105 if (strchr (outcharset, '/') == NULL) { char *tmp; len = strlen (outcharset); tmp = (char *) alloca (len + 10 + 1); memcpy (tmp, outcharset, len); memcpy (tmp + len, "//TRANSLIT", 10 + 1); outcharset = tmp; convd->conv = iconv_open (outcharset, charset); freea (outcharset); } else # endif convd->conv = iconv_open (outcharset, charset); # endif # endif freea (charset); } } } convd->conv_tab = NULL; /* Here domain->conversions is still == new_conversions. */ domain->nconversions++; } found_convd: gl_rwlock_unlock (domain->conversions_lock); } if ( # ifdef _LIBC convd->conv != (__gconv_t) -1 # else # if HAVE_ICONV convd->conv != (iconv_t) -1 # endif # endif ) { /* We are supposed to do a conversion. First allocate an appropriate table with the same structure as the table of translations in the file, where we can put the pointers to the converted strings in. There is a slight complication with plural entries. They are represented by consecutive NUL terminated strings. We handle this case by converting RESULTLEN bytes, including NULs. */ /* This lock primarily protects the memory management variables freemem, freemem_size. It also protects write accesses to convd->conv_tab. It's not worth using a separate lock (such as domain->conversions_lock) for this purpose, because when modifying convd->conv_tab, we also need to lock freemem, freemem_size for most of the time. */ __libc_lock_define_initialized (static, lock) if (__builtin_expect (convd->conv_tab == NULL, 0)) { __libc_lock_lock (lock); if (convd->conv_tab == NULL) { convd->conv_tab = (char **) calloc (nstrings + domain->n_sysdep_strings, sizeof (char *)); if (convd->conv_tab != NULL) goto not_translated_yet; /* Mark that we didn't succeed allocating a table. */ convd->conv_tab = (char **) -1; } __libc_lock_unlock (lock); } if (__builtin_expect (convd->conv_tab == (char **) -1, 0)) /* Nothing we can do, no more memory. We cannot use the translation because it might be encoded incorrectly. */ return (char *) -1; if (convd->conv_tab[act] == NULL) { /* We haven't used this string so far, so it is not translated yet. Do this now. */ /* We use a bit more efficient memory handling. We allocate always larger blocks which get used over time. This is faster than many small allocations. */ # define INITIAL_BLOCK_SIZE 4080 static unsigned char *freemem; static size_t freemem_size; const unsigned char *inbuf; unsigned char *outbuf; int malloc_count; # ifndef _LIBC transmem_block_t *transmem_list; # endif __libc_lock_lock (lock); not_translated_yet: inbuf = (const unsigned char *) result; outbuf = freemem + sizeof (size_t); # ifndef _LIBC transmem_list = NULL; # endif malloc_count = 0; while (1) { transmem_block_t *newmem; # ifdef _LIBC size_t non_reversible; int res; if (freemem_size < sizeof (size_t)) goto resize_freemem; res = __gconv (convd->conv, &inbuf, inbuf + resultlen, &outbuf, outbuf + freemem_size - sizeof (size_t), &non_reversible); if (res == __GCONV_OK || res == __GCONV_EMPTY_INPUT) break; if (res != __GCONV_FULL_OUTPUT) { /* We should not use the translation at all, it is incorrectly encoded. */ __libc_lock_unlock (lock); return NULL; } inbuf = (const unsigned char *) result; # else # if HAVE_ICONV const char *inptr = (const char *) inbuf; size_t inleft = resultlen; char *outptr = (char *) outbuf; size_t outleft; if (freemem_size < sizeof (size_t)) goto resize_freemem; outleft = freemem_size - sizeof (size_t); if (iconv (convd->conv, (ICONV_CONST char **) &inptr, &inleft, &outptr, &outleft) != (size_t) (-1)) { outbuf = (unsigned char *) outptr; break; } if (errno != E2BIG) { __libc_lock_unlock (lock); return NULL; } # endif # endif resize_freemem: /* We must allocate a new buffer or resize the old one. */ if (malloc_count > 0) { ++malloc_count; freemem_size = malloc_count * INITIAL_BLOCK_SIZE; newmem = (transmem_block_t *) realloc (transmem_list, freemem_size); # ifdef _LIBC if (newmem != NULL) transmem_list = newmem; else { struct transmem_list *old = transmem_list; transmem_list = transmem_list->next; free (old); } # endif } else { malloc_count = 1; freemem_size = INITIAL_BLOCK_SIZE; newmem = (transmem_block_t *) malloc (freemem_size); # ifdef _LIBC if (newmem != NULL) { /* Add the block to the list of blocks we have to free at some point. */ newmem->next = transmem_list; transmem_list = newmem; } /* Fall through and return -1. */ # endif } if (__builtin_expect (newmem == NULL, 0)) { freemem = NULL; freemem_size = 0; __libc_lock_unlock (lock); return (char *) -1; } # ifdef _LIBC freemem = (unsigned char *) newmem->data; freemem_size -= offsetof (struct transmem_list, data); # else transmem_list = newmem; freemem = newmem; # endif outbuf = freemem + sizeof (size_t); } /* We have now in our buffer a converted string. Put this into the table of conversions. */ *(size_t *) freemem = outbuf - freemem - sizeof (size_t); convd->conv_tab[act] = (char *) freemem; /* Shrink freemem, but keep it aligned. */ freemem_size -= outbuf - freemem; freemem = outbuf; freemem += freemem_size & (alignof (size_t) - 1); freemem_size = freemem_size & ~ (alignof (size_t) - 1); __libc_lock_unlock (lock); } /* Now convd->conv_tab[act] contains the translation of all the plural variants. */ result = convd->conv_tab[act] + sizeof (size_t); resultlen = *(size_t *) convd->conv_tab[act]; } } /* The result string is converted. */ #endif /* _LIBC || HAVE_ICONV */ *lengthp = resultlen; return result; } /* Look up a plural variant. */ static char * internal_function plural_lookup (struct loaded_l10nfile *domain, unsigned long int n, const char *translation, size_t translation_len) { struct loaded_domain *domaindata = (struct loaded_domain *) domain->data; unsigned long int index; const char *p; index = plural_eval (domaindata->plural, n); if (index >= domaindata->nplurals) /* This should never happen. It means the plural expression and the given maximum value do not match. */ index = 0; /* Skip INDEX strings at TRANSLATION. */ p = translation; while (index-- > 0) { #ifdef _LIBC p = __rawmemchr (p, '\0'); #else p = strchr (p, '\0'); #endif /* And skip over the NUL byte. */ p++; if (p >= translation + translation_len) /* This should never happen. It means the plural expression evaluated to a value larger than the number of variants available for MSGID1. */ return (char *) translation; } return (char *) p; } #ifndef _LIBC /* Return string representation of locale CATEGORY. */ static const char * internal_function category_to_name (int category) { const char *retval; switch (category) { #ifdef LC_COLLATE case LC_COLLATE: retval = "LC_COLLATE"; break; #endif #ifdef LC_CTYPE case LC_CTYPE: retval = "LC_CTYPE"; break; #endif #ifdef LC_MONETARY case LC_MONETARY: retval = "LC_MONETARY"; break; #endif #ifdef LC_NUMERIC case LC_NUMERIC: retval = "LC_NUMERIC"; break; #endif #ifdef LC_TIME case LC_TIME: retval = "LC_TIME"; break; #endif #ifdef LC_MESSAGES case LC_MESSAGES: retval = "LC_MESSAGES"; break; #endif #ifdef LC_RESPONSE case LC_RESPONSE: retval = "LC_RESPONSE"; break; #endif #ifdef LC_ALL case LC_ALL: /* This might not make sense but is perhaps better than any other value. */ retval = "LC_ALL"; break; #endif default: /* If you have a better idea for a default value let me know. */ retval = "LC_XXX"; } return retval; } #endif /* Guess value of current locale from value of the environment variables or system-dependent defaults. */ static const char * internal_function #ifdef IN_LIBGLOCALE guess_category_value (int category, const char *categoryname, const char *locale) #else guess_category_value (int category, const char *categoryname) #endif { const char *language; #ifndef IN_LIBGLOCALE const char *locale; # ifndef _LIBC const char *language_default; int locale_defaulted; # endif #endif /* We use the settings in the following order: 1. The value of the environment variable 'LANGUAGE'. This is a GNU extension. Its value can be a colon-separated list of locale names. 2. The value of the environment variable 'LC_ALL', 'LC_xxx', or 'LANG'. More precisely, the first among these that is set to a non-empty value. This is how POSIX specifies it. The value is a single locale name. 3. A system-dependent preference list of languages. Its value can be a colon-separated list of locale names. 4. A system-dependent default locale name. This way: - System-dependent settings can be overridden by environment variables. - If the system provides both a list of languages and a default locale, the former is used. */ #ifndef IN_LIBGLOCALE /* Fetch the locale name, through the POSIX method of looking to `LC_ALL', `LC_xxx', and `LANG'. On some systems this can be done by the `setlocale' function itself. */ # ifdef _LIBC locale = __current_locale_name (category); # else locale_defaulted = 0; # if HAVE_USELOCALE locale = _nl_locale_name_thread_unsafe (category, categoryname); if (locale == NULL) # endif { locale = _nl_locale_name_posix (category, categoryname); if (locale == NULL) { locale = _nl_locale_name_default (); locale_defaulted = 1; } } # endif #endif /* Ignore LANGUAGE and its system-dependent analogon if the locale is set to "C" because 1. "C" locale usually uses the ASCII encoding, and most international messages use non-ASCII characters. These characters get displayed as question marks (if using glibc's iconv()) or as invalid 8-bit characters (because other iconv()s refuse to convert most non-ASCII characters to ASCII). In any case, the output is ugly. 2. The precise output of some programs in the "C" locale is specified by POSIX and should not depend on environment variables like "LANGUAGE" or system-dependent information. We allow such programs to use gettext(). */ if (strcmp (locale, "C") == 0) return locale; /* The highest priority value is the value of the 'LANGUAGE' environment variable. */ language = getenv ("LANGUAGE"); if (language != NULL && language[0] != '\0') return language; #if !defined IN_LIBGLOCALE && !defined _LIBC /* The next priority value is the locale name, if not defaulted. */ if (locale_defaulted) { /* The next priority value is the default language preferences list. */ language_default = _nl_language_preferences_default (); if (language_default != NULL) return language_default; } /* The least priority value is the locale name, if defaulted. */ #endif return locale; } #if (defined _LIBC || HAVE_ICONV) && !defined IN_LIBGLOCALE /* Returns the output charset. */ static const char * internal_function get_output_charset (struct binding *domainbinding) { /* The output charset should normally be determined by the locale. But sometimes the locale is not used or not correctly set up, so we provide a possibility for the user to override this: the OUTPUT_CHARSET environment variable. Moreover, the value specified through bind_textdomain_codeset overrides both. */ if (domainbinding != NULL && domainbinding->codeset != NULL) return domainbinding->codeset; else { /* For speed reasons, we look at the value of OUTPUT_CHARSET only once. This is a user variable that is not supposed to change during a program run. */ static char *output_charset_cache; static int output_charset_cached; if (!output_charset_cached) { const char *value = getenv ("OUTPUT_CHARSET"); if (value != NULL && value[0] != '\0') { size_t len = strlen (value) + 1; char *value_copy = (char *) malloc (len); if (value_copy != NULL) memcpy (value_copy, value, len); output_charset_cache = value_copy; } output_charset_cached = 1; } if (output_charset_cache != NULL) return output_charset_cache; else { # ifdef _LIBC return _NL_CURRENT (LC_CTYPE, CODESET); # else # if HAVE_ICONV return locale_charset (); # endif # endif } } } #endif /* @@ begin of epilog @@ */ /* We don't want libintl.a to depend on any other library. So we avoid the non-standard function stpcpy. In GNU C Library this function is available, though. Also allow the symbol HAVE_STPCPY to be defined. */ #if !_LIBC && !HAVE_STPCPY static char * stpcpy (char *dest, const char *src) { while ((*dest++ = *src++) != '\0') /* Do nothing. */ ; return dest - 1; } #endif #if !_LIBC && !HAVE_MEMPCPY static void * mempcpy (void *dest, const void *src, size_t n) { return (void *) ((char *) memcpy (dest, src, n) + n); } #endif #if !_LIBC && !HAVE_TSEARCH # include "tsearch.c" #endif #ifdef _LIBC /* If we want to free all resources we have to do some work at program's end. */ libc_freeres_fn (free_mem) { void *old; while (_nl_domain_bindings != NULL) { struct binding *oldp = _nl_domain_bindings; _nl_domain_bindings = _nl_domain_bindings->next; if (oldp->dirname != _nl_default_dirname) /* Yes, this is a pointer comparison. */ free (oldp->dirname); free (oldp->codeset); free (oldp); } if (_nl_current_default_domain != _nl_default_default_domain) /* Yes, again a pointer comparison. */ free ((char *) _nl_current_default_domain); /* Remove the search tree with the known translations. */ __tdestroy (root, free); root = NULL; while (transmem_list != NULL) { old = transmem_list; transmem_list = transmem_list->next; free (old); } } #endif intl/relocatable.c000064400000042141147633151230010142 0ustar00/* Provide relocatable packages. Copyright (C) 2003-2006, 2008-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Written by Bruno Haible , 2003. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /* Tell glibc's to provide a prototype for getline(). This must come before because may include , and once has been included, it's too late. */ #ifndef _GNU_SOURCE # define _GNU_SOURCE 1 #endif #define _GL_USE_STDLIB_ALLOC 1 #include /* Specification. */ #include "relocatable.h" #if ENABLE_RELOCATABLE #include #include #include #include #ifdef NO_XMALLOC # define xmalloc malloc #else # include "xalloc.h" #endif #if (defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__) && !defined __CYGWIN__ # define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN # include #endif #ifdef __EMX__ # define INCL_DOS # include # define strcmp stricmp # define strncmp strnicmp #endif #if DEPENDS_ON_LIBCHARSET # include #endif #if DEPENDS_ON_LIBICONV && HAVE_ICONV # include #endif #if DEPENDS_ON_LIBINTL && ENABLE_NLS # include #endif /* Faked cheap 'bool'. */ #undef bool #undef false #undef true #define bool int #define false 0 #define true 1 /* Pathname support. ISSLASH(C) tests whether C is a directory separator character. IS_PATH_WITH_DIR(P) tests whether P contains a directory specification. */ #if ((defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__) && !defined __CYGWIN__) || defined __EMX__ || defined __DJGPP__ /* Native Windows, OS/2, DOS */ # define ISSLASH(C) ((C) == '/' || (C) == '\\') # define HAS_DEVICE(P) \ ((((P)[0] >= 'A' && (P)[0] <= 'Z') || ((P)[0] >= 'a' && (P)[0] <= 'z')) \ && (P)[1] == ':') # define IS_PATH_WITH_DIR(P) \ (strchr (P, '/') != NULL || strchr (P, '\\') != NULL || HAS_DEVICE (P)) # define FILE_SYSTEM_PREFIX_LEN(P) (HAS_DEVICE (P) ? 2 : 0) #else /* Unix */ # define ISSLASH(C) ((C) == '/') # define IS_PATH_WITH_DIR(P) (strchr (P, '/') != NULL) # define FILE_SYSTEM_PREFIX_LEN(P) 0 #endif /* Whether to enable the more costly support for relocatable libraries. It allows libraries to be have been installed with a different original prefix than the program. But it is quite costly, especially on Cygwin platforms, see below. Therefore we enable it by default only on native Windows platforms. */ #ifndef ENABLE_COSTLY_RELOCATABLE # if (defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__) && !defined __CYGWIN__ # define ENABLE_COSTLY_RELOCATABLE 1 # else # define ENABLE_COSTLY_RELOCATABLE 0 # endif #endif /* Original installation prefix. */ static char *orig_prefix; static size_t orig_prefix_len; /* Current installation prefix. */ static char *curr_prefix; static size_t curr_prefix_len; /* These prefixes do not end in a slash. Anything that will be concatenated to them must start with a slash. */ /* Sets the original and the current installation prefix of this module. Relocation simply replaces a pathname starting with the original prefix by the corresponding pathname with the current prefix instead. Both prefixes should be directory names without trailing slash (i.e. use "" instead of "/"). */ static void set_this_relocation_prefix (const char *orig_prefix_arg, const char *curr_prefix_arg) { if (orig_prefix_arg != NULL && curr_prefix_arg != NULL /* Optimization: if orig_prefix and curr_prefix are equal, the relocation is a nop. */ && strcmp (orig_prefix_arg, curr_prefix_arg) != 0) { /* Duplicate the argument strings. */ char *memory; orig_prefix_len = strlen (orig_prefix_arg); curr_prefix_len = strlen (curr_prefix_arg); memory = (char *) xmalloc (orig_prefix_len + 1 + curr_prefix_len + 1); #ifdef NO_XMALLOC if (memory != NULL) #endif { memcpy (memory, orig_prefix_arg, orig_prefix_len + 1); orig_prefix = memory; memory += orig_prefix_len + 1; memcpy (memory, curr_prefix_arg, curr_prefix_len + 1); curr_prefix = memory; return; } } orig_prefix = NULL; curr_prefix = NULL; /* Don't worry about wasted memory here - this function is usually only called once. */ } /* Sets the original and the current installation prefix of the package. Relocation simply replaces a pathname starting with the original prefix by the corresponding pathname with the current prefix instead. Both prefixes should be directory names without trailing slash (i.e. use "" instead of "/"). */ void set_relocation_prefix (const char *orig_prefix_arg, const char *curr_prefix_arg) { set_this_relocation_prefix (orig_prefix_arg, curr_prefix_arg); /* Now notify all dependent libraries. */ #if DEPENDS_ON_LIBCHARSET libcharset_set_relocation_prefix (orig_prefix_arg, curr_prefix_arg); #endif #if DEPENDS_ON_LIBICONV && HAVE_ICONV && _LIBICONV_VERSION >= 0x0109 libiconv_set_relocation_prefix (orig_prefix_arg, curr_prefix_arg); #endif #if DEPENDS_ON_LIBINTL && ENABLE_NLS && defined libintl_set_relocation_prefix libintl_set_relocation_prefix (orig_prefix_arg, curr_prefix_arg); #endif } #if !defined IN_LIBRARY || (defined PIC && defined INSTALLDIR && ENABLE_COSTLY_RELOCATABLE) /* Convenience function: Computes the current installation prefix, based on the original installation prefix, the original installation directory of a particular file, and the current pathname of this file. Returns it, freshly allocated. Returns NULL upon failure. */ #ifdef IN_LIBRARY #define compute_curr_prefix local_compute_curr_prefix static #endif char * compute_curr_prefix (const char *orig_installprefix, const char *orig_installdir, const char *curr_pathname) { char *curr_installdir; const char *rel_installdir; if (curr_pathname == NULL) return NULL; /* Determine the relative installation directory, relative to the prefix. This is simply the difference between orig_installprefix and orig_installdir. */ if (strncmp (orig_installprefix, orig_installdir, strlen (orig_installprefix)) != 0) /* Shouldn't happen - nothing should be installed outside $(prefix). */ return NULL; rel_installdir = orig_installdir + strlen (orig_installprefix); /* Determine the current installation directory. */ { const char *p_base = curr_pathname + FILE_SYSTEM_PREFIX_LEN (curr_pathname); const char *p = curr_pathname + strlen (curr_pathname); char *q; while (p > p_base) { p--; if (ISSLASH (*p)) break; } q = (char *) xmalloc (p - curr_pathname + 1); #ifdef NO_XMALLOC if (q == NULL) return NULL; #endif memcpy (q, curr_pathname, p - curr_pathname); q[p - curr_pathname] = '\0'; curr_installdir = q; } /* Compute the current installation prefix by removing the trailing rel_installdir from it. */ { const char *rp = rel_installdir + strlen (rel_installdir); const char *cp = curr_installdir + strlen (curr_installdir); const char *cp_base = curr_installdir + FILE_SYSTEM_PREFIX_LEN (curr_installdir); while (rp > rel_installdir && cp > cp_base) { bool same = false; const char *rpi = rp; const char *cpi = cp; while (rpi > rel_installdir && cpi > cp_base) { rpi--; cpi--; if (ISSLASH (*rpi) || ISSLASH (*cpi)) { if (ISSLASH (*rpi) && ISSLASH (*cpi)) same = true; break; } /* Do case-insensitive comparison if the file system is always or often case-insensitive. It's better to accept the comparison if the difference is only in case, rather than to fail. */ #if defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__ || defined __CYGWIN__ || defined __EMX__ || defined __DJGPP__ /* Native Windows, Cygwin, OS/2, DOS - case insignificant file system */ if ((*rpi >= 'a' && *rpi <= 'z' ? *rpi - 'a' + 'A' : *rpi) != (*cpi >= 'a' && *cpi <= 'z' ? *cpi - 'a' + 'A' : *cpi)) break; #else if (*rpi != *cpi) break; #endif } if (!same) break; /* The last pathname component was the same. opi and cpi now point to the slash before it. */ rp = rpi; cp = cpi; } if (rp > rel_installdir) { /* Unexpected: The curr_installdir does not end with rel_installdir. */ free (curr_installdir); return NULL; } { size_t curr_prefix_len = cp - curr_installdir; char *curr_prefix; curr_prefix = (char *) xmalloc (curr_prefix_len + 1); #ifdef NO_XMALLOC if (curr_prefix == NULL) { free (curr_installdir); return NULL; } #endif memcpy (curr_prefix, curr_installdir, curr_prefix_len); curr_prefix[curr_prefix_len] = '\0'; free (curr_installdir); return curr_prefix; } } } #endif /* !IN_LIBRARY || PIC */ #if defined PIC && defined INSTALLDIR && ENABLE_COSTLY_RELOCATABLE /* Full pathname of shared library, or NULL. */ static char *shared_library_fullname; #if (defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__) && !defined __CYGWIN__ /* Native Windows only. On Cygwin, it is better to use the Cygwin provided /proc interface, than to use native Windows API and cygwin_conv_to_posix_path, because it supports longer file names (see ). */ /* Determine the full pathname of the shared library when it is loaded. */ BOOL WINAPI DllMain (HINSTANCE module_handle, DWORD event, LPVOID reserved) { (void) reserved; if (event == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) { /* The DLL is being loaded into an application's address range. */ static char location[MAX_PATH]; if (!GetModuleFileName (module_handle, location, sizeof (location))) /* Shouldn't happen. */ return FALSE; if (!IS_PATH_WITH_DIR (location)) /* Shouldn't happen. */ return FALSE; shared_library_fullname = strdup (location); } return TRUE; } #elif defined __EMX__ extern int _CRT_init (void); extern void _CRT_term (void); extern void __ctordtorInit (void); extern void __ctordtorTerm (void); unsigned long _System _DLL_InitTerm (unsigned long hModule, unsigned long ulFlag) { static char location[CCHMAXPATH]; switch (ulFlag) { case 0: if (_CRT_init () == -1) return 0; __ctordtorInit(); /* See http://cyberkinetica.homeunix.net/os2tk45/cp1/1247_L2H_DosQueryModuleNameSy.html for specification of DosQueryModuleName(). */ if (DosQueryModuleName (hModule, sizeof (location), location)) return 0; _fnslashify (location); shared_library_fullname = strdup (location); break; case 1: __ctordtorTerm(); _CRT_term (); break; } return 1; } #else /* Unix */ static void find_shared_library_fullname () { #if (defined __linux__ && (__GLIBC__ >= 2 || defined __UCLIBC__)) || defined __CYGWIN__ /* Linux has /proc/self/maps. glibc 2 and uClibc have the getline() function. Cygwin >= 1.5 has /proc/self/maps and the getline() function too. But it is costly: ca. 0.3 ms on Linux, 3 ms on Cygwin 1.5, and 5 ms on Cygwin 1.7. */ FILE *fp; /* Open the current process' maps file. It describes one VMA per line. */ fp = fopen ("/proc/self/maps", "r"); if (fp) { unsigned long address = (unsigned long) &find_shared_library_fullname; for (;;) { unsigned long start, end; int c; if (fscanf (fp, "%lx-%lx", &start, &end) != 2) break; if (address >= start && address <= end - 1) { /* Found it. Now see if this line contains a filename. */ while (c = getc (fp), c != EOF && c != '\n' && c != '/') continue; if (c == '/') { size_t size; int len; ungetc (c, fp); shared_library_fullname = NULL; size = 0; len = getline (&shared_library_fullname, &size, fp); if (len >= 0) { /* Success: filled shared_library_fullname. */ if (len > 0 && shared_library_fullname[len - 1] == '\n') shared_library_fullname[len - 1] = '\0'; } } break; } while (c = getc (fp), c != EOF && c != '\n') continue; } fclose (fp); } #endif } #endif /* Native Windows / EMX / Unix */ /* Return the full pathname of the current shared library. Return NULL if unknown. Guaranteed to work only on Linux, EMX, Cygwin, and native Windows. */ static char * get_shared_library_fullname () { #if (!((defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__) && !defined __CYGWIN__) \ && !defined __EMX__) static bool tried_find_shared_library_fullname; if (!tried_find_shared_library_fullname) { find_shared_library_fullname (); tried_find_shared_library_fullname = true; } #endif return shared_library_fullname; } #endif /* PIC */ /* Returns the pathname, relocated according to the current installation directory. The returned string is either PATHNAME unmodified or a freshly allocated string that you can free with free() after casting it to 'char *'. */ const char * relocate (const char *pathname) { #if defined PIC && defined INSTALLDIR && ENABLE_COSTLY_RELOCATABLE static int initialized; /* Initialization code for a shared library. */ if (!initialized) { /* At this point, orig_prefix and curr_prefix likely have already been set through the main program's set_program_name_and_installdir function. This is sufficient in the case that the library has initially been installed in the same orig_prefix. But we can do better, to also cover the cases that 1. it has been installed in a different prefix before being moved to orig_prefix and (later) to curr_prefix, 2. unlike the program, it has not moved away from orig_prefix. */ const char *orig_installprefix = INSTALLPREFIX; const char *orig_installdir = INSTALLDIR; char *curr_prefix_better; curr_prefix_better = compute_curr_prefix (orig_installprefix, orig_installdir, get_shared_library_fullname ()); set_relocation_prefix (orig_installprefix, curr_prefix_better != NULL ? curr_prefix_better : curr_prefix); if (curr_prefix_better != NULL) free (curr_prefix_better); initialized = 1; } #endif /* Note: It is not necessary to perform case insensitive comparison here, even for DOS-like file systems, because the pathname argument was typically created from the same Makefile variable as orig_prefix came from. */ if (orig_prefix != NULL && curr_prefix != NULL && strncmp (pathname, orig_prefix, orig_prefix_len) == 0) { if (pathname[orig_prefix_len] == '\0') { /* pathname equals orig_prefix. */ char *result = (char *) xmalloc (strlen (curr_prefix) + 1); #ifdef NO_XMALLOC if (result != NULL) #endif { strcpy (result, curr_prefix); return result; } } else if (ISSLASH (pathname[orig_prefix_len])) { /* pathname starts with orig_prefix. */ const char *pathname_tail = &pathname[orig_prefix_len]; char *result = (char *) xmalloc (curr_prefix_len + strlen (pathname_tail) + 1); #ifdef NO_XMALLOC if (result != NULL) #endif { memcpy (result, curr_prefix, curr_prefix_len); strcpy (result + curr_prefix_len, pathname_tail); return result; } } } #ifdef __EMX__ if (pathname && ISSLASH (pathname[0])) { const char *unixroot = getenv ("UNIXROOT"); if (unixroot && HAS_DEVICE (unixroot) && !unixroot[2]) { char *result = (char *) xmalloc (2 + strlen (pathname) + 1); #ifdef NO_XMALLOC if (result != NULL) #endif { strcpy (result, unixroot); strcpy (result + 2, pathname); return result; } } } #endif /* Nothing to relocate. */ return pathname; } #endif intl/wprintf-parse.h000064400000005123147633151230010472 0ustar00/* Parse printf format string. Copyright (C) 1999, 2002-2003, 2005, 2007, 2010-2011, 2015-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef _WPRINTF_PARSE_H #define _WPRINTF_PARSE_H #if HAVE_FEATURES_H # include /* for __GLIBC__, __UCLIBC__ */ #endif #include "printf-args.h" /* Flags */ #define FLAG_GROUP 1 /* ' flag */ #define FLAG_LEFT 2 /* - flag */ #define FLAG_SHOWSIGN 4 /* + flag */ #define FLAG_SPACE 8 /* space flag */ #define FLAG_ALT 16 /* # flag */ #define FLAG_ZERO 32 #if __GLIBC__ >= 2 && !defined __UCLIBC__ # define FLAG_LOCALIZED 64 /* I flag, uses localized digits */ #endif /* arg_index value indicating that no argument is consumed. */ #define ARG_NONE (~(size_t)0) /* Number of directly allocated directives (no malloc() needed). */ #define N_DIRECT_ALLOC_DIRECTIVES 7 /* A parsed directive. */ typedef struct { const wchar_t* dir_start; const wchar_t* dir_end; int flags; const wchar_t* width_start; const wchar_t* width_end; size_t width_arg_index; const wchar_t* precision_start; const wchar_t* precision_end; size_t precision_arg_index; wchar_t conversion; /* d i o u x X f F e E g G a A c s p n U % but not C S */ size_t arg_index; } wchar_t_directive; /* A parsed format string. */ typedef struct { size_t count; wchar_t_directive *dir; size_t max_width_length; size_t max_precision_length; wchar_t_directive direct_alloc_dir[N_DIRECT_ALLOC_DIRECTIVES]; } wchar_t_directives; /* Parses the format string. Fills in the number N of directives, and fills in directives[0], ..., directives[N-1], and sets directives[N].dir_start to the end of the format string. Also fills in the arg_type fields of the arguments and the needed count of arguments. */ #ifdef STATIC STATIC #else extern #endif int wprintf_parse (const wchar_t *format, wchar_t_directives *d, arguments *a); #endif /* _WPRINTF_PARSE_H */ intl/export.h000064400000000235147633151230007211 0ustar00 #if @HAVE_VISIBILITY@ && BUILDING_LIBINTL #define LIBINTL_DLL_EXPORTED __attribute__((__visibility__("default"))) #else #define LIBINTL_DLL_EXPORTED #endif intl/localcharset.c000064400000050050147633151230010327 0ustar00/* Determine a canonical name for the current locale's character encoding. Copyright (C) 2000-2006, 2008-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /* Written by Bruno Haible . */ #include /* Specification. */ #include "localcharset.h" #include #include #include #include #include #if defined __APPLE__ && defined __MACH__ && HAVE_LANGINFO_CODESET # define DARWIN7 /* Darwin 7 or newer, i.e. Mac OS X 10.3 or newer */ #endif #if defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__ # define WINDOWS_NATIVE # include #endif #if defined __EMX__ /* Assume EMX program runs on OS/2, even if compiled under DOS. */ # ifndef OS2 # define OS2 # endif #endif #if !defined WINDOWS_NATIVE # include # if HAVE_LANGINFO_CODESET # include # else # if 0 /* see comment below */ # include # endif # endif # ifdef __CYGWIN__ # define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN # include # endif #elif defined WINDOWS_NATIVE # define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN # include #endif #if defined OS2 # define INCL_DOS # include #endif /* For MB_CUR_MAX_L */ #if defined DARWIN7 # include #endif #if ENABLE_RELOCATABLE # include "relocatable.h" #else # define relocate(pathname) (pathname) #endif /* Get LIBDIR. */ #ifndef LIBDIR # include "configmake.h" #endif /* Define O_NOFOLLOW to 0 on platforms where it does not exist. */ #ifndef O_NOFOLLOW # define O_NOFOLLOW 0 #endif #if defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__ || defined __CYGWIN__ || defined __EMX__ || defined __DJGPP__ /* Native Windows, Cygwin, OS/2, DOS */ # define ISSLASH(C) ((C) == '/' || (C) == '\\') #endif #ifndef DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR # define DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR '/' #endif #ifndef ISSLASH # define ISSLASH(C) ((C) == DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) #endif #if HAVE_DECL_GETC_UNLOCKED # undef getc # define getc getc_unlocked #endif /* The following static variable is declared 'volatile' to avoid a possible multithread problem in the function get_charset_aliases. If we are running in a threaded environment, and if two threads initialize 'charset_aliases' simultaneously, both will produce the same value, and everything will be ok if the two assignments to 'charset_aliases' are atomic. But I don't know what will happen if the two assignments mix. */ #if __STDC__ != 1 # define volatile /* empty */ #endif /* Pointer to the contents of the charset.alias file, if it has already been read, else NULL. Its format is: ALIAS_1 '\0' CANONICAL_1 '\0' ... ALIAS_n '\0' CANONICAL_n '\0' '\0' */ static const char * volatile charset_aliases; /* Return a pointer to the contents of the charset.alias file. */ static const char * get_charset_aliases (void) { const char *cp; cp = charset_aliases; if (cp == NULL) { #if !(defined DARWIN7 || defined VMS || defined WINDOWS_NATIVE || defined __CYGWIN__ || defined OS2) const char *dir; const char *base = "charset.alias"; char *file_name; /* Make it possible to override the charset.alias location. This is necessary for running the testsuite before "make install". */ dir = getenv ("CHARSETALIASDIR"); if (dir == NULL || dir[0] == '\0') dir = relocate (LIBDIR); /* Concatenate dir and base into freshly allocated file_name. */ { size_t dir_len = strlen (dir); size_t base_len = strlen (base); int add_slash = (dir_len > 0 && !ISSLASH (dir[dir_len - 1])); file_name = (char *) malloc (dir_len + add_slash + base_len + 1); if (file_name != NULL) { memcpy (file_name, dir, dir_len); if (add_slash) file_name[dir_len] = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; memcpy (file_name + dir_len + add_slash, base, base_len + 1); } } if (file_name == NULL) /* Out of memory. Treat the file as empty. */ cp = ""; else { int fd; /* Open the file. Reject symbolic links on platforms that support O_NOFOLLOW. This is a security feature. Without it, an attacker could retrieve parts of the contents (namely, the tail of the first line that starts with "* ") of an arbitrary file by placing a symbolic link to that file under the name "charset.alias" in some writable directory and defining the environment variable CHARSETALIASDIR to point to that directory. */ fd = open (file_name, O_RDONLY | (HAVE_WORKING_O_NOFOLLOW ? O_NOFOLLOW : 0)); if (fd < 0) /* File not found. Treat it as empty. */ cp = ""; else { FILE *fp; fp = fdopen (fd, "r"); if (fp == NULL) { /* Out of memory. Treat the file as empty. */ close (fd); cp = ""; } else { /* Parse the file's contents. */ char *res_ptr = NULL; size_t res_size = 0; for (;;) { int c; char buf1[50+1]; char buf2[50+1]; size_t l1, l2; char *old_res_ptr; c = getc (fp); if (c == EOF) break; if (c == '\n' || c == ' ' || c == '\t') continue; if (c == '#') { /* Skip comment, to end of line. */ do c = getc (fp); while (!(c == EOF || c == '\n')); if (c == EOF) break; continue; } ungetc (c, fp); if (fscanf (fp, "%50s %50s", buf1, buf2) < 2) break; l1 = strlen (buf1); l2 = strlen (buf2); old_res_ptr = res_ptr; if (res_size == 0) { res_size = l1 + 1 + l2 + 1; res_ptr = (char *) malloc (res_size + 1); } else { res_size += l1 + 1 + l2 + 1; res_ptr = (char *) realloc (res_ptr, res_size + 1); } if (res_ptr == NULL) { /* Out of memory. */ res_size = 0; free (old_res_ptr); break; } strcpy (res_ptr + res_size - (l2 + 1) - (l1 + 1), buf1); strcpy (res_ptr + res_size - (l2 + 1), buf2); } fclose (fp); if (res_size == 0) cp = ""; else { *(res_ptr + res_size) = '\0'; cp = res_ptr; } } } free (file_name); } #else # if defined DARWIN7 /* To avoid the trouble of installing a file that is shared by many GNU packages -- many packaging systems have problems with this --, simply inline the aliases here. */ cp = "ISO8859-1" "\0" "ISO-8859-1" "\0" "ISO8859-2" "\0" "ISO-8859-2" "\0" "ISO8859-4" "\0" "ISO-8859-4" "\0" "ISO8859-5" "\0" "ISO-8859-5" "\0" "ISO8859-7" "\0" "ISO-8859-7" "\0" "ISO8859-9" "\0" "ISO-8859-9" "\0" "ISO8859-13" "\0" "ISO-8859-13" "\0" "ISO8859-15" "\0" "ISO-8859-15" "\0" "KOI8-R" "\0" "KOI8-R" "\0" "KOI8-U" "\0" "KOI8-U" "\0" "CP866" "\0" "CP866" "\0" "CP949" "\0" "CP949" "\0" "CP1131" "\0" "CP1131" "\0" "CP1251" "\0" "CP1251" "\0" "eucCN" "\0" "GB2312" "\0" "GB2312" "\0" "GB2312" "\0" "eucJP" "\0" "EUC-JP" "\0" "eucKR" "\0" "EUC-KR" "\0" "Big5" "\0" "BIG5" "\0" "Big5HKSCS" "\0" "BIG5-HKSCS" "\0" "GBK" "\0" "GBK" "\0" "GB18030" "\0" "GB18030" "\0" "SJIS" "\0" "SHIFT_JIS" "\0" "ARMSCII-8" "\0" "ARMSCII-8" "\0" "PT154" "\0" "PT154" "\0" /*"ISCII-DEV" "\0" "?" "\0"*/ "*" "\0" "UTF-8" "\0"; # endif # if defined VMS /* To avoid the troubles of an extra file charset.alias_vms in the sources of many GNU packages, simply inline the aliases here. */ /* The list of encodings is taken from the OpenVMS 7.3-1 documentation "Compaq C Run-Time Library Reference Manual for OpenVMS systems" section 10.7 "Handling Different Character Sets". */ cp = "ISO8859-1" "\0" "ISO-8859-1" "\0" "ISO8859-2" "\0" "ISO-8859-2" "\0" "ISO8859-5" "\0" "ISO-8859-5" "\0" "ISO8859-7" "\0" "ISO-8859-7" "\0" "ISO8859-8" "\0" "ISO-8859-8" "\0" "ISO8859-9" "\0" "ISO-8859-9" "\0" /* Japanese */ "eucJP" "\0" "EUC-JP" "\0" "SJIS" "\0" "SHIFT_JIS" "\0" "DECKANJI" "\0" "DEC-KANJI" "\0" "SDECKANJI" "\0" "EUC-JP" "\0" /* Chinese */ "eucTW" "\0" "EUC-TW" "\0" "DECHANYU" "\0" "DEC-HANYU" "\0" "DECHANZI" "\0" "GB2312" "\0" /* Korean */ "DECKOREAN" "\0" "EUC-KR" "\0"; # endif # if defined WINDOWS_NATIVE || defined __CYGWIN__ /* To avoid the troubles of installing a separate file in the same directory as the DLL and of retrieving the DLL's directory at runtime, simply inline the aliases here. */ cp = "CP936" "\0" "GBK" "\0" "CP1361" "\0" "JOHAB" "\0" "CP20127" "\0" "ASCII" "\0" "CP20866" "\0" "KOI8-R" "\0" "CP20936" "\0" "GB2312" "\0" "CP21866" "\0" "KOI8-RU" "\0" "CP28591" "\0" "ISO-8859-1" "\0" "CP28592" "\0" "ISO-8859-2" "\0" "CP28593" "\0" "ISO-8859-3" "\0" "CP28594" "\0" "ISO-8859-4" "\0" "CP28595" "\0" "ISO-8859-5" "\0" "CP28596" "\0" "ISO-8859-6" "\0" "CP28597" "\0" "ISO-8859-7" "\0" "CP28598" "\0" "ISO-8859-8" "\0" "CP28599" "\0" "ISO-8859-9" "\0" "CP28605" "\0" "ISO-8859-15" "\0" "CP38598" "\0" "ISO-8859-8" "\0" "CP51932" "\0" "EUC-JP" "\0" "CP51936" "\0" "GB2312" "\0" "CP51949" "\0" "EUC-KR" "\0" "CP51950" "\0" "EUC-TW" "\0" "CP54936" "\0" "GB18030" "\0" "CP65001" "\0" "UTF-8" "\0"; # endif # if defined OS2 /* To avoid the troubles of installing a separate file in the same directory as the DLL and of retrieving the DLL's directory at runtime, simply inline the aliases here. */ /* The list of encodings is taken from "List of OS/2 Codepages" by Alex Taylor: . See also "IBM Globalization - Code page identifiers": . */ cp = "CP813" "\0" "ISO-8859-7" "\0" "CP878" "\0" "KOI8-R" "\0" "CP819" "\0" "ISO-8859-1" "\0" "CP912" "\0" "ISO-8859-2" "\0" "CP913" "\0" "ISO-8859-3" "\0" "CP914" "\0" "ISO-8859-4" "\0" "CP915" "\0" "ISO-8859-5" "\0" "CP916" "\0" "ISO-8859-8" "\0" "CP920" "\0" "ISO-8859-9" "\0" "CP921" "\0" "ISO-8859-13" "\0" "CP923" "\0" "ISO-8859-15" "\0" "CP954" "\0" "EUC-JP" "\0" "CP964" "\0" "EUC-TW" "\0" "CP970" "\0" "EUC-KR" "\0" "CP1089" "\0" "ISO-8859-6" "\0" "CP1208" "\0" "UTF-8" "\0" "CP1381" "\0" "GB2312" "\0" "CP1386" "\0" "GBK" "\0" "CP3372" "\0" "EUC-JP" "\0"; # endif #endif charset_aliases = cp; } return cp; } /* Determine the current locale's character encoding, and canonicalize it into one of the canonical names listed in config.charset. The result must not be freed; it is statically allocated. If the canonical name cannot be determined, the result is a non-canonical name. */ #ifdef STATIC STATIC #endif const char * locale_charset (void) { const char *codeset; const char *aliases; #if !(defined WINDOWS_NATIVE || defined OS2) # if HAVE_LANGINFO_CODESET /* Most systems support nl_langinfo (CODESET) nowadays. */ codeset = nl_langinfo (CODESET); # ifdef __CYGWIN__ /* Cygwin < 1.7 does not have locales. nl_langinfo (CODESET) always returns "US-ASCII". Return the suffix of the locale name from the environment variables (if present) or the codepage as a number. */ if (codeset != NULL && strcmp (codeset, "US-ASCII") == 0) { const char *locale; static char buf[2 + 10 + 1]; locale = getenv ("LC_ALL"); if (locale == NULL || locale[0] == '\0') { locale = getenv ("LC_CTYPE"); if (locale == NULL || locale[0] == '\0') locale = getenv ("LANG"); } if (locale != NULL && locale[0] != '\0') { /* If the locale name contains an encoding after the dot, return it. */ const char *dot = strchr (locale, '.'); if (dot != NULL) { const char *modifier; dot++; /* Look for the possible @... trailer and remove it, if any. */ modifier = strchr (dot, '@'); if (modifier == NULL) return dot; if (modifier - dot < sizeof (buf)) { memcpy (buf, dot, modifier - dot); buf [modifier - dot] = '\0'; return buf; } } } /* The Windows API has a function returning the locale's codepage as a number: GetACP(). This encoding is used by Cygwin, unless the user has set the environment variable CYGWIN=codepage:oem (which very few people do). Output directed to console windows needs to be converted (to GetOEMCP() if the console is using a raster font, or to GetConsoleOutputCP() if it is using a TrueType font). Cygwin does this conversion transparently (see winsup/cygwin/fhandler_console.cc), converting to GetConsoleOutputCP(). This leads to correct results, except when SetConsoleOutputCP has been called and a raster font is in use. */ sprintf (buf, "CP%u", GetACP ()); codeset = buf; } # endif # else /* On old systems which lack it, use setlocale or getenv. */ const char *locale = NULL; /* But most old systems don't have a complete set of locales. Some (like SunOS 4 or DJGPP) have only the C locale. Therefore we don't use setlocale here; it would return "C" when it doesn't support the locale name the user has set. */ # if 0 locale = setlocale (LC_CTYPE, NULL); # endif if (locale == NULL || locale[0] == '\0') { locale = getenv ("LC_ALL"); if (locale == NULL || locale[0] == '\0') { locale = getenv ("LC_CTYPE"); if (locale == NULL || locale[0] == '\0') locale = getenv ("LANG"); } } /* On some old systems, one used to set locale = "iso8859_1". On others, you set it to "language_COUNTRY.charset". In any case, we resolve it through the charset.alias file. */ codeset = locale; # endif #elif defined WINDOWS_NATIVE static char buf[2 + 10 + 1]; /* The Windows API has a function returning the locale's codepage as a number, but the value doesn't change according to what the 'setlocale' call specified. So we use it as a last resort, in case the string returned by 'setlocale' doesn't specify the codepage. */ char *current_locale = setlocale (LC_ALL, NULL); char *pdot; /* If they set different locales for different categories, 'setlocale' will return a semi-colon separated list of locale values. To make sure we use the correct one, we choose LC_CTYPE. */ if (strchr (current_locale, ';')) current_locale = setlocale (LC_CTYPE, NULL); pdot = strrchr (current_locale, '.'); if (pdot) sprintf (buf, "CP%s", pdot + 1); else { /* The Windows API has a function returning the locale's codepage as a number: GetACP(). When the output goes to a console window, it needs to be provided in GetOEMCP() encoding if the console is using a raster font, or in GetConsoleOutputCP() encoding if it is using a TrueType font. But in GUI programs and for output sent to files and pipes, GetACP() encoding is the best bet. */ sprintf (buf, "CP%u", GetACP ()); } codeset = buf; #elif defined OS2 const char *locale; static char buf[2 + 10 + 1]; ULONG cp[3]; ULONG cplen; codeset = NULL; /* Allow user to override the codeset, as set in the operating system, with standard language environment variables. */ locale = getenv ("LC_ALL"); if (locale == NULL || locale[0] == '\0') { locale = getenv ("LC_CTYPE"); if (locale == NULL || locale[0] == '\0') locale = getenv ("LANG"); } if (locale != NULL && locale[0] != '\0') { /* If the locale name contains an encoding after the dot, return it. */ const char *dot = strchr (locale, '.'); if (dot != NULL) { const char *modifier; dot++; /* Look for the possible @... trailer and remove it, if any. */ modifier = strchr (dot, '@'); if (modifier == NULL) return dot; if (modifier - dot < sizeof (buf)) { memcpy (buf, dot, modifier - dot); buf [modifier - dot] = '\0'; return buf; } } /* For the POSIX locale, don't use the system's codepage. */ if (strcmp (locale, "C") == 0 || strcmp (locale, "POSIX") == 0) codeset = ""; } if (codeset == NULL) { /* OS/2 has a function returning the locale's codepage as a number. */ if (DosQueryCp (sizeof (cp), cp, &cplen)) codeset = ""; else { sprintf (buf, "CP%u", cp[0]); codeset = buf; } } #endif if (codeset == NULL) /* The canonical name cannot be determined. */ codeset = ""; /* Resolve alias. */ for (aliases = get_charset_aliases (); *aliases != '\0'; aliases += strlen (aliases) + 1, aliases += strlen (aliases) + 1) if (strcmp (codeset, aliases) == 0 || (aliases[0] == '*' && aliases[1] == '\0')) { codeset = aliases + strlen (aliases) + 1; break; } /* Don't return an empty string. GNU libc and GNU libiconv interpret the empty string as denoting "the locale's character encoding", thus GNU libiconv would call this function a second time. */ if (codeset[0] == '\0') codeset = "ASCII"; #ifdef DARWIN7 /* Mac OS X sets MB_CUR_MAX to 1 when LC_ALL=C, and "UTF-8" (the default codeset) does not work when MB_CUR_MAX is 1. */ if (strcmp (codeset, "UTF-8") == 0 && MB_CUR_MAX_L (uselocale (NULL)) <= 1) codeset = "ASCII"; #endif return codeset; } intl/printf-args.h000064400000007610147633151230010130 0ustar00/* Decomposed printf argument list. Copyright (C) 1999, 2002-2003, 2006-2007, 2011, 2015-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef _PRINTF_ARGS_H #define _PRINTF_ARGS_H /* This file can be parametrized with the following macros: ENABLE_UNISTDIO Set to 1 to enable the unistdio extensions. PRINTF_FETCHARGS Name of the function to be declared. STATIC Set to 'static' to declare the function static. */ /* Default parameters. */ #ifndef PRINTF_FETCHARGS # define PRINTF_FETCHARGS printf_fetchargs #endif /* Get size_t. */ #include /* Get wchar_t. */ #if HAVE_WCHAR_T # include #endif /* Get wint_t. */ #if HAVE_WINT_T # include #endif /* Get va_list. */ #include /* Argument types */ typedef enum { TYPE_NONE, TYPE_SCHAR, TYPE_UCHAR, TYPE_SHORT, TYPE_USHORT, TYPE_INT, TYPE_UINT, TYPE_LONGINT, TYPE_ULONGINT, #if HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT TYPE_LONGLONGINT, TYPE_ULONGLONGINT, #endif TYPE_DOUBLE, TYPE_LONGDOUBLE, TYPE_CHAR, #if HAVE_WINT_T TYPE_WIDE_CHAR, #endif TYPE_STRING, #if HAVE_WCHAR_T TYPE_WIDE_STRING, #endif TYPE_POINTER, TYPE_COUNT_SCHAR_POINTER, TYPE_COUNT_SHORT_POINTER, TYPE_COUNT_INT_POINTER, TYPE_COUNT_LONGINT_POINTER #if HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT , TYPE_COUNT_LONGLONGINT_POINTER #endif #if ENABLE_UNISTDIO /* The unistdio extensions. */ , TYPE_U8_STRING , TYPE_U16_STRING , TYPE_U32_STRING #endif } arg_type; /* Polymorphic argument */ typedef struct { arg_type type; union { signed char a_schar; unsigned char a_uchar; short a_short; unsigned short a_ushort; int a_int; unsigned int a_uint; long int a_longint; unsigned long int a_ulongint; #if HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT long long int a_longlongint; unsigned long long int a_ulonglongint; #endif float a_float; double a_double; long double a_longdouble; int a_char; #if HAVE_WINT_T wint_t a_wide_char; #endif const char* a_string; #if HAVE_WCHAR_T const wchar_t* a_wide_string; #endif void* a_pointer; signed char * a_count_schar_pointer; short * a_count_short_pointer; int * a_count_int_pointer; long int * a_count_longint_pointer; #if HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT long long int * a_count_longlongint_pointer; #endif #if ENABLE_UNISTDIO /* The unistdio extensions. */ const uint8_t * a_u8_string; const uint16_t * a_u16_string; const uint32_t * a_u32_string; #endif } a; } argument; /* Number of directly allocated arguments (no malloc() needed). */ #define N_DIRECT_ALLOC_ARGUMENTS 7 typedef struct { size_t count; argument *arg; argument direct_alloc_arg[N_DIRECT_ALLOC_ARGUMENTS]; } arguments; /* Fetch the arguments, putting them into a. */ #ifdef STATIC STATIC #else extern #endif int PRINTF_FETCHARGS (va_list args, arguments *a); #endif /* _PRINTF_ARGS_H */ intl/xsize.h000064400000007105147633151230007035 0ustar00/* xsize.h -- Checked size_t computations. Copyright (C) 2003, 2008-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, see . */ #ifndef _XSIZE_H #define _XSIZE_H /* Get size_t. */ #include /* Get SIZE_MAX. */ #include #if HAVE_STDINT_H # include #endif #ifndef _GL_INLINE_HEADER_BEGIN #error "Please include config.h first." #endif _GL_INLINE_HEADER_BEGIN #ifndef XSIZE_INLINE # define XSIZE_INLINE _GL_INLINE #endif /* The size of memory objects is often computed through expressions of type size_t. Example: void* p = malloc (header_size + n * element_size). These computations can lead to overflow. When this happens, malloc() returns a piece of memory that is way too small, and the program then crashes while attempting to fill the memory. To avoid this, the functions and macros in this file check for overflow. The convention is that SIZE_MAX represents overflow. malloc (SIZE_MAX) is not guaranteed to fail -- think of a malloc implementation that uses mmap --, it's recommended to use size_overflow_p() or size_in_bounds_p() before invoking malloc(). The example thus becomes: size_t size = xsum (header_size, xtimes (n, element_size)); void *p = (size_in_bounds_p (size) ? malloc (size) : NULL); */ /* Convert an arbitrary value >= 0 to type size_t. */ #define xcast_size_t(N) \ ((N) <= SIZE_MAX ? (size_t) (N) : SIZE_MAX) /* Sum of two sizes, with overflow check. */ XSIZE_INLINE size_t #if __GNUC__ >= 3 __attribute__ ((__pure__)) #endif xsum (size_t size1, size_t size2) { size_t sum = size1 + size2; return (sum >= size1 ? sum : SIZE_MAX); } /* Sum of three sizes, with overflow check. */ XSIZE_INLINE size_t #if __GNUC__ >= 3 __attribute__ ((__pure__)) #endif xsum3 (size_t size1, size_t size2, size_t size3) { return xsum (xsum (size1, size2), size3); } /* Sum of four sizes, with overflow check. */ XSIZE_INLINE size_t #if __GNUC__ >= 3 __attribute__ ((__pure__)) #endif xsum4 (size_t size1, size_t size2, size_t size3, size_t size4) { return xsum (xsum (xsum (size1, size2), size3), size4); } /* Maximum of two sizes, with overflow check. */ XSIZE_INLINE size_t #if __GNUC__ >= 3 __attribute__ ((__pure__)) #endif xmax (size_t size1, size_t size2) { /* No explicit check is needed here, because for any n: max (SIZE_MAX, n) == SIZE_MAX and max (n, SIZE_MAX) == SIZE_MAX. */ return (size1 >= size2 ? size1 : size2); } /* Multiplication of a count with an element size, with overflow check. The count must be >= 0 and the element size must be > 0. This is a macro, not a function, so that it works correctly even when N is of a wider type and N > SIZE_MAX. */ #define xtimes(N, ELSIZE) \ ((N) <= SIZE_MAX / (ELSIZE) ? (size_t) (N) * (ELSIZE) : SIZE_MAX) /* Check for overflow. */ #define size_overflow_p(SIZE) \ ((SIZE) == SIZE_MAX) /* Check against overflow. */ #define size_in_bounds_p(SIZE) \ ((SIZE) != SIZE_MAX) _GL_INLINE_HEADER_END #endif /* _XSIZE_H */ intl/intl-compat.c000064400000006577147633151230010131 0ustar00/* intl-compat.c - Stub functions to call gettext functions from GNU gettext Library. Copyright (C) 1995, 2000-2003, 2005, 2015-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include "gettextP.h" /* @@ end of prolog @@ */ /* This file redirects the gettext functions (without prefix) to those defined in the included GNU libintl library (with "libintl_" prefix). It is compiled into libintl in order to make the AM_GNU_GETTEXT test of gettext <= 0.11.2 work with the libintl library >= 0.11.3 which has the redirections primarily in the include file. It is also compiled into libgnuintl so that libgnuintl.so can be used as LD_PRELOADable library on glibc systems, to provide the extra features that the functions in the libc don't have (namely, logging). */ #undef gettext #undef dgettext #undef dcgettext #undef ngettext #undef dngettext #undef dcngettext #undef textdomain #undef bindtextdomain #undef bind_textdomain_codeset /* When building a DLL, we must export some functions. Note that because the functions are only defined for binary backward compatibility, we don't need to use __declspec(dllimport) in any case. */ #if HAVE_VISIBILITY && BUILDING_DLL # define DLL_EXPORTED __attribute__((__visibility__("default"))) #elif defined _MSC_VER && BUILDING_DLL # define DLL_EXPORTED __declspec(dllexport) #else # define DLL_EXPORTED #endif DLL_EXPORTED char * gettext (const char *msgid) { return libintl_gettext (msgid); } DLL_EXPORTED char * dgettext (const char *domainname, const char *msgid) { return libintl_dgettext (domainname, msgid); } DLL_EXPORTED char * dcgettext (const char *domainname, const char *msgid, int category) { return libintl_dcgettext (domainname, msgid, category); } DLL_EXPORTED char * ngettext (const char *msgid1, const char *msgid2, unsigned long int n) { return libintl_ngettext (msgid1, msgid2, n); } DLL_EXPORTED char * dngettext (const char *domainname, const char *msgid1, const char *msgid2, unsigned long int n) { return libintl_dngettext (domainname, msgid1, msgid2, n); } DLL_EXPORTED char * dcngettext (const char *domainname, const char *msgid1, const char *msgid2, unsigned long int n, int category) { return libintl_dcngettext (domainname, msgid1, msgid2, n, category); } DLL_EXPORTED char * textdomain (const char *domainname) { return libintl_textdomain (domainname); } DLL_EXPORTED char * bindtextdomain (const char *domainname, const char *dirname) { return libintl_bindtextdomain (domainname, dirname); } DLL_EXPORTED char * bind_textdomain_codeset (const char *domainname, const char *codeset) { return libintl_bind_textdomain_codeset (domainname, codeset); } intl/config.charset000075500000055005147633151230010347 0ustar00#! /bin/sh # Output a system dependent table of character encoding aliases. # # Copyright (C) 2000-2004, 2006-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # The table consists of lines of the form # ALIAS CANONICAL # # ALIAS is the (system dependent) result of "nl_langinfo (CODESET)". # ALIAS is compared in a case sensitive way. # # CANONICAL is the GNU canonical name for this character encoding. # It must be an encoding supported by libiconv. Support by GNU libc is # also desirable. CANONICAL is case insensitive. Usually an upper case # MIME charset name is preferred. # The current list of GNU canonical charset names is as follows. # # name MIME? used by which systems # (darwin = Mac OS X, woe32 = native Windows) # # ASCII, ANSI_X3.4-1968 glibc solaris freebsd netbsd darwin cygwin # ISO-8859-1 Y glibc aix hpux irix osf solaris freebsd netbsd openbsd darwin cygwin # ISO-8859-2 Y glibc aix hpux irix osf solaris freebsd netbsd openbsd darwin cygwin # ISO-8859-3 Y glibc solaris cygwin # ISO-8859-4 Y osf solaris freebsd netbsd openbsd darwin # ISO-8859-5 Y glibc aix hpux irix osf solaris freebsd netbsd openbsd darwin cygwin # ISO-8859-6 Y glibc aix hpux solaris cygwin # ISO-8859-7 Y glibc aix hpux irix osf solaris netbsd openbsd darwin cygwin # ISO-8859-8 Y glibc aix hpux osf solaris cygwin # ISO-8859-9 Y glibc aix hpux irix osf solaris darwin cygwin # ISO-8859-13 glibc netbsd openbsd darwin cygwin # ISO-8859-14 glibc cygwin # ISO-8859-15 glibc aix osf solaris freebsd netbsd openbsd darwin cygwin # KOI8-R Y glibc solaris freebsd netbsd openbsd darwin # KOI8-U Y glibc freebsd netbsd openbsd darwin cygwin # KOI8-T glibc # CP437 dos # CP775 dos # CP850 aix osf dos # CP852 dos # CP855 dos # CP856 aix # CP857 dos # CP861 dos # CP862 dos # CP864 dos # CP865 dos # CP866 freebsd netbsd openbsd darwin dos # CP869 dos # CP874 woe32 dos # CP922 aix # CP932 aix cygwin woe32 dos # CP943 aix # CP949 osf darwin woe32 dos # CP950 woe32 dos # CP1046 aix # CP1124 aix # CP1125 dos # CP1129 aix # CP1131 darwin # CP1250 woe32 # CP1251 glibc solaris netbsd openbsd darwin cygwin woe32 # CP1252 aix woe32 # CP1253 woe32 # CP1254 woe32 # CP1255 glibc woe32 # CP1256 woe32 # CP1257 woe32 # GB2312 Y glibc aix hpux irix solaris freebsd netbsd darwin # EUC-JP Y glibc aix hpux irix osf solaris freebsd netbsd darwin # EUC-KR Y glibc aix hpux irix osf solaris freebsd netbsd darwin cygwin # EUC-TW glibc aix hpux irix osf solaris netbsd # BIG5 Y glibc aix hpux osf solaris freebsd netbsd darwin cygwin # BIG5-HKSCS glibc solaris darwin # GBK glibc aix osf solaris darwin cygwin woe32 dos # GB18030 glibc solaris netbsd darwin # SHIFT_JIS Y hpux osf solaris freebsd netbsd darwin # JOHAB glibc solaris woe32 # TIS-620 glibc aix hpux osf solaris cygwin # VISCII Y glibc # TCVN5712-1 glibc # ARMSCII-8 glibc darwin # GEORGIAN-PS glibc cygwin # PT154 glibc # HP-ROMAN8 hpux # HP-ARABIC8 hpux # HP-GREEK8 hpux # HP-HEBREW8 hpux # HP-TURKISH8 hpux # HP-KANA8 hpux # DEC-KANJI osf # DEC-HANYU osf # UTF-8 Y glibc aix hpux osf solaris netbsd darwin cygwin # # Note: Names which are not marked as being a MIME name should not be used in # Internet protocols for information interchange (mail, news, etc.). # # Note: ASCII and ANSI_X3.4-1968 are synonymous canonical names. Applications # must understand both names and treat them as equivalent. # # The first argument passed to this file is the canonical host specification, # CPU_TYPE-MANUFACTURER-OPERATING_SYSTEM # or # CPU_TYPE-MANUFACTURER-KERNEL-OPERATING_SYSTEM host="$1" os=`echo "$host" | sed -e 's/^[^-]*-[^-]*-\(.*\)$/\1/'` echo "# This file contains a table of character encoding aliases," echo "# suitable for operating system '${os}'." echo "# It was automatically generated from config.charset." # List of references, updated during installation: echo "# Packages using this file: " case "$os" in linux-gnulibc1*) # Linux libc5 doesn't have nl_langinfo(CODESET); therefore # localcharset.c falls back to using the full locale name # from the environment variables. echo "C ASCII" echo "POSIX ASCII" for l in af af_ZA ca ca_ES da da_DK de de_AT de_BE de_CH de_DE de_LU \ en en_AU en_BW en_CA en_DK en_GB en_IE en_NZ en_US en_ZA \ en_ZW es es_AR es_BO es_CL es_CO es_DO es_EC es_ES es_GT \ es_HN es_MX es_PA es_PE es_PY es_SV es_US es_UY es_VE et \ et_EE eu eu_ES fi fi_FI fo fo_FO fr fr_BE fr_CA fr_CH fr_FR \ fr_LU ga ga_IE gl gl_ES id id_ID in in_ID is is_IS it it_CH \ it_IT kl kl_GL nl nl_BE nl_NL no no_NO pt pt_BR pt_PT sv \ sv_FI sv_SE; do echo "$l ISO-8859-1" echo "$l.iso-8859-1 ISO-8859-1" echo "$l.iso-8859-15 ISO-8859-15" echo "$l.iso-8859-15@euro ISO-8859-15" echo "$l@euro ISO-8859-15" echo "$l.cp-437 CP437" echo "$l.cp-850 CP850" echo "$l.cp-1252 CP1252" echo "$l.cp-1252@euro CP1252" #echo "$l.atari-st ATARI-ST" # not a commonly used encoding echo "$l.utf-8 UTF-8" echo "$l.utf-8@euro UTF-8" done for l in cs cs_CZ hr hr_HR hu hu_HU pl pl_PL ro ro_RO sk sk_SK sl \ sl_SI sr sr_CS sr_YU; do echo "$l ISO-8859-2" echo "$l.iso-8859-2 ISO-8859-2" echo "$l.cp-852 CP852" echo "$l.cp-1250 CP1250" echo "$l.utf-8 UTF-8" done for l in mk mk_MK ru ru_RU; do echo "$l ISO-8859-5" echo "$l.iso-8859-5 ISO-8859-5" echo "$l.koi8-r KOI8-R" echo "$l.cp-866 CP866" echo "$l.cp-1251 CP1251" echo "$l.utf-8 UTF-8" done for l in ar ar_SA; do echo "$l ISO-8859-6" echo "$l.iso-8859-6 ISO-8859-6" echo "$l.cp-864 CP864" #echo "$l.cp-868 CP868" # not a commonly used encoding echo "$l.cp-1256 CP1256" echo "$l.utf-8 UTF-8" done for l in el el_GR gr gr_GR; do echo "$l ISO-8859-7" echo "$l.iso-8859-7 ISO-8859-7" echo "$l.cp-869 CP869" echo "$l.cp-1253 CP1253" echo "$l.cp-1253@euro CP1253" echo "$l.utf-8 UTF-8" echo "$l.utf-8@euro UTF-8" done for l in he he_IL iw iw_IL; do echo "$l ISO-8859-8" echo "$l.iso-8859-8 ISO-8859-8" echo "$l.cp-862 CP862" echo "$l.cp-1255 CP1255" echo "$l.utf-8 UTF-8" done for l in tr tr_TR; do echo "$l ISO-8859-9" echo "$l.iso-8859-9 ISO-8859-9" echo "$l.cp-857 CP857" echo "$l.cp-1254 CP1254" echo "$l.utf-8 UTF-8" done for l in lt lt_LT lv lv_LV; do #echo "$l BALTIC" # not a commonly used encoding, wrong encoding name echo "$l ISO-8859-13" done for l in ru_UA uk uk_UA; do echo "$l KOI8-U" done for l in zh zh_CN; do #echo "$l GB_2312-80" # not a commonly used encoding, wrong encoding name echo "$l GB2312" done for l in ja ja_JP ja_JP.EUC; do echo "$l EUC-JP" done for l in ko ko_KR; do echo "$l EUC-KR" done for l in th th_TH; do echo "$l TIS-620" done for l in fa fa_IR; do #echo "$l ISIRI-3342" # a broken encoding echo "$l.utf-8 UTF-8" done ;; linux* | *-gnu*) # With glibc-2.1 or newer, we don't need any canonicalization, # because glibc has iconv and both glibc and libiconv support all # GNU canonical names directly. Therefore, the Makefile does not # need to install the alias file at all. # The following applies only to glibc-2.0.x and older libcs. echo "ISO_646.IRV:1983 ASCII" ;; aix*) echo "ISO8859-1 ISO-8859-1" echo "ISO8859-2 ISO-8859-2" echo "ISO8859-5 ISO-8859-5" echo "ISO8859-6 ISO-8859-6" echo "ISO8859-7 ISO-8859-7" echo "ISO8859-8 ISO-8859-8" echo "ISO8859-9 ISO-8859-9" echo "ISO8859-15 ISO-8859-15" echo "IBM-850 CP850" echo "IBM-856 CP856" echo "IBM-921 ISO-8859-13" echo "IBM-922 CP922" echo "IBM-932 CP932" echo "IBM-943 CP943" echo "IBM-1046 CP1046" echo "IBM-1124 CP1124" echo "IBM-1129 CP1129" echo "IBM-1252 CP1252" echo "IBM-eucCN GB2312" echo "IBM-eucJP EUC-JP" echo "IBM-eucKR EUC-KR" echo "IBM-eucTW EUC-TW" echo "big5 BIG5" echo "GBK GBK" echo "TIS-620 TIS-620" echo "UTF-8 UTF-8" ;; hpux*) echo "iso88591 ISO-8859-1" echo "iso88592 ISO-8859-2" echo "iso88595 ISO-8859-5" echo "iso88596 ISO-8859-6" echo "iso88597 ISO-8859-7" echo "iso88598 ISO-8859-8" echo "iso88599 ISO-8859-9" echo "iso885915 ISO-8859-15" echo "roman8 HP-ROMAN8" echo "arabic8 HP-ARABIC8" echo "greek8 HP-GREEK8" echo "hebrew8 HP-HEBREW8" echo "turkish8 HP-TURKISH8" echo "kana8 HP-KANA8" echo "tis620 TIS-620" echo "big5 BIG5" echo "eucJP EUC-JP" echo "eucKR EUC-KR" echo "eucTW EUC-TW" echo "hp15CN GB2312" #echo "ccdc ?" # what is this? echo "SJIS SHIFT_JIS" echo "utf8 UTF-8" ;; irix*) echo "ISO8859-1 ISO-8859-1" echo "ISO8859-2 ISO-8859-2" echo "ISO8859-5 ISO-8859-5" echo "ISO8859-7 ISO-8859-7" echo "ISO8859-9 ISO-8859-9" echo "eucCN GB2312" echo "eucJP EUC-JP" echo "eucKR EUC-KR" echo "eucTW EUC-TW" ;; osf*) echo "ISO8859-1 ISO-8859-1" echo "ISO8859-2 ISO-8859-2" echo "ISO8859-4 ISO-8859-4" echo "ISO8859-5 ISO-8859-5" echo "ISO8859-7 ISO-8859-7" echo "ISO8859-8 ISO-8859-8" echo "ISO8859-9 ISO-8859-9" echo "ISO8859-15 ISO-8859-15" echo "cp850 CP850" echo "big5 BIG5" echo "dechanyu DEC-HANYU" echo "dechanzi GB2312" echo "deckanji DEC-KANJI" echo "deckorean EUC-KR" echo "eucJP EUC-JP" echo "eucKR EUC-KR" echo "eucTW EUC-TW" echo "GBK GBK" echo "KSC5601 CP949" echo "sdeckanji EUC-JP" echo "SJIS SHIFT_JIS" echo "TACTIS TIS-620" echo "UTF-8 UTF-8" ;; solaris*) echo "646 ASCII" echo "ISO8859-1 ISO-8859-1" echo "ISO8859-2 ISO-8859-2" echo "ISO8859-3 ISO-8859-3" echo "ISO8859-4 ISO-8859-4" echo "ISO8859-5 ISO-8859-5" echo "ISO8859-6 ISO-8859-6" echo "ISO8859-7 ISO-8859-7" echo "ISO8859-8 ISO-8859-8" echo "ISO8859-9 ISO-8859-9" echo "ISO8859-15 ISO-8859-15" echo "koi8-r KOI8-R" echo "ansi-1251 CP1251" echo "BIG5 BIG5" echo "Big5-HKSCS BIG5-HKSCS" echo "gb2312 GB2312" echo "GBK GBK" echo "GB18030 GB18030" echo "cns11643 EUC-TW" echo "5601 EUC-KR" echo "ko_KR.johap92 JOHAB" echo "eucJP EUC-JP" echo "PCK SHIFT_JIS" echo "TIS620.2533 TIS-620" #echo "sun_eu_greek ?" # what is this? echo "UTF-8 UTF-8" ;; freebsd*) # FreeBSD 4.2 doesn't have nl_langinfo(CODESET); therefore # localcharset.c falls back to using the full locale name # from the environment variables. echo "C ASCII" echo "US-ASCII ASCII" for l in la_LN lt_LN; do echo "$l.ASCII ASCII" done for l in da_DK de_AT de_CH de_DE en_AU en_CA en_GB en_US es_ES \ fi_FI fr_BE fr_CA fr_CH fr_FR is_IS it_CH it_IT la_LN \ lt_LN nl_BE nl_NL no_NO pt_PT sv_SE; do echo "$l.ISO_8859-1 ISO-8859-1" echo "$l.DIS_8859-15 ISO-8859-15" done for l in cs_CZ hr_HR hu_HU la_LN lt_LN pl_PL sl_SI; do echo "$l.ISO_8859-2 ISO-8859-2" done for l in la_LN lt_LT; do echo "$l.ISO_8859-4 ISO-8859-4" done for l in ru_RU ru_SU; do echo "$l.KOI8-R KOI8-R" echo "$l.ISO_8859-5 ISO-8859-5" echo "$l.CP866 CP866" done echo "uk_UA.KOI8-U KOI8-U" echo "zh_TW.BIG5 BIG5" echo "zh_TW.Big5 BIG5" echo "zh_CN.EUC GB2312" echo "ja_JP.EUC EUC-JP" echo "ja_JP.SJIS SHIFT_JIS" echo "ja_JP.Shift_JIS SHIFT_JIS" echo "ko_KR.EUC EUC-KR" ;; netbsd*) echo "646 ASCII" echo "ISO8859-1 ISO-8859-1" echo "ISO8859-2 ISO-8859-2" echo "ISO8859-4 ISO-8859-4" echo "ISO8859-5 ISO-8859-5" echo "ISO8859-7 ISO-8859-7" echo "ISO8859-13 ISO-8859-13" echo "ISO8859-15 ISO-8859-15" echo "eucCN GB2312" echo "eucJP EUC-JP" echo "eucKR EUC-KR" echo "eucTW EUC-TW" echo "BIG5 BIG5" echo "SJIS SHIFT_JIS" ;; openbsd*) echo "646 ASCII" echo "ISO8859-1 ISO-8859-1" echo "ISO8859-2 ISO-8859-2" echo "ISO8859-4 ISO-8859-4" echo "ISO8859-5 ISO-8859-5" echo "ISO8859-7 ISO-8859-7" echo "ISO8859-13 ISO-8859-13" echo "ISO8859-15 ISO-8859-15" ;; darwin[56]*) # Darwin 6.8 doesn't have nl_langinfo(CODESET); therefore # localcharset.c falls back to using the full locale name # from the environment variables. echo "C ASCII" for l in en_AU en_CA en_GB en_US la_LN; do echo "$l.US-ASCII ASCII" done for l in da_DK de_AT de_CH de_DE en_AU en_CA en_GB en_US es_ES \ fi_FI fr_BE fr_CA fr_CH fr_FR is_IS it_CH it_IT nl_BE \ nl_NL no_NO pt_PT sv_SE; do echo "$l ISO-8859-1" echo "$l.ISO8859-1 ISO-8859-1" echo "$l.ISO8859-15 ISO-8859-15" done for l in la_LN; do echo "$l.ISO8859-1 ISO-8859-1" echo "$l.ISO8859-15 ISO-8859-15" done for l in cs_CZ hr_HR hu_HU la_LN pl_PL sl_SI; do echo "$l.ISO8859-2 ISO-8859-2" done for l in la_LN lt_LT; do echo "$l.ISO8859-4 ISO-8859-4" done for l in ru_RU; do echo "$l.KOI8-R KOI8-R" echo "$l.ISO8859-5 ISO-8859-5" echo "$l.CP866 CP866" done for l in bg_BG; do echo "$l.CP1251 CP1251" done echo "uk_UA.KOI8-U KOI8-U" echo "zh_TW.BIG5 BIG5" echo "zh_TW.Big5 BIG5" echo "zh_CN.EUC GB2312" echo "ja_JP.EUC EUC-JP" echo "ja_JP.SJIS SHIFT_JIS" echo "ko_KR.EUC EUC-KR" ;; darwin*) # Darwin 7.5 has nl_langinfo(CODESET), but sometimes its value is # useless: # - It returns the empty string when LANG is set to a locale of the # form ll_CC, although ll_CC/LC_CTYPE is a symlink to an UTF-8 # LC_CTYPE file. # - The environment variables LANG, LC_CTYPE, LC_ALL are not set by # the system; nl_langinfo(CODESET) returns "US-ASCII" in this case. # - The documentation says: # "... all code that calls BSD system routines should ensure # that the const *char parameters of these routines are in UTF-8 # encoding. All BSD system functions expect their string # parameters to be in UTF-8 encoding and nothing else." # It also says # "An additional caveat is that string parameters for files, # paths, and other file-system entities must be in canonical # UTF-8. In a canonical UTF-8 Unicode string, all decomposable # characters are decomposed ..." # but this is not true: You can pass non-decomposed UTF-8 strings # to file system functions, and it is the OS which will convert # them to decomposed UTF-8 before accessing the file system. # - The Apple Terminal application displays UTF-8 by default. # - However, other applications are free to use different encodings: # - xterm uses ISO-8859-1 by default. # - TextEdit uses MacRoman by default. # We prefer UTF-8 over decomposed UTF-8-MAC because one should # minimize the use of decomposed Unicode. Unfortunately, through the # Darwin file system, decomposed UTF-8 strings are leaked into user # space nevertheless. # Then there are also the locales with encodings other than US-ASCII # and UTF-8. These locales can be occasionally useful to users (e.g. # when grepping through ISO-8859-1 encoded text files), when all their # file names are in US-ASCII. echo "ISO8859-1 ISO-8859-1" echo "ISO8859-2 ISO-8859-2" echo "ISO8859-4 ISO-8859-4" echo "ISO8859-5 ISO-8859-5" echo "ISO8859-7 ISO-8859-7" echo "ISO8859-9 ISO-8859-9" echo "ISO8859-13 ISO-8859-13" echo "ISO8859-15 ISO-8859-15" echo "KOI8-R KOI8-R" echo "KOI8-U KOI8-U" echo "CP866 CP866" echo "CP949 CP949" echo "CP1131 CP1131" echo "CP1251 CP1251" echo "eucCN GB2312" echo "GB2312 GB2312" echo "eucJP EUC-JP" echo "eucKR EUC-KR" echo "Big5 BIG5" echo "Big5HKSCS BIG5-HKSCS" echo "GBK GBK" echo "GB18030 GB18030" echo "SJIS SHIFT_JIS" echo "ARMSCII-8 ARMSCII-8" echo "PT154 PT154" #echo "ISCII-DEV ?" echo "* UTF-8" ;; beos* | haiku*) # BeOS and Haiku have a single locale, and it has UTF-8 encoding. echo "* UTF-8" ;; msdosdjgpp*) # DJGPP 2.03 doesn't have nl_langinfo(CODESET); therefore # localcharset.c falls back to using the full locale name # from the environment variables. echo "#" echo "# The encodings given here may not all be correct." echo "# If you find that the encoding given for your language and" echo "# country is not the one your DOS machine actually uses, just" echo "# correct it in this file, and send a mail to" echo "# Juan Manuel Guerrero " echo "# and Bruno Haible ." echo "#" echo "C ASCII" # ISO-8859-1 languages echo "ca CP850" echo "ca_ES CP850" echo "da CP865" # not CP850 ?? echo "da_DK CP865" # not CP850 ?? echo "de CP850" echo "de_AT CP850" echo "de_CH CP850" echo "de_DE CP850" echo "en CP850" echo "en_AU CP850" # not CP437 ?? echo "en_CA CP850" echo "en_GB CP850" echo "en_NZ CP437" echo "en_US CP437" echo "en_ZA CP850" # not CP437 ?? echo "es CP850" echo "es_AR CP850" echo "es_BO CP850" echo "es_CL CP850" echo "es_CO CP850" echo "es_CR CP850" echo "es_CU CP850" echo "es_DO CP850" echo "es_EC CP850" echo "es_ES CP850" echo "es_GT CP850" echo "es_HN CP850" echo "es_MX CP850" echo "es_NI CP850" echo "es_PA CP850" echo "es_PY CP850" echo "es_PE CP850" echo "es_SV CP850" echo "es_UY CP850" echo "es_VE CP850" echo "et CP850" echo "et_EE CP850" echo "eu CP850" echo "eu_ES CP850" echo "fi CP850" echo "fi_FI CP850" echo "fr CP850" echo "fr_BE CP850" echo "fr_CA CP850" echo "fr_CH CP850" echo "fr_FR CP850" echo "ga CP850" echo "ga_IE CP850" echo "gd CP850" echo "gd_GB CP850" echo "gl CP850" echo "gl_ES CP850" echo "id CP850" # not CP437 ?? echo "id_ID CP850" # not CP437 ?? echo "is CP861" # not CP850 ?? echo "is_IS CP861" # not CP850 ?? echo "it CP850" echo "it_CH CP850" echo "it_IT CP850" echo "lt CP775" echo "lt_LT CP775" echo "lv CP775" echo "lv_LV CP775" echo "nb CP865" # not CP850 ?? echo "nb_NO CP865" # not CP850 ?? echo "nl CP850" echo "nl_BE CP850" echo "nl_NL CP850" echo "nn CP865" # not CP850 ?? echo "nn_NO CP865" # not CP850 ?? echo "no CP865" # not CP850 ?? echo "no_NO CP865" # not CP850 ?? echo "pt CP850" echo "pt_BR CP850" echo "pt_PT CP850" echo "sv CP850" echo "sv_SE CP850" # ISO-8859-2 languages echo "cs CP852" echo "cs_CZ CP852" echo "hr CP852" echo "hr_HR CP852" echo "hu CP852" echo "hu_HU CP852" echo "pl CP852" echo "pl_PL CP852" echo "ro CP852" echo "ro_RO CP852" echo "sk CP852" echo "sk_SK CP852" echo "sl CP852" echo "sl_SI CP852" echo "sq CP852" echo "sq_AL CP852" echo "sr CP852" # CP852 or CP866 or CP855 ?? echo "sr_CS CP852" # CP852 or CP866 or CP855 ?? echo "sr_YU CP852" # CP852 or CP866 or CP855 ?? # ISO-8859-3 languages echo "mt CP850" echo "mt_MT CP850" # ISO-8859-5 languages echo "be CP866" echo "be_BE CP866" echo "bg CP866" # not CP855 ?? echo "bg_BG CP866" # not CP855 ?? echo "mk CP866" # not CP855 ?? echo "mk_MK CP866" # not CP855 ?? echo "ru CP866" echo "ru_RU CP866" echo "uk CP1125" echo "uk_UA CP1125" # ISO-8859-6 languages echo "ar CP864" echo "ar_AE CP864" echo "ar_DZ CP864" echo "ar_EG CP864" echo "ar_IQ CP864" echo "ar_IR CP864" echo "ar_JO CP864" echo "ar_KW CP864" echo "ar_MA CP864" echo "ar_OM CP864" echo "ar_QA CP864" echo "ar_SA CP864" echo "ar_SY CP864" # ISO-8859-7 languages echo "el CP869" echo "el_GR CP869" # ISO-8859-8 languages echo "he CP862" echo "he_IL CP862" # ISO-8859-9 languages echo "tr CP857" echo "tr_TR CP857" # Japanese echo "ja CP932" echo "ja_JP CP932" # Chinese echo "zh_CN GBK" echo "zh_TW CP950" # not CP938 ?? # Korean echo "kr CP949" # not CP934 ?? echo "kr_KR CP949" # not CP934 ?? # Thai echo "th CP874" echo "th_TH CP874" # Other echo "eo CP850" echo "eo_EO CP850" ;; esac intl/osdep.c000064400000001734147633151230007002 0ustar00/* OS dependent parts of libintl. Copyright (C) 2001-2002, 2006, 2015-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #if defined __CYGWIN__ || defined __MINGW32__ # include "intl-exports.c" #elif defined __EMX__ && !defined __KLIBC__ # include "os2compat.c" #else /* Avoid AIX compiler warning. */ typedef int dummy; #endif intl/libgnuintl.in.h000064400000040630147633151230010447 0ustar00/* Message catalogs for internationalization. Copyright (C) 1995-1997, 2000-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef _LIBINTL_H #define _LIBINTL_H 1 #include #if (defined __APPLE__ && defined __MACH__) && @HAVE_NEWLOCALE@ # include #endif /* The LC_MESSAGES locale category is the category used by the functions gettext() and dgettext(). It is specified in POSIX, but not in ANSI C. On systems that don't define it, use an arbitrary value instead. On Solaris, defines __LOCALE_H (or _LOCALE_H in Solaris 2.5) then includes (i.e. this file!) and then only defines LC_MESSAGES. To avoid a redefinition warning, don't define LC_MESSAGES in this case. */ #if !defined LC_MESSAGES && !(defined __LOCALE_H || (defined _LOCALE_H && defined __sun)) # define LC_MESSAGES 1729 #endif /* We define an additional symbol to signal that we use the GNU implementation of gettext. */ #define __USE_GNU_GETTEXT 1 /* Provide information about the supported file formats. Returns the maximum minor revision number supported for a given major revision. */ #define __GNU_GETTEXT_SUPPORTED_REVISION(major) \ ((major) == 0 || (major) == 1 ? 1 : -1) /* Resolve a platform specific conflict on DJGPP. GNU gettext takes precedence over _conio_gettext. */ #ifdef __DJGPP__ # undef gettext #endif #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* Version number: (major<<16) + (minor<<8) + subminor */ #define LIBINTL_VERSION 0x001308 extern int libintl_version; /* We redirect the functions to those prefixed with "libintl_". This is necessary, because some systems define gettext/textdomain/... in the C library (namely, Solaris 2.4 and newer, and GNU libc 2.0 and newer). If we used the unprefixed names, there would be cases where the definition in the C library would override the one in the libintl.so shared library. Recall that on ELF systems, the symbols are looked up in the following order: 1. in the executable, 2. in the shared libraries specified on the link command line, in order, 3. in the dependencies of the shared libraries specified on the link command line, 4. in the dlopen()ed shared libraries, in the order in which they were dlopen()ed. The definition in the C library would override the one in libintl.so if either * -lc is given on the link command line and -lintl isn't, or * -lc is given on the link command line before -lintl, or * libintl.so is a dependency of a dlopen()ed shared library but not linked to the executable at link time. Since Solaris gettext() behaves differently than GNU gettext(), this would be unacceptable. The redirection happens by default through macros in C, so that &gettext is independent of the compilation unit, but through inline functions in C++, in order not to interfere with the name mangling of class fields or class methods called 'gettext'. */ /* The user can define _INTL_REDIRECT_INLINE or _INTL_REDIRECT_MACROS. If he doesn't, we choose the method. A third possible method is _INTL_REDIRECT_ASM, supported only by GCC. */ #if !(defined _INTL_REDIRECT_INLINE || defined _INTL_REDIRECT_MACROS) # if defined __GNUC__ && __GNUC__ >= 2 && !(defined __APPLE_CC__ && __APPLE_CC__ > 1) && !defined __MINGW32__ && !(__GNUC__ == 2 && defined _AIX) && (defined __STDC__ || defined __cplusplus) # define _INTL_REDIRECT_ASM # else # ifdef __cplusplus # define _INTL_REDIRECT_INLINE # else # define _INTL_REDIRECT_MACROS # endif # endif #endif /* Auxiliary macros. */ #ifdef _INTL_REDIRECT_ASM # define _INTL_ASM(cname) __asm__ (_INTL_ASMNAME (__USER_LABEL_PREFIX__, #cname)) # define _INTL_ASMNAME(prefix,cnamestring) _INTL_STRINGIFY (prefix) cnamestring # define _INTL_STRINGIFY(prefix) #prefix #else # define _INTL_ASM(cname) #endif /* _INTL_MAY_RETURN_STRING_ARG(n) declares that the given function may return its n-th argument literally. This enables GCC to warn for example about printf (gettext ("foo %y")). */ #if defined __GNUC__ && __GNUC__ >= 3 && !(defined __APPLE_CC__ && __APPLE_CC__ > 1 && defined __cplusplus) # define _INTL_MAY_RETURN_STRING_ARG(n) __attribute__ ((__format_arg__ (n))) #else # define _INTL_MAY_RETURN_STRING_ARG(n) #endif /* Look up MSGID in the current default message catalog for the current LC_MESSAGES locale. If not found, returns MSGID itself (the default text). */ #ifdef _INTL_REDIRECT_INLINE extern char *libintl_gettext (const char *__msgid) _INTL_MAY_RETURN_STRING_ARG (1); static inline char *gettext (const char *__msgid) { return libintl_gettext (__msgid); } #else #ifdef _INTL_REDIRECT_MACROS # define gettext libintl_gettext #endif extern char *gettext (const char *__msgid) _INTL_ASM (libintl_gettext) _INTL_MAY_RETURN_STRING_ARG (1); #endif /* Look up MSGID in the DOMAINNAME message catalog for the current LC_MESSAGES locale. */ #ifdef _INTL_REDIRECT_INLINE extern char *libintl_dgettext (const char *__domainname, const char *__msgid) _INTL_MAY_RETURN_STRING_ARG (2); static inline char *dgettext (const char *__domainname, const char *__msgid) { return libintl_dgettext (__domainname, __msgid); } #else #ifdef _INTL_REDIRECT_MACROS # define dgettext libintl_dgettext #endif extern char *dgettext (const char *__domainname, const char *__msgid) _INTL_ASM (libintl_dgettext) _INTL_MAY_RETURN_STRING_ARG (2); #endif /* Look up MSGID in the DOMAINNAME message catalog for the current CATEGORY locale. */ #ifdef _INTL_REDIRECT_INLINE extern char *libintl_dcgettext (const char *__domainname, const char *__msgid, int __category) _INTL_MAY_RETURN_STRING_ARG (2); static inline char *dcgettext (const char *__domainname, const char *__msgid, int __category) { return libintl_dcgettext (__domainname, __msgid, __category); } #else #ifdef _INTL_REDIRECT_MACROS # define dcgettext libintl_dcgettext #endif extern char *dcgettext (const char *__domainname, const char *__msgid, int __category) _INTL_ASM (libintl_dcgettext) _INTL_MAY_RETURN_STRING_ARG (2); #endif /* Similar to 'gettext' but select the plural form corresponding to the number N. */ #ifdef _INTL_REDIRECT_INLINE extern char *libintl_ngettext (const char *__msgid1, const char *__msgid2, unsigned long int __n) _INTL_MAY_RETURN_STRING_ARG (1) _INTL_MAY_RETURN_STRING_ARG (2); static inline char *ngettext (const char *__msgid1, const char *__msgid2, unsigned long int __n) { return libintl_ngettext (__msgid1, __msgid2, __n); } #else #ifdef _INTL_REDIRECT_MACROS # define ngettext libintl_ngettext #endif extern char *ngettext (const char *__msgid1, const char *__msgid2, unsigned long int __n) _INTL_ASM (libintl_ngettext) _INTL_MAY_RETURN_STRING_ARG (1) _INTL_MAY_RETURN_STRING_ARG (2); #endif /* Similar to 'dgettext' but select the plural form corresponding to the number N. */ #ifdef _INTL_REDIRECT_INLINE extern char *libintl_dngettext (const char *__domainname, const char *__msgid1, const char *__msgid2, unsigned long int __n) _INTL_MAY_RETURN_STRING_ARG (2) _INTL_MAY_RETURN_STRING_ARG (3); static inline char *dngettext (const char *__domainname, const char *__msgid1, const char *__msgid2, unsigned long int __n) { return libintl_dngettext (__domainname, __msgid1, __msgid2, __n); } #else #ifdef _INTL_REDIRECT_MACROS # define dngettext libintl_dngettext #endif extern char *dngettext (const char *__domainname, const char *__msgid1, const char *__msgid2, unsigned long int __n) _INTL_ASM (libintl_dngettext) _INTL_MAY_RETURN_STRING_ARG (2) _INTL_MAY_RETURN_STRING_ARG (3); #endif /* Similar to 'dcgettext' but select the plural form corresponding to the number N. */ #ifdef _INTL_REDIRECT_INLINE extern char *libintl_dcngettext (const char *__domainname, const char *__msgid1, const char *__msgid2, unsigned long int __n, int __category) _INTL_MAY_RETURN_STRING_ARG (2) _INTL_MAY_RETURN_STRING_ARG (3); static inline char *dcngettext (const char *__domainname, const char *__msgid1, const char *__msgid2, unsigned long int __n, int __category) { return libintl_dcngettext (__domainname, __msgid1, __msgid2, __n, __category); } #else #ifdef _INTL_REDIRECT_MACROS # define dcngettext libintl_dcngettext #endif extern char *dcngettext (const char *__domainname, const char *__msgid1, const char *__msgid2, unsigned long int __n, int __category) _INTL_ASM (libintl_dcngettext) _INTL_MAY_RETURN_STRING_ARG (2) _INTL_MAY_RETURN_STRING_ARG (3); #endif #ifndef IN_LIBGLOCALE /* Set the current default message catalog to DOMAINNAME. If DOMAINNAME is null, return the current default. If DOMAINNAME is "", reset to the default of "messages". */ #ifdef _INTL_REDIRECT_INLINE extern char *libintl_textdomain (const char *__domainname); static inline char *textdomain (const char *__domainname) { return libintl_textdomain (__domainname); } #else #ifdef _INTL_REDIRECT_MACROS # define textdomain libintl_textdomain #endif extern char *textdomain (const char *__domainname) _INTL_ASM (libintl_textdomain); #endif /* Specify that the DOMAINNAME message catalog will be found in DIRNAME rather than in the system locale data base. */ #ifdef _INTL_REDIRECT_INLINE extern char *libintl_bindtextdomain (const char *__domainname, const char *__dirname); static inline char *bindtextdomain (const char *__domainname, const char *__dirname) { return libintl_bindtextdomain (__domainname, __dirname); } #else #ifdef _INTL_REDIRECT_MACROS # define bindtextdomain libintl_bindtextdomain #endif extern char *bindtextdomain (const char *__domainname, const char *__dirname) _INTL_ASM (libintl_bindtextdomain); #endif /* Specify the character encoding in which the messages from the DOMAINNAME message catalog will be returned. */ #ifdef _INTL_REDIRECT_INLINE extern char *libintl_bind_textdomain_codeset (const char *__domainname, const char *__codeset); static inline char *bind_textdomain_codeset (const char *__domainname, const char *__codeset) { return libintl_bind_textdomain_codeset (__domainname, __codeset); } #else #ifdef _INTL_REDIRECT_MACROS # define bind_textdomain_codeset libintl_bind_textdomain_codeset #endif extern char *bind_textdomain_codeset (const char *__domainname, const char *__codeset) _INTL_ASM (libintl_bind_textdomain_codeset); #endif #endif /* IN_LIBGLOCALE */ /* Support for format strings with positions in *printf(), following the POSIX/XSI specification. Note: These replacements for the *printf() functions are visible only in source files that #include or #include "gettext.h". Packages that use *printf() in source files that don't refer to _() or gettext() but for which the format string could be the return value of _() or gettext() need to add this #include. Oh well. */ #if !@HAVE_POSIX_PRINTF@ #include #include /* Get va_list. */ #if (defined __STDC__ && __STDC__) || defined __cplusplus || defined _MSC_VER # include #else # include #endif #if !(defined fprintf && defined _GL_STDIO_H) /* don't override gnulib */ #undef fprintf #define fprintf libintl_fprintf extern int fprintf (FILE *, const char *, ...); #endif #if !(defined vfprintf && defined _GL_STDIO_H) /* don't override gnulib */ #undef vfprintf #define vfprintf libintl_vfprintf extern int vfprintf (FILE *, const char *, va_list); #endif #if !(defined printf && defined _GL_STDIO_H) /* don't override gnulib */ #undef printf #if defined __NetBSD__ || defined __BEOS__ || defined __CYGWIN__ || defined __MINGW32__ /* Don't break __attribute__((format(printf,M,N))). This redefinition is only possible because the libc in NetBSD, Cygwin, mingw does not have a function __printf__. Alternatively, we could have done this redirection only when compiling with __GNUC__, together with a symbol redirection: extern int printf (const char *, ...) __asm__ (#__USER_LABEL_PREFIX__ "libintl_printf"); But doing it now would introduce a binary incompatibility with already distributed versions of libintl on these systems. */ # define libintl_printf __printf__ #endif #define printf libintl_printf extern int printf (const char *, ...); #endif #if !(defined vprintf && defined _GL_STDIO_H) /* don't override gnulib */ #undef vprintf #define vprintf libintl_vprintf extern int vprintf (const char *, va_list); #endif #if !(defined sprintf && defined _GL_STDIO_H) /* don't override gnulib */ #undef sprintf #define sprintf libintl_sprintf extern int sprintf (char *, const char *, ...); #endif #if !(defined vsprintf && defined _GL_STDIO_H) /* don't override gnulib */ #undef vsprintf #define vsprintf libintl_vsprintf extern int vsprintf (char *, const char *, va_list); #endif #if @HAVE_SNPRINTF@ #if !(defined snprintf && defined _GL_STDIO_H) /* don't override gnulib */ #undef snprintf #define snprintf libintl_snprintf extern int snprintf (char *, size_t, const char *, ...); #endif #if !(defined vsnprintf && defined _GL_STDIO_H) /* don't override gnulib */ #undef vsnprintf #define vsnprintf libintl_vsnprintf extern int vsnprintf (char *, size_t, const char *, va_list); #endif #endif #if @HAVE_ASPRINTF@ #if !(defined asprintf && defined _GL_STDIO_H) /* don't override gnulib */ #undef asprintf #define asprintf libintl_asprintf extern int asprintf (char **, const char *, ...); #endif #if !(defined vasprintf && defined _GL_STDIO_H) /* don't override gnulib */ #undef vasprintf #define vasprintf libintl_vasprintf extern int vasprintf (char **, const char *, va_list); #endif #endif #if @HAVE_WPRINTF@ #undef fwprintf #define fwprintf libintl_fwprintf extern int fwprintf (FILE *, const wchar_t *, ...); #undef vfwprintf #define vfwprintf libintl_vfwprintf extern int vfwprintf (FILE *, const wchar_t *, va_list); #undef wprintf #define wprintf libintl_wprintf extern int wprintf (const wchar_t *, ...); #undef vwprintf #define vwprintf libintl_vwprintf extern int vwprintf (const wchar_t *, va_list); #undef swprintf #define swprintf libintl_swprintf extern int swprintf (wchar_t *, size_t, const wchar_t *, ...); #undef vswprintf #define vswprintf libintl_vswprintf extern int vswprintf (wchar_t *, size_t, const wchar_t *, va_list); #endif #endif /* Support for the locale chosen by the user. */ #if (defined __APPLE__ && defined __MACH__) || defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__ || defined __CYGWIN__ #ifndef GNULIB_defined_setlocale /* don't override gnulib */ #undef setlocale #define setlocale libintl_setlocale extern char *setlocale (int, const char *); #endif #if @HAVE_NEWLOCALE@ #undef newlocale #define newlocale libintl_newlocale extern locale_t newlocale (int, const char *, locale_t); #endif #endif /* Support for relocatable packages. */ /* Sets the original and the current installation prefix of the package. Relocation simply replaces a pathname starting with the original prefix by the corresponding pathname with the current prefix instead. Both prefixes should be directory names without trailing slash (i.e. use "" instead of "/"). */ #define libintl_set_relocation_prefix libintl_set_relocation_prefix extern void libintl_set_relocation_prefix (const char *orig_prefix, const char *curr_prefix); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* libintl.h */ intl/printf-args.c000064400000014670147633151230010127 0ustar00/* Decomposed printf argument list. Copyright (C) 1999, 2002-2003, 2005-2007, 2015-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /* This file can be parametrized with the following macros: ENABLE_UNISTDIO Set to 1 to enable the unistdio extensions. PRINTF_FETCHARGS Name of the function to be defined. STATIC Set to 'static' to declare the function static. */ #ifndef PRINTF_FETCHARGS # include #endif /* Specification. */ #ifndef PRINTF_FETCHARGS # include "printf-args.h" #endif #ifdef STATIC STATIC #endif int PRINTF_FETCHARGS (va_list args, arguments *a) { size_t i; argument *ap; for (i = 0, ap = &a->arg[0]; i < a->count; i++, ap++) switch (ap->type) { case TYPE_SCHAR: ap->a.a_schar = va_arg (args, /*signed char*/ int); break; case TYPE_UCHAR: ap->a.a_uchar = va_arg (args, /*unsigned char*/ int); break; case TYPE_SHORT: ap->a.a_short = va_arg (args, /*short*/ int); break; case TYPE_USHORT: ap->a.a_ushort = va_arg (args, /*unsigned short*/ int); break; case TYPE_INT: ap->a.a_int = va_arg (args, int); break; case TYPE_UINT: ap->a.a_uint = va_arg (args, unsigned int); break; case TYPE_LONGINT: ap->a.a_longint = va_arg (args, long int); break; case TYPE_ULONGINT: ap->a.a_ulongint = va_arg (args, unsigned long int); break; #if HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT case TYPE_LONGLONGINT: ap->a.a_longlongint = va_arg (args, long long int); break; case TYPE_ULONGLONGINT: ap->a.a_ulonglongint = va_arg (args, unsigned long long int); break; #endif case TYPE_DOUBLE: ap->a.a_double = va_arg (args, double); break; case TYPE_LONGDOUBLE: ap->a.a_longdouble = va_arg (args, long double); break; case TYPE_CHAR: ap->a.a_char = va_arg (args, int); break; #if HAVE_WINT_T case TYPE_WIDE_CHAR: /* Although ISO C 99 7.24.1.(2) says that wint_t is "unchanged by default argument promotions", this is not the case in mingw32, where wint_t is 'unsigned short'. */ ap->a.a_wide_char = (sizeof (wint_t) < sizeof (int) ? va_arg (args, int) : va_arg (args, wint_t)); break; #endif case TYPE_STRING: ap->a.a_string = va_arg (args, const char *); /* A null pointer is an invalid argument for "%s", but in practice it occurs quite frequently in printf statements that produce debug output. Use a fallback in this case. */ if (ap->a.a_string == NULL) ap->a.a_string = "(NULL)"; break; #if HAVE_WCHAR_T case TYPE_WIDE_STRING: ap->a.a_wide_string = va_arg (args, const wchar_t *); /* A null pointer is an invalid argument for "%ls", but in practice it occurs quite frequently in printf statements that produce debug output. Use a fallback in this case. */ if (ap->a.a_wide_string == NULL) { static const wchar_t wide_null_string[] = { (wchar_t)'(', (wchar_t)'N', (wchar_t)'U', (wchar_t)'L', (wchar_t)'L', (wchar_t)')', (wchar_t)0 }; ap->a.a_wide_string = wide_null_string; } break; #endif case TYPE_POINTER: ap->a.a_pointer = va_arg (args, void *); break; case TYPE_COUNT_SCHAR_POINTER: ap->a.a_count_schar_pointer = va_arg (args, signed char *); break; case TYPE_COUNT_SHORT_POINTER: ap->a.a_count_short_pointer = va_arg (args, short *); break; case TYPE_COUNT_INT_POINTER: ap->a.a_count_int_pointer = va_arg (args, int *); break; case TYPE_COUNT_LONGINT_POINTER: ap->a.a_count_longint_pointer = va_arg (args, long int *); break; #if HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT case TYPE_COUNT_LONGLONGINT_POINTER: ap->a.a_count_longlongint_pointer = va_arg (args, long long int *); break; #endif #if ENABLE_UNISTDIO /* The unistdio extensions. */ case TYPE_U8_STRING: ap->a.a_u8_string = va_arg (args, const uint8_t *); /* A null pointer is an invalid argument for "%U", but in practice it occurs quite frequently in printf statements that produce debug output. Use a fallback in this case. */ if (ap->a.a_u8_string == NULL) { static const uint8_t u8_null_string[] = { '(', 'N', 'U', 'L', 'L', ')', 0 }; ap->a.a_u8_string = u8_null_string; } break; case TYPE_U16_STRING: ap->a.a_u16_string = va_arg (args, const uint16_t *); /* A null pointer is an invalid argument for "%lU", but in practice it occurs quite frequently in printf statements that produce debug output. Use a fallback in this case. */ if (ap->a.a_u16_string == NULL) { static const uint16_t u16_null_string[] = { '(', 'N', 'U', 'L', 'L', ')', 0 }; ap->a.a_u16_string = u16_null_string; } break; case TYPE_U32_STRING: ap->a.a_u32_string = va_arg (args, const uint32_t *); /* A null pointer is an invalid argument for "%llU", but in practice it occurs quite frequently in printf statements that produce debug output. Use a fallback in this case. */ if (ap->a.a_u32_string == NULL) { static const uint32_t u32_null_string[] = { '(', 'N', 'U', 'L', 'L', ')', 0 }; ap->a.a_u32_string = u32_null_string; } break; #endif default: /* Unknown type. */ return -1; } return 0; } intl/plural.c000064400000150043147633151230007165 0ustar00/* A Bison parser, made by GNU Bison 3.0.4. */ /* Bison implementation for Yacc-like parsers in C Copyright (C) 1984, 1989-1990, 2000-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /* As a special exception, you may create a larger work that contains part or all of the Bison parser skeleton and distribute that work under terms of your choice, so long as that work isn't itself a parser generator using the skeleton or a modified version thereof as a parser skeleton. Alternatively, if you modify or redistribute the parser skeleton itself, you may (at your option) remove this special exception, which will cause the skeleton and the resulting Bison output files to be licensed under the GNU General Public License without this special exception. This special exception was added by the Free Software Foundation in version 2.2 of Bison. */ /* C LALR(1) parser skeleton written by Richard Stallman, by simplifying the original so-called "semantic" parser. */ /* All symbols defined below should begin with yy or YY, to avoid infringing on user name space. This should be done even for local variables, as they might otherwise be expanded by user macros. There are some unavoidable exceptions within include files to define necessary library symbols; they are noted "INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE" below. */ /* Identify Bison output. */ #define YYBISON 1 /* Bison version. */ #define YYBISON_VERSION "3.0.4" /* Skeleton name. */ #define YYSKELETON_NAME "yacc.c" /* Pure parsers. */ #define YYPURE 2 /* Push parsers. */ #define YYPUSH 0 /* Pull parsers. */ #define YYPULL 1 /* Substitute the variable and function names. */ #define yyparse __gettextparse #define yylex __gettextlex #define yyerror __gettexterror #define yydebug __gettextdebug #define yynerrs __gettextnerrs /* Copy the first part of user declarations. */ #line 1 "plural.y" /* yacc.c:339 */ /* Expression parsing for plural form selection. Copyright (C) 2000-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Written by Ulrich Drepper , 2000. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /* For bison < 2.0, the bison generated parser uses alloca. AIX 3 forces us to put this declaration at the beginning of the file. The declaration in bison's skeleton file comes too late. This must come before because may include arbitrary system headers. This can go away once the AM_INTL_SUBDIR macro requires bison >= 2.0. */ #if defined _AIX && !defined __GNUC__ #pragma alloca #endif #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #include #include #include "plural-exp.h" /* The main function generated by the parser is called __gettextparse, but we want it to be called PLURAL_PARSE. */ #ifndef _LIBC # define __gettextparse PLURAL_PARSE #endif #line 116 "plural.c" /* yacc.c:339 */ # ifndef YY_NULLPTR # if defined __cplusplus && 201103L <= __cplusplus # define YY_NULLPTR nullptr # else # define YY_NULLPTR 0 # endif # endif /* Enabling verbose error messages. */ #ifdef YYERROR_VERBOSE # undef YYERROR_VERBOSE # define YYERROR_VERBOSE 1 #else # define YYERROR_VERBOSE 0 #endif /* In a future release of Bison, this section will be replaced by #include "plural.h". */ #ifndef YY__GETTEXT_PLURAL_H_INCLUDED # define YY__GETTEXT_PLURAL_H_INCLUDED /* Debug traces. */ #ifndef YYDEBUG # define YYDEBUG 0 #endif #if YYDEBUG extern int __gettextdebug; #endif /* Token type. */ #ifndef YYTOKENTYPE # define YYTOKENTYPE enum yytokentype { EQUOP2 = 258, CMPOP2 = 259, ADDOP2 = 260, MULOP2 = 261, NUMBER = 262 }; #endif /* Tokens. */ #define EQUOP2 258 #define CMPOP2 259 #define ADDOP2 260 #define MULOP2 261 #define NUMBER 262 /* Value type. */ #if ! defined YYSTYPE && ! defined YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED union YYSTYPE { #line 49 "plural.y" /* yacc.c:355 */ unsigned long int num; enum expression_operator op; struct expression *exp; #line 176 "plural.c" /* yacc.c:355 */ }; typedef union YYSTYPE YYSTYPE; # define YYSTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL 1 # define YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED 1 #endif int __gettextparse (struct parse_args *arg); #endif /* !YY__GETTEXT_PLURAL_H_INCLUDED */ /* Copy the second part of user declarations. */ #line 55 "plural.y" /* yacc.c:358 */ /* Prototypes for local functions. */ static int yylex (YYSTYPE *lval, struct parse_args *arg); static void yyerror (struct parse_args *arg, const char *str); /* Allocation of expressions. */ static struct expression * new_exp (int nargs, enum expression_operator op, struct expression * const *args) { int i; struct expression *newp; /* If any of the argument could not be malloc'ed, just return NULL. */ for (i = nargs - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (args[i] == NULL) goto fail; /* Allocate a new expression. */ newp = (struct expression *) malloc (sizeof (*newp)); if (newp != NULL) { newp->nargs = nargs; newp->operation = op; for (i = nargs - 1; i >= 0; i--) newp->val.args[i] = args[i]; return newp; } fail: for (i = nargs - 1; i >= 0; i--) FREE_EXPRESSION (args[i]); return NULL; } static inline struct expression * new_exp_0 (enum expression_operator op) { return new_exp (0, op, NULL); } static inline struct expression * new_exp_1 (enum expression_operator op, struct expression *right) { struct expression *args[1]; args[0] = right; return new_exp (1, op, args); } static struct expression * new_exp_2 (enum expression_operator op, struct expression *left, struct expression *right) { struct expression *args[2]; args[0] = left; args[1] = right; return new_exp (2, op, args); } static inline struct expression * new_exp_3 (enum expression_operator op, struct expression *bexp, struct expression *tbranch, struct expression *fbranch) { struct expression *args[3]; args[0] = bexp; args[1] = tbranch; args[2] = fbranch; return new_exp (3, op, args); } #line 268 "plural.c" /* yacc.c:358 */ #ifdef short # undef short #endif #ifdef YYTYPE_UINT8 typedef YYTYPE_UINT8 yytype_uint8; #else typedef unsigned char yytype_uint8; #endif #ifdef YYTYPE_INT8 typedef YYTYPE_INT8 yytype_int8; #else typedef signed char yytype_int8; #endif #ifdef YYTYPE_UINT16 typedef YYTYPE_UINT16 yytype_uint16; #else typedef unsigned short int yytype_uint16; #endif #ifdef YYTYPE_INT16 typedef YYTYPE_INT16 yytype_int16; #else typedef short int yytype_int16; #endif #ifndef YYSIZE_T # ifdef __SIZE_TYPE__ # define YYSIZE_T __SIZE_TYPE__ # elif defined size_t # define YYSIZE_T size_t # elif ! defined YYSIZE_T # include /* INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE */ # define YYSIZE_T size_t # else # define YYSIZE_T unsigned int # endif #endif #define YYSIZE_MAXIMUM ((YYSIZE_T) -1) #ifndef YY_ # if defined YYENABLE_NLS && YYENABLE_NLS # if ENABLE_NLS # include /* INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE */ # define YY_(Msgid) dgettext ("bison-runtime", Msgid) # endif # endif # ifndef YY_ # define YY_(Msgid) Msgid # endif #endif #ifndef YY_ATTRIBUTE # if (defined __GNUC__ \ && (2 < __GNUC__ || (__GNUC__ == 2 && 96 <= __GNUC_MINOR__))) \ || defined __SUNPRO_C && 0x5110 <= __SUNPRO_C # define YY_ATTRIBUTE(Spec) __attribute__(Spec) # else # define YY_ATTRIBUTE(Spec) /* empty */ # endif #endif #ifndef YY_ATTRIBUTE_PURE # define YY_ATTRIBUTE_PURE YY_ATTRIBUTE ((__pure__)) #endif #ifndef YY_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED # define YY_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED YY_ATTRIBUTE ((__unused__)) #endif #if !defined _Noreturn \ && (!defined __STDC_VERSION__ || __STDC_VERSION__ < 201112) # if defined _MSC_VER && 1200 <= _MSC_VER # define _Noreturn __declspec (noreturn) # else # define _Noreturn YY_ATTRIBUTE ((__noreturn__)) # endif #endif /* Suppress unused-variable warnings by "using" E. */ #if ! defined lint || defined __GNUC__ # define YYUSE(E) ((void) (E)) #else # define YYUSE(E) /* empty */ #endif #if defined __GNUC__ && 407 <= __GNUC__ * 100 + __GNUC_MINOR__ /* Suppress an incorrect diagnostic about yylval being uninitialized. */ # define YY_IGNORE_MAYBE_UNINITIALIZED_BEGIN \ _Pragma ("GCC diagnostic push") \ _Pragma ("GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wuninitialized\"")\ _Pragma ("GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wmaybe-uninitialized\"") # define YY_IGNORE_MAYBE_UNINITIALIZED_END \ _Pragma ("GCC diagnostic pop") #else # define YY_INITIAL_VALUE(Value) Value #endif #ifndef YY_IGNORE_MAYBE_UNINITIALIZED_BEGIN # define YY_IGNORE_MAYBE_UNINITIALIZED_BEGIN # define YY_IGNORE_MAYBE_UNINITIALIZED_END #endif #ifndef YY_INITIAL_VALUE # define YY_INITIAL_VALUE(Value) /* Nothing. */ #endif #if ! defined yyoverflow || YYERROR_VERBOSE /* The parser invokes alloca or malloc; define the necessary symbols. */ # ifdef YYSTACK_USE_ALLOCA # if YYSTACK_USE_ALLOCA # ifdef __GNUC__ # define YYSTACK_ALLOC __builtin_alloca # elif defined __BUILTIN_VA_ARG_INCR # include /* INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE */ # elif defined _AIX # define YYSTACK_ALLOC __alloca # elif defined _MSC_VER # include /* INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE */ # define alloca _alloca # else # define YYSTACK_ALLOC alloca # if ! defined _ALLOCA_H && ! defined EXIT_SUCCESS # include /* INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE */ /* Use EXIT_SUCCESS as a witness for stdlib.h. */ # ifndef EXIT_SUCCESS # define EXIT_SUCCESS 0 # endif # endif # endif # endif # endif # ifdef YYSTACK_ALLOC /* Pacify GCC's 'empty if-body' warning. */ # define YYSTACK_FREE(Ptr) do { /* empty */; } while (0) # ifndef YYSTACK_ALLOC_MAXIMUM /* The OS might guarantee only one guard page at the bottom of the stack, and a page size can be as small as 4096 bytes. So we cannot safely invoke alloca (N) if N exceeds 4096. Use a slightly smaller number to allow for a few compiler-allocated temporary stack slots. */ # define YYSTACK_ALLOC_MAXIMUM 4032 /* reasonable circa 2006 */ # endif # else # define YYSTACK_ALLOC YYMALLOC # define YYSTACK_FREE YYFREE # ifndef YYSTACK_ALLOC_MAXIMUM # define YYSTACK_ALLOC_MAXIMUM YYSIZE_MAXIMUM # endif # if (defined __cplusplus && ! defined EXIT_SUCCESS \ && ! ((defined YYMALLOC || defined malloc) \ && (defined YYFREE || defined free))) # include /* INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE */ # ifndef EXIT_SUCCESS # define EXIT_SUCCESS 0 # endif # endif # ifndef YYMALLOC # define YYMALLOC malloc # if ! defined malloc && ! defined EXIT_SUCCESS void *malloc (YYSIZE_T); /* INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE */ # endif # endif # ifndef YYFREE # define YYFREE free # if ! defined free && ! defined EXIT_SUCCESS void free (void *); /* INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE */ # endif # endif # endif #endif /* ! defined yyoverflow || YYERROR_VERBOSE */ #if (! defined yyoverflow \ && (! defined __cplusplus \ || (defined YYSTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL && YYSTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL))) /* A type that is properly aligned for any stack member. */ union yyalloc { yytype_int16 yyss_alloc; YYSTYPE yyvs_alloc; }; /* The size of the maximum gap between one aligned stack and the next. */ # define YYSTACK_GAP_MAXIMUM (sizeof (union yyalloc) - 1) /* The size of an array large to enough to hold all stacks, each with N elements. */ # define YYSTACK_BYTES(N) \ ((N) * (sizeof (yytype_int16) + sizeof (YYSTYPE)) \ + YYSTACK_GAP_MAXIMUM) # define YYCOPY_NEEDED 1 /* Relocate STACK from its old location to the new one. The local variables YYSIZE and YYSTACKSIZE give the old and new number of elements in the stack, and YYPTR gives the new location of the stack. Advance YYPTR to a properly aligned location for the next stack. */ # define YYSTACK_RELOCATE(Stack_alloc, Stack) \ do \ { \ YYSIZE_T yynewbytes; \ YYCOPY (&yyptr->Stack_alloc, Stack, yysize); \ Stack = &yyptr->Stack_alloc; \ yynewbytes = yystacksize * sizeof (*Stack) + YYSTACK_GAP_MAXIMUM; \ yyptr += yynewbytes / sizeof (*yyptr); \ } \ while (0) #endif #if defined YYCOPY_NEEDED && YYCOPY_NEEDED /* Copy COUNT objects from SRC to DST. The source and destination do not overlap. */ # ifndef YYCOPY # if defined __GNUC__ && 1 < __GNUC__ # define YYCOPY(Dst, Src, Count) \ __builtin_memcpy (Dst, Src, (Count) * sizeof (*(Src))) # else # define YYCOPY(Dst, Src, Count) \ do \ { \ YYSIZE_T yyi; \ for (yyi = 0; yyi < (Count); yyi++) \ (Dst)[yyi] = (Src)[yyi]; \ } \ while (0) # endif # endif #endif /* !YYCOPY_NEEDED */ /* YYFINAL -- State number of the termination state. */ #define YYFINAL 9 /* YYLAST -- Last index in YYTABLE. */ #define YYLAST 54 /* YYNTOKENS -- Number of terminals. */ #define YYNTOKENS 16 /* YYNNTS -- Number of nonterminals. */ #define YYNNTS 3 /* YYNRULES -- Number of rules. */ #define YYNRULES 13 /* YYNSTATES -- Number of states. */ #define YYNSTATES 27 /* YYTRANSLATE[YYX] -- Symbol number corresponding to YYX as returned by yylex, with out-of-bounds checking. */ #define YYUNDEFTOK 2 #define YYMAXUTOK 262 #define YYTRANSLATE(YYX) \ ((unsigned int) (YYX) <= YYMAXUTOK ? yytranslate[YYX] : YYUNDEFTOK) /* YYTRANSLATE[TOKEN-NUM] -- Symbol number corresponding to TOKEN-NUM as returned by yylex, without out-of-bounds checking. */ static const yytype_uint8 yytranslate[] = { 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 10, 2, 2, 2, 2, 5, 2, 14, 15, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 12, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 13, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 }; #if YYDEBUG /* YYRLINE[YYN] -- Source line where rule number YYN was defined. */ static const yytype_uint8 yyrline[] = { 0, 152, 152, 160, 164, 168, 172, 176, 180, 184, 188, 192, 196, 201 }; #endif #if YYDEBUG || YYERROR_VERBOSE || 0 /* YYTNAME[SYMBOL-NUM] -- String name of the symbol SYMBOL-NUM. First, the terminals, then, starting at YYNTOKENS, nonterminals. */ static const char *const yytname[] = { "$end", "error", "$undefined", "'?'", "'|'", "'&'", "EQUOP2", "CMPOP2", "ADDOP2", "MULOP2", "'!'", "NUMBER", "':'", "'n'", "'('", "')'", "$accept", "start", "exp", YY_NULLPTR }; #endif # ifdef YYPRINT /* YYTOKNUM[NUM] -- (External) token number corresponding to the (internal) symbol number NUM (which must be that of a token). */ static const yytype_uint16 yytoknum[] = { 0, 256, 257, 63, 124, 38, 258, 259, 260, 261, 33, 262, 58, 110, 40, 41 }; # endif #define YYPACT_NINF -10 #define yypact_value_is_default(Yystate) \ (!!((Yystate) == (-10))) #define YYTABLE_NINF -1 #define yytable_value_is_error(Yytable_value) \ 0 /* YYPACT[STATE-NUM] -- Index in YYTABLE of the portion describing STATE-NUM. */ static const yytype_int8 yypact[] = { -9, -9, -10, -10, -9, 8, 36, -10, 13, -10, -9, -9, -9, -9, -9, -9, -9, -10, 26, 41, 45, 18, -2, 14, -10, -9, 36 }; /* YYDEFACT[STATE-NUM] -- Default reduction number in state STATE-NUM. Performed when YYTABLE does not specify something else to do. Zero means the default is an error. */ static const yytype_uint8 yydefact[] = { 0, 0, 12, 11, 0, 0, 2, 10, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 13, 0, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 3 }; /* YYPGOTO[NTERM-NUM]. */ static const yytype_int8 yypgoto[] = { -10, -10, -1 }; /* YYDEFGOTO[NTERM-NUM]. */ static const yytype_int8 yydefgoto[] = { -1, 5, 6 }; /* YYTABLE[YYPACT[STATE-NUM]] -- What to do in state STATE-NUM. If positive, shift that token. If negative, reduce the rule whose number is the opposite. If YYTABLE_NINF, syntax error. */ static const yytype_uint8 yytable[] = { 7, 1, 2, 8, 3, 4, 15, 16, 9, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 16, 26, 14, 15, 16, 17, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 0, 0, 25, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 13, 14, 15, 16 }; static const yytype_int8 yycheck[] = { 1, 10, 11, 4, 13, 14, 8, 9, 0, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9, 25, 7, 8, 9, 15, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, -1, -1, 12, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 6, 7, 8, 9 }; /* YYSTOS[STATE-NUM] -- The (internal number of the) accessing symbol of state STATE-NUM. */ static const yytype_uint8 yystos[] = { 0, 10, 11, 13, 14, 17, 18, 18, 18, 0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 12, 18 }; /* YYR1[YYN] -- Symbol number of symbol that rule YYN derives. */ static const yytype_uint8 yyr1[] = { 0, 16, 17, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18 }; /* YYR2[YYN] -- Number of symbols on the right hand side of rule YYN. */ static const yytype_uint8 yyr2[] = { 0, 2, 1, 5, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 1, 1, 3 }; #define yyerrok (yyerrstatus = 0) #define yyclearin (yychar = YYEMPTY) #define YYEMPTY (-2) #define YYEOF 0 #define YYACCEPT goto yyacceptlab #define YYABORT goto yyabortlab #define YYERROR goto yyerrorlab #define YYRECOVERING() (!!yyerrstatus) #define YYBACKUP(Token, Value) \ do \ if (yychar == YYEMPTY) \ { \ yychar = (Token); \ yylval = (Value); \ YYPOPSTACK (yylen); \ yystate = *yyssp; \ goto yybackup; \ } \ else \ { \ yyerror (arg, YY_("syntax error: cannot back up")); \ YYERROR; \ } \ while (0) /* Error token number */ #define YYTERROR 1 #define YYERRCODE 256 /* Enable debugging if requested. */ #if YYDEBUG # ifndef YYFPRINTF # include /* INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE */ # define YYFPRINTF fprintf # endif # define YYDPRINTF(Args) \ do { \ if (yydebug) \ YYFPRINTF Args; \ } while (0) /* This macro is provided for backward compatibility. */ #ifndef YY_LOCATION_PRINT # define YY_LOCATION_PRINT(File, Loc) ((void) 0) #endif # define YY_SYMBOL_PRINT(Title, Type, Value, Location) \ do { \ if (yydebug) \ { \ YYFPRINTF (stderr, "%s ", Title); \ yy_symbol_print (stderr, \ Type, Value, arg); \ YYFPRINTF (stderr, "\n"); \ } \ } while (0) /*----------------------------------------. | Print this symbol's value on YYOUTPUT. | `----------------------------------------*/ static void yy_symbol_value_print (FILE *yyoutput, int yytype, YYSTYPE const * const yyvaluep, struct parse_args *arg) { FILE *yyo = yyoutput; YYUSE (yyo); YYUSE (arg); if (!yyvaluep) return; # ifdef YYPRINT if (yytype < YYNTOKENS) YYPRINT (yyoutput, yytoknum[yytype], *yyvaluep); # endif YYUSE (yytype); } /*--------------------------------. | Print this symbol on YYOUTPUT. | `--------------------------------*/ static void yy_symbol_print (FILE *yyoutput, int yytype, YYSTYPE const * const yyvaluep, struct parse_args *arg) { YYFPRINTF (yyoutput, "%s %s (", yytype < YYNTOKENS ? "token" : "nterm", yytname[yytype]); yy_symbol_value_print (yyoutput, yytype, yyvaluep, arg); YYFPRINTF (yyoutput, ")"); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------. | yy_stack_print -- Print the state stack from its BOTTOM up to its | | TOP (included). | `------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void yy_stack_print (yytype_int16 *yybottom, yytype_int16 *yytop) { YYFPRINTF (stderr, "Stack now"); for (; yybottom <= yytop; yybottom++) { int yybot = *yybottom; YYFPRINTF (stderr, " %d", yybot); } YYFPRINTF (stderr, "\n"); } # define YY_STACK_PRINT(Bottom, Top) \ do { \ if (yydebug) \ yy_stack_print ((Bottom), (Top)); \ } while (0) /*------------------------------------------------. | Report that the YYRULE is going to be reduced. | `------------------------------------------------*/ static void yy_reduce_print (yytype_int16 *yyssp, YYSTYPE *yyvsp, int yyrule, struct parse_args *arg) { unsigned long int yylno = yyrline[yyrule]; int yynrhs = yyr2[yyrule]; int yyi; YYFPRINTF (stderr, "Reducing stack by rule %d (line %lu):\n", yyrule - 1, yylno); /* The symbols being reduced. */ for (yyi = 0; yyi < yynrhs; yyi++) { YYFPRINTF (stderr, " $%d = ", yyi + 1); yy_symbol_print (stderr, yystos[yyssp[yyi + 1 - yynrhs]], &(yyvsp[(yyi + 1) - (yynrhs)]) , arg); YYFPRINTF (stderr, "\n"); } } # define YY_REDUCE_PRINT(Rule) \ do { \ if (yydebug) \ yy_reduce_print (yyssp, yyvsp, Rule, arg); \ } while (0) /* Nonzero means print parse trace. It is left uninitialized so that multiple parsers can coexist. */ int yydebug; #else /* !YYDEBUG */ # define YYDPRINTF(Args) # define YY_SYMBOL_PRINT(Title, Type, Value, Location) # define YY_STACK_PRINT(Bottom, Top) # define YY_REDUCE_PRINT(Rule) #endif /* !YYDEBUG */ /* YYINITDEPTH -- initial size of the parser's stacks. */ #ifndef YYINITDEPTH # define YYINITDEPTH 200 #endif /* YYMAXDEPTH -- maximum size the stacks can grow to (effective only if the built-in stack extension method is used). Do not make this value too large; the results are undefined if YYSTACK_ALLOC_MAXIMUM < YYSTACK_BYTES (YYMAXDEPTH) evaluated with infinite-precision integer arithmetic. */ #ifndef YYMAXDEPTH # define YYMAXDEPTH 10000 #endif #if YYERROR_VERBOSE # ifndef yystrlen # if defined __GLIBC__ && defined _STRING_H # define yystrlen strlen # else /* Return the length of YYSTR. */ static YYSIZE_T yystrlen (const char *yystr) { YYSIZE_T yylen; for (yylen = 0; yystr[yylen]; yylen++) continue; return yylen; } # endif # endif # ifndef yystpcpy # if defined __GLIBC__ && defined _STRING_H && defined _GNU_SOURCE # define yystpcpy stpcpy # else /* Copy YYSRC to YYDEST, returning the address of the terminating '\0' in YYDEST. */ static char * yystpcpy (char *yydest, const char *yysrc) { char *yyd = yydest; const char *yys = yysrc; while ((*yyd++ = *yys++) != '\0') continue; return yyd - 1; } # endif # endif # ifndef yytnamerr /* Copy to YYRES the contents of YYSTR after stripping away unnecessary quotes and backslashes, so that it's suitable for yyerror. The heuristic is that double-quoting is unnecessary unless the string contains an apostrophe, a comma, or backslash (other than backslash-backslash). YYSTR is taken from yytname. If YYRES is null, do not copy; instead, return the length of what the result would have been. */ static YYSIZE_T yytnamerr (char *yyres, const char *yystr) { if (*yystr == '"') { YYSIZE_T yyn = 0; char const *yyp = yystr; for (;;) switch (*++yyp) { case '\'': case ',': goto do_not_strip_quotes; case '\\': if (*++yyp != '\\') goto do_not_strip_quotes; /* Fall through. */ default: if (yyres) yyres[yyn] = *yyp; yyn++; break; case '"': if (yyres) yyres[yyn] = '\0'; return yyn; } do_not_strip_quotes: ; } if (! yyres) return yystrlen (yystr); return yystpcpy (yyres, yystr) - yyres; } # endif /* Copy into *YYMSG, which is of size *YYMSG_ALLOC, an error message about the unexpected token YYTOKEN for the state stack whose top is YYSSP. Return 0 if *YYMSG was successfully written. Return 1 if *YYMSG is not large enough to hold the message. In that case, also set *YYMSG_ALLOC to the required number of bytes. Return 2 if the required number of bytes is too large to store. */ static int yysyntax_error (YYSIZE_T *yymsg_alloc, char **yymsg, yytype_int16 *yyssp, int yytoken) { YYSIZE_T yysize0 = yytnamerr (YY_NULLPTR, yytname[yytoken]); YYSIZE_T yysize = yysize0; enum { YYERROR_VERBOSE_ARGS_MAXIMUM = 5 }; /* Internationalized format string. */ const char *yyformat = YY_NULLPTR; /* Arguments of yyformat. */ char const *yyarg[YYERROR_VERBOSE_ARGS_MAXIMUM]; /* Number of reported tokens (one for the "unexpected", one per "expected"). */ int yycount = 0; /* There are many possibilities here to consider: - If this state is a consistent state with a default action, then the only way this function was invoked is if the default action is an error action. In that case, don't check for expected tokens because there are none. - The only way there can be no lookahead present (in yychar) is if this state is a consistent state with a default action. Thus, detecting the absence of a lookahead is sufficient to determine that there is no unexpected or expected token to report. In that case, just report a simple "syntax error". - Don't assume there isn't a lookahead just because this state is a consistent state with a default action. There might have been a previous inconsistent state, consistent state with a non-default action, or user semantic action that manipulated yychar. - Of course, the expected token list depends on states to have correct lookahead information, and it depends on the parser not to perform extra reductions after fetching a lookahead from the scanner and before detecting a syntax error. Thus, state merging (from LALR or IELR) and default reductions corrupt the expected token list. However, the list is correct for canonical LR with one exception: it will still contain any token that will not be accepted due to an error action in a later state. */ if (yytoken != YYEMPTY) { int yyn = yypact[*yyssp]; yyarg[yycount++] = yytname[yytoken]; if (!yypact_value_is_default (yyn)) { /* Start YYX at -YYN if negative to avoid negative indexes in YYCHECK. In other words, skip the first -YYN actions for this state because they are default actions. */ int yyxbegin = yyn < 0 ? -yyn : 0; /* Stay within bounds of both yycheck and yytname. */ int yychecklim = YYLAST - yyn + 1; int yyxend = yychecklim < YYNTOKENS ? yychecklim : YYNTOKENS; int yyx; for (yyx = yyxbegin; yyx < yyxend; ++yyx) if (yycheck[yyx + yyn] == yyx && yyx != YYTERROR && !yytable_value_is_error (yytable[yyx + yyn])) { if (yycount == YYERROR_VERBOSE_ARGS_MAXIMUM) { yycount = 1; yysize = yysize0; break; } yyarg[yycount++] = yytname[yyx]; { YYSIZE_T yysize1 = yysize + yytnamerr (YY_NULLPTR, yytname[yyx]); if (! (yysize <= yysize1 && yysize1 <= YYSTACK_ALLOC_MAXIMUM)) return 2; yysize = yysize1; } } } } switch (yycount) { # define YYCASE_(N, S) \ case N: \ yyformat = S; \ break YYCASE_(0, YY_("syntax error")); YYCASE_(1, YY_("syntax error, unexpected %s")); YYCASE_(2, YY_("syntax error, unexpected %s, expecting %s")); YYCASE_(3, YY_("syntax error, unexpected %s, expecting %s or %s")); YYCASE_(4, YY_("syntax error, unexpected %s, expecting %s or %s or %s")); YYCASE_(5, YY_("syntax error, unexpected %s, expecting %s or %s or %s or %s")); # undef YYCASE_ } { YYSIZE_T yysize1 = yysize + yystrlen (yyformat); if (! (yysize <= yysize1 && yysize1 <= YYSTACK_ALLOC_MAXIMUM)) return 2; yysize = yysize1; } if (*yymsg_alloc < yysize) { *yymsg_alloc = 2 * yysize; if (! (yysize <= *yymsg_alloc && *yymsg_alloc <= YYSTACK_ALLOC_MAXIMUM)) *yymsg_alloc = YYSTACK_ALLOC_MAXIMUM; return 1; } /* Avoid sprintf, as that infringes on the user's name space. Don't have undefined behavior even if the translation produced a string with the wrong number of "%s"s. */ { char *yyp = *yymsg; int yyi = 0; while ((*yyp = *yyformat) != '\0') if (*yyp == '%' && yyformat[1] == 's' && yyi < yycount) { yyp += yytnamerr (yyp, yyarg[yyi++]); yyformat += 2; } else { yyp++; yyformat++; } } return 0; } #endif /* YYERROR_VERBOSE */ /*-----------------------------------------------. | Release the memory associated to this symbol. | `-----------------------------------------------*/ static void yydestruct (const char *yymsg, int yytype, YYSTYPE *yyvaluep, struct parse_args *arg) { YYUSE (yyvaluep); YYUSE (arg); if (!yymsg) yymsg = "Deleting"; YY_SYMBOL_PRINT (yymsg, yytype, yyvaluep, yylocationp); YY_IGNORE_MAYBE_UNINITIALIZED_BEGIN YYUSE (yytype); YY_IGNORE_MAYBE_UNINITIALIZED_END } /*----------. | yyparse. | `----------*/ int yyparse (struct parse_args *arg) { /* The lookahead symbol. */ int yychar; /* The semantic value of the lookahead symbol. */ /* Default value used for initialization, for pacifying older GCCs or non-GCC compilers. */ YY_INITIAL_VALUE (static YYSTYPE yyval_default;) YYSTYPE yylval YY_INITIAL_VALUE (= yyval_default); /* Number of syntax errors so far. */ int yynerrs; int yystate; /* Number of tokens to shift before error messages enabled. */ int yyerrstatus; /* The stacks and their tools: 'yyss': related to states. 'yyvs': related to semantic values. Refer to the stacks through separate pointers, to allow yyoverflow to reallocate them elsewhere. */ /* The state stack. */ yytype_int16 yyssa[YYINITDEPTH]; yytype_int16 *yyss; yytype_int16 *yyssp; /* The semantic value stack. */ YYSTYPE yyvsa[YYINITDEPTH]; YYSTYPE *yyvs; YYSTYPE *yyvsp; YYSIZE_T yystacksize; int yyn; int yyresult; /* Lookahead token as an internal (translated) token number. */ int yytoken = 0; /* The variables used to return semantic value and location from the action routines. */ YYSTYPE yyval; #if YYERROR_VERBOSE /* Buffer for error messages, and its allocated size. */ char yymsgbuf[128]; char *yymsg = yymsgbuf; YYSIZE_T yymsg_alloc = sizeof yymsgbuf; #endif #define YYPOPSTACK(N) (yyvsp -= (N), yyssp -= (N)) /* The number of symbols on the RHS of the reduced rule. Keep to zero when no symbol should be popped. */ int yylen = 0; yyssp = yyss = yyssa; yyvsp = yyvs = yyvsa; yystacksize = YYINITDEPTH; YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Starting parse\n")); yystate = 0; yyerrstatus = 0; yynerrs = 0; yychar = YYEMPTY; /* Cause a token to be read. */ goto yysetstate; /*------------------------------------------------------------. | yynewstate -- Push a new state, which is found in yystate. | `------------------------------------------------------------*/ yynewstate: /* In all cases, when you get here, the value and location stacks have just been pushed. So pushing a state here evens the stacks. */ yyssp++; yysetstate: *yyssp = yystate; if (yyss + yystacksize - 1 <= yyssp) { /* Get the current used size of the three stacks, in elements. */ YYSIZE_T yysize = yyssp - yyss + 1; #ifdef yyoverflow { /* Give user a chance to reallocate the stack. Use copies of these so that the &'s don't force the real ones into memory. */ YYSTYPE *yyvs1 = yyvs; yytype_int16 *yyss1 = yyss; /* Each stack pointer address is followed by the size of the data in use in that stack, in bytes. This used to be a conditional around just the two extra args, but that might be undefined if yyoverflow is a macro. */ yyoverflow (YY_("memory exhausted"), &yyss1, yysize * sizeof (*yyssp), &yyvs1, yysize * sizeof (*yyvsp), &yystacksize); yyss = yyss1; yyvs = yyvs1; } #else /* no yyoverflow */ # ifndef YYSTACK_RELOCATE goto yyexhaustedlab; # else /* Extend the stack our own way. */ if (YYMAXDEPTH <= yystacksize) goto yyexhaustedlab; yystacksize *= 2; if (YYMAXDEPTH < yystacksize) yystacksize = YYMAXDEPTH; { yytype_int16 *yyss1 = yyss; union yyalloc *yyptr = (union yyalloc *) YYSTACK_ALLOC (YYSTACK_BYTES (yystacksize)); if (! yyptr) goto yyexhaustedlab; YYSTACK_RELOCATE (yyss_alloc, yyss); YYSTACK_RELOCATE (yyvs_alloc, yyvs); # undef YYSTACK_RELOCATE if (yyss1 != yyssa) YYSTACK_FREE (yyss1); } # endif #endif /* no yyoverflow */ yyssp = yyss + yysize - 1; yyvsp = yyvs + yysize - 1; YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Stack size increased to %lu\n", (unsigned long int) yystacksize)); if (yyss + yystacksize - 1 <= yyssp) YYABORT; } YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Entering state %d\n", yystate)); if (yystate == YYFINAL) YYACCEPT; goto yybackup; /*-----------. | yybackup. | `-----------*/ yybackup: /* Do appropriate processing given the current state. Read a lookahead token if we need one and don't already have one. */ /* First try to decide what to do without reference to lookahead token. */ yyn = yypact[yystate]; if (yypact_value_is_default (yyn)) goto yydefault; /* Not known => get a lookahead token if don't already have one. */ /* YYCHAR is either YYEMPTY or YYEOF or a valid lookahead symbol. */ if (yychar == YYEMPTY) { YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Reading a token: ")); yychar = yylex (&yylval, arg); } if (yychar <= YYEOF) { yychar = yytoken = YYEOF; YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Now at end of input.\n")); } else { yytoken = YYTRANSLATE (yychar); YY_SYMBOL_PRINT ("Next token is", yytoken, &yylval, &yylloc); } /* If the proper action on seeing token YYTOKEN is to reduce or to detect an error, take that action. */ yyn += yytoken; if (yyn < 0 || YYLAST < yyn || yycheck[yyn] != yytoken) goto yydefault; yyn = yytable[yyn]; if (yyn <= 0) { if (yytable_value_is_error (yyn)) goto yyerrlab; yyn = -yyn; goto yyreduce; } /* Count tokens shifted since error; after three, turn off error status. */ if (yyerrstatus) yyerrstatus--; /* Shift the lookahead token. */ YY_SYMBOL_PRINT ("Shifting", yytoken, &yylval, &yylloc); /* Discard the shifted token. */ yychar = YYEMPTY; yystate = yyn; YY_IGNORE_MAYBE_UNINITIALIZED_BEGIN *++yyvsp = yylval; YY_IGNORE_MAYBE_UNINITIALIZED_END goto yynewstate; /*-----------------------------------------------------------. | yydefault -- do the default action for the current state. | `-----------------------------------------------------------*/ yydefault: yyn = yydefact[yystate]; if (yyn == 0) goto yyerrlab; goto yyreduce; /*-----------------------------. | yyreduce -- Do a reduction. | `-----------------------------*/ yyreduce: /* yyn is the number of a rule to reduce with. */ yylen = yyr2[yyn]; /* If YYLEN is nonzero, implement the default value of the action: '$$ = $1'. Otherwise, the following line sets YYVAL to garbage. This behavior is undocumented and Bison users should not rely upon it. Assigning to YYVAL unconditionally makes the parser a bit smaller, and it avoids a GCC warning that YYVAL may be used uninitialized. */ yyval = yyvsp[1-yylen]; YY_REDUCE_PRINT (yyn); switch (yyn) { case 2: #line 153 "plural.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ { if ((yyvsp[0].exp) == NULL) YYABORT; arg->res = (yyvsp[0].exp); } #line 1365 "plural.c" /* yacc.c:1646 */ break; case 3: #line 161 "plural.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ { (yyval.exp) = new_exp_3 (qmop, (yyvsp[-4].exp), (yyvsp[-2].exp), (yyvsp[0].exp)); } #line 1373 "plural.c" /* yacc.c:1646 */ break; case 4: #line 165 "plural.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ { (yyval.exp) = new_exp_2 (lor, (yyvsp[-2].exp), (yyvsp[0].exp)); } #line 1381 "plural.c" /* yacc.c:1646 */ break; case 5: #line 169 "plural.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ { (yyval.exp) = new_exp_2 (land, (yyvsp[-2].exp), (yyvsp[0].exp)); } #line 1389 "plural.c" /* yacc.c:1646 */ break; case 6: #line 173 "plural.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ { (yyval.exp) = new_exp_2 ((yyvsp[-1].op), (yyvsp[-2].exp), (yyvsp[0].exp)); } #line 1397 "plural.c" /* yacc.c:1646 */ break; case 7: #line 177 "plural.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ { (yyval.exp) = new_exp_2 ((yyvsp[-1].op), (yyvsp[-2].exp), (yyvsp[0].exp)); } #line 1405 "plural.c" /* yacc.c:1646 */ break; case 8: #line 181 "plural.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ { (yyval.exp) = new_exp_2 ((yyvsp[-1].op), (yyvsp[-2].exp), (yyvsp[0].exp)); } #line 1413 "plural.c" /* yacc.c:1646 */ break; case 9: #line 185 "plural.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ { (yyval.exp) = new_exp_2 ((yyvsp[-1].op), (yyvsp[-2].exp), (yyvsp[0].exp)); } #line 1421 "plural.c" /* yacc.c:1646 */ break; case 10: #line 189 "plural.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ { (yyval.exp) = new_exp_1 (lnot, (yyvsp[0].exp)); } #line 1429 "plural.c" /* yacc.c:1646 */ break; case 11: #line 193 "plural.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ { (yyval.exp) = new_exp_0 (var); } #line 1437 "plural.c" /* yacc.c:1646 */ break; case 12: #line 197 "plural.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ { if (((yyval.exp) = new_exp_0 (num)) != NULL) (yyval.exp)->val.num = (yyvsp[0].num); } #line 1446 "plural.c" /* yacc.c:1646 */ break; case 13: #line 202 "plural.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ { (yyval.exp) = (yyvsp[-1].exp); } #line 1454 "plural.c" /* yacc.c:1646 */ break; #line 1458 "plural.c" /* yacc.c:1646 */ default: break; } /* User semantic actions sometimes alter yychar, and that requires that yytoken be updated with the new translation. We take the approach of translating immediately before every use of yytoken. One alternative is translating here after every semantic action, but that translation would be missed if the semantic action invokes YYABORT, YYACCEPT, or YYERROR immediately after altering yychar or if it invokes YYBACKUP. In the case of YYABORT or YYACCEPT, an incorrect destructor might then be invoked immediately. In the case of YYERROR or YYBACKUP, subsequent parser actions might lead to an incorrect destructor call or verbose syntax error message before the lookahead is translated. */ YY_SYMBOL_PRINT ("-> $$ =", yyr1[yyn], &yyval, &yyloc); YYPOPSTACK (yylen); yylen = 0; YY_STACK_PRINT (yyss, yyssp); *++yyvsp = yyval; /* Now 'shift' the result of the reduction. Determine what state that goes to, based on the state we popped back to and the rule number reduced by. */ yyn = yyr1[yyn]; yystate = yypgoto[yyn - YYNTOKENS] + *yyssp; if (0 <= yystate && yystate <= YYLAST && yycheck[yystate] == *yyssp) yystate = yytable[yystate]; else yystate = yydefgoto[yyn - YYNTOKENS]; goto yynewstate; /*--------------------------------------. | yyerrlab -- here on detecting error. | `--------------------------------------*/ yyerrlab: /* Make sure we have latest lookahead translation. See comments at user semantic actions for why this is necessary. */ yytoken = yychar == YYEMPTY ? YYEMPTY : YYTRANSLATE (yychar); /* If not already recovering from an error, report this error. */ if (!yyerrstatus) { ++yynerrs; #if ! YYERROR_VERBOSE yyerror (arg, YY_("syntax error")); #else # define YYSYNTAX_ERROR yysyntax_error (&yymsg_alloc, &yymsg, \ yyssp, yytoken) { char const *yymsgp = YY_("syntax error"); int yysyntax_error_status; yysyntax_error_status = YYSYNTAX_ERROR; if (yysyntax_error_status == 0) yymsgp = yymsg; else if (yysyntax_error_status == 1) { if (yymsg != yymsgbuf) YYSTACK_FREE (yymsg); yymsg = (char *) YYSTACK_ALLOC (yymsg_alloc); if (!yymsg) { yymsg = yymsgbuf; yymsg_alloc = sizeof yymsgbuf; yysyntax_error_status = 2; } else { yysyntax_error_status = YYSYNTAX_ERROR; yymsgp = yymsg; } } yyerror (arg, yymsgp); if (yysyntax_error_status == 2) goto yyexhaustedlab; } # undef YYSYNTAX_ERROR #endif } if (yyerrstatus == 3) { /* If just tried and failed to reuse lookahead token after an error, discard it. */ if (yychar <= YYEOF) { /* Return failure if at end of input. */ if (yychar == YYEOF) YYABORT; } else { yydestruct ("Error: discarding", yytoken, &yylval, arg); yychar = YYEMPTY; } } /* Else will try to reuse lookahead token after shifting the error token. */ goto yyerrlab1; /*---------------------------------------------------. | yyerrorlab -- error raised explicitly by YYERROR. | `---------------------------------------------------*/ yyerrorlab: /* Pacify compilers like GCC when the user code never invokes YYERROR and the label yyerrorlab therefore never appears in user code. */ if (/*CONSTCOND*/ 0) goto yyerrorlab; /* Do not reclaim the symbols of the rule whose action triggered this YYERROR. */ YYPOPSTACK (yylen); yylen = 0; YY_STACK_PRINT (yyss, yyssp); yystate = *yyssp; goto yyerrlab1; /*-------------------------------------------------------------. | yyerrlab1 -- common code for both syntax error and YYERROR. | `-------------------------------------------------------------*/ yyerrlab1: yyerrstatus = 3; /* Each real token shifted decrements this. */ for (;;) { yyn = yypact[yystate]; if (!yypact_value_is_default (yyn)) { yyn += YYTERROR; if (0 <= yyn && yyn <= YYLAST && yycheck[yyn] == YYTERROR) { yyn = yytable[yyn]; if (0 < yyn) break; } } /* Pop the current state because it cannot handle the error token. */ if (yyssp == yyss) YYABORT; yydestruct ("Error: popping", yystos[yystate], yyvsp, arg); YYPOPSTACK (1); yystate = *yyssp; YY_STACK_PRINT (yyss, yyssp); } YY_IGNORE_MAYBE_UNINITIALIZED_BEGIN *++yyvsp = yylval; YY_IGNORE_MAYBE_UNINITIALIZED_END /* Shift the error token. */ YY_SYMBOL_PRINT ("Shifting", yystos[yyn], yyvsp, yylsp); yystate = yyn; goto yynewstate; /*-------------------------------------. | yyacceptlab -- YYACCEPT comes here. | `-------------------------------------*/ yyacceptlab: yyresult = 0; goto yyreturn; /*-----------------------------------. | yyabortlab -- YYABORT comes here. | `-----------------------------------*/ yyabortlab: yyresult = 1; goto yyreturn; #if !defined yyoverflow || YYERROR_VERBOSE /*-------------------------------------------------. | yyexhaustedlab -- memory exhaustion comes here. | `-------------------------------------------------*/ yyexhaustedlab: yyerror (arg, YY_("memory exhausted")); yyresult = 2; /* Fall through. */ #endif yyreturn: if (yychar != YYEMPTY) { /* Make sure we have latest lookahead translation. See comments at user semantic actions for why this is necessary. */ yytoken = YYTRANSLATE (yychar); yydestruct ("Cleanup: discarding lookahead", yytoken, &yylval, arg); } /* Do not reclaim the symbols of the rule whose action triggered this YYABORT or YYACCEPT. */ YYPOPSTACK (yylen); YY_STACK_PRINT (yyss, yyssp); while (yyssp != yyss) { yydestruct ("Cleanup: popping", yystos[*yyssp], yyvsp, arg); YYPOPSTACK (1); } #ifndef yyoverflow if (yyss != yyssa) YYSTACK_FREE (yyss); #endif #if YYERROR_VERBOSE if (yymsg != yymsgbuf) YYSTACK_FREE (yymsg); #endif return yyresult; } #line 207 "plural.y" /* yacc.c:1906 */ void internal_function FREE_EXPRESSION (struct expression *exp) { if (exp == NULL) return; /* Handle the recursive case. */ switch (exp->nargs) { case 3: FREE_EXPRESSION (exp->val.args[2]); /* FALLTHROUGH */ case 2: FREE_EXPRESSION (exp->val.args[1]); /* FALLTHROUGH */ case 1: FREE_EXPRESSION (exp->val.args[0]); /* FALLTHROUGH */ default: break; } free (exp); } static int yylex (YYSTYPE *lval, struct parse_args *arg) { const char *exp = arg->cp; int result; while (1) { if (exp[0] == '\0') { arg->cp = exp; return YYEOF; } if (exp[0] != ' ' && exp[0] != '\t') break; ++exp; } result = *exp++; switch (result) { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': { unsigned long int n = result - '0'; while (exp[0] >= '0' && exp[0] <= '9') { n *= 10; n += exp[0] - '0'; ++exp; } lval->num = n; result = NUMBER; } break; case '=': if (exp[0] == '=') { ++exp; lval->op = equal; result = EQUOP2; } else result = YYERRCODE; break; case '!': if (exp[0] == '=') { ++exp; lval->op = not_equal; result = EQUOP2; } break; case '&': case '|': if (exp[0] == result) ++exp; else result = YYERRCODE; break; case '<': if (exp[0] == '=') { ++exp; lval->op = less_or_equal; } else lval->op = less_than; result = CMPOP2; break; case '>': if (exp[0] == '=') { ++exp; lval->op = greater_or_equal; } else lval->op = greater_than; result = CMPOP2; break; case '*': lval->op = mult; result = MULOP2; break; case '/': lval->op = divide; result = MULOP2; break; case '%': lval->op = module; result = MULOP2; break; case '+': lval->op = plus; result = ADDOP2; break; case '-': lval->op = minus; result = ADDOP2; break; case 'n': case '?': case ':': case '(': case ')': /* Nothing, just return the character. */ break; case ';': case '\n': case '\0': /* Be safe and let the user call this function again. */ --exp; result = YYEOF; break; default: result = YYERRCODE; #if YYDEBUG != 0 --exp; #endif break; } arg->cp = exp; return result; } static void yyerror (struct parse_args *arg, const char *str) { /* Do nothing. We don't print error messages here. */ } intl/l10nflist.c000064400000025224147633151230007504 0ustar00/* Copyright (C) 1995-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Contributed by Ulrich Drepper , 1995. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /* Tell glibc's to provide a prototype for stpcpy(). This must come before because may include , and once has been included, it's too late. */ #ifndef _GNU_SOURCE # define _GNU_SOURCE 1 #endif #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #if defined _LIBC || defined HAVE_ARGZ_H # include #endif #include #include #include #include "loadinfo.h" /* On some strange systems still no definition of NULL is found. Sigh! */ #ifndef NULL # if defined __STDC__ && __STDC__ # define NULL ((void *) 0) # else # define NULL 0 # endif #endif /* @@ end of prolog @@ */ #ifdef _LIBC /* Rename the non ANSI C functions. This is required by the standard because some ANSI C functions will require linking with this object file and the name space must not be polluted. */ # ifndef stpcpy # define stpcpy(dest, src) __stpcpy(dest, src) # endif #else # ifndef HAVE_STPCPY static char *stpcpy (char *dest, const char *src); # endif #endif /* Pathname support. ISSLASH(C) tests whether C is a directory separator character. IS_ABSOLUTE_PATH(P) tests whether P is an absolute path. If it is not, it may be concatenated to a directory pathname. */ #if defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__ || defined __CYGWIN__ || defined __EMX__ || defined __DJGPP__ /* Win32, Cygwin, OS/2, DOS */ # define ISSLASH(C) ((C) == '/' || (C) == '\\') # define HAS_DEVICE(P) \ ((((P)[0] >= 'A' && (P)[0] <= 'Z') || ((P)[0] >= 'a' && (P)[0] <= 'z')) \ && (P)[1] == ':') # define IS_ABSOLUTE_PATH(P) (ISSLASH ((P)[0]) || HAS_DEVICE (P)) #else /* Unix */ # define ISSLASH(C) ((C) == '/') # define IS_ABSOLUTE_PATH(P) ISSLASH ((P)[0]) #endif /* Define function which are usually not available. */ #if defined HAVE_ARGZ_COUNT # undef __argz_count # define __argz_count argz_count #else /* Returns the number of strings in ARGZ. */ static size_t argz_count__ (const char *argz, size_t len) { size_t count = 0; while (len > 0) { size_t part_len = strlen (argz); argz += part_len + 1; len -= part_len + 1; count++; } return count; } # undef __argz_count # define __argz_count(argz, len) argz_count__ (argz, len) #endif /* !_LIBC && !HAVE_ARGZ_COUNT */ #if defined HAVE_ARGZ_STRINGIFY # undef __argz_stringify # define __argz_stringify argz_stringify #else /* Make '\0' separated arg vector ARGZ printable by converting all the '\0's except the last into the character SEP. */ static void argz_stringify__ (char *argz, size_t len, int sep) { while (len > 0) { size_t part_len = strlen (argz); argz += part_len; len -= part_len + 1; if (len > 0) *argz++ = sep; } } # undef __argz_stringify # define __argz_stringify(argz, len, sep) argz_stringify__ (argz, len, sep) #endif /* !_LIBC && !HAVE_ARGZ_STRINGIFY */ #ifdef _LIBC #elif defined HAVE_ARGZ_NEXT # undef __argz_next # define __argz_next argz_next #else static char * argz_next__ (char *argz, size_t argz_len, const char *entry) { if (entry) { if (entry < argz + argz_len) entry = strchr (entry, '\0') + 1; return entry >= argz + argz_len ? NULL : (char *) entry; } else if (argz_len > 0) return argz; else return 0; } # undef __argz_next # define __argz_next(argz, len, entry) argz_next__ (argz, len, entry) #endif /* !_LIBC && !HAVE_ARGZ_NEXT */ /* Return number of bits set in X. */ #ifndef ARCH_POP static inline int pop (int x) { /* We assume that no more than 16 bits are used. */ x = ((x & ~0x5555) >> 1) + (x & 0x5555); x = ((x & ~0x3333) >> 2) + (x & 0x3333); x = ((x >> 4) + x) & 0x0f0f; x = ((x >> 8) + x) & 0xff; return x; } #endif struct loaded_l10nfile * _nl_make_l10nflist (struct loaded_l10nfile **l10nfile_list, const char *dirlist, size_t dirlist_len, int mask, const char *language, const char *territory, const char *codeset, const char *normalized_codeset, const char *modifier, const char *filename, int do_allocate) { char *abs_filename; struct loaded_l10nfile **lastp; struct loaded_l10nfile *retval; char *cp; size_t dirlist_count; size_t entries; int cnt; /* If LANGUAGE contains an absolute directory specification, we ignore DIRLIST. */ if (IS_ABSOLUTE_PATH (language)) dirlist_len = 0; /* Allocate room for the full file name. */ abs_filename = (char *) malloc (dirlist_len + strlen (language) + ((mask & XPG_TERRITORY) != 0 ? strlen (territory) + 1 : 0) + ((mask & XPG_CODESET) != 0 ? strlen (codeset) + 1 : 0) + ((mask & XPG_NORM_CODESET) != 0 ? strlen (normalized_codeset) + 1 : 0) + ((mask & XPG_MODIFIER) != 0 ? strlen (modifier) + 1 : 0) + 1 + strlen (filename) + 1); if (abs_filename == NULL) return NULL; /* Construct file name. */ cp = abs_filename; if (dirlist_len > 0) { memcpy (cp, dirlist, dirlist_len); __argz_stringify (cp, dirlist_len, PATH_SEPARATOR); cp += dirlist_len; cp[-1] = '/'; } cp = stpcpy (cp, language); if ((mask & XPG_TERRITORY) != 0) { *cp++ = '_'; cp = stpcpy (cp, territory); } if ((mask & XPG_CODESET) != 0) { *cp++ = '.'; cp = stpcpy (cp, codeset); } if ((mask & XPG_NORM_CODESET) != 0) { *cp++ = '.'; cp = stpcpy (cp, normalized_codeset); } if ((mask & XPG_MODIFIER) != 0) { *cp++ = '@'; cp = stpcpy (cp, modifier); } *cp++ = '/'; stpcpy (cp, filename); /* Look in list of already loaded domains whether it is already available. */ lastp = l10nfile_list; for (retval = *l10nfile_list; retval != NULL; retval = retval->next) if (retval->filename != NULL) { int compare = strcmp (retval->filename, abs_filename); if (compare == 0) /* We found it! */ break; if (compare < 0) { /* It's not in the list. */ retval = NULL; break; } lastp = &retval->next; } if (retval != NULL || do_allocate == 0) { free (abs_filename); return retval; } dirlist_count = (dirlist_len > 0 ? __argz_count (dirlist, dirlist_len) : 1); /* Allocate a new loaded_l10nfile. */ retval = (struct loaded_l10nfile *) malloc (sizeof (*retval) + (((dirlist_count << pop (mask)) + (dirlist_count > 1 ? 1 : 0)) * sizeof (struct loaded_l10nfile *))); if (retval == NULL) { free (abs_filename); return NULL; } retval->filename = abs_filename; /* We set retval->data to NULL here; it is filled in later. Setting retval->decided to 1 here means that retval does not correspond to a real file (dirlist_count > 1) or is not worth looking up (if an unnormalized codeset was specified). */ retval->decided = (dirlist_count > 1 || ((mask & XPG_CODESET) != 0 && (mask & XPG_NORM_CODESET) != 0)); retval->data = NULL; retval->next = *lastp; *lastp = retval; entries = 0; /* Recurse to fill the inheritance list of RETVAL. If the DIRLIST is a real list (i.e. DIRLIST_COUNT > 1), the RETVAL entry does not correspond to a real file; retval->filename contains colons. In this case we loop across all elements of DIRLIST and across all bit patterns dominated by MASK. If the DIRLIST is a single directory or entirely redundant (i.e. DIRLIST_COUNT == 1), we loop across all bit patterns dominated by MASK, excluding MASK itself. In either case, we loop down from MASK to 0. This has the effect that the extra bits in the locale name are dropped in this order: first the modifier, then the territory, then the codeset, then the normalized_codeset. */ for (cnt = dirlist_count > 1 ? mask : mask - 1; cnt >= 0; --cnt) if ((cnt & ~mask) == 0 && !((cnt & XPG_CODESET) != 0 && (cnt & XPG_NORM_CODESET) != 0)) { if (dirlist_count > 1) { /* Iterate over all elements of the DIRLIST. */ char *dir = NULL; while ((dir = __argz_next ((char *) dirlist, dirlist_len, dir)) != NULL) retval->successor[entries++] = _nl_make_l10nflist (l10nfile_list, dir, strlen (dir) + 1, cnt, language, territory, codeset, normalized_codeset, modifier, filename, 1); } else retval->successor[entries++] = _nl_make_l10nflist (l10nfile_list, dirlist, dirlist_len, cnt, language, territory, codeset, normalized_codeset, modifier, filename, 1); } retval->successor[entries] = NULL; return retval; } /* Normalize codeset name. There is no standard for the codeset names. Normalization allows the user to use any of the common names. The return value is dynamically allocated and has to be freed by the caller. */ const char * _nl_normalize_codeset (const char *codeset, size_t name_len) { size_t len = 0; int only_digit = 1; char *retval; char *wp; size_t cnt; for (cnt = 0; cnt < name_len; ++cnt) if (isalnum ((unsigned char) codeset[cnt])) { ++len; if (isalpha ((unsigned char) codeset[cnt])) only_digit = 0; } retval = (char *) malloc ((only_digit ? 3 : 0) + len + 1); if (retval != NULL) { if (only_digit) wp = stpcpy (retval, "iso"); else wp = retval; for (cnt = 0; cnt < name_len; ++cnt) if (isalpha ((unsigned char) codeset[cnt])) *wp++ = tolower ((unsigned char) codeset[cnt]); else if (isdigit ((unsigned char) codeset[cnt])) *wp++ = codeset[cnt]; *wp = '\0'; } return (const char *) retval; } /* @@ begin of epilog @@ */ /* We don't want libintl.a to depend on any other library. So we avoid the non-standard function stpcpy. In GNU C Library this function is available, though. Also allow the symbol HAVE_STPCPY to be defined. */ #if !_LIBC && !HAVE_STPCPY static char * stpcpy (char *dest, const char *src) { while ((*dest++ = *src++) != '\0') /* Do nothing. */ ; return dest - 1; } #endif intl/vasnprintf.h000064400000005367147633151230010075 0ustar00/* vsprintf with automatic memory allocation. Copyright (C) 2002-2004, 2012, 2015-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef _VASNPRINTF_H #define _VASNPRINTF_H /* Get va_list. */ #include /* Get size_t. */ #include #ifndef __attribute__ /* This feature is available in gcc versions 2.5 and later. */ # if __GNUC__ < 2 || (__GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ < 5) || __STRICT_ANSI__ # define __attribute__(Spec) /* empty */ # endif /* The __-protected variants of 'format' and 'printf' attributes are accepted by gcc versions 2.6.4 (effectively 2.7) and later. */ # if __GNUC__ < 2 || (__GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ < 7) # define __format__ format # define __printf__ printf # endif #endif #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* Write formatted output to a string dynamically allocated with malloc(). You can pass a preallocated buffer for the result in RESULTBUF and its size in *LENGTHP; otherwise you pass RESULTBUF = NULL. If successful, return the address of the string (this may be = RESULTBUF if no dynamic memory allocation was necessary) and set *LENGTHP to the number of resulting bytes, excluding the trailing NUL. Upon error, set errno and return NULL. When dynamic memory allocation occurs, the preallocated buffer is left alone (with possibly modified contents). This makes it possible to use a statically allocated or stack-allocated buffer, like this: char buf[100]; size_t len = sizeof (buf); char *output = vasnprintf (buf, &len, format, args); if (output == NULL) ... error handling ...; else { ... use the output string ...; if (output != buf) free (output); } */ extern char * asnprintf (char *resultbuf, size_t *lengthp, const char *format, ...) __attribute__ ((__format__ (__printf__, 3, 4))); extern char * vasnprintf (char *resultbuf, size_t *lengthp, const char *format, va_list args) __attribute__ ((__format__ (__printf__, 3, 0))); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* _VASNPRINTF_H */ intl/bindtextdom.c000064400000022521147633151230010206 0ustar00/* Implementation of the bindtextdomain(3) function Copyright (C) 1995-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #include #include #include "gettextP.h" #ifdef _LIBC # include #else # include "libgnuintl.h" #endif /* Handle multi-threaded applications. */ #ifdef _LIBC # include # define gl_rwlock_define __libc_rwlock_define # define gl_rwlock_wrlock __libc_rwlock_wrlock # define gl_rwlock_unlock __libc_rwlock_unlock #else # include "lock.h" #endif /* Some compilers, like SunOS4 cc, don't have offsetof in . */ #ifndef offsetof # define offsetof(type,ident) ((size_t)&(((type*)0)->ident)) #endif /* @@ end of prolog @@ */ /* Lock variable to protect the global data in the gettext implementation. */ gl_rwlock_define (extern, _nl_state_lock attribute_hidden) /* Names for the libintl functions are a problem. They must not clash with existing names and they should follow ANSI C. But this source code is also used in GNU C Library where the names have a __ prefix. So we have to make a difference here. */ #ifdef _LIBC # define BINDTEXTDOMAIN __bindtextdomain # define BIND_TEXTDOMAIN_CODESET __bind_textdomain_codeset # ifndef strdup # define strdup(str) __strdup (str) # endif #else # define BINDTEXTDOMAIN libintl_bindtextdomain # define BIND_TEXTDOMAIN_CODESET libintl_bind_textdomain_codeset #endif /* Specifies the directory name *DIRNAMEP and the output codeset *CODESETP to be used for the DOMAINNAME message catalog. If *DIRNAMEP or *CODESETP is NULL, the corresponding attribute is not modified, only the current value is returned. If DIRNAMEP or CODESETP is NULL, the corresponding attribute is neither modified nor returned. */ static void set_binding_values (const char *domainname, const char **dirnamep, const char **codesetp) { struct binding *binding; int modified; /* Some sanity checks. */ if (domainname == NULL || domainname[0] == '\0') { if (dirnamep) *dirnamep = NULL; if (codesetp) *codesetp = NULL; return; } gl_rwlock_wrlock (_nl_state_lock); modified = 0; for (binding = _nl_domain_bindings; binding != NULL; binding = binding->next) { int compare = strcmp (domainname, binding->domainname); if (compare == 0) /* We found it! */ break; if (compare < 0) { /* It is not in the list. */ binding = NULL; break; } } if (binding != NULL) { if (dirnamep) { const char *dirname = *dirnamep; if (dirname == NULL) /* The current binding has be to returned. */ *dirnamep = binding->dirname; else { /* The domain is already bound. If the new value and the old one are equal we simply do nothing. Otherwise replace the old binding. */ char *result = binding->dirname; if (strcmp (dirname, result) != 0) { if (strcmp (dirname, _nl_default_dirname) == 0) result = (char *) _nl_default_dirname; else { #if defined _LIBC || defined HAVE_STRDUP result = strdup (dirname); #else size_t len = strlen (dirname) + 1; result = (char *) malloc (len); if (__builtin_expect (result != NULL, 1)) memcpy (result, dirname, len); #endif } if (__builtin_expect (result != NULL, 1)) { if (binding->dirname != _nl_default_dirname) free (binding->dirname); binding->dirname = result; modified = 1; } } *dirnamep = result; } } if (codesetp) { const char *codeset = *codesetp; if (codeset == NULL) /* The current binding has be to returned. */ *codesetp = binding->codeset; else { /* The domain is already bound. If the new value and the old one are equal we simply do nothing. Otherwise replace the old binding. */ char *result = binding->codeset; if (result == NULL || strcmp (codeset, result) != 0) { #if defined _LIBC || defined HAVE_STRDUP result = strdup (codeset); #else size_t len = strlen (codeset) + 1; result = (char *) malloc (len); if (__builtin_expect (result != NULL, 1)) memcpy (result, codeset, len); #endif if (__builtin_expect (result != NULL, 1)) { free (binding->codeset); binding->codeset = result; modified = 1; } } *codesetp = result; } } } else if ((dirnamep == NULL || *dirnamep == NULL) && (codesetp == NULL || *codesetp == NULL)) { /* Simply return the default values. */ if (dirnamep) *dirnamep = _nl_default_dirname; if (codesetp) *codesetp = NULL; } else { /* We have to create a new binding. */ size_t len = strlen (domainname) + 1; struct binding *new_binding = (struct binding *) malloc (offsetof (struct binding, domainname) + len); if (__builtin_expect (new_binding == NULL, 0)) goto failed; memcpy (new_binding->domainname, domainname, len); if (dirnamep) { const char *dirname = *dirnamep; if (dirname == NULL) /* The default value. */ dirname = _nl_default_dirname; else { if (strcmp (dirname, _nl_default_dirname) == 0) dirname = _nl_default_dirname; else { char *result; #if defined _LIBC || defined HAVE_STRDUP result = strdup (dirname); if (__builtin_expect (result == NULL, 0)) goto failed_dirname; #else size_t len = strlen (dirname) + 1; result = (char *) malloc (len); if (__builtin_expect (result == NULL, 0)) goto failed_dirname; memcpy (result, dirname, len); #endif dirname = result; } } *dirnamep = dirname; new_binding->dirname = (char *) dirname; } else /* The default value. */ new_binding->dirname = (char *) _nl_default_dirname; if (codesetp) { const char *codeset = *codesetp; if (codeset != NULL) { char *result; #if defined _LIBC || defined HAVE_STRDUP result = strdup (codeset); if (__builtin_expect (result == NULL, 0)) goto failed_codeset; #else size_t len = strlen (codeset) + 1; result = (char *) malloc (len); if (__builtin_expect (result == NULL, 0)) goto failed_codeset; memcpy (result, codeset, len); #endif codeset = result; } *codesetp = codeset; new_binding->codeset = (char *) codeset; } else new_binding->codeset = NULL; /* Now enqueue it. */ if (_nl_domain_bindings == NULL || strcmp (domainname, _nl_domain_bindings->domainname) < 0) { new_binding->next = _nl_domain_bindings; _nl_domain_bindings = new_binding; } else { binding = _nl_domain_bindings; while (binding->next != NULL && strcmp (domainname, binding->next->domainname) > 0) binding = binding->next; new_binding->next = binding->next; binding->next = new_binding; } modified = 1; /* Here we deal with memory allocation failures. */ if (0) { failed_codeset: if (new_binding->dirname != _nl_default_dirname) free (new_binding->dirname); failed_dirname: free (new_binding); failed: if (dirnamep) *dirnamep = NULL; if (codesetp) *codesetp = NULL; } } /* If we modified any binding, we flush the caches. */ if (modified) ++_nl_msg_cat_cntr; gl_rwlock_unlock (_nl_state_lock); } /* Specify that the DOMAINNAME message catalog will be found in DIRNAME rather than in the system locale data base. */ char * BINDTEXTDOMAIN (const char *domainname, const char *dirname) { #ifdef __EMX__ const char *saved_dirname = dirname; char dirname_with_drive[_MAX_PATH]; /* Resolve UNIXROOT into dirname if it is not resolved by os2compat.[ch]. */ if (dirname && (dirname[0] == '/' || dirname[0] == '\\' )) { const char *unixroot = getenv ("UNIXROOT"); size_t len = strlen (dirname) + 1; if (unixroot && unixroot[0] != '\0' && unixroot[1] == ':' && unixroot[2] == '\0' && 2 + len <= _MAX_PATH) { memcpy (dirname_with_drive, unixroot, 2); memcpy (dirname_with_drive + 2, dirname, len); dirname = dirname_with_drive; } } #endif set_binding_values (domainname, &dirname, NULL); #ifdef __EMX__ dirname = saved_dirname; #endif return (char *) dirname; } /* Specify the character encoding in which the messages from the DOMAINNAME message catalog will be returned. */ char * BIND_TEXTDOMAIN_CODESET (const char *domainname, const char *codeset) { set_binding_values (domainname, NULL, &codeset); return (char *) codeset; } #ifdef _LIBC /* Aliases for function names in GNU C Library. */ weak_alias (__bindtextdomain, bindtextdomain); weak_alias (__bind_textdomain_codeset, bind_textdomain_codeset); #endif intl/xsize.c000064400000000116147633151230007023 0ustar00#include #define XSIZE_INLINE _GL_EXTERN_INLINE #include "xsize.h" intl/loadinfo.h000064400000011770147633151230007471 0ustar00/* Copyright (C) 1996-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of the GNU C Library. Contributed by Ulrich Drepper , 1996. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef _LOADINFO_H #define _LOADINFO_H 1 /* Declarations of locale dependent catalog lookup functions. Implemented in localealias.c Possibly replace a locale name by another. explodename.c Split a locale name into its various fields. l10nflist.c Generate a list of filenames of possible message catalogs. finddomain.c Find and open the relevant message catalogs. The main function _nl_find_domain() in finddomain.c is declared in gettextP.h. */ #ifndef internal_function # define internal_function #endif #ifndef LIBINTL_DLL_EXPORTED # define LIBINTL_DLL_EXPORTED #endif /* Tell the compiler when a conditional or integer expression is almost always true or almost always false. */ #ifndef HAVE_BUILTIN_EXPECT # define __builtin_expect(expr, val) (expr) #endif /* Separator in PATH like lists of pathnames. */ #if ((defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__) && !defined __CYGWIN__) || defined __EMX__ || defined __DJGPP__ /* Win32, OS/2, DOS */ # define PATH_SEPARATOR ';' #else /* Unix */ # define PATH_SEPARATOR ':' #endif /* Encoding of locale name parts. */ #define XPG_NORM_CODESET 1 #define XPG_CODESET 2 #define XPG_TERRITORY 4 #define XPG_MODIFIER 8 struct loaded_l10nfile { const char *filename; int decided; const void *data; struct loaded_l10nfile *next; struct loaded_l10nfile *successor[1]; }; /* Normalize codeset name. There is no standard for the codeset names. Normalization allows the user to use any of the common names. The return value is dynamically allocated and has to be freed by the caller. */ extern const char *_nl_normalize_codeset (const char *codeset, size_t name_len); /* Lookup a locale dependent file. *L10NFILE_LIST denotes a pool of lookup results of locale dependent files of the same kind, sorted in decreasing order of ->filename. DIRLIST and DIRLIST_LEN are an argz list of directories in which to look, containing at least one directory (i.e. DIRLIST_LEN > 0). MASK, LANGUAGE, TERRITORY, CODESET, NORMALIZED_CODESET, MODIFIER are the pieces of the locale name, as produced by _nl_explode_name(). FILENAME is the filename suffix. The return value is the lookup result, either found in *L10NFILE_LIST, or - if DO_ALLOCATE is nonzero - freshly allocated, or possibly NULL. If the return value is non-NULL, it is added to *L10NFILE_LIST, and its ->next field denotes the chaining inside *L10NFILE_LIST, and furthermore its ->successor[] field contains a list of other lookup results from which this lookup result inherits. */ extern struct loaded_l10nfile * _nl_make_l10nflist (struct loaded_l10nfile **l10nfile_list, const char *dirlist, size_t dirlist_len, int mask, const char *language, const char *territory, const char *codeset, const char *normalized_codeset, const char *modifier, const char *filename, int do_allocate); /* Lookup the real locale name for a locale alias NAME, or NULL if NAME is not a locale alias (but possibly a real locale name). The return value is statically allocated and must not be freed. */ /* Part of the libintl ABI only for the sake of the gettext.m4 macro. */ extern LIBINTL_DLL_EXPORTED const char *_nl_expand_alias (const char *name); /* Split a locale name NAME into its pieces: language, modifier, territory, codeset. NAME gets destructively modified: NUL bytes are inserted here and there. *LANGUAGE gets assigned NAME. Each of *MODIFIER, *TERRITORY, *CODESET gets assigned either a pointer into the old NAME string, or NULL. *NORMALIZED_CODESET gets assigned the expanded *CODESET, if it is different from *CODESET; this one is dynamically allocated and has to be freed by the caller. The return value is a bitmask, where each bit corresponds to one filled-in value: XPG_MODIFIER for *MODIFIER, XPG_TERRITORY for *TERRITORY, XPG_CODESET for *CODESET, XPG_NORM_CODESET for *NORMALIZED_CODESET. */ extern int _nl_explode_name (char *name, const char **language, const char **modifier, const char **territory, const char **codeset, const char **normalized_codeset); #endif /* loadinfo.h */ intl/setlocale.c000064400000100532147633151230007637 0ustar00/* setlocale() function that respects the locale chosen by the user. Copyright (C) 2009, 2015-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Written by Bruno Haible , 2009. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif /* Override setlocale() and newlocale() so that when the default locale is requested (locale = "") and no relevant environment variable is set, the locale chosen by the user is used. This matters on MacOS X 10 and Windows. See the comments in localename.c, function gl_locale_name_default. */ #include #include #include /* When building a DLL, we must export some functions. Note that because the functions are only defined for binary backward compatibility, we don't need to use __declspec(dllimport) in any case. */ #if HAVE_VISIBILITY && BUILDING_DLL # define DLL_EXPORTED __attribute__((__visibility__("default"))) #elif defined _MSC_VER && BUILDING_DLL # define DLL_EXPORTED __declspec(dllexport) #else # define DLL_EXPORTED #endif #include "gettextP.h" #if (defined __APPLE__ && defined __MACH__) || defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__ || defined __CYGWIN__ # undef setlocale # undef newlocale /* Return string representation of locale category CATEGORY. */ static const char * category_to_name (int category) { const char *retval; switch (category) { case LC_COLLATE: retval = "LC_COLLATE"; break; case LC_CTYPE: retval = "LC_CTYPE"; break; case LC_MONETARY: retval = "LC_MONETARY"; break; case LC_NUMERIC: retval = "LC_NUMERIC"; break; case LC_TIME: retval = "LC_TIME"; break; case LC_MESSAGES: retval = "LC_MESSAGES"; break; default: /* If you have a better idea for a default value let me know. */ retval = "LC_XXX"; } return retval; } # if (defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__) && ! defined __CYGWIN__ /* The native Win32 setlocale() function expects locale names of the form "German" or "German_Germany" or "DEU", but not "de" or "de_DE". We need to convert the names from the form with ISO 639 language code and ISO 3166 country code to the form with English names or with three-letter identifier. The three-letter identifiers known by a Windows XP SP2 or SP3 are: AFK Afrikaans_South Africa.1252 ARA Arabic_Saudi Arabia.1256 ARB Arabic_Lebanon.1256 ARE Arabic_Egypt.1256 ARG Arabic_Algeria.1256 ARH Arabic_Bahrain.1256 ARI Arabic_Iraq.1256 ARJ Arabic_Jordan.1256 ARK Arabic_Kuwait.1256 ARL Arabic_Libya.1256 ARM Arabic_Morocco.1256 ARO Arabic_Oman.1256 ARQ Arabic_Qatar.1256 ARS Arabic_Syria.1256 ART Arabic_Tunisia.1256 ARU Arabic_U.A.E..1256 ARY Arabic_Yemen.1256 AZE Azeri (Latin)_Azerbaijan.1254 BEL Belarusian_Belarus.1251 BGR Bulgarian_Bulgaria.1251 BSB Bosnian_Bosnia and Herzegovina.1250 BSC Bosnian (Cyrillic)_Bosnia and Herzegovina.1250 (wrong encoding!) CAT Catalan_Spain.1252 CHH Chinese_Hong Kong S.A.R..950 CHI Chinese_Singapore.936 CHS Chinese_People's Republic of China.936 CHT Chinese_Taiwan.950 CSY Czech_Czech Republic.1250 CYM Welsh_United Kingdom.1252 DAN Danish_Denmark.1252 DEA German_Austria.1252 DEC German_Liechtenstein.1252 DEL German_Luxembourg.1252 DES German_Switzerland.1252 DEU German_Germany.1252 ELL Greek_Greece.1253 ENA English_Australia.1252 ENB English_Caribbean.1252 ENC English_Canada.1252 ENG English_United Kingdom.1252 ENI English_Ireland.1252 ENJ English_Jamaica.1252 ENL English_Belize.1252 ENP English_Republic of the Philippines.1252 ENS English_South Africa.1252 ENT English_Trinidad and Tobago.1252 ENU English_United States.1252 ENW English_Zimbabwe.1252 ENZ English_New Zealand.1252 ESA Spanish_Panama.1252 ESB Spanish_Bolivia.1252 ESC Spanish_Costa Rica.1252 ESD Spanish_Dominican Republic.1252 ESE Spanish_El Salvador.1252 ESF Spanish_Ecuador.1252 ESG Spanish_Guatemala.1252 ESH Spanish_Honduras.1252 ESI Spanish_Nicaragua.1252 ESL Spanish_Chile.1252 ESM Spanish_Mexico.1252 ESN Spanish_Spain.1252 ESO Spanish_Colombia.1252 ESP Spanish_Spain.1252 ESR Spanish_Peru.1252 ESS Spanish_Argentina.1252 ESU Spanish_Puerto Rico.1252 ESV Spanish_Venezuela.1252 ESY Spanish_Uruguay.1252 ESZ Spanish_Paraguay.1252 ETI Estonian_Estonia.1257 EUQ Basque_Spain.1252 FAR Farsi_Iran.1256 FIN Finnish_Finland.1252 FOS Faroese_Faroe Islands.1252 FPO Filipino_Philippines.1252 FRA French_France.1252 FRB French_Belgium.1252 FRC French_Canada.1252 FRL French_Luxembourg.1252 FRM French_Principality of Monaco.1252 FRS French_Switzerland.1252 FYN Frisian_Netherlands.1252 GLC Galician_Spain.1252 HEB Hebrew_Israel.1255 HRB Croatian_Bosnia and Herzegovina.1250 HRV Croatian_Croatia.1250 HUN Hungarian_Hungary.1250 IND Indonesian_Indonesia.1252 IRE Irish_Ireland.1252 ISL Icelandic_Iceland.1252 ITA Italian_Italy.1252 ITS Italian_Switzerland.1252 IUK Inuktitut (Latin)_Canada.1252 JPN Japanese_Japan.932 KKZ Kazakh_Kazakhstan.1251 KOR Korean_Korea.949 KYR Kyrgyz_Kyrgyzstan.1251 LBX Luxembourgish_Luxembourg.1252 LTH Lithuanian_Lithuania.1257 LVI Latvian_Latvia.1257 MKI FYRO Macedonian_Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.1251 MON Mongolian_Mongolia.1251 MPD Mapudungun_Chile.1252 MSB Malay_Brunei Darussalam.1252 MSL Malay_Malaysia.1252 MWK Mohawk_Canada.1252 NLB Dutch_Belgium.1252 NLD Dutch_Netherlands.1252 NON Norwegian-Nynorsk_Norway.1252 NOR Norwegian (Bokmål)_Norway.1252 NSO Northern Sotho_South Africa.1252 PLK Polish_Poland.1250 PTB Portuguese_Brazil.1252 PTG Portuguese_Portugal.1252 QUB Quechua_Bolivia.1252 QUE Quechua_Ecuador.1252 QUP Quechua_Peru.1252 RMC Romansh_Switzerland.1252 ROM Romanian_Romania.1250 RUS Russian_Russia.1251 SKY Slovak_Slovakia.1250 SLV Slovenian_Slovenia.1250 SMA Sami (Southern)_Norway.1252 SMB Sami (Southern)_Sweden.1252 SME Sami (Northern)_Norway.1252 SMF Sami (Northern)_Sweden.1252 SMG Sami (Northern)_Finland.1252 SMJ Sami (Lule)_Norway.1252 SMK Sami (Lule)_Sweden.1252 SMN Sami (Inari)_Finland.1252 SMS Sami (Skolt)_Finland.1252 SQI Albanian_Albania.1250 SRB Serbian (Cyrillic)_Serbia and Montenegro.1251 SRL Serbian (Latin)_Serbia and Montenegro.1250 SRN Serbian (Cyrillic)_Bosnia and Herzegovina.1251 SRS Serbian (Latin)_Bosnia and Herzegovina.1250 SVE Swedish_Sweden.1252 SVF Swedish_Finland.1252 SWK Swahili_Kenya.1252 THA Thai_Thailand.874 TRK Turkish_Turkey.1254 TSN Tswana_South Africa.1252 TTT Tatar_Russia.1251 UKR Ukrainian_Ukraine.1251 URD Urdu_Islamic Republic of Pakistan.1256 USA English_United States.1252 UZB Uzbek (Latin)_Uzbekistan.1254 VIT Vietnamese_Viet Nam.1258 XHO Xhosa_South Africa.1252 ZHH Chinese_Hong Kong S.A.R..950 ZHI Chinese_Singapore.936 ZHM Chinese_Macau S.A.R..950 ZUL Zulu_South Africa.1252 */ /* Table from ISO 639 language code, optionally with country or script suffix, to English name. Keep in sync with the gl_locale_name_from_win32_LANGID function in localename.c! */ struct table_entry { const char *code; const char *english; }; static const struct table_entry language_table[] = { { "af", "Afrikaans" }, { "am", "Amharic" }, { "ar", "Arabic" }, { "arn", "Mapudungun" }, { "as", "Assamese" }, { "az@cyrillic", "Azeri (Cyrillic)" }, { "az@latin", "Azeri (Latin)" }, { "ba", "Bashkir" }, { "be", "Belarusian" }, { "ber", "Tamazight" }, { "ber@arabic", "Tamazight (Arabic)" }, { "ber@latin", "Tamazight (Latin)" }, { "bg", "Bulgarian" }, { "bin", "Edo" }, { "bn", "Bengali" }, { "bn_BD", "Bengali (Bangladesh)" }, { "bn_IN", "Bengali (India)" }, { "bnt", "Sutu" }, { "bo", "Tibetan" }, { "br", "Breton" }, { "bs", "BSB" }, /* "Bosnian (Latin)" */ { "bs@cyrillic", "BSC" }, /* Bosnian (Cyrillic) */ { "ca", "Catalan" }, { "chr", "Cherokee" }, { "co", "Corsican" }, { "cpe", "Hawaiian" }, { "cs", "Czech" }, { "cy", "Welsh" }, { "da", "Danish" }, { "de", "German" }, { "dsb", "Lower Sorbian" }, { "dv", "Divehi" }, { "el", "Greek" }, { "en", "English" }, { "es", "Spanish" }, { "et", "Estonian" }, { "eu", "Basque" }, { "fa", "Farsi" }, { "ff", "Fulfulde" }, { "fi", "Finnish" }, { "fo", "Faroese" }, /* "Faeroese" does not work */ { "fr", "French" }, { "fy", "Frisian" }, { "ga", "IRE" }, /* Gaelic (Ireland) */ { "gd", "Gaelic (Scotland)" }, { "gd", "Scottish Gaelic" }, { "gl", "Galician" }, { "gn", "Guarani" }, { "gsw", "Alsatian" }, { "gu", "Gujarati" }, { "ha", "Hausa" }, { "he", "Hebrew" }, { "hi", "Hindi" }, { "hr", "Croatian" }, { "hsb", "Upper Sorbian" }, { "hu", "Hungarian" }, { "hy", "Armenian" }, { "id", "Indonesian" }, { "ig", "Igbo" }, { "ii", "Yi" }, { "is", "Icelandic" }, { "it", "Italian" }, { "iu", "IUK" }, /* Inuktitut */ { "ja", "Japanese" }, { "ka", "Georgian" }, { "kk", "Kazakh" }, { "kl", "Greenlandic" }, { "km", "Cambodian" }, { "km", "Khmer" }, { "kn", "Kannada" }, { "ko", "Korean" }, { "kok", "Konkani" }, { "kr", "Kanuri" }, { "ks", "Kashmiri" }, { "ks_IN", "Kashmiri_India" }, { "ks_PK", "Kashmiri (Arabic)_Pakistan" }, { "ky", "Kyrgyz" }, { "la", "Latin" }, { "lb", "Luxembourgish" }, { "lo", "Lao" }, { "lt", "Lithuanian" }, { "lv", "Latvian" }, { "mi", "Maori" }, { "mk", "FYRO Macedonian" }, { "mk", "Macedonian" }, { "ml", "Malayalam" }, { "mn", "Mongolian" }, { "mni", "Manipuri" }, { "moh", "Mohawk" }, { "mr", "Marathi" }, { "ms", "Malay" }, { "mt", "Maltese" }, { "my", "Burmese" }, { "nb", "NOR" }, /* Norwegian Bokmål */ { "ne", "Nepali" }, { "nic", "Ibibio" }, { "nl", "Dutch" }, { "nn", "NON" }, /* Norwegian Nynorsk */ { "no", "Norwegian" }, { "nso", "Northern Sotho" }, { "nso", "Sepedi" }, { "oc", "Occitan" }, { "om", "Oromo" }, { "or", "Oriya" }, { "pa", "Punjabi" }, { "pap", "Papiamentu" }, { "pl", "Polish" }, { "prs", "Dari" }, { "ps", "Pashto" }, { "pt", "Portuguese" }, { "qu", "Quechua" }, { "qut", "K'iche'" }, { "rm", "Romansh" }, { "ro", "Romanian" }, { "ru", "Russian" }, { "rw", "Kinyarwanda" }, { "sa", "Sanskrit" }, { "sah", "Yakut" }, { "sd", "Sindhi" }, { "se", "Sami (Northern)" }, { "se", "Northern Sami" }, { "si", "Sinhalese" }, { "sk", "Slovak" }, { "sl", "Slovenian" }, { "sma", "Sami (Southern)" }, { "sma", "Southern Sami" }, { "smj", "Sami (Lule)" }, { "smj", "Lule Sami" }, { "smn", "Sami (Inari)" }, { "smn", "Inari Sami" }, { "sms", "Sami (Skolt)" }, { "sms", "Skolt Sami" }, { "so", "Somali" }, { "sq", "Albanian" }, { "sr", "Serbian (Latin)" }, { "sr@cyrillic", "SRB" }, /* Serbian (Cyrillic) */ { "sw", "Swahili" }, { "syr", "Syriac" }, { "ta", "Tamil" }, { "te", "Telugu" }, { "tg", "Tajik" }, { "th", "Thai" }, { "ti", "Tigrinya" }, { "tk", "Turkmen" }, { "tl", "Filipino" }, { "tn", "Tswana" }, { "tr", "Turkish" }, { "ts", "Tsonga" }, { "tt", "Tatar" }, { "ug", "Uighur" }, { "uk", "Ukrainian" }, { "ur", "Urdu" }, { "uz", "Uzbek" }, { "uz", "Uzbek (Latin)" }, { "uz@cyrillic", "Uzbek (Cyrillic)" }, { "ve", "Venda" }, { "vi", "Vietnamese" }, { "wen", "Sorbian" }, { "wo", "Wolof" }, { "xh", "Xhosa" }, { "yi", "Yiddish" }, { "yo", "Yoruba" }, { "zh", "Chinese" }, { "zu", "Zulu" } }; /* Table from ISO 3166 country code to English name. Keep in sync with the gl_locale_name_from_win32_LANGID function in localename.c! */ static const struct table_entry country_table[] = { { "AE", "U.A.E." }, { "AF", "Afghanistan" }, { "AL", "Albania" }, { "AM", "Armenia" }, { "AN", "Netherlands Antilles" }, { "AR", "Argentina" }, { "AT", "Austria" }, { "AU", "Australia" }, { "AZ", "Azerbaijan" }, { "BA", "Bosnia and Herzegovina" }, { "BD", "Bangladesh" }, { "BE", "Belgium" }, { "BG", "Bulgaria" }, { "BH", "Bahrain" }, { "BN", "Brunei Darussalam" }, { "BO", "Bolivia" }, { "BR", "Brazil" }, { "BT", "Bhutan" }, { "BY", "Belarus" }, { "BZ", "Belize" }, { "CA", "Canada" }, { "CG", "Congo" }, { "CH", "Switzerland" }, { "CI", "Cote d'Ivoire" }, { "CL", "Chile" }, { "CM", "Cameroon" }, { "CN", "People's Republic of China" }, { "CO", "Colombia" }, { "CR", "Costa Rica" }, { "CS", "Serbia and Montenegro" }, { "CZ", "Czech Republic" }, { "DE", "Germany" }, { "DK", "Denmark" }, { "DO", "Dominican Republic" }, { "DZ", "Algeria" }, { "EC", "Ecuador" }, { "EE", "Estonia" }, { "EG", "Egypt" }, { "ER", "Eritrea" }, { "ES", "Spain" }, { "ET", "Ethiopia" }, { "FI", "Finland" }, { "FO", "Faroe Islands" }, { "FR", "France" }, { "GB", "United Kingdom" }, { "GD", "Caribbean" }, { "GE", "Georgia" }, { "GL", "Greenland" }, { "GR", "Greece" }, { "GT", "Guatemala" }, { "HK", "Hong Kong" }, { "HK", "Hong Kong S.A.R." }, { "HN", "Honduras" }, { "HR", "Croatia" }, { "HT", "Haiti" }, { "HU", "Hungary" }, { "ID", "Indonesia" }, { "IE", "Ireland" }, { "IL", "Israel" }, { "IN", "India" }, { "IQ", "Iraq" }, { "IR", "Iran" }, { "IS", "Iceland" }, { "IT", "Italy" }, { "JM", "Jamaica" }, { "JO", "Jordan" }, { "JP", "Japan" }, { "KE", "Kenya" }, { "KG", "Kyrgyzstan" }, { "KH", "Cambodia" }, { "KR", "South Korea" }, { "KW", "Kuwait" }, { "KZ", "Kazakhstan" }, { "LA", "Laos" }, { "LB", "Lebanon" }, { "LI", "Liechtenstein" }, { "LK", "Sri Lanka" }, { "LT", "Lithuania" }, { "LU", "Luxembourg" }, { "LV", "Latvia" }, { "LY", "Libya" }, { "MA", "Morocco" }, { "MC", "Principality of Monaco" }, { "MD", "Moldava" }, { "MD", "Moldova" }, { "ME", "Montenegro" }, { "MK", "Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" }, { "ML", "Mali" }, { "MM", "Myanmar" }, { "MN", "Mongolia" }, { "MO", "Macau S.A.R." }, { "MT", "Malta" }, { "MV", "Maldives" }, { "MX", "Mexico" }, { "MY", "Malaysia" }, { "NG", "Nigeria" }, { "NI", "Nicaragua" }, { "NL", "Netherlands" }, { "NO", "Norway" }, { "NP", "Nepal" }, { "NZ", "New Zealand" }, { "OM", "Oman" }, { "PA", "Panama" }, { "PE", "Peru" }, { "PH", "Philippines" }, { "PK", "Islamic Republic of Pakistan" }, { "PL", "Poland" }, { "PR", "Puerto Rico" }, { "PT", "Portugal" }, { "PY", "Paraguay" }, { "QA", "Qatar" }, { "RE", "Reunion" }, { "RO", "Romania" }, { "RS", "Serbia" }, { "RU", "Russia" }, { "RW", "Rwanda" }, { "SA", "Saudi Arabia" }, { "SE", "Sweden" }, { "SG", "Singapore" }, { "SI", "Slovenia" }, { "SK", "Slovak" }, { "SN", "Senegal" }, { "SO", "Somalia" }, { "SR", "Suriname" }, { "SV", "El Salvador" }, { "SY", "Syria" }, { "TH", "Thailand" }, { "TJ", "Tajikistan" }, { "TM", "Turkmenistan" }, { "TN", "Tunisia" }, { "TR", "Turkey" }, { "TT", "Trinidad and Tobago" }, { "TW", "Taiwan" }, { "TZ", "Tanzania" }, { "UA", "Ukraine" }, { "US", "United States" }, { "UY", "Uruguay" }, { "VA", "Vatican" }, { "VE", "Venezuela" }, { "VN", "Viet Nam" }, { "YE", "Yemen" }, { "ZA", "South Africa" }, { "ZW", "Zimbabwe" } }; /* Given a string STRING, find the set of indices i such that TABLE[i].code is the given STRING. It is a range [lo,hi-1]. */ typedef struct { size_t lo; size_t hi; } range_t; static void search (const struct table_entry *table, size_t table_size, const char *string, range_t *result) { /* The table is sorted. Perform a binary search. */ size_t hi = table_size; size_t lo = 0; while (lo < hi) { /* Invariant: for i < lo, strcmp (table[i].code, string) < 0, for i >= hi, strcmp (table[i].code, string) > 0. */ size_t mid = (hi + lo) >> 1; /* >= lo, < hi */ int cmp = strcmp (table[mid].code, string); if (cmp < 0) lo = mid + 1; else if (cmp > 0) hi = mid; else { /* Found an i with strcmp (language_table[i].code, string) == 0. Find the entire interval of such i. */ { size_t i; for (i = mid; i > lo; ) { i--; if (strcmp (table[i].code, string) < 0) { lo = i + 1; break; } } } { size_t i; for (i = mid; i < hi; i++) { if (strcmp (table[i].code, string) > 0) { hi = i; break; } } } /* The set of i with strcmp (language_table[i].code, string) == 0 is the interval [lo, hi-1]. */ break; } } result->lo = lo; result->hi = hi; } /* Like setlocale, but accept also locale names in the form ll or ll_CC, where ll is an ISO 639 language code and CC is an ISO 3166 country code. */ static char * setlocale_unixlike (int category, const char *locale) { char *result; char llCC_buf[64]; char ll_buf[64]; char CC_buf[64]; /* First, try setlocale with the original argument unchanged. */ result = setlocale (category, locale); if (result != NULL) return result; /* Otherwise, assume the argument is in the form language[_territory][.codeset][@modifier] and try to map it using the tables. */ if (strlen (locale) < sizeof (llCC_buf)) { /* Second try: Remove the codeset part. */ { const char *p = locale; char *q = llCC_buf; /* Copy the part before the dot. */ for (; *p != '\0' && *p != '.'; p++, q++) *q = *p; if (*p == '.') /* Skip the part up to the '@', if any. */ for (; *p != '\0' && *p != '@'; p++) ; /* Copy the part starting with '@', if any. */ for (; *p != '\0'; p++, q++) *q = *p; *q = '\0'; } /* llCC_buf now contains language[_territory][@modifier] */ if (strcmp (llCC_buf, locale) != 0) { result = setlocale (category, llCC_buf); if (result != NULL) return result; } /* Look it up in language_table. */ { range_t range; size_t i; search (language_table, sizeof (language_table) / sizeof (language_table[0]), llCC_buf, &range); for (i = range.lo; i < range.hi; i++) { /* Try the replacement in language_table[i]. */ result = setlocale (category, language_table[i].english); if (result != NULL) return result; } } /* Split language[_territory][@modifier] into ll_buf = language[@modifier] and CC_buf = territory */ { const char *underscore = strchr (llCC_buf, '_'); if (underscore != NULL) { const char *territory_start = underscore + 1; const char *territory_end = strchr (territory_start, '@'); if (territory_end == NULL) territory_end = territory_start + strlen (territory_start); memcpy (ll_buf, llCC_buf, underscore - llCC_buf); strcpy (ll_buf + (underscore - llCC_buf), territory_end); memcpy (CC_buf, territory_start, territory_end - territory_start); CC_buf[territory_end - territory_start] = '\0'; { /* Look up ll_buf in language_table and CC_buf in country_table. */ range_t language_range; search (language_table, sizeof (language_table) / sizeof (language_table[0]), ll_buf, &language_range); if (language_range.lo < language_range.hi) { range_t country_range; search (country_table, sizeof (country_table) / sizeof (country_table[0]), CC_buf, &country_range); if (country_range.lo < country_range.hi) { size_t i; size_t j; for (i = language_range.lo; i < language_range.hi; i++) for (j = country_range.lo; j < country_range.hi; j++) { /* Concatenate the replacements. */ const char *part1 = language_table[i].english; size_t part1_len = strlen (part1); const char *part2 = country_table[j].english; size_t part2_len = strlen (part2) + 1; char buf[64+64]; if (!(part1_len + 1 + part2_len <= sizeof (buf))) abort (); memcpy (buf, part1, part1_len); buf[part1_len] = '_'; memcpy (buf + part1_len + 1, part2, part2_len); /* Try the concatenated replacements. */ result = setlocale (category, buf); if (result != NULL) return result; } } /* Try omitting the country entirely. This may set a locale corresponding to the wrong country, but is better than failing entirely. */ { size_t i; for (i = language_range.lo; i < language_range.hi; i++) { /* Try only the language replacement. */ result = setlocale (category, language_table[i].english); if (result != NULL) return result; } } } } } } } /* Failed. */ return NULL; } # else # define setlocale_unixlike setlocale # endif # if LC_MESSAGES == 1729 /* The system does not store an LC_MESSAGES locale category. Do it here. */ static char lc_messages_name[64] = "C"; /* Like setlocale, but support also LC_MESSAGES. */ static char * setlocale_single (int category, const char *locale) { if (category == LC_MESSAGES) { if (locale != NULL) { lc_messages_name[sizeof (lc_messages_name) - 1] = '\0'; strncpy (lc_messages_name, locale, sizeof (lc_messages_name) - 1); } return lc_messages_name; } else return setlocale_unixlike (category, locale); } # else # define setlocale_single setlocale_unixlike # endif DLL_EXPORTED char * libintl_setlocale (int category, const char *locale) { if (locale != NULL && locale[0] == '\0') { /* A request to the set the current locale to the default locale. */ if (category == LC_ALL) { /* Set LC_CTYPE first. Then the other categories. */ static int const categories[] = { LC_NUMERIC, LC_TIME, LC_COLLATE, LC_MONETARY, LC_MESSAGES }; char *saved_locale; const char *base_name; unsigned int i; /* Back up the old locale, in case one of the steps fails. */ saved_locale = setlocale (LC_ALL, NULL); if (saved_locale == NULL) return NULL; saved_locale = strdup (saved_locale); if (saved_locale == NULL) return NULL; /* Set LC_CTYPE category. Set all other categories (except possibly LC_MESSAGES) to the same value in the same call; this is likely to save calls. */ base_name = gl_locale_name_environ (LC_CTYPE, category_to_name (LC_CTYPE)); if (base_name == NULL) base_name = gl_locale_name_default (); if (setlocale_unixlike (LC_ALL, base_name) == NULL) goto fail; # if (defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__) && ! defined __CYGWIN__ /* On native Windows, setlocale(LC_ALL,...) may succeed but set the LC_CTYPE category to an invalid value ("C") when it does not support the specified encoding. Report a failure instead. */ if (strchr (base_name, '.') != NULL && strcmp (setlocale (LC_CTYPE, NULL), "C") == 0) goto fail; # endif for (i = 0; i < sizeof (categories) / sizeof (categories[0]); i++) { int cat = categories[i]; const char *name; name = gl_locale_name_environ (cat, category_to_name (cat)); if (name == NULL) name = gl_locale_name_default (); /* If name is the same as base_name, it has already been set through the setlocale call before the loop. */ if (strcmp (name, base_name) != 0 # if LC_MESSAGES == 1729 || cat == LC_MESSAGES # endif ) if (setlocale_single (cat, name) == NULL) goto fail; } /* All steps were successful. */ ++_nl_msg_cat_cntr; free (saved_locale); return setlocale (LC_ALL, NULL); fail: if (saved_locale[0] != '\0') /* don't risk an endless recursion */ setlocale (LC_ALL, saved_locale); free (saved_locale); return NULL; } else { char *result; const char *name = gl_locale_name_environ (category, category_to_name (category)); if (name == NULL) name = gl_locale_name_default (); result = setlocale_single (category, name); if (result != NULL) ++_nl_msg_cat_cntr; return result; } } else { # if (defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__) && ! defined __CYGWIN__ if (category == LC_ALL && locale != NULL && strchr (locale, '.') != NULL) { char *saved_locale; /* Back up the old locale. */ saved_locale = setlocale (LC_ALL, NULL); if (saved_locale == NULL) return NULL; saved_locale = strdup (saved_locale); if (saved_locale == NULL) return NULL; if (setlocale_unixlike (LC_ALL, locale) == NULL) { free (saved_locale); return NULL; } /* On native Windows, setlocale(LC_ALL,...) may succeed but set the LC_CTYPE category to an invalid value ("C") when it does not support the specified encoding. Report a failure instead. */ if (strcmp (setlocale (LC_CTYPE, NULL), "C") == 0) { if (saved_locale[0] != '\0') /* don't risk an endless recursion */ setlocale (LC_ALL, saved_locale); free (saved_locale); return NULL; } /* It was really successful. */ ++_nl_msg_cat_cntr; free (saved_locale); return setlocale (LC_ALL, NULL); } else # endif { char *result = setlocale_single (category, locale); if (result != NULL) ++_nl_msg_cat_cntr; return result; } } } # if HAVE_NEWLOCALE DLL_EXPORTED locale_t libintl_newlocale (int category_mask, const char *locale, locale_t base) { if (category_mask != 0 && locale != NULL && locale[0] == '\0') { /* A request to construct a locale_t object that refers to the default locale. */ /* Set LC_CTYPE first. Then the other categories. */ static struct { int cat; int mask; } const categories[] = { { LC_CTYPE, LC_CTYPE_MASK }, { LC_NUMERIC, LC_NUMERIC_MASK }, { LC_TIME, LC_TIME_MASK }, { LC_COLLATE, LC_COLLATE_MASK }, { LC_MONETARY, LC_MONETARY_MASK }, { LC_MESSAGES, LC_MESSAGES_MASK } }; locale_t orig_base = base; if ((LC_ALL_MASK & ~category_mask) == 0) { const char *base_name; unsigned int i; /* Set LC_CTYPE category. Set all other categories (except possibly LC_MESSAGES) to the same value in the same call; this is likely to save calls. */ base_name = gl_locale_name_environ (LC_CTYPE, category_to_name (LC_CTYPE)); if (base_name == NULL) base_name = gl_locale_name_default (); base = newlocale (LC_ALL_MASK, base_name, base); if (base == NULL) return NULL; for (i = 1; i < sizeof (categories) / sizeof (categories[0]); i++) { int category = categories[i].cat; int category_mask = categories[i].mask; const char *name; name = gl_locale_name_environ (category, category_to_name (category)); if (name == NULL) name = gl_locale_name_default (); /* If name is the same as base_name, it has already been set through the setlocale call before the loop. */ if (strcmp (name, base_name) != 0) { locale_t copy = newlocale (category_mask, name, base); if (copy == NULL) goto fail; /* No need to call freelocale (base) if copy != base; the newlocale function already takes care of doing it. */ base = copy; } } } else { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < sizeof (categories) / sizeof (categories[0]); i++) { int cat_mask = categories[i].mask; if ((category_mask & cat_mask) != 0) { int cat = categories[i].cat; const char *name; locale_t copy; name = gl_locale_name_environ (cat, category_to_name (cat)); if (name == NULL) name = gl_locale_name_default (); copy = newlocale (cat_mask, name, base); if (copy == NULL) goto fail; /* No need to call freelocale (base) if copy != base; the newlocale function already takes care of doing it. */ base = copy; } } } /* All steps were successful. */ return base; fail: if (base != NULL && orig_base == NULL) { int saved_errno = errno; freelocale (base); errno = saved_errno; } return NULL; } else return newlocale (category_mask, locale, base); } # endif #endif intl/gmo.h000064400000011365147633151230006460 0ustar00/* Description of GNU message catalog format: general file layout. Copyright (C) 1995-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef _GETTEXT_H #define _GETTEXT_H 1 #include /* @@ end of prolog @@ */ /* The magic number of the GNU message catalog format. */ #define _MAGIC 0x950412de #define _MAGIC_SWAPPED 0xde120495 /* Revision number of the currently used .mo (binary) file format. */ #define MO_REVISION_NUMBER 0 #define MO_REVISION_NUMBER_WITH_SYSDEP_I 1 /* The following contortions are an attempt to use the C preprocessor to determine an unsigned integral type that is 32 bits wide. An alternative approach is to use autoconf's AC_CHECK_SIZEOF macro, but as of version autoconf-2.13, the AC_CHECK_SIZEOF macro doesn't work when cross-compiling. */ #if __STDC__ # define UINT_MAX_32_BITS 4294967295U #else # define UINT_MAX_32_BITS 0xFFFFFFFF #endif /* If UINT_MAX isn't defined, assume it's a 32-bit type. This should be valid for all systems GNU cares about because that doesn't include 16-bit systems, and only modern systems (that certainly have ) have 64+-bit integral types. */ #ifndef UINT_MAX # define UINT_MAX UINT_MAX_32_BITS #endif #if UINT_MAX == UINT_MAX_32_BITS typedef unsigned nls_uint32; #else # if USHRT_MAX == UINT_MAX_32_BITS typedef unsigned short nls_uint32; # else # if ULONG_MAX == UINT_MAX_32_BITS typedef unsigned long nls_uint32; # else /* The following line is intended to throw an error. Using #error is not portable enough. */ "Cannot determine unsigned 32-bit data type." # endif # endif #endif /* Header for binary .mo file format. */ struct mo_file_header { /* The magic number. */ nls_uint32 magic; /* The revision number of the file format. */ nls_uint32 revision; /* The following are only used in .mo files with major revision 0 or 1. */ /* The number of strings pairs. */ nls_uint32 nstrings; /* Offset of table with start offsets of original strings. */ nls_uint32 orig_tab_offset; /* Offset of table with start offsets of translated strings. */ nls_uint32 trans_tab_offset; /* Size of hash table. */ nls_uint32 hash_tab_size; /* Offset of first hash table entry. */ nls_uint32 hash_tab_offset; /* The following are only used in .mo files with minor revision >= 1. */ /* The number of system dependent segments. */ nls_uint32 n_sysdep_segments; /* Offset of table describing system dependent segments. */ nls_uint32 sysdep_segments_offset; /* The number of system dependent strings pairs. */ nls_uint32 n_sysdep_strings; /* Offset of table with start offsets of original sysdep strings. */ nls_uint32 orig_sysdep_tab_offset; /* Offset of table with start offsets of translated sysdep strings. */ nls_uint32 trans_sysdep_tab_offset; }; /* Descriptor for static string contained in the binary .mo file. */ struct string_desc { /* Length of addressed string, not including the trailing NUL. */ nls_uint32 length; /* Offset of string in file. */ nls_uint32 offset; }; /* The following are only used in .mo files with minor revision >= 1. */ /* Descriptor for system dependent string segment. */ struct sysdep_segment { /* Length of addressed string, including the trailing NUL. */ nls_uint32 length; /* Offset of string in file. */ nls_uint32 offset; }; /* Pair of a static and a system dependent segment, in struct sysdep_string. */ struct segment_pair { /* Size of static segment. */ nls_uint32 segsize; /* Reference to system dependent string segment, or ~0 at the end. */ nls_uint32 sysdepref; }; /* Descriptor for system dependent string. */ struct sysdep_string { /* Offset of static string segments in file. */ nls_uint32 offset; /* Alternating sequence of static and system dependent segments. The last segment is a static segment, including the trailing NUL. */ struct segment_pair segments[1]; }; /* Marker for the end of the segments[] array. This has the value 0xFFFFFFFF, regardless whether 'int' is 16 bit, 32 bit, or 64 bit. */ #define SEGMENTS_END ((nls_uint32) ~0) /* @@ begin of epilog @@ */ #endif /* gettext.h */ intl/ref-del.sin000064400000001744147633151230007556 0ustar00# Remove this package from a list of references stored in a text file. # # Copyright (C) 2000, 2015-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # Written by Bruno Haible . # /^# Packages using this file: / { s/# Packages using this file:// s/ @PACKAGE@ / / s/^/# Packages using this file:/ } intl/plural-exp.c000064400000007451147633151230007763 0ustar00/* Expression parsing for plural form selection. Copyright (C) 2000-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Written by Ulrich Drepper , 2000. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #include #include #include "plural-exp.h" #if HAVE_STRUCT_INITIALIZER /* These structs are the constant expression for the germanic plural form determination. It represents the expression "n != 1". */ static const struct expression plvar = { .nargs = 0, .operation = var, }; static const struct expression plone = { .nargs = 0, .operation = num, .val = { .num = 1 } }; const struct expression GERMANIC_PLURAL = { .nargs = 2, .operation = not_equal, .val = { .args = { [0] = (struct expression *) &plvar, [1] = (struct expression *) &plone } } }; # define INIT_GERMANIC_PLURAL() #else /* For compilers without support for ISO C 99 struct/union initializers: Initialization at run-time. */ static struct expression plvar; static struct expression plone; struct expression GERMANIC_PLURAL; static void init_germanic_plural (void) { if (plone.val.num == 0) { plvar.nargs = 0; plvar.operation = var; plone.nargs = 0; plone.operation = num; plone.val.num = 1; GERMANIC_PLURAL.nargs = 2; GERMANIC_PLURAL.operation = not_equal; GERMANIC_PLURAL.val.args[0] = &plvar; GERMANIC_PLURAL.val.args[1] = &plone; } } # define INIT_GERMANIC_PLURAL() init_germanic_plural () #endif void internal_function EXTRACT_PLURAL_EXPRESSION (const char *nullentry, const struct expression **pluralp, unsigned long int *npluralsp) { if (nullentry != NULL) { const char *plural; const char *nplurals; plural = strstr (nullentry, "plural="); nplurals = strstr (nullentry, "nplurals="); if (plural == NULL || nplurals == NULL) goto no_plural; else { char *endp; unsigned long int n; struct parse_args args; /* First get the number. */ nplurals += 9; while (*nplurals != '\0' && isspace ((unsigned char) *nplurals)) ++nplurals; if (!(*nplurals >= '0' && *nplurals <= '9')) goto no_plural; #if defined HAVE_STRTOUL || defined _LIBC n = strtoul (nplurals, &endp, 10); #else for (endp = nplurals, n = 0; *endp >= '0' && *endp <= '9'; endp++) n = n * 10 + (*endp - '0'); #endif if (nplurals == endp) goto no_plural; *npluralsp = n; /* Due to the restrictions bison imposes onto the interface of the scanner function we have to put the input string and the result passed up from the parser into the same structure which address is passed down to the parser. */ plural += 7; args.cp = plural; if (PLURAL_PARSE (&args) != 0) goto no_plural; *pluralp = args.res; } } else { /* By default we are using the Germanic form: singular form only for `one', the plural form otherwise. Yes, this is also what English is using since English is a Germanic language. */ no_plural: INIT_GERMANIC_PLURAL (); *pluralp = &GERMANIC_PLURAL; *npluralsp = 2; } } intl/printf-parse.h000064400000005042147633151230010303 0ustar00/* Parse printf format string. Copyright (C) 1999, 2002-2003, 2005, 2007, 2010-2011, 2015-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef _PRINTF_PARSE_H #define _PRINTF_PARSE_H #if HAVE_FEATURES_H # include /* for __GLIBC__, __UCLIBC__ */ #endif #include "printf-args.h" /* Flags */ #define FLAG_GROUP 1 /* ' flag */ #define FLAG_LEFT 2 /* - flag */ #define FLAG_SHOWSIGN 4 /* + flag */ #define FLAG_SPACE 8 /* space flag */ #define FLAG_ALT 16 /* # flag */ #define FLAG_ZERO 32 #if __GLIBC__ >= 2 && !defined __UCLIBC__ # define FLAG_LOCALIZED 64 /* I flag, uses localized digits */ #endif /* arg_index value indicating that no argument is consumed. */ #define ARG_NONE (~(size_t)0) /* Number of directly allocated directives (no malloc() needed). */ #define N_DIRECT_ALLOC_DIRECTIVES 7 /* A parsed directive. */ typedef struct { const char* dir_start; const char* dir_end; int flags; const char* width_start; const char* width_end; size_t width_arg_index; const char* precision_start; const char* precision_end; size_t precision_arg_index; char conversion; /* d i o u x X f e E g G c s p n U % but not C S */ size_t arg_index; } char_directive; /* A parsed format string. */ typedef struct { size_t count; char_directive *dir; size_t max_width_length; size_t max_precision_length; char_directive direct_alloc_dir[N_DIRECT_ALLOC_DIRECTIVES]; } char_directives; /* Parses the format string. Fills in the number N of directives, and fills in directives[0], ..., directives[N-1], and sets directives[N].dir_start to the end of the format string. Also fills in the arg_type fields of the arguments and the needed count of arguments. */ #ifdef STATIC STATIC #else extern #endif int printf_parse (const char *format, char_directives *d, arguments *a); #endif /* _PRINTF_PARSE_H */ intl/log.c000064400000007417147633151230006455 0ustar00/* Log file output. Copyright (C) 2003, 2005, 2009, 2015-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /* Written by Bruno Haible . */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #include #include /* Handle multi-threaded applications. */ #ifdef _LIBC # include #else # include "lock.h" #endif /* Separator between msgctxt and msgid in .mo files. */ #define MSGCTXT_SEPARATOR '\004' /* EOT */ /* Print an ASCII string with quotes and escape sequences where needed. */ static void print_escaped (FILE *stream, const char *str, const char *str_end) { putc ('"', stream); for (; str != str_end; str++) if (*str == '\n') { fputs ("\\n\"", stream); if (str + 1 == str_end) return; fputs ("\n\"", stream); } else { if (*str == '"' || *str == '\\') putc ('\\', stream); putc (*str, stream); } putc ('"', stream); } static char *last_logfilename = NULL; static FILE *last_logfile = NULL; __libc_lock_define_initialized (static, lock) static inline void _nl_log_untranslated_locked (const char *logfilename, const char *domainname, const char *msgid1, const char *msgid2, int plural) { FILE *logfile; const char *separator; /* Can we reuse the last opened logfile? */ if (last_logfilename == NULL || strcmp (logfilename, last_logfilename) != 0) { /* Close the last used logfile. */ if (last_logfilename != NULL) { if (last_logfile != NULL) { fclose (last_logfile); last_logfile = NULL; } free (last_logfilename); last_logfilename = NULL; } /* Open the logfile. */ last_logfilename = (char *) malloc (strlen (logfilename) + 1); if (last_logfilename == NULL) return; strcpy (last_logfilename, logfilename); last_logfile = fopen (logfilename, "a"); if (last_logfile == NULL) return; } logfile = last_logfile; fprintf (logfile, "domain "); print_escaped (logfile, domainname, domainname + strlen (domainname)); separator = strchr (msgid1, MSGCTXT_SEPARATOR); if (separator != NULL) { /* The part before the MSGCTXT_SEPARATOR is the msgctxt. */ fprintf (logfile, "\nmsgctxt "); print_escaped (logfile, msgid1, separator); msgid1 = separator + 1; } fprintf (logfile, "\nmsgid "); print_escaped (logfile, msgid1, msgid1 + strlen (msgid1)); if (plural) { fprintf (logfile, "\nmsgid_plural "); print_escaped (logfile, msgid2, msgid2 + strlen (msgid2)); fprintf (logfile, "\nmsgstr[0] \"\"\n"); } else fprintf (logfile, "\nmsgstr \"\"\n"); putc ('\n', logfile); } /* Add to the log file an entry denoting a failed translation. */ void _nl_log_untranslated (const char *logfilename, const char *domainname, const char *msgid1, const char *msgid2, int plural) { __libc_lock_lock (lock); _nl_log_untranslated_locked (logfilename, domainname, msgid1, msgid2, plural); __libc_lock_unlock (lock); } intl/localcharset.h000064400000002474147633151230010343 0ustar00/* Determine a canonical name for the current locale's character encoding. Copyright (C) 2000-2003, 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of the GNU CHARSET Library. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef _LOCALCHARSET_H #define _LOCALCHARSET_H #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* Determine the current locale's character encoding, and canonicalize it into one of the canonical names listed in config.charset. The result must not be freed; it is statically allocated. If the canonical name cannot be determined, the result is a non-canonical name. */ extern const char * locale_charset (void); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* _LOCALCHARSET_H */ intl/threadlib.c000064400000003620147633151230007622 0ustar00/* Multithreading primitives. Copyright (C) 2005-2009, 2015-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /* Written by Bruno Haible , 2005. */ #include /* ========================================================================= */ #if USE_POSIX_THREADS /* Use the POSIX threads library. */ # include # include # if PTHREAD_IN_USE_DETECTION_HARD /* The function to be executed by a dummy thread. */ static void * dummy_thread_func (void *arg) { return arg; } int glthread_in_use (void) { static int tested; static int result; /* 1: linked with -lpthread, 0: only with libc */ if (!tested) { pthread_t thread; if (pthread_create (&thread, NULL, dummy_thread_func, NULL) != 0) /* Thread creation failed. */ result = 0; else { /* Thread creation works. */ void *retval; if (pthread_join (thread, &retval) != 0) abort (); result = 1; } tested = 1; } return result; } # endif #endif /* ========================================================================= */ /* This declaration is solely to ensure that after preprocessing this file is never empty. */ typedef int dummy; intl/os2compat.h000064400000002741147633151230007603 0ustar00/* OS/2 compatibility defines. This file is intended to be included from config.h Copyright (C) 2001-2002, 2015-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /* When included from os2compat.h we need all the original definitions */ #ifndef OS2_AWARE #undef LIBDIR #define LIBDIR _nlos2_libdir extern char *_nlos2_libdir; #undef LOCALEDIR #define LOCALEDIR _nlos2_localedir extern char *_nlos2_localedir; #undef LOCALE_ALIAS_PATH #define LOCALE_ALIAS_PATH _nlos2_localealiaspath extern char *_nlos2_localealiaspath; #endif #undef HAVE_STRCASECMP #define HAVE_STRCASECMP 1 #define strcasecmp stricmp #define strncasecmp strnicmp /* We have our own getenv() which works even if library is compiled as DLL */ #define getenv _nl_getenv /* Older versions of gettext used -1 as the value of LC_MESSAGES */ #define LC_MESSAGES_COMPAT (-1) intl/dcgettext.c000064400000003323147633151230007657 0ustar00/* Implementation of the dcgettext(3) function. Copyright (C) 1995-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include "gettextP.h" #ifdef _LIBC # include #else # include "libgnuintl.h" #endif /* @@ end of prolog @@ */ /* Names for the libintl functions are a problem. They must not clash with existing names and they should follow ANSI C. But this source code is also used in GNU C Library where the names have a __ prefix. So we have to make a difference here. */ #ifdef _LIBC # define DCGETTEXT __dcgettext # define DCIGETTEXT __dcigettext #else # define DCGETTEXT libintl_dcgettext # define DCIGETTEXT libintl_dcigettext #endif /* Look up MSGID in the DOMAINNAME message catalog for the current CATEGORY locale. */ char * DCGETTEXT (const char *domainname, const char *msgid, int category) { return DCIGETTEXT (domainname, msgid, NULL, 0, 0, category); } #ifdef _LIBC /* Alias for function name in GNU C Library. */ weak_alias (__dcgettext, dcgettext); libc_hidden_def (__dcgettext) #endif intl/verify.h000064400000025413147633151230007201 0ustar00/* Compile-time assert-like macros. Copyright (C) 2005-2006, 2009-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /* Written by Paul Eggert, Bruno Haible, and Jim Meyering. */ #ifndef _GL_VERIFY_H #define _GL_VERIFY_H /* Define _GL_HAVE__STATIC_ASSERT to 1 if _Static_assert works as per C11. This is supported by GCC 4.6.0 and later, in C mode, and its use here generates easier-to-read diagnostics when verify (R) fails. Define _GL_HAVE_STATIC_ASSERT to 1 if static_assert works as per C++11. This will likely be supported by future GCC versions, in C++ mode. Use this only with GCC. If we were willing to slow 'configure' down we could also use it with other compilers, but since this affects only the quality of diagnostics, why bother? */ #if (4 < __GNUC__ + (6 <= __GNUC_MINOR__) \ && (201112L <= __STDC_VERSION__ || !defined __STRICT_ANSI__) \ && !defined __cplusplus) # define _GL_HAVE__STATIC_ASSERT 1 #endif /* The condition (99 < __GNUC__) is temporary, until we know about the first G++ release that supports static_assert. */ #if (99 < __GNUC__) && defined __cplusplus # define _GL_HAVE_STATIC_ASSERT 1 #endif /* FreeBSD 9.1 , included by and lots of other system headers, defines a conflicting _Static_assert that is no better than ours; override it. */ #ifndef _GL_HAVE_STATIC_ASSERT # include # undef _Static_assert #endif /* Each of these macros verifies that its argument R is nonzero. To be portable, R should be an integer constant expression. Unlike assert (R), there is no run-time overhead. If _Static_assert works, verify (R) uses it directly. Similarly, _GL_VERIFY_TRUE works by packaging a _Static_assert inside a struct that is an operand of sizeof. The code below uses several ideas for C++ compilers, and for C compilers that do not support _Static_assert: * The first step is ((R) ? 1 : -1). Given an expression R, of integral or boolean or floating-point type, this yields an expression of integral type, whose value is later verified to be constant and nonnegative. * Next this expression W is wrapped in a type struct _gl_verify_type { unsigned int _gl_verify_error_if_negative: W; }. If W is negative, this yields a compile-time error. No compiler can deal with a bit-field of negative size. One might think that an array size check would have the same effect, that is, that the type struct { unsigned int dummy[W]; } would work as well. However, inside a function, some compilers (such as C++ compilers and GNU C) allow local parameters and variables inside array size expressions. With these compilers, an array size check would not properly diagnose this misuse of the verify macro: void function (int n) { verify (n < 0); } * For the verify macro, the struct _gl_verify_type will need to somehow be embedded into a declaration. To be portable, this declaration must declare an object, a constant, a function, or a typedef name. If the declared entity uses the type directly, such as in struct dummy {...}; typedef struct {...} dummy; extern struct {...} *dummy; extern void dummy (struct {...} *); extern struct {...} *dummy (void); two uses of the verify macro would yield colliding declarations if the entity names are not disambiguated. A workaround is to attach the current line number to the entity name: #define _GL_CONCAT0(x, y) x##y #define _GL_CONCAT(x, y) _GL_CONCAT0 (x, y) extern struct {...} * _GL_CONCAT (dummy, __LINE__); But this has the problem that two invocations of verify from within the same macro would collide, since the __LINE__ value would be the same for both invocations. (The GCC __COUNTER__ macro solves this problem, but is not portable.) A solution is to use the sizeof operator. It yields a number, getting rid of the identity of the type. Declarations like extern int dummy [sizeof (struct {...})]; extern void dummy (int [sizeof (struct {...})]); extern int (*dummy (void)) [sizeof (struct {...})]; can be repeated. * Should the implementation use a named struct or an unnamed struct? Which of the following alternatives can be used? extern int dummy [sizeof (struct {...})]; extern int dummy [sizeof (struct _gl_verify_type {...})]; extern void dummy (int [sizeof (struct {...})]); extern void dummy (int [sizeof (struct _gl_verify_type {...})]); extern int (*dummy (void)) [sizeof (struct {...})]; extern int (*dummy (void)) [sizeof (struct _gl_verify_type {...})]; In the second and sixth case, the struct type is exported to the outer scope; two such declarations therefore collide. GCC warns about the first, third, and fourth cases. So the only remaining possibility is the fifth case: extern int (*dummy (void)) [sizeof (struct {...})]; * GCC warns about duplicate declarations of the dummy function if -Wredundant-decls is used. GCC 4.3 and later have a builtin __COUNTER__ macro that can let us generate unique identifiers for each dummy function, to suppress this warning. * This implementation exploits the fact that older versions of GCC, which do not support _Static_assert, also do not warn about the last declaration mentioned above. * GCC warns if -Wnested-externs is enabled and verify() is used within a function body; but inside a function, you can always arrange to use verify_expr() instead. * In C++, any struct definition inside sizeof is invalid. Use a template type to work around the problem. */ /* Concatenate two preprocessor tokens. */ #define _GL_CONCAT(x, y) _GL_CONCAT0 (x, y) #define _GL_CONCAT0(x, y) x##y /* _GL_COUNTER is an integer, preferably one that changes each time we use it. Use __COUNTER__ if it works, falling back on __LINE__ otherwise. __LINE__ isn't perfect, but it's better than a constant. */ #if defined __COUNTER__ && __COUNTER__ != __COUNTER__ # define _GL_COUNTER __COUNTER__ #else # define _GL_COUNTER __LINE__ #endif /* Generate a symbol with the given prefix, making it unique if possible. */ #define _GL_GENSYM(prefix) _GL_CONCAT (prefix, _GL_COUNTER) /* Verify requirement R at compile-time, as an integer constant expression that returns 1. If R is false, fail at compile-time, preferably with a diagnostic that includes the string-literal DIAGNOSTIC. */ #define _GL_VERIFY_TRUE(R, DIAGNOSTIC) \ (!!sizeof (_GL_VERIFY_TYPE (R, DIAGNOSTIC))) #ifdef __cplusplus # if !GNULIB_defined_struct__gl_verify_type template struct _gl_verify_type { unsigned int _gl_verify_error_if_negative: w; }; # define GNULIB_defined_struct__gl_verify_type 1 # endif # define _GL_VERIFY_TYPE(R, DIAGNOSTIC) \ _gl_verify_type<(R) ? 1 : -1> #elif defined _GL_HAVE__STATIC_ASSERT # define _GL_VERIFY_TYPE(R, DIAGNOSTIC) \ struct { \ _Static_assert (R, DIAGNOSTIC); \ int _gl_dummy; \ } #else # define _GL_VERIFY_TYPE(R, DIAGNOSTIC) \ struct { unsigned int _gl_verify_error_if_negative: (R) ? 1 : -1; } #endif /* Verify requirement R at compile-time, as a declaration without a trailing ';'. If R is false, fail at compile-time, preferably with a diagnostic that includes the string-literal DIAGNOSTIC. Unfortunately, unlike C11, this implementation must appear as an ordinary declaration, and cannot appear inside struct { ... }. */ #ifdef _GL_HAVE__STATIC_ASSERT # define _GL_VERIFY _Static_assert #else # define _GL_VERIFY(R, DIAGNOSTIC) \ extern int (*_GL_GENSYM (_gl_verify_function) (void)) \ [_GL_VERIFY_TRUE (R, DIAGNOSTIC)] #endif /* _GL_STATIC_ASSERT_H is defined if this code is copied into assert.h. */ #ifdef _GL_STATIC_ASSERT_H # if !defined _GL_HAVE__STATIC_ASSERT && !defined _Static_assert # define _Static_assert(R, DIAGNOSTIC) _GL_VERIFY (R, DIAGNOSTIC) # endif # if !defined _GL_HAVE_STATIC_ASSERT && !defined static_assert # define static_assert _Static_assert /* C11 requires this #define. */ # endif #endif /* @assert.h omit start@ */ /* Each of these macros verifies that its argument R is nonzero. To be portable, R should be an integer constant expression. Unlike assert (R), there is no run-time overhead. There are two macros, since no single macro can be used in all contexts in C. verify_true (R) is for scalar contexts, including integer constant expression contexts. verify (R) is for declaration contexts, e.g., the top level. */ /* Verify requirement R at compile-time, as an integer constant expression. Return 1. This is equivalent to verify_expr (R, 1). verify_true is obsolescent; please use verify_expr instead. */ #define verify_true(R) _GL_VERIFY_TRUE (R, "verify_true (" #R ")") /* Verify requirement R at compile-time. Return the value of the expression E. */ #define verify_expr(R, E) \ (_GL_VERIFY_TRUE (R, "verify_expr (" #R ", " #E ")") ? (E) : (E)) /* Verify requirement R at compile-time, as a declaration without a trailing ';'. */ #define verify(R) _GL_VERIFY (R, "verify (" #R ")") #ifndef __has_builtin # define __has_builtin(x) 0 #endif /* Assume that R always holds. This lets the compiler optimize accordingly. R should not have side-effects; it may or may not be evaluated. Behavior is undefined if R is false. */ #if (__has_builtin (__builtin_unreachable) \ || 4 < __GNUC__ + (5 <= __GNUC_MINOR__)) # define assume(R) ((R) ? (void) 0 : __builtin_unreachable ()) #elif 1200 <= _MSC_VER # define assume(R) __assume (R) #elif (defined lint \ && (__has_builtin (__builtin_trap) \ || 3 < __GNUC__ + (3 < __GNUC_MINOR__ + (4 <= __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__)))) /* Doing it this way helps various packages when configured with --enable-gcc-warnings, which compiles with -Dlint. It's nicer when 'assume' silences warnings even with older GCCs. */ # define assume(R) ((R) ? (void) 0 : __builtin_trap ()) #else # define assume(R) ((void) (0 && (R))) #endif /* @assert.h omit end@ */ #endif intl/plural-exp.h000064400000011045147633151230007762 0ustar00/* Expression parsing and evaluation for plural form selection. Copyright (C) 2000-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Written by Ulrich Drepper , 2000. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef _PLURAL_EXP_H #define _PLURAL_EXP_H #ifndef internal_function # define internal_function #endif #ifndef attribute_hidden # define attribute_hidden #endif #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif enum expression_operator { /* Without arguments: */ var, /* The variable "n". */ num, /* Decimal number. */ /* Unary operators: */ lnot, /* Logical NOT. */ /* Binary operators: */ mult, /* Multiplication. */ divide, /* Division. */ module, /* Modulo operation. */ plus, /* Addition. */ minus, /* Subtraction. */ less_than, /* Comparison. */ greater_than, /* Comparison. */ less_or_equal, /* Comparison. */ greater_or_equal, /* Comparison. */ equal, /* Comparison for equality. */ not_equal, /* Comparison for inequality. */ land, /* Logical AND. */ lor, /* Logical OR. */ /* Ternary operators: */ qmop /* Question mark operator. */ }; /* This is the representation of the expressions to determine the plural form. */ struct expression { int nargs; /* Number of arguments. */ enum expression_operator operation; union { unsigned long int num; /* Number value for `num'. */ struct expression *args[3]; /* Up to three arguments. */ } val; }; /* This is the data structure to pass information to the parser and get the result in a thread-safe way. */ struct parse_args { const char *cp; struct expression *res; }; /* Names for the libintl functions are a problem. This source code is used 1. in the GNU C Library library, 2. in the GNU libintl library, 3. in the GNU gettext tools. The function names in each situation must be different, to allow for binary incompatible changes in 'struct expression'. Furthermore, 1. in the GNU C Library library, the names have a __ prefix, 2.+3. in the GNU libintl library and in the GNU gettext tools, the names must follow ANSI C and not start with __. So we have to distinguish the three cases. */ #ifdef _LIBC # define FREE_EXPRESSION __gettext_free_exp # define PLURAL_PARSE __gettextparse # define GERMANIC_PLURAL __gettext_germanic_plural # define EXTRACT_PLURAL_EXPRESSION __gettext_extract_plural #elif defined (IN_LIBINTL) # define FREE_EXPRESSION libintl_gettext_free_exp # define PLURAL_PARSE libintl_gettextparse # define GERMANIC_PLURAL libintl_gettext_germanic_plural # define EXTRACT_PLURAL_EXPRESSION libintl_gettext_extract_plural #else # define FREE_EXPRESSION free_plural_expression # define PLURAL_PARSE parse_plural_expression # define GERMANIC_PLURAL germanic_plural # define EXTRACT_PLURAL_EXPRESSION extract_plural_expression #endif #if (defined __GNUC__ && !(defined __APPLE_CC_ && __APPLE_CC__ > 1) \ && !defined __cplusplus) \ || (defined __STDC_VERSION__ && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L) \ || (defined __SUNPRO_C && 0x560 <= __SUNPRO_C \ && !(defined __STDC__ && __STDC__ == 1)) # define HAVE_STRUCT_INITIALIZER 1 #else # define HAVE_STRUCT_INITIALIZER 0 #endif extern void FREE_EXPRESSION (struct expression *exp) internal_function; extern int PLURAL_PARSE (struct parse_args *arg); #if HAVE_STRUCT_INITIALIZER extern const struct expression GERMANIC_PLURAL attribute_hidden; #else extern struct expression GERMANIC_PLURAL attribute_hidden; #endif extern void EXTRACT_PLURAL_EXPRESSION (const char *nullentry, const struct expression **pluralp, unsigned long int *npluralsp) internal_function; #if !defined (_LIBC) && !defined (IN_LIBINTL) && !defined (IN_LIBGLOCALE) extern unsigned long int plural_eval (const struct expression *pexp, unsigned long int n); #endif #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* _PLURAL_EXP_H */ intl/finddomain.c000064400000013554147633151230010003 0ustar00/* Handle list of needed message catalogs Copyright (C) 1995-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Written by Ulrich Drepper , 1995. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #include #include #include #if defined HAVE_UNISTD_H || defined _LIBC # include #endif #include "gettextP.h" #ifdef _LIBC # include #else # include "libgnuintl.h" #endif /* Handle multi-threaded applications. */ #ifdef _LIBC # include # define gl_rwlock_define_initialized __libc_rwlock_define_initialized # define gl_rwlock_rdlock __libc_rwlock_rdlock # define gl_rwlock_wrlock __libc_rwlock_wrlock # define gl_rwlock_unlock __libc_rwlock_unlock #else # include "lock.h" #endif /* @@ end of prolog @@ */ /* List of already loaded domains. */ static struct loaded_l10nfile *_nl_loaded_domains; /* Return a data structure describing the message catalog described by the DOMAINNAME and CATEGORY parameters with respect to the currently established bindings. */ struct loaded_l10nfile * internal_function _nl_find_domain (const char *dirname, char *locale, const char *domainname, struct binding *domainbinding) { struct loaded_l10nfile *retval; const char *language; const char *modifier; const char *territory; const char *codeset; const char *normalized_codeset; const char *alias_value; int mask; /* LOCALE can consist of up to four recognized parts for the XPG syntax: language[_territory][.codeset][@modifier] Beside the first part all of them are allowed to be missing. If the full specified locale is not found, the less specific one are looked for. The various parts will be stripped off according to the following order: (1) codeset (2) normalized codeset (3) territory (4) modifier */ /* We need to protect modifying the _NL_LOADED_DOMAINS data. */ gl_rwlock_define_initialized (static, lock); gl_rwlock_rdlock (lock); /* If we have already tested for this locale entry there has to be one data set in the list of loaded domains. */ retval = _nl_make_l10nflist (&_nl_loaded_domains, dirname, strlen (dirname) + 1, 0, locale, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, domainname, 0); gl_rwlock_unlock (lock); if (retval != NULL) { /* We know something about this locale. */ int cnt; if (retval->decided <= 0) _nl_load_domain (retval, domainbinding); if (retval->data != NULL) return retval; for (cnt = 0; retval->successor[cnt] != NULL; ++cnt) { if (retval->successor[cnt]->decided <= 0) _nl_load_domain (retval->successor[cnt], domainbinding); if (retval->successor[cnt]->data != NULL) break; } return retval; /* NOTREACHED */ } /* See whether the locale value is an alias. If yes its value *overwrites* the alias name. No test for the original value is done. */ alias_value = _nl_expand_alias (locale); if (alias_value != NULL) { #if defined _LIBC || defined HAVE_STRDUP locale = strdup (alias_value); if (locale == NULL) return NULL; #else size_t len = strlen (alias_value) + 1; locale = (char *) malloc (len); if (locale == NULL) return NULL; memcpy (locale, alias_value, len); #endif } /* Now we determine the single parts of the locale name. First look for the language. Termination symbols are `_', '.', and `@'. */ mask = _nl_explode_name (locale, &language, &modifier, &territory, &codeset, &normalized_codeset); if (mask == -1) /* This means we are out of core. */ return NULL; /* We need to protect modifying the _NL_LOADED_DOMAINS data. */ gl_rwlock_wrlock (lock); /* Create all possible locale entries which might be interested in generalization. */ retval = _nl_make_l10nflist (&_nl_loaded_domains, dirname, strlen (dirname) + 1, mask, language, territory, codeset, normalized_codeset, modifier, domainname, 1); gl_rwlock_unlock (lock); if (retval == NULL) /* This means we are out of core. */ goto out; if (retval->decided <= 0) _nl_load_domain (retval, domainbinding); if (retval->data == NULL) { int cnt; for (cnt = 0; retval->successor[cnt] != NULL; ++cnt) { if (retval->successor[cnt]->decided <= 0) _nl_load_domain (retval->successor[cnt], domainbinding); if (retval->successor[cnt]->data != NULL) break; } } /* The room for an alias was dynamically allocated. Free it now. */ if (alias_value != NULL) free (locale); out: /* The space for normalized_codeset is dynamically allocated. Free it. */ if (mask & XPG_NORM_CODESET) free ((void *) normalized_codeset); return retval; } #ifdef _LIBC /* This is called from iconv/gconv_db.c's free_mem, as locales must be freed before freeing gconv steps arrays. */ void __libc_freeres_fn_section _nl_finddomain_subfreeres (void) { struct loaded_l10nfile *runp = _nl_loaded_domains; while (runp != NULL) { struct loaded_l10nfile *here = runp; if (runp->data != NULL) _nl_unload_domain ((struct loaded_domain *) runp->data); runp = runp->next; free ((char *) here->filename); free (here); } } #endif intl/relocatable.h000064400000006110147633151230010143 0ustar00/* Provide relocatable packages. Copyright (C) 2003, 2005, 2008, 2015-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Written by Bruno Haible , 2003. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef _RELOCATABLE_H #define _RELOCATABLE_H #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* This can be enabled through the configure --enable-relocatable option. */ #if ENABLE_RELOCATABLE /* When building a DLL, we must export some functions. Note that because this is a private .h file, we don't need to use __declspec(dllimport) in any case. */ #if HAVE_VISIBILITY && BUILDING_DLL # define RELOCATABLE_DLL_EXPORTED __attribute__((__visibility__("default"))) #elif defined _MSC_VER && BUILDING_DLL # define RELOCATABLE_DLL_EXPORTED __declspec(dllexport) #else # define RELOCATABLE_DLL_EXPORTED #endif /* Sets the original and the current installation prefix of the package. Relocation simply replaces a pathname starting with the original prefix by the corresponding pathname with the current prefix instead. Both prefixes should be directory names without trailing slash (i.e. use "" instead of "/"). */ extern RELOCATABLE_DLL_EXPORTED void set_relocation_prefix (const char *orig_prefix, const char *curr_prefix); /* Returns the pathname, relocated according to the current installation directory. The returned string is either PATHNAME unmodified or a freshly allocated string that you can free with free() after casting it to 'char *'. */ extern const char * relocate (const char *pathname); /* Memory management: relocate() potentially allocates memory, because it has to construct a fresh pathname. If this is a problem because your program calls relocate() frequently, think about caching the result. Or free the return value if it was different from the argument pathname. */ /* Convenience function: Computes the current installation prefix, based on the original installation prefix, the original installation directory of a particular file, and the current pathname of this file. Returns it, freshly allocated. Returns NULL upon failure. */ extern char * compute_curr_prefix (const char *orig_installprefix, const char *orig_installdir, const char *curr_pathname); #else /* By default, we use the hardwired pathnames. */ #define relocate(pathname) (pathname) #endif #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* _RELOCATABLE_H */ intl/gettextP.h000064400000023712147633151230007501 0ustar00/* Header describing internals of libintl library. Copyright (C) 1995-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Written by Ulrich Drepper , 1995. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef _GETTEXTP_H #define _GETTEXTP_H #include /* Get size_t. */ #ifdef _LIBC # include "../iconv/gconv_int.h" #else # if HAVE_ICONV # include # endif #endif /* Handle multi-threaded applications. */ #ifdef _LIBC # include # define gl_rwlock_define __libc_rwlock_define #else # include "lock.h" #endif #ifdef _LIBC struct loaded_domain; extern char *__gettext (const char *__msgid); extern char *__dgettext (const char *__domainname, const char *__msgid); extern char *__dcgettext (const char *__domainname, const char *__msgid, int __category); extern char *__ngettext (const char *__msgid1, const char *__msgid2, unsigned long int __n); extern char *__dngettext (const char *__domainname, const char *__msgid1, const char *__msgid2, unsigned long int n); extern char *__dcngettext (const char *__domainname, const char *__msgid1, const char *__msgid2, unsigned long int __n, int __category); extern char *__dcigettext (const char *__domainname, const char *__msgid1, const char *__msgid2, int __plural, unsigned long int __n, int __category); extern char *__textdomain (const char *__domainname); extern char *__bindtextdomain (const char *__domainname, const char *__dirname); extern char *__bind_textdomain_codeset (const char *__domainname, const char *__codeset); extern void _nl_finddomain_subfreeres (void) attribute_hidden; extern void _nl_unload_domain (struct loaded_domain *__domain) internal_function attribute_hidden; #else /* Declare the exported libintl_* functions, in a way that allows us to call them under their real name. */ # undef _INTL_REDIRECT_INLINE # undef _INTL_REDIRECT_MACROS # define _INTL_REDIRECT_MACROS # include "libgnuintl.h" # ifdef IN_LIBGLOCALE extern char *gl_dcigettext (const char *__domainname, const char *__msgid1, const char *__msgid2, int __plural, unsigned long int __n, int __category, const char *__localename, const char *__encoding); # else extern char *libintl_dcigettext (const char *__domainname, const char *__msgid1, const char *__msgid2, int __plural, unsigned long int __n, int __category); # endif #endif #include "loadinfo.h" #include "gmo.h" /* Get nls_uint32. */ /* @@ end of prolog @@ */ #ifndef internal_function # define internal_function #endif #ifndef attribute_hidden # define attribute_hidden #endif /* Tell the compiler when a conditional or integer expression is almost always true or almost always false. */ #ifndef HAVE_BUILTIN_EXPECT # define __builtin_expect(expr, val) (expr) #endif #ifndef W # define W(flag, data) ((flag) ? SWAP (data) : (data)) #endif #ifdef _LIBC # include # define SWAP(i) bswap_32 (i) #else static inline nls_uint32 # ifdef __cplusplus SWAP (nls_uint32 i) # else SWAP (i) nls_uint32 i; # endif { return (i << 24) | ((i & 0xff00) << 8) | ((i >> 8) & 0xff00) | (i >> 24); } #endif /* In-memory representation of system dependent string. */ struct sysdep_string_desc { /* Length of addressed string, including the trailing NUL. */ size_t length; /* Pointer to addressed string. */ const char *pointer; }; /* Cache of translated strings after charset conversion. Note: The strings are converted to the target encoding only on an as-needed basis. */ struct converted_domain { /* The target encoding name. */ const char *encoding; /* The descriptor for conversion from the message catalog's encoding to this target encoding. */ #ifdef _LIBC __gconv_t conv; #else # if HAVE_ICONV iconv_t conv; # endif #endif /* The table of translated strings after charset conversion. */ char **conv_tab; }; /* The representation of an opened message catalog. */ struct loaded_domain { /* Pointer to memory containing the .mo file. */ const char *data; /* 1 if the memory is mmap()ed, 0 if the memory is malloc()ed. */ int use_mmap; /* Size of mmap()ed memory. */ size_t mmap_size; /* 1 if the .mo file uses a different endianness than this machine. */ int must_swap; /* Pointer to additional malloc()ed memory. */ void *malloced; /* Number of static strings pairs. */ nls_uint32 nstrings; /* Pointer to descriptors of original strings in the file. */ const struct string_desc *orig_tab; /* Pointer to descriptors of translated strings in the file. */ const struct string_desc *trans_tab; /* Number of system dependent strings pairs. */ nls_uint32 n_sysdep_strings; /* Pointer to descriptors of original sysdep strings. */ const struct sysdep_string_desc *orig_sysdep_tab; /* Pointer to descriptors of translated sysdep strings. */ const struct sysdep_string_desc *trans_sysdep_tab; /* Size of hash table. */ nls_uint32 hash_size; /* Pointer to hash table. */ const nls_uint32 *hash_tab; /* 1 if the hash table uses a different endianness than this machine. */ int must_swap_hash_tab; /* Cache of charset conversions of the translated strings. */ struct converted_domain *conversions; size_t nconversions; gl_rwlock_define (, conversions_lock) const struct expression *plural; unsigned long int nplurals; }; /* We want to allocate a string at the end of the struct. But ISO C doesn't allow zero sized arrays. */ #ifdef __GNUC__ # define ZERO 0 #else # define ZERO 1 #endif /* A set of settings bound to a message domain. Used to store settings from bindtextdomain() and bind_textdomain_codeset(). */ struct binding { struct binding *next; char *dirname; char *codeset; char domainname[ZERO]; }; /* A counter which is incremented each time some previous translations become invalid. This variable is part of the external ABI of the GNU libintl. */ #if defined __KLIBC__ && !defined _LIBC # define _nl_msg_cat_cntr libintl_nl_msg_cat_cntr #endif #ifdef IN_LIBGLOCALE # include extern LIBGLOCALE_DLL_EXPORTED int _nl_msg_cat_cntr; #else extern LIBINTL_DLL_EXPORTED int _nl_msg_cat_cntr; #endif #ifndef _LIBC extern const char *_nl_language_preferences_default (void); # define gl_locale_name_canonicalize _nl_locale_name_canonicalize extern void _nl_locale_name_canonicalize (char *name); # define gl_locale_name_from_win32_LANGID _nl_locale_name_from_win32_LANGID /* extern const char *_nl_locale_name_from_win32_LANGID (LANGID langid); */ # define gl_locale_name_from_win32_LCID _nl_locale_name_from_win32_LCID /* extern const char *_nl_locale_name_from_win32_LCID (LCID lcid); */ # define gl_locale_name_thread_unsafe _nl_locale_name_thread_unsafe extern const char *_nl_locale_name_thread_unsafe (int category, const char *categoryname); # define gl_locale_name_thread _nl_locale_name_thread /* extern const char *_nl_locale_name_thread (int category, const char *categoryname); */ # define gl_locale_name_posix _nl_locale_name_posix extern const char *_nl_locale_name_posix (int category, const char *categoryname); # define gl_locale_name_environ _nl_locale_name_environ extern const char *_nl_locale_name_environ (int category, const char *categoryname); # define gl_locale_name_default _nl_locale_name_default extern const char *_nl_locale_name_default (void); # define gl_locale_name _nl_locale_name /* extern const char *_nl_locale_name (int category, const char *categoryname); */ #endif struct loaded_l10nfile *_nl_find_domain (const char *__dirname, char *__locale, const char *__domainname, struct binding *__domainbinding) internal_function; void _nl_load_domain (struct loaded_l10nfile *__domain, struct binding *__domainbinding) internal_function; #ifdef IN_LIBGLOCALE char *_nl_find_msg (struct loaded_l10nfile *domain_file, struct binding *domainbinding, const char *encoding, const char *msgid, size_t *lengthp) internal_function; #else char *_nl_find_msg (struct loaded_l10nfile *domain_file, struct binding *domainbinding, const char *msgid, int convert, size_t *lengthp) internal_function; #endif /* The internal variables in the standalone libintl.a must have different names than the internal variables in GNU libc, otherwise programs using libintl.a cannot be linked statically. */ #if !defined _LIBC # define _nl_default_dirname libintl_nl_default_dirname # define _nl_domain_bindings libintl_nl_domain_bindings #endif /* Contains the default location of the message catalogs. */ extern const char _nl_default_dirname[]; #ifdef _LIBC libc_hidden_proto (_nl_default_dirname) #endif /* List with bindings of specific domains. */ extern struct binding *_nl_domain_bindings; /* The internal variables in the standalone libintl.a must have different names than the internal variables in GNU libc, otherwise programs using libintl.a cannot be linked statically. */ #if !defined _LIBC # define _nl_default_default_domain libintl_nl_default_default_domain # define _nl_current_default_domain libintl_nl_current_default_domain #endif /* Name of the default text domain. */ extern const char _nl_default_default_domain[] attribute_hidden; /* Default text domain in which entries for gettext(3) are to be found. */ extern const char *_nl_current_default_domain attribute_hidden; /* @@ begin of epilog @@ */ #endif /* gettextP.h */ intl/Makefile.in000064400000061041147633151230007566 0ustar00# Makefile for directory with message catalog handling library of GNU gettext # Copyright (C) 1995-1998, 2000-2007, 2009-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . PACKAGE = @PACKAGE@ VERSION = @VERSION@ SHELL = @SHELL@ srcdir = @srcdir@ top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@ top_builddir = .. # The VPATH variables allows builds with $builddir != $srcdir, assuming a # 'make' program that supports VPATH (such as GNU make). This line is removed # by autoconf automatically when "$(srcdir)" = ".". # In this directory, the VPATH handling is particular: # 1. If INTL_LIBTOOL_SUFFIX_PREFIX is 'l' (indicating a build with libtool), # the .c -> .lo rules carefully use $(srcdir), so that VPATH can be omitted. # 2. If PACKAGE = gettext-tools, VPATH _must_ be omitted, because otherwise # 'make' does the wrong thing if GNU gettext was configured with # "./configure --srcdir=`pwd`", namely it gets confused by the .lo and .la # files it finds in srcdir = ../../gettext-runtime/intl. VPATH = $(srcdir) prefix = @prefix@ exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@ transform = @program_transform_name@ libdir = @libdir@ includedir = @includedir@ datarootdir = @datarootdir@ datadir = @datadir@ localedir = $(datadir)/locale gettextsrcdir = $(datadir)/gettext/intl aliaspath = $(localedir) subdir = intl INSTALL = @INSTALL@ INSTALL_DATA = @INSTALL_DATA@ # We use $(mkdir_p). # In automake <= 1.9.x, $(mkdir_p) is defined either as "mkdir -p --" or as # "$(mkinstalldirs)" or as "$(install_sh) -d". For these automake versions, # @install_sh@ does not start with $(SHELL), so we add it. # In automake >= 1.10, @mkdir_p@ is derived from ${MKDIR_P}, which is defined # either as "/path/to/mkdir -p" or ".../install-sh -c -d". For these automake # versions, $(mkinstalldirs) and $(install_sh) are unused. mkinstalldirs = $(SHELL) @install_sh@ -d install_sh = $(SHELL) @install_sh@ MKDIR_P = @MKDIR_P@ mkdir_p = @mkdir_p@ l = @INTL_LIBTOOL_SUFFIX_PREFIX@ AR = ar CC = @CC@ LIBTOOL = @LIBTOOL@ RANLIB = @RANLIB@ YACC = @INTLBISON@ -y -d YFLAGS = --name-prefix=__gettext # Windows resource compiler (windres). Used when libtool is not used. WINDRES = @WINDRES@ # Windows resource compiler (windres). Used via libtool. RC = @RC@ # Support for silent-rules. AM_V_at = $(am__v_at_$(V)) am__v_at_ = $(am__v_at_@INTL_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY@) am__v_at_0 = @ AM_V_AR = $(am__v_AR_$(V)) am__v_AR_ = $(am__v_AR_@INTL_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY@) am__v_AR_0 = @echo " AR " $@; AM_V_CC = $(am__v_CC_$(V)) am__v_CC_ = $(am__v_CC_@INTL_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY@) am__v_CC_0 = @echo " CC " $@; AM_V_GEN = $(am__v_GEN_$(V)) am__v_GEN_ = $(am__v_GEN_@INTL_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY@) am__v_GEN_0 = @echo " GEN " $@; AM_V_YACC = $(am__v_YACC_$(V)) am__v_YACC_ = $(am__v_YACC_@INTL_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY@) am__v_YACC_0 = @echo " YACC " $@; AM_V_lt = $(am__v_lt_$(V)) am__v_lt_ = $(am__v_lt_@INTL_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY@) am__v_lt_0 = --silent # -DBUILDING_LIBINTL: Change expansion of LIBINTL_DLL_EXPORTED macro. # -DBUILDING_DLL: Change expansion of RELOCATABLE_DLL_EXPORTED macro. DEFS = -DLOCALEDIR=\"$(localedir)\" -DLOCALE_ALIAS_PATH=\"$(aliaspath)\" \ -DLIBDIR=\"$(libdir)\" -DBUILDING_LIBINTL -DBUILDING_DLL -DIN_LIBINTL \ -DENABLE_RELOCATABLE=1 -DIN_LIBRARY -DINSTALLDIR=\"$(libdir)\" -DNO_XMALLOC \ -Dset_relocation_prefix=libintl_set_relocation_prefix \ -Drelocate=libintl_relocate \ -DDEPENDS_ON_LIBICONV=1 @DEFS@ CPPFLAGS = @CPPFLAGS@ CFLAGS = @CFLAGS@ @CFLAG_VISIBILITY@ LDFLAGS = @LDFLAGS@ $(LDFLAGS_@WOE32DLL@) LDFLAGS_yes = -Wl,--export-all-symbols LDFLAGS_no = LIBS = @LIBS@ COMPILE = $(CC) -c $(DEFS) $(INCLUDES) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(XCFLAGS) # This line will be replaced with pluralx.$lo, when this file is used # in gettext-tools/intl/. See the pluralx.lo rule below for the rationale. PLURAL_OBJECT = plural.$lo HEADERS = \ gmo.h \ gettextP.h \ hash-string.h \ loadinfo.h \ plural-exp.h \ eval-plural.h \ localcharset.h \ lock.h \ relocatable.h \ tsearch.h tsearch.c \ verify.h \ xsize.h \ printf-args.h printf-args.c \ printf-parse.h wprintf-parse.h printf-parse.c \ vasnprintf.h vasnwprintf.h vasnprintf.c \ os2compat.h \ libgnuintl.in.h SOURCES = \ bindtextdom.c \ dcgettext.c \ dgettext.c \ gettext.c \ finddomain.c \ hash-string.c \ loadmsgcat.c \ localealias.c \ textdomain.c \ l10nflist.c \ explodename.c \ dcigettext.c \ dcngettext.c \ dngettext.c \ ngettext.c \ plural.y \ plural-exp.c \ localcharset.c \ threadlib.c \ lock.c \ relocatable.c \ langprefs.c \ localename.c \ log.c \ printf.c \ setlocale.c \ version.c \ xsize.c \ osdep.c \ os2compat.c \ intl-exports.c \ intl-compat.c OBJECTS = \ bindtextdom.$lo \ dcgettext.$lo \ dgettext.$lo \ gettext.$lo \ finddomain.$lo \ hash-string.$lo \ loadmsgcat.$lo \ localealias.$lo \ textdomain.$lo \ l10nflist.$lo \ explodename.$lo \ dcigettext.$lo \ dcngettext.$lo \ dngettext.$lo \ ngettext.$lo \ $(PLURAL_OBJECT) \ plural-exp.$lo \ localcharset.$lo \ threadlib.$lo \ lock.$lo \ relocatable.$lo \ langprefs.$lo \ localename.$lo \ log.$lo \ printf.$lo \ setlocale.$lo \ version.$lo \ xsize.$lo \ osdep.$lo \ intl-compat.$lo OBJECTS_RES_yes = libintl.res.$lo OBJECTS_RES_no = DISTFILES.common = Makefile.in \ config.charset locale.alias ref-add.sin ref-del.sin export.h libintl.rc \ $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) DISTFILES.generated = plural.c DISTFILES.normal = VERSION DISTFILES.gettext = ChangeLog COPYING.LIB libintl.glibc README.woe32 DISTFILES.obsolete = xopen-msg.sed linux-msg.sed po2tbl.sed.in cat-compat.c \ COPYING.LIB-2 COPYING.LIB-2.0 COPYING.LIB-2.1 \ gettext.h libgettext.h plural-eval.c libgnuintl.h \ libgnuintl.h_vms Makefile.vms libgnuintl.h.msvc-static \ libgnuintl.h.msvc-shared Makefile.msvc all: all-@USE_INCLUDED_LIBINTL@ all-yes: libintl.$la libintl.h charset.alias ref-add.sed ref-del.sed all-no: all-no-@BUILD_INCLUDED_LIBINTL@ all-no-yes: libgnuintl.$la all-no-no: libintl.a libgnuintl.a: $(OBJECTS) $(AM_V_at)rm -f $@ $(AM_V_AR)$(AR) cru $@ $(OBJECTS) $(AM_V_at)$(RANLIB) $@ libintl.la libgnuintl.la: $(OBJECTS) $(OBJECTS_RES_@WOE32@) $(AM_V_GEN)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC --mode=link \ $(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(XCFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ \ $(OBJECTS) @LTLIBICONV@ @INTL_MACOSX_LIBS@ $(LIBS) @LTLIBTHREAD@ @LTLIBC@ \ $(OBJECTS_RES_@WOE32@) \ -version-info $(LTV_CURRENT):$(LTV_REVISION):$(LTV_AGE) \ -rpath $(libdir) \ -no-undefined # Libtool's library version information for libintl. # Before making a gettext release, the gettext maintainer must change this # according to the libtool documentation, section "Library interface versions". # Maintainers of other packages that include the intl directory must *not* # change these values. LTV_CURRENT=9 LTV_REVISION=5 LTV_AGE=1 .SUFFIXES: .SUFFIXES: .c .y .o .lo .sin .sed .c.o: $(AM_V_CC)$(COMPILE) $< .y.c: $(AM_V_YACC)$(YACC) $(YFLAGS) --output $@ $< $(AM_V_at)rm -f $*.h bindtextdom.lo: $(srcdir)/bindtextdom.c $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/bindtextdom.c dcgettext.lo: $(srcdir)/dcgettext.c $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/dcgettext.c dgettext.lo: $(srcdir)/dgettext.c $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/dgettext.c gettext.lo: $(srcdir)/gettext.c $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/gettext.c finddomain.lo: $(srcdir)/finddomain.c $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/finddomain.c hash-string.lo: $(srcdir)/hash-string.c $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/hash-string.c loadmsgcat.lo: $(srcdir)/loadmsgcat.c $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/loadmsgcat.c localealias.lo: $(srcdir)/localealias.c $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/localealias.c textdomain.lo: $(srcdir)/textdomain.c $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/textdomain.c l10nflist.lo: $(srcdir)/l10nflist.c $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/l10nflist.c explodename.lo: $(srcdir)/explodename.c $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/explodename.c dcigettext.lo: $(srcdir)/dcigettext.c $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/dcigettext.c dcngettext.lo: $(srcdir)/dcngettext.c $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/dcngettext.c dngettext.lo: $(srcdir)/dngettext.c $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/dngettext.c ngettext.lo: $(srcdir)/ngettext.c $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/ngettext.c plural.lo: $(srcdir)/plural.c $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/plural.c # $(srcdir)/plural.c contains a relative file name of the Bison source. # That could mess up LCOV when the C source file is referred to from a # different base directory. pluralx.c: $(srcdir)/plural.c $(AM_V_GEN)sed -e 's|^#line \([0-9]*\) "\(plural\.[cy]\)"|#line \1 "$(srcdir)/\2"|' < $(srcdir)/plural.c > $@ pluralx.lo: pluralx.c $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(COMPILE) pluralx.c plural-exp.lo: $(srcdir)/plural-exp.c $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/plural-exp.c localcharset.lo: $(srcdir)/localcharset.c $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/localcharset.c threadlib.lo: $(srcdir)/threadlib.c $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/threadlib.c lock.lo: $(srcdir)/lock.c $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/lock.c relocatable.lo: $(srcdir)/relocatable.c $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/relocatable.c langprefs.lo: $(srcdir)/langprefs.c $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/langprefs.c localename.lo: $(srcdir)/localename.c $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/localename.c log.lo: $(srcdir)/log.c $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/log.c printf.lo: $(srcdir)/printf.c $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/printf.c setlocale.lo: $(srcdir)/setlocale.c $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/setlocale.c version.lo: $(srcdir)/version.c $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/version.c xsize.lo: $(srcdir)/xsize.c $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/xsize.c osdep.lo: $(srcdir)/osdep.c $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/osdep.c intl-compat.lo: $(srcdir)/intl-compat.c $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/intl-compat.c # This rule is executed only on Woe32 systems. # The following sed expressions come from the windres-options script. They are # inlined here, so that they can be written in a Makefile without requiring a # temporary file. They must contain literal newlines rather than semicolons, # so that they work with the sed-3.02 that is shipped with MSYS. libintl.res.o: $(srcdir)/libintl.rc nlinit=`echo 'nl="'; echo '"'`; eval "$$nlinit"; \ sed_extract_major='/^[0-9]/{'$${nl}'s/^\([0-9]*\).*/\1/p'$${nl}q$${nl}'}'$${nl}'c\'$${nl}0$${nl}q; \ sed_extract_minor='/^[0-9][0-9]*[.][0-9]/{'$${nl}'s/^[0-9]*[.]\([0-9]*\).*/\1/p'$${nl}q$${nl}'}'$${nl}'c\'$${nl}0$${nl}q; \ sed_extract_subminor='/^[0-9][0-9]*[.][0-9][0-9]*[.][0-9]/{'$${nl}'s/^[0-9]*[.][0-9]*[.]\([0-9]*\).*/\1/p'$${nl}q$${nl}'}'$${nl}'c\'$${nl}0$${nl}q; \ $(WINDRES) \ "-DPACKAGE_VERSION_STRING=\\\"$(VERSION)\\\"" \ "-DPACKAGE_VERSION_MAJOR="`echo '$(VERSION)' | sed -n -e "$$sed_extract_major"` \ "-DPACKAGE_VERSION_MINOR="`echo '$(VERSION)' | sed -n -e "$$sed_extract_minor"` \ "-DPACKAGE_VERSION_SUBMINOR="`echo '$(VERSION)' | sed -n -e "$$sed_extract_subminor"` \ -i $(srcdir)/libintl.rc -o libintl.res.o --output-format=coff libintl.res.lo: $(srcdir)/libintl.rc nlinit=`echo 'nl="'; echo '"'`; eval "$$nlinit"; \ sed_extract_major='/^[0-9]/{'$${nl}'s/^\([0-9]*\).*/\1/p'$${nl}q$${nl}'}'$${nl}'c\'$${nl}0$${nl}q; \ sed_extract_minor='/^[0-9][0-9]*[.][0-9]/{'$${nl}'s/^[0-9]*[.]\([0-9]*\).*/\1/p'$${nl}q$${nl}'}'$${nl}'c\'$${nl}0$${nl}q; \ sed_extract_subminor='/^[0-9][0-9]*[.][0-9][0-9]*[.][0-9]/{'$${nl}'s/^[0-9]*[.][0-9]*[.]\([0-9]*\).*/\1/p'$${nl}q$${nl}'}'$${nl}'c\'$${nl}0$${nl}q; \ $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile --tag=RC $(RC) \ "-DPACKAGE_VERSION_STRING=\\\"$(VERSION)\\\"" \ "-DPACKAGE_VERSION_MAJOR="`echo '$(VERSION)' | sed -n -e "$$sed_extract_major"` \ "-DPACKAGE_VERSION_MINOR="`echo '$(VERSION)' | sed -n -e "$$sed_extract_minor"` \ "-DPACKAGE_VERSION_SUBMINOR="`echo '$(VERSION)' | sed -n -e "$$sed_extract_subminor"` \ -i $(srcdir)/libintl.rc -o libintl.res.lo --output-format=coff ref-add.sed: $(srcdir)/ref-add.sin sed -e '/^#/d' -e 's/@''PACKAGE''@/@PACKAGE@/g' $(srcdir)/ref-add.sin > t-ref-add.sed mv t-ref-add.sed ref-add.sed ref-del.sed: $(srcdir)/ref-del.sin sed -e '/^#/d' -e 's/@''PACKAGE''@/@PACKAGE@/g' $(srcdir)/ref-del.sin > t-ref-del.sed mv t-ref-del.sed ref-del.sed INCLUDES = -I. -I$(srcdir) -I.. libgnuintl.h: $(srcdir)/libgnuintl.in.h sed -e '/IN_LIBGLOCALE/d' \ -e 's,@''HAVE_POSIX_PRINTF''@,@HAVE_POSIX_PRINTF@,g' \ -e 's,@''HAVE_ASPRINTF''@,@HAVE_ASPRINTF@,g' \ -e 's,@''HAVE_NEWLOCALE''@,@HAVE_NEWLOCALE@,g' \ -e 's,@''HAVE_SNPRINTF''@,@HAVE_SNPRINTF@,g' \ -e 's,@''HAVE_WPRINTF''@,@HAVE_WPRINTF@,g' \ < $(srcdir)/libgnuintl.in.h \ | if test '@WOE32DLL@' = yes; then \ sed -e 's/extern \([^()]*\);/extern __declspec (dllimport) \1;/'; \ else \ cat; \ fi \ | sed -e 's/extern \([^"]\)/extern LIBINTL_DLL_EXPORTED \1/' \ -e "/#define _LIBINTL_H/r $(srcdir)/export.h" \ | sed -e 's,@''HAVE_VISIBILITY''@,@HAVE_VISIBILITY@,g' \ > libgnuintl.h libintl.h: $(srcdir)/libgnuintl.in.h sed -e '/IN_LIBGLOCALE/d' \ -e 's,@''HAVE_POSIX_PRINTF''@,@HAVE_POSIX_PRINTF@,g' \ -e 's,@''HAVE_ASPRINTF''@,@HAVE_ASPRINTF@,g' \ -e 's,@''HAVE_NEWLOCALE''@,@HAVE_NEWLOCALE@,g' \ -e 's,@''HAVE_SNPRINTF''@,@HAVE_SNPRINTF@,g' \ -e 's,@''HAVE_WPRINTF''@,@HAVE_WPRINTF@,g' \ < $(srcdir)/libgnuintl.in.h > libintl.h charset.alias: $(srcdir)/config.charset $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/config.charset '@host@' > t-$@ mv t-$@ $@ check: all # We must not install the libintl.h/libintl.a files if we are on a # system which has the GNU gettext() function in its C library or in a # separate library. # If you want to use the one which comes with this version of the # package, you have to use "configure --with-included-gettext". install: install-exec install-data install-exec: all if { test "$(PACKAGE)" = "gettext-runtime" || test "$(PACKAGE)" = "gettext-tools"; } \ && test '@USE_INCLUDED_LIBINTL@' = yes; then \ $(mkdir_p) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir) $(DESTDIR)$(includedir); \ $(INSTALL_DATA) libintl.h $(DESTDIR)$(includedir)/libintl.h; \ $(LIBTOOL) --mode=install \ $(INSTALL_DATA) libintl.$la $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/libintl.$la; \ if test "@RELOCATABLE@" = yes; then \ dependencies=`sed -n -e 's,^dependency_libs=\(.*\),\1,p' < $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/libintl.la | sed -e "s,^',," -e "s,'\$$,,"`; \ if test -n "$$dependencies"; then \ rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/libintl.la; \ fi; \ fi; \ else \ : ; \ fi if test "$(PACKAGE)" = "gettext-tools" \ && test '@USE_INCLUDED_LIBINTL@' = no \ && test @GLIBC2@ != no; then \ $(mkdir_p) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir); \ $(LIBTOOL) --mode=install \ $(INSTALL_DATA) libgnuintl.$la $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/libgnuintl.$la; \ rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/preloadable_libintl.so; \ $(INSTALL_DATA) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/libgnuintl.so $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/preloadable_libintl.so; \ $(LIBTOOL) --mode=uninstall \ rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/libgnuintl.$la; \ else \ : ; \ fi if test '@USE_INCLUDED_LIBINTL@' = yes; then \ if test @GLIBC21@ = no; then \ case '@host_os@' in \ darwin[56]*) \ need_charset_alias=true ;; \ darwin* | cygwin* | mingw* | pw32* | cegcc*) \ need_charset_alias=false ;; \ *) \ need_charset_alias=true ;; \ esac; \ else \ need_charset_alias=false; \ fi; \ if $$need_charset_alias; then \ $(mkdir_p) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir); \ fi; \ temp=$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/t-charset.alias; \ dest=$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/charset.alias; \ if test -f $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/charset.alias; then \ orig=$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/charset.alias; \ sed -f ref-add.sed $$orig > $$temp; \ $(INSTALL_DATA) $$temp $$dest; \ rm -f $$temp; \ else \ if $$need_charset_alias; then \ orig=charset.alias; \ sed -f ref-add.sed $$orig > $$temp; \ $(INSTALL_DATA) $$temp $$dest; \ rm -f $$temp; \ fi; \ fi; \ $(mkdir_p) $(DESTDIR)$(localedir); \ test -f $(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/locale.alias \ && orig=$(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/locale.alias \ || orig=$(srcdir)/locale.alias; \ temp=$(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/t-locale.alias; \ dest=$(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/locale.alias; \ sed -f ref-add.sed $$orig > $$temp; \ $(INSTALL_DATA) $$temp $$dest; \ rm -f $$temp; \ else \ : ; \ fi install-data: all if test "$(PACKAGE)" = "gettext-tools"; then \ $(mkdir_p) $(DESTDIR)$(gettextsrcdir); \ $(INSTALL_DATA) VERSION $(DESTDIR)$(gettextsrcdir)/VERSION; \ dists="COPYING.LIB $(DISTFILES.common)"; \ for file in $$dists; do \ $(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/$$file \ $(DESTDIR)$(gettextsrcdir)/$$file; \ done; \ chmod a+x $(DESTDIR)$(gettextsrcdir)/config.charset; \ dists="$(DISTFILES.generated)"; \ for file in $$dists; do \ if test -f $$file; then dir=.; else dir=$(srcdir); fi; \ $(INSTALL_DATA) $$dir/$$file \ $(DESTDIR)$(gettextsrcdir)/$$file; \ done; \ dists="$(DISTFILES.obsolete)"; \ for file in $$dists; do \ rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(gettextsrcdir)/$$file; \ done; \ else \ : ; \ fi install-strip: install install-dvi install-html install-info install-ps install-pdf: installdirs: if { test "$(PACKAGE)" = "gettext-runtime" || test "$(PACKAGE)" = "gettext-tools"; } \ && test '@USE_INCLUDED_LIBINTL@' = yes; then \ $(mkdir_p) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir) $(DESTDIR)$(includedir); \ else \ : ; \ fi if test "$(PACKAGE)" = "gettext-tools" \ && test '@USE_INCLUDED_LIBINTL@' = no \ && test @GLIBC2@ != no; then \ $(mkdir_p) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir); \ else \ : ; \ fi if test '@USE_INCLUDED_LIBINTL@' = yes; then \ if test @GLIBC21@ = no; then \ case '@host_os@' in \ darwin[56]*) \ need_charset_alias=true ;; \ darwin* | cygwin* | mingw* | pw32* | cegcc*) \ need_charset_alias=false ;; \ *) \ need_charset_alias=true ;; \ esac; \ else \ need_charset_alias=false; \ fi; \ if $$need_charset_alias; then \ $(mkdir_p) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir); \ fi; \ $(mkdir_p) $(DESTDIR)$(localedir); \ else \ : ; \ fi if test "$(PACKAGE)" = "gettext-tools"; then \ $(mkdir_p) $(DESTDIR)$(gettextsrcdir); \ else \ : ; \ fi # Define this as empty until I found a useful application. installcheck: uninstall: if { test "$(PACKAGE)" = "gettext-runtime" || test "$(PACKAGE)" = "gettext-tools"; } \ && test '@USE_INCLUDED_LIBINTL@' = yes; then \ rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(includedir)/libintl.h; \ $(LIBTOOL) --mode=uninstall \ rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/libintl.$la; \ else \ : ; \ fi if test "$(PACKAGE)" = "gettext-tools" \ && test '@USE_INCLUDED_LIBINTL@' = no \ && test @GLIBC2@ != no; then \ rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/preloadable_libintl.so; \ else \ : ; \ fi if test '@USE_INCLUDED_LIBINTL@' = yes; then \ if test -f $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/charset.alias; then \ temp=$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/t-charset.alias; \ dest=$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/charset.alias; \ sed -f ref-del.sed $$dest > $$temp; \ if grep '^# Packages using this file: $$' $$temp > /dev/null; then \ rm -f $$dest; \ else \ $(INSTALL_DATA) $$temp $$dest; \ fi; \ rm -f $$temp; \ fi; \ if test -f $(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/locale.alias; then \ temp=$(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/t-locale.alias; \ dest=$(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/locale.alias; \ sed -f ref-del.sed $$dest > $$temp; \ if grep '^# Packages using this file: $$' $$temp > /dev/null; then \ rm -f $$dest; \ else \ $(INSTALL_DATA) $$temp $$dest; \ fi; \ rm -f $$temp; \ fi; \ else \ : ; \ fi if test "$(PACKAGE)" = "gettext-tools"; then \ for file in VERSION COPYING.LIB $(DISTFILES.common) $(DISTFILES.generated); do \ rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(gettextsrcdir)/$$file; \ done; \ else \ : ; \ fi info dvi ps pdf html: $(OBJECTS): ../config.h libgnuintl.h bindtextdom.$lo dcgettext.$lo dcigettext.$lo dcngettext.$lo dgettext.$lo dngettext.$lo finddomain.$lo gettext.$lo intl-compat.$lo loadmsgcat.$lo localealias.$lo ngettext.$lo setlocale.$lo textdomain.$lo: $(srcdir)/gettextP.h $(srcdir)/gmo.h $(srcdir)/loadinfo.h localename.$lo: $(srcdir)/gettextP.h hash-string.$lo dcigettext.$lo loadmsgcat.$lo: $(srcdir)/hash-string.h explodename.$lo l10nflist.$lo: $(srcdir)/loadinfo.h dcigettext.$lo loadmsgcat.$lo $(PLURAL_OBJECT) plural-exp.$lo: $(srcdir)/plural-exp.h dcigettext.$lo: $(srcdir)/eval-plural.h localcharset.$lo: $(srcdir)/localcharset.h bindtextdom.$lo dcigettext.$lo finddomain.$lo loadmsgcat.$lo localealias.$lo lock.$lo log.$lo: $(srcdir)/lock.h localealias.$lo localcharset.$lo relocatable.$lo: $(srcdir)/relocatable.h printf.$lo: $(srcdir)/printf-args.h $(srcdir)/printf-args.c $(srcdir)/printf-parse.h $(srcdir)/wprintf-parse.h $(srcdir)/xsize.h $(srcdir)/xsize.c $(srcdir)/printf-parse.c $(srcdir)/vasnprintf.h $(srcdir)/vasnwprintf.h $(srcdir)/vasnprintf.c # A bison-2.1 generated plural.c includes if ENABLE_NLS. PLURAL_DEPS_yes = libintl.h PLURAL_DEPS_no = $(PLURAL_OBJECT): $(PLURAL_DEPS_@USE_INCLUDED_LIBINTL@) tags: TAGS TAGS: $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) here=`pwd`; cd $(srcdir) && etags -o $$here/TAGS $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) ctags: CTAGS CTAGS: $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) here=`pwd`; cd $(srcdir) && ctags -o $$here/CTAGS $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) id: ID ID: $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) here=`pwd`; cd $(srcdir) && mkid -f$$here/ID $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) mostlyclean: rm -f *.a *.la *.o *.obj *.lo core core.* rm -f libgnuintl.h libintl.h charset.alias ref-add.sed ref-del.sed rm -f -r .libs _libs rm -f pluralx.c clean: mostlyclean distclean: clean rm -f Makefile ID TAGS if test "$(PACKAGE)" = "gettext-runtime" || test "$(PACKAGE)" = "gettext-tools"; then \ rm -f $(DISTFILES.normal); \ else \ : ; \ fi maintainer-clean: distclean @echo "This command is intended for maintainers to use;" @echo "it deletes files that may require special tools to rebuild." # GNU gettext needs not contain the file 'VERSION' but contains some # other files which should not be distributed in other packages. distdir = ../$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)/$(subdir) dist distdir: Makefile if test "$(PACKAGE)" = "gettext-tools"; then \ : ; \ else \ if test "$(PACKAGE)" = "gettext-runtime"; then \ additional="$(DISTFILES.gettext)"; \ else \ additional="$(DISTFILES.normal)"; \ fi; \ $(MAKE) $(DISTFILES.common) $(DISTFILES.generated) $$additional; \ for file in $(DISTFILES.common) $(DISTFILES.generated) $$additional; do \ if test -f $$file; then dir=.; else dir=$(srcdir); fi; \ cp -p $$dir/$$file $(distdir) || test $$file = Makefile.in || exit 1; \ done; \ fi Makefile: $(srcdir)/Makefile.in $(top_builddir)/config.status cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status # This would be more efficient, but doesn't work any more with autoconf-2.57, # when AC_CONFIG_FILES([intl/Makefile:somedir/Makefile.in]) is used. # cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ # Tell versions [3.59,3.63) of GNU make not to export all variables. # Otherwise a system limit (for SysV at least) may be exceeded. .NOEXPORT: intl/os2compat.c000064400000005425147633151230007600 0ustar00/* OS/2 compatibility functions. Copyright (C) 2001-2002, 2015-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #define OS2_AWARE #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include /* A version of getenv() that works from DLLs */ extern unsigned long DosScanEnv (const unsigned char *pszName, unsigned char **ppszValue); char * _nl_getenv (const char *name) { unsigned char *value; if (DosScanEnv (name, &value)) return NULL; else return value; } /* A fixed size buffer. */ char libintl_nl_default_dirname[MAXPATHLEN+1]; char *_nlos2_libdir = NULL; char *_nlos2_localealiaspath = NULL; char *_nlos2_localedir = NULL; static __attribute__((constructor)) void nlos2_initialize () { char *root = getenv ("UNIXROOT"); char *gnulocaledir = getenv ("GNULOCALEDIR"); _nlos2_libdir = gnulocaledir; if (!_nlos2_libdir) { if (root) { size_t sl = strlen (root); _nlos2_libdir = (char *) malloc (sl + strlen (LIBDIR) + 1); memcpy (_nlos2_libdir, root, sl); memcpy (_nlos2_libdir + sl, LIBDIR, strlen (LIBDIR) + 1); } else _nlos2_libdir = LIBDIR; } _nlos2_localealiaspath = gnulocaledir; if (!_nlos2_localealiaspath) { if (root) { size_t sl = strlen (root); _nlos2_localealiaspath = (char *) malloc (sl + strlen (LOCALE_ALIAS_PATH) + 1); memcpy (_nlos2_localealiaspath, root, sl); memcpy (_nlos2_localealiaspath + sl, LOCALE_ALIAS_PATH, strlen (LOCALE_ALIAS_PATH) + 1); } else _nlos2_localealiaspath = LOCALE_ALIAS_PATH; } _nlos2_localedir = gnulocaledir; if (!_nlos2_localedir) { if (root) { size_t sl = strlen (root); _nlos2_localedir = (char *) malloc (sl + strlen (LOCALEDIR) + 1); memcpy (_nlos2_localedir, root, sl); memcpy (_nlos2_localedir + sl, LOCALEDIR, strlen (LOCALEDIR) + 1); } else _nlos2_localedir = LOCALEDIR; } if (strlen (_nlos2_localedir) <= MAXPATHLEN) strcpy (libintl_nl_default_dirname, _nlos2_localedir); } intl/vasnwprintf.h000064400000003224147633151230010252 0ustar00/* vswprintf with automatic memory allocation. Copyright (C) 2002-2003, 2015-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef _VASNWPRINTF_H #define _VASNWPRINTF_H /* Get va_list. */ #include /* Get wchar_t, size_t. */ #include #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* Write formatted output to a string dynamically allocated with malloc(). You can pass a preallocated buffer for the result in RESULTBUF and its size in *LENGTHP; otherwise you pass RESULTBUF = NULL. If successful, return the address of the string (this may be = RESULTBUF if no dynamic memory allocation was necessary) and set *LENGTHP to the number of resulting bytes, excluding the trailing NUL. Upon error, set errno and return NULL. */ extern wchar_t * asnwprintf (wchar_t *resultbuf, size_t *lengthp, const wchar_t *format, ...); extern wchar_t * vasnwprintf (wchar_t *resultbuf, size_t *lengthp, const wchar_t *format, va_list args); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* _VASNWPRINTF_H */ intl/dgettext.c000064400000003251147633151230007514 0ustar00/* Implementation of the dgettext(3) function. Copyright (C) 1995-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include "gettextP.h" #include #ifdef _LIBC # include #else # include "libgnuintl.h" #endif /* @@ end of prolog @@ */ /* Names for the libintl functions are a problem. They must not clash with existing names and they should follow ANSI C. But this source code is also used in GNU C Library where the names have a __ prefix. So we have to make a difference here. */ #ifdef _LIBC # define DGETTEXT __dgettext # define DCGETTEXT __dcgettext #else # define DGETTEXT libintl_dgettext # define DCGETTEXT libintl_dcgettext #endif /* Look up MSGID in the DOMAINNAME message catalog of the current LC_MESSAGES locale. */ char * DGETTEXT (const char *domainname, const char *msgid) { return DCGETTEXT (domainname, msgid, LC_MESSAGES); } #ifdef _LIBC /* Alias for function name in GNU C Library. */ weak_alias (__dgettext, dgettext); #endif intl/version.c000064400000001647147633151230007360 0ustar00/* libintl library version. Copyright (C) 2005, 2015-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include "libgnuintl.h" /* Version number: (major<<16) + (minor<<8) + subminor */ int libintl_version = LIBINTL_VERSION; intl/langprefs.c000064400000030655147633151230007655 0ustar00/* Determine the user's language preferences. Copyright (C) 2004-2007, 2015-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /* Written by Bruno Haible . Win32 code originally by Michele Cicciotti . */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #if HAVE_CFPREFERENCESCOPYAPPVALUE # include # include # include # include # include extern void _nl_locale_name_canonicalize (char *name); #endif #if defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__ # define WIN32_NATIVE #endif #ifdef WIN32_NATIVE # define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN # include # ifndef MUI_LANGUAGE_NAME # define MUI_LANGUAGE_NAME 8 # endif # ifndef STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW # define STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW 0x80000005 # endif extern void _nl_locale_name_canonicalize (char *name); extern const char *_nl_locale_name_from_win32_LANGID (LANGID langid); extern const char *_nl_locale_name_from_win32_LCID (LCID lcid); /* Get the preferences list through the MUI APIs. This works on Windows Vista and newer. */ static const char * _nl_language_preferences_win32_mui (HMODULE kernel32) { /* DWORD GetUserPreferredUILanguages (ULONG dwFlags, PULONG pulNumLanguages, PWSTR pwszLanguagesBuffer, PULONG pcchLanguagesBuffer); */ typedef DWORD (WINAPI *GetUserPreferredUILanguages_func) (ULONG, PULONG, PWSTR, PULONG); GetUserPreferredUILanguages_func p_GetUserPreferredUILanguages; p_GetUserPreferredUILanguages = (GetUserPreferredUILanguages_func) GetProcAddress (kernel32, "GetUserPreferredUILanguages"); if (p_GetUserPreferredUILanguages != NULL) { ULONG num_languages; ULONG bufsize; DWORD ret; bufsize = 0; ret = p_GetUserPreferredUILanguages (MUI_LANGUAGE_NAME, &num_languages, NULL, &bufsize); if (ret == 0 && GetLastError () == STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW && bufsize > 0) { WCHAR *buffer = (WCHAR *) malloc (bufsize * sizeof (WCHAR)); if (buffer != NULL) { ret = p_GetUserPreferredUILanguages (MUI_LANGUAGE_NAME, &num_languages, buffer, &bufsize); if (ret) { /* Convert the list from NUL-delimited WCHAR[] Win32 locale names to colon-delimited char[] Unix locale names. We assume that all these locale names are in ASCII, nonempty and contain no colons. */ char *languages = (char *) malloc (bufsize + num_languages * 10 + 1); if (languages != NULL) { const WCHAR *p = buffer; char *q = languages; ULONG i; for (i = 0; i < num_languages; i++) { char *q1; char *q2; q1 = q; if (i > 0) *q++ = ':'; q2 = q; for (; *p != (WCHAR)'\0'; p++) { if ((unsigned char) *p != *p || *p == ':') { /* A non-ASCII character or a colon inside the Win32 locale name! Punt. */ q = q1; break; } *q++ = (unsigned char) *p; } if (q == q1) /* An unexpected Win32 locale name occurred. */ break; *q = '\0'; _nl_locale_name_canonicalize (q2); q = q2 + strlen (q2); p++; } *q = '\0'; if (q > languages) { free (buffer); return languages; } free (languages); } } free (buffer); } } } return NULL; } /* Get a preference. This works on Windows ME and newer. */ static const char * _nl_language_preferences_win32_ME (HMODULE kernel32) { /* LANGID GetUserDefaultUILanguage (void); */ typedef LANGID (WINAPI *GetUserDefaultUILanguage_func) (void); GetUserDefaultUILanguage_func p_GetUserDefaultUILanguage; p_GetUserDefaultUILanguage = (GetUserDefaultUILanguage_func) GetProcAddress (kernel32, "GetUserDefaultUILanguage"); if (p_GetUserDefaultUILanguage != NULL) return _nl_locale_name_from_win32_LANGID (p_GetUserDefaultUILanguage ()); return NULL; } /* Get a preference. This works on Windows 95 and newer. */ static const char * _nl_language_preferences_win32_95 () { HKEY desktop_resource_locale_key; if (RegOpenKeyExA (HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Control Panel\\Desktop\\ResourceLocale", 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &desktop_resource_locale_key) == NO_ERROR) { DWORD type; char data[8 + 1]; DWORD data_size = sizeof (data); DWORD ret; ret = RegQueryValueExA (desktop_resource_locale_key, NULL, NULL, &type, data, &data_size); RegCloseKey (desktop_resource_locale_key); if (ret == NO_ERROR) { /* We expect a string, at most 8 bytes long, that parses as a hexadecimal number. */ if (type == REG_SZ && data_size <= sizeof (data) && (data_size < sizeof (data) || data[sizeof (data) - 1] == '\0')) { LCID lcid; char *endp; /* Ensure it's NUL terminated. */ if (data_size < sizeof (data)) data[data_size] = '\0'; /* Parse it as a hexadecimal number. */ lcid = strtoul (data, &endp, 16); if (endp > data && *endp == '\0') return _nl_locale_name_from_win32_LCID (lcid); } } } return NULL; } /* Get the system's preference. This can be used as a fallback. */ static BOOL CALLBACK ret_first_language (HMODULE h, LPCSTR type, LPCSTR name, WORD lang, LONG_PTR param) { *(const char **)param = _nl_locale_name_from_win32_LANGID (lang); return FALSE; } static const char * _nl_language_preferences_win32_system (HMODULE kernel32) { const char *languages = NULL; /* Ignore the warning on mingw here. mingw has a wrong definition of the last parameter type of ENUMRESLANGPROC. */ EnumResourceLanguages (kernel32, RT_VERSION, MAKEINTRESOURCE (1), ret_first_language, (LONG_PTR)&languages); return languages; } #endif /* Determine the user's language preferences, as a colon separated list of locale names in XPG syntax language[_territory][.codeset][@modifier] The result must not be freed; it is statically allocated. The LANGUAGE environment variable does not need to be considered; it is already taken into account by the caller. */ const char * _nl_language_preferences_default (void) { #if HAVE_CFPREFERENCESCOPYAPPVALUE /* MacOS X 10.2 or newer */ { /* Cache the preferences list, since CoreFoundation calls are expensive. */ static const char *cached_languages; static int cache_initialized; if (!cache_initialized) { CFTypeRef preferences = CFPreferencesCopyAppValue (CFSTR ("AppleLanguages"), kCFPreferencesCurrentApplication); if (preferences != NULL && CFGetTypeID (preferences) == CFArrayGetTypeID ()) { CFArrayRef prefArray = (CFArrayRef)preferences; int n = CFArrayGetCount (prefArray); char buf[256]; size_t size = 0; int i; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { CFTypeRef element = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (prefArray, i); if (element != NULL && CFGetTypeID (element) == CFStringGetTypeID () && CFStringGetCString ((CFStringRef)element, buf, sizeof (buf), kCFStringEncodingASCII)) { _nl_locale_name_canonicalize (buf); size += strlen (buf) + 1; /* Most GNU programs use msgids in English and don't ship an en.mo message catalog. Therefore when we see "en" in the preferences list, arrange for gettext() to return the msgid, and ignore all further elements of the preferences list. */ if (strcmp (buf, "en") == 0) break; } else break; } if (size > 0) { char *languages = (char *) malloc (size); if (languages != NULL) { char *p = languages; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { CFTypeRef element = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (prefArray, i); if (element != NULL && CFGetTypeID (element) == CFStringGetTypeID () && CFStringGetCString ((CFStringRef)element, buf, sizeof (buf), kCFStringEncodingASCII)) { _nl_locale_name_canonicalize (buf); strcpy (p, buf); p += strlen (buf); *p++ = ':'; if (strcmp (buf, "en") == 0) break; } else break; } *--p = '\0'; cached_languages = languages; } } } cache_initialized = 1; } if (cached_languages != NULL) return cached_languages; } #endif #ifdef WIN32_NATIVE { /* Cache the preferences list, since computing it is expensive. */ static const char *cached_languages; static int cache_initialized; /* Activate the new code only when the GETTEXT_MUI environment variable is set, for the time being, since the new code is not well tested. */ if (!cache_initialized && getenv ("GETTEXT_MUI") != NULL) { const char *languages = NULL; HMODULE kernel32 = GetModuleHandle ("kernel32"); if (kernel32 != NULL) languages = _nl_language_preferences_win32_mui (kernel32); if (languages == NULL && kernel32 != NULL) languages = _nl_language_preferences_win32_ME (kernel32); if (languages == NULL) languages = _nl_language_preferences_win32_95 (); if (languages == NULL && kernel32 != NULL) languages = _nl_language_preferences_win32_system (kernel32); cached_languages = languages; cache_initialized = 1; } if (cached_languages != NULL) return cached_languages; } #endif return NULL; } intl/lock.c000064400000064241147633151230006622 0ustar00/* Locking in multithreaded situations. Copyright (C) 2005-2008, 2015-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /* Written by Bruno Haible , 2005. Based on GCC's gthr-posix.h, gthr-posix95.h, gthr-solaris.h, gthr-win32.h. */ #include #include "lock.h" /* ========================================================================= */ #if USE_POSIX_THREADS /* -------------------------- gl_lock_t datatype -------------------------- */ /* ------------------------- gl_rwlock_t datatype ------------------------- */ # if HAVE_PTHREAD_RWLOCK # if !defined PTHREAD_RWLOCK_INITIALIZER int glthread_rwlock_init_multithreaded (gl_rwlock_t *lock) { int err; err = pthread_rwlock_init (&lock->rwlock, NULL); if (err != 0) return err; lock->initialized = 1; return 0; } int glthread_rwlock_rdlock_multithreaded (gl_rwlock_t *lock) { if (!lock->initialized) { int err; err = pthread_mutex_lock (&lock->guard); if (err != 0) return err; if (!lock->initialized) { err = glthread_rwlock_init_multithreaded (lock); if (err != 0) { pthread_mutex_unlock (&lock->guard); return err; } } err = pthread_mutex_unlock (&lock->guard); if (err != 0) return err; } return pthread_rwlock_rdlock (&lock->rwlock); } int glthread_rwlock_wrlock_multithreaded (gl_rwlock_t *lock) { if (!lock->initialized) { int err; err = pthread_mutex_lock (&lock->guard); if (err != 0) return err; if (!lock->initialized) { err = glthread_rwlock_init_multithreaded (lock); if (err != 0) { pthread_mutex_unlock (&lock->guard); return err; } } err = pthread_mutex_unlock (&lock->guard); if (err != 0) return err; } return pthread_rwlock_wrlock (&lock->rwlock); } int glthread_rwlock_unlock_multithreaded (gl_rwlock_t *lock) { if (!lock->initialized) return EINVAL; return pthread_rwlock_unlock (&lock->rwlock); } int glthread_rwlock_destroy_multithreaded (gl_rwlock_t *lock) { int err; if (!lock->initialized) return EINVAL; err = pthread_rwlock_destroy (&lock->rwlock); if (err != 0) return err; lock->initialized = 0; return 0; } # endif # else int glthread_rwlock_init_multithreaded (gl_rwlock_t *lock) { int err; err = pthread_mutex_init (&lock->lock, NULL); if (err != 0) return err; err = pthread_cond_init (&lock->waiting_readers, NULL); if (err != 0) return err; err = pthread_cond_init (&lock->waiting_writers, NULL); if (err != 0) return err; lock->waiting_writers_count = 0; lock->runcount = 0; return 0; } int glthread_rwlock_rdlock_multithreaded (gl_rwlock_t *lock) { int err; err = pthread_mutex_lock (&lock->lock); if (err != 0) return err; /* Test whether only readers are currently running, and whether the runcount field will not overflow. */ /* POSIX says: "It is implementation-defined whether the calling thread acquires the lock when a writer does not hold the lock and there are writers blocked on the lock." Let's say, no: give the writers a higher priority. */ while (!(lock->runcount + 1 > 0 && lock->waiting_writers_count == 0)) { /* This thread has to wait for a while. Enqueue it among the waiting_readers. */ err = pthread_cond_wait (&lock->waiting_readers, &lock->lock); if (err != 0) { pthread_mutex_unlock (&lock->lock); return err; } } lock->runcount++; return pthread_mutex_unlock (&lock->lock); } int glthread_rwlock_wrlock_multithreaded (gl_rwlock_t *lock) { int err; err = pthread_mutex_lock (&lock->lock); if (err != 0) return err; /* Test whether no readers or writers are currently running. */ while (!(lock->runcount == 0)) { /* This thread has to wait for a while. Enqueue it among the waiting_writers. */ lock->waiting_writers_count++; err = pthread_cond_wait (&lock->waiting_writers, &lock->lock); if (err != 0) { lock->waiting_writers_count--; pthread_mutex_unlock (&lock->lock); return err; } lock->waiting_writers_count--; } lock->runcount--; /* runcount becomes -1 */ return pthread_mutex_unlock (&lock->lock); } int glthread_rwlock_unlock_multithreaded (gl_rwlock_t *lock) { int err; err = pthread_mutex_lock (&lock->lock); if (err != 0) return err; if (lock->runcount < 0) { /* Drop a writer lock. */ if (!(lock->runcount == -1)) { pthread_mutex_unlock (&lock->lock); return EINVAL; } lock->runcount = 0; } else { /* Drop a reader lock. */ if (!(lock->runcount > 0)) { pthread_mutex_unlock (&lock->lock); return EINVAL; } lock->runcount--; } if (lock->runcount == 0) { /* POSIX recommends that "write locks shall take precedence over read locks", to avoid "writer starvation". */ if (lock->waiting_writers_count > 0) { /* Wake up one of the waiting writers. */ err = pthread_cond_signal (&lock->waiting_writers); if (err != 0) { pthread_mutex_unlock (&lock->lock); return err; } } else { /* Wake up all waiting readers. */ err = pthread_cond_broadcast (&lock->waiting_readers); if (err != 0) { pthread_mutex_unlock (&lock->lock); return err; } } } return pthread_mutex_unlock (&lock->lock); } int glthread_rwlock_destroy_multithreaded (gl_rwlock_t *lock) { int err; err = pthread_mutex_destroy (&lock->lock); if (err != 0) return err; err = pthread_cond_destroy (&lock->waiting_readers); if (err != 0) return err; err = pthread_cond_destroy (&lock->waiting_writers); if (err != 0) return err; return 0; } # endif /* --------------------- gl_recursive_lock_t datatype --------------------- */ # if HAVE_PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE # if defined PTHREAD_RECURSIVE_MUTEX_INITIALIZER || defined PTHREAD_RECURSIVE_MUTEX_INITIALIZER_NP int glthread_recursive_lock_init_multithreaded (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock) { pthread_mutexattr_t attributes; int err; err = pthread_mutexattr_init (&attributes); if (err != 0) return err; err = pthread_mutexattr_settype (&attributes, PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE); if (err != 0) { pthread_mutexattr_destroy (&attributes); return err; } err = pthread_mutex_init (lock, &attributes); if (err != 0) { pthread_mutexattr_destroy (&attributes); return err; } err = pthread_mutexattr_destroy (&attributes); if (err != 0) return err; return 0; } # else int glthread_recursive_lock_init_multithreaded (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock) { pthread_mutexattr_t attributes; int err; err = pthread_mutexattr_init (&attributes); if (err != 0) return err; err = pthread_mutexattr_settype (&attributes, PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE); if (err != 0) { pthread_mutexattr_destroy (&attributes); return err; } err = pthread_mutex_init (&lock->recmutex, &attributes); if (err != 0) { pthread_mutexattr_destroy (&attributes); return err; } err = pthread_mutexattr_destroy (&attributes); if (err != 0) return err; lock->initialized = 1; return 0; } int glthread_recursive_lock_lock_multithreaded (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock) { if (!lock->initialized) { int err; err = pthread_mutex_lock (&lock->guard); if (err != 0) return err; if (!lock->initialized) { err = glthread_recursive_lock_init_multithreaded (lock); if (err != 0) { pthread_mutex_unlock (&lock->guard); return err; } } err = pthread_mutex_unlock (&lock->guard); if (err != 0) return err; } return pthread_mutex_lock (&lock->recmutex); } int glthread_recursive_lock_unlock_multithreaded (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock) { if (!lock->initialized) return EINVAL; return pthread_mutex_unlock (&lock->recmutex); } int glthread_recursive_lock_destroy_multithreaded (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock) { int err; if (!lock->initialized) return EINVAL; err = pthread_mutex_destroy (&lock->recmutex); if (err != 0) return err; lock->initialized = 0; return 0; } # endif # else int glthread_recursive_lock_init_multithreaded (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock) { int err; err = pthread_mutex_init (&lock->mutex, NULL); if (err != 0) return err; lock->owner = (pthread_t) 0; lock->depth = 0; return 0; } int glthread_recursive_lock_lock_multithreaded (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock) { pthread_t self = pthread_self (); if (lock->owner != self) { int err; err = pthread_mutex_lock (&lock->mutex); if (err != 0) return err; lock->owner = self; } if (++(lock->depth) == 0) /* wraparound? */ { lock->depth--; return EAGAIN; } return 0; } int glthread_recursive_lock_unlock_multithreaded (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock) { if (lock->owner != pthread_self ()) return EPERM; if (lock->depth == 0) return EINVAL; if (--(lock->depth) == 0) { lock->owner = (pthread_t) 0; return pthread_mutex_unlock (&lock->mutex); } else return 0; } int glthread_recursive_lock_destroy_multithreaded (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock) { if (lock->owner != (pthread_t) 0) return EBUSY; return pthread_mutex_destroy (&lock->mutex); } # endif /* -------------------------- gl_once_t datatype -------------------------- */ static const pthread_once_t fresh_once = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT; int glthread_once_singlethreaded (pthread_once_t *once_control) { /* We don't know whether pthread_once_t is an integer type, a floating-point type, a pointer type, or a structure type. */ char *firstbyte = (char *)once_control; if (*firstbyte == *(const char *)&fresh_once) { /* First time use of once_control. Invert the first byte. */ *firstbyte = ~ *(const char *)&fresh_once; return 1; } else return 0; } #endif /* ========================================================================= */ #if USE_PTH_THREADS /* Use the GNU Pth threads library. */ /* -------------------------- gl_lock_t datatype -------------------------- */ /* ------------------------- gl_rwlock_t datatype ------------------------- */ /* --------------------- gl_recursive_lock_t datatype --------------------- */ /* -------------------------- gl_once_t datatype -------------------------- */ static void glthread_once_call (void *arg) { void (**gl_once_temp_addr) (void) = (void (**) (void)) arg; void (*initfunction) (void) = *gl_once_temp_addr; initfunction (); } int glthread_once_multithreaded (pth_once_t *once_control, void (*initfunction) (void)) { void (*temp) (void) = initfunction; return (!pth_once (once_control, glthread_once_call, &temp) ? errno : 0); } int glthread_once_singlethreaded (pth_once_t *once_control) { /* We know that pth_once_t is an integer type. */ if (*once_control == PTH_ONCE_INIT) { /* First time use of once_control. Invert the marker. */ *once_control = ~ PTH_ONCE_INIT; return 1; } else return 0; } #endif /* ========================================================================= */ #if USE_SOLARIS_THREADS /* Use the old Solaris threads library. */ /* -------------------------- gl_lock_t datatype -------------------------- */ /* ------------------------- gl_rwlock_t datatype ------------------------- */ /* --------------------- gl_recursive_lock_t datatype --------------------- */ int glthread_recursive_lock_init_multithreaded (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock) { int err; err = mutex_init (&lock->mutex, USYNC_THREAD, NULL); if (err != 0) return err; lock->owner = (thread_t) 0; lock->depth = 0; return 0; } int glthread_recursive_lock_lock_multithreaded (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock) { thread_t self = thr_self (); if (lock->owner != self) { int err; err = mutex_lock (&lock->mutex); if (err != 0) return err; lock->owner = self; } if (++(lock->depth) == 0) /* wraparound? */ { lock->depth--; return EAGAIN; } return 0; } int glthread_recursive_lock_unlock_multithreaded (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock) { if (lock->owner != thr_self ()) return EPERM; if (lock->depth == 0) return EINVAL; if (--(lock->depth) == 0) { lock->owner = (thread_t) 0; return mutex_unlock (&lock->mutex); } else return 0; } int glthread_recursive_lock_destroy_multithreaded (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock) { if (lock->owner != (thread_t) 0) return EBUSY; return mutex_destroy (&lock->mutex); } /* -------------------------- gl_once_t datatype -------------------------- */ int glthread_once_multithreaded (gl_once_t *once_control, void (*initfunction) (void)) { if (!once_control->inited) { int err; /* Use the mutex to guarantee that if another thread is already calling the initfunction, this thread waits until it's finished. */ err = mutex_lock (&once_control->mutex); if (err != 0) return err; if (!once_control->inited) { once_control->inited = 1; initfunction (); } return mutex_unlock (&once_control->mutex); } else return 0; } int glthread_once_singlethreaded (gl_once_t *once_control) { /* We know that gl_once_t contains an integer type. */ if (!once_control->inited) { /* First time use of once_control. Invert the marker. */ once_control->inited = ~ 0; return 1; } else return 0; } #endif /* ========================================================================= */ #if USE_WINDOWS_THREADS /* -------------------------- gl_lock_t datatype -------------------------- */ void glthread_lock_init_func (gl_lock_t *lock) { InitializeCriticalSection (&lock->lock); lock->guard.done = 1; } int glthread_lock_lock_func (gl_lock_t *lock) { if (!lock->guard.done) { if (InterlockedIncrement (&lock->guard.started) == 0) /* This thread is the first one to need this lock. Initialize it. */ glthread_lock_init (lock); else /* Yield the CPU while waiting for another thread to finish initializing this lock. */ while (!lock->guard.done) Sleep (0); } EnterCriticalSection (&lock->lock); return 0; } int glthread_lock_unlock_func (gl_lock_t *lock) { if (!lock->guard.done) return EINVAL; LeaveCriticalSection (&lock->lock); return 0; } int glthread_lock_destroy_func (gl_lock_t *lock) { if (!lock->guard.done) return EINVAL; DeleteCriticalSection (&lock->lock); lock->guard.done = 0; return 0; } /* ------------------------- gl_rwlock_t datatype ------------------------- */ /* In this file, the waitqueues are implemented as circular arrays. */ #define gl_waitqueue_t gl_carray_waitqueue_t static void gl_waitqueue_init (gl_waitqueue_t *wq) { wq->array = NULL; wq->count = 0; wq->alloc = 0; wq->offset = 0; } /* Enqueues the current thread, represented by an event, in a wait queue. Returns INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE if an allocation failure occurs. */ static HANDLE gl_waitqueue_add (gl_waitqueue_t *wq) { HANDLE event; unsigned int index; if (wq->count == wq->alloc) { unsigned int new_alloc = 2 * wq->alloc + 1; HANDLE *new_array = (HANDLE *) realloc (wq->array, new_alloc * sizeof (HANDLE)); if (new_array == NULL) /* No more memory. */ return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; /* Now is a good opportunity to rotate the array so that its contents starts at offset 0. */ if (wq->offset > 0) { unsigned int old_count = wq->count; unsigned int old_alloc = wq->alloc; unsigned int old_offset = wq->offset; unsigned int i; if (old_offset + old_count > old_alloc) { unsigned int limit = old_offset + old_count - old_alloc; for (i = 0; i < limit; i++) new_array[old_alloc + i] = new_array[i]; } for (i = 0; i < old_count; i++) new_array[i] = new_array[old_offset + i]; wq->offset = 0; } wq->array = new_array; wq->alloc = new_alloc; } /* Whether the created event is a manual-reset one or an auto-reset one, does not matter, since we will wait on it only once. */ event = CreateEvent (NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); if (event == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) /* No way to allocate an event. */ return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; index = wq->offset + wq->count; if (index >= wq->alloc) index -= wq->alloc; wq->array[index] = event; wq->count++; return event; } /* Notifies the first thread from a wait queue and dequeues it. */ static void gl_waitqueue_notify_first (gl_waitqueue_t *wq) { SetEvent (wq->array[wq->offset + 0]); wq->offset++; wq->count--; if (wq->count == 0 || wq->offset == wq->alloc) wq->offset = 0; } /* Notifies all threads from a wait queue and dequeues them all. */ static void gl_waitqueue_notify_all (gl_waitqueue_t *wq) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < wq->count; i++) { unsigned int index = wq->offset + i; if (index >= wq->alloc) index -= wq->alloc; SetEvent (wq->array[index]); } wq->count = 0; wq->offset = 0; } void glthread_rwlock_init_func (gl_rwlock_t *lock) { InitializeCriticalSection (&lock->lock); gl_waitqueue_init (&lock->waiting_readers); gl_waitqueue_init (&lock->waiting_writers); lock->runcount = 0; lock->guard.done = 1; } int glthread_rwlock_rdlock_func (gl_rwlock_t *lock) { if (!lock->guard.done) { if (InterlockedIncrement (&lock->guard.started) == 0) /* This thread is the first one to need this lock. Initialize it. */ glthread_rwlock_init (lock); else /* Yield the CPU while waiting for another thread to finish initializing this lock. */ while (!lock->guard.done) Sleep (0); } EnterCriticalSection (&lock->lock); /* Test whether only readers are currently running, and whether the runcount field will not overflow. */ if (!(lock->runcount + 1 > 0)) { /* This thread has to wait for a while. Enqueue it among the waiting_readers. */ HANDLE event = gl_waitqueue_add (&lock->waiting_readers); if (event != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DWORD result; LeaveCriticalSection (&lock->lock); /* Wait until another thread signals this event. */ result = WaitForSingleObject (event, INFINITE); if (result == WAIT_FAILED || result == WAIT_TIMEOUT) abort (); CloseHandle (event); /* The thread which signalled the event already did the bookkeeping: removed us from the waiting_readers, incremented lock->runcount. */ if (!(lock->runcount > 0)) abort (); return 0; } else { /* Allocation failure. Weird. */ do { LeaveCriticalSection (&lock->lock); Sleep (1); EnterCriticalSection (&lock->lock); } while (!(lock->runcount + 1 > 0)); } } lock->runcount++; LeaveCriticalSection (&lock->lock); return 0; } int glthread_rwlock_wrlock_func (gl_rwlock_t *lock) { if (!lock->guard.done) { if (InterlockedIncrement (&lock->guard.started) == 0) /* This thread is the first one to need this lock. Initialize it. */ glthread_rwlock_init (lock); else /* Yield the CPU while waiting for another thread to finish initializing this lock. */ while (!lock->guard.done) Sleep (0); } EnterCriticalSection (&lock->lock); /* Test whether no readers or writers are currently running. */ if (!(lock->runcount == 0)) { /* This thread has to wait for a while. Enqueue it among the waiting_writers. */ HANDLE event = gl_waitqueue_add (&lock->waiting_writers); if (event != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DWORD result; LeaveCriticalSection (&lock->lock); /* Wait until another thread signals this event. */ result = WaitForSingleObject (event, INFINITE); if (result == WAIT_FAILED || result == WAIT_TIMEOUT) abort (); CloseHandle (event); /* The thread which signalled the event already did the bookkeeping: removed us from the waiting_writers, set lock->runcount = -1. */ if (!(lock->runcount == -1)) abort (); return 0; } else { /* Allocation failure. Weird. */ do { LeaveCriticalSection (&lock->lock); Sleep (1); EnterCriticalSection (&lock->lock); } while (!(lock->runcount == 0)); } } lock->runcount--; /* runcount becomes -1 */ LeaveCriticalSection (&lock->lock); return 0; } int glthread_rwlock_unlock_func (gl_rwlock_t *lock) { if (!lock->guard.done) return EINVAL; EnterCriticalSection (&lock->lock); if (lock->runcount < 0) { /* Drop a writer lock. */ if (!(lock->runcount == -1)) abort (); lock->runcount = 0; } else { /* Drop a reader lock. */ if (!(lock->runcount > 0)) { LeaveCriticalSection (&lock->lock); return EPERM; } lock->runcount--; } if (lock->runcount == 0) { /* POSIX recommends that "write locks shall take precedence over read locks", to avoid "writer starvation". */ if (lock->waiting_writers.count > 0) { /* Wake up one of the waiting writers. */ lock->runcount--; gl_waitqueue_notify_first (&lock->waiting_writers); } else { /* Wake up all waiting readers. */ lock->runcount += lock->waiting_readers.count; gl_waitqueue_notify_all (&lock->waiting_readers); } } LeaveCriticalSection (&lock->lock); return 0; } int glthread_rwlock_destroy_func (gl_rwlock_t *lock) { if (!lock->guard.done) return EINVAL; if (lock->runcount != 0) return EBUSY; DeleteCriticalSection (&lock->lock); if (lock->waiting_readers.array != NULL) free (lock->waiting_readers.array); if (lock->waiting_writers.array != NULL) free (lock->waiting_writers.array); lock->guard.done = 0; return 0; } /* --------------------- gl_recursive_lock_t datatype --------------------- */ void glthread_recursive_lock_init_func (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock) { lock->owner = 0; lock->depth = 0; InitializeCriticalSection (&lock->lock); lock->guard.done = 1; } int glthread_recursive_lock_lock_func (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock) { if (!lock->guard.done) { if (InterlockedIncrement (&lock->guard.started) == 0) /* This thread is the first one to need this lock. Initialize it. */ glthread_recursive_lock_init (lock); else /* Yield the CPU while waiting for another thread to finish initializing this lock. */ while (!lock->guard.done) Sleep (0); } { DWORD self = GetCurrentThreadId (); if (lock->owner != self) { EnterCriticalSection (&lock->lock); lock->owner = self; } if (++(lock->depth) == 0) /* wraparound? */ { lock->depth--; return EAGAIN; } } return 0; } int glthread_recursive_lock_unlock_func (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock) { if (lock->owner != GetCurrentThreadId ()) return EPERM; if (lock->depth == 0) return EINVAL; if (--(lock->depth) == 0) { lock->owner = 0; LeaveCriticalSection (&lock->lock); } return 0; } int glthread_recursive_lock_destroy_func (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock) { if (lock->owner != 0) return EBUSY; DeleteCriticalSection (&lock->lock); lock->guard.done = 0; return 0; } /* -------------------------- gl_once_t datatype -------------------------- */ void glthread_once_func (gl_once_t *once_control, void (*initfunction) (void)) { if (once_control->inited <= 0) { if (InterlockedIncrement (&once_control->started) == 0) { /* This thread is the first one to come to this once_control. */ InitializeCriticalSection (&once_control->lock); EnterCriticalSection (&once_control->lock); once_control->inited = 0; initfunction (); once_control->inited = 1; LeaveCriticalSection (&once_control->lock); } else { /* Undo last operation. */ InterlockedDecrement (&once_control->started); /* Some other thread has already started the initialization. Yield the CPU while waiting for the other thread to finish initializing and taking the lock. */ while (once_control->inited < 0) Sleep (0); if (once_control->inited <= 0) { /* Take the lock. This blocks until the other thread has finished calling the initfunction. */ EnterCriticalSection (&once_control->lock); LeaveCriticalSection (&once_control->lock); if (!(once_control->inited > 0)) abort (); } } } } #endif /* ========================================================================= */ intl/intl-exports.c000064400000003356147633151230010342 0ustar00/* List of exported symbols of libintl on Cygwin. Copyright (C) 2006, 2015-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Written by Bruno Haible , 2006. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /* IMP(x) is a symbol that contains the address of x. */ #if USER_LABEL_PREFIX_UNDERSCORE # define IMP(x) _imp__##x #else # define IMP(x) __imp_##x #endif /* Ensure that the variable x is exported from the library, and that a pseudo-variable IMP(x) is available. */ #define VARIABLE(x) \ /* Export x without redefining x. This code was found by compiling a \ snippet: \ extern __declspec(dllexport) int x; int x = 42; */ \ asm (".section .drectve\n"); \ asm (".ascii \" -export:" #x ",data\"\n"); \ asm (".data\n"); \ /* Allocate a pseudo-variable IMP(x). */ \ extern int x; \ void * IMP(x) = &x; VARIABLE(libintl_version) javaversion.class000064400000000776147633151230010141 0ustar00-!    ()VCodeLineNumberTablemain([Ljava/lang/String;)V SourceFilejavaversion.java   java.specification.version    javaversionjava/lang/Objectjava/lang/SystemoutLjava/io/PrintStream; getProperty&(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;java/io/PrintStreamprintln(Ljava/lang/String;)V!  *   (   projects/KDE/trigger000075500000001731147633151230010400 0ustar00#!/bin/sh # Test whether the current package is a KDE package. # NLS nuisances: Letter ranges are different in the Estonian locale. LC_ALL=C while true; do configfiles= if test -f configure.in; then configfiles="$configfiles configure.in" fi if test -f configure.ac; then configfiles="$configfiles configure.ac" fi if test -n "$configfiles"; then if grep '^KDE_' $configfiles >/dev/null 2>&1 || \ grep '^AC_PATH_KDE' $configfiles >/dev/null 2>&1 || \ grep '^AM_KDE_WITH_NLS' $configfiles >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then exit 0 fi exit 1 fi dir=`basename \`pwd\`` case "$dir" in i18n) # This directory name, used in GNU make, is not the top level directory. ;; *[A-Za-z]*[0-9]*) # Reached the top level directory. exit 1 esac # Go to parent directory last=`/bin/pwd` cd .. curr=`/bin/pwd` if test "$last" = "$curr"; then # Oops, didn't find the top level directory. exit 1 fi done projects/KDE/teams.url000064400000000046147633151230010642 0ustar00http://i18n.kde.org/teams/index.shtml projects/KDE/teams.html000064400000236461147633151230011020 0ustar00 The KDE Translation Teams

The KDE Translation Teams

Many KDE applications have been translated to more than 50 languages already and the number of both the translated applications and the supported languages is still growing. For information on how complete the translation of the current KDE user interface to the individual languages really is please see the respective statistics page. (Documentation translation is still in its first stages for many teams.) The languages distributed with the last official KDE version are listed on a separate page.

Almost all language teams are looking for additional translators. And, of course, there are still a lot of languages missing in KDE. So if you have some spare time and a good knowledge of English, please consider joining one of the teams and help translating KDE to your native language. Just write to the appropriate team coordinator in the list below. If there's no coordinator listed for your language, take a look at the Translation HOWTO for more information on how new languages are introduced to KDE and subscribe to the mailinglist for translators and documenters.

The team table below is sorted according to the official lists of ISO 639 language codes. (See http://lcweb.loc.g ov/standards/iso639-2/englangn.html). We are presently switching from the 2-letter codes to the 3-letter codes.) In addition to the basic team data like the coordinator(s), the mailing list, and the team's web site, the list now contains links to:

  • compressed archives of all GUI and documentation files that were already translated by the respective language team; these files are usually of the type ".po" (GNU gettext) and ".docbook" (XML)
  • text files that contain all message strings of the translated .po files -- these files are sometimes called "compendia" and are used for instance by specialized translation programs like KBabel (the recommended one for KDE translation).
  • the "highscore list" for each team: an overview which .po files were already translated but are in need of an overhaul.
  • the doc statistics: an overview of the current status if there are any doc translations available
af Afrikaans team
ara Arabic team
az Azerbaijani team
bg Bulgarian team
bn Bengali team
  • team coordinator(s): Ahmed, Taneem
  • mailing list: --
  • web site: --
  • .po and doc archive:--
  • .po messages translated: --
  • .po files in need of a revision: --
  • doc statistics: --
bo Tibetan team
  • team coordinator(s): Katrin Norbu
  • mailing list: --
  • web site: --
  • .po and doc archive:--
  • .po messages translated: --
  • .po files in need of a revision: --
  • doc statistics: --
br Breton team
bs Bosnian team
ca Catalan team
cs Czech team
cy Welsh team
da Danish team
de German team
el Greek team
en_GB British English Team
eo Esperanto team
es Spanish team
et Estonian team
eu Basque team
fa Farsi (Persian) team
fi Finnish team
fo Faroese team
  • coordinator(s): Aki Nielsen
  • mailing list: --
  • web site: --
  • .po and doc archive: --
  • .po messages translated: --
  • .po files in need of a revision: --
  • doc statistics: --
fr French team
ga Irish Gaelic team
gl Gallegan team
gu Gujarati team
  • coordinator(s): Apu Shah
  • mailing list: --
  • web site: --
  • .po and doc archive: --
  • .po messages translated: --
  • .po files in need of a revision: --
  • doc statistics: --
he Hebrew team
hi Hindi team
  • coordinator(s): Harsh Kumar
  • mailing list: --
  • web site: --
  • .po and doc archive: --
  • .po messages translated: --
  • .po files in need of a revision: --
  • doc statistics: --
hr Croatian team
hu Hungarian team
id/ind Indonesian team
is Icelandic team
it Italian team
ja Japanese team
km Khmer (Cambodian) team
  • coordinator(s): Neang, Savun
  • mailing list: kdelist@khmermp3.com (no subscription info available yet)
  • web site: kde.khmermp3.com
  • .po and doc archive: --
  • .po messages translated: --
  • .po files in need of a revision: --
  • doc statistics: --
ko Korean team
kur Kurdish team
lt Lithuanian team
lv Latvian team
mi Maori team
mk Macedonian team
mr Marathi team
  • coordinator(s): Rahul Palkar
  • mailing list: --
  • web site: --
  • .po and doc archive: --
  • .po messages translated: --
  • .po files in need of a revision: --
  • doc statistics: --
mt Maltese team
  • coordinator(s): Ramon Casha
  • mailing list: --
  • web site: --
  • .po and doc archive: --
  • .po messages translated: --
  • .po files in need of a revision: --
  • doc statistics: --
nl Dutch team
no Norwegian (Bokmål) team
no_NY Norwegian (Nynorsk) team
oc Occitan team
pl Polish team
pt Portuguese team
pt_BR Brazilian Portuguese team
ro Romanian team
ru Russian team
sk Slovak team
sl Slovenian team
sr Serbian team
sv Swedish team
ta Tamil team
tg Tajik team
  • coordinator(s): Roger Kovacs
  • mailing list: --
  • web site: www.khujandcomptech.dyn.tj
  • .po and doc archive:--
  • .po messages translated: --
  • .po files in need of a revision: --
  • doc statistics: --
th Thai team
tr Turkish team
uk Ukrainian team
vi Vietnamese team
wa Walloon team
xh Xhosa team
  • team coordinator(s): Dwayne Bailey
  • mailing list: --
  • web site: translate.org.za
  • .po and doc archive: --
  • .po messages translated: --
  • .po files in need of a revision: --
  • doc statistics: --
zh_CN.GB2312 Simplified Chinese team
zh_TW.Big5 Traditional Chinese team

Page maintained by Thomas Diehl. Last update 11 Oktober 2001
projects/KDE/team-address000075500000007416147633151230011314 0ustar00#!/bin/sh # Print the team's address (to stdout) and output additional instructions # (to stderr). projectsdir="$1" progdir="$2" catalog="$3" # e.g. "pt_BR" language="$4" # e.g. "pt" url=`cat "$projectsdir/KDE/teams.url"` html=`"$progdir/urlget" "$url" "$projectsdir/KDE/teams.html"` # The HTML page says they are "presently switching from the 2-letter codes # to the 3-letter codes". So it is safest to use the English name and # translate ourselves... case "$catalog" in af) english=Afrikaans;; ar) english=Arabic;; az) english=Azerbaijani;; bg) english=Bulgarian;; bn) english=Bengali;; bo) english=Tibetan;; br) english=Breton;; bs) english=Bosnian;; ca) english=Catalan;; cs) english=Czech;; cy) english=Welsh;; da) english=Danish;; de) english=German;; el) english=Greek;; en_GB) english="British English";; eo) english=Esperanto;; es) english=Spanish;; et) english=Estonian;; eu) english=Basque;; fa) english=Farsi;; fi) english=Finnish;; fo) english=Faroese;; fr) english=French;; ga) english=Irish;; gl) english=Gallegan;; gu) english=Gujarati;; he) english=Hebrew;; hi) english=Hindi;; hr) english=Croatian;; hu) english=Hungarian;; id) english=Indonesian;; is) english=Icelandic;; it) english=Italian;; ja) english=Japanese;; km) english=Khmer;; ko) english=Korean;; ku) english=Kurdish;; lt) english=Lithuanian;; lv) english=Latvian;; mi) english=Maori;; mk) english=Macedonian;; mr) english=Marathi;; mt) english=Maltese;; nl) english=Dutch;; no) english="Norwegian (Bokm";; nn) english="Norwegian (Nynorsk)";; oc) english=Occitan;; pl) english=Polish;; pt) english=Portuguese;; pt_BR) english="Brazilian Portuguese";; ro) english=Romanian;; ru) english=Russian;; sk) english=Slovak;; sl) english=Slovenian;; sr) english=Serbian;; sv) english=Swedish;; ta) english=Tamil;; tg) english=Tajik;; th) english=Thai;; tr) english=Turkish;; uk) english=Ukrainian;; vi) english=Vietnamese;; # ??) english=Walloon;; xh) english=Xhosa;; zh_CN) english="Simplified Chinese";; zh_TW) english="Traditional Chinese";; *) english=;; esac if test -n "$english"; then (echo "Please consider joining your translation team, and visit" sed_addnl='s,,\ ,g' anchor=`echo "$html" | tr '\012' '|' | sed -e "$sed_addnl" | sed -n -e 's,^.*.*>'"$english"'[^<>]*team<.*$,\1,p'` if test -n "$anchor"; then echo " $url#$anchor" fi echo " $url" echo " http://i18n.kde.org/" ) 1>&2 address1=`echo "$html" | tr '\012' '|' | sed -n -e 's,^.*>'"$english"'[^<>]*team<\(.*\)$,\1,p' | sed -e "$sed_addnl" | sed -e 2q -e 1d | sed -n -e 's,^.*mailing list\(.*\)$,\1,p' | sed -e 's,.*,,' | sed -e 's,.*,,' | sed -n -e 's,^.*HREF="\([^"]*\)">[^<>]*.*$,\1,p'` case "$address1" in mailto:*) address1=`echo "$address1" | sed -e 's,^mailto:,<,' -e 's,$,>,'` ;; esac address1=`echo "$address1" | sed -e 's,-request@,@,'` address2=`echo "$html" | tr '\012' '|' | sed -n -e 's,^.*>'"$english"'[^<>]*team<\(.*\)$,\1,p' | sed -e "$sed_addnl" | sed -e 2q -e 1d | sed -n -e 's,^.*web site\(.*\)$,\1,p' | sed -e 's,.*,,' | sed -e 's,.*,,' | sed -n -e 's,^.*HREF="\([^"]*\)">[^<>]*.*$,\1,p'` if test -n "$address1" && test -n "$address2"; then address="$address1 $address2" else address="$address1$address2" fi # address can be empty or contain 1 or more space separated URLs. else (echo "A translation team for your "`if test "$catalog" = "$language"; then echo "language ($language)"; else echo "local dialect ($catalog)"; fi` echo "may not exist yet. Please visit" echo " $url" echo " http://i18n.kde.org/" echo "and decide whether you want to create a new translation team." ) 1>&2 address= fi exit 0 projects/GNOME/trigger000075500000001537147633151230010646 0ustar00#!/bin/sh # Test whether the current package is a GNOME package. # NLS nuisances: Letter ranges are different in the Estonian locale. LC_ALL=C while true; do configfiles= if test -f configure.in; then configfiles="$configfiles configure.in" fi if test -f configure.ac; then configfiles="$configfiles configure.ac" fi if test -n "$configfiles"; then if grep '^GNOME_' $configfiles >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then exit 0 fi exit 1 fi dir=`basename \`pwd\`` case "$dir" in i18n) # This directory name, used in GNU make, is not the top level directory. ;; *[A-Za-z]*[0-9]*) # Reached the top level directory. exit 1 esac # Go to parent directory last=`/bin/pwd` cd .. curr=`/bin/pwd` if test "$last" = "$curr"; then # Oops, didn't find the top level directory. exit 1 fi done projects/GNOME/teams.url000064400000000035147633151230011102 0ustar00http://l10n.gnome.org/teams/ projects/GNOME/teams.html000064400000123245147633151230011255 0ustar00 GNOME Translation Teams

GNOME Translation Teams

Select a team below to see more information about it:

If anything should be changed on this page, please submit a bug report.

projects/GNOME/team-address000075500000002024147633151230011544 0ustar00#!/bin/sh # Print the team's address (to stdout) and output additional instructions # (to stderr). projectsdir="$1" progdir="$2" catalog="$3" # e.g. "pt_BR" language="$4" # e.g. "pt" url=`cat "$projectsdir/GNOME/teams.url"` html=`"$progdir/urlget" "$url" "$projectsdir/GNOME/teams.html"` sed_addnl='s,,\ ,g' sed_extract_address='s,^.*"/teams/'"$catalog"'">[^<>]*.*]*>\(.*\).*]*>.*.*,\1,p' address=`echo "$html" | tr '\012' '|' | sed -e "$sed_addnl" | sed -n -e "$sed_extract_address"` if test -n "$address"; then (echo "Please consider joining your translation team, and visit" echo " $address" echo " http://l10n.gnome.org/" ) 1>&2 else (echo "A translation team for your "`if test "$catalog" = "$language"; then echo "language ($language)"; else echo "local dialect ($catalog)"; fi` echo "may not exist yet. Please visit" echo " $url" echo " http://l10n.gnome.org/" echo "and decide whether you want to create a new translation team." ) 1>&2 address= fi exit 0 projects/index000064400000000015147633151230007430 0ustar00KDE GNOME TP projects/TP/trigger000075500000000131147633151230010311 0ustar00#!/bin/sh # All translations not belonging to other projects are welcome in the TP. true projects/TP/teams.url000064400000000056147633151230010563 0ustar00http://translationproject.org/team/index.html projects/TP/teams.html000064400000046346147633151230010741 0ustar00 National translation teams

Translation Project

The Packages
The Teams
The Disclaimer
The Robot
Info for...
File List

National translation teams

Code Language Team address
af Afrikaans i18n@af.org.za
sq Albanian translation-team-sq@lists.sourceforge.net
am Amharic locales@geez.org
ar Arabic doc@arabeyes.org
es_AR Argentinian translation-es-AR@lists.sourceforge.net
hy Armenian translation-team-hy@lists.sourceforge.net
ast Asturian xspuente@asturies.org
az Azerbaijani translation-team-az@lists.sourceforge.net
eu Basque translation-team-eu@lists.sourceforge.net
be Belarusian i18n@mova.org
bs Bosnian mtodorov@alu.hr
pt_BR Brazilian Portuguese ldp-br@bazar.conectiva.com.br
bg Bulgarian dict@fsa-bg.org
ca Catalan ca@dodds.net
zh_HK Chinese (Hong Kong) community@linuxhall.org
zh_CN Chinese (simplified) translation-team-zh-cn@lists.sourceforge.net
zh_TW Chinese (traditional) zh-l10n@linux.org.tw
hr Croatian lokalizacija@linux.hr
cs Czech translation-team-cs@lists.sourceforge.net
da Danish dansk@dansk-gruppen.dk
nl Dutch vertaling@vrijschrift.org
dz Dzongkha dzongkha-l10n@lists.sourceforge.net
en English en@translate.freefriends.org
en_GB English (British) en_gb@li.org
eo Esperanto translation-team-eo@lists.sourceforge.net
et Estonian linux-ee@lists.eenet.ee
fi Finnish translation-team-fi@lists.sourceforge.net
fr French traduc@traduc.org
gl Galician gpul-traduccion@ceu.fi.udc.es
ka Georgian ka@li.org
de German translation-team-de@lists.sourceforge.net
el Greek nls@tux.hellug.gr
gu Gujarati indianoss-gujarati@lists.sourceforge.net
he Hebrew eliz@gnu.org
hi Hindi fedora-trans-hi@redhat.com
hu Hungarian translation-team-hu@lists.sourceforge.net
is Icelandic kde-isl@mmedia.is
id Indonesian translation-team-id@lists.sourceforge.net
ga Irish gaeilge-gnulinux@lists.sourceforge.net
it Italian tp@lists.linux.it
ja Japanese translation-team-ja@lists.sourceforge.net
rw Kinyarwanda translation-team-rw@lists.sourceforge.net
ky Kirghiz i18n-team-ky-kyrgyz@lists.sourceforge.net
ko Korean translation-team-ko@lists.sourceforge.net
ku Kurdish ku@li.org
lv Latvian lv@li.org
lt Lithuanian komp_lt@konferencijos.lt
art-lojban Lojban translation-art-lojban@lists.sourceforge.net
lg Luganda kompyuta@kizito.freeuk.com
mk Macedonian ufo@linux.net.mk
mg Malagasy dikateny@linuxmg.org
ms Malay translation-team-ms@lists.sourceforge.net
mt Maltese l10n@linux.org.mt
mn Mongolian openmn-translation@lists.sourceforge.net
ne Nepali translation-team-ne@lists.sourceforge.net
es_NI Nicaraguian eichwalk@iro.umontreal.ca
nso Northern Sotho sipedi@translate.org.za
no Norwegian i18n-nb@lister.ping.uio.no
nb Norwegian Bokmaal i18n-nb@lister.ping.uio.no
nn Norwegian Nynorsk i18n-nn@lister.ping.uio.no
no@nynorsk Norwegian Nynorsk i18n-nn@lister.ping.uio.no
or Oriya gora_mohanty@yahoo.co.in
fa Persian translation-team-fa@lists.sourceforge.net
pl Polish translation-team-pl@lists.sourceforge.net
pt Portuguese translation-team-pt@lists.sourceforge.net
pa Punjabi fedora-trans-pa@redhat.com
rm Rhaeto-Romance gnu-rumantsch@guglielmtux.ch
ro Romanian translation-team-ro@lists.sourceforge.net
ru Russian ru@li.org
sr Serbian gnu@prevod.org
si Sinhalese ananda.ruhunuhewa@inalco.fr
sk Slovak sk-i18n@lists.linux.sk
sl Slovenian translation-team-sl@lists.sourceforge.net
st Sotho sesotho@translate.org.za
es Spanish es@li.org
es_IC Spanish (Canary Islands) es_ic@eListas.net
sw Swahili translation-team-sw@lists.sourceforge.net
ss Swati swati@translate.org.za
sv Swedish tp-sv@listor.tp-sv.se
tg Tajik translations@tajikngo.org
ta Tamil translation-team-ta@lists.sourceforge.net
th Thai thailang@buraphalinux.org
tr Turkish gnu-tr-u12a@lists.sourceforge.net
tk Turkmen kakilikgroup@yahoo.com
uk Ukrainian translation-team-uk@lists.sourceforge.net
ven Venda venda@translate.org.za
vi Vietnamese vi-VN@googlegroups.com
wa Walloon linux-wa@walon.org
cy Welsh cy@pengwyn.linux.org.uk
xh Xhosa xhosa@translate.org.za
zu Zulu zulu@translate.org.za

(Last updated on 2007-06-27 11:28 +0200.)

Your comments are welcome.

projects/TP/team-address000075500000006201147633151230011223 0ustar00#!/bin/sh # Print the team's address (to stdout) and output additional instructions # (to stderr). projectsdir="$1" progdir="$2" catalog="$3" # e.g. "pt_BR" language="$4" # e.g. "pt" url=`cat "$projectsdir/TP/teams.url"` sed_absolute_dotdot_urls="s,href=\"\\.\\./,href="`echo "$url" | sed -e 's,/[^/]*/[^/]*\$,/,'`",g" html=`"$progdir/urlget" "$url" "$projectsdir/TP/teams.html" | sed -e "$sed_absolute_dotdot_urls"` sed_addnl='s,,\ ,g' address=`echo "$html" | tr '\012' '|' | sed -e "$sed_addnl" | sed -n -e "s,^.*$catalog[^<>]*[^|]*[^<>]*[^<>]*.*\$,\\1,p" | sed 1q` if test -n "$address"; then case "$address" in mailto:*) address=`echo "$address" | sed -e 's,^mailto:,<,' -e 's,$,>,'` ;; esac (echo "Please visit your translation team's homepage at" echo " "`echo "$html" | tr '\012' '|' | sed -e "$sed_addnl" | sed -n -e "s,^.*$catalog[^<>]*[^<>]*.*\$,\\1,p" | sed 1q` echo " http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/contrib/po/HTML/teams.html" echo " http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/contrib/po/HTML/translators.html" echo " http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/contrib/po/HTML/index.html" echo "and consider joining your translation team's mailing list" echo " $address" ) 1>&2 echo "$address" exit 0 fi address=`echo "$html" | tr '\012' '|' | sed -e "$sed_addnl" | sed -n -e "s,^.*$language[^<>]*[^|]*[^<>]*[^<>]*.*\$,\\1,p" | sed 1q` if test -n "$address"; then case "$address" in mailto:*) address=`echo "$address" | sed -e 's,^mailto:,<,' -e 's,$,>,'` ;; esac (echo "A translation team exists for your language ($language) but not for" echo "your local dialect ($catalog). You can either join the existing" echo "translation team for $language or create a new translation team for $catalog." echo echo "Please visit the existing translation team's homepage at" echo " "`echo "$html" | tr '\012' '|' | sed -e "$sed_addnl" | sed -n -e "s,^.*$language[^<>]*[^<>]*.*\$,\\1,p" | sed 1q` echo " http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/contrib/po/HTML/teams.html" echo " http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/contrib/po/HTML/translators.html" echo " http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/contrib/po/HTML/index.html" echo "and consider joining the translation team's mailing list" echo " $address" echo echo "If you want to create a new translation team for $catalog, please visit" echo " http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/contrib/po/HTML/teams.html" echo " http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/contrib/po/HTML/leaders.html" echo " http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/contrib/po/HTML/index.html" ) 1>&2 echo "$address" exit 0 fi (echo "A translation team for your language ($language) does not exist yet." echo "If you want to create a new translation team for $language"`test "$catalog" = "$language" || echo " or $catalog"`", please visit" echo " http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/contrib/po/HTML/teams.html" echo " http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/contrib/po/HTML/leaders.html" echo " http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/contrib/po/HTML/index.html" ) 1>&2 exit 0 projects/team-address000075500000000632147633151230010702 0ustar00#!/bin/sh # Print the team's address (to stdout) and output additional instructions # (to stderr). projectsdir="$1" progdir="$2" catalog="$3" # e.g. "pt_BR" language="$4" # e.g. "pt" for project in `cat "$projectsdir/index"`; do if /bin/sh "$projectsdir/$project/trigger"; then /bin/sh "$projectsdir/$project/team-address" "$projectsdir" "$progdir" "$catalog" "$language" exit $? fi done exit 0 msgunfmt.tcl000064400000004667147633151230007132 0ustar00# Reading tcl/msgcat .msg files. # Copyright (C) 2002, 2015-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . namespace eval msgcat { namespace export mcset mcdump variable header "" } proc msgcat::puts_po_string {str} { # Replace " with \" regsub -all "\"" $str "\\\"" str # Replace \ with \\ regsub -all "\\\\" $str "\\\\\\" str # Replace newline with \n regsub -all [subst "\n"] $str "\\n" str regsub -all [subst "\a"] $str "\\a" str regsub -all [subst "\b"] $str "\\b" str regsub -all [subst "\f"] $str "\\f" str regsub -all [subst "\r"] $str "\\r" str regsub -all [subst "\t"] $str "\\t" str regsub -all [subst "\v"] $str "\\v" str # Output it. puts -nonewline "\"$str\"" } proc msgcat::write_po_message {msgid msgstr} { puts -nonewline "msgid " puts_po_string $msgid puts "" puts -nonewline "msgstr " puts_po_string $msgstr puts "" puts "" } # This gets called once for each message in the .msg catalog. proc msgcat::mcset {locale src {dest ""}} { msgcat::write_po_message $src $dest } # Main function. proc msgcat::mcdump {langfile} { if {[file exists $langfile]} { # msgunfmt expects the output in UTF-8 encoding. fconfigure stdout -encoding utf-8 set msgcat::header "" set fd [open $langfile r] # In newer tcl versions, the .msg files are in UTF-8 encoding. fconfigure $fd -encoding utf-8 eval [read $fd] close $fd if {$msgcat::header == ""} { # Provide a minimal header. set msgcat::header [subst "MIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"] } msgcat::write_po_message "" $msgcat::header } else { # Tell msgunfmt to emit an internationalized error message. exit 2 } } # Main code: call the main function on the first and only argument. msgcat::mcdump [lindex $argv 0] exit 0 config.rpath000075500000044216147633151230007070 0ustar00#! /bin/sh # Output a system dependent set of variables, describing how to set the # run time search path of shared libraries in an executable. # # Copyright 1996-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # Taken from GNU libtool, 2001 # Originally by Gordon Matzigkeit , 1996 # # This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation gives # unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, with or without # modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. # # The first argument passed to this file is the canonical host specification, # CPU_TYPE-MANUFACTURER-OPERATING_SYSTEM # or # CPU_TYPE-MANUFACTURER-KERNEL-OPERATING_SYSTEM # The environment variables CC, GCC, LDFLAGS, LD, with_gnu_ld # should be set by the caller. # # The set of defined variables is at the end of this script. # Known limitations: # - On IRIX 6.5 with CC="cc", the run time search patch must not be longer # than 256 bytes, otherwise the compiler driver will dump core. The only # known workaround is to choose shorter directory names for the build # directory and/or the installation directory. # All known linkers require a '.a' archive for static linking (except MSVC, # which needs '.lib'). libext=a shrext=.so host="$1" host_cpu=`echo "$host" | sed 's/^\([^-]*\)-\([^-]*\)-\(.*\)$/\1/'` host_vendor=`echo "$host" | sed 's/^\([^-]*\)-\([^-]*\)-\(.*\)$/\2/'` host_os=`echo "$host" | sed 's/^\([^-]*\)-\([^-]*\)-\(.*\)$/\3/'` # Code taken from libtool.m4's _LT_CC_BASENAME. for cc_temp in $CC""; do case $cc_temp in compile | *[\\/]compile | ccache | *[\\/]ccache ) ;; distcc | *[\\/]distcc | purify | *[\\/]purify ) ;; \-*) ;; *) break;; esac done cc_basename=`echo "$cc_temp" | sed -e 's%^.*/%%'` # Code taken from libtool.m4's _LT_COMPILER_PIC. wl= if test "$GCC" = yes; then wl='-Wl,' else case "$host_os" in aix*) wl='-Wl,' ;; mingw* | cygwin* | pw32* | os2* | cegcc*) ;; hpux9* | hpux10* | hpux11*) wl='-Wl,' ;; irix5* | irix6* | nonstopux*) wl='-Wl,' ;; linux* | k*bsd*-gnu | kopensolaris*-gnu) case $cc_basename in ecc*) wl='-Wl,' ;; icc* | ifort*) wl='-Wl,' ;; lf95*) wl='-Wl,' ;; nagfor*) wl='-Wl,-Wl,,' ;; pgcc* | pgf77* | pgf90* | pgf95* | pgfortran*) wl='-Wl,' ;; ccc*) wl='-Wl,' ;; xl* | bgxl* | bgf* | mpixl*) wl='-Wl,' ;; como) wl='-lopt=' ;; *) case `$CC -V 2>&1 | sed 5q` in *Sun\ F* | *Sun*Fortran*) wl= ;; *Sun\ C*) wl='-Wl,' ;; esac ;; esac ;; newsos6) ;; *nto* | *qnx*) ;; osf3* | osf4* | osf5*) wl='-Wl,' ;; rdos*) ;; solaris*) case $cc_basename in f77* | f90* | f95* | sunf77* | sunf90* | sunf95*) wl='-Qoption ld ' ;; *) wl='-Wl,' ;; esac ;; sunos4*) wl='-Qoption ld ' ;; sysv4 | sysv4.2uw2* | sysv4.3*) wl='-Wl,' ;; sysv4*MP*) ;; sysv5* | unixware* | sco3.2v5* | sco5v6* | OpenUNIX*) wl='-Wl,' ;; unicos*) wl='-Wl,' ;; uts4*) ;; esac fi # Code taken from libtool.m4's _LT_LINKER_SHLIBS. hardcode_libdir_flag_spec= hardcode_libdir_separator= hardcode_direct=no hardcode_minus_L=no case "$host_os" in cygwin* | mingw* | pw32* | cegcc*) # FIXME: the MSVC++ port hasn't been tested in a loooong time # When not using gcc, we currently assume that we are using # Microsoft Visual C++. if test "$GCC" != yes; then with_gnu_ld=no fi ;; interix*) # we just hope/assume this is gcc and not c89 (= MSVC++) with_gnu_ld=yes ;; openbsd*) with_gnu_ld=no ;; esac ld_shlibs=yes if test "$with_gnu_ld" = yes; then # Set some defaults for GNU ld with shared library support. These # are reset later if shared libraries are not supported. Putting them # here allows them to be overridden if necessary. # Unlike libtool, we use -rpath here, not --rpath, since the documented # option of GNU ld is called -rpath, not --rpath. hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}-rpath ${wl}$libdir' case "$host_os" in aix[3-9]*) # On AIX/PPC, the GNU linker is very broken if test "$host_cpu" != ia64; then ld_shlibs=no fi ;; amigaos*) case "$host_cpu" in powerpc) ;; m68k) hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-L$libdir' hardcode_minus_L=yes ;; esac ;; beos*) if $LD --help 2>&1 | grep ': supported targets:.* elf' > /dev/null; then : else ld_shlibs=no fi ;; cygwin* | mingw* | pw32* | cegcc*) # hardcode_libdir_flag_spec is actually meaningless, as there is # no search path for DLLs. hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-L$libdir' if $LD --help 2>&1 | grep 'auto-import' > /dev/null; then : else ld_shlibs=no fi ;; haiku*) ;; interix[3-9]*) hardcode_direct=no hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}-rpath,$libdir' ;; gnu* | linux* | tpf* | k*bsd*-gnu | kopensolaris*-gnu) if $LD --help 2>&1 | grep ': supported targets:.* elf' > /dev/null; then : else ld_shlibs=no fi ;; netbsd*) ;; solaris*) if $LD -v 2>&1 | grep 'BFD 2\.8' > /dev/null; then ld_shlibs=no elif $LD --help 2>&1 | grep ': supported targets:.* elf' > /dev/null; then : else ld_shlibs=no fi ;; sysv5* | sco3.2v5* | sco5v6* | unixware* | OpenUNIX*) case `$LD -v 2>&1` in *\ [01].* | *\ 2.[0-9].* | *\ 2.1[0-5].*) ld_shlibs=no ;; *) if $LD --help 2>&1 | grep ': supported targets:.* elf' > /dev/null; then hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='`test -z "$SCOABSPATH" && echo ${wl}-rpath,$libdir`' else ld_shlibs=no fi ;; esac ;; sunos4*) hardcode_direct=yes ;; *) if $LD --help 2>&1 | grep ': supported targets:.* elf' > /dev/null; then : else ld_shlibs=no fi ;; esac if test "$ld_shlibs" = no; then hardcode_libdir_flag_spec= fi else case "$host_os" in aix3*) # Note: this linker hardcodes the directories in LIBPATH if there # are no directories specified by -L. hardcode_minus_L=yes if test "$GCC" = yes; then # Neither direct hardcoding nor static linking is supported with a # broken collect2. hardcode_direct=unsupported fi ;; aix[4-9]*) if test "$host_cpu" = ia64; then # On IA64, the linker does run time linking by default, so we don't # have to do anything special. aix_use_runtimelinking=no else aix_use_runtimelinking=no # Test if we are trying to use run time linking or normal # AIX style linking. If -brtl is somewhere in LDFLAGS, we # need to do runtime linking. case $host_os in aix4.[23]|aix4.[23].*|aix[5-9]*) for ld_flag in $LDFLAGS; do if (test $ld_flag = "-brtl" || test $ld_flag = "-Wl,-brtl"); then aix_use_runtimelinking=yes break fi done ;; esac fi hardcode_direct=yes hardcode_libdir_separator=':' if test "$GCC" = yes; then case $host_os in aix4.[012]|aix4.[012].*) collect2name=`${CC} -print-prog-name=collect2` if test -f "$collect2name" && \ strings "$collect2name" | grep resolve_lib_name >/dev/null then # We have reworked collect2 : else # We have old collect2 hardcode_direct=unsupported hardcode_minus_L=yes hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-L$libdir' hardcode_libdir_separator= fi ;; esac fi # Begin _LT_AC_SYS_LIBPATH_AIX. echo 'int main () { return 0; }' > conftest.c ${CC} ${LDFLAGS} conftest.c -o conftest aix_libpath=`dump -H conftest 2>/dev/null | sed -n -e '/Import File Strings/,/^$/ { /^0/ { s/^0 *\(.*\)$/\1/; p; } }'` if test -z "$aix_libpath"; then aix_libpath=`dump -HX64 conftest 2>/dev/null | sed -n -e '/Import File Strings/,/^$/ { /^0/ { s/^0 *\(.*\)$/\1/; p; } }'` fi if test -z "$aix_libpath"; then aix_libpath="/usr/lib:/lib" fi rm -f conftest.c conftest # End _LT_AC_SYS_LIBPATH_AIX. if test "$aix_use_runtimelinking" = yes; then hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}-blibpath:$libdir:'"$aix_libpath" else if test "$host_cpu" = ia64; then hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}-R $libdir:/usr/lib:/lib' else hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}-blibpath:$libdir:'"$aix_libpath" fi fi ;; amigaos*) case "$host_cpu" in powerpc) ;; m68k) hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-L$libdir' hardcode_minus_L=yes ;; esac ;; bsdi[45]*) ;; cygwin* | mingw* | pw32* | cegcc*) # When not using gcc, we currently assume that we are using # Microsoft Visual C++. # hardcode_libdir_flag_spec is actually meaningless, as there is # no search path for DLLs. hardcode_libdir_flag_spec=' ' libext=lib ;; darwin* | rhapsody*) hardcode_direct=no if { case $cc_basename in ifort*) true;; *) test "$GCC" = yes;; esac; }; then : else ld_shlibs=no fi ;; dgux*) hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-L$libdir' ;; freebsd2.[01]*) hardcode_direct=yes hardcode_minus_L=yes ;; freebsd* | dragonfly*) hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-R$libdir' hardcode_direct=yes ;; hpux9*) hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}+b ${wl}$libdir' hardcode_libdir_separator=: hardcode_direct=yes # hardcode_minus_L: Not really in the search PATH, # but as the default location of the library. hardcode_minus_L=yes ;; hpux10*) if test "$with_gnu_ld" = no; then hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}+b ${wl}$libdir' hardcode_libdir_separator=: hardcode_direct=yes # hardcode_minus_L: Not really in the search PATH, # but as the default location of the library. hardcode_minus_L=yes fi ;; hpux11*) if test "$with_gnu_ld" = no; then hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}+b ${wl}$libdir' hardcode_libdir_separator=: case $host_cpu in hppa*64*|ia64*) hardcode_direct=no ;; *) hardcode_direct=yes # hardcode_minus_L: Not really in the search PATH, # but as the default location of the library. hardcode_minus_L=yes ;; esac fi ;; irix5* | irix6* | nonstopux*) hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}-rpath ${wl}$libdir' hardcode_libdir_separator=: ;; netbsd*) hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-R$libdir' hardcode_direct=yes ;; newsos6) hardcode_direct=yes hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}-rpath ${wl}$libdir' hardcode_libdir_separator=: ;; *nto* | *qnx*) ;; openbsd*) if test -f /usr/libexec/ld.so; then hardcode_direct=yes if test -z "`echo __ELF__ | $CC -E - | grep __ELF__`" || test "$host_os-$host_cpu" = "openbsd2.8-powerpc"; then hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}-rpath,$libdir' else case "$host_os" in openbsd[01].* | openbsd2.[0-7] | openbsd2.[0-7].*) hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-R$libdir' ;; *) hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}-rpath,$libdir' ;; esac fi else ld_shlibs=no fi ;; os2*) hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-L$libdir' hardcode_minus_L=yes ;; osf3*) hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}-rpath ${wl}$libdir' hardcode_libdir_separator=: ;; osf4* | osf5*) if test "$GCC" = yes; then hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}-rpath ${wl}$libdir' else # Both cc and cxx compiler support -rpath directly hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-rpath $libdir' fi hardcode_libdir_separator=: ;; solaris*) hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-R$libdir' ;; sunos4*) hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-L$libdir' hardcode_direct=yes hardcode_minus_L=yes ;; sysv4) case $host_vendor in sni) hardcode_direct=yes # is this really true??? ;; siemens) hardcode_direct=no ;; motorola) hardcode_direct=no #Motorola manual says yes, but my tests say they lie ;; esac ;; sysv4.3*) ;; sysv4*MP*) if test -d /usr/nec; then ld_shlibs=yes fi ;; sysv4*uw2* | sysv5OpenUNIX* | sysv5UnixWare7.[01].[10]* | unixware7* | sco3.2v5.0.[024]*) ;; sysv5* | sco3.2v5* | sco5v6*) hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='`test -z "$SCOABSPATH" && echo ${wl}-R,$libdir`' hardcode_libdir_separator=':' ;; uts4*) hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-L$libdir' ;; *) ld_shlibs=no ;; esac fi # Check dynamic linker characteristics # Code taken from libtool.m4's _LT_SYS_DYNAMIC_LINKER. # Unlike libtool.m4, here we don't care about _all_ names of the library, but # only about the one the linker finds when passed -lNAME. This is the last # element of library_names_spec in libtool.m4, or possibly two of them if the # linker has special search rules. library_names_spec= # the last element of library_names_spec in libtool.m4 libname_spec='lib$name' case "$host_os" in aix3*) library_names_spec='$libname.a' ;; aix[4-9]*) library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' ;; amigaos*) case "$host_cpu" in powerpc*) library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' ;; m68k) library_names_spec='$libname.a' ;; esac ;; beos*) library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' ;; bsdi[45]*) library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' ;; cygwin* | mingw* | pw32* | cegcc*) shrext=.dll library_names_spec='$libname.dll.a $libname.lib' ;; darwin* | rhapsody*) shrext=.dylib library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' ;; dgux*) library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' ;; freebsd[23].*) library_names_spec='$libname$shrext$versuffix' ;; freebsd* | dragonfly*) library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' ;; gnu*) library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' ;; haiku*) library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' ;; hpux9* | hpux10* | hpux11*) case $host_cpu in ia64*) shrext=.so ;; hppa*64*) shrext=.sl ;; *) shrext=.sl ;; esac library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' ;; interix[3-9]*) library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' ;; irix5* | irix6* | nonstopux*) library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' case "$host_os" in irix5* | nonstopux*) libsuff= shlibsuff= ;; *) case $LD in *-32|*"-32 "|*-melf32bsmip|*"-melf32bsmip ") libsuff= shlibsuff= ;; *-n32|*"-n32 "|*-melf32bmipn32|*"-melf32bmipn32 ") libsuff=32 shlibsuff=N32 ;; *-64|*"-64 "|*-melf64bmip|*"-melf64bmip ") libsuff=64 shlibsuff=64 ;; *) libsuff= shlibsuff= ;; esac ;; esac ;; linux*oldld* | linux*aout* | linux*coff*) ;; linux* | k*bsd*-gnu | kopensolaris*-gnu) library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' ;; knetbsd*-gnu) library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' ;; netbsd*) library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' ;; newsos6) library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' ;; *nto* | *qnx*) library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' ;; openbsd*) library_names_spec='$libname$shrext$versuffix' ;; os2*) libname_spec='$name' shrext=.dll library_names_spec='$libname.a' ;; osf3* | osf4* | osf5*) library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' ;; rdos*) ;; solaris*) library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' ;; sunos4*) library_names_spec='$libname$shrext$versuffix' ;; sysv4 | sysv4.3*) library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' ;; sysv4*MP*) library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' ;; sysv5* | sco3.2v5* | sco5v6* | unixware* | OpenUNIX* | sysv4*uw2*) library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' ;; tpf*) library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' ;; uts4*) library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' ;; esac sed_quote_subst='s/\(["`$\\]\)/\\\1/g' escaped_wl=`echo "X$wl" | sed -e 's/^X//' -e "$sed_quote_subst"` shlibext=`echo "$shrext" | sed -e 's,^\.,,'` escaped_libname_spec=`echo "X$libname_spec" | sed -e 's/^X//' -e "$sed_quote_subst"` escaped_library_names_spec=`echo "X$library_names_spec" | sed -e 's/^X//' -e "$sed_quote_subst"` escaped_hardcode_libdir_flag_spec=`echo "X$hardcode_libdir_flag_spec" | sed -e 's/^X//' -e "$sed_quote_subst"` LC_ALL=C sed -e 's/^\([a-zA-Z0-9_]*\)=/acl_cv_\1=/' < # # Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, # are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright # notice and this notice are preserved. This file is offered as-is, # without any warranty. # # Origin: gettext-0.19.8 GETTEXT_MACRO_VERSION = 0.19 PACKAGE = @PACKAGE@ VERSION = @VERSION@ PACKAGE_BUGREPORT = @PACKAGE_BUGREPORT@ SED = @SED@ SHELL = /bin/sh @SET_MAKE@ srcdir = @srcdir@ top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@ VPATH = @srcdir@ prefix = @prefix@ exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@ datarootdir = @datarootdir@ datadir = @datadir@ localedir = @localedir@ gettextsrcdir = $(datadir)/gettext/po INSTALL = @INSTALL@ INSTALL_DATA = @INSTALL_DATA@ # We use $(mkdir_p). # In automake <= 1.9.x, $(mkdir_p) is defined either as "mkdir -p --" or as # "$(mkinstalldirs)" or as "$(install_sh) -d". For these automake versions, # @install_sh@ does not start with $(SHELL), so we add it. # In automake >= 1.10, @mkdir_p@ is derived from ${MKDIR_P}, which is defined # either as "/path/to/mkdir -p" or ".../install-sh -c -d". For these automake # versions, $(mkinstalldirs) and $(install_sh) are unused. mkinstalldirs = $(SHELL) @install_sh@ -d install_sh = $(SHELL) @install_sh@ MKDIR_P = @MKDIR_P@ mkdir_p = @mkdir_p@ # When building gettext-tools, we prefer to use the built programs # rather than installed programs. However, we can't do that when we # are cross compiling. CROSS_COMPILING = @CROSS_COMPILING@ GMSGFMT_ = @GMSGFMT@ GMSGFMT_no = @GMSGFMT@ GMSGFMT_yes = @GMSGFMT_015@ GMSGFMT = $(GMSGFMT_$(USE_MSGCTXT)) MSGFMT_ = @MSGFMT@ MSGFMT_no = @MSGFMT@ MSGFMT_yes = @MSGFMT_015@ MSGFMT = $(MSGFMT_$(USE_MSGCTXT)) XGETTEXT_ = @XGETTEXT@ XGETTEXT_no = @XGETTEXT@ XGETTEXT_yes = @XGETTEXT_015@ XGETTEXT = $(XGETTEXT_$(USE_MSGCTXT)) MSGMERGE = msgmerge MSGMERGE_UPDATE = @MSGMERGE@ --update MSGINIT = msginit MSGCONV = msgconv MSGFILTER = msgfilter POFILES = @POFILES@ GMOFILES = @GMOFILES@ UPDATEPOFILES = @UPDATEPOFILES@ DUMMYPOFILES = @DUMMYPOFILES@ DISTFILES.common = Makefile.in.in remove-potcdate.sin \ $(DISTFILES.common.extra1) $(DISTFILES.common.extra2) $(DISTFILES.common.extra3) DISTFILES = $(DISTFILES.common) Makevars POTFILES.in \ $(POFILES) $(GMOFILES) \ $(DISTFILES.extra1) $(DISTFILES.extra2) $(DISTFILES.extra3) POTFILES = \ CATALOGS = @CATALOGS@ POFILESDEPS_ = $(srcdir)/$(DOMAIN).pot POFILESDEPS_yes = $(POFILESDEPS_) POFILESDEPS_no = POFILESDEPS = $(POFILESDEPS_$(PO_DEPENDS_ON_POT)) DISTFILESDEPS_ = update-po DISTFILESDEPS_yes = $(DISTFILESDEPS_) DISTFILESDEPS_no = DISTFILESDEPS = $(DISTFILESDEPS_$(DIST_DEPENDS_ON_UPDATE_PO)) # Makevars gets inserted here. (Don't remove this line!) .SUFFIXES: .SUFFIXES: .po .gmo .mo .sed .sin .nop .po-create .po-update .po.mo: @echo "$(MSGFMT) -c -o $@ $<"; \ $(MSGFMT) -c -o t-$@ $< && mv t-$@ $@ .po.gmo: @lang=`echo $* | sed -e 's,.*/,,'`; \ test "$(srcdir)" = . && cdcmd="" || cdcmd="cd $(srcdir) && "; \ echo "$${cdcmd}rm -f $${lang}.gmo && $(GMSGFMT) -c --statistics --verbose -o $${lang}.gmo $${lang}.po"; \ cd $(srcdir) && rm -f $${lang}.gmo && $(GMSGFMT) -c --statistics --verbose -o t-$${lang}.gmo $${lang}.po && mv t-$${lang}.gmo $${lang}.gmo .sin.sed: sed -e '/^#/d' $< > t-$@ mv t-$@ $@ all: all-@USE_NLS@ all-yes: stamp-po all-no: # Ensure that the gettext macros and this Makefile.in.in are in sync. CHECK_MACRO_VERSION = \ test "$(GETTEXT_MACRO_VERSION)" = "@GETTEXT_MACRO_VERSION@" \ || { echo "*** error: gettext infrastructure mismatch: using a Makefile.in.in from gettext version $(GETTEXT_MACRO_VERSION) but the autoconf macros are from gettext version @GETTEXT_MACRO_VERSION@" 1>&2; \ exit 1; \ } # $(srcdir)/$(DOMAIN).pot is only created when needed. When xgettext finds no # internationalized messages, no $(srcdir)/$(DOMAIN).pot is created (because # we don't want to bother translators with empty POT files). We assume that # LINGUAS is empty in this case, i.e. $(POFILES) and $(GMOFILES) are empty. # In this case, stamp-po is a nop (i.e. a phony target). # stamp-po is a timestamp denoting the last time at which the CATALOGS have # been loosely updated. Its purpose is that when a developer or translator # checks out the package via CVS, and the $(DOMAIN).pot file is not in CVS, # "make" will update the $(DOMAIN).pot and the $(CATALOGS), but subsequent # invocations of "make" will do nothing. This timestamp would not be necessary # if updating the $(CATALOGS) would always touch them; however, the rule for # $(POFILES) has been designed to not touch files that don't need to be # changed. stamp-po: $(srcdir)/$(DOMAIN).pot @$(CHECK_MACRO_VERSION) test ! -f $(srcdir)/$(DOMAIN).pot || \ test -z "$(GMOFILES)" || $(MAKE) $(GMOFILES) @test ! -f $(srcdir)/$(DOMAIN).pot || { \ echo "touch stamp-po" && \ echo timestamp > stamp-poT && \ mv stamp-poT stamp-po; \ } # Note: Target 'all' must not depend on target '$(DOMAIN).pot-update', # otherwise packages like GCC can not be built if only parts of the source # have been downloaded. # This target rebuilds $(DOMAIN).pot; it is an expensive operation. # Note that $(DOMAIN).pot is not touched if it doesn't need to be changed. # The determination of whether the package xyz is a GNU one is based on the # heuristic whether some file in the top level directory mentions "GNU xyz". # If GNU 'find' is available, we avoid grepping through monster files. $(DOMAIN).pot-update: $(POTFILES) $(srcdir)/POTFILES.in remove-potcdate.sed package_gnu="$(PACKAGE_GNU)"; \ test -n "$$package_gnu" || { \ if { if (LC_ALL=C find --version) 2>/dev/null | grep GNU >/dev/null; then \ LC_ALL=C find -L $(top_srcdir) -maxdepth 1 -type f \ -size -10000000c -exec grep 'GNU @PACKAGE@' \ /dev/null '{}' ';' 2>/dev/null; \ else \ LC_ALL=C grep 'GNU @PACKAGE@' $(top_srcdir)/* 2>/dev/null; \ fi; \ } | grep -v 'libtool:' >/dev/null; then \ package_gnu=yes; \ else \ package_gnu=no; \ fi; \ }; \ if test "$$package_gnu" = "yes"; then \ package_prefix='GNU '; \ else \ package_prefix=''; \ fi; \ if test -n '$(MSGID_BUGS_ADDRESS)' || test '$(PACKAGE_BUGREPORT)' = '@'PACKAGE_BUGREPORT'@'; then \ msgid_bugs_address='$(MSGID_BUGS_ADDRESS)'; \ else \ msgid_bugs_address='$(PACKAGE_BUGREPORT)'; \ fi; \ case `$(XGETTEXT) --version | sed 1q | sed -e 's,^[^0-9]*,,'` in \ '' | 0.[0-9] | 0.[0-9].* | 0.1[0-5] | 0.1[0-5].* | 0.16 | 0.16.[0-1]*) \ $(XGETTEXT) --default-domain=$(DOMAIN) --directory=$(top_srcdir) \ --add-comments=TRANSLATORS: $(XGETTEXT_OPTIONS) @XGETTEXT_EXTRA_OPTIONS@ \ --files-from=$(srcdir)/POTFILES.in \ --copyright-holder='$(COPYRIGHT_HOLDER)' \ --msgid-bugs-address="$$msgid_bugs_address" \ ;; \ *) \ $(XGETTEXT) --default-domain=$(DOMAIN) --directory=$(top_srcdir) \ --add-comments=TRANSLATORS: $(XGETTEXT_OPTIONS) @XGETTEXT_EXTRA_OPTIONS@ \ --files-from=$(srcdir)/POTFILES.in \ --copyright-holder='$(COPYRIGHT_HOLDER)' \ --package-name="$${package_prefix}@PACKAGE@" \ --package-version='@VERSION@' \ --msgid-bugs-address="$$msgid_bugs_address" \ ;; \ esac test ! -f $(DOMAIN).po || { \ if test -f $(srcdir)/$(DOMAIN).pot-header; then \ sed -e '1,/^#$$/d' < $(DOMAIN).po > $(DOMAIN).1po && \ cat $(srcdir)/$(DOMAIN).pot-header $(DOMAIN).1po > $(DOMAIN).po; \ rm -f $(DOMAIN).1po; \ fi; \ if test -f $(srcdir)/$(DOMAIN).pot; then \ sed -f remove-potcdate.sed < $(srcdir)/$(DOMAIN).pot > $(DOMAIN).1po && \ sed -f remove-potcdate.sed < $(DOMAIN).po > $(DOMAIN).2po && \ if cmp $(DOMAIN).1po $(DOMAIN).2po >/dev/null 2>&1; then \ rm -f $(DOMAIN).1po $(DOMAIN).2po $(DOMAIN).po; \ else \ rm -f $(DOMAIN).1po $(DOMAIN).2po $(srcdir)/$(DOMAIN).pot && \ mv $(DOMAIN).po $(srcdir)/$(DOMAIN).pot; \ fi; \ else \ mv $(DOMAIN).po $(srcdir)/$(DOMAIN).pot; \ fi; \ } # This rule has no dependencies: we don't need to update $(DOMAIN).pot at # every "make" invocation, only create it when it is missing. # Only "make $(DOMAIN).pot-update" or "make dist" will force an update. $(srcdir)/$(DOMAIN).pot: $(MAKE) $(DOMAIN).pot-update # This target rebuilds a PO file if $(DOMAIN).pot has changed. # Note that a PO file is not touched if it doesn't need to be changed. $(POFILES): $(POFILESDEPS) @lang=`echo $@ | sed -e 's,.*/,,' -e 's/\.po$$//'`; \ if test -f "$(srcdir)/$${lang}.po"; then \ test -f $(srcdir)/$(DOMAIN).pot || $(MAKE) $(srcdir)/$(DOMAIN).pot; \ test "$(srcdir)" = . && cdcmd="" || cdcmd="cd $(srcdir) && "; \ echo "$${cdcmd}$(MSGMERGE_UPDATE) $(MSGMERGE_OPTIONS) --lang=$${lang} $${lang}.po $(DOMAIN).pot"; \ cd $(srcdir) \ && { case `$(MSGMERGE) --version | sed 1q | sed -e 's,^[^0-9]*,,'` in \ '' | 0.[0-9] | 0.[0-9].* | 0.1[0-7] | 0.1[0-7].*) \ $(MSGMERGE_UPDATE) $(MSGMERGE_OPTIONS) $${lang}.po $(DOMAIN).pot;; \ *) \ $(MSGMERGE_UPDATE) $(MSGMERGE_OPTIONS) --lang=$${lang} $${lang}.po $(DOMAIN).pot;; \ esac; \ }; \ else \ $(MAKE) $${lang}.po-create; \ fi install: install-exec install-data install-exec: install-data: install-data-@USE_NLS@ if test "$(PACKAGE)" = "gettext-tools"; then \ $(mkdir_p) $(DESTDIR)$(gettextsrcdir); \ for file in $(DISTFILES.common) Makevars.template; do \ $(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/$$file \ $(DESTDIR)$(gettextsrcdir)/$$file; \ done; \ for file in Makevars; do \ rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(gettextsrcdir)/$$file; \ done; \ else \ : ; \ fi install-data-no: all install-data-yes: all @catalogs='$(CATALOGS)'; \ for cat in $$catalogs; do \ cat=`basename $$cat`; \ lang=`echo $$cat | sed -e 's/\.gmo$$//'`; \ dir=$(localedir)/$$lang/LC_MESSAGES; \ $(mkdir_p) $(DESTDIR)$$dir; \ if test -r $$cat; then realcat=$$cat; else realcat=$(srcdir)/$$cat; fi; \ $(INSTALL_DATA) $$realcat $(DESTDIR)$$dir/$(DOMAIN).mo; \ echo "installing $$realcat as $(DESTDIR)$$dir/$(DOMAIN).mo"; \ for lc in '' $(EXTRA_LOCALE_CATEGORIES); do \ if test -n "$$lc"; then \ if (cd $(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$lang && LC_ALL=C ls -l -d $$lc 2>/dev/null) | grep ' -> ' >/dev/null; then \ link=`cd $(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$lang && LC_ALL=C ls -l -d $$lc | sed -e 's/^.* -> //'`; \ mv $(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$lang/$$lc $(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$lang/$$lc.old; \ mkdir $(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$lang/$$lc; \ (cd $(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$lang/$$lc.old && \ for file in *; do \ if test -f $$file; then \ ln -s ../$$link/$$file $(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$lang/$$lc/$$file; \ fi; \ done); \ rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$lang/$$lc.old; \ else \ if test -d $(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$lang/$$lc; then \ :; \ else \ rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$lang/$$lc; \ mkdir $(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$lang/$$lc; \ fi; \ fi; \ rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$lang/$$lc/$(DOMAIN).mo; \ ln -s ../LC_MESSAGES/$(DOMAIN).mo $(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$lang/$$lc/$(DOMAIN).mo 2>/dev/null || \ ln $(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$lang/LC_MESSAGES/$(DOMAIN).mo $(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$lang/$$lc/$(DOMAIN).mo 2>/dev/null || \ cp -p $(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$lang/LC_MESSAGES/$(DOMAIN).mo $(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$lang/$$lc/$(DOMAIN).mo; \ echo "installing $$realcat link as $(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$lang/$$lc/$(DOMAIN).mo"; \ fi; \ done; \ done install-strip: install installdirs: installdirs-exec installdirs-data installdirs-exec: installdirs-data: installdirs-data-@USE_NLS@ if test "$(PACKAGE)" = "gettext-tools"; then \ $(mkdir_p) $(DESTDIR)$(gettextsrcdir); \ else \ : ; \ fi installdirs-data-no: installdirs-data-yes: @catalogs='$(CATALOGS)'; \ for cat in $$catalogs; do \ cat=`basename $$cat`; \ lang=`echo $$cat | sed -e 's/\.gmo$$//'`; \ dir=$(localedir)/$$lang/LC_MESSAGES; \ $(mkdir_p) $(DESTDIR)$$dir; \ for lc in '' $(EXTRA_LOCALE_CATEGORIES); do \ if test -n "$$lc"; then \ if (cd $(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$lang && LC_ALL=C ls -l -d $$lc 2>/dev/null) | grep ' -> ' >/dev/null; then \ link=`cd $(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$lang && LC_ALL=C ls -l -d $$lc | sed -e 's/^.* -> //'`; \ mv $(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$lang/$$lc $(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$lang/$$lc.old; \ mkdir $(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$lang/$$lc; \ (cd $(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$lang/$$lc.old && \ for file in *; do \ if test -f $$file; then \ ln -s ../$$link/$$file $(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$lang/$$lc/$$file; \ fi; \ done); \ rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$lang/$$lc.old; \ else \ if test -d $(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$lang/$$lc; then \ :; \ else \ rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$lang/$$lc; \ mkdir $(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$lang/$$lc; \ fi; \ fi; \ fi; \ done; \ done # Define this as empty until I found a useful application. installcheck: uninstall: uninstall-exec uninstall-data uninstall-exec: uninstall-data: uninstall-data-@USE_NLS@ if test "$(PACKAGE)" = "gettext-tools"; then \ for file in $(DISTFILES.common) Makevars.template; do \ rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(gettextsrcdir)/$$file; \ done; \ else \ : ; \ fi uninstall-data-no: uninstall-data-yes: catalogs='$(CATALOGS)'; \ for cat in $$catalogs; do \ cat=`basename $$cat`; \ lang=`echo $$cat | sed -e 's/\.gmo$$//'`; \ for lc in LC_MESSAGES $(EXTRA_LOCALE_CATEGORIES); do \ rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$lang/$$lc/$(DOMAIN).mo; \ done; \ done check: all info dvi ps pdf html tags TAGS ctags CTAGS ID: mostlyclean: rm -f remove-potcdate.sed rm -f stamp-poT rm -f core core.* $(DOMAIN).po $(DOMAIN).1po $(DOMAIN).2po *.new.po rm -fr *.o clean: mostlyclean distclean: clean rm -f Makefile Makefile.in POTFILES *.mo maintainer-clean: distclean @echo "This command is intended for maintainers to use;" @echo "it deletes files that may require special tools to rebuild." rm -f stamp-po $(GMOFILES) distdir = $(top_builddir)/$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)/$(subdir) dist distdir: test -z "$(DISTFILESDEPS)" || $(MAKE) $(DISTFILESDEPS) @$(MAKE) dist2 # This is a separate target because 'update-po' must be executed before. dist2: stamp-po $(DISTFILES) dists="$(DISTFILES)"; \ if test "$(PACKAGE)" = "gettext-tools"; then \ dists="$$dists Makevars.template"; \ fi; \ if test -f $(srcdir)/$(DOMAIN).pot; then \ dists="$$dists $(DOMAIN).pot stamp-po"; \ fi; \ if test -f $(srcdir)/ChangeLog; then \ dists="$$dists ChangeLog"; \ fi; \ for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9; do \ if test -f $(srcdir)/ChangeLog.$$i; then \ dists="$$dists ChangeLog.$$i"; \ fi; \ done; \ if test -f $(srcdir)/LINGUAS; then dists="$$dists LINGUAS"; fi; \ for file in $$dists; do \ if test -f $$file; then \ cp -p $$file $(distdir) || exit 1; \ else \ cp -p $(srcdir)/$$file $(distdir) || exit 1; \ fi; \ done update-po: Makefile $(MAKE) $(DOMAIN).pot-update test -z "$(UPDATEPOFILES)" || $(MAKE) $(UPDATEPOFILES) $(MAKE) update-gmo # General rule for creating PO files. .nop.po-create: @lang=`echo $@ | sed -e 's/\.po-create$$//'`; \ echo "File $$lang.po does not exist. If you are a translator, you can create it through 'msginit'." 1>&2; \ exit 1 # General rule for updating PO files. .nop.po-update: @lang=`echo $@ | sed -e 's/\.po-update$$//'`; \ if test "$(PACKAGE)" = "gettext-tools" && test "$(CROSS_COMPILING)" != "yes"; then PATH=`pwd`/../src:$$PATH; fi; \ tmpdir=`pwd`; \ echo "$$lang:"; \ test "$(srcdir)" = . && cdcmd="" || cdcmd="cd $(srcdir) && "; \ echo "$${cdcmd}$(MSGMERGE) $(MSGMERGE_OPTIONS) --lang=$$lang $$lang.po $(DOMAIN).pot -o $$lang.new.po"; \ cd $(srcdir); \ if { case `$(MSGMERGE) --version | sed 1q | sed -e 's,^[^0-9]*,,'` in \ '' | 0.[0-9] | 0.[0-9].* | 0.1[0-7] | 0.1[0-7].*) \ $(MSGMERGE) $(MSGMERGE_OPTIONS) -o $$tmpdir/$$lang.new.po $$lang.po $(DOMAIN).pot;; \ *) \ $(MSGMERGE) $(MSGMERGE_OPTIONS) --lang=$$lang -o $$tmpdir/$$lang.new.po $$lang.po $(DOMAIN).pot;; \ esac; \ }; then \ if cmp $$lang.po $$tmpdir/$$lang.new.po >/dev/null 2>&1; then \ rm -f $$tmpdir/$$lang.new.po; \ else \ if mv -f $$tmpdir/$$lang.new.po $$lang.po; then \ :; \ else \ echo "msgmerge for $$lang.po failed: cannot move $$tmpdir/$$lang.new.po to $$lang.po" 1>&2; \ exit 1; \ fi; \ fi; \ else \ echo "msgmerge for $$lang.po failed!" 1>&2; \ rm -f $$tmpdir/$$lang.new.po; \ fi $(DUMMYPOFILES): update-gmo: Makefile $(GMOFILES) @: # Recreate Makefile by invoking config.status. Explicitly invoke the shell, # because execution permission bits may not work on the current file system. # Use @SHELL@, which is the shell determined by autoconf for the use by its # scripts, not $(SHELL) which is hardwired to /bin/sh and may be deficient. Makefile: Makefile.in.in Makevars $(top_builddir)/config.status @POMAKEFILEDEPS@ cd $(top_builddir) \ && @SHELL@ ./config.status $(subdir)/$@.in po-directories force: # Tell versions [3.59,3.63) of GNU make not to export all variables. # Otherwise a system limit (for SysV at least) may be exceeded. .NOEXPORT: po/en@boldquot.header000064400000002471147633151230010621 0ustar00# All this catalog "translates" are quotation characters. # The msgids must be ASCII and therefore cannot contain real quotation # characters, only substitutes like grave accent (0x60), apostrophe (0x27) # and double quote (0x22). These substitutes look strange; see # http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/ucs/quotes.html # # This catalog translates grave accent (0x60) and apostrophe (0x27) to # left single quotation mark (U+2018) and right single quotation mark (U+2019). # It also translates pairs of apostrophe (0x27) to # left single quotation mark (U+2018) and right single quotation mark (U+2019) # and pairs of quotation mark (0x22) to # left double quotation mark (U+201C) and right double quotation mark (U+201D). # # When output to an UTF-8 terminal, the quotation characters appear perfectly. # When output to an ISO-8859-1 terminal, the single quotation marks are # transliterated to apostrophes (by iconv in glibc 2.2 or newer) or to # grave/acute accent (by libiconv), and the double quotation marks are # transliterated to 0x22. # When output to an ASCII terminal, the single quotation marks are # transliterated to apostrophes, and the double quotation marks are # transliterated to 0x22. # # This catalog furthermore displays the text between the quotation marks in # bold face, assuming the VT100/XTerm escape sequences. # po/boldquot.sed000064400000000331147633151230007512 0ustar00s/"\([^"]*\)"/“\1”/g s/`\([^`']*\)'/‘\1’/g s/ '\([^`']*\)' / ‘\1’ /g s/ '\([^`']*\)'$/ ‘\1’/g s/^'\([^`']*\)' /‘\1’ /g s/“”/""/g s/“/“/g s/”/”/g s/‘/‘/g s/’/’/g po/Makevars.template000064400000006460147633151230010503 0ustar00# Makefile variables for PO directory in any package using GNU gettext. # Usually the message domain is the same as the package name. DOMAIN = $(PACKAGE) # These two variables depend on the location of this directory. subdir = po top_builddir = .. # These options get passed to xgettext. XGETTEXT_OPTIONS = --keyword=_ --keyword=N_ # This is the copyright holder that gets inserted into the header of the # $(DOMAIN).pot file. Set this to the copyright holder of the surrounding # package. (Note that the msgstr strings, extracted from the package's # sources, belong to the copyright holder of the package.) Translators are # expected to transfer the copyright for their translations to this person # or entity, or to disclaim their copyright. The empty string stands for # the public domain; in this case the translators are expected to disclaim # their copyright. COPYRIGHT_HOLDER = Free Software Foundation, Inc. # This tells whether or not to prepend "GNU " prefix to the package # name that gets inserted into the header of the $(DOMAIN).pot file. # Possible values are "yes", "no", or empty. If it is empty, try to # detect it automatically by scanning the files in $(top_srcdir) for # "GNU packagename" string. PACKAGE_GNU = # This is the email address or URL to which the translators shall report # bugs in the untranslated strings: # - Strings which are not entire sentences, see the maintainer guidelines # in the GNU gettext documentation, section 'Preparing Strings'. # - Strings which use unclear terms or require additional context to be # understood. # - Strings which make invalid assumptions about notation of date, time or # money. # - Pluralisation problems. # - Incorrect English spelling. # - Incorrect formatting. # It can be your email address, or a mailing list address where translators # can write to without being subscribed, or the URL of a web page through # which the translators can contact you. MSGID_BUGS_ADDRESS = # This is the list of locale categories, beyond LC_MESSAGES, for which the # message catalogs shall be used. It is usually empty. EXTRA_LOCALE_CATEGORIES = # This tells whether the $(DOMAIN).pot file contains messages with an 'msgctxt' # context. Possible values are "yes" and "no". Set this to yes if the # package uses functions taking also a message context, like pgettext(), or # if in $(XGETTEXT_OPTIONS) you define keywords with a context argument. USE_MSGCTXT = no # These options get passed to msgmerge. # Useful options are in particular: # --previous to keep previous msgids of translated messages, # --quiet to reduce the verbosity. MSGMERGE_OPTIONS = # These options get passed to msginit. # If you want to disable line wrapping when writing PO files, add # --no-wrap to MSGMERGE_OPTIONS, XGETTEXT_OPTIONS, and # MSGINIT_OPTIONS. MSGINIT_OPTIONS = # This tells whether or not to regenerate a PO file when $(DOMAIN).pot # has changed. Possible values are "yes" and "no". Set this to no if # the POT file is checked in the repository and the version control # program ignores timestamps. PO_DEPENDS_ON_POT = yes # This tells whether or not to forcibly update $(DOMAIN).pot and # regenerate PO files on "make dist". Possible values are "yes" and # "no". Set this to no if the POT file and PO files are maintained # externally. DIST_DEPENDS_ON_UPDATE_PO = yes po/quot.sed000064400000000231147633151230006650 0ustar00s/"\([^"]*\)"/“\1”/g s/`\([^`']*\)'/‘\1’/g s/ '\([^`']*\)' / ‘\1’ /g s/ '\([^`']*\)'$/ ‘\1’/g s/^'\([^`']*\)' /‘\1’ /g s/“”/""/g po/remove-potcdate.sin000064400000000660147633151230011002 0ustar00# Sed script that remove the POT-Creation-Date line in the header entry # from a POT file. # # The distinction between the first and the following occurrences of the # pattern is achieved by looking at the hold space. /^"POT-Creation-Date: .*"$/{ x # Test if the hold space is empty. s/P/P/ ta # Yes it was empty. First occurrence. Remove the line. g d bb :a # The hold space was nonempty. Following occurrences. Do nothing. x :b } po/en@quot.header000064400000002263147633151230007757 0ustar00# All this catalog "translates" are quotation characters. # The msgids must be ASCII and therefore cannot contain real quotation # characters, only substitutes like grave accent (0x60), apostrophe (0x27) # and double quote (0x22). These substitutes look strange; see # http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/ucs/quotes.html # # This catalog translates grave accent (0x60) and apostrophe (0x27) to # left single quotation mark (U+2018) and right single quotation mark (U+2019). # It also translates pairs of apostrophe (0x27) to # left single quotation mark (U+2018) and right single quotation mark (U+2019) # and pairs of quotation mark (0x22) to # left double quotation mark (U+201C) and right double quotation mark (U+201D). # # When output to an UTF-8 terminal, the quotation characters appear perfectly. # When output to an ISO-8859-1 terminal, the single quotation marks are # transliterated to apostrophes (by iconv in glibc 2.2 or newer) or to # grave/acute accent (by libiconv), and the double quotation marks are # transliterated to 0x22. # When output to an ASCII terminal, the single quotation marks are # transliterated to apostrophes, and the double quotation marks are # transliterated to 0x22. # po/Rules-quot000064400000004233147633151230007174 0ustar00# This file, Rules-quot, can be copied and used freely without restrictions. # Special Makefile rules for English message catalogs with quotation marks. DISTFILES.common.extra1 = quot.sed boldquot.sed en@quot.header en@boldquot.header insert-header.sin Rules-quot .SUFFIXES: .insert-header .po-update-en en@quot.po-create: $(MAKE) en@quot.po-update en@boldquot.po-create: $(MAKE) en@boldquot.po-update en@quot.po-update: en@quot.po-update-en en@boldquot.po-update: en@boldquot.po-update-en .insert-header.po-update-en: @lang=`echo $@ | sed -e 's/\.po-update-en$$//'`; \ if test "$(PACKAGE)" = "gettext-tools" && test "$(CROSS_COMPILING)" != "yes"; then PATH=`pwd`/../src:$$PATH; GETTEXTLIBDIR=`cd $(top_srcdir)/src && pwd`; export GETTEXTLIBDIR; fi; \ tmpdir=`pwd`; \ echo "$$lang:"; \ ll=`echo $$lang | sed -e 's/@.*//'`; \ LC_ALL=C; export LC_ALL; \ cd $(srcdir); \ if $(MSGINIT) $(MSGINIT_OPTIONS) -i $(DOMAIN).pot --no-translator -l $$lang -o - 2>/dev/null \ | $(SED) -f $$tmpdir/$$lang.insert-header | $(MSGCONV) -t UTF-8 | \ { case `$(MSGFILTER) --version | sed 1q | sed -e 's,^[^0-9]*,,'` in \ '' | 0.[0-9] | 0.[0-9].* | 0.1[0-8] | 0.1[0-8].*) \ $(MSGFILTER) $(SED) -f `echo $$lang | sed -e 's/.*@//'`.sed \ ;; \ *) \ $(MSGFILTER) `echo $$lang | sed -e 's/.*@//'` \ ;; \ esac } 2>/dev/null > $$tmpdir/$$lang.new.po \ ; then \ if cmp $$lang.po $$tmpdir/$$lang.new.po >/dev/null 2>&1; then \ rm -f $$tmpdir/$$lang.new.po; \ else \ if mv -f $$tmpdir/$$lang.new.po $$lang.po; then \ :; \ else \ echo "creation of $$lang.po failed: cannot move $$tmpdir/$$lang.new.po to $$lang.po" 1>&2; \ exit 1; \ fi; \ fi; \ else \ echo "creation of $$lang.po failed!" 1>&2; \ rm -f $$tmpdir/$$lang.new.po; \ fi en@quot.insert-header: insert-header.sin sed -e '/^#/d' -e 's/HEADER/en@quot.header/g' $(srcdir)/insert-header.sin > en@quot.insert-header en@boldquot.insert-header: insert-header.sin sed -e '/^#/d' -e 's/HEADER/en@boldquot.header/g' $(srcdir)/insert-header.sin > en@boldquot.insert-header mostlyclean: mostlyclean-quot mostlyclean-quot: rm -f *.insert-header gettext.h000064400000023664147633151230006421 0ustar00/* Convenience header for conditional use of GNU . Copyright (C) 1995-1998, 2000-2002, 2004-2006, 2009-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef _LIBGETTEXT_H #define _LIBGETTEXT_H 1 /* NLS can be disabled through the configure --disable-nls option. */ #if ENABLE_NLS /* Get declarations of GNU message catalog functions. */ # include /* You can set the DEFAULT_TEXT_DOMAIN macro to specify the domain used by the gettext() and ngettext() macros. This is an alternative to calling textdomain(), and is useful for libraries. */ # ifdef DEFAULT_TEXT_DOMAIN # undef gettext # define gettext(Msgid) \ dgettext (DEFAULT_TEXT_DOMAIN, Msgid) # undef ngettext # define ngettext(Msgid1, Msgid2, N) \ dngettext (DEFAULT_TEXT_DOMAIN, Msgid1, Msgid2, N) # endif #else /* Solaris /usr/include/locale.h includes /usr/include/libintl.h, which chokes if dcgettext is defined as a macro. So include it now, to make later inclusions of a NOP. We don't include as well because people using "gettext.h" will not include , and also including would fail on SunOS 4, whereas is OK. */ #if defined(__sun) # include #endif /* Many header files from the libstdc++ coming with g++ 3.3 or newer include , which chokes if dcgettext is defined as a macro. So include it now, to make later inclusions of a NOP. */ #if defined(__cplusplus) && defined(__GNUG__) && (__GNUC__ >= 3) # include # if (__GLIBC__ >= 2 && !defined __UCLIBC__) || _GLIBCXX_HAVE_LIBINTL_H # include # endif #endif /* Disabled NLS. The casts to 'const char *' serve the purpose of producing warnings for invalid uses of the value returned from these functions. On pre-ANSI systems without 'const', the config.h file is supposed to contain "#define const". */ # undef gettext # define gettext(Msgid) ((const char *) (Msgid)) # undef dgettext # define dgettext(Domainname, Msgid) ((void) (Domainname), gettext (Msgid)) # undef dcgettext # define dcgettext(Domainname, Msgid, Category) \ ((void) (Category), dgettext (Domainname, Msgid)) # undef ngettext # define ngettext(Msgid1, Msgid2, N) \ ((N) == 1 \ ? ((void) (Msgid2), (const char *) (Msgid1)) \ : ((void) (Msgid1), (const char *) (Msgid2))) # undef dngettext # define dngettext(Domainname, Msgid1, Msgid2, N) \ ((void) (Domainname), ngettext (Msgid1, Msgid2, N)) # undef dcngettext # define dcngettext(Domainname, Msgid1, Msgid2, N, Category) \ ((void) (Category), dngettext (Domainname, Msgid1, Msgid2, N)) # undef textdomain # define textdomain(Domainname) ((const char *) (Domainname)) # undef bindtextdomain # define bindtextdomain(Domainname, Dirname) \ ((void) (Domainname), (const char *) (Dirname)) # undef bind_textdomain_codeset # define bind_textdomain_codeset(Domainname, Codeset) \ ((void) (Domainname), (const char *) (Codeset)) #endif /* Prefer gnulib's setlocale override over libintl's setlocale override. */ #ifdef GNULIB_defined_setlocale # undef setlocale # define setlocale rpl_setlocale #endif /* A pseudo function call that serves as a marker for the automated extraction of messages, but does not call gettext(). The run-time translation is done at a different place in the code. The argument, String, should be a literal string. Concatenated strings and other string expressions won't work. The macro's expansion is not parenthesized, so that it is suitable as initializer for static 'char[]' or 'const char[]' variables. */ #define gettext_noop(String) String /* The separator between msgctxt and msgid in a .mo file. */ #define GETTEXT_CONTEXT_GLUE "\004" /* Pseudo function calls, taking a MSGCTXT and a MSGID instead of just a MSGID. MSGCTXT and MSGID must be string literals. MSGCTXT should be short and rarely need to change. The letter 'p' stands for 'particular' or 'special'. */ #ifdef DEFAULT_TEXT_DOMAIN # define pgettext(Msgctxt, Msgid) \ pgettext_aux (DEFAULT_TEXT_DOMAIN, Msgctxt GETTEXT_CONTEXT_GLUE Msgid, Msgid, LC_MESSAGES) #else # define pgettext(Msgctxt, Msgid) \ pgettext_aux (NULL, Msgctxt GETTEXT_CONTEXT_GLUE Msgid, Msgid, LC_MESSAGES) #endif #define dpgettext(Domainname, Msgctxt, Msgid) \ pgettext_aux (Domainname, Msgctxt GETTEXT_CONTEXT_GLUE Msgid, Msgid, LC_MESSAGES) #define dcpgettext(Domainname, Msgctxt, Msgid, Category) \ pgettext_aux (Domainname, Msgctxt GETTEXT_CONTEXT_GLUE Msgid, Msgid, Category) #ifdef DEFAULT_TEXT_DOMAIN # define npgettext(Msgctxt, Msgid, MsgidPlural, N) \ npgettext_aux (DEFAULT_TEXT_DOMAIN, Msgctxt GETTEXT_CONTEXT_GLUE Msgid, Msgid, MsgidPlural, N, LC_MESSAGES) #else # define npgettext(Msgctxt, Msgid, MsgidPlural, N) \ npgettext_aux (NULL, Msgctxt GETTEXT_CONTEXT_GLUE Msgid, Msgid, MsgidPlural, N, LC_MESSAGES) #endif #define dnpgettext(Domainname, Msgctxt, Msgid, MsgidPlural, N) \ npgettext_aux (Domainname, Msgctxt GETTEXT_CONTEXT_GLUE Msgid, Msgid, MsgidPlural, N, LC_MESSAGES) #define dcnpgettext(Domainname, Msgctxt, Msgid, MsgidPlural, N, Category) \ npgettext_aux (Domainname, Msgctxt GETTEXT_CONTEXT_GLUE Msgid, Msgid, MsgidPlural, N, Category) #ifdef __GNUC__ __inline #else #ifdef __cplusplus inline #endif #endif static const char * pgettext_aux (const char *domain, const char *msg_ctxt_id, const char *msgid, int category) { const char *translation = dcgettext (domain, msg_ctxt_id, category); if (translation == msg_ctxt_id) return msgid; else return translation; } #ifdef __GNUC__ __inline #else #ifdef __cplusplus inline #endif #endif static const char * npgettext_aux (const char *domain, const char *msg_ctxt_id, const char *msgid, const char *msgid_plural, unsigned long int n, int category) { const char *translation = dcngettext (domain, msg_ctxt_id, msgid_plural, n, category); if (translation == msg_ctxt_id || translation == msgid_plural) return (n == 1 ? msgid : msgid_plural); else return translation; } /* The same thing extended for non-constant arguments. Here MSGCTXT and MSGID can be arbitrary expressions. But for string literals these macros are less efficient than those above. */ #include #if (((__GNUC__ >= 3 || __GNUG__ >= 2) && !defined __STRICT_ANSI__) \ /* || __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L */ ) # define _LIBGETTEXT_HAVE_VARIABLE_SIZE_ARRAYS 1 #else # define _LIBGETTEXT_HAVE_VARIABLE_SIZE_ARRAYS 0 #endif #if !_LIBGETTEXT_HAVE_VARIABLE_SIZE_ARRAYS #include #endif #define pgettext_expr(Msgctxt, Msgid) \ dcpgettext_expr (NULL, Msgctxt, Msgid, LC_MESSAGES) #define dpgettext_expr(Domainname, Msgctxt, Msgid) \ dcpgettext_expr (Domainname, Msgctxt, Msgid, LC_MESSAGES) #ifdef __GNUC__ __inline #else #ifdef __cplusplus inline #endif #endif static const char * dcpgettext_expr (const char *domain, const char *msgctxt, const char *msgid, int category) { size_t msgctxt_len = strlen (msgctxt) + 1; size_t msgid_len = strlen (msgid) + 1; const char *translation; #if _LIBGETTEXT_HAVE_VARIABLE_SIZE_ARRAYS char msg_ctxt_id[msgctxt_len + msgid_len]; #else char buf[1024]; char *msg_ctxt_id = (msgctxt_len + msgid_len <= sizeof (buf) ? buf : (char *) malloc (msgctxt_len + msgid_len)); if (msg_ctxt_id != NULL) #endif { int found_translation; memcpy (msg_ctxt_id, msgctxt, msgctxt_len - 1); msg_ctxt_id[msgctxt_len - 1] = '\004'; memcpy (msg_ctxt_id + msgctxt_len, msgid, msgid_len); translation = dcgettext (domain, msg_ctxt_id, category); found_translation = (translation != msg_ctxt_id); #if !_LIBGETTEXT_HAVE_VARIABLE_SIZE_ARRAYS if (msg_ctxt_id != buf) free (msg_ctxt_id); #endif if (found_translation) return translation; } return msgid; } #define npgettext_expr(Msgctxt, Msgid, MsgidPlural, N) \ dcnpgettext_expr (NULL, Msgctxt, Msgid, MsgidPlural, N, LC_MESSAGES) #define dnpgettext_expr(Domainname, Msgctxt, Msgid, MsgidPlural, N) \ dcnpgettext_expr (Domainname, Msgctxt, Msgid, MsgidPlural, N, LC_MESSAGES) #ifdef __GNUC__ __inline #else #ifdef __cplusplus inline #endif #endif static const char * dcnpgettext_expr (const char *domain, const char *msgctxt, const char *msgid, const char *msgid_plural, unsigned long int n, int category) { size_t msgctxt_len = strlen (msgctxt) + 1; size_t msgid_len = strlen (msgid) + 1; const char *translation; #if _LIBGETTEXT_HAVE_VARIABLE_SIZE_ARRAYS char msg_ctxt_id[msgctxt_len + msgid_len]; #else char buf[1024]; char *msg_ctxt_id = (msgctxt_len + msgid_len <= sizeof (buf) ? buf : (char *) malloc (msgctxt_len + msgid_len)); if (msg_ctxt_id != NULL) #endif { int found_translation; memcpy (msg_ctxt_id, msgctxt, msgctxt_len - 1); msg_ctxt_id[msgctxt_len - 1] = '\004'; memcpy (msg_ctxt_id + msgctxt_len, msgid, msgid_len); translation = dcngettext (domain, msg_ctxt_id, msgid_plural, n, category); found_translation = !(translation == msg_ctxt_id || translation == msgid_plural); #if !_LIBGETTEXT_HAVE_VARIABLE_SIZE_ARRAYS if (msg_ctxt_id != buf) free (msg_ctxt_id); #endif if (found_translation) return translation; } return (n == 1 ? msgid : msgid_plural); } #endif /* _LIBGETTEXT_H */