eaiovnaovbqoebvqoeavibavo home3/intussen/public_html/fastphp.ini000064400000004350147623173510014112 0ustar00# This is fastphp.ini configuration belongs in the public_html directory. # This is not intended to be edited manually except by advanced users. # It is recommended to be configured through the Control Panel. # FastPHP is recommended for those sites with frequent php hits. # This file is ignored unless you explicitly enable FastPHP. # Page caching # 0 to ignore the cache and execute the PHP script every time. # 1 to use the cache to store the page output. enablepagecache=0 # Do not execute the PHP script if the cache is younger than this many seconds. ttl=300 # Super Caching # 0 to never show pages older than "ttl" seconds since generation. # 1 to allow an old cached page to be served while the new content is generated in the background. # This is recommended if the page is sometimes slow to generate # and you would rather show the old page quickly # instead of waiting for the new page to be generated. enablesupercache=0 # All the consider_* directives define which settings must be different # in order to be treated as different request. consider_referer=0 consider_host=0 consider_scriptfilename=0 consider_pathinfo=0 consider_docroot=1 consider_requesturi=1 consider_querystring=0 consider_cookie=0 consider_remoteaddr=0 consider_postcontent=0 # Browser cache overrideability # 0 to block browser from being able to force the server to regenerate the page. # This will always show the version that is cached on the server. # 1 to allow the browser to hit CTRL-REFRESH to force the server to regenerate # the page even if the cache is less than "ttl" seconds old. browser_refresh=0 # Define which requests should NEVER be cached. # The left side of the colon is the environment variable to check. # The right side of the colon defines the reguler expression to avoid caching. # The nocache directive may be specified multiple times. nocache=REQUEST_URI:admin.*(php|html) nocache=HTTP_COOKIE:login # Only cache request if passes all these prechecks. # The onlycache directive may be specified multiple times. onlycache=REQUEST_METHOD:GET # # NOTE: You may also enable FastPHP by running the following from commandline: # grep -q "^AddHandler php-fastcgi .php" ~/public_html/.htaccess || echo "AddHandler php-fastcgi .php" >> ~/public_html/.htaccess #