eaiovnaovbqoebvqoeavibavo stopwords/stopwords_es.txt000064400000012767147633140560012132 0ustar00 | From svn.tartarus.org/snowball/trunk/website/algorithms/spanish/stop.txt | This file is distributed under the BSD License. | See http://snowball.tartarus.org/license.php | Also see http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.html | - Encoding was converted to UTF-8. | - This notice was added. | | A Spanish stop word list. Comments begin with vertical bar. Each stop | word is at the start of a line. | The following is a ranked list (commonest to rarest) of stopwords | deriving from a large sample of text. | Extra words have been added at the end. de | from, of la | the, her que | who, that el | the en | in y | and a | to los | the, them del | de + el se | himself, from him etc las | the, them por | for, by, etc un | a para | for con | with no | no una | a su | his, her al | a + el | es from SER lo | him como | how más | more pero | pero sus | su plural le | to him, her ya | already o | or | fue from SER este | this | ha from HABER sí | himself etc porque | because esta | this | son from SER entre | between | está from ESTAR cuando | when muy | very sin | without sobre | on | ser from SER | tiene from TENER también | also me | me hasta | until hay | there is/are donde | where | han from HABER quien | whom, that | están from ESTAR | estado from ESTAR desde | from todo | all nos | us durante | during | estados from ESTAR todos | all uno | a les | to them ni | nor contra | against otros | other | fueron from SER ese | that eso | that | había from HABER ante | before ellos | they e | and (variant of y) esto | this mí | me antes | before algunos | some qué | what? unos | a yo | I otro | other otras | other otra | other él | he tanto | so much, many esa | that estos | these mucho | much, many quienes | who nada | nothing muchos | many cual | who | sea from SER poco | few ella | she estar | to be | haber from HABER estas | these | estaba from ESTAR | estamos from ESTAR algunas | some algo | something nosotros | we | other forms mi | me mis | mi plural tú | thou te | thee ti | thee tu | thy tus | tu plural ellas | they nosotras | we vosotros | you vosotras | you os | you mío | mine mía | míos | mías | tuyo | thine tuya | tuyos | tuyas | suyo | his, hers, theirs suya | suyos | suyas | nuestro | ours nuestra | nuestros | nuestras | vuestro | yours vuestra | vuestros | vuestras | esos | those esas | those | forms of estar, to be (not including the infinitive): estoy estás está estamos estáis están esté estés estemos estéis estén estaré estarás estará estaremos estaréis estarán estaría estarías estaríamos estaríais estarían estaba estabas estábamos estabais estaban estuve estuviste estuvo estuvimos estuvisteis estuvieron estuviera estuvieras estuviéramos estuvierais estuvieran estuviese estuvieses estuviésemos estuvieseis estuviesen estando estado estada estados estadas estad | forms of haber, to have (not including the infinitive): he has ha hemos habéis han haya hayas hayamos hayáis hayan habré habrás habrá habremos habréis habrán habría habrías habríamos habríais habrían había habías habíamos habíais habían hube hubiste hubo hubimos hubisteis hubieron hubiera hubieras hubiéramos hubierais hubieran hubiese hubieses hubiésemos hubieseis hubiesen habiendo habido habida habidos habidas | forms of ser, to be (not including the infinitive): soy eres es somos sois son sea seas seamos seáis sean seré serás será seremos seréis serán sería serías seríamos seríais serían era eras éramos erais eran fui fuiste fue fuimos fuisteis fueron fuera fueras fuéramos fuerais fueran fuese fueses fuésemos fueseis fuesen siendo sido | sed also means 'thirst' | forms of tener, to have (not including the infinitive): tengo tienes tiene tenemos tenéis tienen tenga tengas tengamos tengáis tengan tendré tendrás tendrá tendremos tendréis tendrán tendría tendrías tendríamos tendríais tendrían tenía tenías teníamos teníais tenían tuve tuviste tuvo tuvimos tuvisteis tuvieron tuviera tuvieras tuviéramos tuvierais tuvieran tuviese tuvieses tuviésemos tuvieseis tuviesen teniendo tenido tenida tenidos tenidas tened stopwords/stopwords_tr.txt000064400000011323147633140560012133 0ustar00## # Copied from https://github.com/stopwords-iso/stopwords-tr/ # # The MIT License (MIT) # # Copyright (c) 2016 Gene Diaz # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. ## acaba acep adamakıllı adeta ait altmýþ altmış altý altı ama amma anca ancak arada artýk aslında aynen ayrıca az açıkça açıkçası bana bari bazen bazý bazı başkası baţka belki ben benden beni benim beri beriki beþ beş beţ bilcümle bile bin binaen binaenaleyh bir biraz birazdan birbiri birden birdenbire biri birice birileri birisi birkaç birkaçı birkez birlikte birçok birçoğu birþey birþeyi birşey birşeyi birţey bitevi biteviye bittabi biz bizatihi bizce bizcileyin bizden bize bizi bizim bizimki bizzat boşuna bu buna bunda bundan bunlar bunları bunların bunu bunun buracıkta burada buradan burası böyle böylece böylecene böylelikle böylemesine böylesine büsbütün bütün cuk cümlesi da daha dahi dahil dahilen daima dair dayanarak de defa dek demin demincek deminden denli derakap derhal derken deđil değil değin diye diđer diğer diğeri doksan dokuz dolayı dolayısıyla doğru dört edecek eden ederek edilecek ediliyor edilmesi ediyor elbet elbette elli emme en enikonu epey epeyce epeyi esasen esnasında etmesi etraflı etraflıca etti ettiği ettiğini evleviyetle evvel evvela evvelce evvelden evvelemirde evveli eđer eğer fakat filanca gah gayet gayetle gayri gayrı gelgelelim gene gerek gerçi geçende geçenlerde gibi gibilerden gibisinden gine göre gırla hakeza halbuki halen halihazırda haliyle handiyse hangi hangisi hani hariç hasebiyle hasılı hatta hele hem henüz hep hepsi her herhangi herkes herkesin hiç hiçbir hiçbiri hoş hulasaten iken iki ila ile ilen ilgili ilk illa illaki imdi indinde inen insermi ise ister itibaren itibariyle itibarıyla iyi iyice iyicene için iş işte iţte kadar kaffesi kah kala kanýmca karşın katrilyon kaynak kaçı kelli kendi kendilerine kendini kendisi kendisine kendisini kere kez keza kezalik keşke keţke ki kim kimden kime kimi kimisi kimse kimsecik kimsecikler külliyen kýrk kýsaca kırk kısaca lakin leh lütfen maada madem mademki mamafih mebni međer meğer meğerki meğerse milyar milyon mu mü mý mı nasýl nasıl nasılsa nazaran naşi ne neden nedeniyle nedenle nedense nerde nerden nerdeyse nere nerede nereden neredeyse neresi nereye netekim neye neyi neyse nice nihayet nihayetinde nitekim niye niçin o olan olarak oldu olduklarını oldukça olduğu olduğunu olmadı olmadığı olmak olması olmayan olmaz olsa olsun olup olur olursa oluyor on ona onca onculayın onda ondan onlar onlardan onlari onlarýn onları onların onu onun oracık oracıkta orada oradan oranca oranla oraya otuz oysa oysaki pek pekala peki pekçe peyderpey rağmen sadece sahi sahiden sana sanki sekiz seksen sen senden seni senin siz sizden sizi sizin sonra sonradan sonraları sonunda tabii tam tamam tamamen tamamıyla tarafından tek trilyon tüm var vardı vasıtasıyla ve velev velhasıl velhasılıkelam veya veyahut ya yahut yakinen yakında yakından yakınlarda yalnız yalnızca yani yapacak yapmak yaptı yaptıkları yaptığı yaptığını yapılan yapılması yapıyor yedi yeniden yenilerde yerine yetmiþ yetmiş yetmiţ yine yirmi yok yoksa yoluyla yüz yüzünden zarfında zaten zati zira çabuk çabukça çeşitli çok çokları çoklarınca çokluk çoklukla çokça çoğu çoğun çoğunca çoğunlukla çünkü öbür öbürkü öbürü önce önceden önceleri öncelikle öteki ötekisi öyle öylece öylelikle öylemesine öz üzere üç þey þeyden þeyi þeyler þu þuna þunda þundan þunu şayet şey şeyden şeyi şeyler şu şuna şuncacık şunda şundan şunlar şunları şunu şunun şura şuracık şuracıkta şurası şöyle ţayet ţimdi ţu ţöyle stopwords/stopwords_fi.txt000064400000007435147633140560012115 0ustar00 | From svn.tartarus.org/snowball/trunk/website/algorithms/finnish/stop.txt | This file is distributed under the BSD License. | See http://snowball.tartarus.org/license.php | Also see http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.html | - Encoding was converted to UTF-8. | - This notice was added. | forms of BE olla olen olet on olemme olette ovat ole | negative form oli olisi olisit olisin olisimme olisitte olisivat olit olin olimme olitte olivat ollut olleet en | negation et ei emme ette eivät |Words below in the following cases: |Nom Gen Acc Part Iness Elat Illat Adess Ablat Allat Ess Trans minä | I minun | I minut | I minua | I minussa | I minusta | I minuun | I minulla | I minulta | I minulle | I sinä | you sinun | you sinut | you sinua | you sinussa | you sinusta | you sinuun | you sinulla | you sinulta | you sinulle | you hän | he she hänen | he she hänet | he she häntä | he she hänessä | he she hänestä | he she häneen | he she hänellä | he she häneltä | he she hänelle | he she me | we meidän | we meidät | we meitä | we meissä | we meistä | we meihin | we meillä | we meiltä | we meille | we te | you teidän | you teidät | you teitä | you teissä | you teistä | you teihin | you teillä | you teiltä | you teille | you he | they heidän | they heidät | they heitä | they heissä | they heistä | they heihin | they heillä | they heiltä | they heille | they tämä | this tämän | this tätä | this tässä | this tästä | this tähän | this tallä | this tältä | this tälle | this tänä | this täksi | this tuo | that tuon | that tuotä | that tuossa | that tuosta | that tuohon | that tuolla | that tuolta | that tuolle | that tuona | that tuoksi | that se | it sen | it sitä | it siinä | it siitä | it siihen | it sillä | it siltä | it sille | it sinä | it siksi | it nämä | these näiden | these näitä | these näissä | these näistä | these näihin | these näillä | these näiltä | these näille | these näinä | these näiksi | these nuo | those noiden | those noita | those noissa | those noista | those noihin | those noilla | those noilta | those noille | those noina | those noiksi | those ne | they niiden | they niitä | they niissä | they niistä | they niihin | they niillä | they niiltä | they niille | they niinä | they niiksi | they kuka | who kenen | who kenet | who ketä | who kenessä | who kenestä | who keneen | who kenellä | who keneltä | who kenelle | who kenenä | who keneksi | who ketkä | who (pl) keiden | who (pl) ketkä | who (pl) keitä | who (pl) keissä | who (pl) keistä | who (pl) keihin | who (pl) keillä | who (pl) keiltä | who (pl) keille | who (pl) keinä | who (pl) keiksi | who (pl) mikä | which what minkä | which what minkä | which what mitä | which what missä | which what mistä | which what mihin | which what millä | which what miltä | which what mille | which what minä | which what miksi | which what mitkä | which what (pl) joka | who which jonka | who which jota | who which jossa | who which josta | who which johon | who which jolla | who which jolta | who which jolle | who which jona | who which joksi | who which jotka | who which (pl) joiden | who which (pl) joita | who which (pl) joissa | who which (pl) joista | who which (pl) joihin | who which (pl) joilla | who which (pl) joilta | who which (pl) joille | who which (pl) joina | who which (pl) joiksi | who which (pl) | conjunctions että | that ja | and jos | if koska | because kuin | than mutta | but niin | so sekä | and sillä | for tai | or vaan | but vai | or vaikka | although | prepositions kanssa | with mukaan | according to noin | about poikki | across yli | over, across | other kun | when niin | so nyt | now itse | self stopwords/stopwords_sv.txt000064400000006523147633140560012144 0ustar00 | From svn.tartarus.org/snowball/trunk/website/algorithms/swedish/stop.txt | This file is distributed under the BSD License. | See http://snowball.tartarus.org/license.php | Also see http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.html | - Encoding was converted to UTF-8. | - This notice was added. | A Swedish stop word list. Comments begin with vertical bar. Each stop | word is at the start of a line. | This is a ranked list (commonest to rarest) of stopwords derived from | a large text sample. | Swedish stop words occasionally exhibit homonym clashes. For example | så = so, but also seed. These are indicated clearly below. och | and det | it, this/that att | to (with infinitive) i | in, at en | a jag | I hon | she som | who, that han | he på | on den | it, this/that med | with var | where, each sig | him(self) etc för | for så | so (also: seed) till | to är | is men | but ett | a om | if; around, about hade | had de | they, these/those av | of icke | not, no mig | me du | you henne | her då | then, when sin | his nu | now har | have inte | inte någon = no one hans | his honom | him skulle | 'sake' hennes | her där | there min | my man | one (pronoun) ej | nor vid | at, by, on (also: vast) kunde | could något | some etc från | from, off ut | out när | when efter | after, behind upp | up vi | we dem | them vara | be vad | what över | over än | than dig | you kan | can sina | his här | here ha | have mot | towards alla | all under | under (also: wonder) någon | some etc eller | or (else) allt | all mycket | much sedan | since ju | why denna | this/that själv | myself, yourself etc detta | this/that åt | to utan | without varit | was hur | how ingen | no mitt | my ni | you bli | to be, become blev | from bli oss | us din | thy dessa | these/those några | some etc deras | their blir | from bli mina | my samma | (the) same vilken | who, that er | you, your sådan | such a vår | our blivit | from bli dess | its inom | within mellan | between sådant | such a varför | why varje | each vilka | who, that ditt | thy vem | who vilket | who, that sitta | his sådana | such a vart | each dina | thy vars | whose vårt | our våra | our ert | your era | your vilkas | whose stopwords/stopwords_de.txt000064400000010620147633140560012075 0ustar00 | From svn.tartarus.org/snowball/trunk/website/algorithms/german/stop.txt | This file is distributed under the BSD License. | See http://snowball.tartarus.org/license.php | Also see http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.html | - Encoding was converted to UTF-8. | - This notice was added. | | A German stop word list. Comments begin with vertical bar. Each stop | word is at the start of a line. | The number of forms in this list is reduced significantly by passing it | through the German stemmer. aber | but alle | all allem allen aller alles als | than, as also | so am | an + dem an | at ander | other andere anderem anderen anderer anderes anderm andern anderr anders auch | also auf | on aus | out of bei | by bin | am bis | until bist | art da | there damit | with it dann | then der | the den des dem die das daß | that derselbe | the same derselben denselben desselben demselben dieselbe dieselben dasselbe dazu | to that dein | thy deine deinem deinen deiner deines denn | because derer | of those dessen | of him dich | thee dir | to thee du | thou dies | this diese diesem diesen dieser dieses doch | (several meanings) dort | (over) there durch | through ein | a eine einem einen einer eines einig | some einige einigem einigen einiger einiges einmal | once er | he ihn | him ihm | to him es | it etwas | something euer | your eure eurem euren eurer eures für | for gegen | towards gewesen | p.p. of sein hab | have habe | have haben | have hat | has hatte | had hatten | had hier | here hin | there hinter | behind ich | I mich | me mir | to me ihr | you, to her ihre ihrem ihren ihrer ihres euch | to you im | in + dem in | in indem | while ins | in + das ist | is jede | each, every jedem jeden jeder jedes jene | that jenem jenen jener jenes jetzt | now kann | can kein | no keine keinem keinen keiner keines können | can könnte | could machen | do man | one manche | some, many a manchem manchen mancher manches mein | my meine meinem meinen meiner meines mit | with muss | must musste | had to nach | to(wards) nicht | not nichts | nothing noch | still, yet nun | now nur | only ob | whether oder | or ohne | without sehr | very sein | his seine seinem seinen seiner seines selbst | self sich | herself sie | they, she ihnen | to them sind | are so | so solche | such solchem solchen solcher solches soll | shall sollte | should sondern | but sonst | else über | over um | about, around und | and uns | us unse unsem unsen unser unses unter | under viel | much vom | von + dem von | from vor | before während | while war | was waren | were warst | wast was | what weg | away, off weil | because weiter | further welche | which welchem welchen welcher welches wenn | when werde | will werden | will wie | how wieder | again will | want wir | we wird | will wirst | willst wo | where wollen | want wollte | wanted würde | would würden | would zu | to zum | zu + dem zur | zu + der zwar | indeed zwischen | between stopwords/stopwords_pt.txt000064400000010655147633140560012140 0ustar00 | From svn.tartarus.org/snowball/trunk/website/algorithms/portuguese/stop.txt | This file is distributed under the BSD License. | See http://snowball.tartarus.org/license.php | Also see http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.html | - Encoding was converted to UTF-8. | - This notice was added. | | A Portuguese stop word list. Comments begin with vertical bar. Each stop | word is at the start of a line. | The following is a ranked list (commonest to rarest) of stopwords | deriving from a large sample of text. | Extra words have been added at the end. de | of, from a | the; to, at; her o | the; him que | who, that e | and do | de + o da | de + a em | in um | a para | for | é from SER com | with não | not, no uma | a os | the; them no | em + o se | himself etc na | em + a por | for mais | more as | the; them dos | de + os como | as, like mas | but | foi from SER ao | a + o ele | he das | de + as | tem from TER à | a + a seu | his sua | her ou | or | ser from SER quando | when muito | much | há from HAV nos | em + os; us já | already, now | está from EST eu | I também | also só | only, just pelo | per + o pela | per + a até | up to isso | that ela | he entre | between | era from SER depois | after sem | without mesmo | same aos | a + os | ter from TER seus | his quem | whom nas | em + as me | me esse | that eles | they | estão from EST você | you | tinha from TER | foram from SER essa | that num | em + um nem | nor suas | her meu | my às | a + as minha | my | têm from TER numa | em + uma pelos | per + os elas | they | havia from HAV | seja from SER qual | which | será from SER nós | we | tenho from TER lhe | to him, her deles | of them essas | those esses | those pelas | per + as este | this | fosse from SER dele | of him | other words. There are many contractions such as naquele = em+aquele, | mo = me+o, but they are rare. | Indefinite article plural forms are also rare. tu | thou te | thee vocês | you (plural) vos | you lhes | to them meus | my minhas teu | thy tua teus tuas nosso | our nossa nossos nossas dela | of her delas | of them esta | this estes | these estas | these aquele | that aquela | that aqueles | those aquelas | those isto | this aquilo | that | forms of estar, to be (not including the infinitive): estou está estamos estão estive esteve estivemos estiveram estava estávamos estavam estivera estivéramos esteja estejamos estejam estivesse estivéssemos estivessem estiver estivermos estiverem | forms of haver, to have (not including the infinitive): hei há havemos hão houve houvemos houveram houvera houvéramos haja hajamos hajam houvesse houvéssemos houvessem houver houvermos houverem houverei houverá houveremos houverão houveria houveríamos houveriam | forms of ser, to be (not including the infinitive): sou somos são era éramos eram fui foi fomos foram fora fôramos seja sejamos sejam fosse fôssemos fossem for formos forem serei será seremos serão seria seríamos seriam | forms of ter, to have (not including the infinitive): tenho tem temos tém tinha tínhamos tinham tive teve tivemos tiveram tivera tivéramos tenha tenhamos tenham tivesse tivéssemos tivessem tiver tivermos tiverem terei terá teremos terão teria teríamos teriam stopwords/stopwords_da.txt000064400000006521147633140560012076 0ustar00 | From svn.tartarus.org/snowball/trunk/website/algorithms/danish/stop.txt | This file is distributed under the BSD License. | See http://snowball.tartarus.org/license.php | Also see http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.html | - Encoding was converted to UTF-8. | - This notice was added. | | A Danish stop word list. Comments begin with vertical bar. Each stop | word is at the start of a line. | This is a ranked list (commonest to rarest) of stopwords derived from | a large text sample. og | and i | in jeg | I det | that (dem. pronoun)/it (pers. pronoun) at | that (in front of a sentence)/to (with infinitive) en | a/an den | it (pers. pronoun)/that (dem. pronoun) til | to/at/for/until/against/by/of/into, more er | present tense of "to be" som | who, as på | on/upon/in/on/at/to/after/of/with/for, on de | they med | with/by/in, along han | he af | of/by/from/off/for/in/with/on, off for | at/for/to/from/by/of/ago, in front/before, because ikke | not der | who/which, there/those var | past tense of "to be" mig | me/myself sig | oneself/himself/herself/itself/themselves men | but et | a/an/one, one (number), someone/somebody/one har | present tense of "to have" om | round/about/for/in/a, about/around/down, if vi | we min | my havde | past tense of "to have" ham | him hun | she nu | now over | over/above/across/by/beyond/past/on/about, over/past da | then, when/as/since fra | from/off/since, off, since du | you ud | out sin | his/her/its/one's dem | them os | us/ourselves op | up man | you/one hans | his hvor | where eller | or hvad | what skal | must/shall etc. selv | myself/youself/herself/ourselves etc., even her | here alle | all/everyone/everybody etc. vil | will (verb) blev | past tense of "to stay/to remain/to get/to become" kunne | could ind | in når | when være | present tense of "to be" dog | however/yet/after all noget | something ville | would jo | you know/you see (adv), yes deres | their/theirs efter | after/behind/according to/for/by/from, later/afterwards ned | down skulle | should denne | this end | than dette | this mit | my/mine også | also under | under/beneath/below/during, below/underneath have | have dig | you anden | other hende | her mine | my alt | everything meget | much/very, plenty of sit | his, her, its, one's sine | his, her, its, one's vor | our mod | against disse | these hvis | if din | your/yours nogle | some hos | by/at blive | be/become mange | many ad | by/through bliver | present tense of "to be/to become" hendes | her/hers været | be thi | for (conj) jer | you sådan | such, like this/like that stopwords/stopwords_en.txt000064400000002106147633140560012107 0ustar00# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # a couple of test stopwords to test that the words are really being # configured from this file: stopworda stopwordb # Standard english stop words taken from Lucene's StopAnalyzer a an and are as at be but by for if in into is it no not of on or such that the their then there these they this to was will with stopwords/stopwords_ru.txt000064400000017151147633140560012141 0ustar00 | From svn.tartarus.org/snowball/trunk/website/algorithms/russian/stop.txt | This file is distributed under the BSD License. | See http://snowball.tartarus.org/license.php | Also see http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.html | - Encoding was converted to UTF-8. | - This notice was added. | | a russian stop word list. comments begin with vertical bar. each stop | word is at the start of a line. | this is a ranked list (commonest to rarest) of stopwords derived from | a large text sample. | letter `ё' is translated to `е'. и | and в | in/into во | alternative form не | not что | what/that он | he на | on/onto я | i с | from со | alternative form как | how а | milder form of `no' (but) то | conjunction and form of `that' все | all она | she так | so, thus его | him но | but да | yes/and ты | thou к | towards, by у | around, chez же | intensifier particle вы | you за | beyond, behind бы | conditional/subj. particle по | up to, along только | only ее | her мне | to me было | it was вот | here is/are, particle от | away from меня | me еще | still, yet, more нет | no, there isnt/arent о | about из | out of ему | to him теперь | now когда | when даже | even ну | so, well вдруг | suddenly ли | interrogative particle если | if уже | already, but homonym of `narrower' или | or ни | neither быть | to be был | he was него | prepositional form of его до | up to вас | you accusative нибудь | indef. suffix preceded by hyphen опять | again уж | already, but homonym of `adder' вам | to you сказал | he said ведь | particle `after all' там | there потом | then себя | oneself ничего | nothing ей | to her может | usually with `быть' as `maybe' они | they тут | here где | where есть | there is/are надо | got to, must ней | prepositional form of ей для | for мы | we тебя | thee их | them, their чем | than была | she was сам | self чтоб | in order to без | without будто | as if человек | man, person, one чего | genitive form of `what' раз | once тоже | also себе | to oneself под | beneath жизнь | life будет | will be ж | short form of intensifer particle `же' тогда | then кто | who этот | this говорил | was saying того | genitive form of `that' потому | for that reason этого | genitive form of `this' какой | which совсем | altogether ним | prepositional form of `его', `они' здесь | here этом | prepositional form of `этот' один | one почти | almost мой | my тем | instrumental/dative plural of `тот', `то' чтобы | full form of `in order that' нее | her (acc.) кажется | it seems сейчас | now были | they were куда | where to зачем | why сказать | to say всех | all (acc., gen. preposn. plural) никогда | never сегодня | today можно | possible, one can при | by наконец | finally два | two об | alternative form of `о', about другой | another хоть | even после | after над | above больше | more тот | that one (masc.) через | across, in эти | these нас | us про | about всего | in all, only, of all них | prepositional form of `они' (they) какая | which, feminine много | lots разве | interrogative particle сказала | she said три | three эту | this, acc. fem. sing. моя | my, feminine впрочем | moreover, besides хорошо | good свою | ones own, acc. fem. sing. этой | oblique form of `эта', fem. `this' перед | in front of иногда | sometimes лучше | better чуть | a little том | preposn. form of `that one' нельзя | one must not такой | such a one им | to them более | more всегда | always конечно | of course всю | acc. fem. sing of `all' между | between | b: some paradigms | | personal pronouns | | я меня мне мной [мною] | ты тебя тебе тобой [тобою] | он его ему им [него, нему, ним] | она ее эи ею [нее, нэи, нею] | оно его ему им [него, нему, ним] | | мы нас нам нами | вы вас вам вами | они их им ими [них, ним, ними] | | себя себе собой [собою] | | demonstrative pronouns: этот (this), тот (that) | | этот эта это эти | этого эты это эти | этого этой этого этих | этому этой этому этим | этим этой этим [этою] этими | этом этой этом этих | | тот та то те | того ту то те | того той того тех | тому той тому тем | тем той тем [тою] теми | том той том тех | | determinative pronouns | | (a) весь (all) | | весь вся все все | всего всю все все | всего всей всего всех | всему всей всему всем | всем всей всем [всею] всеми | всем всей всем всех | | (b) сам (himself etc) | | сам сама само сами | самого саму само самих | самого самой самого самих | самому самой самому самим | самим самой самим [самою] самими | самом самой самом самих | | stems of verbs `to be', `to have', `to do' and modal | | быть бы буд быв есть суть | име | дел | мог мож мочь | уме | хоч хот | долж | можн | нужн | нельзя stopwords/stopwords_fr.txt000064400000006037147633140560012123 0ustar00 | From svn.tartarus.org/snowball/trunk/website/algorithms/french/stop.txt | This file is distributed under the BSD License. | See http://snowball.tartarus.org/license.php | Also see http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.html | - Encoding was converted to UTF-8. | - This notice was added. | A French stop word list. Comments begin with vertical bar. Each stop | word is at the start of a line. au | a + le aux | a + les avec | with ce | this ces | these dans | with de | of des | de + les du | de + le elle | she en | `of them' etc et | and eux | them il | he je | I la | the le | the leur | their lui | him ma | my (fem) mais | but me | me même | same; as in moi-même (myself) etc mes | me (pl) moi | me mon | my (masc) ne | not nos | our (pl) notre | our nous | we on | one ou | where par | by pas | not pour | for qu | que before vowel que | that qui | who sa | his, her (fem) se | oneself ses | his (pl) son | his, her (masc) sur | on ta | thy (fem) te | thee tes | thy (pl) toi | thee ton | thy (masc) tu | thou un | a une | a vos | your (pl) votre | your vous | you | single letter forms c | c' d | d' j | j' l | l' à | to, at m | m' n | n' s | s' t | t' y | there | forms of être (not including the infinitive): été étée étées étés étant suis es est sommes êtes sont serai seras sera serons serez seront serais serait serions seriez seraient étais était étions étiez étaient fus fut fûmes fûtes furent sois soit soyons soyez soient fusse fusses fût fussions fussiez fussent | forms of avoir (not including the infinitive): ayant eu eue eues eus ai as avons avez ont aurai auras aura aurons aurez auront aurais aurait aurions auriez auraient avais avait avions aviez avaient eut eûmes eûtes eurent aie aies ait ayons ayez aient eusse eusses eût eussions eussiez eussent | Later additions (from Jean-Christophe Deschamps) ceci | this cela | that celà | that cet | this cette | this ici | here ils | they les | the (pl) leurs | their (pl) quel | which quels | which quelle | which quelles | which sans | without soi | oneself stopwords/stopwords_nl.txt000064400000010660147633140560012122 0ustar00 | From svn.tartarus.org/snowball/trunk/website/algorithms/dutch/stop.txt | This file is distributed under the BSD License. | See http://snowball.tartarus.org/license.php | Also see http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.html | - Encoding was converted to UTF-8. | - This notice was added. | | A Dutch stop word list. Comments begin with vertical bar. Each stop | word is at the start of a line. | This is a ranked list (commonest to rarest) of stopwords derived from | a large sample of Dutch text. | Dutch stop words frequently exhibit homonym clashes. These are indicated | clearly below. de | the en | and van | of, from ik | I, the ego te | (1) chez, at etc, (2) to, (3) too dat | that, which die | that, those, who, which in | in, inside een | a, an, one hij | he het | the, it niet | not, nothing, naught zijn | (1) to be, being, (2) his, one's, its is | is was | (1) was, past tense of all persons sing. of 'zijn' (to be) (2) wax, (3) the washing, (4) rise of river op | on, upon, at, in, up, used up aan | on, upon, to (as dative) met | with, by als | like, such as, when voor | (1) before, in front of, (2) furrow had | had, past tense all persons sing. of 'hebben' (have) er | there maar | but, only om | round, about, for etc hem | him dan | then zou | should/would, past tense all persons sing. of 'zullen' of | or, whether, if wat | what, something, anything mijn | possessive and noun 'mine' men | people, 'one' dit | this zo | so, thus, in this way door | through by over | over, across ze | she, her, they, them zich | oneself bij | (1) a bee, (2) by, near, at ook | also, too tot | till, until je | you mij | me uit | out of, from der | Old Dutch form of 'van der' still found in surnames daar | (1) there, (2) because haar | (1) her, their, them, (2) hair naar | (1) unpleasant, unwell etc, (2) towards, (3) as heb | present first person sing. of 'to have' hoe | how, why heeft | present third person sing. of 'to have' hebben | 'to have' and various parts thereof deze | this u | you want | (1) for, (2) mitten, (3) rigging nog | yet, still zal | 'shall', first and third person sing. of verb 'zullen' (will) me | me zij | she, they nu | now ge | 'thou', still used in Belgium and south Netherlands geen | none omdat | because iets | something, somewhat worden | to become, grow, get toch | yet, still al | all, every, each waren | (1) 'were' (2) to wander, (3) wares, (3) veel | much, many meer | (1) more, (2) lake doen | to do, to make toen | then, when moet | noun 'spot/mote' and present form of 'to must' ben | (1) am, (2) 'are' in interrogative second person singular of 'to be' zonder | without kan | noun 'can' and present form of 'to be able' hun | their, them dus | so, consequently alles | all, everything, anything onder | under, beneath ja | yes, of course eens | once, one day hier | here wie | who werd | imperfect third person sing. of 'become' altijd | always doch | yet, but etc wordt | present third person sing. of 'become' wezen | (1) to be, (2) 'been' as in 'been fishing', (3) orphans kunnen | to be able ons | us/our zelf | self tegen | against, towards, at na | after, near reeds | already wil | (1) present tense of 'want', (2) 'will', noun, (3) fender kon | could; past tense of 'to be able' niets | nothing uw | your iemand | somebody geweest | been; past participle of 'be' andere | other stopwords/stopwords_ro.txt000064400000003007147633140560012126 0ustar00# This file was created by Jacques Savoy and is distributed under the BSD license. # See http://members.unine.ch/jacques.savoy/clef/index.html. # Also see http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.html acea aceasta această aceea acei aceia acel acela acele acelea acest acesta aceste acestea aceşti aceştia acolo acum ai aia aibă aici al ăla ale alea ălea altceva altcineva am ar are aş aşadar asemenea asta ăsta astăzi astea ăstea ăştia asupra aţi au avea avem aveţi azi bine bucur bună ca că căci când care cărei căror cărui cât câte câţi către câtva ce cel ceva chiar cînd cine cineva cît cîte cîţi cîtva contra cu cum cumva curând curînd da dă dacă dar datorită de deci deja deoarece departe deşi din dinaintea dintr dintre drept după ea ei el ele eram este eşti eu face fără fi fie fiecare fii fim fiţi iar ieri îi îl îmi împotriva în înainte înaintea încât încît încotro între întrucât întrucît îţi la lângă le li lîngă lor lui mă mâine mea mei mele mereu meu mi mine mult multă mulţi ne nicăieri nici nimeni nişte noastră noastre noi noştri nostru nu ori oricând oricare oricât orice oricînd oricine oricît oricum oriunde până pe pentru peste pînă poate pot prea prima primul prin printr sa să săi sale sau său se şi sînt sîntem sînteţi spre sub sunt suntem sunteţi ta tăi tale tău te ţi ţie tine toată toate tot toţi totuşi tu un una unde undeva unei unele uneori unor vă vi voastră voastre voi voştri vostru vouă vreo vreun stopwords/stopwords_it.txt000064400000011347147633140560012130 0ustar00 | From svn.tartarus.org/snowball/trunk/website/algorithms/italian/stop.txt | This file is distributed under the BSD License. | See http://snowball.tartarus.org/license.php | Also see http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.html | - Encoding was converted to UTF-8. | - This notice was added. | | An Italian stop word list. Comments begin with vertical bar. Each stop | word is at the start of a line. ad | a (to) before vowel al | a + il allo | a + lo ai | a + i agli | a + gli all | a + l' agl | a + gl' alla | a + la alle | a + le con | with col | con + il coi | con + i (forms collo, cogli etc are now very rare) da | from dal | da + il dallo | da + lo dai | da + i dagli | da + gli dall | da + l' dagl | da + gll' dalla | da + la dalle | da + le di | of del | di + il dello | di + lo dei | di + i degli | di + gli dell | di + l' degl | di + gl' della | di + la delle | di + le in | in nel | in + el nello | in + lo nei | in + i negli | in + gli nell | in + l' negl | in + gl' nella | in + la nelle | in + le su | on sul | su + il sullo | su + lo sui | su + i sugli | su + gli sull | su + l' sugl | su + gl' sulla | su + la sulle | su + le per | through, by tra | among contro | against io | I tu | thou lui | he lei | she noi | we voi | you loro | they mio | my mia | miei | mie | tuo | tua | tuoi | thy tue | suo | sua | suoi | his, her sue | nostro | our nostra | nostri | nostre | vostro | your vostra | vostri | vostre | mi | me ti | thee ci | us, there vi | you, there lo | him, the la | her, the li | them le | them, the gli | to him, the ne | from there etc il | the un | a uno | a una | a ma | but ed | and se | if perché | why, because anche | also come | how dov | where (as dov') dove | where che | who, that chi | who cui | whom non | not più | more quale | who, that quanto | how much quanti | quanta | quante | quello | that quelli | quella | quelle | questo | this questi | questa | queste | si | yes tutto | all tutti | all | single letter forms: a | at c | as c' for ce or ci e | and i | the l | as l' o | or | forms of avere, to have (not including the infinitive): ho hai ha abbiamo avete hanno abbia abbiate abbiano avrò avrai avrà avremo avrete avranno avrei avresti avrebbe avremmo avreste avrebbero avevo avevi aveva avevamo avevate avevano ebbi avesti ebbe avemmo aveste ebbero avessi avesse avessimo avessero avendo avuto avuta avuti avute | forms of essere, to be (not including the infinitive): sono sei è siamo siete sia siate siano sarò sarai sarà saremo sarete saranno sarei saresti sarebbe saremmo sareste sarebbero ero eri era eravamo eravate erano fui fosti fu fummo foste furono fossi fosse fossimo fossero essendo | forms of fare, to do (not including the infinitive, fa, fat-): faccio fai facciamo fanno faccia facciate facciano farò farai farà faremo farete faranno farei faresti farebbe faremmo fareste farebbero facevo facevi faceva facevamo facevate facevano feci facesti fece facemmo faceste fecero facessi facesse facessimo facessero facendo | forms of stare, to be (not including the infinitive): sto stai sta stiamo stanno stia stiate stiano starò starai starà staremo starete staranno starei staresti starebbe staremmo stareste starebbero stavo stavi stava stavamo stavate stavano stetti stesti stette stemmo steste stettero stessi stesse stessimo stessero stando stopwords/stopwords_no.txt000064400000011261147633140560012123 0ustar00 | From svn.tartarus.org/snowball/trunk/website/algorithms/norwegian/stop.txt | This file is distributed under the BSD License. | See http://snowball.tartarus.org/license.php | Also see http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.html | - Encoding was converted to UTF-8. | - This notice was added. | A Norwegian stop word list. Comments begin with vertical bar. Each stop | word is at the start of a line. | This stop word list is for the dominant bokmål dialect. Words unique | to nynorsk are marked *. | Revised by Jan Bruusgaard , Jan 2005 og | and i | in jeg | I det | it/this/that at | to (w. inf.) en | a/an et | a/an den | it/this/that til | to er | is/am/are som | who/that på | on de | they / you(formal) med | with han | he av | of ikke | not ikkje | not * der | there så | so var | was/were meg | me seg | you men | but ett | one har | have om | about vi | we min | my mitt | my ha | have hadde | had hun | she nå | now over | over da | when/as ved | by/know fra | from du | you ut | out sin | your dem | them oss | us opp | up man | you/one kan | can hans | his hvor | where eller | or hva | what skal | shall/must selv | self (reflective) sjøl | self (reflective) her | here alle | all vil | will bli | become ble | became blei | became * blitt | have become kunne | could inn | in når | when være | be kom | come noen | some noe | some ville | would dere | you som | who/which/that deres | their/theirs kun | only/just ja | yes etter | after ned | down skulle | should denne | this for | for/because deg | you si | hers/his sine | hers/his sitt | hers/his mot | against å | to meget | much hvorfor | why dette | this disse | these/those uten | without hvordan | how ingen | none din | your ditt | your blir | become samme | same hvilken | which hvilke | which (plural) sånn | such a inni | inside/within mellom | between vår | our hver | each hvem | who vors | us/ours hvis | whose både | both bare | only/just enn | than fordi | as/because før | before mange | many også | also slik | just vært | been være | to be båe | both * begge | both siden | since dykk | your * dykkar | yours * dei | they * deira | them * deires | theirs * deim | them * di | your (fem.) * då | as/when * eg | I * ein | a/an * eit | a/an * eitt | a/an * elles | or * honom | he * hjå | at * ho | she * hoe | she * henne | her hennar | her/hers hennes | hers hoss | how * hossen | how * ikkje | not * ingi | noone * inkje | noone * korleis | how * korso | how * kva | what/which * kvar | where * kvarhelst | where * kven | who/whom * kvi | why * kvifor | why * me | we * medan | while * mi | my * mine | my * mykje | much * no | now * nokon | some (masc./neut.) * noka | some (fem.) * nokor | some * noko | some * nokre | some * si | his/hers * sia | since * sidan | since * so | so * somt | some * somme | some * um | about* upp | up * vere | be * vore | was * verte | become * vort | become * varte | became * vart | became *