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Procedure returned %d none %d rows affected @@rowcount not available ret name %d is %s ret type %d is %d ret len %d is %d ret data %d is %s %s:%d: Query: go %s%s:%d: dbcmd() failed %s:%d: next_query() failed Msg %ld, Level %d, State %d Server '%s', Procedure '%s', Line %d options && argvDSQUERYinputncols <= 2pinchars <= pend - psurprised by %c %u%c%nbsqldb(): no name in %s bsqldb(): invalid name in %s %d%c%nU:P:R:S:d:D:i:o:e:t:H:hqvunable to get hostnamePassword: %s:%d: dbinit() failed login != ((void *)0)%s: unable to open %s: %s w%s:%d: dbsqlsend() failed %s:%d: dbsqlsend(): OK %s:%d: dbsqlok() failed %s:%d: dbsqlok(): OK %@%@&@%@p%@%@&@&@&@&@&@%@&@%@%@&@%@&@`%@&@&@&@@%@&@%@@%@P%@%@@%@&@&@&@&@&@&@&@&@&@&@&@&@&@&@&@&@&@&@&@&@&@&@&@&@&@&@&@&@&@&@&@&@&@&@&@&@%@&@&@&@%@%@&@%@&@%@&@&@%@&@&@&@&@&@&@&@&@&@&@P%@&@&@&@&@%@ C@C@C@C@8C@C@C@C@C@C@C@C@B@C@A@@@C@@@C@C@C@C@C@C@C@C@C@C@C@C@C@C@ C@@@C@C@pC@XC@C@C@C@C@C@C@C@@@C@C@@@C@@@parse_pivot_descriptionget_loginset_format_string----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------print_results/dev/nullmain %s:%d: dbresults(), result set %d failed %-6s %-30s %-30s %-15s %-6s %-6s %.6s %.30s %.30s %.15s %.6s %.6s %d columns found in computeid %d %6d %30s %30s %15s %6d %6d %s:%d: asprintf(), column %d failed %s:%d: dbbind(), column %d failed %s:%d: dbnullbind(), column %d failed Insufficient room to create name for column %d: 0 < altcolid && altcolid <= dbnumcols(dbproc) column %d is %s, type %s, size %d %s metacompute[i]->data[c].buffer%s:%d: dbaltbind(), column %d failed could not write to output filebsqldb: fatal error: dbnextrow returned FAIL Retrieving output parameters... %s:%d: dbresults() returned NO_MORE_RESULTS (%d): %s: error: severity %d > 10, exiting %s: unable to allocate login structure found %lu row and %lu col keys bsqldb(): could not parse value column %s bsqldb, line %d: NULL terminators ('\0') not yet supported. usage: %s [-U username] [-P password] [-S servername] [-D database] [-i input filename] [-o output filename] [-e error filename] %s:%d unable to open %s for verbose operation: %s %s:%d: Verbose operation enabled /dev/tty;| <lt|<