eaiovnaovbqoebvqoeavibavo PK #include /* * Nothing in this file truly depends on , but the * DST result codes are considered to be publicly derived from * the ISC result codes, so including this file buys you the ISC_R_ * namespace too. */ #include /* Contractual promise. */ #define DST_R_UNSUPPORTEDALG (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DST + 0) #define DST_R_CRYPTOFAILURE (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DST + 1) /* compat */ #define DST_R_OPENSSLFAILURE DST_R_CRYPTOFAILURE #define DST_R_NOCRYPTO (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DST + 2) #define DST_R_NULLKEY (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DST + 3) #define DST_R_INVALIDPUBLICKEY (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DST + 4) #define DST_R_INVALIDPRIVATEKEY (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DST + 5) /* 6 is unused */ #define DST_R_WRITEERROR (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DST + 7) #define DST_R_INVALIDPARAM (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DST + 8) /* 9 is unused */ /* 10 is unused */ #define DST_R_SIGNFAILURE (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DST + 11) /* 12 is unused */ /* 13 is unused */ #define DST_R_VERIFYFAILURE (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DST + 14) #define DST_R_NOTPUBLICKEY (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DST + 15) #define DST_R_NOTPRIVATEKEY (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DST + 16) #define DST_R_KEYCANNOTCOMPUTESECRET (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DST + 17) #define DST_R_COMPUTESECRETFAILURE (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DST + 18) #define DST_R_NORANDOMNESS (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DST + 19) #define DST_R_BADKEYTYPE (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DST + 20) #define DST_R_NOENGINE (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DST + 21) #define DST_R_EXTERNALKEY (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DST + 22) #define DST_R_NRESULTS 23 /* Number of results */ ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS const char * dst_result_totext(isc_result_t); void dst_result_register(void); ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DST_RESULT_H */ PK #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS LIBDNS_EXTERNAL_DATA extern isc_msgcat_t *dst_msgcat; void dst_lib_initmsgcat(void); /* * Initialize the DST library's message catalog, dst_msgcat, if it * has not already been initialized. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DST_LIB_H */ PK #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /*** *** Types ***/ /*% * The dst_key structure is opaque. Applications should use the accessor * functions provided to retrieve key attributes. If an application needs * to set attributes, new accessor functions will be written. */ typedef struct dst_key dst_key_t; typedef struct dst_context dst_context_t; /* DST algorithm codes */ #define DST_ALG_UNKNOWN 0 #define DST_ALG_RSAMD5 1 #define DST_ALG_RSA DST_ALG_RSAMD5 /*%< backwards compatibility */ #define DST_ALG_DH 2 #define DST_ALG_DSA 3 #define DST_ALG_ECC 4 #define DST_ALG_RSASHA1 5 #define DST_ALG_NSEC3DSA 6 #define DST_ALG_NSEC3RSASHA1 7 #define DST_ALG_RSASHA256 8 #define DST_ALG_RSASHA512 10 #define DST_ALG_ECCGOST 12 #define DST_ALG_ECDSA256 13 #define DST_ALG_ECDSA384 14 #define DST_ALG_ED25519 15 #define DST_ALG_ED448 16 #define DST_ALG_HMACMD5 157 #define DST_ALG_GSSAPI 160 #define DST_ALG_HMACSHA1 161 /* XXXMPA */ #define DST_ALG_HMACSHA224 162 /* XXXMPA */ #define DST_ALG_HMACSHA256 163 /* XXXMPA */ #define DST_ALG_HMACSHA384 164 /* XXXMPA */ #define DST_ALG_HMACSHA512 165 /* XXXMPA */ #define DST_ALG_INDIRECT 252 #define DST_ALG_PRIVATE 254 #define DST_MAX_ALGS 256 /*% A buffer of this size is large enough to hold any key */ #define DST_KEY_MAXSIZE 1280 /*% * A buffer of this size is large enough to hold the textual representation * of any key */ #define DST_KEY_MAXTEXTSIZE 2048 /*% 'Type' for dst_read_key() */ #define DST_TYPE_KEY 0x1000000 /* KEY key */ #define DST_TYPE_PRIVATE 0x2000000 #define DST_TYPE_PUBLIC 0x4000000 /* Key timing metadata definitions */ #define DST_TIME_CREATED 0 #define DST_TIME_PUBLISH 1 #define DST_TIME_ACTIVATE 2 #define DST_TIME_REVOKE 3 #define DST_TIME_INACTIVE 4 #define DST_TIME_DELETE 5 #define DST_TIME_DSPUBLISH 6 #define DST_TIME_SYNCPUBLISH 7 #define DST_TIME_SYNCDELETE 8 #define DST_MAX_TIMES 8 /* Numeric metadata definitions */ #define DST_NUM_PREDECESSOR 0 #define DST_NUM_SUCCESSOR 1 #define DST_NUM_MAXTTL 2 #define DST_NUM_ROLLPERIOD 3 #define DST_MAX_NUMERIC 3 /* * Current format version number of the private key parser. * * When parsing a key file with the same major number but a higher minor * number, the key parser will ignore any fields it does not recognize. * Thus, DST_MINOR_VERSION should be incremented whenever new * fields are added to the private key file (such as new metadata). * * When rewriting these keys, those fields will be dropped, and the * format version set back to the current one.. * * When a key is seen with a higher major number, the key parser will * reject it as invalid. Thus, DST_MAJOR_VERSION should be incremented * and DST_MINOR_VERSION set to zero whenever there is a format change * which is not backward compatible to previous versions of the dst_key * parser, such as change in the syntax of an existing field, the removal * of a currently mandatory field, or a new field added which would * alter the functioning of the key if it were absent. */ #define DST_MAJOR_VERSION 1 #define DST_MINOR_VERSION 3 /*** *** Functions ***/ isc_result_t dst_lib_init(isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_entropy_t *ectx, unsigned int eflags); isc_result_t dst_lib_init2(isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_entropy_t *ectx, const char *engine, unsigned int eflags); /*%< * Initializes the DST subsystem. * * Requires: * \li "mctx" is a valid memory context * \li "ectx" is a valid entropy context * * Returns: * \li ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li ISC_R_NOMEMORY * \li DST_R_NOENGINE * * Ensures: * \li DST is properly initialized. */ void dst_lib_destroy(void); /*%< * Releases all resources allocated by DST. */ isc_boolean_t dst_algorithm_supported(unsigned int alg); /*%< * Checks that a given algorithm is supported by DST. * * Returns: * \li ISC_TRUE * \li ISC_FALSE */ isc_boolean_t dst_ds_digest_supported(unsigned int digest_type); /*%< * Checks that a given digest algorithm is supported by DST. * * Returns: * \li ISC_TRUE * \li ISC_FALSE */ isc_result_t dst_context_create(dst_key_t *key, isc_mem_t *mctx, dst_context_t **dctxp); isc_result_t dst_context_create2(dst_key_t *key, isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_logcategory_t *category, dst_context_t **dctxp); isc_result_t dst_context_create3(dst_key_t *key, isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_logcategory_t *category, isc_boolean_t useforsigning, dst_context_t **dctxp); isc_result_t dst_context_create4(dst_key_t *key, isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_logcategory_t *category, isc_boolean_t useforsigning, int maxbits, dst_context_t **dctxp); /*%< * Creates a context to be used for a sign or verify operation. * * Requires: * \li "key" is a valid key. * \li "mctx" is a valid memory context. * \li dctxp != NULL && *dctxp == NULL * * Returns: * \li ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li ISC_R_NOMEMORY * * Ensures: * \li *dctxp will contain a usable context. */ void dst_context_destroy(dst_context_t **dctxp); /*%< * Destroys all memory associated with a context. * * Requires: * \li *dctxp != NULL && *dctxp == NULL * * Ensures: * \li *dctxp == NULL */ isc_result_t dst_context_adddata(dst_context_t *dctx, const isc_region_t *data); /*%< * Incrementally adds data to the context to be used in a sign or verify * operation. * * Requires: * \li "dctx" is a valid context * \li "data" is a valid region * * Returns: * \li ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li DST_R_SIGNFAILURE * \li all other errors indicate failure */ isc_result_t dst_context_sign(dst_context_t *dctx, isc_buffer_t *sig); /*%< * Computes a signature using the data and key stored in the context. * * Requires: * \li "dctx" is a valid context. * \li "sig" is a valid buffer. * * Returns: * \li ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li DST_R_VERIFYFAILURE * \li all other errors indicate failure * * Ensures: * \li "sig" will contain the signature */ isc_result_t dst_context_verify(dst_context_t *dctx, isc_region_t *sig); isc_result_t dst_context_verify2(dst_context_t *dctx, unsigned int maxbits, isc_region_t *sig); /*%< * Verifies the signature using the data and key stored in the context. * * 'maxbits' specifies the maximum number of bits permitted in the RSA * exponent. * * Requires: * \li "dctx" is a valid context. * \li "sig" is a valid region. * * Returns: * \li ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li all other errors indicate failure * * Ensures: * \li "sig" will contain the signature */ isc_result_t dst_key_computesecret(const dst_key_t *pub, const dst_key_t *priv, isc_buffer_t *secret); /*%< * Computes a shared secret from two (Diffie-Hellman) keys. * * Requires: * \li "pub" is a valid key that can be used to derive a shared secret * \li "priv" is a valid private key that can be used to derive a shared secret * \li "secret" is a valid buffer * * Returns: * \li ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li any other result indicates failure * * Ensures: * \li If successful, secret will contain the derived shared secret. */ isc_result_t dst_key_getfilename(dns_name_t *name, dns_keytag_t id, unsigned int alg, int type, const char *directory, isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_buffer_t *buf); /*%< * Generates a key filename for the name, algorithm, and * id, and places it in the buffer 'buf'. If directory is NULL, the * current directory is assumed. * * Requires: * \li "name" is a valid absolute dns name. * \li "id" is a valid key tag identifier. * \li "alg" is a supported key algorithm. * \li "type" is DST_TYPE_PUBLIC, DST_TYPE_PRIVATE, or the bitwise union. * DST_TYPE_KEY look for a KEY record otherwise DNSKEY * \li "mctx" is a valid memory context. * \li "buf" is not NULL. * * Returns: * \li ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li any other result indicates failure */ isc_result_t dst_key_fromfile(dns_name_t *name, dns_keytag_t id, unsigned int alg, int type, const char *directory, isc_mem_t *mctx, dst_key_t **keyp); /*%< * Reads a key from permanent storage. The key can either be a public or * private key, and is specified by name, algorithm, and id. If a private key * is specified, the public key must also be present. If directory is NULL, * the current directory is assumed. * * Requires: * \li "name" is a valid absolute dns name. * \li "id" is a valid key tag identifier. * \li "alg" is a supported key algorithm. * \li "type" is DST_TYPE_PUBLIC, DST_TYPE_PRIVATE, or the bitwise union. * DST_TYPE_KEY look for a KEY record otherwise DNSKEY * \li "mctx" is a valid memory context. * \li "keyp" is not NULL and "*keyp" is NULL. * * Returns: * \li ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li any other result indicates failure * * Ensures: * \li If successful, *keyp will contain a valid key. */ isc_result_t dst_key_fromnamedfile(const char *filename, const char *dirname, int type, isc_mem_t *mctx, dst_key_t **keyp); /*%< * Reads a key from permanent storage. The key can either be a public or * key, and is specified by filename. If a private key is specified, the * public key must also be present. * * If 'dirname' is not NULL, and 'filename' is a relative path, * then the file is looked up relative to the given directory. * If 'filename' is an absolute path, 'dirname' is ignored. * * Requires: * \li "filename" is not NULL * \li "type" is DST_TYPE_PUBLIC, DST_TYPE_PRIVATE, or the bitwise union * DST_TYPE_KEY look for a KEY record otherwise DNSKEY * \li "mctx" is a valid memory context * \li "keyp" is not NULL and "*keyp" is NULL. * * Returns: * \li ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li any other result indicates failure * * Ensures: * \li If successful, *keyp will contain a valid key. */ isc_result_t dst_key_read_public(const char *filename, int type, isc_mem_t *mctx, dst_key_t **keyp); /*%< * Reads a public key from permanent storage. The key must be a public key. * * Requires: * \li "filename" is not NULL * \li "type" is DST_TYPE_KEY look for a KEY record otherwise DNSKEY * \li "mctx" is a valid memory context * \li "keyp" is not NULL and "*keyp" is NULL. * * Returns: * \li ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li DST_R_BADKEYTYPE if the key type is not the expected one * \li ISC_R_UNEXPECTEDTOKEN if the file can not be parsed as a public key * \li any other result indicates failure * * Ensures: * \li If successful, *keyp will contain a valid key. */ isc_result_t dst_key_tofile(const dst_key_t *key, int type, const char *directory); /*%< * Writes a key to permanent storage. The key can either be a public or * private key. Public keys are written in DNS format and private keys * are written as a set of base64 encoded values. If directory is NULL, * the current directory is assumed. * * Requires: * \li "key" is a valid key. * \li "type" is DST_TYPE_PUBLIC, DST_TYPE_PRIVATE, or the bitwise union * * Returns: * \li ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li any other result indicates failure */ isc_result_t dst_key_fromdns(dns_name_t *name, dns_rdataclass_t rdclass, isc_buffer_t *source, isc_mem_t *mctx, dst_key_t **keyp); /*%< * Converts a DNS KEY record into a DST key. * * Requires: * \li "name" is a valid absolute dns name. * \li "source" is a valid buffer. There must be at least 4 bytes available. * \li "mctx" is a valid memory context. * \li "keyp" is not NULL and "*keyp" is NULL. * * Returns: * \li ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li any other result indicates failure * * Ensures: * \li If successful, *keyp will contain a valid key, and the consumed * pointer in data will be advanced. */ isc_result_t dst_key_todns(const dst_key_t *key, isc_buffer_t *target); /*%< * Converts a DST key into a DNS KEY record. * * Requires: * \li "key" is a valid key. * \li "target" is a valid buffer. There must be at least 4 bytes unused. * * Returns: * \li ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li any other result indicates failure * * Ensures: * \li If successful, the used pointer in 'target' is advanced by at least 4. */ isc_result_t dst_key_frombuffer(dns_name_t *name, unsigned int alg, unsigned int flags, unsigned int protocol, dns_rdataclass_t rdclass, isc_buffer_t *source, isc_mem_t *mctx, dst_key_t **keyp); /*%< * Converts a buffer containing DNS KEY RDATA into a DST key. * * Requires: *\li "name" is a valid absolute dns name. *\li "alg" is a supported key algorithm. *\li "source" is a valid buffer. *\li "mctx" is a valid memory context. *\li "keyp" is not NULL and "*keyp" is NULL. * * Returns: *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li any other result indicates failure * * Ensures: *\li If successful, *keyp will contain a valid key, and the consumed * pointer in source will be advanced. */ isc_result_t dst_key_tobuffer(const dst_key_t *key, isc_buffer_t *target); /*%< * Converts a DST key into DNS KEY RDATA format. * * Requires: *\li "key" is a valid key. *\li "target" is a valid buffer. * * Returns: *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li any other result indicates failure * * Ensures: *\li If successful, the used pointer in 'target' is advanced. */ isc_result_t dst_key_privatefrombuffer(dst_key_t *key, isc_buffer_t *buffer); /*%< * Converts a public key into a private key, reading the private key * information from the buffer. The buffer should contain the same data * as the .private key file would. * * Requires: *\li "key" is a valid public key. *\li "buffer" is not NULL. * * Returns: *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li any other result indicates failure * * Ensures: *\li If successful, key will contain a valid private key. */ gss_ctx_id_t dst_key_getgssctx(const dst_key_t *key); /*%< * Returns the opaque key data. * Be cautions when using this value unless you know what you are doing. * * Requires: *\li "key" is not NULL. * * Returns: *\li gssctx key data, possibly NULL. */ isc_result_t dst_key_fromgssapi(dns_name_t *name, gss_ctx_id_t gssctx, isc_mem_t *mctx, dst_key_t **keyp, isc_region_t *intoken); /*%< * Converts a GSSAPI opaque context id into a DST key. * * Requires: *\li "name" is a valid absolute dns name. *\li "gssctx" is a GSSAPI context id. *\li "mctx" is a valid memory context. *\li "keyp" is not NULL and "*keyp" is NULL. * * Returns: *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li any other result indicates failure * * Ensures: *\li If successful, *keyp will contain a valid key and be responsible for * the context id. */ #ifdef DST_KEY_INTERNAL isc_result_t dst_key_buildinternal(dns_name_t *name, unsigned int alg, unsigned int bits, unsigned int flags, unsigned int protocol, dns_rdataclass_t rdclass, void *data, isc_mem_t *mctx, dst_key_t **keyp); #endif isc_result_t dst_key_fromlabel(dns_name_t *name, int alg, unsigned int flags, unsigned int protocol, dns_rdataclass_t rdclass, const char *engine, const char *label, const char *pin, isc_mem_t *mctx, dst_key_t **keyp); isc_result_t dst_key_generate(dns_name_t *name, unsigned int alg, unsigned int bits, unsigned int param, unsigned int flags, unsigned int protocol, dns_rdataclass_t rdclass, isc_mem_t *mctx, dst_key_t **keyp); isc_result_t dst_key_generate2(dns_name_t *name, unsigned int alg, unsigned int bits, unsigned int param, unsigned int flags, unsigned int protocol, dns_rdataclass_t rdclass, isc_mem_t *mctx, dst_key_t **keyp, void (*callback)(int)); /*%< * Generate a DST key (or keypair) with the supplied parameters. The * interpretation of the "param" field depends on the algorithm: * \code * RSA: exponent * 0 use exponent 3 * !0 use Fermat4 (2^16 + 1) * DH: generator * 0 default - use well known prime if bits == 768 or 1024, * otherwise use 2 as the generator. * !0 use this value as the generator. * DSA: unused * HMACMD5: entropy * 0 default - require good entropy * !0 lack of good entropy is ok *\endcode * * Requires: *\li "name" is a valid absolute dns name. *\li "keyp" is not NULL and "*keyp" is NULL. * * Returns: *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li any other result indicates failure * * Ensures: *\li If successful, *keyp will contain a valid key. */ isc_boolean_t dst_key_compare(const dst_key_t *key1, const dst_key_t *key2); /*%< * Compares two DST keys. Returns true if they match, false otherwise. * * Keys ARE NOT considered to match if one of them is the revoked version * of the other. * * Requires: *\li "key1" is a valid key. *\li "key2" is a valid key. * * Returns: *\li ISC_TRUE * \li ISC_FALSE */ isc_boolean_t dst_key_pubcompare(const dst_key_t *key1, const dst_key_t *key2, isc_boolean_t match_revoked_key); /*%< * Compares only the public portions of two DST keys. Returns true * if they match, false otherwise. This allows us, for example, to * determine whether a public key found in a zone matches up with a * key pair found on disk. * * If match_revoked_key is TRUE, then keys ARE considered to match if one * of them is the revoked version of the other. Otherwise, they are not. * * Requires: *\li "key1" is a valid key. *\li "key2" is a valid key. * * Returns: *\li ISC_TRUE * \li ISC_FALSE */ isc_boolean_t dst_key_paramcompare(const dst_key_t *key1, const dst_key_t *key2); /*%< * Compares the parameters of two DST keys. This is used to determine if * two (Diffie-Hellman) keys can be used to derive a shared secret. * * Requires: *\li "key1" is a valid key. *\li "key2" is a valid key. * * Returns: *\li ISC_TRUE * \li ISC_FALSE */ void dst_key_attach(dst_key_t *source, dst_key_t **target); /* * Attach to a existing key increasing the reference count. * * Requires: *\li 'source' to be a valid key. *\li 'target' to be non-NULL and '*target' to be NULL. */ void dst_key_free(dst_key_t **keyp); /*%< * Decrement the key's reference counter and, when it reaches zero, * release all memory associated with the key. * * Requires: *\li "keyp" is not NULL and "*keyp" is a valid key. *\li reference counter greater than zero. * * Ensures: *\li All memory associated with "*keyp" will be freed. *\li *keyp == NULL */ /*%< * Accessor functions to obtain key fields. * * Require: *\li "key" is a valid key. */ dns_name_t * dst_key_name(const dst_key_t *key); unsigned int dst_key_size(const dst_key_t *key); unsigned int dst_key_proto(const dst_key_t *key); unsigned int dst_key_alg(const dst_key_t *key); isc_uint32_t dst_key_flags(const dst_key_t *key); dns_keytag_t dst_key_id(const dst_key_t *key); dns_keytag_t dst_key_rid(const dst_key_t *key); dns_rdataclass_t dst_key_class(const dst_key_t *key); isc_boolean_t dst_key_isprivate(const dst_key_t *key); isc_boolean_t dst_key_iszonekey(const dst_key_t *key); isc_boolean_t dst_key_isnullkey(const dst_key_t *key); isc_result_t dst_key_buildfilename(const dst_key_t *key, int type, const char *directory, isc_buffer_t *out); /*%< * Generates the filename used by dst to store the specified key. * If directory is NULL, the current directory is assumed. * * Requires: *\li "key" is a valid key *\li "type" is either DST_TYPE_PUBLIC, DST_TYPE_PRIVATE, or 0 for no suffix. *\li "out" is a valid buffer * * Ensures: *\li the file name will be written to "out", and the used pointer will * be advanced. */ isc_result_t dst_key_sigsize(const dst_key_t *key, unsigned int *n); /*%< * Computes the size of a signature generated by the given key. * * Requires: *\li "key" is a valid key. *\li "n" is not NULL * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li DST_R_UNSUPPORTEDALG * * Ensures: *\li "n" stores the size of a generated signature */ isc_result_t dst_key_secretsize(const dst_key_t *key, unsigned int *n); /*%< * Computes the size of a shared secret generated by the given key. * * Requires: *\li "key" is a valid key. *\li "n" is not NULL * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li DST_R_UNSUPPORTEDALG * * Ensures: *\li "n" stores the size of a generated shared secret */ isc_uint16_t dst_region_computeid(const isc_region_t *source, unsigned int alg); isc_uint16_t dst_region_computerid(const isc_region_t *source, unsigned int alg); /*%< * Computes the (revoked) key id of the key stored in the provided * region with the given algorithm. * * Requires: *\li "source" contains a valid, non-NULL region. * * Returns: *\li the key id */ isc_uint16_t dst_key_getbits(const dst_key_t *key); /*%< * Get the number of digest bits required (0 == MAX). * * Requires: * "key" is a valid key. */ void dst_key_setbits(dst_key_t *key, isc_uint16_t bits); /*%< * Set the number of digest bits required (0 == MAX). * * Requires: * "key" is a valid key. */ void dst_key_setttl(dst_key_t *key, dns_ttl_t ttl); /*%< * Set the default TTL to use when converting the key * to a KEY or DNSKEY RR. * * Requires: * "key" is a valid key. */ dns_ttl_t dst_key_getttl(const dst_key_t *key); /*%< * Get the default TTL to use when converting the key * to a KEY or DNSKEY RR. * * Requires: * "key" is a valid key. */ isc_result_t dst_key_setflags(dst_key_t *key, isc_uint32_t flags); /* * Set the key flags, and recompute the key ID. * * Requires: * "key" is a valid key. */ isc_result_t dst_key_getnum(const dst_key_t *key, int type, isc_uint32_t *valuep); /*%< * Get a member of the numeric metadata array and place it in '*valuep'. * * Requires: * "key" is a valid key. * "type" is no larger than DST_MAX_NUMERIC * "timep" is not null. */ void dst_key_setnum(dst_key_t *key, int type, isc_uint32_t value); /*%< * Set a member of the numeric metadata array. * * Requires: * "key" is a valid key. * "type" is no larger than DST_MAX_NUMERIC */ void dst_key_unsetnum(dst_key_t *key, int type); /*%< * Flag a member of the numeric metadata array as "not set". * * Requires: * "key" is a valid key. * "type" is no larger than DST_MAX_NUMERIC */ isc_result_t dst_key_gettime(const dst_key_t *key, int type, isc_stdtime_t *timep); /*%< * Get a member of the timing metadata array and place it in '*timep'. * * Requires: * "key" is a valid key. * "type" is no larger than DST_MAX_TIMES * "timep" is not null. */ void dst_key_settime(dst_key_t *key, int type, isc_stdtime_t when); /*%< * Set a member of the timing metadata array. * * Requires: * "key" is a valid key. * "type" is no larger than DST_MAX_TIMES */ void dst_key_unsettime(dst_key_t *key, int type); /*%< * Flag a member of the timing metadata array as "not set". * * Requires: * "key" is a valid key. * "type" is no larger than DST_MAX_TIMES */ isc_result_t dst_key_getprivateformat(const dst_key_t *key, int *majorp, int *minorp); /*%< * Get the private key format version number. (If the key does not have * a private key associated with it, the version will be 0.0.) The major * version number is placed in '*majorp', and the minor version number in * '*minorp'. * * Requires: * "key" is a valid key. * "majorp" is not NULL. * "minorp" is not NULL. */ void dst_key_setprivateformat(dst_key_t *key, int major, int minor); /*%< * Set the private key format version number. * * Requires: * "key" is a valid key. */ #define DST_KEY_FORMATSIZE (DNS_NAME_FORMATSIZE + DNS_SECALG_FORMATSIZE + 7) void dst_key_format(const dst_key_t *key, char *cp, unsigned int size); /*%< * Write the uniquely identifying information about the key (name, * algorithm, key ID) into a string 'cp' of size 'size'. */ isc_buffer_t * dst_key_tkeytoken(const dst_key_t *key); /*%< * Return the token from the TKEY request, if any. If this key was * not negotiated via TKEY, return NULL. * * Requires: * "key" is a valid key. */ isc_result_t dst_key_dump(dst_key_t *key, isc_mem_t *mctx, char **buffer, int *length); /*%< * Allocate 'buffer' and dump the key into it in base64 format. The buffer * is not NUL terminated. The length of the buffer is returned in *length. * * 'buffer' needs to be freed using isc_mem_put(mctx, buffer, length); * * Requires: * 'buffer' to be non NULL and *buffer to be NULL. * 'length' to be non NULL and *length to be zero. * * Returns: * ISC_R_SUCCESS * ISC_R_NOMEMORY * ISC_R_NOTIMPLEMENTED * others. */ isc_result_t dst_key_restore(dns_name_t *name, unsigned int alg, unsigned int flags, unsigned int protocol, dns_rdataclass_t rdclass, isc_mem_t *mctx, const char *keystr, dst_key_t **keyp); isc_boolean_t dst_key_inactive(const dst_key_t *key); /*%< * Determines if the private key is missing due the key being deemed inactive. * * Requires: * 'key' to be valid. */ void dst_key_setinactive(dst_key_t *key, isc_boolean_t inactive); /*%< * Set key inactive state. * * Requires: * 'key' to be valid. */ void dst_key_setexternal(dst_key_t *key, isc_boolean_t value); isc_boolean_t dst_key_isexternal(dst_key_t *key); ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DST_DST_H */ PK #include #include #include #include #ifdef GSSAPI #ifdef WIN32 /* * MSVC does not like macros in #include lines. */ #include #include #else #include ISC_PLATFORM_GSSAPIHEADER #ifdef ISC_PLATFORM_GSSAPI_KRB5_HEADER #include ISC_PLATFORM_GSSAPI_KRB5_HEADER #endif #endif #ifndef GSS_SPNEGO_MECHANISM #define GSS_SPNEGO_MECHANISM ((void*)0) #endif #endif ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /*** *** Types ***/ /*** *** Functions ***/ isc_result_t dst_gssapi_acquirecred(dns_name_t *name, isc_boolean_t initiate, gss_cred_id_t *cred); /* * Acquires GSS credentials. * * Requires: * 'name' is a valid name, preferably one known by the GSS provider * 'initiate' indicates whether the credentials are for initiating or * accepting contexts * 'cred' is a pointer to NULL, which will be allocated with the * credential handle. Call dst_gssapi_releasecred to free * the memory. * * Returns: * ISC_R_SUCCESS msg was successfully updated to include the * query to be sent * other an error occurred while building the message */ isc_result_t dst_gssapi_releasecred(gss_cred_id_t *cred); /* * Releases GSS credentials. Calling this function does release the * memory allocated for the credential in dst_gssapi_acquirecred() * * Requires: * 'mctx' is a valid memory context * 'cred' is a pointer to the credential to be released * * Returns: * ISC_R_SUCCESS credential was released successfully * other an error occurred while releaseing * the credential */ isc_result_t dst_gssapi_initctx(dns_name_t *name, isc_buffer_t *intoken, isc_buffer_t *outtoken, gss_ctx_id_t *gssctx, isc_mem_t *mctx, char **err_message); /* * Initiates a GSS context. * * Requires: * 'name' is a valid name, preferably one known by the GSS * provider * 'intoken' is a token received from the acceptor, or NULL if * there isn't one * 'outtoken' is a buffer to receive the token generated by * gss_init_sec_context() to be sent to the acceptor * 'context' is a pointer to a valid gss_ctx_id_t * (which may have the value GSS_C_NO_CONTEXT) * * Returns: * ISC_R_SUCCESS msg was successfully updated to include the * query to be sent * other an error occurred while building the message * *err_message optional error message */ isc_result_t dst_gssapi_acceptctx(gss_cred_id_t cred, const char *gssapi_keytab, isc_region_t *intoken, isc_buffer_t **outtoken, gss_ctx_id_t *context, dns_name_t *principal, isc_mem_t *mctx); /* * Accepts a GSS context. * * Requires: * 'mctx' is a valid memory context * 'cred' is the acceptor's valid GSS credential handle * 'intoken' is a token received from the initiator * 'outtoken' is a pointer a buffer pointer used to return the token * generated by gss_accept_sec_context() to be sent to the * initiator * 'context' is a valid pointer to receive the generated context handle. * On the initial call, it should be a pointer to NULL, which * will be allocated as a gss_ctx_id_t. Subsequent calls * should pass in the handle generated on the first call. * Call dst_gssapi_releasecred to delete the context and free * the memory. * * Requires: * 'outtoken' to != NULL && *outtoken == NULL. * * Returns: * ISC_R_SUCCESS msg was successfully updated to include the * query to be sent * DNS_R_CONTINUE transaction still in progress * other an error occurred while building the message */ isc_result_t dst_gssapi_deletectx(isc_mem_t *mctx, gss_ctx_id_t *gssctx); /* * Destroys a GSS context. This function deletes the context from the GSS * provider and then frees the memory used by the context pointer. * * Requires: * 'mctx' is a valid memory context * 'context' is a valid GSS context * * Returns: * ISC_R_SUCCESS */ void gss_log(int level, const char *fmt, ...) ISC_FORMAT_PRINTF(2, 3); /* * Logging function for GSS. * * Requires * 'level' is the log level to be used, as an integer * 'fmt' is a printf format specifier */ char * gss_error_tostring(isc_uint32_t major, isc_uint32_t minor, char *buf, size_t buflen); /* * Render a GSS major status/minor status pair into a string * * Requires: * 'major' is a GSS major status code * 'minor' is a GSS minor status code * * Returns: * A string containing the text representation of the error codes. * Users should copy the string if they wish to keep it. */ isc_boolean_t dst_gssapi_identitymatchesrealmkrb5(dns_name_t *signer, dns_name_t *name, dns_name_t *realm); /* * Compare a "signer" (in the format of a Kerberos-format Kerberos5 * principal: host/example.com@EXAMPLE.COM) to the realm name stored * in "name" (which represents the realm name). * */ isc_boolean_t dst_gssapi_identitymatchesrealmms(dns_name_t *signer, dns_name_t *name, dns_name_t *realm); /* * Compare a "signer" (in the format of a Kerberos-format Kerberos5 * principal: host/example.com@EXAMPLE.COM) to the realm name stored * in "name" (which represents the realm name). * */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DST_GSSAPI_H */ PK LIBISCCC_EXTERNAL_DATA extern const char isccc_version[]; LIBISCCC_EXTERNAL_DATA extern const unsigned int isccc_libinterface; LIBISCCC_EXTERNAL_DATA extern const unsigned int isccc_librevision; LIBISCCC_EXTERNAL_DATA extern const unsigned int isccc_libage; PK #include #include /*% isccc_time_t typedef */ typedef isc_uint32_t isccc_time_t; /*% isccc_sexpr_t typedef */ typedef struct isccc_sexpr isccc_sexpr_t; /*% isccc_dottedpair_t typedef */ typedef struct isccc_dottedpair isccc_dottedpair_t; /*% isccc_symtab_t typedef */ typedef struct isccc_symtab isccc_symtab_t; /*% iscc region structure */ typedef struct isccc_region { unsigned char * rstart; unsigned char * rend; } isccc_region_t; #endif /* ISCCC_TYPES_H */ PK #include #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS isccc_sexpr_t * isccc_alist_create(void); isc_boolean_t isccc_alist_alistp(isccc_sexpr_t *alist); isc_boolean_t isccc_alist_emptyp(isccc_sexpr_t *alist); isccc_sexpr_t * isccc_alist_first(isccc_sexpr_t *alist); isccc_sexpr_t * isccc_alist_assq(isccc_sexpr_t *alist, const char *key); void isccc_alist_delete(isccc_sexpr_t *alist, const char *key); isccc_sexpr_t * isccc_alist_define(isccc_sexpr_t *alist, const char *key, isccc_sexpr_t *value); isccc_sexpr_t * isccc_alist_definestring(isccc_sexpr_t *alist, const char *key, const char *str); isccc_sexpr_t * isccc_alist_definebinary(isccc_sexpr_t *alist, const char *key, isccc_region_t *r); isccc_sexpr_t * isccc_alist_lookup(isccc_sexpr_t *alist, const char *key); isc_result_t isccc_alist_lookupstring(isccc_sexpr_t *alist, const char *key, char **strp); isc_result_t isccc_alist_lookupbinary(isccc_sexpr_t *alist, const char *key, isccc_region_t **r); void isccc_alist_prettyprint(isccc_sexpr_t *sexpr, unsigned int indent, FILE *stream); ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISCCC_ALIST_H */ PK #include #include /*% ISCCC Message Structure */ typedef struct isccc_ccmsg { /* private (don't touch!) */ unsigned int magic; isc_uint32_t size; isc_buffer_t buffer; unsigned int maxsize; isc_mem_t *mctx; isc_socket_t *sock; isc_task_t *task; isc_taskaction_t action; void *arg; isc_event_t event; /* public (read-only) */ isc_result_t result; isc_sockaddr_t address; } isccc_ccmsg_t; ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS void isccc_ccmsg_init(isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_socket_t *sock, isccc_ccmsg_t *ccmsg); /*% * Associate a cc message state with a given memory context and * TCP socket. * * Requires: * *\li "mctx" and "sock" be non-NULL and valid types. * *\li "sock" be a read/write TCP socket. * *\li "ccmsg" be non-NULL and an uninitialized or invalidated structure. * * Ensures: * *\li "ccmsg" is a valid structure. */ void isccc_ccmsg_setmaxsize(isccc_ccmsg_t *ccmsg, unsigned int maxsize); /*% * Set the maximum packet size to "maxsize" * * Requires: * *\li "ccmsg" be valid. * *\li 512 <= "maxsize" <= 4294967296 */ isc_result_t isccc_ccmsg_readmessage(isccc_ccmsg_t *ccmsg, isc_task_t *task, isc_taskaction_t action, void *arg); /*% * Schedule an event to be delivered when a command channel message is * readable, or when an error occurs on the socket. * * Requires: * *\li "ccmsg" be valid. * *\li "task", "taskaction", and "arg" be valid. * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS -- no error *\li Anything that the isc_socket_recv() call can return. XXXMLG * * Notes: * *\li The event delivered is a fully generic event. It will contain no * actual data. The sender will be a pointer to the isccc_ccmsg_t. * The result code inside that structure should be checked to see * what the final result was. */ void isccc_ccmsg_cancelread(isccc_ccmsg_t *ccmsg); /*% * Cancel a readmessage() call. The event will still be posted with a * CANCELED result code. * * Requires: * *\li "ccmsg" be valid. */ void isccc_ccmsg_invalidate(isccc_ccmsg_t *ccmsg); /*% * Clean up all allocated state, and invalidate the structure. * * Requires: * *\li "ccmsg" be valid. * * Ensures: * *\li "ccmsg" is invalidated and disassociated with all memory contexts, * sockets, etc. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISCCC_CCMSG_H */ PK #include #include #include /*% Unknown Version */ #define ISCCC_R_UNKNOWNVERSION (ISC_RESULTCLASS_ISCCC + 0) /*% Syntax Error */ #define ISCCC_R_SYNTAX (ISC_RESULTCLASS_ISCCC + 1) /*% Bad Authorization */ #define ISCCC_R_BADAUTH (ISC_RESULTCLASS_ISCCC + 2) /*% Expired */ #define ISCCC_R_EXPIRED (ISC_RESULTCLASS_ISCCC + 3) /*% Clock Skew */ #define ISCCC_R_CLOCKSKEW (ISC_RESULTCLASS_ISCCC + 4) /*% Duplicate */ #define ISCCC_R_DUPLICATE (ISC_RESULTCLASS_ISCCC + 5) #define ISCCC_R_NRESULTS 6 /*%< Number of results */ ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS const char * isccc_result_totext(isc_result_t result); /*% * Convert a isccc_result_t into a string message describing the result. */ void isccc_result_register(void); ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISCCC_RESULT_H */ PK #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS LIBISCCC_EXTERNAL_DATA extern isc_msgcat_t *isccc_msgcat; void isccc_lib_initmsgcat(void); /*% * Initialize the ISCCC library's message catalog, isccc_msgcat, if it * has not already been initialized. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISCCC_LIB_H */ PK #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /*** *** Functions ***/ isc_result_t isccc_base64_encode(isccc_region_t *source, int wordlength, const char *wordbreak, isccc_region_t *target); /*%< * Convert data into base64 encoded text. * * Notes: *\li The base64 encoded text in 'target' will be divided into * words of at most 'wordlength' characters, separated by * the 'wordbreak' string. No parentheses will surround * the text. * * Requires: *\li 'source' is a region containing binary data. *\li 'target' is a text region containing available space. *\li 'wordbreak' points to a null-terminated string of * zero or more whitespace characters. */ isc_result_t isccc_base64_decode(const char *cstr, isccc_region_t *target); /*%< * Decode a null-terminated base64 string. * * Requires: *\li 'cstr' is non-null. *\li 'target' is a valid region. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS -- the entire decoded representation of 'cstring' * fit in 'target'. *\li #ISC_R_BADBASE64 -- 'cstr' is not a valid base64 encoding. *\li #ISC_R_NOSPACE -- 'target' is not big enough. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISCCC_BASE64_H */ PK /*! \file isccc/util.h * \brief * Macros for dealing with unaligned numbers. * * \note no side effects are allowed when invoking these macros! */ #define GET8(v, w) \ do { \ v = *w; \ w++; \ } while (0) #define GET16(v, w) \ do { \ v = (unsigned int)w[0] << 8; \ v |= (unsigned int)w[1]; \ w += 2; \ } while (0) #define GET24(v, w) \ do { \ v = (unsigned int)w[0] << 16; \ v |= (unsigned int)w[1] << 8; \ v |= (unsigned int)w[2]; \ w += 3; \ } while (0) #define GET32(v, w) \ do { \ v = (unsigned int)w[0] << 24; \ v |= (unsigned int)w[1] << 16; \ v |= (unsigned int)w[2] << 8; \ v |= (unsigned int)w[3]; \ w += 4; \ } while (0) #define GET64(v, w) \ do { \ v = (isc_uint64_t)w[0] << 56; \ v |= (isc_uint64_t)w[1] << 48; \ v |= (isc_uint64_t)w[2] << 40; \ v |= (isc_uint64_t)w[3] << 32; \ v |= (isc_uint64_t)w[4] << 24; \ v |= (isc_uint64_t)w[5] << 16; \ v |= (isc_uint64_t)w[6] << 8; \ v |= (isc_uint64_t)w[7]; \ w += 8; \ } while (0) #define GETC16(v, w, d) \ do { \ GET8(v, w); \ if (v == 0) \ d = ISCCC_TRUE; \ else { \ d = ISCCC_FALSE; \ if (v == 255) \ GET16(v, w); \ } \ } while (0) #define GETC32(v, w) \ do { \ GET24(v, w); \ if (v == 0xffffffu) \ GET32(v, w); \ } while (0) #define GET_OFFSET(v, w) GET32(v, w) #define GET_MEM(v, c, w) \ do { \ memmove(v, w, c); \ w += c; \ } while (0) #define GET_TYPE(v, w) \ do { \ GET8(v, w); \ if (v > 127) { \ if (v < 255) \ v = ((v & 0x7f) << 16) | ISCCC_RDATATYPE_SIG; \ else \ GET32(v, w); \ } \ } while (0) #define PUT8(v, w) \ do { \ *w = (v & 0x000000ffU); \ w++; \ } while (0) #define PUT16(v, w) \ do { \ w[0] = (v & 0x0000ff00U) >> 8; \ w[1] = (v & 0x000000ffU); \ w += 2; \ } while (0) #define PUT24(v, w) \ do { \ w[0] = (v & 0x00ff0000U) >> 16; \ w[1] = (v & 0x0000ff00U) >> 8; \ w[2] = (v & 0x000000ffU); \ w += 3; \ } while (0) #define PUT32(v, w) \ do { \ w[0] = (v & 0xff000000U) >> 24; \ w[1] = (v & 0x00ff0000U) >> 16; \ w[2] = (v & 0x0000ff00U) >> 8; \ w[3] = (v & 0x000000ffU); \ w += 4; \ } while (0) #define PUT64(v, w) \ do { \ w[0] = (v & 0xff00000000000000ULL) >> 56; \ w[1] = (v & 0x00ff000000000000ULL) >> 48; \ w[2] = (v & 0x0000ff0000000000ULL) >> 40; \ w[3] = (v & 0x000000ff00000000ULL) >> 32; \ w[4] = (v & 0x00000000ff000000ULL) >> 24; \ w[5] = (v & 0x0000000000ff0000ULL) >> 16; \ w[6] = (v & 0x000000000000ff00ULL) >> 8; \ w[7] = (v & 0x00000000000000ffULL); \ w += 8; \ } while (0) #define PUTC16(v, w) \ do { \ if (v > 0 && v < 255) \ PUT8(v, w); \ else { \ PUT8(255, w); \ PUT16(v, w); \ } \ } while (0) #define PUTC32(v, w) \ do { \ if (v < 0xffffffU) \ PUT24(v, w); \ else { \ PUT24(0xffffffU, w); \ PUT32(v, w); \ } \ } while (0) #define PUT_OFFSET(v, w) PUT32(v, w) #include #define PUT_MEM(s, c, w) \ do { \ memmove(w, s, c); \ w += c; \ } while (0) /* * Regions. */ #define REGION_SIZE(r) ((unsigned int)((r).rend - (r).rstart)) #define REGION_EMPTY(r) ((r).rstart == (r).rend) #define REGION_FROMSTRING(r, s) do { \ (r).rstart = (unsigned char *)s; \ (r).rend = (r).rstart + strlen(s); \ } while (0) /*% * Use this to remove the const qualifier of a variable to assign it to * a non-const variable or pass it as a non-const function argument ... * but only when you are sure it won't then be changed! * This is necessary to sometimes shut up some compilers * (as with gcc -Wcast-qual) when there is just no other good way to avoid the * situation. */ #define DE_CONST(konst, var) \ do { \ union { const void *k; void *v; } _u; \ _u.k = konst; \ var = _u.v; \ } while (0) #endif /* ISCCC_UTIL_H */ PK tuple when a tuple with the given key and type already * exists in the table. What to do in this case is specified by the * client. Possible policies are: * *\li isccc_symexists_reject Disallow the define, returning #ISC_R_EXISTS *\li isccc_symexists_replace Replace the old value with the new. The * undefine action (if provided) will be called * with the old tuple. *\li isccc_symexists_add Add the new tuple, leaving the old tuple in * the table. Subsequent lookups will retrieve * the most-recently-defined tuple. * * A lookup of a key using type 0 will return the most-recently * defined symbol with that key. An undefine of a key using type 0 * will undefine the most-recently defined symbol with that key. * Trying to define a key with type 0 is illegal. * * The symbol table library does not make a copy the key field, so the * caller must ensure that any key it passes to isccc_symtab_define() * will not change until it calls isccc_symtab_undefine() or * isccc_symtab_destroy(). * * A user-specified action will be called (if provided) when a symbol * is undefined. It can be used to free memory associated with keys * and/or values. */ /*** *** Imports. ***/ #include #include /*** *** Symbol Tables. ***/ typedef union isccc_symvalue { void * as_pointer; int as_integer; unsigned int as_uinteger; } isccc_symvalue_t; typedef void (*isccc_symtabundefaction_t)(char *key, unsigned int type, isccc_symvalue_t value, void *userarg); typedef isc_boolean_t (*isccc_symtabforeachaction_t)(char *key, unsigned int type, isccc_symvalue_t value, void *userarg); typedef enum { isccc_symexists_reject = 0, isccc_symexists_replace = 1, isccc_symexists_add = 2 } isccc_symexists_t; ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS isc_result_t isccc_symtab_create(unsigned int size, isccc_symtabundefaction_t undefine_action, void *undefine_arg, isc_boolean_t case_sensitive, isccc_symtab_t **symtabp); void isccc_symtab_destroy(isccc_symtab_t **symtabp); isc_result_t isccc_symtab_lookup(isccc_symtab_t *symtab, const char *key, unsigned int type, isccc_symvalue_t *value); isc_result_t isccc_symtab_define(isccc_symtab_t *symtab, char *key, unsigned int type, isccc_symvalue_t value, isccc_symexists_t exists_policy); isc_result_t isccc_symtab_undefine(isccc_symtab_t *symtab, const char *key, unsigned int type); void isccc_symtab_foreach(isccc_symtab_t *symtab, isccc_symtabforeachaction_t action, void *arg); ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISCCC_SYMTAB_H */ PK #include #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /*% dotted pair structure */ struct isccc_dottedpair { isccc_sexpr_t *car; isccc_sexpr_t *cdr; }; /*% iscc_sexpr structure */ struct isccc_sexpr { unsigned int type; union { char * as_string; isccc_dottedpair_t as_dottedpair; isccc_region_t as_region; } value; }; #define ISCCC_SEXPRTYPE_NONE 0x00 /*%< Illegal. */ #define ISCCC_SEXPRTYPE_T 0x01 #define ISCCC_SEXPRTYPE_STRING 0x02 #define ISCCC_SEXPRTYPE_DOTTEDPAIR 0x03 #define ISCCC_SEXPRTYPE_BINARY 0x04 #define ISCCC_SEXPR_CAR(s) (s)->value.as_dottedpair.car #define ISCCC_SEXPR_CDR(s) (s)->value.as_dottedpair.cdr isccc_sexpr_t * isccc_sexpr_cons(isccc_sexpr_t *car, isccc_sexpr_t *cdr); isccc_sexpr_t * isccc_sexpr_tconst(void); isccc_sexpr_t * isccc_sexpr_fromstring(const char *str); isccc_sexpr_t * isccc_sexpr_frombinary(const isccc_region_t *region); void isccc_sexpr_free(isccc_sexpr_t **sexprp); void isccc_sexpr_print(isccc_sexpr_t *sexpr, FILE *stream); isccc_sexpr_t * isccc_sexpr_car(isccc_sexpr_t *list); isccc_sexpr_t * isccc_sexpr_cdr(isccc_sexpr_t *list); void isccc_sexpr_setcar(isccc_sexpr_t *pair, isccc_sexpr_t *car); void isccc_sexpr_setcdr(isccc_sexpr_t *pair, isccc_sexpr_t *cdr); isccc_sexpr_t * isccc_sexpr_addtolist(isccc_sexpr_t **l1p, isccc_sexpr_t *l2); isc_boolean_t isccc_sexpr_listp(isccc_sexpr_t *sexpr); isc_boolean_t isccc_sexpr_emptyp(isccc_sexpr_t *sexpr); isc_boolean_t isccc_sexpr_stringp(isccc_sexpr_t *sexpr); isc_boolean_t isccc_sexpr_binaryp(isccc_sexpr_t *sexpr); char * isccc_sexpr_tostring(isccc_sexpr_t *sexpr); isccc_region_t * isccc_sexpr_tobinary(isccc_sexpr_t *sexpr); ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISCCC_SEXPR_H */ PK /*% * Registry of ISCCC event numbers. */ #define ISCCC_EVENT_CCMSG (ISC_EVENTCLASS_ISCCC + 0) #define ISCCC_EVENT_FIRSTEVENT (ISC_EVENTCLASS_ISCCC + 0) #define ISCCC_EVENT_LASTEVENT (ISC_EVENTCLASS_ISCCC + 65535) #endif /* ISCCC_EVENTS_H */ PK #include #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /*% from lib/dns/include/dst/dst.h */ #define ISCCC_ALG_UNKNOWN 0 #define ISCCC_ALG_HMACMD5 157 #define ISCCC_ALG_HMACSHA1 161 #define ISCCC_ALG_HMACSHA224 162 #define ISCCC_ALG_HMACSHA256 163 #define ISCCC_ALG_HMACSHA384 164 #define ISCCC_ALG_HMACSHA512 165 /*% Maximum Datagram Package */ #define ISCCC_CC_MAXDGRAMPACKET 4096 /*% Message Type String */ #define ISCCC_CCMSGTYPE_STRING 0x00 /*% Message Type Binary Data */ #define ISCCC_CCMSGTYPE_BINARYDATA 0x01 /*% Message Type Table */ #define ISCCC_CCMSGTYPE_TABLE 0x02 /*% Message Type List */ #define ISCCC_CCMSGTYPE_LIST 0x03 /*% Send to Wire */ isc_result_t isccc_cc_towire(isccc_sexpr_t *alist, isc_buffer_t **buffer, isc_uint32_t algorithm, isccc_region_t *secret); /*% Get From Wire */ isc_result_t isccc_cc_fromwire(isccc_region_t *source, isccc_sexpr_t **alistp, isc_uint32_t algorithm, isccc_region_t *secret); /*% Create Message */ isc_result_t isccc_cc_createmessage(isc_uint32_t version, const char *from, const char *to, isc_uint32_t serial, isccc_time_t now, isccc_time_t expires, isccc_sexpr_t **alistp); /*% Create Acknowledgment */ isc_result_t isccc_cc_createack(isccc_sexpr_t *message, isc_boolean_t ok, isccc_sexpr_t **ackp); /*% Is Ack? */ isc_boolean_t isccc_cc_isack(isccc_sexpr_t *message); /*% Is Reply? */ isc_boolean_t isccc_cc_isreply(isccc_sexpr_t *message); /*% Create Response */ isc_result_t isccc_cc_createresponse(isccc_sexpr_t *message, isccc_time_t now, isccc_time_t expires, isccc_sexpr_t **alistp); /*% Define String */ isccc_sexpr_t * isccc_cc_definestring(isccc_sexpr_t *alist, const char *key, const char *str); /*% Define uint 32 */ isccc_sexpr_t * isccc_cc_defineuint32(isccc_sexpr_t *alist, const char *key, isc_uint32_t i); /*% Lookup String */ isc_result_t isccc_cc_lookupstring(isccc_sexpr_t *alist, const char *key, char **strp); /*% Lookup uint 32 */ isc_result_t isccc_cc_lookupuint32(isccc_sexpr_t *alist, const char *key, isc_uint32_t *uintp); /*% Create Symbol Table */ isc_result_t isccc_cc_createsymtab(isccc_symtab_t **symtabp); /*% Clean up Symbol Table */ void isccc_cc_cleansymtab(isccc_symtab_t *symtab, isccc_time_t now); /*% Check for Duplicates */ isc_result_t isccc_cc_checkdup(isccc_symtab_t *symtab, isccc_sexpr_t *message, isccc_time_t now); ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISCCC_CC_H */ PK 0 * * base is a valid pointer to length bytes of memory * * 0 <= used <= length * * 0 <= current <= used * * 0 <= active <= used * (although active < current implies empty active region) *\endcode * * \li MP: * Buffers have no synchronization. Clients must ensure exclusive * access. * * \li Reliability: * No anticipated impact. * * \li Resources: * Memory: 1 pointer + 6 unsigned integers per buffer. * * \li Security: * No anticipated impact. * * \li Standards: * None. */ /*** *** Imports ***/ #include #include #include #include #include #include /*! * To make many functions be inline macros (via \#define) define this. * If it is undefined, a function will be used. */ /* #define ISC_BUFFER_USEINLINE */ ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /*@{*/ /*! *** Magic numbers ***/ #define ISC_BUFFER_MAGIC 0x42756621U /* Buf!. */ #define ISC_BUFFER_VALID(b) ISC_MAGIC_VALID(b, ISC_BUFFER_MAGIC) /*@}*/ /*! * Size granularity for dynamically resizeable buffers; when reserving * space in a buffer, we round the allocated buffer length up to the * nearest * multiple of this value. */ #define ISC_BUFFER_INCR 2048 /* * The following macros MUST be used only on valid buffers. It is the * caller's responsibility to ensure this by using the ISC_BUFFER_VALID * check above, or by calling another isc_buffer_*() function (rather than * another macro.) */ /*@{*/ /*! * Fundamental buffer elements. (A through E in the introductory comment.) */ #define isc_buffer_base(b) ((void *)(b)->base) /*a*/ #define isc_buffer_current(b) \ ((void *)((unsigned char *)(b)->base + (b)->current)) /*b*/ #define isc_buffer_active(b) \ ((void *)((unsigned char *)(b)->base + (b)->active)) /*c*/ #define isc_buffer_used(b) \ ((void *)((unsigned char *)(b)->base + (b)->used)) /*d*/ #define isc_buffer_length(b) ((b)->length) /*e*/ /*@}*/ /*@{*/ /*! * Derived lengths. (Described in the introductory comment.) */ #define isc_buffer_usedlength(b) ((b)->used) /* d-a */ #define isc_buffer_consumedlength(b) ((b)->current) /* b-a */ #define isc_buffer_remaininglength(b) ((b)->used - (b)->current) /* d-b */ #define isc_buffer_activelength(b) ((b)->active - (b)->current) /* c-b */ #define isc_buffer_availablelength(b) ((b)->length - (b)->used) /* e-d */ /*@}*/ /*! * Note that the buffer structure is public. This is principally so buffer * operations can be implemented using macros. Applications are strongly * discouraged from directly manipulating the structure. */ struct isc_buffer { unsigned int magic; void *base; /*@{*/ /*! The following integers are byte offsets from 'base'. */ unsigned int length; unsigned int used; unsigned int current; unsigned int active; /*@}*/ /*! linkable */ ISC_LINK(isc_buffer_t) link; /*! private internal elements */ isc_mem_t *mctx; /* automatically realloc buffer at put* */ isc_boolean_t autore; }; /*** *** Functions ***/ isc_result_t isc_buffer_allocate(isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_buffer_t **dynbuffer, unsigned int length); /*!< * \brief Allocate a dynamic linkable buffer which has "length" bytes in the * data region. * * Requires: *\li "mctx" is valid. * *\li "dynbuffer" is non-NULL, and "*dynbuffer" is NULL. * * Returns: *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS - success *\li ISC_R_NOMEMORY - no memory available * * Note: *\li Changing the buffer's length field is not permitted. */ isc_result_t isc_buffer_reallocate(isc_buffer_t **dynbuffer, unsigned int length); /*!< * \brief Reallocate the buffer to be "length" bytes long. The buffer * pointer may move when you call this function. * * Requires: *\li "dynbuffer" is not NULL. * *\li "*dynbuffer" is a valid dynamic buffer. * *\li 'length' > current length of buffer. * * Returns: *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS - success *\li ISC_R_NOMEMORY - no memory available * * Ensures: *\li "*dynbuffer" will be valid on return and will contain all the * original data. However, the buffer pointer may be moved during * reallocation. */ isc_result_t isc_buffer_reserve(isc_buffer_t **dynbuffer, unsigned int size); /*!< * \brief Make "size" bytes of space available in the buffer. The buffer * pointer may move when you call this function. * * Requires: *\li "dynbuffer" is not NULL. * *\li "*dynbuffer" is a valid dynamic buffer. * * Returns: *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS - success *\li ISC_R_NOMEMORY - no memory available * * Ensures: *\li "*dynbuffer" will be valid on return and will contain all the * original data. However, the buffer pointer may be moved during * reallocation. */ void isc_buffer_free(isc_buffer_t **dynbuffer); /*!< * \brief Release resources allocated for a dynamic buffer. * * Requires: *\li "dynbuffer" is not NULL. * *\li "*dynbuffer" is a valid dynamic buffer. * * Ensures: *\li "*dynbuffer" will be NULL on return, and all memory associated with * the dynamic buffer is returned to the memory context used in * isc_buffer_allocate(). */ void isc__buffer_init(isc_buffer_t *b, void *base, unsigned int length); /*!< * \brief Make 'b' refer to the 'length'-byte region starting at base. * * Requires: * *\li 'length' > 0 * *\li 'base' is a pointer to a sequence of 'length' bytes. * */ void isc__buffer_initnull(isc_buffer_t *b); /*!< *\brief Initialize a buffer 'b' with a null data and zero length/ */ void isc_buffer_reinit(isc_buffer_t *b, void *base, unsigned int length); /*!< * \brief Make 'b' refer to the 'length'-byte region starting at base. * Any existing data will be copied. * * Requires: * *\li 'length' > 0 AND length >= previous length * *\li 'base' is a pointer to a sequence of 'length' bytes. * */ void isc__buffer_invalidate(isc_buffer_t *b); /*!< * \brief Make 'b' an invalid buffer. * * Requires: *\li 'b' is a valid buffer. * * Ensures: *\li If assertion checking is enabled, future attempts to use 'b' without * calling isc_buffer_init() on it will cause an assertion failure. */ void isc_buffer_setautorealloc(isc_buffer_t *b, isc_boolean_t enable); /*!< * \brief Enable or disable autoreallocation on 'b'. * * Requires: *\li 'b' is a valid dynamic buffer (b->mctx != NULL). * */ void isc__buffer_region(isc_buffer_t *b, isc_region_t *r); /*!< * \brief Make 'r' refer to the region of 'b'. * * Requires: * *\li 'b' is a valid buffer. * *\li 'r' points to a region structure. */ void isc__buffer_usedregion(const isc_buffer_t *b, isc_region_t *r); /*!< * \brief Make 'r' refer to the used region of 'b'. * * Requires: * *\li 'b' is a valid buffer. * *\li 'r' points to a region structure. */ void isc__buffer_availableregion(isc_buffer_t *b, isc_region_t *r); /*!< * \brief Make 'r' refer to the available region of 'b'. * * Requires: * *\li 'b' is a valid buffer. * *\li 'r' points to a region structure. */ void isc__buffer_add(isc_buffer_t *b, unsigned int n); /*!< * \brief Increase the 'used' region of 'b' by 'n' bytes. * * Requires: * *\li 'b' is a valid buffer * *\li used + n <= length * */ void isc__buffer_subtract(isc_buffer_t *b, unsigned int n); /*!< * \brief Decrease the 'used' region of 'b' by 'n' bytes. * * Requires: * *\li 'b' is a valid buffer * *\li used >= n * */ void isc__buffer_clear(isc_buffer_t *b); /*!< * \brief Make the used region empty. * * Requires: * *\li 'b' is a valid buffer * * Ensures: * *\li used = 0 * */ void isc__buffer_consumedregion(isc_buffer_t *b, isc_region_t *r); /*!< * \brief Make 'r' refer to the consumed region of 'b'. * * Requires: * *\li 'b' is a valid buffer. * *\li 'r' points to a region structure. */ void isc__buffer_remainingregion(isc_buffer_t *b, isc_region_t *r); /*!< * \brief Make 'r' refer to the remaining region of 'b'. * * Requires: * *\li 'b' is a valid buffer. * *\li 'r' points to a region structure. */ void isc__buffer_activeregion(isc_buffer_t *b, isc_region_t *r); /*!< * \brief Make 'r' refer to the active region of 'b'. * * Requires: * *\li 'b' is a valid buffer. * *\li 'r' points to a region structure. */ void isc__buffer_setactive(isc_buffer_t *b, unsigned int n); /*!< * \brief Sets the end of the active region 'n' bytes after current. * * Requires: * *\li 'b' is a valid buffer. * *\li current + n <= used */ void isc__buffer_first(isc_buffer_t *b); /*!< * \brief Make the consumed region empty. * * Requires: * *\li 'b' is a valid buffer * * Ensures: * *\li current == 0 * */ void isc__buffer_forward(isc_buffer_t *b, unsigned int n); /*!< * \brief Increase the 'consumed' region of 'b' by 'n' bytes. * * Requires: * *\li 'b' is a valid buffer * *\li current + n <= used * */ void isc__buffer_back(isc_buffer_t *b, unsigned int n); /*!< * \brief Decrease the 'consumed' region of 'b' by 'n' bytes. * * Requires: * *\li 'b' is a valid buffer * *\li n <= current * */ void isc_buffer_compact(isc_buffer_t *b); /*!< * \brief Compact the used region by moving the remaining region so it occurs * at the start of the buffer. The used region is shrunk by the size of * the consumed region, and the consumed region is then made empty. * * Requires: * *\li 'b' is a valid buffer * * Ensures: * *\li current == 0 * *\li The size of the used region is now equal to the size of the remaining * region (as it was before the call). The contents of the used region * are those of the remaining region (as it was before the call). */ isc_uint8_t isc_buffer_getuint8(isc_buffer_t *b); /*!< * \brief Read an unsigned 8-bit integer from 'b' and return it. * * Requires: * *\li 'b' is a valid buffer. * *\li The length of the available region of 'b' is at least 1. * * Ensures: * *\li The current pointer in 'b' is advanced by 1. * * Returns: * *\li A 8-bit unsigned integer. */ void isc__buffer_putuint8(isc_buffer_t *b, isc_uint8_t val); /*!< * \brief Store an unsigned 8-bit integer from 'val' into 'b'. * * Requires: *\li 'b' is a valid buffer. * *\li The length of the unused region of 'b' is at least 1 * or the buffer has autoreallocation enabled. * * Ensures: *\li The used pointer in 'b' is advanced by 1. */ isc_uint16_t isc_buffer_getuint16(isc_buffer_t *b); /*!< * \brief Read an unsigned 16-bit integer in network byte order from 'b', convert * it to host byte order, and return it. * * Requires: * *\li 'b' is a valid buffer. * *\li The length of the available region of 'b' is at least 2 * or the buffer has autoreallocation enabled. * * Ensures: * *\li The current pointer in 'b' is advanced by 2. * * Returns: * *\li A 16-bit unsigned integer. */ void isc__buffer_putuint16(isc_buffer_t *b, isc_uint16_t val); /*!< * \brief Store an unsigned 16-bit integer in host byte order from 'val' * into 'b' in network byte order. * * Requires: *\li 'b' is a valid buffer. * *\li The length of the unused region of 'b' is at least 2 * or the buffer has autoreallocation enabled. * * Ensures: *\li The used pointer in 'b' is advanced by 2. */ isc_uint32_t isc_buffer_getuint32(isc_buffer_t *b); /*!< * \brief Read an unsigned 32-bit integer in network byte order from 'b', convert * it to host byte order, and return it. * * Requires: * *\li 'b' is a valid buffer. * *\li The length of the available region of 'b' is at least 4. * * Ensures: * *\li The current pointer in 'b' is advanced by 4. * * Returns: * *\li A 32-bit unsigned integer. */ void isc__buffer_putuint32(isc_buffer_t *b, isc_uint32_t val); /*!< * \brief Store an unsigned 32-bit integer in host byte order from 'val' * into 'b' in network byte order. * * Requires: *\li 'b' is a valid buffer. * *\li The length of the unused region of 'b' is at least 4 * or the buffer has autoreallocation enabled. * * Ensures: *\li The used pointer in 'b' is advanced by 4. */ isc_uint64_t isc_buffer_getuint48(isc_buffer_t *b); /*!< * \brief Read an unsigned 48-bit integer in network byte order from 'b', * convert it to host byte order, and return it. * * Requires: * *\li 'b' is a valid buffer. * *\li The length of the available region of 'b' is at least 6. * * Ensures: * *\li The current pointer in 'b' is advanced by 6. * * Returns: * *\li A 48-bit unsigned integer (stored in a 64-bit integer). */ void isc__buffer_putuint48(isc_buffer_t *b, isc_uint64_t val); /*!< * \brief Store an unsigned 48-bit integer in host byte order from 'val' * into 'b' in network byte order. * * Requires: *\li 'b' is a valid buffer. * *\li The length of the unused region of 'b' is at least 6 * or the buffer has autoreallocation enabled. * * Ensures: *\li The used pointer in 'b' is advanced by 6. */ void isc__buffer_putuint24(isc_buffer_t *b, isc_uint32_t val); /*!< * Store an unsigned 24-bit integer in host byte order from 'val' * into 'b' in network byte order. * * Requires: *\li 'b' is a valid buffer. * * The length of the unused region of 'b' is at least 3 * or the buffer has autoreallocation enabled. * * Ensures: *\li The used pointer in 'b' is advanced by 3. */ void isc__buffer_putmem(isc_buffer_t *b, const unsigned char *base, unsigned int length); /*!< * \brief Copy 'length' bytes of memory at 'base' into 'b'. * * Requires: *\li 'b' is a valid buffer, and it has at least 'length' * or the buffer has autoreallocation enabled. * *\li 'base' points to 'length' bytes of valid memory. * */ void isc__buffer_putstr(isc_buffer_t *b, const char *source); /*!< * \brief Copy 'source' into 'b', not including terminating NUL. * * Requires: *\li 'b' is a valid buffer. * *\li 'source' to be a valid NULL terminated string. * *\li strlen(source) <= isc_buffer_available(b) || b->mctx != NULL */ void isc_buffer_putdecint(isc_buffer_t *b, isc_int64_t v); /*!< * \brief Put decimal representation of 'v' in b * * Requires: *\li 'b' is a valid buffer. * *\li strlen(dec(v)) <= isc_buffer_available(b) || b->mctx != NULL */ isc_result_t isc_buffer_copyregion(isc_buffer_t *b, const isc_region_t *r); /*!< * \brief Copy the contents of 'r' into 'b'. * * Requires: *\li 'b' is a valid buffer. * *\li 'r' is a valid region. * * Returns: * *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li ISC_R_NOSPACE The available region of 'b' is not * big enough. */ isc_result_t isc_buffer_dup(isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_buffer_t **dstp, const isc_buffer_t *src); /*!< * \brief Allocate 'dst' and copy used contents of 'src' into it * * Requires: *\li 'dstp' is not NULL and *dst is NULL *\li 'src' is a valid buffer. * * Returns: * *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li ISC_R_NOSPACE The available region of 'b' is not * big enough. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS /* * Inline macro versions of the functions. These should never be called * directly by an application, but will be used by the functions within * buffer.c. The callers should always use "isc_buffer_*()" names, never * ones beginning with "isc__" */ /*! \note * XXXDCL Something more could be done with initializing buffers that * point to const data. For example, isc_buffer_constinit() could * set a new boolean flag in the buffer structure indicating whether * the buffer was initialized with that function. * Then if the * boolean were true, the isc_buffer_put* functions could assert a * contractual requirement for a non-const buffer. * * One drawback is that the isc_buffer_* functions (macros) that return * pointers would still need to return non-const pointers to avoid compiler * warnings, so it would be up to code that uses them to have to deal * with the possibility that the buffer was initialized as const -- * a problem that they *already* have to deal with but have absolutely * no ability to. With a new isc_buffer_isconst() function returning * true/false, they could at least assert a contractual requirement for * non-const buffers when needed. */ #define ISC__BUFFER_INIT(_b, _base, _length) \ do { \ (_b)->base = _base; \ (_b)->length = (_length); \ (_b)->used = 0; \ (_b)->current = 0; \ (_b)->active = 0; \ (_b)->mctx = NULL; \ ISC_LINK_INIT(_b, link); \ (_b)->magic = ISC_BUFFER_MAGIC; \ (_b)->autore = ISC_FALSE; \ } while (0) #define ISC__BUFFER_INITNULL(_b) ISC__BUFFER_INIT(_b, NULL, 0) #define ISC__BUFFER_INVALIDATE(_b) \ do { \ (_b)->magic = 0; \ (_b)->base = NULL; \ (_b)->length = 0; \ (_b)->used = 0; \ (_b)->current = 0; \ (_b)->active = 0; \ } while (0) #define ISC__BUFFER_REGION(_b, _r) \ do { \ (_r)->base = (_b)->base; \ (_r)->length = (_b)->length; \ } while (0) #define ISC__BUFFER_USEDREGION(_b, _r) \ do { \ (_r)->base = (_b)->base; \ (_r)->length = (_b)->used; \ } while (0) #define ISC__BUFFER_AVAILABLEREGION(_b, _r) \ do { \ (_r)->base = isc_buffer_used(_b); \ (_r)->length = isc_buffer_availablelength(_b); \ } while (0) #define ISC__BUFFER_ADD(_b, _n) \ do { \ (_b)->used += (_n); \ } while (0) #define ISC__BUFFER_SUBTRACT(_b, _n) \ do { \ (_b)->used -= (_n); \ if ((_b)->current > (_b)->used) \ (_b)->current = (_b)->used; \ if ((_b)->active > (_b)->used) \ (_b)->active = (_b)->used; \ } while (0) #define ISC__BUFFER_CLEAR(_b) \ do { \ (_b)->used = 0; \ (_b)->current = 0; \ (_b)->active = 0; \ } while (0) #define ISC__BUFFER_CONSUMEDREGION(_b, _r) \ do { \ (_r)->base = (_b)->base; \ (_r)->length = (_b)->current; \ } while (0) #define ISC__BUFFER_REMAININGREGION(_b, _r) \ do { \ (_r)->base = isc_buffer_current(_b); \ (_r)->length = isc_buffer_remaininglength(_b); \ } while (0) #define ISC__BUFFER_ACTIVEREGION(_b, _r) \ do { \ if ((_b)->current < (_b)->active) { \ (_r)->base = isc_buffer_current(_b); \ (_r)->length = isc_buffer_activelength(_b); \ } else { \ (_r)->base = NULL; \ (_r)->length = 0; \ } \ } while (0) #define ISC__BUFFER_SETACTIVE(_b, _n) \ do { \ (_b)->active = (_b)->current + (_n); \ } while (0) #define ISC__BUFFER_FIRST(_b) \ do { \ (_b)->current = 0; \ } while (0) #define ISC__BUFFER_FORWARD(_b, _n) \ do { \ (_b)->current += (_n); \ } while (0) #define ISC__BUFFER_BACK(_b, _n) \ do { \ (_b)->current -= (_n); \ } while (0) #define ISC__BUFFER_PUTMEM(_b, _base, _length) \ do { \ if (ISC_UNLIKELY((_b)->autore)) { \ isc_buffer_t *_tmp = _b; \ ISC_REQUIRE(isc_buffer_reserve(&_tmp, _length) \ == ISC_R_SUCCESS); \ } \ ISC_REQUIRE(isc_buffer_availablelength(_b) >= (unsigned int) _length); \ if (_length > 0U) { \ memmove(isc_buffer_used(_b), (_base), (_length)); \ (_b)->used += (_length); \ } \ } while (0) #define ISC__BUFFER_PUTSTR(_b, _source) \ do { \ unsigned int _length; \ unsigned char *_cp; \ _length = (unsigned int)strlen(_source); \ if (ISC_UNLIKELY((_b)->autore)) { \ isc_buffer_t *_tmp = _b; \ ISC_REQUIRE(isc_buffer_reserve(&_tmp, _length) \ == ISC_R_SUCCESS); \ } \ ISC_REQUIRE(isc_buffer_availablelength(_b) >= _length); \ _cp = isc_buffer_used(_b); \ memmove(_cp, (_source), _length); \ (_b)->used += (_length); \ } while (0) #define ISC__BUFFER_PUTUINT8(_b, _val) \ do { \ unsigned char *_cp; \ /* evaluate (_val) only once */ \ isc_uint8_t _val2 = (_val); \ if (ISC_UNLIKELY((_b)->autore)) { \ isc_buffer_t *_tmp = _b; \ ISC_REQUIRE(isc_buffer_reserve(&_tmp, 1) \ == ISC_R_SUCCESS); \ } \ ISC_REQUIRE(isc_buffer_availablelength(_b) >= 1U); \ _cp = isc_buffer_used(_b); \ (_b)->used++; \ _cp[0] = _val2; \ } while (0) #define ISC__BUFFER_PUTUINT16(_b, _val) \ do { \ unsigned char *_cp; \ /* evaluate (_val) only once */ \ isc_uint16_t _val2 = (_val); \ if (ISC_UNLIKELY((_b)->autore)) { \ isc_buffer_t *_tmp = _b; \ ISC_REQUIRE(isc_buffer_reserve(&_tmp, 2) \ == ISC_R_SUCCESS); \ } \ ISC_REQUIRE(isc_buffer_availablelength(_b) >= 2U); \ _cp = isc_buffer_used(_b); \ (_b)->used += 2; \ _cp[0] = _val2 >> 8; \ _cp[1] = _val2; \ } while (0) #define ISC__BUFFER_PUTUINT24(_b, _val) \ do { \ unsigned char *_cp; \ /* evaluate (_val) only once */ \ isc_uint32_t _val2 = (_val); \ if (ISC_UNLIKELY((_b)->autore)) { \ isc_buffer_t *_tmp = _b; \ ISC_REQUIRE(isc_buffer_reserve(&_tmp, 3) \ == ISC_R_SUCCESS); \ } \ ISC_REQUIRE(isc_buffer_availablelength(_b) >= 3U); \ _cp = isc_buffer_used(_b); \ (_b)->used += 3; \ _cp[0] = _val2 >> 16; \ _cp[1] = _val2 >> 8; \ _cp[2] = _val2; \ } while (0) #define ISC__BUFFER_PUTUINT32(_b, _val) \ do { \ unsigned char *_cp; \ /* evaluate (_val) only once */ \ isc_uint32_t _val2 = (_val); \ if (ISC_UNLIKELY((_b)->autore)) { \ isc_buffer_t *_tmp = _b; \ ISC_REQUIRE(isc_buffer_reserve(&_tmp, 4) \ == ISC_R_SUCCESS); \ } \ ISC_REQUIRE(isc_buffer_availablelength(_b) >= 4U); \ _cp = isc_buffer_used(_b); \ (_b)->used += 4; \ _cp[0] = _val2 >> 24; \ _cp[1] = _val2 >> 16; \ _cp[2] = _val2 >> 8; \ _cp[3] = _val2; \ } while (0) #if defined(ISC_BUFFER_USEINLINE) #define isc_buffer_init ISC__BUFFER_INIT #define isc_buffer_initnull ISC__BUFFER_INITNULL #define isc_buffer_invalidate ISC__BUFFER_INVALIDATE #define isc_buffer_region ISC__BUFFER_REGION #define isc_buffer_usedregion ISC__BUFFER_USEDREGION #define isc_buffer_availableregion ISC__BUFFER_AVAILABLEREGION #define isc_buffer_add ISC__BUFFER_ADD #define isc_buffer_subtract ISC__BUFFER_SUBTRACT #define isc_buffer_clear ISC__BUFFER_CLEAR #define isc_buffer_consumedregion ISC__BUFFER_CONSUMEDREGION #define isc_buffer_remainingregion ISC__BUFFER_REMAININGREGION #define isc_buffer_activeregion ISC__BUFFER_ACTIVEREGION #define isc_buffer_setactive ISC__BUFFER_SETACTIVE #define isc_buffer_first ISC__BUFFER_FIRST #define isc_buffer_forward ISC__BUFFER_FORWARD #define isc_buffer_back ISC__BUFFER_BACK #define isc_buffer_putmem ISC__BUFFER_PUTMEM #define isc_buffer_putstr ISC__BUFFER_PUTSTR #define isc_buffer_putuint8 ISC__BUFFER_PUTUINT8 #define isc_buffer_putuint16 ISC__BUFFER_PUTUINT16 #define isc_buffer_putuint24 ISC__BUFFER_PUTUINT24 #define isc_buffer_putuint32 ISC__BUFFER_PUTUINT32 #else #define isc_buffer_init isc__buffer_init #define isc_buffer_initnull isc__buffer_initnull #define isc_buffer_invalidate isc__buffer_invalidate #define isc_buffer_region isc__buffer_region #define isc_buffer_usedregion isc__buffer_usedregion #define isc_buffer_availableregion isc__buffer_availableregion #define isc_buffer_add isc__buffer_add #define isc_buffer_subtract isc__buffer_subtract #define isc_buffer_clear isc__buffer_clear #define isc_buffer_consumedregion isc__buffer_consumedregion #define isc_buffer_remainingregion isc__buffer_remainingregion #define isc_buffer_activeregion isc__buffer_activeregion #define isc_buffer_setactive isc__buffer_setactive #define isc_buffer_first isc__buffer_first #define isc_buffer_forward isc__buffer_forward #define isc_buffer_back isc__buffer_back #define isc_buffer_putmem isc__buffer_putmem #define isc_buffer_putstr isc__buffer_putstr #define isc_buffer_putuint8 isc__buffer_putuint8 #define isc_buffer_putuint16 isc__buffer_putuint16 #define isc_buffer_putuint24 isc__buffer_putuint24 #define isc_buffer_putuint32 isc__buffer_putuint32 #endif #define isc_buffer_constinit(_b, _d, _l) \ do { \ union { void *_var; const void *_const; } _deconst; \ _deconst._const = (_d); \ isc_buffer_init((_b), _deconst._var, (_l)); \ } while (0) /* * No inline method for this one (yet). */ #define isc_buffer_putuint48 isc__buffer_putuint48 #endif /* ISC_BUFFER_H */ PK LIBISC_EXTERNAL_DATA extern const char isc_version[]; LIBISC_EXTERNAL_DATA extern const unsigned int isc_libinterface; LIBISC_EXTERNAL_DATA extern const unsigned int isc_librevision; LIBISC_EXTERNAL_DATA extern const unsigned int isc_libage; PK /*! \file isc/types.h * \brief * OS-specific types, from the OS-specific include directories. */ #include #include /* * XXXDCL should isc_boolean_t be moved here, requiring an explicit include * of when ISC_TRUE/ISC_FALSE/ISC_TF() are desired? */ #include /* * XXXDCL This is just for ISC_LIST and ISC_LINK, but gets all of the other * list macros too. */ #include /* Core Types. Alphabetized by defined type. */ typedef struct isc_appctx isc_appctx_t; /*%< Application context */ typedef struct isc_backtrace_symmap isc_backtrace_symmap_t; /*%< Symbol Table Entry */ typedef struct isc_buffer isc_buffer_t; /*%< Buffer */ typedef ISC_LIST(isc_buffer_t) isc_bufferlist_t; /*%< Buffer List */ typedef struct isc_constregion isc_constregion_t; /*%< Const region */ typedef struct isc_consttextregion isc_consttextregion_t; /*%< Const Text Region */ typedef struct isc_counter isc_counter_t; /*%< Counter */ typedef isc_int16_t isc_dscp_t; /*%< Diffserv code point */ typedef struct isc_entropy isc_entropy_t; /*%< Entropy */ typedef struct isc_entropysource isc_entropysource_t; /*%< Entropy Source */ typedef struct isc_event isc_event_t; /*%< Event */ typedef ISC_LIST(isc_event_t) isc_eventlist_t; /*%< Event List */ typedef unsigned int isc_eventtype_t; /*%< Event Type */ typedef isc_uint32_t isc_fsaccess_t; /*%< FS Access */ typedef struct isc_hash isc_hash_t; /*%< Hash */ typedef struct isc_httpd isc_httpd_t; /*%< HTTP client */ typedef void (isc_httpdfree_t)(isc_buffer_t *, void *); /*%< HTTP free function */ typedef struct isc_httpdmgr isc_httpdmgr_t; /*%< HTTP manager */ typedef struct isc_httpdurl isc_httpdurl_t; /*%< HTTP URL */ typedef void (isc_httpdondestroy_t)(void *); /*%< Callback on destroying httpd */ typedef struct isc_interface isc_interface_t; /*%< Interface */ typedef struct isc_interfaceiter isc_interfaceiter_t; /*%< Interface Iterator */ typedef struct isc_interval isc_interval_t; /*%< Interval */ typedef struct isc_lex isc_lex_t; /*%< Lex */ typedef struct isc_log isc_log_t; /*%< Log */ typedef struct isc_logcategory isc_logcategory_t; /*%< Log Category */ typedef struct isc_logconfig isc_logconfig_t; /*%< Log Configuration */ typedef struct isc_logmodule isc_logmodule_t; /*%< Log Module */ typedef struct isc_mem isc_mem_t; /*%< Memory */ typedef struct isc_mempool isc_mempool_t; /*%< Memory Pool */ typedef struct isc_msgcat isc_msgcat_t; /*%< Message Catalog */ typedef struct isc_ondestroy isc_ondestroy_t; /*%< On Destroy */ typedef struct isc_netaddr isc_netaddr_t; /*%< Net Address */ typedef struct isc_portset isc_portset_t; /*%< Port Set */ typedef struct isc_quota isc_quota_t; /*%< Quota */ typedef struct isc_random isc_random_t; /*%< Random */ typedef struct isc_ratelimiter isc_ratelimiter_t; /*%< Rate Limiter */ typedef struct isc_region isc_region_t; /*%< Region */ typedef isc_uint64_t isc_resourcevalue_t; /*%< Resource Value */ typedef unsigned int isc_result_t; /*%< Result */ typedef struct isc_rwlock isc_rwlock_t; /*%< Read Write Lock */ typedef struct isc_sockaddr isc_sockaddr_t; /*%< Socket Address */ typedef ISC_LIST(isc_sockaddr_t) isc_sockaddrlist_t; /*%< Socket Address List */ typedef struct isc_socket isc_socket_t; /*%< Socket */ typedef struct isc_socketevent isc_socketevent_t; /*%< Socket Event */ typedef struct isc_socketmgr isc_socketmgr_t; /*%< Socket Manager */ typedef struct isc_stats isc_stats_t; /*%< Statistics */ typedef int isc_statscounter_t; /*%< Statistics Counter */ typedef struct isc_symtab isc_symtab_t; /*%< Symbol Table */ typedef struct isc_task isc_task_t; /*%< Task */ typedef ISC_LIST(isc_task_t) isc_tasklist_t; /*%< Task List */ typedef struct isc_taskmgr isc_taskmgr_t; /*%< Task Manager */ typedef struct isc_textregion isc_textregion_t; /*%< Text Region */ typedef struct isc_time isc_time_t; /*%< Time */ typedef struct isc_timer isc_timer_t; /*%< Timer */ typedef struct isc_timermgr isc_timermgr_t; /*%< Timer Manager */ typedef void (*isc_taskaction_t)(isc_task_t *, isc_event_t *); typedef int (*isc_sockfdwatch_t)(isc_task_t *, isc_socket_t *, void *, int); /* The following cannot be listed alphabetically due to forward reference */ typedef isc_result_t (isc_httpdaction_t)(const char *url, isc_httpdurl_t *urlinfo, const char *querystring, const char *headers, void *arg, unsigned int *retcode, const char **retmsg, const char **mimetype, isc_buffer_t *body, isc_httpdfree_t **freecb, void **freecb_args); typedef isc_boolean_t (isc_httpdclientok_t)(const isc_sockaddr_t *, void *); /*% Resource */ typedef enum { isc_resource_coresize = 1, isc_resource_cputime, isc_resource_datasize, isc_resource_filesize, isc_resource_lockedmemory, isc_resource_openfiles, isc_resource_processes, isc_resource_residentsize, isc_resource_stacksize } isc_resource_t; /*% Statistics formats (text file or XML) */ typedef enum { isc_statsformat_file, isc_statsformat_xml, isc_statsformat_json } isc_statsformat_t; #endif /* ISC_TYPES_H */ PK #include #include #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /*** *** Options ***/ /*@{*/ /*! * Various options for isc_lex_gettoken(). */ #define ISC_LEXOPT_EOL 0x01 /*%< Want end-of-line token. */ #define ISC_LEXOPT_EOF 0x02 /*%< Want end-of-file token. */ #define ISC_LEXOPT_INITIALWS 0x04 /*%< Want initial whitespace. */ #define ISC_LEXOPT_NUMBER 0x08 /*%< Recognize numbers. */ #define ISC_LEXOPT_QSTRING 0x10 /*%< Recognize qstrings. */ /*@}*/ /*@{*/ /*! * The ISC_LEXOPT_DNSMULTILINE option handles the processing of '(' and ')' in * the DNS master file format. If this option is set, then the * ISC_LEXOPT_INITIALWS and ISC_LEXOPT_EOL options will be ignored when * the paren count is > 0. To use this option, '(' and ')' must be special * characters. */ #define ISC_LEXOPT_DNSMULTILINE 0x20 /*%< Handle '(' and ')'. */ #define ISC_LEXOPT_NOMORE 0x40 /*%< Want "no more" token. */ #define ISC_LEXOPT_CNUMBER 0x80 /*%< Recognize octal and hex. */ #define ISC_LEXOPT_ESCAPE 0x100 /*%< Recognize escapes. */ #define ISC_LEXOPT_QSTRINGMULTILINE 0x200 /*%< Allow multiline "" strings */ #define ISC_LEXOPT_OCTAL 0x400 /*%< Expect a octal number. */ #define ISC_LEXOPT_BTEXT 0x800 /*%< Bracketed text. */ /*@}*/ /*@{*/ /*! * Various commenting styles, which may be changed at any time with * isc_lex_setcomments(). */ #define ISC_LEXCOMMENT_C 0x01 #define ISC_LEXCOMMENT_CPLUSPLUS 0x02 #define ISC_LEXCOMMENT_SHELL 0x04 #define ISC_LEXCOMMENT_DNSMASTERFILE 0x08 /*@}*/ /*** *** Types ***/ /*! Lex */ typedef char isc_lexspecials_t[256]; /* Tokens */ typedef enum { isc_tokentype_unknown = 0, isc_tokentype_string = 1, isc_tokentype_number = 2, isc_tokentype_qstring = 3, isc_tokentype_eol = 4, isc_tokentype_eof = 5, isc_tokentype_initialws = 6, isc_tokentype_special = 7, isc_tokentype_nomore = 8, isc_tokentype_btext = 8 } isc_tokentype_t; typedef union { char as_char; unsigned long as_ulong; isc_region_t as_region; isc_textregion_t as_textregion; void * as_pointer; } isc_tokenvalue_t; typedef struct isc_token { isc_tokentype_t type; isc_tokenvalue_t value; } isc_token_t; /*** *** Functions ***/ isc_result_t isc_lex_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, size_t max_token, isc_lex_t **lexp); /*%< * Create a lexer. * * 'max_token' is a hint of the number of bytes in the largest token. * * Requires: *\li '*lexp' is a valid lexer. * * Ensures: *\li On success, *lexp is attached to the newly created lexer. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY */ void isc_lex_destroy(isc_lex_t **lexp); /*%< * Destroy the lexer. * * Requires: *\li '*lexp' is a valid lexer. * * Ensures: *\li *lexp == NULL */ unsigned int isc_lex_getcomments(isc_lex_t *lex); /*%< * Return the current lexer commenting styles. * * Requires: *\li 'lex' is a valid lexer. * * Returns: *\li The commenting sytles which are currently allowed. */ void isc_lex_setcomments(isc_lex_t *lex, unsigned int comments); /*%< * Set allowed lexer commenting styles. * * Requires: *\li 'lex' is a valid lexer. * *\li 'comments' has meaningful values. */ void isc_lex_getspecials(isc_lex_t *lex, isc_lexspecials_t specials); /*%< * Put the current list of specials into 'specials'. * * Requires: *\li 'lex' is a valid lexer. */ void isc_lex_setspecials(isc_lex_t *lex, isc_lexspecials_t specials); /*!< * The characters in 'specials' are returned as tokens. Along with * whitespace, they delimit strings and numbers. * * Note: *\li Comment processing takes precedence over special character * recognition. * * Requires: *\li 'lex' is a valid lexer. */ isc_result_t isc_lex_openfile(isc_lex_t *lex, const char *filename); /*%< * Open 'filename' and make it the current input source for 'lex'. * * Requires: *\li 'lex' is a valid lexer. * *\li filename is a valid C string. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY Out of memory *\li #ISC_R_NOTFOUND File not found *\li #ISC_R_NOPERM No permission to open file *\li #ISC_R_FAILURE Couldn't open file, not sure why *\li #ISC_R_UNEXPECTED */ isc_result_t isc_lex_openstream(isc_lex_t *lex, FILE *stream); /*%< * Make 'stream' the current input source for 'lex'. * * Requires: *\li 'lex' is a valid lexer. * *\li 'stream' is a valid C stream. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY Out of memory */ isc_result_t isc_lex_openbuffer(isc_lex_t *lex, isc_buffer_t *buffer); /*%< * Make 'buffer' the current input source for 'lex'. * * Requires: *\li 'lex' is a valid lexer. * *\li 'buffer' is a valid buffer. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY Out of memory */ isc_result_t isc_lex_close(isc_lex_t *lex); /*%< * Close the most recently opened object (i.e. file or buffer). * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMORE No more input sources */ isc_result_t isc_lex_gettoken(isc_lex_t *lex, unsigned int options, isc_token_t *tokenp); /*%< * Get the next token. * * Requires: *\li 'lex' is a valid lexer. * *\li 'lex' has an input source. * *\li 'options' contains valid options. * *\li '*tokenp' is a valid pointer. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_UNEXPECTEDEND *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY * * These two results are returned only if their corresponding lexer * options are not set. * *\li #ISC_R_EOF End of input source *\li #ISC_R_NOMORE No more input sources */ isc_result_t isc_lex_getmastertoken(isc_lex_t *lex, isc_token_t *token, isc_tokentype_t expect, isc_boolean_t eol); /*%< * Get the next token from a DNS master file type stream. This is a * convenience function that sets appropriate options and handles quoted * strings and end of line correctly for master files. It also ungets * unexpected tokens. * * Requires: *\li 'lex' is a valid lexer. * *\li 'token' is a valid pointer * * Returns: * * \li any return code from isc_lex_gettoken(). */ isc_result_t isc_lex_getoctaltoken(isc_lex_t *lex, isc_token_t *token, isc_boolean_t eol); /*%< * Get the next token from a DNS master file type stream. This is a * convenience function that sets appropriate options and handles end * of line correctly for master files. It also ungets unexpected tokens. * * Requires: *\li 'lex' is a valid lexer. * *\li 'token' is a valid pointer * * Returns: * * \li any return code from isc_lex_gettoken(). */ void isc_lex_ungettoken(isc_lex_t *lex, isc_token_t *tokenp); /*%< * Unget the current token. * * Requires: *\li 'lex' is a valid lexer. * *\li 'lex' has an input source. * *\li 'tokenp' points to a valid token. * *\li There is no ungotten token already. */ void isc_lex_getlasttokentext(isc_lex_t *lex, isc_token_t *tokenp, isc_region_t *r); /*%< * Returns a region containing the text of the last token returned. * * Requires: *\li 'lex' is a valid lexer. * *\li 'lex' has an input source. * *\li 'tokenp' points to a valid token. * *\li A token has been gotten and not ungotten. */ char * isc_lex_getsourcename(isc_lex_t *lex); /*%< * Return the input source name. * * Requires: *\li 'lex' is a valid lexer. * * Returns: * \li source name or NULL if no current source. *\li result valid while current input source exists. */ unsigned long isc_lex_getsourceline(isc_lex_t *lex); /*%< * Return the input source line number. * * Requires: *\li 'lex' is a valid lexer. * * Returns: *\li Current line number or 0 if no current source. */ isc_result_t isc_lex_setsourcename(isc_lex_t *lex, const char *name); /*%< * Assigns a new name to the input source. * * Requires: * * \li 'lex' is a valid lexer. * * Returns: * \li #ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY * \li #ISC_R_NOTFOUND - there are no sources. */ isc_result_t isc_lex_setsourceline(isc_lex_t *lex, unsigned long line); /*%< * Assigns a new line number to the input source. This can be used * when parsing a buffer that's been excerpted from the middle a file, * allowing logged messages to display the correct line number, * rather than the line number within the buffer. * * Requires: * * \li 'lex' is a valid lexer. * * Returns: * \li #ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li #ISC_R_NOTFOUND - there are no sources. */ isc_boolean_t isc_lex_isfile(isc_lex_t *lex); /*%< * Return whether the current input source is a file. * * Requires: *\li 'lex' is a valid lexer. * * Returns: * \li #ISC_TRUE if the current input is a file, *\li #ISC_FALSE otherwise. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_LEX_H */ PK #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS isc_uint64_t isc_meminfo_totalphys(void); /*%< * Return total available physical memory in bytes, or 0 if this cannot * be determined */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_MEMINFO_H */ PK #include #define ISC_R_SUCCESS 0 /*%< success */ #define ISC_R_NOMEMORY 1 /*%< out of memory */ #define ISC_R_TIMEDOUT 2 /*%< timed out */ #define ISC_R_NOTHREADS 3 /*%< no available threads */ #define ISC_R_ADDRNOTAVAIL 4 /*%< address not available */ #define ISC_R_ADDRINUSE 5 /*%< address in use */ #define ISC_R_NOPERM 6 /*%< permission denied */ #define ISC_R_NOCONN 7 /*%< no pending connections */ #define ISC_R_NETUNREACH 8 /*%< network unreachable */ #define ISC_R_HOSTUNREACH 9 /*%< host unreachable */ #define ISC_R_NETDOWN 10 /*%< network down */ #define ISC_R_HOSTDOWN 11 /*%< host down */ #define ISC_R_CONNREFUSED 12 /*%< connection refused */ #define ISC_R_NORESOURCES 13 /*%< not enough free resources */ #define ISC_R_EOF 14 /*%< end of file */ #define ISC_R_BOUND 15 /*%< socket already bound */ #define ISC_R_RELOAD 16 /*%< reload */ #define ISC_R_SUSPEND ISC_R_RELOAD /*%< alias of 'reload' */ #define ISC_R_LOCKBUSY 17 /*%< lock busy */ #define ISC_R_EXISTS 18 /*%< already exists */ #define ISC_R_NOSPACE 19 /*%< ran out of space */ #define ISC_R_CANCELED 20 /*%< operation canceled */ #define ISC_R_NOTBOUND 21 /*%< socket is not bound */ #define ISC_R_SHUTTINGDOWN 22 /*%< shutting down */ #define ISC_R_NOTFOUND 23 /*%< not found */ #define ISC_R_UNEXPECTEDEND 24 /*%< unexpected end of input */ #define ISC_R_FAILURE 25 /*%< generic failure */ #define ISC_R_IOERROR 26 /*%< I/O error */ #define ISC_R_NOTIMPLEMENTED 27 /*%< not implemented */ #define ISC_R_UNBALANCED 28 /*%< unbalanced parentheses */ #define ISC_R_NOMORE 29 /*%< no more */ #define ISC_R_INVALIDFILE 30 /*%< invalid file */ #define ISC_R_BADBASE64 31 /*%< bad base64 encoding */ #define ISC_R_UNEXPECTEDTOKEN 32 /*%< unexpected token */ #define ISC_R_QUOTA 33 /*%< quota reached */ #define ISC_R_UNEXPECTED 34 /*%< unexpected error */ #define ISC_R_ALREADYRUNNING 35 /*%< already running */ #define ISC_R_IGNORE 36 /*%< ignore */ #define ISC_R_MASKNONCONTIG 37 /*%< addr mask not contiguous */ #define ISC_R_FILENOTFOUND 38 /*%< file not found */ #define ISC_R_FILEEXISTS 39 /*%< file already exists */ #define ISC_R_NOTCONNECTED 40 /*%< socket is not connected */ #define ISC_R_RANGE 41 /*%< out of range */ #define ISC_R_NOENTROPY 42 /*%< out of entropy */ #define ISC_R_MULTICAST 43 /*%< invalid use of multicast */ #define ISC_R_NOTFILE 44 /*%< not a file */ #define ISC_R_NOTDIRECTORY 45 /*%< not a directory */ #define ISC_R_QUEUEFULL 46 /*%< queue is full */ #define ISC_R_FAMILYMISMATCH 47 /*%< address family mismatch */ #define ISC_R_FAMILYNOSUPPORT 48 /*%< AF not supported */ #define ISC_R_BADHEX 49 /*%< bad hex encoding */ #define ISC_R_TOOMANYOPENFILES 50 /*%< too many open files */ #define ISC_R_NOTBLOCKING 51 /*%< not blocking */ #define ISC_R_UNBALANCEDQUOTES 52 /*%< unbalanced quotes */ #define ISC_R_INPROGRESS 53 /*%< operation in progress */ #define ISC_R_CONNECTIONRESET 54 /*%< connection reset */ #define ISC_R_SOFTQUOTA 55 /*%< soft quota reached */ #define ISC_R_BADNUMBER 56 /*%< not a valid number */ #define ISC_R_DISABLED 57 /*%< disabled */ #define ISC_R_MAXSIZE 58 /*%< max size */ #define ISC_R_BADADDRESSFORM 59 /*%< invalid address format */ #define ISC_R_BADBASE32 60 /*%< bad base32 encoding */ #define ISC_R_UNSET 61 /*%< unset */ #define ISC_R_MULTIPLE 62 /*%< multiple */ #define ISC_R_WOULDBLOCK 63 /*%< would block */ #define ISC_R_TIMESHIFTED 64 /*%< system time changed */ /*% Not a result code: the number of results. */ #define ISC_R_NRESULTS 66 ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS const char * isc_result_totext(isc_result_t); /*%< * Convert an isc_result_t into a string message describing the result. */ const char * isc_result_toid(isc_result_t); /*%< * Convert an isc_result_t into a string identifier such as * "ISC_R_SUCCESS". */ isc_result_t isc_result_register(unsigned int base, unsigned int nresults, const char **text, isc_msgcat_t *msgcat, int set); isc_result_t isc_result_registerids(unsigned int base, unsigned int nresults, const char **ids, isc_msgcat_t *msgcat, int set); ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_RESULT_H */ PK #include #include #include #include #include #define ISC_TASKEVENT_FIRSTEVENT (ISC_EVENTCLASS_TASK + 0) #define ISC_TASKEVENT_SHUTDOWN (ISC_EVENTCLASS_TASK + 1) #define ISC_TASKEVENT_TEST (ISC_EVENTCLASS_TASK + 1) #define ISC_TASKEVENT_LASTEVENT (ISC_EVENTCLASS_TASK + 65535) /***** ***** Tasks. *****/ ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /*** *** Types ***/ typedef enum { isc_taskmgrmode_normal = 0, isc_taskmgrmode_privileged } isc_taskmgrmode_t; /*% Task and task manager methods */ typedef struct isc_taskmgrmethods { void (*destroy)(isc_taskmgr_t **managerp); void (*setmode)(isc_taskmgr_t *manager, isc_taskmgrmode_t mode); isc_taskmgrmode_t (*mode)(isc_taskmgr_t *manager); isc_result_t (*taskcreate)(isc_taskmgr_t *manager, unsigned int quantum, isc_task_t **taskp); void (*setexcltask)(isc_taskmgr_t *mgr, isc_task_t *task); isc_result_t (*excltask)(isc_taskmgr_t *mgr, isc_task_t **taskp); } isc_taskmgrmethods_t; typedef struct isc_taskmethods { void (*attach)(isc_task_t *source, isc_task_t **targetp); void (*detach)(isc_task_t **taskp); void (*destroy)(isc_task_t **taskp); void (*send)(isc_task_t *task, isc_event_t **eventp); void (*sendanddetach)(isc_task_t **taskp, isc_event_t **eventp); unsigned int (*unsend)(isc_task_t *task, void *sender, isc_eventtype_t type, void *tag, isc_eventlist_t *events); isc_result_t (*onshutdown)(isc_task_t *task, isc_taskaction_t action, void *arg); void (*shutdown)(isc_task_t *task); void (*setname)(isc_task_t *task, const char *name, void *tag); unsigned int (*purgeevents)(isc_task_t *task, void *sender, isc_eventtype_t type, void *tag); unsigned int (*purgerange)(isc_task_t *task, void *sender, isc_eventtype_t first, isc_eventtype_t last, void *tag); isc_result_t (*beginexclusive)(isc_task_t *task); void (*endexclusive)(isc_task_t *task); void (*setprivilege)(isc_task_t *task, isc_boolean_t priv); isc_boolean_t (*privilege)(isc_task_t *task); } isc_taskmethods_t; /*% * This structure is actually just the common prefix of a task manager * object implementation's version of an isc_taskmgr_t. * \brief * Direct use of this structure by clients is forbidden. task implementations * may change the structure. 'magic' must be ISCAPI_TASKMGR_MAGIC for any * of the isc_task_ routines to work. task implementations must maintain * all task invariants. */ struct isc_taskmgr { unsigned int impmagic; unsigned int magic; isc_taskmgrmethods_t *methods; }; #define ISCAPI_TASKMGR_MAGIC ISC_MAGIC('A','t','m','g') #define ISCAPI_TASKMGR_VALID(m) ((m) != NULL && \ (m)->magic == ISCAPI_TASKMGR_MAGIC) /*% * This is the common prefix of a task object. The same note as * that for the taskmgr structure applies. */ struct isc_task { unsigned int impmagic; unsigned int magic; isc_taskmethods_t *methods; }; #define ISCAPI_TASK_MAGIC ISC_MAGIC('A','t','s','t') #define ISCAPI_TASK_VALID(s) ((s) != NULL && \ (s)->magic == ISCAPI_TASK_MAGIC) isc_result_t isc_task_create(isc_taskmgr_t *manager, unsigned int quantum, isc_task_t **taskp); /*%< * Create a task. * * Notes: * *\li If 'quantum' is non-zero, then only that many events can be dispatched * before the task must yield to other tasks waiting to execute. If * quantum is zero, then the default quantum of the task manager will * be used. * *\li The 'quantum' option may be removed from isc_task_create() in the * future. If this happens, isc_task_getquantum() and * isc_task_setquantum() will be provided. * * Requires: * *\li 'manager' is a valid task manager. * *\li taskp != NULL && *taskp == NULL * * Ensures: * *\li On success, '*taskp' is bound to the new task. * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY *\li #ISC_R_UNEXPECTED *\li #ISC_R_SHUTTINGDOWN */ void isc_task_attach(isc_task_t *source, isc_task_t **targetp); /*%< * Attach *targetp to source. * * Requires: * *\li 'source' is a valid task. * *\li 'targetp' points to a NULL isc_task_t *. * * Ensures: * *\li *targetp is attached to source. */ void isc_task_detach(isc_task_t **taskp); /*%< * Detach *taskp from its task. * * Requires: * *\li '*taskp' is a valid task. * * Ensures: * *\li *taskp is NULL. * *\li If '*taskp' is the last reference to the task, the task is idle (has * an empty event queue), and has not been shutdown, the task will be * shutdown. * *\li If '*taskp' is the last reference to the task and * the task has been shutdown, * all resources used by the task will be freed. */ void isc_task_send(isc_task_t *task, isc_event_t **eventp); /*%< * Send '*event' to 'task'. * * Requires: * *\li 'task' is a valid task. *\li eventp != NULL && *eventp != NULL. * * Ensures: * *\li *eventp == NULL. */ void isc_task_sendanddetach(isc_task_t **taskp, isc_event_t **eventp); /*%< * Send '*event' to '*taskp' and then detach '*taskp' from its * task. * * Requires: * *\li '*taskp' is a valid task. *\li eventp != NULL && *eventp != NULL. * * Ensures: * *\li *eventp == NULL. * *\li *taskp == NULL. * *\li If '*taskp' is the last reference to the task, the task is * idle (has an empty event queue), and has not been shutdown, * the task will be shutdown. * *\li If '*taskp' is the last reference to the task and * the task has been shutdown, * all resources used by the task will be freed. */ unsigned int isc_task_purgerange(isc_task_t *task, void *sender, isc_eventtype_t first, isc_eventtype_t last, void *tag); /*%< * Purge events from a task's event queue. * * Requires: * *\li 'task' is a valid task. * *\li last >= first * * Ensures: * *\li Events in the event queue of 'task' whose sender is 'sender', whose * type is >= first and <= last, and whose tag is 'tag' will be purged, * unless they are marked as unpurgable. * *\li A sender of NULL will match any sender. A NULL tag matches any * tag. * * Returns: * *\li The number of events purged. */ unsigned int isc_task_purge(isc_task_t *task, void *sender, isc_eventtype_t type, void *tag); /*%< * Purge events from a task's event queue. * * Notes: * *\li This function is equivalent to * *\code * isc_task_purgerange(task, sender, type, type, tag); *\endcode * * Requires: * *\li 'task' is a valid task. * * Ensures: * *\li Events in the event queue of 'task' whose sender is 'sender', whose * type is 'type', and whose tag is 'tag' will be purged, unless they * are marked as unpurgable. * *\li A sender of NULL will match any sender. A NULL tag matches any * tag. * * Returns: * *\li The number of events purged. */ isc_boolean_t isc_task_purgeevent(isc_task_t *task, isc_event_t *event); /*%< * Purge 'event' from a task's event queue. * * XXXRTH: WARNING: This method may be removed before beta. * * Notes: * *\li If 'event' is on the task's event queue, it will be purged, * unless it is marked as unpurgeable. 'event' does not have to be * on the task's event queue; in fact, it can even be an invalid * pointer. Purging only occurs if the event is actually on the task's * event queue. * * \li Purging never changes the state of the task. * * Requires: * *\li 'task' is a valid task. * * Ensures: * *\li 'event' is not in the event queue for 'task'. * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_TRUE The event was purged. *\li #ISC_FALSE The event was not in the event queue, * or was marked unpurgeable. */ unsigned int isc_task_unsendrange(isc_task_t *task, void *sender, isc_eventtype_t first, isc_eventtype_t last, void *tag, isc_eventlist_t *events); /*%< * Remove events from a task's event queue. * * Requires: * *\li 'task' is a valid task. * *\li last >= first. * *\li *events is a valid list. * * Ensures: * *\li Events in the event queue of 'task' whose sender is 'sender', whose * type is >= first and <= last, and whose tag is 'tag' will be dequeued * and appended to *events. * *\li A sender of NULL will match any sender. A NULL tag matches any * tag. * * Returns: * *\li The number of events unsent. */ unsigned int isc_task_unsend(isc_task_t *task, void *sender, isc_eventtype_t type, void *tag, isc_eventlist_t *events); /*%< * Remove events from a task's event queue. * * Notes: * *\li This function is equivalent to * *\code * isc_task_unsendrange(task, sender, type, type, tag, events); *\endcode * * Requires: * *\li 'task' is a valid task. * *\li *events is a valid list. * * Ensures: * *\li Events in the event queue of 'task' whose sender is 'sender', whose * type is 'type', and whose tag is 'tag' will be dequeued and appended * to *events. * * Returns: * *\li The number of events unsent. */ isc_result_t isc_task_onshutdown(isc_task_t *task, isc_taskaction_t action, void *arg); /*%< * Send a shutdown event with action 'action' and argument 'arg' when * 'task' is shutdown. * * Notes: * *\li Shutdown events are posted in LIFO order. * * Requires: * *\li 'task' is a valid task. * *\li 'action' is a valid task action. * * Ensures: * *\li When the task is shutdown, shutdown events requested with * isc_task_onshutdown() will be appended to the task's event queue. * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY *\li #ISC_R_SHUTTINGDOWN Task is shutting down. */ void isc_task_shutdown(isc_task_t *task); /*%< * Shutdown 'task'. * * Notes: * *\li Shutting down a task causes any shutdown events requested with * isc_task_onshutdown() to be posted (in LIFO order). The task * moves into a "shutting down" mode which prevents further calls * to isc_task_onshutdown(). * *\li Trying to shutdown a task that has already been shutdown has no * effect. * * Requires: * *\li 'task' is a valid task. * * Ensures: * *\li Any shutdown events requested with isc_task_onshutdown() have been * posted (in LIFO order). */ void isc_task_destroy(isc_task_t **taskp); /*%< * Destroy '*taskp'. * * Notes: * *\li This call is equivalent to: * *\code * isc_task_shutdown(*taskp); * isc_task_detach(taskp); *\endcode * * Requires: * * '*taskp' is a valid task. * * Ensures: * *\li Any shutdown events requested with isc_task_onshutdown() have been * posted (in LIFO order). * *\li *taskp == NULL * *\li If '*taskp' is the last reference to the task, * all resources used by the task will be freed. */ void isc_task_setname(isc_task_t *task, const char *name, void *tag); /*%< * Name 'task'. * * Notes: * *\li Only the first 15 characters of 'name' will be copied. * *\li Naming a task is currently only useful for debugging purposes. * * Requires: * *\li 'task' is a valid task. */ const char * isc_task_getname(isc_task_t *task); /*%< * Get the name of 'task', as previously set using isc_task_setname(). * * Notes: *\li This function is for debugging purposes only. * * Requires: *\li 'task' is a valid task. * * Returns: *\li A non-NULL pointer to a null-terminated string. * If the task has not been named, the string is * empty. * */ void * isc_task_gettag(isc_task_t *task); /*%< * Get the tag value for 'task', as previously set using isc_task_settag(). * * Notes: *\li This function is for debugging purposes only. * * Requires: *\li 'task' is a valid task. */ isc_result_t isc_task_beginexclusive(isc_task_t *task); /*%< * Request exclusive access for 'task', which must be the calling * task. Waits for any other concurrently executing tasks to finish their * current event, and prevents any new events from executing in any of the * tasks sharing a task manager with 'task'. * * The exclusive access must be relinquished by calling * isc_task_endexclusive() before returning from the current event handler. * * Requires: *\li 'task' is the calling task. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS The current task now has exclusive access. *\li #ISC_R_LOCKBUSY Another task has already requested exclusive * access. */ void isc_task_endexclusive(isc_task_t *task); /*%< * Relinquish the exclusive access obtained by isc_task_beginexclusive(), * allowing other tasks to execute. * * Requires: *\li 'task' is the calling task, and has obtained * exclusive access by calling isc_task_spl(). */ void isc_task_getcurrenttime(isc_task_t *task, isc_stdtime_t *t); void isc_task_getcurrenttimex(isc_task_t *task, isc_time_t *t); /*%< * Provide the most recent timestamp on the task. The timestamp is considered * as the "current time". * * isc_task_getcurrentime() returns the time in one-second granularity; * isc_task_getcurrentimex() returns it in nanosecond granularity. * * Requires: *\li 'task' is a valid task. *\li 't' is a valid non NULL pointer. * * Ensures: *\li '*t' has the "current time". */ isc_boolean_t isc_task_exiting(isc_task_t *t); /*%< * Returns ISC_TRUE if the task is in the process of shutting down, * ISC_FALSE otherwise. * * Requires: *\li 'task' is a valid task. */ void isc_task_setprivilege(isc_task_t *task, isc_boolean_t priv); /*%< * Set or unset the task's "privileged" flag depending on the value of * 'priv'. * * Under normal circumstances this flag has no effect on the task behavior, * but when the task manager has been set to privileged execution mode via * isc_taskmgr_setmode(), only tasks with the flag set will be executed, * and all other tasks will wait until they're done. Once all privileged * tasks have finished executing, the task manager will automatically * return to normal execution mode and nonprivileged task can resume. * * Requires: *\li 'task' is a valid task. */ isc_boolean_t isc_task_privilege(isc_task_t *task); /*%< * Returns the current value of the task's privilege flag. * * Requires: *\li 'task' is a valid task. */ /***** ***** Task Manager. *****/ isc_result_t isc_taskmgr_createinctx(isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_appctx_t *actx, unsigned int workers, unsigned int default_quantum, isc_taskmgr_t **managerp); isc_result_t isc_taskmgr_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, unsigned int workers, unsigned int default_quantum, isc_taskmgr_t **managerp); /*%< * Create a new task manager. isc_taskmgr_createinctx() also associates * the new manager with the specified application context. * * Notes: * *\li 'workers' in the number of worker threads to create. In general, * the value should be close to the number of processors in the system. * The 'workers' value is advisory only. An attempt will be made to * create 'workers' threads, but if at least one thread creation * succeeds, isc_taskmgr_create() may return ISC_R_SUCCESS. * *\li If 'default_quantum' is non-zero, then it will be used as the default * quantum value when tasks are created. If zero, then an implementation * defined default quantum will be used. * * Requires: * *\li 'mctx' is a valid memory context. * *\li workers > 0 * *\li managerp != NULL && *managerp == NULL * *\li 'actx' is a valid application context (for createinctx()). * * Ensures: * *\li On success, '*managerp' will be attached to the newly created task * manager. * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY *\li #ISC_R_NOTHREADS No threads could be created. *\li #ISC_R_UNEXPECTED An unexpected error occurred. *\li #ISC_R_SHUTTINGDOWN The non-threaded, shared, task * manager shutting down. */ void isc_taskmgr_setmode(isc_taskmgr_t *manager, isc_taskmgrmode_t mode); isc_taskmgrmode_t isc_taskmgr_mode(isc_taskmgr_t *manager); /*%< * Set/get the current operating mode of the task manager. Valid modes are: * *\li isc_taskmgrmode_normal *\li isc_taskmgrmode_privileged * * In privileged execution mode, only tasks that have had the "privilege" * flag set via isc_task_setprivilege() can be executed. When all such * tasks are complete, the manager automatically returns to normal mode * and proceeds with running non-privileged ready tasks. This means it is * necessary to have at least one privileged task waiting on the ready * queue *before* setting the manager into privileged execution mode, * which in turn means the task which calls this function should be in * task-exclusive mode when it does so. * * Requires: * *\li 'manager' is a valid task manager. */ void isc_taskmgr_destroy(isc_taskmgr_t **managerp); /*%< * Destroy '*managerp'. * * Notes: * *\li Calling isc_taskmgr_destroy() will shutdown all tasks managed by * *managerp that haven't already been shutdown. The call will block * until all tasks have entered the done state. * *\li isc_taskmgr_destroy() must not be called by a task event action, * because it would block forever waiting for the event action to * complete. An event action that wants to cause task manager shutdown * should request some non-event action thread of execution to do the * shutdown, e.g. by signaling a condition variable or using * isc_app_shutdown(). * *\li Task manager references are not reference counted, so the caller * must ensure that no attempt will be made to use the manager after * isc_taskmgr_destroy() returns. * * Requires: * *\li '*managerp' is a valid task manager. * *\li isc_taskmgr_destroy() has not be called previously on '*managerp'. * * Ensures: * *\li All resources used by the task manager, and any tasks it managed, * have been freed. */ void isc_taskmgr_setexcltask(isc_taskmgr_t *mgr, isc_task_t *task); /*%< * Set a task which will be used for all task-exclusive operations. * * Requires: *\li 'manager' is a valid task manager. * *\li 'task' is a valid task. */ isc_result_t isc_taskmgr_excltask(isc_taskmgr_t *mgr, isc_task_t **taskp); /*%< * Attach '*taskp' to the task set by isc_taskmgr_getexcltask(). * This task should be used whenever running in task-exclusive mode, * so as to prevent deadlock between two exclusive tasks. * * Requires: *\li 'manager' is a valid task manager. *\li taskp != NULL && *taskp == NULL */ #ifdef HAVE_LIBXML2 int isc_taskmgr_renderxml(isc_taskmgr_t *mgr, xmlTextWriterPtr writer); #endif #ifdef HAVE_JSON isc_result_t isc_taskmgr_renderjson(isc_taskmgr_t *mgr, json_object *tasksobj); #endif /*%< * See isc_taskmgr_create() above. */ typedef isc_result_t (*isc_taskmgrcreatefunc_t)(isc_mem_t *mctx, unsigned int workers, unsigned int default_quantum, isc_taskmgr_t **managerp); isc_result_t isc_task_register(isc_taskmgrcreatefunc_t createfunc); /*%< * Register a new task management implementation and add it to the list of * supported implementations. This function must be called when a different * event library is used than the one contained in the ISC library. */ isc_result_t isc__task_register(void); /*%< * A short cut function that specifies the task management module in the ISC * library for isc_task_register(). An application that uses the ISC library * usually do not have to care about this function: it would call * isc_lib_register(), which internally calls this function. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_TASK_H */ PK #include /*** *** Intervals ***/ /*! * \brief * The contents of this structure are private, and MUST NOT be accessed * directly by callers. * * The contents are exposed only to allow callers to avoid dynamic allocation. */ struct isc_interval { unsigned int seconds; unsigned int nanoseconds; }; extern const isc_interval_t * const isc_interval_zero; /* * ISC_FORMATHTTPTIMESTAMP_SIZE needs to be 30 in C locale and potentially * more for other locales to handle longer national abbreviations when * expanding strftime's %a and %b. */ #define ISC_FORMATHTTPTIMESTAMP_SIZE 50 ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS void isc_interval_set(isc_interval_t *i, unsigned int seconds, unsigned int nanoseconds); /*%< * Set 'i' to a value representing an interval of 'seconds' seconds and * 'nanoseconds' nanoseconds, suitable for use in isc_time_add() and * isc_time_subtract(). * * Requires: * *\li 't' is a valid pointer. *\li nanoseconds < 1000000000. */ isc_boolean_t isc_interval_iszero(const isc_interval_t *i); /*%< * Returns ISC_TRUE iff. 'i' is the zero interval. * * Requires: * *\li 'i' is a valid pointer. */ /*** *** Absolute Times ***/ /*% * The contents of this structure are private, and MUST NOT be accessed * directly by callers. * * The contents are exposed only to allow callers to avoid dynamic allocation. */ struct isc_time { unsigned int seconds; unsigned int nanoseconds; }; extern const isc_time_t * const isc_time_epoch; void isc_time_set(isc_time_t *t, unsigned int seconds, unsigned int nanoseconds); /*%< * Set 't' to a value which represents the given number of seconds and * nanoseconds since 00:00:00 January 1, 1970, UTC. * * Notes: *\li The Unix version of this call is equivalent to: *\code * isc_time_settoepoch(t); * isc_interval_set(i, seconds, nanoseconds); * isc_time_add(t, i, t); *\endcode * * Requires: *\li 't' is a valid pointer. *\li nanoseconds < 1000000000. */ void isc_time_settoepoch(isc_time_t *t); /*%< * Set 't' to the time of the epoch. * * Notes: *\li The date of the epoch is platform-dependent. * * Requires: * *\li 't' is a valid pointer. */ isc_boolean_t isc_time_isepoch(const isc_time_t *t); /*%< * Returns ISC_TRUE iff. 't' is the epoch ("time zero"). * * Requires: * *\li 't' is a valid pointer. */ #ifdef CLOCK_BOOTTIME isc_result_t isc_time_boottime(isc_time_t *t); /*%< * Set 't' to monotonic time from previous boot * it's not affected by system time change. It also * includes the time system was suspended * * Requires: *\li 't' is a valid pointer. * * Returns: * *\li Success *\li Unexpected error * Getting the time from the system failed. */ #endif /* CLOCK_BOOTTIME */ isc_result_t isc_time_now(isc_time_t *t); /*%< * Set 't' to the current absolute time. * * Requires: * *\li 't' is a valid pointer. * * Returns: * *\li Success *\li Unexpected error * Getting the time from the system failed. *\li Out of range * The time from the system is too large to be represented * in the current definition of isc_time_t. */ isc_result_t isc_time_nowplusinterval(isc_time_t *t, const isc_interval_t *i); /*%< * Set *t to the current absolute time + i. * * Note: *\li This call is equivalent to: * *\code * isc_time_now(t); * isc_time_add(t, i, t); *\endcode * * Requires: * *\li 't' and 'i' are valid pointers. * * Returns: * *\li Success *\li Unexpected error * Getting the time from the system failed. *\li Out of range * The interval added to the time from the system is too large to * be represented in the current definition of isc_time_t. */ int isc_time_compare(const isc_time_t *t1, const isc_time_t *t2); /*%< * Compare the times referenced by 't1' and 't2' * * Requires: * *\li 't1' and 't2' are valid pointers. * * Returns: * *\li -1 t1 < t2 (comparing times, not pointers) *\li 0 t1 = t2 *\li 1 t1 > t2 */ isc_result_t isc_time_add(const isc_time_t *t, const isc_interval_t *i, isc_time_t *result); /*%< * Add 'i' to 't', storing the result in 'result'. * * Requires: * *\li 't', 'i', and 'result' are valid pointers. * * Returns: *\li Success *\li Out of range * The interval added to the time is too large to * be represented in the current definition of isc_time_t. */ isc_result_t isc_time_subtract(const isc_time_t *t, const isc_interval_t *i, isc_time_t *result); /*%< * Subtract 'i' from 't', storing the result in 'result'. * * Requires: * *\li 't', 'i', and 'result' are valid pointers. * * Returns: *\li Success *\li Out of range * The interval is larger than the time since the epoch. */ isc_uint64_t isc_time_microdiff(const isc_time_t *t1, const isc_time_t *t2); /*%< * Find the difference in microseconds between time t1 and time t2. * t2 is the subtrahend of t1; ie, difference = t1 - t2. * * Requires: * *\li 't1' and 't2' are valid pointers. * * Returns: *\li The difference of t1 - t2, or 0 if t1 <= t2. */ isc_uint32_t isc_time_seconds(const isc_time_t *t); /*%< * Return the number of seconds since the epoch stored in a time structure. * * Requires: * *\li 't' is a valid pointer. */ isc_result_t isc_time_secondsastimet(const isc_time_t *t, time_t *secondsp); /*%< * Ensure the number of seconds in an isc_time_t is representable by a time_t. * * Notes: *\li The number of seconds stored in an isc_time_t might be larger * than the number of seconds a time_t is able to handle. Since * time_t is mostly opaque according to the ANSI/ISO standard * (essentially, all you can be sure of is that it is an arithmetic type, * not even necessarily integral), it can be tricky to ensure that * the isc_time_t is in the range a time_t can handle. Use this * function in place of isc_time_seconds() any time you need to set a * time_t from an isc_time_t. * * Requires: *\li 't' is a valid pointer. * * Returns: *\li Success *\li Out of range */ isc_uint32_t isc_time_nanoseconds(const isc_time_t *t); /*%< * Return the number of nanoseconds stored in a time structure. * * Notes: *\li This is the number of nanoseconds in excess of the number * of seconds since the epoch; it will always be less than one * full second. * * Requires: *\li 't' is a valid pointer. * * Ensures: *\li The returned value is less than 1*10^9. */ void isc_time_formattimestamp(const isc_time_t *t, char *buf, unsigned int len); /*%< * Format the time 't' into the buffer 'buf' of length 'len', * using a format like "30-Aug-2000 04:06:47.997" and the local time zone. * If the text does not fit in the buffer, the result is indeterminate, * but is always guaranteed to be null terminated. * * Requires: *\li 'len' > 0 *\li 'buf' points to an array of at least len chars * */ void isc_time_formathttptimestamp(const isc_time_t *t, char *buf, unsigned int len); /*%< * Format the time 't' into the buffer 'buf' of length 'len', * using a format like "Mon, 30 Aug 2000 04:06:47 GMT" * If the text does not fit in the buffer, the result is indeterminate, * but is always guaranteed to be null terminated. * * Requires: *\li 'len' > 0 *\li 'buf' points to an array of at least len chars * */ isc_result_t isc_time_parsehttptimestamp(char *input, isc_time_t *t); /*%< * Parse the time in 'input' into the isc_time_t pointed to by 't', * expecting a format like "Mon, 30 Aug 2000 04:06:47 GMT" * * Requires: *\li 'buf' and 't' are not NULL. */ void isc_time_formatISO8601(const isc_time_t *t, char *buf, unsigned int len); /*%< * Format the time 't' into the buffer 'buf' of length 'len', * using the ISO8601 format: "yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ" * If the text does not fit in the buffer, the result is indeterminate, * but is always guaranteed to be null terminated. * * Requires: *\li 'len' > 0 *\li 'buf' points to an array of at least len chars * */ void isc_time_formatISO8601ms(const isc_time_t *t, char *buf, unsigned int len); /*%< * Format the time 't' into the buffer 'buf' of length 'len', * using the ISO8601 format: "yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ" * If the text does not fit in the buffer, the result is indeterminate, * but is always guaranteed to be null terminated. * * Requires: *\li 'len' > 0 *\li 'buf' points to an array of at least len chars * */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_TIME_H */ PK #include #include #ifdef ISC_QUEUE_CHECKINIT #define ISC_QLINK_INSIST(x) ISC_INSIST(x) #else #define ISC_QLINK_INSIST(x) (void)0 #endif #define ISC_QLINK(type) struct { type *prev, *next; } #define ISC_QLINK_INIT(elt, link) \ do { \ (elt)->link.next = (elt)->link.prev = (void *)(-1); \ } while(0) #define ISC_QLINK_LINKED(elt, link) ((void*)(elt)->link.next != (void*)(-1)) #define ISC_QUEUE(type) struct { \ type *head, *tail; \ isc_mutex_t headlock, taillock; \ } #define ISC_QUEUE_INIT(queue, link) \ do { \ (void) isc_mutex_init(&(queue).taillock); \ (void) isc_mutex_init(&(queue).headlock); \ (queue).tail = (queue).head = NULL; \ } while (0) #define ISC_QUEUE_EMPTY(queue) ISC_TF((queue).head == NULL) #define ISC_QUEUE_DESTROY(queue) \ do { \ ISC_QLINK_INSIST(ISC_QUEUE_EMPTY(queue)); \ (void) isc_mutex_destroy(&(queue).taillock); \ (void) isc_mutex_destroy(&(queue).headlock); \ } while (0) /* * queues are meant to separate the locks at either end. For best effect, that * means keeping the ends separate - i.e. non-empty queues work best. * * a push to an empty queue has to take the pop lock to update * the pop side of the queue. * Popping the last entry has to take the push lock to update * the push side of the queue. * * The order is (pop, push), because a pop is presumably in the * latency path and a push is when we're done. * * We do an MT hot test in push to see if we need both locks, so we can * acquire them in order. Hopefully that makes the case where we get * the push lock and find we need the pop lock (and have to release it) rare. * * > 1 entry - no collision, push works on one end, pop on the other * 0 entry - headlock race * pop wins - return(NULL), push adds new as both head/tail * push wins - updates head/tail, becomes 1 entry case. * 1 entry - taillock race * pop wins - return(pop) sets head/tail NULL, becomes 0 entry case * push wins - updates {head,tail}->link.next, pop updates head * with new ->link.next and doesn't update tail * */ #define ISC_QUEUE_PUSH(queue, elt, link) \ do { \ isc_boolean_t headlocked = ISC_FALSE; \ ISC_QLINK_INSIST(!ISC_QLINK_LINKED(elt, link)); \ if ((queue).head == NULL) { \ LOCK(&(queue).headlock); \ headlocked = ISC_TRUE; \ } \ LOCK(&(queue).taillock); \ if ((queue).tail == NULL && !headlocked) { \ UNLOCK(&(queue).taillock); \ LOCK(&(queue).headlock); \ LOCK(&(queue).taillock); \ headlocked = ISC_TRUE; \ } \ (elt)->link.prev = (queue).tail; \ (elt)->link.next = NULL; \ if ((queue).tail != NULL) \ (queue).tail->link.next = (elt); \ (queue).tail = (elt); \ UNLOCK(&(queue).taillock); \ if (headlocked) { \ if ((queue).head == NULL) \ (queue).head = (elt); \ UNLOCK(&(queue).headlock); \ } \ } while (0) #define ISC_QUEUE_POP(queue, link, ret) \ do { \ LOCK(&(queue).headlock); \ ret = (queue).head; \ while (ret != NULL) { \ if (ret->link.next == NULL) { \ LOCK(&(queue).taillock); \ if (ret->link.next == NULL) { \ (queue).head = (queue).tail = NULL; \ UNLOCK(&(queue).taillock); \ break; \ }\ UNLOCK(&(queue).taillock); \ } \ (queue).head = ret->link.next; \ (queue).head->link.prev = NULL; \ break; \ } \ UNLOCK(&(queue).headlock); \ if (ret != NULL) \ (ret)->link.next = (ret)->link.prev = (void *)(-1); \ } while(0) #define ISC_QUEUE_UNLINK(queue, elt, link) \ do { \ ISC_QLINK_INSIST(ISC_QLINK_LINKED(elt, link)); \ LOCK(&(queue).headlock); \ LOCK(&(queue).taillock); \ if ((elt)->link.prev == NULL) \ (queue).head = (elt)->link.next; \ else \ (elt)->link.prev->link.next = (elt)->link.next; \ if ((elt)->link.next == NULL) \ (queue).tail = (elt)->link.prev; \ else \ (elt)->link.next->link.prev = (elt)->link.prev; \ UNLOCK(&(queue).taillock); \ UNLOCK(&(queue).headlock); \ (elt)->link.next = (elt)->link.prev = (void *)(-1); \ } while(0) #endif /* ISC_QUEUE_H */ PK #include #include /***** ***** Types. *****/ ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /*% isc_quota structure */ struct isc_quota { isc_mutex_t lock; /*%< Locked by lock. */ int max; int used; int soft; }; isc_result_t isc_quota_init(isc_quota_t *quota, int max); /*%< * Initialize a quota object. * * Returns: * ISC_R_SUCCESS * Other error Lock creation failed. */ void isc_quota_destroy(isc_quota_t *quota); /*%< * Destroy a quota object. */ void isc_quota_soft(isc_quota_t *quota, int soft); /*%< * Set a soft quota. */ void isc_quota_max(isc_quota_t *quota, int max); /*%< * Re-set a maximum quota. */ isc_result_t isc_quota_reserve(isc_quota_t *quota); /*%< * Attempt to reserve one unit of 'quota'. * * Returns: * \li #ISC_R_SUCCESS Success * \li #ISC_R_SOFTQUOTA Success soft quota reached * \li #ISC_R_QUOTA Quota is full */ void isc_quota_release(isc_quota_t *quota); /*%< * Release one unit of quota. */ isc_result_t isc_quota_attach(isc_quota_t *quota, isc_quota_t **p); /*%< * Like isc_quota_reserve, and also attaches '*p' to the * quota if successful (ISC_R_SUCCESS or ISC_R_SOFTQUOTA). */ isc_result_t isc_quota_force(isc_quota_t *quota, isc_quota_t **p); /*%< * Like isc_quota_attach, but will attach '*p' to the quota * even if the hard quota has been exceeded. */ void isc_quota_detach(isc_quota_t **p); /*%< * Like isc_quota_release, and also detaches '*p' from the * quota. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_QUOTA_H */ PK #include #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS typedef struct { int fd; struct termios saved_mode; isc_result_t result; } isc_keyboard_t; isc_result_t isc_keyboard_open(isc_keyboard_t *keyboard); isc_result_t isc_keyboard_close(isc_keyboard_t *keyboard, unsigned int sleepseconds); isc_result_t isc_keyboard_getchar(isc_keyboard_t *keyboard, unsigned char *cp); isc_boolean_t isc_keyboard_canceled(isc_keyboard_t *keyboard); ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_KEYBOARD_H */ PK #include #include #include #include #include #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS #define ISC_MEM_LOWATER 0 #define ISC_MEM_HIWATER 1 typedef void (*isc_mem_water_t)(void *, int); typedef void * (*isc_memalloc_t)(void *, size_t); typedef void (*isc_memfree_t)(void *, void *); /*% * Define ISC_MEM_TRACKLINES=1 to turn on detailed tracing of memory * allocation and freeing by file and line number. */ #ifndef ISC_MEM_TRACKLINES #define ISC_MEM_TRACKLINES 1 #endif /*% * Define ISC_MEM_CHECKOVERRUN=1 to turn on checks for using memory outside * the requested space. This will increase the size of each allocation. * * If we are performing a Coverity static analysis then ISC_MEM_CHECKOVERRUN * can hide bugs that would otherwise discovered so force to zero. */ #ifdef __COVERITY__ #undef ISC_MEM_CHECKOVERRUN #define ISC_MEM_CHECKOVERRUN 0 #endif #ifndef ISC_MEM_CHECKOVERRUN #define ISC_MEM_CHECKOVERRUN 1 #endif /*% * Define ISC_MEM_FILL=1 to fill each block of memory returned to the system * with the byte string '0xbe'. This helps track down uninitialized pointers * and the like. On freeing memory, the space is filled with '0xde' for * the same reasons. * * If we are performing a Coverity static analysis then ISC_MEM_FILL * can hide bugs that would otherwise discovered so force to zero. */ #ifdef __COVERITY__ #undef ISC_MEM_FILL #define ISC_MEM_FILL 0 #endif #ifndef ISC_MEM_FILL #define ISC_MEM_FILL 1 #endif /*% * Define ISC_MEMPOOL_NAMES=1 to make memory pools store a symbolic * name so that the leaking pool can be more readily identified in * case of a memory leak. */ #ifndef ISC_MEMPOOL_NAMES #define ISC_MEMPOOL_NAMES 1 #endif LIBISC_EXTERNAL_DATA extern unsigned int isc_mem_debugging; LIBISC_EXTERNAL_DATA extern unsigned int isc_mem_defaultflags; /*@{*/ #define ISC_MEM_DEBUGTRACE 0x00000001U #define ISC_MEM_DEBUGRECORD 0x00000002U #define ISC_MEM_DEBUGUSAGE 0x00000004U #define ISC_MEM_DEBUGSIZE 0x00000008U #define ISC_MEM_DEBUGCTX 0x00000010U #define ISC_MEM_DEBUGALL 0x0000001FU /*!< * The variable isc_mem_debugging holds a set of flags for * turning certain memory debugging options on or off at * runtime. It is initialized to the value ISC_MEM_DEGBUGGING, * which is 0 by default but may be overridden at compile time. * The following flags can be specified: * * \li #ISC_MEM_DEBUGTRACE * Log each allocation and free to isc_lctx. * * \li #ISC_MEM_DEBUGRECORD * Remember each allocation, and match them up on free. * Crash if a free doesn't match an allocation. * * \li #ISC_MEM_DEBUGUSAGE * If a hi_water mark is set, print the maximum inuse memory * every time it is raised once it exceeds the hi_water mark. * * \li #ISC_MEM_DEBUGSIZE * Check the size argument being passed to isc_mem_put() matches * that passed to isc_mem_get(). * * \li #ISC_MEM_DEBUGCTX * Check the mctx argument being passed to isc_mem_put() matches * that passed to isc_mem_get(). */ /*@}*/ #if ISC_MEM_TRACKLINES #define _ISC_MEM_FILELINE , __FILE__, __LINE__ #define _ISC_MEM_FLARG , const char *, unsigned int #else #define _ISC_MEM_FILELINE #define _ISC_MEM_FLARG #endif /*! * Define ISC_MEM_USE_INTERNAL_MALLOC=1 to use the internal malloc() * implementation in preference to the system one. The internal malloc() * is very space-efficient, and quite fast on uniprocessor systems. It * performs poorly on multiprocessor machines. * JT: we can overcome the performance issue on multiprocessor machines * by carefully separating memory contexts. */ #ifndef ISC_MEM_USE_INTERNAL_MALLOC #define ISC_MEM_USE_INTERNAL_MALLOC 1 #endif /* * Flags for isc_mem_create2()calls. */ #define ISC_MEMFLAG_NOLOCK 0x00000001 /* no lock is necessary */ #define ISC_MEMFLAG_INTERNAL 0x00000002 /* use internal malloc */ #if ISC_MEM_USE_INTERNAL_MALLOC #define ISC_MEMFLAG_DEFAULT ISC_MEMFLAG_INTERNAL #else #define ISC_MEMFLAG_DEFAULT 0 #endif /*%< * We use either isc___mem (three underscores) or isc__mem (two) depending on * whether it's for BIND9's internal purpose (with -DBIND9) or generic export * library. */ #define ISCMEMFUNC(sfx) isc__mem_ ## sfx #define ISCMEMPOOLFUNC(sfx) isc__mempool_ ## sfx #define isc_mem_get(c, s) ISCMEMFUNC(get)((c), (s) _ISC_MEM_FILELINE) #define isc_mem_allocate(c, s) ISCMEMFUNC(allocate)((c), (s) _ISC_MEM_FILELINE) #define isc_mem_reallocate(c, p, s) ISCMEMFUNC(reallocate)((c), (p), (s) _ISC_MEM_FILELINE) #define isc_mem_strdup(c, p) ISCMEMFUNC(strdup)((c), (p) _ISC_MEM_FILELINE) #define isc_mempool_get(c) ISCMEMPOOLFUNC(get)((c) _ISC_MEM_FILELINE) /*% * isc_mem_putanddetach() is a convenience function for use where you * have a structure with an attached memory context. * * Given: * * \code * struct { * ... * isc_mem_t *mctx; * ... * } *ptr; * * isc_mem_t *mctx; * * isc_mem_putanddetach(&ptr->mctx, ptr, sizeof(*ptr)); * \endcode * * is the equivalent of: * * \code * mctx = NULL; * isc_mem_attach(ptr->mctx, &mctx); * isc_mem_detach(&ptr->mctx); * isc_mem_put(mctx, ptr, sizeof(*ptr)); * isc_mem_detach(&mctx); * \endcode */ /*% memory and memory pool methods */ typedef struct isc_memmethods { void (*attach)(isc_mem_t *source, isc_mem_t **targetp); void (*detach)(isc_mem_t **mctxp); void (*destroy)(isc_mem_t **mctxp); void *(*memget)(isc_mem_t *mctx, size_t size _ISC_MEM_FLARG); void (*memput)(isc_mem_t *mctx, void *ptr, size_t size _ISC_MEM_FLARG); void (*memputanddetach)(isc_mem_t **mctxp, void *ptr, size_t size _ISC_MEM_FLARG); void *(*memallocate)(isc_mem_t *mctx, size_t size _ISC_MEM_FLARG); void *(*memreallocate)(isc_mem_t *mctx, void *ptr, size_t size _ISC_MEM_FLARG); char *(*memstrdup)(isc_mem_t *mctx, const char *s _ISC_MEM_FLARG); void (*memfree)(isc_mem_t *mctx, void *ptr _ISC_MEM_FLARG); void (*setdestroycheck)(isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_boolean_t flag); void (*setwater)(isc_mem_t *ctx, isc_mem_water_t water, void *water_arg, size_t hiwater, size_t lowater); void (*waterack)(isc_mem_t *ctx, int flag); size_t (*inuse)(isc_mem_t *mctx); size_t (*maxinuse)(isc_mem_t *mctx); size_t (*total)(isc_mem_t *mctx); isc_boolean_t (*isovermem)(isc_mem_t *mctx); isc_result_t (*mpcreate)(isc_mem_t *mctx, size_t size, isc_mempool_t **mpctxp); } isc_memmethods_t; typedef struct isc_mempoolmethods { void (*destroy)(isc_mempool_t **mpctxp); void *(*get)(isc_mempool_t *mpctx _ISC_MEM_FLARG); void (*put)(isc_mempool_t *mpctx, void *mem _ISC_MEM_FLARG); unsigned int (*getallocated)(isc_mempool_t *mpctx); void (*setmaxalloc)(isc_mempool_t *mpctx, unsigned int limit); void (*setfreemax)(isc_mempool_t *mpctx, unsigned int limit); void (*setname)(isc_mempool_t *mpctx, const char *name); void (*associatelock)(isc_mempool_t *mpctx, isc_mutex_t *lock); void (*setfillcount)(isc_mempool_t *mpctx, unsigned int limit); } isc_mempoolmethods_t; /*% * This structure is actually just the common prefix of a memory context * implementation's version of an isc_mem_t. * \brief * Direct use of this structure by clients is forbidden. mctx implementations * may change the structure. 'magic' must be ISCAPI_MCTX_MAGIC for any of the * isc_mem_ routines to work. mctx implementations must maintain all mctx * invariants. */ struct isc_mem { unsigned int impmagic; unsigned int magic; isc_memmethods_t *methods; }; #define ISCAPI_MCTX_MAGIC ISC_MAGIC('A','m','c','x') #define ISCAPI_MCTX_VALID(m) ((m) != NULL && \ (m)->magic == ISCAPI_MCTX_MAGIC) /*% * This is the common prefix of a memory pool context. The same note as * that for the mem structure applies. */ struct isc_mempool { unsigned int impmagic; unsigned int magic; isc_mempoolmethods_t *methods; }; #define ISCAPI_MPOOL_MAGIC ISC_MAGIC('A','m','p','l') #define ISCAPI_MPOOL_VALID(mp) ((mp) != NULL && \ (mp)->magic == ISCAPI_MPOOL_MAGIC) #define isc_mem_put(c, p, s) \ do { \ ISCMEMFUNC(put)((c), (p), (s) _ISC_MEM_FILELINE); \ (p) = NULL; \ } while (0) #define isc_mem_putanddetach(c, p, s) \ do { \ ISCMEMFUNC(putanddetach)((c), (p), (s) _ISC_MEM_FILELINE); \ (p) = NULL; \ } while (0) #define isc_mem_free(c, p) \ do { \ ISCMEMFUNC(free)((c), (p) _ISC_MEM_FILELINE); \ (p) = NULL; \ } while (0) #define isc_mempool_put(c, p) \ do { \ ISCMEMPOOLFUNC(put)((c), (p) _ISC_MEM_FILELINE); \ (p) = NULL; \ } while (0) /*@{*/ isc_result_t isc_mem_create(size_t max_size, size_t target_size, isc_mem_t **mctxp); isc_result_t isc_mem_create2(size_t max_size, size_t target_size, isc_mem_t **mctxp, unsigned int flags); isc_result_t isc_mem_createx(size_t max_size, size_t target_size, isc_memalloc_t memalloc, isc_memfree_t memfree, void *arg, isc_mem_t **mctxp); isc_result_t isc_mem_createx2(size_t max_size, size_t target_size, isc_memalloc_t memalloc, isc_memfree_t memfree, void *arg, isc_mem_t **mctxp, unsigned int flags); /*!< * \brief Create a memory context. * * 'max_size' and 'target_size' are tuning parameters. When * ISC_MEMFLAG_INTERNAL is set, allocations smaller than 'max_size' * will be satisfied by getting blocks of size 'target_size' from the * system allocator and breaking them up into pieces; larger allocations * will use the system allocator directly. If 'max_size' and/or * 'target_size' are zero, default values will be * used. When * ISC_MEMFLAG_INTERNAL is not set, 'target_size' is ignored. * * 'max_size' is also used to size the statistics arrays and the array * used to record active memory when ISC_MEM_DEBUGRECORD is set. Setting * 'max_size' too low can have detrimental effects on performance. * * A memory context created using isc_mem_createx() will obtain * memory from the system by calling 'memalloc' and 'memfree', * passing them the argument 'arg'. A memory context created * using isc_mem_create() will use the standard library malloc() * and free(). * * If ISC_MEMFLAG_NOLOCK is set in 'flags', the corresponding memory context * will be accessed without locking. The user who creates the context must * ensure there be no race. Since this can be a source of bug, it is generally * inadvisable to use this flag unless the user is very sure about the race * condition and the access to the object is highly performance sensitive. * * Requires: * mctxp != NULL && *mctxp == NULL */ /*@}*/ /*@{*/ void isc_mem_attach(isc_mem_t *, isc_mem_t **); void isc_mem_detach(isc_mem_t **); /*!< * \brief Attach to / detach from a memory context. * * This is intended for applications that use multiple memory contexts * in such a way that it is not obvious when the last allocations from * a given context has been freed and destroying the context is safe. * * Most applications do not need to call these functions as they can * simply create a single memory context at the beginning of main() * and destroy it at the end of main(), thereby guaranteeing that it * is not destroyed while there are outstanding allocations. */ /*@}*/ void isc_mem_destroy(isc_mem_t **); /*%< * Destroy a memory context. */ isc_result_t isc_mem_ondestroy(isc_mem_t *ctx, isc_task_t *task, isc_event_t **event); /*%< * Request to be notified with an event when a memory context has * been successfully destroyed. */ void isc_mem_stats(isc_mem_t *mctx, FILE *out); /*%< * Print memory usage statistics for 'mctx' on the stream 'out'. */ void isc_mem_setdestroycheck(isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_boolean_t on); /*%< * If 'on' is ISC_TRUE, 'mctx' will check for memory leaks when * destroyed and abort the program if any are present. */ /*@{*/ void isc_mem_setquota(isc_mem_t *, size_t); size_t isc_mem_getquota(isc_mem_t *); /*%< * Set/get the memory quota of 'mctx'. This is a hard limit * on the amount of memory that may be allocated from mctx; * if it is exceeded, allocations will fail. */ /*@}*/ size_t isc_mem_inuse(isc_mem_t *mctx); /*%< * Get an estimate of the amount of memory in use in 'mctx', in bytes. * This includes quantization overhead, but does not include memory * allocated from the system but not yet used. */ size_t isc_mem_maxinuse(isc_mem_t *mctx); /*%< * Get an estimate of the largest amount of memory that has been in * use in 'mctx' at any time. */ size_t isc_mem_total(isc_mem_t *mctx); /*%< * Get the total amount of memory in 'mctx', in bytes, including memory * not yet used. */ isc_boolean_t isc_mem_isovermem(isc_mem_t *mctx); /*%< * Return true iff the memory context is in "over memory" state, i.e., * a hiwater mark has been set and the used amount of memory has exceeds * the mark. */ void isc_mem_setwater(isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_mem_water_t water, void *water_arg, size_t hiwater, size_t lowater); /*%< * Set high and low water marks for this memory context. * * When the memory usage of 'mctx' exceeds 'hiwater', * '(water)(water_arg, #ISC_MEM_HIWATER)' will be called. 'water' needs to * call isc_mem_waterack() with #ISC_MEM_HIWATER to acknowledge the state * change. 'water' may be called multiple times. * * When the usage drops below 'lowater', 'water' will again be called, this * time with #ISC_MEM_LOWATER. 'water' need to calls isc_mem_waterack() with * #ISC_MEM_LOWATER to acknowledge the change. * * static void * water(void *arg, int mark) { * struct foo *foo = arg; * * LOCK(&foo->marklock); * if (foo->mark != mark) { * foo->mark = mark; * .... * isc_mem_waterack(foo->mctx, mark); * } * UNLOCK(&foo->marklock); * } * * If 'water' is NULL then 'water_arg', 'hi_water' and 'lo_water' are * ignored and the state is reset. * * Requires: * * 'water' is not NULL. * hi_water >= lo_water */ void isc_mem_waterack(isc_mem_t *ctx, int mark); /*%< * Called to acknowledge changes in signaled by calls to 'water'. */ void isc_mem_printactive(isc_mem_t *mctx, FILE *file); /*%< * Print to 'file' all active memory in 'mctx'. * * Requires ISC_MEM_DEBUGRECORD to have been set. */ void isc_mem_printallactive(FILE *file); /*%< * Print to 'file' all active memory in all contexts. * * Requires ISC_MEM_DEBUGRECORD to have been set. */ void isc_mem_checkdestroyed(FILE *file); /*%< * Check that all memory contexts have been destroyed. * Prints out those that have not been. * Fatally fails if there are still active contexts. */ unsigned int isc_mem_references(isc_mem_t *ctx); /*%< * Return the current reference count. */ void isc_mem_setname(isc_mem_t *ctx, const char *name, void *tag); /*%< * Name 'ctx'. * * Notes: * *\li Only the first 15 characters of 'name' will be copied. * *\li 'tag' is for debugging purposes only. * * Requires: * *\li 'ctx' is a valid ctx. */ const char * isc_mem_getname(isc_mem_t *ctx); /*%< * Get the name of 'ctx', as previously set using isc_mem_setname(). * * Requires: *\li 'ctx' is a valid ctx. * * Returns: *\li A non-NULL pointer to a null-terminated string. * If the ctx has not been named, the string is * empty. */ void * isc_mem_gettag(isc_mem_t *ctx); /*%< * Get the tag value for 'task', as previously set using isc_mem_setname(). * * Requires: *\li 'ctx' is a valid ctx. * * Notes: *\li This function is for debugging purposes only. * * Requires: *\li 'ctx' is a valid task. */ #ifdef HAVE_LIBXML2 int isc_mem_renderxml(xmlTextWriterPtr writer); /*%< * Render all contexts' statistics and status in XML for writer. */ #endif /* HAVE_LIBXML2 */ #ifdef HAVE_JSON isc_result_t isc_mem_renderjson(json_object *memobj); /*%< * Render all contexts' statistics and status in JSON. */ #endif /* HAVE_JSON */ /* * Memory pools */ isc_result_t isc_mempool_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, size_t size, isc_mempool_t **mpctxp); /*%< * Create a memory pool. * * Requires: *\li mctx is a valid memory context. *\li size > 0 *\li mpctxp != NULL and *mpctxp == NULL * * Defaults: *\li maxalloc = UINT_MAX *\li freemax = 1 *\li fillcount = 1 * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY -- not enough memory to create pool *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS -- all is well. */ void isc_mempool_destroy(isc_mempool_t **mpctxp); /*%< * Destroy a memory pool. * * Requires: *\li mpctxp != NULL && *mpctxp is a valid pool. *\li The pool has no un"put" allocations outstanding */ void isc_mempool_setname(isc_mempool_t *mpctx, const char *name); /*%< * Associate a name with a memory pool. At most 15 characters may be used. * * Requires: *\li mpctx is a valid pool. *\li name != NULL; */ void isc_mempool_associatelock(isc_mempool_t *mpctx, isc_mutex_t *lock); /*%< * Associate a lock with this memory pool. * * This lock is used when getting or putting items using this memory pool, * and it is also used to set or get internal state via the isc_mempool_get*() * and isc_mempool_set*() set of functions. * * Multiple pools can each share a single lock. For instance, if "manager" * type object contained pools for various sizes of events, and each of * these pools used a common lock. Note that this lock must NEVER be used * by other than mempool routines once it is given to a pool, since that can * easily cause double locking. * * Requires: * *\li mpctpx is a valid pool. * *\li lock != NULL. * *\li No previous lock is assigned to this pool. * *\li The lock is initialized before calling this function via the normal * means of doing that. */ /* * The following functions get/set various parameters. Note that due to * the unlocked nature of pools these are potentially random values unless * the imposed externally provided locking protocols are followed. * * Also note that the quota limits will not always take immediate effect. * For instance, setting "maxalloc" to a number smaller than the currently * allocated count is permitted. New allocations will be refused until * the count drops below this threshold. * * All functions require (in addition to other requirements): * mpctx is a valid memory pool */ unsigned int isc_mempool_getfreemax(isc_mempool_t *mpctx); /*%< * Returns the maximum allowed size of the free list. */ void isc_mempool_setfreemax(isc_mempool_t *mpctx, unsigned int limit); /*%< * Sets the maximum allowed size of the free list. */ unsigned int isc_mempool_getfreecount(isc_mempool_t *mpctx); /*%< * Returns current size of the free list. */ unsigned int isc_mempool_getmaxalloc(isc_mempool_t *mpctx); /*!< * Returns the maximum allowed number of allocations. */ void isc_mempool_setmaxalloc(isc_mempool_t *mpctx, unsigned int limit); /*%< * Sets the maximum allowed number of allocations. * * Additional requirements: *\li limit > 0 */ unsigned int isc_mempool_getallocated(isc_mempool_t *mpctx); /*%< * Returns the number of items allocated from this pool. */ unsigned int isc_mempool_getfillcount(isc_mempool_t *mpctx); /*%< * Returns the number of items allocated as a block from the parent memory * context when the free list is empty. */ void isc_mempool_setfillcount(isc_mempool_t *mpctx, unsigned int limit); /*%< * Sets the fillcount. * * Additional requirements: *\li limit > 0 */ /* * Pseudo-private functions for use via macros. Do not call directly. */ void * ISCMEMFUNC(get)(isc_mem_t *, size_t _ISC_MEM_FLARG); void ISCMEMFUNC(putanddetach)(isc_mem_t **, void *, size_t _ISC_MEM_FLARG); void ISCMEMFUNC(put)(isc_mem_t *, void *, size_t _ISC_MEM_FLARG); void * ISCMEMFUNC(allocate)(isc_mem_t *, size_t _ISC_MEM_FLARG); void * ISCMEMFUNC(reallocate)(isc_mem_t *, void *, size_t _ISC_MEM_FLARG); void ISCMEMFUNC(free)(isc_mem_t *, void * _ISC_MEM_FLARG); char * ISCMEMFUNC(strdup)(isc_mem_t *, const char *_ISC_MEM_FLARG); void * ISCMEMPOOLFUNC(get)(isc_mempool_t * _ISC_MEM_FLARG); void ISCMEMPOOLFUNC(put)(isc_mempool_t *, void * _ISC_MEM_FLARG); /*%< * See isc_mem_create2() above. */ typedef isc_result_t (*isc_memcreatefunc_t)(size_t init_max_size, size_t target_size, isc_mem_t **ctxp, unsigned int flags); isc_result_t isc_mem_register(isc_memcreatefunc_t createfunc); /*%< * Register a new memory management implementation and add it to the list of * supported implementations. This function must be called when a different * memory management library is used than the one contained in the ISC library. */ isc_result_t isc__mem_register(void); /*%< * A short cut function that specifies the memory management module in the ISC * library for isc_mem_register(). An application that uses the ISC library * usually do not have to care about this function: it would call * isc_lib_register(), which internally calls this function. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_MEM_H */ PK #include #include #include typedef pthread_cond_t isc_condition_t; #define isc_condition_init(cp) \ ((pthread_cond_init((cp), NULL) == 0) ? \ ISC_R_SUCCESS : ISC_R_UNEXPECTED) #if ISC_MUTEX_PROFILE #define isc_condition_wait(cp, mp) \ ((pthread_cond_wait((cp), &((mp)->mutex)) == 0) ? \ ISC_R_SUCCESS : ISC_R_UNEXPECTED) #else #define isc_condition_wait(cp, mp) \ ((pthread_cond_wait((cp), (mp)) == 0) ? \ ISC_R_SUCCESS : ISC_R_UNEXPECTED) #endif #define isc_condition_signal(cp) \ ((pthread_cond_signal((cp)) == 0) ? \ ISC_R_SUCCESS : ISC_R_UNEXPECTED) #define isc_condition_broadcast(cp) \ ((pthread_cond_broadcast((cp)) == 0) ? \ ISC_R_SUCCESS : ISC_R_UNEXPECTED) #define isc_condition_destroy(cp) \ ((pthread_cond_destroy((cp)) == 0) ? \ ISC_R_SUCCESS : ISC_R_UNEXPECTED) ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS isc_result_t isc_condition_waituntil(isc_condition_t *, isc_mutex_t *, isc_time_t *); ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_CONDITION_H */ PK #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /***** ***** Types. *****/ typedef struct isc_taskpool isc_taskpool_t; /***** ***** Functions. *****/ isc_result_t isc_taskpool_create(isc_taskmgr_t *tmgr, isc_mem_t *mctx, unsigned int ntasks, unsigned int quantum, isc_taskpool_t **poolp); /*%< * Create a task pool of "ntasks" tasks, each with quantum * "quantum". * * Requires: * *\li 'tmgr' is a valid task manager. * *\li 'mctx' is a valid memory context. * *\li poolp != NULL && *poolp == NULL * * Ensures: * *\li On success, '*taskp' points to the new task pool. * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY *\li #ISC_R_UNEXPECTED */ void isc_taskpool_gettask(isc_taskpool_t *pool, isc_task_t **targetp); /*%< * Attach to a task from the pool. Currently the next task is chosen * from the pool at random. (This may be changed in the future to * something that guaratees balance.) */ int isc_taskpool_size(isc_taskpool_t *pool); /*%< * Returns the number of tasks in the task pool 'pool'. */ isc_result_t isc_taskpool_expand(isc_taskpool_t **sourcep, unsigned int size, isc_taskpool_t **targetp); /*%< * If 'size' is larger than the number of tasks in the pool pointed to by * 'sourcep', then a new taskpool of size 'size' is allocated, the existing * tasks from are moved into it, additional tasks are created to bring the * total number up to 'size', and the resulting pool is attached to * 'targetp'. * * If 'size' is less than or equal to the tasks in pool 'source', then * 'sourcep' is attached to 'targetp' without any other action being taken. * * In either case, 'sourcep' is detached. * * Requires: * * \li 'sourcep' is not NULL and '*source' is not NULL * \li 'targetp' is not NULL and '*source' is NULL * * Ensures: * * \li On success, '*targetp' points to a valid task pool. * \li On success, '*sourcep' points to NULL. * * Returns: * * \li #ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY */ void isc_taskpool_destroy(isc_taskpool_t **poolp); /*%< * Destroy a task pool. The tasks in the pool are detached but not * shut down. * * Requires: * \li '*poolp' is a valid task pool. */ void isc_taskpool_setprivilege(isc_taskpool_t *pool, isc_boolean_t priv); /*%< * Set the privilege flag on all tasks in 'pool' to 'priv'. If 'priv' is * true, then when the task manager is set into privileged mode, only * tasks wihin this pool will be able to execute. (Note: It is important * to turn the pool tasks' privilege back off before the last task finishes * executing.) * * Requires: * \li 'pool' is a valid task pool. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_TASKPOOL_H */ PK #include #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /*% Open */ isc_result_t isc_stdio_open(const char *filename, const char *mode, FILE **fp); /*% Close */ isc_result_t isc_stdio_close(FILE *f); /*% Seek */ isc_result_t isc_stdio_seek(FILE *f, off_t offset, int whence); /*% Tell */ isc_result_t isc_stdio_tell(FILE *f, off_t *offsetp); /*% Read */ isc_result_t isc_stdio_read(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE *f, size_t *nret); /*% Write */ isc_result_t isc_stdio_write(const void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE *f, size_t *nret); /*% Flush */ isc_result_t isc_stdio_flush(FILE *f); isc_result_t isc_stdio_sync(FILE *f); /*%< * Invoke fsync() on the file descriptor underlying an stdio stream, or an * equivalent system-dependent operation. Note that this function has no * direct counterpart in the stdio library. */ isc_result_t isc_stdio_fgetc(FILE *f, int *ret); ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_STDIO_H */ PK #include /*% * It's public information that 'isc_stdtime_t' is an unsigned integral type. * Applications that want maximum portability should not assume anything * about its size. */ typedef isc_uint32_t isc_stdtime_t; /* but this flag helps... */ #define STDTIME_ON_32BITS 1 /* * isc_stdtime32_t is a 32-bit version of isc_stdtime_t. A variable of this * type should only be used as an opaque integer (e.g.,) to compare two * time values. */ typedef isc_uint32_t isc_stdtime32_t; ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /* */ void isc_stdtime_get(isc_stdtime_t *t); /*%< * Set 't' to the number of seconds since 00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970. * * Requires: * *\li 't' is a valid pointer. */ #define isc_stdtime_convert32(t, t32p) (*(t32p) = t) /* * Convert the standard time to its 32-bit version. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_STDTIME_H */ PK * * Copyright 2000 Aaron D. Gifford. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR(S) AND CONTRIBUTOR(S) ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR(S) OR CONTRIBUTOR(S) BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #ifndef ISC_SHA2_H #define ISC_SHA2_H #include #include #include /*** SHA-224/256/384/512 Various Length Definitions ***********************/ #define ISC_SHA224_BLOCK_LENGTH 64U #define ISC_SHA224_DIGESTLENGTH 28U #define ISC_SHA224_DIGESTSTRINGLENGTH (ISC_SHA224_DIGESTLENGTH * 2 + 1) #define ISC_SHA256_BLOCK_LENGTH 64U #define ISC_SHA256_DIGESTLENGTH 32U #define ISC_SHA256_DIGESTSTRINGLENGTH (ISC_SHA256_DIGESTLENGTH * 2 + 1) #define ISC_SHA384_BLOCK_LENGTH 128 #define ISC_SHA384_DIGESTLENGTH 48U #define ISC_SHA384_DIGESTSTRINGLENGTH (ISC_SHA384_DIGESTLENGTH * 2 + 1) #define ISC_SHA512_BLOCK_LENGTH 128U #define ISC_SHA512_DIGESTLENGTH 64U #define ISC_SHA512_DIGESTSTRINGLENGTH (ISC_SHA512_DIGESTLENGTH * 2 + 1) /*** SHA-256/384/512 Context Structures *******************************/ #if defined(ISC_PLATFORM_OPENSSLHASH) #include #include #endif #if defined(ISC_PLATFORM_OPENSSLHASH) && !defined(LIBRESSL_VERSION_NUMBER) typedef struct { EVP_MD_CTX *ctx; #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10100000L || defined(LIBRESSL_VERSION_NUMBER) EVP_MD_CTX _ctx; #endif } isc_sha2_t; typedef isc_sha2_t isc_sha256_t; typedef isc_sha2_t isc_sha512_t; #elif PKCS11CRYPTO #include typedef pk11_context_t isc_sha256_t; typedef pk11_context_t isc_sha512_t; #else /* * Keep buffer immediately after bitcount to preserve alignment. */ typedef struct { isc_uint32_t state[8]; isc_uint64_t bitcount; isc_uint8_t buffer[ISC_SHA256_BLOCK_LENGTH]; } isc_sha256_t; /* * Keep buffer immediately after bitcount to preserve alignment. */ typedef struct { isc_uint64_t state[8]; isc_uint64_t bitcount[2]; isc_uint8_t buffer[ISC_SHA512_BLOCK_LENGTH]; } isc_sha512_t; #endif typedef isc_sha256_t isc_sha224_t; typedef isc_sha512_t isc_sha384_t; ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /*** SHA-224/256/384/512 Function Prototypes ******************************/ void isc_sha224_init (isc_sha224_t *); void isc_sha224_invalidate (isc_sha224_t *); void isc_sha224_update (isc_sha224_t *, const isc_uint8_t *, size_t); void isc_sha224_final (isc_uint8_t[ISC_SHA224_DIGESTLENGTH], isc_sha224_t *); char *isc_sha224_end (isc_sha224_t *, char[ISC_SHA224_DIGESTSTRINGLENGTH]); char *isc_sha224_data (const isc_uint8_t *, size_t, char[ISC_SHA224_DIGESTSTRINGLENGTH]); void isc_sha256_init (isc_sha256_t *); void isc_sha256_invalidate (isc_sha256_t *); void isc_sha256_update (isc_sha256_t *, const isc_uint8_t *, size_t); void isc_sha256_final (isc_uint8_t[ISC_SHA256_DIGESTLENGTH], isc_sha256_t *); char *isc_sha256_end (isc_sha256_t *, char[ISC_SHA256_DIGESTSTRINGLENGTH]); char *isc_sha256_data (const isc_uint8_t *, size_t, char[ISC_SHA256_DIGESTSTRINGLENGTH]); void isc_sha384_init (isc_sha384_t *); void isc_sha384_invalidate (isc_sha384_t *); void isc_sha384_update (isc_sha384_t *, const isc_uint8_t *, size_t); void isc_sha384_final (isc_uint8_t[ISC_SHA384_DIGESTLENGTH], isc_sha384_t *); char *isc_sha384_end (isc_sha384_t *, char[ISC_SHA384_DIGESTSTRINGLENGTH]); char *isc_sha384_data (const isc_uint8_t *, size_t, char[ISC_SHA384_DIGESTSTRINGLENGTH]); void isc_sha512_init (isc_sha512_t *); void isc_sha512_invalidate (isc_sha512_t *); void isc_sha512_update (isc_sha512_t *, const isc_uint8_t *, size_t); void isc_sha512_final (isc_uint8_t[ISC_SHA512_DIGESTLENGTH], isc_sha512_t *); char *isc_sha512_end (isc_sha512_t *, char[ISC_SHA512_DIGESTSTRINGLENGTH]); char *isc_sha512_data (const isc_uint8_t *, size_t, char[ISC_SHA512_DIGESTSTRINGLENGTH]); ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_SHA2_H */ PK #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS LIBISC_EXTERNAL_DATA extern isc_msgcat_t *isc_msgcat; void isc_lib_initmsgcat(void); /*!< * \brief Initialize the ISC library's message catalog, isc_msgcat, if it * has not already been initialized. */ void isc_lib_register(void); /*!< * \brief Register the ISC library implementations for some base services * such as memory or event management and handling socket or timer events. * An external application that wants to use the ISC library must call this * function very early in main(). */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_LIB_H */ PK #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /*! \file isc/ondestroy.h * ondestroy handling. * * Any class ``X'' of objects that wants to send out notifications * on its destruction should declare a field of type isc_ondestroy_t * (call it 'ondest'). * * \code * typedef struct { * ... * isc_ondestroy_t ondest; * ... * } X; * \endcode * * When an object ``A'' of type X is created * it must initialize the field ondest with a call to * * \code * isc_ondestroy_init(&A->ondest). * \endcode * * X should also provide a registration function for third-party * objects to call to register their interest in being told about * the destruction of a particular instance of X. * * \code * isc_result_t * X_ondestroy(X *instance, isc_task_t *task, * isc_event_t **eventp) { * return(isc_ondestroy_register(&instance->ondest, task,eventp)); * } * \endcode * * Note: locking of the ondestory structure embedded inside of X, is * X's responsibility. * * When an instance of X is destroyed, a call to isc_ondestroy_notify() * sends the notifications: * * \code * X *instance; * isc_ondestroy_t ondest = instance->ondest; * * ... completely cleanup 'instance' here... * * isc_ondestroy_notify(&ondest, instance); * \endcode * * * see lib/dns/zone.c for an ifdef'd-out example. */ struct isc_ondestroy { unsigned int magic; isc_eventlist_t events; }; void isc_ondestroy_init(isc_ondestroy_t *ondest); /*%< * Initialize the on ondest structure. *must* be called before first call * to isc_ondestroy_register(). */ isc_result_t isc_ondestroy_register(isc_ondestroy_t *ondest, isc_task_t *task, isc_event_t **eventp); /*%< * Stores task and *eventp away inside *ondest. Ownership of **event is * taken from the caller (and *eventp is set to NULL). The task is attached * to. */ void isc_ondestroy_notify(isc_ondestroy_t *ondest, void *sender); /*%< * Dispatches the event(s) to the task(s) that were given in * isc_ondestroy_register call(s) (done via calls to * isc_task_sendanddetach()). Before dispatch, the sender value of each * event structure is set to the value of the sender paramater. The * internal structures of the ondest parameter are cleaned out, so no other * cleanup is needed. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_ONDESTROY_H */ PK>isc/resultclass.hnu[/* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ #ifndef ISC_RESULTCLASS_H #define ISC_RESULTCLASS_H 1 /*! \file isc/resultclass.h * \brief Registry of Predefined Result Type Classes * * A result class number is an unsigned 16 bit number. Each class may * contain up to 65536 results. A result code is formed by adding the * result number within the class to the class number multiplied by 65536. * * Classes < 1024 are reserved for ISC use. * Result classes >= 1024 and <= 65535 are reserved for application use. */ #define ISC_RESULTCLASS_FROMNUM(num) ((num) << 16) #define ISC_RESULTCLASS_TONUM(rclass) ((rclass) >> 16) #define ISC_RESULTCLASS_SIZE 65536 #define ISC_RESULTCLASS_INCLASS(rclass, result) \ ((rclass) == ((result) & 0xFFFF0000)) #define ISC_RESULTCLASS_ISC ISC_RESULTCLASS_FROMNUM(0) #define ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS ISC_RESULTCLASS_FROMNUM(1) #define ISC_RESULTCLASS_DST ISC_RESULTCLASS_FROMNUM(2) #define ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNSRCODE ISC_RESULTCLASS_FROMNUM(3) #define ISC_RESULTCLASS_OMAPI ISC_RESULTCLASS_FROMNUM(4) #define ISC_RESULTCLASS_ISCCC ISC_RESULTCLASS_FROMNUM(5) #define ISC_RESULTCLASS_DHCP ISC_RESULTCLASS_FROMNUM(6) #define ISC_RESULTCLASS_PK11 ISC_RESULTCLASS_FROMNUM(7) #endif /* ISC_RESULTCLASS_H */ PK #include /*! \file isc/serial.h * \brief Implement 32 bit serial space arithmetic comparison functions. * Note: Undefined results are returned as ISC_FALSE. */ /*** *** Functions ***/ ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS isc_boolean_t isc_serial_lt(isc_uint32_t a, isc_uint32_t b); /*%< * Return true if 'a' < 'b' otherwise false. */ isc_boolean_t isc_serial_gt(isc_uint32_t a, isc_uint32_t b); /*%< * Return true if 'a' > 'b' otherwise false. */ isc_boolean_t isc_serial_le(isc_uint32_t a, isc_uint32_t b); /*%< * Return true if 'a' <= 'b' otherwise false. */ isc_boolean_t isc_serial_ge(isc_uint32_t a, isc_uint32_t b); /*%< * Return true if 'a' >= 'b' otherwise false. */ isc_boolean_t isc_serial_eq(isc_uint32_t a, isc_uint32_t b); /*%< * Return true if 'a' == 'b' otherwise false. */ isc_boolean_t isc_serial_ne(isc_uint32_t a, isc_uint32_t b); /*%< * Return true if 'a' != 'b' otherwise false. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_SERIAL_H */ PK #include #include #ifdef ISC_PLATFORM_NEEDSTRTOUL #define strtoul isc_strtoul #endif ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS unsigned long isc_strtoul(const char *, char **, int); ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif PK= 1024 and <= 65535 are reserved for application use. */ #define ISC_EVENTCLASS_TASK ISC_EVENTCLASS(0) #define ISC_EVENTCLASS_TIMER ISC_EVENTCLASS(1) #define ISC_EVENTCLASS_SOCKET ISC_EVENTCLASS(2) #define ISC_EVENTCLASS_FILE ISC_EVENTCLASS(3) #define ISC_EVENTCLASS_DNS ISC_EVENTCLASS(4) #define ISC_EVENTCLASS_APP ISC_EVENTCLASS(5) #define ISC_EVENTCLASS_OMAPI ISC_EVENTCLASS(6) #define ISC_EVENTCLASS_RATELIMITER ISC_EVENTCLASS(7) #define ISC_EVENTCLASS_ISCCC ISC_EVENTCLASS(8) /*@}*/ #endif /* ISC_EVENTCLASS_H */ PK ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /*%< * Flag(s) for isc_stats_dump(). */ #define ISC_STATSDUMP_VERBOSE 0x00000001 /*%< dump 0-value counters */ /*%< * Dump callback type. */ typedef void (*isc_stats_dumper_t)(isc_statscounter_t, isc_uint64_t, void *); isc_result_t isc_stats_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_stats_t **statsp, int ncounters); /*%< * Create a statistics counter structure of general type. It counts a general * set of counters indexed by an ID between 0 and ncounters -1. * * Requires: *\li 'mctx' must be a valid memory context. * *\li 'statsp' != NULL && '*statsp' == NULL. * * Returns: *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS -- all ok * *\li anything else -- failure */ void isc_stats_attach(isc_stats_t *stats, isc_stats_t **statsp); /*%< * Attach to a statistics set. * * Requires: *\li 'stats' is a valid isc_stats_t. * *\li 'statsp' != NULL && '*statsp' == NULL */ void isc_stats_detach(isc_stats_t **statsp); /*%< * Detaches from the statistics set. * * Requires: *\li 'statsp' != NULL and '*statsp' is a valid isc_stats_t. */ int isc_stats_ncounters(isc_stats_t *stats); /*%< * Returns the number of counters contained in stats. * * Requires: *\li 'stats' is a valid isc_stats_t. * */ void isc_stats_increment(isc_stats_t *stats, isc_statscounter_t counter); /*%< * Increment the counter-th counter of stats. * * Requires: *\li 'stats' is a valid isc_stats_t. * *\li counter is less than the maximum available ID for the stats specified * on creation. */ void isc_stats_decrement(isc_stats_t *stats, isc_statscounter_t counter); /*%< * Decrement the counter-th counter of stats. * * Requires: *\li 'stats' is a valid isc_stats_t. */ void isc_stats_dump(isc_stats_t *stats, isc_stats_dumper_t dump_fn, void *arg, unsigned int options); /*%< * Dump the current statistics counters in a specified way. For each counter * in stats, dump_fn is called with its current value and the given argument * arg. By default counters that have a value of 0 is skipped; if options has * the ISC_STATSDUMP_VERBOSE flag, even such counters are dumped. * * Requires: *\li 'stats' is a valid isc_stats_t. */ void isc_stats_set(isc_stats_t *stats, isc_uint64_t val, isc_statscounter_t counter); /*%< * Set the given counter to the specfied value. * * Requires: *\li 'stats' is a valid isc_stats_t. */ void isc_stats_set(isc_stats_t *stats, isc_uint64_t val, isc_statscounter_t counter); /*%< * Set the given counter to the specfied value. * * Requires: *\li 'stats' is a valid isc_stats_t. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_STATS_H */ PK #include struct isc_region { unsigned char * base; unsigned int length; }; struct isc_textregion { char * base; unsigned int length; }; /* XXXDCL questionable ... bears discussion. we have been putting off * discussing the region api. */ struct isc_constregion { const void * base; unsigned int length; }; struct isc_consttextregion { const char * base; unsigned int length; }; /*@{*/ /*! * The region structure is not opaque, and is usually directly manipulated. * Some macros are defined below for convenience. */ #define isc_region_consume(r,l) \ do { \ isc_region_t *_r = (r); \ unsigned int _l = (l); \ INSIST(_r->length >= _l); \ _r->base += _l; \ _r->length -= _l; \ } while (0) #define isc_textregion_consume(r,l) \ do { \ isc_textregion_t *_r = (r); \ unsigned int _l = (l); \ INSIST(_r->length >= _l); \ _r->base += _l; \ _r->length -= _l; \ } while (0) #define isc_constregion_consume(r,l) \ do { \ isc_constregion_t *_r = (r); \ unsigned int _l = (l); \ INSIST(_r->length >= _l); \ _r->base += _l; \ _r->length -= _l; \ } while (0) /*@}*/ ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS int isc_region_compare(isc_region_t *r1, isc_region_t *r2); /*%< * Compares the contents of two regions * * Requires: *\li 'r1' is a valid region *\li 'r2' is a valid region * * Returns: *\li < 0 if r1 is lexicographically less than r2 *\li = 0 if r1 is lexicographically identical to r2 *\li > 0 if r1 is lexicographically greater than r2 */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_REGION_H */ PK #include #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /*% isc assertion type */ typedef enum { isc_assertiontype_require, isc_assertiontype_ensure, isc_assertiontype_insist, isc_assertiontype_invariant } isc_assertiontype_t; typedef void (*isc_assertioncallback_t)(const char *, int, isc_assertiontype_t, const char *); /* coverity[+kill] */ ISC_PLATFORM_NORETURN_PRE void isc_assertion_failed(const char *, int, isc_assertiontype_t, const char *) ISC_PLATFORM_NORETURN_POST; void isc_assertion_setcallback(isc_assertioncallback_t); const char * isc_assertion_typetotext(isc_assertiontype_t type); #if defined(ISC_CHECK_ALL) || defined(__COVERITY__) #define ISC_CHECK_REQUIRE 1 #define ISC_CHECK_ENSURE 1 #define ISC_CHECK_INSIST 1 #define ISC_CHECK_INVARIANT 1 #endif #if defined(ISC_CHECK_NONE) && !defined(__COVERITY__) #define ISC_CHECK_REQUIRE 0 #define ISC_CHECK_ENSURE 0 #define ISC_CHECK_INSIST 0 #define ISC_CHECK_INVARIANT 0 #endif #ifndef ISC_CHECK_REQUIRE #define ISC_CHECK_REQUIRE 1 #endif #ifndef ISC_CHECK_ENSURE #define ISC_CHECK_ENSURE 1 #endif #ifndef ISC_CHECK_INSIST #define ISC_CHECK_INSIST 1 #endif #ifndef ISC_CHECK_INVARIANT #define ISC_CHECK_INVARIANT 1 #endif #if ISC_CHECK_REQUIRE != 0 #define ISC_REQUIRE(cond) \ ((void) (ISC_LIKELY(cond) || \ ((isc_assertion_failed)(__FILE__, __LINE__, \ isc_assertiontype_require, \ #cond), 0))) #else #define ISC_REQUIRE(cond) ((void) 0) #endif /* ISC_CHECK_REQUIRE */ #if ISC_CHECK_ENSURE != 0 #define ISC_ENSURE(cond) \ ((void) (ISC_LIKELY(cond) || \ ((isc_assertion_failed)(__FILE__, __LINE__, \ isc_assertiontype_ensure, \ #cond), 0))) #else #define ISC_ENSURE(cond) ((void) 0) #endif /* ISC_CHECK_ENSURE */ #if ISC_CHECK_INSIST != 0 #define ISC_INSIST(cond) \ ((void) (ISC_LIKELY(cond) || \ ((isc_assertion_failed)(__FILE__, __LINE__, \ isc_assertiontype_insist, \ #cond), 0))) #else #define ISC_INSIST(cond) ((void) 0) #endif /* ISC_CHECK_INSIST */ #if ISC_CHECK_INVARIANT != 0 #define ISC_INVARIANT(cond) \ ((void) (ISC_LIKELY(cond) || \ ((isc_assertion_failed)(__FILE__, __LINE__, \ isc_assertiontype_invariant, \ #cond), 0))) #else #define ISC_INVARIANT(cond) ((void) 0) #endif /* ISC_CHECK_INVARIANT */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_ASSERTIONS_H */ PK /* Provide isc_msgcat global variable. */ #include /* Provide isc_msgcat_*() functions. */ /*@{*/ /*! * \brief Message sets, named per source file, excepting "GENERAL". * * IMPORTANT: The original list is alphabetical, but any new sets must * be added to the end. */ #define ISC_MSGSET_GENERAL 1 /* ISC_RESULT_RESULTSET 2 */ /* XXX */ /* ISC_RESULT_UNAVAILABLESET 3 */ /* XXX */ #define ISC_MSGSET_APP 4 #define ISC_MSGSET_COMMANDLINE 5 #define ISC_MSGSET_ENTROPY 6 #define ISC_MSGSET_IFITERIOCTL 7 #define ISC_MSGSET_IFITERSYSCTL 8 #define ISC_MSGSET_LEX 9 #define ISC_MSGSET_LOG 10 #define ISC_MSGSET_MEM 11 #define ISC_MSGSET_NETADDR 12 #define ISC_MSGSET_PRINT 13 #define ISC_MSGSET_RESULT 14 #define ISC_MSGSET_RWLOCK 15 #define ISC_MSGSET_SOCKADDR 16 #define ISC_MSGSET_SOCKET 17 #define ISC_MSGSET_TASK 18 #define ISC_MSGSET_TIMER 19 #define ISC_MSGSET_UTIL 20 #define ISC_MSGSET_IFITERGETIFADDRS 21 /*@}*/ /*@{*/ /*! * Message numbers * are only required to be unique per message set, * but are unique throughout the entire catalog to not be as confusing when * debugging. * * The initial numbering was done by multiply by 100 the set number the * message appears in then adding the incremental message number. */ #define ISC_MSG_FAILED 101 /*%< "failed" */ #define ISC_MSG_SUCCEEDED 102 /*%< Compatible with "failed" */ #define ISC_MSG_SUCCESS 103 /*%< More usual way to say "success" */ #define ISC_MSG_STARTING 104 /*%< As in "daemon: starting" */ #define ISC_MSG_STOPING 105 /*%< As in "daemon: stopping" */ #define ISC_MSG_ENTERING 106 /*%< As in "some_subr: entering" */ #define ISC_MSG_EXITING 107 /*%< As in "some_subr: exiting" */ #define ISC_MSG_CALLING 108 /*%< As in "calling some_subr()" */ #define ISC_MSG_RETURNED 109 /*%< As in "some_subr: returned " */ #define ISC_MSG_FATALERROR 110 /*%< "fatal error" */ #define ISC_MSG_SHUTTINGDOWN 111 /*%< "shutting down" */ #define ISC_MSG_RUNNING 112 /*%< "running" */ #define ISC_MSG_WAIT 113 /*%< "wait" */ #define ISC_MSG_WAITUNTIL 114 /*%< "waituntil" */ #define ISC_MSG_SIGNALSETUP 201 /*%< "handle_signal() %d setup: %s" */ #define ISC_MSG_ILLEGALOPT 301 /*%< "illegal option" */ #define ISC_MSG_OPTNEEDARG 302 /*%< "option requires an argument" */ #define ISC_MSG_ENTROPYSTATS 401 /*%< "Entropy pool %p: refcnt %u ..." */ #define ISC_MSG_MAKESCANSOCKET 501 /*%< "making interface scan socket: %s" */ #define ISC_MSG_GETIFCONFIG 502 /*%< "get interface configuration: %s" */ #define ISC_MSG_BUFFERMAX 503 /*%< "... maximum buffer size exceeded" */ #define ISC_MSG_GETDESTADDR 504 /*%< "%s: getting destination address: %s" */ #define ISC_MSG_GETNETMASK 505 /*%< "%s: getting netmask: %s" */ #define ISC_MSG_GETIFLISTSIZE 601 /*%< "getting interface list size: ..." */ #define ISC_MSG_GETIFLIST 602 /*%< "getting interface list: ..." */ #define ISC_MSG_UNEXPECTEDTYPE 603 /*%< "... unexpected ... message type" */ #define ISC_MSG_UNEXPECTEDSTATE 701 /*%< "Unexpected state %d" */ #define ISC_MSG_BADTIME 801 /*%< "Bad 00 99:99:99.999 " */ #define ISC_MSG_LEVEL 802 /*%< "level %d: " */ #define ISC_MSG_ADDTRACE 901 /*%< "add %p size %u " */ #define ISC_MSG_DELTRACE 902 /*%< "del %p size %u " */ #define ISC_MSG_POOLSTATS 903 /*%< "[Pool statistics]\n" */ #define ISC_MSG_POOLNAME 904 /*%< "name" */ #define ISC_MSG_POOLSIZE 905 /*%< "size" */ #define ISC_MSG_POOLMAXALLOC 906 /*%< "maxalloc" */ #define ISC_MSG_POOLALLOCATED 907 /*%< "allocated" */ #define ISC_MSG_POOLFREECOUNT 908 /*%< "freecount" */ #define ISC_MSG_POOLFREEMAX 909 /*%< "freemax" */ #define ISC_MSG_POOLFILLCOUNT 910 /*%< "fillcount" */ #define ISC_MSG_POOLGETS 911 /*%< "gets" */ #define ISC_MSG_DUMPALLOC 912 /*%< "DUMP OF ALL OUTSTANDING MEMORY ..." */ #define ISC_MSG_NONE 913 /*%< "\tNone.\n" */ #define ISC_MSG_PTRFILELINE 914 /*%< "\tptr %p file %s line %u\n" */ #define ISC_MSG_UNKNOWNADDR 1001 /*%< "" */ #define ISC_MSG_NOLONGDBL 1104 /*%< "long doubles are not supported" */ #define ISC_MSG_PRINTLOCK 1201 /*%< "rwlock %p thread %lu ..." */ #define ISC_MSG_READ 1202 /*%< "read" */ #define ISC_MSG_WRITE 1203 /*%< "write" */ #define ISC_MSG_READING 1204 /*%< "reading" */ #define ISC_MSG_WRITING 1205 /*%< "writing" */ #define ISC_MSG_PRELOCK 1206 /*%< "prelock" */ #define ISC_MSG_POSTLOCK 1207 /*%< "postlock" */ #define ISC_MSG_PREUNLOCK 1208 /*%< "preunlock" */ #define ISC_MSG_POSTUNLOCK 1209 /*%< "postunlock" */ #define ISC_MSG_PRINTLOCK2 1210 /*%< "rwlock %p thread %lu ..." w/ atomic */ #define ISC_MSG_UNKNOWNFAMILY 1301 /*%< "unknown address family: %d" */ #define ISC_MSG_WRITEFAILED 1401 /*%< "write() failed during watcher ..." */ #define ISC_MSG_READFAILED 1402 /*%< "read() failed during watcher ... " */ #define ISC_MSG_PROCESSCMSG 1403 /*%< "processing cmsg %p" */ #define ISC_MSG_IFRECEIVED 1404 /*%< "interface received on ifindex %u" */ #define ISC_MSG_SENDTODATA 1405 /*%< "sendto pktinfo data, ifindex %u" */ #define ISC_MSG_DOIORECV 1406 /*%< "doio_recv: recvmsg(%d) %d bytes ..." */ #define ISC_MSG_PKTRECV 1407 /*%< "packet received correctly" */ #define ISC_MSG_DESTROYING 1408 /*%< "destroying" */ #define ISC_MSG_CREATED 1409 /*%< "created" */ #define ISC_MSG_ACCEPTLOCK 1410 /*%< "internal_accept called, locked ..." */ #define ISC_MSG_ACCEPTEDCXN 1411 /*%< "accepted connection, new socket %p" */ #define ISC_MSG_INTERNALRECV 1412 /*%< "internal_recv: task %p got event %p" */ #define ISC_MSG_INTERNALSEND 1413 /*%< "internal_send: task %p got event %p" */ #define ISC_MSG_WATCHERMSG 1414 /*%< "watcher got message %d" */ #define ISC_MSG_SOCKETSREMAIN 1415 /*%< "sockets exist" */ #define ISC_MSG_PKTINFOPROVIDED 1416 /*%< "pktinfo structure provided, ..." */ #define ISC_MSG_BOUND 1417 /*%< "bound" */ #define ISC_MSG_ACCEPTRETURNED 1418 /*%< accept() returned %d/%s */ #define ISC_MSG_TOOMANYFDS 1419 /*%< %s: too many open file descriptors */ #define ISC_MSG_ZEROPORT 1420 /*%< dropping source port zero packet */ #define ISC_MSG_FILTER 1421 /*%< setsockopt(SO_ACCEPTFILTER): %s */ #define ISC_MSG_TOOMANYHANDLES 1422 /*%< %s: too many open WSA event handles: %s */ #define ISC_MSG_POKED 1423 /*%< "poked flags: %d" */ #define ISC_MSG_AWAKE 1502 /*%< "awake" */ #define ISC_MSG_WORKING 1503 /*%< "working" */ #define ISC_MSG_EXECUTE 1504 /*%< "execute action" */ #define ISC_MSG_EMPTY 1505 /*%< "empty" */ #define ISC_MSG_DONE 1506 /*%< "done" */ #define ISC_MSG_QUANTUM 1507 /*%< "quantum" */ #define ISC_MSG_SCHEDULE 1601 /*%< "schedule" */ #define ISC_MSG_SIGNALSCHED 1602 /*%< "signal (schedule)" */ #define ISC_MSG_SIGNALDESCHED 1603 /*%< "signal (deschedule)" */ #define ISC_MSG_SIGNALDESTROY 1604 /*%< "signal (destroy)" */ #define ISC_MSG_IDLERESCHED 1605 /*%< "idle reschedule" */ #define ISC_MSG_EVENTNOTALLOC 1606 /*%< "couldn't allocate event" */ #define ISC_MSG_SCHEDFAIL 1607 /*%< "couldn't schedule timer: %u" */ #define ISC_MSG_POSTING 1608 /*%< "posting" */ #define ISC_MSG_WAKEUP 1609 /*%< "wakeup" */ #define ISC_MSG_LOCK 1701 /*%< "LOCK" */ #define ISC_MSG_LOCKING 1702 /*%< "LOCKING" */ #define ISC_MSG_LOCKED 1703 /*%< "LOCKED" */ #define ISC_MSG_UNLOCKED 1704 /*%< "UNLOCKED" */ #define ISC_MSG_RWLOCK 1705 /*%< "RWLOCK" */ #define ISC_MSG_RWLOCKED 1706 /*%< "RWLOCKED" */ #define ISC_MSG_RWUNLOCK 1707 /*%< "RWUNLOCK" */ #define ISC_MSG_BROADCAST 1708 /*%< "BROADCAST" */ #define ISC_MSG_SIGNAL 1709 /*%< "SIGNAL" */ #define ISC_MSG_UTILWAIT 1710 /*%< "WAIT" */ #define ISC_MSG_WAITED 1711 /*%< "WAITED" */ #define ISC_MSG_GETIFADDRS 1801 /*%< "getting interface addresses: ..." */ /*@}*/ #endif /* ISC_MSGS_H */ PK /* Provides errno. */ #include #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS #define isc__errno2result(x) isc___errno2result(x, ISC_TRUE, __FILE__, __LINE__) isc_result_t isc___errno2result(int posixerrno, isc_boolean_t dolog, const char *file, unsigned int line); ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* UNIX_ERRNO2RESULT_H */ PK #include /*! \file isc/parseint.h * \brief Parse integers, in a saner way than atoi() or strtoul() do. */ /*** *** Functions ***/ ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS isc_result_t isc_parse_uint32(isc_uint32_t *uip, const char *string, int base); isc_result_t isc_parse_uint16(isc_uint16_t *uip, const char *string, int base); isc_result_t isc_parse_uint8(isc_uint8_t *uip, const char *string, int base); /*%< * Parse the null-terminated string 'string' containing a base 'base' * integer, storing the result in '*uip'. * The base is interpreted * as in strtoul(). Unlike strtoul(), leading whitespace, minus or * plus signs are not accepted, and all errors (including overflow) * are reported uniformly through the return value. * * Requires: *\li 'string' points to a null-terminated string *\li 0 <= 'base' <= 36 * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_BADNUMBER The string is not numeric (in the given base) *\li #ISC_R_RANGE The number is not representable as the requested type. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_PARSEINT_H */ PK #include #include #include #include #include /*% * HTTP urls. These are the URLs we manage, and the function to call to * provide the data for it. We pass in the base url (so the same function * can handle multiple requests), and a structure to fill in to return a * result to the client. We also pass in a pointer to be filled in for * the data cleanup function. */ struct isc_httpdurl { char *url; isc_httpdaction_t *action; void *action_arg; isc_boolean_t isstatic; isc_time_t loadtime; ISC_LINK(isc_httpdurl_t) link; }; #define HTTPD_EVENTCLASS ISC_EVENTCLASS(4300) #define HTTPD_SHUTDOWN (HTTPD_EVENTCLASS + 0x0001) #define ISC_HTTPDMGR_FLAGSHUTTINGDOWN 0x00000001 /* * Create a new http daemon which will send, once every time period, * a http-like header followed by HTTP data. */ isc_result_t isc_httpdmgr_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_socket_t *sock, isc_task_t *task, isc_httpdclientok_t *client_ok, isc_httpdondestroy_t *ondestory, void *cb_arg, isc_timermgr_t *tmgr, isc_httpdmgr_t **httpdp); void isc_httpdmgr_shutdown(isc_httpdmgr_t **httpdp); isc_result_t isc_httpdmgr_addurl(isc_httpdmgr_t *httpdmgr, const char *url, isc_httpdaction_t *func, void *arg); isc_result_t isc_httpdmgr_addurl2(isc_httpdmgr_t *httpdmgr, const char *url, isc_boolean_t isstatic, isc_httpdaction_t *func, void *arg); isc_result_t isc_httpd_response(isc_httpd_t *httpd); isc_result_t isc_httpd_addheader(isc_httpd_t *httpd, const char *name, const char *val); isc_result_t isc_httpd_addheaderuint(isc_httpd_t *httpd, const char *name, int val); isc_result_t isc_httpd_endheaders(isc_httpd_t *httpd); void isc_httpd_setfinishhook(void (*fn)(void)); #endif /* ISC_HTTPD_H */ PK #include #include #include /*** *** Types ***/ typedef isc_event_t isc_appevent_t; #define ISC_APPEVENT_FIRSTEVENT (ISC_EVENTCLASS_APP + 0) #define ISC_APPEVENT_SHUTDOWN (ISC_EVENTCLASS_APP + 1) #define ISC_APPEVENT_LASTEVENT (ISC_EVENTCLASS_APP + 65535) /*% * app module methods. Only app driver implementations use this structure. * Other clients should use the top-level interfaces (i.e., isc_app_xxx * functions). magic must be ISCAPI_APPMETHODS_MAGIC. */ typedef struct isc_appmethods { void (*ctxdestroy)(isc_appctx_t **ctxp); isc_result_t (*ctxstart)(isc_appctx_t *ctx); isc_result_t (*ctxrun)(isc_appctx_t *ctx); isc_result_t (*ctxsuspend)(isc_appctx_t *ctx); isc_result_t (*ctxshutdown)(isc_appctx_t *ctx); void (*ctxfinish)(isc_appctx_t *ctx); void (*settaskmgr)(isc_appctx_t *ctx, isc_taskmgr_t *timermgr); void (*setsocketmgr)(isc_appctx_t *ctx, isc_socketmgr_t *timermgr); void (*settimermgr)(isc_appctx_t *ctx, isc_timermgr_t *timermgr); isc_result_t (*ctxonrun)(isc_appctx_t *ctx, isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_task_t *task, isc_taskaction_t action, void *arg); } isc_appmethods_t; /*% * This structure is actually just the common prefix of an application context * implementation's version of an isc_appctx_t. * \brief * Direct use of this structure by clients is forbidden. app implementations * may change the structure. 'magic' must be ISCAPI_APPCTX_MAGIC for any * of the isc_app_ routines to work. app implementations must maintain * all app context invariants. */ struct isc_appctx { unsigned int impmagic; unsigned int magic; isc_appmethods_t *methods; }; #define ISCAPI_APPCTX_MAGIC ISC_MAGIC('A','a','p','c') #define ISCAPI_APPCTX_VALID(c) ((c) != NULL && \ (c)->magic == ISCAPI_APPCTX_MAGIC) ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS isc_result_t isc_app_ctxstart(isc_appctx_t *ctx); isc_result_t isc_app_start(void); /*!< * \brief Start an ISC library application. * * Notes: * This call should be made before any other ISC library call, and as * close to the beginning of the application as possible. * * Requires: *\li 'ctx' is a valid application context (for app_ctxstart()). */ isc_result_t isc_app_ctxonrun(isc_appctx_t *ctx, isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_task_t *task, isc_taskaction_t action, void *arg); isc_result_t isc_app_onrun(isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_task_t *task, isc_taskaction_t action, void *arg); /*!< * \brief Request delivery of an event when the application is run. * * Requires: *\li isc_app_start() has been called. *\li 'ctx' is a valid application context (for app_ctxonrun()). * * Returns: * ISC_R_SUCCESS * ISC_R_NOMEMORY */ isc_result_t isc_app_ctxrun(isc_appctx_t *ctx); isc_result_t isc_app_run(void); /*!< * \brief Run an ISC library application. * * Notes: *\li The caller (typically the initial thread of an application) will * block until shutdown is requested. When the call returns, the * caller should start shutting down the application. * * Requires: *\li isc_app_[ctx]start() has been called. * * Ensures: *\li Any events requested via isc_app_onrun() will have been posted (in * FIFO order) before isc_app_run() blocks. *\li 'ctx' is a valid application context (for app_ctxrun()). * * Returns: *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS Shutdown has been requested. *\li ISC_R_RELOAD Reload has been requested. */ isc_boolean_t isc_app_isrunning(void); /*!< * \brief Return if the ISC library application is running. * * Returns: *\li ISC_TRUE App is running. *\li ISC_FALSE App is not running. */ isc_result_t isc_app_ctxshutdown(isc_appctx_t *ctx); isc_result_t isc_app_shutdown(void); /*!< * \brief Request application shutdown. * * Notes: *\li It is safe to call isc_app_shutdown() multiple times. Shutdown will * only be triggered once. * * Requires: *\li isc_app_[ctx]run() has been called. *\li 'ctx' is a valid application context (for app_ctxshutdown()). * * Returns: *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li ISC_R_UNEXPECTED */ isc_result_t isc_app_ctxsuspend(isc_appctx_t *ctx); /*!< * \brief This has the same behavior as isc_app_ctxsuspend(). */ isc_result_t isc_app_reload(void); /*!< * \brief Request application reload. * * Requires: *\li isc_app_run() has been called. * * Returns: *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li ISC_R_UNEXPECTED */ void isc_app_ctxfinish(isc_appctx_t *ctx); void isc_app_finish(void); /*!< * \brief Finish an ISC library application. * * Notes: *\li This call should be made at or near the end of main(). * * Requires: *\li isc_app_start() has been called. *\li 'ctx' is a valid application context (for app_ctxfinish()). * * Ensures: *\li Any resources allocated by isc_app_start() have been released. */ void isc_app_block(void); /*!< * \brief Indicate that a blocking operation will be performed. * * Notes: *\li If a blocking operation is in process, a call to isc_app_shutdown() * or an external signal will abort the program, rather than allowing * clean shutdown. This is primarily useful for reading user input. * * Requires: * \li isc_app_start() has been called. * \li No other blocking operations are in progress. */ void isc_app_unblock(void); /*!< * \brief Indicate that a blocking operation is complete. * * Notes: * \li When a blocking operation has completed, return the program to a * state where a call to isc_app_shutdown() or an external signal will * shutdown normally. * * Requires: * \li isc_app_start() has been called. * \li isc_app_block() has been called by the same thread. */ isc_result_t isc_appctx_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_appctx_t **ctxp); /*!< * \brief Create an application context. * * Requires: *\li 'mctx' is a valid memory context. *\li 'ctxp' != NULL && *ctxp == NULL. */ void isc_appctx_destroy(isc_appctx_t **ctxp); /*!< * \brief Destroy an application context. * * Requires: *\li '*ctxp' is a valid application context. * * Ensures: *\li *ctxp == NULL. */ void isc_appctx_settaskmgr(isc_appctx_t *ctx, isc_taskmgr_t *taskmgr); /*!< * \brief Associate a task manager with an application context. * * This must be done before running tasks within the application context. * * Requires: *\li 'ctx' is a valid application context. *\li 'taskmgr' is a valid task manager. */ void isc_appctx_setsocketmgr(isc_appctx_t *ctx, isc_socketmgr_t *socketmgr); /*!< * \brief Associate a socket manager with an application context. * * This must be done before handling socket events within the application * context. * * Requires: *\li 'ctx' is a valid application context. *\li 'socketmgr' is a valid socket manager. */ void isc_appctx_settimermgr(isc_appctx_t *ctx, isc_timermgr_t *timermgr); /*!< * \brief Associate a socket timer with an application context. * * This must be done before handling timer events within the application * context. * * Requires: *\li 'ctx' is a valid application context. *\li 'timermgr' is a valid timer manager. */ /*%< * See isc_appctx_create() above. */ typedef isc_result_t (*isc_appctxcreatefunc_t)(isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_appctx_t **ctxp); isc_result_t isc_app_register(isc_appctxcreatefunc_t createfunc); /*%< * Register a new application implementation and add it to the list of * supported implementations. This function must be called when a different * event library is used than the one contained in the ISC library. */ isc_result_t isc__app_register(void); /*%< * A short cut function that specifies the application module in the ISC * library for isc_app_register(). An application that uses the ISC library * usually do not have to care about this function: it would call * isc_lib_register(), which internally calls this function. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_APP_H */ PK #include #include #ifdef ISC_PLATFORM_HAVESYSUNH #include #endif struct isc_sockaddr { union { struct sockaddr sa; struct sockaddr_in sin; struct sockaddr_in6 sin6; struct sockaddr_storage ss; #ifdef ISC_PLATFORM_HAVESYSUNH struct sockaddr_un sunix; #endif } type; unsigned int length; /* XXXRTH beginning? */ ISC_LINK(struct isc_sockaddr) link; }; #define ISC_SOCKADDR_CMPADDR 0x0001 /*%< compare the address * sin_addr/sin6_addr */ #define ISC_SOCKADDR_CMPPORT 0x0002 /*%< compare the port * sin_port/sin6_port */ #define ISC_SOCKADDR_CMPSCOPE 0x0004 /*%< compare the scope * sin6_scope */ #define ISC_SOCKADDR_CMPSCOPEZERO 0x0008 /*%< when comparing scopes * zero scopes always match */ ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS isc_boolean_t isc_sockaddr_compare(const isc_sockaddr_t *a, const isc_sockaddr_t *b, unsigned int flags); /*%< * Compare the elements of the two address ('a' and 'b') as specified * by 'flags' and report if they are equal or not. * * 'flags' is set from ISC_SOCKADDR_CMP*. */ isc_boolean_t isc_sockaddr_equal(const isc_sockaddr_t *a, const isc_sockaddr_t *b); /*%< * Return ISC_TRUE iff the socket addresses 'a' and 'b' are equal. */ isc_boolean_t isc_sockaddr_eqaddr(const isc_sockaddr_t *a, const isc_sockaddr_t *b); /*%< * Return ISC_TRUE iff the address parts of the socket addresses * 'a' and 'b' are equal, ignoring the ports. */ isc_boolean_t isc_sockaddr_eqaddrprefix(const isc_sockaddr_t *a, const isc_sockaddr_t *b, unsigned int prefixlen); /*%< * Return ISC_TRUE iff the most significant 'prefixlen' bits of the * socket addresses 'a' and 'b' are equal, ignoring the ports. * If 'b''s scope is zero then 'a''s scope will be ignored. */ unsigned int isc_sockaddr_hash(const isc_sockaddr_t *sockaddr, isc_boolean_t address_only); /*%< * Return a hash value for the socket address 'sockaddr'. If 'address_only' * is ISC_TRUE, the hash value will not depend on the port. * * IPv6 addresses containing mapped IPv4 addresses generate the same hash * value as the equivalent IPv4 address. */ void isc_sockaddr_any(isc_sockaddr_t *sockaddr); /*%< * Return the IPv4 wildcard address. */ void isc_sockaddr_any6(isc_sockaddr_t *sockaddr); /*%< * Return the IPv6 wildcard address. */ void isc_sockaddr_anyofpf(isc_sockaddr_t *sockaddr, int family); /*%< * Set '*sockaddr' to the wildcard address of protocol family * 'family'. * * Requires: * \li 'family' is AF_INET or AF_INET6. */ void isc_sockaddr_fromin(isc_sockaddr_t *sockaddr, const struct in_addr *ina, in_port_t port); /*%< * Construct an isc_sockaddr_t from an IPv4 address and port. */ void isc_sockaddr_fromin6(isc_sockaddr_t *sockaddr, const struct in6_addr *ina6, in_port_t port); /*%< * Construct an isc_sockaddr_t from an IPv6 address and port. */ void isc_sockaddr_v6fromin(isc_sockaddr_t *sockaddr, const struct in_addr *ina, in_port_t port); /*%< * Construct an IPv6 isc_sockaddr_t representing a mapped IPv4 address. */ void isc_sockaddr_fromnetaddr(isc_sockaddr_t *sockaddr, const isc_netaddr_t *na, in_port_t port); /*%< * Construct an isc_sockaddr_t from an isc_netaddr_t and port. */ int isc_sockaddr_pf(const isc_sockaddr_t *sockaddr); /*%< * Get the protocol family of 'sockaddr'. * * Requires: * *\li 'sockaddr' is a valid sockaddr with an address family of AF_INET * or AF_INET6. * * Returns: * *\li The protocol family of 'sockaddr', e.g. PF_INET or PF_INET6. */ void isc_sockaddr_setport(isc_sockaddr_t *sockaddr, in_port_t port); /*%< * Set the port of 'sockaddr' to 'port'. */ in_port_t isc_sockaddr_getport(const isc_sockaddr_t *sockaddr); /*%< * Get the port stored in 'sockaddr'. */ isc_result_t isc_sockaddr_totext(const isc_sockaddr_t *sockaddr, isc_buffer_t *target); /*%< * Append a text representation of 'sockaddr' to the buffer 'target'. * The text will include both the IP address (v4 or v6) and the port. * The text is null terminated, but the terminating null is not * part of the buffer's used region. * * Returns: * \li ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li ISC_R_NOSPACE The text or the null termination did not fit. */ void isc_sockaddr_format(const isc_sockaddr_t *sa, char *array, unsigned int size); /*%< * Format a human-readable representation of the socket address '*sa' * into the character array 'array', which is of size 'size'. * The resulting string is guaranteed to be null-terminated. */ isc_boolean_t isc_sockaddr_ismulticast(const isc_sockaddr_t *sa); /*%< * Returns #ISC_TRUE if the address is a multicast address. */ isc_boolean_t isc_sockaddr_isexperimental(const isc_sockaddr_t *sa); /* * Returns ISC_TRUE if the address is a experimental (CLASS E) address. */ isc_boolean_t isc_sockaddr_islinklocal(const isc_sockaddr_t *sa); /*%< * Returns ISC_TRUE if the address is a link local address. */ isc_boolean_t isc_sockaddr_issitelocal(const isc_sockaddr_t *sa); /*%< * Returns ISC_TRUE if the address is a sitelocal address. */ isc_boolean_t isc_sockaddr_isnetzero(const isc_sockaddr_t *sa); /*%< * Returns ISC_TRUE if the address is in net zero. */ isc_result_t isc_sockaddr_frompath(isc_sockaddr_t *sockaddr, const char *path); /* * Create a UNIX domain sockaddr that refers to path. * * Returns: * \li ISC_R_NOSPACE * \li ISC_R_NOTIMPLEMENTED * \li ISC_R_SUCCESS */ #define ISC_SOCKADDR_FORMATSIZE \ sizeof("xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX%SSSSSSSSSS#YYYYY") /*%< * Minimum size of array to pass to isc_sockaddr_format(). */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_SOCKADDR_H */ PK #include #ifdef ISC_PLATFORM_USEGCCASM /* * This routine atomically increments the value stored in 'p' by 'val', and * returns the previous value. */ static __inline__ isc_int32_t isc_atomic_xadd(isc_int32_t *p, isc_int32_t val) { isc_int32_t prev = val; __asm__ volatile( #ifdef ISC_PLATFORM_USETHREADS "lock;" #endif "xadd %0, %1" :"=q"(prev) :"m"(*p), "0"(prev) :"memory", "cc"); return (prev); } #ifdef ISC_PLATFORM_HAVEXADDQ static __inline__ isc_int64_t isc_atomic_xaddq(isc_int64_t *p, isc_int64_t val) { isc_int64_t prev = val; __asm__ volatile( #ifdef ISC_PLATFORM_USETHREADS "lock;" #endif "xaddq %0, %1" :"=q"(prev) :"m"(*p), "0"(prev) :"memory", "cc"); return (prev); } #endif /* ISC_PLATFORM_HAVEXADDQ */ /* * This routine atomically stores the value 'val' in 'p' (32-bit version). */ static __inline__ void isc_atomic_store(isc_int32_t *p, isc_int32_t val) { __asm__ volatile( #ifdef ISC_PLATFORM_USETHREADS /* * xchg should automatically lock memory, but we add it * explicitly just in case (it at least doesn't harm) */ "lock;" #endif "xchgl %1, %0" : : "r"(val), "m"(*p) : "memory"); } #ifdef ISC_PLATFORM_HAVEATOMICSTOREQ /* * This routine atomically stores the value 'val' in 'p' (64-bit version). */ static __inline__ void isc_atomic_storeq(isc_int64_t *p, isc_int64_t val) { __asm__ volatile( #ifdef ISC_PLATFORM_USETHREADS /* * xchg should automatically lock memory, but we add it * explicitly just in case (it at least doesn't harm) */ "lock;" #endif "xchgq %1, %0" : : "r"(val), "m"(*p) : "memory"); } #endif /* ISC_PLATFORM_HAVEATOMICSTOREQ */ /* * This routine atomically replaces the value in 'p' with 'val', if the * original value is equal to 'cmpval'. The original value is returned in any * case. */ static __inline__ isc_int32_t isc_atomic_cmpxchg(isc_int32_t *p, isc_int32_t cmpval, isc_int32_t val) { __asm__ volatile( #ifdef ISC_PLATFORM_USETHREADS "lock;" #endif "cmpxchgl %1, %2" : "=a"(cmpval) : "r"(val), "m"(*p), "a"(cmpval) : "memory"); return (cmpval); } #elif defined(ISC_PLATFORM_USESTDASM) /* * The followings are "generic" assembly code which implements the same * functionality in case the gcc extension cannot be used. It should be * better to avoid inlining below, since we directly refer to specific * positions of the stack frame, which would not actually point to the * intended address in the embedded mnemonic. */ static isc_int32_t isc_atomic_xadd(isc_int32_t *p, isc_int32_t val) { (void)(p); (void)(val); __asm ( "movl 8(%ebp), %ecx\n" "movl 12(%ebp), %edx\n" #ifdef ISC_PLATFORM_USETHREADS "lock;" #endif "xadd %edx, (%ecx)\n" /* * set the return value directly in the register so that we * can avoid guessing the correct position in the stack for a * local variable. */ "movl %edx, %eax" ); } static void isc_atomic_store(isc_int32_t *p, isc_int32_t val) { (void)(p); (void)(val); __asm ( "movl 8(%ebp), %ecx\n" "movl 12(%ebp), %edx\n" #ifdef ISC_PLATFORM_USETHREADS "lock;" #endif "xchgl (%ecx), %edx\n" ); } static isc_int32_t isc_atomic_cmpxchg(isc_int32_t *p, isc_int32_t cmpval, isc_int32_t val) { (void)(p); (void)(cmpval); (void)(val); __asm ( "movl 8(%ebp), %ecx\n" "movl 12(%ebp), %eax\n" /* must be %eax for cmpxchgl */ "movl 16(%ebp), %edx\n" #ifdef ISC_PLATFORM_USETHREADS "lock;" #endif /* * If (%ecx) == %eax then (%ecx) := %edx. % %eax is set to old (%ecx), which will be the return value. */ "cmpxchgl %edx, (%ecx)" ); } #else /* !ISC_PLATFORM_USEGCCASM && !ISC_PLATFORM_USESTDASM */ #error "unsupported compiler. disable atomic ops by --disable-atomic" #endif #endif /* ISC_ATOMIC_H */ PK #include #include /*@{*/ /*% Entropy callback function. */ typedef isc_result_t (*isc_entropystart_t)(isc_entropysource_t *source, void *arg, isc_boolean_t blocking); typedef isc_result_t (*isc_entropyget_t)(isc_entropysource_t *source, void *arg, isc_boolean_t blocking); typedef void (*isc_entropystop_t)(isc_entropysource_t *source, void *arg); /*@}*/ /*** *** Flags. ***/ /*! * \brief * Extract only "good" data; return failure if there is not enough * data available and there are no sources which we can poll to get * data, or those sources are empty. * * */ #define ISC_ENTROPY_GOODONLY 0x00000001U /*! * \brief * Extract as much good data as possible, but if there isn't enough * at hand, return what is available. This flag only makes sense * when used with _GOODONLY. */ #define ISC_ENTROPY_PARTIAL 0x00000002U /*! * \brief * Block the task until data is available. This is contrary to the * ISC task system, where tasks should never block. However, if * this is a special purpose application where blocking a task is * acceptable (say, an offline zone signer) this flag may be set. * This flag only makes sense when used with _GOODONLY, and will * block regardless of the setting for _PARTIAL. */ #define ISC_ENTROPY_BLOCKING 0x00000004U /*! * \brief * Estimate the amount of entropy contained in the sample pool. * If this is not set, the source will be gathered and periodically * mixed into the entropy pool, but no increment in contained entropy * will be assumed. This flag only makes sense on sample sources. */ #define ISC_ENTROPYSOURCE_ESTIMATE 0x00000001U /* * For use with isc_entropy_usebestsource(). */ /*! * \brief * Use the keyboard as the only entropy source. */ #define ISC_ENTROPY_KEYBOARDYES 1 /*! * \brief * Never use the keyboard as an entropy source. */ #define ISC_ENTROPY_KEYBOARDNO 2 /*! * \brief * Use the keyboard as an entropy source only if opening the * random device fails. */ #define ISC_ENTROPY_KEYBOARDMAYBE 3 ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /*** *** Functions ***/ isc_result_t isc_entropy_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_entropy_t **entp); /*!< * \brief Create a new entropy object. */ void isc_entropy_attach(isc_entropy_t *ent, isc_entropy_t **entp); /*!< * Attaches to an entropy object. */ void isc_entropy_detach(isc_entropy_t **entp); /*!< * \brief Detaches from an entropy object. */ isc_result_t isc_entropy_createfilesource(isc_entropy_t *ent, const char *fname); /*!< * \brief Create a new entropy source from a file. * * The file is assumed to contain good randomness, and will be mixed directly * into the pool with every byte adding 8 bits of entropy. * * The file will be put into non-blocking mode, so it may be a device file, * such as /dev/random. /dev/urandom should not be used here if it can * be avoided, since it will always provide data even if it isn't good. * We will make as much pseudorandom data as we need internally if our * caller asks for it. * * If we hit end-of-file, we will stop reading from this source. Callers * who require strong random data will get failure when our pool drains. * The file will never be opened/read again once EOF is reached. */ void isc_entropy_destroysource(isc_entropysource_t **sourcep); /*!< * \brief Removes an entropy source from the entropy system. */ isc_result_t isc_entropy_createsamplesource(isc_entropy_t *ent, isc_entropysource_t **sourcep); /*!< * \brief Create an entropy source that consists of samples. Each sample is * added to the source via isc_entropy_addsamples(), below. */ isc_result_t isc_entropy_createcallbacksource(isc_entropy_t *ent, isc_entropystart_t start, isc_entropyget_t get, isc_entropystop_t stop, void *arg, isc_entropysource_t **sourcep); /*!< * \brief Create an entropy source that is polled via a callback. * * This would * be used when keyboard input is used, or a GUI input method. It can * also be used to hook in any external entropy source. * * Samples are added via isc_entropy_addcallbacksample(), below. * _addcallbacksample() is the only function which may be called from * within an entropy API callback function. */ void isc_entropy_stopcallbacksources(isc_entropy_t *ent); /*!< * \brief Call the stop functions for callback sources that have had their * start functions called. */ /*@{*/ isc_result_t isc_entropy_addcallbacksample(isc_entropysource_t *source, isc_uint32_t sample, isc_uint32_t extra); isc_result_t isc_entropy_addsample(isc_entropysource_t *source, isc_uint32_t sample, isc_uint32_t extra); /*!< * \brief Add a sample to the sample source. * * The sample MUST be a timestamp * that increases over time, with the exception of wrap-around for * extremely high resolution timers which will quickly wrap-around * a 32-bit integer. * * The "extra" parameter is used only to add a bit more unpredictable * data. It is not used other than included in the hash of samples. * * When in an entropy API callback function, _addcallbacksource() must be * used. At all other times, _addsample() must be used. */ /*@}*/ isc_result_t isc_entropy_getdata(isc_entropy_t *ent, void *data, unsigned int length, unsigned int *returned, unsigned int flags); /*!< * \brief Extract data from the entropy pool. This may load the pool from various * sources. * * Do this by stiring the pool and returning a part of hash as randomness. * Note that no secrets are given away here since parts of the hash are * xored together before returned. * * Honor the request from the caller to only return good data, any data, * etc. */ void isc_entropy_putdata(isc_entropy_t *ent, void *data, unsigned int length, isc_uint32_t entropy); /*!< * \brief Add "length" bytes in "data" to the entropy pool, incrementing the * pool's entropy count by "entropy." * * These bytes will prime the pseudorandom portion even if no entropy is * actually added. */ void isc_entropy_stats(isc_entropy_t *ent, FILE *out); /*!< * \brief Dump some (trivial) stats to the stdio stream "out". */ unsigned int isc_entropy_status(isc_entropy_t *end); /* * Returns the number of bits the pool currently contains. This is just * an estimate. */ isc_result_t isc_entropy_usebestsource(isc_entropy_t *ectx, isc_entropysource_t **source, const char *randomfile, int use_keyboard); /*!< * \brief Use whatever source of entropy is best. * * Notes: *\li If "randomfile" is not NULL, open it with * isc_entropy_createfilesource(). * *\li If "randomfile" is NULL and the system's random device was detected * when the program was configured and built, open that device with * isc_entropy_createfilesource(). * *\li If "use_keyboard" is #ISC_ENTROPY_KEYBOARDYES, then always open * the keyboard as an entropy source (possibly in addition to * "randomfile" or the random device). * *\li If "use_keyboard" is #ISC_ENTROPY_KEYBOARDMAYBE, open the keyboard only * if opening the random file/device fails. A message will be * printed describing the need for keyboard input. * *\li If "use_keyboard" is #ISC_ENTROPY_KEYBOARDNO, the keyboard will * never be opened. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS if at least one source of entropy could be started. * *\li #ISC_R_NOENTROPY if use_keyboard is #ISC_ENTROPY_KEYBOARDNO and * there is no random device pathname compiled into the program. * *\li A return code from isc_entropy_createfilesource() or * isc_entropy_createcallbacksource(). */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_ENTROPY_H */ PK #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /*** *** Functions ***/ isc_result_t isc_base64_totext(isc_region_t *source, int wordlength, const char *wordbreak, isc_buffer_t *target); /*!< * \brief Convert data into base64 encoded text. * * Notes: *\li The base64 encoded text in 'target' will be divided into * words of at most 'wordlength' characters, separated by * the 'wordbreak' string. No parentheses will surround * the text. * * Requires: *\li 'source' is a region containing binary data *\li 'target' is a text buffer containing available space *\li 'wordbreak' points to a null-terminated string of * zero or more whitespace characters * * Ensures: *\li target will contain the base64 encoded version of the data * in source. The 'used' pointer in target will be advanced as * necessary. */ isc_result_t isc_base64_decodestring(const char *cstr, isc_buffer_t *target); /*!< * \brief Decode a null-terminated base64 string. * * Requires: *\li 'cstr' is non-null. *\li 'target' is a valid buffer. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS -- the entire decoded representation of 'cstring' * fit in 'target'. *\li #ISC_R_BADBASE64 -- 'cstr' is not a valid base64 encoding. * * Other error returns are any possible error code from: *\li isc_lex_create(), *\li isc_lex_openbuffer(), *\li isc_base64_tobuffer(). */ isc_result_t isc_base64_tobuffer(isc_lex_t *lexer, isc_buffer_t *target, int length); /*!< * \brief Convert base64 encoded text from a lexer context into data. * * Requires: *\li 'lex' is a valid lexer context *\li 'target' is a buffer containing binary data *\li 'length' is an integer * * Ensures: *\li target will contain the data represented by the base64 encoded * string parsed by the lexer. No more than length bytes will be read, * if length is positive. The 'used' pointer in target will be * advanced as necessary. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_BASE64_H */ PK #include #include typedef pthread_once_t isc_once_t; #ifdef ISC_PLATFORM_BRACEPTHREADONCEINIT /*! * This accomodates systems that define PTHRAD_ONCE_INIT improperly. */ #define ISC_ONCE_INIT { PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT } #else /*! * This is the usual case. */ #define ISC_ONCE_INIT PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT #endif /* XXX We could do fancier error handling... */ #define isc_once_do(op, f) \ ((pthread_once((op), (f)) == 0) ? \ ISC_R_SUCCESS : ISC_R_UNEXPECTED) #endif /* ISC_ONCE_H */ PK #include #endif #define ISC_XMLCHAR (const xmlChar *) #define ISC_XML_RENDERCONFIG 0x00000001 /* render config data */ #define ISC_XML_RENDERSTATS 0x00000002 /* render stats */ #define ISC_XML_RENDERALL 0x000000ff /* render everything */ #endif /* ISC_XML_H */ PK #include #include /*! * \brief Public structure describing a network interface. */ struct isc_interface { char name[32]; /*%< Interface name, null-terminated. */ unsigned int af; /*%< Address family. */ isc_netaddr_t address; /*%< Local address. */ isc_netaddr_t netmask; /*%< Network mask. */ isc_netaddr_t dstaddress; /*%< Destination address (point-to-point only). */ isc_uint32_t flags; /*%< Flags; see INTERFACE flags. */ }; /*@{*/ /*! Interface flags. */ #define INTERFACE_F_UP 0x00000001U #define INTERFACE_F_POINTTOPOINT 0x00000002U #define INTERFACE_F_LOOPBACK 0x00000004U /*@}*/ /*** *** Functions ***/ ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS isc_result_t isc_interfaceiter_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_interfaceiter_t **iterp); /*!< * \brief Create an iterator for traversing the operating system's list * of network interfaces. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY *\li Various network-related errors */ isc_result_t isc_interfaceiter_first(isc_interfaceiter_t *iter); /*!< * \brief Position the iterator on the first interface. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS Success. *\li #ISC_R_NOMORE There are no interfaces. */ isc_result_t isc_interfaceiter_current(isc_interfaceiter_t *iter, isc_interface_t *ifdata); /*!< * \brief Get information about the interface the iterator is currently * positioned at and store it at *ifdata. * * Requires: *\li The iterator has been successfully positioned using * isc_interface_iter_first() / isc_interface_iter_next(). * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS Success. */ isc_result_t isc_interfaceiter_next(isc_interfaceiter_t *iter); /*!< * \brief Position the iterator on the next interface. * * Requires: * \li The iterator has been successfully positioned using * isc_interface_iter_first() / isc_interface_iter_next(). * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS Success. *\li #ISC_R_NOMORE There are no more interfaces. */ void isc_interfaceiter_destroy(isc_interfaceiter_t **iterp); /*!< * \brief Destroy the iterator. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_INTERFACEITER_H */ PKp>p isc/log.hnu[/* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ #ifndef ISC_LOG_H #define ISC_LOG_H 1 /*! \file isc/log.h */ #include #include #include /* XXXDCL NT */ #include #include #include #include /*@{*/ /*! * \brief Severity levels, patterned after Unix's syslog levels. * */ #define ISC_LOG_DEBUG(level) (level) /*! * #ISC_LOG_DYNAMIC can only be used for defining channels with * isc_log_createchannel(), not to specify a level in isc_log_write(). */ #define ISC_LOG_DYNAMIC 0 #define ISC_LOG_INFO (-1) #define ISC_LOG_NOTICE (-2) #define ISC_LOG_WARNING (-3) #define ISC_LOG_ERROR (-4) #define ISC_LOG_CRITICAL (-5) /*@}*/ /*@{*/ /*! * \brief Destinations. */ #define ISC_LOG_TONULL 1 #define ISC_LOG_TOSYSLOG 2 #define ISC_LOG_TOFILE 3 #define ISC_LOG_TOFILEDESC 4 /*@}*/ /*@{*/ /*% * Channel flags. */ #define ISC_LOG_PRINTTIME 0x0001 #define ISC_LOG_PRINTLEVEL 0x0002 #define ISC_LOG_PRINTCATEGORY 0x0004 #define ISC_LOG_PRINTMODULE 0x0008 #define ISC_LOG_PRINTTAG 0x0010 /* tag and ":" */ #define ISC_LOG_PRINTPREFIX 0x0020 /* tag only, no colon */ #define ISC_LOG_PRINTALL 0x003F #define ISC_LOG_BUFFERED 0x0040 #define ISC_LOG_DEBUGONLY 0x1000 #define ISC_LOG_OPENERR 0x8000 /* internal */ /*@}*/ /*@{*/ /*! * \brief Other options. * * XXXDCL INFINITE doesn't yet work. Arguably it isn't needed, but * since I am intend to make large number of versions work efficiently, * INFINITE is going to be trivial to add to that. */ #define ISC_LOG_ROLLINFINITE (-1) #define ISC_LOG_ROLLNEVER (-2) /*@}*/ /*! * \brief Used to name the categories used by a library. * * An array of isc_logcategory * structures names each category, and the id value is initialized by calling * isc_log_registercategories. */ struct isc_logcategory { const char *name; unsigned int id; }; /*% * Similar to isc_logcategory, but for all the modules a library defines. */ struct isc_logmodule { const char *name; unsigned int id; }; /*% * The isc_logfile structure is initialized as part of an isc_logdestination * before calling isc_log_createchannel(). * * When defining an #ISC_LOG_TOFILE * channel the name, versions and maximum_size should be set before calling * isc_log_createchannel(). To define an #ISC_LOG_TOFILEDESC channel set only * the stream before the call. * * Setting maximum_size to zero implies no maximum. */ typedef struct isc_logfile { FILE *stream; /*%< Initialized to NULL for #ISC_LOG_TOFILE. */ const char *name; /*%< NULL for #ISC_LOG_TOFILEDESC. */ int versions; /* >= 0, #ISC_LOG_ROLLNEVER, #ISC_LOG_ROLLINFINITE. */ /*% * stdio's ftell is standardized to return a long, which may well not * be big enough for the largest file supportable by the operating * system (though it is _probably_ big enough for the largest log * anyone would want). st_size returned by fstat should be typedef'd * to a size large enough for the largest possible file on a system. */ isc_offset_t maximum_size; isc_boolean_t maximum_reached; /*%< Private. */ } isc_logfile_t; /*% * Passed to isc_log_createchannel to define the attributes of either * a stdio or a syslog log. */ typedef union isc_logdestination { isc_logfile_t file; int facility; /* XXXDCL NT */ } isc_logdestination_t; /*@{*/ /*% * The built-in categories of libisc. * * Each library registering categories should provide library_LOGCATEGORY_name * definitions with indexes into its isc_logcategory structure corresponding to * the order of the names. */ LIBISC_EXTERNAL_DATA extern isc_logcategory_t isc_categories[]; LIBISC_EXTERNAL_DATA extern isc_log_t *isc_lctx; LIBISC_EXTERNAL_DATA extern isc_logmodule_t isc_modules[]; /*@}*/ /*@{*/ /*% * Do not log directly to DEFAULT. Use another category. When in doubt, * use GENERAL. */ #define ISC_LOGCATEGORY_DEFAULT (&isc_categories[0]) #define ISC_LOGCATEGORY_GENERAL (&isc_categories[1]) /*@}*/ #define ISC_LOGMODULE_SOCKET (&isc_modules[0]) #define ISC_LOGMODULE_TIME (&isc_modules[1]) #define ISC_LOGMODULE_INTERFACE (&isc_modules[2]) #define ISC_LOGMODULE_TIMER (&isc_modules[3]) #define ISC_LOGMODULE_FILE (&isc_modules[4]) #define ISC_LOGMODULE_OTHER (&isc_modules[5]) ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS isc_result_t isc_log_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_log_t **lctxp, isc_logconfig_t **lcfgp); /*%< * Establish a new logging context, with default channels. * * Notes: *\li isc_log_create() calls isc_logconfig_create(), so see its comment * below for more information. * * Requires: *\li mctx is a valid memory context. *\li lctxp is not null and *lctxp is null. *\li lcfgp is null or lcfgp is not null and *lcfgp is null. * * Ensures: *\li *lctxp will point to a valid logging context if all of the necessary * memory was allocated, or NULL otherwise. *\li *lcfgp will point to a valid logging configuration if all of the * necessary memory was allocated, or NULL otherwise. *\li On failure, no additional memory is allocated. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS Success *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY Resource limit: Out of memory */ isc_result_t isc_logconfig_create(isc_log_t *lctx, isc_logconfig_t **lcfgp); /*%< * Create the data structure that holds all of the configurable information * about where messages are actually supposed to be sent -- the information * that could changed based on some configuration file, as opposed to the * the category/module specification of isc_log_[v]write[1] that is compiled * into a program, or the debug_level which is dynamic state information. * * Notes: *\li It is necessary to specify the logging context the configuration * will be used with because the number of categories and modules * needs to be known in order to set the configuration. However, * the configuration is not used by the logging context until the * isc_logconfig_use function is called. * *\li The memory context used for operations that allocate memory for * the configuration is that of the logging context, as specified * in the isc_log_create call. * *\li Four default channels are established: *\verbatim * default_syslog * - log to syslog's daemon facility #ISC_LOG_INFO or higher * default_stderr * - log to stderr #ISC_LOG_INFO or higher * default_debug * - log to stderr #ISC_LOG_DEBUG dynamically * null * - log nothing *\endverbatim * * Requires: *\li lctx is a valid logging context. *\li lcftp is not null and *lcfgp is null. * * Ensures: *\li *lcfgp will point to a valid logging context if all of the necessary * memory was allocated, or NULL otherwise. *\li On failure, no additional memory is allocated. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS Success *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY Resource limit: Out of memory */ isc_logconfig_t * isc_logconfig_get(isc_log_t *lctx); /*%< * Returns a pointer to the configuration currently in use by the log context. * * Requires: *\li lctx is a valid context. * * Ensures: *\li The configuration pointer is non-null. * * Returns: *\li The configuration pointer. */ isc_result_t isc_logconfig_use(isc_log_t *lctx, isc_logconfig_t *lcfg); /*%< * Associate a new configuration with a logging context. * * Notes: *\li This is thread safe. The logging context will lock a mutex * before attempting to swap in the new configuration, and isc_log_doit * (the internal function used by all of isc_log_[v]write[1]) locks * the same lock for the duration of its use of the configuration. * * Requires: *\li lctx is a valid logging context. *\li lcfg is a valid logging configuration. *\li lctx is the same configuration given to isc_logconfig_create * when the configuration was created. * * Ensures: *\li Future calls to isc_log_write will use the new configuration. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS Success *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY Resource limit: Out of memory */ void isc_log_destroy(isc_log_t **lctxp); /*%< * Deallocate the memory associated with a logging context. * * Requires: *\li *lctx is a valid logging context. * * Ensures: *\li All of the memory associated with the logging context is returned * to the free memory pool. * *\li Any open files are closed. * *\li The logging context is marked as invalid. */ void isc_logconfig_destroy(isc_logconfig_t **lcfgp); /*%< * Destroy a logging configuration. * * Notes: *\li This function cannot be used directly with the return value of * isc_logconfig_get, because a logging context must always have * a valid configuration associated with it. * * Requires: *\li lcfgp is not null and *lcfgp is a valid logging configuration. *\li The logging configuration is not in use by an existing logging context. * * Ensures: *\li All memory allocated for the configuration is freed. * *\li The configuration is marked as invalid. */ void isc_log_registercategories(isc_log_t *lctx, isc_logcategory_t categories[]); /*%< * Identify logging categories a library will use. * * Notes: *\li A category should only be registered once, but no mechanism enforces * this rule. * *\li The end of the categories array is identified by a NULL name. * *\li Because the name is used by #ISC_LOG_PRINTCATEGORY, it should not * be altered or destroyed after isc_log_registercategories(). * *\li Because each element of the categories array is used by * isc_log_categorybyname, it should not be altered or destroyed * after registration. * *\li The value of the id integer in each structure is overwritten * by this function, and so id need not be initialized to any particular * value prior to the function call. * *\li A subsequent call to isc_log_registercategories with the same * logging context (but new categories) will cause the last * element of the categories array from the prior call to have * its "name" member changed from NULL to point to the new * categories array, and its "id" member set to UINT_MAX. * * Requires: *\li lctx is a valid logging context. *\li categories != NULL. *\li categories[0].name != NULL. * * Ensures: * \li There are references to each category in the logging context, * so they can be used with isc_log_usechannel() and isc_log_write(). */ void isc_log_registermodules(isc_log_t *lctx, isc_logmodule_t modules[]); /*%< * Identify logging categories a library will use. * * Notes: *\li A module should only be registered once, but no mechanism enforces * this rule. * *\li The end of the modules array is identified by a NULL name. * *\li Because the name is used by #ISC_LOG_PRINTMODULE, it should not * be altered or destroyed after isc_log_registermodules(). * *\li Because each element of the modules array is used by * isc_log_modulebyname, it should not be altered or destroyed * after registration. * *\li The value of the id integer in each structure is overwritten * by this function, and so id need not be initialized to any particular * value prior to the function call. * *\li A subsequent call to isc_log_registermodules with the same * logging context (but new modules) will cause the last * element of the modules array from the prior call to have * its "name" member changed from NULL to point to the new * modules array, and its "id" member set to UINT_MAX. * * Requires: *\li lctx is a valid logging context. *\li modules != NULL. *\li modules[0].name != NULL; * * Ensures: *\li Each module has a reference in the logging context, so they can be * used with isc_log_usechannel() and isc_log_write(). */ isc_result_t isc_log_createchannel(isc_logconfig_t *lcfg, const char *name, unsigned int type, int level, const isc_logdestination_t *destination, unsigned int flags); /*%< * Specify the parameters of a logging channel. * * Notes: *\li The name argument is copied to memory in the logging context, so * it can be altered or destroyed after isc_log_createchannel(). * *\li Defining a very large number of channels will have a performance * impact on isc_log_usechannel(), since the names are searched * linearly until a match is made. This same issue does not affect * isc_log_write, however. * *\li Channel names can be redefined; this is primarily useful for programs * that want their own definition of default_syslog, default_debug * and default_stderr. * *\li Any channel that is redefined will not affect logging that was * already directed to its original definition, _except_ for the * default_stderr channel. This case is handled specially so that * the default logging category can be changed by redefining * default_stderr. (XXXDCL Though now that I think of it, the default * logging category can be changed with only one additional function * call by defining a new channel and then calling isc_log_usechannel() * for #ISC_LOGCATEGORY_DEFAULT.) * *\li Specifying #ISC_LOG_PRINTTIME or #ISC_LOG_PRINTTAG for syslog is * allowed, but probably not what you wanted to do. * * #ISC_LOG_DEBUGONLY will mark the channel as usable only when the * debug level of the logging context (see isc_log_setdebuglevel) * is non-zero. * * Requires: *\li lcfg is a valid logging configuration. * *\li name is not NULL. * *\li type is #ISC_LOG_TOSYSLOG, #ISC_LOG_TOFILE, #ISC_LOG_TOFILEDESC or * #ISC_LOG_TONULL. * *\li destination is not NULL unless type is #ISC_LOG_TONULL. * *\li level is >= #ISC_LOG_CRITICAL (the most negative logging level). * *\li flags does not include any bits aside from the ISC_LOG_PRINT* bits, * #ISC_LOG_DEBUGONLY or #ISC_LOG_BUFFERED. * * Ensures: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS * A channel with the given name is usable with * isc_log_usechannel(). * *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY or #ISC_R_UNEXPECTED * No additional memory is being used by the logging context. * Any channel that previously existed with the given name * is not redefined. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS Success *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY Resource limit: Out of memory *\li #ISC_R_UNEXPECTED type was out of range and REQUIRE() * was disabled. */ isc_result_t isc_log_usechannel(isc_logconfig_t *lcfg, const char *name, const isc_logcategory_t *category, const isc_logmodule_t *module); /*%< * Associate a named logging channel with a category and module that * will use it. * * Notes: *\li The name is searched for linearly in the set of known channel names * until a match is found. (Note the performance impact of a very large * number of named channels.) When multiple channels of the same * name are defined, the most recent definition is found. * *\li Specifying a very large number of channels for a category will have * a moderate impact on performance in isc_log_write(), as each * call looks up the category for the start of a linked list, which * it follows all the way to the end to find matching modules. The * test for matching modules is integral, though. * *\li If category is NULL, then the channel is associated with the indicated * module for all known categories (including the "default" category). * *\li If module is NULL, then the channel is associated with every module * that uses that category. * *\li Passing both category and module as NULL would make every log message * use the indicated channel. * * \li Specifying a channel that is #ISC_LOG_TONULL for a category/module pair * has no effect on any other channels associated with that pair, * regardless of ordering. Thus you cannot use it to "mask out" one * category/module pair when you have specified some other channel that * is also used by that category/module pair. * * Requires: *\li lcfg is a valid logging configuration. * *\li category is NULL or has an id that is in the range of known ids. * * module is NULL or has an id that is in the range of known ids. * * Ensures: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS * The channel will be used by the indicated category/module * arguments. * *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY * If assignment for a specific category has been requested, * the channel has not been associated with the indicated * category/module arguments and no additional memory is * used by the logging context. * If assignment for all categories has been requested * then _some_ may have succeeded (starting with category * "default" and progressing through the order of categories * passed to isc_log_registercategories()) and additional memory * is being used by whatever assignments succeeded. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS Success *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY Resource limit: Out of memory */ /* Attention: next four comments PRECEED code */ /*! * \brief * Write a message to the log channels. * * Notes: *\li Log messages containing natural language text should be logged with * isc_log_iwrite() to allow for localization. * *\li lctx can be NULL; this is allowed so that programs which use * libraries that use the ISC logging system are not required to * also use it. * *\li The format argument is a printf(3) string, with additional arguments * as necessary. * * Requires: *\li lctx is a valid logging context. * *\li The category and module arguments must have ids that are in the * range of known ids, as established by isc_log_registercategories() * and isc_log_registermodules(). * *\li level != #ISC_LOG_DYNAMIC. ISC_LOG_DYNAMIC is used only to define * channels, and explicit debugging level must be identified for * isc_log_write() via ISC_LOG_DEBUG(level). * *\li format != NULL. * * Ensures: *\li The log message is written to every channel associated with the * indicated category/module pair. * * Returns: *\li Nothing. Failure to log a message is not construed as a * meaningful error. */ void isc_log_write(isc_log_t *lctx, isc_logcategory_t *category, isc_logmodule_t *module, int level, const char *format, ...) ISC_FORMAT_PRINTF(5, 6); /*% * Write a message to the log channels. * * Notes: *\li lctx can be NULL; this is allowed so that programs which use * libraries that use the ISC logging system are not required to * also use it. * *\li The format argument is a printf(3) string, with additional arguments * as necessary. * * Requires: *\li lctx is a valid logging context. * *\li The category and module arguments must have ids that are in the * range of known ids, as established by isc_log_registercategories() * and isc_log_registermodules(). * *\li level != #ISC_LOG_DYNAMIC. ISC_LOG_DYNAMIC is used only to define * channels, and explicit debugging level must be identified for * isc_log_write() via ISC_LOG_DEBUG(level). * *\li format != NULL. * * Ensures: *\li The log message is written to every channel associated with the * indicated category/module pair. * * Returns: *\li Nothing. Failure to log a message is not construed as a * meaningful error. */ void isc_log_vwrite(isc_log_t *lctx, isc_logcategory_t *category, isc_logmodule_t *module, int level, const char *format, va_list args) ISC_FORMAT_PRINTF(5, 0); /*% * Write a message to the log channels, pruning duplicates that occur within * a configurable amount of seconds (see isc_log_[sg]etduplicateinterval). * This function is otherwise identical to isc_log_write(). */ void isc_log_write1(isc_log_t *lctx, isc_logcategory_t *category, isc_logmodule_t *module, int level, const char *format, ...) ISC_FORMAT_PRINTF(5, 6); /*% * Write a message to the log channels, pruning duplicates that occur within * a configurable amount of seconds (see isc_log_[sg]etduplicateinterval). * This function is otherwise identical to isc_log_vwrite(). */ void isc_log_vwrite1(isc_log_t *lctx, isc_logcategory_t *category, isc_logmodule_t *module, int level, const char *format, va_list args) ISC_FORMAT_PRINTF(5, 0); /*% * These are four internationalized versions of the isc_log_[v]write[1] * functions. * * The only difference is that they take arguments for a message * catalog, message set, and message number, all immediately preceding the * format argument. The format argument becomes the default text, a la * isc_msgcat_get. If the message catalog is NULL, no lookup is attempted * for a message -- which makes the message set and message number irrelevant, * and the non-internationalized call should have probably been used instead. * * Yes, that means there are now *eight* interfaces to logging a message. * Sheesh. Make the madness stop! */ /*@{*/ void isc_log_iwrite(isc_log_t *lctx, isc_logcategory_t *category, isc_logmodule_t *module, int level, isc_msgcat_t *msgcat, int msgset, int message, const char *format, ...) ISC_FORMAT_PRINTF(8, 9); void isc_log_ivwrite(isc_log_t *lctx, isc_logcategory_t *category, isc_logmodule_t *module, int level, isc_msgcat_t *msgcat, int msgset, int message, const char *format, va_list args) ISC_FORMAT_PRINTF(8, 0); void isc_log_iwrite1(isc_log_t *lctx, isc_logcategory_t *category, isc_logmodule_t *module, int level, isc_msgcat_t *msgcat, int msgset, int message, const char *format, ...) ISC_FORMAT_PRINTF(8, 9); void isc_log_ivwrite1(isc_log_t *lctx, isc_logcategory_t *category, isc_logmodule_t *module, int level, isc_msgcat_t *msgcat, int msgset, int message, const char *format, va_list args) ISC_FORMAT_PRINTF(8, 0); /*@}*/ void isc_log_setdebuglevel(isc_log_t *lctx, unsigned int level); /*%< * Set the debugging level used for logging. * * Notes: *\li Setting the debugging level to 0 disables debugging log messages. * * Requires: *\li lctx is a valid logging context. * * Ensures: *\li The debugging level is set to the requested value. */ unsigned int isc_log_getdebuglevel(isc_log_t *lctx); /*%< * Get the current debugging level. * * Notes: *\li This is provided so that a program can have a notion of * "increment debugging level" or "decrement debugging level" * without needing to keep track of what the current level is. * *\li A return value of 0 indicates that debugging messages are disabled. * * Requires: *\li lctx is a valid logging context. * * Ensures: *\li The current logging debugging level is returned. */ isc_boolean_t isc_log_wouldlog(isc_log_t *lctx, int level); /*%< * Determine whether logging something to 'lctx' at 'level' would * actually cause something to be logged somewhere. * * If #ISC_FALSE is returned, it is guaranteed that nothing would * be logged, allowing the caller to omit unnecessary * isc_log_write() calls and possible message preformatting. */ void isc_log_setduplicateinterval(isc_logconfig_t *lcfg, unsigned int interval); /*%< * Set the interval over which duplicate log messages will be ignored * by isc_log_[v]write1(), in seconds. * * Notes: *\li Increasing the duplicate interval from X to Y will not necessarily * filter out duplicates of messages logged in Y - X seconds since the * increase. (Example: Message1 is logged at midnight. Message2 * is logged at 00:01:00, when the interval is only 30 seconds, causing * Message1 to be expired from the log message history. Then the interval * is increased to 3000 (five minutes) and at 00:04:00 Message1 is logged * again. It will appear the second time even though less than five * passed since the first occurrence. * * Requires: *\li lctx is a valid logging context. */ unsigned int isc_log_getduplicateinterval(isc_logconfig_t *lcfg); /*%< * Get the current duplicate filtering interval. * * Requires: *\li lctx is a valid logging context. * * Returns: *\li The current duplicate filtering interval. */ isc_result_t isc_log_settag(isc_logconfig_t *lcfg, const char *tag); /*%< * Set the program name or other identifier for #ISC_LOG_PRINTTAG. * * Requires: *\li lcfg is a valid logging configuration. * * Notes: *\li If this function has not set the tag to a non-NULL, non-empty value, * then the #ISC_LOG_PRINTTAG channel flag will not print anything. * Unlike some implementations of syslog on Unix systems, you *must* set * the tag in order to get it logged. It is not implicitly derived from * the program name (which is pretty impossible to infer portably). * *\li Setting the tag to NULL or the empty string will also cause the * #ISC_LOG_PRINTTAG channel flag to not print anything. If tag equals the * empty string, calls to isc_log_gettag will return NULL. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS Success *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY Resource Limit: Out of memory * * XXXDCL when creating a new isc_logconfig_t, it might be nice if the tag * of the currently active isc_logconfig_t was inherited. this does not * currently happen. */ char * isc_log_gettag(isc_logconfig_t *lcfg); /*%< * Get the current identifier printed with #ISC_LOG_PRINTTAG. * * Requires: *\li lcfg is a valid logging configuration. * * Notes: *\li Since isc_log_settag() will not associate a zero-length string * with the logging configuration, attempts to do so will cause * this function to return NULL. However, a determined programmer * will observe that (currently) a tag of length greater than zero * could be set, and then modified to be zero length. * * Returns: *\li A pointer to the current identifier, or NULL if none has been set. */ void isc_log_opensyslog(const char *tag, int options, int facility); /*%< * Initialize syslog logging. * * Notes: *\li XXXDCL NT * This is currently equivalent to openlog(), but is not going to remain * that way. In the meantime, the arguments are all identical to * those used by openlog(3), as follows: * * \code * tag: The string to use in the position of the program * name in syslog messages. Most (all?) syslogs * will use basename(argv[0]) if tag is NULL. * * options: LOG_CONS, LOG_PID, LOG_NDELAY ... whatever your * syslog supports. * * facility: The default syslog facility. This is irrelevant * since isc_log_write will ALWAYS use the channel's * declared facility. * \endcode * *\li Zero effort has been made (yet) to accommodate systems with openlog() * that only takes two arguments, or to identify valid syslog * facilities or options for any given architecture. * *\li It is necessary to call isc_log_opensyslog() to initialize * syslogging on machines which do not support network connections to * syslogd because they require a Unix domain socket to be used. Since * this is a chore to determine at run-time, it is suggested that it * always be called by programs using the ISC logging system. * * Requires: *\li Nothing. * * Ensures: *\li openlog() is called to initialize the syslog system. */ void isc_log_closefilelogs(isc_log_t *lctx); /*%< * Close all open files used by #ISC_LOG_TOFILE channels. * * Notes: *\li This function is provided for programs that want to use their own * log rolling mechanism rather than the one provided internally. * For example, a program that wanted to keep daily logs would define * a channel which used #ISC_LOG_ROLLNEVER, then once a day would * rename the log file and call isc_log_closefilelogs(). * *\li #ISC_LOG_TOFILEDESC channels are unaffected. * * Requires: *\li lctx is a valid context. * * Ensures: *\li The open files are closed and will be reopened when they are * next needed. */ isc_logcategory_t * isc_log_categorybyname(isc_log_t *lctx, const char *name); /*%< * Find a category by its name. * * Notes: *\li The string name of a category is not required to be unique. * * Requires: *\li lctx is a valid context. *\li name is not NULL. * * Returns: *\li A pointer to the _first_ isc_logcategory_t structure used by "name". * *\li NULL if no category exists by that name. */ isc_logmodule_t * isc_log_modulebyname(isc_log_t *lctx, const char *name); /*%< * Find a module by its name. * * Notes: *\li The string name of a module is not required to be unique. * * Requires: *\li lctx is a valid context. *\li name is not NULL. * * Returns: *\li A pointer to the _first_ isc_logmodule_t structure used by "name". * *\li NULL if no module exists by that name. */ void isc_log_setcontext(isc_log_t *lctx); /*%< * Sets the context used by the libisc for logging. * * Requires: *\li lctx be a valid context. */ isc_result_t isc_logfile_roll(isc_logfile_t *file); /*%< * Roll a logfile. * * Requires: *\li file is not NULL. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_LOG_H */ PK #include #include /***** ***** Types. *****/ ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS isc_result_t isc_counter_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, int limit, isc_counter_t **counterp); /*%< * Allocate and initialize a counter object. */ isc_result_t isc_counter_increment(isc_counter_t *counter); /*%< * Increment the counter. * * If the counter limit is nonzero and has been reached, then * return ISC_R_QUOTA, otherwise ISC_R_SUCCESS. (The counter is * incremented regardless of return value.) */ unsigned int isc_counter_used(isc_counter_t *counter); /*%< * Return the current counter value. */ void isc_counter_setlimit(isc_counter_t *counter, int limit); /*%< * Set the counter limit. */ void isc_counter_attach(isc_counter_t *source, isc_counter_t **targetp); /*%< * Attach to a counter object, increasing its reference counter. */ void isc_counter_detach(isc_counter_t **counterp); /*%< * Detach (and destroy if reference counter has dropped to zero) * a counter object. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_COUNTER_H */ PK #include #include #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS isc_result_t isc_file_settime(const char *file, isc_time_t *time); isc_result_t isc_file_mode(const char *file, mode_t *modep); isc_result_t isc_file_getmodtime(const char *file, isc_time_t *time); /*!< * \brief Get the time of last modification of a file. * * Notes: *\li The time that is set is relative to the (OS-specific) epoch, as are * all isc_time_t structures. * * Requires: *\li file != NULL. *\li time != NULL. * * Ensures: *\li If the file could not be accessed, 'time' is unchanged. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS * Success. *\li #ISC_R_NOTFOUND * No such file exists. *\li #ISC_R_INVALIDFILE * The path specified was not usable by the operating system. *\li #ISC_R_NOPERM * The file's metainformation could not be retrieved because * permission was denied to some part of the file's path. *\li #ISC_R_IOERROR * Hardware error interacting with the filesystem. *\li #ISC_R_UNEXPECTED * Something totally unexpected happened. * */ isc_result_t isc_file_mktemplate(const char *path, char *buf, size_t buflen); /*!< * \brief Generate a template string suitable for use with isc_file_openunique(). * * Notes: *\li This function is intended to make creating temporary files * portable between different operating systems. * *\li The path is prepended to an implementation-defined string and * placed into buf. The string has no path characters in it, * and its maximum length is 14 characters plus a NUL. Thus * buflen should be at least strlen(path) + 15 characters or * an error will be returned. * * Requires: *\li buf != NULL. * * Ensures: *\li If result == #ISC_R_SUCCESS: * buf contains a string suitable for use as the template argument * to isc_file_openunique(). * *\li If result != #ISC_R_SUCCESS: * buf is unchanged. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS Success. *\li #ISC_R_NOSPACE buflen indicates buf is too small for the catenation * of the path with the internal template string. */ isc_result_t isc_file_openunique(char *templet, FILE **fp); isc_result_t isc_file_openuniqueprivate(char *templet, FILE **fp); isc_result_t isc_file_openuniquemode(char *templet, int mode, FILE **fp); isc_result_t isc_file_bopenunique(char *templet, FILE **fp); isc_result_t isc_file_bopenuniqueprivate(char *templet, FILE **fp); isc_result_t isc_file_bopenuniquemode(char *templet, int mode, FILE **fp); /*!< * \brief Create and open a file with a unique name based on 'templet'. * isc_file_bopen*() open the file in binary mode in Windows. * isc_file_open*() open the file in text mode in Windows. * * Notes: *\li 'template' is a reserved work in C++. If you want to complain * about the spelling of 'templet', first look it up in the * Merriam-Webster English dictionary. (http://www.m-w.com/) * *\li This function works by using the template to generate file names. * The template must be a writable string, as it is modified in place. * Trailing X characters in the file name (full file name on Unix, * basename on Win32 -- eg, tmp-XXXXXX vs XXXXXX.tmp, respectively) * are replaced with ASCII characters until a non-existent filename * is found. If the template does not include pathname information, * the files in the working directory of the program are searched. * *\li isc_file_mktemplate is a good, portable way to get a template. * * Requires: *\li 'fp' is non-NULL and '*fp' is NULL. * *\li 'template' is non-NULL, and of a form suitable for use by * the system as described above. * * Ensures: *\li If result is #ISC_R_SUCCESS: * *fp points to an stream opening in stdio's "w+" mode. * *\li If result is not #ISC_R_SUCCESS: * *fp is NULL. * * No file is open. Even if one was created (but unable * to be reopened as a stdio FILE pointer) then it has been * removed. * *\li This function does *not* ensure that the template string has not been * modified, even if the operation was unsuccessful. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS * Success. *\li #ISC_R_EXISTS * No file with a unique name could be created based on the * template. *\li #ISC_R_INVALIDFILE * The path specified was not usable by the operating system. *\li #ISC_R_NOPERM * The file could not be created because permission was denied * to some part of the file's path. *\li #ISC_R_IOERROR * Hardware error interacting with the filesystem. *\li #ISC_R_UNEXPECTED * Something totally unexpected happened. */ isc_result_t isc_file_remove(const char *filename); /*!< * \brief Remove the file named by 'filename'. */ isc_result_t isc_file_rename(const char *oldname, const char *newname); /*!< * \brief Rename the file 'oldname' to 'newname'. */ isc_boolean_t isc_file_exists(const char *pathname); /*!< * \brief Return #ISC_TRUE if the calling process can tell that the given file exists. * Will not return true if the calling process has insufficient privileges * to search the entire path. */ isc_boolean_t isc_file_isabsolute(const char *filename); /*!< * \brief Return #ISC_TRUE if the given file name is absolute. */ isc_result_t isc_file_isplainfile(const char *name); isc_result_t isc_file_isplainfilefd(int fd); /*!< * \brief Check that the file is a plain file * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS * Success. The file is a plain file. *\li #ISC_R_INVALIDFILE * The path specified was not usable by the operating system. *\li #ISC_R_FILENOTFOUND * The file does not exist. This return code comes from * errno=ENOENT when stat returns -1. This code is mentioned * here, because in logconf.c, it is the one rcode that is * permitted in addition to ISC_R_SUCCESS. This is done since * the next call in logconf.c is to isc_stdio_open(), which * will create the file if it can. *\li other ISC_R_* errors translated from errno * These occur when stat returns -1 and an errno. */ isc_result_t isc_file_isdirectory(const char *name); /*!< * \brief Check that 'name' exists and is a directory. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS * Success, file is a directory. *\li #ISC_R_INVALIDFILE * File is not a directory. *\li #ISC_R_FILENOTFOUND * File does not exist. *\li other ISC_R_* errors translated from errno * These occur when stat returns -1 and an errno. */ isc_boolean_t isc_file_iscurrentdir(const char *filename); /*!< * \brief Return #ISC_TRUE if the given file name is the current directory ("."). */ isc_boolean_t isc_file_ischdiridempotent(const char *filename); /*%< * Return #ISC_TRUE if calling chdir(filename) multiple times will give * the same result as calling it once. */ const char * isc_file_basename(const char *filename); /*%< * Return the final component of the path in the file name. */ isc_result_t isc_file_progname(const char *filename, char *buf, size_t buflen); /*!< * \brief Given an operating system specific file name "filename" * referring to a program, return the canonical program name. * * Any directory prefix or executable file name extension (if * used on the OS in case) is stripped. On systems where program * names are case insensitive, the name is canonicalized to all * lower case. The name is written to 'buf', an array of 'buflen' * chars, and null terminated. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOSPACE The name did not fit in 'buf'. */ isc_result_t isc_file_template(const char *path, const char *templet, char *buf, size_t buflen); /*%< * Create an OS specific template using 'path' to define the directory * 'templet' to describe the filename and store the result in 'buf' * such that path can be renamed to buf atomically. */ isc_result_t isc_file_renameunique(const char *file, char *templet); /*%< * Rename 'file' using 'templet' as a template for the new file name. */ isc_result_t isc_file_absolutepath(const char *filename, char *path, size_t pathlen); /*%< * Given a file name, return the fully qualified path to the file. */ /* * XXX We should also have a isc_file_writeeopen() function * for safely open a file in a publicly writable directory * (see write_open() in BIND 8's ns_config.c). */ isc_result_t isc_file_truncate(const char *filename, isc_offset_t size); /*%< * Truncate/extend the file specified to 'size' bytes. */ isc_result_t isc_file_safecreate(const char *filename, FILE **fp); /*%< * Open 'filename' for writing, truncating if necessary. Ensure that * if it existed it was a normal file. If creating the file, ensure * that only the owner can read/write it. */ isc_result_t isc_file_splitpath(isc_mem_t *mctx, const char *path, char **dirname, char const **basename); /*%< * Split a path into dirname and basename. If 'path' contains no slash * (or, on windows, backslash), then '*dirname' is set to ".". * * Allocates memory for '*dirname', which can be freed with isc_mem_free(). * * Returns: * - ISC_R_SUCCESS on success * - ISC_R_INVALIDFILE if 'path' is empty or ends with '/' * - ISC_R_NOMEMORY if unable to allocate memory */ isc_result_t isc_file_getsize(const char *file, off_t *size); /*%< * Return the size of the file (stored in the parameter pointed * to by 'size') in bytes. * * Returns: * - ISC_R_SUCCESS on success */ isc_result_t isc_file_getsizefd(int fd, off_t *size); /*%< * Return the size of the file (stored in the parameter pointed * to by 'size') in bytes. * * Returns: * - ISC_R_SUCCESS on success */ void * isc_file_mmap(void *addr, size_t len, int prot, int flags, int fd, off_t offset); /*%< * Portable front-end to mmap(). If mmap() is not defined on this * platform, then we simulate it by calling malloc() and read(). * (In this event, the addr, prot, and flags parameters are ignored). */ int isc_file_munmap(void *addr, size_t len); /*%< * Portable front-end to munmap(). If munmap() is not defined on * this platform, then we simply free the memory. */ isc_result_t isc_file_sanitize(const char *dir, const char *base, const char *ext, char *path, size_t length); /*%< * Generate a sanitized filename, such as for MKEYS or NZF files. * * Historically, MKEYS and NZF files used SHA256 hashes of the view * name for the filename; this was to deal with the possibility of * forbidden characters such as "/" being in a view name, and to * avoid problems with case-insensitive file systems. * * Given a basename 'base' and an extension 'ext', this function checks * for the existence of file using the old-style name format in directory * 'dir'. If found, it returns the path to that file. If there is no * file already in place, a new pathname is generated; if the basename * contains any excluded characters, then a truncated SHA256 hash is * used, otherwise the basename is used. The path name is copied * into 'path', which must point to a buffer of at least 'length' * bytes. * * Requires: * - base != NULL * - path != NULL * * Returns: * - ISC_R_SUCCESS on success * - ISC_R_NOSPACE if the resulting path would be longer than 'length' */ isc_boolean_t isc_file_isdirwritable(const char *path); /*%< * Return true if the path is a directory and is writable */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_FILE_H */ PK #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /*** *** Functions ***/ unsigned int isc_bufferlist_usedcount(isc_bufferlist_t *bl); /*!< * \brief Return the length of the sum of all used regions of all buffers in * the buffer list 'bl' * * Requires: * *\li 'bl' is not NULL. * * Returns: *\li sum of all used regions' lengths. */ unsigned int isc_bufferlist_availablecount(isc_bufferlist_t *bl); /*!< * \brief Return the length of the sum of all available regions of all buffers in * the buffer list 'bl' * * Requires: * *\li 'bl' is not NULL. * * Returns: *\li sum of all available regions' lengths. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_BUFFERLIST_H */ PK #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /***** ***** Methods *****/ void isc_msgcat_open(const char *name, isc_msgcat_t **msgcatp); /*%< * Open a message catalog. * * Notes: * *\li If memory cannot be allocated or other failures occur, *msgcatp * will be set to NULL. If a NULL msgcat is given to isc_msgcat_get(), * the default_text will be returned, ensuring that some message text * will be available, no matter what's going wrong. * * Requires: * *\li 'name' is a valid string. * *\li msgcatp != NULL && *msgcatp == NULL */ void isc_msgcat_close(isc_msgcat_t **msgcatp); /*%< * Close a message catalog. * * Notes: * *\li Any string pointers returned by prior calls to isc_msgcat_get() are * invalid after isc_msgcat_close() has been called and must not be * used. * * Requires: * *\li *msgcatp is a valid message catalog or is NULL. * * Ensures: * *\li All resources associated with the message catalog are released. * *\li *msgcatp == NULL */ const char * isc_msgcat_get(isc_msgcat_t *msgcat, int set, int message, const char *default_text); /*%< * Get message 'message' from message set 'set' in 'msgcat'. If it * is not available, use 'default_text'. * * Requires: * *\li 'msgcat' is a valid message catalog or is NULL. * *\li set > 0 * *\li message > 0 * *\li 'default_text' is a valid string. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_MSGCAT_H */ PK. * Still in the public domain. */ #ifndef ISC_MD5_H #define ISC_MD5_H 1 #include #ifndef PK11_MD5_DISABLE #include #include #include #define ISC_MD5_DIGESTLENGTH 16U #define ISC_MD5_BLOCK_LENGTH 64U #ifdef ISC_PLATFORM_OPENSSLHASH #include #include typedef struct { EVP_MD_CTX *ctx; #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10100000L || defined(LIBRESSL_VERSION_NUMBER) EVP_MD_CTX _ctx; #endif } isc_md5_t; #elif PKCS11CRYPTO #include typedef pk11_context_t isc_md5_t; #else typedef struct { isc_uint32_t buf[4]; isc_uint32_t bytes[2]; isc_uint32_t in[16]; } isc_md5_t; #endif ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS void isc_md5_init(isc_md5_t *ctx); void isc_md5_invalidate(isc_md5_t *ctx); void isc_md5_update(isc_md5_t *ctx, const unsigned char *buf, unsigned int len); void isc_md5_final(isc_md5_t *ctx, unsigned char *digest); isc_boolean_t isc_md5_check(isc_boolean_t testing); isc_boolean_t isc_md5_available(void); ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* !PK11_MD5_DISABLE */ #endif /* ISC_MD5_H */ PK header file included * for full IPv6 support (pretty much only UnixWare). */ #undef ISC_PLATFORM_NEEDNETINETIN6H /*! \brief * Define if this system needs the header file included * to support in6_pkinfo (pretty much only BSD/OS). */ #undef ISC_PLATFORM_NEEDNETINET6IN6H /*! \brief * If sockaddrs on this system have an sa_len field, ISC_PLATFORM_HAVESALEN * will be defined. */ #undef ISC_PLATFORM_HAVESALEN /*! \brief * If this system has the IPv6 structure definitions, ISC_PLATFORM_HAVEIPV6 * will be defined. */ #define ISC_PLATFORM_HAVEIPV6 1 /*! \brief * If this system is missing in6addr_any, ISC_PLATFORM_NEEDIN6ADDRANY will * be defined. */ #undef ISC_PLATFORM_NEEDIN6ADDRANY /*! \brief * If this system is missing in6addr_loopback, ISC_PLATFORM_NEEDIN6ADDRLOOPBACK * will be defined. */ #undef ISC_PLATFORM_NEEDIN6ADDRLOOPBACK /*! \brief * If this system has in6_pktinfo, ISC_PLATFORM_HAVEIN6PKTINFO will be * defined. */ #define ISC_PLATFORM_HAVEIN6PKTINFO 1 /*! \brief * If this system has in_addr6, rather than in6_addr, ISC_PLATFORM_HAVEINADDR6 * will be defined. */ #undef ISC_PLATFORM_HAVEINADDR6 /*! \brief * If this system has sin6_scope_id, ISC_PLATFORM_HAVESCOPEID will be defined. */ #define ISC_PLATFORM_HAVESCOPEID 1 /*! \brief * If this system needs inet_ntop(), ISC_PLATFORM_NEEDNTOP will be defined. */ #undef ISC_PLATFORM_NEEDNTOP /*! \brief * If this system needs inet_pton(), ISC_PLATFORM_NEEDPTON will be defined. */ #undef ISC_PLATFORM_NEEDPTON /*! \brief * If this system needs in_port_t, ISC_PLATFORM_NEEDPORTT will be defined. */ #undef ISC_PLATFORM_NEEDPORTT /*! \brief * Define if the system has struct lifconf which is a extended struct ifconf * for IPv6. */ #undef ISC_PLATFORM_HAVELIFCONF /*! \brief * Define if the system has struct if_laddrconf which is a extended struct * ifconf for IPv6. */ #undef ISC_PLATFORM_HAVEIF_LADDRCONF /*! \brief * Define if the system has struct if_laddrreq. */ #undef ISC_PLATFORM_HAVEIF_LADDRREQ /*! \brief * Define either ISC_PLATFORM_BSD44MSGHDR or ISC_PLATFORM_BSD43MSGHDR. */ #define ISC_NET_BSD44MSGHDR 1 /*! \brief * Define if the system supports if_nametoindex. */ #define ISC_PLATFORM_HAVEIFNAMETOINDEX 1 /*! \brief * Define on some UnixWare systems to fix erroneous definitions of various * IN6_IS_ADDR_* macros. */ #undef ISC_PLATFORM_FIXIN6ISADDR /*! \brief * Define if the system has struct sockaddr_storage. */ #define ISC_PLATFORM_HAVESOCKADDRSTORAGE 1 /*! \brief * Define if the system has TCP_FASTOPEN socket option. */ #define ISC_PLATFORM_HAVETFO 1 /*! \brief * Define if the system supports kqueue multiplexing */ #undef ISC_PLATFORM_HAVEKQUEUE /*! \brief * Define if the system supports epoll multiplexing */ #define ISC_PLATFORM_HAVEEPOLL 1 /*! \brief * Define if the system supports /dev/poll multiplexing */ #undef ISC_PLATFORM_HAVEDEVPOLL /*! \brief * Define if we want to log backtrace */ #define ISC_PLATFORM_USEBACKTRACE 1 /* *** Printing. ***/ /*! \brief * If this system needs vsnprintf() and snprintf(), ISC_PLATFORM_NEEDVSNPRINTF * will be defined. */ #undef ISC_PLATFORM_NEEDVSNPRINTF /*! \brief * If this system need a modern sprintf() that returns (int) not (char*). */ #undef ISC_PLATFORM_NEEDSPRINTF /*! \brief * If this system need a modern printf() that format size %z (size_t). */ #undef ISC_PLATFORM_NEEDPRINTF /*! \brief * If this system need a modern fprintf() that format size %z (size_t). */ #undef ISC_PLATFORM_NEEDFPRINTF /*! \brief * The printf format string modifier to use with isc_uint64_t values. */ #define ISC_PLATFORM_QUADFORMAT "ll" /*** *** String functions. ***/ /* * If the system needs strsep(), ISC_PLATFORM_NEEDSTRSEP will be defined. */ #undef ISC_PLATFORM_NEEDSTRSEP /* * If the system needs strlcpy(), ISC_PLATFORM_NEEDSTRLCPY will be defined. */ #define ISC_PLATFORM_NEEDSTRLCPY 1 /* * If the system needs strlcat(), ISC_PLATFORM_NEEDSTRLCAT will be defined. */ #define ISC_PLATFORM_NEEDSTRLCAT 1 /* * Define if this system needs strtoul. */ #undef ISC_PLATFORM_NEEDSTRTOUL /* * Define if this system needs memmove. */ #undef ISC_PLATFORM_NEEDMEMMOVE /* * Define if this system needs strcasestr. */ #undef ISC_PLATFORM_NEEDSTRCASESTR /*** *** Miscellaneous. ***/ /* * Defined if we are using threads. */ #define ISC_PLATFORM_USETHREADS 1 /* * Defined if unistd.h does not cause fd_set to be delared. */ #undef ISC_PLATFORM_NEEDSYSSELECTH /* * Defined to or for how to include * the GSSAPI header. */ #define ISC_PLATFORM_GSSAPIHEADER /* * Defined to or for how to * include the GSSAPI KRB5 header. */ #define ISC_PLATFORM_GSSAPI_KRB5_HEADER /* * Defined to or for how to include * the KRB5 header. */ #define ISC_PLATFORM_KRB5HEADER /* * Define if the system has nanosecond-level accuracy in file stats. */ #define ISC_PLATFORM_HAVESTATNSEC 1 /* * Type used for resource limits. */ #define ISC_PLATFORM_RLIMITTYPE rlim_t /* * Define if your compiler supports "long long int". */ #define ISC_PLATFORM_HAVELONGLONG 1 /* * Define if PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT should be surrounded by braces to * prevent compiler warnings (such as with gcc on Solaris 2.8). */ #undef ISC_PLATFORM_BRACEPTHREADONCEINIT /* * Used to control how extern data is linked; needed for Win32 platforms. */ #undef ISC_PLATFORM_USEDECLSPEC /* * Define if the platform has . */ #define ISC_PLATFORM_HAVESYSUNH 1 /* * If the "xadd" operation is available on this architecture, * ISC_PLATFORM_HAVEXADD will be defined. */ #define ISC_PLATFORM_HAVEXADD 1 /* * If the "xaddq" operation (64bit xadd) is available on this architecture, * ISC_PLATFORM_HAVEXADDQ will be defined. */ /* * If the 64-bit "atomic swap" operation is available on this * architecture, ISC_PLATFORM_HAVEATOMICSTOREQ" will be defined. */ #ifdef __x86_64__ #define ISC_PLATFORM_HAVEXADDQ 1 #define ISC_PLATFORM_HAVEATOMICSTOREQ 1 #else #undef ISC_PLATFORM_HAVEXADDQ #undef ISC_PLATFORM_HAVEATOMICSTOREQ #endif /* * If the 32-bit "atomic swap" operation is available on this * architecture, ISC_PLATFORM_HAVEATOMICSTORE" will be defined. */ #define ISC_PLATFORM_HAVEATOMICSTORE 1 /* * If the "compare-and-exchange" operation is available on this architecture, * ISC_PLATFORM_HAVECMPXCHG will be defined. */ #define ISC_PLATFORM_HAVECMPXCHG 1 /* * If is available on this architecture, * ISC_PLATFORM_HAVESTDATOMIC will be defined. */ #undef ISC_PLATFORM_HAVESTDATOMIC /* * Define if gcc ASM extension is available */ #define ISC_PLATFORM_USEGCCASM 1 /* * Define if Tru64 style ASM syntax must be used. */ #undef ISC_PLATFORM_USEOSFASM /* * Define if the standard __asm function must be used. */ #undef ISC_PLATFORM_USESTDASM /* * Define with the busy wait nop asm or function call. */ #define ISC_PLATFORM_BUSYWAITNOP asm("rep; nop") /* * Define if the platform has . */ #define ISC_PLATFORM_HAVESTRINGSH 1 /* * Define if the hash functions must be provided by OpenSSL. */ #define ISC_PLATFORM_OPENSSLHASH 1 /* * Define if AES support is wanted */ #define ISC_PLATFORM_WANTAES 1 /* * Defines for the noreturn attribute. */ #define ISC_PLATFORM_NORETURN_PRE #define ISC_PLATFORM_NORETURN_POST __attribute__((noreturn)) /*** *** Windows dll support. ***/ /* * Define if MacOS style of PPC assembly must be used. * e.g. "r6", not "6", for register six. */ #undef ISC_PLATFORM_USEMACASM #ifndef ISC_PLATFORM_USEDECLSPEC #define LIBISC_EXTERNAL_DATA #define LIBDNS_EXTERNAL_DATA #define LIBISCCC_EXTERNAL_DATA #define LIBISCCFG_EXTERNAL_DATA #define LIBBIND9_EXTERNAL_DATA #define LIBTESTS_EXTERNAL_DATA #else /*! \brief ISC_PLATFORM_USEDECLSPEC */ #ifdef LIBISC_EXPORTS #define LIBISC_EXTERNAL_DATA __declspec(dllexport) #else #define LIBISC_EXTERNAL_DATA __declspec(dllimport) #endif #ifdef LIBDNS_EXPORTS #define LIBDNS_EXTERNAL_DATA __declspec(dllexport) #else #define LIBDNS_EXTERNAL_DATA __declspec(dllimport) #endif #ifdef LIBISCCC_EXPORTS #define LIBISCCC_EXTERNAL_DATA __declspec(dllexport) #else #define LIBISCCC_EXTERNAL_DATA __declspec(dllimport) #endif #ifdef LIBISCCFG_EXPORTS #define LIBISCCFG_EXTERNAL_DATA __declspec(dllexport) #else #define LIBISCCFG_EXTERNAL_DATA __declspec(dllimport) #endif #ifdef LIBBIND9_EXPORTS #define LIBBIND9_EXTERNAL_DATA __declspec(dllexport) #else #define LIBBIND9_EXTERNAL_DATA __declspec(dllimport) #endif #ifdef LIBTESTS_EXPORTS #define LIBTESTS_EXTERNAL_DATA __declspec(dllexport) #else #define LIBTESTS_EXTERNAL_DATA __declspec(dllimport) #endif #endif /*! \brief ISC_PLATFORM_USEDECLSPEC */ /* * Tell emacs to use C mode for this file. * * Local Variables: * mode: c * End: */ #endif /* ISC_PLATFORM_H */ PK #include #include #include #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /*** *** Types ***/ /*% Timer Type */ typedef enum { isc_timertype_undefined = -1, /*%< Undefined */ isc_timertype_ticker = 0, /*%< Ticker */ isc_timertype_once = 1, /*%< Once */ isc_timertype_limited = 2, /*%< Limited */ isc_timertype_inactive = 3 /*%< Inactive */ } isc_timertype_t; typedef struct isc_timerevent { struct isc_event common; isc_time_t due; } isc_timerevent_t; #define ISC_TIMEREVENT_FIRSTEVENT (ISC_EVENTCLASS_TIMER + 0) #define ISC_TIMEREVENT_TICK (ISC_EVENTCLASS_TIMER + 1) #define ISC_TIMEREVENT_IDLE (ISC_EVENTCLASS_TIMER + 2) #define ISC_TIMEREVENT_LIFE (ISC_EVENTCLASS_TIMER + 3) #define ISC_TIMEREVENT_LASTEVENT (ISC_EVENTCLASS_TIMER + 65535) /*% Timer and timer manager methods */ typedef struct { void (*destroy)(isc_timermgr_t **managerp); isc_result_t (*timercreate)(isc_timermgr_t *manager, isc_timertype_t type, const isc_time_t *expires, const isc_interval_t *interval, isc_task_t *task, isc_taskaction_t action, void *arg, isc_timer_t **timerp); } isc_timermgrmethods_t; typedef struct { void (*attach)(isc_timer_t *timer, isc_timer_t **timerp); void (*detach)(isc_timer_t **timerp); isc_result_t (*reset)(isc_timer_t *timer, isc_timertype_t type, const isc_time_t *expires, const isc_interval_t *interval, isc_boolean_t purge); isc_result_t (*touch)(isc_timer_t *timer); } isc_timermethods_t; /*% * This structure is actually just the common prefix of a timer manager * object implementation's version of an isc_timermgr_t. * \brief * Direct use of this structure by clients is forbidden. timer implementations * may change the structure. 'magic' must be ISCAPI_TIMERMGR_MAGIC for any * of the isc_timer_ routines to work. timer implementations must maintain * all timer invariants. */ struct isc_timermgr { unsigned int impmagic; unsigned int magic; isc_timermgrmethods_t *methods; }; #define ISCAPI_TIMERMGR_MAGIC ISC_MAGIC('A','t','m','g') #define ISCAPI_TIMERMGR_VALID(m) ((m) != NULL && \ (m)->magic == ISCAPI_TIMERMGR_MAGIC) /*% * This is the common prefix of a timer object. The same note as * that for the timermgr structure applies. */ struct isc_timer { unsigned int impmagic; unsigned int magic; isc_timermethods_t *methods; }; #define ISCAPI_TIMER_MAGIC ISC_MAGIC('A','t','m','r') #define ISCAPI_TIMER_VALID(s) ((s) != NULL && \ (s)->magic == ISCAPI_TIMER_MAGIC) /*** *** Timer and Timer Manager Functions *** *** Note: all Ensures conditions apply only if the result is success for *** those functions which return an isc_result_t. ***/ isc_result_t isc_timer_create(isc_timermgr_t *manager, isc_timertype_t type, const isc_time_t *expires, const isc_interval_t *interval, isc_task_t *task, isc_taskaction_t action, void *arg, isc_timer_t **timerp); /*%< * Create a new 'type' timer managed by 'manager'. The timers parameters * are specified by 'expires' and 'interval'. Events will be posted to * 'task' and when dispatched 'action' will be called with 'arg' as the * arg value. The new timer is returned in 'timerp'. * * Notes: * *\li For ticker timers, the timer will generate a 'tick' event every * 'interval' seconds. The value of 'expires' is ignored. * *\li For once timers, 'expires' specifies the time when a life timeout * event should be generated. If 'expires' is 0 (the epoch), then no life * timeout will be generated. 'interval' specifies how long the timer * can be idle before it generates an idle timeout. If 0, then no * idle timeout will be generated. * *\li If 'expires' is NULL, the epoch will be used. * * If 'interval' is NULL, the zero interval will be used. * * Requires: * *\li 'manager' is a valid manager * *\li 'task' is a valid task * *\li 'action' is a valid action * *\li 'expires' points to a valid time, or is NULL. * *\li 'interval' points to a valid interval, or is NULL. * *\li type == isc_timertype_inactive || * ('expires' and 'interval' are not both 0) * *\li 'timerp' is a valid pointer, and *timerp == NULL * * Ensures: * *\li '*timerp' is attached to the newly created timer * *\li The timer is attached to the task * *\li An idle timeout will not be generated until at least Now + the * timer's interval if 'timer' is a once timer with a non-zero * interval. * * Returns: * *\li Success *\li No memory *\li Unexpected error */ isc_result_t isc_timer_reset(isc_timer_t *timer, isc_timertype_t type, const isc_time_t *expires, const isc_interval_t *interval, isc_boolean_t purge); /*%< * Change the timer's type, expires, and interval values to the given * values. If 'purge' is TRUE, any pending events from this timer * are purged from its task's event queue. * * Notes: * *\li If 'expires' is NULL, the epoch will be used. * *\li If 'interval' is NULL, the zero interval will be used. * * Requires: * *\li 'timer' is a valid timer * *\li The same requirements that isc_timer_create() imposes on 'type', * 'expires' and 'interval' apply. * * Ensures: * *\li An idle timeout will not be generated until at least Now + the * timer's interval if 'timer' is a once timer with a non-zero * interval. * * Returns: * *\li Success *\li No memory *\li Unexpected error */ isc_result_t isc_timer_touch(isc_timer_t *timer); /*%< * Set the last-touched time of 'timer' to the current time. * * Requires: * *\li 'timer' is a valid once timer. * * Ensures: * *\li An idle timeout will not be generated until at least Now + the * timer's interval if 'timer' is a once timer with a non-zero * interval. * * Returns: * *\li Success *\li Unexpected error */ void isc_timer_attach(isc_timer_t *timer, isc_timer_t **timerp); /*%< * Attach *timerp to timer. * * Requires: * *\li 'timer' is a valid timer. * *\li 'timerp' points to a NULL timer. * * Ensures: * *\li *timerp is attached to timer. */ void isc_timer_detach(isc_timer_t **timerp); /*%< * Detach *timerp from its timer. * * Requires: * *\li 'timerp' points to a valid timer. * * Ensures: * *\li *timerp is NULL. * *\li If '*timerp' is the last reference to the timer, * then: * *\code * The timer will be shutdown * * The timer will detach from its task * * All resources used by the timer have been freed * * Any events already posted by the timer will be purged. * Therefore, if isc_timer_detach() is called in the context * of the timer's task, it is guaranteed that no more * timer event callbacks will run after the call. *\endcode */ isc_timertype_t isc_timer_gettype(isc_timer_t *timer); /*%< * Return the timer type. * * Requires: * *\li 'timer' to be a valid timer. */ isc_result_t isc_timermgr_createinctx(isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_appctx_t *actx, isc_timermgr_t **managerp); isc_result_t isc_timermgr_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_timermgr_t **managerp); /*%< * Create a timer manager. isc_timermgr_createinctx() also associates * the new manager with the specified application context. * * Notes: * *\li All memory will be allocated in memory context 'mctx'. * * Requires: * *\li 'mctx' is a valid memory context. * *\li 'managerp' points to a NULL isc_timermgr_t. * *\li 'actx' is a valid application context (for createinctx()). * * Ensures: * *\li '*managerp' is a valid isc_timermgr_t. * * Returns: * *\li Success *\li No memory *\li Unexpected error */ void isc_timermgr_destroy(isc_timermgr_t **managerp); /*%< * Destroy a timer manager. * * Notes: * *\li This routine blocks until there are no timers left in the manager, * so if the caller holds any timer references using the manager, it * must detach them before calling isc_timermgr_destroy() or it will * block forever. * * Requires: * *\li '*managerp' is a valid isc_timermgr_t. * * Ensures: * *\li *managerp == NULL * *\li All resources used by the manager have been freed. */ void isc_timermgr_poke(isc_timermgr_t *m); /*%< * See isc_timermgr_create() above. */ typedef isc_result_t (*isc_timermgrcreatefunc_t)(isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_timermgr_t **managerp); isc_result_t isc__timer_register(void); /*%< * Register a new timer management implementation and add it to the list of * supported implementations. This function must be called when a different * event library is used than the one contained in the ISC library. */ isc_result_t isc_timer_register(isc_timermgrcreatefunc_t createfunc); /*%< * A short cut function that specifies the timer management module in the ISC * library for isc_timer_register(). An application that uses the ISC library * usually do not have to care about this function: it would call * isc_lib_register(), which internally calls this function. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_TIMER_H */ PK /*** *** Functions ***/ ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS isc_result_t isc_portset_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_portset_t **portsetp); /*%< * Create a port set and initialize it as an empty set. * * Requires: *\li 'mctx' to be valid. *\li 'portsetp' to be non NULL and '*portsetp' to be NULL; * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY */ void isc_portset_destroy(isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_portset_t **portsetp); /*%< * Destroy a port set. * * Requires: *\li 'mctx' to be valid and must be the same context given when the port set * was created. *\li '*portsetp' to be a valid set. */ isc_boolean_t isc_portset_isset(isc_portset_t *portset, in_port_t port); /*%< * Test whether the given port is stored in the portset. * * Requires: *\li 'portset' to be a valid set. * * Returns * \li #ISC_TRUE if the port is found, ISC_FALSE otherwise. */ unsigned int isc_portset_nports(isc_portset_t *portset); /*%< * Provides the number of ports stored in the given portset. * * Requires: *\li 'portset' to be a valid set. * * Returns * \li the number of ports stored in portset. */ void isc_portset_add(isc_portset_t *portset, in_port_t port); /*%< * Add the given port to the portset. The port may or may not be stored in * the portset. * * Requires: *\li 'portlist' to be valid. */ void isc_portset_remove(isc_portset_t *portset, in_port_t port); /*%< * Remove the given port to the portset. The port may or may not be stored in * the portset. * * Requires: *\li 'portlist' to be valid. */ void isc_portset_addrange(isc_portset_t *portset, in_port_t port_lo, in_port_t port_hi); /*%< * Add a subset of [port_lo, port_hi] (inclusive) to the portset. Ports in the * subset may or may not be stored in portset. * * Requires: *\li 'portlist' to be valid. *\li port_lo <= port_hi */ void isc_portset_removerange(isc_portset_t *portset, in_port_t port_lo, in_port_t port_hi); /*%< * Subtract a subset of [port_lo, port_hi] (inclusive) from the portset. Ports * in the subset may or may not be stored in portset. * * Requires: *\li 'portlist' to be valid. *\li port_lo <= port_hi */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_PORTSET_H */ PK /* Required for CHAR_BIT. */ #include #include /* For Linux Standard Base. */ typedef off_t isc_offset_t; #endif /* ISC_OFFSET_H */ PK /* Required on some systems. */ #include #include #include #define ISC_DIR_NAMEMAX 256 #define ISC_DIR_PATHMAX 1024 /*% Directory Entry */ typedef struct isc_direntry { /*! * Ideally, this should be NAME_MAX, but AIX does not define it by * default and dynamically allocating the space based on pathconf() * complicates things undesirably, as does adding special conditionals * just for AIX. So a comfortably sized buffer is chosen instead. */ char name[ISC_DIR_NAMEMAX]; unsigned int length; } isc_direntry_t; /*% Directory */ typedef struct isc_dir { unsigned int magic; /*! * As with isc_direntry_t->name, making this "right" for all systems * is slightly problematic because AIX does not define PATH_MAX. */ char dirname[ISC_DIR_PATHMAX]; isc_direntry_t entry; DIR * handle; } isc_dir_t; ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS void isc_dir_init(isc_dir_t *dir); isc_result_t isc_dir_open(isc_dir_t *dir, const char *dirname); isc_result_t isc_dir_read(isc_dir_t *dir); isc_result_t isc_dir_reset(isc_dir_t *dir); void isc_dir_close(isc_dir_t *dir); isc_result_t isc_dir_chdir(const char *dirname); isc_result_t isc_dir_chroot(const char *dirname); isc_result_t isc_dir_createunique(char *templet); /*!< * Use a templet (such as from isc_file_mktemplate()) to create a uniquely * named, empty directory. The templet string is modified in place. * If result == ISC_R_SUCCESS, it is the name of the directory that was * created. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_DIR_H */ PK #ifndef PK11_MD5_DISABLE #include #include #include #include #define ISC_HMACMD5_KEYLENGTH 64 #ifdef ISC_PLATFORM_OPENSSLHASH #include #include typedef struct { HMAC_CTX *ctx; #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10100000L || defined(LIBRESSL_VERSION_NUMBER) HMAC_CTX _ctx; #endif } isc_hmacmd5_t; #elif PKCS11CRYPTO #include typedef pk11_context_t isc_hmacmd5_t; #else typedef struct { isc_md5_t md5ctx; unsigned char key[ISC_HMACMD5_KEYLENGTH]; } isc_hmacmd5_t; #endif ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS void isc_hmacmd5_init(isc_hmacmd5_t *ctx, const unsigned char *key, unsigned int len); void isc_hmacmd5_invalidate(isc_hmacmd5_t *ctx); void isc_hmacmd5_update(isc_hmacmd5_t *ctx, const unsigned char *buf, unsigned int len); void isc_hmacmd5_sign(isc_hmacmd5_t *ctx, unsigned char *digest); isc_boolean_t isc_hmacmd5_verify(isc_hmacmd5_t *ctx, unsigned char *digest); isc_boolean_t isc_hmacmd5_verify2(isc_hmacmd5_t *ctx, unsigned char *digest, size_t len); isc_boolean_t isc_hmacmd5_check(int testing); ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* !PK11_MD5_DISABLE */ #endif /* ISC_HMACMD5_H */ PK #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef ISC_PLATFORM_HAVESTRINGSH #include #endif #define ISC_STRING_MAGIC 0x5e ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS isc_uint64_t isc_string_touint64(char *source, char **endp, int base); /*%< * Convert the string pointed to by 'source' to isc_uint64_t. * * On successful conversion 'endp' points to the first character * after conversion is complete. * * 'base': 0 or 2..36 * * If base is 0 the base is computed from the string type. * * On error 'endp' points to 'source'. */ isc_result_t isc_string_copy(char *target, size_t size, const char *source); /* * Copy the string pointed to by 'source' to 'target' which is a * pointer to a string of at least 'size' bytes. * * Requires: * 'target' is a pointer to a char[] of at least 'size' bytes. * 'size' an integer > 0. * 'source' == NULL or points to a NUL terminated string. * * Ensures: * If result == ISC_R_SUCCESS * 'target' will be a NUL terminated string of no more * than 'size' bytes (including NUL). * * If result == ISC_R_NOSPACE * 'target' is undefined. * * Returns: * ISC_R_SUCCESS -- 'source' was successfully copied to 'target'. * ISC_R_NOSPACE -- 'source' could not be copied since 'target' * is too small. */ void isc_string_copy_truncate(char *target, size_t size, const char *source); /* * Copy the string pointed to by 'source' to 'target' which is a * pointer to a string of at least 'size' bytes. * * Requires: * 'target' is a pointer to a char[] of at least 'size' bytes. * 'size' an integer > 0. * 'source' == NULL or points to a NUL terminated string. * * Ensures: * 'target' will be a NUL terminated string of no more * than 'size' bytes (including NUL). */ isc_result_t isc_string_append(char *target, size_t size, const char *source); /* * Append the string pointed to by 'source' to 'target' which is a * pointer to a NUL terminated string of at least 'size' bytes. * * Requires: * 'target' is a pointer to a NUL terminated char[] of at * least 'size' bytes. * 'size' an integer > 0. * 'source' == NULL or points to a NUL terminated string. * * Ensures: * If result == ISC_R_SUCCESS * 'target' will be a NUL terminated string of no more * than 'size' bytes (including NUL). * * If result == ISC_R_NOSPACE * 'target' is undefined. * * Returns: * ISC_R_SUCCESS -- 'source' was successfully appended to 'target'. * ISC_R_NOSPACE -- 'source' could not be appended since 'target' * is too small. */ void isc_string_append_truncate(char *target, size_t size, const char *source); /* * Append the string pointed to by 'source' to 'target' which is a * pointer to a NUL terminated string of at least 'size' bytes. * * Requires: * 'target' is a pointer to a NUL terminated char[] of at * least 'size' bytes. * 'size' an integer > 0. * 'source' == NULL or points to a NUL terminated string. * * Ensures: * 'target' will be a NUL terminated string of no more * than 'size' bytes (including NUL). */ isc_result_t isc_string_printf(char *target, size_t size, const char *format, ...) ISC_FORMAT_PRINTF(3, 4); /* * Print 'format' to 'target' which is a pointer to a string of at least * 'size' bytes. * * Requires: * 'target' is a pointer to a char[] of at least 'size' bytes. * 'size' an integer > 0. * 'format' == NULL or points to a NUL terminated string. * * Ensures: * If result == ISC_R_SUCCESS * 'target' will be a NUL terminated string of no more * than 'size' bytes (including NUL). * * If result == ISC_R_NOSPACE * 'target' is undefined. * * Returns: * ISC_R_SUCCESS -- 'format' was successfully printed to 'target'. * ISC_R_NOSPACE -- 'format' could not be printed to 'target' since it * is too small. */ void isc_string_printf_truncate(char *target, size_t size, const char *format, ...) ISC_FORMAT_PRINTF(3, 4); /* * Print 'format' to 'target' which is a pointer to a string of at least * 'size' bytes. * * Requires: * 'target' is a pointer to a char[] of at least 'size' bytes. * 'size' an integer > 0. * 'format' == NULL or points to a NUL terminated string. * * Ensures: * 'target' will be a NUL terminated string of no more * than 'size' bytes (including NUL). */ char * isc_string_regiondup(isc_mem_t *mctx, const isc_region_t *source); /* * Copy the region pointed to by r to a NUL terminated string * allocated from the memory context pointed to by mctx. * * The result should be deallocated using isc_mem_free() * * Requires: * 'mctx' is a point to a valid memory context. * 'source' is a pointer to a valid region. * * Returns: * a pointer to a NUL terminated string or * NULL if memory for the copy could not be allocated * */ char * isc_string_separate(char **stringp, const char *delim); #ifdef ISC_PLATFORM_NEEDSTRSEP #define strsep isc_string_separate #endif #ifdef ISC_PLATFORM_NEEDMEMMOVE #define memmove(a,b,c) bcopy(b,a,c) #endif size_t isc_string_strlcpy(char *dst, const char *src, size_t size); #ifdef ISC_PLATFORM_NEEDSTRLCPY #define strlcpy isc_string_strlcpy #endif size_t isc_string_strlcat(char *dst, const char *src, size_t size); #ifdef ISC_PLATFORM_NEEDSTRLCAT #define strlcat isc_string_strlcat #endif char * isc_string_strcasestr(const char *big, const char *little); #ifdef ISC_PLATFORM_NEEDSTRCASESTR #define strcasestr isc_string_strcasestr #endif ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_STRING_H */ PK /*! \file isc/magic.h */ typedef struct { unsigned int magic; } isc__magic_t; /*% * To use this macro the magic number MUST be the first thing in the * structure, and MUST be of type "unsigned int". * The intent of this is to allow magic numbers to be checked even though * the object is otherwise opaque. */ #define ISC_MAGIC_VALID(a,b) (ISC_LIKELY((a) != NULL) && \ ISC_LIKELY(((const isc__magic_t *)(a))->magic == (b))) #define ISC_MAGIC(a, b, c, d) ((a) << 24 | (b) << 16 | (c) << 8 | (d)) #endif /* ISC_MAGIC_H */ PK #include #include #include /*% Index into parent argv vector. */ LIBISC_EXTERNAL_DATA extern int isc_commandline_index; /*% Character checked for validity. */ LIBISC_EXTERNAL_DATA extern int isc_commandline_option; /*% Argument associated with option. */ LIBISC_EXTERNAL_DATA extern char *isc_commandline_argument; /*% For printing error messages. */ LIBISC_EXTERNAL_DATA extern char *isc_commandline_progname; /*% Print error message. */ LIBISC_EXTERNAL_DATA extern isc_boolean_t isc_commandline_errprint; /*% Reset getopt. */ LIBISC_EXTERNAL_DATA extern isc_boolean_t isc_commandline_reset; ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS int isc_commandline_parse(int argc, char * const *argv, const char *options); /*%< * Parse a command line (similar to getopt()) */ isc_result_t isc_commandline_strtoargv(isc_mem_t *mctx, char *s, unsigned int *argcp, char ***argvp, unsigned int n); /*%< * Tokenize the string "s" into whitespace-separated words, * returning the number of words in '*argcp' and an array * of pointers to the words in '*argvp'. The caller * must free the array using isc_mem_free(). The string * is modified in-place. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_COMMANDLINE_H */ PK #include #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS #define isc_safe_memequal(s1, s2, n) ISC_TF(!CRYPTO_memcmp(s1, s2, n)) /*%< * Returns ISC_TRUE iff. two blocks of memory are equal, otherwise * ISC_FALSE. * */ #define isc_safe_memwipe(ptr, len) OPENSSL_cleanse(ptr, len) /*%< * Clear the memory of length `len` pointed to by `ptr`. * * Some crypto code calls memset() on stack allocated buffers just * before return so that they are wiped. Such memset() calls can be * optimized away by the compiler. We provide this external non-inline C * function to perform the memset operation so that the compiler cannot * infer about what the function does and optimize the call away. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_SAFE_H */ PK * \note 100% Public Domain */ #include #include #include #define ISC_SHA1_DIGESTLENGTH 20U #define ISC_SHA1_BLOCK_LENGTH 64U #ifdef ISC_PLATFORM_OPENSSLHASH #include #include typedef struct { EVP_MD_CTX *ctx; #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10100000L || defined(LIBRESSL_VERSION_NUMBER) EVP_MD_CTX _ctx; #endif } isc_sha1_t; #elif PKCS11CRYPTO #include typedef pk11_context_t isc_sha1_t; #else typedef struct { isc_uint32_t state[5]; isc_uint32_t count[2]; unsigned char buffer[ISC_SHA1_BLOCK_LENGTH]; } isc_sha1_t; #endif ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS void isc_sha1_init(isc_sha1_t *ctx); void isc_sha1_invalidate(isc_sha1_t *ctx); void isc_sha1_update(isc_sha1_t *ctx, const unsigned char *data, unsigned int len); void isc_sha1_final(isc_sha1_t *ctx, unsigned char *digest); isc_boolean_t isc_sha1_check(isc_boolean_t testing); ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_SHA1_H */ PK #include #include #ifdef ISC_PLATFORM_HAVESYSUNH #include #include #endif ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS struct isc_netaddr { unsigned int family; union { struct in_addr in; struct in6_addr in6; #ifdef ISC_PLATFORM_HAVESYSUNH char un[sizeof(((struct sockaddr_un *)0)->sun_path)]; #endif } type; isc_uint32_t zone; }; isc_boolean_t isc_netaddr_equal(const isc_netaddr_t *a, const isc_netaddr_t *b); /*%< * Compare network addresses 'a' and 'b'. Return #ISC_TRUE if * they are equal, #ISC_FALSE if not. */ isc_boolean_t isc_netaddr_eqprefix(const isc_netaddr_t *a, const isc_netaddr_t *b, unsigned int prefixlen); /*%< * Compare the 'prefixlen' most significant bits of the network * addresses 'a' and 'b'. If 'b''s scope is zero then 'a''s scope is * ignored. Return #ISC_TRUE if they are equal, #ISC_FALSE if not. */ isc_result_t isc_netaddr_masktoprefixlen(const isc_netaddr_t *s, unsigned int *lenp); /*%< * Convert a netmask in 's' into a prefix length in '*lenp'. * The mask should consist of zero or more '1' bits in the * most significant part of the address, followed by '0' bits. * If this is not the case, #ISC_R_MASKNONCONTIG is returned. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_MASKNONCONTIG */ isc_result_t isc_netaddr_totext(const isc_netaddr_t *netaddr, isc_buffer_t *target); /*%< * Append a text representation of 'sockaddr' to the buffer 'target'. * The text is NOT null terminated. Handles IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOSPACE The text or the null termination did not fit. *\li #ISC_R_FAILURE Unspecified failure */ void isc_netaddr_format(const isc_netaddr_t *na, char *array, unsigned int size); /*%< * Format a human-readable representation of the network address '*na' * into the character array 'array', which is of size 'size'. * The resulting string is guaranteed to be null-terminated. */ #define ISC_NETADDR_FORMATSIZE \ sizeof("xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX%SSSSSSSSSS") /*%< * Minimum size of array to pass to isc_netaddr_format(). */ void isc_netaddr_fromsockaddr(isc_netaddr_t *netaddr, const isc_sockaddr_t *source); void isc_netaddr_fromin(isc_netaddr_t *netaddr, const struct in_addr *ina); void isc_netaddr_fromin6(isc_netaddr_t *netaddr, const struct in6_addr *ina6); isc_result_t isc_netaddr_frompath(isc_netaddr_t *netaddr, const char *path); void isc_netaddr_setzone(isc_netaddr_t *netaddr, isc_uint32_t zone); isc_uint32_t isc_netaddr_getzone(const isc_netaddr_t *netaddr); void isc_netaddr_any(isc_netaddr_t *netaddr); /*%< * Return the IPv4 wildcard address. */ void isc_netaddr_any6(isc_netaddr_t *netaddr); /*%< * Return the IPv6 wildcard address. */ isc_boolean_t isc_netaddr_ismulticast(isc_netaddr_t *na); /*%< * Returns ISC_TRUE if the address is a multicast address. */ isc_boolean_t isc_netaddr_isexperimental(isc_netaddr_t *na); /*%< * Returns ISC_TRUE if the address is a experimental (CLASS E) address. */ isc_boolean_t isc_netaddr_islinklocal(isc_netaddr_t *na); /*%< * Returns #ISC_TRUE if the address is a link local address. */ isc_boolean_t isc_netaddr_issitelocal(isc_netaddr_t *na); /*%< * Returns #ISC_TRUE if the address is a site local address. */ isc_boolean_t isc_netaddr_isnetzero(isc_netaddr_t *na); /*%< * Returns #ISC_TRUE if the address is in net zero. */ void isc_netaddr_fromv4mapped(isc_netaddr_t *t, const isc_netaddr_t *s); /*%< * Convert an IPv6 v4mapped address into an IPv4 address. */ isc_result_t isc_netaddr_prefixok(const isc_netaddr_t *na, unsigned int prefixlen); /* * Test whether the netaddr 'na' and 'prefixlen' are consistant. * e.g. prefixlen within range. * na does not have bits set which are not covered by the prefixlen. * * Returns: * ISC_R_SUCCESS * ISC_R_RANGE prefixlen out of range * ISC_R_NOTIMPLEMENTED unsupported family * ISC_R_FAILURE extra bits. */ isc_boolean_t isc_netaddr_isloopback(const isc_netaddr_t *na); /* * Test whether the netaddr 'na' is a loopback IPv4 or IPv6 address (in * or ::1). */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_NETADDR_H */ PK #include #include #define ISC_AES128_KEYLENGTH 16U #define ISC_AES192_KEYLENGTH 24U #define ISC_AES256_KEYLENGTH 32U #define ISC_AES_BLOCK_LENGTH 16U #ifdef ISC_PLATFORM_WANTAES ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS void isc_aes128_crypt(const unsigned char *key, const unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out); void isc_aes192_crypt(const unsigned char *key, const unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out); void isc_aes256_crypt(const unsigned char *key, const unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out); ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_PLATFORM_WANTAES */ #endif /* ISC_AES_H */ PK #include /***** ***** Module Info *****/ /*! \file isc/hash.h * * \brief The hash API * provides an unpredictable hash value for variable length data. * A hash object contains a random vector (which is hidden from clients * of this API) to make the actual hash value unpredictable. * * The algorithm used in the API guarantees the probability of hash * collision; in the current implementation, as long as the values stored * in the random vector are unpredictable, the probability of hash * collision between arbitrary two different values is at most 1/2^16. * * Although the API is generic about the hash keys, it mainly expects * DNS names (and sometimes IPv4/v6 addresses) as inputs. It has an * upper limit of the input length, and may run slow to calculate the * hash values for large inputs. * * This API is designed to be general so that it can provide multiple * different hash contexts that have different random vectors. However, * it should be typical to have a single context for an entire system. * To support such cases, the API also provides a single-context mode. * * \li MP: * The hash object is almost read-only. Once the internal random vector * is initialized, no write operation will occur, and there will be no * need to lock the object to calculate actual hash values. * * \li Reliability: * In some cases this module uses low-level data copy to initialize the * random vector. Errors in this part are likely to crash the server or * corrupt memory. * * \li Resources: * A buffer, used as a random vector for calculating hash values. * * \li Security: * This module intends to provide unpredictable hash values in * adversarial environments in order to avoid denial of service attacks * to hash buckets. * Its unpredictability relies on the quality of entropy to build the * random vector. * * \li Standards: * None. */ /*** *** Imports ***/ #include /*** *** Functions ***/ ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS LIBISC_EXTERNAL_DATA extern isc_hash_t *isc_hashctx; isc_result_t isc_hash_ctxcreate(isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_entropy_t *entropy, size_t limit, isc_hash_t **hctx); isc_result_t isc_hash_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_entropy_t *entropy, size_t limit); /*!< * \brief Create a new hash object. * * isc_hash_ctxcreate() creates a different object. * * isc_hash_create() creates a module-internal object to support the * single-context mode. It should be called only once. * * 'entropy' must be NULL or a valid entropy object. If 'entropy' is NULL, * pseudo random values will be used to build the random vector, which may * weaken security. * * 'limit' specifies the maximum number of hash keys. If it is too large, * these functions may fail. */ void isc_hash_ctxattach(isc_hash_t *hctx, isc_hash_t **hctxp) ISC_DEPRECATED; /*!< * \brief Attach to a hash object. * * This function is only necessary for the multiple-context mode. */ void isc_hash_ctxdetach(isc_hash_t **hctxp) ISC_DEPRECATED; /*!< * \brief Detach from a hash object. * * This function is for the multiple-context mode, and takes a valid * hash object as an argument. */ void isc_hash_destroy(void); /*!< * \brief This function is for the single-context mode, and is expected to be used * as a counterpart of isc_hash_create(). * * A valid module-internal hash object must have been created, and this * function should be called only once. */ /*@{*/ void isc_hash_ctxinit(isc_hash_t *hctx); void isc_hash_init(void); /*!< * \brief Initialize a hash object. * * It fills in the random vector with a proper * source of entropy, which is typically from the entropy object specified * at the creation. Thus, it is desirable to call these functions after * initializing the entropy object with some good entropy sources. * * These functions should be called before the first hash calculation. * * isc_hash_ctxinit() is for the multiple-context mode, and takes a valid hash * object as an argument. * * isc_hash_init() is for the single-context mode. A valid module-internal * hash object must have been created, and this function should be called only * once. */ /*@}*/ /*@{*/ unsigned int isc_hash_ctxcalc(isc_hash_t *hctx, const unsigned char *key, unsigned int keylen, isc_boolean_t case_sensitive) ISC_DEPRECATED; unsigned int isc_hash_calc(const unsigned char *key, unsigned int keylen, isc_boolean_t case_sensitive) ISC_DEPRECATED; /*!< * \brief Calculate a hash value. * * isc_hash_ctxinit() is for the multiple-context mode, and takes a valid hash * object as an argument. * * isc_hash_init() is for the single-context mode. A valid module-internal * hash object must have been created. * * 'key' is the hash key, which is a variable length buffer. * * 'keylen' specifies the key length, which must not be larger than the limit * specified for the corresponding hash object. * * 'case_sensitive' specifies whether the hash key should be treated as * case_sensitive values. It should typically be ISC_FALSE if the hash key * is a DNS name. */ /*@}*/ void isc__hash_setvec(const isc_uint16_t *vec) ISC_DEPRECATED; /*!< * \brief Set the contents of the random vector used in hashing. * * WARNING: This function is meant to be used only in testing code. It * must not be used anywhere in normally running code. * * The hash context must have been created beforehand, otherwise this * function is a nop. * * 'vec' is not documented here on purpose. You should know what you are * doing before using this function. */ const void * isc_hash_get_initializer(void); void isc_hash_set_initializer(const void *initializer); isc_uint32_t isc_hash_function(const void *data, size_t length, isc_boolean_t case_sensitive, const isc_uint32_t *previous_hashp); isc_uint32_t isc_hash_function_reverse(const void *data, size_t length, isc_boolean_t case_sensitive, const isc_uint32_t *previous_hashp); /*!< * \brief Calculate a hash over data. * * This hash function is useful for hashtables. The hash function is * opaque and not important to the caller. The returned hash values are * non-deterministic and will have different mapping every time a * process using this library is run, but will have uniform * distribution. * * isc_hash_function() calculates the hash from start to end over the * input data. isc_hash_function_reverse() calculates the hash from the * end to the start over the input data. The difference in order is * useful in incremental hashing; for example, a previously hashed * value for 'com' can be used as input when hashing 'example.com'. * * This is a new variant of isc_hash_calc() and will supercede * isc_hash_calc() eventually. * * 'data' is the data to be hashed. * * 'length' is the size of the data to be hashed. * * 'case_sensitive' specifies whether the hash key should be treated as * case_sensitive values. It should typically be ISC_FALSE if the hash key * is a DNS name. * * 'previous_hashp' is a pointer to a previous hash value returned by * this function. It can be used to perform incremental hashing. NULL * must be passed during first calls. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_HASH_H */ PK #include #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS time_t isc_tm_timegm(struct tm *tm); /* * Convert a tm structure to time_t, using UTC rather than the local * time zone. */ char * isc_tm_strptime(const char *buf, const char *fmt, struct tm *tm); /* * Parse a formatted date string into struct tm. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_TIMER_H */ PK #include #ifdef ISC_LIST_CHECKINIT #define ISC_LINK_INSIST(x) ISC_INSIST(x) #else #define ISC_LINK_INSIST(x) #endif #define ISC_LIST(type) struct { type *head, *tail; } #define ISC_LIST_INIT(list) \ do { (list).head = NULL; (list).tail = NULL; } while (0) #define ISC_LINK(type) struct { type *prev, *next; } #define ISC_LINK_INIT_TYPE(elt, link, type) \ do { \ (elt)->link.prev = (type *)(-1); \ (elt)->link.next = (type *)(-1); \ } while (0) #define ISC_LINK_INIT(elt, link) \ ISC_LINK_INIT_TYPE(elt, link, void) #define ISC_LINK_LINKED(elt, link) ((void *)((elt)->link.prev) != (void *)(-1)) #define ISC_LIST_HEAD(list) ((list).head) #define ISC_LIST_TAIL(list) ((list).tail) #define ISC_LIST_EMPTY(list) ISC_TF((list).head == NULL) #define __ISC_LIST_PREPENDUNSAFE(list, elt, link) \ do { \ if ((list).head != NULL) \ (list).head->link.prev = (elt); \ else \ (list).tail = (elt); \ (elt)->link.prev = NULL; \ (elt)->link.next = (list).head; \ (list).head = (elt); \ } while (0) #define ISC_LIST_PREPEND(list, elt, link) \ do { \ ISC_LINK_INSIST(!ISC_LINK_LINKED(elt, link)); \ __ISC_LIST_PREPENDUNSAFE(list, elt, link); \ } while (0) #define ISC_LIST_INITANDPREPEND(list, elt, link) \ __ISC_LIST_PREPENDUNSAFE(list, elt, link) #define __ISC_LIST_APPENDUNSAFE(list, elt, link) \ do { \ if ((list).tail != NULL) \ (list).tail->link.next = (elt); \ else \ (list).head = (elt); \ (elt)->link.prev = (list).tail; \ (elt)->link.next = NULL; \ (list).tail = (elt); \ } while (0) #define ISC_LIST_APPEND(list, elt, link) \ do { \ ISC_LINK_INSIST(!ISC_LINK_LINKED(elt, link)); \ __ISC_LIST_APPENDUNSAFE(list, elt, link); \ } while (0) #define ISC_LIST_INITANDAPPEND(list, elt, link) \ __ISC_LIST_APPENDUNSAFE(list, elt, link) #define __ISC_LIST_UNLINKUNSAFE_TYPE(list, elt, link, type) \ do { \ if ((elt)->link.next != NULL) \ (elt)->link.next->link.prev = (elt)->link.prev; \ else { \ ISC_INSIST((list).tail == (elt)); \ (list).tail = (elt)->link.prev; \ } \ if ((elt)->link.prev != NULL) \ (elt)->link.prev->link.next = (elt)->link.next; \ else { \ ISC_INSIST((list).head == (elt)); \ (list).head = (elt)->link.next; \ } \ (elt)->link.prev = (type *)(-1); \ (elt)->link.next = (type *)(-1); \ ISC_INSIST((list).head != (elt)); \ ISC_INSIST((list).tail != (elt)); \ } while (0) #define __ISC_LIST_UNLINKUNSAFE(list, elt, link) \ __ISC_LIST_UNLINKUNSAFE_TYPE(list, elt, link, void) #define ISC_LIST_UNLINK_TYPE(list, elt, link, type) \ do { \ ISC_LINK_INSIST(ISC_LINK_LINKED(elt, link)); \ __ISC_LIST_UNLINKUNSAFE_TYPE(list, elt, link, type); \ } while (0) #define ISC_LIST_UNLINK(list, elt, link) \ ISC_LIST_UNLINK_TYPE(list, elt, link, void) #define ISC_LIST_PREV(elt, link) ((elt)->link.prev) #define ISC_LIST_NEXT(elt, link) ((elt)->link.next) #define __ISC_LIST_INSERTBEFOREUNSAFE(list, before, elt, link) \ do { \ if ((before)->link.prev == NULL) \ ISC_LIST_PREPEND(list, elt, link); \ else { \ (elt)->link.prev = (before)->link.prev; \ (before)->link.prev = (elt); \ (elt)->link.prev->link.next = (elt); \ (elt)->link.next = (before); \ } \ } while (0) #define ISC_LIST_INSERTBEFORE(list, before, elt, link) \ do { \ ISC_LINK_INSIST(ISC_LINK_LINKED(before, link)); \ ISC_LINK_INSIST(!ISC_LINK_LINKED(elt, link)); \ __ISC_LIST_INSERTBEFOREUNSAFE(list, before, elt, link); \ } while (0) #define __ISC_LIST_INSERTAFTERUNSAFE(list, after, elt, link) \ do { \ if ((after)->link.next == NULL) \ ISC_LIST_APPEND(list, elt, link); \ else { \ (elt)->link.next = (after)->link.next; \ (after)->link.next = (elt); \ (elt)->link.next->link.prev = (elt); \ (elt)->link.prev = (after); \ } \ } while (0) #define ISC_LIST_INSERTAFTER(list, after, elt, link) \ do { \ ISC_LINK_INSIST(ISC_LINK_LINKED(after, link)); \ ISC_LINK_INSIST(!ISC_LINK_LINKED(elt, link)); \ __ISC_LIST_INSERTAFTERUNSAFE(list, after, elt, link); \ } while (0) #define ISC_LIST_APPENDLIST(list1, list2, link) \ do { \ if (ISC_LIST_EMPTY(list1)) \ (list1) = (list2); \ else if (!ISC_LIST_EMPTY(list2)) { \ (list1).tail->link.next = (list2).head; \ (list2).head->link.prev = (list1).tail; \ (list1).tail = (list2).tail; \ } \ (list2).head = NULL; \ (list2).tail = NULL; \ } while (0) #define ISC_LIST_PREPENDLIST(list1, list2, link) \ do { \ if (ISC_LIST_EMPTY(list1)) \ (list1) = (list2); \ else if (!ISC_LIST_EMPTY(list2)) { \ (list2).tail->link.next = (list1).head; \ (list1).head->link.prev = (list2).tail; \ (list1).head = (list2).head; \ } \ (list2).head = NULL; \ (list2).tail = NULL; \ } while (0) #define ISC_LIST_ENQUEUE(list, elt, link) ISC_LIST_APPEND(list, elt, link) #define __ISC_LIST_ENQUEUEUNSAFE(list, elt, link) \ __ISC_LIST_APPENDUNSAFE(list, elt, link) #define ISC_LIST_DEQUEUE(list, elt, link) \ ISC_LIST_UNLINK_TYPE(list, elt, link, void) #define ISC_LIST_DEQUEUE_TYPE(list, elt, link, type) \ ISC_LIST_UNLINK_TYPE(list, elt, link, type) #define __ISC_LIST_DEQUEUEUNSAFE(list, elt, link) \ __ISC_LIST_UNLINKUNSAFE_TYPE(list, elt, link, void) #define __ISC_LIST_DEQUEUEUNSAFE_TYPE(list, elt, link, type) \ __ISC_LIST_UNLINKUNSAFE_TYPE(list, elt, link, type) #endif /* ISC_LIST_H */ PK support. * * This module is responsible for defining S_IS??? macros. * * MP: * No impact. * * Reliability: * No anticipated impact. * * Resources: * N/A. * * Security: * No anticipated impact. * */ /*** *** Imports. ***/ #include #include #endif /* ISC_STAT_H */ PKisc/netscope.hnu[/* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ #ifndef ISC_NETSCOPE_H #define ISC_NETSCOPE_H 1 /*! \file isc/netscope.h */ ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /*% * Convert a string of an IPv6 scope zone to zone index. If the conversion * succeeds, 'zoneid' will store the index value. * * XXXJT: when a standard interface for this purpose is defined, * we should use it. * * Returns: * \li ISC_R_SUCCESS: conversion succeeds * \li ISC_R_FAILURE: conversion fails */ isc_result_t isc_netscope_pton(int af, char *scopename, void *addr, isc_uint32_t *zoneid); ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_NETSCOPE_H */ PK #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS isc_result_t isc_syslog_facilityfromstring(const char *str, int *facilityp); /*%< * Convert 'str' to the appropriate syslog facility constant. * * Requires: * *\li 'str' is not NULL *\li 'facilityp' is not NULL * * Returns: * \li #ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li #ISC_R_NOTFOUND */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_SYSLOG_H */ PK #include #include #include #include #define ISC_HMACSHA1_KEYLENGTH ISC_SHA1_BLOCK_LENGTH #define ISC_HMACSHA224_KEYLENGTH ISC_SHA224_BLOCK_LENGTH #define ISC_HMACSHA256_KEYLENGTH ISC_SHA256_BLOCK_LENGTH #define ISC_HMACSHA384_KEYLENGTH ISC_SHA384_BLOCK_LENGTH #define ISC_HMACSHA512_KEYLENGTH ISC_SHA512_BLOCK_LENGTH #ifdef ISC_PLATFORM_OPENSSLHASH #include #include typedef struct { HMAC_CTX *ctx; #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10100000L || defined(LIBRESSL_VERSION_NUMBER) HMAC_CTX _ctx; #endif } isc_hmacsha_t; typedef isc_hmacsha_t isc_hmacsha1_t; typedef isc_hmacsha_t isc_hmacsha224_t; typedef isc_hmacsha_t isc_hmacsha256_t; typedef isc_hmacsha_t isc_hmacsha384_t; typedef isc_hmacsha_t isc_hmacsha512_t; #elif PKCS11CRYPTO #include typedef pk11_context_t isc_hmacsha1_t; typedef pk11_context_t isc_hmacsha224_t; typedef pk11_context_t isc_hmacsha256_t; typedef pk11_context_t isc_hmacsha384_t; typedef pk11_context_t isc_hmacsha512_t; #else typedef struct { isc_sha1_t sha1ctx; unsigned char key[ISC_HMACSHA1_KEYLENGTH]; } isc_hmacsha1_t; typedef struct { isc_sha224_t sha224ctx; unsigned char key[ISC_HMACSHA224_KEYLENGTH]; } isc_hmacsha224_t; typedef struct { isc_sha256_t sha256ctx; unsigned char key[ISC_HMACSHA256_KEYLENGTH]; } isc_hmacsha256_t; typedef struct { isc_sha384_t sha384ctx; unsigned char key[ISC_HMACSHA384_KEYLENGTH]; } isc_hmacsha384_t; typedef struct { isc_sha512_t sha512ctx; unsigned char key[ISC_HMACSHA512_KEYLENGTH]; } isc_hmacsha512_t; #endif ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS void isc_hmacsha1_init(isc_hmacsha1_t *ctx, const unsigned char *key, unsigned int len); void isc_hmacsha1_invalidate(isc_hmacsha1_t *ctx); void isc_hmacsha1_update(isc_hmacsha1_t *ctx, const unsigned char *buf, unsigned int len); void isc_hmacsha1_sign(isc_hmacsha1_t *ctx, unsigned char *digest, size_t len); isc_boolean_t isc_hmacsha1_verify(isc_hmacsha1_t *ctx, unsigned char *digest, size_t len); isc_boolean_t isc_hmacsha1_check(int testing); void isc_hmacsha224_init(isc_hmacsha224_t *ctx, const unsigned char *key, unsigned int len); void isc_hmacsha224_invalidate(isc_hmacsha224_t *ctx); void isc_hmacsha224_update(isc_hmacsha224_t *ctx, const unsigned char *buf, unsigned int len); void isc_hmacsha224_sign(isc_hmacsha224_t *ctx, unsigned char *digest, size_t len); isc_boolean_t isc_hmacsha224_verify(isc_hmacsha224_t *ctx, unsigned char *digest, size_t len); void isc_hmacsha256_init(isc_hmacsha256_t *ctx, const unsigned char *key, unsigned int len); void isc_hmacsha256_invalidate(isc_hmacsha256_t *ctx); void isc_hmacsha256_update(isc_hmacsha256_t *ctx, const unsigned char *buf, unsigned int len); void isc_hmacsha256_sign(isc_hmacsha256_t *ctx, unsigned char *digest, size_t len); isc_boolean_t isc_hmacsha256_verify(isc_hmacsha256_t *ctx, unsigned char *digest, size_t len); void isc_hmacsha384_init(isc_hmacsha384_t *ctx, const unsigned char *key, unsigned int len); void isc_hmacsha384_invalidate(isc_hmacsha384_t *ctx); void isc_hmacsha384_update(isc_hmacsha384_t *ctx, const unsigned char *buf, unsigned int len); void isc_hmacsha384_sign(isc_hmacsha384_t *ctx, unsigned char *digest, size_t len); isc_boolean_t isc_hmacsha384_verify(isc_hmacsha384_t *ctx, unsigned char *digest, size_t len); void isc_hmacsha512_init(isc_hmacsha512_t *ctx, const unsigned char *key, unsigned int len); void isc_hmacsha512_invalidate(isc_hmacsha512_t *ctx); void isc_hmacsha512_update(isc_hmacsha512_t *ctx, const unsigned char *buf, unsigned int len); void isc_hmacsha512_sign(isc_hmacsha512_t *ctx, unsigned char *digest, size_t len); isc_boolean_t isc_hmacsha512_verify(isc_hmacsha512_t *ctx, unsigned char *digest, size_t len); ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_HMACSHA_H */ PK #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /*** *** Functions ***/ isc_result_t isc_hex_totext(isc_region_t *source, int wordlength, const char *wordbreak, isc_buffer_t *target); /*!< * \brief Convert data into hex encoded text. * * Notes: *\li The hex encoded text in 'target' will be divided into * words of at most 'wordlength' characters, separated by * the 'wordbreak' string. No parentheses will surround * the text. * * Requires: *\li 'source' is a region containing binary data *\li 'target' is a text buffer containing available space *\li 'wordbreak' points to a null-terminated string of * zero or more whitespace characters * * Ensures: *\li target will contain the hex encoded version of the data * in source. The 'used' pointer in target will be advanced as * necessary. */ isc_result_t isc_hex_decodestring(const char *cstr, isc_buffer_t *target); /*!< * \brief Decode a null-terminated hex string. * * Requires: *\li 'cstr' is non-null. *\li 'target' is a valid buffer. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS -- the entire decoded representation of 'cstring' * fit in 'target'. *\li #ISC_R_BADHEX -- 'cstr' is not a valid hex encoding. * * Other error returns are any possible error code from: * isc_lex_create(), * isc_lex_openbuffer(), * isc_hex_tobuffer(). */ isc_result_t isc_hex_tobuffer(isc_lex_t *lexer, isc_buffer_t *target, int length); /*!< * \brief Convert hex encoded text from a lexer context into data. * * Requires: *\li 'lex' is a valid lexer context *\li 'target' is a buffer containing binary data *\li 'length' is an integer * * Ensures: *\li target will contain the data represented by the hex encoded * string parsed by the lexer. No more than length bytes will be read, * if length is positive. The 'used' pointer in target will be * advanced as necessary. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_HEX_H */ PK (or other) library * files. * * \brief * Including this file puts several macros in your name space that are * not protected (as all the other ISC functions/macros do) by prepending * ISC_ or isc_ to the name. */ /*** *** General Macros. ***/ /*% * Use this to hide unused function arguments. * \code * int * foo(char *bar) * { * UNUSED(bar); * } * \endcode */ #define UNUSED(x) (void)(x) /*% * The opposite: silent warnings about stored values which are never read. */ #define POST(x) (void)(x) #define ISC_MAX(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b)) #define ISC_MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)) #define ISC_CLAMP(v, x, y) ((v) < (x) ? (x) : ((v) > (y) ? (y) : (v))) /*% * Use this to remove the const qualifier of a variable to assign it to * a non-const variable or pass it as a non-const function argument ... * but only when you are sure it won't then be changed! * This is necessary to sometimes shut up some compilers * (as with gcc -Wcast-qual) when there is just no other good way to avoid the * situation. */ #define DE_CONST(konst, var) \ do { \ union { const void *k; void *v; } _u; \ _u.k = konst; \ var = _u.v; \ } while (0) /*% * Use this in translation units that would otherwise be empty, to * suppress compiler warnings. */ #define EMPTY_TRANSLATION_UNIT static void isc__empty(void) { isc__empty(); } /*% * We use macros instead of calling the routines directly because * the capital letters make the locking stand out. * We RUNTIME_CHECK for success since in general there's no way * for us to continue if they fail. */ #ifdef ISC_UTIL_TRACEON #define ISC_UTIL_TRACE(a) a #include /* Required for fprintf/stderr when tracing. */ #include /* Required for isc_msgcat when tracing. */ #else #define ISC_UTIL_TRACE(a) #endif #include /* Contractual promise. */ #define LOCK(lp) do { \ ISC_UTIL_TRACE(fprintf(stderr, "%s %p %s %d\n", \ isc_msgcat_get(isc_msgcat, ISC_MSGSET_UTIL, \ ISC_MSG_LOCKING, "LOCKING"), \ (lp), __FILE__, __LINE__)); \ RUNTIME_CHECK(isc_mutex_lock((lp)) == ISC_R_SUCCESS); \ ISC_UTIL_TRACE(fprintf(stderr, "%s %p %s %d\n", \ isc_msgcat_get(isc_msgcat, ISC_MSGSET_UTIL, \ ISC_MSG_LOCKED, "LOCKED"), \ (lp), __FILE__, __LINE__)); \ } while (0) #define UNLOCK(lp) do { \ RUNTIME_CHECK(isc_mutex_unlock((lp)) == ISC_R_SUCCESS); \ ISC_UTIL_TRACE(fprintf(stderr, "%s %p %s %d\n", \ isc_msgcat_get(isc_msgcat, ISC_MSGSET_UTIL, \ ISC_MSG_UNLOCKED, "UNLOCKED"), \ (lp), __FILE__, __LINE__)); \ } while (0) #define ISLOCKED(lp) (1) #define DESTROYLOCK(lp) \ RUNTIME_CHECK(isc_mutex_destroy((lp)) == ISC_R_SUCCESS) #define BROADCAST(cvp) do { \ ISC_UTIL_TRACE(fprintf(stderr, "%s %p %s %d\n", \ isc_msgcat_get(isc_msgcat, ISC_MSGSET_UTIL, \ ISC_MSG_BROADCAST, "BROADCAST"),\ (cvp), __FILE__, __LINE__)); \ RUNTIME_CHECK(isc_condition_broadcast((cvp)) == ISC_R_SUCCESS); \ } while (0) #define SIGNAL(cvp) do { \ ISC_UTIL_TRACE(fprintf(stderr, "%s %p %s %d\n", \ isc_msgcat_get(isc_msgcat, ISC_MSGSET_UTIL, \ ISC_MSG_SIGNAL, "SIGNAL"), \ (cvp), __FILE__, __LINE__)); \ RUNTIME_CHECK(isc_condition_signal((cvp)) == ISC_R_SUCCESS); \ } while (0) #define WAIT(cvp, lp) do { \ ISC_UTIL_TRACE(fprintf(stderr, "%s %p %s %p %s %d\n", \ isc_msgcat_get(isc_msgcat, ISC_MSGSET_UTIL, \ ISC_MSG_UTILWAIT, "WAIT"), \ (cvp), \ isc_msgcat_get(isc_msgcat, ISC_MSGSET_UTIL, \ ISC_MSG_LOCK, "LOCK"), \ (lp), __FILE__, __LINE__)); \ RUNTIME_CHECK(isc_condition_wait((cvp), (lp)) == ISC_R_SUCCESS); \ ISC_UTIL_TRACE(fprintf(stderr, "%s %p %s %p %s %d\n", \ isc_msgcat_get(isc_msgcat, ISC_MSGSET_UTIL, \ ISC_MSG_WAITED, "WAITED"), \ (cvp), \ isc_msgcat_get(isc_msgcat, ISC_MSGSET_UTIL, \ ISC_MSG_LOCKED, "LOCKED"), \ (lp), __FILE__, __LINE__)); \ } while (0) /* * isc_condition_waituntil can return ISC_R_TIMEDOUT, so we * don't RUNTIME_CHECK the result. * * XXX Also, can't really debug this then... */ #define WAITUNTIL(cvp, lp, tp) \ isc_condition_waituntil((cvp), (lp), (tp)) #define RWLOCK(lp, t) do { \ ISC_UTIL_TRACE(fprintf(stderr, "%s %p, %d %s %d\n", \ isc_msgcat_get(isc_msgcat, ISC_MSGSET_UTIL, \ ISC_MSG_RWLOCK, "RWLOCK"), \ (lp), (t), __FILE__, __LINE__)); \ RUNTIME_CHECK(isc_rwlock_lock((lp), (t)) == ISC_R_SUCCESS); \ ISC_UTIL_TRACE(fprintf(stderr, "%s %p, %d %s %d\n", \ isc_msgcat_get(isc_msgcat, ISC_MSGSET_UTIL, \ ISC_MSG_RWLOCKED, "RWLOCKED"), \ (lp), (t), __FILE__, __LINE__)); \ } while (0) #define RWUNLOCK(lp, t) do { \ ISC_UTIL_TRACE(fprintf(stderr, "%s %p, %d %s %d\n", \ isc_msgcat_get(isc_msgcat, ISC_MSGSET_UTIL, \ ISC_MSG_RWUNLOCK, "RWUNLOCK"), \ (lp), (t), __FILE__, __LINE__)); \ RUNTIME_CHECK(isc_rwlock_unlock((lp), (t)) == ISC_R_SUCCESS); \ } while (0) #define DESTROYMUTEXBLOCK(bp, n) \ RUNTIME_CHECK(isc_mutexblock_destroy((bp), (n)) == ISC_R_SUCCESS) /* * List Macros. */ #include /* Contractual promise. */ #define LIST(type) ISC_LIST(type) #define INIT_LIST(type) ISC_LIST_INIT(type) #define LINK(type) ISC_LINK(type) #define INIT_LINK(elt, link) ISC_LINK_INIT(elt, link) #define HEAD(list) ISC_LIST_HEAD(list) #define TAIL(list) ISC_LIST_TAIL(list) #define EMPTY(list) ISC_LIST_EMPTY(list) #define PREV(elt, link) ISC_LIST_PREV(elt, link) #define NEXT(elt, link) ISC_LIST_NEXT(elt, link) #define APPEND(list, elt, link) ISC_LIST_APPEND(list, elt, link) #define PREPEND(list, elt, link) ISC_LIST_PREPEND(list, elt, link) #define UNLINK(list, elt, link) ISC_LIST_UNLINK(list, elt, link) #define ENQUEUE(list, elt, link) ISC_LIST_APPEND(list, elt, link) #define DEQUEUE(list, elt, link) ISC_LIST_UNLINK(list, elt, link) #define INSERTBEFORE(li, b, e, ln) ISC_LIST_INSERTBEFORE(li, b, e, ln) #define INSERTAFTER(li, a, e, ln) ISC_LIST_INSERTAFTER(li, a, e, ln) #define APPENDLIST(list1, list2, link) ISC_LIST_APPENDLIST(list1, list2, link) /*% * Performance */ #include /* * Assertions */ #include /* Contractual promise. */ /*% Require Assertion */ #define REQUIRE(e) ISC_REQUIRE(e) /*% Ensure Assertion */ #define ENSURE(e) ISC_ENSURE(e) /*% Insist Assertion */ #define INSIST(e) ISC_INSIST(e) /*% Invariant Assertion */ #define INVARIANT(e) ISC_INVARIANT(e) /* * Errors */ #include /* Contractual promise. */ /*% Unexpected Error */ #define UNEXPECTED_ERROR isc_error_unexpected /*% Fatal Error */ #define FATAL_ERROR isc_error_fatal /*% Runtime Check */ #define RUNTIME_CHECK(cond) ISC_ERROR_RUNTIMECHECK(cond) /*% * Time */ #define TIME_NOW(tp) RUNTIME_CHECK(isc_time_now((tp)) == ISC_R_SUCCESS) #ifdef CLOCK_BOOTTIME #define TIME_MONOTONIC(tp) RUNTIME_CHECK(isc_time_boottime((tp)) == ISC_R_SUCCESS) #endif /*% * Misc */ #include #endif /* ISC_UTIL_H */ PK #include #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS isc_result_t isc_mutexblock_init(isc_mutex_t *block, unsigned int count); /*%< * Initialize a block of locks. If an error occurs all initialized locks * will be destroyed, if possible. * * Requires: * *\li block != NULL * *\li count > 0 * * Returns: * *\li Any code isc_mutex_init() can return is a valid return for this * function. */ isc_result_t isc_mutexblock_destroy(isc_mutex_t *block, unsigned int count); /*%< * Destroy a block of locks. * * Requires: * *\li block != NULL * *\li count > 0 * *\li Each lock in the block be initialized via isc_mutex_init() or * the whole block was initialized via isc_mutex_initblock(). * * Returns: * *\li Any code isc_mutex_init() can return is a valid return for this * function. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_MUTEXBLOCK_H */ PK #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /*** *** Functions ***/ isc_result_t isc_base32_totext(isc_region_t *source, int wordlength, const char *wordbreak, isc_buffer_t *target); isc_result_t isc_base32hex_totext(isc_region_t *source, int wordlength, const char *wordbreak, isc_buffer_t *target); isc_result_t isc_base32hexnp_totext(isc_region_t *source, int wordlength, const char *wordbreak, isc_buffer_t *target); /*!< * \brief Convert data into base32 encoded text. * * Notes: *\li The base32 encoded text in 'target' will be divided into * words of at most 'wordlength' characters, separated by * the 'wordbreak' string. No parentheses will surround * the text. * * Requires: *\li 'source' is a region containing binary data *\li 'target' is a text buffer containing available space *\li 'wordbreak' points to a null-terminated string of * zero or more whitespace characters * * Ensures: *\li target will contain the base32 encoded version of the data * in source. The 'used' pointer in target will be advanced as * necessary. */ isc_result_t isc_base32_decodestring(const char *cstr, isc_buffer_t *target); isc_result_t isc_base32hex_decodestring(const char *cstr, isc_buffer_t *target); isc_result_t isc_base32hexnp_decodestring(const char *cstr, isc_buffer_t *target); /*!< * \brief Decode a null-terminated string in base32, base32hex, or * base32hex non-padded. * * Requires: *\li 'cstr' is non-null. *\li 'target' is a valid buffer. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS -- the entire decoded representation of 'cstring' * fit in 'target'. *\li #ISC_R_BADBASE32 -- 'cstr' is not a valid base32 encoding. * * Other error returns are any possible error code from: *\li isc_lex_create(), *\li isc_lex_openbuffer(), *\li isc_base32_tobuffer(). */ isc_result_t isc_base32_tobuffer(isc_lex_t *lexer, isc_buffer_t *target, int length); isc_result_t isc_base32hex_tobuffer(isc_lex_t *lexer, isc_buffer_t *target, int length); isc_result_t isc_base32hexnp_tobuffer(isc_lex_t *lexer, isc_buffer_t *target, int length); /*!< * \brief Convert text encoded in base32, base32hex, or base32hex * non-padded from a lexer context into data. * * Requires: *\li 'lex' is a valid lexer context *\li 'target' is a buffer containing binary data *\li 'length' is an integer * * Ensures: *\li target will contain the data represented by the base32 encoded * string parsed by the lexer. No more than length bytes will be read, * if length is positive. The 'used' pointer in target will be * advanced as necessary. */ isc_result_t isc_base32_decoderegion(isc_region_t *source, isc_buffer_t *target); isc_result_t isc_base32hex_decoderegion(isc_region_t *source, isc_buffer_t *target); isc_result_t isc_base32hexnp_decoderegion(isc_region_t *source, isc_buffer_t *target); /*!< * \brief Decode a packed (no white space permitted) region in * base32, base32hex or base32hex non-padded. * * Requires: *\li 'source' is a valid region. *\li 'target' is a valid buffer. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS -- the entire decoded representation of 'cstring' * fit in 'target'. *\li #ISC_R_BADBASE32 -- 'source' is not a valid base32 encoding. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_BASE32_H */ PK * tuple when a tuple with the given key and type already exists in the table. * What to do in this case is specified by the client. Possible policies are: * *\li #isc_symexists_reject Disallow the define, returning #ISC_R_EXISTS *\li #isc_symexists_replace Replace the old value with the new. The * undefine action (if provided) will be called * with the old tuple. *\li #isc_symexists_add Add the new tuple, leaving the old tuple in * the table. Subsequent lookups will retrieve * the most-recently-defined tuple. * * A lookup of a key using type 0 will return the most-recently defined * symbol with that key. An undefine of a key using type 0 will undefine the * most-recently defined symbol with that key. Trying to define a key with * type 0 is illegal. * * The symbol table library does not make a copy the key field, so the * caller must ensure that any key it passes to isc_symtab_define() will not * change until it calls isc_symtab_undefine() or isc_symtab_destroy(). * * A user-specified action will be called (if provided) when a symbol is * undefined. It can be used to free memory associated with keys and/or * values. * * A symbol table is implemented as a hash table of lists; the size of the * hash table is set by the 'size' parameter to isc_symtbl_create(). When * the number of entries in the symbol table reaches three quarters of this * value, the hash table is reallocated with size doubled, in order to * optimize lookup performance. This has a negative effect on insertion * performance, which can be mitigated by sizing the table appropriately * when creating it. * * \li MP: * The callers of this module must ensure any required synchronization. * * \li Reliability: * No anticipated impact. * * \li Resources: * TBS * * \li Security: * No anticipated impact. * * \li Standards: * None. */ /*** *** Imports. ***/ #include #include /* *** Symbol Tables. ***/ /*% Symbol table value. */ typedef union isc_symvalue { void * as_pointer; const void * as_cpointer; int as_integer; unsigned int as_uinteger; } isc_symvalue_t; typedef void (*isc_symtabaction_t)(char *key, unsigned int type, isc_symvalue_t value, void *userarg); /*% Symbol table exists. */ typedef enum { isc_symexists_reject = 0, /*%< Disallow the define */ isc_symexists_replace = 1, /*%< Replace the old value with the new */ isc_symexists_add = 2 /*%< Add the new tuple */ } isc_symexists_t; ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /*% Create a symbol table. */ isc_result_t isc_symtab_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, unsigned int size, isc_symtabaction_t undefine_action, void *undefine_arg, isc_boolean_t case_sensitive, isc_symtab_t **symtabp); /*% Destroy a symbol table. */ void isc_symtab_destroy(isc_symtab_t **symtabp); /*% Lookup a symbol table. */ isc_result_t isc_symtab_lookup(isc_symtab_t *symtab, const char *key, unsigned int type, isc_symvalue_t *value); /*% Define a symbol table. */ isc_result_t isc_symtab_define(isc_symtab_t *symtab, const char *key, unsigned int type, isc_symvalue_t value, isc_symexists_t exists_policy); /*% Undefine a symbol table. */ isc_result_t isc_symtab_undefine(isc_symtab_t *symtab, const char *key, unsigned int type); /*% Return the number of items in a symbol table. */ unsigned int isc_symtab_count(isc_symtab_t *symtab); ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_SYMTAB_H */ PK #include #include #include #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS typedef void (*isc_errorcallback_t)(const char *, int, const char *, va_list); /*% set unexpected error */ void isc_error_setunexpected(isc_errorcallback_t); /*% set fatal error */ void isc_error_setfatal(isc_errorcallback_t); /*% unexpected error */ void isc_error_unexpected(const char *, int, const char *, ...) ISC_FORMAT_PRINTF(3, 4); /*% fatal error */ ISC_PLATFORM_NORETURN_PRE void isc_error_fatal(const char *, int, const char *, ...) ISC_FORMAT_PRINTF(3, 4) ISC_PLATFORM_NORETURN_POST; /*% runtimecheck error */ ISC_PLATFORM_NORETURN_PRE void isc_error_runtimecheck(const char *, int, const char *) ISC_PLATFORM_NORETURN_POST; #define ISC_ERROR_RUNTIMECHECK(cond) \ ((void) (ISC_LIKELY(cond) || \ ((isc_error_runtimecheck)(__FILE__, __LINE__, #cond), 0))) ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_ERROR_H */ PK /* Required for ISC_FORMAT_PRINTF() macro. */ #include #include /*! * This block allows lib/isc/print.c to be cleanly compiled even if * the platform does not need it. The standard Makefile will still * not compile print.c or archive print.o, so this is just to make test * compilation ("make print.o") easier. */ #if !defined(ISC_PLATFORM_NEEDVSNPRINTF) && defined(ISC__PRINT_SOURCE) #define ISC_PLATFORM_NEEDVSNPRINTF #undef snprintf #undef vsnprintf #endif #if !defined(ISC_PLATFORM_NEEDSPRINTF) && defined(ISC__PRINT_SOURCE) #define ISC_PLATFORM_NEEDSPRINTF #undef sprintf #endif #if !defined(ISC_PLATFORM_NEEDFPRINTF) && defined(ISC__PRINT_SOURCE) #define ISC_PLATFORM_NEEDFPRINTF #undef fprintf #endif #if !defined(ISC_PLATFORM_NEEDPRINTF) && defined(ISC__PRINT_SOURCE) #define ISC_PLATFORM_NEEDPRINTF #undef printf #endif /*** *** Macros ***/ #define ISC_PRINT_QUADFORMAT ISC_PLATFORM_QUADFORMAT /*** *** Functions ***/ #ifdef ISC_PLATFORM_NEEDVSNPRINTF #include #include #endif #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS #ifdef ISC_PLATFORM_NEEDVSNPRINTF int isc_print_vsnprintf(char *str, size_t size, const char *format, va_list ap) ISC_FORMAT_PRINTF(3, 0); #undef vsnprintf #define vsnprintf isc_print_vsnprintf int isc_print_snprintf(char *str, size_t size, const char *format, ...) ISC_FORMAT_PRINTF(3, 4); #undef snprintf #define snprintf isc_print_snprintf #endif /* ISC_PLATFORM_NEEDVSNPRINTF */ #ifdef ISC_PLATFORM_NEEDSPRINTF int isc_print_sprintf(char *str, const char *format, ...) ISC_FORMAT_PRINTF(2, 3); #undef sprintf #define sprintf isc_print_sprintf #endif #ifdef ISC_PLATFORM_NEEDPRINTF int isc_print_printf(const char *format, ...) ISC_FORMAT_PRINTF(1, 2); #undef printf #define printf isc_print_printf #endif #ifdef ISC_PLATFORM_NEEDFPRINTF int isc_print_fprintf(FILE * fp, const char *format, ...) ISC_FORMAT_PRINTF(2, 3); #undef fprintf #define fprintf isc_print_fprintf #endif ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_PRINT_H */ PK #include #include typedef struct isc_ht isc_ht_t; typedef struct isc_ht_iter isc_ht_iter_t; /*% * Initialize hashtable at *htp, using memory context and size of (1<=1 && bits <=32 * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY -- not enough memory to create pool *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS -- all is well. */ isc_result_t isc_ht_init(isc_ht_t **htp, isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_uint8_t bits); /*% * Destroy hashtable, freeing everything * * Requires: * \li *htp is valid hashtable */ void isc_ht_destroy(isc_ht_t **htp); /*% * Add a node to hashtable, pointed by binary key 'key' of size 'keysize'; * set its value to 'value' * * Requires: *\li ht is a valid hashtable * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY -- not enough memory to create pool *\li #ISC_R_EXISTS -- node of the same key already exists *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS -- all is well. */ isc_result_t isc_ht_add(isc_ht_t *ht, const unsigned char *key, isc_uint32_t keysize, void *value); /*% * Find a node matching 'key'/'keysize' in hashtable 'ht'; * if found, set 'value' to its value * * Requires: * \li 'ht' is a valid hashtable * * Returns: * \li #ISC_R_SUCCESS -- success * \li #ISC_R_NOTFOUND -- key not found */ isc_result_t isc_ht_find(const isc_ht_t *ht, const unsigned char *key, isc_uint32_t keysize, void **valuep); /*% * Delete node from hashtable * Requires: *\li ht is a valid hashtable * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_NOTFOUND -- key not found *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS -- all is well */ isc_result_t isc_ht_delete(isc_ht_t *ht, const unsigned char *key, isc_uint32_t keysize); /*% * Create an iterator for the hashtable; point '*itp' to it. */ isc_result_t isc_ht_iter_create(isc_ht_t *ht, isc_ht_iter_t **itp); /*% * Destroy the iterator '*itp', set it to NULL */ void isc_ht_iter_destroy(isc_ht_iter_t **itp); /*% * Set an iterator to the first entry. * * Returns: * \li #ISC_R_SUCCESS -- success * \li #ISC_R_NOMORE -- no data in the hashtable */ isc_result_t isc_ht_iter_first(isc_ht_iter_t *it); /*% * Set an iterator to the next entry. * * Returns: * \li #ISC_R_SUCCESS -- success * \li #ISC_R_NOMORE -- end of hashtable reached */ isc_result_t isc_ht_iter_next(isc_ht_iter_t *it); /*% * Delete current entry and set an iterator to the next entry. * * Returns: * \li #ISC_R_SUCCESS -- success * \li #ISC_R_NOMORE -- end of hashtable reached */ isc_result_t isc_ht_iter_delcurrent_next(isc_ht_iter_t *it); /*% * Set 'value' to the current value under the iterator */ void isc_ht_iter_current(isc_ht_iter_t *it, void **valuep); /*% * Set 'key' and 'keysize to the current key and keysize for the value * under the iterator */ void isc_ht_iter_currentkey(isc_ht_iter_t *it, unsigned char **key, size_t *keysize); /*% * Returns the number of items in the hashtable. * * Requires: *\li 'ht' is a valid hashtable */ unsigned int isc_ht_count(isc_ht_t *ht); #endif PK #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /*% String Error Size */ #define ISC_STRERRORSIZE 128 /*% * Provide a thread safe wrapper to strerror(). * * Requires: * 'buf' to be non NULL. */ void isc__strerror(int num, char *buf, size_t bufsize); ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_STRERROR_H */ PK 3 #define ISC_DEPRECATED __attribute__((deprecated)) #else #define ISC_DEPRECATED /* none */ #endif /* __GNUC__ > 3*/ #endif PK #include #include /* Contractual promise. */ #include #include /* Contractual promise. */ #include /* Contractual promise. */ #ifdef ISC_PLATFORM_NEEDNETINETIN6H #include /* Required on UnixWare. */ #endif #ifdef ISC_PLATFORM_NEEDNETINET6IN6H #include /* Required on BSD/OS for in6_pktinfo. */ #endif #ifndef ISC_PLATFORM_HAVEIPV6 #include /* Contractual promise. */ #endif #include #include #ifdef ISC_PLATFORM_HAVEINADDR6 #define in6_addr in_addr6 /*%< Required for pre RFC2133 implementations. */ #endif #ifdef ISC_PLATFORM_HAVEIPV6 #ifndef IN6ADDR_ANY_INIT #ifdef s6_addr /*% * Required for some pre RFC2133 implementations. * IN6ADDR_ANY_INIT and IN6ADDR_LOOPBACK_INIT were added in * draft-ietf-ipngwg-bsd-api-04.txt or draft-ietf-ipngwg-bsd-api-05.txt. * If 's6_addr' is defined then assume that there is a union and three * levels otherwise assume two levels required. */ #define IN6ADDR_ANY_INIT { { { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 } } } #else #define IN6ADDR_ANY_INIT { { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 } } #endif #endif #ifndef IN6ADDR_LOOPBACK_INIT #ifdef s6_addr /*% IPv6 address loopback init */ #define IN6ADDR_LOOPBACK_INIT { { { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1 } } } #else #define IN6ADDR_LOOPBACK_INIT { { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1 } } #endif #endif #ifndef IN6ADDR_V4MAPPED_INIT #ifdef s6_addr /*% IPv6 v4mapped prefix init */ #define IN6ADDR_V4MAPPED_INIT { { { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0xff,0xff,0,0,0,0 } } } #else #define IN6ADDR_V4MAPPED_INIT { { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0xff,0xff,0,0,0,0 } } #endif #endif #ifndef IN6_IS_ADDR_V4MAPPED /*% Is IPv6 address V4 mapped? */ #define IN6_IS_ADDR_V4MAPPED(x) \ (memcmp((x)->s6_addr, in6addr_any.s6_addr, 10) == 0 && \ (x)->s6_addr[10] == 0xff && (x)->s6_addr[11] == 0xff) #endif #ifndef IN6_IS_ADDR_V4COMPAT /*% Is IPv6 address V4 compatible? */ #define IN6_IS_ADDR_V4COMPAT(x) \ (memcmp((x)->s6_addr, in6addr_any.s6_addr, 12) == 0 && \ ((x)->s6_addr[12] != 0 || (x)->s6_addr[13] != 0 || \ (x)->s6_addr[14] != 0 || \ ((x)->s6_addr[15] != 0 && (x)->s6_addr[15] != 1))) #endif #ifndef IN6_IS_ADDR_MULTICAST /*% Is IPv6 address multicast? */ #define IN6_IS_ADDR_MULTICAST(a) ((a)->s6_addr[0] == 0xff) #endif #ifndef IN6_IS_ADDR_LINKLOCAL /*% Is IPv6 address linklocal? */ #define IN6_IS_ADDR_LINKLOCAL(a) \ (((a)->s6_addr[0] == 0xfe) && (((a)->s6_addr[1] & 0xc0) == 0x80)) #endif #ifndef IN6_IS_ADDR_SITELOCAL /*% is IPv6 address sitelocal? */ #define IN6_IS_ADDR_SITELOCAL(a) \ (((a)->s6_addr[0] == 0xfe) && (((a)->s6_addr[1] & 0xc0) == 0xc0)) #endif #ifndef IN6_IS_ADDR_LOOPBACK /*% is IPv6 address loopback? */ #define IN6_IS_ADDR_LOOPBACK(x) \ (memcmp((x)->s6_addr, in6addr_loopback.s6_addr, 16) == 0) #endif #endif #ifndef AF_INET6 /*% IPv6 */ #define AF_INET6 99 #endif #ifndef PF_INET6 /*% IPv6 */ #define PF_INET6 AF_INET6 #endif #ifndef INADDR_ANY /*% inaddr any */ #define INADDR_ANY 0x00000000UL #endif #ifndef INADDR_LOOPBACK /*% inaddr loopback */ #define INADDR_LOOPBACK 0x7f000001UL #endif #ifndef ISC_PLATFORM_HAVEIN6PKTINFO /*% IPv6 packet info */ struct in6_pktinfo { struct in6_addr ipi6_addr; /*%< src/dst IPv6 address */ unsigned int ipi6_ifindex; /*%< send/recv interface index */ }; #endif #ifndef ISC_PLATFORM_HAVESOCKADDRSTORAGE #define _SS_MAXSIZE 128 #define _SS_ALIGNSIZE (sizeof (isc_uint64_t)) #ifdef ISC_PLATFORM_HAVESALEN #define _SS_PAD1SIZE (_SS_ALIGNSIZE - (2 * sizeof(isc_uint8_t))) #define _SS_PAD2SIZE (_SS_MAXSIZE - (_SS_ALIGNSIZE + _SS_PAD1SIZE \ + 2 * sizeof(isc_uint8_t))) #else #define _SS_PAD1SIZE (_SS_ALIGNSIZE - sizeof(isc_uint16_t)) #define _SS_PAD2SIZE (_SS_MAXSIZE - (_SS_ALIGNSIZE + _SS_PAD1SIZE \ + sizeof(isc_uint16_t))) #endif struct sockaddr_storage { #ifdef ISC_PLATFORM_HAVESALEN isc_uint8_t ss_len; isc_uint8_t ss_family; #else isc_uint16_t ss_family; #endif char __ss_pad1[_SS_PAD1SIZE]; isc_uint64_t __ss_align; /* field to force desired structure */ char __ss_pad2[_SS_PAD2SIZE]; }; #endif #if defined(ISC_PLATFORM_HAVEIPV6) && defined(ISC_PLATFORM_NEEDIN6ADDRANY) extern const struct in6_addr isc_net_in6addrany; /*% * Cope with a missing in6addr_any and in6addr_loopback. */ #define in6addr_any isc_net_in6addrany #endif #if defined(ISC_PLATFORM_HAVEIPV6) && defined(ISC_PLATFORM_NEEDIN6ADDRLOOPBACK) extern const struct in6_addr isc_net_in6addrloop; #define in6addr_loopback isc_net_in6addrloop #endif #ifdef ISC_PLATFORM_FIXIN6ISADDR #undef IN6_IS_ADDR_GEOGRAPHIC /*! * \brief * Fix UnixWare 7.1.1's broken IN6_IS_ADDR_* definitions. */ #define IN6_IS_ADDR_GEOGRAPHIC(a) (((a)->S6_un.S6_l[0] & 0xE0) == 0x80) #undef IN6_IS_ADDR_IPX #define IN6_IS_ADDR_IPX(a) (((a)->S6_un.S6_l[0] & 0xFE) == 0x04) #undef IN6_IS_ADDR_LINKLOCAL #define IN6_IS_ADDR_LINKLOCAL(a) (((a)->S6_un.S6_l[0] & 0xC0FF) == 0x80FE) #undef IN6_IS_ADDR_MULTICAST #define IN6_IS_ADDR_MULTICAST(a) (((a)->S6_un.S6_l[0] & 0xFF) == 0xFF) #undef IN6_IS_ADDR_NSAP #define IN6_IS_ADDR_NSAP(a) (((a)->S6_un.S6_l[0] & 0xFE) == 0x02) #undef IN6_IS_ADDR_PROVIDER #define IN6_IS_ADDR_PROVIDER(a) (((a)->S6_un.S6_l[0] & 0xE0) == 0x40) #undef IN6_IS_ADDR_SITELOCAL #define IN6_IS_ADDR_SITELOCAL(a) (((a)->S6_un.S6_l[0] & 0xC0FF) == 0xC0FE) #endif /* ISC_PLATFORM_FIXIN6ISADDR */ #ifdef ISC_PLATFORM_NEEDPORTT /*% * Ensure type in_port_t is defined. */ typedef isc_uint16_t in_port_t; #endif #ifndef MSG_TRUNC /*% * If this system does not have MSG_TRUNC (as returned from recvmsg()) * ISC_PLATFORM_RECVOVERFLOW will be defined. This will enable the MSG_TRUNC * faking code in socket.c. */ #define ISC_PLATFORM_RECVOVERFLOW #endif /*% IP address. */ #define ISC__IPADDR(x) ((isc_uint32_t)htonl((isc_uint32_t)(x))) /*% Is IP address multicast? */ #define ISC_IPADDR_ISMULTICAST(i) \ (((isc_uint32_t)(i) & ISC__IPADDR(0xf0000000)) \ == ISC__IPADDR(0xe0000000)) #define ISC_IPADDR_ISEXPERIMENTAL(i) \ (((isc_uint32_t)(i) & ISC__IPADDR(0xf0000000)) \ == ISC__IPADDR(0xf0000000)) /*** *** Functions. ***/ ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS isc_result_t isc_net_probeipv4(void); /*%< * Check if the system's kernel supports IPv4. * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS IPv4 is supported. *\li #ISC_R_NOTFOUND IPv4 is not supported. *\li #ISC_R_DISABLED IPv4 is disabled. *\li #ISC_R_UNEXPECTED */ isc_result_t isc_net_probeipv6(void); /*%< * Check if the system's kernel supports IPv6. * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS IPv6 is supported. *\li #ISC_R_NOTFOUND IPv6 is not supported. *\li #ISC_R_DISABLED IPv6 is disabled. *\li #ISC_R_UNEXPECTED */ isc_result_t isc_net_probe_ipv6only(void); /*%< * Check if the system's kernel supports the IPV6_V6ONLY socket option. * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS the option is supported for both TCP and UDP. *\li #ISC_R_NOTFOUND IPv6 itself or the option is not supported. *\li #ISC_R_UNEXPECTED */ isc_result_t isc_net_probe_ipv6pktinfo(void); /* * Check if the system's kernel supports the IPV6_(RECV)PKTINFO socket option * for UDP sockets. * * Returns: * * \li #ISC_R_SUCCESS the option is supported. * \li #ISC_R_NOTFOUND IPv6 itself or the option is not supported. * \li #ISC_R_UNEXPECTED */ void isc_net_disableipv4(void); void isc_net_disableipv6(void); void isc_net_enableipv4(void); void isc_net_enableipv6(void); isc_result_t isc_net_probeunix(void); /* * Returns whether UNIX domain sockets are supported. */ #define ISC_NET_DSCPRECVV4 0x01 /* Can receive sent DSCP value IPv4 */ #define ISC_NET_DSCPRECVV6 0x02 /* Can receive sent DSCP value IPv6 */ #define ISC_NET_DSCPSETV4 0x04 /* Can set DSCP on socket IPv4 */ #define ISC_NET_DSCPSETV6 0x08 /* Can set DSCP on socket IPv6 */ #define ISC_NET_DSCPPKTV4 0x10 /* Can set DSCP on per packet IPv4 */ #define ISC_NET_DSCPPKTV6 0x20 /* Can set DSCP on per packet IPv6 */ #define ISC_NET_DSCPALL 0x3f /* All valid flags */ unsigned int isc_net_probedscp(void); /*%< * Probe the level of DSCP support. */ isc_result_t isc_net_getudpportrange(int af, in_port_t *low, in_port_t *high); /*%< * Returns system's default range of ephemeral UDP ports, if defined. * If the range is not available or unknown, ISC_NET_PORTRANGELOW and * ISC_NET_PORTRANGEHIGH will be returned. * * Requires: * *\li 'low' and 'high' must be non NULL. * * Returns: * *\li *low and *high will be the ports specifying the low and high ends of * the range. */ #ifdef ISC_PLATFORM_NEEDNTOP const char * isc_net_ntop(int af, const void *src, char *dst, size_t size); #undef inet_ntop #define inet_ntop isc_net_ntop #endif #ifdef ISC_PLATFORM_NEEDPTON int isc_net_pton(int af, const char *src, void *dst); #undef inet_pton #define inet_pton isc_net_pton #endif int isc_net_aton(const char *cp, struct in_addr *addr); #undef inet_aton #define inet_aton isc_net_aton ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_NET_H */ PK /*** *** Types ***/ struct isc_backtrace_symmap { void *addr; const char *symbol; }; LIBISC_EXTERNAL_DATA extern const int isc__backtrace_nsymbols; LIBISC_EXTERNAL_DATA extern const isc_backtrace_symmap_t isc__backtrace_symtable[]; /*** *** Functions ***/ ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS isc_result_t isc_backtrace_gettrace(void **addrs, int maxaddrs, int *nframes); /*%< * Get a back trace of the running process above this function itself. On * success, addrs[i] will store the address of the call point of the i-th * stack frame (addrs[0] is the caller of this function). *nframes will store * the total number of frames. * * Requires (note that these are not ensured by assertion checks, see above): * *\li 'addrs' is a valid array containing at least 'maxaddrs' void * entries. * *\li 'nframes' must be non NULL. * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_FAILURE *\li #ISC_R_NOTFOUND *\li #ISC_R_NOTIMPLEMENTED */ isc_result_t isc_backtrace_getsymbolfromindex(int index, const void **addrp, const char **symbolp); /*%< * Returns the content of the internal symbol table of the given index. * On success, *addrsp and *symbolp point to the address and the symbol of * the 'index'th entry of the table, respectively. If 'index' is not in the * range of the symbol table, ISC_R_RANGE will be returned. * * Requires * *\li 'addrp' must be non NULL && '*addrp' == NULL. * *\li 'symbolp' must be non NULL && '*symbolp' == NULL. * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_RANGE */ isc_result_t isc_backtrace_getsymbol(const void *addr, const char **symbolp, unsigned long *offsetp); /*%< * Searches the internal symbol table for the symbol that most matches the * given 'addr'. On success, '*symbolp' will point to the name of function * to which the address 'addr' belong, and '*offsetp' will store the offset * from the function's entry address to 'addr'. * * Requires (note that these are not ensured by assertion checks, see above): * *\li 'symbolp' must be non NULL && '*symbolp' == NULL. * *\li 'offsetp' must be non NULL. * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_FAILURE *\li #ISC_R_NOTFOUND */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_BACKTRACE_H */ PK #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS void isc_crc64_init(isc_uint64_t *crc); /*% * Initialize a new CRC. * * Requires: * * 'crc' is not NULL. */ void isc_crc64_update(isc_uint64_t *crc, const void *data, size_t len); /*% * Add data to the CRC. * * Requires: * * 'crc' is not NULL. * * 'data' is not NULL. */ void isc_crc64_final(isc_uint64_t *crc); /*% * Finalize the CRC. * * Requires: * * 'crc' is not NULL. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_CRC64_H */ PK #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS int isc_regex_validate(const char *expression); /*%< * Check a regular expression for syntactic correctness. * * Returns: *\li -1 on error. *\li the number of groups in the expression. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_REGEX_H */ PK #include #include #include #include /*! \file isc/random.h * \brief Implements a random state pool which will let the caller return a * series of possibly non-reproducible random values. * * Note that the * strength of these numbers is not all that high, and should not be * used in cryptography functions. It is useful for jittering values * a bit here and there, such as timeouts, etc. */ ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS typedef struct isc_rng isc_rng_t; /*%< * Opaque type */ void isc_random_seed(isc_uint32_t seed); /*%< * Set the initial seed of the random state. */ void isc_random_get(isc_uint32_t *val); /*%< * Get a random value. * * Requires: * val != NULL. */ isc_uint32_t isc_random_jitter(isc_uint32_t max, isc_uint32_t jitter); /*%< * Get a random value between (max - jitter) and (max). * This is useful for jittering timer values. */ isc_result_t isc_rng_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_entropy_t *entropy, isc_rng_t **rngp); /*%< * Creates and initializes a pseudo random number generator. The * returned RNG can be used to generate pseudo random numbers. * * The reference count of the returned RNG is set to 1. * * Requires: * \li mctx is a pointer to a valid memory context. * \li entropy is an optional entopy source (can be NULL) * \li rngp != NULL && *rngp == NULL is where a pointer to the RNG is * returned. * * Ensures: *\li If result is ISC_R_SUCCESS: * *rngp points to a valid RNG. * *\li If result is failure: * *rngp does not point to a valid RNG. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS Success *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY Resource limit: Out of Memory */ void isc_rng_attach(isc_rng_t *source, isc_rng_t **targetp); /*%< * Increments a reference count on the passed RNG. * * Requires: * \li source the RNG struct to attach to (is refcount is incremented) * \li targetp != NULL && *targetp == NULL where a pointer to the * reference incremented RNG is returned. */ void isc_rng_detach(isc_rng_t **rngp); /*%< * Decrements a reference count on the passed RNG. If the reference * count reaches 0, the RNG is destroyed. * * Requires: * \li rngp != NULL the RNG struct to decrement reference for */ isc_uint16_t isc_rng_random(isc_rng_t *rngctx); /*%< * Returns a pseudo random 16-bit unsigned integer. */ isc_uint16_t isc_rng_uniformrandom(isc_rng_t *rngctx, isc_uint16_t upper_bound); /*%< * Returns a uniformly distributed pseudo random 16-bit unsigned * integer. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_RANDOM_H */ PK #include #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /***** ***** Types. *****/ typedef void (*isc_pooldeallocator_t)(void **object); typedef isc_result_t (*isc_poolinitializer_t)(void **target, void *arg); typedef struct isc_pool isc_pool_t; /***** ***** Functions. *****/ isc_result_t isc_pool_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, unsigned int count, isc_pooldeallocator_t free, isc_poolinitializer_t init, void *initarg, isc_pool_t **poolp); /*%< * Create a pool of "count" object pointers. If 'free' is not NULL, * it points to a function that will detach the objects. 'init' * points to a function that will initialize the arguments, and * 'arg' to an argument to be passed into that function (for example, * a relevant manager or context object). * * Requires: * *\li 'mctx' is a valid memory context. * *\li init != NULL * *\li poolp != NULL && *poolp == NULL * * Ensures: * *\li On success, '*poolp' points to the new object pool. * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY *\li #ISC_R_UNEXPECTED */ void * isc_pool_get(isc_pool_t *pool); /*%< * Returns a pointer to an object from the pool. Currently the object * is chosen from the pool at random. (This may be changed in the future * to something that guaratees balance.) */ int isc_pool_count(isc_pool_t *pool); /*%< * Returns the number of objcts in the pool 'pool'. */ isc_result_t isc_pool_expand(isc_pool_t **sourcep, unsigned int count, isc_pool_t **targetp); /*%< * If 'size' is larger than the number of objects in the pool pointed to by * 'sourcep', then a new pool of size 'count' is allocated, the existing * objects are copied into it, additional ones created to bring the * total number up to 'count', and the resulting pool is attached to * 'targetp'. * * If 'count' is less than or equal to the number of objects in 'source', then * 'sourcep' is attached to 'targetp' without any other action being taken. * * In either case, 'sourcep' is detached. * * Requires: * * \li 'sourcep' is not NULL and '*source' is not NULL * \li 'targetp' is not NULL and '*source' is NULL * * Ensures: * * \li On success, '*targetp' points to a valid task pool. * \li On success, '*sourcep' points to NULL. * * Returns: * * \li #ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY */ void isc_pool_destroy(isc_pool_t **poolp); /*%< * Destroy a task pool. The tasks in the pool are detached but not * shut down. * * Requires: * \li '*poolp' is a valid task pool. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_OBJPOOL_H */ PK #include #define ISC_RESOURCE_UNLIMITED ((isc_resourcevalue_t)ISC_UINT64_MAX) ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS isc_result_t isc_resource_setlimit(isc_resource_t resource, isc_resourcevalue_t value); /*%< * Set the maximum limit for a system resource. * * Notes: *\li If 'value' exceeds the maximum possible on the operating system, * it is silently limited to that maximum -- or to "infinity", if * the operating system has that concept. #ISC_RESOURCE_UNLIMITED * can be used to explicitly ask for the maximum. * * Requires: *\li 'resource' is a valid member of the isc_resource_t enumeration. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS Success. *\li #ISC_R_NOTIMPLEMENTED 'resource' is not a type known by the OS. *\li #ISC_R_NOPERM The calling process did not have adequate permission * to change the resource limit. */ isc_result_t isc_resource_getlimit(isc_resource_t resource, isc_resourcevalue_t *value); /*%< * Get the maximum limit for a system resource. * * Notes: *\li 'value' is set to the maximum limit. * *\li #ISC_RESOURCE_UNLIMITED is the maximum value of isc_resourcevalue_t. * *\li On many (all?) Unix systems, RLIM_INFINITY is a valid value that is * significantly less than #ISC_RESOURCE_UNLIMITED, but which in practice * behaves the same. * *\li The current ISC libdns configuration file parser assigns a value * of ISC_UINT32_MAX for a size_spec of "unlimited" and ISC_UNIT32_MAX - 1 * for "default", the latter of which is supposed to represent "the * limit that was in force when the server started". Since these are * valid values in the middle of the range of isc_resourcevalue_t, * there is the possibility for confusion over what exactly those * particular values are supposed to represent in a particular context -- * discrete integral values or generalized concepts. * * Requires: *\li 'resource' is a valid member of the isc_resource_t enumeration. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS Success. *\li #ISC_R_NOTIMPLEMENTED 'resource' is not a type known by the OS. */ isc_result_t isc_resource_getcurlimit(isc_resource_t resource, isc_resourcevalue_t *value); /*%< * Same as isc_resource_getlimit(), but returns the current (soft) limit. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS Success. *\li #ISC_R_NOTIMPLEMENTED 'resource' is not a type known by the OS. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_RESOURCE_H */ PKby APIs. * * MP: *\li No impact. * * Reliability: *\li No anticipated impact. * * Resources: *\li N/A. * * Security: *\li No anticipated impact. * * Standards: *\li BSD API */ /*** *** Imports. ***/ #include #include #endif /* ISC_NETDB_H */ PK #include /* * Trustees. */ #define ISC_FSACCESS_OWNER 0x1 /*%< User account. */ #define ISC_FSACCESS_GROUP 0x2 /*%< Primary group owner. */ #define ISC_FSACCESS_OTHER 0x4 /*%< Not the owner or the group owner. */ #define ISC_FSACCESS_WORLD 0x7 /*%< User, Group, Other. */ /* * Types of permission. */ #define ISC_FSACCESS_READ 0x00000001 /*%< File only. */ #define ISC_FSACCESS_WRITE 0x00000002 /*%< File only. */ #define ISC_FSACCESS_EXECUTE 0x00000004 /*%< File only. */ #define ISC_FSACCESS_CREATECHILD 0x00000008 /*%< Dir only. */ #define ISC_FSACCESS_DELETECHILD 0x00000010 /*%< Dir only. */ #define ISC_FSACCESS_LISTDIRECTORY 0x00000020 /*%< Dir only. */ #define ISC_FSACCESS_ACCESSCHILD 0x00000040 /*%< Dir only. */ /*% * Adding any permission bits beyond 0x200 would mean typedef'ing * isc_fsaccess_t as isc_uint64_t, and redefining this value to * reflect the new range of permission types, Probably to 21 for * maximum flexibility. The number of bits has to accommodate all of * the permission types, and three full sets of them have to fit * within an isc_fsaccess_t. */ #define ISC__FSACCESS_PERMISSIONBITS 10 ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS void isc_fsaccess_add(int trustee, int permission, isc_fsaccess_t *access); void isc_fsaccess_remove(int trustee, int permission, isc_fsaccess_t *access); isc_result_t isc_fsaccess_set(const char *path, isc_fsaccess_t access); ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_FSACCESS_H */ PK #include /* * This determines whether we are using the libisc/libdns libraries * in BIND9 or in some other application. For BIND9 (named and related * tools) it must be set to ISC_TRUE at runtime. Export library clients * will call isc_lib_register(), which will set it to ISC_FALSE. */ LIBISC_EXTERNAL_DATA extern isc_boolean_t isc_bind9; #endif /* ISC_BIND9_H */ PK #include /***** ***** Events. *****/ typedef void (*isc_eventdestructor_t)(isc_event_t *); #define ISC_EVENT_COMMON(ltype) \ size_t ev_size; \ unsigned int ev_attributes; \ void * ev_tag; \ isc_eventtype_t ev_type; \ isc_taskaction_t ev_action; \ void * ev_arg; \ void * ev_sender; \ isc_eventdestructor_t ev_destroy; \ void * ev_destroy_arg; \ ISC_LINK(ltype) ev_link; \ ISC_LINK(ltype) ev_ratelink /*% * Attributes matching a mask of 0x000000ff are reserved for the task library's * definition. Attributes of 0xffffff00 may be used by the application * or non-ISC libraries. */ #define ISC_EVENTATTR_NOPURGE 0x00000001 /*% * The ISC_EVENTATTR_CANCELED attribute is intended to indicate * that an event is delivered as a result of a canceled operation * rather than successful completion, by mutual agreement * between the sender and receiver. It is not set or used by * the task system. */ #define ISC_EVENTATTR_CANCELED 0x00000002 #define ISC_EVENT_INIT(event, sz, at, ta, ty, ac, ar, sn, df, da) \ do { \ (event)->ev_size = (sz); \ (event)->ev_attributes = (at); \ (event)->ev_tag = (ta); \ (event)->ev_type = (ty); \ (event)->ev_action = (ac); \ (event)->ev_arg = (ar); \ (event)->ev_sender = (sn); \ (event)->ev_destroy = (df); \ (event)->ev_destroy_arg = (da); \ ISC_LINK_INIT((event), ev_link); \ ISC_LINK_INIT((event), ev_ratelink); \ } while (0) /*% * This structure is public because "subclassing" it may be useful when * defining new event types. */ struct isc_event { ISC_EVENT_COMMON(struct isc_event); }; #define ISC_EVENTTYPE_FIRSTEVENT 0x00000000 #define ISC_EVENTTYPE_LASTEVENT 0xffffffff #define ISC_EVENT_PTR(p) ((isc_event_t **)(void *)(p)) ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS isc_event_t * isc_event_allocate(isc_mem_t *mctx, void *sender, isc_eventtype_t type, isc_taskaction_t action, void *arg, size_t size); isc_event_t * isc_event_constallocate(isc_mem_t *mctx, void *sender, isc_eventtype_t type, isc_taskaction_t action, const void *arg, size_t size); /*%< * Allocate an event structure. * * Allocate and initialize in a structure with initial elements * defined by: * * \code * struct { * ISC_EVENT_COMMON(struct isc_event); * ... * }; * \endcode * * Requires: *\li 'size' >= sizeof(struct isc_event) *\li 'action' to be non NULL * * Returns: *\li a pointer to a initialized structure of the requested size. *\li NULL if unable to allocate memory. */ void isc_event_free(isc_event_t **); ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_EVENT_H */ PK as the subsequent includes do not * prefix the header file names with "json-c/" and using * -I /include/json-c results in too many filename collisions. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #else #include #endif #endif #define ISC_JSON_RENDERCONFIG 0x00000001 /* render config data */ #define ISC_JSON_RENDERSTATS 0x00000002 /* render stats */ #define ISC_JSON_RENDERALL 0x000000ff /* render everything */ #endif /* ISC_JSON_H */ PK #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef WIN32 /* from the old namespace.h */ #define isc_socket_create isc__socket_create #define isc_socket_dup isc__socket_dup #define isc_socket_attach isc__socket_attach #define isc_socket_detach isc__socket_detach #define isc_socketmgr_create isc__socketmgr_create #define isc_socketmgr_create2 isc__socketmgr_create2 #define isc_socketmgr_destroy isc__socketmgr_destroy #define isc_socket_open isc__socket_open #define isc_socket_close isc__socket_close #define isc_socket_recvv isc__socket_recvv #define isc_socket_recv isc__socket_recv #define isc_socket_recv2 isc__socket_recv2 #define isc_socket_send isc__socket_send #define isc_socket_sendto isc__socket_sendto #define isc_socket_sendv isc__socket_sendv #define isc_socket_sendtov isc__socket_sendtov #define isc_socket_sendtov2 isc__socket_sendtov2 #define isc_socket_sendto2 isc__socket_sendto2 #define isc_socket_cleanunix isc__socket_cleanunix #define isc_socket_permunix isc__socket_permunix #define isc_socket_bind isc__socket_bind #define isc_socket_filter isc__socket_filter #define isc_socket_listen isc__socket_listen #define isc_socket_accept isc__socket_accept #define isc_socket_connect isc__socket_connect #define isc_socket_getfd isc__socket_getfd #define isc_socket_getname isc__socket_getname #define isc_socket_gettag isc__socket_gettag #define isc_socket_getpeername isc__socket_getpeername #define isc_socket_getsockname isc__socket_getsockname #define isc_socket_cancel isc__socket_cancel #define isc_socket_gettype isc__socket_gettype #define isc_socket_isbound isc__socket_isbound #define isc_socket_ipv6only isc__socket_ipv6only #define isc_socket_setname isc__socket_setname #define isc_socketmgr_getmaxsockets isc__socketmgr_getmaxsockets #define isc_socketmgr_setstats isc__socketmgr_setstats #define isc_socketmgr_setreserved isc__socketmgr_setreserved #define isc__socketmgr_maxudp isc___socketmgr_maxudp #define isc_socket_fdwatchcreate isc__socket_fdwatchcreate #define isc_socket_fdwatchpoke isc__socket_fdwatchpoke #define isc_socket_dscp isc__socket_dscp #endif ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /*** *** Constants ***/ /*% * Maximum number of buffers in a scatter/gather read/write. The operating * system in use must support at least this number (plus one on some.) */ #define ISC_SOCKET_MAXSCATTERGATHER 8 /*% * In isc_socket_bind() set socket option SO_REUSEADDR prior to calling * bind() if a non zero port is specified (AF_INET and AF_INET6). */ #define ISC_SOCKET_REUSEADDRESS 0x01U /*% * Statistics counters. Used as isc_statscounter_t values. */ enum { isc_sockstatscounter_udp4open = 0, isc_sockstatscounter_udp6open = 1, isc_sockstatscounter_tcp4open = 2, isc_sockstatscounter_tcp6open = 3, isc_sockstatscounter_unixopen = 4, isc_sockstatscounter_udp4openfail = 5, isc_sockstatscounter_udp6openfail = 6, isc_sockstatscounter_tcp4openfail = 7, isc_sockstatscounter_tcp6openfail = 8, isc_sockstatscounter_unixopenfail = 9, isc_sockstatscounter_udp4close = 10, isc_sockstatscounter_udp6close = 11, isc_sockstatscounter_tcp4close = 12, isc_sockstatscounter_tcp6close = 13, isc_sockstatscounter_unixclose = 14, isc_sockstatscounter_fdwatchclose = 15, isc_sockstatscounter_udp4bindfail = 16, isc_sockstatscounter_udp6bindfail = 17, isc_sockstatscounter_tcp4bindfail = 18, isc_sockstatscounter_tcp6bindfail = 19, isc_sockstatscounter_unixbindfail = 20, isc_sockstatscounter_fdwatchbindfail = 21, isc_sockstatscounter_udp4connect = 22, isc_sockstatscounter_udp6connect = 23, isc_sockstatscounter_tcp4connect = 24, isc_sockstatscounter_tcp6connect = 25, isc_sockstatscounter_unixconnect = 26, isc_sockstatscounter_fdwatchconnect = 27, isc_sockstatscounter_udp4connectfail = 28, isc_sockstatscounter_udp6connectfail = 29, isc_sockstatscounter_tcp4connectfail = 30, isc_sockstatscounter_tcp6connectfail = 31, isc_sockstatscounter_unixconnectfail = 32, isc_sockstatscounter_fdwatchconnectfail = 33, isc_sockstatscounter_tcp4accept = 34, isc_sockstatscounter_tcp6accept = 35, isc_sockstatscounter_unixaccept = 36, isc_sockstatscounter_tcp4acceptfail = 37, isc_sockstatscounter_tcp6acceptfail = 38, isc_sockstatscounter_unixacceptfail = 39, isc_sockstatscounter_udp4sendfail = 40, isc_sockstatscounter_udp6sendfail = 41, isc_sockstatscounter_tcp4sendfail = 42, isc_sockstatscounter_tcp6sendfail = 43, isc_sockstatscounter_unixsendfail = 44, isc_sockstatscounter_fdwatchsendfail = 45, isc_sockstatscounter_udp4recvfail = 46, isc_sockstatscounter_udp6recvfail = 47, isc_sockstatscounter_tcp4recvfail = 48, isc_sockstatscounter_tcp6recvfail = 49, isc_sockstatscounter_unixrecvfail = 50, isc_sockstatscounter_fdwatchrecvfail = 51, isc_sockstatscounter_udp4active = 52, isc_sockstatscounter_udp6active = 53, isc_sockstatscounter_tcp4active = 54, isc_sockstatscounter_tcp6active = 55, isc_sockstatscounter_unixactive = 56, isc_sockstatscounter_rawopen = 57, isc_sockstatscounter_rawopenfail = 58, isc_sockstatscounter_rawclose = 59, isc_sockstatscounter_rawrecvfail = 60, isc_sockstatscounter_rawactive = 61, isc_sockstatscounter_max = 62 }; /*** *** Types ***/ struct isc_socketevent { ISC_EVENT_COMMON(isc_socketevent_t); isc_result_t result; /*%< OK, EOF, whatever else */ unsigned int minimum; /*%< minimum i/o for event */ unsigned int n; /*%< bytes read or written */ unsigned int offset; /*%< offset into buffer list */ isc_region_t region; /*%< for single-buffer i/o */ isc_bufferlist_t bufferlist; /*%< list of buffers */ isc_sockaddr_t address; /*%< source address */ isc_time_t timestamp; /*%< timestamp of packet recv */ struct in6_pktinfo pktinfo; /*%< ipv6 pktinfo */ isc_uint32_t attributes; /*%< see below */ isc_eventdestructor_t destroy; /*%< original destructor */ unsigned int dscp; /*%< UDP dscp value */ }; typedef struct isc_socket_newconnev isc_socket_newconnev_t; struct isc_socket_newconnev { ISC_EVENT_COMMON(isc_socket_newconnev_t); isc_socket_t * newsocket; isc_result_t result; /*%< OK, EOF, whatever else */ isc_sockaddr_t address; /*%< source address */ }; typedef struct isc_socket_connev isc_socket_connev_t; struct isc_socket_connev { ISC_EVENT_COMMON(isc_socket_connev_t); isc_result_t result; /*%< OK, EOF, whatever else */ }; /*@{*/ /*! * _ATTACHED: Internal use only. * _TRUNC: Packet was truncated on receive. * _CTRUNC: Packet control information was truncated. This can * indicate that the packet is not complete, even though * all the data is valid. * _TIMESTAMP: The timestamp member is valid. * _PKTINFO: The pktinfo member is valid. * _MULTICAST: The UDP packet was received via a multicast transmission. * _DSCP: The UDP DSCP value is valid. * _USEMINMTU: Set the per packet IPV6_USE_MIN_MTU flag. */ #define ISC_SOCKEVENTATTR_ATTACHED 0x80000000U /* internal */ #define ISC_SOCKEVENTATTR_TRUNC 0x00800000U /* public */ #define ISC_SOCKEVENTATTR_CTRUNC 0x00400000U /* public */ #define ISC_SOCKEVENTATTR_TIMESTAMP 0x00200000U /* public */ #define ISC_SOCKEVENTATTR_PKTINFO 0x00100000U /* public */ #define ISC_SOCKEVENTATTR_MULTICAST 0x00080000U /* public */ #define ISC_SOCKEVENTATTR_DSCP 0x00040000U /* public */ #define ISC_SOCKEVENTATTR_USEMINMTU 0x00020000U /* public */ /*@}*/ #define ISC_SOCKEVENT_ANYEVENT (0) #define ISC_SOCKEVENT_RECVDONE (ISC_EVENTCLASS_SOCKET + 1) #define ISC_SOCKEVENT_SENDDONE (ISC_EVENTCLASS_SOCKET + 2) #define ISC_SOCKEVENT_NEWCONN (ISC_EVENTCLASS_SOCKET + 3) #define ISC_SOCKEVENT_CONNECT (ISC_EVENTCLASS_SOCKET + 4) /* * Internal events. */ #define ISC_SOCKEVENT_INTR (ISC_EVENTCLASS_SOCKET + 256) #define ISC_SOCKEVENT_INTW (ISC_EVENTCLASS_SOCKET + 257) typedef enum { isc_sockettype_udp = 1, isc_sockettype_tcp = 2, isc_sockettype_unix = 3, isc_sockettype_fdwatch = 4, isc_sockettype_raw = 5 } isc_sockettype_t; /*@{*/ /*! * How a socket should be shutdown in isc_socket_shutdown() calls. */ #define ISC_SOCKSHUT_RECV 0x00000001 /*%< close read side */ #define ISC_SOCKSHUT_SEND 0x00000002 /*%< close write side */ #define ISC_SOCKSHUT_ALL 0x00000003 /*%< close them all */ /*@}*/ /*@{*/ /*! * What I/O events to cancel in isc_socket_cancel() calls. */ #define ISC_SOCKCANCEL_RECV 0x00000001 /*%< cancel recv */ #define ISC_SOCKCANCEL_SEND 0x00000002 /*%< cancel send */ #define ISC_SOCKCANCEL_ACCEPT 0x00000004 /*%< cancel accept */ #define ISC_SOCKCANCEL_CONNECT 0x00000008 /*%< cancel connect */ #define ISC_SOCKCANCEL_ALL 0x0000000f /*%< cancel everything */ /*@}*/ /*@{*/ /*! * Flags for isc_socket_send() and isc_socket_recv() calls. */ #define ISC_SOCKFLAG_IMMEDIATE 0x00000001 /*%< send event only if needed */ #define ISC_SOCKFLAG_NORETRY 0x00000002 /*%< drop failed UDP sends */ /*@}*/ /*@{*/ /*! * Flags for fdwatchcreate. */ #define ISC_SOCKFDWATCH_READ 0x00000001 /*%< watch for readable */ #define ISC_SOCKFDWATCH_WRITE 0x00000002 /*%< watch for writable */ /*@}*/ /*% Socket and socket manager methods */ typedef struct isc_socketmgrmethods { void (*destroy)(isc_socketmgr_t **managerp); isc_result_t (*socketcreate)(isc_socketmgr_t *manager, int pf, isc_sockettype_t type, isc_socket_t **socketp); isc_result_t (*fdwatchcreate)(isc_socketmgr_t *manager, int fd, int flags, isc_sockfdwatch_t callback, void *cbarg, isc_task_t *task, isc_socket_t **socketp); } isc_socketmgrmethods_t; typedef struct isc_socketmethods { void (*attach)(isc_socket_t *socket, isc_socket_t **socketp); void (*detach)(isc_socket_t **socketp); isc_result_t (*bind)(isc_socket_t *sock, isc_sockaddr_t *sockaddr, unsigned int options); isc_result_t (*sendto)(isc_socket_t *sock, isc_region_t *region, isc_task_t *task, isc_taskaction_t action, void *arg, isc_sockaddr_t *address, struct in6_pktinfo *pktinfo); isc_result_t (*sendto2)(isc_socket_t *sock, isc_region_t *region, isc_task_t *task, isc_sockaddr_t *address, struct in6_pktinfo *pktinfo, isc_socketevent_t *event, unsigned int flags); isc_result_t (*connect)(isc_socket_t *sock, isc_sockaddr_t *addr, isc_task_t *task, isc_taskaction_t action, void *arg); isc_result_t (*recv)(isc_socket_t *sock, isc_region_t *region, unsigned int minimum, isc_task_t *task, isc_taskaction_t action, void *arg); isc_result_t (*recv2)(isc_socket_t *sock, isc_region_t *region, unsigned int minimum, isc_task_t *task, isc_socketevent_t *event, unsigned int flags); void (*cancel)(isc_socket_t *sock, isc_task_t *task, unsigned int how); isc_result_t (*getsockname)(isc_socket_t *sock, isc_sockaddr_t *addressp); isc_sockettype_t (*gettype)(isc_socket_t *sock); void (*ipv6only)(isc_socket_t *sock, isc_boolean_t yes); isc_result_t (*fdwatchpoke)(isc_socket_t *sock, int flags); isc_result_t (*dup)(isc_socket_t *socket, isc_socket_t **socketp); int (*getfd)(isc_socket_t *socket); void (*dscp)(isc_socket_t *socket, isc_dscp_t dscp); } isc_socketmethods_t; /*% * This structure is actually just the common prefix of a socket manager * object implementation's version of an isc_socketmgr_t. * \brief * Direct use of this structure by clients is forbidden. socket implementations * may change the structure. 'magic' must be ISCAPI_SOCKETMGR_MAGIC for any * of the isc_socket_ routines to work. socket implementations must maintain * all socket invariants. * In effect, this definition is used only for non-BIND9 version ("export") * of the library, and the export version does not work for win32. So, to avoid * the definition conflict with win32/socket.c, we enable this definition only * for non-Win32 (i.e. Unix) platforms. */ #ifndef WIN32 struct isc_socketmgr { unsigned int impmagic; unsigned int magic; isc_socketmgrmethods_t *methods; }; #endif #define ISCAPI_SOCKETMGR_MAGIC ISC_MAGIC('A','s','m','g') #define ISCAPI_SOCKETMGR_VALID(m) ((m) != NULL && \ (m)->magic == ISCAPI_SOCKETMGR_MAGIC) /*% * This is the common prefix of a socket object. The same note as * that for the socketmgr structure applies. */ #ifndef WIN32 struct isc_socket { unsigned int impmagic; unsigned int magic; isc_socketmethods_t *methods; }; #endif #define ISCAPI_SOCKET_MAGIC ISC_MAGIC('A','s','c','t') #define ISCAPI_SOCKET_VALID(s) ((s) != NULL && \ (s)->magic == ISCAPI_SOCKET_MAGIC) /*** *** Socket and Socket Manager Functions *** *** Note: all Ensures conditions apply only if the result is success for *** those functions which return an isc_result. ***/ isc_result_t isc_socket_fdwatchcreate(isc_socketmgr_t *manager, int fd, int flags, isc_sockfdwatch_t callback, void *cbarg, isc_task_t *task, isc_socket_t **socketp); /*%< * Create a new file descriptor watch socket managed by 'manager'. * * Note: * *\li 'fd' is the already-opened file descriptor (must be less * than maxsockets). *\li This function is not available on Windows. *\li The callback function is called "in-line" - this means the function * needs to return as fast as possible, as all other I/O will be suspended * until the callback completes. * * Requires: * *\li 'manager' is a valid manager * *\li 'socketp' is a valid pointer, and *socketp == NULL * *\li 'fd' be opened. * * Ensures: * * '*socketp' is attached to the newly created fdwatch socket * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY *\li #ISC_R_NORESOURCES *\li #ISC_R_UNEXPECTED *\li #ISC_R_RANGE */ isc_result_t isc_socket_fdwatchpoke(isc_socket_t *sock, int flags); /*%< * Poke a file descriptor watch socket informing the manager that it * should restart watching the socket * * Note: * *\li 'sock' is the socket returned by isc_socket_fdwatchcreate * *\li 'flags' indicates what the manager should watch for on the socket * in addition to what it may already be watching. It can be one or * both of ISC_SOCKFDWATCH_READ and ISC_SOCKFDWATCH_WRITE. To * temporarily disable watching on a socket the value indicating * no more data should be returned from the call back routine. * *\li This function is not available on Windows. * * Requires: * *\li 'sock' is a valid isc socket * * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS */ isc_result_t isc_socket_create(isc_socketmgr_t *manager, int pf, isc_sockettype_t type, isc_socket_t **socketp); /*%< * Create a new 'type' socket managed by 'manager'. * * For isc_sockettype_fdwatch sockets you should use isc_socket_fdwatchcreate() * rather than isc_socket_create(). * * Note: * *\li 'pf' is the desired protocol family, e.g. PF_INET or PF_INET6. * * Requires: * *\li 'manager' is a valid manager * *\li 'socketp' is a valid pointer, and *socketp == NULL * *\li 'type' is not isc_sockettype_fdwatch * * Ensures: * * '*socketp' is attached to the newly created socket * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY *\li #ISC_R_NORESOURCES *\li #ISC_R_UNEXPECTED */ isc_result_t isc_socket_dup(isc_socket_t *sock0, isc_socket_t **socketp); /*%< * Duplicate an existing socket, reusing its file descriptor. */ void isc_socket_cancel(isc_socket_t *sock, isc_task_t *task, unsigned int how); /*%< * Cancel pending I/O of the type specified by "how". * * Note: if "task" is NULL, then the cancel applies to all tasks using the * socket. * * Requires: * * \li "socket" is a valid socket * * \li "task" is NULL or a valid task * * "how" is a bitmask describing the type of cancelation to perform. * The type ISC_SOCKCANCEL_ALL will cancel all pending I/O on this * socket. * * \li ISC_SOCKCANCEL_RECV: * Cancel pending isc_socket_recv() calls. * * \li ISC_SOCKCANCEL_SEND: * Cancel pending isc_socket_send() and isc_socket_sendto() calls. * * \li ISC_SOCKCANCEL_ACCEPT: * Cancel pending isc_socket_accept() calls. * * \li ISC_SOCKCANCEL_CONNECT: * Cancel pending isc_socket_connect() call. */ void isc_socket_shutdown(isc_socket_t *sock, unsigned int how); /*%< * Shutdown 'socket' according to 'how'. * * Requires: * * \li 'socket' is a valid socket. * * \li 'task' is NULL or is a valid task. * * \li If 'how' is 'ISC_SOCKSHUT_RECV' or 'ISC_SOCKSHUT_ALL' then * * The read queue must be empty. * * No further read requests may be made. * * \li If 'how' is 'ISC_SOCKSHUT_SEND' or 'ISC_SOCKSHUT_ALL' then * * The write queue must be empty. * * No further write requests may be made. */ void isc_socket_attach(isc_socket_t *sock, isc_socket_t **socketp); /*%< * Attach *socketp to socket. * * Requires: * * \li 'socket' is a valid socket. * * \li 'socketp' points to a NULL socket. * * Ensures: * * \li *socketp is attached to socket. */ void isc_socket_detach(isc_socket_t **socketp); /*%< * Detach *socketp from its socket. * * Requires: * * \li 'socketp' points to a valid socket. * * \li If '*socketp' is the last reference to the socket, * then: * * There must be no pending I/O requests. * * Ensures: * * \li *socketp is NULL. * * \li If '*socketp' is the last reference to the socket, * then: * * The socket will be shutdown (both reading and writing) * for all tasks. * * All resources used by the socket have been freed */ isc_result_t isc_socket_open(isc_socket_t *sock); /*%< * Open a new socket file descriptor of the given socket structure. It simply * opens a new descriptor; all of the other parameters including the socket * type are inherited from the existing socket. This function is provided to * avoid overhead of destroying and creating sockets when many short-lived * sockets are frequently opened and closed. When the efficiency is not an * issue, it should be safer to detach the unused socket and re-create a new * one. This optimization may not be available for some systems, in which * case this function will return ISC_R_NOTIMPLEMENTED and must not be used. * * isc_socket_open() should not be called on sockets created by * isc_socket_fdwatchcreate(). * * Requires: * * \li there must be no other reference to this socket. * * \li 'socket' is a valid and previously closed by isc_socket_close() * * \li 'sock->type' is not isc_sockettype_fdwatch * * Returns: * Same as isc_socket_create(). * \li ISC_R_NOTIMPLEMENTED */ isc_result_t isc_socket_close(isc_socket_t *sock); /*%< * Close a socket file descriptor of the given socket structure. This function * is provided as an alternative to destroying an unused socket when overhead * destroying/re-creating sockets can be significant, and is expected to be * used with isc_socket_open(). This optimization may not be available for some * systems, in which case this function will return ISC_R_NOTIMPLEMENTED and * must not be used. * * isc_socket_close() should not be called on sockets created by * isc_socket_fdwatchcreate(). * * Requires: * * \li The socket must have a valid descriptor. * * \li There must be no other reference to this socket. * * \li There must be no pending I/O requests. * * \li 'sock->type' is not isc_sockettype_fdwatch * * Returns: * \li #ISC_R_NOTIMPLEMENTED */ isc_result_t isc_socket_bind(isc_socket_t *sock, isc_sockaddr_t *addressp, unsigned int options); /*%< * Bind 'socket' to '*addressp'. * * Requires: * * \li 'socket' is a valid socket * * \li 'addressp' points to a valid isc_sockaddr. * * Returns: * * \li ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li ISC_R_NOPERM * \li ISC_R_ADDRNOTAVAIL * \li ISC_R_ADDRINUSE * \li ISC_R_BOUND * \li ISC_R_UNEXPECTED */ isc_result_t isc_socket_filter(isc_socket_t *sock, const char *filter); /*%< * Inform the kernel that it should perform accept filtering. * If filter is NULL the current filter will be removed.:w */ isc_result_t isc_socket_listen(isc_socket_t *sock, unsigned int backlog); /*%< * Set listen mode on the socket. After this call, the only function that * can be used (other than attach and detach) is isc_socket_accept(). * * Notes: * * \li 'backlog' is as in the UNIX system call listen() and may be * ignored by non-UNIX implementations. * * \li If 'backlog' is zero, a reasonable system default is used, usually * SOMAXCONN. * * Requires: * * \li 'socket' is a valid, bound TCP socket or a valid, bound UNIX socket. * * Returns: * * \li ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li ISC_R_UNEXPECTED */ isc_result_t isc_socket_accept(isc_socket_t *sock, isc_task_t *task, isc_taskaction_t action, void *arg); /*%< * Queue accept event. When a new connection is received, the task will * get an ISC_SOCKEVENT_NEWCONN event with the sender set to the listen * socket. The new socket structure is sent inside the isc_socket_newconnev_t * event type, and is attached to the task 'task'. * * REQUIRES: * \li 'socket' is a valid TCP socket that isc_socket_listen() was called * on. * * \li 'task' is a valid task * * \li 'action' is a valid action * * RETURNS: * \li ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li ISC_R_NOMEMORY * \li ISC_R_UNEXPECTED */ isc_result_t isc_socket_connect(isc_socket_t *sock, isc_sockaddr_t *addressp, isc_task_t *task, isc_taskaction_t action, void *arg); /*%< * Connect 'socket' to peer with address *saddr. When the connection * succeeds, or when an error occurs, a CONNECT event with action 'action' * and arg 'arg' will be posted to the event queue for 'task'. * * Requires: * * \li 'socket' is a valid TCP socket * * \li 'addressp' points to a valid isc_sockaddr * * \li 'task' is a valid task * * \li 'action' is a valid action * * Returns: * * \li ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li ISC_R_NOMEMORY * \li ISC_R_UNEXPECTED * * Posted event's result code: * * \li ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li ISC_R_TIMEDOUT * \li ISC_R_CONNREFUSED * \li ISC_R_NETUNREACH * \li ISC_R_UNEXPECTED */ isc_result_t isc_socket_getpeername(isc_socket_t *sock, isc_sockaddr_t *addressp); /*%< * Get the name of the peer connected to 'socket'. * * Requires: * * \li 'socket' is a valid TCP socket. * * Returns: * * \li ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li ISC_R_TOOSMALL * \li ISC_R_UNEXPECTED */ isc_result_t isc_socket_getsockname(isc_socket_t *sock, isc_sockaddr_t *addressp); /*%< * Get the name of 'socket'. * * Requires: * * \li 'socket' is a valid socket. * * Returns: * * \li ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li ISC_R_TOOSMALL * \li ISC_R_UNEXPECTED */ /*@{*/ isc_result_t isc_socket_recv(isc_socket_t *sock, isc_region_t *region, unsigned int minimum, isc_task_t *task, isc_taskaction_t action, void *arg); isc_result_t isc_socket_recvv(isc_socket_t *sock, isc_bufferlist_t *buflist, unsigned int minimum, isc_task_t *task, isc_taskaction_t action, void *arg); isc_result_t isc_socket_recv2(isc_socket_t *sock, isc_region_t *region, unsigned int minimum, isc_task_t *task, isc_socketevent_t *event, unsigned int flags); /*! * Receive from 'socket', storing the results in region. * * Notes: * *\li Let 'length' refer to the length of 'region' or to the sum of all * available regions in the list of buffers '*buflist'. * *\li If 'minimum' is non-zero and at least that many bytes are read, * the completion event will be posted to the task 'task.' If minimum * is zero, the exact number of bytes requested in the region must * be read for an event to be posted. This only makes sense for TCP * connections, and is always set to 1 byte for UDP. * *\li The read will complete when the desired number of bytes have been * read, if end-of-input occurs, or if an error occurs. A read done * event with the given 'action' and 'arg' will be posted to the * event queue of 'task'. * *\li The caller may not modify 'region', the buffers which are passed * into this function, or any data they refer to until the completion * event is received. * *\li For isc_socket_recvv(): * On successful completion, '*buflist' will be empty, and the list of * all buffers will be returned in the done event's 'bufferlist' * member. On error return, '*buflist' will be unchanged. * *\li For isc_socket_recv2(): * 'event' is not NULL, and the non-socket specific fields are * expected to be initialized. * *\li For isc_socket_recv2(): * The only defined value for 'flags' is ISC_SOCKFLAG_IMMEDIATE. If * set and the operation completes, the return value will be * ISC_R_SUCCESS and the event will be filled in and not sent. If the * operation does not complete, the return value will be * ISC_R_INPROGRESS and the event will be sent when the operation * completes. * * Requires: * *\li 'socket' is a valid, bound socket. * *\li For isc_socket_recv(): * 'region' is a valid region * *\li For isc_socket_recvv(): * 'buflist' is non-NULL, and '*buflist' contain at least one buffer. * *\li 'task' is a valid task * *\li For isc_socket_recv() and isc_socket_recvv(): * action != NULL and is a valid action * *\li For isc_socket_recv2(): * event != NULL * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_INPROGRESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY *\li #ISC_R_UNEXPECTED * * Event results: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_UNEXPECTED *\li XXX needs other net-type errors */ /*@}*/ /*@{*/ isc_result_t isc_socket_send(isc_socket_t *sock, isc_region_t *region, isc_task_t *task, isc_taskaction_t action, void *arg); isc_result_t isc_socket_sendto(isc_socket_t *sock, isc_region_t *region, isc_task_t *task, isc_taskaction_t action, void *arg, isc_sockaddr_t *address, struct in6_pktinfo *pktinfo); isc_result_t isc_socket_sendv(isc_socket_t *sock, isc_bufferlist_t *buflist, isc_task_t *task, isc_taskaction_t action, void *arg); isc_result_t isc_socket_sendtov(isc_socket_t *sock, isc_bufferlist_t *buflist, isc_task_t *task, isc_taskaction_t action, void *arg, isc_sockaddr_t *address, struct in6_pktinfo *pktinfo); isc_result_t isc_socket_sendtov2(isc_socket_t *sock, isc_bufferlist_t *buflist, isc_task_t *task, isc_taskaction_t action, void *arg, isc_sockaddr_t *address, struct in6_pktinfo *pktinfo, unsigned int flags); isc_result_t isc_socket_sendto2(isc_socket_t *sock, isc_region_t *region, isc_task_t *task, isc_sockaddr_t *address, struct in6_pktinfo *pktinfo, isc_socketevent_t *event, unsigned int flags); /*! * Send the contents of 'region' to the socket's peer. * * Notes: * *\li Shutting down the requestor's task *may* result in any * still pending writes being dropped or completed, depending on the * underlying OS implementation. * *\li If 'action' is NULL, then no completion event will be posted. * *\li The caller may not modify 'region', the buffers which are passed * into this function, or any data they refer to until the completion * event is received. * *\li For isc_socket_sendv() and isc_socket_sendtov(): * On successful completion, '*buflist' will be empty, and the list of * all buffers will be returned in the done event's 'bufferlist' * member. On error return, '*buflist' will be unchanged. * *\li For isc_socket_sendto2(): * 'event' is not NULL, and the non-socket specific fields are * expected to be initialized. * *\li For isc_socket_sendto2(): * The only defined values for 'flags' are ISC_SOCKFLAG_IMMEDIATE * and ISC_SOCKFLAG_NORETRY. * *\li If ISC_SOCKFLAG_IMMEDIATE is set and the operation completes, the * return value will be ISC_R_SUCCESS and the event will be filled * in and not sent. If the operation does not complete, the return * value will be ISC_R_INPROGRESS and the event will be sent when * the operation completes. * *\li ISC_SOCKFLAG_NORETRY can only be set for UDP sockets. If set * and the send operation fails due to a transient error, the send * will not be retried and the error will be indicated in the event. * Using this option along with ISC_SOCKFLAG_IMMEDIATE allows the caller * to specify a region that is allocated on the stack. * * Requires: * *\li 'socket' is a valid, bound socket. * *\li For isc_socket_send(): * 'region' is a valid region * *\li For isc_socket_sendv() and isc_socket_sendtov(): * 'buflist' is non-NULL, and '*buflist' contain at least one buffer. * *\li 'task' is a valid task * *\li For isc_socket_sendv(), isc_socket_sendtov(), isc_socket_send(), and * isc_socket_sendto(): * action == NULL or is a valid action * *\li For isc_socket_sendto2(): * event != NULL * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_INPROGRESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY *\li #ISC_R_UNEXPECTED * * Event results: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_UNEXPECTED *\li XXX needs other net-type errors */ /*@}*/ isc_result_t isc_socketmgr_createinctx(isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_appctx_t *actx, isc_socketmgr_t **managerp); isc_result_t isc_socketmgr_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_socketmgr_t **managerp); isc_result_t isc_socketmgr_create2(isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_socketmgr_t **managerp, unsigned int maxsocks); /*%< * Create a socket manager. If "maxsocks" is non-zero, it specifies the * maximum number of sockets that the created manager should handle. * isc_socketmgr_create() is equivalent of isc_socketmgr_create2() with * "maxsocks" being zero. * isc_socketmgr_createinctx() also associates the new manager with the * specified application context. * * Notes: * *\li All memory will be allocated in memory context 'mctx'. * * Requires: * *\li 'mctx' is a valid memory context. * *\li 'managerp' points to a NULL isc_socketmgr_t. * *\li 'actx' is a valid application context (for createinctx()). * * Ensures: * *\li '*managerp' is a valid isc_socketmgr_t. * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY *\li #ISC_R_UNEXPECTED *\li #ISC_R_NOTIMPLEMENTED */ isc_result_t isc_socketmgr_getmaxsockets(isc_socketmgr_t *manager, unsigned int *nsockp); /*%< * Returns in "*nsockp" the maximum number of sockets this manager may open. * * Requires: * *\li '*manager' is a valid isc_socketmgr_t. *\li 'nsockp' is not NULL. * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOTIMPLEMENTED */ void isc_socketmgr_setstats(isc_socketmgr_t *manager, isc_stats_t *stats); /*%< * Set a general socket statistics counter set 'stats' for 'manager'. * * Requires: * \li 'manager' is valid, hasn't opened any socket, and doesn't have * stats already set. * *\li stats is a valid statistics supporting socket statistics counters * (see above). */ void isc_socketmgr_destroy(isc_socketmgr_t **managerp); /*%< * Destroy a socket manager. * * Notes: * *\li This routine blocks until there are no sockets left in the manager, * so if the caller holds any socket references using the manager, it * must detach them before calling isc_socketmgr_destroy() or it will * block forever. * * Requires: * *\li '*managerp' is a valid isc_socketmgr_t. * *\li All sockets managed by this manager are fully detached. * * Ensures: * *\li *managerp == NULL * *\li All resources used by the manager have been freed. */ isc_sockettype_t isc_socket_gettype(isc_socket_t *sock); /*%< * Returns the socket type for "sock." * * Requires: * *\li "sock" is a valid socket. */ /*@{*/ isc_boolean_t isc__socket_isbound(isc_socket_t *sock); /*% * Intended for internal use in BIND9 only */ void isc_socket_ipv6only(isc_socket_t *sock, isc_boolean_t yes); /*%< * If the socket is an IPv6 socket set/clear the IPV6_IPV6ONLY socket * option if the host OS supports this option. * * Requires: *\li 'sock' is a valid socket. */ /*@}*/ void isc_socket_dscp(isc_socket_t *sock, isc_dscp_t dscp); /*%< * Sets the Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) field for packets * transmitted on this socket. If 'dscp' is -1, return immediately. * * Requires: *\li 'sock' is a valid socket. */ isc_socketevent_t * isc_socket_socketevent(isc_mem_t *mctx, void *sender, isc_eventtype_t eventtype, isc_taskaction_t action, void *arg); /*%< * Get a isc_socketevent_t to be used with isc_socket_sendto2(), etc. */ void isc_socket_cleanunix(isc_sockaddr_t *addr, isc_boolean_t active); /*%< * Cleanup UNIX domain sockets in the file-system. If 'active' is true * then just unlink the socket. If 'active' is false try to determine * if there is a listener of the socket or not. If no listener is found * then unlink socket. * * Prior to unlinking the path is tested to see if it a socket. * * Note: there are a number of race conditions which cannot be avoided * both in the filesystem and any application using UNIX domain * sockets (e.g. socket is tested between bind() and listen(), * the socket is deleted and replaced in the file-system between * stat() and unlink()). */ isc_result_t isc_socket_permunix(isc_sockaddr_t *sockaddr, isc_uint32_t perm, isc_uint32_t owner, isc_uint32_t group); /*%< * Set ownership and file permissions on the UNIX domain socket. * * Note: On Solaris and SunOS this secures the directory containing * the socket as Solaris and SunOS do not honour the filesystem * permissions on the socket. * * Requires: * \li 'sockaddr' to be a valid UNIX domain sockaddr. * * Returns: * \li #ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li #ISC_R_FAILURE */ void isc_socket_setname(isc_socket_t *socket, const char *name, void *tag); /*%< * Set the name and optional tag for a socket. This allows tracking of the * owner or purpose for this socket, and is useful for tracing and statistics * reporting. */ const char *isc_socket_getname(isc_socket_t *socket); /*%< * Get the name associated with a socket, if any. */ void *isc_socket_gettag(isc_socket_t *socket); /*%< * Get the tag associated with a socket, if any. */ int isc_socket_getfd(isc_socket_t *socket); /*%< * Get the file descriptor associated with a socket */ void isc__socketmgr_setreserved(isc_socketmgr_t *mgr, isc_uint32_t); /*%< * Temporary. For use by named only. */ void isc__socketmgr_maxudp(isc_socketmgr_t *mgr, int maxudp); /*%< * Test interface. Drop UDP packet > 'maxudp'. */ #ifdef HAVE_LIBXML2 int isc_socketmgr_renderxml(isc_socketmgr_t *mgr, xmlTextWriterPtr writer); /*%< * Render internal statistics and other state into the XML document. */ #endif /* HAVE_LIBXML2 */ #ifdef HAVE_JSON isc_result_t isc_socketmgr_renderjson(isc_socketmgr_t *mgr, json_object *stats); /*%< * Render internal statistics and other state into JSON format. */ #endif /* HAVE_JSON */ /*%< * See isc_socketmgr_create() above. */ typedef isc_result_t (*isc_socketmgrcreatefunc_t)(isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_socketmgr_t **managerp); isc_result_t isc_socket_register(isc_socketmgrcreatefunc_t createfunc); /*%< * Register a new socket I/O implementation and add it to the list of * supported implementations. This function must be called when a different * event library is used than the one contained in the ISC library. */ isc_result_t isc__socket_register(void); /*%< * A short cut function that specifies the socket I/O module in the ISC * library for isc_socket_register(). An application that uses the ISC library * usually do not have to care about this function: it would call * isc_lib_register(), which internally calls this function. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_SOCKET_H */ PK #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(ISC_PLATFORM_HAVESTDATOMIC) #include #endif /*! \file isc/refcount.h * \brief Implements a locked reference counter. * * These functions may actually be * implemented using macros, and implementations of these macros are below. * The isc_refcount_t type should not be accessed directly, as its contents * depend on the implementation. */ ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /* * Function prototypes */ /* * isc_result_t * isc_refcount_init(isc_refcount_t *ref, unsigned int n); * * Initialize the reference counter. There will be 'n' initial references. * * Requires: * ref != NULL */ /* * void * isc_refcount_destroy(isc_refcount_t *ref); * * Destroys a reference counter. * * Requires: * ref != NULL * The number of references is 0. */ /* * void * isc_refcount_increment(isc_refcount_t *ref, unsigned int *targetp); * isc_refcount_increment0(isc_refcount_t *ref, unsigned int *targetp); * * Increments the reference count, returning the new value in targetp if it's * not NULL. The reference counter typically begins with the initial counter * of 1, and will be destroyed once the counter reaches 0. Thus, * isc_refcount_increment() additionally requires the previous counter be * larger than 0 so that an error which violates the usage can be easily * caught. isc_refcount_increment0() does not have this restriction. * * Requires: * ref != NULL. */ /* * void * isc_refcount_decrement(isc_refcount_t *ref, unsigned int *targetp); * * Decrements the reference count, returning the new value in targetp if it's * not NULL. * * Requires: * ref != NULL. */ /* * Sample implementations */ #ifdef ISC_PLATFORM_USETHREADS #if (defined(ISC_PLATFORM_HAVESTDATOMIC) && defined(ATOMIC_INT_LOCK_FREE)) || defined(ISC_PLATFORM_HAVEXADD) #define ISC_REFCOUNT_HAVEATOMIC 1 #if (defined(ISC_PLATFORM_HAVESTDATOMIC) && defined(ATOMIC_INT_LOCK_FREE)) #define ISC_REFCOUNT_HAVESTDATOMIC 1 #endif typedef struct isc_refcount { #if defined(ISC_REFCOUNT_HAVESTDATOMIC) atomic_int_fast32_t refs; #else isc_int32_t refs; #endif } isc_refcount_t; #if defined(ISC_REFCOUNT_HAVESTDATOMIC) #define isc_refcount_current(rp) \ ((unsigned int)(atomic_load_explicit(&(rp)->refs, \ memory_order_relaxed))) #define isc_refcount_destroy(rp) ISC_REQUIRE(isc_refcount_current(rp) == 0) #define isc_refcount_increment0(rp, tp) \ do { \ unsigned int *_tmp = (unsigned int *)(tp); \ isc_int32_t prev; \ prev = atomic_fetch_add_explicit \ (&(rp)->refs, 1, memory_order_relaxed); \ if (_tmp != NULL) \ *_tmp = prev + 1; \ } while (0) #define isc_refcount_increment(rp, tp) \ do { \ unsigned int *_tmp = (unsigned int *)(tp); \ isc_int32_t prev; \ prev = atomic_fetch_add_explicit \ (&(rp)->refs, 1, memory_order_relaxed); \ ISC_REQUIRE(prev > 0); \ if (_tmp != NULL) \ *_tmp = prev + 1; \ } while (0) #define isc_refcount_decrement(rp, tp) \ do { \ unsigned int *_tmp = (unsigned int *)(tp); \ isc_int32_t prev; \ prev = atomic_fetch_sub_explicit \ (&(rp)->refs, 1, memory_order_relaxed); \ ISC_REQUIRE(prev > 0); \ if (_tmp != NULL) \ *_tmp = prev - 1; \ } while (0) #else /* ISC_REFCOUNT_HAVESTDATOMIC */ #define isc_refcount_current(rp) \ ((unsigned int)(isc_atomic_xadd(&(rp)->refs, 0))) #define isc_refcount_destroy(rp) ISC_REQUIRE(isc_refcount_current(rp) == 0) #define isc_refcount_increment0(rp, tp) \ do { \ unsigned int *_tmp = (unsigned int *)(tp); \ isc_int32_t prev; \ prev = isc_atomic_xadd(&(rp)->refs, 1); \ if (_tmp != NULL) \ *_tmp = prev + 1; \ } while (0) #define isc_refcount_increment(rp, tp) \ do { \ unsigned int *_tmp = (unsigned int *)(tp); \ isc_int32_t prev; \ prev = isc_atomic_xadd(&(rp)->refs, 1); \ ISC_REQUIRE(prev > 0); \ if (_tmp != NULL) \ *_tmp = prev + 1; \ } while (0) #define isc_refcount_decrement(rp, tp) \ do { \ unsigned int *_tmp = (unsigned int *)(tp); \ isc_int32_t prev; \ prev = isc_atomic_xadd(&(rp)->refs, -1); \ ISC_REQUIRE(prev > 0); \ if (_tmp != NULL) \ *_tmp = prev - 1; \ } while (0) #endif /* ISC_REFCOUNT_HAVESTDATOMIC */ #else /* ISC_PLATFORM_HAVEXADD */ typedef struct isc_refcount { int refs; isc_mutex_t lock; } isc_refcount_t; /*% Destroys a reference counter. */ #define isc_refcount_destroy(rp) \ do { \ isc_result_t _result; \ ISC_REQUIRE((rp)->refs == 0); \ _result = isc_mutex_destroy(&(rp)->lock); \ ISC_ERROR_RUNTIMECHECK(_result == ISC_R_SUCCESS); \ } while (0) #define isc_refcount_current(rp) ((unsigned int)((rp)->refs)) /*% * Increments the reference count, returning the new value in * 'tp' if it's not NULL. */ #define isc_refcount_increment0(rp, tp) \ do { \ isc_result_t _result; \ unsigned int *_tmp = (unsigned int *)(tp); \ _result = isc_mutex_lock(&(rp)->lock); \ ISC_ERROR_RUNTIMECHECK(_result == ISC_R_SUCCESS); \ ++((rp)->refs); \ if (_tmp != NULL) \ *_tmp = ((rp)->refs); \ _result = isc_mutex_unlock(&(rp)->lock); \ ISC_ERROR_RUNTIMECHECK(_result == ISC_R_SUCCESS); \ } while (0) #define isc_refcount_increment(rp, tp) \ do { \ isc_result_t _result; \ unsigned int *_tmp = (unsigned int *)(tp); \ _result = isc_mutex_lock(&(rp)->lock); \ ISC_ERROR_RUNTIMECHECK(_result == ISC_R_SUCCESS); \ ISC_REQUIRE((rp)->refs > 0); \ ++((rp)->refs); \ if (_tmp != NULL) \ *_tmp = ((rp)->refs); \ _result = isc_mutex_unlock(&(rp)->lock); \ ISC_ERROR_RUNTIMECHECK(_result == ISC_R_SUCCESS); \ } while (0) /*% * Decrements the reference count, returning the new value in 'tp' * if it's not NULL. */ #define isc_refcount_decrement(rp, tp) \ do { \ isc_result_t _result; \ unsigned int *_tmp = (unsigned int *)(tp); \ _result = isc_mutex_lock(&(rp)->lock); \ ISC_ERROR_RUNTIMECHECK(_result == ISC_R_SUCCESS); \ ISC_REQUIRE((rp)->refs > 0); \ --((rp)->refs); \ if (_tmp != NULL) \ *_tmp = ((rp)->refs); \ _result = isc_mutex_unlock(&(rp)->lock); \ ISC_ERROR_RUNTIMECHECK(_result == ISC_R_SUCCESS); \ } while (0) #endif /* (defined(ISC_PLATFORM_HAVESTDATOMIC) && defined(ATOMIC_INT_LOCK_FREE)) || defined(ISC_PLATFORM_HAVEXADD) */ #else /* ISC_PLATFORM_USETHREADS */ typedef struct isc_refcount { int refs; } isc_refcount_t; #define isc_refcount_destroy(rp) ISC_REQUIRE((rp)->refs == 0) #define isc_refcount_current(rp) ((unsigned int)((rp)->refs)) #define isc_refcount_increment0(rp, tp) \ do { \ unsigned int *_tmp = (unsigned int *)(tp); \ int _n = ++(rp)->refs; \ if (_tmp != NULL) \ *_tmp = _n; \ } while (0) #define isc_refcount_increment(rp, tp) \ do { \ unsigned int *_tmp = (unsigned int *)(tp); \ int _n; \ ISC_REQUIRE((rp)->refs > 0); \ _n = ++(rp)->refs; \ if (_tmp != NULL) \ *_tmp = _n; \ } while (0) #define isc_refcount_decrement(rp, tp) \ do { \ unsigned int *_tmp = (unsigned int *)(tp); \ int _n; \ ISC_REQUIRE((rp)->refs > 0); \ _n = --(rp)->refs; \ if (_tmp != NULL) \ *_tmp = _n; \ } while (0) #endif /* ISC_PLATFORM_USETHREADS */ isc_result_t isc_refcount_init(isc_refcount_t *ref, unsigned int n); ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_REFCOUNT_H */ PK #if defined(HAVE_PTHREAD_NP_H) #include #endif #include #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS typedef pthread_t isc_thread_t; typedef void * isc_threadresult_t; typedef void * isc_threadarg_t; typedef isc_threadresult_t (*isc_threadfunc_t)(isc_threadarg_t); typedef pthread_key_t isc_thread_key_t; isc_result_t isc_thread_create(isc_threadfunc_t, isc_threadarg_t, isc_thread_t *); void isc_thread_setconcurrency(unsigned int level); void isc_thread_yield(void); void isc_thread_setname(isc_thread_t thread, const char *name); /* XXX We could do fancier error handling... */ #define isc_thread_join(t, rp) \ ((pthread_join((t), (rp)) == 0) ? \ ISC_R_SUCCESS : ISC_R_UNEXPECTED) #define isc_thread_self \ (unsigned long)pthread_self #define isc_thread_key_create pthread_key_create #define isc_thread_key_getspecific pthread_getspecific #define isc_thread_key_setspecific pthread_setspecific #define isc_thread_key_delete pthread_key_delete ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_THREAD_H */ PK #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /*% * The comparison function returns ISC_TRUE if the first argument has * higher priority than the second argument, and ISC_FALSE otherwise. */ typedef isc_boolean_t (*isc_heapcompare_t)(void *, void *); /*% * The index function allows the client of the heap to receive a callback * when an item's index number changes. This allows it to maintain * sync with its external state, but still delete itself, since deletions * from the heap require the index be provided. */ typedef void (*isc_heapindex_t)(void *, unsigned int); /*% * The heapaction function is used when iterating over the heap. * * NOTE: The heap structure CANNOT BE MODIFIED during the call to * isc_heap_foreach(). */ typedef void (*isc_heapaction_t)(void *, void *); typedef struct isc_heap isc_heap_t; isc_result_t isc_heap_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_heapcompare_t compare, isc_heapindex_t index, unsigned int size_increment, isc_heap_t **heapp); /*!< * \brief Create a new heap. The heap is implemented using a space-efficient * storage method. When the heap elements are deleted space is not freed * but will be reused when new elements are inserted. * * Heap elements are indexed from 1. * * Requires: *\li "mctx" is valid. *\li "compare" is a function which takes two void * arguments and * returns ISC_TRUE if the first argument has a higher priority than * the second, and ISC_FALSE otherwise. *\li "index" is a function which takes a void *, and an unsigned int * argument. This function will be called whenever an element's * index value changes, so it may continue to delete itself from the * heap. This option may be NULL if this functionality is unneeded. *\li "size_increment" is a hint about how large the heap should grow * when resizing is needed. If this is 0, a default size will be * used, which is currently 1024, allowing space for an additional 1024 * heap elements to be inserted before adding more space. *\li "heapp" is not NULL, and "*heap" is NULL. * * Returns: *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS - success *\li ISC_R_NOMEMORY - insufficient memory */ void isc_heap_destroy(isc_heap_t **heapp); /*!< * \brief Destroys a heap. * * Requires: *\li "heapp" is not NULL and "*heap" points to a valid isc_heap_t. */ isc_result_t isc_heap_insert(isc_heap_t *heap, void *elt); /*!< * \brief Inserts a new element into a heap. * * Requires: *\li "heapp" is not NULL and "*heap" points to a valid isc_heap_t. */ void isc_heap_delete(isc_heap_t *heap, unsigned int index); /*!< * \brief Deletes an element from a heap, by element index. * * Requires: *\li "heapp" is not NULL and "*heap" points to a valid isc_heap_t. *\li "index" is a valid element index, as provided by the "index" callback * provided during heap creation. */ void isc_heap_increased(isc_heap_t *heap, unsigned int index); /*!< * \brief Indicates to the heap that an element's priority has increased. * This function MUST be called whenever an element has increased in priority. * * Requires: *\li "heapp" is not NULL and "*heap" points to a valid isc_heap_t. *\li "index" is a valid element index, as provided by the "index" callback * provided during heap creation. */ void isc_heap_decreased(isc_heap_t *heap, unsigned int index); /*!< * \brief Indicates to the heap that an element's priority has decreased. * This function MUST be called whenever an element has decreased in priority. * * Requires: *\li "heapp" is not NULL and "*heap" points to a valid isc_heap_t. *\li "index" is a valid element index, as provided by the "index" callback * provided during heap creation. */ void * isc_heap_element(isc_heap_t *heap, unsigned int index); /*!< * \brief Returns the element for a specific element index. * * Requires: *\li "heapp" is not NULL and "*heap" points to a valid isc_heap_t. *\li "index" is a valid element index, as provided by the "index" callback * provided during heap creation. * * Returns: *\li A pointer to the element for the element index. */ void isc_heap_foreach(isc_heap_t *heap, isc_heapaction_t action, void *uap); /*!< * \brief Iterate over the heap, calling an action for each element. The * order of iteration is not sorted. * * Requires: *\li "heapp" is not NULL and "*heap" points to a valid isc_heap_t. *\li "action" is not NULL, and is a function which takes two arguments. * The first is a void *, representing the element, and the second is * "uap" as provided to isc_heap_foreach. *\li "uap" is a caller-provided argument, and may be NULL. * * Note: *\li The heap structure CANNOT be modified during this iteration. The only * safe function to call while iterating the heap is isc_heap_element(). */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_HEAP_H */ PK #include typedef struct isc_lfsr isc_lfsr_t; /*% * This function is called when reseeding is needed. It is allowed to * modify any state in the LFSR in any way it sees fit OTHER THAN "bits". * * It MUST set "count" to a new value or the lfsr will never reseed again. * * Also, a reseed will never occur in the middle of an extraction. This * is purely an optimization, and is probably what one would want. */ typedef void (*isc_lfsrreseed_t)(isc_lfsr_t *, void *); /*% * The members of this structure can be used by the application, but care * needs to be taken to not change state once the lfsr is in operation. */ struct isc_lfsr { isc_uint32_t state; /*%< previous state */ unsigned int bits; /*%< length */ isc_uint32_t tap; /*%< bit taps */ unsigned int count; /*%< reseed count (in BITS!) */ isc_lfsrreseed_t reseed; /*%< reseed function */ void *arg; /*%< reseed function argument */ }; ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS void isc_lfsr_init(isc_lfsr_t *lfsr, isc_uint32_t state, unsigned int bits, isc_uint32_t tap, unsigned int count, isc_lfsrreseed_t reseed, void *arg); /*%< * Initialize an LFSR. * * Note: * *\li Putting untrusted values into this function will cause the LFSR to * generate (perhaps) non-maximal length sequences. * * Requires: * *\li lfsr != NULL * *\li 8 <= bits <= 32 * *\li tap != 0 */ void isc_lfsr_generate(isc_lfsr_t *lfsr, void *data, unsigned int count); /*%< * Returns "count" bytes of data from the LFSR. * * Requires: * *\li lfsr be valid. * *\li data != NULL. * *\li count > 0. */ void isc_lfsr_skip(isc_lfsr_t *lfsr, unsigned int skip); /*%< * Skip "skip" states. * * Requires: * *\li lfsr be valid. */ isc_uint32_t isc_lfsr_generate32(isc_lfsr_t *lfsr1, isc_lfsr_t *lfsr2); /*%< * Given two LFSRs, use the current state from each to skip entries in the * other. The next states are then xor'd together and returned. * * WARNING: * *\li This function is used only for very, very low security data, such * as DNS message IDs where it is desired to have an unpredictable * stream of bytes that are harder to predict than a simple flooding * attack. * * Notes: * *\li Since the current state from each of the LFSRs is used to skip * state in the other, it is important that no state be leaked * from either LFSR. * * Requires: * *\li lfsr1 and lfsr2 be valid. * *\li 1 <= skipbits <= 31 */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_LFSR_H */ PK #include /* * The maximal hash length that can be encoded in a name * using base32hex. floor(255/8)*5 */ #define NSEC3_MAX_HASH_LENGTH 155 /* * The maximum has that can be encoded in a single label using * base32hex. floor(63/8)*5 */ #define NSEC3_MAX_LABEL_HASH 35 ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS int isc_iterated_hash(unsigned char out[NSEC3_MAX_HASH_LENGTH], unsigned int hashalg, int iterations, const unsigned char *salt, int saltlength, const unsigned char *in, int inlength); ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_ITERATED_HASH_H */ PK ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS unsigned int isc_os_ncpus(void); /*%< * Return the number of CPUs available on the system, or 1 if this cannot * be determined. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_OS_H */ PK #include #include #include #if defined(ISC_PLATFORM_HAVESTDATOMIC) #include #include #endif ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS typedef enum { isc_rwlocktype_none = 0, isc_rwlocktype_read, isc_rwlocktype_write } isc_rwlocktype_t; #ifdef ISC_PLATFORM_USETHREADS #if (defined(ISC_PLATFORM_HAVESTDATOMIC) && defined(ATOMIC_INT_LOCK_FREE)) || (defined(ISC_PLATFORM_HAVEXADD) && defined(ISC_PLATFORM_HAVECMPXCHG)) #define ISC_RWLOCK_USEATOMIC 1 #if (defined(ISC_PLATFORM_HAVESTDATOMIC) && defined(ATOMIC_INT_LOCK_FREE)) #define ISC_RWLOCK_USESTDATOMIC 1 #endif #endif struct isc_rwlock { /* Unlocked. */ unsigned int magic; isc_mutex_t lock; isc_int32_t spins; #if defined(ISC_RWLOCK_USEATOMIC) /* * When some atomic instructions with hardware assistance are * available, rwlock will use those so that concurrent readers do not * interfere with each other through mutex as long as no writers * appear, massively reducing the lock overhead in the typical case. * * The basic algorithm of this approach is the "simple * writer-preference lock" shown in the following URL: * http://www.cs.rochester.edu/u/scott/synchronization/pseudocode/rw.html * but our implementation does not rely on the spin lock unlike the * original algorithm to be more portable as a user space application. */ /* Read or modified atomically. */ #if defined(ISC_RWLOCK_USESTDATOMIC) atomic_int_fast32_t write_requests; atomic_int_fast32_t write_completions; atomic_int_fast32_t cnt_and_flag; #else isc_int32_t write_requests; isc_int32_t write_completions; isc_int32_t cnt_and_flag; #endif /* Locked by lock. */ isc_condition_t readable; isc_condition_t writeable; unsigned int readers_waiting; /* Locked by rwlock itself. */ unsigned int write_granted; /* Unlocked. */ unsigned int write_quota; #else /* ISC_RWLOCK_USEATOMIC */ /*%< Locked by lock. */ isc_condition_t readable; isc_condition_t writeable; isc_rwlocktype_t type; /*% The number of threads that have the lock. */ unsigned int active; /*% * The number of lock grants made since the lock was last switched * from reading to writing or vice versa; used in determining * when the quota is reached and it is time to switch. */ unsigned int granted; unsigned int readers_waiting; unsigned int writers_waiting; unsigned int read_quota; unsigned int write_quota; isc_rwlocktype_t original; #endif /* ISC_RWLOCK_USEATOMIC */ }; #else /* ISC_PLATFORM_USETHREADS */ struct isc_rwlock { unsigned int magic; isc_rwlocktype_t type; unsigned int active; }; #endif /* ISC_PLATFORM_USETHREADS */ isc_result_t isc_rwlock_init(isc_rwlock_t *rwl, unsigned int read_quota, unsigned int write_quota); isc_result_t isc_rwlock_lock(isc_rwlock_t *rwl, isc_rwlocktype_t type); isc_result_t isc_rwlock_trylock(isc_rwlock_t *rwl, isc_rwlocktype_t type); isc_result_t isc_rwlock_unlock(isc_rwlock_t *rwl, isc_rwlocktype_t type); isc_result_t isc_rwlock_tryupgrade(isc_rwlock_t *rwl); void isc_rwlock_downgrade(isc_rwlock_t *rwl); void isc_rwlock_destroy(isc_rwlock_t *rwl); ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_RWLOCK_H */ PK ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS isc_result_t isc_errno_toresult(int err); /*!< * \brief Convert a POSIX errno value to an ISC result code. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_ERRNO_H */ PK #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /***** ***** Functions. *****/ isc_result_t isc_ratelimiter_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_timermgr_t *timermgr, isc_task_t *task, isc_ratelimiter_t **ratelimiterp); /*%< * Create a rate limiter. The execution interval is initially undefined. */ isc_result_t isc_ratelimiter_setinterval(isc_ratelimiter_t *rl, isc_interval_t *interval); /*!< * Set the minimum interval between event executions. * The interval value is copied, so the caller need not preserve it. * * Requires: * '*interval' is a nonzero interval. */ void isc_ratelimiter_setpertic(isc_ratelimiter_t *rl, isc_uint32_t perint); /*%< * Set the number of events processed per interval timer tick. * If 'perint' is zero it is treated as 1. */ void isc_ratelimiter_setpushpop(isc_ratelimiter_t *rl, isc_boolean_t pushpop); /*%< * Set / clear the ratelimiter to from push pop mode rather * first in - first out mode (default). */ isc_result_t isc_ratelimiter_enqueue(isc_ratelimiter_t *rl, isc_task_t *task, isc_event_t **eventp); /*%< * Queue an event for rate-limited execution. * * This is similar * to doing an isc_task_send() to the 'task', except that the * execution may be delayed to achieve the desired rate of * execution. * * '(*eventp)->ev_sender' is used to hold the task. The caller * must ensure that the task exists until the event is delivered. * * Requires: *\li An interval has been set by calling * isc_ratelimiter_setinterval(). * *\li 'task' to be non NULL. *\li '(*eventp)->ev_sender' to be NULL. */ isc_result_t isc_ratelimiter_dequeue(isc_ratelimiter_t *rl, isc_event_t *event); /* * Dequeue a event off the ratelimiter queue. * * Returns: * \li ISC_R_NOTFOUND if the event is no longer linked to the rate limiter. * \li ISC_R_SUCCESS */ void isc_ratelimiter_shutdown(isc_ratelimiter_t *ratelimiter); /*%< * Shut down a rate limiter. * * Ensures: *\li All events that have not yet been * dispatched to the task are dispatched immediately with * the #ISC_EVENTATTR_CANCELED bit set in ev_attributes. * *\li Further attempts to enqueue events will fail with * #ISC_R_SHUTTINGDOWN. * *\li The rate limiter is no longer attached to its task. */ void isc_ratelimiter_attach(isc_ratelimiter_t *source, isc_ratelimiter_t **target); /*%< * Attach to a rate limiter. */ void isc_ratelimiter_detach(isc_ratelimiter_t **ratelimiterp); /*%< * Detach from a rate limiter. */ isc_result_t isc_ratelimiter_stall(isc_ratelimiter_t *rl); /*%< * Stall event processing. */ isc_result_t isc_ratelimiter_release(isc_ratelimiter_t *rl); /*%< * Release a stalled rate limiter. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_RATELIMITER_H */ PK #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef _RADIX_H #define _RADIX_H #define NETADDR_TO_PREFIX_T(na,pt,bits,is_ecs) \ do { \ const void *p = na; \ memset(&(pt), 0, sizeof(pt)); \ if (p != NULL) { \ (pt).family = (na)->family; \ (pt).bitlen = (bits); \ if ((pt).family == AF_INET6) { \ memmove(&(pt).add.sin6, &(na)->type.in6, \ ((bits)+7)/8); \ } else \ memmove(&(pt).add.sin, &(na)->type.in, \ ((bits)+7)/8); \ } else { \ (pt).family = AF_UNSPEC; \ (pt).bitlen = 0; \ } \ (pt).ecs = is_ecs; \ isc_refcount_init(&(pt).refcount, 0); \ } while(0) typedef struct isc_prefix { isc_mem_t *mctx; unsigned int family; /* AF_INET | AF_INET6, or AF_UNSPEC for "any" */ unsigned int bitlen; /* 0 for "any" */ isc_boolean_t ecs; /* ISC_TRUE for an EDNS client subnet address */ isc_refcount_t refcount; union { struct in_addr sin; struct in6_addr sin6; } add; } isc_prefix_t; typedef void (*isc_radix_destroyfunc_t)(void *); typedef void (*isc_radix_processfunc_t)(isc_prefix_t *, void **); #define isc_prefix_tochar(prefix) ((char *)&(prefix)->add.sin) #define isc_prefix_touchar(prefix) ((u_char *)&(prefix)->add.sin) #define BIT_TEST(f, b) ((f) & (b)) /* * We need "first match" when we search the radix tree to preserve * compatibility with the existing ACL implementation. Radix trees * naturally lend themselves to "best match". In order to get "first match" * behavior, we keep track of the order in which entries are added to the * tree--and when a search is made, we find all matching entries, and * return the one that was added first. * * An IPv4 prefix and an IPv6 prefix may share a radix tree node if they * have the same length and bit pattern (e.g., 127/8 and 7f::/8). Also, * a node that matches a client address may also match an EDNS client * subnet address. To disambiguate between these, node_num and data * are four-element arrays; * * - node_num[0] and data[0] are used for IPv4 client addresses * - node_num[1] and data[1] for IPv4 client subnet addresses * - node_num[2] and data[2] are used for IPv6 client addresses * - node_num[3] and data[3] for IPv6 client subnet addresses * * A prefix of 0/0 (aka "any" or "none"), is always stored as IPv4, * but matches IPv6 addresses too, as well as all client subnet * addresses. */ #define RADIX_NOECS 0 #define RADIX_ECS 2 #define RADIX_V4 0 #define RADIX_V6 1 #define RADIX_V4_ECS 2 #define RADIX_V6_ECS 3 #define RADIX_FAMILIES 4 #define ISC_RADIX_FAMILY(p) \ ((((p)->family == AF_INET6) ? RADIX_V6 : RADIX_V4) + \ ((p)->ecs ? RADIX_ECS : RADIX_NOECS)) typedef struct isc_radix_node { isc_mem_t *mctx; isc_uint32_t bit; /* bit length of the prefix */ isc_prefix_t *prefix; /* who we are in radix tree */ struct isc_radix_node *l, *r; /* left and right children */ struct isc_radix_node *parent; /* may be used */ void *data[RADIX_FAMILIES]; /* pointers to IPv4 and IPV6 data */ int node_num[RADIX_FAMILIES]; /* which node this was in the tree, or -1 for glue nodes */ } isc_radix_node_t; #define RADIX_TREE_MAGIC ISC_MAGIC('R','d','x','T'); #define RADIX_TREE_VALID(a) ISC_MAGIC_VALID(a, RADIX_TREE_MAGIC); typedef struct isc_radix_tree { unsigned int magic; isc_mem_t *mctx; isc_radix_node_t *head; isc_uint32_t maxbits; /* for IP, 32 bit addresses */ int num_active_node; /* for debugging purposes */ int num_added_node; /* total number of nodes */ } isc_radix_tree_t; isc_result_t isc_radix_search(isc_radix_tree_t *radix, isc_radix_node_t **target, isc_prefix_t *prefix); /*%< * Search 'radix' for the best match to 'prefix'. * Return the node found in '*target'. * * Requires: * \li 'radix' to be valid. * \li 'target' is not NULL and "*target" is NULL. * \li 'prefix' to be valid. * * Returns: * \li ISC_R_NOTFOUND * \li ISC_R_SUCCESS */ isc_result_t isc_radix_insert(isc_radix_tree_t *radix, isc_radix_node_t **target, isc_radix_node_t *source, isc_prefix_t *prefix); /*%< * Insert 'source' or 'prefix' into the radix tree 'radix'. * Return the node added in 'target'. * * Requires: * \li 'radix' to be valid. * \li 'target' is not NULL and "*target" is NULL. * \li 'prefix' to be valid or 'source' to be non NULL and contain * a valid prefix. * * Returns: * \li ISC_R_NOMEMORY * \li ISC_R_SUCCESS */ void isc_radix_remove(isc_radix_tree_t *radix, isc_radix_node_t *node); /*%< * Remove the node 'node' from the radix tree 'radix'. * * Requires: * \li 'radix' to be valid. * \li 'node' to be valid. */ isc_result_t isc_radix_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_radix_tree_t **target, int maxbits); /*%< * Create a radix tree with a maximum depth of 'maxbits'; * * Requires: * \li 'mctx' to be valid. * \li 'target' to be non NULL and '*target' to be NULL. * \li 'maxbits' to be less than or equal to RADIX_MAXBITS. * * Returns: * \li ISC_R_NOMEMORY * \li ISC_R_SUCCESS */ void isc_radix_destroy(isc_radix_tree_t *radix, isc_radix_destroyfunc_t func); /*%< * Destroy a radix tree optionally calling 'func' to clean up node data. * * Requires: * \li 'radix' to be valid. */ void isc_radix_process(isc_radix_tree_t *radix, isc_radix_processfunc_t func); /*%< * Walk a radix tree calling 'func' to process node data. * * Requires: * \li 'radix' to be valid. * \li 'func' to point to a function. */ #define RADIX_MAXBITS 128 #define RADIX_NBIT(x) (0x80 >> ((x) & 0x7f)) #define RADIX_NBYTE(x) ((x) >> 3) #define RADIX_WALK(Xhead, Xnode) \ do { \ isc_radix_node_t *Xstack[RADIX_MAXBITS+1]; \ isc_radix_node_t **Xsp = Xstack; \ isc_radix_node_t *Xrn = (Xhead); \ while ((Xnode = Xrn)) { \ if (Xnode->prefix) #define RADIX_WALK_END \ if (Xrn->l) { \ if (Xrn->r) { \ *Xsp++ = Xrn->r; \ } \ Xrn = Xrn->l; \ } else if (Xrn->r) { \ Xrn = Xrn->r; \ } else if (Xsp != Xstack) { \ Xrn = *(--Xsp); \ } else { \ Xrn = (isc_radix_node_t *) 0; \ } \ } \ } while (0) #endif /* _RADIX_H */ PK #include #include #include /* for ISC_R_ codes */ ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /*! * Supply mutex attributes that enable deadlock detection * (helpful when debugging). This is system dependent and * currently only supported on NetBSD. */ #if ISC_MUTEX_DEBUG && defined(__NetBSD__) && defined(PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK) extern pthread_mutexattr_t isc__mutex_attrs; #define ISC__MUTEX_ATTRS &isc__mutex_attrs #else #define ISC__MUTEX_ATTRS NULL #endif /* XXX We could do fancier error handling... */ /*! * Define ISC_MUTEX_PROFILE to turn on profiling of mutexes by line. When * enabled, isc_mutex_stats() can be used to print a table showing the * number of times each type of mutex was locked and the amount of time * waiting to obtain the lock. */ #ifndef ISC_MUTEX_PROFILE #define ISC_MUTEX_PROFILE 0 #endif #if ISC_MUTEX_PROFILE typedef struct isc_mutexstats isc_mutexstats_t; typedef struct { pthread_mutex_t mutex; /*%< The actual mutex. */ isc_mutexstats_t * stats; /*%< Mutex statistics. */ } isc_mutex_t; #else typedef pthread_mutex_t isc_mutex_t; #endif #if ISC_MUTEX_PROFILE #define isc_mutex_init(mp) \ isc_mutex_init_profile((mp), __FILE__, __LINE__) #else #if ISC_MUTEX_DEBUG && defined(PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK) #define isc_mutex_init(mp) \ isc_mutex_init_errcheck((mp)) #else #define isc_mutex_init(mp) \ isc__mutex_init((mp), __FILE__, __LINE__) isc_result_t isc__mutex_init(isc_mutex_t *mp, const char *file, unsigned int line); #endif #endif #if ISC_MUTEX_PROFILE #define isc_mutex_lock(mp) \ isc_mutex_lock_profile((mp), __FILE__, __LINE__) #else #define isc_mutex_lock(mp) \ ((pthread_mutex_lock((mp)) == 0) ? \ ISC_R_SUCCESS : ISC_R_UNEXPECTED) #endif #if ISC_MUTEX_PROFILE #define isc_mutex_unlock(mp) \ isc_mutex_unlock_profile((mp), __FILE__, __LINE__) #else #define isc_mutex_unlock(mp) \ ((pthread_mutex_unlock((mp)) == 0) ? \ ISC_R_SUCCESS : ISC_R_UNEXPECTED) #endif #if ISC_MUTEX_PROFILE #define isc_mutex_trylock(mp) \ ((pthread_mutex_trylock((&(mp)->mutex)) == 0) ? \ ISC_R_SUCCESS : ISC_R_LOCKBUSY) #else #define isc_mutex_trylock(mp) \ ((pthread_mutex_trylock((mp)) == 0) ? \ ISC_R_SUCCESS : ISC_R_LOCKBUSY) #endif #if ISC_MUTEX_PROFILE #define isc_mutex_destroy(mp) \ ((pthread_mutex_destroy((&(mp)->mutex)) == 0) ? \ ISC_R_SUCCESS : ISC_R_UNEXPECTED) #else #define isc_mutex_destroy(mp) \ ((pthread_mutex_destroy((mp)) == 0) ? \ ISC_R_SUCCESS : ISC_R_UNEXPECTED) #endif #if ISC_MUTEX_PROFILE #define isc_mutex_stats(fp) isc_mutex_statsprofile(fp); #else #define isc_mutex_stats(fp) #endif #if ISC_MUTEX_PROFILE isc_result_t isc_mutex_init_profile(isc_mutex_t *mp, const char * _file, int _line); isc_result_t isc_mutex_lock_profile(isc_mutex_t *mp, const char * _file, int _line); isc_result_t isc_mutex_unlock_profile(isc_mutex_t *mp, const char * _file, int _line); void isc_mutex_statsprofile(FILE *fp); isc_result_t isc_mutex_init_errcheck(isc_mutex_t *mp); #endif /* ISC_MUTEX_PROFILE */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISC_MUTEX_H */ PK #include #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS isc_result_t bind9_check_namedconf(const cfg_obj_t *config, isc_log_t *logctx, isc_mem_t *mctx); /*%< * Check the syntactic validity of a configuration parse tree generated from * a named.conf file. * * Requires: *\li config is a valid parse tree * *\li logctx is a valid logging context. * * Returns: * \li #ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li #ISC_R_FAILURE */ isc_result_t bind9_check_key(const cfg_obj_t *config, isc_log_t *logctx); /*%< * Same as bind9_check_namedconf(), but for a single 'key' statement. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* BIND9_CHECK_H */ PK LIBBIND9_EXTERNAL_DATA extern const char bind9_version[]; LIBBIND9_EXTERNAL_DATA extern const unsigned int bind9_libinterface; LIBBIND9_EXTERNAL_DATA extern const unsigned int bind9_librevision; LIBBIND9_EXTERNAL_DATA extern const unsigned int bind9_libage; PK #include #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS isc_result_t bind9_getaddresses(const char *hostname, in_port_t port, isc_sockaddr_t *addrs, int addrsize, int *addrcount); /*%< * Use the system resolver to get the addresses associated with a hostname. * If successful, the number of addresses found is returned in 'addrcount'. * If a hostname lookup is performed and addresses of an unknown family is * seen, it is ignored. If more than 'addrsize' addresses are seen, the * first 'addrsize' are returned and the remainder silently truncated. * * This routine may block. If called by a program using the isc_app * framework, it should be surrounded by isc_app_block()/isc_app_unblock(). * * Requires: *\li 'hostname' is not NULL. *\li 'addrs' is not NULL. *\li 'addrsize' > 0 *\li 'addrcount' is not NULL. * * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOTFOUND *\li #ISC_R_FAMILYNOSUPPORT - 'hostname' is an IPv6 address, and IPv6 is * not supported. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* BIND9_GETADDRESSES_H */ PK /*% * A compound structure storing DNS key information mainly for DNSSEC * validation. A dns_key_t object will be created using the 'keyname' and * 'keydatabuf' members with the dst_key_fromdns() function. */ typedef struct irs_dnsconf_dnskey { dns_name_t *keyname; isc_buffer_t *keydatabuf; ISC_LINK(struct irs_dnsconf_dnskey) link; } irs_dnsconf_dnskey_t; typedef ISC_LIST(irs_dnsconf_dnskey_t) irs_dnsconf_dnskeylist_t; ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS isc_result_t irs_dnsconf_load(isc_mem_t *mctx, const char *filename, irs_dnsconf_t **confp); /*%< * Load the "advanced" DNS configuration file 'filename' in the "dns.conf" * format, and create a new irs_dnsconf_t object from the configuration. * * Requires: * *\li 'mctx' is a valid memory context. * *\li 'filename' != NULL * *\li 'confp' != NULL && '*confp' == NULL */ void irs_dnsconf_destroy(irs_dnsconf_t **confp); /*%< * Destroy the dnsconf object. * * Requires: * *\li '*confp' is a valid dnsconf object. * * Ensures: * *\li *confp == NULL */ irs_dnsconf_dnskeylist_t * irs_dnsconf_gettrustedkeys(irs_dnsconf_t *conf); /*%< * Return a list of key information stored in 'conf'. * * Requires: * *\li 'conf' is a valid dnsconf object. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* IRS_DNSCONF_H */ PK LIBIRS_EXTERNAL_DATA extern const char irs_version[]; LIBIRS_EXTERNAL_DATA extern const unsigned int irs_libinterface; LIBIRS_EXTERNAL_DATA extern const unsigned int irs_librevision; LIBIRS_EXTERNAL_DATA extern const unsigned int irs_libage; PK #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS isc_result_t irs_context_create(irs_context_t **contextp); /*%< * Create an IRS context. It internally initializes the ISC and DNS libraries * (if not yet), creates a DNS client object and initializes the client using * the configuration files parsed via the 'resconf' and 'dnsconf' IRS modules. * Some of the internally initialized objects can be used by the application * via irs_context_getxxx() functions (see below). * * Requires: * *\li contextp != NULL && *contextp == NULL. */ isc_result_t irs_context_get(irs_context_t **contextp); /*%< * Return an IRS context for the calling thread. If no IRS context is * associated to the thread, this function creates a new one by calling * irs_context_create(), and associates it with the thread as a thread specific * data value. This function is provided for standard libraries that are * expected to be thread-safe but do not accept an appropriate IRS context * as a library parameter, e.g., getaddrinfo(). * * Requires: * *\li contextp != NULL && *contextp == NULL. */ void irs_context_destroy(irs_context_t **contextp); /*%< * Destroy an IRS context. * * Requires: * *\li '*contextp' is a valid IRS context. * * Ensures: *\li '*contextp' == NULL. */ isc_mem_t * irs_context_getmctx(irs_context_t *context); /*%< * Return the memory context held in the context. * * Requires: * *\li 'context' is a valid IRS context. */ isc_appctx_t * irs_context_getappctx(irs_context_t *context); /*%< * Return the application context held in the context. * * Requires: * *\li 'context' is a valid IRS context. */ isc_taskmgr_t * irs_context_gettaskmgr(irs_context_t *context); /*%< * Return the task manager held in the context. * * Requires: * *\li 'context' is a valid IRS context. */ isc_timermgr_t * irs_context_gettimermgr(irs_context_t *context); /*%< * Return the timer manager held in the context. * * Requires: * *\li 'context' is a valid IRS context. */ isc_task_t * irs_context_gettask(irs_context_t *context); /*%< * Return the task object held in the context. * * Requires: * *\li 'context' is a valid IRS context. */ dns_client_t * irs_context_getdnsclient(irs_context_t *context); /*%< * Return the DNS client object held in the context. * * Requires: * *\li 'context' is a valid IRS context. */ irs_resconf_t * irs_context_getresconf(irs_context_t *context); /*%< * Return the resolver configuration object held in the context. * * Requires: * *\li 'context' is a valid IRS context. */ irs_dnsconf_t * irs_context_getdnsconf(irs_context_t *context); /*%< * Return the advanced DNS configuration object held in the context. * * Requires: * *\li 'context' is a valid IRS context. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* IRS_CONTEXT_H */ PK /* Required on FreeBSD (and others?) for size_t. */ #include /* Contractual provision. */ /* * Define if does not declare struct addrinfo. */ #undef ISC_IRS_NEEDADDRINFO #ifdef ISC_IRS_NEEDADDRINFO struct addrinfo { int ai_flags; /* AI_PASSIVE, AI_CANONNAME */ int ai_family; /* PF_xxx */ int ai_socktype; /* SOCK_xxx */ int ai_protocol; /* 0 or IPPROTO_xxx for IPv4 and IPv6 */ size_t ai_addrlen; /* Length of ai_addr */ char *ai_canonname; /* Canonical name for hostname */ struct sockaddr *ai_addr; /* Binary address */ struct addrinfo *ai_next; /* Next structure in linked list */ }; #endif /* * Undefine all #defines we are interested in as may or may not have * defined them. */ /* * Error return codes from gethostbyname() and gethostbyaddr() * (left in extern int h_errno). */ #undef NETDB_INTERNAL #undef NETDB_SUCCESS #undef HOST_NOT_FOUND #undef TRY_AGAIN #undef NO_RECOVERY #undef NO_DATA #undef NO_ADDRESS #define NETDB_INTERNAL -1 /* see errno */ #define NETDB_SUCCESS 0 /* no problem */ #define HOST_NOT_FOUND 1 /* Authoritative Answer Host not found */ #define TRY_AGAIN 2 /* Non-Authoritive Host not found, or SERVERFAIL */ #define NO_RECOVERY 3 /* Non recoverable errors, FORMERR, REFUSED, NOTIMP */ #define NO_DATA 4 /* Valid name, no data record of requested type */ #define NO_ADDRESS NO_DATA /* no address, look for MX record */ /* * Error return codes from getaddrinfo(). EAI_INSECUREDATA is our own extension * and it's very unlikely to be already defined, but undef it just in case; it * at least doesn't do any harm. */ #undef EAI_ADDRFAMILY #undef EAI_AGAIN #undef EAI_BADFLAGS #undef EAI_FAIL #undef EAI_FAMILY #undef EAI_MEMORY #undef EAI_NODATA #undef EAI_NONAME #undef EAI_SERVICE #undef EAI_SOCKTYPE #undef EAI_SYSTEM #undef EAI_BADHINTS #undef EAI_PROTOCOL #undef EAI_OVERFLOW #undef EAI_INSECUREDATA #undef EAI_MAX #define EAI_ADDRFAMILY 1 /* address family for hostname not supported */ #define EAI_AGAIN 2 /* temporary failure in name resolution */ #define EAI_BADFLAGS 3 /* invalid value for ai_flags */ #define EAI_FAIL 4 /* non-recoverable failure in name resolution */ #define EAI_FAMILY 5 /* ai_family not supported */ #define EAI_MEMORY 6 /* memory allocation failure */ #define EAI_NODATA 7 /* no address associated with hostname */ #define EAI_NONAME 8 /* hostname nor servname provided, or not known */ #define EAI_SERVICE 9 /* servname not supported for ai_socktype */ #define EAI_SOCKTYPE 10 /* ai_socktype not supported */ #define EAI_SYSTEM 11 /* system error returned in errno */ #define EAI_BADHINTS 12 #define EAI_PROTOCOL 13 #define EAI_OVERFLOW 14 #define EAI_INSECUREDATA 15 #define EAI_MAX 16 /* * Flag values for getaddrinfo() */ #undef AI_PASSIVE #undef AI_CANONNAME #undef AI_NUMERICHOST #define AI_PASSIVE 0x00000001 #define AI_CANONNAME 0x00000002 #define AI_NUMERICHOST 0x00000004 /* * Flag values for getipnodebyname() */ #undef AI_V4MAPPED #undef AI_ALL #undef AI_ADDRCONFIG #undef AI_DEFAULT #define AI_V4MAPPED 0x00000008 #define AI_ALL 0x00000010 #define AI_ADDRCONFIG 0x00000020 #define AI_DEFAULT (AI_V4MAPPED|AI_ADDRCONFIG) /* * Constants for lwres_getnameinfo() */ #undef NI_MAXHOST #undef NI_MAXSERV #define NI_MAXHOST 1025 #define NI_MAXSERV 32 /* * Flag values for lwres_getnameinfo() */ #undef NI_NOFQDN #undef NI_NUMERICHOST #undef NI_NAMEREQD #undef NI_NUMERICSERV #undef NI_DGRAM #undef NI_NUMERICSCOPE #define NI_NOFQDN 0x00000001 #define NI_NUMERICHOST 0x00000002 #define NI_NAMEREQD 0x00000004 #define NI_NUMERICSERV 0x00000008 #define NI_DGRAM 0x00000010 /* * Define to map into irs_ namespace. */ #define IRS_NAMESPACE #ifdef IRS_NAMESPACE /* * Use our versions not the ones from the C library. */ #ifdef getnameinfo #undef getnameinfo #endif #define getnameinfo irs_getnameinfo #ifdef getaddrinfo #undef getaddrinfo #endif #define getaddrinfo irs_getaddrinfo #ifdef freeaddrinfo #undef freeaddrinfo #endif #define freeaddrinfo irs_freeaddrinfo #ifdef gai_strerror #undef gai_strerror #endif #define gai_strerror irs_gai_strerror #endif extern int getaddrinfo (const char *name, const char *service, const struct addrinfo *req, struct addrinfo **pai); extern int getnameinfo (const struct sockaddr *sa, socklen_t salen, char *host, socklen_t hostlen, char *serv, socklen_t servlen, int flags); extern void freeaddrinfo (struct addrinfo *ai); extern const char *gai_strerror (int ecode); /* * Define to map into irs_ namespace. */ #define IRS_NAMESPACE #ifdef IRS_NAMESPACE /* * Use our versions not the ones from the C library. */ #ifdef getnameinfo #undef getnameinfo #endif #define getnameinfo irs_getnameinfo #ifdef getaddrinfo #undef getaddrinfo #endif #define getaddrinfo irs_getaddrinfo #ifdef freeaddrinfo #undef freeaddrinfo #endif #define freeaddrinfo irs_freeaddrinfo #ifdef gai_strerror #undef gai_strerror #endif #define gai_strerror irs_gai_strerror int getaddrinfo(const char *hostname, const char *servname, const struct addrinfo *hints, struct addrinfo **res); int getnameinfo(const struct sockaddr *sa, IRS_GETNAMEINFO_SOCKLEN_T salen, char *host, IRS_GETNAMEINFO_BUFLEN_T hostlen, char *serv, IRS_GETNAMEINFO_BUFLEN_T servlen, IRS_GETNAMEINFO_FLAGS_T flags); void freeaddrinfo (struct addrinfo *ai); IRS_GAISTRERROR_RETURN_T gai_strerror(int ecode); #endif /* * Tell Emacs to use C mode on this file. * Local variables: * mode: c * End: */ #endif /* IRS_NETDB_H */ PK /*% * A DNS search list specified in the 'domain' or 'search' statements * in the "resolv.conf" file. */ typedef struct irs_resconf_search { char *domain; ISC_LINK(struct irs_resconf_search) link; } irs_resconf_search_t; typedef ISC_LIST(irs_resconf_search_t) irs_resconf_searchlist_t; ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS isc_result_t irs_resconf_load(isc_mem_t *mctx, const char *filename, irs_resconf_t **confp); /*%< * Load the resolver configuration file 'filename' in the "resolv.conf" format, * and create a new irs_resconf_t object from the configuration. If the file * is not found ISC_R_FILENOTFOUND is returned with the structure initialized * as if file contained only: * * nameserver ::1 * nameserver * * Notes: * *\li Currently, only the following options are supported: * nameserver, domain, search, sortlist, ndots, and options. * In addition, 'sortlist' is not actually effective; it's parsed, but * the application cannot use the configuration. * * Returns: * \li ISC_R_SUCCESS on success * \li ISC_R_FILENOTFOUND if the file was not found. *confp will be valid. * \li other on error. * * Requires: * *\li 'mctx' is a valid memory context. * *\li 'filename' != NULL * *\li 'confp' != NULL && '*confp' == NULL */ void irs_resconf_destroy(irs_resconf_t **confp); /*%< * Destroy the resconf object. * * Requires: * *\li '*confp' is a valid resconf object. * * Ensures: * *\li *confp == NULL */ isc_sockaddrlist_t * irs_resconf_getnameservers(irs_resconf_t *conf); /*%< * Return a list of name server addresses stored in 'conf'. * * Requires: * *\li 'conf' is a valid resconf object. */ irs_resconf_searchlist_t * irs_resconf_getsearchlist(irs_resconf_t *conf); /*%< * Return the search list stored in 'conf'. * * Requires: * *\li 'conf' is a valid resconf object. */ unsigned int irs_resconf_getndots(irs_resconf_t *conf); /*%< * Return the 'ndots' value stored in 'conf'. * * Requires: * *\li 'conf' is a valid resconf object. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* IRS_RESCONF_H */ PK LIBLWRES_EXTERNAL_DATA extern const char lwres_version[]; LIBLWRES_EXTERNAL_DATA extern const unsigned int lwres_libinterface; LIBLWRES_EXTERNAL_DATA extern const unsigned int lwres_librevision; LIBLWRES_EXTERNAL_DATA extern const unsigned int lwres_libage; PK #include #include #include /*! * Used to set various options such as timeout, authentication, etc */ typedef struct lwres_context lwres_context_t; LWRES_LANG_BEGINDECLS typedef void *(*lwres_malloc_t)(void *arg, size_t length); typedef void (*lwres_free_t)(void *arg, void *mem, size_t length); /* * XXXMLG * * Make the server reload /etc/resolv.conf periodically. * * Make the server do sortlist/searchlist. * * Client side can disable the search/sortlist processing. * * Use an array of addresses/masks and searchlist for client-side, and * if added to the client disable the processing on the server. * * Share /etc/resolv.conf data between contexts. */ /*! * _SERVERMODE * Don't allocate and connect a socket to the server, since the * caller _is_ a server. * * _USEIPV4, _USEIPV6 * Use IPv4 and IPv6 transactions with remote servers, respectively. * For backward compatibility, regard both flags as being set when both * are cleared. */ #define LWRES_CONTEXT_SERVERMODE 0x00000001U #define LWRES_CONTEXT_USEIPV4 0x00000002U #define LWRES_CONTEXT_USEIPV6 0x00000004U lwres_result_t lwres_context_create(lwres_context_t **contextp, void *arg, lwres_malloc_t malloc_function, lwres_free_t free_function, unsigned int flags); /**< * Allocate a lwres context. This is used in all lwres calls. * * Memory management can be replaced here by passing in two functions. * If one is non-NULL, they must both be non-NULL. "arg" is passed to * these functions. * * Contexts are not thread safe. Document at the top of the file. * XXXMLG * * If they are NULL, the standard malloc() and free() will be used. * *\pre contextp != NULL && contextp == NULL. * *\return Returns 0 on success, non-zero on failure. */ void lwres_context_destroy(lwres_context_t **contextp); /**< * Frees all memory associated with a lwres context. * *\pre contextp != NULL && contextp == NULL. */ lwres_uint32_t lwres_context_nextserial(lwres_context_t *ctx); /**< * XXXMLG Document */ void lwres_context_initserial(lwres_context_t *ctx, lwres_uint32_t serial); void lwres_context_freemem(lwres_context_t *ctx, void *mem, size_t len); void * lwres_context_allocmem(lwres_context_t *ctx, size_t len); int lwres_context_getsocket(lwres_context_t *ctx); lwres_result_t lwres_context_send(lwres_context_t *ctx, void *sendbase, int sendlen); lwres_result_t lwres_context_recv(lwres_context_t *ctx, void *recvbase, int recvlen, int *recvd_len); lwres_result_t lwres_context_sendrecv(lwres_context_t *ctx, void *sendbase, int sendlen, void *recvbase, int recvlen, int *recvd_len); LWRES_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* LWRES_CONTEXT_H */ PK #include #include #ifdef LWRES_PLATFORM_NEEDSTRTOUL #define strtoul lwres_strtoul #endif LWRES_LANG_BEGINDECLS unsigned long lwres_strtoul(const char *, char **, int); LWRES_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif PK 0 * * base is a valid pointer to length bytes of memory * * 0 <= used <= length * * 0 <= current <= used * * 0 <= active <= used * (although active < current implies empty active region) *\endverbatim * * \li MP: * Buffers have no synchronization. Clients must ensure exclusive * access. * * \li Reliability: * No anticipated impact. * * \li Resources: * Memory: 1 pointer + 6 unsigned integers per buffer. * * \li Security: * No anticipated impact. * * \li Standards: * None. */ #ifndef LWRES_LWBUFFER_H #define LWRES_LWBUFFER_H 1 /*** *** Imports ***/ #include #include LWRES_LANG_BEGINDECLS /*** *** Magic numbers ***/ #define LWRES_BUFFER_MAGIC 0x4275663fU /* Buf?. */ #define LWRES_BUFFER_VALID(b) ((b) != NULL && \ (b)->magic == LWRES_BUFFER_MAGIC) /*! * The following macros MUST be used only on valid buffers. It is the * caller's responsibility to ensure this by using the LWRES_BUFFER_VALID * check above, or by calling another lwres_buffer_*() function (rather than * another macro.) */ /*! * Get the length of the used region of buffer "b" */ #define LWRES_BUFFER_USEDCOUNT(b) ((b)->used) /*! * Get the length of the available region of buffer "b" */ #define LWRES_BUFFER_AVAILABLECOUNT(b) ((b)->length - (b)->used) #define LWRES_BUFFER_REMAINING(b) ((b)->used - (b)->current) /*! * Note that the buffer structure is public. This is principally so buffer * operations can be implemented using macros. Applications are strongly * discouraged from directly manipulating the structure. */ typedef struct lwres_buffer lwres_buffer_t; /*! * Buffer data structure */ struct lwres_buffer { unsigned int magic; unsigned char *base; /* The following integers are byte offsets from 'base'. */ unsigned int length; unsigned int used; unsigned int current; unsigned int active; }; /*** *** Functions ***/ void lwres_buffer_init(lwres_buffer_t *b, void *base, unsigned int length); /**< * Make 'b' refer to the 'length'-byte region starting at base. * * Requires: * * 'length' > 0 * * 'base' is a pointer to a sequence of 'length' bytes. * */ void lwres_buffer_invalidate(lwres_buffer_t *b); /**< * Make 'b' an invalid buffer. * * Requires: * 'b' is a valid buffer. * * Ensures: * If assertion checking is enabled, future attempts to use 'b' without * calling lwres_buffer_init() on it will cause an assertion failure. */ void lwres_buffer_add(lwres_buffer_t *b, unsigned int n); /**< * Increase the 'used' region of 'b' by 'n' bytes. * * Requires: * * 'b' is a valid buffer * * used + n <= length * */ void lwres_buffer_subtract(lwres_buffer_t *b, unsigned int n); /**< * Decrease the 'used' region of 'b' by 'n' bytes. * * Requires: * * 'b' is a valid buffer * * used >= n * */ void lwres_buffer_clear(lwres_buffer_t *b); /**< * Make the used region empty. * * Requires: * * 'b' is a valid buffer * * Ensures: * * used = 0 * */ void lwres_buffer_first(lwres_buffer_t *b); /**< * Make the consumed region empty. * * Requires: * * 'b' is a valid buffer * * Ensures: * * current == 0 * */ void lwres_buffer_forward(lwres_buffer_t *b, unsigned int n); /**< * Increase the 'consumed' region of 'b' by 'n' bytes. * * Requires: * * 'b' is a valid buffer * * current + n <= used * */ void lwres_buffer_back(lwres_buffer_t *b, unsigned int n); /**< * Decrease the 'consumed' region of 'b' by 'n' bytes. * * Requires: * * 'b' is a valid buffer * * n <= current * */ lwres_uint8_t lwres_buffer_getuint8(lwres_buffer_t *b); /**< * Read an unsigned 8-bit integer from 'b' and return it. * * Requires: * * 'b' is a valid buffer. * * The length of the available region of 'b' is at least 1. * * Ensures: * * The current pointer in 'b' is advanced by 1. * * Returns: * * A 8-bit unsigned integer. */ void lwres_buffer_putuint8(lwres_buffer_t *b, lwres_uint8_t val); /**< * Store an unsigned 8-bit integer from 'val' into 'b'. * * Requires: * 'b' is a valid buffer. * * The length of the unused region of 'b' is at least 1. * * Ensures: * The used pointer in 'b' is advanced by 1. */ lwres_uint16_t lwres_buffer_getuint16(lwres_buffer_t *b); /**< * Read an unsigned 16-bit integer in network byte order from 'b', convert * it to host byte order, and return it. * * Requires: * * 'b' is a valid buffer. * * The length of the available region of 'b' is at least 2. * * Ensures: * * The current pointer in 'b' is advanced by 2. * * Returns: * * A 16-bit unsigned integer. */ void lwres_buffer_putuint16(lwres_buffer_t *b, lwres_uint16_t val); /**< * Store an unsigned 16-bit integer in host byte order from 'val' * into 'b' in network byte order. * * Requires: * 'b' is a valid buffer. * * The length of the unused region of 'b' is at least 2. * * Ensures: * The used pointer in 'b' is advanced by 2. */ lwres_uint32_t lwres_buffer_getuint32(lwres_buffer_t *b); /**< * Read an unsigned 32-bit integer in network byte order from 'b', convert * it to host byte order, and return it. * * Requires: * * 'b' is a valid buffer. * * The length of the available region of 'b' is at least 2. * * Ensures: * * The current pointer in 'b' is advanced by 2. * * Returns: * * A 32-bit unsigned integer. */ void lwres_buffer_putuint32(lwres_buffer_t *b, lwres_uint32_t val); /**< * Store an unsigned 32-bit integer in host byte order from 'val' * into 'b' in network byte order. * * Requires: * 'b' is a valid buffer. * * The length of the unused region of 'b' is at least 4. * * Ensures: * The used pointer in 'b' is advanced by 4. */ void lwres_buffer_putmem(lwres_buffer_t *b, const unsigned char *base, unsigned int length); /**< * Copy 'length' bytes of memory at 'base' into 'b'. * * Requires: * 'b' is a valid buffer. * * 'base' points to 'length' bytes of valid memory. * */ void lwres_buffer_getmem(lwres_buffer_t *b, unsigned char *base, unsigned int length); /**< * Copy 'length' bytes of memory from 'b' into 'base'. * * Requires: * 'b' is a valid buffer. * * 'base' points to at least 'length' bytes of valid memory. * * 'b' have at least 'length' bytes remaining. */ LWRES_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* LWRES_LWBUFFER_H */ PK> lwres/int.hnu[/* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ /* $Id: int.h,v 1.14 2007/06/19 23:47:23 tbox Exp $ */ #ifndef LWRES_INT_H #define LWRES_INT_H 1 /*! \file lwres/int.h */ typedef char lwres_int8_t; typedef unsigned char lwres_uint8_t; typedef short lwres_int16_t; typedef unsigned short lwres_uint16_t; typedef int lwres_int32_t; typedef unsigned int lwres_uint32_t; typedef long long lwres_int64_t; typedef unsigned long long lwres_uint64_t; #endif /* LWRES_INT_H */ PK header file for IPv6. */ #undef LWRES_PLATFORM_NEEDNETINETIN6H /* * Define if this system needs the header file for IPv6. */ #undef LWRES_PLATFORM_NEEDNETINET6IN6H /* * If sockaddrs on this system have an sa_len field, LWRES_PLATFORM_HAVESALEN * will be defined. */ #undef LWRES_PLATFORM_HAVESALEN /* * If this system has the IPv6 structure definitions, LWRES_PLATFORM_HAVEIPV6 * will be defined. */ #define LWRES_PLATFORM_HAVEIPV6 1 /* * If this system is missing in6addr_any, LWRES_PLATFORM_NEEDIN6ADDRANY will * be defined. */ #undef LWRES_PLATFORM_NEEDIN6ADDRANY /* * If this system is missing in6addr_loopback, * LWRES_PLATFORM_NEEDIN6ADDRLOOPBACK will be defined. */ #undef LWRES_PLATFORM_NEEDIN6ADDRLOOPBACK /* * If this system has in_addr6, rather than in6_addr, * LWRES_PLATFORM_HAVEINADDR6 will be defined. */ #undef LWRES_PLATFORM_HAVEINADDR6 /* * Defined if unistd.h does not cause fd_set to be delared. */ #undef LWRES_PLATFORM_NEEDSYSSELECTH /* * Used to control how extern data is linked; needed for Win32 platforms. */ #undef LWRES_PLATFORM_USEDECLSPEC /* * Defined this system needs vsnprintf() and snprintf(). */ #undef LWRES_PLATFORM_NEEDVSNPRINTF /* * If this system need a modern sprintf() that returns (int) not (char*). */ /* * The printf format string modifier to use with lwres_uint64_t values. */ #define LWRES_PLATFORM_QUADFORMAT "ll" /*! \brief * Define if this system needs strtoul. */ #undef LWRES_PLATFORM_NEEDSTRTOUL /*! \brief * Define if this system needs strlcpy. */ #define LWRES_PLATFORM_NEEDSTRLCPY 1 #ifndef LWRES_PLATFORM_USEDECLSPEC #define LIBLWRES_EXTERNAL_DATA #else #ifdef LIBLWRES_EXPORTS #define LIBLWRES_EXTERNAL_DATA __declspec(dllexport) #else #define LIBLWRES_EXTERNAL_DATA __declspec(dllimport) #endif #endif /* * Tell Emacs to use C mode on this file. * Local Variables: * mode: c * End: */ #endif /* LWRES_PLATFORM_H */ PK #include /*** *** Types. ***/ /*% in6_addr structure */ struct in6_addr { union { lwres_uint8_t _S6_u8[16]; lwres_uint16_t _S6_u16[8]; lwres_uint32_t _S6_u32[4]; } _S6_un; }; /*@{*/ /*% IP v6 types */ #define s6_addr _S6_un._S6_u8 #define s6_addr8 _S6_un._S6_u8 #define s6_addr16 _S6_un._S6_u16 #define s6_addr32 _S6_un._S6_u32 /*@}*/ #define IN6ADDR_ANY_INIT {{{ 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 }}} #define IN6ADDR_LOOPBACK_INIT {{{ 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1 }}} LIBLWRES_EXTERNAL_DATA extern const struct in6_addr in6addr_any; LIBLWRES_EXTERNAL_DATA extern const struct in6_addr in6addr_loopback; /*% used in getaddrinfo.c and getnameinfo.c */ struct sockaddr_in6 { #ifdef LWRES_PLATFORM_HAVESALEN lwres_uint8_t sin6_len; lwres_uint8_t sin6_family; #else lwres_uint16_t sin6_family; #endif lwres_uint16_t sin6_port; lwres_uint32_t sin6_flowinfo; struct in6_addr sin6_addr; lwres_uint32_t sin6_scope_id; }; #ifdef LWRES_PLATFORM_HAVESALEN #define SIN6_LEN 1 #endif /*% in6_pktinfo structure */ struct in6_pktinfo { struct in6_addr ipi6_addr; /*%< src/dst IPv6 address */ unsigned int ipi6_ifindex; /*%< send/recv interface index */ }; /*! * Unspecified IPv6 address */ #define IN6_IS_ADDR_UNSPECIFIED(a) \ (((a)->s6_addr32[0] == 0) && \ ((a)->s6_addr32[1] == 0) && \ ((a)->s6_addr32[2] == 0) && \ ((a)->s6_addr32[3] == 0)) /* * Loopback */ #define IN6_IS_ADDR_LOOPBACK(a) \ (((a)->s6_addr32[0] == 0) && \ ((a)->s6_addr32[1] == 0) && \ ((a)->s6_addr32[2] == 0) && \ ((a)->s6_addr32[3] == htonl(1))) /* * IPv4 compatible */ #define IN6_IS_ADDR_V4COMPAT(a) \ (((a)->s6_addr32[0] == 0) && \ ((a)->s6_addr32[1] == 0) && \ ((a)->s6_addr32[2] == 0) && \ ((a)->s6_addr32[3] != 0) && \ ((a)->s6_addr32[3] != htonl(1))) /* * Mapped */ #define IN6_IS_ADDR_V4MAPPED(a) \ (((a)->s6_addr32[0] == 0) && \ ((a)->s6_addr32[1] == 0) && \ ((a)->s6_addr32[2] == htonl(0x0000ffff))) #endif /* LWRES_IPV6_H */ PK #include #include #ifdef LWRES_PLATFORM_NEEDSTRLCPY #define strlcpy lwres_strlcpy #endif LWRES_LANG_BEGINDECLS size_t lwres_strlcpy(char *dst, const char *src, size_t size); LWRES_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif PKlink.prev = (void *)(-1); \ (elt)->link.next = (void *)(-1); \ } while (0) #define LWRES_LINK_LINKED(elt, link) \ ((void *)((elt)->link.prev) != (void *)(-1)) #define LWRES_LIST_HEAD(list) ((list).head) #define LWRES_LIST_TAIL(list) ((list).tail) #define LWRES_LIST_EMPTY(list) LWRES_TF((list).head == NULL) #define LWRES_LIST_PREPEND(list, elt, link) \ do { \ if ((list).head != NULL) \ (list).head->link.prev = (elt); \ else \ (list).tail = (elt); \ (elt)->link.prev = NULL; \ (elt)->link.next = (list).head; \ (list).head = (elt); \ } while (0) #define LWRES_LIST_APPEND(list, elt, link) \ do { \ if ((list).tail != NULL) \ (list).tail->link.next = (elt); \ else \ (list).head = (elt); \ (elt)->link.prev = (list).tail; \ (elt)->link.next = NULL; \ (list).tail = (elt); \ } while (0) #define LWRES_LIST_UNLINK(list, elt, link) \ do { \ if ((elt)->link.next != NULL) \ (elt)->link.next->link.prev = (elt)->link.prev; \ else \ (list).tail = (elt)->link.prev; \ if ((elt)->link.prev != NULL) \ (elt)->link.prev->link.next = (elt)->link.next; \ else \ (list).head = (elt)->link.next; \ (elt)->link.prev = (void *)(-1); \ (elt)->link.next = (void *)(-1); \ } while (0) #define LWRES_LIST_PREV(elt, link) ((elt)->link.prev) #define LWRES_LIST_NEXT(elt, link) ((elt)->link.next) #define LWRES_LIST_INSERTBEFORE(list, before, elt, link) \ do { \ if ((before)->link.prev == NULL) \ LWRES_LIST_PREPEND(list, elt, link); \ else { \ (elt)->link.prev = (before)->link.prev; \ (before)->link.prev = (elt); \ (elt)->link.prev->link.next = (elt); \ (elt)->link.next = (before); \ } \ } while (0) #define LWRES_LIST_INSERTAFTER(list, after, elt, link) \ do { \ if ((after)->link.next == NULL) \ LWRES_LIST_APPEND(list, elt, link); \ else { \ (elt)->link.next = (after)->link.next; \ (after)->link.next = (elt); \ (elt)->link.next->link.prev = (elt); \ (elt)->link.prev = (after); \ } \ } while (0) #define LWRES_LIST_APPENDLIST(list1, list2, link) \ do { \ if (LWRES_LIST_EMPTY(list1)) \ (list1) = (list2); \ else if (!LWRES_LIST_EMPTY(list2)) { \ (list1).tail->link.next = (list2).head; \ (list2).head->link.prev = (list1).tail; \ (list1).tail = (list2).tail; \ } \ (list2).head = NULL; \ (list2).tail = NULL; \ } while (0) #define LWRES_LIST_ENQUEUE(list, elt, link) LWRES_LIST_APPEND(list, elt, link) #define LWRES_LIST_DEQUEUE(list, elt, link) LWRES_LIST_UNLINK(list, elt, link) #endif /* LWRES_LIST_H */ PK /* Required for LWRES_PLATFORM_*. */ #include #include #include /* Contractual promise. */ #include #include #include #include /* Contractual promise. */ #include /* Contractual promise. */ #ifdef LWRES_PLATFORM_NEEDNETINETIN6H #include /* Required on UnixWare. */ #endif #ifdef LWRES_PLATFORM_NEEDNETINET6IN6H #include /* Required on BSD/OS for in6_pktinfo. */ #endif #include #include #ifndef LWRES_PLATFORM_HAVEIPV6 #include /* Contractual promise. */ #endif #ifdef LWRES_PLATFORM_HAVEINADDR6 #define in6_addr in_addr6 /* Required for pre RFC2133 implementations. */ #endif /*! * Required for some pre RFC2133 implementations. * IN6ADDR_ANY_INIT and IN6ADDR_LOOPBACK_INIT were added in * draft-ietf-ipngwg-bsd-api-04.txt or draft-ietf-ipngwg-bsd-api-05.txt. * If 's6_addr' is defined then assume that there is a union and three * levels otherwise assume two levels required. */ #ifndef IN6ADDR_ANY_INIT #ifdef s6_addr #define IN6ADDR_ANY_INIT { { { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 } } } #else #define IN6ADDR_ANY_INIT { { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 } } #endif #endif /*! * Initialize address loopback. See IN6ADDR_ANY_INIT */ #ifndef IN6ADDR_LOOPBACK_INIT #ifdef s6_addr #define IN6ADDR_LOOPBACK_INIT { { { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1 } } } #else #define IN6ADDR_LOOPBACK_INIT { { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1 } } #endif #endif /*% Used by AI_ALL */ #ifndef AF_INET6 #define AF_INET6 99 #endif /*% Used to return IPV6 address types. */ #ifndef PF_INET6 #define PF_INET6 AF_INET6 #endif /*% inaddr Loopback */ #ifndef INADDR_LOOPBACK #define INADDR_LOOPBACK 0x7f000001UL #endif LWRES_LANG_BEGINDECLS const char * lwres_net_ntop(int af, const void *src, char *dst, size_t size); int lwres_net_pton(int af, const char *src, void *dst); int lwres_net_aton(const char *cp, struct in_addr *addr); LWRES_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* LWRES_NET_H */ PK #include #include #include #include #include /*! \file lwres/lwres.h */ /*! * Design notes: * * Each opcode has two structures and three functions which operate on each * structure. For example, using the "no operation/ping" opcode as an * example: * *
  • lwres_nooprequest_t: * * lwres_nooprequest_render() takes a lwres_nooprequest_t and * and renders it into wire format, storing the allocated * buffer information in a passed-in buffer. When this buffer * is no longer needed, it must be freed by * lwres_context_freemem(). All other memory used by the * caller must be freed manually, including the * lwres_nooprequest_t passed in.

    * * lwres_nooprequest_parse() takes a wire format message and * breaks it out into a lwres_nooprequest_t. The structure * must be freed via lwres_nooprequest_free() when it is no longer * needed.

    * * lwres_nooprequest_free() releases into the lwres_context_t * any space allocated during parsing.
  • * *
  • lwres_noopresponse_t: * * The functions used are similar to the three used for * requests, just with different names.
* * Typically, the client will use request_render, response_parse, and * response_free, while the daemon will use request_parse, response_render, * and request_free. * * The basic flow of a typical client is: * * \li fill in a request_t, and call the render function. * * \li Transmit the buffer returned to the daemon. * * \li Wait for a response. * * \li When a response is received, parse it into a response_t. * * \li free the request buffer using lwres_context_freemem(). * * \li free the response structure and its associated buffer using * response_free(). */ #define LWRES_UDP_PORT 921 /*%< UDP Port Number */ #define LWRES_RECVLENGTH 16384 /*%< Maximum Packet Length */ #define LWRES_ADDR_MAXLEN 16 /*%< changing this breaks ABI */ #define LWRES_RESOLV_CONF "/etc/resolv.conf" /*%< Location of resolv.conf */ /*% DNSSEC is not required (input). Only relevant to rrset queries. */ #define LWRES_FLAG_TRUSTNOTREQUIRED 0x00000001U /*% The data was crypto-verified with DNSSEC (output). */ #define LWRES_FLAG_SECUREDATA 0x00000002U /*% no-op */ #define LWRES_OPCODE_NOOP 0x00000000U /*% lwres_nooprequest_t */ typedef struct { /* public */ lwres_uint16_t datalength; unsigned char *data; } lwres_nooprequest_t; /*% lwres_noopresponse_t */ typedef struct { /* public */ lwres_uint16_t datalength; unsigned char *data; } lwres_noopresponse_t; /*% get addresses by name */ #define LWRES_OPCODE_GETADDRSBYNAME 0x00010001U /*% lwres_addr_t */ typedef struct lwres_addr lwres_addr_t; /*% LWRES_LIST */ typedef LWRES_LIST(lwres_addr_t) lwres_addrlist_t; /*% lwres_addr */ struct lwres_addr { lwres_uint32_t family; lwres_uint16_t length; unsigned char address[LWRES_ADDR_MAXLEN]; lwres_uint32_t zone; LWRES_LINK(lwres_addr_t) link; }; /*% lwres_gabnrequest_t */ typedef struct { /* public */ lwres_uint32_t flags; lwres_uint32_t addrtypes; lwres_uint16_t namelen; char *name; } lwres_gabnrequest_t; /*% lwres_gabnresponse_t */ typedef struct { /* public */ lwres_uint32_t flags; lwres_uint16_t naliases; lwres_uint16_t naddrs; char *realname; char **aliases; lwres_uint16_t realnamelen; lwres_uint16_t *aliaslen; lwres_addrlist_t addrs; /*! if base != NULL, it will be freed when this structure is freed. */ void *base; size_t baselen; } lwres_gabnresponse_t; /*% get name by address */ #define LWRES_OPCODE_GETNAMEBYADDR 0x00010002U /*% lwres_gnbarequest_t */ typedef struct { /* public */ lwres_uint32_t flags; lwres_addr_t addr; } lwres_gnbarequest_t; /*% lwres_gnbaresponse_t */ typedef struct { /* public */ lwres_uint32_t flags; lwres_uint16_t naliases; char *realname; char **aliases; lwres_uint16_t realnamelen; lwres_uint16_t *aliaslen; /*! if base != NULL, it will be freed when this structure is freed. */ void *base; size_t baselen; } lwres_gnbaresponse_t; /*% get rdata by name */ #define LWRES_OPCODE_GETRDATABYNAME 0x00010003U /*% lwres_grbnrequest_t */ typedef struct { /* public */ lwres_uint32_t flags; lwres_uint16_t rdclass; lwres_uint16_t rdtype; lwres_uint16_t namelen; char *name; } lwres_grbnrequest_t; /*% lwres_grbnresponse_t */ typedef struct { /* public */ lwres_uint32_t flags; lwres_uint16_t rdclass; lwres_uint16_t rdtype; lwres_uint32_t ttl; lwres_uint16_t nrdatas; lwres_uint16_t nsigs; char *realname; lwres_uint16_t realnamelen; unsigned char **rdatas; lwres_uint16_t *rdatalen; unsigned char **sigs; lwres_uint16_t *siglen; /*% if base != NULL, it will be freed when this structure is freed. */ void *base; size_t baselen; } lwres_grbnresponse_t; /*% Used by lwres_getrrsetbyname() */ #define LWRDATA_VALIDATED 0x00000001 /*! * resolv.conf data */ #define LWRES_CONFMAXNAMESERVERS 3 /*%< max 3 "nameserver" entries */ #define LWRES_CONFMAXLWSERVERS 1 /*%< max 1 "lwserver" entry */ #define LWRES_CONFMAXSEARCH 8 /*%< max 8 domains in "search" entry */ #define LWRES_CONFMAXLINELEN 256 /*%< max size of a line */ #define LWRES_CONFMAXSORTLIST 10 /*%< max 10 */ /*% lwres_conf_t */ typedef struct { lwres_context_t *lwctx; lwres_addr_t nameservers[LWRES_CONFMAXNAMESERVERS]; lwres_uint8_t nsnext; /*%< index for next free slot */ lwres_addr_t lwservers[LWRES_CONFMAXLWSERVERS]; lwres_uint8_t lwnext; /*%< index for next free slot */ char *domainname; char *search[LWRES_CONFMAXSEARCH]; lwres_uint8_t searchnxt; /*%< index for next free slot */ struct { lwres_addr_t addr; /*% mask has a non-zero 'family' and 'length' if set */ lwres_addr_t mask; } sortlist[LWRES_CONFMAXSORTLIST]; lwres_uint8_t sortlistnxt; lwres_uint8_t resdebug; /*%< non-zero if 'options debug' set */ lwres_uint8_t ndots; /*%< set to n in 'options ndots:n' */ lwres_uint8_t no_tld_query; /*%< non-zero if 'options no_tld_query' */ lwres_int32_t attempts; /*%< set to n in 'options attempts:n' */ lwres_int32_t timeout; /*%< set to n in 'options timeout:n' */ } lwres_conf_t; #define LWRES_ADDRTYPE_V4 0x00000001U /*%< ipv4 */ #define LWRES_ADDRTYPE_V6 0x00000002U /*%< ipv6 */ #define LWRES_MAX_ALIASES 16 /*%< max # of aliases */ #define LWRES_MAX_ADDRS 64 /*%< max # of addrs */ LWRES_LANG_BEGINDECLS /*% This is in host byte order. */ LIBLWRES_EXTERNAL_DATA extern lwres_uint16_t lwres_udp_port; LIBLWRES_EXTERNAL_DATA extern const char *lwres_resolv_conf; lwres_result_t lwres_gabnrequest_render(lwres_context_t *ctx, lwres_gabnrequest_t *req, lwres_lwpacket_t *pkt, lwres_buffer_t *b); lwres_result_t lwres_gabnresponse_render(lwres_context_t *ctx, lwres_gabnresponse_t *req, lwres_lwpacket_t *pkt, lwres_buffer_t *b); lwres_result_t lwres_gabnrequest_parse(lwres_context_t *ctx, lwres_buffer_t *b, lwres_lwpacket_t *pkt, lwres_gabnrequest_t **structp); lwres_result_t lwres_gabnresponse_parse(lwres_context_t *ctx, lwres_buffer_t *b, lwres_lwpacket_t *pkt, lwres_gabnresponse_t **structp); void lwres_gabnrequest_free(lwres_context_t *ctx, lwres_gabnrequest_t **structp); /**< * Frees any dynamically allocated memory for this structure. * * Requires: * * ctx != NULL, and be a context returned via lwres_context_create(). * * structp != NULL && *structp != NULL. * * Ensures: * * *structp == NULL. * * All memory allocated by this structure will be returned to the * system via the context's free function. */ void lwres_gabnresponse_free(lwres_context_t *ctx, lwres_gabnresponse_t **structp); /**< * Frees any dynamically allocated memory for this structure. * * Requires: * * ctx != NULL, and be a context returned via lwres_context_create(). * * structp != NULL && *structp != NULL. * * Ensures: * * *structp == NULL. * * All memory allocated by this structure will be returned to the * system via the context's free function. */ lwres_result_t lwres_gnbarequest_render(lwres_context_t *ctx, lwres_gnbarequest_t *req, lwres_lwpacket_t *pkt, lwres_buffer_t *b); lwres_result_t lwres_gnbaresponse_render(lwres_context_t *ctx, lwres_gnbaresponse_t *req, lwres_lwpacket_t *pkt, lwres_buffer_t *b); lwres_result_t lwres_gnbarequest_parse(lwres_context_t *ctx, lwres_buffer_t *b, lwres_lwpacket_t *pkt, lwres_gnbarequest_t **structp); lwres_result_t lwres_gnbaresponse_parse(lwres_context_t *ctx, lwres_buffer_t *b, lwres_lwpacket_t *pkt, lwres_gnbaresponse_t **structp); void lwres_gnbarequest_free(lwres_context_t *ctx, lwres_gnbarequest_t **structp); /**< * Frees any dynamically allocated memory for this structure. * * Requires: * * ctx != NULL, and be a context returned via lwres_context_create(). * * structp != NULL && *structp != NULL. * * Ensures: * * *structp == NULL. * * All memory allocated by this structure will be returned to the * system via the context's free function. */ void lwres_gnbaresponse_free(lwres_context_t *ctx, lwres_gnbaresponse_t **structp); /**< * Frees any dynamically allocated memory for this structure. * * Requires: * * ctx != NULL, and be a context returned via lwres_context_create(). * * structp != NULL && *structp != NULL. * * Ensures: * * *structp == NULL. * * All memory allocated by this structure will be returned to the * system via the context's free function. */ lwres_result_t lwres_grbnrequest_render(lwres_context_t *ctx, lwres_grbnrequest_t *req, lwres_lwpacket_t *pkt, lwres_buffer_t *b); lwres_result_t lwres_grbnresponse_render(lwres_context_t *ctx, lwres_grbnresponse_t *req, lwres_lwpacket_t *pkt, lwres_buffer_t *b); lwres_result_t lwres_grbnrequest_parse(lwres_context_t *ctx, lwres_buffer_t *b, lwres_lwpacket_t *pkt, lwres_grbnrequest_t **structp); lwres_result_t lwres_grbnresponse_parse(lwres_context_t *ctx, lwres_buffer_t *b, lwres_lwpacket_t *pkt, lwres_grbnresponse_t **structp); void lwres_grbnrequest_free(lwres_context_t *ctx, lwres_grbnrequest_t **structp); /**< * Frees any dynamically allocated memory for this structure. * * Requires: * * ctx != NULL, and be a context returned via lwres_context_create(). * * structp != NULL && *structp != NULL. * * Ensures: * * *structp == NULL. * * All memory allocated by this structure will be returned to the * system via the context's free function. */ void lwres_grbnresponse_free(lwres_context_t *ctx, lwres_grbnresponse_t **structp); /**< * Frees any dynamically allocated memory for this structure. * * Requires: * * ctx != NULL, and be a context returned via lwres_context_create(). * * structp != NULL && *structp != NULL. * * Ensures: * * *structp == NULL. * * All memory allocated by this structure will be returned to the * system via the context's free function. */ lwres_result_t lwres_nooprequest_render(lwres_context_t *ctx, lwres_nooprequest_t *req, lwres_lwpacket_t *pkt, lwres_buffer_t *b); /**< * Allocate space and render into wire format a noop request packet. * * Requires: * * ctx != NULL, and be a context returned via lwres_context_create(). * * b != NULL, and points to a lwres_buffer_t. The contents of the * buffer structure will be initialized to contain the wire-format * noop request packet. * * Caller needs to fill in parts of "pkt" before calling: * serial, maxrecv, result. * * Returns: * * Returns 0 on success, non-zero on failure. * * On successful return, *b will contain data about the wire-format * packet. It can be transmitted in any way, including lwres_sendblock(). */ lwres_result_t lwres_noopresponse_render(lwres_context_t *ctx, lwres_noopresponse_t *req, lwres_lwpacket_t *pkt, lwres_buffer_t *b); lwres_result_t lwres_nooprequest_parse(lwres_context_t *ctx, lwres_buffer_t *b, lwres_lwpacket_t *pkt, lwres_nooprequest_t **structp); /**< * Parse a noop request. Note that to get here, the lwpacket must have * already been parsed and removed by the caller, otherwise it would be * pretty hard for it to know this is the right function to call. * * The function verifies bits of the header, but does not modify it. */ lwres_result_t lwres_noopresponse_parse(lwres_context_t *ctx, lwres_buffer_t *b, lwres_lwpacket_t *pkt, lwres_noopresponse_t **structp); void lwres_nooprequest_free(lwres_context_t *ctx, lwres_nooprequest_t **structp); void lwres_noopresponse_free(lwres_context_t *ctx, lwres_noopresponse_t **structp); /**< * Frees any dynamically allocated memory for this structure. * * Requires: * * ctx != NULL, and be a context returned via lwres_context_create(). * * structp != NULL && *structp != NULL. * * Ensures: * * *structp == NULL. * * All memory allocated by this structure will be returned to the * system via the context's free function. */ lwres_result_t lwres_conf_parse(lwres_context_t *ctx, const char *filename); /**< * parses a resolv.conf-format file and stores the results in the structure * pointed to by *ctx. * * Requires: * ctx != NULL * filename != NULL && strlen(filename) > 0 * * Returns: * LWRES_R_SUCCESS on a successful parse. * Anything else on error, although the structure may be partially filled * in. */ lwres_result_t lwres_conf_print(lwres_context_t *ctx, FILE *fp); /**< * Prints a resolv.conf-format of confdata output to fp. * * Requires: * ctx != NULL */ void lwres_conf_init(lwres_context_t *ctx); /**< * sets all internal fields to a default state. Used to initialize a new * lwres_conf_t structure (not reset a used on). * * Requires: * ctx != NULL */ void lwres_conf_clear(lwres_context_t *ctx); /**< * frees all internally allocated memory in confdata. Uses the memory * routines supplied by ctx. * * Requires: * ctx != NULL */ lwres_conf_t * lwres_conf_get(lwres_context_t *ctx); /**< * Be extremely cautions in modifying the contents of this structure; it * needs an API to return the various bits of data, walk lists, etc. * * Requires: * ctx != NULL */ /* * Helper functions */ lwres_result_t lwres_data_parse(lwres_buffer_t *b, unsigned char **p, lwres_uint16_t *len); lwres_result_t lwres_string_parse(lwres_buffer_t *b, char **c, lwres_uint16_t *len); lwres_result_t lwres_addr_parse(lwres_buffer_t *b, lwres_addr_t *addr); lwres_result_t lwres_getaddrsbyname(lwres_context_t *ctx, const char *name, lwres_uint32_t addrtypes, lwres_gabnresponse_t **structp); lwres_result_t lwres_getnamebyaddr(lwres_context_t *ctx, lwres_uint32_t addrtype, lwres_uint16_t addrlen, const unsigned char *addr, lwres_gnbaresponse_t **structp); lwres_result_t lwres_getrdatabyname(lwres_context_t *ctx, const char *name, lwres_uint16_t rdclass, lwres_uint16_t rdtype, lwres_uint32_t flags, lwres_grbnresponse_t **structp); LWRES_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* LWRES_LWRES_H */ PK /* Required on FreeBSD (and others?) for size_t. */ #include /* Contractual provision. */ #include /* * Define if does not declare struct addrinfo. */ #undef ISC_LWRES_NEEDADDRINFO #ifdef ISC_LWRES_NEEDADDRINFO struct addrinfo { int ai_flags; /* AI_PASSIVE, AI_CANONNAME */ int ai_family; /* PF_xxx */ int ai_socktype; /* SOCK_xxx */ int ai_protocol; /* 0 or IPPROTO_xxx for IPv4 and IPv6 */ size_t ai_addrlen; /* Length of ai_addr */ char *ai_canonname; /* Canonical name for hostname */ struct sockaddr *ai_addr; /* Binary address */ struct addrinfo *ai_next; /* Next structure in linked list */ }; #endif /* * Undefine all #defines we are interested in as may or may not have * defined them. */ /* * Error return codes from gethostbyname() and gethostbyaddr() * (left in extern int h_errno). */ #undef NETDB_INTERNAL #undef NETDB_SUCCESS #undef HOST_NOT_FOUND #undef TRY_AGAIN #undef NO_RECOVERY #undef NO_DATA #undef NO_ADDRESS #define NETDB_INTERNAL -1 /* see errno */ #define NETDB_SUCCESS 0 /* no problem */ #define HOST_NOT_FOUND 1 /* Authoritative Answer Host not found */ #define TRY_AGAIN 2 /* Non-Authoritative Host not found, or SERVERFAIL */ #define NO_RECOVERY 3 /* Non recoverable errors, FORMERR, REFUSED, NOTIMP */ #define NO_DATA 4 /* Valid name, no data record of requested type */ #define NO_ADDRESS NO_DATA /* no address, look for MX record */ /* * Error return codes from getaddrinfo() */ #undef EAI_ADDRFAMILY #undef EAI_AGAIN #undef EAI_BADFLAGS #undef EAI_FAIL #undef EAI_FAMILY #undef EAI_MEMORY #undef EAI_NODATA #undef EAI_NONAME #undef EAI_SERVICE #undef EAI_SOCKTYPE #undef EAI_SYSTEM #undef EAI_BADHINTS #undef EAI_PROTOCOL #undef EAI_OVERFLOW #undef EAI_MAX #define EAI_ADDRFAMILY 1 /* address family for hostname not supported */ #define EAI_AGAIN 2 /* temporary failure in name resolution */ #define EAI_BADFLAGS 3 /* invalid value for ai_flags */ #define EAI_FAIL 4 /* non-recoverable failure in name resolution */ #define EAI_FAMILY 5 /* ai_family not supported */ #define EAI_MEMORY 6 /* memory allocation failure */ #define EAI_NODATA 7 /* no address associated with hostname */ #define EAI_NONAME 8 /* hostname nor servname provided, or not known */ #define EAI_SERVICE 9 /* servname not supported for ai_socktype */ #define EAI_SOCKTYPE 10 /* ai_socktype not supported */ #define EAI_SYSTEM 11 /* system error returned in errno */ #define EAI_BADHINTS 12 #define EAI_PROTOCOL 13 #define EAI_OVERFLOW 14 #define EAI_MAX 15 /* * Flag values for getaddrinfo() */ #undef AI_PASSIVE #undef AI_CANONNAME #undef AI_NUMERICHOST #define AI_PASSIVE 0x00000001 #define AI_CANONNAME 0x00000002 #define AI_NUMERICHOST 0x00000004 /* * Flag values for getipnodebyname() */ #undef AI_V4MAPPED #undef AI_ALL #undef AI_ADDRCONFIG #undef AI_DEFAULT #define AI_V4MAPPED 0x00000008 #define AI_ALL 0x00000010 #define AI_ADDRCONFIG 0x00000020 #define AI_DEFAULT (AI_V4MAPPED|AI_ADDRCONFIG) /* * Constants for lwres_getnameinfo() */ #undef NI_MAXHOST #undef NI_MAXSERV #define NI_MAXHOST 1025 #define NI_MAXSERV 32 /* * Flag values for lwres_getnameinfo() */ #undef NI_NOFQDN #undef NI_NUMERICHOST #undef NI_NAMEREQD #undef NI_NUMERICSERV #undef NI_DGRAM #undef NI_NUMERICSCOPE #define NI_NOFQDN 0x00000001 #define NI_NUMERICHOST 0x00000002 #define NI_NAMEREQD 0x00000004 #define NI_NUMERICSERV 0x00000008 #define NI_DGRAM 0x00000010 #define NI_NUMERICSCOPE 0x00000020 /*2553bis-00*/ /* * Define if does not declare struct rrsetinfo. */ #define ISC_LWRES_NEEDRRSETINFO 1 #ifdef ISC_LWRES_NEEDRRSETINFO /* * Structures for getrrsetbyname() */ struct rdatainfo { unsigned int rdi_length; unsigned char *rdi_data; }; struct rrsetinfo { unsigned int rri_flags; int rri_rdclass; int rri_rdtype; unsigned int rri_ttl; unsigned int rri_nrdatas; unsigned int rri_nsigs; char *rri_name; struct rdatainfo *rri_rdatas; struct rdatainfo *rri_sigs; }; /* * Flags for getrrsetbyname() */ #define RRSET_VALIDATED 0x00000001 /* Set was dnssec validated */ /* * Return codes for getrrsetbyname() */ #define ERRSET_SUCCESS 0 #define ERRSET_NOMEMORY 1 #define ERRSET_FAIL 2 #define ERRSET_INVAL 3 #define ERRSET_NONAME 4 #define ERRSET_NODATA 5 #endif /* * Define to map into lwres_ namespace. */ #define LWRES_NAMESPACE #ifdef LWRES_NAMESPACE /* * Use our versions not the ones from the C library. */ #ifdef getnameinfo #undef getnameinfo #endif #define getnameinfo lwres_getnameinfo #ifdef getaddrinfo #undef getaddrinfo #endif #define getaddrinfo lwres_getaddrinfo #ifdef freeaddrinfo #undef freeaddrinfo #endif #define freeaddrinfo lwres_freeaddrinfo #ifdef gai_strerror #undef gai_strerror #endif #define gai_strerror lwres_gai_strerror #ifdef herror #undef herror #endif #define herror lwres_herror #ifdef hstrerror #undef hstrerror #endif #define hstrerror lwres_hstrerror #ifdef getipnodebyname #undef getipnodebyname #endif #define getipnodebyname lwres_getipnodebyname #ifdef getipnodebyaddr #undef getipnodebyaddr #endif #define getipnodebyaddr lwres_getipnodebyaddr #ifdef freehostent #undef freehostent #endif #define freehostent lwres_freehostent #ifdef gethostbyname #undef gethostbyname #endif #define gethostbyname lwres_gethostbyname #ifdef gethostbyname2 #undef gethostbyname2 #endif #define gethostbyname2 lwres_gethostbyname2 #ifdef gethostbyaddr #undef gethostbyaddr #endif #define gethostbyaddr lwres_gethostbyaddr #ifdef gethostent #undef gethostent #endif #define gethostent lwres_gethostent #ifdef sethostent #undef sethostent #endif #define sethostent lwres_sethostent #ifdef endhostent #undef endhostent #endif #define endhostent lwres_endhostent /* #define sethostfile lwres_sethostfile */ #ifdef gethostbyname_r #undef gethostbyname_r #endif #define gethostbyname_r lwres_gethostbyname_r #ifdef gethostbyaddr_r #undef gethostbyaddr_r #endif #define gethostbyaddr_r lwres_gethostbyaddr_r #ifdef gethostent_r #undef gethostent_r #endif #define gethostent_r lwres_gethostent_r #ifdef sethostent_r #undef sethostent_r #endif #define sethostent_r lwres_sethostent_r #ifdef endhostent_r #undef endhostent_r #endif #define endhostent_r lwres_endhostent_r #ifdef getrrsetbyname #undef getrrsetbyname #endif #define getrrsetbyname lwres_getrrsetbyname #ifdef freerrset #undef freerrset #endif #define freerrset lwres_freerrset #ifdef notyet #define getservbyname lwres_getservbyname #define getservbyport lwres_getservbyport #define getservent lwres_getservent #define setservent lwres_setservent #define endservent lwres_endservent #define getservbyname_r lwres_getservbyname_r #define getservbyport_r lwres_getservbyport_r #define getservent_r lwres_getservent_r #define setservent_r lwres_setservent_r #define endservent_r lwres_endservent_r #define getprotobyname lwres_getprotobyname #define getprotobynumber lwres_getprotobynumber #define getprotoent lwres_getprotoent #define setprotoent lwres_setprotoent #define endprotoent lwres_endprotoent #define getprotobyname_r lwres_getprotobyname_r #define getprotobynumber_r lwres_getprotobynumber_r #define getprotoent_r lwres_getprotoent_r #define setprotoent_r lwres_setprotoent_r #define endprotoent_r lwres_endprotoent_r #ifdef getnetbyname #undef getnetbyname #endif #define getnetbyname lwres_getnetbyname #ifdef getnetbyaddr #undef getnetbyaddr #endif #define getnetbyaddr lwres_getnetbyaddr #ifdef getnetent #undef getnetent #endif #define getnetent lwres_getnetent #ifdef setnetent #undef setnetent #endif #define setnetent lwres_setnetent #ifdef endnetent #undef endnetent #endif #define endnetent lwres_endnetent #ifdef getnetbyname_r #undef getnetbyname_r #endif #define getnetbyname_r lwres_getnetbyname_r #ifdef getnetbyaddr_r #undef getnetbyaddr_r #endif #define getnetbyaddr_r lwres_getnetbyaddr_r #ifdef getnetent_r #undef getnetent_r #endif #define getnetent_r lwres_getnetent_r #ifdef setnetent_r #undef setnetent_r #endif #define setnetent_r lwres_setnetent_r #ifdef endnetent_r #undef endnetent_r #endif #define endnetent_r lwres_endnetent_r #endif /* notyet */ #ifdef h_errno #undef h_errno #endif #define h_errno lwres_h_errno #endif /* LWRES_NAMESPACE */ LWRES_LANG_BEGINDECLS extern int lwres_h_errno; int lwres_getaddrinfo(const char *, const char *, const struct addrinfo *, struct addrinfo **); int lwres_getnameinfo(const struct sockaddr *, size_t, char *, size_t, char *, size_t, int); void lwres_freeaddrinfo(struct addrinfo *); char *lwres_gai_strerror(int); struct hostent *lwres_gethostbyaddr(const char *, int, int); struct hostent *lwres_gethostbyname(const char *); struct hostent *lwres_gethostbyname2(const char *, int); struct hostent *lwres_gethostent(void); struct hostent *lwres_getipnodebyname(const char *, int, int, int *); struct hostent *lwres_getipnodebyaddr(const void *, size_t, int, int *); void lwres_endhostent(void); void lwres_sethostent(int); /* void lwres_sethostfile(const char *); */ void lwres_freehostent(struct hostent *); int lwres_getrrsetbyname(const char *, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, struct rrsetinfo **); void lwres_freerrset(struct rrsetinfo *); #ifdef notyet struct netent *lwres_getnetbyaddr(unsigned long, int); struct netent *lwres_getnetbyname(const char *); struct netent *lwres_getnetent(void); void lwres_endnetent(void); void lwres_setnetent(int); struct protoent *lwres_getprotobyname(const char *); struct protoent *lwres_getprotobynumber(int); struct protoent *lwres_getprotoent(void); void lwres_endprotoent(void); void lwres_setprotoent(int); struct servent *lwres_getservbyname(const char *, const char *); struct servent *lwres_getservbyport(int, const char *); struct servent *lwres_getservent(void); void lwres_endservent(void); void lwres_setservent(int); #endif /* notyet */ void lwres_herror(const char *); const char *lwres_hstrerror(int); struct hostent *lwres_gethostbyaddr_r(const char *, int, int, struct hostent *, char *, int, int *); struct hostent *lwres_gethostbyname_r(const char *, struct hostent *, char *, int, int *); struct hostent *lwres_gethostent_r(struct hostent *, char *, int, int *); void lwres_sethostent_r(int); void lwres_endhostent_r(void); #ifdef notyet struct netent *lwres_getnetbyname_r(const char *, struct netent *, char *, int); struct netent *lwres_getnetbyaddr_r(long, int, struct netent *, char *, int); struct netent *lwres_getnetent_r(struct netent *, char *, int); void lwres_setnetent_r(int); void lwres_endnetent_r(void); struct protoent *lwres_getprotobyname_r(const char *, struct protoent *, char *, int); struct protoent *lwres_getprotobynumber_r(int, struct protoent *, char *, int); struct protoent *lwres_getprotoent_r(struct protoent *, char *, int); void lwres_setprotoent_r(int); void lwres_endprotoent_r(void); struct servent *lwres_getservbyname_r(const char *name, const char *, struct servent *, char *, int); struct servent *lwres_getservbyport_r(int port, const char *, struct servent *, char *, int); struct servent *lwres_getservent_r(struct servent *, char *, int); void lwres_setservent_r(int); void lwres_endservent_r(void); #endif /* notyet */ LWRES_LANG_ENDDECLS #ifdef notyet /* This is nec'y to make this include file properly replace the sun version. */ #ifdef sun #ifdef __GNU_LIBRARY__ #include /* Required. */ #else /* !__GNU_LIBRARY__ */ struct rpcent { char *r_name; /* name of server for this rpc program */ char **r_aliases; /* alias list */ int r_number; /* rpc program number */ }; struct rpcent *lwres_getrpcbyname(); struct rpcent *lwres_getrpcbynumber(), struct rpcent *lwres_getrpcent(); #endif /* __GNU_LIBRARY__ */ #endif /* sun */ #endif /* notyet */ /* * Tell Emacs to use C mode on this file. * Local variables: * mode: c * End: */ #endif /* LWRES_NETDB_H */ PK #include #include /*% lwres_lwpacket_t */ typedef struct lwres_lwpacket lwres_lwpacket_t; /*% lwres_lwpacket structure */ struct lwres_lwpacket { /*! The overall packet length, including the * entire packet header. * This field is filled in by the * \link lwres_gabn.c lwres_gabn_*()\endlink * and \link lwres_gnba.c lwres_gnba_*()\endlink calls. */ lwres_uint32_t length; /*! Specifies the header format. Currently, * there is only one format, #LWRES_LWPACKETVERSION_0. * This field is filled in by the * \link lwres_gabn.c lwres_gabn_*()\endlink * and \link lwres_gnba.c lwres_gnba_*()\endlink calls. */ lwres_uint16_t version; /*! Specifies library-defined flags for this packet, such as * whether the packet is a request or a reply. None of * these are definable by the caller, but library-defined values * can be set by the caller. For example, one bit in this field * indicates if the packet is a request or a response. * This field is filled in by * the application wits the exception of the * #LWRES_LWPACKETFLAG_RESPONSE bit, which is set by the library * in the * \link lwres_gabn.c lwres_gabn_*()\endlink * and \link lwres_gnba.c lwres_gnba_*()\endlink calls. */ lwres_uint16_t pktflags; /*! Set by the requestor and is returned in all replies. * If two packets from the same source have the same serial * number and are from the same source, they are assumed to * be duplicates and the latter ones may be dropped. * (The library does not do this by default on replies, but * does so on requests.) */ lwres_uint32_t serial; /*! Opcodes between 0x04000000 and 0xffffffff * are application defined. Opcodes between * 0x00000000 and 0x03ffffff are * reserved for library use. * This field is filled in by the * \link lwres_gabn.c lwres_gabn_*()\endlink * and \link lwres_gnba.c lwres_gnba_*()\endlink calls. */ lwres_uint32_t opcode; /*! Only valid for results. * Results between 0x04000000 and 0xffffffff are application * defined. * Results between 0x00000000 and 0x03ffffff are reserved for * library use. * (This is the same reserved range defined in , * so it * would be trivial to map ISC_R_* result codes into packet result * codes when appropriate.) * This field is filled in by the * \link lwres_gabn.c lwres_gabn_*()\endlink * and \link lwres_gnba.c lwres_gnba_*()\endlink calls. */ lwres_uint32_t result; /*! Set to the maximum buffer size that the receiver can * handle on requests, and the size of the buffer needed to * satisfy a request * when the buffer is too large for replies. * This field is supplied by the application. */ lwres_uint32_t recvlength; /*! The packet level auth type used. * Authtypes between 0x1000 and 0xffff are application defined. * Authtypes * between 0x0000 and 0x0fff are reserved for library use. * This is currently * unused and MUST be set to zero. */ lwres_uint16_t authtype; /*! The length of the authentication data. * See the specific * authtypes for more information on what is contained * in this field. This is currently unused, and * MUST be set to zero. */ lwres_uint16_t authlength; }; #define LWRES_LWPACKET_LENGTH (4 * 5 + 2 * 4) /*%< Overall length. */ #define LWRES_LWPACKETFLAG_RESPONSE 0x0001U /*%< If set, pkt is a response. */ #define LWRES_LWPACKETVERSION_0 0 /*%< Header format. */ /*! \file lwres/lwpacket.h * * * The remainder of the packet consists of two regions, one described by * "authlen" and one of "length - authlen - sizeof(lwres_lwpacket_t)". * * That is: * * \code * pkt header * authlen bytes of auth information * data bytes * \endcode * * Currently defined opcodes: * *\li #LWRES_OPCODE_NOOP. Success is always returned, with the packet contents echoed. * *\li #LWRES_OPCODE_GETADDRSBYNAME. Return all known addresses for a given name. * This may return NIS or /etc/hosts info as well as DNS * information. Flags will be provided to indicate ip4/ip6 * addresses are desired. * *\li #LWRES_OPCODE_GETNAMEBYADDR. Return the hostname for the given address. Once * again, it will return data from multiple sources. */ LWRES_LANG_BEGINDECLS /* XXXMLG document */ lwres_result_t lwres_lwpacket_renderheader(lwres_buffer_t *b, lwres_lwpacket_t *pkt); lwres_result_t lwres_lwpacket_parseheader(lwres_buffer_t *b, lwres_lwpacket_t *pkt); LWRES_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* LWRES_LWPACKET_H */ PK #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /***** ***** Types *****/ #define DNS_CLIENTINFO_VERSION 2 typedef struct dns_clientinfo { isc_uint16_t version; void *data; void *dbversion; } dns_clientinfo_t; typedef isc_result_t (*dns_clientinfo_sourceip_t)(dns_clientinfo_t *client, isc_sockaddr_t **addrp); #define DNS_CLIENTINFOMETHODS_VERSION 1 #define DNS_CLIENTINFOMETHODS_AGE 0 typedef struct dns_clientinfomethods { isc_uint16_t version; isc_uint16_t age; dns_clientinfo_sourceip_t sourceip; } dns_clientinfomethods_t; /***** ***** Methods *****/ void dns_clientinfomethods_init(dns_clientinfomethods_t *methods, dns_clientinfo_sourceip_t sourceip); void dns_clientinfo_init(dns_clientinfo_t *ci, void *data, void *versionp); ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_CLIENTINFO_H */ PK LIBDNS_EXTERNAL_DATA extern const char dns_version[]; LIBDNS_EXTERNAL_DATA extern const char dns_major[]; LIBDNS_EXTERNAL_DATA extern const char dns_mapapi[]; LIBDNS_EXTERNAL_DATA extern const unsigned int dns_libinterface; LIBDNS_EXTERNAL_DATA extern const unsigned int dns_librevision; LIBDNS_EXTERNAL_DATA extern const unsigned int dns_libage; #endif /* DNS_VERSION_H */ PK #include #include #define DNS_NSEC_BUFFERSIZE (DNS_NAME_MAXWIRE + 8192 + 512) ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS isc_result_t dns_nsec_buildrdata(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t *version, dns_dbnode_t *node, dns_name_t *target, unsigned char *buffer, dns_rdata_t *rdata); /*%< * Build the rdata of a NSEC record. * * Requires: *\li buffer Points to a temporary buffer of at least * DNS_NSEC_BUFFERSIZE bytes. *\li rdata Points to an initialized dns_rdata_t. * * Ensures: * \li *rdata Contains a valid NSEC rdata. The 'data' member refers * to 'buffer'. */ isc_result_t dns_nsec_build(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t *version, dns_dbnode_t *node, dns_name_t *target, dns_ttl_t ttl); /*%< * Build a NSEC record and add it to a database. */ isc_boolean_t dns_nsec_typepresent(dns_rdata_t *nsec, dns_rdatatype_t type); /*%< * Determine if a type is marked as present in an NSEC record. * * Requires: *\li 'nsec' points to a valid rdataset of type NSEC */ isc_result_t dns_nsec_nseconly(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t *version, isc_boolean_t *answer); /* * Report whether the DNSKEY RRset has a NSEC only algorithm. Unknown * algorithms are assumed to support NSEC3. If DNSKEY is not found, * *answer is set to ISC_FALSE, and ISC_R_NOTFOUND is returned. * * Requires: * 'answer' to be non NULL. */ unsigned int dns_nsec_compressbitmap(unsigned char *map, const unsigned char *raw, unsigned int max_type); /*%< * Convert a raw bitmap into a compressed windowed bit map. 'map' and 'raw' * may overlap. * * Returns the length of the compressed windowed bit map. */ void dns_nsec_setbit(unsigned char *array, unsigned int type, unsigned int bit); /*%< * Set type bit in raw 'array' to 'bit'. */ isc_boolean_t dns_nsec_isset(const unsigned char *array, unsigned int type); /*%< * Test if the corresponding 'type' bit is set in 'array'. */ isc_result_t dns_nsec_noexistnodata(dns_rdatatype_t type, dns_name_t *name, dns_name_t *nsecname, dns_rdataset_t *nsecset, isc_boolean_t *exists, isc_boolean_t *data, dns_name_t *wild, dns_nseclog_t log, void *arg); /*% * Return ISC_R_SUCCESS if we can determine that the name doesn't exist * or we can determine whether there is data or not at the name. * If the name does not exist return the wildcard name. * * Return ISC_R_IGNORE when the NSEC is not the appropriate one. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_NSEC_H */ PK #include typedef struct dns_acache dns_acache_t; typedef struct dns_acacheentry dns_acacheentry_t; typedef struct dns_acachestats dns_acachestats_t; typedef struct dns_acl dns_acl_t; typedef struct dns_aclelement dns_aclelement_t; typedef struct dns_aclenv dns_aclenv_t; typedef struct dns_adb dns_adb_t; typedef struct dns_adbaddrinfo dns_adbaddrinfo_t; typedef ISC_LIST(dns_adbaddrinfo_t) dns_adbaddrinfolist_t; typedef struct dns_adbentry dns_adbentry_t; typedef struct dns_adbfind dns_adbfind_t; typedef ISC_LIST(dns_adbfind_t) dns_adbfindlist_t; typedef struct dns_badcache dns_badcache_t; typedef struct dns_byaddr dns_byaddr_t; typedef struct dns_catz_zonemodmethods dns_catz_zonemodmethods_t; typedef struct dns_catz_entry_options dns_catz_options_t; typedef struct dns_catz_entry dns_catz_entry_t; typedef struct dns_catz_zone dns_catz_zone_t; typedef struct dns_catz_changed dns_catz_changed_t; typedef struct dns_catz_zones dns_catz_zones_t; typedef struct dns_client dns_client_t; typedef void dns_clientrestrans_t; typedef void dns_clientreqtrans_t; typedef void dns_clientupdatetrans_t; typedef struct dns_cache dns_cache_t; typedef isc_uint16_t dns_cert_t; typedef struct dns_compress dns_compress_t; typedef struct dns_db dns_db_t; typedef struct dns_dbimplementation dns_dbimplementation_t; typedef struct dns_dbiterator dns_dbiterator_t; typedef void dns_dbload_t; typedef void dns_dbnode_t; typedef struct dns_dbonupdatelistener dns_dbonupdatelistener_t; typedef struct dns_dbtable dns_dbtable_t; typedef void dns_dbversion_t; typedef struct dns_dlzimplementation dns_dlzimplementation_t; typedef struct dns_dlzdb dns_dlzdb_t; typedef ISC_LIST(dns_dlzdb_t) dns_dlzdblist_t; typedef struct dns_dyndbctx dns_dyndbctx_t; typedef struct dns_sdlzimplementation dns_sdlzimplementation_t; typedef struct dns_decompress dns_decompress_t; typedef struct dns_dispatch dns_dispatch_t; typedef struct dns_dispatchevent dns_dispatchevent_t; typedef struct dns_dispatchlist dns_dispatchlist_t; typedef struct dns_dispatchset dns_dispatchset_t; typedef struct dns_dispatchmgr dns_dispatchmgr_t; typedef struct dns_dispentry dns_dispentry_t; typedef struct dns_dns64 dns_dns64_t; typedef ISC_LIST(dns_dns64_t) dns_dns64list_t; typedef struct dns_dnsseckey dns_dnsseckey_t; typedef ISC_LIST(dns_dnsseckey_t) dns_dnsseckeylist_t; typedef isc_uint8_t dns_dsdigest_t; typedef struct dns_dtdata dns_dtdata_t; typedef struct dns_dtenv dns_dtenv_t; typedef struct dns_dtmsg dns_dtmsg_t; typedef isc_uint16_t dns_dtmsgtype_t; typedef struct dns_dumpctx dns_dumpctx_t; typedef struct dns_ednsopt dns_ednsopt_t; typedef struct dns_fetch dns_fetch_t; typedef struct dns_fixedname dns_fixedname_t; typedef struct dns_forwarders dns_forwarders_t; typedef struct dns_forwarder dns_forwarder_t; typedef struct dns_fwdtable dns_fwdtable_t; typedef struct dns_iptable dns_iptable_t; typedef isc_uint32_t dns_iterations_t; typedef isc_uint16_t dns_keyflags_t; typedef struct dns_keynode dns_keynode_t; typedef ISC_LIST(dns_keynode_t) dns_keynodelist_t; typedef struct dns_keytable dns_keytable_t; typedef isc_uint16_t dns_keytag_t; typedef struct dns_loadctx dns_loadctx_t; typedef struct dns_loadmgr dns_loadmgr_t; typedef struct dns_masterrawheader dns_masterrawheader_t; typedef isc_uint64_t dns_masterstyle_flags_t; typedef struct dns_message dns_message_t; typedef isc_uint16_t dns_messageid_t; typedef isc_region_t dns_label_t; typedef struct dns_lookup dns_lookup_t; typedef struct dns_name dns_name_t; typedef ISC_LIST(dns_name_t) dns_namelist_t; typedef struct dns_nta dns_nta_t; typedef struct dns_ntatable dns_ntatable_t; typedef isc_uint16_t dns_opcode_t; typedef unsigned char dns_offsets_t[128]; typedef struct dns_order dns_order_t; typedef struct dns_peer dns_peer_t; typedef struct dns_peerlist dns_peerlist_t; typedef struct dns_portlist dns_portlist_t; typedef struct dns_rbt dns_rbt_t; typedef isc_uint16_t dns_rcode_t; typedef struct dns_rdata dns_rdata_t; typedef struct dns_rdatacallbacks dns_rdatacallbacks_t; typedef isc_uint16_t dns_rdataclass_t; typedef struct dns_rdatalist dns_rdatalist_t; typedef struct dns_rdataset dns_rdataset_t; typedef ISC_LIST(dns_rdataset_t) dns_rdatasetlist_t; typedef struct dns_rdatasetiter dns_rdatasetiter_t; typedef isc_uint16_t dns_rdatatype_t; typedef struct dns_request dns_request_t; typedef struct dns_requestmgr dns_requestmgr_t; typedef struct dns_resolver dns_resolver_t; typedef struct dns_sdbimplementation dns_sdbimplementation_t; typedef isc_uint8_t dns_secalg_t; typedef isc_uint8_t dns_secproto_t; typedef struct dns_signature dns_signature_t; typedef struct dns_ssurule dns_ssurule_t; typedef struct dns_ssutable dns_ssutable_t; typedef struct dns_stats dns_stats_t; typedef isc_uint32_t dns_rdatastatstype_t; typedef struct dns_tkeyctx dns_tkeyctx_t; typedef isc_uint16_t dns_trust_t; typedef struct dns_tsec dns_tsec_t; typedef struct dns_tsig_keyring dns_tsig_keyring_t; typedef struct dns_tsigkey dns_tsigkey_t; typedef isc_uint32_t dns_ttl_t; typedef struct dns_update_state dns_update_state_t; typedef struct dns_validator dns_validator_t; typedef struct dns_view dns_view_t; typedef ISC_LIST(dns_view_t) dns_viewlist_t; typedef struct dns_zone dns_zone_t; typedef ISC_LIST(dns_zone_t) dns_zonelist_t; typedef struct dns_zonemgr dns_zonemgr_t; typedef struct dns_zt dns_zt_t; typedef struct dns_ipkeylist dns_ipkeylist_t; /* * If we are not using GSSAPI, define the types we use as opaque types here. */ #ifndef GSSAPI typedef struct not_defined_gss_cred_id *gss_cred_id_t; typedef struct not_defined_gss_ctx *gss_ctx_id_t; #endif typedef struct dst_gssapi_signverifyctx dst_gssapi_signverifyctx_t; typedef enum { dns_hash_sha1 = 1 } dns_hash_t; typedef enum { dns_fwdpolicy_none = 0, dns_fwdpolicy_first = 1, dns_fwdpolicy_only = 2 } dns_fwdpolicy_t; typedef enum { dns_namereln_none = 0, dns_namereln_contains = 1, dns_namereln_subdomain = 2, dns_namereln_equal = 3, dns_namereln_commonancestor = 4 } dns_namereln_t; typedef enum { dns_one_answer, dns_many_answers } dns_transfer_format_t; typedef enum { dns_dbtype_zone = 0, dns_dbtype_cache = 1, dns_dbtype_stub = 3 } dns_dbtype_t; typedef enum { dns_notifytype_no = 0, dns_notifytype_yes = 1, dns_notifytype_explicit = 2, dns_notifytype_masteronly = 3 } dns_notifytype_t; typedef enum { dns_minimal_no = 0, dns_minimal_yes = 1, dns_minimal_noauth = 2, dns_minimal_noauthrec = 3 } dns_minimaltype_t; typedef enum { dns_dialuptype_no = 0, dns_dialuptype_yes = 1, dns_dialuptype_notify = 2, dns_dialuptype_notifypassive = 3, dns_dialuptype_refresh = 4, dns_dialuptype_passive = 5 } dns_dialuptype_t; typedef enum { dns_masterformat_none = 0, dns_masterformat_text = 1, dns_masterformat_raw = 2, dns_masterformat_map = 3 } dns_masterformat_t; typedef enum { dns_aaaa_ok = 0, dns_aaaa_filter = 1, dns_aaaa_break_dnssec = 2 } dns_aaaa_t; /* * These are generated by gen.c. */ #include /* Provides dns_rdatatype_t. */ #include /* Provides dns_rdataclass_t. */ /*% * rcodes. */ enum { /* * Standard rcodes. */ dns_rcode_noerror = 0, #define dns_rcode_noerror ((dns_rcode_t)dns_rcode_noerror) dns_rcode_formerr = 1, #define dns_rcode_formerr ((dns_rcode_t)dns_rcode_formerr) dns_rcode_servfail = 2, #define dns_rcode_servfail ((dns_rcode_t)dns_rcode_servfail) dns_rcode_nxdomain = 3, #define dns_rcode_nxdomain ((dns_rcode_t)dns_rcode_nxdomain) dns_rcode_notimp = 4, #define dns_rcode_notimp ((dns_rcode_t)dns_rcode_notimp) dns_rcode_refused = 5, #define dns_rcode_refused ((dns_rcode_t)dns_rcode_refused) dns_rcode_yxdomain = 6, #define dns_rcode_yxdomain ((dns_rcode_t)dns_rcode_yxdomain) dns_rcode_yxrrset = 7, #define dns_rcode_yxrrset ((dns_rcode_t)dns_rcode_yxrrset) dns_rcode_nxrrset = 8, #define dns_rcode_nxrrset ((dns_rcode_t)dns_rcode_nxrrset) dns_rcode_notauth = 9, #define dns_rcode_notauth ((dns_rcode_t)dns_rcode_notauth) dns_rcode_notzone = 10, #define dns_rcode_notzone ((dns_rcode_t)dns_rcode_notzone) /* * Extended rcodes. */ dns_rcode_badvers = 16, #define dns_rcode_badvers ((dns_rcode_t)dns_rcode_badvers) dns_rcode_badcookie = 23 #define dns_rcode_badcookie ((dns_rcode_t)dns_rcode_badcookie) /* * Update dns_rcodestats_create() and dns_rcodestats_increment() * and this comment if a rcode > dns_rcode_badcookie is assigned. */ /* Private space [3841..4095] */ }; /*% * TSIG errors. */ enum { dns_tsigerror_badsig = 16, dns_tsigerror_badkey = 17, dns_tsigerror_badtime = 18, dns_tsigerror_badmode = 19, dns_tsigerror_badname = 20, dns_tsigerror_badalg = 21, dns_tsigerror_badtrunc = 22 }; /*% * Opcodes. */ enum { dns_opcode_query = 0, #define dns_opcode_query ((dns_opcode_t)dns_opcode_query) dns_opcode_iquery = 1, #define dns_opcode_iquery ((dns_opcode_t)dns_opcode_iquery) dns_opcode_status = 2, #define dns_opcode_status ((dns_opcode_t)dns_opcode_status) dns_opcode_notify = 4, #define dns_opcode_notify ((dns_opcode_t)dns_opcode_notify) dns_opcode_update = 5 /* dynamic update */ #define dns_opcode_update ((dns_opcode_t)dns_opcode_update) }; /*% * Trust levels. Must be kept in sync with trustnames[] in masterdump.c. */ enum { /* Sentinel value; no data should have this trust level. */ dns_trust_none = 0, #define dns_trust_none ((dns_trust_t)dns_trust_none) /*% * Subject to DNSSEC validation but has not yet been validated * dns_trust_pending_additional (from the additional section). */ dns_trust_pending_additional = 1, #define dns_trust_pending_additional \ ((dns_trust_t)dns_trust_pending_additional) dns_trust_pending_answer = 2, #define dns_trust_pending_answer ((dns_trust_t)dns_trust_pending_answer) /*% Received in the additional section of a response. */ dns_trust_additional = 3, #define dns_trust_additional ((dns_trust_t)dns_trust_additional) /* Received in a referral response. */ dns_trust_glue = 4, #define dns_trust_glue ((dns_trust_t)dns_trust_glue) /* Answer from a non-authoritative server */ dns_trust_answer = 5, #define dns_trust_answer ((dns_trust_t)dns_trust_answer) /* Received in the authority section as part of an authoritative response */ dns_trust_authauthority = 6, #define dns_trust_authauthority ((dns_trust_t)dns_trust_authauthority) /* Answer from an authoritative server */ dns_trust_authanswer = 7, #define dns_trust_authanswer ((dns_trust_t)dns_trust_authanswer) /* Successfully DNSSEC validated */ dns_trust_secure = 8, #define dns_trust_secure ((dns_trust_t)dns_trust_secure) /* This server is authoritative */ dns_trust_ultimate = 9 #define dns_trust_ultimate ((dns_trust_t)dns_trust_ultimate) }; #define DNS_TRUST_PENDING(x) ((x) == dns_trust_pending_answer || \ (x) == dns_trust_pending_additional) #define DNS_TRUST_ADDITIONAL(x) ((x) == dns_trust_additional || \ (x) == dns_trust_pending_additional) #define DNS_TRUST_GLUE(x) ((x) == dns_trust_glue) #define DNS_TRUST_ANSWER(x) ((x) == dns_trust_answer) /*% * Name checking severities. */ typedef enum { dns_severity_ignore, dns_severity_warn, dns_severity_fail } dns_severity_t; /*% * DNS Serial Number Update Method. * * \li _none: Keep the current serial. * \li _increment: Add one to the current serial, skipping 0. * \li _unixtime: Set to the seconds since 00:00 Jan 1, 1970, * if possible. * \li _date: Set to today's date in YYYYMMDDVV format: * (Year, Month, Day, Version) */ typedef enum { dns_updatemethod_none = 0, dns_updatemethod_increment, dns_updatemethod_unixtime, dns_updatemethod_date } dns_updatemethod_t; /* * Functions. */ typedef void (*dns_dumpdonefunc_t)(void *, isc_result_t); typedef void (*dns_loaddonefunc_t)(void *, isc_result_t); typedef void (*dns_rawdatafunc_t)(dns_zone_t *, dns_masterrawheader_t *); typedef isc_result_t (*dns_addrdatasetfunc_t)(void *, dns_name_t *, dns_rdataset_t *); typedef isc_result_t (*dns_additionaldatafunc_t)(void *, dns_name_t *, dns_rdatatype_t); typedef isc_result_t (*dns_digestfunc_t)(void *, isc_region_t *); typedef void (*dns_xfrindone_t)(dns_zone_t *, isc_result_t); typedef void (*dns_updatecallback_t)(void *, isc_result_t, dns_message_t *); typedef int (*dns_rdatasetorderfunc_t)(const dns_rdata_t *, const void *); typedef isc_boolean_t (*dns_checkmxfunc_t)(dns_zone_t *, dns_name_t *, dns_name_t *); typedef isc_boolean_t (*dns_checksrvfunc_t)(dns_zone_t *, dns_name_t *, dns_name_t *); typedef isc_boolean_t (*dns_checknsfunc_t)(dns_zone_t *, dns_name_t *, dns_name_t *, dns_rdataset_t *, dns_rdataset_t *); typedef isc_boolean_t (*dns_isselffunc_t)(dns_view_t *, dns_tsigkey_t *, isc_sockaddr_t *, isc_sockaddr_t *, dns_rdataclass_t, void *); typedef isc_result_t (*dns_deserializefunc_t)(void *, FILE *, off_t); typedef void (*dns_nseclog_t)(void *val, int , const char *, ...); #endif /* DNS_TYPES_H */ PK #include #include typedef struct { void (*func)(void *arg, dns_zone_t *zone, int level, const char *message); void *arg; } dns_update_log_t; ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /*** *** Functions ***/ isc_uint32_t dns_update_soaserial(isc_uint32_t serial, dns_updatemethod_t method); /*%< * Return the next serial number after 'serial', depending on the * update method 'method': * *\li * dns_updatemethod_increment increments the serial number by one *\li * dns_updatemethod_unixtime sets the serial number to the current * time (seconds since UNIX epoch) if possible, or increments by one * if not. */ isc_result_t dns_update_signatures(dns_update_log_t *log, dns_zone_t *zone, dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t *oldver, dns_dbversion_t *newver, dns_diff_t *diff, isc_uint32_t sigvalidityinterval); isc_result_t dns_update_signaturesinc(dns_update_log_t *log, dns_zone_t *zone, dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t *oldver, dns_dbversion_t *newver, dns_diff_t *diff, isc_uint32_t sigvalidityinterval, dns_update_state_t **state); ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_UPDATE_H */ PK #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS isc_result_t dns_dsdigest_fromtext(dns_dsdigest_t *dsdigestp, isc_textregion_t *source); /*%< * Convert the text 'source' refers to into a DS/DLV digest type value. * The text may contain either a mnemonic digest name or a decimal * digest number. * * Requires: *\li 'dsdigestp' is a valid pointer. * *\li 'source' is a valid text region. * * Returns: *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS on success *\li ISC_R_RANGE numeric type is out of range *\li DNS_R_UNKNOWN mnemonic type is unknown */ isc_result_t dns_dsdigest_totext(dns_dsdigest_t dsdigest, isc_buffer_t *target); /*%< * Put a textual representation of the DS/DLV digest type 'dsdigest' * into 'target'. * * Requires: *\li 'dsdigest' is a valid dsdigest. * *\li 'target' is a valid text buffer. * * Ensures, * if the result is success: *\li The used space in 'target' is updated. * * Returns: *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS on success *\li ISC_R_NOSPACE target buffer is too small */ #define DNS_DSDIGEST_FORMATSIZE 20 void dns_dsdigest_format(dns_dsdigest_t typ, char *cp, unsigned int size); /*%< * Wrapper for dns_dsdigest_totext(), writing text into 'cp' */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_DSDIGEST_H */ PK #include #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /*! \file dns/compress.h * Direct manipulation of the structures is strongly discouraged. * * A name compression context handles compression of multiple DNS names * in relation to a single DNS message. The context can be used to * selectively turn on/off compression for specific names (depending on * the RR type) by using \c dns_compress_setmethods(). Alternately, * compression can be disabled completely using \c * dns_compress_disable(). * * \c dns_compress_setmethods() is intended for use by RDATA towire() * implementations, whereas \c dns_compress_disable() is intended to be * used by a nameserver's configuration manager. */ #define DNS_COMPRESS_NONE 0x00 /*%< no compression */ #define DNS_COMPRESS_GLOBAL14 0x01 /*%< "normal" compression. */ #define DNS_COMPRESS_ALL 0x01 /*%< all compression. */ #define DNS_COMPRESS_CASESENSITIVE 0x02 /*%< case sensitive compression. */ #define DNS_COMPRESS_ENABLED 0x04 #define DNS_COMPRESS_READY 0x80000000 #define DNS_COMPRESS_TABLESIZE 64 #define DNS_COMPRESS_INITIALNODES 16 typedef struct dns_compressnode dns_compressnode_t; struct dns_compressnode { isc_region_t r; isc_uint16_t offset; isc_uint16_t count; isc_uint8_t labels; dns_compressnode_t *next; }; struct dns_compress { unsigned int magic; /*%< Magic number. */ unsigned int allowed; /*%< Allowed methods. */ int edns; /*%< Edns version or -1. */ /*% Global compression table. */ dns_compressnode_t *table[DNS_COMPRESS_TABLESIZE]; /*% Preallocated nodes for the table. */ dns_compressnode_t initialnodes[DNS_COMPRESS_INITIALNODES]; isc_uint16_t count; /*%< Number of nodes. */ isc_mem_t *mctx; /*%< Memory context. */ }; typedef enum { DNS_DECOMPRESS_ANY, /*%< Any compression */ DNS_DECOMPRESS_STRICT, /*%< Allowed compression */ DNS_DECOMPRESS_NONE /*%< No compression */ } dns_decompresstype_t; struct dns_decompress { unsigned int magic; /*%< Magic number. */ unsigned int allowed; /*%< Allowed methods. */ int edns; /*%< Edns version or -1. */ dns_decompresstype_t type; /*%< Strict checking */ }; isc_result_t dns_compress_init(dns_compress_t *cctx, int edns, isc_mem_t *mctx); /*%< * Initialise the compression context structure pointed to by * 'cctx'. A freshly initialized context has name compression * enabled, but no methods are set. Please use \c * dns_compress_setmethods() to set a compression method. * * Requires: * \li 'cctx' is a valid dns_compress_t structure. * \li 'mctx' is an initialized memory context. * Ensures: * \li cctx->global is initialized. * * Returns: * \li #ISC_R_SUCCESS */ void dns_compress_invalidate(dns_compress_t *cctx); /*%< * Invalidate the compression structure pointed to by cctx. * * Requires: *\li 'cctx' to be initialized. */ void dns_compress_setmethods(dns_compress_t *cctx, unsigned int allowed); /*%< * Sets allowed compression methods. * * Requires: *\li 'cctx' to be initialized. */ unsigned int dns_compress_getmethods(dns_compress_t *cctx); /*%< * Gets allowed compression methods. * * Requires: *\li 'cctx' to be initialized. * * Returns: *\li allowed compression bitmap. */ void dns_compress_disable(dns_compress_t *cctx); /*%< * Disables all name compression in the context. Once disabled, * name compression cannot currently be re-enabled. * * Requires: *\li 'cctx' to be initialized. * */ void dns_compress_setsensitive(dns_compress_t *cctx, isc_boolean_t sensitive); /* * Preserve the case of compressed domain names. * * Requires: * 'cctx' to be initialized. */ isc_boolean_t dns_compress_getsensitive(dns_compress_t *cctx); /* * Return whether case is to be preserved when compressing * domain names. * * Requires: * 'cctx' to be initialized. */ int dns_compress_getedns(dns_compress_t *cctx); /*%< * Gets edns value. * * Requires: *\li 'cctx' to be initialized. * * Returns: *\li -1 .. 255 */ isc_boolean_t dns_compress_findglobal(dns_compress_t *cctx, const dns_name_t *name, dns_name_t *prefix, isc_uint16_t *offset); /*%< * Finds longest possible match of 'name' in the global compression table. * * Requires: *\li 'cctx' to be initialized. *\li 'name' to be a absolute name. *\li 'prefix' to be initialized. *\li 'offset' to point to an isc_uint16_t. * * Ensures: *\li 'prefix' and 'offset' are valid if ISC_TRUE is returned. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_TRUE / #ISC_FALSE */ void dns_compress_add(dns_compress_t *cctx, const dns_name_t *name, const dns_name_t *prefix, isc_uint16_t offset); /*%< * Add compression pointers for 'name' to the compression table, * not replacing existing pointers. * * Requires: *\li 'cctx' initialized * *\li 'name' must be initialized and absolute, and must remain * valid until the message compression is complete. * *\li 'prefix' must be a prefix returned by * dns_compress_findglobal(), or the same as 'name'. */ void dns_compress_rollback(dns_compress_t *cctx, isc_uint16_t offset); /*%< * Remove any compression pointers from global table >= offset. * * Requires: *\li 'cctx' is initialized. */ void dns_decompress_init(dns_decompress_t *dctx, int edns, dns_decompresstype_t type); /*%< * Initializes 'dctx'. * Records 'edns' and 'type' into the structure. * * Requires: *\li 'dctx' to be a valid pointer. */ void dns_decompress_invalidate(dns_decompress_t *dctx); /*%< * Invalidates 'dctx'. * * Requires: *\li 'dctx' to be initialized */ void dns_decompress_setmethods(dns_decompress_t *dctx, unsigned int allowed); /*%< * Sets 'dctx->allowed' to 'allowed'. * * Requires: *\li 'dctx' to be initialized */ unsigned int dns_decompress_getmethods(dns_decompress_t *dctx); /*%< * Returns 'dctx->allowed' * * Requires: *\li 'dctx' to be initialized */ int dns_decompress_edns(dns_decompress_t *dctx); /*%< * Returns 'dctx->edns' * * Requires: *\li 'dctx' to be initialized */ dns_decompresstype_t dns_decompress_type(dns_decompress_t *dctx); /*%< * Returns 'dctx->type' * * Requires: *\li 'dctx' to be initialized */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_COMPRESS_H */ PK #include #define DNS_DSDIGEST_SHA1 (1) #define DNS_DSDIGEST_SHA256 (2) #define DNS_DSDIGEST_GOST (3) #define DNS_DSDIGEST_SHA384 (4) /* * Assuming SHA-384 digest type. */ #define DNS_DS_BUFFERSIZE (52) ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS isc_result_t dns_ds_buildrdata(dns_name_t *owner, dns_rdata_t *key, unsigned int digest_type, unsigned char *buffer, dns_rdata_t *rdata); /*%< * Build the rdata of a DS record. * * Requires: *\li key Points to a valid DNS KEY record. *\li buffer Points to a temporary buffer of at least * #DNS_DS_BUFFERSIZE bytes. *\li rdata Points to an initialized dns_rdata_t. * * Ensures: * \li *rdata Contains a valid DS rdata. The 'data' member refers * to 'buffer'. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_DS_H */ PK #include #include #include #include #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS LIBDNS_EXTERNAL_DATA extern isc_stats_t *dns_dnssec_stats; /*%< Maximum number of keys supported in a zone. */ #define DNS_MAXZONEKEYS 32 /* * Indicates how the signer found this key: in the key repository, at the * zone apex, or specified by the user. */ typedef enum { dns_keysource_unknown, dns_keysource_repository, dns_keysource_zoneapex, dns_keysource_user } dns_keysource_t; /* * A DNSSEC key and hints about its intended use gleaned from metadata */ struct dns_dnsseckey { dst_key_t *key; isc_boolean_t hint_publish; /*% metadata says to publish */ isc_boolean_t force_publish; /*% publish regardless of metadata */ isc_boolean_t hint_sign; /*% metadata says to sign with this key */ isc_boolean_t force_sign; /*% sign with key regardless of metadata */ isc_boolean_t hint_remove; /*% metadata says *don't* publish */ isc_boolean_t is_active; /*% key is already active */ isc_boolean_t first_sign; /*% key is newly becoming active */ unsigned int prepublish; /*% how long until active? */ dns_keysource_t source; /*% how the key was found */ isc_boolean_t ksk; /*% this is a key-signing key */ isc_boolean_t legacy; /*% this is old-style key with no metadata (possibly generated by an older version of BIND9) and should be ignored when searching for keys to import into the zone */ unsigned int index; /*% position in list */ ISC_LINK(dns_dnsseckey_t) link; }; isc_result_t dns_dnssec_keyfromrdata(dns_name_t *name, dns_rdata_t *rdata, isc_mem_t *mctx, dst_key_t **key); /*%< * Creates a DST key from a DNS record. Basically a wrapper around * dst_key_fromdns(). * * Requires: *\li 'name' is not NULL *\li 'rdata' is not NULL *\li 'mctx' is not NULL *\li 'key' is not NULL *\li '*key' is NULL * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY *\li DST_R_INVALIDPUBLICKEY *\li various errors from dns_name_totext */ isc_result_t dns_dnssec_sign(dns_name_t *name, dns_rdataset_t *set, dst_key_t *key, isc_stdtime_t *inception, isc_stdtime_t *expire, isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_buffer_t *buffer, dns_rdata_t *sigrdata); /*%< * Generates a RRSIG record covering this rdataset. This has no effect * on existing RRSIG records. * * Requires: *\li 'name' (the owner name of the record) is a valid name *\li 'set' is a valid rdataset *\li 'key' is a valid key *\li 'inception' is not NULL *\li 'expire' is not NULL *\li 'mctx' is not NULL *\li 'buffer' is not NULL *\li 'sigrdata' is not NULL * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY *\li #ISC_R_NOSPACE *\li #DNS_R_INVALIDTIME - the expiration is before the inception *\li #DNS_R_KEYUNAUTHORIZED - the key cannot sign this data (either * it is not a zone key or its flags prevent * authentication) *\li DST_R_* */ isc_result_t dns_dnssec_verify(dns_name_t *name, dns_rdataset_t *set, dst_key_t *key, isc_boolean_t ignoretime, isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_rdata_t *sigrdata); isc_result_t dns_dnssec_verify2(dns_name_t *name, dns_rdataset_t *set, dst_key_t *key, isc_boolean_t ignoretime, isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_rdata_t *sigrdata, dns_name_t *wild); isc_result_t dns_dnssec_verify3(dns_name_t *name, dns_rdataset_t *set, dst_key_t *key, isc_boolean_t ignoretime, unsigned int maxbits, isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_rdata_t *sigrdata, dns_name_t *wild); /*%< * Verifies the RRSIG record covering this rdataset signed by a specific * key. This does not determine if the key's owner is authorized to sign * this record, as this requires a resolver or database. * If 'ignoretime' is ISC_TRUE, temporal validity will not be checked. * * 'maxbits' specifies the maximum number of rsa exponent bits accepted. * * Requires: *\li 'name' (the owner name of the record) is a valid name *\li 'set' is a valid rdataset *\li 'key' is a valid key *\li 'mctx' is not NULL *\li 'sigrdata' is a valid rdata containing a SIG record *\li 'wild' if non-NULL then is a valid and has a buffer. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY *\li #DNS_R_FROMWILDCARD - the signature is valid and is from * a wildcard expansion. dns_dnssec_verify2() only. * 'wild' contains the name of the wildcard if non-NULL. *\li #DNS_R_SIGINVALID - the signature fails to verify *\li #DNS_R_SIGEXPIRED - the signature has expired *\li #DNS_R_SIGFUTURE - the signature's validity period has not begun *\li #DNS_R_KEYUNAUTHORIZED - the key cannot sign this data (either * it is not a zone key or its flags prevent * authentication) *\li DST_R_* */ /*@{*/ isc_result_t dns_dnssec_findzonekeys(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t *ver, dns_dbnode_t *node, dns_name_t *name, isc_mem_t *mctx, unsigned int maxkeys, dst_key_t **keys, unsigned int *nkeys); isc_result_t dns_dnssec_findzonekeys2(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t *ver, dns_dbnode_t *node, dns_name_t *name, const char *directory, isc_mem_t *mctx, unsigned int maxkeys, dst_key_t **keys, unsigned int *nkeys); isc_result_t dns_dnssec_findzonekeys3(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t *ver, dns_dbnode_t *node, dns_name_t *name, const char *directory, isc_stdtime_t now, isc_mem_t *mctx, unsigned int maxkeys, dst_key_t **keys, unsigned int *nkeys); /*%< * Finds a set of zone keys. * XXX temporary - this should be handled in dns_zone_t. */ /*@}*/ isc_boolean_t dns_dnssec_keyactive(dst_key_t *key, isc_stdtime_t now); /*%< * * Returns ISC_TRUE if 'key' is active as of the time specified * in 'now' (i.e., if the activation date has passed, inactivation or * deletion date has not yet been reached, and the key is not revoked * -- or if it is a legacy key without metadata). Otherwise returns * ISC_FALSE. * * Requires: *\li 'key' is a valid key */ isc_result_t dns_dnssec_signmessage(dns_message_t *msg, dst_key_t *key); /*%< * Signs a message with a SIG(0) record. This is implicitly called by * dns_message_renderend() if msg->sig0key is not NULL. * * Requires: *\li 'msg' is a valid message *\li 'key' is a valid key that can be used for signing * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY *\li DST_R_* */ isc_result_t dns_dnssec_verifymessage(isc_buffer_t *source, dns_message_t *msg, dst_key_t *key); /*%< * Verifies a message signed by a SIG(0) record. This is not * called implicitly by dns_message_parse(). If dns_message_signer() * is called before dns_dnssec_verifymessage(), it will return * #DNS_R_NOTVERIFIEDYET. dns_dnssec_verifymessage() will set * the verified_sig0 flag in msg if the verify succeeds, and * the sig0status field otherwise. * * Requires: *\li 'source' is a valid buffer containing the unparsed message *\li 'msg' is a valid message *\li 'key' is a valid key * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY *\li #ISC_R_NOTFOUND - no SIG(0) was found *\li #DNS_R_SIGINVALID - the SIG record is not well-formed or * was not generated by the key. *\li DST_R_* */ isc_boolean_t dns_dnssec_selfsigns(dns_rdata_t *rdata, dns_name_t *name, dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, dns_rdataset_t *sigrdataset, isc_boolean_t ignoretime, isc_mem_t *mctx); isc_boolean_t dns_dnssec_signs(dns_rdata_t *rdata, dns_name_t *name, dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, dns_rdataset_t *sigrdataset, isc_boolean_t ignoretime, isc_mem_t *mctx); /*%< * Verify that 'rdataset' is validly signed in 'sigrdataset' by * the key in 'rdata'. * * dns_dnssec_selfsigns() requires that rdataset be a DNSKEY or KEY * rrset. dns_dnssec_signs() works on any rrset. */ isc_result_t dns_dnsseckey_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, dst_key_t **dstkey, dns_dnsseckey_t **dkp); /*%< * Create and initialize a dns_dnsseckey_t structure. * * Requires: *\li 'dkp' is not NULL and '*dkp' is NULL. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY */ void dns_dnsseckey_destroy(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_dnsseckey_t **dkp); /*%< * Reclaim a dns_dnsseckey_t structure. * * Requires: *\li 'dkp' is not NULL and '*dkp' is not NULL. * * Ensures: *\li '*dkp' is NULL. */ isc_result_t dns_dnssec_findmatchingkeys(dns_name_t *origin, const char *directory, isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_dnsseckeylist_t *keylist); isc_result_t dns_dnssec_findmatchingkeys2(dns_name_t *origin, const char *directory, isc_stdtime_t now, isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_dnsseckeylist_t *keylist); /*%< * Search 'directory' for K* key files matching the name in 'origin'. * Append all such keys, along with use hints gleaned from their * metadata, onto 'keylist'. Skip any unsupported algorithms. * * Requires: *\li 'keylist' is not NULL * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOTFOUND *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY *\li any error returned by dns_name_totext(), isc_dir_open(), or * dst_key_fromnamedfile() * * Ensures: *\li On error, keylist is unchanged */ isc_result_t dns_dnssec_keylistfromrdataset(dns_name_t *origin, const char *directory, isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_rdataset_t *keyset, dns_rdataset_t *keysigs, dns_rdataset_t *soasigs, isc_boolean_t savekeys, isc_boolean_t publickey, dns_dnsseckeylist_t *keylist); /*%< * Append the contents of a DNSKEY rdataset 'keyset' to 'keylist'. * Omit duplicates. If 'publickey' is ISC_FALSE, search 'directory' for * matching key files, and load the private keys that go with * the public ones. If 'savekeys' is ISC_TRUE, mark the keys so * they will not be deleted or inactivated regardless of metadata. * * 'keysigs' and 'soasigs', if not NULL and associated, contain the * RRSIGS for the DNSKEY and SOA records respectively and are used to mark * whether a key is already active in the zone. */ isc_result_t dns_dnssec_updatekeys(dns_dnsseckeylist_t *keys, dns_dnsseckeylist_t *newkeys, dns_dnsseckeylist_t *removed, dns_name_t *origin, dns_ttl_t hint_ttl, dns_diff_t *diff, isc_boolean_t allzsk, isc_mem_t *mctx, void (*report)(const char *, ...)); /*%< * Update the list of keys in 'keys' with new key information in 'newkeys'. * * For each key in 'newkeys', see if it has a match in 'keys'. * - If not, and if the metadata says the key should be published: * add it to 'keys', and place a dns_difftuple into 'diff' so * the key can be added to the DNSKEY set. If the metadata says it * should be active, set the first_sign flag. * - If so, and if the metadata says it should be removed: * remove it from 'keys', and place a dns_difftuple into 'diff' so * the key can be removed from the DNSKEY set. if 'removed' is non-NULL, * copy the key into that list; otherwise destroy it. * - Otherwise, make sure keys has current metadata. * * If 'allzsk' is true, we are allowing KSK-flagged keys to be used as * ZSKs. * * 'hint_ttl' is the TTL to use for the DNSKEY RRset if there is no * existing RRset, and if none of the keys to be added has a default TTL * (in which case we would use the shortest one). If the TTL is longer * than the time until a new key will be activated, then we have to delay * the key's activation. * * 'report' points to a function for reporting status. * * On completion, any remaining keys in 'newkeys' are freed. */ isc_result_t dns_dnssec_syncupdate(dns_dnsseckeylist_t *keys, dns_dnsseckeylist_t *rmkeys, dns_rdataset_t *cds, dns_rdataset_t *cdnskey, isc_stdtime_t now, dns_ttl_t hint_ttl, dns_diff_t *diff, isc_mem_t *mctx); /*%< * Update the CDS and CDNSKEY RRsets, adding and removing keys as needed. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_DNSSEC_H */ PK #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /***** ***** Types *****/ typedef struct dns_dbmethods { void (*attach)(dns_db_t *source, dns_db_t **targetp); void (*detach)(dns_db_t **dbp); isc_result_t (*beginload)(dns_db_t *db, dns_rdatacallbacks_t *callbacks); isc_result_t (*endload)(dns_db_t *db, dns_rdatacallbacks_t *callbacks); isc_result_t (*serialize)(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t *version, FILE *file); isc_result_t (*dump)(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t *version, const char *filename, dns_masterformat_t masterformat); void (*currentversion)(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t **versionp); isc_result_t (*newversion)(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t **versionp); void (*attachversion)(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t *source, dns_dbversion_t **targetp); void (*closeversion)(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t **versionp, isc_boolean_t commit); isc_result_t (*findnode)(dns_db_t *db, dns_name_t *name, isc_boolean_t create, dns_dbnode_t **nodep); isc_result_t (*find)(dns_db_t *db, dns_name_t *name, dns_dbversion_t *version, dns_rdatatype_t type, unsigned int options, isc_stdtime_t now, dns_dbnode_t **nodep, dns_name_t *foundname, dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, dns_rdataset_t *sigrdataset); isc_result_t (*findzonecut)(dns_db_t *db, dns_name_t *name, unsigned int options, isc_stdtime_t now, dns_dbnode_t **nodep, dns_name_t *foundname, dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, dns_rdataset_t *sigrdataset); void (*attachnode)(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbnode_t *source, dns_dbnode_t **targetp); void (*detachnode)(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbnode_t **targetp); isc_result_t (*expirenode)(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbnode_t *node, isc_stdtime_t now); void (*printnode)(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbnode_t *node, FILE *out); isc_result_t (*createiterator)(dns_db_t *db, unsigned int options, dns_dbiterator_t **iteratorp); isc_result_t (*findrdataset)(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbnode_t *node, dns_dbversion_t *version, dns_rdatatype_t type, dns_rdatatype_t covers, isc_stdtime_t now, dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, dns_rdataset_t *sigrdataset); isc_result_t (*allrdatasets)(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbnode_t *node, dns_dbversion_t *version, isc_stdtime_t now, dns_rdatasetiter_t **iteratorp); isc_result_t (*addrdataset)(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbnode_t *node, dns_dbversion_t *version, isc_stdtime_t now, dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, unsigned int options, dns_rdataset_t *addedrdataset); isc_result_t (*subtractrdataset)(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbnode_t *node, dns_dbversion_t *version, dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, unsigned int options, dns_rdataset_t *newrdataset); isc_result_t (*deleterdataset)(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbnode_t *node, dns_dbversion_t *version, dns_rdatatype_t type, dns_rdatatype_t covers); isc_boolean_t (*issecure)(dns_db_t *db); unsigned int (*nodecount)(dns_db_t *db); isc_boolean_t (*ispersistent)(dns_db_t *db); void (*overmem)(dns_db_t *db, isc_boolean_t overmem); void (*settask)(dns_db_t *db, isc_task_t *); isc_result_t (*getoriginnode)(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbnode_t **nodep); void (*transfernode)(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbnode_t **sourcep, dns_dbnode_t **targetp); isc_result_t (*getnsec3parameters)(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t *version, dns_hash_t *hash, isc_uint8_t *flags, isc_uint16_t *iterations, unsigned char *salt, size_t *salt_len); isc_result_t (*findnsec3node)(dns_db_t *db, dns_name_t *name, isc_boolean_t create, dns_dbnode_t **nodep); isc_result_t (*setsigningtime)(dns_db_t *db, dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, isc_stdtime_t resign); isc_result_t (*getsigningtime)(dns_db_t *db, dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, dns_name_t *name); void (*resigned)(dns_db_t *db, dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, dns_dbversion_t *version); isc_boolean_t (*isdnssec)(dns_db_t *db); dns_stats_t *(*getrrsetstats)(dns_db_t *db); void (*rpz_attach)(dns_db_t *db, dns_rpz_zones_t *rpzs, dns_rpz_num_t rpz_num); isc_result_t (*rpz_ready)(dns_db_t *db); isc_result_t (*findnodeext)(dns_db_t *db, dns_name_t *name, isc_boolean_t create, dns_clientinfomethods_t *methods, dns_clientinfo_t *clientinfo, dns_dbnode_t **nodep); isc_result_t (*findext)(dns_db_t *db, dns_name_t *name, dns_dbversion_t *version, dns_rdatatype_t type, unsigned int options, isc_stdtime_t now, dns_dbnode_t **nodep, dns_name_t *foundname, dns_clientinfomethods_t *methods, dns_clientinfo_t *clientinfo, dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, dns_rdataset_t *sigrdataset); isc_result_t (*setcachestats)(dns_db_t *db, isc_stats_t *stats); size_t (*hashsize)(dns_db_t *db); isc_result_t (*nodefullname)(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbnode_t *node, dns_name_t *name); isc_result_t (*getsize)(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t *version, isc_uint64_t *records, isc_uint64_t *bytes); } dns_dbmethods_t; typedef isc_result_t (*dns_dbcreatefunc_t)(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_name_t *name, dns_dbtype_t type, dns_rdataclass_t rdclass, unsigned int argc, char *argv[], void *driverarg, dns_db_t **dbp); typedef isc_result_t (*dns_dbupdate_callback_t)(dns_db_t *db, void *fn_arg); #define DNS_DB_MAGIC ISC_MAGIC('D','N','S','D') #define DNS_DB_VALID(db) ISC_MAGIC_VALID(db, DNS_DB_MAGIC) /*% * This structure is actually just the common prefix of a DNS db * implementation's version of a dns_db_t. * \brief * Direct use of this structure by clients is forbidden. DB implementations * may change the structure. 'magic' must be DNS_DB_MAGIC for any of the * dns_db_ routines to work. DB implementations must maintain all DB * invariants. */ struct dns_db { unsigned int magic; unsigned int impmagic; dns_dbmethods_t * methods; isc_uint16_t attributes; dns_rdataclass_t rdclass; dns_name_t origin; isc_ondestroy_t ondest; isc_mem_t * mctx; ISC_LIST(dns_dbonupdatelistener_t) update_listeners; }; #define DNS_DBATTR_CACHE 0x01 #define DNS_DBATTR_STUB 0x02 struct dns_dbonupdatelistener { dns_dbupdate_callback_t onupdate; void * onupdate_arg; ISC_LINK(dns_dbonupdatelistener_t) link; }; /*@{*/ /*% * Options that can be specified for dns_db_find(). */ #define DNS_DBFIND_GLUEOK 0x0001 #define DNS_DBFIND_VALIDATEGLUE 0x0002 #define DNS_DBFIND_NOWILD 0x0004 #define DNS_DBFIND_PENDINGOK 0x0008 #define DNS_DBFIND_NOEXACT 0x0010 #define DNS_DBFIND_FORCENSEC 0x0020 #define DNS_DBFIND_COVERINGNSEC 0x0040 #define DNS_DBFIND_FORCENSEC3 0x0080 #define DNS_DBFIND_ADDITIONALOK 0x0100 #define DNS_DBFIND_NOZONECUT 0x0200 /*@}*/ /*@{*/ /*% * Options that can be specified for dns_db_addrdataset(). */ #define DNS_DBADD_MERGE 0x01 #define DNS_DBADD_FORCE 0x02 #define DNS_DBADD_EXACT 0x04 #define DNS_DBADD_EXACTTTL 0x08 #define DNS_DBADD_PREFETCH 0x10 /*@}*/ /*% * Options that can be specified for dns_db_subtractrdataset(). */ #define DNS_DBSUB_EXACT 0x01 #define DNS_DBSUB_WANTOLD 0x02 /*@{*/ /*% * Iterator options */ #define DNS_DB_RELATIVENAMES 0x1 #define DNS_DB_NSEC3ONLY 0x2 #define DNS_DB_NONSEC3 0x4 /*@}*/ /***** ***** Methods *****/ /*** *** Basic DB Methods ***/ isc_result_t dns_db_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, const char *db_type, dns_name_t *origin, dns_dbtype_t type, dns_rdataclass_t rdclass, unsigned int argc, char *argv[], dns_db_t **dbp); /*%< * Create a new database using implementation 'db_type'. * * Notes: * \li All names in the database must be subdomains of 'origin' and in class * 'rdclass'. The database makes its own copy of the origin, so the * caller may do whatever they like with 'origin' and its storage once the * call returns. * * \li DB implementation-specific parameters are passed using argc and argv. * * Requires: * * \li dbp != NULL and *dbp == NULL * * \li 'origin' is a valid absolute domain name. * * \li mctx is a valid memory context * * Ensures: * * \li A copy of 'origin' has been made for the databases use, and the * caller is free to do whatever they want with the name and storage * associated with 'origin'. * * Returns: * * \li #ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY * \li #ISC_R_NOTFOUND db_type not found * * \li Many other errors are possible, depending on what db_type was * specified. */ void dns_db_attach(dns_db_t *source, dns_db_t **targetp); /*%< * Attach *targetp to source. * * Requires: * * \li 'source' is a valid database. * * \li 'targetp' points to a NULL dns_db_t *. * * Ensures: * * \li *targetp is attached to source. */ void dns_db_detach(dns_db_t **dbp); /*%< * Detach *dbp from its database. * * Requires: * * \li 'dbp' points to a valid database. * * Ensures: * * \li *dbp is NULL. * * \li If '*dbp' is the last reference to the database, * all resources used by the database will be freed */ isc_result_t dns_db_ondestroy(dns_db_t *db, isc_task_t *task, isc_event_t **eventp); /*%< * Causes 'eventp' to be sent to be sent to 'task' when the database is * destroyed. * * Note; ownership of the eventp is taken from the caller (and *eventp is * set to NULL). The sender field of the event is set to 'db' before it is * sent to the task. */ isc_boolean_t dns_db_iscache(dns_db_t *db); /*%< * Does 'db' have cache semantics? * * Requires: * * \li 'db' is a valid database. * * Returns: * \li #ISC_TRUE 'db' has cache semantics * \li #ISC_FALSE otherwise */ isc_boolean_t dns_db_iszone(dns_db_t *db); /*%< * Does 'db' have zone semantics? * * Requires: * * \li 'db' is a valid database. * * Returns: * \li #ISC_TRUE 'db' has zone semantics * \li #ISC_FALSE otherwise */ isc_boolean_t dns_db_isstub(dns_db_t *db); /*%< * Does 'db' have stub semantics? * * Requires: * * \li 'db' is a valid database. * * Returns: * \li #ISC_TRUE 'db' has zone semantics * \li #ISC_FALSE otherwise */ isc_boolean_t dns_db_issecure(dns_db_t *db); /*%< * Is 'db' secure? * * Requires: * * \li 'db' is a valid database with zone semantics. * * Returns: * \li #ISC_TRUE 'db' is secure. * \li #ISC_FALSE 'db' is not secure. */ isc_boolean_t dns_db_isdnssec(dns_db_t *db); /*%< * Is 'db' secure or partially secure? * * Requires: * * \li 'db' is a valid database with zone semantics. * * Returns: * \li #ISC_TRUE 'db' is secure or is partially. * \li #ISC_FALSE 'db' is not secure. */ dns_name_t * dns_db_origin(dns_db_t *db); /*%< * The origin of the database. * * Note: caller must not try to change this name. * * Requires: * * \li 'db' is a valid database. * * Returns: * * \li The origin of the database. */ dns_rdataclass_t dns_db_class(dns_db_t *db); /*%< * The class of the database. * * Requires: * * \li 'db' is a valid database. * * Returns: * * \li The class of the database. */ isc_result_t dns_db_beginload(dns_db_t *db, dns_rdatacallbacks_t *callbacks); /*%< * Begin loading 'db'. * * Requires: * * \li 'db' is a valid database. * * \li This is the first attempt to load 'db'. * * \li 'callbacks' is a pointer to an initialized dns_rdatacallbacks_t * structure. * * Ensures: * * \li On success, callbacks->add will be a valid dns_addrdatasetfunc_t * suitable for loading records into 'db' from a raw or text zone * file. callbacks->add_private will be a valid DB load context * which should be used as 'arg' when callbacks->add is called. * callbacks->deserialize will be a valid dns_deserialize_func_t * suitable for loading 'db' from a map format zone file. * * Returns: * * \li #ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY * * \li Other results are possible, depending upon the database * implementation used, syntax errors in the master file, etc. */ isc_result_t dns_db_endload(dns_db_t *db, dns_rdatacallbacks_t *callbacks); /*%< * Finish loading 'db'. * * Requires: * * \li 'db' is a valid database that is being loaded. * * \li 'callbacks' is a valid dns_rdatacallbacks_t structure. * * \li callbacks->add_private is not NULL and is a valid database load context. * * Ensures: * * \li 'callbacks' is returned to its state prior to calling dns_db_beginload() * * Returns: * * \li #ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY * * \li Other results are possible, depending upon the database * implementation used, syntax errors in the master file, etc. */ isc_result_t dns_db_load(dns_db_t *db, const char *filename); isc_result_t dns_db_load2(dns_db_t *db, const char *filename, dns_masterformat_t format); isc_result_t dns_db_load3(dns_db_t *db, const char *filename, dns_masterformat_t format, unsigned int options); /*%< * Load master file 'filename' into 'db'. * * Notes: * \li This routine is equivalent to calling * *\code * dns_db_beginload(); * dns_master_loadfile(); * dns_db_endload(); *\endcode * * Requires: * * \li 'db' is a valid database. * * \li This is the first attempt to load 'db'. * * Returns: * * \li #ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY * * \li Other results are possible, depending upon the database * implementation used, syntax errors in the master file, etc. */ isc_result_t dns_db_serialize(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t *version, FILE *rbtfile); /*%< * Dump version 'version' of 'db' to map-format file 'filename'. * * Requires: * * \li 'db' is a valid database. * * \li 'version' is a valid version. * * Returns: * * \li #ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY * * \li Other results are possible, depending upon the database * implementation used, OS file errors, etc. */ isc_result_t dns_db_dump(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t *version, const char *filename); isc_result_t dns_db_dump2(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t *version, const char *filename, dns_masterformat_t masterformat); /*%< * Dump version 'version' of 'db' to master file 'filename'. * * Requires: * * \li 'db' is a valid database. * * \li 'version' is a valid version. * * Returns: * * \li #ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY * * \li Other results are possible, depending upon the database * implementation used, OS file errors, etc. */ /*** *** Version Methods ***/ void dns_db_currentversion(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t **versionp); /*%< * Open the current version for reading. * * Requires: * * \li 'db' is a valid database with zone semantics. * * \li versionp != NULL && *verisonp == NULL * * Ensures: * * \li On success, '*versionp' is attached to the current version. * */ isc_result_t dns_db_newversion(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t **versionp); /*%< * Open a new version for reading and writing. * * Requires: * * \li 'db' is a valid database with zone semantics. * * \li versionp != NULL && *verisonp == NULL * * Ensures: * * \li On success, '*versionp' is attached to the current version. * * Returns: * * \li #ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY * * \li Other results are possible, depending upon the database * implementation used. */ void dns_db_attachversion(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t *source, dns_dbversion_t **targetp); /*%< * Attach '*targetp' to 'source'. * * Requires: * * \li 'db' is a valid database with zone semantics. * * \li source is a valid open version * * \li targetp != NULL && *targetp == NULL * * Ensures: * * \li '*targetp' is attached to source. */ void dns_db_closeversion(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t **versionp, isc_boolean_t commit); /*%< * Close version '*versionp'. * * Note: if '*versionp' is a read-write version and 'commit' is ISC_TRUE, * then all changes made in the version will take effect, otherwise they * will be rolled back. The value of 'commit' is ignored for read-only * versions. * * Requires: * * \li 'db' is a valid database with zone semantics. * * \li '*versionp' refers to a valid version. * * \li If committing a writable version, then there must be no other * outstanding references to the version (e.g. an active rdataset * iterator). * * Ensures: * * \li *versionp == NULL * * \li If *versionp is a read-write version, and commit is ISC_TRUE, then * the version will become the current version. If !commit, then all * changes made in the version will be undone, and the version will * not become the current version. */ /*** *** Node Methods ***/ isc_result_t dns_db_findnode(dns_db_t *db, dns_name_t *name, isc_boolean_t create, dns_dbnode_t **nodep); isc_result_t dns_db_findnodeext(dns_db_t *db, dns_name_t *name, isc_boolean_t create, dns_clientinfomethods_t *methods, dns_clientinfo_t *clientinfo, dns_dbnode_t **nodep); /*%< * Find the node with name 'name'. * * dns_db_findnodeext() (findnode extended) also accepts parameters * 'methods' and 'clientinfo', which, when provided, enable the database to * retreive information about the client from the caller, and modify its * response on the basis of that information. * * Notes: * \li If 'create' is ISC_TRUE and no node with name 'name' exists, then * such a node will be created. * * \li This routine is for finding or creating a node with the specified * name. There are no partial matches. It is not suitable for use * in building responses to ordinary DNS queries; clients which wish * to do that should use dns_db_find() instead. * * Requires: * * \li 'db' is a valid database. * * \li 'name' is a valid, non-empty, absolute name. * * \li nodep != NULL && *nodep == NULL * * Ensures: * * \li On success, *nodep is attached to the node with name 'name'. * * Returns: * * \li #ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li #ISC_R_NOTFOUND If !create and name not found. * \li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY Can only happen if create is ISC_TRUE. * * \li Other results are possible, depending upon the database * implementation used. */ isc_result_t dns_db_find(dns_db_t *db, dns_name_t *name, dns_dbversion_t *version, dns_rdatatype_t type, unsigned int options, isc_stdtime_t now, dns_dbnode_t **nodep, dns_name_t *foundname, dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, dns_rdataset_t *sigrdataset); isc_result_t dns_db_findext(dns_db_t *db, dns_name_t *name, dns_dbversion_t *version, dns_rdatatype_t type, unsigned int options, isc_stdtime_t now, dns_dbnode_t **nodep, dns_name_t *foundname, dns_clientinfomethods_t *methods, dns_clientinfo_t *clientinfo, dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, dns_rdataset_t *sigrdataset); /*%< * Find the best match for 'name' and 'type' in version 'version' of 'db'. * * dns_db_findext() (find extended) also accepts parameters 'methods' * and 'clientinfo', which when provided enable the database to retreive * information about the client from the caller, and modify its response * on the basis of this information. * * Notes: * * \li If type == dns_rdataset_any, then rdataset will not be bound. * * \li If 'options' does not have #DNS_DBFIND_GLUEOK set, then no glue will * be returned. For zone databases, glue is as defined in RFC2181. * For cache databases, glue is any rdataset with a trust of * dns_trust_glue. * * \li If 'options' does not have #DNS_DBFIND_ADDITIONALOK set, then no * additional records will be returned. Only caches can have * rdataset with trust dns_trust_additional. * * \li If 'options' does not have #DNS_DBFIND_PENDINGOK set, then no * pending data will be returned. This option is only meaningful for * cache databases. * * \li If the #DNS_DBFIND_NOWILD option is set, then wildcard matching will * be disabled. This option is only meaningful for zone databases. * * \li If the #DNS_DBFIND_NOZONECUT option is set, the database is * assumed to contain no zone cuts above 'name'. An implementation * may therefore choose to search for a match beginning at 'name' * rather than walking down the tree to check check for delegations. * If #DNS_DBFIND_NOWILD is not set, wildcard matching will be * attempted at each node starting at the direct ancestor of 'name' * and working up to the zone origin. This option is only meaningful * when querying redirect zones. * * \li If the #DNS_DBFIND_FORCENSEC option is set, the database is assumed to * have NSEC records, and these will be returned when appropriate. This * is only necessary when querying a database that was not secure * when created. * * \li If the DNS_DBFIND_COVERINGNSEC option is set, then look for a * NSEC record that potentially covers 'name' if a answer cannot * be found. Note the returned NSEC needs to be checked to ensure * that it is correct. This only affects answers returned from the * cache. * * \li If the #DNS_DBFIND_FORCENSEC3 option is set, then we are looking * in the NSEC3 tree and not the main tree. Without this option being * set NSEC3 records will not be found. * * \li To respond to a query for SIG records, the caller should create a * rdataset iterator and extract the signatures from each rdataset. * * \li Making queries of type ANY with #DNS_DBFIND_GLUEOK is not recommended, * because the burden of determining whether a given rdataset is valid * glue or not falls upon the caller. * * \li The 'now' field is ignored if 'db' is a zone database. If 'db' is a * cache database, an rdataset will not be found unless it expires after * 'now'. Any ANY query will not match unless at least one rdataset at * the node expires after 'now'. If 'now' is zero, then the current time * will be used. * * Requires: * * \li 'db' is a valid database. * * \li 'type' is not SIG, or a meta-RR type other than 'ANY' (e.g. 'OPT'). * * \li 'nodep' is NULL, or nodep is a valid pointer and *nodep == NULL. * * \li 'foundname' is a valid name with a dedicated buffer. * * \li 'rdataset' is NULL, or is a valid unassociated rdataset. * * Ensures, * on a non-error completion: * * \li If nodep != NULL, then it is bound to the found node. * * \li If foundname != NULL, then it contains the full name of the * found node. * * \li If rdataset != NULL and type != dns_rdatatype_any, then * rdataset is bound to the found rdataset. * * Non-error results are: * * \li #ISC_R_SUCCESS The desired node and type were * found. * * \li #DNS_R_GLUE The desired node and type were * found, but are glue. This * result can only occur if * the DNS_DBFIND_GLUEOK option * is set. This result can only * occur if 'db' is a zone * database. If type == * dns_rdatatype_any, then the * node returned may contain, or * consist entirely of invalid * glue (i.e. data occluded by a * zone cut). The caller must * take care not to return invalid * glue to a client. * * \li #DNS_R_DELEGATION The data requested is beneath * a zone cut. node, foundname, * and rdataset reference the * NS RRset of the zone cut. * If 'db' is a cache database, * then this is the deepest known * delegation. * * \li #DNS_R_ZONECUT type == dns_rdatatype_any, and * the desired node is a zonecut. * The caller must take care not * to return inappropriate glue * to a client. This result can * only occur if 'db' is a zone * database and DNS_DBFIND_GLUEOK * is set. * * \li #DNS_R_DNAME The data requested is beneath * a DNAME. node, foundname, * and rdataset reference the * DNAME RRset. * * \li #DNS_R_CNAME The rdataset requested was not * found, but there is a CNAME * at the desired name. node, * foundname, and rdataset * reference the CNAME RRset. * * \li #DNS_R_NXDOMAIN The desired name does not * exist. * * \li #DNS_R_NXRRSET The desired name exists, but * the desired type does not. * * \li #ISC_R_NOTFOUND The desired name does not * exist, and no delegation could * be found. This result can only * occur if 'db' is a cache * database. The caller should * use its nameserver(s) of last * resort (e.g. root hints). * * \li #DNS_R_NCACHENXDOMAIN The desired name does not * exist. 'node' is bound to the * cache node with the desired * name, and 'rdataset' contains * the negative caching proof. * * \li #DNS_R_NCACHENXRRSET The desired type does not * exist. 'node' is bound to the * cache node with the desired * name, and 'rdataset' contains * the negative caching proof. * * \li #DNS_R_EMPTYNAME The name exists but there is * no data at the name. * * \li #DNS_R_COVERINGNSEC The returned data is a NSEC * that potentially covers 'name'. * * \li #DNS_R_EMPTYWILD The name is a wildcard without * resource records. * * Error results: * * \li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY * * \li #DNS_R_BADDB Data that is required to be * present in the DB, e.g. an NSEC * record in a secure zone, is not * present. * * \li Other results are possible, and should all be treated as * errors. */ isc_result_t dns_db_findzonecut(dns_db_t *db, dns_name_t *name, unsigned int options, isc_stdtime_t now, dns_dbnode_t **nodep, dns_name_t *foundname, dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, dns_rdataset_t *sigrdataset); /*%< * Find the deepest known zonecut which encloses 'name' in 'db'. * * Notes: * * \li If the #DNS_DBFIND_NOEXACT option is set, then the zonecut returned * (if any) will be the deepest known ancestor of 'name'. * * \li If 'now' is zero, then the current time will be used. * * Requires: * * \li 'db' is a valid database with cache semantics. * * \li 'nodep' is NULL, or nodep is a valid pointer and *nodep == NULL. * * \li 'foundname' is a valid name with a dedicated buffer. * * \li 'rdataset' is NULL, or is a valid unassociated rdataset. * * Ensures, on a non-error completion: * * \li If nodep != NULL, then it is bound to the found node. * * \li If foundname != NULL, then it contains the full name of the * found node. * * \li If rdataset != NULL and type != dns_rdatatype_any, then * rdataset is bound to the found rdataset. * * Non-error results are: * * \li #ISC_R_SUCCESS * * \li #ISC_R_NOTFOUND * * \li Other results are possible, and should all be treated as * errors. */ void dns_db_attachnode(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbnode_t *source, dns_dbnode_t **targetp); /*%< * Attach *targetp to source. * * Requires: * * \li 'db' is a valid database. * * \li 'source' is a valid node. * * \li 'targetp' points to a NULL dns_dbnode_t *. * * Ensures: * * \li *targetp is attached to source. */ void dns_db_detachnode(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbnode_t **nodep); /*%< * Detach *nodep from its node. * * Requires: * * \li 'db' is a valid database. * * \li 'nodep' points to a valid node. * * Ensures: * * \li *nodep is NULL. */ void dns_db_transfernode(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbnode_t **sourcep, dns_dbnode_t **targetp); /*%< * Transfer a node between pointer. * * This is equivalent to calling dns_db_attachnode() then dns_db_detachnode(). * * Requires: * * \li 'db' is a valid database. * * \li '*sourcep' is a valid node. * * \li 'targetp' points to a NULL dns_dbnode_t *. * * Ensures: * * \li '*sourcep' is NULL. */ isc_result_t dns_db_expirenode(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbnode_t *node, isc_stdtime_t now); /*%< * Mark as stale all records at 'node' which expire at or before 'now'. * * Note: if 'now' is zero, then the current time will be used. * * Requires: * * \li 'db' is a valid cache database. * * \li 'node' is a valid node. */ void dns_db_printnode(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbnode_t *node, FILE *out); /*%< * Print a textual representation of the contents of the node to * 'out'. * * Note: this function is intended for debugging, not general use. * * Requires: * * \li 'db' is a valid database. * * \li 'node' is a valid node. */ /*** *** DB Iterator Creation ***/ isc_result_t dns_db_createiterator(dns_db_t *db, unsigned int options, dns_dbiterator_t **iteratorp); /*%< * Create an iterator for version 'version' of 'db'. * * Notes: * * \li One or more of the following options can be set. * #DNS_DB_RELATIVENAMES * #DNS_DB_NSEC3ONLY * #DNS_DB_NONSEC3 * * Requires: * * \li 'db' is a valid database. * * \li iteratorp != NULL && *iteratorp == NULL * * Ensures: * * \li On success, *iteratorp will be a valid database iterator. * * Returns: * * \li #ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY */ /*** *** Rdataset Methods ***/ /* * XXXRTH Should we check for glue and pending data in dns_db_findrdataset()? */ isc_result_t dns_db_findrdataset(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbnode_t *node, dns_dbversion_t *version, dns_rdatatype_t type, dns_rdatatype_t covers, isc_stdtime_t now, dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, dns_rdataset_t *sigrdataset); /*%< * Search for an rdataset of type 'type' at 'node' that are in version * 'version' of 'db'. If found, make 'rdataset' refer to it. * * Notes: * * \li If 'version' is NULL, then the current version will be used. * * \li Care must be used when using this routine to build a DNS response: * 'node' should have been found with dns_db_find(), not * dns_db_findnode(). No glue checking is done. No checking for * pending data is done. * * \li The 'now' field is ignored if 'db' is a zone database. If 'db' is a * cache database, an rdataset will not be found unless it expires after * 'now'. If 'now' is zero, then the current time will be used. * * Requires: * * \li 'db' is a valid database. * * \li 'node' is a valid node. * * \li 'rdataset' is a valid, disassociated rdataset. * * \li 'sigrdataset' is a valid, disassociated rdataset, or it is NULL. * * \li If 'covers' != 0, 'type' must be SIG. * * \li 'type' is not a meta-RR type such as 'ANY' or 'OPT'. * * Ensures: * * \li On success, 'rdataset' is associated with the found rdataset. * * Returns: * * \li #ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li #ISC_R_NOTFOUND * * \li Other results are possible, depending upon the database * implementation used. */ isc_result_t dns_db_allrdatasets(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbnode_t *node, dns_dbversion_t *version, isc_stdtime_t now, dns_rdatasetiter_t **iteratorp); /*%< * Make '*iteratorp' an rdataset iterator for all rdatasets at 'node' in * version 'version' of 'db'. * * Notes: * * \li If 'version' is NULL, then the current version will be used. * * \li The 'now' field is ignored if 'db' is a zone database. If 'db' is a * cache database, an rdataset will not be found unless it expires after * 'now'. Any ANY query will not match unless at least one rdataset at * the node expires after 'now'. If 'now' is zero, then the current time * will be used. * * Requires: * * \li 'db' is a valid database. * * \li 'node' is a valid node. * * \li iteratorp != NULL && *iteratorp == NULL * * Ensures: * * \li On success, '*iteratorp' is a valid rdataset iterator. * * Returns: * * \li #ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li #ISC_R_NOTFOUND * * \li Other results are possible, depending upon the database * implementation used. */ isc_result_t dns_db_addrdataset(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbnode_t *node, dns_dbversion_t *version, isc_stdtime_t now, dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, unsigned int options, dns_rdataset_t *addedrdataset); /*%< * Add 'rdataset' to 'node' in version 'version' of 'db'. * * Notes: * * \li If the database has zone semantics, the #DNS_DBADD_MERGE option is set, * and an rdataset of the same type as 'rdataset' already exists at * 'node' then the contents of 'rdataset' will be merged with the existing * rdataset. If the option is not set, then rdataset will replace any * existing rdataset of the same type. If not merging and the * #DNS_DBADD_FORCE option is set, then the data will update the database * without regard to trust levels. If not forcing the data, then the * rdataset will only be added if its trust level is >= the trust level of * any existing rdataset. Forcing is only meaningful for cache databases. * If #DNS_DBADD_EXACT is set then there must be no rdata in common between * the old and new rdata sets. If #DNS_DBADD_EXACTTTL is set then both * the old and new rdata sets must have the same ttl. * * \li The 'now' field is ignored if 'db' is a zone database. If 'db' is * a cache database, then the added rdataset will expire no later than * now + rdataset->ttl. * * \li If 'addedrdataset' is not NULL, then it will be attached to the * resulting new rdataset in the database, or to the existing data if * the existing data was better. * * Requires: * * \li 'db' is a valid database. * * \li 'node' is a valid node. * * \li 'rdataset' is a valid, associated rdataset with the same class * as 'db'. * * \li 'addedrdataset' is NULL, or a valid, unassociated rdataset. * * \li The database has zone semantics and 'version' is a valid * read-write version, or the database has cache semantics * and version is NULL. * * \li If the database has cache semantics, the #DNS_DBADD_MERGE option must * not be set. * * Returns: * * \li #ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li #DNS_R_UNCHANGED The operation did not change anything. * \li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY * \li #DNS_R_NOTEXACT * * \li Other results are possible, depending upon the database * implementation used. */ isc_result_t dns_db_subtractrdataset(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbnode_t *node, dns_dbversion_t *version, dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, unsigned int options, dns_rdataset_t *newrdataset); /*%< * Remove any rdata in 'rdataset' from 'node' in version 'version' of * 'db'. * * Notes: * * \li If 'newrdataset' is not NULL, then it will be attached to the * resulting new rdataset in the database, unless the rdataset has * become nonexistent. If DNS_DBSUB_EXACT is set then all elements * of 'rdataset' must exist at 'node'. * *\li If DNS_DBSUB_WANTOLD is set and the entire rdataset was deleted * then return the original rdatatset in newrdataset if that existed. * * Requires: * * \li 'db' is a valid database. * * \li 'node' is a valid node. * * \li 'rdataset' is a valid, associated rdataset with the same class * as 'db'. * * \li 'newrdataset' is NULL, or a valid, unassociated rdataset. * * \li The database has zone semantics and 'version' is a valid * read-write version. * * Returns: * * \li #ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li #DNS_R_UNCHANGED The operation did not change anything. * \li #DNS_R_NXRRSET All rdata of the same type as those * in 'rdataset' have been deleted. * \li #DNS_R_NOTEXACT Some part of 'rdataset' did not * exist and DNS_DBSUB_EXACT was set. * * \li Other results are possible, depending upon the database * implementation used. */ isc_result_t dns_db_deleterdataset(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbnode_t *node, dns_dbversion_t *version, dns_rdatatype_t type, dns_rdatatype_t covers); /*%< * Make it so that no rdataset of type 'type' exists at 'node' in version * version 'version' of 'db'. * * Notes: * * \li If 'type' is dns_rdatatype_any, then no rdatasets will exist in * 'version' (provided that the dns_db_deleterdataset() isn't followed * by one or more dns_db_addrdataset() calls). * * Requires: * * \li 'db' is a valid database. * * \li 'node' is a valid node. * * \li The database has zone semantics and 'version' is a valid * read-write version, or the database has cache semantics * and version is NULL. * * \li 'type' is not a meta-RR type, except for dns_rdatatype_any, which is * allowed. * * \li If 'covers' != 0, 'type' must be SIG. * * Returns: * * \li #ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li #DNS_R_UNCHANGED No rdatasets of 'type' existed before * the operation was attempted. * * \li Other results are possible, depending upon the database * implementation used. */ isc_result_t dns_db_getsoaserial(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t *ver, isc_uint32_t *serialp); /*%< * Get the current SOA serial number from a zone database. * * Requires: * \li 'db' is a valid database with zone semantics. * \li 'ver' is a valid version. */ void dns_db_overmem(dns_db_t *db, isc_boolean_t overmem); /*%< * Enable / disable aggressive cache cleaning. */ unsigned int dns_db_nodecount(dns_db_t *db); /*%< * Count the number of nodes in 'db'. * * Requires: * * \li 'db' is a valid database. * * Returns: * \li The number of nodes in the database */ size_t dns_db_hashsize(dns_db_t *db); /*%< * For database implementations using a hash table, report the * current number of buckets. * * Requires: * * \li 'db' is a valid database. * * Returns: * \li The number of buckets in the database's hash table, or * 0 if not implemented. */ void dns_db_settask(dns_db_t *db, isc_task_t *task); /*%< * If task is set then the final detach maybe performed asynchronously. * * Requires: * \li 'db' is a valid database. * \li 'task' to be valid or NULL. */ isc_boolean_t dns_db_ispersistent(dns_db_t *db); /*%< * Is 'db' persistent? A persistent database does not need to be loaded * from disk or written to disk. * * Requires: * * \li 'db' is a valid database. * * Returns: * \li #ISC_TRUE 'db' is persistent. * \li #ISC_FALSE 'db' is not persistent. */ isc_result_t dns_db_register(const char *name, dns_dbcreatefunc_t create, void *driverarg, isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_dbimplementation_t **dbimp); /*%< * Register a new database implementation and add it to the list of * supported implementations. * * Requires: * * \li 'name' is not NULL * \li 'order' is a valid function pointer * \li 'mctx' is a valid memory context * \li dbimp != NULL && *dbimp == NULL * * Returns: * \li #ISC_R_SUCCESS The registration succeeded * \li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY Out of memory * \li #ISC_R_EXISTS A database implementation with the same name exists * * Ensures: * * \li *dbimp points to an opaque structure which must be passed to * dns_db_unregister(). */ void dns_db_unregister(dns_dbimplementation_t **dbimp); /*%< * Remove a database implementation from the list of supported * implementations. No databases of this type can be active when this * is called. * * Requires: * \li dbimp != NULL && *dbimp == NULL * * Ensures: * * \li Any memory allocated in *dbimp will be freed. */ isc_result_t dns_db_getoriginnode(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbnode_t **nodep); /*%< * Get the origin DB node corresponding to the DB's zone. This function * should typically succeed unless the underlying DB implementation doesn't * support the feature. * * Requires: * * \li 'db' is a valid zone database. * \li 'nodep' != NULL && '*nodep' == NULL * * Ensures: * \li On success, '*nodep' will point to the DB node of the zone's origin. * * Returns: * \li #ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li #ISC_R_NOTFOUND - the DB implementation does not support this feature. */ isc_result_t dns_db_getnsec3parameters(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t *version, dns_hash_t *hash, isc_uint8_t *flags, isc_uint16_t *interations, unsigned char *salt, size_t *salt_length); /*%< * Get the NSEC3 parameters that are associated with this zone. * * Requires: * \li 'db' is a valid zone database. * * Returns: * \li #ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li #ISC_R_NOTFOUND - the DB implementation does not support this feature * or this zone does not have NSEC3 records. */ isc_result_t dns_db_getsize(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t *version, isc_uint64_t *records, isc_uint64_t *bytes); /*%< * Get the number of records in the given version of the database as well * as the number bytes used to store those records. * * Requires: * \li 'db' is a valid zone database. * \li 'version' is NULL or a valid version. * \li 'records' is NULL or a pointer to return the record count in. * \li 'bytes' is NULL or a pointer to return the byte count in. * * Returns: * \li #ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li #ISC_R_NOTIMPLEMENTED */ isc_result_t dns_db_findnsec3node(dns_db_t *db, dns_name_t *name, isc_boolean_t create, dns_dbnode_t **nodep); /*%< * Find the NSEC3 node with name 'name'. * * Notes: * \li If 'create' is ISC_TRUE and no node with name 'name' exists, then * such a node will be created. * * Requires: * * \li 'db' is a valid database. * * \li 'name' is a valid, non-empty, absolute name. * * \li nodep != NULL && *nodep == NULL * * Ensures: * * \li On success, *nodep is attached to the node with name 'name'. * * Returns: * * \li #ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li #ISC_R_NOTFOUND If !create and name not found. * \li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY Can only happen if create is ISC_TRUE. * * \li Other results are possible, depending upon the database * implementation used. */ isc_result_t dns_db_setsigningtime(dns_db_t *db, dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, isc_stdtime_t resign); /*%< * Sets the re-signing time associated with 'rdataset' to 'resign'. * * Requires: * \li 'db' is a valid zone database. * \li 'rdataset' is or is to be associated with 'db'. * \li 'rdataset' is not pending removed from the heap via an * uncommitted call to dns_db_resigned(). * * Returns: * \li #ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY * \li #ISC_R_NOTIMPLEMENTED - Not supported by this DB implementation. */ isc_result_t dns_db_getsigningtime(dns_db_t *db, dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, dns_name_t *name); /*%< * Return the rdataset with the earliest signing time in the zone. * Note: the rdataset is version agnostic. * * Requires: * \li 'db' is a valid zone database. * \li 'rdataset' to be initialized but not associated. * \li 'name' to be NULL or have a buffer associated with it. * * Returns: * \li #ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li #ISC_R_NOTFOUND - No dataset exists. */ void dns_db_resigned(dns_db_t *db, dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, dns_dbversion_t *version); /*%< * Mark 'rdataset' as not being available to be returned by * dns_db_getsigningtime(). If the changes associated with 'version' * are committed this will be permanent. If the version is not committed * this change will be rolled back when the version is closed. Until * 'version' is either committed or rolled back, 'rdataset' can no longer * be acted upon by dns_db_setsigningtime(). * * Requires: * \li 'db' is a valid zone database. * \li 'rdataset' to be associated with 'db'. * \li 'version' to be open for writing. */ dns_stats_t * dns_db_getrrsetstats(dns_db_t *db); /*%< * Get statistics information counting RRsets stored in the DB, when available. * The statistics may not be available depending on the DB implementation. * * Requires: * * \li 'db' is a valid database (cache only). * * Returns: * \li when available, a pointer to a statistics object created by * dns_rdatasetstats_create(); otherwise NULL. */ isc_result_t dns_db_setcachestats(dns_db_t *db, isc_stats_t *stats); /*%< * Set the location in which to collect cache statistics. * This option may not exist depending on the DB implementation. * * Requires: * * \li 'db' is a valid database (cache only). * * Returns: * \li when available, a pointer to a statistics object created by * dns_rdatasetstats_create(); otherwise NULL. */ void dns_db_rpz_attach(dns_db_t *db, dns_rpz_zones_t *rpzs, dns_rpz_num_t rpz_num); /*%< * Attach the response policy information for a view to a database for a * zone for the view. */ isc_result_t dns_db_rpz_ready(dns_db_t *db); /*%< * Finish loading a response policy zone. */ isc_result_t dns_db_updatenotify_register(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbupdate_callback_t fn, void *fn_arg); /*%< * Register a notify-on-update callback function to a database. * * Requires: * * \li 'db' is a valid database * \li 'db' does not have an update callback registered * \li 'fn' is not NULL * */ isc_result_t dns_db_updatenotify_unregister(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbupdate_callback_t fn, void *fn_arg); /*%< * Unregister a notify-on-update callback. * * Requires: * * \li 'db' is a valid database * \li 'db' has update callback registered * */ isc_result_t dns_db_nodefullname(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbnode_t *node, dns_name_t *name); /*%< * Get the name associated with a database node. * * Requires: * * \li 'db' is a valid database * \li 'node' and 'name' are not NULL */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_DB_H */ PK #include #include /* * Nothing in this file truly depends on , but the * DNS result codes are considered to be publicly derived from * the ISC result codes, so including this file buys you the ISC_R_ * namespace too. */ #include /* Contractual promise. */ /* * DNS library result codes */ #define DNS_R_LABELTOOLONG (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 0) #define DNS_R_BADESCAPE (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 1) /* * Since we dropped the support of bitstring labels, deprecate the related * result codes too. #define DNS_R_BADBITSTRING (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 2) #define DNS_R_BITSTRINGTOOLONG (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 3) */ #define DNS_R_EMPTYLABEL (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 4) #define DNS_R_BADDOTTEDQUAD (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 5) #define DNS_R_INVALIDNS (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 6) #define DNS_R_UNKNOWN (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 7) #define DNS_R_BADLABELTYPE (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 8) #define DNS_R_BADPOINTER (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 9) #define DNS_R_TOOMANYHOPS (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 10) #define DNS_R_DISALLOWED (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 11) #define DNS_R_EXTRATOKEN (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 12) #define DNS_R_EXTRADATA (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 13) #define DNS_R_TEXTTOOLONG (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 14) #define DNS_R_NOTZONETOP (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 15) #define DNS_R_SYNTAX (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 16) #define DNS_R_BADCKSUM (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 17) #define DNS_R_BADAAAA (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 18) #define DNS_R_NOOWNER (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 19) #define DNS_R_NOTTL (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 20) #define DNS_R_BADCLASS (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 21) #define DNS_R_NAMETOOLONG (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 22) #define DNS_R_PARTIALMATCH (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 23) #define DNS_R_NEWORIGIN (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 24) #define DNS_R_UNCHANGED (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 25) #define DNS_R_BADTTL (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 26) #define DNS_R_NOREDATA (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 27) #define DNS_R_CONTINUE (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 28) #define DNS_R_DELEGATION (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 29) #define DNS_R_GLUE (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 30) #define DNS_R_DNAME (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 31) #define DNS_R_CNAME (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 32) #define DNS_R_BADDB (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 33) #define DNS_R_ZONECUT (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 34) #define DNS_R_BADZONE (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 35) #define DNS_R_MOREDATA (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 36) #define DNS_R_UPTODATE (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 37) #define DNS_R_TSIGVERIFYFAILURE (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 38) #define DNS_R_TSIGERRORSET (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 39) #define DNS_R_SIGINVALID (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 40) #define DNS_R_SIGEXPIRED (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 41) #define DNS_R_SIGFUTURE (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 42) #define DNS_R_KEYUNAUTHORIZED (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 43) #define DNS_R_INVALIDTIME (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 44) #define DNS_R_EXPECTEDTSIG (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 45) #define DNS_R_UNEXPECTEDTSIG (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 46) #define DNS_R_INVALIDTKEY (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 47) #define DNS_R_HINT (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 48) #define DNS_R_DROP (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 49) #define DNS_R_NOTLOADED (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 50) #define DNS_R_NCACHENXDOMAIN (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 51) #define DNS_R_NCACHENXRRSET (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 52) #define DNS_R_WAIT (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 53) #define DNS_R_NOTVERIFIEDYET (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 54) #define DNS_R_NOIDENTITY (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 55) #define DNS_R_NOJOURNAL (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 56) #define DNS_R_ALIAS (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 57) #define DNS_R_USETCP (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 58) #define DNS_R_NOVALIDSIG (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 59) #define DNS_R_NOVALIDNSEC (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 60) #define DNS_R_NOTINSECURE (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 61) #define DNS_R_UNKNOWNSERVICE (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 62) #define DNS_R_RECOVERABLE (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 63) #define DNS_R_UNKNOWNOPT (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 64) #define DNS_R_UNEXPECTEDID (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 65) #define DNS_R_SEENINCLUDE (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 66) #define DNS_R_NOTEXACT (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 67) #define DNS_R_BLACKHOLED (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 68) #define DNS_R_BADALG (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 69) #define DNS_R_METATYPE (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 70) #define DNS_R_CNAMEANDOTHER (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 71) #define DNS_R_SINGLETON (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 72) #define DNS_R_HINTNXRRSET (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 73) #define DNS_R_NOMASTERFILE (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 74) #define DNS_R_UNKNOWNPROTO (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 75) #define DNS_R_CLOCKSKEW (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 76) #define DNS_R_BADIXFR (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 77) #define DNS_R_NOTAUTHORITATIVE (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 78) #define DNS_R_NOVALIDKEY (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 79) #define DNS_R_OBSOLETE (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 80) #define DNS_R_FROZEN (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 81) #define DNS_R_UNKNOWNFLAG (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 82) #define DNS_R_EXPECTEDRESPONSE (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 83) #define DNS_R_NOVALIDDS (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 84) #define DNS_R_NSISADDRESS (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 85) #define DNS_R_REMOTEFORMERR (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 86) #define DNS_R_TRUNCATEDTCP (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 87) #define DNS_R_LAME (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 88) #define DNS_R_UNEXPECTEDRCODE (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 89) #define DNS_R_UNEXPECTEDOPCODE (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 90) #define DNS_R_CHASEDSSERVERS (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 91) #define DNS_R_EMPTYNAME (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 92) #define DNS_R_EMPTYWILD (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 93) #define DNS_R_BADBITMAP (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 94) #define DNS_R_FROMWILDCARD (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 95) #define DNS_R_BADOWNERNAME (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 96) #define DNS_R_BADNAME (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 97) #define DNS_R_DYNAMIC (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 98) #define DNS_R_UNKNOWNCOMMAND (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 99) #define DNS_R_MUSTBESECURE (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 100) #define DNS_R_COVERINGNSEC (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 101) #define DNS_R_MXISADDRESS (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 102) #define DNS_R_DUPLICATE (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 103) #define DNS_R_INVALIDNSEC3 (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 104) #define DNS_R_NOTMASTER (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 105) #define DNS_R_BROKENCHAIN (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 106) #define DNS_R_EXPIRED (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 107) #define DNS_R_NOTDYNAMIC (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 108) #define DNS_R_BADEUI (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 109) #define DNS_R_NTACOVERED (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 110) #define DNS_R_BADCDS (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 111) #define DNS_R_BADCDNSKEY (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 112) #define DNS_R_OPTERR (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 113) #define DNS_R_BADDNSTAP (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 114) #define DNS_R_BADTSIG (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 115) #define DNS_R_BADSIG0 (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 116) #define DNS_R_TOOMANYRECORDS (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNS + 117) #define DNS_R_NRESULTS 118 /*%< Number of results */ /* * DNS wire format rcodes. * * By making these their own class we can easily convert them into the * wire-format rcode value simply by masking off the resultclass. */ #define DNS_R_NOERROR (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNSRCODE + 0) #define DNS_R_FORMERR (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNSRCODE + 1) #define DNS_R_SERVFAIL (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNSRCODE + 2) #define DNS_R_NXDOMAIN (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNSRCODE + 3) #define DNS_R_NOTIMP (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNSRCODE + 4) #define DNS_R_REFUSED (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNSRCODE + 5) #define DNS_R_YXDOMAIN (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNSRCODE + 6) #define DNS_R_YXRRSET (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNSRCODE + 7) #define DNS_R_NXRRSET (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNSRCODE + 8) #define DNS_R_NOTAUTH (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNSRCODE + 9) #define DNS_R_NOTZONE (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNSRCODE + 10) #define DNS_R_RCODE11 (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNSRCODE + 11) #define DNS_R_RCODE12 (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNSRCODE + 12) #define DNS_R_RCODE13 (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNSRCODE + 13) #define DNS_R_RCODE14 (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNSRCODE + 14) #define DNS_R_RCODE15 (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNSRCODE + 15) #define DNS_R_BADVERS (ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNSRCODE + 16) #define DNS_R_NRCODERESULTS 17 /*%< Number of rcode results */ #define DNS_RESULT_ISRCODE(result) \ (ISC_RESULTCLASS_INCLASS(ISC_RESULTCLASS_DNSRCODE, (result))) ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS const char * dns_result_totext(isc_result_t); void dns_result_register(void); dns_rcode_t dns_result_torcode(isc_result_t result); ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_RESULT_H */ PK #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /*** *** Functions ***/ isc_result_t dns_time64_fromtext(const char *source, isc_int64_t *target); /*%< * Convert a date and time in YYYYMMDDHHMMSS text format at 'source' * into to a 64-bit count of seconds since Jan 1 1970 0:00 GMT. * Store the count at 'target'. */ isc_result_t dns_time32_fromtext(const char *source, isc_uint32_t *target); /*%< * Like dns_time64_fromtext, but returns the second count modulo 2^32 * as per RFC2535. */ isc_result_t dns_time64_totext(isc_int64_t value, isc_buffer_t *target); /*%< * Convert a 64-bit count of seconds since Jan 1 1970 0:00 GMT into * a YYYYMMDDHHMMSS text representation and append it to 'target'. */ isc_result_t dns_time32_totext(isc_uint32_t value, isc_buffer_t *target); /*%< * Like dns_time64_totext, but for a 32-bit cyclic time value. * Of those dates whose counts of seconds since Jan 1 1970 0:00 GMT * are congruent with 'value' modulo 2^32, the one closest to the * current date is chosen. */ isc_int64_t dns_time64_from32(isc_uint32_t value); /*%< * Covert a 32-bit cyclic time value into a 64 bit time stamp. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_TIME_H */ PK #include #include /*** *** Types ***/ typedef struct dns_master_style dns_master_style_t; /*** *** Definitions ***/ /* * Flags affecting master file formatting. Flags 0x0000FFFF * define the formatting of the rdata part and are defined in * rdata.h. */ /*% Omit the owner name when possible. */ #define DNS_STYLEFLAG_OMIT_OWNER 0x000010000ULL /*% * Omit the TTL when possible. If DNS_STYLEFLAG_TTL is * also set, this means no TTLs are ever printed * because $TTL directives are generated before every * change in the TTL. In this case, no columns need to * be reserved for the TTL. Master files generated with * these options will be rejected by BIND 4.x because it * does not recognize the $TTL directive. * * If DNS_STYLEFLAG_TTL is not also set, the TTL will be * omitted when it is equal to the previous TTL. * This is correct according to RFC1035, but the * TTLs may be silently misinterpreted by older * versions of BIND which use the SOA MINTTL as a * default TTL value. */ #define DNS_STYLEFLAG_OMIT_TTL 0x000020000ULL /*% Omit the class when possible. */ #define DNS_STYLEFLAG_OMIT_CLASS 0x000040000ULL /*% Output $TTL directives. */ #define DNS_STYLEFLAG_TTL 0x000080000ULL /*% * Output $ORIGIN directives and print owner names relative to * the origin when possible. */ #define DNS_STYLEFLAG_REL_OWNER 0x000100000ULL /*% Print domain names in RR data in relative form when possible. For this to take effect, DNS_STYLEFLAG_REL_OWNER must also be set. */ #define DNS_STYLEFLAG_REL_DATA 0x000200000ULL /*% Print the trust level of each rdataset. */ #define DNS_STYLEFLAG_TRUST 0x000400000ULL /*% Print negative caching entries. */ #define DNS_STYLEFLAG_NCACHE 0x000800000ULL /*% Never print the TTL. */ #define DNS_STYLEFLAG_NO_TTL 0x001000000ULL /*% Never print the CLASS. */ #define DNS_STYLEFLAG_NO_CLASS 0x002000000ULL /*% Report re-signing time. */ #define DNS_STYLEFLAG_RESIGN 0x004000000ULL /*% Don't printout the cryptographic parts of DNSSEC records. */ #define DNS_STYLEFLAG_NOCRYPTO 0x008000000ULL /*% Comment out data by prepending with ";" */ #define DNS_STYLEFLAG_COMMENTDATA 0x010000000ULL /*% Print TTL with human-readable units. */ #define DNS_STYLEFLAG_TTL_UNITS 0x020000000ULL /*% Indent output. */ #define DNS_STYLEFLAG_INDENT 0x040000000ULL /*% Output in YAML style. */ #define DNS_STYLEFLAG_YAML 0x080000000ULL /*% Print ECS cache entries as comments (reserved for future use). */ #define DNS_STYLEFLAG_ECSCACHE 0x100000000ULL ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /*** *** Constants ***/ /*% * The default master file style. * * This uses $TTL directives to avoid the need to dedicate a * tab stop for the TTL. The class is only printed for the first * rrset in the file and shares a tab stop with the RR type. */ LIBDNS_EXTERNAL_DATA extern const dns_master_style_t dns_master_style_default; /*% * A master file style that dumps zones to a very generic format easily * imported/checked with external tools. */ LIBDNS_EXTERNAL_DATA extern const dns_master_style_t dns_master_style_full; /*% * A master file style that prints explicit TTL values on each * record line, never using $TTL statements. The TTL has a tab * stop of its own, but the class and type share one. */ LIBDNS_EXTERNAL_DATA extern const dns_master_style_t dns_master_style_explicitttl; /*% * A master style format designed for cache files. It prints explicit TTL * values on each record line and never uses $ORIGIN or relative names. */ LIBDNS_EXTERNAL_DATA extern const dns_master_style_t dns_master_style_cache; /*% * A master style that prints name, ttl, class, type, and value on * every line. Similar to explicitttl above, but more verbose. * Intended for generating master files which can be easily parsed * by perl scripts and similar applications. */ LIBDNS_EXTERNAL_DATA extern const dns_master_style_t dns_master_style_simple; /*% * The style used for debugging, "dig" output, etc. */ LIBDNS_EXTERNAL_DATA extern const dns_master_style_t dns_master_style_debug; /*% * Similar to dns_master_style_debug but data is prepended with ";" */ LIBDNS_EXTERNAL_DATA extern const dns_master_style_t dns_master_style_comment; /*% * Similar to dns_master_style_debug but data is indented with * dns_master_indentstr (defaults to tab). */ LIBDNS_EXTERNAL_DATA extern const dns_master_style_t dns_master_style_indent; /*% * The style used for dumping "key" zones. */ LIBDNS_EXTERNAL_DATA extern const dns_master_style_t dns_master_style_keyzone; /*% * YAML-compatible output */ LIBDNS_EXTERNAL_DATA extern const dns_master_style_t dns_master_style_yaml; /*% * The default indent string to prepend lines with when using * styleflag DNS_STYLEFLAG_INDENT or DNS_STYLEFLAG_YAML. * This is set to "\t" by default. The indent is repeated * 'dns_master_indent' times. This precedes everything else * on the line, including comment characters (;). * * XXX: Changing this value at runtime is not thread-safe. */ LIBDNS_EXTERNAL_DATA extern const char *dns_master_indentstr; /*% * The number of copies of the indent string to put at the beginning * of the line when using DNS_STYLEFLAG_INDENT or DNS_STYLEFLAG_YAML. * This is set to 1 by default. It is increased and decreased * to adjust indentation levels when producing YAML output. * * XXX: This is not thread-safe. */ LIBDNS_EXTERNAL_DATA extern unsigned int dns_master_indent; /*** *** Functions ***/ void dns_dumpctx_attach(dns_dumpctx_t *source, dns_dumpctx_t **target); /*%< * Attach to a dump context. * * Require: *\li 'source' to be valid. *\li 'target' to be non NULL and '*target' to be NULL. */ void dns_dumpctx_detach(dns_dumpctx_t **dctxp); /*%< * Detach from a dump context. * * Require: *\li 'dctxp' to point to a valid dump context. * * Ensures: *\li '*dctxp' is NULL. */ void dns_dumpctx_cancel(dns_dumpctx_t *dctx); /*%< * Cancel a in progress dump. * * Require: *\li 'dctx' to be valid. */ dns_dbversion_t * dns_dumpctx_version(dns_dumpctx_t *dctx); /*%< * Return the version handle (if any) of the database being dumped. * * Require: *\li 'dctx' to be valid. */ dns_db_t * dns_dumpctx_db(dns_dumpctx_t *dctx); /*%< * Return the database being dumped. * * Require: *\li 'dctx' to be valid. */ /*@{*/ isc_result_t dns_master_dumptostreaminc(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t *version, const dns_master_style_t *style, FILE *f, isc_task_t *task, dns_dumpdonefunc_t done, void *done_arg, dns_dumpctx_t **dctxp); isc_result_t dns_master_dumptostream(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t *version, const dns_master_style_t *style, FILE *f); isc_result_t dns_master_dumptostream2(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t *version, const dns_master_style_t *style, dns_masterformat_t format, FILE *f); isc_result_t dns_master_dumptostream3(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t *version, const dns_master_style_t *style, dns_masterformat_t format, dns_masterrawheader_t *header, FILE *f); /*%< * Dump the database 'db' to the steam 'f' in the specified format by * 'format'. If the format is dns_masterformat_text (the RFC1035 format), * 'style' specifies the file style (e.g., &dns_master_style_default). * * dns_master_dumptostream() is an old form of dns_master_dumptostream3(), * which always specifies the dns_masterformat_text format. * dns_master_dumptostream2() is an old form which always specifies * a NULL header. * * If 'format' is dns_masterformat_raw, then 'header' can contain * information to be written to the file header. * * Temporary dynamic memory may be allocated from 'mctx'. * * Require: *\li 'task' to be valid. *\li 'done' to be non NULL. *\li 'dctxp' to be non NULL && '*dctxp' to be NULL. * * Returns: *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li ISC_R_CONTINUE dns_master_dumptostreaminc() only. *\li ISC_R_NOMEMORY *\li Any database or rrset iterator error. *\li Any dns_rdata_totext() error code. */ /*@}*/ /*@{*/ isc_result_t dns_master_dumpinc(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t *version, const dns_master_style_t *style, const char *filename, isc_task_t *task, dns_dumpdonefunc_t done, void *done_arg, dns_dumpctx_t **dctxp); isc_result_t dns_master_dumpinc2(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t *version, const dns_master_style_t *style, const char *filename, isc_task_t *task, dns_dumpdonefunc_t done, void *done_arg, dns_dumpctx_t **dctxp, dns_masterformat_t format); isc_result_t dns_master_dumpinc3(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t *version, const dns_master_style_t *style, const char *filename, isc_task_t *task, dns_dumpdonefunc_t done, void *done_arg, dns_dumpctx_t **dctxp, dns_masterformat_t format, dns_masterrawheader_t *header); isc_result_t dns_master_dump(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t *version, const dns_master_style_t *style, const char *filename); isc_result_t dns_master_dump2(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t *version, const dns_master_style_t *style, const char *filename, dns_masterformat_t format); isc_result_t dns_master_dump3(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t *version, const dns_master_style_t *style, const char *filename, dns_masterformat_t format, dns_masterrawheader_t *header); /*%< * Dump the database 'db' to the file 'filename' in the specified format by * 'format'. If the format is dns_masterformat_text (the RFC1035 format), * 'style' specifies the file style (e.g., &dns_master_style_default). * * dns_master_dumpinc() and dns_master_dump() are old forms of _dumpinc3() * and _dump3(), respectively, which always specify the dns_masterformat_text * format. dns_master_dumpinc2() and dns_master_dump2() are old forms which * always specify a NULL header. * * If 'format' is dns_masterformat_raw, then 'header' can contain * information to be written to the file header. * * Temporary dynamic memory may be allocated from 'mctx'. * * Returns: *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li ISC_R_CONTINUE dns_master_dumpinc() only. *\li ISC_R_NOMEMORY *\li Any database or rrset iterator error. *\li Any dns_rdata_totext() error code. */ /*@}*/ isc_result_t dns_master_rdatasettotext(dns_name_t *owner_name, dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, const dns_master_style_t *style, isc_buffer_t *target); /*%< * Convert 'rdataset' to text format, storing the result in 'target'. * * Notes: *\li The rdata cursor position will be changed. * * Requires: *\li 'rdataset' is a valid non-question rdataset. * *\li 'rdataset' is not empty. */ isc_result_t dns_master_questiontotext(dns_name_t *owner_name, dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, const dns_master_style_t *style, isc_buffer_t *target); isc_result_t dns_master_dumpnodetostream(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t *version, dns_dbnode_t *node, dns_name_t *name, const dns_master_style_t *style, FILE *f); isc_result_t dns_master_dumpnode(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t *version, dns_dbnode_t *node, dns_name_t *name, const dns_master_style_t *style, const char *filename); dns_masterstyle_flags_t dns_master_styleflags(const dns_master_style_t *style); isc_result_t dns_master_stylecreate(dns_master_style_t **style, unsigned int flags, unsigned int ttl_column, unsigned int class_column, unsigned int type_column, unsigned int rdata_column, unsigned int line_length, unsigned int tab_width, isc_mem_t *mctx); isc_result_t dns_master_stylecreate2(dns_master_style_t **style, unsigned int flags, unsigned int ttl_column, unsigned int class_column, unsigned int type_column, unsigned int rdata_column, unsigned int line_length, unsigned int tab_width, unsigned int split_width, isc_mem_t *mctx); void dns_master_styledestroy(dns_master_style_t **style, isc_mem_t *mctx); ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_MASTERDUMP_H */ PK #include #include #else struct fstrm_iothr_options; #endif /* HAVE_DNSTAP */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /*% * Dnstap message types: * * STUB QUERY: SQ * STUB RESPONSE: SR * CLIENT QUERY: CQ * CLIENT RESPONSE: CR * AUTH QUERY: AQ * AUTH RESPONSE: AR * RESOLVER QUERY: RQ * RESOLVER RESPONSE: RR * FORWARDER QUERY: FQ * FORWARDER RESPONSE: FR */ #define DNS_DTTYPE_SQ 0x0001 #define DNS_DTTYPE_SR 0x0002 #define DNS_DTTYPE_CQ 0x0004 #define DNS_DTTYPE_CR 0x0008 #define DNS_DTTYPE_AQ 0x0010 #define DNS_DTTYPE_AR 0x0020 #define DNS_DTTYPE_RQ 0x0040 #define DNS_DTTYPE_RR 0x0080 #define DNS_DTTYPE_FQ 0x0100 #define DNS_DTTYPE_FR 0x0200 #define DNS_DTTYPE_TQ 0x0400 #define DNS_DTTYPE_TR 0x0800 #define DNS_DTTYPE_QUERY \ (DNS_DTTYPE_SQ|DNS_DTTYPE_CQ|DNS_DTTYPE_AQ|\ DNS_DTTYPE_RQ|DNS_DTTYPE_FQ|DNS_DTTYPE_TQ) #define DNS_DTTYPE_RESPONSE \ (DNS_DTTYPE_SR|DNS_DTTYPE_CR|DNS_DTTYPE_AR|\ DNS_DTTYPE_RR|DNS_DTTYPE_FR|DNS_DTTYPE_TR) #define DNS_DTTYPE_ALL \ (DNS_DTTYPE_QUERY|DNS_DTTYPE_RESPONSE) typedef enum { dns_dtmode_none = 0, dns_dtmode_file, dns_dtmode_unix } dns_dtmode_t; typedef struct dns_dthandle dns_dthandle_t; #ifdef HAVE_DNSTAP struct dns_dtdata { isc_mem_t *mctx; Dnstap__Dnstap *frame; isc_boolean_t query; isc_boolean_t tcp; dns_dtmsgtype_t type; isc_time_t qtime; isc_time_t rtime; isc_region_t qaddr; isc_region_t raddr; isc_uint32_t qport; isc_uint32_t rport; isc_region_t msgdata; dns_message_t *msg; char namebuf[DNS_NAME_FORMATSIZE]; char typebuf[DNS_RDATATYPE_FORMATSIZE]; char classbuf[DNS_RDATACLASS_FORMATSIZE]; }; #endif /* HAVE_DNSTAP */ isc_result_t dns_dt_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_dtmode_t mode, const char *path, struct fstrm_iothr_options **foptp, dns_dtenv_t **envp); /*%< * Create and initialize the dnstap environment. * * There should be a single global dnstap environment for the server; * copies of it will be attached to each view. * * Notes: * *\li 'path' refers to a UNIX domain socket by default. It may * optionally be prepended with "socket:" or "file:". If prepended * with "file:", then dnstap logs are sent to a file instead of a * socket. * *\li '*foptp' set the options for fstrm_iothr_init(). '*foptp' must have * have had the number of input queues set and this should be set * to the number of worker threads. Additionally the queue model * should also be set. Other options may be set if desired. * If dns_dt_create succeeds the *foptp is set to NULL. * * Requires: * *\li 'mctx' is a valid memory context. * *\li 'path' is a valid C string. * *\li 'fopt' is non NULL. * *\li envp != NULL && *envp == NULL * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY * *\li Other errors are possible. */ isc_result_t dns_dt_reopen(dns_dtenv_t *env, int roll); /*%< * Reopens files established by dns_dt_create(). * * If 'roll' is non-negative and 'env->mode' is dns_dtmode_file, * then the file is automatically rolled over before reopening. * The value of 'roll' indicates the number of backup log files to * keep. If 'roll' is negative, or if 'env->mode' is dns_dtmode_unix, * then the channel is simply reopened. * * Note: dns_dt_reopen() must be called in task exclusive mode. * * Requires: *\li 'env' is a valid dnstap environment. */ isc_result_t dns_dt_setidentity(dns_dtenv_t *env, const char *identity); isc_result_t dns_dt_setversion(dns_dtenv_t *env, const char *version); /*%< * Set the "identity" and "version" strings to be sent in dnstap messages. * * Requires: * *\li 'env' is a valid dnstap environment. */ void dns_dt_attach(dns_dtenv_t *source, dns_dtenv_t **destp); /*%< * Attach '*destp' to 'source', incrementing the reference counter. * * Requires: * *\li 'source' is a valid dnstap environment. * *\li 'destp' is not NULL and '*destp' is NULL. * *\li *destp is attached to source. */ void dns_dt_detach(dns_dtenv_t **envp); /*%< * Detach '*envp', decrementing the reference counter. * * Requires: * *\li '*envp' is a valid dnstap environment. * * Ensures: * *\li '*envp' will be destroyed when the number of references reaches zero. * *\li '*envp' is NULL. */ isc_result_t dns_dt_getstats(dns_dtenv_t *env, isc_stats_t **statsp); /*%< * Attach to the stats struct if it exists. * * Requires: * *\li 'env' is a valid dnstap environment. * *\li 'statsp' is non NULL and '*statsp' is NULL. * * Returns: * *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS * *\li ISC_R_NOTFOUND */ void dns_dt_shutdown(void); /*%< * Shuts down dnstap and frees global resources. This function must only * be called immediately before server shutdown. */ void dns_dt_send(dns_view_t *view, dns_dtmsgtype_t msgtype, isc_sockaddr_t *qaddr, isc_sockaddr_t *dstaddr, isc_boolean_t tcp, isc_region_t *zone, isc_time_t *qtime, isc_time_t *rtime, isc_buffer_t *buf); /*%< * Sends a dnstap message to the log, if 'msgtype' is one of the message * types represented in 'view->dttypes'. * * Parameters are: 'qaddr' (query address, i.e, the address of the * query initiator); 'raddr' (response address, i.e., the address of * the query responder); 'tcp' (boolean indicating whether the transaction * was over TCP); 'zone' (the authoritative zone or bailiwick, in * uncompressed wire format), 'qtime' and 'rtime' (query and response * times; if NULL, they are set to the current time); and 'buf' (the * DNS message being logged, in wire format). * * Requires: * *\li 'view' is a valid view, and 'view->dtenv' is NULL or is a * valid dnstap environment. */ isc_result_t dns_dt_parse(isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_region_t *src, dns_dtdata_t **destp); /*%< * Converts a raw dnstap frame in 'src' to a parsed dnstap data structure * in '*destp'. * * Requires: *\li 'src' is not NULL * *\li 'destp' is not NULL and '*destp' points to a valid buffer. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS on success * *\li Other errors are possible. */ isc_result_t dns_dt_datatotext(dns_dtdata_t *d, isc_buffer_t **dest); /*%< * Converts a parsed dnstap data structure 'd' to text, storing * the result in the buffer 'dest'. If 'dest' points to a dynamically * allocated buffer, then it may be reallocated as needed. * * (XXX: add a 'long_form' option to generate a detailed listing of * dnstap data instead * of a one-line summary.) * * Requires: *\li 'd' is not NULL * *\li 'dest' is not NULL and '*dest' points to a valid buffer. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS on success *\li #ISC_R_NOSPACE if buffer is not dynamic and runs out of space *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY if buffer is dynamic but memory could not be allocated * *\li Other errors are possible. */ void dns_dtdata_free(dns_dtdata_t **dp); /*%< * Frees the specified dns_dtdata structure and all its members, * and sets *dp to NULL. */ isc_result_t dns_dt_open(const char *filename, dns_dtmode_t mode, isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_dthandle_t **handlep); /*%< * Opens a dnstap framestream at 'filename' and stores a pointer to the * reader object in a dns_dthandle_t structure. * * The caller is responsible for allocating the handle structure. * * (XXX: Currently only file readers are supported, not unix-domain socket * readers.) * * Requires: * *\li 'filename' is not NULL. * *\li 'handlep' is not NULL and '*handlep' is NULL. * *\li '*mctx' is not a valid memory context. * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS on success *\li #ISC_R_NOTIMPLEMENTED if 'mode' is not dns_dtmode_file. (XXX) *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY if the fstrm library was unable to allocate a * reader or options structure *\li #ISC_R_FAILURE if 'filename' could not be opened. *\li #DNS_R_BADDNSTAP if 'filename' does not contain a dnstap * framestream. */ isc_result_t dns_dt_getframe(dns_dthandle_t *handle, isc_uint8_t **bufp, size_t *sizep); /*%< * Read a dnstap frame from the framstream reader in 'handle', storing * a pointer to it in '*bufp' and its size in '*sizep'. * * Requires: * *\li 'handle' is not NULL *\li 'bufp' is not NULL *\li 'sizep' is not NULL * * Ensures: * \li if returning ISC_R_SUCCESS then '*bufp' is not NULL * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS on success *\li #ISC_R_NOMORE at the end of the frame stream *\li #ISC_R_FAILURE for any other failure */ void dns_dt_close(dns_dthandle_t **handlep); /*%< * Closes the dnstap file referenced by 'handle'. * * Requires: * *\li '*handlep' is not NULL */ #endif /* _DNSTAP_H */ PK /*** *** Types ***/ /*** *** Functions ***/ ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /* TBD: describe those */ isc_result_t dns_ecdb_register(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_dbimplementation_t **dbimp); void dns_ecdb_unregister(dns_dbimplementation_t **dbimp); ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_ECDB_H */ PK #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS isc_result_t dns_rcode_fromtext(dns_rcode_t *rcodep, isc_textregion_t *source); /*%< * Convert the text 'source' refers to into a DNS error value. * * Requires: *\li 'rcodep' is a valid pointer. * *\li 'source' is a valid text region. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS on success *\li #DNS_R_UNKNOWN type is unknown */ isc_result_t dns_rcode_totext(dns_rcode_t rcode, isc_buffer_t *target); /*%< * Put a textual representation of error 'rcode' into 'target'. * * Requires: *\li 'rcode' is a valid rcode. * *\li 'target' is a valid text buffer. * * Ensures: *\li If the result is success: * The used space in 'target' is updated. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS on success *\li #ISC_R_NOSPACE target buffer is too small */ isc_result_t dns_tsigrcode_fromtext(dns_rcode_t *rcodep, isc_textregion_t *source); /*%< * Convert the text 'source' refers to into a TSIG/TKEY error value. * * Requires: *\li 'rcodep' is a valid pointer. * *\li 'source' is a valid text region. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS on success *\li #DNS_R_UNKNOWN type is unknown */ isc_result_t dns_tsigrcode_totext(dns_rcode_t rcode, isc_buffer_t *target); /*%< * Put a textual representation of TSIG/TKEY error 'rcode' into 'target'. * * Requires: *\li 'rcode' is a valid TSIG/TKEY error code. * *\li 'target' is a valid text buffer. * * Ensures: *\li If the result is success: * The used space in 'target' is updated. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS on success *\li #ISC_R_NOSPACE target buffer is too small */ isc_result_t dns_hashalg_fromtext(unsigned char *hashalg, isc_textregion_t *source); /*%< * Convert the text 'source' refers to into a has algorithm value. * * Requires: *\li 'hashalg' is a valid pointer. * *\li 'source' is a valid text region. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS on success *\li #DNS_R_UNKNOWN type is unknown */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_RCODE_H */ PK #include #include #include #include /*** *** Types ***/ /*% * A dns_difftuple_t represents a single RR being added or deleted. * The RR type and class are in the 'rdata' member; the class is always * the real one, not a DynDNS meta-class, so that the rdatas can be * compared using dns_rdata_compare(). The TTL is significant * even for deletions, because a deletion/addition pair cannot * be canceled out if the TTL differs (it might be an explicit * TTL update). * * Tuples are also used to represent complete RRs with owner * names for a couple of other purposes, such as the * individual RRs of a "RRset exists (value dependent)" * prerequisite set. In this case, op==DNS_DIFFOP_EXISTS, * and the TTL is ignored. * * DNS_DIFFOP_*RESIGN will cause the 'resign' attribute of the resulting * RRset to be recomputed to be 'resign' seconds before the earliest RRSIG * timeexpire. */ typedef enum { DNS_DIFFOP_ADD = 0, /*%< Add an RR. */ DNS_DIFFOP_DEL = 1, /*%< Delete an RR. */ DNS_DIFFOP_EXISTS = 2, /*%< Assert RR existence. */ DNS_DIFFOP_ADDRESIGN = 4, /*%< ADD + RESIGN. */ DNS_DIFFOP_DELRESIGN = 5 /*%< DEL + RESIGN. */ } dns_diffop_t; typedef struct dns_difftuple dns_difftuple_t; #define DNS_DIFFTUPLE_MAGIC ISC_MAGIC('D','I','F','T') #define DNS_DIFFTUPLE_VALID(t) ISC_MAGIC_VALID(t, DNS_DIFFTUPLE_MAGIC) struct dns_difftuple { unsigned int magic; isc_mem_t *mctx; dns_diffop_t op; dns_name_t name; dns_ttl_t ttl; dns_rdata_t rdata; ISC_LINK(dns_difftuple_t) link; /* Variable-size name data and rdata follows. */ }; /*% * A dns_diff_t represents a set of changes being applied to * a zone. Diffs are also used to represent "RRset exists * (value dependent)" prerequisites. */ typedef struct dns_diff dns_diff_t; #define DNS_DIFF_MAGIC ISC_MAGIC('D','I','F','F') #define DNS_DIFF_VALID(t) ISC_MAGIC_VALID(t, DNS_DIFF_MAGIC) struct dns_diff { unsigned int magic; isc_mem_t * mctx; ISC_LIST(dns_difftuple_t) tuples; }; /* Type of comparison function for sorting diffs. */ typedef int dns_diff_compare_func(const void *, const void *); /*** *** Functions ***/ ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /**************************************************************************/ /* * Manipulation of diffs and tuples. */ isc_result_t dns_difftuple_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_diffop_t op, dns_name_t *name, dns_ttl_t ttl, dns_rdata_t *rdata, dns_difftuple_t **tp); /*%< * Create a tuple. Deep copies are made of the name and rdata, so * they need not remain valid after the call. * * Requires: *\li *tp != NULL && *tp == NULL. * * Returns: *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li ISC_R_NOMEMORY */ void dns_difftuple_free(dns_difftuple_t **tp); /*%< * Free a tuple. * * Requires: * \li **tp is a valid tuple. * * Ensures: * \li *tp == NULL * \li All memory used by the tuple is freed. */ isc_result_t dns_difftuple_copy(dns_difftuple_t *orig, dns_difftuple_t **copyp); /*%< * Copy a tuple. * * Requires: * \li 'orig' points to a valid tuple *\li copyp != NULL && *copyp == NULL */ void dns_diff_init(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_diff_t *diff); /*%< * Initialize a diff. * * Requires: * \li 'diff' points to an uninitialized dns_diff_t * \li allocated by the caller. * * Ensures: * \li '*diff' is a valid, empty diff. */ void dns_diff_clear(dns_diff_t *diff); /*%< * Clear a diff, destroying all its tuples. * * Requires: * \li 'diff' points to a valid dns_diff_t. * * Ensures: * \li Any tuples in the diff are destroyed. * The diff now empty, but it is still valid * and may be reused without calling dns_diff_init * again. The only memory used is that of the * dns_diff_t structure itself. * * Notes: * \li Managing the memory of the dns_diff_t structure itself * is the caller's responsibility. */ void dns_diff_append(dns_diff_t *diff, dns_difftuple_t **tuple); /*%< * Append a single tuple to a diff. * *\li 'diff' is a valid diff. * \li '*tuple' is a valid tuple. * * Ensures: *\li *tuple is NULL. *\li The tuple has been freed, or will be freed when the diff is cleared. */ void dns_diff_appendminimal(dns_diff_t *diff, dns_difftuple_t **tuple); /*%< * Append 'tuple' to 'diff', removing any duplicate * or conflicting updates as needed to create a minimal diff. * * Requires: *\li 'diff' is a minimal diff. * * Ensures: *\li 'diff' is still a minimal diff. * \li *tuple is NULL. * \li The tuple has been freed, or will be freed when the diff is cleared. * */ isc_result_t dns_diff_sort(dns_diff_t *diff, dns_diff_compare_func *compare); /*%< * Sort 'diff' in-place according to the comparison function 'compare'. */ isc_result_t dns_diff_apply(dns_diff_t *diff, dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t *ver); isc_result_t dns_diff_applysilently(dns_diff_t *diff, dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t *ver); /*%< * Apply 'diff' to the database 'db'. * * dns_diff_apply() logs warnings about updates with no effect or * with inconsistent TTLs; dns_diff_applysilently() does not. * * For efficiency, the diff should be sorted by owner name. * If it is not sorted, operation will still be correct, * but less efficient. * * Requires: *\li *diff is a valid diff (possibly empty), containing * tuples of type #DNS_DIFFOP_ADD and/or * For #DNS_DIFFOP_DEL tuples, the TTL is ignored. * */ isc_result_t dns_diff_load(dns_diff_t *diff, dns_addrdatasetfunc_t addfunc, void *add_private); /*%< * Like dns_diff_apply, but for use when loading a new database * instead of modifying an existing one. This bypasses the * database transaction mechanisms. * * Requires: *\li 'addfunc' is a valid dns_addradatasetfunc_t obtained from * dns_db_beginload() * *\li 'add_private' points to a corresponding dns_dbload_t * * (XXX why is it a void pointer, then?) */ isc_result_t dns_diff_print(dns_diff_t *diff, FILE *file); /*%< * Print the differences to 'file' or if 'file' is NULL via the * logging system. * * Require: *\li 'diff' to be valid. *\li 'file' to refer to a open file or NULL. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY *\li #ISC_R_UNEXPECTED *\li any error from dns_rdataset_totext() */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_DIFF_H */ PK #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS isc_result_t dns_secalg_fromtext(dns_secalg_t *secalgp, isc_textregion_t *source); /*%< * Convert the text 'source' refers to into a DNSSEC security algorithm value. * The text may contain either a mnemonic algorithm name or a decimal algorithm * number. * * Requires: *\li 'secalgp' is a valid pointer. * *\li 'source' is a valid text region. * * Returns: *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS on success *\li ISC_R_RANGE numeric type is out of range *\li DNS_R_UNKNOWN mnemonic type is unknown */ isc_result_t dns_secalg_totext(dns_secalg_t secalg, isc_buffer_t *target); /*%< * Put a textual representation of the DNSSEC security algorithm 'secalg' * into 'target'. * * Requires: *\li 'secalg' is a valid secalg. * *\li 'target' is a valid text buffer. * * Ensures, * if the result is success: *\li The used space in 'target' is updated. * * Returns: *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS on success *\li ISC_R_NOSPACE target buffer is too small */ #define DNS_SECALG_FORMATSIZE 20 void dns_secalg_format(dns_secalg_t alg, char *cp, unsigned int size); /*%< * Wrapper for dns_secalg_totext(), writing text into 'cp' */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_SECALG_H */ PK #include #include #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /* Key agreement modes */ #define DNS_TKEYMODE_SERVERASSIGNED 1 #define DNS_TKEYMODE_DIFFIEHELLMAN 2 #define DNS_TKEYMODE_GSSAPI 3 #define DNS_TKEYMODE_RESOLVERASSIGNED 4 #define DNS_TKEYMODE_DELETE 5 struct dns_tkeyctx { dst_key_t *dhkey; dns_name_t *domain; gss_cred_id_t gsscred; isc_mem_t *mctx; isc_entropy_t *ectx; char *gssapi_keytab; }; isc_result_t dns_tkeyctx_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_entropy_t *ectx, dns_tkeyctx_t **tctxp); /*%< * Create an empty TKEY context. * * Requires: *\li 'mctx' is not NULL *\li 'tctx' is not NULL *\li '*tctx' is NULL * * Returns *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY *\li return codes from dns_name_fromtext() */ void dns_tkeyctx_destroy(dns_tkeyctx_t **tctxp); /*%< * Frees all data associated with the TKEY context * * Requires: *\li 'tctx' is not NULL *\li '*tctx' is not NULL */ isc_result_t dns_tkey_processquery(dns_message_t *msg, dns_tkeyctx_t *tctx, dns_tsig_keyring_t *ring); /*%< * Processes a query containing a TKEY record, adding or deleting TSIG * keys if necessary, and modifies the message to contain the response. * * Requires: *\li 'msg' is a valid message *\li 'tctx' is a valid TKEY context *\li 'ring' is a valid TSIG keyring * * Returns *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS msg was updated (the TKEY operation succeeded, * or msg now includes a TKEY with an error set) * DNS_R_FORMERR the packet was malformed (missing a TKEY * or KEY). *\li other An error occurred while processing the message */ isc_result_t dns_tkey_builddhquery(dns_message_t *msg, dst_key_t *key, dns_name_t *name, dns_name_t *algorithm, isc_buffer_t *nonce, isc_uint32_t lifetime); /*%< * Builds a query containing a TKEY that will generate a shared * secret using a Diffie-Hellman key exchange. The shared key * will be of the specified algorithm (only DNS_TSIG_HMACMD5_NAME * is supported), and will be named either 'name', * 'name' + server chosen domain, or random data + server chosen domain * if 'name' == dns_rootname. If nonce is not NULL, it supplies * random data used in the shared secret computation. The key is * requested to have the specified lifetime (in seconds) * * * Requires: *\li 'msg' is a valid message *\li 'key' is a valid Diffie Hellman dst key *\li 'name' is a valid name *\li 'algorithm' is a valid name * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS msg was successfully updated to include the * query to be sent *\li other an error occurred while building the message */ isc_result_t dns_tkey_buildgssquery(dns_message_t *msg, dns_name_t *name, dns_name_t *gname, isc_buffer_t *intoken, isc_uint32_t lifetime, gss_ctx_id_t *context, isc_boolean_t win2k, isc_mem_t *mctx, char **err_message); /*%< * Builds a query containing a TKEY that will generate a GSSAPI context. * The key is requested to have the specified lifetime (in seconds). * * Requires: *\li 'msg' is a valid message *\li 'name' is a valid name *\li 'gname' is a valid name *\li 'context' is a pointer to a valid gss_ctx_id_t * (which may have the value GSS_C_NO_CONTEXT) *\li 'win2k' when true says to turn on some hacks to work * with the non-standard GSS-TSIG of Windows 2000 * * Returns: *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS msg was successfully updated to include the * query to be sent *\li other an error occurred while building the message *\li *err_message optional error message */ isc_result_t dns_tkey_builddeletequery(dns_message_t *msg, dns_tsigkey_t *key); /*%< * Builds a query containing a TKEY record that will delete the * specified shared secret from the server. * * Requires: *\li 'msg' is a valid message *\li 'key' is a valid TSIG key * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS msg was successfully updated to include the * query to be sent *\li other an error occurred while building the message */ isc_result_t dns_tkey_processdhresponse(dns_message_t *qmsg, dns_message_t *rmsg, dst_key_t *key, isc_buffer_t *nonce, dns_tsigkey_t **outkey, dns_tsig_keyring_t *ring); /*%< * Processes a response to a query containing a TKEY that was * designed to generate a shared secret using a Diffie-Hellman key * exchange. If the query was successful, a new shared key * is created and added to the list of shared keys. * * Requires: *\li 'qmsg' is a valid message (the query) *\li 'rmsg' is a valid message (the response) *\li 'key' is a valid Diffie Hellman dst key *\li 'outkey' is either NULL or a pointer to NULL *\li 'ring' is a valid keyring or NULL * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS the shared key was successfully added *\li #ISC_R_NOTFOUND an error occurred while looking for a * component of the query or response */ isc_result_t dns_tkey_processgssresponse(dns_message_t *qmsg, dns_message_t *rmsg, dns_name_t *gname, gss_ctx_id_t *context, isc_buffer_t *outtoken, dns_tsigkey_t **outkey, dns_tsig_keyring_t *ring, char **err_message); /*%< * XXX */ isc_result_t dns_tkey_processdeleteresponse(dns_message_t *qmsg, dns_message_t *rmsg, dns_tsig_keyring_t *ring); /*%< * Processes a response to a query containing a TKEY that was * designed to delete a shared secret. If the query was successful, * the shared key is deleted from the list of shared keys. * * Requires: *\li 'qmsg' is a valid message (the query) *\li 'rmsg' is a valid message (the response) *\li 'ring' is not NULL * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS the shared key was successfully deleted *\li #ISC_R_NOTFOUND an error occurred while looking for a * component of the query or response */ isc_result_t dns_tkey_gssnegotiate(dns_message_t *qmsg, dns_message_t *rmsg, dns_name_t *server, gss_ctx_id_t *context, dns_tsigkey_t **outkey, dns_tsig_keyring_t *ring, isc_boolean_t win2k, char **err_message); /* * Client side negotiation of GSS-TSIG. Process the response * to a TKEY, and establish a TSIG key if negotiation was successful. * Build a response to the input TKEY message. Can take multiple * calls to successfully establish the context. * * Requires: * 'qmsg' is a valid message, the original TKEY request; * it will be filled with the new message to send * 'rmsg' is a valid message, the incoming TKEY message * 'server' is the server name * 'context' is the input context handle * 'outkey' receives the established key, if non-NULL; * if non-NULL must point to NULL * 'ring' is the keyring in which to establish the key, * or NULL * 'win2k' when true says to turn on some hacks to work * with the non-standard GSS-TSIG of Windows 2000 * * Returns: * ISC_R_SUCCESS context was successfully established * ISC_R_NOTFOUND couldn't find a needed part of the query * or response * DNS_R_CONTINUE additional context negotiation is required; * send the new qmsg to the server */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_TKEY_H */ PK #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /*% * Tuning: external query load in packets per seconds. */ LIBDNS_EXTERNAL_DATA extern unsigned int dns_pps; LIBDNS_EXTERNAL_DATA extern isc_msgcat_t *dns_msgcat; void dns_lib_initmsgcat(void); /*%< * Initialize the DNS library's message catalog, dns_msgcat, if it * has not already been initialized. */ isc_result_t dns_lib_init(void); /*%< * A set of initialization procedure used in the DNS library. This function * is provided for an application that is not aware of the underlying ISC or * DNS libraries much. */ void dns_lib_shutdown(void); /*%< * Free temporary resources allocated in dns_lib_init(). */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_LIB_H */ PK #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /*! * \brief * Context for intializing a dyndb module. * * This structure passes global server data to which a dyndb * module will need access -- the server memory context, hash * initializer, log context, etc. The structure doesn't persist * beyond configuring the dyndb module. The module's register function * should attach to all reference-counted variables and its destroy * function should detach from them. */ struct dns_dyndbctx { unsigned int magic; const void *hashinit; isc_mem_t *mctx; isc_log_t *lctx; dns_view_t *view; dns_zonemgr_t *zmgr; isc_task_t *task; isc_timermgr_t *timermgr; isc_boolean_t *refvar; }; #define DNS_DYNDBCTX_MAGIC ISC_MAGIC('D', 'd', 'b', 'c') #define DNS_DYNDBCTX_VALID(d) ISC_MAGIC_VALID(d, DNS_DYNDBCTX_MAGIC) /* * API version * * When the API changes, increment DNS_DYNDB_VERSION. If the * change is backward-compatible (e.g., adding a new function call * but not changing or removing an old one), increment DNS_DYNDB_AGE; * if not, set DNS_DYNDB_AGE to 0. */ #ifndef DNS_DYNDB_VERSION #define DNS_DYNDB_VERSION 1 #define DNS_DYNDB_AGE 0 #endif typedef isc_result_t dns_dyndb_register_t(isc_mem_t *mctx, const char *name, const char *parameters, const char *file, unsigned long line, const dns_dyndbctx_t *dctx, void **instp); /*% * Called when registering a new driver instance. 'name' must be unique. * 'parameters' contains the driver configuration text. 'dctx' is the * initialization context set up in dns_dyndb_createctx(). * * '*instp' must be set to the driver instance handle if the functino * is successful. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY *\li Other errors are possible */ typedef void dns_dyndb_destroy_t(void **instp); /*% * Destroy a driver instance. Dereference any reference-counted * variables passed in 'dctx' and 'inst' in the register function. * * \c *instp must be set to \c NULL by the function before it returns. */ typedef int dns_dyndb_version_t(unsigned int *flags); /*% * Return the API version number a dyndb module was compiled with. * * If the returned version number is no greater than than * DNS_DYNDB_VERSION, and no less than DNS_DYNDB_VERSION - DNS_DYNDB_AGE, * then the module is API-compatible with named. * * 'flags' is currently unused and may be NULL, but could be used in * the future to pass back driver capabilities or other information. */ isc_result_t dns_dyndb_load(const char *libname, const char *name, const char *parameters, const char *file, unsigned long line, isc_mem_t *mctx, const dns_dyndbctx_t *dctx); /*% * Load a dyndb module. * * This loads a dyndb module using dlopen() or equivalent, calls its register * function (see dns_dyndb_register_t above), and if successful, adds * the instance handle to a list of dyndb instances so it can be cleaned * up later. * * 'file' and 'line' can be used to indicate the name of the file and * the line number from which the parameters were taken, so that logged * error messages, if any, will display the correct locations. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY *\li Other errors are possible */ void dns_dyndb_cleanup(isc_boolean_t exiting); /*% * Shut down and destroy all running dyndb modules. * * 'exiting' indicates whether the server is shutting down, * as opposed to merely being reconfigured. */ isc_result_t dns_dyndb_createctx(isc_mem_t *mctx, const void *hashinit, isc_log_t *lctx, dns_view_t *view, dns_zonemgr_t *zmgr, isc_task_t *task, isc_timermgr_t *tmgr, dns_dyndbctx_t **dctxp); /*% * Create a dyndb initialization context structure, with * pointers to structures in the server that the dyndb module will * need to access (view, zone manager, memory context, hash initializer, * etc). This structure is expected to last only until all dyndb * modules have been loaded and initialized; after that it will be * destroyed with dns_dyndb_destroyctx(). * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY *\li Other errors are possible */ void dns_dyndb_destroyctx(dns_dyndbctx_t **dctxp); /*% * Destroys a dyndb initialization context structure; all * reference-counted members are detached and the structure is freed. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_DYNDB_H */ PK #include #include #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /* * Memory allocation or other failures. */ #define DNS_RRL_LOG_FAIL ISC_LOG_WARNING /* * dropped or slipped responses. */ #define DNS_RRL_LOG_DROP ISC_LOG_INFO /* * Major events in dropping or slipping. */ #define DNS_RRL_LOG_DEBUG1 ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3) /* * Limit computations. */ #define DNS_RRL_LOG_DEBUG2 ISC_LOG_DEBUG(4) /* * Even less interesting. */ #define DNS_RRL_LOG_DEBUG3 ISC_LOG_DEBUG(9) #define DNS_RRL_LOG_ERR_LEN 64 #define DNS_RRL_LOG_BUF_LEN (sizeof("would continue limiting") + \ DNS_RRL_LOG_ERR_LEN + \ sizeof(" responses to ") + \ ISC_NETADDR_FORMATSIZE + \ sizeof("/128 for IN ") + \ DNS_RDATATYPE_FORMATSIZE + \ DNS_NAME_FORMATSIZE) typedef struct dns_rrl_hash dns_rrl_hash_t; /* * Response types. */ typedef enum { DNS_RRL_RTYPE_FREE = 0, DNS_RRL_RTYPE_QUERY, DNS_RRL_RTYPE_REFERRAL, DNS_RRL_RTYPE_NODATA, DNS_RRL_RTYPE_NXDOMAIN, DNS_RRL_RTYPE_ERROR, DNS_RRL_RTYPE_ALL, DNS_RRL_RTYPE_TCP, } dns_rrl_rtype_t; /* * A rate limit bucket key. * This should be small to limit the total size of the database. * The hash of the qname should be wide enough to make the probability * of collisions among requests from a single IP address block less than 50%. * We need a 32-bit hash value for 10000 qps (e.g. random qnames forged * by attacker) to collide with legitimate qnames from the target with * probability at most 1%. */ #define DNS_RRL_MAX_PREFIX 64 typedef union dns_rrl_key dns_rrl_key_t; struct dns__rrl_key { isc_uint32_t ip[DNS_RRL_MAX_PREFIX/32]; isc_uint32_t qname_hash; dns_rdatatype_t qtype; isc_uint8_t qclass; unsigned int rtype :4; /* dns_rrl_rtype_t */ unsigned int ipv6 :1; }; union dns_rrl_key { struct dns__rrl_key s; isc_uint16_t w[sizeof(struct dns__rrl_key)/sizeof(isc_uint16_t)]; }; /* * A rate-limit entry. * This should be small to limit the total size of the table of entries. */ typedef struct dns_rrl_entry dns_rrl_entry_t; typedef ISC_LIST(dns_rrl_entry_t) dns_rrl_bin_t; struct dns_rrl_entry { ISC_LINK(dns_rrl_entry_t) lru; ISC_LINK(dns_rrl_entry_t) hlink; dns_rrl_key_t key; # define DNS_RRL_RESPONSE_BITS 24 signed int responses :DNS_RRL_RESPONSE_BITS; # define DNS_RRL_QNAMES_BITS 8 unsigned int log_qname :DNS_RRL_QNAMES_BITS; # define DNS_RRL_TS_GEN_BITS 2 unsigned int ts_gen :DNS_RRL_TS_GEN_BITS; unsigned int ts_valid :1; # define DNS_RRL_HASH_GEN_BITS 1 unsigned int hash_gen :DNS_RRL_HASH_GEN_BITS; unsigned int logged :1; # define DNS_RRL_LOG_BITS 11 unsigned int log_secs :DNS_RRL_LOG_BITS; # define DNS_RRL_TS_BITS 12 unsigned int ts :DNS_RRL_TS_BITS; # define DNS_RRL_MAX_SLIP 10 unsigned int slip_cnt :4; }; #define DNS_RRL_MAX_TIME_TRAVEL 5 #define DNS_RRL_FOREVER (1<= DNS_RRL_MAX_TS #error "DNS_RRL_MAX_WINDOW is too large" #endif #define DNS_RRL_MAX_RATE 1000 #if DNS_RRL_MAX_RATE >= (DNS_RRL_MAX_RESPONSES / DNS_RRL_MAX_WINDOW) #error "DNS_RRL_MAX_rate is too large" #endif #if (1<= DNS_RRL_FOREVER #error DNS_RRL_LOG_BITS is too big #endif #define DNS_RRL_MAX_LOG_SECS 1800 #if DNS_RRL_MAX_LOG_SECS >= (1<= (1< #include /*% * Clients may use this type directly. */ struct dns_rdatalist { dns_rdataclass_t rdclass; dns_rdatatype_t type; dns_rdatatype_t covers; dns_ttl_t ttl; ISC_LIST(dns_rdata_t) rdata; ISC_LINK(dns_rdatalist_t) link; /*%< * Case vector. If the bit is set then the corresponding * character in the owner name needs to be AND'd with 0x20, * rendering that character upper case. */ unsigned char upper[32]; }; ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS void dns_rdatalist_init(dns_rdatalist_t *rdatalist); /*%< * Initialize rdatalist. * * Ensures: *\li All fields of rdatalist have been initialized to their default * values. */ isc_result_t dns_rdatalist_tordataset(dns_rdatalist_t *rdatalist, dns_rdataset_t *rdataset); /*%< * Make 'rdataset' refer to the rdata in 'rdatalist'. * * Note: *\li The caller must ensure that 'rdatalist' remains valid and unchanged * while 'rdataset' is associated with it. * * Requires: * *\li 'rdatalist' is a valid rdatalist. * *\li 'rdataset' is a valid rdataset that is not currently associated with * any rdata. * * Ensures, * on success, * *\li 'rdataset' is associated with the rdata in rdatalist. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS */ isc_result_t dns_rdatalist_fromrdataset(dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, dns_rdatalist_t **rdatalist); /*%< * Point 'rdatalist' to the rdatalist in 'rdataset'. * * Requires: * *\li 'rdatalist' is a pointer to a NULL dns_rdatalist_t pointer. * *\li 'rdataset' is a valid rdataset associated with an rdatalist. * * Ensures, * on success, * *\li 'rdatalist' is pointed to the rdatalist in rdataset. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_RDATALIST_H */ PK #include typedef isc_uint64_t dns_bitset_t; #define DNS_BIT_SET(bit, bitset) \ (*(bitset) |= ((dns_bitset_t)1 << (bit))) #define DNS_BIT_CLEAR(bit, bitset) \ (*(bitset) &= ~((dns_bitset_t)1 << (bit))) #define DNS_BIT_CHECK(bit, bitset) \ ISC_TF((*(bitset) & ((dns_bitset_t)1 << (bit))) \ == ((dns_bitset_t)1 << (bit))) #endif /* DNS_BIT_H */ PK #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS isc_result_t dns_secproto_fromtext(dns_secproto_t *secprotop, isc_textregion_t *source); /*%< * Convert the text 'source' refers to into a DNSSEC security protocol value. * The text may contain either a mnemonic protocol name or a decimal protocol * number. * * Requires: *\li 'secprotop' is a valid pointer. * *\li 'source' is a valid text region. * * Returns: *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS on success *\li ISC_R_RANGE numeric type is out of range *\li DNS_R_UNKNOWN mnemonic type is unknown */ isc_result_t dns_secproto_totext(dns_secproto_t secproto, isc_buffer_t *target); /*%< * Put a textual representation of the DNSSEC security protocol 'secproto' * into 'target'. * * Requires: *\li 'secproto' is a valid secproto. * *\li 'target' is a valid text buffer. * * Ensures, * if the result is success: * \li The used space in 'target' is updated. * * Returns: *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS on success *\li ISC_R_NOSPACE target buffer is too small */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_SECPROTO_H */ PK /*% * Statistics counters. Used as isc_statscounter_t values. */ enum { /*% * Resolver statistics counters. */ dns_resstatscounter_queryv4 = 0, dns_resstatscounter_queryv6 = 1, dns_resstatscounter_responsev4 = 2, dns_resstatscounter_responsev6 = 3, dns_resstatscounter_nxdomain = 4, dns_resstatscounter_servfail = 5, dns_resstatscounter_formerr = 6, dns_resstatscounter_othererror = 7, dns_resstatscounter_edns0fail = 8, dns_resstatscounter_mismatch = 9, dns_resstatscounter_truncated = 10, dns_resstatscounter_lame = 11, dns_resstatscounter_retry = 12, dns_resstatscounter_gluefetchv4 = 13, dns_resstatscounter_gluefetchv6 = 14, dns_resstatscounter_gluefetchv4fail = 15, dns_resstatscounter_gluefetchv6fail = 16, dns_resstatscounter_val = 17, dns_resstatscounter_valsuccess = 18, dns_resstatscounter_valnegsuccess = 19, dns_resstatscounter_valfail = 20, dns_resstatscounter_dispabort = 21, dns_resstatscounter_dispsockfail = 22, dns_resstatscounter_querytimeout = 23, dns_resstatscounter_queryrtt0 = 24, dns_resstatscounter_queryrtt1 = 25, dns_resstatscounter_queryrtt2 = 26, dns_resstatscounter_queryrtt3 = 27, dns_resstatscounter_queryrtt4 = 28, dns_resstatscounter_queryrtt5 = 29, dns_resstatscounter_nfetch = 30, dns_resstatscounter_disprequdp = 31, dns_resstatscounter_dispreqtcp = 32, dns_resstatscounter_buckets = 33, dns_resstatscounter_refused = 34, dns_resstatscounter_cookienew = 35, dns_resstatscounter_cookieout = 36, dns_resstatscounter_cookiein = 37, dns_resstatscounter_cookieok = 38, dns_resstatscounter_badvers = 39, dns_resstatscounter_badcookie = 40, dns_resstatscounter_zonequota = 41, dns_resstatscounter_serverquota = 42, dns_resstatscounter_nextitem = 43, dns_resstatscounter_max = 44, /* * DNSSEC stats. */ dns_dnssecstats_asis = 0, dns_dnssecstats_downcase = 1, dns_dnssecstats_wildcard = 2, dns_dnssecstats_fail = 3, dns_dnssecstats_max = 4, /*% * Zone statistics counters. */ dns_zonestatscounter_notifyoutv4 = 0, dns_zonestatscounter_notifyoutv6 = 1, dns_zonestatscounter_notifyinv4 = 2, dns_zonestatscounter_notifyinv6 = 3, dns_zonestatscounter_notifyrej = 4, dns_zonestatscounter_soaoutv4 = 5, dns_zonestatscounter_soaoutv6 = 6, dns_zonestatscounter_axfrreqv4 = 7, dns_zonestatscounter_axfrreqv6 = 8, dns_zonestatscounter_ixfrreqv4 = 9, dns_zonestatscounter_ixfrreqv6 = 10, dns_zonestatscounter_xfrsuccess = 11, dns_zonestatscounter_xfrfail = 12, dns_zonestatscounter_max = 13, /* * Adb statistics values. */ dns_adbstats_nentries = 0, dns_adbstats_entriescnt = 1, dns_adbstats_nnames = 2, dns_adbstats_namescnt = 3, dns_adbstats_max = 4, /* * Cache statistics values. */ dns_cachestatscounter_hits = 1, dns_cachestatscounter_misses = 2, dns_cachestatscounter_queryhits = 3, dns_cachestatscounter_querymisses = 4, dns_cachestatscounter_deletelru = 5, dns_cachestatscounter_deletettl = 6, dns_cachestatscounter_max = 7, /*% * Query statistics counters (obsolete). */ dns_statscounter_success = 0, /*%< Successful lookup */ dns_statscounter_referral = 1, /*%< Referral result */ dns_statscounter_nxrrset = 2, /*%< NXRRSET result */ dns_statscounter_nxdomain = 3, /*%< NXDOMAIN result */ dns_statscounter_recursion = 4, /*%< Recursion was used */ dns_statscounter_failure = 5, /*%< Some other failure */ dns_statscounter_duplicate = 6, /*%< Duplicate query */ dns_statscounter_dropped = 7, /*%< Duplicate query (dropped) */ /*% * DNSTAP statistics counters. */ dns_dnstapcounter_success = 0, dns_dnstapcounter_drop = 1, dns_dnstapcounter_max = 2 }; #define DNS_STATS_NCOUNTERS 8 #if 0 /*%< * Flag(s) for dns_xxxstats_dump(). DNS_STATSDUMP_VERBOSE is obsolete. * ISC_STATSDUMP_VERBOSE should be used instead. These two values are * intentionally defined to be the same value to ensure binary compatibility. */ #define DNS_STATSDUMP_VERBOSE 0x00000001 /*%< dump 0-value counters */ #endif /*%< * (Obsoleted) */ LIBDNS_EXTERNAL_DATA extern const char *dns_statscounter_names[]; /*% * Attributes for statistics counters of RRset and Rdatatype types. * * _OTHERTYPE * The rdata type is not explicitly supported and the corresponding counter * is counted for other such types, too. When this attribute is set, * the base type is of no use. * * _NXRRSET * RRset type counters only. Indicates the RRset is non existent. * * _NXDOMAIN * RRset type counters only. Indicates a non existent name. When this * attribute is set, the base type is of no use. * * _STALE * RRset type counters only. This indicates a record that marked for * removal. * * Note: incrementing _STALE will decrement the corresponding non-stale * counter. */ #define DNS_RDATASTATSTYPE_ATTR_OTHERTYPE 0x0001 #define DNS_RDATASTATSTYPE_ATTR_NXRRSET 0x0002 #define DNS_RDATASTATSTYPE_ATTR_NXDOMAIN 0x0004 #define DNS_RDATASTATSTYPE_ATTR_STALE 0x0008 /*%< * Conversion macros among dns_rdatatype_t, attributes and isc_statscounter_t. */ #define DNS_RDATASTATSTYPE_BASE(type) ((dns_rdatatype_t)((type) & 0xFFFF)) #define DNS_RDATASTATSTYPE_ATTR(type) ((type) >> 16) #define DNS_RDATASTATSTYPE_VALUE(b, a) (((a) << 16) | (b)) /*%< * Types of dump callbacks. */ typedef void (*dns_generalstats_dumper_t)(isc_statscounter_t, isc_uint64_t, void *); typedef void (*dns_rdatatypestats_dumper_t)(dns_rdatastatstype_t, isc_uint64_t, void *); typedef void (*dns_opcodestats_dumper_t)(dns_opcode_t, isc_uint64_t, void *); typedef void (*dns_rcodestats_dumper_t)(dns_rcode_t, isc_uint64_t, void *); ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS isc_result_t dns_generalstats_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_stats_t **statsp, int ncounters); /*%< * Create a statistics counter structure of general type. It counts a general * set of counters indexed by an ID between 0 and ncounters -1. * This function is obsolete. A more general function, isc_stats_create(), * should be used. * * Requires: *\li 'mctx' must be a valid memory context. * *\li 'statsp' != NULL && '*statsp' == NULL. * * Returns: *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS -- all ok * *\li anything else -- failure */ isc_result_t dns_rdatatypestats_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_stats_t **statsp); /*%< * Create a statistics counter structure per rdatatype. * * Requires: *\li 'mctx' must be a valid memory context. * *\li 'statsp' != NULL && '*statsp' == NULL. * * Returns: *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS -- all ok * *\li anything else -- failure */ isc_result_t dns_rdatasetstats_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_stats_t **statsp); /*%< * Create a statistics counter structure per RRset. * * Requires: *\li 'mctx' must be a valid memory context. * *\li 'statsp' != NULL && '*statsp' == NULL. * * Returns: *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS -- all ok * *\li anything else -- failure */ isc_result_t dns_opcodestats_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_stats_t **statsp); /*%< * Create a statistics counter structure per opcode. * * Requires: *\li 'mctx' must be a valid memory context. * *\li 'statsp' != NULL && '*statsp' == NULL. * * Returns: *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS -- all ok * *\li anything else -- failure */ isc_result_t dns_rcodestats_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_stats_t **statsp); /*%< * Create a statistics counter structure per assigned rcode. * * Requires: *\li 'mctx' must be a valid memory context. * *\li 'statsp' != NULL && '*statsp' == NULL. * * Returns: *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS -- all ok * *\li anything else -- failure */ void dns_stats_attach(dns_stats_t *stats, dns_stats_t **statsp); /*%< * Attach to a statistics set. * * Requires: *\li 'stats' is a valid dns_stats_t. * *\li 'statsp' != NULL && '*statsp' == NULL */ void dns_stats_detach(dns_stats_t **statsp); /*%< * Detaches from the statistics set. * * Requires: *\li 'statsp' != NULL and '*statsp' is a valid dns_stats_t. */ void dns_generalstats_increment(dns_stats_t *stats, isc_statscounter_t counter); /*%< * Increment the counter-th counter of stats. This function is obsolete. * A more general function, isc_stats_increment(), should be used. * * Requires: *\li 'stats' is a valid dns_stats_t created by dns_generalstats_create(). * *\li counter is less than the maximum available ID for the stats specified * on creation. */ void dns_rdatatypestats_increment(dns_stats_t *stats, dns_rdatatype_t type); /*%< * Increment the statistics counter for 'type'. * * Requires: *\li 'stats' is a valid dns_stats_t created by dns_rdatatypestats_create(). */ void dns_rdatasetstats_increment(dns_stats_t *stats, dns_rdatastatstype_t rrsettype); /*%< * Increment the statistics counter for 'rrsettype'. * * Note: if 'rrsettype' has the _STALE attribute set the corresponding * non-stale counter will be decremented. * * Requires: *\li 'stats' is a valid dns_stats_t created by dns_rdatasetstats_create(). */ void dns_rdatasetstats_decrement(dns_stats_t *stats, dns_rdatastatstype_t rrsettype); /*%< * Decrement the statistics counter for 'rrsettype'. * * Requires: *\li 'stats' is a valid dns_stats_t created by dns_rdatasetstats_create(). */ void dns_opcodestats_increment(dns_stats_t *stats, dns_opcode_t code); /*%< * Increment the statistics counter for 'code'. * * Requires: *\li 'stats' is a valid dns_stats_t created by dns_opcodestats_create(). */ void dns_rcodestats_increment(dns_stats_t *stats, dns_opcode_t code); /*%< * Increment the statistics counter for 'code'. * * Requires: *\li 'stats' is a valid dns_stats_t created by dns_rcodestats_create(). */ void dns_generalstats_dump(dns_stats_t *stats, dns_generalstats_dumper_t dump_fn, void *arg, unsigned int options); /*%< * Dump the current statistics counters in a specified way. For each counter * in stats, dump_fn is called with its current value and the given argument * arg. By default counters that have a value of 0 is skipped; if options has * the ISC_STATSDUMP_VERBOSE flag, even such counters are dumped. * * This function is obsolete. A more general function, isc_stats_dump(), * should be used. * * Requires: *\li 'stats' is a valid dns_stats_t created by dns_generalstats_create(). */ void dns_rdatatypestats_dump(dns_stats_t *stats, dns_rdatatypestats_dumper_t dump_fn, void *arg, unsigned int options); /*%< * Dump the current statistics counters in a specified way. For each counter * in stats, dump_fn is called with the corresponding type in the form of * dns_rdatastatstype_t, the current counter value and the given argument * arg. By default counters that have a value of 0 is skipped; if options has * the ISC_STATSDUMP_VERBOSE flag, even such counters are dumped. * * Requires: *\li 'stats' is a valid dns_stats_t created by dns_generalstats_create(). */ void dns_rdatasetstats_dump(dns_stats_t *stats, dns_rdatatypestats_dumper_t dump_fn, void *arg, unsigned int options); /*%< * Dump the current statistics counters in a specified way. For each counter * in stats, dump_fn is called with the corresponding type in the form of * dns_rdatastatstype_t, the current counter value and the given argument * arg. By default counters that have a value of 0 is skipped; if options has * the ISC_STATSDUMP_VERBOSE flag, even such counters are dumped. * * Requires: *\li 'stats' is a valid dns_stats_t created by dns_generalstats_create(). */ void dns_opcodestats_dump(dns_stats_t *stats, dns_opcodestats_dumper_t dump_fn, void *arg, unsigned int options); /*%< * Dump the current statistics counters in a specified way. For each counter * in stats, dump_fn is called with the corresponding opcode, the current * counter value and the given argument arg. By default counters that have a * value of 0 is skipped; if options has the ISC_STATSDUMP_VERBOSE flag, even * such counters are dumped. * * Requires: *\li 'stats' is a valid dns_stats_t created by dns_generalstats_create(). */ void dns_rcodestats_dump(dns_stats_t *stats, dns_rcodestats_dumper_t dump_fn, void *arg, unsigned int options); /*%< * Dump the current statistics counters in a specified way. For each counter * in stats, dump_fn is called with the corresponding rcode, the current * counter value and the given argument arg. By default counters that have a * value of 0 is skipped; if options has the ISC_STATSDUMP_VERBOSE flag, even * such counters are dumped. * * Requires: *\li 'stats' is a valid dns_stats_t created by dns_generalstats_create(). */ isc_result_t dns_stats_alloccounters(isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_uint64_t **ctrp); /*%< * Allocate an array of query statistics counters from the memory * context 'mctx'. * * This function is obsoleted. Use dns_xxxstats_create() instead. */ void dns_stats_freecounters(isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_uint64_t **ctrp); /*%< * Free an array of query statistics counters allocated from the memory * context 'mctx'. * * This function is obsoleted. Use dns_stats_destroy() instead. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_STATS_H */ PK #include #include #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /***** ***** Types *****/ typedef struct dns_rdatasetitermethods { void (*destroy)(dns_rdatasetiter_t **iteratorp); isc_result_t (*first)(dns_rdatasetiter_t *iterator); isc_result_t (*next)(dns_rdatasetiter_t *iterator); void (*current)(dns_rdatasetiter_t *iterator, dns_rdataset_t *rdataset); } dns_rdatasetitermethods_t; #define DNS_RDATASETITER_MAGIC ISC_MAGIC('D','N','S','i') #define DNS_RDATASETITER_VALID(i) ISC_MAGIC_VALID(i, DNS_RDATASETITER_MAGIC) /*% * This structure is actually just the common prefix of a DNS db * implementation's version of a dns_rdatasetiter_t. * \brief * Direct use of this structure by clients is forbidden. DB implementations * may change the structure. 'magic' must be #DNS_RDATASETITER_MAGIC for * any of the dns_rdatasetiter routines to work. DB implementations must * maintain all DB rdataset iterator invariants. */ struct dns_rdatasetiter { /* Unlocked. */ unsigned int magic; dns_rdatasetitermethods_t * methods; dns_db_t * db; dns_dbnode_t * node; dns_dbversion_t * version; isc_stdtime_t now; }; void dns_rdatasetiter_destroy(dns_rdatasetiter_t **iteratorp); /*%< * Destroy '*iteratorp'. * * Requires: * *\li '*iteratorp' is a valid iterator. * * Ensures: * *\li All resources used by the iterator are freed. * *\li *iteratorp == NULL. */ isc_result_t dns_rdatasetiter_first(dns_rdatasetiter_t *iterator); /*%< * Move the rdataset cursor to the first rdataset at the node (if any). * * Requires: *\li 'iterator' is a valid iterator. * * Returns: *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li ISC_R_NOMORE There are no rdatasets at the node. * *\li Other results are possible, depending on the DB implementation. */ isc_result_t dns_rdatasetiter_next(dns_rdatasetiter_t *iterator); /*%< * Move the rdataset cursor to the next rdataset at the node (if any). * * Requires: *\li 'iterator' is a valid iterator. * * Returns: *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li ISC_R_NOMORE There are no more rdatasets at the * node. * *\li Other results are possible, depending on the DB implementation. */ void dns_rdatasetiter_current(dns_rdatasetiter_t *iterator, dns_rdataset_t *rdataset); /*%< * Return the current rdataset. * * Requires: *\li 'iterator' is a valid iterator. * *\li 'rdataset' is a valid, disassociated rdataset. * *\li The rdataset cursor of 'iterator' is at a valid location (i.e. the * result of last call to a cursor movement command was #ISC_R_SUCCESS). */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_RDATASETITER_H */ PK #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /***** ***** Types *****/ /*% * A dns_rriterator_t is an iterator that iterates over an entire database, * returning one RR at a time, in some arbitrary order. */ typedef struct dns_rriterator { unsigned int magic; isc_result_t result; dns_db_t *db; dns_dbiterator_t *dbit; dns_dbversion_t *ver; isc_stdtime_t now; dns_dbnode_t *node; dns_fixedname_t fixedname; dns_rdatasetiter_t *rdatasetit; dns_rdataset_t rdataset; dns_rdata_t rdata; } dns_rriterator_t; #define RRITERATOR_MAGIC ISC_MAGIC('R', 'R', 'I', 't') #define VALID_RRITERATOR(m) ISC_MAGIC_VALID(m, RRITERATOR_MAGIC) isc_result_t dns_rriterator_init(dns_rriterator_t *it, dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t *ver, isc_stdtime_t now); /*% * Initialize an rriterator; sets the cursor to the origin node * of the database. * * Requires: * * \li 'db' is a valid database. * * Returns: * * \li #ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY */ isc_result_t dns_rriterator_first(dns_rriterator_t *it); /*%< * Move the rriterator cursor to the first rdata in the database. * * Requires: *\li 'it' is a valid, initialized rriterator * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMORE There are no rdata in the set. */ isc_result_t dns_rriterator_nextrrset(dns_rriterator_t *it); /*%< * Move the rriterator cursor to the next rrset in the database, * skipping over any remaining records that have the same rdatatype * as the current one. * * Requires: *\li 'it' is a valid, initialized rriterator * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMORE No more rrsets in the database */ isc_result_t dns_rriterator_next(dns_rriterator_t *it); /*%< * Move the rriterator cursor to the next rrset in the database, * skipping over any remaining records that have the same rdatatype * as the current one. * * Requires: *\li 'it' is a valid, initialized rriterator * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMORE No more records in the database */ void dns_rriterator_current(dns_rriterator_t *it, dns_name_t **name, isc_uint32_t *ttl, dns_rdataset_t **rdataset, dns_rdata_t **rdata); /*%< * Make '*name' refer to the current name. If 'rdataset' is not NULL, * make '*rdataset' refer to the current * rdataset. If '*rdata' is not * NULL, make '*rdata' refer to the current record. * * Requires: *\li '*name' is a valid name object *\li 'rdataset' is NULL or '*rdataset' is NULL *\li 'rdata' is NULL or '*rdata' is NULL * * Ensures: *\li 'rdata' refers to the rdata at the rdata cursor location of *\li 'rdataset'. */ void dns_rriterator_pause(dns_rriterator_t *it); /*%< * Pause rriterator. Frees any locks held by the database iterator. * Callers should use this routine any time they are not going to * execute another rriterator method in the immediate future. * * Requires: *\li 'it' is a valid iterator. * * Ensures: *\li Any database locks being held for efficiency of iterator access are * released. */ void dns_rriterator_destroy(dns_rriterator_t *it); /*%< * Shut down and free resources in rriterator 'it'. * * Requires: * *\li 'it' is a valid iterator. * * Ensures: * *\li All resources used by the rriterator are freed. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_RRITERATOR_H */ PK ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /*** *** Functions ***/ isc_result_t dns_badcache_init(isc_mem_t *mctx, unsigned int size, dns_badcache_t **bcp); /*% * Allocate and initialize a badcache and store it in '*bcp'. * * Requires: * \li mctx != NULL * \li bcp != NULL * \li *bcp == NULL */ void dns_badcache_destroy(dns_badcache_t **bcp); /*% * Flush and then free badcache in 'bcp'. '*bcp' is set to NULL on return. * * Requires: * \li '*bcp' to be a valid badcache */ void dns_badcache_add(dns_badcache_t *bc, dns_name_t *name, dns_rdatatype_t type, isc_boolean_t update, isc_uint32_t flags, isc_time_t *expire); /*% * Adds a badcache entry to the badcache 'bc' for name 'name' and * type 'type'. If an entry already exists, then it will be updated if * 'update' is ISC_TRUE. The entry will be stored with flags 'flags' * and expiration date 'expire'. * * Requires: * \li bc to be a valid badcache. * \li name != NULL * \li expire != NULL */ isc_boolean_t dns_badcache_find(dns_badcache_t *bc, dns_name_t *name, dns_rdatatype_t type, isc_uint32_t *flagp, isc_time_t *now); /*% * Returns ISC_TRUE if a record is found in the badcache 'bc' matching * 'name' and 'type', with an expiration date later than 'now'. * If 'flagp' is not NULL, then '*flagp' is updated to the flags * that were stored in the badcache entry. Returns ISC_FALSE if * no matching record is found. * * Requires: * \li bc to be a valid badcache. * \li name != NULL * \li now != NULL */ void dns_badcache_flush(dns_badcache_t *bc); /*% * Flush the entire bad cache. * * Requires: * \li bc to be a valid badcache */ void dns_badcache_flushname(dns_badcache_t *bc, dns_name_t *name); /*% * Flush the bad cache of all entries at 'name'. * * Requires: * \li bc to be a valid badcache * \li name != NULL */ void dns_badcache_flushtree(dns_badcache_t *bc, dns_name_t *name); /*% * Flush the bad cache of all entries at or below 'name'. * * Requires: * \li bc to be a valid badcache * \li name != NULL */ void dns_badcache_print(dns_badcache_t *bc, const char *cachename, FILE *fp); /*% * Print the contents of badcache 'bc' (headed by the title 'cachename') * to file pointer 'fp'. * * Requires: * \li bc to be a valid badcache * \li cachename != NULL * \li fp != NULL */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_BADCACHE_H */ PK #include #include #include #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS typedef enum { dns_rdatasetadditional_fromauth, dns_rdatasetadditional_fromcache, dns_rdatasetadditional_fromglue } dns_rdatasetadditional_t; typedef struct dns_rdatasetmethods { void (*disassociate)(dns_rdataset_t *rdataset); isc_result_t (*first)(dns_rdataset_t *rdataset); isc_result_t (*next)(dns_rdataset_t *rdataset); void (*current)(dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, dns_rdata_t *rdata); void (*clone)(dns_rdataset_t *source, dns_rdataset_t *target); unsigned int (*count)(dns_rdataset_t *rdataset); isc_result_t (*addnoqname)(dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, dns_name_t *name); isc_result_t (*getnoqname)(dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, dns_name_t *name, dns_rdataset_t *neg, dns_rdataset_t *negsig); isc_result_t (*addclosest)(dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, dns_name_t *name); isc_result_t (*getclosest)(dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, dns_name_t *name, dns_rdataset_t *neg, dns_rdataset_t *negsig); isc_result_t (*getadditional)(dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, dns_rdatasetadditional_t type, dns_rdatatype_t qtype, dns_acache_t *acache, dns_zone_t **zonep, dns_db_t **dbp, dns_dbversion_t **versionp, dns_dbnode_t **nodep, dns_name_t *fname, dns_message_t *msg, isc_stdtime_t now); isc_result_t (*setadditional)(dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, dns_rdatasetadditional_t type, dns_rdatatype_t qtype, dns_acache_t *acache, dns_zone_t *zone, dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t *version, dns_dbnode_t *node, dns_name_t *fname); isc_result_t (*putadditional)(dns_acache_t *acache, dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, dns_rdatasetadditional_t type, dns_rdatatype_t qtype); void (*settrust)(dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, dns_trust_t trust); void (*expire)(dns_rdataset_t *rdataset); void (*clearprefetch)(dns_rdataset_t *rdataset); void (*setownercase)(dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, const dns_name_t *name); void (*getownercase)(const dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, dns_name_t *name); } dns_rdatasetmethods_t; #define DNS_RDATASET_MAGIC ISC_MAGIC('D','N','S','R') #define DNS_RDATASET_VALID(set) ISC_MAGIC_VALID(set, DNS_RDATASET_MAGIC) /*% * Direct use of this structure by clients is strongly discouraged, except * for the 'link' field which may be used however the client wishes. The * 'private', 'current', and 'index' fields MUST NOT be changed by clients. * rdataset implementations may change any of the fields. */ struct dns_rdataset { unsigned int magic; /* XXX ? */ dns_rdatasetmethods_t * methods; ISC_LINK(dns_rdataset_t) link; /* * XXX do we need these, or should they be retrieved by methods? * Leaning towards the latter, since they are not frequently required * once you have the rdataset. */ dns_rdataclass_t rdclass; dns_rdatatype_t type; dns_ttl_t ttl; dns_trust_t trust; dns_rdatatype_t covers; /* * attributes */ unsigned int attributes; /*% * the counter provides the starting point in the "cyclic" order. * The value ISC_UINT32_MAX has a special meaning of "picking up a * random value." in order to take care of databases that do not * increment the counter. */ isc_uint32_t count; /* * This RRSIG RRset should be re-generated around this time. * Only valid if DNS_RDATASETATTR_RESIGN is set in attributes. */ isc_stdtime_t resign; /*@{*/ /*% * These are for use by the rdataset implementation, and MUST NOT * be changed by clients. */ void * private1; void * private2; void * private3; unsigned int privateuint4; void * private5; void * private6; void * private7; /*@}*/ }; /*! * \def DNS_RDATASETATTR_RENDERED * Used by message.c to indicate that the rdataset was rendered. * * \def DNS_RDATASETATTR_TTLADJUSTED * Used by message.c to indicate that the rdataset's rdata had differing * TTL values, and the rdataset->ttl holds the smallest. * * \def DNS_RDATASETATTR_LOADORDER * Output the RRset in load order. */ #define DNS_RDATASETATTR_QUESTION 0x00000001 #define DNS_RDATASETATTR_RENDERED 0x00000002 /*%< Used by message.c */ #define DNS_RDATASETATTR_ANSWERED 0x00000004 /*%< Used by server. */ #define DNS_RDATASETATTR_CACHE 0x00000008 /*%< Used by resolver. */ #define DNS_RDATASETATTR_ANSWER 0x00000010 /*%< Used by resolver. */ #define DNS_RDATASETATTR_ANSWERSIG 0x00000020 /*%< Used by resolver. */ #define DNS_RDATASETATTR_EXTERNAL 0x00000040 /*%< Used by resolver. */ #define DNS_RDATASETATTR_NCACHE 0x00000080 /*%< Used by resolver. */ #define DNS_RDATASETATTR_CHAINING 0x00000100 /*%< Used by resolver. */ #define DNS_RDATASETATTR_TTLADJUSTED 0x00000200 /*%< Used by message.c */ #define DNS_RDATASETATTR_FIXEDORDER 0x00000400 #define DNS_RDATASETATTR_RANDOMIZE 0x00000800 #define DNS_RDATASETATTR_CHASE 0x00001000 /*%< Used by resolver. */ #define DNS_RDATASETATTR_NXDOMAIN 0x00002000 #define DNS_RDATASETATTR_NOQNAME 0x00004000 #define DNS_RDATASETATTR_CHECKNAMES 0x00008000 /*%< Used by resolver. */ #define DNS_RDATASETATTR_REQUIRED 0x00010000 #define DNS_RDATASETATTR_REQUIREDGLUE DNS_RDATASETATTR_REQUIRED #define DNS_RDATASETATTR_LOADORDER 0x00020000 #define DNS_RDATASETATTR_RESIGN 0x00040000 #define DNS_RDATASETATTR_CLOSEST 0x00080000 #define DNS_RDATASETATTR_OPTOUT 0x00100000 /*%< OPTOUT proof */ #define DNS_RDATASETATTR_NEGATIVE 0x00200000 #define DNS_RDATASETATTR_PREFETCH 0x00400000 /*% * _OMITDNSSEC: * Omit DNSSEC records when rendering ncache records. */ #define DNS_RDATASETTOWIRE_OMITDNSSEC 0x0001 void dns_rdataset_init(dns_rdataset_t *rdataset); /*%< * Make 'rdataset' a valid, disassociated rdataset. * * Requires: *\li 'rdataset' is not NULL. * * Ensures: *\li 'rdataset' is a valid, disassociated rdataset. */ void dns_rdataset_invalidate(dns_rdataset_t *rdataset); /*%< * Invalidate 'rdataset'. * * Requires: *\li 'rdataset' is a valid, disassociated rdataset. * * Ensures: *\li If assertion checking is enabled, future attempts to use 'rdataset' * without initializing it will cause an assertion failure. */ void dns_rdataset_disassociate(dns_rdataset_t *rdataset); /*%< * Disassociate 'rdataset' from its rdata, allowing it to be reused. * * Notes: *\li The client must ensure it has no references to rdata in the rdataset * before disassociating. * * Requires: *\li 'rdataset' is a valid, associated rdataset. * * Ensures: *\li 'rdataset' is a valid, disassociated rdataset. */ isc_boolean_t dns_rdataset_isassociated(dns_rdataset_t *rdataset); /*%< * Is 'rdataset' associated? * * Requires: *\li 'rdataset' is a valid rdataset. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_TRUE 'rdataset' is associated. *\li #ISC_FALSE 'rdataset' is not associated. */ void dns_rdataset_makequestion(dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, dns_rdataclass_t rdclass, dns_rdatatype_t type); /*%< * Make 'rdataset' a valid, associated, question rdataset, with a * question class of 'rdclass' and type 'type'. * * Notes: *\li Question rdatasets have a class and type, but no rdata. * * Requires: *\li 'rdataset' is a valid, disassociated rdataset. * * Ensures: *\li 'rdataset' is a valid, associated, question rdataset. */ void dns_rdataset_clone(dns_rdataset_t *source, dns_rdataset_t *target); /*%< * Make 'target' refer to the same rdataset as 'source'. * * Requires: *\li 'source' is a valid, associated rdataset. * *\li 'target' is a valid, dissociated rdataset. * * Ensures: *\li 'target' references the same rdataset as 'source'. */ unsigned int dns_rdataset_count(dns_rdataset_t *rdataset); /*%< * Return the number of records in 'rdataset'. * * Requires: *\li 'rdataset' is a valid, associated rdataset. * * Returns: *\li The number of records in 'rdataset'. */ isc_result_t dns_rdataset_first(dns_rdataset_t *rdataset); /*%< * Move the rdata cursor to the first rdata in the rdataset (if any). * * Requires: *\li 'rdataset' is a valid, associated rdataset. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMORE There are no rdata in the set. */ isc_result_t dns_rdataset_next(dns_rdataset_t *rdataset); /*%< * Move the rdata cursor to the next rdata in the rdataset (if any). * * Requires: *\li 'rdataset' is a valid, associated rdataset. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMORE There are no more rdata in the set. */ void dns_rdataset_current(dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, dns_rdata_t *rdata); /*%< * Make 'rdata' refer to the current rdata. * * Notes: * *\li The data returned in 'rdata' is valid for the life of the * rdataset; in particular, subsequent changes in the cursor position * do not invalidate 'rdata'. * * Requires: *\li 'rdataset' is a valid, associated rdataset. * *\li The rdata cursor of 'rdataset' is at a valid location (i.e. the * result of last call to a cursor movement command was ISC_R_SUCCESS). * * Ensures: *\li 'rdata' refers to the rdata at the rdata cursor location of *\li 'rdataset'. */ isc_result_t dns_rdataset_totext(dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, dns_name_t *owner_name, isc_boolean_t omit_final_dot, isc_boolean_t question, isc_buffer_t *target); /*%< * Convert 'rdataset' to text format, storing the result in 'target'. * * Notes: *\li The rdata cursor position will be changed. * *\li The 'question' flag should normally be #ISC_FALSE. If it is * #ISC_TRUE, the TTL and rdata fields are not printed. This is * for use when printing an rdata representing a question section. * *\li This interface is deprecated; use dns_master_rdatasettottext() * and/or dns_master_questiontotext() instead. * * Requires: *\li 'rdataset' is a valid rdataset. * *\li 'rdataset' is not empty. */ isc_result_t dns_rdataset_towire(dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, dns_name_t *owner_name, dns_compress_t *cctx, isc_buffer_t *target, unsigned int options, unsigned int *countp); /*%< * Convert 'rdataset' to wire format, compressing names as specified * in 'cctx', and storing the result in 'target'. * * Notes: *\li The rdata cursor position will be changed. * *\li The number of RRs added to target will be added to *countp. * * Requires: *\li 'rdataset' is a valid rdataset. * *\li 'rdataset' is not empty. * *\li 'countp' is a valid pointer. * * Ensures: *\li On a return of ISC_R_SUCCESS, 'target' contains a wire format * for the data contained in 'rdataset'. Any error return leaves * the buffer unchanged. * *\li *countp has been incremented by the number of RRs added to * target. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS - all ok *\li #ISC_R_NOSPACE - 'target' doesn't have enough room * *\li Any error returned by dns_rdata_towire(), dns_rdataset_next(), * dns_name_towire(). */ isc_result_t dns_rdataset_towiresorted(dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, const dns_name_t *owner_name, dns_compress_t *cctx, isc_buffer_t *target, dns_rdatasetorderfunc_t order, const void *order_arg, unsigned int options, unsigned int *countp); /*%< * Like dns_rdataset_towire(), but sorting the rdatasets according to * the integer value returned by 'order' when called with the rdataset * and 'order_arg' as arguments. * * Requires: *\li All the requirements of dns_rdataset_towire(), and * that order_arg is NULL if and only if order is NULL. */ isc_result_t dns_rdataset_towirepartial(dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, const dns_name_t *owner_name, dns_compress_t *cctx, isc_buffer_t *target, dns_rdatasetorderfunc_t order, const void *order_arg, unsigned int options, unsigned int *countp, void **state); /*%< * Like dns_rdataset_towiresorted() except that a partial rdataset * may be written. * * Requires: *\li All the requirements of dns_rdataset_towiresorted(). * If 'state' is non NULL then the current position in the * rdataset will be remembered if the rdataset in not * completely written and should be passed on on subsequent * calls (NOT CURRENTLY IMPLEMENTED). * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS if all of the records were written. *\li #ISC_R_NOSPACE if unable to fit in all of the records. *countp * will be updated to reflect the number of records * written. */ isc_result_t dns_rdataset_additionaldata(dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, dns_additionaldatafunc_t add, void *arg); /*%< * For each rdata in rdataset, call 'add' for each name and type in the * rdata which is subject to additional section processing. * * Requires: * *\li 'rdataset' is a valid, non-question rdataset. * *\li 'add' is a valid dns_additionaldatafunc_t * * Ensures: * *\li If successful, dns_rdata_additionaldata() will have been called for * each rdata in 'rdataset'. * *\li If a call to dns_rdata_additionaldata() is not successful, the * result returned will be the result of dns_rdataset_additionaldata(). * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS * *\li Any error that dns_rdata_additionaldata() can return. */ isc_result_t dns_rdataset_getnoqname(dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, dns_name_t *name, dns_rdataset_t *neg, dns_rdataset_t *negsig); /*%< * Return the noqname proof for this record. * * Requires: *\li 'rdataset' to be valid and #DNS_RDATASETATTR_NOQNAME to be set. *\li 'name' to be valid. *\li 'neg' and 'negsig' to be valid and not associated. */ isc_result_t dns_rdataset_addnoqname(dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, dns_name_t *name); /*%< * Associate a noqname proof with this record. * Sets #DNS_RDATASETATTR_NOQNAME if successful. * Adjusts the 'rdataset->ttl' to minimum of the 'rdataset->ttl' and * the 'nsec'/'nsec3' and 'rrsig(nsec)'/'rrsig(nsec3)' ttl. * * Requires: *\li 'rdataset' to be valid and #DNS_RDATASETATTR_NOQNAME to be set. *\li 'name' to be valid and have NSEC or NSEC3 and associated RRSIG * rdatasets. */ isc_result_t dns_rdataset_getclosest(dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, dns_name_t *name, dns_rdataset_t *nsec, dns_rdataset_t *nsecsig); /*%< * Return the closest encloser for this record. * * Requires: *\li 'rdataset' to be valid and #DNS_RDATASETATTR_CLOSEST to be set. *\li 'name' to be valid. *\li 'nsec' and 'nsecsig' to be valid and not associated. */ isc_result_t dns_rdataset_addclosest(dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, dns_name_t *name); /*%< * Associate a closest encloset proof with this record. * Sets #DNS_RDATASETATTR_CLOSEST if successful. * Adjusts the 'rdataset->ttl' to minimum of the 'rdataset->ttl' and * the 'nsec' and 'rrsig(nsec)' ttl. * * Requires: *\li 'rdataset' to be valid and #DNS_RDATASETATTR_CLOSEST to be set. *\li 'name' to be valid and have NSEC3 and RRSIG(NSEC3) rdatasets. */ isc_result_t dns_rdataset_getadditional(dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, dns_rdatasetadditional_t type, dns_rdatatype_t qtype, dns_acache_t *acache, dns_zone_t **zonep, dns_db_t **dbp, dns_dbversion_t **versionp, dns_dbnode_t **nodep, dns_name_t *fname, dns_message_t *msg, isc_stdtime_t now); /*%< * Get cached additional information from the DB node for a particular * 'rdataset.' 'type' is one of dns_rdatasetadditional_fromauth, * dns_rdatasetadditional_fromcache, and dns_rdatasetadditional_fromglue, * which specifies the origin of the information. 'qtype' is intended to * be used for specifying a particular rdata type in the cached information. * * Requires: * \li 'rdataset' is a valid rdataset. * \li 'acache' can be NULL, in which case this function will simply return * ISC_R_FAILURE. * \li For the other pointers, see dns_acache_getentry(). * * Ensures: * \li See dns_acache_getentry(). * * Returns: * \li #ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li #ISC_R_FAILURE - additional information caching is not supported. * \li #ISC_R_NOTFOUND - the corresponding DB node has not cached additional * information for 'rdataset.' * \li Any error that dns_acache_getentry() can return. */ isc_result_t dns_rdataset_setadditional(dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, dns_rdatasetadditional_t type, dns_rdatatype_t qtype, dns_acache_t *acache, dns_zone_t *zone, dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t *version, dns_dbnode_t *node, dns_name_t *fname); /*%< * Set cached additional information to the DB node for a particular * 'rdataset.' See dns_rdataset_getadditional for the semantics of 'type' * and 'qtype'. * * Requires: * \li 'rdataset' is a valid rdataset. * \li 'acache' can be NULL, in which case this function will simply return * ISC_R_FAILURE. * \li For the other pointers, see dns_acache_setentry(). * * Ensures: * \li See dns_acache_setentry(). * * Returns: * \li #ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li #ISC_R_FAILURE - additional information caching is not supported. * \li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY * \li Any error that dns_acache_setentry() can return. */ isc_result_t dns_rdataset_putadditional(dns_acache_t *acache, dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, dns_rdatasetadditional_t type, dns_rdatatype_t qtype); /*%< * Discard cached additional information stored in the DB node for a particular * 'rdataset.' See dns_rdataset_getadditional for the semantics of 'type' * and 'qtype'. * * Requires: * \li 'rdataset' is a valid rdataset. * \li 'acache' can be NULL, in which case this function will simply return * ISC_R_FAILURE. * * Ensures: * \li See dns_acache_cancelentry(). * * Returns: * \li #ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li #ISC_R_FAILURE - additional information caching is not supported. * \li #ISC_R_NOTFOUND - the corresponding DB node has not cached additional * information for 'rdataset.' */ void dns_rdataset_settrust(dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, dns_trust_t trust); /*%< * Set the trust of the 'rdataset' to trust in any in the backing database. * The local trust level of 'rdataset' is also set. */ void dns_rdataset_expire(dns_rdataset_t *rdataset); /*%< * Mark the rdataset to be expired in the backing database. */ void dns_rdataset_clearprefetch(dns_rdataset_t *rdataset); /*%< * Clear the PREFETCH attribute for the given rdataset in the * underlying database. * * In the cache database, this signals that the rdataset is not * eligible to be prefetched when the TTL is close to expiring. * It has no function in other databases. */ void dns_rdataset_setownercase(dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, const dns_name_t *name); /*%< * Store the casing of 'name', the owner name of 'rdataset', into * a bitfield so that the name can be capitalized the same when when * the rdataset is used later. This sets the CASESET attribute. */ void dns_rdataset_getownercase(const dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, dns_name_t *name); /*%< * If the CASESET attribute is set, retrieve the case bitfield that was * previously stored by dns_rdataset_getownername(), and capitalize 'name' * according to it. If CASESET is not set, do nothing. */ void dns_rdataset_trimttl(dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, dns_rdataset_t *sigrdataset, dns_rdata_rrsig_t *rrsig, isc_stdtime_t now, isc_boolean_t acceptexpired); /*%< * Trim the ttl of 'rdataset' and 'sigrdataset' so that they will expire * at or before 'rrsig->expiretime'. If 'acceptexpired' is true and the * signature has expired or will expire in the next 120 seconds, limit * the ttl to be no more than 120 seconds. * * The ttl is further limited by the original ttl as stored in 'rrsig' * and the original ttl values of 'rdataset' and 'sigrdataset'. * * Requires: * \li 'rdataset' is a valid rdataset. * \li 'sigrdataset' is a valid rdataset. * \li 'rrsig' is non NULL. */ const char * dns_trust_totext(dns_trust_t trust); /*%< * Display trust in textual form. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_RDATASET_H */ PK #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS #define DNS_SDLZFLAG_THREADSAFE 0x00000001U #define DNS_SDLZFLAG_RELATIVEOWNER 0x00000002U #define DNS_SDLZFLAG_RELATIVERDATA 0x00000004U /* A simple DLZ database. */ typedef struct dns_sdlz_db dns_sdlz_db_t; /* A simple DLZ database lookup in progress. */ typedef struct dns_sdlzlookup dns_sdlzlookup_t; /* A simple DLZ database traversal in progress. */ typedef struct dns_sdlzallnodes dns_sdlzallnodes_t; typedef isc_result_t (*dns_sdlzallnodesfunc_t)(const char *zone, void *driverarg, void *dbdata, dns_sdlzallnodes_t *allnodes); /*%< * Method prototype. Drivers implementing the SDLZ interface may * supply an all nodes method. This method is called when the DNS * server is performing a zone transfer query, after the allow zone * transfer method has been called. This method is only called if the * allow zone transfer method returned ISC_R_SUCCESS. This method and * the allow zone transfer method are both required for zone transfers * to be supported. If the driver generates data dynamically (instead * of searching in a database for it) it should not implement this * function as a zone transfer would be meaningless. A SDLZ driver * does not have to implement an all nodes method. */ typedef isc_result_t (*dns_sdlzallowzonexfr_t)(void *driverarg, void *dbdata, const char *name, const char *client); /*%< * Method prototype. Drivers implementing the SDLZ interface may * supply an allow zone transfer method. This method is called when * the DNS server is performing a zone transfer query, before the all * nodes method can be called. This method and the all node method * are both required for zone transfers to be supported. If the * driver generates data dynamically (instead of searching in a * database for it) it should not implement this function as a zone * transfer would be meaningless. A SDLZ driver does not have to * implement an allow zone transfer method. * * This method should return ISC_R_SUCCESS if the zone is supported by * the database and a zone transfer is allowed for the specified * client. If the zone is supported by the database, but zone * transfers are not allowed for the specified client this method * should return ISC_R_NOPERM.. Lastly the method should return * ISC_R_NOTFOUND if the zone is not supported by the database. If an * error occurs it should return a result code indicating the type of * error. */ typedef isc_result_t (*dns_sdlzauthorityfunc_t)(const char *zone, void *driverarg, void *dbdata, dns_sdlzlookup_t *lookup); /*%< * Method prototype. Drivers implementing the SDLZ interface may * supply an authority method. This method is called when the DNS * server is performing a query, after both the find zone and lookup * methods have been called. This method is required if the lookup * function does not supply authority information for the dns * record. A SDLZ driver does not have to implement an authority * method. */ typedef isc_result_t (*dns_sdlzcreate_t)(const char *dlzname, unsigned int argc, char *argv[], void *driverarg, void **dbdata); /*%< * Method prototype. Drivers implementing the SDLZ interface may * supply a create method. This method is called when the DNS server * is starting up and creating drivers for use later. A SDLZ driver * does not have to implement a create method. */ typedef void (*dns_sdlzdestroy_t)(void *driverarg, void *dbdata); /*%< * Method prototype. Drivers implementing the SDLZ interface may * supply a destroy method. This method is called when the DNS server * is shutting down and no longer needs the driver. A SDLZ driver does * not have to implement a destroy method. */ typedef isc_result_t (*dns_sdlzfindzone_t)(void *driverarg, void *dbdata, const char *name, dns_clientinfomethods_t *methods, dns_clientinfo_t *clientinfo); /*%< * Method prototype. Drivers implementing the SDLZ interface MUST * supply a find zone method. This method is called when the DNS * server is performing a query to to determine if 'name' is a * supported dns zone. The find zone method will be called with the * longest possible name first, and continue to be called with * successively shorter domain names, until any of the following * occur: * * \li 1) the function returns (ISC_R_SUCCESS) indicating a zone name * match. * * \li 2) a problem occurs, and the functions returns anything other than * (ISC_R_NOTFOUND) * * \li 3) we run out of domain name labels. I.E. we have tried the * shortest domain name * * \li 4) the number of labels in the domain name is less than min_labels * for dns_dlzfindzone * * The driver's find zone method should return ISC_R_SUCCESS if the * zone is supported by the database. Otherwise it should return * ISC_R_NOTFOUND, if the zone is not supported. If an error occurs * it should return a result code indicating the type of error. */ typedef isc_result_t (*dns_sdlzlookupfunc_t)(const char *zone, const char *name, void *driverarg, void *dbdata, dns_sdlzlookup_t *lookup, dns_clientinfomethods_t *methods, dns_clientinfo_t *clientinfo); /*%< * Method prototype. Drivers implementing the SDLZ interface MUST * supply a lookup method. This method is called when the * DNS server is performing a query, after the find zone and before any * other methods have been called. This function returns DNS record * information using the dns_sdlz_putrr and dns_sdlz_putsoa functions. * If this function supplies authority information for the DNS record * the authority method is not required. If it does not, the * authority function is required. * * The 'methods' and 'clientinfo' args allow an SDLZ driver to retrieve * information about the querying client (such as source IP address) * from the caller. */ typedef isc_result_t (*dns_sdlznewversion_t)(const char *zone, void *driverarg, void *dbdata, void **versionp); /*%< * Method prototype. Drivers implementing the SDLZ interface may * supply a newversion method. This method is called to start a * write transaction on a zone and should only be implemented by * writeable backends. * When implemented, the driver should create a new transaction, and * fill *versionp with a pointer to the transaction state. The * closeversion function will be called to close the transaction. */ typedef void (*dns_sdlzcloseversion_t)(const char *zone, isc_boolean_t commit, void *driverarg, void *dbdata, void **versionp); /*%< * Method prototype. Drivers implementing the SDLZ interface must * supply a closeversion method if they supply a newversion method. * When implemented, the driver should close the given transaction, * committing changes if 'commit' is ISC_TRUE. If 'commit' is not true * then all changes should be discarded and the database rolled back. * If the call is successful then *versionp should be set to NULL */ typedef isc_result_t (*dns_sdlzconfigure_t)(dns_view_t *view, dns_dlzdb_t *dlzdb, void *driverarg, void *dbdata); /*%< * Method prototype. Drivers implementing the SDLZ interface may * supply a configure method. When supplied, it will be called * immediately after the create method to give the driver a chance * to configure writeable zones */ typedef isc_boolean_t (*dns_sdlzssumatch_t)(const char *signer, const char *name, const char *tcpaddr, const char *type, const char *key, isc_uint32_t keydatalen, unsigned char *keydata, void *driverarg, void *dbdata); /*%< * Method prototype. Drivers implementing the SDLZ interface may * supply a ssumatch method. If supplied, then ssumatch will be * called to authorize any zone updates. The driver should return * ISC_TRUE to allow the update, and ISC_FALSE to deny it. For a DLZ * controlled zone, this is the only access control on updates. */ typedef isc_result_t (*dns_sdlzmodrdataset_t)(const char *name, const char *rdatastr, void *driverarg, void *dbdata, void *version); /*%< * Method prototype. Drivers implementing the SDLZ interface may * supply addrdataset and subtractrdataset methods. If supplied, then these * will be called when rdatasets are added/subtracted during * updates. The version parameter comes from a call to the sdlz * newversion() method from the driver. The rdataset parameter is a * linearise string representation of the rdataset change. The format * is the same as used by dig when displaying records. The fields are * tab delimited. */ typedef isc_result_t (*dns_sdlzdelrdataset_t)(const char *name, const char *type, void *driverarg, void *dbdata, void *version); /*%< * Method prototype. Drivers implementing the SDLZ interface may * supply a delrdataset method. If supplied, then this * function will be called when rdatasets are deleted during * updates. The call should remove all rdatasets of the given type for * the specified name. */ typedef struct dns_sdlzmethods { dns_sdlzcreate_t create; dns_sdlzdestroy_t destroy; dns_sdlzfindzone_t findzone; dns_sdlzlookupfunc_t lookup; dns_sdlzauthorityfunc_t authority; dns_sdlzallnodesfunc_t allnodes; dns_sdlzallowzonexfr_t allowzonexfr; dns_sdlznewversion_t newversion; dns_sdlzcloseversion_t closeversion; dns_sdlzconfigure_t configure; dns_sdlzssumatch_t ssumatch; dns_sdlzmodrdataset_t addrdataset; dns_sdlzmodrdataset_t subtractrdataset; dns_sdlzdelrdataset_t delrdataset; } dns_sdlzmethods_t; isc_result_t dns_sdlzregister(const char *drivername, const dns_sdlzmethods_t *methods, void *driverarg, unsigned int flags, isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_sdlzimplementation_t **sdlzimp); /*%< * Register a dynamically loadable zones (dlz) driver for the database * type 'drivername', implemented by the functions in '*methods'. * * sdlzimp must point to a NULL dns_sdlzimplementation_t pointer. * That is, sdlzimp != NULL && *sdlzimp == NULL. It will be assigned * a value that will later be used to identify the driver when * deregistering it. */ void dns_sdlzunregister(dns_sdlzimplementation_t **sdlzimp); /*%< * Removes the sdlz driver from the list of registered sdlz drivers. * There must be no active sdlz drivers of this type when this * function is called. */ typedef isc_result_t dns_sdlz_putnamedrr_t(dns_sdlzallnodes_t *allnodes, const char *name, const char *type, dns_ttl_t ttl, const char *data); dns_sdlz_putnamedrr_t dns_sdlz_putnamedrr; /*%< * Add a single resource record to the allnodes structure to be later * parsed into a zone transfer response. */ typedef isc_result_t dns_sdlz_putrr_t(dns_sdlzlookup_t *lookup, const char *type, dns_ttl_t ttl, const char *data); dns_sdlz_putrr_t dns_sdlz_putrr; /*%< * Add a single resource record to the lookup structure to be later * parsed into a query response. */ typedef isc_result_t dns_sdlz_putsoa_t(dns_sdlzlookup_t *lookup, const char *mname, const char *rname, isc_uint32_t serial); dns_sdlz_putsoa_t dns_sdlz_putsoa; /*%< * This function may optionally be called from the 'authority' * callback to simplify construction of the SOA record for 'zone'. It * will provide a SOA listing 'mname' as as the master server and * 'rname' as the responsible person mailbox. It is the * responsibility of the driver to increment the serial number between * responses if necessary. All other SOA fields will have reasonable * default values. */ typedef isc_result_t dns_sdlz_setdb_t(dns_dlzdb_t *dlzdatabase, dns_rdataclass_t rdclass, dns_name_t *name, dns_db_t **dbp); dns_sdlz_setdb_t dns_sdlz_setdb; /*%< * Create the database pointers for a writeable SDLZ zone */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* SDLZ_H */ PK>dns/keyvalues.hnu[/* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ #ifndef DNS_KEYVALUES_H #define DNS_KEYVALUES_H 1 /*! \file dns/keyvalues.h */ /* * Flags field of the KEY RR rdata */ #define DNS_KEYFLAG_TYPEMASK 0xC000 /*%< Mask for "type" bits */ #define DNS_KEYTYPE_AUTHCONF 0x0000 /*%< Key usable for both */ #define DNS_KEYTYPE_CONFONLY 0x8000 /*%< Key usable for confidentiality */ #define DNS_KEYTYPE_AUTHONLY 0x4000 /*%< Key usable for authentication */ #define DNS_KEYTYPE_NOKEY 0xC000 /*%< No key usable for either; no key */ #define DNS_KEYTYPE_NOAUTH DNS_KEYTYPE_CONFONLY #define DNS_KEYTYPE_NOCONF DNS_KEYTYPE_AUTHONLY #define DNS_KEYFLAG_RESERVED2 0x2000 /*%< reserved - must be zero */ #define DNS_KEYFLAG_EXTENDED 0x1000 /*%< key has extended flags */ #define DNS_KEYFLAG_RESERVED4 0x0800 /*%< reserved - must be zero */ #define DNS_KEYFLAG_RESERVED5 0x0400 /*%< reserved - must be zero */ #define DNS_KEYFLAG_OWNERMASK 0x0300 /*%< these bits determine the type */ #define DNS_KEYOWNER_USER 0x0000 /*%< key is assoc. with user */ #define DNS_KEYOWNER_ENTITY 0x0200 /*%< key is assoc. with entity eg host */ #define DNS_KEYOWNER_ZONE 0x0100 /*%< key is zone key */ #define DNS_KEYOWNER_RESERVED 0x0300 /*%< reserved meaning */ #define DNS_KEYFLAG_REVOKE 0x0080 /*%< key revoked (per rfc5011) */ #define DNS_KEYFLAG_RESERVED9 0x0040 /*%< reserved - must be zero */ #define DNS_KEYFLAG_RESERVED10 0x0020 /*%< reserved - must be zero */ #define DNS_KEYFLAG_RESERVED11 0x0010 /*%< reserved - must be zero */ #define DNS_KEYFLAG_SIGNATORYMASK 0x000F /*%< key can sign RR's of same name */ #define DNS_KEYFLAG_RESERVEDMASK (DNS_KEYFLAG_RESERVED2 | \ DNS_KEYFLAG_RESERVED4 | \ DNS_KEYFLAG_RESERVED5 | \ DNS_KEYFLAG_RESERVED9 | \ DNS_KEYFLAG_RESERVED10 | \ DNS_KEYFLAG_RESERVED11 ) #define DNS_KEYFLAG_KSK 0x0001 /*%< key signing key */ #define DNS_KEYFLAG_RESERVEDMASK2 0xFFFF /*%< no bits defined here */ /* The Algorithm field of the KEY and SIG RR's is an integer, {1..254} */ #define DNS_KEYALG_RSAMD5 1 /*%< RSA with MD5 */ #define DNS_KEYALG_RSA DNS_KEYALG_RSAMD5 #define DNS_KEYALG_DH 2 /*%< Diffie Hellman KEY */ #define DNS_KEYALG_DSA 3 /*%< DSA KEY */ #define DNS_KEYALG_NSEC3DSA 6 #define DNS_KEYALG_DSS DNS_ALG_DSA #define DNS_KEYALG_ECC 4 #define DNS_KEYALG_RSASHA1 5 #define DNS_KEYALG_NSEC3RSASHA1 7 #define DNS_KEYALG_RSASHA256 8 #define DNS_KEYALG_RSASHA512 10 #define DNS_KEYALG_ECCGOST 12 #define DNS_KEYALG_ECDSA256 13 #define DNS_KEYALG_ECDSA384 14 #define DNS_KEYALG_ED25519 15 #define DNS_KEYALG_ED448 16 #define DNS_KEYALG_INDIRECT 252 #define DNS_KEYALG_PRIVATEDNS 253 #define DNS_KEYALG_PRIVATEOID 254 /*%< Key begins with OID giving alg */ /* Protocol values */ #define DNS_KEYPROTO_RESERVED 0 #define DNS_KEYPROTO_TLS 1 #define DNS_KEYPROTO_EMAIL 2 #define DNS_KEYPROTO_DNSSEC 3 #define DNS_KEYPROTO_IPSEC 4 #define DNS_KEYPROTO_ANY 255 /* Signatures */ #define DNS_SIG_RSAMINBITS 512 /*%< Size of a mod or exp in bits */ #define DNS_SIG_RSAMAXBITS 2552 /* Total of binary mod and exp */ #define DNS_SIG_RSAMAXBYTES ((DNS_SIG_RSAMAXBITS+7/8)*2+3) /*%< Max length of text sig block */ #define DNS_SIG_RSAMAXBASE64 (((DNS_SIG_RSAMAXBYTES+2)/3)*4) #define DNS_SIG_RSAMINSIZE ((DNS_SIG_RSAMINBITS+7)/8) #define DNS_SIG_RSAMAXSIZE ((DNS_SIG_RSAMAXBITS+7)/8) #define DNS_SIG_DSASIGSIZE 41 #define DNS_SIG_DSAMINBITS 512 #define DNS_SIG_DSAMAXBITS 1024 #define DNS_SIG_DSAMINBYTES 213 #define DNS_SIG_DSAMAXBYTES 405 #define DNS_SIG_GOSTSIGSIZE 64 #define DNS_SIG_ECDSA256SIZE 64 #define DNS_SIG_ECDSA384SIZE 96 #define DNS_KEY_ECDSA256SIZE 64 #define DNS_KEY_ECDSA384SIZE 96 #define DNS_SIG_ED25519SIZE 64 #define DNS_SIG_ED448SIZE 114 #define DNS_KEY_ED25519SIZE 32 #define DNS_KEY_ED448SIZE 57 #endif /* DNS_KEYVALUES_H */ PK #include #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /*% * A 'dns_byaddrevent_t' is returned when a byaddr completes. * The sender field will be set to the byaddr that completed. If 'result' * is ISC_R_SUCCESS, then 'names' will contain a list of names associated * with the address. The recipient of the event must not change the list * and must not refer to any of the name data after the event is freed. */ typedef struct dns_byaddrevent { ISC_EVENT_COMMON(struct dns_byaddrevent); isc_result_t result; dns_namelist_t names; } dns_byaddrevent_t; /* * This option is deprecated since we now only consider nibbles. #define DNS_BYADDROPT_IPV6NIBBLE 0x0001 */ /*% Note DNS_BYADDROPT_IPV6NIBBLE is now deprecated. */ #define DNS_BYADDROPT_IPV6INT 0x0002 isc_result_t dns_byaddr_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_netaddr_t *address, dns_view_t *view, unsigned int options, isc_task_t *task, isc_taskaction_t action, void *arg, dns_byaddr_t **byaddrp); /*%< * Find the domain name of 'address'. * * Notes: * *\li There is a reverse lookup format for IPv6 addresses, 'nibble' * *\li The 'nibble' format for that address is * * \code * * \endcode * *\li #DNS_BYADDROPT_IPV6INT can be used to get nibble lookups under ip6.int. * * Requires: * *\li 'mctx' is a valid mctx. * *\li 'address' is a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address. * *\li 'view' is a valid view which has a resolver. * *\li 'task' is a valid task. * *\li byaddrp != NULL && *byaddrp == NULL * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY * *\li Any resolver-related error (e.g. #ISC_R_SHUTTINGDOWN) may also be * returned. */ void dns_byaddr_cancel(dns_byaddr_t *byaddr); /*%< * Cancel 'byaddr'. * * Notes: * *\li If 'byaddr' has not completed, post its #DNS_EVENT_BYADDRDONE * event with a result code of #ISC_R_CANCELED. * * Requires: * *\li 'byaddr' is a valid byaddr. */ void dns_byaddr_destroy(dns_byaddr_t **byaddrp); /*%< * Destroy 'byaddr'. * * Requires: * *\li '*byaddrp' is a valid byaddr. * *\li The caller has received the #DNS_EVENT_BYADDRDONE event (either because * the byaddr completed or because dns_byaddr_cancel() was called). * * Ensures: * *\li *byaddrp == NULL. */ isc_result_t dns_byaddr_createptrname(isc_netaddr_t *address, isc_boolean_t nibble, dns_name_t *name); isc_result_t dns_byaddr_createptrname2(isc_netaddr_t *address, unsigned int options, dns_name_t *name); /*%< * Creates a name that would be used in a PTR query for this address. The * nibble flag indicates that the 'nibble' format is to be used if an IPv6 * address is provided, instead of the 'bitstring' format. Since we dropped * the support of the bitstring labels, it is expected that the flag is always * set. 'options' are the same as for dns_byaddr_create(). * * Requires: * * \li 'address' is a valid address. * \li 'name' is a valid name with a dedicated buffer. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_BYADDR_H */ PK #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_GEOIP #include #else typedef void GeoIP; #endif /*** *** Types ***/ typedef enum { dns_geoip_countrycode, dns_geoip_countrycode3, dns_geoip_countryname, dns_geoip_region, dns_geoip_regionname, dns_geoip_country_code, dns_geoip_country_code3, dns_geoip_country_name, dns_geoip_region_countrycode, dns_geoip_region_code, dns_geoip_region_name, dns_geoip_city_countrycode, dns_geoip_city_countrycode3, dns_geoip_city_countryname, dns_geoip_city_region, dns_geoip_city_regionname, dns_geoip_city_name, dns_geoip_city_postalcode, dns_geoip_city_metrocode, dns_geoip_city_areacode, dns_geoip_city_continentcode, dns_geoip_city_timezonecode, dns_geoip_isp_name, dns_geoip_org_name, dns_geoip_as_asnum, dns_geoip_domain_name, dns_geoip_netspeed_id } dns_geoip_subtype_t; typedef struct dns_geoip_elem { dns_geoip_subtype_t subtype; GeoIP *db; union { char as_string[256]; int as_int; }; } dns_geoip_elem_t; typedef struct dns_geoip_databases { GeoIP *country_v4; /* DB 1 */ GeoIP *city_v4; /* DB 2 or 6 */ GeoIP *region; /* DB 3 or 7 */ GeoIP *isp; /* DB 4 */ GeoIP *org; /* DB 5 */ GeoIP *as; /* DB 9 */ GeoIP *netspeed; /* DB 10 */ GeoIP *domain; /* DB 11 */ GeoIP *country_v6; /* DB 12 */ GeoIP *city_v6; /* DB 30 or 31 */ } dns_geoip_databases_t; /*** *** Functions ***/ ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS isc_boolean_t dns_geoip_match(const isc_netaddr_t *reqaddr, isc_uint8_t *scope, const dns_geoip_databases_t *geoip, const dns_geoip_elem_t *elt); void dns_geoip_shutdown(void); ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_GEOIP_H */ PK #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /*** *** Functions ***/ isc_result_t dns_ttl_totext(isc_uint32_t src, isc_boolean_t verbose, isc_buffer_t *target); isc_result_t dns_ttl_totext2(isc_uint32_t src, isc_boolean_t verbose, isc_boolean_t upcase, isc_buffer_t *target); /*%< * Output a TTL or other time interval in a human-readable form. * The time interval is given as a count of seconds in 'src'. * The text representation is appended to 'target'. * * If 'verbose' is ISC_FALSE, use the terse BIND 8 style, like "1w2d3h4m5s". * * If 'verbose' is ISC_TRUE, use a verbose style like the SOA comments * in "dig", like "1 week 2 days 3 hours 4 minutes 5 seconds". * * If 'upcase' is ISC_TRUE, we conform to the BIND 8 style in which * the unit letter is capitalized if there is only a single unit * letter to print (for example, "1m30s", but "2M") * * If 'upcase' is ISC_FALSE, unit letters are always in lower case. * * Returns: * \li ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li ISC_R_NOSPACE */ isc_result_t dns_counter_fromtext(isc_textregion_t *source, isc_uint32_t *ttl); /*%< * Converts a counter from either a plain number or a BIND 8 style value. * * Returns: *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li DNS_R_SYNTAX */ isc_result_t dns_ttl_fromtext(isc_textregion_t *source, isc_uint32_t *ttl); /*%< * Converts a ttl from either a plain number or a BIND 8 style value. * * Returns: *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li DNS_R_BADTTL */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_TTL_H */ PK #include #include #include #include #include #include /* for dns_rdata_rrsig_t */ #include /*% * A dns_validatorevent_t is sent when a 'validation' completes. * \brief * 'name', 'rdataset', 'sigrdataset', and 'message' are the values that were * supplied when dns_validator_create() was called. They are returned to the * caller so that they may be freed. * * If the RESULT is ISC_R_SUCCESS and the answer is secure then * proofs[] will contain the names of the NSEC records that hold the * various proofs. Note the same name may appear multiple times. */ typedef struct dns_validatorevent { ISC_EVENT_COMMON(struct dns_validatorevent); dns_validator_t * validator; isc_result_t result; /* * Name and type of the response to be validated. */ dns_name_t * name; dns_rdatatype_t type; /* * Rdata and RRSIG (if any) for positive responses. */ dns_rdataset_t * rdataset; dns_rdataset_t * sigrdataset; /* * The full response. Required for negative responses. * Also required for positive wildcard responses. */ dns_message_t * message; /* * Proofs to be cached. */ dns_name_t * proofs[4]; /* * Optout proof seen. */ isc_boolean_t optout; /* * Answer is secure. */ isc_boolean_t secure; } dns_validatorevent_t; #define DNS_VALIDATOR_NOQNAMEPROOF 0 #define DNS_VALIDATOR_NODATAPROOF 1 #define DNS_VALIDATOR_NOWILDCARDPROOF 2 #define DNS_VALIDATOR_CLOSESTENCLOSER 3 /*% * A validator object represents a validation in progress. * \brief * Clients are strongly discouraged from using this type directly, with * the exception of the 'link' field, which may be used directly for * whatever purpose the client desires. */ struct dns_validator { /* Unlocked. */ unsigned int magic; isc_mutex_t lock; dns_view_t * view; /* Locked by lock. */ unsigned int options; unsigned int attributes; dns_validatorevent_t * event; dns_fetch_t * fetch; dns_validator_t * subvalidator; dns_validator_t * parent; dns_keytable_t * keytable; dns_keynode_t * keynode; dst_key_t * key; dns_rdata_rrsig_t * siginfo; isc_task_t * task; isc_taskaction_t action; void * arg; unsigned int labels; dns_rdataset_t * currentset; isc_boolean_t seensig; dns_rdataset_t * keyset; dns_rdataset_t * dsset; dns_rdataset_t * soaset; dns_rdataset_t * nsecset; dns_rdataset_t * nsec3set; dns_name_t * soaname; dns_rdataset_t frdataset; dns_rdataset_t fsigrdataset; dns_fixedname_t fname; dns_fixedname_t wild; dns_fixedname_t nearest; dns_fixedname_t closest; ISC_LINK(dns_validator_t) link; dns_rdataset_t dlv; dns_fixedname_t dlvsep; isc_boolean_t havedlvsep; isc_boolean_t mustbesecure; unsigned int dlvlabels; unsigned int depth; unsigned int authcount; unsigned int authfail; isc_stdtime_t start; }; /*% * dns_validator_create() options. */ #define DNS_VALIDATOR_DLV 0x0001U #define DNS_VALIDATOR_DEFER 0x0002U #define DNS_VALIDATOR_NOCDFLAG 0x0004U #define DNS_VALIDATOR_NONTA 0x0008U /*% Ignore NTA table */ ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS isc_result_t dns_validator_create(dns_view_t *view, dns_name_t *name, dns_rdatatype_t type, dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, dns_rdataset_t *sigrdataset, dns_message_t *message, unsigned int options, isc_task_t *task, isc_taskaction_t action, void *arg, dns_validator_t **validatorp); /*%< * Start a DNSSEC validation. * * This validates a response to the question given by * 'name' and 'type'. * * To validate a positive response, the response data is * given by 'rdataset' and 'sigrdataset'. If 'sigrdataset' * is NULL, the data is presumed insecure and an attempt * is made to prove its insecurity by finding the appropriate * null key. * * The complete response message may be given in 'message', * to make available any authority section NSECs that may be * needed for validation of a response resulting from a * wildcard expansion (though no such wildcard validation * is implemented yet). If the complete response message * is not available, 'message' is NULL. * * To validate a negative response, the complete negative response * message is given in 'message'. The 'rdataset', and * 'sigrdataset' arguments must be NULL, but the 'name' and 'type' * arguments must be provided. * * The validation is performed in the context of 'view'. * * When the validation finishes, a dns_validatorevent_t with * the given 'action' and 'arg' are sent to 'task'. * Its 'result' field will be ISC_R_SUCCESS iff the * response was successfully proven to be either secure or * part of a known insecure domain. * * options: * If DNS_VALIDATOR_DLV is set the caller knows there is not a * trusted key and the validator should immediately attempt to validate * the answer by looking for an appropriate DLV RRset. */ void dns_validator_send(dns_validator_t *validator); /*%< * Send a deferred validation request * * Requires: * 'validator' to points to a valid DNSSEC validator. */ void dns_validator_cancel(dns_validator_t *validator); /*%< * Cancel a DNSSEC validation in progress. * * Requires: *\li 'validator' points to a valid DNSSEC validator, which * may or may not already have completed. * * Ensures: *\li It the validator has not already sent its completion * event, it will send it with result code ISC_R_CANCELED. */ void dns_validator_destroy(dns_validator_t **validatorp); /*%< * Destroy a DNSSEC validator. * * Requires: *\li '*validatorp' points to a valid DNSSEC validator. * \li The validator must have completed and sent its completion * event. * * Ensures: *\li All resources used by the validator are freed. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_VALIDATOR_H */ PK #include #include #include #include #include #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS isc_result_t dns_keytable_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_keytable_t **keytablep); /*%< * Create a keytable. * * Requires: * *\li 'mctx' is a valid memory context. * *\li keytablep != NULL && *keytablep == NULL * * Ensures: * *\li On success, *keytablep is a valid, empty key table. * * Returns: * *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS * *\li Any other result indicates failure. */ void dns_keytable_attach(dns_keytable_t *source, dns_keytable_t **targetp); /*%< * Attach *targetp to source. * * Requires: * *\li 'source' is a valid keytable. * *\li 'targetp' points to a NULL dns_keytable_t *. * * Ensures: * *\li *targetp is attached to source. */ void dns_keytable_detach(dns_keytable_t **keytablep); /*%< * Detach *keytablep from its keytable. * * Requires: * *\li 'keytablep' points to a valid keytable. * * Ensures: * *\li *keytablep is NULL. * *\li If '*keytablep' is the last reference to the keytable, * all resources used by the keytable will be freed */ isc_result_t dns_keytable_add(dns_keytable_t *keytable, isc_boolean_t managed, dst_key_t **keyp); /*%< * Add '*keyp' to 'keytable' (using the name in '*keyp'). * The value of keynode->managed is set to 'managed' * * Notes: * *\li Ownership of *keyp is transferred to the keytable. *\li If the key already exists in the table, ISC_R_EXISTS is * returned and the new key is freed. * * Requires: * *\li 'keytable' points to a valid keytable. * *\li keyp != NULL && *keyp is a valid dst_key_t *. * * Ensures: * *\li On success, *keyp == NULL * * Returns: * *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li ISC_R_EXISTS * *\li Any other result indicates failure. */ isc_result_t dns_keytable_marksecure(dns_keytable_t *keytable, dns_name_t *name); /*%< * Add a null key to 'keytable' for name 'name'. This marks the * name as a secure domain, but doesn't supply any key data to allow the * domain to be validated. (Used when automated trust anchor management * has gotten broken by a zone misconfiguration; for example, when the * active key has been revoked but the stand-by key was still in its 30-day * waiting period for validity.) * * Notes: * *\li If a key already exists in the table, ISC_R_EXISTS is * returned and nothing is done. * * Requires: * *\li 'keytable' points to a valid keytable. * *\li keyp != NULL && *keyp is a valid dst_key_t *. * * Returns: * *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li ISC_R_EXISTS * *\li Any other result indicates failure. */ isc_result_t dns_keytable_delete(dns_keytable_t *keytable, dns_name_t *keyname); /*%< * Delete node(s) from 'keytable' matching name 'keyname' * * Requires: * *\li 'keytable' points to a valid keytable. * *\li 'name' is not NULL * * Returns: * *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS * *\li Any other result indicates failure. */ isc_result_t dns_keytable_deletekeynode(dns_keytable_t *keytable, dst_key_t *dstkey); /*%< * Delete node(s) from 'keytable' containing copies of the key pointed * to by 'dstkey' * * Requires: * *\li 'keytable' points to a valid keytable. *\li 'dstkey' is not NULL * * Returns: * *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS * *\li Any other result indicates failure. */ isc_result_t dns_keytable_find(dns_keytable_t *keytable, dns_name_t *keyname, dns_keynode_t **keynodep); /*%< * Search for the first instance of a key named 'name' in 'keytable', * without regard to keyid and algorithm. Use dns_keytable_nextkeynode() * to find subsequent instances. * * Requires: * *\li 'keytable' is a valid keytable. * *\li 'name' is a valid absolute name. * *\li keynodep != NULL && *keynodep == NULL * * Returns: * *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li ISC_R_NOTFOUND * *\li Any other result indicates an error. */ isc_result_t dns_keytable_nextkeynode(dns_keytable_t *keytable, dns_keynode_t *keynode, dns_keynode_t **nextnodep); /*%< * Return for the next key after 'keynode' in 'keytable', without regard to * keyid and algorithm. * * Requires: * *\li 'keytable' is a valid keytable. * *\li 'keynode' is a valid keynode. * *\li nextnodep != NULL && *nextnodep == NULL * * Returns: * *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li ISC_R_NOTFOUND * *\li Any other result indicates an error. */ isc_result_t dns_keytable_findkeynode(dns_keytable_t *keytable, dns_name_t *name, dns_secalg_t algorithm, dns_keytag_t tag, dns_keynode_t **keynodep); /*%< * Search for a key named 'name', matching 'algorithm' and 'tag' in * 'keytable'. This finds the first instance which matches. Use * dns_keytable_findnextkeynode() to find other instances. * * Requires: * *\li 'keytable' is a valid keytable. * *\li 'name' is a valid absolute name. * *\li keynodep != NULL && *keynodep == NULL * * Returns: * *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li DNS_R_PARTIALMATCH the name existed in the keytable. *\li ISC_R_NOTFOUND * *\li Any other result indicates an error. */ isc_result_t dns_keytable_findnextkeynode(dns_keytable_t *keytable, dns_keynode_t *keynode, dns_keynode_t **nextnodep); /*%< * Search for the next key with the same properties as 'keynode' in * 'keytable' as found by dns_keytable_findkeynode(). * * Requires: * *\li 'keytable' is a valid keytable. * *\li 'keynode' is a valid keynode. * *\li nextnodep != NULL && *nextnodep == NULL * * Returns: * *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li ISC_R_NOTFOUND * *\li Any other result indicates an error. */ isc_result_t dns_keytable_finddeepestmatch(dns_keytable_t *keytable, dns_name_t *name, dns_name_t *foundname); /*%< * Search for the deepest match of 'name' in 'keytable'. * * Requires: * *\li 'keytable' is a valid keytable. * *\li 'name' is a valid absolute name. * *\li 'foundname' is a name with a dedicated buffer. * * Returns: * *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li ISC_R_NOTFOUND * *\li Any other result indicates an error. */ void dns_keytable_attachkeynode(dns_keytable_t *keytable, dns_keynode_t *source, dns_keynode_t **target); /*%< * Attach a keynode and and increment the active_nodes counter in a * corresponding keytable. * * Requires: * *\li 'keytable' is a valid keytable. * *\li 'source' is a valid keynode. * *\li 'target' is not null and '*target' is null. */ void dns_keytable_detachkeynode(dns_keytable_t *keytable, dns_keynode_t **keynodep); /*%< * Give back a keynode found via dns_keytable_findkeynode(). * * Requires: * *\li 'keytable' is a valid keytable. * *\li *keynodep is a valid keynode returned by a call to * dns_keytable_findkeynode(). * * Ensures: * *\li *keynodep == NULL */ isc_result_t dns_keytable_issecuredomain(dns_keytable_t *keytable, dns_name_t *name, dns_name_t *foundname, isc_boolean_t *wantdnssecp); /*%< * Is 'name' at or beneath a trusted key? * * Requires: * *\li 'keytable' is a valid keytable. * *\li 'name' is a valid absolute name. * *\li 'foundanme' is NULL or is a pointer to an initialized dns_name_t * *\li '*wantsdnssecp' is a valid isc_boolean_t. * Ensures: * *\li On success, *wantsdnssecp will be ISC_TRUE if and only if 'name' * is at or beneath a trusted key. If 'foundname' is not NULL, then * it will be updated to contain the name of the closest enclosing * trust anchor. * * Returns: * *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS * *\li Any other result is an error. */ isc_result_t dns_keytable_dump(dns_keytable_t *keytable, FILE *fp); /*%< * Dump the keytable on fp. */ isc_result_t dns_keytable_totext(dns_keytable_t *keytable, isc_buffer_t **buf); /*%< * Dump the keytable to buffer at 'buf' */ dst_key_t * dns_keynode_key(dns_keynode_t *keynode); /*%< * Get the DST key associated with keynode. */ isc_boolean_t dns_keynode_managed(dns_keynode_t *keynode); /*%< * Is this flagged as a managed key? */ isc_result_t dns_keynode_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_keynode_t **target); /*%< * Allocate space for a keynode */ void dns_keynode_attach(dns_keynode_t *source, dns_keynode_t **target); /*%< * Attach keynode 'source' to '*target' */ void dns_keynode_detach(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_keynode_t **target); /*%< * Detach a single keynode, without touching any keynodes that * may be pointed to by its 'next' pointer */ void dns_keynode_detachall(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_keynode_t **target); /*%< * Detach a keynode and all its succesors. */ isc_result_t dns_keytable_forall(dns_keytable_t *keytable, void (*func)(dns_keytable_t *, dns_keynode_t *, void *), void *arg); ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_KEYTABLE_H */ PK tuple, and this data hangs off each * address field. When an address is marked lame for a given tuple the address * will not be returned to a caller. * * * MP: * *\li The ADB takes care of all necessary locking. * *\li Only the task which initiated the name lookup can cancel the lookup. * * * Security: * *\li None, since all data stored is required to be pre-filtered. * (Cache needs to be sane, fetches return bounds-checked and sanity- * checked data, caller passes a good dns_name_t for the zone, etc) */ /*** *** Imports ***/ #include #include #include #include #include #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /*** *** Magic number checks ***/ #define DNS_ADBFIND_MAGIC ISC_MAGIC('a','d','b','H') #define DNS_ADBFIND_VALID(x) ISC_MAGIC_VALID(x, DNS_ADBFIND_MAGIC) #define DNS_ADBADDRINFO_MAGIC ISC_MAGIC('a','d','A','I') #define DNS_ADBADDRINFO_VALID(x) ISC_MAGIC_VALID(x, DNS_ADBADDRINFO_MAGIC) /*** *** TYPES ***/ typedef struct dns_adbname dns_adbname_t; /*! *\brief * Represents a lookup for a single name. * * On return, the client can safely use "list", and can reorder the list. * Items may not be _deleted_ from this list, however, or added to it * other than by using the dns_adb_*() API. */ struct dns_adbfind { /* Public */ unsigned int magic; /*%< RO: magic */ dns_adbaddrinfolist_t list; /*%< RO: list of addrs */ unsigned int query_pending; /*%< RO: partial list */ unsigned int partial_result; /*%< RO: addrs missing */ unsigned int options; /*%< RO: options */ isc_result_t result_v4; /*%< RO: v4 result */ isc_result_t result_v6; /*%< RO: v6 result */ ISC_LINK(dns_adbfind_t) publink; /*%< RW: client use */ /* Private */ isc_mutex_t lock; /* locks all below */ in_port_t port; int name_bucket; unsigned int flags; dns_adbname_t *adbname; dns_adb_t *adb; isc_event_t event; ISC_LINK(dns_adbfind_t) plink; }; /* * _INET: * _INET6: * return addresses of that type. * * _EMPTYEVENT: * Only schedule an event if no addresses are known. * Must set _WANTEVENT for this to be meaningful. * * _WANTEVENT: * An event is desired. Check this bit in the returned find to see * if one will actually be generated. * * _AVOIDFETCHES: * If set, fetches will not be generated unless no addresses are * available in any of the address families requested. * * _STARTATZONE: * Fetches will start using the closest zone data or use the root servers. * This is useful for reestablishing glue that has expired. * * _GLUEOK: * _HINTOK: * Glue or hints are ok. These are used when matching names already * in the adb, and when dns databases are searched. * * _RETURNLAME: * Return lame servers in a find, so that all addresses are returned. * * _LAMEPRUNED: * At least one address was omitted from the list because it was lame. * This bit will NEVER be set if _RETURNLAME is set in the createfind(). */ /*% Return addresses of type INET. */ #define DNS_ADBFIND_INET 0x00000001 /*% Return addresses of type INET6. */ #define DNS_ADBFIND_INET6 0x00000002 #define DNS_ADBFIND_ADDRESSMASK 0x00000003 /*% * Only schedule an event if no addresses are known. * Must set _WANTEVENT for this to be meaningful. */ #define DNS_ADBFIND_EMPTYEVENT 0x00000004 /*% * An event is desired. Check this bit in the returned find to see * if one will actually be generated. */ #define DNS_ADBFIND_WANTEVENT 0x00000008 /*% * If set, fetches will not be generated unless no addresses are * available in any of the address families requested. */ #define DNS_ADBFIND_AVOIDFETCHES 0x00000010 /*% * Fetches will start using the closest zone data or use the root servers. * This is useful for reestablishing glue that has expired. */ #define DNS_ADBFIND_STARTATZONE 0x00000020 /*% * Glue or hints are ok. These are used when matching names already * in the adb, and when dns databases are searched. */ #define DNS_ADBFIND_GLUEOK 0x00000040 /*% * Glue or hints are ok. These are used when matching names already * in the adb, and when dns databases are searched. */ #define DNS_ADBFIND_HINTOK 0x00000080 /*% * Return lame servers in a find, so that all addresses are returned. */ #define DNS_ADBFIND_RETURNLAME 0x00000100 /*% * Only schedule an event if no addresses are known. * Must set _WANTEVENT for this to be meaningful. */ #define DNS_ADBFIND_LAMEPRUNED 0x00000200 /*% * The server's fetch quota is exceeded; it will be treated as * lame for this query. */ #define DNS_ADBFIND_OVERQUOTA 0x00000400 /*% * Don't perform a fetch even if there are no address records available. */ #define DNS_ADBFIND_NOFETCH 0x00000800 /*% * The answers to queries come back as a list of these. */ struct dns_adbaddrinfo { unsigned int magic; /*%< private */ isc_sockaddr_t sockaddr; /*%< [rw] */ unsigned int srtt; /*%< [rw] microsecs */ isc_dscp_t dscp; unsigned int flags; /*%< [rw] */ dns_adbentry_t *entry; /*%< private */ ISC_LINK(dns_adbaddrinfo_t) publink; }; /*!< * The event sent to the caller task is just a plain old isc_event_t. It * contains no data other than a simple status, passed in the "type" field * to indicate that another address resolved, or all partially resolved * addresses have failed to resolve. * * "sender" is the dns_adbfind_t used to issue this query. * * This is simply a standard event, with the "type" set to: * *\li #DNS_EVENT_ADBMOREADDRESSES -- another address resolved. *\li #DNS_EVENT_ADBNOMOREADDRESSES -- all pending addresses failed, * were canceled, or otherwise will * not be usable. *\li #DNS_EVENT_ADBCANCELED -- The request was canceled by a * 3rd party. *\li #DNS_EVENT_ADBNAMEDELETED -- The name was deleted, so this request * was canceled. * * In each of these cases, the addresses returned by the initial call * to dns_adb_createfind() can still be used until they are no longer needed. */ /**** **** FUNCTIONS ****/ isc_result_t dns_adb_create(isc_mem_t *mem, dns_view_t *view, isc_timermgr_t *tmgr, isc_taskmgr_t *taskmgr, dns_adb_t **newadb); /*%< * Create a new ADB. * * Notes: * *\li Generally, applications should not create an ADB directly, but * should instead call dns_view_createresolver(). * * Requires: * *\li 'mem' must be a valid memory context. * *\li 'view' be a pointer to a valid view. * *\li 'tmgr' be a pointer to a valid timer manager. * *\li 'taskmgr' be a pointer to a valid task manager. * *\li 'newadb' != NULL && '*newadb' == NULL. * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS after happiness. *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY after resource allocation failure. */ void dns_adb_attach(dns_adb_t *adb, dns_adb_t **adbp); /*% * Attach to an 'adb' to 'adbp'. * * Requires: *\li 'adb' to be a valid dns_adb_t, created via dns_adb_create(). *\li 'adbp' to be a valid pointer to a *dns_adb_t which is initialized * to NULL. */ void dns_adb_detach(dns_adb_t **adb); /*% * Delete the ADB. Sets *ADB to NULL. Cancels any outstanding requests. * * Requires: * *\li 'adb' be non-NULL and '*adb' be a valid dns_adb_t, created via * dns_adb_create(). */ void dns_adb_whenshutdown(dns_adb_t *adb, isc_task_t *task, isc_event_t **eventp); /*% * Send '*eventp' to 'task' when 'adb' has shutdown. * * Requires: * *\li '*adb' is a valid dns_adb_t. * *\li eventp != NULL && *eventp is a valid event. * * Ensures: * *\li *eventp == NULL * *\li The event's sender field is set to the value of adb when the event * is sent. */ void dns_adb_shutdown(dns_adb_t *adb); /*%< * Shutdown 'adb'. * * Requires: * * \li '*adb' is a valid dns_adb_t. */ isc_result_t dns_adb_createfind(dns_adb_t *adb, isc_task_t *task, isc_taskaction_t action, void *arg, dns_name_t *name, dns_name_t *qname, dns_rdatatype_t qtype, unsigned int options, isc_stdtime_t now, dns_name_t *target, in_port_t port, dns_adbfind_t **find); isc_result_t dns_adb_createfind2(dns_adb_t *adb, isc_task_t *task, isc_taskaction_t action, void *arg, dns_name_t *name, dns_name_t *qname, dns_rdatatype_t qtype, unsigned int options, isc_stdtime_t now, dns_name_t *target, in_port_t port, unsigned int depth, isc_counter_t *qc, dns_adbfind_t **find); /*%< * Main interface for clients. The adb will look up the name given in * "name" and will build up a list of found addresses, and perhaps start * internal fetches to resolve names that are unknown currently. * * If other addresses resolve after this call completes, an event will * be sent to the with the sender of that event * set to a pointer to the dns_adbfind_t returned by this function. * * If no events will be generated, the *find->result_v4 and/or result_v6 * members may be examined for address lookup status. The usual #ISC_R_SUCCESS, * #ISC_R_FAILURE, #DNS_R_NXDOMAIN, and #DNS_R_NXRRSET are returned, along with * #ISC_R_NOTFOUND meaning the ADB has not _yet_ found the values. In this * latter case, retrying may produce more addresses. * * If events will be returned, the result_v[46] members are only valid * when that event is actually returned. * * The list of addresses returned is unordered. The caller must impose * any ordering required. The list will not contain "known bad" addresses, * however. For instance, it will not return hosts that are known to be * lame for the zone in question. * * The caller cannot (directly) modify the contents of the address list's * fields other than the "link" field. All values can be read at any * time, however. * * The "now" parameter is used only for determining which entries that * have a specific time to live or expire time should be removed from * the running database. If specified as zero, the current time will * be retrieved and used. * * If 'target' is not NULL and 'name' is an alias (i.e. the name is * CNAME'd or DNAME'd to another name), then 'target' will be updated with * the domain name that 'name' is aliased to. * * All addresses returned will have the sockaddr's port set to 'port.' * The caller may change them directly in the dns_adbaddrinfo_t since * they are copies of the internal address only. * * XXXMLG Document options, especially the flags which control how * events are sent. * * Requires: * *\li *adb be a valid isc_adb_t object. * *\li If events are to be sent, *task be a valid task, * and isc_taskaction_t != NULL. * *\li *name is a valid dns_name_t. * *\li qname != NULL and *qname be a valid dns_name_t. * *\li target == NULL or target is a valid name with a buffer. * *\li find != NULL && *find == NULL. * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS Addresses might have been returned, and events will be * delivered for unresolved addresses. *\li #ISC_R_NOMORE Addresses might have been returned, but no events * will ever be posted for this context. This is only * returned if task != NULL. *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY insufficient resources *\li #DNS_R_ALIAS 'name' is an alias for another name. * * Calls, and returns error codes from: * *\li isc_stdtime_get() * * Notes: * *\li No internal reference to "name" exists after this function * returns. */ void dns_adb_cancelfind(dns_adbfind_t *find); /*%< * Cancels the find, and sends the event off to the caller. * * It is an error to call dns_adb_cancelfind() on a find where * no event is wanted, or will ever be sent. * * Note: * *\li It is possible that the real completion event was posted just * before the dns_adb_cancelfind() call was made. In this case, * dns_adb_cancelfind() will do nothing. The event callback needs * to be prepared to find this situation (i.e. result is valid but * the caller expects it to be canceled). * * Requires: * *\li 'find' be a valid dns_adbfind_t pointer. * *\li events would have been posted to the task. This can be checked * with (find->options & DNS_ADBFIND_WANTEVENT). * * Ensures: * *\li The event was posted to the task. */ void dns_adb_destroyfind(dns_adbfind_t **find); /*%< * Destroys the find reference. * * Note: * *\li This can only be called after the event was delivered for a * find. Additionally, the event MUST have been freed via * isc_event_free() BEFORE this function is called. * * Requires: * *\li 'find' != NULL and *find be valid dns_adbfind_t pointer. * * Ensures: * *\li No "address found" events will be posted to the originating task * after this function returns. */ void dns_adb_dump(dns_adb_t *adb, FILE *f); /*%< * This function is only used for debugging. It will dump as much of the * state of the running system as possible. * * Requires: * *\li adb be valid. * *\li f != NULL, and is a file open for writing. */ void dns_adb_dumpfind(dns_adbfind_t *find, FILE *f); /*%< * This function is only used for debugging. Dump the data associated * with a find. * * Requires: * *\li find is valid. * * \li f != NULL, and is a file open for writing. */ isc_result_t dns_adb_marklame(dns_adb_t *adb, dns_adbaddrinfo_t *addr, dns_name_t *qname, dns_rdatatype_t type, isc_stdtime_t expire_time); /*%< * Mark the given address as lame for the . expire_time should * be set to the time when the entry should expire. That is, if it is to * expire 10 minutes in the future, it should set it to (now + 10 * 60). * * Requires: * *\li adb be valid. * *\li addr be valid. * *\li qname be the qname used in the dns_adb_createfind() call. * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS -- all is well. *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY -- could not mark address as lame. */ /* * Reasonable defaults for RTT adjustments * * (Note: these values function both as scaling factors and as * indicators of the type of RTT adjustment operation taking place. * Adjusting the scaling factors is fine, as long as they all remain * unique values.) */ #define DNS_ADB_RTTADJDEFAULT 7 /*%< default scale */ #define DNS_ADB_RTTADJREPLACE 0 /*%< replace with our rtt */ #define DNS_ADB_RTTADJAGE 10 /*%< age this rtt */ void dns_adb_adjustsrtt(dns_adb_t *adb, dns_adbaddrinfo_t *addr, unsigned int rtt, unsigned int factor); /*%< * Mix the round trip time into the existing smoothed rtt. * * Requires: * *\li adb be valid. * *\li addr be valid. * *\li 0 <= factor <= 10 * * Note: * *\li The srtt in addr will be updated to reflect the new global * srtt value. This may include changes made by others. */ void dns_adb_agesrtt(dns_adb_t *adb, dns_adbaddrinfo_t *addr, isc_stdtime_t now); /* * dns_adb_agesrtt is equivalent to dns_adb_adjustsrtt with factor * equal to DNS_ADB_RTTADJAGE and the current time passed in. * * Requires: * *\li adb be valid. * *\li addr be valid. * * Note: * *\li The srtt in addr will be updated to reflect the new global * srtt value. This may include changes made by others. */ void dns_adb_changeflags(dns_adb_t *adb, dns_adbaddrinfo_t *addr, unsigned int bits, unsigned int mask); /*% * Change Flags. * * Set the flags as given by: * *\li newflags = (oldflags & ~mask) | (bits & mask); * * Requires: * *\li adb be valid. * *\li addr be valid. */ void dns_adb_setudpsize(dns_adb_t *adb, dns_adbaddrinfo_t *addr, unsigned int size); /*% * Update seen UDP response size. The largest seen will be returned by * dns_adb_getudpsize(). * * Requires: * *\li adb be valid. * *\li addr be valid. */ unsigned int dns_adb_getudpsize(dns_adb_t *adb, dns_adbaddrinfo_t *addr); /*% * Return the largest seen UDP response size. * * Requires: * *\li adb be valid. * *\li addr be valid. */ unsigned int dns_adb_probesize(dns_adb_t *adb, dns_adbaddrinfo_t *addr); unsigned int dns_adb_probesize2(dns_adb_t *adb, dns_adbaddrinfo_t *addr, int lookups); /*% * Return suggested EDNS UDP size based on observed responses / failures. * 'lookups' is the number of times the current lookup has been attempted. * * Requires: * *\li adb be valid. * *\li addr be valid. */ void dns_adb_plainresponse(dns_adb_t *adb, dns_adbaddrinfo_t *addr); /*% * Record a successful plain DNS response. * * Requires: * *\li adb be valid. * *\li addr be valid. */ void dns_adb_timeout(dns_adb_t *adb, dns_adbaddrinfo_t *addr); /*% * Record a plain DNS UDP query failed. * * Requires: * *\li adb be valid. * *\li addr be valid. */ void dns_adb_ednsto(dns_adb_t *adb, dns_adbaddrinfo_t *addr, unsigned int size); /*% * Record a failed EDNS UDP response and the advertised EDNS UDP buffer size * used. * * Requires: * *\li adb be valid. * *\li addr be valid. */ isc_boolean_t dns_adb_noedns(dns_adb_t *adb, dns_adbaddrinfo_t *addr); /*% * Return whether EDNS should be disabled for this server. * * Requires: * *\li adb be valid. * *\li addr be valid. */ isc_result_t dns_adb_findaddrinfo(dns_adb_t *adb, isc_sockaddr_t *sa, dns_adbaddrinfo_t **addrp, isc_stdtime_t now); /*%< * Return a dns_adbaddrinfo_t that is associated with address 'sa'. * * Requires: * *\li adb is valid. * *\li sa is valid. * *\li addrp != NULL && *addrp == NULL * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY *\li #ISC_R_SHUTTINGDOWN */ void dns_adb_freeaddrinfo(dns_adb_t *adb, dns_adbaddrinfo_t **addrp); /*%< * Free a dns_adbaddrinfo_t allocated by dns_adb_findaddrinfo(). * * Requires: * *\li adb is valid. * *\li *addrp is a valid dns_adbaddrinfo_t *. */ void dns_adb_flush(dns_adb_t *adb); /*%< * Flushes all cached data from the adb. * * Requires: *\li adb is valid. */ void dns_adb_setadbsize(dns_adb_t *adb, size_t size); /*%< * Set a target memory size. If memory usage exceeds the target * size entries will be removed before they would have expired on * a random basis. * * If 'size' is 0 then memory usage is unlimited. * * Requires: *\li 'adb' is valid. */ void dns_adb_flushname(dns_adb_t *adb, dns_name_t *name); /*%< * Flush 'name' from the adb cache. * * Requires: *\li 'adb' is valid. *\li 'name' is valid. */ void dns_adb_flushnames(dns_adb_t *adb, dns_name_t *name); /*%< * Flush 'name' and all subdomains from the adb cache. * * Requires: *\li 'adb' is valid. *\li 'name' is valid. */ void dns_adb_setcookie(dns_adb_t *adb, dns_adbaddrinfo_t *addr, const unsigned char *cookie, size_t len); /*%< * Record the COOKIE associated with this addresss. If * cookie is NULL or len is zero the recorded COOKIE is cleared. * * Requires: *\li 'adb' is valid. *\li 'addr' is valid. */ size_t dns_adb_getcookie(dns_adb_t *adb, dns_adbaddrinfo_t *addr, unsigned char *cookie, size_t len); /* * Retieve the saved COOKIE value and store it in 'cookie' which has * size 'len'. * * Requires: *\li 'adb' is valid. *\li 'addr' is valid. * * Returns: * The size of the cookie or zero if it doesn't fit in the buffer * or it doesn't exist. */ void dns_adb_setquota(dns_adb_t *adb, isc_uint32_t quota, isc_uint32_t freq, double low, double high, double discount); /*%< * Set the baseline ADB quota, and configure parameters for the * quota adjustment algorithm. * * If the number of fetches currently waiting for responses from this * address exceeds the current quota, then additional fetches are spilled. * * 'quota' is the highest permissible quota; it will adjust itself * downward in response to detected congestion. * * After every 'freq' fetches have either completed or timed out, an * exponentially weighted moving average of the ratio of timeouts * to responses is calculated. If the EWMA goes above a 'high' * threshold, then the quota is adjusted down one step; if it drops * below a 'low' threshold, then the quota is adjusted back up one * step. * * The quota adjustment is based on the function (1 / 1 + (n/10)^(3/2)), * for values of n from 0 to 99. It starts at 100% of the baseline * quota, and descends after 100 steps to 2%. * * 'discount' represents the discount rate of the moving average. Higher * values cause older values to be discounted sooner, providing a faster * response to changes in the timeout ratio. * * Requires: *\li 'adb' is valid. */ isc_boolean_t dns_adbentry_overquota(dns_adbentry_t *entry); /*%< * Returns true if the specified ADB has too many active fetches. * * Requires: *\li 'entry' is valid. */ void dns_adb_beginudpfetch(dns_adb_t *adb, dns_adbaddrinfo_t *addr); void dns_adb_endudpfetch(dns_adb_t *adb, dns_adbaddrinfo_t *addr); /*% * Begin/end a UDP fetch on a particular address. * * These functions increment or decrement the fetch counter for * the ADB entry so that the fetch quota can be enforced. * * Requires: * *\li adb be valid. * *\li addr be valid. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_ADB_H */ PK #include #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /*% * A 'dns_lookupevent_t' is returned when a lookup completes. * The sender field will be set to the lookup that completed. If 'result' * is ISC_R_SUCCESS, then 'names' will contain a list of names associated * with the address. The recipient of the event must not change the list * and must not refer to any of the name data after the event is freed. */ typedef struct dns_lookupevent { ISC_EVENT_COMMON(struct dns_lookupevent); isc_result_t result; dns_name_t *name; dns_rdataset_t *rdataset; dns_rdataset_t *sigrdataset; dns_db_t *db; dns_dbnode_t *node; } dns_lookupevent_t; isc_result_t dns_lookup_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_name_t *name, dns_rdatatype_t type, dns_view_t *view, unsigned int options, isc_task_t *task, isc_taskaction_t action, void *arg, dns_lookup_t **lookupp); /*%< * Finds the rrsets matching 'name' and 'type'. * * Requires: * *\li 'mctx' is a valid mctx. * *\li 'name' is a valid name. * *\li 'view' is a valid view which has a resolver. * *\li 'task' is a valid task. * *\li lookupp != NULL && *lookupp == NULL * * Returns: * *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li ISC_R_NOMEMORY * *\li Any resolver-related error (e.g. ISC_R_SHUTTINGDOWN) may also be * returned. */ void dns_lookup_cancel(dns_lookup_t *lookup); /*%< * Cancel 'lookup'. * * Notes: * *\li If 'lookup' has not completed, post its LOOKUPDONE event with a * result code of ISC_R_CANCELED. * * Requires: * *\li 'lookup' is a valid lookup. */ void dns_lookup_destroy(dns_lookup_t **lookupp); /*%< * Destroy 'lookup'. * * Requires: * *\li '*lookupp' is a valid lookup. * *\li The caller has received the LOOKUPDONE event (either because the * lookup completed or because dns_lookup_cancel() was called). * * Ensures: * *\li *lookupp == NULL. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_LOOKUP_H */ PK #include LIBDNS_EXTERNAL_DATA extern isc_log_t *dns_lctx; LIBDNS_EXTERNAL_DATA extern isc_logcategory_t dns_categories[]; LIBDNS_EXTERNAL_DATA extern isc_logmodule_t dns_modules[]; #define DNS_LOGCATEGORY_NOTIFY (&dns_categories[0]) #define DNS_LOGCATEGORY_DATABASE (&dns_categories[1]) #define DNS_LOGCATEGORY_SECURITY (&dns_categories[2]) /* DNS_LOGCATEGORY_CONFIG superseded by CFG_LOGCATEGORY_CONFIG */ #define DNS_LOGCATEGORY_DNSSEC (&dns_categories[4]) #define DNS_LOGCATEGORY_RESOLVER (&dns_categories[5]) #define DNS_LOGCATEGORY_XFER_IN (&dns_categories[6]) #define DNS_LOGCATEGORY_XFER_OUT (&dns_categories[7]) #define DNS_LOGCATEGORY_DISPATCH (&dns_categories[8]) #define DNS_LOGCATEGORY_LAME_SERVERS (&dns_categories[9]) #define DNS_LOGCATEGORY_DELEGATION_ONLY (&dns_categories[10]) #define DNS_LOGCATEGORY_EDNS_DISABLED (&dns_categories[11]) #define DNS_LOGCATEGORY_RPZ (&dns_categories[12]) #define DNS_LOGCATEGORY_RRL (&dns_categories[13]) #define DNS_LOGCATEGORY_CNAME (&dns_categories[14]) #define DNS_LOGCATEGORY_SPILL (&dns_categories[15]) #define DNS_LOGCATEGORY_DNSTAP (&dns_categories[16]) /* Backwards compatibility. */ #define DNS_LOGCATEGORY_GENERAL ISC_LOGCATEGORY_GENERAL #define DNS_LOGMODULE_DB (&dns_modules[0]) #define DNS_LOGMODULE_RBTDB (&dns_modules[1]) #define DNS_LOGMODULE_RBTDB64 (&dns_modules[2]) #define DNS_LOGMODULE_RBT (&dns_modules[3]) #define DNS_LOGMODULE_RDATA (&dns_modules[4]) #define DNS_LOGMODULE_MASTER (&dns_modules[5]) #define DNS_LOGMODULE_MESSAGE (&dns_modules[6]) #define DNS_LOGMODULE_CACHE (&dns_modules[7]) #define DNS_LOGMODULE_CONFIG (&dns_modules[8]) #define DNS_LOGMODULE_RESOLVER (&dns_modules[9]) #define DNS_LOGMODULE_ZONE (&dns_modules[10]) #define DNS_LOGMODULE_JOURNAL (&dns_modules[11]) #define DNS_LOGMODULE_ADB (&dns_modules[12]) #define DNS_LOGMODULE_XFER_IN (&dns_modules[13]) #define DNS_LOGMODULE_XFER_OUT (&dns_modules[14]) #define DNS_LOGMODULE_ACL (&dns_modules[15]) #define DNS_LOGMODULE_VALIDATOR (&dns_modules[16]) #define DNS_LOGMODULE_DISPATCH (&dns_modules[17]) #define DNS_LOGMODULE_REQUEST (&dns_modules[18]) #define DNS_LOGMODULE_MASTERDUMP (&dns_modules[19]) #define DNS_LOGMODULE_TSIG (&dns_modules[20]) #define DNS_LOGMODULE_TKEY (&dns_modules[21]) #define DNS_LOGMODULE_SDB (&dns_modules[22]) #define DNS_LOGMODULE_DIFF (&dns_modules[23]) #define DNS_LOGMODULE_HINTS (&dns_modules[24]) #define DNS_LOGMODULE_ACACHE (&dns_modules[25]) #define DNS_LOGMODULE_DLZ (&dns_modules[26]) #define DNS_LOGMODULE_DNSSEC (&dns_modules[27]) #define DNS_LOGMODULE_CRYPTO (&dns_modules[28]) #define DNS_LOGMODULE_PACKETS (&dns_modules[29]) #define DNS_LOGMODULE_NTA (&dns_modules[30]) #define DNS_LOGMODULE_DYNDB (&dns_modules[31]) #define DNS_LOGMODULE_DNSTAP (&dns_modules[32]) #define DNS_LOGMODULE_SSU (&dns_modules[33]) ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS void dns_log_init(isc_log_t *lctx); /*% * Make the libdns categories and modules available for use with the * ISC logging library. * * Requires: *\li lctx is a valid logging context. * *\li dns_log_init() is called only once. * * Ensures: * \li The categories and modules defined above are available for * use by isc_log_usechannnel() and isc_log_write(). */ void dns_log_setcontext(isc_log_t *lctx); /*% * Make the libdns library use the provided context for logging internal * messages. * * Requires: *\li lctx is a valid logging context. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_LOG_H */ PK #include #include #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS typedef enum { dns_ssumatchtype_name = 0, dns_ssumatchtype_subdomain = 1, dns_ssumatchtype_wildcard = 2, dns_ssumatchtype_self = 3, dns_ssumatchtype_selfsub = 4, dns_ssumatchtype_selfwild = 5, dns_ssumatchtype_selfkrb5 = 6, dns_ssumatchtype_selfms = 7, dns_ssumatchtype_subdomainms = 8, dns_ssumatchtype_subdomainkrb5 = 9, dns_ssumatchtype_tcpself = 10, dns_ssumatchtype_6to4self = 11, dns_ssumatchtype_external = 12, dns_ssumatchtype_local = 13, dns_ssumatchtype_max = 13, /* max value */ dns_ssumatchtype_dlz = 14 /* intentionally higher than _max */ } dns_ssumatchtype_t; #define DNS_SSUMATCHTYPE_NAME dns_ssumatchtype_name #define DNS_SSUMATCHTYPE_SUBDOMAIN dns_ssumatchtype_subdomain #define DNS_SSUMATCHTYPE_WILDCARD dns_ssumatchtype_wildcard #define DNS_SSUMATCHTYPE_SELF dns_ssumatchtype_self #define DNS_SSUMATCHTYPE_SELFSUB dns_ssumatchtype_selfsub #define DNS_SSUMATCHTYPE_SELFWILD dns_ssumatchtype_selfwild #define DNS_SSUMATCHTYPE_SELFKRB5 dns_ssumatchtype_selfkrb5 #define DNS_SSUMATCHTYPE_SELFMS dns_ssumatchtype_selfms #define DNS_SSUMATCHTYPE_SUBDOMAINMS dns_ssumatchtype_subdomainms #define DNS_SSUMATCHTYPE_SUBDOMAINKRB5 dns_ssumatchtype_subdomainkrb5 #define DNS_SSUMATCHTYPE_TCPSELF dns_ssumatchtype_tcpself #define DNS_SSUMATCHTYPE_6TO4SELF dns_ssumatchtype_6to4self #define DNS_SSUMATCHTYPE_EXTERNAL dns_ssumatchtype_external #define DNS_SSUMATCHTYPE_LOCAL dns_ssumatchtype_local #define DNS_SSUMATCHTYPE_MAX dns_ssumatchtype_max /* max value */ #define DNS_SSUMATCHTYPE_DLZ dns_ssumatchtype_dlz /* intentionally higher than _MAX */ isc_result_t dns_ssutable_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_ssutable_t **table); /*%< * Creates a table that will be used to store simple-secure-update rules. * Note: all locking must be provided by the client. * * Requires: *\li 'mctx' is a valid memory context *\li 'table' is not NULL, and '*table' is NULL * * Returns: *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li ISC_R_NOMEMORY */ isc_result_t dns_ssutable_createdlz(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_ssutable_t **tablep, dns_dlzdb_t *dlzdatabase); /*%< * Create an SSU table that contains a dlzdatabase pointer, and a * single rule with matchtype DNS_SSUMATCHTYPE_DLZ. This type of SSU * table is used by writeable DLZ drivers to offload authorization for * updates to the driver. */ void dns_ssutable_attach(dns_ssutable_t *source, dns_ssutable_t **targetp); /*%< * Attach '*targetp' to 'source'. * * Requires: *\li 'source' is a valid SSU table *\li 'targetp' points to a NULL dns_ssutable_t *. * * Ensures: *\li *targetp is attached to source. */ void dns_ssutable_detach(dns_ssutable_t **tablep); /*%< * Detach '*tablep' from its simple-secure-update rule table. * * Requires: *\li 'tablep' points to a valid dns_ssutable_t * * Ensures: *\li *tablep is NULL *\li If '*tablep' is the last reference to the SSU table, all * resources used by the table will be freed. */ isc_result_t dns_ssutable_addrule(dns_ssutable_t *table, isc_boolean_t grant, dns_name_t *identity, unsigned int matchtype, dns_name_t *name, unsigned int ntypes, dns_rdatatype_t *types); /*%< * Adds a new rule to a simple-secure-update rule table. The rule * either grants or denies update privileges of an identity (or set of * identities) to modify a name (or set of names) or certain types present * at that name. * * Notes: *\li If 'matchtype' is of SELF type, this rule only matches if the * name to be updated matches the signing identity. * *\li If 'ntypes' is 0, this rule applies to all types except * NS, SOA, RRSIG, and NSEC. * *\li If 'types' includes ANY, this rule applies to all types * except NSEC. * * Requires: *\li 'table' is a valid SSU table *\li 'identity' is a valid absolute name *\li 'matchtype' must be one of the defined constants. *\li 'name' is a valid absolute name *\li If 'ntypes' > 0, 'types' must not be NULL * * Returns: *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li ISC_R_NOMEMORY */ isc_boolean_t dns_ssutable_checkrules(dns_ssutable_t *table, dns_name_t *signer, dns_name_t *name, isc_netaddr_t *addr, dns_rdatatype_t type, const dst_key_t *key); isc_boolean_t dns_ssutable_checkrules2(dns_ssutable_t *table, dns_name_t *signer, dns_name_t *name, isc_netaddr_t *addr, isc_boolean_t tcp, const dns_aclenv_t *env, dns_rdatatype_t type, const dst_key_t *key); /*%< * Checks that the attempted update of (name, type) is allowed according * to the rules specified in the simple-secure-update rule table. If * no rules are matched, access is denied. * * Notes: * In dns_ssutable_checkrules(), 'addr' should only be * set if the request received via TCP. This provides a * weak assurance that the request was not spoofed. * 'addr' is to to validate DNS_SSUMATCHTYPE_TCPSELF * and DNS_SSUMATCHTYPE_6TO4SELF rules. * * In dns_ssutable_checkrules2(), 'addr' can also be passed for * UDP requests and TCP is specified via the 'tcp' parameter. * In addition to DNS_SSUMATCHTYPE_TCPSELF and * tcp_ssumatchtype_6to4self rules, the address * also be used to check DNS_SSUMATCHTYPE_LOCAL rules. * If 'addr' is set then 'env' must also be set so that * requests from non-localhost addresses can be rejected. * * For DNS_SSUMATCHTYPE_TCPSELF the addresses are mapped to * the standard reverse names under IN-ADDR.ARPA and IP6.ARPA. * RFC 1035, Section 3.5, "IN-ADDR.ARPA domain" and RFC 3596, * Section 2.5, "IP6.ARPA Domain". * * For DNS_SSUMATCHTYPE_6TO4SELF, IPv4 address are converted * to a 6to4 prefix (48 bits) per the rules in RFC 3056. Only * the top 48 bits of the IPv6 address are mapped to the reverse * name. This is independent of whether the most significant 16 * bits match 2002::/16, assigned for 6to4 prefixes, or not. * * Requires: *\li 'table' is a valid SSU table *\li 'signer' is NULL or a valid absolute name *\li 'addr' is NULL or a valid network address. *\li 'aclenv' is NULL or a valid ACL environment. *\li 'name' is a valid absolute name *\li if 'addr' is not NULL, 'env' is not NULL. */ /*% Accessor functions to extract rule components */ isc_boolean_t dns_ssurule_isgrant(const dns_ssurule_t *rule); /*% Accessor functions to extract rule components */ dns_name_t * dns_ssurule_identity(const dns_ssurule_t *rule); /*% Accessor functions to extract rule components */ unsigned int dns_ssurule_matchtype(const dns_ssurule_t *rule); /*% Accessor functions to extract rule components */ dns_name_t * dns_ssurule_name(const dns_ssurule_t *rule); /*% Accessor functions to extract rule components */ unsigned int dns_ssurule_types(const dns_ssurule_t *rule, dns_rdatatype_t **types); isc_result_t dns_ssutable_firstrule(const dns_ssutable_t *table, dns_ssurule_t **rule); /*%< * Initiates a rule iterator. There is no need to maintain any state. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMORE */ isc_result_t dns_ssutable_nextrule(dns_ssurule_t *rule, dns_ssurule_t **nextrule); /*%< * Returns the next rule in the table. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMORE */ isc_boolean_t dns_ssu_external_match(dns_name_t *identity, dns_name_t *signer, dns_name_t *name, isc_netaddr_t *tcpaddr, dns_rdatatype_t type, const dst_key_t *key, isc_mem_t *mctx); /*%< * Check a policy rule via an external application */ isc_result_t dns_ssu_mtypefromstring(const char *str, dns_ssumatchtype_t *mtype); /*%< * Set 'mtype' from 'str' * * Requires: *\li 'str' is not NULL. *\li 'mtype' is not NULL, * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOTFOUND */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_SSU_H */ PK #include #include #include #include #include /*! \file dns/message.h * \brief Message Handling Module * * How this beast works: * * When a dns message is received in a buffer, dns_message_parse() is called * on the memory region. Various items are checked including the format * of the message (if counts are right, if counts consume the entire sections, * and if sections consume the entire message) and known pseudo-RRs in the * additional data section are analyzed and removed. * * TSIG checking is also done at this layer, and any DNSSEC transaction * signatures should also be checked here. * * Notes on using the gettemp*() and puttemp*() functions: * * These functions return items (names, rdatasets, etc) allocated from some * internal state of the dns_message_t. * * Names and rdatasets must be put back into the dns_message_t in * one of two ways. Assume a name was allocated via * dns_message_gettempname(): * *\li (1) insert it into a section, using dns_message_addname(). * *\li (2) return it to the message using dns_message_puttempname(). * * The same applies to rdatasets. * * On the other hand, offsets, rdatalists and rdatas allocated using * dns_message_gettemp*() will always be freed automatically * when the message is reset or destroyed; calling dns_message_puttemp*() * on rdatalists and rdatas is optional and serves only to enable the item * to be reused multiple times during the lifetime of the message; offsets * cannot be reused. * * Buffers allocated using isc_buffer_allocate() can be automatically freed * as well by giving the buffer to the message using dns_message_takebuffer(). * Doing this will cause the buffer to be freed using isc_buffer_free() * when the section lists are cleared, such as in a reset or in a destroy. * Since the buffer itself exists until the message is destroyed, this sort * of code can be written: * * \code * buffer = isc_buffer_allocate(mctx, 512); * name = NULL; * name = dns_message_gettempname(message, &name); * dns_name_init(name, NULL); * result = dns_name_fromtext(name, &source, dns_rootname, 0, buffer); * dns_message_takebuffer(message, &buffer); * \endcode * * * TODO: * * XXX Needed: ways to set and retrieve EDNS information, add rdata to a * section, move rdata from one section to another, remove rdata, etc. */ #define DNS_MESSAGEFLAG_QR 0x8000U #define DNS_MESSAGEFLAG_AA 0x0400U #define DNS_MESSAGEFLAG_TC 0x0200U #define DNS_MESSAGEFLAG_RD 0x0100U #define DNS_MESSAGEFLAG_RA 0x0080U #define DNS_MESSAGEFLAG_AD 0x0020U #define DNS_MESSAGEFLAG_CD 0x0010U /*%< EDNS0 extended message flags */ #define DNS_MESSAGEEXTFLAG_DO 0x8000U /*%< EDNS0 extended OPT codes */ #define DNS_OPT_NSID 3 /*%< NSID opt code */ #define DNS_OPT_CLIENT_SUBNET 8 /*%< client subnet opt code */ #define DNS_OPT_EXPIRE 9 /*%< EXPIRE opt code */ #define DNS_OPT_COOKIE 10 /*%< COOKIE opt code */ #define DNS_OPT_PAD 12 /*%< PAD opt code */ #define DNS_OPT_KEY_TAG 14 /*%< Key tag opt code */ /*%< Experimental options [65001...65534] as per RFC6891 */ /*%< The number of EDNS options we know about. */ #define DNS_EDNSOPTIONS 5 #define DNS_MESSAGE_REPLYPRESERVE (DNS_MESSAGEFLAG_RD|DNS_MESSAGEFLAG_CD) #define DNS_MESSAGEEXTFLAG_REPLYPRESERVE (DNS_MESSAGEEXTFLAG_DO) #define DNS_MESSAGE_HEADERLEN 12 /*%< 6 isc_uint16_t's */ #define DNS_MESSAGE_MAGIC ISC_MAGIC('M','S','G','@') #define DNS_MESSAGE_VALID(msg) ISC_MAGIC_VALID(msg, DNS_MESSAGE_MAGIC) /* * Ordering here matters. DNS_SECTION_ANY must be the lowest and negative, * and DNS_SECTION_MAX must be one greater than the last used section. */ typedef int dns_section_t; #define DNS_SECTION_ANY (-1) #define DNS_SECTION_QUESTION 0 #define DNS_SECTION_ANSWER 1 #define DNS_SECTION_AUTHORITY 2 #define DNS_SECTION_ADDITIONAL 3 #define DNS_SECTION_MAX 4 typedef int dns_pseudosection_t; #define DNS_PSEUDOSECTION_ANY (-1) #define DNS_PSEUDOSECTION_OPT 0 #define DNS_PSEUDOSECTION_TSIG 1 #define DNS_PSEUDOSECTION_SIG0 2 #define DNS_PSEUDOSECTION_MAX 3 typedef int dns_messagetextflag_t; #define DNS_MESSAGETEXTFLAG_NOCOMMENTS 0x0001 #define DNS_MESSAGETEXTFLAG_NOHEADERS 0x0002 #define DNS_MESSAGETEXTFLAG_ONESOA 0x0004 #define DNS_MESSAGETEXTFLAG_OMITSOA 0x0008 /* * Dynamic update names for these sections. */ #define DNS_SECTION_ZONE DNS_SECTION_QUESTION #define DNS_SECTION_PREREQUISITE DNS_SECTION_ANSWER #define DNS_SECTION_UPDATE DNS_SECTION_AUTHORITY /* * These tell the message library how the created dns_message_t will be used. */ #define DNS_MESSAGE_INTENTUNKNOWN 0 /*%< internal use only */ #define DNS_MESSAGE_INTENTPARSE 1 /*%< parsing messages */ #define DNS_MESSAGE_INTENTRENDER 2 /*%< rendering */ /* * Control behavior of parsing */ #define DNS_MESSAGEPARSE_PRESERVEORDER 0x0001 /*%< preserve rdata order */ #define DNS_MESSAGEPARSE_BESTEFFORT 0x0002 /*%< return a message if a recoverable parse error occurs */ #define DNS_MESSAGEPARSE_CLONEBUFFER 0x0004 /*%< save a copy of the source buffer */ #define DNS_MESSAGEPARSE_IGNORETRUNCATION 0x0008 /*%< truncation errors are * not fatal. */ /* * Control behavior of rendering */ #define DNS_MESSAGERENDER_ORDERED 0x0001 /*%< don't change order */ #define DNS_MESSAGERENDER_PARTIAL 0x0002 /*%< allow a partial rdataset */ #define DNS_MESSAGERENDER_OMITDNSSEC 0x0004 /*%< omit DNSSEC records */ #define DNS_MESSAGERENDER_PREFER_A 0x0008 /*%< prefer A records in additional section. */ #define DNS_MESSAGERENDER_PREFER_AAAA 0x0010 /*%< prefer AAAA records in additional section. */ #ifdef ALLOW_FILTER_AAAA #define DNS_MESSAGERENDER_FILTER_AAAA 0x0020 /*%< filter AAAA records */ #endif typedef struct dns_msgblock dns_msgblock_t; struct dns_message { /* public from here down */ unsigned int magic; dns_messageid_t id; unsigned int flags; dns_rcode_t rcode; dns_opcode_t opcode; dns_rdataclass_t rdclass; /* 4 real, 1 pseudo */ unsigned int counts[DNS_SECTION_MAX]; /* private from here down */ dns_namelist_t sections[DNS_SECTION_MAX]; dns_name_t *cursors[DNS_SECTION_MAX]; dns_rdataset_t *opt; dns_rdataset_t *sig0; dns_rdataset_t *tsig; int state; unsigned int from_to_wire : 2; unsigned int header_ok : 1; unsigned int question_ok : 1; unsigned int tcp_continuation : 1; unsigned int verified_sig : 1; unsigned int verify_attempted : 1; unsigned int free_query : 1; unsigned int free_saved : 1; unsigned int cc_ok : 1; unsigned int cc_bad : 1; unsigned int tkey : 1; unsigned int rdclass_set : 1; unsigned int opt_reserved; unsigned int sig_reserved; unsigned int reserved; /* reserved space (render) */ isc_buffer_t *buffer; dns_compress_t *cctx; isc_mem_t *mctx; isc_mempool_t *namepool; isc_mempool_t *rdspool; isc_bufferlist_t scratchpad; isc_bufferlist_t cleanup; ISC_LIST(dns_msgblock_t) rdatas; ISC_LIST(dns_msgblock_t) rdatalists; ISC_LIST(dns_msgblock_t) offsets; ISC_LIST(dns_rdata_t) freerdata; ISC_LIST(dns_rdatalist_t) freerdatalist; dns_rcode_t tsigstatus; dns_rcode_t querytsigstatus; dns_name_t *tsigname; /* Owner name of TSIG, if any */ dns_rdataset_t *querytsig; dns_tsigkey_t *tsigkey; dst_context_t *tsigctx; int sigstart; int timeadjust; dns_name_t *sig0name; /* Owner name of SIG0, if any */ dst_key_t *sig0key; dns_rcode_t sig0status; isc_region_t query; isc_region_t saved; dns_rdatasetorderfunc_t order; const void * order_arg; }; struct dns_ednsopt { isc_uint16_t code; isc_uint16_t length; unsigned char *value; }; /*** *** Functions ***/ ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS isc_result_t dns_message_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, unsigned int intent, dns_message_t **msgp); /*%< * Create msg structure. * * This function will allocate some internal blocks of memory that are * expected to be needed for parsing or rendering nearly any type of message. * * Requires: *\li 'mctx' be a valid memory context. * *\li 'msgp' be non-null and '*msg' be NULL. * *\li 'intent' must be one of DNS_MESSAGE_INTENTPARSE or * #DNS_MESSAGE_INTENTRENDER. * * Ensures: *\li The data in "*msg" is set to indicate an unused and empty msg * structure. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY -- out of memory *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS -- success */ void dns_message_reset(dns_message_t *msg, unsigned int intent); /*%< * Reset a message structure to default state. All internal lists are freed * or reset to a default state as well. This is simply a more efficient * way to call dns_message_destroy() followed by dns_message_allocate(), * since it avoid many memory allocations. * * If any data loanouts (buffers, names, rdatas, etc) were requested, * the caller must no longer use them after this call. * * The intended next use of the message will be 'intent'. * * Requires: * *\li 'msg' be valid. * *\li 'intent' is DNS_MESSAGE_INTENTPARSE or DNS_MESSAGE_INTENTRENDER */ void dns_message_destroy(dns_message_t **msgp); /*%< * Destroy all state in the message. * * Requires: * *\li 'msgp' be valid. * * Ensures: *\li '*msgp' == NULL */ isc_result_t dns_message_sectiontotext(dns_message_t *msg, dns_section_t section, const dns_master_style_t *style, dns_messagetextflag_t flags, isc_buffer_t *target); isc_result_t dns_message_pseudosectiontotext(dns_message_t *msg, dns_pseudosection_t section, const dns_master_style_t *style, dns_messagetextflag_t flags, isc_buffer_t *target); /*%< * Convert section 'section' or 'pseudosection' of message 'msg' to * a cleartext representation * * Notes: * \li See dns_message_totext for meanings of flags. * * Requires: * *\li 'msg' is a valid message. * *\li 'style' is a valid master dump style. * *\li 'target' is a valid buffer. * *\li 'section' is a valid section label. * * Ensures: * *\li If the result is success: * The used space in 'target' is updated. * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOSPACE *\li #ISC_R_NOMORE * *\li Note: On error return, *target may be partially filled with data. */ isc_result_t dns_message_totext(dns_message_t *msg, const dns_master_style_t *style, dns_messagetextflag_t flags, isc_buffer_t *target); /*%< * Convert all sections of message 'msg' to a cleartext representation * * Notes on flags: *\li If #DNS_MESSAGETEXTFLAG_NOCOMMENTS is cleared, lines beginning with * ";;" will be emitted indicating section name. *\li If #DNS_MESSAGETEXTFLAG_NOHEADERS is cleared, header lines will be * emitted. *\li If #DNS_MESSAGETEXTFLAG_ONESOA is set then only print the first * SOA record in the answer section. *\li If *#DNS_MESSAGETEXTFLAG_OMITSOA is set don't print any SOA records * in the answer section. * * The SOA flags are useful for suppressing the display of the second * SOA record in an AXFR by setting #DNS_MESSAGETEXTFLAG_ONESOA on the * first message in an AXFR stream and #DNS_MESSAGETEXTFLAG_OMITSOA on * subsequent messages. * * Requires: * *\li 'msg' is a valid message. * *\li 'style' is a valid master dump style. * *\li 'target' is a valid buffer. * * Ensures: * *\li If the result is success: * The used space in 'target' is updated. * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOSPACE *\li #ISC_R_NOMORE * *\li Note: On error return, *target may be partially filled with data. */ isc_result_t dns_message_parse(dns_message_t *msg, isc_buffer_t *source, unsigned int options); /*%< * Parse raw wire data in 'source' as a DNS message. * * OPT records are detected and stored in the pseudo-section "opt". * TSIGs are detected and stored in the pseudo-section "tsig". * * If #DNS_MESSAGEPARSE_PRESERVEORDER is set, or if the opcode of the message * is UPDATE, a separate dns_name_t object will be created for each RR in the * message. Each such dns_name_t will have a single rdataset containing the * single RR, and the order of the RRs in the message is preserved. * Otherwise, only one dns_name_t object will be created for each unique * owner name in the section, and each such dns_name_t will have a list * of rdatasets. To access the names and their data, use * dns_message_firstname() and dns_message_nextname(). * * If #DNS_MESSAGEPARSE_BESTEFFORT is set, errors in message content will * not be considered FORMERRs. If the entire message can be parsed, it * will be returned and DNS_R_RECOVERABLE will be returned. * * If #DNS_MESSAGEPARSE_IGNORETRUNCATION is set then return as many complete * RR's as possible, DNS_R_RECOVERABLE will be returned. * * OPT and TSIG records are always handled specially, regardless of the * 'preserve_order' setting. * * Requires: *\li "msg" be valid. * *\li "buffer" be a wire format buffer. * * Ensures: *\li The buffer's data format is correct. * *\li The buffer's contents verify as correct regarding header bits, buffer * and rdata sizes, etc. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS -- all is well *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY -- no memory *\li #DNS_R_RECOVERABLE -- the message parsed properly, but contained * errors. *\li Many other errors possible XXXMLG */ isc_result_t dns_message_renderbegin(dns_message_t *msg, dns_compress_t *cctx, isc_buffer_t *buffer); /*%< * Begin rendering on a message. Only one call can be made to this function * per message. * * The compression context is "owned" by the message library until * dns_message_renderend() is called. It must be invalidated by the caller. * * The buffer is "owned" by the message library until dns_message_renderend() * is called. * * Requires: * *\li 'msg' be valid. * *\li 'cctx' be valid. * *\li 'buffer' is a valid buffer. * * Side Effects: * *\li The buffer is cleared before it is used. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS -- all is well *\li #ISC_R_NOSPACE -- output buffer is too small */ isc_result_t dns_message_renderchangebuffer(dns_message_t *msg, isc_buffer_t *buffer); /*%< * Reset the buffer. This can be used after growing the old buffer * on a ISC_R_NOSPACE return from most of the render functions. * * On successful completion, the old buffer is no longer used by the * library. The new buffer is owned by the library until * dns_message_renderend() is called. * * Requires: * *\li 'msg' be valid. * *\li dns_message_renderbegin() was called. * *\li buffer != NULL. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_NOSPACE -- new buffer is too small *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS -- all is well. */ isc_result_t dns_message_renderreserve(dns_message_t *msg, unsigned int space); /*%< * XXXMLG should use size_t rather than unsigned int once the buffer * API is cleaned up * * Reserve "space" bytes in the given buffer. * * Requires: * *\li 'msg' be valid. * *\li dns_message_renderbegin() was called. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS -- all is well. *\li #ISC_R_NOSPACE -- not enough free space in the buffer. */ void dns_message_renderrelease(dns_message_t *msg, unsigned int space); /*%< * XXXMLG should use size_t rather than unsigned int once the buffer * API is cleaned up * * Release "space" bytes in the given buffer that was previously reserved. * * Requires: * *\li 'msg' be valid. * *\li 'space' is less than or equal to the total amount of space reserved * via prior calls to dns_message_renderreserve(). * *\li dns_message_renderbegin() was called. */ isc_result_t dns_message_rendersection(dns_message_t *msg, dns_section_t section, unsigned int options); /*%< * Render all names, rdatalists, etc from the given section at the * specified priority or higher. * * Requires: *\li 'msg' be valid. * *\li 'section' be a valid section. * *\li dns_message_renderbegin() was called. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS -- all records were written, and there are * no more records for this section. *\li #ISC_R_NOSPACE -- Not enough room in the buffer to write * all records requested. *\li #DNS_R_MOREDATA -- All requested records written, and there * are records remaining for this section. */ void dns_message_renderheader(dns_message_t *msg, isc_buffer_t *target); /*%< * Render the message header. This is implicitly called by * dns_message_renderend(). * * Requires: * *\li 'msg' be a valid message. * *\li dns_message_renderbegin() was called. * *\li 'target' is a valid buffer with enough space to hold a message header */ isc_result_t dns_message_renderend(dns_message_t *msg); /*%< * Finish rendering to the buffer. Note that more data can be in the * 'msg' structure. Destroying the structure will free this, or in a multi- * part EDNS1 message this data can be rendered to another buffer later. * * Requires: * *\li 'msg' be a valid message. * *\li dns_message_renderbegin() was called. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS -- all is well. */ void dns_message_renderreset(dns_message_t *msg); /*%< * Reset the message so that it may be rendered again. * * Notes: * *\li If dns_message_renderbegin() has been called, dns_message_renderend() * must be called before calling this function. * * Requires: * *\li 'msg' be a valid message with rendering intent. */ isc_result_t dns_message_firstname(dns_message_t *msg, dns_section_t section); /*%< * Set internal per-section name pointer to the beginning of the section. * * The functions dns_message_firstname() and dns_message_nextname() may * be used for iterating over the owner names in a section. * * Requires: * *\li 'msg' be valid. * *\li 'section' be a valid section. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS -- All is well. *\li #ISC_R_NOMORE -- No names on given section. */ isc_result_t dns_message_nextname(dns_message_t *msg, dns_section_t section); /*%< * Sets the internal per-section name pointer to point to the next name * in that section. * * Requires: * * \li 'msg' be valid. * *\li 'section' be a valid section. * *\li dns_message_firstname() must have been called on this section, * and the result was ISC_R_SUCCESS. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS -- All is well. *\li #ISC_R_NOMORE -- No more names in given section. */ void dns_message_currentname(dns_message_t *msg, dns_section_t section, dns_name_t **name); /*%< * Sets 'name' to point to the name where the per-section internal name * pointer is currently set. * * This function returns the name in the database, so any data associated * with it (via the name's "list" member) contains the actual rdatasets. * * Requires: * *\li 'msg' be valid. * *\li 'name' be non-NULL, and *name be NULL. * *\li 'section' be a valid section. * *\li dns_message_firstname() must have been called on this section, * and the result of it and any dns_message_nextname() calls was * #ISC_R_SUCCESS. */ isc_result_t dns_message_findname(dns_message_t *msg, dns_section_t section, dns_name_t *target, dns_rdatatype_t type, dns_rdatatype_t covers, dns_name_t **foundname, dns_rdataset_t **rdataset); /*%< * Search for a name in the specified section. If it is found, *name is * set to point to the name, and *rdataset is set to point to the found * rdataset (if type is specified as other than dns_rdatatype_any). * * Requires: *\li 'msg' be valid. * *\li 'section' be a valid section. * *\li If a pointer to the name is desired, 'foundname' should be non-NULL. * If it is non-NULL, '*foundname' MUST be NULL. * *\li If a type other than dns_datatype_any is searched for, 'rdataset' * may be non-NULL, '*rdataset' be NULL, and will point at the found * rdataset. If the type is dns_datatype_any, 'rdataset' must be NULL. * *\li 'target' be a valid name. * *\li 'type' be a valid type. * *\li If 'type' is dns_rdatatype_rrsig, 'covers' must be a valid type. * Otherwise it should be 0. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS -- all is well. *\li #DNS_R_NXDOMAIN -- name does not exist in that section. *\li #DNS_R_NXRRSET -- The name does exist, but the desired * type does not. */ isc_result_t dns_message_findtype(dns_name_t *name, dns_rdatatype_t type, dns_rdatatype_t covers, dns_rdataset_t **rdataset); /*%< * Search the name for the specified type. If it is found, *rdataset is * filled in with a pointer to that rdataset. * * Requires: *\li if '**rdataset' is non-NULL, *rdataset needs to be NULL. * *\li 'type' be a valid type, and NOT dns_rdatatype_any. * *\li If 'type' is dns_rdatatype_rrsig, 'covers' must be a valid type. * Otherwise it should be 0. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS -- all is well. *\li #ISC_R_NOTFOUND -- the desired type does not exist. */ isc_result_t dns_message_find(dns_name_t *name, dns_rdataclass_t rdclass, dns_rdatatype_t type, dns_rdatatype_t covers, dns_rdataset_t **rdataset); /*%< * Search the name for the specified rdclass and type. If it is found, * *rdataset is filled in with a pointer to that rdataset. * * Requires: *\li if '**rdataset' is non-NULL, *rdataset needs to be NULL. * *\li 'type' be a valid type, and NOT dns_rdatatype_any. * *\li If 'type' is dns_rdatatype_rrsig, 'covers' must be a valid type. * Otherwise it should be 0. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS -- all is well. *\li #ISC_R_NOTFOUND -- the desired type does not exist. */ void dns_message_movename(dns_message_t *msg, dns_name_t *name, dns_section_t fromsection, dns_section_t tosection); /*%< * Move a name from one section to another. * * Requires: * *\li 'msg' be valid. * *\li 'name' must be a name already in 'fromsection'. * *\li 'fromsection' must be a valid section. * *\li 'tosection' must be a valid section. */ void dns_message_addname(dns_message_t *msg, dns_name_t *name, dns_section_t section); /*%< * Adds the name to the given section. * * It is the caller's responsibility to enforce any unique name requirements * in a section. * * Requires: * *\li 'msg' be valid, and be a renderable message. * *\li 'name' be a valid absolute name. * *\li 'section' be a named section. */ void dns_message_removename(dns_message_t *msg, dns_name_t *name, dns_section_t section); /*%< * Remove a existing name from a given section. * * It is the caller's responsibility to ensure the name is part of the * given section. * * Requires: * *\li 'msg' be valid, and be a renderable message. * *\li 'name' be a valid absolute name. * *\li 'section' be a named section. */ /* * LOANOUT FUNCTIONS * * Each of these functions loan a particular type of data to the caller. * The storage for these will vanish when the message is destroyed or * reset, and must NOT be used after these operations. */ isc_result_t dns_message_gettempname(dns_message_t *msg, dns_name_t **item); /*%< * Return a name that can be used for any temporary purpose, including * inserting into the message's linked lists. The name must be returned * to the message code using dns_message_puttempname() or inserted into * one of the message's sections before the message is destroyed. * * It is the caller's responsibility to initialize this name. * * Requires: *\li msg be a valid message * *\li item != NULL && *item == NULL * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS -- All is well. *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY -- No item can be allocated. */ isc_result_t dns_message_gettempoffsets(dns_message_t *msg, dns_offsets_t **item); /*%< * Return an offsets array that can be used for any temporary purpose, * such as attaching to a temporary name. The offsets will be freed * when the message is destroyed or reset. * * Requires: *\li msg be a valid message * *\li item != NULL && *item == NULL * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS -- All is well. *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY -- No item can be allocated. */ isc_result_t dns_message_gettemprdata(dns_message_t *msg, dns_rdata_t **item); /*%< * Return a rdata that can be used for any temporary purpose, including * inserting into the message's linked lists. The rdata will be freed * when the message is destroyed or reset. * * Requires: *\li msg be a valid message * *\li item != NULL && *item == NULL * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS -- All is well. *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY -- No item can be allocated. */ isc_result_t dns_message_gettemprdataset(dns_message_t *msg, dns_rdataset_t **item); /*%< * Return a rdataset that can be used for any temporary purpose, including * inserting into the message's linked lists. The name must be returned * to the message code using dns_message_puttempname() or inserted into * one of the message's sections before the message is destroyed. * * Requires: *\li msg be a valid message * *\li item != NULL && *item == NULL * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS -- All is well. *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY -- No item can be allocated. */ isc_result_t dns_message_gettemprdatalist(dns_message_t *msg, dns_rdatalist_t **item); /*%< * Return a rdatalist that can be used for any temporary purpose, including * inserting into the message's linked lists. The rdatalist will be * destroyed when the message is destroyed or reset. * * Requires: *\li msg be a valid message * *\li item != NULL && *item == NULL * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS -- All is well. *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY -- No item can be allocated. */ void dns_message_puttempname(dns_message_t *msg, dns_name_t **item); /*%< * Return a borrowed name to the message's name free list. * * Requires: *\li msg be a valid message * *\li item != NULL && *item point to a name returned by * dns_message_gettempname() * * Ensures: *\li *item == NULL */ void dns_message_puttemprdata(dns_message_t *msg, dns_rdata_t **item); /*%< * Return a borrowed rdata to the message's rdata free list. * * Requires: *\li msg be a valid message * *\li item != NULL && *item point to a rdata returned by * dns_message_gettemprdata() * * Ensures: *\li *item == NULL */ void dns_message_puttemprdataset(dns_message_t *msg, dns_rdataset_t **item); /*%< * Return a borrowed rdataset to the message's rdataset free list. * * Requires: *\li msg be a valid message * *\li item != NULL && *item point to a rdataset returned by * dns_message_gettemprdataset() * * Ensures: *\li *item == NULL */ void dns_message_puttemprdatalist(dns_message_t *msg, dns_rdatalist_t **item); /*%< * Return a borrowed rdatalist to the message's rdatalist free list. * * Requires: *\li msg be a valid message * *\li item != NULL && *item point to a rdatalist returned by * dns_message_gettemprdatalist() * * Ensures: *\li *item == NULL */ isc_result_t dns_message_peekheader(isc_buffer_t *source, dns_messageid_t *idp, unsigned int *flagsp); /*%< * Assume the remaining region of "source" is a DNS message. Peek into * it and fill in "*idp" with the message id, and "*flagsp" with the flags. * * Requires: * *\li source != NULL * * Ensures: * *\li if (idp != NULL) *idp == message id. * *\li if (flagsp != NULL) *flagsp == message flags. * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS -- all is well. * *\li #ISC_R_UNEXPECTEDEND -- buffer doesn't contain enough for a header. */ isc_result_t dns_message_reply(dns_message_t *msg, isc_boolean_t want_question_section); /*%< * Start formatting a reply to the query in 'msg'. * * Requires: * *\li 'msg' is a valid message with parsing intent, and contains a query. * * Ensures: * *\li The message will have a rendering intent. If 'want_question_section' * is true, the message opcode is query or notify, and the question * section is present and properly formatted, then the question section * will be included in the reply. All other sections will be cleared. * The QR flag will be set, the RD flag will be preserved, and all other * flags will be cleared. * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS -- all is well. * *\li #DNS_R_FORMERR -- the header or question section of the * message is invalid, replying is impossible. * If DNS_R_FORMERR is returned when * want_question_section is ISC_FALSE, then * it's the header section that's bad; * otherwise either of the header or question * sections may be bad. */ dns_rdataset_t * dns_message_getopt(dns_message_t *msg); /*%< * Get the OPT record for 'msg'. * * Requires: * *\li 'msg' is a valid message. * * Returns: * *\li The OPT rdataset of 'msg', or NULL if there isn't one. */ isc_result_t dns_message_setopt(dns_message_t *msg, dns_rdataset_t *opt); /*%< * Set the OPT record for 'msg'. * * Requires: * *\li 'msg' is a valid message with rendering intent * and no sections have been rendered. * *\li 'opt' is a valid OPT record. * * Ensures: * *\li The OPT record has either been freed or ownership of it has * been transferred to the message. * *\li If ISC_R_SUCCESS was returned, the OPT record will be rendered * when dns_message_renderend() is called. * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS -- all is well. * *\li #ISC_R_NOSPACE -- there is no space for the OPT record. */ dns_rdataset_t * dns_message_gettsig(dns_message_t *msg, dns_name_t **owner); /*%< * Get the TSIG record and owner for 'msg'. * * Requires: * *\li 'msg' is a valid message. *\li 'owner' is NULL or *owner is NULL. * * Returns: * *\li The TSIG rdataset of 'msg', or NULL if there isn't one. * * Ensures: * * \li If 'owner' is not NULL, it will point to the owner name. */ isc_result_t dns_message_settsigkey(dns_message_t *msg, dns_tsigkey_t *key); /*%< * Set the tsig key for 'msg'. This is only necessary for when rendering a * query or parsing a response. The key (if non-NULL) is attached to, and * will be detached when the message is destroyed. * * Requires: * *\li 'msg' is a valid message with rendering intent, * dns_message_renderbegin() has been called, and no sections have been * rendered. *\li 'key' is a valid tsig key or NULL. * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS -- all is well. * *\li #ISC_R_NOSPACE -- there is no space for the TSIG record. */ dns_tsigkey_t * dns_message_gettsigkey(dns_message_t *msg); /*%< * Gets the tsig key for 'msg'. * * Requires: * *\li 'msg' is a valid message */ isc_result_t dns_message_setquerytsig(dns_message_t *msg, isc_buffer_t *querytsig); /*%< * Indicates that 'querytsig' is the TSIG from the signed query for which * 'msg' is the response. This is also used for chained TSIGs in TCP * responses. * * Requires: * *\li 'querytsig' is a valid buffer as returned by dns_message_getquerytsig() * or NULL * *\li 'msg' is a valid message * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY */ isc_result_t dns_message_getquerytsig(dns_message_t *msg, isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_buffer_t **querytsig); /*%< * Gets the tsig from the TSIG from the signed query 'msg'. This is also used * for chained TSIGs in TCP responses. Unlike dns_message_gettsig, this makes * a copy of the data, so can be used if the message is destroyed. * * Requires: * *\li 'msg' is a valid signed message *\li 'mctx' is a valid memory context *\li querytsig != NULL && *querytsig == NULL * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY * * Ensures: *\li 'tsig' points to NULL or an allocated buffer which must be freed * by the caller. */ dns_rdataset_t * dns_message_getsig0(dns_message_t *msg, dns_name_t **owner); /*%< * Get the SIG(0) record and owner for 'msg'. * * Requires: * *\li 'msg' is a valid message. *\li 'owner' is NULL or *owner is NULL. * * Returns: * *\li The SIG(0) rdataset of 'msg', or NULL if there isn't one. * * Ensures: * * \li If 'owner' is not NULL, it will point to the owner name. */ isc_result_t dns_message_setsig0key(dns_message_t *msg, dst_key_t *key); /*%< * Set the SIG(0) key for 'msg'. * * Requires: * *\li 'msg' is a valid message with rendering intent, * dns_message_renderbegin() has been called, and no sections have been * rendered. *\li 'key' is a valid sig key or NULL. * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS -- all is well. * *\li #ISC_R_NOSPACE -- there is no space for the SIG(0) record. */ dst_key_t * dns_message_getsig0key(dns_message_t *msg); /*%< * Gets the SIG(0) key for 'msg'. * * Requires: * *\li 'msg' is a valid message */ void dns_message_takebuffer(dns_message_t *msg, isc_buffer_t **buffer); /*%< * Give the *buffer to the message code to clean up when it is no * longer needed. This is usually when the message is reset or * destroyed. * * Requires: * *\li msg be a valid message. * *\li buffer != NULL && *buffer is a valid isc_buffer_t, which was * dynamically allocated via isc_buffer_allocate(). */ isc_result_t dns_message_signer(dns_message_t *msg, dns_name_t *signer); /*%< * If this message was signed, return the identity of the signer. * Unless ISC_R_NOTFOUND is returned, signer will reflect the name of the * key that signed the message. * * Requires: * *\li msg is a valid parsed message. *\li signer is a valid name * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS - the message was signed, and *signer * contains the signing identity * *\li #ISC_R_NOTFOUND - no TSIG or SIG(0) record is present in the * message * *\li #DNS_R_TSIGVERIFYFAILURE - the message was signed by a TSIG, but the * signature failed to verify * *\li #DNS_R_TSIGERRORSET - the message was signed by a TSIG and * verified, but the query was rejected by * the server * *\li #DNS_R_NOIDENTITY - the message was signed by a TSIG and * verified, but the key has no identity since * it was generated by an unsigned TKEY process * *\li #DNS_R_SIGINVALID - the message was signed by a SIG(0), but * the signature failed to verify * *\li #DNS_R_NOTVERIFIEDYET - the message was signed by a TSIG or SIG(0), * but the signature has not been verified yet */ isc_result_t dns_message_checksig(dns_message_t *msg, dns_view_t *view); /*%< * If this message was signed, verify the signature. * * Requires: * *\li msg is a valid parsed message. *\li view is a valid view or NULL * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS - the message was unsigned, or the message * was signed correctly. * *\li #DNS_R_EXPECTEDTSIG - A TSIG was expected, but not seen *\li #DNS_R_UNEXPECTEDTSIG - A TSIG was seen but not expected *\li #DNS_R_TSIGVERIFYFAILURE - The TSIG failed to verify */ isc_result_t dns_message_rechecksig(dns_message_t *msg, dns_view_t *view); /*%< * Reset the signature state and then if the message was signed, * verify the message. * * Requires: * *\li msg is a valid parsed message. *\li view is a valid view or NULL * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS - the message was unsigned, or the message * was signed correctly. * *\li #DNS_R_EXPECTEDTSIG - A TSIG was expected, but not seen *\li #DNS_R_UNEXPECTEDTSIG - A TSIG was seen but not expected *\li #DNS_R_TSIGVERIFYFAILURE - The TSIG failed to verify */ void dns_message_resetsig(dns_message_t *msg); /*%< * Reset the signature state. * * Requires: *\li 'msg' is a valid parsed message. */ isc_region_t * dns_message_getrawmessage(dns_message_t *msg); /*%< * Retrieve the raw message in compressed wire format. The message must * have been successfully parsed for it to have been saved. * * Requires: *\li msg is a valid parsed message. * * Returns: *\li NULL if there is no saved message. * a pointer to a region which refers the dns message. */ void dns_message_setsortorder(dns_message_t *msg, dns_rdatasetorderfunc_t order, const void *order_arg); /*%< * Define the order in which RR sets get rendered by * dns_message_rendersection() to be the ascending order * defined by the integer value returned by 'order' when * given each RR and 'arg' as arguments. If 'order' and * 'order_arg' are NULL, a default order is used. * * Requires: *\li msg be a valid message. *\li order_arg is NULL if and only if order is NULL. */ void dns_message_settimeadjust(dns_message_t *msg, int timeadjust); /*%< * Adjust the time used to sign/verify a message by timeadjust. * Currently only TSIG. * * Requires: *\li msg be a valid message. */ int dns_message_gettimeadjust(dns_message_t *msg); /*%< * Return the current time adjustment. * * Requires: *\li msg be a valid message. */ void dns_message_logpacket(dns_message_t *message, const char *description, isc_logcategory_t *category, isc_logmodule_t *module, int level, isc_mem_t *mctx); void dns_message_logpacket2(dns_message_t *message, const char *description, isc_sockaddr_t *address, isc_logcategory_t *category, isc_logmodule_t *module, int level, isc_mem_t *mctx); void dns_message_logfmtpacket(dns_message_t *message, const char *description, isc_logcategory_t *category, isc_logmodule_t *module, const dns_master_style_t *style, int level, isc_mem_t *mctx); void dns_message_logfmtpacket2(dns_message_t *message, const char *description, isc_sockaddr_t *address, isc_logcategory_t *category, isc_logmodule_t *module, const dns_master_style_t *style, int level, isc_mem_t *mctx); /*%< * Log 'message' at the specified logging parameters. * * For dns_message_logpacket and dns_message_logfmtpacket expect the * 'description' to end in a newline. * * For dns_message_logpacket2 and dns_message_logfmtpacket2 * 'description' will be emitted at the start of the message followed * by the formatted address and a newline. * * Requires: * \li message be a valid. * \li description to be non NULL. * \li address to be non NULL. * \li category to be valid. * \li module to be valid. * \li style to be valid. * \li mctx to be a valid. */ isc_result_t dns_message_buildopt(dns_message_t *msg, dns_rdataset_t **opt, unsigned int version, isc_uint16_t udpsize, unsigned int flags, dns_ednsopt_t *ednsopts, size_t count); /*%< * Built a opt record. * * Requires: * \li msg be a valid message. * \li opt to be a non NULL and *opt to be NULL. * * Returns: * \li ISC_R_SUCCESS on success. * \li ISC_R_NOMEMORY * \li ISC_R_NOSPACE * \li other. */ void dns_message_setclass(dns_message_t *msg, dns_rdataclass_t rdclass); /*%< * Set the expected class of records in the response. * * Requires: * \li msg be a valid message with parsing intent. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_MESSAGE_H */ PK #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /*** *** Functions ***/ isc_result_t dns_timer_setidle(isc_timer_t *timer, unsigned int maxtime, unsigned int idletime, isc_boolean_t purge); /*%< * Convenience function for setting up simple, one-second-granularity * idle timers as used by zone transfers. * \brief * Set the timer 'timer' to go off after 'idletime' seconds of inactivity, * or after 'maxtime' at the very latest. Events are purged iff * 'purge' is ISC_TRUE. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_TIMER_H */ PK #include #include #include #define DNS_PEERLIST_MAGIC ISC_MAGIC('s','e','R','L') #define DNS_PEER_MAGIC ISC_MAGIC('S','E','r','v') #define DNS_PEERLIST_VALID(ptr) ISC_MAGIC_VALID(ptr, DNS_PEERLIST_MAGIC) #define DNS_PEER_VALID(ptr) ISC_MAGIC_VALID(ptr, DNS_PEER_MAGIC) /*** *** Types ***/ struct dns_peerlist { unsigned int magic; isc_uint32_t refs; isc_mem_t *mem; ISC_LIST(dns_peer_t) elements; }; struct dns_peer { unsigned int magic; isc_uint32_t refs; isc_mem_t *mem; isc_netaddr_t address; unsigned int prefixlen; isc_boolean_t bogus; dns_transfer_format_t transfer_format; isc_uint32_t transfers; isc_boolean_t support_ixfr; isc_boolean_t provide_ixfr; isc_boolean_t request_ixfr; isc_boolean_t support_edns; isc_boolean_t request_nsid; isc_boolean_t send_cookie; isc_boolean_t request_expire; isc_boolean_t force_tcp; dns_name_t *key; isc_sockaddr_t *transfer_source; isc_dscp_t transfer_dscp; isc_sockaddr_t *notify_source; isc_dscp_t notify_dscp; isc_sockaddr_t *query_source; isc_dscp_t query_dscp; isc_uint16_t udpsize; /* receive size */ isc_uint16_t maxudp; /* transmit size */ isc_uint8_t ednsversion; /* edns version */ isc_uint32_t bitflags; ISC_LINK(dns_peer_t) next; }; /*** *** Functions ***/ ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS isc_result_t dns_peerlist_new(isc_mem_t *mem, dns_peerlist_t **list); void dns_peerlist_attach(dns_peerlist_t *source, dns_peerlist_t **target); void dns_peerlist_detach(dns_peerlist_t **list); /* * After return caller still holds a reference to peer. */ void dns_peerlist_addpeer(dns_peerlist_t *peers, dns_peer_t *peer); /* * Ditto. */ isc_result_t dns_peerlist_peerbyaddr(dns_peerlist_t *peers, isc_netaddr_t *addr, dns_peer_t **retval); /* * What he said. */ isc_result_t dns_peerlist_currpeer(dns_peerlist_t *peers, dns_peer_t **retval); isc_result_t dns_peer_new(isc_mem_t *mem, isc_netaddr_t *ipaddr, dns_peer_t **peer); isc_result_t dns_peer_newprefix(isc_mem_t *mem, isc_netaddr_t *ipaddr, unsigned int prefixlen, dns_peer_t **peer); void dns_peer_attach(dns_peer_t *source, dns_peer_t **target); void dns_peer_detach(dns_peer_t **list); isc_result_t dns_peer_setbogus(dns_peer_t *peer, isc_boolean_t newval); isc_result_t dns_peer_getbogus(dns_peer_t *peer, isc_boolean_t *retval); isc_result_t dns_peer_setrequestixfr(dns_peer_t *peer, isc_boolean_t newval); isc_result_t dns_peer_getrequestixfr(dns_peer_t *peer, isc_boolean_t *retval); isc_result_t dns_peer_setprovideixfr(dns_peer_t *peer, isc_boolean_t newval); isc_result_t dns_peer_getprovideixfr(dns_peer_t *peer, isc_boolean_t *retval); isc_result_t dns_peer_setrequestnsid(dns_peer_t *peer, isc_boolean_t newval); isc_result_t dns_peer_getrequestnsid(dns_peer_t *peer, isc_boolean_t *retval); isc_result_t dns_peer_setsendcookie(dns_peer_t *peer, isc_boolean_t newval); isc_result_t dns_peer_getsendcookie(dns_peer_t *peer, isc_boolean_t *retval); isc_result_t dns_peer_setrequestexpire(dns_peer_t *peer, isc_boolean_t newval); isc_result_t dns_peer_getrequestexpire(dns_peer_t *peer, isc_boolean_t *retval); isc_result_t dns_peer_setsupportedns(dns_peer_t *peer, isc_boolean_t newval); isc_result_t dns_peer_getforcetcp(dns_peer_t *peer, isc_boolean_t *retval); isc_result_t dns_peer_setforcetcp(dns_peer_t *peer, isc_boolean_t newval); isc_result_t dns_peer_getsupportedns(dns_peer_t *peer, isc_boolean_t *retval); isc_result_t dns_peer_settransfers(dns_peer_t *peer, isc_uint32_t newval); isc_result_t dns_peer_gettransfers(dns_peer_t *peer, isc_uint32_t *retval); isc_result_t dns_peer_settransferformat(dns_peer_t *peer, dns_transfer_format_t newval); isc_result_t dns_peer_gettransferformat(dns_peer_t *peer, dns_transfer_format_t *retval); isc_result_t dns_peer_setkeybycharp(dns_peer_t *peer, const char *keyval); isc_result_t dns_peer_getkey(dns_peer_t *peer, dns_name_t **retval); isc_result_t dns_peer_setkey(dns_peer_t *peer, dns_name_t **keyval); isc_result_t dns_peer_settransfersource(dns_peer_t *peer, const isc_sockaddr_t *transfer_source); isc_result_t dns_peer_gettransfersource(dns_peer_t *peer, isc_sockaddr_t *transfer_source); isc_result_t dns_peer_setudpsize(dns_peer_t *peer, isc_uint16_t udpsize); isc_result_t dns_peer_getudpsize(dns_peer_t *peer, isc_uint16_t *udpsize); isc_result_t dns_peer_setmaxudp(dns_peer_t *peer, isc_uint16_t maxudp); isc_result_t dns_peer_getmaxudp(dns_peer_t *peer, isc_uint16_t *maxudp); isc_result_t dns_peer_setnotifysource(dns_peer_t *peer, const isc_sockaddr_t *notify_source); isc_result_t dns_peer_getnotifysource(dns_peer_t *peer, isc_sockaddr_t *notify_source); isc_result_t dns_peer_setquerysource(dns_peer_t *peer, const isc_sockaddr_t *query_source); isc_result_t dns_peer_getquerysource(dns_peer_t *peer, isc_sockaddr_t *query_source); isc_result_t dns_peer_setnotifydscp(dns_peer_t *peer, isc_dscp_t dscp); isc_result_t dns_peer_getnotifydscp(dns_peer_t *peer, isc_dscp_t *dscpp); isc_result_t dns_peer_settransferdscp(dns_peer_t *peer, isc_dscp_t dscp); isc_result_t dns_peer_gettransferdscp(dns_peer_t *peer, isc_dscp_t *dscpp); isc_result_t dns_peer_setquerydscp(dns_peer_t *peer, isc_dscp_t dscp); isc_result_t dns_peer_getquerydscp(dns_peer_t *peer, isc_dscp_t *dscpp); isc_result_t dns_peer_setednsversion(dns_peer_t *peer, isc_uint8_t ednsversion); isc_result_t dns_peer_getednsversion(dns_peer_t *peer, isc_uint8_t *ednsversion); ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_PEER_H */ PK #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS isc_result_t dns_cert_fromtext(dns_cert_t *certp, isc_textregion_t *source); /*%< * Convert the text 'source' refers to into a certificate type. * The text may contain either a mnemonic type name or a decimal type number. * * Requires: *\li 'certp' is a valid pointer. * *\li 'source' is a valid text region. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS on success *\li #ISC_R_RANGE numeric type is out of range *\li #DNS_R_UNKNOWN mnemonic type is unknown */ isc_result_t dns_cert_totext(dns_cert_t cert, isc_buffer_t *target); /*%< * Put a textual representation of certificate type 'cert' into 'target'. * * Requires: *\li 'cert' is a valid cert. * *\li 'target' is a valid text buffer. * * Ensures: *\li If the result is success: * The used space in 'target' is updated. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS on success *\li #ISC_R_NOSPACE target buffer is too small */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_CERT_H */ PK #include /***** ***** Types *****/ struct dns_fixedname { dns_name_t name; dns_offsets_t offsets; isc_buffer_t buffer; unsigned char data[DNS_NAME_MAXWIRE]; }; void dns_fixedname_init(dns_fixedname_t *fixed); void dns_fixedname_invalidate(dns_fixedname_t *fixed); dns_name_t * dns_fixedname_name(dns_fixedname_t *fixed); dns_name_t * dns_fixedname_initname(dns_fixedname_t *fixed); #endif /* DNS_FIXEDNAME_H */ PK #include #include typedef struct dns_tcpmsg { /* private (don't touch!) */ unsigned int magic; isc_uint16_t size; isc_buffer_t buffer; unsigned int maxsize; isc_mem_t *mctx; isc_socket_t *sock; isc_task_t *task; isc_taskaction_t action; void *arg; isc_event_t event; /* public (read-only) */ isc_result_t result; isc_sockaddr_t address; } dns_tcpmsg_t; ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS void dns_tcpmsg_init(isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_socket_t *sock, dns_tcpmsg_t *tcpmsg); /*%< * Associate a tcp message state with a given memory context and * TCP socket. * * Requires: * *\li "mctx" and "sock" be non-NULL and valid types. * *\li "sock" be a read/write TCP socket. * *\li "tcpmsg" be non-NULL and an uninitialized or invalidated structure. * * Ensures: * *\li "tcpmsg" is a valid structure. */ void dns_tcpmsg_setmaxsize(dns_tcpmsg_t *tcpmsg, unsigned int maxsize); /*%< * Set the maximum packet size to "maxsize" * * Requires: * *\li "tcpmsg" be valid. * *\li 512 <= "maxsize" <= 65536 */ isc_result_t dns_tcpmsg_readmessage(dns_tcpmsg_t *tcpmsg, isc_task_t *task, isc_taskaction_t action, void *arg); /*%< * Schedule an event to be delivered when a DNS message is readable, or * when an error occurs on the socket. * * Requires: * *\li "tcpmsg" be valid. * *\li "task", "taskaction", and "arg" be valid. * * Returns: * *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS -- no error *\li Anything that the isc_socket_recv() call can return. XXXMLG * * Notes: * *\li The event delivered is a fully generic event. It will contain no * actual data. The sender will be a pointer to the dns_tcpmsg_t. * The result code inside that structure should be checked to see * what the final result was. */ void dns_tcpmsg_cancelread(dns_tcpmsg_t *tcpmsg); /*%< * Cancel a readmessage() call. The event will still be posted with a * CANCELED result code. * * Requires: * *\li "tcpmsg" be valid. */ void dns_tcpmsg_keepbuffer(dns_tcpmsg_t *tcpmsg, isc_buffer_t *buffer); /*%< * If a dns buffer is to be kept between calls, this function marks the * internal state-machine buffer as invalid, and copies all the contents * of the state into "buffer". * * Requires: * *\li "tcpmsg" be valid. * *\li "buffer" be non-NULL. */ void dns_tcpmsg_invalidate(dns_tcpmsg_t *tcpmsg); /*%< * Clean up all allocated state, and invalidate the structure. * * Requires: * *\li "tcpmsg" be valid. * * Ensures: * *\li "tcpmsg" is invalidated and disassociated with all memory contexts, * sockets, etc. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_TCPMSG_H */ PK #include #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS isc_result_t dns_order_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_order_t **orderp); /*%< * Create a order object. * * Requires: * \li 'orderp' to be non NULL and '*orderp == NULL'. *\li 'mctx' to be valid. * * Returns: *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li ISC_R_NOMEMORY */ isc_result_t dns_order_add(dns_order_t *order, dns_name_t *name, dns_rdatatype_t rdtype, dns_rdataclass_t rdclass, unsigned int mode); /*%< * Add a entry to the end of the order list. * * Requires: * \li 'order' to be valid. *\li 'name' to be valid. *\li 'mode' to be one of #DNS_RDATASETATTR_RANDOMIZE, * #DNS_RDATASETATTR_FIXEDORDER or zero (#DNS_RDATASETATTR_CYCLIC). * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY */ unsigned int dns_order_find(dns_order_t *order, dns_name_t *name, dns_rdatatype_t rdtype, dns_rdataclass_t rdclass); /*%< * Find the first matching entry on the list. * * Requires: *\li 'order' to be valid. *\li 'name' to be valid. * * Returns the mode set by dns_order_add() or zero. */ void dns_order_attach(dns_order_t *source, dns_order_t **target); /*%< * Attach to the 'source' object. * * Requires: * \li 'source' to be valid. *\li 'target' to be non NULL and '*target == NULL'. */ void dns_order_detach(dns_order_t **orderp); /*%< * Detach from the object. Clean up if last this was the last * reference. * * Requires: *\li '*orderp' to be valid. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_ORDER_H */ PK #include #include #define DNS_REQUESTOPT_TCP 0x00000001U #define DNS_REQUESTOPT_CASE 0x00000002U #define DNS_REQUESTOPT_FIXEDID 0x00000004U #define DNS_REQUESTOPT_SHARE 0x00000008U typedef struct dns_requestevent { ISC_EVENT_COMMON(struct dns_requestevent); isc_result_t result; dns_request_t *request; } dns_requestevent_t; ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS isc_result_t dns_requestmgr_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_timermgr_t *timermgr, isc_socketmgr_t *socketmgr, isc_taskmgr_t *taskmgr, dns_dispatchmgr_t *dispatchmgr, dns_dispatch_t *dispatchv4, dns_dispatch_t *dispatchv6, dns_requestmgr_t **requestmgrp); /*%< * Create a request manager. * * Requires: * *\li 'mctx' is a valid memory context. * *\li 'timermgr' is a valid timer manager. * *\li 'socketmgr' is a valid socket manager. * *\li 'taskmgr' is a valid task manager. * *\li 'dispatchv4' is a valid dispatcher with an IPv4 UDP socket, or is NULL. * *\li 'dispatchv6' is a valid dispatcher with an IPv6 UDP socket, or is NULL. * *\li requestmgrp != NULL && *requestmgrp == NULL * * Ensures: * *\li On success, *requestmgrp is a valid request manager. * * Returns: * *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS * *\li Any other result indicates failure. */ void dns_requestmgr_whenshutdown(dns_requestmgr_t *requestmgr, isc_task_t *task, isc_event_t **eventp); /*%< * Send '*eventp' to 'task' when 'requestmgr' has completed shutdown. * * Notes: * *\li It is not safe to detach the last reference to 'requestmgr' until * shutdown is complete. * * Requires: * *\li 'requestmgr' is a valid request manager. * *\li 'task' is a valid task. * *\li *eventp is a valid event. * * Ensures: * *\li *eventp == NULL. */ void dns_requestmgr_shutdown(dns_requestmgr_t *requestmgr); /*%< * Start the shutdown process for 'requestmgr'. * * Notes: * *\li This call has no effect if the request manager is already shutting * down. * * Requires: * *\li 'requestmgr' is a valid requestmgr. */ void dns_requestmgr_attach(dns_requestmgr_t *source, dns_requestmgr_t **targetp); /*%< * Attach to the request manager. dns_requestmgr_shutdown() must not * have been called on 'source' prior to calling dns_requestmgr_attach(). * * Requires: * *\li 'source' is a valid requestmgr. * *\li 'targetp' to be non NULL and '*targetp' to be NULL. */ void dns_requestmgr_detach(dns_requestmgr_t **requestmgrp); /*%< * Detach from the given requestmgr. If this is the final detach * requestmgr will be destroyed. dns_requestmgr_shutdown() must * be called before the final detach. * * Requires: * *\li '*requestmgrp' is a valid requestmgr. * * Ensures: *\li '*requestmgrp' is NULL. */ isc_result_t dns_request_create(dns_requestmgr_t *requestmgr, dns_message_t *message, isc_sockaddr_t *address, unsigned int options, dns_tsigkey_t *key, unsigned int timeout, isc_task_t *task, isc_taskaction_t action, void *arg, dns_request_t **requestp); /*%< * Create and send a request. * * Notes: * *\li 'message' will be rendered and sent to 'address'. If the * #DNS_REQUESTOPT_TCP option is set, TCP will be used, * #DNS_REQUESTOPT_SHARE option is set too, connecting TCP * (vs. connected) will be shared too. The request * will timeout after 'timeout' seconds. * *\li If the #DNS_REQUESTOPT_CASE option is set, use case sensitive * compression. * *\li When the request completes, successfully, due to a timeout, or * because it was canceled, a completion event will be sent to 'task'. * * Requires: * *\li 'message' is a valid DNS message. * *\li 'address' is a valid sockaddr. * *\li 'timeout' > 0 * *\li 'task' is a valid task. * *\li requestp != NULL && *requestp == NULL */ /*% See dns_request_createvia4() */ isc_result_t dns_request_createvia(dns_requestmgr_t *requestmgr, dns_message_t *message, isc_sockaddr_t *srcaddr, isc_sockaddr_t *destaddr, unsigned int options, dns_tsigkey_t *key, unsigned int timeout, isc_task_t *task, isc_taskaction_t action, void *arg, dns_request_t **requestp); /*% See dns_request_createvia4() */ isc_result_t dns_request_createvia2(dns_requestmgr_t *requestmgr, dns_message_t *message, isc_sockaddr_t *srcaddr, isc_sockaddr_t *destaddr, unsigned int options, dns_tsigkey_t *key, unsigned int timeout, unsigned int udptimeout, isc_task_t *task, isc_taskaction_t action, void *arg, dns_request_t **requestp); /*% See dns_request_createvia4() */ isc_result_t dns_request_createvia3(dns_requestmgr_t *requestmgr, dns_message_t *message, isc_sockaddr_t *srcaddr, isc_sockaddr_t *destaddr, unsigned int options, dns_tsigkey_t *key, unsigned int timeout, unsigned int udptimeout, unsigned int udpretries, isc_task_t *task, isc_taskaction_t action, void *arg, dns_request_t **requestp); isc_result_t dns_request_createvia4(dns_requestmgr_t *requestmgr, dns_message_t *message, isc_sockaddr_t *srcaddr, isc_sockaddr_t *destaddr, isc_dscp_t dscp, unsigned int options, dns_tsigkey_t *key, unsigned int timeout, unsigned int udptimeout, unsigned int udpretries, isc_task_t *task, isc_taskaction_t action, void *arg, dns_request_t **requestp); /*%< * Create and send a request. * * Notes: * *\li 'message' will be rendered and sent to 'address'. If the * #DNS_REQUESTOPT_TCP option is set, TCP will be used, * #DNS_REQUESTOPT_SHARE option is set too, connecting TCP * (vs. connected) will be shared too. The request * will timeout after 'timeout' seconds. UDP requests will be resent * at 'udptimeout' intervals if non-zero or 'udpretries' is non-zero. * *\li If the #DNS_REQUESTOPT_CASE option is set, use case sensitive * compression. * *\li When the request completes, successfully, due to a timeout, or * because it was canceled, a completion event will be sent to 'task'. * * Requires: * *\li 'message' is a valid DNS message. * *\li 'dstaddr' is a valid sockaddr. * *\li 'srcaddr' is a valid sockaddr or NULL. * *\li 'srcaddr' and 'dstaddr' are the same protocol family. * *\li 'timeout' > 0 * *\li 'task' is a valid task. * *\li requestp != NULL && *requestp == NULL */ /*% See dns_request_createraw4() */ isc_result_t dns_request_createraw(dns_requestmgr_t *requestmgr, isc_buffer_t *msgbuf, isc_sockaddr_t *srcaddr, isc_sockaddr_t *destaddr, unsigned int options, unsigned int timeout, isc_task_t *task, isc_taskaction_t action, void *arg, dns_request_t **requestp); /*% See dns_request_createraw4() */ isc_result_t dns_request_createraw2(dns_requestmgr_t *requestmgr, isc_buffer_t *msgbuf, isc_sockaddr_t *srcaddr, isc_sockaddr_t *destaddr, unsigned int options, unsigned int timeout, unsigned int udptimeout, isc_task_t *task, isc_taskaction_t action, void *arg, dns_request_t **requestp); /*% See dns_request_createraw4() */ isc_result_t dns_request_createraw3(dns_requestmgr_t *requestmgr, isc_buffer_t *msgbuf, isc_sockaddr_t *srcaddr, isc_sockaddr_t *destaddr, unsigned int options, unsigned int timeout, unsigned int udptimeout, unsigned int udpretries, isc_task_t *task, isc_taskaction_t action, void *arg, dns_request_t **requestp); isc_result_t dns_request_createraw4(dns_requestmgr_t *requestmgr, isc_buffer_t *msgbuf, isc_sockaddr_t *srcaddr, isc_sockaddr_t *destaddr, isc_dscp_t dscp, unsigned int options, unsigned int timeout, unsigned int udptimeout, unsigned int udpretries, isc_task_t *task, isc_taskaction_t action, void *arg, dns_request_t **requestp); /*!< * \brief Create and send a request. * * Notes: * *\li 'msgbuf' will be sent to 'destaddr' after setting the id. If the * #DNS_REQUESTOPT_TCP option is set, TCP will be used, * #DNS_REQUESTOPT_SHARE option is set too, connecting TCP * (vs. connected) will be shared too. The request * will timeout after 'timeout' seconds. UDP requests will be resent * at 'udptimeout' intervals if non-zero or if 'udpretries' is not zero. * *\li When the request completes, successfully, due to a timeout, or * because it was canceled, a completion event will be sent to 'task'. * * Requires: * *\li 'msgbuf' is a valid DNS message in compressed wire format. * *\li 'destaddr' is a valid sockaddr. * *\li 'srcaddr' is a valid sockaddr or NULL. * *\li 'srcaddr' and 'dstaddr' are the same protocol family. * *\li 'timeout' > 0 * *\li 'task' is a valid task. * *\li requestp != NULL && *requestp == NULL */ void dns_request_cancel(dns_request_t *request); /*%< * Cancel 'request'. * * Requires: * *\li 'request' is a valid request. * * Ensures: * *\li If the completion event for 'request' has not yet been sent, it * will be sent, and the result code will be ISC_R_CANCELED. */ isc_result_t dns_request_getresponse(dns_request_t *request, dns_message_t *message, unsigned int options); /*%< * Get the response to 'request' by filling in 'message'. * * 'options' is passed to dns_message_parse(). See dns_message_parse() * for more details. * * Requires: * *\li 'request' is a valid request for which the caller has received the * completion event. * *\li The result code of the completion event was #ISC_R_SUCCESS. * * Returns: * *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS * *\li Any result that dns_message_parse() can return. */ isc_boolean_t dns_request_usedtcp(dns_request_t *request); /*%< * Return whether this query used TCP or not. Setting #DNS_REQUESTOPT_TCP * in the call to dns_request_create() will cause the function to return * #ISC_TRUE, otherwise the result is based on the query message size. * * Requires: *\li 'request' is a valid request. * * Returns: *\li ISC_TRUE if TCP was used. *\li ISC_FALSE if UDP was used. */ void dns_request_destroy(dns_request_t **requestp); /*%< * Destroy 'request'. * * Requires: * *\li 'request' is a valid request for which the caller has received the * completion event. * * Ensures: * *\li *requestp == NULL */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_REQUEST_H */ PK #include #include #include #include #include #include #define DNS_NSEC3_SALTSIZE 255 /* * hash = 1, flags =1, iterations = 2, salt length = 1, salt = 255 (max) * hash length = 1, hash = 255 (max), bitmap = 8192 + 512 (max) */ #define DNS_NSEC3_BUFFERSIZE (6 + 255 + 255 + 8192 + 512) /* * hash = 1, flags = 1, iterations = 2, salt length = 1, salt = 255 (max) */ #define DNS_NSEC3PARAM_BUFFERSIZE (5 + 255) /* * Test "unknown" algorithm. Is mapped to dns_hash_sha1. */ #define DNS_NSEC3_UNKNOWNALG ((dns_hash_t)245U) ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS isc_result_t dns_nsec3_buildrdata(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t *version, dns_dbnode_t *node, unsigned int hashalg, unsigned int optin, unsigned int iterations, const unsigned char *salt, size_t salt_length, const unsigned char *nexthash, size_t hash_length, unsigned char *buffer, dns_rdata_t *rdata); /*%< * Build the rdata of a NSEC3 record for the data at 'node'. * Note: 'node' is not the node where the NSEC3 record will be stored. * * Requires: * buffer Points to a temporary buffer of at least * DNS_NSEC_BUFFERSIZE bytes. * rdata Points to an initialized dns_rdata_t. * * Ensures: * *rdata Contains a valid NSEC3 rdata. The 'data' member refers * to 'buffer'. */ isc_boolean_t dns_nsec3_typepresent(dns_rdata_t *nsec, dns_rdatatype_t type); /*%< * Determine if a type is marked as present in an NSEC3 record. * * Requires: * 'nsec' points to a valid rdataset of type NSEC3 */ isc_result_t dns_nsec3_hashname(dns_fixedname_t *result, unsigned char rethash[NSEC3_MAX_HASH_LENGTH], size_t *hash_length, dns_name_t *name, dns_name_t *origin, dns_hash_t hashalg, unsigned int iterations, const unsigned char *salt, size_t saltlength); /*%< * Make a hashed domain name from an unhashed one. If rethash is not NULL * the raw hash is stored there. */ unsigned int dns_nsec3_hashlength(dns_hash_t hash); /*%< * Return the length of the hash produced by the specified algorithm * or zero when unknown. */ isc_boolean_t dns_nsec3_supportedhash(dns_hash_t hash); /*%< * Return whether we support this hash algorithm or not. */ isc_result_t dns_nsec3_addnsec3(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t *version, dns_name_t *name, const dns_rdata_nsec3param_t *nsec3param, dns_ttl_t nsecttl, isc_boolean_t unsecure, dns_diff_t *diff); isc_result_t dns_nsec3_addnsec3s(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t *version, dns_name_t *name, dns_ttl_t nsecttl, isc_boolean_t unsecure, dns_diff_t *diff); isc_result_t dns_nsec3_addnsec3sx(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t *version, dns_name_t *name, dns_ttl_t nsecttl, isc_boolean_t unsecure, dns_rdatatype_t private, dns_diff_t *diff); /*%< * Add NSEC3 records for 'name', recording the change in 'diff'. * Adjust previous NSEC3 records, if any, to reflect the addition. * The existing NSEC3 records are removed. * * dns_nsec3_addnsec3() will only add records to the chain identified by * 'nsec3param'. * * 'unsecure' should be set to reflect if this is a potentially * unsecure delegation (no DS record). * * dns_nsec3_addnsec3s() will examine the NSEC3PARAM RRset to determine which * chains to be updated. NSEC3PARAM records with the DNS_NSEC3FLAG_CREATE * will be preferentially chosen over NSEC3PARAM records without * DNS_NSEC3FLAG_CREATE set. NSEC3PARAM records with DNS_NSEC3FLAG_REMOVE * set will be ignored by dns_nsec3_addnsec3s(). If DNS_NSEC3FLAG_CREATE * is set then the new NSEC3 will have OPTOUT set to match the that in the * NSEC3PARAM record otherwise OPTOUT will be inherited from the previous * record in the chain. * * dns_nsec3_addnsec3sx() is similar to dns_nsec3_addnsec3s() but 'private' * specifies the type of the private rdataset to be checked in addition to * the nsec3param rdataset at the zone apex. * * Requires: * 'db' to be valid. * 'version' to be valid or NULL. * 'name' to be valid. * 'nsec3param' to be valid. * 'diff' to be valid. */ isc_result_t dns_nsec3_delnsec3(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t *version, dns_name_t *name, const dns_rdata_nsec3param_t *nsec3param, dns_diff_t *diff); isc_result_t dns_nsec3_delnsec3s(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t *version, dns_name_t *name, dns_diff_t *diff); isc_result_t dns_nsec3_delnsec3sx(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t *version, dns_name_t *name, dns_rdatatype_t private, dns_diff_t *diff); /*%< * Remove NSEC3 records for 'name', recording the change in 'diff'. * Adjust previous NSEC3 records, if any, to reflect the removal. * * dns_nsec3_delnsec3() performs the above for the chain identified by * 'nsec3param'. * * dns_nsec3_delnsec3s() examines the NSEC3PARAM RRset in a similar manner * to dns_nsec3_addnsec3s(). Unlike dns_nsec3_addnsec3s() updated NSEC3 * records have the OPTOUT flag preserved. * * dns_nsec3_delnsec3sx() is similar to dns_nsec3_delnsec3s() but 'private' * specifies the type of the private rdataset to be checked in addition to * the nsec3param rdataset at the zone apex. * * Requires: * 'db' to be valid. * 'version' to be valid or NULL. * 'name' to be valid. * 'nsec3param' to be valid. * 'diff' to be valid. */ isc_result_t dns_nsec3_active(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t *version, isc_boolean_t complete, isc_boolean_t *answer); isc_result_t dns_nsec3_activex(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t *version, isc_boolean_t complete, dns_rdatatype_t private, isc_boolean_t *answer); /*%< * Check if there are any complete/to be built NSEC3 chains. * If 'complete' is ISC_TRUE only complete chains will be recognized. * * dns_nsec3_activex() is similar to dns_nsec3_active() but 'private' * specifies the type of the private rdataset to be checked in addition to * the nsec3param rdataset at the zone apex. * * Requires: * 'db' to be valid. * 'version' to be valid or NULL. * 'answer' to be non NULL. */ isc_result_t dns_nsec3_maxiterations(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t *version, isc_mem_t *mctx, unsigned int *iterationsp); /*%< * Find the maximum permissible number of iterations allowed based on * the key strength. * * Requires: * 'db' to be valid. * 'version' to be valid or NULL. * 'mctx' to be valid. * 'iterationsp' to be non NULL. */ isc_boolean_t dns_nsec3param_fromprivate(dns_rdata_t *src, dns_rdata_t *target, unsigned char *buf, size_t buflen); /*%< * Convert a private rdata to a nsec3param rdata. * * Return ISC_TRUE if 'src' could be successfully converted. * * 'buf' should be at least DNS_NSEC3PARAM_BUFFERSIZE in size. */ void dns_nsec3param_toprivate(dns_rdata_t *src, dns_rdata_t *target, dns_rdatatype_t privatetype, unsigned char *buf, size_t buflen); /*%< * Convert a nsec3param rdata to a private rdata. * * 'buf' should be at least src->length + 1 in size. */ isc_result_t dns_nsec3param_salttotext(dns_rdata_nsec3param_t *nsec3param, char *dst, size_t dstlen); /*%< * Convert the salt of given NSEC3PARAM RDATA into hex-encoded, NULL-terminated * text stored at "dst". * * Requires: * *\li "dst" to have enough space (as indicated by "dstlen") to hold the * resulting text and its NULL-terminating byte. */ isc_result_t dns_nsec3param_deletechains(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t *ver, dns_zone_t *zone, isc_boolean_t nonsec, dns_diff_t *diff); /*%< * Mark NSEC3PARAM for deletion. */ isc_result_t dns_nsec3_noexistnodata(dns_rdatatype_t type, dns_name_t* name, dns_name_t *nsec3name, dns_rdataset_t *nsec3set, dns_name_t *zonename, isc_boolean_t *exists, isc_boolean_t *data, isc_boolean_t *optout, isc_boolean_t *unknown, isc_boolean_t *setclosest, isc_boolean_t *setnearest, dns_name_t *closest, dns_name_t *nearest, dns_nseclog_t logit, void *arg); ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_NSEC3_H */ PK #include #include #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /*** *** Types ***/ /*% ***** An 'rdata' is a handle to a binary region. The handle has an RR ***** class and type, and the data in the binary region is in the format ***** of the given class and type. *****/ /*% * Clients are strongly discouraged from using this type directly, with * the exception of the 'link' field which may be used directly for whatever * purpose the client desires. */ struct dns_rdata { unsigned char * data; unsigned int length; dns_rdataclass_t rdclass; dns_rdatatype_t type; unsigned int flags; ISC_LINK(dns_rdata_t) link; }; #define DNS_RDATA_INIT { NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, {(void*)(-1), (void *)(-1)}} #define DNS_RDATA_CHECKINITIALIZED #ifdef DNS_RDATA_CHECKINITIALIZED #define DNS_RDATA_INITIALIZED(rdata) \ ((rdata)->data == NULL && (rdata)->length == 0 && \ (rdata)->rdclass == 0 && (rdata)->type == 0 && (rdata)->flags == 0 && \ !ISC_LINK_LINKED((rdata), link)) #else #ifdef ISC_LIST_CHECKINIT #define DNS_RDATA_INITIALIZED(rdata) \ (!ISC_LINK_LINKED((rdata), link)) #else #define DNS_RDATA_INITIALIZED(rdata) ISC_TRUE #endif #endif #define DNS_RDATA_UPDATE 0x0001 /*%< update pseudo record. */ #define DNS_RDATA_OFFLINE 0x0002 /*%< RRSIG has a offline key. */ #define DNS_RDATA_VALIDFLAGS(rdata) \ (((rdata)->flags & ~(DNS_RDATA_UPDATE|DNS_RDATA_OFFLINE)) == 0) /* * The maximum length of a RDATA that can be sent on the wire. * Max packet size (65535) less header (12), less name (1), type (2), * class (2), ttl(4), length (2). * * None of the defined types that support name compression can exceed * this and all new types are to be sent uncompressed. */ #define DNS_RDATA_MAXLENGTH 65512U /* * Flags affecting rdata formatting style. Flags 0xFFFF0000 * are used by masterfile-level formatting and defined elsewhere. * See additional comments at dns_rdata_tofmttext(). */ /*% Split the rdata into multiple lines to try to keep it within the "width". */ #define DNS_STYLEFLAG_MULTILINE 0x00000001ULL /*% Output explanatory comments. */ #define DNS_STYLEFLAG_COMMENT 0x00000002ULL #define DNS_STYLEFLAG_RRCOMMENT 0x00000004ULL /*% Output KEYDATA in human readable format. */ #define DNS_STYLEFLAG_KEYDATA 0x00000008ULL /*% Output textual RR type and RDATA in RFC 3597 unknown format */ #define DNS_STYLEFLAG_UNKNOWNFORMAT 0x00000010ULL #define DNS_RDATA_DOWNCASE DNS_NAME_DOWNCASE #define DNS_RDATA_CHECKNAMES DNS_NAME_CHECKNAMES #define DNS_RDATA_CHECKNAMESFAIL DNS_NAME_CHECKNAMESFAIL #define DNS_RDATA_CHECKREVERSE DNS_NAME_CHECKREVERSE #define DNS_RDATA_CHECKMX DNS_NAME_CHECKMX #define DNS_RDATA_CHECKMXFAIL DNS_NAME_CHECKMXFAIL #define DNS_RDATA_UNKNOWNESCAPE 0x80000000 /*** *** Initialization ***/ void dns_rdata_init(dns_rdata_t *rdata); /*%< * Make 'rdata' empty. * * Requires: * 'rdata' is a valid rdata (i.e. not NULL, points to a struct dns_rdata) */ void dns_rdata_reset(dns_rdata_t *rdata); /*%< * Make 'rdata' empty. * * Requires: *\li 'rdata' is a previously initialized rdata and is not linked. */ void dns_rdata_clone(const dns_rdata_t *src, dns_rdata_t *target); /*%< * Clone 'target' from 'src'. * * Requires: *\li 'src' to be initialized. *\li 'target' to be initialized. */ /*** *** Comparisons ***/ int dns_rdata_compare(const dns_rdata_t *rdata1, const dns_rdata_t *rdata2); /*%< * Determine the relative ordering under the DNSSEC order relation of * 'rdata1' and 'rdata2'. * * Requires: * *\li 'rdata1' is a valid, non-empty rdata * *\li 'rdata2' is a valid, non-empty rdata * * Returns: *\li < 0 'rdata1' is less than 'rdata2' *\li 0 'rdata1' is equal to 'rdata2' *\li > 0 'rdata1' is greater than 'rdata2' */ int dns_rdata_casecompare(const dns_rdata_t *rdata1, const dns_rdata_t *rdata2); /*%< * dns_rdata_casecompare() is similar to dns_rdata_compare() but also * compares domain names case insensitively in known rdata types that * are treated as opaque data by dns_rdata_compare(). * * Requires: * *\li 'rdata1' is a valid, non-empty rdata * *\li 'rdata2' is a valid, non-empty rdata * * Returns: *\li < 0 'rdata1' is less than 'rdata2' *\li 0 'rdata1' is equal to 'rdata2' *\li > 0 'rdata1' is greater than 'rdata2' */ /*** *** Conversions ***/ void dns_rdata_fromregion(dns_rdata_t *rdata, dns_rdataclass_t rdclass, dns_rdatatype_t type, isc_region_t *r); /*%< * Make 'rdata' refer to region 'r'. * * Requires: * *\li The data in 'r' is properly formatted for whatever type it is. */ void dns_rdata_toregion(const dns_rdata_t *rdata, isc_region_t *r); /*%< * Make 'r' refer to 'rdata'. */ isc_result_t dns_rdata_fromwire(dns_rdata_t *rdata, dns_rdataclass_t rdclass, dns_rdatatype_t type, isc_buffer_t *source, dns_decompress_t *dctx, unsigned int options, isc_buffer_t *target); /*%< * Copy the possibly-compressed rdata at source into the target region. * * Notes: *\li Name decompression policy is controlled by 'dctx'. * * 'options' *\li DNS_RDATA_DOWNCASE downcase domain names when they are copied * into target. * * Requires: * *\li 'rdclass' and 'type' are valid. * *\li 'source' is a valid buffer, and the active region of 'source' * references the rdata to be processed. * *\li 'target' is a valid buffer. * *\li 'dctx' is a valid decompression context. * * Ensures, * if result is success: * \li If 'rdata' is not NULL, it is attached to the target. * \li The conditions dns_name_fromwire() ensures for names hold * for all names in the rdata. * \li The current location in source is advanced, and the used space * in target is updated. * * Result: *\li Success *\li Any non-success status from dns_name_fromwire() *\li Various 'Bad Form' class failures depending on class and type *\li Bad Form: Input too short *\li Resource Limit: Not enough space */ isc_result_t dns_rdata_towire(dns_rdata_t *rdata, dns_compress_t *cctx, isc_buffer_t *target); /*%< * Convert 'rdata' into wire format, compressing it as specified by the * compression context 'cctx', and storing the result in 'target'. * * Notes: *\li If the compression context allows global compression, then the * global compression table may be updated. * * Requires: *\li 'rdata' is a valid, non-empty rdata * *\li target is a valid buffer * *\li Any offsets specified in a global compression table are valid * for target. * * Ensures, * if the result is success: * \li The used space in target is updated. * * Returns: *\li Success *\li Any non-success status from dns_name_towire() *\li Resource Limit: Not enough space */ isc_result_t dns_rdata_fromtext(dns_rdata_t *rdata, dns_rdataclass_t rdclass, dns_rdatatype_t type, isc_lex_t *lexer, dns_name_t *origin, unsigned int options, isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_buffer_t *target, dns_rdatacallbacks_t *callbacks); /*%< * Convert the textual representation of a DNS rdata into uncompressed wire * form stored in the target region. Tokens constituting the text of the rdata * are taken from 'lexer'. * * Notes: *\li Relative domain names in the rdata will have 'origin' appended to them. * A NULL origin implies "origin == dns_rootname". * * * 'options' *\li DNS_RDATA_DOWNCASE downcase domain names when they are copied * into target. *\li DNS_RDATA_CHECKNAMES perform checknames checks. *\li DNS_RDATA_CHECKNAMESFAIL fail if the checknames check fail. If * not set a warning will be issued. *\li DNS_RDATA_CHECKREVERSE this should set if the owner name ends * in IP6.ARPA, IP6.INT or IN-ADDR.ARPA. * * Requires: * *\li 'rdclass' and 'type' are valid. * *\li 'lexer' is a valid isc_lex_t. * *\li 'mctx' is a valid isc_mem_t. * *\li 'target' is a valid region. * *\li 'origin' if non NULL it must be absolute. * *\li 'callbacks' to be NULL or callbacks->warn and callbacks->error be * initialized. * * Ensures, * if result is success: *\li If 'rdata' is not NULL, it is attached to the target. *\li The conditions dns_name_fromtext() ensures for names hold * for all names in the rdata. *\li The used space in target is updated. * * Result: *\li Success *\li Translated result codes from isc_lex_gettoken *\li Various 'Bad Form' class failures depending on class and type *\li Bad Form: Input too short *\li Resource Limit: Not enough space *\li Resource Limit: Not enough memory */ isc_result_t dns_rdata_totext(dns_rdata_t *rdata, dns_name_t *origin, isc_buffer_t *target); /*%< * Convert 'rdata' into text format, storing the result in 'target'. * The text will consist of a single line, with fields separated by * single spaces. * * Notes: *\li If 'origin' is not NULL, then any names in the rdata that are * subdomains of 'origin' will be made relative it. * *\li XXX Do we *really* want to support 'origin'? I'm inclined towards "no" * at the moment. * * Requires: * *\li 'rdata' is a valid, non-empty rdata * *\li 'origin' is NULL, or is a valid name * *\li 'target' is a valid text buffer * * Ensures, * if the result is success: * * \li The used space in target is updated. * * Returns: *\li Success *\li Any non-success status from dns_name_totext() *\li Resource Limit: Not enough space */ isc_result_t dns_rdata_tofmttext(dns_rdata_t *rdata, dns_name_t *origin, unsigned int flags, unsigned int width, unsigned int split_width, const char *linebreak, isc_buffer_t *target); /*%< * Like dns_rdata_totext, but do formatted output suitable for * database dumps. This is intended for use by dns_db_dump(); * library users are discouraged from calling it directly. * * If (flags & #DNS_STYLEFLAG_MULTILINE) != 0, attempt to stay * within 'width' by breaking the text into multiple lines. * The string 'linebreak' is inserted between lines, and parentheses * are added when necessary. Because RRs contain unbreakable elements * such as domain names whose length is variable, unpredictable, and * potentially large, there is no guarantee that the lines will * not exceed 'width' anyway. * * If (flags & #DNS_STYLEFLAG_MULTILINE) == 0, the rdata is always * printed as a single line, and no parentheses are used. * The 'width' and 'linebreak' arguments are ignored. * * If (flags & #DNS_STYLEFLAG_COMMENT) != 0, output explanatory * comments next to things like the SOA timer fields. Some * comments (e.g., the SOA ones) are only printed when multiline * output is selected. * * base64 rdata text (e.g., DNSKEY records) will be split into chunks * of 'split_width' characters. If split_width == 0, the text will * not be split at all. If split_width == UINT_MAX (0xffffffff), then * it is undefined and falls back to the default value of 'width' */ isc_result_t dns_rdata_fromstruct(dns_rdata_t *rdata, dns_rdataclass_t rdclass, dns_rdatatype_t type, void *source, isc_buffer_t *target); /*%< * Convert the C structure representation of an rdata into uncompressed wire * format in 'target'. * * XXX Should we have a 'size' parameter as a sanity check on target? * * Requires: * *\li 'rdclass' and 'type' are valid. * *\li 'source' points to a valid C struct for the class and type. * *\li 'target' is a valid buffer. * *\li All structure pointers to memory blocks should be NULL if their * corresponding length values are zero. * * Ensures, * if result is success: * \li If 'rdata' is not NULL, it is attached to the target. * * \li The used space in 'target' is updated. * * Result: *\li Success *\li Various 'Bad Form' class failures depending on class and type *\li Resource Limit: Not enough space */ isc_result_t dns_rdata_tostruct(const dns_rdata_t *rdata, void *target, isc_mem_t *mctx); /*%< * Convert an rdata into its C structure representation. * * If 'mctx' is NULL then 'rdata' must persist while 'target' is being used. * * If 'mctx' is non NULL then memory will be allocated if required. * * Requires: * *\li 'rdata' is a valid, non-empty rdata. * *\li 'target' to point to a valid pointer for the type and class. * * Result: *\li Success *\li Resource Limit: Not enough memory */ void dns_rdata_freestruct(void *source); /*%< * Free dynamic memory attached to 'source' (if any). * * Requires: * *\li 'source' to point to the structure previously filled in by * dns_rdata_tostruct(). */ isc_boolean_t dns_rdatatype_ismeta(dns_rdatatype_t type); /*%< * Return true iff the rdata type 'type' is a meta-type * like ANY or AXFR. */ isc_boolean_t dns_rdatatype_issingleton(dns_rdatatype_t type); /*%< * Return true iff the rdata type 'type' is a singleton type, * like CNAME or SOA. * * Requires: * \li 'type' is a valid rdata type. * */ isc_boolean_t dns_rdataclass_ismeta(dns_rdataclass_t rdclass); /*%< * Return true iff the rdata class 'rdclass' is a meta-class * like ANY or NONE. */ isc_boolean_t dns_rdatatype_isdnssec(dns_rdatatype_t type); /*%< * Return true iff 'type' is one of the DNSSEC * rdata types that may exist alongside a CNAME record. * * Requires: * \li 'type' is a valid rdata type. */ isc_boolean_t dns_rdatatype_iszonecutauth(dns_rdatatype_t type); /*%< * Return true iff rdata of type 'type' is considered authoritative * data (not glue) in the NSEC chain when it occurs in the parent zone * at a zone cut. * * Requires: * \li 'type' is a valid rdata type. * */ isc_boolean_t dns_rdatatype_isknown(dns_rdatatype_t type); /*%< * Return true iff the rdata type 'type' is known. * * Requires: * \li 'type' is a valid rdata type. * */ isc_result_t dns_rdata_additionaldata(dns_rdata_t *rdata, dns_additionaldatafunc_t add, void *arg); /*%< * Call 'add' for each name and type from 'rdata' which is subject to * additional section processing. * * Requires: * *\li 'rdata' is a valid, non-empty rdata. * *\li 'add' is a valid dns_additionalfunc_t. * * Ensures: * *\li If successful, then add() will have been called for each name * and type subject to additional section processing. * *\li If add() returns something other than #ISC_R_SUCCESS, that result * will be returned as the result of dns_rdata_additionaldata(). * * Returns: * *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS * *\li Many other results are possible if not successful. */ isc_result_t dns_rdata_digest(dns_rdata_t *rdata, dns_digestfunc_t digest, void *arg); /*%< * Send 'rdata' in DNSSEC canonical form to 'digest'. * * Note: *\li 'digest' may be called more than once by dns_rdata_digest(). The * concatenation of all the regions, in the order they were given * to 'digest', will be the DNSSEC canonical form of 'rdata'. * * Requires: * *\li 'rdata' is a valid, non-empty rdata. * *\li 'digest' is a valid dns_digestfunc_t. * * Ensures: * *\li If successful, then all of the rdata's data has been sent, in * DNSSEC canonical form, to 'digest'. * *\li If digest() returns something other than ISC_R_SUCCESS, that result * will be returned as the result of dns_rdata_digest(). * * Returns: * *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS * *\li Many other results are possible if not successful. */ isc_boolean_t dns_rdatatype_questiononly(dns_rdatatype_t type); /*%< * Return true iff rdata of type 'type' can only appear in the question * section of a properly formatted message. * * Requires: * \li 'type' is a valid rdata type. * */ isc_boolean_t dns_rdatatype_notquestion(dns_rdatatype_t type); /*%< * Return true iff rdata of type 'type' can not appear in the question * section of a properly formatted message. * * Requires: * \li 'type' is a valid rdata type. * */ isc_boolean_t dns_rdatatype_atparent(dns_rdatatype_t type); /*%< * Return true iff rdata of type 'type' should appear at the parent of * a zone cut. * * Requires: * \li 'type' is a valid rdata type. * */ unsigned int dns_rdatatype_attributes(dns_rdatatype_t rdtype); /*%< * Return attributes for the given type. * * Requires: *\li 'rdtype' are known. * * Returns: *\li a bitmask consisting of the following flags. */ /*% only one may exist for a name */ #define DNS_RDATATYPEATTR_SINGLETON 0x00000001U /*% requires no other data be present */ #define DNS_RDATATYPEATTR_EXCLUSIVE 0x00000002U /*% Is a meta type */ #define DNS_RDATATYPEATTR_META 0x00000004U /*% Is a DNSSEC type, like RRSIG or NSEC */ #define DNS_RDATATYPEATTR_DNSSEC 0x00000008U /*% Is a zone cut authority type */ #define DNS_RDATATYPEATTR_ZONECUTAUTH 0x00000010U /*% Is reserved (unusable) */ #define DNS_RDATATYPEATTR_RESERVED 0x00000020U /*% Is an unknown type */ #define DNS_RDATATYPEATTR_UNKNOWN 0x00000040U /*% Is META, and can only be in a question section */ #define DNS_RDATATYPEATTR_QUESTIONONLY 0x00000080U /*% is META, and can NOT be in a question section */ #define DNS_RDATATYPEATTR_NOTQUESTION 0x00000100U /*% Is present at zone cuts in the parent, not the child */ #define DNS_RDATATYPEATTR_ATPARENT 0x00000200U dns_rdatatype_t dns_rdata_covers(dns_rdata_t *rdata); /*%< * Return the rdatatype that this type covers. * * Requires: *\li 'rdata' is a valid, non-empty rdata. * *\li 'rdata' is a type that covers other rdata types. * * Returns: *\li The type covered. */ isc_boolean_t dns_rdata_checkowner(dns_name_t* name, dns_rdataclass_t rdclass, dns_rdatatype_t type, isc_boolean_t wildcard); /* * Returns whether this is a valid ownername for this . * If wildcard is true allow the first label to be a wildcard if * appropriate. * * Requires: * 'name' is a valid name. */ isc_boolean_t dns_rdata_checknames(dns_rdata_t *rdata, dns_name_t *owner, dns_name_t *bad); /* * Returns whether 'rdata' contains valid domain names. The checks are * sensitive to the owner name. * * If 'bad' is non-NULL and a domain name fails the check the * the offending name will be return in 'bad' by cloning from * the 'rdata' contents. * * Requires: * 'rdata' to be valid. * 'owner' to be valid. * 'bad' to be NULL or valid. */ void dns_rdata_exists(dns_rdata_t *rdata, dns_rdatatype_t type); void dns_rdata_notexist(dns_rdata_t *rdata, dns_rdatatype_t type); void dns_rdata_deleterrset(dns_rdata_t *rdata, dns_rdatatype_t type); void dns_rdata_makedelete(dns_rdata_t *rdata); const char * dns_rdata_updateop(dns_rdata_t *rdata, dns_section_t section); ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_RDATA_H */ PK #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS #define DNS_RDATASLAB_FORCE 0x1 #define DNS_RDATASLAB_EXACT 0x2 #define DNS_RDATASLAB_OFFLINE 0x01 /* RRSIG is for offline DNSKEY */ #define DNS_RDATASLAB_WARNMASK 0x0E /*%< RRSIG(DNSKEY) expired * warnings number mask. */ #define DNS_RDATASLAB_WARNSHIFT 1 /*%< How many bits to shift to find * remaining expired warning number. */ /*** *** Functions ***/ isc_result_t dns_rdataslab_fromrdataset(dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_region_t *region, unsigned int reservelen); /*%< * Slabify a rdataset. The slab area will be allocated and returned * in 'region'. * * Requires: *\li 'rdataset' is valid. * * Ensures: *\li 'region' will have base pointing to the start of allocated memory, * with the slabified region beginning at region->base + reservelen. * region->length contains the total length allocated. * * Returns: *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS - successful completion *\li ISC_R_NOMEMORY - no memory. *\li XXX others */ void dns_rdataslab_tordataset(unsigned char *slab, unsigned int reservelen, dns_rdataclass_t rdclass, dns_rdatatype_t rdtype, dns_rdatatype_t covers, dns_ttl_t ttl, dns_rdataset_t *rdataset); /*%< * Construct an rdataset from a slab. * * Requires: *\li 'slab' points to a slab. *\li 'rdataset' is disassociated. * * Ensures: *\li 'rdataset' is associated and points to a valid rdataest. */ unsigned int dns_rdataslab_size(unsigned char *slab, unsigned int reservelen); /*%< * Return the total size of an rdataslab. * * Requires: *\li 'slab' points to a slab. * * Returns: *\li The number of bytes in the slab, including the reservelen. */ unsigned int dns_rdataslab_count(unsigned char *slab, unsigned int reservelen); /*%< * Return the number of records in the rdataslab * * Requires: *\li 'slab' points to a slab. * * Returns: *\li The number of records in the slab. */ isc_result_t dns_rdataslab_merge(unsigned char *oslab, unsigned char *nslab, unsigned int reservelen, isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_rdataclass_t rdclass, dns_rdatatype_t type, unsigned int flags, unsigned char **tslabp); /*%< * Merge 'oslab' and 'nslab'. */ isc_result_t dns_rdataslab_subtract(unsigned char *mslab, unsigned char *sslab, unsigned int reservelen, isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_rdataclass_t rdclass, dns_rdatatype_t type, unsigned int flags, unsigned char **tslabp); /*%< * Subtract 'sslab' from 'mslab'. If 'exact' is true then all elements * of 'sslab' must exist in 'mslab'. * * XXX * valid flags are DNS_RDATASLAB_EXACT */ isc_boolean_t dns_rdataslab_equal(unsigned char *slab1, unsigned char *slab2, unsigned int reservelen); /*%< * Compare two rdataslabs for equality. This does _not_ do a full * DNSSEC comparison. * * Requires: *\li 'slab1' and 'slab2' point to slabs. * * Returns: *\li ISC_TRUE if the slabs are equal, ISC_FALSE otherwise. */ isc_boolean_t dns_rdataslab_equalx(unsigned char *slab1, unsigned char *slab2, unsigned int reservelen, dns_rdataclass_t rdclass, dns_rdatatype_t type); /*%< * Compare two rdataslabs for DNSSEC equality. * * Requires: *\li 'slab1' and 'slab2' point to slabs. * * Returns: *\li ISC_TRUE if the slabs are equal, #ISC_FALSE otherwise. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_RDATASLAB_H */ PK #include #include #include #ifndef DNS_PORTLIST_H #define DNS_PORTLIST_H 1 ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS isc_result_t dns_portlist_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_portlist_t **portlistp); /*%< * Create a port list. * * Requires: *\li 'mctx' to be valid. *\li 'portlistp' to be non NULL and '*portlistp' to be NULL; * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY *\li #ISC_R_UNEXPECTED */ isc_result_t dns_portlist_add(dns_portlist_t *portlist, int af, in_port_t port); /*%< * Add the given tuple to the portlist. * * Requires: *\li 'portlist' to be valid. *\li 'af' to be AF_INET or AF_INET6 * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY */ void dns_portlist_remove(dns_portlist_t *portlist, int af, in_port_t port); /*%< * Remove the given tuple to the portlist. * * Requires: *\li 'portlist' to be valid. *\li 'af' to be AF_INET or AF_INET6 */ isc_boolean_t dns_portlist_match(dns_portlist_t *portlist, int af, in_port_t port); /*%< * Find the given tuple to the portlist. * * Requires: *\li 'portlist' to be valid. *\li 'af' to be AF_INET or AF_INET6 * * Returns * \li #ISC_TRUE if the tuple is found, ISC_FALSE otherwise. */ void dns_portlist_attach(dns_portlist_t *portlist, dns_portlist_t **portlistp); /*%< * Attach to a port list. * * Requires: *\li 'portlist' to be valid. *\li 'portlistp' to be non NULL and '*portlistp' to be NULL; */ void dns_portlist_detach(dns_portlist_t **portlistp); /*%< * Detach from a port list. * * Requires: *\li '*portlistp' to be valid. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_PORTLIST_H */ PK #include /*% * A structure holding a list of addresses, dscps and keys. Used to * store masters for a slave zone, created by parsing config options. */ struct dns_ipkeylist { isc_sockaddr_t *addrs; isc_dscp_t *dscps; dns_name_t **keys; dns_name_t **labels; isc_uint32_t count; isc_uint32_t allocated; }; void dns_ipkeylist_init(dns_ipkeylist_t *ipkl); /*%< * Reset ipkl to empty state * * Requires: *\li 'ipkl' to be non NULL. */ void dns_ipkeylist_clear(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_ipkeylist_t *ipkl); /*%< * Free `ipkl` contents using `mctx`. * * After this call, `ipkl` is a freshly cleared structure with all * pointers set to `NULL` and count set to 0. * * Requires: *\li 'mctx' to be a valid memory context. *\li 'ipkl' to be non NULL. */ isc_result_t dns_ipkeylist_copy(isc_mem_t *mctx, const dns_ipkeylist_t *src, dns_ipkeylist_t *dst); /*%< * Deep copy `src` into empty `dst`, allocating `dst`'s contents. * * Requires: *\li 'mctx' to be a valid memory context. *\li 'src' to be non NULL *\li 'dst' to be non NULL and point to an empty \ref dns_ipkeylist_t * with all pointers set to `NULL` and count set to 0. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS -- success *\li any other value -- failure */ isc_result_t dns_ipkeylist_resize(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_ipkeylist_t *ipkl, unsigned int n); /*%< * Resize ipkl to contain n elements. Size (count) is not changed, and the * added space is zeroed. * * Requires: * \li 'mctx' to be a valid memory context. * \li 'ipk' to be non NULL * \li 'n' >= ipkl->count * * Returns: * \li #ISC_R_SUCCESS if successs * \li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY if there's no memory, ipkeylist is left untoched */ #endif PK #include #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /*% * _OMITDNSSEC: * Omit DNSSEC records when rendering. */ #define DNS_NCACHETOWIRE_OMITDNSSEC 0x0001 isc_result_t dns_ncache_add(dns_message_t *message, dns_db_t *cache, dns_dbnode_t *node, dns_rdatatype_t covers, isc_stdtime_t now, dns_ttl_t maxttl, dns_rdataset_t *addedrdataset); isc_result_t dns_ncache_addoptout(dns_message_t *message, dns_db_t *cache, dns_dbnode_t *node, dns_rdatatype_t covers, isc_stdtime_t now, dns_ttl_t maxttl, isc_boolean_t optout, dns_rdataset_t *addedrdataset); /*%< * Convert the authority data from 'message' into a negative cache * rdataset, and store it in 'cache' at 'node' with a TTL limited to * 'maxttl'. * * \li dns_ncache_add produces a negative cache entry with a trust of no * more than answer * \li dns_ncache_addoptout produces a negative cache entry which will have * a trust of secure if all the records that make up the entry are secure. * * The 'covers' argument is the RR type whose nonexistence we are caching, * or dns_rdatatype_any when caching a NXDOMAIN response. * * 'optout' indicates a DNS_RDATASETATTR_OPTOUT should be set. * * Note: *\li If 'addedrdataset' is not NULL, then it will be attached to the added * rdataset. See dns_db_addrdataset() for more details. * * Requires: *\li 'message' is a valid message with a properly formatting negative cache * authority section. * *\li The requirements of dns_db_addrdataset() apply to 'cache', 'node', * 'now', and 'addedrdataset'. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOSPACE * *\li Any result code of dns_db_addrdataset() is a possible result code * of dns_ncache_add(). */ isc_result_t dns_ncache_towire(dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, dns_compress_t *cctx, isc_buffer_t *target, unsigned int options, unsigned int *countp); /*%< * Convert the negative caching rdataset 'rdataset' to wire format, * compressing names as specified in 'cctx', and storing the result in * 'target'. If 'omit_dnssec' is set, DNSSEC records will not * be added to 'target'. * * Notes: *\li The number of RRs added to target will be added to *countp. * * Requires: *\li 'rdataset' is a valid negative caching rdataset. * *\li 'rdataset' is not empty. * *\li 'countp' is a valid pointer. * * Ensures: *\li On a return of ISC_R_SUCCESS, 'target' contains a wire format * for the data contained in 'rdataset'. Any error return leaves * the buffer unchanged. * *\li *countp has been incremented by the number of RRs added to * target. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS - all ok *\li #ISC_R_NOSPACE - 'target' doesn't have enough room * *\li Any error returned by dns_rdata_towire(), dns_rdataset_next(), * dns_name_towire(). */ isc_result_t dns_ncache_getrdataset(dns_rdataset_t *ncacherdataset, dns_name_t *name, dns_rdatatype_t type, dns_rdataset_t *rdataset); /*%< * Search the negative caching rdataset for an rdataset with the * specified name and type. * * Requires: *\li 'ncacherdataset' is a valid negative caching rdataset. * *\li 'ncacherdataset' is not empty. * *\li 'name' is a valid name. * *\li 'type' is not SIG, or a meta-RR type. * *\li 'rdataset' is a valid disassociated rdataset. * * Ensures: *\li On a return of ISC_R_SUCCESS, 'rdataset' is bound to the found * rdataset. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS - the rdataset was found. *\li #ISC_R_NOTFOUND - the rdataset was not found. * */ isc_result_t dns_ncache_getsigrdataset(dns_rdataset_t *ncacherdataset, dns_name_t *name, dns_rdatatype_t covers, dns_rdataset_t *rdataset); /*%< * Similar to dns_ncache_getrdataset() but get the rrsig that matches. */ void dns_ncache_current(dns_rdataset_t *ncacherdataset, dns_name_t *found, dns_rdataset_t *rdataset); /*%< * Extract the current rdataset and name from a ncache entry. * * Requires: * \li 'ncacherdataset' to be valid and to be a negative cache entry * \li 'found' to be valid. * \li 'rdataset' to be unassociated. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_NCACHE_H */ PK #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS isc_boolean_t dns_zonekey_iszonekey(dns_rdata_t *keyrdata); /*%< * Determines if the key record contained in the rdata is a zone key. * * Requires: * 'keyrdata' is not NULL. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_ZONEKEY_H */ PK #include #include #include #include #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS #define DNS_RBT_USEHASH 1 /*@{*/ /*% * Option values for dns_rbt_findnode() and dns_rbt_findname(). * These are used to form a bitmask. */ #define DNS_RBTFIND_NOOPTIONS 0x00 #define DNS_RBTFIND_EMPTYDATA 0x01 #define DNS_RBTFIND_NOEXACT 0x02 #define DNS_RBTFIND_NOPREDECESSOR 0x04 /*@}*/ #ifndef DNS_RBT_USEISCREFCOUNT #ifdef ISC_REFCOUNT_HAVEATOMIC #define DNS_RBT_USEISCREFCOUNT 1 #endif #endif #define DNS_RBT_USEMAGIC 1 /* * These should add up to 30. */ #define DNS_RBT_LOCKLENGTH 10 #define DNS_RBT_REFLENGTH 20 #define DNS_RBTNODE_MAGIC ISC_MAGIC('R','B','N','O') #if DNS_RBT_USEMAGIC #define DNS_RBTNODE_VALID(n) ISC_MAGIC_VALID(n, DNS_RBTNODE_MAGIC) #else #define DNS_RBTNODE_VALID(n) ISC_TRUE #endif /*% * This is the structure that is used for each node in the red/black * tree of trees. NOTE WELL: the implementation manages this as a variable * length structure, with the actual wire-format name and other data * appended to this structure. Allocating a contiguous block of memory for * multiple dns_rbtnode structures will not work. */ typedef struct dns_rbtnode dns_rbtnode_t; enum { DNS_RBT_NSEC_NORMAL=0, /* in main tree */ DNS_RBT_NSEC_HAS_NSEC=1, /* also has node in nsec tree */ DNS_RBT_NSEC_NSEC=2, /* in nsec tree */ DNS_RBT_NSEC_NSEC3=3 /* in nsec3 tree */ }; struct dns_rbtnode { #if DNS_RBT_USEMAGIC unsigned int magic; #endif /*@{*/ /*! * The following bitfields add up to a total bitwidth of 32. * The range of values necessary for each item is indicated, * but in the case of "attributes" the field is wider to accommodate * possible future expansion. * * In each case below the "range" indicated is what's _necessary_ for * the bitfield to hold, not what it actually _can_ hold. * * Note: Tree lock must be held before modifying these * bit-fields. * * Note: The two "unsigned int :0;" unnamed bitfields on either * side of the bitfields below are scaffolding that border the * set of bitfields which are accessed after acquiring the tree * lock. Please don't insert any other bitfield members between * the unnamed bitfields unless they should also be accessed * after acquiring the tree lock. */ unsigned int :0; /* start of bitfields c/o tree lock */ unsigned int is_root : 1; /*%< range is 0..1 */ unsigned int color : 1; /*%< range is 0..1 */ unsigned int find_callback : 1; /*%< range is 0..1 */ unsigned int attributes : 3; /*%< range is 0..2 */ unsigned int nsec : 2; /*%< range is 0..3 */ unsigned int namelen : 8; /*%< range is 1..255 */ unsigned int offsetlen : 8; /*%< range is 1..128 */ unsigned int oldnamelen : 8; /*%< range is 1..255 */ /*@}*/ /* flags needed for serialization to file*/ unsigned int is_mmapped : 1; unsigned int parent_is_relative : 1; unsigned int left_is_relative : 1; unsigned int right_is_relative : 1; unsigned int down_is_relative : 1; unsigned int data_is_relative : 1; /* node needs to be cleaned from rpz */ unsigned int rpz : 1; unsigned int :0; /* end of bitfields c/o tree lock */ #ifdef DNS_RBT_USEHASH unsigned int hashval; dns_rbtnode_t *uppernode; dns_rbtnode_t *hashnext; #endif dns_rbtnode_t *parent; dns_rbtnode_t *left; dns_rbtnode_t *right; dns_rbtnode_t *down; /*% * Used for LRU cache. This linked list is used to mark nodes which * have no data any longer, but we cannot unlink at that exact moment * because we did not or could not obtain a write lock on the tree. */ ISC_LINK(dns_rbtnode_t) deadlink; /*@{*/ /*! * These values are used in the RBT DB implementation. The appropriate * node lock must be held before accessing them. * * Note: The two "unsigned int :0;" unnamed bitfields on either * side of the bitfields below are scaffolding that border the * set of bitfields which are accessed after acquiring the node * lock. Please don't insert any other bitfield members between * the unnamed bitfields unless they should also be accessed * after acquiring the node lock. * * NOTE: Do not merge these fields into bitfields above, as * they'll all be put in the same qword that could be accessed * without the node lock as it shares the qword with other * members. Leave these members here so that they occupy a * separate region of memory. */ void *data; unsigned int :0; /* start of bitfields c/o node lock */ unsigned int dirty:1; unsigned int wild:1; unsigned int locknum:DNS_RBT_LOCKLENGTH; #ifndef DNS_RBT_USEISCREFCOUNT unsigned int references:DNS_RBT_REFLENGTH; #endif unsigned int :0; /* end of bitfields c/o node lock */ #ifdef DNS_RBT_USEISCREFCOUNT isc_refcount_t references; /* note that this is not in the bitfield */ #endif /*@}*/ }; typedef isc_result_t (*dns_rbtfindcallback_t)(dns_rbtnode_t *node, dns_name_t *name, void *callback_arg); typedef isc_result_t (*dns_rbtdatawriter_t)(FILE *file, unsigned char *data, void *arg, isc_uint64_t *crc); typedef isc_result_t (*dns_rbtdatafixer_t)(dns_rbtnode_t *rbtnode, void *base, size_t offset, void *arg, isc_uint64_t *crc); typedef void (*dns_rbtdeleter_t)(void *, void *); /***** ***** Chain Info *****/ /*! * A chain is used to keep track of the sequence of nodes to reach any given * node from the root of the tree. Originally nodes did not have parent * pointers in them (for memory usage reasons) so there was no way to find * the path back to the root from any given node. Now that nodes have parent * pointers, chains might be going away in a future release, though the * movement functionality would remain. * * Chains may be used to iterate over a tree of trees. After setting up the * chain's structure using dns_rbtnodechain_init(), it needs to be initialized * to point to the lexically first or lexically last node in the tree of trees * using dns_rbtnodechain_first() or dns_rbtnodechain_last(), respectively. * Calling dns_rbtnodechain_next() or dns_rbtnodechain_prev() then moves the * chain over to the next or previous node, respectively. * * In any event, parent information, whether via parent pointers or chains, is * necessary information for iterating through the tree or for basic internal * tree maintenance issues (ie, the rotations that are done to rebalance the * tree when a node is added). The obvious implication of this is that for a * chain to remain valid, the tree has to be locked down against writes for the * duration of the useful life of the chain, because additions or removals can * change the path from the root to the node the chain has targeted. * * The dns_rbtnodechain_ functions _first, _last, _prev and _next all take * dns_name_t parameters for the name and the origin, which can be NULL. If * non-NULL, 'name' will end up pointing to the name data and offsets that are * stored at the node (and thus it will be read-only), so it should be a * regular dns_name_t that has been initialized with dns_name_init. When * 'origin' is non-NULL, it will get the name of the origin stored in it, so it * needs to have its own buffer space and offsets, which is most easily * accomplished with a dns_fixedname_t. It is _not_ necessary to reinitialize * either 'name' or 'origin' between calls to the chain functions. * * NOTE WELL: even though the name data at the root of the tree of trees will * be absolute (typically just "."), it will will be made into a relative name * with an origin of "." -- an empty name when the node is ".". This is * because a common on operation on 'name' and 'origin' is to use * dns_name_concatenate() on them to generate the complete name. An empty name * can be detected when dns_name_countlabels == 0, and is printed by * dns_name_totext()/dns_name_format() as "@", consistent with RFC1035's * definition of "@" as the current origin. * * dns_rbtnodechain_current is similar to the _first, _last, _prev and _next * functions but additionally can provide the node to which the chain points. */ /*% * The number of level blocks to allocate at a time. Currently the maximum * number of levels is allocated directly in the structure, but future * revisions of this code might have a static initial block with dynamic * growth. Allocating space for 256 levels when the tree is almost never that * deep is wasteful, but it's not clear that it matters, since the waste is * only 2MB for 1000 concurrently active chains on a system with 64-bit * pointers. */ #define DNS_RBT_LEVELBLOCK 254 typedef struct dns_rbtnodechain { unsigned int magic; isc_mem_t * mctx; /*% * The terminal node of the chain. It is not in levels[]. * This is ostensibly private ... but in a pinch it could be * used tell that the chain points nowhere without needing to * call dns_rbtnodechain_current(). */ dns_rbtnode_t * end; /*% * The maximum number of labels in a name is 128; bitstrings mean * a conceptually very large number (which I have not bothered to * compute) of logical levels because splitting can potentially occur * at each bit. However, DNSSEC restricts the number of "logical" * labels in a name to 255, meaning only 254 pointers are needed * in the worst case. */ dns_rbtnode_t * levels[DNS_RBT_LEVELBLOCK]; /*% * level_count indicates how deep the chain points into the * tree of trees, and is the index into the levels[] array. * Thus, levels[level_count - 1] is the last level node stored. * A chain that points to the top level of the tree of trees has * a level_count of 0, the first level has a level_count of 1, and * so on. */ unsigned int level_count; /*% * level_matches tells how many levels matched above the node * returned by dns_rbt_findnode(). A match (partial or exact) found * in the first level thus results in level_matches being set to 1. * This is used by the rbtdb to set the start point for a recursive * search of superdomains until the RR it is looking for is found. */ unsigned int level_matches; } dns_rbtnodechain_t; /***** ***** Public interfaces. *****/ isc_result_t dns_rbt_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_rbtdeleter_t deleter, void *deleter_arg, dns_rbt_t **rbtp); /*%< * Initialize a red-black tree of trees. * * Notes: *\li The deleter argument, if non-null, points to a function that is * responsible for cleaning up any memory associated with the data * pointer of a node when the node is deleted. It is passed the * deleted node's data pointer as its first argument and deleter_arg * as its second argument. * * Requires: * \li mctx is a pointer to a valid memory context. *\li rbtp != NULL && *rbtp == NULL *\li arg == NULL iff deleter == NULL * * Ensures: *\li If result is ISC_R_SUCCESS: * *rbtp points to a valid red-black tree manager * *\li If result is failure: * *rbtp does not point to a valid red-black tree manager. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS Success *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY Resource limit: Out of Memory */ isc_result_t dns_rbt_addname(dns_rbt_t *rbt, dns_name_t *name, void *data); /*%< * Add 'name' to the tree of trees, associated with 'data'. * * Notes: *\li 'data' is never required to be non-NULL, but specifying it * when the name is added is faster than searching for 'name' * again and then setting the data pointer. The lack of a data pointer * for a node also has other ramifications regarding whether * dns_rbt_findname considers a node to exist, or dns_rbt_deletename * joins nodes. * * Requires: *\li rbt is a valid rbt manager. *\li dns_name_isabsolute(name) == TRUE * * Ensures: *\li 'name' is not altered in any way. * *\li Any external references to nodes in the tree are unaffected by * node splits that are necessary to insert the new name. * *\li If result is #ISC_R_SUCCESS: * 'name' is findable in the red/black tree of trees in O(log N). * The data pointer of the node for 'name' is set to 'data'. * *\li If result is #ISC_R_EXISTS or #ISC_R_NOSPACE: * The tree of trees is unaltered. * *\li If result is #ISC_R_NOMEMORY: * No guarantees. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS Success *\li #ISC_R_EXISTS The name already exists with associated data. *\li #ISC_R_NOSPACE The name had more logical labels than are allowed. *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY Resource Limit: Out of Memory */ isc_result_t dns_rbt_addnode(dns_rbt_t *rbt, dns_name_t *name, dns_rbtnode_t **nodep); /*%< * Just like dns_rbt_addname, but returns the address of the node. * * Requires: *\li rbt is a valid rbt structure. *\li dns_name_isabsolute(name) == TRUE *\li nodep != NULL && *nodep == NULL * * Ensures: *\li 'name' is not altered in any way. * *\li Any external references to nodes in the tree are unaffected by * node splits that are necessary to insert the new name. * *\li If result is ISC_R_SUCCESS: * 'name' is findable in the red/black tree of trees in O(log N). * *nodep is the node that was added for 'name'. * *\li If result is ISC_R_EXISTS: * The tree of trees is unaltered. * *nodep is the existing node for 'name'. * *\li If result is ISC_R_NOMEMORY: * No guarantees. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS Success *\li #ISC_R_EXISTS The name already exists, possibly without data. *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY Resource Limit: Out of Memory */ isc_result_t dns_rbt_findname(dns_rbt_t *rbt, const dns_name_t *name, unsigned int options, dns_name_t *foundname, void **data); /*%< * Get the data pointer associated with 'name'. * * Notes: *\li When #DNS_RBTFIND_NOEXACT is set, the closest matching superdomain is * returned (also subject to #DNS_RBTFIND_EMPTYDATA), even when there is * an exact match in the tree. * *\li A node that has no data is considered not to exist for this function, * unless the #DNS_RBTFIND_EMPTYDATA option is set. * * Requires: *\li rbt is a valid rbt manager. *\li dns_name_isabsolute(name) == TRUE *\li data != NULL && *data == NULL * * Ensures: *\li 'name' and the tree are not altered in any way. * *\li If result is ISC_R_SUCCESS: * *data is the data associated with 'name'. * *\li If result is DNS_R_PARTIALMATCH: * *data is the data associated with the deepest superdomain * of 'name' which has data. * *\li If result is ISC_R_NOTFOUND: * Neither the name nor a superdomain was found with data. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS Success *\li #DNS_R_PARTIALMATCH Superdomain found with data *\li #ISC_R_NOTFOUND No match *\li #ISC_R_NOSPACE Concatenating nodes to form foundname failed */ isc_result_t dns_rbt_findnode(dns_rbt_t *rbt, const dns_name_t *name, dns_name_t *foundname, dns_rbtnode_t **node, dns_rbtnodechain_t *chain, unsigned int options, dns_rbtfindcallback_t callback, void *callback_arg); /*%< * Find the node for 'name'. * * Notes: *\li A node that has no data is considered not to exist for this function, * unless the DNS_RBTFIND_EMPTYDATA option is set. This applies to both * exact matches and partial matches. * *\li If the chain parameter is non-NULL, then the path through the tree * to the DNSSEC predecessor of the searched for name is maintained, * unless the DNS_RBTFIND_NOPREDECESSOR or DNS_RBTFIND_NOEXACT option * is used. (For more details on those options, see below.) * *\li If there is no predecessor, then the chain will point to nowhere, as * indicated by chain->end being NULL or dns_rbtnodechain_current * returning ISC_R_NOTFOUND. Note that in a normal Internet DNS RBT * there will always be a predecessor for all names except the root * name, because '.' will exist and '.' is the predecessor of * everything. But you can certainly construct a trivial tree and a * search for it that has no predecessor. * *\li Within the chain structure, the 'levels' member of the structure holds * the root node of each level except the first. * *\li The 'level_count' of the chain indicates how deep the chain to the * predecessor name is, as an index into the 'levels[]' array. It does * not count name elements, per se, but only levels of the tree of trees, * the distinction arising because multiple labels from a name can be * stored on only one level. It is also does not include the level * that has the node, since that level is not stored in levels[]. * *\li The chain's 'level_matches' is not directly related to the predecessor. * It is the number of levels above the level of the found 'node', * regardless of whether it was a partial match or exact match. When * the node is found in the top level tree, or no node is found at all, * level_matches is 0. * *\li When DNS_RBTFIND_NOEXACT is set, the closest matching superdomain is * returned (also subject to DNS_RBTFIND_EMPTYDATA), even when * there is an exact match in the tree. In this case, the chain * will not point to the DNSSEC predecessor, but will instead point * to the exact match, if there was any. Thus the preceding paragraphs * should have "exact match" substituted for "predecessor" to describe * how the various elements of the chain are set. This was done to * ensure that the chain's state was sane, and to prevent problems that * occurred when running the predecessor location code under conditions * it was not designed for. It is not clear *where* the chain should * point when DNS_RBTFIND_NOEXACT is set, so if you end up using a chain * with this option because you want a particular node, let us know * where you want the chain pointed, so this can be made more firm. * * Requires: *\li rbt is a valid rbt manager. *\li dns_name_isabsolute(name) == TRUE. *\li node != NULL && *node == NULL. *\li #DNS_RBTFIND_NOEXACT and DNS_RBTFIND_NOPREDECESSOR are mutually * exclusive. * * Ensures: *\li 'name' and the tree are not altered in any way. * *\li If result is ISC_R_SUCCESS: *\verbatim * *node is the terminal node for 'name'. * 'foundname' and 'name' represent the same name (though not * the same memory). * 'chain' points to the DNSSEC predecessor, if any, of 'name'. * * chain->level_matches and chain->level_count are equal. *\endverbatim * * If result is DNS_R_PARTIALMATCH: *\verbatim * *node is the data associated with the deepest superdomain * of 'name' which has data. * * 'foundname' is the name of deepest superdomain (which has * data, unless the DNS_RBTFIND_EMPTYDATA option is set). * * 'chain' points to the DNSSEC predecessor, if any, of 'name'. *\endverbatim * *\li If result is ISC_R_NOTFOUND: *\verbatim * Neither the name nor a superdomain was found. *node is NULL. * * 'chain' points to the DNSSEC predecessor, if any, of 'name'. * * chain->level_matches is 0. *\endverbatim * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS Success *\li #DNS_R_PARTIALMATCH Superdomain found with data *\li #ISC_R_NOTFOUND No match, or superdomain with no data *\li #ISC_R_NOSPACE Concatenating nodes to form foundname failed */ isc_result_t dns_rbt_deletename(dns_rbt_t *rbt, dns_name_t *name, isc_boolean_t recurse); /*%< * Delete 'name' from the tree of trees. * * Notes: *\li When 'name' is removed, if recurse is ISC_TRUE then all of its * subnames are removed too. * * Requires: *\li rbt is a valid rbt manager. *\li dns_name_isabsolute(name) == TRUE * * Ensures: *\li 'name' is not altered in any way. * *\li Does NOT ensure that any external references to nodes in the tree * are unaffected by node joins. * *\li If result is ISC_R_SUCCESS: * 'name' does not appear in the tree with data; however, * the node for the name might still exist which can be * found with dns_rbt_findnode (but not dns_rbt_findname). * *\li If result is ISC_R_NOTFOUND: * 'name' does not appear in the tree with data, because * it did not appear in the tree before the function was called. * *\li If result is something else: * See result codes for dns_rbt_findnode (if it fails, the * node is not deleted) or dns_rbt_deletenode (if it fails, * the node is deleted, but the tree is not optimized when * it could have been). * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS Success *\li #ISC_R_NOTFOUND No match *\li something_else Any return code from dns_rbt_findnode except * DNS_R_PARTIALMATCH (which causes ISC_R_NOTFOUND * to be returned instead), and any code from * dns_rbt_deletenode. */ isc_result_t dns_rbt_deletenode(dns_rbt_t *rbt, dns_rbtnode_t *node, isc_boolean_t recurse); /*%< * Delete 'node' from the tree of trees. * * Notes: *\li When 'node' is removed, if recurse is ISC_TRUE then all nodes * in levels down from it are removed too. * * Requires: *\li rbt is a valid rbt manager. *\li node != NULL. * * Ensures: *\li Does NOT ensure that any external references to nodes in the tree * are unaffected by node joins. * *\li If result is ISC_R_SUCCESS: * 'node' does not appear in the tree with data; however, * the node might still exist if it serves as a pointer to * a lower tree level as long as 'recurse' was false, hence * the node could can be found with dns_rbt_findnode when * that function's empty_data_ok parameter is true. * *\li If result is ISC_R_NOMEMORY or ISC_R_NOSPACE: * The node was deleted, but the tree structure was not * optimized. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS Success *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY Resource Limit: Out of Memory when joining nodes. *\li #ISC_R_NOSPACE dns_name_concatenate failed when joining nodes. */ void dns_rbt_namefromnode(dns_rbtnode_t *node, dns_name_t *name); /*%< * Convert the sequence of labels stored at 'node' into a 'name'. * * Notes: *\li This function does not return the full name, from the root, but * just the labels at the indicated node. * *\li The name data pointed to by 'name' is the information stored * in the node, not a copy. Altering the data at this pointer * will likely cause grief. * * Requires: * \li name->offsets == NULL * * Ensures: * \li 'name' is DNS_NAMEATTR_READONLY. * * \li 'name' will point directly to the labels stored after the * dns_rbtnode_t struct. * * \li 'name' will have offsets that also point to the information stored * as part of the node. */ isc_result_t dns_rbt_fullnamefromnode(dns_rbtnode_t *node, dns_name_t *name); /*%< * Like dns_rbt_namefromnode, but returns the full name from the root. * * Notes: * \li Unlike dns_rbt_namefromnode, the name will not point directly * to node data. Rather, dns_name_concatenate will be used to copy * the name data from each node into the 'name' argument. * * Requires: * \li name != NULL * \li name has a dedicated buffer. * * Returns: * \li ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li ISC_R_NOSPACE (possible via dns_name_concatenate) * \li DNS_R_NAMETOOLONG (possible via dns_name_concatenate) */ char * dns_rbt_formatnodename(dns_rbtnode_t *node, char *printname, unsigned int size); /*%< * Format the full name of a node for printing, using dns_name_format(). * * Notes: * \li 'size' is the length of the printname buffer. This should be * DNS_NAME_FORMATSIZE or larger. * * Requires: * \li node and printname are not NULL. * * Returns: * \li The 'printname' pointer. */ unsigned int dns_rbt_nodecount(dns_rbt_t *rbt); /*%< * Obtain the number of nodes in the tree of trees. * * Requires: * \li rbt is a valid rbt manager. */ size_t dns_rbt_hashsize(dns_rbt_t *rbt); /*%< * Obtain the current number of buckets in the 'rbt' hash table. * * Requires: * \li rbt is a valid rbt manager. */ void dns_rbt_destroy(dns_rbt_t **rbtp); isc_result_t dns_rbt_destroy2(dns_rbt_t **rbtp, unsigned int quantum); /*%< * Stop working with a red-black tree of trees. * If 'quantum' is zero then the entire tree will be destroyed. * If 'quantum' is non zero then up to 'quantum' nodes will be destroyed * allowing the rbt to be incrementally destroyed by repeated calls to * dns_rbt_destroy2(). Once dns_rbt_destroy2() has been called no other * operations than dns_rbt_destroy()/dns_rbt_destroy2() should be * performed on the tree of trees. * * Requires: * \li *rbt is a valid rbt manager. * * Ensures on ISC_R_SUCCESS: * \li All space allocated by the RBT library has been returned. * * \li *rbt is invalidated as an rbt manager. * * Returns: * \li ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li ISC_R_QUOTA if 'quantum' nodes have been destroyed. */ off_t dns_rbt_serialize_align(off_t target); /*%< * Align the provided integer to a pointer-size boundary. * This should be used if, during serialization of data to a will-be * mmap()ed file, a pointer alignment is needed for some data. */ isc_result_t dns_rbt_serialize_tree(FILE *file, dns_rbt_t *rbt, dns_rbtdatawriter_t datawriter, void *writer_arg, off_t *offset); /*%< * Write out the RBT structure and its data to a file. * * Notes: * \li The file must be an actual file which allows seek() calls, so it cannot * be a stream. Returns ISC_R_INVALIDFILE if not. */ isc_result_t dns_rbt_deserialize_tree(void *base_address, size_t filesize, off_t header_offset, isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_rbtdeleter_t deleter, void *deleter_arg, dns_rbtdatafixer_t datafixer, void *fixer_arg, dns_rbtnode_t **originp, dns_rbt_t **rbtp); /*%< * Read a RBT structure and its data from a file. * * If 'originp' is not NULL, then it is pointed to the root node of the RBT. * * Notes: * \li The file must be an actual file which allows seek() calls, so it cannot * be a stream. This condition is not checked in the code. */ void dns_rbt_printtext(dns_rbt_t *rbt, void (*data_printer)(FILE *, void *), FILE *f); /*%< * Print an ASCII representation of the internal structure of the red-black * tree of trees to the passed stream. * * data_printer is a callback function that is called to print the data * in a node. It should print it to the passed FILE stream. * * Notes: * \li The name stored at each node, along with the node's color, is printed. * Then the down pointer, left and right pointers are displayed * recursively in turn. NULL down pointers are silently omitted; * NULL left and right pointers are printed. */ void dns_rbt_printdot(dns_rbt_t *rbt, isc_boolean_t show_pointers, FILE *f); /*%< * Print a GraphViz dot representation of the internal structure of the * red-black tree of trees to the passed stream. * * If show_pointers is TRUE, pointers are also included in the generated * graph. * * Notes: * \li The name stored at each node, along with the node's color is displayed. * Then the down pointer, left and right pointers are displayed * recursively in turn. NULL left, right and down pointers are * silently omitted. */ void dns_rbt_printnodeinfo(dns_rbtnode_t *n, FILE *f); /*%< * Print out various information about a node * * Requires: *\li 'n' is a valid pointer. * *\li 'f' points to a valid open FILE structure that allows writing. */ size_t dns__rbt_getheight(dns_rbt_t *rbt); /*%< * Return the maximum height of sub-root nodes found in the red-black * forest. * * The height of a node is defined as the number of nodes in the longest * path from the node to a leaf. For each subtree in the forest, this * function determines the height of its root node. Then it returns the * maximum such height in the forest. * * Note: This function exists for testing purposes. Non-test code must * not use it. * * Requires: * \li rbt is a valid rbt manager. */ isc_boolean_t dns__rbt_checkproperties(dns_rbt_t *rbt); /*%< * Check red-black properties of the forest. * * Note: This function exists for testing purposes. Non-test code must * not use it. * * Requires: * \li rbt is a valid rbt manager. */ size_t dns__rbtnode_getdistance(dns_rbtnode_t *node); /*%< * Return the distance (in nodes) from the node to its upper node of its * subtree. The root node has a distance of 1. A child of the root node * has a distance of 2. */ /***** ***** Chain Functions *****/ void dns_rbtnodechain_init(dns_rbtnodechain_t *chain, isc_mem_t *mctx); /*%< * Initialize 'chain'. * * Requires: *\li 'chain' is a valid pointer. * *\li 'mctx' is a valid memory context. * * Ensures: *\li 'chain' is suitable for use. */ void dns_rbtnodechain_reset(dns_rbtnodechain_t *chain); /*%< * Free any dynamic storage associated with 'chain', and then reinitialize * 'chain'. * * Requires: *\li 'chain' is a valid pointer. * * Ensures: *\li 'chain' is suitable for use, and uses no dynamic storage. */ void dns_rbtnodechain_invalidate(dns_rbtnodechain_t *chain); /*%< * Free any dynamic storage associated with 'chain', and then invalidates it. * * Notes: *\li Future calls to any dns_rbtnodechain_ function will need to call * dns_rbtnodechain_init on the chain first (except, of course, * dns_rbtnodechain_init itself). * * Requires: *\li 'chain' is a valid chain. * * Ensures: *\li 'chain' is no longer suitable for use, and uses no dynamic storage. */ isc_result_t dns_rbtnodechain_current(dns_rbtnodechain_t *chain, dns_name_t *name, dns_name_t *origin, dns_rbtnode_t **node); /*%< * Provide the name, origin and node to which the chain is currently pointed. * * Notes: *\li The tree need not have be locked against additions for the chain * to remain valid, however there are no guarantees if any deletion * has been made since the chain was established. * * Requires: *\li 'chain' is a valid chain. * * Ensures: *\li 'node', if non-NULL, is the node to which the chain was pointed * by dns_rbt_findnode, dns_rbtnodechain_first or dns_rbtnodechain_last. * If none were called for the chain since it was initialized or reset, * or if the was no predecessor to the name searched for with * dns_rbt_findnode, then '*node' is NULL and ISC_R_NOTFOUND is returned. * *\li 'name', if non-NULL, is the name stored at the terminal level of * the chain. This is typically a single label, like the "www" of * "www.isc.org", but need not be so. At the root of the tree of trees, * if the node is "." then 'name' is ".", otherwise it is relative to ".". * (Minimalist and atypical case: if the tree has just the name * "isc.org." then the root node's stored name is "isc.org." but 'name' * will be "isc.org".) * *\li 'origin', if non-NULL, is the sequence of labels in the levels * above the terminal level, such as "isc.org." in the above example. * 'origin' is always "." for the root node. * * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS name, origin & node were successfully set. *\li #ISC_R_NOTFOUND The chain does not point to any node. *\li <something_else> Any error return from dns_name_concatenate. */ isc_result_t dns_rbtnodechain_first(dns_rbtnodechain_t *chain, dns_rbt_t *rbt, dns_name_t *name, dns_name_t *origin); /*%< * Set the chain to the lexically first node in the tree of trees. * * Notes: *\li By the definition of ordering for DNS names, the root of the tree of * trees is the very first node, since everything else in the megatree * uses it as a common suffix. * * Requires: *\li 'chain' is a valid chain. *\li 'rbt' is a valid rbt manager. * * Ensures: *\li The chain points to the very first node of the tree. * *\li 'name' and 'origin', if non-NULL, are set as described for * dns_rbtnodechain_current. Thus 'origin' will always be ".". * * Returns: *\li #DNS_R_NEWORIGIN The name & origin were successfully set. *\li <something_else> Any error result from dns_rbtnodechain_current. */ isc_result_t dns_rbtnodechain_last(dns_rbtnodechain_t *chain, dns_rbt_t *rbt, dns_name_t *name, dns_name_t *origin); /*%< * Set the chain to the lexically last node in the tree of trees. * * Requires: *\li 'chain' is a valid chain. *\li 'rbt' is a valid rbt manager. * * Ensures: *\li The chain points to the very last node of the tree. * *\li 'name' and 'origin', if non-NULL, are set as described for * dns_rbtnodechain_current. * * Returns: *\li #DNS_R_NEWORIGIN The name & origin were successfully set. *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY Resource Limit: Out of Memory building chain. *\li <something_else> Any error result from dns_name_concatenate. */ isc_result_t dns_rbtnodechain_prev(dns_rbtnodechain_t *chain, dns_name_t *name, dns_name_t *origin); /*%< * Adjusts chain to point the DNSSEC predecessor of the name to which it * is currently pointed. * * Requires: *\li 'chain' is a valid chain. *\li 'chain' has been pointed somewhere in the tree with dns_rbt_findnode, * dns_rbtnodechain_first or dns_rbtnodechain_last -- and remember that * dns_rbt_findnode is not guaranteed to point the chain somewhere, * since there may have been no predecessor to the searched for name. * * Ensures: *\li The chain is pointed to the predecessor of its current target. * *\li 'name' and 'origin', if non-NULL, are set as described for * dns_rbtnodechain_current. * *\li 'origin' is only if a new origin was found. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS The predecessor was found and 'name' was set. *\li #DNS_R_NEWORIGIN The predecessor was found with a different * origin and 'name' and 'origin' were set. *\li #ISC_R_NOMORE There was no predecessor. *\li <something_else> Any error result from dns_rbtnodechain_current. */ isc_result_t dns_rbtnodechain_next(dns_rbtnodechain_t *chain, dns_name_t *name, dns_name_t *origin); /*%< * Adjusts chain to point the DNSSEC successor of the name to which it * is currently pointed. * * Requires: *\li 'chain' is a valid chain. *\li 'chain' has been pointed somewhere in the tree with dns_rbt_findnode, * dns_rbtnodechain_first or dns_rbtnodechain_last -- and remember that * dns_rbt_findnode is not guaranteed to point the chain somewhere, * since there may have been no predecessor to the searched for name. * * Ensures: *\li The chain is pointed to the successor of its current target. * *\li 'name' and 'origin', if non-NULL, are set as described for * dns_rbtnodechain_current. * *\li 'origin' is only if a new origin was found. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS The successor was found and 'name' was set. *\li #DNS_R_NEWORIGIN The successor was found with a different * origin and 'name' and 'origin' were set. *\li #ISC_R_NOMORE There was no successor. *\li <something_else> Any error result from dns_name_concatenate. */ isc_result_t dns_rbtnodechain_down(dns_rbtnodechain_t *chain, dns_name_t *name, dns_name_t *origin); /*%< * Descend down if possible. */ isc_result_t dns_rbtnodechain_nextflat(dns_rbtnodechain_t *chain, dns_name_t *name); /*%< * Find the next node at the current depth in DNSSEC order. */ /* * Wrapper macros for manipulating the rbtnode reference counter: * Since we selectively use isc_refcount_t for the reference counter of * a rbtnode, operations on the counter depend on the actual type of it. * The following macros provide a common interface to these operations, * hiding the back-end. The usage is the same as that of isc_refcount_xxx(). */ #ifdef DNS_RBT_USEISCREFCOUNT #define dns_rbtnode_refinit(node, n) \ do { \ isc_refcount_init(&(node)->references, (n)); \ } while (0) #define dns_rbtnode_refdestroy(node) \ do { \ isc_refcount_destroy(&(node)->references); \ } while (0) #define dns_rbtnode_refcurrent(node) \ isc_refcount_current(&(node)->references) #define dns_rbtnode_refincrement0(node, refs) \ do { \ isc_refcount_increment0(&(node)->references, (refs)); \ } while (0) #define dns_rbtnode_refincrement(node, refs) \ do { \ isc_refcount_increment(&(node)->references, (refs)); \ } while (0) #define dns_rbtnode_refdecrement(node, refs) \ do { \ isc_refcount_decrement(&(node)->references, (refs)); \ } while (0) #else /* DNS_RBT_USEISCREFCOUNT */ #define dns_rbtnode_refinit(node, n) ((node)->references = (n)) #define dns_rbtnode_refdestroy(node) ISC_REQUIRE((node)->references == 0) #define dns_rbtnode_refcurrent(node) ((node)->references) #if (__STDC_VERSION__ + 0) >= 199901L || defined __GNUC__ static inline void dns_rbtnode_refincrement0(dns_rbtnode_t *node, unsigned int *refs) { node->references++; if (refs != NULL) *refs = node->references; } static inline void dns_rbtnode_refincrement(dns_rbtnode_t *node, unsigned int *refs) { ISC_REQUIRE(node->references > 0); node->references++; if (refs != NULL) *refs = node->references; } static inline void dns_rbtnode_refdecrement(dns_rbtnode_t *node, unsigned int *refs) { ISC_REQUIRE(node->references > 0); node->references--; if (refs != NULL) *refs = node->references; } #else #define dns_rbtnode_refincrement0(node, refs) \ do { \ unsigned int *_tmp = (unsigned int *)(refs); \ (node)->references++; \ if ((_tmp) != NULL) \ (*_tmp) = (node)->references; \ } while (0) #define dns_rbtnode_refincrement(node, refs) \ do { \ ISC_REQUIRE((node)->references > 0); \ (node)->references++; \ if ((refs) != NULL) \ (*refs) = (node)->references; \ } while (0) #define dns_rbtnode_refdecrement(node, refs) \ do { \ ISC_REQUIRE((node)->references > 0); \ (node)->references--; \ if ((refs) != NULL) \ (*refs) = (node)->references; \ } while (0) #endif #endif /* DNS_RBT_USEISCREFCOUNT */ void dns_rbtnode_nodename(dns_rbtnode_t *node, dns_name_t *name); dns_rbtnode_t * dns_rbt_root(dns_rbt_t *rbt); ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_RBT_H */ PK #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS isc_result_t dns_keyflags_fromtext(dns_keyflags_t *flagsp, isc_textregion_t *source); /*%< * Convert the text 'source' refers to into a DNSSEC KEY flags value. * The text may contain either a set of flag mnemonics separated by * vertical bars or a decimal flags value. For compatibility with * older versions of BIND and the DNSSEC signer, octal values * prefixed with a zero and hexadecimal values prefixed with "0x" * are also accepted. * * Requires: *\li 'flagsp' is a valid pointer. * *\li 'source' is a valid text region. * * Returns: *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS on success *\li ISC_R_RANGE numeric flag value is out of range *\li DNS_R_UNKNOWN mnemonic flag is unknown */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_KEYFLAGS_H */ PK #include #include /* * Flags to be passed in the 'options' argument in the functions below. */ #define DNS_MASTER_AGETTL 0x00000001 /*%< Age the ttl based on $DATE. */ #define DNS_MASTER_MANYERRORS 0x00000002 /*%< Continue processing on errors. */ #define DNS_MASTER_NOINCLUDE 0x00000004 /*%< Disallow $INCLUDE directives. */ #define DNS_MASTER_ZONE 0x00000008 /*%< Loading a zone master file. */ #define DNS_MASTER_HINT 0x00000010 /*%< Loading a hint master file. */ #define DNS_MASTER_SLAVE 0x00000020 /*%< Loading a slave master file. */ #define DNS_MASTER_CHECKNS 0x00000040 /*%< * Check NS records to see * if they are an address */ #define DNS_MASTER_FATALNS 0x00000080 /*%< * Treat DNS_MASTER_CHECKNS * matches as fatal */ #define DNS_MASTER_CHECKNAMES 0x00000100 #define DNS_MASTER_CHECKNAMESFAIL 0x00000200 #define DNS_MASTER_CHECKWILDCARD 0x00000400 /* Check for internal wildcards. */ #define DNS_MASTER_CHECKMX 0x00000800 #define DNS_MASTER_CHECKMXFAIL 0x00001000 #define DNS_MASTER_RESIGN 0x00002000 #define DNS_MASTER_KEY 0x00004000 /*%< Loading a key zone master file. */ #define DNS_MASTER_NOTTL 0x00008000 /*%< Don't require ttl. */ #define DNS_MASTER_CHECKTTL 0x00010000 /*%< Check max-zone-ttl */ ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /* * Structures that implement the "raw" format for master dump. * These are provided for a reference purpose only; in the actual * encoding, we directly read/write each field so that the encoded data * is always "packed", regardless of the hardware architecture. */ #define DNS_RAWFORMAT_VERSION 1 /* * Flags to indicate the status of the data in the raw file header */ #define DNS_MASTERRAW_COMPAT 0x01 #define DNS_MASTERRAW_SOURCESERIALSET 0x02 #define DNS_MASTERRAW_LASTXFRINSET 0x04 /* Common header */ struct dns_masterrawheader { isc_uint32_t format; /* must be * dns_masterformat_raw * or * dns_masterformat_map */ isc_uint32_t version; /* compatibility for future * extensions */ isc_uint32_t dumptime; /* timestamp on creation * (currently unused) */ isc_uint32_t flags; /* Flags */ isc_uint32_t sourceserial; /* Source serial number (used * by inline-signing zones) */ isc_uint32_t lastxfrin; /* timestamp of last transfer * (used by slave zones) */ }; /* The structure for each RRset */ typedef struct { isc_uint32_t totallen; /* length of the data for this * RRset, including the * "header" part */ dns_rdataclass_t rdclass; /* 16-bit class */ dns_rdatatype_t type; /* 16-bit type */ dns_rdatatype_t covers; /* same as type */ dns_ttl_t ttl; /* 32-bit TTL */ isc_uint32_t nrdata; /* number of RRs in this set */ /* followed by encoded owner name, and then rdata */ } dns_masterrawrdataset_t; /* * Method prototype: a callback to register each include file as * it is encountered. */ typedef void (*dns_masterincludecb_t)(const char *file, void *arg); /*** *** Function ***/ isc_result_t dns_master_loadfile(const char *master_file, dns_name_t *top, dns_name_t *origin, dns_rdataclass_t zclass, unsigned int options, dns_rdatacallbacks_t *callbacks, isc_mem_t *mctx); isc_result_t dns_master_loadfile2(const char *master_file, dns_name_t *top, dns_name_t *origin, dns_rdataclass_t zclass, unsigned int options, dns_rdatacallbacks_t *callbacks, isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_masterformat_t format); isc_result_t dns_master_loadfile3(const char *master_file, dns_name_t *top, dns_name_t *origin, dns_rdataclass_t zclass, unsigned int options, isc_uint32_t resign, dns_rdatacallbacks_t *callbacks, isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_masterformat_t format); isc_result_t dns_master_loadfile4(const char *master_file, dns_name_t *top, dns_name_t *origin, dns_rdataclass_t zclass, unsigned int options, isc_uint32_t resign, dns_rdatacallbacks_t *callbacks, dns_masterincludecb_t include_cb, void *include_arg, isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_masterformat_t format); isc_result_t dns_master_loadfile5(const char *master_file, dns_name_t *top, dns_name_t *origin, dns_rdataclass_t zclass, unsigned int options, isc_uint32_t resign, dns_rdatacallbacks_t *callbacks, dns_masterincludecb_t include_cb, void *include_arg, isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_masterformat_t format, dns_ttl_t maxttl); isc_result_t dns_master_loadstream(FILE *stream, dns_name_t *top, dns_name_t *origin, dns_rdataclass_t zclass, unsigned int options, dns_rdatacallbacks_t *callbacks, isc_mem_t *mctx); isc_result_t dns_master_loadbuffer(isc_buffer_t *buffer, dns_name_t *top, dns_name_t *origin, dns_rdataclass_t zclass, unsigned int options, dns_rdatacallbacks_t *callbacks, isc_mem_t *mctx); isc_result_t dns_master_loadlexer(isc_lex_t *lex, dns_name_t *top, dns_name_t *origin, dns_rdataclass_t zclass, unsigned int options, dns_rdatacallbacks_t *callbacks, isc_mem_t *mctx); isc_result_t dns_master_loadfileinc(const char *master_file, dns_name_t *top, dns_name_t *origin, dns_rdataclass_t zclass, unsigned int options, dns_rdatacallbacks_t *callbacks, isc_task_t *task, dns_loaddonefunc_t done, void *done_arg, dns_loadctx_t **ctxp, isc_mem_t *mctx); isc_result_t dns_master_loadfileinc2(const char *master_file, dns_name_t *top, dns_name_t *origin, dns_rdataclass_t zclass, unsigned int options, dns_rdatacallbacks_t *callbacks, isc_task_t *task, dns_loaddonefunc_t done, void *done_arg, dns_loadctx_t **ctxp, isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_masterformat_t format); isc_result_t dns_master_loadfileinc3(const char *master_file, dns_name_t *top, dns_name_t *origin, dns_rdataclass_t zclass, unsigned int options, isc_uint32_t resign, dns_rdatacallbacks_t *callbacks, isc_task_t *task, dns_loaddonefunc_t done, void *done_arg, dns_loadctx_t **ctxp, isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_masterformat_t format); isc_result_t dns_master_loadfileinc4(const char *master_file, dns_name_t *top, dns_name_t *origin, dns_rdataclass_t zclass, unsigned int options, isc_uint32_t resign, dns_rdatacallbacks_t *callbacks, isc_task_t *task, dns_loaddonefunc_t done, void *done_arg, dns_loadctx_t **ctxp, dns_masterincludecb_t include_cb, void *include_arg, isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_masterformat_t format); isc_result_t dns_master_loadfileinc5(const char *master_file, dns_name_t *top, dns_name_t *origin, dns_rdataclass_t zclass, unsigned int options, isc_uint32_t resign, dns_rdatacallbacks_t *callbacks, isc_task_t *task, dns_loaddonefunc_t done, void *done_arg, dns_loadctx_t **ctxp, dns_masterincludecb_t include_cb, void *include_arg, isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_masterformat_t format, isc_uint32_t maxttl); isc_result_t dns_master_loadstreaminc(FILE *stream, dns_name_t *top, dns_name_t *origin, dns_rdataclass_t zclass, unsigned int options, dns_rdatacallbacks_t *callbacks, isc_task_t *task, dns_loaddonefunc_t done, void *done_arg, dns_loadctx_t **ctxp, isc_mem_t *mctx); isc_result_t dns_master_loadbufferinc(isc_buffer_t *buffer, dns_name_t *top, dns_name_t *origin, dns_rdataclass_t zclass, unsigned int options, dns_rdatacallbacks_t *callbacks, isc_task_t *task, dns_loaddonefunc_t done, void *done_arg, dns_loadctx_t **ctxp, isc_mem_t *mctx); isc_result_t dns_master_loadlexerinc(isc_lex_t *lex, dns_name_t *top, dns_name_t *origin, dns_rdataclass_t zclass, unsigned int options, dns_rdatacallbacks_t *callbacks, isc_task_t *task, dns_loaddonefunc_t done, void *done_arg, dns_loadctx_t **ctxp, isc_mem_t *mctx); /*%< * Loads a RFC1305 master file from a file, stream, buffer, or existing * lexer into rdatasets and then calls 'callbacks->commit' to commit the * rdatasets. Rdata memory belongs to dns_master_load and will be * reused / released when the callback completes. dns_load_master will * abort if callbacks->commit returns any value other than ISC_R_SUCCESS. * * If 'DNS_MASTER_AGETTL' is set and the master file contains one or more * $DATE directives, the TTLs of the data will be aged accordingly. * * 'callbacks->commit' is assumed to call 'callbacks->error' or * 'callbacks->warn' to generate any error messages required. * * 'done' is called with 'done_arg' and a result code when the loading * is completed or has failed. If the initial setup fails 'done' is * not called. * * 'resign' the number of seconds before a RRSIG expires that it should * be re-signed. 0 is used if not provided. * * Requires: *\li 'master_file' points to a valid string. *\li 'lexer' points to a valid lexer. *\li 'top' points to a valid name. *\li 'origin' points to a valid name. *\li 'callbacks->commit' points to a valid function. *\li 'callbacks->error' points to a valid function. *\li 'callbacks->warn' points to a valid function. *\li 'mctx' points to a valid memory context. *\li 'task' and 'done' to be valid. *\li 'lmgr' to be valid. *\li 'ctxp != NULL && ctxp == NULL'. * * Returns: *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS upon successfully loading the master file. *\li ISC_R_SEENINCLUDE upon successfully loading the master file with * a $INCLUDE statement. *\li ISC_R_NOMEMORY out of memory. *\li ISC_R_UNEXPECTEDEND expected to be able to read a input token and * there was not one. *\li ISC_R_UNEXPECTED *\li DNS_R_NOOWNER failed to specify a ownername. *\li DNS_R_NOTTL failed to specify a ttl. *\li DNS_R_BADCLASS record class did not match zone class. *\li DNS_R_CONTINUE load still in progress (dns_master_load*inc() only). *\li Any dns_rdata_fromtext() error code. *\li Any error code from callbacks->commit(). */ void dns_loadctx_detach(dns_loadctx_t **ctxp); /*%< * Detach from the load context. * * Requires: *\li '*ctxp' to be valid. * * Ensures: *\li '*ctxp == NULL' */ void dns_loadctx_attach(dns_loadctx_t *source, dns_loadctx_t **target); /*%< * Attach to the load context. * * Requires: *\li 'source' to be valid. *\li 'target != NULL && *target == NULL'. */ void dns_loadctx_cancel(dns_loadctx_t *ctx); /*%< * Cancel loading the zone file associated with this load context. * * Requires: *\li 'ctx' to be valid */ void dns_master_initrawheader(dns_masterrawheader_t *header); /*%< * Initializes the header for a raw master file, setting all * values to zero. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_MASTER_H */ PK #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS struct dns_view { /* Unlocked. */ unsigned int magic; isc_mem_t * mctx; dns_rdataclass_t rdclass; char * name; dns_zt_t * zonetable; dns_resolver_t * resolver; dns_adb_t * adb; dns_requestmgr_t * requestmgr; dns_acache_t * acache; dns_cache_t * cache; dns_db_t * cachedb; dns_db_t * hints; /* * security roots and negative trust anchors. * internal use only; access via * dns_view_getsecroots() */ dns_keytable_t * secroots_priv; dns_ntatable_t * ntatable_priv; isc_mutex_t lock; isc_boolean_t frozen; isc_task_t * task; isc_event_t resevent; isc_event_t adbevent; isc_event_t reqevent; isc_stats_t * adbstats; isc_stats_t * resstats; dns_stats_t * resquerystats; isc_boolean_t cacheshared; /* Configurable data. */ dns_tsig_keyring_t * statickeys; dns_tsig_keyring_t * dynamickeys; dns_peerlist_t * peers; dns_order_t * order; dns_fwdtable_t * fwdtable; isc_boolean_t recursion; isc_boolean_t auth_nxdomain; isc_boolean_t additionalfromcache; isc_boolean_t additionalfromauth; isc_boolean_t minimal_any; dns_minimaltype_t minimalresponses; isc_boolean_t enablednssec; isc_boolean_t enablevalidation; isc_boolean_t acceptexpired; isc_boolean_t requireservercookie; isc_boolean_t trust_anchor_telemetry; isc_boolean_t root_key_sentinel; dns_transfer_format_t transfer_format; dns_acl_t * cacheacl; dns_acl_t * cacheonacl; dns_acl_t * queryacl; dns_acl_t * queryonacl; dns_acl_t * recursionacl; dns_acl_t * recursiononacl; dns_acl_t * sortlist; dns_acl_t * notifyacl; dns_acl_t * transferacl; dns_acl_t * updateacl; dns_acl_t * upfwdacl; dns_acl_t * denyansweracl; dns_acl_t * nocasecompress; isc_boolean_t msgcompression; dns_rbt_t * answeracl_exclude; dns_rbt_t * denyanswernames; dns_rbt_t * answernames_exclude; dns_rrl_t * rrl; isc_boolean_t provideixfr; isc_boolean_t requestnsid; isc_boolean_t sendcookie; dns_ttl_t maxcachettl; dns_ttl_t maxncachettl; isc_uint32_t nta_lifetime; isc_uint32_t nta_recheck; char *nta_file; dns_ttl_t prefetch_trigger; dns_ttl_t prefetch_eligible; in_port_t dstport; dns_aclenv_t aclenv; dns_rdatatype_t preferred_glue; isc_boolean_t flush; dns_namelist_t * delonly; isc_boolean_t rootdelonly; dns_namelist_t * rootexclude; isc_boolean_t checknames; dns_name_t * dlv; dns_fixedname_t dlv_fixed; isc_uint16_t maxudp; isc_uint16_t nocookieudp; unsigned int maxbits; dns_aaaa_t v4_aaaa; dns_aaaa_t v6_aaaa; dns_acl_t * aaaa_acl; dns_dns64list_t dns64; unsigned int dns64cnt; dns_rpz_zones_t *rpzs; dns_catz_zones_t *catzs; dns_dlzdblist_t dlz_searched; dns_dlzdblist_t dlz_unsearched; isc_uint32_t fail_ttl; dns_badcache_t *failcache; /* * Configurable data for server use only, * locked by server configuration lock. */ dns_acl_t * matchclients; dns_acl_t * matchdestinations; isc_boolean_t matchrecursiveonly; /* Locked by themselves. */ isc_refcount_t references; isc_refcount_t weakrefs; /* Locked by lock. */ unsigned int attributes; /* Under owner's locking control. */ ISC_LINK(struct dns_view) link; dns_viewlist_t * viewlist; dns_zone_t * managed_keys; dns_zone_t * redirect; dns_name_t * redirectzone; /* points to * redirectfixed * when valid */ dns_fixedname_t redirectfixed; /* * File and configuration data for zones added at runtime * (only used in BIND9). * * XXX: This should be a pointer to an opaque type that * named implements. */ char * new_zone_file; char * new_zone_db; void * new_zone_dbenv; isc_uint64_t new_zone_mapsize; void * new_zone_config; void (*cfg_destroy)(void **); isc_mutex_t new_zone_lock; unsigned char secret[32]; /* Client secret */ unsigned int v6bias; dns_dtenv_t *dtenv; /* Dnstap environment */ dns_dtmsgtype_t dttypes; /* Dnstap message types to log */ }; #define DNS_VIEW_MAGIC ISC_MAGIC('V','i','e','w') #define DNS_VIEW_VALID(view) ISC_MAGIC_VALID(view, DNS_VIEW_MAGIC) #define DNS_VIEWATTR_RESSHUTDOWN 0x01 #define DNS_VIEWATTR_ADBSHUTDOWN 0x02 #define DNS_VIEWATTR_REQSHUTDOWN 0x04 #ifdef HAVE_LMDB #include /* * MDB_NOTLS is used to prevent problems after configuration is reloaded, due * to the way LMDB's use of thread-local storage (TLS) interacts with the BIND9 * thread model. */ #define DNS_LMDB_COMMON_FLAGS (MDB_CREATE | MDB_NOSUBDIR | MDB_NOTLS) #ifndef __OpenBSD__ #define DNS_LMDB_FLAGS (DNS_LMDB_COMMON_FLAGS) #else /* __OpenBSD__ */ /* * OpenBSD does not have a unified buffer cache, which requires both reads and * writes to be performed using mmap(). */ #define DNS_LMDB_FLAGS (DNS_LMDB_COMMON_FLAGS | MDB_WRITEMAP) #endif /* __OpenBSD__ */ #endif /* HAVE_LMDB */ isc_result_t dns_view_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_rdataclass_t rdclass, const char *name, dns_view_t **viewp); /*%< * Create a view. * * Notes: * *\li The newly created view has no cache, no resolver, and an empty * zone table. The view is not frozen. * * Requires: * *\li 'mctx' is a valid memory context. * *\li 'rdclass' is a valid class. * *\li 'name' is a valid C string. * *\li viewp != NULL && *viewp == NULL * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY * *\li Other errors are possible. */ void dns_view_attach(dns_view_t *source, dns_view_t **targetp); /*%< * Attach '*targetp' to 'source'. * * Requires: * *\li 'source' is a valid, frozen view. * *\li 'targetp' points to a NULL dns_view_t *. * * Ensures: * *\li *targetp is attached to source. * *\li While *targetp is attached, the view will not shut down. */ void dns_view_detach(dns_view_t **viewp); /*%< * Detach '*viewp' from its view. * * Requires: * *\li 'viewp' points to a valid dns_view_t * * * Ensures: * *\li *viewp is NULL. */ void dns_view_flushanddetach(dns_view_t **viewp); /*%< * Detach '*viewp' from its view. If this was the last reference * uncommitted changed in zones will be flushed to disk. * * Requires: * *\li 'viewp' points to a valid dns_view_t * * * Ensures: * *\li *viewp is NULL. */ void dns_view_weakattach(dns_view_t *source, dns_view_t **targetp); /*%< * Weakly attach '*targetp' to 'source'. * * Requires: * *\li 'source' is a valid, frozen view. * *\li 'targetp' points to a NULL dns_view_t *. * * Ensures: * *\li *targetp is attached to source. * * \li While *targetp is attached, the view will not be freed. */ void dns_view_weakdetach(dns_view_t **targetp); /*%< * Detach '*viewp' from its view. * * Requires: * *\li 'viewp' points to a valid dns_view_t *. * * Ensures: * *\li *viewp is NULL. */ isc_result_t dns_view_createzonetable(dns_view_t *view); /*%< * Create a zonetable for the view. * * Requires: * *\li 'view' is a valid, unfrozen view. * *\li 'view' does not have a zonetable already. * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS * *\li Any error that dns_zt_create() can return. */ isc_result_t dns_view_createresolver(dns_view_t *view, isc_taskmgr_t *taskmgr, unsigned int ntasks, unsigned int ndisp, isc_socketmgr_t *socketmgr, isc_timermgr_t *timermgr, unsigned int options, dns_dispatchmgr_t *dispatchmgr, dns_dispatch_t *dispatchv4, dns_dispatch_t *dispatchv6); /*%< * Create a resolver and address database for the view. * * Requires: * *\li 'view' is a valid, unfrozen view. * *\li 'view' does not have a resolver already. * *\li The requirements of dns_resolver_create() apply to 'taskmgr', * 'ntasks', 'socketmgr', 'timermgr', 'options', 'dispatchv4', and * 'dispatchv6'. * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS * *\li Any error that dns_resolver_create() can return. */ void dns_view_setcache(dns_view_t *view, dns_cache_t *cache); void dns_view_setcache2(dns_view_t *view, dns_cache_t *cache, isc_boolean_t shared); /*%< * Set the view's cache database. If 'shared' is true, this means the cache * is created by another view and is shared with that view. dns_view_setcache() * is a backward compatible version equivalent to setcache2(..., ISC_FALSE). * * Requires: * *\li 'view' is a valid, unfrozen view. * *\li 'cache' is a valid cache. * * Ensures: * * \li The cache of 'view' is 'cached. * *\li If this is not the first call to dns_view_setcache() for this * view, then previously set cache is detached. */ void dns_view_sethints(dns_view_t *view, dns_db_t *hints); /*%< * Set the view's hints database. * * Requires: * *\li 'view' is a valid, unfrozen view, whose hints database has not been * set. * *\li 'hints' is a valid zone database. * * Ensures: * * \li The hints database of 'view' is 'hints'. */ void dns_view_setkeyring(dns_view_t *view, dns_tsig_keyring_t *ring); void dns_view_setdynamickeyring(dns_view_t *view, dns_tsig_keyring_t *ring); /*%< * Set the view's static TSIG keys * * Requires: * * \li 'view' is a valid, unfrozen view, whose static TSIG keyring has not * been set. * *\li 'ring' is a valid TSIG keyring * * Ensures: * *\li The static TSIG keyring of 'view' is 'ring'. */ void dns_view_getdynamickeyring(dns_view_t *view, dns_tsig_keyring_t **ringp); /*%< * Return the views dynamic keys. * * \li 'view' is a valid, unfrozen view. * \li 'ringp' != NULL && ringp == NULL. */ void dns_view_setdstport(dns_view_t *view, in_port_t dstport); /*%< * Set the view's destination port. This is the port to * which outgoing queries are sent. The default is 53, * the standard DNS port. * * Requires: * *\li 'view' is a valid view. * *\li 'dstport' is a valid TCP/UDP port number. * * Ensures: *\li External name servers will be assumed to be listening * on 'dstport'. For servers whose address has already * obtained obtained at the time of the call, the view may * continue to use the previously set port until the address * times out from the view's address database. */ isc_result_t dns_view_addzone(dns_view_t *view, dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Add zone 'zone' to 'view'. * * Requires: * *\li 'view' is a valid, unfrozen view. * *\li 'zone' is a valid zone. */ void dns_view_freeze(dns_view_t *view); /*%< * Freeze view. No changes can be made to view configuration while frozen. * * Requires: * *\li 'view' is a valid, unfrozen view. * * Ensures: * *\li 'view' is frozen. */ void dns_view_thaw(dns_view_t *view); /*%< * Thaw view. This allows zones to be added or removed at runtime. This is * NOT thread-safe; the caller MUST have run isc_task_exclusive() prior to * thawing the view. * * Requires: * *\li 'view' is a valid, frozen view. * * Ensures: * *\li 'view' is no longer frozen. */ isc_result_t dns_view_find(dns_view_t *view, dns_name_t *name, dns_rdatatype_t type, isc_stdtime_t now, unsigned int options, isc_boolean_t use_hints, dns_db_t **dbp, dns_dbnode_t **nodep, dns_name_t *foundname, dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, dns_rdataset_t *sigrdataset); isc_result_t dns_view_find2(dns_view_t *view, dns_name_t *name, dns_rdatatype_t type, isc_stdtime_t now, unsigned int options, isc_boolean_t use_hints, isc_boolean_t use_static_stub, dns_db_t **dbp, dns_dbnode_t **nodep, dns_name_t *foundname, dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, dns_rdataset_t *sigrdataset); /*%< * Find an rdataset whose owner name is 'name', and whose type is * 'type'. * In general, this function first searches view's zone and cache DBs for the * best match data against 'name'. If nothing found there, and if 'use_hints' * is ISC_TRUE, the view's hint DB (if configured) is searched. * If the view is configured with a static-stub zone which gives the longest * match for 'name' among the zones, however, the cache DB is not consulted * unless 'use_static_stub' is ISC_FALSE (see below about this argument). * * dns_view_find() is a backward compatible version equivalent to * dns_view_find2() with use_static_stub argument being ISC_FALSE. * * Notes: * *\li See the description of dns_db_find() for information about 'options'. * If the caller sets #DNS_DBFIND_GLUEOK, it must ensure that 'name' * and 'type' are appropriate for glue retrieval. * *\li If 'now' is zero, then the current time will be used. * *\li If 'use_hints' is ISC_TRUE, and the view has a hints database, then * it will be searched last. If the answer is found in the hints * database, the result code will be DNS_R_HINT. If the name is found * in the hints database but not the type, the result code will be * #DNS_R_HINTNXRRSET. * *\li If 'use_static_stub' is ISC_FALSE and the longest match zone for 'name' * is a static-stub zone, it's ignored and the cache and/or hints will be * searched. In the majority of the cases this argument should be * ISC_FALSE. The only known usage of this argument being ISC_TRUE is * if this search is for a "bailiwick" glue A or AAAA RRset that may * best match a static-stub zone. Consider the following example: * this view is configured with a static-stub zone "example.com", * and an attempt of recursive resolution needs to send a query for the * zone. In this case it's quite likely that the resolver is trying to * find A/AAAA RRs for the apex name "example.com". And, to honor the * static-stub configuration it needs to return the glue RRs in the * static-stub zone even if that exact RRs coming from the authoritative * zone has been cached. * In other general cases, the requested data is better to be * authoritative, either locally configured or retrieved from an external * server, and the data in the static-stub zone should better be ignored. * *\li 'foundname' must meet the requirements of dns_db_find(). * *\li If 'sigrdataset' is not NULL, and there is a SIG rdataset which * covers 'type', then 'sigrdataset' will be bound to it. * * Requires: * *\li 'view' is a valid, frozen view. * *\li 'name' is valid name. * *\li 'type' is a valid dns_rdatatype_t, and is not a meta query type * except dns_rdatatype_any. * *\li dbp == NULL || *dbp == NULL * *\li nodep == NULL || *nodep == NULL. If nodep != NULL, dbp != NULL. * *\li 'foundname' is a valid name with a dedicated buffer or NULL. * *\li 'rdataset' is a valid, disassociated rdataset. * *\li 'sigrdataset' is NULL, or is a valid, disassociated rdataset. * * Ensures: * *\li In successful cases, 'rdataset', and possibly 'sigrdataset', are * bound to the found data. * *\li If dbp != NULL, it points to the database containing the data. * *\li If nodep != NULL, it points to the database node containing the data. * *\li If foundname != NULL, it contains the full name of the found data. * * Returns: * *\li Any result that dns_db_find() can return, with the exception of * #DNS_R_DELEGATION. */ isc_result_t dns_view_simplefind(dns_view_t *view, dns_name_t *name, dns_rdatatype_t type, isc_stdtime_t now, unsigned int options, isc_boolean_t use_hints, dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, dns_rdataset_t *sigrdataset); /*%< * Find an rdataset whose owner name is 'name', and whose type is * 'type'. * * Notes: * *\li This routine is appropriate for simple, exact-match queries of the * view. 'name' must be a canonical name; there is no DNAME or CNAME * processing. * *\li See the description of dns_db_find() for information about 'options'. * If the caller sets DNS_DBFIND_GLUEOK, it must ensure that 'name' * and 'type' are appropriate for glue retrieval. * *\li If 'now' is zero, then the current time will be used. * *\li If 'use_hints' is ISC_TRUE, and the view has a hints database, then * it will be searched last. If the answer is found in the hints * database, the result code will be DNS_R_HINT. If the name is found * in the hints database but not the type, the result code will be * DNS_R_HINTNXRRSET. * *\li If 'sigrdataset' is not NULL, and there is a SIG rdataset which * covers 'type', then 'sigrdataset' will be bound to it. * * Requires: * *\li 'view' is a valid, frozen view. * *\li 'name' is valid name. * *\li 'type' is a valid dns_rdatatype_t, and is not a meta query type * (e.g. dns_rdatatype_any), or dns_rdatatype_rrsig. * *\li 'rdataset' is a valid, disassociated rdataset. * *\li 'sigrdataset' is NULL, or is a valid, disassociated rdataset. * * Ensures: * *\li In successful cases, 'rdataset', and possibly 'sigrdataset', are * bound to the found data. * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS Success; result is desired type. *\li DNS_R_GLUE Success; result is glue. *\li DNS_R_HINT Success; result is a hint. *\li DNS_R_NCACHENXDOMAIN Success; result is a ncache entry. *\li DNS_R_NCACHENXRRSET Success; result is a ncache entry. *\li DNS_R_NXDOMAIN The name does not exist. *\li DNS_R_NXRRSET The rrset does not exist. *\li #ISC_R_NOTFOUND No matching data found, * or an error occurred. */ /*% See dns_view_findzonecut2() */ isc_result_t dns_view_findzonecut(dns_view_t *view, dns_name_t *name, dns_name_t *fname, isc_stdtime_t now, unsigned int options, isc_boolean_t use_hints, dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, dns_rdataset_t *sigrdataset); isc_result_t dns_view_findzonecut2(dns_view_t *view, dns_name_t *name, dns_name_t *fname, isc_stdtime_t now, unsigned int options, isc_boolean_t use_hints, isc_boolean_t use_cache, dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, dns_rdataset_t *sigrdataset); /*%< * Find the best known zonecut containing 'name'. * * This uses local authority, cache, and optionally hints data. * No external queries are performed. * * Notes: * *\li If 'now' is zero, then the current time will be used. * *\li If 'use_hints' is ISC_TRUE, and the view has a hints database, then * it will be searched last. * *\li If 'use_cache' is ISC_TRUE, and the view has a cache, then it will be * searched. * *\li If 'sigrdataset' is not NULL, and there is a SIG rdataset which * covers 'type', then 'sigrdataset' will be bound to it. * *\li If the DNS_DBFIND_NOEXACT option is set, then the zonecut returned * (if any) will be the deepest known ancestor of 'name'. * * Requires: * *\li 'view' is a valid, frozen view. * *\li 'name' is valid name. * *\li 'rdataset' is a valid, disassociated rdataset. * *\li 'sigrdataset' is NULL, or is a valid, disassociated rdataset. * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS Success. * *\li Many other results are possible. */ isc_result_t dns_viewlist_find(dns_viewlist_t *list, const char *name, dns_rdataclass_t rdclass, dns_view_t **viewp); /*%< * Search for a view with name 'name' and class 'rdclass' in 'list'. * If found, '*viewp' is (strongly) attached to it. * * Requires: * *\li 'viewp' points to a NULL dns_view_t *. * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS A matching view was found. *\li #ISC_R_NOTFOUND No matching view was found. */ isc_result_t dns_viewlist_findzone(dns_viewlist_t *list, dns_name_t *name, isc_boolean_t allclasses, dns_rdataclass_t rdclass, dns_zone_t **zonep); /*%< * Search zone with 'name' in view with 'rdclass' in viewlist 'list' * If found, zone is returned in *zonep. If allclasses is set rdclass is ignored * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS A matching zone was found. *\li #ISC_R_NOTFOUND No matching zone was found. *\li #ISC_R_MULTIPLE Multiple zones with the same name were found. */ isc_result_t dns_view_findzone(dns_view_t *view, dns_name_t *name, dns_zone_t **zonep); /*%< * Search for the zone 'name' in the zone table of 'view'. * If found, 'zonep' is (strongly) attached to it. There * are no partial matches. * * Requires: * *\li 'zonep' points to a NULL dns_zone_t *. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS A matching zone was found. *\li #ISC_R_NOTFOUND No matching zone was found. *\li others An error occurred. */ isc_result_t dns_view_load(dns_view_t *view, isc_boolean_t stop); isc_result_t dns_view_loadnew(dns_view_t *view, isc_boolean_t stop); isc_result_t dns_view_asyncload(dns_view_t *view, dns_zt_allloaded_t callback, void *arg); /*%< * Load zones attached to this view. dns_view_load() loads * all zones whose master file has changed since the last * load; dns_view_loadnew() loads only zones that have never * been loaded. * * dns_view_asyncload() loads zones asynchronously. When all zones * in the view have finished loading, 'callback' is called with argument * 'arg' to inform the caller. * * If 'stop' is ISC_TRUE, stop on the first error and return it. * If 'stop' is ISC_FALSE (or we are loading asynchronously), ignore errors. * * Requires: * *\li 'view' is valid. */ isc_result_t dns_view_gettsig(dns_view_t *view, dns_name_t *keyname, dns_tsigkey_t **keyp); /*%< * Find the TSIG key configured in 'view' with name 'keyname', * if any. * * Requires: *\li keyp points to a NULL dns_tsigkey_t *. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS A key was found and '*keyp' now points to it. *\li #ISC_R_NOTFOUND No key was found. *\li others An error occurred. */ isc_result_t dns_view_getpeertsig(dns_view_t *view, isc_netaddr_t *peeraddr, dns_tsigkey_t **keyp); /*%< * Find the TSIG key configured in 'view' for the server whose * address is 'peeraddr', if any. * * Requires: * keyp points to a NULL dns_tsigkey_t *. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS A key was found and '*keyp' now points to it. *\li #ISC_R_NOTFOUND No key was found. *\li others An error occurred. */ isc_result_t dns_view_checksig(dns_view_t *view, isc_buffer_t *source, dns_message_t *msg); /*%< * Verifies the signature of a message. * * Requires: * *\li 'view' is a valid view. *\li 'source' is a valid buffer containing the message *\li 'msg' is a valid message * * Returns: *\li see dns_tsig_verify() */ void dns_view_dialup(dns_view_t *view); /*%< * Perform dialup-time maintenance on the zones of 'view'. */ isc_result_t dns_view_dumpdbtostream(dns_view_t *view, FILE *fp); /*%< * Dump the current state of the view 'view' to the stream 'fp' * for purposes of analysis or debugging. * * Currently the dumped state includes the view's cache; in the future * it may also include other state such as the address database. * It will not not include authoritative data since it is voluminous and * easily obtainable by other means. * * Requires: * *\li 'view' is valid. * *\li 'fp' refers to a file open for writing. * * Returns: * \li ISC_R_SUCCESS The cache was successfully dumped. * \li others An error occurred (see dns_master_dump) */ isc_result_t dns_view_flushcache(dns_view_t *view); isc_result_t dns_view_flushcache2(dns_view_t *view, isc_boolean_t fixuponly); /*%< * Flush the view's cache (and ADB). If 'fixuponly' is true, it only updates * the internal reference to the cache DB with omitting actual flush operation. * 'fixuponly' is intended to be used for a view that shares a cache with * a different view. dns_view_flushcache() is a backward compatible version * that always sets fixuponly to false. * * Requires: * 'view' is valid. * * No other tasks are executing. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY */ isc_result_t dns_view_flushnode(dns_view_t *view, dns_name_t *name, isc_boolean_t tree); /*%< * Flush the given name from the view's cache (and optionally ADB/badcache). * * Flush the given name from the cache, ADB, and bad cache. If 'tree' * is true, also flush all subdomains of 'name'. * * Requires: *\li 'view' is valid. *\li 'name' is valid. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS * other returns are failures. */ isc_result_t dns_view_flushname(dns_view_t *view, dns_name_t *name); /*%< * Flush the given name from the view's cache, ADB and badcache. * Equivalent to dns_view_flushnode(view, name, ISC_FALSE). * * * Requires: *\li 'view' is valid. *\li 'name' is valid. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS * other returns are failures. */ isc_result_t dns_view_adddelegationonly(dns_view_t *view, dns_name_t *name); /*%< * Add the given name to the delegation only table. * * Requires: *\li 'view' is valid. *\li 'name' is valid. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY */ isc_result_t dns_view_excludedelegationonly(dns_view_t *view, dns_name_t *name); /*%< * Add the given name to be excluded from the root-delegation-only. * * * Requires: *\li 'view' is valid. *\li 'name' is valid. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY */ isc_boolean_t dns_view_isdelegationonly(dns_view_t *view, dns_name_t *name); /*%< * Check if 'name' is in the delegation only table or if * rootdelonly is set that name is not being excluded. * * Requires: *\li 'view' is valid. *\li 'name' is valid. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_TRUE if the name is the table. *\li #ISC_FALSE otherwise. */ void dns_view_setrootdelonly(dns_view_t *view, isc_boolean_t value); /*%< * Set the root delegation only flag. * * Requires: *\li 'view' is valid. */ isc_boolean_t dns_view_getrootdelonly(dns_view_t *view); /*%< * Get the root delegation only flag. * * Requires: *\li 'view' is valid. */ isc_result_t dns_view_freezezones(dns_view_t *view, isc_boolean_t freeze); /*%< * Freeze/thaw updates to master zones. * * Requires: * \li 'view' is valid. */ void dns_view_setadbstats(dns_view_t *view, isc_stats_t *stats); /*%< * Set a adb statistics set 'stats' for 'view'. * * Requires: * \li 'view' is valid and is not frozen. * *\li stats is a valid statistics supporting adb statistics * (see dns/stats.h). */ void dns_view_getadbstats(dns_view_t *view, isc_stats_t **statsp); /*%< * Get the adb statistics counter set for 'view'. If a statistics set is * set '*statsp' will be attached to the set; otherwise, '*statsp' will be * untouched. * * Requires: * \li 'view' is valid and is not frozen. * *\li 'statsp' != NULL && '*statsp' != NULL */ void dns_view_setresstats(dns_view_t *view, isc_stats_t *stats); /*%< * Set a general resolver statistics counter set 'stats' for 'view'. * * Requires: * \li 'view' is valid and is not frozen. * *\li stats is a valid statistics supporting resolver statistics counters * (see dns/stats.h). */ void dns_view_getresstats(dns_view_t *view, isc_stats_t **statsp); /*%< * Get the general statistics counter set for 'view'. If a statistics set is * set '*statsp' will be attached to the set; otherwise, '*statsp' will be * untouched. * * Requires: * \li 'view' is valid and is not frozen. * *\li 'statsp' != NULL && '*statsp' != NULL */ void dns_view_setresquerystats(dns_view_t *view, dns_stats_t *stats); /*%< * Set a statistics counter set of rdata type, 'stats', for 'view'. Once the * statistic set is installed, view's resolver will count outgoing queries * per rdata type. * * Requires: * \li 'view' is valid and is not frozen. * *\li stats is a valid statistics created by dns_rdatatypestats_create(). */ void dns_view_getresquerystats(dns_view_t *view, dns_stats_t **statsp); /*%< * Get the rdatatype statistics counter set for 'view'. If a statistics set is * set '*statsp' will be attached to the set; otherwise, '*statsp' will be * untouched. * * Requires: * \li 'view' is valid and is not frozen. * *\li 'statsp' != NULL && '*statsp' != NULL */ isc_boolean_t dns_view_iscacheshared(dns_view_t *view); /*%< * Check if the view shares the cache created by another view. * * Requires: * \li 'view' is valid. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_TRUE if the cache is shared. *\li #ISC_FALSE otherwise. */ isc_result_t dns_view_initntatable(dns_view_t *view, isc_taskmgr_t *taskmgr, isc_timermgr_t *timermgr); /*%< * Initialize the negative trust anchor table for the view. * * Requires: * \li 'view' is valid. * * Returns: *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li Any other result indicates failure */ isc_result_t dns_view_getntatable(dns_view_t *view, dns_ntatable_t **ntp); /*%< * Get the negative trust anchor table for this view. Returns * ISC_R_NOTFOUND if the table not been initialized for the view. * * '*ntp' is attached on success; the caller is responsible for * detaching it with dns_ntatable_detach(). * * Requires: * \li 'view' is valid. * \li 'nta' is not NULL and '*nta' is NULL. * * Returns: *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li ISC_R_NOTFOUND */ isc_result_t dns_view_initsecroots(dns_view_t *view, isc_mem_t *mctx); /*%< * Initialize security roots for the view, detaching any previously * existing security roots first. (Note that secroots_priv is * NULL until this function is called, so any function using * security roots must check that they have been initialized first. * One way to do this is use dns_view_getsecroots() and check its * return value.) * * Requires: * \li 'view' is valid. * * Returns: *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li Any other result indicates failure */ isc_result_t dns_view_getsecroots(dns_view_t *view, dns_keytable_t **ktp); /*%< * Get the security roots for this view. Returns ISC_R_NOTFOUND if * the security roots keytable has not been initialized for the view. * * '*ktp' is attached on success; the caller is responsible for * detaching it with dns_keytable_detach(). * * Requires: * \li 'view' is valid. * \li 'ktp' is not NULL and '*ktp' is NULL. * * Returns: *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li ISC_R_NOTFOUND */ isc_result_t dns_view_issecuredomain(dns_view_t *view, dns_name_t *name, isc_stdtime_t now, isc_boolean_t checknta, isc_boolean_t *secure_domain); /*%< * Is 'name' at or beneath a trusted key, and not covered by a valid * negative trust anchor? Put answer in '*secure_domain'. * * If 'checknta' is ISC_FALSE, ignore the NTA table in determining * whether this is a secure domain. * * Requires: * \li 'view' is valid. * * Returns: *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li Any other value indicates failure */ isc_boolean_t dns_view_ntacovers(dns_view_t *view, isc_stdtime_t now, dns_name_t *name, dns_name_t *anchor); /*%< * Is there a current negative trust anchor above 'name' and below 'anchor'? * * Requires: * \li 'view' is valid. * * Returns: *\li ISC_R_TRUE *\li ISC_R_FALSE */ void dns_view_untrust(dns_view_t *view, dns_name_t *keyname, dns_rdata_dnskey_t *dnskey, isc_mem_t *mctx); /*%< * Remove keys that match 'keyname' and 'dnskey' from the views trust * anchors. * * (NOTE: If the configuration specifies that there should be a * trust anchor at 'keyname', but no keys are left after this * operation, that is an error. We fail closed, inserting a NULL * key so as to prevent validation until a legimitate key has been * provided.) * * Requires: * \li 'view' is valid. * \li 'keyname' is valid. * \li 'mctx' is valid. * \li 'dnskey' is valid. */ isc_result_t dns_view_setnewzones(dns_view_t *view, isc_boolean_t allow, void *cfgctx, void (*cfg_destroy)(void **), isc_uint64_t mapsize); /*%< * Set whether or not to allow zones to be created or deleted at runtime. * * If 'allow' is ISC_TRUE, determines the filename into which new zone * configuration will be written. Preserves the configuration context * (a pointer to which is passed in 'cfgctx') for use when parsing new * zone configuration. 'cfg_destroy' points to a callback routine to * destroy the configuration context when the view is destroyed. (This * roundabout method is used in order to avoid libdns having a dependency * on libisccfg and libbind9.) * * If 'allow' is ISC_FALSE, removes any existing references to * configuration context and frees any memory. * * Requires: * \li 'view' is valid. * * Returns: * \li ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li ISC_R_NOSPACE */ void dns_view_restorekeyring(dns_view_t *view); isc_result_t dns_view_searchdlz(dns_view_t *view, dns_name_t *name, unsigned int minlabels, dns_clientinfomethods_t *methods, dns_clientinfo_t *clientinfo, dns_db_t **dbp); /*%< * Search through the DLZ database(s) in view->dlz_searched to find * one that can answer a query for 'name', using the DLZ driver's * findzone method. If successful, '*dbp' is set to point to the * DLZ database. * * Returns: * \li ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li ISC_R_NOTFOUND * * Requires: * \li 'view' is valid. * \li 'name' is not NULL. * \li 'dbp' is not NULL and *dbp is NULL. */ isc_uint32_t dns_view_getfailttl(dns_view_t *view); /*%< * Get the view's servfail-ttl. zero => no servfail caching. * * Requires: *\li 'view' to be valid. */ void dns_view_setfailttl(dns_view_t *view, isc_uint32_t failttl); /*%< * Set the view's servfail-ttl. zero => no servfail caching. * * Requires: *\li 'view' to be valid. */ isc_result_t dns_view_saventa(dns_view_t *view); /*%< * Save NTA for names in this view to a file. * * Requires: *\li 'view' to be valid. */ isc_result_t dns_view_loadnta(dns_view_t *view); /*%< * Loads NTA for names in this view from a file. * * Requires: *\li 'view' to be valid. */ void dns_view_setviewcommit(dns_view_t *view); /*%< * Commit dns_zone_setview() calls previously made for all zones in this * view. * * Requires: *\li 'view' to be valid. */ void dns_view_setviewrevert(dns_view_t *view); /*%< * Revert dns_zone_setview() calls previously made for all zones in this * view. * * Requires: *\li 'view' to be valid. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_VIEW_H */ PK #include #include #include #include /*** *** Functions ***/ ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS isc_result_t dns_acache_create(dns_acache_t **acachep, isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_taskmgr_t *taskmgr, isc_timermgr_t *timermgr); /* * Create a new DNS additional cache object. * * Requires: * * 'mctx' is a valid memory context * * 'taskmgr' is a valid task manager * * 'timermgr' is a valid timer or NULL. If NULL, no periodic cleaning of * the cache will take place. * * 'acachep' is a valid pointer, and *acachep == NULL * * Ensures: * * '*acachep' is attached to the newly created cache * * Returns: * * ISC_R_SUCCESS * ISC_R_NOMEMORY * ISC_R_UNEXPECTED */ void dns_acache_attach(dns_acache_t *source, dns_acache_t **targetp); /* * Attach *targetp to cache. * * Requires: * * 'acache' is a valid additional cache. * * 'targetp' points to a NULL dns_acache_t *. * * Ensures: * * *targetp is attached to the 'source' additional cache. */ void dns_acache_detach(dns_acache_t **acachep); /* * Detach *acachep from its cache. * * Requires: * * '*acachep' points to a valid additional cache. * * Ensures: * * *acachep is NULL. * * If '*acachep' is the last reference to the cache and the additional * cache does not have an outstanding task, all resources used by the * cache will be freed. */ void dns_acache_setcleaninginterval(dns_acache_t *acache, unsigned int t); /* * Set the periodic cleaning interval of an additional cache to 'interval' * seconds. */ void dns_acache_setcachesize(dns_acache_t *acache, size_t size); /* * Set the maximum additional cache size. 0 means unlimited. */ isc_result_t dns_acache_setdb(dns_acache_t *acache, dns_db_t *db); /* * Set 'db' in 'acache' when the db can be referred from acache, in order * to provide a hint for resolving the back reference. * * Requires: * 'acache' is a valid acache pointer. * 'db' is a valid DNS DB pointer. * * Ensures: * 'acache' will have a reference to 'db'. * * Returns: * ISC_R_SUCCESS * ISC_R_EXISTS (which means the specified 'db' is already set) * ISC_R_NOMEMORY */ isc_result_t dns_acache_putdb(dns_acache_t *acache, dns_db_t *db); /* * Release 'db' from 'acache' if it has been set by dns_acache_setdb(). * * Requires: * 'acache' is a valid acache pointer. * 'db' is a valid DNS DB pointer. * * Ensures: * 'acache' will release the reference to 'db'. Additionally, the content * of each cache entry that is related to the 'db' will be released via * the callback function. * * Returns: * ISC_R_SUCCESS * ISC_R_NOTFOUND (which means the specified 'db' is not set in 'acache') * ISC_R_NOMEMORY */ void dns_acache_shutdown(dns_acache_t *acache); /* * Shutdown 'acache'. * * Requires: * * '*acache' is a valid additional cache. */ isc_result_t dns_acache_createentry(dns_acache_t *acache, dns_db_t *origdb, void (*callback)(dns_acacheentry_t *, void **), void *cbarg, dns_acacheentry_t **entryp); /* * Create an additional cache entry. A new entry is created and attached to * the given additional cache object. A callback function is also associated * with the created entry, which will be called when the cache entry is purged * for some reason. * * Requires: * * 'acache' is a valid additional cache. * 'entryp' is a valid pointer, and *entryp == NULL * 'origdb' is a valid DNS DB pointer. * 'callback' and 'cbarg' can be NULL. In this case, however, the entry * is meaningless (and will be cleaned-up in the next periodical * cleaning). * * Ensures: * '*entryp' will point to a new additional cache entry. * * Returns: * ISC_R_SUCCESS * ISC_R_NOMEMORY */ isc_result_t dns_acache_getentry(dns_acacheentry_t *entry, dns_zone_t **zonep, dns_db_t **dbp, dns_dbversion_t **versionp, dns_dbnode_t **nodep, dns_name_t *fname, dns_message_t *msg, isc_stdtime_t now); /* * Get content from a particular additional cache entry. * * Requires: * * 'entry' is a valid additional cache entry. * 'zonep' is a NULL pointer or '*zonep' == NULL (this is the only * optional parameter.) * 'dbp' is a valid pointer, and '*dbp' == NULL * 'versionp' is a valid pointer, and '*versionp' == NULL * 'nodep' is a valid pointer, and '*nodep' == NULL * 'fname' is a valid DNS name. * 'msg' is a valid DNS message. * * Ensures: * Several possible cases can happen according to the content. * 1. For a positive cache entry, * '*zonep' will point to the corresponding zone (if zonep is a valid * pointer), * '*dbp' will point to a DB for the zone, * '*versionp' will point to its version, and * '*nodep' will point to the corresponding DB node. * 'fname' will have the DNS name of the DB node and contain a list of * rdataset for the node (which can be an empty list). * * 2. For a negative cache entry that means no corresponding zone exists, * '*zonep' == NULL (if zonep is a valid pointer) * '*dbp', '*versionp', and '*nodep' will be NULL. * * 3. For a negative cache entry that means no corresponding DB node * exists, '*zonep' will point to the corresponding zone (if zonep is a * valid pointer), * '*dbp' will point to a corresponding DB for zone, * '*versionp' will point to its version. * '*nodep' will be kept as NULL. * 'fname' will not change. * * On failure, no new references will be created. * * Returns: * ISC_R_SUCCESS * ISC_R_NOMEMORY */ isc_result_t dns_acache_setentry(dns_acache_t *acache, dns_acacheentry_t *entry, dns_zone_t *zone, dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t *version, dns_dbnode_t *node, dns_name_t *fname); /* * Set content to a particular additional cache entry. * * Requires: * 'acache' is a valid additional cache. * 'entry' is a valid additional cache entry. * All the others pointers are NULL or a valid pointer of the * corresponding type. * * Returns: * ISC_R_SUCCESS * ISC_R_NOMEMORY * ISC_R_NOTFOUND */ isc_boolean_t dns_acache_cancelentry(dns_acacheentry_t *entry); /* * Cancel the use of the cache entry 'entry'. This function is supposed to * be called when the node that holds the entry finds the content is not * correct any more. This function will try to release as much dependency as * possible, and will be ready to be cleaned-up. The registered callback * function will be canceled and will never called. * * Requires: * 'entry' is a valid additional cache entry. * * Returns: * ISC_TRUE if the entry was active when canceled */ void dns_acache_attachentry(dns_acacheentry_t *source, dns_acacheentry_t **targetp); /* * Attach *targetp to the cache entry 'source'. * * Requires: * * 'source' is a valid additional cache entry. * * 'targetp' points to a NULL dns_acacheentry_t *. * * Ensures: * * *targetp is attached to 'source'. */ void dns_acache_detachentry(dns_acacheentry_t **entryp); /* * Detach *entryp from its cache. * * Requires: * * '*entryp' points to a valid additional cache entry. * * Ensures: * * *entryp is NULL. * * If '*entryp' is the last reference to the entry, * cache does not have an outstanding task, all resources used by the * entry (including the entry object itself) will be freed. */ void dns_acache_countquerymiss(dns_acache_t *acache); /* * Count up a missed acache query. XXXMLG need more docs. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_ACACHE_H */ PK #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS isc_result_t dns_opcode_totext(dns_opcode_t opcode, isc_buffer_t *target); /*%< * Put a textual representation of error 'opcode' into 'target'. * * Requires: *\li 'opcode' is a valid opcode. * *\li 'target' is a valid text buffer. * * Ensures: *\li If the result is success: * The used space in 'target' is updated. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS on success *\li #ISC_R_NOSPACE target buffer is too small */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_OPCODE_H */ PK #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS isc_result_t dns_rdatatype_fromtext(dns_rdatatype_t *typep, isc_textregion_t *source); /*%< * Convert the text 'source' refers to into a DNS rdata type. * * Requires: *\li 'typep' is a valid pointer. * *\li 'source' is a valid text region. * * Returns: *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS on success *\li DNS_R_UNKNOWN type is unknown */ isc_result_t dns_rdatatype_totext(dns_rdatatype_t type, isc_buffer_t *target); /*%< * Put a textual representation of type 'type' into 'target'. * * Requires: *\li 'type' is a valid type. * *\li 'target' is a valid text buffer. * * Ensures, * if the result is success: *\li The used space in 'target' is updated. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS on success *\li #ISC_R_NOSPACE target buffer is too small */ isc_result_t dns_rdatatype_tounknowntext(dns_rdatatype_t type, isc_buffer_t *target); /*%< * Put textual RFC3597 TYPEXXXX representation of type 'type' into * 'target'. * * Requires: *\li 'type' is a valid type. * *\li 'target' is a valid text buffer. * * Ensures, * if the result is success: *\li The used space in 'target' is updated. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS on success *\li #ISC_R_NOSPACE target buffer is too small */ void dns_rdatatype_format(dns_rdatatype_t rdtype, char *array, unsigned int size); /*%< * Format a human-readable representation of the type 'rdtype' * into the character array 'array', which is of size 'size'. * The resulting string is guaranteed to be null-terminated. */ #define DNS_RDATATYPE_FORMATSIZE sizeof("NSEC3PARAM") /*%< * Minimum size of array to pass to dns_rdatatype_format(). * May need to be adjusted if a new RR type with a very long * name is defined. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_RDATATYPE_H */ PK #include #include #include #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /*** *** Functions ***/ isc_result_t dns_cache_create(isc_mem_t *cmctx, isc_taskmgr_t *taskmgr, isc_timermgr_t *timermgr, dns_rdataclass_t rdclass, const char *db_type, unsigned int db_argc, char **db_argv, dns_cache_t **cachep); isc_result_t dns_cache_create2(isc_mem_t *cmctx, isc_taskmgr_t *taskmgr, isc_timermgr_t *timermgr, dns_rdataclass_t rdclass, const char *cachename, const char *db_type, unsigned int db_argc, char **db_argv, dns_cache_t **cachep); isc_result_t dns_cache_create3(isc_mem_t *cmctx, isc_mem_t *hmctx, isc_taskmgr_t *taskmgr, isc_timermgr_t *timermgr, dns_rdataclass_t rdclass, const char *cachename, const char *db_type, unsigned int db_argc, char **db_argv, dns_cache_t **cachep); /*%< * Create a new DNS cache. * * dns_cache_create2() will create a named cache. * * dns_cache_create3() will create a named cache using two separate memory * contexts, one for cache data which can be cleaned and a separate one for * memory allocated for the heap (which can grow without an upper limit and * has no mechanism for shrinking). * * dns_cache_create() is a backward compatible version that internally * specifies an empty cache name and a single memory context. * * Requires: * *\li 'cmctx' (and 'hmctx' if applicable) is a valid memory context. * *\li 'taskmgr' is a valid task manager and 'timermgr' is a valid timer * manager, or both are NULL. If NULL, no periodic cleaning of the * cache will take place. * *\li 'cachename' is a valid string. This must not be NULL. * *\li 'cachep' is a valid pointer, and *cachep == NULL * * Ensures: * *\li '*cachep' is attached to the newly created cache * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY */ void dns_cache_attach(dns_cache_t *cache, dns_cache_t **targetp); /*%< * Attach *targetp to cache. * * Requires: * *\li 'cache' is a valid cache. * *\li 'targetp' points to a NULL dns_cache_t *. * * Ensures: * *\li *targetp is attached to cache. */ void dns_cache_detach(dns_cache_t **cachep); /*%< * Detach *cachep from its cache. * * Requires: * *\li 'cachep' points to a valid cache. * * Ensures: * *\li *cachep is NULL. * *\li If '*cachep' is the last reference to the cache, * all resources used by the cache will be freed */ void dns_cache_attachdb(dns_cache_t *cache, dns_db_t **dbp); /*%< * Attach *dbp to the cache's database. * * Notes: * *\li This may be used to get a reference to the database for * the purpose of cache lookups (XXX currently it is also * the way to add data to the cache, but having a * separate dns_cache_add() interface instead would allow * more control over memory usage). * The caller should call dns_db_detach() on the reference * when it is no longer needed. * * Requires: * *\li 'cache' is a valid cache. * *\li 'dbp' points to a NULL dns_db *. * * Ensures: * *\li *dbp is attached to the database. */ isc_result_t dns_cache_setfilename(dns_cache_t *cache, const char *filename); /*%< * If 'filename' is non-NULL, make the cache persistent. * The cache's data will be stored in the given file. * If 'filename' is NULL, make the cache non-persistent. * Files that are no longer used are not unlinked automatically. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY *\li Various file-related failures */ isc_result_t dns_cache_load(dns_cache_t *cache); /*%< * If the cache has a file name, load the cache contents from the file. * Previous cache contents are not discarded. * If no file name has been set, do nothing and return success. * * MT: *\li Multiple simultaneous attempts to load or dump the cache * will be serialized with respect to one another, but * the cache may be read and updated while the dump is * in progress. Updates performed during loading * may or may not be preserved, and reads may return * either the old or the newly loaded data. * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li Various failures depending on the database implementation type */ isc_result_t dns_cache_dump(dns_cache_t *cache); /*%< * If the cache has a file name, write the cache contents to disk, * overwriting any preexisting file. If no file name has been set, * do nothing and return success. * * MT: *\li Multiple simultaneous attempts to load or dump the cache * will be serialized with respect to one another, but * the cache may be read and updated while the dump is * in progress. Updates performed during the dump may * or may not be reflected in the dumped file. * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li Various failures depending on the database implementation type */ isc_result_t dns_cache_clean(dns_cache_t *cache, isc_stdtime_t now); /*%< * Force immediate cleaning of the cache, freeing all rdatasets * whose TTL has expired as of 'now' and that have no pending * references. */ void dns_cache_setcleaninginterval(dns_cache_t *cache, unsigned int interval); /*%< * Set the periodic cache cleaning interval to 'interval' seconds. */ unsigned int dns_cache_getcleaninginterval(dns_cache_t *cache); /*%< * Get the periodic cache cleaning interval to 'interval' seconds. */ const char * dns_cache_getname(dns_cache_t *cache); /*%< * Get the cache name. */ void dns_cache_setcachesize(dns_cache_t *cache, size_t size); /*%< * Set the maximum cache size. 0 means unlimited. */ size_t dns_cache_getcachesize(dns_cache_t *cache); /*%< * Get the maximum cache size. */ isc_result_t dns_cache_flush(dns_cache_t *cache); /*%< * Flushes all data from the cache. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY */ isc_result_t dns_cache_flushnode(dns_cache_t *cache, dns_name_t *name, isc_boolean_t tree); /* * Flush a given name from the cache. If 'tree' is true, then * also flush all names under 'name'. * * Requires: *\li 'cache' to be valid. *\li 'name' to be valid. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY *\li other error returns. */ isc_result_t dns_cache_flushname(dns_cache_t *cache, dns_name_t *name); /* * Flush a given name from the cache. Equivalent to * dns_cache_flushpartial(cache, name, ISC_FALSE). * * Requires: *\li 'cache' to be valid. *\li 'name' to be valid. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY *\li other error returns. */ isc_stats_t * dns_cache_getstats(dns_cache_t *cache); /* * Return a pointer to the stats collection object for 'cache' */ void dns_cache_dumpstats(dns_cache_t *cache, FILE *fp); /* * Dump cache statistics and status in text to 'fp' */ void dns_cache_updatestats(dns_cache_t *cache, isc_result_t result); /* * Update cache statistics based on result code in 'result' */ #ifdef HAVE_LIBXML2 int dns_cache_renderxml(dns_cache_t *cache, xmlTextWriterPtr writer); /* * Render cache statistics and status in XML for 'writer'. */ #endif /* HAVE_LIBXML2 */ #ifdef HAVE_JSON isc_result_t dns_cache_renderjson(dns_cache_t *cache, json_object *cstats); /* * Render cache statistics and status in JSON */ #endif /* HAVE_JSON */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_CACHE_H */ PK #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS #define DNS_RPZ_PREFIX "rpz-" /* * Sub-zones of various trigger types. */ #define DNS_RPZ_CLIENT_IP_ZONE DNS_RPZ_PREFIX"client-ip" #define DNS_RPZ_IP_ZONE DNS_RPZ_PREFIX"ip" #define DNS_RPZ_NSIP_ZONE DNS_RPZ_PREFIX"nsip" #define DNS_RPZ_NSDNAME_ZONE DNS_RPZ_PREFIX"nsdname" /* * Special policies. */ #define DNS_RPZ_PASSTHRU_NAME DNS_RPZ_PREFIX"passthru" #define DNS_RPZ_DROP_NAME DNS_RPZ_PREFIX"drop" #define DNS_RPZ_TCP_ONLY_NAME DNS_RPZ_PREFIX"tcp-only" typedef isc_uint8_t dns_rpz_prefix_t; typedef enum { DNS_RPZ_TYPE_BAD, DNS_RPZ_TYPE_CLIENT_IP, DNS_RPZ_TYPE_QNAME, DNS_RPZ_TYPE_IP, DNS_RPZ_TYPE_NSDNAME, DNS_RPZ_TYPE_NSIP } dns_rpz_type_t; /* * Require DNS_RPZ_POLICY_PASSTHRU < DNS_RPZ_POLICY_DROP * < DNS_RPZ_POLICY_TCP_ONLY DNS_RPZ_POLICY_NXDOMAIN < DNS_RPZ_POLICY_NODATA * < DNS_RPZ_POLICY_CNAME to choose among competing policies. */ typedef enum { DNS_RPZ_POLICY_GIVEN = 0, /* 'given': what policy record says */ DNS_RPZ_POLICY_DISABLED = 1, /* log what would have happened */ DNS_RPZ_POLICY_PASSTHRU = 2, /* 'passthru': do not rewrite */ DNS_RPZ_POLICY_DROP = 3, /* 'drop': do not respond */ DNS_RPZ_POLICY_TCP_ONLY = 4, /* 'tcp-only': answer UDP with TC=1 */ DNS_RPZ_POLICY_NXDOMAIN = 5, /* 'nxdomain': answer with NXDOMAIN */ DNS_RPZ_POLICY_NODATA = 6, /* 'nodata': answer with ANCOUNT=0 */ DNS_RPZ_POLICY_CNAME = 7, /* 'cname x': answer with x's rrsets */ DNS_RPZ_POLICY_RECORD, DNS_RPZ_POLICY_WILDCNAME, DNS_RPZ_POLICY_MISS, DNS_RPZ_POLICY_ERROR } dns_rpz_policy_t; typedef isc_uint8_t dns_rpz_num_t; #define DNS_RPZ_MAX_ZONES 32 #if DNS_RPZ_MAX_ZONES > 32 # if DNS_RPZ_MAX_ZONES > 64 # error "rpz zone bit masks must fit in a word" # endif typedef isc_uint64_t dns_rpz_zbits_t; #else typedef isc_uint32_t dns_rpz_zbits_t; #endif #define DNS_RPZ_ALL_ZBITS ((dns_rpz_zbits_t)-1) #define DNS_RPZ_INVALID_NUM DNS_RPZ_MAX_ZONES #define DNS_RPZ_ZBIT(n) (((dns_rpz_zbits_t)1) << (dns_rpz_num_t)(n)) /* * Mask of the specified and higher numbered policy zones * Avoid hassles with (1<<33) or (1<<65) */ #define DNS_RPZ_ZMASK(n) ((dns_rpz_zbits_t)((((n) >= DNS_RPZ_MAX_ZONES-1) ? \ 0 : (1<<((n)+1))) -1)) /* * The trigger counter type. */ typedef size_t dns_rpz_trigger_counter_t; /* * The number of triggers of each type in a response policy zone. */ typedef struct dns_rpz_triggers dns_rpz_triggers_t; struct dns_rpz_triggers { dns_rpz_trigger_counter_t client_ipv4; dns_rpz_trigger_counter_t client_ipv6; dns_rpz_trigger_counter_t qname; dns_rpz_trigger_counter_t ipv4; dns_rpz_trigger_counter_t ipv6; dns_rpz_trigger_counter_t nsdname; dns_rpz_trigger_counter_t nsipv4; dns_rpz_trigger_counter_t nsipv6; }; /* * A single response policy zone. */ typedef struct dns_rpz_zone dns_rpz_zone_t; struct dns_rpz_zone { isc_refcount_t refs; dns_rpz_num_t num; /* ordinal in list of policy zones */ dns_name_t origin; /* Policy zone name */ dns_name_t client_ip; /* DNS_RPZ_CLIENT_IP_ZONE.origin. */ dns_name_t ip; /* DNS_RPZ_IP_ZONE.origin. */ dns_name_t nsdname; /* DNS_RPZ_NSDNAME_ZONE.origin */ dns_name_t nsip; /* DNS_RPZ_NSIP_ZONE.origin. */ dns_name_t passthru; /* DNS_RPZ_PASSTHRU_NAME. */ dns_name_t drop; /* DNS_RPZ_DROP_NAME. */ dns_name_t tcp_only; /* DNS_RPZ_TCP_ONLY_NAME. */ dns_name_t cname; /* override value for ..._CNAME */ dns_ttl_t max_policy_ttl; dns_rpz_policy_t policy; /* DNS_RPZ_POLICY_GIVEN or override */ }; /* * Radix tree node for response policy IP addresses */ typedef struct dns_rpz_cidr_node dns_rpz_cidr_node_t; /* * Bitfields indicating which policy zones have policies of * which type. */ typedef struct dns_rpz_have dns_rpz_have_t; struct dns_rpz_have { dns_rpz_zbits_t client_ipv4; dns_rpz_zbits_t client_ipv6; dns_rpz_zbits_t client_ip; dns_rpz_zbits_t qname; dns_rpz_zbits_t ipv4; dns_rpz_zbits_t ipv6; dns_rpz_zbits_t ip; dns_rpz_zbits_t nsdname; dns_rpz_zbits_t nsipv4; dns_rpz_zbits_t nsipv6; dns_rpz_zbits_t nsip; dns_rpz_zbits_t qname_skip_recurse; }; /* * Policy options */ typedef struct dns_rpz_popt dns_rpz_popt_t; struct dns_rpz_popt { dns_rpz_zbits_t no_rd_ok; dns_rpz_zbits_t no_log; isc_boolean_t break_dnssec; isc_boolean_t qname_wait_recurse; isc_boolean_t nsip_wait_recurse; unsigned int min_ns_labels; dns_rpz_num_t num_zones; }; /* * Response policy zones known to a view. */ typedef struct dns_rpz_zones dns_rpz_zones_t; struct dns_rpz_zones { dns_rpz_popt_t p; dns_rpz_zone_t *zones[DNS_RPZ_MAX_ZONES]; dns_rpz_triggers_t triggers[DNS_RPZ_MAX_ZONES]; /* * RPZ policy version number (initially 0, increases whenever * the server is reconfigured with new zones or policy) */ int rpz_ver; dns_rpz_zbits_t defined; /* * The set of records for a policy zone are in one of these states: * never loaded load_begun=0 have=0 * during initial loading load_begun=1 have=0 * and rbtdb->rpzsp == rbtdb->load_rpzsp * after good load load_begun=1 have!=0 * after failed initial load load_begun=1 have=0 * and rbtdb->load_rpzsp == NULL * reloading after failure load_begun=1 have=0 * reloading after success * main rpzs load_begun=1 have!=0 * load rpzs load_begun=1 have=0 */ dns_rpz_zbits_t load_begun; dns_rpz_have_t have; /* * total_triggers maintains the total number of triggers in all * policy zones in the view. It is only used to print summary * statistics after a zone load of how the trigger counts * changed. */ dns_rpz_triggers_t total_triggers; isc_mem_t *mctx; isc_refcount_t refs; /* * One lock for short term read-only search that guarantees the * consistency of the pointers. * A second lock for maintenance that guarantees no other thread * is adding or deleting nodes. */ isc_rwlock_t search_lock; isc_mutex_t maint_lock; dns_rpz_cidr_node_t *cidr; dns_rbt_t *rbt; }; /* * context for finding the best policy */ typedef struct { unsigned int state; # define DNS_RPZ_REWRITTEN 0x0001 # define DNS_RPZ_DONE_CLIENT_IP 0x0002 /* client IP address checked */ # define DNS_RPZ_DONE_QNAME 0x0004 /* qname checked */ # define DNS_RPZ_DONE_QNAME_IP 0x0008 /* IP addresses of qname checked */ # define DNS_RPZ_DONE_NSDNAME 0x0010 /* NS name missed; checking addresses */ # define DNS_RPZ_DONE_IPv4 0x0020 # define DNS_RPZ_RECURSING 0x0040 # define DNS_RPZ_ACTIVE 0x0080 /* * Best match so far. */ struct { dns_rpz_type_t type; dns_rpz_zone_t *rpz; dns_rpz_prefix_t prefix; dns_rpz_policy_t policy; dns_ttl_t ttl; isc_result_t result; dns_zone_t *zone; dns_db_t *db; dns_dbversion_t *version; dns_dbnode_t *node; dns_rdataset_t *rdataset; } m; /* * State for chasing IP addresses and NS names including recursion. */ struct { unsigned int label; dns_db_t *db; dns_rdataset_t *ns_rdataset; dns_rdatatype_t r_type; isc_result_t r_result; dns_rdataset_t *r_rdataset; } r; /* * State of real query while recursing for NSIP or NSDNAME. */ struct { isc_result_t result; isc_boolean_t is_zone; isc_boolean_t authoritative; dns_zone_t *zone; dns_db_t *db; dns_dbnode_t *node; dns_rdataset_t *rdataset; dns_rdataset_t *sigrdataset; dns_rdatatype_t qtype; } q; /* * A copy of the 'have' and 'p' structures and the RPZ * policy version as of the beginning of RPZ processing, * used to avoid problems when policy is updated while * RPZ recursion is ongoing. */ dns_rpz_have_t have; dns_rpz_popt_t popt; int rpz_ver; /* * p_name: current policy owner name * r_name: recursing for this name to possible policy triggers * f_name: saved found name from before recursion */ dns_name_t *p_name; dns_name_t *r_name; dns_name_t *fname; dns_fixedname_t _p_namef; dns_fixedname_t _r_namef; dns_fixedname_t _fnamef; } dns_rpz_st_t; #define DNS_RPZ_TTL_DEFAULT 5 #define DNS_RPZ_MAX_TTL_DEFAULT DNS_RPZ_TTL_DEFAULT /* * So various response policy zone messages can be turned up or down. */ #define DNS_RPZ_ERROR_LEVEL ISC_LOG_WARNING #define DNS_RPZ_INFO_LEVEL ISC_LOG_INFO #define DNS_RPZ_DEBUG_LEVEL1 ISC_LOG_DEBUG(1) #define DNS_RPZ_DEBUG_LEVEL2 ISC_LOG_DEBUG(2) #define DNS_RPZ_DEBUG_LEVEL3 ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3) #define DNS_RPZ_DEBUG_QUIET (DNS_RPZ_DEBUG_LEVEL3+1) const char * dns_rpz_type2str(dns_rpz_type_t type); dns_rpz_policy_t dns_rpz_str2policy(const char *str); const char * dns_rpz_policy2str(dns_rpz_policy_t policy); dns_rpz_policy_t dns_rpz_decode_cname(dns_rpz_zone_t *rpz, dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, dns_name_t *selfname); isc_result_t dns_rpz_new_zones(dns_rpz_zones_t **rpzsp, isc_mem_t *mctx); void dns_rpz_attach_rpzs(dns_rpz_zones_t *source, dns_rpz_zones_t **target); void dns_rpz_detach_rpzs(dns_rpz_zones_t **rpzsp); isc_result_t dns_rpz_beginload(dns_rpz_zones_t **load_rpzsp, dns_rpz_zones_t *rpzs, dns_rpz_num_t rpz_num); isc_result_t dns_rpz_ready(dns_rpz_zones_t *rpzs, dns_rpz_zones_t **load_rpzsp, dns_rpz_num_t rpz_num); isc_result_t dns_rpz_add(dns_rpz_zones_t *rpzs, dns_rpz_num_t rpz_num, dns_name_t *name); void dns_rpz_delete(dns_rpz_zones_t *rpzs, dns_rpz_num_t rpz_num, dns_name_t *name); dns_rpz_num_t dns_rpz_find_ip(dns_rpz_zones_t *rpzs, dns_rpz_type_t rpz_type, dns_rpz_zbits_t zbits, const isc_netaddr_t *netaddr, dns_name_t *ip_name, dns_rpz_prefix_t *prefixp); dns_rpz_zbits_t dns_rpz_find_name(dns_rpz_zones_t *rpzs, dns_rpz_type_t rpz_type, dns_rpz_zbits_t zbits, dns_name_t *trig_name); ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_RPZ_H */ PK #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS isc_result_t dns_rootns_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_rdataclass_t rdclass, const char *filename, dns_db_t **target); void dns_root_checkhints(dns_view_t *view, dns_db_t *hints, dns_db_t *db); /* * Reports differences between hints and the real roots. * * Requires view, hints and (cache) db to be valid. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_ROOTNS_H */ PK #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_GEOIP #include #endif #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_GEOIP #include #endif /*** *** Types ***/ typedef enum { dns_aclelementtype_ipprefix, dns_aclelementtype_keyname, dns_aclelementtype_nestedacl, dns_aclelementtype_localhost, dns_aclelementtype_localnets, #ifdef HAVE_GEOIP dns_aclelementtype_geoip, #endif /* HAVE_GEOIP */ dns_aclelementtype_any } dns_aclelementtype_t; typedef struct dns_aclipprefix dns_aclipprefix_t; struct dns_aclipprefix { isc_netaddr_t address; /* IP4/IP6 */ unsigned int prefixlen; }; struct dns_aclelement { dns_aclelementtype_t type; isc_boolean_t negative; dns_name_t keyname; #ifdef HAVE_GEOIP dns_geoip_elem_t geoip_elem; #endif /* HAVE_GEOIP */ dns_acl_t *nestedacl; int node_num; }; struct dns_acl { unsigned int magic; isc_mem_t *mctx; isc_refcount_t refcount; dns_iptable_t *iptable; #define node_count iptable->radix->num_added_node dns_aclelement_t *elements; isc_boolean_t has_negatives; unsigned int alloc; /*%< Elements allocated */ unsigned int length; /*%< Elements initialized */ char *name; /*%< Temporary use only */ ISC_LINK(dns_acl_t) nextincache; /*%< Ditto */ }; struct dns_aclenv { dns_acl_t *localhost; dns_acl_t *localnets; isc_boolean_t match_mapped; #ifdef HAVE_GEOIP dns_geoip_databases_t *geoip; isc_boolean_t geoip_use_ecs; #endif }; #define DNS_ACL_MAGIC ISC_MAGIC('D','a','c','l') #define DNS_ACL_VALID(a) ISC_MAGIC_VALID(a, DNS_ACL_MAGIC) /*** *** Functions ***/ ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS isc_result_t dns_acl_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, int n, dns_acl_t **target); /*%< * Create a new ACL, including an IP table and an array with room * for 'n' ACL elements. The elements are uninitialized and the * length is 0. */ isc_result_t dns_acl_any(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_acl_t **target); /*%< * Create a new ACL that matches everything. */ isc_result_t dns_acl_none(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_acl_t **target); /*%< * Create a new ACL that matches nothing. */ isc_boolean_t dns_acl_isany(dns_acl_t *acl); /*%< * Test whether ACL is set to "{ any; }" */ isc_boolean_t dns_acl_isnone(dns_acl_t *acl); /*%< * Test whether ACL is set to "{ none; }" */ isc_result_t dns_acl_merge(dns_acl_t *dest, dns_acl_t *source, isc_boolean_t pos); /*%< * Merge the contents of one ACL into another. Call dns_iptable_merge() * for the IP tables, then concatenate the element arrays. * * If pos is set to false, then the nested ACL is to be negated. This * means reverse the sense of each *positive* element or IP table node, * but leave negatives alone, so as to prevent a double-negative causing * an unexpected positive match in the parent ACL. */ void dns_acl_attach(dns_acl_t *source, dns_acl_t **target); /*%< * Attach to acl 'source'. * * Requires: *\li 'source' to be a valid acl. *\li 'target' to be non NULL and '*target' to be NULL. */ void dns_acl_detach(dns_acl_t **aclp); /*%< * Detach the acl. On final detach the acl must not be linked on any * list. * * Requires: *\li '*aclp' to be a valid acl. * * Insists: *\li '*aclp' is not linked on final detach. */ isc_boolean_t dns_acl_isinsecure(const dns_acl_t *a); /*%< * Return #ISC_TRUE iff the acl 'a' is considered insecure, that is, * if it contains IP addresses other than those of the local host. * This is intended for applications such as printing warning * messages for suspect ACLs; it is not intended for making access * control decisions. We make no guarantee that an ACL for which * this function returns #ISC_FALSE is safe. */ isc_result_t dns_aclenv_init(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_aclenv_t *env); /*%< * Initialize ACL environment, setting up localhost and localnets ACLs */ void dns_aclenv_copy(dns_aclenv_t *t, dns_aclenv_t *s); void dns_aclenv_destroy(dns_aclenv_t *env); isc_result_t dns_acl_match(const isc_netaddr_t *reqaddr, const dns_name_t *reqsigner, const dns_acl_t *acl, const dns_aclenv_t *env, int *match, const dns_aclelement_t **matchelt); isc_result_t dns_acl_match2(const isc_netaddr_t *reqaddr, const dns_name_t *reqsigner, const isc_netaddr_t *ecs, isc_uint8_t ecslen, isc_uint8_t *scope, const dns_acl_t *acl, const dns_aclenv_t *env, int *match, const dns_aclelement_t **matchelt); /*%< * General, low-level ACL matching. This is expected to * be useful even for weird stuff like the topology and sortlist statements. * * Match the address 'reqaddr', and optionally the key name 'reqsigner', * and optionally the client prefix 'ecs' of length 'ecslen' * (reported via EDNS client subnet option) against 'acl'. * * 'reqsigner' and 'ecs' may be NULL. If an ACL matches against 'ecs' * and 'ecslen', then 'scope' will be set to indicate the netmask that * matched. * * If there is a match, '*match' will be set to an integer whose absolute * value corresponds to the order in which the matching value was inserted * into the ACL. For a positive match, this value will be positive; for a * negative match, it will be negative. * * If there is no match, *match will be set to zero. * * If there is a match in the element list (either positive or negative) * and 'matchelt' is non-NULL, *matchelt will be pointed to the matching * element. * * 'env' points to the current ACL environment, including the * current values of localhost and localnets and (if applicable) * the GeoIP context. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS Always succeeds. */ isc_boolean_t dns_aclelement_match(const isc_netaddr_t *reqaddr, const dns_name_t *reqsigner, const dns_aclelement_t *e, const dns_aclenv_t *env, const dns_aclelement_t **matchelt); isc_boolean_t dns_aclelement_match2(const isc_netaddr_t *reqaddr, const dns_name_t *reqsigner, const isc_netaddr_t *ecs, isc_uint8_t ecslen, isc_uint8_t *scope, const dns_aclelement_t *e, const dns_aclenv_t *env, const dns_aclelement_t **matchelt); /*%< * Like dns_acl_match, but matches against the single ACL element 'e' * rather than a complete ACL, and returns ISC_TRUE iff it matched. * * To determine whether the match was positive or negative, the * caller should examine e->negative. Since the element 'e' may be * a reference to a named ACL or a nested ACL, a matching element * returned through 'matchelt' is not necessarily 'e' itself. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_ACL_H */ PK #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include typedef enum { dns_zone_none, dns_zone_master, dns_zone_slave, dns_zone_stub, dns_zone_staticstub, dns_zone_key, dns_zone_dlz, dns_zone_redirect } dns_zonetype_t; typedef enum { dns_zonestat_none = 0, dns_zonestat_terse, dns_zonestat_full } dns_zonestat_level_t; #define DNS_ZONEOPT_SERVERS 0x00000001U /*%< perform server checks */ #define DNS_ZONEOPT_PARENTS 0x00000002U /*%< perform parent checks */ #define DNS_ZONEOPT_CHILDREN 0x00000004U /*%< perform child checks */ #define DNS_ZONEOPT_NOTIFY 0x00000008U /*%< perform NOTIFY */ #define DNS_ZONEOPT_MANYERRORS 0x00000010U /*%< return many errors on load */ #define DNS_ZONEOPT_IXFRFROMDIFFS 0x00000020U /*%< calculate differences */ #define DNS_ZONEOPT_NOMERGE 0x00000040U /*%< don't merge journal */ #define DNS_ZONEOPT_CHECKNS 0x00000080U /*%< check if NS's are addresses */ #define DNS_ZONEOPT_FATALNS 0x00000100U /*%< DNS_ZONEOPT_CHECKNS is fatal */ #define DNS_ZONEOPT_MULTIMASTER 0x00000200U /*%< this zone has multiple masters */ #define DNS_ZONEOPT_USEALTXFRSRC 0x00000400U /*%< use alternate transfer sources */ #define DNS_ZONEOPT_CHECKNAMES 0x00000800U /*%< check-names */ #define DNS_ZONEOPT_CHECKNAMESFAIL 0x00001000U /*%< fatal check-name failures */ #define DNS_ZONEOPT_CHECKWILDCARD 0x00002000U /*%< check for internal wildcards */ #define DNS_ZONEOPT_CHECKMX 0x00004000U /*%< check-mx */ #define DNS_ZONEOPT_CHECKMXFAIL 0x00008000U /*%< fatal check-mx failures */ #define DNS_ZONEOPT_CHECKINTEGRITY 0x00010000U /*%< perform integrity checks */ #define DNS_ZONEOPT_CHECKSIBLING 0x00020000U /*%< perform sibling glue checks */ #define DNS_ZONEOPT_NOCHECKNS 0x00040000U /*%< disable IN NS address checks */ #define DNS_ZONEOPT_WARNMXCNAME 0x00080000U /*%< warn on MX CNAME check */ #define DNS_ZONEOPT_IGNOREMXCNAME 0x00100000U /*%< ignore MX CNAME check */ #define DNS_ZONEOPT_WARNSRVCNAME 0x00200000U /*%< warn on SRV CNAME check */ #define DNS_ZONEOPT_IGNORESRVCNAME 0x00400000U /*%< ignore SRV CNAME check */ #define DNS_ZONEOPT_UPDATECHECKKSK 0x00800000U /*%< check dnskey KSK flag */ #define DNS_ZONEOPT_TRYTCPREFRESH 0x01000000U /*%< try tcp refresh on udp failure */ #define DNS_ZONEOPT_NOTIFYTOSOA 0x02000000U /*%< Notify the SOA MNAME */ #define DNS_ZONEOPT_NSEC3TESTZONE 0x04000000U /*%< nsec3-test-zone */ #define DNS_ZONEOPT_SECURETOINSECURE 0x08000000U /*%< dnssec-secure-to-insecure */ #define DNS_ZONEOPT_DNSKEYKSKONLY 0x10000000U /*%< dnssec-dnskey-kskonly */ #define DNS_ZONEOPT_CHECKDUPRR 0x20000000U /*%< check-dup-records */ #define DNS_ZONEOPT_CHECKDUPRRFAIL 0x40000000U /*%< fatal check-dup-records failures */ #define DNS_ZONEOPT_CHECKSPF 0x80000000U /*%< check SPF records */ /* * The following zone options are shifted left into the * higher-order 32 bits of the options. */ #define DNS_ZONEOPT2_CHECKTTL 0x00000001U /*%< check max-zone-ttl */ #define DNS_ZONEOPT2_AUTOEMPTY 0x00000002U /*%< automatic empty zone */ #ifndef NOMINUM_PUBLIC /* * Nominum specific options build down. */ #define DNS_ZONEOPT_NOTIFYFORWARD 0x80000000U /* forward notify to master */ #endif /* NOMINUM_PUBLIC */ /* * Zone key maintenance options */ #define DNS_ZONEKEY_ALLOW 0x00000001U /*%< fetch keys on command */ #define DNS_ZONEKEY_MAINTAIN 0x00000002U /*%< publish/sign on schedule */ #define DNS_ZONEKEY_CREATE 0x00000004U /*%< make keys when needed */ #define DNS_ZONEKEY_FULLSIGN 0x00000008U /*%< roll to new keys immediately */ #define DNS_ZONEKEY_NORESIGN 0x00000010U /*%< no automatic resigning */ #ifndef DNS_ZONE_MINREFRESH #define DNS_ZONE_MINREFRESH 300 /*%< 5 minutes */ #endif #ifndef DNS_ZONE_MAXREFRESH #define DNS_ZONE_MAXREFRESH 2419200 /*%< 4 weeks */ #endif #ifndef DNS_ZONE_DEFAULTREFRESH #define DNS_ZONE_DEFAULTREFRESH 3600 /*%< 1 hour */ #endif #ifndef DNS_ZONE_MINRETRY #define DNS_ZONE_MINRETRY 300 /*%< 5 minutes */ #endif #ifndef DNS_ZONE_MAXRETRY #define DNS_ZONE_MAXRETRY 1209600 /*%< 2 weeks */ #endif #ifndef DNS_ZONE_DEFAULTRETRY #define DNS_ZONE_DEFAULTRETRY 60 /*%< 1 minute, subject to exponential backoff */ #endif #define DNS_ZONESTATE_XFERRUNNING 1 #define DNS_ZONESTATE_XFERDEFERRED 2 #define DNS_ZONESTATE_SOAQUERY 3 #define DNS_ZONESTATE_ANY 4 #define DNS_ZONESTATE_AUTOMATIC 5 ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /*** *** Functions ***/ isc_result_t dns_zone_create(dns_zone_t **zonep, isc_mem_t *mctx); /*%< * Creates a new empty zone and attach '*zonep' to it. * * Requires: *\li 'zonep' to point to a NULL pointer. *\li 'mctx' to be a valid memory context. * * Ensures: *\li '*zonep' refers to a valid zone. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY *\li #ISC_R_UNEXPECTED */ void dns_zone_setclass(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_rdataclass_t rdclass); /*%< * Sets the class of a zone. This operation can only be performed * once on a zone. * * Require: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. *\li dns_zone_setclass() not to have been called since the zone was * created. *\li 'rdclass' != dns_rdataclass_none. */ dns_rdataclass_t dns_zone_getclass(dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Returns the current zone class. * * Requires: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. */ isc_result_t dns_zone_getserial2(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_uint32_t *serialp); isc_uint32_t dns_zone_getserial(dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Returns the current serial number of the zone. On success, the SOA * serial of the zone will be copied into '*serialp'. * dns_zone_getserial() cannot catch failure cases and is deprecated by * dns_zone_getserial2(). * * Requires: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. *\li 'serialp' to be non NULL * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #DNS_R_NOTLOADED zone DB is not loaded */ void dns_zone_settype(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_zonetype_t type); /*%< * Sets the zone type. This operation can only be performed once on * a zone. * * Requires: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. *\li dns_zone_settype() not to have been called since the zone was * created. *\li 'type' != dns_zone_none */ void dns_zone_setview(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_view_t *view); /*%< * Associate the zone with a view. * * Require: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. */ dns_view_t * dns_zone_getview(dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Returns the zone's associated view. * * Requires: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. */ void dns_zone_setviewcommit(dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Commit the previous view saved internally via dns_zone_setview(). * * Require: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. */ void dns_zone_setviewrevert(dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Revert the most recent dns_zone_setview() on this zone, * restoring the previous view. * * Require: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. */ isc_result_t dns_zone_setorigin(dns_zone_t *zone, const dns_name_t *origin); /*%< * Sets the zones origin to 'origin'. * * Require: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. *\li 'origin' to be non NULL. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY */ dns_name_t * dns_zone_getorigin(dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Returns the value of the origin. * * Require: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. */ isc_result_t dns_zone_setfile(dns_zone_t *zone, const char *file); isc_result_t dns_zone_setfile2(dns_zone_t *zone, const char *file, dns_masterformat_t format); isc_result_t dns_zone_setfile3(dns_zone_t *zone, const char *file, dns_masterformat_t format, const dns_master_style_t *style); /*%< * Sets the name of the master file in the format of 'format' from which * the zone loads its database to 'file'. * * For zones that have no associated master file, 'file' will be NULL. * * For zones with persistent databases, the file name * setting is ignored. * * dns_zone_setfile() is a backward-compatible form of * dns_zone_setfile2(), which always specifies the * dns_masterformat_text (RFC1035) format. * * dns_zone_setfile2() is a backward-compatible form of * dns_zone_setfile3(), which also specifies the style * that should be used if a zone using the 'text' * masterformat is ever dumped. * * Require: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS */ const char * dns_zone_getfile(dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Gets the name of the zone's master file, if any. * * Requires: *\li 'zone' to be valid initialised zone. * * Returns: *\li Pointer to null-terminated file name, or NULL. */ void dns_zone_setmaxrecords(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_uint32_t records); /*%< * Sets the maximim number of records permitted in a zone. * 0 implies unlimited. * * Requires: *\li 'zone' to be valid initialised zone. * * Returns: *\li void */ isc_uint32_t dns_zone_getmaxrecords(dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Gets the maximim number of records permitted in a zone. * 0 implies unlimited. * * Requires: *\li 'zone' to be valid initialised zone. * * Returns: *\li isc_uint32_t maxrecords. */ void dns_zone_setmaxttl(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_uint32_t maxttl); /*%< * Sets the max ttl of the zone. * * Requires: *\li 'zone' to be valid initialised zone. * * Returns: *\li void */ dns_ttl_t dns_zone_getmaxttl(dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Gets the max ttl of the zone. * * Requires: *\li 'zone' to be valid initialised zone. * * Returns: *\li dns_ttl_t maxttl. */ isc_result_t dns_zone_load(dns_zone_t *zone); isc_result_t dns_zone_loadnew(dns_zone_t *zone); isc_result_t dns_zone_loadandthaw(dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Cause the database to be loaded from its backing store. * Confirm that the minimum requirements for the zone type are * met, otherwise DNS_R_BADZONE is returned. * * dns_zone_loadnew() only loads zones that are not yet loaded. * dns_zone_load() also loads zones that are already loaded and * and whose master file has changed since the last load. * dns_zone_loadandthaw() is similar to dns_zone_load() but will * also re-enable DNS UPDATEs when the load completes. * * Require: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_UNEXPECTED *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li DNS_R_CONTINUE Incremental load has been queued. *\li DNS_R_UPTODATE The zone has already been loaded based on * file system timestamps. *\li DNS_R_BADZONE *\li Any result value from dns_db_load(). */ isc_result_t dns_zone_asyncload(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_zt_zoneloaded_t done, void *arg); /*%< * Cause the database to be loaded from its backing store asynchronously. * Other zone maintenance functions are suspended until this is complete. * When finished, 'done' is called to inform the caller, with 'arg' as * its first argument and 'zone' as its second. (Normally, 'arg' is * expected to point to the zone table but is left undefined for testing * purposes.) * * Require: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_ALREADYRUNNING *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_FAILURE *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY */ isc_boolean_t dns__zone_loadpending(dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Indicates whether the zone is waiting to be loaded asynchronously. * (Not currently intended for use outside of this module and associated * tests.) */ void dns_zone_attach(dns_zone_t *source, dns_zone_t **target); /*%< * Attach '*target' to 'source' incrementing its external * reference count. * * Require: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. *\li 'target' to be non NULL and '*target' to be NULL. */ void dns_zone_detach(dns_zone_t **zonep); /*%< * Detach from a zone decrementing its external reference count. * If this was the last external reference to the zone it will be * shut down and eventually freed. * * Require: *\li 'zonep' to point to a valid zone. */ void dns_zone_iattach(dns_zone_t *source, dns_zone_t **target); /*%< * Attach '*target' to 'source' incrementing its internal * reference count. This is intended for use by operations * such as zone transfers that need to prevent the zone * object from being freed but not from shutting down. * * Require: *\li The caller is running in the context of the zone's task. *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. *\li 'target' to be non NULL and '*target' to be NULL. */ void dns_zone_idetach(dns_zone_t **zonep); /*%< * Detach from a zone decrementing its internal reference count. * If there are no more internal or external references to the * zone, it will be freed. * * Require: *\li The caller is running in the context of the zone's task. *\li 'zonep' to point to a valid zone. */ void dns_zone_setflag(dns_zone_t *zone, unsigned int flags, isc_boolean_t value); /*%< * Sets ('value' == 'ISC_TRUE') / clears ('value' == 'IS_FALSE') * zone flags. Valid flag bits are DNS_ZONE_F_*. * * Requires *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. */ isc_result_t dns_zone_getdb(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_db_t **dbp); /*%< * Attach '*dbp' to the database to if it exists otherwise * return DNS_R_NOTLOADED. * * Require: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. *\li 'dbp' to be != NULL && '*dbp' == NULL. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li DNS_R_NOTLOADED */ void dns_zone_setdb(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_db_t *db); /*%< * Sets the zone database to 'db'. * * This function is expected to be used to configure a zone with a * database which is not loaded from a file or zone transfer. * It can be used for a general purpose zone, but right now its use * is limited to static-stub zones to avoid possible undiscovered * problems in the general cases. * * Require: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone of static-stub. *\li zone doesn't have a database. */ isc_result_t dns_zone_setdbtype(dns_zone_t *zone, unsigned int dbargc, const char * const *dbargv); /*%< * Sets the database type to dbargv[0] and database arguments * to subsequent dbargv elements. * 'db_type' is not checked to see if it is a valid database type. * * Require: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. *\li 'database' to be non NULL. *\li 'dbargc' to be >= 1 *\li 'dbargv' to point to dbargc NULL-terminated strings * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS */ isc_result_t dns_zone_getdbtype(dns_zone_t *zone, char ***argv, isc_mem_t *mctx); /*%< * Returns the current dbtype. isc_mem_free() should be used * to free 'argv' after use. * * Require: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. *\li 'argv' to be non NULL and *argv to be NULL. *\li 'mctx' to be valid. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS */ void dns_zone_markdirty(dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Mark a zone as 'dirty'. * * Require: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. */ void dns_zone_expire(dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Mark the zone as expired. If the zone requires dumping cause it to * be initiated. Set the refresh and retry intervals to there default * values and unload the zone. * * Require *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. */ void dns_zone_refresh(dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Initiate zone up to date checks. The zone must already be being * managed. * * Require *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. */ isc_result_t dns_zone_flush(dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Write the zone to database if there are uncommitted changes. * * Require: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. */ isc_result_t dns_zone_dump(dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Write the zone to database. * * Require: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. */ isc_result_t dns_zone_dumptostream(dns_zone_t *zone, FILE *fd); isc_result_t dns_zone_dumptostream2(dns_zone_t *zone, FILE *fd, dns_masterformat_t format, const dns_master_style_t *style); isc_result_t dns_zone_dumptostream3(dns_zone_t *zone, FILE *fd, dns_masterformat_t format, const dns_master_style_t *style, const isc_uint32_t rawversion); /*%< * Write the zone to stream 'fd' in the specified 'format'. * If the 'format' is dns_masterformat_text (RFC1035), 'style' also * specifies the file style (e.g., &dns_master_style_default). * * dns_zone_dumptostream() is a backward-compatible form of * dns_zone_dumptostream2(), which always uses the dns_masterformat_text * format and the dns_master_style_default style. * * dns_zone_dumptostream2() is a backward-compatible form of * dns_zone_dumptostream3(), which always uses the current * default raw file format version. * * Note that dns_zone_dumptostream3() is the most flexible form. It * can also provide the functionality of dns_zone_fulldumptostream(). * * Require: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. *\li 'fd' to be a stream open for writing. */ isc_result_t dns_zone_fulldumptostream(dns_zone_t *zone, FILE *fd); /*%< * The same as dns_zone_dumptostream, but dumps the zone with * different dump settings (dns_master_style_full). * * Require: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. *\li 'fd' to be a stream open for writing. */ void dns_zone_maintenance(dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Perform regular maintenance on the zone. This is called as a * result of a zone being managed. * * Require *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. */ isc_result_t dns_zone_setmasters(dns_zone_t *zone, const isc_sockaddr_t *masters, isc_uint32_t count); isc_result_t dns_zone_setmasterswithkeys(dns_zone_t *zone, const isc_sockaddr_t *masters, dns_name_t **keynames, isc_uint32_t count); /*%< * Set the list of master servers for the zone. * * Require: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. *\li 'masters' array of isc_sockaddr_t with port set or NULL. *\li 'count' the number of masters. *\li 'keynames' array of dns_name_t's for tsig keys or NULL. * * \li dns_zone_setmasters() is just a wrapper to setmasterswithkeys(), * passing NULL in the keynames field. * * \li If 'masters' is NULL then 'count' must be zero. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY *\li Any result dns_name_dup() can return, if keynames!=NULL */ isc_result_t dns_zone_setalsonotify(dns_zone_t *zone, const isc_sockaddr_t *notify, isc_uint32_t count); isc_result_t dns_zone_setalsonotifywithkeys(dns_zone_t *zone, const isc_sockaddr_t *notify, dns_name_t **keynames, isc_uint32_t count); isc_result_t dns_zone_setalsonotifydscpkeys(dns_zone_t *zone, const isc_sockaddr_t *notify, const isc_dscp_t *dscps, dns_name_t **keynames, isc_uint32_t count); /*%< * Set the list of additional servers to be notified when * a zone changes. To clear the list use 'count = 0'. * * dns_zone_alsonotifywithkeys() allows each notify address to * be associated with a TSIG key. * * Require: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. *\li 'notify' to be non-NULL if count != 0. *\li 'count' to be the number of notifiees. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY */ void dns_zone_unload(dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * detach the database from the zone structure. * * Require: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. */ void dns_zone_setoption(dns_zone_t *zone, unsigned int option, isc_boolean_t value); void dns_zone_setoption2(dns_zone_t *zone, unsigned int option, isc_boolean_t value); /*%< * Set the given options on ('value' == ISC_TRUE) or off * ('value' == #ISC_FALSE). * * dns_zone_setoption2() has been introduced because the number * of options needed now exceeds the 32 bits in the zone->options * field; it should be used set options with names beginning * with DNS_ZONEOPT2_. * * Require: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. */ unsigned int dns_zone_getoptions(dns_zone_t *zone); unsigned int dns_zone_getoptions2(dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Returns the current zone options. * * Callers should be aware there is now more than one set of zone * options. dns_zone_getoptions2() has been introduced because the * number of options needed now exceeds the 32 bits in the * zone->options field. It returns the options whose names begin * with DNS_ZONEOPT2_. * * Require: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. */ void dns_zone_setkeyopt(dns_zone_t *zone, unsigned int option, isc_boolean_t value); /*%< * Set key options on ('value' == ISC_TRUE) or off ('value' == * #ISC_FALSE). * * Require: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. */ unsigned int dns_zone_getkeyopts(dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Returns the current zone key options. * * Require: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. */ void dns_zone_setminrefreshtime(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_uint32_t val); /*%< * Set the minimum refresh time. * * Requires: *\li 'zone' is valid. *\li val > 0. */ void dns_zone_setmaxrefreshtime(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_uint32_t val); /*%< * Set the maximum refresh time. * * Requires: *\li 'zone' is valid. *\li val > 0. */ void dns_zone_setminretrytime(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_uint32_t val); /*%< * Set the minimum retry time. * * Requires: *\li 'zone' is valid. *\li val > 0. */ void dns_zone_setmaxretrytime(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_uint32_t val); /*%< * Set the maximum retry time. * * Requires: *\li 'zone' is valid. * val > 0. */ isc_result_t dns_zone_setxfrsource4(dns_zone_t *zone, const isc_sockaddr_t *xfrsource); isc_result_t dns_zone_setaltxfrsource4(dns_zone_t *zone, const isc_sockaddr_t *xfrsource); /*%< * Set the source address to be used in IPv4 zone transfers. * * Require: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. *\li 'xfrsource' to contain the address. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS */ isc_sockaddr_t * dns_zone_getxfrsource4(dns_zone_t *zone); isc_sockaddr_t * dns_zone_getaltxfrsource4(dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Returns the source address set by a previous dns_zone_setxfrsource4 * call, or the default of inaddr_any, port 0. * * Require: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. */ isc_result_t dns_zone_setxfrsource4dscp(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_dscp_t dscp); isc_result_t dns_zone_setaltxfrsource4dscp(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_dscp_t dscp); /*%< * Set the DSCP value associated with the transfer/alt-transfer source. * * Require: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS */ isc_dscp_t dns_zone_getxfrsource4dscp(dns_zone_t *zone); isc_dscp_t dns_zone_getaltxfrsource4dscp(dns_zone_t *zone); /*%/ * Get the DSCP value associated with the transfer/alt-transfer source. * * Require: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. */ isc_result_t dns_zone_setxfrsource6(dns_zone_t *zone, const isc_sockaddr_t *xfrsource); isc_result_t dns_zone_setaltxfrsource6(dns_zone_t *zone, const isc_sockaddr_t *xfrsource); /*%< * Set the source address to be used in IPv6 zone transfers. * * Require: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. *\li 'xfrsource' to contain the address. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS */ isc_sockaddr_t * dns_zone_getxfrsource6(dns_zone_t *zone); isc_sockaddr_t * dns_zone_getaltxfrsource6(dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Returns the source address set by a previous dns_zone_setxfrsource6 * call, or the default of in6addr_any, port 0. * * Require: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. */ isc_dscp_t dns_zone_getxfrsource6dscp(dns_zone_t *zone); isc_dscp_t dns_zone_getaltxfrsource6dscp(dns_zone_t *zone); /*%/ * Get the DSCP value associated with the transfer/alt-transfer source. * * Require: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. */ isc_result_t dns_zone_setxfrsource6dscp(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_dscp_t dscp); isc_result_t dns_zone_setaltxfrsource6dscp(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_dscp_t dscp); /*%< * Set the DSCP value associated with the transfer/alt-transfer source. * * Require: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS */ isc_result_t dns_zone_setnotifysrc4(dns_zone_t *zone, const isc_sockaddr_t *notifysrc); /*%< * Set the source address to be used with IPv4 NOTIFY messages. * * Require: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. *\li 'notifysrc' to contain the address. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS */ isc_sockaddr_t * dns_zone_getnotifysrc4(dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Returns the source address set by a previous dns_zone_setnotifysrc4 * call, or the default of inaddr_any, port 0. * * Require: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. */ isc_dscp_t dns_zone_getnotifysrc4dscp(dns_zone_t *zone); /*%/ * Get the DSCP value associated with the IPv4 notify source. * * Require: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. */ isc_result_t dns_zone_setnotifysrc4dscp(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_dscp_t dscp); /*%< * Set the DSCP value associated with the IPv4 notify source. * * Require: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS */ isc_result_t dns_zone_setnotifysrc6(dns_zone_t *zone, const isc_sockaddr_t *notifysrc); /*%< * Set the source address to be used with IPv6 NOTIFY messages. * * Require: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. *\li 'notifysrc' to contain the address. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS */ isc_sockaddr_t * dns_zone_getnotifysrc6(dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Returns the source address set by a previous dns_zone_setnotifysrc6 * call, or the default of in6addr_any, port 0. * * Require: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. */ isc_dscp_t dns_zone_getnotifysrc6dscp(dns_zone_t *zone); /*%/ * Get the DSCP value associated with the IPv6 notify source. * * Require: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. */ isc_result_t dns_zone_setnotifysrc6dscp(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_dscp_t dscp); /*%< * Set the DSCP value associated with the IPv6 notify source. * * Require: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS */ void dns_zone_setnotifyacl(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_acl_t *acl); /*%< * Sets the notify acl list for the zone. * * Require: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. *\li 'acl' to be a valid acl. */ void dns_zone_setqueryacl(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_acl_t *acl); /*%< * Sets the query acl list for the zone. * * Require: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. *\li 'acl' to be a valid acl. */ void dns_zone_setqueryonacl(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_acl_t *acl); /*%< * Sets the query-on acl list for the zone. * * Require: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. *\li 'acl' to be a valid acl. */ void dns_zone_setupdateacl(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_acl_t *acl); /*%< * Sets the update acl list for the zone. * * Require: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. *\li 'acl' to be valid acl. */ void dns_zone_setforwardacl(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_acl_t *acl); /*%< * Sets the forward unsigned updates acl list for the zone. * * Require: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. *\li 'acl' to be valid acl. */ void dns_zone_setxfracl(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_acl_t *acl); /*%< * Sets the transfer acl list for the zone. * * Require: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. *\li 'acl' to be valid acl. */ dns_acl_t * dns_zone_getnotifyacl(dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Returns the current notify acl or NULL. * * Require: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. * * Returns: *\li acl a pointer to the acl. *\li NULL */ dns_acl_t * dns_zone_getqueryacl(dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Returns the current query acl or NULL. * * Require: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. * * Returns: *\li acl a pointer to the acl. *\li NULL */ dns_acl_t * dns_zone_getqueryonacl(dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Returns the current query-on acl or NULL. * * Require: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. * * Returns: *\li acl a pointer to the acl. *\li NULL */ dns_acl_t * dns_zone_getupdateacl(dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Returns the current update acl or NULL. * * Require: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. * * Returns: *\li acl a pointer to the acl. *\li NULL */ dns_acl_t * dns_zone_getforwardacl(dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Returns the current forward unsigned updates acl or NULL. * * Require: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. * * Returns: *\li acl a pointer to the acl. *\li NULL */ dns_acl_t * dns_zone_getxfracl(dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Returns the current transfer acl or NULL. * * Require: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. * * Returns: *\li acl a pointer to the acl. *\li NULL */ void dns_zone_clearupdateacl(dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Clear the current update acl. * * Require: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. */ void dns_zone_clearforwardacl(dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Clear the current forward unsigned updates acl. * * Require: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. */ void dns_zone_clearnotifyacl(dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Clear the current notify acl. * * Require: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. */ void dns_zone_clearqueryacl(dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Clear the current query acl. * * Require: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. */ void dns_zone_clearqueryonacl(dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Clear the current query-on acl. * * Require: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. */ void dns_zone_clearxfracl(dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Clear the current transfer acl. * * Require: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. */ isc_boolean_t dns_zone_getupdatedisabled(dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Return update disabled. * Transient unless called when running in isc_task_exclusive() mode. */ void dns_zone_setupdatedisabled(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_boolean_t state); /*%< * Set update disabled. * Should only be called only when running in isc_task_exclusive() mode. * Failure to do so may result in updates being committed after the * call has been made. */ isc_boolean_t dns_zone_getzeronosoattl(dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Return zero-no-soa-ttl status. */ void dns_zone_setzeronosoattl(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_boolean_t state); /*%< * Set zero-no-soa-ttl status. */ void dns_zone_setchecknames(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_severity_t severity); /*%< * Set the severity of name checking when loading a zone. * * Require: * \li 'zone' to be a valid zone. */ dns_severity_t dns_zone_getchecknames(dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Return the current severity of name checking. * * Require: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. */ void dns_zone_setjournalsize(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_int32_t size); /*%< * Sets the journal size for the zone. * * Requires: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. */ isc_int32_t dns_zone_getjournalsize(dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Return the journal size as set with a previous call to * dns_zone_setjournalsize(). * * Requires: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. */ isc_result_t dns_zone_notifyreceive(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_sockaddr_t *from, dns_message_t *msg); isc_result_t dns_zone_notifyreceive2(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_sockaddr_t *from, isc_sockaddr_t *to, dns_message_t *msg); /*%< * Tell the zone that it has received a NOTIFY message from another * server. This may cause some zone maintenance activity to occur. * * Requires: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. *\li '*from' to contain the address of the server from which 'msg' * was received. *\li 'msg' a message with opcode NOTIFY and qr clear. * * Returns: *\li DNS_R_REFUSED *\li DNS_R_NOTIMP *\li DNS_R_FORMERR *\li DNS_R_SUCCESS */ void dns_zone_setmaxxfrin(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_uint32_t maxxfrin); /*%< * Set the maximum time (in seconds) that a zone transfer in (AXFR/IXFR) * of this zone will use before being aborted. * * Requires: * \li 'zone' to be valid initialised zone. */ isc_uint32_t dns_zone_getmaxxfrin(dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Returns the maximum transfer time for this zone. This will be * either the value set by the last call to dns_zone_setmaxxfrin() or * the default value of 1 hour. * * Requires: *\li 'zone' to be valid initialised zone. */ void dns_zone_setmaxxfrout(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_uint32_t maxxfrout); /*%< * Set the maximum time (in seconds) that a zone transfer out (AXFR/IXFR) * of this zone will use before being aborted. * * Requires: * \li 'zone' to be valid initialised zone. */ isc_uint32_t dns_zone_getmaxxfrout(dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Returns the maximum transfer time for this zone. This will be * either the value set by the last call to dns_zone_setmaxxfrout() or * the default value of 1 hour. * * Requires: *\li 'zone' to be valid initialised zone. */ isc_result_t dns_zone_setjournal(dns_zone_t *zone, const char *myjournal); /*%< * Sets the filename used for journaling updates / IXFR transfers. * The default journal name is set by dns_zone_setfile() to be * "file.jnl". If 'myjournal' is NULL, the zone will have no * journal name. * * Requires: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY */ char * dns_zone_getjournal(dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Returns the journal name associated with this zone. * If no journal has been set this will be NULL. * * Requires: *\li 'zone' to be valid initialised zone. */ dns_zonetype_t dns_zone_gettype(dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Returns the type of the zone (master/slave/etc.) * * Requires: *\li 'zone' to be valid initialised zone. */ void dns_zone_settask(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_task_t *task); /*%< * Give a zone a task to work with. Any current task will be detached. * * Requires: *\li 'zone' to be valid. *\li 'task' to be valid. */ void dns_zone_gettask(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_task_t **target); /*%< * Attach '*target' to the zone's task. * * Requires: *\li 'zone' to be valid initialised zone. *\li 'zone' to have a task. *\li 'target' to be != NULL && '*target' == NULL. */ void dns_zone_notify(dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Generate notify events for this zone. * * Requires: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. */ isc_result_t dns_zone_replacedb(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_db_t *db, isc_boolean_t dump); /*%< * Replace the database of "zone" with a new database "db". * * If "dump" is ISC_TRUE, then the new zone contents are dumped * into to the zone's master file for persistence. When replacing * a zone database by one just loaded from a master file, set * "dump" to ISC_FALSE to avoid a redundant redump of the data just * loaded. Otherwise, it should be set to ISC_TRUE. * * If the "diff-on-reload" option is enabled in the configuration file, * the differences between the old and the new database are added to the * journal file, and the master file dump is postponed. * * Requires: * \li 'zone' to be a valid zone. * * Returns: * \li DNS_R_SUCCESS * \li DNS_R_BADZONE zone failed basic consistency checks: * * a single SOA must exist * * some NS records must exist. * Others */ isc_uint32_t dns_zone_getidlein(dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Requires: * \li 'zone' to be a valid zone. * * Returns: * \li number of seconds of idle time before we abort the transfer in. */ void dns_zone_setidlein(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_uint32_t idlein); /*%< * \li Set the idle timeout for transfer the. * \li Zero set the default value, 1 hour. * * Requires: * \li 'zone' to be a valid zone. */ isc_uint32_t dns_zone_getidleout(dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * * Requires: * \li 'zone' to be a valid zone. * * Returns: * \li number of seconds of idle time before we abort a transfer out. */ void dns_zone_setidleout(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_uint32_t idleout); /*%< * \li Set the idle timeout for transfers out. * \li Zero set the default value, 1 hour. * * Requires: * \li 'zone' to be a valid zone. */ void dns_zone_getssutable(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_ssutable_t **table); /*%< * Get the simple-secure-update policy table. * * Requires: * \li 'zone' to be a valid zone. */ void dns_zone_setssutable(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_ssutable_t *table); /*%< * Set / clear the simple-secure-update policy table. * * Requires: * \li 'zone' to be a valid zone. */ isc_mem_t * dns_zone_getmctx(dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Get the memory context of a zone. * * Requires: * \li 'zone' to be a valid zone. */ dns_zonemgr_t * dns_zone_getmgr(dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * If 'zone' is managed return the zone manager otherwise NULL. * * Requires: * \li 'zone' to be a valid zone. */ void dns_zone_setsigvalidityinterval(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_uint32_t interval); /*%< * Set the zone's RRSIG validity interval. This is the length of time * for which DNSSEC signatures created as a result of dynamic updates * to secure zones will remain valid, in seconds. * * Requires: * \li 'zone' to be a valid zone. */ isc_uint32_t dns_zone_getsigvalidityinterval(dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Get the zone's RRSIG validity interval. * * Requires: * \li 'zone' to be a valid zone. */ void dns_zone_setsigresigninginterval(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_uint32_t interval); /*%< * Set the zone's RRSIG re-signing interval. A dynamic zone's RRSIG's * will be re-signed 'interval' amount of time before they expire. * * Requires: * \li 'zone' to be a valid zone. */ isc_uint32_t dns_zone_getsigresigninginterval(dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Get the zone's RRSIG re-signing interval. * * Requires: * \li 'zone' to be a valid zone. */ void dns_zone_setnotifytype(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_notifytype_t notifytype); /*%< * Sets zone notify method to "notifytype" */ isc_result_t dns_zone_forwardupdate(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_message_t *msg, dns_updatecallback_t callback, void *callback_arg); /*%< * Forward 'msg' to each master in turn until we get an answer or we * have exhausted the list of masters. 'callback' will be called with * ISC_R_SUCCESS if we get an answer and the returned message will be * passed as 'answer_message', otherwise a non ISC_R_SUCCESS result code * will be passed and answer_message will be NULL. The callback function * is responsible for destroying 'answer_message'. * (callback)(callback_arg, result, answer_message); * * Require: *\li 'zone' to be valid *\li 'msg' to be valid. *\li 'callback' to be non NULL. * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS if the message has been forwarded, *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY *\li Others */ isc_result_t dns_zone_next(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_zone_t **next); /*%< * Find the next zone in the list of managed zones. * * Requires: *\li 'zone' to be valid *\li The zone manager for the indicated zone MUST be locked * by the caller. This is not checked. *\li 'next' be non-NULL, and '*next' be NULL. * * Ensures: *\li 'next' points to a valid zone (result ISC_R_SUCCESS) or to NULL * (result ISC_R_NOMORE). */ isc_result_t dns_zone_first(dns_zonemgr_t *zmgr, dns_zone_t **first); /*%< * Find the first zone in the list of managed zones. * * Requires: *\li 'zonemgr' to be valid *\li The zone manager for the indicated zone MUST be locked * by the caller. This is not checked. *\li 'first' be non-NULL, and '*first' be NULL * * Ensures: *\li 'first' points to a valid zone (result ISC_R_SUCCESS) or to NULL * (result ISC_R_NOMORE). */ isc_result_t dns_zone_setkeydirectory(dns_zone_t *zone, const char *directory); /*%< * Sets the name of the directory where private keys used for * online signing of dynamic zones are found. * * Require: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS */ const char * dns_zone_getkeydirectory(dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Gets the name of the directory where private keys used for * online signing of dynamic zones are found. * * Requires: *\li 'zone' to be valid initialised zone. * * Returns: * Pointer to null-terminated file name, or NULL. */ isc_result_t dns_zonemgr_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_taskmgr_t *taskmgr, isc_timermgr_t *timermgr, isc_socketmgr_t *socketmgr, dns_zonemgr_t **zmgrp); /*%< * Create a zone manager. Note: the zone manager will not be able to * manage any zones until dns_zonemgr_setsize() has been run. * * Requires: *\li 'mctx' to be a valid memory context. *\li 'taskmgr' to be a valid task manager. *\li 'timermgr' to be a valid timer manager. *\li 'zmgrp' to point to a NULL pointer. */ isc_result_t dns_zonemgr_setsize(dns_zonemgr_t *zmgr, int num_zones); /*%< * Set the size of the zone manager task pool. This must be run * before zmgr can be used for managing zones. Currently, it can only * be run once; the task pool cannot be resized. * * Requires: *\li zmgr is a valid zone manager. *\li zmgr->zonetasks has been initialized. */ isc_result_t dns_zonemgr_createzone(dns_zonemgr_t *zmgr, dns_zone_t **zonep); /*%< * Allocate a new zone using a memory context from the * zone manager's memory context pool. * * Require: *\li 'zmgr' to be a valid zone manager. *\li 'zonep' != NULL and '*zonep' == NULL. */ isc_result_t dns_zonemgr_managezone(dns_zonemgr_t *zmgr, dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Bring the zone under control of a zone manager. * * Require: *\li 'zmgr' to be a valid zone manager. *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. */ isc_result_t dns_zonemgr_forcemaint(dns_zonemgr_t *zmgr); /*%< * Force zone maintenance of all loaded zones managed by 'zmgr' * to take place at the system's earliest convenience. */ void dns__zonemgr_run(isc_task_t *task, isc_event_t *event); /*%< * Event handler to call dns_zonemgr_forcemaint(); used to start * zone operations from a unit test. Not intended for use outside * libdns or related tests. */ void dns_zonemgr_resumexfrs(dns_zonemgr_t *zmgr); /*%< * Attempt to start any stalled zone transfers. */ void dns_zonemgr_shutdown(dns_zonemgr_t *zmgr); /*%< * Shut down the zone manager. * * Requires: *\li 'zmgr' to be a valid zone manager. */ void dns_zonemgr_attach(dns_zonemgr_t *source, dns_zonemgr_t **target); /*%< * Attach '*target' to 'source' incrementing its external * reference count. * * Require: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. *\li 'target' to be non NULL and '*target' to be NULL. */ void dns_zonemgr_detach(dns_zonemgr_t **zmgrp); /*%< * Detach from a zone manager. * * Requires: *\li '*zmgrp' is a valid, non-NULL zone manager pointer. * * Ensures: *\li '*zmgrp' is NULL. */ void dns_zonemgr_releasezone(dns_zonemgr_t *zmgr, dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Release 'zone' from the managed by 'zmgr'. 'zmgr' is implicitly * detached from 'zone'. * * Requires: *\li 'zmgr' to be a valid zone manager. *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. *\li 'zmgr' == 'zone->zmgr' * * Ensures: *\li 'zone->zmgr' == NULL; */ void dns_zonemgr_settransfersin(dns_zonemgr_t *zmgr, isc_uint32_t value); /*%< * Set the maximum number of simultaneous transfers in allowed by * the zone manager. * * Requires: *\li 'zmgr' to be a valid zone manager. */ isc_uint32_t dns_zonemgr_getttransfersin(dns_zonemgr_t *zmgr); /*%< * Return the maximum number of simultaneous transfers in allowed. * * Requires: *\li 'zmgr' to be a valid zone manager. */ void dns_zonemgr_settransfersperns(dns_zonemgr_t *zmgr, isc_uint32_t value); /*%< * Set the number of zone transfers allowed per nameserver. * * Requires: *\li 'zmgr' to be a valid zone manager */ isc_uint32_t dns_zonemgr_getttransfersperns(dns_zonemgr_t *zmgr); /*%< * Return the number of transfers allowed per nameserver. * * Requires: *\li 'zmgr' to be a valid zone manager. */ void dns_zonemgr_setiolimit(dns_zonemgr_t *zmgr, isc_uint32_t iolimit); /*%< * Set the number of simultaneous file descriptors available for * reading and writing masterfiles. * * Requires: *\li 'zmgr' to be a valid zone manager. *\li 'iolimit' to be positive. */ isc_uint32_t dns_zonemgr_getiolimit(dns_zonemgr_t *zmgr); /*%< * Get the number of simultaneous file descriptors available for * reading and writing masterfiles. * * Requires: *\li 'zmgr' to be a valid zone manager. */ void dns_zonemgr_setnotifyrate(dns_zonemgr_t *zmgr, unsigned int value); /*%< * Set the number of NOTIFY requests sent per second. * * Requires: *\li 'zmgr' to be a valid zone manager */ void dns_zonemgr_setstartupnotifyrate(dns_zonemgr_t *zmgr, unsigned int value); /*%< * Set the number of startup NOTIFY requests sent per second. * * Requires: *\li 'zmgr' to be a valid zone manager */ void dns_zonemgr_setserialqueryrate(dns_zonemgr_t *zmgr, unsigned int value); /*%< * Set the number of SOA queries sent per second. * * Requires: *\li 'zmgr' to be a valid zone manager */ unsigned int dns_zonemgr_getnotifyrate(dns_zonemgr_t *zmgr); /*%< * Return the number of NOTIFY requests sent per second. * * Requires: *\li 'zmgr' to be a valid zone manager. */ unsigned int dns_zonemgr_getstartupnotifyrate(dns_zonemgr_t *zmgr); /*%< * Return the number of startup NOTIFY requests sent per second. * * Requires: *\li 'zmgr' to be a valid zone manager. */ unsigned int dns_zonemgr_getserialqueryrate(dns_zonemgr_t *zmgr); /*%< * Return the number of SOA queries sent per second. * * Requires: *\li 'zmgr' to be a valid zone manager. */ unsigned int dns_zonemgr_getcount(dns_zonemgr_t *zmgr, int state); /*%< * Returns the number of zones in the specified state. * * Requires: *\li 'zmgr' to be a valid zone manager. *\li 'state' to be a valid DNS_ZONESTATE_ constant. */ void dns_zonemgr_unreachableadd(dns_zonemgr_t *zmgr, isc_sockaddr_t *remote, isc_sockaddr_t *local, isc_time_t *now); /*%< * Add the pair of addresses to the unreachable cache. * * Requires: *\li 'zmgr' to be a valid zone manager. *\li 'remote' to be a valid sockaddr. *\li 'local' to be a valid sockaddr. */ isc_boolean_t dns_zonemgr_unreachable(dns_zonemgr_t *zmgr, isc_sockaddr_t *remote, isc_sockaddr_t *local, isc_time_t *now); /*%< * Returns ISC_TRUE if the given local/remote address pair * is found in the zone maanger's unreachable cache. * * Requires: *\li 'zmgr' to be a valid zone manager. *\li 'remote' to be a valid sockaddr. *\li 'local' to be a valid sockaddr. *\li 'now' != NULL */ void dns_zonemgr_unreachabledel(dns_zonemgr_t *zmgr, isc_sockaddr_t *remote, isc_sockaddr_t *local); /*%< * Remove the pair of addresses from the unreachable cache. * * Requires: *\li 'zmgr' to be a valid zone manager. *\li 'remote' to be a valid sockaddr. *\li 'local' to be a valid sockaddr. */ void dns_zone_forcereload(dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Force a reload of specified zone. * * Requires: *\li 'zone' to be a valid zone. */ isc_boolean_t dns_zone_isforced(dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Check if the zone is waiting a forced reload. * * Requires: * \li 'zone' to be a valid zone. */ isc_result_t dns_zone_setstatistics(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_boolean_t on); /*%< * This function is obsoleted by dns_zone_setrequeststats(). */ isc_uint64_t * dns_zone_getstatscounters(dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * This function is obsoleted by dns_zone_getrequeststats(). */ void dns_zone_setstats(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_stats_t *stats); /*%< * Set a general zone-maintenance statistics set 'stats' for 'zone'. This * function is expected to be called only on zone creation (when necessary). * Once installed, it cannot be removed or replaced. Also, there is no * interface to get the installed stats from the zone; the caller must keep the * stats to reference (e.g. dump) it later. * * Requires: * \li 'zone' to be a valid zone and does not have a statistics set already * installed. * *\li stats is a valid statistics supporting zone statistics counters * (see dns/stats.h). */ void dns_zone_setrequeststats(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_stats_t *stats); void dns_zone_setrcvquerystats(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_stats_t *stats); /*%< * Set additional statistics sets to zone. These are attached to the zone * but are not counted in the zone module; only the caller updates the * counters. * * Requires: * \li 'zone' to be a valid zone. * *\li stats is a valid statistics. */ isc_stats_t * dns_zone_getrequeststats(dns_zone_t *zone); dns_stats_t * dns_zone_getrcvquerystats(dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Get the additional statistics for zone, if one is installed. * * Requires: * \li 'zone' to be a valid zone. * * Returns: * \li when available, a pointer to the statistics set installed in zone; * otherwise NULL. */ void dns_zone_dialup(dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Perform dialup-time maintenance on 'zone'. */ void dns_zone_setdialup(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_dialuptype_t dialup); /*%< * Set the dialup type of 'zone' to 'dialup'. * * Requires: * \li 'zone' to be valid initialised zone. *\li 'dialup' to be a valid dialup type. */ void dns_zone_logv(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_logcategory_t *category, int level, const char *prefix, const char *msg, va_list ap); /*%< * Log the message 'msg...' at 'level' using log category 'category', including * text that identifies the message as applying to 'zone'. If the (optional) * 'prefix' is not NULL, it will be placed at the start of the entire log line. */ void dns_zone_log(dns_zone_t *zone, int level, const char *msg, ...) ISC_FORMAT_PRINTF(3, 4); /*%< * Log the message 'msg...' at 'level', including text that identifies * the message as applying to 'zone'. */ void dns_zone_logc(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_logcategory_t *category, int level, const char *msg, ...) ISC_FORMAT_PRINTF(4, 5); /*%< * Log the message 'msg...' at 'level', including text that identifies * the message as applying to 'zone'. */ void dns_zone_name(dns_zone_t *zone, char *buf, size_t len); /*%< * Return the name of the zone with class and view. * * Requires: *\li 'zone' to be valid. *\li 'buf' to be non NULL. */ void dns_zone_nameonly(dns_zone_t *zone, char *buf, size_t len); /*%< * Return the name of the zone only. * * Requires: *\li 'zone' to be valid. *\li 'buf' to be non NULL. */ isc_result_t dns_zone_checknames(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_name_t *name, dns_rdata_t *rdata); /*%< * Check if this record meets the check-names policy. * * Requires: * 'zone' to be valid. * 'name' to be valid. * 'rdata' to be valid. * * Returns: * DNS_R_SUCCESS passed checks. * DNS_R_BADOWNERNAME failed ownername checks. * DNS_R_BADNAME failed rdata checks. */ void dns_zone_setacache(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_acache_t *acache); /*%< * Associate the zone with an additional cache. * * Require: * 'zone' to be a valid zone. * 'acache' to be a non NULL pointer. * * Ensures: * 'zone' will have a reference to 'acache' */ void dns_zone_setcheckmx(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_checkmxfunc_t checkmx); /*%< * Set the post load integrity callback function 'checkmx'. * 'checkmx' will be called if the MX TARGET is not within the zone. * * Require: * 'zone' to be a valid zone. */ void dns_zone_setchecksrv(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_checkmxfunc_t checksrv); /*%< * Set the post load integrity callback function 'checksrv'. * 'checksrv' will be called if the SRV TARGET is not within the zone. * * Require: * 'zone' to be a valid zone. */ void dns_zone_setcheckns(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_checknsfunc_t checkns); /*%< * Set the post load integrity callback function 'checkns'. * 'checkns' will be called if the NS TARGET is not within the zone. * * Require: * 'zone' to be a valid zone. */ void dns_zone_setnotifydelay(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_uint32_t delay); /*%< * Set the minimum delay between sets of notify messages. * * Requires: * 'zone' to be valid. */ isc_uint32_t dns_zone_getnotifydelay(dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Get the minimum delay between sets of notify messages. * * Requires: * 'zone' to be valid. */ void dns_zone_setisself(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_isselffunc_t isself, void *arg); /*%< * Set the isself callback function and argument. * * isc_boolean_t * isself(dns_view_t *myview, dns_tsigkey_t *mykey, isc_netaddr_t *srcaddr, * isc_netaddr_t *destaddr, dns_rdataclass_t rdclass, void *arg); * * 'isself' returns ISC_TRUE if a non-recursive query from 'srcaddr' to * 'destaddr' with optional key 'mykey' for class 'rdclass' would be * delivered to 'myview'. */ void dns_zone_setnodes(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_uint32_t nodes); /*%< * Set the number of nodes that will be checked per quantum. */ void dns_zone_setsignatures(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_uint32_t signatures); /*%< * Set the number of signatures that will be generated per quantum. */ isc_uint32_t dns_zone_getsignatures(dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Get the number of signatures that will be generated per quantum. */ isc_result_t dns_zone_signwithkey(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_secalg_t algorithm, isc_uint16_t keyid, isc_boolean_t deleteit); /*%< * Initiate/resume signing of the entire zone with the zone DNSKEY(s) * that match the given algorithm and keyid. */ isc_result_t dns_zone_addnsec3chain(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_rdata_nsec3param_t *nsec3param); /*%< * Incrementally add a NSEC3 chain that corresponds to 'nsec3param'. */ void dns_zone_setprivatetype(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_rdatatype_t type); dns_rdatatype_t dns_zone_getprivatetype(dns_zone_t *zone); /* * Get/Set the private record type. It is expected that these interfaces * will not be permanent. */ void dns_zone_rekey(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_boolean_t fullsign); /*%< * Update the zone's DNSKEY set from the key repository. * * If 'fullsign' is true, trigger an immediate full signing of * the zone with the new key. Otherwise, if there are no keys or * if the new keys are for algorithms that have already signed the * zone, then the zone can be re-signed incrementally. */ isc_result_t dns_zone_nscheck(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t *version, unsigned int *errors); /*% * Check if the name servers for the zone are sane (have address, don't * refer to CNAMEs/DNAMEs. The number of constiancy errors detected in * returned in '*errors' * * Requires: * \li 'zone' to be valid. * \li 'db' to be valid. * \li 'version' to be valid or NULL. * \li 'errors' to be non NULL. * * Returns: * ISC_R_SUCCESS if there were no errors examining the zone contents. */ isc_result_t dns_zone_cdscheck(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t *version); /*% * Check if CSD, CDNSKEY and DNSKEY are consistent. * * Requires: * \li 'zone' to be valid. * \li 'db' to be valid. * \li 'version' to be valid or NULL. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #DNS_R_BADCDS *\li #DNS_R_BADCDNSKEY * Others */ void dns_zone_setadded(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_boolean_t added); /*% * Sets the value of zone->added, which should be ISC_TRUE for * zones that were originally added by "rndc addzone". * * Requires: * \li 'zone' to be valid. */ isc_boolean_t dns_zone_getadded(dns_zone_t *zone); /*% * Returns ISC_TRUE if the zone was originally added at runtime * using "rndc addzone". * * Requires: * \li 'zone' to be valid. */ void dns_zone_setautomatic(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_boolean_t automatic); /*% * Sets the value of zone->automatic, which should be ISC_TRUE for * zones that were automatically added by named. * * Requires: * \li 'zone' to be valid. */ isc_boolean_t dns_zone_getautomatic(dns_zone_t *zone); /*% * Returns ISC_TRUE if the zone was added automatically by named. * * Requires: * \li 'zone' to be valid. */ isc_result_t dns_zone_dlzpostload(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_db_t *db); /*% * Load the origin names for a writeable DLZ database. */ isc_boolean_t dns_zone_isdynamic(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_boolean_t ignore_freeze); /*% * Return true iff the zone is "dynamic", in the sense that the zone's * master file (if any) is written by the server, rather than being * updated manually and read by the server. * * This is true for slave zones, stub zones, key zones, and zones that * allow dynamic updates either by having an update policy ("ssutable") * or an "allow-update" ACL with a value other than exactly "{ none; }". * * If 'ignore_freeze' is true, then the zone which has had updates disabled * will still report itself to be dynamic. * * Requires: * \li 'zone' to be valid. */ isc_result_t dns_zone_setrefreshkeyinterval(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_uint32_t interval); /*% * Sets the frequency, in minutes, with which the key repository will be * checked to see if the keys for this zone have been updated. Any value * higher than 1440 minutes (24 hours) will be silently reduced. A * value of zero will return an out-of-range error. * * Requires: * \li 'zone' to be valid. */ isc_boolean_t dns_zone_getrequestexpire(dns_zone_t *zone); /*% * Returns the true/false value of the request-expire option in the zone. * * Requires: * \li 'zone' to be valid. */ void dns_zone_setrequestexpire(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_boolean_t flag); /*% * Sets the request-expire option for the zone. Either true or false. The * default value is determined by the setting of this option in the view. * * Requires: * \li 'zone' to be valid. */ isc_boolean_t dns_zone_getrequestixfr(dns_zone_t *zone); /*% * Returns the true/false value of the request-ixfr option in the zone. * * Requires: * \li 'zone' to be valid. */ void dns_zone_setrequestixfr(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_boolean_t flag); /*% * Sets the request-ixfr option for the zone. Either true or false. The * default value is determined by the setting of this option in the view. * * Requires: * \li 'zone' to be valid. */ void dns_zone_setserialupdatemethod(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_updatemethod_t method); /*% * Sets the update method to use when incrementing the zone serial number * due to a DDNS update. Valid options are dns_updatemethod_increment * and dns_updatemethod_unixtime. * * Requires: * \li 'zone' to be valid. */ dns_updatemethod_t dns_zone_getserialupdatemethod(dns_zone_t *zone); /*% * Returns the update method to be used when incrementing the zone serial * number due to a DDNS update. * * Requires: * \li 'zone' to be valid. */ isc_result_t dns_zone_link(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_zone_t *raw); void dns_zone_getraw(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_zone_t **raw); isc_result_t dns_zone_keydone(dns_zone_t *zone, const char *data); isc_result_t dns_zone_setnsec3param(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_uint8_t hash, isc_uint8_t flags, isc_uint16_t iter, isc_uint8_t saltlen, unsigned char *salt, isc_boolean_t replace); /*% * Set the NSEC3 parameters for the zone. * * If 'replace' is ISC_TRUE, then the existing NSEC3 chain, if any, will * be replaced with the new one. If 'hash' is zero, then the replacement * chain will be NSEC rather than NSEC3. * * Requires: * \li 'zone' to be valid. */ void dns_zone_setrawdata(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_masterrawheader_t *header); /*% * Set the data to be included in the header when the zone is dumped in * binary format. */ isc_result_t dns_zone_synckeyzone(dns_zone_t *zone); /*% * Force the managed key zone to synchronize, and start the key * maintenance timer. */ isc_result_t dns_zone_getloadtime(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_time_t *loadtime); /*% * Return the time when the zone was last loaded. */ isc_result_t dns_zone_getrefreshtime(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_time_t *refreshtime); /*% * Return the time when the (slave) zone will need to be refreshed. */ isc_result_t dns_zone_getexpiretime(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_time_t *expiretime); /*% * Return the time when the (slave) zone will expire. */ isc_result_t dns_zone_getrefreshkeytime(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_time_t *refreshkeytime); /*% * Return the time of the next scheduled DNSSEC key event. */ unsigned int dns_zone_getincludes(dns_zone_t *zone, char ***includesp); /*% * Return the number include files that were encountered * during load. If the number is greater than zero, 'includesp' * will point to an array containing the filenames. * * The array and its contents need to be freed using isc_mem_free. */ isc_result_t dns_zone_rpz_enable(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_rpz_zones_t *rpzs, dns_rpz_num_t rpz_num); /*% * Set the response policy associated with a zone. */ void dns_zone_rpz_enable_db(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_db_t *db); /*% * If a zone is a response policy zone, mark its new database. */ dns_rpz_num_t dns_zone_get_rpz_num(dns_zone_t *zone); void dns_zone_catz_enable(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_catz_zones_t *catzs); /*%< * Enable zone as catalog zone. * * Requires: * * \li 'zone' is a valid zone object * \li 'catzs' is not NULL * \li prior to calling, zone->catzs is NULL or is equal to 'catzs' */ void dns_zone_catz_enable_db(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_db_t *db); /*%< * If 'zone' is a catalog zone, then set up a notify-on-update trigger * in its database. (If not a catalog zone, this function has no effect.) * * Requires: * * \li 'zone' is a valid zone object * \li 'db' is not NULL */ void dns_zone_set_parentcatz(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_catz_zone_t *catz); /*%< * Set parent catalog zone for this zone * * Requires: * * \li 'zone' is a valid zone object * \li 'catz' is not NULL */ dns_catz_zone_t * dns_zone_get_parentcatz(const dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Get parent catalog zone for this zone * * Requires: * * \li 'zone' is a valid zone object */ void dns_zone_setstatlevel(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_zonestat_level_t level); dns_zonestat_level_t dns_zone_getstatlevel(dns_zone_t *zone); /*% * Set and get the statistics reporting level for the zone; * full, terse, or none. */ isc_result_t dns_zone_setserial(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_uint32_t serial); /*% * Set the zone's serial to 'serial'. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_ZONE_H */ PK #include #include #include #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /*% * A dns_fetchevent_t is sent when a 'fetch' completes. Any of 'db', * 'node', 'rdataset', and 'sigrdataset' may be bound. It is the * receiver's responsibility to detach before freeing the event. * \brief * 'rdataset', 'sigrdataset', 'client' and 'id' are the values that were * supplied when dns_resolver_createfetch() was called. They are returned * to the caller so that they may be freed. */ typedef struct dns_fetchevent { ISC_EVENT_COMMON(struct dns_fetchevent); dns_fetch_t * fetch; isc_result_t result; dns_rdatatype_t qtype; dns_db_t * db; dns_dbnode_t * node; dns_rdataset_t * rdataset; dns_rdataset_t * sigrdataset; dns_fixedname_t foundname; isc_sockaddr_t * client; dns_messageid_t id; isc_result_t vresult; } dns_fetchevent_t; /*% * The two quota types (fetches-per-zone and fetches-per-server) */ typedef enum { dns_quotatype_zone = 0, dns_quotatype_server } dns_quotatype_t; /* * Options that modify how a 'fetch' is done. */ #define DNS_FETCHOPT_TCP 0x00001 /*%< Use TCP. */ #define DNS_FETCHOPT_UNSHARED 0x00002 /*%< See below. */ #define DNS_FETCHOPT_RECURSIVE 0x00004 /*%< Set RD? */ #define DNS_FETCHOPT_NOEDNS0 0x00008 /*%< Do not use EDNS. */ #define DNS_FETCHOPT_FORWARDONLY 0x00010 /*%< Only use forwarders. */ #define DNS_FETCHOPT_NOVALIDATE 0x00020 /*%< Disable validation. */ #define DNS_FETCHOPT_EDNS512 0x00040 /*%< Advertise a 512 byte 0 UDP buffer. */ #define DNS_FETCHOPT_WANTNSID 0x00080 /*%< Request NSID */ #define DNS_FETCHOPT_PREFETCH 0x00100 /*%< Do prefetch */ #define DNS_FETCHOPT_NOCDFLAG 0x00200 /*%< Don't set CD flag. */ #define DNS_FETCHOPT_NONTA 0x00400 /*%< Ignore NTA table. */ /* RESERVED ECS 0x00000 */ /* RESERVED ECS 0x01000 */ /* RESERVED ECS 0x02000 */ /* RESERVED TCPCLIENT 0x04000 */ #define DNS_FETCHOPT_NOCACHED 0x08000 /*%< Force cache update. */ #define DNS_FETCHOPT_NOFORWARD 0x80000 /*%< Do not use forwarders if possible. */ /* Reserved in use by adb.c 0x00400000 */ #define DNS_FETCHOPT_EDNSVERSIONSET 0x00800000 #define DNS_FETCHOPT_EDNSVERSIONMASK 0xff000000 #define DNS_FETCHOPT_EDNSVERSIONSHIFT 24 /* * Upper bounds of class of query RTT (ms). Corresponds to * dns_resstatscounter_queryrttX statistics counters. */ #define DNS_RESOLVER_QRYRTTCLASS0 10 #define DNS_RESOLVER_QRYRTTCLASS0STR "10" #define DNS_RESOLVER_QRYRTTCLASS1 100 #define DNS_RESOLVER_QRYRTTCLASS1STR "100" #define DNS_RESOLVER_QRYRTTCLASS2 500 #define DNS_RESOLVER_QRYRTTCLASS2STR "500" #define DNS_RESOLVER_QRYRTTCLASS3 800 #define DNS_RESOLVER_QRYRTTCLASS3STR "800" #define DNS_RESOLVER_QRYRTTCLASS4 1600 #define DNS_RESOLVER_QRYRTTCLASS4STR "1600" /* * XXXRTH Should this API be made semi-private? (I.e. * _dns_resolver_create()). */ #define DNS_RESOLVER_CHECKNAMES 0x01 #define DNS_RESOLVER_CHECKNAMESFAIL 0x02 isc_result_t dns_resolver_create(dns_view_t *view, isc_taskmgr_t *taskmgr, unsigned int ntasks, unsigned int ndisp, isc_socketmgr_t *socketmgr, isc_timermgr_t *timermgr, unsigned int options, dns_dispatchmgr_t *dispatchmgr, dns_dispatch_t *dispatchv4, dns_dispatch_t *dispatchv6, dns_resolver_t **resp); /*%< * Create a resolver. * * Notes: * *\li Generally, applications should not create a resolver directly, but * should instead call dns_view_createresolver(). * * Requires: * *\li 'view' is a valid view. * *\li 'taskmgr' is a valid task manager. * *\li 'ntasks' > 0. * *\li 'socketmgr' is a valid socket manager. * *\li 'timermgr' is a valid timer manager. * *\li 'dispatchv4' is a dispatch with an IPv4 UDP socket, or is NULL. * If not NULL, 'ndisp' clones of it will be created by the resolver. * *\li 'dispatchv6' is a dispatch with an IPv6 UDP socket, or is NULL. * If not NULL, 'ndisp' clones of it will be created by the resolver. * *\li resp != NULL && *resp == NULL. * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS On success. * *\li Anything else Failure. */ void dns_resolver_freeze(dns_resolver_t *res); /*%< * Freeze resolver. * * Notes: * *\li Certain configuration changes cannot be made after the resolver * is frozen. Fetches cannot be created until the resolver is frozen. * * Requires: * *\li 'res' is a valid resolver. * * Ensures: * *\li 'res' is frozen. */ void dns_resolver_prime(dns_resolver_t *res); /*%< * Prime resolver. * * Notes: * *\li Resolvers which have a forwarding policy other than dns_fwdpolicy_only * need to be primed with the root nameservers, otherwise the root * nameserver hints data may be used indefinitely. This function requests * that the resolver start a priming fetch, if it isn't already priming. * * Requires: * *\li 'res' is a valid, frozen resolver. */ void dns_resolver_whenshutdown(dns_resolver_t *res, isc_task_t *task, isc_event_t **eventp); /*%< * Send '*eventp' to 'task' when 'res' has completed shutdown. * * Notes: * *\li It is not safe to detach the last reference to 'res' until * shutdown is complete. * * Requires: * *\li 'res' is a valid resolver. * *\li 'task' is a valid task. * *\li *eventp is a valid event. * * Ensures: * *\li *eventp == NULL. */ void dns_resolver_shutdown(dns_resolver_t *res); /*%< * Start the shutdown process for 'res'. * * Notes: * *\li This call has no effect if the resolver is already shutting down. * * Requires: * *\li 'res' is a valid resolver. */ void dns_resolver_attach(dns_resolver_t *source, dns_resolver_t **targetp); void dns_resolver_detach(dns_resolver_t **resp); isc_result_t dns_resolver_createfetch(dns_resolver_t *res, dns_name_t *name, dns_rdatatype_t type, dns_name_t *domain, dns_rdataset_t *nameservers, dns_forwarders_t *forwarders, unsigned int options, isc_task_t *task, isc_taskaction_t action, void *arg, dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, dns_rdataset_t *sigrdataset, dns_fetch_t **fetchp); isc_result_t dns_resolver_createfetch2(dns_resolver_t *res, dns_name_t *name, dns_rdatatype_t type, dns_name_t *domain, dns_rdataset_t *nameservers, dns_forwarders_t *forwarders, isc_sockaddr_t *client, isc_uint16_t id, unsigned int options, isc_task_t *task, isc_taskaction_t action, void *arg, dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, dns_rdataset_t *sigrdataset, dns_fetch_t **fetchp); isc_result_t dns_resolver_createfetch3(dns_resolver_t *res, dns_name_t *name, dns_rdatatype_t type, dns_name_t *domain, dns_rdataset_t *nameservers, dns_forwarders_t *forwarders, isc_sockaddr_t *client, isc_uint16_t id, unsigned int options, unsigned int depth, isc_counter_t *qc, isc_task_t *task, isc_taskaction_t action, void *arg, dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, dns_rdataset_t *sigrdataset, dns_fetch_t **fetchp); /*%< * Recurse to answer a question. * * Notes: * *\li This call starts a query for 'name', type 'type'. * *\li The 'domain' is a parent domain of 'name' for which * a set of name servers 'nameservers' is known. If no * such name server information is available, set * 'domain' and 'nameservers' to NULL. * *\li 'forwarders' is unimplemented, and subject to change when * we figure out how selective forwarding will work. * *\li When the fetch completes (successfully or otherwise), a * #DNS_EVENT_FETCHDONE event with action 'action' and arg 'arg' will be * posted to 'task'. * *\li The values of 'rdataset' and 'sigrdataset' will be returned in * the FETCHDONE event. * *\li 'client' and 'id' are used for duplicate query detection. '*client' * must remain stable until after 'action' has been called or * dns_resolver_cancelfetch() is called. * * Requires: * *\li 'res' is a valid resolver that has been frozen. * *\li 'name' is a valid name. * *\li 'type' is not a meta type other than ANY. * *\li 'domain' is a valid name or NULL. * *\li 'nameservers' is a valid NS rdataset (whose owner name is 'domain') * iff. 'domain' is not NULL. * *\li 'forwarders' is NULL. * *\li 'client' is a valid sockaddr or NULL. * *\li 'options' contains valid options. * *\li 'rdataset' is a valid, disassociated rdataset. * *\li 'sigrdataset' is NULL, or is a valid, disassociated rdataset. * *\li fetchp != NULL && *fetchp == NULL. * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS Success *\li #DNS_R_DUPLICATE *\li #DNS_R_DROP * *\li Many other values are possible, all of which indicate failure. */ void dns_resolver_cancelfetch(dns_fetch_t *fetch); /*%< * Cancel 'fetch'. * * Notes: * *\li If 'fetch' has not completed, post its FETCHDONE event with a * result code of #ISC_R_CANCELED. * * Requires: * *\li 'fetch' is a valid fetch. */ void dns_resolver_destroyfetch(dns_fetch_t **fetchp); /*%< * Destroy 'fetch'. * * Requires: * *\li '*fetchp' is a valid fetch. * *\li The caller has received the FETCHDONE event (either because the * fetch completed or because dns_resolver_cancelfetch() was called). * * Ensures: * *\li *fetchp == NULL. */ void dns_resolver_logfetch(dns_fetch_t *fetch, isc_log_t *lctx, isc_logcategory_t *category, isc_logmodule_t *module, int level, isc_boolean_t duplicateok); /*%< * Dump a log message on internal state at the completion of given 'fetch'. * 'lctx', 'category', 'module', and 'level' are used to write the log message. * By default, only one log message is written even if the corresponding fetch * context serves multiple clients; if 'duplicateok' is true the suppression * is disabled and the message can be written every time this function is * called. * * Requires: * *\li 'fetch' is a valid fetch, and has completed. */ dns_dispatchmgr_t * dns_resolver_dispatchmgr(dns_resolver_t *resolver); dns_dispatch_t * dns_resolver_dispatchv4(dns_resolver_t *resolver); dns_dispatch_t * dns_resolver_dispatchv6(dns_resolver_t *resolver); isc_socketmgr_t * dns_resolver_socketmgr(dns_resolver_t *resolver); isc_taskmgr_t * dns_resolver_taskmgr(dns_resolver_t *resolver); isc_uint32_t dns_resolver_getlamettl(dns_resolver_t *resolver); /*%< * Get the resolver's lame-ttl. zero => no lame processing. * * Requires: *\li 'resolver' to be valid. */ void dns_resolver_setlamettl(dns_resolver_t *resolver, isc_uint32_t lame_ttl); /*%< * Set the resolver's lame-ttl. zero => no lame processing. * * Requires: *\li 'resolver' to be valid. */ unsigned int dns_resolver_nrunning(dns_resolver_t *resolver); /*%< * Return the number of currently running resolutions in this * resolver. This is may be less than the number of outstanding * fetches due to multiple identical fetches, or more than the * number of of outstanding fetches due to the fact that resolution * can continue even though a fetch has been canceled. */ isc_result_t dns_resolver_addalternate(dns_resolver_t *resolver, isc_sockaddr_t *alt, dns_name_t *name, in_port_t port); /*%< * Add alternate addresses to be tried in the event that the nameservers * for a zone are not available in the address families supported by the * operating system. * * Require: * \li only one of 'name' or 'alt' to be valid. */ void dns_resolver_setudpsize(dns_resolver_t *resolver, isc_uint16_t udpsize); /*%< * Set the EDNS UDP buffer size advertised by the server. */ isc_uint16_t dns_resolver_getudpsize(dns_resolver_t *resolver); /*%< * Get the current EDNS UDP buffer size. */ void dns_resolver_reset_algorithms(dns_resolver_t *resolver); /*%< * Clear the disabled DNSSEC algorithms. */ void dns_resolver_reset_ds_digests(dns_resolver_t *resolver); /*%< * Clear the disabled DS/DLV digest types. */ isc_result_t dns_resolver_disable_algorithm(dns_resolver_t *resolver, dns_name_t *name, unsigned int alg); /*%< * Mark the given DNSSEC algorithm as disabled and below 'name'. * Valid algorithms are less than 256. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_RANGE *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY */ isc_result_t dns_resolver_disable_ds_digest(dns_resolver_t *resolver, dns_name_t *name, unsigned int digest_type); /*%< * Mark the given DS/DLV digest type as disabled and below 'name'. * Valid types are less than 256. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_RANGE *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY */ isc_boolean_t dns_resolver_algorithm_supported(dns_resolver_t *resolver, dns_name_t *name, unsigned int alg); /*%< * Check if the given algorithm is supported by this resolver. * This checks whether the algorithm has been disabled via * dns_resolver_disable_algorithm(), then checks the underlying * crypto libraries if it was not specifically disabled. */ isc_boolean_t dns_resolver_ds_digest_supported(dns_resolver_t *resolver, dns_name_t *name, unsigned int digest_type); /*%< * Check if the given digest type is supported by this resolver. * This checks whether the digest type has been disabled via * dns_resolver_disable_ds_digest(), then checks the underlying * crypto libraries if it was not specifically disabled. */ void dns_resolver_resetmustbesecure(dns_resolver_t *resolver); isc_result_t dns_resolver_setmustbesecure(dns_resolver_t *resolver, dns_name_t *name, isc_boolean_t value); isc_boolean_t dns_resolver_getmustbesecure(dns_resolver_t *resolver, dns_name_t *name); void dns_resolver_settimeout(dns_resolver_t *resolver, unsigned int seconds); /*%< * Set the length of time the resolver will work on a query, in seconds. * * If timeout is 0, the default timeout will be applied. * * Requires: * \li resolver to be valid. */ unsigned int dns_resolver_gettimeout(dns_resolver_t *resolver); /*%< * Get the current length of time the resolver will work on a query, in seconds. * * Requires: * \li resolver to be valid. */ void dns_resolver_setclientsperquery(dns_resolver_t *resolver, isc_uint32_t min, isc_uint32_t max); void dns_resolver_setfetchesperzone(dns_resolver_t *resolver, isc_uint32_t clients); void dns_resolver_getclientsperquery(dns_resolver_t *resolver, isc_uint32_t *cur, isc_uint32_t *min, isc_uint32_t *max); isc_boolean_t dns_resolver_getzeronosoattl(dns_resolver_t *resolver); void dns_resolver_setzeronosoattl(dns_resolver_t *resolver, isc_boolean_t state); unsigned int dns_resolver_getoptions(dns_resolver_t *resolver); void dns_resolver_addbadcache(dns_resolver_t *resolver, dns_name_t *name, dns_rdatatype_t type, isc_time_t *expire); /*%< * Add a entry to the bad cache for that will expire at 'expire'. * * Requires: * \li resolver to be valid. * \li name to be valid. */ isc_boolean_t dns_resolver_getbadcache(dns_resolver_t *resolver, dns_name_t *name, dns_rdatatype_t type, isc_time_t *now); /*%< * Check to see if there is a unexpired entry in the bad cache for * . * * Requires: * \li resolver to be valid. * \li name to be valid. */ void dns_resolver_flushbadcache(dns_resolver_t *resolver, dns_name_t *name); /*%< * Flush the bad cache of all entries at 'name' if 'name' is non NULL. * Flush the entire bad cache if 'name' is NULL. * * Requires: * \li resolver to be valid. */ void dns_resolver_flushbadnames(dns_resolver_t *resolver, dns_name_t *name); /*%< * Flush the bad cache of all entries at or below 'name'. * * Requires: * \li resolver to be valid. * \li name != NULL */ void dns_resolver_printbadcache(dns_resolver_t *resolver, FILE *fp); /*% * Print out the contents of the bad cache to 'fp'. * * Requires: * \li resolver to be valid. */ void dns_resolver_setquerydscp4(dns_resolver_t *resolver, isc_dscp_t dscp); isc_dscp_t dns_resolver_getquerydscp4(dns_resolver_t *resolver); void dns_resolver_setquerydscp6(dns_resolver_t *resolver, isc_dscp_t dscp); isc_dscp_t dns_resolver_getquerydscp6(dns_resolver_t *resolver); /*% * Get and set the DSCP values for the resolver's IPv4 and IPV6 query * sources. * * Requires: * \li resolver to be valid. */ void dns_resolver_setmaxdepth(dns_resolver_t *resolver, unsigned int maxdepth); unsigned int dns_resolver_getmaxdepth(dns_resolver_t *resolver); /*% * Get and set how many NS indirections will be followed when looking for * nameserver addresses. * * Requires: * \li resolver to be valid. */ void dns_resolver_setmaxqueries(dns_resolver_t *resolver, unsigned int queries); unsigned int dns_resolver_getmaxqueries(dns_resolver_t *resolver); /*% * Get and set how many iterative queries will be allowed before * terminating a recursive query. * * Requires: * \li resolver to be valid. */ void dns_resolver_setquotaresponse(dns_resolver_t *resolver, dns_quotatype_t which, isc_result_t resp); isc_result_t dns_resolver_getquotaresponse(dns_resolver_t *resolver, dns_quotatype_t which); /*% * Get and set the result code that will be used when quotas * are exceeded. If 'which' is set to quotatype "zone", then the * result specified in 'resp' will be used when the fetches-per-zone * quota is exceeded by a fetch. If 'which' is set to quotatype "server", * then the reuslt specified in 'resp' will be used when the * fetches-per-server quota has been exceeded for all the * authoritative servers for a zone. Valid choices are * DNS_R_DROP or DNS_R_SERVFAIL. * * Requires: * \li 'resolver' to be valid. * \li 'which' to be dns_quotatype_zone or dns_quotatype_server * \li 'resp' to be DNS_R_DROP or DNS_R_SERVFAIL. */ void dns_resolver_dumpfetches(dns_resolver_t *resolver, isc_statsformat_t format, FILE *fp); #ifdef ENABLE_AFL /*% * Enable fuzzing of resolver, changes behaviour and eliminates retries */ void dns_resolver_setfuzzing(void); #endif ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_RESOLVER_H */ PK #include #include #include struct dns_iptable { unsigned int magic; isc_mem_t *mctx; isc_refcount_t refcount; isc_radix_tree_t *radix; ISC_LINK(dns_iptable_t) nextincache; }; #define DNS_IPTABLE_MAGIC ISC_MAGIC('T','a','b','l') #define DNS_IPTABLE_VALID(a) ISC_MAGIC_VALID(a, DNS_IPTABLE_MAGIC) /*** *** Functions ***/ ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS isc_result_t dns_iptable_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_iptable_t **target); /* * Create a new IP table and the underlying radix structure */ isc_result_t dns_iptable_addprefix(dns_iptable_t *tab, isc_netaddr_t *addr, isc_uint16_t bitlen, isc_boolean_t pos); isc_result_t dns_iptable_addprefix2(dns_iptable_t *tab, isc_netaddr_t *addr, isc_uint16_t bitlen, isc_boolean_t pos, isc_boolean_t is_ecs); /* * Add an IP prefix to an existing IP table */ isc_result_t dns_iptable_merge(dns_iptable_t *tab, dns_iptable_t *source, isc_boolean_t pos); /* * Merge one IP table into another one. */ void dns_iptable_attach(dns_iptable_t *source, dns_iptable_t **target); void dns_iptable_detach(dns_iptable_t **tabp); ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_IPTABLE_H */ PK #include #include #include #include #include /*** *** Defines. ***/ #define DNS_JOURNALOPT_RESIGN 0x00000001 #define DNS_JOURNAL_READ 0x00000000 /* ISC_FALSE */ #define DNS_JOURNAL_CREATE 0x00000001 /* ISC_TRUE */ #define DNS_JOURNAL_WRITE 0x00000002 /*** *** Types ***/ /*% * A dns_journal_t represents an open journal file. This is an opaque type. * * A particular dns_journal_t object may be opened for writing, in which case * it can be used for writing transactions to a journal file, or it can be * opened for reading, in which case it can be used for reading transactions * from (iterating over) a journal file. A single dns_journal_t object may * not be used for both purposes. */ typedef struct dns_journal dns_journal_t; /*** *** Functions ***/ ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /**************************************************************************/ isc_result_t dns_db_createsoatuple(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t *ver, isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_diffop_t op, dns_difftuple_t **tp); /*!< brief * Create a diff tuple for the current database SOA. * XXX this probably belongs somewhere else. */ /*@{*/ #define DNS_SERIAL_GT(a, b) ((int)(((a) - (b)) & 0xFFFFFFFF) > 0) #define DNS_SERIAL_GE(a, b) ((int)(((a) - (b)) & 0xFFFFFFFF) >= 0) /*!< brief * Compare SOA serial numbers. DNS_SERIAL_GT(a, b) returns true iff * a is "greater than" b where "greater than" is as defined in RFC1982. * DNS_SERIAL_GE(a, b) returns true iff a is "greater than or equal to" b. */ /*@}*/ /**************************************************************************/ /* * Journal object creation and destruction. */ isc_result_t dns_journal_open(isc_mem_t *mctx, const char *filename, unsigned int mode, dns_journal_t **journalp); /*%< * Open the journal file 'filename' and create a dns_journal_t object for it. * * DNS_JOURNAL_CREATE open the journal for reading and writing and create * the journal if it does not exist. * DNS_JOURNAL_WRITE open the journal for reading and writing. * DNS_JOURNAL_READ open the journal for reading only. */ void dns_journal_destroy(dns_journal_t **journalp); /*%< * Destroy a dns_journal_t, closing any open files and freeing its memory. */ /**************************************************************************/ /* * Writing transactions to journals. */ isc_result_t dns_journal_begin_transaction(dns_journal_t *j); /*%< * Prepare to write a new transaction to the open journal file 'j'. * * Requires: * \li 'j' is open for writing. */ isc_result_t dns_journal_writediff(dns_journal_t *j, dns_diff_t *diff); /*%< * Write 'diff' to the current transaction of journal file 'j'. * * Requires: * \li 'j' is open for writing and dns_journal_begin_transaction() * has been called. * *\li 'diff' is a full or partial, correctly ordered IXFR * difference sequence. */ isc_result_t dns_journal_commit(dns_journal_t *j); /*%< * Commit the current transaction of journal file 'j'. * * Requires: * \li 'j' is open for writing and dns_journal_begin_transaction() * has been called. * * \li dns_journal_writediff() has been called one or more times * to form a complete, correctly ordered IXFR difference * sequence. */ isc_result_t dns_journal_write_transaction(dns_journal_t *j, dns_diff_t *diff); /*% * Write a complete transaction at once to a journal file, * sorting it if necessary, and commit it. Equivalent to calling * dns_diff_sort(), dns_journal_begin_transaction(), * dns_journal_writediff(), and dns_journal_commit(). * * Requires: *\li 'j' is open for writing. * * \li 'diff' contains exactly one SOA deletion, one SOA addition * with a greater serial number, and possibly other changes, * in arbitrary order. */ /**************************************************************************/ /* * Reading transactions from journals. */ isc_uint32_t dns_journal_first_serial(dns_journal_t *j); isc_uint32_t dns_journal_last_serial(dns_journal_t *j); /*%< * Get the first and last addressable serial number in the journal. */ isc_result_t dns_journal_iter_init(dns_journal_t *j, isc_uint32_t begin_serial, isc_uint32_t end_serial); /*%< * Prepare to iterate over the transactions that will bring the database * from SOA serial number 'begin_serial' to 'end_serial'. * * Returns: *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li ISC_R_RANGE begin_serial is outside the addressable range. *\li ISC_R_NOTFOUND begin_serial is within the range of addressable * serial numbers covered by the journal, but * this particular serial number does not exist. */ /*@{*/ isc_result_t dns_journal_first_rr(dns_journal_t *j); isc_result_t dns_journal_next_rr(dns_journal_t *j); /*%< * Position the iterator at the first/next RR in a journal * transaction sequence established using dns_journal_iter_init(). * * Requires: * \li dns_journal_iter_init() has been called. * */ /*@}*/ void dns_journal_current_rr(dns_journal_t *j, dns_name_t **name, isc_uint32_t *ttl, dns_rdata_t **rdata); /*%< * Get the name, ttl, and rdata of the current journal RR. * * Requires: * \li The last call to dns_journal_first_rr() or dns_journal_next_rr() * returned ISC_R_SUCCESS. */ /**************************************************************************/ /* * Database roll-forward. */ isc_result_t dns_journal_rollforward(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_db_t *db, unsigned int options, const char *filename); /*%< * Roll forward (play back) the journal file "filename" into the * database "db". This should be called when the server starts * after a shutdown or crash. * * Requires: *\li 'mctx' is a valid memory context. *\li 'db' is a valid database which does not have a version * open for writing. *\li 'filename' is the name of the journal file belonging to 'db'. * * Returns: *\li DNS_R_NOJOURNAL when journal does not exist. *\li ISC_R_NOTFOUND when current serial in not in journal. *\li ISC_R_RANGE when current serial in not in journals range. *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS journal has been applied successfully to database. * others */ isc_result_t dns_journal_print(isc_mem_t *mctx, const char *filename, FILE *file); /* For debugging not general use */ isc_result_t dns_db_diff(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_db_t *dba, dns_dbversion_t *dbvera, dns_db_t *dbb, dns_dbversion_t *dbverb, const char *journal_filename); isc_result_t dns_db_diffx(dns_diff_t *diff, dns_db_t *dba, dns_dbversion_t *dbvera, dns_db_t *dbb, dns_dbversion_t *dbverb, const char *journal_filename); /*%< * Compare the databases 'dba' and 'dbb' and generate a diff/journal * entry containing the changes to make 'dba' from 'dbb' (note * the order). This journal entry will consist of a single, * possibly very large transaction. Append the journal * entry to the journal file specified by 'journal_filename' if * non-NULL. */ isc_result_t dns_journal_compact(isc_mem_t *mctx, char *filename, isc_uint32_t serial, isc_uint32_t target_size); /*%< * Attempt to compact the journal if it is greater that 'target_size'. * Changes from 'serial' onwards will be preserved. If the journal * exists and is non-empty 'serial' must exist in the journal. */ isc_boolean_t dns_journal_get_sourceserial(dns_journal_t *j, isc_uint32_t *sourceserial); void dns_journal_set_sourceserial(dns_journal_t *j, isc_uint32_t sourceserial); /*%< * Get and set source serial. * * Returns: * ISC_TRUE if sourceserial has previously been set. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_JOURNAL_H */ PK #include #include #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS struct dns_forwarder { isc_sockaddr_t addr; isc_dscp_t dscp; ISC_LINK(dns_forwarder_t) link; }; typedef ISC_LIST(struct dns_forwarder) dns_forwarderlist_t; struct dns_forwarders { dns_forwarderlist_t fwdrs; dns_fwdpolicy_t fwdpolicy; }; isc_result_t dns_fwdtable_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_fwdtable_t **fwdtablep); /*%< * Creates a new forwarding table. * * Requires: * \li mctx is a valid memory context. * \li fwdtablep != NULL && *fwdtablep == NULL * * Returns: * \li #ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY */ isc_result_t dns_fwdtable_addfwd(dns_fwdtable_t *fwdtable, dns_name_t *name, dns_forwarderlist_t *fwdrs, dns_fwdpolicy_t policy); isc_result_t dns_fwdtable_add(dns_fwdtable_t *fwdtable, dns_name_t *name, isc_sockaddrlist_t *addrs, dns_fwdpolicy_t policy); /*%< * Adds an entry to the forwarding table. The entry associates * a domain with a list of forwarders and a forwarding policy. The * addrs/fwdrs list is copied if not empty, so the caller should free * its copy. * * Requires: * \li fwdtable is a valid forwarding table. * \li name is a valid name * \li addrs/fwdrs is a valid list of isc_sockaddr/dns_forwarder * structures, which may be empty. * * Returns: * \li #ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY */ isc_result_t dns_fwdtable_delete(dns_fwdtable_t *fwdtable, dns_name_t *name); /*%< * Removes an entry for 'name' from the forwarding table. If an entry * that exactly matches 'name' does not exist, ISC_R_NOTFOUND will be returned. * * Requires: * \li fwdtable is a valid forwarding table. * \li name is a valid name * * Returns: * \li #ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li #ISC_R_NOTFOUND */ isc_result_t dns_fwdtable_find(dns_fwdtable_t *fwdtable, dns_name_t *name, dns_forwarders_t **forwardersp); /*%< * Finds a domain in the forwarding table. The closest matching parent * domain is returned. * * Requires: * \li fwdtable is a valid forwarding table. * \li name is a valid name * \li forwardersp != NULL && *forwardersp == NULL * * Returns: * \li #ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li #ISC_R_NOTFOUND */ isc_result_t dns_fwdtable_find2(dns_fwdtable_t *fwdtable, dns_name_t *name, dns_name_t *foundname, dns_forwarders_t **forwardersp); /*%< * Finds a domain in the forwarding table. The closest matching parent * domain is returned. * * Requires: * \li fwdtable is a valid forwarding table. * \li name is a valid name * \li forwardersp != NULL && *forwardersp == NULL * \li foundname to be NULL or a valid name with buffer. * * Returns: * \li #ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li #ISC_R_NOTFOUND */ void dns_fwdtable_destroy(dns_fwdtable_t **fwdtablep); /*%< * Destroys a forwarding table. * * Requires: * \li fwtablep != NULL && *fwtablep != NULL * * Ensures: * \li all memory associated with the forwarding table is freed. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_FORWARD_H */ PK #include #include #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS isc_result_t dns_keydata_todnskey(dns_rdata_keydata_t *keydata, dns_rdata_dnskey_t *dnskey, isc_mem_t *mctx); isc_result_t dns_keydata_fromdnskey(dns_rdata_keydata_t *keydata, dns_rdata_dnskey_t *dnskey, isc_uint32_t refresh, isc_uint32_t addhd, isc_uint32_t removehd, isc_mem_t *mctx); ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_KEYDATA_H */ PK #include #include #include #include #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /*** *** Types ***/ #define DNS_DLZ_MAGIC ISC_MAGIC('D','L','Z','D') #define DNS_DLZ_VALID(dlz) ISC_MAGIC_VALID(dlz, DNS_DLZ_MAGIC) typedef isc_result_t (*dns_dlzallowzonexfr_t)(void *driverarg, void *dbdata, isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_rdataclass_t rdclass, dns_name_t *name, isc_sockaddr_t *clientaddr, dns_db_t **dbp); /*%< * Method prototype. Drivers implementing the DLZ interface MUST * supply an allow zone transfer method. This method is called when * the DNS server is performing a zone transfer query. The driver's * method should return ISC_R_SUCCESS and a database pointer to the * name server if the zone is supported by the database, and zone * transfer is allowed. Otherwise it will return ISC_R_NOTFOUND if * the zone is not supported by the database, or ISC_R_NOPERM if zone * transfers are not allowed. If an error occurs it should return a * result code indicating the type of error. */ typedef isc_result_t (*dns_dlzcreate_t)(isc_mem_t *mctx, const char *dlzname, unsigned int argc, char *argv[], void *driverarg, void **dbdata); /*%< * Method prototype. Drivers implementing the DLZ interface MUST * supply a create method. This method is called when the DNS server * is starting up and creating drivers for use later. */ typedef void (*dns_dlzdestroy_t)(void *driverarg, void **dbdata); /*%< * Method prototype. Drivers implementing the DLZ interface MUST * supply a destroy method. This method is called when the DNS server * is shutting down and no longer needs the driver. */ typedef isc_result_t (*dns_dlzfindzone_t)(void *driverarg, void *dbdata, isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_rdataclass_t rdclass, dns_name_t *name, dns_clientinfomethods_t *methods, dns_clientinfo_t *clientinfo, dns_db_t **dbp); /*%< * Method prototype. Drivers implementing the DLZ interface MUST * supply a find zone method. This method is called when the DNS * server is performing a query. The find zone method will be called * with the longest possible name first, and continue to be called * with successively shorter domain names, until any of the following * occur: * * \li 1) a match is found, and the function returns (ISC_R_SUCCESS) * * \li 2) a problem occurs, and the functions returns anything other * than (ISC_R_NOTFOUND) * \li 3) we run out of domain name labels. I.E. we have tried the * shortest domain name * \li 4) the number of labels in the domain name is less than * min_labels for dns_dlzfindzone * * The driver's find zone method should return ISC_R_SUCCESS and a * database pointer to the name server if the zone is supported by the * database. Otherwise it will return ISC_R_NOTFOUND, and a null * pointer if the zone is not supported. If an error occurs it should * return a result code indicating the type of error. */ typedef isc_result_t (*dns_dlzconfigure_t)(void *driverarg, void *dbdata, dns_view_t *view, dns_dlzdb_t *dlzdb); /*%< * Method prototype. Drivers implementing the DLZ interface may * optionally supply a configure method. If supplied, this will be * called immediately after the create method is called. The driver * may call configuration functions during the configure call */ typedef isc_boolean_t (*dns_dlzssumatch_t)(dns_name_t *signer, dns_name_t *name, isc_netaddr_t *tcpaddr, dns_rdatatype_t type, const dst_key_t *key, void *driverarg, void *dbdata); /*%< * Method prototype. Drivers implementing the DLZ interface may * optionally supply a ssumatch method. If supplied, this will be * called to authorize update requests */ /*% the methods supplied by a DLZ driver */ typedef struct dns_dlzmethods { dns_dlzcreate_t create; dns_dlzdestroy_t destroy; dns_dlzfindzone_t findzone; dns_dlzallowzonexfr_t allowzonexfr; dns_dlzconfigure_t configure; dns_dlzssumatch_t ssumatch; } dns_dlzmethods_t; /*% information about a DLZ driver */ struct dns_dlzimplementation { const char *name; const dns_dlzmethods_t *methods; isc_mem_t *mctx; void *driverarg; ISC_LINK(dns_dlzimplementation_t) link; }; typedef isc_result_t (*dlzconfigure_callback_t)(dns_view_t *, dns_dlzdb_t *, dns_zone_t *); /*% An instance of a DLZ driver */ struct dns_dlzdb { unsigned int magic; isc_mem_t *mctx; dns_dlzimplementation_t *implementation; void *dbdata; dlzconfigure_callback_t configure_callback; isc_boolean_t search; char *dlzname; ISC_LINK(dns_dlzdb_t) link; dns_ssutable_t *ssutable; }; /*** *** Method declarations ***/ isc_result_t dns_dlzallowzonexfr(dns_view_t *view, dns_name_t *name, isc_sockaddr_t *clientaddr, dns_db_t **dbp); /*%< * This method is called when the DNS server is performing a zone * transfer query. It will call the DLZ driver's allow zone transfer * method. */ isc_result_t dns_dlzcreate(isc_mem_t *mctx, const char *dlzname, const char *drivername, unsigned int argc, char *argv[], dns_dlzdb_t **dbp); /*%< * This method is called when the DNS server is starting up and * creating drivers for use later. It will search the DLZ driver list * for 'drivername' and return a DLZ driver via dbp if a match is * found. If the DLZ driver supplies a create method, this function * will call it. */ void dns_dlzdestroy(dns_dlzdb_t **dbp); /*%< * This method is called when the DNS server is shutting down and no * longer needs the driver. If the DLZ driver supplies a destroy * methods, this function will call it. */ isc_result_t dns_dlzregister(const char *drivername, const dns_dlzmethods_t *methods, void *driverarg, isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_dlzimplementation_t **dlzimp); /*%< * Register a dynamically loadable zones (DLZ) driver for the database * type 'drivername', implemented by the functions in '*methods'. * * dlzimp must point to a NULL dlz_implementation_t pointer. That is, * dlzimp != NULL && *dlzimp == NULL. It will be assigned a value that * will later be used to identify the driver when deregistering it. */ isc_result_t dns_dlzstrtoargv(isc_mem_t *mctx, char *s, unsigned int *argcp, char ***argvp); /*%< * This method is called when the name server is starting up to parse * the DLZ driver command line from named.conf. Basically it splits * up a string into and argc / argv. The primary difference of this * method is items between braces { } are considered only 1 word. for * example the command line "this is { one grouped phrase } and this * isn't" would be parsed into: * * \li argv[0]: "this" * \li argv[1]: "is" * \li argv{2]: " one grouped phrase " * \li argv[3]: "and" * \li argv[4]: "this" * \li argv{5}: "isn't" * * braces should NOT be nested, more than one grouping in the command * line is allowed. Notice, argv[2] has an extra space at the * beginning and end. Extra spaces are not stripped between a * grouping. You can do so in your driver if needed, or be sure not * to put extra spaces before / after the braces. */ void dns_dlzunregister(dns_dlzimplementation_t **dlzimp); /*%< * Removes the dlz driver from the list of registered dlz drivers. * There must be no active dlz drivers of this type when this function * is called. */ typedef isc_result_t dns_dlz_writeablezone_t(dns_view_t *view, dns_dlzdb_t *dlzdb, const char *zone_name); dns_dlz_writeablezone_t dns_dlz_writeablezone; /*%< * creates a writeable DLZ zone. Must be called from within the * configure() method of a DLZ driver. */ isc_result_t dns_dlzconfigure(dns_view_t *view, dns_dlzdb_t *dlzdb, dlzconfigure_callback_t callback); /*%< * call a DLZ drivers configure method, if supplied */ isc_boolean_t dns_dlz_ssumatch(dns_dlzdb_t *dlzdatabase, dns_name_t *signer, dns_name_t *name, isc_netaddr_t *tcpaddr, dns_rdatatype_t type, const dst_key_t *key); /*%< * call a DLZ drivers ssumatch method, if supplied. Otherwise return ISC_FALSE */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DLZ_H */ PK #include #define DNS_DBTABLEFIND_NOEXACT 0x01 ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS isc_result_t dns_dbtable_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_rdataclass_t rdclass, dns_dbtable_t **dbtablep); /*%< * Make a new dbtable of class 'rdclass' * * Requires: *\li mctx != NULL * \li dbtablep != NULL && *dptablep == NULL *\li 'rdclass' is a valid class * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY *\li #ISC_R_UNEXPECTED */ void dns_dbtable_attach(dns_dbtable_t *source, dns_dbtable_t **targetp); /*%< * Attach '*targetp' to 'source'. * * Requires: * *\li 'source' is a valid dbtable. * *\li 'targetp' points to a NULL dns_dbtable_t *. * * Ensures: * *\li *targetp is attached to source. */ void dns_dbtable_detach(dns_dbtable_t **dbtablep); /*%< * Detach *dbtablep from its dbtable. * * Requires: * *\li '*dbtablep' points to a valid dbtable. * * Ensures: * *\li *dbtablep is NULL. * *\li If '*dbtablep' is the last reference to the dbtable, * all resources used by the dbtable will be freed */ isc_result_t dns_dbtable_add(dns_dbtable_t *dbtable, dns_db_t *db); /*%< * Add 'db' to 'dbtable'. * * Requires: *\li 'dbtable' is a valid dbtable. * *\li 'db' is a valid database with the same class as 'dbtable' */ void dns_dbtable_remove(dns_dbtable_t *dbtable, dns_db_t *db); /*%< * Remove 'db' from 'dbtable'. * * Requires: *\li 'db' was previously added to 'dbtable'. */ void dns_dbtable_adddefault(dns_dbtable_t *dbtable, dns_db_t *db); /*%< * Use 'db' as the result of a dns_dbtable_find() if no better match is * available. */ void dns_dbtable_getdefault(dns_dbtable_t *dbtable, dns_db_t **db); /*%< * Get the 'db' used as the result of a dns_dbtable_find() * if no better match is available. */ void dns_dbtable_removedefault(dns_dbtable_t *dbtable); /*%< * Remove the default db from 'dbtable'. */ isc_result_t dns_dbtable_find(dns_dbtable_t *dbtable, dns_name_t *name, unsigned int options, dns_db_t **dbp); /*%< * Find the deepest match to 'name' in the dbtable, and return it * * Notes: *\li If the DNS_DBTABLEFIND_NOEXACT option is set, the best partial * match (if any) to 'name' will be returned. * * Returns: * \li #ISC_R_SUCCESS on success *\li something else: no default and match */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_DBTABLE_H */ PK #include /*** *** Types ***/ /*% * A transfer in progress. This is an opaque type. */ typedef struct dns_xfrin_ctx dns_xfrin_ctx_t; /*** *** Functions ***/ ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /*% see dns_xfrin_create2() */ isc_result_t dns_xfrin_create(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_rdatatype_t xfrtype, isc_sockaddr_t *masteraddr, dns_tsigkey_t *tsigkey, isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_timermgr_t *timermgr, isc_socketmgr_t *socketmgr, isc_task_t *task, dns_xfrindone_t done, dns_xfrin_ctx_t **xfrp); isc_result_t dns_xfrin_create2(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_rdatatype_t xfrtype, isc_sockaddr_t *masteraddr, isc_sockaddr_t *sourceaddr, dns_tsigkey_t *tsigkey, isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_timermgr_t *timermgr, isc_socketmgr_t *socketmgr, isc_task_t *task, dns_xfrindone_t done, dns_xfrin_ctx_t **xfrp); isc_result_t dns_xfrin_create3(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_rdatatype_t xfrtype, isc_sockaddr_t *masteraddr, isc_sockaddr_t *sourceaddr, isc_dscp_t dscp, dns_tsigkey_t *tsigkey, isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_timermgr_t *timermgr, isc_socketmgr_t *socketmgr, isc_task_t *task, dns_xfrindone_t done, dns_xfrin_ctx_t **xfrp); /*%< * Attempt to start an incoming zone transfer of 'zone' * from 'masteraddr', creating a dns_xfrin_ctx_t object to * manage it. Attach '*xfrp' to the newly created object. * * Iff ISC_R_SUCCESS is returned, '*done' is guaranteed to be * called in the context of 'task', with 'zone' and a result * code as arguments when the transfer finishes. * * Requires: *\li 'xfrtype' is dns_rdatatype_axfr, dns_rdatatype_ixfr * or dns_rdatatype_soa (soa query followed by axfr if * serial is greater than current serial). * *\li If 'xfrtype' is dns_rdatatype_ixfr or dns_rdatatype_soa, * the zone has a database. */ void dns_xfrin_shutdown(dns_xfrin_ctx_t *xfr); /*%< * If the zone transfer 'xfr' has already finished, * do nothing. Otherwise, abort it and cause it to call * its done callback with a status of ISC_R_CANCELED. */ void dns_xfrin_detach(dns_xfrin_ctx_t **xfrp); /*%< * Detach a reference to a zone transfer object. * Caller to maintain external locking if required. */ void dns_xfrin_attach(dns_xfrin_ctx_t *source, dns_xfrin_ctx_t **target); /*%< * Caller to maintain external locking if required. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_XFRIN_H */ PK #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /* * dns_dns64_create() flags. */ #define DNS_DNS64_RECURSIVE_ONLY 0x01 /* If set then this record * only applies to recursive * queries. */ #define DNS_DNS64_BREAK_DNSSEC 0x02 /* If set then still perform * DNSSEC synthesis even * though the result would * fail validation. */ /* * dns_dns64_aaaaok() and dns_dns64_aaaafroma() flags. */ #define DNS_DNS64_RECURSIVE 0x01 /* Recursive query. */ #define DNS_DNS64_DNSSEC 0x02 /* DNSSEC sensitive query. */ isc_result_t dns_dns64_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_netaddr_t *prefix, unsigned int prefixlen, isc_netaddr_t *suffix, dns_acl_t *client, dns_acl_t *mapped, dns_acl_t *excluded, unsigned int flags, dns_dns64_t **dns64); /* * Create a dns64 record which is used to identify the set of clients * it applies to and how to perform the DNS64 synthesis. * * 'prefix' and 'prefixlen' defined the leading bits of the AAAA records * to be synthesised. 'suffix' defines the bits after the A records bits. * If suffix is NULL zeros will be used for these bits. 'client' defines * for which clients this record applies. If 'client' is NULL then all * clients apply. 'mapped' defines which A records are candidated for * mapping. If 'mapped' is NULL then all A records will be mapped. * 'excluded' defines which AAAA are to be treated as non-existent for the * purposed of determining whether to perform syntesis. If 'excluded' is * NULL then no AAAA records prevent synthesis. * * If DNS_DNS64_RECURSIVE_ONLY is set then the record will only match if * DNS_DNS64_RECURSIVE is set when calling dns_dns64_aaaaok() and * dns_dns64_aaaafroma(). * * If DNS_DNS64_BREAK_DNSSEC is set then the record will still apply if * DNS_DNS64_DNSSEC is set when calling dns_dns64_aaaaok() and * dns_dns64_aaaafroma() otherwise the record will be ignored. * * Requires: * 'mctx' to be valid. * 'prefix' to be valid and the address family to AF_INET6. * 'prefixlen' to be one of 32, 40, 48, 56, 72 and 96. * the bits not covered by prefixlen in prefix to * be zero. * 'suffix' to be NULL or the address family be set to AF_INET6 * and the leading 'prefixlen' + 32 bits of the 'suffix' * to be zero. If 'prefixlen' is 40, 48 or 56 then the * the leading 'prefixlen' + 40 bits of 'suffix' must be * zero. * 'client' to be NULL or a valid acl. * 'mapped' to be NULL or a valid acl. * 'excluded' to be NULL or a valid acl. * * Returns: * ISC_R_SUCCESS * ISC_R_NOMEMORY */ void dns_dns64_destroy(dns_dns64_t **dns64p); /* * Destroys a dns64 record. * * Requires the record to not be linked. */ isc_result_t dns_dns64_aaaafroma(const dns_dns64_t *dns64, const isc_netaddr_t *reqaddr, const dns_name_t *reqsigner, const dns_aclenv_t *env, unsigned int flags, unsigned char *a, unsigned char *aaaa); /* * dns_dns64_aaaafroma() determines whether to perform a DNS64 address * synthesis from 'a' based on 'dns64', 'reqaddr', 'reqsigner', 'env', * 'flags' and 'aaaa'. If synthesis is performed then the result is * written to '*aaaa'. * * The synthesised address will be of the form: * * * * If straddle bits 64-71 of the AAAA record, then 8 zero bits will * be inserted at bits 64-71. * * Requires: * 'dns64' to be valid. * 'reqaddr' to be valid. * 'reqsigner' to be NULL or valid. * 'env' to be valid. * 'a' to point to a IPv4 address in network order. * 'aaaa' to point to a IPv6 address buffer in network order. * * Returns: * ISC_R_SUCCESS if synthesis was performed. * DNS_R_DISALLOWED if there is no match. */ dns_dns64_t * dns_dns64_next(dns_dns64_t *dns64); /* * Return the next dns64 record in the list. */ void dns_dns64_append(dns_dns64list_t *list, dns_dns64_t *dns64); /* * Append the dns64 record to the list. */ void dns_dns64_unlink(dns_dns64list_t *list, dns_dns64_t *dns64); /* * Unlink the dns64 record from the list. */ isc_boolean_t dns_dns64_aaaaok(const dns_dns64_t *dns64, const isc_netaddr_t *reqaddr, const dns_name_t *reqsigner, const dns_aclenv_t *env, unsigned int flags, dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, isc_boolean_t *aaaaok, size_t aaaaoklen); /* * Determine if there are any non-excluded AAAA records in from the * matching dns64 records in the list starting at 'dns64'. If there * is a non-exluded address return ISC_TRUE. If all addresses are * excluded in the matched records return ISC_FALSE. If no records * match then return ISC_TRUE. * * If aaaaok is defined then dns_dns64_aaaaok() return a array of which * addresses in 'rdataset' were deemed to not be exclude by any matching * record. If there are no matching records then all entries are set * to ISC_TRUE. * * Requires * 'rdataset' to be valid and to be for type AAAA and class IN. * 'aaaaoklen' must match the number of records in 'rdataset' * if 'aaaaok' in non NULL. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_DNS64_H */ PK #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS struct dns_ntatable { /* Unlocked. */ unsigned int magic; dns_view_t *view; isc_rwlock_t rwlock; isc_taskmgr_t *taskmgr; isc_timermgr_t *timermgr; isc_task_t *task; /* Locked by rwlock. */ isc_uint32_t references; dns_rbt_t *table; }; #define NTATABLE_MAGIC ISC_MAGIC('N', 'T', 'A', 't') #define VALID_NTATABLE(nt) ISC_MAGIC_VALID(nt, NTATABLE_MAGIC) isc_result_t dns_ntatable_create(dns_view_t *view, isc_taskmgr_t *taskmgr, isc_timermgr_t *timermgr, dns_ntatable_t **ntatablep); /*%< * Create an NTA table in view 'view'. * * Requires: * *\li 'view' is a valid view. * *\li 'tmgr' is a valid timer manager. * *\li ntatablep != NULL && *ntatablep == NULL * * Ensures: * *\li On success, *ntatablep is a valid, empty NTA table. * * Returns: * *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li Any other result indicates failure. */ void dns_ntatable_attach(dns_ntatable_t *source, dns_ntatable_t **targetp); /*%< * Attach *targetp to source. * * Requires: * *\li 'source' is a valid ntatable. * *\li 'targetp' points to a NULL dns_ntatable_t *. * * Ensures: * *\li *targetp is attached to source. */ void dns_ntatable_detach(dns_ntatable_t **ntatablep); /*%< * Detach *ntatablep from its ntatable. * * Requires: * *\li 'ntatablep' points to a valid ntatable. * * Ensures: * *\li *ntatablep is NULL. * *\li If '*ntatablep' is the last reference to the ntatable, * all resources used by the ntatable will be freed */ isc_result_t dns_ntatable_add(dns_ntatable_t *ntatable, dns_name_t *name, isc_boolean_t force, isc_stdtime_t now, isc_uint32_t lifetime); /*%< * Add a negative trust anchor to 'ntatable' for name 'name', * which will expire at time 'now' + 'lifetime'. If 'force' is ISC_FALSE, * then the name will be checked periodically to see if it's bogus; * if not, then the NTA will be allowed to expire early. * * Notes: * *\li If an NTA already exists in the table, its expiry time * is updated. * * Requires: * *\li 'ntatable' points to a valid ntatable. * *\li 'name' points to a valid name. * * Returns: * *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS * *\li Any other result indicates failure. */ isc_result_t dns_ntatable_delete(dns_ntatable_t *ntatable, dns_name_t *keyname); /*%< * Delete node(s) from 'ntatable' matching name 'keyname' * * Requires: * *\li 'ntatable' points to a valid ntatable. * *\li 'name' is not NULL * * Returns: * *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS * *\li Any other result indicates failure. */ isc_boolean_t dns_ntatable_covered(dns_ntatable_t *ntatable, isc_stdtime_t now, dns_name_t *name, dns_name_t *anchor); /*%< * Return ISC_TRUE if 'name' is below a non-expired negative trust * anchor which in turn is at or below 'anchor'. * * If 'ntatable' has not been initialized, return ISC_FALSE. * * Requires: * *\li 'ntatable' is NULL or is a valid ntatable. * *\li 'name' is a valid absolute name. */ isc_result_t dns_ntatable_totext(dns_ntatable_t *ntatable, isc_buffer_t **buf); /*%< * Dump the NTA table to buffer at 'buf' * * Requires: * \li "ntatable" is a valid table. * * \li "*buf" is a valid buffer. */ isc_result_t dns_ntatable_dump(dns_ntatable_t *ntatable, FILE *fp); /*%< * Dump the NTA table to the file opened as 'fp'. */ isc_result_t dns_ntatable_save(dns_ntatable_t *ntatable, FILE *fp); /*%< * Save the NTA table to the file opened as 'fp', for later loading. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_NTA_H */ PK #include #include /*** *** Types ***/ /*% * A simple database. This is an opaque type. */ typedef struct dns_sdb dns_sdb_t; /*% * A simple database lookup in progress. This is an opaque type. */ typedef struct dns_sdblookup dns_sdblookup_t; /*% * A simple database traversal in progress. This is an opaque type. */ typedef struct dns_sdballnodes dns_sdballnodes_t; typedef isc_result_t (*dns_sdblookupfunc_t)(const char *zone, const char *name, void *dbdata, dns_sdblookup_t *lookup, dns_clientinfomethods_t *methods, dns_clientinfo_t *clientinfo); typedef isc_result_t (*dns_sdblookup2func_t)(const dns_name_t *zone, const dns_name_t *name, void *dbdata, dns_sdblookup_t *lookup, dns_clientinfomethods_t *methods, dns_clientinfo_t *clientinfo); typedef isc_result_t (*dns_sdbauthorityfunc_t)(const char *zone, void *dbdata, dns_sdblookup_t *); typedef isc_result_t (*dns_sdballnodesfunc_t)(const char *zone, void *dbdata, dns_sdballnodes_t *allnodes); typedef isc_result_t (*dns_sdbcreatefunc_t)(const char *zone, int argc, char **argv, void *driverdata, void **dbdata); typedef void (*dns_sdbdestroyfunc_t)(const char *zone, void *driverdata, void **dbdata); typedef struct dns_sdbmethods { dns_sdblookupfunc_t lookup; dns_sdbauthorityfunc_t authority; dns_sdballnodesfunc_t allnodes; dns_sdbcreatefunc_t create; dns_sdbdestroyfunc_t destroy; dns_sdblookup2func_t lookup2; } dns_sdbmethods_t; /*** *** Functions ***/ ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS #define DNS_SDBFLAG_RELATIVEOWNER 0x00000001U #define DNS_SDBFLAG_RELATIVERDATA 0x00000002U #define DNS_SDBFLAG_THREADSAFE 0x00000004U #define DNS_SDBFLAG_DNS64 0x00000008U isc_result_t dns_sdb_register(const char *drivername, const dns_sdbmethods_t *methods, void *driverdata, unsigned int flags, isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_sdbimplementation_t **sdbimp); /*%< * Register a simple database driver for the database type 'drivername', * implemented by the functions in '*methods'. * * sdbimp must point to a NULL dns_sdbimplementation_t pointer. That is, * sdbimp != NULL && *sdbimp == NULL. It will be assigned a value that * will later be used to identify the driver when deregistering it. * * The name server will perform lookups in the database by calling the * function 'lookup', passing it a printable zone name 'zone', a printable * domain name 'name', and a copy of the argument 'dbdata' that * was potentially returned by the create function. The 'dns_sdblookup_t' * argument to 'lookup' and 'authority' is an opaque pointer to be passed to * ns_sdb_putrr(). * * The lookup function returns the lookup results to the name server * by calling ns_sdb_putrr() once for each record found. On success, * the return value of the lookup function should be ISC_R_SUCCESS. * If the domain name 'name' does not exist, the lookup function should * ISC_R_NOTFOUND. Any other return value is treated as an error. * * Lookups at the zone apex will cause the server to also call the * function 'authority' (if non-NULL), which must provide an SOA record * and NS records for the zone by calling ns_sdb_putrr() once for each of * these records. The 'authority' function may be NULL if invoking * the 'lookup' function on the zone apex will return SOA and NS records. * * The allnodes function, if non-NULL, fills in an opaque structure to be * used by a database iterator. This allows the zone to be transferred. * This may use a considerable amount of memory for large zones, and the * zone transfer may not be fully RFC1035 compliant if the zone is * frequently changed. * * The create function will be called for each zone configured * into the name server using this database type. It can be used * to create a "database object" containing zone specific data, * which can make use of the database arguments specified in the * name server configuration. * * The destroy function will be called to free the database object * when its zone is destroyed. * * The create and destroy functions may be NULL. * * If flags includes DNS_SDBFLAG_RELATIVEOWNER, the lookup and authority * functions will be called with relative names rather than absolute names. * The string "@" represents the zone apex in this case. * * If flags includes DNS_SDBFLAG_RELATIVERDATA, the rdata strings may * include relative names. Otherwise, all names in the rdata string must * be absolute. Be aware that if relative names are allowed, any * absolute names must contain a trailing dot. * * If flags includes DNS_SDBFLAG_THREADSAFE, the driver must be able to * handle multiple lookups in parallel. Otherwise, calls into the driver * are serialized. */ void dns_sdb_unregister(dns_sdbimplementation_t **sdbimp); /*%< * Removes the simple database driver from the list of registered database * types. There must be no active databases of this type when this function * is called. */ /*% See dns_sdb_putradata() */ isc_result_t dns_sdb_putrr(dns_sdblookup_t *lookup, const char *type, dns_ttl_t ttl, const char *data); isc_result_t dns_sdb_putrdata(dns_sdblookup_t *lookup, dns_rdatatype_t type, dns_ttl_t ttl, const unsigned char *rdata, unsigned int rdlen); /*%< * Add a single resource record to the lookup structure to be * returned in the query response. dns_sdb_putrr() takes the * resource record in master file text format as a null-terminated * string, and dns_sdb_putrdata() takes the raw RDATA in * uncompressed wire format. */ /*% See dns_sdb_putnamerdata() */ isc_result_t dns_sdb_putnamedrr(dns_sdballnodes_t *allnodes, const char *name, const char *type, dns_ttl_t ttl, const char *data); isc_result_t dns_sdb_putnamedrdata(dns_sdballnodes_t *allnodes, const char *name, dns_rdatatype_t type, dns_ttl_t ttl, const void *rdata, unsigned int rdlen); /*%< * Add a single resource record to the allnodes structure to be * included in a zone transfer response, in text or wire * format as above. */ isc_result_t dns_sdb_putsoa(dns_sdblookup_t *lookup, const char *mname, const char *rname, isc_uint32_t serial); /*%< * This function may optionally be called from the 'authority' callback * to simplify construction of the SOA record for 'zone'. It will * provide a SOA listing 'mname' as as the master server and 'rname' as * the responsible person mailbox. It is the responsibility of the * driver to increment the serial number between responses if necessary. * All other SOA fields will have reasonable default values. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_SDB_H */ PK #include #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /*** *** Types ***/ #define DNS_CALLBACK_MAGIC ISC_MAGIC('C','L','L','B') #define DNS_CALLBACK_VALID(cb) ISC_MAGIC_VALID(cb, DNS_CALLBACK_MAGIC) struct dns_rdatacallbacks { unsigned int magic; /*% * dns_load_master calls this when it has rdatasets to commit. */ dns_addrdatasetfunc_t add; /*% * This is called when reading in a database image from a 'map' * format zone file. */ dns_deserializefunc_t deserialize; /*% * dns_master_load*() call this when loading a raw zonefile, * to pass back information obtained from the file header */ dns_rawdatafunc_t rawdata; dns_zone_t *zone; /*% * dns_load_master / dns_rdata_fromtext call this to issue a error. */ void (*error)(struct dns_rdatacallbacks *, const char *, ...); /*% * dns_load_master / dns_rdata_fromtext call this to issue a warning. */ void (*warn)(struct dns_rdatacallbacks *, const char *, ...); /*% * Private data handles for use by the above callback functions. */ void *add_private; void *deserialize_private; void *error_private; void *warn_private; }; /*** *** Initialization ***/ void dns_rdatacallbacks_init(dns_rdatacallbacks_t *callbacks); /*%< * Initialize 'callbacks'. * * \li 'magic' is set to DNS_CALLBACK_MAGIC * * \li 'error' and 'warn' are set to default callbacks that print the * error message through the DNS library log context. * *\li All other elements are initialized to NULL. * * Requires: * \li 'callbacks' is a valid dns_rdatacallbacks_t, */ void dns_rdatacallbacks_init_stdio(dns_rdatacallbacks_t *callbacks); /*%< * Like dns_rdatacallbacks_init, but logs to stdio. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_CALLBACKS_H */ PK #include #include #include #ifndef DNS_PRIVATE_H #define DNS_PRIVATE_H ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS isc_result_t dns_private_chains(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t *ver, dns_rdatatype_t privatetype, isc_boolean_t *build_nsec, isc_boolean_t *build_nsec3); /*%< * Examine the NSEC, NSEC3PARAM and privatetype RRsets at the apex of the * database to determine which of NSEC or NSEC3 chains we are currently * maintaining. In normal operations only one of NSEC or NSEC3 is being * maintained but when we are transitiong between NSEC and NSEC3 we need * to update both sets of chains. If 'privatetype' is zero then the * privatetype RRset will not be examined. * * Requires: * \li 'db' is valid. * \li 'version' is valid or NULL. * \li 'build_nsec' is a pointer to a isc_boolean_t or NULL. * \li 'build_nsec3' is a pointer to a isc_boolean_t or NULL. * * Returns: * \li ISC_R_SUCCESS, 'build_nsec' and 'build_nsec3' will be valid. * \li other on error */ isc_result_t dns_private_totext(dns_rdata_t *privaterdata, isc_buffer_t *buffer); /*%< * Convert a private-type RR 'privaterdata' to human-readable form, * and place the result in 'buffer'. The text should indicate * which action the private-type record specifies and whether the * action has been completed. * * Requires: * \li 'privaterdata' is a valid rdata containing at least five bytes * \li 'buffer' is a valid buffer * * Returns: * \li ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li other on error */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif PK #include #include #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS typedef struct dns_rdatacommon { dns_rdataclass_t rdclass; dns_rdatatype_t rdtype; ISC_LINK(struct dns_rdatacommon) link; } dns_rdatacommon_t; #define DNS_RDATACOMMON_INIT(_data, _rdtype, _rdclass) \ do { \ (_data)->common.rdtype = (_rdtype); \ (_data)->common.rdclass = (_rdclass); \ ISC_LINK_INIT(&(_data)->common, link); \ } while (0) /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ /* */ #ifndef IN_1_A_1_H #define IN_1_A_1_H 1 typedef struct dns_rdata_in_a { dns_rdatacommon_t common; struct in_addr in_addr; } dns_rdata_in_a_t; #endif /* IN_1_A_1_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ /* by Bjorn.Victor@it.uu.se, 2005-05-07 */ /* Based on generic/mx_15.h */ #ifndef CH_3_A_1_H #define CH_3_A_1_H 1 typedef isc_uint16_t ch_addr_t; typedef struct dns_rdata_ch_a { dns_rdatacommon_t common; isc_mem_t *mctx; dns_name_t ch_addr_dom; /* ch-addr domain for back mapping */ ch_addr_t ch_addr; /* chaos address (16 bit) network order */ } dns_rdata_ch_a_t; #endif /* CH_3_A_1_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ /* */ #ifndef HS_4_A_1_H #define HS_4_A_1_H 1 typedef struct dns_rdata_hs_a { dns_rdatacommon_t common; struct in_addr in_addr; } dns_rdata_hs_a_t; #endif /* HS_4_A_1_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ /* */ #ifndef GENERIC_NS_2_H #define GENERIC_NS_2_H 1 typedef struct dns_rdata_ns { dns_rdatacommon_t common; isc_mem_t *mctx; dns_name_t name; } dns_rdata_ns_t; #endif /* GENERIC_NS_2_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ /* */ #ifndef GENERIC_MD_3_H #define GENERIC_MD_3_H 1 typedef struct dns_rdata_md { dns_rdatacommon_t common; isc_mem_t *mctx; dns_name_t md; } dns_rdata_md_t; #endif /* GENERIC_MD_3_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ /* */ #ifndef GENERIC_MF_4_H #define GENERIC_MF_4_H 1 typedef struct dns_rdata_mf { dns_rdatacommon_t common; isc_mem_t *mctx; dns_name_t mf; } dns_rdata_mf_t; #endif /* GENERIC_MF_4_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ #ifndef GENERIC_CNAME_5_H #define GENERIC_CNAME_5_H 1 typedef struct dns_rdata_cname { dns_rdatacommon_t common; isc_mem_t *mctx; dns_name_t cname; } dns_rdata_cname_t; #endif /* GENERIC_CNAME_5_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ /* */ #ifndef GENERIC_SOA_6_H #define GENERIC_SOA_6_H 1 typedef struct dns_rdata_soa { dns_rdatacommon_t common; isc_mem_t *mctx; dns_name_t origin; dns_name_t contact; isc_uint32_t serial; /*%< host order */ isc_uint32_t refresh; /*%< host order */ isc_uint32_t retry; /*%< host order */ isc_uint32_t expire; /*%< host order */ isc_uint32_t minimum; /*%< host order */ } dns_rdata_soa_t; #endif /* GENERIC_SOA_6_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ /* */ #ifndef GENERIC_MB_7_H #define GENERIC_MB_7_H 1 typedef struct dns_rdata_mb { dns_rdatacommon_t common; isc_mem_t *mctx; dns_name_t mb; } dns_rdata_mb_t; #endif /* GENERIC_MB_7_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ /* */ #ifndef GENERIC_MG_8_H #define GENERIC_MG_8_H 1 typedef struct dns_rdata_mg { dns_rdatacommon_t common; isc_mem_t *mctx; dns_name_t mg; } dns_rdata_mg_t; #endif /* GENERIC_MG_8_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ /* */ #ifndef GENERIC_MR_9_H #define GENERIC_MR_9_H 1 typedef struct dns_rdata_mr { dns_rdatacommon_t common; isc_mem_t *mctx; dns_name_t mr; } dns_rdata_mr_t; #endif /* GENERIC_MR_9_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ /* */ #ifndef GENERIC_NULL_10_H #define GENERIC_NULL_10_H 1 typedef struct dns_rdata_null { dns_rdatacommon_t common; isc_mem_t *mctx; isc_uint16_t length; unsigned char *data; } dns_rdata_null_t; #endif /* GENERIC_NULL_10_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ #ifndef IN_1_WKS_11_H #define IN_1_WKS_11_H 1 typedef struct dns_rdata_in_wks { dns_rdatacommon_t common; isc_mem_t *mctx; struct in_addr in_addr; isc_uint16_t protocol; unsigned char *map; isc_uint16_t map_len; } dns_rdata_in_wks_t; #endif /* IN_1_WKS_11_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ /* */ #ifndef GENERIC_PTR_12_H #define GENERIC_PTR_12_H 1 typedef struct dns_rdata_ptr { dns_rdatacommon_t common; isc_mem_t *mctx; dns_name_t ptr; } dns_rdata_ptr_t; #endif /* GENERIC_PTR_12_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ #ifndef GENERIC_HINFO_13_H #define GENERIC_HINFO_13_H 1 typedef struct dns_rdata_hinfo { dns_rdatacommon_t common; isc_mem_t *mctx; char *cpu; char *os; isc_uint8_t cpu_len; isc_uint8_t os_len; } dns_rdata_hinfo_t; #endif /* GENERIC_HINFO_13_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ /* */ #ifndef GENERIC_MINFO_14_H #define GENERIC_MINFO_14_H 1 typedef struct dns_rdata_minfo { dns_rdatacommon_t common; isc_mem_t *mctx; dns_name_t rmailbox; dns_name_t emailbox; } dns_rdata_minfo_t; #endif /* GENERIC_MINFO_14_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ /* */ #ifndef GENERIC_MX_15_H #define GENERIC_MX_15_H 1 typedef struct dns_rdata_mx { dns_rdatacommon_t common; isc_mem_t *mctx; isc_uint16_t pref; dns_name_t mx; } dns_rdata_mx_t; #endif /* GENERIC_MX_15_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ /* */ #ifndef GENERIC_TXT_16_H #define GENERIC_TXT_16_H 1 typedef struct dns_rdata_txt_string { isc_uint8_t length; unsigned char *data; } dns_rdata_txt_string_t; typedef struct dns_rdata_txt { dns_rdatacommon_t common; isc_mem_t *mctx; unsigned char *txt; isc_uint16_t txt_len; /* private */ isc_uint16_t offset; } dns_rdata_txt_t; /* * ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS and ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS are already done * via rdatastructpre.h and rdatastructsuf.h. */ isc_result_t dns_rdata_txt_first(dns_rdata_txt_t *); isc_result_t dns_rdata_txt_next(dns_rdata_txt_t *); isc_result_t dns_rdata_txt_current(dns_rdata_txt_t *, dns_rdata_txt_string_t *); #endif /* GENERIC_TXT_16_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ #ifndef GENERIC_RP_17_H #define GENERIC_RP_17_H 1 /*! * \brief Per RFC1183 */ typedef struct dns_rdata_rp { dns_rdatacommon_t common; isc_mem_t *mctx; dns_name_t mail; dns_name_t text; } dns_rdata_rp_t; #endif /* GENERIC_RP_17_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ #ifndef GENERIC_AFSDB_18_H #define GENERIC_AFSDB_18_H 1 /*! * \brief Per RFC1183 */ typedef struct dns_rdata_afsdb { dns_rdatacommon_t common; isc_mem_t *mctx; isc_uint16_t subtype; dns_name_t server; } dns_rdata_afsdb_t; #endif /* GENERIC_AFSDB_18_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ #ifndef GENERIC_X25_19_H #define GENERIC_X25_19_H 1 /*! * \brief Per RFC1183 */ typedef struct dns_rdata_x25 { dns_rdatacommon_t common; isc_mem_t *mctx; unsigned char *x25; isc_uint8_t x25_len; } dns_rdata_x25_t; #endif /* GENERIC_X25_19_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ #ifndef GENERIC_ISDN_20_H #define GENERIC_ISDN_20_H 1 /*! * \brief Per RFC1183 */ typedef struct dns_rdata_isdn { dns_rdatacommon_t common; isc_mem_t *mctx; char *isdn; char *subaddress; isc_uint8_t isdn_len; isc_uint8_t subaddress_len; } dns_rdata_isdn_t; #endif /* GENERIC_ISDN_20_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ #ifndef GENERIC_RT_21_H #define GENERIC_RT_21_H 1 /*! * \brief Per RFC1183 */ typedef struct dns_rdata_rt { dns_rdatacommon_t common; isc_mem_t *mctx; isc_uint16_t preference; dns_name_t host; } dns_rdata_rt_t; #endif /* GENERIC_RT_21_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ #ifndef IN_1_NSAP_22_H #define IN_1_NSAP_22_H 1 /*! * \brief Per RFC1706 */ typedef struct dns_rdata_in_nsap { dns_rdatacommon_t common; isc_mem_t *mctx; unsigned char *nsap; isc_uint16_t nsap_len; } dns_rdata_in_nsap_t; #endif /* IN_1_NSAP_22_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ #ifndef IN_1_NSAP_PTR_23_H #define IN_1_NSAP_PTR_23_H 1 /*! * \brief Per RFC1348. Obsoleted in RFC 1706 - use PTR instead. */ typedef struct dns_rdata_in_nsap_ptr { dns_rdatacommon_t common; isc_mem_t *mctx; dns_name_t owner; } dns_rdata_in_nsap_ptr_t; #endif /* IN_1_NSAP_PTR_23_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ #ifndef GENERIC_SIG_24_H #define GENERIC_SIG_24_H 1 /*! * \brief Per RFC2535 */ typedef struct dns_rdata_sig_t { dns_rdatacommon_t common; isc_mem_t * mctx; dns_rdatatype_t covered; dns_secalg_t algorithm; isc_uint8_t labels; isc_uint32_t originalttl; isc_uint32_t timeexpire; isc_uint32_t timesigned; isc_uint16_t keyid; dns_name_t signer; isc_uint16_t siglen; unsigned char * signature; } dns_rdata_sig_t; #endif /* GENERIC_SIG_24_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ #ifndef GENERIC_KEY_25_H #define GENERIC_KEY_25_H 1 /*! * \brief Per RFC2535 */ typedef struct dns_rdata_key { dns_rdatacommon_t common; isc_mem_t * mctx; isc_uint16_t flags; isc_uint8_t protocol; isc_uint8_t algorithm; isc_uint16_t datalen; unsigned char * data; } dns_rdata_key_t; #endif /* GENERIC_KEY_25_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ #ifndef IN_1_PX_26_H #define IN_1_PX_26_H 1 /*! * \brief Per RFC2163 */ typedef struct dns_rdata_in_px { dns_rdatacommon_t common; isc_mem_t *mctx; isc_uint16_t preference; dns_name_t map822; dns_name_t mapx400; } dns_rdata_in_px_t; #endif /* IN_1_PX_26_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ #ifndef GENERIC_GPOS_27_H #define GENERIC_GPOS_27_H 1 /*! * \brief per RFC1712 */ typedef struct dns_rdata_gpos { dns_rdatacommon_t common; isc_mem_t *mctx; char *longitude; char *latitude; char *altitude; isc_uint8_t long_len; isc_uint8_t lat_len; isc_uint8_t alt_len; } dns_rdata_gpos_t; #endif /* GENERIC_GPOS_27_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ #ifndef IN_1_AAAA_28_H #define IN_1_AAAA_28_H 1 /*! * \brief Per RFC1886 */ typedef struct dns_rdata_in_aaaa { dns_rdatacommon_t common; struct in6_addr in6_addr; } dns_rdata_in_aaaa_t; #endif /* IN_1_AAAA_28_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ #ifndef GENERIC_LOC_29_H #define GENERIC_LOC_29_H 1 /*! * \brief Per RFC1876 */ typedef struct dns_rdata_loc_0 { isc_uint8_t version; /* must be first and zero */ isc_uint8_t size; isc_uint8_t horizontal; isc_uint8_t vertical; isc_uint32_t latitude; isc_uint32_t longitude; isc_uint32_t altitude; } dns_rdata_loc_0_t; typedef struct dns_rdata_loc { dns_rdatacommon_t common; union { dns_rdata_loc_0_t v0; } v; } dns_rdata_loc_t; #endif /* GENERIC_LOC_29_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ #ifndef GENERIC_NXT_30_H #define GENERIC_NXT_30_H 1 /*! * \brief RFC2535 */ typedef struct dns_rdata_nxt { dns_rdatacommon_t common; isc_mem_t *mctx; dns_name_t next; unsigned char *typebits; isc_uint16_t len; } dns_rdata_nxt_t; #endif /* GENERIC_NXT_30_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ #ifndef IN_1_SRV_33_H #define IN_1_SRV_33_H 1 /*! * \brief Per RFC2782 */ typedef struct dns_rdata_in_srv { dns_rdatacommon_t common; isc_mem_t *mctx; isc_uint16_t priority; isc_uint16_t weight; isc_uint16_t port; dns_name_t target; } dns_rdata_in_srv_t; #endif /* IN_1_SRV_33_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ #ifndef GENERIC_NAPTR_35_H #define GENERIC_NAPTR_35_H 1 /*! * \brief Per RFC2915 */ typedef struct dns_rdata_naptr { dns_rdatacommon_t common; isc_mem_t *mctx; isc_uint16_t order; isc_uint16_t preference; char *flags; isc_uint8_t flags_len; char *service; isc_uint8_t service_len; char *regexp; isc_uint8_t regexp_len; dns_name_t replacement; } dns_rdata_naptr_t; #endif /* GENERIC_NAPTR_35_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ #ifndef IN_1_KX_36_H #define IN_1_KX_36_H 1 /*! * \brief Per RFC2230 */ typedef struct dns_rdata_in_kx { dns_rdatacommon_t common; isc_mem_t *mctx; isc_uint16_t preference; dns_name_t exchange; } dns_rdata_in_kx_t; #endif /* IN_1_KX_36_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ #ifndef GENERIC_CERT_37_H #define GENERIC_CERT_37_H 1 /*% RFC2538 */ typedef struct dns_rdata_cert { dns_rdatacommon_t common; isc_mem_t *mctx; isc_uint16_t type; isc_uint16_t key_tag; isc_uint8_t algorithm; isc_uint16_t length; unsigned char *certificate; } dns_rdata_cert_t; #endif /* GENERIC_CERT_37_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ #ifndef IN_1_A6_38_H #define IN_1_A6_38_H 1 /*! * \brief Per RFC2874 */ typedef struct dns_rdata_in_a6 { dns_rdatacommon_t common; isc_mem_t *mctx; dns_name_t prefix; isc_uint8_t prefixlen; struct in6_addr in6_addr; } dns_rdata_in_a6_t; #endif /* IN_1_A6_38_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ #ifndef GENERIC_DNAME_39_H #define GENERIC_DNAME_39_H 1 /*! * \brief per RFC2672 */ typedef struct dns_rdata_dname { dns_rdatacommon_t common; isc_mem_t *mctx; dns_name_t dname; } dns_rdata_dname_t; #endif /* GENERIC_DNAME_39_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ #ifndef GENERIC_SINK_40_H #define GENERIC_SINK_40_H 1 typedef struct dns_rdata_sink_t { dns_rdatacommon_t common; isc_mem_t * mctx; isc_uint8_t meaning; isc_uint8_t coding; isc_uint8_t subcoding; isc_uint16_t datalen; unsigned char * data; } dns_rdata_sink_t; #endif /* GENERIC_SINK_40_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ #ifndef GENERIC_OPT_41_H #define GENERIC_OPT_41_H 1 /*! * \brief Per RFC2671 */ typedef struct dns_rdata_opt_opcode { isc_uint16_t opcode; isc_uint16_t length; unsigned char *data; } dns_rdata_opt_opcode_t; typedef struct dns_rdata_opt { dns_rdatacommon_t common; isc_mem_t *mctx; unsigned char *options; isc_uint16_t length; /* private */ isc_uint16_t offset; } dns_rdata_opt_t; /* * ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS and ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS are already done * via rdatastructpre.h and rdatastructsuf.h. */ isc_result_t dns_rdata_opt_first(dns_rdata_opt_t *); isc_result_t dns_rdata_opt_next(dns_rdata_opt_t *); isc_result_t dns_rdata_opt_current(dns_rdata_opt_t *, dns_rdata_opt_opcode_t *); #endif /* GENERIC_OPT_41_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ /* */ #ifndef IN_1_APL_42_H #define IN_1_APL_42_H 1 typedef struct dns_rdata_apl_ent { isc_boolean_t negative; isc_uint16_t family; isc_uint8_t prefix; isc_uint8_t length; unsigned char *data; } dns_rdata_apl_ent_t; typedef struct dns_rdata_in_apl { dns_rdatacommon_t common; isc_mem_t *mctx; /* type & class specific elements */ unsigned char *apl; isc_uint16_t apl_len; /* private */ isc_uint16_t offset; } dns_rdata_in_apl_t; /* * ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS and ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS are already done * via rdatastructpre.h and rdatastructsuf.h. */ isc_result_t dns_rdata_apl_first(dns_rdata_in_apl_t *); isc_result_t dns_rdata_apl_next(dns_rdata_in_apl_t *); isc_result_t dns_rdata_apl_current(dns_rdata_in_apl_t *, dns_rdata_apl_ent_t *); unsigned int dns_rdata_apl_count(const dns_rdata_in_apl_t *apl); #endif /* IN_1_APL_42_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ #ifndef GENERIC_DS_43_H #define GENERIC_DS_43_H 1 /*! * \brief per draft-ietf-dnsext-delegation-signer-05.txt */ typedef struct dns_rdata_ds { dns_rdatacommon_t common; isc_mem_t *mctx; isc_uint16_t key_tag; isc_uint8_t algorithm; isc_uint8_t digest_type; isc_uint16_t length; unsigned char *digest; } dns_rdata_ds_t; #endif /* GENERIC_DS_43_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ /*! * \brief Per RFC 4255 */ #ifndef GENERIC_SSHFP_44_H #define GENERIC_SSHFP_44_H 1 typedef struct dns_rdata_sshfp { dns_rdatacommon_t common; isc_mem_t *mctx; isc_uint8_t algorithm; isc_uint8_t digest_type; isc_uint16_t length; unsigned char *digest; } dns_rdata_sshfp_t; #endif /* GENERIC_SSHFP_44_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ #ifndef GENERIC_IPSECKEY_45_H #define GENERIC_IPSECKEY_45_H 1 typedef struct dns_rdata_ipseckey { dns_rdatacommon_t common; isc_mem_t *mctx; isc_uint8_t precedence; isc_uint8_t gateway_type; isc_uint8_t algorithm; struct in_addr in_addr; /* gateway type 1 */ struct in6_addr in6_addr; /* gateway type 2 */ dns_name_t gateway; /* gateway type 3 */ unsigned char *key; isc_uint16_t keylength; } dns_rdata_ipseckey_t; #endif /* GENERIC_IPSECKEY_45_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ #ifndef GENERIC_DNSSIG_46_H #define GENERIC_DNSSIG_46_H 1 /*! * \brief Per RFC2535 */ typedef struct dns_rdata_rrsig { dns_rdatacommon_t common; isc_mem_t * mctx; dns_rdatatype_t covered; dns_secalg_t algorithm; isc_uint8_t labels; isc_uint32_t originalttl; isc_uint32_t timeexpire; isc_uint32_t timesigned; isc_uint16_t keyid; dns_name_t signer; isc_uint16_t siglen; unsigned char * signature; } dns_rdata_rrsig_t; #endif /* GENERIC_DNSSIG_46_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ #ifndef GENERIC_NSEC_47_H #define GENERIC_NSEC_47_H 1 /*! * \brief Per RFC 3845 */ typedef struct dns_rdata_nsec { dns_rdatacommon_t common; isc_mem_t *mctx; dns_name_t next; unsigned char *typebits; isc_uint16_t len; } dns_rdata_nsec_t; #endif /* GENERIC_NSEC_47_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ #ifndef GENERIC_DNSKEY_48_H #define GENERIC_DNSKEY_48_H 1 /*! * \brief per RFC2535 */ typedef struct dns_rdata_key dns_rdata_dnskey_t; #endif /* GENERIC_DNSKEY_48_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ /* */ #ifndef IN_1_DHCID_49_H #define IN_1_DHCID_49_H 1 typedef struct dns_rdata_in_dhcid { dns_rdatacommon_t common; isc_mem_t *mctx; unsigned char *dhcid; unsigned int length; } dns_rdata_in_dhcid_t; #endif /* IN_1_DHCID_49_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ #ifndef GENERIC_NSEC3_50_H #define GENERIC_NSEC3_50_H 1 /*! * \brief Per RFC 5155 */ #include typedef struct dns_rdata_nsec3 { dns_rdatacommon_t common; isc_mem_t *mctx; dns_hash_t hash; unsigned char flags; dns_iterations_t iterations; unsigned char salt_length; unsigned char next_length; isc_uint16_t len; unsigned char *salt; unsigned char *next; unsigned char *typebits; } dns_rdata_nsec3_t; /* * The corresponding NSEC3 interval is OPTOUT indicating possible * insecure delegations. */ #define DNS_NSEC3FLAG_OPTOUT 0x01U /*% * The following flags are used in the private-type record (implemented in * lib/dns/private.c) which is used to store NSEC3PARAM data during the * time when it is not legal to have an actual NSEC3PARAM record in the * zone. They are defined here because the private-type record uses the * same flags field for the OPTOUT flag above and for the private flags * below. XXX: This should be considered for refactoring. */ /*% * Non-standard, private type only. * * Create a corresponding NSEC3 chain. * Once the NSEC3 chain is complete this flag will be removed to signal * that there is a complete chain. * * This flag is automatically set when a NSEC3PARAM record is added to * the zone via UPDATE. * * NSEC3PARAM records containing this flag should never be published, * but if they are, they should be ignored by RFC 5155 compliant * nameservers. */ #define DNS_NSEC3FLAG_CREATE 0x80U /*% * Non-standard, private type only. * * The corresponding NSEC3 set is to be removed once the NSEC chain * has been generated. * * This flag is automatically set when the last active NSEC3PARAM record * is removed from the zone via UPDATE. * * NSEC3PARAM records containing this flag should never be published, * but if they are, they should be ignored by RFC 5155 compliant * nameservers. */ #define DNS_NSEC3FLAG_REMOVE 0x40U /*% * Non-standard, private type only. * * When set with the CREATE flag, a corresponding NSEC3 chain will be * created when the zone becomes capable of supporting one (i.e., when it * has a DNSKEY RRset containing at least one NSEC3-capable algorithm). * Without this flag, NSEC3 chain creation would be attempted immediately, * fail, and the private type record would be removed. With it, the NSEC3 * parameters are stored until they can be used. When the zone has the * necessary prerequisites for NSEC3, then the INITIAL flag can be cleared, * and the record will be cleaned up normally. * * NSEC3PARAM records containing this flag should never be published, but * if they are, they should be ignored by RFC 5155 compliant nameservers. */ #define DNS_NSEC3FLAG_INITIAL 0x20U /*% * Non-standard, private type only. * * Prevent the creation of a NSEC chain before the last NSEC3 chain * is removed. This will normally only be set when the zone is * transitioning from secure with NSEC3 chains to insecure. * * NSEC3PARAM records containing this flag should never be published, * but if they are, they should be ignored by RFC 5155 compliant * nameservers. */ #define DNS_NSEC3FLAG_NONSEC 0x10U #endif /* GENERIC_NSEC3_50_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ #ifndef GENERIC_NSEC3PARAM_51_H #define GENERIC_NSEC3PARAM_51_H 1 /*! * \brief Per RFC 5155 */ #include typedef struct dns_rdata_nsec3param { dns_rdatacommon_t common; isc_mem_t *mctx; dns_hash_t hash; unsigned char flags; /* DNS_NSEC3FLAG_* */ dns_iterations_t iterations; unsigned char salt_length; unsigned char *salt; } dns_rdata_nsec3param_t; #endif /* GENERIC_NSEC3PARAM_51_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ #ifndef GENERIC_TLSA_52_H #define GENERIC_TLSA_52_H 1 /*! * \brief per rfc6698.txt */ typedef struct dns_rdata_tlsa { dns_rdatacommon_t common; isc_mem_t *mctx; isc_uint8_t usage; isc_uint8_t selector; isc_uint8_t match; isc_uint16_t length; unsigned char *data; } dns_rdata_tlsa_t; #endif /* GENERIC_TLSA_52_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ #ifndef GENERIC_SMIMEA_53_H #define GENERIC_SMIMEA_53_H 1 typedef struct dns_rdata_tlsa dns_rdata_smimea_t; #endif /* GENERIC_SMIMEA_53_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ #ifndef GENERIC_HIP_5_H #define GENERIC_HIP_5_H 1 /* RFC 5205 */ typedef struct dns_rdata_hip { dns_rdatacommon_t common; isc_mem_t * mctx; unsigned char * hit; unsigned char * key; unsigned char * servers; isc_uint8_t algorithm; isc_uint8_t hit_len; isc_uint16_t key_len; isc_uint16_t servers_len; /* Private */ isc_uint16_t offset; } dns_rdata_hip_t; isc_result_t dns_rdata_hip_first(dns_rdata_hip_t *); isc_result_t dns_rdata_hip_next(dns_rdata_hip_t *); void dns_rdata_hip_current(dns_rdata_hip_t *, dns_name_t *); #endif /* GENERIC_HIP_5_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ /* */ #ifndef GENERIC_NINFO_56_H #define GENERIC_NINFO_56_H 1 typedef struct dns_rdata_txt_string dns_rdata_ninfo_string_t; typedef struct dns_rdata_txt dns_rdata_ninfo_t; /* * ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS and ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS are already done * via rdatastructpre.h and rdatastructsuf.h. */ isc_result_t dns_rdata_ninfo_first(dns_rdata_ninfo_t *); isc_result_t dns_rdata_ninfo_next(dns_rdata_ninfo_t *); isc_result_t dns_rdata_ninfo_current(dns_rdata_ninfo_t *, dns_rdata_ninfo_string_t *); #endif /* GENERIC_NINFO_16_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ #ifndef GENERIC_RKEY_57_H #define GENERIC_RKEY_57_H 1 typedef struct dns_rdata_key dns_rdata_rkey_t; #endif /* GENERIC_RKEY_57_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ /* http://www.iana.org/assignments/dns-parameters/TALINK/talink-completed-template */ #ifndef GENERIC_TALINK_58_H #define GENERIC_TALINK_58_H 1 typedef struct dns_rdata_talink { dns_rdatacommon_t common; isc_mem_t *mctx; dns_name_t prev; dns_name_t next; } dns_rdata_talink_t; #endif /* GENERIC_TALINK_58_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ #ifndef GENERIC_CDS_59_H #define GENERIC_CDS_59_H 1 /* CDS records have the same RDATA fields as DS records. */ typedef struct dns_rdata_ds dns_rdata_cds_t; #endif /* GENERIC_CDS_59_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ #ifndef GENERIC_CDNSKEY_60_H #define GENERIC_CDNSKEY_60_H 1 /* CDNSKEY records have the same RDATA fields as DNSKEY records. */ typedef struct dns_rdata_key dns_rdata_cdnskey_t; #endif /* GENERIC_CDNSKEY_60_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ #ifndef GENERIC_OPENPGPKEY_61_H #define GENERIC_OPENPGPKEY_61_H 1 typedef struct dns_rdata_openpgpkey { dns_rdatacommon_t common; isc_mem_t * mctx; isc_uint16_t length; unsigned char * keyring; } dns_rdata_openpgpkey_t; #endif /* GENERIC_OPENPGPKEY_61_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ #ifndef GENERIC_CSYNC_62_H #define GENERIC_CSYNC_62_H 1 /*! * \brief Per RFC 7477 */ typedef struct dns_rdata_csync { dns_rdatacommon_t common; isc_mem_t *mctx; isc_uint32_t serial; isc_uint16_t flags; unsigned char *typebits; isc_uint16_t len; } dns_rdata_csync_t; #endif /* GENERIC_CSYNC_62_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ #ifndef GENERIC_SPF_99_H #define GENERIC_SPF_99_H 1 typedef struct dns_rdata_spf_string { isc_uint8_t length; unsigned char *data; } dns_rdata_spf_string_t; typedef struct dns_rdata_spf { dns_rdatacommon_t common; isc_mem_t *mctx; unsigned char *txt; isc_uint16_t txt_len; /* private */ isc_uint16_t offset; } dns_rdata_spf_t; /* * ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS and ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS are already done * via rdatastructpre.h and rdatastructsuf.h. */ #endif /* GENERIC_SPF_99_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ /* */ #ifndef GENERIC_UNSPEC_103_H #define GENERIC_UNSPEC_103_H 1 typedef struct dns_rdata_unspec_t { dns_rdatacommon_t common; isc_mem_t *mctx; unsigned char *data; isc_uint16_t datalen; } dns_rdata_unspec_t; #endif /* GENERIC_UNSPEC_103_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ /* */ #ifndef GENERIC_NID_104_H #define GENERIC_NID_104_H 1 typedef struct dns_rdata_nid { dns_rdatacommon_t common; isc_uint16_t pref; unsigned char nid[8]; } dns_rdata_nid_t; #endif /* GENERIC_NID_104_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ /* */ #ifndef GENERIC_L32_105_H #define GENERIC_L32_105_H 1 typedef struct dns_rdata_l32 { dns_rdatacommon_t common; isc_uint16_t pref; struct in_addr l32; } dns_rdata_l32_t; #endif /* GENERIC_L32_105_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ /* */ #ifndef GENERIC_L64_106_H #define GENERIC_L64_106_H 1 typedef struct dns_rdata_l64 { dns_rdatacommon_t common; isc_uint16_t pref; unsigned char l64[8]; } dns_rdata_l64_t; #endif /* GENERIC_L64_106_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ /* */ #ifndef GENERIC_LP_107_H #define GENERIC_LP_107_H 1 typedef struct dns_rdata_lp { dns_rdatacommon_t common; isc_mem_t *mctx; isc_uint16_t pref; dns_name_t lp; } dns_rdata_lp_t; #endif /* GENERIC_LP_107_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ /* */ #ifndef GENERIC_EUI48_108_H #define GENERIC_EUI48_108_H 1 typedef struct dns_rdata_eui48 { dns_rdatacommon_t common; unsigned char eui48[6]; } dns_rdata_eui48_t; #endif /* GENERIC_EUI48_10k_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ /* */ #ifndef GENERIC_EUI64_109_H #define GENERIC_EUI64_109_H 1 typedef struct dns_rdata_eui64 { dns_rdatacommon_t common; unsigned char eui64[8]; } dns_rdata_eui64_t; #endif /* GENERIC_EUI64_10k_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ #ifndef GENERIC_TKEY_249_H #define GENERIC_TKEY_249_H 1 /*! * \brief Per draft-ietf-dnsind-tkey-00.txt */ typedef struct dns_rdata_tkey { dns_rdatacommon_t common; isc_mem_t * mctx; dns_name_t algorithm; isc_uint32_t inception; isc_uint32_t expire; isc_uint16_t mode; isc_uint16_t error; isc_uint16_t keylen; unsigned char * key; isc_uint16_t otherlen; unsigned char * other; } dns_rdata_tkey_t; #endif /* GENERIC_TKEY_249_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ #ifndef ANY_255_TSIG_250_H #define ANY_255_TSIG_250_H 1 /*% RFC2845 */ typedef struct dns_rdata_any_tsig { dns_rdatacommon_t common; isc_mem_t * mctx; dns_name_t algorithm; isc_uint64_t timesigned; isc_uint16_t fudge; isc_uint16_t siglen; unsigned char * signature; isc_uint16_t originalid; isc_uint16_t error; isc_uint16_t otherlen; unsigned char * other; } dns_rdata_any_tsig_t; #endif /* ANY_255_TSIG_250_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ #ifndef GENERIC_URI_256_H #define GENERIC_URI_256_H 1 typedef struct dns_rdata_uri { dns_rdatacommon_t common; isc_mem_t * mctx; isc_uint16_t priority; isc_uint16_t weight; unsigned char * target; isc_uint16_t tgt_len; } dns_rdata_uri_t; #endif /* GENERIC_URI_256_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ #ifndef GENERIC_CAA_257_H #define GENERIC_CAA_257_H 1 typedef struct dns_rdata_caa { dns_rdatacommon_t common; isc_mem_t * mctx; isc_uint8_t flags; unsigned char * tag; isc_uint8_t tag_len; unsigned char *value; isc_uint16_t value_len; } dns_rdata_caa_t; #endif /* GENERIC_CAA_257_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ #ifndef GENERIC_AVC_258_H #define GENERIC_AVC_258_H 1 typedef dns_rdata_txt_string_t dns_rdata_avc_string_t; typedef struct dns_rdata_avc { dns_rdatacommon_t common; isc_mem_t *mctx; unsigned char *data; isc_uint16_t length; /* private */ isc_uint16_t offset; } dns_rdata_avc_t; /* * ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS and ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS are already done * via rdatastructpre.h and rdatastructsuf.h. */ #endif /* GENERIC_AVC_258_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ #ifndef GENERIC_DOA_259_H #define GENERIC_DOA_259_H 1 typedef struct dns_rdata_doa { dns_rdatacommon_t common; isc_mem_t * mctx; unsigned char * mediatype; unsigned char * data; isc_uint32_t enterprise; isc_uint32_t type; isc_uint16_t data_len; isc_uint8_t location; isc_uint8_t mediatype_len; } dns_rdata_doa_t; #endif /* GENERIC_DOA_259_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ #ifndef GENERIC_TA_32768_H #define GENERIC_TA_32768_H 1 /* * TA records are identical to DS records. */ typedef struct dns_rdata_ds dns_rdata_ta_t; #endif /* GENERIC_TA_32768_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ /* draft-ietf-dnsext-delegation-signer-05.txt */ #ifndef GENERIC_DLV_32769_H #define GENERIC_DLV_32769_H 1 typedef struct dns_rdata_ds dns_rdata_dlv_t; #endif /* GENERIC_DLV_32769_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ #ifndef GENERIC_KEYDATA_65533_H #define GENERIC_KEYDATA_65533_H 1 typedef struct dns_rdata_keydata { dns_rdatacommon_t common; isc_mem_t * mctx; isc_uint32_t refresh; /* Timer for refreshing data */ isc_uint32_t addhd; /* Hold-down timer for adding */ isc_uint32_t removehd; /* Hold-down timer for removing */ isc_uint16_t flags; /* Copy of DNSKEY_48 */ isc_uint8_t protocol; isc_uint8_t algorithm; isc_uint16_t datalen; unsigned char * data; } dns_rdata_keydata_t; #endif /* GENERIC_KEYDATA_65533_H */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_RDATASTRUCT_H */ PK #include #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS #define DNS_SOA_BUFFERSIZE ((2 * DNS_NAME_MAXWIRE) + (4 * 5)) isc_result_t dns_soa_buildrdata(dns_name_t *origin, dns_name_t *contact, dns_rdataclass_t rdclass, isc_uint32_t serial, isc_uint32_t refresh, isc_uint32_t retry, isc_uint32_t expire, isc_uint32_t minimum, unsigned char *buffer, dns_rdata_t *rdata); /*%< * Build the rdata of an SOA record. * * Requires: *\li buffer Points to a temporary buffer of at least * DNS_SOA_BUFFERSIZE bytes. *\li rdata Points to an initialized dns_rdata_t. * * Ensures: * \li *rdata Contains a valid SOA rdata. The 'data' member * refers to 'buffer'. */ isc_uint32_t dns_soa_getserial(dns_rdata_t *rdata); isc_uint32_t dns_soa_getrefresh(dns_rdata_t *rdata); isc_uint32_t dns_soa_getretry(dns_rdata_t *rdata); isc_uint32_t dns_soa_getexpire(dns_rdata_t *rdata); isc_uint32_t dns_soa_getminimum(dns_rdata_t *rdata); /* * Extract an integer field from the rdata of a SOA record. * * Requires: * rdata refers to the rdata of a well-formed SOA record. */ void dns_soa_setserial(isc_uint32_t val, dns_rdata_t *rdata); void dns_soa_setrefresh(isc_uint32_t val, dns_rdata_t *rdata); void dns_soa_setretry(isc_uint32_t val, dns_rdata_t *rdata); void dns_soa_setexpire(isc_uint32_t val, dns_rdata_t *rdata); void dns_soa_setminimum(isc_uint32_t val, dns_rdata_t *rdata); /* * Change an integer field of a SOA record by modifying the * rdata in-place. * * Requires: * rdata refers to the rdata of a well-formed SOA record. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_SOA_H */ PK #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS isc_result_t dns_rdataclass_fromtext(dns_rdataclass_t *classp, isc_textregion_t *source); /*%< * Convert the text 'source' refers to into a DNS class. * * Requires: *\li 'classp' is a valid pointer. * *\li 'source' is a valid text region. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS on success *\li #DNS_R_UNKNOWN class is unknown */ isc_result_t dns_rdataclass_totext(dns_rdataclass_t rdclass, isc_buffer_t *target); /*%< * Put a textual representation of class 'rdclass' into 'target'. * * Requires: *\li 'rdclass' is a valid class. * *\li 'target' is a valid text buffer. * * Ensures, * if the result is success: *\li The used space in 'target' is updated. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS on success *\li #ISC_R_NOSPACE target buffer is too small */ isc_result_t dns_rdataclass_tounknowntext(dns_rdataclass_t rdclass, isc_buffer_t *target); /*%< * Put textual RFC3597 CLASSXXXX representation of class 'rdclass' into * 'target'. * * Requires: *\li 'rdclass' is a valid class. * *\li 'target' is a valid text buffer. * * Ensures, * if the result is success: *\li The used space in 'target' is updated. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS on success *\li #ISC_R_NOSPACE target buffer is too small */ void dns_rdataclass_format(dns_rdataclass_t rdclass, char *array, unsigned int size); /*%< * Format a human-readable representation of the class 'rdclass' * into the character array 'array', which is of size 'size'. * The resulting string is guaranteed to be null-terminated. */ #define DNS_RDATACLASS_FORMATSIZE sizeof("CLASS65535") /*%< * Minimum size of array to pass to dns_rdataclass_format(). */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_RDATACLASS_H */ PK #include #include #include #include typedef enum { updateop_none = 0, updateop_add = 1, updateop_delete = 2, updateop_exist = 3, updateop_notexist = 4, updateop_max = 5 } dns_client_updateop_t; ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /*** *** Types ***/ /*% * Optional flags for dns_client_create(x). */ /*%< Enable caching resolution results (experimental). */ #define DNS_CLIENTCREATEOPT_USECACHE 0x8000 /*% * Optional flags for dns_client_(start)resolve. */ /*%< Do not return DNSSEC data (e.g. RRSIGS) with response. */ #define DNS_CLIENTRESOPT_NODNSSEC 0x01 /*%< Allow running external context. */ #define DNS_CLIENTRESOPT_ALLOWRUN 0x02 /*%< Don't validate responses. */ #define DNS_CLIENTRESOPT_NOVALIDATE 0x04 /*%< Don't set the CD flag on upstream queries. */ #define DNS_CLIENTRESOPT_NOCDFLAG 0x08 /*%< Use TCP transport. */ #define DNS_CLIENTRESOPT_TCP 0x10 /*% * Optional flags for dns_client_(start)request. */ /*%< Allow running external context. */ #define DNS_CLIENTREQOPT_ALLOWRUN 0x01 /*%< Use TCP transport. */ #define DNS_CLIENTREQOPT_TCP 0x02 /*% * Optional flags for dns_client_(start)update. */ /*%< Allow running external context. */ #define DNS_CLIENTUPDOPT_ALLOWRUN 0x01 /*%< Use TCP transport. */ #define DNS_CLIENTUPDOPT_TCP 0x02 /*% * A dns_clientresevent_t is sent when name resolution performed by a client * completes. 'result' stores the result code of the entire resolution * procedure. 'vresult' specifically stores the result code of DNSSEC * validation if it is performed. When name resolution successfully completes, * 'answerlist' is typically non empty, containing answer names along with * RRsets. It is the receiver's responsibility to free this list by calling * dns_client_freeresanswer() before freeing the event structure. */ typedef struct dns_clientresevent { ISC_EVENT_COMMON(struct dns_clientresevent); isc_result_t result; isc_result_t vresult; dns_namelist_t answerlist; } dns_clientresevent_t; /* too long? */ /*% * Status of a dynamic update procedure. */ typedef enum { dns_clientupdatestate_prepare, /*%< no updates have been sent */ dns_clientupdatestate_sent, /*%< updates were sent, no response */ dns_clientupdatestate_done /*%< update was sent and succeeded */ } dns_clientupdatestate_t; /*% * A dns_clientreqevent_t is sent when a DNS request is completed by a client. * 'result' stores the result code of the entire transaction. * If the transaction is successfully completed but the response packet cannot * be parsed, 'result' will store the result code of dns_message_parse(). * If the response packet is received, 'rmessage' will contain the response * message, whether it is successfully parsed or not. */ typedef struct dns_clientreqevent { ISC_EVENT_COMMON(struct dns_clientreqevent); isc_result_t result; dns_message_t *rmessage; } dns_clientreqevent_t; /* too long? */ /*% * A dns_clientupdateevent_t is sent when dynamic update performed by a client * completes. 'result' stores the result code of the entire update procedure. * 'state' specifies the status of the update procedure when this event is * sent. This can be used as a hint by the receiver to determine whether * the update attempt was ever made. In particular, if the state is * dns_clientupdatestate_prepare, the receiver can be sure that the requested * update was not applied. */ typedef struct dns_clientupdateevent { ISC_EVENT_COMMON(struct dns_clientupdateevent); isc_result_t result; dns_clientupdatestate_t state; } dns_clientupdateevent_t; /* too long? */ isc_result_t dns_client_create(dns_client_t **clientp, unsigned int options); isc_result_t dns_client_createx(isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_appctx_t *actx, isc_taskmgr_t *taskmgr, isc_socketmgr_t *socketmgr, isc_timermgr_t *timermgr, unsigned int options, dns_client_t **clientp); isc_result_t dns_client_createx2(isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_appctx_t *actx, isc_taskmgr_t *taskmgr, isc_socketmgr_t *socketmgr, isc_timermgr_t *timermgr, unsigned int options, dns_client_t **clientp, isc_sockaddr_t *localaddr4, isc_sockaddr_t *localaddr6); /*%< * Create a DNS client. These functions create a new client object with * minimal internal resources such as the default 'view' for the IN class and * IPv4/IPv6 dispatches for the view. * * dns_client_createx() takes 'manager' arguments so that the caller can * control the behavior of the client through the underlying event framework. * On the other hand, dns_client_create() simplifies the interface and creates * the managers internally. A DNS client object created via * dns_client_create() is expected to be used by an application that only needs * simple synchronous services or by a thread-based application. * * dns_client_createx2 takes two additional parameters, 'localaddr4' and * 'localaddr6', to specify the local address to use for each family. If * both are set to NULL, then wildcard addresses will be used for both * families. If only one is NULL, then the other address will be used * as the local address, and the other protocol family will not be used. * * If the DNS_CLIENTCREATEOPT_USECACHE flag is set in 'options', * dns_client_create(x) will create a cache database with the view. * * Requires: * *\li 'mctx' is a valid memory context. * *\li 'actx' is a valid application context. * *\li 'taskmgr' is a valid task manager. * *\li 'socketmgr' is a valid socket manager. * *\li 'timermgr' is a valid timer manager. * *\li clientp != NULL && *clientp == NULL. * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS On success. * *\li Anything else Failure. */ void dns_client_destroy(dns_client_t **clientp); /*%< * Destroy 'client'. * * Requires: * *\li '*clientp' is a valid client. * * Ensures: * *\li *clientp == NULL. */ isc_result_t dns_client_setservers(dns_client_t *client, dns_rdataclass_t rdclass, dns_name_t *name_space, isc_sockaddrlist_t *addrs); /*%< * Specify a list of addresses of recursive name servers that the client will * use for name resolution. A view for the 'rdclass' class must be created * beforehand. If 'name_space' is non NULL, the specified server will be used * if and only if the query name is a subdomain of 'name_space'. When servers * for multiple 'name_space's are provided, and a query name is covered by * more than one 'name_space', the servers for the best (longest) matching * name_space will be used. If 'name_space' is NULL, it works as if * dns_rootname (.) were specified. * * Requires: * *\li 'client' is a valid client. * *\li 'name_space' is NULL or a valid name. * *\li 'addrs' != NULL. * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS On success. * *\li Anything else Failure. */ isc_result_t dns_client_clearservers(dns_client_t *client, dns_rdataclass_t rdclass, dns_name_t *name_space); /*%< * Remove configured recursive name servers for the 'rdclass' and 'name_space' * from the client. See the description of dns_client_setservers() for * the requirements about 'rdclass' and 'name_space'. * * Requires: * *\li 'client' is a valid client. * *\li 'name_space' is NULL or a valid name. * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS On success. * *\li Anything else Failure. */ isc_result_t dns_client_setdlv(dns_client_t *client, dns_rdataclass_t rdclass, const char *dlvname); /*%< * Specify a name to use for DNSSEC lookaside validation. * If a trusted key has been added for that name, then DLV will be * used during validation. If 'dlvname' is NULL, then DLV will no * longer be used for this client. * * Requires: * *\li 'client' is a valid client. * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS On success. * *\li Anything else Failure. */ isc_result_t dns_client_resolve(dns_client_t *client, dns_name_t *name, dns_rdataclass_t rdclass, dns_rdatatype_t type, unsigned int options, dns_namelist_t *namelist); isc_result_t dns_client_startresolve(dns_client_t *client, dns_name_t *name, dns_rdataclass_t rdclass, dns_rdatatype_t type, unsigned int options, isc_task_t *task, isc_taskaction_t action, void *arg, dns_clientrestrans_t **transp); /*%< * Perform name resolution for 'name', 'rdclass', and 'type'. * * If any trusted keys are configured and the query name is considered to * belong to a secure zone, these functions also validate the responses * using DNSSEC by default. If the DNS_CLIENTRESOPT_NOVALIDATE flag is set * in 'options', DNSSEC validation is disabled regardless of the configured * trusted keys or the query name. With DNS_CLIENTRESOPT_NODNSSEC * DNSSEC data is not returned with response. DNS_CLIENTRESOPT_NOCDFLAG * disables the CD flag on queries, DNS_CLIENTRESOPT_TCP switches to * the TCP (vs. UDP) transport. * * dns_client_resolve() provides a synchronous service. This function starts * name resolution internally and blocks until it completes. On success, * 'namelist' will contain a list of answer names, each of which has * corresponding RRsets. The caller must provide a valid empty list, and * is responsible for freeing the list content via dns_client_freeresanswer(). * If the name resolution fails due to an error in DNSSEC validation, * dns_client_resolve() returns the result code indicating the validation * error. Otherwise, it returns the result code of the entire resolution * process, either success or failure. * * It is typically expected that the client object passed to * dns_client_resolve() was created via dns_client_create() and has its own * managers and contexts. However, if the DNS_CLIENTRESOPT_ALLOWRUN flag is * set in 'options', this function performs the synchronous service even if * it does not have its own manager and context structures. * * dns_client_startresolve() is an asynchronous version of dns_client_resolve() * and does not block. When name resolution is completed, 'action' will be * called with the argument of a 'dns_clientresevent_t' object, which contains * the resulting list of answer names (on success). On return, '*transp' is * set to an opaque transaction ID so that the caller can cancel this * resolution process. * * Requires: * *\li 'client' is a valid client. * *\li 'addrs' != NULL. * *\li 'name' is a valid name. * *\li 'namelist' != NULL and is not empty. * *\li 'task' is a valid task. * *\li 'transp' != NULL && *transp == NULL; * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS On success. * *\li Anything else Failure. */ void dns_client_cancelresolve(dns_clientrestrans_t *trans); /*%< * Cancel an ongoing resolution procedure started via * dns_client_startresolve(). * * Notes: * *\li If the resolution procedure has not completed, post its CLIENTRESDONE * event with a result code of #ISC_R_CANCELED. * * Requires: * *\li 'trans' is a valid transaction ID. */ void dns_client_destroyrestrans(dns_clientrestrans_t **transp); /*%< * Destroy name resolution transaction state identified by '*transp'. * * Requires: * *\li '*transp' is a valid transaction ID. * *\li The caller has received the CLIENTRESDONE event (either because the * resolution completed or because dns_client_cancelresolve() was called). * * Ensures: * *\li *transp == NULL. */ void dns_client_freeresanswer(dns_client_t *client, dns_namelist_t *namelist); /*%< * Free resources allocated for the content of 'namelist'. * * Requires: * *\li 'client' is a valid client. * *\li 'namelist' != NULL. */ isc_result_t dns_client_addtrustedkey(dns_client_t *client, dns_rdataclass_t rdclass, dns_name_t *keyname, isc_buffer_t *keydatabuf); /*%< * Add a DNSSEC trusted key for the 'rdclass' class. A view for the 'rdclass' * class must be created beforehand. 'keyname' is the DNS name of the key, * and 'keydatabuf' stores the resource data of the key. * * Requires: * *\li 'client' is a valid client. * *\li 'keyname' is a valid name. * *\li 'keydatabuf' is a valid buffer. * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS On success. * *\li Anything else Failure. */ isc_result_t dns_client_request(dns_client_t *client, dns_message_t *qmessage, dns_message_t *rmessage, isc_sockaddr_t *server, unsigned int options, unsigned int parseoptions, dns_tsec_t *tsec, unsigned int timeout, unsigned int udptimeout, unsigned int udpretries); isc_result_t dns_client_startrequest(dns_client_t *client, dns_message_t *qmessage, dns_message_t *rmessage, isc_sockaddr_t *server, unsigned int options, unsigned int parseoptions, dns_tsec_t *tsec, unsigned int timeout, unsigned int udptimeout, unsigned int udpretries, isc_task_t *task, isc_taskaction_t action, void *arg, dns_clientreqtrans_t **transp); /*%< * Send a DNS request containig a query message 'query' to 'server'. * * 'parseoptions' will be used when the response packet is parsed, and will be * passed to dns_message_parse() via dns_request_getresponse(). See * dns_message_parse() for more details. * * 'tsec' is a transaction security object containing, e.g. a TSIG key for * authenticating the request/response transaction. This is optional and can * be NULL, in which case this library performs the transaction without any * transaction authentication. * * 'timeout', 'udptimeout', and 'udpretries' are passed to * dns_request_createvia3(). See dns_request_createvia3() for more details. * * dns_client_request() provides a synchronous service. This function sends * the request and blocks until a response is received. On success, * 'rmessage' will contain the response message. The caller must provide a * valid initialized message. * * It is usually expected that the client object passed to * dns_client_request() was created via dns_client_create() and has its own * managers and contexts. However, if the DNS_CLIENTREQOPT_ALLOWRUN flag is * set in 'options', this function performs the synchronous service even if * it does not have its own manager and context structures. * * dns_client_startrequest() is an asynchronous version of dns_client_request() * and does not block. When the transaction is completed, 'action' will be * called with the argument of a 'dns_clientreqevent_t' object, which contains * the response message (on success). On return, '*transp' is set to an opaque * transaction ID so that the caller can cancel this request. * * DNS_CLIENTREQOPT_TCP switches to the TCP (vs. UDP) transport. * * Requires: * *\li 'client' is a valid client. * *\li 'qmessage' and 'rmessage' are valid initialized message. * *\li 'server' is a valid socket address structure. * *\li 'task' is a valid task. * *\li 'transp' != NULL && *transp == NULL; * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS On success. * *\li Anything else Failure. * *\li Any result that dns_message_parse() can return. */ void dns_client_cancelrequest(dns_clientreqtrans_t *transp); /*%< * Cancel an ongoing DNS request procedure started via * dns_client_startrequest(). * * Notes: * *\li If the request procedure has not completed, post its CLIENTREQDONE * event with a result code of #ISC_R_CANCELED. * * Requires: * *\li 'trans' is a valid transaction ID. */ void dns_client_destroyreqtrans(dns_clientreqtrans_t **transp); /*% * Destroy DNS request transaction state identified by '*transp'. * * Requires: * *\li '*transp' is a valid transaction ID. * *\li The caller has received the CLIENTREQDONE event (either because the * request completed or because dns_client_cancelrequest() was called). * * Ensures: * *\li *transp == NULL. */ isc_result_t dns_client_update(dns_client_t *client, dns_rdataclass_t rdclass, dns_name_t *zonename, dns_namelist_t *prerequisites, dns_namelist_t *updates, isc_sockaddrlist_t *servers, dns_tsec_t *tsec, unsigned int options); isc_result_t dns_client_startupdate(dns_client_t *client, dns_rdataclass_t rdclass, dns_name_t *zonename, dns_namelist_t *prerequisites, dns_namelist_t *updates, isc_sockaddrlist_t *servers, dns_tsec_t *tsec, unsigned int options, isc_task_t *task, isc_taskaction_t action, void *arg, dns_clientupdatetrans_t **transp); /*%< * Perform DNS dynamic update for 'updates' of the 'rdclass' class with * optional 'prerequisites'. * * 'updates' are a list of names with associated RRsets to be updated. * * 'prerequisites' are a list of names with associated RRsets corresponding to * the prerequisites of the updates. This is optional and can be NULL, in * which case the prerequisite section of the update message will be empty. * * Both 'updates' and 'prerequisites' must be constructed as specified in * RFC2136. * * 'zonename' is the name of the zone in which the updated names exist. * This is optional and can be NULL. In this case, these functions internally * identify the appropriate zone through some queries for the SOA RR starting * with the first name in prerequisites or updates. * * 'servers' is a list of authoritative servers to which the update message * should be sent. This is optional and can be NULL. In this case, these * functions internally identify the appropriate primary server name and its * addresses through some queries for the SOA RR (like the case of zonename) * and supplemental A/AAAA queries for the server name. * Note: The client module generally assumes the given addresses are of the * primary server of the corresponding zone. It will work even if a secondary * server address is specified as long as the server allows update forwarding, * it is generally discouraged to include secondary server addresses unless * there's strong reason to do so. * * 'tsec' is a transaction security object containing, e.g. a TSIG key for * authenticating the update transaction (and the supplemental query/response * transactions if the server is specified). This is optional and can be * NULL, in which case the library tries the update without any transaction * authentication. * * It is typically expected that the client object passed to * dns_client_update() was created via dns_client_create() and has its own * managers and contexts. However, if the DNS_CLIENTUPDOPT_ALLOWRUN flag is * set in 'options', this function performs the synchronous service even if * it does not have its own manager and context structures. * * dns_client_update() provides a synchronous service. This function blocks * until the entire update procedure completes, including the additional * queries when necessary. * * dns_client_startupdate() is an asynchronous version of dns_client_update(). * It immediately returns (typically with *transp being set to a non-NULL * pointer), and performs the update procedure through a set of internal * events. All transactions including the additional query exchanges are * performed as a separate event, so none of these events cause blocking * operation. When the update procedure completes, the specified function * 'action' will be called with the argument of a 'dns_clientupdateevent_t' * structure. On return, '*transp' is set to an opaque transaction ID so that * the caller can cancel this update process. * * DNS_CLIENTUPDOPT_TCP switches to the TCP (vs. UDP) transport. * * Requires: * *\li 'client' is a valid client. * *\li 'updates' != NULL. * *\li 'task' is a valid task. * *\li 'transp' != NULL && *transp == NULL; * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS On success. * *\li Anything else Failure. */ void dns_client_cancelupdate(dns_clientupdatetrans_t *trans); /*%< * Cancel an ongoing dynamic update procedure started via * dns_client_startupdate(). * * Notes: * *\li If the update procedure has not completed, post its UPDATEDONE * event with a result code of #ISC_R_CANCELED. * * Requires: * *\li 'trans' is a valid transaction ID. */ void dns_client_destroyupdatetrans(dns_clientupdatetrans_t **transp); /*%< * Destroy dynamic update transaction identified by '*transp'. * * Requires: * *\li '*transp' is a valid transaction ID. * *\li The caller has received the UPDATEDONE event (either because the * update completed or because dns_client_cancelupdate() was called). * * Ensures: * *\li *transp == NULL. */ isc_result_t dns_client_updaterec(dns_client_updateop_t op, dns_name_t *owner, dns_rdatatype_t type, dns_rdata_t *source, dns_ttl_t ttl, dns_name_t *target, dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, dns_rdatalist_t *rdatalist, dns_rdata_t *rdata, isc_mem_t *mctx); /*%< * TBD */ void dns_client_freeupdate(dns_name_t **namep); /*%< * TBD */ isc_mem_t * dns_client_mctx(dns_client_t *client); ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_CLIENT_H */ PK #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* * Algorithms. */ #ifndef PK11_MD5_DISABLE LIBDNS_EXTERNAL_DATA extern dns_name_t *dns_tsig_hmacmd5_name; #define DNS_TSIG_HMACMD5_NAME dns_tsig_hmacmd5_name #endif LIBDNS_EXTERNAL_DATA extern dns_name_t *dns_tsig_gssapi_name; #define DNS_TSIG_GSSAPI_NAME dns_tsig_gssapi_name LIBDNS_EXTERNAL_DATA extern dns_name_t *dns_tsig_gssapims_name; #define DNS_TSIG_GSSAPIMS_NAME dns_tsig_gssapims_name LIBDNS_EXTERNAL_DATA extern dns_name_t *dns_tsig_hmacsha1_name; #define DNS_TSIG_HMACSHA1_NAME dns_tsig_hmacsha1_name LIBDNS_EXTERNAL_DATA extern dns_name_t *dns_tsig_hmacsha224_name; #define DNS_TSIG_HMACSHA224_NAME dns_tsig_hmacsha224_name LIBDNS_EXTERNAL_DATA extern dns_name_t *dns_tsig_hmacsha256_name; #define DNS_TSIG_HMACSHA256_NAME dns_tsig_hmacsha256_name LIBDNS_EXTERNAL_DATA extern dns_name_t *dns_tsig_hmacsha384_name; #define DNS_TSIG_HMACSHA384_NAME dns_tsig_hmacsha384_name LIBDNS_EXTERNAL_DATA extern dns_name_t *dns_tsig_hmacsha512_name; #define DNS_TSIG_HMACSHA512_NAME dns_tsig_hmacsha512_name /*% * Default fudge value. */ #define DNS_TSIG_FUDGE 300 struct dns_tsig_keyring { dns_rbt_t *keys; unsigned int writecount; isc_rwlock_t lock; isc_mem_t *mctx; /* * LRU list of generated key along with a count of the keys on the * list and a maximum size. */ unsigned int generated; unsigned int maxgenerated; ISC_LIST(dns_tsigkey_t) lru; unsigned int references; }; struct dns_tsigkey { /* Unlocked */ unsigned int magic; /*%< Magic number. */ isc_mem_t *mctx; dst_key_t *key; /*%< Key */ dns_name_t name; /*%< Key name */ dns_name_t *algorithm; /*%< Algorithm name */ dns_name_t *creator; /*%< name that created secret */ isc_boolean_t generated; /*%< was this generated? */ isc_stdtime_t inception; /*%< start of validity period */ isc_stdtime_t expire; /*%< end of validity period */ dns_tsig_keyring_t *ring; /*%< the enclosing keyring */ isc_refcount_t refs; /*%< reference counter */ ISC_LINK(dns_tsigkey_t) link; }; #define dns_tsigkey_identity(tsigkey) \ ((tsigkey) == NULL ? NULL : \ (tsigkey)->generated ? ((tsigkey)->creator) : \ (&((tsigkey)->name))) ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS isc_result_t dns_tsigkey_create(dns_name_t *name, dns_name_t *algorithm, unsigned char *secret, int length, isc_boolean_t generated, dns_name_t *creator, isc_stdtime_t inception, isc_stdtime_t expire, isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_tsig_keyring_t *ring, dns_tsigkey_t **key); isc_result_t dns_tsigkey_createfromkey(dns_name_t *name, dns_name_t *algorithm, dst_key_t *dstkey, isc_boolean_t generated, dns_name_t *creator, isc_stdtime_t inception, isc_stdtime_t expire, isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_tsig_keyring_t *ring, dns_tsigkey_t **key); /*%< * Creates a tsig key structure and saves it in the keyring. If key is * not NULL, *key will contain a copy of the key. The keys validity * period is specified by (inception, expire), and will not expire if * inception == expire. If the key was generated, the creating identity, * if there is one, should be in the creator parameter. Specifying an * unimplemented algorithm will cause failure only if dstkey != NULL; this * allows a transient key with an invalid algorithm to exist long enough * to generate a BADKEY response. * * If dns_tsigkey_createfromkey is successful a new reference to 'dstkey' * will have been made. * * Requires: *\li 'name' is a valid dns_name_t *\li 'algorithm' is a valid dns_name_t *\li 'secret' is a valid pointer *\li 'length' is an integer >= 0 *\li 'dstkey' is a valid dst key or NULL *\li 'creator' points to a valid dns_name_t or is NULL *\li 'mctx' is a valid memory context *\li 'ring' is a valid TSIG keyring or NULL *\li 'key' or '*key' must be NULL * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_EXISTS - a key with this name already exists *\li #ISC_R_NOTIMPLEMENTED - algorithm is not implemented *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY */ void dns_tsigkey_attach(dns_tsigkey_t *source, dns_tsigkey_t **targetp); /*%< * Attach '*targetp' to 'source'. * * Requires: *\li 'key' is a valid TSIG key * * Ensures: *\li *targetp is attached to source. */ void dns_tsigkey_detach(dns_tsigkey_t **keyp); /*%< * Detaches from the tsig key structure pointed to by '*key'. * * Requires: *\li 'keyp' is not NULL and '*keyp' is a valid TSIG key * * Ensures: *\li 'keyp' points to NULL */ void dns_tsigkey_setdeleted(dns_tsigkey_t *key); /*%< * Prevents this key from being used again. It will be deleted when * no references exist. * * Requires: *\li 'key' is a valid TSIG key on a keyring */ isc_result_t dns_tsig_sign(dns_message_t *msg); /*%< * Generates a TSIG record for this message * * Requires: *\li 'msg' is a valid message *\li 'msg->tsigkey' is a valid TSIG key *\li 'msg->tsig' is NULL * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY *\li #ISC_R_NOSPACE *\li #DNS_R_EXPECTEDTSIG * - this is a response & msg->querytsig is NULL */ isc_result_t dns_tsig_verify(isc_buffer_t *source, dns_message_t *msg, dns_tsig_keyring_t *ring1, dns_tsig_keyring_t *ring2); /*%< * Verifies the TSIG record in this message * * Requires: *\li 'source' is a valid buffer containing the unparsed message *\li 'msg' is a valid message *\li 'msg->tsigkey' is a valid TSIG key if this is a response *\li 'msg->tsig' is NULL *\li 'msg->querytsig' is not NULL if this is a response *\li 'ring1' and 'ring2' are each either a valid keyring or NULL * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY *\li #DNS_R_EXPECTEDTSIG - A TSIG was expected but not seen *\li #DNS_R_UNEXPECTEDTSIG - A TSIG was seen but not expected *\li #DNS_R_TSIGERRORSET - the TSIG verified but ->error was set * and this is a query *\li #DNS_R_CLOCKSKEW - the TSIG failed to verify because of * the time was out of the allowed range. *\li #DNS_R_TSIGVERIFYFAILURE - the TSIG failed to verify *\li #DNS_R_EXPECTEDRESPONSE - the message was set over TCP and * should have been a response, * but was not. */ isc_result_t dns_tsigkey_find(dns_tsigkey_t **tsigkey, dns_name_t *name, dns_name_t *algorithm, dns_tsig_keyring_t *ring); /*%< * Returns the TSIG key corresponding to this name and (possibly) * algorithm. Also increments the key's reference counter. * * Requires: *\li 'tsigkey' is not NULL *\li '*tsigkey' is NULL *\li 'name' is a valid dns_name_t *\li 'algorithm' is a valid dns_name_t or NULL *\li 'ring' is a valid keyring * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOTFOUND */ isc_result_t dns_tsigkeyring_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_tsig_keyring_t **ringp); /*%< * Create an empty TSIG key ring. * * Requires: *\li 'mctx' is not NULL *\li 'ringp' is not NULL, and '*ringp' is NULL * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY */ isc_result_t dns_tsigkeyring_add(dns_tsig_keyring_t *ring, dns_name_t *name, dns_tsigkey_t *tkey); /*%< * Place a TSIG key onto a key ring. * * Requires: *\li 'ring', 'name' and 'tkey' are not NULL * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li Any other value indicates failure. */ void dns_tsigkeyring_attach(dns_tsig_keyring_t *source, dns_tsig_keyring_t **target); void dns_tsigkeyring_detach(dns_tsig_keyring_t **ringp); isc_result_t dns_tsigkeyring_dumpanddetach(dns_tsig_keyring_t **ringp, FILE *fp); /*%< * Destroy a TSIG key ring. * * Requires: *\li 'ringp' is not NULL */ void dns_keyring_restore(dns_tsig_keyring_t *ring, FILE *fp); ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_TSIG_H */ PK /*! \file dns/events.h * \brief * Registry of DNS event numbers. */ #define DNS_EVENT_FETCHCONTROL (ISC_EVENTCLASS_DNS + 0) #define DNS_EVENT_FETCHDONE (ISC_EVENTCLASS_DNS + 1) #define DNS_EVENT_VIEWRESSHUTDOWN (ISC_EVENTCLASS_DNS + 2) #define DNS_EVENT_VIEWADBSHUTDOWN (ISC_EVENTCLASS_DNS + 3) #define DNS_EVENT_UPDATE (ISC_EVENTCLASS_DNS + 4) #define DNS_EVENT_UPDATEDONE (ISC_EVENTCLASS_DNS + 5) #define DNS_EVENT_DISPATCH (ISC_EVENTCLASS_DNS + 6) #define DNS_EVENT_TCPMSG (ISC_EVENTCLASS_DNS + 7) #define DNS_EVENT_ADBMOREADDRESSES (ISC_EVENTCLASS_DNS + 8) #define DNS_EVENT_ADBNOMOREADDRESSES (ISC_EVENTCLASS_DNS + 9) #define DNS_EVENT_ADBCANCELED (ISC_EVENTCLASS_DNS + 10) #define DNS_EVENT_ADBNAMEDELETED (ISC_EVENTCLASS_DNS + 11) #define DNS_EVENT_ADBSHUTDOWN (ISC_EVENTCLASS_DNS + 12) #define DNS_EVENT_ADBEXPIRED (ISC_EVENTCLASS_DNS + 13) #define DNS_EVENT_ADBCONTROL (ISC_EVENTCLASS_DNS + 14) #define DNS_EVENT_CACHECLEAN (ISC_EVENTCLASS_DNS + 15) #define DNS_EVENT_BYADDRDONE (ISC_EVENTCLASS_DNS + 16) #define DNS_EVENT_ZONECONTROL (ISC_EVENTCLASS_DNS + 17) #define DNS_EVENT_DBDESTROYED (ISC_EVENTCLASS_DNS + 18) #define DNS_EVENT_VALIDATORDONE (ISC_EVENTCLASS_DNS + 19) #define DNS_EVENT_REQUESTDONE (ISC_EVENTCLASS_DNS + 20) #define DNS_EVENT_VALIDATORSTART (ISC_EVENTCLASS_DNS + 21) #define DNS_EVENT_VIEWREQSHUTDOWN (ISC_EVENTCLASS_DNS + 22) #define DNS_EVENT_NOTIFYSENDTOADDR (ISC_EVENTCLASS_DNS + 23) #define DNS_EVENT_ZONE (ISC_EVENTCLASS_DNS + 24) #define DNS_EVENT_ZONESTARTXFRIN (ISC_EVENTCLASS_DNS + 25) #define DNS_EVENT_MASTERQUANTUM (ISC_EVENTCLASS_DNS + 26) #define DNS_EVENT_CACHEOVERMEM (ISC_EVENTCLASS_DNS + 27) #define DNS_EVENT_MASTERNEXTZONE (ISC_EVENTCLASS_DNS + 28) #define DNS_EVENT_IOREADY (ISC_EVENTCLASS_DNS + 29) #define DNS_EVENT_LOOKUPDONE (ISC_EVENTCLASS_DNS + 30) #define DNS_EVENT_RBTDEADNODES (ISC_EVENTCLASS_DNS + 31) #define DNS_EVENT_DISPATCHCONTROL (ISC_EVENTCLASS_DNS + 32) #define DNS_EVENT_REQUESTCONTROL (ISC_EVENTCLASS_DNS + 33) #define DNS_EVENT_DUMPQUANTUM (ISC_EVENTCLASS_DNS + 34) #define DNS_EVENT_IMPORTRECVDONE (ISC_EVENTCLASS_DNS + 35) #define DNS_EVENT_FREESTORAGE (ISC_EVENTCLASS_DNS + 36) #define DNS_EVENT_VIEWACACHESHUTDOWN (ISC_EVENTCLASS_DNS + 37) #define DNS_EVENT_ACACHECONTROL (ISC_EVENTCLASS_DNS + 38) #define DNS_EVENT_ACACHECLEAN (ISC_EVENTCLASS_DNS + 39) #define DNS_EVENT_ACACHEOVERMEM (ISC_EVENTCLASS_DNS + 40) #define DNS_EVENT_RBTPRUNE (ISC_EVENTCLASS_DNS + 41) #define DNS_EVENT_MANAGEKEYS (ISC_EVENTCLASS_DNS + 42) #define DNS_EVENT_CLIENTRESDONE (ISC_EVENTCLASS_DNS + 43) #define DNS_EVENT_CLIENTREQDONE (ISC_EVENTCLASS_DNS + 44) #define DNS_EVENT_ADBGROWENTRIES (ISC_EVENTCLASS_DNS + 45) #define DNS_EVENT_ADBGROWNAMES (ISC_EVENTCLASS_DNS + 46) #define DNS_EVENT_ZONESECURESERIAL (ISC_EVENTCLASS_DNS + 47) #define DNS_EVENT_ZONESECUREDB (ISC_EVENTCLASS_DNS + 48) #define DNS_EVENT_ZONELOAD (ISC_EVENTCLASS_DNS + 49) #define DNS_EVENT_KEYDONE (ISC_EVENTCLASS_DNS + 50) #define DNS_EVENT_SETNSEC3PARAM (ISC_EVENTCLASS_DNS + 51) #define DNS_EVENT_SETSERIAL (ISC_EVENTCLASS_DNS + 52) #define DNS_EVENT_CATZUPDATED (ISC_EVENTCLASS_DNS + 53) #define DNS_EVENT_CATZADDZONE (ISC_EVENTCLASS_DNS + 54) #define DNS_EVENT_CATZMODZONE (ISC_EVENTCLASS_DNS + 55) #define DNS_EVENT_CATZDELZONE (ISC_EVENTCLASS_DNS + 56) #define DNS_EVENT_STARTUPDATE (ISC_EVENTCLASS_DNS + 58) #define DNS_EVENT_FIRSTEVENT (ISC_EVENTCLASS_DNS + 0) #define DNS_EVENT_LASTEVENT (ISC_EVENTCLASS_DNS + 65535) #endif /* DNS_EVENTS_H */ PK dns/name.hnu[/* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ #ifndef DNS_NAME_H #define DNS_NAME_H 1 /***** ***** Module Info *****/ /*! \file dns/name.h * \brief * Provides facilities for manipulating DNS names and labels, including * conversions to and from wire format and text format. * * Given the large number of names possible in a nameserver, and because * names occur in rdata, it was important to come up with a very efficient * way of storing name data, but at the same time allow names to be * manipulated. The decision was to store names in uncompressed wire format, * and not to make them fully abstracted objects; i.e. certain parts of the * server know names are stored that way. This saves a lot of memory, and * makes adding names to messages easy. Having much of the server know * the representation would be perilous, and we certainly don't want each * user of names to be manipulating such a low-level structure. This is * where the Names and Labels module comes in. The module allows name or * label handles to be created and attached to uncompressed wire format * regions. All name operations and conversions are done through these * handles. * * MP: *\li Clients of this module must impose any required synchronization. * * Reliability: *\li This module deals with low-level byte streams. Errors in any of * the functions are likely to crash the server or corrupt memory. * * Resources: *\li None. * * Security: * *\li *** WARNING *** * *\li dns_name_fromwire() deals with raw network data. An error in * this routine could result in the failure or hijacking of the server. * * Standards: *\li RFC1035 *\li Draft EDNS0 (0) *\li Draft Binary Labels (2) * */ /*** *** Imports ***/ #include #include #include #include #include /* Required for storage size of dns_label_t. */ #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /***** ***** Labels ***** ***** A 'label' is basically a region. It contains one DNS wire format ***** label of type 00 (ordinary). *****/ /***** ***** Names ***** ***** A 'name' is a handle to a binary region. It contains a sequence of one ***** or more DNS wire format labels of type 00 (ordinary). ***** Note that all names are not required to end with the root label, ***** as they are in the actual DNS wire protocol. *****/ /*** *** Types ***/ /*% * Clients are strongly discouraged from using this type directly, with * the exception of the 'link' and 'list' fields which may be used directly * for whatever purpose the client desires. */ struct dns_name { unsigned int magic; unsigned char * ndata; unsigned int length; unsigned int labels; unsigned int attributes; unsigned char * offsets; isc_buffer_t * buffer; ISC_LINK(dns_name_t) link; ISC_LIST(dns_rdataset_t) list; }; #define DNS_NAME_MAGIC ISC_MAGIC('D','N','S','n') #define DNS_NAMEATTR_ABSOLUTE 0x00000001 #define DNS_NAMEATTR_READONLY 0x00000002 #define DNS_NAMEATTR_DYNAMIC 0x00000004 #define DNS_NAMEATTR_DYNOFFSETS 0x00000008 #define DNS_NAMEATTR_NOCOMPRESS 0x00000010 /* * Attributes below 0x0100 reserved for name.c usage. */ #define DNS_NAMEATTR_CACHE 0x00000100 /*%< Used by resolver. */ #define DNS_NAMEATTR_ANSWER 0x00000200 /*%< Used by resolver. */ #define DNS_NAMEATTR_NCACHE 0x00000400 /*%< Used by resolver. */ #define DNS_NAMEATTR_CHAINING 0x00000800 /*%< Used by resolver. */ #define DNS_NAMEATTR_CHASE 0x00001000 /*%< Used by resolver. */ #define DNS_NAMEATTR_WILDCARD 0x00002000 /*%< Used by server. */ #define DNS_NAMEATTR_PREREQUISITE 0x00004000 /*%< Used by client. */ #define DNS_NAMEATTR_UPDATE 0x00008000 /*%< Used by client. */ #define DNS_NAMEATTR_HASUPDATEREC 0x00010000 /*%< Used by client. */ /* * Various flags. */ #define DNS_NAME_DOWNCASE 0x0001 #define DNS_NAME_CHECKNAMES 0x0002 /*%< Used by rdata. */ #define DNS_NAME_CHECKNAMESFAIL 0x0004 /*%< Used by rdata. */ #define DNS_NAME_CHECKREVERSE 0x0008 /*%< Used by rdata. */ #define DNS_NAME_CHECKMX 0x0010 /*%< Used by rdata. */ #define DNS_NAME_CHECKMXFAIL 0x0020 /*%< Used by rdata. */ LIBDNS_EXTERNAL_DATA extern dns_name_t *dns_rootname; LIBDNS_EXTERNAL_DATA extern dns_name_t *dns_wildcardname; /*%< * DNS_NAME_INITNONABSOLUTE and DNS_NAME_INITABSOLUTE are macros for * initializing dns_name_t structures. * * Note[1]: 'length' is set to (sizeof(A) - 1) in DNS_NAME_INITNONABSOLUTE * and sizeof(A) in DNS_NAME_INITABSOLUTE to allow C strings to be used * to initialize 'ndata'. * * Note[2]: The final value of offsets for DNS_NAME_INITABSOLUTE should * match (sizeof(A) - 1) which is the offset of the root label. * * Typical usage: * unsigned char data[] = "\005value"; * unsigned char offsets[] = { 0 }; * dns_name_t value = DNS_NAME_INITNONABSOLUTE(data, offsets); * * unsigned char data[] = "\005value"; * unsigned char offsets[] = { 0, 6 }; * dns_name_t value = DNS_NAME_INITABSOLUTE(data, offsets); */ #define DNS_NAME_INITNONABSOLUTE(A,B) { \ DNS_NAME_MAGIC, \ A, (sizeof(A) - 1), sizeof(B), \ DNS_NAMEATTR_READONLY, \ B, NULL, { (void *)-1, (void *)-1}, \ {NULL, NULL} \ } #define DNS_NAME_INITABSOLUTE(A,B) { \ DNS_NAME_MAGIC, \ A, sizeof(A), sizeof(B), \ DNS_NAMEATTR_READONLY | DNS_NAMEATTR_ABSOLUTE, \ B, NULL, { (void *)-1, (void *)-1}, \ {NULL, NULL} \ } #define DNS_NAME_INITEMPTY { \ DNS_NAME_MAGIC, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, \ { (void *)-1, (void *)-1 }, { NULL, NULL } \ } /*% * Standard size of a wire format name */ #define DNS_NAME_MAXWIRE 255 /* * Text output filter procedure. * 'target' is the buffer to be converted. The region to be converted * is from 'buffer'->base + 'used_org' to the end of the used region. */ typedef isc_result_t (*dns_name_totextfilter_t)(isc_buffer_t *target, unsigned int used_org, isc_boolean_t absolute); /*** *** Initialization ***/ void dns_name_init(dns_name_t *name, unsigned char *offsets); /*%< * Initialize 'name'. * * Notes: * \li 'offsets' is never required to be non-NULL, but specifying a * dns_offsets_t for 'offsets' will improve the performance of most * name operations if the name is used more than once. * * Requires: * \li 'name' is not NULL and points to a struct dns_name. * * \li offsets == NULL or offsets is a dns_offsets_t. * * Ensures: * \li 'name' is a valid name. * \li dns_name_countlabels(name) == 0 * \li dns_name_isabsolute(name) == ISC_FALSE */ void dns_name_reset(dns_name_t *name); /*%< * Reinitialize 'name'. * * Notes: * \li This function distinguishes itself from dns_name_init() in two * key ways: * * \li + If any buffer is associated with 'name' (via dns_name_setbuffer() * or by being part of a dns_fixedname_t) the link to the buffer * is retained but the buffer itself is cleared. * * \li + Of the attributes associated with 'name', all are retained except * DNS_NAMEATTR_ABSOLUTE. * * Requires: * \li 'name' is a valid name. * * Ensures: * \li 'name' is a valid name. * \li dns_name_countlabels(name) == 0 * \li dns_name_isabsolute(name) == ISC_FALSE */ void dns_name_invalidate(dns_name_t *name); /*%< * Make 'name' invalid. * * Requires: * \li 'name' is a valid name. * * Ensures: * \li If assertion checking is enabled, future attempts to use 'name' * without initializing it will cause an assertion failure. * * \li If the name had a dedicated buffer, that association is ended. */ isc_boolean_t dns_name_isvalid(const dns_name_t *name); /*%< * Check whether 'name' points to a valid dns_name */ /*** *** Dedicated Buffers ***/ void dns_name_setbuffer(dns_name_t *name, isc_buffer_t *buffer); /*%< * Dedicate a buffer for use with 'name'. * * Notes: * \li Specification of a target buffer in dns_name_fromwire(), * dns_name_fromtext(), and dns_name_concatenate() is optional if * 'name' has a dedicated buffer. * * \li The caller must not write to buffer until the name has been * invalidated or is otherwise known not to be in use. * * \li If buffer is NULL and the name previously had a dedicated buffer, * than that buffer is no longer dedicated to use with this name. * The caller is responsible for ensuring that the storage used by * the name remains valid. * * Requires: * \li 'name' is a valid name. * * \li 'buffer' is a valid binary buffer and 'name' doesn't have a * dedicated buffer already, or 'buffer' is NULL. */ isc_boolean_t dns_name_hasbuffer(const dns_name_t *name); /*%< * Does 'name' have a dedicated buffer? * * Requires: * \li 'name' is a valid name. * * Returns: * \li ISC_TRUE 'name' has a dedicated buffer. * \li ISC_FALSE 'name' does not have a dedicated buffer. */ /*** *** Properties ***/ isc_boolean_t dns_name_isabsolute(const dns_name_t *name); /*%< * Does 'name' end in the root label? * * Requires: * \li 'name' is a valid name * * Returns: * \li TRUE The last label in 'name' is the root label. * \li FALSE The last label in 'name' is not the root label. */ isc_boolean_t dns_name_iswildcard(const dns_name_t *name); /*%< * Is 'name' a wildcard name? * * Requires: * \li 'name' is a valid name * * \li dns_name_countlabels(name) > 0 * * Returns: * \li TRUE The least significant label of 'name' is '*'. * \li FALSE The least significant label of 'name' is not '*'. */ unsigned int dns_name_hash(dns_name_t *name, isc_boolean_t case_sensitive); /*%< * Provide a hash value for 'name'. * * Note: if 'case_sensitive' is ISC_FALSE, then names which differ only in * case will have the same hash value. * * Requires: * \li 'name' is a valid name * * Returns: * \li A hash value */ unsigned int dns_name_fullhash(dns_name_t *name, isc_boolean_t case_sensitive); /*%< * Provide a hash value for 'name'. Unlike dns_name_hash(), this function * always takes into account of the entire name to calculate the hash value. * * Note: if 'case_sensitive' is ISC_FALSE, then names which differ only in * case will have the same hash value. * * Requires: *\li 'name' is a valid name * * Returns: *\li A hash value */ unsigned int dns_name_hashbylabel(dns_name_t *name, isc_boolean_t case_sensitive); /*%< * Provide a hash value for 'name', where the hash value is the sum * of the hash values of each label. This function should only be used * when incremental hashing is necessary, for example, during RBT * traversal. It is not currently used in BIND. Generally, * dns_name_fullhash() is the correct function to use for name * hashing. * * Note: if 'case_sensitive' is ISC_FALSE, then names which differ only in * case will have the same hash value. * * Requires: *\li 'name' is a valid name * * Returns: *\li A hash value */ /* *** Comparisons ***/ dns_namereln_t dns_name_fullcompare(const dns_name_t *name1, const dns_name_t *name2, int *orderp, unsigned int *nlabelsp); /*%< * Determine the relative ordering under the DNSSEC order relation of * 'name1' and 'name2', and also determine the hierarchical * relationship of the names. * * Note: It makes no sense for one of the names to be relative and the * other absolute. If both names are relative, then to be meaningfully * compared the caller must ensure that they are both relative to the * same domain. * * Requires: *\li 'name1' is a valid name * *\li dns_name_countlabels(name1) > 0 * *\li 'name2' is a valid name * *\li dns_name_countlabels(name2) > 0 * *\li orderp and nlabelsp are valid pointers. * *\li Either name1 is absolute and name2 is absolute, or neither is. * * Ensures: * *\li *orderp is < 0 if name1 < name2, 0 if name1 = name2, > 0 if * name1 > name2. * *\li *nlabelsp is the number of common significant labels. * * Returns: *\li dns_namereln_none There's no hierarchical relationship * between name1 and name2. *\li dns_namereln_contains name1 properly contains name2; i.e. * name2 is a proper subdomain of name1. *\li dns_namereln_subdomain name1 is a proper subdomain of name2. *\li dns_namereln_equal name1 and name2 are equal. *\li dns_namereln_commonancestor name1 and name2 share a common * ancestor. */ int dns_name_compare(const dns_name_t *name1, const dns_name_t *name2); /*%< * Determine the relative ordering under the DNSSEC order relation of * 'name1' and 'name2'. * * Note: It makes no sense for one of the names to be relative and the * other absolute. If both names are relative, then to be meaningfully * compared the caller must ensure that they are both relative to the * same domain. * * Requires: * \li 'name1' is a valid name * * \li 'name2' is a valid name * * \li Either name1 is absolute and name2 is absolute, or neither is. * * Returns: * \li < 0 'name1' is less than 'name2' * \li 0 'name1' is equal to 'name2' * \li > 0 'name1' is greater than 'name2' */ isc_boolean_t dns_name_equal(const dns_name_t *name1, const dns_name_t *name2); /*%< * Are 'name1' and 'name2' equal? * * Notes: * \li Because it only needs to test for equality, dns_name_equal() can be * significantly faster than dns_name_fullcompare() or dns_name_compare(). * * \li Offsets tables are not used in the comparision. * * \li It makes no sense for one of the names to be relative and the * other absolute. If both names are relative, then to be meaningfully * compared the caller must ensure that they are both relative to the * same domain. * * Requires: * \li 'name1' is a valid name * * \li 'name2' is a valid name * * \li Either name1 is absolute and name2 is absolute, or neither is. * * Returns: * \li ISC_TRUE 'name1' and 'name2' are equal * \li ISC_FALSE 'name1' and 'name2' are not equal */ isc_boolean_t dns_name_caseequal(const dns_name_t *name1, const dns_name_t *name2); /*%< * Case sensitive version of dns_name_equal(). */ int dns_name_rdatacompare(const dns_name_t *name1, const dns_name_t *name2); /*%< * Compare two names as if they are part of rdata in DNSSEC canonical * form. * * Requires: * \li 'name1' is a valid absolute name * * \li dns_name_countlabels(name1) > 0 * * \li 'name2' is a valid absolute name * * \li dns_name_countlabels(name2) > 0 * * Returns: * \li < 0 'name1' is less than 'name2' * \li 0 'name1' is equal to 'name2' * \li > 0 'name1' is greater than 'name2' */ isc_boolean_t dns_name_issubdomain(const dns_name_t *name1, const dns_name_t *name2); /*%< * Is 'name1' a subdomain of 'name2'? * * Notes: * \li name1 is a subdomain of name2 if name1 is contained in name2, or * name1 equals name2. * * \li It makes no sense for one of the names to be relative and the * other absolute. If both names are relative, then to be meaningfully * compared the caller must ensure that they are both relative to the * same domain. * * Requires: * \li 'name1' is a valid name * * \li 'name2' is a valid name * * \li Either name1 is absolute and name2 is absolute, or neither is. * * Returns: * \li TRUE 'name1' is a subdomain of 'name2' * \li FALSE 'name1' is not a subdomain of 'name2' */ isc_boolean_t dns_name_matcheswildcard(const dns_name_t *name, const dns_name_t *wname); /*%< * Does 'name' match the wildcard specified in 'wname'? * * Notes: * \li name matches the wildcard specified in wname if all labels * following the wildcard in wname are identical to the same number * of labels at the end of name. * * \li It makes no sense for one of the names to be relative and the * other absolute. If both names are relative, then to be meaningfully * compared the caller must ensure that they are both relative to the * same domain. * * Requires: * \li 'name' is a valid name * * \li dns_name_countlabels(name) > 0 * * \li 'wname' is a valid name * * \li dns_name_countlabels(wname) > 0 * * \li dns_name_iswildcard(wname) is true * * \li Either name is absolute and wname is absolute, or neither is. * * Returns: * \li TRUE 'name' matches the wildcard specified in 'wname' * \li FALSE 'name' does not match the wildcard specified in 'wname' */ /*** *** Labels ***/ unsigned int dns_name_countlabels(const dns_name_t *name); /*%< * How many labels does 'name' have? * * Notes: * \li In this case, as in other places, a 'label' is an ordinary label. * * Requires: * \li 'name' is a valid name * * Ensures: * \li The result is <= 128. * * Returns: * \li The number of labels in 'name'. */ void dns_name_getlabel(const dns_name_t *name, unsigned int n, dns_label_t *label); /*%< * Make 'label' refer to the 'n'th least significant label of 'name'. * * Notes: * \li Numbering starts at 0. * * \li Given "rc.vix.com.", the label 0 is "rc", and label 3 is the * root label. * * \li 'label' refers to the same memory as 'name', so 'name' must not * be changed while 'label' is still in use. * * Requires: * \li n < dns_name_countlabels(name) */ void dns_name_getlabelsequence(const dns_name_t *source, unsigned int first, unsigned int n, dns_name_t *target); /*%< * Make 'target' refer to the 'n' labels including and following 'first' * in 'source'. * * Notes: * \li Numbering starts at 0. * * \li Given "rc.vix.com.", the label 0 is "rc", and label 3 is the * root label. * * \li 'target' refers to the same memory as 'source', so 'source' * must not be changed while 'target' is still in use. * * Requires: * \li 'source' and 'target' are valid names. * * \li first < dns_name_countlabels(name) * * \li first + n <= dns_name_countlabels(name) */ void dns_name_clone(const dns_name_t *source, dns_name_t *target); /*%< * Make 'target' refer to the same name as 'source'. * * Notes: * * \li 'target' refers to the same memory as 'source', so 'source' * must not be changed while 'target' is still in use. * * \li This call is functionally equivalent to: * * \code * dns_name_getlabelsequence(source, 0, * dns_name_countlabels(source), * target); * \endcode * * but is more efficient. Also, dns_name_clone() works even if 'source' * is empty. * * Requires: * * \li 'source' is a valid name. * * \li 'target' is a valid name that is not read-only. */ /*** *** Conversions ***/ void dns_name_fromregion(dns_name_t *name, const isc_region_t *r); /*%< * Make 'name' refer to region 'r'. * * Note: * \li If the conversion encounters a root label before the end of the * region the conversion stops and the length is set to the length * so far converted. A maximum of 255 bytes is converted. * * Requires: * \li The data in 'r' is a sequence of one or more type 00 or type 01000001 * labels. */ void dns_name_toregion(dns_name_t *name, isc_region_t *r); /*%< * Make 'r' refer to 'name'. * * Requires: * * \li 'name' is a valid name. * * \li 'r' is a valid region. */ isc_result_t dns_name_fromwire(dns_name_t *name, isc_buffer_t *source, dns_decompress_t *dctx, unsigned int options, isc_buffer_t *target); /*%< * Copy the possibly-compressed name at source (active region) into target, * decompressing it. * * Notes: * \li Decompression policy is controlled by 'dctx'. * * \li If DNS_NAME_DOWNCASE is set, any uppercase letters in 'source' will be * downcased when they are copied into 'target'. * * Security: * * \li *** WARNING *** * * \li This routine will often be used when 'source' contains raw network * data. A programming error in this routine could result in a denial * of service, or in the hijacking of the server. * * Requires: * * \li 'name' is a valid name. * * \li 'source' is a valid buffer and the first byte of the active * region should be the first byte of a DNS wire format domain name. * * \li 'target' is a valid buffer or 'target' is NULL and 'name' has * a dedicated buffer. * * \li 'dctx' is a valid decompression context. * * Ensures: * * If result is success: * \li If 'target' is not NULL, 'name' is attached to it. * * \li Uppercase letters are downcased in the copy iff * DNS_NAME_DOWNCASE is set in options. * * \li The current location in source is advanced, and the used space * in target is updated. * * Result: * \li Success * \li Bad Form: Label Length * \li Bad Form: Unknown Label Type * \li Bad Form: Name Length * \li Bad Form: Compression type not allowed * \li Bad Form: Bad compression pointer * \li Bad Form: Input too short * \li Resource Limit: Too many compression pointers * \li Resource Limit: Not enough space in buffer */ isc_result_t dns_name_towire(const dns_name_t *name, dns_compress_t *cctx, isc_buffer_t *target); /*%< * Convert 'name' into wire format, compressing it as specified by the * compression context 'cctx', and storing the result in 'target'. * * Notes: * \li If the compression context allows global compression, then the * global compression table may be updated. * * Requires: * \li 'name' is a valid name * * \li dns_name_countlabels(name) > 0 * * \li dns_name_isabsolute(name) == TRUE * * \li target is a valid buffer. * * \li Any offsets specified in a global compression table are valid * for buffer. * * Ensures: * * If the result is success: * * \li The used space in target is updated. * * Returns: * \li Success * \li Resource Limit: Not enough space in buffer */ isc_result_t dns_name_fromtext(dns_name_t *name, isc_buffer_t *source, const dns_name_t *origin, unsigned int options, isc_buffer_t *target); /*%< * Convert the textual representation of a DNS name at source * into uncompressed wire form stored in target. * * Notes: * \li Relative domain names will have 'origin' appended to them * unless 'origin' is NULL, in which case relative domain names * will remain relative. * * \li If DNS_NAME_DOWNCASE is set in 'options', any uppercase letters * in 'source' will be downcased when they are copied into 'target'. * * Requires: * * \li 'name' is a valid name. * * \li 'source' is a valid buffer. * * \li 'target' is a valid buffer or 'target' is NULL and 'name' has * a dedicated buffer. * * Ensures: * * If result is success: * \li If 'target' is not NULL, 'name' is attached to it. * * \li Uppercase letters are downcased in the copy iff * DNS_NAME_DOWNCASE is set in 'options'. * * \li The current location in source is advanced, and the used space * in target is updated. * * Result: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #DNS_R_EMPTYLABEL *\li #DNS_R_LABELTOOLONG *\li #DNS_R_BADESCAPE *\li #DNS_R_BADDOTTEDQUAD *\li #ISC_R_NOSPACE *\li #ISC_R_UNEXPECTEDEND */ #define DNS_NAME_OMITFINALDOT 0x01U #define DNS_NAME_MASTERFILE 0x02U /* escape $ and @ */ isc_result_t dns_name_toprincipal(const dns_name_t *name, isc_buffer_t *target); isc_result_t dns_name_totext(const dns_name_t *name, isc_boolean_t omit_final_dot, isc_buffer_t *target); isc_result_t dns_name_totext2(const dns_name_t *name, unsigned int options, isc_buffer_t *target); /*%< * Convert 'name' into text format, storing the result in 'target'. * * Notes: *\li If 'omit_final_dot' is true, then the final '.' in absolute * names other than the root name will be omitted. * *\li If DNS_NAME_OMITFINALDOT is set in options, then the final '.' * in absolute names other than the root name will be omitted. * *\li If DNS_NAME_MASTERFILE is set in options, '$' and '@' will also * be escaped. * *\li If dns_name_countlabels == 0, the name will be "@", representing the * current origin as described by RFC1035. * *\li The name is not NUL terminated. * * Requires: * *\li 'name' is a valid name * *\li 'target' is a valid buffer. * *\li if dns_name_isabsolute == FALSE, then omit_final_dot == FALSE * * Ensures: * *\li If the result is success: * the used space in target is updated. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOSPACE */ #define DNS_NAME_MAXTEXT 1023 /*%< * The maximum length of the text representation of a domain * name as generated by dns_name_totext(). This does not * include space for a terminating NULL. * * This definition is conservative - the actual maximum * is 1004, derived as follows: * * A backslash-decimal escaped character takes 4 bytes. * A wire-encoded name can be up to 255 bytes and each * label is one length byte + at most 63 bytes of data. * Maximizing the label lengths gives us a name of * three 63-octet labels, one 61-octet label, and the * root label: * * 1 + 63 + 1 + 63 + 1 + 63 + 1 + 61 + 1 = 255 * * When printed, this is (3 * 63 + 61) * 4 * bytes for the escaped label data + 4 bytes for the * dot terminating each label = 1004 bytes total. */ isc_result_t dns_name_tofilenametext(dns_name_t *name, isc_boolean_t omit_final_dot, isc_buffer_t *target); /*%< * Convert 'name' into an alternate text format appropriate for filenames, * storing the result in 'target'. The name data is downcased, guaranteeing * that the filename does not depend on the case of the converted name. * * Notes: *\li If 'omit_final_dot' is true, then the final '.' in absolute * names other than the root name will be omitted. * *\li The name is not NUL terminated. * * Requires: * *\li 'name' is a valid absolute name * *\li 'target' is a valid buffer. * * Ensures: * *\li If the result is success: * the used space in target is updated. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOSPACE */ isc_result_t dns_name_downcase(dns_name_t *source, dns_name_t *name, isc_buffer_t *target); /*%< * Downcase 'source'. * * Requires: * *\li 'source' and 'name' are valid names. * *\li If source == name, then * 'source' must not be read-only * *\li Otherwise, * 'target' is a valid buffer or 'target' is NULL and * 'name' has a dedicated buffer. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOSPACE * * Note: if source == name, then the result will always be ISC_R_SUCCESS. */ isc_result_t dns_name_concatenate(dns_name_t *prefix, dns_name_t *suffix, dns_name_t *name, isc_buffer_t *target); /*%< * Concatenate 'prefix' and 'suffix'. * * Requires: * *\li 'prefix' is a valid name or NULL. * *\li 'suffix' is a valid name or NULL. * *\li 'name' is a valid name or NULL. * *\li 'target' is a valid buffer or 'target' is NULL and 'name' has * a dedicated buffer. * *\li If 'prefix' is absolute, 'suffix' must be NULL or the empty name. * * Ensures: * *\li On success, * If 'target' is not NULL and 'name' is not NULL, then 'name' * is attached to it. * The used space in target is updated. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOSPACE *\li #DNS_R_NAMETOOLONG */ void dns_name_split(dns_name_t *name, unsigned int suffixlabels, dns_name_t *prefix, dns_name_t *suffix); /*%< * * Split 'name' into two pieces on a label boundary. * * Notes: * \li 'name' is split such that 'suffix' holds the most significant * 'suffixlabels' labels. All other labels are stored in 'prefix'. * *\li Copying name data is avoided as much as possible, so 'prefix' * and 'suffix' will end up pointing at the data for 'name'. * *\li It is legitimate to pass a 'prefix' or 'suffix' that has * its name data stored someplace other than the dedicated buffer. * This is useful to avoid name copying in the calling function. * *\li It is also legitimate to pass a 'prefix' or 'suffix' that is * the same dns_name_t as 'name'. * * Requires: *\li 'name' is a valid name. * *\li 'suffixlabels' cannot exceed the number of labels in 'name'. * * \li 'prefix' is a valid name or NULL, and cannot be read-only. * *\li 'suffix' is a valid name or NULL, and cannot be read-only. * * Ensures: * *\li On success: * If 'prefix' is not NULL it will contain the least significant * labels. * If 'suffix' is not NULL it will contain the most significant * labels. dns_name_countlabels(suffix) will be equal to * suffixlabels. * *\li On failure: * Either 'prefix' or 'suffix' is invalidated (depending * on which one the problem was encountered with). * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS No worries. (This function should always success). */ isc_result_t dns_name_dup(const dns_name_t *source, isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_name_t *target); /*%< * Make 'target' a dynamically allocated copy of 'source'. * * Requires: * *\li 'source' is a valid non-empty name. * *\li 'target' is a valid name that is not read-only. * *\li 'mctx' is a valid memory context. */ isc_result_t dns_name_dupwithoffsets(dns_name_t *source, isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_name_t *target); /*%< * Make 'target' a read-only dynamically allocated copy of 'source'. * 'target' will also have a dynamically allocated offsets table. * * Requires: * *\li 'source' is a valid non-empty name. * *\li 'target' is a valid name that is not read-only. * *\li 'target' has no offsets table. * *\li 'mctx' is a valid memory context. */ void dns_name_free(dns_name_t *name, isc_mem_t *mctx); /*%< * Free 'name'. * * Requires: * *\li 'name' is a valid name created previously in 'mctx' by dns_name_dup(). * *\li 'mctx' is a valid memory context. * * Ensures: * *\li All dynamic resources used by 'name' are freed and the name is * invalidated. */ isc_result_t dns_name_digest(dns_name_t *name, dns_digestfunc_t digest, void *arg); /*%< * Send 'name' in DNSSEC canonical form to 'digest'. * * Requires: * *\li 'name' is a valid name. * *\li 'digest' is a valid dns_digestfunc_t. * * Ensures: * *\li If successful, the DNSSEC canonical form of 'name' will have been * sent to 'digest'. * *\li If digest() returns something other than ISC_R_SUCCESS, that result * will be returned as the result of dns_name_digest(). * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS * *\li Many other results are possible if not successful. * */ isc_boolean_t dns_name_dynamic(dns_name_t *name); /*%< * Returns whether there is dynamic memory associated with this name. * * Requires: * *\li 'name' is a valid name. * * Returns: * *\li 'ISC_TRUE' if the name is dynamic otherwise 'ISC_FALSE'. */ isc_result_t dns_name_print(dns_name_t *name, FILE *stream); /*%< * Print 'name' on 'stream'. * * Requires: * *\li 'name' is a valid name. * *\li 'stream' is a valid stream. * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS * *\li Any error that dns_name_totext() can return. */ void dns_name_format(const dns_name_t *name, char *cp, unsigned int size); /*%< * Format 'name' as text appropriate for use in log messages. * * Store the formatted name at 'cp', writing no more than * 'size' bytes. The resulting string is guaranteed to be * null terminated. * * The formatted name will have a terminating dot only if it is * the root. * * This function cannot fail, instead any errors are indicated * in the returned text. * * Requires: * *\li 'name' is a valid name. * *\li 'cp' points a valid character array of size 'size'. * *\li 'size' > 0. * */ isc_result_t dns_name_tostring(dns_name_t *source, char **target, isc_mem_t *mctx); /*%< * Convert 'name' to string format, allocating sufficient memory to * hold it (free with isc_mem_free()). * * Differs from dns_name_format in that it allocates its own memory. * * Requires: * *\li 'name' is a valid name. *\li 'target' is not NULL. *\li '*target' is NULL. * * Returns: * *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li ISC_R_NOMEMORY * *\li Any error that dns_name_totext() can return. */ isc_result_t dns_name_fromstring(dns_name_t *target, const char *src, unsigned int options, isc_mem_t *mctx); isc_result_t dns_name_fromstring2(dns_name_t *target, const char *src, const dns_name_t *origin, unsigned int options, isc_mem_t *mctx); /*%< * Convert a string to a name and place it in target, allocating memory * as necessary. 'options' has the same semantics as that of * dns_name_fromtext(). * * If 'target' has a buffer then the name will be copied into it rather than * memory being allocated. * * Requires: * * \li 'target' is a valid name that is not read-only. * \li 'src' is not NULL. * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS * *\li Any error that dns_name_fromtext() can return. * *\li Any error that dns_name_dup() can return. */ isc_result_t dns_name_settotextfilter(dns_name_totextfilter_t proc); /*%< * Set / clear a thread specific function 'proc' to be called at the * end of dns_name_totext(). * * Note: Under Windows you need to call "dns_name_settotextfilter(NULL);" * prior to exiting the thread otherwise memory will be leaked. * For other platforms, which are pthreads based, this is still a good * idea but not required. * * Returns *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_UNEXPECTED */ #define DNS_NAME_FORMATSIZE (DNS_NAME_MAXTEXT + 1) /*%< * Suggested size of buffer passed to dns_name_format(). * Includes space for the terminating NULL. */ isc_result_t dns_name_copy(const dns_name_t *source, dns_name_t *dest, isc_buffer_t *target); /*%< * Makes 'dest' refer to a copy of the name in 'source'. The data are * either copied to 'target' or the dedicated buffer in 'dest'. * * Requires: * \li 'source' is a valid name. * * \li 'dest' is an initialized name with a dedicated buffer. * * \li 'target' is NULL or an initialized buffer. * * \li Either dest has a dedicated buffer or target != NULL. * * Ensures: * *\li On success, the used space in target is updated. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOSPACE */ isc_boolean_t dns_name_ishostname(const dns_name_t *name, isc_boolean_t wildcard); /*%< * Return if 'name' is a valid hostname. RFC 952 / RFC 1123. * If 'wildcard' is ISC_TRUE then allow the first label of name to * be a wildcard. * The root is also accepted. * * Requires: * 'name' to be valid. */ isc_boolean_t dns_name_ismailbox(const dns_name_t *name); /*%< * Return if 'name' is a valid mailbox. RFC 821. * * Requires: * \li 'name' to be valid. */ isc_boolean_t dns_name_internalwildcard(const dns_name_t *name); /*%< * Return if 'name' contains a internal wildcard name. * * Requires: * \li 'name' to be valid. */ void dns_name_destroy(void); /*%< * Cleanup dns_name_settotextfilter() / dns_name_totext() state. * * This should be called as part of the final cleanup process. * * Note: dns_name_settotextfilter(NULL); should be called for all * threads which have called dns_name_settotextfilter() with a * non-NULL argument prior to calling dns_name_destroy(); */ isc_boolean_t dns_name_isdnssd(const dns_name_t *owner); /*%< * Determine if the 'owner' is a DNS-SD prefix. */ isc_boolean_t dns_name_isrfc1918(const dns_name_t *owner); /*%< * Determine if the 'name' is in the RFC 1918 reverse namespace. */ isc_boolean_t dns_name_isula(const dns_name_t *owner); /*%< * Determine if the 'name' is in the ULA reverse namespace. */ isc_boolean_t dns_name_istat(const dns_name_t *name); /* * Determine if 'name' is a potential 'trust-anchor-telementry' name. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS /* *** High Performance Macros ***/ /* * WARNING: Use of these macros by applications may require recompilation * of the application in some situations where calling the function * would not. * * WARNING: No assertion checking is done for these macros. */ #define DNS_NAME_INIT(n, o) \ do { \ dns_name_t *_n = (n); \ /* memset(_n, 0, sizeof(*_n)); */ \ _n->magic = DNS_NAME_MAGIC; \ _n->ndata = NULL; \ _n->length = 0; \ _n->labels = 0; \ _n->attributes = 0; \ _n->offsets = (o); \ _n->buffer = NULL; \ ISC_LINK_INIT(_n, link); \ ISC_LIST_INIT(_n->list); \ } while (0) #define DNS_NAME_RESET(n) \ do { \ (n)->ndata = NULL; \ (n)->length = 0; \ (n)->labels = 0; \ (n)->attributes &= ~DNS_NAMEATTR_ABSOLUTE; \ if ((n)->buffer != NULL) \ isc_buffer_clear((n)->buffer); \ } while (0) #define DNS_NAME_SETBUFFER(n, b) \ (n)->buffer = (b) #define DNS_NAME_ISABSOLUTE(n) \ (((n)->attributes & DNS_NAMEATTR_ABSOLUTE) != 0 ? ISC_TRUE : ISC_FALSE) #define DNS_NAME_COUNTLABELS(n) \ ((n)->labels) #define DNS_NAME_TOREGION(n, r) \ do { \ (r)->base = (n)->ndata; \ (r)->length = (n)->length; \ } while (0) #define DNS_NAME_SPLIT(n, l, p, s) \ do { \ dns_name_t *_n = (n); \ dns_name_t *_p = (p); \ dns_name_t *_s = (s); \ unsigned int _l = (l); \ if (_p != NULL) \ dns_name_getlabelsequence(_n, 0, _n->labels - _l, _p); \ if (_s != NULL) \ dns_name_getlabelsequence(_n, _n->labels - _l, _l, _s); \ } while (0) #ifdef DNS_NAME_USEINLINE #define dns_name_init(n, o) DNS_NAME_INIT(n, o) #define dns_name_reset(n) DNS_NAME_RESET(n) #define dns_name_setbuffer(n, b) DNS_NAME_SETBUFFER(n, b) #define dns_name_countlabels(n) DNS_NAME_COUNTLABELS(n) #define dns_name_isabsolute(n) DNS_NAME_ISABSOLUTE(n) #define dns_name_toregion(n, r) DNS_NAME_TOREGION(n, r) #define dns_name_split(n, l, p, s) DNS_NAME_SPLIT(n, l, p, s) #endif /* DNS_NAME_USEINLINE */ #endif /* DNS_NAME_H */ PK #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /*** *** Types ***/ /*% * Transaction security types. */ typedef enum { dns_tsectype_none, dns_tsectype_tsig, dns_tsectype_sig0 } dns_tsectype_t; isc_result_t dns_tsec_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_tsectype_t type, dst_key_t *key, dns_tsec_t **tsecp); /*%< * Create a TSEC structure and stores a type-dependent key structure in it. * For a TSIG key (type is dns_tsectype_tsig), dns_tsec_create() creates a * TSIG key structure from '*key' and keeps it in the structure. For other * types, this function simply retains '*key' in the structure. In either * case, the ownership of '*key' is transferred to the TSEC module; the caller * must not modify or destroy it after the call to dns_tsec_create(). * * Requires: * *\li 'mctx' is a valid memory context. * *\li 'type' is a valid value of dns_tsectype_t (see above). * *\li 'key' is a valid key. * *\li tsecp != NULL && *tsecp == NULL. * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS On success. * *\li Anything else Failure. */ void dns_tsec_destroy(dns_tsec_t **tsecp); /*%< * Destroy the TSEC structure. The stored key is also detached or destroyed. * * Requires * *\li '*tsecp' is a valid TSEC structure. * * Ensures * *\li *tsecp == NULL. * */ dns_tsectype_t dns_tsec_gettype(dns_tsec_t *tsec); /*%< * Return the TSEC type of '*tsec'. * * Requires * *\li 'tsec' is a valid TSEC structure. * */ void dns_tsec_getkey(dns_tsec_t *tsec, void *keyp); /*%< * Return the TSEC key of '*tsec' in '*keyp'. * * Requires * *\li keyp != NULL * * Ensures * *\li *tsecp points to a valid key structure depending on the TSEC type. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_TSEC_H */ PK #include #define DNS_ZTFIND_NOEXACT 0x01 ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS typedef isc_result_t (*dns_zt_allloaded_t)(void *arg); /*%< * Method prototype: when all pending zone loads are complete, * the zone table can inform the caller via a callback function with * this signature. */ typedef isc_result_t (*dns_zt_zoneloaded_t)(dns_zt_t *zt, dns_zone_t *zone, isc_task_t *task); /*%< * Method prototype: when a zone finishes loading, the zt object * can be informed via a callback function with this signature. */ isc_result_t dns_zt_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_rdataclass_t rdclass, dns_zt_t **zt); /*%< * Creates a new zone table. * * Requires: * \li 'mctx' to be initialized. * * Returns: * \li #ISC_R_SUCCESS on success. * \li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY */ isc_result_t dns_zt_mount(dns_zt_t *zt, dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Mounts the zone on the zone table. * * Requires: * \li 'zt' to be valid * \li 'zone' to be valid * * Returns: * \li #ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li #ISC_R_EXISTS * \li #ISC_R_NOSPACE * \li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY */ isc_result_t dns_zt_unmount(dns_zt_t *zt, dns_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Unmount the given zone from the table. * * Requires: * 'zt' to be valid * \li 'zone' to be valid * * Returns: * \li #ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li #ISC_R_NOTFOUND * \li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY */ isc_result_t dns_zt_find(dns_zt_t *zt, const dns_name_t *name, unsigned int options, dns_name_t *foundname, dns_zone_t **zone); /*%< * Find the best match for 'name' in 'zt'. If foundname is non NULL * then the name of the zone found is returned. * * Notes: * \li If the DNS_ZTFIND_NOEXACT is set, the best partial match (if any) * to 'name' will be returned. * * Requires: * \li 'zt' to be valid * \li 'name' to be valid * \li 'foundname' to be initialized and associated with a fixedname or NULL * \li 'zone' to be non NULL and '*zone' to be NULL * * Returns: * \li #ISC_R_SUCCESS * \li #DNS_R_PARTIALMATCH * \li #ISC_R_NOTFOUND * \li #ISC_R_NOSPACE */ void dns_zt_detach(dns_zt_t **ztp); /*%< * Detach the given zonetable, if the reference count goes to zero the * zonetable will be freed. In either case 'ztp' is set to NULL. * * Requires: * \li '*ztp' to be valid */ void dns_zt_flushanddetach(dns_zt_t **ztp); /*%< * Detach the given zonetable, if the reference count goes to zero the * zonetable will be flushed and then freed. In either case 'ztp' is * set to NULL. * * Requires: * \li '*ztp' to be valid */ void dns_zt_attach(dns_zt_t *zt, dns_zt_t **ztp); /*%< * Attach 'zt' to '*ztp'. * * Requires: * \li 'zt' to be valid * \li '*ztp' to be NULL */ isc_result_t dns_zt_load(dns_zt_t *zt, isc_boolean_t stop); isc_result_t dns_zt_loadnew(dns_zt_t *zt, isc_boolean_t stop); isc_result_t dns_zt_asyncload(dns_zt_t *zt, dns_zt_allloaded_t alldone, void *arg); /*%< * Load all zones in the table. If 'stop' is ISC_TRUE, * stop on the first error and return it. If 'stop' * is ISC_FALSE, ignore errors. * * dns_zt_loadnew() only loads zones that are not yet loaded. * dns_zt_load() also loads zones that are already loaded and * and whose master file has changed since the last load. * dns_zt_asyncload() loads zones asynchronously; when all * zones in the zone table have finished loaded (or failed due * to errors), the caller is informed by calling 'alldone' * with an argument of 'arg'. * * Requires: * \li 'zt' to be valid */ isc_result_t dns_zt_freezezones(dns_zt_t *zt, isc_boolean_t freeze); /*%< * Freeze/thaw updates to master zones. * Any pending updates will be flushed. * Zones will be reloaded on thaw. */ isc_result_t dns_zt_apply(dns_zt_t *zt, isc_boolean_t stop, isc_result_t (*action)(dns_zone_t *, void *), void *uap); isc_result_t dns_zt_apply2(dns_zt_t *zt, isc_boolean_t stop, isc_result_t *sub, isc_result_t (*action)(dns_zone_t *, void *), void *uap); /*%< * Apply a given 'action' to all zone zones in the table. * If 'stop' is 'ISC_TRUE' then walking the zone tree will stop if * 'action' does not return ISC_R_SUCCESS. * * Requires: * \li 'zt' to be valid. * \li 'action' to be non NULL. * * Returns: * \li ISC_R_SUCCESS if action was applied to all nodes. If 'stop' is * ISC_FALSE and 'sub' is non NULL then the first error (if any) * reported by 'action' is returned in '*sub'; * any error code from 'action'. */ isc_boolean_t dns_zt_loadspending(dns_zt_t *zt); /*%< * Returns ISC_TRUE if and only if there are zones still waiting to * be loaded in zone table 'zt'. * * Requires: * \li 'zt' to be valid. */ void dns_zt_setviewcommit(dns_zt_t *zt); /*%< * Commit dns_zone_setview() calls previously made for all zones in this * zone table. * * Requires: *\li 'view' to be valid. */ void dns_zt_setviewrevert(dns_zt_t *zt); /*%< * Revert dns_zone_setview() calls previously made for all zones in this * zone table. * * Requires: *\li 'view' to be valid. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_ZT_H */ PK #include #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /***** ***** Types *****/ typedef struct dns_dbiteratormethods { void (*destroy)(dns_dbiterator_t **iteratorp); isc_result_t (*first)(dns_dbiterator_t *iterator); isc_result_t (*last)(dns_dbiterator_t *iterator); isc_result_t (*seek)(dns_dbiterator_t *iterator, dns_name_t *name); isc_result_t (*prev)(dns_dbiterator_t *iterator); isc_result_t (*next)(dns_dbiterator_t *iterator); isc_result_t (*current)(dns_dbiterator_t *iterator, dns_dbnode_t **nodep, dns_name_t *name); isc_result_t (*pause)(dns_dbiterator_t *iterator); isc_result_t (*origin)(dns_dbiterator_t *iterator, dns_name_t *name); } dns_dbiteratormethods_t; #define DNS_DBITERATOR_MAGIC ISC_MAGIC('D','N','S','I') #define DNS_DBITERATOR_VALID(dbi) ISC_MAGIC_VALID(dbi, DNS_DBITERATOR_MAGIC) /*% * This structure is actually just the common prefix of a DNS db * implementation's version of a dns_dbiterator_t. * * Clients may use the 'db' field of this structure. Except for that field, * direct use of this structure by clients is forbidden. DB implementations * may change the structure. 'magic' must be DNS_DBITERATOR_MAGIC for any of * the dns_dbiterator routines to work. DB iterator implementations must * maintain all DB iterator invariants. */ struct dns_dbiterator { /* Unlocked. */ unsigned int magic; dns_dbiteratormethods_t * methods; dns_db_t * db; isc_boolean_t relative_names; isc_boolean_t cleaning; }; void dns_dbiterator_destroy(dns_dbiterator_t **iteratorp); /*%< * Destroy '*iteratorp'. * * Requires: * *\li '*iteratorp' is a valid iterator. * * Ensures: * *\li All resources used by the iterator are freed. * *\li *iteratorp == NULL. */ isc_result_t dns_dbiterator_first(dns_dbiterator_t *iterator); /*%< * Move the node cursor to the first node in the database (if any). * * Requires: *\li 'iterator' is a valid iterator. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMORE There are no nodes in the database. * *\li Other results are possible, depending on the DB implementation. */ isc_result_t dns_dbiterator_last(dns_dbiterator_t *iterator); /*%< * Move the node cursor to the last node in the database (if any). * * Requires: *\li 'iterator' is a valid iterator. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMORE There are no nodes in the database. * *\li Other results are possible, depending on the DB implementation. */ isc_result_t dns_dbiterator_seek(dns_dbiterator_t *iterator, dns_name_t *name); /*%< * Move the node cursor to the node with name 'name'. * * Requires: *\li 'iterator' is a valid iterator. * *\li 'name' is a valid name. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOTFOUND *\li #DNS_R_PARTIALMATCH * (node is at name above requested named when name has children) * *\li Other results are possible, depending on the DB implementation. */ isc_result_t dns_dbiterator_prev(dns_dbiterator_t *iterator); /*%< * Move the node cursor to the previous node in the database (if any). * * Requires: *\li 'iterator' is a valid iterator. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMORE There are no more nodes in the * database. * *\li Other results are possible, depending on the DB implementation. */ isc_result_t dns_dbiterator_next(dns_dbiterator_t *iterator); /*%< * Move the node cursor to the next node in the database (if any). * * Requires: *\li 'iterator' is a valid iterator. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOMORE There are no more nodes in the * database. * *\li Other results are possible, depending on the DB implementation. */ isc_result_t dns_dbiterator_current(dns_dbiterator_t *iterator, dns_dbnode_t **nodep, dns_name_t *name); /*%< * Return the current node. * * Notes: *\li If 'name' is not NULL, it will be set to the name of the node. * * Requires: *\li 'iterator' is a valid iterator. * *\li nodep != NULL && *nodep == NULL * *\li The node cursor of 'iterator' is at a valid location (i.e. the * result of last call to a cursor movement command was ISC_R_SUCCESS). * *\li 'name' is NULL, or is a valid name with a dedicated buffer. * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #DNS_R_NEWORIGIN If this iterator was created with * 'relative_names' set to ISC_TRUE, * then #DNS_R_NEWORIGIN will be returned * when the origin the names are * relative to changes. This result * can occur only when 'name' is not * NULL. This is also a successful * result. * *\li Other results are possible, depending on the DB implementation. */ isc_result_t dns_dbiterator_pause(dns_dbiterator_t *iterator); /*%< * Pause iteration. * * Calling a cursor movement method or dns_dbiterator_current() may cause * database locks to be acquired. Rather than reacquire these locks every * time one of these routines is called, the locks may simply be held. * Calling dns_dbiterator_pause() releases any such locks. Iterator clients * should call this routine any time they are not going to execute another * iterator method in the immediate future. * * Requires: *\li 'iterator' is a valid iterator. * * Ensures: *\li Any database locks being held for efficiency of iterator access are * released. * * Returns: *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS * *\li Other results are possible, depending on the DB implementation. */ isc_result_t dns_dbiterator_origin(dns_dbiterator_t *iterator, dns_name_t *name); /*%< * Return the origin to which returned node names are relative. * * Requires: * *\li 'iterator' is a valid relative_names iterator. * *\li 'name' is a valid name with a dedicated buffer. * * Returns: * *\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li #ISC_R_NOSPACE * *\li Other results are possible, depending on the DB implementation. */ void dns_dbiterator_setcleanmode(dns_dbiterator_t *iterator, isc_boolean_t mode); /*%< * Indicate that the given iterator is/is not cleaning the DB. * * Notes: *\li When 'mode' is ISC_TRUE, * * Requires: *\li 'iterator' is a valid iterator. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_DBITERATOR_H */ PK #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS #define DNS_CATZ_ERROR_LEVEL ISC_LOG_WARNING #define DNS_CATZ_INFO_LEVEL ISC_LOG_INFO #define DNS_CATZ_DEBUG_LEVEL1 ISC_LOG_DEBUG(1) #define DNS_CATZ_DEBUG_LEVEL2 ISC_LOG_DEBUG(2) #define DNS_CATZ_DEBUG_LEVEL3 ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3) #define DNS_CATZ_DEBUG_QUIET (DNS_CATZ_DEBUG_LEVEL3+1) /* * Catalog Zones functions and structures. */ /* * Options for a member zone in a catalog */ struct dns_catz_entry_options { /* * Options that can be overriden in catalog zone */ /* default-masters definition */ dns_ipkeylist_t masters; /* both as text in config format, NULL if none */ isc_buffer_t *allow_query; isc_buffer_t *allow_transfer; /* * Options that are only set in named.conf */ /* zone-directory definition */ char *zonedir; /* zone should not be stored on disk (no 'file' statement in def */ isc_boolean_t in_memory; /* * Minimal interval between catalog zone updates, if a new version * of catalog zone is received before this time the update will be * postponed. This is a global option for the whole catalog zone. */ isc_uint32_t min_update_interval; }; void dns_catz_options_init(dns_catz_options_t *options); /*%< * Initialize 'options' to NULL values. * * Requires: * \li options to be non NULL */ void dns_catz_options_free(dns_catz_options_t *options, isc_mem_t *mctx); /*%< * Free 'options' contents into 'mctx'. ('options' itself is not freed.) * * Requires: * \li options to be non NULL * \li mctx to be a valid memory context */ isc_result_t dns_catz_options_copy(isc_mem_t *mctx, const dns_catz_options_t *opts, dns_catz_options_t *nopts); /*%< * Duplicate 'opts' into 'nopts', allocating space from 'mctx' * * Requires: * \li 'mctx' to be a valid memory context * \li 'options' to be non NULL and valid options * \li 'nopts' to be non NULL */ isc_result_t dns_catz_options_setdefault(isc_mem_t *mctx, const dns_catz_options_t *defaults, dns_catz_options_t *opts); /*%< * Replace empty values in 'opts' with values from 'defaults' * * Requires: * \li mctx to be a valid memory context * \li defaults to be non NULL and valid options * \li opts to be non NULL */ dns_name_t * dns_catz_entry_getname(dns_catz_entry_t *entry); /*%< * Get domain name for 'entry' * * Requires: * \li entry to be non NULL * * Returns: * \li domain name for entry */ isc_result_t dns_catz_entry_new(isc_mem_t *mctx, const dns_name_t *domain, dns_catz_entry_t **nentryp); /*%< * Allocate a new catz_entry on 'mctx', with the name 'domain' * * Requires: * \li mctx to be a valid memory context * \li domain to be valid dns_name or NULL * \li nentryp to be non NULL, *nentryp to be NULL * * Returns: * \li ISC_R_SUCCESS on success * \li ISC_R_NOMEMORY on allocation failure */ isc_result_t dns_catz_entry_copy(dns_catz_zone_t *zone, const dns_catz_entry_t *entry, dns_catz_entry_t **nentryp); /*%< * Allocate a new catz_entry and deep copy 'entry' into 'nentryp'. * * Requires: * \li mctx to be a valid memory context * \li entry to be non NULL * \li nentryp to be non NULL, *nentryp to be NULL * * Returns: * \li ISC_R_SUCCESS on success * \li ISC_R_NOMEMORY on allocation failure */ void dns_catz_entry_attach(dns_catz_entry_t *entry, dns_catz_entry_t **entryp); /*%< * Attach an entry * * Requires: * \li entry is not NULL * \li entryp is not NULL, *entryp is NULL */ void dns_catz_entry_detach(dns_catz_zone_t *zone, dns_catz_entry_t **entryp); /*%< * Detach an entry, free if no further references * * Requires: * \li zone is not NULL * \li entryp is not NULL, *entryp is not NULL */ isc_boolean_t dns_catz_entry_validate(const dns_catz_entry_t *entry); /*%< * Validate whether entry is correct. * (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED: always returns true) */ isc_boolean_t dns_catz_entry_cmp(const dns_catz_entry_t *ea, const dns_catz_entry_t *eb); /*%< * Deep compare two entries * * Requires: * \li ea is not NULL * \li eb is not NULL * * Returns: * \li ISC_TRUE if entries are the same * \li ISC_FALSE if the entries differ */ void dns_catz_zone_attach(dns_catz_zone_t *zone, dns_catz_zone_t **zonep); /*%< * Attach a catzone * * Requires: * \li zone is not NULL * \li zonep is not NULL, *zonep is NULL */ void dns_catz_zone_detach(dns_catz_zone_t** zonep); /*%< * Detach a zone, free if no further references * * Requires: * \li zonep is not NULL, *zonep is not NULL */ isc_result_t dns_catz_new_zone(dns_catz_zones_t *catzs, dns_catz_zone_t **zonep, const dns_name_t *name); /*%< * Allocate a new catz zone on catzs mctx * * Requires: * \li catzs is not NULL * \li zonep is not NULL, *zonep is NULL * \li name is not NULL * */ dns_name_t * dns_catz_zone_getname(dns_catz_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Get catalog zone name * * Requires: * \li zone is not NULL */ dns_catz_options_t * dns_catz_zone_getdefoptions(dns_catz_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Get default member zone options for catalog zone 'zone' * * Requires: * \li zone is not NULL */ void dns_catz_zone_resetdefoptions(dns_catz_zone_t *zone); /*%< * Reset the default member zone options for catalog zone 'zone' to * the default values. * * Requires: * \li zone is not NULL */ isc_result_t dns_catz_zones_merge(dns_catz_zone_t *target, dns_catz_zone_t *newzone); /*%< * Merge 'newzone' into 'target', calling addzone/delzone/modzone * (from zone->catzs->zmm) for appropriate member zones. * * Requires: * \li orig is not NULL * \li newzone is not NULL, *newzone is not NULL * */ isc_result_t dns_catz_update_process(dns_catz_zones_t *catzs, dns_catz_zone_t *zone, dns_name_t *src_name, dns_rdataset_t *rdataset); /*%< * Process a single rdataset from a catalog zone 'zone' update, src_name is the * record name. * * Requires: * \li catzs is not NULL * \li zone is not NULL * \li src_name is not NULL * \li rdataset is valid */ isc_result_t dns_catz_generate_masterfilename(dns_catz_zone_t *zone, dns_catz_entry_t *entry, isc_buffer_t **buffer); /*%< * Generate master file name and put it into *buffer (might be reallocated). * The general format of the file name is: * __catz__catalog.zone.name__member_zone_name.db * But if it's too long it's shortened to: * __catz__unique_hash_generated_from_the_above.db * * Requires: * \li zone is not NULL * \li entry is not NULL * \li buffer is not NULL and *buffer is not NULL */ isc_result_t dns_catz_generate_zonecfg(dns_catz_zone_t *zone, dns_catz_entry_t *entry, isc_buffer_t **buf); /*%< * Generate a zone config entry (in text form) from dns_catz_entry and puts * it into *buf. buf might be reallocated. * * Requires: * \li zone is not NULL * \li entry is not NULL * \li buf is not NULL * \li *buf is NULL * */ /* Methods provided by named to dynamically modify the member zones */ /* xxxwpk TODO config! */ typedef isc_result_t (*dns_catz_zoneop_fn_t)(dns_catz_entry_t *entry, dns_catz_zone_t *origin, dns_view_t *view, isc_taskmgr_t *taskmgr, void *udata); struct dns_catz_zonemodmethods { dns_catz_zoneop_fn_t addzone; dns_catz_zoneop_fn_t modzone; dns_catz_zoneop_fn_t delzone; void * udata; }; isc_result_t dns_catz_new_zones(dns_catz_zones_t **catzsp, dns_catz_zonemodmethods_t *zmm, isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_taskmgr_t *taskmgr, isc_timermgr_t *timermgr); /*%< * Allocate a new catz_zones object, a collection storing all catalog zones * for a view. * * Requires: * \li catzsp is not NULL, *catzsp is NULL * \li zmm is not NULL * */ isc_result_t dns_catz_add_zone(dns_catz_zones_t *catzs, const dns_name_t *name, dns_catz_zone_t **catzp); /*%< * Allocate a new catz named 'name' and put it in 'catzs' collection. * * Requires: * \li catzs is not NULL * \li name is not NULL * \li zonep is not NULL, *zonep is NULL * */ dns_catz_zone_t * dns_catz_get_zone(dns_catz_zones_t *catzs, const dns_name_t *name); /*%< * Returns a zone named 'name' from collection 'catzs' * * Requires: * \li catzs is not NULL * \li name is not NULL */ void dns_catz_catzs_attach(dns_catz_zones_t *catzs, dns_catz_zones_t **catzsp); /*%< * Attach 'catzs' to 'catzsp' * * Requires: * \li catzs is not NULL * \li catzsp is not NULL, *catzsp is NULL */ void dns_catz_catzs_detach(dns_catz_zones_t **catzsp); /*%< * Detach 'catzsp', free if no further references * * Requires: * \li catzsp is not NULL, *catzsp is not NULL */ void dns_catz_catzs_set_view(dns_catz_zones_t *catzs, dns_view_t *view); /*%< * Set a view for catzs * * Requires: * \li catzs is not NULL * \li catzs->view is NULL or catzs->view == view */ isc_result_t dns_catz_dbupdate_callback(dns_db_t *db, void *fn_arg); /*%< * Callback for update of catalog zone database. * If there was no catalog zone update recently it launches an * update_taskaction immediately. * If there was an update recently it schedules update_taskaction for some time * in the future. * If there is an update scheduled it replaces old db version with a new one. * * Requires: * \li db is a valid database * \li fn_arg is not NULL (casted to dns_catz_zones_t*) */ void dns_catz_update_taskaction(isc_task_t *task, isc_event_t *event); /*%< * Task that launches dns_catz_update_from_db * * Requires: * \li event is not NULL */ void dns_catz_update_from_db(dns_db_t *db, dns_catz_zones_t *catzs); /*%< * Process an updated database for a catalog zone. * It creates a new catz, iterates over database to fill it with content, and * then merges new catz into old catz. * * Requires: * \li db is a valid DB * \li catzs is not NULL * */ void dns_catz_prereconfig(dns_catz_zones_t *catzs); /*%< * Called before reconfig, clears 'active' flag on all the zones in set * * Requires: * \li catzs is not NULL * */ void dns_catz_postreconfig(dns_catz_zones_t *catzs); /*%< * Called after reconfig, walks through all zones in set, removes those * inactive and force reload of those with changed configuration. * * Requires: * \li catzs is not NULL */ isc_result_t dns_catz_get_iterator(dns_catz_zone_t *catz, isc_ht_iter_t **itp); /*%< * Get the hashtable iterator on catalog zone members, point '*itp' to it. * * Returns: * \li #ISC_R_SUCCESS -- success * \li Any other value -- failure */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_CATZ_H_ */ PK ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /* * This header provides a minimal set of defines and typedefs needed * for the entry points of an external DLZ module for bind9. */ #define DLZ_DLOPEN_VERSION 3 #define DLZ_DLOPEN_AGE 0 /* * dlz_dlopen_version() is required for all DLZ external drivers. It * should return DLZ_DLOPEN_VERSION */ typedef int dlz_dlopen_version_t(unsigned int *flags); /* * dlz_dlopen_create() is required for all DLZ external drivers. */ typedef isc_result_t dlz_dlopen_create_t(const char *dlzname, unsigned int argc, char *argv[], void **dbdata, ...); /* * dlz_dlopen_destroy() is optional, and will be called when the * driver is unloaded if supplied */ typedef void dlz_dlopen_destroy_t(void *dbdata); /* * dlz_dlopen_findzonedb() is required for all DLZ external drivers */ typedef isc_result_t dlz_dlopen_findzonedb_t(void *dbdata, const char *name, dns_clientinfomethods_t *methods, dns_clientinfo_t *clientinfo); /* * dlz_dlopen_lookup() is required for all DLZ external drivers */ typedef isc_result_t dlz_dlopen_lookup_t(const char *zone, const char *name, void *dbdata, dns_sdlzlookup_t *lookup, dns_clientinfomethods_t *methods, dns_clientinfo_t *clientinfo); /* * dlz_dlopen_authority is optional() if dlz_dlopen_lookup() * supplies authority information for the dns record */ typedef isc_result_t dlz_dlopen_authority_t(const char *zone, void *dbdata, dns_sdlzlookup_t *lookup); /* * dlz_dlopen_allowzonexfr() is optional, and should be supplied if * you want to support zone transfers */ typedef isc_result_t dlz_dlopen_allowzonexfr_t(void *dbdata, const char *name, const char *client); /* * dlz_dlopen_allnodes() is optional, but must be supplied if supply a * dlz_dlopen_allowzonexfr() function */ typedef isc_result_t dlz_dlopen_allnodes_t(const char *zone, void *dbdata, dns_sdlzallnodes_t *allnodes); /* * dlz_dlopen_newversion() is optional. It should be supplied if you * want to support dynamic updates. */ typedef isc_result_t dlz_dlopen_newversion_t(const char *zone, void *dbdata, void **versionp); /* * dlz_closeversion() is optional, but must be supplied if you supply * a dlz_newversion() function */ typedef void dlz_dlopen_closeversion_t(const char *zone, isc_boolean_t commit, void *dbdata, void **versionp); /* * dlz_dlopen_configure() is optional, but must be supplied if you * want to support dynamic updates */ typedef isc_result_t dlz_dlopen_configure_t(dns_view_t *view, dns_dlzdb_t *dlzdb, void *dbdata); /* * dlz_dlopen_setclientcallback() is optional, but must be supplied if you * want to retrieve information about the client (e.g., source address) * before sending a replay. */ typedef isc_result_t dlz_dlopen_setclientcallback_t(dns_view_t *view, void *dbdata); /* * dlz_dlopen_ssumatch() is optional, but must be supplied if you want * to support dynamic updates */ typedef isc_boolean_t dlz_dlopen_ssumatch_t(const char *signer, const char *name, const char *tcpaddr, const char *type, const char *key, isc_uint32_t keydatalen, unsigned char *keydata, void *dbdata); /* * dlz_dlopen_addrdataset() is optional, but must be supplied if you * want to support dynamic updates */ typedef isc_result_t dlz_dlopen_addrdataset_t(const char *name, const char *rdatastr, void *dbdata, void *version); /* * dlz_dlopen_subrdataset() is optional, but must be supplied if you * want to support dynamic updates */ typedef isc_result_t dlz_dlopen_subrdataset_t(const char *name, const char *rdatastr, void *dbdata, void *version); /* * dlz_dlopen_delrdataset() is optional, but must be supplied if you * want to support dynamic updates */ typedef isc_result_t dlz_dlopen_delrdataset_t(const char *name, const char *type, void *dbdata, void *version); ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif PK #include #include #include #include #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /*% * This event is sent to a task when a response comes in. * No part of this structure should ever be modified by the caller, * other than parts of the buffer. The holy parts of the buffer are * the base and size of the buffer. All other parts of the buffer may * be used. On event delivery the used region contains the packet. * * "id" is the received message id, * * "addr" is the host that sent it to us, * * "buffer" holds state on the received data. * * The "free" routine for this event will clean up itself as well as * any buffer space allocated from common pools. */ struct dns_dispatchevent { ISC_EVENT_COMMON(dns_dispatchevent_t); /*%< standard event common */ isc_result_t result; /*%< result code */ isc_int32_t id; /*%< message id */ isc_sockaddr_t addr; /*%< address recv'd from */ struct in6_pktinfo pktinfo; /*%< reply info for v6 */ isc_buffer_t buffer; /*%< data buffer */ isc_uint32_t attributes; /*%< mirrored from socket.h */ }; /*% * This is a set of one or more dispatches which can be retrieved * round-robin fashion. */ struct dns_dispatchset { isc_mem_t *mctx; dns_dispatch_t **dispatches; int ndisp; int cur; isc_mutex_t lock; }; /*@{*/ /*% * Attributes for added dispatchers. * * Values with the mask 0xffff0000 are application defined. * Values with the mask 0x0000ffff are library defined. * * Insane values (like setting both TCP and UDP) are not caught. Don't * do that. * * _PRIVATE * The dispatcher cannot be shared. * * _TCP, _UDP * The dispatcher is a TCP or UDP socket. * * _IPV4, _IPV6 * The dispatcher uses an IPv4 or IPv6 socket. * * _NOLISTEN * The dispatcher should not listen on the socket. * * _MAKEQUERY * The dispatcher can be used to issue queries to other servers, and * accept replies from them. * * _RANDOMPORT * Previously used to indicate that the port of a dispatch UDP must be * chosen randomly. This behavior now always applies and the attribute * is obsoleted. * * _EXCLUSIVE * A separate socket will be used on-demand for each transaction. */ #define DNS_DISPATCHATTR_PRIVATE 0x00000001U #define DNS_DISPATCHATTR_TCP 0x00000002U #define DNS_DISPATCHATTR_UDP 0x00000004U #define DNS_DISPATCHATTR_IPV4 0x00000008U #define DNS_DISPATCHATTR_IPV6 0x00000010U #define DNS_DISPATCHATTR_NOLISTEN 0x00000020U #define DNS_DISPATCHATTR_MAKEQUERY 0x00000040U #define DNS_DISPATCHATTR_CONNECTED 0x00000080U #define DNS_DISPATCHATTR_FIXEDID 0x00000100U #define DNS_DISPATCHATTR_EXCLUSIVE 0x00000200U /*@}*/ /* */ #define DNS_DISPATCHOPT_FIXEDID 0x00000001U isc_result_t dns_dispatchmgr_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_entropy_t *entropy, dns_dispatchmgr_t **mgrp); /*%< * Creates a new dispatchmgr object. * * Requires: *\li "mctx" be a valid memory context. * *\li mgrp != NULL && *mgrp == NULL * *\li "entropy" may be NULL, in which case an insecure random generator * will be used. If it is non-NULL, it must be a valid entropy * source. * * Returns: *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS -- all ok * *\li anything else -- failure */ void dns_dispatchmgr_destroy(dns_dispatchmgr_t **mgrp); /*%< * Destroys the dispatchmgr when it becomes empty. This could be * immediately. * * Requires: *\li mgrp != NULL && *mgrp is a valid dispatchmgr. */ void dns_dispatchmgr_setblackhole(dns_dispatchmgr_t *mgr, dns_acl_t *blackhole); /*%< * Sets the dispatcher's "blackhole list," a list of addresses that will * be ignored by all dispatchers created by the dispatchmgr. * * Requires: * \li mgrp is a valid dispatchmgr * \li blackhole is a valid acl */ dns_acl_t * dns_dispatchmgr_getblackhole(dns_dispatchmgr_t *mgr); /*%< * Gets a pointer to the dispatcher's current blackhole list, * without incrementing its reference count. * * Requires: *\li mgr is a valid dispatchmgr * Returns: *\li A pointer to the current blackhole list, or NULL. */ void dns_dispatchmgr_setblackportlist(dns_dispatchmgr_t *mgr, dns_portlist_t *portlist); /*%< * This function is deprecated. Use dns_dispatchmgr_setavailports() instead. * * Requires: *\li mgr is a valid dispatchmgr */ dns_portlist_t * dns_dispatchmgr_getblackportlist(dns_dispatchmgr_t *mgr); /*%< * This function is deprecated and always returns NULL. * * Requires: *\li mgr is a valid dispatchmgr */ isc_result_t dns_dispatchmgr_setavailports(dns_dispatchmgr_t *mgr, isc_portset_t *v4portset, isc_portset_t *v6portset); /*%< * Sets a list of UDP ports that can be used for outgoing UDP messages. * * Requires: *\li mgr is a valid dispatchmgr *\li v4portset is NULL or a valid port set *\li v6portset is NULL or a valid port set */ void dns_dispatchmgr_setstats(dns_dispatchmgr_t *mgr, isc_stats_t *stats); /*%< * Sets statistics counter for the dispatchmgr. This function is expected to * be called only on zone creation (when necessary). * Once installed, it cannot be removed or replaced. Also, there is no * interface to get the installed stats from the zone; the caller must keep the * stats to reference (e.g. dump) it later. * * Requires: *\li mgr is a valid dispatchmgr with no managed dispatch. *\li stats is a valid statistics supporting resolver statistics counters * (see dns/stats.h). */ isc_result_t dns_dispatch_getudp(dns_dispatchmgr_t *mgr, isc_socketmgr_t *sockmgr, isc_taskmgr_t *taskmgr, isc_sockaddr_t *localaddr, unsigned int buffersize, unsigned int maxbuffers, unsigned int maxrequests, unsigned int buckets, unsigned int increment, unsigned int attributes, unsigned int mask, dns_dispatch_t **dispp); isc_result_t dns_dispatch_getudp_dup(dns_dispatchmgr_t *mgr, isc_socketmgr_t *sockmgr, isc_taskmgr_t *taskmgr, isc_sockaddr_t *localaddr, unsigned int buffersize, unsigned int maxbuffers, unsigned int maxrequests, unsigned int buckets, unsigned int increment, unsigned int attributes, unsigned int mask, dns_dispatch_t **dispp, dns_dispatch_t *dup); /*%< * Attach to existing dns_dispatch_t if one is found with dns_dispatchmgr_find, * otherwise create a new UDP dispatch. * * Requires: *\li All pointer parameters be valid for their respective types. * *\li dispp != NULL && *disp == NULL * *\li 512 <= buffersize <= 64k * *\li maxbuffers > 0 * *\li buckets < 2097169 * *\li increment > buckets * *\li (attributes & DNS_DISPATCHATTR_TCP) == 0 * * Returns: *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS -- success. * *\li Anything else -- failure. */ isc_result_t dns_dispatch_createtcp(dns_dispatchmgr_t *mgr, isc_socket_t *sock, isc_taskmgr_t *taskmgr, unsigned int buffersize, unsigned int maxbuffers, unsigned int maxrequests, unsigned int buckets, unsigned int increment, unsigned int attributes, dns_dispatch_t **dispp); isc_result_t dns_dispatch_createtcp2(dns_dispatchmgr_t *mgr, isc_socket_t *sock, isc_taskmgr_t *taskmgr, isc_sockaddr_t *localaddr, isc_sockaddr_t *destaddr, unsigned int buffersize, unsigned int maxbuffers, unsigned int maxrequests, unsigned int buckets, unsigned int increment, unsigned int attributes, dns_dispatch_t **dispp); /*%< * Create a new dns_dispatch and attach it to the provided isc_socket_t. * * For all dispatches, "buffersize" is the maximum packet size we will * accept. * * "maxbuffers" and "maxrequests" control the number of buffers in the * overall system and the number of buffers which can be allocated to * requests. * * "buckets" is the number of buckets to use, and should be prime. * * "increment" is used in a collision avoidance function, and needs to be * a prime > buckets, and not 2. * * Requires: * *\li mgr is a valid dispatch manager. * *\li sock is a valid. * *\li task is a valid task that can be used internally to this dispatcher. * * \li 512 <= buffersize <= 64k * *\li maxbuffers > 0. * *\li maxrequests <= maxbuffers. * *\li buckets < 2097169 (the next prime after 65536 * 32) * *\li increment > buckets (and prime). * *\li attributes includes #DNS_DISPATCHATTR_TCP and does not include * #DNS_DISPATCHATTR_UDP. * * Returns: *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS -- success. * *\li Anything else -- failure. */ void dns_dispatch_attach(dns_dispatch_t *disp, dns_dispatch_t **dispp); /*%< * Attach to a dispatch handle. * * Requires: *\li disp is valid. * *\li dispp != NULL && *dispp == NULL */ void dns_dispatch_detach(dns_dispatch_t **dispp); /*%< * Detaches from the dispatch. * * Requires: *\li dispp != NULL and *dispp be a valid dispatch. */ void dns_dispatch_starttcp(dns_dispatch_t *disp); /*%< * Start processing of a TCP dispatch once the socket connects. * * Requires: *\li 'disp' is valid. */ isc_result_t dns_dispatch_gettcp(dns_dispatchmgr_t *mgr, isc_sockaddr_t *destaddr, isc_sockaddr_t *localaddr, dns_dispatch_t **dispp); isc_result_t dns_dispatch_gettcp2(dns_dispatchmgr_t *mgr, isc_sockaddr_t *destaddr, isc_sockaddr_t *localaddr, isc_boolean_t *connected, dns_dispatch_t **dispp); /* * Attempt to connect to a existing TCP connection (connection completed * for dns_dispatch_gettcp()). */ isc_result_t dns_dispatch_addresponse3(dns_dispatch_t *disp, unsigned int options, isc_sockaddr_t *dest, isc_task_t *task, isc_taskaction_t action, void *arg, isc_uint16_t *idp, dns_dispentry_t **resp, isc_socketmgr_t *sockmgr); isc_result_t dns_dispatch_addresponse2(dns_dispatch_t *disp, isc_sockaddr_t *dest, isc_task_t *task, isc_taskaction_t action, void *arg, isc_uint16_t *idp, dns_dispentry_t **resp, isc_socketmgr_t *sockmgr); isc_result_t dns_dispatch_addresponse(dns_dispatch_t *disp, isc_sockaddr_t *dest, isc_task_t *task, isc_taskaction_t action, void *arg, isc_uint16_t *idp, dns_dispentry_t **resp); /*%< * Add a response entry for this dispatch. * * "*idp" is filled in with the assigned message ID, and *resp is filled in * to contain the magic token used to request event flow stop. * * Arranges for the given task to get a callback for response packets. When * the event is delivered, it must be returned using dns_dispatch_freeevent() * or through dns_dispatch_removeresponse() for another to be delivered. * * Requires: *\li "idp" be non-NULL. * *\li "task" "action" and "arg" be set as appropriate. * *\li "dest" be non-NULL and valid. * *\li "resp" be non-NULL and *resp be NULL * *\li "sockmgr" be NULL or a valid socket manager. If 'disp' has * the DNS_DISPATCHATTR_EXCLUSIVE attribute, this must not be NULL, * which also means dns_dispatch_addresponse() cannot be used. * * Ensures: * *\li <id, dest> is a unique tuple. That means incoming messages * are identifiable. * * Returns: * *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS -- all is well. *\li ISC_R_NOMEMORY -- memory could not be allocated. *\li ISC_R_NOMORE -- no more message ids can be allocated * for this destination. */ void dns_dispatch_removeresponse(dns_dispentry_t **resp, dns_dispatchevent_t **sockevent); /*%< * Stops the flow of responses for the provided id and destination. * If "sockevent" is non-NULL, the dispatch event and associated buffer is * also returned to the system. * * Requires: *\li "resp" != NULL and "*resp" contain a value previously allocated * by dns_dispatch_addresponse(); * *\li May only be called from within the task given as the 'task' * argument to dns_dispatch_addresponse() when allocating '*resp'. */ isc_socket_t * dns_dispatch_getentrysocket(dns_dispentry_t *resp); isc_socket_t * dns_dispatch_getsocket(dns_dispatch_t *disp); /*%< * Return the socket associated with this dispatcher. * * Requires: *\li disp is valid. * * Returns: *\li The socket the dispatcher is using. */ isc_result_t dns_dispatch_getlocaladdress(dns_dispatch_t *disp, isc_sockaddr_t *addrp); /*%< * Return the local address for this dispatch. * This currently only works for dispatches using UDP sockets. * * Requires: *\li disp is valid. *\li addrp to be non null. * * Returns: *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li ISC_R_NOTIMPLEMENTED */ void dns_dispatch_cancel(dns_dispatch_t *disp); /*%< * cancel outstanding clients * * Requires: *\li disp is valid. */ unsigned int dns_dispatch_getattributes(dns_dispatch_t *disp); /*%< * Return the attributes (DNS_DISPATCHATTR_xxx) of this dispatch. Only the * non-changeable attributes are expected to be referenced by the caller. * * Requires: *\li disp is valid. */ void dns_dispatch_changeattributes(dns_dispatch_t *disp, unsigned int attributes, unsigned int mask); /*%< * Set the bits described by "mask" to the corresponding values in * "attributes". * * That is: * * \code * new = (old & ~mask) | (attributes & mask) * \endcode * * This function has a side effect when #DNS_DISPATCHATTR_NOLISTEN changes. * When the flag becomes off, the dispatch will start receiving on the * corresponding socket. When the flag becomes on, receive events on the * corresponding socket will be canceled. * * Requires: *\li disp is valid. * *\li attributes are reasonable for the dispatch. That is, setting the UDP * attribute on a TCP socket isn't reasonable. */ void dns_dispatch_importrecv(dns_dispatch_t *disp, isc_event_t *event); /*%< * Inform the dispatcher of a socket receive. This is used for sockets * shared between dispatchers and clients. If the dispatcher fails to copy * or send the event, nothing happens. * * If the attribute DNS_DISPATCHATTR_NOLISTEN is not set, then * the dispatch is already handling a recv; return immediately. * * Requires: *\li disp is valid, and the attribute DNS_DISPATCHATTR_NOLISTEN is set. * event != NULL */ dns_dispatch_t * dns_dispatchset_get(dns_dispatchset_t *dset); /*%< * Retrieve the next dispatch from dispatch set 'dset', and increment * the round-robin counter. * * Requires: *\li dset != NULL */ isc_result_t dns_dispatchset_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_socketmgr_t *sockmgr, isc_taskmgr_t *taskmgr, dns_dispatch_t *source, dns_dispatchset_t **dsetp, int n); /*%< * Given a valid dispatch 'source', create a dispatch set containing * 'n' UDP dispatches, with the remainder filled out by clones of the * source. * * Requires: *\li source is a valid UDP dispatcher *\li dsetp != NULL, *dsetp == NULL */ void dns_dispatchset_cancelall(dns_dispatchset_t *dset, isc_task_t *task); /*%< * Cancel socket operations for the dispatches in 'dset'. */ void dns_dispatchset_destroy(dns_dispatchset_t **dsetp); /*%< * Dereference all the dispatches in '*dsetp', free the dispatchset * memory, and set *dsetp to NULL. * * Requires: *\li dset is valid */ void dns_dispatch_setdscp(dns_dispatch_t *disp, isc_dscp_t dscp); isc_dscp_t dns_dispatch_getdscp(dns_dispatch_t *disp); /*%< * Set/get the DSCP value to be used when sending responses to clients, * as defined in the "listen-on" or "listen-on-v6" statements. * * Requires: *\li disp is valid. */ isc_result_t dns_dispatch_getnext(dns_dispentry_t *resp, dns_dispatchevent_t **sockevent); /*%< * Free the sockevent and trigger the sending of the next item off the * dispatch queue if present. * * Requires: *\li resp is valid *\li *sockevent to be valid */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_DISPATCH_H */ PK /** Grr. Must be included *every time*. */ /** * The silly continuation line is to keep configure from * commenting out the #undef. */ #undef \ va_start #define va_start(ap, last) \ do { \ union { const void *konst; long *var; } _u; \ _u.konst = &(last); \ ap = (va_list)(_u.var + __va_words(__typeof(last))); \ } while (0) #endif /** SHUTUP_STDARG_CAST && __GNUC__ */ /** define if the system has a random number generating device */ #define PATH_RANDOMDEV "/dev/random" /** define if pthread_attr_getstacksize() is available */ #define HAVE_PTHREAD_ATTR_GETSTACKSIZE 1 /** define if pthread_attr_setstacksize() is available */ #define HAVE_PTHREAD_ATTR_SETSTACKSIZE 1 /** define if you have strerror in the C library. */ #define HAVE_STRERROR 1 /* Define if OpenSSL includes DSA support */ #define HAVE_OPENSSL_DSA 1 /* Define if you have getpassphrase in the C library. */ /* #undef HAVE_GETPASSPHRASE */ /* Define to the length type used by the socket API (socklen_t, size_t, int). */ #define ISC_SOCKADDR_LEN_T socklen_t /* Define if threads need PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM */ /* #undef NEED_PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM */ /* Define to 1 if you have the uname library function. */ #define HAVE_UNAME 1 /* Define if building universal (internal helper macro) */ /* #undef AC_APPLE_UNIVERSAL_BUILD */ /* Use AES for Client Cookie generation */ #define AES_CC 1 /* Define to enable the "filter-aaaa-on-v4" and "filter-aaaa-on-v6" options. */ #define ALLOW_FILTER_AAAA 1 /* define if ATF unit tests are to be built. */ #define ATF_TEST 1 /* Define if recvmsg() does not meet all of the BSD socket API specifications. */ /* #undef BROKEN_RECVMSG */ /* Define if you cannot bind() before connect() for TCP sockets. */ /* #undef BROKEN_TCP_BIND_BEFORE_CONNECT */ /* Define to enable "rrset-order fixed" syntax. */ #define DNS_RDATASET_FIXED 1 /* Define to enable American Fuzzy Lop test harness */ /* #undef ENABLE_AFL */ /* Define to enable rpz-nsdname rules. */ #define ENABLE_RPZ_NSDNAME 1 /* Define to enable rpz-nsip rules. */ #define ENABLE_RPZ_NSIP 1 /* Solaris hack to get select_large_fdset. */ /* #undef FD_SETSIZE */ /* Define to nothing if C supports flexible array members, and to 1 if it does not. That way, with a declaration like `struct s { int n; double d[FLEXIBLE_ARRAY_MEMBER]; };', the struct hack can be used with pre-C99 compilers. When computing the size of such an object, don't use 'sizeof (struct s)' as it overestimates the size. Use 'offsetof (struct s, d)' instead. Don't use 'offsetof (struct s, d[0])', as this doesn't work with MSVC and with C++ compilers. */ #define FLEXIBLE_ARRAY_MEMBER /**/ /* Define to 1 if you have the `arc4random' function. */ /* #undef HAVE_ARC4RANDOM */ /* Define to 1 if you have the `arc4random_addrandom' function. */ /* #undef HAVE_ARC4RANDOM_ADDRANDOM */ /* Define to 1 if you have the `arc4random_stir' function. */ /* #undef HAVE_ARC4RANDOM_STIR */ /* Define to 1 if the compiler supports __builtin_clz. */ #define HAVE_BUILTIN_CLZ 1 /* Define to 1 if the compiler supports __builtin_expect. */ #define HAVE_BUILTIN_EXPECT 1 /* Define to 1 if you have the `chroot' function. */ #define HAVE_CHROOT 1 /* Define if clock_gettime is available. */ #define HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME 1 /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ /* #undef HAVE_DEVPOLL_H */ /* Define to 1 if you have the `DH_get0_key' function. */ /* #undef HAVE_DH_GET0_KEY */ /* Define to 1 if you have the `dlclose' function. */ #define HAVE_DLCLOSE 1 /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ #define HAVE_DLFCN_H 1 /* Define to 1 if you have the `dlopen' function. */ #define HAVE_DLOPEN 1 /* Define to 1 if you have the `dlsym' function. */ #define HAVE_DLSYM 1 /* Define to 1 to enable dnstap support */ /* #undef HAVE_DNSTAP */ /* Define to 1 if you have the `DSA_get0_pqg' function. */ /* #undef HAVE_DSA_GET0_PQG */ /* Define to 1 if you have the `ECDSA_SIG_get0' function. */ /* #undef HAVE_ECDSA_SIG_GET0 */ /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ /* #undef HAVE_EDITLINE_READLINE_H */ /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ /* #undef HAVE_EDIT_READLINE_HISTORY_H */ /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ /* #undef HAVE_EDIT_READLINE_READLINE_H */ /* Define to 1 if you have the `EVP_sha256' function. */ #define HAVE_EVP_SHA256 1 /* Define to 1 if you have the `EVP_sha384' function. */ #define HAVE_EVP_SHA384 1 /* Define to 1 if you have the `EVP_sha512' function. */ #define HAVE_EVP_SHA512 1 /* Define to 1 if you have the `explicit_bzero' function. */ /* #undef HAVE_EXPLICIT_BZERO */ /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ #define HAVE_FCNTL_H 1 /* Define if OpenSSL provides FIPS_mode() */ #define HAVE_FIPS_MODE 1 /* Define to 1 if you have the `fseeko' function. */ #define HAVE_FSEEKO 1 /* Define to 1 if you have the `ftello' function. */ #define HAVE_FTELLO 1 /* Build with GeoIP support */ #define HAVE_GEOIP 1 /* Build with GeoIP City IPv6 support */ #define HAVE_GEOIP_CITY_V6 1 /* Build with GeoIP Country IPv6 support */ #define HAVE_GEOIP_V6 1 /* Define to 1 if you have the `getrandom' function. */ /* #undef HAVE_GETRANDOM */ /* Define to use gperftools CPU profiler. */ /* #undef HAVE_GPERFTOOLS_PROFILER */ /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ #define HAVE_GSSAPI_GSSAPI_H 1 /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ #define HAVE_GSSAPI_GSSAPI_KRB5_H 1 /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ #define HAVE_GSSAPI_H 1 /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ /* #undef HAVE_GSSAPI_KRB5_H */ /* Define to 1 if you have the if_nametoindex function. */ #define HAVE_IF_NAMETOINDEX 1 /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ #define HAVE_INTTYPES_H 1 /* Define if libjson was found */ /* #undef HAVE_JSON */ /* Define if json-c was found */ /* #undef HAVE_JSON_C */ /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ /* #undef HAVE_KERBEROSV5_KRB5_H */ /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ #define HAVE_KRB5_H 1 /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ #define HAVE_KRB5_KRB5_H 1 /* Define to 1 if you have the `c' library (-lc). */ /* #undef HAVE_LIBC */ /* Define to 1 if you have the `cap' library (-lcap). */ #define HAVE_LIBCAP 1 /* if system have backtrace function */ #define HAVE_LIBCTRACE /**/ /* Define to 1 if you have the `c_r' library (-lc_r). */ /* #undef HAVE_LIBC_R */ /* Define to 1 if you have the `nsl' library (-lnsl). */ /* #undef HAVE_LIBNSL */ /* Define to 1 if you have the `pthread' library (-lpthread). */ #define HAVE_LIBPTHREAD 1 /* Define to 1 if you have the `rt' library (-lrt). */ /* #undef HAVE_LIBRT */ /* Define to 1 if you have the `scf' library (-lscf). */ /* #undef HAVE_LIBSCF */ /* Define to use libseccomp system call filtering. */ /* #undef HAVE_LIBSECCOMP */ /* Define to 1 if you have the `socket' library (-lsocket). */ /* #undef HAVE_LIBSOCKET */ /* Define to 1 if you have the `thr' library (-lthr). */ /* #undef HAVE_LIBTHR */ /* Define if libxml2 was found */ #define HAVE_LIBXML2 1 /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ #define HAVE_LINUX_CAPABILITY_H 1 /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ #define HAVE_LINUX_NETLINK_H 1 /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ #define HAVE_LINUX_RTNETLINK_H 1 /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ #define HAVE_LINUX_TYPES_H 1 /* Define if lmdb was found */ /* #undef HAVE_LMDB */ /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ #define HAVE_LOCALE_H 1 /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ #define HAVE_MEMORY_H 1 /* Define to 1 if you have the `mmap' function. */ #define HAVE_MMAP 1 /* Define to 1 if you have the `nanosleep' function. */ #define HAVE_NANOSLEEP 1 /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ /* #undef HAVE_NET_IF6_H */ /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ #define HAVE_NET_ROUTE_H 1 /* Define if your OpenSSL version supports AES */ /* #undef HAVE_OPENSSL_AES */ /* Define if your OpenSSL version supports ECDSA. */ #define HAVE_OPENSSL_ECDSA 1 /* Define if your OpenSSL version supports Ed25519. */ /* #undef HAVE_OPENSSL_ED25519 */ /* Define if your OpenSSL version supports Ed448. */ /* #undef HAVE_OPENSSL_ED448 */ /* Define if your OpenSSL version supports EVP AES */ #define HAVE_OPENSSL_EVP_AES 1 /* Define if your OpenSSL version supports GOST. */ /* #undef HAVE_OPENSSL_GOST */ /* Define if your PKCS11 provider supports ECDSA. */ #define HAVE_PKCS11_ECDSA 1 /* Define if your PKCS11 provider supports Ed25519. */ /* #undef HAVE_PKCS11_ED25519 */ /* Define if your PKCS11 provider supports Ed448. */ /* #undef HAVE_PKCS11_ED448 */ /* Define if your PKCS11 provider supports GOST. */ /* #undef HAVE_PKCS11_GOST */ /* Support for PTHREAD_MUTEX_ADAPTIVE_NP */ #define HAVE_PTHREAD_MUTEX_ADAPTIVE_NP 1 /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ /* #undef HAVE_PTHREAD_NP_H */ /* Define to 1 if you have the `pthread_setname_np' function. */ #define HAVE_PTHREAD_SETNAME_NP 1 /* Define to 1 if you have the `pthread_set_name_np' function. */ /* #undef HAVE_PTHREAD_SET_NAME_NP */ /* Define to 1 if you have the `pthread_yield' function. */ #define HAVE_PTHREAD_YIELD 1 /* Define to 1 if you have the `pthread_yield_np' function. */ /* #undef HAVE_PTHREAD_YIELD_NP */ /* Define to 1 if you have the `readline' function. */ /* #undef HAVE_READLINE */ /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ /* #undef HAVE_READLINE_HISTORY_H */ /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ /* #undef HAVE_READLINE_READLINE_H */ /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ #define HAVE_REGEX_H 1 /* Define to 1 if you have the `RSA_set0_key' function. */ /* #undef HAVE_RSA_SET0_KEY */ /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ #define HAVE_SCHED_H 1 /* Define to 1 if you have the `sched_yield' function. */ #define HAVE_SCHED_YIELD 1 /* Define to 1 if you have the `setegid' function. */ #define HAVE_SETEGID 1 /* Define to 1 if you have the `seteuid' function. */ #define HAVE_SETEUID 1 /* Define to 1 if you have the `setlocale' function. */ #define HAVE_SETLOCALE 1 /* Define to 1 if you have the `setresgid' function. */ #define HAVE_SETRESGID 1 /* Define to 1 if you have the `setresuid' function. */ #define HAVE_SETRESUID 1 /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ #define HAVE_STDINT_H 1 /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ #define HAVE_STDLIB_H 1 /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ #define HAVE_STRINGS_H 1 /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ #define HAVE_STRING_H 1 /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ #define HAVE_SYS_CAPABILITY_H 1 /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ /* #undef HAVE_SYS_DEVPOLL_H */ /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ /* #undef HAVE_SYS_DYNTUNE_H */ /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ #define HAVE_SYS_MMAN_H 1 /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ #define HAVE_SYS_PARAM_H 1 /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ #define HAVE_SYS_PRCTL_H 1 /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ #define HAVE_SYS_SELECT_H 1 /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ #define HAVE_SYS_SOCKET_H 1 /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ /* #undef HAVE_SYS_SOCKIO_H */ /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ #define HAVE_SYS_STAT_H 1 /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ #define HAVE_SYS_SYSCTL_H 1 /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ #define HAVE_SYS_TIME_H 1 /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ #define HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H 1 /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ #define HAVE_SYS_UN_H 1 /* Define if running under Compaq TruCluster */ /* #undef HAVE_TRUCLUSTER */ /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ #define HAVE_UNISTD_H 1 /* Define to 1 if you have the `usleep' function. */ #define HAVE_USLEEP 1 /* Define if zlib was found */ #define HAVE_ZLIB 1 /* Use HMAC-SHA1 for Client Cookie generation */ /* #undef HMAC_SHA1_CC */ /* Use HMAC-SHA256 for Client Cookie generation */ /* #undef HMAC_SHA256_CC */ /* return type of gai_strerror */ #define IRS_GAISTRERROR_RETURN_T const char * /* Define to the buffer length type used by getnameinfo(3). */ #define IRS_GETNAMEINFO_BUFLEN_T socklen_t /* Define to the flags type used by getnameinfo(3). */ #define IRS_GETNAMEINFO_FLAGS_T int /* Define to the sockaddr length type used by getnameinfo(3). */ #define IRS_GETNAMEINFO_SOCKLEN_T socklen_t /* Define if you want to use inline buffers */ #define ISC_BUFFER_USEINLINE 1 /* Define to allow building of objects for dlopen(). */ #define ISC_DLZ_DLOPEN 1 /* Define to the sub-directory where libtool stores uninstalled libraries. */ #define LT_OBJDIR ".libs/" /* Defined if extern char *optarg is not declared. */ /* #undef NEED_OPTARG */ /* Define if connect does not honour the permission on the UNIX domain socket. */ /* #undef NEED_SECURE_DIRECTORY */ /* Define to the address where bug reports for this package should be sent. */ #define PACKAGE_BUGREPORT "info@isc.org" /* Define to the full name of this package. */ #define PACKAGE_NAME "BIND" /* Define to the full name and version of this package. */ #define PACKAGE_STRING "BIND 9.11" /* Define to the one symbol short name of this package. */ #define PACKAGE_TARNAME "bind" /* Define to the home page for this package. */ #define PACKAGE_URL "https://www.isc.org/downloads/BIND/" /* Define to the version of this package. */ #define PACKAGE_VERSION "9.11" /* Sets which flag to pass to open/fcntl to make non-blocking (O_NDELAY/O_NONBLOCK). */ #define PORT_NONBLOCK O_NONBLOCK /* Define if GOST private keys are encoded in ASN.1. */ /* #undef PREFER_GOSTASN1 */ /* The size of `void *', as computed by sizeof. */ /* #undef SIZEOF_VOID_P */ /* Define to 1 if you have the ANSI C header files. */ #define STDC_HEADERS 1 /* Define to 1 if you can safely include both and . */ #define TIME_WITH_SYS_TIME 1 /* Define to use large-system tuning. */ #define TUNE_LARGE 1 /* Defined if you need to use ioctl(FIONBIO) instead a fcntl call to make non-blocking. */ /* #undef USE_FIONBIO_IOCTL */ /* Define to enable very verbose query trace logging. */ /* #undef WANT_QUERYTRACE */ /* define if idnkit support is to be included. */ /* #undef WITH_IDNKIT */ /* define if IDN output support is to be included. */ #define WITH_IDN_OUT_SUPPORT 1 /* define if IDN input support is to be included. */ #define WITH_IDN_SUPPORT 1 /* define if libidn support is to be included. */ #define WITH_LIBIDN 1 /* Define WORDS_BIGENDIAN to 1 if your processor stores words with the most significant byte first (like Motorola and SPARC, unlike Intel). */ #if defined AC_APPLE_UNIVERSAL_BUILD # if defined __BIG_ENDIAN__ # define WORDS_BIGENDIAN 1 # endif #else # ifndef WORDS_BIGENDIAN /* # undef WORDS_BIGENDIAN */ # endif #endif /* Define to empty if `const' does not conform to ANSI C. */ /* #undef const */ /* Define to empty if your compiler does not support "static inline". */ /* #undef inline */ /* Define to `unsigned int' if does not define. */ /* #undef size_t */ /* Define to `int' if does not define. */ /* #undef ssize_t */ /* Define to `unsigned long' if does not define. */ /* #undef uintptr_t */ /* Define to empty if the keyword `volatile' does not work. Warning: valid code using `volatile' can become incorrect without. Disable with care. */ /* #undef volatile */ PK ! ! pk11/site.hnu[/* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ /* The documentation about this file is in README.site */ #ifndef PK11_SITE_H #define PK11_SITE_H 1 /*! \file pk11/site.h */ /*\brief Put here specific PKCS#11 tweaks * *\li PK11__SKIP: * Don't consider the lack of this mechanism as a fatal error. * *\li PK11__REPLACE: * Same as SKIP, and implement the mechanism using lower-level steps. * *\li PK11__DISABLE: * Same as SKIP, and disable support for the algorithm. * *\li PK11_PAD_HMAC_KEYS: * Extend HMAC keys shorter than digest length. */ /* current implemented flags are: PK11_DH_PKCS_PARAMETER_GEN_SKIP PK11_DSA_PARAMETER_GEN_SKIP PK11_RSA_PKCS_REPLACE PK11_MD5_HMAC_REPLACE PK11_SHA_1_HMAC_REPLACE PK11_SHA224_HMAC_REPLACE PK11_SHA256_HMAC_REPLACE PK11_SHA384_HMAC_REPLACE PK11_SHA512_HMAC_REPLACE PK11_MD5_DISABLE PK11_DSA_DISABLE PK11_DH_DISABLE PK11_PAD_HMAC_KEYS */ /* * Predefined flavors */ /* Thales nCipher */ #define PK11_THALES_FLAVOR 0 /* SoftHSMv1 with SHA224 */ #define PK11_SOFTHSMV1_FLAVOR 1 /* SoftHSMv2 */ #define PK11_SOFTHSMV2_FLAVOR 2 /* Cryptech */ #define PK11_CRYPTECH_FLAVOR 3 /* AEP Keyper */ #define PK11_AEP_FLAVOR 4 /* Default is for Thales nCipher */ #ifndef PK11_FLAVOR #define PK11_FLAVOR PK11_THALES_FLAVOR #endif #if PK11_FLAVOR == PK11_THALES_FLAVOR #define PK11_DH_PKCS_PARAMETER_GEN_SKIP /* doesn't work but supported #define PK11_DSA_PARAMETER_GEN_SKIP */ #define PK11_MD5_HMAC_REPLACE #endif #if PK11_FLAVOR == PK11_SOFTHSMV1_FLAVOR #define PK11_PAD_HMAC_KEYS #endif #if PK11_FLAVOR == PK11_SOFTHSMV2_FLAVOR /* SoftHSMv2 was updated to enforce minimal key sizes... argh! */ #define PK11_MD5_HMAC_REPLACE #define PK11_SHA_1_HMAC_REPLACE #define PK11_SHA224_HMAC_REPLACE #define PK11_SHA256_HMAC_REPLACE #define PK11_SHA384_HMAC_REPLACE #define PK11_SHA512_HMAC_REPLACE #endif #if PK11_FLAVOR == PK11_CRYPTECH_FLAVOR #define PK11_DH_DISABLE #define PK11_DSA_DISABLE #define PK11_MD5_DISABLE #define PK11_SHA_1_HMAC_REPLACE #define PK11_SHA224_HMAC_REPLACE #define PK11_SHA256_HMAC_REPLACE #define PK11_SHA384_HMAC_REPLACE #define PK11_SHA512_HMAC_REPLACE #endif #if PK11_FLAVOR == PK11_AEP_FLAVOR #define PK11_DH_DISABLE #define PK11_DSA_DISABLE #define PK11_RSA_PKCS_REPLACE #define PK11_MD5_HMAC_REPLACE #define PK11_SHA_1_HMAC_REPLACE #define PK11_SHA224_HMAC_REPLACE #define PK11_SHA256_HMAC_REPLACE #define PK11_SHA384_HMAC_REPLACE #define PK11_SHA512_HMAC_REPLACE #endif #endif /* PK11_SITE_H */ PK /* * Configuration object types. */ LIBISCCFG_EXTERNAL_DATA extern cfg_type_t cfg_type_dnsconf; /*%< A complete dns.conf file. */ #endif /* ISCCFG_DNSCONF_H */ PK LIBISCCFG_EXTERNAL_DATA extern const char cfg_version[]; LIBISCCFG_EXTERNAL_DATA extern const unsigned int cfg_libinterface; LIBISCCFG_EXTERNAL_DATA extern const unsigned int cfg_librevision; LIBISCCFG_EXTERNAL_DATA extern const unsigned int cfg_libage; PK #include #ifdef HAVE_GEOIP #include #endif #include typedef struct cfg_aclconfctx { ISC_LIST(dns_acl_t) named_acl_cache; isc_mem_t *mctx; #ifdef HAVE_GEOIP dns_geoip_databases_t *geoip; #endif isc_refcount_t references; } cfg_aclconfctx_t; /*** *** Functions ***/ ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS isc_result_t cfg_aclconfctx_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, cfg_aclconfctx_t **ret); /* * Creates and initializes an ACL configuration context. */ void cfg_aclconfctx_detach(cfg_aclconfctx_t **actxp); /* * Removes a reference to an ACL configuration context; when references * reaches zero, clears the contents and deallocate the structure. */ void cfg_aclconfctx_attach(cfg_aclconfctx_t *src, cfg_aclconfctx_t **dest); /* * Attaches a pointer to an existing ACL configuration context. */ isc_result_t cfg_acl_fromconfig(const cfg_obj_t *caml, const cfg_obj_t *cctx, isc_log_t *lctx, cfg_aclconfctx_t *ctx, isc_mem_t *mctx, unsigned int nest_level, dns_acl_t **target); isc_result_t cfg_acl_fromconfig2(const cfg_obj_t *caml, const cfg_obj_t *cctx, isc_log_t *lctx, cfg_aclconfctx_t *ctx, isc_mem_t *mctx, unsigned int nest_level, isc_uint16_t family, dns_acl_t **target); /* * Construct a new dns_acl_t from configuration data in 'caml' and * 'cctx'. Memory is allocated through 'mctx'. * * Any named ACLs referred to within 'caml' will be be converted * into nested dns_acl_t objects. Multiple references to the same * named ACLs will be converted into shared references to a single * nested dns_acl_t object when the referring objects were created * passing the same ACL configuration context 'ctx'. * * cfg_acl_fromconfig() is a backward-compatible version of * cfg_acl_fromconfig2(), which allows an address family to be * specified. If 'family' is not zero, then only addresses/prefixes * of a matching family (AF_INET or AF_INET6) may be configured. * * On success, attach '*target' to the new dns_acl_t object. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISCCFG_ACLCONF_H */ PK #include #include #include #include /*** *** Types ***/ /*% * A configuration parser. */ typedef struct cfg_parser cfg_parser_t; /*% * A configuration type definition object. There is a single * static cfg_type_t object for each data type supported by * the configuration parser. */ typedef struct cfg_type cfg_type_t; /*% * A configuration object. This is the basic building block of the * configuration parse tree. It contains a value (which may be * of one of several types) and information identifying the file * and line number the value came from, for printing error * messages. */ typedef struct cfg_obj cfg_obj_t; /*% * A configuration object list element. */ typedef struct cfg_listelt cfg_listelt_t; /*% * A callback function to be called when parsing an option * that needs to be interpreted at parsing time, like * "directory". */ typedef isc_result_t (*cfg_parsecallback_t)(const char *clausename, const cfg_obj_t *obj, void *arg); /*** *** Functions ***/ ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS void cfg_parser_attach(cfg_parser_t *src, cfg_parser_t **dest); /*%< * Reference a parser object. */ isc_result_t cfg_parser_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_log_t *lctx, cfg_parser_t **ret); /*%< * Create a configuration file parser. Any warning and error * messages will be logged to 'lctx'. * * The parser object returned can be used for a single call * to cfg_parse_file() or cfg_parse_buffer(). It must not * be reused for parsing multiple files or buffers. */ void cfg_parser_setcallback(cfg_parser_t *pctx, cfg_parsecallback_t callback, void *arg); /*%< * Make the parser call 'callback' whenever it encounters * a configuration clause with the callback attribute, * passing it the clause name, the clause value, * and 'arg' as arguments. * * To restore the default of not invoking callbacks, pass * callback==NULL and arg==NULL. */ isc_result_t cfg_parse_file(cfg_parser_t *pctx, const char *file, const cfg_type_t *type, cfg_obj_t **ret); isc_result_t cfg_parse_buffer(cfg_parser_t *pctx, isc_buffer_t *buffer, const cfg_type_t *type, cfg_obj_t **ret); isc_result_t cfg_parse_buffer2(cfg_parser_t *pctx, isc_buffer_t *buffer, const char *file, const cfg_type_t *type, cfg_obj_t **ret); isc_result_t cfg_parse_buffer3(cfg_parser_t *pctx, isc_buffer_t *buffer, const char *file, unsigned int line, const cfg_type_t *type, cfg_obj_t **ret); isc_result_t cfg_parse_buffer4(cfg_parser_t *pctx, isc_buffer_t *buffer, const char *file, unsigned int line, const cfg_type_t *type, unsigned int flags, cfg_obj_t **ret); /*%< * Read a configuration containing data of type 'type' * and make '*ret' point to its parse tree. * * The configuration is read from the file 'filename' * (isc_parse_file()) or the buffer 'buffer' * (isc_parse_buffer()). * * If 'file' is not NULL, it is the name of the file, or a name to use * for the buffer in place of the filename, when logging errors. * * If 'line' is not 0, then it is the beginning line number to report * when logging errors. This is useful when passing text that has been * read from the middle of a file. * * Returns an error if the file or buffer does not parse correctly. * * Requires: *\li "filename" is valid. *\li "mem" is valid. *\li "type" is valid. *\li "cfg" is non-NULL and "*cfg" is NULL. *\li "flags" be one or more of CFG_PCTX_NODEPRECATED or zero. * * Returns: * \li #ISC_R_SUCCESS - success *\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY - no memory available *\li #ISC_R_INVALIDFILE - file doesn't exist or is unreadable *\li others - file contains errors */ isc_result_t cfg_parser_mapadd(cfg_parser_t *pctx, cfg_obj_t *mapobj, cfg_obj_t *obj, const char *clause); /*%< * Add the object 'obj' to the specified clause in mapbody 'mapobj'. * Used for adding new zones. * * Require: * \li 'obj' is a valid cfg_obj_t. * \li 'mapobj' is a valid cfg_obj_t of type map. * \li 'pctx' is a valid cfg_parser_t. */ void cfg_parser_reset(cfg_parser_t *pctx); /*%< * Reset an existing parser so it can be re-used for a new file or * buffer. */ void cfg_parser_destroy(cfg_parser_t **pctxp); /*%< * Remove a reference to a configuration parser; destroy it if there are no * more references. */ isc_boolean_t cfg_obj_isvoid(const cfg_obj_t *obj); /*%< * Return true iff 'obj' is of void type (e.g., an optional * value not specified). */ isc_boolean_t cfg_obj_ismap(const cfg_obj_t *obj); /*%< * Return true iff 'obj' is of a map type. */ isc_boolean_t cfg_obj_isfixedpoint(const cfg_obj_t *obj); /*%< * Return true iff 'obj' is of a fixedpoint type. */ isc_boolean_t cfg_obj_ispercentage(const cfg_obj_t *obj); /*%< * Return true iff 'obj' is of a percentage type. */ isc_result_t cfg_map_get(const cfg_obj_t *mapobj, const char* name, const cfg_obj_t **obj); /*%< * Extract an element from a configuration object, which * must be of a map type. * * Requires: * \li 'mapobj' points to a valid configuration object of a map type. * \li 'name' points to a null-terminated string. * \li 'obj' is non-NULL and '*obj' is NULL. * * Returns: * \li #ISC_R_SUCCESS - success * \li #ISC_R_NOTFOUND - name not found in map */ const cfg_obj_t * cfg_map_getname(const cfg_obj_t *mapobj); /*%< * Get the name of a named map object, like a server "key" clause. * * Requires: * \li 'mapobj' points to a valid configuration object of a map type. * * Returns: * \li A pointer to a configuration object naming the map object, * or NULL if the map object does not have a name. */ unsigned int cfg_map_count(const cfg_obj_t *mapobj); /*%< * Get the number of elements defined in the symbol table of a map object. * * Requires: * \li 'mapobj' points to a valid configuration object of a map type. * * Returns: * \li The number of elements in the map object. */ isc_boolean_t cfg_obj_istuple(const cfg_obj_t *obj); /*%< * Return true iff 'obj' is of a map type. */ const cfg_obj_t * cfg_tuple_get(const cfg_obj_t *tupleobj, const char *name); /*%< * Extract an element from a configuration object, which * must be of a tuple type. * * Requires: * \li 'tupleobj' points to a valid configuration object of a tuple type. * \li 'name' points to a null-terminated string naming one of the *\li fields of said tuple type. */ isc_boolean_t cfg_obj_isuint32(const cfg_obj_t *obj); /*%< * Return true iff 'obj' is of integer type. */ isc_uint32_t cfg_obj_asuint32(const cfg_obj_t *obj); /*%< * Returns the value of a configuration object of 32-bit integer type. * * Requires: * \li 'obj' points to a valid configuration object of 32-bit integer type. * * Returns: * \li A 32-bit unsigned integer. */ isc_boolean_t cfg_obj_isuint64(const cfg_obj_t *obj); /*%< * Return true iff 'obj' is of integer type. */ isc_uint64_t cfg_obj_asuint64(const cfg_obj_t *obj); /*%< * Returns the value of a configuration object of 64-bit integer type. * * Requires: * \li 'obj' points to a valid configuration object of 64-bit integer type. * * Returns: * \li A 64-bit unsigned integer. */ isc_uint32_t cfg_obj_asfixedpoint(const cfg_obj_t *obj); /*%< * Returns the value of a configuration object of fixed point number. * * Requires: * \li 'obj' points to a valid configuration object of fixed point type. * * Returns: * \li A 32-bit unsigned integer. */ isc_uint32_t cfg_obj_aspercentage(const cfg_obj_t *obj); /*%< * Returns the value of a configuration object of percentage * * Requires: * \li 'obj' points to a valid configuration object of percentage type. * * Returns: * \li A 32-bit unsigned integer. */ isc_boolean_t cfg_obj_isstring(const cfg_obj_t *obj); /*%< * Return true iff 'obj' is of string type. */ const char * cfg_obj_asstring(const cfg_obj_t *obj); /*%< * Returns the value of a configuration object of a string type * as a null-terminated string. * * Requires: * \li 'obj' points to a valid configuration object of a string type. * * Returns: * \li A pointer to a null terminated string. */ isc_boolean_t cfg_obj_isboolean(const cfg_obj_t *obj); /*%< * Return true iff 'obj' is of a boolean type. */ isc_boolean_t cfg_obj_asboolean(const cfg_obj_t *obj); /*%< * Returns the value of a configuration object of a boolean type. * * Requires: * \li 'obj' points to a valid configuration object of a boolean type. * * Returns: * \li A boolean value. */ isc_boolean_t cfg_obj_issockaddr(const cfg_obj_t *obj); /*%< * Return true iff 'obj' is a socket address. */ const isc_sockaddr_t * cfg_obj_assockaddr(const cfg_obj_t *obj); /*%< * Returns the value of a configuration object representing a socket address. * * Requires: * \li 'obj' points to a valid configuration object of a socket address type. * * Returns: * \li A pointer to a sockaddr. The sockaddr must be copied by the caller * if necessary. */ isc_dscp_t cfg_obj_getdscp(const cfg_obj_t *obj); /*%< * Returns the DSCP value of a configuration object representing a * socket address. * * Requires: * \li 'obj' points to a valid configuration object of a * socket address type. * * Returns: * \li DSCP value associated with a sockaddr, or -1. */ isc_boolean_t cfg_obj_isnetprefix(const cfg_obj_t *obj); /*%< * Return true iff 'obj' is a network prefix. */ void cfg_obj_asnetprefix(const cfg_obj_t *obj, isc_netaddr_t *netaddr, unsigned int *prefixlen); /*%< * Gets the value of a configuration object representing a network * prefix. The network address is returned through 'netaddr' and the * prefix length in bits through 'prefixlen'. * * Requires: * \li 'obj' points to a valid configuration object of network prefix type. *\li 'netaddr' and 'prefixlen' are non-NULL. */ isc_boolean_t cfg_obj_islist(const cfg_obj_t *obj); /*%< * Return true iff 'obj' is of list type. */ const cfg_listelt_t * cfg_list_first(const cfg_obj_t *obj); /*%< * Returns the first list element in a configuration object of a list type. * * Requires: * \li 'obj' points to a valid configuration object of a list type or NULL. * * Returns: * \li A pointer to a cfg_listelt_t representing the first list element, * or NULL if the list is empty or nonexistent. */ const cfg_listelt_t * cfg_list_next(const cfg_listelt_t *elt); /*%< * Returns the next element of a list of configuration objects. * * Requires: * \li 'elt' points to cfg_listelt_t obtained from cfg_list_first() or * a previous call to cfg_list_next(). * * Returns: * \li A pointer to a cfg_listelt_t representing the next element, * or NULL if there are no more elements. */ unsigned int cfg_list_length(const cfg_obj_t *obj, isc_boolean_t recurse); /*%< * Returns the length of a list of configure objects. If obj is * not a list, returns 0. If recurse is true, add in the length of * all contained lists. */ cfg_obj_t * cfg_listelt_value(const cfg_listelt_t *elt); /*%< * Returns the configuration object associated with cfg_listelt_t. * * Requires: * \li 'elt' points to cfg_listelt_t obtained from cfg_list_first() or * cfg_list_next(). * * Returns: * \li A non-NULL pointer to a configuration object. */ void cfg_print(const cfg_obj_t *obj, void (*f)(void *closure, const char *text, int textlen), void *closure); void cfg_printx(const cfg_obj_t *obj, unsigned int flags, void (*f)(void *closure, const char *text, int textlen), void *closure); #define CFG_PRINTER_XKEY 0x1 /* '?' out shared keys. */ #define CFG_PRINTER_ONELINE 0x2 /* print config as a single line */ /*%< * Print the configuration object 'obj' by repeatedly calling the * function 'f', passing 'closure' and a region of text starting * at 'text' and comprising 'textlen' characters. * * If CFG_PRINTER_XKEY the contents of shared keys will be obscured * by replacing them with question marks ('?') */ void cfg_print_grammar(const cfg_type_t *type, void (*f)(void *closure, const char *text, int textlen), void *closure); /*%< * Print a summary of the grammar of the configuration type 'type'. */ isc_boolean_t cfg_obj_istype(const cfg_obj_t *obj, const cfg_type_t *type); /*%< * Return true iff 'obj' is of type 'type'. */ void cfg_obj_attach(cfg_obj_t *src, cfg_obj_t **dest); /*%< * Reference a configuration object. */ void cfg_obj_destroy(cfg_parser_t *pctx, cfg_obj_t **obj); /*%< * Delete a reference to a configuration object; destroy the object if * there are no more references. * * Require: * \li '*obj' is a valid cfg_obj_t. * \li 'pctx' is a valid cfg_parser_t. */ void cfg_obj_log(const cfg_obj_t *obj, isc_log_t *lctx, int level, const char *fmt, ...) ISC_FORMAT_PRINTF(4, 5); /*%< * Log a message concerning configuration object 'obj' to the logging * channel of 'pctx', at log level 'level'. The message will be prefixed * with the file name(s) and line number where 'obj' was defined. */ const char * cfg_obj_file(const cfg_obj_t *obj); /*%< * Return the file that defined this object. */ unsigned int cfg_obj_line(const cfg_obj_t *obj); /*%< * Return the line in file where this object was defined. */ const char * cfg_map_firstclause(const cfg_type_t *map, const void **clauses, unsigned int *idx); const char * cfg_map_nextclause(const cfg_type_t *map, const void **clauses, unsigned int *idx); ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISCCFG_CFG_H */ PK #include LIBISCCFG_EXTERNAL_DATA extern isc_logcategory_t cfg_categories[]; LIBISCCFG_EXTERNAL_DATA extern isc_logmodule_t cfg_modules[]; #define CFG_LOGCATEGORY_CONFIG (&cfg_categories[0]) #define CFG_LOGMODULE_PARSER (&cfg_modules[0]) ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS void cfg_log_init(isc_log_t *lctx); /*%< * Make the libisccfg categories and modules available for use with the * ISC logging library. * * Requires: *\li lctx is a valid logging context. * *\li cfg_log_init() is called only once. * * Ensures: * \li The categories and modules defined above are available for * use by isc_log_usechannnel() and isc_log_write(). */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* ISCCFG_LOG_H */ PK /* * Configuration object types. */ LIBISCCFG_EXTERNAL_DATA extern cfg_type_t cfg_type_namedconf; /*%< A complete named.conf file. */ LIBISCCFG_EXTERNAL_DATA extern cfg_type_t cfg_type_bindkeys; /*%< A bind.keys file. */ LIBISCCFG_EXTERNAL_DATA extern cfg_type_t cfg_type_newzones; /*%< A new-zones file (for zones added by 'rndc addzone'). */ LIBISCCFG_EXTERNAL_DATA extern cfg_type_t cfg_type_addzoneconf; /*%< A single zone passed via the addzone rndc command. */ LIBISCCFG_EXTERNAL_DATA extern cfg_type_t cfg_type_rndcconf; /*%< A complete rndc.conf file. */ LIBISCCFG_EXTERNAL_DATA extern cfg_type_t cfg_type_rndckey; /*%< A complete rndc.key file. */ LIBISCCFG_EXTERNAL_DATA extern cfg_type_t cfg_type_sessionkey; /*%< A complete session.key file. */ LIBISCCFG_EXTERNAL_DATA extern cfg_type_t cfg_type_keyref; /*%< A key reference, used as an ACL element */ /*%< An EDNS client subnet address, used as an ACL element */ LIBISCCFG_EXTERNAL_DATA extern cfg_type_t cfg_type_ecsprefix; /*%< Zone options */ LIBISCCFG_EXTERNAL_DATA extern cfg_type_t cfg_type_zoneopts; #endif /* ISCCFG_NAMEDCONF_H */ PK #include #include #include #include #include /* * Definitions shared between the configuration parser * and the grammars; not visible to users of the parser. */ /*% Clause may occur multiple times (e.g., "zone") */ #define CFG_CLAUSEFLAG_MULTI 0x00000001 /*% Clause is obsolete */ #define CFG_CLAUSEFLAG_OBSOLETE 0x00000002 /*% Clause is not implemented, and may never be */ #define CFG_CLAUSEFLAG_NOTIMP 0x00000004 /*% Clause is not implemented yet */ #define CFG_CLAUSEFLAG_NYI 0x00000008 /*% Default value has changed since earlier release */ #define CFG_CLAUSEFLAG_NEWDEFAULT 0x00000010 /*% * Clause needs to be interpreted during parsing * by calling a callback function, like the * "directory" option. */ #define CFG_CLAUSEFLAG_CALLBACK 0x00000020 /*% A option that is only used in testing. */ #define CFG_CLAUSEFLAG_TESTONLY 0x00000040 /*% A configuration option that was not configured at compile time. */ #define CFG_CLAUSEFLAG_NOTCONFIGURED 0x00000080 /*% A option for a experimental feature. */ #define CFG_CLAUSEFLAG_EXPERIMENTAL 0x00000100 /*% A configuration option that is ineffective due to * compile time options, but is harmless. */ #define CFG_CLAUSEFLAG_NOOP 0x00000200 /*% Clause is obsolete in a future release */ #define CFG_CLAUSEFLAG_DEPRECATED 0x00000400 /*% * Zone types for which a clause is valid: * These share space with CFG_CLAUSEFLAG values, but count * down from the top. */ #define CFG_ZONE_MASTER 0x80000000 #define CFG_ZONE_SLAVE 0x40000000 #define CFG_ZONE_STUB 0x20000000 #define CFG_ZONE_HINT 0x10000000 #define CFG_ZONE_FORWARD 0x08000000 #define CFG_ZONE_STATICSTUB 0x04000000 #define CFG_ZONE_REDIRECT 0x02000000 #define CFG_ZONE_DELEGATION 0x01000000 #define CFG_ZONE_INVIEW 0x00800000 typedef struct cfg_clausedef cfg_clausedef_t; typedef struct cfg_tuplefielddef cfg_tuplefielddef_t; typedef struct cfg_printer cfg_printer_t; typedef ISC_LIST(cfg_listelt_t) cfg_list_t; typedef struct cfg_map cfg_map_t; typedef struct cfg_rep cfg_rep_t; /* * Function types for configuration object methods */ typedef isc_result_t (*cfg_parsefunc_t)(cfg_parser_t *, const cfg_type_t *type, cfg_obj_t **); typedef void (*cfg_printfunc_t)(cfg_printer_t *, const cfg_obj_t *); typedef void (*cfg_docfunc_t)(cfg_printer_t *, const cfg_type_t *); typedef void (*cfg_freefunc_t)(cfg_parser_t *, cfg_obj_t *); /* * Structure definitions */ /*% * A configuration printer object. This is an abstract * interface to a destination to which text can be printed * by calling the function 'f'. */ struct cfg_printer { void (*f)(void *closure, const char *text, int textlen); void *closure; int indent; int flags; }; /*% A clause definition. */ struct cfg_clausedef { const char *name; cfg_type_t *type; unsigned int flags; }; /*% A tuple field definition. */ struct cfg_tuplefielddef { const char *name; cfg_type_t *type; unsigned int flags; }; /*% A configuration object type definition. */ struct cfg_type { const char *name; /*%< For debugging purposes only */ cfg_parsefunc_t parse; cfg_printfunc_t print; cfg_docfunc_t doc; /*%< Print grammar description */ cfg_rep_t * rep; /*%< Data representation */ const void * of; /*%< Additional data for meta-types */ }; /*% A keyword-type definition, for things like "port ". */ typedef struct { const char *name; const cfg_type_t *type; } keyword_type_t; struct cfg_map { cfg_obj_t *id; /*%< Used for 'named maps' like keys, zones, &c */ const cfg_clausedef_t * const *clausesets; /*%< The clauses that can occur in this map; used for printing */ isc_symtab_t *symtab; }; typedef struct cfg_netprefix cfg_netprefix_t; struct cfg_netprefix { isc_netaddr_t address; /* IP4/IP6 */ unsigned int prefixlen; }; /*% * A configuration data representation. */ struct cfg_rep { const char * name; /*%< For debugging only */ cfg_freefunc_t free; /*%< How to free this kind of data. */ }; /*% * A configuration object. This is the main building block * of the configuration parse tree. */ struct cfg_obj { const cfg_type_t *type; union { isc_uint32_t uint32; isc_uint64_t uint64; isc_textregion_t string; /*%< null terminated, too */ isc_boolean_t boolean; cfg_map_t map; cfg_list_t list; cfg_obj_t ** tuple; isc_sockaddr_t sockaddr; struct { isc_sockaddr_t sockaddr; isc_dscp_t dscp; } sockaddrdscp; cfg_netprefix_t netprefix; } value; isc_refcount_t references; /*%< reference counter */ const char * file; unsigned int line; cfg_parser_t * pctx; }; /*% A list element. */ struct cfg_listelt { cfg_obj_t *obj; ISC_LINK(cfg_listelt_t) link; }; /*% The parser object. */ struct cfg_parser { isc_mem_t * mctx; isc_log_t * lctx; isc_lex_t * lexer; unsigned int errors; unsigned int warnings; isc_token_t token; /*% We are at the end of all input. */ isc_boolean_t seen_eof; /*% The current token has been pushed back. */ isc_boolean_t ungotten; /*% * The stack of currently active files, represented * as a configuration list of configuration strings. * The head is the top-level file, subsequent elements * (if any) are the nested include files, and the * last element is the file currently being parsed. */ cfg_obj_t * open_files; /*% * Names of files that we have parsed and closed * and were previously on the open_file list. * We keep these objects around after closing * the files because the file names may still be * referenced from other configuration objects * for use in reporting semantic errors after * parsing is complete. */ cfg_obj_t * closed_files; /*% * Name of a buffer being parsed; used only for * logging. */ char const * buf_name; /*% * Current line number. We maintain our own * copy of this so that it is available even * when a file has just been closed. */ unsigned int line; /*% * Parser context flags, used for maintaining state * from one token to the next. */ unsigned int flags; /*%< Reference counter */ isc_refcount_t references; cfg_parsecallback_t callback; void *callbackarg; }; /* Parser context flags */ #define CFG_PCTX_SKIP 0x1 #define CFG_PCTX_NODEPRECATED 0x2 /*@{*/ /*% * Flags defining whether to accept certain types of network addresses. */ #define CFG_ADDR_V4OK 0x00000001 #define CFG_ADDR_V4PREFIXOK 0x00000002 #define CFG_ADDR_V6OK 0x00000004 #define CFG_ADDR_WILDOK 0x00000008 #define CFG_ADDR_DSCPOK 0x00000010 #define CFG_ADDR_MASK (CFG_ADDR_V6OK|CFG_ADDR_V4OK) /*@}*/ /*@{*/ /*% * Predefined data representation types. */ LIBISCCFG_EXTERNAL_DATA extern cfg_rep_t cfg_rep_uint32; LIBISCCFG_EXTERNAL_DATA extern cfg_rep_t cfg_rep_uint64; LIBISCCFG_EXTERNAL_DATA extern cfg_rep_t cfg_rep_string; LIBISCCFG_EXTERNAL_DATA extern cfg_rep_t cfg_rep_boolean; LIBISCCFG_EXTERNAL_DATA extern cfg_rep_t cfg_rep_map; LIBISCCFG_EXTERNAL_DATA extern cfg_rep_t cfg_rep_list; LIBISCCFG_EXTERNAL_DATA extern cfg_rep_t cfg_rep_tuple; LIBISCCFG_EXTERNAL_DATA extern cfg_rep_t cfg_rep_sockaddr; LIBISCCFG_EXTERNAL_DATA extern cfg_rep_t cfg_rep_netprefix; LIBISCCFG_EXTERNAL_DATA extern cfg_rep_t cfg_rep_void; LIBISCCFG_EXTERNAL_DATA extern cfg_rep_t cfg_rep_fixedpoint; LIBISCCFG_EXTERNAL_DATA extern cfg_rep_t cfg_rep_percentage; /*@}*/ /*@{*/ /*% * Predefined configuration object types. */ LIBISCCFG_EXTERNAL_DATA extern cfg_type_t cfg_type_boolean; LIBISCCFG_EXTERNAL_DATA extern cfg_type_t cfg_type_uint32; LIBISCCFG_EXTERNAL_DATA extern cfg_type_t cfg_type_uint64; LIBISCCFG_EXTERNAL_DATA extern cfg_type_t cfg_type_qstring; LIBISCCFG_EXTERNAL_DATA extern cfg_type_t cfg_type_astring; LIBISCCFG_EXTERNAL_DATA extern cfg_type_t cfg_type_ustring; LIBISCCFG_EXTERNAL_DATA extern cfg_type_t cfg_type_sstring; LIBISCCFG_EXTERNAL_DATA extern cfg_type_t cfg_type_bracketed_text; LIBISCCFG_EXTERNAL_DATA extern cfg_type_t cfg_type_sockaddr; LIBISCCFG_EXTERNAL_DATA extern cfg_type_t cfg_type_sockaddrdscp; LIBISCCFG_EXTERNAL_DATA extern cfg_type_t cfg_type_netaddr; LIBISCCFG_EXTERNAL_DATA extern cfg_type_t cfg_type_netaddr4; LIBISCCFG_EXTERNAL_DATA extern cfg_type_t cfg_type_netaddr4wild; LIBISCCFG_EXTERNAL_DATA extern cfg_type_t cfg_type_netaddr6; LIBISCCFG_EXTERNAL_DATA extern cfg_type_t cfg_type_netaddr6wild; LIBISCCFG_EXTERNAL_DATA extern cfg_type_t cfg_type_netprefix; LIBISCCFG_EXTERNAL_DATA extern cfg_type_t cfg_type_void; LIBISCCFG_EXTERNAL_DATA extern cfg_type_t cfg_type_token; LIBISCCFG_EXTERNAL_DATA extern cfg_type_t cfg_type_unsupported; LIBISCCFG_EXTERNAL_DATA extern cfg_type_t cfg_type_fixedpoint; LIBISCCFG_EXTERNAL_DATA extern cfg_type_t cfg_type_percentage; /*@}*/ isc_result_t cfg_gettoken(cfg_parser_t *pctx, int options); isc_result_t cfg_peektoken(cfg_parser_t *pctx, int options); void cfg_ungettoken(cfg_parser_t *pctx); #define CFG_LEXOPT_QSTRING (ISC_LEXOPT_QSTRING | ISC_LEXOPT_QSTRINGMULTILINE) isc_result_t cfg_create_obj(cfg_parser_t *pctx, const cfg_type_t *type, cfg_obj_t **objp); void cfg_print_rawuint(cfg_printer_t *pctx, unsigned int u); isc_result_t cfg_parse_uint32(cfg_parser_t *pctx, const cfg_type_t *type, cfg_obj_t **ret); void cfg_print_uint32(cfg_printer_t *pctx, const cfg_obj_t *obj); void cfg_print_uint64(cfg_printer_t *pctx, const cfg_obj_t *obj); isc_result_t cfg_parse_qstring(cfg_parser_t *pctx, const cfg_type_t *type, cfg_obj_t **ret); void cfg_print_ustring(cfg_printer_t *pctx, const cfg_obj_t *obj); isc_result_t cfg_parse_astring(cfg_parser_t *pctx, const cfg_type_t *type, cfg_obj_t **ret); isc_result_t cfg_parse_sstring(cfg_parser_t *pctx, const cfg_type_t *type, cfg_obj_t **ret); isc_result_t cfg_parse_rawaddr(cfg_parser_t *pctx, unsigned int flags, isc_netaddr_t *na); void cfg_print_rawaddr(cfg_printer_t *pctx, const isc_netaddr_t *na); isc_boolean_t cfg_lookingat_netaddr(cfg_parser_t *pctx, unsigned int flags); isc_result_t cfg_parse_rawport(cfg_parser_t *pctx, unsigned int flags, in_port_t *port); isc_result_t cfg_parse_dscp(cfg_parser_t *pctx, isc_dscp_t *dscp); isc_result_t cfg_parse_sockaddr(cfg_parser_t *pctx, const cfg_type_t *type, cfg_obj_t **ret); isc_result_t cfg_parse_boolean(cfg_parser_t *pctx, const cfg_type_t *type, cfg_obj_t **ret); void cfg_print_sockaddr(cfg_printer_t *pctx, const cfg_obj_t *obj); void cfg_print_boolean(cfg_printer_t *pctx, const cfg_obj_t *obj); void cfg_doc_sockaddr(cfg_printer_t *pctx, const cfg_type_t *type); isc_result_t cfg_parse_netprefix(cfg_parser_t *pctx, const cfg_type_t *type, cfg_obj_t **ret); isc_result_t cfg_parse_special(cfg_parser_t *pctx, int special); /*%< Parse a required special character 'special'. */ isc_result_t cfg_create_tuple(cfg_parser_t *pctx, const cfg_type_t *type, cfg_obj_t **objp); isc_result_t cfg_parse_tuple(cfg_parser_t *pctx, const cfg_type_t *type, cfg_obj_t **ret); void cfg_print_tuple(cfg_printer_t *pctx, const cfg_obj_t *obj); void cfg_doc_tuple(cfg_printer_t *pctx, const cfg_type_t *type); isc_result_t cfg_create_list(cfg_parser_t *pctx, const cfg_type_t *type, cfg_obj_t **objp); isc_result_t cfg_parse_listelt(cfg_parser_t *pctx, const cfg_type_t *elttype, cfg_listelt_t **ret); isc_result_t cfg_parse_bracketed_list(cfg_parser_t *pctx, const cfg_type_t *type, cfg_obj_t **ret); void cfg_print_bracketed_list(cfg_printer_t *pctx, const cfg_obj_t *obj); void cfg_doc_bracketed_list(cfg_printer_t *pctx, const cfg_type_t *type); isc_result_t cfg_parse_spacelist(cfg_parser_t *pctx, const cfg_type_t *type, cfg_obj_t **ret); void cfg_print_spacelist(cfg_printer_t *pctx, const cfg_obj_t *obj); isc_result_t cfg_parse_enum(cfg_parser_t *pctx, const cfg_type_t *type, cfg_obj_t **ret); void cfg_doc_enum(cfg_printer_t *pctx, const cfg_type_t *type); void cfg_print_chars(cfg_printer_t *pctx, const char *text, int len); /*%< Print 'len' characters at 'text' */ void cfg_print_cstr(cfg_printer_t *pctx, const char *s); /*%< Print the null-terminated string 's' */ isc_result_t cfg_parse_map(cfg_parser_t *pctx, const cfg_type_t *type, cfg_obj_t **ret); isc_result_t cfg_parse_named_map(cfg_parser_t *pctx, const cfg_type_t *type, cfg_obj_t **ret); isc_result_t cfg_parse_addressed_map(cfg_parser_t *pctx, const cfg_type_t *type, cfg_obj_t **ret); isc_result_t cfg_parse_netprefix_map(cfg_parser_t *pctx, const cfg_type_t *type, cfg_obj_t ** ret); void cfg_print_map(cfg_printer_t *pctx, const cfg_obj_t *obj); void cfg_doc_map(cfg_printer_t *pctx, const cfg_type_t *type); isc_result_t cfg_parse_mapbody(cfg_parser_t *pctx, const cfg_type_t *type, cfg_obj_t **ret); void cfg_print_mapbody(cfg_printer_t *pctx, const cfg_obj_t *obj); void cfg_doc_mapbody(cfg_printer_t *pctx, const cfg_type_t *type); isc_result_t cfg_parse_void(cfg_parser_t *pctx, const cfg_type_t *type, cfg_obj_t **ret); void cfg_print_void(cfg_printer_t *pctx, const cfg_obj_t *obj); void cfg_doc_void(cfg_printer_t *pctx, const cfg_type_t *type); isc_result_t cfg_parse_fixedpoint(cfg_parser_t *pctx, const cfg_type_t *type, cfg_obj_t **ret); void cfg_print_fixedpoint(cfg_printer_t *pctx, const cfg_obj_t *obj); isc_result_t cfg_parse_percentage(cfg_parser_t *pctx, const cfg_type_t *type, cfg_obj_t **ret); void cfg_print_percentage(cfg_printer_t *pctx, const cfg_obj_t *obj); isc_result_t cfg_parse_obj(cfg_parser_t *pctx, const cfg_type_t *type, cfg_obj_t **ret); void cfg_print_obj(cfg_printer_t *pctx, const cfg_obj_t *obj); void cfg_doc_obj(cfg_printer_t *pctx, const cfg_type_t *type); /*%< * Print a description of the grammar of an arbitrary configuration * type 'type' */ void cfg_doc_terminal(cfg_printer_t *pctx, const cfg_type_t *type); /*%< * Document the type 'type' as a terminal by printing its * name in angle brackets, e.g., <uint32>. */ void cfg_parser_error(cfg_parser_t *pctx, unsigned int flags, const char *fmt, ...) ISC_FORMAT_PRINTF(3, 4); /*! * Pass one of these flags to cfg_parser_error() to include the * token text in log message. */ #define CFG_LOG_NEAR 0x00000001 /*%< Say "near " */ #define CFG_LOG_BEFORE 0x00000002 /*%< Say "before " */ #define CFG_LOG_NOPREP 0x00000004 /*%< Say just "" */ void cfg_parser_warning(cfg_parser_t *pctx, unsigned int flags, const char *fmt, ...) ISC_FORMAT_PRINTF(3, 4); isc_boolean_t cfg_is_enum(const char *s, const char *const *enums); /*%< Return true iff the string 's' is one of the strings in 'enums' */ isc_boolean_t cfg_clause_validforzone(const char *name, unsigned int ztype); /*%< * Check whether an option is legal for the specified zone type. */ void cfg_print_zonegrammar(const unsigned int zonetype, void (*f)(void *closure, const char *text, int textlen), void *closure); /*%< * Print a summary of the grammar of the zone type represented by * 'zonetype'. */ void cfg_print_clauseflags(cfg_printer_t *pctx, unsigned int flags); /*%< * Print clause flags (e.g. "obsolete", "not implemented", etc) in * human readable form */ void cfg_print_indent(cfg_printer_t *pctx); /*%< * Print the necessary indent required by the current settings of 'pctx'. */ #endif /* ISCCFG_GRAMMAR_H */ PK>isc/resultclass.hnu[PKp>p isc/log.hnu[PKNisc/netscope.hnu[PKisc/strerror.hnu[PK> =lwres/int.hnu[PK> dns/keyvalues.hnu[PKdns/view.hnu[PK s!dns/name.hnu[PK ! ! pk11/site.hnu[PK