eaiovnaovbqoebvqoeavibavo en_GB.dic000064400002005756147633135040006224 0ustar0046286 abaft abbreviation/M abdicate/DNGSn Abelard/M abider/M Abidjan ablaze abloom aboveground abrader/M Abram/M abreaction/MS abrogator/MS abscond/DRSG absinthe/MS absoluteness/S absorbency/SM abstract/ShTVDPiGY absurdness/S Abuja/M Abyssinia/M Acadia accede/SDG accept/BDSRVGkhl acceptable/P accepted/U accommodate/DGnkSNVu accommodating/U accompanier/M accomplish/RLSGD accordion/MS3 accost/DSG accountant/SM accrual/MS accurately/I accusal/M achene/SM achievable/U achieves/c acidification/M acidulous acoustical acquaintance/SM acquisition/MA acridity/SM acrobatics/M actinic actinide/MS actively/IA activity/SMI Acton/M actual/q8YSQ- adagio/S adaptation/M add/RDGS7 additivity Adele/M adhere/DGRS adherence/MS adjudicator/MS adjunct/SYMV adjuration/M adjust/RLDlGS7V Adler/M administratrix/M admiralty/SM admiration/M adobe/NvVSMX adopted/AU adoption/M adorned/U adrenal/Y adrift adumbrate/VSGnvDN Adventist's adverse/yTDYGP advertise/LJ adze/DMSG Aegean/M Aeneas aerialist aerodrome/SM aerodynamic/SY aero-engine/MS affectedly/U affective/M affinity/MS affirmed/A affix/DSG affray/MSDG affricative/M aforesaid after/S age's/e agility/MS agitator/MS agnostic/MS agnosticism/SM agreeableness/ES agriculturalist Agrippa/M AI Aiken/M ain't airflow/MS airsick/P airtime airway/MS ajar alabaster/SM Alamo/S alanine/M Alaric/M alarm/3DGkS albacore/SM albedo/M albeit album/MS Aldridge/M alewife/M Alexia/M Alexis Alfonso/M Alger/M Algiers alienation/M alinement's alkyd/S Allah/M all-day allegation/M allergen/MSW alleyway/MS allies/M allocator/KSC allots/A allowable/P all-star Allstate alms/m alnico aloft along alpine/S al-Qa'ida/M Alsace/M alternation/M Alton/M alumni alundum alveolus/M AMA amanuenses Amazonian ambergris/MS Amdahl/M Amherst/M amide/MS amir's Amish/M amoral amorphous/PY amortise/nSGD amortize/nNSGD amour/MS amphibian/MS amphibology/M ample/PT amplification/M anarchy/3Ww1SM anastigmatic Andaman/M aneroid Anglican/MS Anglicanism/M Anglicise/nSGD Anglicize/nNSGD Anglophobia/M angularity/MS anhydrous/Y animate/DnASNG animated/Y anisette/SM annalen annihilator/SM anorak/SM anorexia/MS antediluvian/S anthem/MdS anthropometric/S anthropometry/WM antibody/MS anticompetitive antidemocratic antiformant antigenicity/SM Antigua/M Antioch/M antipasti antipodal/S antiquarian/MS antiquarianism/MS antisepses antisocial/Y antitrust/M antral anyway apace aphasic/S aphid/MS apiece apocrypha/oM apogee/SM Apollo/M apology/SQ8s9M3 apostle/MS apotheoses Appian appliquéd apply/vnNRGDSV appraisal/AMS appraise/AGSD appreciate/vyGVDNnuS apprehended/a approbation/MES Apr apsis/M aptness/IS aquaria aquiculture's aquiline Arabia/M Arafat/M arbutus/MS arcane/Y arcaneness arch/yTDRYSPGM archaist/MS archery/M Archimedes Argentine/SM argon/M arguable/YIU argumentativeness/S ark/MS armour-plate/D armpit/MS Arne/M around array/EGMSD arrhythmia/SM arrowhead/SM arsenate/M arsine/MS arsonist art/6MjZ32pS arteriolar artesian Artie/M artifice/oMRS artillery/3mSM artist/W1y asbestos/SM ascertain/L7SDG ASCII ascription/M Asiatic/MS asp/MWS aspect/MS asphyxiate/SDG asplenium assail/7DSG assassination/M assembles/A assembling/A assignee/MS assignor/SM associate/EDSGnN associativity/S assurance/SAM Assyria/M Assyriology Astana/M asterisk/SDGM astigmatism/MS astride astrophysicist/SM at/F atelier/SM Atlanta/MW Atman/M atoll/MS atomic/Y atonal atonality/SM atrial attaches/A attend/SRGD attendance/MS attentional/Y attentive/PIY attenuate/GnSDN attic/MS attorney/MS attractive/UY attractiveness/SM attribute/xGVvDS attrition/SM aubergine/MS Auckland/M audaciousness/S audibly/I audio/M audiometry/M audited/U auditorium/SM Aug augment/NnDRGS augmentation/M augury/SM Augusta/M Augusts Australasia/M Australia/M authorised/AU authoritative/YP autocrat/MWS1 autodialler automata automotive autoregressive avalanche/GSMD avaunt/S avitaminoses aweigh awes/c awfulness/S axe/DmMGS axial/FY Ayr/M babble/RGDS babysit/RSG bacchanal/SM Bacchanalian/S backfield/MS backfill/SGD backlasher backscatter/dMS backslapper/SM backstop/MSGD backward/PSY bade bail/7MDGS bailey/S bailiff/MS balanced/cAeU balboa/MS Balearic/M ballistics/M balloon/3RSMDG balsa/SM balsam/dMS banality/SM Banbridge/M bandeaux banded/E Bangkok/M banish/GSLD bannister/SM banquette/MS bans/U banshee/SM banter/kdS banterer/M baptism/oSM bar/CDESUG barbarous/YP barbell/MS bareback bargepole/M barley/MS Barrett/M Barrow-in-Furness barycentre/MW baryon/MS baseball/SM baseband Basel/M bases/C bash/Sj6DG basilar basin/6MS basinful/S basing/C Basingstoke/M basswood/SM baste/nSN batcher bathtub/SM bathwater Bator/M battleship/SM baulky/TP bayonet/dMS bayou/SM Bea/M beady/T beagle/DGSM bearish/YP Beaujolais beautify/WNRSDnG because bedazzle/DLSG bedbug/SM bedrock/SM bedspread/MS Bedworth/M Beethoven/M befuddle/LSDG begonia/SM begrime/SDG begrudge/GDSk Beijing/M being/SM belabour/DGSM belate/Dih belief's/U believing/U belittle/GLDS bellboy/SM bell-hop's bell-ringer/S bellwether/MS Belmont/M belted/U Belton/M beltway/SM benedictory benefactor/SM benignant beribboned Berman/M Bernard/M Bernhard/M berserk/S Berwick/M beryl/MS beryllium/M bespatter/dS bespeak/GS bestial/Y bestride/SG bet/MRGSD Beth/M Bethany/M Betsey/M between/PS bewigged bicarbonate/MS bid/RMZdGJS bidet/SM bifocal/S biggish bigot/ydSM bilge/DGMS bilingualism/MS billboard/SGDM Billie/M biophysics/M birdhouse/SM birdieing birdseed/SM Birgit/M Biro/M Biscay/M biserial Bishkek/M bishop/dSM Bismarck/M bitch/GZDSz2M BITNET bitten biweekly/S biyearly blabber/d black-hearted blackjack/MSDG blameworthiness/S blank/PDGSTY blasting/M blastoff/SM blatant/Y bleater/M blend/RGSD blessing/M blew Bligh/M blip/DGMS blithe/YTP blitz/GSDM blitzkrieg/SM blockbusting/M Bloemfontein/M blood-letting/SM bloodstain/DMS bloodstream/SM blossomy blow-up/SM bluffness/S boar/MS board/RMGDSJ boastfulness/S bobtail/SMGD bodkin/MS body-colour body-piercing bog/GDMZS bohemian/S bola/SM bolero/MS bolter/M Boltzmann/M bondage/MS Boniface/M boniness/S bonsai/M booking/M bookshop/MS booth/MS Bootle/M bootlegging/M boozy/T bop/RGDS Borealis Boris/M born-again borosilicate/M Bose/M Botham/M bottommost botulinus/M boudoir/MS boutonnière/SM boxy/T boy/MS brachia bract/MS Braille/M brain-dead brambling/M Brannon/M brassiness/S bravado brave/DYyTGPS bravery/SM bravest/M breakage/MS breakthrough/MS break-up/S breakwater/SM breastbone/SM brecciated breech-loaded Breton/M bride/SM Bridget/M Bridgnorth/M bridle/MGSD brigade/GDSM brigandage/SM brigantine/SM Brighton/M brinkmanship/MS broadcast/SARG broadloom/MS broadness/S broil/GRSD broker/d brokerage/MS bromide/SMW bronchus/M brood/GM2ZRSDk brougham/SM brownish brows/SDRBG bruit/S brusqueness/S Bryn/M buccaneer/GDSM bucker/M buckminsterfullerene bucksaw/MS bucolic/YS buffer/rd bufflehead/M buffoonish build/RGJS Bulgarian/MS bulgy/T bulker bumpkin/MS bunion/SM buoyant/Y burdened/Uc burdock/MS burg/RSM burgle/SDG burial/SAM Burlington/M burned/U burnish/RSGD burntness burp/MDSG bury/ADSG bus/MAS Busch/M bushiness/S bushland bushwhacking/M business/m5S businesslike businessperson/S busywork/SM buttonholer/M Buxtehude/M buzzword/SM by by-election/S Byrne/M c/nN cab/GMDXVSN cablegram/SM cactus/MS caecum/M Caesar cagiest cahoot/MS Caisos cajole/RLyDSG calcite/SM CALCOMP Calder caldera/SM caldron's calibrate/SAGDN calibrater's calico/M calla/SM callback/S calliper/SM callowness/S calls/aA calorie/SM calorific calyces's Camberley/M Camden/M camelhair's Campbellsport camp-site/SM campus/MS Canaan/M caning/M canniness/S cannon/dSM canonical/Q8q- can't canted/AI canvas/MRGDS capon/SM cappuccino/SM caps/8 capsular captaincy/MS captioner captivate/SDG carboy/MS carbuncle/DSM card-carrying cardioid/M caribou/M Carmen/M carnal/Y carnival/SM carol-singing Carpathian/S carpentry/SM carrageen/M carried/a carrot/MS carsick/P Carson cart/RMD6GS cartload/MS caryatid/SM Carys cased/U Casey/M Cassels caster/nN casts/aAe casualness/S cat/M2ZzDGS catalepsy/MS catch-all/SM catchphrase/S catechism/MS catharsis/M cathedral/SM Catherine Cathy Caucasoid cavil/SDRGJ cc celandine/SM celebratedness/M cellar/dMS celluloid/MS centaur/MS centime/SM centurion/SM Cephalochordata Cephalopoda ceramic/3MS cerebellar cerebra/no cerise/MS cerium/M cermet/SM certification/MCA certiorari/M cession/FMAK CFO cha/Wy chalkboard/MS chammy's Chancellorship/S chances/a chanciness/S chandelier/MS chanson/SM chapbook/MS Chapman character/sQ98t+dpq6-MS charitable/UY charlatanism/SM chasm/SM châtelaine/MS chauffeur/DSMG checkmate/MDSG checkout/S checksum/GMSD cheek/2GMzDZS cheekiness/S cheerleader/SM chelate/DnMNG chemosynthesis chemurgy/SM cheque/RSM chert/SM cherub/SMW Cheryl/M chevalier/MS chew/GRZ2S7D chickenfeed chickenpox/SM child/pM childlike/P China/Mm chine/SM chip/GMJZDS choir/GSDM cholera/MSW chomp/SDG Chopin choppiness/S choppy/TP chorale/MS choreography/MS chose Christ/M chromatics/M chromatograph/ZW chromium/SM chromosomal chronograph/ZSM Chrysler chum/2DzMZSG chunky/TP churchgoing/SM cinchona/SM circler/M circuit/MdS circuital circuitry/MS circuity/SM circulant circumcised/U circumciser/M circumflex/DSGM cl/GJ clairvoyant/SY clang/DRGS Clara Clarence classiness/S classing/e claustrophobic clearance/MS Clement/SM Cline clinometer/SIM cliometrician/S clipboard/SM Cliveden cloak-and-dagger cloaked/U cloister/MdS close-cropped closer/ESM clothesline/SGDM clothesman cloudless/PY cloudy/TP clown/SDGM clubbing/M clubhouse/MS clunk/DRM2GzZS coachloads coaler/M coal-fired coalitionist coarse/TPY coastal coastline/MS cocaine/SM cock-a-hoop cockatoo/SM cockpit/MS cockroach/SM cock-shy code/CDaAGS codebook/S codebreak codebreaker codename/D codpiece/MS coeval/SY cogent/Y cogitation/M cognition/AMKS cognoscenti coil/USADG Cointreau coital/Y cold-bloodedness coldish coldness/S Cole/M coleus/MS collaborative/S collectible/S collegial colloquium/SM colloquy/Mo coloratura/SM Colosseum colostomy/SM colour-code/D comae combat/vVu combed/U combustibility/SM come/RIGJS comedian/SM comfortableness/S comfy/T commemorate/NDvSVGn commemorator/S commercial/qQ8S- commercialness commiserate/VNnDGS commission/CRDSG commonly/U commonplace/P commons/M common-sense communicability/SM communicable/I communicated/a companion/DG7lMS compendia compensated/U compensator/M complainant/SM compliance/SM complicator/MS composition/CM comprehension/IMS comprehensiveness/S compress/XvNVhxb computed/AK computing/A concede/Rh conceiver/M conceptuality/M concerto/SM conchs conciliar conclusion/M concordant/Y concrete/GPYNDSnM concubinage/SM concupiscent concussion/M condescend/NXk conditionally/U condition's/K condolence/MS conducive/P conductance/4 conductibility/MS conductor/SM conductress/MS coney's confabulation/M confederate/M conferee/MS confidential/PY confiner/M confirmed/PY conflagration/SM confrère/SM confront/NRnx Confucian confusable confutation/M confuter/M congested/U congregate/GNnSD conjugacy conjugateness conjunctive/S conjuration/M connectivity/SM consent/SRGkD conservative/PS consigns/A consist/SGD consistent/IY console/RNkn7 consonance/IM conspiracy/SM constant/IY constellation/MS constituency/MS constitute/DASG consulship/SM consultees' consumable/S consumer/3 consummated/U consumptive/S contaminate/NVGDnS contamination/MCS contemporaneous/PY contemptible/Y continence/IMS contort/VDG contradict/SGyD contralto/SM contrapositive/S contrapuntal/Y contrariwise controllability/M convenient/YI conventionalist conversant/Y conversazione/M convert/RSbDG convex/Y conviction/MS convincing/UY convolution/C co-operant co-operative/SP cootie/MS copay/S coplanar Copland coprolite/M coralline Corbie cordage/MS cordon/dSM co-religionist Corfu/M corked/U cornfield/MS cornflour/M cornmeal corollary/SM coronary/S coroner/MS corps/SM Corrigan corruption's/I corsage/MS corset/dSM cortège/SM cortex/M Costa cotangent/SM Cotswold/M cottonwood/SM cottony Coulthard counsel/MDJGS countenancer/M counterargument/SM counter-espionage/SM counterforce/M counter-offensive/MS counter-revolution/ySM counter-revolutionary/MS counter-tenor/SM counterweight/GMSD counting/Ea counts/AaEf coupled/U courier/MGDS courtliness/S cove/RDGMS covenanter/M coverage/SM covetousness/S cow-pat/SM crackpot/MS crafter craftspeople craftspersons Cranfield/M craver/M craw/YSM crawl/SRDG crayfish/SGDM cream/ZDRS2zMG creamy/PT creativeness/S creator/SM credibly/I credo/MS creed/SM creedal crenelation/M creole/MS crêpey crept crescent/MS Crestview Crete criminology/3wMS crimson/SMd cringe/GSD criss critique/MGSD crochet/dJSZr crocodile/MS crocus/MS croissant/SM croquette/MS crossfire/MS crossing/MS crosspoint cross-sectional croûton/SM crowbait crowd/cSDG crowfeet crudeness/S crudités crumbly/TP crutch/SDGM crux/M crybaby/MS cryogenic/S cryptography/W1SM Cryptozoic crystalline/S cubic/S cubit/SM cul/DG cull/S Cullen/M culmination/M culpa/SM culpable/YP cultivable cultivatable cumbersomeness/S cumbrous cumin/SM Cummings cumulus/M cupboard/MS cupola/DSGM curatorships curiosity/SM curiousness/S curlew/SM curlicue/SDMG curly/PT Curran/M cursory/K curve/SZGDM cushy/T cussed/EF cutlery/MS cyanide/SMGD cyclohexanol cylinder/wS1M cynical cypher/dSM czarevitch/M dad/MZS daffodil/SM Daguerre dainty/TSYP dairyland dais/SZM Daley/M dam/MDGS damageable Darcy/M darkness/S Darlene darling/PMS darnedest Daryl/M database/DMGS daughter/YMS daughters-in-law Davie daycare/S day-to-day daze/DiSGh DCB deaconess/SM deadbolt/S deadlock/MGSD deafening/M dean/MGD deanery/SM Dearing/M death-knell deathless/Y death-toll/M debauchery/SM debilitation/M debonair/PY Debussy/M decade/SM decadent/Y December/SM decilitre/MS decimetre/MS decision-making declarator/SM déclassée decomposable/I decoration/ASM decorative/P dedication/M dedicator/MS deejay/GDSM deep/TPYS deep-frozen deep-rooted defend/Vuv define/KSDAG definitive/SP deform/xnR7GN deformity/SM deftness/S DeKalb delegable delete/NDnSG deletion/M deliberateness/S delightful/P delinquent/YSM delirious/PY delusion/M delve/RSDG demeanour démodé demonology/M demonstrativeness/MS demureness/S denominate/x densitometry/M dentist/MSy deny/DR7kGS deoxyribonucleic department/o departure/SM dépaysé dependability/MS dependable/P deplorer/M depraved/P depressant/S depressor/MS derision/M dermatitis/MS derogation/M Derry descendent description/M descriptor/SM desertification designation/M desire/BRl Desmond/M desolation/M despatch/GDS despondence/SZ destructible/I desultory/YP detach/GRSiLhD7 detected/U detector/SM deterioration/M determinacy/I determinant/MS determined/P determiner/KMS detonated/U detox/SGD detritus/M Deutsch devastate/DNSnkVG devastation/M deviance/MSZ deviation/M devilish/PY devious/YP Dewey dewy/TP Dhaka/M dhoti/MS diabetes/M diagnose/DGaS diagnosis/a dialect/wWSo1M diam diarrhoea/SMW diaspora dice/DnSGN dichotomous/Y Dictaphone didactic/SY didactics/M Diderot Dido/M differ/Sd diffidence/MS digestibility/SM digit/q-s9SQ8M dignified/U digraph/SM digress/uNvDSGXV diktat/SM dilemma/SM dimension/DGpMoS diminuendo/MS dinghy/MS dioptre/SM dioxide/SM dioxin/S diplomat/3MS dipstick/MS dirndl/SM disbursal/S disciplinary disclaim/7 discothèque/MS discreet/PIY discuss/N7X disfigure/L dishcloth/MS disillusion/LDG disinterested/P Disneyland dispersive/P dispirited/Y disputably/I disputant/MS disruptor/M dissent/RGDS dissoluble/I dissolve/AGDS dissolved/U distastefulness/S distend/XN distillation/M distraught/Y distributable distribution/ASM distributional disturbed/U diva/SM divalent/S divergence/MS divers/NX diversion/My dividable divisiveness/S dobbin/MS documentation/M dodder/dSZ dodecahedra dodgy/T dog-clutch dog-collar/SM dogged/P dogmatics's dogs/f doing/aS domain/MS dominate/KNDSG Dominica/M Dominican/SM don't dopa/SM Dorian dork/ZS dormancy/SM dormitory/SM Dorset/M doss-house dot/M2ZdDkrGS double-glazed doubleness doubles/A doubloon/MS dowager/MS dowel/DSGM downfall/SM downplay/DGS downrange dozer/M drabness/S dragger/M drainage/SM draining-board/SM drainpipe/MS dram/w1SMW dramatics/M drape/RSDGy draughtsperson drawback/SM drawee/MS draws/ecA dreamland/SM dressy/TP drip-dry drizzle/GDSMkY drogue/MS dromedary/SM drudge/kyMSDG drumstick/SM Dryden duchy/MS duck/GDZSMJ duct/CDISGF due/MoPS duel/RMDGJS dugout/SM dumbfound/SGD Dumont dump/DR2GZS dun/TDGS dunce/SM dunderhead/SM durability/SM Durex dustiness/S duxes dwelling/M dwindle/SGD dybbuk/SM dyeing/M dyke/SM dyslexia/SM dyspepsia/SM dyspeptic/S earache/MS earnestness/S earning/M earthquake/MS earth-shattering ease/EDMSG EastEnders easterly/S eavesdrop/RDSG ebb/GDS eccentric/MSY Echinodermata éclat/M ectopic ecumenical/Y edge/DZMGRpSJ Edgewood edict/SM edifice/SM Edison editor/FMS Eduard educ/nNxV educated/cfU educe/DNG7S effendi/SM effeteness/S efflorescence/SM effrontery/MS effulgence/MS Egerton eggplant/SM egocentric/YS egregious/YP egret/SM Egyptian/S Egyptology eiderdown/SM eigenvector/MS eighty-seven/H eighty-three/H eisteddfodau elaborateness/S elastic/SQ8Y Elba elbowroom/MS elder/SY elected/U election/SM electrical/P electrocardiograph/MSZ electrolyse/GWSD electrolysis/M electromyographic/Y electron/SW1M electronegative electroweak elegance/ISM elephantiasis/M Elgar/M eliminate/SVnNDG eliteness elixir/MS Elmsford elongate/GnSND Elroy elsewhere elude/DuVGvS elution/M elver/MS Elysée/M Elysium em/M embank/GLSD embarcadero embassy/MS embed/SDGJ embedder embellished/U embellisher/M emeriti Emerson Emilio/M Emory emotionalism/SM emperor/MS empiricism/MS empiricist employed/fUA employing/A employs/A empress/SM empty/SGDTP emu/MS emulate/nDVGSvN encase/GDLS enchain/DGS encipher/Sd enclosure/MS encomium/SM encyst/GLDS endocrine/S endorphins enduring/P enforcible/U Englander/S engraving/M Enid/M enjambment/MS enlightened/U enliven/LSd enormous/PY enshroud/SDG entente/MS entomb/DLGS enunciable enunciate/GSnDN environ/LdS environmental/3 Ephesus epic/MSY epigenetic epinephrine/SM Epping equipage/SM equipped/UA equiv era/MS erasure/SM ergo Eric/M Eriksson/M erode/VDuNGxXSb erosive/P escadrille/M espionage/SM espousal/MS Essex/M Esterházy/M etch/RGSDJ ethanol/M ether/MQ8S Ethernet/MS ethnocentric ethylene/M Etruscan ETSI euphemism/SM euphoria/MS Euphrates eureka/S Europe/M euthanasia/SM evadable evangelic/Y Evangeline evenly/U evensong/MS eventfulness/S everyday/P evict/SGD evolute/SM exact/PSGYTDk exactitude/ISM exactness/IS example/MDGS exceptionable/U exceptional/UY excretory/S exculpate/SDNnyG excusable/IP excuse/RlGDS executive/MS exempt/DGS exertion/SMc exhaustible/I exhortation/M exigency/SM existent/F Exmoor/M exocrine exogamy/M exonerate/nSNVDG exotica expand/BDRXVNvGSu expediently/I expel/DSn7GN expended/U expender/M expenditure/MS expensiveness/IS explain/AGDS explanation/SM explicable/I exploit/RVM7GnDS expressibility/I expression/Mp expurgate/SDNGn extemporaneous/YP extempore/Qs89q-S extendedness/M extinct/V extort/GDVS extracellular/Y extra-curricular extramarital extraordinary/PYS extrasolar extraterrestrial/S extraterritoriality/SM extravaganza/MS extremeness/S extremism/MS extrusion/M exurbia/SM eyedropper/MS eye-level Ezra fable/MSDG face/CGKDASe faceless facelift face's/K face-saver facetiousness/S facilitate/yDGSNnV facing/MS facsimileing factionalism/SM facto factorial/SM Fagin Fairfax fair-weather fairy/MS Falkner fallibility/ISM fallible/PY fall's/ce falsify/RBGnDSN falter/rJdSk falutin fanatical/P fantasy/Q8Ws9DSGM fanzine/S farina/MS farmworker/S far-reaching fascicle/DSM fast-forward fatalism/MS fathom/7dMpS fathomable/U fatuity/SM fault-finding faultless/YP faulty/PTY faun/SM feathered/U feather-edge featherweight/SM feckless/YP fecund/ng fecundity/SM federalist feeding/M felicitously/I Felipe felony/SM felt-tip/S feminism/MS fences/C Fermanagh/M ferret/rdSM ferrite/M ferrule/DMSG ferryboat/MS fetlock/MS feud/DMSoG feudalism/SM fiat/MS fibrosis/M Fidel/M Fife/M fifty-twofold fightback fights/e fill/JDRYGS7 filter-tipped filthiness/S finance/ASGD find/JRGS7 fineness/SM finger/prdSMJ fingerprint/DGSM fingertip/MS finial/SM finite/CPYI finny/T fiord/MS fireplace/MS Firestone fire-storm/MS firewood/M fish-bowl/MS fished/c fisher/m fishmonger/SM fishy/PT fist/DMGS6 fixity/MS flabby/TP flack/SDMG flagrant/Y flaker/M flaky/T flambé/GSD flame/pGZRSMDkJ flamen/M flammable/IS flapjack/MS flash-pan flattop/SM flawlessness/S flea/MS fleabites fleawort/M fleetingly/M fleshly/T flexibility/MIS flightpath flights/c flinty/TP flirtation/M floodlight/GSM floorspace florescence/MIS florist/SM floweriness/S flowstone fluency/SM fluoroscope/SGDMW flush/7DPTGS fly-fishing flywheel/MS foamer foamy/TP fo'c'sle focus/CdGDAS focusable focus's foeticide fogydom fogyish foldaway folklore/3WSM folly/MS fondle/GDS fondler/M Fontaine/M fool/GDMS footman/M footprint/SM footsie/MS forbidding/PY forced/U forcer/M foreclosure/MS forefront/MS forehead/SM foreknow/SG foreknown forensics/M forequarters forerunner/MS foresaw foreword/SM forfeit/DRMSG forgave forget-me-not/S forging/MS formality/SMI formate/MS formulate/DAGSNn formulated/U Forster forswear/GS forthwith fortified/U fortissimo/S forty-onefold forty-three/H forum/MS Foss foster/dS fought/e founded/FU Fourier/M four-leaved four-square fox/MDzZG2S foxhound/MS fr Francesca franchiser/SM Françoise/M Frankfurt frankness/S fraud's Freddie Fredrick free-born freedmen/M freemasonry Freeport freight/SMRDG Frentzen fresh-faced Freud/M friction/oMSp friend/DGYMpS frieze/MGSD frigate/SM fright/DGMjS6 frighteners frigidity/SM Frisian frisk/ZGSDz2 frivolity/SM frivolousness/S fronter/F frothy/TP frown/DGSk frowner/M frumpy/T fulcrum/SM fulfilled/U fulfiller Fullerton full-length fulsome/YP fume/GkDZS fundamentalist fundholding fund-raiser/SM funeral/MS fur/GM2JZSD furl/UGDS furring/M furtherance/SM fuselage/SM fuses/CA fusilier/SM fusspot/SM futurist/W fuzzy/TP gaberdine/M gadabout/MS Gail galen galley/MS gallstone/MS galvanic gamesmen Ganges gantry/MS gaper/M Garfunkel/M garnish/LSDG garnishee/GMS gas/FC gasoline/M gasometer/M gastronomy/MWS gastropod/SM gasworks/M Gateshead/M gather/drSJ gaucherie/MS gavel/DSMG gawker gazillion/S gee-gee/SM geezer/MS gel/DMGS gelable Gemini gender/MSp gendered generate/AnVCGDSN generator/AMS generous/YP generously/U Genevieve/M genie/oSM genocidal genotype/MS genuflection/SM Geoff/M geomagnetic/Y geomagnetism/MS geophysical/Y geopolitic/YS George/SM Georgetown/M Georgian/S Gerald geranium/SM Gerard Gerber germination/M ghillie/MS ghostlike ghost-written giant/MS giantess/MS giber/M giddy/PGYTDS Gideon gigacycle/MS Gilbert/M gilt/S gimcrack/S gimp/DMGZS gin/MDSG ginkgoes girlfriend/SM giveth gizmo's glacé/DGS glacial/Y Gladys glasnost glean/DRSGJ Gleason Glenda Glendale glib/TPY gloaming/MS global/3Y globularity/M Gloria glossy/TSP glow/GRDkSM glycogen/MS Glyndebourne/M Glynn gnarl/GSMD gnat/MS gnomic gnu/MS goad/GDMS go-ahead goalie/MS goalpost/S go-between godchildren god-damn/D godhead/S Goering Goethe/M goitrous Golding gold-plated gonococcal good-humoured/Y good-looking good-natured/Y Goran Gordon/M gotten gourmandise gouty/T grâce graced/E graceless/YP gradate/DSG grade/nRCSDG gradient/SM gradualism/SM graduation/M graffiti grampus/MS grandniece/MS grant/DRMGS granulate/SDG granulocytic gratitude/SIM gravitation/M Grayson graze/RSGD greasepaint/SM greenery/SM greenfield greenfinch/SM greet/DRGSJ grenadier/SM gridiron/MS gridlock/DSG grimy/TP grin/DGS grind/RGJSk gristle/SM grittiness/S groat/MS groin/SMGD groom/SDGM Groot grotesqueness/S grovel/DSGR grub/zRMZ2DGS grudger/M grumble/GRJkSD GU guanine/SM Guardia guardianship/SM Guenther/M guerrillas guerrilla's guess/DRG7S guessed/e guildhall/SM guilefulness guilty/TP Guinea-Bissau/M Guinness gumboot/S gumption/SM Gunderson gunmen/M gunnery/SM gunning/M gunnysack/MS guppy/MS Gus gusset/SM gusts/E gut/MRGpDS Gwangju gym/MS gypsite gyroscope/SMW ha Haag/M habitable/P habitation/IMF habituation/M Hackett hadj's haem/SM haematoma/M haemolytic haemophiliac/SM Hague ha-ha haiku/M hair-drier hairless/P hairlike hair-raising halcyon/S half-deck half-hour/YS halfpence half-sister/SM half-sovereign halfwit/hiSMD halibut/M halite/MS hall/SM hallelujah/S Halley/M hallow/DGS Halloween hallucinate/nyNVGDS hallway/SM halter-neck halvers hammerhead/SM hammering/M hand/h6RzZSipMGD2 handbill/SM handedly/f handful/MS handgun/MS handling/M handstand/SM hangnail/SM hanker/Jd hankerer/M Hanoverian Hansen ha'penny haphazardness/S haplessness/S harbourage hard-line/R hardshell hardy/TP harken/S harlotry/SM harpsichord/M3S Harrison Harrisonburg harshen/d harvest/MRGDS harvestmen/M hassock/MS hast/zZ2D hatchet/dMS hatchway/MS hatefulness/S haughty/YPT haul/cDSG have-not/MS havoc/SDMG Hawaiian/S hawkishness/S headmen/M headteacher/SM headway/SM health/M6jzS2Z healthcare hearing/SM hearsay/SM heartburn/GSM heartlessness/S heartstrings heath/RSyM Heathkit heaven/MSY Hebrew/SM heck hectogram/SM hedonist/WMS heel/pRSGMD Heidfeld Helena/M helix/M hellebore/SM Hellenic helpfulness/U helplessness/S Helsinki/M hemp/SM hen/yMS Henley/M Hennessey/M Henri/M herald/WGSMDy herbalist Herbert/M here/FI hereabout/S herein heretofore heritable/I Hermes Hertfordshire/M hesitance/ZS heterosexual/MYS Hettie/M Heuser/M hew/RGSD Hewett/M hexagram/SM heyday/MS hgwy Hiawatha hiccough hideaway/MS hideout/MS hieroglyph/SW high-hat high-jump highland/RSM high-spiritedness high-stepper hike/RSGD Hilbert hilliness/S Hinckley Hindemith Hindi hindsight/SM Hinduism hint/RSGMD hip/TZMDSG hipbone/SM hiring/S Hirsch histology/3MSw historian/SM history/SK1MW histrionic/SY histrionics/M hitch/RDSG HIV hoard/MSRDJG hobgoblin/SM Hoff/M hogback/SM hoist/SDG hold/RSGJ7 Holden Holstein homecoming/SM homeland/MS home-making/M homesickness/S homiletic/S homoeotherm/ZW homogamy/M homogeneousness homogenize/DRGnSN Hondo hone/STGDM honester honey/SMD hooded/P hoofer/M hookup/MS horned/P horse-trading horsier horsing/M hos/Sd ho's/F hospitably/I hostility/MS hotness/S hounding/M houseboy/MS housebreak/SRJG house's/e house-to-house house-warming/SM Hove/M hover/dS hovercraft/M Hoyt/M HQ Huffman/M huffy/TP Huguenot/SM Hull/M hum/RSDG human/sQ8Y3-q9PS humaneness/I humanist/W humanize/CRDnSNG humanly/I humerus/M humidification/CM Hummel/M humorousness/S Hungary/M Huntley/M hurriedness/M hurter/M husband/DYyGSM hussy/SM hybridism/MS Hyderabad hydrangea/MS hydrochloride/M hydrogenates/C hydrostatics/M Hyman hymnal/MS hyperbola/MS hyperboloidal hyperplane/MS hypertrophy/DGSM hypotenuse/SM hypothalami hypotheses hysterectomy/SM Hyundai/M ICC/M i icebox/SM icicle/SM iconoclasm/MS iconography/WMS ICU Ida/M idealist/W1 idealogical identical/PY idiocy/SM idiomatic/U idolatress/S idyllist if/FS ignitable ignorance/SM iguana/SM iii Ikea/M ill-behaved ill-defined ill-equipped ill-tempered illume/GD illuminable illustrate/NnGDvSV illustration/M illustrious/YP ilmenite imaginably/U imagine/lnSVuNJDvG imaginer/M imbibe/RSDG immanency/SM immensity/SM immerse/SNbDGX immerser immolate/DGnSN immortal/Q8 imped/d impeder/M imperial/3SY imperturbability/MS impetuous/PY impishness/S impresario/MS imprint/M imprison/L improver/M impudent/Y inalterableness inappropriate/P inbound in-car incarnadine/DSG inception/MS incipience/MSZ incise/XVGvDNSu incommode/GD inconceivability/SM inconceivable/P incontrovertible/Y incorporated/EU increase/Jk incriminate/SDNnyG incubation/M indemnity/MS indentation/M indication/M indicator/MS indices/M indigent/YS indissoluble/YP indistinct/P indistinguishable/P indoctrination/M industrialist industriousness/S inebriation/M ineffable/PY inertness/S inexplicable/PY inexplicit infantry/mMS infatuate/DSGnN inferential/Y inflate/DSGNn inflated/c inflater/M inflect/GxSVD in-flight infraction infrastructural ingenuously/E ingot/SM ingratiate/nGDSkN inhibit/SVdyXN inhibitor/MS in-house initialised/U initialized/U injunctive inlay/GS innermost innovate/NVnGuDSyv innovation/M innovator/SM inoculate/VGNDSn inordinate/YP inquisitive/PY inscribe/RNX insert/DGAS insidiousness/S insinuate/DGknNSV insolence/SM insolent/Y insomnia/SM inspired/U inspirer/M instanter instigate/SVnDNG instituted/A insult/DGkS insupportable/P insurrectionist intensiveness/S intention/DSoM intentionality/M interaction/SM intercept/GSD intercessor/SM interchange/SlGBD interfacing/M interfere/kRSGD intergeneration/oM interject/xGSD intermarry/SGD intermezzi intermodule/Nn internationalism/MS interplanetary interplay/MGDS interposition/M interpret/daNAnS interprocess intersect/GSD interstate/S intersurvey interurban/S intervocalic intimidation/M intradepartmental in-tray/S intrude/RuNXSDGVv intrusiveness/S inure/GDS invective/YPMS inventiveness/S inventress/MS invincible/PY inviting/U invokable involve/LGhSD iodide/MS ion's/U Irani Ireland/M iridescent/Y Irishwomen/M irksome/PY Irma ironer/S ironwood's ironworker/M irrepressible/Y irrigable Irvine Irwin/M Isaacson Isis Islamabad/M Islamic island/RSM Islay/M Islington/M isn't isocline/M isopleth/SM Italian/SM Ithacan its ix j jackknife/DGMS Jacqueline Jaeger/M jag/ZDhGiS jaggy/T Jaipur Jakarta Jamaican/S Jameson janitorial Jardine jasper/MS javelin/MS jawline jay/MS jazz/S2GMDZ Jeanie Jehoshaphat Jesse/M jetty/MS jib/DMGS jihad/MS jingoist/WSM Joanne/M Joaquin jock/MS John/S johnny/SM join/FRSDG joins/A jointures jolt/DSRG Jonathan Jorge Jorgenson Joshua/M joss/M jowl/YSM joyless/PY Juanita jubilant/Y judgemental juicy/YPT julep/SM jump-start/G juncture/FMS jungle/SM junket/SdM junta/MS jurist/W juster/M juvenile/SM kaiser/SM Kano kappa/M katydid/MS kcal/M Kearney Keats/M keener/M keening/M keepsake/MS Keith Kendal Kenyan/S Kepler/M kerb/SM kerchief/SDM kerned keyclick/MS keyhole/SM kg Khmer kickballs kicky/T kid/RDMSGp kiddish Kiev/M kif-gloves Kilimanjaro/M killjoy/S kills/c kilowatt-hour Kimberly/M kinda kindness/S Kingsbury Kiowa Kirby Kirkpatrick Kitakyushu/M kitbag/M kitsch/ZSM kittiwakes Klondike knack/SRM kneecap/SGMD knick-knackery knight/GMDYS knit/RGSDJ knitting/M knotty/TP know/GJk7S knowing/T knowledge/SlM Knowles Kodachrome/M kola/SM Kong kook's kooky/T Kremlin/M Kronecker/M Kuenning/M kumquat/SM KwaZulu l/3 lab/oMS label/aGDSA labiodental laboratory/SM laburnum/MS labyrinth/SM laceration/M lachrymose lackadaisicalness lactation/M lacunae laddie/MS ladybug/SM laevorotatory Lamaism Lamellibranchia lamina/Mn laminate/DGS Lancaster/M Lancelot/M landforms land-use lantern/MS Laos/M laps/SGD lapse's larboard/SM larcenist/S larcenous larceny/SM lark/MGDS larkspur/SM lasciviousness/S latching/M latticing/M Latvia/M laudanum/MS lauds/M laughable/P Launceston lavatory/SM lawgiver/SM lawlessness/S lawmaking/M lawnmower/S lawrencium/M layette/SM laying/ca lays/faAec Lazar Lazarus lazybones/M leading/a leaf/pSD2GMZ leafstalk/MS leasing/M Leatherdale leavening/M Leavenworth lectureship/SM led/a lefty/S3M legally/I legislator/MS legitimately/I legitimating/I legitimization/M Leiden Leif Leigh Lenten leper/SM lettered/U level/SDTPRGY Lewes lexeme/MS Libby/M liberalism/MS libertarian/SM libertarianism/M Libra Libya/M lichen/SM Lieberman/M lieder lifetaking light-heartedness/S lignite/SM liking/MS limb/SDMWp limestone/MS limpid/YP Limpopo Lin/M Lindbergh/M linen/SM lines/eAf ling/f lingua/Mo linguini's linkage/SM linseed/MS lionizer/M lip-synch liquefy/DRSG liqueur/MS liquorish Lisa listed/U listing/M literalism/M lithology/Mw Lithuania/M litigiousness/S litre/SM little/TP liturgics's livelong/S liverwurst's ll/C loads/AUc loansharkings loathsomeness/S loaves/M loci/M Locke locks/UA lode/MS lodestar/SM Logan logia login/S Loki/M loneliness/S lonesomeness/S long-ago long-distance longhair/SM longing/M long-lived long-range long-time loose-leaf Lorraine lotto/SM loudspeaker/SM Loughborough/M Louisa/M lour/SDG louse/CDSG love/pMk7RSYlDG loveless/PY Lowell lowliness/S loyalty/ESM Lucia/M Lucretia Ludwig luge/CM lukewarm/PY lull/GSD lulu/M luminance/M luminescence/MS luminous/YP lumpish/YP luncheonette/MS luncher/M lunger/M lupus/MS lust/GZSDjz62M lye/M lymphatic/S lyre/MSwW1 Mabel/M Macedon Macedonia/M m macintosh/SM MacIntyre Mackenzie Mackie Macmillan/M macramé/S macro/SM macrosimulation mad/RTYPGD madden/dkS madhouse/MS Magellan magi magisterial/Y magnanimous/Y magnetic/S magnolia/SM maidenhead/SM maidenliness Maier mainstreamer major/MS making/MS Malagasy/M maleficence/SM maleness/S mallard/SM Mallory malnutrition/SM malocclusion/MS Malta/M Mammalia mammography/S mandate/SMGyD manège/SGD Manhattan/M manhole/SM manikin/MS manoeuvres/e mansard/MS mantilla/MS mantis/MS manure/RMGDS manuscript/MS man-year/S Maoism mapping/M maraca/MS margin/oMdS mariachi's marijuana/SM Marin marina/nMS Marjory/M marketability/MS marketable/U Marlowe/M Marquess/M marriage/MBS marrow/MS marsupial/MS Martel marten/MS Marvin Marx/3M marzipan/SM Masai master-work/S matchlock/MS matchplay matchwood/SM maternal/Y mating/M matriarchs matron/MSY matt/M matter/d maturely/KI maturity/KMI Maurice maverick/MS Mavis maxilla/yM maze/SZMGD McCracken/M McDonald/M McDowell/M McGill/M McGovern/M McGregor/M McKesson/M McLeod/M McMahon/M McNeil/M mealtime/MS mealy/TPS mean/CSG meanest meaninglessness/S measurement/A mechanism/MS mechanochemically media/oMn mediaevalism mediaevalist medicament/SM medication/M meditative/P megacycle/MS megalith/SWM Meister melamine/MS Melanesian Melbourne melted/A melts/A Melvyn memorable/PY memoriam mendacity/MS mendicancy/MS mendicant/S mending/SM Mendip menopause/SM menstrual/K menswear/M mentality/MS menthol/MS merchant/BSM merchantman/M mercilessness/S merited/U mescal/SM mesdames/M mesdemoiselles/M meta metabolism/SM metabolize metacarpus/M metastable metempsychoses meteor/WS1M Metford method/1SMw metre/S1Ww mettlesome Mexican/S MGM miasma/MS mice/M Michelson micra's microdensitometer microdot/SM microelectronic/S microfossils microlevel micrometeorite/SWM microprocessing microscope/SMWw1Z Microsoft/M microstore mid-band/M midfield/M Midlands mid-life milch/M mile/SM Millie millimetre/S milliner/ZSM millisecond/SM Milne mimesis/M mindless/YP mindset/S Minerva minesweeper/SM minimax/M minnow/MS minor/SM Minotaur/M Minsk/MZ minuscule/SM minutia/M minx/MS mischance misfeasance/SM mislay misprision/SM missive/4 Missouri misty/T mistype/J misunderstand/R mizzen/SM mizzenmast/MS mnemonic/YMS mob/CSDG moccasin/MS mockery/SM modification/M modulation/MCS moduli Moen/M mogul/MS molal molecular/Y molecule/MS mollycoddle/SGD molybdenite/M momenta/y momentary/PY mom's moneymaker/MS mongoloid/S monodist/S monody/MWS monolingualism monopoly/SM monotone/WMS1Z Montclair Monza mooch/RGDS moon/DSpMG moorland/SM moped/MS moppet/SM Moran/M Moray/M Mordecai morning/M Morpeth morphophonemics/M morris mortality/IMS Moslem/M motel/MS motherhood/MS motionless/Y motorboat/MS motorway/MS mouldiness/S mound/MDGS mountaintop/MS mounted/U Moussorgsky/M moustache/MDS Moyer/M Moyra/M Mozambican/S mpg MPV Ms much-needed muck/DGMZS mudslide/S mufti/SM mugginess/S mulatto/M Muller/M multi-access multichannel/M multicolumn multicomponent Multics/M multidimensionality multifunctional multilateral/Y multiplex's multi-purpose multiracial mumble/RSDGJ mumbo-jumbo Mumford/M Muse's mushy/TP Muslim/SM mutable/FI4 mutest muttonchops muzzle-loader myrrh/MS mystic/YMS nabob/MS nacelle/MS Nagasaki/M nailer/M Nairobi/M naked/PY namby-pamby namelessness nanometre/SM naphthalene/SM narcosis/M Narragansett/M narrow-minded Nassau/M Nathalie/M naturally/U nature/ohMDS navvy/MS Nazi/SM N'Djamena/M Neanderthal/S near-sighted/PY near-sightedness/S necktie's necromantic necropsy/M necrotic needle/D5GRSM needy/TP Neely/M nefariousness/S neglectful/P neglectfulness/S negligée/SM negligent/Y neighbourliness/S neoclassic/M neocolonialism/SM neologism/MS Nepal/M nephrite/MWS Neptune/M nestle/DSG neural/Y neuritides neuritis/M neuroscience neurosurgeon/SM neutralise/M nevus's Newmarket/M newsflash/S newsroom/S news-stand/MS newsy/TS next NFS nicety/MS niche/GMSD Nicholson/M Nielson/M nightclothes nightdress/MS night-long nightmare/MS nightstand's night-watchman nimble/TPY Nina/M nine/SMH ninepence/M ninety-onefold Nintendo/M Nipponese nitrous nm Nobel/M nobelium/M Noble's nocturnal/S nocturne/SoM nod/oDMGZS nodule/MS nohow noire/S noiseless/YP Noll/M nominal/SY non-abrasive non-absorbent non-active non-athletic non-basic non-belligerency non-belligerent/S non-business nonchalant/Y non-compliance/MS non-conducting non-conductor/SM nonconformist/SM non-corrosive non-crystalline nondescript/YS non-disclosure/S non-dramatic non-exclusive non-functional/Y non-hereditary non-literary non-member/MS non-metal/SWM non-metropolitan non-military non-negative non-operational/Y non-orthogonal non-orthogonality non-partisan/S non-paying non-peak non-performance/SM non-porous non-recognition/S non-redeemable non-reducing non-representational/Y non-resident/SM non-residential non-scientific nonsense/1SMw non-sexist non-slip non-staining non-swimmer non-tenured non-union/S non-verbal/Y non-voter/SM noontide/SM noontime/SM noradrenalin noradrenaline/M normalizes/A north/MSG north-east/M northern/RS north-West/M notarial notation's/F noticeable/U Nottinghamshire/M nourished/fU nourishment/f nouveau novel/-MQ3S novena/MS Novocaine NT nuclear-free nucleation/M nudge/GSD Nugent/M nuke/SGMD numberplate/M numbers/Ae nursemaid/SM nutriment/MS nutritiousness/S nutshell/MS nuttiness/S nymphomaniac/S Oakland/M o ob. obeyer/EM obfuscation/M objurgate/GSDnN obligation/M obliging/YP obliteration/M oblong/PS obnoxiousness/S oboist/S observability/M observe/BxkNRlnSDG obstacle/SM obstetric/S obstructer's O'Connor/M octavo/SM octennial odalisque/SM ode/MS Odis/M Odom/M oestrous off/RGMJ offhandedness/S officiation/M off-licence/MS ogress/S oil/m2RZGMSD oilcloth/SM Ojibwa/SM okra/MS oleaginous O'Leary/M oles oligarchs Olivia/M Olympian/S Omagh/M Oneida/SM one-off on-line onomatopoeia/MS Onondaga/SM ons on-screen ontology/1wMS onyx/SM oodles opalescence/S open-handedness/S open-plan opera/nSvuMV operate/DSGFN oppressive/P opprobrium/SM opt/1xwGWSD optimized/U opulence/MS or/NMn orderly/S ordination's/F oregano/SM organic/S orientation/EMA orient's originality/MS origination/M orneriness's orographic/M orography/WM Ortiz/M Orwell/M Osborn/M oscillation/M osmium/M ostensible/Y osteoarthritis/M osteoporoses ought oughtn't our/S overbuild/G overburden/k overflight overhand over-ride/GS over-the-counter over-the-top overtone oviform ownership/MS oxide/Q-nSMs oxymoron/M ozone-friendly paced/e pacesetting pacifist/W Packard/M packing/MS Paddington/M paediatrics/M pageboy/SM Pahaji paint/DRSGMJ painted/AU painter/Y paints/A pairwise palaeoecologist paled/I Paleozoic paler/I palfrey/SM palladia palliation/M palm/DMG3SZ palmist/y palpably/I palsy/DMSG pamphlet/SM panchromatic pancreatic pane/MDS panellist/MS panic/GMSZD panky panorama/MS pantechnicon pantihose pantiles pantomime/3SMDG pants/f paparazzi Papeete/M paperweight/SM parade/RMGDS paragliding paragon/MS paragraph/DMSG Paraguay/M paralegals paralyse/RShGWDk paramagnet/MW paramoecia paramoecium/M paraplegic/S parapsychologist/S parapsychology/SM parasitism/SM parasitology/M parenthesise/D parenthesize/D parenthetical paresis/M parimutuel/S parka/MS Parker/M parody/G3DMS paroxysmal parricide/MS parse partake/RSG partials particle/SM particularism partisan/MS parvenu/MS pas/GRDJ passable/I passband passé/M passée passes/IcFf passing/Fc passionate/FEY passiveness/SI password/SMD pastoralism past's/A patch/DESG patcher/EM patellate path/pSM pathlessness pathogenesis/M patio/MS patriarchate/MS Patrice patrol/MDGS pawn/SGDM pawnbroker/SM payee/MS PC/M peaceable/P peak/DM2SiGZ peat/ZSM peaty/T pebbly/T peccadilloes peccary/MS pedestal/DGMS pedology peeled/U peignoir/MS pell Pembrokeshire pencil/MGDJS pending Pendle pendulous penetrator/SM peninsular penitence/SIM penmanship/MS pen-name/S pentatonic perceiver/SM perchlorination percolation/M percutaneous/Y perdition/MS perfectibility/MS perfectionist/SM perfidy/SM perfusion/M Pericles perigee/MS perinatal peripatetic/S perjure/DRSGZ permalloy/M permeability/SIM permissiveness/S permittivity peroration/SM peroxidase/M persistent/Y person/7oSM personable/P perspicacious/YP peruse/DRGS pervasiveness/S perverseness/S pest/SM pesticide/SM pewit/SM phalanges pharynges phi/MS philology/M13wS philosopher/MS phlebotomy phlegm/SM phobic/S phoneme/MS1 phoney phonics/M phosphoresce photoengraver/SM photogenic/Y photomicrograph/ZM photorealism physiology/WM1Sw3 physiotherapist/SM picaresque pick/DRSGZJ pickerel/MS pictogram pictograph/SMW picture-writing pidgin/SM pie/MS piecemeal piezoelectric piggish/YP piggyback/GDS pikestaff/MS piling/MS pimento/SM pimp/YSDMG pimply/MT pin/MGdDJS pinkie pinkness/S pinna pinnace/SM piñon/S piousness/IS pipit/SM pippin/SM piss/DSG pit-a-pat Pitcairn pitman/M placed/aUA placekick/SGD placemen placket/SM plagiarism/SM plaice/M planarity plankton/MS planned/KU plant/IGSDA4 plasterboard/SM plateful/S platen/MS plausible/IY play/eGADESacf playing/S playwriting/M plead/SDRGJk pleater/M plenipotentiary/S plethora/MS pliable/P pliancy/MS pliantness/M plughole plumage/SDM plumpness/S plutonium/M pneumatics/M pocketknife/M podgy/TP podiatry/3SM poikilothermic point-duty poisonousness polarimeter/SM polarise/CRnSGD pole/MDS poliomyelitides polish/RDJGS poltergeist/SM polyandrous polyether/S polygynous polyhedron/SM polyisocyanates polymorphic polyphony/SMW polystyrene/MS polytopes polyunsaturated polyunsaturates polyurethane/SM polyvinyl/M pomposity/SM poorhouse/MS popcorn/SM poppy/MS porch/SM porphyry/SM portcullis/MS portentous/PY portière/SM posed/4AI poser/IMS posit/vuSVd position/CGADKS positionable positiveness/S posits/C possessiveness/S possible/SIY postage/SM postbag/M posterior/SY posteriori post-feminist post-free postillion postmark/MSGD post-orbit postscript/SM post-structural postulation/M posturer/M potage/M pot-belly/DSM potion/SM pouffe/S POW powerboat/SM powerful/P ppm PPS practiser/M Praia/M prance/RGSDk prank/SM prattle/DRSGk pre/Q8s preamble/M preceptor/MS preciousness/S precipitous/YP precision/IM predatory predicable/S predicted/U predominate/Y pre-elect pre-existence/SM prefab/DSMG prefix/M prehensile premed/wS premiership/SM premium/SM preparative/SM preponderance/MS pre-programmed present/NnLYRS7xlDG presentation/MAo presidential/Y press-up/S pressure/M8q-9GQsDS pressure-cooker presto/S Preston/M presumable pretzel/SM priapic priestess/MS primacy/SM prime/PS princedom/SM princely/PT Pringle/M priori prismatic pristine/Y prithee/S private/nYTQ8SN-qPVv privateer/MGS privilege/SDMG prizewinner/S probable/I procaine/SM pro-choice procrastination/M prodigal/SY produced/e producer/AMS producible profaner professionalism/MS professor/oSM professorial programme/WSM programming/C projectile/SM Prokofiev/M prolapse/GSDM prolate proletarian/Q8-qS prologise prologize promethium/M promising/UY promissory promotion/MS promulgate/GSNnD pronounced/U propagation/M propagator/SM propane/SM prophecy/SM proportionality/M proportioner/M propose/DRGSNxX proprioception pro-Republican proscribe/DSXVGN prosodic/S protactinium/M protections protoplasm/SWM Protozoa protozoan/SM protrude/XSVuvDGN protuberant proves/AI provision/GMD provocative/PS provocativeness/S prudish/PY psittacoses psyche/M psychocultural psycholinguistics/M psychoneurosis/M psychos/S psychotherapeutic/S psychotherapy/SM psychotic/SY pub/MWSDG puberty/MS publication/KMA public's/A pucker/dS puddling/M puffer/Z pugnacity/SM pulchritudinous/M pulley/SM pullover/SM pumping/M pumpkin/MS punctuality/UM punished/U Punjabi pupa/M pupil/SM puppetry/SM purblind purchasable purdah/SM pureness/S purlieus pursuance/MS purview/MS put/DRGZS putted/e pyromaniac/MS pyrotechnic/S pyruvic Pythagorean q.t. quack/DGS quadriceps/SM quadrille/SM quadrillion/HMS quaffer/M quantifiable/U quantify/7NRDGnS quantity/MS quarterdeck/SM quash/SGD quaternary/S Quayle quincentenary/M quisling/SM quoit/GDSM quorum/SM quota/MSn quoted/U quoth rabble-rousing racialism/M rack/SDGM racquet/SM radiance/MS radiant/Y radioactivity/M radiocarbon/MS radio-telegraph/SZ radio-telephone/MS radish/SM radium/M Raikkonen rain/DMGSpZ raincoat/SM Raith rajah/MS ramp/DMSG rampant/Y ramshackle ran/Aec rancorous/Y Rangoon/M rapeseed/M rapier/MS rapport/MS rare/YGTP rarebit/MS ratatouille rationalist/W ratline/MS rattle/RGYJDS ravish/DRGLSk raw/YTP reactive/Nn readdress/G realisable/U reappoint/LG rear/DRMGS Reba/M rebroadcast/M recalcitrant recitalist reckoner/M reclamation/MS recluse/MSVN recombinant recompile/Nn rectify/GN7nDRS recusance/Z redeclare/N red-eye Redford/M red-hot redo/G reductionism/M reek/SDG re-enumerate/N re-equip/G re-establish referential/Y referral/SM reflation/y reflexivity/M refluence refraction refractometry refractoriness refurnish/G refutation/M reg/o regale/DG Reggie/M rehearsed/Uf rehearser/M Reilly/M releasable relentless/Y relevance/MIZ reliability/UM relief/M relight/G religion/3SM religiosity/M reliquary/SM remembrance/MS renaissance/S renal rent/DMRSG rep/MS repair's/E repast repeatable/U repenter repetitious/Y replace/L reply/NRnGV repression/M reproach/kDS6G7j reprogram/GRD republic/nNS reputably/E requestion/G requital/SM rerecord/G resemble/DSG reserve/nNih3 reservoir/MS reset/G reside/DG resign/inhN resistibly/I resolve/B responder/MS responsible/PIY restaurateur/SM retardant/SM retardation/M retention/SM reticulum/M retinue/MS retrench/L retrievable/I revel/nRJSDGyN reverberate/NDGSn reverberation/M reverenced reverse/GbY revise/NX revitalise/Rn Revlon/M revolvable rewritable Rex/M Rh rheology/w3M rheumatic/SZ rheumy-eyed rhinestone/MS rhinoceros/SM Rhodesia/M Rhonda/M rhythm/1MwSW ribosomal Richardo/M Rickard/M rickety/T ride/GCRS rider's/ce ridiculous/YP riding/M riff/MS riffle/DSG riff-raff/M rifle/mGSMD rifle-fire rifling/M right-angled rightist rightmost rigidify/S rigour/SM rime/SM ring-pull ringside/MRS rinser ripen/dS ripple/GMYDS ritzy/T Riva/MS rive/RGDS Riviera/M riving/C riyal/SM Roarke/M robbery/SM Roberson/M Robespierre/M Robinson/M robotic/S Robson/M rock-climber/S rocketry/SM Rockingham Rockland/M Rodolfo/M roll/GUSD roll-back/SM Rollin/MS Rollo/M Romero/M rooibos rootstock/M rope/GRD7SM Roquefort/M Roscoe/M Rosebery/M rose-coloured Roselle/M Rosenthal/M rose-red Rostov/M rotary/S rotation/M rough/GSDPTY rough-hewn roughshod roundelay/SM roundish rowdy/PTSY Roxie/M royalist Rs. RSPCA Ruben/MS rubicund rubout Rudy/M Ruhr/M rumble/SGDJ rumen/MS rummy/TM rumour/DGSM rumple/SGD Rundle/M rung/SM runnable runner/SM run-through ruse/SM rush-hour Ruskin/M Russ Russian/SM rustication/M Ruthie/M RV Sabin/M Sabrina/M sackcloth/M sacred/Y sag/GDSZ sahara said/U saintliness saintly/T sake/S saleable/U sallow/T Salo Saltley saltly saltness salubriousness salvo/M samarium/M Samuelson/M sandbank/MS sandbox/MS sanely/I saneness sanguinary sank Santo/SM sap/DMRZG2pS sarcoma/MS sarcophagi sartorial/Y Saskatchewan/M sate/S satiate/GnDSN satisfied/EU saturnalia saunterer savable savoury/U sawbones/M Saxon/MS say/RGJS scad/M scalability scald/GSD scam/MDGS scans/NX scarecrow/MS scaremongering scarification/M scarify/NGDS scarlet/M schist/M Schneider/M Schoenberg/M scholarship/MS school-age sciatic science/M3SW science's/FK scion/SM Scorpio/MS scot scot-free scour/SDRG scoutmaster/SM scowl/GSD scrawl/SDGY screed/SM screening/M scribble/RSGDJ scrivener/MS scrofulous scrutineers scurrility/MS scurrilous/YP seaboard/M seaquake/M searchable/U seasonableness/U seasoning/M seawall/S seaweed/SM secateurs seceder secondary/Y section's/E Seder/MS sedimentary seditiousness seduce/RDNVvuGSn sedulous/Y seemly/TP sees/c segregated/U Seidel/M seizable Selassie/M selectiveness Selena/M selenium/M Seleucid/M self-aware self-awareness self-censorship self-confident/Y self-contradiction self-deception self-interest/D self-satisfied self-taught Selkirk/M sell-by sell-out seltzer/S semiarid semi-duplex semi-infinite seminal/Y semi-rigid semi-skilled Semite/WSM semi-tone/MS semitransparent Senegalese senescent sensitising/C sensitivity/IMS sensitizing/C sentence/MGDS sepal/SM separability/I separableness separatism/MS Sephardic sept/NWM seraph/W1SM serene/TY serology/w1M serve/AGCSKDF server/CKSM serving/CS servitude/SM seventy-eight/H seventy-six/H seventy-twofold severe/oTY sexuality/MS Sgt. shabbiness shadowed/c shadower/M shadowing/c Shaftesbury/M shaky/YT shalom shamanism shame/6MjpS Shamus/M shapeless/PY shareholder/MS shark/SM sharpener/S sheepwalk/MS sheik/SM shellfire/M shellfish/M shelter/drSM sheltered/U shepherd/GMSD Sheridan/M Shetland/S shingle/DMSG Shintoism/S shoelace/MS shoemaking shop-boy/MS shop-floor shopping/M shortage/MS shortcrust short-sighted/Y shoulder/d shoulder-length shove/DSG showing/M show-place/MS shrank/K shriek/DRSMG shrubbery/MS shrubby/T shrug/SDG shush/DSG shutter/dp shyest sickish sick-list side-by-side side-chapel sided/Y sidedness sidelight/MS side's/f sidestep/GDS side-table/S Sidney/M Siegel/M sifter/SM significance/ISM signor/MF signorina/SM Sikh/SM silent/Y silverfish/SM Silverman/M Simmons/M simplicity/MS since single-handed/Y siren/SM Sisyphus/M sit/RGSJ sixty-six/H skating-rink skill/DSM skilled/U skin-tight skivvy/DMSG skiwear skulk/RGSD sky-blue Skylab/M skyline/MS slam/RGSD slanderous/Y slap-up sleazy/PTY sleeve/SMGDp sleuth/GMDS slob/SM slot/DGSM slouch/DSGZ Slough/M Slovak/S Slovakia/M slowdown/MS slue/DSG slumber/MdS slyness/M Sm smack/GSMDR small/ST smallholding/SM small-minded small-mindedness small-time small-town smash/RkSGD smash-and-grab smattering/SM smilax/MS smilies smocking/M smokescreen/S smoke-stone smoking-jacket smoothish smug/PTY snake/GZDMS snappy/TP snare/GDMS snarer/M snarl/SDGkY snicker/d snitch/GDS snobbish/Y snobbishness Snodgrass/M snooker/d snoot/SzM2Z snowdrift/SM snowfield/SM snub-nosed soapsuds sociometry/MW sock/DMSG socket/dMS soever soigné solely solicited/U solid-state Solis/M somalia someone/M son/MW1SZ sore/TSY sorrel/SM sorrower/M sorry/TPY sorter/SM sorts/K soulless/Y sound/GJSTMDRYp sounding/M sounds/A sow/RGDS spa/MS spaciest spadework/M sparest sparseness speaking/Ua spearhead/GSMD specialise/cnGDS specifies/A specimen/SM specious/PY spectrograph/Z1M spectrophotometer/MWS speculator/SM speechless/PY speedboater Spencer/M spew/DRSG spider/MZS Spielberg/M spiller spine-chilling spinet/SM spinneret/SM spiraea/MS spiritualness splashdown/SM splendiferousness split/SRGM spoil/CSRDG spokespeople spoonbill/MS spoor/SM sporran/SM spouse/SM sprang spread/CGcSe spread-eagled spreadsheet/S springy/TP spry spud/SDGM spurn/DSG spurner sputa squeegee/MSG squeezable Squibb/M squiredom squireship squirrel/YMGSD squirter/M stab/RYDJSG stability/MSI Staffordshire/M stallholders stalwart/YS stalwartness stand/SfGJ stand-off/S staphylococcal staphylococcus star-spangled start/RSDG starts/A statistical statistician/SM stator/SM stealer/M steam/zR2DGMZS steed/SM steel-clad steer/GSD7 stegosaurus/S stem/pGMDS stentorian stepchildren stepladder/SM sterilise/ADSG stern/SYT stevedore/SM stick/RZS2GzM sticky/PT stiffen/rSd stigmatised/U stile/MS still/SDPTG stimuli/M stinting/U Stirling/M stirrup/SM stochastic/Y stocking/MSD stocktaking/M Stoddard/M stodge/2MZ stolid/Y stolidity stomach/R6pDMG stonemason/SM stonewort/M stopoff stopover/SM storey/S stork's-bill storm-cock/MS storm-door/SM Stornoway/M Stourbridge Strachan strafe/SGD straggly/T straight-eight strait/SMY strait-laced strategic/S strayer/M stressed/U stressfulness stretchy/T stridden strikebreak/RG strike-breaking string/AGS stringent/Y strobe/SM stroke/SGDM struck struggler/M strum/DGS strumpet/MS stuffy/YTP stumble/GSDRk stumpy/T suavity/M sub-aqua sub-basement/MS subcontractor/SM subdirectory/S subdivide/XSDGN sub-edit/d subfamily/MS subfusc subgenera/W subject/vGSDuMV subjectivism subjectivist/S subjectivity/SM sublet/SG submerse/SbXGDN submit/ANSGDX suborn/NGDS subscript/DGS subsidised/U subsist/GSD subspecies/M substation/SM substratum/M substructure/MS subsume/GSD subtend/SDG subtitle/MSGD subvert/SDG succour/SGMDp suds/Z suffix/nSGDM suffusion/M suicide/SoM sulky/T Sumatra/M summation/FMS sunburn/MSD sunglasses Sunni/MS Sunnyvale/M sunroof/S sunshade/SM superabundance/M supercilious/YP supercooled superficiality/S superfine superintend/DSG supernatant supernatural/PY superstar/SM superstition/SM superstructure/SM supervised/U supine/PY supplementary/S suppression/M supra Supt. Surabaya/M sure-footed/Y sure-footedness surface-active surface-to-air surface-to-surface surfboard/MGS surfeit/MGSD surgical/Y Surinamese surmise/DGS surreal Surrey/M susceptibility/MSI Suzanne/M suzerain/SM swashbuckler/SM sweatshirt/S sweaty/PT sweepstake/MS swineherd/SM swingeing/Y switch/DMRGS switch-over/M swoosh/DSG sword/SmM swung sycamore/SM syllabary symptomatology/M synaesthetic synchronized/CU synchronizer/CSM syndicalist synonymity synopsis/M synthesis/rQ9S8dM synthetic/SY syphilitic/S systematise/nRSGD systematize/NRSGnD tabbouleh/S tablespoonful/MS Taft/M taiga/SM tail/AMCDSG tailgate/G take-off/SM taker/cS Talbot/M Taliesin/M talkie tame/RTGDYS7 tamper/rdS Tanaka/M tandoori/S tangy/T Tania/M tans/Z Taoism/MS tap-dance/G tar/DMZGS tarantula/SM Tarawa/M tarsus/M tartan/MS Tashkent/M Tasmania/M tasteless/PY taverna/S tawny/TM tax-deductible Tchaikovsky/M TCP teaching/M teacloth tear-off tease teasel/MS teazel teddy/MS teeter/dS teetotal/R Teignbridge Tel. telefacsimile telemeter/WSM telemetry/MS telepathic teletext temperamental temperateness temperature/MS tempt/SRnGDkN tenacious/Y tenet/SM tensioner/S tentativeness tenter/M tepidness tercentennial/S termini term-time ternary/S terrestrial/YSM Terrill/M tertiary/S Tessa/M tessellation/M testimony/MS test's/F test-tube tethered/U textile/SM Thai/S Thames thane/SM thanklessness Thatcher/M that'll thermionics/M thermochemical thermoplastic/S thesaurus/SM Thespian/S Thessaly/M thicken/Sdr thieve/GyDS thimbleful/MS thingamabob/MS third-class thirty-eight/H thoracic Thornton/M threadbare threat/SM three-cornered three-handed threepence/M threnody/SM thrombosis/M Thule/M thumbnail/SM thunderstruck Thurman/M thwart/SDG thyroid/S Ti ticklish/P tiddlywinks tight-arsed tilde/SM tilters time-and-motion timeless/Y timeslot/MS timestamped Timmy/M timpanist/S Timur/M tingle/GDS Tioga/M Tipton tiredness tithe/SMDG T-junction/S Tobin/M tog/MGSD Tokyo/M tolerance/ISM toleration/M toll-gate/SM Tolstoy/M Tompkins/M tonal tonality/SM tone-deaf tonguing/M tonsillitis/M Tony/M toolbox/MS toothbrush/SM tootsie/M top/MWwGpR1JDS top-notch Toronto/M torrential torrid/Y torture/RDGS torus/SM Tosca/M tote/GS toupee/MS tow-bar/MS tow-head/SMD townspeople/M toxicology/3Mw toy/MDSG toymaker track/GMRSDp track-laying tractably/I tractor/FSMCA tract's/F trade-in/S traducement traffic-calmed tragic/Y train/ADGS train-spotting trample/DSG transcendent/oY transgression/M translatable/U translated/aU transmission/AM transponder/M trapshooting/M trash/SGD2MZ travelled/U treadle/DSGM treatise/MS treatment/KSM trenchant/Y Trescothick triangulation/M tribalism/M tribe/SmM5 trichina/M trichloroethane trigger/d trigger-happy trimonthly tripe/M tripwire/SM trisect/SGD trisector trod/A Trondheim/M troopship/MS troth/S trouble/DGSM troublemaker/MS trousseau/M trousseaux trueness Trujillo/M trump/SDGM truss/GSD trusted/U trustful/P trusting/Y try-out/MS T-shirt/S tubing/M tubule/SM Tuck's Tully/M tumblerful/S tumbrils tune/ACSGD tunic/SM Tupperware turbinate turbojet/SM turboprop/SM Turing/M turn-buckle/SM turnover/MS turpitude/MS tutorial/MS Tuttle/M tweet/SRGD twenty-first/S twenty-three/H twenty-two Twickenham twiddly/T twit/DGSM 'twixt two-wheeler/MS type/aASGD tyrannosaurus/S tyro/SM UFO/S Ukrainian/S u ulcerate/SGNDn ulcerous Ulrika/M ultra/S ultraconservative/S ultra-high ultramarine/SM umbrage/SM unable unaccustomed/Y unalterable/Y unanimity/SM unavailable unbelieving/Y unchristian unconfirmed uncork/G uncouple/G unctuousness uncut understandability undertaking/M unending/Y unessential unfair unfit/DG ungainly unguent/S ungulate/S unilateralism/M Uniondale union's/EA unipolar Unix/M unlike unload/G unmanly unmarried unmovable unpopular unprovable unread/2B unselfconsciousness unsettle/ki unsolder unsound unstable unstinting/Y unsure unsuspecting/Y untouchable/MS unutterable/Y Upanishads uplift/SDG upped upper/S uppermost Uranus/M urbanite/SZM URL user/aM USSR utensil/SM utmost utopian Utrecht/M uvula/SM Uzi/M vacant/Y vacuity/MS vacuolated vacuum/MS vainglorious/Y Val/M Valentino/M Valenzuela/M Valparaiso/M valuably/I value-added valueless values/fc Vance/M vandal/Q8MS vanquish/RGDS variegate/SnDGN various/Y varsity/SM vascular Vaseline/M Vatican/M vaunt/DGS Vegemite veggie/SM vehicular velocity/SM velour/MS velum/M Venables vendetta/MS venomous/Y ventilation/M ventricular ventriloquies venturesome/Y Verdi/M veridical verifiable/U Vern/M versatility/SM versify/GNRSnD version/MIFAS vertebrate/SIM vertices vesicle/MS vesiculate/NGS Vesta/M vestibular vestry/mSM vests/I vex/F vexatious/Y VF vibrational vice/CSM Vicente/M vicissitude/MS Victoria/M Vidal/M Viennese/M Viet viewpoint/SM vigilantism/SM vigorous/Y Vila/M vile/PYT villa/SM villus/M vinaigrette/SM vino/M violinist Virgil/M virile virtuoso/SM viscosity/MS visit/AdS vista/SM vitalized/C vitrification/M viva/S vivisect/xGDS vixen/MS vocabulary/SM vocation's/IFA vocoder voice-over/S voltmeter/SM voluble/Y voluntarily/I vomit/Sd voracious/Y vouch/GSRD Vreeland/M vulnerability/SI vulva/M WAC w wagon/SM waitress/MS Waldemar/M Walt/MR Walther/M warble/GRDS warden/MS warmonger/MS warning/M Warsaw/M washbasin/SM washhouse/S Washington/M waste/Sj6 watchword/SM watermark/MDGS water-resistant Watford/M wattage/MS Watusi/M wax/GMZDS weaners Wear Wear-Tees weathercock/SM Weatherford/M weds/A weft/SM weightless/Y weightlifter/S Weiss/M Weldon/M well-deserved wellness well-thought-of Welshwoman/M Wentworth/M westbound Western wetland/S wet-nurse/S Weymouth/M Whatley/M Wheatstone/M wheelbarrow/MS wheelbase/MS whelk/SM whereat where'd whims/1Zw whipper-snapper/SM whiskey/MS whistle-blower/S white/PSTGMY white-collar white-out/S Whitfield/M Whitney/M Whitsuntide whoever whore/SDGM who're whorehouse/MS whorl/SMD wickerwork/M wide-angle wide-ranging wifeliness Wigan/M Wiggins wild/TYPSG wildfowl/M Wiley/M wilful/YP Willamette/M Willem willing/UY Willy Wiltshire/M wimple/MDSG windburn/SM Windhoek/M winding/SM window-shop windowsill/SM wine/ZMS Winthrop wiry/T wisdom/MS Wiseman wishing-well witch/MyDSG with withdrew withstood Witwatersrand wizard/ySYM wizen woebegone woken Woking Wolff/M wolverine/MS wonderer/M wonderland/SM wood/mZDS2M woodchuck/SM woody/T woolliness woozy/TYP wordbook/SM workfare/S workman/M workmanship/MS workout/MS WorldCom world-view/S worn-out worst/D would-be wrap's wreathe/S wren/SM wriggly/T wrinkle/GDSMY wristwatch/SM write-off/S wrought/Ic WWW Wylie/M Xerxes Xi'an/M xylophone/SM Yakutsk Yalta Yankee/S Yankeeism Yarborough Yashmak yawn/kGRDS ye yell/SGD Yid yin yokel/SM yo-yo ytterbium/M Zadie Zaire/M zaniness zealously zebra/MS zeroes Zetland zip/UGDS zircon/M zone/ASDG Zulu/MS AA Ababa/M abaser/M abated/U abbot/SM Abbott/M abbreviated/U abdication/M abhor/SGD abhorrent/Y abjectness/S abnormality/SM aborter abortive/P aboveboard abrade/DGVXvuNS abrasive/MS abreast abrogation/M abstracter/M abstraction/3SM Abu/M abusable acceleration/M accelerometer/MS accession/MDG acculturation/M accuracy/ISM achieve/RSfDG acoustician/M acquit/DGS acrobat/M1SW action/IMS4A actionable actuation/M acuity/MS adaptor/S addend/SM addict/DSGVu additional additive/YSM add-on/S addressed/Aa adductor/M Aden/M adjective/SM admission/AM admixture/MS adolescence/SK adolescent/MYS Adolph/M adorn/DLSG adsorbate/M adulate/SDNnGy adulation/M adulthood/SM adventitious/PY adventure's/a adventurous/U adventurousness/SM adversarial adversity/SM advisability/I advise/BLRSGDlh advocacy/MS aerodynamics/M aestivate/N AFC affability/SM affect/hVvNnkDiSG affliction/SM affluent/Y aforementioned Afrikaans Afrikaner/SM afro agency/SM aggressor/MS agile/TY aglow agoraphobic/S agree/dESLlG agronomy/3SMW ague/MS Ahab/M Aida/M aide/MS aide-mémoire ail/LSDG airborne airframe/MS airfreight/DSG airhead/SM airing/M airsickness/S airtight/P air-to-air aisle/DGSM Ajax al/AFC Alabamian/M Aladdin/M alba/M Alberta/M Alden/M Alec/M ALGOL Al-Haili aligner/MS aliquot/S alkyl/M Allegheny/S allegory/1MWS3w allegretto/MS allier allocation's/CKA all-time almost aloha/MS Alpert/M alphabet/sQ-SW89q1Mw alphanumerical al-Qaeda/M al-Sharif altar/SM although altogether alumna/M Alvarez amalgamate/SDG ambassadorship/MS ambience/M ambivalent/Y ambulance/MS Amelia/M amener amenorrhoea/M ammoniac ammunition/SM amniocenteses amoeboid Amos amputee/SM anagram/GMDS Anaheim/M analgesic/S anarchist/W anastomoses ancestral/Y ancestress/SM andiron/MS androgyny/MS anecdotal anemometer/SM Anglicism/S Anglophile/SM angst/MS anhydrite/M aniline/MS animalcule/S animately/I anklet/MS Annie/M annihilation/M anniversary/SM annoy/DkRSG anonymous/Y another/M ans/M answerable/U answered/U ante/MW anthracite/MS anthropomorphism/SM anthropomorphous antibiotic/MS anticipation/M anticoagulant/S antimacassar/MS antipathy/SMW antiphonal/S antiquity/SM antiresonance/M antislavery antisymmetry/W antiterrorism Antoinette/M anus/MS anybody/SM anyhow aorta/WSM apart/PL apex/SM aphrodisiac/SM apish/YP apophthegm/SM apparatus/SM appealing/U appeased/U appellation/M appellative/M applicator/SM appoints/EA apposite/Yx apprehender/M apprentice/DSGM appropriator/SM appurtenant apt/TPY Arabian/SM arable/S Arapaho/M arbitrariness/S arbour/MDS Arbroath/M arc/SMDG archaeopteryx archdiocesan archipelago/SM Arcturus ardent/Y Ards/M arduous/YP area/MS aren't Aretha/M arguably/IU argued/e argument/SnMN ariser Aristophanes Aristotelian/M Aristotle/M arithmetical Arizona/M armada/SM Armagnac Armenia/M armlet/SM Armstrong/M aroma/WSM1 aromatic/PS arras/M arrears arrogate/DNGnS arsenide/M arterial arteriole/SM artful/P arthritis/M Arthurian articulateness/S artificiality/SM artistic/IY ascetic/MYS ascorbic asexual/Y ash/SMDGZ Ashland/M Asia/M asked/U asocial asparagus/SM aspartame/S asperity/SM aspirate/SGD aspirer/M aspirin/SM Assad/M assay/GDRS assertiveness/S assessor/SM asseverate/SGnDN assigned/KACU assigns/KCA assimilate/DSVGnN assimilationist assister/M associative/Y assonant/S assuming/U assumption/M asthmatic/S astonish/SLkDG Astoria/M astronomer/SM astrophysical asymptomatic/Y asymptote/1MSW Atari/M attached/AU attainably/U attained/AU attempted/A attenuator/SM attitudinal/Y attract/VuS7DGv au audible/YI Augustinian auricle/SM Australasian/S authenticator/MS authenticities authorial authorizes/A authorship/MS autocross autogyro/MS available/P avant-gardism avarice/MS ave/S aver/DG aviary/SM avionic/S avocation/MoS avoidance/MS avow/GSED awestruck awhile axed/F axillary axolotl/MS baa/GSD Babcock/M babe/SZM baccalaureate/SM backache/MS backer/SM backing/SM backlash/SDGM backlit backplate/MS backstairs backtrack/RGSD Backus backwater/MS badge/SRGMD badger/d bagginess/S baggy/TPS bagpipe/MRS baguette/MS bake/RGSDy baking/M baksheesh/MS baldric/M ballast/SMGD ball-bearing/S ballgame/S ballyhoo/MDGS balun balustrade/MS bandmaster/MS bandstop banisher/M banjoist/MS bank/S7RGJMD Bantu/M baptise/DRSG baptistery/SM barbarian/SM barbarianism/MS barbershop/SM barcarole/SM bard/MSDGW Barents barkeep/RS barmaid/SM Barnet/M baronage/MS baronet/SM Barr/MZ bar-room/MS bar's Bartley/M bas/Sd1o baseplate/M basetting basket/6SMy Basque/MS bassinet/MS bate/CDASG bater/C batted battle/RDLMSG bauble/MS BBC/M beachcomber/SM beard/pSGiDM beatably/U beaten/U beating/M beatitude/MS beatnik/MS became beckon/Sd bedchamber/M bedim/GSD bedlam/SM bedridden beech/SM beefeater beermat/S Beersheba/M beeves/M befit/SGDM befitting/Y befriend/DGS behaviour/aSM behest/MS behold/GSR bejewel/DGS Belarus/M belated/P belief/SME believably/U bellow/SDG Bellwood belonging/M bemoan/SGD bench/GSDM Benedict/M benevolent/YP Benghazi/M Bentley/MS berkelium/M beside/S besot/SDG bespangle/DSG bespoken bestir/SDG bestow/DSG betake/SG bête/S bethought betwixt biased/U bicameral bicentennial/S bier/M biggie/M bikini/SMD biliary bimodal bin/DGSM binder/Z binomial/SYM bioengineering/M biotechnology/w3SM biplane/SM birthrate/MS bisyllabic bitterer Blackadder/M blackbodies blackmail/RGMDS Blackshirt/SM blacksmith/GSM Blackwell/M blameworthy/P bland/TPY blankness/S blarney/GSMD blaspheme/RDSZG blatherer blatting bleed/RSG blight/DGMS blighter/M blimey/S blinker/d blinks/M bliss/6jS blissful/P blizzard/SM blob/SMDG Bloch/M blockbuster/MS blonde/SM blondish blood-brother blood-heat bloodline/MS blood-money bloodroot/M bloodstone/M bloodymindedness Bloomington/M blot/GMRSD blotto blow-dry/GD blubber/dSZ blue/TZGSYPDMJ bluejeans bluer/M bluestocking/SM bluing/M boasted/e boat-hook/S boatyard/SM bock/SGD bodhisattva body/pDMSYG bodywork/MS boggle/DGSk boilerplate/SM Bois/M boisterous/YP boldness/S Bolivia/M bolt/UGSD bombast/WMS1 bombed-out bonfire/SM bongo/MS bonhomie/SM bonny/T boohoo/SDG bookbindery/MS bookcase/SM booked/cA bookmaker/MS bookshelf/M bootie's bootleg/GSRD borate/DMS borderland/SM bore/RGSkDW boring/M born/AU boss/SzG2MDZ bossism/SM bosun/M bouffant bouillon/MS bouncy/YT bounded/P bountiful/P bout/MS Bowery bowl/R6MSDG bow-saw/MS boyfriend/SM bracket/dSM bracketing/M Brady brag/TSDRG brain/GD2pMZS brainchildren brainwash/SGD brainwave/S brambly/T bravura/MS bray/SGD Brazzaville/M bread-and-butter breadboard/DGMS breadwinner/SM break/eMS breeching/M Brett/M bridegroom/MS bridleway/S briefs/C Brigadoon/M brighten/drS brilliancy/SM brink/MS briquette/SM Bristol/M Britain/M Britten/M brittlely brochette/SM brogue/SM bronchiole/MS brooklet/SM Bros. brow/SM Brubeck/M brush/ZGSDM brushlike brush-off/S Brussels/M brutal/qQ8- Bryce/M BSkyB/M BTU Budapest/M budgie/MS Buena bug-eyed Buick/M building/MeS build-up/SM Bulawayo/M bulldoze/RGDS bullfight/RSMG bully/DGTMS bumble/DRkSG bunchy/T bunkhouse/MS burdening/c burdens/cU burgess/MS burglarious Burgoyne/M burlap/MS burler/M burliness/S bursa/yM bursar/MS bursty busher bushwhack/GRSD busty/T busyness but/DAGS Bute/M butterfat/MS butterfingers/M buzzard/SM byliner/M bypath/SM byword/SM Byzantine Byzantium cabal/GDSM caballero/SM cabbage/DGSM cabochon cabstand/SM cackle/DRSYG Caddick/M caddie caeca caecitis caffeine/SM cageyness cagoule/S calcification/M calcimine/DSMG Caledonia/M calfskin/SM call-boy calling/a callisthenic/S callisthenics/M Calvert/M Calvin/3M cambial came/c cameo/MSDG Canaveral cancerous/Y candelabrum/M candidness/S candour/SM cannabis/MS canyon/SM capable/IP capaciousness/S capacity/SMI capillarity/MS capital/-qMQs893S capped/U caprice/SM captor/SM captured/A carbohydrate/SM carbon/sQ9S8W-NqMn Carbondale carcinogenesis card-index cardiogram/SM careerism/M caresser/M cargo/M Caribbean carious/K car-jack/SDJRG Carlin/M Carline Carney/M Carnot carny/G Carolingian Carolyn carpet/dJSM carpeting/M carries/a cartridge/MS cash/DGSpM cash-book/MS cashew/SM cassette/MS casting/Mc Castro casual/PY cataclysm/WSM catacomb/MS catamaran/MS Catawba catcall/DGSM catchword/MS catkin/SM catlike cattiness/S catty/TP caucus/S caught/U cauldron/SM cause/GnDMoRSp cautiousness/I cavalier/YPSDG cave/mRSMDG caver/F Caxton CB CDs Cedric/M Celanese celebrant/SM celery/SM centenarian/SM centreboard/SM centrepiece/SM centring/M century/SM cephalic/S cerebral/S cert/SF cesspool/MS chador chafer/M chagrin/MS chain-smoke/GD chairmanship/MS chalcedony/SM chalk/MGZ2SD challenge/RDGSk championship/SM chancellery/SM chance's/a changeover/SM Channing chanticleer/SM chaos/MS charisma/M1W Charleston chart/RDG73MJS charter/dr chastity/SM chateaubriand Chattahoochee cheap/TY checkpoint/MS cheesy/PT chef/SM chemistry/SM cheroot/MS chestful/S chevron/SM chicer chicken-livered chilblain/SM childrearing Chilean/S chill/TDk2PRGMYS Chiltern/S chinchilla/MS Chinese/M chinstrap/S chipping/M chivalrous/PY chlorination/M chocoholic/S chocolatey choice/TSPYM chokeberry/M cholinesterase/M chopstick/SM chording/M Chorley chortle/RGDS chosen christening/MS Christie Christmastime chromatogram/MS chumminess/S Churchillian churlish/YP churn/RDGSM chutney/SM chyme/MS ciao/S CID cilium/M Cinerama cinnamon/SM circa Circe circle/GDSM circulating/A circumference/SM circumspect/Y cissy cistern/SM citadel/SM civil/s9qQ-8Y civility/ISM clairvoyance/MS clamour/GMDRS clarification/M clarify/NDGSn clarity/SM Clarke/M clasper/M class-conciousness classicism/SM classicist Claudio clavichord/SM clavier/MS clean-cut cleanlinesses clearness/S Cleopatra/M clericalism/MS clew/SMDG click/RSGDM cliffhanger/SM climacteric/MS clime/WSM clinical/K cliometric/S clip/RGSDJM cliquish/YP clitorides cloaca/M cloisonné close-hauled closure/GDSM clothbound clothes-peg/SM cloudiness/S clouds/c cloudscape/SM clownishness/S clubroom/SM clued-up cluster/MdSJ cm Co coagulator/S cobblestone/SDM coca/SM coccyx/M cockade/MS cockney/MS coded/K4 codeine/MS coding/4 Coelenterata coelenterate/MS coffee-cup/SM coffer-dam/MS cognisance cognizance/AMS cogwheel/SM coherence/SIMZ cohesive/YP coke/SMDG cokey cola/SM Colby Coldfield collide/XDGxNS collimate/SCNDG colonel/SM colonialness colonised/U colorimeter/SMW colourant/SM Columbia/M column/D3SQ8M combustive cometary comfits/E comfortably/U comforter/SM comic/YMS coming/c Commander commando/SM commender/AM commensurably commenting commits/A committable commode/ESI communicate/BDxSVvGnNu communicates/a communicative/P commutable/I Compaq/M comparator/MS compatible/SIY compel/7NGSDnk compendium/MS compensable compiles/A complex/GxDYTPNXS complexity/cM complicate/GcDS complicit complicity/MS complimentary/U compose/CRDSXGN composing/EA comprehensibility/IMS compulsive/YSP compulsory/YS Comte conceitedness/S conceive/KSDaG conciliator/SM conclave/S condemn/Nn7RGDS condemnation/M conditioning/M conduction/M confab/DSMG confectioner/Z confessor/SM confident/cY configuration/AM Cong congener/SM congenial/U Congo/M Congolese congress/mxM5GSD congruency/M conk/RSD connection/MES connection's/A conscious/YU consequential/IY consequently/I consequentness conservatism/SM considerate/YnN consignment/A consistence/ZS consolatory consolidator/MS consonant/YSM conspirator/SoM conspire/G constipate/NGDSn constipation/M constructibility construe/DS7G construed/a construes/a cont contemplative/PS contemporaneity/MS contra/yS contraceptive/S contrite/P conundrum/MS convalesce/DSG convene/GADS convention/SoM convergence/SM converts/A conveyor/MS convince/RGDSk convinced/U convoke/GDNnS Conway/M cooker/SMZ cooled/c coop/RDGM co-operate/VSDGuNv coordinate/DGV Copernican copious/YP copula/nMSV coracle/SM coral/SM cord/EGSAMD cordial/PYS coriander/MS corm/SM corncrake/M cornstalk/MS coronate corporal/MS correction/SM corroborated/U corrugate/DSNnG corundum/M cos/S cosmic/Y cosset/Sd costly/TP cote/SM couch/DGSM councilperson/S countably/U counterbalance/MSDG counterexample/S counterfeit/GRSD counter-intelligence/MS counterpoise/DMGS counter-productive countervail/SGD Couperin courgette/SM courser/ESM courtesied courtesy/ESM couscous/MS coverlet/SM coveter/M cowardice/SM cowardliness/S cow-parsley/M co-written CPU/SM crab-apple/SM crabbiness/S crabbing/M crabgrass/S cradler/M craftiness/S Craig cramper/M crane/MDSG cranial Cranleigh crash-land/GD crawdad/S crawly/ST crazy/YSPT creaky/PT creamer/Z crease/GISCD creating/A credential/MS credibility/ISM creditor/MS credit's creditworthy creel/DGMS Creighton crème crescendos/C cress/S cretinous crevice/MS Crichton crispness/S criticism/MS Croatian crooked/P cross-check/DGS crossly crossness/MS cross-section/oS crotchet/MSZ2 crucifix/XNMS crucifixion/M cruise/RSDG crumble/SJDG crummy/T crumple/SDG crusade/MRSDG crustacean/MS cry/CRSGD cryptanalytic crystallographer/MS crystallography/WM CSEU cu. cuckold/MDGyS cud/SM cudgel/DSGMJ culotte/S cultivation/M culvert/MS cum/S cumber/Sd cummerbund/SM cunning/TYP cupful/MS cupidity/SM curability/SM curator/SM curbside curettage/SM curium/M curled/U curling/M curls/U curmudgeon/MYS Currie curry/DGMS currycomb/SMDG curvature/MS curvilinearity/M cuspate Custer/M customhouse/S customised/C custom-made cutaway/SM cutlet/MS cut-off/SM cut-out/SM cutup/MS cyanate/M cycloidal cynosure/MS Cyrus cyst/SWM czarina/MS czarist d/to damaged/U Damascus/M dancelike Dane/S dangerous/YP danseuse/SM dark/PSDTGY dart/MGSRD Darwin DAT dative/S daughter-in-law daunted/U dauntlessness/S Davison/M deadbeat/SM deadliness/S deadwood/SM deaf/PYT deaf-and-dumb deafness/S death/pYMS deathblow/MS Debbie/M debt/MS Decalogue decimation/M declination/M décolleté decorum/SM decoupage/DGSM découpage decree/SMdG decry/J dedicative deeds/a deepen/dS defecation/M defenceless/Y defended/U defiance/SM deficient/Y deficit/SM defile/L defined/U Defoe deg deification/M Deighton/M deign/DGS de-industrialization deleterious/PY deliciousness/S delicti delighted/P demean/D demented/PY demist/G demonstrableness/M demonstrably/I demur/GDS demurral/MS dengue/SM deniable/U denial/MS denoter density/SM depend/BSDGl dependently/I depicter/M deploy/LD7G deployed/A deportation/M depreciate/DnvGkSVN Derby/M dereference/R derivative/MPS descendant/SM descriptivism deserve/kih desiccator/SM designator/SM desired/U Desiree despise/SRGD dessert/SM destructor/M detonator/SM detract/DGVv deuteron/M Deuteronomy develop/cdAS deviant/MYS devil/DLyMGS devitalize devolution/SM devotee/SM devotion/SM dewclaw/SM dexterous/PY diagnosed/U diagonal/tQ+8SY diamondback/SM Diane diapason/SM Dibley dibs dichloride/M dicta/nM dictate/DGS dictator/MoS die-hard/S Dieppe dietician/MS Dietz difference/IMS digest/SKGD digestion's/I dilapidate/DGSNn dilator/MS dildo/SM dimethylglyoxime dimorphic ding/zDG2Z dingle/SM dinky/ST dinnertime/S dinosaur/SM diphtheria/SM directional/S director/MAS directors' disadvantage/i discern/LbkSGD discernible/I discipline/GDSM disconnectedness/S disconsolate/Y discotheque/SM discriminate/SnNDVGky disguise/GRDh disjointedness/S disjointness disorderly/P dispatch/R dispensate disproportion/N disproportionation/M dissatisfy dissociation/M dissoluteness/S distil/NS7VnG distributorship/M disulphide/M ditch/DSMG ditherer/S dive-bombing diversifier/M diversify/SGNDn diversity/SM divertimento/M divide/RuDSGxVXvN divided/AU divides/A divvy/DSMG dizziness/S DMZ doc/RSMDG document/NMRDGSn Dodoma/M does/ecUA doff/SDG doggerel/SM dog-paddle dome/SMGD domination/KM Dominic Dominique/M dona/SM donation/M Doncaster Donnelly doorpost doorstop/SM doorway/SM Doreen/M Doris dormant dotty/T double-edged doubtful/YP doubtless/PY dour/PTY douse/SGD dove/SM doveish downhearted/PY downhiller downlink/SGD downpour/SM downstage/S down-to-earth draggy/T Dramamine draw/SRG7J dreaminess/S dreariness/S dreg/SM dressiness/S dressmaker/SM Drew's Drexel driblet/SM drinkable/U drive-ins Druidical Druid's Drummond/M DTP duality/MS Dubuque dull/PYGSDT dullard/MS dumbness/S Dunbar/M Dunfermline/M dunghill/SM duo/SM duologue/M duopoly/3M dupe/RSMGD duplexer/M duplicability/M duration/MS Durham/M dusk/GSDM2Z Düsseldorf dust/2MZGSzRDp dustcart/M Dutchwomen/M duty/6jMS7 Duxford/M dwarfism/MS dwell/GRJS Dwight dynasty/SMW eagerly/c eaglet/SM Ealham earful/SM ear-splitting earthmover/M earthy/PT East/RM eastward/S Ebrahim EC ecclesiology/3w éclair/SM ecocide/SM ectoplasm/M Ecuadorian ed. Edgerton edibleness/S Edith Editor-At-Large Edmundsbury Edna educatedness educationalist eelgrass/M e'er EFT egalitarian/S Egan/M egomania/SM eight/HMZS eighty-five/H ejaculate/nDGSNy ejector/MS elapse/SGD elastodynamics electability electrologist/SM electroluminescent electromagnetism/SM electrostatics/M elegy/MS elephant/SM elephantine elfish elicitation/M elision/M Ellen/M Ellie ellipsoidal Ellwood/M eloquence/SM elucidate/VNDSGn elucidation/M elves/M Ely/M email/MDGS emanate/DnVGSN emancipation/M embarkation/MSE emboss/GDRS embryology/S3wM emendation/M emerald/MS emerita Emil/M Emile/MZ emirate/MS Emirates/M emissary/SM emollient/S emphasized/c employ/DGLSRB employments/f empower/LSd empty-handed en/7M enable/RDGS enact/GLSD enacting/A enactment/A enamel/GMRDJS encapsulation/M encompass/DGS encounter/Sd encyclical/SM endothelial endpapers endurable/U enfeeble/LSDG England/M English-speaker engrosser/M enjoinder enlarge/RLDSG ennui/MS enormousness/S enqueue/SD enquiry/S enrobed enrollee/MS ensign/SM entirety/SM entitle/SDLG entity/SM entranceway/M environment/o envoy/MS epicentre/MS epicurean/S episode/W1SM epitaph/MS epithelium/SM equability/MS equable/YP equality/IMS equilibration/M equinox/MS equipoise/MSDG equiproportional/Y equips/A equispaced equivalent/YS equivocate/GDNSn Erickson erk ermine/SDM Erwin escalator/MS escallop/SM escapade/MS escapee/SM esp/Z espalier/SDGM especial/Y established/A esteem/EDGS Ethan Ethel EU euclidean Euston/M evaluate/xNVDGSn evangelist/WSM Evansville even/YdSPJ even-handed/Y evening/M eventful/P evocative/P evoke/VGuvSnDN evolutionary/Y Ewing exacerbation/M exacting/P exampled/U Excalibur excavation/M excel/DGS exchangeable excitatory excite/lknGNLRDSBh exciting/Uc exciton/M exclamation/MS excremental excrete/ynDGSN excruciate/DSNkG excruciation/M excursion/3MS excursiveness/S excusably/I exemption/MS exercises/c exhale/GNDSn exhibitionism/MS exhibitionist exhilarate/DSVNGkn exhume/GDSn exit/dSM exorbitant/Y expatiate/GNDSn expedient/YS expend/Du7VSGv experiences experimentalist experimentation/M exploded/U exploitative explorable exponential/YS exported/A exporting/A exposit/yXN expunge/SGD exquisite/YP extended/c extensibility/M extensive/FY extermination/M extinction/SM extragalactic extravehicular extremal extricate/GnDSN exultation/M eye-catching eyeglass/SM eyelid/SM eye-shadow eye-teeth eyrie's fa/M Fabians façade/SM face-saving facilitator/SM fading/M Faeroe/M faery/SM faint/RGSPYTD fair/DTZPSGpJY Fairview faithful/UY Falk fallen falsifiability/M Falstaff familiar/9Qsq8-SY familiarise/k famously/I fanatic/MYS fang/SDM fantastic/Y far/d Farmington farmstead/MS farrier/SM far-sighted/YP farthest fascia/MS fascinate/DGSnkN fashions/A fasten/dASU fatherland/SM faultiness/S fauvism/S faux Fayetteville feature/DMGSp feature's/a federate/FNGnSD federative/Y feeling/PM feldspar/SM felicitate/DGSNn fellahin fellate fellatio/MS fellator felting/M feminise/nSGD feminize/nSNGD fenced/U Ferguson/M Ferreira fervent/Y fête/SM fetishism/MS feverish/YP fewness/S FIA fiancée/MS fibrillate/SGD fiche/SM fidget/SdZ fiducial/Y fiefdom/S fierce/TPY fifth-generation film/ZS2DMG filmy/TP fine/CFSDAG finer/FCA fingering/M fingernail/MS firebrand/SM fire-break/SM fire-eater fireside/M fire-water firmest firmly/I firmness/SM first-born/S first-class first-day Fishguard/M fishing/M fissionable/S fistulous fitness/S Fitzgerald fixative/S flaccid/Y flagellate/DSG flagship/SM flair/SM flammability/ISM flank's flattery/SM flattest/M flaunt/DkGS flaxen Fledermaus fledged/U fleet/DkGSTYPM fleeting/P fleshpot/SM flexes/A flexural flibbertigibbet/SM flighty/TP flinger/M flintlock/SM Flintshire/M flip-flop/S flirt/NDGZSn float/DGZSRN flock/DMJGS flog/DSGJR flogging/M floodlit floorboard/SM flop/2DGSzZ floppiness/S flowerbed/MS Floyd fluffy/PT fluid/Q8s9PSYM fluke/SGDMZ flung fluoride/nMS flyleaves flysheet/SM focussed/U fog/CGDS föhn fold-out/SM foliate/CGSnDN fondness/S fontanelle/SM food/SM footlocker/SM footmarks footwear/M fop/GSMD fora foray/DSGM forbear/MSG foregather foregathered foreignness/S forensic/SY foreseen/U foreshorten/dS foresight/SMiDh forestall/GRSD forewent forger/SZM forgettably/U forgiveness/S forgoes formidable/PY form's forsooth forsworn fortify/DAGS fortuitous/YP fortunateness/M fortune-teller/SM fortuning forward/DYSTPRG fouls/M foundational founding/F foundling/SM fourpence/M four-wheel foveate foxtail/M fragmentation/M fragrant/Y frail/PTY Francesco frangibility/SM frangible frankincense/MS Fraser/M Frazer frazzle/GDS free/mTSYPdG freebase/DSG frequented/U frequently/I Fresnel fricassee/GSM fries/M frig/SJGD Fritz frogmarched froid frolic/SRDMG froufrou/SM fructose/SM frugal/Y frustration/M frustum/MS fudge/MSDG Fujitsu/M Fukuoka full-blown fulness's functionary/MS fungible/M fungoid/S fungus/M funk/S2DGMZ fun-loving furious/YP furnish/RSGDJ furnishes/A furniture/SM furtive/YP fusible fuzz/DZMGz2S FYI gab/GZSD2 gabardine/MS gabby/T gabler Gabrielle gadget/SMy Gagarin gaiety/SM galactic Galahad galaxy/SM gale/AS gallant/SGDY gallon/SM gallonage/M Gallup galumph/SGD Galveston Gambian/S gambol/SGD ganglion/MW gangrenous gangway/MS garble/GDS Garbo/M garçon/SM garden/dSrM gargantuan garments/f garment's/f garrulity/MS garrulousness/S Garry garter/dSM gasohol/S Gaspar gas's gastroenteritides Gatsby Gaylord gelatine geld/SGJD gem/SZMDG gemmology/3M gendarme/SM gene/SM general/Q8Ptq93+s-SM generalist generality/SM generation/CMA genital/YF genius/MS Genoa/M gentian/SM genus geodesic/S germander germanium/M germicidal germinal/Y Gershwin gestation/M gesundheit Gethsemane getup/MS Gewürztraminer ghostliness/S gibbet/SMd giddiness/S gill/MSGD girdler/M giro/M girth/GDSM gist/M gladness/S glamorous/UY glass/2D6MGZzSp glassiness/S glass-making glimmer/dJS glueing gluon/M glyph/MS go/fGe goalmouth goalscorer/S gobbledegook/M godfather/SdM godliness/S godsend/MS goggle-box/SM goings-on goldenseal/M goldsmith/SM golf/MRSGD gollywog gong/SDMG goniometry Gonville Goober Goodman good-oh good-tempered googly/S gooseberry/SM goosebumps gorgeous/YP Gorham gorse/MS gosling/M gouge/DRGS Gough gourdful/S gourmandism grab/RSJDG grace/DpG6MjS gracing/E graciousness/MS graduand/SM grainer/M granddaughter/MS granite/MWS Grantham grantor's granularity/MS granule/nNMVS grapefruit/M graph/MWGwD1S graphite/MS grasp/Gk7DS grassland/SM grassy/T gravamen/MS graveside/S graveyard/MS gravid/YP gravity/SM gravy/MS Gray greasiness/S greatness/S Greenberg greengage/MS greensward/SM Gregorian grenadine/MS Gretchen griffon/M Grimaldi/M grimness/S grindstone/MS gringo/SM grisly/PT groove/GSDMZ Grosz grotto/SM grouchy/T ground-plan ground's/f groundwork/M groups/A grout/MGDS growth/eSAIMcf grunge/SZ grunter/M Guam/M guard/RmGDhMiS gudgeon/M guessing/e guff/MS GUI Guildford guru/SM gush/GZRSD gutta-percha guttering/M Guyana/M Gwynedd gyps/Z gypsum/SM gyromagnetic haberdasher/ZMS Habib/M hackle/DSMG had hadji's Hadley/M haematite/SM haggard/PY haggardness/S hairpiece/SM hairspray Hal/M halberd/SM half-blood/D halfbreed half-century half-cut half-eaten half-hardy half-seas-over half-term/S halfway halfword/SM halide/SM hallo/GSD hallowed/U hallucination/M halve/DSG ham/DGSRZM hamburger/SM Hamish Hampshire hamstring/SGM Hancock/M handbarrow/SM handicraft/SM handmaid/SM handshake/SMG handsomeness/S handwriting/M handy/mPT Haney/M hangar/SdM hankie/M Hanna/M Hans happy-go-lucky Hapsburg/M Harbin/M hardboard/M hard-hearted/PY hard-heartedness/S hardship/MS hard-wire/SDG hard-working harebrained harmer/M harmless/PY harmonica/SM harmonics/M harnesser/M harp/RMDG3ZJS harpist harpoon/RSDGM harrogate/M hash's Haskell hasn't hassle/DMGS hastener/M hasty/TP hatchback/SM hatred/SM haughtiness/S Hauptmann Hawkins/M hawthorn/SM haycock/SM Haydn/M hazel/SM hdqrs heading/M headquarters headship/SM headstrong headwall/S healthfulness/S heard/UacA hearted/P heartedness/S heartfelt heart-to-heart heat/RJ7MGDSh heathendom/SM heavenward/S heavier-than-air heavy-handed hectare/SM hectic/Y heed/6MGDjpS heinous/PY heiress/MS helicopter/dSM heliocentric heliport/MS hell/MS hell-raiser helluva helpfully/U helpline/S hemline/MS henchman/M henna/DMGS heptane/M heptathlon/S Herculaneum herculean hereat hero/W1M Herrington Herzegovina/M hesitancy/SM hesitation/M Hewitt/M hex/DSG Heywood HGV Hickey/S Higgins/M high-falutin high-risk high-sounding highway/mMS hilt/GMDS Himalayas Hindu/MS Hinkle hipness/S hire/GADS hiss/SM histogram/MS hoarse/PYT hob/SZGMD Hoboken hogwash/MS Holbrook Holcomb/M hole/GDSM Hollister hollyhock/SM holmium/M holograph/DSZGWM Holst home-builder/S homeless/P homelike homely/TP home-made home-maker/SM homepage homeyness/S homicidal homing/M homoeostases homogenisation homosexual/SMY homozygous/Y Honecker honorary/SY hoofmark/S hook/RGSMD hooray/S hoot/RMDGS Hoover's hopeful/SP horde/MS Horgan horoscope/SM horror/SM horse/YmG5DMSp horseflesh/M horsefly/SM horselike horseradish/SM horticulture/3SM hosepipe hostile/Y hot/PDSYGT hothead/SDihM hotpot/M hotspot/S Houdini houseful/SM housemaid/SM houses/eA Houston however hue/SM Hugo humanity/SMI humid/Y hummable hummingbird/SM humus/SM Huron hurray/S hurt/kjG6S husbander/M hydrating/CA hydrocephali hydrofluoric hydrogenate/SMGD hydrophilic hydroponic/SY hydrostatic/S hydroxylate hymnographer hyperactivity/SM hyperglycaemia hyperventilate/GSnDN hypoactive hypophyseal hypoxic hysteria/MS I Ian/M iatrogenic ibex/SM Ibiza icecap/MS ICM icy/TPY Idaho idea/MoS idealization/M identifiable/U ideograph/WMS ides idiolect/M idiomaticness idyll/SMW1 IEE IEEE iffiness/S Ignatius ignorant/SY ignore/GDS ilia ill-assorted ill-bred illimitable/P illuminated/U Imagen/M imaginable/U imbecile/MWS imitate/DVGvNunS imitative/P imitator/SM immanence/ZS immunodeficient impactor/SM impair/LG impart/GN impassioned/U impel/NRSGnD imperil/LGD imping/G implausibility/M implode/SNDGX implore/SkDG implosion/M imprimatur/MS improbable/P impulsion/M inauthentic inborn incapacitation/M incentive/ESM incident/Fo incineration/M incognito/S income/M incommunicado incontinent inconvenience/DG increment/NMSDGo incumbency/MS indeed indemnification/M indented/U indenter/M indeterminable/Y indeterminacy/SM indicative/S indict/LSD7G indigenous/YP indigo/SM indisputable/P individuality/MS Indochina industrialised/U industrious/PY industry/oMS infancy/M infectiousness/S infer/DS7G infest/nSDGNR infirmity/SM inflame/XN infra infrasonic infrequent ingenious/YP ingeniousness/S ingenuity/MS Ingham inguinal inhalation/M initialler initiation/M in-law/S innumerable/PY inquisitorial inscrutable/YP inseminate/NnDSG insemination/M inseparability/MS inside-out insidious/PY inspectorate/MS inspectors' inspiration/M instant/SYM instantness in-store instructor/SM instrument/GNoSDnM instrumentality/SM insularity/MS insulated/U insurrection/3MS integrability/M integrate/EADSGN intellectuality/M intercalate/DGVSN intercase interchanger/M interconnectivity intergovernmental interim/S interindex interlayer interleave/CGDS interlobular intermeshed internet internuclear interpersonal/Y inter-personal Interpol/M interposer/M interpretable interpretation/AMa interquartile interrupted/U interruptibility interstellar intertidal intertwine/DSG intestinal intestine/SoM intractability/SM intransigent/SY intransitive/S intrasectoral intrigue/RSkDG intro/S introduction/MA intrusion/M invariant/MY investigatory investor/SM inviolate/PYB Iolanthe/M Iona ionosphere/SMW Iowa Iran/M iridium/M ironmongery/M irreproachable/PY irresolute/P irresponsible/S irrigate/GDNnS irritability/SM isolationism/SM isolationist/W Isolde/M isometrics/M itemised/U it'll IUD/S I've ivory/SM jabber/SdrJ jack/MDRSJG Jacobi/M Jacobson/M jacquard/MS jadedness/S Jaime/M jalopy/SM Jamaica/M jamboree/SM James Janeiro jangle/DRSGY janissary/SM Jansen January/SM jato/MS Jean Jeep/SM Jekyll jenny/SM jeopardy/MQ8S Jeremy/M Jericho/M jerker/M jersey/MS Jerusalem/M Jessica jetliner's jettison/dS jewel/RGSMD Jewish Jewishness jiff/ZS jigging/M jimmied jingly/T jinni's jinrikisha's jitsu jiu jive/MDGS jnr. jocosity/SM jocund/Y Joe/M Johannesburg/M jointed/EPY joist/SMD joky/YT jolliness/S Jon/MZ Joplin Jovanovich jowly/T joyride/RGMS joystick/S ju/y judicious/IYP Judy/M jugful/SM jugglery/SM jujitsu/MS ju-ju/M jujube/MS Julius junco/MS juniper/SM jussive Juvenal kaboom kaput/M Kaufman/M Kellogg Kelsey/M kept Kermit kernel/SM kerosene/MS Kesteven kestrel/SM ketch/MS Keynesian keynote/SRGMD K-factor khan/MS kick-off/MS Kidderminster Kikuyu/M kilohertz/M kilowatt/SM kiloword Kim kin/5SmM kinesics kingship/SM Kinsey kirk/SM kite-flying kitten/MdS kitty/MS kiwi/SM klystron/SM knees-up knobby/T knock/RDJSG knock-out knockwurst's Knutsen Konrad/M kowtow/GDS kraal/MS Kremlinology krill/MS Krishna krone/M Krueger Kurd/SM kV Lab labium/M lac/DGSM lace-ups lactic lade/ZG Laden's lagoon/SM laity/MS Lakehurst Lakeland Lamar/M Lambert lame/YDPT lamination/M lampooner/MZ Lancashire/M lance/DRGMS landowning/M Langford languidness/S lapel/MS Laphroaig Lapp lapwing/SM largehearted large-scale largish larva/M lasagne/M lash/SDMJG lashed/U lasher/M latch/GMDS latices/M laudatory laughter/SM Laura/M Laurence lave/DSG lavish/DPTSGY laxes/A lay-bys layering/M layover/MS layup/MS Lazio lazy/GDTPY leads/a leap/DGS leaper/M learning/SM Lebanon/M lebensraum lecher/SMZ lechery/SM LEDs lee/SyM leer/DGkS2 leeway/SM leftism/MS leftmost leftover/MS legatee/MS legendary/YS Lego/M legwork/MS Lehman/M lengthy/TP Lenin Leningrad lenitive/S Leona Leopold Leopoldville Leroy Lesotho/M let-down/SM lethal/Y let's/e lettering/M Lev Levi/S lexical/Y libel/DRSMG liberals Liberian/S Lib-Lab Lichtenstein lier's/F lifeboatmen lifebuoy/S life-force lifelong life-size/D LIFO lift-off/MS ligation/M light-fingered lighthouse/SM likeability/SM likelihood/UM likest lily/SDM Limerick/M limitless/PY Lincoln/M Lind/M Linda/M linden/MS linebacker/MS links/U Linotype/M lip/pSDZGM liposuction/S Lipscomb/M lip-service lipstick/MS liquidation/M lira/M listen/rdS listeria literati litter/d littoral/S liveability/SM livery/DmMS livestock/MS Lloyd/M loath/JGDPR loathsome/PY lobe/DSM lodges/E logging/M loincloth/MS lollipop/SM Lomb/M longer-term Longfellow longitudinal/Y long-playing long-sightedness longsword long-tailed longways lookahead looking/c loop/DMZSG looper/M loophole/SMGD lord/DcSMG Lorentz Lori/M Louie/M Louth/M Lovejoy lovestruck loyalism/SM Lubbock lucid/YP lucubrate/GnSND luggage/MS lugsail/MS lugubriousness/S lumbering/M luminescent Luna/M lunacy/SM lunchroom's lune/NM lunge/SM luridness/S lusty/TP lutetium/M Lutheran/MS Luxembourg/RM luxuriation/M luxury/SM Luzon/M lycée Lyn lynch/GRDSJ Lynchburg Lyon/MS lyrist ma'am macadam/QMS Macao macaronic macer/M Machiavellian machinate/GSD machinelike macron/SM Madagascar/M Maddox Madeline/M Madonna/M maestri magazine/MGDS magenta/MS magistracy/SM magnesium/M magnet/WqQ8-SMt+1 magnetodynamics magnetron/M magniloquence/SM maharani/SM Maidstone/M maillot/SM mail-order mainstream/SM majolica/MS malathion/S Malawi/M Malcolm/M malfeasance/MS malice/SM malign/YRSDG malodorous maltreat/LDSG Mammon/M mammoth/SM man/61YRGDMjW Managua Manasseh Mandelbrot/M maniac/SM manifest/DYSGNn Manitoba Manitowoc Mann/M mannerism/SM mannerist/M mannerly/P mannish/PY manoeuvrability/SM manoeuvre/SBMGDJ man-of-war manometer/SM manqué/M mantelpiece/SM manufacture/RBSGJD Manville maps/A marabout's maraschino/MS marbler/M Marcel Marilyn marimba/MS marjoram/MS mark/RmDJhGSM7 markdown/MS marlinespike/SM Marmite marmoreal Marrakesh marriage's/A Marriott Marseilles marsh/MZS2 marshland/MS marshy/PT mart/MGSD martyrdom/MS Mary/M Marylebone/M Maseru/M massage/DMSG masseur/SM mass-producing mastoid/S matching/c matchless/Y Mateo/M materialist/W1 materiality/IM Mathis Matsushita mattress/MS maturer/M Maud Mauritania/M maw/DSGM Maxtor/M Maxwellian Mayan/S mayflower/SM mayfly/MS mayhem/MS Mayo/M mayoral mayoress/SM McConnell/M McDougall/M McFarland/M McKinney/M meadow/SM meaning/M6jpS meantime mechanise/BnRSDG mechanize/nBDNG mediaeval/3MYS medial/S Medici medico/SM medico-legal meditate/VSGDvuNn meerschaum/MS meeter/M megavolt/M megawatt/SM mêlée/MS melodic/S melodramatic/S Melvin memoires Mendelssohn menfolk/M meningeal meningitis/M Mensa mensuration/SM mentalist mentionable/U menu-driven Menuhin/M Mercedes merchandise/RSDGJM merciful/P mercifully/U mercurial/S meringue/MS meritocratic Merrill Merritt/M mesmerized Mesopotamia/M mesozoic messiness/S metalinguistic metalworking/M metatarsal/S metatarsi metavariable methodicalness/S Methodism methyl/SM metropolis/SM Mexico/M Meyer/S Meyerbeer mezzo/S mi/C Michael/SM Michaelmas Mick/M micro/S microanalyses microanalytic microprocessor/MS microvolt/MS midday/SM middlebrow/SM middle-class middle-of-the-road middler Middletown midmost/S midterm/MS midtowns midwife/My migraine/MS milkiness/S milky/TP millennialism Millgarth millibar/S millinery/SM million/MHS Millward MIMD Mindanao/M mind-reader minds/A mingle/FGDS minidress's minimalism/S minimalist/W ministration/M mintage/MS Miocene MIPS miracle/MS Miranda Miriam mirror/dMS mirth/6SpMj misbehaver/M misfeature mishap/M mishmash/MS missions/4 mission's/A4 mistiness/S mistral/SM mistruster/M mists/C mitigated/U mitigation/M mks mobber mobile/IQ-+9stq8 mode/FMS models/A modernness/S modi vivendi Mogadishu/M Mohawk/M moil/GSD Moldova/M Molokai momentousness/S momma/S monastery/MS monaural/Y Monmouthshire/M monochrome/MSW monoclinic monogamous/Y monolith/S1MW monomaniac/SM monotheism/MS Monsieur/M Monsignori monstrosity/MS Montevideo/M Montezuma Montmartre/M moonrise mopish Morant/M Moravia morgue/MS Moriarty moron/WM1S morphia/S Morrison/M mortgagor/MS Mortimer/M mosque/MS Mossberg/M motherliness/S motile/S mottler/M mould/2MZJDRGS mouldy/TP mournful/T mouth/M6ZDGS2 mouthful/SM mouthwatering mouthy/PT move/ARSDG Mozart/M Mozes/M MP3 mph MST Mt mudslinging/M Mueller/M Muenster muesli/M mugshot/S mulberry/SM mull/SDG mullet/SM multicellular multidimensional/Y multiform multilingualism/S multimedia multiplex/CGDRS multiplicand/MS multi-site multitudinous/PY multi-user mumbo mummer/Z munch/DMRGS munition/DSG murky/T Murphy/M murrain/SM Murrow/M muscle-bound muscular/Y musk/ZM2 Muskegon/M musket-ball must/zZS2 mustang/MS mustard/SM must-have mutilate/GnSND mutineer/MS muumuu/SM muzzle/DGUS mW Mycenaean myelitides Myra/M Myrna/M nadir/MS nag/RDSGM Nakamura/M Nancy/M nap/pRSZGMD Napier/M narrator/MS Nasser/M Natasha/M nation/M navigable/P nay/SM Nazareth/M nebular necroses needed/U needer/M needlepoint/SM needlework/MS negativeness/S Negev/M Negroes Nehru/M neighbourly/P neonatal neoprene/SM Nepalese nepenthe/SM nester/M netball/M nethermost nettle/MSGD neurasthenia/MS neurology/13MSw neurone/S neurotransmitter/S neutral/Q8-SsY neutralism/MS Nevis/M newbie/S new-found Newfoundland/RM newish new-laid newline/SM Newry/M newsboy/SM newsdealer's Nguyen/M NHL niacin/MS nib/SGMD nice/TPY nickname/MGDS nighthawk/MS nightspot/SM nightwear/M NIH nihilism/MS Nike/M Nils ninepins/M nineteen/HSM ninety-four/H Nineveh/M nit/SM nitre/MNSnW nitride/SM nitroglycerin/M Nixon/M Nkrumah/M Nomi/M non non-agricultural non-aligned non-allergic non-competing non-contagious non-critical non-cumulative non-custodial non-destructive/Y non-discriminatory non-drying non-executive non-exempt non-intellectual/S non-linear/Y non-logical non-magnetic non-person/S non-professional/SY non-profit-making non-proliferation/S non-racial non-resistant/S non-response non-scoring non-singing non-singular non-smoking non-specializing non-starter/S non-successive non-sympathiser/M non-tarnishable noon/SM noonday/SM Nordstrom/M normalize/CGSD normalizer/S Northfield/M north-north-east Northumbria north-west's no-show/S nostalgic/YS nosy/TYP noteworthy/P nothing/PS nourisher/M nouvelle Nov novelette/SM now noway Np nubile nuclease/M numismatics/M numismatist/MS Nunavut nuptial/S Nyquist/M oar/DSM oarlock/SM Oberon/M obfuscate/DNnyGS obit/MS obliqueness/S obliviousness/S obloquy/M oboe/SM obscure/NSDTGYP obsequies observance/MS obsession/M obtrusive/UY occasional occupational/Y occupied/U ocean/MWS ocean-going Oceania/M o'Clock octet/MS octoroon/M oculist/SM odorous/Y oedematous off-air officeholder/SM officer/d offish Ogden/M O'Hara oilseed/SM okay/DMG old-age olden old-fashioned oleomargarine/SM oligarchy/SM olive/MS Olivier/M Ollie/M ombudsman/M omega/MS omnivorous/YP once oncogene/S oncologist/S one-half oneself one-sidedness on-street ooze/DZSG OPEC open-and-shut open-eyed openness/S opportunity/MS opposition/M optician/MS optionality/M optometry/SMW oral/S orangery/SM orang-outang/S oration/M oratory/SM orbiter/S orchid/SM ordains/K Oregon/M Oregonian/S Orestes organdie/MS organelle/SM organisation/oM organism/MWS organization/oM organometallic orig Orlando/M Orpington orthodontic/S orthodoxy/SM orthogonal/Q8q-Y orthorhombic OTB otherwise OTT outboast outcry/M outdo/G outermost outfox/G outline outpace outpoint/DG overbid/G overdraw/G overgraze overgrow overlier overshoe overtime overwhelm/k owlet/MS oxidizing Oxonian oxygenate/DMGS oxygenation/M pace/DRMSG pacemaker/SM package/JRGDMS packer/SM packsaddle/SM Padraig/M paean/MS paediatric/S pagoda/SM paid-up painkilling Pakistani/S palace/SM palaeobotanist palaeobotany/w palaeography/MSw1W Palau/M pale/DTSYG pales/I palliative/S palmetto/MS paltry/TP panacea/MS panama/S Panamanian/S pancreas/SM pan-European pangolin/M panjandrum/M panther/SM pantograph/SM Panza/M Paolo/M papilla/yM papyri papyrus/M paradisal parallel/S paralleled/U paramour/MS parathion/SM paratroop/RS paring/M parishioner/MS Parisian/S parliament/MS paroxysm/MS parrakeet's parricidal parsec/SM parsonage/MS partaken participation/M particleboard/S partition/MGDS partizan's partly partook paschal/S passage/DMSG passenger-mile passim passivity/IS passmark paste/SM pastrami/MS pasts/A pat/DSMZG patriarch/ZM patriarchal patronize/k pay-bed peal/SAGD Pearson/M peashooter/SM pecuniary pederasty/SM pediment/ISM peeling/M peen/SGDM peerless/PY pelagic pelican/SM pellucid pendulum/SM penetration/M penguin/SM penile penitent/ISY penny-pinching pentecostal pepperoni/S peppy/PT perambulator/SM percentage/SM perch/DGMS percuss/DNvuSGXV percussion/3M percussion's/A perfidious/PY perforate/SNDGn perforation/M perfumer/Z perhaps perils/I peristalses peristyle/MS peritoneal periwinkle/MS permafrost/MS permissibility/M perpetuate/GnSDN perpetuity/SM perquisite/MS persecution/SM persistence/SM personality/SM pertness/S Peru/M pessary/S pestiferous Peterhead/M petite/PS petrel/SM petrographic petroleum/M pettifog/RGDS petunia/SM pewee/SM phaeton/MS phagocyte/MS phantasy's Pharisaic philodendron/MS philosophy/w1sWQ8S9M phlebitides phoenix/MS phonemic/S phonology/13wSM phosphine/M photochemistry/M photoengraving/MS photograph/R1GZDWSM photolytic photoreceptor phrasal pianoforte/MS pibrochs picked/U Pickering pickle/DSMG picoseconds pictorial/YPS piffle/DSMG pigeon-fancier/MS pigment/DNnG pigmentation/M pikemen pilaster/MS pilau's pilgrim/MS pilgrimage/MSDG pill/SM pillbox/MS pillion/MS pillow/GDMS pilothouse/SM pimiento/MS pimpernel/MS pince-nez pincered pincher/M pineapple/SM pinfeather/SM pinhead/SDiM pinky/S pinning/fS pinstripe/DSM pipe/MS pistol/SDGM pistole/M pitch/RGDS pitch-and-toss pithiness/S pithy/TP piton/MS pittance/MS pity/SGMRjpklD76 pivoting/M pix pixie/SM place/EDRSLG placental/S plainchant plainness/S planting/S plantlike plant's plasm/M platitude/MS platoon/GMDS plaudit/MS play-acting/M playgoer/SM plea/MS pleading/M pleas/SkDGJ please/EGDS plenty/M6j plied/AIF plight/DGMS plighter plodding/Y plumpish plunderer/S plunk/RGDS plushy/T plywood/SM PM/M po/QY pocketknives podium/SM poetic/S poignant/Y pointillist/MS polariscope/M politicking/MS polka/DGSM pollinator/MS polo/MS polonaise/SM polonium/M polyethylene/SM polymer/Q8-qMS polynomial/MSY pomegranate/MS pompadour/SMD pompousness/S poncho/SM ponderer/SM pong/D pony/SM pool/GSDM popgun/SM popularities population/CMc populist/SM porcupine/SM portage's ported/A4EFCI porticoes port's/A pose/FNCRxDGSEX poses/IA4 post-doctoral post-horn/MS postilion/MS post-impressionist/W postprandial post-town/MS potent/YIS potful/SM pothole/SMGD pot-pourri/SM pots/C pottery/SM potty/TS Poulenc/M powderpuff powered/cf powerhouse/SM powering/c praiseworthy/P praxes prayerful/P PRC prebendary/M precariousness/S precept/VvMS precise/NPIXY preciseness/IS prefect/MS prejudice/SDMG preliterate premeditated/U premier/MS pre-process/G presbyter/MZS presbyterial prescriptivism presser/MS presser's/I pressing/YS pressmen/M prestidigitate/Nn prestidigitator/M presumer/M pre-teen/S pretentiousness/U preterite/M prevaricator/MS pre-war pricer/MS prickly/T pride/DGj6SM Priestley/M primitivism/M primp/GSD principality/SM print/IDAGSaKc printout/S prise/FSAGD prissiness/S prize/M prizefight/RJSMG pro/SM pro-American probably/I probe/BnDGlS proboscis/SM procession/M procrastinate/SNGDn prodigy/SM produces/e producing/e productive/UY proffer/dS proficiency/SM programs/A prolonger/M promise/FRkDGS prophesy/RDSG prophet/1WSwM propulsive propylene/M prosody/WSM prospectus/MS prostate/SM prostitute/MGDS prostration/M protectionism/SM protective/SY proteolytic protozoon's protraction/MS provenance/SM proverbial providence/SIM provost/SM prudishness/S prune/DGRSM psych/1GSWDw psycho/SM psychophysical/Y psychotropic/S publicised/U publicized/U public-spirited pudenda Pudsey puerile/Y puff/RSZD2MG puffery/M pulsation/M pummel/DGS punditry/S punster/SM purée/DMS purer/I purge/DRSGNV puritan/wS1M purl/GSDM purloin/SDG purloiner/M purplish purposefulness/S pursuant pursue/DRSG push/SR72GzDZ pushcart/MS push-pull putrid/PY pyaemia pygmy/MS pyramidal pyrimidine/SM pyrolyse/SW pyroxene/MS Qa'ida/M qt quadrangle/MS quadrilateral/S quadriplegia/SM quadruped/SM quaff/DSG quagmire/SM quake/SGZD qualification/EM qualm/SM quarterer/M quarterstaff/SM quartic/S quasi quaternion/MS quay/SM queasiness/S quest/ADSRGM questioned/AU quiescence/SM quietness/S quintet/SM quit/RSGD quoin/DSMG quorate/I quotable rabbinic/Y rabid/PY RAC radar/MS radical/SQ radiochemistry/M ragamuffin/SM rage/eSMGD railer/M railing/M raillery rain-shadow/SM raise/RGDS ramble/kJDRSG ramekin/MS ramify/nSDGN ramjet/SM rampart/SM Ramsay/M Ranchi rand/2ZM rapacious/YP rape/SM3 Raphaelite/SM rapprochement/MS raspberry/MS ratio/SM rational/s8-39Qq rattletrap/MS raunchy/TY razorback/MS razorbills readout/MS realness Realpolitik/M rearguard/MS reasonably/U reassemble/Y receipt/GMDS receive/DRGS received/U recessional/S reciprocation/M recite/R recompose/D recompute reconcilable/UI reconsign/G record/RJ37 recouple recreate/x recrudescent recto/SyM rector/SMF rectory/SM recyclable/S redecorate redeemed/U red-faced redirection redolent redound/GDS reedy/PT reel/SRGDM refectory/MS reference/CDSG reflate/N reflexiveness/M reflexology reformism/M regalia/M regicide/SM regimen/SM Regina/M register/KdNSn registrar/SM regress/XGVDvSuN regularity/IMS rehabilitate/DNVGSn rehearsal/SM rehouse rein/GDM reinforced/U relater/SM relationship/MS reliably/U remind/G remobilise/B remorsefulness remorseless/YP remunerated/U Renfrewshire/M rennet/M renouncement renumber/d repairs/E reparation/SM repatriate/GnDNS repeat/BRDGh repent/SDG repletion/M reported/faU repository/SM reprehensible/Y represent/anNGSD representable repress/NuvXV reprisal/SM reproacher/M reprobate/GD reproducible/U repudiator/S repulsion/M re-release/DGS resection/G residence/MZS residue/SM resiny resistible/YI re-site/SDG resolute/IY resonant/Y resourceful/P respectfulness restive/P restraint/MS reticulation/M retract/DG retreat/G retrofire/SM retrofit/GSD retrospect/MvV return/7 reunion reveal/RSD7Gk reverential/Y revocable/I rewarding/U rewed/GD rework/7 Rhee/M rhenium/M rheostat/MS rhetorical Rhine/M Rhinelander/M Rhode/S rhombus/SWM Rhum/M rhymester/SM riboflavin/M Ricardo/M Richardson/M rickshaw/MS Rico/M ridiculer/M righteous/UY rightish right-wing Rinaldo/M ringworm/SM rink/MS riper ripping/Y Rita/M rite/SM ritual/QS8YM RMI roadblock/SM road-hog/S road-test roadwork/SM rockfall/S Rockford/M Rockwell/M rocky/T rod/SM Rodrigo/M rollick/SGkD romantic/8Q3MYS Rome/M Rona/M Ronan Rontgen room-mate/MS roomy/PT rootlet/MS rosemary/M rostrum/SM rottenness rotunda/SM roughen/dS roughneck/SM roundworm/MS route/aDSA routing/M Rowan/M rowdyism/SM rowel/MGDS RPO RSC rubber-stamp/DG rubdown/SM ruction/SM ruddy/PT Rudolf/M Rudolph/M Rudyard/M ruffian/SM ruffled/U Rufus/M rug/hSMDi runaway/S runners-up rural/Y rurality russet/MS rusticity/S Rutland/M Rwanda/M SA sabbatical/S saboteur/SM sabra/S saccharin sachet/SM Sachs/M sack/M6JS sacramental sacrilege/MS sacristan/SM saddlebag/MS SAE safekeeping safflower/SM sailborders sailing-ship/SM Salas/M salient/Y salinity/SM salivate/NDSG sally/DMSG saloon/SM salt/CSDG salter/SM salt-spoon/MS salve/RMSNnG sampled/c Sampson/M Sanborn/M sanctimony/SM sanctioned/U sandbar/S Sandusky/M sandy/T sangria/MS sanitary/UI sapience/M Sara/M Saran/M sarong/SM Sasha/M satanic satchel/SM satire/WQ8wM1S3 saturnine/Y sauna/MS sawdust/M sawn-off saw-pit Saxony/M SBA Scala/M scale/DAGS scaled/U scallywag/SM scan/ADSG scansion/M scarceness scarer/M Scarlatti/M scatterbrain/MDS scenarist/MS scented/U scentless sch. scheduled/UA scheduling/A schemata schismatic schlep/GDS schoolbook/MS Schumann/M Schwartzkopf/M scissoring scold/DRJSG scoliosis scone/SM scorch/RSkGD scoreless scorn/jDRMG6S scornfulness scourge/SDMG scramble/UGCSD scratch/D2zJZRSG scratched/U screechy/T screwdriver/MS scribe's Scripps/M scriptwriter/MS scrotum/M sculler/Z sculpture/GDoSM Se sea/cS seabed sea-chest seagull/S seahorse/S seamier seamlessness Sean/M seaport/MS sear/GSDk seasonal/UY seat's Seattle/M secant/MS seclusion/M second/RGLSYD second-hand second-rate sectarianism/MS sectary/SM sedan/SM Sedgefield/M seedbed/MS seedling/SM seek/GRS segment/GonNMSD segue/DSG Seiko/M selenography/M self-closing self-consistent self-control self-correcting self-determined self-esteem self-evident/Y self-feeding self-governing self-immolation self-important selfish/UY self-knowledge self-locking selfness self-restraint self-revelation sell-off selvage/SM semblance/AMES semi-annual/Y semi-automatic semi-conscious semiquavers semisweet semi-weekly sempre Semtex send-off/S senescence/M seniority/SM senna/M sensational/Q83 sensibleness sensualist/MS sent/FEKUA sentience/IM sentimentalist septa/M sepulchral sequences/FA sequestrate/SDG Sergio/M Seri/M sermon/Q8SM settable/A seventy-five/H seventy-seven/H sex-linked sexpot/SM sextillion/M sexy/T3 sforzandi shade/MDpJSZG2 shaded/U Shaffer/M shaggy/T shakeable/YU shaman/MS Sharon/M sharpness Shasta/M shatter-proof Shavian shear/RDGS sheathing/M sheave/DSG sheeplike sheepshank/SM sheet/DSMG Shelagh/M shelf/6M shelflike Shem/M Shenandoah/M sheriff/SM Sherpa/SM Sherwood/M shiatsu shiftlessness/S shifty/TP shin-pad/SM ship-fever shipowner/MS shipwreck/GMDS shirt/DpSMG shitty/T shiverer/M Shockley/M shod/zZ2 shoemaker/SM shoestring/SM shooting-break short-range short-winded shorty/M Shostakovich/M shotgun/MS shot-put showroom/SM shrapnel/M shrike/SM shrimp/SM Shropshire/M shunter/M shy/DTSG Siam/M Sib/M sibilance/MZ sic/TDG siccative sickbay/M sick-benefit/SM side/ISAKef sidebar/MS side-bet side-door side-on side-stroke/SDMG sidle/DSG sightliness/U Sihanouk/M siltation/M Silurian silver/dMZS2 silversmith/SM Simla Simms/M Simone/M Singaporean/S singlet/SM sing-song sinless/Y sins/A Siobhan/M Sisyphean Siva/M sixth-former/S sixty-nine/H sizzler/M skein/MS skeleton/MS skew/DPRGS skew-eyed skiff/MS skip/RSDG skyless sky-writing/SM slack/DGTRPYS Slade/M slain slapstick/M slash/SDGR slave-bangle sleep/R2MZGSzp sleepwear/M slenderer Sligo/M slink/GZS slippered slipshod sliver/dSM slobber/ZdS Slocum/M sloth/6Mj Slovene/S Slovenian/S slovenly/TP sludge/ZM sluggard/SM slump/GDS smallish smarty-pants smearer/M smiter/M smock/DGSM smother/Sd smoulder/Skd smuggle/RSGJD Sn snafu/MS snail/SM snakebite/SM snaps/U snatch/GDRS Sneed/M snoopy/T snore/GDRS snowbound snowfall/MS snowstorm/SM snowy/T Snyder/M soak/DGJS so-and-so/M soberer soberest social/Q8s39Sq-Y socialite/ZSM Sofia/M softly-softly soft-spoken Soho/M sojourn/RMDGS solenoidal sol-fa solicitousness solicitude/MS solider solidest Sol's solutes/E solute's solution/ASME Somalia/M somebody/SM somebody'll sometime/S somewhat somewhere sommelier/SM sonatina/SM songster/SM sonnet/MS sophist/S1yMWw sorcerer/MS sottish soufflé/SM sought-after soul/pS6Mj soundness/U soundproofing/M south/M south-east south-Easterly Southend-on-Sea southward/S south-West/M spaceship/SM space-time Spackle Spain/M spam/RDG Spaniard/SM spark/DYGZSM sparling/SM spate/SM spatio speakership/M special/Q-8q3S specialism/MS specialist/W specialness specificity/S specify/SBl1nRDWNG spectacle/DSM spectral specular speculate/NDnSvVG speculation/M speedy/TP speleologist/S spent/Ufcea spermatozoon/M spermicidal spheroid/oMS spice/DGSZM spiderwort/M spillover/SM spilt spiracle/SM spiritualism/MS spirituality/SM spiteful/PY splenetic splutter/dS spool/MRSDG spoonerism/SM spoon-feed/SG sportive/P sportsman/Y sportsmanship/M spot/2GDRSZzMp spotted/U springbok/MS spring-clean/D spring-loaded sprout/DGS spun squadron/MS squalid/YP squander/dS square/PMTDSYG squashy/TP squawk/RMDSG squeaky/T squid/MGDS squinter/M squireling SS SSE SSW st. stabling stably/U stadium/SM Stafford/M stage/SZBM2 stagnancy/MS stagnate/nNDSG stalagmite/MS Staley/M Stamford/M staminate stanchion/SM stand-in/S Stanley/M Stanton/M Stanwood/M starch/SzMGD2Z stationariness stationery/MS status/MWS statutory/Y steadfast/PY steady-going steamboat/MS steel/DMGZ2S Stefanie/M stein/MS stellated stepchild/M step's/aI steradians stereography/MW stereoscopy/M Stevenson/M stew/DMGS stiff/YPTS stigmata stinky/T stipend/MS stirring/Y stocked/f stockinet's stockpile/DSG stock's STOL stomachful/S stomachs stonecutter/MS stoner/M stopgap/MS storehouse/MS stowaway/SM strangulate/GnSND stratagem/MS Stratford/M strawberry/SM stray/GDSM streamline/GDS strenuous/YP stress/cD stressing stretched/c stride/MSG strident/Y stringency/S striper/M strive/DSGJ Strolz/M structuralist Stuart/MS stubby/T stud/DSMG studied/U stuffs stupidest stupor/MS stutterer/S styli stylish/Y subaltern/MS subcultural subcutaneous/Y sublunary submerge/GDS submersible/S submicroscopic suborbital sub-Saharan subservience/M subsoil/MS subtenancy/SM subtype/SM suburb/SM suburbanite/MS subversive/PSY successive/P successor/SM Sudanese/M suffocate/SGkDnN suffragette/MS sugar/dMpS suggestive/P Sukarno/M sultan/SM summer/dZ summons/SGDM sunbonnet/MS sunburnt sun-dried sunflower/SM sung/U sunlamp/S sunlit Sunnite/MS sunset/SM supercomputer/MS supercomputing superior/SMY superiority/SM supermodel/S superstore/S supposed/Y supremo/M surcharge/GDSM Surinam/M surrender/Sd survival/SM Susan/M Susanne/M suspecting/U suspense/M6 suspension/M Susquehanna/M Suzette/M Sven/M swaddle/DGS SWAK swampy/T swank/GDT2ZSz Swanson/M swarm/MDSG swatch/MS swearword/MS Swedish sweetbread/SM sweetened/U sweptback swim/SRG swinishness swoon/DSG swore Sydney/M syllabification/M symbiosis/M symbiotic/Y symbol/13WQ8-qSwM synclinal syndrome/SM synonymousness synonymy/SM syntax/SM synthesise/ADGS syrupy system/W1SM systematic/S systemic/Y Ta table/MSGD tablecloth/SM tabloid/SM tabular/Y tactile/Y tactility taffeta/MS Tagalog/M tailor/dSM Taipei/M take/RfGSJ takeaway/S takes/IacA taking/Aac talebearer/MS tally-ho's Talmud/W3M tamarack/MS tank/GMR6DS tantalum/sQ-98qM Tantalus/M tantamount taper/d taramasalata tardiness target/dSM tarragon/MS tarry/DTSG Tarrytown/M tasting/S Taunton tauten/dS tawdry/PTY taxies taximeter/SM Taylor/M TDD tea-leaves tearaway teaspoonful/MS teazle technocrat/WS Teledyne/M telefax telegraph/WZD1GSM3R telegraphy/3M telephony/M telephoto/S telex/SDGM Telford/M tell-tale/SM tempestuous/Y temporary/FS tempts/F tenant/MGSD tendentious/PY tenderfoot/MS tendinitis tens/xNTSDXG tensioned termagant/SM terns/I terrapin/MS territorial territory/MSo tertian testate/I testicle/MS tetanus/M tête tetrachord/SM tetraplegia tetravalent than thaw/DGS Theadora/M theft/MS their/S Theodore/M Theodosius/M theory/Qs-89q3MS therapist/SM Theravada/M there/M thereby thereto therewith thermoelectric thermopile/M thermostat/1MSW they thicket/MS thievish thigh-bone/MS Thimphu/M think/RJ7GS thirty/HMS thirty-onefold Thoreau/M thorn/M2ZS thoroughfare/MS Thorpe/M thou thought's thrash/RJSDG three-phase thrice-married thrive/DSkG throws/c thuggish thumb/DGMS thump/MGSD Thurrock/M thyrotrophic ticket/SMdZ tickety-boo tie/RSMDG tie-break tier/D Tijuana/M Tim/ZSM timely/TP time-spans time-work timpani tin/DGZSMz2 tincture/DSMG tinker/dMS tinkle/DSGY tinny/TP Tipperary/M tippet/SM tips/zZ2 tobacconist/MS Tobago/M toboggan/S3rMd tock/GMDS today/M together toiletry/MS tolerate/NDGBSn tomboyish tom-tom tonelessness Tonga/M tonight/M tonne/MS top-heavy topic/MS topping/M tore Torfaen/M torn tornadoes toroid/oSM torrent/SM Tórshavn/M torsion/MSo tortilla/MS tortoise/MS tortoiseshell/SM toss/GRSD toss-up/SM totality/SM totter/Sdk tough/GYPTSD tourmaline/SM tout/DSG tower/dk Towsley/M tracheae traffic/DRMGS trampoline/SM transcendental/3 transform/R7 transformed/U transgress/NSDVGX translatability/M translation/aSM translator/MS transmogrify/nSDNG transposed/U transsexualism/MS Transvaal/M transvestite/SM Transylvania/M trap/JSRDMG Trappist/SM tray/SM treachery/MS treasonous treatable/U trenchancy/SM trendsetting trendy/T Trevino/M Trevor/M trialling triangle/SM triceps/M trichinoses trickle/DSG tricolour/SDM trident/SM trimmed/U trimming/M trinket/SM triode/SM triphthong/S triple/SGD tripodal tripping/Y triumphalism triumvirate/MS troika/SM Trojan/MS troll/DGMS trolled/F trousered truce/SM trudge/SDG Trudi/M truffle/MS Trumann/M trusty/TMS tsar/S tsarina's TTL tub/drSMZ tuberculin/M tuberculoses Tudor/SM tuft/DSGZM tularaemic tulle/MS tumble-drier tumidity/SM tummy/MS tuneless/Y Tunisian/S turbocharger/SM turbofan/MS Turkic/M Turkmenistan/M Turks/M turn-down Turpin/M turret/MS turvy Tuskegee/M tut/SGD tutor/dSM Tuvalu/M twang/DGZSM twenty-eight/H twenty-twenty twiddle/YGDS twine/SM twinkle/YGDS two-sided Tyler/M typeset/RSG typewriter/MS typo/3MS tyranny/8SQ1Mw Tyrone/M tzarina/MS UAR Ugandan/S ugliness UK/M ulster/MS ultralight/S ultramontane ululation/M Ulysses um unaffected unbeknownst uncloak/G uncompress/G uncouthness uncover/d undaunted/Y undercount underdog undergone underneath/S undersea understandable/Y understanding/aM understudy/M uneatable unenviable uneven unfeminine unhappiness unhurt unicast unisex unit/d universal/8QS unmistakable/Y unmistakeable/Y unprofessional unrelated untidy/T unwieldy UPC upland/SM uppercut/S uppish uprising/SM upstream urbanism/M urbanity/MS Uriah urinal/SM urinalyses useless/Y usherette/SM usurp/DRNSnG usurpation/M utile/-8qQ utterance/SM uttered/U Uzbekistan/M v vacation/M vaccine/NnMS vacuousness Vader/M Vaduz/M vaginal vainglory/SM valediction/SM valency/SM Valerian/M valet/SMd valorous/Y valuation/f valued/Ufc valuer/SM van/SM Vandyke/M Vanessa/M varicoloured vaudeville/SM vault/RSGMD VAXes vectors veg vehement/Y vendor/SM Venezuela/M venial/Y venous/Y ventriloquist/MS veracities/I veracity's/I verifiability/M vermouth/MS Vernen/M verse's versification/M vessel/SM VG VHS viable/Y vibrate/DGnyNS vibrator/SM vice-like vice-President/SM viceroy/MS vicious/Y Vick/M victor/MS videodisc/MS vii viii vilification/M villi Villiers Vince Vincent/M vinyl/M viol/MS73 violates virago/MS Virginian/S Virgo/SM virologist/S virtuosity/SM viscid/Y viscous/Y viscus visible/IY vision/yGM visionary/S visioning/K visitor/SM vita/oM vitae vital/Q8S-q vituperate/DnNSVvG viz. Vlei vocative/YS voiceless/Y voilà vol-au-vent volition/oMS volitional volitionality Volkswagen/SM voltaic voraciousness VP VPN vulpine waddle/DSG wag/DdrSMG waggishness waggle/DSG wakefulness Walbridge/M walkway/MS wall-to-wall Wally's Walsall/M wander/JSdr wanderlust/MS warmed/A warm-heartedness warmongering/M warmth/M wars/C Wartburg/M washboard/MS wastrel/SM watched/U Waterhouse/M Watson/M watt/SM Wausau/M wavelike waver/dkS way/SM we/GzJ wean/SDG weanling/M weathervane/SM Webber/M Wedgwood/M wed's weep/SZG weighty/YT weir/SM well-earned Weller/M Wellesley/M well-founded well-structured well-tried welter/d Wembley/M wench/MS Wensleydale/M werewolves Werther/M Westhampton/M wetness wharves what/M wheat/M Wheaton/M wherefore/S whereon whetstone/MS Whiggery whimsy/S whippet/MS whisper/kdrJS whitefly white-hot Whitlock/M who/M who'd wholeness whomever whoopee/S whoosh/GMDS wickedest widen/rdS Wilde/M wile/DSMG Willa/M Williamsburg/M Willis Winchester/S Winckelmann windburnt windedness windjammer/MS windowpane/SM wind's Winnipeg wino/MS winter/cdS Wirral wishy-washy wistfulness wit/zSM2pPGZD WNO woe/jSM6 Wolcott Wolfgang wombat/MS womenfolk/M won wontedly/U Woodberry woodblock/S woodcock/SM woodlice woodpecker/MS woodworm/M woollen/S Worcester word-blindness work/ADeScG workably workaround/MS workbench/SM workhorse/MS working-class work's/e workspace/S worm-eaten worst-case wouldn't wow/GSD WRAF wretch/MiDhS wriggle/YRDSG Wrigley wring/RGS written/fUcaA xiv Yahweh yak/M yardage/MS yearlong year-round yeast/SM2Z yippee yo yoke's Yorktown youngish youth/jSM6 Yule yum-yum Zadie' Zeitgeist Zellick'sF Zen zero/GSDM zest/6Mj Zimmerman/M zinc/M zirconium/M Zoroaster Zoroastrian/S A abalone/MS abdomen/MS Aberdeenshire/M abettor/SM abidance/MS abide/kGDS able/nVvYNT abnegation/M abominable/Y absentia/M absent-minded/Y absent-mindedness/S absolutism/SM abstention/MS abstracted/P abstractness/S absurdity/MS abundant/Y abyss/SM acceptableness/S acceptant acclaim/DSG accredit/Snd accreted acerbic/Y acetate/SM ache/DGkZSM ached/FKA acknowledge/LRGShD acorn/MS acquaint/ASDG acquaintanceship/S across acrylate/M activate/SINnDCG activation/IMCA actuality/SM ad/AC Adam/SM adapted/P ADC addenda addressee/MS adeptness/S adequate/IYP adiabatic/Y adieu/S administrate/DGSvV administration/M admit/SANDGX admonition/SM ado/M adopts/A adrenalin adventist/S adversary/MS advice/MS Aeneid aeolian Aeolus aeration/M aetiology/W1wM AFAIK affectation/M affection/EMS affine aflame afraid/U afterlives Agaa/M agglomerate/nVDNSG aggression/MS aggressiveness/S Agnes/M agriculture/M3oS aid/RGDS Aidan/M aim/RGDpSy airbase/S aircraft/M airfare/S airfield/SM airline/RMS airmail/DMG alack Alameda Albanian/MS Albrecht/M albumen/SM Alderney/M algaecide algebraist Algeria/M Ali/M alienist alimony/SM aliphatic al-Jazeera all-clear allot/SLGD alluvia alluvions ally/SGD almighty/P aloofness/S alphanumeric/YS Al-Qa'ida/M Alsatian/S also alternative/PMS aluminium/M alveolar/Y alveoli am/A Amalie/M amanuensis/M amaretto/S Amarillo/M amaze/LDhkGS amber/MS ambidexterity/SM ambrosia/MSo ambulation/M ambulatory/S ambuscade/SMDG Amerada Americana amicable/PY amidst amity/MS amnesiac/SM Amoco/M amorousness/S amorphousness/S amphora/M amphorae amt. analects analysable analysand/MS analytical anaphora/1WM Anatolian anchor/m5dSM Andes Andrew/MS Angelo/M anger/MdS Angola/M Anheuser/M anhydride/M animateness/I animé anisotropy/MWS annal/3SM annexation/M announced/U annual/Q8YS annuitant/SM annuity/SM anode/8MQSW ant/E anterior/SY anthology/Q8SM3 anthropic/a anti-aircraft anti-Americanism anti-apartheid anticancer anticommunist/MS antidote/SDMG anti-heroes antiparticle/SM antiperspirant/SM antiquary/SM antitheses Antrim/M anxiety/SM anxiousness/S anything apartheid/M aperiodicity/M aperture/DMS aplomb/SM apparatchik/S appearance/AMES appendices appendix/MS applause/MS application/AM applying/a Appomattox appreciably/I appreciator/MS apprehensible apprehension/aMS apprise/kSGD appropriable apricot/MS apse/SM aquifer/MS Arabic/M arachnoid/M arbitrageur/S archaic/Y archaism/MS archduke/MS archetypal archiepiscopal architectonic/S arenaceous arid/PY arithmetic/YM Arkansas/M Arkwright/M Arlen/M arm/RELGDS armature/DMGS armchair/SM Armco arraign/LGDS arranges/AEK arrestee/SM arrival/MS arrive/GSD arrogation/M arrow/MGSD arroyo/MS Artemis arterioscleroses artificial/P ascendency Asheville/M Ashford/M Ashton/M ashtray/SM Asian/SM Asimov/M askew asphalter aspic/MS assen assent/GMSD assertion/MAS assessed/A asst Assyrian/M astern Aston/M astraddle astral/Y astringency/SM astronautic/S asylum-seeker/S ate/c Athena/M Athens/M athletics/M atomicity/M attainable/P attar/MS attendant/MS attested/U attester/M Aubrey/M auctioneer/DSMG audiophile/MS august/YPT Augustan aura/WSMo aureole/MDSG auricular auscultation/M auspice/SM austere/YPT Austin/M Austrian/MS authentication/M author/Qs-9d8qSM authoress/S authoritarian/S authorization/M authorize/KA autistic autograph/GMSD autoloader automation/M autorepeat/GS auto-suggestibility/M auxiliary/S avant aviatrices avocado/MS avouch/DSG avowed/Y awakened/A awkward/YPT Azores Babbage/M back/eM backbone/MS backdrop/DSMG backhoe/S backrest/SM backspace/DGS back-up/S backyard/SM bad-egg badminton/M bad-tempered Bahamas/M Bahrain/M bailer baldness/S baleful/TP balefulness/S ballad/MyS balladry/SM Ballard/M balloonist ballot/dMS Ballymoney/M banal Banbury/M banking/M banner/d Bannerman/M bannock/MS baptist/SM barbarism/SM barbarize/DSG barbiturate/SM bare/YPDTSG barehanded bareheaded bargain-basement barge/DmMSZG barked/C barleycorn/SM Barlow/M barmen/M barn/MDS6G Barnum/M baronetcy/SM Barrichello/M barrier/MS barrio/MS Barron/M bartender/SM baselessness basher basis/M bass/S3M Basseterre/M bat/FdMS battleaxe bauxite/M bawl/DGS bazaar/MS beach/GSDM bear/JlRSG7 beastly/TP beaux/M Beaverton/M bêche bed/F bedder/SM bedsit/S bedsore/SM bed-wetting beehive/SM Beelzebub/M beet/MS beetle/DMSG befall/GS before beginning/M begrudger behavioural/Y behove/DS believable/YU bellicose/YP belligerent/YSM bellybutton/SM belting/M bemuse/DLhSG bent/U Benton/M bequest/SM bereave/LGDS Bergerac/M berm/MS Bernadette/M Berne/M berrylike Bertha/M betide/DGS bêtise betoken/dS Bette/MZ better-off bi/M bibliography/Ww1MS bibulous bicycle/RG3SMD biddy/SM bide/S bighead/MS bigotry/SM billion/MHS biochemist/SyM biodegradability/S biofeedback/SM biography/SM biology/w3MW1S biomass/MS biometric/S biometry/WM bionics/M biotin/MS bipartite/Y bipedalism biretta/MS Birmingham/M bisect/GSD bison/M biter/SM bitmap/MS bitter/YPSd bitterest bitwise blackberry/MSG blackener/M Blackfoot/M blackhead/SM blackish blackness/S Blanche/M blandish/DGLS blandness/S blazon/Sd bless/hGSDiJ blitheness/S blithering bloc/GDMSR blockade/DMGRS Blomberg/M blond/PMST blood-lust bloodsucker/MS bloodthirsty/PTY blotch/SGMZD blowpipe/MS bluebill/M bluebonnet/SM bluesy/T blunder/dkrJMS blurring/Y blurter blushing/UY BMW/M boast/DRG6jJS boasting/e boat/MDRGS bobble/SGMD boccie/SM body-blow Boer/SM boll/MS bollard/SM Bologna/M bolometer/WSM Bolshevism/M Bolshevist/WMS Bolshoi/M bolt's bombproof bond/MmDJRGS bonemeal bonito/MS bonus/MS bookbind/RGJ bookbinding/M bookkeep/RGJ bookmarker boolean boonies boor/MS bootprints Borden/M border/dMS borderline/MS borrowing/M borstal/MS Bosnia-Herzegovina/M Boston/M bothersome Botswana/M bougainvillea/M boulevard/MS bound/ADSG bourgeoisie/MS bourses bower/d bow-legs bowlful/S bowstring/DMGS boyscout BP bracelet/SM bracer/M Brachiopoda bracken/SM bracteal Bradley/M Bragg/M braggadocio/MS Brahmanism braider/M braiding/M bramble/GMYDS Brandenburg/M Braun/M braveness/S braze/DSG bread/HDMSG breakout/MS breastfed breasting/M breastwork/MS breezy/TPY Brentwood/M Brest/M brevet/MGDS brewer/Z bric/DG bricklaying/SM brickmason/S brickyard/M Briggs/M brilliance/SMZ brindle/MDS briner/M bristly/T bristols bro broaden/Srd broad-mindedness broadside/SMGD Bromley/M Bromwich/M brontosaurus/SM broom/GMSD browbeaten Bruce/M brucellosis/M Bruckner/M brusque/PTY brutish/PY bucket/Sd6M Buckingham/M buckling/M buck-passing budget/rSdM Budweiser/M buffalo/M buffet/SdJM Bulawayo'sc bulky/TP bullfinch/MS bullheaded/P bullied/M bullshit/RSDMG bullying/M bummed/M bung/GMDS bunghole/SM bunker/d bunting/M burgeon/SDG burier/M burlesque/DYRMSG burnout/MS burr/MS bursting Burundi/M busmen butterfingered buttoner/M bye/MS byname Byrd/M byroad/MS CAA cabdriver/MS cabinet/MyS cachet/MdS cad/MZS cadenza/MS cafeteria/MS cairn/DSM cajolery/SM cake/MDGS calamitous/PY calculated/aA callous/PDYSG calmness/S calumet/MS cam/MSD camber/dMWS Cambridge/M Cambridgeshire/M Camino camisole/MS camphor/SM canard/MS cancel/RDGS Candace candelabra/S candidacy/MS candy-striped cannier canny/UPY canst cant/DCRGS cantabile cantaloupe/SM capability/ISM capacitance/SM capitalised/Uc Capote capricious/YP Capricorn cap's carapace/MS carbonyl/M carburettor/SM carcase/MS carcass/MS carcinoma/SM card/DERGS cardiac/S cardinality/MS cardsharp/RMS caregiver/S carillon/MS Carlton carol/DRGSM carotene/SM carousal/SM carouse/RGDS carpentering/M Carr/M Carrie carry-on carthorse/MS Cartier carton/dMS cartoon/G3DMS cartoonist Cartwright carve/RSJGDy carven casaba/SM casbah/M cascade/GDSM cashier/GMDS cassia/SM castanet/SM Castlereagh/M castrato cast's/e casualty/SM casuist/SMWy catafalque/SM catalyse/SDWG Cauchy causality/MS causative/S Cavan/M cayenne/MS cease/CDSG ceaselessness/S cede/FKAGDS ceiling/MSD celebration/M celesta/SM celestial/Y cement/RGDSM censor/dSM censorious/PY censure/GRMSD Centralia centre/GDRMJ3WoS centripetal/Y cerebration/M ceremoniousness/SM ceremony/SMo CERN certain/UY certainty/USM Chablis chain's chairperson/SM chalet/SM chamberpot/S chamomile/MS chancy/T changeability/MS changeably/U change-ringing Chantilly characteristic/UY characteristics Chardonnay/S charming/T charted/U chasing/M château/SM chattiness/S chauvinism/MS cheapish cheddar/S cheerio/S cheesecloth/MS cheetah/SM Chelmsleywood chemiluminescent chemotherapeutic/S chequebook/MS cherry/MS chess/mSM Cheviot/SM chiaroscuro/MS chief/SMa chigger/SM childproof/GD chipmunk/MS chiral chirography/SM chiropody/3SM chiropractic/MS chiropractor/SM chisel/RDSGJM chivalry/WSM chloroform/GDSM choirmaster/SM choosiness/S chorion/M chorister/SM Christendom christened/U Christmastide chuck/SDGM chukka/S chute/SGMD cicerone/SM cider/CMS cinch/DSGM Cincinnati cinema/WMS circumpolar cirrhoses citation/MA citing/I citizen/MYyS Citroen/M clad/JGS claim/ERSGCAD clam/GMzZD2S clammy/TP clamshell/SM claptrap/MS clarinet/MS clarinettist/MS clarion/MDSG clasp-knife classicality classy/TP clatter/dSZk Clausen claustrophobia/SM clave/FM clayiest cleanse clearway/M cleat/GMDS clef/SM Cleveland/M cliché/MS clichéd cliff/SM climatology/S3Mw1 clinch/SRGkD clipping/M clique/DMGSZ close-fitting clot/GDMS clothe/UGD clotheshorse/SM clouded/cU clue/pMDGS Clwyd Clyde CMG CNAA coagulate/nGSDN coalescence/SM coarsen/dS coast-to-coast coater/S coating's/c cob/GMSD Cobb/M cobweb/MZSGD cobwebby/T cocci/MS co-channel cochlea/MS cochlear cock/zGMDZS2 cock-and-bull cockneyism cock-of-the-walk cocktail/GDSM cocoon/MGSD codicil/SM coequal coffee/SM coffee-house/SM Cohn coin/RMDG Colbert collagen/M collate/GSD collect/bSivDV7hG collectivism/SM collector/MS collects/A collegian/MS Colombo/M colonelcy/SM colonial/S3 colophon/SM colour-fast/P colt/MS coltish/PY combinator/oWSM combustion/MS Comdex/M comeliness/S comely/PT comes's comicality/SM commemoration/M commendation/AM commiseration/M commitment/cS commodious/PIY commonness/U communion/MS commutator/M commute/R Comoros/M comp/DGS compaction/M companionship/SM comparabilities compartmental/-8qQ compassionate/P compatriot compete/SDG competency/IS complacent/Y complement/DMGSRN composed/PY compressibility/MI compression/MC compulsion/M computerese concerns concerted/E concierge/SM conciousness conclude/RNGXDSvVu concoct/SDGV concordance/MS Concordia concurrence/SM condemnatory condescension/M condom/SM conductance's confabulate/NSnDG confidant/SM confirm/nANGSD confiscation/M conflate/GnDSN conflictual confound/h congruence/ZMS congruent/Y conical/P conifer/MS coniferous conjectural conjugal/Y conjunctivitis/SM connective/MS connector/SM connexion/SM connive/RSDG conscience/p consecrated/U consecration/MA consequentiality/SM consistory/MS consolation/EM consolidated/AU consolidation/M conspectus/MS conspicuousness/SI constancy/IMS consternate/DnNGS constraint/SM constructionist/SM constructor/SM contaminator/SM contemplate/VNDvuGn content/LEDhGMS contested/U continent/oYSM contingency/MS continua/on continuousness/E contract/GbD contrail/M contrariness/S contrary/PSY contravener/M contribute/DvGVy contribution/SM contrive/RDSG control/BRMSlG controlled/U convenor conventionalism/M conversation/Mo conversationalist converser convolution's Cooke/M cookery/M Coolidge cooling-off cooperage/MS coordinated/U coper/M coquetry/SM cordite/MS core/MDRGS Corey/M coriaceous corn/R2ZSMzDG cornea/SM Coronado coronation/M corporates/I corporeal/IY corpuscle/MS correctness/S corrigendum/M corrigible/I corroborate/DSnVvGyN corrupt/VPTbvSDGY corrupter/M corruption/MS corticosteroid/MS cosiness/S cosmology/1S3Mw cosponsor/Sd cost-effective cost-effectiveness Costello costliness/S cot/RMSD cottered cougher/M councillor/MS countdown/MS counter-claim/GSMD counter-culture/SM countermand/SGD counterpoint/DSMG countersunk countess/SM country/5mMS couplet/MS course/SMFE courteous/YEP court-martial covalent/Y covariate/SN covered/EAU covert/PY covertness/S cover-up/S cowl/DGMS cowrie/SM coxcomb/MS coyote/SM cozenage/SM crag/MZS2 crane-flies Cranford cranky/TP crap/GDMZS crash/RSDGk crass/TYP crayon/MdS creaminess/S creature/YSM creaturely/P credulous/PY creekside creep/RZSG2z creepy/PTS crenellated cretonne/MS crevasse/MGDS crib/DRGSM criminalise/CnDSG criminalize/CGNnDS criterion/M criticise/k criticize/k croaky/T Croat crone/SZM crookeder crosier/SM crossbow/mSM cross-bred/S cross-grained cross-refer/S crow/MDSG crozier/SM crude/PTY cruelty-free crumby/T crump crunch/RSDZG2 cruse/SM Crustacea crustal cryostat/M cryptanalysis/M crystallise/AnDSG CSA cue/DaMSG cuisine/MS Culloden Cully cultivator/MS culture/SMoDG cumbersome/PY cumulate/DNvGnSV cumulation/M curfew/SM curio/SM currently/AF curse/M Curtis cussedness/M cw cybernetic/S cycled/A cyclopaedia/MS cyclotron/MS cynic/SMY Czechoslovakia/M Czechoslovakian dachshund/SM Dacron Dada daddy/SM Dahl/M dalliance/MS dame/MS dammit/S damn/lDGkNS7n damneder damnedest dampen/drS Dan/ZM dance/SDRG dapperest darken/rdS darning/M Dartford dash/GRSDk dastardliness/S dateline/SMDG dauphin/MS Daventry Davidson davit/SM dazzle/SRGkD dBm DCM deathly/T death-roll debaucher/M debouch/DGS debtor/SM decapitator/MS decayer decease's deceitfulness/S deceptiveness/S decide/DBGVivhNxXuS decided/U decisioning decking/M declaim/y declared/KUA décolletée dedicatory deduce/DGnbNVvS deep-fried deep-laid deer/M defalcate/GDSNn defalcation/M defeated/U defectiveness/S defiant/Y deflatable Deirdre/M deist/WMS DeKastere Delaney/M delectation/SM delicateness/S delicatessen/MS deliquesce/GDS deliverance/SM Delphi Delport demagoguery/SM demagogy/MW demander/M demarcate/SNGnD demarcation/M democratic/UY demolish/DSG demoniac/S demonstrative/UY demount/7 demythologise/n dental/Y dentifrice/MS dependency/MS deprecation/M Derbyshire/M dereliction/MS dermis/SM derogate/NVSGnyD descend/FSGD desert/RGMDS deservedness/M designs/A desirability/UM desorption/M despair/SkDG despot/1W deterers determinable/IP determining/KA determinism/SM determinism's/I deterrence/SM dethrone/LG detonation/M d'être deviousness/S devoid devotional/S dewar dexter Dhabi/M diabolic/Y diacritic/MSY diagnosable dialectal dialectic/MS dials/A diamond/MSDG diary/3MS diastole/WSM diathermy/MS diatribe/MS dickiest die-cast differentiator/MS difficulty/MS digestion/MS digitalis/M digression/M Dillon dilute/PYVGDS dinette/MS dipterous directivity/M directness/IS directorate/SM dis/M disagreeable/S disallow discipleship/SM disciplined/UI disclosed/U discography/MS discoloured/M discomfit/d discontinue/nN discourage/LDGk discrepancy/MS discrimination/MI disgracer/M disjunctive/S dismalness dismay/DSk disparate/PSY dispel/DGS dispensary/SM dispersion/M disposable/S disposition/KMI disputable/I disrepute/M dissimilar/S distancing/e distinctive/P distortion/SM distract/GhikD distributive/YPS dither/Sd dividing/A divisive/P Dixieland dizzy/PTYDSGk docile/Y dockyard/SM Dodgson/M dodo/MS doesn't d'oeuvre dog-box dog-eared doggy-paddle dog-leg/D dogmatism/SM dog's/f dogtooth/M dog-tooth dogtrot/GSDM doily/SM do-it-yourself dolomite/SWM domes/W Domesday domesticate/SGD dominator/M Domingo/M Donovan doodle/SRGD Dooley/M dopiness/S dorm/RMS Dorothea/M dote/S double/SRDGY double-dealing doublespeak/S doubletalk doubting/Y doughnut/GMDS dourness/S dovecot dovecote/MS downgrade/SGD downriver downy/T dozenth dragon/MS drain/GRSMD dreadful/P dreadnought/SM dredge/GRMSD driftwood/SM drilling/M drink/7SGR drivenness driveway/SM droner drool/DRSG drop-in drove/GSDR drowsy/PTY drug/DMGS druggie/TS drumhead/M drunkenness/S Drury drywall/GDS Du dual/S ductility/MS duct's/F duffel/M dug/S Duisburg dumbbell/SM dumpiness/S Dumpty dune/MS Dunkirk/M Dunstable duplicator/MS durum/MS dustbin/SM dustman/M dusty/TP duteous/Y dutiful/U dynamo/MS dysfunctional DZ e each earliness/S earthbound earthly/PT earthwork/SM easel/SM easier Eastbourne/M eastern/R Eastertide Eastwood easy/UY Ebola Ecclesiastes ecclesiastical eclectic/SY econometrics/M Ecuador/M Eddie edgy/TPY edification/M Edinburgh/M Editor editorial/s3Q89SY EDT Edward/MS EEG efferent/YS effervesce/SGD effusion/M egger/M egocentricity/MS Egypt/M eidetic eightpence eighty/HMS eighty-eight/H eighty-four/H Eire/M élan/M elater/M elderflower elect/DAGS7 electrocution/SM electrodynamic/SY electroencephalogram/SM electromagnet/W1MS electronics/M electrotherapy element/SMo elephantiases elevate/DSnGN Elgin eligibility/IMS Eliot Elisha/M elite/S3M ellipse/SMW Ellsworth Elmira eloquent/IY Elton/M elusiveness/S Elvira emasculate/DSGNn embroider/rZdS embroil/DLSG emergent/S emeritae emery/MS Emmanuel empanelled emphases/c emulator/SM enchilada/MS encircle/DGSL enclosed/U encrypt/GSD endemic/SY endless/PY endlessness/S endoscope/MSWZ endure/SGklD end-user/S energetic/YS energised/U enfranchise/EDLSG enfranchiser/SM engorge/LDSG engrained engram/M enhanceable enigma/SWM1 enjoyable/P enlargeable enlighten/dSL enormity/SM enough entanglers enterprise/RSGMk entice/SRLkJGD entrust/DGS enumerating/A enuresis/M envelop/LrdS enzymatic/Y epidemic/MYS epidemiology/SM31w episcopacy/SM episcopate/SM Epstein equally/UF equiangular equip/LDSG equiproportionate equivocator/SM eradicator/SM Eratosthenes erecter erectile erection/SM ergosterol/MS Erie Erika/M Erin Erlang/M Ernest Esau escaper/M escapology Eskimo/S ETA etalon ethane/M Ethiopia/M ethnic/SY Eugenia eugenicist eunuchs euphony/SM evacuation/M eve/yMS evenest even-handedness Everett evergreen/S Everhart/M ever-increasing everliving evermore everybody/M ex exactly/I exceeder/M excision/M exclusion/My excommunication/M exculpation/M excursionist exemplify/SGRnND Exeter/M exhalation/M exhibit/XVdSN exhibitor/SM exhorter/M exigent/SY exiguity/MS existentialist/W exogamous exoskeleton/MS exoticism/SM expandability/M expanded/U ex-partners expectancy/MS expectoration/M expendable/S expense/MGSD expensive/IPY experimental/3 experts expiate/GyNnSD expired/U expiry/MS explainer/SM explanatory explored/U exponent/SM exposed/U ex-president expressible/IY expressiveness/SI extol/SDG extorter/M extortionate/Y extradition/SM extrapolate/SDnGNV extruder/M eyebrow/SM eyesight/MS Fabergé/M fabrication/MK facelessness facial/YS faculty/SM fadeout faeces faerie/M fail-safe failure/MS Fairchild Fairfield fairground/SM Fairmont falsity/SM familiarize/k fantasia/MS farad/MS farce/w1MS far-flung Fargo Farrell farther fas fatten/drS fatuous/PY fatwa/MS faze/DGS fearful/TP feather-head/D Feb feebleness/S feeds/c feelingly/U feign/RGSD feisty/T Felixstowe/M feminine/PYS feminist/SM femur/MS fencepost/M fermentation/M ferociousness/S Ferrari/MS Ferris ferroelectric festering festiveness/S feta/MS fetish/M3S fettuccine/S fiasco/SM fibre/MSD fibreboard/SM fibrous/PY fibula/M fiction/MSOo fictitious/YP fictive/Y fiddle/RGYMJDS fidelity/IMS fie/y fief/MS fiery/TYP fiesta/MS fifty-nine/H fifty-second/S Figaro figurations/4 figuring/S Fiji/M file/CaSAGD filet's Fillmore film-maker/S filth/2ZSMz fin/DZGowMdS finality/SM financier/SDGM Finnegan fire-fighter/SM fire's firewall/S firing/MS firmer fishnet/SM fish-plate/S fissure/GDSM fixable fixture/MS flagellum/M flagging/YU flagstone/SM flamboyant/Y flank/eSDG flaps/M flashback/MS flashcard/S flashgun/S flat-head/M flatware/MS fleabag/SM flecker flexure/M flightiness/S flincher/M flirtatiousness/S flora/MSo floridness/S flotation/SM flotsam/SM flout/GRDS flt fluorite/MS fluster/dS flutelike flux's/I flyblown flyer/SM flyhalf fo'c's'le focused/U foetid/Y foetus/MS foist/DSG folio/SGMD folks/Z2 folk-ways fondant/MS Foote footing/M footmen/M footrace/S footsore foppishness/S forbore foregoes foremost forepeople foresee/BGRS foreseeable/U forested/AC forests/AC foretaste/MGSD forgery/SM forge's forgo/RG forgotten/U fork/D6GSM forker formal/qsQ89P3- Formica formula/MSn Forrester forsaken fort/MZS forthcoming/U fortunate/UYS forty-second/S forward-looking fount/MS fountain/SDMG fountain-head/SM fourpenny foursome/MS foveae fowler/M fowl-run foxed/e foxhole/MS fox-hunting foxtrot/DMGS fractionation/M fragment/NGMSnD frailty/SM francium/M Franck frantic/YP fratricide/SM fraudulent/Y freedom/SM freehold/RSM free-standing Freetown/M free-wheel/DGS freeze-dried frenetic/Y frescoes fretboard fretsaw/S friary/MS friendliness/SM friendly/TU friendship/MS frightfulness/S frigid/PY fringe/IDGS Frisbee frisky/TP fritterer/M frontrunning front's frost/CSGD frowziness/S fructify/DSG fruit/X6jNdpSM frustrater/M f-stop/S ft/C FTC fuck/DRSMGJ fuel/MRGDS fullest full-wave fully-fledged fumy/T function/SMyGopD functor/SM fundamentalism/MS fundholders funicular/SM furnishing/M furthermost fuss/SD2ZMGz fusser/M fut Gaborone/M Gael/W gaggle/SGD gal/GkDM Galatians Galilee Gallicism gallows/M galvanise/nSDG galvanize/NnSDG galvanometer/MSW gander/dMS gang/DMGSY gangland/MS ganglia/M gannet/MS gaol/RDGMS Garcia/M Gardner/M Gareth/M garland/SDMG gaseous/YP gassy/PT gastritides gastroenteritis/M gastronome/Z1SwM gateway/MS gathered/AI gathering/M gaucheness/S gaucho/MS gauntness/S gawkiness/S gearbox/MS gee/dGMS geisha/M gelatin/MS gelatinous/PY gen/GD genera/onWM1Vv generic/S generousness/S Geneva/M genially/F genocide/SM genteel/PY gentleness/S Geoffrey/M geographer/MS geometrician/M Geraldine geriatrics/M Germantown Germany/M gerontology/3SMw gerund/MS geyser/dMS ghost-wrote GHQ Gifford gig/GMSD gild/RJGDS gimlet/MS Gina/M gingerly/P girlie/M girlish/PY giving/aY gladiator/SM glamour/GMDS glanders/M glare/kSDG glassful/MS glass-maker/MS glass-paper glaucoma/MS glim/M gloater/M globular/YP globule/SM gloss/DMZGSz2 glottalization/M glow-worm/SM glue-sniffing gluier glumness/S gluteus glycerolized/C glycine/M GMO gneiss/MS gnomelike gnostic goatherd/SM godchild/M God-forsaken godlessness/S godson/MS goldbrick/MDRSG goldfish/SM Golgotha Goliath/M gonadal Gondwanaland gonococcus gonorrhoea/M good/YPZS GOP Goren/M Gorgonzola goshawk/SM gourd/M6S government/a GPSS grades/A gradual/YP3 gradualist gradualness/S grammarian/MS grand/TYSP grandmaster/SM grantsmanship/S grapheme/M graphic/PS graphics/M grapnel/SM grasping/P grassers gratefully/U gratuitous/PY gravitas grazes/c grease's greathearted greed/2ZSzM greediness/S Greeley Greene/M greenhorn/MS greening/M Greenwich Greer/M Greig Grenadian/S Grenoble grew/cAe greybeard/M grill/GSD grimace/RMDSG Grimm grinner/M grip/rRdGMDS grisaille grizzly/TS groggy/TP Grosvenor Grumman grumpiness/S Gruyère g's guacamole/SM Guadalupe Guerre Guerrero guesstimate/GDS guest/DGMS Guggenheim guidance/MaS Guido guilelessness/S guitar/3MS gum/G2DZMS gumboil/SM gunfight/RMS gunk/MZS gunman/M gunny/MS gunrunner/MS gunship/S gushy/T gusted/E gutsy/PT gutta gutter/d guttersnipe/SM gymnosperm/SM gynaecological/MS gynaecology/S3wM gypping habeas habiliment/MS habitat/MS habited/IF habitualness/S habituate/NnSDG haemophilia/MS haemorrhoid/MS hafnium/M haft/MDGS Haili hailstorm/SM hajjes hale/SIDG half-baked half-breed/SM half-mast half-moon halfness half-timbered half-yearly hall-stand/S handbook/SM handrail/MS hands/Uc handshaker/M handsomely/U handspring/SM hangout/SM Hanover haploid/S happy/TUY harden/rdS hardiness/S hardness/S hard-on hard-pressed harebell/SM harem/MS Hargreaves harmlessness/S Harold/M harrow/MGDS Harvard harvestman/M Harwell Harwich Hattie hauler/c Hauser Havana/M haven't haw/GMDS Hawley Hayden/M hayer Haynes haystack/MS Hayward haywire head-hunt/DGSR headlight/MS headline/DSMG headphone/SM headrest/MS headroom/SM headstall/MS headwater/S heal/DGRS healed/U heartache/SM heartland/MS hearty/TSP heatproof heatwave heave/RSGZD heavy-duty Hebraism hectometre/SM heedful/P Hegelian Heidelberg heigh held Helen/SM helium/M he'll Hellenise/DGnS Hellenize/DGS Heller helm/mSGMD Helmholtz helter henceforth henry/M hep hepatitis/M herbalism herbicide/SM herbivore/SM Hercules heresy/SM heritability heritor/IM hermaphroditism Hermaphroditus hermitage/SM heroes heroic/S heroine/MS Herschel Hester/M heterosexuality/SM hewn hexagonal hey Hialeah hidden/U hideousness/S high-born highfalutin high-flyer/S high-handed/PY high-level highness/S hill/2MGYS hillwalker hilly/PT Hillyer Hilton hind/R Hindenburg Hindustan/M hinge/USGD Hippocratic hippodrome/SM hirsute/P hist histochemic hitherto hoary/TP Hobbs hoity-toity holdall/SM Holland/M hollow/PDTGSY Holman/M Holt homily/SM hominid/SM homology/SMw homotopy homunculus Honda/M honer/S honeybee/SM honorific honour/E7MRlDGS hooey/MS Hoosier hoppled Horace horribleness/S horrify/1SWGDk Horsham horsiest hortatory hose/M hospitable/YI hotel/mSM hound/GSMD houser housing's Howard Howell hoyden/dMS html hubbub/M hubris/MS Hudson huff/GMZDSz2 hulling/M humanitarian/S humiliation/M hummus/S humourlessness/S Hun/S Huntingdon/M Huntingdonshire/M huntress/SM hurl/DYSGR hurly-burly hurrier husbandry/MS hush/DGS Huxley hydrated/AC hydrogen/nMN hydrogenating/C hydrometer/SM hydrotherapy/MS hygienic/U hypercellularity hypersensitive/P hypersensitivity/MS hyphenate/SGD hypnosis/M hypothalamic/Y hypothesis/d8rM9QS hypoxaemia Iberian/SM icebound icon/SWM iconoclast/MWS ictus/SM I'd idealism/SM idiosyncrasy/SM Igor/M illumination/M illusionary illusive/PY I'm imaginative/UY imaginativeness/U immanent/Y immediateness/S immense/YPT immersion/M immunoassay/M immutable/P impala/M impaler/M impassibility/SM impeached/U impeccability/SM impecuniousness/S imperialism/SM impermeable/Y implementation/SM imply/VuGNvnh imposing/Y impregnable/PY impressed/U impressive/U improvisational impulsive/P impunity/SM inbreed/SGJ incantation/M incantatory inclination/EM incongruence inconsolable/PY incontestability/MS incorruptible/SY increasable incubate/DNSGVn incubus/M incurious incurs/XN Ind. indebtedness/S indefinable/PS indemnify/NDnSG Indiana/M Indianapolis indigence/SM indignant/Y indignation/SM indirect/GP indiscriminate/PY indoctrinator/SM ineptitude/MS inevitable/YP inexact/P inexhaustible/YP inexpedience/M inexpressible/SP infallible infect/EDGAS infected/U infecter infectious/YP inferno/MS infirmary/SM infix/M influential/Y influenza/MS inform/aNGDS infra-red/M infringe/L Ingersoll ingest/DGbVS inhabitance inherent/Y inheritor/S inhibiting/U inhold/JG initialness initiated/U inkiness/S inky/TP inmate/SM innocent/TYS innocuous/PY innuendo/DGMS innuendoes inoperative inquest inquire/kRDGZ inquisition/SoM insatiable/PY insecticidal inside/R insight/6j insinuator/SM insistent/Y insomuch inspector/SM inst/g instalment/MS instead instep insulate/DSnNG insurmountable/Y intangible/M intelligencer's intelligentsia/MS intelligible/UY intemperate/P intensification/M inter/ELDG interaxial interbred intercede/GSD intercensal intercommunicate/DGnNS interconnect/GDiS interferometry/M interleukin/S interlock/GSD interlocker/M interlude/MS intermediary/MS intermediation/M inter-modal intermodulate/SD internecine internee/SM internist's interoffice interpenetrates interpolation/M interpretative/Y interspecies interventionist/S interview's/K interweave/SG intestate/S intra intraline intramuscular/Y intransigence/MS intrauterine intrinsic/YS inundation/M inventive/P inventory/MDSG invests/A inveteracy/SM invidious/YP invigoration/MA inviter/M invulnerability/M ion/s9MWqQ8-S ipecac/SM ipso Ira Irene irk/DSG ironwork/MS irremediable/PY irritate/BnSkNhVDG irrupt/DGVS Irving Isabel/M islet/MS isomer/MS isothermal Israelite/SM ISSN issuance/SM issuing/A iteration/M Ivan/M J jackpot/MS Jackson/MS Jacksonville jaded/P Jagger jaguar/MS jambalaya/SM jape/GSMD jar/MG6JSD jarring/Y Jayasuriya jerky/TP jerry/M jerry-built jess/M jet/MDGS jetsam/MS jet-setted jibe/S jitterbug/RGSDM Jo/M jobless/P jocundity/MS Jodie jog/RJDSG jointing/E jounce/SGD journalism/SM journalist/W Jove joy/pMDG6jS joyous/YP jubilee/SM judgement/o judgement-seat juggle/RySDG juiciness/S Juliana julienne/S jumpsuit/S Jupiter/M justifiably/U Kafka kaftan Kahn/M Kalamazoo Kannada Kanoa/M Kasprowicz kazoo/SM KDE Kenneth Kenny Kenosha kerning Kerr/MZ ketone/M ketosis/M Kewaskum keyboardist/S KGB Khabarovsk kickback/MS kiddie/S Kieffer/M kif kilogramme/S kindler/M kingbird/M king-size/D Kingstown Kingwood kinkiness/S Kiwanis kleptomaniac/SM knee-jerk knuckleduster/S Koch Kodak/M Kodiak kookiness/S Korea/M Kowloon Krebs Krugman kudos/M kurtosis/M kW kyle/SM Kyushu/M labelled/U lacteal lacuna/SM lad/MRDJSG ladle/GSMD laggard/PYMS lagniappe's Lagos/M Lagrangian/M laid/Aacf lake/SM Lalo lam/GSD lambkin/SM lampoon/SDGM lancet/MS landward/S Lang/M languisher/M lank/T2PYZ lankiness/S lanolin/SM lapdog/S lappet/MS lard/FMS lardy/T large/TPY Larine Larsen larynx/M lassitude/MS Laszlo/M late/PTY latex/SM LaTeX/M lather/d latherer/M latitudinarian/S latitudinary Latrobe/M latte/S lauder/M launching/S lavage/SM lawbreaker/SM lawfulness/MS Lawson lawyer/YMdS laxness/S laymen/M laziness/S le/Gz3 league/FMDGS leapt leathern Leda Lee leftward/S legacy/SM legality/ISM legate's/C Legendre/M legible/IY legislative/S legroom/SM Leighton leisureliness/S leitmotif/MS Leland/M lemme/JG lemur/SM Len/M lengthiness/S lengthwise leniency/SM Leno Lenore/M lens/SDGM lenser/S Leominster leopard/SM leopardess/MS lessor/MS letterpress/MS level-headedness/S Lewis/M Lexington liability/SAM libation/M Liberace liberality/SIM liberalization/M liberalness/SM liberator/MCS library/SM Libreville/M licence/SM licensable licensor/M lichenology Lichfield licit/IY lickerish life/RpM life-and-death lifespan/S ligand/MS lightening/M light-headed lightship/SM Lilliput limber/dUS limeade/MS limper/M lineage/MS linefeed link-up/S Linn/M Linton lion/QSM-s lipase/M Lipschitz/M liq liquidity/SM lisp/RMSGD Lister/SM listlessness/S litany/MS lithography/MS Lithuanian litigant/MS liverwort/MS living/eA Livingston Livonia Ljubljana/M llama/MS LLB loaded/AKcU lob/MRDGSZ lobular/Y lobularity locative locator/SM lock/RSDGM7 locked/UA locksmith/SMG locomotion/MS locomotive/YMS lodged/E lofter/M loganberry/MS logic/IMSY loin/SM Lois Londonderry/M long-awaited Longbridge long-faced longhorn/SM long-sighted/Y long-standing longueur/SM long-waisted lookup/MS loosing/U lore/SM lorn lorry/MS losable loss/SpMZ lot/MS lotion/MS Louisville/M lout/MS low-born lower-case low-income lowlight/MS lowly/PT lubrication/M lucidity/MS Lucille lucky/TUY Ludmilla luger lugubrious/PY Luke/M Lumière/M lunchpack lunch-time lurcher/M luxuriant/Y Lyman/M Lyme lynching/M lyrical/P lyricist ma/FMS macabre/Y machine-readable macromolecule/SM macroscopic/Y made/AU Madrid/M Madsen/M madwoman/M Mae/M Mafioso/M Magdalene maggoty/T magnification/SM magpie/SM Maguire mahatma/MS Mahayana maidservant/MS mail/RS7GDMJ mailshot Maine mainframe/SM mainland/RMS mainmast/MS mains/M mainspring/MS majorette/MS makeshift Malabo/M malachite/SM malaria/SM malarkey/SM Malay Malayan/MS Male malignant/Y mallet/MS managed/U manager/oSM managerial managership/M Manama/M Manchester/M mandarin/SM mango/MS mangold-wurzel/S mangy/T manhunt/SM manifolder/M manipulatable manliness/S man-sized mantelshelf Manton mantra/SM manumit/XNSGD Manx mappable march/DRSG margarine/SM Marge/y Marianne/M Marina Marjorie marked/AU markka/M marl/SGDM Marlborough/M Marline/M marmalade/SM marquetry/MS marriageability/SM marriages/A married/S Marshall/M Martha martinique Martinson Marty marvel/GDS marvellous/Y Marxism Maryland/M mascara/DGSM mash/RJSGDM masquerade/MRSDG masseuse/SM Massey/M mastectomy/SM masterliness matchbook's Mathematica mathematician/MS Mathias Mathieu matriarch/MZ matriculate/NSGDn Matsumoto/M Mattel maturate/SGD matzo/MS Maureen Mauricio Mauritanian/S Maxwell/M Mayfair/M mayhap mayoralty/MS mayorship/M Mayotte/M maypole/MS Mazda mazer mazy/T Mbabane/M McCarty/M McCormick/M McIntosh/M McLaren/M McLaughlin/M McMillan/M McPherson/M mdse measurer/M meatball/SM meatloaves mechanizer/M mediated mediator/SM medic/NYVnMS medical/S medicine/MoS mediocre Medway/M meeting/M Meg/M mega megabuck/S megabyte/S megalomania/MS megalomaniac/SM mélange Melanie membranous memoir/SM mendacious/PY menial/YS mensurable/F mentholated meow/DSG Mercedes-Benz/M merchantmen/M meromorphic merrymaker/SM Merthyr meshes mesmerizing messianic mestizo/SM metabolic/Y metacentre/W metallic/S metallurgy/1MSwW metamorphic metaphysical metastases metatarsus/M metempsychosis/M metropolitan/S mgr micelles microbicide/M microeconomic/S microeconomics/M microfiche/M microfilm/GDMS micro-organism/SM microword/S mid-air/SM Middlesex midland midlander midlives midway midyear/SM MIG/S might/S2Zz mightiness/S Mignon Mikhail milepost/SM miler/M milestone/MS militarisation militate/SGD militia/mSM millenarianism/M milligram/S millilitre/S millivoltmeter/SM millstone/SM Millwall Milquetoast/S Milwaukee mincemeat/SM mind-numbing/Y mined/f mineral/Qq8-SM mineralisation/CS mineralogy/Mw3S miniature/GQ3S8M-qD minicam/MS ministerial minke minnesinger/MS minority/SM minstrelsy/SM misbrand miscall misclassified miscommunicate miscreant/SM misery/MS misgiving/SM misguided/P mishandle/G misnomer/SM misogamy/M3S misplace/L missal/MSE mistime/G mitosis/M mitt/SM mobility/SMI Mobutu mocha/SM mock-up/S mod/oS modal modality/SM moderation/MI modify/NnRSBGD Mohamed/M Mohammedanism Mojave molestation/M momentariness/S Monaco/M monastic/YS monetarism/S monetary/3Y money-changer/S Mongolian/S 'mongst monitor/MSd monk/SM monkeyshine/S monogamousness monomaniacal monomial/MS Monongahela/M mononucleoses monopolist/W Monrovia/M monster/MS montage/SMDG moonbeam/MS moonlighting/M moonstruck Moore moose/M moralist/W1 morally/I Moreen moribund/Y moroseness/S morph/SDJG Morpheus/M morphogenesis morrow/MS mortal/IYS mortar/dMS mortgagee/SM7 mortifier/M mortify/GhnSND mortuary/SM mosaic/MS mote/SMV motes/C motherboard/MS mothers-in-law motocross/MS motorcycle/3GSM motorised/U mottle/SGD mottoes mouldboard/MS mountain/SM mournfulness/S mousiness/S movably/I moveable/PSY movement/SM MPs ms mucous muddlehead's mug/2JMRGZSD Muire/M mukluk's Mullen/M multicultural multilateralists multilevel/D multilingual multiplexor/SM multiversity/M mummification/M mummify/SNDGn mumps/M mundaneness municipality/SM Munroe/M murder/rdSM Murillo/M murmuring/S murmurous Muscat/M muscularity/SM mushiness/S musician/MSY musketeer/SM mutability/IMS muted/Y mutely muteness/S mutiny/DSGM myopia/SM mystery/SM mythologise/CSGD mythology/SQM31w n/NnxVvu nacho/S nacre/MS naffness naiveness naivete/Z Nakayama/M namely nark/SMZ narrowband nascences/A natch nationalism/SM nationally/4 nationwide natl naught/z2MZ navigation/M naysayer/S NBA NBS NCO necessitous necessity/MS neckerchief/MS necropolis/MS nectarine/SM needless/Y needn't ne'er-do-wells negation/M neglect/6jSDG negotiability/MS negotiable/A negotiation/MA neither Nell/MY neoclassicism/MS Nepali/M nephritis/M Nero/M nervousness/S netherworld/S nett/SJ netter neutralization/M Nevada/M nevermore Newark/M newfangled Newnham newsagent/SM newscast/RSM news-gathering newsgroup/MS Newsweekly/M NFC NFL Nicholas Nicky/M Nicola/MS nicotine/SM Niger/M niggard/YMS niggardly/P nigh nightie/SM night-life/M nightshirt/MS nightstick/S Nikki/M Nikon/M nil/MGY nimbi nimbused Nimrod/MS ninety/HMS ninety-seven/H ninety-three/H ninety-two nitration/M nitrite/MS no/Q NOAA node/SM noes Nolan/M nominee/SM non-acid/S non-adhesive non-adjustable non-complying/S non-conservative non-constructive non-deductible non-deterministic/Y non-discrimination/S non-enforceable non-equivalent/S non-factual non-governmental non-granular non-interchangeable non-interference non-intervention/S non-ionic non-ionising non-judicial non-natural non-nuclear non-obligatory non-operative non-parametric non-payment/SM non-physical/Y non-prescription non-productive non-reciprocating non-recurring non-returnable/S nonsuch non-surgical non-taxable/S non-trunk non-user/SM non-violent/Y non-white/SM Norbert/M Nordic/S normalcy/SM normalise/CGASD Normandy/M Norris north-eastward/S Northrop/M Northumberland/M north-Westward/S nosh/SDMG nostril/SM noticeboard/S notion's Nova nubbin's nubby/T nugatory nuisance/MS null/S nullify/DRSnNG numberer/M numbering/e numbskull/M nurture/MRDSG nutate/GSD nylon/SM nympholepsy/M oafishness/S oakwood OAP oars/m5 obdurate/YS obdurateness/S obligate/SNxyGnD oblige/EGDS observation/M observatory/MS obstetrics/M obstreperous/PY obstruct/GSvDuV obstructionism/SM obtain/SGD7 obtrusiveness/SM obtuseness/S obviate/DnNSG occipital/Y occlusive/S occurrence/SM oceanic/4 Oceanside/M octal/S October/SM odious/PY oenophile/S o'er oesophageal oesophagus/M Ofelia/M Offaly/M offensive/IYP offertory/MS officership/S officious/PY offprint/GMSD offshoot/MS oftener oftenest oiliness/S Okamoto/M Okinawa/M Oktoberfest Oldbury old-time/R old-world Oliver/M Olson/M omen/SMd omnidirectional on-board oneness/S one-piece one-third one-track one-way onlooker/SM onlooking onward/S ooh/DSG oops/S open-air opened/AU open-heart/D open-top openwork/SM operand/SM opine/GSD Oporto opossum/SM Oppenheimer/M opposite/YPS oppression/M optional/S opus/SM ordered/AU orderer ordinands ordinary/TSY ordination/SM ore/MySo O'Reilly organise/EnADGS organize/AnSEGDN organza/MS orgy/MS orient/ENSADnG oriental/SY orienteering/M origami/MS original/U Oriya/M Orleans ornament/nMDGNSo ornithology/3wSM Orpheus/M Orrin/M orthography/w1SMW osmosis/M osteoporosis/M Oswald/M OTC other/SPM OTOH out/MDSGJ outgrip outgrow outland outlandishness/S outlaw/DyG oval/MSP oven/SM over-abundance/SM over-abundant overbook/G overbuy overcloud over-delicate overeducate overload/G overnight/G overpressure over-sensitiveness/S oversize overtake overweening overwrite/G ovulate/GySD ovum/SM owl/MS owner/SM oxalic oxaloacetic oxbow/MS Oxfordshire oxidation/M Paarl Pablo/M pacesetter/SM pachyderm/MS pacific/4 pacification/M packaging/M paddy/MS paeony/M paganism/SM painterliness painting/M pair/ADMSG paired/UI pal/MS Palaeocene palate/SgoM Palestine/M pallor/MS Palmyra/M palpitation/M panache/MS pandemic/S pang/SM parabola/MWS paradigmatic paraffin/SM paralinguistic Paramaribo/M paramedical/S paramount paraphraser/M paraquat/S parasite/MwWS1 parasitic/S pardon/rgl7dS pardonableness/M parentage/MS parfait/SM Paris/M parkland/M parlourmaid parquetry/MS parson/MS partial/IY particularity/SM partitive/S part-timer/S parturition/MS partway party/DMSG pascal/MS passbook/MS passive/IY passkey/SM passover pastiness/S pastis pastor/dMS pasturage/SM patchable patellae patency paternalist/W paternity/MS patient/eMS patisserie patriotic/U patron/98Q-YMqsS patronise/k patroon/MS patten/MS paunch/S2GMZD pauperism/MS paved/U paver/M pawner/M pcm PE peacetime/SM pearler/M peasanthood pebbling/M pecan/MS pectoral/S pedagogics/M pedestrian/Q-8qMS peduncle/MS pee/RGS peekaboo/SM peers/F pell-mell pen/oGDMS peninsula/SM penknife/M penknives pennon/SM pennyworth/M pensiveness/S penultimate/SY Penzance/M people/DMGS peopled/U peptide/MS perchance percolate/NnDSG perestroika/S perfectionism/SM perform/eDGS performance/MS performer/MS perfused periastron perihelia peril/MSDG period/Mw1WS periodontal/Y periphrasis/M periphrastic perish/7RGDkS perishable/IS permanence's/I permanent/PY permit/GXDMNS perpetrate/SGDNn persevere/kGDS Persia/M person-to-person persuasive/P Perthshire/M pervasion/M perverse/PXVYN pessimal/Y petal/MSD Pete petitioner/SM petitioning petrodollar/SM petrology/MS3w petticoat/SDM petty/TSY pew/MS peyote/MS phantasm/SM phantom/SM Phelps Philippines/M philtre/SM phoebe/MS phone-in/S phonemics/M phony/TSP phooey/S phosphate/MS phosphorescence/MS phosphorous phosphorus/M photocell/SM photojournalism/MS photojournalist/MS photolysis/M photosphere/M photosyntheses phrasing/MS phrenology/1w3MS phylum/M picador/MS picot/SM piecework/MRS pieing pig/LGZDMS pillowcase/SM pilot/SdM pinafore/MS pine/AGSD pinged/I pinned/f pintail/SM pip/drDkMGS pique/SMDG piste/SM pistil/MS pitfall/SM pith/z2ZDMGS pitiless/PY pizzeria/SM pl. placeable/A placebo/SM placement/eMS placenta/MS plagiarist/SM plaining/F plain-spoken plaints/F plangency/S planking/M plantain/MS plaster/rMdS platitudinous/Y Plato/M plausibleness plausibly/I played/U playmate/SM pleasure/GDSlM pleb/ZS plenum/M pleurisy/MS plies/FAI plop/GDMS plough/mRGSMD ploy/CS plucky/TP plumelike plunder/dS pluralism/SM plus/S poach/RDSG poetess/SM poeticalness poetics/M points/e poker-face/D polar/Q-8qSs pole-axed polemic/YS polemicist/S pole-vaulting policyholder/MS politest politic/Q8-GDSq pollinate/DNGSn pollination/M Pollock/M polychemicals polymath/SM Polynesia/M polypeptide/S pondering pooh-pooh/D poolside popinjay/MS populated/UfA Porifera porousness/S porringer/MS portal/MS porterage/M portraitist positioned/a positions/4I posses/GhDi possessor/SM post-classical post-colonial posted/AFI posterity/MS post-feminism postfix/DSG postgraduate/MS post-industrial postnatal post-natal post-nuptial post-operative/Y post's/IeF postulate/NSnDG potable/PS potential/YS potherb/MS pot-hunter potsherd/SM poundage/MS pourer's pouring/e poverty-stricken powerless/PY power-sharing pp Pr practicals practitioner/MS Praesidium/M prate/SRkDG precarious/PY precess/GDS preciosity/MS precociousness/S predicament/MS pre-echo pre-eclamptic pre-embryo/S pre-employment/SM preener/M pre-exist/DGS pre-existant pregnancy/MS pre-ignition première/SDGM prenatal/Y prenuptial preoperative preordain prepack pre-paid prepay/L preposterous/PY preprint/M presents/A preservation/M preservative/SM preserve/nNV preside/DG press/FIGSADC presumptuousness/S pre-tax pretending/U previous/Y price/SADcG prickle/MDS2G priest/MDSGY prig/SM primordial/YS printable/U prism/SM privacy/SM privileged/Uf privy/YM probational probity/SM proclivity/MS procreativity production's/Af profess/DNxXhSG profiteer/DGSM profligate/SY profoundness/S profuseness/S prognathous prognosis/M programmable/S progressivism project/SDVvMG promenade/RMSGD prominent/Y promiscuity/MS promo/SVu proneness/S pronunciation/aSM proofing/M prophylactic/S propulsion/M prorogue/DGS pros/S prosecutable proser/M protectedly proteolysis/M protestation/M prove/EBSGD providable provide/NDRXSxG provocation/M prudence/ISM prurience/SM pry/TkDRGS pseudo psychobiology/M psychokinesis/M psycholinguistic/S psychometric/S psychoneuroses psychopathy/SM psychosomatics/M psychotherapist/MS public/N3MQ8n publican/ASM publishable/U publishes/A puckish/Y puke/GDS pukka pulchritude/SM pull-back/S pull-down pulser pulverizer/M punchline/S punctilio/SM puniness/S punitive/PY punk/T2SMZ punt/RGDMS pupillage/M puppet/ySM pure-bred/S purity/ISM purpose/6MvpVDjuSGY purposeless/PY purposive/P pushiness/S put-down putrefaction/SM puzzle/LRSkJDG PW python/MWS pyx/SM quadruple/SYDG quadrupole quail/DGMS qualify/NEnDGS quality/SM quarrier/M quarterback/SM quartet/SM quarto/SM quasilinear quatrain/SM queenly/T quenched/U questions/A quests/FI quicklime/SM quieter/E quietus/MS Quinton quirk/ZM2S quite/A quiver/dZkS quizzy/w1 quondam Ra raccoon/MS raceway/SM racism/S racket/MdZS radiator/SM radii/M radiocommunications rag/diGkMSDh rags-to-riches raiment/M ramrod/MS rancid/P ransack/GSD rap/d3RDGS Raphael/M rapid/YS rapidness rather rating/MS ratiocinate/DVGSNn rationality/IM rattlesnake/MS raven/dSM ravine/SMD ray/DMSG rayon/M razzmatazz RDS readjust/LG ready/TSDPG Reagan/M realised/U realism/SM realistic/UY realized/U rearmost reason/rlp7dSM Rebecca/M recension/M reception/MS3 recession/y recherché reckon/dS recognisable/U recoil/p reconcile/7SGD reconfigure/B recontamination recordist records/A recreancy recrudesce/DSG rectal/Y recursion/M reddish redeemable/UI redemptive redeploy/LG redial/DG Redondo/M reducible/YI redundancy/MS reed/ZGDMS2 Reese/M refashion/G referenced/U referendum/SM refine/LR refined/cU reflectance/M reflexives reforest/nGN refractors region/oSM regional registered/U registration/MK regrow/G regular/q8Q-YS regularly/I regulate/CNGSDny regulative reheat/G reinstitution reissue rejoin/G relic/MS religious/PY relive/S remainder/dMS remark/Gl7 rematch remember/ad remittance/SM remitting/U remobilize/B remonstrate/nDVNvSG remould/G removal/SM remuneration/M Renaissance's Renault/SM rend/GS render/rdJS renunciant renunciative renunciatory repertoire/SM replenish/SDG replicable representation/f reptile/MS repudiation/M repulsive/P reputes/E requite/DS re-radiated rescind/GDS resentful/P reserved/UY residency/SM residential/Y resit/G resolved/U resonator/SM resow/G respecify/G respect/ED6GSMj respectability/MS respell/G respiration/M respirator/SM resplendent/Y responsibility/ISM responsive/UY rest/6VjpvGuDMS restart/G restroom/SM resultant/YS resurface retake retard/nRDGS retouch/R retrogress/XDGSVNv reverify/NG reverse-charge reversibility/I revision/3y revoke/DNGnRS rewind/7 Reyes rhea/MS rhizome/SM rho/M rib/GDMS rice-paper Richfield/M Richmond/M rick/MS Ridgefield/M Riesling/SM righten rigidity/S Riley/M ring-fence/GD riotous/PY risibility/M risotto/SM risqué Ritalin rivet/drSMk Riyadh/M road/MS roam/GDRS Roanoke/M rocker/Z rodent/MS Rodney/M roe/MS Roger's role/MZS role-play/GD roller-coaster rolling-stock roll-over/S romance/RSDMG Romanov/M Romeo/MS Romney/M Romulus/M Ronnie/M rook/MS root/RipDMGS Rosalind/M Roseland/M Rosicrucian/M rosin/dSM Rossini/M rotate/SxGDy Rotavator/SM rottener rouble/SM Roundhead/MS round-the-clock Rourke/M rouse/SDG row/DRMSG Rowena/M RPG RSM RSV rubato/SM Rubin/M rudder/pMS ruination/M ruinous/Y ruling/SM Rumanian/M Runamia runty/T rupiah/SM rustic/S rusticate/SGD Rutgers Ruth/M ruthless/PY Ryder/M Ryedale Ryukyu/M Sabbath/MS Sabina/M sacristy/SM Sadducee/M sadomasochism/SM sadomasochist/WMS sagacious/Y sagaciousness sage/KMS sagely Saginaw/M sahib/SM sailboarder sailor/MSY salacious/Y Salle/M Salomon/M saltless salute/SnGND Salvador/M Salvadoran/S salvoes sameness Sammie/M sampan/MS sand/ZMDG2S Sanskritise/M Santana/M sappy/T Saratoga/M Sardinia/M Sargent/M Sassoon/M Satanism/M satinwood/SM satori/M Saturnalia's satyriasis/M Sauber/M saucer/S Saukville/M Savoyard/M savvied sawfly/MS saw-horse sawtooth saxifrage/SM Saxton/M Sayre/M scalder scalene scallion/MS scallop/dSM scalloper/M scalp/RSMDG scanty/T scapegoat/SM scare/S2Z scathed/U scepticism/MS Schafer/M schedules/A scherzo/SM schism/MS schmooze schooling/M schooner/SM Schubert/M Schulz/M Schuster/M sciatica/M scleroses scoot/RSDG scorbutic Scotland/M scouting/M scowler/M scraggly/T scrapyard/SM scream/kRGSD screenwriter/SM screwy/T scrim/SM scrimmager/M scrip/M scrupulosity/SM scuba/SM scullery/SM sculptural scuppered scythe/GSMD Sea Seagate/M searched/A searchlight/SM sea's sect/ISE sectionalism/SM secular/Q3-8qY security/SMI sedateness sediment/SnNM sedition/SM seditious/Y seed-bed/SM seeded/UA segmental seigniory/S seismogram seismology/M3w1 seismometer/S selectivity/M self-absorption self-analysis self-assertive self-confidence self-defeating self-destruct/DVGS self-discipline self-expression self-indulgent self-propelled self-regulation Selfridge/M self-sacrifice/G selfsame self-surrender self-sustained selves semantic/3SY semeiology/3 semiconducting semiprecious semi-solid semolina/M señores sensate/x sensory sensual/FY sensuality/MS septennial/Y septillion/HS septuagenarian/SM Serbian/S sere servomechanism/MS set/eMS setback/S settee/MS seventy-one several Severn/M sewerage/SM sextuplet/SM shackle's Shafer/M shag/ZDSG2M shaken/U shake-out shallow/YSDT shammy's shan't share-out Sharpe/M Shawano/M sheen/ZSM sheeny/T sheepdog/SM sheepish/PY sheepskin/MS Shelley/M shelve/DSG sherds Shevardnadze/M shielded/U shimmy/MDSG shindig/SM shine/SeG Shintoist/MS shipload/SM ship-rigged ship's Shirley/M shit/ZGS shockproof shoe/pGSM shooting-coat/S shop-girl/SM shout/eDGS show/GJmR2zSDZ shower/Zd shown shred/DRSMG shrewd/TYP shrink/KSG shrinkage/SM shrink-wrapped shut-off/M shuttle/MGSD Shylock/M shyly shyness/M Siamese/M Siberian/S sibilancy/M Sibyl/M Sicilian/S sickbed/S sickie/MS sickle-cell sickroom/MS sideburns sideshow/SM side-slip siege/SM Siemens/M Siena/M sienna/M sight/cMSI sightedness sightless/Y signal/-MqRQ8GDmSY signification/M Silas/M silkscreen silkworm/SM silly/TPS Silva/M simile/MS simon simon-pure simony/MS simple/TY simplex/S simulcast/S Sinai/M sincerely/I sincerity/MSI singe/S singleton/MS sink/RG7S sinkable/U sink-hole/SM sinus/SM Sioux/M Sirius/M sisal/SM sitarist site/DSM situate/GnDN sixty-first/S sixty-onefold skeletal/Y skerries sketch/SzRMDGZ2 ski'd skillet/MS skinhead/MS skipper/d skydive/SRDG sky-high Skype/M skyscape/S slake/SGD slanderer/S slapper slattern/YSM slave-drive slaver/d Slavonic/M sleety/T slingshot/SM Sloan/M slosh/DGS slowcoach/MS slug/RSGDM slung/U Smethwick smiling/UY smirk/SMDG smite/SG smithy/SM smoke/SR2GZDpM7 smoothie/MS smooth-tongued SMSA/SM snapshot/MS Snell/M snide/PTY snifter/SM snood/SM snowblower/S snow-white snub/DGS soapbox/SM sociability's sociality/M socio-economic/YS sociolinguistics/M sodomy/Q8SM sofa/SM soft-boiled softie's softness/S soirée/MS sold/AfecU soldiery/SM solenoid/SM soles/I Solzhenitsyn/M sombreness Sondheim/M sop/DMGZS Sophocles/M sorbet/MS sorcery/SM sorghum/MS sortie/SMD sorting/K sought/U soundboard/MS sourpuss/MS southbound south-Eastern southpaw/SM Southport southwester/MS south-westerlies south-west's sown/A soy space-saving spade/SGMD6 spadices span/GDRMS spaniel/MS SPARCstation/M spatula/SM spavined spawn/MGSD speaking-tube spear/MGSD spectra/oM spectrography/M spectrophotometry/M speech/pSM spelt/a spender/SM spherule/MS Spiegel/M spin-drier/S spineless/YP spin-off/S spinster/MS spirochaete/SM splatter/dS splay/SDG splayfoot/DM splint/RDSGM splinter/dZ splodge/MS splurge/MDSG splutterer/M spoilage/MS spokeshave/SM spongy/T sponsorship/S spontaneous/YP spooky/TP spotlight/SMGD spots/C spouter/M sprayer/MS spring/RZSz2G springboard/SM sprinkle/RJSDG sprite/SM Sputnik/MS sputum/M spyhole sqrt squash/ZGDS2 squiggly/T squirt/SGD squishy/T SRA/M stable-lad/SM stack/7GSDM stagecoach/MS stain/SpDG stale/PTYDG stall/SGID stamen/MS standard/s9qQ-8S standardised/U stand-offish starling/SM starry/T starstruck started/A stash/GSD stateroom/SM states/5m statesmanlike static/YS stationary statuary/SM statuette/SM statute/SyM staunchness steadying steak/SM Stearns steep/TSGDY steers/m stencil/DSMGJ Stepney/M sterile/Q8q-s9 sternness stickleback/MS stigmatization/CS Stillwell/M stink/GZSRk stippler/M stockpot/SM Stockwell/M stolon/MS stoma stomata stone/pSMZDG stonework/M stoppage/SM storer/A storm-bird/SM Stradivarius/M straight/STPY straighten/rSd straight-faced straitness strange/PTYR Strasbourg/M strata/M stratosphere/SWM1 stressful/Y stretchable strewer stricter/F strictness strife/M stringed stringer/MS stringy/TP stripe/SMDZG structure/ASGD stubborn/TYP stump/ZSDGM stun/GSD stunner/M stunning/Y stunt/iSDGM stuntman/M stupefy/SkGD stupider sturdy/TYP stutter/dS stymie/SD Styrofoam sub-clause/S subcommand/S subcontinental sub-editorial submarine/RSM subordinate/ISNYDGn subrogation/M subservient/Y subsidence/M subsidy/SM substantial/YI substrate/MS subtrahend/SM subtropics succeed/DSG succinct/PY suffragan/S Sufi/M sugar-daddy/SM suggest/RGuVvSDb suicidal suitableness suitably/U suited/U Sukkoth's sulphur/MdSW sultanate/MS Sumatran/S summertime/M summit/SpM sunny/TP superb/PY superconductor/MS supererogatory superfluousness supernal supersonic/YS supervision/M supplicant/SM supply/ASDGc supposable suppress/NXVGDSb supreme/YP sure-fire surfaces/A surge's surly/PTY surpass/GkSD surprise/kSMDG susceptible/I Susette/M suspicion/SM sustainable/U swampland/SM swanlike Swansea/M swayback/DS sweat/RZSGMD2z sweetening/M sweetheart/SM swimsuit/MS swishier switchback/MS Switzer/M swizz/S swordfish/SM swordplay/M swordtail/M syllabi Sylvania/M Sylvie/M symbiont/M symbolism/SM symbolist symmetry/Q8SWM1w sympathetic/UY synchrotron/M syncopal syncopator/SM synopses syntactical synthesize/ADGS Syrian/MS tab/GMZSD Tabb/M tablespoon/6SM tachograph/S tacit/PY tack/SM tact/jWM6p1w taffrail/MS Tahoe/M taint/SGD Taiwanese Talbert/M talent/pMDS talented/U talk/RDvSuZVG tallish Tallulah/M talus/SM Tamil/SM tamp/DGS Tamworth tanager/SM Tandy/M tangential/Y tangibly/I tangle's Tara/M tare/SM tarn/MS tassel/GMDS tasteful/EP tat/rSGDZ taut/TY tautologous Tb Tbilisi/M teacake/SM teaches/A teacupful/SM teamwork/M tear/6pMGSj teaspoon/6MS technician/SM technophiles technophobic teens/Z teeny-bopper/MS teeth/DGM teethe telecast/RSG Telecom telekinesis/M telephone/G3ZMSDW teleprinter/SM TelePrompTers telly/MS temperament/o tempo/SM tenaciousness tendency/SM tenderest Tenneco/M tenner tensile tension/KMS tensor/SM tent/DFMGS tentative/Y tenth/Y terbium/M Teri/M term/GDSM terminator/SM terminology/SMw1 Terrence/M Terrie/M terrine/M testimonial/MS testis/M testy/TY tetra/SM textual/FY Thailand/M theism/MS theoretic/Y thereabout/S theretofore thereunder therm/oSM thesauri Thessalonian they'd thigh/MS thirteen/HM thirty-five/H this thole/M Thor/M though thoughts Thracian/M thread's threaten/dSk three-fold three-wheeler thresh/SDRG threshold/MS throe/SM thug/SM thuggery/M thunderflash/S Thurston/M thyristor/SM thyrotropin tick-tock/GSDM tide/ZD2SoJG tidewater/SM tidily/U Tienanmen ties/AU tiff/MS tiger/MS timbre/MS time/pYRDSJMG timepiece/SM Timothy/M tingeing tinnitus/M tin-pan tin-plate/M tinsel/MGSDY tipsy/TP Tirane Tiree/M titillate/SnDGkN title/SGAD titled/U toady/SDGM toadyism/M Todd/M to-do TOEFL toilette/SM Tokyoite/MS toll/DGS tomfool tones/fc tongue-tied tongue-twister/S Toni/M tonnage/SM tonsorial topcoat/MS tor/M torch/SMDG toreador/SM torsional torsion's/I torturous touchdown/MS touching/Y touchy/TPY tough-minded tourism/MS towel/SMDG tow-line/SM townsfolk tow-rope/SM Toyota/M traceable/U Tracey/M tracing/MS traction/FCESMA Trafalgar/M Trafford tragedy/SM trail/GRSD trails/F trainable/U tranche/MS tranquil/Y transcriptional transformational transiency/S transient/SY translational translucence/ZM transmittal/MS transposable travelogue/MS traverse/DSG Travis/M treason/S7M trembly/T Trenton/M trialled tribal/Y tricycle/SM triennial/YS trifle/GRMSD trilogy/SM triplane triplex/S triptychs trite/YF triumph/SDGM trolleybus/S trollop/SM tropic/SM troubled/U troubleshoot/GRS trumpery/SM truncheon/MS trustiness trustworthiness/U trying/Y tuba/SM tuberous tumultuous/PY tunable/C tunnel/JSRGDM tupelo/M turbid turbocharged turfy/T turgidity/SM turnabout/MS turnkey/M turn-up/S turquoise/MS turreted tussle/SDG TWA/M tweed/MS2Z Tweedledee/M Tweedledum/M twelve/H twenty/SH twenty-second/S twilit twill/DSG twitch/SGDZ two-edged two-step two-tone Tydfil/M Tylenol/M tympani tympanum/SM typhoon/SM typify/DGS UDP UL ultracentrifuge/M ultramodern ululate/NnSGD umber/SM Umberto/M umbilicus/M umbrae unappeasable unceasing/Y unchanging/Y unclear uncommon uncomprehending/Y unconfused unconstitutional uncouth/Y uncurl/G undercover underemphasis underground underrate/GSD under-report understandingly undramatic unfeeling unflappable/Y unfold/G unfussy ungodly ungrateful UNICEF unicorn/SM unidirectionality unification/MA unilateralist/S unimpeachable/Y uniprocessor unitary unite/AGEDS unmanageable/Y unmannered/Y unmeaning unnatural unpleasantness unreasoning/Y unrest unromantic/Y unsnap/GD unsubtle unwound upcoming updraught/SM upgrade/DSG7 upriver uproot/SGD upsilon/MS upstairs upturn/SGD Ural/S ureter/MS urine/nMNS USA usable/UA USS usuriousness uterus/M utilize/fnDSNG vacuole/SM vague/TY vagueness valour/M valvular vandalism/MS vanguard/MS vanity/MS variable/IS variableness variate/MnxNS varnish/SDMG Vassar/M Vaughan/M vectoring Vedanta/M veer/DGS veldt/M venal/Y veniality/S Venn/M ventilated/U ventriloquy venturi verb/SM verbena/MS verboseness verboten verdant/Y verge/GFSD Verna/M vertebral vertex/MS veterinarian/SM vexation/SM vexing via viaduct/MS vibrato/SM viburnum/SM vicar/SM vice-chancellorship/S Vichy/M vicinity/MS viciousness/S Vickers/M Vickie/M victim/s9Q8-MqpS vigilante/SM vigour/M village/RSM Villainage villeinage/M Vilnius/M VIP/S virgule/MS virology/M virulent/Y vis/bNX viscountess/MS visored vitalizing/C vitamin/MS vitrify/NGSnD vivisectionist Vladimir/M V-neck VOA vocable/AI vociferate/GSNDn Voetstoots Vogel/M voice's/I void/GD7S voile/SM VoIP volunteer/MGSD vorticity/M votary/MS vote/CDGeS vote's voyage/SMRGD voyeur/MS Vulcan/M vulgar/Q-8Yq wage-earning Wagner/M Waikato/M wait/RDSG Waite/M Walcott/M walk-on walkover/MS wallow/GDS Waltham/M Walvis/M Warburton warhorse/SM wart/MS warthog/S wasp/MS waxwork/MS Wayne/M wearer/SM weaverbird webbing/M we'd weekday/SM weeny weigh/eSADG weightlifting/M Weiner/M Weissman/M Welch/M welcome/UG welcomes we'll well-defined well-disciplined well-endowed well-equipped Wellington/M well-known well-loved well-made well-meant well-thought-out Welshwomen werewolf/M Werner/M West/M westernmost Westmeath/M Weston/M westward/S Wharton/M whatever what're whatsoever wheelchair/SM wheelie/SM when whence whereof whew whip/MJGSD whisker/Z whistle/DRSG Whitefield/M whitewash/DGMS whoa wholegrain why Wichita widgeon/M widow/RMSDG width/SM Wilberforce/M Willie/M willingness/M Wilton Wimbledon/M wince/SDG wincher/M Windsor/M wineglass/SM wineries wing/pmRGDM winter's wise/TYS wispy/T wistful/Y withdraw/SG withdrawer/M withered withheld wits/e WNP wobbly/T wolfram/MS woman/MsQY wondrousness woo/DRGS woodbine/SM woodcarving/SM woodlander woof/DRGMS Woonsocket word's Wordsworth/M workhouse/SM workmanlike workplace/SM worldwide wormer/M worried/U worry/RDkSGh worsen/dS wound/MDJSG wounded/U wove/A wrestle/DRGS Wright wrinkled/U wrong-headedness wrote/fAc wrought-iron WV Wykeham Xenia Xenix/M xenophobe/MWS Xerox/SDGM yacht/5mMSDG Yakima yammerer/S yang yen/DSGM yeti/SM yew/SM yield/DSG yogi/SM Yorker/S Yorkshireman Yost/M Youngberry yourself youthfulness Yuan Yuba Yucatan Yugoslavia/M yum/Z yuppie/SM Yuri Zambian/S Zanzibar Zawahiri zeal/M ziggurat/SM Zion/3M Zionism zoophyte/SM aback abate/DLGS abbess/SM Abe/M Abel/M ablate/SDG abomination/M above abridged/U abridger/M absence/SM absolute/PTY3S absolve/GSD absorbed/UA abstain/RGSD abstractedness/S abstractionism/M abuser/MS abusive/YP abuzz AC academic/S academicianship accelerate/NVDSnGk accent/GMDS accented/U accentuation/M accident/oMS accidental/SP accomplice/SM accountability/SM accountable/P Accra/M accreditation/M accumulation/M accurateness/S accusation/M accusatory accustomedness/M acer acerbity/SM acetic Achaean/M aching/KY acidophiles acoustic/SY acoustics/M acquiescent/Y acquirable act/cS4GAD actioned activated/A actuarial acupressure/S addendum/M addle/DSG Adenauer/M adhesive/PMSY adjoin/SDG adjourn/SLDG adman/M admonish/SkGLD admonisher/M adoration/M Adriatic/M adulterated/U adulterous/Y advantage/MEDGS advantageous/EY adventurism adverb/SoM aerate/NSnDG aerial/M3S aero aeroacoustic aeronautic/SY aeronautical aerospace/SM affair/SM affiance/SDG affrication/M affright affront/GDMS Afghan/SM aficionado/MS afire aforethought aftermost aftershock/MS afterword/SM Ag age-old ageratum/M Aggie/M agglutinate/nVGNDS aggregation/E agleam Agnatha agoraphobia/SM agrarianism/MS aide-de-camp aigrette/SM aileron/MS airship/MS airspeed/SM airstrip/SM Alabamans Alastair/M Albania/M Alberto/M Albion/M Albuquerque/M alcohol/MW1S Aldus aleph/M Aleppo/M Alfa/M alfresco alga/M Algonquin/M alibi/GSMD aliveness/S Al-Jazeera allay/GSD allege/NShnDG allegoricalness alleviate/SVDnGN all-inclusive all-in-one alliteration/M allocate/CDnAGSKN allotting/A allowed/E allows/E all-pervading all-round allusive/P allusiveness/S almond/SM aloe/SM aloof/PY alpaca/SM alpha/SM Al-Sharif alter/dS7 altercation/M altered/U altimeter/MS Alvin/M amalgamation/M Amanda/M amateurish/PY Amazon/MS ambassador/SM ambient ambler/MS ambling ambulant/S amelioration/M amend/LDSG7 amid amine/S ammo/SM amniocentesis/M amoeba/MSW amorality/SM amp/SYGMD amphetamine/MS ampoule/MS amyl/M an/CS anabolic anaconda/SM analgesia/MS analogous/PY analyse/GWDS analytic/Y anaplasmosis/M anarchism/SM Anastasia/M anatomy/Q813wSWM ancestry/SM anchorage/MS anchoress ancillary/S Andersen/M Andover/M anemone/MS aneurysm/SM angina/MS angleworm/MS Anglophobe/M angry/PTY angstroms animadvert/GDS animism/MS animosity/MS annotator/SM announce/RDSLG annoyance/MS annul/GLDS annulus/M annunciate/NDnSG annunciation/M anointer/M anomic Anselm/M antacid/SM Antarctica/M anteroom/MS anthraces anthropoid/S anthropology/31wMS anti-abortion/3 anti-abortionist antibacterial/S anticline/MS antigen/MSW antinomy/M antisepsis/M antiserum/SM Antonio/M antonym/SM antonymous Antwerp/M aphorism/MS apices's apolar appearer/SM appendage/SM appendectomy/SM appetizer/SM apple-cart/M apple-pie appliance/SM applicable/Y applied/Aa applier/aM apposition/M appraising/Y appreciative/IYP apprehend/DvNVSGuX apprehensive/P approbate/Nn appropriately/I appropriation/M approval/MES appurtenance/MS aqualung/MS arability/MS Ararat/M arbitrary/PY arboretum/SM arborvitae/SM archaise/RDSG archdiocese/MS architectural ardour/SM are/B arena/MS argosy/MS argue/7DRSG Argus Arian/SM Ariel/M aristocracy/SM Arlene/M Armageddon/M armband/MS armful/SM armhole/SM armload/M armour/SRDGMZ army/MS aromaticity/M Arpanet/M arrack/M arranged/EKA arrested/A arrogance/SM arrogant/Y artfulness/S arthritic/S arthroscope/SW ascaris ascended/A asceticism/SM ashore aside/S aslant Asmara/M asphodel/SM Asquith/M ass/S8M assailable/U Assam/M assembly/m5SM assenter assiduousness/S assist/SGD assonance/SM assuaged/U assume/GNXBSDV assure/GASkD asthma/WSM astray astrologer/MS astronomy/1MWSw astrophysics/M astute/TPY Aswan/M asynchronism/M asynchronous/Y ataxia/MS ATC atheism/MS atheist/M1SW atilt atomics's atria attach/SDRL7GM attention/ISM attentionality Attica/M attitude/MS attraction/MS attune/DSG Audi/M audit/dXyMVSN augur/dMS auk/SM aural aureomycin Auschwitz australites authenticate/DSG authenticity's authorise/KA autism/MS autobahn/MS autodidact/SMW autoimmunity/S autonomic/S auxin/MS availabilities availability/UM avaricious/YP avenged/U average/GMDSY aversion/M avert/GbSD avid/Y avitaminosis/M avoirdupois/M avowal/SEM awed/c awe-inspiring/Y awesome/YP awl/SM axle/SM ayatollah/S Ayers Azeri/M Aziz/M Aztecan baboon/SM babushka/MS baby/DTMSG babyish Babylonia baccarat/MS Bach/M back-door backlog/DGMS backwood/mS badmouth/DGS bagatelle/SM bailiwick/SM bakehouse/M Baku/M balancedness balder/W baleen/SM ball/DRGSM ballcock/S ballsy/T balminess/S baloney/SM Baluchistan/M bamboozle/GDS band/DmGZSM bandage/SDMG bandeau/M banding/E bandpass bandwagon/SM bandy/DTSG baneful/T Bangui/M bankbook/MS banyan/SM barbarise/GDS barber/dy barberry/SM Barbette/M barbital/M Barbour/M barefaced/YP bare-foot/D barf/SYGD barfly/SM bargain/DGRSM barhop/GSD Barnstaple/M barrel/GMDS barrister/MS Barry/M Bart/M basal bask/GSD basset/MS Basse-Terre/M bast/DRGM bastard/Q8q-MSYZ basting/M bathhouse/MS baton/SM batterer/S battlement/D Bausch/M bawd/2ZSMz bawdiness/S bawdy/TP Baxter/M bazillion/S beadle/MS beadworker beano beast/YSMJ Beatrice/M beck/SMDG Becket/M Becquerel bedraggle/DSG bedside/MS bedspring/SM bee/RSyM beebread/MS beechnut/MS beefburger/SM beefiness/S beefsteak/SM beetroot/M befallen befell behaviourist/WMS behemoth/SM Belfast/M Belgium/M Belgrade/M believe/GERDS bellhop/MS bellied bellyacher/M belt/DGSM Beltsville/M bender/SM benefaction/SM benefactress/S beneficial/P benefit/rMdS Bengali/M benighted/PY benign/Y Benz/M Benzedrine/M benzine/SM Berber/M Bergman/M Berlin/Mr Berlitz/M Bernadine/M Bernhardt/M Bernie/M Bernstein/M berry/SDGM Bertram/M bester bestiary/SM bestrew/DGS bestridden betaken betel/SM betrothal/SM bevy/MS beware/GSD bewhiskered bezique biannual/Y bibliophile/SM bicentenary/S bickering/M biconnected bidding/M big/TGDP bigamous bijection/SM bijoux bike/RMSGD bilateral/YP billet/SdM billiard/MS billposters bimetallic binaural/Y biochemical/SY biog/S biophysicist biopsy/DGMS biosphere/SM biracial bird/DRGSM birdbrain/SMD Birkenhead/M birth/ASM birthday/SM birthright/SM birthstone/SM biscuit/MS bistate bistro/SM bite/cS bitternut/M bitumen/MS Bizet/M bizzes blackball/DGSM blackboard/MS blacken/Sd blackly/3 Blackstone/M blamelessness/S blanketing/M Blanton/M blasphemy/MS blear/SD2GzZ bleep/MDGSR blench/DGS blissfulness/S blockhouse/MS blockier bloodless/PY bloodshot blow-by-blow blubberer Bluebeard/M bluebird/MS blueness/S bluff/PSDRGTY blunt/DSTGPY blurry/T bluster/rSZdk boa/SM Boadicea/M boastful/P boatman/M bobbin/SM bob-sleigh/RSDMG bockwurst boisterousness/S bold/PYT bolt-on bombard/GLDS bombshell/SM bonbon/SM bondholder/SM bondwomen bone/pRMSZGD Bonham/M bonkers boodle/DMSG bookish/YP bookkeeping/M booklet/SM boomer/M boomerang/GSDM boorish/YP boost/RGSMD bootless borehole/S boron/M bosser botany/3WSMw1 botch/SRGD both/Z bothy/M bottle/RDGSM bottle-feed bottle-green botulin/M botulism/SM bouclé boulder/dMS boundless/PY bourbon/MS bovine/Y bowdlerise/nDGS bow-legged brace/SkGDM brackishness/S Bradshaw/M braggart/MS Brahman/M brainchild/M brainteasing brainwashing/M Branchville/M Brandt/M Brasilia/M brasserie/SM bratty/T bravo/GDS brazenness/S breadcrumb/S breadth/M breathless/YP breathtaking/Y breathy/T bremsstrahlung/M Brendan/M Brentford/M brewery/SM bricker bridal Bridewell/M brim/DGMSp6 brine/SGDZM bristle/SMYGD BRM broad-brush broadcasting/S broad-minded/Y bronc/S bronchial bronchiolitis bronze/SMGD bronzing/M brooch/SM brookside brose brother-in-law brotherliness/S brought brownie/SMT brownout/SM Broxbourne/M Broxtowe/M Brunel/M brushfire/SM bruter brutishness/S Brutus/M BTW bu. bubbly/T buckles/U buckteeth bud/SGDMZ Buddha/M buffoonery/MS buffs/A bugger/dZ built-up bullseye bullyboy/SM bum/SDRGTM bumptious/PY bunch/ZSDGM burbler/M burglarproof/GD burnable/S bursitis/SM burst/eS burster/M bushfire bushing/M buskin/SM butchery/SM butler/dSM butt/RSM butterball/MS buttock/DSMG buttonweed bxs byers cabinetry/SM cable/DGSM cache/DGSM CACM cacophonous cacophony/3SM Cadillac/S caenorhabditis cakewalk/SDGM Calais calamari/S calamine/MDGS calcareous/YP calciferous calculates/Aa calculating/aA Calcutta/M calibrator/MS Californian/SM callosity/SM calorimeter/SMW calumniate/nDSGN calumnious calypso/MS camp/RGZSM2Dz campanile/SM campy/T can/dz2SDRZrGyM Canberra/M candid/PY cannibalistic canoe/GD3SM can-opener canopy/DGMS cantankerousness/S cantata/SM canteen/MS capacity's/c capeskin/SM capitalise/ADGnS capitalize/AGnSDN capitol/SM capitulate/ASDGNn captain/GDSM captivation/M capture/RDGS capturing/A Caputo carat/MS caravel/MS carbide/SM carbonaceous carbon-paper carbuncular carding/M care/6jSp careerer careful/TP cares/DG careworn caricaturisation Carmarthen/M carmine/SM carnivorousness/S Caroline/M carom/S carpenter/dSM carpetbag/RMSDG Carroll/M carry/DRSG car-sick/P carte/M Carthaginian cartilaginous cartography/WSM Casanova/M Cassandra catalytic/Y cataract/MS catatonia/MS catbird/MS catchy/T catecholamine/SM categorise/AGSD catharses catholicity/MS Catholics cation/MW catnap/DMSG caulk/GDRJS Cavendish cavernous/Y caw/GSMD Cayenne/M CD/M ceilidh/M c.Elegans celerity/SM Celia/M celibacy/SM cellphone/SM cemetery/SM censorial censorship/SM cent/SM central/qsQ89-3 centralise/CDnSAG centreline/MS centrifuge/MGNDS cereal/MS cerebrum/MS certified/UAC certitude/MIS Cervantes cesspit/M chalice/MDS chalky/T challenged/U Chamberlain/M chamois/MDSG champaign/M Champlain chancing/M changeable/U channel/qs-9JSQ8RGDM chaotic/Y chapeau/MS Chaplin charabanc/SM characterised/U chard/MS charger/ESM charioteer/DSMG charlady/M charlatanry/SM Charlemagne/M Charley chasuble/SM chatelaine/MS chatty/PT Chautauqua cheapen/dS cheapskate/SM checker/S cheep/MGDS cheerless/YP cheesiness/S chelation/M Cheltenham chemotherapist/SM cherisher/M chesterfield/SM chesty/T Chevrolet chewy/T Chiba chickpea/SM childish/PY chilliness/S chillness/S chino/SM Chinook chin-strap/MS Chippenham chippy/S chirp/GDZS chlamydia/S chm chophouse/SM Chordata chordate/SM choreograph/ZGRS1DW Chris Christchurch Christine Christlike chromic chrysalids chuff/MD chug/DSGM chump/MGDS Chung churchwarden/SM churning/M cilia/M cinematographer/SM ciphered/C cir circlet/MS circulation/MA circumcision/M circumnavigation/M circumscribe/SXDNG circumstantial/Y circus/SM cirrhotic/S cited/I citizenry/SM citrate/DM citron/MS civvies clack/DGS claimant/SM clamber/dSr clamorous/YP clamper/M clan/mSM clangorous/Y clangour/SGDM claque/SM Clark/M classed/e classifiable/U classmark/SM Claude Claudius claver claw/DSGM clean-living clean-shaven clearer/M clematis/MS clemency/MIS Clemens clergy/5mSM cleverest cliffhanging Clifford climbed/U clink/DGSR cliquier cloakroom/MS cloche/SM clockmaker/M clockwise clogs/U closed-circuit close-knit closet/SdM close-up/S closish clothier/SM clothing/Mf cloudlet clove/RMS Clovis club-class clutch/SDG clutter/dS co/EDS coadjutor/SM coagulant/SM coalescent coat/cMSf Coates coating/SM coattail/S coattest cobra/SM coccus/M cockle/GDMS cock-of-the-wood coconut/MS Cocos/M coddler/M coed/M coeducational coercible/I co-founder cogitate/SNVnGD cognomen/SM cognoscente cohort/SM coif/M coiffure/SDMG coinage/MS col/SNVnW Colchester/M cold-blooded/Y Colgate coll collaborate/VGDNSvn collectedness/M collogue/DSG colloquia colloquies colossal/Y colouration/EM colourless/Y columnist combinational comedown/MS comeuppance/SM commentary/SM commissar/MS commissionaire commission's/A comparer/M compelling/M compensate/DcSnGN complain/Rk complaint complaisant/Y completable comply/LRnJN component/SM compressor/MS computation/oM computational concealed/U Concepción/M concert/DiGhM concerting/E concocter/M concord condign condiment/SM condo/SM condominium/SM conduce/nNvDGVS conduit/SM coneflower/M confection/R3SGDM conferral/MS confessional/S confetti/M confide/kDRGS conformable/U confrontation/M congeal/DLGS congestion/SM conglomerate/DMSGnVN congrats congressperson/S conic/S conjuring/M Connelly connoisseur/SM Connors connotative/Y conquerable/U conqueror/MS conquest/ASM conquistadores consanguinity/MS consecutive/PY consequence conservator/SM considerably/I considerer/M consign/L consigned/A consistency/SMI conspicuous/PIY conspirational Constantinople constitution/AMS construction/CMAS construction's/a constructive/YP3 constructiveness/S contaminating/C contemn/SGD contemplation/M contention/SM contently contest/7 continently/I continuer/M contradictory/PY contrast/GvZSDkV controllable/U contumacious/Y contumely/MS conurbation/SM convalescence/MS convalescent/S convenience/ISM convoy/GDMS cookie/MS cookware/SM cooperant co-option co-ordinate/GDSNV cope/SZ Copenhagen/M copied/A copyable copying/a coquette/SMGD Cordoba cords/F corf/M Coriolis corkscrew/DSMG corner/d cornice/DSMG corpulence/SM corpulent/Y corpuscular corral/GDMS correct/TxvPSDuGY7V corrugation/M corruptible/I Corsica/M cortisol coruscation/M cosmical cosmogony/3MS cosmonaut/SM cossacks cost/YGvSMJuDpV cost-cutting cottage/DMRSG cotyledon/MS cough/GDS could've council/SmM5 counted/AUEa countryside/MS couples/U coupling/MC courtly/PT covariant/S covenant/DSGM coverable/E cozen/dS Crabbe/M crackling/M crackup/S craft/Dm52MGzZS Cranston Crawford crawlspace/S creased/U creaser/I credenza/MS credulousness/S cremate/SyGnND crematoria crematorium/MS crepe/GDMS crêpe/SM crest/DMGpS crestfallen/PY cresting/M Creutzfeldt-Jakob Crewe crewel/SM cribbing/M cricket/rdMS criminal/qQ8-SMY crisper/M critic/YQ8Ss9M criticality crockery/SM Croix Cromwell/M cropper/MS cross/GASUD crossable crosscurrent/MS cross-cut/SMG crosser/S cross-examine/NDSG cross-eyed crosswind/SM crotch/DSpM croup/DMGZS croutons Crowley crown/MSGD cruet/MS crumbliness/S crystallize/NRnDGS CTOL cuddle/D2GYS cultism/MS cultist cultural/4 Cumbria/M cuneiform/S cupid/S curable/PI curacy/SM curate/DGMS curia/M curiae curlycue's current/PYS currents/f cursiveness/E cursiveness's cursives curtain/DMGS curvaceousness/S curvy/T cusses/FE custodian/SM cut-and-paste cutlass/MS cuts/f cutting/MY cuttlebone/MS CV cyanogen/M Cybele/M cybersquatting Cyclades cycleway/S Cyclopean Cyclops Cynon/M cytoplasm/SWM dacha/MS dado/MS daintiness/S daisy/MS Damocles Damon/M damson/SM dandruff/MS Daniel/S dank/YPT Danny/M Danville Daphne dartboard/SM dastardly/P date/MGVRSiphD day/SM daydream/SRMDG daylight/GSDM daysack Dayton d'Azur DBMS deacon/SdM deaden/Sdk dealing/a deanship/SM deassign/G deathlike death-warrant/MS debase/RL debauch/yGhSiD debit/d de-brief Decatur/M Decca deceive/UGDS decency/SIM deciduous/YP decisive/PIY declare/vnRDNVGyS déclassé declassify/DGNn decontaminate decorating/Ac decorator/SM decoy/GMS decrepitude/SM deductibility/M deductible/S deep-sea defame/yRGn defeatism/SM defecate/SNGnD defect/GuSDMVv defence/p defensibility/M deference/SM definitely/I deflate/GnDNS defuse degraded/P dehydrate deicide dejection/SM Delaware/M Delgado deli/M deliberate/PuvYV Delibes Delilah demesne/MS Demeter demigoddess/MS democracy/SM demographic/S demoralise/n demotivate demythologize/nDGNS dendrite/SM Denis dens/T dentistry/MS dent's denudation/M dependence/ISM deplorable/P deploys/A deponent/S depositor/SM depository/SM depravity/MS depreciable depress/bvkVXN deprive/SGnND dérailleur/MS Derek/M derisory describe/NVvuRX descriptive/SP desecrater/M desecration/M deserving/U desiderata desperado/M despicable/Y despond destiny/SM destruction/MS destructive/P desuetude/MS detain/DGSL d'etat detergent/SM deteriorate/DNSnGV determinate/IPYN deuce/DGhMS developer/SAM devilishness/S devour/DRSG diachronic diachronicness dialyse/SGD diaper Dickensian Dickinson Dickson dictum/M diddle/RDSG Diego diesel/SM dietetic/S diethyl dietitian/SM differenced differential/MSY differentiate/SGnBDN difficult/YZ diffident/Y diffractometer/MS diffuse/PSvYRDGubNxXV digested/U digestible/I digestiveness Digimon Dijkstra/M diker/M dilithium DiMaggio dimethyl/M dimply/T Dionysian dipsomania/SM diptychs directed/aUIA directions/A dirk/MS dirt/zZ2SM dirty/TDSGP disaffect disambiguate/NSDGn disappoint/Lhk disbelieve/k discernibility discernibly discrete/nYPN discus/SMG discussion/M dishabille/MS disharmoniousness dishwasher/SM dishwater/M disinterestedness/S disjoin disjunct/Vv dismayed/U disordered/P dispensable/I dispense/RyGnDS displeasure disport disproportional disputation/M disputed/U disrobe/G dissension/SM dissertation/MS dissimilitude/S dissipation/M dissociable/I dissonance/SM dissonant/Y distant/PY distinctly/I distinguishable/IU distribute/ASVGD dived/M divergent/Y diversification/M divert/SDG divestiture/SM divination/M divorcée/SM Dnieper/M DOB dock/MS doctrinaire/S doe/SM doggedness/S dogma/1MSW dogy's doing's dole's dollar/SM dollop/dSM dolt/SM Dom domicile/GSDM domino/M don/NSGnVD Donaldson doom-laden dopiest Dora/MW Dorchester dorky/T doss double-cross/G Doubleday doublethink doubted/U Doug dower/MdS downbeat/SM downright/YP downs/8 downstairs drag/DMZSG Drakensberg/M drastic/Y drawler/M drawn-out dray/MSDG dread/S6GDj dreamt dresses/AUc droop/S2GZDk droopiness/S drop-head drowsiness/S druid/S drumbeat/MSG drunken/PY dry-cleaning dubbing/M dubiety/SM Dublin/M ducat/SM ducker/M duckweed/MS ducky/TSM duh dulcet/Y Duluth dumbstruck dumdum/SM Dumfries/M dungeon/GSMD Dunwoody duodenal duplicable duplicative Dupont durance/M duress/MS Dusenberg dusting/M Dutch/5m dynamical dynamics/M dyne/M ear/6SYMD earl/2MS early/PTS ear-piercing earplug/SM earthiness/S ease's/U easiest Eastern eatery/SM eave/SM ebullient/Y Eccles ecclesiasticism ECG echelon/dSM echoes/A eclecticism/MS eclogue/SM e.coli e-commerce economical/U editable/U eduction/M Edwardian/MS effect/DuGvVSM effectiveness/SI effeminate/SY effete/PY efficacy/ISM effuse/NDvuVSGX egoism/MS Ehrlich/M eider/SM eighty-six/H eighty-twofold Eileen Einstein/M eke/GSD Elaine elans elated/P electable/U Electra electress/M electrician/SM electrocardiogram/SM electrode/MS electroencephalograph/ZWMS electromechanics electromotive electroplate/SGD electroshock/MGDS eleemosynary elegiacal elementary/YP eleven/HMS Eli elicit/dSn elide/NSDGX Elizabethan/S Elliot ellipticity/M elope/LSDG elusive/P emaciate/SGnND e-mail/MSGD embody/AEGDS embosom embower/Sd embrittle emcee/MGS emerge/ASGD emf/S emigrant/SM eminence/SM emir/SM empathetic/Y emphatic/Y emulsify/nRSNGD encamp/DLSG encapsulate/SNDnG encipherer/M encode/JDRSBG encore/DSG encumbered/U endgame/M endosperm/M endue/GSD endways energy/qSQMs8-9 Enfield enfold/DGS enforceable/U enfranchize/LDGRS engage/AGESD engender/dS enhance/GRLDS enmity/SM ennobler/M entangle/EDLSG enter/AdS enteritis/MS enthusiastic/UY entomology/S3Mw entrench/LDSG entrepreneurship/M entry's enumerate/VnGDNS enviable/P enviousness/S environmentalism/MS envisage/SGD enzymology/M epaulette/MS Ephesian/S epicure/MS epiphany/MS epitome/s-9qQ8MS equals/F equator/SM equestrienne/MS erosion/M errantry/M errata/SWM1 erratum/MS Erskine/M erstwhile erysipelas/SM escalate/CDGNnS escalation/CM escritoire/MS essay/DRMG3S essence/MS establish/ELDGS Estelle Esther estimable/P estimableness/I estimation/MSc estoppal etcetera/MS etching/M eternalness/S ethnography/MW Euler/M eulogist/W eulogy/Q9s38SM eurhythmics Eurocentric Euroscepticism Eurostar eustatic evacuee/SM evaluator/SM evasion/M evener event/6SjGM eventide/MS eventuality/SM everything evisceration/M evolve/SGD exacter/M exaction/SM exaggeration/M exaggerator/SM exalt/RnhSNDG examined/U examiner/SM excelsior/S excitation/M excursus/MS executor/MS exert/cGDS exhaustion/SM exhaustive/P exhilaration/M exhumer/M exoneration/M exorbitance/MS exorcist/MS exosphere/SM exp expatiation/M expectational expected/UY expediency/IMS experimentalism/M expiation/M explainable/U explicit/PY exponentiate/GnDSN expressed/U expressionist/WS expunger/M extemporaneousness/S exterminate/DnSNG extinguish/GR7SD extinguishable/I extract/G7VDSv exuberance/SM exudate/M exurban exurbanite/SM ex-wives eyeful/SM eyewash/SM f/F7 fabricator/SM factual/YP factuality/M faggot/dSM faint-hearted/Y fairgoer/S fairing/M fairish Fairport Faisal faithfulness/SM fallopian famed/C familiarness famous/YP fanlight/MS FAQ/SM Faraday faraway farmland/MS fart/SDGM farthing/SM fascism/SM fashioned/A fat/SoYPTMGZD2 fatefulness/S favourably/U favoured/SYM Fayette/M feasibly/I feathering/M feathery/T fed/Ufc federal/q-Q83Y fedora/MS Felicia felicity/ISM fellow/MS felon/SM fem fennel/SM ferny/T ferocity/SM fetter's feudatory/M fever/SdM fibroblast/MS fibroses fickleness/S fiduciary/MS fierceness/S fifty-first/S figuration/MK4F filamentary filled/cAU filleting/M filtered/U fingerling/M finger-plate finish/ASGD finisher/SM finishing/S firearm/SM firebox/MS fire-brick/MS fire-bug fire-guard/M fireless fire-trap/SM firmament/SM first-hand fish-hook/SM fish-tanks fistfight/MS fits/Aae fitting/PY five-finger fix/KDS4G fixer/SM fizzy/T flab/ZSz2M flaccidity/SM flagpole/SM flak/dSM flamenco/SM flame-thrower/MS flaming/I flamingoes flashbulb/SM flashy/TP flat/PTSYGMD flatfish/SM flatmate/SM flatness/S flatter/SdkZr flattish flautist/SM fledgling/SM flexitime/M flight/GSZ2pMD flight's/cK flimflam/SDGM flimsy/TPY floor/SGJDM flooring/M florescent/I florid/PY flounce/DGSZ flowerless flu/M fluoridate/GSD fly-by-night flyover/MS flyswatter/MS foaminess/S foci/M fog's foil/SDG foliar folklike folksy/TP folk-tale/S follow-on/S follow-up/SM foment/RGSnDN foolery/SM football/RDSGM footling for forage/RDGSM forbade forborne Fordham forecastle/MS forefather/SM foregoer/M foretell/GRS forewarn/SDJG forfeiture/MS forfend/SGD forget/jGS6 forkful/S formaldehyde/SM format/RMGuSDvV formic formulae/W forswore forthright/PY fortitude/MS forty-nine/H forty-one forwarding/M fosterer/M foulard/SM four/HSM four-eyes fovea/M fractionate/DG fractious/PY fragmentary/PY frame/RMSDG framed/U France/SM franchise/ESDG franchisee/MS Franciscan/S francophone/M Frankel/M franker/M franklin/M fraternal/Y fraternity/SMF fratricidal freak/GSMDZ freakish/PY Freda Fredericton/M free-living Freemason/SM freezable freon/S fretwork/SM Freudian frier's fro/S frontier/SM frostbiting/M froward/P Fruehauf/M fruitful/TP ftp Fulani full/c full-scale full-timer/S fully fulminate/SNDGn fumigant/MS Funafuti/M fund/ASDGM fund-raising funereal/Y funkiness/S furbisher/MS Furness/M furthermore furtiveness/S fusillade/SMDG fusion/IM4F fussiness/S fusty/TP futon/S fwd Ga/y gabble/GDS gad/RSDG Gadsden gainer/SM Gainsborough gaitered Galilean Galileo/M Gallagher/M gallery/DSM Galois galvanism/MS gamekeeper/MS gangrene/DSMG Ganymede gap-toothed garbler/M Gardiner/M garishness/S garlic/DSGZM garner/Sd Garnett gasify/SRnGDN Gaston gastric Gatling Gaul Gaulish gaunt/PYT gauze/DMZSG Gaza gaze/RGSD gazelle/SM GDP gearwheel/MS geese/M Geiger gelcap gemlike geneticist genitourinary gentile/S genuine/YP genuineness/S geocentric/Y geochronology/M geography/SM1Ww Geordie geostationary German/MSW gerontocracy/M gesture/SMDG get-out/S gettable gewgaw/SM ghat/SM gherkin/MS ghettoes gift/hGDSMi gigawatt/M gigolo/SM Gilchrist/M gingerbread/SM Giovanni girdle/DSGM given glacier/SM glaciology/M3w gladsome/T glandular/Y Glasgow/M glass-blower/S glasshouse/SM gleaning/M glister/Sd globulin/SM gloominess/S glorification/M glower/d glut/SMGD gluttony/SM glycerine/M gnaw/JSGD gnawing/M gob/SGDM gobbledygook/S Godspeed goer/SM Goldberg goldmine/S gonad/SM gondola/MS Gonzalez goodhearted goodie's goofiness/S goon/SM gorgeousness/S gossamer/MS gossiper/S got/I Goth/1W gov. governable/U governess/MS government's grading/A graduate's/f Graeme graffito/M gram/MS gramme/SM granary/SM grandiloquence/MS grandiloquent/Y grandiosity/MS Granger grant-maintained granulation/M grapple/SGD graticule/M gratuitousness/S gravestone/MS grazing/c great-grandfather great-grandmother/S greedy/PT greengrocer/SZM greenmail/SGD greeting/M gregariousness/S Grenville greyish greyness/S grief/MS Grimsby grinds/A Griswold/M grizzle/SYGD grok/SDG grossness/S grottoes grouch/2ZDSzG groundnut growl/2GSkDR grubby/TP gruesome/YPT gruffness/S GSA G-string/SM guano/MS guarantee/GdSM gubernatorial Gucci guernsey/S guffaw/GDSM Guiana/M guideline/SM guileless/YP Gujarati gulden/MS gun/yGSZRMD gunboat/MS gunshot/MS Gunther/M gurgle/DGS gurnard gybe/S gyp/S haberdashery/MS habitability/MS hackler/M haematin haemorrhoidal hahnium/S hair/p2ZSMD hairball/SM haircut/SMG hairdo/SM hairnet/SM hair-slide hair-splitter/SM hair-splitting haler/MI half/M half-light half-marathon/MS halfpennyworth Halifax/M halo/MDSG Hammersmith/M Hammond handcart/MS hand-held handhold/MS handicap/GDRMS handsome/PTY handwoven hang/7RmDJSG happen/SJd happing harangue/DGS Harare/M Harbhajan/M hardback/SM hardwood/M Harlem harlequin/SM Harmon/M harmonic/YS harmonium/MS Harrington/M Harry's harsh/PTY Harvey hassler Hathaway/M havering hawkish Hawthorne head/DRzGm2pihMZJS headdress/SM headgear/MS headmaster/MS hearer/SM Hearst heart-warming heating/Kc heaves/M hectolitre/S heeding/U heft/DzG2ZS heh Heidi/M heigh-ho heliography/M hell-cat/MS Hellenism Hellenist/SMW helpless/PY helpmate/MS hemstitch/DSGM henchmen/M Henrietta hepatitides herbal/3S herbivorous/Y hereupon heritage/MS herniate/GDS herringbone/SMGD Hertzog/M hesitater/M heterogamous heuristic/SMY hexachloride/M hexafluoride/M hexagon/oSM hieroglyphics/M higgledy high-mindedness high-resolution hijackers' Hillsdale hinderer/M Hines hippo/MS hippy/TMS his/JDG hisser/M historical/P historicism/M historicist/M historiographer/MS hitched/U hitches/U hittable hoariness/S hoax/DRGSM hobnail/DMS hod/SM hodge/SM Hodgkin/M hoecake/MS hogan/MS hogger hoity hokey holidaymaker/S holiness/S hollandaise hollow-eyed Hollywood/M Holocene holy/PST homager/M homelessness/S homestretch/MS homeward/S homework/RM homicide/SoM homiest hominess's homoeostasis/M homogenate/SM homograph/SM homomorph/WZM1 homomorphism/SM homopolymers Hon. honesty/SME hood/DGMiS hooves/M Hopkins Horatius horizon/SM horizontal/SY hormonal Hormuz hornblende/MS Horowitz horrible/PY horse-drawn horseplay horse-race/SMG hosanna/GSD hosier/SMZ hosiery/SM hospice/MS hospitality/SM hostage/MS hostess/GMDS hothouse/MSGD hotplate/MS hounder/M housebroken housecleaning/M house-hunting housekeep/GR housetop/SM howitzer/SM HUD Huddersfield huddle/DSMG Huey hug/SDG hugeness/S Huggins Hugh Hughie hula/MDGS humane/P3Y humbleness/S humeral/S humorist/WSM humorous/PY hunch/GSDM hunk/MZS hunt/DmGRJS hurricane/SM hurry/iSGhD hurtfulness/S hurtle/DGS Huston/M Hutchins hydrochloric hydrology/M31Sw hydrolysis/M hydromagnetic hydrometry/MS hydroplane/DMSG hydroponics/M hydrothermal/Y hydroxyzine/M hymn/WSGMD hymnody hypersensitiveness/S hypocaust iambi Iberia/M ibis/SM Iceland/MRW identify/BRnDlNSG identity/MS ideology/M31wS idiopathic igloo/MS igneous ignorable ignorantness's ii ilea ill-conceived ill-humoured illuminant illusionist/MS imagery/SM imbecility/SM imbruing imitable/I immoral immoveable impaired/U impede/S impedimenta imperious/YP imperturbable/Y impinge/LS implacability/MS implementability implemented/U implicate/SDG implicit/YP imponderable/SP impressionability/SM imprest/SM impulsiveness/S imputation/M inane/TY inapplicable inasmuch in-between inboard incapacitate/SNDG incarceration/M incense/GMDS incept/DVSGv incestuous/PY incisive/P incisor/MS incite/LRX inclusion/M incompetent/SM incorporate/DANGS incredulous/c incrustation/MS incur/GS7lD incurable/S incursion/M India/M Indian/SM indiscipline indubitable/YP inductor/MS inert/PY inessential inexorability/M inexorable/YP infantile infatuation/M inference/GSM inferencer infidel/MS infill/GM influx information/ES Inglis ingrate/M ingress/SNM inhabitable/U inhale/NnR inheritable/P inheritance/EMS inheritress/SM inhibiter's inimitable/YP initiator/SM in-joke/S injured/U innate/PY innateness/S innkeeper/MS inoculating/A ins insalubrious inserter/M inset/G insistence/MS insole insomniac/S instate/ALSDG institution/SM instruction/SM instructive/P insulter/M insurance/FMSA insured/U insurgent/SM intake/M integer/MSNn Intel/M intenseness/S intensive/PS interbreed/GS interclass intercom/MS intercommunication/M interfaith interindustry interior/YMS intermarriage/MS interocular interpreter/aMS interregional/Y interrogation/M interviewee/MS interwoven intifada intimidate/NDSkGyn intone/xnN intoxicant/SM intracellular intraindustry intransitiveness/S intraprocess intricate/PY introductory introit/SM introvert/GSDM intuitionist/M intuitive/P invade/RXVuDGSN invaluable/P inveigher/M inventor/SM invert/RGSDb investigate/AGDSN inviolable/Y invisible/PS invitational invoke/RnDGNS involution/SM iota/SM IOU IP irksomeness/S Irkutsk ironical/P irony/MS irredentism/M irresistibility/M irritation/M Ishmael isle/SM isobar/SWM isolate/SnNDG isolation/3M isomerism/SM isometric/YS isostatic Itanagar itchiness/S itchy/TP it'd Ithaca itinerant/SY jackdaw/MS jackknives Jacques jacuzzi jailbreak/SM Jakob jalousie/SM Jana jardinière/MS jct Jeannie jeans jejune/PY jell/DYGS jellyfish/MS Jenson Jerome jerry-builder/S Jersey/M Jessie jest/kMDRGS jet-setter/SM jet-setting jewellery/M jiggly/T jilt/DGS Jim/ZM jiu-jitsu jobber/Z jobbery/M jobbing/M jobholder/SM Jo'burg jocose/PY jocular/Y jodhpurs Johnstone Jolla/M jonquil/SM Josephine Josephson Josephus Josiah joule/SM jovial/Y Jowell/M Joyce joyed/c joyfulness/S jubilate/GDNnS judicial/KY Judson/M Julie/M jumpiness/S June/M Juneau Jungfrau jurisprudence/MS justifiability/M justifiable/U justified/U justify/RlBDNSGn Justin jut/SGD K Kafkaesque Kalahari kaleidoscope/SWM1 karmic Katrina/M Kauai kebab/SM kedgeree/S keel/DGMS keelhaul/GDS keeping/M Kelley ken/GSMD Kenton/M Kerry/M Kevin Keynes keyword/SM Khachaturian kibbutzim kick-start/SDG kilobuck kilogram/SM kilojoule/SM kilter Kimball/M Kimberley kindergarten/SM kindliness/S kingdom/SM kingpin/MS kink/2MGDZSz kip/SDGMR kite/MS kludgey knead/RDGS knelt knickerbocker/S knickers knight-errantry knothole/MS know-how knowledgeable/P knuckle/SDMG Knudson knurl/DS kookaburra/SM Korean/S Kosciusko Kraemer Kramer kronor Ku Kublai Kumar Kuwaiti/S KwaNdebele label's labile lacerate/NGDnS lack/MS laconic/Y lacrosse/MS lactate/SNMnDxG ladder/d lady/MS lain/fc lambaste/GSD lambency/MS lamed/M lamented/U lamp/GDSM Lanai landownership/M Langer language/SM Lansing lanthanide/M laptop/MS Lara largemouth Larry/M Lars lass/MS last-ditch last-minute latchkey/SM later/A lathing/M latticework/SM Lauderdale laundrette/S Lauren Laurent/M Lausanne/M lavatorial law/eSM law-abiding lawbreaking/SM lawsuit/SM laywoman/M lbs Leakey leaning/M learner/SM leash/GSUD leather/SMZd Leblanc lecherous/YP leech/GSM leek/MS leg/omDSbM2pNGJZn leg-bye legginess/S legion/SMy legislate/vVSGnDN leg-spinner/MS Lemke lenient/Y lent/A lentil/SM Leo Leonardo leonine lepta lesson/dMS Letitia/M letter/drmJ leukaemia/M levelness/S lever/dMS levity/SM Lhasa liberal/IY liberate/CnDNG liberation/CM Liberia/M libero librarian/MS libretti license/SGD Liddell/M lies/A lieut life-preserver lighted/CU light-pen/MS likelihoods liken/dS Lilongwe/M liltingness Lima/M lime/GMDZS limitation/MC limn/DSG Lindberg/M Lindsay/M lineal/Y linguine linguistics/M lining/feA lining's lintel/SM linty/T lipid/MS liplike Lisburn/M literal/YSP literalistic literariness/S literature/MS litigation/M littérateur/S litterer/S littleneck/M littleness/S live/yRGTDPJY7S liveries/C Liz/MZ lo loanword/S loathing/M locality/SM lockjaw/SM locust/SM lodestone/SM loge/MS logical/P logistical Loire loll/DGYS longevity/MS long-term long-windedness lookout/SM loony/TS lope/S lordliness/S Lorenz/M Loretta lost loud-mouth/MDS Louisianan lousy/TPY lovely/TSP lovemaking/M lowland/MRS loyal/3Y loyally/E lozenge/DSM lubber/MSY lubricator/SM lubricious/Y lucidness/S Ludovic lukewarmness/S luminosity/SM lummox's lung/DMGS6 lungfish/MS lupin/S lutenist/SM Luther luting/M lymphoid lynx/SM MacArthur/M macaw/MS Macclesfield machete/SM macrobiotics/M macroeconomic/S macromolecular madcap/S mademoiselle/SM madness/S maelstrom/MS Maggie magic/MYGD magistrate/SM magma/WMS magnanimity/SM magnetometer/MS mah-jongg/M mahout/SM maid/MS mailbox/MS maim/RGSD Majorca/M majority/SM make/GASU make-believe Malaprop malapropism/MS malevolencies malfunction/GSD malinger/drS malleable/P malting/M malty/T mambo/MGSD manacle/SDMG manageable/U mañana/M Mandalay Mandel's mandrel/SM Manet manhandle/DGS manhood/SM manifestness manioc/SM manly/PT manna/MS Mannheim mannikin's manoeuvring/e manpower/MS mantel/SM mantle/ESDG Mao map/GRSMDJ Marcellus Marco/MS Margery/M marginalia marginality marinade/DMGS marketplace/MS marking/M Markov/M Marley/M marquise/M marquisette/MS marry/DGSA Marta Martinique/M Marxian masked/U masonry/SM massacre/MGDS mass-produced mastic/NSnM mastication/M mate/MzJS mathematics/M Mathews matriculation/M matrimony/oMS Matthau Matthew/S Matthias maturities/I mawkishness/S maxillae maxima/M maximal/S maximum/YMS may/EG Maynard/M mayor/SM Mbps McCall/M McClain/M McFadden/M McGuire/M McKnight/M meagre/Y meander/SJd meaningful/P meaningfulness/S meanwhile measures/A Meath/M medal/MSD median/YSM mediate/IPY mediating meditates/K medley/MS megaphone/MDSG megaword/S Melanesia melange Melba mellowness/S melody/SWM1 membrane/MSD memorandum/SM menagerie/SM Menlo menopausal menservants/M mental/Y3 mercantile mercury/oMW merge/RGSD meridian/SM meritorious/U meritoriousness/MS merlin/M Merrimack mesh/UD meshing message/SMDG Messrs metalsmith/MS metamorphism/SM metathesized meteorologist/S methane/M methanol/M methionine/M methylated metrics/M metro/MS metropolitanization mews/MS Michele/M Mickelson microchemistry/M microchip/S microfarad micros/M microsecond/SM microsurgery/MS middle/mDSGkJ Middlesbrough/M middleweight/MS midfielder mid-flight midget/SM mid-off midpoint/MS midrange midspan midst/MS Midwest midwicket midwinter/MYS migration/MI milady/MS Milan militancy/SM militarise/CSDG Mimi Minardi mindlessness/S minefield/SM mini/S minibus/SM minimal/S3 minimality minimum/SM miniskirt/MS minster/MS minuteness/S Mirrlees mirthful/P MIRV misanthropist/S miscellanea mischief-making mischievousness/S misdemeanant/SM misdirect misfield misidentify/N misogynist/W misreport missive's Missoula Mitch/M Mitchell/M mobcap/SM mock/RGSkD7 modem/MS moderate/YIPN moderateness/S modulate/CGANDS modulus/M mohair/SM Moines molar/SK molehill/MS Moliere Moline molly/MS monad/SMW monarch/3wWMZ Monegasque monetize/nCGNADS monies/M monism/MS monocotyledonous monoculture monogamy/3SM monopolization/M monotheist/WS Monseigneur/S monsoon/SM Monte/Z Monterey Montrachet/M moodiness/S moonshine/MS Mora moral/-Qs83SM moratorium/SM morbidness/S more/oS Moresby/M morn/GMSJ Moroccan/S Morse/M mosaicked Moscow/M moss/MS MOT/M motherland/MS motif/SM motion's/FC motivating/C motive/DnSNxMVpG motoring/M motorist Mott/M moulded/A mountable/U mousing/M moustachio/DSM moved/U mow/RSDG Mowgli/M Moyle/M Mrs M.Sc. mucilaginous mucker/M muffin/MS muffle/DGRS Muhammad/M Muhammadanism mulattoes mule/MGDS mulish/PY mulishness/S mulligatawny/SM multi multicollinearity/M multiculturalism/S multi-ethnic multinomial/M multiphase multiplication/M multiplicity/MS multitude/MS multivalued Mumbai mummy/MS Münchhausen/M mundane/Y munificent/Y Munoz/M Muscovite/MS museum/MS mushroom/DGMS musicality/SM musicianship/MS musicology/M3wS muskeg/MS muskellunge/SM musky/TP mussel/SM Mussorgsky/M mutational/Y mutual/YS mutuality/S myrmidon/S myth/MW1wS Nada/M naff Nagoya/M Nagy/M naiad/SM naifs nail/DMGS naiveté/SM Naku'alofa/M name/aDASG Naomi/M narrow/DGPSTY NASA/SM nasturtium/MS Natalie/M nationalise/CnAGSD NATO/MS nattiness/S naughtiness/S nauseate/GDSk naval/Y nave/ZMS navigator/MS Neal/M neap Neapolitan/SM nearside/M nebulousness/S necessary/UY necessitation/M necromancer/MS necrosis/M nectary/SM négligé negotiator/MS nemeses neocortex/M neodymium/M neon/MS neophyte/SM nepotist/S nerve/UGSD net/SMDG netting/M neurosurgery/MS neuter/dS neutralist/S neutrino/MS never-ending Newbury/M newel/SM newsprint/SM newsreel/SM new-style Newsweek/YM newton/MS Ni/M Niagara/M Nice's Nichole/M Nicodemus/M niece/SM night-soil nighty's nihilist/MSW ninety-nine/H ninety-one nipping/Y nipple/SM nitrogenous no-ball/SD noble/mPT5S nobody/SM no-claims noddle/DMSG nominate/CGASnDN non-administrative non-assignable non-attendance/SM non-availability/SM non-burnable non-caloric non-clinical non-communicable non-comprehending non-detachable non-determinacy non-driver non-durable non-equivalence non-existence/SM non-fattening non-inflationary non-legal non-negotiable non-numerical/S non-observant non-party non-prejudicial non-random non-refundable non-resistance/S non-restrictive non-scientist/S non-speaking non-specific non-striking non-thinking/S non-venomous non-vocal non-yielding non-zero norm/VDGMoSvu Norma/M normative/P north-Easterly northward/S Norwich/M nosegay/MS nostalgia/SM notable/C notables notation/MCo note/FDCGSNn noticed/U notion/CS notwithstanding nounal nous/M novelty/SM novitiate/MS nowt NRA NSF nuclear nucleon/SM nucleotide/SM nugget/MS numerology/wSM nutcracker/SM oak/SM oat/SM oatmeal/MS obelisk/MS oblivious/PY obnoxious/YP O'Brien/M obscurity/MS obsolescent/Y occasion/SMJoDG occupant/MS O'Connell/M OCR Oct octane/SM octogenarian/MS octopus/MS oddness/S O'Dell/M Odessa/M odiousness/S off-drive/S Offenbach/M offend/DRVuGSv offer/rJd officialism/MS off-putting off-stage/S Ofsted/M often oft-times ogre/MS O'Higgins ohs oilskin/MS OJ Oklahoman/MS olefin/M Olga/M Olivetti/M Olympiad/SM Olympic/S Omar/M omnipotence/SM onanism/M oncology/SM one-man ongoing/S onion/MS only-begotten onrush/GMS oozy/T opacity/SM operable/I operational operation's/F operativeness/I opiate/MGDS opium/SM opportune/IY opportunism/SM opportunist/SMW1 oppressiveness/S Oprah/M optimism/cMS optimist/SW1M option/GDSM orchestrator/M ordinal/S ordure/SM organiser/ASM organizer/AM oriel/MS orientable Orin/M Orion/M ormolu/SM orphan/SMd orphanhood/M orthodoxes OS/M Osaka/M Osborne/M oscillate/NynSDG osculation/M O'Shea/M osteopathy/MS Ottoman/SM oust/RGDS outage outbacker outcrop/J outdoor out-of-phase outré outsize ovarian ovary/MS ovate/S over-activity over-anxiety overarching overarm overbearing/P overboard overbold overcomits overcommit overcorrection overdecorate overeager overemotional overemphasize overfill/G overheat over-long over-nice over-nicety overnighter overpass/M overpay oversimple overspill/M oversubtle overtax overview Ovid/M ovoid/S ovular ovule/NSMn owlish/YP own-brand Oxbridge Oxford/MS oxidant/SM oxidise/J oxygen/NnM oxyhydroxides pabulum/SM Pacific's packaged/AU packet/dSM packhorse/M pad/SZJGMD Paddie/M paedophilia/M Paganini/M painless/Y painlessness/S pairing/S palaeoanthropologist palaeoclimatologist palaeoclimatology/w palaeontology/wMS paleness/S Palestinian/S palindrome/MS palindromic palisade/MGDS pall-bearers palpate/SGDnN paltriness/S pamphleteer/DGSM Panama/M pancake/SDMG Pandora/M Panis panpipes pantaloons pantheism/MS pantheist/SW pantry/MS papaw/MS papered/A papery/P para/SM parachuter/M Paramecium/M parameter/W1pMS paranoiac/S paraprofessional/SM parasitologist/M parasol/MS parathyroid/S PARC/M pardonably/U pared/KF paregoric/SM parenthood/SM parer/F parity/EMS parking/M parochialism/MS parole/DSMG pars/RDGJS parthenogenesis/M participant/SM partisanship/SM passenger/MS passion/FM pastern/MS Patel patentor/MS paterfamilias/MS paternal/Y pathname/MS pathogen/WSM pathology/SM3w1 patriarchy/SM patrician/MS patricide/SM patrimony/MS patriots/F patterer/M Paul/M payable/S payroll/SM PBX PCB PDP peacemaker/SM peach/IDSG peachy/T peacock/SM pearl/GDSM pearly/TS peasant/MS pedagogue/SM pedicab/SM pedicure/GS3DM Pedro peep/DSRGZ peep-show/MS peevishness/S pegboard/SM pejorative/Y Peking/M pelf/M pen-and-ink penis/MS penmen/M penny/pMS pension/7GMRD pentameter/MS pentathlete/S pent-up penury/SM pepperer/M peradventure/S perchlorate/M perdurable peremptory/Y perfection/ISM perfectly/I pericardium/M perilous/PY periodical/SM periodontist/S peripheral/SY perishable's permutation/M perpetual/SY perplexity/MS persist/DSG personae personal/Qq8- personality's/I personally/I personify/SnDGN perspicacity/S perspire/DGnNS pervasive/P perversity/SM pervert/DhSiG peskiness/S pester/dS petard/MS peter/dS Peterborough/M Petronas pettiness/S petulant/Y phalli phantasmal pharyngitis/M pheasant/MS phenol/SWM phenyl/M phenylalanine/M philanthropy/1MSW philistine/S phlebitis/M phlogiston phonic/S phoniness/S photo/MS photocopy/DRGSM photofinishing/MS physicist pianism/M pibroch/M pickaxe/SM piece/MDSG piezoelectricity/M pigeonry/S piggy/TMS pig-headed pigsty/MS pigtail/SMD pile/GFSD pilfer/drS pillar/MS pillowslip/S pimplike pinball/SM pince ping-pong pinkishness pinnae pin-wheel/SM pirouette/SGMD piscatorial Pisces piston/MS pitchstone/M pizza/MS placater placentae place's plained/F plaintiff/MS plait/DMSG plane/SM planeload plantar plantation/IMS plasterwork/M plastic/YQ8s9MS plating/M Platyhelminthes playback/SM playfulness/S playground/SM playroom/SM pleasantly/U pleasurable/P plectra plucker/M pluggable plumbago/M plumbed/U plume/pSM plunge/RSDG pluperfect/S plutocracy/MS Plymouth/M PO pocketful/MS po-faced poisoning/SM polarimetry pole-axes poliomyelitis/M polished/U politer politicly/I pollen/SM pollster/MS pollution/SM polycarbonate polygamy/3SM polyisobutylene polysaccharides polytonal/Y ponderous/YP pontiff/SM pontificate/NnDGS pooch/SM poodle/MS poppycock/SM popular/qQ8Ys9- popularism pop-up pork/RSZM porky/TS pornography/MS1W porosity/SM port/lDMYSBRG portend/GSD porthole/SM portly/PT ports/ACFEI4 positive/TS possibility/IMS postal posthumous/PY post-impressionism postman/M post-millennial post-millennialist post-structuralism post-structuralist postwar posy/SM pot/RG6SZ7DgM pot-boiler/M potentate/SM potentiality/SM potentiating potentiometer/MS pot-shot/S pound/FGISD poverty/SM practicableness pragmatics/M pragmatism/SM praiseworthiness/S praising/Y pram/SM prawn/DMGS prayerbook precedence/MS pre-Christian precinct/MS preclude/DSXNG precocious/YP predator/SM predecessor/SM pref prefecture/SM preferable/P preliminary/YS premeditate/h preprepared pre-privatisation prequel/S Presbyterian/M presbytery/SM prescriptivist presence/SM presentable/P presentational/A preservable presider/M press-stud/S pretentious/YU prevalent/Y price's priesthood/MS primary/YMS primitiveness/S primness printmaker/SM prioress/SM priority/Q8q-s9SM prisoner/SM prissy/TPY privation/MC probability/MIS proceed/DJGS proclaim/DRS7G profession/M professional/Q8S professionally/U proficient/Y proforma/S profusion/M progesterone/SM prohibit/dvuSVyNX projection/3SM proletariat/SM prolificness prologue/SMGD promote/SRxBGD promptitude/MS pronounceable/U proofed proofer proofread/SGR propellent propensity/SM proprietary/S prosecutor/SM prosthetic/S protease/M protein/MS protract/DSG provincial/S provincialism/MS provoke/VuSNRGknvD prurient/Y psalter/Z psephology/w1 pseudo-science/WS psychoacoustics/M psychodrama/SM psychokinetic psycholinguists psychometrics/M psychophysiology/M psychosis/M psychosomatic/S PTO Puccini/M puck/SM pudding/SM pudgy/TP pueblo/SM Puerto puffin/MS puffy/T pugnaciousness/S pulpiness/S pulse's/I pulverisation pulverization/M pumice/DSMG pump/GDMS pun/SGDM puncheon/SM punctilious/PY punnet puppy/MS pure/P3TY purvey/DGS purveyance/MS push-bike/SM pushover/MS push-up/S pusillanimity/SM pusillanimous/Y puss/S pussy/MS pustular putsch/S PX pyaemic pyjama/MS pyrometry/M pyxidium pyxis quackish quadrivium/M quaint/TPY qualifiedly quantified/U quarterly/S quaver/dkSZ queller/M query/GMSD questionableness/M quickie/SM quickness/S quid/SM quint/WMS quintessence/MS quintuplet/SM quire's quotidian/S rabies race/RDSGJZoM raceme/MS racial/3 raconteur/SM radiate/SnIVDGN radiochemical radiometry/M raffish/PY raft/RSDMG raggedy raindrop/SM rainstorm/MS Raipur raison randomiser ransacker/M rascal/YMS rasper/M raspy/T rate-cap/G rationally/I ravenous/Y Raymond/M Rb reabsorb/G reaction/cMS reading/aS readopt/G reafforest/N real/Tts3+9q-Q8Y realise/l realize/l rear-view rearward/S reasonable/U reasoning's rebelliousness rebuttal/SM recess/GMNuSXDVv recidivism/SM recidivist/SM recipe/MS recital/3SM reclaim/7 recognisances recognise/RBGDlS recognize/RBGDlS recommit/GNXD recondite/PY reconsideration/M recopy/G record-breaking recovery/S recurs/NXvV redbrick redcurrant/SM redelivery/M redesign/G redivide redlining reduced/U reducibility/MI Reece/M re-election re-employ/7 re-enact Rees refer/RSDG7 refill/G7 refit/GD reflectivity/M re-form/N refract/DyvGVS refresh/DLGS7k refrigerate/NDSG refrigerator/MS refulgence/M re-fund refurbishment/S regather/d regimental/S regionalism/MS registrable regressive/P regulated/U rehabilitation/M Reinhold/M reinstitute/S rejuvenate/SnNDG relativeness/M relentlessness reliance/M remorse/pMj6 Rena/M Renaldo/M Renate/M rendezvous/SDGM renovate/DSNGn renovation/M repair/Rm7 repartition/G repêchage repercussion replenisher replica/MS report/h7G reporting/af reports/a reprehensibility/M reprieve/SDG Reptilia repugnance/M repugnant/Y reputability/M requisition/GMDS requited/U resale/7 rescission/MS resettle/L resignal/GD resin/d resoluteness resolvability/M resolvable/IU resolvent resonance/SM resonate/DSG resorption/M resorptive resource/6jp resourcelessness respectable/Y respire/nNyG restless/PY restore/gRnVNv restricted/UY resume/GSNDX retail/R retina/SM retire/kL retrovirus/S returnee/SM Reuben/M reveille/SM reversibly/I revert/DSGb revive/GSD reviver/M revolt/DGk revolution/Q8My3S revolutionary/SM RFU/M rhesus rheumatism/SM rheumatoid rhinitis/M rhodium/M rhomboidal rhubarb/SM ribald/y ribaldry/SM ribbing/M Rican/SM rickets Ricky/M riddle/DSMG Riga/M right-minded right-winger/S rigid/Y rigorousness rill/SM rind/SDM ringleader/SM ringlet/SM rinse/GDS ripe/YP riposte/DMSG risk/GSZz2DM risky/TP Ritchie/M Ritter/M rival/SMyGD riven Riverview/M roach/SM roadie/S roan/S Robert/SM Robertson/M Rob's rock-bottom rock-climbing rococo/M Rodriguez/M roebuck/SM Rogelio/M rôle/MS roller-coast rolling-pin/SM Rolodex Ron/MZ Roosevelt/M root-mean-square Rosa/M Rosanna/M rose/SZyM Roseanne/M Rosemarie/M Rosemonde/M Ross rota/yvSVM rotifer rotisserie/SM rotogravure/SM rough-and-ready Rousseau/M routine/QSYM royal/3SY RP rt. rubber/QZ rude/TYP rudimentary ruff/SGDM ruffle/DGS Ruiz/M rulebook/S rumbustious rumpus/SM run-of-the-mill rush/RDZGS Russia/M rusty/NPTn sachem/S sackful/S sacking/M sacra/L sacral Sacramento/M Saddam/M saddle/GUDS sadness/S safer Sagittarius/M sago/SM sailborder's sailing-master/SM sainthood/SM saki's salacity/M salami/MS salary/DMS saleability/M Salem/M Salerno/M sale's/A salesgirl/SM saleslady/S Salina/MS salmonella/M salmonellae salsify/M salt-and-pepper salt-pan/MS salt-water salutatory Salzburg/M Samara/M Sammy/M Samoa/M samovar/MS Samuel/SM sanctum/SM Sander's sandmen/M Sandra/M sane/YT sang-froid sanguine/Y sanguineness Sanhedrin/M Santiago/M sapient Sapporo/M Sarasota/M Sarawak/M Sargasso/M SASE satisfaction/SEM satrap/MS sauté/SGD savannah/M sawn saying/M scabby/T Scandinavia/M scape/M Scaramouch/M scaremonger/SM scarp/DGSM SCCS schedule/RDMGS schematic/S scheme/SDRWGM schilling/SM Schlitz/M schnapps schnitzel/SM school/GMDJS schooled/U schoolfellow/S school-leaving school-time Schumacher/M Schwartz/M scintillation/M scissor/S scoff/RGDS sconce/M score/eDfGS score's Scottie/SM scoundrel/YSM scrag-end scraggy/T scramblers/C scrapie screen/GJSMD screener screws/U scrimshaw/GSMD scripting/F scruff/2ZSMz scruffy/T scrummage/DMGS scruple/DMSG scrupulousness/M SCSI scummy/T scurf/ZM sea-green Sears's seascape/SM seasonably/U seat/UGDSA seaway/MS Sebastian/M sec second-best second-class second-degree secrecy/SM sectarian/S sectioned/A sections/EA sect's/I secure/SYDG securer sedative/S sedentary seduction/M seductive/P seed/MD2GSRZp seeds/A seem/YSkGD seersucker/SM see-through segregable segregationist seigneur/MS select/KSGCDA selenographer/MS self-appointed self-assertion self-congratulation self-conscious/Y self-contradictory self-denial self-determination self-government self-improvement selfless/Y selflessness self-parody self-portrait/S self-reliant self-righteous/Y self-seeker/S self-seeking self-sufficiency self-tapping self-torture Seljuk/M sell/ASceGf semen/M semicircle/SM semifinal/3MS semiotician semi-skimmed Semitic/SM send/ASG señorita/SM sense/DGnSpMb sensibly/I sensor/SM sensuousness sentient/I sentiment/SKM sentimentalism/MS sentinel/DGSM Seoul/M sequel/MS sequence/RSMGD sequin/MSD Serafin/M serape/S Serb/MS serenity serf/SM serfdom/SM sergeant/MS serial/qQ-8SY series serotonin serrate/NnD serration/M serviceability/M serviceableness servile/Y sesame/SM set-aside settle/RLGSD settling/UA seven/HMS seventeen/H seventy-nine/H severity/SM sewage/M sexual/Y shah/MS shakeably/U Shakespeare/M shamble/DSG shamefulness shapeliness sharkskin/M shaven/U shawl/MDS shchi sheer/GYTDS sheikh/SM Sheldon/M Shelford/M Shelly/M sherbet/SM Sherri/M Sherrie/M sherry/MS shield/SDMG Shikoku/M shin-guard shininess ship-broker/SM shipping/M Shiraz/M shirr/GDS shirtsleeve/MS shirt-tail/S shiver/dkZS shoetree/SM shoo/SDG shook shooting/S shoot-out/SM shorebird/S shortish short-term Shoshone/SM shout's show-off/S shrewish/YP Shrewsbury/M shrivel/GSD shrub/ZMS shudder/dSZ shuffle/ASGD sibilant/YS Sibley/M sick/PY sickle-feather Sid/M side-band/SM side-car/MS side-splitting side-street/SM sidetrack/SGD sidewise signature/MS signify/nNDSG silence/SRMGD Silesia/M silhouette/GDSM silicate/MS silk/SzZ2M silky/TP silt/NMDGSZ Simeon/M simoniacal simpleness simplistic/Y simultaneity/MS sin/pRSj6GDM sincere/TY single-minded sinister/Y sinuosity sinusitis/M siphon/dMS sire/CDGS sissy/MS sitar/M3S six-fold six-pack/S sixty/HMS sixty-one sixty-second/S sixty-two sixty-twofold sizzle/DSG skelter sketchpad ski-jump/RGD ski-plane Skippy/M skol skylark/GDSM skyward/S slag/SMDG slander/dSM slantwise slap/MGSD slavery/SM slay/RSG sledge/SGDM sleek/TGYD sleepyhead/SM sleigh/SRMDG slenderest slime/2MSZ slip-ons slit/MRSDG sloe/SM slothful/P slow/TSPDGY slowish slummy/T slyer smallholder/S smallpox/M smartest smegma/W smeller/M smelly/PT smidgeon Smithfield/M smog/MZ smoking-room SMTP snaffle/GDSM snaky/T snazzy/TY sneezer snowboard/GRDS snowline snuffbox/MS soapy/T societal socio sociobiology/M Socratic/S soda/SM Sodom/M SOE soft/cP softest soft-heartedness soggy/TY soiled/U soldering sole/FADGS solid/YS solidness solitary/S solved/U soma/M someday Somme/M somnambulist/SM somnolence/M sonar/M Sonja/M sonorous/YP soot/MZ soothsayer/SM soothsaying Sophoclean sortieing soubriquet/M sounded/A soundproof/DGS sourish south-eastern south-eastward/S southernmost space/DmRM5SGJ spandrels spanned/U spareribs sparers sparer's sparkle/GRkDS spasm/MS spathe/MS spatial/Y spatter/dS specie/MoS spelling/MaS spend/eScaG sphere/M1WwS sphincter/MS sphinx/SM spine/pMS2Z spinnaker/SM spinsterish spiritedness spirit's splendid/PY spline/MDS Spock/M spoken/Uea sporting/U sportsmanlike/U sportswear/M spotty/TP spout/DGS spreadable spreader/SM Springfield/M springtime/M sprucer sprue/M spunk/MZ squally/T squarish squaw/MS squelchy/T squib/DGMS squire/YGMDS squirearch/Zw squirmy/T stabled stableful/S stablish stacked/U staff/ADGS stage-hand/SM stagnant/Y staid/PY stained-glass stair/MS stake/MDSG stakeholder/S Stalingrad/M stance/ISM standard-bearer/SM standee/MS Standish/M standoffish/Y standpoint/SM Stansted/M staphylococci stapled/U stare/S starfish/MS Starkey/M startle/GkDS starveling/M stately/TP stater/Ma stationmaster/M stature/MS staunch/DTSGY steadiest steamship/MS Steele/M steelwork/RSM Steen/M steeplechase/GSM steepness Steinberg/M Steinmetz/M stemmed/U step/cDGS stepfather/SM Stephenson/M steps/aI stereotype/ZMDGSWw1 sterling/PMY steroid/MS Steven/MS stewardship/SM stickler/SM Stilton/M stimulant/SM stimulation/MS Stine/M stingy/PT stinkpot/M stir/GSJDR stirred/U stock/GcDAS stockbroking stockpiler/M stodgy/TY Stoke-on-Trent/M stole/MS stopwatch/MS storeroom/MS storyline storyteller/MS stoup/SM stout-hearted/Y strati stratify/NGnDS Strauss Stravinsky/M straw/MZS straw-colour/D street/MS streetwalking streetwise streptococci streptomycin/M 'strewth stridency/S strikeout/S strim/RGD strip/eDGS strip-searched strontium/M Stroud strung/cUA strutter/M stubbly/T studbook/SM student/SM stuffer stumper/M stung Sturm/M stymieing styrene/M sub/SGDM subaquatic Subaru/M subcategory/SM subconsciousness/S subcontinent/SM subgenus sub-head/J subjugate/DnGSN sublease/DMGS sublimity/SM sub-machine-gun submergence/SM subpoena/DGSM subscribe/AGcSD subscriber/SM subsection/SM subside/qQ-8DZGs9S subsidiary/MS subsonic subspace/SM substantiation/FMS substitutional subtest subtract/RvVGDS subtraction/SM subunit/MS suburbia/M subzero succeeder/M succession/M such such-and-such suchlike sucker/d suffer/drJS Suffolk/M suit/MldSg7 suite/MS suitor/MS Sullivan/M sultana/MS Sumter/M sunbath/GRDS sunbeds sunblock/S Sundanese/M Sunderland/M sundry/S sunfish/MS suntan/DMSG super/5m supercargoes supercritical supernormal superscript/GSD superset/SM superstitious/Y supervisor/MS supervisory support/vRDkSBGV supported/U suppurate/NDSnG suppuration/M surface/RSGMD surmount/G7DS surmountable/I surreptitiousness surveyor/SM survivability/M suspect/GSD suspended/U suspensory sustain/lGBLDS suture/DGMS Suzie/M Svalbard/M svelte/Y swab/SMDG Swahili/MS Swale swallower/M swastika/SM swat/SRGD swede/SM sweetish sweetshop/SM sweet-talking Swenson/M swing/RkZSG swingier Swithin/M swizzler sybarite/MWS sycophancy/S syllable/WSM syllogism/SM sylvan symposia synchronism/M syngamous synonym/SZWM syntheses syphilis/M systole/WSM T ta/o taboo/DGMS tabor/SM tac/D2ZG taciturn/Y taciturnity/M tackle/DRMGS tactual/Y Taffy/MS tailgater/M Tait/M talc/M tall/T Talmudist tamarind/SM tambourine/MS Tammany/M tankard/SM tankful/SM Tannhäuser/M tannin/SM tantrum/SM tape/Sp7M tapir/SM tapped/U tarnished/U taro/SM tarpon/SM tarsal Tarzan/M task/SDMG taskmaster/MS taste/EM6jS Tatar/SM tattooist/SM tau/M Taurus/M taxation/M taxi/DSGM taxpayer/MS Tc teacup/6SM team-mate/S teapot/SM tearfulness teas/RSDkG technical/Y technology/3wSM1 Ted/M tee/SGdM Teirtza/M tellurium/M temp/GMRSTD tempera/MLS ten/lSHg7M tenability/SM tenable/U tenacity/S tenderer tender-hearted/YP tendon/SM tendril/MS tenebrous TENEX/M tensionless ten-year terminable/I terminated termite/SM tern/SM Terpsichorean Terra/M terrace/GSMD Terrell/M terrorist terror-stricken terseness TESL testament/MS test-drive/G testify/RDSG tether/dMS tetracyclic tetragonal tetrapod Tewkesbury TeX's textural thalami thalamus/M thallium/M thank/D6jGpS theatrics Thebes Thelma/M thematic/S theoretical theoretician/SM therapeutic/YS thereat Therese/M thereunto thereupon thermosetting thimble/6MS thirty-four/H thirty-seven/H thirty-twofold thistledown/M Thomas thoughtful/Y thoughtfulness thoughtless/YP three-dimensional/Y three-pronged three-quarter/S throb/SGD thromboses thrombus/M throne/CSD thrown/c thunder/SZkMd thunderclap/MS thunderstorm/MS thymus/SM thyroxine/M Tibet/M Tibetan/S tilled/E tiller/EMS tilth/M time-consuming time-honoured time-server/SM time-serving/S timetable/SDGM timorousness tinder/M tinfoil/M tint/MSDG tip/RSGMD tip-top tirade/SM tireless/Y titanium/M titbit/SM titivation/M titre/MSN tizz/Z TNT token/SQM8 told/AU Tomas tomfoolery/MS Tommy/MS tomtit/SM tone/IRDGS Tonya/M tooth/zMpDZ toothpaste/MS tootsy/SM topdressing/S topgallant/M topography/S1WMw topsail/MS topside/SM topspin/MS topsy-turvy Torbay tormentor/SM Torres tort's tortuous/Y total/s9MDGS totting-up touched/U tourney/DGSM town/SmM5 townie/SM toxaemic toxicity/SM Toyoda/M tract/E7ASF tractability/I trade-off/S trainee/SM traipse/SGD tramcar/S tramlines tranny/S tranquillity/S transcode transcontinental transept/SM transgenic transience/ZSM translating/a transmissible transmitter/MS transplant/7Nn transubstantiation/SM transuranic transverse/Yo transvestitism trapdoor/S Travers traversal/SM treasure/DRSZMG treat/LM7ZDSG Treblinka/M treetop/MS trek/SRDGM tremble/SGYkD tremendous/Y tribunal/SM tribute's tricentennial Tricia/M trilingual trim/DTGJSRY tripartite triplication/M triptych/M trireme/SM Trish/M Trisha/M trisyllable triteness tritium/M triumvir/MS trivial/Q8q- trojan trope/WMSw1 troublesome/PY troy truckload/SM trust's truth/MUSj6 try/ADGS trypsin/M tsarevich tsetse Tuareg/M tubercular tugboat/MS tum/Z tumbrel/MS tumour/MS tumulus/M tune's tuning/SM Tunis/M turbot/SM turbulence/MS turmoil/M turning/SM turnip/SM TVs twenty-five/H twenty-four/H twenty-onefold twenty-six/H twice-married twiggy/T twilight/SM twin/DSdGM Twinkie twirl/DRGYS twists/U twofold type's typicality/M typography/SWMw1 typology/wSM1 Tyrolean/S Tyrol's ubiquitous/Y ubiquitousness UCL/M Uganda/M ugh/F ukulele/SM umbel/SM umbilici unattractiveness unbalance unbecomingness unbelief unbind/G uncial/S unclad unconnected uncool underclass undercurrent/M underflow/M underfoot underlay underpass/M undershot undersigned/M undetermined undo/G unease/2 uneventful unexacting unfashionable unfavourable unflinching/Y unfrozen Unicode/M unifiable unifier/MS unilateral/Y unimportance unintelligibility unison/S univalve/SM unkind/Y unkindness unlap unlawfulness unlit unlooked-for unloose unmanliness unmannerly unmemorable unmet unmissable unneighbourliness unobliging unobservable unpin/GD unpleasant unprepared unquote unseeing/Y unstuffy unthinkable/Y untiring/Y untrue unwell unworldly unyielding/Y upbeat/MS update/DGS upfront uphold/RGS upright/YS upside/MS upside-down upstanding upstroke/MS urban/qQ8- urea/M uric urinalysis/M Urochordata urology/wM usage/SM use/cEDSAa user-friendliness usualness/U usury/MS Utah/M utilise/fSGD utopia/M UV vacuous/Y vagabondage/MS Valencia/M Valeria/M valiant/Y valuator/MS value/CnASNGD value-for-money value's vamp's vapidity/SM vaporise/RnSGD vaporize/nRSGND var. varistor/M vasomotor Vax/M vector/FM vectored vectorial Veda/MS veil/DUSG vellum/MS velvet/SZM Venetian/MS vengeful/Y vent's/F venue/SMA veracious/Y verbosity/MS Verde/M versa vertebra/M Vertebrata vertical/YS vesper/S vestibule/MS veterinary/S VI vialful/S vice-Chancellorship/S victual/RSGD videotape/SDMG Vietminh/M Vietnam/M viewed/KA viewer/AKSM vindicate/SDNGn vintner/MS violator/SM Violette/M viper/SM virginal/S virginity/MS visibility/ISM Visigoth/S visor/SM vitiation/M vitreous/Y vitro vituperation/M vivaciousness VMS/M volatile/qQ8-S volt/AMS Volta/M volte volte-face voluminous/Y voluntary/YS voluptuous/Y vortices votive/Y vow/SDGM vowel/SM voyeurism/SM vulvae wade/S waggish/Y wail/SGD waistband/SM waistcoat/SM Wallachia/M Walloon/M wampum/M wantonness Waqar/M war/pSDGM wardress/MS warhead/MS warlike warmish warpath/MS warrantable/U warranty/SM wartime/SM wash/AGDS washing-up washout/MS wasn't waspish/Y Watergate/M waterlogged watermill/S water-table Watkins wattle/SM Waukesha/M wave/DSZG2 wavering/UY weakness/S weatherboard/G weather-bound weaver/SM web/DSGM weekend/MS week-long weenie weighting/SM weirdness well-beloved well-built well-disposed Wellman well-mannered well-trained Welshman/M Welwitschia/M we're Westchester/M westerly/S Westinghouse/M Westphalia/M wet/TSDYG wetsuit/S wham/SDGM what's-his-name wheelwright/MS whereto whichever whimper/dS whinny/DSG whisky/S whistle-stop whitebait/M Whitehaven/M Whitman/M Whitsun/M Whittington/M whiz/GD wholehearted/Y wholemeal whoop/DGS whoso wicked/P wickeder Wicklow/M wide-eyed Widnes wigwam/SM Wilkes Wilkins Wilkinson/M Willenstad/M Williamson/M wily/PYT windblown windflower/SM windless windpipe/SM winegrower/SM wing-tip/S winning/Y Winooski wintriness wired/A wirer/M Wisconsin/M wisely/U wishbone/MS witchcraft/MS witchdoctor/S wives woke Wolfe/M wonder/jLSdkM6 Wong/M wonky/T wont/hDG woodcutting/M Woodlawn woodruff/M woodwork/RMG wop/SM word/ADJGS wordage wordplay/MS workshop/MS worktable/MS worm/GSDZM worse Worthington/M worthless/PY worthy/TPS would wrench/DGkSM wrester/M wrestling/M write-up/S WRNS wryly x x-axis xenon/M xenophobia/M xiii yam/SM yardstick/SM yearbook/SM year-end Yeovil yob/S yobbism yoga/M Yoruba you've yummy/T Yves Yvette zany/T Zeus/M Ziegler/M zither/MS zloty/M zodiacal zoom/DGS 3GPP's abacus/SM abase/SGLD abbey/SM Aberdeen/M abeyant abjection/MS ablution/SM abnegate/NGnDS abolish/DGLRS abominate/DnNSG abortionist abruptness/S absolution/MS abstemious/YP abstemiousness/S abstinence/MS abysmal/Y academy/MWS ACAS acceptability/MS acceptance/SM acceptingness accessibility/ISM accidence/M acclaimer/M acclamation/MS accompanied/U accordant/Y account/MBlDSG accountably/U accountancy/SM accounted/U accumulate/DSGNVnvu accumulator/SM accurate/YP achieved/Uc achy/TK acidoses acme/MS activator/SM actuary/SMo acyclic/Y Adamson/M addition/oMS adducer/M adduct/GDS adduction/M adept/TPYS adequateness/SI adhesiveness/S adjudge/DSG adjusted/UA admissibility/MSI admonitory adulteress/MS adventure/RMSGD adventuresome advert/QsS advisable/I aeronautics/M Aesculapius affectionate/U afford/SGBD afforest/GnDNS Afghani/SM afoul afterburner/MS after-hours afterlife/M aftermath/MS aftershave/S after-taste/SM agar-agar age/MihpSD ageism/S ageist/M ageless/YP agented agentive aggregate/vNnVDYSG agonize/hk agreer/SM agricultural/3 aha/S ahoy/S aides-de-camp Airbus/SM aircraft-carrier/SM aircrew/MS airlessness/S airlock/MS airplay/S airspace/MS airwaves airwomen airworthiness/S aitch/MS alcove/DSM alert/PhSDRTYG A-levels alewives Alex/M algebraical Alicia/M all/MSc allegiance/SM allegri alleluia/S Allendale allergy/3W1SM Allis allocated/U allocation/c allocator's/C allotted/A allotter/M allowance/MS allowing/E all-powerful allude/vDGVuXSN allure/LDkGS Alma almagest almoner/MS Alofi/M alongshore Altaic/M alumina/SM Alva/M al-Zawahiri ambassadress/SM ambition/M ambuscader/M amenability/SM Americanism/S Amerindian amiable/YTP amidships amiss ammonia/SM ammonites amnesic amnesty/DSGM amontillado/SM amorallym amorous/PY Amphibia amphitheatre/SM amplify/NDRGSn amputate/DNSGn Amy/M anaerobe/MW1S anaesthesia/MS anal/Y analysis/M anastomotic anchorperson/S ancientness/S and/DG andante/S anders androgen/MSW androgynous android/SM anechoic anew Angeles angelfish/SM angiography Anglesey/M Anglo-French Anglomania Anglo-Norman angora/MS animal/Q8S-qM animalcular aniseed/SM ankh/SM Anna/M annihilate/NSnVDG annuli annum anomaly/SM anopheles/M Antananarivo/M antecedent/YMS antennae anthropomorphic/Y anticlimactic/Y antihistamine/MS anti-nuclear antiquate/GSD antiredeposition antistatic antitank antivenin/SM Antoine/M anvil/DGSM anyone/M aorist Apache/SM ape/M1GwSD aper/A aperitif/S Aphrodite/M apiary/S3M apolitical/Y apologetic/SY apologetics/M apoplectic apostleship/MS apostrophe/Q8SM apothecary/MS appal/DSGk apparent/PY appear/GADSE appetizing/UY applaud/RSDG applicabilities applicability/MI applies/Aa appointed/EA appraiser/MS apprenticeship/SM approachability/M approximation/M aptitude/SM aqua/MS aquamarine/SM aquavit/SM aqueduct/SM Aquinas aquittal Arachnida arbitrament/MS arcana/M arch-enemy/SM Archibald/M archness/S Arden/M arduousness/S areawide areolae argent/M Argentina/M argot/SM argues/e argy-bargy/SD Argyll/M aright arise/SGJ armadillo/SM Armenian/M Arnold/M aromatherapist/MS aromatherapy/S arrayer arrearage artichoke/SM articulate/nPSGyYDNV arty/3TP ascent/MS asexuality/SM Ashley/M asimilar ask/DRSG askance askewness asphalt/SGDM asphyxia/MSn assassin/NSnM assault/GSVuMvD asserts/A asses/GD asseveration/M assignation/M assimilable assistance/MS assistant/MS assort/GDLS assumer/M assured/PY assurer/MS astatine/SM Astor/M Astrakhan astronautics/M astuteness/S asymmetry/WwS1M athwart ATM/M atom/Qs-98MqS atrociousness/S atrocity/SM attack/RSDG7M attempt/DRGS attentiveness/IS atwitter audiology/S3Mw audiometer/SWM audiotape/S Audrey/M auger/MS augite Augustus aunty/MS aurorae auroral authenticated/U authoritativeness/S authorized/AU autobahnen autoclave/MDSG autocracy/SM autoignition/M automatism/SM autotransformer/M AV avant-garde/3 avenge/DGRS avenue/SM avian/S aviator/MS avidness Avis/M avuncular AWACS await/SDG awareness/U awarenesses awesomeness/S awing/c awoken AWOL awry/T Axel/M axiology/M1w aye/MS Azikiwe/M babyhood/MS babysat bacchanalia Bacchus bachelor/MS backbite/RS backboard/SM backbreaking backchaining backhand/hRMSGD backless backorder backstabber/M backstreet/M back-to-back bad/PY Baffin/M baiter/M Bakelite/M balance/DMIS balancer/SM bald/PGYTDZ Bali/M balladeer/MS ballerina/MS ballpoint/MS balls/Z balm/M2ZS Baltic/M Baltimore/M Balzac/M bands/E bane/M6j Bangalore/M Bangladeshi/M banjo/SM baobab/MS Barbados/M barbaric/Y Barclay/M barelegged barman/M Barnett/M barnstorm/GRDS baroque/SYM barracuda/SM barrage/SMDG barre/SMJ barter/rdS baseboard/MS based/C bashfulness/S basic/S basketball/MS basso/S3M Bateman/M bath/SRGMD batmen batten/MdS baud/M bazooka/SM bdrm beak/MDRS bearably/U Beardsley/M beastliness/S beat/SlRG7J beatify/WDGnS1N beautician/MS beautification/M bedaub/DSG Bedford/M Bedfordshire/M bedroom/SDM bedsheets bedstead/MS beecher bee-keeping/M beeline/GSD beery/T began beggar/dMSY begot begum/SM behave/SaGD beheld behind/S belier/M bell/SGmMDY belletrist/SMW belligerency/SM beloved/S bemire/SDG Ben/M bencher/M bend/SUG beneath benignity/SM Bennett/M benzene/SM Bergen/M Berk Berlioz/M Bernardino/M Bert/M beseech/RDkSGJ bespoke best/SGD bethink/SG betrayal/SM better/dL Beulah/M Beverly bewhisker bewitch/LDSkG bias/MDSG bibliographer/SM bidiagonal bighearted bight/MGDS bigmouth/MS bilayer/S bilberry/SM bi-level bilingual/YS bilious/P bilk/DRGS billowy/T billy/MS billy-goat bimetallism/SM bimonthly/S bindery/SM binge/DGMS Bingham/M bioethics biomorph biophysic/S3Y biopic/S bioscience/S bipedal birdcage/MS birefringent bisexual/MSY bishopric/SM Bismark/M bisque/MS bitblt/S bitchy/TP bittern/MS bituminous bivariate biz/M bk blackbird/GSMD blackguard/SDYGM blacking/M blacklister Blair/M blanket/dSM blare/GDS blemished/U Blevins blindfold/DSG blindness/S blinking/U blockhead/SM block's bloodbath/S bloodiness/S Bloomfield/M blow/RGZS blow-drier blowfish/M blown/c blowtorch/MS Blucher/M bluebook/M blue-green blueprint/GSMD Blum/M blurb/GSDM blvd boarding/M boardroom/SM bob/MDGSZ bobcat/SM Boca/M bodice/SM bodied/M body-building Bohemia/M boiler/MS bole/MS bollocking bollocks Bolton/M bona fide boob/MDZGS book/7GMDRJS bookend/DSG bookmaking/M bookstall/SM booksy bookworm/MS Boone/M boorishness/S boosterism boot/SAGD bootblack/SM boredom/MS borough/MS Bosnia/M Bosnian/SM bosom/UdS Boswell/M bot/S bottomer bounteousness/S bounty/6DjSM bouquet/MS bowdlerize/NnDSG Boyce/M boycotter/M boyhood/SM boyish/PY BR/M Brahma/M Brahmaputra/M Brahms brainstormer Braintree/M branchlike brand/MRGZSD bras/2GzZD brassy/TSP Bratislava/M brawl/MRGSD brayer/M brazen/dYP Brazilian/SM breach/DRSGM breadbox/S bream/DSG breast/DGMS breastfeed/G breathe/S breech-loader breed/MRGS Brenda/M Brenner/M brevity/MS brewing/M brickbat/MS bridgeable/U Bridgend/M Bridgeport/M bridging/M briefcase/MS brilliant/PSY Brit. British/RY Briton/SM brittleness/S broad/TYS broadsheet/SM brochure/SM bromine/M Bronx/M bronzed/M bronzer broody/TP brother/dY brotherhood/MS browbeat/GS Brunswick/M brush-up brushwork/SM Bryan/M BSA bucketful/SM buckeye/MS buckhorn/M Buckinghamshire/M buckle/RGSMD buckshot/MS buckwheat/SM Buddhism/M buffaloes buffed/A Bugatti/M bugbear/MS bug's bulimic bulldog/MS bulletin/MdS bullfrog/SM bullhide bullish/PY bullring/SM bulwark/MGDS bumptiousness/S bun/MZS bunco's bundler/M bungee/SM bunny/MS Bunsen/M Burberry/M bureau/MS burgh/RMS burgomaster/SM Burlingame/M burly/TP Burne/M burnoose/SM burrow/DMGSR bursae bushmaster/MS bushy/TP busman/M bustard/MS busy/PSYTGD butt-end/S Butterfield/M buttress/SGDM buxomness Buxton/M buyback/S buys/c bypass/MDSG by-product/SM cabriolet/SM cacciatore cadent/C cadet/MS cadmium/M caecal cage/GDzR2MS calabash/SM calcium/M calculability/IM calculate/iVDSGkBhNn Calgary calibre/MnSN California/M caliphate/SM call/RSGDJ7 callee/M call-girl/S camaraderie/SM camel-hair Camilla camouflage/GDRSM camps/C canary/MS candider candlelight/SM cannelloni canniest cannonade/MGDS cannot cannula canonist canter/d Cantonese capabler capacitative caparison/SM cape/BDRMlS capitalism/SM capitalist/1W Capitan capsicum/MS Capt. captiousness/S captivity/SM captures/A carafe/SM caramel/Q8SM carapaxes cardigan/MS cardiopulmonary caring/U Carlisle/M Carmichael carnelian/MS carnet/SM carnivore/MS carousel/SM carpel/SM carpool/DSG carriageway/MS carroty/T Cartesian cartful/S Casablanca case-harden/dS casein/MS casework/RSM cask/SMGD cast/RSGJM castigate/SnDNG Castillo/M cast-off/S castor/MS Catalonia catch/LRGZ7S catchup/SM categorize/AGSD category/wq8W9Qs-SM1 cathodal catholicly cauliflower/SM causate/vV cauterize/NSDGn cautiousnesses cave-in cavity/FMS CCTV cedar/MS celebrated/U c.elegans cellarer/M cello/S3M cellophane/SM cellulite Celsius cenotaph/SM centennial/Y centimetre/MS centralism/M centralize/CDNSAnG centric/F centrifugation/M Ceres certainest certificate/SDM Cessna Chadwick/M chaffer/rd chagrined chainsaw/DSG chaise/MS chalkiness/S chalkline chamberlain/SM chamfer/dSM chancellor/MS chap/SDMG chaperone/SM charged/U charismata charismatic/U Charlottesville chasten/Sd chattel/SM chatter/dSr chatterbox/SM chauvinist/MSW1 checkable checked/U cheerful/TP cheerfulness/S cheeseboard cheesecake/SM cheeseparing/S Chen chequer/d cherish/GDS cherubim/S chest/6ZSDM Chevy chewiness/S Chicago/M chicane/MDGSy Chicano/SM chichi/TS chiffonier/MS chignon/SM childes childminders chimaera/Mw chimney/DMS china/SM Chippewa chippie Chirac/M Chisholm chit/SM chitchat/DSMG chive/SM chloride/SM chock-a-block choler/SM chord/GSDM chow/GSMD chrism/MS Chrissie Christensen/M Christoph/M chromatography/M chrome/MWGD chronology/13SMw chuckle/DkGS chunk/ZSGM2D chunkiness/S churchgoer/MS Churchill/M churchyard/MS churlishness/S cincture/MGDS cinematography/WSM circuitousness/S circularity/MS circulated/A circumlocutory cite/nAGNDS claimable clamp/SGMD clannish/YP Clapton Clare/MZ Clarendon/M clarifier/M clasher/M classic/3S classical/3 classics/M classified/S classifies/CA classlessness class-list clatterer/M clavicle/SM clearing-house/S clerestory/SM clevis/SM Clifton/M climbdown Clio cliquiest Clive clock/SDMRGJ clod/SMGD closable cloud-cuckoo-land clouding/c clownish/PY clubbed/M clung CNN coal/SGMD coalesce/GDS coarseness/S coat-hanger cobalt/M cock-eyed/Y cock-of-the-rock cocky/TP cod/rMdSDG codex/M coercive/PY coffin/dMS Coffman cogitator/SM cognac/MS cognitive/SY cohabit/nd cohabitation/o coincident/Y colander/SM cold/TPSY Colette/M coliseum/MS collaboration/3M collaborator/MS collapse/b collapsibility/M collar/pdMS collation/M collie/MRyD collimation/M collusion/M cologne/SMD Colombian/S colonnade/DSM colossi colourfulness/S colouring/M colourlessness colours/AE colter/M Colwyn/M comatose combination's/A combinatorial combinatoric/S combiner/SM comestible/MS comfort/EGMSDk commend/AnS7DG comment's commercialism/SM commissariat/MS committed/cU common-law commonwealth/SM communism/MS communist/W community/SM commutate/Vv compact/TRPDYG compactness/S companionable/P company/SMDG comparative/PS compare/uVvGBl compass/M compeer competence/MSZI competency's competitiveness/S competitor/SM completer/M completing complicatedly complicatedness/M compliment/RGD compost/G composure/MES compote/SM comprehend/NuXSDvGV Compton/M compunction/SM computer/Q8q- computer-literate concentrator/MS concept/xSVoM conceptual/-Q8q concerning concession/yo concessioner concise/TYPNX concreteness/S concreter concretion/M concuss/NXV conductivity/SM cone/MZS confect/S confectionery/SM confess/GXxhDN configured/K confirmatory conformism/SM confuse/kRhi congest/DVSG congruence's/I conjecturer/M conjunctiva/MS conjure/NRGSnD Conley/M Connecticut connecting/E Conrail/M conscience-stricken conscientiousness/S consecrative consensus/SM considered/U considering/S consignee/SM consiprationally consolidate/DNGnS constabulary/SM constance/Z consternation/M constitutional/3YS constrict/SDVG constructable consular/S consumerist consumption/Mc contempt/bM contemptuousness/S contented/P conterminous/Y contestable/I contestant/SM contingent/MYS continued/E continues/E contrariety/SM controversial/UY controversy/SMo contuse/XGSND conversion's/A conveyance/DRSGM convivial/Y conviviality/MS convulsive/P co-occurrence cookbook/MS cook's co-op coping/M copra/SM copse/M copulative/S copywriter/MS Corbett/M Corby cordillera/MS cordovan/MS Cornell/M cornflower/SM cornucopia/SM corolla/yMS corona/ySnM corporatism/M corporealness/M corpse/M correspond/k corridor/SM corruptness/S corsair/SM cortisone/SM corves cosignatory/SM cottagey couching/M couldn't counter-attack/SRMDG countermeasure/SM countersink/SG courage's coursework courteousness/SE courtesan/MS coven/SM covering/E coward/SMY cowardly/P cowbell/SM Cowes cowgirl/SM Cowley cowling/M crackly/T craggy/TP Craigavon/M crape/SM creatable creates/A creation/MAS creationism/SM crèche/MS creditability/M credulously/I crescendo's/C crick/DSMG cries/e crime/DGSM criminality/MS crinkly/TS crinoline/MS crispy/TP critical/UY critter/SM Croatia/M crocker/Z croft/MGSR Cromwellian crook/DSiMhG crop/GSeMD crossbeam/MS cross-breed/GS cross-ply cross-polar crossproduct/S crotchety/P crowbar/SMGD cruciform/S crucify/DGRS7 cruelty/SM crumpet/MS Crusoe cryogenics/M crypt/MW1S cryptogram/MS crypts/C crystal/MS crystal-clear crystalliser/SM crystallized/A CSU cuber/M cubism/SM Culbertson/M cul-de-sac culprit/SM cup/DM6GS Cupertino/M curare/MS currant/MS curricular curriculum/M curs/GyihSD curvaceous/Y curving/M Cushman cusser/FE custom-built cyan/MWS cyborg/S cycloid/SM cyclopaedic cyder/SM cypress/SM cystitis cytology/3wSM Dag Dagenham dairymaid/MS dally/RGDS Daly damask/DMGS Damien damner damp/SDTRPGY Danaë dandy/TYMS Danish dankness/S Dante dapper/PY dapple/DSG dare/RDkGS d'Arezzo Dario darn/DRGS Darren Dartmoor/M Datamation datedness/e daub/DRGS Davenport/MS daybed/S daytime/SM DDT deadening/M deadpan dear/TPYZS dearness/S deathbed/MS debarkation/M debatable decal/SM deceleration/M deceptive/PY decidedness/M decisioned declension/SM Deco decolletes décor/SM decorous/IPY decrease/k deepness/S deep-seated deerskin/SM defeat/RG3D defector/SM definiteness/IS deflect/GSVD defoliant/MS defy/RSkDG degauss/GD degradable deletable delftware/S delicious/PY deliriousness/S delirium/MS delivered/U deliverer/SM deltoid/SM deluder/M demi-monde/SM demisemiquaver/S demo/GDM demolition/MS demon/SWM demoniacal/Y demoralize/R DeMorgan/M demotion Denbighshire/M denigration/M denim/MS denouement/SM densitometer/MWS dent/SIGD deodorant/MS departmental/Q8-q dépaysée depiction/SM depraver/M depth/SM deputation/M derisive/P derisiveness/S desalinate/SNnGD Descartes descriptiveness/S desertion/MS desirous/PY desperateness/S dessicate/ND destructiveness/S detainer/M detectability/U deterred/U detestable/P detestation/M detriment/SoM detrimental Dettingen devastator/SM deviating/U diabetic/S diabolical/P diagnostics/M diagrammaticality diamanté diaphragm/MS diatonic dibble/MGDS dicotyledon/SM dicotyledonous dies/U dietary/S Dietrich differentiated/U differentiation/M diffract/DGS diffuseness/S diffusivity/M digerati digram dihedral dilettantish diligence/SM diluent dime/MS dimensionality/M diminished/U diminution/SM dimwit/DMS Dinah dinnerware/SM diocese/SM diode/MS diplexers diplomata direct/TxPDGySYV directing/a directionality directrix/M dirge/MSDG dirtiness/S disarm/k disclose discolour/NniGJ discompose/D discretionary discriminant/SM disdain/jMDG6S disgrace dish/SDMG disloyal dismember/dL Disney/M dispensation/M dispersant/M disposal/SM Dispur disquiet/kM disquisition/MS disrupted/U disrupter/M dissidence/MS dissipated/P dissolute/PY distillate/MS distiller/Z distillery/MS distorted/U distributor/MS district/SM divan/SM dive/RJDTGS diverse/YP divestment dividend/MS divisibility/IMS divot/SM DJ/M dockland/MS dockside/M Dodecanese dodgem/S doge/MS dogfought doghouse/MS do-gooder/S doll/SDMGY dolmen/MS domestic/SnNY domiciliary dominations dominative dominatrix Donizetti donkey/SM door/DmGMS doorkeep/R doorknob/SM doorplate/SM dope/R2DMGS Doppler Dorado dormice dost dotard/SM double-blind double-decker/S double-jointed double-sided doubt/MAS7 doughty/T doughy/T Douglas-Home/M Dow downheartedness/S downhill downturn/MS downward/PYS dowry/MS doyenne/MS dragoon/MDSG dramatist/SM drank draughtiness/S draughtsmanship/MS dreamless/YP dressed/cAU dresser/AM Dreyfuss dribble/RGDS drippy/T drivable drollery/MS droplet/MS dropsy/M drudgery/SM Druidism/SM drunkard/MS drupe/MS dryer/SM dry-eyed dryish dryly dubiousness/S duckpins duckpond ductwork/M dulcimer/SM dumb/DTPGY Duncan/M dung/DGSM dungaree/MS durst Dustin dustmen/M dwarf/GSMD dwarfish DWP/M dyad/SMW dybbukim Dyfed dynamic/YS dynamite/MGRDS dysentery/M dyslectic/S dystopia/M eagerer earmark/GDJS earnest/PY earphone/MS earthshaking easing/M Easthampton easting/M Eaton/M ebony/SM econometric/S economic/UY ecstasy/MS ecstatic/YS ecumenist/MS eczematous edging/M edify/RNSnDG editing/F eel/MS effectuate/DGSN Effie/M effigy/SM efflux/MN effort/SMp EGA/M eggcup/SM egotism/MS eh eighteen/HMS eject/VGSD ejection/MS Ektachrome elate/iSDGnhN Elbe Eleanor electrify/nRDGSN electro/M electrocardiography/SM electronic/S electrostatic/S elegant/IY elimination/M elk/MS Ella elliptical/S Ellison elocutionist Eloise emaciation/M emasculation/M embalm/RGDS embargoes ember/SM emblem/WSM embryonic emergence/SMZ émigré/S emote/SvDxVG emotional/Q8 emotionality/M emphysema/SM emplane/GDS employment/fMU emption/SM emulsification/M emulsion/SM enc encephalopathy/M enchantress/MS enclose/DSG encroacher/M encrypted/U endanger/LSd endear/LkDGS endemicity endmost endogamy/M endungeoned enemy/MS enforced/AU enforcer/AS enforcing/A Englewood engrammatic engulf/LGDS enjoy/GLBSDl enrapture/GDS enrich/GSDL enricher/M enshrine/GDLS enslave/RGLSD entangler/EM enterprising/U entrails entrance/LMSGDk entrant/A entreaty/MS entry/AS enumerated/A envied/U EPA ephemeris/M epiphenomenon epistemic epithet/SWM epochal Epsom equalized/U equation/M equidistant/Y equilibrate/DNSG equitable/PY equivocation/M eradicate/VNSDGn eradication/M ere ergophobia Ericsson/M Eros erotica/M erudite/Y Es escudo/MS esoteric/Y Esperanto esprit/MS essential/P3SY Estes estimative Estonia/M Estonian ethnicity/SM ethology/3wMS ethos/SM eucalyptus/SM eulogized/U Eunice eunuch/M euphonious/Y Europa European/Q8Mq-S Eurythmics evacuate/VNnDSG evade/SvRDNVGuX evaluation/A evaluation's evasive/P evenness/S eventuate/DSG Eveready everywhere eviction/SM evidential/Y evildoing/MS evilness/S examination/SM examine/ASGDN exasperate/DhGnSkN excavate/DNSGn excellency/MS excellent/Y excerpt/MSDG excess/DSuVvMG exchequer/MS excited/Uc excites/c excluder/M excrescent exec/MS executrix/M exemplar/SM exemplification/M exercising/c exile/GSDM exodus/SM expansion/y3M expatriate/DnSNG expect/nShGDi7kN expectedness/U expedience/SIZ expeditious/PY experience/IMD experted expertness/S exploration/M exposé/SM expostulate/nDGNS expostulation/M expound/SRDG expressionless/Y expurgated/U expurgation/M extending/c extension/M extensor/SM extenuate/nGSDN extirpate/GSnDNV extra/S extrasensory extraterritorial extreme/PTY3S extremity/SM ex-wife eye-opener/SM facecloth/S facility/SM facsimile/MDS factor/Q8t+d-MqS factory/SM factotum/SM faddist/MS fade/hS faff/GDS fail/SDGkJ Fairbanks faith/6DjpMGS fame/MDSz familiarity/MS fancy-free Farley far-off farrago/MS fasciculation/M fastener/SM fastening/MS fatalist/W1 fathers-in-law faultlessness/S favour/ERSMDG favourable/SYM Fawlty fearless/PY feasibility/I feather-bedding/M fee/GMYSd feedback/SM feedstock felicitation/M fellah femaleness/S femme/S fen/MS fenland/M Ferdinand fermenter ferrous fess's fettling/M few/TP Fibonacci/M fibroid/S fictional/Q8q- fiddlestick/SM Fidelio/M fiendish/PY FIFO fifty-eight/H fifty-five/H fifty-four/H fifty-one fifty-onefold fifty-three/H fig/LMDGS fighter/IMS figurine/MS filch/DSG filminess/S filtration/MI finale/M3S finely finis/SM fireball/SM fireproof/GD firework/MS firm's first-floor fishiness/S fish-meal fish-pond/SM fishwife/M Fisk Fiske/M fissile fitful/P fitted/e fitter/eMS five-a-side fixatifs fixes/I flagrancy flamboyancy/SM flare-up/S flatcar/SM flatfoot/MS flatulence/SM flatus/SM flatworm/SM flavoured/U fledge/DSG flee/DGS Fleming flesh/pY2MDGZS flew/c flex's/A flicker/dSkZ fling/GSM flip/RSTGD flirter flocculation/M Florence Floridian/S flounder/dS flowing/c fluidity/SM fluky/T flume/GMSD flute/GMSZDJ fluting/M flutter/rSZd flyby/M fly-by-wire flycatcher/SM flyleaf/M Flynn fly-paper/M flyweight/SM focal/FY fogginess/S foliage/SMD folk-dance/MGS Folkstone/M Folsom font/S Fontana Fontenoy foolhardiness/S foothold/MS footlights footpath/MS footsoldier/SM footstep/MS foppery/SM force-feed/G forceful/P ford/SDGM7 forearm/GMDS foreknew foreknowledge/MS foresightedness/S forethought/MS forever forewarner/M forlorn/TPY form/FoSIGNnD formability/M formalist/W formats/A formerly Formosan forsake/GS forte/MS fortifier/SM forty-first/S forty-six/H forty-twofold fossil/Q-SMq8 Foster's found/DRGynS founder/d fountain-pen/MS four-in-hand fourteen/HSM foveal foxy/TP franc/SM Francisco/M Frankie fraternizer/M fraudulentness fraught Frazier Fred/Z Frederic/M Frederick/S freeborn free-kick free-range freezes/AU freq frequency/MSI frication/M Friedman Friedrich/M frisker/M frizzly/T frock/CGSDU frock-coat/S from frontiers/m frontward/S frostbite/MGS frosting/MS frothiness/S frowzy/TPY fruition/M fry/GSND7V Frye/M führer/MS full-dress full-grown fullword/MS fulmination/M funfair/M funnel/MDGS funniness/S furbish/ASGD furore/MS fury/MS fused/CA fussy/PT futility/SM future/M3S futuristic/S g/7 gabbiness/S gadfly/MS gadgetry/SM Gaelic-speaking gaga gaily Gaines Gainesville gainsay/RGS gait/SRM Gaithersburg gale's gallbladder/MS galleon/SM Gallic gallop/Srd galore Gambia/M gamecock/SM gamin/SM gamine/SM gammon/dMS gangsterism garb/DMSG gargle/DSG garment/DSMG garotte/SMDG garrotte/MRGSD Gary/M gasp/SRDGk gas-permeable Gatwick/M gaugeable Gazza gearing/M gelid gemstone/SM general-purpose generalship/SM Genghis genitalia genome/SM genteelest geom geophysicist/SM gestalt/M gettered Getty Ghana/M Ghent ghoulish/PY ghoulishness/S giblets Gibraltar/M gifted/P Gilbertson gilding/M ginger/ZYSdM ginmill Gioconda Giorgio Glamorgan/M glance/kDSG glans/M glassware/MS glassy/PT Glastonbury/M glaucous glide/GSRDJ glint/DGS glissandi globe/SMD globe-trotting gloomy/TP glued/U gluiest gnome/MS goalkeeper/MS goal-line/S goatee/SM Gobi/M godforsaken godhood/SM Godwin/M goes/ef goggle/SRDG goggle-eyed Goldman Gomez goodbye/MS good-for-nothing/S goodly/T goof/GD2MZS gooiest goose/M gorge/MSDG gorges/E gorgon/S goring/M gormless gosh/S Gosport Göteborg/M Gothic/Q8 Gothicism GOTO goulash/MS governance/SM Govt. GP gr graceful/EPY gracefullest grace's/E Gracie grackle/SM graded/UA Graff/M graininess/S grain's grainy/TP grammaticality/U Grampian/M grandchild/M granddad/SMZ grandee/SM grandioseness granduncle/SM Granville grass/ZSDGM gratis gravel/DYGMS graviton/MS grazed/c greatcoat/SDM great-grandparents great-uncle greenbelt/S greenfly/M greengrocery/M greenkeeper/SM greenness/S grenade/MS Gresham/M grey/PGYDS greylag grievous/PY griffin/SM grilse grinning/Y gripe/S grisliness/S grist/MY grizzling/M grocer/ZSM grocery/SM grommet/dMS grosbeak/MS Grossman Groton groundwater grown-up/MS grubbiness/S grudge/DkMGS gruesomeness/S gruff/DTPGY grump/2MZSz grumpy/PT grunt/DGS guarani/SM guarded/P guardedly/U guardrail/MS Guatemala/M guesswork/SM guestimate/DSG guide/aDSG guillotine/DSMG guiltiness/S guise/EMS Gujarat gull/SDMbGY gullet/MS gullibility/SM gumdrop/SM gunky/T gusseted gust/SD2MGzZ gustatory Gustavo Guthrie Gutierrez habitant/IFSM habit-forming habits/FI habitué/MS hades hadn't hadst haemoglobin/SM hag/MS haggle/DRSG hagiographer/SM hagiography/MS hailstone/MS hairdressing/MS hairiness/S hairspring/SM hair-trigger halest half-finished half-lives half-pay halitosis/M hallmark/SMDG halogen/SM halter/d halyard/MS Hamal/M hames Hamlin/M hamper/dS handbag/SMDG handbasin handedness/SM handkerchief/SM handleable Handley handspike/MS hangers-on hangover/MS hankering/M Hanson hap/aS hapless/PY happiness/SM hara Harald Harcourt hardening/M hardpan hardware/M Harlan/M harmful/P harping/M harridan/SM hateful/P Hatfield Haugen/M haulier/MS haven/SM hawking/M hay/GMSD haze/DMRSGZ he/M headiness/S headless/P headmastership/M headscarf/M headshrinker/MS headstand/MS headstone/MS hearken/dS hears/SA hearse's hearthrug heartiness/S heartthrob/SM heated/cKUA heathenish/Y heat-resistant heavyweight/MS hedge/DRGSMk hedgehop/SDG heeded/U heedlessness/S heeling/M hegemony/SWM heir/SFM Helene hell-bent helmet/dMS helpmeet's Helvetian Hemichordata hence henpeck/DGS her/GS herbicidal Hereford/M hereinafter heretic/SM hereto Herman heron/MS herring/SM hesitant/Y Hess heterodoxy/SM heterogamy/M hexane Hg hicks hidebound hidey hiding/M higgledy-piggledy high-class high-flown high-flying high-grade high-heeled high-pitched high-ranking high-stepping hight Hilary Hilliard hillwalking hindrance/MS hinger hippie/M Hispanic/SM historicity/MS hit/pRMSG hmm HMS hobbit hobnob/DGS hodgepodge/MS hoe/GMS ho-hum holdover/MS holeable holiday/GSMD Hollerith hollowware/M Holm/M hologram/SM holography/SM holster/MdS Holyhead/M homebuilt home-ownership Homeric home-schooling homespun/S homoeothermal homophobes homosexuality/SM honeycomb/GDSM Honiara/M honourableness honourably/S hoodoo/MGDS hookah/SM Hooke hooks/U hooligan/SM hootch's hoover/d hornpipe/SM horror-stricken horse-cloth horsepower horsey Horst hosp hospital/Qq8SM- hotline hotshot/S Hounslow housebuilding housefly/SM house-proud housewares housewives how/MS Howe/S HRH hrs. hub-cap/SM Huber/M Hubert huckster/MSd huh/S hulk/GMDS humanely/I humdrum humeri humility/SM hump/GSMD Humpty hunchback/SMD hunky/T hunting/M hurrah hustle/RGSD Hutchison hyacinth/MS hyaena/SM Hyatt hydrant/MS hydrocarbon/SM hydrodynamics/M hydrogenous hydrolyse/DSG hydrous hygroscopic hymeneal/S hyperbole/M1SW hyperboloid/MS hypercritical/Y hypersphere/M hyphenated/U hypnoses hypnotist/MS hypothermia/MS hypothetical/Y hypothyroid hysterical Iain iamb/SMW Ibrahim ideal/SqQ-8s93M idem identified/Ua idleness/S idolatrous idolatry/MS i.e. ignite/DASG ileitides ileitis/M ilium/M I'll ill-considered ill-disposed illegal illiterate/P ill-omened illumine/DSNVGn illustrator/MS image/SMyDG imagination/M imitation/M imitativeness/S immeasurable/P immunity/SM immunodeficiency/S immure/GDS impassable/P impeachable/U impenetrable/PY impetuosity/SM impetuousness/S impetus/SM impish/PY implacable/YP implant/N7n implement/ADGSN implicant/MS impolitic/P importation/SM importune/GDRS impossible/P impost/G impoverish/GLSD impoverisher/M imprecation/M impression/MB3 improvable impugn/RBGSLD inaugurate/SDGNn inbred inbreeding/M Inca/S incarnate/DGANSn incarnation/AM incestuousness/S incidentals incredible/P incumbent/S incunabula indefinite/SP indelible/Y indention/SM indestructible/YP indicter/M indispensability/MS indite/SGD inductance/SM indulgent/c inept/PY ineptness/S inequitable inevitability/MS inexpense infanticide/SM infarction/SM infelicitous inflammatory influenced/U infringer/M ingrain/h inhalant/S inhibited/U inhomogeneous initial/Qs-89qDSY initialise/ASKDG initialize/ASnDGN injection/MS ink/GR2ZMSD innumerate/B inorganic/Y inrush/GSM ins. insane insigne's insignia/MS insolubility/S installable installant installer/MS instigation/M instilment institutional/Q8-q institutionalist/M instrumentalist insufficiency/S insulin/MS insuperable/Y intaglio/SMGD integrable integration/AME integrations/E intelligence/MS intelligent/UY intelligibility's/U intendant/MS interchangeability/M intercollegiate interconnected/P intercontinental interdependence/SMZ interdict/DGMVS interested/UY interesting/UY interferon/SM intergenerational intergroup interlinear/S interlining/M interlink/DSG intermission/SM intermittent/Y intermix/GSD intern/GLDxo internal/s9SQ8q- international/3Q8-qS internationalist internetwork interoperate/BDNSG interpretive/Y interrelation/M interrogatory/S intersession/SM interstage interstice/SM inter-urban intervener/M intimacy/MS intoxicate/GDhnNS intratissue introduce/DSAnNG introspection/SM introversion/SM intubation/M Inuit investee/MS investigation's/A inviolability/MS invitation/oM invite/GSkNnD involuntary/P involute iodine/M IPR IQ Iraq/M irascible/Y irate/TY ironmonger/ZSM irreconcilable/PYS irresistible/P irresoluteness/S irritant/S IRS is Isaiah/M ISO isodine isolator/SM issued/A itch/GM2ZzDS iterative/Y ITT jab/GMDS jackal/SM Jacobian Jacobin jagged/P Jake/S jams Janesville Japan/M jarful/S jargon/M jaundice/SMGD Javanese Jaycee/S jean's Jeff/M jellybean's jemmy/M Jenkins Jennie jet-black jetting/M jiffy/MS jigsaw/MS Jimenez Joel joey/M Johannes Johnstown joiner/Z joint/FYE joint-stock jokey jong/M Jorgensen joviality/SM joyful/PT joyousness/S joyrode judiciary/S jumbo/SM jumpy/TP Juno juridical/Y jury's/I justification/M Jutland/M juxtaposition/M Kali kamikaze/SM Kansas kapok/M Karl Katherine kayo/MSDG kb Kenyatta Kessler/M kettledrum/MS Kewell keyboard/GMDRS keystroke/MDS Khyber kick/ZRSDG kickball's kickstand/SM kiddy's kidney/MS Kilkenny/M killing/c kilobit/S kilogauss/M kilt/SMD kindergärtner/SM kinetics/M kinked/U kinky/TP Kirghiz Kiribati/M kismet/MS kiss/DGRSJ7 kitchener's klutz's knick-knack/SM knighthood/SM knock-kneed knowingly/U knowingness Kobe Koenigsberg Koertzen kosher Kosovo/M Kowalski/M kraft/M Krakatoa Krieger/M Kris Kuwait/M kWh labia/M labour-intensive labour-saving laevulose Lagrange lampshade/MS land/mJDRGSMp lander/eMS landing/M landscape/GRMSD languid/PY lanthanum/M lapboard/MS Laplace Lapland/RM lapse/FDAGS Laramie laryngeal/SY laryngitides lasso/MSDG lassoer/M last/YDGSkJ lasted/e lasting/P lasts/e latent/Y Latinate latrine/SM launch/GADS laundress/SM Laurie/M lawless/PY Lawley/M Lawrenceville lax/vuTYSPV layabout/MS lay-by layer/dC layman/M La'youn/M laypeople LCD leach/SDG Leadenhall leakage/SM leaner/M leas/GRSD leave/GSJDR leavened/U leaving/M leery/TP legal/Q8q-S legalistic legals/I legation/AMC leghorn/MS legionnaire/SM legitimated/I Lehigh leisurewear leitmotiv/SM Leitrim/M lemony lengthen/Sd leprosy/SM lepton/SM lesbian/MS Leslie/M less/U Lester lettuce/MS Levine levitate/DGNSn levy/SDRG lexicography/1WwMS lexicon/SM Lexis lg Li liar/SM libellous/Y libidinal libido/MS licensed/U licentiousness/S lichened licorice lido/SM lie-down liege/S lieutenancy/SM lifeless/PY lifelike/P lifesaver/SM life-support ligature/MDGS lighten/drS light-headedness like/DGE7S likely/TU like-minded liker/M likewise lilly limit/rndpMSgl limits/C limo/S limpet/MS limpidity/SM linear/tYQ line's/e lingual/S linguistic/S link/7RSMJDG lint/ZSM Linus Linux/M Lipton/M liquefaction/MS liquor/MS literary/P litheness/S litotes/M liturgy/S3M1w lived/Ae livelihood/SM Livingstone Llanelli/M LLD loading/M loadstar's lobotomist local/qYQs8S9- locale/SM locational/Y locket/SM lock-up/MS lodging/E lodging's loftiness/S logician/MS logistic/MYS logjam/SM logo/SM logotype/SM logrolling/SM London/rM lone/PRY lonely/TP longboat/MS long-drawn-out longeing Longyearbyen/M looker-on looming/M Lorenzo/M loris/M Lothian/M Lou/M loud/YTP Louise/M loutish/YP lovelorn/P lovingness/M lowbrow/SM lower/Sd lower-class lowermost lowish low-key low-spirited Loyola Lubumbashi lucent/4Y Lucifer Luddite Ludhiana ludicrous/PY ludicrousness/S Ludlow/M lug/DRGS lumen/M lunatic/S lunation/M Lund/M lurch/GSD lurid/PY lustful/P lustiness/S Luxenbourg/M Lycra Lydian lymph/SM MA macaque/MS macaroon/MS MacDonald/M mace-bearer/S macerate/DGSnN Machiavelli machine/DM3SGNyn machismo/SM mack/M macrophage/MS macrosocio-economic Madagascan/MS madame/M madmen/M madwomen Mafia/M magnanimosity magnanimousness magnate/MS magneto/SM magnetohydrodynamical magniloquent magnitude/SM Magog/M mah maimedness's main/SA mainsail/MS mainstay/MS maintenance/MS maize majesty/WSM1 Majuro/M makefile/S makeover/S maladjust/LDV maladministration maladroit/YP Malawian/S Malaysian/S malefic malfeasant malposed malt/DGMZS Malthusian Malvern mamba/SM mammal/SM mammary/S mamma's mammogram/S Manchuria/M mandibular manganese/M manilla/S mannered/U Mansfield mantissa/MS mantle's manumission/M Maori maple/SM Maputo/M Mara marabou/SM Marathi maraud/SRDG marbling/M Marcie/M mare/SM Margaret/M Margate Marguerite marigold/SM marinate/SGD market/g7rSMdJ marks/A mark's/A marksmanship/S marquess/MS marquis/MS Mars marshmallow/MS Martinez martingale/MS martyr/MGDS Marxist Mascagni masculine/YP mass/pSVvu massager/M massive/P mass-market mastership/M masthead/GSDM mastodon/SM matchable/U matched/AU matcher/MS material/qs39S-MPQ8 matériel/SM Matilda Matisse matricide/SM Matterhorn maximality Maxine maxing MBA McCabe/M McCartney McCoy/M McDonnell/M McGowan/M McKee/M McLean/M McNaughton/M MDT meanly meant/U measure/LSpMhlGD meaty/TP mechanical/S Medicaid medievalist/S Medina meditating/K Medusa/M meek/YPT meet/GJSY megahertz/M megalopolis/SM meiosis/M melanoma/SM Melville member's membership/SM memo/SyM memoranda memory/s9Q8oq-SM Menominee mentioned/fU Mephistopheles Merck/M mercy/S6jpM meretriciousness/S merino/MS meritoriously merrymaking/SM Merton mes/2DZzG meson/MS Messina/M messmate/SM metacircular metalanguage/MS metamorphosis/M metastability/M mete/S meteoritics/M meteoroid/MS meter/d methinks Methuselah Metzler/M MHz miasmal microamp microbe/MS microcosm/WSM microgroove/MS Micronesia/M microscopist midnight/SM midscale midsection/M midweek/YSM midwives mid-year miff/DSG mightn't milden militarism/SM militarist/W milkmen/M Millard millennial milliampere/S millionaire/SM millstream/SM mime/DSMG mimer/M mimetic/Y minatory minder/AS mindful/U minim/s9Q8S-qMo minion/SM miniver/M Minos Minsky/M minuet/MS minus/S minute/PMGTDSY Mirabeau misanthropy/MS miscalculate miscegenation/SM miscellaneous/Y mischievous/PY misconstrue miscount miserly/P misguide/hi misleader misogyny/3SM misshapenness/S missile/SMy mister/CMS mistreat/L mitochondrial mixed/U ml Mn moat/DMGS mobiles mobilize/ADSCNnG model/RSMJDG moderates modernist/WS modernity/MS modernization/M Moe/M Moffitt/M Mohammed/M moire/SM moistness/S molecularity/SM molest/SnNRGD molested/U moll/MYS Mollusca mollycoddler/M moment/YSM momentous/PY Mon monarchism/SM monarchist/W Monash monasticism/MS Mondeo Mondrian monetise/CnADSG Mongol/W monkey/DSMG monkish mononucleosis/M monopole/Q8Zs3-S Montague Montaigne Montana/M Montenegrin Monteverdi/M Monticello Montreal monument/oMS moo/SGD moonshiner's moonshot/MS moor/DSMGJ mope/SZ moraine/MS moray/SM morbidity/MS mordant/GDYS Mordred Morgan Mormonism/M morose/YP morphemic/S Mort/M Morten/M mortice/MS mortification/M mossy/T most/Y motherly/P motional motions/CF motivate/SGD motivated/CU motorbike/DSMG moulding/M moulds/A mountaineering/M mountainous/PY mountainside/MS mounter/SM mounties mourning/M mousey mouthorgan mouth-to-mouth mouthwash/MS moving/U mozzarella/MS MPhil MRI MTS mu muckrake/DRSMG muddiness/S muddy/GTSDP mudflat/S mudlarks mudroom/S mudsling/RGJ Mugabe/M muggy/T mullah/MS mullion/GMSD multidisciplinary multifaceted multifariousness/S multilayer multiplicative/S multiply/RvSNVD7nG multi-track Munich/M muscat/SM muscatel/SM muse/J muser/M musher's musket/SMy mustn't mutilation/M Myers myopic/YS Myron/M myrtle/SM mysteriousness/S mystical mysticism/SM mystique/SM Na/M NAACP nagging/Y named/M NaN Nanette/M napkin/MS narcoleptic narcotise/DSG narwhal/SM nasty/PYTS Nathan/M nationalist/1W nationalize/CSGnNDR native/PS natter/dS natural/qS38Q- naturalness/U NatWest Nauru/M nautical/Y Navajo/S Navarro/M navigability/SM NBC neaten/dS neatness/S Nebraskan/MS necessaries neckband/M necklace/DSMG neckline/SM née neediness/S needlecraft/M negativism/MS negativity/SM negator/MS negligibility/M Negro/M neighbourhood/MS Nelsen/M Nembutal/M neolithic neomycin/M nerveless/YP nerving/M Netscape/M neurobiology/M neuron/SM neuronal neurophysiology/M neurotic/SY neuterer/S neutrality/SM Neva/M never Neville/M newly news/Zm5p Niall/M Nicaraguan/S nicknamer/M nightcap/SM nightfall/SM nightmarish/Y nippiness/S Nippon/M nitrate/SMDG nitrification/SM nitrocellulose/SM nobleness/S noise/pMZ noisiness/S nomenclature/MS nomination/MCA non-academic/S non-addictive nonage/SM non-blocking non-chargeable non-combustible/S nonconforming non-consecutive non-contributory non-cooperation/S non-criminal/S non-cyclic non-delivery/S non-departmental non-determinate/Y non-effective/S non-electric/S non-electrical nones/M non-exchangeable non-ferrous non-flowering non-fluctuating non-inflammatory non-intoxicating non-lethal non-living non-narcotic/S non-performing non-programmable non-salaried non-skid non-smoker/SM non-specialist/SM non-strategic non-structural non-terminating non-uniform non-virulent non-vocational/Y non-voting non-working Nora/M NORAD/M normality/SM north-westerly north-Western Norton/M nosebleed/MS nosedive/DSG nosey nosing/M notational/C notepaper/SM notoriety/S nougat/SM nought/S Nouméa/M nowhere Noyes/M nuance/SMD nub/ZMS nuclide/M nudism/SM Nuku'alofa nullity/MS number/pdJ numbness/S numerable/IC numeracy/SI nursery/mSM nursling/M nut/2GDMZNS nutmeg/MSDG nutritious/PY nutty/TP nuzzle/RSDG nymphomania/SM NYSE Oahu/M oakum/SM Oates/M obbligato/S obduracy/S obedient/EY obeisant/Y Oberlin/M obituary/SM object/DSGvuVM objectify/DSnNG objectivity/SM oblate/YSnN obligatory/Y obscurantism/SM obsessive/S obstetrical obstreperousness/S obtainer obverse/SY occult/DGSY occupation/MKA occupy/ADSKnG octahedron/M oddity/SM Odell/M Odin/M odometer/SM odoriferous odour/SpM ODs O'Dwyer/M Odysseus/M Oedipus/M oestrogen/SM offbeat/SM offensiveness/SI officemate/S officials official's officiate/NnSDG off-screen off-season offset/SGM offshore oilfield/MS oily/TP OK/GDM Oklahoma/M old/T Olmsted/M omelette/MS omnipresence/SM once-over oncoming/S one/PMS one-liner oner/M onerousness/S onionskin/MS onshore on-stage opaque/PTSY opencast open-mouthed opinionated/PY optics/M optima/o optimal optimise/M optimised/U optimization/M optimum/qs8Q-9SM optoelectronic opulent/Y oracle/MS orang orange/yMS oratorio/SM orbital/YSM orchestration/M ordainment/K ordering/S orderless ordinance/SM ordinate/FNS ordinator/SF Orientalist Orland/M orthophosphate's Osceola/M Oshkosh/M osmoses osteoarthritides OT Othello/M otherworldly Otis/M Ottawa/M ourselves outboard outburst/M outcast/G outerwear/M outfight/G outgo/J outlawry/M outlook/M outnumber out-of-court outpost outspoken/PY outward/PY overachieve overage overattentive overcapitalise overcareful overcautious overconscientious over-delicacy overexcite overexercise overextend/N overgenerous overhasty overland over-many over-much over-niceness over-particular over-ridden overrider oversee oversleep overtness overvalue owe/S Owen/M own/GESD Oxnard oyster/MS ozone/M p/AYFI p.a. pacey pacing/e paddock/SGDM padre/SM paedophile/S painkiller/SM paintwork palatability/M palaver/dSM paling/M pallidness/S palpable/YI Pam/M pamperer/M pan/WGSDM Panasonic/M panel's panicky/T pannier/MS pansy/MS panties pantiled papa/MS papaya/SM paperback/MS paper-girl/SM paperwork/MS parable/SM Paraguayan/S parakeet/MS paralleling parallelogram/MS paranoid pardonable/U parentheses pares/FK pariah/SM parish/MS park/DGMSZ parsed/U parsimony/MS part/fICS parter/S participator/S particoloured passer-by passivated pastoral/YS pasty/TSP patentee/SM path-loss patiently/I patriarchs paw/DSGM pay-claim pays/fcK Pb PDQ peafowl/MS pectic peerage/SM peeve/MSGD peg/GSDM pellagra/SM penalisation penalization/M pendent/C Penelope penetrability/IMS Pennine/S pentacle/MS pentagonal/S pentathlon/SM penthouse/SM pentium penumbrae peonage/SM pep/ZD2SGRM perambulate/DGnSN percent/M percentile/MS perceptibility/I perceptible/YI perceptive/P percolator/MS percussionist pères/F performable periglacial perihelion/M periphery/SM periscope/SM peristalsis/M peristaltic periwig/SM perky/T perniciousness/S peroxide/SDMG perpetrator/SM persona/M personalise/CnSGD perspicuous/YP persuadable persuasion/M Perth pertinence/IS perturbation/M pertussis/M peseta/SM peso/MS pestilence/SM pethidine/M petition/FSAM PG Pharisaism phase/SRGDM Ph.D. phenolphthalein/M phenomenon/SM phew/S phial/SM Philadelphia/M philander/drS philippic/MS Philippine/S phonetician/SM phonetics/M phosphorescent/Y photoelectronic photoelectrons photometry/M photomicrography/M photon/SM phototypesetting/M physique/MS pi/DR pickoff/S picnic/MRGSD pico picojoule picture/DMSG piddle/GYDS piebald/S piety/IMS piggledy pig-sticker pillar-box Pimms ping/GDM pinkish pinpoint/GDS pinprick/SDGM pin-up/MS piny/T pipework piping/M pirate/1MGDSw Pisa/M pita/M pitch-dark pitchfork/SMDG pitching/M piteous/PY piteousness/S pithead pitilessness/S pivot/dSMo Pk placard/GSMD places/aA plain/mPGDTSY plains/F plaint's/F planetarium/MS planetesimal/MS planoconcave planter's/I plash/DMGSZ plasma/SM plasticine plat/rdR plausibility/IS playgirl/SM playpen/SM playtime/MS plaza/SM PLC pleasant/TYP plectrum/MS plenteous/YP plentiful/P pleonasm/MS pliant/FY plover/MS plug-in plug's plumb/MDJSRG plump/TYZ pockmark/DSMG pocus poetaster/MS point/RhSpGiMDZ pointless/YP point-to-point poise/M poison/dMrS poler/M poleward/S policy-making polycyclic polygamous/Y polygon/oMS polysyllable/WSM polytechnic/MS pommel/SGDM pons/M pontifical/YS poof/SM poorness/S poplar/MS populace/SM populating/A populous/PY porphyritic portable/S portage/A portion/SDGM portliness/S portmanteau/SM Port-of-Spain/M portraiture/SM Portsmouth/M poseur/MS posh/T posing/AI4 positing/F position's/EI4FCK possessive/PMYS possum/SM postbox/MS postcard/SM postcondition/S posthypnotic posting/M post-modernism post-modernist post-mortem/SM post-traumatic posture/IMS posturing/S potato/M potlatch/MS pour/7GSD practicability/I practical/IPY practice/S7M practician praetor/MS pragmatical prairie/SM praline/SM prayer/j6 preach/RJL precancel precipitable precocity/MS precode preconscious precursor predecline predestine/SG predetermine/NnD predicator predictabilities predilection/SM pre-election pre-eminence/MS preen/DSG pregnant/Y prelate/MS premature prep/SM preparedness/S prepends preponderant/Y prerequisite/M presbytership prescience prescient/Y Prescott/M Presidential Presley/M pressure-cook/G prestidigitation/M pretence/MS preternatural/Y prevent/lu7vV preventative/S prevention/MS prey/DMGS priggish/MY primogenitor/SM printing/IM prizewinning probables procedural/S processes/A prodigality/S production/Kf profanity/SM professorship/SM profile/RGDSM progenitor/SM progeny/SM prognostication/M prognosticator/S programmed/KC progress/GMuSDNXVv progressiveness/S prolegomena pro-life pronghorn/MS pronoun/SM pronounce/aGDS propellant/MS prophetess/S propinquity/SM proponent/MS proposition/GDM proprietor/SM proprietorial proprietorship/SM propriety/SMI proscriber/M prose/DZM prosecute/GDS proselytism/SM prosthesis/M proteas/S protection/cM protozoa/W provident/IY providential/Y proximity/MS PST psychoactive pubescent/K pudendum/M puerility/MS puffiness/S pull/RDGS pulpy/T pulsar/SM pulse/ADSIG punch/RGSD7JZ pundit/MS punisher/M puppyish Purcell/M purify/SnRNDG pursuit/MS purulent purveyor/MS push-button/S pussyfoot/GDS putrescent putty/MSDG put-up pvt pyknic pylori pyramid/SMo pyre/MS pyrolysis/M pyrotechnics/M pyrrhic pyxidia QC quadrophonic quadruply/Nn quaky/T qualified/Uc quandary/MS quanta/M quark/SM quarter-final/SM quartermaster/SM Queensland queerness/S querier question/RDJS7kMGl questionable/U questionnaire/MS quest's/FI quibble/RSDG quicken/dS quickener/S quicksilver/dMS quiet/PTYDGS quilt/RDMGS quinine/SM quinquennial/Y quintillion/HS quittance/SM quotation/aM quoter/M quotient/MS rabbit/SdM racoon's radial/SY radiately radicalism/MS radio-controlled radiogram/SM radiology/W13Mw radionics radiosonde/MS radio-telegraphy/M radiotherapy/SM radius/M RAF raffle/DSMG railhead/MS raisin/MS rang/RGDZ rarity/MS raster/MS ratepayer/SM rattly/T raunchiness ravel/UGDS raw-boned Rea/M reach/eGcDS read/2JlZRzGB re-adapt/SDG reaffirm/GNn realist/W1 realm/SM ream/RGDMS reapply/nNG reassign/LG reassuringly/U reattain/G rebalance rebuild/G recency/M recentre receptacle/SM receptiveness recipiency reciprocity/SM recognised/U recommission/G reconciler/M reconstructed/U recrystallize/Nn rectilinear/Y recuperation/M recusant/M recycle/7R redaction/SM red-bloodedness redcoat/SM red-handed redraw/G redress/G reduce/SbDGRnNV reductionist/W Reedville/M reef/DMRSG reflect/GuvSVD reflex/Y refluent reform/BRnNVy3G refrain/DGS refuge/SM refugee/SM refulgent/Y refuser/M regal regalement regardless régime/MS Reginald/M Regis/M register's regret/GDj6S regretful/P rehang/G rehears/DG rehydratable Reid/M reignition reinvest/G relational/Y relative/SF relaxed/P relieved/U religionist relock/G Rembrandt/M remediable/I reminiscence/SM reminiscent/Y remodel/GD remonstrant renascence rendition/MS renegade/MS rennin/M renounce/GDS rental/MS reopen/d repackage/G repaper/d repetitiousness replicate/DGS repopulate reprehension/M representative/U representatively represented/fUc reprimand/DSGM reproachful/P reprogramme reproof/G reprover reptilian/S reputation/M reschedule research/M7G reseed/G resemblant resent/6LjDGS reservation/M residual/S resiliency/S resinlike resistance/MS resistant resistivity/M resound/kG respective/IY resplendence/M respondent/FSM response/bvVSuM restfulness restrain/Gh restrained/UY restrict/SDvhuVG resumption/M resurrection/SM retentiveness reticence reticular retiral retractile retributive retrieve/RSGD retroflex/DN retroflexion/M retrograde/SDG returned/U revenger/M revere/SDG reverencing reversible/YI revisionism/MS revival/3MS revivify/n rhapsody/QSMwW rhetoric/MY Rhone rial/MS ribbon/SM ribcage Rickie/M rid/rS7G rider/p ridge/DGSMZ Riemann/M rigatoni/M rightfulness right-on rim/GpSDM Riordan/M riparian/S ripcord/SM Ripley/M ripply/T rip-roaring/Y rissole/SM rivalry/SM rived/C road-based roadhouse/SM roadster/MS roadworthy roast/RGDSJ Roberta/M robes/E robin/MS robot/WQMS robust/YPT Roby/M Rochdale Rochester/M rocket/dySM Rockies Rockville/M Rodger/MS roger rogue/ySM roguery/MS roister/drS Roland/M Rolland/M Rollerblade/S roll-off roll-out ROM Romania/M rood/MS rookery/MS room/Z6M2S roomful/SM Rooney/M Rosalyn/M rosebush/MS Rosella/M Rosen/M Rosetta/M Rossetti/M Rotarian/SM Rotherham/M rotundity/S roughish round/TRYPDSiG roundel/S round-shouldered rouser/M roustabout/MS routeing/A route's RPI Rt. rte Ru/M rubbing/M rubella rucksack/SM rugby/M Ruggiero/M ruminant/SM rumply/T runt/MZS runway/SM Rushmore/M Russo/M rustre/MS Ruthann/M ruthenium/M Rutherford/M Saar/M sacker sacredness sacrificial saddler/M saddle's safes safety/S sagacity sailing-vessel Sakai/M saker/M salaciousness salad/SM sale/BMm5S Salford Salisbury/M saliva/My sallowness sanctimoniousness sanction/GDSM sandbag/SMDG sandwich/MSDG sanity/ISM Sankara/M sarcophagus/M sarsaparilla/MS Saskatoon/M sat/d satiable/I satisfactory/YU sauce/SGMZ2 Saudi/SM Saunders saurian/S sausage/SM Sauternes savage/DPSYGy savant/SM sawmill/SM scabrousness scaly/T scampi/M scantness scapulae Scargill scholar/SYM school-day/S schoolmarm Schroedinger/M Schultz/M Schwab/M sciences/FK scientific/UY scoopful/S scope/SMGD scoreline Scot/M5Sm scrabble/SGD scrag/GMZSD Scranton/M scrape/SJ scratchy/T screech/SZDMG screw/MZS2GD scripture/oSM scrofula/M Scrooge/SM scrota scrubbier scrutinised/U scullion/SM scupper/MS Scylla/M seafood/M seafront/SM sea-girt seal/DUAGS sealer/M seamstress/MS search/BRDJkSG seasoned/U sec. secondariness secretariat/SM sectional/Q8S secularity/M sedge/SMZ sedimentation/M seed-vessel seen/Uc seepage/SM see-saw/DSMG segregation/3M seigniorial Seinfeld/M Selby/M selected/U selector/MS self-abasement self-abuse self-assurance self-command self-confessed self-criticism self-defence self-denying self-evidence self-hate self-involved self-perpetuating self-preservation self-referential self-respect/G self-satisfaction self-selecting self-sufficient self-support/G self-sustaining semi/MS semiconductor/SM Seminole/SM semi-permanent/Y senator/MS sensation/M senselessness sensibility/IMS sentiently septicaemia sequoia/SM Sequoya/M serendipity/MS serious/Y Serrano/M service/mB5DMSG serviced/U servility/MS serving's sessile session/MS settles/UA Seuss/M seventy/HS seventy-three/H seventy-two sever/dES sewn sexagenarian/SM sf sforzando/S shady/YT Shalom's shamanistic shamefaced/Y shammer shantung/M shanty/MS sharpshooting Shaw/M shawm/SM Shawnee/MS sheep-dip sheerness shekel/MS shelfful/S shell/SDGM shellac/DSG shelled/U Shellie/M shibboleth/MS shift/RzZ2SDGp shim/DZGMS shipboard/M shipbuilder/MS shire/SM shoal/SM shoddy/TP shogunate/SM Shoji/M shooting-jacket/SM shop/GRDSM shop-window/SM short/YZSTDGP short-change/GSD shortfall/MS short-handed short-list/DG shortstop/MS should/R shovelful/SM showgirl/MS shrine/MS shuffler/SM shut-eye Sibelius/M sickle-bill side-trip SIDS SIGGRAPH/M sighting/S sigmoid sign/FRSCAGD significant/IY signifier siliceous sill/2YSM silvery/T Silvester/M simoom simultaneousness sinful/P sinusoid/oMS sister/MAS sisterhood/SM sit-in/S six/HSM sixer six-shooter/S sixth/Y sixty-eight/H skewer/d skinny/PT Skopje/M sky/S7RGDZM Skye/M slapdash Slav/SMW slave/SRMyDG slavish/YP sleepover/S sleepwalk/RDGSJ sleepy/PT slide/SG slightish slope/S slouchy/T SLR sludgy/T slur/GDSZM sluttish Smallwood/M smithereens smithery/S Smithsonian/M Smithtown/M smoke-dried smorgasbord/SM smut/2GDZSM sneaky/TP snip/DrGZS snobbery/SM snoop/ZSRDG snooze/SGD snotty/TP snowdrop/MS snowmobile/SM snuff/RYGSD snuffle/GSD so/M soaker/M soarer/M soccer/M sociability/U sociably/U sociolinguists Socorro/M soft-paste soft-pedal/GD softwood/MS soi solarium/M soldered solecism/SM solemness solicitous/Y solidification/M soliloquies soliloquise/SDG solipsism/M solipsist/S solo/GDMS solute/AE solvating Somali/SM sombrero/SM song/MS songbird/MS songwriter/SM son-in-law Sonora/M soonish soothe/S Sophie/M sophistry/SM soporific/SMY Sopwith/M Sorbonne/M sorceress/S soreness Sorenson/M sorrow/DGM6jS Sosa/M soulful/P source/SeDGA Southey/M spacey Sparta/M spatio-temporal/Y spay/DSG SPCA speaks/a speckle/DGSM spectroscope/M1ZSW speculum speed/DRJZSG2Mz speedboat/MS spellbind/SRG spellbound Spenser/M sphagna spicy/TYP spiderish spiel/DSGM spill/cGDS spindly/T spindrift spiritual/3YS spit/RGS spitfire/MS Spitz/M splayfeet spleen/SM splendour/SM splice/GDRSJ splotch/MGDSZ spoilt/U spokesperson/S spook/MGZSD2 spoonful/MS spotlit spot-weld/DG spree/MGS sprig/MSDG spruce/YMDPSG spryest spurious/YP sputter/dS squamous squanderer squat/YTRSPDG squeak/RZSGMD2z squeeze/SRDG squirm/ZSDG squish/2DGZS SSH stable-boy/SM stable-girl/MS Stacie/M staffers stagy/T Stahl/M stainer/M Stallone/M stampede/MS stampeder/M stand-alone stand-up stank stardom/MS start-up/MS starvation/M statehouse/S Staten/M state's STD steadiness/M stealth/M2zZ stealthy/TP steely/PT steerage/SM Stefano/M Steinway/M stench/SM Stengel/M Stephen/MS stepsister/SM stepson/MS stepwise sternum/SM steward/GMDS stickup/SM stitch's Stockton/M stoicism/MS stoke/SRGD stone-cold stoneware/M stool-pigeon stop-go store/SAGD Stouffer/M straiten/dS straitjacket/dMS strait-jacket/dSM Stratford-upon-Avon stratum/M streak/RSDZGM streaky/T strength/SM strengthen/AdS streptococcus/M stretchability/M strike/RGSk stroll/SRGD strop/SMDG structureless stubble/YSM stultify/nSGND stuntmen/M sty/SM stylistic/S Suarez/M suave/Y Sub subcommittee/SM subcontract/SGDM subinterval/SM sublimate/DSG sublimation/M submission/MA submissive/PY submittal subnet/MS subordinator subsistence/M subtenant/SM subtext/SM subtle/PTY successful/P successfully/U successfulness/U sufferance/M suffice/SGD sufficient/IY suggestibility/M suitability/U sullied/U sunbathe sundae/SM sunken sunlight/M sunrise/SM sunshine/ZM sunstroke/M superconducting superficial/Y superfluity/MS superfluous/Y superheat/D superheroes supernovae superordinate supersaturation/M supersede/GSD supply's/c supportability/M supportable/IU suppository/SM suppressed/U surgeon/SM surplice/MS surround/DSJG surveillance/MS survive/BGDS sushi/M Sussex/M Suva/M Suzuki/M swallow/DGS swamp/DGZS2M Swarthmore/M swathe/S swear/RSG sweatshop/SM sweet/STY sweetmeat/MS sweetness swerve/DGS swig/MSDG swimming/Y Swinburne/M Swindon/M Switzerland/M swizzle/MGD swizzle-stick/SM swoop/DGS swordsmanship/M swum Sykes/M syllabify/GNSnD syllabub/M syllogistic symbioses synchronise/CSAGD synchronised/U synchroniser/CSM synchrony/89sqQ- syncline/MS syndic/nNMS synodal synoptic syphon/d syrup/SM tabulation/M tactic/MS tact's/F Taff/MZ Tahiti/M tailboard tail-end tail-ender/S tailing/SM Taiwan/M takeover/MS take-up talon/MS tamazepam tamed/U T'ang tangent/MS tangle/DSUG tanned/U tannery/SM tanning/M tantra/S Taoist/SWM tape-record/G tapeworm/MS tariff/MGDS tarpaulin/SM tattered tautology/MS1w teak/MS tearless/Y teat/MS technique/SM technophobia tectonic/YS tedium/M teem/DGS teetotalism/MS Tegucigalpa/M Teheran's tektite/MS Tektronix/M telecommunicate/nN telegram/SGDM telekinetic telemarketing telescope/MGS1DW telethon/MS television/M tell/RYkGS Telugu/M temerity/SM tempest/SM tenancy/SM tench/M tend/FRKSIGD tenon/SM tenuousness tepidity/S tercel/M termination/MC terminus/M termism terrain/SM terrazzo/M Terri/M terrify/1SWGDk territoriality/M terror/qs9Q83-SM Tesla/M TESOL tessellate/NDGSn test/KFDCGSA testable testamentary testes testosterone/SM tetrachloride/M tetrarch tetrode Thad/M Thaddeus/M thanksgiving/MS that'd Thayer/M theme/MSD themselves Theo/M theologian/MS therapy/SM there'll thermionic/S thermoelastic thermoformed they're Thierry thievery/SM thievishness thingamajig/SM third-party third-rate thirty-second/S thirty-two thither thoroughbred/S thought-provoking Thrace/M thrall/SM thrashing/M three-line threw/c throaty/TP thrombi throughout throughput/SM throwaway/MS throwback/MS thrust/GRS thuggishness thulium/M thundercloud/SM tibiae tick/MS ticket-day Ticonderoga/M tidal tidy/GYSDT Tierney/M tigress/MS Tillman/M tilt/DGS timekeeper/SM time-lapse time-out/S time-worn Timex/M tiptop tire/cAGDS tiring/U Titian/M titleholder/MS titmouse/M titter/d tittle/MS tizzy/MS TKO Tm toad/MZS toffee/SM togetherness tokenism/SM Tokugawa/M tolerability/MI tolerably/I tollbooth/MS toll-house/M toll-road/MS tomato/M tomatoes tomblike tomboy/SM tomography/MW toneless/Y tongue/GSMD tongue-in-cheek Tonia/M took/afcA toot/GRDS toothy/T topaz/MS top-down topflight top-level topmast/SM torch-bearer/SM torment/GDkS torpor/MS Torrance/M tortuousness Toscanini/M tot/DSoMG touch-tone tournament/MS Townley/M townscape Townsend/M toxin/MS traceability traced/U tracer/ZSM tracery/SM tracheotomy/MS traditionalism/MS traditionalist/W trailblazing trained/U trainer/MS tramway/SM Tranmere transalpine transcendentalist transitivity/M translate/DgNGnS translates/a transnational transom/SM transparency/SM transparent/Y transpiration/M transputer/M treasury/SM treaty/MS trellis-work tremor/SM trencher/mSM trepidation/MS tress/aMS triad/WSM trice triceratops/M trichinosis/M trichromatic trilby/MS trimaran/SM Trimble/M trinitrotoluene/M triphthongal triplicate/S trisodium triumphant/Y trompe troublemaking trounce/GDS trove/SM trowel/MS truck/DRGMS Trude/MZ true-born truism/MS Trumbull/M truthfulness/U TRW T's tsunami/SM tubby/T tubercle/SM Tucson/M tulip/MS tumbler/6 tumescent tumid/Y tumorous tun/W7rdSZ tuppence/M tureen/SM turkey/MS Turmenistan turnout/MS turpentine/M tutu/MS twain twangy/T 'twas tweak/DSRG tweeness twist/RZGSD two/SM two-stroke/MS two-thirds Tylor/M Tyneside/M typed/U typeface/MS tyrant/SM Tyree/M tzatziki U ufologist/S ufology/M Ulrich/M ultrasonic/SY umbrageous UN unaccountability unavailing/Y unchallengeable uncivil uncle/MS unclean uncomfortable unconditional uncontrollability undependable under-age underarm undercoat/G under-investment understand/aJSG undertow/M underwater underweight Underwood/M undress/G ungrammatical unhelpful unhook/G unicellular unicycle/DMG3S unimportant uninterrupted/Y unintuitive unions/EA Unitarian/SM univalent universe/oMS university/MS unobtrusiveness unpick/G unpunctual unrealism unripe unscrupulousness unseemly unselfconscious/Y unsellable unshod unsteadiness unstoppable/Y unswerving/Y unthoughtful untie until untrustworthy unwieldiness unwillingness unworthy up/MFS upend/SGD upmarket uppity uproar/SM upset/SG uptight uptime Ur/M uraemia/M Urbana/M urethral Uri/M Uruguay/M USC/M USDA used/fU Usenet/M uterine utter/YdS uttermost uucp/M vaccination/M vacillate/SDkGNn vacillator/MS vagarious vagrancy/MS vain/TY valence/MKS validate/IDASGN valley/SM valuable/YS vamp/AGSD Vanderbilt/M vanilla/SM vapid/Y variability/SIM varicose varied/U varnished/U vasectomy/MS Vasili/SM vastness/S vaudevillian/SM VDT vegan/MS vegetarian/SM vegetarianism/SM Velásquez/M Velma/M velocipede/MS Velveeta/M velveted vengefulness/A vent/IGFSK Ventura/M verandah/MS verbatim verbiage/SM verdigris/M verge's verified/AU verity/SM vermiculite/SM vermin/M verminous vernacular/YS veronica/SM verrucae Versailles/M vertebrae verticality vested/I vestigial vesting/I vexatiousness Viagra/M vicarage/SM vicarious/Y vichyssoise/MS victory/SM Vida/M viewgraph/SM viler/A Villanovan/M Villeneuve/M Vincennes vinegar/MS vintage/SM violable/I virgin/MoS viscera/o Vishnu/M viticulture/M vivace VJ VLF vocalism/M voltage/SM voluntarism/SM Von Vries VTOL vu vulcanise/GDnS vulcanize/GDNSn wacky/T Waco/M wagtail/MS Waikiki/M wainscot/DGdS wake/j6MGDS walkabout/MS walkie walkie-talkie/S wallet/SM wall-eye/DSM wallpaper/dSM Walpole/M walrus/MS waltz/DSGM Wandsworth/M Wang/M wannabe/S want/DGS ward/MAGSD Wareham/M warm/TRJDSGY Warner/M Warrington/M Warwickshire/M was washday/M washerwomen/M wastage/SM Watanabe/M watchfulness water-bed/S water-borne Waterbury/M Waterford/M watering-hole water-soluble waterwheel/S waveform/MS waxen waxy/T wayfaring waylaid Wayland/M Weald/M weaponry/SM weatherperson/S weather-worn weave/AGS weaved web-footed website/MS Wednesday/MS weighbridge weigh-in well-adjusted well-balanced well-behaved well-bred well-connected well-formed well-marked well-prepared wellspring/SM well-supported Wendy/M wept Wesleyan Westernism/M Wexford/M whaleboat/SM whatnot/SM Wheatland wheel-clamp/GD wherein whether whey/M whilst whine/SRGDMZk whipsaw/SMGD whir/DGS whirligig/SM whirlwind/MS whisk/GRDZS whiteboard/S Whitley/M whittle/RDGSJ wholly whose wicket-gate wicket-keeper/SM widthways wield/SRDG Wiesbaden/M wife/MpY wiggly/T wigwag/GSD wilder/P wildlife/M Wilhelm/M Willcox/M Willoughby/M willy/S Wilmette win/RGdSJ windfall/MS windlass/SDMG windmill/MS windsurf/SGDR windy/PYT winemaker/SM winnow/DGRS winsomeness wintergreen/SM wire-haired wireless/MS wires/A wisp/MZS witch-hunt/S wither/k withhold/SRJG without wizardry/SM WO wobble/SY2DG Wolfson wolf-whistles womanhood/SM womanish women/M Woodard woodcarver/S Worcestershire/M wore/e workability/M workableness workbook/MS workroom/SM worksheet/S Worksop/M worm-casts wormhole/SM worn/eU worrisome/Y worshipfulness Worthing/M wouldst woven/UA wpm wrap/cU wraparound/S wrasse/MS wreckage/MS Wrekin/M wristband/MS writ/MrS writes/c writing/AS wrong/j6GYSD wrongdoer/MS Wyatt/M xerography/MW Xhosa Xmas xv xvi xylem/SM y/K Yamaha/M yaw/DSG yellow/GDSMZ yellow-bellied Yellowknife/M yelp/DGS yesteryear/SM yikes yodel/RDGS yoghurt/M Yokohama Yonkers you you'd you-know-what your/S Yousuf Ypsilanti yr yucca/MS Yuga Yuletide/M Zagreb/M zap/DRGS Zealand/M zealot/MS zealous/cP Zeebrugge Zellick Zeppelin/MS zeta/S Ziegfeld/SM zillion/S Zionist zip's zonked Zukerman zygote/SWM abater/M abduct/SDG abductor/MS Aberconwy/M Abernathy/M Aberystwyth/M abeyance/SM abhorrence/SM abhorrer/M Abigail/M Abilene/M ability/ESIM ablation/M able-bodied abode/MS abolitionism/SM Aboriginals abortion/3SM about abscissae abseil/SDG absentee/MS absolver/M absorption/M absorptivity/M abstruse/TYP abstruseness/S academia/MS acanthus/SM Acapulco/M accessors acclimatise/ADSG acclimatize/ADSG acclivity/SM accomplished/U accoutre/LDSG accumulative/P acerbate/GDS achromatic acid/YPWSM acknowledgeable acquiescence/SM acquittance/M acrimony/SM acrobatic/S actinium/M activeness/S activism/MS acupuncture/MS3 acuteness/S adage/SM adapt/NRvuDBinSVG adaptability/MS Addis Addison/M address/RDMBGS addressing/a adduce/bGVNSD adequacy/ISM adjacent/Y adjectival/Y Adkins admen administer/dNSn admiral/SM admitted/Y adrenaline/MS adsorbent adultery/SM adventuress/SM adverbial/M advisability's advisor/M aegis/SM aerie/oSM Aesop/M aesthete/1WS affected/EPY affecter/M affectionately affiliation/ME affirms/A afflatus/SM afflict/VvGDS affluence/SM afloat afoot afternoon/SM against Agamemnon/M agape age-long agenting ages/e agglomeration/M aggravate/GkDSnN aggressively aghast aglitter ago agonise/kh Aileen/M aimlessness/S airiness/S airy/TP Alabama/M Alamogordo Alan/M Albany albatross/MS Albert/M albino/SM Alcoa aldehyde/M Aleutian/M Alexandria/M algorithm/SWM1 alienate/SGD aliment/DGMS Alistair/M alkalinity/MS alkaloid/SM allegiant allele/SMW allemande/M all-embracing Allentown alley/MS Allison/M all-night allocative allow/7DSGhl Al-Qaeda/M Alsation/SM alterable/UI alteration/SM alternate/NVvuSDGYn altruism/SM altruist/1MSW alumnae Al-Zawahiri amaranth/SM amasser/M amateurishness/S ambiguity/SM ambitiousness/SM ambivalence/SM ambrosial amends/M amenity/SM American/Qq-8MS aminobenzoic Amit/M ammeter/SM amount/MSGD amperage/SM amphibious/PY amputation/M Amsterdam/M anachronism/SM anaesthetic/YMS anaesthetist/MS anapaest/WSM anchorpeople anchovy/MS Andorra/M Andrei/M Angela/M Angie/M Angkor/M Anguilla/M animator/SM animus/SM annelid/MS anonymity/SM Anson/M answer/7drSM antelope/MS antenatal anti/S Antichrist anticyclone/SMW Antigone antihistorical antimicrobial/S antinomian antioxidant/MS antiquation/M antique/MSDNG anti-racist antithesis/M antivivisectionist/S ant's antsiest apatite/SM aperiodic/Y aphoristic/Y aplenty apnoea apologia/SM apostate/QMS8 appaloosa/S apparently/I appealer/M appellate/NVvn appendicitis/MS appertain/SDG appetite/VSM applet/S appointee/SM apportion/LADSG apprehends/a appropriate/GnaDNS appropriateness/ISM aquarium/SM Aquarius/M arbiter/MNnS arbitrage/DGRSM arcade/SDGM archbishopric/SM archdeacon/yMS archetype/wMS archfiend/MS Archie/M arching/M architecture/oSM ARCO Arctic/M areola areolar Ares arête/MS arguing/e aridity/SM arithmetician/MS Arlington/M arming/M armistice/MS arm's arousal/SM arrangeable arrant/Y arsenal/SM arsenic/SM arteriosclerosis/M Arthur/M articulable/I articulacy/I articular articulately/I artiste/MS arum/MS ashamed/UY asininity/SM aspen/MS aspersion/SM aspirator/SM Assamese assemblage/SM assesses/A assiduity/SM assiduous/PY assign/RL7DSNGn assigning/K Assisi/M assize/M assn associational assuage/DSG aster/FSEM astound/kGSD Asunción/M asunder asynchrony ataxic athleticism/M Atkinson/M Atlantis atlas/MS atmosphere/MS1DW atrium/M atrophy/MDWGS attainder/MS attire/DGS attitudinise/GDS attractant/SM auburn/SM audacious/PY aught Augustine augustness/S aunt/ZSM Aussie/MS austerity/MS Australian/SM Australis Australopithecus authorising/A autofluorescence automate/D8NQWGSn1 automatic/S automorphism/SM autonomous/Y autopilot/MS autumn/MoS availing/U Avalon/M Avery/M avocational Avon/M award/DRGS awash awe/SMDG awful/TPY awkwardness/S awn/SMDJG axehead/S axis/M ayah/SM Azov BA Babbitt/M bacillary backbench/SR backed backfire/GDS backplane/MS backs backslid/r backstage backtalk/S bacon/SM baconer/M baddie/MS baddish Baedeker/M baffle/RDLGkS Baghdad/M bailee/MS Bakersfield/M balalaika/MS balances/cAeU balderdash/SM Baldwin/M bale/R6GjSMD Balfour/M ballistic/S ballpark/MS Bambi/M ban/SoRMDG banana/MS Bancroft/M Bandar/M bander/M bandit/MS banditry/SM bankruptcy/SM barbarity/MS barbecuer barbedwire/MS bargy/DS Barnabas Baroda/M barometer/MS1W baroness/SM barren/P barrow/SM Barrymore/M Bartlett/M basalt/WSM bashful/P basilisk/SM bathe/S bathetic battery/MS battledress batty/T baulker/M Bavarian/SM beachhead/MS Beale/M beanbag/SM bearishness/S bearlike beasties beastings/M beatable/U beau/SM Beaufort/M Beckham/M Becky/M becloud/SDG becoming/UY bedding/SM Bede/M bedpan/MS bedpost/SM bed's bedstraw/M beechen beechwood beefcake/SM been beg/SGD Begawan/M begotten/a begun behalf/M behavioured behead/DSG beholden beleaguer/Sd Belgrano/M Bella/M belle/SM bellicosity/SM bellyache/MSGD Belmopan/M belong/GSDJ belt-fed beluga/SM belvedere/M benchmark/DSGM bendable Benedictine/M benevolence/SM Bengal/M beret/MS berg/SM Berkeley/M Bermuda/M Bernice/M Bertrand/M Berwick-upon-Tweed/M beseem/DGS besom/SdM bestrode bestubble/D Betelgeuse betook beverage/SM Beverley/M biassed biasses biassing biathlon/MS bichromate/MD biconcave biconvex bicuspid/S bigoted/Y biharmonic bijective/Y bill/RM7YDJSG binary/S bind/kRJSG bindle/M binds/AU bingen binocular/SY binuclear biodegradable biomedical biomedicine/M biometrics/M biomolecule/S biophysical bipolar bipolarity/SM birch/SM birchen birdbath/MS Biscayne/M bisector/SM bitterness/S bitter-sweetness bittiness Blackburn/M blackcurrant/SM blah/MDSG Blanchard/M blancher/M blast/GRSMD blatantness bleakness/S bleeding-heart bloke/MS bloodlessness/S blood-red bloodshed/SM blotchy/T blouse/SMGD blowing/M blowy/T blowzy/T bluebell/SM blueberry/MS bluebottle/SM bluefish/SM blueish bluejacket/SM bluenose/MS bluepoint/SM blur/hGDZSM2 blurt/SGD Blythe/M BNFL/M boardgames boards/e boatclubs boating/M boatmen/M bobbing/M bobs/M boding/M body-check boggy/T Bohr/M boldface/MGDS bomb/RSMDGJ bombardier/SM bonanza/SM Bonaparte/M bondwoman/M bong/SMDG bonnie bony/PT booby-trap/S boogeyman's bookshelves boot's Bordeaux bosomy/T boson/SM bossiness/S bother/dS bottle-fed bottom-up bouillabaisse/M boundary/MS bounder/SM bountifulness/S bourée Bournemouth/M Bowen/M Bowie bowyer/SM box-office boxtops Boyd/M boysenberry/MS brachium/M Bracknell/M Bradbury/M brain-damaged braininess/S brainless/PY Brampton/M branch/SMGD branding/a brandywine brat/MZS bratwurst/MS brawny/TP breadbasket/MS breadline/MS breaking/M breakup/SM breathable/U bred breech/SGMD breeding/M breeziness/S Bremen/M Brennan/M Brent/M Brewster/M briar/M bric-a-brac Brice/M bricklayer/SM brief/TJSYDPG briefed/C briefer/C brigand/SM brim-full brimstone/SM bring/RSG brio Brit/S Britannic Britannica Britishness Brittany/M brittle/DTGPS broach/SGD broadsword/MS Broadway/M brokenness/M bronchitic/S brothel/SM brownness/S brr bruin/SM bruise/RGSDJ brunette/MS brusher/M brute/GSMoD B.Sc. bubblegum/S Buchenwald/M buff/RSMDG builds/Ac built-in Bujumbura/M bulletproof/DG bullhorn/SM bullion/SM bullpen/SM bull's-eye bullwhackers bumblebee/SM bumpy/TP Bundestag/M bundles bungle/GkDRS bunko's bunk's bunkum/M buoyancy/MS burl/2MDS Burma/M Burmese Burnett/M Burnley/M bush/S2mGMJZD butane/MS butter/drZ butterfly/MS butterscotch/M butting/M buttonwood/SM buying/c Byronismyah Ca/y Cabernet/M cacti cadencing caesura/SM cagier caginess/MS Caicos/M caiman's calcine/SDG calculable/I calculableness calculation/aSAM calculus/M called/AUa calliope/MS calm/YTGPSkD Calvary calves/M Cambodia/M Cambrian cambric/MS Camembert camera/MmS5 camion/M campanology/3wSM canasta/SM cancellate/DnN cancer/SM candle/RMDSG candlelit cane/SMJ cannery/SM cannister/SM Cannock canon/wMW-1qQ8S3 cantaloup canticle/SM cantilever/dSM canvaser cap/SADG capablest capacitate/I capitation/CMS capo/SM captive/NSMn Caracas/M carcinogen/WMS cardamom/SM Cardiff/M cardiomegaly/M careen/DGS careless/YP carelessness/S caress/SvVMk caret/SM caretaker/MS Carl/MG carp/GMDkRS carpus/M carrion/SM cartage/MS cartel/SM cartilage/SM case-load/SM casing/M Caspian Cassius caste/MS castigation/M castle/GMDS castrate/GDS Castries/M cataleptic/S catalogue/GRDS catalyst/SM cat-and-dog catarrh/MS catatonic/S catchpenny/S catechist/SM catering/M catgut/SM Cathay catheter/8QMS Catskill/S causeway/GMSD causticity/SM cauterise/DnGS caution/KSGyDM cavalcade/MS cavern/DSGM cay/SCM Cayman/M cedilla/MS celebrate/inNSDyG Celeste celibate/SM cell/MDS3G censored/U census/SdM centavo/SM centigrade/S centilitre/SM centipede/SM centrality/SM CEO Cerberus cetacean/S CfIT/M Chad/M chaetognath chaffinch/SM challenging/U challis/SM chamber/rdMS chameleon/MS Chancellor/SM chancre/SM changeling/M chanteuse/SM chapelry/SM chaplaincy/MS chaplet/SM characteristic's chargeableness/M chariot/SGMD Charlie charm/MRGkDpS chaste/sQTYP chastely/U chastise/L cheapness cheekbone/SM cheer/RDp6G2ZjSz cheeriness/S chemical/MSY chemise/SM chenille/SM chequeing chequerboard/MS chervil/SM Chesapeake Chester/M Chester-le-Street Chiang/M chicanery/SM chicest Chichester chick/MS Chickasaw/S chiefly chiffon/MS childbearing/M childbirth/SM childcare childhood/SM childlessness/S Chile/MS Chilton/M chime/RMDSG chimpanzee/MS Chinatown/M chipboard/M chivvy/SGD Chloe chloral/M chlorinate/CGSDN choke/RkDSG choose/GR2SZ chore/MoDSG chorines Christian/Q8MS Christianity chromatic/SP chromosphere/M chronic/Y chuntering cicatrice/MS ciceroni cigarette/MS cilantro/S cinder/SdM Cinderella Cindy/M circadian circulates/A circumlocution/SM circumnavigate/DNnSxG circumscription/M circumstance/GSDM circumvent/DGS7 circumvention/SM cirrus/M civet/SM civilised/U civilized/U CJD Clackmannanshire/M Claire clank/DMkGS clannishness/S clap/RGDS claret/dSM clasp/SUGD clasp-knives clasp's class-concious classificatory classifying/a classwork/M clause/SM clawer/M clay/ZSMDG clayier clear-cut clear-headed/PY cleric/SYM climactic climate/M1S clinician/SM Clinton/M clip-on clitoris/MS cloacae cloak/DMGS clobber/Sd cloddish/P clomp/SMDG clonal close/TRJPDYGS closed/UE close-down close-fisted closures/E clothes/f clout/SMDG cloverleaf/SM clubfeet clumpy/T Clydesdale coacher/M coachwork/M coagulable Cobol/M coccyges Cochin cockatrice/MS Cockburn/M cockerel/SM cocklebur/M coda/SM coder/4SCM code's codetermine/S coefficient/SM coerce/RDbGS cofactor/MS coffee-table/MS cognation/M coherent/IY cohesion/MS coiffed coincide/SGD coliform collateral/M collection/AMS colleen/M colleges collegiality/S collegiate/Y colliery/SM collimated/U collimator/M collision/M colon/9MWQsq3-8S colonialist colonize/AGCDSNn colorimetry colostrum/SM colour-sergeant columbine/SM Columbus coma/SM combative/P combustible/IS comer/cM comforted/U command/RkGDLMS commandant/SM commandeer/DGS Commander-in-Chief commencer/M commendatory/A commentate/SGD commerce/GoSDM commissary/SM committee/mSM5 commonest commonsensical communality/M communicator/SM commutativity companionway/MS comparability/MI comparison/SM compatibility/SMI compensatory compiled/A complete/IYP completeness/IS completes complexion/DM complicated/U compositor/MS comprehended/a compromise/M computes/A con/SwMW1DG Conakry/M conceited/P conceivable/IY concentration/M concertmaster/MS conch/MDG condensate/MS condensation/M condense/DRSGbn conditional/S condonable condoner/M confederacy/SM conference/GMDS configure/NADGSn confined/U confirmation/MA confiscate/yNnSGD confluence/MS conform/7R3x conformities Confucius Congleton congregation/M Congregationalism/MS Congregationalist conics/M conjugate/DVGnSNY conmen/M connect/viVbGhDS connoisseurship conquer/AdS Conrad/M consciousness/SM conservationist conserve/VnvNu considerateness/I consortia constituent/YSM constitutionalities/U constitutionality/SM constriction/SM constructional/Y constructivism construing/a consult/nDNGS consultant/SM consumed/U contact/G7DS contagious/YP container/Q-8q contaminated/UC cont'd contemporary/P continuant/M continuousness's contortion/M3S contortionist contractile contraindication/M contraption/MS contrivance/SM conventicle/SM conventionality/MUS conventionally/U convergent converse/GnY convertible/PS convict/GVDS convincingness/M convolutions convulse/GXDSVuNv cook/KGADcS Cooley/M coot/MS co-owners coppice/DMSG Coptic copy/3DRGMS cording/AM Corinth/M cornball/MS corneal Cornelia/M corniness/S Cornish cornrow/GSD cornstarch/MS corny/T corrected/U correspondence/MS corrode/DvbGuSXNV corrosion/M corruptions/I cortical/Y Corvallis cosine/MS cosmetology/3MS cosmos/MS cost-efficient counsellor/SM count/GSlDRBpZ counterproposal/M courage/ES courageous/U courageously courageousness/SM courtier/SM couturier/SM covariance/MS covary Coventry cover/Jd7 covey/MS cow/ShGMDm cowshed/SM cps crabbed/P crackle/DSGJ crammer/M Crandall crankcase/SM crankshaft/SM cranny/DSGM crassness/S crater/d cravat/SMGD crave/DJSG Crawley create/uGnSNDVv created/UA creativity/SM creditable/P credulity/IMS creepiness/S cremation/M crenelate/SNGDn crenellation/S Crimea crimp/SGD crimper/M crinkle/DGSY crispiness/S crony/MS crossways crosswise crossword/SM crouch/SGD crunchy/TP crusty/TPS crystallizing/A Cs Cuban/S culminate/NSGnD culpability/MS cumuli cumulonimbi cunnilingus/MS cupping/M curatorial curb/MDSG curial curliness/S curricula Currier cursive/EY curt/YTP curtail/RLSDG curtsey/DSMG curtsy/DGSM cusp/MDS cussing/F custodial customary/YP cutesy/T cut-price cuttle/M cybernate/N cycad/SM cyclamen/SM cycles/A cycling/A cyclometer/MS Cygnus cymbalist Cynthia cytochemistry/M cytochrome/M daffy/T Dakar/M Dakota dampness/S damselfly/SM danceable danger/SdM dangle/RGkDS Danzig Darby darkroom/SM Darwinian dashiki/MS Davis Dawes day-boys day-long dead-end deadhead/SM dead-heat deadline/MGSD dealership/MS Deane/M Deanna/M death-trap/MS deb/SM debar/L debark/NnG Debby debenture/SM Deborah/M Debra début/S decaf/S decaffeinate/DGS decertify/NGn deck/DRGSJM declamation/SM declivity/SM decomposability/M decompress/NXG decremental decrepit decrypt/GD dedicate/NASnDG deduct/b deerstalking/M default/R deferential/Y deferrable deferral/SM definable/UI definite/xVuv deflation/My DEFRA defraud/RGD defrost/R degrade/hki degree/SM dehydrator/MS de-industrialisation deja dejected/P delectable/PSY Delhi/M delicacy/IMS delinquency/MS deliquescent deliverable/S Delmarva delta/SM delude/NXvkxSGVDu demilitarise/n demilitarize/nNSG demi-mondaine/SM demography/1WwSM demolisher/M demoness demonstrator/SM dentition/MS depersonzlized depict/GSD depilatory/S depolarize/R deport/nLNG deportee/SM depot deprave/DhSiG depreciation/M depressive/S Dept. deputy/SM derby/MS derogatory/Y derrière/S descant/SM design/NhJ7Vxn designed/A desirableness/S desolate/YNPkGnDS detective/MS detonate/DVNGSn d'etre deviancy/S devilry/SM devout/TYP dexterity/MS dextrose/SM dhow/SM diabolism/M diacritical/S diaeresis/M diagrammatic/Y diaphanous/PY diathesis/M dicer/M dicey dichotomy/qQS-8M dicier dickey/SM dictatorial/P dictionary/MS did/AecU diesel-electric diet/MGSRD dietetics/M different/IY diffraction/SM digestifs dignify/DSG dike/SMGD dilapidation/M diligent/YP dilly-dally/GDS dilogarithm diluter dim/rSRPYDTG dint/MGSD Dionysus dipole/SM dipsomaniac/SM Dirac directory/MS disaggregate disband/L disbar/L discerning/U disciplinarian/SM disconcert/k disconnect discordance/MS discorporate/D discovered/U discoverer/S discreetness/S discriminator/MS discussant/SM discusser/M disguised/U dismal/Y dismantle/L disperse/LXVubNvDhRGS disruption/SM dissection disseminate/DSNnG dissident/MS dissuade/VDGS distal/Y distance/MGDS distinguished/U distress/GkD6 distributed/U distributivity disturb/DRkGS disuse/M diuretic/S diverge/DGS divine/YTNDSGnR divisor/MS divulge/DGS Dixie djellaba/S DJs Doberman doctrine/oMS docudrama/S documentary/MS documented/U DOD dodecahedral dodecahedron/M dog/DSMiGZh dog-star dolerite doltishness/S domesticity/SM dominant/KY dominatrices Donald/M donate/DSG done/fUeAcF doodlebug/MS dooper doorbell/SM do-or-die doornail/M doorstep/DSGM door-to-door dooryard/SM doppelgänger dory/MS dosage/MS dosimeter/MS doth double-breasted double-headed doubles's Douglas down/MGZRSD downcast downdraught/M Downey dowse/SDRG doxology/SM drachma/SM draconian draftee/SMD dragging/Y drawbridge/MS drawing/M drawl/SGDk drawstring/SM dreadfulness/S dream/SM2GpZDRzk dreamlike dream-world/S drill/SGDRM drop/DRMJGS drop-out/SM dropping/M drops/Zw drop-shot/MS Drottningholm/M drowner/M drowse/ZGSD dryness/SM dualism/MS Dubai/M Dubrovnik dukedom/MS duly/U dumpling/MS dung-beetle dunker/M dunno/M Dushanbe/M duty-bound eagerest eagerness/cM eagernesses eagle/MSGD eardrum/MS earn/GRSTDJ earned/U earring/SM earthed/U earthenware/MS earthworm/SM easer/M easiness/SM Easter/Y Eastland eat/ScG eating/M eccentricity/SM eclipse/SGMDW Ecole ecumenicism/SM Eden/M Edgewater edible/PS edit/A7dNS editorialist edits/F Edmund education/FSMo educator/MS eerily effervescence/SM efficient/IF effluent/SM egad Egbert eggbeater/SM eggnog/MS egress/DMSG eighty-one eighty-second/S Eisenhower ejaculation/M elasticated elastomer/M elbow/GSDM elderberry/SM electrochemical/Y electrocute/SDG electrodynamics/M electroencephalography/MS electromechanical elevator/SM elfin/S Elias eligible/SYI elitism/MS ell/SM ellipsometry Elmer else/M eluate/SM Emacs/M emancipate/DSNnGy embargo/MGD embark/EGSAD embarrassed/U embeddable embellish/DSGL embitter/LdS embracive emend/7nGDS emeritus emetic/S e.m.f. emigration/M emit/RXSNDG empathetical emphasize/CRGDS emphysematous employable/US empty-headed enacts/A enchanter/MS enclave/MS encryption/MS end/SRpMDJG ending/U endnote/SM endogamous endomorphism/SM endoplasmic endurably/U endurance/SM enema/MS enervate/GDnVSN enervation/M enfilade/SMGD enforces/A Engel/S engrave/GRDJS enjoin/SDG enlightening/U enlist/AGDS enlister/M enlistments Enoch enquire/GZSDRk enrage/DSG Enron ensemble/MS entertain/GRLSkD enthrone/DLGS enthuse/SDG entourage/MS entrainer/M entrap/LGSD entrepreneur/MS entwine/SDG enumeration/M enureses envelope/SM eolith/W ephedrine/SM ephemerides Ephraim Epicurus epidermal epidermic epidural epigraphy/SM episcopal/Y epistemology/1wM epistle/SM equanimity/MS equatorial/S equilibria equilibrium/ESM equine/S equity/MSI equivalence/GDSM Equuleus er/ae erect/DA erector/MS Erlenmeyer/M errand/SM erratic/S eructation/MS escapism/MS espadrille/MS Espagnol espouse/GDRS est/R establishes/A estate/SM estimations/f estrange/DGLS estranger/M etc. eternal/PY ethereal/PY ethic/3MSY ethical/UY ethnology/3SwM ethnomethodology Etna etymology/31SMw Eucharist/MWS euphonium/MS Eurasia evanescent Evelyn ever everlasting/PY evolution/3MyS evolutionism examinees excellence/MZS except/xDGS excessive/P excitability/SM exclusiveness/S excommunicate/SNnVDG ex-communist/MS excoriate/SGDNn excoriation/M excrescence/MS excreta excursive/PY execration/M execute/SVRxGD exegetic/S exemplary/P exeunt exhauster/M exorcism/MS exothermic/Y exotic/PSY expatriation/M expectorant/S expedite/RSDG expedition/SyM expletive/SM explication/M explicitly/I exploitation's explosiveness/S exponentiation/M export/DRGBnMSN exports/A exposited expressionism/SM expropriator/MS exquisiteness/S extend/iDRVvhGNSxubX extendibility/M extends/c extensiveness/SM exterior/MYS exterminator/SM externalities extirpation/M extortion/MSR3 extortionist extractor/SM extralegal/Y extramural extravagance/SM exudation/M eye/RSpMD6iG eyelet/MdS Ezekiel FAA facer/KMC fad/rSdM failing/M faintness/S fake/RSDG fakir/SM fallacious/PY fallibly/I fallow/DPSG falsetto/MS faluting familial fandango/MS fanfold/M farewell/MDGS farinaceous farm/SDRGM fascist/WSM fashionably/U fastidious/YP fastidiousness/S fatale/3S fatality/SM fate/jS6DM father/dpSYM fatherly/P Faulkner fauna/SM Fauntleroy favouring/SMY favouritism/MS fealty/SM feast/RDMGS feather/drpSZM feather-bed/GD feather-brain/MD feather-stitch febrile Feds feedstuffs Felder Feldman feline/YS female/PSM ferro ferry/SGmWDM fertility/ISM fervency/SM fester/IS festered feverishness/S fiancé/SM fibrefill/S fibreglass/M fibular fielded fielding fiend/MS Fifa/M fife/RSDMG fifteen/SHM fifty-two fighting/IS figural Fijian/SM file's filing/S fillet/SdM filter/7SrndMN filtrate's final/Q83q-S finance's finites Finley/M Finn/MS fired/U fire-walking firmware/SM firth/MS fishtail/DMSG Fitchburg fitfulness/S fitments fittingly/U flames/I flamingo/SM flanker/SM flannelette/MS flash/MDRZS2GzJ flat-footed/Y flatland/S flatten/Srd flatulent/Y flavouring/M flaxseed/M fleetingness/S fletcher/M flex/SGDMb fliest flinch/DSG flirtatious/PY floating-point floozy/SM floppy/TSPM flossy/TS flouncing/M flourish/SDkG flourisher/M flowchart/GS flue/SM flue-cured fluff/DMZSG2 flummox/DSG flunky/SM fluorescence/SM fluorescent/S flurry/GSDM fly-drive flypaper/M flypast/M fob/DSMG foetidness Foley/M foliaceous folk/SM follicular Folstone/M foolishness/S footrest/MS forayer/M forbearance/MS forbearer/M forbid/GS forcible/YP fore/5m foreboding/PM foreclose/SGD forecourt/SM forefoot/M foreground/GMSD foreleg/SM forelimb/SM forepaws foreshadow/GSD foreshore/SM forestland/S forestry/SM forgather/dS forgetful/P forgivably/U forgone forklift/GDMS formatted/U formless/PY fornicate/SNDGn fornication/M forsythia/MS fortification/MS fortnightly/S Fortran/M foulness/S fowl/DMGS fowling/M foxing/M fracas/SM fractal/SM fractions/IA fractiousness/S framework/SM franchise's franchisor/SM Francine/M François frank/PYSDTG Frankish Frank's franticly frap/GSD Frau fray/CDGS Fredrickson freebie/SM freelance/SDRGM freestyle/SM freeze/RSG French/m5M fresher/AMS fretful/P fretfulness/S Friday/SM fridge/SM fried/A friendless/P fringe's fritter/dS frizzle/DGS front/FDGS frontage/SM frontispiece/MS frontrunner/MS frostbitten froze/AU fruiterer/M fruitfulness/U fruitlessness/S frustrate/hNDSknG fryer/SM FSA fuddle/GDS Fuji Fulham/M full-blooded full-frontal fullish full-time fumarole/S fumigator/MS fun/Mz2Z fungous furiouser furlong/MS furnished/UA fusee/MS fusibility/SM futurism/MS gable/SDGM Gabon/M gadolinium/M gaff/RMSGD gagwriter/S Galapagos Galen's gallantly/U gallantry/SM gallimaufry/MS Gallipoli galosh/S gambit/MS gamble/RDSG game/JYPTSMGRZD gamesmanship/MS gamut/SM gangplank/SM gardenia/SM gardening/M Garfield/M Garibaldi/M garrison/dSM garrulous/PY Garth/M Garvey gasbag/SM gash/DMGTS gateau/SM gatecrash/DRSG gatepost/MS gathers/A gaudiness/S Gauguin Gaulle/M gauziness/S gave gazette/DGMS gazpacho/SM GCSE/MS generalissimo/SM geniality/FSM genii/M genomic genteelism genteelness/S gentle/5PYmTGD geode/SM geometry/SM Georgia/M Gerhard germicide/MS gesticulate/VDNSGnv gesticulation/M gestural Gettysburg ghastliness/S ghetto/QSDGM ghoul/MS Gibson/M Giddings gigahertz/M giggly/T gillie/SM Gillingham Giraud Giusto glaciation/M Gladstone/M glass-blowing/MS Glaswegian/S glazier/SM glee/jSM6 glen/MS Glenn glimmering/M glimpse/MGRDS glisten/Sd glitter/dSZkJ globalisation globalization globetrotter/MS glossolalia/SM glottal Gloucester/M glove/SRGDMp glum/TYP gluttonous/Y glycerol/SM glycol/SM goal-kick/S gobble/RDGS goblin/SM god/SMYp god-daughter/MS Gödel/M Godfrey/M Godzilla/M go-kart goldfinch/SM Goleta/M golly/S Gonzales gooder/S Goodyear gorger/EM gorilla/SM Gorky go-slow gospel/SM gossip/dSM Gould/M gourmand/SM gourmet/SM govern/GaSD governmental/Y Gower/M GPO gracefully/U gracefulness/SE graft/SMRGD Graham/M grammatical/PY grandeur/SM grandfather/MdSY grandma/SM grandness/S grandparent/SM granular/Y grapeshot/M gratifying/U grating/M gravedigger/SM gravimeter/SWM greaseproof grebe/SM green/TPMGYDS green-eyed greenish Greenland/M greenstick greenwood/SM gremlin/MS greyer griddle/DGSM grille/SM griller/M griseofulvin groan/MGRDS gross/YSDTPG groundsheet/M ground-squirrel group/SMRJGD groupie/SM grouse/RGSDM grown/ceIA grunion/SM G-suit Guadeloupe/M guidebook/MS guider/aM guiders Guillaume guilt/ZS2zMp gummy/TP gumtree/MS gunpowder/MS Gutenberg guy/RSMDG Guyanese guzzle/DRGS Gwen gypped gypster/S gyrfalcon/MS h/E habitual/YP hackney/SDM Haddad/M Hadrian Hagar Hagen/M Haifa hairbrush/SM haircloth/SM hairdresser/SM hair-dryer/S hairy/TP hajji/SM half-back/SM half-beak half-blue/S half-caste/S half-heartedness/S half-inch half-length half-step half-time/S half-track hallucinogen/SWM halon/M Hambleton Hamburg/M hamlet/MS hammer/dpr hamstrung handcuff/DSG handing/c handle/RMGDS handled/a handmade hand-to-hand hand-to-mouth hang-glide/RG hangs/cA hangup/S Hanukkah haphazard/PY happening/M harbour/pRGSDM harbourmaster's hardcore hardtop/SM hark/GSD harlot/ySM harmed/U harmoniously/E harrumph/DGS harry/RDSG hart/SM hasp/GSMD hastiness/S hatching/M hatstands hauler's haunt/kDRJGS hauteur Havant haver/S hayloft/MS hazard/DGSM headedness/S headlong headnote head-on headpiece/SM headwind/SM headword/SM healthful/P hearer's/c heartbreak/SkGM hearth/MS heathen/SM heaven-sent heaviness/S heavy/TPSY he'd hedgerow/MS heedless/YP heftiness/S height/MS helical/Y helices/M Helmut helot/S help/RSjpD6JG helter-skelter hemlock/SM heparin/MS heptagon/MS heretical hereunder Heriot-Watt hermaphrodite/SMW hermetical hermitian Herod/M Hewlett/M hexer/M hgt hiatus/SM hibernate/GSnDN Hibernian Hick hieing hieratic high/STPY highbrow/MS high-handedness/S high-income highish high-octane high-powered high-spirited high-street hijack/GRSDJ Hildebrand/M Hillcrest hindquarters Hinsdale hippopotamus/MS Hiram histamine/MS histochemistry/M Hitachi hit-and-miss hit-and-run hither hitherto-unseen HMSO ho/MRYD Hobbes hobby/3MS hockey/SM hocus hoes/F Hoffman Hogg holey holly/MS Holyoke home/RpYGzDMS home-brew/SDM home-building Homerton home-shopper homogeneity/ISM homophobic honestest honourable/MS Honshu/M hoof/MDGS hook-nosed hookworm/SM hopples Hornblower horner hornlike horology/W3wSM horseback horse-doctor horsehair/SM horsewhip/GDSM Horton hot-blooded hotbox/SM hotchpotch/M hotheaded/P hot-tempered hour/MYS hourglass/SM hourly/S household/RSM house-mother/SM house-parent/SM house-train/D hove howbeit howdah/SM Hoyle huge/PTY Hughes hull/SRGMD humankind/M humanness/S Humber Humberside humidify/CnGNRDS humidity/SM humongous humourer/S Hurley/M hurling/M husk/RzZSMD2G husky/TSP Hussain/M Hutu hybrid/q-MQ8S hydration/CMS hydrofoil/MS hydrogenated/C hydrophone/MS hymnography hyper/S hyperactive/S hyperaemia/M hyperaesthetic hypercube/SM hypergamy/M hyperplasia/M hyperventilation/M hyphenation/M hypo-allergenic hypochondria/SM hypodermic/S Hz ibuprofen/S ice-cold Iceni icing/M ideogram/SM ideologue/S idiosyncratic/Y idiot/1SMW Iestyn igniter/M ignominy/SM Ike/M ileum/M ilk ill-fitting ill-founded ill-gotten illicitness/S illiquid ill-judged ill-mannered ill-suited ill-treat/D ill-treatment illusion/ES illusion's illustrated/U imaginableness imaginativeness's imagined/U immature/P immediacy/SM immemorial imp/DSGM impartation/M impassible/Y impeded/U imperfect/gVP imperiousness/S imperishable/PY impermanent impersonal impersonality impetuousity implement's implicitness/S importance/SM importunate/PSY impose/ASDG imposition impotence/MSZ imprecate/GNDSn impressionable/P impressionist/W impromptu/S improved/U inadmissible inadvertence/SM inaneness inappeasable inapt/P inaugural/S incant/NnG incarcerate/DNnSG inceptor/M inchoate/GDS incidence/MFS incinerator/SM incipient/Y incline/EDNSnG incondensable incongruousness/S incontestable/Y incrimination/M incubator/SM index/RD7GnM indicate/NVnSGvD indolence/SM Indonesia/M induce/nRuDLGVSNbv inductive/P indulge/cGDS industrialism/SM Indy/S ineducable ineffability/MS inertia/oMS inexplicitness inexpressibility/M inextricable/Y infective infighting/M infiltrate/V infinitive/MS inflexion/SM inflicter/M informative/UY informativeness/S infusible/P ingression/M inheritrix/MS inhumane iniquitous/PY injure/RDGSZ inkblot/MS inkstand/SM inlier/M in-line inmost innards innersole/S innervation/M inoculation/A inopportune/P input/SGM inroad/SM inscrutableness/S insecure insentience/S inseparable/PS in-service insofar instantiated/U instantiation/M instinct/vVMS instinctual institute/DxRGSV instituting/A instrumentation/M insufferable/Y insulation/M insure/DRSG insurgency/SM intemperateness/S intent/PY intentness/S intercaste interconnection/SM interdependent/Y interdisciplinary interestingness/M interfacer interfile/SDG interglacial interleaver/SM interline/SDGJ interlope/SDRG internationality/M Internet/M interpolatable interpolate/DNnSVG interprocessor interracial intersection/SM intertask intervene/SDG intimate/DYPGNSn intimater/M intimation/M intracity intrametropolitan intrapulmonary intuited intuitiveness/S invalidism/MS inveigle/RSGD invention/AMS invested/A invigilate/DG invulnerable/P inward/YP iodise/GDS iodize/GDS IPA Iqaluit Iranian/SM ire/6SDMG iridescence/MS Irish/m5 ironside/SM ironstone/SM ironware/SM irredentist/M irrefutable/Y irretrievable/Y irrigation/M irritable/PY irruption/MS isinglass/SM isolated/K isoperimetrical isotonic ISP ispell/M issuant it/M4SU itinerary/SM ITU Ives ivy/DMS jackass/SM jackhammered jackhammer's Jackie Jacob/S jalapeño/S jamb/GMDS Jamestown/M Janis jauntiness/S jaywalk/GDSRJ Jazeera jazzmen Jeanne jello's jellying/M Jethro jet-lag/D Jezebel/S jg/M jig/DRSGM jigger/dZ jimmying jinn/MS Joanna jocularity/MS joggle/DGS jointer/M jollity/SM Jonas Jordan/M Joseph journey/RmSMDJG Juan jubilation/M judger/M judiciousness/IS judo/MS Juliet/M jumble/GDS Jung/M junk/MDRZGS junky/TS jurisdictional jute/MS juxtapose/SDXGN kabuki/MS kaddish/S kale/MS Kampala/M Kandahar Kansai Kant kaolin/WQ8M karaoke Kate/M Kathleen Kaunda Kawasaki Kazakh kc/M Keating keeler keen/TGDPY keenness/S keep-fit keg/SGMD Keighley Keller Kennet keno's Kentucky Kenya/M kerbside Kershaw key/DSGM keypunch/GRDS Khalid Khoisan kibble/DSGM Kidd kill/SRkJ7GD killdeer/SM kilohm/M kilolitre/SM kilometre/SM kimono/SM kind/PSTY kindest/U kind-hearted/YP kindle/DSAG kindred kingly/TP Kinross/M kiosk/MS Kipling/M Kirchner/M kittenish/YP kiwifruit/S kl Kleenex Klingon kludge/RGSDM knapsack/MS knavery/SM knee/GdMS knee-deep Knesset knew knightliness/S knish/SM knitwear/M knives/M knocking-shop knower/M Knox Knutson Kobayashi Kohler kopeck/MS Kovacs kph Krakow Krause krona/M Kropotkin Kruse/M KS Kubrick Kurdish labial/S labouring/M lacer/MV lachrymal/S lacing/M lackey/MDGS lacklustre lacquer/SrdM Ladbrokes ladybird/SM ladylike/U ladylove/MS lag/SrDJG laird/SM laissez lakeside lamasery/SM lambda/MS lambent/Y lambskin/MS lambswool lamentable/P Lamont lamprey/SM Lana/M Lanarkshire/M landlord/SM landlubber/MS landmine lane/SM languor/SM Lanka/M lankness/S lap/DScGM lapin/MS largeness/S largesse largo/S lascivious/YP latest/S lath/SDRyGM lathe/SM Lathrop Latino latitude/MS latter/YM Lattimer laud/SlDG7 laugh/7RSlGkDJ laughing/M laureate/S lawgiving/M lawn/MS lay/CRGS layperson/S laywomen leadership/MS lead-free leafhopper/M leak/DZS2GM leaker/M leaky/TP lean-burn leapfrog/MSGD leash's least/S leaves/M lecture/RGDSM LED's Leeds Leeuwenhoek/M leeward/S left-footed legend/MS legislature/MS legit legitimacy/ISM legitimisation legume/SM leguminous lei/SM Leipzig/M leisurely/P lemon/MS lend/SRG Leon Leone/M Leonid/M lest Lethe/M letterhead/MS letup/SM leukocyte/MS Levant lewd/TPY Liana lib/DGSnM Libyan/S licensee/SM lichenous lick/JDSG licker/M Liebfraumilch lie-in/S lieu/M life-giving lifelessness/S ligate/NnDSG light-hearted/PY lightning/DMS lights/CA lightweight/S lignum likeableness/S likeness/MS lilac/MS lilt/SGDMk lily-white Limavady/M Limburger limekiln/M limitedly/U limitlessness/S limp/STGDPY limpidness/S limy/T Lindsey/M Lindstrom/M lingoes linter's lionize/D lippy/T lip-read/GSJ liquidator/MS liquorice/SM lire lissome/P listless/PY Liszt lit/R literateness lithesome lithosphere/WSM Littleton liverish llano/MS Llewellyn load/RSDGMJ7 loadstone's loam/ZSM lobar locatable/A locution/SM lodge/LRSDGJM loft/SDz2GMZ loiter/dSr Lola Lombardy/M lonesome/PSY long-drawn long-life long-suffering/Y longwise look/eSc looked/Uc looker/SM loosing's loot/RSDGM Lopez loquacious/PY loquacity/MS lottery/SM lotus/SM louden/d loudspeaking lovableness/S love-bird/MS love-child low/DGSTYP lowlife/MS low-profile loyalist LPG LSD lubricity/MS Lucas Lucerne Lucian luckiness/SM lucrative/P lucubration/M lumber/rdSM lumberjack/MS lumper/M lumpy/PT lunar/S lunch/SDMG lurex lurk/RGDS Lusitania lutanist/SM Lutz luxe/C Luxembourgian luxuriance/SM lyric/3S Macau MacDraw/M Mach mackerel/SM macrocosm/SM Mafiosi maggot/MS magnesia/SM magnesite/M magnetics/M magnificence/SM magnum/MS Magnuson/M Mahayanist maiden/YSM maidenhair/MS maidenhood/MS mainline/RSGD mainly maintain/RBSDG maintop/SM majordomo/S make-up/SM maladapt/VD malcontent/M Maldives/M malefactor/SM maleficent Malibu/M malignancy/SM mall/SM malpractice/MS mammy/M Mamoutzu/M manageableness mananas manatee/SM Manchurian/S Manfred mangle/GDS mangler/M mangrove/MS Mani maniacal/Y manicure/3DSMG mannequin/SM manner/Y mannerliness/U manning/c manoeuvred/e manse/XNMS manservant/M mansion/M mapmaker/S mapped/U mar/DGZ Mardi Margo/M maria/M Mariana/S Marianas/M Marie/M marinara/SM marine/RSN Marion maritime Markham/M Marlene/M marlin/SM marmot/SM Marquette Marylanders mask/JRDMSG masochist/SWM1 Massachusetts massif/SM mast/DRSMG master-stroke/MS masticate/DGS Mata-Utu/M matches/A maternity/SM maths Matlab matrices Mattie Maude maul/DRSG Mauritian/S maxi/S maxim/qQs89Mo-S Maya Mayer/M mayn't MB McGee/M McGrath/M meatloaf mechanic/SMY medallion/MS meddle/RSDG Medfield medicate/SGD medicinal/S meekness/S Meier/M Mekong Melbourn Meldrew melioration/M mellifluousness/S Mellon mellow/GYTPSD melodious/U melodrama/WSM1 melt/DkSG meltdown/S memorially/I memorization/M memoryless ménage Mendoza menhaden/M meninx menstruate/SGnND mensurableness mention/7SRDG mentor/MS menu/MS mercenary/PMS merciless/PY mercurialness Mercurochrome mere/TYS meretricious/PY merit/CdMS meritocrats Merriam Merrimac merriness/S merry-go-round/S mesa/MS mescaline/SM mesh's mess/SM Messiaen messieurs's messy/TP met/dr metalliferous metalloid/M metalwork/RGJMS metamathematical metastasis/dMSQ metatheses metathesizing meteoritic/S methodologists Methuen/M methylene/M meticulousness/S metric/MNSn metronome/SM mewl/DSG mezzo-soprano mfg mica/MS Michaelangelo Michel/M Michelle/M mickey/SM microbiology/w3SM microbrewery/S microelectronics/M microfibre/S microgramme/S microhydrodynamics Micronesian/S microsomal microwave/G7DSM mid/Z midden/SM mid-evening Midlothian/M mid-morning midriff/SM Midwesterner/S migrate/INS4DnG Miguel mike/DMGS Milanese militant/YPS milksop/SM milkweed/MS milliard/SM millidegree/S millwright/SM Milo Milton/W minded/A mines/f Ming ministrant/S mink/MS Minneapolis Minoan minstrels/Z mint/DGSMRZ misaddress misadventure misapprehend miscellaneousness miscellany/SM misconfiguration misdeed miserable/P misfit missionary/MS misspell mistake/M misted/C mite/MS mitoses mitre/DGMS mm Mme Mo mobilise/CnGADS mob's mobster/MS mockingbird/SM moderating modernised/U modest/TZY modi modular/Q-Y8q modus Mohammedan molarity/SM molar's molasses/M Moldavia molluscan Molotov molten momentum/MS Mona/M moneyer's moneymaking/M Monfort mongolism/SM mongrel/MS moniker/SM monitored/U monitory/S monologist/S monophthongs monoplane/SM monotonicity monotony/SM monoxide/MS Monroe Monsignor monstrance/SM monstrance's/A month/MSY Montrose moody/TP mop/dSGrMD morality/SMI morass/MS Moravian Morehouse morel/MS Morley/M morphine/SM morsel/SM mortise/DGSM Moseley/M Moses moth/RSM mothball/DMGS motherer/S motivator/S motley motorcar/SM motto/M mourn/6jJDRGS mouse/DRGMSZ mouthpiece/SM moveability mowing/M mown Mox mudguard/MS Muhammed muleteer/SM Mulligan/SM Mullins multicast multicomputer/MS multi-coupler multinational/SY multipoint multiprocessor/SM multiprogramming/M multivariate murderess/S murderous/YP Murdock/M Murial/M Murmansk/M murmur/dMSr Murray/M mus/dSw1k musculature/SM musette/MS musketry/SM muslin/MS must've mutagen/MS Mutsuhito/M mutt/SM mutton/MS Muzak muzzle-loaded muzzle-loading muzzler/M Mycenae/M mycology/3SM mysterious/PY mystifier/M mythographer/SM nab/GSD nacreous Nadia/M Nadine/M naïve/Y naïvety/S name-drop/DGSR nameplate/SM Nannette/M nanosecond/SM Nantwich nappy/MS Nara/M narcissism/MS narcissist/SWM narcissus/M narration/M nascent/A NASDAQ Nashua/M natalist Nathaniel/M naturist naughty/PTS nausea/MS nauseous/P nauseousness/S Navaho/M navel/SM navy/MS Nb neaptide near/YDTGPS Nebraska/M nebulosity necessitate/DNnSG necking/M necrophilia/M nectar/MS needfulness neigh/SGDM neighbour/DYSGM Nellie/M Nelly/M nematic Nemesis/M nephritides nerd/SZ Netherlands/M neuralgic neuropsychiatric neuroses neutron/MS newcomer/MS newest Newport/M newspaper/mdS5M newt/SM next-door niceness/S Nichol/SM nickel/SGMD Nicosia/M Nielsen/M nighters/c nightingale/SM Nikolai/M Nile/SM ninety-six/H nitrogen/M nitroglycerine Niue/M nix NLRB noggin/SM noiselessness/S noise-maker/SM Nokia/M Noland/M nonagenarian/MS non-alcoholic/S non-believer/MS non-combatant/MS non-commercial/S non-competitive non-content non-contiguous non-continuous non-contributing non-corroding/S non-denominational/Y non-disciplinary non-flammable non-hazardous non-interventionist non-local non-magical non-native/S non-objective non-radioactive non-rigid non-rural non-seasonal non-secular non-sexual non-spiritual/S non-supervisory non-transparent non-trivial non-violence/S noodle/SM nope nor Norfolk/M normalized/A Northampton/M north-East/M north-western Norwalk/M Norwegian/S nose-cone/S notability/SM notary/SM notate/xDSVG notebook/MS notice/DMSGl notification/M nourish/DGLS novae Novocain nowadays no-win Nubian/M nudes/C nudity/SM nullification/M numb/RkTYDPGS numeration/MS numerator/SM numeric/SY numerologist/S numskull/SM Nunez/M nunnery/SM Nuremberg/M nutation/M Nuuk/M Nyasa/M nymph/SM Nyssa/M OAS obese obesity/SM objectionable/U oblateness obliger/M obsequious/Y obsequiousness/S observant/YU obsessiveness/S obtainable/U obtrude/VvuGNSDX obtuse/TY obviousness/S O'Casey occlude/SVXNDG occlusion/M occulter/M occultism/SM occupancy/MS occupier/SM oceanographer/SM octahedral odorousness odyssey/S Odyssey's oesophagi off-break offcuts offensive's off-frequency office/SRoM officiator/SM officiousness/S offing/M off-key offside/S off-the-shelf oft ointment/SM OKs oldish Oldsmobile/M oligopoly/SM Olympia/M omission/M omnibus/MS omnivore/SM on/Y Onega/M one-horse O'Neill one-sided/Y one-time on-frequency on-site onslaught/SM Ontarian/S opal/SM opaqueness/S opcode's open/rdSJY open-ended open-faced operadi operator/FMS opinion/MS opp oppose/SNxXGD optimistic/c opt-out/S orangeade/SM orchestral ordain/LSGD order/YESdM orderliness/ES ordnance/SM Oren/M organisational organizational/S orientate/SDAEG orienter originate/SDG orotund Orson/M orthogonality/M orthogonalization/M Orville/M Osage/SM Oscar/MS oscilloscope/SM osculate/nNDGS OSGi OSHA osier/MS Oslo/M osprey/SM ostentatious/YP osteopath/WZSM ostrich/MS O'Sullivan/M otherworldliness otiose oubliette/SM ounce/SM outang/S outbid/G outbound outdistance outfall outguess outlandish/PY outlay/M outmigration outpouring/SM outrank/G outside/R outwit/G ova/yoMn over-active overawe overdetermined overenthusiastic overfall overfeed/G overhead overlay overpopulous over-sensitive over-sensitivity ow/GD oxalate/M oxidisation oxidization/M pa/Mo Pabst/M PAC packable pacts/F Padilla/M padlock/GDMS paediatrician/SM pagan/SM pageant/SM pageantry/MS paginate/DSGNn pail/S6M painstaking/Y pairs/I Pakistan/M palaeographer/SM palatal/QS palatial/Y palatinate/SM Paleocene palliate/NVGvDnS palpation/M panda/SM pander/Sd panel/IGSD pans/Z panzer paperhanger/SM papist paraboloidal/M paradoxical/P parallax/SM paralytic/YS paranormal/YS parapet/SM paraphernalia paratyphoid/S parboil/GSD parcelling/M parch/SGLD parenteral parolee/MS parsimonious/Y parsnip/SM parterre/SM parthenogeneses particulate/S partier partridge/SM passageway/SM passed/Fc passers-by pasta/SM paster pastiche/MS patchiness/S patch's paternoster/SM pathetic/Y pathfinder/MS patience/ISM patienter patronizing/M paunchy/TP pave/ASDG pavilion/GDMS paving/SM pawnbroking/S pay-as-you-earn payback/S payload/MS payment/fMSc pay-off/MS peacekeepers peacemaking/M peahen/MS peal's peculiar/SY pedagogy/1SMWw peeler/M peer/pDG peered/F peeress/SM peevers/M pellet/dMS pelter/M pendant/CMS penetrative/P penman/M Penn pentagram/SM pentasyllabic penumbra/SM peon/SZM peony/MS peperoni peppiness/S percale/SM perceived/U perceptual percha percipience/SM Percy peregrinate/DSG peregrine/nSN peremptoriness perfumery/MS pericardia perimeter/SM perk/DzGSZ2 perkiness/S permanganate perplex/SGDh persecute/yDSG persiflage/MS persister personage/MS personalize/CSNGn pert/PTY pertinacious/PY perturbed/U perverter/M pessimist/MSW1 pesto/S Peterhouse petrochemical/SM pewterer Pharisee/S pharmacopoeia/SM phenomenology/S1Mw philharmonic/S Phillips phloem/SM phonetic/SY phoneticist phosphide/M phosphor/SWM photoengraved photography/SM photosynthesis/SQdM photosynthetic/Y physical/S physicality/M physiochemical physiotherapy/SM phytoplankton/M pianist/W piano/3MS picturesque/PY pierce/RDSJkG pigeon-breast/D pilchard/MS pile's pilferage/MS pincushion/MS pioneer/SDGM piracy/MS piragua pistoleers Pittsburgh pivotal plaid/DMS plaintive/P plangent planning/A planoconvex planter/SM plasmid/S plastering/M plasticity/SM platelet/SM playful/PY plaything/SM pleasantry/SM plosive/I plum/MSZ plumery plural/s8Q-S9qY ply/BDSNG pneumatic/SY pocket/d6MS pod/SDMG poet/1WSywM poetry/SM pointillism/SM pointing/M poisonous/Y poke/yRDSGZ Poland/M polemics/M police/m5DSGZM policy-maker/S politician/MS politics/M pollutant/MS polluted/U poltroon/SM polyandry/SM polyatomic polychrome/W polyclinic/MS polyelectrolytes polyglot/S polyhedral polymeric polypropylene/SM polythene/M Ponting/M poop/SDGM poplin/SM poppet/M porridge/SM portaged portaging portamento/M Port-au-Prince/M portent/SM portered portering portrayal/SM positional/KY possibly/I postdate/GDS post-entry/S postmaster/MS postmen/M post-millennialism postoperative/Y postpaid post-partum postponable postpone/LGDS posts/FIAe postured pother/dSM pottage/SM potterer pounder/FM pounders ppr practicabilities practise/SGD praetorian/S pragmatic/YS pragmatist/SM praise/EDSG praiser/S preamp preassign precancerous precipitate/YnSDPGN précis/dSM precognitive predation/MCS predication/M pre-echoes pre-emphasis prefatory prefer/DSl7G preform preheat pre-implementation premarket premise/DSGM premiss/M prepared/P pre-preference pre-print prepubescent/S presbyopia/MS preschool presentably/A presented/A preserved/U president/MS presort pressurised/U prestidigitatorial pretentiousnesses prettify/SDG prettiness/S pretty/DTSYPG priced/U prick/YRDGS prickliness/S primal principal/SY principle/SMD principled/U prions prise's/A Prix probate/SANM probation/RoyM probationary/S prober/M proclamation/MS procrastinator/MS proctorial procurable/U procurer/M prod/GDS produce/cNDSGAn profane/DPSGYNn profaneness/S profound/PYT prognoses program/BRGSJDM prohibiter/M prohibitive/P pro-hunt/G projector/SM proliferation/M prolixity/SM prom/QMSs Promethean prominence/MS promiscuous/PY prompt/PYRJTSGD promulgation/M prong/DMGS pronouncer/M proper/IPY property/DSM proportionate/EYS proprioceptive prorogation/MS prosaic/Y prospect/DSuVvMG prospector/SM prosperity/SM prosperous/YP protea/SM protectiveness/S protest/RSMNnkDG provability/MS proved/AI prowess/MS psephologist/M pseudonymous pseudopod pseudopodia pshaw/S psoriasis/M psychoanalyst/S psychopathology/M psychophysics/M psychosocial/Y psychs pterosaurs Pu pubescence/KS publicity/SM publicly puerperal pug/SMGD pugilism/MS pulper pulpit/SM punchbowl/M punctualities pup/SMNZDG pupae pupal pupate/DSG Purbeck purchase/SARGD purest/I purgatorial pushy/TP Putney/M putrescence/MS putridity/M putter/d pylon/SM Pyongyang/M pyorrhoea/M pyromania/SM pyrotechny/Ww q QoS quadrant/SM quadrature/SM quadrennial/YS quadrivia quadruplicate/DSG qualifier/SM quantitative/PY quantum/qQs8M-9 quarry/mSMGD quarter/dY quartz/SM quayside/M Quebec/RM querulous/Y queuer/SM queue's quick-witted quieten/Sd quieter's quietly/E quietude/ESMI Quinnell/M quirky/TP quirt/DSMG Quito/M quotability/S quote/DaSNGn qwerty rabbinate/MS rabbinical racketeer/JGMS racy/T3PY radices radio/DmSGM radioisotope/MS radioscopy/M radon/M raftered ragtime/M rail's railway/mSM rain-making rally/DSG rampancy random/qQ-8YP randy/T range/SCGD range's ransom/MdS rapine/MS rappel/GDS rapping/M rapture/SM rarefaction/MS rarefy/DGS rateable rationalities rattail rattan/SM raze/DSG razor/MS Rd/M reactionary/MS reactivate readership/MS real-life re-allocated reanalysis rearm/GL rearrange/L rearrest/G reasoned/U reasoning/U reassess/LG reawaken/d rebel/MSGD rebuker recant/GNn recast/G recentness receptionist recklessness reclassify/DNGn reclusion/M recollect/G recommittal reconnaissance/MS recordable/U recoup/DG recourse recover/gdZ7 rectification/M recur/DGS recurrence/MS redactor/MS red-blooded redbreast/SM red-head/MSD Redhill redolence/M redoubt/l redundant/Y reeding/M reeve/SGM referee/GdMS referencing/U reflective/P reflexive/I reflexively refrigerant/SM refrigeration/M refuel/DRG Refugio/M refusal/SM refuse regnant regrade regrettable/Y regulars/I Reiko/M reimbursable reinitialise/n reinvent/G reject/DRGSV rejection/SM reknit related/P relativity/SM relaxant/MS relaxation/M reliable/U reload/7G remarkable/U remarriage remedial remiss/PV remonstration/M Remy/M renegue repaint/G repartee/SM repeated/U repertory/SM repetitiveness replenishment/S replete/NP reply-paid reproachable/I reprocess/G7 reproducibility's reprove/k repulse/Vuv requisitioner/M reread/7G re-route/GSD rescue/RSGD researched/U reselect/7 resilience/MZ resist/bSvDVG respond/FGDS résumé/S resurgent resuscitate/nSVGDN retain/RSDG reteach/G retinitis retro revenge/D6jSMG reverend/SM reverter/M revivalism/MS revivalist revolutionist reward/k rewarm/G Reykjavik/M Reyna/M Reynaldo/M Rheims/M rheumy/T Rhineland/M rhino/SM Rhys/M ribboned Rica/M rice/SM Rickey/M ricochet/dGDS rides/c rift/DMGS right-hand/iD Rigoletto/M rigorous/Y rile/DSG riot/DRMGSJ rip-off/S ritualistic/Y Rivera/M riverboat/S rives/C roadmap roadrunner/SM roadside/S roadway/SM Robbie/M Robbins Robby/M Rockaway/M Rogers Rojas/M Rolfe/M Romanian/MS romanize/SGnND romanticism/MS Ronald/M rondo/SM roof-garden roost/SMRDG rootlessness Rorke/M Rorschach Rory/M Rosario/M Roscommon/M Roseau/M Rosenberg/M rose-tinted rosy/PYT rotatable rotator/MS Roth/M rotten/Y rouge/SGDM rounded/P roundhouse/SM Rowe/M Rowland/M Roy/M royalty/SM rt rub/SRGD rubati ruck/M ruefulness ruin/dMNSn rummage/GDS rump/MYS runabout/MS run-in/S runnel/SM Runnymede/M run-off/MS run-out/S runtime Rupert/M rut/SGMZD rutty/T Rwandan/S Ryan/M sable/MS sabot sac/DG sacrilegious/Y sageness sailboard/SG sailing-boat/SM saintlike salaam/M saleroom/MS salesmanship salespeople/M salesperson/SM salience/ZM Salk/M salt's salty/T Salvadorian/S salvageable salvation/M Salvatore/M Samoan/S Samoyed/M sampling/c Samson/M sanctify/nGDNS sandblast/GDSR sandcastle/S Sanderson/M sandman/M Sandoval/M Sanford/M sang sanitation sapphire/MS saprophyte/MSW sarcasm/MS sardine/MS sari/MS sartorius Satan/M31 satellite/SM satiety/MS satin/SM Sato saturated/U satyr/SMW sauerkraut/SM savour/ZD2SGM scaler/SM scaliness scandal/SMQ8 scandium/M scapegrace/MS scar/dDSGM scarab/SM Scarlett/M scary/TY scathe/GkD scenario/MS scent/CMDGS scherzi Schiller/M schizo/S schizoid/S schoolboy/SM schoolgirlish school-inspector schoolroom/MS Schweppes/M Scientology/M Scilly/M scintillate/SDG sclerotic scoreboard/MS scrapbook/MS script/SKMF scripted/FU scriptorium scrotal scrounge/SDGR Scruggs/M scrum-half scull/DRMSG Seabrook/M seagoing seam/MDGSZp seamen/M seashell/SM seashore/SM seasonable/U seaward/S seaworthy/U secret/dVSYvu secretary/MS secretaryship/SM sector/EMS sectoral secularism/MS sedate/YVGnSND see/RS98dG Segovia/M Segundo/M seigniorage seine/MG seismical selection/SoM selectional selective/Y self-absorbed self-assembly self-assured self-centred self-consciousness self-contained self-delusion self-effacing self-help self-image self-importance self-justification self-loading self-motivated self-pollination self-possessed self-propagating self-protection self-raising self-recording self-righteousness self-service self-styled self-winding selvedge/MS semeiotic/S semicircular semi-flexible seminarian/MS semi-permeable semiprivate Semitism/M semitone/MS sempiternity senatorial Senegal/M senile señor/M sensitise/GRnDS sensitised/C sensitises/C sensitiveness sensitize/GRNnDS sensitized/C sensitizes/C sensuous/Y separable/IY separate/B3nSGDVYN Sepoy's sepsis septate Septuagint/MS sepulchre/SoM seraglio/SM serenader/M serendipitous/Y serge/M serif/SDM servant/SM serviette/SM servitor/SM sesquicentennial/S Sevastopol/M seventy-four/H seventy-second/S Seville/M sew/SAGD sextet/SM shabby/TY shack/MGDS shackler/M shadow-boxing shakedown Shakespearean/S shaking/M shale/M shall shallowness shamrock/SM shandy/M Shanghai's shard/MS shareware Shauna/M Shawn/M sheep/M Sheila/M shelver/M Shillong shin/rSdDGkM Shinto/SM shiny/T ship-breaker/MS shipmen/M shipshape shipwright/SM shipyard/MS shogun/SM shone/e shooting-range shoplift/DRSG shop-worn shorn/U shorten/dJS show-piece/MS shrill/GSTPDY shrinker/M shrinking/Y shriven Shrove Shrovetide/M shrunk/K shrunken shtick/S shuffle-board shunt/DSG shut/RGS shut-down/SM Si/M Siberia/M sibling/MS Sibylline sickle/2SGM sickness/S sideboard/SM side-drum/SM sidekick/MS sideways sidewinder/SM siding/SM Siegfried/M sight-line sightly/TP sight-read/RG signing/S Sigrid/M silicosis/M Silverstein/M silverware/MS Silvia/M simulative Sindbad/M Sindhi/M sine/M sinecure/MS singsong/DMS sinlessness sinuous/YP sip/RSDG sire's sirloin/SM sisters-in-law sixpence/SM sixty-three/H skateboard/RGMSD skilful/Y skilfulness skimp/zG2ZSD ski-run skit/SM slate/MS slaughter/SdrM slaughterhouse/SM slave-born slave-driver/S sledgehammer/SM sleeping/c sleeps/c slender/8QPY slice/RMDSG slid/r slight/kSDTYG slim/DRSGYT slimline sling/MGS slinger slinky/T slipstream/MGDS slither/dSZ slog/SDG slop/Gz2SDZd slumberer/M slush/S2DGMZ small-scale smarter smear/SGDZ smelt/RDGS Smirnoff/M smitten smoke-room smoky/T smote smudge/SpDGZ Smyrna/M snakelike snakeroot/M snakeskin Snape snappish/YP sneerer/M snippet/MS snob/SMZ snot/zS2ZM snout/MDS snowflake/MS snowplough/DSMG Snr. snubber sobriety/ISM so-called socialist/W sociocultural/Y soften/drS soft-headed softly soldier/DYSGZM solemn/-qQ8TY sole's/I solicit/dnS solicitor/MS solidify/DNnGS solidity/S Solihull/M solitariness solubility/MI solve/EDRASG sombre/Y someone'll somnambulism/M sonata/SM Sondra/M songsmith sonority/S sophisticated/U sophistication/M sorted/UK sough/DGS soul-searching soup/SMZ source's/A sousaphone/MS Southampton/M souther/YM southerly/S south-south-west sou'wester sovereign/YSM sowed/A Soyuz/M spacier spaghetti/M sparky/T sparse/Y spawner/M speciality/S specificness speck/MS spectrometer/SMW spectrometry/M spectrum/M speed-up/MS speedway/SM spell/RG7JDS spending/f spermatophyte/M spermatozoa spicebush/M spike/DGSMZ spillikin spillway/SM spinach/SM spinal/S spindle/SMGYD spire/IDFSA splat/DMGS splendiferous/Y Spokane/M spongeable spongelike sponsor/dMS spontaneity/SM spoon-fed sport/kVmGvM5ZDS2u spot's/C spray/ADGS springlike sprung/U SPSS spume/SMZ spur/SMDG sputterer squelcher/M squidgy/T squireen squirehood squirl Sr stabilise/CnRGDS stabilize/CNRnGDS stadia staffroom stag/dSM stage-manage/RD stager/M stagger/Skrd stagnation/M staircase/MS stakeout/MS Stalin/M stalk/RDMGS stallion/SM standing/fM Stanfield/M Stapleton/M stardust/M stargaze/RSGD starlit star-studded stasis/M station/eMS Stauffer/M stave/GDSM stay/ecDSG steelyard/SM steeplechaser steeplejack/MS Steinbeck/M Stellenbosch/M stenos stenotype/M Stephanie/M sterilised/U Stewart/M stimulate/cGSD stimulated/U stint/GDMS stipendiary stipulation/M stockbroker/SM Stockhausen/M stockholder/MS stoical stolen stony/YPT stood/f storm/R2GpzDZSM stormy/T storyboard/SGMD stow/DGS stowage/M Stowe/M Strabane/M straightforward/PY strain/FSAD strained/cU strainer/AMS strapless strap's stratigraphy/MwW strawboard Street stress's stretcher/dMS strew/GDS stricken Strickland/M stricture/MS strider/M stripling/M striptease/RSM striver/M stroboscope/MSW strong/mTY strongbox/MS strong-minded structured/U strut/DSG 'struth strychnine/M Stubblefield/M stuccoes studiedly study/ASfDG Stuttgart/M style/ASGD stylise/nSDG stylize/nSNDG stylus/SM styptic/S Styx/M suasion/SEM suaveness subarctic subconscious/YP subheading/M sub-lieutenant/SM sublime/YTDnSG subnormal subordination/MI subornation/M subregional subsequent/Y substance/SM sub-standard substitute/SVBvDG substitution/SyM subsystem/MS subversion/SM subway/MS succulent/S succumb/GSD suckling/M sudden/YP suede/M suet/MZ suffering/M suffrage/3SM sukiyaki/MS Sulla/M sulphide/MS sultry/TPY sum/8NSRMXDG summing-up Sumner/M sumo/SM Sunbelt/M Sunday/MS sundown/MR sunk sunspot/SM superannuation/M supercargo/M super-dooper superficialness superhero/M superhuman/Y superintendence/Z supernumerary/S supervene/SDG supplanter/M supplement/GDNn supplemental suppliant/S supplier/SM supranational/Y supremacy/3MS surcease/SM surd/M surfacing/A surgery/SM surplus/MS survivor/SM sustainer/M Sutherland/M Suzann/M SW swallowtail/MS swam swanky/TP swarthy/PT Swazi/MS sweatband/MS sweetcorn swelter/Sdk swiftness swine/M swingletree/SM switch-blade/SM swot/S Sybil/M sycophant/MSW1 sylphlike sylph-like sympathy/SQ9s8WM symphony/SWM synagogue/MS synchronize/AnDGNS syncopate/GDS syndromic synonymous/Y syzygy/S Szechuan/M Taber/M tabla/MS tactful/U tactician/SM tactless/Y tactlessness tadpole/SM tailback/MS tailcoat/S tailor-made tailwind/SM take-home tale/MS Talley/M taloned Tam/MZ tameness Tammie/M tan/SMJDRyG tandem/MS tangelo/MS tango/SGMD Tanzania/M tapelike tapioca/SM tappet/SM tardy/TY tarmac/DGS Tartuffe/M Tate/M Tatiana/M tattier tattoo/RGSMD Tatum/M taupe/M taxicab/MS taxing/c Tayside/M Te teach/RGSJ7 teal/SM teamster/SM Tecumseh/M tedious/YP teen/SZ teeny/T Tees/M TEFL telecommute/SRG teleconference/GMDS telemarketer/S telepathy/S1M temperance/MI temperate/IY temptress/SM tended/EU tender/PdQ8Ys9 tenement/SM tenor/SM tensioning teratology/M Terpsichore/M terrorism/M tested/U tester/FSCM tête-à-tête tetrathlon Tex Texan/S thalidomide/SM Thayne/M theatre/S1Mw thenceforward theocratic Theodora/M Theodosia/M therefore thermoluminescence/M Thermos/MS these/S thesis/M thick-skinned thief/M thing/M think-tank thirst/2SMzGDZ thirty-one thorny/T thorough/YP threadlike three-colour three-legged threescore thrift/2pSMzZ throng/SGMD throwing/c Thu thumbprint thus thwarter/M thymine/M tiara/SM Tiberius/M Tiburon/M tidier/U tidiness/U tied/UA tight-fitting tightrope/MS till/DRSG7 timber/SdM timbrel/SM Timbuktu/M timed/a time-scale/S timespan timidity/SM tin-glaze tinpot tintinnabulation/SM tiptoe/DGS tiresome/Y Tirol/M Titania/M Titanic's title's tittle-tattle titular/Y TLC toadstool/SM toast/DGRZMS toasty/T toecap/MS toenail/MS tofu/S toilsome/Y tolerable/YI tomb/SM tong/S tonsillectomy/SM tonsure/SMGD tool/AGDS toothache/MS toothpick/SM tootle/DSG Topeka/M toper/M topiary/S topographer/MS topology/w13SM topple/GDS topsoil/M top-up torpid/Y torr torso/SM torte/MS tortellini/M Toshiba/M Totalizator/M totemic Tote's Toto/M touchable/U touch-and-go touch-judge/S touchpaper touchwood touchy-feely toughen/dS tourer/SM tourniquet/MS townee toxaemia/M trachea/M Tracy/M trade/Mm5GRSD traditionally/U trainman/M trajectory/SM tramp/RDGS transact/x transcend/SDG transcendence/MS transcription/M transit/dxXuvNVy transmit/AXGNSD transversal/M trapezia trapezium/SM trauma/Q8SW1M traumata travail/SDGM traversable tread/ASG treasure-trove/SM tremendousness tremolo/MS trendsetter trespass/RDSG trial/KaA trial's/Aa triangular/Y Triassic tribulation/SM tributary/SM trifocals trilateral trilobite/SM trio/SM triplet/SM Tristan/M triumphal triune triviality/MS tRNA trodden/UA troop/RDMGS troposphere/MW Trotsky/M troubadour/SM truelove/MS trumped-up trumpet/rdSM truncate/GDSnN tryst/GDMS tu TUC Tue/S Tums/M tumult/SM tuna/MS turbidity/MS turbo turgid/Y Turkish turnaround/MS turn-off/SM turnstone/M turtle/MS turtle-neck/DSM Tuscany/M tush tussock/MSZ Tutsi twee/T twerp/MS twig/SMZDG twitter/dS two-handed twopenny twosome/SM Tyndall/M Tyne/M typecast/G typescript/MS typhus/M typographer/MS tyrannosaur/MS tyrannous tzar/SM Udall/M ugly/T uh ulcer/VMS Ulrike/M ultraviolet umbrella/MS unapologetic/Y unapparent unappreciative unauthentic unaware unbound/Di unbreakable unclassified uncleanness uncoloured uncommunicative unconsciousness unction/M unction's/I undedicated under undermine/G underpinning/M under-represent under-secretary/SM underskirt underspecification understood/a undervalue undesirable undue unexceptionable/Y unfailing unfamiliar unfix/G7D ungainliness ungraciousness unhistorical unhitch/G uni unify/AGNSnD Unitarianism/M unity/MES unknowing unlikeness unlock/G unmentionable/S unmerciful unmodifiable unmoveable unneighbourly unpalatable unshapely unsightly untaxable unthinking/Y unwise upbraid/DSG upholstery/SM upkeep/MS upraise/SDG ups upshot upstart/MS upsurge/S uptake/SM Upton/M upwind Urdu/M urethane/MS Urquhart/M useful/Y uselessness Utahan/SM utan/S utilitarianism/MS utility/MS V vacancy/SM vagary/MS vaingloriousness valedictory/SM valid/InY validation/IMA validator/SM Valkyrie/SM Vallejo valuation's/C vanadium/M Vanautu/M varlet/SM Vasquez/M vassal/SM vast/PTY VDU veil's vein/GMSD Velcro/M Velez/M venality/SM Venezuelan/S ventilate/SNDGnV ventilator/SM ventral/Y Vera/M verbal/qs89QY- verger/SM vermilion/SM vesicular vesture/DSG vet/SGMD veteran/MS veto/DGM Vettori/M vexed/Y vibe/S vibrant/Y Vic/MZ Vicksburg/M Vicky/M Victorian/SM videlicet Vieira/M Vietnamese/M vigilant/Y villagey villainous/Y villein/SM vim/M vindaloo/S vindication/M vinegary Vineland violate/I violated violating violoncellist/S virility/SM virulence/S vis-à-vis visceral vitalise/CGASD vitality/SM vitalize/ANnDG vitriol/MW vivacious/Y vivarium/M viviparous vocation/oMS vocoded vol. volcanoes Volgograd/M Voltaire/M voluptuousness Volvo/M voter/SM vouchsafe/DSG VT vulture/MS WAAC/S Wabash/M wafer/SM Wagnerian waist/MDS waken/Sd Walden/M Waldorf/M Waldron/M Wales walk/SRGD walk-in Wallace/M Wallis/M wallop/dS Walsh/M Wansbeck/M warder/SM wardrobe/SM wardroom/SM ware/MS2Z warmness warn/GSDkJ warranted/U warrantor/M washable/S Washburn/M wasp-waisted watchmaker/MS watercolour/MS watercourse/MS watercress/M waterfall/SM waterhole/S waterline/S watermelon/SM waterside/SM watertight waterway/MS watery/T wavy/T waxwing/SM waylay/GS Waynesboro/M waywardness weak-minded wear/eSG weary/DkTSGY wed/CAU week/SMY weekly/S weensy weepy/T Weidman/M weightiness welfare/MS well-fed well-head/SM well-kept well-off well-ordered well-organised Wellsville/M well-to-do well-used welsh Welshmen/M Wendell/M went/f weren't Wessex Westminster/M we've WFF wharf/MS wheaten wheelhouse/SM wheezy/T where're wherewithal/M Whiggish while/DGS whirlpool/MS whirr Whitaker/M whiten/dSr whitish whizzes wholesomeness/U who'll whom whomsoever whorish wicket/SM wide/TY wide-area widget/SM widowhood/S Wilhelmina/M Willard/M Wilma wineskin/M winkle/DSG Winslow wintertime/M wish/RSjGD6Z wish-list witchery/SM withdrawal/MS witless/Y witting/YU woefulness Wolds wolfishness wondrous/Y woodlouse/M woodpile/SM Woodward/S woolly/TS Wooster wordless/Y workable/U worker/SM world-weary wormy/T worship/jRSG6D would've wrath/jM6 wreck/GSDR wrongdoing/MS WY Wyman Wyoming Xavier xylophonist/S Yale Yamoussoukro/M yardarm/MS yearning/M Yemeni yeomen/M Yerevan/M yoke/UDGS Yorkshire/M you're yourselves Yugoslav/S YWCA z/d Zamia zenith/MS zigzag/SGD zilch Zimbabwe/M zing/GDM Zoe/M zombie/SM zoo/SM Zoroastrianism zwieback/MS AAA aardvark/MS Aarhus/M Aaronvitch/M abandoner/M abdominal/YS abeam aberration/MS abler/E abolition/3MS abracadabra/S abrasiveness/S abroad abrogate/DNnGS abrupt/TPY abscission/SM absent/YDG absenter abstinent/Y abstractor/SM abundance/MS abyssal academician/SM accessibly/I accessory/MS acclimation/M acclimatisation acclimatization accommodation/M accompany/3SLDG accordionist accounting/M accredited/U acct acculturate/VDSNGn accursed/YP accustomed/U ace/vNSMnuV acetylene/MS achievement's Achilles acidify/NSGD acidity/SM acidosis/M aconite/MS acquirement/SM acquisitions acre/SM acrid/PY acrimonious/PY acronym/SM acrophobia/MS acrostic/MS acrylic/S actor/S4MA actuate/NSGnD actuator/SM acute/PTY adamant/SY adenine/M adhesion/MS adjacency/MS adjudication/M adjure/NGSDn adjusts/A administrator/MS admire/NRGSDkln admissible/Y Adonis/M adopt/DRS7G adroitness/S ads/A ad's adsorb/XvDNVGS adsorption/M adulator/SM adulterate/GDnNS adulteration/M advertised/U advisory/S aerator/SM aeroplane/MS aerosol/SM Aeschylus aether/M affects/E affidavit/SM affirm/DGVnvSN Afghanistan/M afield aflutter afore aft afters/M agar/MS agave/SM agelessness/S agglutination/M agitate/DVGSNnh agitation/M Agnew/M agog agony/Q8Ss9 agrochemical/S ah ahem/S aided/U aimless/YP air-conditioned air-conditioning air-cooled Airedale/M airmass airwoman airworthy/TP akimbo Akron/M alas/S albuminous alchemy/3SMw Aldrich/M ale/SM Aleck alembic/MS alertness/S Aleut alfalfa/SM Alfred/M algebra/3SM Algerian/SM Algonquian al-Haili Alice/M align/SaDGLA aligned/U alike/P alkali/MS Allan/M allegorising alliance/aMS all-important alliterate/nNVSvDG allocable all-out allusion/M almanac/MS almshouse/MS aloud Alpinist/MS already also-ran/S altitude/SM alto/SM alumnus/MS always Amadeus/M amaryllis/SM amass/GDS amateur/MS ambiance/SM ambiguousness/M ambitious/UY ambush/RSGDM amen/dgl7S America/MS Ames amethyst/SM Ami amiability/SM amicability/MS amigo/MS amino/M ammonium/M amnesia/MS amoebae ampersand/SM amuse/RSkLVhDG anaemic/Y anaesthesiology/M3S anagrammatic/Y analecta analogy/SQ8M1w analysed/aU analyser/S analyst/SM analytics's anchoritism/M Andean/M Andrea/SM Andy/M anecdote/SMo anemometry/M angelica/MS angioplasty/S anglepoise Anglo animadversion/SM animateness's aniseikonic Ann/M annalist annex/nDSG annotate/GnNVDS annotation/M anoint/SDGL anomie anteater/SM anther/MS Anthony/M anthrax/M antic/GMDS anticipate/NnySvVGD anticoagulation/M anticommunism/SM antifundamentalist/M anti-gravity anti-hero/M antiknock/SM antilogs antimissile/S antipasto/MS anti-personnel antiphon/MSo anti-Semitic anti-Semitism/M antiseptic/SY antispasmodic/S antisubmarine antlered ants anywhere apathetic/Y apathy/MSW apocalypse/WMS apostolic apotheosizing appanage/M appease/SDRLG appetising/UY apple/YSM appliqué/SMG appoint/RLSVDG appointing/E appreciated/U appreciation/M approach/BRGDS approachable/U appropriative approved/U apron/SM apropos aquaculture/MS aquatic/YS aqueous/Y arachnid/SM araldite Aramaic arbitration/M arbitrator/MS arcanum archbishop/MS archfool archway/SM arclike Argonaut/SM argumentative/PY argy Ariadne/M arithmetise/SGD arithmetize/SGD Armagh/M armed/UA Armonk/M armorial arms/Afc arpeggio/SM arrest/Rk7DGS arrowroot/MS arson/3SM Arte artefactual artery/MSo Arthropoda article/MSDG articulated/EU artiness/S artless/YP artwork/MS asbestosis ascend/RXDGSN ascendancy/MS ascribe/NDGXSV Asiatech/M asinine/Y aspiration/M aspire/xSDnGN assassinate/SGD assemblies/A asset/SM assisted/U astringent/YS astrolabe/SM atemporal ates atheroscleroses athlete/1SMW Atkins atlantes attains/A attendee/SM attenuated/U attributer/M Atwood/M augmentative/S auntie/M auspicious/IY australes Austria/M authorises/A authoritarianism/MS auto autobiography/M1SwW autocollimator/M autocorrelation/M autogiro/MS autonomy/SMW avatar/SM averse/PNXVY Aves avoidably/U avower/M awake/SG awakener/M awakens/A aware/P axiom/SWM1 axon/MS Ayckbourn/M Aylesbury/M azimuth/SMo azimuthal Aztec/M Babylon/M Babylonian/MS bacillus/MS backcloth/M back-pedal/GD backside/MS backstabbing backstretch/MS bacterial bactericidal bacteriophora bacterium/M badmen/M badness/S bagful/SM bairn/SM Baja/M baked/U baklava/M Balinese/M balkanise/GSnD balkanize/GSnND balloter/M baluster/MS Bamako/M bandbox/SM bandstand/SM bang/RMDGS bangle/SM banquet/rdSM bantam/SM baptismal Barcelona/M barefoot/D baritone/MS barium/M barnacle/DMS Barney/M barns/6 barony/MS Barrie/M Bartholomew/M Bartók/M base/mYPpLMT baseness/S basined Bassett/M bassoonist bastardy/M bastion/MD bathos/MS bathyscaphe's bathysphere/MS batiste/SM batman bats/m batter/dZMS battle-cry battledore/SM battlefront/MS battleground/SM Bauhaus/M Bayard/M Baylor/M BBQ BCD beachwear/M beacon/dSM bead/ZSMDmJG beam/SRGMD beam-width beanie/SM beanstalk/MS bears/c bearskin/SM beatification/M beaut/MZS BECTa bedded bedfellow/SM bedlinen bedmate/SM beds bedtime/SM Beeb Beebe/M beef/MD2GZS belay/DSG belch/SGD believability/M believer/UMS Belize/M Bellini/M bellyful/S bellying benefice/MGoDS beneficence/MS beneficiary/SM bentwood/SM berate/SDG bereft Beresford/M Berger/M Berkowitz/M Berkshire/M besmirch/DGS bespectacled Bessel/M Bessemer best-known bestowal/SM bethel/M Bethesda/M Bethlehem/M betroth/DGS Betty/MS Bexley/M bezel/MS Bhopal/M Bhutan/M bicameralism/MS biceps bicker/drS biddable Biddle/M bider/M biennial/SY biennium/SM bifurcation/M Bigelow/M bilinear bindweed/SM binodal biodiversity/S biograph/WZRw1 biorhythm/S biosynthesized biota/W bipartisan bipartisanship/SM birdie/MDS birefringence/M birthing birthplace/SM bis biting/Y bit's bitty/T bivalve/SMD bivouac/GMDS blabbermouth/SM blackleg/DGMS bladderwort/M blasphemous/YP bleariness/S bleat/DGS blimp/MS blinding/M blister/dMkSZ Blofeld/M Blomquist/M blood/zhp2MDiZGS blood-curdling bloodstock/SM bloodsucking blood-wort/M blue-black bluegrass/SM bluest/M bluish/P Blunkett/M blusterous boardinghouse/MS boasts/e Bobbie/M bod/SMd bodega/SM body-builder/SM bodysuit/S Bogart/M bogey/GmMDS bogus bohemianism/S boilermaker/MS Bolivar/M boloney's bolster/dS Bonner/M bonnet/dSM bonzes booby/MS boogie/SD books/cA bookwork/M boom/SGD bootee/SM bootlace/S bootlegged/M booze/RZGDMS boringness borne/c Borodin/M borzoi/MS Bosch/M Bosporus/M Botticelli/M bounce/kZSRG2D bounds/e boutique/SM Bouvier/M bowing/M bowling/M bow-window bowwow/SDMG boxcar/MS boyer bpi bra/WpSM Bradford/M braincell/S brandy/GMDS Brant/M Braque/M brash/YSPT brass/MS brassiere/MS brawn/ZSM2 brazier/SM breakable/S break-in/S breakneck breastplate/MS breathalysed breathalyser/S breech-loading breviary/SM brew/RGMDS bribe/DRySG bribery/SM briefness/S brig/MS brigadier/SM briny/TP briskness/S britches broadleaved broken-hearted/Y Bromford/M Bromsgrove/M bronchiolar bronco/MS broncobuster/MS broth/RMS brouhaha/MS Brownell/M brownfield browning/M browse brunt/DMGS Bucharest/M buckled/U Buddhist/SM Buenos buffered/U buffoon/MS bug/CRGSD bugle/RGDMS bulblet bulbous bulge/ZGDMSk bulimia/SM bulkiness/S bullet/SM bumming/M bumper/d buncombe's bundle's Bundy/M bunk/RCSDG bunt/RSGDJ buoy/SGMD Burbank/M burble/GSD burden/dMS bureaucracy/MS bureaucrat/1QWq8SM- Burgundian buried/U Burke/M burnt/Y bursary/MS bushel/MSDGJ Bushnell/M buskined busybody/SM butch/RyS butcher/dY butcherer/M butene/M buttercup/MS butyl/M buy/RSG buyout/S buzz/MDRSGZ bye-bye bygone/S byline/GDSM byplay/S Byron/WM cabana/SM caber/M caboodle/SM cacao/SM cadaver/MS cadaverous/Y caddishness/S caddy/MDSG cadenced cadge/DRSG caduceus/M Caerphilly/M caesarean/S caftan/MS Cajun/SM calamity/SM calcify/NDSnG calculator/SM calculi Caldwell/M Caleb/M calibration/M calicoes Callaghan/M calligrapher/SM calling's callousness/S call-up calumny/SM camellia/SM camerae camera-ready Cameroon/M camomile/M camp-fire/MS camshaft/SM canapé/S cancan/MS candelas candidature/S Canterbury/M cantonal cant's canvass/S capacitive/Y capitulation/MA Capri capriciousness/S capstan/SM capstone/SM capsule/8SQMGD captivator/MS caravanner/M caraway/SM carbonate/GDSM carbonation/M carborundum cardholders cardinal/MYS cardiology/3MS cardiovascular card's career/G3MDS carefulness/S caricature/3SGDM caries/M Carlo/S Carlota Carlsbad/M Carlyle carnage/SM carnality/SM carnivorous/YP Carolinian/S carotid/M carpal/SM carpi/M carrying/a car-sharing car-sickness/S cartographer/SM Caruso casebook/MS casino/SM casket/dSM casserole/MGDS Cassiopeia castaway/SM castellated cataclysmal catalpa/SM catalysis/M catboat/SM catenation/MF cater/drS caterpillar/SM cathartic cathode/SWM cattle/mM caudal/Y causal cautioner/SM cautious/IY caveat/SM cavort/DSG CBS CDT ceasing/U Ceil celebrity/MS cellular/Y censoriousness/S censurable centralist centrefold/S centrifugate/M centroid/SM cerebellum/MS ceremonialness certify/NRl7DGnS CFC/S chaconne chainlike chairlift/SM chambray/SM chancery/SM change/RBlpGDS channelling/M chapel/MyS chaperonage/MS char/5GDS charade/SM charbroil/SGD charlatan/MS Charles Charlotte/M Charlton chartist cheat/RDSG check/ASGD cheery/PT Chekhov chemist/y chemotherapy/SM Cherwell chessboard/MS chg chickenhearted chicle/YMS chicness/S chicory/SM chide/DkSG Chief chiefdom/MS chieftain/SM childless/P chilly/TPS chimp/MS chitin/MS chitterlings chivalrously/U chivalrousness/S chloroquine/M chocolate/SMZ choirboy/MS chop/R2ZSzGD chordal Christiana/M Christiansen chromite/M chronometer/SMW chrysalis/SM chubby/TP chummy/TP chumping/M Church chutzpah/SM Cicely Cicero cigar/SM ciliate/DFYS ciphers/C circular/8YQPMS cirri/M citizenship/SM city/DMS citywide claim's clamminess/S clampdown/SM clandestine/YP clasped/M classroom/MS Clayton/M cleanness/S Clearwater cleavage/SM clerk/GSYDM cleverer climb/7GRDSJ clingy/T Clint C.Lit. cloaks/U clockwatcher clockwork/SM clodhopper/MS clonk/GSD clothesbrush cloudburst/SM club-foot/MD clubland clumsiness/S Clydebank/M CMOS coach/mGM coagulation/M coal-black coalface/SM coalfield/MS coastguard/SM cock-eyedness cockiness/S cockleshell/MS cockshies coco/MS coddle/SGD codify/RDGSNn Cody/M coffee-maker/S cogency/SM cognate/YnSN cohabitational cohesiveness/S coiffing Coleman/M Coleridge/M collaborationist collarbone/SM collected/UA collective/q38SQ- collectivity/SM college/MK colloidal collude/DGNVSX co-located Colombia/M colonise/AGCDSn colony/oSM3 coloured/ES colourful/P Coltrane Columbian columnar comaker/MS comb/RGMS combine/DGAnSN comeback/SM comedy/WSM comes/ce comfit/SM comfortability/S comfortable/PY comical comity/SM commemorative/S comment/USD commenter/M commissioned/A commit/NLSoXDG commodore/MS commonality/MS communal communicably communication/a communiqué/MS communitarian/M compactor/SM comparably/I compartment/DGMS compensation/cM competitive/PY complacency/SM complaisance/SM complementation/M completion's/I compound/M7 comprehending/U comprehensible/IPY compulsivity computability/M compute/DRGnNlSB comrade/MSY conceit/GiMSDh conceivability/I conception/KSMa concerti concertina/MDGS concessionaire/SM concessional concomitant/Y concordat/SM concur/DG7S condition/oMGRJDS conditioned/AUK condor/MS conduct/aDGMS Conestoga confer/7DgGRS confession/M confidence/cSM configurable/K configuring/K conflation/M conformal conformance/SM conformist conformity/IMU congeries/M conglomeration/M congratulate/DSGnyN congruential conjunct/VSvD connectionless connivance/MS conscientious/PY conscionable/U consequent/Y conservatory/SM consider/AdS considerable/YI consonances consortium/M conspiratorial constants constitutionalist constrain/h constrained/U constrictor/SM construct/ASbDG consultancy/S consulter/M consumerism/MS contagion/SM contain/7RLDSG contaminant/MS contaminates/C contentedness/S contentious/UY contentiousness/MS continuing/E contractual/Y contrition/SM controvert/DGSb convect/xGSDV convener/SM conventional/Q83 convexity/MS conveyancing/M convolve/CSGD cony/MS coo/GSD cooked/fU cool/GDPSRYT cooper/dvuV cooperative/U copies/A Copley copolymer/SM cop-out/S copperplate/SM coppersmith/SM co-produced coprophagous copybook/SM corbel/SJGMD corder/AM coring/M corncob/SM cornerstone/SM cornet/SM cornflake/S Cornwallis coronal/MS corp. corporeality/MS corr correctly/I correlated/U corrigenda corroborator/SM corrosive/SP corruptibility/MIS Corsican coruscate/NSnDG corvette/MS cosmetic/MSY cosmetician/SM cosmopolitanism/SM co-star/GSD coterminous/Y cotton/dMS cottontail/MS coulée/SM countable/U countenance/SDEG countercyclical counteroffer/SM counterpane/SM counterpart/SM counters/E couple's coupon/MS coursed/E coursing/M Courtney/M courtship/SM cousin/MYS Cousteau coverer/AME covering's coversheet cowhide/SGDM cox/SGMD coyness/S crab/2GhDRzMiZS crack/SRYDG7 crackdown/MS cradle/SDMG craftsmanship/SM cranium/MS crate/MDRSG cravenness/S crawfish's Cray/M creak/zZSD2G creakiness/S creamery/MS creationist/MS credit/dE7lS credited/U creosote/SMGD crescendo/GDSM cretin/MS crisis/M crisp/GYPDTZ2S criss-cross/DGS Cristina/M Crockett crossarm cross-dressing cross-fertilisation cross-fertilization cross-hatch/DSG crosspatch/SM cross-reference/DGS crossroad/SM cross's crowded/P crowfoot/M crucial/Y crucible/SM cruddy/T crudity/SM cruel/DTYGP cruelness/S crumb/YDZSMG crumminess/S crupper/MS crush/R7kSDG Cruz cryosurgery/SM cryptographer/SM cryptology/M3Ww crystallite/SM CSE cuckoo/MSGD cuddly/T cuff/DGMS cultured/U cur/rYgvZl7dSMV curbing/M curl/DGSR2 currency/FSM cursors/K curvilinear/Y cushion/SGMD custard/SM cutaneous/Y cut-down cut-throat/MS cuttlefish/SM Cyanamid cyberpunk/SM cycler/A cyclone/WSM Cyprus/M cytotoxic czar/3MS Czechoslovak Czechs dactyl/SM daddy-long-legs Dade dahlia/SM damage/DRSkMG damnation/M damsel/SM Dana/M dandelion/MS dandify/GDS daredevilry/S Darius Darrell Darwinism datagram/SM daunt/DGkpS dauntless/PY Dave/MZ dawn/GDSM Dawson DC DCVO de/G dealing's deals/a deary/SM deathlessness death-rattle death-wish/S debonairness/S débutante/MS deceit/S6jM deceitful/P deceiver/MS deceiving/Y decelerator/SM decibel/MS decipherable/IU decision/IMS declaration/AM declarative/S declaring/A decline/RGNnSD DECNET decompose/B decompresser decontrol/GD decorticate/DGSN decrement/SDGM decryption deduction/M deed/SGDM deem/SDAG deepish Deere defection/MS defective/PS defencelessness defer/RGSD deficiency/MS defiled/U definer/MS deflater deflection/SM defoliator/SM deforest/NnG defrayal/MS defunct degeneracy/MS deleter delimit/nd delineate/SGDNnV deliver/AdZS dell/SM Della/M Delphic delusive/P demagogue/DySMG demand/SGDk demanding/U demographer/SM demonstrable/IY demonstrate/uGnVSDvN demonstratives demotic/S Dempsey demure/YP denature/G dendrochronology/w Denmark/M dense/FY denser/F denunciate/DSGnNV depletion/M deplore/klDGS depositary/M deprecate/DSNnGky derange/L derive/VuvNn dermal dermatitides derringer/SM dervish/SM descender/SM describable/I desensitise/n desensitize/nN déshabillé's desiccation/M desirabilities desirables/U desk/MS despoil/L despondent/Y despotism/MS d'Estaing destine/nKND destitution/SM detection/MS détente/S determinability/M determination/IMK determinative/P determine/uDRBvGVhiS deterministic/Y deterrent/YSM DETR/M devoutness/S dewberry/SM dexterousness/S diabase/M dialogue/S dialysis/M diameter/SMw1W Diana diarrhoeal diastase/MS diatom/MS dices/I dichotomousness dicing/M dick/DGMS dicky's dictation/M diction/KSM didn't didst die/SDG digestive/YS dilatation/SM dilate/hiVGnDSNy diluted/U diminish/SDG7 dimity/MS dimorphism/M dimorphous dimple/YMGDS din/rDRSMdG diploma/SDM1W diplomatics/M dippy/T dire/PTj6Y direction-finder directorial directrices directs/aA disastrous/Y discomfiture/SM discommode/GD discordant/Y discount/RB discourager discourse/G discover/AdZS discovery/MSA discrepant/Y disembark/Nn disfranchise/L disgorge disingenuous dislodge/L dispassionate/P display/ADGS displease/h disproportionate/DG Disraeli/M dissemination/M distinction/MS distinctiveness/S distinctness/IS diurnal/SY diverseness/S divisible/I divorce/GSMD divorcee/S doctorate/SM dodge/ZRSDG doggo doggy/MST dogleg/SGDM dog-tail doh/M Dolby/M dole/FSGD dolour/MS dolphin/MS doltish/PY domesticated/U domestication/M dominants Dominick/M dominoes Donahue donative/M donor/SM dopant/M dopier Dorothy dorsal/Y dosimetry/M dossier/MS dotage/MS doubled/A double-parked doubtfulness/S douche/GMSD Douglass Dover downpipe/S downscale/DSG downside/S downstream downswing's downtrodden doyen/SM drafted/A drafter/SM drama/s9Q8q-SM drawing-room dreadlocks dreamy/TP dreary/TP drench/GDS drencher/M Dresden dress/Z2RSDGJ drift/DRGkS drivel/RDGS drives/c droller/Z drollness/S droopy/TP drop-kick/S drought/SM drub/RDJGS drubbing/M drumlin/MS drystone dual-purpose dub/cDGS dubbin/SM ducal duchess/SM duckbill/SM Dudley/M duellist/SM dulcify dumpy/TSP Dunham Dunn/M Dunne duplicate/GAnNDS duplicity/SM Durban/M during duskiness/S dust-up dutifulness/S DVD/SM Dvorak dwarves Dy dysprosium/M ea earlobe/S earpiece/S earthen earthliness/U earthling/SM earthmen earthmoving easement/SM east/GM Eastman Eastward/S easygoing/P eaten/Uc eaters echinoderm/MS echolocation/SM economy/qQ8s39wWS-M1 Edam edgewise edginess/S edibility/SM edited/UF Edmonton/M educability/SM educatedly educational/3 Edwin Edwina e'en effector/SM effectuation/M efflorescent effluvium/M effortless/YP effusiveness/S egghead/MiDS eggshell/MS eglantine/MS ego/SM Eichmann Eiffel eigenfunction/MS eighty-nine/H Einsteinian either El eldest Eldon/M elective/SPY electrophoresis/M electrophorus/M electrotherapist/SM electrotypers eligibly/I Elijah Ellington Elliott elliptic/Y Ellis elm/SM elongation/M eloper/M Elsie embarrass/kLDhSG embattle/SGD embedding/M embodiment/MS embolism/SM embroidery/SM emittance/M Emma empathic emphasise/CR emphasis's/Cc employability/M empt/zVZGSDv2 empyrean/SM enamelware/MS encephalitic encephalographic enchant/EGLSD encrustation/M encyclopaedic endeavour/RGMDS endive/SM endogenous/Y endoscopy/SM endothermic energized/U engagement/SM engine/SMD English/m5M enharmonic enlistee/SM enmesh/LDSG ennoble/LDSG ensconce/DSG ensue/SDG entail/DRLSG entire/Y entrants entrée/S entremets entryway/SM enumerable enumerator/SM envy/MRS7lDkG eohippus/M epicycle/Ww1MS epigrammatic epileptic/S epilogue/MGDS episcopalian epitaxial epoxy/DSG equal/s9Q-DGYqS8 equalise/J equalising/U equatable equilateral/S equipotential equivocalness/MS erbium/M erg/SM ergonomic/U ergot/MS ERM erogenous erroneous/PY Erse erudition/SM erupt/DVGSv erythrocyte/SM escalope/MS escarpment/SM eschew/GDS escutcheon/DSM esplanade/MS Espoo espresso/SM essentialist establisher/M estimate/cGfASND estimator/SM estuarine estuary/SM Ethelred ethicist Ethiopian/S ethnographer/S eucalypti euchre/MSGD Eurasian Euripides Euro Eurydice/M evaluable evaluated/AU evanescence/SM evangelicalism/MS evaporation/M evasiveness/S eventual/Y Everglades everyone/M evidence/DMGS evident/Y evil/YSPT eviscerate/GDSNn ewe/RSM exaggerate/SnvhiGNVD excavator/MS exceed/SDGk exceptionalness/M excerpter/M exchange/RGDS excise/GDSMNBX exclaim/yRSDG exclude/NDSGuXVv exclusive/SP excreter/M execrate/SGVnND exegesis/M exegete/MwW exhaustiveness/S exhort/NnSDG exhumation/M exist/FGSD existential/Y3 existentialism/MS exorcise/GDS expanse/SDMGb expansionist expectation/Mo experiencing expert's expiration/M expire/ynDSZGN explained/U explode/SDRGuXVvN expo/MS exportation/M expose/fDScG expositor/SM exposure/cSMf expressibly/I expropriation/M extant extendible/S extraction/SM extracurricular/S extralinguistic extremis extrication/M extrovert/DMSG exude/SnDG exultant/Y eyeball/SM eye-tooth/M Eyre fabler/M fabric/SNnM fabricate/DSKNnG facetious/YP face-to-face fact/SMyxY faction/MS factitious faddish faecal fain faire fairway/MS faithless/PY faithlessness/S fajitas falafel Falkirk/M fallacy/SM fallout/MS falls/e falsehood/SM faltering/UY famish/DGS fan/DSMGZ fanaticism/MS fancy/RTjPYDS6G fantail/SM fare/SM farming/M farmyard/SM Farnborough far-sightedness/S fasciculate/DnN Fashanu fashionable/PS Faso/M fastness/S fatherhood/SM fatness/S fault-finder/SM Fawkes FCC fear/6MpGDjS fearlessness/S feasibilities feasibility's feather-light fecundate/SDG federation/MF feet/M feint/SDMG fellowship/SM femme fatale femmes fatales femoral Fenwick Fergus Fermat/M Fermi ferocious/YP ferromagnet/MW ferule/SDGM fervid/PY festoon/SMGD fetch/DRkSG fetishist/W fetter/USd fettle/SDG feudal fey/T ff fibril/MnSN ficus field/SeRIM fieriness/S fifty-seven/H fifty-six/H fight/RSJG figure/EG4KSFD figure's filbert/MS filer/CSM filibuster/drSM filly/MS filthy/GTDP financial/YS fine-grained finespun finesse/MS Finland/M fir/rdS fire-bomb/DMGS fire-control firecracker/MS firelight/M fire-lighter/S fireman/M firkin/M first-aid first-name first-strike Fischer fish/DRZGM2zyS Fishkill Fisichella fistula/MS five/SHM fixation/M fizzer/M fizzle/GDS flabbiness/S flagging's flagon/SM flake/Z2MS flamed/I flame-proof/GD flamer/IM flan/MS Flanagan flange/DMGS flannel/DGMS flare/DGkS flashiness/S flashing/M flashpoint/S flatfeet flat-footedness flatlander flavour/RM6DGJSp flaw/DGMpS fledgeling Fletch flews/M flier/SM flippant/Y floodgate/MS floodplain/S flopper/M Florentine Flores florin/SM floss/DGMZS flotilla/MS flowery/PT flown/c flunk/DZGS flunker fluoresce/DGS fluorescer fluoridation/M fluorine/SM flux/DGAS flyaway FM focuser/M focusses/CA fogbound Fokker fol/Y folds/AU foliation/CM folksiness/S folk-singer/S foll fond/TPMY Fonda foolhardy/TPY foolish/TPY foolproof foolscap/MS footage/SM footplate/M force/Dh6jGbMS forcefulness/S forceps/M forebode/DSGJk foredeck forehand/S forename/DSM foreordain/GDS foreperson/S foresighted/P forester/CMS foretold forgetfulness/S formalism/MS formant/MIS fornicator/SM Fort-de-France/M fortress/DMGS fortune/SaM fortuned fortune-telling/SM forty-eight/H forty-five/H forty-four/H forty-seven/H forty-two foul/DTPSGY foundry/SM fourth/Y foxiness/S fraction's/IA fragility/MS Franchitti Francis Franco Frankfort frappé fraud/CS Fredricton free-fall/G freestone/SM freewill freeze-frame fresco/DGMS Frick frighten/Sdk frigidness/S frill/GSMDY frippery/SM frizz/GYSDZ frizzy/T front-line front-page frostbit frostiness/S frosty/TPY fruitiness/S fruity/PT FTP fuchsia/SM fuel-cell fugal fuller/dSM fullstops fulsomeness/S fumigate/SGDnN funded/fU funder/SM fungal/S funny/TSP furlough/SM furnace/MS furrow/SDMG furthest fuse/SIX4NGFD fuse's/A fusing/CA futile/PY Futuna/M gag/RDGS gainful/YP gala/SM galena/M galoot/SM gamest/R gaminess/S gaming/M gangster/SM gap/dkSMD garage/GDSM garde gargoyle/DSM garish/PY garnet/SM Garrick gasses gastritis/SM gastrointestinal gate/SMDG gaudy/TYP gauge/GaSD gauger/M Gaussian gauzy/TP gavotte/SMDG gawk/D2MzZSG gawky/PT gay/TPS gayness/S Gbps gelding/M generalisable/Y generational/Y genesis genetic/3SY genetics/M gentlefolk gentleman/Y gentlemanliness/M geocentricism geodesy/MS geology/w3WM1S geothermal germane Gerry/M gerundive/M Gestapo get-rich-quick ghostly/PT gibberish/MS gibbon/MS gigantic/PY gigavolt Giggs Gilgamesh Gillespie Gillette Gilmore/M gimbals gimcrackery/SM gimpy/T gingham/MS gingivitis/MS ginseng/MS gipsy/S girt git/M give-away/MS glad/DZPGTY gladden/dS glade/MS gladiatorial gladioli glaze/RSJDG glibness/S glissando/M gloat/GkSD glob/SM glockenspiel/SM gloom/MD2GZSz glory/MSGD glucose/MS glue/SRMDGZ glutamate/M gluteal gnawer/M gnomonic gnosticism goatskin/SM goblet/SM God godlier/U going/SM golden/PY Goldstein/M Gomorrah gonorrhoeal Goodrich goofy/TP Gordian gore/SMDGZ gorged/E gormandise/GSRD gormandize/GSRD gossipy Gounod gout/ZSM gracelessness/S gracious/UY gradation/CM grade's grail/S grammar/SM grammatically/U Granada grandchildren grandnephew/SM grandson/SM grandstand/SDGM grape/MS graphology/3MS grateful/TP grates/I gratify/SGkNnD graven Gravesend greasy/PTY great-grandchildren great-nephew great-niece Greek/SM Greensboro Greenville Gretel/M greyhound/SM grievousness/S Griffith grime/ZM grit/2GSDRMZ grogginess/S ground/mRMGJDpS grounded/U groundswell/S grow/7RkGS growing/Iec Grünewald/M gryphon's Guadalcanal guardhouse/MS guardian/SM Guatamala guerilla/SM guesses/e guided/U guillemot/MS guinea/MS Gulliver/M gunmetal/M gunrunning/MS Gustav/M gusting/E gutlessness/S gymkhana/SM gymnasium/SM gymnast/M1SW gyration/M gyrator/SM habit/7ndgSM hacksaw/GSMD hackwork/S haddock/SM haemorrhage/SGDWM hail/RMDSG Haiti/M Haitian/SM Haley/M half-life halfpenny/SM Halton hampered/U hamster/MS handcuffs/M handed/fU handles/a handmaiden/SM hand-me-down/S handwritten hanky/MS Hanoi/M hara-kiri harass/RLDSG hard-boiled hard-hitting hardihood/SM Harding hardish Harley/M harmonize/RDGnNS harpsichordist harpy/MS Harriet hash/ADGS hatchery/SM haulage/SM haulers haunch/DGSM have/SG Hawaii/M haws/R Hayes haymow/SM hayseed/MS haywain hazardous/YP Hazlitt hazy/PYT headache/SM headlock/MS headmistress/SM heap/MDSG hearse/A heartburning/M heartsick/P heathland Heathrow/M heatstroke/MS heavenly/PT heavyhearted hebetude Hebraic hector/dS hedgehog/SM heehaw/DGS heighten/Sd Heinrich/M Heisenberg Helios heliotrope/MS hellish/YP hello/MGS helve/MS Hendricks henge/M herb/MS hereafter/S heredity/SM Herefordshire/M hereunto Hermann/M heroin/MS herpes/M Herrick herself hesitate/nNDkSG hesitating/UY heterogeneity/SM heterostructure heterozygous hexadecimal/SY Hi hibernation/M Hickman/M hid/r hide-and-seek Hi-Fi/S high-flier/S Highgate high-pressure hilarity/SM hillock/SM hillside/MS him himself hinterland/MS histochemical historiography/wSM hitting/a hoar/MZ2 hoarfrost/SM Hobart/M hobby-horse/SM hog/GSDM hoggish/Y hogshead/MS hokey-cokey holding/M holdout/SM Hollander/S Holzman homage/SM homburg/MS homier homo/SM homoeopath/WSZ homogeneous/Y homologue/M homonym/MS homophone/MSZ honeymoon/RDGMS honeysuckle/MS Honeywell Hong/M honk/RSMDG honorarium/MS hoodlum/SM hooliganism/SM hoop/GMDS hop/RdDSGM hopefulness/S hoper/M hornbeam/M horsedom horsetail/SM hotcake/S housebroke housecoat/SM housed/A house-plant/S housewife/MY housing/A hovel/SM hoverer/M howsoever hoy/M hr. Huang Hubbard/M Hubble/M hubcaps huddler/M humaner humanitarianism/SM humanoid/S humble/PTGSDY Hume humourless/PY humph/S Humphrey/M Huntsville hurried/UY Hussein/M hutch/GSDM Huygens hydrazine/M hydrocephalus/MS hydrochemistry hydrodynamic/S hydrophobia/SM hydroxide/SM hydroxyl/NSM hygiene/M13WS hygienics/M hype/DSMG hypertensive/S hypnotherapy/MS hypnotism/MS hypnotize/DSG hypocellularity hypocrite/1wMS hypoglycaemia/SM hypothalamus/MW hypothyroidism/SM hyrax hyssop/SM hysteresis/M IA iambus/SM ibid IBM/M Ibsen iceberg/SM icebreaker/SM icepick/S ice-skate/G icky/T idle/DRTPSG idolater/SM ignition/MS ignoble/YP ignominious/Y ill/YP ill-informed illness/S illuminate/DSGk imam/MS imbroglio/MS imbue/SGD impassion/DG impassivity/M impatiens/M impeccable/Y impedance/MS imperialist/W1 impersonate/SGDNn impersonator/MS implanter implementable/U important/Y impracticable/P impress/XVLbNvu impressibility/SM improve/qQ9Ls8 impudence/MS impulse/Vuv impute/GDNnS inaccurate inactive inalienability/SM inalienable/Y inanimate inauspiciousness inbuilt incessant/Y Inchon inchworm/MS incidents inclining/M incorporable incorrigible/PSY incremental inculcate/SDGnN indenture/DG independent/S indescribable/YPS indeterminism indeterministic indicant/SM indispensable/PSY individualize/k individuation/M indolent/Y Indonesian/S indoor inedible inelastic/Y ineluctable/Y inertial inestimable/Y infarct/SM infertile infestation/M infirm inflation/EMyS inflection/SM inflow/GM informational/Y infotainment/MS infuriation/M infuse/Rb ingenuous/YP ingenuousness/S ingestion/SM ingratiation/M inhabited/U inhibition/M inhuman inject/SG7DV injurious/PY inkwell/SM inlaid inly/G inner-city innocuousness/S inpatient/MS in-phase inquisitional inquisitiveness/S insatiability/MS inscrutability/SM insecticide/MS insectivore/MS insectivorous insertion/SMA insinuation/M insipidity/SM insist/DSGk insoluble/PSY insouciance/SM insouciant/Y inspection/SM inspire/xNnGk inspiring/U instantaneous/PY instantiate/SGDNn instigator/MS instil/SRNnGD instillation/M institutionalism/M instructed/U insulator/MS intact/P integrand/SM integrator/MS intellect/SM intellectual/Q8YPS intellectualism/SM intendedness/M intensity/MS intentional/UY interact/SVDGvu interactivity intercohort intercourse/MS interdepartmental/Y interdependency/MS interdiction/SM interest/EDhSMG intergalactic interjection/SM interlace/DGS interlingual interlingua's interlocutor/MS intermediate/YNMPGDS intermezzo/SM intermolecular/Y interrelate/SnGihND interrelated/P interrogate/SGNyvDVn interrogative/S interrogator/MS interruption/MS inters interspersion/M interval/SM intervention/SM interwove intestacy/MS intolerable/P intoxication/M intramural/Y intraregional/Y intrastate intravenous/SY intrepid/PY invalid/MdS invasion/M inveigh/GSD inveiglement invents/A inverse/Y investigator/SM investment/f inveterate/Y invidiousness/S invincibility/MS invitee/S involved/U involver/M iodate ionise/CRSGD ionize/CRSGD ions/U irateness/S ironclad/S ironwoods irrational/S irredeemable/YS ISBN Islam/M isochronal/Y isomorphism/MS isotherm/MSo isotropy/1MW Israeli/SM Istanbul/M Italianate Italy/M iterate/nAGDNSV Ito/M itself ITV Ivanhoe jaggedness/S jam/UDG Janet/M Janice Janos Jason/M jaunt/Mz2GZS jaunty/PT jawbreaker/SM jaybird/MS jeerer/M Jefferson/M jehad's jejunum/M jellyroll/S jerkin/MS Jervis Jew/MSy jingle/YGDS jingo/M jinx/SGMD jiujitsu's job/RpGSDM joblessness/S jockey/SDGM Johann Johnnie/M johnny-come-lately john's joints/E jolly/SPTYDG Jordanian/S Josef jostle/SGD jot/RJSDG joyridden Judaic Judaism/M Judas juice/RZMDGS jujutsu's jukebox/MS Jules Julio July/MS jump/zR2ZSDG juries/I justiciable Kagoshima Kampf kapellmeister/M karakul/M karat's Karen karma/SM Katharine/M Katmai kbps kelpers kelvin/SM Kennedy kennel/DSGM Kent/M Kenyon/M Kewaunee Kewpie keypad/SM keyring kiddo/SM kidnap/DRGJS Kigali/M killed/c Kilmarnock/M kilobyte/S kilovolt/SM kindling/M kine/M kinematic/S kinematics/M kinetic/YS kingfisher/MS kipper/d kitchen/SM kitchenware/SM kith/MS Klan Klaus Klux km knackered Knapp/M kneel/RGS knee-length knell/GMSD knife-edge knob/ZMS Knossos/M knot/ZMS2GD knotting/M Knoxville Knuth/M Koenig Kofi kohlrabies Kolonia/M Koror/M Kristin/M Krupp Kuomintang Kurosawa Kyoto/M Kyrgyzstan/M labeller/MS Labrador lace/USGD lace's lackadaisical/Y lactose/SM laden/Uc lading/M laetriles Lafayette laissez-faire lama/SM lamber Lambeth lament/SnDlG7N lamentation/M lampblack/SM lamper lamplight/RSM lamppost/SM LAN landfall/SM landlady/SM landmass/MS Langley languish/SkDG languorous/Y lanyard/SM lapser/AM larch/MS larding Large lariat/DSGM larker/M Larson lash-up lassie/SM latched/U lattice/GSDM Launce launchpad/S lava/SM Laval lawful/UY Lawrence Lawton laxative/SMP lay-off/SM layout/SM LBJ lea/SM leader's/a Leah Leander/M learn/UGSAD learnt lease/ARGMSD leaseback/MS leastwise lectern/MS ledge/RMS Lee-Enfield left-wing/R leg-cutter legging/M leggy/TP legibility/MIS Leicester/M Leicestershire leisure/MSYD lemma/MS lemonade/SM Lena/M length/zSZ2M lengthways lenience/ZS Leninism Lennon/M leopardskin leprous lesion/GDMS lessee/SM lethality/M levitation/M lewdness/S lewis/M lexicographer/SM Leyland/M Leyton liableness/A Lib/Z liberationists libretto/3MS licentiate/SM Liechtenstein/RM lied/M lifeblood/SM lifeboat/MS lifeforms lifesaving lifestyle/S lifetime/MS ligament/MS light/JTDRSPMGY Lillian/M limelight/GMS limerick/SM limitedness/M limiter/CMS limousine/SM Lindquist/M lined/fUAe linger/drkS liniment/SM Linnaeus/M linoleum/SM lioness/MS Lisbon/M lisle/MS Lissajous list/DGJp literalness/S literately/I lithe/YPT lithograph/RMZW1SDG litigate/SNnDG litigator/SM lived-in lively/TP livid/PY loan/RMS7GD localization/M location/EMAF lochs Lockhart/M Lockheed/M lockout/SM locksmithing/M locksteps loco/GSM logarithm/W1SM logbook/MS loggerhead/MS logicically Lohengrin loller/M Lombard/Z long/GPSDTkJ longbow/SM longish longitude/MS long-legged long-running loo/M lookalike/S Loomis loopy/T loose/PYGSDT looseness/S looses/U lopsided/PY lordly/TP Lordship/MS Loren/M Lorentzian lorryload/S lose/RSG loss-leader/S Louis/M Louisiana/M loupe/MS louvre/MSD Loveland loveliness/S lovesick low-grade low-noise lox Lt Luanda/M lubricate/DSNGnV Luce/Z lucrativeness/S luff/MSDG lumbago/MS lumpen lumpiness/S Lumpur/M lunate/WY luncheon/MS Lundberg/M lupine/SM lurer/M lush/TPY lustre/pSMGD lustring/M luxuriate/NSGDn luxurious/YP luxuriousness/S lycopodium/M lyingly lymphoma/MS Lynn/M machination/M machine-gun/DGS machinery/SM macho/S macroeconomics/M madam/SM made-up Madison madman/M madras madrigal/SM MAG Magdalena Magherafelt/M magical Magill magnetise/CBnSDG magnetize/CBNnSDG magnificent/Y magnify/CSGRND maharishi/MS mah-jong/M Mahler/M maiolica's maître Malamud Malaya Malaysia/M malformation/MS Mali/M Mallarmé/M malnourished Malone Manchu mane/MSZ mangold mania/SM manifestation/M manifesto/SM manned/fU mannishness/S mantling/M mantrap/SM marble/DSMGJ Marc/MZ Marcello/M marchioness/MS margaritas marionette/MS Marius Marlow/M marrowbone/MS marshal/JRSGDM martial/Y mas/rGWD masc masks/U Massa massacrer Massenet mastering/S mastermind/GDS mastery/MS mastiff/SM masturbate/GSnDNy masturbation/M matador/SM match/eGDaS matchings matchmake/RJG matchmaking/M materialism/MS materialness/I materiel mathematical/Y matins/M matrimonial matter-of-fact/Y mature/YDTVSxnPGN Maui maunder/Sd Maurine/M mawkish/PY maybe/S mayonnaise/MS mazurka/SM McAdams McCarthy/M McClure/M McDermott/M McGraw/M McIntyre/M McKay/M McKenzie/M McKinley/M me/3s Meade meadowsweet/M meanie/SM meanness/S measurably/I measuring/A meat/ZS2pM meatiness/S mechanised/U mechanized/U meddlesome meditated/K Mediterranean medium/SM mediumistic meed/SM meetinghouse/S melancholia/SM melanin/MS melatonin Melcher/M Melinda mellifluous/PY melodiousness/S mementoes menarche/MS mend/GFSD mendelevium/M mender/FM menstruation/M mercer/QMS Meredith merganser/MS mermaid/SM mesmeric mesmerism/MS mesmerizer/M Mesolithic mesomorph/SM mesosphere/MS metacarpi metallize/NnDSG metallography/M metallurgist/S metathesizes methadone/SM Methodist/MS methodology/Sw1M methought metier metronomic Micah Michaelson Michelangelo Michigan/M microcode/GDS microgravity microinstruction/MS microlight/S micrometer/SM micrometre/S micron/MS microphone/SMG microtome Midas Middlebury mid-on midrib/MS midship/mS midstream/M Midwestern mighty/TP migratory/S mildew/ZGDSM mild-mannered mildness/S militarization/M milk/RD2ZSMG milkman/M milkshake/S millennia millennium/SM millivolt/MS milliwatt/S millpond/SM millrace/MS milt/RSM mimosa/MS mind-expanding mine-detector mineralization/CS Minnie Mira miraculous/YP mire/DMGSZ mirthless/PY mischief-makers misdeal misdemeanour's miserableness/S miserliness/S misogynous misprint/M misread miss/EVDGS Mississippi Mississippian/S Missy mistaker misuse/M MIT/M mitotic mixable Mobil Möbius mocker/Z moderations Modesto modesty/MIS modicum/MS modifiable/P modi operadi modularity/MS module/NSnM moiety/SM moisten/rdS moisture/sQMS mole/MS Mollie Monaghan/M Monday/SM moneybags moneylender/MS Mongolia/M mongoose/MS mono/SM3 monoclonal/S monogram/DGSM monolingual/S monologue/MDGS monorail/SM monosyllable/WSM monotonous/PY monsoonal monstrous/YP Montenegro/M Montgomery Moog Mooney moonlight/MGRSD moot/GSD mooter mopy/PYT morale/MS3 mordancy/SM Moreland Morgen moribundity/M morpheme/SM morphology/MwS1 morphophonemic/S Moser/M Mosley/M mosquitoes motet/SM mother-of-pearl Motherwell motility/SM motionlessness/S motliest motor/QSdqm38-M Motorola/M moue/DMGS Mountie mount's movability/I movable/SIPY Mozambique/M much/P mucus/SM muddle/RSGD muddleheadedness mulch/DGMS Multibus/M multifarious/PY multifigure multifunction/oD multimillionaire/MS multi-national multiprocess/G multiprogram/JDG multi-stage mummery/SM munge/RGSJD Munro/M Munson/M Munster/M muon/SM mural/3MS Murchison/M Murdoch/M murk/TZzSM2 Murry/M Muscovy/M musical/S muskrat/SM musty/TP mutableness/M muter/F muzzle's myocardial myocardium/M myriad/S Myriapoda myself Nabisco/M Nahum/M nail-biting name-calling name's namesake/SM Namibia/M Nanak/M Nance/ZM napalm/SMDG nape/MS naphtha/SM narcotic/MS narrative/SM nasal/-YqQ8S nascence's/A nastiness/S natality/M national/8-S9Qsq3 nationality/MS natty/PYT naturalism/SM naturalnesses navigate/BNxDGSn Ndjamena/M nebulae neck/MJSGD necker necromancy/MS Ned/M nee needlessness/S needleworker negate/GSD neglecter/M negligence/MS negotiate/DAnNSG Negritude/M Neill/M nelson/SM nemesis Neolithic's neoplasm/SM nervy/TP nestler/M neuroanatomy new/AS Newcastle/M Newell/M newer newly-wed/MS newsgirl/S newsletter/SM newsreader/MS news-sheet Newtownabbey/M nexus/MS Nicaragua/M nichrome nicknack's Nicole/M nifty/TSY Nigeria/M niggle/RGkJDS nightshade/SM NIMBY nincompoop/SM ninety-eight/H ninety-twofold niobium/M nip/RGD2SZ nippy/T nirvana/SM Nita/M nitpick/RGDJS nitwit/MS Niuo Noah/M noblesse/M noddy/M noisome nomad/WMS Nome/M Nona/M non-acceptance/S non-adjacent non-aggression/S non-alignment/S non-automotive non-cancerous non-carbohydrate nonce/SM nonchalance/MS non-collectable non-controversial non-credit non-dairy non-decreasing non-determinism non-drinker/SM none/S non-emergency non-fatal Nonie/M non-industrial non-infectious non-intuitive non-invasive non-irritating non-migratory non-occupational/Y non-perishable/S non-perturbing non-poisonous non-procedural/Y non-programmer non-public non-reactive non-reciprocal/S non-religious non-scheduled non-social non-stop non-sustaining non-terminal/S non-threatening non-traditional/Y non-viable non-volunteer/S Norristown/M northeaster/MS north-Eastern northernmost north-south north-westward/S notative/F notch/DGSM note's notify/SRG7NDn Notting Nounéa novella/SM noxious/YP nroff/M nth nuder/C numeral/MS numerate/IS numismatic/S nurser/Z nutritional nutritive/Y Nye/M Nyerere/M NZ Oakley/M Oakmont/M oases oatcake/SM objectionableness/M objectiveness/S objurgation/M oblique/YDSG obliquity/MS oblivion/MS obscurantist/SM observable/S obsolete/GPDSY obtruder/M ocarina/MS Occident/M ocelot/SM ochre/MS Oconomowoc/M octagon/oMS octant/M octave/MS octile octillion's OD odium/MS O'Donnell/M OED oedema/SM OEM/M oeuvre/SM of off-centre offensives off-peak offspring/M off-the-peg ogive/M ogle/DRSG O'Hare/M Ohio/M Ohioan/S ohm/WSM oligopolistic Olin/M OM Omaha/M omelet/SM omit/NXSDG omni/M omnipresent/Y Ono/M onset/SM Ontario/M onus/SM oolitic open-minded/Y open-mindedness operability operation/Mo Ophelia/M opioid oppress/VNuSvDGX optic/S oracular orbit/dMS orchard/MS orchestra/SnoM orchestrate/DSG ordaining/K ordinate's Oreo origin/NMnSoVv originals Orinoco/M oriole/SM orison/MS Orkney/M ornateness/S orthodontist/SM orthopaedic/S Osama/M Osgood/M osmotic ossification/M Osteichthyes ostler ostracise/DSMG outargue outbalance outclass outdraw/G outgoingness outhouse outlier/S outlive/S out-of-date out-of-pocket outsiderness outstanding/Y ovenbird/SM oven-ready over/MSY over-anxious/Y overbite/M overcerebral over-curiosity overdo/G overdrive/M overkill/M over-large overripe oversaw oversimplification/M overstretch overstrict overture/SM oviduct/SM owner-occupier ox/M oxcart's oxidative/Y oxyacetylene/SM Ozzie/M Pacheco/M packinghouse/S pack's padding/M Padgett/M paid/KfUcA pailful/MS painfulness/S palaeontologist/S palanquin/SM Palermo/M palimpsest/SM Palladio/M Palmolive/M palmtop/S Palo/M palpitate/DSNGn pals/Z Pancras panoply/DSM pant/SDG Pantaloon/M pantiliner pap/oM3r papers/A parachute/3DSMG paradigm/MS paradise/MwS paragrapher/M parallelepiped/MS parametrise/DBnGS paraphrase/SGMD parasympathetic/S parent/DJSoGM parental parmigiana parochiality parrot/dSM partiality/MIS participate/ySNVDGn participle/SM particular/Q8SY particularistic parting/MS partitioned/A partitioner/M partitions/A part-song passionflower/SM pasteurise/RnSDG pasteurize/nRNSDG pastime/MS patchwork/RSM patchy/TY pate/SM paten/M pathway/SM patientest patina/SM Patrick/M patrimonial patronage/SM patroness/S patter/dS Patterson/M patty/MS pauper/QdMS pause/GSD pawnshop/MS pawpaw's pay/A7LSG PAYE peacefulness/S peacekeeping pea-green peaky/P peanut/SM peasantry/MS peats/A peccadillo/M pedagogic/S pedal/RGMSD peddle/SDG pederast/ZSM pedlar/SM peer's/F Pele pelvis/MS penalty/SM Penberthy penetrable/I penitential/YS Pennsylvania pens/XuNvV pentagon/oSM peppercorn/MS per/y perceivable/I perceptibly/I perception/MS percussions/A perfecter/M perforce perjury/MS permanency/SM permanently/I permeate/BDNnGS permissible/PY pernicious/YP perpendicular/SY perpendicularity/MS perpetration/M perspex persuade/DVXRNSvuG pertinacity/SM pertinent/YI perturb/GSnD peruke/SM pesky/TY pestilent/Y petitioned Petri petrify/GSND petulance/SM pfennig/MS pharmaceutical/SY pharmacology/3M1Sw pharyngitides philanthropist/SM Philip/MS Phnom phonograph/WSM phonon/M photographed/A photographs/A photometer/1WSM photostatic phyla/M phylogenetic pianola pick-up/MS picky/T piecer/M pigheadedness/S pigskin/SM pilaf/SM pincer/S pinhole/MS pinion/DMGS pinnate pion/M pipeline/DMS pipette/SMDG pipsqueak/MS pisser pit/MGSD pixmap/MS pizzicato placidity/MS placings planetary plank/GMDSJ platform/MS play-act/JGDS playwright/MS pleasantness/S plebeian/S pleural plication/FMIA plot/SRMGDJ ploughshare/SM pluckiness/S plumbing/M plumper/M plurality/MS Pluto/M pluvial/S PMS pock/SDM pocketer/S pogrom/SM poinciana/SM polarity/SM polarograph/Z polemical polio/SM polite/IPYW polo-neck polycrystalline polygonal polygraph/DSMG polyhedra polymerase/S polymorphism/S polymorphous polytheism/MS polytheist/WSM pomade/SGMD pomp/SM pompano/MS ponce/M pondered ponderousness/S pondweed pontoon/MDSG ponytail/SM pooh/SDG Poole/M poor-spirited poppyseed popularization/M populate/cCnNDGS populism/S populousness/S porcine pore/GDS porn/S porno/S porter/CM4SAI porterhouse/M portico/M Porto portray/SDG Portuguese/M posse/bSM possession/MKEA postcode/SM postmistress/MS postural potability/SM potash/SM pothook/SM pot's/C pouch/MDSG pout/RSDG Powell/M powers/c Powys PPP practicable/IY prankster/MS praseodymium/M pray/RGDS precondition/G predicate/VnNSDG predictability/UM predictor/SM pre-eclampsia pre-empt/DVSvG preferential/Y pre-industrial preinterview prejudiced/U prelacy/SM preluder/M premonitory prepare/VviGnyhN prepossessing/U preprocessor pre-pubescent preradiation presager/M prescribe/vXVN prescription/M pre-set/S press-gang/D prestigious/Y Prestwick/M presumption/M prevaricate/DGNSn preventable/U preview/G prevision/D pricey priciest priestliness/S primeval/Y primitive/PSY princess/MS privet/MS probation's/A problematic/U procedure/MSo processing/K processional/S processors/K procreation/M procure/LDSG prodigious/YP productions/f Prof. profit/Mpgdl7S profitably/U profiterole/MS profit-taking profuse/YPNX prognostic/nNVS progression/M projectionist proliferate/GnDSNV prophylaxis/M propionate/M propitiously propitiousness/M proportion/EDSGMo proportionment/M proprietress/MS proscenium/SM prosciutto/M proselyte/M8GsQ9DS prospective/PS prostheses prosthetics/M prostitution/MS prostrate/NnDSG protagonist/MS protect/cVGSD protected/U protector/MS protestantism protractor/SM protuberance/S proud/YT proven/U provisional/S proviso/MS prow/SM prowl/RSDG proximal/Y prudery/M pseudo-intellectual psychedelia psychic/SM psychoacoustic/S psychoanalysis/M psychopath/ZSMW pt pubes published/UA puce/KMS pule/GDS pullet/SM pulmonary puma/SM pumper pumpernickel/SM pungent/Y punkier purgation/M purism/SM purist/W purple/TSMGD purulence/SM putterer/S pyridine/M pyrometer/SM pyrotechnist pyxides Qaeda/M Qatar/M QPR qua quadrangular/M quadratic/MYS qualitative/Y qualmish quarrelsome/PY quarter-hour quartile/MS quasar/SM queen/GYSDM quiche/MS quieted/E quintuple/DGS quip/SMGD quixotic/Y quizzes r/sd rabbet/SMd racecourse/SM Rachmaninov/M radian/MS radiotherapist/MS raffia/M raga/MS ragout/SM rainbow/MS Raj/M Rameau ramie/MS rancour/M Randolph/M ranee/MS ranked/Ue ranking/M rankle/DSG rapporteur/SM raptness rashness rasp/SGkZDM rat/DdMRGSZ ratchet/dSM rattrap/SM raucous/PY ravenousness ravioli/SM rawhide/SM razorblades react/cSDG reactant/SM reactivity reading's ready-made real-time reauthorise/n reauthorize/Nn rebellion/MS rebid/G rebook/G recapture receivership/SM recent/Y recipient/SM reciprocate/NnDGS recirculate recondition/G reconnect/GD reconvert/G recoverable/UI recreant/SY recruit/rdMLS rectangle/MS recuperate/SnNVGD recurving red/PTSZ redcap/SM Redcar/M redevelop/L redhead/S redirect/G red-light reducibly/I redwood/MS Reebok/M re-enlister re-export/7 referent/MS reflection/SM reformist refund/7 refuseniks Regan/M regency/MS reggae/SM regime/SM regiment/DMGnSN regression/M regrind/G regurgitate/DGSnN reindeer/M reinforce/LDSG reinforcer/M relent/pSDG relevant/IY reliant/Y relinquish/GDLS relish/SDG relit rely/BlWGD rem remeasure remedy/7SGMoD remelt/G remoteness remunerate/DSNnvVG Renato/M Renee/M renewal/SM Renoir/M renouncer/M renovator/MS rent-free reorder/d repairable/U repeatability/M repel/DNGSn repellent/SY rephotograph/G replay/M representation's/a representativeness representative's reprogrammable republicanism/SM republish/G requisite/SK re-routeing resequence reservedness/M resident/MS residua/oy residuum/M resilient/Y resinous resistor/MS restorative/S restriction/MS resurrect/DSG retch/SGD reticle/MS retinal retroactive/Y retrogradations retsina/MS rev/QsSDG Revd. revealing/U reverberant reverence/ISM reverser/M revet/LDG revivification/M revolve/RDJGS rewarded/U rewire rewound Rhoda/M rhomboid/MS ribonucleic ribosome/M Richard/MS richen/d Richmondshire ricotta/SM ridden/c Riggs/M right/RP7DjG36SY Rinehart/M ring/DRMG rise/bGJS risen ritualism/M Rn/M robber/Z Roberto/M Robinette/M Robles/M Rocco/M Rochelle/M rode/cF Roget/M roil/SGD roll-call roller/MS roller-skate/GSDM roll-on Roma/M Romanesque romanise/nSDG Romansh/M Ronda/M roof/RpDGSM rooftop/S rookie/SM rosewater Roslyn/M roster/MS rotor/SM rotund/Y roulette/M rove/RGDS rowing-boat/MS Roxanne/M Royce/M r.p.m. Rubicon/M rubidium/M rubric/MS ruby/SM Rudd/M rummer run-down/M runny/T run-up/S rupture/GMDS rushy/T rusk/MS rust/SWZG1D2M Rustbelt/M rutabaga/SM rutherfordium/M Rutledge/M Rutter/M rye/MS Saab/M sabotage/SDG sabre/SMD sabre-toothed sacroiliac/S sacrosanct sad/T3PY sadden/dS Sadie/M sadist/1W saffron/M saguaro/MS saint/YDSM Sal/M salamander/SM Salazar/M salesclerk saline salmon/MS salt-cat salted/U salt-marsh/M saltpetre salubrious/Y salubrity/M salutation/M salvager/M Samantha/M Samaria/M samba/SMGD samizdat sample/DRSGMJ Sampras Samsung/M Sana'a/M Sanchez/M sanctifier/M sanitisation Santa/M Satanist sateen/M satisfies/E satisfy/BDkRSG saturate/CnSGND Saturn/M Saul/M Saundra/M savouries savoy/SM sawyer/MS scabrous/Y scalpel/MS scamp scandalous/Y scant/2zZY scarifier scarlatina/M scatology/wM scavenge/RDGS Scheherazade/M schizophrenia/M Schloss/M scholastic/SY schoolhouse/SM schoolmate/S Schuyler/M Schweitzer/M scimitar/SM scoop/MGS6RD scorer/SM Scottish scouter/M Scrabble's scrambler/UMC scrimmage/MGSD Scudamore/M scuff/DGS scurvy/SY seafarer/SM sealskin seamer/M Seamus/M seance/S searcher/AMS seasonality seater/M sebaceous secede/SGD seclude/GNXSVD securely/I sedation/M seed-potato seedy/TP seep/GSD segmentation/M seignior/SZM seldom selenite/M self/p self-addressed self-catering self-cleaning self-congratulatory self-consistency self-fulfilling self-hatred self-made self-opinionated self-possession self-proclaimed self-regulatory selfsameness self-serving self-willed Sellafield seller/AMS semanticist semaphore/DSMG semeiotician semi-detached semi-final/S seminar/MS semplice senate/SM Sendai/M sender/SM senior/SM Sennacherib/M sensationalist/W sententious/Y sentimental/Q3-8qYs9 sentry/SM separateness September/SM septet/SM septicaemic seq. sequacious/Y sequence's/F sequentiality/F sequester/dSnN sera's Serena/M seriousness serpent/SM serpiginous serried serum/MS serviceable/U servomotor/MS Seton/M sets/AI set-up/S severalty/M severance/MS sewer/SM sex/SzG3p2ZD sexology/3M sex-starved sextant/SM shading/M shadow/DGp2ZMS shadows/c shaft/DGSM shake/2Z7SRG Shakespearian shanghai/DSMG Shannon/M shape's Shapiro/M share/7SRGDM shareholding/S Sharif sharpshooter/MS Shaun/M Shay/M sheath/MGDJS Sheba/M shed/SGM she'd sheikdom/SM Sheilah/M Shelby/M shelf-life shelf-mark shelf-room Shelia/M she'll shelving/M Shepstone/M Sheraton/M Sheri/M Sherwin/M shiftless/Y Shi'ite shilling/SM Shiloh/M shin-bone/SM shipborne shippable shirt-front/S Shiva/M shock/GRSDk shoes/c shoot/fGSc shopkeeping Shoreham shoreward shortbread/SM shortcake/MS short-circuiting shortening/M shorthand/M shoulder-high shovel/MDR6GS Sicily/M sick-leave sick-pay sidereal Sierra/M sieve/SGDM sift/ASGD sigma/M signet/MS signori Sikhism/SM silicone/SM silty/T Simon/M simper/dS simple-minded/Y simplifier/SM simplify/ncGDNS Simpson/M simulator/MES sinecurist/M singeing singer-songwriter single/PGDS single-line sinisterness sin's/A sintered sirocco/MS sisterly/P sitting/M situation/M situational sixty-five/H sixty-four/H skate/GRSMD skedaddle/SGD sketchy/PT ski/GMS skimpy/PT skinflint/MS skirt's/f skitter/dSZ skittish/YP skittle/MS skull/SM skyjack/RJSGD skyway/M slacken/dS slant/GDS slave-driven sleaze/ZS sleet/GZDSM sleight/SM slimy/T slipper/2Z slogan/SM sloop/SM sloppy/TP sloven/YSM Slovenia/M sluggish/PY sluice/DMSG slumberous slushy/PT slut/SM smidgen/MS smiley/M smith/ZSMy smokestack/SM smooch/GSD smutty/PT snappable snapping/Y sneer/DSkGM sneeze/SGD snick/RM Snider's snigger/dS snivel/RSDGJ snook/RM snowball/GDSM soap/SGZMD2 sob/SDG Soc. society/oSM sociolinguistic/S sociology/13MwS socio-political sodomite/SM softer soft-headedness softy/MS Soham/M solecist/W solidarity/SM solitaire/SM solitude/SM Solomon/M solstice/SM Somerset/M somnolent/Y songbook/S Sonoma/M soon/T sooty/T sophism/SM sophisticate/GShD soppy/T sorrowful/P sort/FSMAGD sot/MS soul-destroying soundtrack/MS Southall south-East/M south-easterly Southfield/M south-south-east south-Westerly/S souvenir/MS sovereignty/SM soviet/SM soya spacesuit/SM spadiceous Spanish/M spanker/M spar/dMkDGS SPARC/M sparrow/SM Spartan/S spasmodic/Y spavin/SM speak/GRS7J spearmint/SM specialised/U spectator/MS spectre/MS spectrogram/SM speechifying spendable spendings Sperry/M sphagnum/M spheroidal spicule/SM spigot/SM spiny/T spiral/SDGY spirituous spiting split-second splotchy/T sportscast/RSGM sporty/TP sprightly/TP springiness/S Springsteen/M sprocket/dSM spryly spryness spunky/T spurge/SM spy/GDMS spyglass/SM sq squad/MS squall/MYSDG squarer/M squelch/ZDSG squiggle/SYMGD squint/SDG SSA/SM SSS stablemen/M staffed/cUf staff's stage-management Staines stairway/MS stalactite/MS stammer/rdSk stamped/d standstill/SM Stanford/M stannous Stargate/M stark/TYP starship starve/GNSnD state/aSALGfIcD statecraft statehood/MS stateless/P state-of-the-art stationed stationing statue/MSD statuesqueness stay-at-home stayer/SM steadied steadier stealing/M steepen/dS Stefan/M Steffi/M stepbrother/MS stepdaughter/MS Stephan/M stepmother/SM step-parent/SM stereoscope/ZWM1S sterility/SM sternal steroidal stethoscope/SM stiff-necked stilt/MhiSD stimulator/M sting/RZSGkz2 stinter/M stipple/GDSJ stipulate/GNnDS stitch/ADGJS stocker/MS stockroom/SM stocky/YTP3 Stokes's stolonate stoloniferous stomach-tube Stonehenge/M stonewall/DSG stool/MS stoppered stormbound storm-finch/SM storybook/SM stout-heartedness Stout's stove/SM straight-edge/SM strand/GSD strangle/DGRS stranglehold/MS Strathclyde/M stratification/M Streisand/M stretch/eGDS stria/nM striation/M strikebreaking/M stripper/MS strip's strode strophe/WSM strove structuralism/M stuck/U studentship/MS studiedness/M studier/SM studio/SM stupendous/YP stupidity/MS Stygian style's stylishness stylist/WM1S subatomic subculture/SM sub-editor/SM subgroup/SM subhead/MGSJ subjection/SM subjoin/GDS subjugation/M subliminal/Y subordinative subregion/SoM subroutine/SM subsidiarity subsistent substantiate/NSDGn substantiated/U substrata subterranean/YS subtotal/MS succulence/M suck/GRSD sudsy/T sue/R7SGD Suez/M sufficiency/IM sugary suggestion/SM suitable/U suitcase/SM sulk/GZz2SD sullen/YP sulphite/S Summerdale/M summon/rdS sump/SM sun/DZpMSG2 sunbeam/MS sunscreen/S superabundant supercooling supererogation/M superimpose/XSGDN superpose/DGNS superuser/MS supervise/DNGXS supplicate/GDSNn suppressant/S suppressor/S sure/TPY surety/SM surfing/M Suriname/M surreptitious/Y surrogacy surrounding/M surtitles survivalist/S Susanna/M suss/GSD sustenance/M sutler/MS Sutton/M swan/GMSD swappable swart swashbuckling sweatpants Swedenborg/M sweetbrier/SM sweetie/SM sweet-tempered swelling/M swept swerving/U swill/SDG swish/SZDG switchgear swivel/DGSM Sybille/M Sylvester/M Sylvia/M synaeresis synagogal synch synchronizing/C synchronous/Y syncope/nMN synergy/SM Syracuse/M Syria/M tabby/MS tableau/M tableaux tableware/M tabulate/SNGnD taco/MS Tacoma/M tagged/U tailless tailspin/SM Talladega/M tallboy/MS tally/DSG tally-hos tameability Tampax/M Tampere tang/MZbS Tanganyika/M tangible/IYS Tangier's tansy/MS Tanzanian/S tarantella/SM tarmacadam tarot/SM Tasmanian/S Tass/M tasty/TPY tax/SklnMJG7D taxable/S tax-free taxidermy/3SM taxonomy/13wWSM tea-leaf team/MDGS tear-gas/GD tearjerker/S tearlessness tearoom/MS technocracy/SM techs teensy-weensy teleology/wM Teletype/MS televangelism/S teleworking temporarily temporariness Tennessee/M Tennyson/M Terence/M Teresa/M terminal/SYM terminate/CNSn Terrance/M terrarium/SM terribleness terry/SRM testability/M tetchy/TY tetrahedra/o tetrameter/MS text/KSFM textured/U thankless/Y thatch/MRDSG Thatcherite the/JG theatregoer/MS theist/MWS theodolite/SM theology/Sw1M therein thermocouple/SM thermoforming thermometry/M Theron/M Theseus they've Thiensville/M thin/TDRGPYS thinkable/U thirty-first/S thirty-six/H Thom/M Thomson/M thorax/MS thousand/HSM threepenny three-point three-way thrill/DRMkSG throat/2DMZzS throne's throttle/DMGS throw-in thrush/SM thunder-box thyself Tiber/M ticket-of-leave tick-tack tic-tac tideway/M tighten/dS tight-fisted tike's timberline/S times/ca Tina/M tinderbox/SM tine/MSZ tingly/T tinkerer/S tinsmith/SM tin-tack tinware/M tip-offs tired/Y tissue/MS titillation/M titivate/nSNDG title-deed/MS titrate/SGD Titus/M toasting-fork toastmaster/SM tobogganist Toby/M toccata/M tocsin/MS toilsomeness toil-worn tolerant/IY tom/MS tombola/M tombstone/SM tone's/cf tonic/MS tonsil/SM topknot/MS topmost torchlight tornado/M torpedoes torpidity/S totem/MS Tottenham/M toucan/MS touché touchstone/SM tourist/ZMS township/MS Toynbee/M trace/ANDGnS trackbed tracksuit/MS tractive tradescantia tradition/SMo traditional/3 traduce/GRDS trafficking/S tragedian/SM tragicomedy/MS tragicomic train-bearer/S traineeships traitorous/Y trammelled/U transceiver/SM transect/SG transferee/SM transition/DMG transitive/IPY transmittable transonic transpire/DnNSG transportable/U transpose/N travel/DRGJS travertine/M treacherous/PY treated/KUAa treble/SDG tree/MpGS trellis/MdS trematode/SM trend/DzZ2MSG trews tribute/FSE tried/U trier/MS Trieste/M trig/DRGS trihedral Trina/M trinity/SM trioxide/M trip/SDRGMY Tripoli/M tripos/SM Tripp/M trochaic/S troglodyte/SM trophy/MS trough/MS troupe/SRM trout/M truant/GDMS truculent/Y true-blue Truman/M trundle/SDG trunk/SGM trust/E6SaDGj tsarist tube/MpS tuberculous tuberose/MS tug/GSD Tulsa/M turd/SM Turkey/M turmeric/MS turncoat/SM turntable/MS Tuscaloosa/M tutorship/S tu-whoo twaddle/M Tweed/M tweezers twiddler/M twinge/DMGS Twp tying/UA tyrosine/M UAW udder/SM ulceration/M ulna/M umbilical umlaut/GDSM umpteen unassertive unbuckle/G uncalled-for uncompetitive unconventional underline underpin under-sheriff understrength understructure underwear/M undulate/SnNDG unevenness unfathomable/Y unforgeable ungallant ungentle ungraceful unguarded unhorse unidirectional/Y uniformity/MS unimposing unionist unlatch/G unmusical unnavigable unpartizan unprofitable unrelenting/Y unremitting/Y unset unshakable/Y unstamped untimely untyred unwomanly upgradable upheld uphill upon/F uprightness upstage/SDG up-tempo up-to-the-minute uptown uracil/MS uraemic urchin/MS urethra/MS urethrae urge/JDGS Uruguayan/S USAF USCG USIA USMC USN usual/UY utilitarian Uttlesford Vail/M Valletta/M Vancouver/M vane/MS vanquished/U vaporous vapour/MS Vargas/M variant/IS variation/M variegation/M varietal vary/BSDlGkh Vasily/M vassalage/MS veal's Vega/SM vegetable/MS vegetation/M velar/S vend/SbDG veneer/GnDSNM venerate/GBDS venereal venison/M venomousness veracity/SM verify/BnRDGNS Verne/M Verona/M Veronique/M verruca/MS versus vertiginous verve/MS vest/ySDGLoM vestige/MoS vexes VFW VGA VHF vice-Chancellor/SM vicegerent/SM vice-Presidential viceregal victorious/Y video/DMGS vie/7SDG viewfinder/MS vigil/SM vignette/MGDS Vikram/M villain/MSZ villainy/SM viola/nMS violin/3MS violist violoncello/SM viral/Y Virginia/M virtual virtuosi virtuous/Y visa/MS viscount/MS visibly/I vision's/K vitalizes/C viticulturist/S vivacity/SM Vivaldi/M vivendi vivisection/MS3 VLSI vocal/98-Q3sqSY vocalised/U vocalist vocational vociferation/M vodka/SM Voetsek vogue/SM volcanic/Y volcanism/M volcano/M vole/MS Volker volley/SDMG volute/SF vortex/SM voyageur/SM voyeuristic vulnerably/I Wadsworth/M wage/MS waggoner's Wahhabi waif/MS waive/GSRD Wakayama/M wakeup Walgreen/M wall/SDGM Walton/M Walton-on-Thames wand/SM wanted/U wanton/Y wapiti/SM warehouse/DmMGS warfare/M wariest warlord/SM warm-down warm-up/S Warne/M warrant/S7ZDGM war's/C washstand/SM washy wast/RDG wastefulness wasteland/MS waste-paper/M watchtower/SM water/mMpZdS2 waterfowl/M Waterloo/M waterspout/SM Watertown/M Waupaca/M waveband/MS wavelet/MS wayfarer/SM weaken/dS wealthy/T wearable/U weasel/SDGM Webb/M wedding/MS wedge/GSMD Wednesfield wee weight/cDSG Weissmuller/M welcomed well-chosen well-designed well-dressed well-established well-informed well-meaning well-read well-rounded well-spoken well-timed welt/RSDGM Welwyn/M were Wesley/M Westfield/M Westmorland/M Westport/M whalebone/SM Whalen/M wheedle/DSG wheel/GRDSM wherever wherewith which whiff/DGSM Whig/SM whilom whirl/GDS whit Whitbread Whitelaw/M whitewasher whither Whittaker/M Whitwell/M wholeheartedness whys wide-screen wig/MGSD wiggle/RGYDS wilderness/S wildfire/MS Willcocks Willemstad willpower/MS winch/DSGM windcheater/SM winder/MS wind-up/SM windward wingspread/SM Winifred/M wink/RDSG Winnebago/M winterer/M wintry/T wire-tapper wiring's wiseacre/MS Witherspoon within Wittgenstein/M witty/PT wobbler's wolfhound/SM Wollongong womankind/M woodenness woodshed/MS word-perfect wordy/TPY workaholic/S workforce/S Workington workload/SM worktop/S world/fMS worldly-wise worsted/MS worth/pZz2 worthily/U worthiness/U worthwhile wrack/M wraith/MS wrangle/GRDS wreak/DSG Wrexham/M wrong-foot/D wrong-headed/Y wrongness wroth wry/3 wryest wryness Wu/M wurzel/S Wycombe xerophyte/MS xii XOR yachters yank/SGD Yaoundé/M yap/SGD yard/SM yeah Yeats yellowhammer/MS yeomanry yesterday/SM yolk/SM yon yore young/T Younis Younker yowl/GSD Zachary Zambia/M Zealanders zebu/SM Zeeland zeugma/M zippy/T zoology/3SMw1 a/o Aaron/M abandon/LdS Abba/M abduction/SM abet/GSD abject/PY abjure/nyRSDGN abolitionist aboriginal aborigine/oSM abort/DVGvSu Abraham/M abrasion/M abs/M absenteeism/SM absorb/GRDXNVkS acacia/SM academe/1SMZw accentual/Y accentuate/NDSnG acceptor/MS accessible/IY acclimate/Ss9Q8DNnG accolade/MGDS accord/SMDkRG accursedness/S accustom/dS acetaminophen/S acetone/SM aches/KFA achievements achieving/c acquisitive/PY acquittal/SM acquitter/M acrimoniousness/S acropolis/MS actioning activating/A active/3NSnP actress/MS act's Adair/M adaptive/P adaptivity addiction/MS addresses/aA Adelaide/M adenoid/S adenoidal adipose/S adjudicate/DGnSNVy adorableness/S Adrienne/M adult/YPSM adulterant/MS advance/LGSDR advantageousness's adventures/a adventurously adverseness/S advertising/M advisabilities advisedly/I advisee/SM advocate/GSVD aegrotat/SM aerobatic/S aesthetic/S affecting/E afferent/Y affiliated/U afforestation/M after-care/MS afterglow/SM after-image/MS again Ågar agate/SM ageing agent/AMS aggrandise/DSLG aggravation/M aggregated/E aggregates/E aggregation's aggrieve/DhSG agouti Agra agrarian/S agreeable/PE agribusiness/SM aground ahead Ainu air/mzGTp2ZRMDJS air-conditioner Airdrie aka alarmist albinism/SM alcoholic/SM alcoholism/MS alder/mM5S aleatory Alexander/M Alexandrian alginate/SM alias/GSD alien/NGDMn3S7 alienable/IU alight/SGD Alison/M alkaline alkalis/QdS allegro/MS alleviation/M alleviator/SM alligator/MS allocatable/C allophone/MSW alloyed/U all-rounder alone/P alongside Alps altarpiece/SM alterer/S ALU amateurism/SM ambiguous/UY ambit/NMX ambulate/SNyDGn amerce/SGLD americium/SM amethystine Amman/M amok amplitude/SM amulet/MS amused/U amusing/P amylase/MS Anabaptist/MS anaesthetize/NRDSGn anaglyph/M analogue/SM analyticity/S ancestor/MS ancient/TPYS Andre/M Anglia/M angling/M anglophone/MS Anglo-Saxon Angus/M animalism animality animist/WS Anita/M ankle/GDMS Annapolis/M anneal/DRGS Annelida annexe/M annular/Y anodyne/M anorexic/S antagonise/RSGD Antarctic/M antechamber/MS antenna/SM anthill/S anthropogenic anthropomorphising anthropomorphizing anticipated/U anticlerical/S antidepressant/SM antifascist/SM antilogarithm/MS antimalarial/S antimony/M anti-racism antiresonator antithetical antithyroid antitoxin/SM antitruster antiwar antler/MS Anton/M any Apalachicola aphasia/SM Apia/M Apollonian apostasy/SM apotheosis/M apotheosized apparel/DGMS append/SGRD appetiser/SM applicant/SM appositeness appraisees appreciable/YI apprehending/a apprehensiveness/S approve/RkEGSD approximate/GVNSvDYn April/MS aquaplane/MDGS arboreal/Y Arcadia/M Arcadian archangel/MS archduchess/SM architectonics/M archival archive/DRS3MG arcsine ardency/M areal Argos arisen Arkansan armless arose ARPA arr arranging/AEK arrestor/SM arrhythmic arrhythmical arthritides arthrogram/MS articulation/M artlessness/S Aruba/M asap aseptic/Y Ashanti/M ashen ashram/SM aspidistra/SM aspirant/SM assailant/MS assaulter/M assemble/SGREDY assert/xvuRSDVG asserted/A assertive/P assess/7LS assistantship/SM associable association's/E astigmatic astir astrology/w1MS3 asylum/MS At atavism/MS atavist/SMW athirst Atlantic/M Atlee/M atomistic atop atrocious/PY atropine/SM attain/lDRBGLS attainment/A attempts/A attended/U attenuation/M attest/DnGNS Attila/M attributable/U attributed/U audibility/MIS audiovisual/S audition/DMG aurora/SM auscultate/DGSNn auspiciousness/MS austral auteur authentic/nNY authenticity/I authorizing/A autocorrelate/GSnDN autofocus autopsy/SMDG auto-suggestion Avarua/M averageness avidity/MS Aviv/M awoke axes/F axil/S axiomatising axiomatizing Azerbaijan/M azure/SM babel bachelorhood/SM backarrow backgammon/MS background/DRGSM backpack/SRDGM backslapping/M backslash/GSD backspin/SM backstitch/MSGD backup/MS backwardness/S backwash/DGMS bacteria/Mo badland/S bag/2ZzR6MGDS baggage/mSM bagging/M bails/m Baird/M bakery/MS balcony/DSM ballet/MWS ballfields Ballymena/M balmy/TP balsamic bandoleer/SM bandy-legged Banjul/M banns bantamweight/MS banzai/S Barbara/M Barbuda/M Barnard/M Barnes Barnsley/M barnyard/M baronial barque/MS barricade/GDSM Barrow barstool/SM Barstow/M baseline/SM basil/SM basilica/SM basketwork/SM bassoon/3MS bathrobe/MS bathroom/DMS batik/SM battlefield/MS baulk/GZSMD2 bawler/M bay/GMDS bayberry/MS Bayesian bbl BC be/Y bean/DRGSM bear-baiting bearing/c bearing's Beatles Beauchamps beauteous/PY beauty/jSM6 beaver/dSM bebop/SM becalm/DGS bedeck/DGS bedizen/Sd bedmaker/SM beefy/PT beep/DRSGM beeswax/MDG beetler befog/DGS befoul/DSG beggarly/P beggary/M begone/S beguine/SM behaviourism/SM beige belie belittler/M Bellamy/M Belleville/M belligerence/ZSM Beloit beman bended benediction/SM Benelux/M Benny/M Benson/M benumb/SDG Bern/M berserker/M berth/GSDM beset/SG besmear/DGS besought Bessie/M bestiality/SM bestrewn best-selling beta/MS betatron/M betcha betray/GRSD Betsy bevel/RSDMG bewail/DSG bewilder/idLhSk bib/DMGS biblicist/SM bicarb/SM bidden/U bidirectional/Y bids/fcAe bifurcate/YSGnDN bigamy/3MS bigheartedness/S bighorn/SM bigness/S bigwig/SM bijou/M bile/MS bilharzia bimolecular/Y bingo/SM biochemistry/SM bionic/YS bipartition/M birdlime/SMGD birdsong birdtables birdwatch/RG bisexuality/MS Bissau/M bit/CS bitser/M bitter-sweet/Y bivalent black/TSPYGD Blackpool/M blackthorn/SM bladder/MS bladdernut/M blame/R7SGMpD blameless/PY Blantyre/M blazoner/M bldg bleach/GRDS bleached/U bleak/TPSY bleary-eyed blemish/MDSG blessed/U blink/RSGD blockage/MS blondness/S bloodsport/S bloodworm/M bloody/STPGD blossom/dMS blowfly/SM blow-out/SM blue-collar bluegill/MS blueing's blue-pencils blunderbuss/M bluntness/S blurriness/S blush/GDkRS bobby/MS bobbysoxer's bobwhite/SM bodyguard/MS bodyweight Boise/M Bolshevik/SM bolus/MS bombaster Bombay/M bonehead/DMS Bonn/M Bonneville/M bookbinder/Z bookie/MS bookmark/GSDM boon/SM borax/M Borg/M Borneo/M borrow/RGS7JD bosom's botfly/M bottom/dSpM Boucher/M bough/SM bought/c bounden bow/mRGDS bowed/U bowser/M boxful/M boxing/M boxlike boycott/SGD boyishness/S Boyle/M bozo/SM bps Brabham/M brad/DSGM bradawl/M braid/DGSJ brainpower/M brainy/PT brake/SGDM branching/M Brando/M Brandon/M brands/a brashness/S Brazil/M breakaway/MS breakdown/SM breakfast/MRGDS breaststroke/SM breath/RpZDS7JGM breathlessness/S breeze/ZMGSD brethren bric-à-brac brickwork/SM bridesmaid/MS bridge/MGSD Bridgetown/M Bridgewater/M bridgework/MS bridled/U brier/SM Brierly/M bright/TPGY bright-eyed Brindisi/M Brinkley/M Brisbane/M brisk/TYPG brisket/SM Britannia/M Briticism broadband broadcloth/SM brocade/DMSG broccoli/MS Brock/M broken/UY broken-down broken-heartedness bronchi/M bronchitis/MS broomstick/MS brown/DTSMPGY brownstone/MS brunch/SDGM Brunei/M brunet/S Bruno/M brushier brushwood/SM brutality/MS BSD bubo/M buck/SMDG Buckley/M buckskin/SM bucktooth/DM budgetary budging/U bugaboo/SM buggery/M built/Ac bulb/DSGM Bulgaria/M bulk/ZSMD2G bulkhead/DSM bullock/SM bulrush/SM bump/DRGZS2 bungalow/SM bunkmate/MS burbs Burch/M burglar/MS Burkina/M burn/DR7kSGJ Burnside/M Burton/M button/UdS buttonhole/DMSG button's by-law/MS bys byte/MS cabala/MS cabby's cabin/dMS cabinetmaker/SM cabinetmaking/SM cabinetwork/MS cablecast/SG Cabot/M caddish/YP cadence/CMS caesarian caesium/M cagey Cahokia Cain Cairo/M caisson/SM Caius calaboose/SM calendar/SdM calf/M calf-length Calhoun/M Callao callus/SdM caloric calorimetry/M Caltech calumniation/M Calvinism Calvinist/W Cambodian/S camel/SM Cameron/M camped/C Campos Canaanite Canada/M canal/q-GSMQ8D candidate/MS candlepower/MS candlestick/MS candlewick/SM canebrake/SM canine/S canister/dSM canker/dMS Cannes cannibalism/SM cantankerous/YP canto/MS canton/dMSL canvasback/SM capably/I capacious/PY capacitor/MS caper/d Capilano capillary/S capitalises/c Capone caption/DGM captious/PY car/rZdMS caravan/MSDG caravanserai's carbine/SM carboniferous carcinogenicity/MS cardiograph/SM cared/U Carey/M carload/GMS Carlow/M Carlson Carmel carob/MS Carolina/SM carport/MS Carrick Carrickfergus/M carving/M cascara/SM case/DMLJSG cashmere/SM cassava/SM cassino's casteth cast-iron catalogued/U catapult/GMDS catastrophe/SM1W catechize/GSD categorised/U caterwaul/GDS Catholicism Cato catsuit/MS cattery/M catwalk/SM Caucasus causerie/MS caustic/SY cavalry/SmM caviare/MS cayman/S CDC/M CDMA CD-ROM ceasefire/S Cecil/M cementa cementum/MS cenobite/SMW censer/SM centenary/S Centrex Cepheid ceramicist ceramist/SM cerement/SM cervix/M cessation/SM Ceylon cha-cha Chaetognatha chafe/SGD chain/UDGS Chalan/M chandler/MS changing/U chantry/SM chaperon/d chaplain/MS charcoal/GSMD charge/cGEfDAS chargeable/A charitableness/MS charitably/U chartreuse/SM chary/TPY chasteness/S Chattanooga Chaucer Chechen check-in check-list/S check-up/MS cheeky/TP cheerlessness/S cheese/ZMDSG chef-d'oeuvre Cheney/M Cheng Chernobyl/M Chesterton/M chestnut/MS chevroned Cheyenne Chicagoan/S chickadee/MS chicken/dSM chicken-and-egg chickweed/MS chihuahua/S childishness/S children/M chimera/SMwW chin/pSMGD chink/DGMS chintz/SMZ chintzy/T Chippendale chirpy/T chirrup/Sd chitinous chlamydiae chlorate/M chlorine/nNM chlorofluorocarbon/S Choctaw/S chopper/d chordata choroid/S chorus/MdS christen/dAS Christina/M chromaticism/M chronicle/MSRGD chub/SMZ2 chubbiness/S churchly/P Church-of-England CIA cine/M cinnabar/MS circuitous/YP circulator circumcise/DSGNX circumspection/SM circumsphere citified citrus/SWM civic/S civics/M clackers claimed/U Clancy Claremont classer/M classicalist classification/MaCA classmate/SM Claus clausal claymore/SM clean/BDRTPYGS cleanly/TP clearing/M clear-up/S cleave/RGSD Clemence Clementine Clemson clench/GUSD clerical/S clerkship/MS clever/PY cleverness/S cling/RGZ clip-clop clipped/U cliquishness/S clog/MSGD cloisonnes cloistral clop/DSG close-mouthed closing/E clothesmen cloud/pZ2SMDGz cloven cloy/DkSG cluck/DGMS clunky/T cluttered/U coal-holes coalition/3SM coast/SGMD coated/U co-author/SMd coax/RkoG cobble/GRDMS coble/M cocker/M cock-fight/JSGM cock-up/SM cocoa/SM codependency/S codependent/S codfish/MS codger/SM codification/M coding's codon/S coffer/SdM Coffey/M cog/DMGS cognitional/Y cognizable Cohen/M cohere/GDS coherency/S colatitude/SM cold-shouldering colitis/SM collage/SDMG collated/U collator/SM collinear colloquial colloquialism/MS colonialism/SM colour/qQ-8RNpGJSnD6jM colour-fastness/S combatant/MS combativeness/S combination/oM combo/MS comedienne/MS commence/DLAGS commendable/Y commie/MS committal/MS committing/c commodity/MS commonalty/SM commotion commune/oQ8S3DG communicant/SM communication's compatibleness/M compensative compère/M compilation/SAM compile/RCNS7DG compiling/A complacence/Z complementarity complementary/PS completest completive complexities composes/AE comprehensibly/I compressed/UC compresses/C compromising/UY compulsiveness/S CompuServe/M comradeship/SM conceal/S7RDkLG conceivably/I concern/hUD concerts/E conciliatory/A concious concision/M concurrent condenseness conditions/KA conductible confidante/SM confidentiality/SM confidingness confine/L confute/NSnDG conga/MDG Congregational/3Y congruently/I congruity/MSI congruous/YPI conjecture/GDoSM conjugation/M conman/M connected/EPY conquistador/SM consecrate/ADNSnG consequentialness/M conservation/M3 conservationism considerately/I consignor/S consolable/I consol's constitutionally/U consul/SM consume/RVSXvkNDhGJ consummate/DSGVY contagiousness/S contd contemptuous/PY continual continuation/ME continue/7DSGN continuum/M contraband/M contrabass/M contraception/MS contradiction/SM contraindicate/VSNnDG contravene/SGD contributory/SY contriteness/S controllably/U controversialist/MS controvertible/I contumacy/MS contumelious contusion/M conversational/3 conversion/G convertibilities convertibility/IM convulsion/M cooking/M Cookstown/M coolant/SM cool-bag cool-box/SM cool-headed coolie/MS coolish coordinator/M Coors cop/GDRdMS Copeland Copernicus co-pilot copiousness/S copper/dZ copulate/GSyD copyright/GRMDS7 cordiality/MS corduroy/DSMG corgi/SM cornbread/S Cornwell coronet/SDM coroutine/SM corpora/MnVo corporation/MIS corpus/M correlate/CSGDN corrupted/U cortices Cosmo Cossack costume/DRMSG coterie/MS cottar's counter/md counterfoil/MS counter-inflation/y counterinsurgency/MS countersignature/MS counterstrike countrify/D countrywide coup/AS court/SRYMGD courthouse/MS courtroom/SM courtyard/MS couture/MS coverall/DSM covers/AEU covetous/PY cowboy/SM cower/dkS co-worker/SM Cowper/M coy/TPYGD coyed/C CPI cpl CPR crablike crafty/PT cragginess/S Cramer cramp/DSMG cranberry/SM cranelike crankiness/S craze/SZGDM craziness/S crease's credence/MS Cretaceous/Y crew/mMDGS cribbage/SM cringer/M crock/DGSM Cronin croquet/SdM crossbones cross-country cross-hair/S cross-legged crosstalk/M croupy/RT crud/GDMZS crunchiness/S crushproof crustiness/S CSYS Cu Cuba/M cubbyhole/SM cube/M3S cubicle/SM cuboid cuckoldry/SM culinary Culver/S Cumberland/M cumulonimbus/M cunt/MS cupric curbstone/SM curd/GvuMVSD curious/TPY cursor/dSM cursorily cursoriness/MS cursor's/K curved/A curved's cuss's/F custodianship/MS custody/SM cute/TYP cuticle/SM cutler/ZSM cwt cybernetics/M cyberspace/MS cymbal/M3S cynicism/MS Cyprian czarship dab/TGDS Dacca/M dace/M Daedalus daft/YTP dagger/dMS dailiness/S daily/SP Daimler daiquiri/MS dairying/M dale/MmS daleth/M Dallas dalmatian/S dapperer daring/P Darjeeling darkly/T Darlington/M darneder DARPA/M Darwen/M dataset/S dated/eU Datsun dB/M dBi dBW DCMG deadener/M deafen/dkS deal/JRGS death-watch/MS débâcle/SM debate/RM debauched/P debility/SM debrief/JRG debris/M Dec decadence/Z decagon/MS decapitate/DSG decathlon/SM decay/GD deception/MS decile/MS decipher/dL7r decisiveness/IS deckchair/S deckhand/S declares/A decode/B decongestant/S decorate/NVvGnDSu decorated/AcU decrescendo deducer deep-freeze/G defamation/M defendant/MS defenestrate/DSG defensibly/I defibrillator/SM degas/JDG de-ice/DRGS deictic deify/NDGnS deity/MS deject/GiDhS Delano/M delay/D delft/SM delicate/IPY delicates delight/6jhGi delineation/M Delius demigod/SM demijohn/SM demise/DMGS demit/DNSG demitasse/MS demonstration/M demote/DGW demulcent/S denizen/dSM Dennis dénouement denseness/SM denuclearize/SGD denude/DRnG denunciation/M Denver depart/LG deplete/DGSNnV depression/M derivable dermatology/3SMw Derwent desecrate/SDNnG deserved/UY desiccate/DGSNn desideratum/M designate/DKGS desirable/PS desist/DGS desolater/M despairer/M desperadoes desperate/YPNn desperation/M destroy/DR7GS destruct/bvVuGDS destructibility/SMI detached/P detectably/U detention/MS deter/SGD detest/ln7N detribalise/DSG development/fMS deviate/NDSGn devise/DJRSG Devonian Devonshire/M devote/ixh dewdrop/SM dewy-eyed Dexedrine dexes/I DfES diadem/SMd diagnostic/SYM diagnostician/MS diamagnetic Dianne diaphragmatic diatomic diciest dickens/M Dickerson/M dickier diem digester/M dignitary/SM dignity/ISM Dijon dilettantism/MS dill/YM dilution/SM dimensional diminutive/PSY dimmed/U dimness/S dinar/SM ding-dong dinginess/S dingoes diorama/SM diphthong/SM direction/IMaS directly/I directorship/SM disarrange/L disburse/LSGD discipliner/M discipline's/I disco/MG disconnecter/M discreeter discreetest discreteness/S discriminating/IY disembody/L disembowel/LDSG disengage/L disgust/k6jh disinterest/i disk/MS diskette/S disorder/hi disparage/LRkDSG dispirit/dS dispose/KGNISXD dispute/lnRNDGS disrepair disservice dissipate/nVRNDShiG dissociate/NVvnSDG dissuader/M distanced/e distinct/TvPVYu distinguishably/I distracted/P distrait disunion ditto/DMGS ditty/MS diverticulitis/M divest/SGD division/A divorcé Djakarta/M djellabah's DLR Dmitri DNA do/7TGJRzy docility/SM dockworker/S DoCoMo doctor/dSM doctoral/K doctrinal Dodson/M doeskin/MS dog-biscuit/MS dog-end dogfight/GSM dogmatist/MS dog's-tail dogwood/SM doldrums doleful/PY dolefulness/S dolorous/Y dominance/KSM domineering/P dominion/SM dong/MGSD dongle/S Donny Doolittle doorhandles doormat/SM doors/eI dopamine dopey dormouse/M Dortmund/M dose/cSMDG double-checked doubleheader/MS doubter/MS Dougherty dowdiness/S down-and-out/S downtime/SM downwind drab/YPT dragnet/SM dramaturgy/M drat/SDG draughty/TP Dravidian drawn/ceAI dreader dreamboat/MS dreamed/U drear/2Zz dressage/MS dressing/M dressmaking/MS drinkables drone/SGkDM drop-test/GSDM drudger/M Druidic dryad/MS dry-cleaned Duane dubber/MS dubious/PY ductile dude/MS dudgeon/SM duff/GRDSM dug-out Dumbarton/M dumbfounder Dunlap Dunstan duodena duodenum/M duple duplication/MA duplicitous Duracell/M dustpan/MS duty-free duvet/SM Dvorák/M dwarfness dwelt/I dye/7GDRJMS dyestuff/MS dyslexic/SY dystrophy/M earthward/S earwax/M eastbound easternmost Eastleigh east-north-east eater/cM ecclesiastic/SMY echo/AGD echo's ecoclimate/MS Econ. econometricians ecosystem/MS Ecuadoran ecumenicist/MS eczema/SM Ed edgeways edified/U edition/MS editorship/SM EDP eds/F Eduardo/M edutainment/SM EEC eerie/T effaceable/I effacer/M effective/IPY effervescent/Y efficiently/I effluence/MS effluvia effulgent effusive/P egg/MDGS egis's egoist/SMWw1 egomaniac/SM EiC eighty-onefold eighty-two einsteinium/M eisteddfod/WMS ejecta elaborators eland/MS Elbert elbow-work electioneer/GSD elector/SM electorate/SM electric/SY electricity/MS electrification/M electroscope/SMW electrotype/SDGM elegiac/S Elena/M elevation/M elevens/S Elise/M Elkhart Ellesmere ellipsis/M ellipsoid/SM Elmhurst elocution/3SMy elodea/S emanation/M emancipator/SM Emanuel emblazon/LSd embodier/M embolden/dS embrace/SGDk embraceable embrasure/MS emender emigrate/nSNDG eminent/Y emissivity/SM Emmett/M emolument/SM emotionally/Uc empanelling emphasizes/A empire/wS1MW empiric/M3 emplace/L emporia emporium/MS emptor/M ems encephalitides enchanting/Y encl encourager/M encroach/LGDS encrust/nDGNS encumber/ESd Endicott ending's endow/GLSD endpoint/MS enforceability/M engaging/Y engineering/M enlistment/A enlistment's ensilage/SMGD enterer/MS entr'acte/S entrain/DGLS entrammel/DSG entreat/kSGZD entrecôte/SM entropy/WSM enunciation/M envenom/dS environmentalist envision/GSD enzyme/WSM Eocene ephemeral/S epidermis/SM epiglottis/SM epigraph/wSMZ epilepsy/SM epoch/oM epsilon/MS equate/DGBSnN equerry/SM equestrianism/SM equinoctial/S equiproportionality eradicable/I eras/7gSrd erectness/SM erects eremite/SM ergonomics/M Erhard Erica Erich Eritrea/M Ernestine errant/YS error/MS eruption/MS escrow/SDMG establishment/A et eternity/SM ethyl/MS eugenics/M eukaryote/S euphemist/SW1M euphoric/Y europium/M eustacy eutectic evaluating/A evangelise/DGS evangelize/DGS Evans Evanston evaporate/vGnDSVN eventfully/U evocable evolutionist exacerbate/nNDSG exaltation/M exam/SM exception/7MS exclusivity/SM executable/SM execution/SMR exhaust/bkSVvDhuG exhibition/MR3 exobiology/MS exogenous/Y exorcize/SDG expeditiousness/S experiential/Y experting expertise/SM explicate/VSnNvGD exploitation/c exploited/cUf explosive/SP expos/rdS expressive/IPY expropriate/SGDNn expulsion/M ext extent/SM external/qQ-8Ys9S extoller/M extraditable extradite/GDS extrapolation/M extricable/I extroversion/SM exuberant/Y exult/NnkGDS exurb/MS Exxon eye-opening eyepiece/MS eyewitness/MS factious/YP factoid/S Fagatogo/M faïence/S failingly/U fair-minded fairness/S fairytale falconry/SM fall/RbMGS fall-back fallibleness/S false/TYP falseness/S familiarly/U fancifulness/S fanfare/MS fanout fantastical Farber Fareham farfetchedness/M faro/M farraginous farrow/MDSG farthermost fascination/M fast/TGPSD fastback/SM fatal/3 fateful/P fathead/MSDi father-in-law fatigue/kDMSG fatty/TSP Faustian favouredness fax/SGMD feasible/PY febrility February/SM federalism/MS fed-up feeble-minded feel/GkRSJ felicitous/YP Felix felt/GSD Feltham femininity/SM fencing/M fenestration/CSM fermion/MS fermium/M fern/MZS Fernando fertile/Ps-Q89qY fess/SF festival/MS festive/YP fez/M Fi fibulae fieldwork/SMR fifty/HMS figurative/PY figurer/SMF filamentous filial/UY filling/M fills/Ac film-strip/MS filtrate/IGDNnS finagle/RSGD financing/S finding/M fine's finest fingermarks finicky/T fining/M Finsbury/M fire-hose/MS fire-walker/S firm/FDGS fiscal/Y fisticuffs Fitch Fitzpatrick Fitzroy five-year fizz/ZGSD flabbergast/GkSD flagellation/M flagstaff/SM flag-waving flail/GSMD flamboyance/MZS flamelike flawless/PY flax/MS fleecy/PT fleer Flemish flesher/M fleshy/TP flexible/IY flick/DGS flinching/U flippable floret/SM floury/T fluctuate/nGDSN fluctuation/M fluorinated fly/cGS flyable flybys foal/MGSD foetal foggy/TPY foghorn/SM foible/MS fold/JGRSD folded/UA folkish follow/DGJRS7 fondue/MS foodie/S foodstuff/MS footfall/SM foothill/SM footloose footstool/SM footwork/MS foppish/PY force-fed forebear/SM forecast/SRG forefeet forego/GJ foregone foreign/PRY forelock/DGSM foreplay/SM forestation/CMA forgive/RPlS7kG forgot formation/MFIC4S formfitting formulation/AM forseeability fortiori fortuitousness/S forty/HMS forwardness/S Foucault foul-mouth/D foul-up/S foundation/Mo four-letter four-poster/MS fourscore/S foxes/e foxglove/SM fraction/DNoSGM fragile/Y fragrance/SM framing/M Fran/M frankfurter/MS Franz fraudster/S fraudulence/S freakishness/S freckly/T freeboot/R freedman/M freehand/Dh free-handed/Y free-market freethinker/MS fresh/TPRmY freshet/SM freshwater/MS Fresno fret/jD6SG Frey friar/YZSM frictional friendlily friends' frightful/P Frobisher frog/DGmSM frolicsome frond/SM frowardness/S frozen/PY frugality/MS fruitcake/MS fruitfulnesses fruitless/YP frumpish Fuchs FUD fugitive/PSYM fugue/GSDM fuhrer/S fulfil/DLGS fullness/SM fumigation/M functionalism/M funerary fungicide/SM furriness/S furry/TRP furtherest fusebox/S fusiform fustian/MS futurology/3SM fuzziness/S Gabarone Gabriel gain/ASDG Galbraith gallivant/DGS gamete/WMS gamy/PT Gantt garret/MS gases gasification/M gaslight/DMS gasser/SM gassing/CMS Gastropoda gatekeeper/MS Gatlinburg gauss/MS Gautier gayety's gazebo/MS gazetteer/SM Ge gear/DGSJM gecko/MS gelignite/MS genealogy/w31MS generalise/cDSG generative/AY genial/P genitals gent/AMS gentry/SM geochemistry/SM geodetic/S geog geometer/wS1MW geomorphology/wM geosynchronous gerbil/MS germ/MS ghost-write/RGS GHz gibber/Sd gibbous/PY gigabyte/S giggle/RGDSYk giller gimmick/SZMy ginkgo/M Gino/M girl/SM girlhood/SM girlishness/S Girton/M give/7RGSk glaciate/DGSNn gladiola/SM glaring/P glasswort/M glazed/U gleeful/P glitch/MS glitz/SDGZ glorify/RNSGnD glorious/PYI glossary/SM glottis/SM gluten/SM glutinous/PY glyceride/M glycerinate/DM GMT gnomish GNP goalkeeping/M goal-mouth/M goalscoring goat/SM gobbet/SM goddess/SM God-fearing godlike/P godly/PT godparent/MS Golda goldenrod/MS goldilocks goo/ZM goodish goodness/S goodnight Goodwin goody/MS gopher/MS gorging/E Gouda/M governed/U governor/MS governorship/MS Goya gracefuller graces/E gradings graduates/f grafting/M Grafton grandam/MS grandmother/MYS grandpa/MS grandstander/M granny/MS grapevine/MS grappling/M grasper/M gratefulness/U gratefulnesses grave/RSMZPTDYG grave-stone/SM gravitate/NDGnVxS great/PYST Grecian/S greener/Z greenishness gregarious/PY Gregory Greta grievance/MS grieve/RkSDG Grimes griminess/S gripping/Y grope/RJSDGk groundskeepers grouping/M grouter/M grows/cAe grudging/U Grundy guaranty/SM Guatemalan/S Guevara guild/MSR Guinevere/M guitarist gulf/SM Gullah Gunnar Gunter gunwale/SM guts/Z2 guttural/PSY Gwent/M Hadamard haemostasis Hager/M haggis/SM haircare hairline/MS hairpin/SM hairstyle/3MSG hake/SM halal/SDG half-crown/MS half-tone/S half-wave half-way halitoses hallucinogenic/S haloes halogenated Halsey/M halves/M Hamiltonian/S hammerlock/SM hammy/T Hampstead handball/MS handclasp/SM Handel/M handover hand-pick/GSD handset/SM handwork/SM handwrite/GJS hangdog/S hanging's hank/RMZS Hannah Hansel haranguer/M harbinger/MS hard/Z2YPzT hardbitten hard-earned hardened/U Hardin hard-nosed harm/GSjpM6D harmfulness/S harmonious/IPY harmonise/RnGSD harmony/ESM harness/SUDG harrower/M harshness/S Hartlepool/M Hartman has Hasbro hashish/MS haste/MS hasten/Sd Hastings/M hatcher/M hate/jSM6 haversack/SM hawk/RMDGS haziness/S HDTV headband/MS headboard/SM headcount headman/M headset/SM heady/T healthiness/SM healthy/TUY heartbeat/MS hearten/kEdS hearthstone/MS heartwood/M heats/KcA heavyset Hebrides hedonism/MS hefty/TP heinousness/S Heinz heirloom/MS hellishness/S Héloise/M helpful/P hempen Henderson Hendrix Henry/M hepatic/S heptagonal heralded/U heraldry/SM herbage/SM Herby hereby hereditary hereof Hermosa hernia/nSM Herodotus herpetology/S3M Hershey hertz/M Hessian/S heterodox/Z heterogeneous/YP HF hibernator/SM Hibernia hiccup/dSM hickory/SM hideous/PY hie/GS hierarchy/1WMSw hieroglyphic/S high-profile high-quality high-rise high-speed high-strung Hillary hilltop/SM hinder/d hinge's hipster/SM hirer/MS Hiroshi/M Hiroshima hoarding/M hobble/RGDS hock/MS hocus-pocus hoister/M Hokkaido Holbeck holidayer holistic/Y Holloway/M hollowness/S Holmes holystone/SM home-based homebody/SM home-grown homeliness/S home-shopping homesick/P homestead/GMDSR homeward-bound homey/P homoeopathy/SM homomorphous homophobia/S Honolulu hoodwinker/M hooked/U hoopla/MS Horatio hormone/oMS horn/DGip2ZSM hornet/MS horny/PT horrendous/Y horse-breaker horseshoe/GDSM horticultural Hosea hostel/DRMSyG hostelry/SM hotelier/MS hotfoot/DSG hotheadedness/S hotrod hough/M house/M6SJmDG houseboat/MS housebound housewifely/P howl/DSRGM hoydenish http hub/MZS huckleberry/MS huffiness/S hullabaloo/MS humanism/MS humbug/GDSM humdinger/SM hummock/DSMZG humour/DhMpSG hundredweight/MS hunger/dMS hungover hungriness/S hungry/YPT Hurst hurtful/P hut/MDGS Hyde/M hydrates/CA hydraulic/YS hydride/SM hydro/MS hydrodynamical hydroelectric/Y hydrogenation/CM hydromechanics/M hymen/MS hymnary/S hymn-book/SM hyperaemic hyperfine hypergamous/Y hypermarket/MS hyperspace/M hypertension/SM hypertext/MS hyperthyroid hyperthyroidism/SM hyphen/MdnSN hypnotise/SGD hypo/MDGS hypochondriac/MS hypocrisy/SM iambic/S iceboat/MS icosahedra icosahedral icosahedron/M ictorianises id/MY ideation/M identification/Ma idiom/WSM1 idol/QqSs-89M iffy/T ifs Iliad ill-advised illegitimate/S ill-favoured ill-starred imago/MS IMAP imbrication/SM IMHO immaculate/YP immaculateness/S Immanuel imminent/PY immolation/M immunology/3w1WMS impact/VDG impairer/M impale/LG impassive/P impatient impecunious/PY imperative/PYS impermanence impermissible impertinence/M impervious/PY impetigo/MS Imphal importable impostor/SM impoundments impregnation/M impresser impressionism/MS improvisation/oM improvisatory impure/P imputable inadvertent/Y inamorata/SM inanity/MS inarticulate Inc. incalculable/PY incandescence/SM incandescent/SY incendiary/S incest/SM inch/SMGD incidental/F incident's incision/M incliner/M include/SGXNvVDu inclusive/P incoherency/M incorrect/7 inculpate/DGS indebted/P indecenter indefatigable/PY indent/Nn Indira individualise/k individuate/GnDSN induction/M indulger/M industrial/8Q3-qS indwell/G inebriate/NnGDS inescapable/Y inexpedient infamous infamy/SM infection/EMSA inferior/MYS inferiority/SM infinite/VZ infinitesimal/YS inflatable/SM infliction/MS informatics informatory informed/U informer/M infuriate/SGDkN ingénue/S inglenook/SM Ingram ingredient/MS inhospitable/P inhospitality inimical/Y iniquity/SM inkling/SM inland inlet/MS inn/MJS innocence/SM inoculated/A inquiry/SM inquisitor/oMS inscription/M insincere inspect/AGSD installation/SM instance/GD institutes/M instruct/VvuGxDS insular/Y insurable/U insurgence/ZSM integrity/MS intelligibility/SM intelligibleness/M intemperance/S intend/uhViv intended/U intense/P interceder/M interception/MS interceptor/SM intercessory interchangeable/P intercorrelated interdenominational/Y interface/GSMD interlayering intermingle/DSG intermodulation/M interpenetration interpretor/S interregnum/MS intersperse/DSNXG interventionism/MS interwork/SGD intonate intonation/M intrafamily intraoffice intricacy/MS introspective/PY intrusive/P invent/uVyv invented/A investigation/MS invigilator/MS invigorating/Y invited/U involuntariness/S Iqbal Iraqi/MS irascibility/SM irenic/S iris/MS ironing/M ironness Iroquois irreplaceableness irrevocable/YP Irvin/M i's Isabella/M Iscariot isochronous/Y isocyanate/M isomeric isosceles isotope/SMW issue/RG7DMS issues/A isthmian isthmus/MS italic/Q8q-S iv/M jacaranda/MS jackhammering jack-in-the-box Jacobean Jacobite Jacobsen Jamie/M Janacek Jane/M janitor/SM Japanese/M jaw/MDGS Jeanette/M jeez Jehovah jelly/DGMS jellylike Jenner jennet/SM Jeremiah jerkiness/S jerry-building jet-propelled Jewess/SM jiggery-pokery jingler/M jingoism/SM jitter/SZ jittery/T jocoseness/S joggler/M joint's jollification/SM Jonah Jones/S journal/9Q83DsSMG journalese/MS joust/MRGSD joylessness/S Judd/M judge/DKLaGS judgeship/SM Julys junior/MS just/TPY justice/IMS justly/U Kabul/M Kampuchea/M kangaroo/SM Karachi/M Kashmir Kazakhstan/M Keck/M keep/JSGR Kemp Kern Kettering Khartoum/M kHz/M kibitzer's kibosh/SM kid-glove Kildare/M kiln/SM kilobaud/M Kingsley Kingston/M Kinney/M Kinnock/M kinsfolk Kirkland Kirkwood Kirov/M kirsch/S Kisangani kit/GMZrDS Kitchener kitchenette/MS Kitts/M Klansman Klein/M kleptomania/MS kn knacker/Z knackish knee-high knick knife/SGMD knightly/P knock-on know-it-all Kodaly kohlrabi/M kopeks kriegspiel/M Kristina kronur Kruger krypton/M Kuala/M kudzu/SM Kuhn/M la/M labelling/S laborious/YP laboriousness/S laboured/MP Lackawanna Lahore/M lair/MGDS Lakewood lamb/MGDS lambada/S lamebrain/MS laminar landau/M landaus landhold/RGJ landowner/SM Landwehr Lange Laredo larynges lase/SRG lashing/M latches/U latency/SM lateness/S lateral/FSY latter-day launderette/MS laundromat/S laureateship/MS lavishness/S laxity/MS lazuli/M lbw lead/GSRD leaded/U leader/p leafage/SM leaguer/SM leanness/S Lear/Z learned/PY leasehold/RMS leaven/dSM Lebanese Lebesgue lecithin/SM leeriness/S left/ZS3T left-hand/DiRh legate/CDASnGN legerdemain/MS legionary/S legitimate/YGQND legitimise/SGD Leibniz lengthener/M Lenny lenticular lento/S Leonard leotard/SM Les lesbianism/MS lesser let/RMGS lethargy/1SMW letting/S level-headed/Y Lewisham Leyden liable liaise/DSG liberates licentious/PY lichee/M licking/M lid/MpGDS lien/MS lifebelt/MS lifeguard/SGDM lifeline/SM life-threatening lifework/MS lightness/S likeable/P likeliness limited/UC linchpin/SM line/SmJRGMD lineament/MS linearity/FM lingo/M linguist/MWS1 linked/U lip-reader lip's/f liquid/9n8YPQ-SMsq liquidate/DGS lissom/P literacy/SMI literal-minded literate/4NS literates/IK litigious/PY liveable/YP liveliness/S liven/dS Liverpool/M lives/M Lizzie loaf/MRDGS loamy/T loaning/M loathe/S Lobachevsky lobby/3DMGS lobotomy/QSM lobster/dSM localisms locate/ASGFENnD locomotor locomotory locus/M log/JGMWRw1DS loggia/MS logion/M lolly/MS long-winded lookers-on loom/SDGM loosed/U lop/dDRGS lorgnette/MS Lourdes lousiness/S loved/U low-down/S low-level lowness/S ls/I Lt. Ltd Lu luau's lube/SGMD lubricant/MS Lucien ludo/M lullaby/DSGM lumbar luminary/MS Lundquist/M lungful/S lusciousness/S lushness/S lustrous/YP lute/SGMD Luton/M lyceum/MS Lydia lying/e Lyle/M lymphocyte/SM lyricism/SM lysine/M Lyttleton macaroni/MS mace/SMGD Macedonian maceration/M Macon macrodynamic Madhya maestro/SM magnetism/SM magnetohydrodynamics/M magnetosphere/M magnified/U maharanee's maintained/U maisonette/SM malady/MS malarial male/PSM malevolent/Y malformed malignity/SM mallow/SM malnourishment/SM Maltese mama/SM mammalian/MS manageability/S manciple/M Mancunian/MS mandible/SM mandrill/MS manginess/S manifold/PSYM manipulative/M manipulator/SM mankind/M man-made manorial manslaughter/MS manual/MSY Manuel/M margarita's marketeer/S marketing/M mark-up/MS marmoset/SM marque/MS marquee/SM Marseillaise Marsha Martian/S martin/SM Martini/SM Marvell mascot/MS masochism/SM mat/dRMDJGS materially/I matinee/S matinée/S matrix/M matte/MS matting/M maturation/M matureness/K matzoth Mauritius/M maximization/M May's McCluskey/M McDaniel/M MCI McNish MD meagreness meal/ZSM2 meaningless/PY measly/T measured/UA meatpacking/S Mecca/M mechanist/MW1 mediates mediation/M medieval mediocrity/SM medulla/SM megabit/SM megadeath/MS megaton/SM meioses Mel meld/SDG meliorate/nDGNVS Melissa melodiously Melton memento/SM mémoire menders meningitides menisci Mennonite/S menorah/SM menorrhoea Mercator Mercier Merrick Merseyside/M mesmerise/RGSD Mesopotamian/S messiah/S metabolite/SM metacircularity metallise/SnGD metamorphose/DGS metaphosphate's meteorite/SMW methodical/P metricate/DSG mettle/DSM mfr/S Miami Michelin microbicidal microfilmer micrograph/Z micromanage/LDSG microprogram/MSGD microscopy/MS microsimulation/S microwavable middle-age/D middle-sized middy/SM midge/SM midtown's migrative mikado/SM Mildred milieu/SM militarized/C milkmaid/SM mill/SRD7MG millenarian millepede's millet/SM millijoule/S milling/M millionth/M millipede/SM mimic/RDGSy mimicry/SM Min min. minaret/SM mince/RDGkSJ mind/phSiR6DjMG mineshaft minestrone/MS mineworkers minima/M minimization/M miniseries minister/NdnSMo ministry/SM Minnesota/M Minot/M minstrel/SM misanthrope/M1ZS misapply/nN miscarry miscibility/S miscible/CI misdirector miser/ZY7l misrepresenter/M misshapen/YP Mississauga missives misspoke missus/SM mist/RZ2zDG mitigate/DNnyGS mitochondria mitten/SM Mitterrand mix/GKDSA mixture/MS Mlle moan/RDGMS mobile's moderated/U modestly/I modifiability/M modish/YP modulated/U modulo modus vivendi moggie/MS Mohr/M moist/PYT moleskin/SM Molina mollify/GnDSN Mombasa mommy's monarchs Monet money/pMDS monger/SM Monica monkshood/SM monocotyledon/MS monocular/SY monolayers monomania/MS monomer/MS monostable monotonousness/S Monterrey Montessori monthly/S Montoya/M Montpelier Montserrat/M monumental moonwalk/DGS moralize/CNnSDG morbid/Y moreover morion's mortarboard/SM mosaicking Moshe/M mosquito/M moss-grown motion/GpDMS motioner/M motivation/M motorcade/MGSD mots moulder/d mount/EDCAGS Mountbatten/M mounting/MS Mourne/M mousetrap/DMSG mouther mouthiness/S Mozilla/M MSc MTV mucky/T muff/DGMS Muhammadan/SM Mulder/M muleskinner/S multimillion multi-modal multisyllabic multi-way municipal/SY Muriel/M murkiness/S mush/Z2SM music/MS musk-rose Mussolini/M muster/Sd mutant/MS mutator/FS mutinous/Y Myanmar/M myelitis/M Mylar mynah/MS mystify/CSnDGN naive/YT naïveness naïveté/S nameable/U Namibian/S Nana/M nanny/MDSG nanotechnology Napoleon/WSM Narbonne/M narcoses narrate/GDnNSVv narratology nary Nash/M NATA nativity/SM natured/C Nazism Nd N'Djemena nearby nearness/S neat/TPY 'neath need/ZDSpj26G negligee/MS negotiant/M Negroid/S Nehemiah/M neonate/oSM nephew/SM nerve's nervous/PY nest/DS7MG nestling/M Nestor/M Netherlander/SM network/GJDMS Neumann/M neuralgia/SM neuritic/S neuroscientist/S neurosis/M neutralisation nevertheless Newburyport/M Newcastle-under-Lyme new-look newscasting's newsworthiness/S Newtonian nibble/RGDS nick/GDSM Nigel/M Nigerian/S nigger/SM night/MpYS night-time/SM nilpotent Nilsson/M nimbleness/S Nimitz/M ninepin/S ninety-five/H ninety-second/S ninja/S Nissan/M nob/MY nodal nodular no-go noisy/PTY Nola/M nominative/SY non-appearance/S non-breakable nonchalantness non-clerical/S non-committal/Y nonconformity/SM non-deferential non-democratic non-economic non-empty nonentity/MS nonesuch nonetheless non-existent non-explosive/S non-fading non-fat non-food non-human non-inclusive non-inflected non-interacting non-judgemental non-moral non-participating non-polluting non-punishable non-residual non-rhythmic non-segregated nonsensical/P nonsuit non-theatrical non-toxic non-transferable non-tropical non-volatile non-words nook/SM nooning's noose/MSDG Noreen/M normal/8Qs+-tqS Norman/MS Norplant Nortel/M north-eastern north-Eastward/S northing/M Northwest/M not/7NxdgnlS notepad/S noun/MS nova/SM novelist/W novice/SM Novo/M nozzle/SM nucleate/NnGDS nuclei/M nucleus/MW nudger/M numbered/AeU numerical/S numinous/S nun/MyS nuncio/SM Nuneaton nurse/RMJSDG nuthatch/MS nutrient/SM nutrition/oM3S nymphet/SM O oaf/MS Obadiah/M obedience/EMS obeisance/SM objection/lSM7 objective/PS objector/SM obloquies obscenity/SM obsidian/SM obstetrician/MS obstinate/PY obstructed/U obstructionist obstructiveness/S Occam/M occidental/SY oceanography/WMS octagonal oddball/SM odds-on OE Oedipal/Y oenology/SM offal/SM official/UY officialness officiant/SM off-line off-piste off-the-cuff off-white ohmmeter/SM oink/DGS O'Keeffe Oldenburg/M Oldfield/M Oldham oldness/S oldster/SM old-style oleander/MS olfactory olivine omicron/SM omnipotent/YS omnivorousness/S oncer/M onefold O'Neil one-step one-upmanship onomatopoeic onto op/FS opening/M OpenOffice/M opens/A operandi operantly operatic/YS operetta/MS opponent/SM opprobrious/Y optimality Oran/M orangey Oranjestad/M orate/SGD orator/Sw1M ordained/KU ordainer/M orders/A orgasm/DGMSW orgiastic orifice/MS originator/MS ornamental/S ornamentation/M ornate/YP Orr/M orris/SM ors Ortega/M orthonormal osseous/Y ossify/SNGnD ostentation/SM ostracism/MS Oswestry Ouagadougou/M ourself outcome/M outer/S outing/M outlast/G outmoded outrageous/PY outright outspokenness/S out-take/S overambitious over-curious overdress/G overdue overfish/G overhearer overleaf override/G overshot overt/Y overthrow oviparous owned/U oxen/M oxidised/U oxidized oxidizer/M oxtail/M pacifism/SM pack/GADSU pact/IMS paella/MS Paige/M pain/DMpSjG6 Paine/M paintbox/M paintbrush/MS paisley paladin/SM palaeoanthropology/w paleface/SM Palestrina/M palish pallet/MQ8-Sq pallid/PY palmer/M palmistry/SM palomino/SM pamper/dS pandemonium/MS panelling/SM panic-stricken panier's panoramic pantomimic Paola/M papacy/MS papal paper-clip/SM paperhanging/SM papoose/MS paraboloid/SM paradox/Mw1WS paramedic/MS parametrize/SGBnDN paramilitary/S paranoia/SM paraplegia/SM pardoned/U pare/JS parenthesis/M parenthetic/Y pareses parlance/SM parley/MGDS parliamentary/U parlour/MS parsley/SM Parthenon/M participial/Y partner/dMS part-time pass/7SuVNXvlk passionless pasteurised/U pasteurized/U pasture/GDSM pasturer/M patella/M patellar pater/M paternalism/SM Patna patois/M patriotism/SM patristic/S patronymic/YS pawl/MS paxes paymaster/MS payout/S payphone/S pc PCs pea/MS peaceful/T peach's pear/MYS peartrees pebble/DYMGS peculiarity/SM pedant/WSM1 pedantry/SM pedigree/MS pedimented peek/SDG peevish/PY peewee/S peke/SM pekoe/MS pelmet/S pence/M penchant/SM penetrate/vNnBSDVkuG penlight/MS penny-farthing pennyweight/SM penology/S3M pent/A penurious/YP peppermint/SM perceive/aSD percept/vbVMoxSu perceptiveness/S percipient/S peregrination/M perfect/bDYTuPSGVv performed/Uf periodicity/MS peritonitis/MS perm/GSDM permanence/MZS permission/M permissive/YP permute/DGNSn persecutor/MS perseverance/MS personalty/MS perspective/YSM perspicuity/MS persuasiveness/S perusal/MS Peruvian/S pervade/uDGNVSv pessimism/MS pestle/DSMG petiole/SM Petit petrographical petrol/MS pewter/MS PFC pH/M phage/M pharmaceutics phenacetin/SM phenomena/Mo phenomenal pheromone/MS philately/3SWM phlegmatic/Y phobia/MS photoelectric/Y photomultiplier/M photosensitive phototypesetter phrase/GDSA phrasebook phrase's phylactery/SM phylogeny/SM physic/S3DGM physician/SM physiography/MS pianissimo/S pick-me-up/S pickpocketing picofarad/SM Pierre/M pigeon/SyM pigeon-hole/SMDG pigeon-toed piggishness/S pigheaded/Y piglet/SM pigswill/M pilers/F pileup/SM pillared pillory/DSMG pimple/DSM piñata/S pinch/DSG pine's pinger pins/fU pious/PYI pismire/SM pitchblende/SM pizazz/S placid/YP plaguer/M plain-clothes plainer/F plaint/uSvMV plaiting/M plan/DdMSrRG plaque/MS platinum/QM platypus/MS playability player/SEM playfellow/S play-off/S pleasing/P pleasures/E pleat/GDMS plebiscite/SM pledger/M plenitude/SM pleura/M plexus/MS pliers/F PLO plotted/A ploy's plummy/T pluralist/SW plushness/S plutocrat/SMW plying/F pocketbook/SM poem/SM point-of-sale poky/T polecat/SM policy/SM politicise/CGSD politico/SM poll/DMGS poller pollute/RSDG polyester/MS polyp/MS polyphosphate/S pompous/Y pond/DMGS ponder/4S pongee/MS poor/TYP pope/SM pornographer/SM Portland/M portrait/3SM posited/FC positivism/M positivist/S positivity possess/EGKDSNAX post/JDMRGS poster/ISM post-haste postmarital post-office/MS postponer postpositions potency/MS pothead/SM potholing/M poulterer/SM poultice/DSMG poultry/MS powder/dMSZ powderer pox/SM practicably/I practicality/ISM Prague/M pre-adolescent pre-amplifier/M prearrange/L precedent/MDS precedented/U precipitant/S preciser preconfigure precut pre-date/DSG predict/DSvBGlV predictably/U preference/MS prefigure/N preflight prejudicialness prepender/S preponderate/GYSDN pre-processor preservationist/S presidency/MS President/MS presume/vDSGVkXNl preventer/M priceless pricing/f pricking/M priestly/TP primate/MS Principe/M printed/U printer/AMIS printmaking/M prior/YZ priory/MS prison/ISd probative problem/MSwW1 proceeder/M process/7XNMSGxD proconsul/MS proconsular procreate/VGyxDNSn procurator/SM productiveness/SM prof/MS profitable/P profligacy/S profundity/SM prolific/Y prologuise prolongation/M promontory/SM promulgator/SM prone/PY pronominal pronouncedly pronto proof-read/GS proof-reader/S propagandist/SWM propagate/NnVGDS propitiate/NynSDG propitious/U proportional/S propound/SDG prorate/DNSG prosecution/MS prosy/T protégé/MS protestant/S proverb/oMS province/oMS proving/IA prude/MyS prudential/YS PS psalm/M3S pseudonym/MS psittacosis/M psychiatry/W3MS psychology/MS31w PTA ptarmigan/SM pubertal publishing/M puddle/SGJYDM pudginess/S puffball/MS pugilist/WS puissant/Y pull-out/S pulsate/SNnDG pulverise/RSDG pulverize/NDGn puny/PT purely/I purgative/SM purgatory/MS purine/SM puritanism/S purport/RGDSh purr/GDSk purse/GRDMS pustule/SM putative/Y puts/e pylorus/MW pyrite/MS Pythagoras quad/SM quadraphonic/S quadrennium/MS quadrupedal quadruplet/SM quaintness/S quango/S quarantine/DSMG quarrel/RGSDMJ quarrelsomeness/S quart/WMRS quarter-light queasy/PYT Quebecois queer/YDGTS quench/DR7SGp quenchable/U quern/M querulousness/S questioning/UY queue/GCSD queueing quick/TPY quicksand/MS quiesce/D quill/DMGS quince/SM quinsy/SM quintessential/Y quipster/SM quirkiness/S quiz/DRZGM rabbi/SM racehorse/SM racetrack/MS racialist Radford/M radiographer/MS radiography/SWM radiometer/MSW radionuclide/M raff ragbag/SM ragged/P rail/CDSGJ rain-cloud/SM rainy/T raison d'être rakish/PY ranch/DRSGM ranks/e rans rapacity/M rapt/Y rash/SYTR rate's rationale/3MS rationalism/SM ratty/T rave/RDSGJ Ravensbruck/M Raymondville/M Raytheon/M razor-sharp reachable/U reader/aM reality/USM reap/RGS reasonableness/U reassert/G reattach/GL rebate/M rebellious/Y rebuke/DkSG recall/G7 receivable/S receptivity recertify/N reciprocal/YS reckless/Y reclaimable/I recline/SDRG recolour/GD reconnection reconnoitre/SDG recount/G recriminate/VSyGDnN rectitude/M rectum/MS redact/GDS redbud/M redeem/7R redemption/SM redskin/SM re-emergence re-emission re-employment re-enforce/L re-engagement re-evaluate reference's referenda refold/G reformat/DG reformatory/MS reformed/U refrigerated/U refutable/I refute/NDnRSG regard/ESGD regatta/SM regenerate/U reground regulation/M regurgitation/M rehab rehydrate/N Reich/M reign/SDGM reinoculate rejoice/SJDGk relation/MF relax/GiDnkh relenting/U relieve/SGDhR remain/GD remarkableness remembered/U rememberer/M Remington/M reminisce/DGS remonstrance remote/TY Rene/M renew/D7G Rensselaer/M renunciation/SM repentance/MS repentant/UY replaceable/I repost/G repressive/P reproducibility/I reproducibly Republican reputable/E requiem/MS resat reseal/7 reselection resisting/U Respighi/M responsiveness/U restitution/SM result/MDGS resuscitator/SM resynchronise/n retaliate/SVynGDN retell/G retie retort/DG retortion/SM retribution/MS retrieval/MS Reuters revelry/SM reverent/YI reverie/MS review/G revisable revulsion/M Reynold/SM Rf Rheinholdt/M Rhodesian/S Rhondda/M rhyme/SRGDM Richelieu/M Richie/M Richland/M riders/e ridge-pole/SM ridge-tile/SM ridgy/T rig/JDMRGS rigging/M righteousness's rightism/SM rightward/S Rio/SM rip/DRGS ripplet ripsaw/SM riverine rivulet/SM roadbed/SM roar/RkSDGJ robe/MDS Robyn/M rockabilly/M rocking-horse/SM rodeo/MS Roderick/M Rodriquez/M roentgen/MS Rogation roguish/YP Rolf/M roly-poly Romano/M romanticist Rommel/M roofing/M Rosalie/M roseate rosebud/SM rosewood/MS rote/M Rothschild/M rottenest rotter/M Rotterdam/M roundabout/SM round-arm Rowell/M RSI RSVP rubberneck/DRGSM rubbery/T rubble/M rule's rum/ZMS Rumania's ruminate/DGvNSnV rummager/M rumourmonger/MS rune/MSW runlet/MS runner-up Runyon/M Russell/M rustle/SGRD rustproof/GD s/ko7 Sabine/M saccharine sacerdotal sacrifice/GDSoM safe/YU safeness safest saga/SM Sahara/M Saharan/M Saigon/M Salome/M salsa/MS salt-mashes Sam/ZM Samaritan/SM Samsonite/M sanatorium/SM sanctification/M sanctity/SM sandal/GMDS sandalwood/M sandpiper/SM sandpit/SM Sanger/M sanguineous/F sanitise/RGDS sanitize/RGDSN sanserif sapling/MS Sarajevo/M sarcastic/Y sardonic/Y Sargon/M Sartre/M saucepan/SM saucy/TY savagery/SM Savannah's saveloy/M saviour/SM savoury's saw/DGMS saxophone/MS3 say-so Sb/M scab/2GMZSD scabies/M scaffolding/M scalar/MS scale's scandalousness scanner/SM scapular/S Scarborough/M scat/DG scatter/rSkJd scattering/M sceptre/SD schema/S1M Schenectady/M Schick/M Schmitt/M schoolchild/M school-leaver/MS schoolmistress/SM Schottky/M Schroeder/M Schuylkill/M Schwarzenegger/M scorecard/SM scorekeeper/SM scotch/SMDG Scotia/M Scott/M scout/MGDS scram/GDS scrap/rDRGdZS scrapheap/SM scrappy/T scrawny/T screenplay/MS Scribner/M scrollbar/SM scrumptious/Y scrunch/GSDZ scrutiny/SsQ98Mq- Sculley/M sculpt/DSG scurfy/T scuttle/MGDS scuttlebutt/MS seaborne Seagram/M sealant/SM seaman/YM seamless/Y seaplane/SM searches/A seasick/P season/dlS7Mo SEATO seawater/S seborrhoea/W secession/M3S secessionist secretarial secretion/M section/GMDSo secularist secured/U sedgy/T seed-cord segregative seigneurial seisin seismal self-adhesive self-approval self-critical self-deprecating self-destruction self-doubt self-employed self-explanatory self-financing self-fulfilment self-glorification self-imposed selfishness/U self-regulating self-reliance self-worth Selma/M semifinalist semi-official/Y semi-precious semitropical semi-yearly sempiternal/Y Sen. senility/SM senseless/Y sensible/IY separably/I separator/MS sepses septum/M seqq. sequacity sequencing/A sequent/F seraphim/M Serengeti/M serous services/E sett/7RJMDSG settled/UA Sevenoaks seventy-onefold sexton/MS Seyfert/M Shackleton/M shake-up shampoo/GMDS shank/SDM shape/ADaSG Shari/M sharp/YTS Shea/M Sheboygan/M Sheltand/M Shelton/M shenanigan/SM shepherdess/SM ship/D4ALGS shipbuilding shipmate/MS shirk/GSRD shoe's/c shootable shooting-box/SM shooting-brake shopkeeper/SM shoplifting/M shop-soiled shore/GDMS Shorewood/M shortcoming/SM shorthorn/MS short-lived short-sightedness Shostakovitch/M shouldn't shouter/SM showy/TP shrift/MS shrive/GS shroud/DMSG shyer side-arms sideline/DMS side-saddle side-swipe/DMGS siesta/SM sigh/DSG sighter/M Sigmund/M signal-to-noise signatory/SM signora/M silica/M silicon/M silk-screen/SM silo/SM siltstone/M SIMD simian/S similar/EY similitude/ME simmer/Sd simple-mindedness simpleton/SM simplified/U SIMULA/M simulacrum/M simultaneous/Y sincereness Sinclair/M sinfonia/M sinfulness/S sing/RS7GDk Singapore/M single-decker/S single-seater singularity/MS sinistral/Y sinusoidal sir/dMS sissified sister-in-law Sistine sits/A sixty-seven/H skeet/M skid/DGS skim/RDSGM Skinner/SM skirmish/DSRGM skirt/GDMS skua/S skulduggery/M skullcap/MS skyscraper/MS slab/MSGD slalom/MS slang/MGZ slat/MDdGS sled/G sleekness sleepless/YP sleeving/M slimness slippery/T slipway/MS slough/SMGD Slovakian/S slunk slurp/DGS slyest slyly smallness smart/eDSG smarten/Sd smartly smarty smash-up/S smile/GDMkS smooth/GYRSTPD7 snapdragon/MS snarler/M sniff/SRGD sniffle/SGD snobby/T snort/GRDS snowcapped snowshoer/M snug/YPT snuggle/GSD soapstone/M sobbing/Y socialism/MS sodium/M softball/SM soft-hearted software/M sogginess soi-disant soil/GMDS soiree sol solace/GDMS solaria soldiership solidi soloist/SM solvable/IU solvent/SIM some/W somersault/GSMD songstress/MS sons-in-law Sonya/M sooth/RkMDG sophistic/Nn sortable sou/MS soundly/U soupy/T sour/DPTSGY Sousa/M souse Southend/M Soweto/M sows/A spacing/M spadeful/MS spadix/M spanking/M spare/PYS spars/T Spartacus/M spas/W spastic/S spatiality/M specified/UaAf spectroscopy/M speleology/Mw spelled/aA spells/aA Spence/M spendthrift/SM sperm/MS spidering spillage/SM spin/RGSo spinney spire's/I spiritless splash/GDSzZ split-level spoilsport/MS spoof/SDGM sporter spotless/PY sprain/GDS sprawl/GSD spray's spryer sq. squalor/S squeamish/YP squirelet SRO SST St stable/FMS staccato/S Stacy/M stagecraft/M stage-struck stagflation/SM Stalag/M stalemate/SGMD Stalinist stamina/M stamp/RJDGS Stan/M standby stander/S standoffishness standpipe/SM stannic stanza/SM staple/SGDRM star/rdZpSDG starboard/MS starlet/SM starlight/M Starr/M statesmanship/M statical stationer/ZSM station-wagon/MS statuesque/Y stead/z2MZ steadies steady/UY steamroller/dSM steamy/TP Steiner/M Stella/M stellar stenographer/MS steppe/SRM steppingstone/S stereophonic stet/MGSD Stevenage stifle/SGDk stillborn/S stimulative stimulatory stimulus/M stitcher/MZ stoat/MS stockade/MS Stockdale Stockholm/M stockinette Stockton-on-Tees/M stockyard/MS stoic/SYM stoichiometry/MW stolidness stomach-ache/SM stomach-pump stomal stonewashed stoop/DGS stop/MRSDG stoppable/U storekeeper/SM stork/SM storm-lantern/SM storm-sail/SM story/MSD storytelling/M straddle/RSDG strangulation/M stream/GSRMD streamed/U strengthener/SM stretchiness striae striate/SGD strict/TY string's Stromberg/M structure's strudel/MS struggle/SGD stucco/MDG stuff/cDG stuffing/M stupid/Y sturgeon/MS styler/SM subaqueous subduction subdue/SDG subhuman submarginal submitter/S suboptimal sub-plot/SM subsequence/M subset/MS substantive/SMY subtask/SM subterfuge/SM subtlety/SM subtly/U subtopic/SM subvention/MS sucrose/M Sudan/M Sufism/M sugar-coated sullener sumac/SM summary/Ss9Q8MY sumptuous/YPK sun-baked sunder/dS sundial/SM supercharge/GSRD superego/MS superhighway/SM superintendency/M superintendent/SM superlunary supermarket/MS supernova/SM superposition/M superscribe/XDNSG superscription/M superstate/S superstitiousness supervention supplant/GSD supplely suppose/DXKSGN supranationalism/M Surat/M surer/I surf/RDMSG surge/ASDG surprised/U surprising/UY surrealism/MS surrealist/W1S surrogate/MS surtax/SM Susana/M Susie/M suspicious/PY swansong Swartz/M swath/MDGS Swaziland/M Sweden/M Sweeney/M swell/JDGS swift/TYS swinish/Y swirl/DGYS swirly/T Swiss switchboard/MS swollen syllabus/SM sylph/MS symphonists synaesthesia sync/SDG syndactyl/Y syndicalism synergism/SM synergistic syngamy synod/MWwS synoecious Tabitha/M table-top tachometer/SM tachycardia/SM tacky/T tag/GMDS Tahitian/S tailplane talcum talky/S Tallinn/M tallness tallow/ZM tamale/MS Tamar/M Tamara/M Tampa/M tampon/dMS tangency/M tangerine/MS tantalise/k tantalize/k Tao/M tap/drRDMGS tapestry/SMD taproom/MS tarnish/G7DS tarsi taskmistress/MS tasted taster/SM taught/AU tautness tavern/SM teabag/S teach-in tear-jerker teatime/SM technicality/SM tee-heed teenage/R teeny-weeny teepee/MS Tehran/M Telefonica Telefunken/M Teleprompter televisual Tempe/M temper/dESM template/FS template's temple/MS Templeton/M temporal/Y temptation/M tempura/SM tenpin/SM tents/I tenuous/Y tepee/MS tequila/MS tercentenary/S terracotta Terre/M terse/TY testator/SM tête-bêche tetrafluoride tetragon/oMS tetrahedral tetrahedron/SM Tettenhall Teuton/MW textbook/MS thallophyte/M Thameslink that/M thatching/M THC theatrical/S them/W1 thence thenceforth theocracy/SM theorem/SM there'd thereon Theresa/M thermal/S thermistor/SM thermonuclear thiamine/M thickening/M thickhead thick-headed thickish thickset thine thinking/U thinks/A thirty-nine/H this'll Thomism/M Thompson/M thoroughgoing those thought/A thread/AGDS three-piece three-ply through through-traffic throw/RSG thumper thunderous/Y thunk thyrotropic ticker-tape tieback/SM tight/SYPT tightened/c tight-knit Tigris/M tile/RDSMG tillage/SM timekeeping/M timelessness timeliness/U time-share/DGS timid/Y timidness tinge/S Ting's tin-opener Tippecanoe/M Tirana/M tirelessness tit/RMS titan/MSW titration/M tobacco/MS toe/DMGS toehold/SM toga/DSM Togo/M Togolese Toledo/M tomahawk/MDGS Tomlin/M Tommie/M tomorrow/MS ton/droMWS Tonbridge Tongan/SM toolmaking/M tool's topicality/MS tops/Z toque/MS Torquay torque/DSGM tort/FSEA Tory/SM totalitarianism/SM tousle/DSG tow/DRGS tow-coloured toyshop traceless/Y trace's Traci/M trackball/S tractable/IY tracts/C trademark/GSDM tradespeople traffic-calming trailblazer/MS training/MS trainload trainmen/M tram/SM trammel/SDG trampolinist trance/MS tranquilly/Q8q-s9 transatlantic transcribe/RGNSDX transducer/MS transistor/Q8MS transliterate/GnD translucency/SM transmittance/MS transsexual/SM trapezoidal trappable/U trashy/TP trawl/SRGD treadmill/MS treats/aA trefoil/SM tremulous/YP trench/AGDS triangulate/NnSGD triathlon/S trick/SGD2MzZ trickery/SM trickster/MS tricky/TP trill/SMGD trillion/HS trillium/SM trimester/SM trimness Trinidad/M triply/N tripod/SM trisection/S trochee/MS tropism/MS trot/GRSD Truckee/M truckle/GSD truculence/M Trudeau/M true/DTG truly trumpet-call Tswana/M tuberculosis/M tubular tuck/DRSG tuition/SMI tumbledown Tunisia/M tunny/MS turban/SM turbaned turn/AScGD turned/U turner/AS turner's turnpike/SM turnstile/SM turtle-dove/SM tutelage/MS tutelary/S tu-whit TVA twenty-one twisted/U two-faced twopence/SM two-way TWX Ty tyke/SM tympanist/MS Tynemouth typewriting typewritten typhoid/M Tyson/M tzigane UART Ukraine/M Ulan/M ulnar ultimatum/MS ultimo ultrasound/SM Ultrix/M UMIST umpteenth unabated/Y unacceptability unacceptable unalike unanimous/Y unattainable unban/DG unbeknown uncapping uncertainness unchaste uncreative undated/I undeliverable undeniable/Y underfloor undergarment undergrad/MS underlip underpay undertone undoubted/Y undulant unfairness unfamiliarity unfavoured unfelt unflappability unforgiving unfriendliness unfruitful unfunny ungodliness unhand/GZ unicameral unidimensional uniform/SMYD Unisys/M universalism/M universality/SM unjust unkempt unkink unlovable unmask/G unmethodical unpersuasive unruliness unruly/T unsentimental unsocial unspeakable/Y unspectacular unsubstantial unsystematic untoward/Y untraditional untwist/G unwrap/DG updater/M Updike/M upheaval/SM upholster/ASd upholsterer/SM UPI uplink/GDS up-to-date uranium/M urbane/Y urgent/Y urinary urinate/DSG urination/M urologist/S Ursula/M us/rS7dgl USART usefulness USO USPS usurer/SM Utica/M uvular/S uxorious Uzbek/M vaccinate/GDS vacillation/M vacua/M vagabond/GMSD vagrant/YSM vainness Valdez/M vale/MS Valerie/M valetudinarian/MS validity/SMI valve/SDMp Vanuatu vapourish variably/I Varian/M variance/IS variance's variety/SM varying/UY vat/GMDS VCR VD veal/A vectorise/nDGS vectorize/DNGnS veld/SM venation/SM veneration/M Venice/M ventricle/SM venture/SRDG venturesomeness Venusian/S veranda/SM verdict/MS verdure/DSM verifies/A verisimilitude/MS vermicelli/SM vermiform Vermont/M vernier/MS Vernon/M versatile/Y verses/4I verso/MS vertigo/M very/Y vestal/S Vesuvius/M viability/MS vibrancy/SM vibraphone/S3M vibration/M vicariousness vice-chancellor/SM Vicki/M vicuña/S videophone/SM Vienna/M Vientiane/M Vietcong/M viewing/M views/KAc vigorousness Viking/SM vilify/DNSnG Vinci/M vindicator/SM vineyard/MS violet/SM viperous vireo/MS virus/MS viscometer/SM viscountcy/MS visions/K visitation/SM visited/U visual/8sY-9QSq Vivian/M vociferousness Vogts volatility/SM Volga/M volume/MS volumetric/Y voluminousness voluptuary/SM Voss/M Vouvray/M vulgarism/SM vulgarity/MS vulnerable/IY wad/drMGS waffle/GMDS waffle-iron wager/d wailer/M Wainwright waistline/SM Wakefield walkout/SM wallaby/SM walnut/MS Walsingham/M Walworth/M wane/S wariness/U warms/A warp/DGMS warren/SM warrior/MS warship/MS Warwick/M wary/UY washer/5SM washing/SM waspishness Wasserman watchdog/SM water-glass watershed/MS waterworks Watling/M Waupun/M Waveland/M Waverley/M wayward/Y weak/YT wealth/MZ weather/mdSM Webster/M weed/DGMSZ weekender/M weevil/SM weighed/U weightlessness Weimar/M Weinberg/M well/DGS well-born well-developed Wellingborough/M well-paid well-received well-wisher/S wend/DGS Wenger/M Wesson/M west/M Westbrook/M Westward/S whack/SDG whale/RMGS what's-her-name what's-its-name wheeze/DSGZ whelm/fDcGS whelp/SDMG where/M whereabouts whereas whereby whiny/T whipcord/SM Whippany whipper whipping/M whirlybird/SM whist/M Whitehall/M Whitehorse/M Whitlow/M Whittier/M whoo who've WI wick/RiSDhM wideband widespread Wilcox/M Wilfred/M Wilkie/M willow/SMZ Wilmington Wilmslow Wilson/M wilt/DGS wimp/MSZ winded window/pGSDM windrow/SM windscreen/MS Winfield wingspan/MS Winston/M wire/2ZmDpSMJG Wisenheimer wisteria/SM withdrawnness witlessness witness/DGS Witt/M Wittenberg witticism/SM wizened woad/M Wodehouse wok/MS Wokingham Wolffian wolfish/Y Wolverhampton/M womanlike womanly/TP Woodbury woodcut/SRGJM woodworking/M Woody's Woolworth word-processing workday/MS working/MS workmen/M world-famous worldliness/U worldly/TP worm-wheel wrapping/SM wrest/GSD wretched/P wrights writeable writing's wrongfulness wrung wt X X-ray/S yack/GDS y'all Yarmouth/M yarmulke/SM yarn/DMGS Yasmin yawl/SM y-axis yea/S Yeager year/YMS yearling/SM yearn/DJGkS yeasty/T Yellowstone/M Yemen/M yeoman/YM yes yes-man yielding/U YMCA yonder Yoong York/M Yosemite Youngstown Ypres yucky/T Yugoslavian Zaibatsu Zambezi zephyr/MS zodiac/MS zymurgy/S à Aachen/M abash/LGhSD abashed/UY abattoir/SM abbé/S abbreviate/NDnSG Abdul/M Abelson/M aberrant/Y abjuration/M abnormal/Y aboard abound/GDS abridge/LSGD abscess/DSGM abscissa/MS abseiler absorbent/M absorbs/A abstractionist absurd/PYT abuse/GESD abusiveness/S abut/GRSLD Abyssinian Ac acc. accelerator/SM acceptably/U access/NSXDyMbG accident-prone accommodative/P accordance/SM accountability's/U accretion/SM accrue/SGD accusative/S accuse/nRkSGD accused/M achievement/f achiever/cS Ackerman/M acknowledged/U ACM acne/SMD acolyte/MS acquainted/U acquiesce/GSD acquire/DASG acquisitiveness/S acreage/MS acridness/S actinometer/MS acumen/SM acyclovir/S adherent/YSM adiós Adirondack/S adjustor's adjutant/MS administrable admirable/P admittance/SM adolescence's adorable/P adore/lRSNnGkD Adrian/M adroit/TYP ADTe adulterer/SM adumbration/M advantageousness/E advent/SvM aeon/SM aerobic/SY aerofoil/MS aestheticism/SM aestival afar affable/TY affiliate/nESGDN affirmation/MA affordable/U affricate/VSNM afresh Africa/M African/SM afterbirth/SM after-effect/SM afterthought/MS afterwards aged/P agenda/MS agglutinin/SM aggrandize/GLDS aggregating/E aggressive/c agitprop/SM agronomic/S airbrush/MGDS Aires/M airlift/GDMS airport/MS akin Al/M alacrity/SM Alaska/M Albans albumin/MS alee alehouse/SM Alf/M Alfredo/M algae algal algebraic/Y Alhambra/M aliener alimentary alive/P Allen/M all-in allotrope/WM alloy/SGMD all-purpose allspice/M alluvial alluvium/SM alp/M Alphonse/M Altai/M altercate/nN alternator/SM Althea/M alum/SM Alyssa/M amalgam/nVSM ambassadorial ambidextrous/Y amble/KS ambled ambrose ameliorate/DGnNVS amender/M amnion/MS amniotic among amongst amortised/U ampere/MS Amtrak/M anabolism/MS anachronistic/Y anaemia/SM anaesthetise/RnSGD analogousness/S anamorphic anastomosis/M anathema/MQ8S Anatolia/M anchoret/W anchorite/SWM Andalusia/M Anderson/M angel/S1wMW Angelina/M angiosperm/SM angle/MRSJGD Anglo-Boer Anglo-Indian Anglo-Irish anguish/MDSG angular/Y animalness animation/AM anion/SWM anise/MS Ankara/M anklebone/MS Anne/M Annette/M annunciator/MS anomalous/PY anon anon. anorectic ANSI/M antagonism/SM antagonist/WSM1 antagonize/RSDG antebellum antecedence/SM antedate/GSD anthropocentric anticlimax/MS anticlockwise antidisestablishmentarianism/M anti-establishment antifreeze/MS anti-hunt/G Antilles/M antimatter/MS antipode/SM antipodean/S antithetic/Y antiviral/S antsier anxious/PY aped/A apelike Apennines aphelia aphelion/SM aphonic APO apocryphal/P apoplexy/SM Apostille apotheosizes Appalachia/M Appalachian/MS apparition/SM appeal/GDSkM appellant/SM Appleton/M approx aproned aptly/I aquanaut/SM Arab/MWS arabesque/MS arachnophobia arbitrate/VSGD archaeology/w3SM1 archaicness architect/SM architrave/SM arctangent Argentinian/S argumentation/M aria/SM Arianism/M Aries/M aristocrat/WM1S armoury/SMD armrest/SM arouse/SDG arrange/LRSDG arrests/A arriver/M artefact/SM arthropod/MS articulator/MS artisan/MS artistry/MS Arturo/M Aryan/SM as ascendant/Y ascends/A ascension/M Ascot/M ascribable asher Ashgabat/M ashlar/dSM ashy/T asleep asphyxiation/M assembled/AU assembly's/AE assimilation/M3 associateship association/oM associator/MS assorter/M asteroid/SM asteroidal astronaut/WwSM Athenian/SM atherosclerosis/M Atherton/M athletic/S atmospheric/S atone/SoLDG attaché/S attainability/MS attestation/M attractor/SM attribution/SM atypical/Y auction/DMGS audacity/SM audience/SM auditor/MS Audubon/M August's Aurelius authority/SM autobiographer/SM Autocue autodial autoimmune automaton/MS autumnal avail/BlSDG avast/S aviate/nN aviation/M aviatrix/SM avionics/M avoid/RSDGl7 avoidable/U awaken/dJS away awayness awning/MD Ayrshire/M azalea/MS b/pb Baal/M bacilli backdate/DSG back-seat backslide/GS backstroke/DGMS bactericide/MS bacteriology/MwW3S bacteriophage Baden/M badinage/SDMG badman/M bagel/SM bagged/M bah/S bailout/MS Bairiki/M bait/SMGD baize/M balaclava/MS balancing/AcUe Balkan/SM ballade/MS ballplayer/SM ballroom/SM bamboo/SM bandager/M bandanna/M banding's bandwidth/SM Bangladesh/M Bangor/M banister/SM bankcard/S banknote/S bankroll/GSDM bankrupt/GSDM baptistry's barb/SRGMDi Barbary barbecue/DSMG barbel/SM Barclaycard bareness/S bark/MDRGS Barkley's barks/C baron/MS baroqueness barrack/SGD barracker/M barrenness/S barrette/MS Barton/M baser/C Basildon/M basketry/SM basophilic bas-relief/S Bastille/M Batavia/M batch/DSGM bathmat/S battalion/MS batting/M Bauer/M Bavaria/M Bayonne/M BBS beading/M beanpole/MS bearable/U Beaumont/M Beckett/M become/SGk bedclothes bedevil/LDGS Bedouin/M bedroll/MS bedsitter/M bee-keeper/SM Beerbohm/M beforehand beggar-my-neighbour begin/RJGS beguile/DRLSGk behalves behaver/a behindhand Beirut/M belfry/SM Belgian/MS belladonna/SM bellflower/M belly/SfM belongingness below bely/SDG beneficent/Y Benin/M Benjamin/M Bennington/M Beowulf/M bequeath/GDS Bergstrom/M beribbon beriberi/MS Bering Bernardo/M Bernoulli/M bes besiege/SRDG best-seller/S betimes beyond bf biaxial/Y bible/1wMS big-boned big-name bilabial Bilbao/M biliousness/S billing/M billionaire/SM billow/DGMZS bimbo/MS binding/PM Binghamton binnacle/SM biol biostatistic/S biped/SM birdlike birthed birthmark/SM bisection/SM Bishopsgate/M bismuth/M bistable bitchiness/S bitterroot/M bizarre/PY blab/RSDG blacklist/GD Blackman/M blackout/MS blade/GDMS Blaenau/M Blaine/M Blake/M blanc/M blanch/DSG blancmange/MS blanketer/S blasé blatancy/MS blather/dS blaze/RkGDMS bleary/TP bled blessedness/MS blind/SDRTPGkY blithesome bloat/SDRG block/UGDS bloodhound/SM bloodied/U blood-poisoning bloom/RMDGS bloop/SDRG blow-dryer blowgun/SM bludgeon/MGSD blueback blue-blooded bluebush blue-eyed boathouse/SM boatload/MS boatswain/MS bode/SZ bodying/M Boeing/M boffin Bogotá/M boil/AGSD boiled/U Bolivian/S Bollinger/M bolsterer/M bona boo/DSG bookseller/SM bootstrap/MDGS booty/SM borderer/M borscht/SM bosh/SM bossy/TP Bostonian/MS bottleneck/MDGS bottomless/YP boundlessness/S bounteous/YP bourgeois/M Bourne/M bowel/SGMD Bowes bowline/SM bowsprit/MS bow-tie/SM box/DZ2RS6GM boxwood/SM brackish/P bracteate brae/SMQ brainstorm/SMDG brainstorming/M brainteaser/S brainwasher/M bran/SDGM branded/Ua brander/d brandish/SGD brawniness/S breadfruit/MS breaker/SM breakpoint/DGMS breathing/M breccias breve/MS Brian/M brick/SM brick-red bridgehead/SM briefing/M Brigham/M brightness/S brininess/S brioche/SM broacher/M broke/RG brontosaur/SM broodmare/SM brook/DSMG brotherly/P brothers-in-law Browne/M Brownian Bryant/M bubble/GYSMD buboes bubonic Buchanan/M buckram/dMS Budd/M buddy/MSGD budge/DGS budgerigar/MS buggy/MTS bulimarexia/S bull/GYSMD bullfighting/M bullhead/hMDSi bullheadedness/S bullishness/S bumpiness/S bundle/UDG bur/DGSYM burdensome/PY burglary/SM burgundy/S Burk/M Burroughs Burt/M Bushido/M businesspeople busk/MRG bust/RGZSMD busted/F bustle/kSGD buttermilk/M buttery/TS butyrate/M buxom/Y bx bye-law/SM byre/SM bystander/MS byway/SM cabaret/SM cachepot/MS cacher cadre/SM caducei café/MS caitiff/MS californium/M Caligula caliph/SM Callahan/M calligraphy/S3MW callow/PT calumniator/SM calve/DGS calyx/SM cambium/MS camcorder/S Camelot Camille campaign/MRDSG Campbell/M Canadian/S cancellation/M cancels/K candlelighter candy/SGMD cankerous cannibal/MQ8Sq- cannonball/SDMG Canoga cantor/SM cants/A Capistrano capita/onM capitalising/c capping/M caravansary/SM carbolic cardboard/SM Cardigan/M Cardin careerist carefree cargoes caricaturization Carina Carla Carleton carnation/MIS Carnegie/M carrel/SM carriage/aSMf carry-all/SM carry-cot/SM Carthage cartwheel/RGMDS Caspar cassock/SMD cassowary/MS castigator/MS castration/M casuistry/MS Catalan Catalina catechise/SGD catenate/FN catfish/SM catholic/M catnip/SM CATV Caucasian/S causation/M cautiousness's caving/M cavitation Cayuga/M ceaseless/PY Cecilia celebrator/SM cellulose/MS Celt/W centrifugal/SY cerebrate/SDG ceremonial/S ceremonious/UY certainer certifies/CA cerulean/MS cervical cessions/F chaff/MGSD chair/MGm5SD chairlady/M chambermaid/MS champ/DGS champagne/SM champers champion/SGDM chance/DS2MZGy chancel/SM chancellorship/MS chancer Chang changeableness/SM changed/U chant/MRDGSJ chapter/dSM chariness/S charismatics charity/SM Charlottetown chartroom/S chase/RDGS chassis/M chat/GS2MZDz cheeseburger/MS Chelmsford Chelsea/M chem/3 chemiluminescence/M Cherie Cherokee/S Cheshire/M chge chi/M chianti/M chilli/M chin-wag/GD Chisinau/M chlorophyll/SM chloroplast/SM chock/DGSM chocker chock-full chokes/M cholesterol/SM choline/M Chondrichthyes choosy/T choral chorea/SM Christi Christmas/MS Christopher/M chroma/M1 chromate/M chromatin/MS chromosome/SM chrysanthemum/MS church/mMG5SDY churl/MS cicada/SM cicatrix/M cigarillo/SM cipher/MdS circulate/GyNDSnV circumferential/Y cirque/SM cirrhosis/M citable cites/I citronella/SM citrous cityscape/SM civilian/SM civilly/U ck/C cladding/M clash/DGS class/2GZDMwpS1 classes/e classify/R7DSnGN Claudia cleaning/M cleanliness/U cleans/DRSG clean-up/MS clear/TPSYGJD clear-sighted cleft/DGSM Clemenceau clement/IY client/MS clientèle/M climax/MGDS clinic/YSM clinker/d clitoral clone/GDMRS closes/E close-set closure's/E cloth/DGJSM club/GSMD clump/DZSGM clumsy/TYP Cm coalminers cochineal/SM cochleae Cochran/M cock-fighting/M cockscomb/MS cocksucker/S cocksure codec/SM codeword/SM codices/M codling/M coercion/SM coffee-cake/MS coffee-pot/MS co-found cognisant cognizant/A coherer/M coho/S coitus/MS cold-hearted Coleraine/M coleslaw/SM colic/ZSM Colin collectable/S Collins colloid/MoS Colorado/M colossus/M colour-blind/P Comanche combinable comet/MS cometh comm commensurable/I commensurate/YI commentator/SM common/YPSr common-room/M communique/S comparable/P compatibly/I compendious competent/IY complaining/UY completed/U completion/SM comport/L composite/SY comprehensive/PS compressible/I comptroller/SM comradeliness Conan concatenate/nDSG concave/Y concentrate/SGNnVD concentric/Y conciliate/nGVyN conciliation/MA conciseness/S conclusive/IPY conclusiveness/IS concoction/SM Concorde/M concubine/MS concupiscence/MS conditionality condone/DGS conductances confectionist confiscator/SM conflict/kSMVDG Confucianism confused/P conger/SM congratulation/M congresspeople connects/EA conner Connie connubial/Y conquered/U consanguineous/Y conscription/SM conservancy/MS consideration/AS consolidates/A consommé/S consonantal Constantine/M constitutive/Y consulate/SM consultation/M consultative consultee/SM contemporariness/S contemptibility contextual/Q-q8 contiguity/MS contiguous/PY continental/S continuance/ESM continuity/ESM continuous/YE contradistinction/SM contraflow/S contravention/MS contretemps/M contributor/MS convection/SM converted/UA convey/D7SG convolute/DY coolness/S co-operation/M co-operator/MS co-opt/NVG co-ordinator/SM co-ownership copilot/SM Copperfield copperhead/MS coprocessor/S cops/DSG copter/SM copulation/M copycat/SMDG coquettish/Y cordless cord's/F co-respondent/SM Corinthian/S cork/DRGMS corks/U cormorant/SM Cornelius Cornwall/M corporate/3SY corpulentness/S correctable/U corrective/S correlator/SM corroboration/M Cortland cosign/RSDG co-site cosmopolitan/MS costive/P cosy/YTP Côte cotillion/MS cougar/SM could coulomb/SM countenance's counteract/DGVS counteraction/SM counter-clockwise counterflow counter-intuitive countersign/DSG counterspy/SM counter-terrorism countless/Y county/M coupé/SM couple/DRCSGJ courtesying Covent covers's covet/dSk cowherd/SM cow-lick/SM cowpox/MS co-writer cowslip/SM coxswain/GSMD coypu/SM CPA cpd crabby/T crackable/U cradling/M cram/GSD crampon/MS crank/DTZSGM2z crappy/T craven/dPY craving/M crawlway creative/P credible/YI creditworthiness creek/SM Cretan cretinism/SM Creutzfeldt crewelwork/MS Crimean cripple/RGkDSM crises criteria croak/RDZSG crookedest Crookes croon/GSRD Crosby crossbar/MSDG crossest crossover/MS crosspiece/SM crowd's crowned/U crowner/M Croydon/M CRT/S crust/MGZzS2D cryptanalyst/M crystallizes/A CSP cub/dWw3SD1GM cucumber/MS cueing culler/M cult/SM3 cultivate/NGSnD cultivated/U Cumbrian/M cumquat's Cunningham/M cupcake/SM cupidinously cuprous curative/S curdle/GSD cure/S curie/MS curricle/M cursed/P curtness/S cuspidal cuss/DhiSGM custom/sQ-9Mr8qSt+ cut/RSGJM cutback/SM cuteness/S cutworm/SM cybernetician Cycladic cycle/D3SWGwM1 cycling's cygnet/SM Cypriot/SM Cyril Cyrillic cytosine/SM czarism/M Czech/M dabber/M dabble/DRSG Dachau dactylic daemon/SWM daffiness/S daftness/S daguerreotype/SMDG dairy/m5MSG daisy-cutter/S Dalton Danbury dander/SdM dandle/DSG Danielson Danube daredevil/SyM darkish d'art Dartmouth dashboard/SM data/M datable datafile datum/MS Daugherty/M David/M Davy/S dawdle/DRSG daybreak/SM DBE dead/PTY deadly/PT dealt/a Dearborn dearth/SM debauchee/MS debilitate/SNGnD decadency/S decamp/GL decease/KSGD decelerate/nDSNG decennial/YS decent/YI decimal/Q8Y-qSM decimate/NDSnG declarable décolletage/S decorates/cA decorousness/S decortication/M dedicated/Y dee/M deed's/a deerstalker/SM deface/RL defeatist defensible/IY definably/I definition/KAMS deflector/MS defog/R deft/PTY degenerate/YP degreed dehydrogenate déjà Delia/M deliberative/P delivery/m delphinium/SM deluge/GSD dementia/SM democrat/qQ81-WSM den/ZDSGM denigrate/nVGSND Denny denounce/DLSGR dentine/M denture/SIM denuclearise/SDG deodorise/nGRSD deodorize/nGRNSD dependent/cI deposit/AdS depute/SnQ8NGDZ derail/L derelict/S deride/NXvkVuD derivation/M derrick/SDGM descry/DGS desiccant/S desirabilia desirably/U desktop/S desolateness/S despite despondency/SM destigmatization/M destination/MK destitute/P detainee/S detect/DGSBVl detectable/U determines/KA detonable detoxification/M detoxify/GnDSN detribalize/DSG Detroit deuterium/M developed/Uf developmental/Y devolve/SGD Devon/M dew/ZGS2M dewiness/S Dewitt dewlap/SM Dhiri diaereses diagnometer/SM diagnosis's diagram/RDGMS diagrammable dial/RSMGD dictatorship/MS dielectric/SM differencing differentness differer/S diffusion/M diffusive/P dig/RSJG digital/-qQ9s8Y digressive/P dilation/M dilatory/P dilettante/MS Dillinger dine/S dingo/MS dingy/TSP diocesan/S Diogenes dioxalate dip/DRGSZ diploid/S diplomacy/SM diplomatic/U diplomatist diptych/M directive/SM directors/a dirigible/S disable/LGSDR disburser/M disc/SM discerner/M disciple/MGDS disclosure discretion/IMS discriminable disdainful/P disgruntle/LSDG disharmonious dishevel/DGLS disinfectant/SM dismiss/vR dispersal/SM disputatious/Y disregard/6 disreputable/P disrupt/uGVSDv dissect/GD dissemble/DSRG distaff/SM distances/e distinguish/S7DlG distort/DRG7 disturbance/SM disyllable/MW ditcher/M ditz/S diuresis/M divinity/SM division's Dixon/M Djibouti/M DLA docket/SdM dog-eat-dog dogfish/MS Doggett/M dogsbody/M dog-tired Doha/M dolly/DGMS Dolores domineer/DkSG Donegal/M Donna donnish/YP doom/SDGM doomsday/MS dos/dSDG Dostoevsky double-barrelled doublet/SM doubling/A dough/MZS douser/M dovelike dovetail/MGDS dowdy/PTY downland/S download/BGDS Doyle doze/SZDG dozen/S Dr Dracula/M draft/cSA drafting draft's/c dragonfly/MS drake/MS dramatic/S drapery/SM draught/zm52SZ drew/Ace drillmaster/MS drink-driving drip/JSZMDG drive/RJSG driven drizzly/T droll/YTP drop-forging drosophila/M dross/MS drown/GJDS drum/RSDGM drunk/TMSY dry/SGTDRY d's/A duck-billed duckling/SM ductless dud/SM duenna/SM duet/SDMG Duffy duke/SM Dulles Dumas dummy/SGDM Dunbartonshire/M Dundee/M Dunedin/M Dungannon/M dunk/GDS duodecimal/S dupion/M duplex/SMDG durable/SPY dusky/PT dwells/I Dyfed-Powys dying/U Dylan/M dynamism/SM dysfunction/oSM eager/MYP eagle-eyed Ealing earldom/SM earmuff/SM earshot/M ear-stud/MS earth/MZY2DG earwig/GSDM EBCDIC ebullience/SM echoic ecliptic/MS ecology/wS3M1 economics/M ecru/M ecumenism/SM eddy/DGMS edelweiss/M Edgar/M Edgbaston edifying/U educable/S educate/DGANS EEOC eeriness/SM efface/LDSG effectual/PIY effeminacy/MS efficacious/YIP efficiency/MIS effloresce effortlessness/S e.g. egalitarianism/SM egotist/WS1Mw egregiousness/S eigenstate/S eigenvalue/MS eighty-first/S EKG elaborate/PDSGnYVN elaboration/M elasticity/SM elation/M elderly/SP electoral/Y electrolyte/MS1 elemental elf/M eliminator/MS Elisabeth/M Elizabeth/M Elle ellipsometer/MS elute/DG elven Elvis/M elvish Elwood/M elysian embezzle/DLRSG embouchure/MS embracer/M embrocation/MS embryo/SM emergency/SM emission/M emotion/pMS empathy/QM8WS emphasis/cdACQS emphasizing/A employee/SM emptier/M emptiness/S emulation/M enacted/A enamour/DGS encephalitis/M encourage/LDSkG encumbrance/SM encyclopaedia/SM endocrinology/3SM endorse/LRDSG energetics/M enforce/RbBLDGhS engineer/SDGM English-speaking engross/LDSGhk Ennis Enrico enrol/LDRSG ensnare/SDLG ensure/DRGS enteritides enthalpy/MS enthral/GDLS enthusiasm/SM enthusiast/SWM1 entrant's entrechat/S entrepôt/S entrepreneurial enumerates/A envious/PY ephemera/SMo epicycloid/M epigram/MS epigrapher/M epiphenomena epistolary/S epitaxy/Mo epithelial epochs eponymous equalised/U equestrian/S equipartition/M equitably/I equitation/MS equivocal/UY erase Erasmus erecting erectly ergodic ergodicity/M ergonomically Erik/M Ernie Ernst erosible erotic/YS eroticism/SM err/DkSG errancy/SM erring/UY Errol ersatz/S erst Ervin escapable/I escape/3SDLG eschatology/M escort/SGMD escorted/U esoterica Esposito/M espy/DGS esquire/SM Essen/M establishing/A Estella/M etchant ethicalness/M ethnocentrism/SM etiquette/SM Euclid Eugene eugenic/Y3S eulogised/U Eustachian Eva evaluates/A evangelical/S evangelism/SM evaporator/SM ever-changing Everest Everton Everyman evildoer/MS evince/SDG evocation/M examinable/A exasperation/M excitable/P excrement/SM excretion/M execrable/PY executrices exegeses exercise/RSBGD exercised/c exigence/ZS exiguous existence/SFM expansionism/MS expansiveness/S expectant/SY expectorate/SGNDn expeditor's experiment/NRSGMonD expert/IPY expiable/I explicitness/S explore/SnDRNyG explosion/M exposition/M express/SNvbuDGYXV expresser/M expressionlessness ex-students extensible/I extenuation/M extraneous/PY extravagant/Y extravert's extrema extrinsic/Y extrude/GNSDXV eyelash/MS eye-liner/MS eyesore/SM Faber/M fabulous/PY faceplate/M facet/SdM facile/YP facilitation/M factoring/MS fag/SDGM faggoting/M Fahrenheit faint-heartedness fairly/U fairyland/SM falcon/SryM Falkland/SM falloff/S falsification/M fames/C family/MS famine/SM fanciful/P fanciness/S fancywork/SM fanny/MS farer/M far-fetched farmhand/S farmhouse/MS farseeing fashion/RSMDl7G fatalness fathomed/U fatso/M fattiness/S fatuousness/S fault/CSDGM Faust favourableness favourite/MS fawn/SRkDGM fay/SM FBI FDA fearfulness/S fearsome/PY feat/SCM fecundation/M feeble/TPY feed/GRS feigned/U fell/GSTD fellow-traveller/MS felonious/PY fence/RSDMJG fend/CGDRS fer/KLFC feral ferment/nDNG fernery/M fervour/MS festal/Y festivity/SM fib/DRSG fibrillation/M fibrin/SM fichu/SM fickle/PT fieldstone/M fifth/Y figurehead/SM filament/SM filigree/GMS Filipino/S fillip/MS filming/M finch/SM findable/U finery/MSA fine-tune/SDG fingerboard/SM finickiness/S finished/U Finnish fire/aSGD firedamp/SM firefly/SM firemen/M fire-power/MS first/SY first-rate Fis fishery/SM fishlike fishwives fission/7SMDG fistful/MS fit/RPTJSG6YDjM fit's/Aea Fitzwilliam five-fold fiver/M fixate/DSnVGN fixed/PY fixing/MS fjord/SM flag/mDGMJS flagella/nM Flanders flap/SGDRM flashcube/SM flask/SM flattering/UY flavoursome flay/DRGS fleck/GDSM fleece/RDMGZS fleeciness/S fleetness/S flexibly/I flimsiness/S flint/ZSGMD2p Flintoff flippancy/SM flit/SDG flocculate/DSNG floe/SM flood/SGMD flooder floorer/M floral Florida/M flouncy/T flour/DMGZS flow/kRGDS flowed/c flower/CSd flowerpot/MS flows/Ifec fluent/YF fluffiness/S flunkey's fluorocarbon/MS fluxes/I foam/DZSM2G fodder/SdM foe/SM fogey fogy/MS folk-song/S follicle/SM fomentation/M Fontainebleau foot/GSRDJhipM footbridge/SM footnote/GDSM footpad/SM Forbes forbidden forcefield/SM foredoom/GSD forefinger/MS foremast/SM forenoon/MS foresail/SM foreskin/MS forest/RMDSyNnG foreverness forge/SGAD forgettable/YU forgiven/U forgiving/P formalin/M formative/PIY formatives formed/K4CAU former/SC4FAI forming/K4 formlessness/S Formosa forms/AKC4 formulator/SM forsook forth forthrightness/S fortnight/MYS fortuity/SM forwent fossiliferous founds/F foyer/MS fps fractional fracture/DSMG frailness/S Frankenstein Frankford fraternise/RnSGD fraternize/NnSG fray's freaky/T freckle/GMDSY Freddy/M free-for-all free-form free-handeness freethinking/S free-up freezing/AU frenzy/DMShG frequent/TDRYSGP freshen/dSr freshness/S Freya/M friable/P fricative/MS frictionless/Y friendlies Frigidaire frilly/TS Frisco friskiness/S frisson/M Frito frivolous/PY frocking/M frock's frontal/YS frost's froth/ZSD2MG frump/ZSM fuels/A fullback/SMG full-bodied fulling full-page Fulton/M fumble/GRkSJD functional functionality/S fundamental/SY3 funding/f fungi/M fungicidal funky/T furbelow/DGMS further/drS furze/SM fustiness/S futurity/SM G gaffe/MS gage/SM gainsaid gall/SM galleria/S gallium/M Galloway/M Galvin/M Galway/M gameness/S gamma/MS Gandhi/M Gandhinagar ganger/M gangling GAO gape/S garbage/M Garrett Gascoigne/M gasket/SM gassed gatehouse/SM gauche/TPY gauntlet/SdM gausses/C Gavin/M GB Geary generalize/l genericness generosity/SM Genet genitive/SM genre/MS gentility/SM gentlemanly/U gentrification/M gentrify/nSDGN genuflect/DGS geochemical/Y geometric/S geophysics/M geopolitical geopolitics/M Georgette geoscientific geriatric/S germinate/NnDGVvS gerrymander/dS Gertrude gestate/SNxDGn get/RSG getaway/SM ghastly/TP ghost/DGMYS giantkiller Gibbs gibe/GSD Gilead/M Giles gilt-edged gimmickry/SM giraffe/SM gird/RSDG Giuseppe/M giveback/S gizzard/SM gladiolus/M glamorise/nDRSG glamorize/NnDRSG gland/MS glandes Glaser glass-cloth glazing/M gleam/GSMD gleefulness/S glitzy/T globalism/S globalist glossiness/S Gloucestershire/M glutei glutton/SM glycerins gm gnash/DGS goal/pSDM Goddard/M godless/P godmother/MS Goff/M goitre/DMS gold/TSM golliwog/SM gondolier/MS gone/R goniometer/Ww gonococci goodwill/SM gooier goose-step/G goriness/S gory/TYP go's gotta governments gown/SDMG graduate/NMGnDS Grady grain/DIGS graining/M grammaticality's gramophone/MS grandaunt/MS granddaddy/SM grandiose/Y grange/SM Grantchester grantee/SM grappler/M grasshopper/SM grate/jRG6SDkJ gratification/M gratified/U gratuity/MS graveness/S grazing's grease/CDRGS great-aunt/S Greece/M greenhouse/MS Greenpeace/M Greg/M Gregg Grenada/M Grenadines/M Gretna grid/SMD Grieg/M grim/PYT gristly/PT gritty/TP grog/Z2zM groovy/T grotesque/PY groundless/PY grounds/f grouped/A grove/RSM grubstake/MGDS gruel/MGkS grungy/T GT Guadalajara guarantor/SM guardroom/SM guava/MS Guernsey/M guidepost/MS guile/pM6j guiltless/PY Guinea/M gulley/SM gully/MSGD gulp/RGSD gunfire/SM gunnel's gunpoint/M gunsmith/SM Gurkha/M Gustafson/M gusto/M gusty/PT Gwyneth gymnasia/M gymnastic/S gymnastics/M gypsy/MS gyrate/GDSNn gyrocompass/M hacienda/SM hack/R7DGSJ hadron/SM haematology/W3SMw haemostatic Hafiz Haggai haggish Hahn/M hairbreadth/SM hairsbreadth/S hajj/M half-and-half half-brother/SM half-duplex half-fare half-hearted/YP half-truth/S halloo's halt/RJGSMkD Hamilton/M hammertoe/SM Hammett hammock/MS Hampton handbrake/SM handiwork/MS handlebar/MS handout/MS handsaw/SM handshaking/M hanger-on hanging/c hanky-panky Hannibal/M hansom/SM ha'p'orth hardbound hard-core hard-done-by hard-headed/YP hard-headedness/S hard-paste hare/MDGS harelip/MSD Haringey Harlow harmoniousness/IS harmonised/U harness's Harris Harrisburg Harrogate Hartford Hartley harvested/U hasher/M hashing/M Haskins hat/rGRSMdpD hatch/GyDSJ hauberk/SM hayfield/MS hayrick/SM Haywood hazelnut/SM headlamp/S headland/SM heads/c headstock/M hear/GAaSc heart/DhiMZz2Sp heartbroken heartless/PY heart-rending/Y heart-searching heathenism/SM hebe hecatomb/M heckle/RGSD Hegel hegira/S heifer/MS helicon/M heliosphere hell-fire/M hell-hole/MS helpfulnesses helping/M hem/GRSMD Hemingway hemisphere/SMWwD henceforward Hendrickson herbaceous herd/mRGSMD here's herewith hermeneutic/S hermeneutics/M hermetic/YS hermit/SM Hernandez/M hernial heroism/SM Herr Hershel Hesperus heterodyne Hewkin/M hexameter/SM Hezekiah hi hibiscus/MS hide/GSJ high-energy high-faluting Highfield highlight/SGMDR high-minded/Y highpoint hilarious/YP hilariousness/S Hillsboro hindered/U hindmost hipping/M hireling/MS hire-purchase hirsuteness/S hissing/M Hitchcock hitch-hike/DRGS Hitler/M Hittite/SM hive/MDGS hoarseness/S Hogarth Hoggard Holdsworth/M hold-up/MS holocaust/SM home-owner/MS home-owning homoeostatic homoerotic homogenise/RGDS homologous Honduras/M honest/EZY honeydew/SM honeylocust hoodwink/SGD hooper/M Hoovers hope/6MjSp hopeless/PY hopelessness/S hopscotch/M Horne horrid/PY horror-struck horsemanship/SM hospitality's/I host/YSMGD hostler/SM hot-air hotbed/MS Hottentot/M houri/SM housebreaking/M houseclean/JGDS house-husband housework/RSM HP hubby/MS Huck hullo/MSGD humanenesses humanise/CRDSnG Humboldt humidistat/M humidor/MS humiliate/GSkNDn humpback/DSM hundred/HMS hung/Ac Hungarian/S hunker/Sd hunter-gatherer/S hurdle/RMGSD huskiness/S husking/M hussar/SM hustings/M Hutchinson hwyl hydra/nSM hydrate/MGDS hydroelectricity/SM hydrophobic hydrosphere/MS hyena/SM hygrometer/SM hymnology/3 hyperaesthesia hyperglycaemic hyperinflation Hyperion hypermedia hypersonic hypnotic/SY hypoglycaemic/S hypoxia/M hysteric/MSY ibidem IC Icarus ice/mSMJGD icepack ichneumon/M ichthyology/M3S iciness/S ideate/SN idempotent/S identifies/a identifying/a ids ignoramus/SM ignorer/M iliac ill-fated illicit/P Illinois ill-matched illogical illusory/P illustriousness/S imaginary/PS immaterial imminence/SM immodest immovability/MS immune/q-Q8 impaction/SM impasse/MulXbN impasto/MS impeach/LR7 impend/GSD imperceptibility/MS impersonation/M implementer/MS import/ARGSD importunity/MS imposable impregnability/MS impregnate/DBSGnN impressiveness/MS in/ASF inauguration/M incinerate/SnNDG incipiency/M incisiveness/S inclusiveness/S incomparable inconsiderable/P inconsiderate/N inconvertible incorrigibility/SM increaser/M inculcation/M incunabulum indefeasible/Y in-depth index-linked indigestion indium/M individual/sY38Q-9MqS individualism/MS individualist/1W indivisible/SPY indoctrinate/NnGSD indomitable/PY inductee/MS indulgence/cMS indulgently inequivalent inerrant infant/SM infeasible infernal/Y infiltrator/MS infinitival infinitude/SM infinitum infinity/MS inflammation/M inflict/DGS influence/RDGMS info/S informal infrastructure/MS ingoing inhabit/7d inhalator's inhere/DSG inherit/EdS initiate/NDGSnVy initiative/SM injector/SM inner/S innerspring innervate/SGDnN Innsbruck innumerability/M inoculates/A inoculation's insensate/YP inshore insipid/Y insolvent/Y install/ADGS institution's/A instrumental/3S integral/SMY integrative integument/SM intelligibly/U Intelsat intensify/RNnDSG interbank intercalation/M intercession/MS intercity interconversion/M interference/MS interferometer/WSM interlard/DSG interlibrary interlocutory intermetrics interminable/PY intermixer interpose/SNDXG interpreted/U interrelationship/SM interrupt/DGSbRV interstitial/SY intervenor/M interview/ADGS interviewer/MS intimal intraclass intracohort intragenerational/Y intranasal Intranet intrepidity/MS introducer/M intubate/SNDG intuit/vSVXu7N inundate/nSNG Inverclyde/M Inverness/M invest/ALE investigative investiture/SM invigorate/AGDNSn inviscid Ionian Ipswich/M irides's iron/wMSd1W Iroquoian irreconcilability/MS irrecoverable/YP irregular irrelevance/S irreligious irreparable/YP Isaac/M ism/SMC isomorph/WM1 Israel/M item/qsQ98-SM iterator/SM jabot/SM jackboot/MSD jacket/dSM jacketed/U Jacky Jacoby jade/iDMhS jadeite/MS jail/RMDGS jailbird/SM Jainism jam's Jan Jarvis jasmine/SM Java/M JavaScript jawbone/SDM jazzy/PT jealous/YPZ jealousy/SM jeer/MDJSGk Jeeves Jeffrey/S jejuna Jennifer Jennings Jensen/M jeremiad/SM jerk/zGZSD2 jeroboam Jessop/SM Jesuit/S Jesus jeweller/Z jib-boom/S jiggle/DSYG jilter/M jimmy's jinked Joan jockstrap/MS Johanna/M Johansen Johnson Johnston/M joined/A joinery/SM joke/ZDRMSGk jongg/M Jose José/M jotting/M Judah judder/dS Jude/Z Judea judge's judicature/SM Judith jug/6GDSM juggernaut/SM jugular/S Julia/M Julian/M jump-off junction/FSMIE Jungian juniority/M junkie/M Jurassic jurisdiction/oMS jurisprudent jurisprudential/Y juror/MS jury/35DmMSG Jussi/M justificatory Justine justness/U justnesses k/k kabob's Kane/M Kaplan/M karate/M Karp/M kart/M Kasai Kathmandu/M Kathy Katie/M Katz Kay kayak/MS kB Keane Keegan Keele/M Keenan Kelly/M kelp/DGSM Kendall/M Kenilworth Kensington kepi/MS keratin/MS ketchup/SM kettle/6SM keystone/SM khaki/MS Khrushchev kibbutz/M kidding/MY Kiel/M Kilauea Kilbride/M kilo/MS kilocycle/MS kiloton/SM kinaesthetic/YS kind-heartedness/S kindly/PT king/MDSG kinglet/M Kinshasa/M kinship/MS kiri klaxon/M Kline/M knave/MyS knavish/Y knick-knackish knobbly knockabout/M knock-down/S knock-up knoll/DSGM known/US Knudsen koala/MS Kohl Koran/M Kremlinologist kroner kt. kulaks Kurdistan/M Kurt/M labour/JShRikGDM labyrinthine lacewing/MS lacy/T ladyfinger's Ladyship/MS lagging/M Laguerre Laguna Lamborghini/M lamé lameness/S laminae Lampeter lamp-post/S landfill/SD Landis landlines landlocked landmark/SDGM landslide/SM landslip/S lanky/TP Laois/M Laotian/S lapidary/SM larded larder/SM largess/SM Larousse larvae larval laryngitis/M latecomer/MS Lateran/M Latin/M latish latitudinal/Y Latvian laughingstock/SM launcher/SM launder/rdS laundered/U laundry/5SmM laurel/SMDG lavender/dSM lawmaker/SM Layton/M laze/GZDS lb leaden/PY leaflet/MdS leafy/TP leakiness/S lean/JYGDTPS leant leatherette/S leatherneck/SM leave-taking lecherousness/S Lee-Metford legalese/MS legalism/MS legato/SM legibly/I legislation/M legitimiser legitimize/NDnG legstraps Leila lemming/M Leninist leprechaun/SM lessen/dS let-out lets/e letterbox/S leverage/DM leviathan/SM Levin/M Leviticus liaison/MS liberalise/DGnSR liberalize/DGNSRn libertine/SM liberty/SM libidinous/YP librarianship lice/M licenser/M lie/FGcSf lief/A lieutenant/SM lieux life-raft/SM lift/RDSGM lighting/M lightproof ligneous Lila/M Lilliputian/S lily-livered limbo/DSMG limpness/S linage/SM Lincolnshire/M linearisation linearities line-up/S lingerie/SM linnet/MS lino/M Lionel lionhearted lionization/M lip-sync literation/M lithium/M litmus/SM litterbug/MS Litton liver/CdSZ Livermore Liverpudlian/SM lixiviation lizard/MS lobule/MS locater/M loch/M locknut/M Lockwood/M locoweed/SM lofty/TP logicality/MIS logout Lomé/M Longford/M longhand/SM long-lasting long-lost Longstreet/M loofah/SM looking-glass/S loon/ZSM loosen/dSU loosener/S loper/M lopsidedness/S loquaciousness/S lording/M lossy/T loudness/S lounge/DRSG louse's lousewort/M lovable/P Lovelace Lovell loving/U Lowe/My low-emission low-lying low-pitched Loy luck/zMZpS2DG lucre/vMVuS Lucretius Lucy/M Lufthansa/M Luftwaffe/M Luis lump/GDZ2SM lunchtime/MS lure/GDS Lusaka/M luscious/YP luxes luxe's lychee/SM Lyndon lyrebird/SM Lysenko/M Lysol mac/SM MacGregor/M machinable MacKenzie/M mackintosh/SM MacMillan/M macrobiotic/S Madeira Madeleine/M magician/SM magnetite/MS Magyar maharajah/MS mahogany/SM Maidenhead/M mailbag/SM mainbrace/M maintainable/U makable maker/SM maladroitness/S malaise/MS malamute/MS malediction/SM malefaction/SM malevolence/S malicious/PY maliciousness/S malleability/MS maltose/MS Managau/M manage/LaDGS manageress/SM mandala/SM mandamus/SdM Mandela mandolin/MS mandrake/SM mange/MZRS2 mangoes man-hour/S manic/S Manila/M manille manipulate/BSGnyDNVu Manley/M manlike manor/SM manta/MS Maracaibo marathon/MrS Marceau/M Marcia/M Marconi Marcus marginal/Q8q-S Marian/M Marietta marination/M Marino/M Mario Marissa/M marital/KY maritimer Markovitz/M maroon/SDG marooner Marsden martinet/MS masculinity/MS mason/SdyWM Masonite masque/RSM massiveness/S master/AdSc master-class/SM masterful/PY masterly masterpiece/MS matchbox/SM match's/A matchstick/SM mater/Mo materialization/M Matlock matriarchal matriarchy/MS matricidal mattock/SM maudlin/Y Mauser mausoleum/SM mauve/MS maxillary/S Maximilian mayday/S Mayhew mayst McAllister/M McBride/M McCauley/M McClellan/M McCullough/M mead/MS meadowland meadowlark/SM mealiness/S mealy-mouthed meaner measles measurable/IU meataxe medallist/S Medicare meditation/KMS medium-sized megajoules megaparsec megohm/MS meiotic Meistersinger melancholic/S melancholy/MSW melon/SM melter/M member/ASE memorabilia memorability/MS memorial/QS Memphis men/M menace/kSGD Mendel/M meninges meniscus/M mentored meridional meritocracy/SM Merle merry/TLY Mersey mesquite/MS messenger/dMS metabolise/DSG metacarpal/S metal/WSMGJD metaphor/SWw1M metaphysic/SMY metastatic metathesis/M meteorology/wMS Methyr/M meticulous/PY métier/S metonymy/M mew/GSD mezzanine/MS mg microanalysis/M microbial microcircuit/SM microcomputer/MS microgram/S micrography/M microjoule mid-afternoon Middleton midi/S midsummer/SM midwifery/MS mien/SM migrant/ISM mild/TPY mileage/MS Milford/M military/-Q3Y milliamp mimeograph/MDSG Mina mindbogglingly mindfulness/SM mine/RDSJG minicab/M minicomputer/SM mining/M minivan/S minty/T minuend/MS minutiae Miquelon/M mirage/DSMG mirthfulness/S miry/T mi's misc/b miscast/G mislead/k misses/K missilery/MS mission/FRSM misspeak misspecification misstep mistakable/U mistaken/Y mistletoe/SM Mitsubishi mixer/SM mix-up mnemonics/M mockers/M moderator/MS modern/Q8YTPs9q- modernism/SM modified/U modishness/S modulator/CAMS modus operandi Moldavian mollification/M mollusc/MS molybdenum/M monarchy/SM3 Mondale monition/KMS Monmouth/M monocle/DMS monograph/SMDG monomeric monomolecular monophonic Monsanto monumentality/M mood/2MZSz moonlit moonscape/MS moonstone/MS mooring/M Moorish moralise/CGSDR Morecambe Mormon/SM Moro/M Morocco/M Moroni/M morphism/MS Morris's Morristown/M mortem/SM mortgage/DSMG Morton/M mos/GZD Moselle/M mosey/DGS moth-eaten mother/dpY mothering/M mother-in-law motlier moult/RSGD mountaineer/JMGSD mountebank/SM mousse/SM mousy/PT mouton's movingly Moyes Mr/M mucilage/SM mucosa/M mud/SM2Zz muddleheaded muezzin/MS Muir/M mulct/SDG mullein/MS multicolour/SMD multifamily multimegaton/M multimeter/M multipath multiple/SMY multiple-choice multi-storey multitasking multivalent multivitamin/S mum/RDZSMG Muncie/M munificence/MS Muppet/M Murali muralist Murielle/M muscle/MGSD musicale's musically/U mustiness/S mutably/I mutate/FDSG mutation/FM4 mute/Fn4NDSG mutilator/MS mutter/rJSd MW my Myles/M myna/SM mystification/M mystifying/Y mythography/M NaCl/M naffer nailbrush's naivety/SM nakedness/S namby nameless/Y namer/MS nan/MZ nano Nantes/M Nantucket/M Naples/M narky/T narrow-mindedness narrowness/S nasality/SM Nashville/M natal/K Natchez nationaliser/CMS nationalization/M nationhood/SM naturalist/W natures/C nautilus/MS navel-gazing Nazarene/MS NCAA NCC Ne né Neath/M Nebuchadnezzar/M nebula/MS nebulous/PY necrology/MS necrophiliac/S nectarous Needham/M ne'er nefarious/PY neg/uNnvV negative/GDPS negligible/Y Neil/M Nematoda nematode/SM neoclassical neoplastic nepotism/SM neptunium/MS nerdy/T nervelessness/S nerviness/S nether neurasthenic/S neuromuscular neuropathology/M neutralness Nevadan/S newborn/S Newman/M newness/SM newsworthy/TP NHS Niamey/M Nicene nickelodeon's Nietzsche/M Nieves/M night-blindness nightclub/MGSD nightgown/MS night-owl Nikita/M nimbus/M ninety-first/S ninny/MS nobility/SM Noel/SM Noelle/M nominator/CMS non-adaptive non-com/MS non-commissioned non-convertible non-depreciating non-educational/Y non-elastic non-essential/S non-event/MS non-extensible non-flying non-freezing non-identical non-independent non-linearity/SM non-linguistic non-malignant non-militant/S non-observance/S nonogenarian no-nonsense non-parallel/S nonpareil/MS non-participant/SM nonplus/GDS non-political non-profit/S7 non-recoverable non-refillable non-renewable non-respondent/S non-sectarian non-standard non-stick non-support/SG non-technical/Y non-termination non-veteran/SM Norah/M normalizing/A Norse/m Northamptonshire/M northbound north-easterly northerly/S norther's northmen northwester/MS north-Westerly Norway/M nose/ZDGSM nosebag/M nosiness/S nostrum/SM notableness/M noteworthiness/S nothingness/S notorious/PY Notre Nottingham/M Nouakchott/M nouveaux Novak/M November/SM nu/M nuclear-powered nucleoli nucleolus/M nude/Y3STP numerous/PY nutria/MS nutritionist oafish/Y oaken oasis/M oaten oath/SM obey/ESDG obfuscater oblation/M obliterate/DNvnSVG obscene/TY observed/U obsess/NxXVSuDGv obsolescence/S obstinacy/SM obstruction/3SM obstructive/PS obvious/PY occur/ASGD Ochoa/M o'clock ocular/S odd/TLPSY OEMS Oersted/M oestrus/SM offence/S offhand/iDh officialdom/MS officio offload/DGS off-road/G off-street off-the-wall Oglethorpe/M ogreish ogrish oh oho/S OHSA/M oil-shale okapi/SM Okayama/M Okeechobee/M Okhotsk/M old-gold oldie/MS olé Olen/M oligarch/ZMWw Olsen/M Olympus/WM Oman/M ombudsmen ominous/PY ominousness/S omniscience/MS omniscient/SY one-quarter onerous/PY one-to-one on-off onside ontogeny/MS OOo/M opalescent/Y open-deartedness open-handed/P operative/FPS ophthalmic/S ophthalmology/3MWS opposable opposed/U opposer/M oppressor/SM ops orang-utan/MS orb/SMGD orbicular ordeal/SM ordinariness/S Ordovician organ/W3q-Q81s9t+SM organist orotundity/MS orphanage/MS Orphic orthodontia orthodox/ZUY Orwellian oscillator/SM osteology/M Ostrander/M otter/MS Otto/M ouch/S outfit/G outflow/M outlet outmanoeuvre outproduce output/MG outrider outsource/J out-tray ouzo/MS ovation/M overbalance overbear/k overbore overcapacity overcast overcome overcritical overflow overfond overground overhang overhaul/J overpower/k overprecise overreacher oversample oversaturate overshadow Oxordshire/M oz Ozark/MS paceman pacify/nD3RWN1SG packages/A Packwood/M padded/U paddle/DRSMG Padrewski/M page/SM6RDG paged/U painful/TP Paisley/MS palaeoecology/w palaeolithic Palaeozoic palatable/P palatine/S palette/MS pall/MS palladium/M pallbearer/MS palmate palmy/3T paludal pamby Pamela/M pampas/M panderer/S panegyric/MS panellise/SnDG panellize/SNDnG pantheon/SM Paoli/M paper/2pdrZ paper-boy/SM papillae paprika/MS Papua/M par/dDGS7Z paracetamol/M parallelism/MS paralysis/M paramagnetism Paramecia parcel/SMGD parers parietal/S parkway/SM parky/T parliamentarian/MS parlous parochial/Y parquet/dyMS parrotlike parry/GDS parted/CI partnership/SM part's/f pasha/MS passives passport/SM past/DMS2GZy pasteboard/SM pastel/SM paste-up pastille/MS pastorate/SM pastry/SM pâté/M patent/YSMD7G pathos/SM patriot/1WSM patriot's/F pattern/SGDpM paucity/SM pavement/MS payer/SM paying/Kfc pay-packet/SM payslip/S pd Pde PDSA peace/Ml6j peck/DRMGS pectin/MS peculate/GDSNn peculator/S pedometer/MS peel/DGSJ peep-hole/SM peering/F pelt/DGS pelvic/S Pembroke/M pemmican/SM penal/Q8- penance/DSGM Penh/M penicillin/SM pennant/MS pennyroyal Penrith penuriousness/S pepper/Zd peppergrass/M pepsin/SM peptic/S perambulation/M perceivably perceiving percussive/P perennial/YS perfective/P perfectness/SI perfume/SRDMG perfunctory/PY pergola/SM perineum/M periodontics/M periphrases peritoneum/MS permanences/I permeable/IP perpetuation/M Persian/MS persimmon/SM personification/M personifier/M personnel/MS perspiration/M pertain/DSG perversion/M pestilential/Y pet/SRGMD petrifaction/SM petroglyph/M pettish/YP phalanger/SM phalanx/SM phallus/WMS phantasmagoria/MS Pharaoh/S Pharisaical pharmacy/3SM pharyngeal/S pharynx/M phaseout/S phenotype/MS philistinism/S phlox/M phone/ZSWG1DM phosphatase/M photochemical/Y photovoltaic phrasemaking phraseology/SM phys/w1 physicalness physiognomy/SM piastre/MS piazza/SM pica/SM piccalilli/MS piccolo/MS picket/rdMS pickpocket/SM picturesqueness/S piecewise piedmont piggery/M pike/SRMDG pikeman pillage/DGRS piloting/M pineal pink/PZDTMYGS pinkeye/SM pinnacle/DSMG pint/MS piquancy/SM piquant/PY piranha/SM pistachio/SM pistillate pitiable/P pitiful/PT pituitary/MS pixel/SM pizzicati placate/yDVSGnN placeless/Y placing/aA plagiarise/DRGS plagiarize/DRGS plague/GDMS plainsong/SM plaiter planar planet/MS planetoid/MS plate/6SMJ plateau/GMDS platonic playable/EU playbill/MS playboy/MS playgroup/S playhouse/SM pleaser/M pleasure's/E plebiscitary pledge/GDMS plenary/S pleurae pliability/SM plimsolls plinth/MS plod/DRGSJV ploughed/U pluck/ZGSz2D plug/UDSG plummet/Sd pluralization/M plush/TZPMS2Y pm pneumonia/MS P.O. pocketing/M poesy/MS pogo poignancy/SM poinsettia/SM point-blank pointed/P pointlessness/S pointy/T polarize/CnNSGD polarography/M pole-vaulter politburo/S politeness/IS politesse/MS politicize/CGSD polity/SMw1 pollack/MS polybutene/SM pomander/MS pompom/MS pone/SZM poniard/SM pop/ZRGSDM popularity/MU populates/A porcelain/MS porous/YP porpoise/DMGS portability/S portages portfolio/MS porting/FE4 portrayer/M Portugal/M positron/SM post-coital/Y postlude/MS post-modern post-production post-war potassium/M potatoes potencies/I potter/dZ pounce/DSG pourri/SM power/6jdpSM powerlessness/S powwow/SGDM practised/U prague's praise's praxis/M precious/SY precipice/MS precipitation/M precisest predecessors' pre-decimal pre-defined predictable/U pre-eminent/Y pre-emption/SM pre-emptor/M prelude/GMDS pre-package/GSD preparation/M pre-record/SDG prerogative/MS presage/GD presbyteral presbyterate preschooler/S present-day pressman/M prestige/SM prestigiousness Pretoria/M prevail/GkSD preventive/SP pricier priggishness/S prim/rdTY primaeval primogeniture/MS primrose/MS prince/YSM princeliness/S printably printings prison's prizefighting/M proactive probabilist/W1 proceeding/M processed/UKA processor/MS proctor/dMS pro-democracy product/QVMsvSu productivity/SM prognosticate/DGS progressive/PS prohibition/3M prohibitionist prolix/Y prologuize prolong/nSDNG prompted/U promptness/S pronouncement/SM proof/EASM prop/MSGD propaganda/MS propagandise/DSG propel/RSNDnG prophylaxes proposal/SM proscription/M prosper/dS protean/S protectionist/SM protectorate/MS protégée/S protocol/SM proton/MS prototype/WGSM1Dw protrusile protrusion/M provable/Y Provençal Provence/M provender/SM provisioner/M provoked/U proximate/YP proxy/MS prudent/IY prussic psalmist psaltery/SM psi psoriases psst/S psychedelic/YS psychoanalyse/WDSG psychoanalytical psychometry/WM psychopathic/S pterodactyl/MS ptomaine/MS pubis/M publicist publish/R7SJDG puckishness/S puddler/M pugnacious/YP Pulitzer pulp/DMS2GZ pulpwood/SM punchy/T punctiliousness/S punctual/YP punctuate/DSGxnN punctuation/M puncture/DSMG pungency/SM punish/DGL7S puppeteer/SM puréeing purlieu/M purpose-built pus/ZM pushchair/SM pussy-cat/S putrefactive putrefy/GSD putt/MS puttee/MS puttying/M PVC qi qr quackery/SM quadric quadripartite/Y quadriplegic/SM quantile/S quartering/M quarter-plate quartzite/M quasi-synchronous quell/SGD quester/FMS questionably/U queue-jump/G quickstep/SM quiescent/Y quiescentness quieting/E quiets/E quiff quilting/M quipper quire/SAI Rabat/M rabble/SM rabble-rouser racegoers rad/w1 radiation/MI radioactive/Y radix/M raglan/SM ragtag/M ragwort/M raid/RGSDM Railtrack/M rainfall/SM rainforest/MS rain-maker/MS rainproof rainwater/M rake/SGMD raker/M Ralf ram/DSGM ramification/M rampage/DSG Ramprakash rancidity/MS rangy/T rank/PRYTJDGSM rant/RGJSDk rapid-fire rapidity/M rapscallion/SM rapturous/PY rat-catcher rate/cDGS ratify/SRNnDG ratiocination/M ration/MGD ravage/DRSG Rayleigh/M re/nxhoYJNi reachability readability/SM read-only reads/aA realtor's reascend/NG reattempt/G rebind/G rebuff/G recalcitrance/M recalculate receptive/U receptively receptor/SM recessive/PS recitative/SM recognisably/U recompense/SDG reconciled/U reconversion recorded/AU recrimination/M recrudescence/M rectangular/Y recumbent/Y recurrent redden/dS re-deployed redetermine/ND red-letter Redmond/M redouble redraft/G reduction/M3 re-emphasize ref/M refection/M reflector/MS refractometer/WMS refreeze refries refrozen regimentation/M registry/SM regroup/G regulator/MS Reigate reimburse/GLDS Reinhardt/M rejoicer relate/FnNvSVDG relativism/M relativist/M1WS relay/GDM released/U relevancy/IMS relict/MC reline reluctance/SM reluctant/Y remand/SDG remap/GD remit/GXNSD remnant/MS removable/I Renata/M renege/RSDG Reno/M renown/DM repetitive/Y repose/N6MX reprehend/XGSND representatives reprint/JM reproduce/ubvV repudiate/NnSDG repute/lhSBnND require/LGD reshow/G resignation/M re-soluble resolution/IMS responsibly/I restaurant/MS restoration/M resurgence/SM resuscitation/M retaliation/M retentive/Y rethink/G reticent/Y reticulate/SYGD reticule/NSMn retread/D retrogression/M retrorocket/MS retrospection/SM retrospective/S Réunion/M revelation/SM revelatory reversal/MS reversibility's revile/GRSLD revisionist revue/SM rhetorician/MS rheum/W1MZ rhododendron/MS rich/PTSY Richey/M Richter/M riddance/M ridicule/SDMG rife/T rigger/eSM righteousness/U right-hander/S right-thinking rigmarole Ringling/M ringmaster/MS Ritz/M rivalled/U riverbank/MS riverbed/S riverside/SM rob/GDRS Robb/MZ Roche/M rock/RZ2DGSM Rockefeller/M Rolph/M Roman/SM3 Romany/M3 romp/RGSD Ronny/M rooinek/S ropey Rosales/M Rosamond/M rosary/SM rosé Rosemont rosette/SMD Rosie/M Rossi/M Rosslyn/M Roswell/M rot/NnDSG rot-gut/M roué/MS roughage/SM round-up roust/GDS rout/RGDJ Rowley/M RSA RU rub-a-dub rubbish/SGDZM Rube/M Rubik/M Rubinstein/M Ruddock/M rudiment/SM rue/Gj6SD Rugby's rule/cSaGD ruled/U ruler/SM rumba/DMSG Rumford/M run/eGScA Runcorn/M rupee/MS sacrum/M Sadat/M sadism/SM safari/SM safeguard/GSDM sagebrush/MS saggy/T sail/MDSJG sailcloth/M sailfish/MS Saint-Denis/M Sakhalin/M salicylic Sallie/M Sallyanne/M salon/MS salt-cellar/SM saltiness saltish salutary saluter/M salvage/GMDS same samurai/M San/M sanctimonious/Y sanctuary/MS Sandburg/M sander/S Sandi/M sandpaper/MdS sandstone/SM sandstorm/SM sans Sanskrit/MW São sapwood/M Saracen/SM Sarah/M sash/MDS satiation/M satiny satisfactoriness satisfying/UE Saturday/SM Saunderson/M saunter/dS sauropod/SM save/SGRJD saved/U sax/SM Sc/M scabbard/MS scaffold/JGSM scalable scamper/Sd scandalmonger/MS Scandinavian/S scapula/M scarce/YT scarcity/SM scarf/DM scarves scene/1MSWy scenery/SM sceptic/YMS sceptical Schaefer/M Schaeffer/M schizophrenic/SY Schmidt/M schnauzer/MS Schofield/M schoolchildren schoolgirl/SM schoolmaster/SM schools/K schoolteacher/SM Schrödinger/M schuss/M schwa/MS scintilla/nM Scipio/M sclerosis/M scorpion/MS Scottsdale/M Scotty's scourger/M scrawly/T scrawniness scree/M screecher/M screened/U screwed/U screwer/M Scriabin/M scribe/IDSGCK scriber/IMKC scrimp/GSD scriptural scriptwriting/M scroll/G7MSD scrub/RGDZS scrum/MS scrupulous/YU scud/SDG scuffle/DGS sculptor/SM sculptress/MS scum/ZDMG Scunthorpe/M scurry/DGSJ SDI seafaring/S seal's seamanship/M séance/MS seaside/M seatbelt/S seaworthiness secrete/SNn sectored Sedgemoor/M Sedgwick/M seductress/MS seed-eater/SM seeing/Uc Seeley/M seemliness/U seer/cSM seethe/SDG segmented/U segregate/CNDSGn segregation's/C seigeury/S seismic/Y seismograph/RSMWZ seismography/M seizure/SM selectable selenate selenology/3 self-deceit self-examination self-induced self-indulgence self-inflicted self-justifying self-love self-pity self-regard self-restrained Selwyn semester/SM semicolon/MS semi-independent semi-monthly seminary/SM semiology/3 semiotic/S semi-professional/SY semi-trailer semi-vowel sempstress/MS Seneca/M señora/SM Señora/M sensationalism/MS sensitive/IY sentential sentimentality/SM separation/M sepia/SM sepoy/S sequenced/A sequential/FY sequestration/M Serbia/M serenade/DMGS serigraph/MS serpentine servo/S Seth/M setting/K seventy-first/S severable Seward/M sexed/fc sexism/SM sextuple/DG Seychelles/M Seymour/M shackle/USDG shallot/SM sham/SGMdD shameless/Y shamelessness Shane/M shapely/T shaper/MS shared/U sharpen/AdS sharpened/U shatter/kSd shave/DGSRJ she/DM sheaf/M sheathe/UDG sheepfold/M sheeting/M Sheffield/RM Shepard/M Sheppard/M sherd's Sherlock/M Sherman/M Sheryl/M Shiite/SM shillelagh/MS shimmer/dSZ shipper/SM shirting/M shoebox shoehorn/SDGM shooter/SM shooting-stick/SM shoreline/SM short-circuit short-staffed short-termism shot/MS showbiz showcase/GDSM showdown/SM shower-bath/S showmanship/M Shreveport/M shrew/MS shrinkable shun/DGS shut-out shuttlecock/MS Siciliana/M sicken/dkS sickly/T sidelong sidewards sierra/SM sifting/S sighted/U sightedly sightsee/GR signboard/MS signed/fU signet-ring/SM signpost/DGMS sign's/C silage/SM silicoses silken Silverstone similarity/ESM simpatico simulate/EnNSGD simulation/EM Sinatra/M sinew/MZS sing-along singular/qS-Y sinter/M sis/Z sitcom/SM situationist sixpenny sixteen/HM size/AD7GS sized/fc sketchbook/SM skewbald ski-lift/SM skin/MpZ2DGS skincare skin-dive/RG skirts/ef skunk/SM skydiving/M skylight/MS sky-rocket/SdM sky-writer/SM slangy/T slap-happy slave-drove slave-trade/R Slavic/M slept/c slew/GDS slick/YDPGST slightness slip/MSDRG slipcase/SM slipknot/SM slippage/SM Sloane/M slum/SGZMD slurry/SM sly smarmy/T smartness smell/Y2GS7D Smetana/M smiler smirch/DSG smoggy/T smokable smooth-talk smudgy/TYP snack/DSGM snag/GMDS snap/ZSR2GDz snarly/T Snead/M sneak/zDk2ZSG sniffler/M snipe/SGM snippy/T snooty/TP snorkel/RMSDG snow/ZmD2MGS snowshoe/SM snuffler/M soar/DGkS sober/YdkPS sobriquet/MS sociable/EU Socrates/M sod/GSDM sodden/YP soft-sell solar solder/SA solderer/S solemnity/MS solidus/M soliloquy/M soluble/EI solvency/ISM Somalian/S somehow Somerville/M something Sonia/M sonny/MS Sony/M Sophia/M soprano/SM sordid/PY Sorensen/M SOS soundless/Y soupçon/MS sous/DGS southeaster/SM south-Eastward/S southern/R Southwark spacecraft/M spacial spacious/PY Spalding/M spangle/GMDS spank/JSDG sparing/U sparsity spat/MSGD speakable/U specific/S specification/M spectacular/YS sped speedometer/MS speedwell/MS Spenserian spermicide/M SPF spiderlike spiffy/T spiky/TP spinsterhood/M spirit/IdS spirited/Y spiritualist/W Spiro/M spiry spite/AMS spittle/MY spittoon/SM splashy/T spoiled/U spoke/Dm5S spoliation/SCM sponge/GZDRS2M spoon/D6GSM sporadic/Y spore/MS sprat/SM sprinkling/M sprint/RDSMG spumy/T spurt/DGS squab/SM squabble/DRSG squeal/DRSGM Sri SSC SSL stableman/M stable-mate stableness stabler stablest stacker/M stained/U stairwell/MS stalking-horse stall's standalone standbys Stanislavsky/M Stanleigh/M Starbucks starchy/TP stated/U Statehouse's statesman/Y statistic/SYM steakhouse/MS steal/SG steeple/SM steerer/M steeves Steffen/M stenography/WM stereo/SM stertorous/PY Stetson/MS Steuben/M Steve/M stewardess/MS stifler/M stigma/Q8Wq-SM stiletto/SM stillbirth/SM stingray/MS stir-fry/D stitching/M stockbreeder/SM stock-in-trade Stockport Stoke/M stomp/DSG stooge/SM stopcock/SM stopped/U stopping/U storable storage/MS store's stormproof storm-signal/MS stout/TYSP stove-pipe/SM straggle/RYDSG straightish straining/c strap/DUSG strategy/W3MSw1 stratus/M straw-worm/S streamliner streetwalker/MS streptococcal stresses strewn strip-searching striven Strom/M stronghold/MS strongish strongroom/SM structural/3Y stub/MZDGS studious/YP stunk stupefaction/MS sub-branch/MS subclass/MS subcomponent/SM subdivision/M subframe/SM sub-group/S subjective/P subjunctive/S Sub-Lt. submersion/M suborder/MS subscription/MS sub-sequence/SM substandard subsurface subtropical suburban/Q8q- subverter/M sub-zero success/XVMN6jvuS succubus/M suckle/JSGD suction/DMGS Sue's suffuse/DNXSG sugar-pea/S sugarplum/SM sully/SDG sulphate/GDSM sulphonamide/MS sulphurous Sumerian/M summerhouse/MS sunburst/SM sup/GRSD superannuate/GSNDn superclass/M superconductivity/SM superimposition/M superlative/PSY supernaturalism/M superpower/SM supersaturate/GDNS superstructural supertanker/MS supple/LYPT supplication/M supposition/M surcingle/MS surfaced/UA surfactant/SM surname/SDM surpassed/U surreality survey/AGSD Susannah/M suspend/SNDRXGvV SUV suzerainty/SM Suzy/M Svetlana/M swag/DMGS swagger/dS swaggerer swain/MS swami/SM swap/RSGD sward/MDS swash/DSG sway/SDG sweep/kRSGJ sweeten/drS swimwear swindle/DRGS swipe/DGSM switched-on sworn Sylvan's symmetrical/U symposium/SM symptom/MpWS1 synaereses synapse/WSM synchronizes/C syncopation/M syndical syndicate/SMDG syngenesis syntactic/Y syringe/SMGD t/7k Tabasco/M tabernacle/MS tableland/SM tablet/SM tabletop/MS tabulator/SM tactfulness tailpipe/MS tainted/U Tajikistan/M taken/caAf taker's/a Taliban/M talisman/WSM Tallahassee/M Tally's tameable/U Tami/M Tammy/M tanbark/SM tangibility/SIM Tannenbaum/M Tanya/M tart/SMYPTGD tartar/SMW Tasman tatter/S tattle/DRSG taunt/kRGDS taxed/Uc taxer/S taxiway/MS taxpaying Tay TBA tea/SM teachable/U tear-drop/SM tear-duct/S teashop/MS technetium/M Teflon/M telecommunication/M Telemann/M televangelist/S televise/DSXNG tells/A tempestuousness tempi temporise/DSkRG temporize/DSkRG tenderloin/SM tending/E tends/E tennis/M tense/YIT tenseness tentacle/DSM tenterhook/MS tenure/MSD tepid/Y terminating terrible/Y testatrix testicular testiness tetracycline/MS tetraplegic tetrastich tetrasyllable/W Texaco/M Texas/M Textron/M texture/SMoDG Th thankfulness theatregoing theatricality/MS thee then theosophy/w3WSM thereafter thereof thermodynamic/SY thermometer/SMW theta/MS they'll thick/TPY thinnish third/Y thirsty/T thirty-three/H thistle/MS thong/MSD thorium/M Thorndike/M three/HMS threesome/SM thrice thrifty/T thrum/GDS thud/DSMG thumbscrew/MS Thunderbirds thunderbolt/MS Thur/S Thursday/SM thwack/GDS thy thyme/MS thyroidal tibia/M tic/GRD tickle/DSGR tiebreaker/SM tie-in Tiffany/M tigerish tight-lipped tightly-knit Timaeus timebase time's/c timestamps time-wasting timing/M timorous/Y ting/D tiny/PT tipple/DSRG tipster/SM tiresomeness Tirolean/S tit-for-tat title-page titmice Tito/M to/IU toastmistress/S Tobias/M toddle/DGSR toddy/MS toggle/DGMS toil/RSMDG toilet/ySdM toity toll-bridge/MS toluene/M tomcat/SM tome/SM Tomé/M too toolmaker/SM toothsome toots/Z Torah/MS toroidal torpedo/DMG Torricelli/M torridness totalitarian/S touch/AGDS touchline/M touch-typists Toulouse/M tour/CSGMFD toward/S tow-path/MS tows/f toxic/S tracheal Tracie/M tracked/U tragedienne/SM trailer/d train-spotter/M trait/SM traitor/MS transcendentalism/SM transcript/MS transfer/DR7SGMg transferability/M transference/SM transferor/SM transferral/SM transfinite transgressor/S transmogrification/M transport/BnN transportation/M transvestism/SM trapeze/SM trapezoid/SM travesty/MDSG treacle/MY treating/a treelike Tremayne/M trembler/M trench's Trent/M trepanned tresses/E trestle/MS triage/SDMG trials/Aa tribune/SM trichinae triffid/S triglyceride/M trigonometry/WwM trike/M trimodal tristate triumphalist trivalent trivet/SM trivia/o trolley/SM Trollope/M trombone/3MS trouser/S Troutman/M Troy's truancy/SM Trudy/M truncation/M Truro/M trustee/SM trusteeship/SM trustfulness/E trustworthy/P Tuesday/SM Tulane/M tularaemia tumble/RSGD tumble-dry/SD tumescence Tunbridge tundra/SM tuneful/PY tungsten/M turbine/SM turbulent/Y turf/MGZDS Turin/M Turk/WSM Tuscan tusk/DRGMS Tutankhamen/M tutored/U tutti/S tut-tuts TV/M tweedy/T twenty-nine/H twenty-seven/H twenty-twofold twice twitchy/T two-dimensional/Y two-timer tycoon/SM typical/Y tyre/SM ubiquity/S UHF ukase/SM ulnae ulterior ultimate/Y umbra/MS umpire/DMGS unaccountable unassuming/Y unblinking/Y unburden/d unclog/DG uncomely unconscionable/Y unconstitutionality unctuous/Y underbid/G undercut/G undergraduate underhand/i underling/MS underspend undiscriminating unearth/YSG unemotional unequal/D UNESCO unfaithfulness unfatherly unfitness unforgivable unfreeze ungenerous unharmonious unheard-of unholy unideal uninhibited/Y union/qQ3 unionism/MS unique/Y uniqueness univariate universalistic unlink/G unlovely unluckiness unnamed unnerve/k unperturbed/Y unreal unreservedness unscrew/G unshrinking unspecific unsuccessful unties/F unwarrantable/Y unwiseness upbringing/MS upcountry upload/SDG upper-case/DSG upper-class/S upping uprate/GD uproarious/PY upstandingness upswing/MS upward/SY urethritis/M urgency/SM urn/SM ursine user-friendly USG/M usher/dSM using/facA USP usurious/Y Ute/M uteri utilisation/f utopianism/M vacate/NDSGn vagina/SMo valance/MS valentine/SM valetudinarianism/M Valhalla/M valise/SM Valle/M valuing/fc vampire/MS vanish/GJSkD vantage/SM variable's vase/SM vegetate/GVnDNS vehemence/M vehicle/SM velveteen/SM vengeance/SM venom/MS vented/KI ventriloquism/MS Venus/S verbose/Y veritable/Y Vermeer/M vernal/Y verse/ANDXFS versed/U vetch/SM vetoes vial/S6M viand/MS vice-president/SM vice-presidential Vice's Vickery view/JpDRGS7M view's/cKA vigilance/SM vindictive/YP vine/SM vinous violence/MS violent/Y virtue/SoM virtuousness visage/SM viscose/SM visitant/SM Viterbi/M vitiate/SNnGD vivaria vivid/YP vivify/ASGND vizier/MS Vladivostok/M vocalic vociferous/Y Vodafone/M voguish voice/CGDIS voice-band voiced/U volleyball/SM volubility/S voodoo/SM voracity/SM Vuelta/M Vulcanite WA WAAF Wade's waft/SGD wafters Waldo/M wale/MG wallflower/SM wan/dY wangle/GDS wards/Ie warier warlock/SM warm-hearted/Y warming/M washed/U washed-out wash-out/S wassail/GMSD waste-basket watch/GmDRS6j water-bird/S water-cooled waterfront/MS waterproof/SGD Waugh/M wavelength/MS wayside/MS weakling/SM weal/M weapon/yMS weariness wearing/Y wearisome/Y weatherproof/DGS wedded wedgies wedlock/M Wednsebury weedy/T Weibull/M weight's Weinstein/M weird/TY weld/GSRD well-being well-educated well-intentioned well-matched well-nigh well-placed well-preserved well-worn welterweight/SM Westerly/S western/qQSR Westwood/M what'd Whelan/M whenever whereupon whet/SDG whim/SM whimsicality/MS whimsicalness whiplash/MS Whipple/M whiskered Whitcomb/M whitey/SM Whittall/M whole/S wholesale/RMDG wholesome/UY whooper/M whop/RG whosoever wicket-keeping Wickliffe/M wideness Wieland/M wifely/T Wight/M Wilbur/M wildcat/MS wildebeest/SM wilding/M will/GkSYD William/MS willowy/T willy-nilly wimpy/T Winceyette wind/UGSA windbag/SM windbreak/SM winding-sheet windsock/SM windswept winnable Winnetka winsome/Y wipe/SRGD wire-tapping wiring/A Wisden wisecrack/SGMD withal withdrawn withstand/SG witted/e wolf/MDGS Wolverton wolves womb/MS wonderful/P won't wooden/Y woodener woodland/SM Woodrow Woodstock/M woodwind/S wool/SMY wool-gathering wording/MA workaday workmate/S work-shy workstation/MS work-to-rule world-class wormwood/MS wrapped wrapper/MS wraps/U wrathfulness wreath/SDMG write/fRGAS writhe/SDG wryer WWII Wynn/M yahoo/SM yammer/Sd Yangtze Yankton/M Yaounde/M yarrow/SM Yates yd year-on-year yellowish yellowness yet Yiddish yobbo/S you-know-who you'll youngster/SM yttrium/M Yukon zabaglione zed/MS zero-rated zero-sum Zimbabwean/S zinnia/SM zone's Zurich/M en_GB.aff000064400000065517147633135040006220 0ustar00# Affix file for British English MySpell dictionary # Also suitable as basis for Commonwealth and European English. # Built from scratch for MySpell. Released under LGPL. # # David Bartlett, Andrew Brown. # R 1.18, 11/04/05 SET ISO8859-1 TRY esiaénrtolcdugmfphbyvkw-'.zqjxSNRTLCGDMFPHBEAUYOIVKWóöâôZQJXÅçèîêàïüäñ WORDCHARS 0123456789' REP 27 REP f ph REP ph f REP f gh REP f ugh REP gh f REP ff ugh REP uf ough REP uff ough REP k ch REP ch k REP dg j REP j dg REP w ugh REP ness ity REP leness ility REP ness ivity REP eness ity REP og ogue REP ck qu REP ck que REP eg e.g. REP ie i.e. REP t ght REP ght t REP ok OK REP ts ce REP ce ts PFX A Y 2 PFX A 0 re [^e] PFX A 0 re- e PFX a Y 1 PFX a 0 mis . PFX I Y 4 PFX I 0 il l PFX I 0 ir r PFX I 0 im [bmp] PFX I 0 in [^blmpr] PFX c Y 1 PFX c 0 over . PFX U Y 1 PFX U 0 un . PFX C Y 2 PFX C 0 de [^e] PFX C 0 de- e PFX E Y 1 PFX E 0 dis . PFX F Y 5 PFX F 0 com [bmp] PFX F 0 co [aeiouh] PFX F 0 cor r PFX F 0 col l PFX F 0 con [^abehilmopru]. PFX K Y 1 PFX K 0 pre . PFX e Y 1 PFX e 0 out . PFX f Y 2 PFX f 0 under [^r] PFX f 0 under- r PFX O Y 1 PFX O 0 non- . PFX 4 Y 1 PFX 4 0 trans . SFX V Y 15 SFX V 0 tive [aio] SFX V b ptive b SFX V d sive d SFX V be ptive be SFX V e tive ce SFX V de sive de SFX V ke cative ke SFX V e ptive me SFX V e ive [st]e SFX V e ative [^bcdkmst]e SFX V 0 lative [aeiou]l SFX V 0 ative [^aeiou]l SFX V 0 ive [st] SFX V y icative y SFX V 0 ative [^abdeilosty] SFX v Y 15 SFX v 0 tively [aio] SFX v b ptively b SFX v d sively d SFX v be ptively be SFX v e tively ce SFX v de sively de SFX v ke catively ke SFX v e ptively me SFX v e ively [st]e SFX v e atively [^bcdkmst]e SFX v 0 latively [aeiou]l SFX v 0 atively [^aeiou]l SFX v 0 ively [st] SFX v y icatively y SFX v 0 atively [^abdeilosty] SFX u Y 15 SFX u 0 tiveness [aio] SFX u b ptiveness b SFX u d siveness d SFX u be ptiveness be SFX u e tiveness ce SFX u de siveness de SFX u ke cativeness ke SFX u e ptiveness me SFX u e iveness [st]e SFX u e ativeness [^bcdkmst]e SFX u 0 lativeness [aeiou]l SFX u 0 ativeness [^aeiou]l SFX u 0 iveness [st] SFX u y icativeness y SFX u 0 ativeness [^abdeilosty] SFX N Y 26 SFX N b ption b SFX N d sion d SFX N be ption be SFX N e tion ce SFX N de sion de SFX N ke cation ke SFX N e ption ume SFX N e mation [^u]me SFX N e ion [^o]se SFX N e ition ose SFX N e ation [iou]te SFX N e ion [^iou]te SFX N e ation [^bcdkmst]e SFX N el ulsion el SFX N 0 lation [aiou]l SFX N 0 ation [^aeiou]l SFX N 0 mation [aeiou]m SFX N 0 ation [^aeiou]m SFX N er ration er SFX N 0 ation [^e]r SFX N 0 ion [sx] SFX N t ssion mit SFX N 0 ion [^m]it SFX N 0 ation [^i]t SFX N y ication y SFX N 0 ation [^bdelmrstxy] SFX n Y 28 SFX n 0 tion a SFX n e tion ce SFX n ke cation ke SFX n e ation [iou]te SFX n e ion [^iou]te SFX n e ation [^ckt]e SFX n el ulsion el SFX n 0 lation [aiou]l SFX n 0 ation [^aeiou]l SFX n er ration er SFX n 0 ation [^e]r SFX n y ation py SFX n y ication [^p]y SFX n 0 ation [^aelry] SFX n 0 tions a SFX n e tions ce SFX n ke cations ke SFX n e ations [iou]te SFX n e ions [^iou]te SFX n e ations [^ckt]e SFX n el ulsions el SFX n 0 lations [aiou]l SFX n 0 ations [^aeiou]l SFX n er rations er SFX n 0 ations [^e]r SFX n y ations py SFX n y ications [^p]y SFX n 0 ations [^aelry] SFX X Y 26 SFX X b ptions b SFX X d sions d SFX X be ptions be SFX X e tions ce SFX X ke cations ke SFX X de sions de SFX X e ptions ume SFX X e mations [^u]me SFX X e ions [^o]se SFX X e itions ose SFX X e ations [iou]te SFX X e ions [^iou]te SFX X e ations [^bcdkmst]e SFX X el ulsions el SFX X 0 lations [aiou]l SFX X 0 ations [^aeiou]l SFX X 0 mations [aeiou]m SFX X 0 ations [^aeiou]m SFX X er rations er SFX X 0 ations [^e]r SFX X 0 ions [sx] SFX X t ssions mit SFX X 0 ions [^m]it SFX X 0 ations [^i]t SFX X y ications y SFX X 0 ations [^bdelmrstxy] SFX x Y 40 SFX x b ptional b SFX x d sional d SFX x be ptional be SFX x e tional ce SFX x ke cational ke SFX x de sional de SFX x e ional [^o]se SFX x e itional ose SFX x e ional te SFX x e ational [^bcdkst]e SFX x el ulsional el SFX x 0 lational [aiou]l SFX x 0 ational [^aeiou]l SFX x er rational er SFX x 0 ational [^e]r SFX x 0 ional [sx] SFX x 0 ional [^n]t SFX x 0 ational nt SFX x y icational y SFX x 0 ational [^bdelrstxy] SFX x b ptionally b SFX x d sionally d SFX x be ptionally be SFX x e tionally ce SFX x ke cationally ke SFX x de sionally de SFX x e ionally [^o]se SFX x e itionally ose SFX x e ionally te SFX x e ationally [^bcdkst]e SFX x el ulsionally el SFX x 0 lationally [aiou]l SFX x 0 ationally [^aeiou]l SFX x er rationally er SFX x 0 ationally [^e]r SFX x 0 ionally [sx] SFX x 0 ionally [^n]t SFX x 0 ationally nt SFX x y icationally y SFX x 0 ationally [^bdelrstxy] SFX H N 13 SFX H y ieth y SFX H ree ird ree SFX H ve fth ve SFX H e th [^ev]e SFX H 0 h t SFX H 0 th [^ety] SFX H y ieths y SFX H ree irds ree SFX H ve fths ve SFX H e ths [^ev]e SFX H 0 hs t SFX H 0 ths [^ety] SFX H 0 fold . SFX Y Y 9 SFX Y 0 ally ic SFX Y 0 ly [^i]c SFX Y e y [^aeiou]le SFX Y 0 ly [aeiou]le SFX Y 0 ly [^l]e SFX Y 0 y [^aeiou]l SFX Y y ily [^aeiou]y SFX Y 0 ly [aeiou][ly] SFX Y 0 ly [^cely] SFX G Y 24 SFX G e ing [^eioy]e SFX G 0 ing [eoy]e SFX G ie ying ie SFX G 0 bing [^aeio][aeiou]b SFX G 0 king [^aeio][aeiou]c SFX G 0 ding [^aeio][aeiou]d SFX G 0 fing [^aeio][aeiou]f SFX G 0 ging [^aeio][aeiou]g SFX G 0 king [^aeio][aeiou]k SFX G 0 ling [^aeio][eiou]l SFX G 0 ing [aeio][eiou]l SFX G 0 ling [^aeo]al SFX G 0 ing [aeo]al SFX G 0 ming [^aeio][aeiou]m SFX G 0 ning [^aeio][aeiou]n SFX G 0 ping [^aeio][aeiou]p SFX G 0 ring [^aeio][aeiou]r SFX G 0 sing [^aeio][aeiou]s SFX G 0 ting [^aeio][aeiou]t SFX G 0 ving [^aeio][aeiou]v SFX G 0 zing [^aeio][aeiou]z SFX G 0 ing [aeio][aeiou][bcdfgkmnprstvz] SFX G 0 ing [^aeiou][bcdfgklmnprstvz] SFX G 0 ing [^ebcdfgklmnprstvz] SFX J Y 25 SFX J e ings [^eioy]e SFX J 0 ings [eoy]e SFX J ie yings ie SFX J 0 bings [^aeio][aeiou]b SFX J 0 king [^aeio][aeiou]c SFX J 0 dings [^aeio][aeiou]d SFX J 0 fings [^aeio][aeiou]f SFX J 0 gings [^aeio][aeiou]g SFX J 0 kings [^aeio][aeiou]k SFX J 0 lings [^aeio][eiou]l SFX J 0 ings [aeio][eiou]l SFX J 0 lings [^aeo]al SFX J 0 ings [aeo]al SFX J 0 mings [^aeio][aeiou]m SFX J 0 nings [^aeio][aiou]n SFX J 0 pings [^aeio][aeiou]p SFX J 0 rings [^aeio][aiou]r SFX J 0 sings [^aeio][aeiou]s SFX J 0 tings [^aeio][aiou]t SFX J 0 vings [^aeio][aeiou]v SFX J 0 zings [^aeio][aeiou]z SFX J 0 ings [^aeio]e[nrt] SFX J 0 ings [aeio][aeiou][bcdfgkmnprstvz] SFX J 0 ings [^aeiou][bcdfgklmnprstvz] SFX J 0 ings [^ebcdfgklmnprstvz] SFX k Y 8 SFX k e ingly [^eioy]e SFX k 0 ingly [eoy]e SFX k ie yingly ie SFX k 0 kingly [^aeio][aeiou]c SFX k 0 lingly [^aeio][aeiou]l SFX k 0 ingly [aeio][aeiou][cl] SFX k 0 ingly [^aeiou][cl] SFX k 0 ingly [^ecl] SFX D Y 25 SFX D 0 d [^e]e SFX D e d ee SFX D 0 bed [^aeio][aeiou]b SFX D 0 ked [^aeio][aeiou]c SFX D 0 ded [^aeio][aeiou]d SFX D 0 fed [^aeio][aeiou]f SFX D 0 ged [^aeio][aeiou]g SFX D 0 ked [^aeio][aeiou]k SFX D 0 led [^aeio][eiou]l SFX D 0 ed [aeio][eiou]l SFX D 0 led [^aeo]al SFX D 0 ed [aeo]al SFX D 0 med [^aeio][aeiou]m SFX D 0 ned [^aeio][aeiou]n SFX D 0 ped [^aeio][aeiou]p SFX D 0 red [^aeio][aeiou]r SFX D 0 sed [^aeio][aeiou]s SFX D 0 ted [^aeio][aeiou]t SFX D 0 ved [^aeio][aeiou]v SFX D 0 zed [^aeio][aeiou]z SFX D y ied [^aeiou]y SFX D 0 ed [aeiou]y SFX D 0 ed [aeio][aeiou][bcdfgkmnprstvz] SFX D 0 ed [^aeiou][bcdfgklmnprstvz] SFX D 0 ed [^ebcdfgklmnprstvyz] SFX d Y 16 SFX d 0 d e SFX d 0 ked [^aeio][aeiou]c SFX d 0 led [^aeio][aeiou]l SFX d y ied [^aeiou]y SFX d 0 ed [aeiou]y SFX d 0 ed [aeio][aeiou][cl] SFX d 0 ed [^aeiou][cl] SFX d 0 ed [^ecly] SFX d e ing [^eioy]e SFX d 0 ing [eoy]e SFX d ie ying ie SFX d 0 king [^aeio][aeiou]c SFX d 0 ling [^aeio][aeiou]l SFX d 0 ing [aeio][aeiou][cl] SFX d 0 ing [^aeiou][cl] SFX d 0 ing [^ecl] SFX h Y 22 SFX h 0 dly e SFX h 0 bedly [^aeio][aeiou]b SFX h 0 kedly [^aeio][aeiou]c SFX h 0 dedly [^aeio][aeiou]d SFX h 0 fedly [^aeio][aeiou]f SFX h 0 gedly [^aeio][aeiou]g SFX h 0 kedly [^aeio][aeiou]k SFX h 0 ledly [^aeio][aeiou]l SFX h 0 medly [^aeio][aeiou]m SFX h 0 nedly [^aeio][aiou]n SFX h 0 pedly [^aeio][aeiou]p SFX h 0 redly [^aeio][aiou]r SFX h 0 sedly [^aeio][aeiou]s SFX h 0 tedly [^aeio][aiou]t SFX h 0 vedly [^aeio][aeiou]v SFX h 0 zedly [^aeio][aeiou]z SFX h 0 edly [^aeio]e[nrt] SFX h y iedly [^aeiou]y SFX h 0 edly [aeiou]y SFX h 0 edly [aeio][aeiou][bcdfgklmnprstvz] SFX h 0 edly [^aeiou][bcdfgklmnprstvz] SFX h 0 edly [^ebcdfgklmnprstvyz] SFX i Y 22 SFX i 0 dness e SFX i 0 bedness [^aeio][aeiou]b SFX i 0 kedness [^aeio][aeiou]c SFX i 0 dedness [^aeio][aeiou]d SFX i 0 fedness [^aeio][aeiou]f SFX i 0 gedness [^aeio][aeiou]g SFX i 0 kedness [^aeio][aeiou]k SFX i 0 ledness [^aeio][aeiou]l SFX i 0 medness [^aeio][aeiou]m SFX i 0 nedness [^aeio][aiou]n SFX i 0 pedness [^aeio][aeiou]p SFX i 0 redness [^aeio][aiou]r SFX i 0 sedness [^aeio][aeiou]s SFX i 0 tedness [^aeio][aiou]t SFX i 0 vedness [^aeio][aeiou]v SFX i 0 zedness [^aeio][aeiou]z SFX i 0 edness [^aeio]e[nrt] SFX i y iedness [^aeiou]y SFX i 0 edness [aeiou]y SFX i 0 edness [aeio][aeiou][bcdfgklmnprstvz] SFX i 0 edness [^aeiou][bcdfgklmnprstvz] SFX i 0 edness [^ebcdfgklmnprstvyz] SFX T Y 42 SFX T 0 r e SFX T 0 st e SFX T 0 ber [^aeio][aeiou]b SFX T 0 best [^aeio][aeiou]b SFX T 0 ker [^aeio][aeiou]c SFX T 0 kest [^aeio][aeiou]c SFX T 0 der [^aeio][aeiou]d SFX T 0 dest [^aeio][aeiou]d SFX T 0 fer [^aeio][aeiou]f SFX T 0 fest [^aeio][aeiou]f SFX T 0 ger [^aeio][aeiou]g SFX T 0 gest [^aeio][aeiou]g SFX T 0 ker [^aeio][aeiou]k SFX T 0 kest [^aeio][aeiou]k SFX T 0 ler [^aeio][aeiou]l SFX T 0 lest [^aeio][aeiou]l SFX T 0 mer [^aeio][aeiou]m SFX T 0 mest [^aeio][aeiou]m SFX T 0 ner [^aeio][aeiou]n SFX T 0 nest [^aeio][aeiou]n SFX T 0 per [^aeio][aeiou]p SFX T 0 pest [^aeio][aeiou]p SFX T 0 rer [^aeio][aeiou]r SFX T 0 rest [^aeio][aeiou]r SFX T 0 ser [^aeio][aeiou]s SFX T 0 sest [^aeio][aeiou]s SFX T 0 ter [^aeio][aeiou]t SFX T 0 test [^aeio][aeiou]t SFX T 0 ver [^aeio][aeiou]v SFX T 0 vest [^aeio][aeiou]v SFX T 0 zer [^aeio][aeiou]z SFX T 0 zest [^aeio][aeiou]z SFX T y ier [^aeiou]y SFX T y iest [^aeiou]y SFX T 0 er [aeiou]y SFX T 0 est [aeiou]y SFX T 0 er [aeio][aeiou][bcdfgklmnprstvz] SFX T 0 er [^aeiou][bcdfgklmnprstvz] SFX T 0 er [^ebcdfgklmnprstvyz] SFX T 0 est [aeio][aeiou][bcdfgklmnprstvz] SFX T 0 est [^aeiou][bcdfgklmnprstvz] SFX T 0 est [^ebcdfgklmnprstvyz] SFX R Y 72 SFX R 0 r e SFX R 0 rs e SFX R 0 ber [^aeio][aeiou]b SFX R 0 bers [^aeio][aeiou]b SFX R 0 ker [^aeio][aeiou]c SFX R 0 kers [^aeio][aeiou]c SFX R 0 der [^aeio][aeiou]d SFX R 0 ders [^aeio][aeiou]d SFX R 0 fer [^aeio][aeiou]f SFX R 0 fers [^aeio][aeiou]f SFX R 0 ger [^aeio][aeiou]g SFX R 0 gers [^aeio][aeiou]g SFX R 0 ker [^aeio][aeiou]k SFX R 0 kers [^aeio][aeiou]k SFX R 0 ler [^aeio][eiou]l SFX R 0 er [aeio][eiou]l SFX R 0 ler [^aeo]al SFX R 0 er [aeo]al SFX R 0 lers [^aeio][eiou]l SFX R 0 ers [aeio][eiou]l SFX R 0 lers [^aeo]al SFX R 0 ers [aeo]al SFX R 0 mer [^aeio][aeiou]m SFX R 0 mers [^aeio][aeiou]m SFX R 0 ner [^aeio][aeiou]n SFX R 0 ners [^aeio][aeiou]n SFX R 0 per [^aeio][aeiou]p SFX R 0 pers [^aeio][aeiou]p SFX R 0 rer [^aeio][aeiou]r SFX R 0 rers [^aeio][aeiou]r SFX R 0 ser [^aeio][aeiou]s SFX R 0 sers [^aeio][aeiou]s SFX R 0 ter [^aeio][aeiou]t SFX R 0 ters [^aeio][aeiou]t SFX R 0 ver [^aeio][aeiou]v SFX R 0 vers [^aeio][aeiou]v SFX R 0 zer [^aeio][aeiou]z SFX R 0 zers [^aeio][aeiou]z SFX R y ier [^aeiou]y SFX R y iers [^aeiou]y SFX R 0 er [aeiou]y SFX R 0 ers [aeiou]y SFX R 0 er [aeio][aeiou][bcdfgkmnprstvz] SFX R 0 ers [aeio][aeiou][bcdfgkmnprstvz] SFX R 0 er [^aeiou][bcdfgklmnprstvz] SFX R 0 ers [^aeiou][bcdfgklmnprstvz] SFX R 0 er [^ebcdfgklmnprstvyz] SFX R 0 ers [^ebcdfgklmnprstvyz] SFX R 0 r's e SFX R 0 ber's [^aeio][aeiou]b SFX R 0 ker's [^aeio][aeiou]c SFX R 0 der's [^aeio][aeiou]d SFX R 0 fer's [^aeio][aeiou]f SFX R 0 ger's [^aeio][aeiou]g SFX R 0 ker's [^aeio][aeiou]k SFX R 0 ler's [^aeio][eiou]l SFX R 0 er's [aeio][eiou]l SFX R 0 ler's [^aeo]al SFX R 0 er's [aeo]al SFX R 0 mer's [^aeio][aeiou]m SFX R 0 ner's [^aeio][aeiou]n SFX R 0 per's [^aeio][aeiou]p SFX R 0 rer's [^aeio][aeiou]r SFX R 0 ser's [^aeio][aeiou]s SFX R 0 ter's [^aeio][aeiou]t SFX R 0 ver's [^aeio][aeiou]v SFX R 0 zer's [^aeio][aeiou]z SFX R y ier's [^aeiou]y SFX R 0 er's [aeiou]y SFX R 0 er's [aeio][aeiou][bcdfgkmnprstvz] SFX R 0 er's [^aeiou][bcdfgklmnprstvz] SFX R 0 er's [^ebcdfgklmnprstvyz] SFX r Y 24 SFX r 0 r e SFX r 0 ler [^aeio][aeiou]l SFX r 0 ker [^aeio][aeiou]c SFX r y ier [^aeiou]y SFX r 0 er [aeiou]y SFX r 0 er [aeio][aeiou][cl] SFX r 0 er [^aeiou][cl] SFX r 0 er [^ecly] SFX r 0 rs e SFX r 0 lers [^aeio][aeiou]l SFX r 0 kers [^aeio][aeiou]c SFX r y iers [^aeiou]y SFX r 0 ers [aeiou]y SFX r 0 ers [aeio][aeiou][cl] SFX r 0 ers [^aeiou][cl] SFX r 0 ers [^ecly] SFX r 0 r's e SFX r 0 ler's [^aeio][aeiou]l SFX r 0 ker's [^aeio][aeiou]c SFX r y ier's [^aeiou]y SFX r 0 er's [aeiou]y SFX r 0 er's [aeio][aeiou][cl] SFX r 0 er's [^aeiou][cl] SFX r 0 er's [^ecly] SFX S Y 9 SFX S y ies [^aeiou]y SFX S 0 s [aeiou]y SFX S 0 es [sxz] SFX S 0 es [cs]h SFX S 0 s [^cs]h SFX S 0 s [ae]u SFX S 0 x [ae]u SFX S 0 s [^ae]u SFX S 0 s [^hsuxyz] SFX P Y 6 SFX P y iness [^aeiou]y SFX P 0 ness [aeiou]y SFX P 0 ness [^y] SFX P y iness's [^aeiou]y SFX P 0 ness's [aeiou]y SFX P 0 ness's [^y] SFX m Y 20 SFX m 0 sman [bdknmt] SFX m 0 sman [aeiou][bdklmnt]e SFX m 0 man [^aeiou][bdklmnt]e SFX m 0 man [^bdklmnt]e SFX m 0 man [^bdeknmt] SFX m 0 smen [bdknmt] SFX m 0 smen [aeiou][bdklmnt]e SFX m 0 men [^aeiou][bdklmnt]e SFX m 0 men [^bdklmnt]e SFX m 0 men [^bdeknmt] SFX m 0 sman's [bdknmt] SFX m 0 sman's [aeiou][bdklmnt]e SFX m 0 man's [^aeiou][bdklmnt]e SFX m 0 man's [^bdklmnt]e SFX m 0 man's [^bdeknmt] SFX m 0 smen's [bdknmt] SFX m 0 smen's [aeiou][bdklmnt]e SFX m 0 men's [^aeiou][bdklmnt]e SFX m 0 men's [^bdklmnt]e SFX m 0 men's [^bdeknmt] SFX 5 Y 15 SFX 5 0 swoman [bdknmt] SFX 5 0 swoman [aeiou][bdklmnt]e SFX 5 0 woman [^aeiou][bdklmnt]e SFX 5 0 woman [^bdklmnt]e SFX 5 0 woman [^bdeknmt] SFX 5 0 swomen [bdknmt] SFX 5 0 swomen [aeiou][bdklmnt]e SFX 5 0 women [^aeiou][bdklmnt]e SFX 5 0 women [^bdklmnt]e SFX 5 0 women [^bdeknmt] SFX 5 0 swoman's [bdknmt] SFX 5 0 swoman's [aeiou][bdklmnt]e SFX 5 0 woman's [^aeiou][bdklmnt]e SFX 5 0 woman's [^bdklmnt]e SFX 5 0 woman's [^bdeknmt] SFX 6 Y 3 SFX 6 y iful [^aeiou]y SFX 6 0 ful [aeiou]y SFX 6 0 ful [^y] SFX j Y 3 SFX j y ifully [^aeiou]y SFX j 0 fully [aeiou]y SFX j 0 fully [^y] SFX p Y 5 SFX p y iless [^aeiou]y SFX p 0 less [aeiou]y SFX p 0 ess ll SFX p 0 less [^l]l SFX p 0 less [^ly] SFX Q Y 44 SFX Q 0 tise a SFX Q e ise [^l]e SFX Q le ilise [^aeiou]le SFX Q e ise [aeiou]le SFX Q um ise um SFX Q 0 ise [^u]m SFX Q s se is SFX Q 0 ise [^i]s SFX Q y ise [^aeiou]y SFX Q 0 ise [aeiou]y SFX Q 0 ise [^aemsy] SFX Q 0 tises a SFX Q e ises [^l]e SFX Q le ilises [^aeiou]le SFX Q e ises [aeiou]le SFX Q um ises um SFX Q 0 ises [^u]m SFX Q s ses is SFX Q 0 ises [^i]s SFX Q y ises [^aeiou]y SFX Q 0 ises [aeiou]y SFX Q 0 ises [^aemsy] SFX Q 0 tised a SFX Q e ised [^l]e SFX Q le ilised [^aeiou]le SFX Q e ised [aeiou]le SFX Q um ised um SFX Q 0 ised [^u]m SFX Q s sed is SFX Q 0 ised [^i]s SFX Q y ised [^aeiou]y SFX Q 0 ised [aeiou]y SFX Q 0 ised [^aemsy] SFX Q 0 tising a SFX Q e ising [^l]e SFX Q le ilising [^aeiou]le SFX Q e ising [aeiou]le SFX Q um ising um SFX Q 0 ising [^u]m SFX Q s sing is SFX Q 0 ising [^i]s SFX Q y ising [^aeiou]y SFX Q 0 ising [aeiou]y SFX Q 0 ising [^aemsy] SFX 8 Y 44 SFX 8 0 tize a SFX 8 e ize [^l]e SFX 8 le ilize [^aeiou]le SFX 8 e ize [aeiou]le SFX 8 um ize um SFX 8 0 ize [^u]m SFX 8 s ze is SFX 8 0 ize [^i]s SFX 8 y ize [^aeiou]y SFX 8 0 ize [aeiou]y SFX 8 0 ize [^aemsy] SFX 8 0 tizes a SFX 8 e izes [^l]e SFX 8 le ilizes [^aeiou]le SFX 8 e izes [aeiou]le SFX 8 um izes um SFX 8 0 izes [^u]m SFX 8 s zes is SFX 8 0 izes [^i]s SFX 8 y izes [^aeiou]y SFX 8 0 izes [aeiou]y SFX 8 0 izes [^aemsy] SFX 8 0 tized a SFX 8 e ized [^l]e SFX 8 le ilized [^aeiou]le SFX 8 e ized [aeiou]le SFX 8 um ized um SFX 8 0 ized [^u]m SFX 8 s zed is SFX 8 0 ized [^i]s SFX 8 y ized [^aeiou]y SFX 8 0 ized [aeiou]y SFX 8 0 ized [^aemsy] SFX 8 0 tizing a SFX 8 e izing [^l]e SFX 8 le ilizing [^aeiou]le SFX 8 e izing [aeiou]le SFX 8 um izing um SFX 8 0 izing [^u]m SFX 8 s zing is SFX 8 0 izing [^i]s SFX 8 y izing [^aeiou]y SFX 8 0 izing [aeiou]y SFX 8 0 izing [^aemsy] SFX q Y 22 SFX q 0 tisation a SFX q e isation [^l]e SFX q le ilisation [^aeiou]le SFX q e isation [aeiou]le SFX q um isation um SFX q 0 isation [^u]m SFX q s sation is SFX q 0 isation [^i]s SFX q y isation [^aeiou]y SFX q 0 isation [aeiou]y SFX q 0 isation [^aemsy] SFX q 0 tisations a SFX q e isations [^l]e SFX q le ilisations [^aeiou]le SFX q e isations [aeiou]le SFX q um isations um SFX q 0 isations [^u]m SFX q s sations is SFX q 0 isations [^i]s SFX q y isations [^aeiou]y SFX q 0 isations [aeiou]y SFX q 0 isations [^aemsy] SFX - Y 22 SFX - 0 tization a SFX - e ization [^l]e SFX - le ilization [^aeiou]le SFX - e ization [aeiou]le SFX - um ization um SFX - 0 ization [^u]m SFX - s zation is SFX - 0 ization [^i]s SFX - y ization [^aeiou]y SFX - 0 ization [aeiou]y SFX - 0 ization [^aemsy] SFX - 0 tizations a SFX - e izations [^l]e SFX - le ilizations [^aeiou]le SFX - e izations [aeiou]le SFX - um izations um SFX - 0 izations [^u]m SFX - s zations is SFX - 0 izations [^i]s SFX - y izations [^aeiou]y SFX - 0 izations [aeiou]y SFX - 0 izations [^aemsy] SFX s Y 33 SFX s 0 tiser a SFX s e iser [^l]e SFX s le iliser [^aeiou]le SFX s e iser [aeiou]le SFX s um iser um SFX s 0 iser [^u]m SFX s s ser is SFX s 0 iser [^i]s SFX s y iser [^aeiou]y SFX s 0 iser [aeiou]y SFX s 0 iser [^aemsy] SFX s 0 tisers a SFX s e isers [^l]e SFX s le ilisers [^aeiou]le SFX s e isers [aeiou]le SFX s um isers um SFX s 0 isers [^u]m SFX s s sers is SFX s 0 isers [^i]s SFX s y isers [^aeiou]y SFX s 0 isers [aeiou]y SFX s 0 isers [^aemsy] SFX s 0 tiser's a SFX s e iser's [^l]e SFX s le iliser's [^aeiou]le SFX s e iser's [aeiou]le SFX s um iser's um SFX s 0 iser's [^u]m SFX s s ser's is SFX s 0 iser's [^i]s SFX s y iser's [^aeiou]y SFX s 0 iser's [aeiou]y SFX s 0 iser's [^aemsy] SFX 9 Y 33 SFX 9 0 tizer a SFX 9 e izer [^l]e SFX 9 le ilizer [^aeiou]le SFX 9 e izer [aeiou]le SFX 9 um izer um SFX 9 0 izer [^u]m SFX 9 s zer is SFX 9 0 izer [^i]s SFX 9 y izer [^aeiou]y SFX 9 0 izer [aeiou]y SFX 9 0 izer [^aemsy] SFX 9 0 tizers a SFX 9 e izers [^l]e SFX 9 le ilizers [^aeiou]le SFX 9 e izers [aeiou]le SFX 9 um izers um SFX 9 0 izers [^u]m SFX 9 s zers is SFX 9 0 izers [^i]s SFX 9 y izers [^aeiou]y SFX 9 0 izers [aeiou]y SFX 9 0 izers [^aemsy] SFX 9 0 tizer's a SFX 9 e izer's [^l]e SFX 9 le ilizer's [^aeiou]le SFX 9 e izer's [aeiou]le SFX 9 um izer's um SFX 9 0 izer's [^u]m SFX 9 s zer's is SFX 9 0 izer's [^i]s SFX 9 y izer's [^aeiou]y SFX 9 0 izer's [aeiou]y SFX 9 0 izer's [^aemsy] SFX t Y 22 SFX t 0 tisable a SFX t e isable [^l]e SFX t le ilisable [^aeiou]le SFX t e isable [aeiou]le SFX t um isable um SFX t 0 isable [^u]m SFX t s sable is SFX t 0 isable [^i]s SFX t y isable [^aeiou]y SFX t 0 isable [aeiou]y SFX t 0 isable [^aemsy] SFX t 0 tisability a SFX t e isability [^l]e SFX t le ilisability [^aeiou]le SFX t e isability [aeiou]le SFX t um isability um SFX t 0 isability [^u]m SFX t s sability is SFX t 0 isability [^i]s SFX t y isability [^aeiou]y SFX t 0 isability [aeiou]y SFX t 0 isability [^aemsy] SFX + Y 22 SFX + 0 tizable a SFX + e izable [^l]e SFX + le ilizable [^aeiou]le SFX + e izable [aeiou]le SFX + um izable um SFX + 0 izable [^u]m SFX + s zable is SFX + 0 izable [^i]s SFX + y izable [^aeiou]y SFX + 0 izable [aeiou]y SFX + 0 izable [^aemsy] SFX + 0 tizability a SFX + e izability [^l]e SFX + le ilizability [^aeiou]le SFX + e izability [aeiou]le SFX + um izability um SFX + 0 izability [^u]m SFX + s zability is SFX + 0 izability [^i]s SFX + y izability [^aeiou]y SFX + 0 izability [aeiou]y SFX + 0 izability [^aemsy] SFX M Y 1 SFX M 0 's . SFX B Y 48 SFX B e able [^acegilotu]e SFX B 0 able [acegilou]e SFX B te ble ate SFX B e able [^a]te SFX B 0 bable [^aeio][aeiou]b SFX B 0 kable [^aeio][aeiou]c SFX B 0 dable [^aeio][aeiou]d SFX B 0 fable [^aeio][aeiou]f SFX B 0 gable [^aeio][aeiou]g SFX B 0 kable [^aeio][aeiou]k SFX B 0 lable [^aeio][aeiou]l SFX B 0 mable [^aeio][aeiou]m SFX B 0 nable [^aeio][aeiou]n SFX B 0 pable [^aeio][aeiou]p SFX B 0 rable [^aeio][aeiou]r SFX B 0 sable [^aeio][aeiou]s SFX B 0 table [^aeio][aeiou]t SFX B 0 vable [^aeio][aeiou]v SFX B 0 zable [^aeio][aeiou]z SFX B 0 able [aeio][aeiou][bcdfgklmnprstvz] SFX B 0 able [^aeiou][bcdfgklmnprstvz] SFX B y iable [^aeiou]y SFX B 0 able [aeiou]y SFX B 0 able [^ebcdfgklmnprstvzy] SFX B e ability [^acegilotu]e SFX B 0 ability [acegilou]e SFX B te bility ate SFX B e ability [^a]te SFX B 0 bability [^aeio][aeiou]b SFX B 0 kability [^aeio][aeiou]c SFX B 0 dability [^aeio][aeiou]d SFX B 0 fability [^aeio][aeiou]f SFX B 0 gability [^aeio][aeiou]g SFX B 0 kability [^aeio][aeiou]k SFX B 0 lability [^aeio][aeiou]l SFX B 0 mability [^aeio][aeiou]m SFX B 0 nability [^aeio][aeiou]n SFX B 0 pability [^aeio][aeiou]p SFX B 0 rability [^aeio][aeiou]r SFX B 0 sability [^aeio][aeiou]s SFX B 0 tability [^aeio][aeiou]t SFX B 0 vability [^aeio][aeiou]v SFX B 0 zability [^aeio][aeiou]z SFX B 0 ability [aeio][aeiou][bcdfgklmnprstvz] SFX B 0 ability [^aeiou][bcdfgklmnprstvz] SFX B y iability [^aeiou]y SFX B 0 ability [aeiou]y SFX B 0 ability [^ebcdfgklmnprstvzy] SFX 7 Y 9 SFX 7 e able [acegilou]e SFX 7 0 able [^acegilou]e SFX 7 0 kable [^aeio][aeiou]c SFX 7 0 lable [^aeio][aeiou]l SFX 7 0 able [aeio][aeiou][cl] SFX 7 0 able [^aeiou][cl] SFX 7 y iable [^aeiou]y SFX 7 0 able [aeiou]y SFX 7 0 able [^cely] SFX g Y 9 SFX g e ability [^acegilou]e SFX g 0 ability [acegilou]e SFX g 0 kability [^aeio][aeiou]c SFX g 0 lability [^aeio][aeiou]l SFX g 0 ability [aeio][aeiou][cl] SFX g 0 ability [^aeiou][cl] SFX g y iability [^aeiou]y SFX g 0 ability [aeiou]y SFX g 0 ability [^cely] SFX l Y 9 SFX l e ably [^acegilou]e SFX l 0 ably [acegilou]e SFX l 0 kably [^aeio][aeiou]c SFX l 0 lably [^aeio][aeiou]l SFX l 0 ably [aeio][aeiou][cl] SFX l 0 ably [^aeiou][cl] SFX l y iably [^aeiou]y SFX l 0 ably [aeiou]y SFX l 0 ably [^cely] SFX b Y 3 SFX b e ible [^aeiou]e SFX b 0 ible [aeiou]e SFX b 0 ible [^e] SFX L Y 12 SFX L 0 ament m SFX L y iment [^aeiou]y SFX L 0 ment [aeiou]y SFX L 0 ment [^my] SFX L 0 aments m SFX L y iments [^aeiou]y SFX L 0 ments [aeiou]y SFX L 0 ments [^my] SFX L 0 ament's m SFX L y iment's [^aeiou]y SFX L 0 ment's [aeiou]y SFX L 0 ment's [^my] SFX Z Y 22 SFX Z e y [^aeiouy]e SFX Z 0 y [aeiouy]e SFX Z 0 ey [aiouy] SFX Z 0 by [^aeio][aeiou]b SFX Z 0 ky [^aeio][aeiou]c SFX Z 0 dy [^aeio][aeiou]d SFX Z 0 fy [^aeio][aeiou]f SFX Z 0 gy [^aeio][aeiou]g SFX Z 0 ky [^aeio][aeiou]k SFX Z 0 ly [^aeio][aeiou]l SFX Z 0 my [^aeio][aeiou]m SFX Z 0 ny [^aeio][aiou]n SFX Z 0 py [^aeio][aeiou]p SFX Z 0 ry [^aeio][aiou]r SFX Z 0 sy [^aeio][aeiou]s SFX Z 0 ty [^aeio][aiou]t SFX Z 0 vy [^aeio][aeiou]v SFX Z 0 zy [^aeio][aeiou]z SFX Z 0 y [^aeio]e[nrt] SFX Z 0 y [aeio][aeiou][bcdfgklmnprstvz] SFX Z 0 y [^aeiou][bcdfgklmnprstvz] SFX Z 0 y [^aebcdfgiklmnoprstuvyz] SFX 2 Y 21 SFX 2 e iness [^aeiouy]e SFX 2 0 iness [aeiouy]e SFX 2 0 biness [^aeio][aeiou]b SFX 2 0 kiness [^aeio][aeiou]c SFX 2 0 diness [^aeio][aeiou]d SFX 2 0 finess [^aeio][aeiou]f SFX 2 0 giness [^aeio][aeiou]g SFX 2 0 kiness [^aeio][aeiou]k SFX 2 0 liness [^aeio][aeiou]l SFX 2 0 miness [^aeio][aeiou]m SFX 2 0 niness [^aeio][aiou]n SFX 2 0 piness [^aeio][aeiou]p SFX 2 0 riness [^aeio][aiou]r SFX 2 0 siness [^aeio][aeiou]s SFX 2 0 tiness [^aeio][aiou]t SFX 2 0 viness [^aeio][aeiou]v SFX 2 0 ziness [^aeio][aeiou]z SFX 2 0 iness [^aeio]e[nrt] SFX 2 0 iness [aeio][aeiou][bcdfgklmnprstvz] SFX 2 0 iness [^aeiou][bcdfgklmnprstvz] SFX 2 0 iness [^ebcdfgklmnprstvz] SFX z Y 24 SFX z e ily [^aeiouy]e SFX z 0 ily [aeiouy]e SFX z 0 ily [aiou]y SFX z ey ily ey SFX z y ily [^aeiou]y SFX z 0 bily 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[^aeiou]m SFX 1 0 tically ma SFX 1 a ically [^m]a SFX 1 y ically y SFX 1 0 ically [^aemry] SFX 3 Y 21 SFX 3 e ist [^aceiou]e SFX 3 ce tist ce SFX 3 0 ist [aeiou]e SFX 3 y ist [^aeioubp]y SFX 3 0 ist [aeioubp]y SFX 3 o ist o SFX 3 0 ists [^eoy] SFX 3 e ists [^aceiou]e SFX 3 ce tists ce SFX 3 0 ists [aeiou]e SFX 3 y ists [^aeioubp]y SFX 3 0 ists [aeioubp]y SFX 3 o ists o SFX 3 0 ists [^eoy] SFX 3 e ist's [^aceiou]e SFX 3 ce tist's ce SFX 3 0 ist's [aeiou]e SFX 3 y ist's [^aeioubp]y SFX 3 0 ist's [aeioubp]y SFX 3 o ist's o SFX 3 0 ist's [^eoy] en_US.aff000064400000006053147633135040006245 0ustar00SET ISO8859-1 TRY esianrtolcdugmphbyfvkwzESIANRTOLCDUGMPHBYFVKWZ' NOSUGGEST ! # ordinal numbers COMPOUNDMIN 1 # only in compounds: 1th, 2th, 3th ONLYINCOMPOUND c # compound rules: # 1. [0-9]*1[0-9]th (10th, 11th, 12th, 56714th, etc.) # 2. [0-9]*[02-9](1st|2nd|3rd|[4-9]th) (21st, 22nd, 123rd, 1234th, etc.) COMPOUNDRULE 2 COMPOUNDRULE n*1t COMPOUNDRULE n*mp WORDCHARS 0123456789' PFX A Y 1 PFX A 0 re . PFX I Y 1 PFX I 0 in . PFX U Y 1 PFX U 0 un . PFX C Y 1 PFX C 0 de . PFX E Y 1 PFX E 0 dis . PFX F Y 1 PFX F 0 con . PFX K Y 1 PFX K 0 pro . SFX V N 2 SFX V e ive e SFX V 0 ive [^e] SFX N Y 3 SFX N e ion e SFX N y ication y SFX N 0 en [^ey] SFX X Y 3 SFX X e ions e SFX X y ications y SFX X 0 ens [^ey] SFX H N 2 SFX H y ieth y SFX H 0 th [^y] SFX Y Y 1 SFX Y 0 ly . SFX G Y 2 SFX G e ing e SFX G 0 ing [^e] SFX J Y 2 SFX J e ings e SFX J 0 ings [^e] SFX D Y 4 SFX D 0 d e SFX D y ied [^aeiou]y SFX D 0 ed [^ey] SFX D 0 ed [aeiou]y SFX T N 4 SFX T 0 st e SFX T y iest [^aeiou]y SFX T 0 est [aeiou]y SFX T 0 est [^ey] SFX R Y 4 SFX R 0 r e SFX R y ier [^aeiou]y SFX R 0 er [aeiou]y SFX R 0 er [^ey] SFX Z Y 4 SFX Z 0 rs e SFX Z y iers [^aeiou]y SFX Z 0 ers [aeiou]y SFX Z 0 ers [^ey] SFX S Y 4 SFX S y ies [^aeiou]y SFX S 0 s [aeiou]y SFX S 0 es [sxzh] SFX S 0 s [^sxzhy] SFX P Y 3 SFX P y iness [^aeiou]y SFX P 0 ness [aeiou]y SFX P 0 ness [^y] SFX M Y 1 SFX M 0 's . SFX B Y 3 SFX B 0 able [^aeiou] SFX B 0 able ee SFX B e able [^aeiou]e SFX L Y 1 SFX L 0 ment . SFX i N 1 SFX i us i us REP 90 REP a ei REP ei a REP a ey REP ey a REP ai ie REP ie ai REP alot a_lot REP are air REP are ear REP are eir REP air are REP air ere REP ere air REP ere ear REP ere eir REP ear are REP ear air REP ear ere REP eir are REP eir ere REP ch te REP te ch REP ch ti REP ti ch REP ch tu REP tu ch REP ch s REP s ch REP ch k REP k ch REP f ph REP ph f REP gh f REP f gh REP i igh REP igh i REP i uy REP uy i REP i ee REP ee i REP j di REP di j REP j gg REP gg j REP j ge REP ge j REP s ti REP ti s REP s ci REP ci s REP k cc REP cc k REP k qu REP qu k REP kw qu REP o eau REP eau o REP o ew REP ew o REP oo ew REP ew oo REP ew ui REP ui ew REP oo ui REP ui oo REP ew u REP u ew REP oo u REP u oo REP u oe REP oe u REP u ieu REP ieu u REP ue ew REP ew ue REP uff ough REP oo ieu REP ieu oo REP ier ear REP ear ier REP ear air REP air ear REP w qu REP qu w REP z ss REP ss z REP shun tion REP shun sion REP shun cion REP sitted sat en_US.dic000064400002023175147633135040006256 0ustar0048307 0/nm 0th/pt 1/n1 1st/p 1th/tc 2/nm 2nd/p 2th/tc 3/nm 3rd/p 3th/tc 4/nm 4th/pt 5/nm 5th/pt 6/nm 6th/pt 7/nm 7th/pt 8/nm 8th/pt 9/nm 9th/pt A/SM AA/M AAA AB/M ABA ABC/SM ABM/SM ABS AC/M ACLU ACT ACTH/M AD/M ADC ADD ADP/M AF AFAIK/S AFB AFC AFDC AFN AFT AI/SM AIDS/M AIDSes AK AL AM/M AMA ANSI/S ANZUS AOL/M AP APB APO APR AR ARC ASAP ASCII/SM ASL/M ASPCA ATM/M ATP/M ATV AV AWACS AWOL/M AZ/M AZT/M Aachen Aaliyah/M Aaron/M Abbas Abbasid Abbott/M Abby/M Abdul/M Abe/M Abel/M Abelard Abelson/M Aberdeen/M Abernathy/M Abidjan/M Abigail/M Abilene Abner/M Aborigine/MS Abraham/M Abram/MS Absalom Abuja Abyssinia/M Abyssinian/M Ac/M Acadia/M Acapulco/M Accenture/M Accra/M Acevedo/M Achaean/M Achebe/M Achernar Acheson/M Achilles/M Aconcagua/M Acosta/M Acropolis Acrux/M Actaeon Acton Acts Acuff/M Ada/SM Adam/SM Adams/M Adan/M Adana Adar/M Addams Adderley/M Addie/M Addison Adela/M Adelaide/M Adele/M Adeline/M Aden/M Adenauer Adhara/M Adidas/M Adirondack/SM Adirondacks/M Adkins/M Adler Adm Admiralty Adolf/M Adolfo/M Adolph/M Adonis/MS Adrenalin/MS Adrian/M Adriana/M Adriatic/M Adrienne/M Advent/MS Adventist/MS Advil/M Aegean/M Aelfric/M Aeneas/M Aeneid/M Aeolus/M Aeroflot/M Aeschylus/M Aesculapius/M Aesop/M Afghan/SM Afghanistan/M Afr Africa/M African/SM Afrikaans/M Afrikaner/SM Afro/SM Afrocentric Afrocentrism Ag/M Agamemnon/M Agana Agassi/M Agassiz/M Agatha/M Aggie Aglaia Agnes/M Agnew/M Agni/M Agra Agricola Agrippa/M Agrippina/M Aguascalientes Aguilar/M Aguinaldo/M Aguirre/M Agustin/M Ahab/M Ahmad/M Ahmadabad Ahmadinejad/M Ahmed/M Ahriman/M Aida/M Aiken Aileen/M Aimee/M Ainu Airedale/MS Aisha/M Ajax/M Akbar Akhmatova/M Akihito Akita Akiva/M Akkad Akron/M Al/M Ala/S Alabama/M Alabaman/MS Alabamian/SM Aladdin/M Alamo/M Alamogordo/M Alan/M Alana/M Alar/M Alaric Alaska/M Alaskan/MS Alba/M Albania/M Albanian/MS Albany/M Albee Alberio/M Albert/M Alberta/M Albertan Alberto/M Albigensian Albion Albireo/M Albuquerque/M Alcatraz Alcestis Alcibiades Alcindor/M Alcmena/M Alcoa/M Alcott Alcuin Alcyone Aldan Aldebaran/M Alden/M Alderamin/M Aldo/M Aldrin/M Alec/M Aleichem/M Alejandra/M Alejandro/M Alembert/M Aleppo/M Aleut/MS Aleutian/SM Alex/M Alexander/MS Alexandra/M Alexandria/M Alexandrian Alexei/M Alexis/M Alfonso/M Alfonzo/M Alford/M Alfred/M Alfreda/M Alfredo/M Algenib/M Alger Algeria/M Algerian/SM Algieba/M Algiers/M Algol/M Algonquian/SM Algonquin/MS Alhambra Alhena/M Ali/M Alice/M Alicia/M Alighieri/M Aline/M Alioth/M Alisa/M Alisha/M Alison/M Alissa/M Alistair/M Alkaid/M Allah/M Allahabad Allan/M Alleghenies/M Allegheny/S Allegra/M Allen/M Allende/M Allentown Allhallows/M Allie/MS Allison/M Allstate/M Allyson/M Alma/M Almach/M Almaty/M Almighty/M Almohad/M Almoravid/M Alnilam/M Alnitak/M Alonzo/M Alpert/M Alphard/M Alphecca/M Alpheratz/M Alphonse/M Alphonso/M Alpine Alpo/M Alps/M Alsace/M Alsatian/SM Alsop/M Alston/M Alta/M Altai/M Altaic/M Altair Altamira Althea/M Altiplano/M Altman/M Altoids/M Alton/M Aludra/M Alva/M Alvarado/M Alvarez/M Alvaro/M Alvin/M Alyce/M Alyson/M Alyssa/M Alzheimer/M Am/MNR Amadeus/M Amado/M Amalia/M Amanda/M Amarillo Amaru/M Amaterasu/M Amati Amazon/SM Amazonian Amber/M Amelia/M Amen/M Amenhotep/M Amerasian America/SM American/MS Americana/M Americanism/MS Americanization/MS Americanize/GDS Amerind/SM Amerindian/MS Ameslan/M Amharic/M Amherst Amie/M Amiga/M Amish/M Amman/M Amoco/M Amos/M Amparo/M Ampere/M Amritsar Amsterdam/M Amtrak Amundsen Amur/M Amway/M Amy/M Ana/M Anabaptist/M Anabel/M Anacin/M Anacreon Anaheim Analects/M Ananias/M Anasazi Anastasia/M Anatole/M Anatolia/M Anatolian/M Anaxagoras Anchorage/M Andalusia/M Andalusian Andaman Andean Andersen/M Anderson/M Andes/M Andorra/M Andorran/SM Andre/MS Andrea/M Andrei/M Andres/M Andretti/M Andrew/SM Andrews/M Andrianampoinimerina/M Android/M Andromache Andromeda/M Andropov Andy/M Angara Angel/M Angela/M Angeles/M Angelia/M Angelica/M Angelico Angelina/M Angeline/M Angelique/M Angelita/M Angelo/M Angelou Angevin/M Angie/M Angkor Angle/MS Anglia Anglican/SM Anglicanism/MS Anglicism/MS Anglicization Anglicize Anglo Anglophile Anglophobe Angola/M Angolan/MS Angora/SM Angstrom Anguilla/M Angus/M Aniakchak/M Anibal/M Anita/M Ankara/M Ann/M Anna/M Annabel/M Annabelle/M Annam/M Annapolis/M Annapurna/M Anne/M Annette/M Annie/M Annmarie/M Annunciation/SM Anouilh Anselm Anselmo/M Anshan/M Antaeus Antananarivo/M Antarctic/M Antarctica/M Antares/M Anthony/M Antichrist/SM Antietam Antigone/M Antigua/M Antillean Antilles/M Antioch Antipas/M Antipodes Antofagasta/M Antoine/M Antoinette/M Anton/M Antone/M Antonia/M Antoninus Antonio/M Antonius Antony/M Antwan/M Antwerp/M Anubis/M Anzac Apache/SM Apalachicola/M Apennines Aphrodite/M Apia/M Apocalypse/M Apocrypha/M Apollinaire Apollo/SM Apollonian Appalachia/M Appalachian/S Appaloosa/SM Apple/M Appleseed Appleton Appomattox Apr/M April/MS Apuleius Aquafresh/M Aquarius/MS Aquila Aquinas/M Aquino/M Aquitaine/M Ar/M Ara/M Arab/SM Arabia/M Arabian/MS Arabic/M Arabist/MS Araby Araceli/M Arafat/M Araguaya/M Aral/M Aramaic/M Aramco/M Arapaho/MS Arapahoes Ararat/M Araucanian Arawak/M Arawakan/M Arbitron/M Arcadia/M Arcadian/M Archean Archibald/M Archie/M Archimedes Arctic/M Arcturus/M Ardabil Arden Arequipa Ares Argentina/M Argentine Argentinean Argentinian/MS Argo/S Argonaut/MS Argonne/M Argus/M Ariadne/M Arianism/M Ariel/M Aries/MS Ariosto Aristarchus/M Aristides Aristophanes/M Aristotelian/M Aristotle/M Arius/M Ariz Arizona/M Arizonan/SM Arizonian/MS Arjuna Ark Arkansan/MS Arkansas/M Arkhangelsk Arkwright Arlene/M Arline/M Arlington Armageddon/SM Armagnac/M Armand/M Armando/M Armani/M Armenia/M Armenian/SM Arminius/M Armonk/M Armour/M Armstrong/M Arneb/M Arnhem Arno/M Arnold/M Arnulfo/M Aron/M Arrhenius Arron/M Art/M Artaxerxes/M Artemis/M Arthur/M Arthurian Artie/M Arturo/M Aruba/M Aryan/MS Asama/M Ascella/M Ascension/M Asgard Ashanti Ashcroft Ashe Ashgabat Ashikaga/M Ashkenazim Ashkhabad/M Ashlee/M Ashley/M Ashmolean/M Ashurbanipal Asia/M Asian/MS Asiatic/SM Asimov Asmara Asoka Aspell/M Aspen/M Aspidiske/M Asquith Assad/M Assam/M Assamese/M Assembly Assisi Assyria/M Assyrian/SM Astaire Astana/M Astarte/M Aston Astor Astoria Astrakhan AstroTurf Asturias Asuncion/M Aswan/M At/SM Atacama/M Atahualpa Atalanta Atari/M Ataturk/M Athabasca/M Athabaskan/SM Athena/M Athene/M Athenian/SM Athens/M Atkins/M Atkinson/M Atlanta/M Atlantes Atlantic/M Atlantis/M Atlas/MS Atman Atreus Atria/M Atropos/M Attic/M Attica/M Attila/M Attlee Attn Attucks Atwood/M Au/M Aubrey/M Auckland Auden/M Audi/M Audion/M Audra/M Audrey/M Audubon Aug/M Augean Augsburg August/MS Augusta/M Augustan Augustine/M Augustinian/MS Augustus/M Aurangzeb Aurelia/M Aurelio/M Aurelius Aureomycin/M Auriga/M Aurora/M Auschwitz Aussie/MS Austen Austerlitz/M Austin/MS Australasia/M Australasian Australia/M Australian/SM Australoid Australopithecus/M Austria/M Austrian/SM Austronesian/M Autumn/M Av/M Ava/M Avalon Ave Aventine Avernus Averroes Avery/M Avesta/M Avicenna Avignon Avila/M Avior/M Avis/M Avogadro Avon Axis Axum Ayala/M Ayers/M Aymara Ayrshire/M Ayurveda Ayyubid/M Azana/M Azania/M Azazel Azerbaijan/M Azerbaijani/MS Azores/M Azov Aztec/SM Aztecan/M Aztlan/M B/MNT BA/M BASIC/SM BB/M BBB BBC BBQ BBS BBSes BC/M BIA BIOS BITNET/S BLT/SM BM/M BMW/M BO BP BPOE BR BS/M BSA BSD/SM BTU BTW BYOB Ba/M Baal/SM Baath/M Baathist Babbage Babbitt Babel/MS Babylon/MS Babylonia/M Babylonian/SM Bacall/M Bacardi Bacchanalia/M Bacchic Bacchus/M Bach/M Backus/M Bacon/M Bactria Baden Badlands/M Baedeker/MS Baez Baffin/M Baggies Baghdad/M Baguio Baha'i Baha'ullah Bahama/SM Bahamanian Bahamas/M Bahamian/MS Bahia Bahrain/M Baikal Bailey/M Baird/M Bakelite/M Baker/M Bakersfield Baku/M Bakunin Balanchine Balaton Balboa Balder/M Baldwin/SM Balearic/M Balfour Bali/M Balinese/M Balkan/S Balkhash Ball/M Ballard/M Balthazar Baltic/M Baltimore/M Baluchistan Balzac/M Bamako/M Bambi/M Banach/M Bancroft/M Bandung/M Bangalore Bangkok/M Bangladesh/M Bangladeshi/SM Bangor Bangui/M Banjarmasin/M Banjul Banks/M Banneker/M Bannister Banting Bantu/MS Baotou/M Baptist/SM Baptiste/M Barabbas Barack/M Barbadian/SM Barbados/M Barbara/M Barbarella/M Barbarossa/M Barbary/M Barber/M Barbie Barbour/M Barbra/M Barbuda/M Barcelona/M Barclay/M Bardeen/M Barents/M Barker/M Barkley/M Barlow/M Barnabas Barnaby/M Barnard Barnaul Barnes/M Barnett/M Barney/M Barnum Baroda Barquisimeto Barr/M Barranquilla Barrera/M Barrett/M Barrie/M Barron/M Barry/M Barrymore Bart/M Barth/S Bartholdi/M Bartholomew Bartlett/M Bartok Barton/M Baruch Baryshnikov Basel/M Basho/M Basie Basil/M Basque/MS Basra Bass/M Basseterre/M Bastille/M Basutoland/M Bataan/M Bates/M Bathsheba Batista Batman/M Battle/M Batu/M Baudelaire/M Baudouin/M Bauer/M Bauhaus/M Baum Bavaria/M Bavarian Baxter/M Bayamon Bayer/M Bayes Bayesian Bayeux/M Baylor/M Bayonne/M Bayreuth Baywatch/M Be/MH Beach/M Beadle Bean/M Beard/M Beardmore/M Beardsley Bearnaise/M Beasley/M Beatlemania/M Beatles/M Beatrice/M Beatrix/M Beatriz/M Beau/M Beaufort Beaujolais/M Beaumarchais Beaumont Beauregard/M Beauvoir Bechtel/M Beck/MR Becker/M Becket/M Beckett/M Becky/M Becquerel Bede Bedouin/SM Beebe/M Beecher Beefaroni/M Beelzebub/M Beerbohm Beethoven/M Beeton/M Begin Behan Behring Beiderbecke Beijing/M Beirut/M Bekesy/M Bela/M Belarus/M Belau/M Belem/M Belfast/M Belg Belgian/SM Belgium/M Belgrade/M Belinda/M Belize/M Bell/M Bella/M Bellamy/M Bellatrix/M Belleek Bellini Bellow Belmont/M Belmopan Belorussian/MS Belshazzar/M Beltane Belushi/M Ben/M Benacerraf/M Benchley/M Bender/M Bendix/M Benedict/M Benedictine/MS Benelux/M Benet Benetton/M Bengal/SM Bengali/M Benghazi/M Benin/M Beninese/M Benita/M Benito/M Benjamin/M Bennett/M Bennie/M Benny/M Benson/M Bentham Bentley/M Benton/M Benz Benzedrine/M Beowulf Berber/SM Berenice/M Beretta/M Berg/MNR Bergen/M Berger/M Bergerac Bergman Bergson Beria Bering Berkeley/M Berkshire/SM Berle/M Berlin/SZMR Berliner/M Berlioz Berlitz/M Bermuda/SM Bermudan/SM Bermudian/SM Bern/M Bernadette/M Bernadine/M Bernanke/M Bernard/M Bernardo/M Bernays/M Bernbach/M Bernese Bernhardt Bernice/M Bernie/M Bernini Bernoulli Bernstein Berra/M Berry/M Bert/M Berta/M Bertelsmann/M Bertha/M Bertie/M Bertillon/M Bertram/M Bertrand/M Beryl/M Berzelius Bess Bessel Bessemer/M Bessie/M Best/M Betelgeuse/M Beth/M Bethany/M Bethe Bethesda Bethlehem Bethune Betsy/M Bette/M Bettie/M Betty/M Bettye/M Beulah/M Beverley/M Beverly/M Beyer Bhopal Bhutan/M Bhutanese/M Bhutto/M Bi/M Bialystok Bianca/M Bib Bible/MS Bic/M Biddle Biden/M Bierce Bigfoot/M Biggles/M Biko/M Bilbao Bilbo/M Bill/MJ Billie/M Billings/M Billy/M Bimini/M Bioko/M Bird/M Birdseye/M Birkenstock Birmingham/M Biro/M Biscay Biscayne/M Bishkek Bishop/M Bismarck/M Bismark/M Bisquick/M Bissau/M Bizet Bjerknes/M Bjork/M Bk/M Blackbeard/M Blackburn/M Blackfeet/M Blackfoot/M Blackpool/M Blackshirt/M Blackstone Blackwell/M Blaine/M Blair/M Blake/M Blanca/M Blanchard/M Blanche/M Blankenship/M Blantyre/M Blatz/M Blavatsky Blenheim/M Blevins/M Bligh/M Bloch Blockbuster/M Bloemfontein/M Blondel/M Blondie/M Bloom/MR Bloomfield Bloomingdale/M Bloomsbury Blu Blucher/M Bluebeard/M Bluetooth/M Blvd Blythe/M Boadicea Boas/M Bob/M Bobbi/M Bobbie/M Bobbitt/M Bobby/M Boccaccio Bodhidharma/M Bodhisattva/M Boeing/M Boeotia/M Boeotian Boer/SM Boethius Bogart/M Bogota/M Bohemia Bohemian/SM Bohr Boise/M Bojangles/M Boleyn/M Bolivar/M Bolivia/M Bolivian/MS Bollywood/M Bologna/M Bolshevik/SM Bolshevism Bolshevist Bolshoi/M Bolton/M Boltzmann Bombay/M Bonaparte Bonaventure Bond/M Bonhoeffer/M Boniface Bonita/M Bonn/MR Bonner/M Bonneville/M Bonnie/M Bono/M Booker/M Boole/M Boolean Boone/M Bootes/M Booth/M Bordeaux/M Borden/M Bordon/M Boreas/M Borg/SM Borges Borgia Borglum Boris/M Bork/M Borlaug/M Born Borneo/M Borobudur/M Borodin Boru/M Bosch Bose Bosnia/M Bosnian Bosporus/M Boston/MS Bostonian Boswell Botswana/M Botticelli Boulder Boulez/M Bourbaki/M Bourbon/SM Bournemouth Bovary/M Bowditch/M Bowell/M Bowen/M Bowers/M Bowery/M Bowie Bowman/M Boyd/M Boyer/M Boyle/M Br/MT Brad/MY Bradbury Braddock/M Bradford/M Bradley/M Bradly/M Bradshaw/M Bradstreet/M Brady/M Bragg/M Brahe Brahma/MS Brahmagupta/M Brahman/MS Brahmani Brahmanism/SM Brahmaputra/M Brahms/M Braille/MS Brain/M Brampton/M Bran/M Branch/M Brandeis Branden/M Brandenburg Brandi/M Brandie/M Brando Brandon/M Brandt Brandy/M Brant/M Braque Brasilia/M Bratislava Brattain/M Bray/M Brazil/M Brazilian/MS Brazos/M Brazzaville/M Breakspear/M Breathalyzer Brecht Breckenridge/M Bremen Brenda/M Brendan/M Brennan/M Brenner/M Brent/M Brenton/M Bret/M Breton/M Brett/M Brewer/M Brewster Brezhnev Brian/M Briana/M Brianna/M Brice/M Bridalveil/M Bridgeport/M Bridger/M Bridges/M Bridget/M Bridgetown Bridgett/M Bridgette/M Bridgman Brie/SM Brigadoon Briggs/M Brigham/M Bright/M Brighton/M Brigid/M Brigitte/M Brillo Brinkley/M Brisbane/M Bristol/M Brit/SM Britain/M Britannia Britannic Britannica/M Briticism/SM British/MRZ Britisher/M Britney/M Briton/MS Britt/MN Brittany/SM Brittney/M Brno Broadway/SM Brobdingnag/M Brobdingnagian Brock/M Brokaw/M Bronson/M Bronte Bronx/M Brooke/M Brooklyn/M Brooks/M Bros Brown/MG Browne Brownian/M Brownie/S Browning/M Brownshirt Brownsville Brubeck Bruce/M Bruckner Bruegel Brummel/M Brunei/M Bruneian/MS Brunelleschi Brunhilde/M Bruno/M Brunswick/M Brussels/M Brut/M Brutus/M Bryan/M Bryant/M Bryce/M Brynner/M Bryon/M Brzezinski/M Btu/M Buber Buchanan/M Bucharest/M Buchenwald Buchwald/M Buck/M Buckingham Buckley/M Buckner/M Bud/M Budapest/M Buddha/SM Buddhism/SM Buddhist/SM Buddy/M Budweiser/M Buffalo/M Buffy/M Buford/M Bugatti/M Bugzilla/M Buick/M Bujumbura/M Bukhara Bukharin Bulawayo Bulfinch Bulganin Bulgar Bulgari/M Bulgaria/M Bulgarian/SM Bullock/M Bullwinkle/M Bultmann/M Bumppo/M Bunche Bundesbank/M Bundestag Bunin Bunker/M Bunsen Bunuel/M Bunyan/M Burbank Burberry/M Burch/M Burger/M Burgess/M Burgoyne/M Burgundian Burgundy/SM Burke/M Burks/M Burl/M Burlington/M Burma/M Burmese/M Burnett/M Burns/M Burnside Burr Burris/M Burroughs Bursa Burt/M Burton/M Burundi/M Burundian/MS Busch/M Bush/M Bushido Bushnell/M Butler/M Butterfingers/M Buxtehude Byblos/M Byers/M Byrd/M Byron/M Byronic Byzantine/MS Byzantium/M C/SM CA CAD/M CAI CAM CAP CARE CATV CB CBC/M CBS CCTV CCU CD/M CDC CDT CEO/M CF CFC/M CFO CIA/M CID CNN CNS/M CO/M COBOL/SM COD COL COLA CPA/M CPI/M CPO CPR/M CPU/M CRT/SM CST/M CT/M CV CZ Ca/M Cabernet/M Cabot Cabral Cabrera/M Cabrini Cadette Cadillac Cadiz/M Caedmon/M Caerphilly Caesar/SM Cage Cagney/M Cahokia/M Caiaphas Cain/SM Cairo/M Caitlin/M Cajun/MS Cal Calais Calcutta/M Calder Calderon/M Caldwell/M Caleb/M Caledonia Calgary/M Calhoun/M Cali Caliban Calif California/M Californian/SM Caligula Callaghan Callahan/M Callao Callas Callie/M Calliope/M Callisto/M Caloocan/M Calvary/M Calvert Calvin/M Calvinism/MS Calvinist/MS Calvinistic Camacho/M Cambodia/M Cambodian/SM Cambrian/SM Cambridge/M Camden/M Camel/M Camelopardalis Camelot/MS Camembert/MS Cameron/M Cameroon/SM Cameroonian/MS Camilla/M Camille/M Camino/M Camoens/M Campanella/M Campbell/M Campinas Campos/M Camry/M Camus Can Canaan/M Canaanite/MS Canad Canada/M Canadian/SM Canadianism Canaletto Canaries/M Canaveral Canberra/M Cancer/SM Cancun/M Candace/M Candice/M Candide/M Candy/M Cannes/M Cannon/M Canon/M Canopus Cantabrigian/M Canterbury Canton/M Cantonese/M Cantor/M Cantrell/M Cantu/M Canute Capablanca Capek/M Capella/M Capet Capetian Capetown/M Caph/M Capistrano/M Capitol/SM Capitoline Capone Capote Capra/M Capri/M Capricorn/MS Capt Capuchin Capulet/M Cara/M Caracalla Caracas/M Caravaggio Carboloy/M Carboniferous/M Carborundum Cardenas/M Cardiff/M Cardin/M Cardozo/M Carey/M Carib/MS Caribbean/MS Carina Carissa/M Carl/M Carla/M Carlene/M Carlin/M Carlo/MS Carlos/M Carlsbad Carlson/M Carlton/M Carly/M Carlyle Carmela/M Carmella/M Carmelo/M Carmen/M Carmichael/M Carmine/M Carnap Carnation/M Carnegie/M Carney/M Carnot Carol/M Carole/M Carolina/M Caroline/M Carolingian Carolinian/M Carolyn/M Carpathian/SM Carpenter/M Carr/M Carranza/M Carrie/RM Carrier/M Carrillo/M Carroll/M Carson/M Carter/M Cartesian Carthage/M Carthaginian/MS Cartier Cartwright Caruso Carver/M Cary/M Casablanca/M Casals Casandra/M Casanova/SM Cascades/M Case/M Casey/M Cash/M Casio/M Caspar Caspian Cassandra/SM Cassatt Cassie/M Cassiopeia/M Cassius/M Castaneda/M Castillo/M Castlereagh Castor/M Castries/M Castro/M Catalan/SM Catalina/M Catalonia/M Catawba/M Caterpillar/M Cathay/M Cather Catherine/M Cathleen/M Catholic/MS Catholicism/MS Cathryn/M Cathy/M Catiline Cato Catskill/SM Catskills/M Catt Catullus Caucasian/MS Caucasoid Caucasus/M Cauchy Cavendish Cavour Caxton Cayenne Cayman/M Cayuga/SM Cayuse Cb Cd/M Ce/M Ceausescu/M Cebu/M Cebuano/M Cecelia/M Cecil/M Cecile/M Cecilia/M Cecily/M Cedric/M Celeste/M Celia/M Celina/M Cellini Celsius Celt/SM Celtic/SM Cenozoic/M Centaurus/M Centigrade Central Cepheid Cepheus/M Cerberus/M Cerenkov Ceres/M Cerf/M Cervantes/M Cesar/M Cesarean Cessna/M Cetus Ceylon/M Ceylonese Cezanne Cf/M Ch'in Ch/N Chablis/M Chad/M Chadian/MS Chadwick/M Chagall Chaitanya/M Chaitin/M Chaldea Chaldean Challenger/M Chamberlain Chambers/M Champlain Champollion Chan/M Chance/M Chancellorsville/M Chandigarh Chandler/M Chandon/M Chandra/M Chandragupta Chandrasekhar/M Chanel Chaney/M Chang/M Changchun Changsha Chantilly Chaplin Chapman/M Chappaquiddick/M Chapultepec/M Charbray/M Chardonnay/M Charity/M Charlemagne/M Charlene/M Charles/M Charleston/MS Charley/M Charlie/M Charlotte/M Charlottetown/M Charmaine/M Charmin/M Charolais/M Charon/M Chartism/M Chartres Charybdis/M Chase/M Chasity/M ChatZilla/M Chateaubriand/M Chattahoochee/M Chattanooga/M Chatterley/M Chatterton Chaucer/M Chauncey/M Chautauqua Chavez/M Chayefsky/M Che/M Chechen Chechnya/M Cheddar Cheer/M Cheerios/M Cheetos/M Cheever Chekhov/M Chekhovian Chelsea/M Chelyabinsk/M Chen/M Cheney/M Chengdu Chennai/M Cheops Cheri/M Cherie/M Chernenko/M Chernobyl/M Chernomyrdin/M Cherokee/MS Cherry/M Cheryl/M Chesapeake Cheshire Chester/M Chesterfield Chesterton Chevalier Cheviot/M Chevrolet/M Chevron/M Chevy/M Cheyenne/SM Chi/M Chianti/MS Chiba Chibcha Chicago/M Chicagoan Chicana Chicano Chickasaw/MS Chiclets/M Chihuahua/MS Chile/M Chilean/MS Chimborazo/M Chimera/MS Chimu/M Chin/M China/M Chinatown Chinese/M Chinook/MS Chipewyan/M Chippendale/M Chippewa/SM Chiquita/M Chirico Chisholm/M Chisinau/M Chittagong Chivas/M Chloe Choctaw/SM Chomsky Chongqing Chopin/M Chopra/M Chou Chretien/M Chris/M Christ/MS Christa/M Christchurch Christendom/MS Christensen/M Christi/M Christian/SM Christianity/SM Christianize Christie/M Christina/M Christine/M Christlike Christmas/MS Christmastide/MS Christmastime/MS Christoper/M Christopher/M Chronicles Chrysler/M Chrysostom Chrystal/M Chuck/M Chukchi Chumash Chung/M Church/M Churchill/M Churriguera/M Chuvash/M Ci/M Cicero/M Cid Cimabue/M Cincinnati Cinderella/MS Cindy/M CinemaScope/M Cinerama Cipro/M Circe/M Cisco/M Citibank/M Citigroup/M Citroen/M Cl/MV Claiborne/M Clair/M Claire/M Clairol/M Clancy/M Clapeyron/M Clapton/M Clara/M Clare/M Clarence/M Clarendon Clarice/M Clarissa/M Clark/M Clarke/M Claude/M Claudette/M Claudia/M Claudine/M Claudio/M Claudius/M Claus/M Clausewitz Clausius Clay/M Clayton/M Clearasil/M Clem/XM Clemenceau Clement/MS Clementine/M Clements/M Clemons/M Clemson/M Cleo/M Cleopatra/M Cleveland/M Cliburn/M Cliff/M Clifford/M Clifton/M Cline/M Clint/M Clinton/M Clio/M Clorets/M Clorox/M Clotho/M Clouseau/M Clovis/M Clyde/M Clydesdale/M Clytemnestra Cm/M Cmdr Co/M Cobain/M Cobb/M Cochabamba Cochin Cochise Cochran/M Cockney/M Cocteau Cod Cody/M Coffey/M Cognac/M Cohan Cohen/M Coimbatore Cointreau Coke/SM Col Colbert/M Colby/M Cole/M Coleen/M Coleman/M Coleridge/M Colette/M Colfax/M Colgate/M Colin/M Colleen/M Collier/M Collin/SM Collins/M Colo Cologne/M Colombia/M Colombian/MS Colombo/M Colon/M Coloradan/SM Colorado/M Coloradoan Colosseum Colt/M Coltrane Columbia/M Columbine Columbus/M Com Comanche/MS Combs/M Comdr Comintern Commons Commonwealth Communion/SM Communism Communist/SM Como Comoran Comoros/M Compaq/M Compton/M CompuServe/M Comte Conakry/M Conan/M Concepcion/M Concetta/M Concord/SM Concorde Condillac Condorcet Conestoga/M Confederacy/M Confederate/MS Confucian/SM Confucianism/MS Confucius/M Cong Congo/M Congolese/M Congregational Congregationalist/MS Congress/MS Congressional Congreve Conley/M Conn/R Connecticut/M Connemara Conner/M Connery/M Connie/M Connolly/M Connors Conrad/M Conrail/M Conservative Constable Constance/M Constantine Constantinople/M Constitution Consuelo/M Continent/M Continental Contreras/M Conway/M Cook/M Cooke/M Cooley/M Coolidge/M Cooper/M Cooperstown/M Coors/M Copacabana/M Copeland/M Copenhagen/M Copernican Copernicus/M Copland Copley Copperfield/M Coppertone/M Coppola/M Coptic/M Cora/M Cordelia/M Cordilleras Cordoba/M Corey/M Corfu Corina/M Corine/M Corinne/M Corinth/M Corinthian/MS Coriolanus Coriolis/M Cork Corleone/M Cormack/M Corneille Cornelia/M Cornelius/M Cornell/M Corning/M Cornish/MS Cornwall/M Cornwallis Coronado Corot Corp Correggio Corrine/M Corsica/M Corsican Cortes/MS Cortland/M Corvallis/M Corvette/M Corvus/M Cory/M Cosby/M Cossack Costco/M Costello/M Costner/M Cote/M Cotonou Cotopaxi/M Cotswold/M Cotton/M Coulomb Coulter/M Couperin Courbet Courtney/M Cousteau Coventry/SM Coward Cowley Cowper Cox/M Coy/M Cozumel/M Cpl Cr/MT Crabbe Craft/M Craig/M Cranach Crane/M Cranmer Crater/M Crawford/M Cray/M Crayola/M Creation/M Creator/M Crecy/M Cree/DSM Creek/SM Creighton/M Creole/SM Creon Crest/M Cretaceous/M Cretan/SM Crete/M Crichton Crick Crimea/M Crimean Criollo Crisco/M Cristina/M Croat/SM Croatia/M Croatian/MS Croce Crockett Croesus Cromwell/M Cromwellian Cronin/M Cronkite/M Cronus/M Crookes Crosby/M Cross/M Crow/SM Crowley/M Crucifixion/MS Cruikshank Cruise/M Crusoe/M Crux/M Cruz/M Cryptozoic/M Crystal/M Csonka/M Ct Ctesiphon Cthulhu/M Cu/M Cuba/M Cuban/SM Cuchulain/M Cuisinart Culbertson Cullen/M Cumberland/M Cummings/M Cunard/M Cunningham/M Cupid/M Curacao/M Curie Curitiba Currier/M Curry/RM Curt/M Curtis/M Custer Cuvier/M Cuzco Cybele/M Cyclades/M Cyclopes/M Cyclops/M Cygnus/M Cymbeline/M Cynthia/M Cyprian/M Cypriot/MS Cyprus/M Cyrano/M Cyril/M Cyrillic/M Cyrus/M Czech/M Czechoslovak Czechoslovakia/M Czechoslovakian/SM Czechs Czerny D/M DA/M DAR DAT/M DBMS/M DC/M DD/M DDS/M DDT/S DE DEA DEC/SDG DH DI DJ DMD/M DMZ DNA/M DOA DOB DOD DOE DOS/M DOT DP/SM DPT DST DTP DUI DVD DWI Dachau/M Dacron/SM Dada/M Dadaism/M Daedalus/M Daguerre Dagwood Dahomey/M Daimler/M Daisy/M Dakar/M Dakota/SM Dakotan Dale/M Daley/M Dali Dalian/M Dallas/M Dalmatia/M Dalmatian/SM Dalton/M Damascus/M Dame/N Damian/M Damien/M Damion/M Damocles Damon/M Dan/M Dana/M Danae/M Dane/SM Danelaw Dangerfield/M Danial/M Daniel/SM Danielle/M Daniels/M Danish/M Dannie/M Danny/M Danone/M Dante/M Danton Danube/M Danubian Daphne/M Darby/M Darcy/M Dardanelles/M Dare Daren/M Darfur Darin/M Dario/M Darius/M Darjeeling Darla/M Darlene/M Darling/M Darnell/M Darrel/M Darrell/M Darren/M Darrin/M Darrow Darryl/M Darth/M Dartmoor Dartmouth Darvon/M Darwin/M Darwinian Darwinism/SM Darwinist Daryl/M Datamation/S Daugherty/M Daumier Davao Dave/M Davenport/M David/MS Davidson/M Davis/M Davy/S Dawes Dawn/M Dawson/M Day/M Dayan Dayton DeGeneres/M Deadhead/M Dean/M Deana/M Deandre/M Deann/M Deanna/M Deanne/M Debbie/M Debby/M Debian/M Debora/M Deborah/M Debouillet/M Debra/M Debs Debussy Dec/M Decalogue/M Decatur Decca/M Deccan December/SM Decker/M Dedekind/M Dee/M Deena/M Deere/M Defoe Degas Deidre/M Deimos Deirdre/M Deity Dejesus/M Del Delacroix Delacruz/M Delaney/M Delano/M Delaware/MS Delawarean/SM Delbert/M Deleon/M Delgado/M Delhi/M Delia/M Delibes Delicious/M Delilah/M Delilahs Delius Dell/M Della/M Delmar/M Delmarva/M Delmer/M Delmonico Delores/M Deloris/M Delphi/M Delphic Delphinus/M Delta Dem/G Demavend/M Demerol/M Demeter/M Demetrius/M Deming/M Democrat/SM Democratic Democritus Demosthenes/M Dempsey Dena/M Denali Deneb Denebola/M Deng/M Denis/M Denise/M Denmark/M Dennis/M Denny/M Denver/M Deon/M Depp/M Derby Derek/M Derick/M Derrick/M Derrida/M Descartes/M Desdemona/M Desiree/M Desmond/M Detroit/M Deuteronomy/M Devanagari/M Devi/M Devin/M Devon/M Devonian/M Dewar/M Dewayne/M Dewey/M Dewitt/M Dexedrine/M Dexter/M Dhaka/M Dhaulagiri/M Di/S DiCaprio/M DiMaggio Diaghilev Dial/M Diana/M Diane/M Diann/M Dianna/M Dianne/M Dias Diaspora/MS Dick/XM Dickensian Dickerson/M Dickinson Dickson/M Dictaphone/SM Diderot Dido/M Didrikson/M Diefenbaker Diego/M Diem/M Dietrich Dijkstra/M Dijon Dilbert/MS Dillard/M Dillinger/M Dillon/M Dina/M Dinah Dino/M Diocletian Diogenes Dion/M Dionne/M Dionysian Dionysus/M Diophantine/M Dior Dipper/M Dir Dirac Dirichlet Dirk/M Dis/M Disney Disneyland Disraeli Divine/M Diwali/M Dix Dixie/M Dixiecrat Dixieland/SM Dixon/M Djibouti/M Dmitri/M Dnepropetrovsk Dniester Dobbin/M Doberman/M Dobro Doctor Doctorow/M Dodge/M Dodgson/M Dodoma/M Dodson/M Doe Doha/M Dolby Dole/M Dollie/M Dolly/M Dolores/M Domesday/M Domingo/M Dominguez/M Dominic/M Dominica/M Dominican/MS Dominick/M Dominion Dominique/M Domitian Don/SM Dona/M Donahue/M Donald/M Donaldson/M Donatello Donetsk/M Donizetti/M Donn/MR Donna/M Donne/M Donnell/M Donner/M Donnie/M Donny/M Donovan/M Dooley/M Doolittle Doonesbury/M Doppler Dora/M Dorcas Doreen/M Dorian/M Doric/M Doris/M Doritos/M Dorothea/M Dorothy/M Dorset Dorsey/M Dorthy/M Dortmund Dostoevsky/M Dot/M Dotson/M Douala/M Douay/M Doubleday/M Doug/M Douglas/M Douglass Douro Dover/M Dow Downs/M Downy/M Doyle/M Dr Draco/M Draconian Dracula/M Drake/M Dramamine/SM Drambuie Drano/M Dravidian/M Dreiser Dresden/M Drew/M Dreyfus/M Dristan/M Drudge/M Dryden Dschubba/M Du DuPont Duane/M Dubai Dubcek/M Dubhe/M Dublin/M Dubrovnik/M Duchamp Dudley/M Duffy/M Duisburg Duke/M Dulles Duluth Dumas Dumbledore/M Dumbo/M Dumpster Dunant Dunbar Duncan/M Dundee Dunedin Dunkirk/M Dunlap/M Dunn/M Dunne/M Duracell/M Duran/M Durant Durante/M Durban Durer Durex/M Durham/MS Durkheim Duroc Durocher/M Duse/M Dushanbe/M Dusseldorf/M Dustbuster/M Dustin/M Dusty/M Dutch/M Dutchman/M Dutchmen/M Dutchwoman Duvalier Dvina Dvorak Dwayne/M Dwight/M Dy/M Dyer/M Dylan/M Dyson/M Dzerzhinsky/M Dzungaria E/SM EB EC ECG/M ECMAScript/M EDP/M EDT EEC/M EEG/M EEO EEOC EFL EFT EKG/M ELF/M EM EMT ENE/M EOE EPA/M ER ERA ESE/M ESL ESP/M ESPN EST/M ET ETA ETD EU EULA/S Eakins Earhart Earl/M Earle/M Earlene/M Earline/M Earnest/M Earnestine/M Earnhardt/M Earp/M East/SZMR Easter/M Eastern/R Eastman Eastwood/M Eaton/M Eb/N Eben/M Ebeneezer/M Ebert Ebola Ebonics/M Ebony/M Ebro/M Ecclesiastes Eco/M Ecstasy Ecuador/M Ecuadoran/SM Ecuadorean Ecuadorian/SM Ed/MNX Edam/SM Edda Eddie/M Eddington/M Eddy/M Eden/M Edgar/M Edgardo/M Edinburgh/M Edison/M Edith/M Edmond/M Edmonton/M Edmund/M Edna/M Edsel Eduardo/M Edward/SM Edwardian/M Edwardo/M Edwards/M Edwin/M Edwina/M Eeyore/M Effie/M Efrain/M Efren/M Eggo/M Egypt/M Egyptian/MS Egyptology/M Ehrenberg/M Ehrlich Ei EiB Eib Eichmann Eiffel Eileen/M Einstein/MS Eire/M Eisenhower/M Eisenstein Eisner/M Elaine/M Elam Elanor/M Elastoplast/M Elba/M Elbe/M Elbert/M Elbrus Eldon/M Eleanor/M Eleazar/M Electra/M Elena/M Elgar Eli/M Elias/M Elijah/M Elinor/M Eliot Elisa/M Elisabeth/M Elise/M Eliseo/M Elisha Eliza/M Elizabeth/M Elizabethan/SM Ella/M Ellen/M Ellesmere/M Ellie/M Ellington Elliot/M Elliott/M Ellis/M Ellison/M Elma/M Elmer/M Elmo/M Elnath/M Elnora/M Elohim Eloise/M Eloy/M Elroy/M Elsa/M Elsie/M Elsinore Eltanin/M Elton/M Elul/M Elva/M Elvia/M Elvin/M Elvira/M Elvis/M Elway/M Elwood/M Elysee/M Elysian Elysium/SM Emacs/M Emanuel/M Emerson/M Emery/M Emil/M Emile/M Emilia/M Emilio/M Emily/M Eminem/M Eminence Emma/M Emmanuel/M Emmett/M Emmy Emory/M Encarta/M Endymion Eng Engels/M England/M English/MRS Englishman/M Englishmen/M Englishwoman/M Englishwomen/M Enid/M Enif/M Eniwetok/M Enkidu/M Enoch Enos Enrico/M Enrique/M Enron/M Enterprise/M Eocene/M Epcot/M Ephesian/S Ephesus Ephraim Epictetus Epicurean Epicurus/M Epimethius/M Epiphany/SM Episcopal Episcopalian/MS Epistle Epsom Epson/M Epstein Equuleus Er/M Erasmus/M Erato/M Eratosthenes/M Erebus/M Erector Erewhon/M Erhard Eric/M Erica/M Erich/M Erick/M Ericka/M Erickson/M Eridanus Erie Erik/M Erika/M Erin/M Eris/MS Eritrea/M Eritrean/SM Erlenmeyer/M Erma/M Erna/M Ernest/M Ernestine/M Ernesto/M Ernie/M Ernst Eros/MS Errol/M Erse/M ErvIn/M Erwin/M Esau/M Escher/M Escherichia/M Escondido Eskimo/MS Esmeralda/M Esperanto/M Esperanza/M Espinoza/M Esq/M Esquire/MS Essen/M Essene Essequibo Essex Essie/M Establishment Esteban/M Estela/M Estella/M Estelle/M Ester/M Esterhazy/M Estes/M Esther/M Estonia/M Estonian/SM Estrada/M Ethan/M Ethel/M Ethelred/M Ethernet Ethiopia/M Ethiopian/SM Etna/M Eton Etruria Etruscan Etta/M Eu/M Eucharist/MS Eucharistic Euclid/M Eugene/M Eugenia/M Eugenie/M Eugenio/M Eula/M Euler Eumenides/M Eunice/M Euphrates/M Eur Eurasia/M Eurasian/MS Euripides Eurodollar/SM Europa/M Europe/M European/MS Eurydice/M Eustachian/M Euterpe/M Eva/M Evan/SM Evangelical Evangelina/M Evangeline/M Evangelist Evans/M Evansville Eve/M Evelyn/M Evenki/M EverReady/M Everest/M Everett/M Everette/M Everglades/M Evert/M Evian/M Evita/M Ewing/M Excalibur/M Excedrin/M Excellency/SM Exchequer Exercycle Exocet/M Exodus/M Exxon/M Eyck/M Eyre Eysenck/M Ezekiel Ezra/M F/MD FAA FAQ/SM FBI/M FCC FD FDA FDIC/M FDR/M FHA/M FICA/M FIFO FL FM/SM FNMA/M FOFL FORTRAN/M FPO FSF/M FSLIC FTC FUD/S FWD FY FYI Faberge Fabian/MS Facebook/M Faeroe/M Fafnir Fagin/M Fahd/M Fahrenheit Fairbanks Faisal/M Faisalabad Faith/M Falasha Falkland/SM Fallopian/M Falstaff/M Falwell/M Fannie/M Fanny/M Faraday/M Fargo/M Farley/M Farmer/M Farragut Farrakhan/M Farrell/M Farrow/M Farsi/M Fassbinder/M Fatah/M Fates Father/SM Fatima Fatimid Faulkner/M Faulknerian Fauntleroy/M Faust/M Faustian Faustino/M Faustus/M Fawkes Fay/M Faye/M Fe/M Feb/M February/SM Fed/SM FedEx Federal/MS Federalist/M Federico/M Felecia/M Felice/M Felicia/M Felicity/M Felipe/M Felix/M Fellini Fenian Ferber/M Ferdinand/M Fergus Ferguson/M Ferlinghetti/M Fermat/M Fermi Fern/M Fernandez/M Fernando/M Ferrari/M Ferraro/M Ferrell/M Ferris Feynman/M Fez Fiat/M Fiberglas Fibonacci/M Fichte Fidel/M Fido/M Fielding Fields/M Figaro/M Figueroa/M Fiji/M Fijian/MS Filipino/MS Fillmore/M Filofax Finch/M Finland/M Finley/M Finn/SM Finnbogadottir/M Finnegan/M Finnish/M Fiona/M Firefox/M Firestone/M Fischer/M Fisher/M Fisk/M Fitch/M Fitzgerald/M Fitzpatrick/M Fitzroy/M Fizeau/M Fla Flanagan/M Flanders/M Flathead Flatt/M Flaubert Fleischer/M Fleming/M Flemish/M Fletcher/M Flint Flintstones Flo/M Flora/M Florence/M Florentine Flores/M Florida/M Floridan Floridian/SM Florine/M Florsheim/M Flory/M Flossie/M Flowers/M Floyd/M Flynn/M Fm/M Foch Fokker Foley/M Folgers Folsom Fomalhaut Fonda Foosball/M Forbes/M Ford/M Foreman/M Forest/MR Formica/MS Formosa/M Formosan/M Forrest/M Forster Fortaleza Fosse/M Foster/M Fotomat/M Foucault Fourier Fourneyron/M Fourth Fowler/M Fox/MS Fr/MD Fragonard Fran/M France/SM Frances/M Francesca/M Francine/M Francis/M Francisca/M Franciscan/MS Francisco/M Franck Franco/M Francois/M Francoise/M Franglais Frank/SM Frankel/M Frankenstein Frankfort/M Frankfurt/MR Frankie/M Frankish Franklin/M Franks/M Franny/M Franz/M Fraser Frau/MN Fraulein Frazier/M Fred/M Freda/M Freddie/M Freddy/M Frederic/M Frederick/M Fredericton/M Fredric/M Fredrick/M Freeman/M Freemason/SM Freemasonry/SM Freetown/M Freida/M Fremont French/MS Frenchman/M Frenchmen/M Frenchwoman/M Frenchwomen/M Freon Fresnel/M Fresno/M Freud/M Freudian Frey/M Freya/M Fri/M Friday/SM Frieda/M Friedan Friedman Friend/SM Frigga/M Frigidaire Frisbee Frisco Frisian/MS Frito/M Fritz/M Frobisher Froissart Fromm Fronde Frontenac/M Frost/M Frostbelt Frunze/M Fry/M Frye/M Fuchs/M Fuentes/M Fugger Fuji/M Fujitsu/M Fujiwara/M Fujiyama/M Fukuoka/M Fulani/M Fulbright Fuller/M Fullerton Fulton/M Funafuti Fundy Furies/M Furtwangler/M Fushun Fuzhou/M Fuzzbuster G/MNRB GA GAO GATT/M GB/M GDP/M GE/M GED GHQ/M GHz GI GIGO GM GMAT GMT/M GNP/M GNU/M GOP/M GP/M GPA GPO GSA GTE/M GU GUI/M Ga/M Gabon/M Gabonese/M Gaborone/M Gabriel/M Gabriela/M Gabrielle/M Gacrux/M Gadsden/M Gaea/M Gael/SM Gaelic/M Gagarin Gage Gail/M Gaiman/M Gaines/M Gainsborough/M Galahad/SM Galapagos/M Galatea Galatia Galatians Galaxy Galbraith Gale/M Galen/M Galibi Galilean/SM Galilee Galileo/M Gall/M Gallagher/M Gallegos/M Gallic Gallicism/SM Gallo/M Galloway/M Gallup Galois/M Galsworthy Galvani Galveston/M Gama Gamay Gambia/M Gambian/SM Gamble/M Gamow/M Gandhi/M Gandhian Ganesha/M Ganges/M Gangtok/M Gantry/M Ganymede/M Gap/M Garbo Garcia/M Gardner/M Gareth/M Garfield/M Garfunkel/M Gargantua Garibaldi/M Garland/M Garner/M Garrett/M Garrick Garrison/M Garry/M Garth/M Garvey Gary/M Garza/M Gascony/M Gasser Gates/M Gatling/M Gatorade/M Gatsby/M Gatun/M Gauguin/M Gaul/SM Gaulish Gauss/M Gaussian Gautama/M Gautier Gavin/M Gawain/M Gay/M Gayle/M Gaza Gaziantep Gb Gd/M Gdansk/M Ge/M Geffen/M Gehenna/M Gehrig Geiger/M Gelbvieh/M Geller/M Gemini/MS Gena/M Genaro/M Gene/M Genesis/M Genet/M Geneva/M Genevieve/M Genghis/M Genoa/SM Gentoo/M Gentry/M Geo/M Geoffrey/M George/MS Georgetown/M Georgette/M Georgia/M Georgian/MS Georgina/M Gerald/M Geraldine/M Gerard/M Gerardo/M Gerber/M Gere/M Geritol/M German/MS Germanic/M Germany/M Geronimo Gerry/M Gershwin Gertrude/M Gestapo/SM Gethsemane Getty Gettysburg/M Gewurztraminer Ghana/M Ghanaian Ghats Ghazvanid/M Ghent Ghibelline GiB Giacometti Giannini/M Giauque/M Gib Gibbon Gibbs/M Gibraltar/MS Gibson/M Gide Gideon Gielgud Gienah/M Gil/M Gila/M Gilbert/M Gilberto/M Gilchrist/M Gilda/M Gilead Giles/M Gilgamesh Gill/M Gillespie/M Gillette/M Gilliam/M Gillian/M Gilligan/M Gilmore/M Gina/M Ginger/M Gingrich/M Ginny/M Gino/M Ginsberg Ginsburg/M Ginsu/M Giorgione Giotto Giovanni/M Giraudoux Giselle/M Gish Giuliani/M Giuseppe/M Giza/M Gk Gladstone/MS Gladys/M Glaser Glasgow/M Glass/M Glastonbury/M Glaswegian/SM Glaxo/M Gleason/M Glen/M Glenda/M Glendale Glenlivet/M Glenn/M Glenna/M Gloria/M Gloucester Glover/M Gnostic Gnosticism/M Goa Gobi/M God/M Godard Goddard Godel/M Godhead/M Godiva/M Godot/M Godspeed/SM Godthaab Godunov Godzilla/M Goebbels Goering Goethals/M Goethe/M Goff/M Gog Gogol Goiania/M Golan/M Golconda Golda/M Goldberg/M Golden/M Goldie/M Goldilocks/M Golding Goldman/M Goldsmith Goldwater/M Goldwyn Golgi Golgotha/M Goliath Gomez/M Gomorrah/M Gompers Gomulka Gondwanaland/M Gonzales/M Gonzalez/M Gonzalo/M Good/M Goodall/M Goodman/M Goodrich/M Goodwill/M Goodwin/M Goodyear Google/M Goolagong/M Gopher Gorbachev Gordian/M Gordimer Gordon/M Gore Goren/M Gorey/M Gorgas Gorgon/M Gorgonzola Gorky/M Gospel/MS Goteborg/M Goth/M Gotham Gothic/MS Goths Gouda/SM Gould/M Gounod Governor Goya Gr/B Grable/M Gracchus Grace/M Graceland/M Gracie/M Graciela/M Grady/M Graffias/M Grafton/M Graham/M Grahame Grail Grammy Grampians Granada/M Grant/M Grass Graves/M Gray/M Grecian Greece/M Greek/SM Greeley Green/SM Greene/M Greenland/M Greenlandic Greenpeace/M Greensboro/M Greensleeves/M Greenspan/M Greenwich/M Greer/M Greg/M Gregg/M Gregorian Gregorio/M Gregory/M Grenada/M Grenadian/MS Grenadines Grendel Grenoble Gresham Greta/M Gretchen/M Gretel/M Gretzky/M Grey Grieg Griffin/M Griffith/M Grimes/M Grimm/M Grinch/M Gris Gromyko Gropius/M Gross/M Grosz Grotius Grover/M Grozny Grumman/M Grundy Grunewald/M Grus/M Gruyere/SM Guadalajara/M Guadalcanal/M Guadalquivir Guadalupe/M Guadeloupe/M Guallatiri/M Guam/M Guamanian Guangzhou/M Guantanamo/M Guarani/M Guarnieri/M Guatemala/M Guatemalan/MS Guayaquil/M Gucci/M Guelph Guernsey/MS Guerra/M Guerrero/M Guevara Guggenheim Guiana/M Guido Guillermo/M Guinea/M Guinean/MS Guinevere/M Guinness/M Guiyang Guizot Gujarat/M Gujarati/M Gujranwala Gullah Gulliver/M Gumbel/M Gunther Guofeng/M Gupta/M Gurkha/M Gus/iM Gustav/M Gustavo/M Gustavus/M Gutenberg Guthrie/M Gutierrez/M Guy/M Guyana/M Guyanese/M Guzman/M Gwalior Gwen/M Gwendoline/M Gwendolyn/M Gwyn/M Gypsy/SM H/M HBO HDTV HF/M HHS HI HIV/M HM HMO/M HMS HOV HP/M HQ/M HR HRH HS HSBC/M HST HT HTML/M HTTP HUD/M Ha Haas/M Habakkuk Haber/M Hadar/M Hades/M Hadrian Hafiz/M Hagar Haggai Hagiographa/M Hague Hahn/M Haida/SM Haifa/M Haiphong Haiti/M Haitian/MS Hakka/M Hakluyt Hal/SM Haldane Hale/M Haleakala Haley/M Halifax/M Hall/M Halley Halliburton/M Hallie/M Hallmark/M Halloween/MS Hallstatt Halon/M Halsey Ham/M Haman/M Hamburg/MS Hamhung Hamilcar/M Hamill/M Hamilton/M Hamiltonian Hamitic/M Hamlet Hamlin/M Hammarskjold Hammerstein Hammett/M Hammond/M Hammurabi Hampshire/M Hampton/M Hamsun Han Hancock/M Handel/M Handy Haney/M Hangul/M Hangzhou/M Hank/M Hanna/M Hannah/M Hannibal/M Hanoi/M Hanover/M Hanoverian/M Hans/MN Hansel/M Hansen/M Hanson/M Hanuka Hanukkah/M Hanukkahs Hapsburg/M Harare/M Harbin Hardin/M Harding/M Hardy/M Hargreaves Harlan/M Harlem/M Harlequin Harley/M Harlow Harmon/M Harold/M Harper/M Harpy/SM Harrell/M Harriet/M Harriett/M Harrington/M Harris/M Harrisburg/M Harrison/M Harrods Harry/M Hart/M Harte Hartford/M Hartline/M Hartman/M Harvard/M Harvey/M Hasbro/M Hasidim Haskell/M Hastings/M Hatfield/M Hathaway Hatsheput/M Hatteras Hattie/M Hauptmann Hausa/M Hausdorff/M Havana/MS Havarti Havel Havoline/M Haw Hawaii/M Hawaiian/SM Hawking Hawkins/M Hawks Hawthorne Hay/SM Hayden/M Haydn/M Hayes/M Haynes/M Hays/M Hayward Haywood/M Hayworth/M Hazel/M Hazlitt He/M Head/M Hearst Heath/MR Heather/M Heaviside Heb Hebe Hebert/M Hebraic Hebraism/SM Hebrew/MS Hebrides/M Hecate Hector/M Hecuba Heep/M Hefner/M Hegel/M Hegelian Hegira Heidegger Heidelberg Heidi/M Heifetz Heimlich/M Heine Heineken/M Heinlein/M Heinrich/M Heinz Heisenberg Heisman/M Helen/M Helena/M Helene/M Helga/M Helicon Heliopolis Helios/M Hellene/SM Hellenic/M Hellenism/MS Hellenist Hellenistic Hellenization Hellenize Heller Hellespont/M Hellman Helmholtz/M Heloise/M Helsinki/M Helvetian Helvetius/M Hemingway/M Hench/M Henderson/M Hendricks/M Hendrix/M Henley Hennessy/M Henri/M Henrietta/M Henry/M Hensley/M Henson/M Hepburn Hephaestus/M Hepplewhite Hera/M Heracles/M Heraclitus Herakles/M Herbart Herbert/M Herculaneum/M Herculean Hercules/M Herder Hereford/SM Herero Heriberto/M Herman/M Hermaphroditus Hermes/M Herminia/M Hermitage Hermite/M Hermosillo/M Hernandez/M Herod/M Herodotus/M Herr/MG Herrera/M Herrick Herring/M Herschel/M Hersey/M Hershel/M Hershey/M Hertz/M Hertzsprung/M Herzegovina Herzl Heshvan/M Hesiod Hesperus Hess/M Hesse Hessian Hester/M Heston/M Hettie/M Hewitt/M Hewlett/M Heyerdahl Heywood Hezbollah/M Hezekiah Hf/M Hg/M Hialeah Hiawatha/M Hibernia/M Hibernian Hickman/M Hickok Hicks/M Hieronymus Higashiosaka Higgins/M Highlander/SM Highlands Highness/M Hilario/M Hilary/M Hilbert Hilda/M Hildebrand Hilfiger/M Hill/M Hillary/M Hillel Hilton Himalaya/SM Himalayan Himmler Hinayana/M Hindemith Hindenburg Hindu/SM Hinduism/SM Hindus/i Hindustan/M Hindustani/SM Hines/M Hinton/M Hipparchus Hippocrates/M Hippocratic Hiram/M Hirobumi/M Hirohito Hiroshima/M Hispanic/SM Hispaniola/M Hiss/M Hitachi/M Hitchcock Hitler/MS Hittite/SM Hmong Ho/M Hobart/M Hobbes Hobbs/M Hockney/M Hodge/SM Hodges/M Hodgkin Hoff/M Hoffa/M Hoffman/M Hofstadter/M Hogan/M Hogarth Hogwarts/M Hohenlohe Hohenstaufen Hohenzollern/M Hohhot/M Hohokam Hokkaido/M Hokusai Holbein Holcomb/M Holden/M Holder/M Holiday Holiness Holland/ZSMR Hollander/M Hollerith/M Holley/M Hollie/M Hollis/M Holloway/M Holly/M Hollywood/M Holman/M Holmes/M Holocaust Holocene/M Holst Holstein/SM Holt/M Homer/M Homeric Hon Honda/M Honduran/MS Honduras/M Honecker/M Honeywell/M Honiara Honolulu/M Honorable Honshu/M Hood/M Hooke/R Hooper/M Hoosier/MS Hooters/M Hoover/MS Hope/M Hopewell/M Hopi/SM Hopkins/M Hopper/M Horace/M Horacio/M Horatio/M Hormel/M Hormuz Horn/M Hornblower/M Horne/M Horowitz Horthy Horton/M Horus/M Hosea/M Host/SM Hotpoint/M Hottentot/SM Houdini House/M Housman Houston/M Houyhnhnm/M Hovhaness/M Howard/M Howe/M Howell/MS Howrah Hoyle Hrothgar/M Hts Huang Hubbard/M Hubble/M Huber/M Hubert/M Huck/M Huddersfield Hudson/M Huerta/M Huey/M Huff/M Huffman/M Huggins Hugh/MS Hughes/M Hugo/M Huguenot/MS Hui Huitzilopotchli/M Hull/M Humberto/M Humboldt Hume Hummer/M Humphrey/M Humvee Hun/SM Hung/M Hungarian/SM Hungary/M Hunspell/M Hunt/MR Hunter/M Huntington/M Huntley/M Huntsville Hurley/M Huron Hurst/M Hus Hussein Husserl Hussite Huston Hutchinson/M Hutton/M Hutu Huxley/M Huygens Hyades/M Hyde/M Hyderabad Hydra/M Hymen/M Hyperion/M Hyundai/M Hz/M I'd I'll I'm I've I/M IA IBM/M ICBM/SM ICC ICU ID/SM IE IEC IL IMF/M IMHO IMNSHO IMO IN ING/M INRI INS IOU/M IPA IQ/M IRA/SM IRS/M ISBN ISO/M IT IUD IV/SM Ia Iaccoca/M Iago/M Ian/M Iapetus/M Ibadan Iberia/M Iberian Ibiza Iblis/M Ibo Ibsen/M Icahn/M Icarus/M Ice Iceland/MRZ Icelander/M Icelandic/M Ida/M Idaho/SM Idahoan/MS Idahoes Ieyasu Ignacio/M Ignatius Igor/M Iguassu/M Ijsselmeer/M Ike/M Ikea/M Ikhnaton Ila/M Ilene/M Iliad/SM Ill Illinois/M Illinoisan/MS Illuminati Ilyushin/M Imelda/M Imhotep/M Imodium/M Imogene/M Imus/M In/M Ina/M Inc Inca/SM Inchon/M Incorporated Ind Independence/M India/M Indian/MS Indiana/M Indianan/SM Indianapolis/M Indianian Indira/M Indochina/M Indochinese Indonesia/M Indonesian/SM Indore Indra/M Indus/M Indy/SM Ines/M Inez/M Inge Inglewood Ingram/M Ingres Ingrid/M Innocent/M Innsbruck Inonu/M Inquisition Inst Instamatic/M Intel/M Intelsat Internationale/M Internet/S Interpol Inuit/MS Inuktitut/M Invar/M Io/M Ionesco Ionian/MS Ionic/SM Iowa/SM Iowan/MS Iphigenia Ipswich Iqaluit/M Iqbal Iquitos Ir/M Ira/M Iran/M Iranian/SM Iraq/M Iraqi/MS Ireland/M Irene/M Iris/M Irish/MR Irishman/M Irishmen/M Irishwoman/M Irishwomen/M Irkutsk Irma/M Iroquoian/SM Iroquois/M Irrawaddy Irtish/M Irvin/M Irvine Irving/M Irwin/M Isaac/M Isabel/M Isabella/M Isabelle/M Isaiah/M Iscariot Isfahan Isherwood Ishim/M Ishmael Ishtar/M Isiah/M Isidro/M Isis/M Islam/MS Islamabad/M Islamic Islamism/M Islamist Ismael/M Ismail/M Isolde Ispell/M Israel/SM Israeli/SM Israelite Issac/M Issachar Istanbul/M Isuzu/M It Itaipu/M Ital Italian/SM Italianate Italy/M Itasca/M Ithaca Ithacan Ito Iva/M Ivan/M Ivanhoe/M Ives Ivorian Ivory/M Ivy/M Iyar/M Izaak/M Izanagi/M Izanami/M Izhevsk Izmir Izod/M Izvestia/M J/MD JCS JD JEDEC JFK/M JP JV Jack/M Jackie/M Jacklyn/M Jackson/M Jacksonian Jacksonville/M Jacky/M Jaclyn/M Jacob/SM Jacobean/M Jacobi Jacobin/M Jacobite/M Jacobs/M Jacobson/M Jacquard Jacqueline/M Jacquelyn/M Jacques/M Jacuzzi Jagger/M Jagiellon/M Jaguar/M Jahangir/M Jaime/M Jain Jainism/M Jaipur Jakarta/M Jake/M Jamaal/M Jamaica/M Jamaican/SM Jamal/M Jamar/M Jame/SM Jamel/M James/M Jamestown Jami/M Jamie/M Jan/M Jana/M Janacek/M Jane/M Janell/M Janelle/M Janet/M Janette/M Janice/M Janie/M Janine/M Janis/M Janissary/M Janjaweed/M Janna/M Jannie/M Jansen/M Jansenist/M January/SM Janus/M Japan/M Japanese/MS Japura/M Jared/M Jarlsberg Jarred/M Jarrett/M Jarrod/M Jarvis/M Jasmine/M Jason/M Jasper/M Jataka Java/SM JavaScript/M Javanese/M Javier/M Jaxartes Jay/M Jayapura/M Jayawardene/M Jaycee/S Jayne/M Jayson/M Jean/M Jeanette/M Jeanie/M Jeanine/M Jeanne/M Jeannette/M Jeannie/M Jeannine/M Jed/M Jedi/M Jeep Jeeves/M Jeff/M Jefferey/M Jefferson/M Jeffersonian Jeffery/M Jeffrey/M Jeffry/M Jehoshaphat Jehovah/M Jekyll/M Jenifer/M Jenkins/M Jenna/M Jenner Jennie/M Jennifer/M Jennings/M Jenny/M Jensen/M Jephthah Jerald/M Jeremiah/M Jeremiahs Jeremy/M Jeri/M Jericho/M Jermaine/M Jeroboam Jerold/M Jerome/M Jerri/M Jerrod/M Jerrold/M Jerry/M Jersey/MS Jerusalem/M Jess/M Jesse/M Jessica/M Jessie/M Jesuit/MS Jesus/M Jetway Jew/SM Jewel/M Jewell/M Jewess/MS Jewish/P Jewry Jezebel/SM Jidda Jilin Jill/M Jillian/M Jim/M Jimenez/M Jimmie/M Jimmy/M Jinan Jinnah Jinny/M Jivaro Jo/M Joan/M Joann/M Joanna/M Joanne/M Joaquin/M Job/SM Jocasta Jocelyn/M Jock Jockey Jodi/M Jodie/M Jody/M Joe/M Joel/M Joesph/M Joey/M Jogjakarta/M Johann/M Johanna/M Johannes Johannesburg/M John/SM Johnathan/M Johnathon/M Johnie/M Johnnie/M Johnny/M Johns/M Johnson/M Johnston/M Jolene/M Jolson Jon/M Jonah/M Jonahs Jonas/M Jonathan/M Jonathon/M Jones/M Joni/M Jonson Joplin Jordan/M Jordanian/MS Jorge/M Jose/M Josef/M Josefa/M Josefina/M Joseph/M Josephine/M Josephs Josephson/M Josephus Josh/M Joshua/M Josiah/M Josie/M Josue/M Joule Jove/M Jovian Joy/M Joyce/M Joycean Joyner/M Jpn Jr/M Juan/M Juana/M Juanita/M Juarez/M Jubal Judah Judaic Judaical Judaism/MS Judas/MS Judd/M Jude Judea Judges Judith/M Judson/M Judy/M Juggernaut/M Jul Jules/M Julia/M Julian/M Juliana/M Julianne/M Julie/M Juliet/M Juliette/M Julio/M Julius/M Julliard/M July/SM Jun June/SM Juneau/M Jung/M Jungfrau Jungian Junior/SM Junker/SM Juno/M Jupiter/M Jurassic/M Jurua/M Justice/M Justin/M Justine/M Justinian/M Jutland/M Juvenal K/SMNGJ KB/M KC KFC/M KGB KIA KKK/M KO/M KP KS KY Kaaba Kabul/M Kafka/M Kafkaesque Kagoshima Kahlua/M Kaifeng Kaiser/MS Kaitlin/M Kalahari/M Kalamazoo Kalashnikov Kalb/M Kalevala Kalgoorlie Kali/M Kalmyk Kama/M Kamchatka Kamehameha/M Kampala/M Kampuchea/M Kan/S Kanchenjunga/M Kandahar Kandinsky Kane/M Kannada/M Kano Kanpur Kansan/MS Kansas Kant/M Kantian Kaohsiung Kaposi/M Kara/M Karachi/M Karaganda Karakorum Karamazov/M Kareem/M Karen/M Karenina/M Kari/M Karin/M Karina/M Karl/M Karla/M Karloff/M Karo/M Karol/M Karroo/M Karyn/M Kasai/M Kasey/M Kashmir/SM Kasparov/M Kate/M Katelyn/M Katharine/M Katherine/M Katheryn/M Kathiawar Kathie/M Kathleen/M Kathmandu/M Kathrine/M Kathryn/M Kathy/M Katie/M Katina/M Katmai Katowice Katrina/M Katy/M Kauai/M Kaufman/M Kaunas/M Kaunda/M Kawabata/M Kawasaki Kay/M Kaye/M Kayla/M Kazakh/M Kazakhs Kazakhstan/M Kazan/M Kazantzakis Kb/M Keaton/M Keats Keck/M Keenan/M Keewatin Keillor/M Keisha/M Keith/M Keller/M Kelley/M Kelli/M Kellie/M Kellogg Kelly/M Kelsey/M Kelvin/M Kemerovo Kemp/M Kempis Ken/M Kendall/M Kendra/M Kendrick/M Kenmore/M Kennan/M Kennedy/M Kenneth/M Kennith/M Kenny/M Kent/M Kenton/M Kentuckian/MS Kentucky/M Kenya/M Kenyan/SM Kenyatta Kenyon/M Keogh/M Keokuk/M Kepler/M Kerensky/M Keri/M Kermit/M Kern Kerouac Kerr/M Kerri/M Kerry/M Kettering Keven/M Kevin/M Kevlar Kevorkian/M Kewpie Key/M Keynes/M Keynesian Khabarovsk Khachaturian Khalid/M Khan/M Kharkov/M Khartoum/M Khayyam/M Khazar/M Khmer/M Khoikhoi/M Khoisan/M Khomeini/M Khorana/M Khrushchev Khufu Khulna/M Khwarizmi/M Khyber/M Ki KiB Kib Kickapoo Kidd/M Kiel Kierkegaard Kieth/M Kiev/M Kigali/M Kikuyu Kilauea Kilimanjaro/M Kilroy/M Kim/M Kimberley/M Kimberly/M King/M Kingston/M Kingstown/M Kinko's Kinney/M Kinsey Kinshasa/M Kiowa/MS Kip/M Kipling/M Kirby/M Kirchhoff Kirchner/M Kirghistan/M Kirghiz/M Kirghizia/M Kiribati/M Kirinyaga/M Kirk/M Kirkland/M Kirkpatrick/M Kirov Kirsten/M Kisangani Kishinev/M Kislev/M Kissinger Kit/M Kitakyushu/M Kitchener Kitty/M Kiwanis Klan/M Klansman/M Klaus/M Klee Kleenex/MS Klein/M Klimt Kline/M Klingon/M Klondike/MS Kmart/M Knapp/M Knesset/M Kngwarreye/M Knickerbocker Knievel/M Knight/M Knopf/M Knossos Knowles/M Knox/M Knoxville Knudsen/M Knuth/M Knuths Kobe Koch/M Kochab/M Kodachrome/M Kodak Kodaly/M Kodiak/M Koestler Kohinoor Kohl Koizumi/M Kojak/M Kolyma Kommunizma/M Kong/M Kongo/M Konrad/M Koontz/M Koppel/M Koran/MS Koranic Korea/M Korean/SM Kornberg/M Kory/M Korzybski Kosciusko Kossuth Kosygin Koufax/M Kowloon Kr/M Kraft/M Krakatoa/M Krakow/M Kramer/M Krasnodar Krasnoyarsk Krebs Kremlin Kremlinologist Kremlinology Kresge/M Kringle/M Kris/M Krishna/M Krishnamurti/M Krista/M Kristen/M Kristi/M Kristie/M Kristin/M Kristina/M Kristine/M Kristopher/M Kristy/M Kroc/M Kroger/M Kronecker/M Kropotkin Kruger Krugerrand Krupp Krystal/M Kshatriya/M Kublai/M Kubrick Kuhn/M Kuibyshev Kulthumm/M Kunming Kuomintang Kurd Kurdish/M Kurdistan Kurosawa Kurt/M Kurtis/M Kusch/M Kutuzov Kuwait/M Kuwaiti/SM Kuznets/M Kuznetsk/M Kwakiutl/M Kwan/M Kwangju Kwanzaa/MS Ky/H Kyle/M Kyoto/M Kyrgyzstan Kyushu/M L'Amour L'Enfant L'Oreal L'Ouverture L/MN LA LAN/M LBJ/M LC LCD/M LCM LDC LED/M LG LIFO LL LLB/M LLD/M LNG LOGO LP/M LPG LPN/SM LSAT LSD/M LVN La/SM Lab Laban Labrador/SM Labradorean Lacey/M Lachesis/M Lacy/M Ladoga Ladonna/M Lady Ladyship/MS Lafayette Lafitte/M Lagos/M Lagrange Lagrangian Lahore Laius Lajos/M Lakeisha/M Lakewood Lakisha/M Lakota Lakshmi/M Lamaism/SM Lamar/M Lamarck/M Lamaze Lamb/M Lambert/M Lamborghini/M Lambrusco Lamentations Lamont/M Lana/M Lanai/M Lancashire Lancaster/M Lance/M Lancelot/M Land Landon/M Landry/M Landsat Landsteiner/M Lane/M Lang/M Langerhans/M Langland Langley/M Langmuir Lanny/M Lansing/M Lanzhou/M Lao/SM Laocoon/M Laotian/SM Laplace Lapland/MR Lapp/SM Lara/M Laramie/M Lardner/M Laredo Larousse Larry/M Lars/N Larsen/M Larson/M Lascaux/M Lassa/M Lassen/M Lassie/M Lat Latasha/M Lateran/M Latin/MRS Latina Latino/SM Latisha/M Latonya/M Latoya/M Latrobe/M Latvia/M Latvian/MS Laud/R Laue Laundromat Laura/M Laurasia/M Laurel/M Lauren/M Laurence/M Laurent/M Lauri/M Laurie/M Laval Lavern/M Laverne/M Lavoisier Lavonne/M Lawanda/M Lawrence/M Lawson/M Layamon Layla/M Lazaro/M Lazarus/M Le/SM Lea/M Leach/M Leadbelly Leah/M Leakey/M Lean/M Leander Leann/M Leanna/M Leanne/M Lear/M Learjet/M Leary/M Leavenworth Lebanese/M Lebanon/M Lebesgue/M Leblanc/M Leda/M Lederberg/M Lee/M Leeds/M Leeuwenhoek Leeward/M Left Legendre Leger/M Leghorn Lego/M Legree/M Lehman/M Leibniz/M Leicester/SM Leiden/M Leif/M Leigh/M Leila/M Leipzig/M Lela/M Leland/M Lelia/M Lemaitre/M Lemuel/M Lemuria/M Len/M Lena/M Lenard/M Lenin/M Leningrad/M Leninism/M Leninist Lennon/M Lenny/M Leno/M Lenoir/M Lenora/M Lenore/M Lent/SMN Leo/SM Leola/M Leon/M Leona/M Leonard/M Leonardo/M Leoncavallo Leonel/M Leonid Leonidas/M Leonor/M Leopold/M Leopoldo/M Lepidus Lepke/M Lepus/M Lerner Leroy/M Les/M Lesa/M Lesley/M Leslie/M Lesotho/M Lesseps Lessie/M Lester/M Lestrade/M Leta/M Letha/M Lethe/M Leticia/M Letitia/M Letterman/M Levant/M Levesque/M Levi/SM Leviathan Levine/M Leviticus/M Levitt/M Levy/M Lew/M Lewinsky/M Lewis/M Lexington/M Lexus/M Lhasa/MS Lhotse/M Li/MY Libby Liberace/M Liberia/M Liberian/SM Libra/MS Libreville/M Librium/M Libya/M Libyan/SM Lichtenstein Lidia/M Lie Lieberman/M Liebfraumilch Liechtenstein/ZMR Liechtensteiner/M Liege/M Lieut Lila/M Lilia/M Lilian/M Liliana/M Lilith/M Liliuokalani Lille Lillian/M Lillie/M Lilliput/M Lilliputian/MS Lilly/M Lilongwe/M Lily/M Lima/M Limbaugh/M Limbo Limburger Limoges Limousin/M Limpopo/M Lin/M Lina/M Lincoln/MS Lind Linda/M Lindbergh Lindsay/M Lindsey/M Lindy Linnaeus/M Linotype Linton/M Linus/M Linux/S Linwood/M Lionel/M Lipizzaner Lippi Lippmann Lipscomb/M Lipton/M Lisa/M Lisbon/M Lissajous/M Lister/M Listerine/M Liston/M Liszt Lithuania/M Lithuanian/MS Little/M Litton/M Liverpool/M Liverpudlian/SM Livia/M Livingston/M Livingstone Livonia/M Livy Liz/M Liza/M Lizzie/M Lizzy/M Ljubljana/M Llewellyn Lloyd/M Ln Loafer/SM Lobachevsky Lochinvar Locke/M Lockean Lockheed/M Lockwood/M Lodge Lodz/M Loewe Loewi Loews/M Logan/M Lohengrin Loire/M Lois/M Loki/M Lola/M Lolita/M Lollard Lollobrigida/M Lombard/M Lombardi/M Lombardy/M Lome/M Lon/M London/MRZ Londoner/M Long/M Longfellow/M Longstreet/M Longueuil Lonnie/M Lopez/M Lora/M Loraine/M Lord/SM Lordship/SM Lorelei/M Loren/M Lorena/M Lorene/M Lorentz Lorenz Lorenzo/M Loretta/M Lori/M Lorie/M Lorna/M Lorraine/M Lorre/M Lorrie/M Los Lot/M Lothario/SM Lott/M Lottie/M Lou/M Louella/M Louie/M Louis/M Louisa/M Louise/M Louisiana/M Louisianan/MS Louisianian/MS Louisville/M Lourdes/M Louvre/M Love/M Lovecraft/M Lovelace Lowe/M Lowell/M Lowenbrau/M Lowery/M Lowlands Loyang/M Loyd/M Loyola Lr Lt Ltd Lu/M Luanda/M Luann/M Lubavitcher Lubbock Lubumbashi Lucas/M Luce/M Lucia/M Lucian Luciano/M Lucien/M Lucifer/M Lucile/M Lucille/M Lucinda/M Lucio/M Lucite/SM Lucius/M Lucknow/M Lucretia Lucretius Lucy/M Luddite/MS Ludhiana Ludwig/M Luella/M Lufthansa/M Luftwaffe Luger/M Lugosi/M Luigi/M Luis/M Luisa/M Luke/M Lula/M Lully Lulu/M Lumiere/M Luna/M Lupe/M Lupercalia Lupus/M Luria/M Lusaka/M Lusitania/M Luther/M Lutheran/SM Lutheranism/MS Luvs/M Luxembourg/ZMR Luxembourger/M Luxembourgian Luz/M Luzon/M Lvov LyX/M Lyallpur Lycra Lycurgus Lydia/M Lydian/SM Lyell Lyle/M Lyly Lyman/M Lyme/M Lynch/M Lynda/M Lyndon/M Lynette/M Lynn/M Lynne/M Lynnette/M Lyon/SM Lyons/M Lyra/M Lysenko Lysistrata/M Lysol/M M/SMGB MA/M MASH MB/M MBA/M MC MCI/M MD/M MDT ME MEGO/S MFA/M MGM/M MHz MI/M MIA MIDI/M MIPS MIPSes MIRV MIT/M MM MN MO MP/M MRI/M MS/M MSG/M MST/M MSW MT/M MTV MVP/M MW Maalox/M Mabel/M Mable/M Mac/M MacArthur MacBride/M MacDonald/M MacLeish/M Macao/M Macaulay Macbeth Maccabees Maccabeus/M Mace Macedon/M Macedonia/M Macedonian/SM Mach Machiavelli/M Machiavellian Macias/M Macintosh/M Mack/M Mackenzie/M Mackinac/M Mackinaw Macmillan Macon Macumba/M Macy/M Madagascan/SM Madagascar/M Madden/M Maddox/M Madeira/SM Madeleine/M Madeline/M Madelyn/M Madge/M Madison/M Madonna/SM Madras/M Madrid/M Madurai/M Mae/M Maeterlinck/M Mafia/MS Mafioso Magdalena/M Magdalene/M Magellan/M Magellanic Maggie/M Maghreb/M Maginot/M Magnitogorsk Magog Magoo/M Magritte Magsaysay/M Magus/i Magyar/SM Mahabharata/M Maharashtra/M Mahavira/M Mahayana/M Mahayanist/M Mahdi Mahfouz/M Mahican/SM Mahler Mai/M Maidenform/M Maigret/M Mailer Maillol Maiman/M Maimonides Maine/MZR Mainer/M Maisie/M Maitreya/M Maj Majesty Major/M Majorca/M Majuro Makarios/M Maker Malabar/M Malabo/M Malacca Malachi Malagasy Malamud Malaprop/M Malawi/M Malawian/SM Malay/MS Malaya/M Malayalam/M Malayan/MS Malaysia/M Malaysian/MS Malcolm/M Maldive/MS Maldives/M Maldivian/MS Maldonado/M Male/M Mali/M Malian/SM Malibu/M Malinda/M Malinowski Mallarme Mallomars/M Mallory/M Malone/M Malory/M Malplaquet/M Malraux Malta/M Maltese/M Malthus/M Malthusian/SM Mameluke Mamet Mamie/M Mamore/M Man/M Managua/M Manama/M Manasseh Manchester/M Manchu/SM Manchuria/M Manchurian Mancini/M Mancunian/MS Mandalay/M Mandarin/M Mandela Mandelbrot Mandingo Mandrell/M Mandriva/M Mandy/M Manet Manfred/M Manhattan/SM Mani Manichean Manila/SM Manitoba/M Manitoulin/M Manley/M Mann/GM Mannheim/M Manning/M Mansfield Manson/M Mantegna Mantle/M Manuel/M Manuela/M Manx/M Mao/M Maoism/SM Maoist/SM Maori/MS Mapplethorpe/M Maputo/M Mar/SM Mara/M Maracaibo Marat Maratha/M Marathi/M Marathon/M Marc/M Marceau Marcel/M Marcelino/M Marcella/M Marcelo/M March/MS Marci/M Marcia/M Marciano Marcie/M Marco/MS Marconi Marcos/M Marcus/iM Marcuse Marcy/M Marduk/M Margaret/M Margarita/M Margarito/M Marge/M Margery/M Margie/M Margo/M Margret/M Margrethe/M Marguerite/M Mari/SM Maria/M Marian/M Mariana/SM Marianne/M Mariano/M Maribel/M Maricela/M Marie/M Marietta/M Marilyn/M Marin Marina/M Marine/SM Mario/M Marion/M Marisa/M Marisol/M Marissa/M Maritain Maritza/M Mariupol Marius Marjorie/M Marjory/M Mark/SM Markab/M Markham Markov Marks/M Marla/M Marlboro/M Marlborough Marlene/M Marley/M Marlin/M Marlon/M Marlowe Marmara/M Marne Maronite Marple/M Marquesas/M Marquette Marquez/M Marquis/M Marquita/M Marrakesh/M Marriott/M Mars/MS Marsala/M Marseillaise/MS Marseilles Marsh/M Marsha/M Marshall/M Marta/M Martel Martha/M Martial Martian/SM Martin/M Martina/M Martinez/M Martinique/M Marty/M Marva/M Marvell/M Marvin/M Marx/M Marxian Marxism/SM Marxist/SM Mary/M Maryann/M Maryanne/M Maryellen/M Maryland/MR Marylou/M Masada/M Masai/M Masaryk Mascagni Masefield Maserati/M Maseru/M Mashhad/M Mason/MS Masonic Masonite/M Mass/MS Massachusetts Massasoit Massenet Massey/M Master/S MasterCard/M Mather Mathew/SM Mathews/M Mathewson/M Mathias Mathis/M Matilda/M Matisse Matt/M Mattel/M Matterhorn/M Matthew/SM Matthews/M Matthias Mattie/M Maud/M Maude/M Maugham Maui/M Maupassant Maura/M Maureen/M Mauriac Maurice/M Mauricio/M Maurine/M Mauritania/M Mauritanian/SM Mauritian/SM Mauritius/M Mauro/M Maurois Mauryan/M Mauser Mavis/M Max/M Maximilian Maxine/M Maxwell/M May/SMR Maya/SM Mayan/MS Mayer/M Mayfair Mayflower/M Maynard/M Mayo/M Maypole Mayra/M Mays/M Maytag/M Mazama/M Mazarin Mazatlan/M Mazda Mazola/M Mazzini/M Mb/M Mbabane/M Mbini/M McAdam/M McBride/M McCain/M McCall/M McCarthy/M McCarthyism/M McCartney/M McCarty/M McClain/M McClellan McClure/M McConnell/M McCormick/M McCoy/M McCray/M McCullough/M McDaniel/M McDonald/M McDonnell/M McDowell/M McEnroe/M McFadden/M McFarland/M McGee/M McGovern/M McGowan/M McGuffey/M McGuire/M McIntosh/M McIntyre/M McKay/M McKee/M McKenzie/M McKinley/M McKinney/M McKnight/M McLaughlin/M McLean/M McLeod/M McLuhan/M McMahon/M McMillan/M McNamara/M McNaughton/M McNeil/M McPherson/M McQueen/M McVeigh/M Md/M Me Mead Meade Meadows/M Meagan/M Meany/M Mecca/MS Medan Medea/M Medellin Media Medicaid/SM Medicare/SM Medici Medina/M Mediterranean/MS Medusa/M Meg/M Megan/M Meghan/M Meier/M Meighen/M Meiji/M Meir Mejia/M Mekong/M Mel/M Melanesia/M Melanesian Melanie/M Melba/M Melbourne/M Melchior Melchizedek Melendez/M Melinda/M Melisa/M Melisande/M Melissa/M Mellon Melody/M Melpomene/M Melton/M Melva/M Melville/M Melvin/M Memling Memphis/M Menander Mencius Mencken Mendel/M Mendeleev/M Mendelian Mendelssohn Mendez/M Mendocino/M Mendoza/M Menelaus/M Menelik/M Menes Mengzi Menkalinan/M Menkar/M Menkent/M Mennen/M Mennonite/MS Menominee/M Menotti Mensa Mentholatum/M Menuhin/M Menzies Mephistopheles Merak/M Mercado/M Mercator Mercedes/M Mercer/M Mercia Merck/M Mercurochrome/M Mercury/SM Meredith/M Merino Merle/M Merlin/M Merlot Merovingian Merriam/M Merrick/M Merrill/M Merrimack/M Merritt/M Merthiolate/M Merton Mervin/M Mesa Mesabi/M Mesmer/M Mesolithic Mesopotamia/M Mesopotamian Mesozoic/M Messerschmidt/M Messiaen Messiah/M Messiahs Messianic Metallica/M Metamucil/M Methodism/SM Methodist/SM Methuselah Metternich Meuse/M Mex Mexicali Mexican/MS Mexico/M Meyer/MS Meyerbeer Meyers/M Mfume/M Mg/M Mgr Mi MiB MiG Mia/M Miami/MS Miaplacidus/M Mib Micah/M Micawber Mich Michael/M Michaelmas/MS Micheal/M Michel/M Michelangelo/M Michele/M Michelin/M Michelle/M Michelob/M Michelson Michigan/M Michigander/MS Michiganite Mick/M Mickey/M Mickie/M Micky/M Micmac/SM Micronesia/M Micronesian Microsoft/M Midas/M Middleton/M Mideast Mideastern Midland/S Midway/M Midwest/M Midwestern/R Miguel/M Mike/M Mikhail/M Mikoyan/M Milagros/M Milan/M Milanese Mildred/M Miles/M Milford/M Milken/M Mill/SR Millard/M Millay Miller/M Millet Millicent/M Millie/M Millikan Mills/M Milne Milo/M Milosevic/M Milquetoast/M Miltiades Milton/M Miltonic Miltown/M Milwaukee/M Mimi/M Mimosa/M Min/M Minamoto/M Mindanao Mindoro/M Mindy/M Minerva/M Mingus/M Minn Minneapolis/M Minnelli/M Minnesota/M Minnesotan/SM Minnie/M Minoan/MS Minolta/M Minos/M Minot/M Minotaur/M Minsk/M Minsky/M Mintaka/M Minuit Minuteman/M Miocene/M Mir/M Mira/M Mirabeau Mirach/M Miranda/M Mirfak/M Miriam/M Miro Mirzam/M Miskito Miss Mississauga Mississippi/M Mississippian/SM Missouri/M Missourian/MS Missy/M Mistassini Mister Mistress Misty/M Mitch/M Mitchel/M Mitchell/M Mitford/M Mithra/M Mithridates/M Mitsubishi/M Mitterrand/M Mitty/M Mitzi/M Mixtec Mizar Mk Mlle Mme/S Mn/M Mnemosyne/M Mo/M Mobil/M Mobile/M Mobutu/M Modesto Modigliani Moe/M Moet/M Mogadishu Mogul/MS Mohacs/M Mohamed/M Mohammad/M Mohammedan/SM Mohammedanism/SM Mohave/SM Mohawk/SM Mohegan Moho/M Mohorovicic/M Moira Moises/M Moiseyev/M Mojave/SM Moldavia/M Moldavian Moldova/M Moldovan Moliere/M Molina/M Moll/M Mollie/M Molly/M Molnar/M Moloch/M Molokai/M Molotov/M Moluccas Mombasa/M Mon/SM Mona/M Monacan Monaco/M Mondale/M Monday/SM Mondrian Monegasque/SM Monera/M Monet Mongol/SM Mongolia/M Mongolian/SM Mongolic/M Mongoloid Monica/M Monique/M Monk/M Monmouth Monongahela Monroe/M Monrovia/M Monsanto/M Monsignor/SM Mont Montague Montaigne Montana/M Montanan/SM Montcalm Monte/M Montenegrin Montenegro/M Monterrey Montesquieu Montessori Monteverdi Montevideo/M Montezuma/M Montgolfier Montgomery/M Monticello Montoya/M Montpelier/M Montrachet Montreal/M Montserrat/M Monty/M Moody/M Moog Moon/M Mooney/M Moor/SM Moore/M Moorish/M Morales/M Moran/M Moravia Moravian Mordred More Moreno/M Morgan/SM Moriarty/M Morin/M Morison/M Morita/M Morley Mormon/SM Mormonism/SM Moro Moroccan/SM Morocco/M Moroni Morpheus/M Morphy/M Morris/M Morrison/M Morrow/M Morse/M Mort/M Mortimer Morton/M Mosaic/M Moscow/M Moseley Moselle/M Moses/M Mosley/M Moss/M Mosul Motorola/M Motown/M Motrin/M Mott Mount Mountbatten Mountie/MS Moussorgsky Mouthe/M Mouton/M Mowgli/M Mozambican/SM Mozambique/M Mozart/M Mozilla/M Mr/SM Ms/S Msgr Mt Muawiya/M Mubarak/M Mueller/M Muenster/MS Mugabe/M Muhammad/M Muhammadan/MS Muhammadanism/SM Muir Mujib/M Mulder/M Mullen/M Muller/M Mulligan/M Mullikan/M Mullins/M Mulroney/M Multan Multics/S Mumbai/M Mumford Munch Munchhausen/M Munich/M Munoz/M Munro Munster Muppet/M Murasaki/M Murat Murchison/M Murcia Murdoch Muriel/M Murillo Murine/M Murmansk Murphy/M Murray/M Murrow/M Murrumbidgee Muscat/M Muscovite/M Muscovy/M Muse/M Musharraf/M Musial/M Muskogee/M Muslim/MS Mussolini/M Mussorgsky Mutsuhito/M Muzak MySpace/M MySpell/M Myanmar/M Mycenae/M Mycenaean Myers/M Mylar/MS Myles/M Myra/M Myrdal/M Myrna/M Myron/M Myrtle/M Mysore Myst/M N'Djamena N/MD NAACP NAFTA NASA/M NASCAR/M NASDAQ/M NATO/M NB NBA NBC NBS NC NCAA NCO ND NE/M NEH NF NFC NFL NH NHL NIH NIMBY NJ NLRB NM NORAD/M NOW NP NPR NR NRA NRC NS NSC NSF NT NV NW/M NWT NY NYC NYSE NZ Na/M Nabisco/M Nabokov Nader Nadia/M Nadine/M Nagasaki/M Nagoya Nagpur Nagy Nahuatl/MS Nahum Naipaul/M Nair/M Nairobi/M Naismith/M Nam/M Namath/M Namibia/M Namibian/MS Nan/M Nanak Nanchang Nancy/M Nanette/M Nanjing/M Nannie/M Nanook/M Nansen Nantes/M Nantucket/M Naomi/M Naphtali/M Napier/M Naples/M Napoleon/MS Napoleonic Napster/M Narcissus/M Narmada/M Narnia/M Narraganset Narragansett Nash/M Nashua Nashville/M Nassau/M Nasser/M Nat/M Natalia/M Natalie/M Natasha/M Natchez Nate/MN Nathan/SM Nathaniel/M Nationwide/M Nativity/M Naugahyde Nauru/M Nautilus Navajo/SM Navajoes Navarre Navarro/M Navratilova/M Navy Nazarene Nazareth Nazca Nazi/SM Nazism/MS Nb/M Nd/M Ndjamena/M Ne/M NeWS NeWSes Neal/M Neanderthal/SM Neapolitan Neb Nebr Nebraska/M Nebraskan/MS Nebuchadnezzar Ned/M Nefertiti Negev/M Negress/MS Negritude Negro/MS Negroes Negroid/SM Nehemiah Nehru/M Neil/M Nelda/M Nell/M Nellie/M Nelly/M Nelsen/M Nelson/M Nembutal/M Nemesis/M Neogene Neolithic Nepal/M Nepalese/M Nepali/MS Neptune/M Nereid/M Nerf Nero Neruda Nescafe/M Nesselrode Nestle/M Nestor/M Nestorius Netflix/M Netherlander/SM Netherlands Netscape/M Nettie/M Netzahualcoyotl/M Nev Neva/M Nevada/M Nevadan/SM Nevadian Nevis/M Nevsky/M Newark/M Newcastle/M Newfoundland/MRS Newman/M Newport/M Newsweek/M Newton/M Newtonian/M Nexis Ngaliema/M Nguyen/M Ni/M Niagara/M Niamey/M Nibelung Nicaea Nicaragua/M Nicaraguan/SM Niccolo/M Nice/M Nicene Nichiren/M Nicholas/M Nichole/M Nichols/M Nicholson/M Nick/M Nickelodeon/M Nicklaus Nickolas/M Nicobar/M Nicodemus Nicola/SM Nicolas/M Nicole/M Nicosia/M Niebuhr/M Nielsen/M Nietzsche Nieves/M Nigel/M Niger/M Nigeria/M Nigerian/MS Nigerien/M Nightingale/M Nijinsky Nike/M Nikita/M Nikkei Nikki/M Nikolai/M Nikon/M Nile/M Nimitz Nimrod Nina/M Nineveh/M Nintendo Niobe Nippon/M Nipponese/M Nirenberg/M Nirvana Nisan/M Nisei Nissan/M Nita/M Nivea/M Nixon/M Nkrumah No/M NoDoz/M Noah/M Nobel Nobelist/MS Noble/M Noe/M Noel/SM Noelle/M Noemi/M Nokia/M Nola/M Nolan/M Nome Nona/M Nootka/M Nora/M Norbert/M Norberto/M Nordic/MS Noreen/M Norfolk/M Noriega/M Norma/M Norman/MS Normand/M Normandy/M Norplant Norris/M Norse/M Norseman/M Norsemen/M North/M Northampton Northeast/MS Northerner/M Northrop/M Northrup/M Norths Northwest/SM Norton/M Norw Norway/M Norwegian/SM Norwich Nosferatu/M Nostradamus Nottingham Nouakchott/M Noumea/M Nov/M Nova Novartis/M November/MS Novgorod Novocain/MS Novocaine Novokuznetsk Novosibirsk/M Noxzema/M Noyce/M Noyes/M Np/M Nubia Nubian Nukualofa Numbers/M Nunavut/M Nunez/M Nunki/M Nuremberg Nureyev NutraSweet/M NyQuil/M Nyasa/M Nyerere/M O'Brien/M O'Casey O'Connell O'Connor/M O'Donnell/M O'Hara O'Higgins O'Keeffe O'Neil/M O'Neill/M O'Rourke O'Toole O/SM OAS/M OB OCR OD/SM OE OED OH OHSA/M OJ OK/SMDG OMB/M ON OPEC/M OR OS/M OSHA/M OSes OT OTB OTC OTOH Oahu/M Oakland/M Oakley Oates Oaxaca/M Ob/M Obadiah Obama/M Oberlin/M Oberon Occam Occident Occidental/MS Oceania/M Oceanside Oceanus/M Ochoa/M Oct/M Octavia Octavian/M Octavio/M October/SM Odell/M Oder/M Odessa/M Odets Odin/M Odis/M Odom/M Odysseus/M Odyssey/M Oedipal Oedipus/M Oersted/M Ofelia/M Offenbach OfficeMax/M Ogbomosho Ogden/M Ogilvy/M Oglethorpe Ohio/M Ohioan/SM Oise/M Ojibwa/SM Okayama Okeechobee Okefenokee Okhotsk Okinawa/M Okinawan Okla Oklahoma/M Oklahoman Oktoberfest Ola/M Olaf/M Olajuwon/M Olav/M Oldenburg Oldfield/M Oldsmobile/M Olduvai/M Olen/M Olenek/M Olga/M Oligocene/M Olin/M Olive/MR Oliver/M Olivetti/M Olivia/M Olivier Ollie/M Olmec Olmsted/M Olsen/M Olson/M Olympia/SM Olympiad/MS Olympian/MS Olympic/S Olympus/M Omaha/MS Oman/M Omani/MS Omar/M Omayyad Omdurman/M Omnipotent Omsk/M Onassis Oneal/M Onega Onegin/M Oneida/MS Onion/M Ono/M Onondaga/MS Onsager/M Ont Ontarian Ontario/M Oort/M Opal/M Opel/M Ophelia/M Ophiuchus Oppenheimer/M Oprah/M Ora/M Oracle/M Oran/M Orange Oranjestad/M Orbison/M Ordovician/M Ore/N Oreg Oregon/M Oregonian/SM Oreo Orestes Orient Oriental/MS Orin/M Orinoco/M Orion/M Oriya/M Orizaba/M Orkney/M Orlando/M Orleans/M Orlon/MS Orly/M Orpheus/M Orphic Orr/M Ortega/M Orthodox Ortiz/M Orval/M Orville/M Orwell Orwellian Osage/MS Osaka/M Osbert/M Osborn/M Osborne/M Oscar/MS Osceola Osgood/M Oshawa Oshkosh/M Osiris/M Oslo/M Osman/M Ostrogoth/M Ostwald Osvaldo/M Oswald Othello/M Otis/M Ottawa/SM Otto/M Ottoman Ouagadougou Ouija/MS Ovid Owen/SM Owens/M Oxford/SM Oxnard Oxonian/M Oxus Oxycontin/M Oz Ozark/MS Ozarks/M Ozymandias/M Ozzie/M P/MN PA/M PAC/M PARC/S PASCAL PB PBS/M PBX PC/SM PCB PCP/M PD PDQ PDT PE PET/M PFC PG PIN PJ's PLO PM/SMDG PMS/M PO POW/M PP PPS PR PRC/M PRO PS/M PST/M PT PTA PTO PVC/M PW PX Pa/M Paar/M Pablo/M Pablum/M Pabst/M Pace/M Pacheco/M Pacific/M Pacino/M Packard/M Padang Paderewski Padilla/M Paganini Page/M Paglia/M Pahlavi Paige/M Paine Paiute/SM Pakistan/M Pakistani/SM Palembang Paleocene/M Paleogene Paleolithic Paleozoic/M Palermo/M Palestine/M Palestinian/SM Palestrina Paley Palikir/M Palisades/M Palladio Palmer/M Palmerston Palmolive/M Palmyra/M Palomar/M Pam/M Pamela/M Pamirs Pampers Pan/M Panama/SM Panamanian/MS Panasonic/M Pandora/M Pangaea/M Pankhurst Panmunjom/M Pansy/M Pantagruel Pantaloon/M Pantheon Panza/M Paracelsus Paraclete Paradise Paraguay/M Paraguayan/MS Paramaribo/M Paramount/M Parana/M Parcheesi/M Pareto Paris/M Parisian/MS Park/SMR Parker/M Parkinson/M Parkman Parks/M Parliament Parmesan/MS Parnassus/MS Parnell Parr Parrish/M Parsifal/M Parsons/M Parthenon/M Parthia/M Pasadena/M Pascal/SM Pasquale/M Passion/SM Passover/MS Pasternak Pasteur/M Pat/M Patagonia/M Patagonian Pate/M Patel/M Paterson Patna Patrica/M Patrice/M Patricia/M Patrick/M Patsy/M Patterson/M Patti/M Patton/M Patty/M Paul/GM Paula/M Paulette/M Pauli Pauline/M Pavarotti Pavlov/M Pavlova Pavlovian Pawnee/SM PayPal/M Payne/M Paypal/M Pb/M Pd/M Peabody/M Peace/M Peale Pearl/M Pearlie/M Pearson/M Peary Pechora Peck/M Peckinpah/M Pecos/M Pedro/M Peel/M Peg/M Pegasus/MS Peggy/M Pei Peiping/M Peking/SM Pekingese/SM Pele/M Pelee/M Peloponnese/M Pembroke/M Pena/M Penderecki/M Penelope/M Penn Penna Penney/M Pennington/M Pennsylvania/M Pennsylvanian/MS Penny/M Pennzoil/M Pensacola/M Pentagon/M Pentateuch/M Pentax/M Pentecost/SM Pentecostal/MS Pentecostalism Pentium/SM Peoria Pepin/M Pepsi/M Pepys Pequot Percheron Percival Percy/M Perelman/M Perez/M Periclean Pericles Perkins/M Perl/SM Perm/M Permalloy/M Permian/M Pernod/M Peron Perot/M Perry/RM Perseid Persephone/M Persepolis/M Perseus/M Pershing Persia/M Persian/SM Perth/M Peru/M Peruvian/MS Peshawar Petain/M Pete/RMZ Peter/M Peters/MN Petersen/M Peterson/M Petra/M Petrarch/M Petty/M Peugeot/M Pfc Pfizer/M PhD/M Phaedra Phaethon/M Phanerozoic Pharaoh/M Pharaohs Pharisaic Pharisaical Pharisee/MS Phekda/M Phelps/M Phidias Phil/MY Philadelphia/M Philby/M Philemon Philip/MS Philippe/M Philippians Philippine/SM Philistine Phillip/SM Phillipa/M Phillips/M Philly/M Phipps/M Phobos Phoebe/M Phoenicia/M Phoenician/SM Phoenix/M Photostat/MS Photostatted Photostatting Phrygia/M Phyllis/M Pi PiB Piaf/M Piaget/M Pianola/M Pib Picasso/M Piccadilly Pickering/M Pickett/M Pickford/M Pickwick/M Pict Piedmont/M Pierce/M Pierre/M Pierrot/M Pike/M Pilate/S Pilcomayo Pilgrim/S Pillsbury/M Pinatubo/M Pincus/M Pindar/M Pinkerton Pinocchio/M Pinochet/M Pinter Pinyin Pippin/M Piraeus Pirandello Pisa/M Pisces/M Pisistratus Pissaro/M Pitcairn/M Pitt/S Pittman/M Pitts/M Pittsburgh/M Pius/M Pizarro Pkwy Pl Planck Plano Plantagenet/M Plasticine/M Plataea/M Plath Plato/M Platonic Platonism/M Platonist/M Platte/M Plautus/M PlayStation/M Playboy/M Playtex/M Pleiades/M Pleistocene/M Plexiglas/MS Pliny Pliocene/SM Plutarch/M Pluto/M Plymouth/M Pm/M Po/M Pocahontas/M Pocono/SM Podgorica Podhoretz/M Podunk Poe Pogo/M Poincare/M Poiret/M Poirot/M Poisson/M Poitier/M Pokemon/M Pol/Y Poland/M Polanski/M Polaris/M Polaroid/MS Pole/SM Polish/M Politburo Polk/M Pollard/M Pollock Pollux/M Polly/M Pollyanna Polo/M Poltava/M Polyhymnia/M Polynesia/M Polynesian/MS Polyphemus Pomerania Pomeranian/M Pomona Pompadour Pompeian Pompeii/M Pompey/M Ponce Pontchartrain Pontiac/M Pontianak Pooh/M Poole/M Poona Pope/M Popeye/M Popocatepetl Popper/M Poppins/M Popsicle Porfirio/M Porrima/M Porsche/M Port/R Porter/M Portia/M Portland/M Porto/M Portsmouth Portugal/M Portuguese/M Poseidon/M Post/M Potemkin Potomac/M Potsdam Pottawatomie/M Potter/M Potts/M Pound Poussin Powell/M PowerPoint/M Powers/M Powhatan/M Poznan/M Pr/M Prada/M Prado/M Praetorian Prague/M Praia/M Prakrit Pratchett/M Pratt/M Pravda/M Praxiteles Preakness/M Precambrian/M Preminger/M Premyslid/M Prensa/M Prentice/M Pres Presbyterian/SM Presbyterianism/MS Prescott/M Presley Preston/M Pretoria/M Priam/M Pribilof/M Price/M Priestley Prince/M Princeton/M Principe/M Priscilla/M Prius/M Private Procrustean Procrustes/M Procter/M Procyon/M Prof Prohibition Prokofiev Promethean Prometheus/M Prophets Proserpina/M Proserpine/M Protagoras Proterozoic/M Protestant/MS Protestantism/SM Proteus/M Proudhon Proust/M Provencal/MS Provence/M Proverbs Providence/SM Provo Prozac/MS Prudence/M Prudential/M Pruitt/M Prussia/M Prussian/MS Prut Pryor/M Psalms Psalter/MS Psyche/M Pt/M Ptah/M Ptolemaic Ptolemy/SM Pu/M Puccini Puck Puckett/M Puebla Pueblo Puget/M Pugh/M Pulaski Pulitzer Pullman/MS Punch Punic/M Punjab/M Punjabi/M Purana Purcell Purdue/M Purim/MS Purina/M Puritan Puritanism/MS Purus/M Pusan/M Pusey Pushkin Pushtu/M Putin/M Putnam Puzo/M Pvt Pygmalion/M Pygmy/SM Pyle/M Pym Pynchon/M Pyongyang/M Pyotr/M Pyrenees/M Pyrex/MS Pyrrhic Pythagoras/M Pythagorean Pythias Python/M Q QB QC QED QM QWERTY Qaddafi/M Qantas/M Qatar/M Qatari/MS Qingdao Qiqihar/M Qom/M Quaalude/M Quaker/MS Quakerism/SM Quaoar/M Quasimodo Quaternary/M Quayle/M Que Quebec/M Quebecois Quechua/M Queen/MS Queens/M Queensland/M Quentin/M Quetzalcoatl/M Quezon/M Quincy/M Quinn/M Quintilian/M Quinton/M Quirinal Quisling/M Quito/M Quixote Quixotism/M Qumran Quonset R/M RAF/M RAM/SM RBI RC RCA/M RCMP RD RDA REIT REM/SM RF RFC/S RFD RI RIF RIP RN/M RNA/M ROFL ROM/M ROTC/M RP RR RSFSR RSI RSV RSVP RTFM/GSD RV/SM Ra/M Rabat/M Rabelais/M Rabelaisian Rabin/M Rachael/M Rachel/M Rachelle/M Rachmaninoff Racine/M Radcliffe/M Rae/M Rafael/M Raffles/M Ragnarok/M Rainier Raleigh/M Ralph/M Rama/M Ramada/M Ramadan/MS Ramakrishna Ramanujan/M Ramayana Rambo/M Ramirez/M Ramiro/M Ramon/M Ramona/M Ramos/M Ramsay Ramses Ramsey/M Rand Randal/M Randall/M Randell/M Randi/M Randolph/M Randy/M Rangoon/M Rankin Rankine/M Raoul/M Raphael/M Rapunzel/M Raquel/M Rasalgethi/M Rasalhague/M Rasmussen/M Rasputin Rastaban/M Rastafarian/M Rather/M Ratliff/M Raul/M Ravel Rawalpindi Ray/M RayBan/M Rayburn/M Rayleigh Raymond/M Raymundo/M Rb/M Rd Re/M Reading/M Reagan/M Reaganomics/M Realtor Reasoner/M Reba/M Rebekah/M Recife/M Reconstruction/M Redeemer/M Redford/M Redgrave/M Redmond Reebok/M Reed/M Reese/M Reeves/M Reformation/MS Refugio/M Reggie/M Regina/M Reginae/M Reginald/M Regor/M Regulus/M Rehnquist Reich/M Reid/M Reilly/M Reinaldo/M Reinhardt Reinhold/M Remarque Rembrandt/M Remington Remus/M Rena/M Renaissance/SM Renascence Renault/M Rene/M Renee/M Reno/M Renoir Rep Representative Republican/SM Republicanism Requiem/MS Resistance Restoration/M Resurrection Reuben/M Reunion Reuters Reuther/M Rev Reva/M Revelation/SM Revere Reverend/M Revlon/M Rex/M Reyes/M Reykjavik/M Reyna/M Reynaldo/M Reynolds/M Rf/M Rh/M Rhea/M Rhee Rheingau/M Rhenish Rhiannon/M Rhine/M Rhineland/M Rhoda/M Rhode/S Rhodes/M Rhodesia/M Rhodesian Rhonda/M Rhone/M Ribbentrop Ricardo/M Rice/M Rich/M Richard/MS Richards/M Richardson/M Richelieu/M Richie/M Richmond/M Richter Richthofen Rick/M Rickenbacker/M Rickey/M Rickie/M Rickover Ricky/M Rico/M Riddle/M Ride Riefenstahl/M Riel/M Riemann/M Riesling/MS Riga/M Rigel/M Riggs/M Right Rigoberto/M Rigoletto/M Riley/M Rilke Rimbaud Ringling/M Ringo/M Rio/SM Rios/M Ripley Risorgimento Rita/M Ritalin/M Ritz/M Rivas/M Rivera/M Rivers/M Riverside Riviera/MS Riyadh/M Rizal Rn/M Roach/M Roanoke/M Rob/M Robbie/M Robbin/MS Robbins/M Robby/M Roberson/M Robert/MS Roberta/M Roberto/M Roberts/M Robertson/M Robeson Robespierre Robin/M Robinson/M Robitussin/M Robles/M Robson Robt/M Robyn/M Rocco/M Rocha/M Rochambeau/M Roche/M Rochelle/M Rochester/M Rock Rockefeller Rockford Rockies/M Rockne/M Rockwell Rocky/SM Rod/M Roddenberry/M Roderick/M Rodger/MS Rodgers/M Rodin Rodney/M Rodolfo/M Rodrick/M Rodrigo/M Rodriguez/M Rodriquez/M Roeg/M Roentgen Rogelio/M Roger/MS Rogers/M Roget/M Rojas/M Roku/M Rolaids/M Roland/M Rolando/M Rolex/M Rolland/M Rollerblade Rollins/M Rolodex Rolvaag/M Rom Roman/MS Romanesque/MS Romania/M Romanian/MS Romano Romanov/M Romansh Romanticism Romany/SM Rome/SM Romeo/M Romero/M Rommel/M Romney Romulus/M Ron/M Ronald/M Ronda/M Ronnie/M Ronny/M Ronstadt/M Rontgen Rooney/M Roosevelt/M Root/M Roquefort/SM Rorschach Rory/M Rosa/M Rosales/M Rosalie/M Rosalind/M Rosalinda/M Rosalyn/M Rosanna/M Rosanne/M Rosario/M Roscoe/M Rose/M Roseann/M Roseau/M Rosecrans/M Rosella/M Rosemarie/M Rosemary/M Rosenberg/M Rosendo/M Rosenzweig/M Rosetta/M Rosicrucian Rosie/M Roslyn/M Ross/M Rossetti/M Rossini/M Rostand Rostov/M Rostropovich/M Roswell/M Rotarian/M Roth/M Rothko Rothschild Rotterdam/M Rottweiler/M Rouault Rourke/M Rousseau/M Rove/RM Rowe/M Rowena/M Rowland/M Rowling/M Roxanne/M Roxie/M Roxy/M Roy/M Royal/M Royce/M Rozelle/M Rte Ru/MH Rubaiyat/M Rubbermaid/M Ruben/SM Rubicon/MS Rubik/M Rubin/M Rubinstein Ruby/M Ruchbah/M Rudolf Rudolph/M Rudy/M Rudyard/M Rufus/M Ruhr/M Ruiz/M Rukeyser/M Rumpelstiltskin/M Rumsfeld/M Runnymede Runyon Rupert/M Rush/M Rushdie/M Rushmore/M Ruskin Russ/M Russel/M Russell/M Russia/M Russian/SM Russo/M Rustbelt/M Rusty/M Rutan/M Rutgers Ruth/M Rutherford Ruthie/M Rutledge/M Rwanda/MS Rwandan/SM Rwy Rx Ry Ryan/M Rydberg/M Ryder Ryukyu/M S/MN SA SAC SALT/M SAM/M SAP/M SARS/M SASE SAT SBA SC/M SCSI/M SD SDI SE/M SEATO SEC SF SGML/M SIDS/M SJ SK SLR SO/S SOB/M SOP/M SOS/M SOSes SPCA SPF SRO SS SSA SSE/M SSS SST SSW/M ST STD STOL SUSE/M SUV SW/M SWAK SWAT Saab/M Saar Saarinen Saatchi/M Sabbath/M Sabbaths Sabik/M Sabin Sabina/M Sabine/M Sabre/M Sabrina/M Sacajawea Sacco/M Sachs/M Sacramento/M Sadat Saddam/M Sadducee Sade/M Sadie/M Sadr/M Safavid Safeway/M Sagan/M Saginaw/M Sagittarius/MS Sahara/M Saharan/M Sahel Saigon/M Saiph/M Sakai Sakha/M Sakhalin/M Sakharov Saki/M Saks Sal/MY Saladin Salado Salamis Salas/M Salazar/M Salem/M Salerno/M Salinas/M Salinger Salisbury/M Salish/M Salk Sallie/M Sallust Sally/M Salome/M Salonika/M Salton/M Salvador/M Salvadoran/SM Salvadorean/MS Salvadorian/MS Salvatore/M Salween/M Salyut/M Sam/M Samantha/M Samar/M Samara Samaritan/MS Samarkand/M Sammie/M Sammy/M Samoa/M Samoan/SM Samoset/M Samoyed/M Sampson/M Samson Samsonite/M Samsung/M Samuel/M Samuelson/M San San'a Sana/M Sanchez/M Sancho/M Sand/Z Sandburg Sanders/M Sandinista Sandoval/M Sandra/M Sandy/M Sanford/M Sanforized Sang/MR Sanhedrin Sanka/M Sankara/M Sanskrit/M Santa Santana/M Santayana Santeria Santiago/M Santos/M Sappho/M Sapporo/M Sara/M Saracen/MS Saragossa/M Sarah/M Sarajevo/M Saran/M Sarasota/M Saratov/M Sarawak/M Sardinia/M Sargasso/M Sargent/M Sargon/M Sarnoff/M Saroyan/M Sarto Sartre Sasha/M Sask Saskatchewan/M Saskatoon/M Sasquatch/MS Sassanian Sassoon Sat/M Satan/M Satanism/M Satanist/M Saturday/MS Saturn/M Saturnalia/M Saudi/MS Saul/M Saunders/M Saundra/M Saussure Sauternes Savage/M Savannah/M Savior/M Savonarola Savoy Savoyard/M Sawyer/M Saxon/MS Saxony/M Sayers Sb/M Sc/M Scan Scandinavia/M Scandinavian/MS Scaramouch Scarborough Scarlatti Scheat/M Schedar/M Scheherazade/M Schelling Schenectady/M Schiaparelli/M Schick/M Schiller Schindler/M Schlesinger/M Schliemann Schlitz/M Schmidt/M Schnabel Schnauzer/M Schneider/M Schoenberg/M Schopenhauer Schrieffer/M Schrodinger/M Schroeder/M Schubert Schultz/M Schulz/M Schumann Schumpeter/M Schuyler/M Schuylkill/M Schwartz/M Schwarzenegger/M Schwarzkopf/M Schweitzer Schweppes/M Schwinger/M Schwinn/M Scientology/M Scipio/M Scopes/M Scorpio/SM Scorpius/M Scorsese/M Scot/SM Scotch/MS Scotchman/M Scotchmen/M Scotchwoman/M Scotchwomen/M Scotia/M Scotland/M Scotsman/M Scotsmen/M Scotswoman/M Scotswomen/M Scott/M Scottie/SM Scottish/M Scottsdale Scrabble/MS Scranton Scriabin Scribner/M Scripture/SM Scrooge Scruggs/M Scud Sculley/M Scylla/M Scythia Scythian Se/MH SeaMonkey/M Seaborg Seagram/M Sean/M Sears/M Seattle/M Sebastian/M Sec Seconal/M Secretariat/M Secretary Seder/MS Sedna/M Seebeck/M Sega/M Segovia/M Segre/M Segundo/M Seiko/M Seine/M Seinfeld/M Sejong/M Selassie/M Selectric/M Selena/M Seleucid Seleucus/M Selim/M Seljuk Selkirk/M Sellers/M Selma/M Selznick/M Semarang Seminole/MS Semiramis Semite/MS Semitic/SM Semtex Senate/MS Sendai Seneca/MS Senegal/M Senegalese/M Senghor Senior Sennacherib Sennett/M Sensurround/M Seoul/M Sephardi Sepoy/M Sept/M September/MS Septuagint/MS Sequoya Serb/SM Serbia/M Serbian/MS Serena/M Serengeti/M Sergei/M Sergio/M Serpens Serra/M Serrano/M Set/M Seth/M Seton Seurat Seuss Sevastopol/M Severn Severus Seville/M Sevres Seward Sextans Sexton/M Seychelles/M Seyfert Seymour/M Sgt Shackleton Shaffer/M Shaka/M Shaker Shakespeare/M Shakespearean Shana/M Shane/M Shanghai/M Shankara/M Shanna/M Shannon/M Shantung Shapiro/M Shari'a Shari/M Sharif/M Sharlene/M Sharon/M Sharp/M Sharpe/M Sharron/M Shasta/M Shaula/M Shaun/M Shauna/M Shavian/M Shavuot/M Shaw/M Shawn/M Shawna/M Shawnee/SM Shcharansky/M Shea/M Sheba Shebeli/M Sheena/M Sheetrock/M Sheffield/M Sheila/M Shelby/M Sheldon/M Shelia/M Shell/M Shelley/M Shelly/M Shelton/M Shenandoah Shenyang/M Sheol Shepard/M Shepherd/M Sheppard/M Sheratan/M Sheraton/M Sheree/M Sheri/M Sheridan Sherlock Sherman/M Sherpa Sherri/M Sherrie/M Sherry/M Sherwood Sheryl/M Shetland/SM Shevardnadze/M Shevat/M Shi'ite Shields/M Shiite/MS Shijiazhuang Shikoku/M Shillong Shiloh/M Shinto/MS Shintoism/MS Shintoist/MS Shiraz/M Shirley/M Shiva/M Shockley/M Short/M Shorthorn Shoshone/SM Shostakovitch/M Shrek/M Shreveport Shriner Shropshire Shula/M Shylock Shylockian/M Si/M Siam/M Siamese/M Sibelius Siberia/M Siberian/MS Sibyl Sicilian/SM Sicily/M Sid/M Siddhartha/M Sidney/M Siegfried Siemens Sierpinski/M Sierras Sigismund Sigmund Sigurd Sihanouk/M Sikh/M Sikhism Sikhs Sikkim Sikkimese Sikorsky Silas/M Silesia/M Silurian/SM Silva/M Silvia/M Simenon/M Simmental Simmons/M Simon/M Simone/M Simpson/SM Sims/M Sinai/M Sinatra Sinclair Sindbad/M Sindhi/M Singapore/M Singaporean/SM Singer Singh/M Singleton/M Sinhalese/M Sinkiang/M Sioux/M Sir/SM Sirius/M Sistine Sisyphean Sisyphus/M Siva/M Sivan/M Sjaelland/M Skinner/M Skippy/M Skopje Skye Skylab/M Skype/M Slackware/M Slashdot/M Slater/M Slav/SM Slavic/M Slavonic/M Slinky/M Sloan/M Sloane/M Slocum/M Slovak/SM Slovakia Slovakian Slovene/SM Slovenia/M Slovenian/MS Slurpee/M Sm/M Small/M Smetana Smirnoff/M Smith/M Smithson Smithsonian/M Smokey/M Smolensk Smollett Smuts Smyrna Sn/M Snake/M Snapple/M Snead/M Snell/M Snickers/M Snider/M Snoopy/M Snow/M Snowbelt Snyder/M Soave/M Soc Socorro/M Socrates/M Socratic Soddy Sodom/M Sofia/M Soho Sol/M Solis/M Solomon/M Solon Solzhenitsyn Somali/SM Somalia/M Somalian/MS Somme/M Somoza/M Son/M Sondheim Sondra/M Songhai/M Songhua/M Sonia/M Sonja/M Sonny/M Sonora/M Sontag/M Sony/M Sonya/M Sophia/M Sophie/M Sophoclean Sophocles Sopwith/M Sorbonne/M Sosa/M Soto/M Souphanouvong/M Sousa/M South/M Southampton Southeast/MS Southerner/SM Southey Souths Southwest/MS Soviet Soweto/M Soyinka/M Soyuz Sp Spaatz/M Spackle Spahn/M Spain/M Spam/M Span Spanglish Spaniard/SM Spanish/M Sparks/M Sparta/M Spartacus Spartan/MS Spears/M Speer/M Spence/RM Spencer/M Spencerian Spengler/M Spenglerian Spenser/M Spenserian Sperry/M Sphinx/M Spica/M Spielberg/M Spillane/M Spinoza Spinx/M Spiro/M Spirograph/M Spitsbergen/M Spitz/M Spock Spokane Springfield/M Springsteen/M Sprint/M Sprite/M Sputnik Sq Squanto Squibb/M Sr/M Srinagar Srivijaya/M St Sta Stacey/M Staci/M Stacie/M Stacy/M Stael/M Stafford/M StairMaster Stalin/M Stalingrad/M Stalinist Stallone/M Stamford Stan/M Standish Stanford/M Stanislavsky Stanley/M Stanton/M Staples/M Starbucks Stark/M Starkey/M Starr/M Staten/M States Staubach/M Ste Steadicam Steele/M Stefan/M Stefanie/M Stein/MR Steinbeck Steinem/M Steinmetz/M Steinway/M Stella/M Stendhal Stengel/M Stephan/M Stephanie/M Stephen/MS Stephens/M Stephenson/M Sterling/M Stern Sterne/M Sterno Stetson/M Steuben/M Steve/M Steven/MS Stevens/M Stevenson/M Stevie/M Stewart/M Stieglitz/M Stilton/SM Stimson/M Stine/M Stirling Stockhausen/M Stockholm/M Stockton Stoic/SM Stoicism/MS Stokes/M Stolichnaya/M Stolypin/M Stone/M Stonehenge Stoppard/M Stout/M Stowe Strabo/M Stradivari Stradivarius Strasbourg Strauss Stravinsky/M Streisand/M Strickland/M Strindberg Stromboli Strong/M Stu/M Stuart/MS Studebaker/M Stuttgart/M Stuyvesant Stygian Styrofoam/SM Styron/M Styx/M Suarez/M Subaru/M Sucre Sucrets/M Sudan/M Sudanese/M Sudetenland/M Sudoku/M Sudra/M Sue/M Suetonius Suez Suffolk Sufi Sufism Suharto/M Sui/M Sukarno Sukkot Sulawesi/M Suleiman/M Sulla/M Sullivan/M Sumatra/M Sumatran/SM Sumeria/M Sumerian/SM Summer/MS Summers/M Sumner/M Sumter Sun/SM Sunbeam/M Sunbelt/M Sunbird/M Sundanese/M Sundas Sunday/MS Sung/M Sunkist/M Sunni/SM Sunnite/MS Sunnyvale Superbowl/M Superfund/M Superglue/M Superior Superman/M Supt Surabaya Surat Suriname/M Surinamese Surya/M Susan/M Susana/M Susanna/M Susanne/M Susie/M Susquehanna/M Sussex Sutherland/M Sutton/M Suva/M Suwanee/M Suzanne/M Suzette/M Suzhou/M Suzuki/M Suzy/M Svalbard/M Sven/M Svengali Sverdlovsk Swahili/SM Swammerdam/M Swanee Swansea/M Swanson/M Swazi/SM Swaziland/M Swed/N Swede/SM Sweden/M Swedenborg/M Swedish/M Sweeney/M Sweet/M Swift/M Swinburne/M Swiss/MS Swissair/M Switz Switzerland/M Sybil/M Sydney/M Sykes/M Sylvester/M Sylvia/M Sylvie/M Synge Syracuse/M Syria/M Syriac Syrian/MS Szilard/M Szymborska/M T'ang T/MDG TA TB/M TBA TD TDD TEFL TELNET/S TELNETTed TELNETTing TESL TESOL TGIF THC TKO/M TLC/M TM TN TNT/M TOEFL TQM TV/SM TVA TWA/M TWX TX Ta/M Tabasco/SM Tabatha/M Tabernacle/MS Tabitha/M Tabriz/MS Tacitus Tacoma/M Tad/M Tadzhik/M Taegu/M Taejon Taft/M Tagalog/SM Tagore Tagus/M Tahiti/M Tahitian/MS Tahoe Taichung/M Tainan Taine/M Taipei/M Taiping Taiwan/M Taiwanese/M Taiyuan Tajikistan/M Taklamakan/M Talbot Taliban/M Taliesin Tallahassee/M Tallchief/M Talley/M Talleyrand/M Tallinn/M Talmud/MS Talmudic Talmudist Tamara/M Tameka/M Tamera/M Tamerlane/M Tami/M Tamika/M Tamil/MS Tammany/M Tammi/M Tammie/M Tammuz/M Tammy/M Tampa/M Tampax/M Tamra/M Tamworth Tancred Taney Tanganyika/M Tangier/MS Tangshan Tania/M Tanisha/M Tanner/M Tannhauser/M Tantalus/M Tanya/M Tanzania/M Tanzanian/SM Tao/M Taoism/MS Taoist/MS Tara/M Tarantino/M Tarawa/M Tarazed/M Tarbell/M Target/M Tarim Tarkenton/M Tarkington Tartary Tartuffe Tarzan/M Tasha/M Tashkent/M Tasman Tasmania/M Tasmanian Tass Tatar/MS Tate/M Tatum Taurus/MS Tawney Taylor/M Tb/M Tbilisi/M Tc/M Tchaikovsky Te/M TeX TeXes Teasdale/M Technicolor Tecumseh/M Ted/M Teddy/M Teflon/MS Tegucigalpa/M Tehran TelePrompTer TelePrompter Telemachus Telemann Teletype Tell/MR Telugu/M Tempe Templar/M Tenn Tennessean/SM Tennessee/M Tennyson Tenochtitlan/M Teotihuacan/M Terence/M Teresa/M Tereshkova Teri/M Terkel/M Terpsichore/M Terr/M Terra/M Terran/M Terrance/M Terrell/M Terrence/M Terri/M Terrie/M Terry/M Tertiary/M Tesla Tess Tessa/M Tessie/M Tet/M Tethys/M Tetons Teuton/MS Teutonic Tevet/M Tex Texaco/M Texan/MS Texas/M Th/M Thackeray Thad/M Thaddeus/M Thai/SM Thailand/M Thales Thalia/M Thames/M Thanh/M Thanksgiving/MS Thant Thar/M Tharp/M Thatcher Thea/M Thebes/M Theiler/M Thelma/M Themistocles Theocritus Theodora Theodore/M Theodoric/M Theodosius/M Theosophy Theravada Theresa/M Therese/M Thermopylae/M Thermos Theron/M Theseus/M Thespian Thespis/M Thessalonian/S Thessaloniki/M Thessaly/M Thieu/M Thimbu Thimphu Thomas/M Thomism/M Thomistic Thompson/M Thomson Thor/M Thorazine/M Thoreau/M Thornton/M Thoroughbred Thorpe Thoth/M Thrace/M Thracian/M Thu Thucydides/M Thule/M Thunderbird/M Thur/S Thurber Thurman/M Thurmond/M Thursday/SM Thutmose/M Ti/M TiB Tia/M Tianjin/M Tib/R Tiber/M Tiberius Tibet/M Tibetan/MS Ticketmaster/M Ticonderoga Tide/M Tienanmen/M Tiffany/M Tigris/M Tijuana/M Tillich Tillman/M Tilsit Tim/M Timbuktu/M Timex/M Timmy/M Timon/M Timor Timothy/M Timur/M Timurid/M Tina/M Ting/M Tinkerbell/M Tinkertoy Tinseltown/M Tintoretto Tippecanoe/M Tipperary Tirane Tiresias/M Tirol/M Tirolean Tisha/M Tishri/M Titan/SM Titania Titanic Titian/M Titicaca Tito/M Titus Tl/M Tlaloc/M Tlingit/M Tm/M Tobago/M Tobit Toby/M Tocantins Tocqueville Tod/M Todd/M Togo/M Togolese/M Tojo Tokay/M Tokugawa Tokyo/M Tokyoite Toledo/MS Tolkien Tolstoy/M Toltec Tolyatti/M Tom/M Tomas/M Tombaugh/M Tomlin/M Tommie/M Tommy/M Tompkins/M Tomsk Tonga/M Tongan/MS Toni/M Tonia/M Tonto/M Tony/M Tonya/M Topeka/M Topsy/M Torah/M Torahs Toronto/M Torquemada Torrance Torrens Torres/M Torricelli/M Tortola Tortuga Torvalds/M Tory/SM Tosca/M Toscanini Toshiba/M Toto/M Toulouse Townes Townsend/M Toynbee/M Toyoda/M Toyota/M Tracey/M Traci/M Tracie/M Tracy/M Trafalgar/M Trailways/M Trajan Tran/M Transcaucasia Transvaal/M Transylvania Trappist/SM Travis/M Travolta/M Treasury/SM Treblinka Trekkie/M Trent/M Trenton/M Trevelyan Trevino/M Trevor/M Trey/M Triangulum/M Triassic/M Tricia/M Trident/M Trieste Trimurti/M Trina/M Trinidad/M Trinidadian/MS Trinity/SM Tripitaka Tripoli/M Trippe/M Trisha/M Tristan/M Triton/M Trobriand/M Trojan/MS Trollope Trondheim/M Tropicana/M Trotsky Troy/M Troyes Truckee/M Trudeau Trudy/M Truffaut/M Trujillo/M Truman/M Trumbull/M Trump/M Truth Tsimshian/M Tsiolkovsky/M Tsitsihar/M Tsongkhapa/M Tswana/M Tu Tuamotu/M Tuareg/M Tubman Tucker/M Tucson/M Tucuman/M Tudor/SM Tue/S Tues/M Tuesday/MS Tulane/M Tull/M Tulsa/M Tulsidas/M Tums/M Tungus/M Tunguska/M Tunis/M Tunisia/M Tunisian/MS Tunney/M Tupi/M Tupperware Tupungato/M Turgenev Turin/M Turing/M Turk/SM Turkestan/M Turkey/M Turkic/MS Turkish/M Turkmenistan/M Turner/M Turpin Tuscaloosa/M Tuscan/M Tuscany/M Tuscarora/MS Tuscon/M Tuskegee/M Tussaud/M Tut/M Tutankhamen Tutsi Tutu/M Tuvalu/M Tuvaluan Twain Tweed Tweedledee/M Tweedledum/M Twila/M Twinkies Twitter/M Twizzlers/M Twp Ty/M Tycho Tylenol/M Tyler/M Tyndale Tyndall Tyre Tyree/M Tyrolean Tyrone/M Tyson/M U/M UAR UAW UBS/M UCLA/M UFO/SM UHF/M UK/M UL UN/M UNESCO/M UNICEF/M UNIX/M UPC UPI UPS URL/S US/M USA/M USAF USB USCG USDA USIA USMC USN USO USP USPS USS USSR/M UT/M UV/M Ubangi Ubuntu/M Ucayali Uccello/M Udall Ufa/M Uganda/M Ugandan/MS Uighur/M Ujungpandang/M Ukraine/M Ukrainian/SM Ulster/M Ultrasuede/M Ulyanovsk Ulysses/M Umbriel/M Underwood/M Ungava Unicode/M Unilever/M Union/SM Unionist Uniroyal/M Unitarian/MS Unitarianism/MS Unitas/M Unix/S Unukalhai/M Upanishads Updike Upjohn/M Upton/M Ur Ural/S Urania/M Uranus/M Urban/M Urdu/M Urey Uriah Uriel Uris Urquhart Ursa/M Ursula/M Ursuline Uruguay/M Uruguayan/MS Urumqi Usenet/MS Ustinov Utah/M Utahan/MS Ute/SM Utopia/SM Utopian/SM Utrecht/M Utrillo/M Uzbek/M Uzbekistan/M Uzi/SM V/M VA VAT/M VAX VAXes VCR/M VD/M VDT VDU VF VFW/M VG VGA VHF/M VHS VI/M VIP/SM VISTA VJ VLF/M VOA VP VT VTOL Va Vader/M Vaduz/M Val/M Valarie/M Valdez/M Valencia/SM Valenti/M Valentin/M Valentine/M Valentino Valenzuela/M Valeria/M Valerian/M Valerie/M Valery Valhalla/M Valium/MS Valkyrie/SM Vallejo Valletta/M Valois Valparaiso/M Valvoline/M Van/M Vance/M Vancouver/M Vandal/MS Vanderbilt Vandyke Vanessa/M Vang/M Vanuatu/M Vanzetti/M Varanasi Varese Vargas/M Vaseline/SM Vasquez/M Vassar/M Vatican/M Vauban Vaughan/M Vaughn/M Vazquez/M Veblen/M Veda/SM Vedanta Vega/SM Vegemite/M Vela Velasquez/M Velazquez/M Velcro/MS Velez/M Velma/M Velveeta/M Venetian/SM Venezuela/M Venezuelan/SM Venice/M Venn/M Ventolin/M Venus/MS Venusian Vera/M Veracruz/M Verde Verdi Verdun/M Verizon/M Verlaine/M Vermeer Vermont/ZMR Vermonter/M Vern/M Verna/M Verne Vernon/M Verona/M Veronese Veronica/M Versailles/M Vesalius/M Vespasian Vespucci/M Vesta/M Vesuvius/M Viacom/M Viagra Vic Vicente/M Vichy Vicki/M Vickie/M Vicksburg/M Vicky/M Victor/M Victoria/M Victorian/MS Victorianism Victrola/M Vidal/M Vienna/M Viennese Vientiane/M Vietcong Vietminh Vietnam/M Vietnamese/M Vijayanagar/M Vijayawada/M Viking/MS Vila/M Villa Villarreal/M Villon Vilma/M Vilnius/M Vilyui/M Vince/M Vincent/M Vindemiatrix/M Vinson/M Viola/M Violet/M Virgie/M Virgil/M Virginia/M Virginian/SM Virgo/SM Visa/M Visayans Vishnu/M Visigoth/M Visigoths Vistula/M Vitim/M Vito/M Vitus/M Vivaldi Vivekananda/M Vivian/M Vivienne/M Vlad/M Vladimir Vladivostok/M Vlaminck Vlasic/M Vogue/M Volcker/M Voldemort/M Volga/M Volgograd/M Volkswagen/M Volstead/M Volta Voltaire/M Volvo/M Vonda/M Vonnegut/M Voronezh Vorster/M Voyager/M Vt Vuitton/M Vulcan/M Vulg Vulgate/SM W/MDT WA WAC WASP/M WATS/M WC WHO/M WI WNW/M WP WSW/M WV WW WWI WWII WWW/M WY WYSIWYG Wabash/M Wac Waco Wade/M Wagner/M Wagnerian Wahhabi Waikiki Waite/M Wake/M Waksman Wald/MN Waldemar/M Walden/M Waldensian Waldheim Waldo/M Waldorf/M Wales/M Walesa Walgreen/M Walker/M Walkman Wall/SMR Wallace/M Wallenstein Waller/M Wallis Walloon Walls/M Walmart/M Walpole/M Walpurgisnacht Walsh/M Walt/MRZ Walter/M Walters/M Walton/M Wanamaker/M Wanda/M Wang/M Wankel/M Ward/M Ware/MG Warhol Waring/M Warner/M Warren/M Warsaw/M Warwick Wasatch/M Wash Washington/M Washingtonian/MS Wassermann Waterbury Waterford Watergate Waterloo/MS Waters/M Watkins/M Watson/M Watt/S Watteau Watts/M Watusi Waugh Wave Wayne/M Weaver/M Web/R Webb/M Weber/M Webern/M Webster/MS Wed/M Weddell/M Wedgwood Wednesday/MS Weeks/M Wehrmacht Wei/M Weierstrass/M Weill/M Weinberg/M Weiss/M Weissmuller/M Weizmann Weldon/M Welland/M Weller/M Welles Wellington/SM Wells/M Welsh/M Welshman/M Welshmen/M Welshwoman Wendell/M Wendi/M Wendy/M Wesak/M Wesley/M Wesleyan/M Wessex Wesson/M West/SM Western/MRS Westinghouse Westminster Weston/M Westphalia Weyden/M Wezen/M Wharton Wheaties/M Wheatstone/M Wheeler/M Wheeling/M Whig/SM Whipple/M Whirlpool/M Whistler Whitaker/M White/SM Whitefield/M Whitehall Whitehead/M Whitehorse/M Whiteley/M Whitfield/M Whitley/M Whitman Whitney/M Whitsunday/MS Whittier WiFi Wicca Wichita/M Wiemar/M Wiesel/M Wiesenthal/M Wiggins/M Wigner/M Wii/M Wikipedia/M Wilberforce Wilbert/M Wilbur/M Wilburn/M Wilcox/M Wilda/M Wilde/R Wilder/M Wiles Wiley/M Wilford/M Wilfred/M Wilfredo/M Wilhelm/M Wilhelmina/M Wilkerson/M Wilkes Wilkins/M Wilkinson/M Will/M Willa/M Willamette/M Willard/M Willemstad William/SM Williams/M Williamson/M Willie/M Willis/M Willy/M Wilma/M Wilmer/M Wilmington/M Wilson/M Wilsonian Wilton/M Wimbledon/M Wimsey/M Winchell/M Winchester/S Windbreaker Windex/M Windhoek Windows Windsor/SM Windward/M Winesap/M Winfred/M Winfrey/M Winifred/M Winkle/M Winnebago/M Winnie/M Winnipeg/M Winston/M Winters/M Winthrop/M Wis Wisc Wisconsin/M Wisconsinite/MS Wise/M Witt/M Wittgenstein/M Witwatersrand Wm/M Wobegon/M Wodehouse/M Wolf/M Wolfe/M Wolff Wolfgang/M Wollongong Wollstonecraft/M Wolsey Wolverhampton Wonder Wonderbra/M Wong/M Wood/SM Woodard/M Woodhull/M Woodrow/M Woods/M Woodstock/M Woodward/M Woolf Woolite/M Woolongong/M Woolworth Wooster/M Wooten/M Worcester/SM Worcestershire Wordsworth/M Workman/M Worms Wotan/M Wovoka/M Wozniak/M Wozzeck/M Wrangell/M Wren Wright/M Wrigley/M Wroclaw/M Wu/M Wuhan Wurlitzer/M Wyatt/M Wycherley/M Wycliffe/M Wyeth Wylie/M Wynn/M Wyo Wyoming/M Wyomingite/SM X/M XEmacs/M XL/M XML XS XXL Xanadu Xanthippe Xavier/M Xe/SM Xenakis/M Xenia/M Xenophon Xerox/MS Xerxes Xhosa/M Xi'an Xian/SM Xiaoping/M Ximenes Xingu/M Xiongnu/M Xmas/MS Xochipilli/M Xuzhou/M Y/M YB YMCA YMHA YMMV YT YWCA YWHA Yacc/M Yahoo/M Yahtzee/M Yahweh/M Yakima Yakut/M Yakutsk Yale/M Yalow/M Yalta/M Yalu/M Yamagata/M Yamaha/M Yamoussoukro Yang/M Yangon/M Yangtze/M Yank/SM Yankee/SM Yaobang/M Yaounde/M Yaqui Yaren Yaroslavl Yataro/M Yates/M Yb/M Yeager/M Yeats/M Yekaterinburg Yellowknife Yellowstone/M Yeltsin Yemen/M Yemeni/SM Yemenite Yenisei/M Yerevan Yerkes/M Yesenia/M Yevtushenko/M Yggdrasil Yi YiB Yib Yiddish/M Ymir/M Yoda/M Yoknapatawpha/M Yoko/M Yokohama Yolanda/M Yong/M Yonkers York/M Yorkie Yorkshire/MS Yorktown/M Yoruba/M Yosemite/M Yossarian/M YouTube/M Young/M Youngstown Ypres/M Ypsilanti Yuan/M Yucatan/M Yugo Yugoslav/MS Yugoslavia/M Yugoslavian/SM Yukon/M Yule/SM Yuletide/MS Yuma/SM Yunnan/M Yuri/M Yves/M Yvette/M Yvonne/M Z/SMNXT ZB Zachariah/M Zachary/M Zachery/M Zagreb/M Zaire/M Zairian Zambezi/M Zambia/M Zambian/SM Zamboni Zamenhof/M Zamora/M Zane/M Zanuck/M Zanzibar/M Zapata Zaporozhye Zapotec Zappa/M Zara/M Zarathustra/M Zb Zebedee Zechariah Zedekiah/M Zedong/M Zeffirelli/M Zeke/M Zelig Zelma/M Zen/M Zenger/M Zeno/M Zephaniah Zephyrus Zest/M Zeus/M Zhdanov Zhengzhou Zhivago/M Zhukov Zi ZiB Zib Zibo/M Ziegfeld Ziegler/M Ziggy/M Zimbabwe/M Zimbabwean/SM Zimmerman/M Zinfandel/M Zion/SM Zionism/SM Zionist/SM Ziploc Zn/M Zoe/M Zola/M Zollverein Zoloft Zomba/M Zorn Zoroaster/M Zoroastrian/MS Zoroastrianism/SM Zorro/M Zosma/M Zr/M Zsigmondy Zubenelgenubi/M Zubeneschamali/M Zukor/M Zulu/SM Zululand Zuni Zurich/M Zwingli/M Zworykin Zyrtec/M Zyuganov/M Zzz a/S aah aardvark/SM ab/SDY aback abacus/MS abaft abalone/SM abandon/LSDG abandonment/M abase/LGDS abasement/M abash/GLDS abashed/UY abashment/M abate/LGDS abated/U abatement/M abattoir/MS abbe/SM abbess/MS abbey/MS abbot/MS abbr abbrev/S abbreviate/DSGNX abbreviation/M abdicate/GNDSX abdication/M abdomen/SM abdominal abduct/DSG abduction/SM abductor/MS abeam aberrant aberration/MS aberrational abet/S abetted abetting abettor/SM abeyance/M abhor/S abhorred abhorrence/M abhorrent/Y abhorring abidance/M abide/GS abiding/Y ability/IEMS abject/YP abjection/M abjectness/M abjuration/SM abjuratory abjure/ZGDRS abjurer/M ablate/XGNVDS ablation/M ablative/MS ablaze able/UT abler abloom ablution/SM abnegate/GNDS abnegation/M abnormal/Y abnormality/SM aboard abode/MS abolish/GDS abolition/M abolitionism/M abolitionist/SM abominable abominably abominate/DSGNX abomination/M aboriginal/MS aborigine/SM aborning abort/GVDS abortion/MS abortionist/MS abortive/Y abound/DSG about above/M aboveboard abracadabra/M abrade/GDS abrasion/MS abrasive/MYPS abrasiveness/M abreast abridge/DSG abridgment/MS abroad abrogate/XGNDS abrogation/M abrogator/MS abrupt/TPRY abruptness/M abs/M abscess/MDSG abscissa/SM abscission/M abscond/ZGSDR absconder/M abseil/MDSG absence/SM absent/DYSG absentee/MS absenteeism/M absentminded/YP absentmindedness/M absinthe/M absolute/PMYTNS absoluteness/M absolution/M absolutism/M absolutist/MS absolve/DSG absorb/AGDS absorbency/M absorbent/SM absorbing/Y absorption/M absorptive abstain/DRZGS abstainer/M abstemious/PY abstemiousness/M abstention/MS abstinence/M abstinent abstract/GSPMDY abstracted/YP abstractedness/M abstraction/SM abstractness/MS abstruse/YP abstruseness/M absurd/TPRY absurdity/SM absurdness/M abundance/SM abundant/Y abuse's abuse/EGVDS abuser/MS abusive/YP abusiveness/M abut/SL abutment/MS abutted abutting abuzz abysmal/Y abyss/MS abyssal ac acacia/MS academe/M academia/M academic/SM academical/Y academician/MS academy/SM acanthus/MS accede/GDS accelerate/GNXDS acceleration/M accelerator/SM accent/MDSG accented/U accentual accentuate/GNDS accentuation/M accept/DSBG acceptability/M acceptableness/M acceptably/U acceptance/SM acceptation/MS accepted/U access/MDSG accessibility/IM accessible/I accessibly/I accession/MDGS accessorize/DSG accessory/SM accident/MS accidental/SMY acclaim/MDGS acclamation/M acclimate/DSGN acclimation/M acclimatization/M acclimatize/DSG acclivity/SM accolade/SM accommodate/XGNDS accommodating/Y accommodation/M accompanied/U accompaniment/MS accompanist/SM accompany/DSG accomplice/SM accomplish/DSLG accomplished/U accomplishment/MS accord/GMDS accordance/M accordant according/Y accordion/MS accordionist/MS accost/GMDS account/MDSBG accountability/M accountable/U accountancy/M accountant/MS accounted/U accounting/M accouter/SGD accouterments/M accredit/SGD accreditation/M accredited/U accretion/MS accrual/MS accrue/GDS acct acculturate/DSGN acculturation/M accumulate/XGNVDS accumulation/M accumulator/MS accuracy/IM accurate/IY accurateness/M accursed/P accursedness/M accusation/MS accusative/MS accusatory accuse/ZGDRS accuser/M accusing/Y accustom/DSG accustomed/U ace/DSMG acerbate/DSG acerbic acerbically acerbity/M acetaminophen/M acetate/MS acetic acetone/M acetonic acetylene/M ache/DSMG achene/MS achieve/BLZGDRS achievement/SM achiever/M aching/Y achoo/M achromatic achy/TR acid/SMY acidic acidify/GDS acidity/M acidosis/M acidulous acknowledge/DSG acknowledged/U acknowledgment/SM acme/SM acne/M acolyte/MS aconite/MS acorn/MS acoustic/S acoustical/Y acoustics/M acquaint/AGSD acquaintance/SM acquaintanceship/M acquainted/U acquiesce/DSG acquiescence/M acquiescent/Y acquire/ZGBDRSL acquirement/M acquisition/MS acquisitive/YP acquisitiveness/M acquit/S acquittal/MS acquitted acquitting acre/SM acreage/MS acrid/PTRY acridity/M acridness/M acrimonious/YP acrimoniousness/M acrimony/M acrobat/MS acrobatic/S acrobatically acrobatics/M acronym/MS acrophobia/M acropolis/MS across acrostic/SM acrylic/MS act's act/ASDGV acting/M actinium/M action/ASM actionable activate/ICANGSD activation/ICAM activator/MS active's active/IKY activeness/M actives activism/M activist/MS activities activity/IM actor/AMS actress/MS actual/Y actuality/SM actualization/M actualize/GDS actuarial actuary/SM actuate/GNDS actuation/M actuator/SM acuity/M acumen/M acupressure/M acupuncture/M acupuncturist/SM acute/PMYTRS acuteness/M acyclovir/M ad/SM adage/MS adagio/MS adamant/MY adapt/BZGVDRS adaptability/M adaptation/MS adapter/M adaption/S add/SDRBZG addend/MS addenda addendum/M adder/M addict/GVMDS addiction/SM addition/SM additional/Y additive/SM addle/GDS address's address/AGDS addressable addressee/SM adduce/GDS adenine/M adenoid/SM adenoidal adept/MYPS adeptness/M adequacy/IM adequate/IY adequateness/M adhere/GDS adherence/M adherent/SM adhesion/M adhesive/PSM adhesiveness/M adiabatic adieu/MS adios adipose adj adjacency/M adjacent/Y adjectival/Y adjective/MS adjoin/GDS adjourn/DGLS adjournment/SM adjudge/GDS adjudicate/GNVXDS adjudication/M adjudicator/SM adjudicatory adjunct/MS adjuration/MS adjure/GDS adjust/AGDSL adjustable adjuster/SM adjustment/AMS adjutant/SM adman/M admen admin/S administer/DGS administrate/XDSGNV administration/M administrative/Y administrator/MS admirably admiral/MS admiralty/M admiration/M admire/BZGDRS admirer/M admiring/Y admissibility/IM admissible/I admissibly admission/AM admissions admit/AS admittance/M admitted/Y admitting/A admix/GDS admixture/SM admonish/LDSG admonishment/MS admonition/MS admonitory ado/M adobe/MS adolescence/SM adolescent/SM adopt/AGVDS adoptable adopter/MS adoption/SM adorableness/M adorably adoration/M adore/BZGDRS adorer/M adoring/Y adorn/LGDS adorned/U adornment/MS adrenal/MS adrenalin/M adrenaline/M adrift adroit/PY adroitness/M adsorb/SDG adsorbent/MS adsorption/SM adulate/DSGN adulation/M adulator/MS adulatory adult/MS adulterant/MS adulterate/GNDS adulterated/U adulteration/M adulterer/SM adulteress/MS adulterous adultery/SM adulthood/M adumbrate/GNDS adumbration/M adv advance/LDSMG advancement/SM advantage/EDSMG advantageous/EY advent/SM adventitious/Y adventure/DRSMZG adventurer/M adventuresome adventuress/MS adventurism adventurist/S adventurous/YP adventurousness/M adverb/SM adverbial/SMY adversarial adversary/SM adverse/PRYT adverseness/M adversity/SM advert/SMDG advertise/LZGDRS advertised/U advertisement/MS advertiser/M advertising/M advertorial/SM advice/M advisability/IM advisable/I advisably advise/LDRSZGB advised/UY advisement/M adviser/M advisory/SM advocacy/M advocate/MGDS advt adze/SM aegis/M aerate/DSGN aeration/M aerator/SM aerial/SMY aerialist/MS aerie/MTRS aerobatic/S aerobatics/M aerobic/S aerobically aerobics/M aerodrome/MS aerodynamic/S aerodynamically aerodynamics/M aerogram/S aeronautic/S aeronautical aeronautics/M aerosol/MS aerospace/M aesthete/MS aesthetic/S aesthetically aestheticism/M aesthetics/M afar affability/M affable affably affair/MS affect's affect/EGDS affectation/SM affected/UY affecting/Y affection/EM affectionate/Y affections afferent affiance/GDS affidavit/SM affiliate's affiliate/EGNDS affiliated/U affiliation/EM affiliations affinity/SM affirm/AGDS affirmation/AMS affirmative/MYS affix/GMDS afflatus/M afflict/GDS affliction/SM affluence/M affluent/Y afford/GDSB affordability afforest/EGSD afforestation/M affray/MS affront/GMDS afghan/MS aficionado/MS afield afire aflame afloat aflutter afoot aforementioned aforesaid aforethought afoul afraid/U afresh aft/RZ afterbirth/M afterbirths afterburner/MS aftercare/M aftereffect/MS afterglow/SM afterimage/MS afterlife/M afterlives aftermarket/MS aftermath/M aftermaths afternoon/MS aftershave/SM aftershock/SM aftertaste/SM afterthought/SM afterward/S afterword/MS again against agape/M agar/M agate/MS agave/M age/DSMGJ ageism/M ageist/SM ageless/YP agelessness/M agency/SM agenda/SM agent/AMS ageratum/M agglomerate/DSMGNX agglomeration/M agglutinate/DSXGN agglutination/M aggrandize/GLDS aggrandizement/M aggravate/GNXDS aggravating/Y aggravation/M aggregate/MGNDSX aggregation/M aggression/M aggressive/PY aggressiveness/M aggressor/SM aggrieve/DSG aggro aghast agile/YTR agility/M aging/M agitate/XGNDS agitation/M agitator/MS agitprop/M agleam aglitter aglow agnostic/MS agnosticism/M ago agog agonize/GDS agonizing/Y agony/SM agoraphobia/M agoraphobic/MS agrarian/MS agrarianism/M agree/EBLDS agreeableness/EM agreeably/E agreeing/E agreement/ESM agribusiness/MS agricultural/Y agriculturalist/MS agriculture/M agriculturist/MS agronomic agronomist/MS agronomy/M aground ague/M ah aha ahchoo ahead ahem ahoy aid/SMDG aide/SM aided/U aigrette/MS ail/SDLG aileron/SM ailment/SM aim/SMDG aimless/YP aimlessness/M ain't air/SMDJG airbag/MS airbase/SM airbed/S airborne airbrush/MDSG airbus/MS aircraft/M aircraftman aircraftmen aircrew/S airdrome/S airdrop/SM airdropped airdropping airfare/SM airfield/SM airflow/M airfoil/SM airfreight/M airguns airhead/SM airily airiness/M airing/M airless/P airlessness/M airletters airlift/SGMD airline/RSMZ airliner/M airlock/SM airmail/GSMD airman/M airmen airplane/MS airplay/M airport/SM airship/SM airshow/S airsick/P airsickness/M airspace/M airspeed airstrike/MS airstrip/SM airtight airtime/M airwaves/M airway/MS airwoman airwomen airworthiness/M airworthy/TRP airy/PTR aisle/MS aitch/MS ajar aka akimbo akin alabaster/M alack alacrity/M alarm/GMDS alarming/Y alarmist/SM alas alb/SM albacore/SM albatross/MS albeit albinism/M albino/MS album/MNS albumen/M albumin/M albuminous alchemist/SM alchemy/M alcohol/SM alcoholic/MS alcoholically alcoholism/M alcove/MS alder/MS alderman/M aldermen alderwoman/M alderwomen ale/SMV aleatory alehouse/SM alembic/SM alert/GMDYPS alertness/M alewife/M alewives alfalfa/M alfresco alga/M algae algal algebra/SM algebraic algebraically algorithm/SM algorithmic alias/GMDS alibi/GMDS alien/BGMDS alienable/IU alienate/DSGN alienation/M alienist/SM alight/GDS align/ALGDS aligned/U aligner/MS alignment/AMS alike/U aliment/MDSG alimentary alimony/M aliveness/M aliyah/M aliyahs alkali/M alkalies alkaline alkalinity/M alkalize/DSG alkaloid/SM alkyd/MS all/M allay/GDS allegation/MS allege/GDS alleged/Y allegiance/MS allegoric allegorical/Y allegorist/MS allegory/SM allegretto/MS allegro/MS allele/MS alleluia/SM allergen/SM allergenic allergic allergically allergist/SM allergy/SM alleviate/DSGN alleviation/M alley/MS alleyway/SM alliance/SM alligator/MS alliterate/DSXGNV alliteration/M alliterative/Y allocate/ADSGN allocation/AM allocations allot/LS allotment/SM allotted allotting allover allow/EGDS allowable allowably allowance/SM alloy/GMDS alloyed/U allspice/M allude/GDS allure/MGLDS allurement/MS alluring/Y allusion/SM allusive/PY allusiveness/M alluvial/M alluvium/SM ally/GDSM almanac/SM almighty almond/MS almoner/SM almost alms/M almshouse/MS aloe/SM aloft aloha/MS alone along alongshore alongside aloof/PY aloofness/M aloud alp/SM alpaca/MS alpha/MS alphabet/SM alphabetic alphabetical/Y alphabetization/SM alphabetize/ZGDRS alphabetizer/M alphanumeric alphanumerical/Y alpine/S already alright also alt/S altar/MS altarpiece/SM alter/GDBS alterable/U alteration/MS altercation/SM altered/U alternate/DSMYGNVX alternation/M alternative/MYS alternator/SM although altimeter/MS altitude/MS alto/SM altogether altruism/M altruist/SM altruistic altruistically alum/SM alumina/M aluminum/M alumna/M alumnae alumnus/Mi alveolar/S always am/N amalgam/SM amalgamate/XGNDS amalgamation/M amanuenses amanuensis/M amaranth/M amaranths amaretto/M amaryllis/MS amass/GDS amateur/SM amateurish/YP amateurishness/M amateurism/M amatory amaze/LMGDS amazement/M amazing/Y amazon/MS amazonian ambassador/SM ambassadorial ambassadorship/MS ambassadress/MS amber/M ambergris/M ambiance/MS ambidexterity/M ambidextrous/Y ambient ambiguity/SM ambiguous/UY ambit ambition/MS ambitious/YP ambitiousness/M ambivalence/M ambivalent/Y amble/MZGDRS ambler/M ambrosia/M ambrosial ambulance/MS ambulanceman ambulancemen ambulancewoman ambulancewomen ambulant ambulate/DSXGN ambulation/M ambulatory/SM ambuscade/MGDS ambush/GMDS ameliorate/GNVDS amelioration/M amen/B amenability/M amenably amend/BLGDS amendment/SM amenity/SM amerce/GLDS amercement/SM americium/M amethyst/SM amiability/M amiable amiably amicability/M amicable amicably amid amide/MS amidships amigo/MS amiss amity/M ammeter/SM ammo/M ammonia/M ammunition/M amnesia/M amnesiac/MS amnesic/SM amnesty/GDSM amniocenteses amniocentesis/M amnion/MS amniotic amoeba/MS amoebae amoebic amok among amontillado/SM amoral/Y amorality/M amorous/YP amorousness/M amorphous/PY amorphousness/M amortization/SM amortize/DSGB amount/GMDS amour/MS amp/SMY amperage/M ampere/MS ampersand/MS amphetamine/SM amphibian/MS amphibious/Y amphitheater/SM amphora/M amphorae ample/TR amplification/M amplifier/M amplify/NDRSXZG amplitude/SM ampule/MS amputate/GNDSX amputation/M amputee/MS amt amulet/MS amuse/LGDS amusement/MS amusing/Y amylase/M an/CS anabolism/M anachronism/SM anachronistic anachronistically anaconda/SM anaerobe/SM anaerobic anaerobically anagram/MS anal/Y analgesia/M analgesic/SM analog/MS analogical/Y analogize/GDS analogous/YP analogousness/M analogue/SM analogy/SM analysand/MS analyses/A analysis/AM analyst/SM analytic analytically analyzable analyze/ADSG analyzer/SM anapest/SM anapestic/MS anarchic anarchically anarchism/M anarchist/MS anarchistic anarchy/M anathema/SM anathematize/DSG anatomic anatomical/Y anatomist/SM anatomize/DSG anatomy/SM ancestor/SM ancestral/Y ancestress/MS ancestry/SM anchor/MDGS anchorage/MS anchorite/MS anchorman/M anchormen anchorpeople anchorperson/SM anchorwoman/M anchorwomen anchovy/SM ancient/SPMRYT ancientness/M ancillary/SM and andante/SM andiron/SM androgen/M androgenic androgynous androgyny/M android/SM anecdotal anecdote/MS anemia/M anemic anemically anemometer/SM anemone/SM anent anesthesia/M anesthesiologist/SM anesthesiology/M anesthetic/SM anesthetist/MS anesthetization/M anesthetize/GDS aneurysm/SM anew angel/MS angelfish/MS angelic angelica/M angelical/Y anger/GMDS angina/M angioplasty/SM angiosperm/SM angle/MZGDRS angler/M angleworm/MS anglicism/S anglicize/GDS angling/M anglophile/S anglophone/S angora/MS angostura angrily angry/TR angst/M angstrom/MS anguish/GMDS angular angularity/SM anhydrous aniline/M animadversion/MS animadvert/GSD animal/MS animalcule/SM animate/ADSGN animated/Y animation/AM animations animator/MS animism/M animist/SM animistic animosity/SM animus/M anion/MS anionic anise/M aniseed/M anisette/M ankh/M ankhs ankle/MS anklebone/MS anklet/MS annalist/SM annals/M anneal/GDS annelid/MS annex/GMDS annexation/MS annihilate/DSGN annihilation/M annihilator/SM anniversary/SM annotate/DSXGNV annotation/M annotator/MS announce/DRSLZG announced/U announcement/MS announcer/M annoy/GDS annoyance/MS annoying/Y annoyware/S annual/MYS annualized annuitant/SM annuity/SM annul/LS annular annulled annulling annulment/SM annunciation/SM anode/MS anodize/GDS anodyne/MS anoint/GDLS anointment/M anomalous/Y anomaly/SM anon/S anonymity/M anonymous/Y anopheles/M anorak/MS anorectic/SM anorexia/M anorexic/MS another answer/BMDGS answerable/U answered/U answerphone/S ant/SMD antacid/SM antagonism/SM antagonist/SM antagonistic antagonistically antagonize/DSG antarctic ante/SM anteater/MS antebellum antecedence/M antecedent/SM antechamber/SM antedate/GDS antediluvian anteing antelope/MS antenatal antenna/SM antennae anterior anteroom/MS anthem/MS anther/MS anthill/SM anthologist/SM anthologize/DSG anthology/SM anthracite/M anthrax/M anthropocentric anthropoid/MS anthropological/Y anthropologist/SM anthropology/M anthropomorphic anthropomorphically anthropomorphism/M anthropomorphous anti/SM antiabortion antiabortionist/MS antiaircraft antibacterial/MS antibiotic/MS antibody/SM antic/MS anticancer anticipate/GNXDS anticipated/U anticipation/M anticipatory anticked anticking anticlerical anticlimactic anticlimactically anticlimax/MS anticline/SM anticlockwise anticoagulant/MS anticommunism/M anticommunist/SM anticyclone/SM anticyclonic antidemocratic antidepressant/MS antidote/MS antifascist/MS antifreeze/M antigen/SM antigenic antigenicity/M antihero/M antiheroes antihistamine/SM antiknock/M antilabor antilogarithm/SM antimacassar/MS antimalarial antimatter/M antimicrobial antimissile antimony/M antinuclear antioxidant/MS antiparticle/SM antipasti antipasto/MS antipathetic antipathy/SM antipersonnel antiperspirant/SM antiphon/SM antiphonal/MYS antipodal/S antipodean/MS antipodes/M antipollution antipoverty antiquarian/SM antiquarianism/M antiquary/SM antiquate/GDS antique/DSMG antiquity/SM antirrhinum/S antisemitic antisemitism/M antisepsis/M antiseptic/SM antiseptically antiserum/MS antislavery antisocial/Y antispasmodic/MS antisubmarine antitank antitheses antithesis/M antithetic antithetical/Y antitoxin/MS antitrust antivenin/MS antiviral/MS antivivisectionist/MS antiwar antler/MDS antonym/SM antonymous antsy/TR anus/MS anvil/MS anxiety/SM anxious/YP anxiousness/M any anybody/SM anyhow anymore anyone/M anyplace anything/SM anytime anyway/S anywhere anywise aorta/MS aortic apace apart apartheid/M apartment/MS apathetic apathetically apathy/M apatite/M ape/DSMG apelike aperitif/MS aperture/SM apex/MS aphasia/M aphasic/MS aphelia aphelion/SM aphid/MS aphorism/MS aphoristic aphoristically aphrodisiac/SM apiarist/SM apiary/SM apical/Y apiece apish/Y aplenty aplomb/M apocalypse/SM apocalyptic apocrypha/M apocryphal/Y apogee/MS apolitical/Y apologetic/U apologetically apologia/SM apologist/MS apologize/GDS apology/SM apoplectic apoplexy/SM apostasy/SM apostate/SM apostatize/GDS apostle/MS apostleship/M apostolic apostrophe/MS apothecary/SM apothegm/SM apotheoses apotheosis/M app/S appall/GDS appalling/Y appaloosa/MS apparatchik/S apparatus/MS apparel/MDGS apparent/Y apparition/SM appeal/GMDS appealing/UY appear/AESDG appearance/EAMS appease/LZGDRS appeasement/SM appeaser/M appellant/SM appellate/XN appellation/M append/GDS appendage/SM appendectomy/SM appendices appendicitis/M appendix/MS appertain/GDS appetite/SM appetizer/MS appetizing/Y applaud/ZGDRS applauder/M applause/M apple/MS applejack/M applesauce/M applet/MS appliance/SM applicability/M applicable/I applicably applicant/SM application/AM applicator/SM applier/MS applique/DSM appliqueing apply/ANXGDS appoint/AELSVGD appointee/SM appointment's/A appointment/ESM apportion/AGDLS apportionment/AM appose/GDS apposite/YNVP appositeness/M apposition/M appositive/SM appraisal/AMS appraise/ADSG appraiser/MS appreciable/I appreciably/I appreciate/DSXGNV appreciated/U appreciation/M appreciative/Y appreciator/MS appreciatory apprehend/GDS apprehension/MS apprehensive/YP apprehensiveness/M apprentice/DSMG apprenticeship/MS apprise/GDS approach/GBMDS approachable/UI approbation/EM approbations appropriate/PYGNXDS appropriated/U appropriateness/IM appropriation/M appropriator/SM approval/EM approvals approve/EGDS approved/U approving/EY approx approximate/DSXYGN approximation/M appurtenance/SM appurtenant apricot/MS apron/MS apropos apse/SM apt/IYPT apter aptitude/SM aptness/IM aqua/SM aquaculture/M aqualung/MS aquamarine/SM aquanaut/MS aquaplane/MGDS aquarium/MS aquatic/SM aquatically aquatics/M aquatint/S aquavit/M aqueduct/MS aqueous aquifer/SM aquiline arabesque/MS arability/M arachnid/MS arachnophobia arbiter/SM arbitrage/MZGDRS arbitrager/M arbitrageur/SM arbitrament/SM arbitrarily arbitrariness/M arbitrary/P arbitrate/GNDS arbitration/M arbitrator/MS arbor/MS arboreal arboretum/SM arborvitae/SM arbutus/MS arc/SMDG arcade/MS arcane arch/PZTGVMDRSY archaeological/Y archaeologist/SM archaeology/M archaic archaically archaism/MS archaist/MS archangel/MS archbishop/SM archbishopric/SM archdeacon/SM archdiocesan archdiocese/MS archduchess/MS archduke/MS archenemy/SM archer/M archery/M archetypal archetype/MS archfiend/MS archiepiscopal archipelago/MS architect/SM architectonic/S architectonics/M architectural/Y architecture/MS architrave/SM archival archive/DSMG archivist/MS archness/M archway/SM arctic/MS ardent/Y ardor/MS arduous/YP arduousness/M are/SMB area/SM areal aren't arena/MS argent/M argon/M argosy/SM argot/MS arguable/IU arguably/U argue/ZGDRS arguer/M argument/MS argumentation/M argumentative/PY argumentativeness/M argyle/MS aria/SM arid/Y aridity/M aright arise/GS arisen aristocracy/SM aristocrat/SM aristocratic aristocratically arithmetic/M arithmetical/Y arithmetician/MS ark/SM arm's arm/EAGDS armada/MS armadillo/SM armament/AEM armaments armature/MS armband/MS armchair/MS armed/U armful/MS armhole/SM armistice/SM armlet/MS armload/S armor/ZGMDRS armored/U armorer/M armorial armory/SM armpit/MS armrest/SM army/SM aroma/MS aromatherapist/MS aromatherapy/M aromatic/MS aromatically arose around arousal/M arouse/GDS arpeggio/MS arr arraign/DGSL arraignment/SM arrange/AESDLG arrangement's/E arrangement/ASM arranger/SM arrant arras/MS array/EGMDS arrears/M arrest/AGMDS arrhythmia/M arrhythmic arrhythmical arrival/MS arrive/GDS arrogance/M arrogant/Y arrogate/GNDS arrogation/M arrow/MS arrowhead/MS arrowroot/M arroyo/MS arsed arsenal/MS arsenic/M arsing arson/M arsonist/SM art/SM arterial arteriole/MS arteriosclerosis/M artery/SM artful/PY artfulness/M arthritic/MS arthritis/M arthropod/MS arthroscope/SM arthroscopic artichoke/SM article/MDS articulacy/I articular articulate/YGNPDSX articulateness/IM articulation/M artifact/SM artifice/RSMZ artificer/M artificial/Y artificiality/M artillery/M artilleryman/M artillerymen artiness/M artisan/MS artist/MS artiste/MS artistic/I artistically artistry/M artless/PY artlessness/M artsy/TR artwork/MS arty/PTR arugula arum/SM asap asbestos/M ascend/AGDS ascendance/M ascendancy/M ascendant/SM ascension/MS ascent/MS ascertain/GDSBL ascertainment/M ascetic/MS ascetically asceticism/M ascot/MS ascribe/GBDS ascription/M aseptic aseptically asexual/Y asexuality/M ash/MDNSG ashamed/UY ashcan/MS ashlar/MS ashore ashram/MS ashtray/SM ashy/TR aside/MS asinine/Y asininity/SM ask/SDG askance asked/U askew aslant asleep asocial asp/SMNX asparagus/M aspartame/M aspect/MS aspen/M asperity/SM aspersion/MS asphalt/MDGS asphodel/SM asphyxia/M asphyxiate/DSXGN asphyxiation/M aspic/MS aspidistra/MS aspirant/MS aspirate/MGNDSX aspiration/M aspirator/SM aspire/GDS aspirin/MS ass/MS assail/GBDS assailable/U assailant/SM assassin/SM assassinate/GNXDS assassination/M assault/MDRGS assay/ZGMDRS assayer/M assemblage/SM assemble/AEGSD assembler/MS assemblies assembly/AM assemblyman/M assemblymen assemblywoman/M assemblywomen assent/GMDS assert/AGVDS assertion/AM assertions assertive/YP assertiveness/M assess/ALGDS assessment/ASM assessor/MS asset/MS asseverate/DSGN asseveration/M asshole/MS! assiduity/M assiduous/PY assiduousness/M assign's assign/ALGDS assignable assignation/MS assigned/U assigner/MS assignment/AMS assignor/MS assimilate/DSGN assimilation/M assist/GMDS assistance/M assistant/SM assisted/U assize/MS assn assoc associate's associate/EDSGNV association/EM associations assonance/M assonant/MS assort/GLDS assortment/MS asst assuage/GDS assume/BGDS assumption/SM assumptive assurance/ASM assure/AGDS assured/MYS astatine/M aster/EMS asterisk/GMDS astern asteroid/MS asthma/M asthmatic/SM asthmatically astigmatic astigmatism/SM astir astonish/DSLG astonishing/Y astonishment/M astound/GDS astounding/Y astraddle astrakhan/M astral astray astride astringency/M astringent/SMY astrolabe/SM astrologer/SM astrological/Y astrologist/MS astrology/M astronaut/MS astronautic/S astronautical astronautics/M astronomer/SM astronomic astronomical/Y astronomy/M astrophysical astrophysicist/MS astrophysics/M astute/PYTR astuteness/M asunder asylum/SM asymmetric asymmetrical/Y asymmetry/SM asymptomatic asymptotic asymptotically asynchronous/Y at atavism/M atavist/SM atavistic ataxia/M ataxic/MS ate atelier/SM atheism/M atheist/MS atheistic atherosclerosis/M athirst athlete/MS athletic/S athletically athleticism athletics/M athwart atilt atishoo atlas/MS atmosphere/MS atmospheric/S atmospherically atmospherics/M atoll/MS atom/SM atomic atomically atomize/ZGDRS atomizer/M atonal/Y atonality/M atone/LGDS atonement/M atop atria atrial atrium/M atrocious/PY atrociousness/M atrocity/SM atrophy/DSMG atropine/M attach/ALGDS attache/BM attached/U attachment/AM attachments attack/ZGMDRS attacker/M attain/AGDS attainability/M attainable/U attainder/M attainment/SM attar/M attempt's attempt/ASDG attend/SDRZG attendance/SM attendant/SM attended/U attendee/SM attention/IM attentions attentive/IPY attentiveness/IM attenuate/DSGN attenuation/M attest/SDG attestation/SM attested/U attic/SM attire/DSMG attitude/SM attitudinal attitudinize/GDS attn attorney/MS attract/SGVDB attractant/MS attraction/MS attractive/UY attractiveness/M attribute/DSMGNVBX attributed/U attribution/M attributive/MYS attrition/M attune/DSG atty atwitter atypical/Y aubergine/S auburn/M auction/MDGS auctioneer/SM audacious/YP audaciousness/M audacity/M audibility/IM audible/MS audibly/I audience/MS audio/MS audiological audiologist/SM audiology/M audiometer/SM audiophile/SM audiotape/SM audiovisual/S audiovisuals/M audit/GMDS audition/SMDG auditor/MS auditorium/SM auditory auger/MS aught/MS augment/DRZGS augmentation/MS augmentative augmenter/M augur/GMDS augury/SM august/PTRY augustness/M auk/SM aunt/SM auntie/SM aura/MS aural/Y aureole/SM auricle/SM auricular aurora/SM auscultate/GNDSX auscultation/M auspice/SM auspicious/IY auspiciousness/M austere/RYT austerity/SM austral authentic/IU authentically authenticate/XGNDS authenticated/U authentication/M authenticity/M author/SMDG authoress/MS authorial authoritarian/MS authoritarianism/M authoritative/YP authoritativeness/M authority/SM authorization/MS authorize/AGDS authorized/U authorship/M autism/M autistic auto/MS autobahn/SM autobiographer/SM autobiographic autobiographical/Y autobiography/SM autoclave/MS autocracy/SM autocrat/SM autocratic autocratically autocross autodidact/SM autograph/MDG autographs autoimmune autoimmunity/M automaker/SM automate/GNDS automatic/SM automatically automation/M automatism/M automatize/GDS automaton/SM automobile/DSMG automotive autonomic autonomous/Y autonomy/M autopilot/SM autopsy/GDSM autosuggestion autoworker/MS autumn/SM autumnal aux auxiliary/SM auxin/M av/RZ avail/BGMDS availability/UM available/U avalanche/SM avarice/M avaricious/Y avast avatar/MS avaunt avdp ave avenge/ZGDRS avenger/M avenue/MS average/MYGDS averred averring averse/XN aversion/M avert/GDS avg avian aviary/SM aviation/M aviator/MS aviatrices aviatrix/MS avid/Y avidity/M avionic/S avionics/M avitaminosis/M avocado/SM avocation/MS avocational avoid/SDGB avoidable/U avoidably/U avoidance/M avoirdupois/M avouch/DSG avow/EDGS avowal/ESM avowed/Y avuncular/Y aw await/GDS awake/GS awaken/AGDS awakening/SM award/GMDS aware/UP awareness/UM awash away awe/DSMG aweigh awesome/YP awesomeness/M awestruck awful/YP awfuller awfullest awfulness/M awhile awkward/RYPT awkwardness/M awl/SM awn/GJSM awning/M awoke awoken awry ax/MDSG axial/Y axiom/SM axiomatic axiomatically axis/M axle/MS axletree/SM axolotl/SM axon/MS ayah/M ayahs ayatollah/M ayatollahs aye/SM azalea/SM azimuth/M azimuths azure/SM b/KDT baa/SMDG babble/MZGDRS babbler/M babe/SM babel/MS baboon/MS babushka/SM baby/TGDRSM babyhood/M babyish babysat babysit/S babysitter/MS babysitting/M baccalaureate/SM baccarat/M bacchanal/MS bacchanalia/M bacchanalian/MS baccy bachelor/SM bachelorhood/M bacillary bacillus/Mi back/SJZGMDR backache/MS backbench/S backbit backbite/ZGRS backbiter/M backbitten backboard/SM backbone/MS backbreaking backchat backcloth backcloths backcomb/DSG backdate/GDS backdoor backdrop/MS backer/M backfield/SM backfire/MGDS backgammon/M background/MRZS backgrounder/M backhand/MDRSZG backhanded/Y backhander/M backhoe/MS backing/M backlash/MS backless backlog/MS backlogged backlogging backpack/ZGMDRS backpacker/M backpacking/M backpedal/SDG backrest/SM backroom/S backscratching/M backseat/SM backside/SM backslapper/SM backslapping/M backslash/MS backslid backslide/RSZG backslider/M backspace/DSMG backspin/M backstabber/MS backstabbing backstage/M backstair/S backstop/SM backstopped backstopping backstreet/S backstretch/MS backstroke/MGDS backtalk/M backtrack/SDG backup/MS backward/PSY backwardness/M backwash/M backwater/SM backwoods/M backwoodsman/M backwoodsmen backyard/SM bacon/M bacteria/M bacterial bactericidal bactericide/SM bacteriologic bacteriological bacteriologist/SM bacteriology/M bacterium/M bad/MYP badder baddest baddie/MS bade badge/MZRS badger/GMD badinage/M badlands/M badman/M badmen badminton/M badmouth/GD badmouths badness/M baffle/MZGDRSL bafflement/M baffler/M bag/SM bagatelle/SM bagel/MS bagful/MS baggage/M bagged baggie/M baggily bagginess/M bagging baggy/PTRS bagpipe/MZRS bagpiper/M baguette/MS bah baht/SM bail/SBGMD bailey/S bailiff/S bailiwick/MS bailout/SM bailsman/M bailsmen bairn/MS bait/SGMD baize/M bake/DRSMZG baked/U baker/M bakery/SM bakeshop/MS baklava/M baksheesh/M balaclava/MS balalaika/MS balance's balance/UDSG balboa/SM balcony/SM bald/STGPDRY balderdash/M baldfaced baldness/M baldric/SM baldy/S bale/DRSMZG baleen/M baleful/PY balefulness/M baler/M balk/SGMD balky/RT ball/SGMD ballad/SM balladeer/MS balladry/M ballast/GSMD ballcock/MS ballerina/SM ballet/SM balletic ballgame/MS ballgirl/S ballgown/S ballistic/S ballistics/M balloon/SGMD balloonist/MS ballot/SMDG ballpark/MS ballplayer/MS ballpoint/MS ballroom/MS balls/DSG ballsy/RT bally ballyhoo/SMDG balm/SM balminess/M balmy/RTP baloney/M balsa/MS balsam/SM balsamic baluster/SM balustrade/MS bamboo/SM bamboozle/DSG ban/SM banal/Y banality/SM banana/SM band's band/ESGD bandage/DSMG bandanna/MS bandbox/MS bandeau/M bandeaux bandit/SM banditry/M bandleader/S bandmaster/SM bandoleer/SM bandsman/M bandsmen bandstand/SM bandwagon/SM bandwidth bandwidths bandy/DRSTG bane/SM baneful bang/SGMDR bangle/SM bani banish/GLDS banishment/M banister/SM banjo/MS banjoist/SM bank/SZGBMDR bankbook/SM bankcard/SM banker/M banking/M banknote/SM bankroll/SGMD bankrupt/SGMD bankruptcy/SM banned banner/SM banning bannock/MS banns/M banquet/ZGMDRS banqueter/M banquette/SM banshee/MS bantam/SM bantamweight/SM banter/GSMD bantering/Y banyan/SM banzai/SM baobab/SM bap/S baptism/MS baptismal baptist/S baptistery/SM baptize/ZGDRS baptized/U baptizer/M bar's bar/ECUTS barb/SZGMDR barbarian/SM barbarianism/MS barbaric barbarically barbarism/SM barbarity/SM barbarize/DSG barbarous/Y barbecue/DSMG barbel/SM barbell/MS barber/GMD barberry/SM barbershop/MS barbie/S barbiturate/SM barbwire/M barcarole/SM bard/SM bardic bare/DRSPYG bareback/D barefaced/Y barefoot/D barehanded bareheaded barelegged bareness/M barf/SGMDY barfly/SM bargain/MDRZGS bargainer/M barge/MGDS bargeman/M bargemen barhop/S barhopped barhopping baritone/MS barium/M bark's bark/CSGD barkeep/ZMRS barkeeper/M barker/SM barley/M barmaid/MS barman/M barmen barmy/RT barn/SM barnacle/MDS barney/S barnstorm/SDRZG barnstormer/M barnyard/SM barometer/MS barometric barometrically baron/MS baronage/MS baroness/MS baronet/MS baronetcy/SM baronial barony/SM baroque/M barque/SM barrack/MDGS barracuda/SM barrage/MGDS barre/MGJDS barred/UEC barrel/GSMD barren/TPSMR barrenness/M barrette/SM barricade/MGDS barrier/MS barring/ECU barrio/SM barrister/MS barroom/MS barrow/SM bartender/SM barter/ZGSMDR barterer/M baryon/SM basal/Y basalt/M basaltic base's base/CDSLTG baseball/SM baseboard/MS baseless baseline/MS basely baseman/M basemen basement/CMS baseness/M baser bash/GMDS bashful/PY bashfulness/M bashing/M basic/MS basically basil/M basilica/MS basilisk/MS basin/MS basinful/MS basis/M bask/SGD basket/SM basketball/MS basketry/M basketwork/M basque/S bass/MS basset/SM bassinet/MS bassist/MS basso/MS bassoon/MS bassoonist/SM basswood/MS bast/M bastard/MS bastardization/MS bastardize/GDS bastardy/M baste/ZGNXDRS baster/M bastion/M bat/SM batch/MDSG bate/KACGSD bath/ZGMDRS bathe/M bather/M bathetic bathhouse/MS bathing/M bathmat/MS bathos/M bathrobe/SM bathroom/SM baths bathtub/MS bathwater bathyscaphe/SM bathysphere/MS batik/MS batiste/M batman/M batmen baton/MS batsman/M batsmen battalion/SM batted batten/GSMD batter/JZGSMDR batterer/M battery/SM batting/M battle/LDRSMZG battleaxe/MS battledore/SM battledress battlefield/MS battlefront/MS battleground/MS battlement/SM battler/M battleship/SM batty/RT bauble/SM baud/SM bauxite/M bawd/SM bawdily bawdiness/M bawdy/PRT bawl/SGMD bay/SMDG bayberry/SM bayonet/SMDG bayou/MS bazaar/SM bazillion/S bazooka/SM bbl bdrm be beach/MDSG beachcomber/SM beachfront beachhead/MS beachwear/M beacon/SM bead/SGMD beading/M beadle/SM beady/RT beagle/SM beak/SZMDR beaker/M beam/SGMD bean/SGMD beanbag/MS beanfeast/S beanie/SM beanpole/MS beansprout/S beanstalk/MS bear/SZGBJMR bearable/U bearably/U beard/MDGS beardless bearer/M bearing/M bearish/PY bearishness/M bearlike bearskin/MS beast/MS beastliness/M beastly/TPRM beat/SZGBMNRJ beatable/U beaten/U beater/M beatific beatifically beatification/M beatify/GXNDS beating/M beatitude/SM beatnik/MS beau/SM beaut/MS beauteous/Y beautician/SM beautification/M beautifier/M beautiful/Y beautify/NDRSZG beauty/SM beaver/SGMD bebop/MS becalm/GSD became because beck/SM beckon/SGD becloud/GDS become/S becoming/UY becquerel/S bed/SM bedaub/GSD bedazzle/GDSL bedazzlement/M bedbug/SM bedchamber/S bedclothes/M bedded bedder bedding/M bedeck/GSD bedevil/LGDS bedevilment/M bedfellow/SM bedhead/S bedim/S bedimmed bedimming bedizen/GDS bedlam/SM bedpan/SM bedpost/SM bedraggle/GDS bedridden bedrock/SM bedroll/SM bedroom/SM bedside/SM bedsit/S bedsitter/S bedsore/SM bedspread/SM bedstead/SM bedtime/SM bee/RSMZGJ beebread/M beech/MS beechnut/MS beef/SGMD beefburger/SM beefcake/MS beefiness/M beefsteak/MS beefy/RPT beehive/MS beekeeper/MS beekeeping/M beeline/MS been beep/SZGMDR beeper/M beer/M beery/TR beeswax/M beet/SM beetle/MGDS beetroot/S beeves befall/SGN befell befit/S befitted befitting/Y befog/S befogged befogging before beforehand befoul/DGS befriend/SGD befuddle/GLDS befuddlement/M beg/S began begat beget/S begetter/S begetting beggar/MDYGS beggary/M begged begging begin/S beginner/SM beginning/MS begone begonia/SM begot begotten begrime/DSG begrudge/DSG begrudging/Y beguile/DRSZGL beguilement/M beguiler/M beguiling/Y beguine/SM begum/MS begun behalf/M behalves behave/GDS behavior/SM behavioral/Y behaviorism/M behaviorist/MS behead/DGS beheld behemoth/M behemoths behest/MS behind/MS behindhand behold/NRZGS beholder/M behoove/DSG beige/M being/M bejewel/SDG belabor/SDG belated/Y belay/GDS belch/GMDS beleaguer/GSD belfry/SM belie/DS belief/EUM beliefs believable/U believably/U believe/EDRSZG believer/EUMS believing/U belittle/LDSG belittlement/M bell/SGMD belladonna/M bellboy/SM belle/MS belled/A belletrist/MS belletristic bellhop/SM bellicose bellicosity/M belligerence/M belligerency/M belligerent/MYS belling/A bellman/M bellmen bellow/MDGS bellwether/MS belly/GDSM bellyache/MGDS bellybutton/SM bellyful/MS belong/JDGS belonging/M beloved/SM below belt/SGMD beltway/SM beluga/MS belying bemire/GDS bemoan/DGS bemuse/LGDS bemused/Y bemusement/M bench/GMDS benchmark/MS bend/BSZGMR bender/M bendy/TR beneath benedictine benediction/SM benedictory benefaction/SM benefactor/MS benefactress/MS benefice/SM beneficence/M beneficent/Y beneficial/Y beneficiary/SM benefit/SMDG benevolence/SM benevolent/Y benighted/Y benign/Y benignant benignity/M bent/SM bentwood/M benumb/DSG benzene/M benzine/M bequeath/DG bequeaths bequest/MS berate/GDS bereave/DSLG bereavement/MS bereft beret/MS berg/SM beriberi/M berk/S berkelium/M berm/SM berry/GDSM berrylike berserk berth/GMD berths beryl/MS beryllium/M beseech/ZGRS beseecher/M beseeching/Y beseem/DSG beset/S besetting beside/S besiege/ZGDRS besieger/M besmear/DSG besmirch/GDS besom/MS besot/S besotted besotting besought bespangle/DSG bespatter/GSD bespeak/SG bespectacled bespoke bespoken best/SGMD bestial/Y bestiality/M bestiary/SM bestir/S bestirred bestirring bestow/DGS bestowal/SM bestrew/SDG bestrewn bestridden bestride/SG bestrode bestseller/MS bestselling bet/SM beta/SM betake/GS betaken betcha betel/M bethink/SG bethought betide/GDS betimes betoken/GDS betook betray/DRZGS betrayal/SM betrayer/M betroth/DG betrothal/SM betrothed/M betroths better/MDGLS betterment/M betting bettor/MS between betwixt bevel/GMDS beverage/SM bevvy/S bevy/SM bewail/DGS beware/GDS bewhiskered bewigged bewilder/LSGD bewildering/Y bewilderment/M bewitch/GLDS bewitching/Y bewitchment/M bey/SM beyond bezel/MS bf bhaji bi/SMRZ biannual/Y bias/GMDS biased/U biathlon/SM bib/SM bible/MS biblical bibliographer/MS bibliographic bibliographical/Y bibliography/SM bibliophile/SM bibulous bicameral bicameralism/M bicarb/MS bicarbonate/MS bicentenary/SM bicentennial/SM bicep/MS biceps/M bicker/MDRZGS bickerer/M biconcave biconvex bicuspid/MS bicycle/DRSMZG bicycler/M bicyclist/SM bid/SMG biddable bidden/U bidder/MS bidding/M biddy/SM bide/S bidet/MS bidirectional/Y biennial/MYS biennium/MS bier/M biff/SGD bifocal/S bifocals/M bifurcate/XDSGN bifurcation/M big/P bigamist/SM bigamous bigamy/M bigger biggest biggie/MS biggish bighead/SM bighearted/P bigheartedness/M bighorn/SM bight/MS bigmouth/M bigmouths bigness/M bigot/MDS bigotry/SM bigwig/MS bijou/M bijoux bike/DRSMZG biker/M bikini/MS bilabial/MS bilateral/Y bilberry/S bile/M bilge/MS bilingual/SMY bilingualism/M bilious/P biliousness/M bilk/SZGDR bilker/M bill/SBJGMD billboard/MS billet/GMDS billfold/SM billhook/S billiard/S billiards/M billing/M billingsgate/M billion/MHS billionaire/SM billionth/M billionths billow/GMDS billowy/RT billy/SM billycan/S bimbo/MS bimetallic/SM bimetallism/M bimonthly/SM bin/SM binary/SM bind's bind/AUGS binder/MS bindery/SM binding/MS bindweed/M binge/MDS bingo/M binman binmen binnacle/SM binned binning binocular/MS binomial/SM bio/SM biochemical/SMY biochemist/MS biochemistry/M biodegradability/M biodegrade/DSGB biodiversity/M bioethics/M biofeedback/M biog biographer/SM biographic biographical/Y biography/SM biol biologic biological/Y biologist/MS biology/M biomass/M bionic/S bionically bionics/M biophysical biophysicist/MS biophysics/M biopic/MS biopsy/GDSM biorhythm/MS biosphere/SM biotechnological biotechnology/M biotin/M bipartisan bipartisanship/M bipartite biped/MS bipedal biplane/MS bipolar bipolarity/M biracial birch/GMDS bird/SZGMDR birdbath/M birdbaths birdbrain/SMD birdcage/S birder/M birdhouse/MS birdie/MDS birdieing birdlike birdlime/M birdseed/M birdsong birdwatcher/SM birdying biretta/SM birth/GMD birthday/MS birthmark/MS birthplace/MS birthrate/MS birthright/MS births/A birthstone/SM biscuit/SM bisect/DGS bisection/MS bisector/SM bisexual/MYS bisexuality/M bishop/MS bishopric/SM bismuth/M bison/M bisque/M bistro/MS bit/CSMG bitch/GMDS bitchily bitchiness/M bitchy/PRT bite/RSMZ biter/M biting/Y bitmap/S bitten bitter/PMRYTS bittern/SM bitterness/M bitters/M bittersweet/MS bitty/TR bitumen/M bituminous bivalent bivalve/SM bivouac/MS bivouacked bivouacking biweekly/SM biyearly biz/M bizarre/Y bk bl/D blab/SM blabbed blabber/DGS blabbermouth/M blabbermouths blabbing black/PXTGMDNRYS blackamoor/MS blackball/SGMD blackberry/GSM blackbird/SM blackboard/MS blackcurrant/S blacken/DG blackguard/SM blackhead/MS blacking/M blackish blackjack/MDGS blackleg/S blacklist/MDSG blackmail/MDRSZG blackmailer/M blackness/M blackout/SM blacksmith/M blacksmiths blacksnake/SM blackthorn/SM blacktop/SM blacktopped blacktopping bladder/MS blade/MDS blag/S blagged blagging blah/M blahs/M blame/BMGDRS blameless/YP blamelessness/M blameworthiness/M blameworthy/P blammo/GDS blanch/GDS blancmange/MS bland/PTRY blandish/DSLG blandishment/SM blandness/M blank/TGPMDRYS blanket/GMDS blankness/M blare/MGDS blarney/SMDG blase blaspheme/ZGDRS blasphemer/M blasphemous/Y blasphemy/SM blast/ZGMDRS blaster/M blastoff/MS blat/S blatancy/SM blatant/Y blather/SMDG blaze/MZGDRS blazer/M blazon/MDGS bldg bleach/MDRSZG bleached/U bleacher/M bleak/TPRY bleakness/M blear blearily bleariness/M bleary/PRT bleat/GMDS bleed/ZGRS bleeder/M bleeding/M bleep/ZGMDRS bleeper/M blemish/GMDS blemished/U blench/DSG blend/ZGMDRS blender/M bless/GDSJ blessed/YP blessedness/M blessing/M bletch blew blight/ZGMDRS blimey blimp/MS blimpish blind/PZTGMDRYS blinder/M blindfold/SMDG blinding/Y blindness/M blindside/DSG blini/MS blink/ZGMDRS blinker/MDG blintz/MS blintze/M blip/SM bliss/M blissful/YP blissfulness/M blister/GMDS blistering/Y blistery blithe/PYTR blitheness/M blither/G blithesome blitz/GMDS blitzkrieg/MS blivet/S blizzard/SM bloat/ZGDRS bloatware/S blob/SM blobbed blobbing bloc/SM block's block/UGDS blockade/MZGDRS blockader/M blockage/MS blockbuster/SM blockbusting/M blocker/MS blockhead/SM blockhouse/MS blog/SM blogged blogger/MS blogging bloke/MS blokish blond/PTMRS blonde/MS blondish blondness/M blood/GMDS bloodbath/M bloodbaths bloodcurdling bloodhound/SM bloodily bloodiness/M bloodless/YP bloodlessness/M bloodletting/M bloodline/SM bloodmobile/MS bloodshed/M bloodshot bloodstain/SMD bloodstock/M bloodstream/SM bloodsucker/SM bloodsucking bloodthirstily bloodthirstiness/M bloodthirsty/RPT bloody/PTGDRS bloom/ZGMDRS bloomer/M bloop/ZGMDRS blooper/M blossom/GMDS blossomy blot/SM blotch/GMDS blotchy/TR blotted blotter/MS blotting blotto blouse/MGDS blow/SZGMR blower/M blowfly/SM blowgun/MS blowhard/MS blowhole/S blowlamp/S blown blowout/SM blowpipe/SM blowtorch/MS blowup/MS blowy/TR blowzy/RT blubber/GSMD blubbery bludgeon/MDGS blue/DRSPMTG bluebell/MS blueberry/SM bluebird/MS bluebonnet/SM bluebottle/SM bluefish/MS bluegill/MS bluegrass/M blueish bluejacket/SM bluejeans/M blueness/M bluenose/MS bluepoint/MS blueprint/MDGS bluestocking/SM bluesy/RT bluet/MS bluff/ZTGPMDRYS bluffer/M bluffness/M bluing/M bluish blunder/MDRZGS blunderbuss/MS blunderer/M blunt/PTGDRYS bluntness/M blur/SM blurb/MS blurred blurriness/M blurring blurry/TRP blurt/GDS blush/ZGMDRS blusher/M bluster/MDRSZG blusterer/M blusterous blustery blvd boa/SM boar/SM board/ZGMDRS boarder/M boarding/M boardinghouse/MS boardroom/MS boardwalk/MS boast/ZGMDRS boaster/M boastful/PY boastfulness/M boat/SZGMDR boater/M boathouse/MS boating/M boatload/S boatman/M boatmen boatswain/SM boatyard/S bob/SM bobbed bobbin/MS bobbing bobble/MGDS bobby/SM bobbysoxer/SM bobcat/MS bobolink/SM bobsled/SM bobsledded bobsledder/MS bobsledding bobsleigh/M bobsleighs bobtail/SM bobwhite/MS boccie/M bock/M bod/SMDG bodacious bode/S bodega/MS bodge/GDS bodice/MS bodily bodkin/MS body/DSM bodybuilder/SM bodybuilding/M bodyguard/MS bodysuit/SM bodywork/M boffin/S boffo bog/SM boga bogey/GMDS bogeyman/M bogeymen bogged bogging boggle/GDS boggy/TR bogie/MS bogometer/S bogon bogosity/S bogotify/DSG bogus bogyman/M bogymen bohemian/SM bohemianism/M boil/SJZGMDR boiler/M boilermaker/SM boilerplate/M boink/GDS boisterous/YP boisterousness/M bola/SM bold/PTRY boldface/DM boldness/M bole/SM bolero/MS bolivar/MS bolivares boll/SM bollard/S bollix/GMDS bollocking/S bollocks bologna/M bolshie bolster/GMDS bolt's bolt/USGD bolthole/S bolus/MS bomb/SJZGMDR bombard/GDLS bombardier/MS bombardment/SM bombast/M bombastic bombastically bomber/M bombproof bombshell/SM bombsite/S bonanza/MS bonbon/MS bonce/S bond/SGMD bondage/M bondholder/MS bonding/M bondman/M bondmen bondsman/M bondsmen bondwoman/M bondwomen bone/DRSMZG bonehead/SMD boneless boner/M boneshaker/S bonfire/MS bong/SGMD bongo/MS bonhomie/M boniness/M bonito/MS bonk/SZGD bonnet/MS bonny/TR bonsai/M bonus/MS bony/PTR boo/SMDHG boob/SGMD booby/SM boodle/MS booger/S boogeyman/M boogeymen boogie/MDS boogieing boogieman/M boohoo/GMDS book/SBJGMD bookbinder/SM bookbindery/SM bookbinding/M bookcase/MS bookend/MS bookie/MS booking/M bookish bookkeeper/MS bookkeeping/M booklet/MS bookmaker/SM bookmaking/M bookmark/SMDG bookmobile/SM bookplate/MS bookseller/MS bookshelf/M bookshelves bookshop/SM bookstall/S bookstore/MS bookworm/SM boom/SZGMDR boombox/MS boomerang/MDGS boon/SM boondocks/M boondoggle/MZGDRS boondoggler/M boonies/M boor/SM boorish/PY boorishness/MS boost/ZGMDRS booster/M boot's boot/ASGD bootblack/SM bootee/MS booth/M booths bootlace/S bootleg/MS bootlegged bootlegger/MS bootlegging/M bootless bootstrap/MS bootstrapped bootstrapping booty/SM booze/MZGDRS boozer/M boozy/TR bop/SM bopped bopping borax/M bordello/MS border/GMDS borderland/MS borderline/MS bore/DRSMZG boredom/M borehole/S borer/M boring/Y born/IAU borne boron/M borough/M boroughs borrow/SDRZGJ borrower/M borrowing/M borscht/M borstal/S borzoi/SM bosh/M bosom's bosom/US bosomy boss/DSGM bossily bossiness/M bossism/M bossy/RTP bot/S botanic botanical/Y botanist/SM botany/M botch/DRSZGM botcher/M both bother/SMDG botheration bothersome bottle/DRSMZG bottleneck/MS bottler/M bottom/SMDG bottomless botulism/M boudoir/SM bouffant/SM bougainvillea/MS bough/M boughs bought bouillabaisse/SM bouillon/MS boulder/SM boules boulevard/SM bounce/DRSMZG bouncer/M bouncily bounciness/M bouncy/RTP bound/ASMGD boundary/SM bounden bounder/SM boundless/PY boundlessness/M bounteous/YP bounteousness/M bountiful/YP bountifulness/M bounty/SM bouquet/SM bourbon/SM bourgeois/M bourgeoisie/M boustrophedon/S bout/MS boutique/SM boutonniere/MS bouzouki/MS bovine/SM bovver bow/ZGSMDR bowdlerization/MS bowdlerize/DSG bowed/U bowel/SM bower/M bowl/MDRZGS bowleg/SM bowlegged bowler/M bowlful/SM bowline/SM bowling/M bowman/M bowmen bowsprit/SM bowstring/SM bowwow/SM box/ZGMDNRS boxcar/SM boxer/M boxing/M boxlike boxroom/S boxwood/M boxy/RT boy/SM boycott/SGMD boyfriend/MS boyhood/SM boyish/YP boyishness/M boysenberry/SM bozo/MS bps bra/SM brace/MZGDRS bracelet/MS bracer/M bracero/MS bracken/M bracket/GMDS brackish/P brackishness/M bract/MS brad/SM bradawl/S brae/SM brag/SM braggadocio/SM braggart/SM bragged bragger/MS bragging braid/GMDS braiding/M braille/M brain/GMDS brainchild/M brainchildren braininess/M brainless/Y brainpower brainstorm/SMDG brainstorming/M brainteaser/SM brainwash/DSG brainwashing/M brainwave/S brainy/PTR braise/GDS brake/MGDS brakeman/M brakemen bramble/MS brambly/TR bran/M branch/GMDS branchlike brand/ZGMDRS branded/U brander/M brandish/DSG brandy/GDSM brash/PTRY brashness/M brass/MS brasserie/MS brassiere/MS brassily brassiness/M brassy/PTR brat/SM bratty/RT bratwurst/SM bravado/M brave/GPMYDTRS braveness/M bravery/M bravo/SM bravura/SM brawl/SDRZGM brawler/M brawn/M brawniness/M brawny/RTP bray/DGSM braze/DRSZG brazen/SDYGP brazenness/M brazer/M brazier/SM breach/GMDS bread/GMDHS breadbasket/SM breadboard/SM breadbox/MS breadcrumb/MS breadfruit/SM breadline/MS breadth/M breadths breadwinner/SM break/BMZGRS breakable/MS breakage/MS breakaway/MS breakdown/MS breaker/M breakfast/MDGS breakfront/MS breakneck breakout/MS breakpoints breakthrough/M breakthroughs breakup/SM breakwater/SM bream/MS breast/SMDG breastbone/MS breastfed breastfeed/GS breastplate/SM breaststroke/SM breastwork/MS breath/MDRSZGB breathalyze/ZGDRS breathe breather/M breathing/M breathless/PY breathlessness/M breaths breathtaking/Y breathy/RT bred/I breech/MS breed/SRZGM breeder/M breeding/IM breeze/DSMG breezeway/SM breezily breeziness/M breezy/RTP brethren breve/SM brevet/SM brevetted brevetting breviary/SM brevity/M brew/MDRZGS brewer/M brewery/SM brewpub/SM bribe/DRSMZG briber/M bribery/M brick/SMDG brickbat/SM brickie/S bricklayer/MS bricklaying/M brickwork/M brickyard/S bridal/SM bride/SM bridegroom/SM bridesmaid/MS bridge/DSMG bridgeable/U bridgehead/SM bridgework/M bridle/DSMG bridled/U bridleway/S brie/MZR brief's brief/CSDTGJ briefcase/SM briefer briefing/CM briefly briefness/M brier/M brig/MS brigade/SM brigadier/MS brigand/SM brigandage/M brigantine/MS bright/SPNRYXT brighten/DRZG brightener/M brightness/M brights/M brill brilliance/M brilliancy/M brilliant/MYS brilliantine/M brim/MS brimful brimless brimmed brimming brimstone/M brindle/DM brine/M bring/SRZG bringer/M brininess/M brink/SM brinkmanship/M briny/RTP brioche/SM briquette/MS brisk/SDRYTGP brisket/SM briskness/M bristle/DSMG bristly/TR britches/M brittle/PRMT brittleness/M bro/SMH broach/MDSG broad/SMNRYXTP broadband/M broadcast/AMGS broadcaster/MS broadcasting/M broadcloth/M broaden/DG broadloom/M broadminded broadness/M broadsheet/SM broadside/MGDS broadsword/SM brocade/DSMG broccoli/M brochette/SM brochure/MS brogan/SM brogue/SM broil/SMDRZG broiler/M broke broken/YP brokenhearted/Y brokenness/M broker/SMDG brokerage/MS brolly/S bromide/SM bromidic bromine/M bronc/SM bronchial bronchitic bronchitis/M bronchus/iM bronco/SM broncobuster/SM brontosaur/MS brontosaurus/MS bronze/DSMG brooch/MS brood/SMDRZG brooder/M broodily brooding/MY broodmare/MS broody/RMPT brook/SMDG brooklet/SM broom/SM broomstick/MS broth/MRZ brothel/MS brother/MY brotherhood/MS brotherliness/M broths brougham/SM brought brouhaha/SM brow/MS browbeat/SNG brown/SMDRPTG brownfield brownie/MS brownish brownness/M brownout/SM brownstone/MS browse/DRSMZG browser/M brr bruin/SM bruise/DRSMZG bruiser/M bruising/M bruit/SDG brunch/MDSG brunet/SM brunette/MS brunt/M brush/MDSG brushoff/SM brushstroke/S brushwood/M brushwork/M brusque/RPYT brusqueness/M brutal/Y brutality/SM brutalization/M brutalize/GDS brute/SM brutish/PY brutishness/M bu bub/SM bubble/DSMG bubblegum/M bubbly/RMT bubo/M buboes buccaneer/SGMD buck/MDGS buckaroo/SM buckboard/MS bucket/SGMD bucketful/MS buckeye/MS buckle's buckle/UDSG buckler/MS buckram/M bucksaw/MS buckshot/M buckskin/MS buckteeth bucktooth/MD buckwheat/M bucolic/MS bucolically bud/SM budded budding/S buddy/SM budge/DSG budgerigar/MS budget/SGMD budgetary budgie/SM buff/AMDGS buffalo/MDG buffaloes buffer/SMDG buffet/SMDGJ buffoon/SM buffoonery/M buffoonish bug's bug/CS bugaboo/SM bugbear/SM bugged/C bugger/SMDG buggery bugging/C buggy/RSMT bugle/DRSMZG bugler/M build/SMRZGJ builder/M building/M buildup/SM built/AI bulb/MS bulbous bulge/DSMG bulgy/RT bulimarexia/M bulimia/M bulimic/SM bulk/MDGS bulkhead/MS bulkiness/M bulky/RTP bull/MDGS bulldog/SM bulldogged bulldogging bulldoze/ZGDRS bulldozer/M bullet/SM bulletin/MDGS bulletproof/SDG bullfight/SMRZG bullfighter/M bullfighting/M bullfinch/MS bullfrog/MS bullhead/MDS bullheaded/PY bullheadedness/M bullhorn/MS bullion/M bullish/YP bullishness/M bullock/SM bullpen/SM bullring/MS bullshit/MS! bullshitted/! bullshitter/SM! bullshitting/! bullwhip/S bully/DSMG bulrush/MS bulwark/MS bum/SM bumbag/S bumble/DRSZG bumblebee/SM bumbler/M bumf bummed bummer/SM bummest bumming bump/MDRZGS bumper/M bumph bumpiness/M bumpkin/MS bumptious/PY bumptiousness/M bumpy/PRT bun/SM bunch/MDSG bunchy/RT bunco/SMDG bundle/DSMG bung/MDGS bungalow/MS bungee/SM bunghole/MS bungle/DRSMZG bungler/M bunion/SM bunk's bunk/CDGS bunker/SM bunkhouse/SM bunkum/M bunny/SM bunt/MDGSJ bunting/M buoy/MDGS buoyancy/M buoyant/Y bur/SMY burble/DSMG burbs/M burden's burden/USGD burdensome burdock/M bureau/SM bureaucracy/SM bureaucrat/MS bureaucratic bureaucratically bureaucratization/M bureaucratize/GDS burg/MRZS burgeon/DSG burger/M burgh/MRZ burgher/M burghs burglar/MS burglarize/GDS burglarproof burglary/SM burgle/DSG burgomaster/SM burgundy/SM burial/ASM burl/MDS burlap/M burlesque/MGDS burliness/M burly/RPT burn/MDRZGSB burnable/SM burner/M burnish/ZGMDRS burnisher/M burnoose/MS burnout/MS burnt burp/MDGS burr/MDGS burrito/MS burro/SM burrow/SMDRZG burrower/M bursa/M bursae bursar/SM bursary/SM bursitis/M burst/SMG bury/ADSG bus/AiMS busboy/SM busby/SM bused busgirl/MS bush/MDSGJ bushel/SGMD bushiness/M bushing/M bushman/M bushmaster/SM bushmen bushwhack/DRSZG bushwhacker/M bushy/RPT busily business/MS businesslike businessman/M businessmen businessperson/SM businesswoman/M businesswomen busing/M busk/DRZGS buskin/SM busload/S buss/M bust/MDRZGS buster/M bustle/DSMG busty/RZT busy/DRSTGP busybody/SM busyness/M busywork/M but/ACS butane/M butch/MRSZ butcher/MDG butchery/SM butler/SM butt/MDRZGS butte/SM butted/A butter/MDG butterball/MS buttercup/SM butterfat/M butterfingered butterfingers/M butterfly/GDSM buttermilk/M butternut/SM butterscotch/M buttery/TRSM butting/A buttock/SM button's button/USDG buttonhole/DSMG buttonwood/MS buttress/MDSG butty/S buxom buy/ZGSMR buyback/SM buyer/M buyout/SM buzz/MDRSZG buzzard/MS buzzer/M buzzword/SM bx bxs by/M bye/SM bygone/SM bylaw/SM byline/SM bypass/GMDS bypath/M bypaths byplay/M byproduct/MS byre/S byroad/SM bystander/MS byte/MS byway/SM byword/SM byzantine c/IES ca cab/SMRZ cabal/MS cabala/M caballero/MS cabana/SM cabaret/SM cabbage/MS cabbed cabbing cabby/SM cabdriver/SM cabin/MS cabinet/SM cabinetmaker/MS cabinetmaking/M cabinetry/M cabinetwork/M cable/MGDS cablecast/GMS cablegram/MS cabochon/SM caboodle/M caboose/SM cabriolet/SM cabstand/SM cacao/MS cache/MGDS cachepot/SM cachet/MS cackle/MZGDRS cackler/M cacophonous cacophony/SM cactus/Mi cad/SM cadaver/SM cadaverous caddie/MDS caddish/YP caddishness/M caddying cadence/DSM cadenza/SM cadet/MS cadge/ZGDRS cadger/M cadmium/M cadre/MS caduceus/Mi caesura/SM cafe/SM cafeteria/MS cafetiere/S caff/CS caffeinated caffeine/M caftan/MS cage/DSMG cagey cagier cagiest cagily caginess/M cagoule/S cahoot/MS caiman/MS cairn/MS caisson/SM caitiff/SM cajole/ZGLDRS cajolement/M cajoler/M cajolery/M cake/DSMG cakewalk/SM cal calabash/MS calaboose/SM calamari/SM calamine/M calamitous/Y calamity/SM calcareous calciferous calcification/M calcify/GNDS calcimine/DSMG calcine/DSG calcite/M calcium/M calculable/I calculate/AGNVDSX calculated/Y calculating/Y calculation/AM calculator/SM calculus/Mi caldera/SM calendar/MDGS calf/M calfskin/M caliber/SM calibrate/GNDSX calibration/M calibrator/SM calico/M calicoes californium/M caliper/SGMD caliph/M caliphate/MS caliphs calisthenic/S calisthenics/M calk/SGMD call/ASGMD calla/MS callable callback/MS called/U caller/MS calligrapher/SM calligraphic calligraphist/MS calligraphy/M calling/SM calliope/MS callosity/SM callous/PGDSY callousness/M callow/RPT callowness/M callus/MDSG calm/PSTGMDRY calmness/M caloric calorie/MS calorific calumet/MS calumniate/GNDS calumniation/M calumniator/MS calumnious calumny/SM calve/GDS calypso/MS calyx/MS cam/SM camaraderie/M camber/MDSG cambial cambium/SM cambric/M camcorder/SM came camel/MS camelhair camellia/MS cameo/MS camera/MS cameraman/M cameramen camerawoman/M camerawomen camerawork camiknickers camisole/SM camouflage/MZGDRS camouflager/M camp's camp/CSGD campaign/SMDRZG campaigner/M campanile/SM campanologist/MS campanology/M camper/MS campfire/SM campground/SM camphor/M camping/M campsite/SM campus/MS campy/TR camshaft/SM can't can/SMDRZG canal/MS canalization/M canalize/GDS canape/MS canard/MS canary/SM canasta/M cancan/MS cancel/DRSZG canceler/M cancellation/SM cancer/MS cancerous candelabra/SM candelabrum/M candid/YP candida candidacy/SM candidate/MS candidature/SM candidness/M candle/MZGDRS candlelight/M candlelit candlepower/M candler/M candlestick/MS candlewick/SM candor/M candy/GDSM candyfloss cane/SM canebrake/MS caner/M canine/MS canister/SM canker/GMDS cankerous cannabis/MS canned cannelloni/M cannery/SM cannibal/SM cannibalism/M cannibalistic cannibalization/M cannibalize/GDS cannily/U canniness/M canning cannon/GMDS cannonade/MGDS cannonball/SM cannot canny/UTR canoe/MDS canoeing canoeist/SM canola/M canon/MS canonical/Y canonization/SM canonize/DSG canoodle/DSG canopy/GDSM canst cant's cant/CZRDGS cantabile cantaloupe/SM cantankerous/PY cantankerousness/M cantata/MS canteen/MS canter/CM cantered cantering canticle/MS cantilever/MDGS canto/MS canton/MLS cantonal cantonment/MS cantor/MS canvas/MGDS canvasback/SM canvass/MDRSZG canvasser/M canyon/MGS cap/SMDRBZ capabilities capability/IM capable/I capably/I capacious/PY capaciousness/M capacitance/M capacities capacitor/SM capacity/IM caparison/MDGS cape/SM caper/GMD capeskin/M capillarity/M capillary/SM capital/MSY capitalism/M capitalist/SM capitalistic capitalistically capitalization/M capitalize/ADSG capitation/CSM capitol/SM capitulate/ADSXGN capitulation/AM caplet/MS capo/SM capon/MS capped/UA capping/UA cappuccino/SM caprice/SM capricious/PY capriciousness/M capsicum/SM capsize/DSG capstan/SM capstone/MS capsular capsule/DSMG capsulize/DSG capt captain/SMDG captaincy/SM caption/SMDG captious/YP captiousness/M captivate/DSGN captivation/M captivator/SM captive/SM captivity/SM captor/MS capture/ADSMG car/SMDRZG carafe/MS caramel/SM caramelize/DSG carapace/SM carat/MS caravan/SM caravansary/SM caravel/SM caraway/SM carbide/SM carbine/SM carbohydrate/SM carbolic carbon/MS carbonaceous carbonate/MGNDS carbonation/M carboniferous carbonize/GDS carborundum/M carboy/MS carbuncle/SM carbuncular carburetor/SM carcass/MS carcinogen/SM carcinogenic/MS carcinogenicity/M carcinoma/MS card/ESGMD cardamom/SM cardamon/S cardboard/M carder/MS cardholder/S cardiac cardie/S cardigan/SM cardinal/SMY cardiogram/SM cardiograph/M cardiographs cardiologist/MS cardiology/M cardiopulmonary cardiovascular cardsharp/MRZS cardsharper/M care/SM careen/DGS career/MDGS careerism careerist/SM carefree careful/YP carefuller carefullest carefulness/M caregiver/SM careless/PY carelessness/M carer/M caress/MDSG caret/MS caretaker/MS careworn carfare/M cargo/M cargoes carhop/MS caribou/SM caricature/MGDS caricaturist/SM caries/M carillon/SM caring/M carious carjack/JSDRZG carjacker/M carjacking/M carload/SM carmine/SM carnage/M carnal/Y carnality/M carnation/IMS carnelian/MS carnival/MS carnivore/SM carnivorous/PY carnivorousness/M carny/SM carob/MS carol/ZGMDRS caroler/M carom/GMDS carotene/M carotid/SM carousal/SM carouse/DRSMZG carousel/SM carouser/M carp/SZGMDR carpal/MS carpel/MS carpenter/MDGS carpentry/M carper/M carpet/MDGS carpetbag/MS carpetbagged carpetbagger/MS carpetbagging carpeting/M carpool/SMDG carport/SM carpus/Mi carrel/MS carriage/SM carriageway/S carrier/M carrion/M carrot/MS carroty carry/ZGDRSM carryall/SM carrycot/S carryout carryover/MS carsick/P carsickness/M cart/SZGMDR cartage/M cartel/MS carter/M carthorse/SM cartilage/SM cartilaginous cartload/SM cartographer/SM cartographic cartography/M carton/MS cartoon/SMDG cartoonist/MS cartridge/MS cartwheel/GMDS carve/JZGDRS carver/M carvery/S carving/M caryatid/MS casaba/MS cascade/DSMG cascara/SM case/LDSJMG casebook/S cased/U caseharden/DGS casein/M caseload/MS casement/MS casework/ZMR caseworker/M cash/GMDS cashbook/MS cashew/MS cashier/GSMD cashless cashmere/M casing/M casino/MS cask/SM casket/MS cassava/SM casserole/DSMG cassette/MS cassia/MS cassock/SM cassowary/SM cast/ASGM castanet/MS castaway/MS caste/JMZRS castellated caster/M castigate/DSGN castigation/M castigator/SM casting/AM castle/MGDS castoff/SM castor/MS castrate/GNXDS castration/M casual/PMYS casualness/M casualty/SM casuist/SM casuistic casuistry/M cat/SM cataclysm/MS cataclysmal cataclysmic catacomb/SM catafalque/MS catalepsy/M cataleptic/MS catalog/ZGSMDR cataloger/M catalpa/SM catalyses catalysis/M catalyst/MS catalytic/M catalyze/GDS catamaran/SM catapult/GMDS cataract/MS catarrh/M catastrophe/MS catastrophic catastrophically catatonia/M catatonic/SM catbird/SM catboat/SM catcall/GSMD catch/ZGJLMRS catchall/MS catcher/M catchment/MS catchpenny catchphrase/SM catchword/MS catchy/RT catechism/SM catechist/SM catechize/DSG categorical/Y categorization/MS categorize/GDS category/SM cater/ZGJDRS catercorner caterer/M caterpillar/MS caterwaul/SMDG catfish/MS catgut/M catharses catharsis/M cathartic/SM cathedral/SM catheter/SM catheterize/DSG cathode/SM cathodic catholic catholicity/M cation/MS catkin/MS catlike catnap/MS catnapped catnapping catnip/M catsuit/S cattail/SM catted cattery/S cattily cattiness/M catting cattle/M cattleman/M cattlemen catty/TPR catwalk/SM caucus/MDSG caudal/Y caught/U cauldron/MS cauliflower/SM caulk/ZGMDRS caulker/M causal/Y causality/SM causation/M causative cause/MZGDRS causeless causer/M causerie/SM causeway/SM caustic/SM caustically causticity/M cauterization/M cauterize/GDS caution/SMDG cautionary cautious/IY cautiousness/M cavalcade/MS cavalier/SMY cavalry/SM cavalryman/M cavalrymen cave/DRSMZG caveat/MS caveman/M cavemen cavern/MS cavernous/Y caviar/M cavil/ZGJMDRS caviler/M caving/M cavity/FSM cavort/DGS caw/SMDG cay/CSM cayenne/M cayuse/MS cc cease/CMGDS ceasefire/MS ceaseless/YP ceaselessness/M ceca cecal cecum/M cedar/MS cede/FAGSD ceder/MS cedilla/SM ceilidh ceilidhs ceiling/MS celandine/M celeb/S celebrant/SM celebrate/DSGNX celebration/M celebrator/SM celebratory celebrity/SM celeriac celerity/M celery/M celesta/MS celestial/Y celibacy/M celibate/MS cell/SMD cellar/MS cellist/SM cellmate/SM cello/MS cellophane/M cellphone/MS cellular/SM cellulite/M celluloid/M cellulose/M cement/MDRZGS cementer/M cementum/M cemetery/SM cenobite/MS cenobitic cenotaph/M cenotaphs censer/MS censor/MDGS censored/U censorial censorious/PY censoriousness/M censorship/M censure/BDRSMZG censurer/M census/MDSG cent/SZMR centaur/SM centavo/SM centenarian/MS centenary/SM centennial/MYS center/MDG centerboard/SM centerfold/MS centerpiece/MS centigrade centigram/SM centiliter/MS centime/SM centimeter/MS centipede/SM central/SMY centralism centralist centrality/M centralization/CM centralize/CGDS centralizer/MS centrifugal/Y centrifuge/DSMG centripetal/Y centrism/M centrist/MS centurion/SM century/SM cephalic ceramic/SM ceramicist/SM ceramics/M ceramist/MS cereal/MS cerebellar cerebellum/SM cerebra cerebral cerebrate/GNDS cerebration/M cerebrum/MS cerement/MS ceremonial/SMY ceremonious/UY ceremoniousness/M ceremony/SM cerise/M cerium/M cermet/M cert/S certain/UY certainty/USM certifiable certifiably certificate/MGNXDS certification/M certify/DSG certitude/IM certitudes cerulean/M cervical cervices cervix/M cesarean/MS cesium/M cessation/MS cession/KAFSM cesspit/S cesspool/MS cetacean/MS cf cg ch/IFVT chad/S chafe/GDS chaff/GMDS chaffinch/MS chagrin/GSMD chain's chain/UGDS chainsaw/MDGS chair/GMDS chairlift/MS chairman/M chairmanship/SM chairmen chairperson/SM chairwoman/M chairwomen chaise/MS chalcedony/M chalet/MS chalice/SM chalk/GMDS chalkboard/SM chalkiness/M chalky/PRT challenge/DRSMZG challenged/U challenger/M challis/M chamber/SMD chamberlain/MS chambermaid/MS chambray/M chameleon/SM chamois/M chamomile/MS champ/ZGMDS champagne/MS champion/GMDS championship/MS chance/MGDS chancel/SM chancellery/SM chancellor/MS chancellorship/M chancery/SM chanciness/M chancre/SM chancy/PRT chandelier/SM chandler/MS change/MZGDRS changeability/M changeable/P changeableness/M changeably changed/U changeless/Y changeling/SM changeover/SM changer/M changing/U channel/GSMD channelization/M channelize/DSG chanson/SM chant/ZGMDRS chanter/M chanteuse/MS chantey/SM chanticleer/MS chaos/M chaotic chaotically chap/SM chaparral/SM chapati/S chapatti/S chapbook/MS chapeau/SM chapel/MS chaperon/MDGS chaperonage/M chaperoned/U chaplain/MS chaplaincy/SM chaplet/SM chapped chapping chappy/S chapter/SM char/SM charabanc/MS character/MS characterful characteristic/SM characteristically/U characterization/MS characterize/DSG characterless charade/SM charbroil/GDS charcoal/MS chard/M chardonnay/SM charge/AESDGM chargeable/A charged/U charger/SM charily chariness/M chariot/SM charioteer/MS charisma/M charismatic/MS charitable/P charitableness/M charitably/U charity/SM charlady/S charlatan/SM charlatanism/M charlatanry/M charlie/S charm/ZGMDRS charmer/M charming/Y charmless charred charring chart/GMDS charted/U charter's charter/ASGD charterer/MS chartreuse/M charwoman/M charwomen chary/TRP chase/MZGDRS chaser/M chasm/MS chassis/M chaste/PYTR chasten/DGS chasteness/M chastise/DRSZGL chastisement/SM chastiser/M chastity/M chasuble/SM chat/SM chateau/SM chateaux chatelaine/SM chatline/S chatted chattel/MS chatter/MDRZGS chatterbox/MS chatterer/M chattily chattiness/M chatting chatty/TPR chauffeur/GMDS chauvinism/M chauvinist/SM chauvinistic chauvinistically cheap/PXTNRY cheapen/DG cheapness/M cheapo cheapskate/MS cheat/ZGMDRS cheater/M check/AGMDS checkbook/SM checked/U checker/MDGS checkerboard/SM checkers/M checklist/MS checkmate/MGDS checkoff/SM checkout/SM checkpoint/SM checkroom/MS checkup/MS cheddar/M cheek/GMDS cheekbone/SM cheekily cheekiness/M cheeky/TPR cheep/GMDS cheer/ZGMDRS cheerer/M cheerful/YP cheerfuller cheerfullest cheerfulness/M cheerily cheeriness/M cheerio/MS cheerleader/SM cheerless/PY cheerlessness/M cheery/TPR cheese/MGDS cheeseboard/S cheeseburger/SM cheesecake/SM cheesecloth/M cheeseparing/M cheesiness/M cheesy/TPR cheetah/M cheetahs chef/SM chem chemical/SMY chemise/MS chemist/MS chemistry/M chemo/M chemotherapeutic chemotherapy/M chemurgy/M chenille/M cherish/DSG cheroot/MS cherry/SM chert/M cherub/MS cherubic cherubim chervil/M chess/M chessboard/MS chessman/M chessmen chest/MDS chesterfield/SM chestful/SM chestnut/SM chesty/TR chevalier/SM cheviot/M chevron/MS chew/SZGMDR chewer/M chewiness/M chewy/PTR chg chge chi/SM chiaroscuro/M chic/PTMR chicane/MS chicanery/SM chichi/MS chick/XMNS chickadee/SM chicken/MDG chickenfeed/M chickenhearted chickenpox/M chickenshit/S! chickpea/SM chickweed/M chicle/M chicness/M chicory/SM chide/GDS chiding/Y chief/TMRYS chiefdom/M chieftain/MS chieftainship/SM chiffon/M chiffonier/MS chigger/MS chignon/MS chihuahua/SM chilblain/SM child/M childbearing/M childbirth/M childbirths childcare/M childhood/SM childish/YP childishness/M childless/P childlessness/M childlike childminder/S childminding childproof/GSD children chili/M chilies chill/JPZTGMDRS chiller/M chilliness/M chilling/Y chillness/M chilly/TPR chime/MZGDRS chimer/M chimera/MS chimeric chimerical chimney/MS chimp/MS chimpanzee/SM chin/SM china/M chinaware/M chinchilla/MS chine/MS chink/GMDS chinless chinned chinning chino/MS chinstrap/MS chintz/M chintzy/RT chinwag/S chip/SM chipboard chipmunk/SM chipolata/S chipped chipper/MS chippie chipping/S chippy/S chirography/M chiropodist/MS chiropody/M chiropractic/SM chiropractor/SM chirp/GMDS chirpily chirpy/PTR chirrup/GMDS chisel/ZGMDRS chiseler/M chit/SM chitchat/SM chitchatted chitchatting chitin/M chitinous chitterlings/M chivalrous/PY chivalrousness/M chivalry/M chive/MS chivy/GDS chlamydia/MS chlamydiae chloral/M chlordane/M chloride/MS chlorinate/GNDS chlorination/M chlorine/M chlorofluorocarbon/SM chloroform/SGMD chlorophyll/M chloroplast/MS chm choc/S chock/GMDS chockablock chocoholic/SM chocolate/MS chocolaty choice/MTRS choir/MS choirboy/MS choirmaster/SM choke/MZGDRS chokecherry/SM choker/M choler/M cholera/M choleric cholesterol/M chomp/ZGMDRS choose/ZGRS chooser/M choosiness/M choosy/TPR chop/SM chophouse/SM chopped chopper/MDGS choppily choppiness/M chopping choppy/TPR chopstick/SM choral/MYS chorale/MS chord/MS chordal chordate/SM chore/MS chorea/M choreograph/DRZG choreographer/M choreographic choreographically choreographs choreography/M chorister/SM choroid/MS chortle/MZGDRS chortler/M chorus/GMDS chose chosen chow/SGMD chowder/MS chrism/M christen/ASGD christening/MS christian/U chromatic chromatically chromatin/M chrome/MGDS chromium/M chromosomal chromosome/MS chronic chronically chronicle/DRSMZG chronicler/M chronograph/M chronographs chronological/Y chronologist/MS chronology/SM chronometer/SM chrysalis/MS chrysanthemum/MS chub/SM chubbiness/M chubby/TPR chuck/GMDS chuckhole/SM chuckle/MGDS chuffed chug/SM chugged chugging chukka/MS chum/SM chummed chummily chumminess/M chumming chummy/PTR chump/MS chunder/GDS chunk/MS chunkiness/M chunky/PTR chunter/DGS church/MS churchgoer/SM churchgoing/M churchman/M churchmen churchwarden/MS churchwoman churchwomen churchyard/SM churl/MS churlish/PY churlishness/M churn/ZGMDRS churner/M chute/MS chutney/MS chutzpah/M chyme/M ciao/S cicada/MS cicatrices cicatrix/M cicerone/SM ciceroni cider's cider/S cigar/MS cigarette/MS cigarillo/MS cilantro/M cilia cilium/M cinch/GMDS cinchona/SM cincture/SM cinder/GMDS cine cinema/MS cinematic cinematographer/MS cinematographic cinematography/M cinnabar/M cinnamon/M cipher's cipher/CGDS cir circa circadian circle/MGDS circlet/MS circuit/MDGS circuital circuitous/YP circuitousness/M circuitry/M circuity/M circular/SMY circularity/M circularize/DSG circulate/ADSG circulation/SM circulatory circumcise/XDSGN circumcised/U circumcision/M circumference/MS circumferential circumflex/MS circumlocution/MS circumlocutory circumnavigate/XGNDS circumnavigation/M circumpolar circumscribe/GDS circumscription/MS circumspect/Y circumspection/M circumstance/MGDS circumstantial/Y circumvent/DSG circumvention/M circus/MS cirque/MS cirrhosis/M cirrhotic/SM cirrus/iM cistern/MS cit citadel/MS citation/AMS cite's cite/IAGSD citified citizen/MS citizenry/M citizenship/M citric citron/MS citronella/M citrus/MS city/SM citywide civet/MS civic/S civics/M civil/UY civilian/MS civility/ISM civilization/MS civilize/GDS civilized/U civvies/M ck cl clack/GMDS clad/U cladding/M claim's claim/CKEAGDS claimable/A claimant/MS claimed/U claimer/ECSM clairvoyance/M clairvoyant/MS clam/SM clambake/MS clamber/ZGMDRS clamberer/M clammed clammily clamminess/M clamming clammy/PTR clamor/GMDS clamorous clamp/GMDS clampdown/MS clan/SM clandestine/Y clang/ZGMDRS clangor/M clangorous/Y clank/GMDS clannish/P clannishness/M clansman/M clansmen clanswoman clanswomen clap/SM clapboard/MDGS clapped clapper/MS clapperboard/S clapping/M claptrap/M claque/MS claret/MS clarification/M clarify/XDSNG clarinet/SM clarinetist/SM clarion/MDGS clarity/M clash/GMDS clasp's clasp/UGDS class/GMDS classic/MS classical/MY classicism/M classicist/MS classifiable classification/CAM classifications classified's classified/U classifieds classifier/MS classify/ACSDGN classiness/M classless/P classmate/MS classroom/MS classwork/M classy/TRP clatter/GMDS clausal clause/MS claustrophobia/M claustrophobic clavichord/SM clavicle/MS clavier/MS claw/SGMD clay/M clayey clayier clayiest clean/BJPZTGDRYS cleaner/M cleaning/M cleanliness/UM cleanly/UTPR cleanness/UM cleanse/ZGDRS cleanser/M cleanup/MS clear/JPTGMDRYS clearance/SM clearheaded clearing/M clearinghouse/SM clearness/M clearway/S cleat/MS cleavage/MS cleave/ZGDRS cleaver/M clef/SM cleft/MS clematis/MS clemency/IM clement/Y clementine/S clench/GMDS clerestory/SM clergy/SM clergyman/M clergymen clergywoman/M clergywomen cleric/MS clerical/Y clericalism/M clerk/GMDS clerkship/M clever/PTRY cleverness/M clevis/MS clew/SGMD cliche/MDS click/BZGMDRS clicker/M client/MS clientele/MS cliff/MS cliffhanger/SM cliffhanging clifftop/S clii climacteric/M climactic climate/SM climatic climatically climatologist/SM climatology/M climax/MDSG climb/SMDRZGB climber/M climbing/M clime/SM clinch/MDRSZG clincher/M cling/SMRZG clinger/M clingfilm clingy/RT clinic/SM clinical/Y clinician/SM clink/SMDRZG clinker/M cliometric/S cliometrician/MS cliometrics/M clip/SM clipboard/MS clipped clipper/SM clipping/SM clique/SM cliquey cliquier cliquiest cliquish/YP cliquishness/M clitoral clitorides clitoris/MS clix cloaca/M cloacae cloak's cloak/USDG cloakroom/MS clobber/SMDG cloche/SM clock/SMDG clockwise clockwork/SM clod/MS cloddish clodhopper/MS clog's clog/US clogged/U clogging/U cloisonne/M cloister/SMDG cloistral clomp/SDG clonal clone/DSMG clonk/SMDG clop/MS clopped clopping close/DRSMYTGJP closefisted closemouthed closeness/M closeout/MS closet/SMDG closeup/SM closing/M closure/ESM clot/MS cloth/M clothe/UDSG clotheshorse/MS clothesline/SM clothespin/SM clothier/MS clothing/M cloths clotted clotting cloture/SM cloud/SMDG cloudburst/SM clouded/U cloudiness/M cloudless cloudy/RPT clout/SMDG clove/RSMZ cloven clover/M cloverleaf/SM cloverleaves clown/SMDG clownish/YP clownishness/M cloy/DGS cloying/Y club/MS clubbable clubbed clubber/S clubbing clubfeet clubfoot/MD clubhouse/SM clubland cluck/SMDG clue/MGDS clueless clump/SMDG clumpy/TR clumsily clumsiness/M clumsy/TRP clung clunk/SMDRZG clunker/M clunky/TR cluster/MDSG clutch/GMDS clutter/MDSG cluttered/U clvi clvii clxi clxii clxiv clxix clxvi clxvii cm cnidarian/MS co/ESD coach/MDSG coachload/S coachman/M coachmen coachwork coadjutor/MS coagulant/MS coagulate/GNDS coagulation/M coagulator/MS coal/MDGS coalesce/GDS coalescence/M coalescent coalface/MS coalfield/S coalition/MS coalitionist/MS coalmine/S coarse/RYTP coarsen/SDG coarseness/M coast/SMDRZG coastal coaster/M coastguard/S coastline/MS coat/MDGJS coating/M coatroom/S coattail/SM coauthor/MDGS coax/DRSZG coaxer/M coaxial coaxing/Y cob/SM cobalt/M cobber/S cobble/DRSMZG cobbler/M cobblestone/SM cobnut/S cobra/SM cobweb/SM cobwebbed cobwebby/RT coca/M cocaine/M cocci/S coccus/Mi coccyges coccyx/M cochineal/M cochlea/SM cochleae cochlear cock/MDGS cockade/SM cockamamie cockatoo/SM cockatrice/SM cockchafer/S cockcrow/SM cockerel/SM cockeyed cockfight/MGS cockfighting/M cockily cockiness/M cockle/SM cockleshell/SM cockney/SM cockpit/SM cockroach/MS cockscomb/SM cocksucker/MS! cocksure cocktail/MS cocky/RTP coco/MS cocoa/SM coconut/SM cocoon/SMDG cod/SM coda/MS codded codding coddle/DSG code's code/CZGDRS codeine/M codependency/M codependent/SM coder/CM codex/M codfish/MS codger/SM codices codicil/SM codification/M codifier/M codify/XDRSNZG codpiece/MS codswallop coed/MS coeducation/M coeducational coefficient/MS coelenterate/MS coequal/MYS coerce/DRSZGNV coercer/M coercion/M coeval/SMY coexist/DSG coexistence/M coexistent coextensive coffee/SM coffeecake/SM coffeehouse/MS coffeemaker/SM coffeepot/MS coffer/SM cofferdam/MS coffin/SMDG cog/SM cogency/M cogent/Y cogitate/DSXGNV cogitation/M cogitator/MS cognac/SM cognate/MS cognition/AM cognitional cognitive/Y cognizable cognizance/AM cognizant cognomen/SM cognoscente/M cognoscenti cogwheel/SM cohabit/SGD cohabitant/MS cohabitation/M coheir/SM cohere/DSG coherence/IM coherency/M coherent/IY cohesion/M cohesive/YP cohesiveness/M coho/MS cohort/SM coif/MS coiffed coiffing coiffure/DSMG coil's/A coil/UADGS coin/MDRZGS coinage/SM coincide/DSG coincidence/MS coincident coincidental/Y coiner/M coinsurance/M coir coital coitus/M coke/MGDS col/S cola/MS colander/SM cold/MRYTPS coldblooded coldness/M coleslaw/M coleus/MS coley/S colic/M colicky coliseum/MS colitis/M coll collaborate/DSXGNV collaboration/M collaborationist collaborative/Y collaborator/MS collage/SM collagen collapse/MGDS collapsible collar/SMDG collarbone/SM collard/SM collarless collate/DSXGN collateral/MY collateralize collation/M collator/MS colleague/MS collect's collect/ASGVD collected/U collectedly collectible/SM collection/AMS collective/MYS collectivism/M collectivist/SM collectivization/M collectivize/DSG collector/MS colleen/SM college/SM collegiality/M collegian/MS collegiate collide/DSG collie/RSMZ collier/M colliery/SM collision/SM collocate/MGNDSX collocation/M colloid/SM colloidal colloq colloquial/Y colloquialism/SM colloquies colloquium/MS colloquy/M collude/DSG collusion/M collusive cologne/SM colon/SM colonel/SM colonelcy/M colones colonial/SMY colonialism/M colonialist/MS colonist/SM colonization/ACM colonize/CAGSD colonizer/MS colonnade/MDS colony/SM colophon/SM color's color/AEGDS colorant/SM coloration/EM coloratura/MS colorblind/P colorblindness/M colored's colored/U coloreds colorfast/P colorfastness/M colorful/PY colorfulness/M coloring's colorist/S colorization/M colorize/DSG colorless/PY colorlessness/M colorway/S colossal/Y colossus/Mi colostomy/SM colostrum/M colt/MS coltish columbine/SM column/SMD columnar columnist/SM com/JL coma/MS comaker/SM comatose comb/MDRZGJS combat/SMDGV combatant/SM combativeness/M combed/U comber/M combination/SM combine's combine/ADSG combined/U combiner/MS combings/M combo/SM combustibility/M combustible/MS combustion/M combustive come/IMZGRS comeback/MS comedian/MS comedic comedienne/MS comedown/MS comedy/SM comeliness/M comely/RPT comer's comestible/SM comet/SM comeuppance/SM comfit's comfit/ES comfort/ESMDG comfortable/P comfortableness/M comfortably/U comforter/MS comforting/Y comfortless comfy/RT comic/SM comical/Y comicality/M coming/M comity/M comm comma/SM command/SMDRLZG commandant/MS commandeer/GDS commander/M commandment/MS commando/SM commemorate/XGNVDS commemoration/M commemorator/MS commence/ADSLG commencement/AM commencements commend/ASDBG commendably commendation/AMS commendatory commensurable commensurate/IY comment/GSMD commentary/SM commentate/DSG commentator/SM commerce/M commercial/SMY commercialism/M commercialization/M commercialize/GDS commie/SM commingle/DSG commiserate/GNVDSX commiseration/M commissar/SM commissariat/SM commissary/SM commission's commission/ACSGD commissionaire/S commissioner/SM commit/AS commitment/MS committal/SM committed/AU committee/SM committeeman/M committeemen committeewoman/M committeewomen committing/A commode's commode/EIS commodious/Y commodity/SM commodore/SM common's common/UPRYT commonality/S commonalty/M commoner/MS commonness/UM commonplace/MS commons commonsense commonweal/MH commonwealth/M commonwealths commotion/SM communal/Y commune/XDSMGN communicability/M communicable/I communicably communicant/MS communicate/GNVDSX communication/M communicative/U communicator/SM communion/M communique/SM communism/M communist/SM communistic community/SM commutation/MS commutative commutator/SM commute/BDRSMZG commuter/M comp/MDYGS compact/TGSMDRYP compaction compactness/M compactor/SM companion/SBM companionably companionship/M companionway/MS company/SM comparability/M comparable/I comparably/I comparative/MYS compare/BDSMG comparison/MS compartment/SM compartmental compartmentalization/M compartmentalize/DSG compass/GMDS compassion/M compassionate/Y compatibility/IM compatible/IMS compatibly/I compatriot/MS compeer/SM compel/S compelled compelling/Y compendious compendium/SM compensate/DSXGN compensated/U compensation/M compensatory compere/DSG compete/DSG competence/IM competences competencies competency/IM competent/IY competition/SM competitive/PY competitiveness/M competitor/SM compilation/SM compile/DRSZG compiler/M complacence/M complacency/M complacent/Y complain/DRZGS complainant/MS complainer/M complaint/SM complaisance/M complaisant/Y complected complement/SGMD complementary complete/PYTGNXDRS completed/U completeness/IM completion/M complex/MSY complexion/MDS complexional complexity/SM compliance/M compliant/Y complicate/GDS complicated/Y complication/M complicit complicity/M compliment/MDGS complimentary/U comply/NDSXG compo/S component/SM comport/LSGD comportment/M compose/AECGSD composedly composer/MS composite/MYNXS composition/CM compositor/SM compost/SGMD composure/EM compote/SM compound/GMDBS compounded/U comprehend/SDG comprehensibility/IM comprehensible/I comprehensibly/I comprehension/IM comprehensions comprehensive/PMYS comprehensiveness/M compress's compress/CGDS compressed/U compressible compression/CM compressor/SM comprise/GDS compromise/MGDS comptroller/MS compulsion/MS compulsive/YP compulsiveness/M compulsorily compulsory/SM compunction/SM computation/SM computational/Y compute/ADSG computer/MS computerate computerization/M computerize/GDS computing/M comrade/SMY comradeship/M con/GSM concatenate/XDSGN concatenation/M concave/YP concaveness/M conceal/SDRZGBL concealed/U concealer/M concealment/M conceit/SMD conceited/PY conceitedness/M conceivable/I conceivably/I conceive/DSGB concentrate/DSMGNX concentration/M concentric concentrically concept/SM conception/SM conceptional conceptual/Y conceptualization/MS conceptualize/DSG concern/UMD concerned/UY concerning concerns concert's concert/ESDG concerted/Y concertgoer/S concertina/SGMD concertize/DSG concertmaster/MS concerto/SM concessionaire/MS concessional concessionary conch/M conchie/S conchs concierge/MS conciliate/DSGN conciliation/AM conciliator/SM conciliatory concise/RPYTN conciseness/M concision/M conclave/SM conclude/DSG conclusion/MS conclusive/IYP conclusiveness/IM concoct/SDG concoction/MS concomitant/MYS concord/M concordance/SM concordant concordat/SM concourse/SM concrete/DSPMYGNX concreteness/M concretion/M concubinage/M concubine/MS concupiscence/M concupiscent concur/S concurred concurrence/SM concurrency concurring concuss/V concussion/SM condemn/SDRZG condemnation/MS condemnatory condemner/M condensate/MNXS condensation/M condense/DRSZG condenser/M condescending/Y condescension/M condign condiment/MS condition's condition/AGSD conditional/SMY conditioned/U conditioner/SM conditioning/M condo/SM condolence/SM condom/SM condominium/MS condone/DSG condor/SM conduce/DSGV conduct/MDGV conductance/M conductibility/M conductible conduction/M conductivity/M conductor/MS conductress/MS conduit/SM cone/M coneys confab/SM confabbed confabbing confabulate/XDSGN confabulation/M confection/SZMR confectioner/M confectionery/SM confederacy/SM confederate/M confer/S conferee/SM conference/MGS conferrable conferral/M conferred conferrer/MS conferring confessed/Y confession/SM confessional/SM confessor/MS confetti/M confidant/MS confidante/SM confide/DRSZG confidence/SM confident/Y confidential/Y confidentiality/M confider/M confiding/Y configuration/S configure/B confined/U confinement/MS confirm/ASDG confirmation/ASM confirmatory confirmed/U confiscate/DSGNX confiscation/M confiscator/SM confiscatory conflagration/MS conflate/XDSGN conflation/M conflict/SGMD confluence/MS confluent conform/ZB conformable/U conformance/M conformism/M conformist/SM conformity/M confrere/MS confrontation/SM confrontational confuse/RZ confused/Y confusing/Y confutation/M confute/DSG conga/SMDG congeal/SLDG congealment/M conger/SM congeries/M congest/SDGV congestion/M conglomerate/DSXMGN conglomeration/M congrats/M congratulate/XGNDS congratulation/M congratulatory congregant/MS congregate/GNDSX congregation/M congregational congregationalism/M congregationalist/MS congress/MS congressional congressman/M congressmen congresspeople congressperson/MS congresswoman/M congresswomen congruence/M congruent/Y congruity/ISM congruous conic/SM conical/Y conifer/SM coniferous conjectural conjecture/MGDS conjoint conjugal/Y conjugate/DSXGN conjugation/M conjunct/VMS conjunctiva/SM conjunctive/SM conjunctivitis/M conjuration/MS conjure/DRSZG conjurer/M conk/MDRZ conman connect/AEDVGS connectable connected/U connection/EMS connective/MS connectivity/M connector/MS conned conning conniption/MS connivance/M connive/DRSZG conniver/M connoisseur/SM connotative connubial conquer/ASDG conquerable/U conquered/U conqueror/MS conquest/AM conquistador/SM cons/DSG consanguineous consanguinity/M conscienceless conscientious/PY conscientiousness/M conscious/UYP consciousness/UM consciousnesses conscription/M consecrate/ADSGN consecrated/U consecration/AM consecrations consecutive/Y consensual consensus/MS consent/SMDG consequence/SM consequent/Y consequential/IY conservancy/SM conservation/M conservationism/M conservationist/SM conservatism/M conservative/MYS conservatoire/S conservator/SM conservatory/SM consider/AGSD considerable/I considerably considerate/IPYN considerateness/IM consideration/AIM considerations considered/U consign/ASDG consignee/MS consignment/MS consist/SDG consistence/MS consistency/ISM consistent/IY consistory/SM consolable/I consolation/MS consolatory consolidate/XDSGN consolidated/U consolidation/M consolidator/MS consoling/Y consomme/M consonance/SM consonant/SMY consortia consortium/M conspectus/MS conspicuous/IPY conspicuousness/IM conspiracy/SM conspirator/MS conspiratorial/Y conspire/GD constable/SM constabulary/SM constancy/IM constant/MYS constellation/SM consternation/M constipate/GNDS constipation/M constituency/SM constituent/SM constitute/ADSGNV constitution/AM constitutional/MYS constitutionalism constitutionality/UM constitutions constrained/U constraint/SM constrict/GVSD constriction/SM constrictor/SM construable construct's construct/CADVGS construction/CAMS constructional constructionist's constructionist/CS constructive/YP constructiveness/M constructor/MS construe/GDS consul/KSM consular/K consulate/SM consulship/M consult/GSD consultancy/SM consultant/MS consultation/MS consultative consumable/SM consume/BDRSZG consumed/U consumer/M consumerism/M consumerist/MS consummate/YGNXDS consummated/U consumption/M consumptive/SM cont contact/ASDG contactable contagion/MS contagious/PY contagiousness/M contain/SBLDRZG container/M containerization/M containerize/DSG containment/M contaminant/SM contaminate/ACDSG contaminated/U contamination/CM contaminator/SM contd contemn/SDG contemplate/DSGNV contemplation/M contemplative/SMY contemporaneity/M contemporaneous/Y contempt/M contemptible contemptibly contemptuous/YP contemptuousness/M contender/MS content/ESLMDG contented/EY contentedness/M contention/SM contentious/YP contentiousness/M contently contentment/EM conterminous/Y contestable/I contestant/MS contested/U contextualization contextualize/DSG contiguity/M contiguous/Y continence/IM continent/SM continental/SM contingency/SM contingent/SMY continua continual/Y continuance/EMS continuation/EMS continue/EGDS continuity/ESM continuous/EY continuum/M contort/GD contortion/MS contortionist/SM contraband/M contraception/M contraceptive/SM contract/MDG contractible contractile contraction/S contractual/Y contradict/SDG contradiction/SM contradictory contradistinction/MS contraflow/S contrail/MS contraindicate/GNXDS contraindication/M contralto/SM contraption/SM contrapuntal/Y contrariety/M contrarily contrariness/M contrariwise contrary/PSM contrast/MDGS contravene/GDS contravention/SM contretemps/M contribute/XGND contribution/M contributor/MS contributory contrition/M contrivance/MS contrive/ZGDRS contriver/M control's control/CS controllable/U controlled/UC controller/MS controlling/C controversial/Y controversy/SM controvert/DSG controvertible/I contumacious/Y contumacy/M contumelious contumely/SM contuse/XDSGN contusion/M conundrum/SM conurbation/MS convalesce/DSG convalescence/MS convalescent/SM convection/M convectional convective convector/S convene/ADSG convener/MS convenience/IMS convenient/IY convent/SM conventicle/MS convention/SM conventional/UY conventionality/UM conventionalize/GDS conventioneer/S convergence/MS convergent conversant conversation/MS conversational/Y conversationalist/SM converse/Y convert's convert/AGSD converted/U converter/SM convertibility/M convertible/SM convex/Y convexity/M convey/SBDG conveyance/MGS conveyor/MS convict/GSMD conviction/MS convince/GDS convinced/U convincing/UY convivial/Y conviviality/M convoke/DSG convoluted convolution/MS convoy/SMDG convulse/GNVXDS convulsion/M convulsive/Y cony/M coo/GSMD cook's cook/ADGS cookbook/MS cooked/U cooker/SM cookery/SM cookhouse/S cookie/SM cooking/M cookout/SM cookware/SM cool/MDRYZTGPS coolant/SM cooler/M coolie/SM coolness/M coon/MS! coonskin/MS coop/MDRZGS cooper/MDG cooperage/M cooperate/DSGNV cooperation/M cooperative/PMYS cooperativeness/M cooperator/SM coordinate/DSMYGN coordinated/U coordination/M coordinator/MS coot/MS cootie/SM cop/GJSMD copacetic copay/M cope/MS copier/SM copilot/SM coping/M copious/PY copiousness/M copped copper/SM copperhead/SM copperplate/M coppery copping copra/M copse/SM copter/SM copula/SM copulate/GNVDS copulation/M copulative/SM copy's copy/ADSG copybook/SM copycat/MS copycatted copycatting copyist/MS copyleft/S copyright/GSMD copywriter/MS coquetry/SM coquette/DSMG coquettish/Y cor coracle/SM coral/SM corbel/SM cord/EASGDM cordage/M cordial/SMY cordiality/M cordillera/MS cordite/M cordless cordon/SMDG cordovan/M corduroy/MS corduroys/M core/MZGDRS coreligionist/S corer/M corespondent/MS corgi/SM coriander/M cork's cork/UDGS corkage corker/SM corkscrew/SMDG corm/MS cormorant/SM corn/MDRZGS cornball/MS cornbread/M corncob/MS corncrake/S cornea/SM corneal corner/GMD cornerstone/SM cornet/SM cornfield/S cornflakes/M cornflour cornflower/SM cornice/MS cornily corniness/M cornmeal/M cornrow/MDGS cornstalk/SM cornstarch/M cornucopia/MS corny/PRT corolla/MS corollary/SM corona/SM coronal/MS coronary/SM coronation/SM coroner/MS coronet/MS corp corpora corporal/SM corporate/XYN corporation/IM corporatism corporeal/Y corporeality/M corps/MS corpse/M corpsman/M corpsmen corpulence/M corpulent corpus/M corpuscle/MS corpuscular corr corral/SM corralled corralling correct/DRYTGVSBP corrected/U correction/SM correctional corrective/SM correctness/IM corrector correlate/XDSMGNV correlated/U correlation/M correlative/MS correspond/SDG correspondence/SM correspondent/SM corresponding/Y corridor/SM corrie/S corroborate/GNVDSX corroborated/U corroboration/M corroborator/SM corroboratory corrode/GDS corrosion/M corrosive/SMY corrugate/GNXDS corrugation/M corrupt/DRYPSTG corruptibility/IM corruptible/I corruption/MS corruptness/M corsage/MS corsair/MS corset/SGMD cortege/MS cortex/M cortical cortices cortisone/M corundum/M coruscate/GNDS coruscation/M corvette/SM cos/M cosh/DSG cosign/ZGSDR cosignatory/SM cosigner/M cosine/SM cosmetic/SM cosmetically cosmetician/MS cosmetologist/MS cosmetology/M cosmic cosmically cosmogonist/SM cosmogony/SM cosmological cosmologist/SM cosmology/SM cosmonaut/SM cosmopolitan/MS cosmopolitanism/M cosmos/MS cosponsor/GSMD cosset/SGD cossetted cossetting cost/MDYGSJ costar/SM costarred costarring costliness/M costly/PTR costume/MZGDRS costumer/M costumier/S cot/SM cotangent/MS cote/MS coterie/MS coterminous cotillion/SM cottage/MZGRS cottager/M cottar/SM cotter/SM cotton/SGMD cottonmouth/M cottonmouths cottonseed/MS cottontail/MS cottonwood/SM cottony cotyledon/MS couch/MDSG couchette/S cougar/SM cough/MDG coughs could couldn't coulee/SM coulis coulomb/MS council/MS councilman/M councilmen councilor/MS councilperson/SM councilwoman/M councilwomen counsel/JMDGS counselor/MS count/EASMDG countable/U countably countdown/MS counted/U countenance's countenance/EGDS counter/EMS counteract/SGVD counteraction/MS counterargument/S counterattack/GMDS counterbalance/MGDS counterblast/S counterclaim/GSMD counterclockwise counterculture/SM countered counterespionage/M counterexample/S counterfeit/ZGMDRS counterfeiter/M counterfoil/MS countering counterinsurgency/SM counterintelligence/M counterman/M countermand/GMDS countermeasure/SM countermen counteroffensive/SM counteroffer/SM counterpane/SM counterpart/SM counterpoint/MDGS counterpoise/MGDS counterproductive counterrevolution/SM counterrevolutionary/SM countersign/GSMD countersignature/MS countersink/GSM counterspy/SM countersunk countertenor/MS countervail/GSD counterweight/MS countess/MS countless countrified country/SM countryman/M countrymen countryside/MS countrywide countrywoman/M countrywomen county/SM countywide coup's coup/AS coupe/SM couple's couple/UCGSD couplet/MS coupling/SM coupon/SM courage/M courageous/YP courageousness/M courgette/S courier/MDSG course/EDGMS coursebook/S courser/MS coursework court/SMDYG courteous/EY courteousness/M courtesan/SM courtesy/ESM courthouse/MS courtier/SM courtliness/M courtly/PRT courtroom/MS courtship/MS courtyard/MS couscous/M cousin/SM couture/M couturier/MS cove/MS coven/SM covenant/MDSG cover's cover/AEUGDS coverage/M coverall/MS covering's coverings coverlet/MS covert/SPMY covertness/M covet/SDG covetous/YP covetousness/M covey/SM cow/ZGSMDR coward/SMY cowardice/M cowardliness/M cowbell/MS cowbird/MS cowboy/SM cowcatcher/MS cower/DG cowgirl/MS cowhand/MS cowherd/MS cowhide/MS cowl/MGSJ cowlick/MS cowling/M cowman/M cowmen coworker/MS cowpat/S cowpoke/MS cowpox/M cowpuncher/SM cowrie/SM cowshed/S cowslip/SM cox/GDS coxcomb/MS coxswain/MS coy/TPRY coyness/M coyote/SM coypu/SM cozen/SDG cozenage/M cozily coziness/M cozy/RSMTP cpd cpl cps crab/MS crabbed crabber/SM crabbily crabbiness/M crabbing crabby/PRT crabgrass/M crablike crabwise crack/SMDRYZGJ crackdown/MS cracker/M crackerjack/MS crackhead/MS crackle/DSJMG crackling/M crackly/TR crackpot/MS crackup/SM cradle/DSMG craft/SMDG craftily craftiness/M craftsman/M craftsmanship/M craftsmen craftspeople craftswoman/M craftswomen crafty/RTP crag/MS cragginess/M craggy/RPT cram/S crammed crammer/S cramming cramp/SMDG cramping/M crampon/SM cranberry/SM crane/DSMG cranial cranium/SM crank/SMDG crankcase/SM crankily crankiness/M crankshaft/MS cranky/PRT cranny/DSM crap/MS crape/SM crapped crapper/S crappie/RSMT crapping crappy craps/M crapshooter/MS crash/MDSG crass/RYTP crassness/M crate/DRSMZG crater/MDG cravat/SM crave/DSGJ craven/SMYP cravenness/M craving/M craw/MS crawdad/SM crawl/SMDRZG crawler/M crawlspace/SM crawly/TRSM cray/S crayfish/MS crayola/S crayon/GSMD craze/DSMG crazily craziness/M crazy/PRSMT creak/SMDG creakily creakiness/M creaky/RPT cream/SMDRZG creamer/M creamery/SM creamily creaminess/M creamy/RPT crease/ICGMSD create/KADSGNV creation's/K creation/ASM creationism/SM creationist/SM creative/SMYP creativeness/M creativity/M creator/MS creature/SM creche/SM cred credence/M credential/SGMD credenza/SM credibility/IM credible/I credibly/I credit/EGSBMD creditably/E creditor/SM creditworthy/P credo/SM credulity/IM credulous/IY credulousness/M creed/SM creek/SM creel/SM creep/SMRZG creeper/M creepily creepiness/M creepy/TPR cremains/M cremate/GNDSX cremation/M crematoria crematorium/MS crematory/SM creme/SM crenelate/XGNDS crenelation/M creole/SM creosote/MGDS crepe/SM crept crepuscular crescendo/CSM crescent/MS cress/M crest/SMDG crestfallen crestless cretaceous cretin/SM cretinism/M cretinous cretonne/M crevasse/SM crevice/MS crew/MDGS crewel/M crewelwork/M crewman/M crewmen crib/MS cribbage/M cribbed cribber/MS cribbing crick/SMDG cricket/MRSZG cricketer/M crier/M crikey crime/SM criminal/MYS criminality/M criminalize/CGDS criminologist/MS criminology/M crimp/SMDG crimson/SMDG cringe/DSMG crinkle/DSMG crinkly/RT crinoline/SM cripes cripple/DRSMZG crippler/M crippleware/S crippling/Y crises crisis/M crisp/SMDRYTGP crispbread/S crispiness/M crispness/M crispy/PRT crisscross/GMDS criteria criterion/M critic/SM critical/UY criticism/MS criticize/ZGDRS criticizer/M critique/MGDS critter/SM croak/SMDG croaky/RT crochet/SMDRZG crocheter/M crocheting/M crock/SMD crockery/M crocodile/SM crocus/MS croft/SRZG croissant/MS crone/SM crony/SM cronyism/M crook/SMDG crooked/PTRY crookedness/M crookneck/SM croon/SMDRZG crooner/M crop/MS cropland/SM cropped cropper/MS cropping croquet/M croquette/SM crosier/MS cross's cross/AUGTSD crossbar/SM crossbeam/MS crossbones/M crossbow/SM crossbowman/M crossbowmen crossbred crossbreed/SGM crosscheck/SMDG crosscurrent/MS crosscut/SM crosscutting crosser crossfire/MS crosshatch/GDS crossing/SM crossly crossness/M crossover/MS crosspatch/MS crosspiece/SM crossroad/MS crossroads/M crosstown crosswalk/MS crosswind/MS crosswise crossword/MS crotch/MS crotchet/SM crotchety crouch/GMDS croup/M croupier/M croupy/ZTR crouton/MS crow/MDGS crowbar/MS crowd/SMDG crowded/U crowfeet crowfoot/SM crown/SMDG crowned/U crucial/Y crucible/SM crucifix/MS crucifixion/SM cruciform/SM crucify/DSG crud/M cruddy/TR crude/RMYTP crudeness/M crudites/M crudity/SM cruel/RYPT cruelness/M cruelty/SM cruet/SM cruft/SDG crufty/S cruise/DRSMZG cruiser/M cruller/MS crumb/SMDYG crumble/MGDS crumbliness/M crumbly/TPR crumby/TR crumminess/M crummy/PTR crumpet/MS crumple/MGDS crunch/GMDRS crunchiness/M crunchy/TRP crupper/MS crusade/MZGDRS crusader/M cruse/SM crush/MDRSZG crusher/M crushing/Y crust/SMDG crustacean/SM crustal crustily crustiness/M crusty/TRP crutch/MS crux/MS cry/ZGJDRSM crybaby/SM cryogenic/S cryogenics/M cryonics cryosurgery/M crypt/SM cryptic cryptically cryptogram/SM cryptographer/SM cryptography/M crystal/SM crystalline crystallization/M crystallize/ADSG crystallographic crystallography ct ctn ctr cu cub/ZGSJMDR cubbyhole/MS cube/MS cuber/M cubic cubical cubicle/MS cubing/GD cubism/M cubist/SM cubit/SM cuboid/S cuckold/MDSG cuckoldry/M cuckoo/SM cucumber/SM cud/SM cuddle/DSMG cuddly/TR cudgel/SGMDJ cue/DSMG cuff/MDGS cuisine/SM culinary cull/MDGS culminate/XDSGN culmination/M culotte/SM culpability/M culpable/I culpably culprit/SM cult/MS cultism/M cultist/MS cultivable cultivate/BDSGN cultivated/U cultivation/M cultivator/MS cultural/Y culture/MGDS cultured/U culvert/MS cum/SM cumber/SDG cumbersome/P cumbersomeness/M cumbrous cumin/M cummerbund/MS cumming cumulative/Y cumulonimbus/iM cumulus/iM cuneiform/M cunnilingus/M cunning/MRYT cunt/MS! cup/SM cupboard/SM cupcake/MS cupful/SM cupid/SM cupidity/M cupola/SMD cuppa/S cupped cupping cupric cur/SMY curability/M curacao curacy/SM curare/M curate/DSMGV curative/MS curator/KMS curatorial curb/MDGS curbing/M curbside curbstone/SM curd/MS curdle/DSG cure's cure/KZGBDRS cured/U curer/KM curettage/M curfew/SM curia/M curiae curie/SM curio/SM curiosity/SM curious/YP curiousness/M curium/M curl's curl/UDGS curler/SM curlew/SM curlicue/DSMG curliness/M curling/M curly/RPT curmudgeon/MYS currant/MS currency/SM current's current/FAY currents curricula curricular curriculum/M curry/DSMG currycomb/SGMD curse/DSMGV cursed/Y cursive's cursive/EAY cursor/SM cursorily cursoriness/M cursory/P curt/RYTP curtail/GDSL curtailment/SM curtain/GMDS curtness/M curtsy/GDSM curvaceous/P curvaceousness/M curvature/SM curve/DSMG curvy/RT cushion/MDSG cushy/RT cusp/MS cuspid/SM cuspidor/SM cuss's cuss/FEGSD cussed/PY custard/MS custodial custodian/MS custodianship/M custody/M custom/SZMR customarily customary/U customer/M customhouse/SM customization/M customize/DSG cut/TSMR cutaneous cutaway/MS cutback/MS cute/YP cuteness/M cutesy/TR cutey/S cuticle/MS cutie/SM cutlass/MS cutler/SM cutlery/M cutlet/SM cutoff/SM cutout/SM cutter/SM cutthroat/SM cutting/MYS cuttlefish/MS cutup/SM cutworm/MS cw cwt cyan/M cyanide/M cybercafe/S cybernetic/S cybernetics/M cyberpunk/SM cyberspace/MS cyborg/SM cyclamen/MS cycle/ADSMG cyclic cyclical/Y cyclist/MS cyclometer/MS cyclone/MS cyclonic cyclopedia/MS cyclopes cyclops/M cyclotron/MS cygnet/MS cylinder/MS cylindrical cymbal/MS cymbalist/MS cynic/SM cynical/Y cynicism/M cynosure/MS cypress/MS cyst/MS cystic cystitis cytologist/SM cytology/M cytoplasm/M cytoplasmic cytosine/M czar/MS czarina/SM czarism czarist/SM d'Arezzo d'Estaing d/NXGJ dB dab/SM dabbed dabber/MS dabbing dabble/ZGDRS dabbler/M dace/SM dacha/MS dachshund/MS dactyl/MS dactylic/MS dad/SM dadaism/M dadaist/MS daddy/SM dado/M dadoes daemon/MS daemonic daffiness/M daffodil/SM daffy/PTR daft/PTRY daftness/M dag/S dagger/MS dago/S dagoes daguerreotype/DSMG dahlia/MS dailiness/M daily/PSM daintily daintiness/M dainty/RSMTP daiquiri/MS dairy/GSM dairying/M dairymaid/MS dairyman/M dairymen dairywoman/M dairywomen dais/MS daisy/SM dale/SM dalliance/MS dallier/M dally/ZGDRS dalmatian/MS dam/SM damage/MGDS damageable damaged/U damages/M damask/MDGS dame/SM dammed damming dammit damn/SBGMD damnably damnation/M damned/T damp/SPXZTGMDNRY dampen/ZGDR dampener/M damper/M dampness/M damsel/MS damselfly/SM damson/MS dance/MZGDRS dancer/M dancing/M dandelion/SM dander/M dandify/GDS dandle/GDS dandruff/M dandy/TRSM dang/SZGDR danger/M dangerous/Y dangle/ZGDRS dangler/M danish/MS dank/PTRY dankness/M danseuse/MS dapper/TR dapple/MGDS dare/DRSMZG daredevil/MS daredevilry/M darer/M daresay daring/MY dark/PXTMNRY darken/ZGDR darkener/M darkie/S darkness/M darkroom/MS darling/MS darn/SZGMDR darned/TR darner/M dart/SZGMDR dartboard/MS darter/M dash/ZGMDRS dashboard/SM dasher/M dashiki/MS dashing/Y dastard/MYS dastardliness/M data database/SM date/DRSMZGV datebook/S dated/U dateless dateline/MGDS dater/M dative/MS datum/M daub/SZGMDR dauber/M daughter/SMY daunt/GDS daunting/Y dauntless/YP dauntlessness/M dauphin/MS davenport/MS davit/MS dawdle/ZGDRS dawdler/M dawn/SGMD day/SM daybed/MS daybreak/M daycare/M daydream/MDRZGS daydreamer/M daylight/MS daylights/M daylong daytime/M daze/DSMG dazed/Y dazzle/MZGDRS dazzler/M dazzling/Y db dbl dc dd/SDG dded/K dding/K deacon/MS deaconess/MS dead/XTMNRY deadbeat/MS deadbolt/SM deaden/GD deadhead/SDG deadline/SM deadliness/M deadlock/GSMD deadly/TPR deadpan/MS deadpanned deadpanning deadwood/M deaf/PXTNR deafen/GD deafening/Y deafness/M deal/SJZGMR dealer/M dealership/SM dealing/M dealt dean/M deanery/SM deanship/M dear/SPTMRYH dearest/S dearness/M dearth/M dearths deary/SM death/MY deathbed/SM deathblow/MS deathless/Y deathlike deaths deathtrap/MS deathwatch/MS deaves deb/SM debacle/MS debarkation/M debarment/M debate/BMZR debater/M debating/M debauch/MDSG debauchee/MS debauchery/SM debenture/MS debilitate/DSGN debilitation/M debility/SM debit/D debonair/PY debonairness/M debouch/GDS debris/M debt/SM debtor/MS debugger/S debut/GMD debutante/SM decade/MS decadence/M decadency/M decadent/MYS decaf/MS decaffeinate/DSG decagon/MS decal/MS decampment/M decapitate/XGNDS decapitator/MS decathlete/S decathlon/SM decay/GD deceased/M decedent/MS deceit/MS deceitful/YP deceitfulness/M deceive/UGDS deceiver/MS deceiving/Y decelerate/GNDS deceleration/M decelerator/SM decency/ISM decennial/SM decent/IY deception/MS deceptive/YP deceptiveness/M decibel/MS decidable/U decide/BZGDRS decided/Y deciduous deciliter/MS decimal/SM decimalization decimate/DSGN decimation/M decimeter/MS decipherable/UI decision/IM decisions decisive/IPY decisiveness/IM deck/SGMD deckchair/S deckhand/SM deckle/S declamation/MS declamatory declaration/MS declarative declaratory declare/DRSZGB declared/U declarer/M declension/SM declination/M decline/DRSMZG decliner/M declivity/SM decolletage/SM decollete decongestant/MS deconstructionism decor/MS decorate/AGNVDS decorating/M decoration/AM decorations decorative/Y decorator/MS decorous/IY decorousness/M decorum/M decoupage/DSMG decoy/GMDS decreasing/Y decree/MDS decreeing decremented decrements decrepit decrepitude/M decriminalization/M decry/GDS decryption dedicate/AGDS dedication/SM dedicator/SM dedicatory deduce/GDS deducible deduct/GVD deductible/SM deduction/SM deductive/Y deed/GD deejay/MS deem/ASGD deep/SPXTMNRY deepen/GD deepness/M deer/M deerskin/M deerstalker/S def/Z defacement/M defacer/SM defalcate/DSXGN defalcation/M defamation/M defamatory defame/ZGDRS defamer/M defaulter/SM defeat/MDRZGS defeated/U defeater/M defeatism/M defeatist/MS defecate/GNDS defecation/M defect/MDGVS defection/MS defective/MPYS defectiveness/M defector/MS defendant/SM defended/U defenestration/S defense/DSMGV defenseless/YP defenselessness/M defensible/I defensibly/I defensive/MYP defensiveness/M deference/M deferential/Y deferral/MS deferred deferring deffer deffest defiant/Y defibrillator/S deficiency/SM deficient deficit/SM defilement/M definable/IU define/AGDS defined/U definer/MS definite/IYVP definiteness/IM definition/AM definitions definitive/Y deflate/GNDS deflation/M deflationary deflect/DGVS deflection/MS deflector/SM defogger/SM defoliant/SM defoliate/DSGN defoliation/M defoliator/MS deformity/SM defraud/DRZGS defrauder/M defrayal/M defrock/DG defroster/MS deft/PTRY deftness/M defunct defy/GDS deg degeneracy/M degenerate/MV degrade/B degree/MS dehydrator/SM deicer/MS deification/M deify/NGDS deign/GDS deist/MS deistic deity/SM deject/GDS dejected/Y dejection/M delay/ZDR delectable delectably delectation/M delegate/GD delete/XGNDS deleterious deletion/M delft/M delftware/M deli/SM deliberate/XYVP deliberateness/M delicacy/ISM delicate/IY delicateness/M delicatessen/SM delicious/PY deliciousness/M delighted/Y delightful/Y deliminator/S delineate/GNXDS delineation/M delinquency/SM delinquent/SMY deliquesce/DSG deliquescent delirious/YP deliriousness/M delirium/SM deliver/ADGS deliverable deliverance/M delivered/U deliverer/SM dell/SM delphinium/MS delta/MS delude/GDS deluge/MGDS delusion/MS delusional delusive/Y deluxe delve/ZGDRS delver/M demagogic demagogically demagogue/SM demagoguery/M demagogy/M demand/GMDS demanding/U demarcate/DSGNX demarcation/M demean/GDS demeanor/M demented/Y dementia/M demesne/MS demigod/MS demigoddess/MS demijohn/SM demimondaine/SM demimonde/M demise/MGDS demitasse/MS demo/GMD democracy/SM democrat/MS democratic/U democratically democratization/M democratize/GDS demode demographer/SM demographic/SM demographically demographics/M demography/M demolish/DSG demolition/MS demon/MS demonetization/M demoniac demoniacal/Y demonic demonically demonize/GDS demonology/SM demonstrability demonstrable/I demonstrably demonstrate/XGNVDS demonstration/M demonstrative/MYSP demonstrativeness/M demonstrator/MS demote/GD demotic demount demulcent/SM demur/TMRS demure/PY demureness/M demurral/SM demurred demurrer/SM demurring den/M denationalization denature/DG dendrite/SM dengue/M deniable/U denial/MS denier/M denigrate/DSGN denigration/M denim/MS denizen/MS denominational denotative denouement/MS denounce/LDSG denouncement/SM dense/PYTR denseness/M density/SM dent/ISGMD dental/Y dentifrice/SM dentin/M dentist/MS dentistry/M dentition/M denture/IMS denuclearize/GDS denudation/M denude/GDS denunciation/SM deny/ZGDRS deodorant/SM deodorization/M deodorize/DRSZG deodorizer/M departed/M department/MS departmental/Y departmentalization/M departmentalize/GDS departure/SM dependability/M dependable/U dependably dependence/IM dependency/SM dependent/IMYS depict/GDS depiction/MS depilatory/SM deplete/GNDS depletion/M deplorably deplore/BGDS deploy/ALGDS deployment/AM deployments deponent/MS deportation/MS deportee/MS deportment/M deposit/AGMDS depositor/MS depository/SM deprave/GDS depravity/SM deprecate/GNDS deprecating/Y deprecation/M deprecatory depreciate/DSGN depreciation/M depredation/SM depressant/SM depressing/Y depression/SM depressive/SM depressor/MS depressurization deprive/GDS deprogramming depth/M depths deputation/MS depute/DSG deputize/DSG deputy/SM derailleur/SM derailment/SM derangement/M derby/SM derelict/MS dereliction/M deride/GDS derision/M derisive/PY derisiveness/M derisory derivation/MS derivative/MS derive/B dermal dermatitis/M dermatological dermatologist/SM dermatology/M dermis/M derogate/DSGN derogation/M derogatorily derogatory derrick/SM derriere/SM derringer/SM derv dervish/MS desalinate/GNDS desalination/M desalinization/M desalinize/GDS descant/M descend/FGDS descendant/MS descender describable/I describe/BZGDR describer/M description/SM descriptive/PY descriptiveness/M descriptor/S descry/GDS desecrate/DSGN desecration/M deselection desert/SDRZGM deserter/M desertification desertion/SM deserved/UY deserving/U desiccant/SM desiccate/DSGN desiccation/M desiccator/SM desiderata desideratum/M design/ASDG designate/DSGNX designation/M desirability/UM desirableness/M desirably/U desire/B desired/U desirous desist/SDG desk/SM deskill/G desktop/SM desolate/PDSYGN desolateness/M desolation/M despair/SMDG despairing/Y desperado/M desperadoes desperate/YNP desperateness/M desperation/M despicable despicably despise/DSG despite despoilment/M despondence/M despondency/M despondent/Y despotic despotically despotism/M dessert/SM dessertspoon/S dessertspoonful/S destination/SM destine/DSG destiny/SM destitute/N destitution/M destroy/SZGDR destroyer/M destruct/GVMDS destructibility/IM destructible/I destruction/M destructive/PY destructiveness/M desuetude/M desultorily desultory detach/BLGDS detachment/MS detain/LGDS detainee/MS detainment/M detect/SDGVB detectable/U detected/U detection/M detective/SM detector/SM detente/SMNX detention/M deter/SL detergent/SM deteriorate/DSGN deterioration/M determent/M determinable/I determinant/SM determinate determine/AGDS determined/U determinedly determiner/SM determinism/M deterministic deterred/U deterrence/M deterrent/MS deterring detestably detestation/M dethrone/DSLG dethronement/M detonate/GNDSX detonation/M detonator/SM detox/MDSG detoxification/M detoxify/DSGN detract/GD detriment/SM detrimental/Y detritus/M deuce/SM deuterium/M devastate/GNDS devastating/Y devastation/M devastator/MS develop/ASGDL developed/U developer/SM development/ASM developmental/Y deviance/M deviancy/M deviant/SM deviate/DSMGNX deviating/U deviation/M devil/SMDGL devilish/YP devilishness/M devilment/M devilry/SM deviltry/SM devious/YP deviousness/M devoid devolution/M devolve/DSG devoted/Y devotee/SM devotion/MS devotional/SM devour/SDG devout/PRYT devoutness/M dew/M dewberry/SM dewclaw/SM dewdrop/SM dewiness/M dewlap/SM dewy/RTP dexterity/M dexterous/YP dexterousness/M dextrose/M dhoti/SM dhow/MS diabetes/M diabetic/SM diabolic diabolical/Y diacritic/MS diacritical diadem/SM diaereses diaeresis/M diagnose/DSG diagnosis/M diagnostic/S diagnostically diagnostician/SM diagnostics/M diagonal/SMY diagram/SM diagrammatic diagrammatically diagrammed diagramming dial/AMDGS dialect/SM dialectal dialectic/SM dialectical dialectics/M dialing/S dialog dialogue/SM dialyses dialysis/M dialyzes diam diamante diameter/SM diametric diametrical/Y diamond/SM diamondback/MS diapason/SM diaper/SMDG diaphanous diaphragm/SM diaphragmatic diarist/SM diarrhea/M diary/SM diaspora diastase/M diastole/M diastolic diathermy/M diatom/SM diatomic diatonic diatribe/SM dibble/DSMG dibs/M dice/GDS dices/I dicey dichotomous dichotomy/SM dicier diciest dick/MRXZS dicker/DG dickey/SM dickhead/S dickybird/S dicotyledon/MS dicotyledonous dict dicta dictate/DSMGNX dictation/M dictator/SM dictatorial/Y dictatorship/SM diction/M dictionary/SM dictum/M did/AU didactic didactically diddle/DRSZG diddler/M diddly diddlysquat diddums didgeridoo/S didn't dido/M didoes didst die/DSM dielectric/MS diereses dieresis/M diesel/SMDG diet/MDRZGS dietary/SM dieter/M dietetic/S dietetics/M dietitian/MS diff/DRZGS differ/DG difference/IM differences different/IY differential/SM differentiate/DSGN differentiated/U differentiation/M difficult/Y difficulty/SM diffidence/M diffident/Y diffract/GSD diffraction/M diffuse/DSYGNVP diffuseness/M diffusion/M dig/SM digerati/M digest/SMDGV digested/U digestibility/M digestible/I digestion/IM digestions digestive/S digger/SM digging/S diggings/M digit/SM digital/Y digitalis/M digitization digitize/GDS dignified/U dignify/DSG dignitary/SM dignity/ISM digraph/M digraphs digress/GVDS digression/MS dike/MGDS diktat/S dilapidated dilapidation/M dilatation/M dilate/DSGN dilation/M dilator/SM dilatory dildo/S dilemma/MS dilettante/SM dilettantish dilettantism/M diligence/M diligent/Y dill/MS dilly/SM dillydally/DSG dilute/DSGNX diluted/U dilution/M dim/PSRY dime/MS dimension/SM dimensional dimensionless diminish/GDS diminished/U diminuendo/SM diminution/SM diminutive/SM dimity/M dimmed/U dimmer/SM dimmest dimming dimness/M dimple/DSMG dimply dimwit/SM dimwitted din/ZGSMDR dinar/SM dine/S diner/M dinette/MS ding/MDG dingbat/MS dinghy/SM dingily dinginess/M dingle/SM dingo/M dingoes dingus/MS dingy/RPT dink/RT dinky/RSMT dinned dinner/SMDG dinnertime/M dinnerware/M dinning dinosaur/SM dint/M diocesan/MS diocese/MS diode/SM diorama/SM dioxide/SM dioxin/SM dip/SM diphtheria/M diphthong/SM diploid/SM diploma/SM diplomacy/M diplomat/MS diplomata diplomatic/U diplomatically diplomatist/MS dipole/SM dipped dipper/SM dipping dippy/RT dipso/S dipsomania/M dipsomaniac/MS dipstick/SM dipterous diptych/M diptychs dire/YTR direct/ASDGVT directer direction/IM directional directionless directions directive/SM directly directness/IM director/MS directorate/SM directorial directorship/SM directory/SM direful dirge/SM dirigible/MS dirk/MS dirndl/SM dirt/M dirtball/S dirtily dirtiness/M dirty/DRSTGP dis/M disable/DSGL disablement/M disambiguate/N disappointing/Y disarming/Y disastrous/Y disbandment/M disbarment/M disbelieving/Y disbursal/M disburse/DSGL disbursement/MS disc/M discern/LSDG discernible/I discernibly discerning/Y discernment/M discharged/U disciple/SM discipleship/M disciplinarian/SM disciplinary discipline/DSMG disciplined/U disclose/DSG disclosed/U disco/MG discography/SM discoloration/S discombobulate/DSGN discombobulation/M discomfit/DG discomfiture/M discommode/DG disconcerting/Y disconnected/PY disconnectedness/M disconsolate/Y discordance/M discordant/Y discotheque/SM discourage/LGDS discouragement/SM discouraging/Y discover/ASDG discovered/U discoverer/MS discovery/ASM discreet/PRYT discreetness/M discrepancy/SM discrepant discrete/PYN discreteness/M discretion/IM discretionary discriminant discriminate/GNDS discriminating/U discrimination/M discriminator/MS discriminatory discursiveness/M discus/MS discussant/SM discussion/SM disdain/SMDG disdainful/Y disembowel/SDLG disembowelment/M disfigurement/SM disfranchisement/M disgorgement/M disgruntle/LGDS disgruntlement/M disguise/GD disguised/U disgusted/Y disgusting/Y dish/MDSG dishabille/M disharmonious dishcloth/M dishcloths disheartening/Y dishevel/DGLS dishevelment/M dishpan/SM dishrag/SM dishtowel/MS dishware/M dishwasher/MS dishwater/M dishy disillusion/GLD disillusionment/M disinfectant/MS disinfection/M disinterested/PY disinterestedness/M disjointed/YP disjointedness/M disjunctive disjuncture disk/MS diskette/MS dislodge/GDS dismal/Y dismantlement/M dismay/SMDG dismayed/U dismember/LGD dismemberment/M dismissive/Y disorder/Y disorganization/M disparage/DSGL disparagement/M disparaging/Y disparate/Y dispatcher/MS dispel/S dispelled dispelling dispensary/SM dispensation/MS dispense/BZGDRS dispenser/M dispersal/M disperse/GNDS dispersion/M dispirit/GDS displeasure/M disposable/SM disposal/SM disposed/I disposition/ISM dispossession/M disproof/SM disproportional disprove/B disputable/I disputably/I disputant/MS disputation/SM disputatious/Y dispute/DRSMZGB disputed/U disputer/M disquiet/GSMD disquisition/MS disregardful disrepair/M disrepute/MB disrupt/GVSD disruption/SM disruptive/Y dissect/SDG dissed dissemblance/M dissemble/ZGDRS dissembler/M disseminate/GNDS dissemination/M dissension/SM dissent/SMDRZG dissenter/M dissertation/SM dissidence/M dissident/MS dissimilar dissimilitude/S dissing dissipate/GNDS dissipation/M dissociate/GNDS dissociation/M dissoluble/I dissolute/YNP dissoluteness/M dissolve/AGDS dissolved/U dissonance/SM dissonant dissuade/GDS dissuasive dist distaff/SM distal/Y distance/DSMG distant/Y distaste/SM distemper/M distention/SM distillate/SMNX distillation/M distillery/SM distinct/IYTVP distincter distinction/SM distinctive/YP distinctiveness/M distinctness/IM distinguish/GDSB distinguishable/I distinguished/U distort/GDR distortion/MS distract/DG distracted/Y distraction/S distrait distraught distress/DG distressful distressing/Y distribute/AGNVDS distributed/U distribution/AM distributional distributions distributive/Y distributor/MS distributorship/S district's district/AS disturb/ZGSDR disturbance/SM disturbed/U disturber/M disturbing/Y disunion/M disyllabic ditch/MDSG dither/SMDRZG ditherer/M ditransitive ditsy/RT ditto/SMDG ditty/SM ditz/MS diuretic/MS diurnal/Y div diva/MS divalent divan/SM dive/MZTGDRS diver/M diverge/DSG divergence/MS divergent diverse/XYNP diverseness/M diversification/M diversify/GNDS diversion/M diversionary diversity/SM divert/SDG diverticulitis/M divest/SLDG divestiture/MS divestment/M divide/DRSMZGB divided/U dividend/MS divider/M divination/M divine/DRSMYZTG diviner/M diving/M divinity/SM divisibility/IM divisible/I division/MS divisional divisive/PY divisiveness/M divisor/SM divorce/DSLMG divorcee/MS divorcement/MS divot/SM divulge/GDS divvy/DSMG dixieland/M dizzily dizziness/M dizzy/DRSPTG djellaba/MS do/SJMRHZG doable dob/S dobbed dobbin/SM dobbing doberman/MS doc/SM docent/SM docile/Y docility/M dock/MDRZGS docket/SMDG dockland/S dockside dockworker/MS dockyard/MS doctor/SMDG doctoral doctorate/MS doctrinaire/MS doctrinal doctrine/MS docudrama/SM document/GMDS documentary/SM documentation/SM documented/U dodder/SMDG doddery doddle dodge/DRSMZG dodgem/S dodger/M dodgy/RT dodo/MS doe/SM doer/M does/AU doeskin/MS doesn't doff/DGS dog/SM dogcart/SM dogcatcher/SM doge/MS dogeared dogfight/SM dogfish/MS dogged/PY doggedness/M doggerel/M dogging doggone/TGRS doggy/RSMT doghouse/SM dogie/SM dogleg/SM doglegged doglegging dogma/SM dogmatic dogmatically dogmatism/M dogmatist/SM dogsbody/S dogsled/S dogtrot/MS dogtrotted dogtrotting dogwood/MS doily/SM doing/USM doldrums/M dole's dole/FGDS doleful/YP dolefulness/M doll/MDGS dollar/SM dollhouse/SM dollop/SGMD dolly/SM dolmen/SM dolomite/M dolor/M dolorous/Y dolphin/MS dolt/MS doltish/YP doltishness/M domain/SM dome/MGDS domestic/SM domestically domesticate/DSGN domesticated/U domestication/M domesticity/M domicile/DSMG domiciliary dominance/M dominant/SMY dominate/DSGN domination/M dominatrices dominatrix/M domineer/SGD domineering/Y dominion/SM domino/M dominoes don't don/SM dona/MS donate/DSXGN donation/M done/FAU dong/MDGS dongle/SM donkey/SM donned donning donnish donnybrook/MS donor/SM donuts/S doodad/SM doodah doodahs doodle/DRSMZG doodlebug/SM doodler/M doohickey/SM doolally doom/MDGS doomsayer/MS doomsday/M doomster/S door's door/IS doorbell/MS doorjamb/S doorkeeper/MS doorknob/MS doorknocker/S doorman/M doormat/SM doormen doorplate/SM doorpost/S doorstep/MS doorstepped doorstepping doorstop/MS doorway/SM dooryard/MS dopa/M dope/MZGDRS doper/M dopey dopier dopiest dopiness/M doping/M doppelganger/S dork/MS dorky/RT dorm/MRZS dormancy/M dormant dormer/M dormice dormitory/SM dormouse/M dorsal/Y dory/SM dosage/SM dose/MGDS dosh dosimeter/SM doss/DRSZG dosshouse/S dossier/MS dost dot/ZGSMDR dotage/M dotard/SM dote/S doter/M doting/Y dotted dotting dotty/RT double's double/ADSG doubleheader/MS doublespeak/M doublet/MS doubloon/SM doubly doubt/SMDRZG doubter/M doubtful/PY doubtfulness/M doubting/Y doubtless/Y douche/DSMG dough/M doughnut/SM doughty/RT doughy/TR dour/RYTP dourness/M douse/DSG dove/MS dovecot/S dovecote/SM dovetail/MDSG dovish dowager/MS dowdily dowdiness/M dowdy/RSPT dowel/SMDG dower/SMDG down/MDRZGS downbeat/SM downcast downdraft/MS downer/M downfall/SMN downgrade/DSMG downhearted/PY downheartedness/M downhill/MS download/MDSG downmarket downplay/DSG downpour/MS downrange downright downriver downscale downshift/SGD downside/MS downsize/GDS downsizing/M downspout/MS downstage downstairs/M downstate/M downstream downswing/MS downtime/M downtown/M downtrend/MS downtrodden downturn/MS downward/S downwind downy/RT dowry/SM dowse/DRSZG dowser/M doxology/SM doyen/SM doyenne/MS doz/XGDNS doze/M dozen/MH dozily dozy/RTP dpt drab/MYSP drabber drabbest drabness/M drachma/MS draconian draft's draft/ASDG draftee/SM drafter/SM draftily draftiness/M drafting/M draftsman/M draftsmanship/M draftsmen draftswoman/M draftswomen drafty/RTP drag/MS dragged dragging draggy/TR dragnet/SM dragon/SM dragonfly/SM dragoon/SMDG dragster/S drain/SMDRZG drainage/M drainboard/SM drainer/M drainpipe/MS drake/SM dram/MS drama/SM dramatic/S dramatically dramatics/M dramatist/SM dramatization/SM dramatize/DSG drank drape/DRSMZG draper/M drapery/SM drastic drastically drat dratted draughtboard/S draw/MRZGSJ drawback/MS drawbridge/MS drawer/M drawing/M drawl/SMDG drawn/A drawstring/MS dray/MS dread/SMDG dreadful/PY dreadfulness/M dreadlocks/M dreadnought/MS dream/SMDRZG dreamboat/MS dreamed/U dreamer/M dreamily dreaminess/M dreamland/M dreamless dreamlike dreamworld/SM dreamy/RPT drear drearily dreariness/M dreary/RPT dredge/DRSMZG dredger/M dregs/M drench/GDS dress/AUGSDM dressage/M dresser/MS dressiness/M dressing/SM dressmaker/SM dressmaking/M dressy/TPR drew/A dribble/MZGDRS dribbler/M driblet/MS drier/M drift/SMDRZG drifter/M driftnet/S driftwood/M drill/SMDRZG driller/M drillmaster/SM drink/SMRBJZG drinkable/U drinker/M drip/MS dripped dripping/SM drippy/TR drive/RSMZGJ drivel/SZGMDR driveler/M driven driver/M driveway/MS drizzle/MGDS drizzly/TR drogue/SM droid/S droll/RPT drollery/SM drollness/M drolly dromedary/SM drone/DSMG drool/SMDG droop/GSMD droopiness/M droopy/TPR drop/MS dropkick/MS droplet/SM dropout/SM dropped dropper/SM dropping/S droppings/M dropsical dropsy/M dross/M drought/SM drove/RSMZ drover/M drown/GSJD drowning/M drowse/MGDS drowsily drowsiness/M drowsy/RTP drub/S drubbed drubber/SM drubbing/MS drudge/MGDS drudgery/M drug/MS drugged druggie/SM drugging druggist/SM druggy drugstore/MS druid/SM druidism/M drum/MS drumbeat/SM drumlin/SM drummed drummer/SM drumming drumstick/SM drunk/STMNR drunkard/MS drunken/PY drunkenness/M drupe/SM druthers/M dry/ZTGDRSMY dryad/SM dryer/SM dryness/M drys drywall/M dual dualism/M duality/M dub/SM dubbed dubber/SM dubbin/M dubbing dubiety/M dubious/YP dubiousness/M ducal ducat/SM duchess/MS duchy/SM duck/MDGS duckbill/SM duckboards duckling/SM duckpins/M duckweed/M ducky/TRSM duct's/K duct/CKIFS ductile ductility/M ducting ductless dud/GSMD dude/MS dudgeon/M due/SM duel/MDRJZGS dueler/M duelist/SM duenna/MS duet/MS duff/MDRZGS duffer/M dug dugout/MS duh duke/MS dukedom/SM dulcet dulcimer/MS dull/DRPTGS dullard/SM dullness/M dully duly/U dumb/RYPT dumbbell/SM dumbfound/SDG dumbness/M dumbo/S dumbstruck dumbwaiter/SM dumdum/MS dummy/SM dump/MDRZGS dumpiness/M dumpling/SM dumpster/SM dumpy/PTR dun/SM dunce/SM dunderhead/MS dune/MS dung/MDGS dungaree/MS dungeon/SM dunghill/MS dunk/MDGS dunned dunner dunnest dunning dunno duo/SM duodecimal duodena duodenal duodenum/M duopoly/S dupe/MZGDRS duper/M duple duplex/MS duplicate's duplicate/AGNDS duplication/AM duplicator/MS duplicitous duplicity/M durability/M durable durably durance/M duration/M duress/M during durst durum/M dusk/M duskiness/M dusky/RTP dust/MDRZGS dustbin/SM dustcart/S duster/M dustiness/M dustless dustman dustmen dustpan/SM dustsheet/S dusty/RTP dutch duteous/Y dutiable dutiful/YP dutifulness/M duty/SM duvet/SM dwarf/SGMD dwarfish dwarfism/M dweeb/SM dwell/SJZGR dweller/M dwelling/M dwelt/I dwindle/DSG dyadic dybbuk/SM dybbukim dye/DRSMZG dyeing/A dyer/M dyestuff/M dying/M dyke/MS dynamic/MS dynamical/Y dynamics/M dynamism/M dynamite/MZGDRS dynamiter/M dynamo/SM dynastic dynasty/SM dysentery/M dysfunction/MS dysfunctional dyslectic/SM dyslexia/M dyslexic/SM dyspepsia/M dyspeptic/MS dysprosium/M dz e'en e'er e.g. e/FDST eBay/M eMusic/M ea each eager/PTRY eagerness/M eagle/MS eaglet/MS ear/SMDY earache/SM eardrum/SM earful/SM earl/MS earldom/SM earliness/M earlobe/SM early/RTP earmark/SMDG earmuff/SM earn/DRZTGJS earned/U earner/M earnest/SMYP earnestness/M earnings/M earphone/MS earpiece/S earplug/SM earring/SM earshot/M earsplitting earth's earth/UDYG earthbound earthen earthenware/M earthiness/M earthling/MS earthly/RT earthquake/SM earths/U earthshaking earthward/S earthwork/MS earthworm/MS earthy/RTP earwax/M earwig/SM ease/EDSM easel/SM easement/SM easily/U easiness/UM easing east/M eastbound easterly/SM eastern/ZR easterner/M easternmost eastward/S easy/URTP easygoing eat/ZGBSNR eatable/SM eaten/U eater/M eatery/SM eave/MS eavesdrop/S eavesdropped eavesdropper/SM eavesdropping ebb/SMDG ebony/SM ebullience/M ebullient/Y ebullition/M eccentric/SM eccentrically eccentricity/SM eccl ecclesiastic/SM ecclesiastical/Y echelon/SM echinoderm/SM echo's echo/ADG echoes/A echoic echolocation/M echos eclair/SM eclat/M eclectic/SM eclectically eclecticism/M eclipse/DSMG ecliptic/M eclogue/SM ecocide/M ecol ecologic ecological/Y ecologist/MS ecology/M econ econometric economic/S economical/UY economics/M economist/SM economize/DRSZG economizer/M economy/SM ecosystem/MS ecru/M ecstasy/SM ecstatic ecstatically ecu/S ecumenical/Y ecumenicism/M ecumenism/M eczema/M ed/ACSM eddy/DSMG edelweiss/M edema/SM edge/MZGJDRS edger/M edgewise edgily edginess/M edging/M edgy/RTP edibility/M edible/SMP edibleness/M edict/SM edification/M edifice/SM edifier/M edify/DRSZGN edifying/U edit's edit/ADGS editable edited/U edition/MS editor/SM editorial/SMY editorialize/DSG editorship/M educ educability/M educable/I educate/ADSGNV educated/U education/AM educational/Y educationalist/S educationist/S educations educator/MS educe/DSGB edutainment/M eek eel/SM eerie/RT eerily eeriness/M eff/GSD efface/DSLG effacement/M effect/SMDGV effective/IPY effectiveness/IM effectual/IY effectuate/DSG effeminacy/M effeminate/Y effendi/SM efferent effervesce/GDS effervescence/M effervescent/Y effete/YP effeteness/M efficacious/Y efficacy/IM efficiency/IM efficient/IY effigy/SM efflorescence/M efflorescent effluence/M effluent/MS effluvia effluvium/M effort/SM effortless/YP effortlessness/M effrontery/M effulgence/M effulgent effuse/DSGNVX effusion/M effusive/YP effusiveness/M egad egalitarian/SM egalitarianism/M egg/GSMD eggbeater/MS eggcup/SM egghead/SM eggnog/M eggplant/MS eggshell/SM eglantine/SM ego/SM egocentric/MS egocentrically egocentricity/M egoism/M egoist/SM egoistic egoistical/Y egomania/M egomaniac/MS egotism/M egotist/SM egotistic egotistical/Y egregious/PY egregiousness/M egress/MS egret/SM eh eider/SM eiderdown/MS eigenvalue/S eight/SM eighteen/MHS eighteenth/M eighteenths eighth/M eighths eightieth/M eightieths eighty/SMH einsteinium/M eisteddfod/S either ejaculate/GNXDS ejaculation/M ejaculatory eject/SDG ejection/MS ejector/SM eke/DSG elaborate/YGNDSPX elaborateness/M elaboration/M elan/M eland/SM elapse/DSG elastic/MS elastically elasticated elasticity/M elasticize/DSG elate/DSGN elated/Y elation/M elbow/SMDG elbowroom/M elder/SMY elderberry/SM eldest elect's elect/ASDGV electable election/AMS electioneer/DGS elective/MS elector/MS electoral/Y electorate/MS electric/S electrical/Y electrician/MS electricity/M electrification/M electrifier/M electrify/ZGNDRS electrocardiogram/MS electrocardiograph/M electrocardiographs electrocardiography/M electrocute/DSXGN electrocution/M electrode/SM electrodynamics electroencephalogram/MS electroencephalograph/M electroencephalographic electroencephalographs electroencephalography/M electrologist/SM electrolysis/M electrolyte/MS electrolytic electromagnet/MS electromagnetic electromagnetically electromagnetism/M electromotive electron/MS electronic/S electronically electronics/M electroplate/DSG electroscope/SM electroscopic electroshock/M electrostatic/S electrostatics/M electrotype/MS eleemosynary elegance/IM elegant/IY elegiac/MS elegiacal elegy/SM elem element/MS elemental/Y elementary elephant/SM elephantiasis/M elephantine elev elevate/XDSGN elevation/M elevator/MS eleven/SMH elevens/S eleventh/M elevenths elf/M elfin elfish elicit/SDG elicitation/M elide/DSG eligibility/IM eligible eliminate/XDSGN elimination/M eliminator/S elision/MS elite/SM elitism/M elitist/MS elixir/SM elk/SM ell/SM ellipse/MS ellipsis/M ellipsoid/SM ellipsoidal elliptic elliptical/Y elm/SM elocution/M elocutionary elocutionist/SM elodea/SM elongate/DSGNX elongation/M elope/DSGL elopement/MS eloquence/M eloquent/Y else elsewhere elucidate/DSGNX elucidation/M elude/DSG elusive/YP elusiveness/M elver/SM elves elvish/S em's em/S emaciate/GNDS emaciation/M email/SMDG emanate/XDSGN emanation/M emancipate/DSGN emancipation/M emancipator/MS emasculate/GNDS emasculation/M embalm/SZGDR embalmer/M embank/SLGD embankment/SM embargo/MDG embargoes embark/AEGDS embarkation/EM embarkations embarrass/GLDS embarrassed/U embarrassing/Y embarrassment/SM embassy/SM embattled embed/S embedded embedding embellish/LGDS embellishment/SM ember/SM embezzle/ZGLDRS embezzlement/M embezzler/M embitter/GLDS embitterment/M emblazon/GDLS emblazonment/M emblem/SM emblematic emblematically embodiment/EM embody/AEGSD embolden/DGS embolism/MS emboss/DRSZG embosser/M embouchure/M embower/SGD embrace/DSMG embraceable embrasure/MS embrocation/MS embroider/SDRZG embroiderer/M embroidery/SM embroil/DGLS embroilment/M embryo/SM embryological embryologist/MS embryology/M embryonic emcee/DSM emceeing emend/SDG emendation/MS emerald/MS emerge/ADSG emergence/AM emergency/SM emergent emerita emeritus emery/M emetic/SM emf/S emigrant/SM emigrate/DSXGN emigration/M emigre/SM eminence/MS eminent/Y emir/MS emirate/MS emissary/SM emission/SM emit/S emitted emitter/MS emitting emollient/MS emolument/MS emote/XDSGNV emoticon/SM emotion/M emotional/UY emotionalism/M emotionalize/GDS emotionless emotive/Y empathetic empathize/DSG empathy/M emperor/MS emphases emphasis/M emphasize/AGDS emphatic/U emphatically emphysema/M empire/SM empiric empirical/Y empiricism/M empiricist/SM emplacement/SM employ's employ/ADGLS employable/U employee/SM employer/SM employment/UAM employments emporium/SM empower/SDGL empowerment/M empress/MS emptily emptiness/M empty/TGPDRSM empyrean/M emu/SM emulate/DSGNVX emulation/M emulator/SM emulsification/M emulsifier/M emulsify/NDRSZG emulsion/MS en/SM enable/DRSZG enabler/M enact/ASLDG enactment/ASM enamel/JSZGMDR enameler/M enamelware/M enamor/SGD enc encamp/LSGD encampment/MS encapsulate/XGNDS encapsulation/M encase/LDSG encasement/M encephalitic encephalitis/M enchain/DGS enchant/ELDGS enchanter/MS enchanting/Y enchantment/EM enchantments enchantress/MS enchilada/SM encipher/SGD encircle/DSGL encirclement/M encl enclave/MS enclose/GDS enclosed/U enclosure/SM encode/DRSZG encoder/M encomium/MS encompass/GDS encore/DSMG encounter/GSMD encourage/DSLG encouragement/SM encouraging/Y encroach/GLDS encroachment/SM encrust/DGS encrustation/SM encrypt/DGS encryption encumber/EGSD encumbered/U encumbrance/MS ency encyclical/SM encyclopedia/MS encyclopedic encyst/LSGD encystment/M end/GVSJMD endanger/SGDL endangerment/M endear/SGLD endearing/Y endearment/SM endeavor/GSMD endemic/MS endemically endgame/S ending/M endive/SM endless/PY endlessness/M endmost endocrine/MS endocrinologist/MS endocrinology/M endogenous/Y endorphin/M endorse/LZGDRS endorsement/MS endorser/M endoscope/MS endoscopic endoscopy/M endothermic endow/SDLG endowment/MS endpoint/SM endue/DSG endurable/U endurance/M endure/DSBG endways enema/SM enemy/SM energetic energetically energize/ZGDRS energizer/M energy/SM enervate/GNDS enervation/M enfeeble/GDSL enfeeblement/M enfilade/DSMG enfold/SGD enforce/LZGDRS enforceable/U enforced/U enforcement/M enforcer/M enfranchise/EGDSL enfranchisement/EM engage/EADSG engagement/EMS engagingly engender/SGD engine/SM engineer/MDGS engineering/M engorge/LGDS engorgement/M engram/SM engrave/ZGJDRS engraver/M engraving/M engross/GLDS engrossment/M engulf/SLGD engulfment/M enhance/LZGDRS enhancement/SM enigma/SM enigmatic enigmatically enjambment/SM enjoin/SGD enjoy/GBLSD enjoyably enjoyment/SM enlarge/LZGDRS enlargeable enlargement/MS enlarger/M enlighten/SGLD enlightened/U enlightenment/M enlist/ADGSL enlistee/SM enlistment/AM enlistments enliven/SLDG enlivenment/M enmesh/DSGL enmeshment/M enmity/SM ennoble/DSGL ennoblement/M ennui/M enormity/SM enormous/PY enormousness/M enough/M enplane/DSG enquirer/S enquiringly enrage/GDS enrapture/DSG enrich/DSLG enrichment/M enroll/DLSG enrollment/MS ensconce/DSG ensemble/SM enshrine/GLDS enshrinement/M enshroud/DGS ensign/MS ensilage/M enslave/DSGL enslavement/M ensnare/DSLG ensnarement/M ensue/DSG ensure/ZGDRS ensurer/M entail/DSGL entailment/M entangle/EDSLG entanglement/EM entanglements entente/SM enter/ASGD enteritis/M enterprise/MGS enterprising/Y entertain/ZGDRSL entertainer/M entertaining/MY entertainment/MS enthrall/GDSL enthrallment/M enthrone/GDSL enthronement/SM enthuse/DSG enthusiasm/MS enthusiast/MS enthusiastic/U enthusiastically entice/GDSL enticement/MS enticing/Y entire/Y entirety/M entitle/DSGL entitlement/SM entity/SM entomb/DSGL entombment/M entomological entomologist/MS entomology/M entourage/SM entr'acte entrails/M entrance/LDSMG entrancement/M entrancing/Y entrant/SM entrap/LS entrapment/M entrapped entrapping entreat/GSD entreating/Y entreaty/SM entree/MS entrench/DSGL entrenchment/MS entrepreneur/SM entrepreneurial entrepreneurship entropy/M entrust/SGD entry/ASM entryphone/S entryway/MS entwine/DSG enumerable enumerate/DSGNX enumeration/M enumerator/SM enunciate/DSGN enunciation/M enuresis/M envelop/SLDRZG envelope/SM enveloper/M envelopment/M envenom/SDG enviable/U enviably envious/PY enviousness/M environment/MS environmental/Y environmentalism/M environmentalist/SM environs/M envisage/GDS envision/DGS envoy/SM envy/DSMG envying/Y enzymatic enzyme/SM eolian eon/SM epaulet/SM epee/MS ephedrine/M ephemera/M ephemeral/Y epic/MS epicenter/MS epicure/SM epicurean/MS epidemic/SM epidemically epidemiological epidemiologist/SM epidemiology/M epidermal epidermic epidermis/MS epidural/S epiglottis/MS epigram/SM epigrammatic epigraph/M epigraphs epigraphy/M epilepsy/M epileptic/SM epilogue/MS epinephrine/M epiphany/SM episcopacy/M episcopal episcopate/M episode/SM episodic episodically epistemology epistle/SM epistolary epitaph/M epitaphs epithelial epithelium/M epithet/SM epitome/SM epitomize/GDS epoch/M epochal epochs eponymous epoxy/DSMG epsilon/SM equability/M equable equably equal/SMDYG equality/IM equalization/M equalize/ZGDRS equalizer/M equanimity/M equate/DSGNBX equation/M equator/SM equatorial equerry/SM equestrian/SM equestrianism/M equestrienne/SM equidistant/Y equilateral/SM equilibrium/EM equine/SM equinoctial equinox/MS equip/AS equipage/MS equipment/M equipoise/M equipped/UA equipping/A equitable/I equitably/I equitation/M equity/ISM equiv equivalence/MS equivalency/SM equivalent/MYS equivocal/UY equivocalness/M equivocate/GNXDS equivocation/M equivocator/SM er/C era/SM eradicable/I eradicate/DSGN eradication/M eradicator/MS erase/DRSBZG eraser/M erasure/SM erbium/M ere erect/PSGDY erectile erection/SM erectness/M erector/MS erelong eremite/MS erg/SM ergo ergonomic/S ergonomically ergonomics/M ergosterol/M ergot/M ermine/SM erode/DSG erodible erogenous erosion/M erosive erotic/S erotica/M erotically eroticism/M erotics/S err/GSD errand/SM errant/I errata/SM erratic erratically erratum/M erroneous/Y error/SM ersatz/MS erst erstwhile eruct/SDG eructation/SM erudite/YN erudition/M erupt/SDGV eruption/MS erysipelas/M erythrocyte/SM escalate/CDSGN escalation/CM escalations escalator/MS escallop/SGMD escalope/S escapade/MS escape/LMGDS escapee/MS escapement/SM escapism/M escapist/MS escapologist/S escapology escargot/MS escarole/MS escarpment/MS eschatology eschew/SDG escort/SMDG escritoire/MS escrow/SM escudo/SM escutcheon/SM esophageal esophagus/Mi esoteric esoterically esp espadrille/MS espalier/MDSG especial/Y espionage/M esplanade/MS espousal/M espouse/GDS espresso/MS esprit/M espy/DSG esquire/SM essay/SMDRZG essayer/M essayist/SM essence/SM essential/IMS essentially establish/AESDGL establishment/AEM establishments estate/SM esteem/ESMDG ester/SM estimable/I estimate/MGNDSX estimation/M estimator/SM estrange/LDSG estrangement/MS estrogen/M estrous estrus/MS estuary/SM eta/SM etc etch/DRSZGJ etcher/M etching/M eternal/YP eternalness/M eternity/SM ethane/M ethanol/M ether/M ethereal/Y ethic/SM ethical/UY ethics/M ethnic/SM ethnically ethnicity/M ethnocentric ethnocentrism/M ethnographer/S ethnographic ethnographically ethnography ethnological/Y ethnologist/SM ethnology/M ethological ethologist/MS ethology/M ethos/M ethyl/M ethylene/M etiolated etiologic etiological etiology/SM etiquette/M etude/SM etymological/Y etymologist/SM etymology/SM eucalyptus/iMS euchre/DSMG euclidean eugenic/S eugenically eugenicist/MS eugenics/M eulogist/MS eulogistic eulogize/ZGDRS eulogizer/M eulogy/SM eunuch/M eunuchs euphemism/SM euphemistic euphemistically euphonious/Y euphony/M euphoria/M euphoric euphorically eureka euro/MS europium/M eutectic euthanasia/M euthanize euthenics/M evacuate/XDSGN evacuation/M evacuee/MS evade/DRSZG evader/M evaluate/AGNVDSX evaluation/AM evanescence/M evanescent evangelic evangelical/SMY evangelicalism/M evangelism/M evangelist/MS evangelistic evangelize/GDS evaporate/GNDS evaporation/M evaporator/SM evasion/SM evasive/YP evasiveness/M eve/ASM even/MDRYTGSJP evenhanded/Y evening/M evenness/UM evensong/M event/SM eventful/UY eventfulness/M eventide/M eventual/Y eventuality/SM eventuate/GDS ever everglade/SM evergreen/SM everlasting/MYS evermore every everybody/M everyday everyone/M everyplace everything/M everywhere evict/SDG eviction/MS evidence/MGDS evident/Y evil/MRYTSP evildoer/SM evildoing/M eviller evillest evilness/M evince/DSG eviscerate/DSGN evisceration/M evocation/MS evocative/Y evoke/DSG evolution/M evolutionary evolutionist/SM evolve/DSG ewe/RSMZ ewer/M ex/MS exabyte/MS exacerbate/GNDS exacerbation/M exact/SPDRYTG exacting/Y exaction/M exactitude/M exactness/IM exaggerate/XDSGN exaggerated/Y exaggeration/M exaggerator/MS exalt/SDG exaltation/M exam/MS examination/AMS examine/AGDS examiner/MS example/MGDS exampled/U exasperate/DSGN exasperated/Y exasperating/Y exasperation/M excavate/GNDSX excavation/M excavator/SM exceed/GSD exceeding/Y excel/S excelled excellence/M excellency/SM excellent/Y excelling excelsior/M except/GSD exception/BSM exceptionable/U exceptional/UY excerpt/MDGS excess/VMS excessive/Y exchange/DSMG exchangeable exchequer/SM excise/XDSMGN excision/M excitability/M excitably excitation/M excite/BDRSLZG excited/Y excitement/SM exciter/M exciting/Y excl/S exclaim/DGS exclamation/SM exclamatory exclude/GDS exclusion/MS exclusionary exclusive/PMYS exclusiveness/M exclusivity/M excommunicate/GNDSX excommunication/M excoriate/DSGNX excoriation/M excrement/M excremental excrescence/MS excrescent excreta/M excrete/XGNDS excretion/M excretory excruciating/Y exculpate/DSGN exculpation/M exculpatory excursion/MS excursionist/MS excursive/YP excursiveness/M excusable/I excusably/I excuse/DSBMG excused/U exec/MS execked execking execrable execrably execrate/DSGN execration/M execute/BXGNVDS execution/ZMR executioner/M executive/SM executor/MS executrices executrix/M exegeses exegesis/M exegetic exegetical exemplar/SM exemplary exemplification/M exemplify/GDSXN exempt/SGD exemption/SM exercise/DRSMZG exerciser/M exert/SDG exertion/MS exeunt exfoliate/GNDS exhalation/MS exhale/DSG exhaust/GVMDS exhaustible/I exhaustion/M exhaustive/YP exhaustiveness/M exhibit/GMDS exhibition/MS exhibitionism/M exhibitionist/MS exhibitor/SM exhilarate/DSGN exhilaration/M exhort/SDG exhortation/MS exhumation/MS exhume/DSG exigence/MS exigency/SM exigent exiguity/M exiguous exile/DSMG exist/SDG existence/MS existent existential/Y existentialism/M existentialist/MS exit/MDGS exobiology/M exodus/MS exogenous exonerate/GNDS exoneration/M exorbitance/M exorbitant/Y exorcise/DSG exorcism/SM exorcist/SM exoskeleton/SM exosphere/SM exothermic exotic/SM exotica exotically exoticism/M exp expand/BGSD expanse/XMNVS expansible expansion/M expansionary expansionism/M expansionist/MS expansive/YP expansiveness/M expat/S expatiate/GNDS expatiation/M expatriate/DSMGN expatriation/M expect/GSD expectancy/M expectant/Y expectation/SM expectorant/SM expectorate/DSGN expectoration/M expedience/IM expediences expediencies expediency/IM expedient/SMY expedite/DRSZGNX expediter/M expedition/M expeditionary expeditious/PY expeditiousness/M expel/S expelled expelling expend/GSBD expendable/SM expenditure/SM expense/MS expensive/IYP expensiveness/IM experience/IMD experiences experiencing experiential experiment/MDRSZG experimental/Y experimentation/M experimenter/M expert/SPMY expertise/M expertness/M expiate/GNDS expiation/M expiatory expiration/M expire/DSG expired/U expiry/M explain/ADGS explainable explained/U explanation/MS explanatory expletive/MS explicable/I explicate/XGNDS explication/M explicit/PY explicitness/M explode/GDS exploit/ZGBMDRS exploitation/M exploitative exploited/U exploiter/M exploration/MS exploratory explore/ZGDRS explored/U explorer/M explosion/SM explosive/SPMY explosiveness/M expo/MS exponent/MS exponential/Y exponentiation export/BSZGMDR exportation/M exporter/M expose/DSMG exposed/U exposition/SM expositor/SM expository expostulate/GNXDS expostulation/M exposure/MS expound/ZGDRS expounder/M express/GVMDSY expressed/U expressible/I expression/SM expressionism/M expressionist/SM expressionistic expressionless/Y expressive/PY expressiveness/M expressway/SM expropriate/GNXDS expropriation/M expropriator/SM expulsion/MS expunge/GDS expurgate/DSGNX expurgated/U expurgation/M exquisite/YP exquisiteness/M ext extant extemporaneous/PY extemporaneousness/M extempore extemporization/M extemporize/GDS extend/SZGDRB extender/M extensible extension/SM extensional extensive/YP extensiveness/M extent/SM extenuate/DSGN extenuation/M exterior/MS exterminate/DSXGN extermination/M exterminator/MS external/MYS externalization/SM externalize/DSG extinct/GDS extinction/MS extinguish/ZGBDRS extinguishable/I extinguisher/M extirpate/GNDS extirpation/M extol/S extolled extolling extort/SGD extortion/MRZ extortionate/Y extortioner/M extortionist/MS extra/SM extract/MDGS extraction/SM extractor/MS extracurricular extradite/GNBXDS extradition/M extrajudicial extralegal extramarital extramural extraneous/Y extraordinaire extraordinarily extraordinary extrapolate/XGNDS extrapolation/M extrasensory extraterrestrial/MS extraterritorial extraterritoriality/M extravagance/MS extravagant/Y extravaganza/MS extravehicular extreme/PMYTRS extremeness/M extremism/M extremist/MS extremity/SM extricable/I extricate/GNDS extrication/M extrinsic extrinsically extroversion/M extrovert/SMD extrude/GDS extrusion/SM extrusive exuberance/M exuberant/Y exudation/M exude/DSG exult/SDG exultant/Y exultation/M exurb/SM exurban exurbanite/SM exurbia/M eye/DSM eyeball/GMDS eyebrow/SM eyedropper/SM eyeful/SM eyeglass/MS eyeing eyelash/MS eyeless eyelet/SM eyelid/SM eyeliner/MS eyeopener/MS eyeopening eyepiece/MS eyesight/M eyesore/MS eyestrain/M eyeteeth eyetooth/M eyewash/M eyewitness/MS f/CIAVTR fa/M fab fable/DSM fabric/SM fabricate/DSGNX fabrication/M fabricator/SM fabulous/Y facade/SM face's face/ACSDG facecloth/M facecloths faceless facet/SMDG facetious/YP facetiousness/M facial/SMY facile/Y facilitate/GNDS facilitation/M facilitator/MS facility/SM facing/SM facsimile/DSM facsimileing fact/MS faction/SM factional factionalism/M factious factitious factoid/SM factor/SMDG factorial/MS factorization factorize/GDS factory/SM factotum/SM factual/Y faculty/SM fad/GSMD faddish/P faddist/MS faddy/P fade/MS fading/U faerie/SM faff/DGS fag/SM fagged fagging faggot/SM fagot/SMG faience/M fail/MDGJS failing/M faille/M failure/SM fain/RT faint/SMDRYTGP fainthearted faintness/M fair/MRYTGJPS fairground/MS fairing/M fairings/S fairness/UM fairway/SM fairy/SM fairyland/SM faith/M faithful's faithful/UPY faithfulness/UM faithfuls faithless/PY faithlessness/M faiths fajita/SM fajitas/M fake/MZGDRS faker/M fakir/SM falcon/SMRZ falconer/M falconry/M fall/MNGS fallacious/Y fallacy/SM fallback fallibility/IM fallible/P fallibleness/M fallibly/I falloff/SM fallout/M fallow/SMDG false/PRYT falsehood/SM falseness/M falsetto/SM falsie/SM falsifiable falsification/M falsifier/M falsify/DRSZGNX falsity/SM falter/GSJMD faltering/Y fame's fame/D familial familiar/MYS familiarity/UM familiarization/M familiarize/GDS family/SM famine/SM famish/DSG famous/IY fan/SM fanatic/SM fanatical/Y fanaticism/M fanciable fancier/M fanciful/YP fancifulness/M fancily fanciness/M fancy/DRSMZTGP fancywork/M fandango/MS fanfare/SM fang/MDS fanlight/SM fanned fanning fanny/SM fantail/MS fantasia/SM fantasist/S fantasize/GDS fantastic fantastical/Y fantasy/DSMG fanzine/MS far farad/SM faradize/DSG faraway farce/SM farcical/Y fare/MGDS farewell/SM farina/M farinaceous farm/MDRZGSJ farmer/M farmhand/SM farmhouse/SM farming/M farmland/MS farmstead/MS farmyard/MS faro/M farrago/M farragoes farrier/MS farrow/SMDG farseeing farsighted/P farsightedness/M fart/MDGS farther farthermost farthest farthing/SM fascia/SM fascicle/SM fascinate/GNDSX fascinating/Y fascination/M fascism/M fascist/MS fascistic fashion/ZGBMDRS fashionable/U fashionably/U fashioner/M fast/MDRTGSP fastback/SM fastball/SM fasten/UAGDS fastener/SM fastening/MS fastidious/PY fastidiousness/M fastness/MS fat/GSPMD fatal/Y fatalism/M fatalist/SM fatalistic fatalistically fatality/SM fatback/M fate/MS fateful/YP fatefulness/M fathead/MDS father/SGMDY fatherhood/M fatherland/MS fatherless fathom/SMDGB fathomable/U fathomless fatigue/MDSG fatigues/M fatness/M fatso/S fatten/SDG fatter fattest fattiness/M fatty/RSMTP fatuity/M fatuous/YP fatuousness/M fatwa/SM faucet/SM fault/CSMDG faultfinder/SM faultfinding/M faultily faultiness/M faultless/PY faultlessness/M faulty/PRT faun/MS fauna/SM fauvism/M fauvist/SM fave/S favor/ESMDG favorable/U favorably/U favorite/SM favoritism/M fawn/MDRZGS fawner/M fax/GMDS fay/TSMR faze/GDS fazed/U fealty/M fear/MDGS fearful/YP fearfulness/M fearless/PY fearlessness/M fearsome feasibility/M feasible/U feasibly feast/SMDG feat/MS feather/SGMD featherbedding/M featherbrained featherless featherweight/MS feathery/TR feature/DSMG featureless febrile fecal feces/M feckless/PY fecund fecundate/GNDS fecundation/M fecundity/M fed/SM federal/SMY federalism/M federalist/MS federalization/M federalize/GDS federate/FXDSGN federation/FM fedora/SM fee/SM feeble/RTP feebleness/M feebly feed/MRZGSJ feedback/M feedbag/SM feeder/M feeding/M feedlot/SM feel/MRZGSJ feeler/M feelgood feeling/MY feet feign/SDG feigned/U feint/SMDG feisty/TR feldspar/M felicitate/GNXDS felicitation/M felicitous/Y felicity/ISM feline/SM fell/MDRZTGS fella/S fellatio/M fellow/SM fellowman/M fellowmen fellowship/MS felon/SM felonious felony/SM felt/MDGS fem female/PSM femaleness/M feminine/SMY femininity/M feminism/M feminist/SM feminize/DSG femoral femur/SM fen/SM fence/DRSMZG fencer/M fencing/M fend/CDRZGS fender/CM fenestration/M fennel/M feral ferment/FCMS fermentation/M fermented fermenting fermium/M fern/MS ferny/RT ferocious/PY ferociousness/M ferocity/M ferret/GSMD ferric ferromagnetic ferrous ferrule/MS ferry/DSMG ferryboat/SM ferryman/M ferrymen fertile/I fertility/IM fertilization/M fertilize/DRSZG fertilized/U fertilizer/M ferule/SM fervency/M fervent/Y fervid/Y fervor/M fess/FKGSD fest/MRZVS festal fester/GMD festival/SM festive/YP festiveness/M festivity/SM festoon/GMDS feta/M fetal fetch/DRSZG fetcher/M fetching/Y fete/MGDS fetid/P fetidness/M fetish/MS fetishism/M fetishist/SM fetishistic fetlock/MS fetter's fetter/USGD fettle/M fettuccine/M fetus/MS feud/MDGS feudal feudalism/M feudalistic fever/SMD feverish/YP feverishness/M few/TPMR fewness/M fey fez/M fezzes ff fiance/CM fiancee/MS fiances fiasco/M fiascoes fiat/MS fib/ZSMR fibbed fibber/SM fibbing fiber/M fiberboard/M fiberfill/M fiberglass/M fibril/SM fibrillate/GNDS fibrillation/M fibrin/M fibroid fibrosis/M fibrous fibula/M fibulae fibular fiche/SM fichu/SM fickle/RPT fickleness/M fiction/MS fictional/Y fictionalization/SM fictionalize/DSG fictitious/Y fictive ficus/M fiddle/DRSMZG fiddler/M fiddlesticks fiddly/TR fidelity/IM fidget/SGMD fidgety fiduciary/SM fie fief/MS fiefdom/MS field/ISMRZ fielded fielder/IM fielding fieldsman fieldsmen fieldwork/MRZ fieldworker/M fiend/SM fiendish/Y fierce/PRYT fierceness/M fieriness/M fiery/RPT fiesta/SM fife/MZRS fifer/M fifteen/MHS fifteenth/M fifteenths fifth/MY fifths fiftieth/M fiftieths fifty/SMH fig/SLM fight/SMRZG fightback fighter/IMS fighting/IM figment/MS figuration/FM figurative/Y figure's figure/FEGSD figurehead/SM figurine/MS filament/MS filamentous filbert/MS filch/DSG file's/KC file/CAKGDS filer/CSM filet filial filibuster/MDRSZG filibusterer/M filigree/DSM filigreeing filing's filings fill's fill/AIDGS filled/U filler/MS fillet/MDGS filling/SM fillip/MDGS filly/SM film/MDGS filminess/M filmmaker/SM filmstrip/MS filmy/TPR filo filter/MDRBSZG filtered/U filterer/M filth/M filthily filthiness/M filthy/RPT filtrate's filtrate/IGNDS filtration/IM fin/SMR finagle/DRSZG finagler/M final/SMY finale/MS finalist/SM finality/M finalization/M finalize/DSG finance's finance/ADSG financial/Y financier/MS financing/M finch/MS find/JMRZGS finder/M finding/M findings/M fine's/F fine/CAFTGDS finely fineness/M finery/AM finespun finesse/DSMG finger/MDGSJ fingerboard/SM fingering/M fingerling/SM fingermark/S fingernail/SM fingerprint/SGMD fingertip/MS finial/MS finical finickiness/M finicky/RPT finis/MS finish's finish/ADSG finished/U finisher/MS finite/IY fink/MDGS finned finny/TR fir/ZGSJMDRH fire/MS firearm/SM fireball/MS firebomb/MDSJG firebox/MS firebrand/SM firebreak/SM firebrick/SM firebug/SM firecracker/SM firedamp/M firefight/MRSJZG firefighter/M firefighting/M firefly/SM fireguard/S firehouse/SM firelight/ZMR fireman/M firemen fireplace/SM fireplug/MS firepower/M fireproof/DSG firer/M firescreen/S fireside/MS firestorm/MS firetrap/MS firetruck/MS firewall/MS firewater/M firewood/M firework/SM firm/MDRYPTGS firmament/SM firmness/M firmware/MS first/SMY firstborn/SM firsthand firth/M firths fiscal/MYS fish/MDRSZG fishbowl/SM fishcake/SM fisher/M fisherman/M fishermen fishery/SM fishhook/SM fishily fishiness/M fishing/M fishmonger/MS fishnet/SM fishpond/MS fishtail/DGS fishwife/M fishwives fishy/TRP fissile fission/BM fissure/SM fist/MS fistfight/MS fistful/SM fisticuffs/M fistula/SM fistulous/M fit/KAMS fitful/YP fitfulness/M fitly fitment/S fitness/UM fitted/UA fitter/MS fittest fitting/SMY five/MZRS fix/ZGBJMDRS fixate/GNVDSX fixation/M fixative/MS fixed/Y fixer/M fixings/M fixity/M fixture/MS fizz/MDSG fizzle/DSMG fizzy/RT fjord/SM fl/JDG flab/M flabbergast/SGD flabbily flabbiness/M flabby/RPT flaccid/Y flaccidity/M flack/SM flag/MS flagella flagellant/S flagellate/GNDS flagellation/M flagellum/M flagged flagging/U flagman/M flagmen flagon/MS flagpole/SM flagrance/M flagrancy/M flagrant/Y flagship/SM flagstaff/MS flagstone/MS flail/SGMD flair/SM flak/M flake/DSMG flakiness/M flaky/TRP flamage/S flambe/MS flambeed flambeing flamboyance/M flamboyancy/M flamboyant/Y flame/DRSJMZG flamenco/MS flameproof/DGS flamethrower/SM flamingo/MS flammability/IM flammable/SM flan/MS flange/MS flank/SZGMDR flanker/M flannel/SGMD flannelette/M flap/MS flapjack/MS flapped flapper/SM flapping flare/DSMG flareup/SM flash/ZTGMDRS flashback/SM flashbulb/SM flashcard/SM flashcube/SM flasher/M flashgun/SM flashily flashiness/M flashing/M flashlight/MS flashy/RTP flask/SM flat/MYPS flatbed/SM flatboat/SM flatcar/SM flatfeet flatfish/MS flatfoot/SMD flatiron/SM flatland/M flatlet/S flatmate/S flatness/M flatted flatten/SDG flatter/SDRZG flatterer/M flattering/Y flattery/M flattest flatting flattish flattop/SM flatulence/M flatulent flatus/M flatware/M flatworm/SM flaunt/MDSG flaunting/Y flavor/MDSGJ flavored/U flavorful flavoring/M flavorless flavorsome flaw/MDGS flawless/PY flawlessness/M flax/MN flay/DGS flea/MS fleabag/SM fleabite/S fleapit/S fleck/SGMD fledged/U fledgling/MS flee/S fleece/MZGDRS fleecer/M fleeciness/M fleecy/RTP fleeing fleet/STGMDRYP fleetingly/M fleetingness/M fleetness/M flesh/GMDSY fleshly/TR fleshpot/MS fleshy/RT flew flex/AMS flexed flexibility/IM flexible/I flexibly/I flexing flextime/M flibbertigibbet/SM flick/SZGMDR flicker/GMD flier/M flight/MS flightiness/M flightless flighty/PTR flimflam/SM flimflammed flimflamming flimsily flimsiness/M flimsy/TRP flinch/GMDS fling/GM flint/SM flintlock/SM flinty/TR flip/MS flippancy/M flippant/Y flipped flipper/MS flippest flipping flippy/S flirt/SGMD flirtation/MS flirtatious/YP flirtatiousness/M flirty flit/MS flitted flitting float/SMDRZG floater/M flock/SMDG flocking/M floe/MS flog/S flogged flogger/SM flogging/MS flood/SMDRG floodgate/MS floodlight/MDSG floodlit floodplain/MS floodwater/M floor/SMDG floorboard/MS flooring/M floorwalker/SM floozy/SM flop/MS flophouse/MS flopped floppily floppiness/M flopping floppy/PRSMT flora/SM floral florescence/IM florescent/I floret/SM florid/PY floridness/M florin/SM florist/SM floss/MDSG flossy/RT flotation/SM flotilla/MS flotsam/M flounce/DSMG flouncy/TR flounder/MDSG flour/SMDG flourish/GMDS floury flout/SMDRZG flouter/M flow/MDGS flowchart/SM flower's flower/CSDG flowerbed/MS floweriness/M flowering/S flowerless flowerpot/MS flowery/PTR flown flt flu/M flub/MS flubbed flubbing fluctuate/GNDSX fluctuation/M flue/MS fluency/M fluent/Y fluff/SMDG fluffiness/M fluffy/RPT fluid/SMY fluidity/M fluke/SM fluky/RT flume/SM flummox/DSG flung flunk/SMDG flunky/SM fluoresce/DSG fluorescence/M fluorescent fluoridate/GNDS fluoridation/M fluoride/SM fluorine/M fluorite/M fluorocarbon/MS fluoroscope/SM fluoroscopic flurry/GDSM flush/MDRSTG fluster/MDSG flute/DSMG fluting/M flutist/MS flutter/MDSG fluttery fluvial flux/IMS fluxed fluxing fly/ZTGBDRSM flyaway flyblown flyby/M flybys flycatcher/MS flying/M flyleaf/M flyleaves flyover/MS flypaper/SM flypast/S flysheet/S flyspeck/GMDS flyswatter/MS flytrap/S flyway/SM flyweight/SM flywheel/MS foal/MDGS foam/MDGS foaminess/M foamy/RTP fob/SM fobbed fobbing focal/Y focus's focus/ADSG focused/U fodder/SM foe/SM fog's fog/CS fogbound fogged/C foggily fogginess/M fogging/C foggy/RTP foghorn/MS fogy/SM fogyish foible/SM foil/MDGS foist/SDG fol fold's fold/AUSGD foldaway folder/SM foldout/MS foliage/M folio/SM folk/MS folklore/M folkloric folklorist/MS folksiness/M folksinger/SM folksinging/M folksy/PTR folktale/MS folkway/MS foll follicle/MS follow/SDRZGJ follower/M following/M followup/S folly/SM foment/SGD fomentation/M fond/RYTP fondant/MS fondle/DSG fondness/M fondue/SM font/MS fontanel/MS foo foobar/S food/MS foodie/SM foodstuff/SM fool/MDGS foolery/SM foolhardily foolhardiness/M foolhardy/TPR foolish/YP foolishness/M foolproof foolscap/M foot/MDRZGSJ footage/M football/MRZGS footballer/M footbridge/SM footfall/MS foothill/MS foothold/MS footie footing/M footless footlights/M footling/MS footlocker/SM footloose footman/M footmen footnote/MGDS footpath/M footpaths footplate/S footprint/SM footrace/MS footrest/MS footsie/SM footslogging footsore footstep/MS footstool/SM footwear/M footwork/M footy fop/SM foppery/M foppish/P foppishness/M for/H fora forage/DRSMZG forager/M foray/SMDG forbade forbear/SMG forbearance/M forbid/S forbidden forbidding/YS forbore forborne force/DSMG forced/U forceful/PY forcefulness/M forceps/M forcible forcibly ford/MDGSB fore/MS forearm/GSMD forebear/MS forebode/GJDS foreboding/M forecast/MRZGS forecaster/M forecastle/MS foreclose/DSG foreclosure/MS forecourt/SM foredoom/DGS forefather/MS forefeet forefinger/SM forefoot/M forefront/SM forego/G foregoes foregone foreground/GMDS forehand/MS forehead/MS foreign/ZRP foreigner/M foreignness/M foreknew foreknow/GS foreknowledge/M foreknown foreleg/SM forelimb/MS forelock/MS foreman/M foremast/MS foremen foremost forename/MDS forenoon/MS forensic/MS forensically forensics/M foreordain/GSD forepart/MS foreperson/SM foreplay/M forequarter/MS forerunner/MS foresail/MS foresaw foresee/RSBZ foreseeable/U foreseeing foreseen/U foreseer/M foreshadow/GDS foreshore/S foreshorten/DSG foresight/MD foresightedness/M foreskin/MS forest's forest/ACGDS forestall/SGD forestation/ACM forester/MS forestland/M forestry/M foretaste/DSMG foretell/GS forethought/M foretold forever/M forevermore forewarn/DSG forewent forewoman/M forewomen foreword/MS forfeit/GSMD forfeiture/SM forgather/SDG forgave forge/DRSMZGVJ forger/M forgery/SM forget/S forgetful/YP forgetfulness/M forgettable/U forgetting forging/M forgivable/U forgive/BRSZGP forgiven forgiveness/M forgiver/M forgiving/U forgo/RZG forgoer/M forgoes forgone forgot forgotten/U fork/MDGS forkful/SM forklift/MS forlorn/Y form's form/CAIFDGS formal/SMY formaldehyde/M formalin formalism/M formalist/MS formalities formality/IM formalization/M formalize/GDS format/SMV formation/CFASM formatted/A formatting/M formed/U former/FIAM formerly formfitting formic formidable formidably formless/PY formlessness/M formula/MS formulaic formulate/ADSGNX formulated/U formulation/AM formulator/SM fornicate/GNDS fornication/M fornicator/MS forsake/GS forsaken forsook forsooth forswear/SG forswore forsworn forsythia/SM fort/MS forte/SM forthcoming/M forthright/YP forthrightness/M forthwith fortieth/M fortieths fortification/M fortified/U fortifier/M fortify/DRSNZGX fortissimo fortitude/M fortnight/MYS fortress/MS fortuitous/YP fortuitousness/M fortuity/M fortunate/UY fortune/MS fortuneteller/SM fortunetelling/M forty/SMH forum/SM forward/MDRYZTGSP forwarder/M forwardness/M forwent fossil/SM fossilization/M fossilize/GDS foster/GSD fought foul/MDRYTGSP foulard/M foulmouthed foulness/M found/FSDG foundation/SM founded/U founder/GMDS foundling/SM foundry/SM fount/SM fountain/SM fountainhead/MS four/MHS fourfold fourposter/SM fourscore/M foursome/SM foursquare fourteen/SMH fourteenth/M fourteenths fourth/MY fourths fowl/MDGS fox/GMDS foxfire/M foxglove/SM foxhole/MS foxhound/SM foxhunt/GS foxily foxiness/M foxtrot/MS foxtrotted foxtrotting foxy/RTP foyer/SM fps fr fracas/MS fractal/SM fraction/ISM fractional/Y fractious/YP fractiousness/M fracture/MGDS frag/S fragile/RT fragility/M fragment/GMDS fragmentary/M fragmentation/M fragrance/MS fragrant/Y frail/RYTP frailness/M frailty/SM frame/DRSMZG framed/U framer/M framework/SM franc/SM franchise's franchise/EDSG franchisee/SM franchiser/SM francium/M francophone frangibility/M frangible frank/SMDRYTGP frankfurter/MS frankincense/M frankness/M frantic frantically frappe/SM frat/MS fraternal/Y fraternity/FSM fraternization/M fraternize/ZGDRS fraternizer/M fratricidal fratricide/MS fraud's fraud/S fraudster/S fraudulence/M fraudulent/Y fraught fray's fray/CDGS frazzle/MGDS freak/SMDG freakish/YP freakishness/M freaky/RT freckle/DSMG freckly/TR free/YTDRS freebase/MGDS freebie/SM freebooter/SM freeborn freedman/M freedmen freedom/SM freehand freehold/ZMRS freeholder/M freeing freelance/DRSMZG freelancer/M freeload/SDRZG freeloader/M freeman/M freemasonry freemen freephone freesia/S freestanding freestone/SM freestyle/SM freethinker/SM freethinking/M freeware/SM freeway/MS freewheel/DGS freewill freezable freeze's freeze/UAGS freezer/MS freezing's freight/MDRZGS freighter/M french frenetic frenetically frenzied/Y frenzy/DSM freq frequencies frequency/IM frequent/DRYSZTG frequented/U frequenter/M fresco/M frescoes fresh/PNRYXZT freshen/ZGDR freshener/M freshet/MS freshman/M freshmen freshness/M freshwater/M fret/MS fretful/YP fretfulness/M fretsaw/MS fretted fretting fretwork/M friable friar/SM friary/SM fricassee/DSM fricasseeing fricative/SM friction/SM frictional fridge/SM friedcake/MS friend/SM friendless friendlies friendliness/UM friendly's friendly/UPTR friendship/MS frieze/SM frig/S frigate/MS frigged frigging fright/SXGMDN frighten/DG frightening/Y frightful/PY frightfulness/M frigid/YP frigidity/M frigidness/M frill/SMD frilly/TR fringe's fringe/IDSG frippery/SM frisk/SDG friskily friskiness/M frisky/TRP frisson/S fritter/MDSG fritz/M frivolity/SM frivolous/PY frivolousness/M frizz/MDSYG frizzle/MGDS frizzly/TR frizzy/TR fro frock's frock/CUS frog/MS frogging/DGS frogman/M frogmarch/GDS frogmen frogspawn frolic/SM frolicked frolicker/SM frolicking frolicsome from frond/SM front's front/FSDG frontage/MS frontal/Y frontbench/ZRS frontier/MS frontiersman/M frontiersmen frontierswoman frontierswomen frontispiece/MS frontward/S frosh/M frost's frost/CSDG frostbit frostbite/MGS frostbitten frostily frostiness/M frosting/M frosty/TPR froth/MDG frothiness/M froths frothy/TPR froufrou/M froward/P frowardness/M frown/SMDG frowzily frowziness/M frowzy/TPR froze/AU frozen/UA fructify/DSG fructose/M frugal/Y frugality/M fruit/SMDG fruitcake/MS fruiterer/S fruitful/YP fruitfulness/M fruitiness/M fruition/M fruitless/PY fruitlessness/M fruity/TPR frump/SM frumpish frumpy/TR frustrate/GNXDS frustrating/Y frustration/M frustum/MS fry/GDSM fryer/SM ft ftp/ZGSR fuchsia/MS fuck/SMGDRZ! fucker/M! fuckhead/S! fuddle/DSMG fudge/DSMG fuehrer/MS fuel's fuel/ADGS fug fugal fuggy fugitive/MS fugue/SM fuhrer/SM fulcrum/MS fulfill/LDGS fulfilled/U fulfillment/M full/MDRZTGSP fullback/MS fuller/M fullness/M fully fulminate/DSXGN fulmination/M fulsome/PY fulsomeness/M fum/S fumble/DRSMZG fumbler/M fumbling/Y fume/MGDS fumigant/MS fumigate/GNDS fumigation/M fumigator/SM fumy/RT fun/M function/MDGS functional/Y functionalism functionalist/S functionality functionary/SM fund/AMDGS fundamental/SMY fundamentalism/M fundamentalist/SM funded/U funding/M fundraiser/MS funeral/MS funerary funereal/Y funfair/S fungal fungible/MS fungicidal fungicide/MS fungoid fungous fungus/iM funicular/SM funk/MDGS funkiness/M funky/PRT funnel/MDGS funner funnest funnily funniness/M funny/TPRSM funnyman/M funnymen fur/SM furbelow/M furbish/ADSG furious/Y furl's furl/UDGS furlong/SM furlough/GMD furloughs furn furnace/SM furnish/ADSG furnished/U furnishings/M furniture/M furor/SM furred furrier/M furriness/M furring/M furrow/MDSG furry/ZTRP further/SGD furtherance/M furthermore furthermost furthest furtive/YP furtiveness/M fury/SM furze/M fuse's/A fuse/CAIFGDS fusee/SM fuselage/SM fusibility/M fusible fusilier/SM fusillade/MS fusion/IFKSM fuss/MDSG fussbudget/MS fussily fussiness/M fusspot/SM fussy/TRP fustian/M fustiness/M fusty/TRP fut futile/Y futility/M futon/SM future/MS futurism/M futurist/MS futuristic futurity/SM futurologist/MS futurology/M futz/DSG fuzz/MDSG fuzzball/S fuzzily fuzziness/M fuzzy/PTR fwd fwy g/SNXB gab/SM gabardine/SM gabbed gabbiness/M gabbing gabble/DSMG gabby/RTP gaberdine/SM gabfest/MS gable/DSM gad/S gadabout/SM gadded gadder/SM gadding gadfly/SM gadget/SM gadgetry/M gadolinium/M gaff/MDRZGS gaffe/SM gaffer/M gag/SM gaga gagged gagging gaggle/SM gaiety/M gaily gain's gain/ADGS gainer/SM gainful/Y gainsaid gainsay/ZGRS gainsayer/M gait/MRZS gaiter/M gal/SM gala/MS galactic galaxy/SM gale's gale/AS galena/M gall/MDGS gallant/SMY gallantry/M gallbladder/MS galleon/SM galleria/MS gallery/SM galley/SM gallimaufry/SM gallium/M gallivant/GSD gallon/SM gallop/SMDG gallows/M gallstone/MS galoot/SM galore galosh/MS galumph/DG galumphs galvanic galvanism/M galvanization/M galvanize/DSG galvanometer/MS gambit/SM gamble/DRSMZG gambler/M gambling/M gambol/SMDG game/MYTGDRSP gamecock/MS gamekeeper/MS gameness/M gamesmanship/M gamester/MS gamete/SM gametic gamin/SM gamine/SM gaminess/M gaming/M gamma/SM gammon/M gammy gamut/SM gamy/RTP gander/SM gang/MDGS gangbusters/M gangland/M ganglia gangling ganglion/M ganglionic gangplank/SM gangrene/DSMG gangrenous gangsta/S gangster/SM gangway/MS ganja gannet/SM gantlet/MS gantry/SM gap/GSMD gape/MS gar/SLM garage/DSMG garb/MDGS garbage/M garbageman garbanzo/SM garble/DSG garcon/SM garden/SZGMDR gardener/M gardenia/MS gardening/M garfish/MS gargantuan gargle/DSMG gargoyle/SM garish/PY garishness/M garland/MDGS garlic/M garlicky garment/MS garner/SGD garnet/SM garnish/GLMDS garnishee/DSM garnisheeing garnishment/SM garret/SM garrison/MDSG garrote/MZGDRS garroter/M garrulity/M garrulous/PY garrulousness/M garter/SM gas's gas/CS gasbag/SM gaseous gash/MDSG gasholder/S gasket/SM gaslight/MS gasman gasmen gasohol/M gasoline/M gasometer/S gasp/MDGS gassed/C gasses gassing/C gassy/RT gastric gastritis/M gastroenteritis/M gastrointestinal gastronome/S gastronomic gastronomical/Y gastronomy/M gastropod/SM gasworks/M gate/MGDS gateau gateaux gatecrash/DRSZG gatecrasher/M gatehouse/SM gatekeeper/MS gatepost/MS gateway/MS gather/SJZGMDR gatherer/M gathering/M gator/SM gauche/RPYT gaucheness/M gaucherie/M gaucho/SM gaudily gaudiness/M gaudy/RPT gauge/DSMG gaunt/RPT gauntlet/MS gauntness/M gauze/M gauziness/M gauzy/RPT gave gavel/SM gavotte/MS gawd gawk/DGS gawkily gawkiness/M gawky/RPT gawp/DGS gay/TSPMR gayness/M gaze/MZGDRS gazebo/SM gazelle/MS gazer/M gazette/MGDS gazetteer/MS gazillion/S gazpacho/M gazump/DGS gear/MDGS gearbox/MS gearing/M gearshift/MS gearwheel/SM gecko/SM geddit gee/DS geeing geek/MS geeky/RT geese geezer/MS geisha/M gel/SM gelatin/M gelatinous gelcap/M geld/DJGS gelding/M gelid gelignite/M gelled gelling gem/SM gemological gemologist/MS gemology/M gemstone/MS gendarme/MS gender/MS gene/MS genealogical/Y genealogist/MS genealogy/SM genera general/SMY generalissimo/MS generalist/MS generality/SM generalization/MS generalize/GDS generalship/M generate/CAVNGSD generation/ACM generational generations generator/SM generic/SM generically generosity/SM generous/PY generousness/M genes/S genesis/M genetic/S genetically geneticist/MS genetics/M genial/FY geniality/FM genie/SM genital/FY genitalia/M genitals/M genitive/MS genitourinary genius/MSi genned genning genocidal genocide/MS genome/MS genre/SM gent/AMS genteel/YP genteelness/M gentian/SM gentile/SM gentility/M gentle/TGDRSP gentlefolk/MS gentlefolks/M gentleman/MY gentlemanly/U gentlemen gentleness/M gentlewoman/M gentlewomen gently gentrification/M gentrify/DSGN gentry/SM genuflect/DGS genuflection/MS genuine/PY genuineness/M genus/M geocentric geocentrically geochemistry/M geode/SM geodesic/SM geodesy/M geodetic geog geographer/SM geographic geographical/Y geography/SM geologic geological/Y geologist/MS geology/SM geom geomagnetic geomagnetism/M geometer geometric geometrical/Y geometry/SM geophysical geophysicist/SM geophysics/M geopolitical geopolitics/M geostationary geosynchronous geosyncline/MS geothermal geothermic geranium/MS gerbil/MS geriatric/S geriatrician/S geriatrics/M germ/MS germane germanium/M germicidal germicide/MS germinal/M germinate/GNDS germination/M gerontological gerontologist/MS gerontology/M gerrymander/GMDS gerrymandering/M gerund/MS gestalt/S gestapo/MS gestate/GNDS gestation/M gestational gesticulate/DSGNX gesticulation/M gestural gesture/MGDS gesundheit get/SM getaway/SM getting getup/M gewgaw/SM geyser/SM ghastliness/M ghastly/TPR ghat/MS ghee gherkin/MS ghetto/SM ghettoize/GDS ghost/SMDYG ghostliness/M ghostly/RTP ghostwrite/ZGRS ghostwriter/M ghostwritten ghostwrote ghoul/SM ghoulish/YP ghoulishness/M giant/SM giantess/MS gibber/GDS gibberish/M gibbet/GMDS gibbon/MS gibbous gibe/MGDS giblet/SM giddily giddiness/M giddy/RTP gift/MDGS gig/SM gigabit/SM gigabyte/MS gigahertz/M gigantic gigantically gigawatt/SM gigged gigging giggle/DRSMZG giggler/M giggly/RT gigolo/SM gild/MDRZGS gilder/M gilding/M gill/MS gillie/S gillion/S gilt/MS gimbals/M gimcrack/SM gimcrackery/M gimlet/GSMD gimme/SM gimmick/MS gimmickry/M gimmicky gimp/MDGS gimpy/RT gin/SM ginger/GSMDY gingerbread/M gingersnap/SM gingery gingham/M gingivitis/M ginkgo/M ginkgoes ginned ginning ginormous ginseng/M giraffe/MS gird/DRZGS girder/M girdle/DSMG girl/MS girlfriend/MS girlhood/SM girlish/YP girlishness/M girly giro/S girt/MDGS girth/M girths gist/M git/S gite/S give/MZGJRS giveaway/MS giveback/MS given/SM giver/M gizmo/SM gizzard/MS glace/S glaceed glaceing glacial/Y glaciate/XGNDS glaciation/M glacier/MS glad/MYSP gladden/GDS gladder gladdest glade/SM gladiator/SM gladiatorial gladiola/SM gladiolus/iM gladness/M gladsome glam glamorization/M glamorize/DSG glamorous/Y glamour/GMDS glance/DSMG gland/SM glandes glandular glans/M glare/DSMG glaring/Y glasnost/M glass/MDSG glassblower/MS glassblowing/M glassful/SM glasshouse/S glassily glassiness/M glassware/M glassy/RTP glaucoma/M glaze/DSMG glazier/SM glazing/M gleam/SMDGJ glean/SDRZGJ gleaner/M gleanings/M glee/M gleeful/YP gleefulness/M glen/MS glib/YP glibber glibbest glibness/M glide/DRSMZG glider/M gliding/M glimmer/MDGJS glimmering/M glimpse/MGDS glint/SMDG glissandi glissando/M glisten/MDSG glister/DSG glitch/GMDS glitter/MDSG glitterati glittery glitz/M glitzy/TR gloaming/SM gloat/SMDG gloating/Y glob/MDGS global/Y globalism/M globalist/MS globalization/M globalize/GDS globe/SM globetrotter/MS globetrotting globular globule/MS globulin/M glockenspiel/SM gloom/M gloomily gloominess/M gloomy/TRP glop/M gloppy/TR glorification/M glorify/GDSN glorious/IY glory/DSMG gloss/MDSG glossary/SM glossily glossiness/M glossolalia/M glossy/PTRSM glottal glottis/MS glove/DSMG glow/MDRZGS glower/GMD glowing/Y glowworm/MS glucose/M glue/MGDS glued/U gluey gluier gluiest glum/YP glummer glummest glumness/M glut/MNS gluten/M glutenous glutinous/Y glutted glutting glutton/MS gluttonous/Y gluttony/M glycerin/M glycerol/M glycogen/M glyph gm gnarl/SMDG gnarly/TR gnash/MDSG gnat/MS gnaw/DGS gneiss/M gnocchi gnome/SM gnomic gnomish gnu/SM go/JMRHZG goad/MDGS goal/MS goalie/SM goalkeeper/MS goalkeeping/M goalless goalmouth goalmouths goalpost/MS goalscorer/S goaltender/MS goat/MS goatee/SM goatherd/MS goatskin/MS gob/SM gobbed gobbet/SM gobbing gobble/DRSMZG gobbledygook/M gobbler/M goblet/SM goblin/SM gobsmacked gobstopper/S god/SM godawful godchild/M godchildren goddammit goddamn/D goddaughter/MS goddess/MS godfather/SM godforsaken godhead/M godhood/M godless/PY godlessness/M godlike godliness/UM godly/URTP godmother/SM godparent/SM godsend/SM godson/SM godspeed goer/M goes gofer/SM goggle/DSMG goggles/M going/M goiter/SM gold/MNS goldbrick/ZGSMDR goldbricker/M golden/TR goldenrod/M goldfield/S goldfinch/MS goldfish/MS goldmine/SM goldsmith/M goldsmiths golf/MDRZGS golfer/M golliwog/S golly/SM gonad/SM gonadal gondola/MS gondolier/SM gone/ZR goner/M gong/MDGS gonk/DGS gonna gonorrhea/M gonorrheal gonzo goo/M goober/SM good/MYSP goodbye/MS goodhearted goodish goodly/TR goodness/M goodnight goods/M goodwill/M goody/SM gooey goof/MDGS goofball/SM goofiness/M goofy/RPT googly/S gooier gooiest gook/MS goon/MS goop/M goose/DSMG gooseberry/SM goosebumps/M goosestep/S goosestepped goosestepping gopher/SM gore/MGDS gorge's gorge/EDSG gorgeous/YP gorgeousness/M gorgon/SM gorilla/MS gorily goriness/M gormandize/DRSZG gormandizer/M gormless gorp/MS gorse/M gory/RTP gosh goshawk/MS gosling/SM gospel/MS gossamer/M gossip/MDRZGS gossiper/M gossipy got gotcha/S goths gotta gotten gouache/S gouge/DRSMZG gouger/M goulash/MS gourd/SM gourde/MS gourmand/SM gourmet/SM gout/M gouty/TR gov govern/DGSBL governable/U governance/M governed/U governess/MS government/MS governmental governor/SM governorship/M govt gown/MDGS gr grab/MS grabbed grabber/MS grabbing grabby/TR grace/EDSMG graceful/EPY gracefulness/EM graceless/PY gracelessness/M gracious/UY graciousness/M grackle/MS grad/MRZSB gradate/XGNDS gradation/CM grade's grade/CADSG graded/U grader/M gradient/MS gradual/PY gradualism/M gradualness/M graduate/XMGNDS graduation/M graffiti graffito/M graft/SMDRZG grafter/M graham/S grail grain/ISMD graininess/M grainy/PTR gram/KMS grammar/MS grammarian/SM grammatical/UY gramophone/MS grampus/MS gran/S granary/SM grand/SMRYPT grandam/MS grandaunt/MS grandchild/M grandchildren granddad/SM granddaddy/SM granddaughter/SM grandee/MS grandeur/M grandfather/GMDYS grandiloquence/M grandiloquent grandiose/Y grandiosity/M grandma/MS grandmother/MYS grandnephew/MS grandness/M grandniece/MS grandpa/MS grandparent/MS grandson/MS grandstand/SGMD granduncle/SM grange/SM granite/M granitic granny/SM granola/M grant/SMDRZG grantee/MS granter/M grantsmanship/M granular granularity/M granulate/GNDS granulation/M granule/MS grape/SM grapefruit/MS grapeshot/M grapevine/SM graph/MDG graphic/MS graphical/Y graphite/M graphologist/MS graphology/M graphs grapnel/MS grapple/MGDS grasp/SMDBG grass/MDSG grasshopper/MS grassland/MS grassroots grassy/TR grate/DRSMZGJ grateful/UYP gratefulness/UM grater/M gratification/M gratify/GNXDS gratifying/Y gratin/S grating/MY gratis gratitude/IM gratuitous/YP gratuitousness/M gratuity/SM gravamen/MS grave/DRSMYTGP gravedigger/SM gravel/SGMDY graven graveness/M graveside/MS gravestone/SM graveyard/MS gravid gravimeter/MS gravitas gravitate/GNDS gravitation/M gravitational gravity/M gravy/SM gray/MDRTGSP graybeard/SM grayish grayness/M graze/DRSMZG grazer/M grease/DRSMZG greasepaint/M greasily greasiness/M greasy/PTR great/SMRYPT greatcoat/SM greathearted greatness/M grebe/SM greed/M greedily greediness/M greedy/PTR green/GPSMDRYT greenback/MS greenbelt/MS greenery/M greenfield greenfly/S greengage/MS greengrocer/SM greenhorn/SM greenhouse/SM greenish greenmail/M greenness/M greenroom/SM greensward/M greenwood/M greet/ZGJSDR greeter/M greeting/M gregarious/PY gregariousness/M gremlin/SM grenade/SM grenadier/MS grenadine/M grep/S grepped grepping grew/A greyhound/SM gribble/S grid/MS griddle/SM griddlecake/SM gridiron/SM gridlock/SMD grief/SM grievance/MS grieve/ZGDRS griever/M grievous/PY grievousness/M griffin/SM griffon/SM grill/SGMDJ grille/MS grim/DYPG grimace/DSMG grime/SM griminess/M grimmer grimmest grimness/M grimy/TRP grin/MS grind/SZGMRJ grinder/M grindstone/MS gringo/MS grinned grinning grip/MDRSZG gripe/SM griper/M grippe/MZGDR gripper/M grisliness/M grisly/RTP grist/MY gristle/M gristly/RT gristmill/MS grit/MS grits/M gritted gritter/SM grittiness/M gritting gritty/RTP grizzle/DSG grizzly/TRSM groan/SGMD groat/SM grocer/MS grocery/SM grog/M groggily grogginess/M groggy/PRT groin/SM grok/S grokked grokking grommet/SM groom/SZGMDR groomer/M grooming/M groomsman/M groomsmen groove/MGDS groovy/RT grope/DRSMZG groper/M grosbeak/MS grosgrain/M gross/PTGMDRSY grossness/M grotesque/SPMY grotesqueness/M grotto/M grottoes grotty/TR grouch/GMDS grouchily grouchiness/M grouchy/RTP ground/ZGMDRJS groundbreaking/MS groundcloth groundcloths grounder/M groundhog/MS grounding/M groundless/Y groundnut/MS groundsheet/S groundskeeper/S groundsman groundsmen groundswell/SM groundwater/M groundwork/M group/JSZGMDR grouper/M groupie/MS grouping/M groupware/M grouse/MZGDRS grouser/M grout/SGMD grove/SM grovel/ZGDRS groveler/M grovelled grovelling grow/AHSG grower/MS growing/I growl/SZGMDR growler/M grown/AI grownup/MS growth/AM growths grub/MS grubbed grubber/MS grubbily grubbiness/M grubbing grubby/TRP grubstake/M grudge/MGDS grudging/Y grue/S gruel/GJM grueling/Y gruesome/RYTP gruesomeness/M gruff/TPRY gruffness/M grumble/DRSMZGJ grumbler/M grump/SM grumpily grumpiness/M grumpy/PRT grunge/MS grungy/RT grunion/SM grunt/SGMD gt guacamole/M guanine/M guano/M guarani/MS guarantee/MDS guaranteeing guarantor/MS guaranty/GDSM guard/SZGMDR guarded/Y guarder/M guardhouse/SM guardian/SM guardianship/M guardrail/SM guardroom/SM guardsman/M guardsmen guava/SM gubernatorial guerrilla/SM guess/ZGBMDRS guesser/M guesstimate/DSMG guesswork/M guest/SGMD guesthouse/S guestroom/S guff/M guffaw/MDGS guidance/M guide/DRSMZG guidebook/SM guided/U guideline/SM guidepost/SM guider/M guild/SZMR guilder/M guildhall/MS guile/M guileful guileless/YP guilelessness/M guillemot/S guillotine/DSMG guilt/M guiltily guiltiness/M guiltless guilty/PRT guinea/MS guise/ESM guitar/MS guitarist/SM gulag/SM gulch/MS gulden/MS gulf/MS gull/MDSG gullet/MS gullibility/M gullible gully/SM gulp/MDRSZG gulper/M gum/SM gumball/S gumbo/SM gumboil/SM gumboot/S gumdrop/SM gummed gumming gummy/TR gumption/M gumshoe/MDS gumshoeing gun/SM gunboat/SM gunfight/MRZS gunfighter/M gunfire/M gunge gungy gunk/M gunky/TR gunman/M gunmen gunmetal/M gunned gunnel/MS gunner/MS gunnery/M gunning gunny/M gunnysack/MS gunpoint/M gunpowder/M gunrunner/MS gunrunning/M gunship/MS gunshot/MS gunslinger/SM gunsmith/M gunsmiths gunwale/MS guppy/SM gurgle/MGDS gurney/MS guru/MS gush/MDRSZG gusher/M gushing/Y gushy/TR gusset/MSDG gussy/DSG gust/EMDSG gustatory gustily gusto/M gusty/RT gut/SM gutless/P gutlessness/M gutsy/RT gutted gutter/SMDG guttersnipe/MS gutting guttural/MS gutty/RT guv/S guvnor/S guy/SGMD guzzle/DRSZG guzzler/M gym/SM gymkhana/MS gymnasium/MS gymnast/MS gymnastic/S gymnastically gymnastics/M gymnosperm/SM gymslip/S gynecologic gynecological gynecologist/SM gynecology/M gyp/SM gypped gypper/SM gypping gypster/SM gypsum/M gypsy/SM gyrate/DSGNX gyration/M gyrator/SM gyrfalcon/MS gyro/MS gyroscope/MS gyroscopic gyve/MGDS h'm h/NRSXZGVJ ha/SH haberdasher/SM haberdashery/SM habiliment/SM habit's habit/ISB habitability/M habitat/SM habitation/MS habitual/YP habitualness/M habituate/GNDS habituation/M habitue/SM hacienda/SM hack/MDRZGS hacker/M hacking/M hackish/SP hackishness/S hackitude/S hackle/MS hackney/SMDG hacksaw/SM hackwork/M had haddock/SM hadn't hadst hafnium/M haft/MS hag/SM haggard/YP haggardness/M haggis/MS haggish haggle/MZGDRS haggler/M hagiographer/SM hagiography/SM hahnium/M haiku/M hail/MDGS hailstone/MS hailstorm/MS hair/MDS hairball/MS hairband/S hairbreadth/M hairbreadths hairbrush/MS haircloth/M haircut/SM hairdo/MS hairdresser/SM hairdressing/M hairdryer/MS hairgrip/S hairiness/M hairless hairlike hairline/SM hairnet/SM hairpiece/MS hairpin/SM hairsbreadth/M hairsbreadths hairsplitter/SM hairsplitting/M hairspray/S hairspring/MS hairstyle/MS hairstylist/SM hairy/TRP haj hajj/M hajjes hajji/SM hake/MS halal/M halberd/SM halcyon hale/ITGDRS half/M halfback/SM halfhearted/PY halfheartedness/M halfpence halfpenny/SM halftime/MS halftone/MS halfway halfwit/SM halibut/SM halite/M halitosis/M hall/MS hallelujah/M hallelujahs hallmark/GMDS halloo/MSG hallow/DSG hallowed/U hallucinate/GNXDS hallucination/M hallucinatory hallucinogen/SM hallucinogenic/SM hallway/SM halo/MDGS halogen/SM halon halt/MDRZGS halter/GMD halterneck/S halting/Y halve/DSG halyard/MS ham/SM hamburg/SZMR hamburger/M hamlet/MS hammed hammer/MDRSJZG hammerer/M hammerhead/SM hammerlock/SM hammertoe/MS hamming hammock/SM hammy/TR hamper/GMDS hampered/U hamster/MS hamstring/GSM hamstrung hand's hand/UDGS handbag/SM handball/MS handbarrow/SM handbill/MS handbook/MS handbrake/S handcar/SM handcart/MS handclasp/MS handcraft/SMDG handcuff/MDGS handed/P handful/SM handgun/SM handhold/MS handicap/MS handicapped handicapper/MS handicapping handicraft/MS handily handiness/M handiwork/M handkerchief/MS handle/MZGDRS handlebar/MS handler/M handmade handmaid/XMNS handmaiden/M handout/SM handover/S handpick/GDS handrail/MS handsaw/SM handset/SM handshake/JMGS handsome/PYTR handsomeness/M handspring/MS handstand/SM handwork/M handwoven handwriting/M handwritten handy/UTR handyman/M handymen hang/MDRJZGS hangar/MS hangdog hanger/M hanging/M hangman/M hangmen hangnail/MS hangout/SM hangover/MS hangup/MS hank/MRZS hanker/GJD hankering/M hankie/MS hansom/MS hap/MY haphazard/YP haphazardness/M hapless/YP haplessness/M haploid/MS happen/SDGJ happening/M happenstance/SM happily/U happiness/UM happy/URTP harangue/MGDS harass/LZGDRS harasser/M harassment/M harbinger/SM harbor/GMDS harbormaster/S hard/NRYXTP hardback/MS hardball/M hardboard/M hardbound hardcore hardcover/SM harden/ZGDR hardened/U hardener/M hardhat/MS hardheaded/PY hardheadedness/M hardhearted/PY hardheartedness/M hardihood/M hardily hardiness/M hardliner/MS hardness/M hardscrabble hardship/SM hardstand/SM hardtack/M hardtop/SM hardware/M hardwired hardwood/SM hardworking hardy/PTR hare/MGDS harebell/MS harebrained harelip/SM harelipped harem/SM haricot/S hark/DGS harlequin/SM harlot/SM harlotry/M harm/MDGS harmed/U harmful/YP harmfulness/M harmless/PY harmlessness/M harmonic/SM harmonica/MS harmonically harmonies harmonious/PY harmoniousness/M harmonium/MS harmonization/M harmonize/ZGDRS harmonizer/M harmony/EM harness's harness/UDSG harp/MDGS harpist/SM harpoon/ZGSMDR harpooner/M harpsichord/MS harpsichordist/SM harpy/SM harridan/MS harrier/M harrow/SMDG harrumph/GD harrumphs harry/DRSZG harsh/RYTP harshness/M hart/MS harvest/SMDRZG harvested/U harvester/M hash/AMDSG hashish/M hasn't hasp/MS hassle/DSMG hassock/SM hast/DNXG haste/SM hasten/DG hastily hastiness/M hasty/RTP hat/ZGSMDR hatband/S hatbox/MS hatch/MDSG hatchback/MS hatcheck/SM hatched/U hatchery/SM hatchet/SM hatching/M hatchway/SM hate/MS hateful/PY hatefulness/M hatemonger/MS hater/M hatpin/S hatred/SM hatstand/S hatted hatter/SM hatting hauberk/SM haughtily haughtiness/M haughty/PRT haul/MDRZGS haulage/M hauler/M haulier/S haunch/MS haunt/SMDRZG haunter/M haunting/Y hauteur/M have/MGS haven't haven/SM haversack/SM havoc/M haw/GSMD hawk/MDRZGS hawker/M hawkish/P hawkishness/M hawser/SM hawthorn/MS hay/GSMD haycock/SM hayloft/SM haymaking haymow/SM hayrick/MS hayride/MS hayseed/MS haystack/SM haywire hazard/SMDG hazardous/Y haze/MZGJDRS hazel/SM hazelnut/MS hazer/M hazily haziness/M hazing/M hazy/RTP hdqrs he'd he'll he/M head/MDRZGJS headache/MS headband/MS headbanger/S headbanging headboard/SM headbutt/DSG headcase/S headcheese headcount/S headdress/MS header/M headfirst headgear/M headhunt/DRSZG headhunter/M headhunting/M headily headiness/M heading/M headlamp/MS headland/MS headless headlight/MS headline/MZGDRS headliner/M headlock/MS headlong headman/M headmaster/SM headmen headmistress/MS headphone/MS headpiece/MS headpin/SM headquarter/SDG headquarters/M headrest/MS headroom/M headscarf headscarves headset/SM headship/SM headshrinker/SM headsman/M headsmen headstall/SM headstand/SM headstone/SM headstrong headteacher/S headwaiter/SM headwaters/M headway/M headwind/SM headword/SM heady/RTP heal/DRHZGS healed/U healer/M health/M healthful/PY healthfulness/M healthily/U healthiness/UM healthy/UTRP heap/MDGS hear/AHGJS heard/AU hearer/SM hearing/AM hearken/SGD hearsay/M hearse's hearse/AS heart/SM heartache/MS heartbeat/MS heartbreak/SMG heartbroken heartburn/M hearten/ESGD heartfelt hearth/M hearthrug/S hearths hearthstone/SM heartily heartiness/M heartland/MS heartless/PY heartlessness/M heartrending/Y heartsick/P heartsickness/M heartstrings/M heartthrob/MS heartwarming heartwood/M hearty/RSMPT heat's heat/ADGS heated/U heatedly heater/SM heath/MNRX heathen/M heathendom/M heathenish heathenism/M heather/M heaths heating/M heatproof heatstroke/M heatwave/S heave/DRSMZG heaven/SMY heavenly/TR heavens/M heavenward/S heaver/M heavily heaviness/M heavy/RSMTP heavyhearted heavyset heavyweight/MS heck/M heckle/DRSMZG heckler/M heckling/M hectare/SM hectic hectically hectogram/SM hectometer/MS hector/SMDG hedge/DRSMZG hedgehog/MS hedgehop/S hedgehopped hedgehopping hedger/M hedgerow/SM hedonism/M hedonist/MS hedonistic heed/MDGS heeded/U heedful/Y heedless/PY heedlessness/M heehaw/SMDG heel/MDGS heelless heft/MDGS heftily heftiness/M hefty/PRT hegemonic hegemony/M hegira/SM heifer/SM height/XSMN heighten/DG heinous/YP heinousness/M heir/MS heiress/MS heirloom/SM heist/SMDG held helical helices helicopter/SGMD heliocentric heliotrope/SM helipad/S heliport/MS helium/M helix/M hell/M hellbent hellcat/MS hellebore/M hellhole/MS hellion/MS hellish/YP hellishness/M hello/SM helluva helm/MS helmet/SMD helmsman/M helmsmen helot/SM help/MDRZGSJ helper/M helpful/UY helpfulness/M helping/M helpless/PY helplessness/M helpline/S helpmate/SM helve/SM hem/SM hematite/M hematologic hematological hematologist/MS hematology/M heme/M hemisphere/SM hemispheric hemispherical hemline/SM hemlock/SM hemmed hemmer/SM hemming hemoglobin/M hemophilia/M hemophiliac/MS hemorrhage/MGDS hemorrhagic hemorrhoid/MS hemostat/MS hemp/MN hemstitch/MDSG hen/M hence henceforth henceforward henchman/M henchmen henna/SMDG henpeck/GSD hep heparin/M hepatic hepatitis/M hepper heppest heptagon/MS heptagonal heptathlon/SM her/M herald/SMDG heralded/U heraldic heraldry/M herb/MS herbaceous herbage/M herbal/S herbalist/MS herbicidal herbicide/MS herbivore/SM herbivorous herculean herd/MDRZGS herder/M herdsman/M herdsmen here/M hereabout/S hereafter/SM hereby hereditary heredity/M herein hereinafter hereof hereon heresy/SM heretic/SM heretical hereto heretofore hereunto hereupon herewith heritable/I heritage/MS hermaphrodite/SM hermaphroditic hermetic hermetical/Y hermit/SM hermitage/MS hernia/SM hernial herniate/GNDS herniation/M hero/M heroes heroic/S heroically heroics/M heroin/SM heroine/SM heroism/M heron/SM herpes/M herpetologist/SM herpetology/M herring/MS herringbone/M herself hertz/M hesitance/M hesitancy/M hesitant/Y hesitate/DSGNX hesitating/UY hesitation/M hessian hetero/SM heterodox heterodoxy/M heterogeneity/M heterogeneous/Y heterosexual/MYS heterosexuality/M heuristic/MS heuristically heuristics/M hew/ZGSDR hewer/M hex/GMDS hexadecimal/S hexagon/MS hexagonal hexagram/SM hexameter/SM hey heyday/SM hf hgt hgwy hi/SD hiatus/MS hibachi/MS hibernate/GNDS hibernation/M hibernator/MS hibiscus/MS hiccough/DG hiccoughs hiccup/GSMD hick/MS hickey/SM hickory/SM hid hidden hide/MZGJDRS hideaway/SM hidebound hideous/YP hideousness/M hideout/MS hider/M hiding/M hie/S hieing hierarchic hierarchical/Y hierarchy/SM hieroglyph/M hieroglyphic/MS hieroglyphs high/MRYZTP highball/SM highborn highboy/MS highbrow/SM highchair/MS highfalutin highhanded/PY highhandedness/M highland/MRZS highlander/M highlight/SMDRZG highlighter/M highness/M highroad/MS highs hightail/DSG highway/MS highwayman/M highwaymen hijack/SJZGMDR hijacker/M hijacking/M hike/MZGDRS hiker/M hiking/M hilarious/PY hilariousness/M hilarity/M hill/MS hillbilly/SM hilliness/M hillock/MS hillside/SM hilltop/MS hilly/PRT hilt/MS him/SM himself hind/MRZS hinder/GD hindered/U hindmost hindquarter/MS hindrance/SM hindsight/M hinge's hinge/UDSG hint/MDRZGS hinter/M hinterland/SM hip/SPM hipbath hipbaths hipbone/MS hiphuggers hipness/M hipped hipper hippest hippie/SM hipping hippo/SM hippodrome/SM hippopotamus/MS hippy hipster/MS hire's hire/AGDS hireling/MS hirsute/P hirsuteness/M hiss/MDSG hist histamine/MS histogram/MS histologist/SM histology/M historian/MS historic historical/Y historicity/M historiographer/MS historiography/M history/SM histrionic/S histrionically histrionics/M hit/SM hitch's hitch/UDSG hitcher/MS hitchhike/DRSMZG hitchhiker/M hither hitherto hitter/SM hitting hive/MGDS hiya hmm ho/SMDRYZ hoagie/MS hoard/SZGMDRJ hoarder/M hoarding/M hoarfrost/M hoariness/M hoarse/YTRP hoarseness/M hoary/TRP hoax/MDRSZG hoaxer/M hob/SM hobbit/S hobble/MZGDRS hobbler/M hobby/SM hobbyhorse/MS hobbyist/SM hobgoblin/MS hobnail/SGMD hobnob/S hobnobbed hobnobbing hobo/MS hock/MDSG hockey/M hockshop/MS hod/SM hodgepodge/SM hoe/SM hoecake/SM hoedown/SM hoeing hoer/M hog/SM hogan/SM hogback/SM hogged hogging hoggish/Y hogshead/SM hogtie/DS hogtying hogwash/M hoick/SGD hoist/SGMD hoke/GDS hokey hokier hokiest hokum/M hold/MRJSZG holdall/S holder/M holding/M holdout/SM holdover/SM holdup/MS hole/MGDS holey holiday/SMDG holidaymaker/S holiness/UM holism holistic holistically holler/MDGS hollow/MDRYPSTG hollowness/M holly/SM hollyhock/MS holmium/M holocaust/SM hologram/MS holograph/M holographic holographs holography/M hols holster/SMDG holy/URPT homage/MS hombre/MS homburg/SM home/MYZGDRS homebody/SM homeboy/SM homecoming/SM homegrown homeland/MS homeless/MP homelessness/M homelike homeliness/M homely/PRT homemade homemaker/SM homemaking/M homeopath/M homeopathic homeopaths homeopathy/M homeostasis/M homeostatic homeowner/MS homepage/MS homer/GMD homeroom/MS homeschooling/M homesick/P homesickness/M homespun/M homestead/SMDRZG homesteader/M homestretch/MS hometown/MS homeward/S homework/MRZG homey/SMP homeyness/M homicidal homicide/MS homier homiest homiletic homily/SM hominid/SM hominy/M homo/MS homoerotic homogeneity/M homogeneous/Y homogenization/M homogenize/DSG homograph/M homographs homologous homonym/SM homophobia/M homophobic homophone/MS homosexual/SM homosexuality/M hon/SZTGMDR honcho/MS hone/MS honer/M honest/EYT honester honesty/EM honey/SGMD honeybee/SM honeycomb/MDSG honeydew/SM honeylocust/M honeymoon/ZGMDRS honeymooner/M honeypot/S honeysuckle/SM honk/MDRSZG honker/M honky/SM honor/ESGMDB honorableness/M honorably/E honorarily honorarium/MS honorary honoree/SM honorer/SM honorific/MS hooch/M hood/MDSG hoodlum/SM hoodoo/MDSG hoodwink/DGS hooey/M hoof/MDRSZG hook's hook/UDSG hookah/M hookahs hooker/MS hookup/MS hookworm/MS hooky/M hooligan/MS hooliganism/M hoop/MDSG hoopla/M hooray hoosegow/SM hoot/MDRSZG hootenanny/SM hooter/M hoover/DSG hooves hop/SGMD hope/MS hopeful/PSMY hopefulness/M hopeless/YP hopelessness/M hopped hopper/MS hopping hopscotch/MDSG hora/MS horde/DSMG horehound/SM horizon/SM horizontal/SMY hormonal hormone/SM horn/MDS hornblende/M hornet/MS hornless hornlike hornpipe/MS horny/TR horologic horological horologist/MS horology/M horoscope/SM horrendous/Y horrible/P horribleness/M horribly horrid/Y horrific horrifically horrify/DSG horrifying/Y horror/MS horse's horse/UDSG horseback/M horsebox/S horseflesh/M horsefly/SM horsehair/M horsehide/M horselaugh/M horselaughs horseless horseman/M horsemanship/M horsemen horseplay/M horsepower/M horseradish/MS horseshit/! horseshoe/DSM horseshoeing horsetail/SM horsetrading horsewhip/SM horsewhipped horsewhipping horsewoman/M horsewomen horsey horsier horsiest hortatory horticultural horticulturalist/S horticulture/M horticulturist/MS hosanna/SM hose/MGDS hosepipe/S hosier/MS hosiery/M hosp hospice/MS hospitable/I hospitably/I hospital/SM hospitality/M hospitalization/SM hospitalize/DSG host/MDSG hostage/MS hostel/ZGMDRS hosteler/M hostelry/SM hostess/MDSG hostile/MYS hostilities/M hostility/SM hostler/MS hot/SYP hotbed/MS hotblooded hotbox/MS hotcake/SM hotel/SM hotelier/MS hotfoot/MDGS hothead/DSM hotheaded/YP hotheadedness/M hothouse/SM hotlink/S hotness/M hotplate/SM hotpot/S hots/M hotshot/MS hotted hotter hottest hotting hound/SGMD hour/MYS hourglass/MS houri/SM house's house/ADSG houseboat/SM housebound houseboy/SM housebreak/RSZG housebreaker/M housebreaking/M housebroke housebroken houseclean/DSG housecleaning/M housecoat/SM housefly/SM houseful/SM household/SMRZ householder/M househusband/SM housekeeper/MS housekeeping/M houselights/M housemaid/SM houseman/M housemaster/S housemate/S housemen housemistress/S housemother/SM houseparent/SM houseplant/MS houseproud houseroom housetop/SM housewares/M housewarming/SM housewife/MY housewives housework/M housing/MS hove hovel/SM hover/SGD hovercraft/MS how/SM howbeit howdah/M howdahs howdy however howitzer/SM howl/MDRSZG howler/M howsoever hoyden/MS hoydenish hp hr/S ht huarache/SM hub/SM hubbub/SM hubby/SM hubcap/SM hubris/M huckleberry/SM huckster/SGMD hucksterism/M huddle/DSMG hue/DSM huff/MDSG huffily huffiness/M huffy/PRT hug/STMR huge/YP hugeness/M hugged hugging huh hula/MS hulk/MSG hull/MDRSZG hullabaloo/SM huller/M hum/SM human/SMRYTP humane/PY humaneness/M humanism/M humanist/SM humanistic humanitarian/MS humanitarianism/M humanities/M humanity/ISM humanization/CM humanize/CDSG humanizer/SM humankind/M humanness/M humanoid/SM humble/DRSZTGJP humbleness/M humbler/M humbly humbug/SM humbugged humbugging humdinger/MS humdrum/M humeral humerus/iM humid/Y humidification/M humidifier/CM humidify/CZGDRS humidity/M humidor/SM humiliate/DSGNX humiliating/Y humiliation/M humility/M hummed hummer/SM humming hummingbird/SM hummock/SM hummocky hummus/M humongous humor/SMDG humorist/MS humorless/YP humorlessness/M humorous/PY humorousness/M hump/MDSG humpback/MDS humph/DG humphs humus/M hunch/MDSG hunchback/SMD hundred/SMH hundredfold hundredth/M hundredths hundredweight/SM hung hunger/SMDG hungover hungrily hungriness/M hungry/PRT hunk/MRSZ hunker/DG hunky/RT hunt/MDRSZG hunter/M hunting/M huntress/MS huntsman/M huntsmen hurdle/DRSMZG hurdler/M hurdling/M hurl/MDRSZG hurler/M hurling/M hurrah/GMD hurrahs hurricane/MS hurried/UY hurry/DSMG hurt/MSG hurtful/YP hurtfulness/M hurtle/DSG husband/GMDS husbandman/M husbandmen husbandry/M hush/MDSG husk/MDRSZG husker/M huskily huskiness/M husky/PRSMT hussar/SM hussy/SM hustings/M hustle/DRSMZG hustler/M hut/SM hutch/MS huzzah/MDG huzzahs hwy hyacinth/M hyacinths hybrid/SM hybridism/M hybridization/M hybridize/DSG hydra/SM hydrangea/SM hydrant/MS hydrate's hydrate/CGNDS hydration/CM hydraulic/S hydraulically hydraulics/M hydro/M hydrocarbon/MS hydrocephalus/M hydrodynamic/S hydrodynamics/M hydroelectric hydroelectrically hydroelectricity/M hydrofoil/MS hydrogen/M hydrogenate/CGDS hydrogenation/M hydrogenous hydrologist/MS hydrology/M hydrolyses hydrolysis/M hydrolyze/DSG hydrometer/SM hydrometry/M hydrophobia/M hydrophobic hydrophone/SM hydroplane/GDSM hydroponic/S hydroponically hydroponics/M hydrosphere/M hydrotherapy/M hydrous hydroxide/SM hyena/SM hygiene/M hygienic/U hygienically hygienist/MS hygrometer/SM hying hymen/SM hymeneal hymn/MDSG hymnal/MS hymnbook/SM hype/MGDRS hyperactive hyperactivity/M hyperbola/SM hyperbole/M hyperbolic hypercritical/Y hyperglycemia/M hyperinflation hyperlink/SM hypermarket/S hypermedia/M hypersensitive/P hypersensitiveness/M hypersensitivity/SM hyperspace/S hypertension/M hypertensive/SM hypertext/M hyperthyroid/M hyperthyroidism/M hypertrophy/DSMG hyperventilate/GNDS hyperventilation/M hyphen/MDSG hyphenate/XDSMGN hyphenation/M hypnoses hypnosis/M hypnotherapist/S hypnotherapy/M hypnotic/SM hypnotically hypnotism/M hypnotist/MS hypnotize/GDS hypo/MS hypoallergenic hypochondria/M hypochondriac/SM hypocrisy/SM hypocrite/MS hypocritical/Y hypodermic/MS hypoglycemia/M hypoglycemic/SM hypotenuse/MS hypothalamus/Mi hypothermia/M hypotheses hypothesis/M hypothesize/DSG hypothetical/Y hypothyroid/M hypothyroidism/M hyssop/M hysterectomy/SM hysteresis hysteria/M hysteric/SM hysterical/Y hysterics/M i.e. i/US iPad/M iPhone/M iPod/M iTunes/M iamb/MS iambic/SM iambus/iMS ibex/MS ibid ibidem ibis/MS ibuprofen/M ice's ice/CDSG iceberg/SM iceboat/SM icebound icebox/MS icebreaker/SM icecap/SM iceman/M icemen ichthyologist/MS ichthyology/M icicle/SM icily iciness/M icing/SM icky/RT icon/MS iconic iconoclasm/M iconoclast/SM iconoclastic iconography/M ictus/M icy/TPR id/SMY idea/MS ideal/SMY idealism/M idealist/SM idealistic idealistically idealization/MS idealize/DSG idem idempotent identical/Y identifiable/U identification/M identified/U identify/ZGNDRSX identikit/S identity/SM ideogram/SM ideograph/M ideographs ideological/Y ideologist/SM ideologue/MS ideology/SM ides/M idiocy/SM idiom/SM idiomatic/U idiomatically idiopathic idiosyncrasy/SM idiosyncratic idiosyncratically idiot/SM idiotic idiotically idle/MZTGDRSP idleness/M idler/M idol/MS idolater/SM idolatress/MS idolatrous idolatry/M idolization/M idolize/GDS idyll/SM idyllic idyllically if/SM iffiness/M iffy/RTP igloo/SM igneous ignitable ignite/AGDS ignition/MS ignoble ignobly ignominious/Y ignominy/SM ignoramus/MS ignorance/M ignorant/Y ignore/GDS iguana/MS ii iii ilea ileitis/M ileum/M ilia ilium/M ilk/SM ill/SMP illegal/MYS illegality/SM illegibility/M illegible illegibly illegitimacy/M illegitimate/Y illiberal/Y illiberality/M illicit/YP illicitness/M illimitable illiteracy/M illiterate/MYS illness/MS illogical/Y illogicality/M illuminate/GNXDS illuminating/Y illumination/M illumine/DSBG illus/V illusion/EMS illusionist/SM illusory illustrate/GNVXDS illustration/M illustrative/Y illustrator/SM illustrious/PY illustriousness/M image/DSMG imagery/M imaginable/U imaginably/U imaginary imagination/MS imaginative/UY imagine/DSBJG imago/M imagoes imam/MS imbalance/DSM imbecile/MS imbecilic imbecility/SM imbibe/ZGDRS imbiber/M imbrication/M imbroglio/SM imbue/DSG imitable/I imitate/DSGNVX imitation/M imitative/PY imitativeness/M imitator/SM immaculate/PY immaculateness/M immanence/M immanency/M immanent/Y immaterial/YP immateriality/M immaterialness/M immature/Y immaturity/M immeasurable immeasurably immediacies/M immediacy/SM immediate/PY immediateness/M immemorial/Y immense/Y immensity/SM immerse/XDSGN immersible immersion/M immigrant/SM immigrate/DSGN immigration/M imminence/M imminent/Y immobile immobility/M immobilization/M immobilize/ZGDRS immoderate/Y immodest/Y immodesty/M immolate/DSGN immolation/M immoral/Y immorality/SM immortal/MYS immortality/M immortalize/DSG immovability/M immovable immovably immune immunity/M immunization/SM immunize/GDS immunodeficiency/M immunodeficient immunologic immunological immunologist/MS immunology/M immure/DSG immutability/M immutable immutably imp/SMR impact/SMDG impair/SDGL impaired/U impairment/MS impala/SM impale/DSGL impalement/M impalpable impalpably impanel/SDG impart/SDG impartial/Y impartiality/M impassably impasse/BSMV impassibility/M impassible impassibly impassioned impassive/YP impassiveness/M impassivity/M impasto/M impatience/MS impatiens/M impatient/Y impeach/ZGBLDRS impeachable/U impeacher/M impeachment/SM impeccability/M impeccable impeccably impecunious/PY impecuniousness/M impedance/M impede/DSG impeded/U impediment/SM impedimenta/M impel/S impelled impeller/MS impelling impend/SDG impenetrability/M impenetrable impenetrably impenitence/M impenitent/Y imperative/SMY imperceptibility/M imperceptible imperceptibly imperceptive imperf imperfect/SMYP imperfection/MS imperfectness/M imperial/MYS imperialism/M imperialist/SM imperialistic imperialistically imperil/GSLD imperilment/M imperious/PY imperiousness/M imperishable imperishably impermanence/M impermanent/Y impermeability/M impermeable impermeably impermissible impersonal/Y impersonate/GNXDS impersonation/M impersonator/SM impertinence/MS impertinent/Y imperturbability/M imperturbable imperturbably impervious/Y impetigo/M impetuosity/M impetuous/YP impetuousness/M impetus/MS impiety/SM impinge/LDSG impingement/M impious/PY impiousness/M impish/YP impishness/M implacability/M implacable implacably implant/BSGMD implantation/M implausibility/SM implausible implausibly implement/GBMDRS implementable/U implementation/SM implemented/U implicate/DSG implication/M implicit/PY implicitness/M implode/DSG implore/DSG imploring/Y implosion/MS implosive imply/XDSGN impolite/YP impoliteness/MS impolitic imponderable/MS import/ZGBSMDR importance/M important/Y importation/MS importer/M importunate/Y importune/GDS importunity/M impose/ADSG imposer/MS imposing/U imposingly imposition/MS impossibility/SM impossible/S impossibly impost/SM impostor/SM imposture/MS impotence/M impotency/M impotent/Y impound/DGS impoverish/DSLG impoverishment/M impracticability impracticable impracticably impractical/Y impracticality/M imprecate/DSXGN imprecation/M imprecise/PYN impreciseness/M imprecision/M impregnability/M impregnable impregnably impregnate/GNDS impregnation/M impresario/SM impress/MDSGV impressed/U impressibility/M impressible impression/BSM impressionability/M impressionism/M impressionist/SM impressionistic impressive/PY impressiveness/M imprimatur/SM imprint/MDRZGS imprinter/M imprison/SDLG imprisonment/SM improbability/SM improbable improbably impromptu/SM improper/Y impropriety/SM improve/GBDSL improved/U improvement/MS improvidence/M improvident/Y improvisation/SM improvisational improvise/ZGDRS improviser/M imprudence/M imprudent/Y impudence/M impudent/Y impugn/ZGSDR impugner/M impulse/MGNVDS impulsion/M impulsive/PY impulsiveness/M impunity/M impure/RYT impurity/SM imputation/SM impute/BDSG in/ASM inaccuracy/S inaction/M inadequacy/S inadvertence/M inadvertent/Y inalienability/M inalienably inamorata/SM inane/RYT inanimate/PY inanimateness/M inanity/SM inappropriate/Y inarticulate/Y inasmuch inaudible inaugural/SM inaugurate/XGNDS inauguration/M inboard/MS inbound inbreed/S inc/TGD incalculably incandescence/M incandescent/Y incantation/SM incapacitate/GDS incarcerate/XDSGN incarceration/M incarnadine/DSG incarnate/AXGNDS incarnation/AM incendiary/SM incense/MGDS incentive's incentive/ES inception/SM incessant/Y incest/M incestuous/PY incestuousness/M inch/MDSG inchoate inchworm/SM incidence/SM incident/SM incidental/MYS incinerate/DSGN incineration/M incinerator/MS incipience/M incipient/Y incise/XGNVDS incision/M incisive/PY incisiveness/M incisor/MS incitement/MS inciter/MS incl inclement inclination/EM inclinations incline's incline/EGDS include/GDS inclusion/MS inclusive/YP inclusiveness/M incognito/MS incombustible incommode/GD incommodious incommunicado incompatibility/S incompetent/MS incomplete/Y inconceivability/M incongruous/PY incongruousness/M inconsolably inconstant/Y incontestability/M incontestably incontinent incontrovertibly inconvenience/GD incorporate/ADSGN incorporated/U incorporation/AM incorporeal incorrect/Y incorrigibility/M incorrigible incorrigibly incorruptibly increasing/Y increment/SMD incremental/Y incriminate/GNDS incrimination/M incriminatory incrustation/SM incubate/GNDS incubation/M incubator/SM incubus/MS inculcate/DSGN inculcation/M inculpate/DSG incumbency/SM incumbent/SM incunabula incunabulum/M incur/SB incurable/MS incurably incurious incurred incurring incursion/MS ind indebted/P indebtedness/M indeed indefatigable indefatigably indefeasible indefeasibly indefinably indelible indelibly indemnification/M indemnify/GDSXN indemnity/SM indentation/MS indention/M indenture/DG indescribably indestructibly indeterminably indeterminacy/M indeterminate/Y index/ZGMDRS indexation/SM indexer/M indicate/XDSGNV indication/M indicative/SMY indicator/MS indict/GDSBL indictment/SM indie/S indigence/M indigenous indigent/SMY indignant/Y indignation/M indigo/M indirect/Y indiscipline indiscreet/Y indiscretion/S indiscriminate/Y indispensability/M indispensable/MS indispensably indissolubility indissolubly indistinguishably indite/GDS indium/M individual/MYS individualism/M individualist/MS individualistic individualistically individuality/M individualization/M individualize/GDS individuate/DSGN individuation/M indivisibly indoctrinate/GNDS indoctrination/M indolence/M indolent/Y indomitable indomitably indubitable indubitably induce/DRSZGL inducement/SM inducer/M induct/DGV inductance/M inductee/SM induction/MS inductive/Y indulge/DSG indulgence/SM indulgent/Y industrial/Y industrialism/M industrialist/SM industrialization/M industrialize/DSG industrious/YP industriousness/M industry/SM indwell/SG inebriate/MGNDS inebriation/M inedible ineffability/M ineffable ineffably inefficiency/S inelastic ineligible/MS ineligibly ineluctable ineluctably inept/YP ineptitude/M ineptness/M inequality/S inert/YP inertia/M inertial inertness/M inescapable inescapably inestimably inevitability/M inevitable/M inevitably inexact/Y inexhaustibly inexorability inexorable inexorably inexpedient inexpert/Y inexpiable inexplicably inexpressibly inexpressive inextricably inf/ZT infallible infamy/SM infancy/M infant/MS infanticide/MS infantile infantry/SM infantryman/M infantrymen infarct/MS infarction/M infatuate/DSXGN infatuation/M infect/AESDG infected/U infection/ASM infectious/PY infectiousness/M infelicitous inference/SM inferential inferior/MS inferiority/M infernal/Y inferno/MS inferred inferring infest/GDS infestation/MS infidel/MS infidelity/S infiltrator/SM infinite/MV infinitesimal/SMY infinitival infinitive/MS infinitude/M infinity/SM infirm infirmary/SM infirmity/SM infix inflame/DSG inflammable inflammation/SM inflammatory inflatable/SM inflate/DSGNB inflation/EM inflationary inflect/SDG inflection/MS inflectional inflict/SDGV infliction/M inflow/SM influence/MGDS influenced/U influential/Y influenza/M info/M infomercial/SM inform/Z informal/Y informant/SM information/EM informational informative/PY informativeness/M informed/U infotainment/M infra infrared/M infrasonic infrastructural infrastructure/SM infrequence/M infrequent/Y infringement/MS infuriate/GDS infuriating/Y infuser/SM ingenious/PY ingeniousness/M ingenue/SM ingenuity/M ingenuous/EY ingenuousness/M ingest/SDG ingestion/M inglenook/SM ingot/SM ingrain/G ingrate/SM ingratiate/GNDS ingratiating/Y ingratiation/M ingredient/MS ingress/MS inguinal inhabit/DG inhabitable/U inhabitant/SM inhabited/U inhalant/SM inhalation/MS inhalator/MS inhaler/SM inharmonious inhere/DSG inherent/Y inherit/EGSD inheritance/EM inheritances inheritor/SM inhibit/GSD inhibition/SM inhibitor/SM inhibitory inhuman/Y inhumane/Y inimical/Y inimitably iniquitous/Y iniquity/SM initial/SGMDY initialization initialize/DSG initialized/AU initiate/XMGNVDS initiated/U initiation/M initiative/SM initiator/MS initiatory inject/SDG injection/SM injector/SM injure/DRSZG injured/U injurer/M injurious ink/MD inkblot/SM inkiness/M inkling/SM inkstand/SM inkwell/MS inky/RTP inland/M inline inmate/SM inmost inn/SGMRJ innards/M innate/PY innateness/M innermost innersole/SM innerspring innervate/GNDS innervation/M inning/M innit innkeeper/MS innocence/M innocent/MYS innocuous/PY innocuousness/M innovate/XDSGNV innovation/M innovator/MS innovatory innuendo/SM innumerably innumerate inoculate/AGDS inoculation/MS inoperative inordinate/Y inorganic inquire/ZGDR inquirer/M inquiring/Y inquiry/SM inquisition/MS inquisitional inquisitive/YP inquisitiveness/M inquisitor/SM inquisitorial inrush/MS insane/T insatiability/M insatiably inscribe/ZGDR inscriber/M inscription/MS inscrutability/M inscrutable/P inscrutableness/M inscrutably inseam/SM insecticidal insecticide/MS insectivore/MS insectivorous insecure/Y inseminate/DSGN insemination/M insensate insensible insensitive/Y inseparable/MS insert's insert/AGSD insertion/AM insertions insetting inshore inside/RSMZ insider/M insidious/YP insidiousness/M insight/MS insightful insignia/M insinuate/GNVDSX insinuation/M insinuator/SM insipid/PY insipidity/M insist/SGD insistence/M insistent/Y insisting/Y insofar insole/SM insolence/M insolent/Y insoluble insolubly insolvency/S insomnia/M insomniac/SM insomuch insouciance/M insouciant inspect/AGDS inspection/SM inspector/MS inspectorate/MS inspiration/MS inspirational inspired/U inspiring/U inst instability/S installation/MS installer/UMS installment/SM instance/GD instant/MRYS instantaneous/Y instantiate/DSG instate/AGDS instead instigate/DSGN instigation/M instigator/MS instillation/M instinct/VMS instinctive/Y instinctual institute/XMZGNDRS instituter/M institution/M institutional/Y institutionalization/M institutionalize/DSG instr instruct/SDGV instructed/U instruction/MS instructional instructive/Y instructor/MS instrument/MDSG instrumental/MYS instrumentalist/SM instrumentality/M instrumentation/M insubordinate insufferable insufferably insular insularity/M insulate/GNDS insulation/M insulator/MS insulin/M insult/SMDG insulting/Y insuperable insuperably insurance/SM insure/DRSZGB insured/SM insurer/M insurgence/SM insurgency/SM insurgent/MS insurmountably insurrection/SM insurrectionist/SM int intact intaglio/MS integer/MS integral/SMY integrate/AEVNGSD integration/EAM integrator integrity/M integument/SM intellect/MS intellectual/MYS intellectualism/M intellectualize/GDS intelligence/M intelligent/Y intelligentsia/M intelligibility/M intelligible/U intelligibly/U intended/SM intense/YTVR intensification/M intensifier/M intensify/DRSZGN intensity/S intensive/MYPS intensiveness/M intent/SMYP intention/MS intentional/UY intentness/M inter/ESL interact/SGVD interaction/SM interactive/Y interactivity interbred interbreed/GS intercede/GDS intercept/GMDS interception/MS interceptor/SM intercession/SM intercessor/MS intercessory interchange/DSMG interchangeability interchangeable interchangeably intercity intercollegiate intercom/SM intercommunicate/DSGN intercommunication/M interconnect/GDS interconnection/SM intercontinental intercourse/M intercultural interdenominational interdepartmental interdependence/M interdependent/Y interdict/GMDS interdiction/M interdisciplinary interest/ESMD interested/U interesting/Y interface/MGDS interfaith interfere/GDS interference/M interferon/M interfile/GDS intergalactic intergovernmental interim/M interior/SM interj interject/GDS interjection/SM interlace/GDS interlard/DGS interleave/DSG interleukin/M interline/GDSJ interlinear interlining/M interlink/DSG interlock/GMDS interlocutor/SM interlocutory interlope/ZGDRS interloper/M interlude/MGDS intermarriage/SM intermarry/GDS intermediary/SM intermediate/MYS interment/EM interments intermezzi intermezzo/MS interminably intermingle/DSG intermission/SM intermittent/Y intermix/GDS intern/GDL internal/SY internalization/M internalize/GDS international/SMY internationalism/M internationalist/SM internationalization internationalize/DSG internecine internee/SM internet internist/MS internment/M internship/MS interoffice interpenetrate/DSGN interpersonal interplanetary interplay/M interpolate/XDSGN interpolation/M interpose/GDS interposition/M interpret/AGVDS interpretation/AMS interpretative interpreted/U interpreter/MS interracial interred/E interregnum/SM interrelate/XDSGN interrelation/M interrelationship/MS interring/E interrogate/DSGNVX interrogation/M interrogative/MYS interrogator/SM interrogatory/SM interrupt/ZGMDRS interrupter/M interruption/MS interscholastic intersect/GDS intersection/SM intersession/SM intersperse/GNDS interspersion/M interstate/MS interstellar interstice/MS interstitial intertwine/GDS interurban interval/SM intervene/GDS intervention/SM interventionism/M interventionist/SM interview/ZGMDRS interviewee/MS interviewer/M intervocalic interwar interweave/GS interwove interwoven intestacy/M intestate intestinal intestine/MS intimacy/SM intimate/MYGNDSX intimation/M intimidate/GNDS intimidating/Y intimidation/M intonation/SM intoxicant/SM intoxicate/DSGN intoxication/M intramural intramuscular intranet/S intransigence/M intransigent/MYS intrastate intrauterine intravenous/MSY intrepid/Y intrepidity/M intricacy/SM intricate/Y intrigue/DRSMZG intriguer/M intriguing/Y intrinsic intrinsically intro/SM introduce/AGDS introduction/AM introductions introductory introit/SM introspect/GVDS introspection/M introspective/Y introversion/M introvert/MDS intrude/DRSZG intruder/M intrusion/SM intrusive/YP intrusiveness/M intuit/SDGV intuition/S intuitive/PY intuitiveness/M inundate/XDSGN inundation/M inure/DSG invade/DRSZG invader/M invalid/GMDYS invalidism/M invaluable invaluably invariant invasion/MS invasive invective/M inveigh/GD inveighs inveigle/ZGDRS inveigler/M invent/ASGVD invention/AMS inventive/PY inventiveness/M inventor/MS inventory/DSMG inverse/SMY invert/SMDG invest/ASDGL investigate/GNVDSX investigation/M investigator/SM investigatory investiture/MS investment/AEM investor/SM inveteracy/M inveterate invidious/YP invidiousness/M invigilate/GNDS invigilator/S invigorate/ADSG invigorating/Y invigoration/M invincibility/M invincibly inviolability/M inviolably inviolate invitation/SM invitational/SM invite/DSMG invited/U invitee/SM inviting/Y invoke/DSG involuntariness/M involuntary/P involution/M involve/LDSG involvement/SM inward/SY ioctl iodide/SM iodine/M iodize/DSG ion/USM ionic ionization/UM ionize/UDSG ionizer/MS ionosphere/MS ionospheric iota/MS ipecac/SM irascibility/M irascible irascibly irate/YP irateness/M ire/M ireful irenic irides iridescence/M iridescent/Y iridium/M iris/MS irk/SGD irksome/YP irksomeness/M iron/MDSG ironclad/MS ironic ironical/Y ironing/M ironmonger/S ironmongery ironstone/M ironware/M ironwood/MS ironwork/M irony/SM irradiate/DSGN irradiation/M irrational/SMY irrationality/M irreclaimable irreconcilability/M irreconcilable irreconcilably irrecoverable irrecoverably irredeemable irredeemably irreducible irreducibly irrefutable irrefutably irregardless irregular/MYS irregularity/SM irrelevance/MS irrelevancy/MS irrelevant/Y irreligious irremediable irremediably irremovable irreparable irreparably irreplaceable irrepressible irrepressibly irreproachable irreproachably irresistible irresistibly irresolute/PYN irresoluteness/M irresolution/M irrespective irresponsibility/M irresponsible irresponsibly irretrievable irretrievably irreverence/M irreverent/Y irreversible irreversibly irrevocable irrevocably irrigable irrigate/DSGN irrigation/M irritability/M irritable irritably irritant/SM irritate/DSXGN irritating/Y irritation/M irrupt/DGVS irruption/SM isinglass/M isl island/SZMR islander/M isle/MS islet/SM ism/CM isms isn't isobar/MS isobaric isolate/DSMGN isolation/M isolationism/M isolationist/SM isomer/MS isomeric isomerism/M isometric/S isometrically isometrics/M isomorphic isosceles isotherm/SM isotope/SM isotopic isotropic issuance/M issue/ADSMG issuer/MS isthmian isthmus/MS it'd it'll it/USM ital italic/SM italicization/M italicize/GDS italics/M itch/MDSG itchiness/M itchy/RPT item/MS itemization/M itemize/GDS iterate/AXGNVDS iteration/AM iterator/S itinerant/SM itinerary/SM itself iv/U ivory/SM ivy/DSM ix j/F jab/SM jabbed jabber/SMDRZG jabberer/M jabbing jabot/SM jacaranda/MS jack/MDGS jackal/SM jackass/MS jackboot/SMD jackdaw/MS jacket/SMD jackhammer/MS jackknife/MGDS jackknives jackpot/MS jackrabbit/MS jackstraw/MS jacquard/M jade/MGDS jaded/PY jadedness/M jadeite/M jag/SM jagged/TPRY jaggedness/M jaggies/S jaguar/SM jail/MDRZGS jailbird/SM jailbreak/SM jailer/M jailhouse/S jalapeno/MS jalopy/SM jalousie/MS jam/SM jamb/MS jambalaya/M jamboree/MS jammed jamming jammy/RT jangle/DRSMZG jangler/M janitor/SM janitorial japan/SM japanned japanning jape/MGDS jar/SM jardiniere/SM jarful/MS jargon/M jarred jarring/Y jasmine/SM jasper/M jato/MS jaundice/DSMG jaunt/SGMD jauntily jauntiness/M jaunty/RPT java/M javelin/SM jaw/SGMD jawbone/DSMG jawbreaker/MS jawline/S jay/SM jaybird/SM jaywalk/DRSZG jaywalker/M jaywalking/M jazz/MDSG jazzy/TR jct jealous/Y jealousy/SM jean/MS jeans/M jeep/MS jeer/MDSG jeering/MY jeez jejuna jejune jejunum/M jell/DSG jello/S jelly/GDSM jellybean/MS jellyfish/MS jellylike jellyroll/SM jemmy/GDS jennet/MS jenny/SM jeopardize/GDS jeopardy/M jeremiad/MS jerk/MDSG jerkily jerkin/MS jerkiness/M jerkwater jerky/TRMP jeroboam/S jerrybuilt jerrycan/S jersey/MS jest/MDRSZG jester/M jesting/Y jet/SM jetliner/SM jetport/MS jetsam/M jetted jetting jettison/MDSG jetty/SM jewel/SZGMDR jeweler/M jewelry/SM jg jib/SGMD jibbed jibbing jibe/MS jiff/MS jiffy/SM jig's jig/AS jigged/A jigger's jigger/ASDG jigging/A jiggle/DSMG jiggly/RT jigsaw/SMDG jihad/SM jilt/MDSG jimmy/DSMG jimsonweed/M jingle/DSMG jingly/TR jingoism/M jingoist/SM jingoistic jink/DSG jinn jinni/M jinrikisha/SM jinx/MDSG jitney/SM jitterbug/MS jitterbugged jitterbugger/M jitterbugging jitters/M jittery/RT jive/MGDS job/SM jobbed jobber/SM jobbing jobholder/MS jobless/P joblessness/M jobshare/S jobsworth jobsworths jock/MS jockey/SGMD jockstrap/MS jocose/PY jocoseness/M jocosity/M jocular/Y jocularity/M jocund/Y jocundity/M jodhpurs/M joey/S jog/SM jogged jogger/SM jogging/M joggle/DSMG john/MS johnny/SM johnnycake/MS join's join/AFDSG joiner/FMS joinery/M joint's joint/EGSD jointly/F joist/SM jojoba joke/MZGDRS joker/M jokey jokier jokiest joking/Y jollification/SM jollily jolliness/M jollity/M jolly/TGPDRSM jolt/MDRSZG jolter/M jonquil/SM josh/MDRSZG josher/M jostle/MGDS jot/SM jotted jotter/MS jotting/MS joule/SM jounce/MGDS jouncy/TR journal/MS journalese/M journalism/M journalist/SM journalistic journey/ZGMDRS journeyer/M journeyman/M journeymen journo/S joust/SZGMDR jouster/M jousting/M jovial/Y joviality/M jowl/MS jowly/TR joy/SGMD joyful/YP joyfuller joyfullest joyfulness/M joyless/PY joylessness/M joyous/YP joyousness/M joyridden joyride/RSMZG joyrider/M joyriding/M joyrode joystick/SM jubilant/Y jubilation/M jubilee/SM judder/GDS judge's judge/ADSG judgeship/M judgment/SM judgmental/Y judicatory/SM judicature/M judicial/Y judiciary/SM judicious/IYP judiciousness/IM judo/M jug/SM jugful/MS jugged juggernaut/SM jugging juggle/MZGDRS juggler/M jugglery/M jugular/SM juice/DRSMZG juicer/M juicily juiciness/M juicy/PTR jujitsu/M jujube/MS jukebox/MS julep/SM julienne jumble/MGDS jumbo/SM jump/MDRSZG jumper/M jumpily jumpiness/M jumpsuit/MS jumpy/TRP jun junco/SM junction/FISM juncture/FMS jungle/MS junior/MS juniper/SM junk/MDRSZG junker/M junket/MDSG junketeer/MS junkie/MTRS junkyard/MS junta/SM juridic juridical/Y jurisdiction/SM jurisdictional jurisprudence/M jurist/MS juristic juror/SM jury/ISM juryman/M jurymen jurywoman/M jurywomen just/RYPT justice/IMS justifiable/U justifiably/U justification/M justified/U justify/XGDSN justness/M jut/SM jute/M jutted jutting juvenile/SM juxtapose/DSG juxtaposition/SM k/IFGS kB kHz kW kWh kaboom kabuki/M kaddish/MS kaffeeklatch/MS kaffeeklatsch/MS kahuna/S kaiser/MS kale/M kaleidoscope/MS kaleidoscopic kaleidoscopically kamikaze/MS kangaroo/MS kaolin/M kapok/M kappa/SM kaput karakul/M karaoke/MS karat/SM karate/M karma/M karmic kart/MS katydid/SM kayak/SMDG kayaking/M kayo/MDSG kazoo/SM kb kc kebab/SM kedgeree keel/MDSG keelhaul/DGS keen/MDRYSTGP keenness/M keep/MRSZG keeper/M keeping/M keepsake/MS keg/SM kelp/M kelvin/SM ken/SM kenned kennel/SGMD kenning keno/M kepi/MS kept keratin/M kerbside kerchief/SM kerfuffle/S kernel/SM kerosene/M kestrel/MS ketch/MS ketchup/M kettle/SM kettledrum/SM key/SGMD keyboard/ZGSMDR keyboarder/M keyboardist/SM keyhole/MS keynote/MZGDRS keynoter/M keypad/SM keypunch/ZGMDRS keypuncher/M keystone/MS keystroke/SM keyword/MS kg khaki/SM khan/MS kibble/DSMG kibbutz/MS kibbutzim kibitz/ZGDRS kibitzer/M kibosh/M kick/MDRSZG kickback/SM kickball/M kickboxing kicker/M kickoff/MS kickstand/MS kicky/RT kid/SM kidded kidder/SM kiddie/SM kidding kiddish kiddo/SM kidnap/S kidnapped kidnapper/MS kidnapping/MS kidney/SM kidskin/M kielbasa/MS kielbasi kike/S kill/JMDRSZG killdeer/SM killer/M killing/M killjoy/SM kiln/MDSG kilo/MS kilobyte/SM kilocycle/SM kilogram/SM kilohertz/M kiloliter/MS kilometer/MS kiloton/SM kilowatt/SM kilt/MDRS kilter/M kimono/MS kin/M kind's kind/UPRYT kinda kindergarten/MS kindergartner/SM kindhearted/PY kindheartedness/M kindle/AGDS kindliness/M kindling/M kindly/URT kindness/UM kindnesses kindred/M kinds kine/S kinematic/S kinematics/M kinetic/S kinetically kinetics/M kinfolk/SM kinfolks/M king/MYS kingdom/SM kingfisher/SM kingly/RT kingmaker/S kingpin/SM kingship/M kink/MDSG kinkily kinkiness/M kinky/TPR kinsfolk/M kinship/M kinsman/M kinsmen kinswoman/M kinswomen kiosk/SM kip/SM kipped kipper/MDGS kipping kirsch/MS kismet/M kiss/MDRSBZG kisser/M kissoff/SM kissogram/S kit/SGMD kitchen/SM kitchenette/MS kitchenware/M kite/MS kith/M kitsch/M kitschy kitted kitten/MS kittenish kitting kitty/SM kiwi/MS kiwifruit/MS kl klaxon/S kleptomania/M kleptomaniac/SM kludge/GDS kluge/DSG klutz/MS klutziness/M klutzy/TRP km kn knack/SZMR knacker/GD knapsack/MS knave/SM knavery/M knavish/Y knead/SZGDR kneader/M knee/MDS kneecap/SM kneecapped kneecapping kneeing kneel/SG knell/SGMD knelt knew knicker/S knickerbockers/M knickers/M knickknack/MS knife/DSMG knight/MDYSG knighthood/MS knightliness/M knish/MS knit/MS knitted knitter/SM knitting/M knitwear/M knives knob/MS knobbly knobby/TR knock/SZGMDR knockabout knockdown/SM knocker/M knockoff/SM knockout/SM knockwurst/SM knoll/SM knot/MS knothole/SM knotted knotting knotty/TR know/SB knowing/UYS knowledge/M knowledgeable knowledgeably known knuckle/DSMG knuckleduster/S knucklehead/MS knurl/SGMD koala/SM koan/S kohl kohlrabi/M kohlrabies kola/MS kook/MS kookaburra/SM kookiness/M kooky/TPR kopeck/MS korma kosher/DSG kowtow/GMDS kph kraal/SM kraut/SM! krill/M krona/M krone/RM kronor kronur krypton/M kt kuchen/SM kudos/M kudzu/SM kumquat/MS kvetch/GMDS kw l/SDXTGJ la/M lab/SM label's label/ASDG labeled/U labia labial/SM labile labium/M labor/SMDRZG laboratory/SM laborer/M laborious/PY laboriousness/M laborsaving laburnum/MS labyrinth/M labyrinthine labyrinths lac/M lace's lace/UGDS lacerate/DSGNX laceration/M lacewing/SM lacework/M lachrymal lachrymose lack/MDSG lackadaisical/Y lackey/SM lackluster laconic laconically lacquer/GMDS lacrosse/M lactate/GNDS lactation/M lacteal lactic lactose/M lacuna/M lacunae lacy/RT lad/SGMDNJ ladder/GSMD laddie/SM laddish/P lade/S laden/U lading/M ladle/DSMG lady/SM ladybird/SM ladybug/MS ladyfinger/MS ladylike/U ladylove/MS ladyship/MS laetrile/M lag/SZMR lager/M laggard/MYS lagged lagging/M lagniappe/SM lagoon/SM laid/IA lain lair/MS laird/SM laity/M lake/MS lakefront/S lakeside lam/SM lama/MS lamasery/SM lamb/MDSG lambada/MS lambaste/GDS lambda/SM lambency/M lambent/Y lambkin/SM lambskin/SM lambswool lame/MYZTGDRSP lamebrain/MS lameness/M lament/BSMDG lamentably lamentation/MS lamina/M laminae laminar laminate/MGNDS lamination/M lammed lamming lamp/MS lampblack/M lamplight/MRZ lamplighter/M lampoon/SGMD lamppost/SM lamprey/MS lampshade/SM lanai/SM lance/DRSMZG lancer/M lancet/SM land/MDRSGJ landau/SM landfall/MS landfill/MS landholder/SM landholding/MS landing/M landlady/SM landless/M landlocked landlord/MS landlubber/MS landmark/MS landmass/MS landmine/S landowner/MS landownership landowning/SM landscape/MZGDRS landscaper/M landslid landslide/MGS landslip/S landsman/M landsmen landward/S lane/MS language/MS languid/PY languidness/M languish/DSG languor/SM languorous/Y lank/RYTP lankiness/M lankness/M lanky/RTP lanolin/M lantern/MS lanthanum/M lanyard/MS lap/SM lapboard/SM lapdog/SM lapel/SM lapidary/SM lapin/SM lapped lappet/SM lapping lapse/AKGMSD laptop/SM lapwing/MS larboard/SM larcenist/SM larcenous larceny/SM larch/MS lard/MDRSZG larder/M lardy/RT large/RSPMYT largehearted largeness/M largess/M largish largo/SM lariat/SM lark/MDSG larkspur/SM larva/M larvae larval laryngeal larynges laryngitis/M larynx/M lasagna/MS lascivious/YP lasciviousness/M lase/ZGDRS laser/M lash/MDSGJ lashing/M lass/MS lassie/SM lassitude/M lasso/SMDG last/MDYSG lasting/Y lat/S latch's latch/UDSG latchkey/SM late/YTRP latecomer/MS latency/M lateness/M latent lateral/MDYSG latest/M latex/M lath/MDRSZG lathe/M lather/GMD lathery laths latices latish latitude/MS latitudinal latitudinarian/MS latrine/MS latte/RSM latter/MY lattice/MDS latticework/SM laud/MDSGB laudably laudanum/M laudatory laugh/BMDG laughably laughing/MY laughingstock/SM laughs laughter/M launch/AGMDS launcher/SM launchpad/SM launder/DRZGS launderer/M launderette/SM laundress/MS laundromat/MS laundry/SM laundryman/M laundrymen laundrywoman/M laundrywomen laureate/MS laureateship/M laurel/SM lav/SGD lava/M lavage/M lavaliere/SM lavatorial lavatory/SM lave/S lavender/SM lavish/PTGDRSY lavishness/M law/SM lawbreaker/SM lawbreaking/M lawful/UPY lawfulness/UM lawgiver/MS lawless/PY lawlessness/M lawmaker/MS lawmaking/M lawman/M lawmen lawn/MS lawnmower/SM lawrencium/M lawsuit/MS lawyer/SM lax/TRYP laxative/MS laxity/M laxness/M lay/AICSGM layabout/S layaway/M layer/CSM layered layering/M layette/MS layman/M laymen layoff/SM layout/SM layover/MS laypeople layperson/MS layup/SM laywoman/M laywomen laze/MGDS lazily laziness/M lazy/DRSTGP lazybones/M lb/S lbw lea/SM leach/DSG lead/MDNRSZG leader/M leaderless leadership/SM leading/M leaf/MDSG leafage/M leafless leaflet/GMDS leafstalk/MS leafy/RT league/DSMG leak/MDSG leakage/MS leakiness/M leaky/PRT lean/MDRSTGJP leaning/M leanness/M leap/MDRSZG leaper/M leapfrog/MS leapfrogged leapfrogging learn/AUGDS learnedly learner/MS learning's lease/ADSMG leaseback/SM leasehold/MRSZ leaseholder/M leaser/SM leash's leash/UDSG least/M leastwise leather/MS leatherette/M leatherneck/MS leathery leave/DRSMZGJ leaven/SGMD leavened/U leavening/M leaver/M leavings/M lech/MDRSZG lecher/M lecherous/PY lecherousness/M lechery/M lecithin/M lectern/MS lecture/MZGDRS lecturer/M lectureship/SM ledge/RSMZ ledger/M lee/RSMZ leech/MDSG leek/MS leer/MDG leeriness/M leery/RPT leeward/SM leeway/M left/MRST leftism/M leftist/SM leftmost leftover/SM leftward/S lefty/SM leg/SM legacy/SM legal/SMY legalese/MS legalism/MS legalistic legalistically legality/SM legalization/M legalize/GDS legate/CXMNS legatee/MS legation's/AC legato/SM legend/SM legendarily legendary legerdemain/M legged legginess/M legging/MS leggy/RPT leghorn/MS legibility/M legible legibly legion/SM legionary/SM legionnaire/SM legislate/DSGNV legislation/M legislative/Y legislator/MS legislature/SM legit legitimacy/M legitimate/DSYG legitimatize/GDS legitimization/M legitimize/DSG legless legman/M legmen legroom/SM legume/MS leguminous legwarmer/S legwork/M lei/SM leisure/DMY leisureliness/M leisurewear/M leitmotif/MS leitmotiv/MS lemma/S lemme/JG lemming/M lemon/SM lemonade/SM lemongrass lemony lemur/SM lend/RSZG lender/M length/MNX lengthen/GD lengthily lengthiness/M lengths lengthwise lengthy/PRT lenience/M leniency/M lenient/Y lenitive lens/MS lent lentil/MS lento leonine leopard/SM leopardess/MS leotard/SM leper/SM leprechaun/MS leprosy/M leprous lepta lepton/MS lesbian/SM lesbianism/M lesion/MS less/MNRX lessee/MS lessen/GD lesson/MS lessor/MS let/ISM letdown/SM lethal/Y lethargic lethargically lethargy/M letter/ZGMDRS letterbomb/S letterbox/S lettered/U letterer/M letterhead/MS lettering/M letterpress/M letting/S lettuce/MS letup/SM leucotomy/S leukemia/M leukemic/SM leukocyte/MS levee/SM level/PSZGMDRY leveler/M levelheaded/P levelheadedness/M levelness/M lever/SGMD leverage/DSMG leviathan/MS levier/M levitate/DSGN levitation/M levity/M levy/DRSMZG lewd/RYPT lewdness/M lexer/S lexical lexicographer/MS lexicographic lexicographical lexicography/M lexicon/SM lexis lg liabilities liability/AM liable/A liaise/GDS liaison/MS liar/MS lib/M libation/SM libber/MS libel/SZGMDR libeler/M libelous liberal/MYPS liberalism/M liberality/M liberalization/SM liberalize/GDS liberalness/M liberate/CDSGN liberation/CM liberator/MS libertarian/SM libertine/MS liberty/SM libidinal libidinous libido/MS librarian/MS librarianship library/SM librettist/MS libretto/SM lice license/MGDS licensed/U licensee/MS licentiate/SM licentious/YP licentiousness/M lichen/MS licit/Y lick/MDJSG licking/M licorice/SM lid/SM lidded lidless lido/MS lie/DSM lied/MR lief/RT liege/SM lien/MS lieu/M lieutenancy/M lieutenant/MS life/MZR lifebelt/S lifeblood/M lifeboat/MS lifebuoy/MS lifeforms lifeguard/SM lifeless/YP lifelessness/M lifelike lifeline/MS lifelong lifer/M lifesaver/SM lifesaving/M lifespan/S lifestyle/SM lifetime/MS lifework/MS lift/MDRSZG lifter/M liftoff/SM ligament/MS ligate/GNDS ligation/M ligature/MGDS light's/C light/CASTGD lighted/U lighten/SDRZG lightener/M lighter/SM lightface/MD lightheaded lighthearted/YP lightheartedness/M lighthouse/MS lighting's lightly lightness/M lightning/MDS lightproof lightship/MS lightweight/SM ligneous lignite/M lii likability/M likable/P likableness/M like/EMGDST likelihood/UM likelihoods likeliness/UM likely/UPRT liken/SGD likeness/UM likenesses liker likewise liking/M lilac/SM lilliputian lilo/S lilt/MDSG lily/SM limb/MS limber/UDSG limberness/M limbless limbo/SM lime/MGDS limeade/SM limelight/M limerick/SM limescale limestone/M limey/S limit's limit/CSZGDR limitation/CM limitations limited/U limiter's limiting/S limitless/P limitlessness/M limn/DSG limo/MS limousine/MS limp/MDRYSPTG limpet/MS limpid/YP limpidity/M limpidness/M limpness/M limy/RT linage/M linchpin/SM linden/MS line/MZGDRSJ lineage/MS lineal/Y lineament/SM linear/Y linearity/M linebacker/MS lined/U linefeed lineman/M linemen linen/SM linens/M liner/M linesman/M linesmen lineup/MS ling/M linger/ZGJDRS lingerer/M lingerie/M lingering/Y lingo/M lingoes lingual linguine/M linguist/SM linguistic/S linguistically linguistics/M liniment/SM lining/M link/MDRSG linkage/MS linkman linkmen linkup/MS linnet/MS lino linoleum/M linseed/M lint's lint/CDSG lintel/MS linty/TR lion/MS lioness/MS lionhearted lionization/M lionize/GDS lip/SM lipid/SM liposuction/M lipped lippy/TR lipread/GRS lipreader/M lipreading/M lipstick/MDSG liq liquefaction/M liquefy/DSG liqueur/SM liquid/MS liquidate/XGNDS liquidation/M liquidator/MS liquidity/M liquidize/ZGDRS liquidizer/M liquor/MDGS lira/M lire lisle/M lisp/MDRSZG lisper/M lissome list/MDNSJXG listed/U listen/BMDRZG listener/M listeria listing/M listless/YP listlessness/M lit/ZR litany/SM litchi/MS lite liter/M literacy/M literal/SMYP literalness/M literariness/M literary/P literate/SMY literati/M literature/M lithe/RPYT litheness/M lithesome lithium/M lithograph/MDRZG lithographer/M lithographic lithographically lithographs lithography/M lithosphere/SM litigant/SM litigate/DSGN litigation/M litigator/MS litigious/P litigiousness/M litmus/M litotes/M litter/MDRSZG litterateur/MS litterbug/MS litterer/M little/MTRP littleness/M littoral/SM liturgical/Y liturgist/SM liturgy/SM livability/M livable/U live/ATGDSB livelihood/SM liveliness/M livelong/S lively/PRT liven/SGD liver's liver/S liveried liverish liverwort/MS liverwurst/M livery/CSM liveryman/CM liverymen/C livestock/M liveware/S livid/Y living/MS lix/K lizard/MS ll llama/SM llano/SM lo load's load/AUGSD loadable loader/MS loading's loaf/MDRSZG loafer/M loam/M loamy/TR loan/MDRSZG loaner/M loansharking/M loanword/MS loath/JZGDRS loathe loather/M loathing/M loathsome/PY loathsomeness/M loaves lob/SMD lobar lobbed lobber/MS lobbing lobby/GDSM lobbyist/MS lobe/MS lobotomize/DSG lobotomy/SM lobster/MS local/SMY locale/MS locality/SM localization/M localize/DSG locate/EAGNDS location's/A location/ESM locator/MS lock/MDRSBZG locker/M locket/MS lockjaw/M lockout/MS locksmith/M locksmiths lockstep/M lockup/MS loco/S locomotion/M locomotive/MS locoweed/SM locum/S locus/iM locust/SM locution/MS lode/MS lodestar/MS lodestone/MS lodge/DRSJMZG lodger/M lodging/M lodgings/M loft/MDSG loftily loftiness/M lofty/PRT log/SM loganberry/SM logarithm/SM logarithmic logbook/SM loge/MS logged logger/SM loggerhead/SM loggia/SM logging/M logic/M logical/Y logicality/M logician/MS logistic/S logistical/Y logistics/M logjam/SM logo/MS logotype/SM logrolling/M logy/RT loin/MS loincloth/M loincloths loiter/ZGSDR loiterer/M loitering/M loll/DSG lollipop/SM lollop/GSD lolly/S lollygag/S lollygagged lollygagging lone/YZR loneliness/M lonely/PTR loner/M lonesome/YP lonesomeness/M long's long/KDSTG longboat/MS longbow/MS longer longevity/M longhair/MS longhand/M longhorn/MS longhouse/S longing/MYS longish longitude/MS longitudinal/Y longshoreman/M longshoremen longsighted longstanding longtime longueur/SM longways loo loofah/M loofahs look/MDRSZG lookalike/MS looker/M lookout/MS loom/MDSG loon/MS loony/RSMT loop/MDSG loophole/MS loopy/RT loos/NRX loose/UDSTG loosely loosen/UGSD looseness/M loot/MDRSZG looter/M looting/M lop/S lope/MGDS lopped lopping lopsided/YP lopsidedness/M loquacious/PY loquaciousness/M loquacity/M lord/MDYSG lordliness/M lordly/TPR lordship/SM lore/M lorgnette/SM loris/MS lorn lorry/SM lose/ZGRSJ loser/M losing/M loss/MS lost lot/SM lotion/SM lottery/SM lotto/M lotus/MS louche loud/RYTP loudhailer/SM loudmouth/MD loudmouths loudness/M loudspeaker/MS lough loughs lounge/MZGDRS lounger/M lour/DSG louse's louse/CDSG lousily lousiness/M lousy/TPR lout/MS loutish/PY louver/MDS lovableness/M lovably love/MYZGDRSB lovebird/SM lovechild/M loved/U loveless loveliness/M lovelorn lovely/RSMTP lovemaking/M lover/M lovesick lovey/S loving/Y low/SZTGMDRYP lowborn lowboy/MS lowbrow/SM lowdown/M lower/GD lowercase/M lowermost lowish lowland/SZMR lowlander/M lowlife/SM lowliness/M lowly/TPR lowness/M lox/M loyal/ETY loyaler loyalism/M loyalist/SM loyalties loyalty/EM lozenge/SM ltd luau/MS lubber/MYS lube/MGDS lubricant/SM lubricate/DSGN lubrication/M lubricator/MS lubricious/Y lubricity/M lucid/PY lucidity/M lucidness/M luck/MDSG luckily/U luckiness/UM luckless lucky/UPTR lucrative/YP lucrativeness/M lucre/M lucubrate/GNDS lucubration/M ludicrous/YP ludicrousness/M ludo luff/DSG lug/SM luge/S luggage/M lugged lugger/MS lugging lughole/S lugsail/SM lugubrious/YP lugubriousness/M lukewarm/YP lukewarmness/M lull/MDSG lullaby/SM lulu/S lumbago/M lumbar lumber/MDRZGS lumberer/M lumbering/M lumberjack/SM lumberman/M lumbermen lumberyard/SM luminary/SM luminescence/M luminescent luminosity/M luminous/Y lummox/MS lump/MDNSG lumpectomy/S lumpiness/M lumpish lumpy/TRP lunacy/SM lunar lunatic/SM lunch/GMDS lunchbox/S luncheon/SM luncheonette/SM lunchroom/MS lunchtime/MS lung/MDSG lunge/SM lungfish/MS lungful/S lunkhead/MS lupine/MS lupus/M lurch/GMDS lure/MGDS lurgy lurid/PY luridness/M lurk/DRSZG luscious/PY lusciousness/M lush/MRSYPT lushness/M lust/MDRSG luster/M lusterless lustful/Y lustily lustiness/M lustrous/Y lusty/PTR lutanist/SM lute/MS lutenist/SM lutetium/M luxuriance/M luxuriant/Y luxuriate/DSGN luxuriation/M luxurious/PY luxuriousness/M luxury/SM lvi lvii lxi lxii lxiv lxix lxvi lxvii lyceum/MS lychgate/S lye/MG lying/M lymph/M lymphatic/SM lymphocyte/SM lymphoid lymphoma/SM lynch/JZGDRS lyncher/M lynching/M lynx/MS lyre/MS lyrebird/MS lyric/SM lyrical/Y lyricism/M lyricist/SM m/KAS ma'am ma/SMH mac/SGMD macabre macadam/M macadamia/SM macadamize/GDS macaque/MS macaroni/MS macaroon/MS macaw/SM mace/MS macerate/DSGN maceration/M mach/M machete/SM machinate/GNDSX machination/M machine/DSMGB machinery/M machinist/MS machismo/M macho/M mackerel/SM mackinaw/SM mackintosh/MS macrame/M macro/SM macrobiotic/S macrobiotics/M macrocosm/SM macroeconomic/S macroeconomics/M macrology/S macron/MS macroscopic mad/SMYP madam/SM madame/M madcap/MS madden/DGS maddening/Y madder/MS maddest madding made/AU mademoiselle/MS madhouse/SM madman/M madmen madness/M madras/MS madrigal/SM madwoman/M madwomen maelstrom/SM maestro/SM mafia/SM mafiosi mafioso/M mag/SM magazine/SM magenta/M maggot/MS maggoty magi/M magic/SM magical/Y magician/SM magicked magicking magisterial/Y magistracy/M magistrate/SM magma/M magnanimity/M magnanimous/Y magnate/SM magnesia/M magnesium/M magnet/MS magnetic magnetically magnetism/M magnetite/M magnetizable magnetization/CM magnetize/CGDS magneto/SM magnetometer/SM magnetosphere magnification/M magnificence/M magnificent/Y magnifier/M magnify/ZGXDRSN magniloquence/M magniloquent magnitude/SM magnolia/MS magnum/MS magpie/MS magus/iM maharajah/M maharajahs maharani/SM maharishi/SM mahatma/SM mahogany/SM mahout/MS maid/MNSX maiden/MY maidenhair/M maidenhead/SM maidenhood/M maidservant/SM mail/JMDRSZG mailbag/SM mailbomb/GSD mailbox/MS mailer/M mailing/M maillot/SM mailman/M mailmen mailshot/S maim/DSG main/MYS mainframe/SM mainland/MS mainline/MGDS mainmast/MS mainsail/MS mainspring/MS mainstay/MS mainstream/SMDG maintain/ZGBDRS maintainability maintenance/M maintop/SM maisonette/MS maize/SM majestic majestically majesty/SM majolica/M major/SGMDY majordomo/MS majorette/MS majority/SM make's/A make/UAGS makeover/MS maker/SM makeshift/SM makeup/MS makeweight/S making/MS makings/M malachite/M maladjusted maladjustment/M maladministration maladroit/PY maladroitness/M malady/SM malaise/M malamute/MS malapropism/SM malaria/M malarial malarkey/M malathion/M malcontent/MS male/MPS malediction/SM malefaction/M malefactor/SM malefic maleficence/M maleficent maleness/M malevolence/M malevolent/Y malfeasance/M malformation/SM malformed malfunction/MDSG malice/M malicious/PY maliciousness/M malign/DSG malignancy/SM malignant/Y malignity/M malinger/ZGSDR malingerer/M mall/MS mallard/SM malleability/M malleable mallet/MS mallow/MS malnourished malnutrition/M malocclusion/M malodorous malpractice/SM malt/MDSG malted/MS maltose/M maltreat/GLDS maltreatment/M malty/TR mam/S mama/MS mamba/SM mambo/SGMD mamma/M mammal/MS mammalian/MS mammary mammogram/MS mammography/M mammon/M mammoth/M mammoths mammy/SM man's/F man/USY manacle/DSMG manage/ZGDRSL manageability/M manageable/U management/MS manager/M manageress/S managerial manana/MS manatee/SM mandala/SM mandamus/MS mandarin/MS mandate/DSMG mandatory mandible/MS mandibular mandolin/MS mandrake/MS mandrel/SM mandrill/MS mane/MDS manege/M maneuver/MDGSBJ maneuverability/M manful/Y manganese/M mange/DRMZ manged/S manger/M mangetout/S manginess/M mangle/MZGDRS mango/M mangoes mangrove/MS mangy/TRP manhandle/GDS manhole/SM manhood/M manhunt/SM mania/SM maniac/MS maniacal/Y manic/SM manically manicure/MGDS manicurist/MS manifest/MDYSG manifestation/SM manifesto/SM manifold/GMDS manikin/SM manila/M manioc/MS manipulable manipulate/XGNVDS manipulation/M manipulative/Y manipulator/MS mankind/M manky manlike manliness/M manly/UTR manna/M manned/U mannequin/SM manner/MDYS mannerism/SM mannerly/U manning/U mannish/YP mannishness/M manometer/SM manor/SM manorial manpower/M manque mansard/MS manse/SXMN manservant/M mansion/M manslaughter/M manta/SM mantel/MS mantelpiece/SM mantelshelf mantelshelves mantes mantilla/SM mantis/MS mantissa/SM mantle's mantle/EGDS mantra/MS manual/MYS manufacture/DRSMZG manufacturer/M manufacturing/M manumission/SM manumit/S manumitted manumitting manure/MGDS manuscript/MS many/M map's map/AS maple/SM mapmaker/SM mapped/A mapper/MS mapping/S mar/S marabou/MS marabout/SM maraca/MS maraschino/MS marathon/SMRZ marathoner/M maraud/ZGDRS marauder/M marble/MGDS marbleize/GDS marbling/M march/ZGMDRS marcher/M marchioness/MS mare/MS margarine/M margarita/MS marge margin/MS marginal/YS marginalia/M marginalization/M marginalize/GDS maria/M mariachi/MS marigold/MS marijuana/M marimba/SM marina/MS marinade/DSMG marinara/M marinate/DSGN marination/M marine/MZRS mariner/M marionette/MS marital/Y maritime marjoram/M mark/AMDSG markdown/SM marked/U markedly marker/MS market/MDRZGBS marketability/M marketable/U marketeer/SM marketer/M marketing/M marketplace/SM marking/SM markka/M markkaa marksman/M marksmanship/M marksmen markup/MS marl/M marlin/MS marlinespike/SM marmalade/M marmoreal marmoset/SM marmot/MS maroon/MDGS marque/MS marquee/SM marquess/MS marquetry/M marquis/MS marquise/M marquisette/M marred/U marriage/ASM marriageability/M marriageable married/SM marring marrow/MS marry/AGDS marsh/MS marshal/SMDG marshland/SM marshmallow/SM marshy/RT marsupial/MS mart/MNSX marten/M martial/Y martian/S martin/MS martinet/MS martingale/MS martini/SM martyr/MDGS martyrdom/M marvel/MDGS marvelous/Y marzipan/M masc mascara/GMDS mascot/MS masculine/SM masculinity/M maser/SM mash/MDRSZG masher/M mask's mask/UDSG masker/MS masochism/M masochist/SM masochistic masochistically mason/SM masonic masonry/M masque/MS masquerade/DRSMZG masquerader/M mass/MDSGV massacre/MGDS massage/DSMG masseur/SM masseuse/MS massif/MS massive/PY massiveness/M mast/MDS mastectomy/SM master's master/ADGS masterclass/S masterful/Y masterly mastermind/SGMD masterpiece/MS masterstroke/SM masterwork/MS mastery/M masthead/MS mastic/M masticate/GNDS mastication/M mastiff/SM mastitis mastodon/SM mastoid/SM masturbate/GNDS masturbation/M masturbatory mat/SZGMDR matador/SM match/AMS matchbook/SM matchbox/MS matched/U matching matchless matchlock/SM matchmaker/MS matchmaking/M matchstick/MS matchwood/M mate/MS material/SMY materialism/M materialist/SM materialistic materialistically materialization/M materialize/DSG materiel/M maternal/Y maternity/M matey/S math/M mathematical/Y mathematician/SM mathematics/M maths matinee/SM mating/M matins/M matriarch/M matriarchal matriarchs matriarchy/SM matrices matricidal matricide/MS matriculate/DSGN matriculation/M matrimonial matrimony/M matrix/M matron/MYS matte/DRSMZG matter/MDG matting/M mattock/SM mattress/MS maturate/GNDS maturation/M mature/YTGDRS maturity/SM matzo/SMH matzoh/M matzohs matzot maudlin maul/MDRSZG mauler/M maunder/SDG mausoleum/SM mauve/M maven/SM maverick/SM maw/SM mawkish/PY mawkishness/M max/GMDS maxi/MS maxilla/M maxillae maxillary maxim/SM maximal/Y maximization/M maximize/GDS maximum/SM may/M maybe/SM mayday/MS mayflower/MS mayfly/SM mayhem/M mayn't mayo/M mayonnaise/M mayor/SM mayoral mayoralty/M mayoress/MS maypole/SM mayst maze/MS mazurka/MS mdse me/DS mead/M meadow/MS meadowlark/MS meager/PY meagerness/M meal/MS mealiness/M mealtime/SM mealy/TPR mealybug/SM mealymouthed mean/MRYJPSTG meander/SMDJG meanderings/M meanie/M meaning/M meaningful/PY meaningfulness/M meaningless/YP meaninglessness/M meanness/M meant/U meantime/M meanwhile/M meany/SM meas measles/M measly/RT measurable measurably measure's measure/ADSG measured/U measureless measurement/MS meat/MS meatball/MS meatiness/M meatless meatloaf/M meatloaves meatpacking/M meaty/TPR mecca/SM mechanic/MS mechanical/Y mechanics/M mechanism/SM mechanistic mechanistically mechanization/M mechanize/DSG medal/SM medalist/MS medallion/SM meddle/ZGDRS meddler/M meddlesome media/SM medial/AY median/MS mediate/DSGN mediated/U mediation/AM mediator/MS medic/SM medicaid/M medical/SMY medicament/M medicare/M medicate/GNXDS medication/M medicinal/Y medicine/MS medico/MS medieval medievalist/MS mediocre mediocrity/SM meditate/DSGNVX meditation/M meditative/Y medium/MS medley/MS medulla/SM meed/M meek/RYPT meekness/M meerschaum/SM meet/MJSG meeting/M meetinghouse/SM meg/S mega megabit/SM megabucks/M megabyte/MS megacycle/SM megadeath/M megadeaths megahertz/M megalith/M megalithic megaliths megalomania/M megalomaniac/SM megalopolis/MS megaphone/DSMG megapixel/SM megastar/S megaton/SM megawatt/MS meiosis/M meiotic melamine/M melancholia/M melancholic/S melancholy/M melange/MS melanin/M melanoma/SM meld/MDSG melee/SM meliorate/GNVDS melioration/M mellifluous/PY mellifluousness/M mellow/PTGDRYS mellowness/M melodic melodically melodious/YP melodiousness/M melodrama/MS melodramatic/S melodramatically melodramatics/M melody/SM melon/SM melt's melt/ADSG meltdown/SM member's member/EAS membership/SM membrane/SM membranous meme/S memento/MS memo/MS memoir/MS memorabilia/M memorability/M memorable/U memorably memorandum/MS memorial/SM memorialize/DSG memorization/M memorize/DSG memory/SM memsahib/S men menace/MGDS menacing/Y menage/MS menagerie/MS mend/MDRSZG mendacious/Y mendacity/M mendelevium/M mender/M mendicancy/M mendicant/SM mending/M menfolk/MS menfolks/M menhaden/M menial/MYS meningeal meninges meningitis/M meninx/M meniscus/iM menopausal menopause/M menorah/M menorahs mensch/MS menservants menses/M menstrual menstruate/GNDS menstruation/M mensurable mensuration/M menswear/M mental/Y mentalist/SM mentality/SM menthol/M mentholated mention/GSMD mentioned/U mentor/MDSG menu/MS meow/MDSG mercantile mercantilism/M mercenary/SM mercer/MS mercerize/GDS merchandise/MZGDRS merchandiser/M merchandising/M merchant/MBS merchantman/M merchantmen merciful/UY merciless/PY mercilessness/M mercurial/Y mercuric mercury/M mercy/SM mere/MYTS meretricious/YP meretriciousness/M merganser/MS merge/DRSZG merger/M meridian/MS meringue/MS merino/MS merit/CSM merited/U meriting meritocracy/SM meritocratic meritorious/PY meritoriousness/M mermaid/SM merman/M mermen merrily merriment/M merriness/M merry/TRP merrymaker/MS merrymaking/M mesa/MS mescal/MS mescalin mescaline/M mesdames mesdemoiselles mesh/MDSG mesmeric mesmerism/M mesmerize/ZGDRS mesmerizer/M mesomorph/M mesomorphs meson/SM mesosphere/SM mesquite/SM mess/MDSG message/MGDS messeigneurs messenger/SM messiah/M messiahs messianic messieurs messily messiness/M messmate/SM messy/PTR mestizo/MS met meta metabolic metabolically metabolism/SM metabolite/SM metabolize/DSG metacarpal/SM metacarpus/Mi metal/SMD metalanguage/MS metallic metallurgic metallurgical metallurgist/MS metallurgy/M metalwork/MRZG metalworker/M metalworking/M metamorphic metamorphism/M metamorphose/GDS metamorphosis/M metaphor/MS metaphoric metaphorical/Y metaphysical/Y metaphysics/M metastases metastasis/M metastasize/DSG metastatic metatarsal/MS metatarsus/Mi metatheses metathesis/M mete/MZGDRS metempsychoses metempsychosis/M meteor/MS meteoric meteorically meteorite/SM meteoroid/SM meteorologic meteorological meteorologist/SM meteorology/M meter/GMD methadone/M methamphetamine/M methane/M methanol/M methinks method/MS methodical/YP methodicalness/M methodological/Y methodology/SM methought meths methyl/M meticulous/YP meticulousness/M metier/MS metric/S metrical/Y metricate/GNDS metrication/M metricize/GDS metro/SM metronome/MS metropolis/MS metropolitan mettle/M mettlesome mew/SGMD mewl/DSG mews/M mezzanine/MS mezzo/SM mfg mfr/S mg mgr mi/MNX miasma/MS mic/S mica/M mice mick/S mickey/MS micro/SM microbe/MS microbial microbiological microbiologist/MS microbiology/M microbrewery/SM microchip/MS microcircuit/SM microcode microcomputer/MS microcosm/MS microcosmic microdot/SM microeconomics/M microelectronic/S microelectronics/M microfiber/MS microfiche/M microfilm/GMDS microfloppies/S microgroove/SM microlight/MS micromanage/GDSL micromanagement/M micrometeorite/SM micrometer/MS micron/MS microorganism/MS microphone/SM microprocessor/MS microscope/SM microscopic microscopical/Y microscopy/M microsecond/MS microsurgery/M microwave/DSMGB microwaveable mid midair/M midday/M midden/MS middle/MGS middlebrow/SM middleman/M middlemen middlemost middleweight/MS middy/SM midfield/RZ midge/SM midget/MS midi/MS midland/MS midlife/M midmost midnight/M midpoint/MS midrib/MS midriff/MS midsection/MS midshipman/M midshipmen midships midsize midst/M midstream/M midsummer/M midterm/MS midtown/M midway/MS midweek/MS midwife/MGDS midwifery/SM midwinter/M midwives midyear/MS mien/M miff/DSG might/M mightily mightiness/M mightn't mighty/TRP mignonette/SM migraine/MS migrant/MS migrate/AGDS migration/SM migratory mikado/MS mike/MGDS mil/SZMR milady/SM milch mild/MRYTP mildew/SMDG mildness/M mile/MS mileage/SM milepost/MS miler/M milestone/MS milieu/SM militancy/M militant/MYS militarily militarism/M militarist/SM militaristic militarization/CM militarize/CDSG military/M militate/GDS militia/SM militiaman/M militiamen milk/MDRSZG milker/M milkiness/M milkmaid/MS milkman/M milkmen milkshake/SM milksop/MS milkweed/SM milky/RTP mill/MDRSZGJ millage/M millennial millennium/MS miller/M millet/M milliard/MS millibar/MS milligram/MS milliliter/MS millimeter/MS milliner/MS millinery/M milling/M million/HSM millionaire/SM millionairess/S millionth/M millionths millipede/SM millisecond/SM millpond/SM millrace/SM millstone/SM millstream/MS millwright/SM milometer/S milquetoast/SM milt/MDSG mime/MGDS mimeograph/GMD mimeographs mimetic mimic/SM mimicked mimicker/SM mimicking mimicry/SM mimosa/SM min minaret/MS minatory mince/DRSMZG mincemeat/M mincer/M mind's mind/ADRSZG mindbogglingly minded/P mindful/YP mindfulness/M mindless/YP mindlessness/M mindset/MS mine/MZGNDRSX minefield/SM miner/M mineral/MS mineralogical mineralogist/MS mineralogy/M minestrone/M minesweeper/SM mingle/DSG mingy mini/MS miniature/MS miniaturist/MS miniaturization/M miniaturize/GDS minibar/S minibike/SM minibus/MS minicab/S minicam/MS minicomputer/SM minifloppies/S minim/SM minimal/Y minimalism/M minimalist/MS minimization minimize/DSG minimum/MS mining/M minion/M miniseries/M miniskirt/MS minister/SGMD ministerial ministrant/MS ministration/MS ministry/SM minivan/MS mink/MS minnesinger/MS minnow/SM minor/SMDG minority/SM minoxidil/M minster/MS minstrel/SM minstrelsy/M mint/MDRSZG mintage/M minter/M minty/RT minuend/MS minuet/SM minus/iMS minuscule/MS minute/PDRSMYTG minuteman/M minutemen minuteness/M minutia/M minutiae minx/MS miracle/MS miraculous/Y mirage/SM mire/MGDS mirror/GSMD mirth/M mirthful/PY mirthfulness/M mirthless/Y miry/RT misaddress/DSG misadventure/MS misaligned misalignment/M misalliance/MS misanthrope/SM misanthropic misanthropically misanthropist/MS misanthropy/M misapplication/M misapply/DSGNX misapprehend/GSD misapprehension/MS misappropriate/XDSGN misappropriation/M misbegotten misbehave/GDS misbehavior/M misc miscalculate/DSXGN miscalculation/M miscall/DSG miscarriage/MS miscarry/GDS miscast/SG miscegenation/M miscellaneous/Y miscellany/SM mischance/SM mischief/M mischievous/YP mischievousness/M miscibility/M miscible misconceive/GDS misconception/SM misconduct/MDGS misconstruction/MS misconstrue/GDS miscount/MDSG miscreant/SM miscue/DSMG misdeal/GMS misdealt misdeed/MS misdemeanor/MS misdiagnose/GDS misdiagnosis/M misdid misdirect/SDG misdirection/M misdo/JG misdoes misdoing/M misdone miser/SBMY miserableness/M miserably miserliness/M misery/SM misfeasance/M misfeature/S misfile/GDS misfire/MGDS misfit/SM misfitted misfitting misfortune/SM misgiving/MS misgovern/SDGL misgovernment/M misguidance/M misguide/DSG misguided/Y mishandle/DSG mishap/SM mishear/GS misheard mishit/S mishitting mishmash/MS misidentify/GDS misinform/DGS misinformation/M misinterpret/SGD misinterpretation/SM misjudge/DSG misjudgment/SM mislabel/GSD mislaid mislay/GS mislead/GS misleading/Y misled mismanage/LGDS mismanagement/M mismatch/GMDS misname/GDS misnomer/MS misogamist/MS misogamy/M misogynist/SM misogynistic misogynous misogyny/M misplace/GLDS misplacement/M misplay/GMDS misprint/GMDS misprision/M mispronounce/DSG mispronunciation/SM misquotation/MS misquote/MGDS misread/GJS misreading/M misreport/MDGS misrepresent/GDS misrepresentation/MS misrule/MGDS miss's miss/EDSGV missal/ESM misshape/GDS misshapen missile/MS missilery/M mission/AMS missionary/SM missioner/SM missive/MS misspeak/GS misspell/GDJS misspelling/M misspend/GS misspent misspoke misspoken misstate/GDSL misstatement/SM misstep/MS missus/MS mist's mist/CDRSZG mistakable/U mistake/BMGS mistaken/Y mister's mistily mistime/GDS mistiness/M mistletoe/M mistook mistral/MS mistranslated mistreat/LDGS mistreatment/M mistress/MS mistrial/MS mistrust/MDSG mistrustful/Y misty/PRT mistype/GS misunderstand/SGJ misunderstanding/M misunderstood misuse/DSMG mite/MZRS miter/MDG mitigate/DSGN mitigated/U mitigation/M mitoses mitosis/M mitotic mitt/MNSX mitten/M mix/ZGMDRSB mixed/U mixer/M mixture/SM mizzen/MS mizzenmast/SM mks ml mm mnemonic/MS mnemonically mo/CKHS moan/MDRSZG moaner/M moat/MDS mob's mob/CS mobbed/C mobbing/C mobile/MS mobility/M mobilization/CM mobilizations mobilize/CDSG mobilizer/SM mobster/SM moccasin/SM mocha/M mock/DRSZG mocker/M mockery/SM mocking/Y mockingbird/SM mod/STM modal/SM modded modding mode/MS model/ZGSJMDR modeler/M modeling/M modem/SM moderate/MYGNPDS moderateness/M moderation/M moderator/SM modern/MYPS modernism/M modernist/SM modernistic modernity/M modernization/M modernize/DRSZG modernizer/M modernness/M modest/Y modesty/M modicum/SM modifiable modification/M modified/U modifier/M modify/DRSXZGN modish/YP modishness/M modular modulate/CGNDS modulation/CM modulations modulator/MS module/MS modulo modulus moggy mogul/SM mohair/M moi moiety/SM moil/MDSG moire/SM moist/XTPNRY moisten/DRZG moistener/M moistness/M moisture/M moisturize/ZGDRS moisturizer/M molar/SM molasses/M mold/MDRJSZG moldboard/SM molder/GMD moldiness/M molding/M moldy/TPR mole/MS molecular molecularity/M molecule/SM molehill/SM moleskin/M molest/DRZGS molestation/M molested/U molester/M moll/MS mollification/M mollify/DSNG molluscan mollusk/SM molly/SM mollycoddle/DSMG molt/MDNRSZG molter/M molybdenum/M mom/SM moment/MS momenta momentarily momentariness/M momentary/P momentous/PY momentousness/M momentum/M mommy/SM monarch/M monarchic monarchical monarchism/M monarchist/MS monarchistic monarchs monarchy/SM monastery/SM monastic/MS monastical/Y monasticism/M monaural monetarily monetarism/M monetarist/MS monetary monetize/CGDS money/SMD moneybag/MS moneybox/S moneylender/SM moneymaker/SM moneymaking/M monger/MDGS mongol/S mongolism/M mongoloid/MS mongoose/MS mongrel/SM monies moniker/SM monism/M monist/MS monition/SM monitor/SMDG monitory monk/MS monkey/MDGS monkeyshine/SM monkish monkshood/SM mono/M monochromatic monochrome/MS monocle/DSM monoclonal monocotyledon/SM monocotyledonous monocular monodic monodist/SM monody/SM monogamist/MS monogamous/Y monogamy/M monogram/SM monogrammed monogramming monograph/M monographs monolingual/MS monolith/M monolithic monoliths monologist/SM monologue/SM monomania/M monomaniac/MS monomaniacal monomer/SM mononucleosis/M monophonic monoplane/SM monopolist/SM monopolistic monopolization/M monopolize/DRSZG monopolizer/M monopoly/SM monorail/MS monosyllabic monosyllable/MS monotheism/M monotheist/SM monotheistic monotone/MS monotonic monotonically monotonous/PY monotonousness/M monotony/M monounsaturated monoxide/MS monseigneur/M monsieur/M monsignor/SM monsoon/SM monsoonal monster/SM monstrance/ASM monstrosity/SM monstrous/Y montage/SM month/MY monthly/SM months monument/MS monumental/Y moo/SGMD mooch/ZGMDRS moocher/M mood/MS moodily moodiness/M moody/TPR moon/MDSG moonbeam/MS moonless moonlight/SMDRZG moonlighter/M moonlighting/M moonlit moonscape/SM moonshine/MZRS moonshiner/M moonshot/MS moonstone/MS moonstruck moonwalk/MS moor/MDJSG moorhen/S mooring/M moorland/MS moose/M moot/DSG mop/SZGMDR mope/MS moped/SM moper/M mopey mopier mopiest mopish mopped moppet/MS mopping moraine/SM moral/SMY morale/M moralist/MS moralistic moralistically moralities morality/UM moralization/CM moralize/CGDS moralizer/MS morass/MS moratorium/SM moray/SM morbid/YP morbidity/M morbidness/M mordancy/M mordant/SMY more/MS moreish morel/SM moreover mores/M morgue/MS moribund morn/MJSG morning/M morocco/M moron/SM moronic moronically morose/YP moroseness/M morph/GD morpheme/MS morphemic morphia/M morphine/M morphing/M morphological morphology/M morphs morrow/MS morsel/MS mortal/MYS mortality/M mortar/MDSG mortarboard/SM mortgage's mortgage/AGDS mortgagee/MS mortgagor/MS mortician/MS mortification/M mortify/NGDS mortise/DSMG mortuary/SM mosaic/MS mosey/SGD mosh/DSG mosque/MS mosquito/M mosquitoes moss/MS mossback/SM mossy/TR most/MY mot/SM mote's mote/KCXSVN motel/SM motet/SM moth/M mothball/GMDS mother/MDYSG motherboard/SM motherfucker/MS! motherfucking/! motherhood/M motherland/MS motherless motherliness/M moths motif/SM motile/S motility/M motion/KCM motioned motioning motionless/YP motionlessness/M motivate/CDSG motivated/U motivation/SM motivational motivator/SM motive/MS motiveless motley/MS motlier motliest motocross/MS motor/SGMD motorbike/MGDS motorboat/MS motorcade/MS motorcar/SM motorcycle/DSMG motorcyclist/MS motorist/SM motorization/M motorize/DSG motorman/M motormen motormouth/M motormouths motorway/SM mottle/GDS motto/M mottoes moue/MS mound/SGMD mount/EASGMD mountable mountain/SM mountaineer/SMDG mountaineering/M mountainous mountainside/SM mountaintop/SM mountebank/MS mounted/U mounter/MS mounting/SM mourn/SZGDR mourner/M mournful/YP mournfulness/M mourning/M mouse/DRSMZG mouser/M mousetrap/SM mousetrapped mousetrapping mousiness/M moussaka/S mousse/MGDS mousy/PTR mouth/GMD mouthful/MS mouthiness/M mouthpiece/MS mouths mouthwash/MS mouthwatering mouthy/PTR mouton/M movable/SM move/AMZGDRSB moved/U movement/SM mover/AM movie/SM moviegoer/SM moving/Y mow/SZGMDR mower/M moxie/M mozzarella/M mp mpg mph mt mtg mtge mu/SM much/M mucilage/M mucilaginous muck/MDSG muckrake/DRSZG muckraker/M mucky/TR mucous mucus/M mud/M muddily muddiness/M muddle/MGDS muddleheaded muddy/PTGDRS mudflap/S mudflat/MS mudguard/SM mudpack/S mudroom/MS mudslide/MS mudslinger/SM mudslinging/M muenster/M muesli muezzin/MS muff/MDSG muffin/MS muffle/ZGDRS muffler/M mufti/SM mug/SM mugful/MS mugged mugger/MS mugginess/M mugging/MS muggins muggy/PTR mugshot/MS mugwump/MS mujaheddin mukluk/MS mulatto/M mulattoes mulberry/SM mulch/GMDS mulct/SGMD mule/MS muleskinner/MS muleteer/MS mulish/PY mulishness/M mull/DSG mullah/M mullahs mullein/M mullet/MS mulligan/SM mulligatawny/M mullion/SMD multicolored multicultural multiculturalism/M multidimensional multidisciplinary multifaceted multifamily multifarious/PY multifariousness/M multiform multilateral/Y multilevel multilingual multilingualism/M multimedia/M multimillionaire/SM multinational/SM multiparty multiple/MS multiplex/ZGMDRS multiplexer/M multiplicand/MS multiplication/M multiplicative multiplicity/SM multiplier/M multiply/NZGDRSX multiprocessing multiprocessor/SM multipurpose multiracial multistage multistory multitask/GS multitasking/M multitude/SM multitudinous multivariate multivitamin/MS mum/SM mumble/MZGDRS mumbler/M mumbletypeg/M mummer/MS mummery/M mummification/M mummify/GNDS mummy/SM mumps/M mun munch/GDS munchies/M munchkin/SM mundane/SY mung/DSG municipal/SMY municipality/SM munificence/M munificent/Y munition/MDGS mural/SM muralist/SM murder/ZGMDRS murderer/M murderess/MS murderous/Y murk/MS murkily murkiness/M murky/PTR murmur/ZGJMDRS murmurer/M murmuring/M murmurous murrain/M muscat/MS muscatel/SM muscle/MGDS musclebound muscleman musclemen muscly muscular/Y muscularity/M musculature/M muse/MGDSJ musette/MS museum/MS mush/MDRSZG mushiness/M mushroom/GSMD mushy/PTR music/SM musical/MYS musicale/MS musicality/M musician/SMY musicianship/M musicological musicologist/MS musicology/M musing/MY musk/M muskeg/MS muskellunge/MS musket/MS musketeer/MS musketry/M muskie/M muskiness/M muskmelon/SM muskox/MN muskrat/MS musky/PTRS muslin/M muss/MDSG mussel/MS mussy/TR must/MRSZ mustache/MDS mustachio/SMD mustang/MS mustard/M muster/GMD mustily mustiness/M mustn't musty/PTR mutability/M mutably mutagen/MS mutant/MS mutate/XGNVDS mutation/M mutational mute/MYTGDRSPB muteness/M mutilate/DSGNX mutilation/M mutilator/SM mutineer/SM mutinous/Y mutiny/GDSM mutt/MS mutter/ZGJMDRS mutterer/M muttering/M mutton/M muttonchops/M mutual/Y mutuality/M muumuu/MS muzak muzzily muzzle/DSMG muzzy/P my mycologist/SM mycology/M myelitis/M myna/MS myopia/M myopic myopically myriad/SM myrmidon/MS myrrh/M myrtle/SM mys myself mysterious/PY mysteriousness/M mystery/SM mystic/SM mystical/Y mysticism/M mystification/CM mystify/CDSGN mystique/M myth/M mythic mythical mythological mythologist/SM mythologize/DSG mythology/SM myths myxomatosis n/IKTH naan/S nab/S nabbed nabbing nabob/SM nacelle/SM nacho/SM nacre/M nacreous nadir/SM nae naff/RT nag/SM nagged nagger/MS nagging nagware/S nah naiad/SM naif/MS nail/MDSG nailbrush/MS naive/RYT naivete/M naivety/M naked/PY nakedness/M name's name/AGDS nameable/U named/U namedrop namedropping/M nameless/Y namely nameplate/MS namesake/SM nanny/SM nanobot/S nanosecond/SM nanotechnology/S nap/SM napalm/MDSG nape/MS naphtha/M naphthalene/M napkin/MS napless napoleon/SM napped napper/MS napping nappy/TRSM narc/MS narcissism/M narcissist/MS narcissistic narcissus/M narcolepsy/M narcoleptic narcoses narcosis/M narcotic/SM narcotization/M narcotize/GDS nark narky narrate/GNVDSX narration/M narrative/SM narrator/SM narrow/PTGMDRYS narrowness/M narwhal/MS nary nasal/SMY nasality/M nasalization/M nasalize/DSG nascence/AM nascent/A nastily nastiness/M nasturtium/SM nasty/PTR natal natch nation/MS national/MYS nationalism/M nationalist/SM nationalistic nationalistically nationality/SM nationalization/MS nationalize/CDSG nationhood/M nationwide native/MS nativity/SM natl natter/GMDS nattily nattiness/M natty/PTR natural's natural/UPY naturalism/M naturalist/SM naturalistic naturalization/M naturalize/DSG naturalness/UM naturals nature's nature/CS naturism naturist/S naught/MS naughtily naughtiness/M naughty/PTR nausea/M nauseate/GDS nauseating/Y nauseous/PY nauseousness/M nautical/Y nautilus/MS naval nave/MS navel/SM navigability/M navigable navigate/DSGN navigation/M navigational navigator/MS navvy/S navy/SM nay/SM naysayer/MS ne'er neanderthal/MS neap/MS near/DRYSPTG nearby nearness/M nearside nearsighted/YP nearsightedness/M neat/NRYPXT neaten/GD neath neatness/M nebula/M nebulae nebular nebulous/PY nebulousness/M necessarily/U necessary/SM necessitate/DSG necessitous necessity/SM neck/MDSG neckband/S neckerchief/MS necking/M necklace/MGDSJ neckline/MS necktie/MS necrology/M necromancer/SM necromancy/M necrophilia necrophiliac/S necropolis/MS necroses necrosis/M necrotic nectar/M nectarine/MS nee need/MDSG needed/U needful/Y neediness/M needle/MGDS needlepoint/M needless/YP needlessness/M needlewoman/M needlewomen needlework/M needn't needy/PTR nefarious/YP nefariousness/M neg negate/DSGNVX negation/M negative/MYGPDS negativeness/M negativism/M negativity/M neglect/SGMD neglectful/YP neglectfulness/M negligee/MS negligence/M negligent/Y negligible negligibly negotiability/M negotiable/A negotiate/ADSGN negotiation/AM negotiations negotiator/MS negritude/M negro negroid neigh/MDG neighbor/SMDYG neighborhood/SM neighborliness/M neighs neither nelson/SM nematode/SM nemeses nemesis/M neoclassic neoclassical neoclassicism/M neocolonialism/M neocolonialist/MS neoconservative/SM neodymium/M neolithic neologism/SM neon/M neonatal neonate/MS neophilia/S neophyte/MS neoplasm/MS neoplastic neoprene/M nepenthe/M nephew/SM nephrite/M nephritic nephritis/M nepotism/M nepotist/SM nepotistic neptunium/M nerd/MS nerdy/RT nerve's nerve/UDSG nerveless/YP nervelessness/M nerviness/M nervous/YP nervousness/M nervy/TPR nest/MDSG nestle/GJDS nestling/M net/SM netball nether nethermost netherworld/M netiquette/S netted netter/S netting/M nettle/MGDS nettlesome network/SGMD networking/M neural/Y neuralgia/M neuralgic neurasthenia/M neurasthenic/MS neuritic/MS neuritis/M neurological/Y neurologist/SM neurology/M neuron/MS neuronal neuroses neurosis/M neurosurgeon/MS neurosurgery/M neurotic/MS neurotically neurotransmitter/SM neut neuter/MDGS neutral/SMY neutralism/M neutralist/SM neutrality/M neutralization/M neutralize/DRSZG neutralizer/M neutrino/SM neutron/SM never nevermore nevertheless nevus/iM new/STMRYP newbie/MS newborn/SM newcomer/SM newel/SM newfangled newline/S newlywed/SM newness/M news/M newsagent/S newsboy/SM newscast/SMRZ newscaster/M newsdealer/SM newsflash/S newsgirl/SM newsgroup/MS newshound/S newsletter/MS newsman/M newsmen newspaper/MS newspaperman/M newspapermen newspaperwoman/M newspaperwomen newsprint/M newsreader/S newsreel/MS newsroom/MS newsstand/SM newsweekly/SM newswoman/M newswomen newsworthiness/M newsworthy/TRP newsy/TR newt/MS newton/MS next/M nexus/MS niacin/M nib/SM nibble/MZGDRS nibbler/M nice/PYTR niceness/M nicety/SM niche/SM nick/MDRSZG nickel/MS nickelodeon/SM nicker/MDG nickle/S nickname/DSMG nicotine/M niece/SM niff niffy nifty/TR niggard/SMY niggardliness/M nigger/SM! niggle/MZGDRS niggler/M nigh/RT night/SMY nightcap/SM nightclothes/M nightclub/SM nightclubbed nightclubbing nightdress/MS nightfall/M nightgown/SM nighthawk/SM nightie/SM nightingale/SM nightlife/M nightlight/S nightlong nightmare/SM nightmarish nightshade/SM nightshirt/SM nightspot/MS nightstand/SM nightstick/SM nighttime/M nightwatchman nightwatchmen nightwear/M nihilism/M nihilist/MS nihilistic nil/M nimble/TPR nimbleness/M nimbly nimbus/Mi nimby nimrod/MS nincompoop/SM nine/MS ninepin/MS ninepins/M nineteen/SMH nineteenth/M nineteenths ninetieth/M ninetieths ninety/HSM ninja/SM ninny/SM ninth/M ninths niobium/M nip/SM nipped nipper/MS nippiness/M nipping nipple/MS nippy/TPR nirvana/M nisei/M nit/SMR niter/M nitpick/SZGDR nitpicker/M nitpicking/M nitrate/DSMGN nitration/M nitrification/M nitrite/SM nitrocellulose/M nitrogen/M nitrogenous nitroglycerin/M nitwit/MS nix/GMDS no/SM nob/SY nobble/GDS nobelium/M nobility/M noble/RSPMT nobleman/M noblemen nobleness/M noblewoman/M noblewomen nobody/SM nocturnal/Y nocturne/MS nod/SM nodal nodded nodding noddle/MS noddy node/MS nodular nodule/MS noel/MS noes noggin/MS nohow noise/DSMG noiseless/PY noiselessness/M noisemaker/MS noisily noisiness/M noisome noisy/PTR nomad/SM nomadic nomenclature/MS nominal/Y nominate/ACGNVDS nomination's/A nomination/CSM nominative/SM nominator/CSM nominee/MS non nonabrasive nonabsorbent/SM nonacademic nonacceptance/M nonacid nonactive/MS nonaddictive nonadhesive nonadjacent nonadjustable nonadministrative nonage/MS nonagenarian/MS nonaggression/M nonalcoholic nonaligned nonalignment/M nonallergic nonappearance/MS nonassignable nonathletic nonattendance/M nonautomotive nonavailability/M nonbasic nonbeliever/MS nonbelligerent/MS nonbinding nonbreakable nonburnable noncaloric noncancerous nonce/M nonchalance/M nonchalant/Y nonchargeable nonclerical/MS nonclinical noncollectable noncom/MS noncombat noncombatant/MS noncombustible noncommercial/MS noncommittal/Y noncommunicable noncompeting noncompetitive noncompliance/M noncomplying noncomprehending nonconducting nonconductor/MS nonconforming nonconformism nonconformist/MS nonconformity/M nonconsecutive nonconstructive noncontagious noncontinuous noncontributing noncontributory noncontroversial nonconvertible noncooperation/M noncorroding noncorrosive noncredit noncriminal/SM noncritical noncrystalline noncumulative noncustodial nondairy nondeductible/M nondelivery/SM nondemocratic nondenominational nondepartmental nondepreciating nondescript nondestructive nondetachable nondisciplinary nondisclosure/M nondiscrimination/M nondiscriminatory nondramatic nondrinker/MS nondrying none noneducational noneffective nonelastic nonelectric nonelectrical nonempty nonenforceable nonentity/SM nonequivalent/MS nonessential nonesuch/MS nonetheless nonevent/MS nonexchangeable nonexclusive nonexempt/M nonexistence/M nonexistent nonexplosive/MS nonfactual nonfading nonfat nonfatal nonfattening nonferrous nonfiction/M nonfictional nonflammable nonflowering nonfluctuating nonflying nonfood/M nonfreezing nonfunctional nongovernmental nongranular nonhazardous nonhereditary nonhuman nonidentical noninclusive nonindependent nonindustrial noninfectious noninflammatory noninflationary noninflected nonintellectual/MS noninterchangeable noninterference/M nonintervention/M nonintoxicating noninvasive nonirritating nonjudgmental nonjudicial nonlegal nonlethal nonlinear nonliterary nonliving/M nonmagnetic nonmalignant nonmember/MS nonmetal/SM nonmetallic nonmigratory nonmilitant nonmilitary nonnarcotic/SM nonnative/MS nonnegotiable nonnuclear nonnumerical nonobjective nonobligatory nonobservance/M nonobservant nonoccupational nonoccurrence/M nonofficial nonoperational nonoperative nonparallel/MS nonpareil/MS nonparticipant/MS nonparticipating nonpartisan/SM nonpaying nonpayment/SM nonperformance/M nonperforming nonperishable nonperson/MS nonphysical/Y nonplus/S nonplussed nonplussing nonpoisonous nonpolitical nonpolluting nonporous nonpracticing nonprejudicial nonprescription nonproductive nonprofessional/SM nonprofit/SMB nonproliferation/M nonpublic nonpunishable nonracial nonradioactive nonrandom nonreactive nonreciprocal/SM nonreciprocating nonrecognition/M nonrecoverable nonrecurring nonredeemable nonrefillable nonrefundable nonreligious nonrenewable nonrepresentational nonresident/MS nonresidential nonresidual/M nonresistance/M nonresistant nonrestrictive nonreturnable/MS nonrhythmic nonrigid nonsalaried nonscheduled nonscientific nonscoring nonseasonal nonsectarian nonsecular nonsegregated nonsense/M nonsensical/Y nonsensitive nonsexist nonsexual nonskid nonslip nonsmoker/SM nonsmoking nonsocial nonspeaking nonspecialist/MS nonspecializing nonspecific nonspiritual/SM nonstaining nonstandard nonstarter/MS nonstick nonstop nonstrategic nonstriking nonstructural nonsuccessive nonsupport/GM nonsurgical nonsustaining nonsympathizer/M nontarnishable nontaxable nontechnical nontenured nontheatrical nonthinking nonthreatening nontoxic nontraditional nontransferable nontransparent nontrivial nontropical nonuniform nonunion nonuser/MS nonvenomous nonverbal nonviable nonviolence/M nonviolent/Y nonvirulent nonvocal nonvocational nonvolatile nonvoter/MS nonvoting nonwhite/MS nonworking nonyielding nonzero noodle/MGDS nook/MS nookie nooky noon/M noonday/M noontide/M noontime/M noose/SM nope nor nor'easter norm/MS normal/MY normalcy/M normality/M normalization/M normalize/DSG normative north/ZMR northbound northeast/MRZ northeaster/MY northeastern northeastward/S norther/MY northerly/SM northern/ZR northerner/M northernmost northward/S northwest/ZMR northwester/MY northwestern northwestward/S nose/MGDS nosebag/S nosebleed/MS nosecone/SM nosedive/DSMG nosegay/SM nosh/MDRSZG nosher/M nosily nosiness/M nostalgia/M nostalgic nostalgically nostril/MS nostrum/MS nosy/RPT not/B notability/SM notable/SM notably notarial notarization/M notarize/GDS notary/SM notate/GDS notation/FCSM notch/GMDS note's note/FCSDG notebook/MS notelet/S notepad/S notepaper/M noteworthiness/M noteworthy/P nothing/PSM nothingness/M notice/MGDS noticeable/U noticeably noticeboard/S noticed/U notifiable notification/M notifier/M notify/NDRSXZG notion/MS notional/Y notoriety/M notorious/Y notwithstanding notwork/S nougat/MS noun/KMS nourish/DSLG nourishment/M nous nova/MS novae novel/SM novelette/SM novelist/SM novelization/MS novelize/DSG novella/MS novelty/SM novena/MS novene novice/MS novitiate/MS now/M nowadays/M noway/S nowhere/M nowise nowt noxious nozzle/MS nu/SM nuance/MDS nub/SM nubbin/MS nubby/TR nubile nuclear/K nucleate/DSGN nucleation/M nucleic nucleolus/iM nucleon/SM nucleus/Mi nude/MTRS nudge/GDSM nudism/M nudist/SM nudity/M nugatory nugget/SM nuisance/MS nuke/MGDS null/S nullification/M nullify/NDSG nullity/M numb/ZTGPDRYS number's number/ASDG numbered/U numberless numbers/S numbness/M numerable/I numeracy/IM numeral/SM numerate/XGNDS numeration/M numerator/MS numeric numerical/Y numerologist/MS numerology/M numerous/Y numinous numismatic/S numismatics/M numismatist/SM numskull/MS nun/SM nuncio/SM nunnery/SM nuptial/MS nurse/MZGDRS nurselings nursemaid/MS nurser/M nursery/SM nurseryman/M nurserymen nursing/M nursling/SM nurture/DRSMZG nurturer/M nut/SM nutcase/S nutcracker/MS nuthatch/MS nuthouse/S nutmeat/SM nutmeg/SM nutpick/SM nutria/SM nutrient/MS nutriment/MS nutrition/M nutritional/Y nutritionist/SM nutritious/YP nutritiousness/M nutritive nutshell/MS nutted nutter/S nuttiness/M nutting nutty/RTP nuzzle/DRSMZG nuzzler/M nybble/DSG nyetwork/S nylon/MS nylons/M nymph/M nymphet/MS nympho/S nymphomania/M nymphomaniac/SM nymphs o o'clock o'er oaf/SM oafish/PY oafishness/M oak/SMN oakum/M oar/SGMD oarlock/SM oarsman/M oarsmen oarswoman/M oarswomen oases oasis/M oat/SMN oatcake/SM oath/M oaths oatmeal/M oats/M ob/S obbligato/MS obduracy/M obdurate/PY obdurateness/M obedience/EM obedient/EY obeisance/SM obeisant obelisk/MS obese obesity/M obey/EDSG obfuscate/GNXDS obfuscation/M obi/SM obit/MS obituary/SM obj object/SGVMD objectify/NGDS objection/SMB objectionable/U objectionably objective/SMYP objectiveness/M objectivity/M objector/MS objurgate/XGNDS objurgation/M oblate/NX oblation/M obligate/DSXGN obligation/M obligatorily obligatory oblige/EGDS obliging/Y oblique/SMYP obliqueness/M obliquity/M obliterate/DSGN obliteration/M oblivion/M oblivious/YP obliviousness/M oblong/MS obloquy/M obnoxious/YP obnoxiousness/M oboe/MS oboist/MS obscene/RYT obscenity/SM obscurantism/M obscurantist/SM obscure/DRSYTG obscurity/SM obsequies obsequious/PY obsequiousness/M obsequy/M observably observance/MS observant/Y observation/SM observational observatory/SM observe/DRSBZG observed/U observer/M obsess/DSGV obsession/SM obsessional/Y obsessive/PSMY obsessiveness/M obsidian/M obsolesce/DSG obsolescence/M obsolescent obsolete/GDS obstacle/MS obstetric/S obstetrical obstetrician/SM obstetrics/M obstinacy/M obstinate/Y obstreperous/YP obstreperousness/M obstruct/DGVS obstructed/U obstruction/SM obstructionism/M obstructionist/MS obstructive/YP obstructiveness/M obtain/DBLGS obtainable/U obtainment/M obtrude/DSG obtrusion/M obtrusive/UPY obtrusiveness/UM obtuse/YTRP obtuseness/M obverse/SM obviate/DSGN obviation/M obvious/PY obviousness/M ocarina/MS occasion/GMDS occasional/Y occidental/SM occlude/GDS occlusion/SM occlusive occult/M occultism/M occultist/SM occupancy/M occupant/SM occupation/AM occupational/Y occupations occupied/U occupier/SM occupy/ADSG occur/AS occurred/A occurrence/SM occurring/A ocean/SM oceanfront/SM oceangoing oceanic/M oceanographer/SM oceanographic oceanography/M oceanology/M ocelot/MS och/R ocher/M ocker/S octagon/MS octagonal octal octane/MS octave/MS octavo/MS octet/SM octogenarian/SM octopus/MS ocular/MS oculist/SM odalisque/SM odd/STRYLP oddball/SM oddity/SM oddment/SM oddness/M odds/M ode/SM odious/YP odiousness/M odium/M odometer/MS odor/MDS odoriferous odorless odorous odyssey/MS oedipal oenology/M oenophile/SM oeuvre/MS of off/SZGDRJ offal/M offbeat/MS offend/ZGDRS offender/M offense/MS offensive's offensive/IPY offensiveness/IM offensives offer/JGMD offering/M offertory/SM offhand offhanded/PY offhandedness/M office/MZRS officeholder/SM officer/M official/MYS officialdom/M officialese officialism/M officiant/SM officiate/DSG officiator/MS officious/PY officiousness/M offing/M offish offline offload/SDG offprint/SM offset/MS offsetting offshoot/MS offshore offside offspring/M offstage/S offtrack oft often/TR oftentimes ofttimes ogle/MZGDRS ogler/M ogre/MS ogreish ogress/MS oh/M ohm/SM ohmmeter/MS oho ohs oi oik/S oil/SGMD oilcan/S oilcloth/M oilcloths oilfield/S oiliness/M oilman oilmen oilskin/MS oilskins/M oily/RPT oink/MDSG ointment/SM okapi/SM okay/MSG okra/MS old/TMNRP oldie/SM oldish oldness/M oldster/MS ole/SMV oleaginous oleander/MS oleo/M oleomargarine/M olfactory/SM oligarch/M oligarchic oligarchical oligarchs oligarchy/SM oligopoly/SM olive/SM om/SMNX ombudsman/M ombudsmen omega/SM omelet/MS omen/M omicron/MS ominous/YP ominousness/M omission/MS omit/S omitted omitting omnibus/MS omnipotence/M omnipotent omnipresence/M omnipresent omniscience/M omniscient omnivore/MS omnivorous/PY omnivorousness/M on/Y once/M oncogene/SM oncologist/SM oncology/M oncoming one/SXMNP oneness/M onerous/PY onerousness/M oneself onetime ongoing onion/M onionskin/M online onlooker/SM onlooking onomatopoeia/M onomatopoeic onomatopoetic onrush/MSG onscreen onset/MS onshore onside onslaught/MS onstage onto ontogeny/M ontological ontology/M onus/MS onward onyx/MS oodles/M ooh/GD oohs oomph oops ooze/MGDS oozy/TR op/SMDG opacity/M opal/MS opalescence/M opalescent opaque/PYTGDRS opaqueness/M ope/S open/ZTGJPMDRYS opencast opened/U opener/M openhanded/P openhandedness/M openhearted opening/M openness/M openwork/M opera/MS operable/I operand/S operate/DSGNVX operatic operatically operation/M operational/Y operative/SM operator/SM operetta/SM ophthalmic ophthalmologist/SM ophthalmology/M opiate/SM opine/GNXDS opinion/M opinionated opium/M opossum/MS opp opponent/SM opportune/IY opportunism/M opportunist/SM opportunistic opportunistically opportunity/SM oppose/DSG opposed/U opposite/SMYNX opposition/M oppress/DSGV oppression/M oppressive/YP oppressiveness/M oppressor/MS opprobrious/Y opprobrium/M opt/SGD optic/MS optical/Y optician/SM optics/M optima optimal/Y optimism/SM optimist/SM optimistic optimistically optimization/M optimize/DRSG optimum/SM option/SMDG optional/Y optometrist/MS optometry/M opulence/M opulent/Y opus/MS or oracle/SM oracular oral/MYS orange/SMP orangeade/MS orangery/SM orangutan/SM orate/GNXDS oration/M orator/SM oratorical/Y oratorio/MS oratory/SM orb/SM orbicular orbit/MDRZGS orbital/SM orbiter/M orchard/SM orchestra/MS orchestral orchestrate/DSXGN orchestration/M orchid/SM ordain/SDLG ordainment/M ordeal/SM order/EAMDGS orderings orderliness/EM orderly/PSM ordinal/SM ordinance/SM ordinarily ordinariness/M ordinary/SMP ordinate/MNSX ordination/M ordnance/M ordure/M ore/SM oregano/M org organ/MS organdy/M organelle/MS organic/SM organically/I organism/MS organismic organist/MS organization/ASM organizational/Y organize/AESDG organized/U organizer/MS organza/M orgasm/SM orgasmic orgiastic orgy/SM oriel/MS orient's orient/AEDGS oriental/MS orientalist/S orientate/EDSGN orientation/AEM orientations orienteering orifice/MS orig origami/M origin/SM original/MYS originality/M originate/DSGN origination/M originator/SM oriole/SM orison/SM ormolu/M ornament/SGMD ornamental ornamentation/M ornate/YP ornateness/M orneriness/M ornery/PRT ornithological ornithologist/MS ornithology/M orotund orotundity/SM orphan/SMDG orphanage/MS orris/MS orthodontia/M orthodontic/S orthodontics/M orthodontist/SM orthodox/U orthodoxy/SM orthogonal orthogonality orthographic orthographically orthography/SM orthopedic/S orthopedics/M orthopedist/MS orzo/M oscillate/GNDSX oscillation/M oscillator/SM oscillatory oscilloscope/MS osculate/DSXGN osculation/M osier/MS osmium/M osmosis/M osmotic osprey/SM ossification/M ossify/NGDS ostensible ostensibly ostentation/M ostentatious/Y osteoarthritis/M osteopath/M osteopathic osteopaths osteopathy/M osteoporosis/M ostler/S ostracism/M ostracize/GDS ostrich/MS other/SP otherwise otherworldly otiose otter/MS ottoman/MS oubliette/MS ouch ought oughtn't ounce/MS our/S ourselves oust/ZGDRS ouster/M out/SJGMDR outage/SM outargue/GDS outback/MS outbalance/DSG outbid/S outbidding outboard/MS outboast/DSG outbound outbox/MS outbreak/MS outbuilding/MS outburst/SM outcast/MS outclass/DSG outcome/MS outcrop/MS outcropped outcropping/SM outcry/SM outdated outdid outdistance/GDS outdo/G outdoes outdone outdoor/S outdoors/M outdoorsy outdraw/GS outdrawn outdrew outermost outerwear/M outface/GDS outfall/S outfield/SMRZ outfielder/M outfight/SG outfit/SM outfitted outfitter/MS outfitting outflank/GSD outflow/MS outfought outfox/GDS outgo/MJG outgoes outgrew outgrow/HGS outgrown outgrowth/M outgrowths outguess/GDS outgun/S outgunned outgunning outhit/S outhitting outhouse/SM outing/M outlaid outlandish/PY outlandishness/M outlast/DSG outlaw/SGMD outlay/SGM outlet/SM outline/MGDS outlive/GDS outlook/MS outlying outmaneuver/GDS outmatch/GDS outmoded outnumber/DSG outpace/GDS outpatient/MS outperform/GSD outplace/L outplacement/M outplay/GDS outpoint/DGS outpost/MS outpouring/MS outproduce/DSG output/SM outputted outputting outrace/GDS outrage/MGDS outrageous/Y outran outrank/GDS outre outreach/MDSG outrider/MS outrigger/SM outright outrun/S outrunning outscore/GDS outsell/GS outset/SM outshine/GS outshone outshout/GDS outside/MZRS outsider/M outsize/MS outskirt/MS outsmart/GDS outsold outsource/DSG outsourcing/M outspend/SG outspent outspoken/YP outspokenness/M outspread/GS outstanding/Y outstation/MS outstay/DGS outstretch/DSG outstrip/S outstripped outstripping outta outtake/MS outvote/GDS outward/YS outwear/GS outweigh/GD outweighs outwit/S outwith outwitted outwitting outwore outwork/MDRSZG outworn ouzo/MS ova oval/MS ovarian ovary/SM ovate/NX ovation/M oven/MS ovenbird/SM ovenproof ovenware over/MYS overabundance/M overabundant overachieve/ZGDRS overachiever/M overact/GVSD overage/SM overaggressive overall/SM overalls/M overambitious overanxious overarching overarm/GSD overate overattentive overawe/DSG overbalance/MGDS overbear/GS overbearing/Y overbid/SM overbidding overbite/MS overblown overboard overbold overbook/DGS overbore overborne overbought overbuild/SG overbuilt overburden/GSD overbuy/GS overcame overcapacity/M overcapitalize/DSG overcareful overcast/MGS overcautious overcharge/DSMG overclock/SGD overcloud/SGD overcoat/MS overcome/GS overcompensate/DSGN overcompensation/M overconfidence/M overconfident overconscientious overcook/DGS overcritical overcrowd/SDG overcrowding/M overdecorate/DSG overdependent overdevelop/SDG overdid overdo/G overdoes overdone overdose/MGDS overdraft/SM overdraw/GS overdrawn overdress/GMDS overdrew overdrive/SM overdub/SM overdubbed overdubbing overdue overeager overeat/GSN overemotional overemphasis/M overemphasize/GDS overenthusiastic overestimate/MGNDS overestimation/M overexcite/DSG overexercise/GDS overexert/SDG overexertion/M overexpose/GDS overexposure/M overextend/DGS overfed overfeed/GS overfill/DGS overflew overflight/MS overflow/MDSG overflown overfly/GS overfond overfull overgeneralize/DSG overgenerous overgraze/DSG overgrew overground overgrow/HSG overgrown overgrowth/M overhand/MDS overhang/MSG overhasty overhaul/MDSG overhead/MS overhear/SG overheard overheat/DSG overhung overindulge/GDS overindulgence/M overindulgent overjoy/GSD overkill/M overladen overlaid overlain overland overlap/SM overlapped overlapping overlarge overlay/GSM overleaf overlie overload/GMDS overlong overlook/GMDS overlord/MS overly/SG overmanned overmanning overmaster/SDG overmodest overmuch/S overnice overnight/MS overoptimism/M overoptimistic overpaid overparticular overpass/MS overpay/GS overplay/GDS overpopulate/GNDS overpopulation/M overpower/SDG overpowering/Y overpraise/DSG overprecise overprice/DSG overprint/SMDG overproduce/GDS overproduction/M overprotect/SDGV overqualified overran overrate/GDS overreach/GDS overreact/SDG overreaction/SM overrefined overridden override/MGS overripe/M overrode overrule/GDS overrun/SM overrunning oversampling oversaw oversea/S oversee/RSZ overseeing overseen overseer/M oversell/GS oversensitive/P oversensitiveness/M oversexed overshadow/DSG overshoe/MS overshoot/GS overshot oversight/SM oversimple oversimplification/M oversimplify/DSNGX oversize oversleep/GS overslept oversold overspecialization/M overspecialize/GDS overspend/SG overspent overspread/GS overstaffed overstate/DSLG overstatement/MS overstay/DSG overstep/S overstepped overstepping overstimulate/DSG overstock/GSD overstretch/GDS overstrict overstrung overstuffed oversubscribe/DSG oversubtle oversupply/GDS oversuspicious overt/Y overtake/GS overtaken overtax/GDS overthrew overthrow/SMG overthrown overtime/MS overtire/GDS overtone/MS overtook overture/MS overturn/DSG overuse/DSMG overvaluation/S overvalue/DSG overview/MS overweening/Y overweight/M overwhelm/SGD overwhelming/Y overwinter/SDG overwork/GMDS overwrite/GS overwritten overwrote overwrought overzealous oviduct/SM oviparous ovoid/MS ovular ovulate/DSGN ovulation/M ovule/MS ovum/M ow owe/DSG owl/SM owlet/MS owlish/Y own/ESGD owner/MS ownership/M ox/MN oxblood/M oxbow/MS oxcart/SM oxford/SM oxidant/MS oxidation/M oxide/MS oxidization/M oxidize/ZGDRS oxidizer/M oxtail/S oxyacetylene/M oxygen/M oxygenate/DSGN oxygenation/M oxymora oxymoron/M oyster/SM oz ozone/M p/NRXTGJ pH pa/SMH pablum/M pabulum/M pace/MZGDRS pacemaker/SM pacer/M pacesetter/SM pacey pachyderm/MS pachysandra/MS pacific pacifically pacification/M pacifier/M pacifism/M pacifist/SM pacifistic pacify/ZGDRSN pack's pack/AUGSD package's package/AGDS packager/SM packaging/M packer/MS packet/MS packing's packinghouse/SM packsaddle/MS pact/MS pacy/RT pad/SM padded padding/M paddle/MZGDRS paddler/M paddock/MDGS paddy/SM padlock/MDSG padre/SM paean/SM paella/MS pagan/SM paganism/M page/MZGDRS pageant/MS pageantry/M pageboy/SM pager/M paginate/DSGN pagination/M pagoda/MS pah paid/AU pail/MS pailful/SM pain/MDSG painful/PY painfuller painfullest painfulness/M painkiller/MS painkilling painless/PY painlessness/M painstaking/MY paint/SZGJMDR paintball paintbox/MS paintbrush/MS painted/U painter/MY painting/M paintwork pair/AMDSG paired/U pairing/S pairwise paisley/SM pajama/S pajamas/M pal/SMY palace/MS paladin/SM palanquin/SM palatable/U palatal/SM palatalization/M palatalize/GDS palate/MBS palatial/Y palatinate/MS palatine/MS palaver/GSMD pale/MYTGPDRSJ paleface/MS paleness/M paleographer/MS paleography/M paleolithic paleontologist/SM paleontology/M palette/SM palfrey/SM palimony/M palimpsest/MS palindrome/MS palindromic paling/M palisade/SM palish pall/MDSG palladium/M pallbearer/MS pallet/MS palliate/DSGNV palliation/M palliative/SM pallid/YP pallidness/M pallor/M palm/MDSG palmate palmetto/SM palmist/SM palmistry/M palmtop/SM palmy/TR palomino/MS palpable palpably palpate/DSGN palpation/M palpitate/XGNDS palpitation/M palsy/GDSM paltriness/M paltry/RPT pampas/M pamper/DSG pamphlet/MS pamphleteer/MS pan/SM panacea/SM panache/M panama/MS panatella/S pancake/DSMG panchromatic pancreas/MS pancreatic panda/SM pandemic/SM pandemonium/M pander/MDRZGS panderer/M pane/KM panegyric/SM panel/SGJMD paneling/M panelist/MS panes pang/MS panhandle/DRSMZG panhandler/M panic/SM panicked panicking panicky/TR panned pannier/SM panning panoply/SM panorama/SM panoramic panpipes/M pansy/SM pant/MDSG pantaloons/M pantechnicon/S pantheism/M pantheist/SM pantheistic pantheon/SM panther/MS pantie/MS panto/S pantomime/MGDS pantomimic pantomimist/SM pantry/SM pantsuit/SM pantyhose/M pantyliner/M pantywaist/SM pap/SM papa/MS papacy/SM papal paparazzi/M paparazzo papaya/MS paper/SZGMDR paperback/SM paperbark/S paperboard/M paperboy/SM paperclip/S paperer/M papergirl/SM paperhanger/SM paperhanging/M paperless paperweight/MS paperwork/M papery papilla/M papillae papillary papist/MS papoose/MS pappy/SM paprika/M papyrus/iM par/SZGMDRBJ para/MS parable/MS parabola/SM parabolic paracetamol/S parachute/DSMG parachutist/MS parade/MZGDRS parader/M paradigm/SM paradigmatic paradisaical paradise/SM paradox/MS paradoxical/Y paraffin/M paragliding paragon/MS paragraph/GMD paragraphs parakeet/SM paralegal/MS parallax/MS parallel/SGMD paralleled/U parallelism/MS parallelogram/SM paralyses paralysis/M paralytic/SM paralyze/DSG paralyzing/Y paramecia paramecium/M paramedic/MS paramedical/MS parameter/MS parametric paramilitary/SM paramount paramountcy paramour/SM paranoia/M paranoiac/MS paranoid/SM paranormal parapet/MS paraphernalia/M paraphrase/DSMG paraplegia/M paraplegic/SM paraprofessional/MS parapsychologist/MS parapsychology/M paraquat/M parascending parasite/SM parasitic parasitical/Y parasitism/M parasol/MS parasympathetic/S parathion/M parathyroid/MS paratroop/RZS paratrooper/M paratroops/M paratyphoid/M parboil/DSG parcel/GMDS parch/LGDS parchment/SM pardner/S pardon/ZGMDRBS pardonable/U pardonably/U pardoner/M pare/S paregoric/M parent/GMDS parentage/M parental parentheses parenthesis/M parenthesize/DSG parenthetic parenthetical/Y parenthood/M parenting/M parer/M pares/S paresis/M parfait/MS pariah/M pariahs parietal parimutuel/MS paring/M parish/MS parishioner/MS parity/ESM park/MDSG parka/SM parking/M parkland parkway/MS parky parlance/M parlay/GMDS parley/GMDS parliament/SM parliamentarian/SM parliamentary parlor/MS parlous parmigiana parochial/Y parochialism/M parodist/SM parody/GDSM parole/MGDS parolee/MS paroxysm/SM paroxysmal parquet/MDSG parquetry/M parred parricidal parricide/MS parring parrot/GMDS parry/GDSM parse/DRSG parsec/MS parsimonious/Y parsimony/M parsley/M parsnip/MS parson/MS parsonage/MS part's part/CDSG partake/ZGRS partaken partaker/M parterre/SM parthenogenesis/M partial/MYS partiality/M participant/SM participate/DSGN participation/M participator/MS participatory participial/M participle/MS particle/SM particleboard/M particular/SMY particularity/SM particularization/M particularize/DSG particulate/SM parting/MS partisan/SM partisanship/M partition/GMDS partitive/MS partly partner/MDSG partnership/MS partook partridge/SM parturition/M partway party/GDSM parvenu/MS pascal/MS paschal pasha/SM pass/M passably passage/MS passageway/MS passbook/MS passe/DRSBXZGNV passel/MS passenger/SM passer/M passerby/M passersby passim passing/MY passion/EM passionate/EY passionflower/SM passionless passive/PMYS passiveness/M passivity/M passivization passivize/DSG passkey/MS passport/MS password/MS past/AMS pasta/SM paste/DSMG pasteboard/M pastel/MS pastern/MS pasteurization/M pasteurize/ZGDRS pasteurized/U pasteurizer/M pastiche/MS pastie pastille/MS pastime/MS pastiness/M pastor/MS pastoral/MS pastorate/MS pastrami/M pastry/SM pasturage/M pasture/DSMG pastureland/M pasty/PTRSM pat/SM patch/EGMDS patchily patchiness/M patchouli patchwork/SM patchy/TPR pate/MS patella/MS patellae patent/GMDYS paterfamilias/MS paternal/Y paternalism/M paternalist/S paternalistic paternity/M paternoster/MS path/M pathetic pathetically pathfinder/SM pathless pathogen/SM pathogenic pathological/Y pathologist/SM pathology/M pathos/M paths pathway/MS patience/M patient/IMST patienter patiently patina/MS patine patio/SM patisserie/S patois/M patresfamilias patriarch/M patriarchal patriarchate/MS patriarchs patriarchy/SM patrician/SM patricide/SM patrimonial patrimony/SM patriot/SM patriotic/U patriotically patriotism/M patrol/MS patrolled patrolling patrolman/M patrolmen patrolwoman/M patrolwomen patron/MS patronage/MS patroness/MS patronize/ZGDRS patronizer/M patronizing/Y patronymic/SM patronymically patroon/SM patsy/SM patted patter/MDGS pattern/SMDG patting patty/SM paucity/M paunch/MS paunchy/RT pauper/MS pauperism/M pauperize/DSG pause/DSMG pave/AGDS paved/U pavement/MS pavilion/SM paving/MS pavlova/S paw/SGMD pawl/MS pawn/MDSG pawnbroker/MS pawnbroking/M pawnshop/MS pawpaw/MS pay's pay/ASGBL payback/SM paycheck/MS payday/MS payed payee/SM payer/SM payload/SM paymaster/SM payment/ASM payoff/MS payola/M payout/MS payphone/S payroll/SM payslip/SM payware/S pct pd pea/SM peace/SM peaceable peaceably peaceful/PY peacefulness/M peacekeeper/SM peacekeeping/M peacemaker/MS peacemaking/M peacetime/M peach/MS peachy/TR peacock/MS peafowl/MS peahen/MS peak/MDSG peaky peal/AMDSG peanut/MS pear/MYS pearl/SGMD pearly/RT peasant/SM peasantry/M peashooter/SM peat/M peaty/TR pebble/MGDS pebbly/TR pecan/SM peccadillo/M peccadilloes peccary/SM peck/MDRSZG peckish pecs pectic pectin/M pectoral/MS peculate/GNDS peculation/M peculator/SM peculiar/Y peculiarity/SM pecuniary pedagogic pedagogical/Y pedagogue/SM pedagogy/M pedal/SGMD pedalo/S pedant/MS pedantic pedantically pedantry/M peddle/ZGDRS peddler/M pederast/MS pederasty/M pedestal/MS pedestrian/SM pedestrianization pedestrianize/GDS pediatric/S pediatrician/MS pediatrics/M pedicab/SM pedicure/MGDS pedicurist/MS pedigree/MDS pediment/MS pedometer/MS pedophile/S pedophilia peduncle/MS pee/DRSMZ peeing peek/MDSG peekaboo/M peel/MDRSJZG peeled/U peeler/M peeling/M peen/MS peep/MDRSZG peepbo peeper/M peephole/MS peepshow/MS peer/MDG peerage/SM peeress/MS peerless peeve/DSMG peevish/PY peevishness/M peewee/MS peewit/S peg/SM pegboard/MS pegged pegging peignoir/SM pejoration/M pejorative/SMY peke/MS pekineses pekingese/SM pekoe/M pelagic pelf/M pelican/MS pellagra/M pellet/GMDS pellucid pelmet/S pelt/MDSG pelvic pelvis/MS pemmican/M pen/M penal penalization/M penalize/DSG penalty/SM penance/MS pence penchant/SM pencil/GMDJS pend/CDSG pendant/MS pendent/MS pendulous pendulum/MS penetrability/M penetrable penetrate/DSGNVX penetrating/Y penetration/M penfriend/S penguin/MS penicillin/M penile peninsula/SM peninsular penis/MS penitence/M penitent/SMY penitential penitentiary/SM penknife/M penknives penlight/SM penman/M penmanship/M penmen pennant/MS penned penniless penning pennon/MS penny/SM pennyweight/MS pennyworth penologist/MS penology/M pension/BZGMDRS pensioner/M pensive/PY pensiveness/M pent pentacle/MS pentagon/MS pentagonal pentagram/SM pentameter/SM pentathlete/MS pentathlon/MS penthouse/SM penuche/M penultimate/SM penumbra/MS penumbrae penurious/PY penuriousness/M penury/M peon/MS peonage/M peony/SM people/MGDS pep/SM pepped pepper/GMDS peppercorn/SM peppermint/SM pepperoni/MS peppery peppiness/M pepping peppy/TPR pepsin/M peptic/MS peradventure/M perambulate/XGNDS perambulation/M perambulator/MS percale/MS perceive/BGDS perceived/U percent/MS percentage/SM percentile/SM perceptible perceptibly perception/SM perceptional perceptive/PY perceptiveness/M perceptual/Y perch/GMDS perchance percipience/M percipient percolate/GNDS percolation/M percolator/SM percussion/AM percussionist/MS percussive perdition/M perdurable peregrinate/DSXGN peregrination/M peregrine/MS peremptorily peremptory perennial/SMY perestroika/M perfect/PTGMDRYS perfecta/MS perfectibility/M perfectible perfection/SM perfectionism/M perfectionist/SM perfectness/M perfidious/Y perfidy/SM perforate/GNXDS perforation/M perforce perform/SDRZG performance/SM performed/U performer/M perfume/DRSMZG perfumer/M perfumery/SM perfunctorily perfunctory pergola/SM perhaps pericardia pericardium/M perigee/SM perihelia perihelion/M peril/SGMD perilous/Y perimeter/SM perinatal perinea perineum/M period/MS periodic periodical/SMY periodicity/M periodontal periodontics/M periodontist/SM peripatetic/MS peripheral/MYS periphery/SM periphrases periphrasis/M periphrastic periscope/SM perish/BDRSZG perishable/MS peristalses peristalsis/M peristaltic peristyle/SM peritoneal peritoneum/MS peritonitis/M periwig/SM periwinkle/SM perjure/DRSZG perjurer/M perjury/SM perk/MDSG perkily perkiness/M perky/TPR perm/MDSG permafrost/M permanence/M permanency/M permanent/SMY permeability/M permeable permeate/GNDS permeation/M permissible permissibly permission/MS permissive/PY permissiveness/M permit/MS permitted permitting permutation/SM permute/DSG pernicious/YP perniciousness/M peroration/MS peroxide/MGDS perpendicular/SMY perpendicularity/M perpetrate/DSGN perpetration/M perpetrator/MS perpetual/SMY perpetuate/DSGN perpetuation/M perpetuity/M perplex/GDS perplexed/Y perplexity/SM perquisite/SM persecute/GNXDS persecution/M persecutor/SM perseverance/M persevere/DSG persiflage/M persimmon/SM persist/SGD persistence/M persistent/Y persnickety person/UMS persona/SM personable personae personage/MS personal/MYS personality/SM personalize/CDSG personalty/M personification/M personify/GDSNX personnel/M perspective/MS perspex perspicacious/Y perspicacity/M perspicuity/M perspicuous perspiration/M perspire/GDS persuade/BZGDRS persuaded/U persuader/M persuasion/SM persuasive/PY persuasiveness/M pert/RYPT pertain/GSD pertinacious/Y pertinacity/M pertinence/M pertinent/Y pertness/M perturb/DGS perturbation/SM perturbed/U pertussis/M peruke/MS perusal/MS peruse/GDS perv/S pervade/DSG pervasive/PY pervasiveness/M perverse/PXYN perverseness/M perversion/M perversity/M pervert/SGMD peseta/MS peskily peskiness/M pesky/TPR peso/MS pessary/S pessimal/SDG pessimism/M pessimist/SM pessimistic pessimistically pest/MRSZ pester/GD pesticide/MS pestiferous pestilence/SM pestilent pestilential pestle/MGDS pesto/M pet/SZMR petabyte/MS petal/SMD petard/MS petcock/SM peter/GMD petiole/SM petite/MS petition/ZGMDRS petitioner/M petrel/MS petrifaction/M petrify/DSG petrochemical/SM petrodollar/MS petrol/M petrolatum/M petroleum/M petrologist/SM petrology/M petted petticoat/MS pettifog/S pettifogged pettifogger/SM pettifoggery/M pettifogging pettily pettiness/M petting/M pettish/Y petty/PTR petulance/M petulant/Y petunia/MS pew/SM pewee/SM pewit/SM pewter/MS peyote/M pf pfennig/MS pg phaeton/MS phage/S phagocyte/SM phalanger/SM phalanges phalanx/MS phallic phallus/iM phantasm/MS phantasmagoria/MS phantasmagorical phantasmal phantom/SM pharaoh/M pharaohs pharisaic pharisee/SM pharmaceutic/MS pharmaceutical/SM pharmaceutics/M pharmacist/MS pharmacological pharmacologist/SM pharmacology/M pharmacopoeia/MS pharmacy/SM pharyngeal pharynges pharyngitis/M pharynx/M phase/DSMG phaseout/SM phat pheasant/MS phenacetin/M phenobarbital/M phenol/M phenom/MS phenomena phenomenal/Y phenomenological phenomenology phenomenon/MS phenotype pheromone/MS phew phi/SM phial/SM philander/ZGDRS philanderer/M philandering/M philanthropic philanthropically philanthropist/MS philanthropy/SM philatelic philatelist/MS philately/M philharmonic/SM philippic/MS philistine/MS philistinism/M philodendron/SM philological philologist/MS philology/M philosopher/MS philosophic philosophical/Y philosophize/DRSZG philosophizer/M philosophy/SM philter/MS phish/ZGDR phisher/M phlebitis/M phlegm/M phlegmatic phlegmatically phloem/M phlox/M phobia/MS phobic/MS phoebe/MS phoenix/MS phone/DSMG phonecard/S phoneme/MS phonemic phonemically phonetic/S phonetically phonetician/SM phonetics/M phoneyed phoneying phonic/S phonically phonics/M phoniness/M phonograph/M phonographic phonographs phonological/Y phonologist/MS phonology/M phony/PTGDRSM phooey phosphate/MS phosphor/MS phosphorescence/M phosphorescent/Y phosphoric phosphorous phosphorus/M photo/SGMD photocell/MS photocopier/M photocopy/DRSMZG photoelectric photoelectrically photoengrave/DRSJZG photoengraver/M photoengraving/M photofinishing/M photogenic photogenically photograph/MDRZG photographer/M photographic photographically photographs/A photography/M photojournalism/M photojournalist/SM photometer/MS photon/MS photosensitive photostat/SM photostatic photostatted photostatting photosynthesis/M photosynthesize/GDS photosynthetic phototypesetter phototypesetting phrasal phrase's phrase/AGDS phrasebook/S phraseology/M phrasing/MS phreaking/S phrenologist/SM phrenology/M phyla phylactery/SM phylogeny/M phylum/M phys physic/SM physical/MYS physicality physician/SM physicist/SM physicked physicking physics/M physio/S physiognomy/SM physiography/M physiologic physiological/Y physiologist/MS physiology/M physiotherapist/MS physiotherapy/M physique/MS pi/SMDRHZG pianissimo/SM pianist/MS piano/SM pianoforte/SM pianola/S piaster/MS piazza/MS pibroch/M pibrochs pic/SM pica/M picador/MS picaresque picayune piccalilli/M piccolo/MS pick/MDRSJZG pickax/GMDS picker/M pickerel/MS picket/ZGMDRS pickings/M pickle/MGDS pickpocket/SM pickup/MS picky/TR picnic/MS picnicked picnicker/SM picnicking picot/SM pictograph/M pictographs pictorial/MYS picture/MGDS picturesque/PY picturesqueness/M piddle/MGDS piddly pidgin/MS pie/SM piebald/MS piece/DSMG piecemeal piecework/MRZ pieceworker/M pieing pier/M pierce/JGDS piercing/MY piety/M piezoelectric piffle/MG pig/SML pigeon/MS pigeonhole/DSMG pigged piggery/S pigging piggish/PY piggishness/M piggy/TRSM piggyback/MDSG pigheaded/PY pigheadedness/M piglet/MS pigment/MDS pigmentation/M pigpen/MS pigskin/MS pigsty/SM pigswill pigtail/MS pike/MZGDRS piker/M pikestaff/SM pilaf/SM pilaster/MS pilchard/MS pile/MGDSJ pileup/MS pilfer/ZGDRS pilferage/M pilferer/M pilgrim/MS pilgrimage/MS piling/M pill/MDSG pillage/MZGDRS pillager/M pillar/MDS pillbox/MS pillion/MS pillock/S pillory/GDSM pillow/GMDS pillowcase/MS pillowslip/MS pilot/DGSM pilothouse/SM pimento/MS pimiento/MS pimp/GMDYS pimpernel/MS pimple/DSM pimply/RT pin/SM pinafore/MS pinata/MS pinball/M pincer/MS pinch/GMDS pincushion/MS pine's pine/AGDS pineapple/MS pinewood/S piney pinfeather/SM ping/GMD pinhead/SM pinhole/SM pinier piniest pinion/SMDG pink/TGPMDRS pinkeye/M pinkie/SM pinkish pinkness/M pinko/MS pinnacle/SM pinnate pinned/U pinning/U pinny/S pinochle/M pinon/MS pinpoint/SGMD pinprick/MS pinsetter/SM pinstripe/DSM pint/MS pinto/MS pinup/MS pinwheel/GSMD pinyin/M pinyon/SM pioneer/SGMD pious/YP piousness/M pip/SZGMDR pipe/MS pipeline/SM piper/M pipette/SM pipework piping/M pipit/MS pipped pippin/SM pipping pipsqueak/SM piquancy/M piquant/Y pique/MGDS piracy/M piranha/SM pirate/DSMG piratical/Y pirogi/M piroshki/M pirouette/DSMG piscatorial pismire/SM piss/ZGMDRS pissoir/S pistachio/SM piste/S pistil/SM pistillate pistol/SM piston/SM pit/SM pita/MS pitapat/SM pitch/MDRSZG pitchblende/M pitcher/M pitchfork/MDSG pitchman/M pitchmen piteous/YP piteousness/M pitfall/SM pith/M pithead/S pithily pithiness/M pithy/RTP pitiable pitiably pitiful/Y pitiless/PY pitilessness/M piton/MS pitta/S pittance/MS pitted pitting pituitary/SM pity/GDSM pitying/Y pivot/MDGS pivotal pix/M pixel/MS pixie/MS pizza/MS pizzazz/M pizzeria/SM pizzicati pizzicato/M pj's pk pkg pkt pkwy pl placard/SMDG placate/DSGN placation/M placatory place's place/AESDLG placebo/SM placed/U placeholder/MS placekick/MDRZGS placekicker/M placement/EASM placenta/SM placental/S placer/SM placid/Y placidity/M placings placket/SM plagiarism/SM plagiarist/SM plagiarize/DRSZG plagiarizer/M plagiary/M plague/DSMG plaice plaid/MS plain/MRYTSP plainchant plainclothes plainclothesman/M plainclothesmen plainness/M plainsman/M plainsmen plainsong/M plainspoken plaint/SMV plaintiff/SM plaintive/Y plait/MDGS plan/ZMRS planar plane's plane/CGDS planeload/MS planer/M planet/SM planetarium/SM planetary plangency/M plangent plank/MDGS planking/M plankton/M planned/U planner/SM planning/S plant/MDRZGSJ plantain/SM plantar plantation/MS planter/M planting/M plantlike plaque/SM plash/MDSG plasma/M plaster/SZGMDR plasterboard/M plasterer/M plastic/SM plasticity/M plasticize/DSG plat/XGMDNS plate/MS plateau/SMDG plateful/SM platelet/SM platen/M platform/SGMD plating/M platinum/M platitude/SM platitudinous platonic platoon/SGMD platted platter/SM platting platy/M platypus/MS platys plaudit/SM plausibility/M plausible plausibly play/AEGMDS playable/EU playact/SGD playacting/M playback/MS playbill/MS playbook/MS playboy/SM player/SM playfellow/SM playful/PY playfulness/M playgirl/MS playgoer/MS playground/SM playgroup/S playhouse/MS playmate/MS playoff/SM playpen/SM playroom/SM playschool/S plaything/SM playtime/M playwright/SM plaza/MS plea/MS plead/DRZGSJ pleader/M pleading/MY pleasant/UTYP pleasanter pleasantness/UM pleasantry/SM please/EDSG pleasing/YS pleasurably pleasure/MGDSB pleasureful pleat/MDGS pleb/S plebby plebe/MS plebeian/MS plebiscite/MS plectra plectrum/MS pledge/DSMG plenary/SM plenipotentiary/SM plenitude/SM plenteous plentiful/Y plenty/M plenum/S pleonasm/MS plethora/M pleura/M pleurae pleurisy/M plexus/MS pliability/M pliable pliancy/M pliant/Y pliers/M plight/SMDG plimsoll/S plinth/M plinths plod/S plodded plodder/MS plodding/S plonk/DRSZG plop/MS plopped plopping plosive/S plot/MS plotted plotter/SM plotting plover/SM plow/GMDS plowman/M plowmen plowshare/MS ploy's ploy/S pluck/MDSG pluckily pluckiness/M plucky/RPT plug's plug/US plugged/U plugging/U plughole/S plugin/SM plum/GMDS plumage/M plumb/MDRSZGJ plumbed/U plumber/M plumbing/M plume/MS plummer plummest plummet/SGMD plummy plump/MDRYSTGP plumpness/M plumy/RT plunder/SZGMDR plunderer/M plunge/DRSMZG plunger/M plunk/MDSG pluperfect/SM plural/SM pluralism/M pluralist/MS pluralistic plurality/SM pluralization/M pluralize/GDS plus/MS plush/MRYTP plushness/M plushy/RT plutocracy/SM plutocrat/SM plutocratic plutonium/M pluvial ply/AGDSM plywood/M pm pneumatic pneumatically pneumonia/M poach/DRSZG poacher/M poaching/M pock/GMDS pocket/SMDG pocketbook/SM pocketful/SM pocketknife/M pocketknives pockmark/MDGS pod/SM podcast podded podding podiatrist/SM podiatry/M podium/SM poem/MS poesy/M poet/MS poetaster/MS poetess/MS poetic poetical/Y poetry/M pogrom/SM poi/M poignancy/M poignant/Y poinciana/SM poinsettia/SM point/MDRSZG pointblank pointed/Y pointer/M pointillism/M pointillist/SM pointless/PY pointlessness/M pointy/TR poise/MGDS poison/SJZGMDR poisoner/M poisoning/M poisonous/Y poke/MZGDRS poker/M pokey/MS poky/TR pol/SGMD polar polarity/SM polarization/CM polarize/CDSG pole/MS poleaxe/GDS polecat/MS polemic/MS polemical/Y polemicist/SM polemics/M polestar/SM police/DSMG policeman/M policemen policewoman/M policewomen policy/SM policyholder/MS policymaker/S polio/MS poliomyelitis/M polish/ZGMDRS polished/U polisher/M politburo/MS polite/RYTP politeness/M politesse/M politic/S political/Y politician/SM politicization/M politicize/CDSG politicking/M politico/SM politics/M polity/SM polka/MDSG poll/GMDNS pollack/MS pollard/S pollen/M pollinate/GNDS pollination/M pollinator/SM polling/M polliwog/SM pollster/SM pollutant/MS pollute/ZGNDRS polluted/U polluter/M pollution/M polo/M polonaise/SM polonium/M poltergeist/MS poltroon/SM poly polyandrous polyandry/M polyclinic/SM polyester/MS polyethylene/M polygamist/MS polygamous polygamy/M polyglot/SM polygon/SM polygonal polygraph/GMD polygraphs polyhedral polyhedron/SM polymath/M polymaths polymer/SM polymeric polymerization/M polymerize/GDS polymorphic polymorphous polynomial/MS polyp/MS polyphonic polyphony/M polypropylene/M polys polysemous polystyrene/M polysyllabic polysyllable/MS polytechnic/MS polytheism/M polytheist/SM polytheistic polythene polyunsaturate/DS polyurethane/MS polyvinyl pom/S pomade/DSMG pomander/SM pomegranate/MS pommel/SGMD pommy/S pomp/M pompadour/SMD pompano/MS pompom/SM pomposity/M pompous/YP pompousness/M ponce/GDS poncho/SM poncy pond/MS ponder/SZGDR ponderer/M ponderous/YP ponderousness/M pone/MS pong/GDS pongee/M poniard/MS pontiff/SM pontifical/Y pontificate/DSMG pontoon/SM pony/GDSM ponytail/MS poo/SGD pooch/MDSG poodle/SM poof/MS poofter/S pooh/GMD poohs pool/GMDS poolroom/MS poolside/S poop/GMDS poor/TRYP poorboy/M poorhouse/SM poorness/M pop/SM popcorn/M pope/MS popgun/SM popinjay/MS poplar/SM poplin/M popover/SM poppa/MS poppadom/S popped popper/SM poppet/S popping poppy/SM poppycock/M populace/MS popular/Y popularity/UM popularization/M popularize/DSG populate/ACGDS population/CM populations populism/M populist/MS populous/P populousness/M porcelain/SM porch/MS porcine porcupine/SM pore/MGDS porgy/SM pork/ZMR porker/M porky/RSMT porn/M porno/M pornographer/MS pornographic pornographically pornography/M porosity/M porous/P porousness/M porphyritic porphyry/M porpoise/MGDS porridge/M porringer/SM port's/A port/CAEGDS portability/M portable/MS portage/DSMG portal/SM portcullis/MS portend/SGD portent/SM portentous/YP porter/ASM porterhouse/SM portfolio/MS porthole/MS portico/M porticoes portiere/MS portion/KSGMD portliness/M portly/RPT portmanteau/MS portrait/MS portraitist/SM portraiture/M portray/SGD portrayal/MS portulaca/M pose's/A pose/CAKEGDS poser/EKSM poseur/SM posh/TR posit/DSGV position/CKEMS positional/K positioned/K positioning/K positive/MYPS positiveness/M positivism positivist/S positron/MS poss posse/MS possess/AEVGSD possession/ASM possessive/SMYP possessiveness/M possessor/SM possibility/SM possible/SM possibly possum/SM post/ZGMDRSJ postage/M postal postbag/S postbox/S postcard/SM postcode/S postconsonantal postdate/DSG postdoc postdoctoral poster/M posterior/SM posterity/M postgraduate/SM posthaste posthumous/Y posthypnotic postie/S postilion/SM postindustrial posting/M postlude/SM postman/M postmark/SMDG postmaster/MS postmen postmenopausal postmeridian postmistress/MS postmodern postmodernism/M postmodernist/MS postmortem/SM postnasal postnatal postoperative postpaid postpartum postpone/DSGL postponement/SM postprandial postscript/SM postseason/SM postulate/XDSMGN postulation/M postural posture/MGJDS posturing/M postwar postwoman postwomen posy/SM pot/CSM potability/M potable/SM potash/M potassium/M potato/M potatoes potbelly/DSM potboiler/SM potency/M potent/Y potentate/MS potential/MYS potentiality/SM potful/SM pothead/SM pother/SMDG potherb/SM potholder/MS pothole/DRSMZG pothook/SM potion/SM potluck/MS potpie/SM potpourri/SM potsherd/SM potshot/MS pottage/M potted potter/GSMD pottery/SM potting potty/PRSMT pouch/MDSG pouf/S pouffe/S poulterer/MS poultice/DSMG poultry/M pounce/DSMG pound's pound/KDSG poundage/M pounding/SM pour/GDSJ pout/ZGMDRS pouter/M poverty/M pow powder/GSMD powdery power/MDSG powerboat/MS powerful/Y powerhouse/SM powerless/PY powerlessness/M powwow/SGMD pox/MS pp ppm ppr pr practicability/M practicably practical/SMY practicality/SM practice/DSMGB practiced/U practicum/SM practitioner/SM praetor/SM praetorian pragmatic/MS pragmatical/Y pragmatism/M pragmatist/MS prairie/SM praise/EDSMG praiseworthiness/M praiseworthy/P praline/SM pram/MS prance/DRSMZG prancer/M prancing/Y prang/DSG prank/MS prankster/SM praseodymium/M prat/S prate/MZGDRS prater/M pratfall/SM prattle/DRSMZG prattler/M prawn/MDSG pray/ZGDRS prayer/M prayerful/Y preach/DRSZGL preacher/M preachment/M preachy/RT preadolescence/SM preamble/MGDS prearrange/LGDS prearrangement/M preassigned precancel/SMDG precancerous precarious/PY precariousness/M precast precaution/MS precautionary precede/DSG precedence/M precedent/SM precept/SM preceptor/SM precinct/MS preciosity/M precious/YP preciousness/M precipice/SM precipitant/MS precipitate/XMYGNDS precipitation/M precipitous/Y precis/M precise/DRSYTGNP preciseness/M precision/M preclude/GDS preclusion/M precocious/YP precociousness/M precocity/M precognition/M precognitive precolonial preconceive/GDS preconception/SM precondition/MDGS precook/GSD precursor/SM precursory predate/DSG predator/MS predatory predawn predecease/GDS predecessor/SM predefined predesignate/GDS predestination/M predestine/DSG predetermination/M predetermine/ZGDRS predeterminer/M predicable predicament/MS predicate/MGNVDS predication/M predicative/Y predict/BGVSD predictability/UM predictable/U predictably/U prediction/SM predictor/MS predigest/GDS predilection/SM predispose/GDS predisposition/MS predominance/M predominant/Y predominate/YGDS preemie/SM preeminence/M preeminent/Y preempt/GVSD preemption/M preemptive/Y preen/DSG preexist/DGS preexistence/M pref prefab/SM prefabbed prefabbing prefabricate/DSGN prefabrication/M preface/DSMG prefatory prefect/SM prefecture/MS prefer/SBL preferably preference/MS preferential/Y preferment/M preferred preferring prefigure/GDS prefix/MDSG preform/GSD pregame/SM pregnancy/SM pregnant preheat/GSD prehensile prehistoric prehistorical/Y prehistory/M prejudge/GDS prejudgment/SM prejudice/MGDS prejudiced/U prejudicial prekindergarten/SM prelacy/M prelate/SM prelim/SM preliminary/SM preliterate prelude/MS premarital premature/Y premed/SM premedical premeditate/DSGN premeditated/U premeditation/M premenstrual premier/SGMD premiere/MS premiership/MS premise/DSMG premium/SM premix/GDS premolar/SM premonition/MS premonitory prenatal/Y prenuptial preoccupation/SM preoccupy/DSG preoperative preordain/GDS prep/MS prepackage/DSG prepacked prepaid preparation/SM preparatory prepare/GDS prepared/UP preparedness/UM prepay/GSL prepayment/MS preponderance/SM preponderant/Y preponderate/GDS preposition/SM prepositional/Y prepossess/GDS prepossessing/U prepossession/SM preposterous/Y prepped prepping preppy/TRSM prepubescence/M prepubescent/SM prepuce/MS prequel/MS prerecord/GSD preregister/SGD preregistration/M prerequisite/MS prerogative/SM pres presage/MGDS presbyopia/M presbyter/SM presbytery/SM preschool/SZMR preschooler/M prescience/M prescient/Y prescribe/DSG prescript/SVM prescription/SM prescriptive/Y preseason/SM presence/SM present/LMDRYZGSB presentably presentation/ASM presenter/M presentiment/SM presentment/SM preservation/M preservationist/SM preservative/SM preserve/BDRSMZG preserver/M preset/S presetting preshrank preshrink/GS preshrunk preside/GDS presidency/SM president/MS presidential presidium/M presort/DGS press's press/ACGSD pressed/U presser/MS pressie/S pressing/SMY pressman/M pressmen pressure/DSMG pressurization/M pressurize/CGDS pressurizer/SM prestidigitation/M prestige/M prestigious presto/SM presumably presume/GDSB presumption/SM presumptive presumptuous/YP presumptuousness/M presuppose/DSG presupposition/MS pretax preteen/MS pretend/DRZGS pretender/M pretense/SXMN pretension/M pretentious/UY pretentiousness/M preterit/SM preterm preternatural/Y pretest/DGS pretext/MS pretrial/S prettify/GDS prettily prettiness/M pretty/TGDRSMP pretzel/MS prevail/DGS prevalence/M prevalent prevaricate/DSGNX prevarication/M prevaricator/SM prevent/DBSGV preventable/U preventative/MS prevention/M preventive/SM preview/MDRSZG previous/Y prevision/MS prewar prey/GMDS prezzie/S priapic price's price/AGDS priceless pricey pricier priciest prick/MDRYSZG pricker/M prickle/MGDS prickliness/M prickly/PRT pride/MGDS prideful/Y prier/M priest/SMY priestess/MS priesthood/SM priestliness/M priestly/RTP prig/MS priggish/P priggishness/M prim/ZGDRYP primacy/M primal primarily primary/SM primate/MS prime/MS primer/M primeval priming/M primitive/SPMY primitiveness/M primmer primmest primness/M primogenitor/SM primogeniture/M primordial/Y primp/DSG primrose/SM primula/S prince/SMY princedom/SM princeliness/M princely/PRT princess/MS principal/SMY principality/SM principle/DSM principled/U print/AMDSG printable/U printer/MS printing/SM printmaking printout/SM prion/S prior/MS prioress/MS prioritization prioritize/DSG priority/SM priory/SM prism/MS prismatic prison/SZMR prisoner/M prissily prissiness/M prissy/PTR pristine prithee privacy/M private/XMYTNRS privateer/SM privation/CSM privatization/SM privatize/DSG privet/SM privilege/DSMG privileged/U privily privy/RSMT prize/MGDS prized/A prizefight/ZGSMR prizefighter/M prizefighting/M prizewinner/MS prizewinning pro/SM probabilistic probability/SM probable/SM probably probate/MN probation/ZMR probational probationary probationer/M probe/MGDSBJ probity/M problem/MS problematic problematical/Y probosces proboscis/MS procaine/M procedural procedure/SM proceed/GJDS proceeding/M proceeds/M process's process/AGDS processed/U procession/GD processional/MS processor/SM proclamation/MS proclivity/SM procrastinate/DSGN procrastination/M procrastinator/MS procreate/V proctor/GMDS procurement/M prod/MS prodigal/MYS prodigality/M prodigious/Y prodigy/SM produce's produce/AZGDRS producer/AM producible/A production/ASM productive/UY productiveness/M productivity/M prof/MS profanation/MS profane/PYGDS profaneness/M profanity/SM professed/Y profession/SM professional/MYS professionalism/M professionalization professionalize/DSG professor/SM professorial/Y professorship/SM proffer/GMDS proficiency/M proficient/MYS profit/BGD profitability/M profitable/U profitably/U profiteer/MDGS profiteering/M profiterole/SM profitless profligacy/M profligate/SMY proforma profound/RYTP profoundness/M profundity/SM profuse/PY profuseness/M progenitor/SM progeny/M progesterone/M prognathous prognoses prognosis/M prognostic/MS prognosticate/XGNDS prognostication/M prognosticator/MS program/CAS programmable/MS programmatic programmed/AC programmer/MS programming/SM progress/MDSGV progression/MS progressive/PMYS progressiveness/M prohibit/DGVS prohibition/SM prohibitionist/MS prohibitive/Y prohibitory project/GMDS projectile/SM projection/SM projectionist/SM projector/MS prole/S proletarian/MS proletariat/M proliferate/DSGN proliferation/M prolific prolifically prolix/Y prolixity/M prologue/SM prolongation/SM prom/M promenade/MGDS promethium/M prominence/M prominent/Y promiscuity/M promiscuous/Y promise/DSMG promising/Y promissory promo/M promontory/SM promote/DRZG promoter/M promotional prompt/JPSMDRYZTG prompted/U prompter/M prompting/M promptitude/M promptness/M promulgate/GNDS promulgation/M promulgator/MS prone/P proneness/M prong/MDS pronghorn/MS pronominal/M pronounce/DSLG pronounceable/U pronouncement/SM pronto pronunciation/MS proof/ADGSM proofread/SRZG proofreader/M prop/MS propaganda/M propagandist/MS propagandize/GDS propagate/DSGN propagation/M propagator/SM propel/S propellant/MS propelled propeller/SM propelling propensity/SM proper/MRYT property/DSM prophecy/SM prophesier/M prophesy/DRSMZG prophet/SM prophetess/MS prophetic prophetical/Y prophylactic/SM prophylaxes prophylaxis/M propinquity/M propitiate/DSGN propitiation/M propitiatory propitious/Y proponent/SM proportion/ESM proportional/YS proportionality proportionate/EY proposal/MS propped propping proprietary/SM proprieties/M proprietor/SM proprietorial/Y proprietorship/M proprietress/MS propriety/SM propulsion/M propulsive prorate/DSG prorogation/M prorogue/GD prosaic prosaically proscenium/SM prosciutto/M proscribe/DG proscription/MS prose/M prosecute/DSXGN prosecution/M prosecutor/MS proselyte/DSMG proselytism/M proselytize/DRSZG proselytizer/M prosody/SM prospect/MDGVS prospective/Y prospector/SM prospectus/MS prosper/GSD prosperity/M prosperous/Y prostate/MS prostheses prosthesis/M prosthetic prostitute/MGNDS prostitution/M prostrate/GNXDS prostration/M prosy/RT protactinium/M protagonist/SM protean protect/GVSD protected/U protection/SM protectionism/M protectionist/MS protective/PY protectiveness/M protector/MS protectorate/MS protege/SM protegee/S protein/SM protestant/S protestation/MS protocol/MS proton/SM protoplasm/M protoplasmic prototype/MGS prototypical protozoa protozoan/MS protozoic protract/GD protrude/GDS protrusile protrusion/MS protuberance/MS protuberant proud/RYT prov/NB provability/M provably prove/EAGDS proved/U proven/U provenance/SM provender/M provenience/M proverbial/Y provide/DRSZG provided/U providence/M provident/Y providential/Y provider/M province/MS provincial/SMY provincialism/M provisional/Y proviso/SM provocateur/S provocative/PY provocativeness/M provoke/DRSZG provoked/U provoker/M provoking/Y provolone/M provost/SM prow/MS prowess/M prowl/MDRSZG prowler/M proximate proximity/M proxy/SM prude/MS prudence/M prudent/Y prudential/Y prudery/M prudish/YP prudishness/M prune/MZGDRS pruner/M prurience/M prurient/Y pry/ZTGDRSM psalm/MS psalmist/SM psaltery/SM psephologist/S psephology pseud/S pseudo/S pseudonym/SM pseudonymous pseudoscience/MS pseudy pshaw/MS psi/SM psittacosis/M psoriasis/M psst psych/MDSG psyche/M psychedelia psychedelic/SM psychedelically psychiatric psychiatrist/SM psychiatry/M psychic/MS psychical/Y psycho/SM psychoactive psychoanalyses psychoanalysis/M psychoanalyst/SM psychoanalytic psychoanalytical/Y psychoanalyze/DSG psychobabble/M psychodrama/MS psychogenic psychokinesis psychokinetic psychological/Y psychologist/MS psychology/SM psychometric psychoneuroses psychoneurosis/M psychopath/M psychopathic psychopathology psychopaths psychopathy/M psychos/S psychosis/M psychosomatic psychotherapist/MS psychotherapy/SM psychotic/SM psychotically psychotropic/MS psychs pt/C ptarmigan/MS pterodactyl/MS ptomaine/SM pub/SM pubertal puberty/M pubes/M pubescence/M pubescent pubic pubis/M public/AM publican/AMS publication/ASM publicist/MS publicity/M publicize/GDS publicly publish/AGDS publishable published/U publisher/MS publishing/M puce/M puck/ZMRS pucker/MDG puckish/YP puckishness/M pud/S pudding/SM puddle/DSMG puddling/M pudenda pudendum/M pudginess/M pudgy/PRT pueblo/SM puerile puerility/M puerperal puff/ZGMDRS puffball/SM puffer/M puffin/SM puffiness/M puffy/PRT pug/SM pugilism/M pugilist/SM pugilistic pugnacious/YP pugnaciousness/M pugnacity/M puke/MGDS pukka pulchritude/M pulchritudinous pule/GDS pull/ZGMDRS pullback/MS puller/M pullet/SM pulley/SM pullout/MS pullover/SM pulmonary pulp/GMDS pulpiness/M pulpit/SM pulpwood/M pulpy/RPT pulsar/SM pulsate/XGNDS pulsation/M pulse/AMGDS pulverization/M pulverize/DSG puma/MS pumice/SM pummel/SGD pump/ZGMDRS pumper/M pumpernickel/M pumpkin/MS pun/SM punch/MDRSZG punchbag/S puncheon/MS puncher/M punchline/S punchy/TR punctilio/M punctilious/PY punctiliousness/M punctual/Y punctuality/M punctuate/GNDS punctuation/M puncture/DSMG pundit/SM punditry/M pungency/M pungent/Y puniness/M punish/BLGDS punished/U punishing/Y punishment/MS punitive/Y punk/TMRS punned punnet/S punning punster/SM punt/ZGMDRS punter/M puny/TRP pup/SM pupa/M pupae pupal pupate/DSG pupil/MS pupped puppet/MS puppeteer/SM puppetry/M pupping puppy/SM purblind purchase/DRSMZGB purchaser/M purdah/M pure/PYTR purebred/SM puree/MDS pureeing pureness/M purgative/SM purgatorial purgatory/SM purge/MZGDRS purger/M purification/M purifier/M purify/NDRSZG purine/MS purism/M purist/MS puristic puritan/SM puritanical/Y puritanism/M purity/M purl/GMDS purlieu/SM purloin/SGD purple/MTRS purplish purport/SMDG purported/Y purpose/DSMYG purposeful/YP purposefulness/M purposeless/PY purr/GMDS purse/MZGDRS purser/M pursuance/M pursuant pursue/ZGDRS pursuer/M pursuit/SM purulence/M purulent purvey/DSG purveyance/M purveyor/SM purview/M pus/M push/ZGMDRS pushbike/S pushcart/SM pushchair/S pusher/M pushily pushiness/M pushover/MS pushpin/S pushy/TRP pusillanimity/M pusillanimous/Y puss/MS pussy/TRSM pussycat/MS pussyfoot/DSG pustular pustule/SM put/ISM putative putout/MS putrefaction/M putrefactive putrefy/GDS putrescence/M putrescent putrid putsch/MS putt/ZGMDRS putted/I puttee/MS putter/MDRZG putterer/M putting/I putty/GDSM putz/S puzzle/MZGDRSL puzzlement/M puzzler/M pvt pygmy/SM pylon/SM pyloric pylorus/iM pyorrhea/M pyramid/GSMD pyramidal pyre/MS pyrimidine/MS pyrite/SM pyrites/M pyromania/M pyromaniac/SM pyrotechnic/S pyrotechnical pyrotechnics/M python/SM pyx/MS pzazz q qr qt qty qua quack/GMDS quackery/M quad/MS quadrangle/SM quadrangular quadrant/MS quadraphonic quadratic/MS quadrature quadrennial quadrennium/MS quadriceps/MS quadrilateral/SM quadrille/XMNS quadrillion/M quadriplegia/M quadriplegic/SM quadrivium/M quadruped/MS quadrupedal quadruple/MGDS quadruplet/MS quadruplicate/MGNDS quadruplication/M quaff/GMDS quagmire/SM quahog/MS quail/GMDS quaint/PRYT quaintness/M quake/MGDS quaky/TR qualification/EM qualified/U qualifier/SM qualify/EGXNDS qualitative/Y quality/SM qualm/MS qualmish quandary/SM quango/S quanta quantifiable quantification/M quantifier/M quantify/NDRSZG quantitative/Y quantity/SM quantum/M quarantine/MGDS quark/MS quarrel/SZGMDR quarreler/M quarrelsome/P quarrelsomeness/M quarry/DSMG quart/MS quarter/SGMDY quarterback/GMDS quarterdeck/MS quarterfinal/SM quarterly/SM quartermaster/MS quarterstaff/M quarterstaves quartet/SM quarto/MS quartz/M quasar/MS quash/GDS quasi quatrain/MS quaver/MDSG quavery quay/MS quayside/S queasily queasiness/M queasy/TPR queen/GMDYS queenly/RT queer/PTGMDRYS queerness/M quell/GDS quench/ZGDRSB quenchable/U quencher/M quenchless querulous/YP querulousness/M query/DSMG ques/S quest/IFAMS quested questing question/SMDRZGBJ questionable/U questionably/U questioned/U questioner/M questioning/MY questionnaire/SM queue/MDSG quibble/DRSMZG quibbler/M quiche/SM quick/MNRYXTP quicken/DG quickfire quickie/SM quicklime/M quickness/M quicksand/MS quicksilver/M quickstep/MS quid/MS quiescence/M quiescent/Y quiet/SMDNRYXTGP quieten/DG quietism quietness/M quietude/IEM quietus/MS quiff/S quill/SM quilt/SMDRZG quilter/M quilting/M quin/S quince/SM quine/S quinine/M quinsy/M quint/SM quintessence/SM quintessential/Y quintet/SM quintuple/MGDS quintuplet/MS quip/MS quipped quipping quipster/SM quire's quire/IAS quirk/SMDG quirkiness/M quirky/RTP quirt/SM quisling/SM quit/S quitclaim/MS quite quittance/M quitter/SM quitting quiver/SMDG quivery quixotic quixotically quiz/M quizzed quizzer/SM quizzes quizzical/Y quizzing quoin/SM quoit/SMDG quondam quorate/I quorum/SM quot/B quota/SM quotability/M quotation/SM quote's quote/UDSG quoth quotidian quotient/SM qwerty r/S rabbet/GMDS rabbi/SM rabbinate/M rabbinic rabbinical rabbit/GMDS rabble/MS rabid/PY rabidness/M rabies/M raccoon/M race/MZGDRS racecourse/SM racegoer/S racehorse/MS raceme/MS racer/M racetrack/MS raceway/MS racial/Y racialism/M racialist/MS racily raciness/M racing/M racism/M racist/SM rack/GMDS racket/SMDG racketeer/SMDG racketeering/M raconteur/SM racquetball/SM racy/PRT rad/SM radar/SM radarscope/SM raddled radial/SMY radiance/M radiant/Y radiate/DSGNX radiation/M radiator/SM radical/SMY radicalism/M radicalization/M radicalize/DSG radicchio/M radio/MDGS radioactive/Y radioactivity/M radiocarbon/M radiogram/MS radiographer/SM radiography/M radioisotope/MS radiologist/SM radiology/M radioman/M radiomen radiometer/MS radiometric radiometry/M radiophone/SM radioscopy/M radiosonde/SM radiotelegraph/M radiotelegraphs radiotelegraphy/M radiotelephone/MS radiotherapist/MS radiotherapy/M radish/MS radium/M radius/Mi radon/M raffia/M raffish/YP raffishness/M raffle/DSMG raft/ZGMDRS rafter/M rafting/M rag/SGMD raga/MS ragamuffin/MS ragbag/M rage/MS ragga ragged/RYTP raggedness/M raggedy/RT ragging raging/Y raglan/SM ragout/SM ragtag/S ragtime/M ragweed/M ragwort rah raid/ZGMDRS raider/M rail's rail/CGDS railcard/S railing/SM raillery/SM railroad/SZGMDR railroader/M railroading/M railway/SM railwayman railwaymen raiment/M rain/GMDS rainbow/SM raincoat/SM raindrop/SM rainfall/SM rainmaker/SM rainmaking/M rainproof rainstorm/MS rainwater/M rainy/RT raise/MZGDRS raiser/M raisin/SM rajah/M rajahs rake/MGDS rakish/YP rakishness/M rally/DSMG ram/SM ramble/DRSMZGJ rambler/M rambunctious/PY rambunctiousness/M ramekin/SM ramie/M ramification/M ramify/DSXNG ramjet/SM rammed ramming ramp/MS rampage/DSMG rampancy/M rampant/Y rampart/SM ramrod/SM ramrodded ramrodding ramshackle ran/A ranch/MDRSZG rancher/M ranching/M rancid/P rancidity/M rancidness/M rancor/M rancorous/Y rand/M randiness/M random/PSY randomization/M randomize/DSG randomness/MS randy/RTP ranee/MS rang/ZR range's range/CGDS rangefinder/S ranger/M ranginess/M rangy/RTP rank/TGJPMDRYS ranking/M rankle/DSG rankness/M ransack/SGD ransom/SZGMDR ransomer/M rant/ZGMDJRS ranter/M rap/SZGMDR rapacious/PY rapaciousness/M rapacity/M rape/MS raper/M rapeseed/M rapid/PMRYTS rapidity/M rapidness/M rapier/SM rapine/M rapist/SM rapped rappel/SM rappelled rappelling rapper/SM rapping rapport/MS rapporteur/S rapprochement/SM rapscallion/MS rapt/YP raptness/M raptor/S rapture/MS rapturous/Y rare/YTGPDRS rarebit/MS rarefaction/M rarefy/GDS rareness/M rarity/SM rascal/SMY rash/ZTMRSYP rasher/M rashness/M rasp/GMDS raspberry/SM raspy/RT raster rat/SM ratatouille/M ratbag/S ratchet/GMDS rate/JXMZGNDRS rated/U ratepayer/S rater/M rather rathskeller/SM ratification/M ratifier/M ratify/NDRSZG rating/M ratio/MS ratiocinate/GNDS ratiocination/M ration/MDG rational/SMY rationale/MS rationalism/M rationalist/SM rationalistic rationality/M rationalization/MS rationalize/DSG ratlike ratline/SM rattan/SM ratted ratter/SM ratting rattle/DRSMZGJ rattlebrain/SMD rattler/M rattlesnake/SM rattletrap/SM rattly rattrap/SM ratty/RT raucous/YP raucousness/M raunchily raunchiness/M raunchy/TRP ravage/DRSMZG ravager/M ravages/M rave/JMZGDRS ravel's ravel/UDSG raveling/S raven/MDSG ravenous/Y ravine/SM raving/M ravioli/SM ravish/DRSZGL ravisher/M ravishing/Y ravishment/M raw/PTMR rawboned rawhide/M rawness/M ray/SM rayon/M raze/GDS razor/MS razorback/MS razz/GMDS razzmatazz/M rcpt rd re/DSMYTGVJ reach/MDSGB reachable/U reacquire/DSG react/V reactant/SM reactionary/SM read/ZGMRBJS readability/SM reader/M readership/SM readily readiness/M reading/M readmitted readout/SM ready/DRSTGP reafforestation real/TMRYPS realism/M realist/SM realistic/U realistically/U realities reality/UM realization/MS realize/DSBG realized/U realm/MS realness/M realpolitik/M realty/M ream/ZGMDRS reamer/M reap/ZGDRS reaper/M rear/GMDS rearguard/MS rearmost rearward/S reason/SMDRZGB reasonable/UP reasonableness/UM reasonably/U reasoner/M reasoning/M reassuring/Y rebate/M rebel/MS rebellion/MS rebellious/YP rebelliousness/M rebid/S rebidding rebirth/M reboil/SDG rebuild/SG rebuke/DSMG rebuking/Y rebuttal/MS rec'd rec/M recalcitrance/M recalcitrant recant/SDG recantation/SM recap/MS recapitalization recce/S recd receipt/SMDG receivables/M receive/DRSZGB receiver/M receivership/M recent/RYTP recentness/M receptacle/SM reception/MS receptionist/SM receptive/PY receptiveness/M receptivity/M receptor/SM recess/MDSGV recessional/SM recessionary recessive/SM recherche recidivism/M recidivist/SM recipe/SM recipient/SM reciprocal/SMY reciprocate/GNDS reciprocation/M reciprocity/M recital/SM recitalist/MS recitative/MS reciter/SM reckless/YP recklessness/M reckon/SJDG reckoning/M reclamation/M recline/DRSZG recliner/M recluse/SMV recognizable/U recognizably recognize/DRSGB recognized/U recombination recompense/DSMG recompilation recompile/GD recon/S reconcile/GDSB reconciliation/S recondite reconfiguration reconfigure/D reconnaissance/MS reconnoiter/DGS reconstruct/V reconstructed/U recorded/U recorder/MS recording/MS recoup/DG recourse/M recoverable/U recovery/SM recreant/MS recreational recriminate/DSGNX recrimination/M recriminatory recrudesce/GDS recrudescence/M recrudescent recruit/LSMDRZG recruiter/M recruitment/M rectal/Y rectangle/MS rectangular rectifiable rectification/M rectifier/M rectify/XNDRSZG rectilinear rectitude/M recto/MS rector/SM rectory/SM rectum/SM recumbent recuperate/GNVDS recuperation/M recur/S recurred recurrence/SM recurring recursion/S recyclable/SM recycling/M red/PSM redact/SDG redaction/M redactor/SM redbird/SM redbreast/MS redbrick redcap/SM redcoat/SM redcurrant/S redden/SDG redder reddest reddish redeem/RZB redeemer/M redemption/M redemptive redhead/SMD redirection redistrict/GD redivide/GDS redlining/M redneck/SM redness/M redo/G redolence/M redolent redoubt/SBM redoubtably redound/SDG redraw/SG redskin/SM reduce/DRSZG reducer/M reducible reduction/SM reductionist reductive redundancy/SM redundant/Y redwood/SM redye/DS reediness/M reedy/RTP reef/ZGMDRS reefer/M reek/GMDS reel's reel/UGDS reeve/G reexport/SDG ref/SZM refashion/DGS refection/M refectory/SM refer/B referee/DSM refereeing reference/MGDS referendum/MS referent/SM referential referral/SM referred referrer/SM referring reffed reffing refill/BM refined/U refinement/SM refiner/SM refinery/S refitting reflate/XDSGN reflationary reflect/GVSD reflection/MS reflective/Y reflector/MS reflexive/SMY reflexology reforge/DSG reform/MZ reformat/V reformatory/SM reformatting reformed/U reformist/S refortify/GDS refract/SGVD refraction/M refractory/SM refrain/SGMD refresh/ZGLDRS refresher/M refreshing/Y refreshment/SM refreshments/M refrigerant/SM refrigerate/DSGN refrigeration/M refrigerator/MS refuge/SM refugee/SM refulgence/M refulgent refund/B refurbishment/MS refusal/MS refutation/MS refute/BDRSZG refuter/M reg regal/DYG regalement/M regalia/M regard/ESMDG regardless regards/M regather/DGS regatta/SM regency/SM regeneracy/M regenerate/V regexp/S reggae/M regicide/MS regime/SM regimen/SM regiment/MDGS regimental regimentation/M region/SM regional/Y regionalism/MS register/GMDS registered/U registrant/MS registrar/MS registration/SM registry/SM regnant regress/MDSGV regression/MS regret/SM regretful/Y regrettable regrettably regretted regretting regrind/GS reground regroup/DGS regular/MYS regularity/SM regularization/M regularize/DSG regulate/CDSGNV regulated/U regulation/CM regulations regulator/MS regulatory regurgitate/DSGN regurgitation/M rehab/MS rehabbed rehabbing rehabilitate/GNVDS rehabilitation/M rehang/SDG rehears/GD rehearsal/MS rehearsed/U rehi rehung reign/MDSG reimburse/BDSGL reimbursement/MS rein/GD reindeer/M reinforce/LGDS reinforcement/SM reinitialize reinstatement/M reinsurance reiterate/V reject/GSMD rejection/SM rejoice/JGDS rejoicing/M rejoinder/SM rejuvenate/DSGN rejuvenation/M rel relate/DRSXZGNV relatedness/M relater/M relation/M relational relationship/MS relative/MYS relativism/M relativist/S relativistic relativity/M relax/DRSZG relaxant/MS relaxation/SM relaxer/M relay/D release/B released/U relegate/GNDS relent/SGD relentless/PY relentlessness/M relevance/M relevancy/M relevant/Y reliability/UM reliable/U reliably/U reliance/M reliant relic/MS relief/SM relieve/ZGDRS reliever/M religion/SM religiosity religious/MYP religiousness/M reline/DSG relinquish/LDSG relinquishment/M reliquary/SM relish/GMDS relocate/B reluctance/M reluctant/Y rely/GDS rem/M remain/SGD remainder/GMDS remand/SGD remapping remark/B remarkableness/M remarkably remarked/U remediable remedy/GDSM remember/DG remembered/U remembrance/MS reminder/M reminisce/GDS reminiscence/MS reminiscent/Y remiss/PY remissness/M remit/S remittance/SM remitted remitting/U remix/DSG remnant/MS remodel/GDS remold/SGD remonstrant/SM remonstrate/DSG remorse/M remorseful/Y remorseless/PY remorselessness/M remote/RSMYTP remoteness/M removal/SM remunerate/GNVXDS remuneration/M renaissance/MS renal renascence/S rend/GS render/SGMDJ rendering/M rendezvous/GMDS rendition/MS renegade/DSMG renege/DRSZG reneger/M renew/DSBG renewal/MS rennet/M rennin/M renounce/LDSG renouncement/M renovate/DSXGN renovation/M renovator/MS renown/MD rent/ZGMDRS rental/SM renter/M renunciation/SM reopen/SDG rep/SM repaint/GDS repair/BZR repairer/M repairman/M repairmen reparable reparation/MS reparations/M repartee/M repatriate/XDSMGN repatriation/M repeat/SMDRZGB repeatable/U repeatably repeated/Y repeater/M repeating/M repel/S repelled repellent/SM repelling repent/SDG repentance/M repentant/Y repercussion/S repertoire/MS repertory/SM repetition/MS repetitious/YP repetitiousness/M repetitive/YP repetitiveness/M rephotograph/DG replaceable replant/GSD replenish/LGDS replenishment/M replete/PDSGN repleteness/M repletion/M replica/SM replicate/DSGNX replication/M replicator/S reportage/M reported/Y reportorial reposeful repository/SM reprehend/DGS reprehensibility/M reprehensible reprehensibly reprehension/M represent/GDS representational representative/MS represented/U repression/MS repressive/PY reprieve/DSMG reprimand/GSMD reprisal/SM reprise/SMG reproach/GMDSB reproachful/Y reprobate/MS reproductive reprogramming reproving/Y reptile/SM reptilian/MS republic/S republicanism/M repudiate/XGNDS repudiation/M repudiator/MS repugnance/M repugnant repulsion/M repulsive/YP repulsiveness/M repurchase/GDS reputability/M reputably/E reputation/MS repute/DSMGB reputed/Y request/GDR requiem/SM require/LDG requirement/MS requisite/XMNS requisition/GMD requital/M requite/DRSZG requited/U requiter/M reread/SG rerecord/GDS rerunning resat rescind/SDG rescission/M rescue/DRSMZG rescuer/M reseal/B resell/SG resemble/DSG resend resent/LSDG resentful/YP resentfulness/M resentment/MS reserpine/M reservation/MS reserved/UY reservedness/M reservist/SM reservoir/SM resetting reshipping residence/SM residency/SM resident/MS residential residua residual/MS residue/SM residuum/M resignation/SM resigned/Y resilience/M resiliency/M resilient/Y resinous resist/SMDRZG resistance/SM resistant/U resistible resistless resistor/MS resit/S resitting resold resole/DSG resolute/PY resoluteness/M resolve/RBM resolved/U resonance/SM resonant/Y resonate/GDS resonator/SM resorption/M resound/SGD resounding/Y resourceful/YP resourcefulness/M resp respect/ESGVMD respectability/M respectable respectably respectful/EY respectfulness/M respective/Y respell/SGD respiration/M respirator/SM respiratory respire/DG resplendence/M resplendent/Y respond/SGD respondent/SM response/MS responsibility/SM responsible responsibly responsive/UYP responsiveness/UM rest/GVMDS restate/GDS restaurant/SM restaurateur/MS restful/YP restfuller restfullest restfulness/M restitution/M restive/YP restiveness/M restless/PY restlessness/M restoration/SM restorative/SM restorer/SM restrained/U restraint/MS restrict/SDGV restricted/U restriction/MS restrictive/YP restrictiveness/M restring/SG restroom/SM restructuring/SM result/GSMD resultant/SM resume/DSMG resumption/MS resupply/DSG resurgence/MS resurgent resurrect/GSD resurrection/MS resuscitate/GNDS resuscitation/M resuscitator/SM retailer/MS retain/SDRZG retainer/M retake/G retaliate/DSGNVX retaliation/M retaliatory retard/SMDRZG retardant/SM retardation/M retarder/M retch/DSG reteach/GS retention/M retentive/YP retentiveness/M rethink/SGM rethought reticence/M reticent/Y reticulated reticulation/MS retina/SM retinal retinue/SM retiree/SM retirement/MS retort/GMD retrace/GDS retract/DBG retractile retraction/S retrain/DGS retread/D retrenchment/MS retribution/MS retributive retrieval/SM retrieve/DRSMZGB retriever/M retro/MS retroactive/Y retrofire/GDS retrofit/SM retrofitted retrofitting retrograde/DSG retrogress/GVDS retrogression/M retrorocket/MS retrospect/MDSGV retrospection/M retrospective/MYS retrovirus/MS retsina/M returnable/SM returnee/SM rev/ZVM revamping/M reveal/GJSD revealing/Y reveille/M revel/JMDRSZG revelation/SM reveler/M revelry/SM revenge/MGDS revenuer/SM reverberate/DSGNX reverberation/M revere/DSG reverence/DSMG reverend/SM reverent/Y reverential/Y reverie/MS revers/M reversal/SM reverse/Y reversibility reversible reversibly revert/GSD revertible revetment/SM revile/DRSLZG revilement/M reviler/M reviser/MS revision/SM revisionism/M revisionist/SM revival/MS revivalism/M revivalist/SM revive/DSG revivification/M revocable revoke/DSG revolt/GD revolting/Y revolution/SM revolutionary/SM revolutionist/SM revolutionize/DSG revolve/BZGDRS revolver/M revue/MS revulsion/M revved revving rewarded/U rewarding/U rewarm/GSD rewash/GDS reweave/GS rewedding rewind/MB rewound rewrite/MGS rhapsodic rhapsodical rhapsodize/GDS rhapsody/SM rhea/MS rhenium/M rheostat/SM rhesus/MS rhetoric/M rhetorical/Y rhetorician/SM rheum/M rheumatic/MS rheumatically rheumatism/M rheumatoid rheumy/TR rhinestone/SM rhinitis/M rhino/MS rhinoceros/MS rhizome/MS rho/SM rhodium/M rhododendron/SM rhomboid/SM rhomboidal rhombus/MS rhubarb/MS rhyme/MZGDRS rhymer/M rhymester/MS rhythm/SM rhythmic rhythmical/Y rial/MS rib/SM ribald ribaldry/M ribbed ribber/SM ribbing ribbon/SM riboflavin/M rice/MZGDRS ricer/M rich/TMRSYP richness/M rick/GMDS rickets/M rickety/RT rickrack/M rickshaw/MS ricochet/GMDS ricotta/M rid/S riddance/M ridden ridding riddle/DSMG ride/MZGRS rider/M riderless ridership/M ridge/MGDS ridgepole/SM ridgy/RT ridicule/MGDS ridiculous/YP ridiculousness/M riding/M rife/TR riff/GMDS riffle/DSMG riffraff/M rifle/MZGDRS rifleman/M riflemen rifler/M rifling/M rift/GMDS rig/SM rigatoni/M rigged rigger/SM rigging/M right/MDRYSPTG righteous/UP righteously righteousness/UM rightful/PY rightfulness/M rightism/M rightist/SM rightmost rightness/M righto rightsize/DSG rightward/S rigid/YP rigidity/M rigidness/M rigmarole/MS rigor/MS rigorous/YP rigorousness/M rile/GDS rill/MS rim/SGMD rime/MS rimless rimmed rimming rind/MS ring/ZGMDRJ ringer/M ringgit/MS ringleader/MS ringlet/MS ringlike ringmaster/MS ringside/M ringworm/M rink/MS rinse/MGDS riot/ZGMDRS rioter/M rioting/M riotous/PY rip/SXTMNR riparian ripcord/MS ripe/YP ripen/DG ripened/U ripeness/M ripoff/SM riposte/MGDS ripped ripper/SM ripping ripple/DSMG ripply/TR ripsaw/SM riptide/MS rise/JMZGRS risen riser/M risibility/M risible rising/M risk/GMDS riskily riskiness/M risky/RPT risotto/MS risque rissole/S rite/MS ritual/SMY ritualism/M ritualistic ritualistically ritualized ritzy/RT riv/ZNR rival/MDSG rivaled/U rivalry/SM rive/CGDS river/M riverbank/SM riverbed/MS riverboat/SM riverfront riverside/MS rivet/MDRSZG riveter/M riviera/S rivulet/MS riyal/MS rm roach/GMDS road/IMS roadbed/SM roadblock/MDSG roadhouse/SM roadie/MS roadkill/M roadrunner/SM roadshow/SM roadside/SM roadster/SM roadway/SM roadwork/SM roadworthy roam/ZGDRS roamer/M roaming/M roan/MS roar/ZGMDRS roarer/M roaring/M roast/ZGMDRSJ roaster/M roasting/M rob/S robbed robber/MS robbery/SM robbing robe's robe/EGDS robin/MS robot/MS robotic/S robotics/M robotize/GDS robust/RYPT robustness/M rock/ZGMDRS rockabilly/M rockbound rocker/M rockery/S rocket/MDSG rocketry/M rockfall/SM rockiness/M rocky/TRP rococo/M rod/SM rode rodent/MS rodeo/MS roe/SM roebuck/SM roentgen/MS roger/GDS rogue's rogue/KS roguery/M roguish/YP roguishness/M roil/GDS roister/ZGDRS roisterer/M role/MS roll/MDRZGJS rollback/SM roller/M rollerblading rollerskating/M rollick/SDG rollicking/M rollmop/S rollover/SM romaine/MS roman/M romance/MZGDRS romancer/M romantic/MS romantically romanticism/M romanticist/SM romanticize/DSG romeo/MS romp/MDRZGS romper/M rondo/SM rood/MS roof/MDRZGS roofer/M roofing/M roofless rooftop/SM rook/MDGS rookery/SM rookie/SM room/MDRZGS roomer/M roomette/SM roomful/SM roominess/M roommate/SM roomy/RTP roost/SMDRZG rooster/M root/MDRZGS rooter/M rootless/P rootlet/SM rope/MZGDRS roper/M ropy/RT rosary/SM rose/MS roseate rosebud/SM rosebush/MS rosemary/M rosette/SM rosewater/M rosewood/MS rosily rosin/SMDG rosiness/M roster/SM rostrum/MS rosy/RTP rot/SM rota/S rotary/SM rotate/DSGNX rotation/M rotational rotatory rote/M rotgut/M rotisserie/SM rotogravure/MS rotor/SM rototiller/MS rotted rotten/TPRY rottenness/M rotter/S rotting rottweiler/S rotund/P rotunda/MS rotundity/M rotundness/M roue/MS rouge/DSMG rough/MDNRYXTGP roughage/M roughcast roughen/GD roughhouse/MGDS roughneck/GMDS roughness/M roughs roughshod roulette/M round/PSMDRYZTG roundabout/SM roundel/S roundelay/MS roundhouse/SM roundish roundness/M roundup/MS roundworm/SM rouse/DSG roust/SDG roustabout/SM rout/MRZS route's route/ADSG routeing router/M routine/MYS routinize/GDS roux rove/ZGDRS rover/M row/SZGMDR rowan/S rowboat/MS rowdily rowdiness/M rowdy/PRSMT rowdyism/M rowel/SMDG rower/M rowing/M rowlock/S royal/SMY royalist/SM royalties/M royalty/SM rpm rps rt rte rub/SM rubato/SM rubbed rubber/SM rubberize/GDS rubberneck/MDRSZG rubbernecker/M rubbery/TR rubbing/S rubbish/MDSG rubbishy rubble/M rubdown/SM rube/MS rubella/M rubicund rubidium/M ruble/SM rubric/SM ruby/RSMT ruched ruck/DGS rucksack/MS ruckus/MS ructions rudder/SM rudderless ruddiness/M ruddy/RTP rude/YTRP rudeness/M rudiment/SM rudimentary rue/DSMG rueful/PY ruefulness/M ruff/MDYGS ruffian/MYS ruffle/DSMG ruffled/U rug/SM rugby/M rugged/PTRY ruggedness/M rugger ruin/MDGS ruination/M ruinous/Y rule/MZGJDRS ruler/M ruling/M rum/SM rumba/SMDG rumble/DSJMG rumbling/M rumbustious ruminant/MS ruminate/XGNVDS rumination/M ruminative/Y rummage/DSMG rummer rummest rummy/M rumor/SMDG rumormonger/SM rump/MYS rumple/DSMG rumpus/MS run/ASM runabout/MS runaround/SM runaway/MS rundown/SM rune/MS rung/MS runic runlet/SM runnel/SM runner/SM running/M runny/RT runoff/SM runt/MS runty/RT runway/SM rupee/SM rupiah/M rupiahs rupture/MGDS rural ruse/MS rush/MDRSZG rusher/M rushy/RT rusk/MS russet/SM rust/MDGS rustic/SM rustically rusticate/GDS rustication/M rusticity/M rustiness/M rustle/DRSJMZG rustler/M rustproof/SDG rusty/RPNT rut/SM rutabaga/SM ruthenium/M rutherfordium/M ruthless/YP ruthlessness/M rutted rutting rutty/RT rye/M s/NYXB sabbatical/SM saber/MS sable/MS sabot/MS sabotage/DSMG saboteur/SM sabra/MS sac/SM saccharin/M saccharine sacerdotal sachem/SM sachet/SM sack/GMDJS sackcloth/M sackful/MS sacking/M sacra sacrament/MS sacramental sacred/YP sacredness/M sacrifice/DSMG sacrificial/Y sacrilege/MS sacrilegious/Y sacristan/MS sacristy/SM sacroiliac/MS sacrosanct/P sacrosanctness/M sacrum/M sad/PY sadden/SDG sadder saddest saddle's saddle/UDSG saddlebag/MS saddler/S saddlery sades sadhu/S sadism/M sadist/SM sadistic sadistically sadness/M sadomasochism/M sadomasochist/MS sadomasochistic safari/SGMD safe/MYTPRS safeguard/SMDG safekeeping/M safeness/M safety/SM safflower/MS saffron/MS sag/SM saga/MS sagacious/Y sagacity/M sage/MYTRS sagebrush/M sagged sagging saggy/RT sago/M saguaro/MS sahib/MS said/U sail/GMDSJ sailboard/MRZGS sailboarder/M sailboarding/M sailboat/MS sailcloth/M sailfish/MS sailing/M sailor/SM sailplane/MS saint/MDYS sainthood/M saintlike saintliness/M saintly/PRT saith sake/M salaam/SMDG salable/U salacious/PY salaciousness/M salacity/M salad/MS salamander/SM salami/SM salary/DSM sale/ABMS saleroom/S salesclerk/SM salesgirl/SM saleslady/SM salesman/M salesmanship/M salesmen salespeople/M salesperson/MS salesroom/S saleswoman/M saleswomen salience/M salient/SMY saline/SM salinity/M saliva/M salivary salivate/GNDS salivation/M sallow/RTP sallowness/M sally/DSMG salmon/SM salmonella/M salmonellae salon/MS saloon/SM salsa/MS salt's salt/CTGDS saltbox/MS saltcellar/SM salted/U salter saltine/SM saltiness/M saltpeter/M saltshaker/SM saltwater/M salty/RTP salubrious/I salutary salutation/MS salutatorian/MS salutatory salute/DSMG salvage/DSMG salvageable salvation/M salve/MZGDRS salver/M salvo/MS samarium/M samba/MDSG same/SP sameness/M samey samizdat/S samosa/S samovar/SM sampan/SM sample/DRSMZG sampler/M samurai/SM sanatorium/SM sanctification/M sanctify/GDSN sanctimonious/YP sanctimoniousness/M sanctimony/M sanction/GSMD sanctioned/U sanctity/M sanctuary/SM sanctum/SM sand/ZGMDRS sandal/SM sandalwood/M sandbag/SM sandbagged sandbagging sandbank/MS sandbar/SM sandblast/ZGMDRS sandblaster/M sandbox/MS sandcastle/MS sander/M sandhog/SM sandiness/M sandlot/SM sandlotter/MS sandman/M sandmen sandpaper/GMDS sandpiper/MS sandpit/S sandstone/M sandstorm/SM sandwich/MDSG sandy/RTP sane/IYTR saneness/M sang/S sangfroid/M sangria/M sanguinary sanguine/Y sanitarian/SM sanitarium/SM sanitary/IU sanitation/M sanitize/GDS sanity/IM sank sans sanserif sap/SM sapience/M sapient sapless sapling/MS sapped sapper/S sapphire/SM sappiness/M sapping sappy/PRT saprophyte/SM saprophytic sapsucker/SM sapwood/M saran/M sarcasm/MS sarcastic sarcastically sarcoma/MS sarcophagus/iM sardine/MS sardonic sardonically sarge/MS sari/MS sarky sarnie/S sarong/SM sarsaparilla/MS sartorial/Y sash/MS sashay/SGMD sass/GMDS sassafras/MS sassy/RT sat satanic satanical/Y satanism/M satanist/MS satay satchel/MS sate/GDS sateen/M satellite/DSMG satiable/I satiate/GNDS satiation/M satiety/M satin/M satinwood/SM satiny satire/SM satiric satirical/Y satirist/SM satirize/DSG satisfaction/EM satisfactions satisfactorily/U satisfactory/U satisfied/U satisfy/EDSG satisfying/U satisfyingly satori/M satrap/SM satsuma/S saturate/DSGN saturated/U saturation/M saturnine satyr/MS satyriasis/M satyric sauce/MZGDRS saucepan/SM saucer/M saucily sauciness/M saucy/RPT sauerkraut/M sauna/MDSG saunter/MDGS saurian sauropod/SM sausage/MS saute/MS sauteed sauteing savage/DRSMYTGP savageness/M savagery/SM savanna/MS savant/SM save/BJMZGDRS saved/U saver/M saving/M savings/M savior/SM savor/MDSG savoriness/M savory/PTRSM savoy/MS savvy/DRSMTG saw/SGMD sawbones/M sawbuck/MS sawdust/M sawfly/SM sawhorse/SM sawmill/MS sawyer/SM sax/MS saxifrage/SM saxophone/MS saxophonist/SM say's say/USG saying/SM scab/MS scabbard/MS scabbed scabbiness/M scabbing scabby/PTR scabies/M scabrous scad/MS scaffold/SMG scaffolding/M scag/S scagged scagging scalar/S scalawag/MS scald/MDSG scale's scale/CGDS scaleless scalene scaliness/M scallion/MS scallop/GSMD scalp/MDRSZG scalpel/SM scalper/M scaly/RTP scam/MS scammed scamming scamp/MRSZ scamper/GMD scampi/M scan/MS scandal/SM scandalize/DSG scandalmonger/SM scandalous/Y scandium/M scanned scanner/SM scanning scansion/M scant/CDSTG scanter scantily scantiness/M scantly scantness/M scanty/RSPT scapegoat/SGMD scapegrace/MS scapula/M scapulae scapular/SM scar/GMDS scarab/SM scarce/RYTP scarceness/M scarcity/SM scare/MS scarecrow/MS scaremonger/SMG scarf/MDSG scarification/M scarify/NDSG scarily scariness/M scarlatina/M scarlet/M scarp/MDRSZG scarper/DG scarred scarring scarves scary/RTP scat/MS scathing/Y scatological scatology/M scatted scatter/GJSMD scatterbrain/SMD scattering/M scatting scatty scavenge/ZGDRS scavenger/M scenario/MS scenarist/MS scene/MS scenery/M scenic scenically scent/CMS scented/U scenting scentless scepter/MS sch schadenfreude schedule's schedule/ADSG scheduled/U scheduler/S schema schemata schematic/SM schematically schematize/GDS scheme/DRSMZG schemer/M scherzo/MS schilling/MS schism/SM schismatic/SM schist/M schizo/SM schizoid/MS schizophrenia/M schizophrenic/SM schlemiel/SM schlep/SM schlepped schlepping schlock/M schmaltz/M schmaltzy/TR schmo/M schmoes schmooze/DRSZG schmuck/MS schnapps/M schnauzer/SM schnitzel/SM schnook/MS schnoz/MS schnozzle/SM scholar/MYS scholarship/MS scholastic scholastically scholasticism school/SGMD schoolbag/MS schoolbook/SM schoolboy/MS schoolchild/M schoolchildren schooldays schooled/U schoolfellow/SM schoolgirl/SM schoolhouse/SM schooling/M schoolkid/S schoolmarm/SM schoolmarmish schoolmaster/MS schoolmate/SM schoolmistress/MS schoolroom/SM schoolteacher/MS schoolwork/M schoolyard/SM schooner/SM schuss/GMDS schussboomer/MS schwa/MS sci sciatic sciatica/M science/FMS scientific/U scientifically/U scientist/SM scimitar/SM scintilla/MS scintillate/DSGN scintillation/M scion/MS scissor/GDS scleroses sclerosis/M sclerotic scoff/MDRSZG scoffer/M scofflaw/MS scold/MDSGJ scolding/M scoliosis/M sconce/SM scone/MS scoop/MDSG scoopful/MS scoot/DRSZG scooter/M scope/MGDS scorbutic scorch/MDRSZG scorcher/M score/MZGDRS scoreboard/SM scorecard/MS scorekeeper/MS scoreless scoreline/S scorer/M scorn/MDRSZG scorner/M scornful/Y scorpion/MS scotch/MDSG scotchs scoundrel/MS scour/DRSZG scourer/M scourge/DSMG scout/MDRSZG scouting/M scoutmaster/MS scow/MS scowl/MDSG scrabble/MZGDRS scrabbler/M scrag/MS scraggly/RT scraggy/TR scram/S scramble's scramble/UGDS scrambler/MS scrammed scramming scrap/MDRSZGJ scrapbook/SM scrape/SM scraper/M scrapheap/SM scrapie scrapped scrapper/MS scrapping scrappy/TR scrapyard/SM scratch/GMDS scratchcard/S scratched/U scratchily scratchiness/M scratchpad/S scratchy/PRT scrawl/SMDG scrawly/TR scrawniness/M scrawny/PTR scream/SMDRZG screamer/M screaming/Y scree/MDS screech/GMDS screechy/TR screed/S screen/SJMDG screening/M screenplay/SM screenwriter/SM screenwriting/M screw's screw/UDSG screwball/MS screwdriver/MS screwiness/M screwworm/SM screwy/PRT scribal scribble/MZGDRS scribbler/M scribe's scribe/CKIS scrim/MS scrimmage/MGDS scrimp/SDG scrimshaw/MDGS scrip/MS script/FSMDG scripted/U scriptural scripture/MS scriptwriter/SM scrivener/SM scrod/M scrofula/M scrofulous scrog/S scrogged scrogging scroll/GSMD scrooge/MS scrota scrotal scrotum/M scrounge/DRSZG scrounger/M scroungy/TR scrub/MS scrubbed scrubber/SM scrubbing scrubby/RT scruff/SM scruffily scruffiness/M scruffy/RPT scrum/S scrumhalf scrumhalves scrummage/S scrummed scrumming scrump/SGD scrumptious/Y scrumpy scrunch/MDSG scrunchy/SM scruple/MGDS scrupulosity/M scrupulous/UPY scrupulousness/UM scrutineer/S scrutinize/GDS scrutiny/M scuba/MDSG scud/MS scudded scudding scuff/MDSG scuffle/MGDS scull/MDRSZG sculler/M scullery/SM scullion/SM sculpt/SGD sculptor/SM sculptress/MS sculptural sculpture/DSMG scum/MS scumbag/MS scummed scumming scummy/TR scupper/MDGS scurf/M scurfy/TR scurrility/M scurrilous/PY scurrilousness/M scurry/GDSM scurvily scurvy/TRM scutcheon/SM scuttle/MGDS scuttlebutt/M scuzzy/TR scythe/DSMG sea/SM seabed/SM seabird/MS seaboard/SM seaborne seacoast/SM seafarer/SM seafaring/M seafloor/SM seafood/M seafront/SM seagoing seagull/MS seahorse/MS seal's seal/AUSDG sealant/MS sealer/SM sealskin/M seam/GMDNS seaman/M seamanship/M seamless/Y seamstress/MS seamy/RT seance/SM seaplane/SM seaport/MS sear/GMDS search/AZGMDRS searcher/AM searching/Y searchlight/MS searing/Y seascape/SM seashell/SM seashore/SM seasick/P seasickness/M seaside/MS season/SGMDBJ seasonable/U seasonably/U seasonal/Y seasonality seasoned/U seasoning/M seat's seat/UGDS seating/M seatmate/SM seawall/MS seaward/MS seawater/M seaway/SM seaweed/MS seaworthiness/M seaworthy/PRT sebaceous seborrhea/M sebum sec'y sec/SM secant/SM secateurs secede/DSG secession/M secessionist/MS seclude/GDS seclusion/M seclusive second/SLZGMDRY secondarily secondary/SM seconder/M secondhand secondment/S secrecy/M secret/SGVMDY secretarial secretariat/MS secretary/SM secretaryship/M secrete/XNS secretion/M secretive/PY secretiveness/M secretory sect/IMS sectarian/MS sectarianism/M sectary/SM section/AESM sectional/MS sectionalism/M sectioned sectioning sector/ESM secular secularism/M secularist/SM secularization/M secularize/DSG secure/DRSYTG secured/U security/ISM secy sedan/MS sedate/DRSYTGNVP sedateness/M sedation/M sedative/SM sedentary sedge/M sedgy/RT sediment/MS sedimentary sedimentation/M sedition/M seditious seduce/DRSZG seducer/M seduction/SM seductive/YP seductiveness/M seductress/MS sedulous/Y see/RSMZ seed's seed/AGDS seedbed/MS seedcase/MS seeded/U seeder/SM seediness/M seedless seedling/MS seedpod/MS seedy/RPT seeing/S seek/ZGRS seeker/M seem/GDS seeming/Y seemliness/UM seemly/URTP seen/U seep/GDS seepage/M seer/M seersucker/M seesaw/SMDG seethe/DSG segfault/S segment/GSMD segmentation/M segmented/U segregate/CDSGN segregated/U segregation/CM segregationist/MS segue/MGDS segueing seigneur/SM seignior/SM seine/MZGDRS seiner/M seismic seismically seismograph/ZMR seismographer/M seismographic seismographs seismography/M seismologic seismological seismologist/MS seismology/M seize/GDS seizure/MS seldom select/CSGVD selection/SM selective/Y selectivity/M selectman/M selectmen selectness/M selector/MS selenium/M selenographer/MS selenography/M self/M selfish/UYP selfishness/UM selfless/PY selflessness/M selfsame sell/ZGMRS seller/M sellotape/DSG sellout/MS seltzer/MS selvage/MS selves semantic/S semantically semanticist/MS semantics/M semaphore/DSMG semblance/ASM semen/M semester/SM semi/MS semiannual/Y semiarid semiautomatic/MS semibreve/S semicircle/SM semicircular semicolon/MS semiconducting semiconductor/MS semiconscious semidarkness/M semidetached semifinal/SM semifinalist/MS semigloss/S semimonthly/SM seminal seminar/MS seminarian/SM seminary/SM semiofficial semiotic/S semiotics/M semipermeable semiprecious semiprivate semipro/S semiprofessional/SM semiquaver/S semiretired semiskilled semisolid semisweet semitone/SM semitrailer/MS semitransparent semitropical semivowel/SM semiweekly/SM semiyearly semolina/M sempstress/MS senate/SM senator/MS senatorial send/ZGRS sender/M sendoff/MS senescence/M senescent senile senility/M senior/SM seniority/M senna/M senor/MS senora/SM senorita/SM sensation/MS sensational/Y sensationalism/M sensationalist/MS sensationalize/GDS sense/MGDS senseless/PY senselessness/M sensibilities sensibility/IM sensible/P sensibleness/M sensibly/I sensitive/SMYP sensitiveness/M sensitivities sensitivity/IM sensitization/CM sensitize/CDSG sensor/SM sensory sensual/Y sensualist/SM sensuality/M sensuous/YP sensuousness/M sent/FAU sentence/MGDS sententious/Y sentience/IM sentient/I sentiment/SM sentimental/Y sentimentalism/M sentimentalist/MS sentimentality/M sentimentalization/M sentimentalize/GDS sentinel/MS sentry/SM sepal/MS separability/IM separable separably/I separate/XMYGNVDSP separateness/M separation/M separatism/M separatist/MS separator/MS sepia/M sepsis/M septa septet/SM septic septicemia/M septicemic septuagenarian/MS septum/M sepulcher/GMDS sepulchral seq sequel/SM sequence/MZGDRS sequencing/M sequential/FY sequester/SDG sequestrate/XGNDS sequestration/M sequin/SMD sequinned sequoia/MS seraglio/MS serape/SM seraph/M seraphic seraphs sere/TR serenade/MGDS serendipitous serendipity/M serene/RPYT sereneness/M serenity/M serf/MS serfdom/M serge/M sergeant/MS serial/SMY serialization/SM serialize/GDS series/M serif/MS serigraph/M serigraphs serious/PY seriousness/M sermon/SM sermonize/GDS serology/M serotonin serous serpent/MS serpentine/M serrate/XND serration/M serried serum/MS servant/MS serve's/AF serve/FACGDS server/SM servery/S service/EMS serviceability/M serviceable serviced serviceman/M servicemen servicewoman/M servicewomen servicing serviette/MS servile servility/M serving's servings servitor/MS servitude/M servo/MS servomechanism/SM servomotor/MS sesame/SM sesquicentennial/MS session/MS set/AISM setback/MS setscrew/SM setsquare/S sett/BJZGRS settee/MS setter/M setting/M settle's settle/AUGDS settlement/AM settlements settler/SM setup/MS seven/MHS seventeen/SMH seventeenth/M seventeenths seventh/M sevenths seventieth/M seventieths seventy/SMH sever/ETGDS several/MY severance/SM severe/YPR severeness/M severity/M sew/ASGD sewage/M sewer/MS sewerage/M sewing/M sewn/A sex/GMDS sexagenarian/SM sexily sexiness/M sexism/M sexist/MS sexless sexologist/SM sexology/M sexpot/MS sextant/SM sextet/MS sexton/MS sextuplet/SM sexual/Y sexuality/M sexy/PTR sf sh shabbily shabbiness/M shabby/PTR shack/MDSG shackle's shackle/UGDS shad/GMDSJ shade/MS shadily shadiness/M shading/M shadow/SGMD shadowbox/GDS shadowy/RT shady/RPT shaft/MDSG shag/MS shagged shagginess/M shagging shaggy/TPR shah/M shahs shake/MZGRS shakedown/SM shaken/U shakeout/MS shaker/M shakeup/MS shakily shakiness/M shaky/RPT shale/M shall shallot/MS shallow/TPMRYS shallowness/M shalom shalt sham/GMDS shaman/SM shamanic shamanism shamanistic shamble/MGDS shambles/M shambolic shame/MS shamefaced/Y shameful/PY shamefulness/M shameless/YP shamelessness/M shammed shamming shampoo/ZGMDRS shampooer/M shamrock/MS shan't shandy/S shanghai/DSG shank/MS shantung/M shanty/SM shantytown/SM shape's shape/AGDS shaped/U shapeless/YP shapelessness/M shapeliness/M shapely/PTR shard/MS share/MZGDRS sharecrop/S sharecropped sharecropper/MS sharecropping shareholder/SM shareholding/S sharer/M shareware/MS sharia/M shariah shark/MDSG sharkskin/M sharp/MDNRYSPXZTG sharpen/ADGS sharpener/MS sharper/M sharpie/MS sharpish sharpness/M sharpshooter/SM sharpshooting/M shatter/GMDS shatterproof shave/MZGDRSJ shaven/U shaver/M shaving/M shawl/MS shay/MS she'd she'll she/DSM sheaf/M shear/MDRSZG shearer/M sheath/JM sheathe/UGDS sheathing/M sheaths sheave/DSMG shebang/MS shebeen/S shed/MS shedding sheen/M sheeny/TR sheep/M sheepdog/MS sheepfold/SM sheepherder/MS sheepish/YP sheepishness/M sheepskin/MS sheer/MDRSPTG sheerness/M sheet/MSG sheeting/M sheetlike sheikdom/MS sheikh/M sheikhs sheila/S shekel/SM shelf/M shell/MDRSG shellac/MS shellacked shellacking/MS shellfire/M shellfish/MS shelter/GMDS shelve/GDS shelving/M shenanigan/SM shepherd/SMDG shepherdess/MS sherbet/SM sheriff/SM sherry/SM shew/GDS shewn shh shiatsu/M shibboleth/M shibboleths shield/MDGS shift/GMDS shiftily shiftiness/M shiftless/PY shiftlessness/M shifty/RPT shill/GMDSJ shillelagh/M shillelaghs shilling/M shim/MS shimmed shimmer/SMDG shimmery shimming shimmy/DSMG shin/ZGMDRS shinbone/SM shindig/SM shine/MS shiner/M shingle/DSMG shinguard/M shininess/M shinned shinning shinny/DSG shinsplints/M shiny/TRP ship's ship/ALS shipboard/MS shipbuilder/SM shipbuilding/M shipload/SM shipmate/SM shipment/AM shipments shipowner/MS shipped/A shipper/SM shipping/M shipshape shipwreck/GMDS shipwright/MS shipyard/SM shire/MS shirk/ZGDRS shirker/M shirr/GMDSJ shirring/M shirt/GMDS shirtfront/SM shirting/M shirtless shirtsleeve/SM shirttail/SM shirtwaist/MS shirty shit/SM! shitfaced/! shithead/S! shitload/! shitted/! shitting/! shitty/RT! shiv/ZMRS shiver/MDG shivery shoal/GMDS shoat/MS shock/ZGMDRS shocker/M shocking/Y shockproof shod/U shoddily shoddiness/M shoddy/PRMT shoe/MS shoehorn/GMDS shoeing shoelace/MS shoemaker/SM shoeshine/SM shoestring/SM shoetree/MS shogun/MS shogunate/M shone shoo/GDS shook shoot/ZGMRSJ shooter/M shooting/M shootout/MS shop/MS shopaholic/S shopfitter/S shopfitting shopfront/S shopkeeper/MS shoplift/DRZGS shoplifter/M shoplifting/M shoppe/MZGDRS shopper/M shopping/M shoptalk/M shopworn shore/MGDS shorebird/SM shoreline/MS shoring/M short/XTGMDNRYSP shortage/MS shortbread/M shortcake/MS shortchange/DSG shortcoming/MS shortcrust shortcut/MS shorten/JGD shortening/M shortfall/MS shorthand/MD shorthorn/MS shortish shortlist/DGS shortness/M shortsighted/PY shortsightedness/M shortstop/MS shortwave/MS shorty/SM shot/MS shotgun/SM shotgunned shotgunning should shoulder/MDGS shouldn't shout/ZGMDRS shouter/M shove/MGDS shovel/MDSG shovelful/SM show/JZGMDRS showbiz/M showboat/MDGS showcase/MGDS showdown/MS shower/MDG showerproof showery showgirl/MS showground/S showily showiness/M showing/M showjumping showman/M showmanship/M showmen shown showoff/SM showpiece/SM showplace/SM showroom/MS showstopper/MS showstopping showtime showy/TRP shpt shrank shrapnel/M shred/MS shredded shredder/MS shredding shrew/MS shrewd/RYPT shrewdness/M shrewish shriek/MDSG shrift/M shrike/MS shrill/DRSPTG shrillness/M shrilly shrimp/MDRSZG shrine/MS shrink/MSBG shrinkage/M shrive/GDS shrivel/SGD shriven shroud/GMDS shrub/MS shrubbery/SM shrubby/RT shrug/MS shrugged shrugging shrunk/N shtick/MS shuck/GMDS shucks/S shudder/MDSG shuffle/AMGDS shuffleboard/SM shuffler/SM shun/S shunned shunning shunt/MSDG shush/DSG shut/S shutdown/SM shuteye/M shutoff/SM shutout/SM shutter/SMDG shutterbug/MS shutting shuttle/DSMG shuttlecock/GMDS shy/TGDRSMY shyer shyest shyness/M shyster/SM sibilant/SM sibling/SM sibyl/MS sibylline sic/S sicced siccing sick/PXTGDNRYS sickbay/S sickbed/SM sicken/DG sickening/Y sickie/MS sickish sickle/MS sickly/RT sickness/MS sicko/MS sickout/SM sickroom/MS side's side/AGDS sidearm/SM sidebar/SM sideboard/SM sideburns/M sidecar/SM sidekick/SM sidelight/MS sideline/DSMG sidelong sideman/M sidemen sidepiece/MS sidereal sidesaddle/MS sideshow/MS sidesplitting sidestep/MS sidestepped sidestepping sidestroke/DSMG sideswipe/DSMG sidetrack/SMDG sidewalk/MS sidewall/MS sideways sidewinder/SM siding/MS sidle/MGDS siege/MS sienna/M sierra/MS siesta/MS sieve/MGDS sift/ZGDRS sifted/U sifter/M sigh/GMD sighs sight/GMDYSJ sighting/M sightless sightly/UTR sightread sightseeing/M sightseer/MS sigma/MS sign's/C sign/AFCGDS signage/M signal/MDRYSZG signaler/M signalization/M signalize/GDS signalman/M signalmen signatory/SM signature/MS signboard/MS signed/U signer/CMS signet/MS significance/IM significant/IY signification/M signify/XDSNG signing's/C signings signor/FMS signora/SM signore signori signorina/MS signorine signpost/GSMD silage/M silence/DRSMZG silencer/M silent/MRYST silhouette/DSMG silica/M silicate/MS siliceous silicon/SM silicone/M silicosis/M silk/MNS silkily silkiness/M silkscreen/SM silkworm/MS silky/TRP sill/MS silliness/M silly/TRSMP silo/MS silt/GMDS silty/TR silver/GMDS silverfish/MS silversmith/M silversmiths silverware/M silvery simian/MS similar/Y similarity/ESM simile/MS similitude/EM simmer/GMDS simonize/DSG simony/M simpatico simper/GMDS simpering/Y simple/TRP simpleminded simpleness/M simpleton/SM simplex simplicity/M simplification/M simplify/DSXNG simplistic simplistically simply simulacra simulacrum/S simulate/EDSGN simulation/EM simulations simulator/EMS simulcast/GMDS simultaneity/M simultaneous/Y sin/ASM since sincere/IYT sincerer sincerity/IM sine/MS sinecure/MS sinew/MS sinewy sinful/PY sinfulness/M sing/BZGMDRYS singalong/S singe/MS singeing singer/M singing/M single/PMGDS singleness/M singles/M singlet/S singleton/SM singletree/SM singsong/SMDG singular/SMY singularity/SM sinister sink/BZGMRS sinkable/U sinker/M sinkhole/SM sinless sinned sinner/MS sinning sinology sinuosity/M sinuous/Y sinus/MS sinusitis/M sinusoidal sip/SM siphon/GMDS sipped sipper/SM sipping sir/SXMN sire/CMGDS siren/M sirloin/SM sirocco/SM sirrah sirree/M sis/MS sisal/M sissified sissy/RSMT sister/ASM sisterhood/MS sisterliness/M sisterly/P sit/S sitar/SM sitarist/MS sitcom/SM site/MGDS sitter/SM sitting/SM situate/DSXGN situation/M six/MSH sixfold sixpence/MS sixshooter/M sixteen/SMH sixteenth/M sixteenths sixth/M sixths sixtieth/M sixtieths sixty/SMH size/MGBDRS sizing/M sizzle/DRSMZG ska/M skate/MZGDRS skateboard/MDRSZG skateboarder/M skateboarding/M skater/M skating/M skedaddle/MGDS skeet/ZMR skein/MS skeletal skeleton/SM skeptic/SM skeptical/Y skepticism/M sketch/MDRSZG sketchbook/S sketcher/M sketchily sketchiness/M sketchpad/S sketchy/RTP skew/MDRZGS skewbald/S skewer/MDG ski/SZGMDR skibob/S skid/MS skidded skidding skidpan/S skier/M skiff/SM skiffle skiing/M skilfully skill's skill/CSD skilled/U skillet/SM skillful/UY skillfulness/M skim/MS skimmed skimmer/SM skimming skimp/SDG skimpily skimpiness/M skimpy/RTP skin/MS skincare/M skinflint/MS skinful skinhead/MS skinless skinned skinniness/M skinning skinny/RMTP skint skintight skip/MS skipped skipper/SMDG skipping skirmish/ZGMDRS skirt/SMDG skit/MS skitter/GSD skittish/YP skittishness/M skittle/S skive/DRSZG skivvy/DSMG skoal/SM skua/S skulduggery/M skulk/SDRZG skulker/M skull/SM skullcap/MS skunk/SMDG sky/GSM skycap/SM skydive/DRSZG skydiver/M skydiving/M skyjack/JZGSDR skyjacker/M skyjacking/M skylark/SGMD skylight/MS skyline/SM skyrocket/GSMD skyscraper/SM skyward/S skywriter/SM skywriting/M slab/MS slabbed slabbing slack/PXZTGMDNRYS slacken/DG slacker/M slackness/M slacks/M slag/MS slagged slagging slagheap/S slain slake/GDS slalom/MSDG slam/MS slammed slammer/SM slamming slander/MZGDRS slanderer/M slanderous slang/M slangy/RT slant/MSDG slanting/Y slantwise slap/MS slapdash slaphappy/RT slapped slapper/S slapping slapstick/M slash/MDRSZG slasher/M slat/MDGS slate/SM slather/SDG slatted slattern/SMY slaughter/MDRZGS slaughterer/M slaughterhouse/MS slave/DRSMZG slaveholder/MS slaver/MDG slavery/M slavish/PY slavishness/M slaw/M slay/DRZGJS slayer/M slaying/M sleaze/SM sleazebag/S sleazeball/S sleazily sleaziness/M sleazy/PRT sled/MS sledded sledder/SM sledding sledge/DSMG sledgehammer/GSMD sleek/SDRYTGP sleekness/M sleep/SMRZG sleeper/M sleepily sleepiness/M sleepless/PY sleeplessness/M sleepover/SM sleepwalk/ZGSDR sleepwalker/M sleepwalking/M sleepwear/M sleepy/RPT sleepyhead/MS sleet/SMDG sleety/RT sleeve/DSM sleeveless sleigh/MDG sleighs sleight/SM slender/PRT slenderize/DSG slenderness/M slept sleuth/MG sleuths slew/MDGS slice/DRSMZG slicer/M slick/SMDRYZTGP slicker/M slickness/M slid slide/RSMZG slider/M slight/SMDRYTGP slightness/M slim/PS slime/M sliminess/M slimline slimmed slimmer/S slimmest slimming/M slimness/M slimy/RTP sling/SMG slingback/S slingshot/SM slink/SG slinky/RT slip/MS slipcase/MS slipcover/MS slipknot/MS slippage/MS slipped slipper/SM slipperiness/M slippery/PRT slipping slippy slipshod slipstream/SM slipway/SM slit/MS slither/SGMD slithery slitter slitting sliver/GSMD slob/MS slobbed slobber/MDSG slobbery slobbing sloe/MS slog/MS slogan/SM sloganeering slogged slogging sloop/SM slop/MDGS slope/SM slopped sloppily sloppiness/M slopping sloppy/PTR slops/M slosh/DSG slot/MS sloth/M slothful/YP slothfulness/M sloths slotted slotting slouch/ZGMDRS sloucher/M slouchy/TR slough/GMD sloughs sloven/SMY slovenliness/M slovenly/PTR slow/DRYTGSP slowcoach/S slowdown/SM slowness/M slowpoke/SM sludge/M sludgy/RT slue/MGDS slug/MS sluggard/MS slugged slugger/SM slugging sluggish/PY sluggishness/M sluice/DSMG slum/MS slumber/GSMD slumberous slumlord/MS slummed slummer slumming slummy/RT slump/SMDG slung slunk slur/MS slurp/SMDG slurred slurring slurry/M slush/M slushiness/M slushy/RPT slut/MS sluttish slutty/RT sly/TRY slyness/M smack/SMDRZG smacker/M small/SMRTP smallholder/S smallholding/S smallish smallness/M smallpox/M smarmy/RT smart/SMDNRYXTGP smarten/DG smartness/M smarts/M smarty/SM smartypants/M smash/MDRSZG smasher/M smashup/SM smattering/MS smear/SMDG smeary/RT smell/SMDG smelliness/M smelly/RPT smelt/SMDRZG smelter/M smidgen/MS smilax/M smile/DSMG smiley/SM smiling/Y smirch/GMDS smirk/SMDG smite/SG smith/M smithereens/M smiths smithy/SM smitten smock/SMDG smocking/M smog/MS smoggy/RT smoke/DRSMZG smokehouse/MS smokeless smoker/M smokescreen/SM smokestack/SM smokey smokiness/M smoking/M smoky/RTP smolder/SGMD smooch/MDSG smoochy smooth/PDRYTG smoothie/MS smoothness/M smooths smorgasbord/SM smote smother/GSMD smudge/DSMG smudgy/TR smug/YP smugger smuggest smuggle/ZGDRS smuggler/M smuggling/M smugness/M smurf/S smut/MS smuttiness/M smutty/TRP snack/SMDG snaffle/DSMG snafu/SM snag/MS snagged snagging snail/SMDG snake/DSMG snakebite/MS snakelike snakeskin snaky/RT snap's snap/US snapdragon/SM snapped/U snapper/MS snappily snappiness/M snapping/U snappish/YP snappishness/M snappy/TRP snapshot/SM snare/DSMG snarf/SDG snark/S snarl's snarl/USDG snarling/Y snarly/TR snatch/ZGMDRS snatcher/M snazzily snazzy/TR sneak/SMDRZG sneaker/M sneakily sneakiness/M sneaking/Y sneaky/TRP sneer/SJMDG sneering/Y sneeze/DSMG snick/SDRZG snicker/MDG snide/RYT sniff/SMDRZG sniffer/M sniffle/DSMG sniffy/RT snifter/SM snip/MDRZGS snipe/SM sniper/M snipped snippet/SM snipping snippy/RT snips/M snit/MS snitch/MDSG snivel/SMDRZG sniveler/M snob/MS snobbery/M snobbish/PY snobbishness/M snobby/RT snog/S snogged snogging snood/SM snooker/MDSG snoop/SMDRZG snooper/M snoopy/TR snoot/SM snootily snootiness/M snooty/PTR snooze/DSMG snore/DRSMZG snorer/M snorkel/ZGMDRS snorkeler/M snorkeling/M snort/SMDRZG snorter/M snot/MS snottily snottiness/M snotty/TPR snout/SM snow/MDGS snowball/GSMD snowbank/SM snowbird/SM snowboard/ZGMDRS snowboarder/M snowboarding/M snowbound snowdrift/SM snowdrop/SM snowfall/SM snowfield/SM snowflake/SM snowiness/M snowline snowman/M snowmen snowmobile/DSMG snowplow/SGMD snowshed snowshoe/SM snowshoeing snowstorm/SM snowsuit/SM snowy/PRT snub/MS snubbed snubbing snuff/SMDRYZG snuffbox/MS snuffer/M snuffle/MGDS snuffly/RT snug/MYSP snugged snugger snuggest snugging snuggle/MGDS snugness/M so soak/MDGSJ soaking/M soap/MDGS soapbox/MS soapiness/M soapstone/M soapsuds/M soapy/RPT soar/MDGS sob/SM sobbed sobbing/Y sober/SDRYPTG soberness/M sobriety/IM sobriquet/SM soc soccer/M sociability/M sociable/SM sociably social/SMY socialism/M socialist/SM socialistic socialite/SM socialization/M socialize/DSG societal society/SM socioeconomic socioeconomically sociological/Y sociologist/SM sociology/M sociopath/M sociopaths sociopolitical sock/MDGS socket/SM sockeye/SM sod/SM soda/MS sodded sodden/Y sodding sodium/M sodomite/MS sodomize/GDS sodomy/M soever sofa/MS soft/NRYXTP softback softball/MS softbound softcover soften/DRZG softener/M softhearted softness/M software/M softwood/SM softy/SM soggily sogginess/M soggy/RTP soigne soignee soil/MDGS soiled/U soiree/SM sojourn/ZGMDRS sojourner/M sol/SM solace/DSMG solar solaria solarium/M sold solder/ZGSMDR solderer/M soldier/MDYSG soldiery/M sole/FSDGM solecism/SM solely solemn/PTRY solemness/M solemnify/DSG solemnity/SM solemnization/M solemnize/DSG solemnness/M solenoid/MS solicit/GDS solicitation/SM solicited/U solicitor/SM solicitous/PY solicitousness/M solicitude/M solid/PSMRYT solidarity/M solidification/M solidify/DSNG solidity/M solidness/M solidus/Mi soliloquies soliloquize/DSG soliloquy/M solipsism/M solipsistic solitaire/MS solitariness/M solitary/SMP solitude/M solo/MDGS soloist/MS solstice/MS solubility/IM soluble/MS solute's solute/AXN solutes solution's/AE solvable/IU solve/EADSG solved/U solvency/IM solvent/IMS solver/SM somatic somber/PY somberness/M sombrero/MS some somebody/SM someday somehow someone/MS someplace somersault/MDGS somerset/SM somersetted somersetting something/SM sometime/S someway/S somewhat/S somewhere somnambulism/M somnambulist/SM somnolence/M somnolent son/SM sonar/SM sonata/SM sonatina/SM song/MS songbird/SM songbook/SM songfest/SM songster/MS songstress/MS songwriter/SM songwriting sonic sonnet/SM sonny/SM sonogram/SM sonority/M sonorous/YP sonorousness/M sonsofbitches soon/RT soot/M sooth/MDRSZG soothe soother/M soothing/Y soothsayer/MS soothsaying/M sooty/RT sop/SM sophism/M sophist/MS sophistic sophistical sophisticate/DSMGN sophisticated/U sophistication/M sophistry/SM sophomore/MS sophomoric soporific/MS soporifically sopped sopping soppy/RT soprano/MS sorbet/SM sorcerer/MS sorceress/MS sorcery/M sordid/PY sordidness/M sore/MYTRSP sorehead/MS soreness/M sorghum/M sorority/SM sorrel/SM sorrily sorriness/M sorrow/SMDG sorrowful/YP sorrowfulness/M sorry/RTP sort/FASGDM sorta sorted/U sorter/SM sortie/DSM sortieing sot/SM sottish sou'wester sou/SMH souffle/SM sough/MDG soughs sought/U souk/S soul/MS soulful/YP soulfulness/M soulless/YP sound/JPSMDRYZTG soundbite/S soundboard/MS sounder/M sounding/M soundless/Y soundness/UM soundproof/GDS soundproofing/M soundtrack/SM soup/MDGS soupcon/MS soupy/RT sour/MDRYTGSP source/ADSMG sourdough/M sourdoughs sourish sourness/M sourpuss/MS sousaphone/MS souse/DSMG south/M southbound southeast/ZMR southeaster/MY southeastern southeastward/S southerly/SM southern/SZMR southerner/M southernmost southpaw/SM southward/MS southwest/ZMR southwester/MY southwestern southwestward/S souvenir/SM sovereign/SM sovereignty/M soviet/SM sow's sow/ASGD sower/SM sown/A soy/M soybean/MS sozzled spa/SM space/DRSMZG spacecraft/MS spaceflight/MS spaceman/M spacemen spaceport/SM spacer/M spaceship/SM spacesuit/SM spacewalk/SGMD spacewoman/M spacewomen spacey spacial spacier spaciest spaciness/M spacing/M spacious/YP spaciousness/M spade/DSMG spadeful/MS spadework/M spadices spadix/M spaghetti/M spake spam/S spamblock/S spammed spammer/SM spamming span/MS spandex/M spangle/DSMG spangly spaniel/SM spank/SMDGJ spanking/M spanned spanner/SM spanning spar/MS spare/DRSMYTGP spareness/M spareribs/M sparing/UY spark/SMDYG sparkle/DRSMZG sparkler/M sparky/RT sparred sparring sparrow/SM sparrowhawk/S sparse/RYTP sparseness/M sparsity/M spartan spasm/SM spasmodic spasmodically spastic/SM spat/MS spate/SM spathe/SM spatial/Y spatted spatter/SGMD spatting spatula/SM spavin/MD spawn/SMDG spay/DGS speak/SRZGJ speakeasy/SM speaker/M speakerphone/S spear/SMDG spearfish/GMDS spearhead/GMDS spearmint/M spec/MS special/SMY specialism/S specialist/MS specialization/MS specialize/GDS specialty/SM specie/SM species/M specif specifiable specific/MS specifically specification/M specificity/M specified/U specify/XNZDRSG specimen/SM specious/YP speciousness/M speck/SMDG speckle/MGDS specs/M spectacle/SM spectacles/M spectacular/MYS spectate/DSG spectator/SM specter/AMS spectra spectral spectrometer/MS spectroscope/MS spectroscopic spectroscopy/M spectrum/M speculate/DSXGNV speculation/M speculative/Y speculator/MS sped speech/MS speechify/DSG speechless/YP speechlessness/M speechwriter/S speed/SMRZG speedboat/SM speeder/M speedily speediness/M speeding/M speedometer/MS speedster/SM speedup/MS speedway/SM speedwell/M speedy/TPR speleological speleologist/MS speleology/M spell/JSMDRZG spellbind/ZGRS spellbinder/M spellbound spellchecker/S spelldown/SM speller/M spelling/M spelunker/MS spelunking/M spend/BSRZG spender/M spending/M spendthrift/MS spent/U sperm/SM spermatozoa spermatozoon/M spermicidal spermicide/MS spew/MDRZGS spewer/M sphagnum/MS sphere/SM spherical/Y spheroid/SM spheroidal sphincter/MS sphinx/MS spic/S spice/DSMG spicily spiciness/M spicule/MS spicy/PRT spider/SM spiderweb/MS spidery/RT spiel/SMDG spiff/SDG spiffy/TR spigot/SM spike/DSMG spikiness/M spiky/RPT spill/SMDG spillage/MS spillover/SM spillway/MS spin/MS spinach/M spinal/SMY spindle/MGDS spindly/TR spine/SM spineless/YP spinet/SM spinnaker/SM spinner/MS spinneret/SM spinney/S spinning/M spinster/SM spinsterhood/M spinsterish spiny/RT spiracle/SM spiral/SGMDY spire's spire/IFAS spirea/SM spirit's spirit/ISGD spirited/Y spiritless spiritual/MYS spiritualism/M spiritualist/MS spiritualistic spirituality/M spirituous spirochete/SM spiry spit/MDGS spitball/SM spite/ASM spiteful/PY spitefuller spitefullest spitefulness/M spitfire/SM spitted spitting spittle/M spittoon/MS spiv/S splash/GMDS splashdown/MS splashily splashiness/M splashy/RTP splat/SM splatted splatter/GSMD splatting splay/SMDG splayfeet splayfoot/MD spleen/SM splendid/RYT splendor/MS splendorous splenetic splice/DRSMZG splicer/M spliff/S spline/S splint/SZGMDR splinter/MDG splintery split/SM splitting/MS splodge/S splosh/DSG splotch/MDSG splotchy/TR splurge/DSMG splutter/GMDS spoil's spoil/CSDRZG spoilage/M spoiled/U spoiler/CM spoilsport/MS spoke/SM spoken/U spokesman/M spokesmen spokespeople spokesperson/MS spokeswoman/M spokeswomen spoliation/CM sponge/DRSMZG spongecake/M sponger/M sponginess/M spongy/RPT sponsor/MDGS sponsorship/M spontaneity/M spontaneous/Y spoof/SMDG spook/SMDG spookiness/M spooky/RPT spool/SMDG spoon/SMDG spoonbill/MS spoonerism/MS spoonful/SM spoor/SMDG sporadic sporadically spore/DSMG sporran/S sport/SMDGV sportiness/M sporting/Y sportive/Y sportscast/MRZGS sportscaster/M sportsman/M sportsmanlike/U sportsmanship/M sportsmen sportspeople sportsperson sportswear/M sportswoman/M sportswomen sportswriter/SM sporty/TPR spot/CMS spotless/PY spotlessness/M spotlight/GSMD spotlit spotted spotter/MS spottily spottiness/M spotting spotty/TPR spousal/MS spouse/SM spout/SMDG sprain/GSMD sprang sprat/SM sprawl/GSMD spray's spray/ASDG sprayer/MS spread/ZGBSMR spreadeagled spreader/M spreadsheet/MS spree/DSM spreeing sprig/SM sprigged sprightliness/M sprightly/RTP spring/GSM springboard/MS springbok/MS springily springiness/M springlike springtime/M springy/RPT sprinkle/DRSJMZG sprinkler/M sprinkling/M sprint/ZGSMDR sprinter/M sprite/SM spritz/ZGMDRS spritzer/M sprocket/MS sprog/S sprout/GSMD spruce/DRSPMYTG spruceness/M sprung spry/RYT spryness/M spud/MS spume/DSMG spumoni/M spumy/RT spun spunk/SM spunky/TR spur/MS spurge/M spurious/PY spuriousness/M spurn/SDG spurred spurring spurt/SMDG sputa sputnik/MS sputter/MDGS sputum/M spy/GDSM spyglass/MS spymaster/S sq sqq squab/SM squabble/MZGDRS squabbler/M squad/SM squadron/MS squalid/PTRY squalidness/M squall/SGMD squally/TR squalor/M squamous squander/GDS square/PDRSMYTG squareness/M squarish squash/GMDS squashy/TR squat/SMP squatness/M squatted squatter/MS squattest squatting squaw/SM squawk/SZGMDR squawker/M squeak/SZGMDR squeaker/M squeakily squeakiness/M squeaky/TRP squeal/SZGMDR squealer/M squeamish/PY squeamishness/M squeegee/MDS squeegeeing squeeze/BMZGDRS squeezebox/S squeezer/M squelch/GMDS squelchy/RT squib/SM squid/SM squidgy squiffy squiggle/DSMG squiggly/RT squint/STGMDR squire/DSMG squirm/SGMD squirmy/RT squirrel/SGMD squirt/SGMD squish/GMDS squishy/RT ssh st stab/MYS stabbed stabber/MS stabbing/MS stability/IM stabilization/CM stabilize/CDSG stabilizer/MS stable/DRSMTG stableman/M stablemate/S stablemen stably/U staccato/MS stack/SMDG stadium/MS staff's staff/ASDG staffer/MS staffing/M stag/MDGSJ stage/SM stagecoach/MS stagecraft/M stagehand/MS stagestruck stagflation/M stagger/MDGS staggering/Y staging/M stagnancy/M stagnant/Y stagnate/DSGN stagnation/M stagy/RT staid/PRYT staidness/M stain/SMDG stained/U stainless/M stair/SM staircase/MS stairway/MS stairwell/SM stake/DSMG stakeholder/MS stakeout/SM stalactite/MS stalagmite/MS stale/DRSTGP stalemate/DSMG staleness/M stalk/SMDRJZG stalker/M stalking/M stall's stall/ISDG stallholder/S stallion/MS stalwart/MYS stamen/SM stamina/M stammer/ZGMDRS stammerer/M stammering/Y stamp/SMDRZG stampede/MGDS stamper/M stance/ISM stanch/TGDRS stanchion/SM stand/SMRJZG standalone standard/MS standardization/M standardize/DSG standby/M standbys standee/MS stander/M standing/M standoff/MS standoffish standout/MS standpipe/SM standpoint/MS standstill/MS stank stanza/SM staph/M staphylococcal staphylococcus/Mi staple/DRSMZG stapler/M star/MDRZGS starboard/M starch/GMDS starchily starchiness/M starchy/PTR stardom/M stardust/M stare/SM starer/M starfish/MS starfruit stargaze/DRSZG stargazer/M stark/RYPZT starkness/M starless starlet/MS starlight/M starling/SM starlit starred starring starry/TR starstruck start/ASMDG starter/MS startle/GDS startling/Y starvation/M starve/DSJG starveling/MS stash/MDSG stasis stat/MS state/DRSMYGNLX statecraft/M stated/U statehood/M statehouse/MS stateless/P statelessness/M stateliness/M stately/PRT statement/AMS statemented statementing stateroom/MS stateside statesman/M statesmanlike statesmanship/M statesmen stateswoman/M stateswomen statewide static/SM statically station/MDRZG stationary stationer/M stationery/M stationmaster/S statistic/MS statistical/Y statistician/SM statuary/M statue/SM statuesque statuette/MS stature/MS status/MS statute/MS statutorily statutory staunch/PDRSYTG staunchness/M stave/DSMG stay/MDRZGS std stdio stead/SM steadfast/YP steadfastness/M steadily/U steadiness/UM steady/TGPDRSM steak/SM steakhouse/SM steal/SMHG stealth/M stealthily stealthiness/M stealthy/TPR steam/SMDRZG steamboat/MS steamer/M steamfitter/SM steamfitting/M steaminess/M steamroll/ZGDRS steamroller/MDG steamship/MS steamy/TPR steed/SM steel/SMDG steeliness/M steelmaker/S steelworker/SM steelworks/M steely/PTR steelyard/SM steep/SMDNRYPXTG steepen/GD steeple/MS steeplechase/MS steeplejack/SM steepness/M steer/SMDBG steerage/M steering/M steersman/M steersmen stegosaurus/MSi stein/SM stellar stem/MS stemless stemmed stemming stemware/M stench/MS stencil/GMDS steno/SM stenographer/SM stenographic stenography/M stentorian step/IMS stepbrother/SM stepchild/M stepchildren stepdaughter/SM stepfather/SM stepladder/MS stepmother/SM stepparent/SM steppe/DRSMZG stepper/M steppingstone/SM stepsister/MS stepson/MS stereo/SM stereophonic stereoscope/MS stereoscopic stereotype/DSMG stereotypical sterile sterility/M sterilization/SM sterilize/DRSZG sterilizer/M sterling/M stern/SMRYPT sternness/M sternum/MS steroid/MS steroidal stertorous stet/S stethoscope/MS stetson/MS stetted stetting stevedore/SM stew/MDGS steward/GMDS stewardess/MS stewardship/M stick/SMRZG sticker/M stickily stickiness/M stickleback/SM stickler/MS stickpin/MS stickup/MS sticky/PTRSM stiff/SMDNRYPXTG stiffen/ZGDR stiffener/M stiffening/M stiffness/M stifle/DSJG stifling/Y stigma/SM stigmata stigmatic stigmatization/M stigmatize/GDS stile/SM stiletto/SM still's still/ITGSD stillbirth/M stillbirths stillborn stiller stillness/M stilt/SMD stilted/Y stimulant/SM stimulate/DSGNV stimulation/M stimulus/iM sting/ZGSMR stinger/M stingily stinginess/M stingray/SM stingy/RTP stink/ZGSMR stinkbug/SM stinker/M stinky/RT stint/GSMD stipend/SM stipendiary/S stipple/DSMG stippling/M stipulate/XDSGN stipulation/M stir/MS stirred stirrer/SM stirring/SY stirrup/SM stitch's stitch/ADSG stitchery/M stitching/M stoat/SM stochastic stock's stock/AGSD stockade/DSMG stockbreeder/MS stockbroker/SM stockbroking/M stockholder/SM stockily stockiness/M stockinette/M stocking/SM stockist/S stockpile/MGDS stockpot/SM stockroom/MS stocktaking/M stocky/RTP stockyard/MS stodge stodgily stodginess/M stodgy/RTP stogie/MS stoic/SM stoical/Y stoicism/M stoke/DRSZG stoker/M stole/SM stolen stolid/RYTP stolidity/M stolidness/M stolon/MS stomach/MDRZG stomachache/SM stomacher/M stomachs stomp/GSMD stone/DSMG stonemason/MS stonewall/GSD stoneware/M stonewashed stonework/M stonily stoniness/M stonkered stonking stony/TRP stood stooge/MS stool/SM stoop/GSMD stop's stop/US stopcock/SM stopgap/SM stoplight/MS stopover/MS stoppable/U stoppage/MS stopped/U stopper/GSMD stopping/U stopple/DSMG stopwatch/MS storage/M store's store/ADSG storefront/MS storehouse/MS storekeeper/SM storeroom/SM stork/SM storm/GSMD stormily storminess/M stormy/RPT story/DSM storyboard/MS storybook/SM storyteller/MS storytelling/M stoup/SM stout/TSMRYP stouthearted stoutness/M stove/SM stovepipe/SM stow/DGS stowage/M stowaway/MS straddle/DRSMZG straddler/M strafe/MGDS straggle/DRSZG straggler/M straggly/TR straight/SPXTMNRY straightaway/SM straightedge/SM straighten/ZGDR straightener/M straightforward/YPS straightforwardness/M straightness/M straightway strain's strain/FADSG strainer/ASM strait/MNSX straiten/GD straitjacket/SGMD straitlaced strand/MDSG strange/PRYZT strangeness/M stranger/M strangle/ZGDRS stranglehold/SM strangler/M strangulate/GNDS strangulation/M strap's strap/US strapless/MS strapped/U strapping/M strata stratagem/SM strategic/S strategical/Y strategics/M strategist/SM strategy/SM stratification/M stratify/DSGN stratosphere/SM stratospheric stratum/M stratus/iM straw/GSMD strawberry/SM stray/GSMD streak/MDRSZG streaker/M streaky/TR stream/MDRSZG streamer/M streamline/DSG street/MS streetcar/MS streetlamp/S streetlight/SM streetwalker/SM streetwise strength/M strengthen/AGDS strengthener/MS strengths strenuous/PY strenuousness/M strep/M streptococcal streptococcus/iM streptomycin/M stress/MDSG stressed/U stressful stretch/BZGMDRS stretcher/MDG stretchmarks stretchy/TR strew/GSDH strewn stria/M striae striated striation/MS stricken strict/RYPT strictness/M stricture/SM stridden stride/MGS stridency/M strident/Y strife/M strike/MZGRSJ strikebound strikebreaker/SM strikebreaking strikeout/MS striker/M striking/Y string/MDRSZG stringency/M stringent/Y stringer/M stringiness/M stringy/PTR strip/GSMD stripe/MS stripey stripling/MS stripped stripper/MS stripping striptease/MZGDRS stripteaser/M stripy/RT strive/GS striven strobe/MS stroboscope/MS stroboscopic strode stroke/MGDS stroll/MDRSZG stroller/M strong/RYT strongbox/MS stronghold/MS strongman/M strongmen strongroom/S strontium/M strop/SM strophe/SM strophic stropped stroppily stropping stroppy/TRP strove struck structural/Y structuralism structuralist/S structure's structure/AGDS structured/U strudel/SM struggle/MGDS strum/SM strummed strumming strumpet/MS strung/UA strut/SM strutted strutting strychnine/M stub/MS stubbed stubbing stubble/M stubbly/TR stubborn/RYPT stubbornness/M stubby/RT stucco/MDG stuccoes stuck/U stud/MYS studbook/MS studded studding/M student/SM studentship/S studied/U studiedly studio/MS studious/PY studiousness/M studly/RT study's study/AGDS stuff/GSMD stuffily stuffiness/M stuffing/M stuffy/RPT stultification/M stultify/DSNG stumble/DRSMZG stumbler/M stump/GSMD stumpy/TR stun/S stung stunk stunned stunner/S stunning/Y stunt/GSMD stuntman stuntmen stupefaction/M stupefy/DSG stupendous/Y stupid/TMRYS stupidity/SM stupor/MS sturdily sturdiness/M sturdy/TRP sturgeon/SM stutter/MDRSZG stutterer/M sty/SM style's style/ADSG stylish/PY stylishness/M stylist/SM stylistic/S stylistically stylize/DSG stylus/MSi stymie/MDS stymieing styptic/SM suasion/EM suave/RYTP suaveness/M suavity/M sub/SM subaltern/MS subaqua subarctic subarea/MS subatomic subbasement/SM subbed subbing subbranch/MS subcategory/SM subclass subcommittee/SM subcompact/SM subconscious/PMY subconsciousness/M subcontinent/SM subcontinental subcontract/MDSG subcontractor/MS subculture/MS subcutaneous/Y subdivide/GDS subdivision/SM subdue/DSG subeditor/S subfamily/SM subfreezing subgroup/MS subhead/GJMS subheading/M subhuman/MS subj subject/GVMDS subjection/M subjective/Y subjectivity/M subjoin/GDS subjugate/GNDS subjugation/M subjunctive/SM sublease/MGDS sublet/SM subletting sublieutenant/S sublimate/GNDS sublimation/M sublime/YTGDRS subliminal/Y sublimity/M submarginal submarine/MZRS submariner/M submerge/GDS submergence/M submerse/GNDS submersible/MS submersion/M submicroscopic submission/MS submissive/PY submissiveness/M submit/AS submitted/A submitter submitting/A subnormal suborbital suborder/MS subordinate/DSMGN subordination/IM suborn/SGD subornation/M subplot/MS subpoena/GMDS subprofessional/SM subprogram/S subroutine/SM subscribe/UASDG subscriber/MS subscript/MS subscription/MS subsection/MS subsequent/Y subservience/M subservient/Y subset/SM subside/GDS subsidence/M subsidiarity subsidiary/SM subsidization/M subsidize/ZGDRS subsidizer/M subsidy/SM subsist/SDG subsistence/M subsoil/M subsonic subspace subspecies/M substance/SM substandard substantial/IY substantiate/GNDSX substantiated/U substantiation/FM substantive/SMY substation/MS substitute/XMGNDS substitution/M substrata substrate/MS substratum/M substructure/SM subsume/DSG subsurface/M subsystem/SM subteen/SM subtenancy/M subtenant/SM subtend/SDG subterfuge/SM subterranean subtext/SM subtitle/DSMG subtle/TR subtlety/SM subtly subtopic/SM subtotal/SGMD subtract/GSD subtraction/SM subtrahend/SM subtropic/S subtropical subtropics/M suburb/MS suburban/SM suburbanite/SM suburbia/M subvention/SM subversion/M subversive/SPMY subversiveness/M subvert/SDG subway/MS subzero succeed/GDS success/VMS successful/UY succession/SM successive/Y successor/SM succinct/RYTP succinctness/M succor/SGMD succotash/M succubus/i succulence/M succulency/M succulent/SM succumb/GDS such suchlike suck/MDRZGS sucker/GMD suckle/DSJG suckling/M sucrose/M suction/SMDG sudden/PY suddenness/M suds/M sudsy/TR sue/DSG suede/M suet/M suety suffer/DRZGSJ sufferance/M sufferer/M suffering/M suffice/DSG sufficiency/IM sufficient/IY suffix/MDSG suffixation/M suffocate/GNDS suffocation/M suffragan/MS suffrage/M suffragette/SM suffragist/MS suffuse/DSGN suffusion/M sugar/GSMD sugarcane/M sugarcoat/GDS sugarless sugarplum/MS sugary/RT suggest/GVSDR suggestibility/M suggestible suggestion/SM suggestive/YP suggestiveness/M suicidal suicide/SM suit/BMDGS suitability/UM suitableness/M suitably/U suitcase/SM suite/SM suited/U suiting/M suitor/MS sukiyaki/M sulfa/M sulfate/SM sulfide/SM sulfur/MDSG sulfuric sulfurous sulk/MDGS sulkily sulkiness/M sulky/TRSMP sullen/RYPT sullenness/M sullied/U sully/GDS sultan/MS sultana/SM sultanate/MS sultrily sultriness/M sultry/RPT sum/SM sumac/M summarily summarize/GDS summary/SM summat summation/FMS summed summer/MDSG summerhouse/SM summertime/M summery/RT summing summit/MS summitry/M summon/DRSZG summoner/M summons/GMDS sumo/M sump/MS sumptuous/PY sumptuousness/M sun/SM sunbath/ZGMDRS sunbathe sunbather/M sunbathing/M sunbaths sunbeam/SM sunbed/S sunbelt sunblock/MS sunbonnet/SM sunburn/SGMD sunburst/MS sundae/MS sundeck/S sunder/DSG sundial/SM sundown/SM sundress/S sundries/M sundry/S sunfish/MS sunflower/MS sung/U sunglasses/M sunhat/S sunk/N sunlamp/SM sunless sunlight/M sunlit sunned sunniness/M sunning sunny/TRP sunrise/SM sunroof/SM sunscreen/MS sunset/MS sunshade/MS sunshine/M sunshiny sunspot/SM sunspots/S sunstroke/M suntan/MS suntanned suntanning suntrap/S sunup/M sup/SZMR super/M superabundance/MS superabundant superannuate/GNDS superannuation/M superb/RYT supercargo/M supercargoes supercharge/ZGDRS supercharger/M supercilious/PY superciliousness/M supercity/SM supercomputer/MS superconducting superconductive superconductivity/M superconductor/SM superego/MS supererogation/M supererogatory superficial/Y superficiality/M superfine superfluity/M superfluous/YP superfluousness/M superglue supergrass/S superhero/MS superheroes superhighway/SM superhuman superimpose/GDS superimposition/M superintend/DSG superintendence/M superintendency/M superintendent/SM superior/MS superiority/M superlative/SMY superman/M supermarket/SM supermen supermodel/S supermom/MS supernal supernatural/SY supernova/MS supernovae supernumerary/SM superpose/GDS superposition/M superpower/SM supersaturate/GNDS supersaturation/M superscribe/GDS superscript/MS superscription/M supersede/GDS supersonic superstar/MS superstate/S superstition/MS superstitious/Y superstore/MS superstructure/MS supertanker/MS superuser/S supervene/GDS supervention/M supervise/XGNDS supervised/U supervision/M supervisor/MS supervisory superwoman/M superwomen supine/Y supp/DRZG supper/M suppertime suppl supplant/SDG supple/TLPR supplement/MDGS supplemental supplementary supplementation/M suppleness/M suppliant/SM supplicant/MS supplicate/GDS supplication/M supplier/M supply/ZGDRSMXN support/MDRSBZGV supportable/UI supported/U supporter/M suppose/GDS supposed/Y supposition/MS suppository/SM suppress/GDS suppressant/MS suppressible suppression/M suppressor/SM suppurate/DSGN suppuration/M supra supranational supremacist/MS supremacy/M supreme/Y supremo/S supt surcease/DSMG surcharge/DSMG surcingle/SM sure/PYTR surefire surefooted sureness/M surety/SM surf/MDRZGS surface's surface/AGDS surfboard/MDSG surfeit/MDSG surfer/M surfing/M surge/DSMG surgeon/MS surgery/SM surgical/Y surliness/M surly/PTR surmise/MGDS surmount/DGSB surmountable/I surname/MS surpass/GDS surpassed/U surplice/MS surplus/MS surplussed surplussing surprise/DSMGJ surprising/UY surreal surrealism/M surrealist/SM surrealistic surrealistically surrender/MDSG surreptitious/PY surreptitiousness/M surrey/MS surrogacy/M surrogate/SM surround/GSDJ surrounding/M surroundings/M surtax/MDSG surtitle/S surveillance/M survey's survey/ADGS surveying/M surveyor/SM survival/SM survivalist/SM survive/DSGB survivor/SM susceptibility/SM susceptible/I sushi/M suspect/SMDG suspected/U suspend/SDRZG suspender/M suspense/XMN suspenseful suspension/M suspicion/SM suspicious/Y suss/DSG sustain/SDBG sustainability sustainable/U sustenance/M sutler/MS suttee suture/MGDS suzerain/MS suzerainty/M svelte/TR swab/MS swabbed swabbing swaddle/DSG swag/MS swagged swagger/SMDRG swagging swain/SM swallow/GSMD swallowtail/MS swam swami/SM swamp/GSMD swampland/M swampy/RT swan/MS swank/TGSMDR swankily swankiness/M swanky/RPT swanned swanning swansong/S swap/MS swapped swapping sward/SM swarm/GSMD swarthy/TR swash/GMDS swashbuckler/SM swashbuckling/M swastika/SM swat/MS swatch/MS swath/GMDS swathe/M swaths swatted swatter/SMDG swatting sway/MDGS swayback/MD swayed/U swear/ZGSR swearer/M swearword/MS sweat/ZGSMDR sweatband/MS sweater/M sweatpants/M sweats/M sweatshirt/SM sweatshop/MS sweatsuit/S sweaty/RT swede/SM sweep/ZGSMRJ sweeper/M sweeping/MY sweepings/M sweepstakes/M sweet/XTSMNRYP sweetbread/SM sweetbrier/SM sweetcorn sweetened/U sweetener/MS sweetening/M sweetheart/SM sweetie/SM sweetish sweetmeat/MS sweetness/M swell/TGSMDRJ swellhead/MDS swelling/M swelter/SGMD swept sweptback swerve/MGDS swerving/U swift/PTSMRY swiftness/M swig/MS swigged swigging swill/GSMD swim/MS swimmer/SM swimming/MY swimsuit/SM swimwear swindle/DRSMZG swindler/M swine/SM swineherd/SM swing/ZGSMR swingeing swinger/M swinish swipe/DSMG swirl/GSMD swirly/RT swish/TGMDRS switch/MDRSZGB switchback/MS switchblade/SM switchboard/SM switcher/M swivel/MDGS swiz swizz swizzle/DSG swollen swoon/SGMD swoop/SGMD swoosh/MDSG sword/SM swordfish/MS swordplay/M swordsman/M swordsmanship/M swordsmen swore sworn swot/S swotted swotting swum swung sybarite/SM sybaritic sycamore/MS sycophancy/M sycophant/SM sycophantic syllabic syllabicate/GNDS syllabication/M syllabification/M syllabify/DSNG syllable/MS syllabub/S syllabus/MS syllogism/MS syllogistic sylph/M sylphic sylphlike sylphs sylvan symbioses symbiosis/M symbiotic symbiotically symbol/MS symbolic symbolical/Y symbolism/M symbolization/M symbolize/DSG symmetric symmetrical/Y symmetry/SM sympathetic/U sympathetically/U sympathies/M sympathize/ZGDRS sympathizer/M sympathy/SM symphonic symphony/SM symposium/MS symptom/MS symptomatic symptomatically syn synagogal synagogue/SM synapse/MS synaptic sync/MDSG synchronicity synchronization/SM synchronize/GDS synchronous/Y syncopate/DSGN syncopation/M syncope/M syndicalism syndicalist/S syndicate/DSMGN syndication/M syndrome/SM synergism/M synergistic synergy/SM synfuel/MS synod/SM synonym/SM synonymous synonymy/M synopses synopsis/M synoptic syntactic syntactical/Y syntax/M syntheses synthesis/M synthesize/ZGDRS synthesizer/M synthetic/SM synthetically syphilis/M syphilitic/SM syringe/DSMG syrup/SM syrupy sysadmin/S sysop/S system/SM systematic/U systematical/Y systematization/M systematize/GDS systemic/MS systemically systole/SM systolic t/SDNXGBJ ta tab/SM tabbed tabbing tabbouleh/M tabby/SM tabernacle/SM tabla/MS table/MGDS tableau/M tableaux tablecloth/M tablecloths tableland/SM tablespoon/SM tablespoonful/SM tablet/SM tabletop/MS tableware/M tabloid/SM taboo/MDSG tabor/MS tabular tabulate/DSGNX tabulation/M tabulator/SM tachograph tachographs tachometer/SM tachycardia/M tacit/PY tacitness/M taciturn/Y taciturnity/M tack/ZGMDRS tacker/M tackiness/M tackle/DRSMZG tackler/M tacky/RTP taco/MS tact/FM tactful/YP tactfulness/M tactic/SM tactical/Y tactician/MS tactile tactility/M tactless/PY tactlessness/M tad/SM tadpole/MS taffeta/M taffrail/SM taffy/SM tag/SM tagged tagger/SM tagging tagliatelle taiga/MS tail/ACSDMG tailback/MS tailboard/S tailbone/S tailcoat/MS tailgate/MZGDRS tailgater/M tailless taillight/MS tailor/SGMD tailoring/M tailpiece/S tailpipe/SM tailspin/SM tailwind/SM taint/MDSG tainted/U take/AIMS takeaway/S taken/A takeoff/MS takeout/MS takeover/SM taker/MS taking/SM takings/M talc/M talcum/M tale/MS talebearer/MS talent/SMD talented/U talisman/MS talk/ZGMDRS talkative/PY talkativeness/M talker/M talkie/RSMT talky tall/TRP tallboy/MS tallier/M tallish tallness/M tallow/M tallowy tally/DRSMZG tallyho/MDGS talon/MS talus/iMS tam/SM tamale/SM tamarack/MS tamarind/MS tambourine/MS tame/BYZTGDRSP tamed/U tameness/M tamer/M tamoxifen tamp/ZGDRS tamper/ZGDR tamperer/M tampon/SM tan/SM tanager/MS tanbark/M tandem/SM tandoori/M tang/MS tangelo/MS tangent/MS tangential/Y tangerine/MS tangibility/IM tangible/IMS tangibleness/M tangibly/I tangle's tangle/UDSG tango/MDSG tangy/RT tank/ZGMDRS tankard/MS tanker/M tankful/MS tanned/U tanner/SM tannery/SM tannest tannin/M tanning/M tansy/M tantalization/M tantalize/ZGDRS tantalizer/M tantalizing/Y tantalum/M tantamount tantra/M tantrum/SM tap/SZGMDR tapas tape/MS tapeline/MS taper/MDG tapestry/SM tapeworm/MS tapioca/M tapir/MS tapped/U tapper/MS tappet/MS tapping taproom/SM taproot/SM tar/SGMD taramasalata tarantella/MS tarantula/SM tarball/S tardily tardiness/M tardy/TPR tare/MS target/MDGS tariff/MS tarmac/MS tarmacadam tarmacked tarmacking tarn/MS tarnish/GMDS tarnished/U taro/MS tarot/MS tarp/MS tarpaulin/MS tarpon/MS tarragon/SM tarred tarring tarry/TGDRS tarsal/MS tarsus/Mi tart/PTGMDRYS tartan/MS tartar/MS tartaric tartness/M tarty/T task/GMDS taskmaster/MS taskmistress/MS tassel/MDSG taste/JMZGDRS tasted/U tasteful/EPY tastefulness/EM tasteless/PY tastelessness/M taster/M tastily tastiness/M tasting/M tasty/TRP tat/SZR tatami/MS tater/M tatted tatter/MDSG tatterdemalion/MS tattie tatting/M tattle/MZGDRS tattler/M tattletale/MS tattoo/MDRSZG tattooer/M tattooist/SM tatty/TRS tau/SM taught/UA taunt/ZGMDRS taunter/M taunting/Y taupe/M taut/PXTNRY tauten/DG tautness/M tautological/Y tautologous tautology/SM tavern/MS tawdrily tawdriness/M tawdry/RTP tawny/TRM tax/BZGMDRS taxation/M taxer/M taxi/GMDS taxicab/SM taxidermist/SM taxidermy/M taximeter/MS taxiway/S taxman taxmen taxonomic taxonomist/MS taxonomy/SM taxpayer/MS taxpaying tbs tbsp tea/SM teabag/S teacake/SM teach/ZGRSBJ teachable/U teacher/M teaching/M teacup/MS teacupful/MS teak/MS teakettle/SM teal/MS team/GMDS teammate/MS teamster/MS teamwork/M teapot/MS tear/GMDS tearaway/S teardrop/SM tearful/Y teargas/MS teargassed teargassing tearjerker/MS tearoom/SM teary/TR tease/MZGDRS teasel/MS teaser/M teasing/Y teaspoon/SM teaspoonful/SM teat/MS teatime/S tech/M techie/S technetium/M technical/Y technicality/SM technician/SM technicolor technique/SM techno technocracy/SM technocrat/MS technocratic technological/Y technologist/MS technology/SM technophobe/S techs tectonic/S tectonics/M ted/S teddy/S tedious/PY tediousness/M tedium/M tee/DSMH teeing teem/GDS teen/MS teenage/RZ teenager/M teeny/TR teenybopper/MS teeter/MDSG teethe/GDS teething/M teetotal/RZ teetotaler/M teetotalism/M tektite/SM tel telecast/SZGMR telecaster/M telecommunication/MS telecommunications/M telecommute/ZGDRS telecommuter/M telecommuting/M teleconference/MGDS teleconferencing/M telegenic telegram/MS telegraph/MDRZG telegrapher/M telegraphese telegraphic telegraphically telegraphist/SM telegraphs telegraphy/M telekinesis/M telekinetic telemarketer/SM telemarketing/M telemeter/SM telemetry/SM teleological teleology telepathic telepathically telepathy/M telephone/DRSMZG telephoner/M telephonic telephonist/S telephony/M telephoto/SM telephotography/M teleplay/MS teleprinter/MS teleprocessing/M teleprompter/SM telesales telescope/DSMG telescopic telescopically teletext/MS telethon/MS teletype/S teletypewriter/MS televangelism/M televangelist/MS televise/XGNDS television/M teleworker/S teleworking telex/MDSG tell/AGS teller/SM telling/Y telltale/SM tellurium/M telly/SM telnet temblor/MS temerity/M temp/MDRZTGS temper/MDG tempera/LSM temperament/MS temperamental/Y temperance/IM temperate/IY temperateness/M temperature/SM tempest/SM tempestuous/YP tempestuousness/M template's template/S temple/SM tempo/SM temporal/Y temporarily temporariness/M temporary/FSM temporize/ZGDRS temporizer/M tempt/SDRZG temptation/MS tempter/M tempting/Y temptress/MS tempura/M ten/BMH tenability/M tenable/U tenably tenacious/YP tenaciousness/M tenacity/M tenancy/SM tenant/SMDG tenanted/U tenantry/M tench tend/IEFDGS tended/U tendency/SM tendentious/YP tendentiousness/M tender/SMDRYTGP tenderfoot/MS tenderhearted/PY tenderheartedness/M tenderize/ZGDRS tenderizer/M tenderloin/SM tenderness/M tendinitis/M tendon/SM tendril/SM tenement/SM tenet/SM tenfold tenner/S tennis/M tenon/SMDG tenor/SM tenpin/SM tenpins/M tense/DRSMYTGNXP tenseness/M tensile tension/ESM tensity/IM tensor/S tent/DGSM tentacle/DSM tentative/PY tentativeness/M tenterhook/MS tenth/MY tenths tenuity/M tenuous/PY tenuousness/M tenure/DSMG tepee/SM tepid/YP tepidity/M tepidness/M tequila/SM terabit/SM terabyte/MS terahertz/M terbium/M tercentenary/SM tercentennial/SM term/MDYGS termagant/MS terminable/IC terminal/MYS terminate/DSGNX termination/CSM terminator/S terminological/Y terminology/SM terminus/Mi termite/SM tern/IMS ternary/SM terr terrace/DSMG terracotta/M terrain/SM terrapin/MS terrarium/SM terrazzo/MS terrestrial/SMY terrible/P terribleness/M terribly terrier/M terrific terrifically terrify/GDS terrifying/Y terrine/S territorial/MS territoriality territory/SM terror/SM terrorism/M terrorist/SM terrorize/DSG terry/RMZ terrycloth/M terse/RYTP terseness/M tertiary tessellate/DSXGN tessellation/M test's/AFK test/AKFCDGS testable/CF testament/MS testamentary testate/S testator/MS testatrices testatrix/M tested/U tester/KSM testes testicle/MS testicular testifier/M testify/ZGDRS testily testimonial/MS testimony/SM testiness/M testings testis/M testosterone/M testy/PRT tetanus/M tetchily tetchy/PRT tether/SMDG tetra/SM tetracycline/M tetrahedral tetrahedron/MS tetrameter/SM text/FMS textbook/SM textile/MS textual/FY textural texture/MGDS thalamus/Mi thalidomide/M thallium/M than thane/SM thank/SDG thankful/YP thankfulness/M thankless/PY thanklessness/M thanksgiving/SM that/M thatch/MDRSZG thatcher/M thatching/M thaw/MDGS the/JG theater/SM theatergoer/SM theatrical/YS theatricality/M theatricals/M theatrics/M thee/S theft/SM their/S theism/M theist/SM theistic them thematic thematically theme/DSM themselves then/M thence thenceforth thenceforward theocracy/SM theocratic theodolite/S theologian/SM theological/Y theology/SM theorem/MS theoretic theoretical/Y theoretician/SM theorist/SM theorize/DSG theory/SM theosophic theosophical theosophist/SM theosophy/M therapeutic/S therapeutically therapeutics/M therapist/SM therapy/SM there/M thereabout/S thereafter thereat thereby therefor therefore therefrom therein thereof thereon thereto theretofore thereunto thereupon therewith therm/SM thermal/MYS thermionic thermodynamic/S thermodynamics/M thermometer/MS thermometric thermonuclear thermoplastic/SM thermos/MS thermostat/MS thermostatic thermostatically thesaurus/MSi these/S thesis/M thespian/SM theta/SM thew/MS they they'd they'll they're they've thiamine/M thick/PMNRYXT thicken/DRJZG thickener/M thickening/M thicket/MS thickheaded/M thickness/MS thicko/S thickset thief/M thieve/DSG thievery/M thieving/M thievish thigh/M thighbone/MS thighs thimble/MS thimbleful/SM thin/YSP thine thing/M thingamabob/SM thingamajig/SM thingumabob/S thingummy/S thingy/S think/SRBZG thinkable/U thinker/M thinking's thinned thinner/MS thinness/M thinnest thinning third/SMY thirst/SGMD thirstily thirstiness/M thirsty/TPR thirteen/SMH thirteenth/M thirteenths thirtieth/M thirtieths thirty/HSM this thistle/MS thistledown/M thither tho thole/SM thong/SM thoracic thorax/MS thorium/M thorn/SM thorniness/M thorny/PRT thorough/RYPT thoroughbred/MS thoroughfare/MS thoroughgoing thoroughness/M those thou/MS though thought/SM thoughtful/YP thoughtfulness/M thoughtless/PY thoughtlessness/M thousand/MHS thousandfold thousandth/M thousandths thrall/SMDG thralldom/M thrash/JMDRSZG thrasher/M thrashing/M thread/SMDRZG threadbare threader/M threadlike thready/TR threat/SMNX threaten/DG threatening/Y three/SM threefold threepence/M threescore/MS threesome/SM threnody/SM thresh/MDRSZG thresher/M threshold/SM threw thrice thrift/SM thriftily thriftiness/M thriftless thrifty/PTR thrill/SMDRZG thriller/M thrilling/Y thrive/DSG throat/SM throatily throatiness/M throaty/RTP throb/SM throbbed throbbing throe/SM thromboses thrombosis/M thrombotic thrombus/Mi throne's throne/S throng/GSMD throttle/DRSMZG throttler/M through throughout throughput/M throw/SMRZG throwaway/SM throwback/SM thrower/M thrown thrum/SM thrummed thrumming thrush/MS thrust/GSM thruway/MS thud/MS thudded thudding thug/MS thuggery/M thuggish thulium/M thumb/SMDG thumbnail/SM thumbprint/SM thumbscrew/SM thumbtack/SM thump/SMDG thumping/M thunder/ZGMDRS thunderbolt/SM thunderclap/SM thundercloud/MS thunderer/M thunderhead/SM thunderous/Y thundershower/SM thunderstorm/SM thunderstruck thundery thunk/S thus thwack/ZGSMDR thwacker/M thwart/GSMD thy thyme/M thymine/M thymus/MS thyroid/MS thyroidal thyself ti/MRZ tiara/SM tibia/M tibiae tibial tic/SM tick/MDRZGS ticker/M ticket/GSMD ticking/M tickle/DRSMZG tickler/M ticklish/YP ticklishness/M ticktacktoe/M ticktock/MS tidal/Y tidbit/SM tiddler/S tiddly tiddlywink/S tiddlywinks/M tide/MGJDS tideland/SM tidemark/S tidewater/MS tideway/MS tidily/U tidiness/UM tidings/M tidy/DRSMTGP tie's tie/AUSD tieback/MS tiebreak/RSZ tiebreaker/M tiepin/S tier/MD tiff/MDGS tiger/SM tigerish tight/SNRYPXT tighten/ZGDR tightener/M tightfisted tightness/M tightrope/MS tights/M tightwad/MS tigress/MS til tilde/SM tile/MZGDRS tiler/M tiling/M till's till/EDRZGS tillable tillage/M tiller/EM tilt/MDGS timber/SMDG timberland/M timberline/MS timbre/SM timbrel/SM time/MYZGJDRS timekeeper/MS timekeeping/M timeless/PY timelessness/M timeliness/UM timely/UPRT timeout/SM timepiece/MS timer/M timescale/S timeserver/SM timeserving/M timeshare/S timetable/DSMG timeworn timezone timid/RYTP timidity/M timidness/M timing/M timorous/PY timorousness/M timothy/M timpani/M timpanist/SM tin/SM tincture/MGDS tinder/M tinderbox/MS tine/MS tinfoil/M ting/MDYG tinge/SM tingeing tingle/DSMGJ tingling/M tingly/RT tininess/M tinker/ZGSMDR tinkerer/M tinkle/DSMG tinned tinniness/M tinning tinnitus/M tinny/PRT tinplate/M tinpot tinsel/GSMD tinsmith/M tinsmiths tint/MDGS tintinnabulation/MS tintype/MS tinware/M tiny/RTP tip/SM tipped tipper/SM tippet/SM tippex/GDS tipping tipple/DRSMZG tippler/M tipsily tipsiness/M tipster/MS tipsy/RPT tiptoe/DSM tiptoeing tiptop/SM tirade/SM tire's tire/AGDS tired/PRYT tiredness/M tireless/YP tirelessness/M tiresome/PY tiresomeness/M tissue/SM tit/SM titan/SM titanic titanium/M titch/S titchy tithe/DRSMZG tither/M titian/M titillate/DSGN titillating/Y titillation/M titivate/DSGN titivation/M title/DSMG titled/U titleholder/MS titlist/MS titmice titmouse/M titter/SGMD tittle/SM titty/S titular tizz tizzy/SM tn tnpk to/IU toad/MS toadded toadding toadstool/MS toady/DSMG toadyism/M toast/SMDRZG toaster/M toastmaster/SM toastmistress/MS toasty/TRS tobacco/MS tobacconist/SM toboggan/ZGSMDR tobogganer/M tobogganing/M toccata/S tocsin/SM today/M toddle/DRSMZG toddler/M toddy/SM toe/DSM toecap/SM toehold/MS toeing toenail/MS toerag/S toff/S toffee/SM tofu/M tog/SM toga/MDS together/P togetherness/M togged togging toggle/DSMG togs/M toil/MDRZGS toiler/M toilet/MDGS toiletry/SM toilette/M toilsome toke/MGDS token/SM tokenism/M told/AU tole/M tolerable/I tolerably/I tolerance/IM tolerances tolerant/IY tolerate/GNDS toleration/M toll/MDGS tollbooth/M tollbooths tollgate/SM tollway/SM toluene/M tom/SM tomahawk/SGMD tomato/M tomatoes tomb/MDGS tombola/S tomboy/MS tomboyish tombstone/MS tomcat/MS tome/MS tomfoolery/SM tomographic tomography/M tomorrow/MS tomtit/MS ton/SM tonal/Y tonality/SM tone's tone/IZGDRS tonearm/SM toneless/Y toner/IM tong/MDGS tongue/MGDS tongueless tonic/SM tonight/M tonnage/SM tonne/SM tonsil/MS tonsillectomy/SM tonsillitis/M tonsorial tonsure/DSMG tony/RT too took/A tool's tool/ADGS toolbar toolbox/MS toolkit toolmaker/MS toot/MDRZGS tooter/M tooth/MD toothache/MS toothbrush/MS toothily toothless toothpaste/SM toothpick/SM toothsome toothy/RT tootle/GDS tootsie/S top/SM topaz/MS topcoat/SM topdressing/SM topee/S topflight topi topiary/M topic/SM topical/Y topicality/M topknot/SM topless topmast/SM topmost topnotch topographer/SM topographic topographical/Y topography/SM topological/Y topology topped topper/MS topping/SM topple/GDS topsail/SM topside/SM topsoil/M topspin/M toque/SM tor/SM torch/GMDS torchbearer/MS torchlight/M tore toreador/MS torment/SMDG tormenting/Y tormentor/MS torn tornado/M tornadoes torpedo/GMD torpedoes torpid/Y torpidity/M torpor/M torque/MGDS torrent/SM torrential torrid/RYPT torridity/M torridness/M torsion/M torsional torso/SM tort's tort/FEAS torte/SM tortellini/M tortilla/MS tortoise/MS tortoiseshell/SM tortoni/M tortuous/PY tortuousness/M torture/DRSMZG torturer/M torturous torus tosh toss/MDRSZG tossup/MS tot/SGMD total/GSMDY totalitarian/SM totalitarianism/M totality/SM totalizator/SM tote/MS totem/SM totemic totted totter/ZGMDRS totterer/M totting toucan/MS touch/AGMDS touchdown/SM touche/BJ touched/U touchily touchiness/M touching/Y touchline/S touchpaper/S touchscreen/MS touchstone/MS touchy/RPT tough/XTGMDNRYP toughen/ZGDR toughener/M toughie/SM toughness/M toughs toupee/MS tour/CFSGDM tourism/M tourist/MS touristic touristy tourmaline/M tournament/SM tourney/MS tourniquet/MS tousle/GDS tout/MDGS tow/SZGMDR toward/S towboat/MS towel/JGSMD towelette/SM toweling/M tower/GMD towhead/MDS towhee/MS towline/MS town/MS townee/S townhouse/MS townie/MS townsfolk/M township/MS townsman/M townsmen townspeople/M townswoman/M townswomen towpath/M towpaths towrope/SM toxemia/M toxic toxicity/SM toxicological toxicologist/SM toxicology/M toxin/SM toy/SGMD toyboy/S tr trace/JDRSMZG traceable/U tracer/M tracery/SM trachea/M tracheae tracheal tracheotomy/SM tracing/M track/ZGSMDR trackball/SM tracker/M trackless tracksuit/S tract's tract/CEKFAS tractability/IM tractable/I tractably/I traction/EFACKM tractor/FCKMS trad trade/JDRSMZG trademark/SGMD trader/M tradesman/M tradesmen tradespeople/M tradeswoman/M tradeswomen trading/M tradition/MS traditional/Y traditionalism/M traditionalist/SM traduce/DRSZG traducer/M traffic/SM trafficked trafficker/SM trafficking/M tragedian/SM tragedienne/MS tragedy/SM tragic tragically tragicomedy/SM tragicomic trail/ZGSMDR trailblazer/MS trailblazing/M trailer/M train/ZGSMDRB trained/U trainee/SM trainer/M training/M trainload/MS trainman/M trainmen trainspotter/S trainspotting traipse/DSMG trait/SM traitor/SM traitorous/Y trajectory/SM tram/MS tramcar/S tramlines trammed trammel/SGMD trammeled/U tramming tramp/ZGSMDR tramper/M trample/DRSMZG trampler/M trampoline/MGDS tramway/S trance/MS tranche/S tranquil/RYT tranquility/M tranquilize/ZGDRS tranquilizer/M trans/I transact/DGS transaction/SM transactor/MS transatlantic transceiver/SM transcend/GSD transcendence/M transcendent transcendental/Y transcendentalism/M transcendentalist/SM transcontinental transcribe/ZGDRS transcriber/M transcript/MS transcription/SM transducer/MS transect/DSG transept/MS transfer/MBS transferal/MS transference/M transferred transferring transfiguration/M transfigure/GDS transfinite transfix/DSG transform/BSZGMDR transformation/SM transformer/M transfuse/DSXGN transfusion/M transgender/S transgenic transgress/GDS transgression/SM transgressor/SM transience/M transiency/M transient/SMY transistor/SM transistorize/DSG transit/SGMD transition/GSMD transitional/Y transitive/ISMY transitiveness/M transitivity/M transitory transl translatable/U translate/DSGNBX translated/U translation/M translator/SM transliterate/DSGNX transliteration/M translucence/M translucency/M translucent/Y transmigrate/GNDS transmigration/M transmissible transmission/MS transmit/S transmittable transmittal/M transmittance/M transmitted transmitter/SM transmitting transmogrification/M transmogrify/DSNG transmutation/SM transmute/BDSG transnational/MS transoceanic transom/SM transpacific transparency/SM transparent/Y transpiration/M transpire/DSG transplant/MDGS transplantation/M transpolar transponder/SM transport/BSZGMDR transportation/M transporter/M transpose/DSG transposition/MS transsexual/SM transsexualism/M transship/SL transshipment/M transshipped transshipping transubstantiation/M transverse/MYS transvestism/M transvestite/MS trap/MS trapdoor/MS trapeze/SM trapezium/SM trapezoid/SM trapezoidal trappable trapped trapper/SM trapping/S trappings/M trapshooting/M trash/GMDS trashcan/MS trashiness/M trashy/RPT trauma/MS traumatic traumatically traumatize/GDS travail/SGMD travel/MDRSZGJ traveled/U traveler/M traveling/M travelogue/MS traversal/SM traverse/DSMG travesty/GDSM trawl/ZGSMDR trawler/M tray/MS treacherous/PY treacherousness/M treachery/SM treacle/M treacly tread/AGSM treadle/DSMG treadmill/MS treas treason/BM treasonous treasure/DRSMZG treasurer/M treasury/SM treat/AGSMD treatable treated/U treatise/SM treatment/MS treaty/SM treble/MGDS tree/MDS treeing treeless treelike treeline treetop/SM trefoil/SM trek/MS trekked trekker/SM trekking trellis/GMDS trematode/MS tremble/DSMG tremendous/Y tremolo/SM tremor/MS tremulous/PY tremulousness/M trench's trench/ADSG trenchancy/M trenchant/Y trencher/MS trencherman/M trenchermen trend/GSMD trendily trendiness/M trendsetter/S trendsetting trendy/RSMPT trepidation/M trespass/MDRSZG trespasser/M tress/EMS trestle/MS trews trey/MS triad/SM triage/M trial/ASM trialed trialing triangle/SM triangular/Y triangulate/GNDS triangulation/M triathlete/S triathlon/SM tribal tribalism/M tribe/SM tribesman/M tribesmen tribeswoman/M tribeswomen tribulation/SM tribunal/SM tribune/MS tributary/SM tribute's tribute/FS trice/M tricentennial/MS triceps/MS triceratops/M trichina/M trichinae trichinosis/M trick/GSMD trickery/M trickily trickiness/M trickle/MGDS trickster/SM tricky/TRP tricolor/SM tricycle/SM trident/MS tried/U triennial/MYS trier/SM trifle/MZGDRS trifler/M trifocals/M trig/M trigger/MDSG triglyceride/MS trigonometric trigonometrical trigonometry/M trike/SM trilateral/S trilby/SM trill/GSMD trillion/SMH trillionth/M trillionths trillium/M trilobite/SM trilogy/SM trim/PMYS trimaran/MS trimester/SM trimmed/U trimmer/SM trimmest trimming/SM trimmings/M trimness/M trimonthly trinitrotoluene/M trinity/SM trinket/SM trio/MS trip/MYS tripartite tripe/M triple/MGDS triplet/SM triplex/MS triplicate/MGDS tripod/MS tripodal tripos tripped tripper/SM tripping triptych/M triptychs tripwire/S trireme/SM trisect/SDG trisection/M trite/FPYT triteness/FM triter tritium/M triumph/GMD triumphal triumphalism triumphalist triumphant/Y triumphs triumvir/MS triumvirate/SM trivalent trivet/MS trivia/M trivial/Y triviality/SM trivialization/M trivialize/GDS trivium/M trochaic trochee/SM trod/AU trodden/A troglodyte/SM troika/MS troll/SGMD trolley/SM trolleybus/MS trollop/SM trombone/MS trombonist/MS tromp/SGD tron/S tronned tronning troop/SZGMDR trooper/M troopship/MS trope/SM trophy/SM tropic/MS tropical/Y tropics/M tropism/SM troposphere/SM trot/MS troth/M trotted trotter/SM trotting troubadour/MS trouble/DSMG troubled/U troublemaker/MS troubleshoot/DRZGS troubleshooter/M troubleshooting/M troubleshot troublesome/Y trough/M troughs trounce/DRSZG trouncer/M troupe/MZGDRS trouper/M trouser/SM trousers/M trousseau/M trousseaux trout/SM trove/SM trow/DSG trowel/MDSG troy/S truancy/M truant/GMDS truce/SM truck/SZGMDR trucker/M trucking/M truckle/MGDS truckload/SM truculence/M truculent/Y trudge/MGDS true/MTGDRS truelove/SM truffle/MS trug/S truism/MS truly/U trump/SGMD trumpery/M trumpet/ZGMDRS trumpeter/M truncate/GNDS truncation/M truncheon/SM trundle/MZGDRS trundler/M trunk/SGM truss/GMDS trust/ESGMD trustee/MS trusteeship/SM trustful/EY trustfulness/M trusting/Y trustworthiness/M trustworthy/TPR trusty/TRSM truth/UM truthful/UYP truthfulness/UM truths/U try's try/AGDS trying/Y tryout/SM tryst/SMDG tsarists tsetse/MS tsp tsunami/SM ttys tub/SZGMDR tuba/MS tubal tubby/TR tube/MS tubeless/M tuber/M tubercle/SM tubercular tuberculin/M tuberculosis/M tuberculous tuberose/M tuberous tubful/MS tubing/M tubular tubule/MS tuck/MDRSZG tucker/MDG tuft/MDRSZG tufter/M tug/SM tugboat/MS tugged tugging tuition/IM tularemia/M tulip/SM tulle/M tum/S tumble/DRSMZG tumbledown tumbler/M tumbleweed/SM tumbling/M tumbrel/SM tumescence/M tumescent tumid tumidity/M tummy/SM tumor/SM tumorous tumult/SM tumultuous/Y tun/SZGMDR tuna/MS tundra/SM tune/MS tuneful/YP tunefulness/M tuneless/Y tuner/M tuneup/SM tungsten/M tunic/SM tunnel/JSMDRZG tunneler/M tunny/SM tuppence tuppenny tuque/SM turban/SMD turbid turbidity/M turbine/SM turbo/SM turbocharge/ZGDRS turbocharger/M turbofan/SM turbojet/SM turboprop/SM turbot/SM turbulence/M turbulent/Y turd/MS tureen/SM turf/MDSG turfy turgid/Y turgidity/M turkey/SM turmeric/SM turmoil/MS turn/AMDRSZG turnabout/SM turnaround/SM turnbuckle/SM turncoat/SM turner/AM turning/MS turnip/SM turnkey/MS turnoff/MS turnout/MS turnover/MS turnpike/MS turnstile/SM turntable/SM turpentine/M turpitude/M turps turquoise/SM turret/SMD turtle/SM turtledove/SM turtleneck/SMD tush/MS tusk/MDS tussle/DSMG tussock/MS tussocky tut/SM tutelage/M tutelary tutor/SMDG tutored/U tutorial/SM tutorship/M tutted tutti/SM tutting tutu/MS tux/MS tuxedo/SM twaddle/MZGDRS twaddler/M twain/M twang/SMDG twangy/RT twas twat/S tweak/SMDG twee tweed/SM tweeds/M tweedy/RT tween tweet/SMDRZG tweeter/M tweezers/M twelfth/M twelfths twelve/SM twelvemonth/M twelvemonths twentieth/M twentieths twenty/SMH twerp/SM twice twiddle/MGDS twiddly/RT twig/MS twigged twigging twiggy/TR twilight/M twilit twill/MD twin/MDRSZG twine/SM twiner/M twinge/DSMG twink/SY twinkle/MGJDS twinkling/M twinned twinning twinset/S twirl/SMDRZG twirler/M twirly/TR twist's twist/USDG twister/MS twisty/TR twit/MS twitch/GMDS twitchy/RT twitted twitter/MDSG twittery twitting twixt two/SM twofer/SM twofold twopence/SM twopenny twosome/SM twp tycoon/SM tying/AU tyke/MS tympani/M tympanist/MS tympanum/SM type's type/AGDS typecast/GS typeface/MS typescript/MS typeset/S typesetter/MS typesetting/M typewrite/RSZG typewriter/M typewriting/M typewritten typewrote typhoid/M typhoon/MS typhus/M typical/UY typicality/M typification/M typify/NGDS typing/M typist/SM typo/MS typographer/SM typographic typographical/Y typography/M typology/SM tyrannic tyrannical/Y tyrannize/GDS tyrannosaur/MS tyrannosaurus/MS tyrannous tyranny/SM tyrant/SM tyro/MS u/S ubiquitous/Y ubiquity/M udder/SM ufologist/SM ufology/M ugh ugliness/M ugly/RTP uh ukase/SM ukulele/SM ulcer/SM ulcerate/DSGN ulceration/M ulcerous ulna/M ulnae ulnar ulster/MS ult ulterior ultimate/MY ultimatum/MS ultimo ultra/SM ultraconservative/SM ultrahigh ultralight/SM ultramarine/M ultramodern ultrasonic ultrasonically ultrasound/MS ultraviolet/M ululate/DSGNX ululation/M um umbel/SM umber/M umbilical umbilicus/iM umbra/SM umbrage/M umbrella/SM umiak/SM umlaut/MS ump/SGMD umpire/MGDS umpteen/H unabridged/MS unacceptability unacceptable unaccommodating unaccountably unadventurous unaesthetic unalterably unambitious unanimity/M unanimous/Y unapparent unappetizing unappreciative unassertive unassuming/Y unavailing/Y unaware/S unbeknownst unbend/SG unbent unbid unblinking/Y unblushing/Y unbosom/DG unbound/D unbreakable unbroken uncanny/T uncap/S uncaring uncatalogued unceasing/Y unchangeable uncharacteristic uncharitable unchaste/RT uncial/M uncle/SM unclean/DRPT uncleanly/T unclear/DRT uncomfortable uncommon/T uncomplaining/Y uncomplicated uncomprehending/Y uncompromising/Y unconditional/Y uncongenial unconscionable unconscionably unconscious/M unconstitutional/Y uncontrollably uncontroversial uncool uncooperative uncouth/Y uncrushable unction/SM unctuous/YP unctuousness/M uncut undaunted/Y undecided/SM undemonstrative/Y undeniably under underachieve/LZGDRS underachiever/M underact/SDG underage underarm/SM underbelly/SM underbid/S underbidding underbrush/M undercarriage/MS undercharge/MGDS underclass/MS underclassman/M underclassmen underclothes/M underclothing/M undercoat/GJSMD undercoating/M undercover undercurrent/SM undercut/SM undercutting underdeveloped underdevelopment/M underdog/SM underdone underemployed underemployment/M underestimate/DSMGNX underestimation/M underexpose/GDS underexposure/MS underfed underfeed/GS underfloor underflow underfoot underfunded underfur/M undergarment/SM undergo/G undergoes undergone undergrad/S undergraduate/SM underground/MS undergrowth/M underhand underhanded/PY underhandedness/M underlain underlay/SM underlie/S underline/MGDS underling/MS underlip/SM underlying undermanned undermentioned undermine/GDS undermost underneath/M underneaths undernourished undernourishment/M underpaid underpants/M underpart/MS underpass/MS underpay/GSL underpayment/SM underpin/S underpinned underpinning/MS underplay/DGS underpopulated underprivileged underproduction/M underrate/GDS underrepresented underscore/DSMG undersea/S undersecretary/SM undersell/GS undersexed undershirt/SM undershoot/SG undershorts/M undershot underside/MS undersign/DGS undersigned/M undersized underskirt/SM undersold understaffed understand/SGBJ understandably understanding/MY understate/DSLG understatement/SM understood understudy/GDSM undertake/ZGJRS undertaken undertaker/M undertaking/M underthings/M undertone/MS undertook undertow/SM underused underutilized undervaluation/M undervalue/DSG underwater underway underwear/M underweight/M underwent underwhelm/DGS underworld/MS underwrite/ZGRS underwriter/M underwritten underwrote undesirable/MS undies/M undo undoubted/Y undramatic undue undulant undulate/DSXGN undulation/M undying unearthliness/M unease/M uneasy/T uneatable uneconomic unemployed/M unending unenterprising unequal/DY unerring/Y unessential uneven/RYPT unexceptionably unexcited unexciting unexpected/YP unexpectedness/M unfailing/Y unfair/PTRY unfaltering unfamiliar unfathomably unfed unfeeling/Y unfeminine unfit/S unfitting unfix/GDS unflagging/Y unflappability/M unflappable unflappably unflattering unflinching/Y unforgettably unforgivably unfortunate/MS unfriendly/T unfrock/DG unfruitful unfunny ungainliness/M ungainly/RPT ungenerous ungentle ungodly/T ungraceful/Y ungrudging unguarded unguent/SM ungulate/MS unhandy/T unhappy/T unhealthful unhealthy/T unhistorical unholy/T unhurt unicameral unicellular unicorn/SM unicycle/SM unidirectional unification/AM uniform/SMDYG uniformity/M unify/AGDSN unilateral/Y unilateralism unimportant unimpressive uninformative uninhibited/Y uninstall/BSZGDR uninsured unintelligent unintended uninteresting uninterrupted/Y uninviting union/ASM unionism/M unionist/MS unique/YTRP uniqueness/M unisex/M unison/M unitary unite/AEGSD unitedly unities unitize/DSG unity/EM univalent univalve/SM universal/MYS universality/M universalize/DSG universe/SM university/SM unixism/S unjust/Y unkempt unkind/T unkindly/T unknowable/M unknown/SM unleaded/M unless unlike/PB unlikely/T unlit unlock/DSG unlovable unlovely/TR unloving unlucky/T unmanly/T unmarried unmeaning unmentionable/MS unmentionables/M unmet unmindful unmissable unmistakably unmoral unmovable unmusical unnecessary unnerving/Y unobservant unoffensive unofficial/Y unoriginal unpeople unperceptive unpersuasive unpick/GDS unpin/S unpleasing unpolitical unpopular unpractical unprecedented/Y unprofessional/Y unpromising unpropitious unquestioning/Y unquiet/TR unread/B unready/TR unreal unreasoning unregenerate unrelated unrelenting/Y unrelieved/Y unremarkable unremitting/Y unrepentant unreported unrepresentative unrest/M unripe/TR unroll/GDS unromantic unruliness/M unruly/RTP unsafe/YTR unsaleable unsavory unscathed unsearchable unseeing/Y unseemly/T unseen/M unsentimental unset unshakable unshakably unshapely unshorn unsightliness/M unsightly/PT unsmiling unsociable unsocial unsold unsound/PRYT unspeakable unspeakably unspecific unspectacular unsporting unstable/RT unsteady/TRP unstinting/Y unstrapping unsubstantial unsubtle unsuitable unsure unsuspecting/Y unsymmetrical untactful unthinkably unthinking/Y untidy/PTR until untimely/T untiring/Y untouchable/MS untoward untrue/RT untrustworthy unutterable unutterably unwarrantable unwary/T unwavering unwed unwelcome/G unwell unwieldiness/M unwieldy/TRP unwise/RYT unworried unworthy/T unwound unwrapping unyielding up/S upbeat/MS upbraid/SGD upbringing/MS upchuck/SGD upcoming upcountry/M update/MGDRS updraft/MS upend/SGD upfront upgrade/MGDS upheaval/MS upheld uphill/MS uphold/ZGRS upholder/M upholster/ASGD upholsterer/MS upholstery/M upkeep/M upland/MS uplift/JSMDG upload/SDG upmarket upon upped upper/SM uppercase/M upperclassman/M upperclassmen upperclasswoman upperclasswomen uppercut/MS uppercutting uppermost upping uppish uppity upraise/DSG uprear/GSD upright/MYPS uprightness/M uprising/SM upriver uproar/SM uproarious/Y uproot/GSD upscale upset/SM upsetting upshot/SM upside/SM upsilon/MS upstage/GDS upstairs upstanding upstart/MDSG upstate/M upstream upstroke/SM upsurge/MGDS upswing/MS uptake/SM uptempo upthrust/GSM uptick/SM uptight uptown/M uptrend upturn/GSMD upward/SY upwind uracil/M uranium/M urban urbane/RYT urbanity/M urbanization/M urbanize/DSG urbanologist/MS urbanology/M urchin/SM urea/M uremia/M uremic ureter/SM urethane/M urethra/M urethrae urethral urge/MGDS urgency/M urgent/Y uric urinal/SM urinalyses urinalysis/M urinary urinate/GNDS urination/M urine/M urn/SM urogenital urological urologist/MS urology/M ursine urticaria/M usability/M usable/UA usage/SM use/AEDSMG used/U useful/PY usefulness/M useless/YP uselessness/M user/MS usher/SMDG usherette/SM usu usual's usual/UY usurer/SM usurious usurp/SDRZG usurpation/M usurper/M usury/M utensil/SM uterine uterus/iM utilitarian/MS utilitarianism/M utility/SM utilization/M utilize/GBDS utmost/M utopia/SM utter/SDYG utterance/SM uttermost/M uvula/SM uvular/MS uxorious v/AS vac/S vacancy/SM vacant/Y vacate/DSG vacation/ZGMDRS vacationer/M vacationist/SM vaccinate/GNDSX vaccination/M vaccine/SM vacillate/XGNDS vacillation/M vacuity/M vacuole/MS vacuous/YP vacuousness/M vacuum/GSMD vagabond/SMDG vagabondage/M vagarious vagary/SM vagina/SM vaginae vaginal/Y vagrancy/M vagrant/MS vague/RYTP vagueness/M vain/RYT vainglorious/Y vainglory/M val valance/MS vale/MS valediction/MS valedictorian/SM valedictory/SM valence/MS valency/SM valentine/SM valet/SMDG valetudinarian/MS valetudinarianism/M valiance/M valiant/Y valid/Y validate/IGNDS validation/IM validations validity/IM validness/M valise/SM valley/SM valor/M valorous/Y valuable/MS valuate/DSG valuation/CAMS value's value/CAGSD valueless valuer/SM valve/DSMG valveless valvular vamoose/DSG vamp/AMDGS vampire/SM van/SM vanadium/M vandal/SM vandalism/M vandalize/DSG vane/MS vanguard/MS vanilla/SM vanish/JDSG vanity/SM vanned vanning vanquish/ZGDRS vanquisher/M vantage/SM vapid/YP vapidity/M vapidness/M vapor/SM vaporization/M vaporize/DRSZG vaporizer/M vaporous vaporware/S vapory vaquero/MS var/S variability/IM variable/ISM variably/I variance/SM variant/MS variate/NX variation/M varicolored varicose varied/U variegate/DSGN variegation/M varietal/SM variety/SM various/Y varlet/SM varmint/MS varnish/GMDS varnished/U varsity/SM vary/DSG varying/U vascular vase/MS vasectomy/SM vasomotor vassal/SM vassalage/M vast/MRYTSP vastness/M vat/SM vatted vatting vaudeville/M vaudevillian/MS vault/SMDRZG vaulter/M vaulting/M vaunt/SMDG vb veal/M vector/SGMD veejay/SM veep/MS veer/MDGS veg/M vegan/SM vegeburger/S veges vegetable/SM vegetarian/SM vegetarianism/M vegetate/GNVDS vegetation/M vegged vegges veggie/SM veggieburger/S vegging vehemence/M vehemency/M vehement/Y vehicle/MS vehicular veil's veil/UDGS vein/MDGS vela velar/SM veld/MS vellum/M velocipede/MS velocity/SM velodrome/S velour/MS velum/M velvet/M velveteen/M velvety/TR venal/Y venality/M venation/M vend/DGS vendetta/SM vendible vendor/MS veneer/MDGS venerability/M venerable venerate/DSGN veneration/M venereal vengeance/M vengeful/AY venial venireman/M veniremen venison/M venom/M venomous/Y venous vent's vent/DGS ventilate/GNDS ventilation/M ventilator/SM ventral ventricle/SM ventricular ventriloquism/M ventriloquist/SM ventriloquy/M venture/DSMG venturesome/PY venturesomeness/M venturous/PY venturousness/M venue/ASM veracious/Y veracity/M veranda/SM verb/KMS verbal/MYS verbalization/M verbalize/GDS verbatim verbena/SM verbiage/MS verbose/Y verbosity/M verboten verdant/Y verdict/SM verdigris/GMDS verdure/M verge's verge/FDSG verger/MS verifiable/U verification/M verified/U verify/DSNG verily verisimilitude/M veritable veritably verity/SM vermicelli/M vermiculite/M vermiform vermilion/M vermin/M verminous vermouth/M vernacular/MS vernal vernier/SM veronica/M verruca/SM verrucae versatile versatility/M verse/AFNGMSDX versed/U versification/M versifier/M versify/ZGNDRS version/AFIMS verso/SM versus vertebra/M vertebrae vertebral vertebrate/IMS vertex/MS vertical/MYS vertices vertiginous vertigo/M verve/M very/RT vesicle/SM vesicular vesiculate vesper/MS vessel/MS vest's vest/ILDGS vestal/MS vestibule/MS vestige/SM vestigial/Y vesting/M vestment/IMS vestry/SM vestryman/M vestrymen vet/SM vetch/MS veteran/SM veterinarian/MS veterinary/SM veto/MDG vetoes vetted vetting vex/GDS vexation/SM vexatious/Y vhf vi via viability/M viable viably viaduct/SM vial/MS viand/SM vibe/MS vibes/M vibraharp/SM vibrancy/M vibrant/Y vibraphone/MS vibraphonist/MS vibrate/GNDSX vibration/M vibrato/MS vibrator/SM vibratory viburnum/SM vicar/SM vicarage/SM vicarious/YP vicariousness/M vice/CMS viced vicegerent/SM vicennial viceregal viceroy/MS vichyssoise/M vicing vicinity/M vicious/YP viciousness/M vicissitude/SM victim/MS victimization/M victimize/GDS victor/MS victorious/Y victory/SM victual/SMDG vicuna/MS videlicet video/GSMD videocassette/SM videoconferencing videodisc/MS videophone/MS videotape/DSMG videotex/S vie/DS view/AMDRSZG viewer/AM viewership/M viewfinder/SM viewing/SM viewpoint/MS vigesimal vigil/SM vigilance/M vigilant/Y vigilante/SM vigilantism/M vigilantist/M vignette/DSMG vignettist/MS vigor/M vigorous/Y vii viii viking/MS vile/YTPR vileness/M vilification/M vilify/DSNG villa/SM village/RSMZ villager/M villain/SM villainous villainy/SM villein/SM villeinage/M villus/Mi vim/M vinaigrette/M vincible/I vindicate/XDSGN vindication/M vindicator/MS vindictive/PY vindictiveness/M vine/MS vinegar/M vinegary vineyard/MS vino/M vinous vintage/MS vintner/MS vinyl/SM viol/MBS viola/SM violable/I violate/GNDSX violation/M violator/SM violence/M violent/Y violet/MS violin/MS violincello/S violinist/SM violist/MS violoncellist/SM violoncello/MS viper/SM viperous virago/M viragoes viral vireo/SM virgin/MS virginal/SM virginity/M virgule/MS virile virility/M virologist/SM virology/M virtual/Y virtue/SM virtuosity/M virtuoso/M virtuous/YP virtuousness/M virulence/M virulent/Y virus/MS visa/MDSG visage/MS viscera visceral/Y viscid viscose/M viscosity/M viscount/SM viscountcy/SM viscountess/MS viscous viscus/M vise/ACMGDS visibility/IM visible/I visibly/I vision/KGDSM visionary/SM visit's visit/ASGD visitant/MS visitation/MS visitor/MS visor/SM vista/SM visual/SMY visualization/SM visualize/DRSZG visualizer/M vita/M vitae vital/SY vitality/M vitalization/AM vitalize/CAGSD vitals/M vitamin/MS vitiate/GNDS vitiation/M viticulture/M viticulturist/MS vitreous vitrifaction/M vitrification/M vitrify/GNDS vitrine/SM vitriol/M vitriolic vitriolically vittles/M vituperate/GNVDS vituperation/M viva/MS vivace vivacious/PY vivaciousness/M vivacity/M vivaria vivarium/SM vivid/RYTP vividness/M vivify/ADSG viviparous vivisect/DGS vivisection/M vivisectional vivisectionist/SM vixen/SM vixenish/Y viz vizier/SM vocab vocable/MS vocabulary/SM vocal/SMY vocalic vocalist/SM vocalization/MS vocalize/DSG vocation/FIKASM vocational/Y vocative/MS vociferate/DSGN vociferation/M vociferous/YP vociferousness/M vodka/SM vogue/SM voguish voice/IDSMG voiced/U voiceless/PY voicelessness/M void/MDSGB voila voile/M vol volatile volatility/M volatilize/DSG volcanic volcano/M volcanoes vole/MS volition/M volitional volley/GSMD volleyball/MS volt/AMS voltage/MS voltaic voltmeter/SM volubility/M voluble volubly volume/SM voluminous/YP voluminousness/M voluntarily/I voluntarism/M voluntary/SM volunteer/SGMD volunteerism/M voluptuary/SM voluptuous/PY voluptuousness/M volute/SM vomit/SMDG voodoo/GSMD voodooism/M voracious/PY voraciousness/M voracity/M vortex/MS votary/SM vote's vote/CGVDS voter/SM vouch/DRSZG voucher/M vouchsafe/DSG vow/SGMD vowel/SM voyage/MZGDRS voyager/M voyageur/SM voyeur/MS voyeurism/M voyeuristic vulcanization/M vulcanize/GDS vulgar/RYT vulgarian/MS vulgarism/MS vulgarity/SM vulgarization/M vulgarize/ZGDRS vulgarizer/M vulnerabilities vulnerability/IM vulnerable/I vulnerably/I vulpine vulture/SM vulturous vulva/M vulvae vying w/DNXTGVJ wabbit/S wackiness/M wacko/SM wacky/RPT wad/SZGMDR wadded wadding/M waddle/DSMG wade/MS wader/M waders/M wadge/S wadi/MS wafer/SM waffle/MZGDRS waffler/M waft/MDGS wag/SZGMDR wage/MS waged/U wager/ZGMDR wagerer/M wagged waggery/SM wagging waggish/YP waggishness/M waggle/MGDS wagon/ZSMR wagoner/M wagtail/SM waif/MS wail/MDRZGS wailer/M wailing/M wain/MS wainscot/SJMDG wainscoting/M wainwright/MS waist/SM waistband/MS waistcoat/MS waistline/MS wait/MDRZGS waiter/M waiting/M waitperson/MS waitress/MS waitstaff/M waive/DRSZG waiver/M wake/MGJDS wakeful/PY wakefulness/M waken/GSD waldo/S waldoes wale/MGDS walk/MDRZGS walkabout/S walkaway/MS walker/M walkies walking/M walkout/SM walkover/MS walkway/SM wall/MDGS wallaby/SM wallah wallahs wallboard/M wallet/MS walleye/DSM wallflower/MS wallop/MDSJG walloping/M wallow/MDSG wallpaper/SMDG wally/S walnut/MS walrus/MS waltz/ZGMDRS waltzer/M wampum/M wan/GPDY wand/MS wander/DRSJZG wanderer/M wanderings/M wanderlust/SM wane/MS wangle/MZGDRS wangler/M wank/DRZGS wanna wannabe/SM wannabee/S wanner wanness/M wannest want/MDGS wanted/U wanton/MDYSPG wantonness/M wapiti/MS war/SM warble/MZGDRS warbler/M warbonnet/SM ward/AMDGS warden/MS warder/MS wardress/S wardrobe/SM wardroom/SM ware/MS warehouse/DSMG warez/S warfare/M warhead/MS warhorse/SM warily/U wariness/UM warlike warlock/MS warlord/MS warm/PDRYHZTGS warmblooded warmer/M warmhearted/P warmheartedness/M warmish warmness/M warmonger/SMG warmongering/M warmth/M warn/JDGS warning/M warp/MDGS warpaint warpath/M warpaths warplane/MS warrant/GMDS warranted/U warranty/DSMG warred warren/MS warring warrior/SM warship/SM wart/MS warthog/SM wartime/M warty/TR wary/UPRT was wash/BMDRSZG washable/SM washbasin/SM washboard/SM washbowl/SM washcloth/M washcloths washed/U washer/M washerwoman/M washerwomen washing/M washout/MS washrag/MS washroom/MS washstand/SM washtub/MS washy/TR wasn't wasp/MS waspish/YP waspishness/M wassail/SMDG wast wastage/M waste/DRSMZG wastebasket/MS wasteful/PY wastefulness/M wasteland/SM wastepaper/M waster/M wastrel/SM watch/BZGMDRS watchband/MS watchdog/SM watcher/M watchful/YP watchfulness/M watchmaker/MS watchmaking/M watchman/M watchmen watchstrap/S watchtower/SM watchword/MS water/GSMD waterbed/MS waterbird/SM waterborne watercolor/MS watercourse/SM watercraft/M watercress/M waterfall/SM waterfowl/SM waterfront/MS waterhole/SM wateriness/M waterlily/SM waterline/MS waterlogged watermark/MDGS watermelon/SM watermill/MS waterproof/SMDG waterproofing/M waters/M watershed/MS waterside/MS waterspout/SM watertight waterway/MS waterwheel/SM waterworks/M watery/PTR watt/MS wattage/M wattle/MGDS wave/MZGDRS waveband/S waveform wavelength/M wavelengths wavelet/SM wavelike waver/ZGMDR waverer/M wavering/Y waviness/M wavy/PRT wax/GMDNS waxiness/M waxwing/SM waxwork/SM waxy/RPT way/SM waybill/SM wayfarer/MS wayfaring/SM waylaid waylay/RSZG waylayer/M wayside/SM wayward/PY waywardness/M wazoo/S we we'd we'll we're we've weak/PNRYXT weaken/DRZG weakener/M weakfish/MS weakling/SM weakness/MS weal/MHS wealth/M wealthiness/M wealthy/TRP wean/DGS weapon/MS weaponless weaponry/M wear/MRBJSZG wearable/U wearer/M wearied/U wearily weariness/M wearisome/Y weary/TGDRSP weasel/MDYSG weather/SMDG weatherboard/SG weathercock/MS weathering/M weatherization/M weatherize/DSG weatherman/M weathermen weatherperson/MS weatherproof/GSD weatherstrip/S weatherstripped weatherstripping/M weave/DRSMZG weaver/M weaving/M web/SM webbed webbing/M webfeet webfoot/M webmaster/SM webmistress/MS website/SM wed/AS wedded/A wedder wedding/SM wedge/DSMG wedgie/MS wedlock/M wee/RSMT weed/MDRSZG weeder/M weedkiller/S weedless weeds/S weedy/TR weeing week/MYS weekday/SM weekend/SZGMDR weekly/SM weeknight/SM ween/DSG weenie/MTRS weensy/RT weeny weep/MRJSZG weeper/M weepie weepy/TRSM weevil/MS weft/MS weigh's weigh/AGD weighbridge/S weighs/A weight/MDSJG weightily weightiness/M weightless/YP weightlessness/M weightlifter/MS weightlifting/M weighty/PTR weir/MS weird/PTRY weirdie/MS weirdness/M weirdo/MS welcome/MGDS weld/MDRBSZG welder/M welfare/M welkin/M well/MDPSG wellhead/SM wellie wellington/MS wellness/M wellspring/MS welly/S welsh/ZGDRS welsher/M welt/MDRSZG welter/GMD welterweight/SM wen/M wench/MS wend/DSG went wept were weren't werewolf/M werewolves west/M westbound westerly/SM western/SZMR westerner/M westernization/M westernize/GDS westernmost westward/S wet/SMYP wetback/SM wetland/SM wetness/M wetter/SM wettest wetting wetware/S whack/SJZGMDR whacker/M whale/DRSMZG whaleboat/MS whalebone/M whaler/M whales/S whaling/M wham/MS whammed whamming whammy/SM wharf/M wharves what/MS whatchamacallit/MS whatever whatnot/M whatshername whatshisname whatsit/S whatsoever wheal/SM wheat/MN wheatgerm wheatmeal whee wheedle/DRSZG wheedler/M wheel/SMDRG wheelbarrow/SM wheelbase/SM wheelchair/SM wheelhouse/MS wheelie/SM wheelwright/MS wheeze/DSMG wheezily wheeziness/M wheezy/PRT whelk/SMD whelm/SDG whelp/SMDG when/MS whence whenever whensoever where/SM whereabouts/M whereas whereat whereby wherefore/MS wherein whereof whereon wheresoever whereto whereupon wherever wherewith wherewithal/M wherry/SM whet/S whether whetstone/SM whetted whetting whew whey/M which whichever whiff/SMDG whiffletree/MS while/DSMG whilom whilst whim/MS whimper/MDGS whimsical/Y whimsicality/M whimsy/SM whine/DRSMZG whiner/M whinge/DRSZG whingeing whinny/GDSM whiny/RT whip/MS whipcord/M whiplash/MS whipped whipper/MS whippersnapper/MS whippet/MS whipping/SM whippletree/SM whippoorwill/MS whipsaw/MDGS whir/MS whirl/SMDG whirligig/MS whirlpool/MS whirlwind/MS whirlybird/SM whirred whirring whisk/SMDRZG whisker/MD whiskery whiskey/MS whiskys whisper/MDRSZG whisperer/M whist/M whistle/MZGDRS whistler/M whit/MDNRSXTGJ white/SPM whitebait whiteboard/S whitecap/SM whitefish/MS whitehead/MS whiten/ZGDRJ whitener/M whiteness/M whitening/M whiteout/SM whitetail/MS whitewall/SM whitewash/MDSG whitewater/M whitey/SM whither whiting/M whitish whittle/ZGDRS whittler/M whiz/M whizkid/M whizzbang/MS whizzed whizzes whizzing who'd who'll who're who've who/M whoa whodunit/MS whoever whole/SMP wholefood/S wholegrain wholehearted/YP wholeheartedness/M wholemeal wholeness/M wholesale/MZGDRS wholesaler/M wholesome/UP wholesomely wholesomeness/UM wholewheat wholly whom whomever whomsoever whoop/SMDRZG whoopee/S whooper/M whoosh/MDSG whop/S whopped whopper/SM whopping whore/SMG whorehouse/MS whoreish whorish whorl/SMD whose whoso whosoever whup/S whupped whupping why'd why/M whys wick/MDRSZ wicked/TPRY wickedness/M wicker/M wickerwork/M wicket/SM wide/YTRP widemouthed widen/SDRZG widener/M wideness/M widespread widget/S widow/SMDRZG widower/M widowhood/M width/M widths wield/SDRZG wielder/M wiener/SM wienie/SM wife/MY wifeless wifely/TR wig/SM wigeon/M wigged wigging wiggle/DRSMZG wiggler/M wiggles/S wiggly/TR wight/SM wiglet/SM wigwag/SM wigwagged wigwagging wigwam/SM wiki/MS wild/MRYSTP wildcat/MS wildcatted wildcatter/MS wildcatting wildebeest/MS wilderness/MS wildfire/MS wildflower/SM wildfowl/M wildlife/M wildness/M wilds/M wile/MGDS wiliness/M will/MDS willful/PY willfulness/M willies/M willing/UPY willingness/UM williwaw/MS willow/SM willowy/TR willpower/M willy/S wilt/MDSG wily/RTP wimp/MDSG wimpish wimple/DSMG wimpy/RT win/SGMD wince/DSMG winch/MDSG wind's wind/UASG windbag/SM windblown windbreak/SZMR windbreaker/M windburn/MD windcheater/S windchill/M winded winder/SM windfall/MS windflower/MS windily windiness/M winding's windjammer/SM windlass/MS windless windmill/MDGS window/SMDG windowless windowpane/SM windowsill/SM windpipe/MS windproof windrow/SM windscreen/SM windshield/SM windsock/MS windstorm/MS windsurf/ZGDRS windsurfer/M windsurfing/M windswept windup/SM windward/M windy/RTP wine/MS wineglass/MS winegrower/MS winemaker/MS winery/SM wing/MDRZG wingding/MS wingless winglike wingspan/MS wingspread/SM wingtip/SM wink/MDRSZG winker/M winkle/DSMG winnable winner/SM winning/MYS winnow/ZGSDR winnower/M wino/MS winsome/YTRP winsomeness/M winter/GSMD wintergreen/M winterize/GDS wintertime/M wintry/TR winy/RT wipe/MZGDRS wiper/M wire's wire/AGDS wired/S wirehair/MS wireless/MS wiretap/MS wiretapped wiretapper/SM wiretapping/M wiriness/M wiring/M wiry/RTP wisdom/M wise/MYTGDRS wiseacre/SM wisecrack/MDSG wiseguy/S wish/MDRSZG wishbone/SM wisher/M wishful/Y wisp/MS wispy/RT wist wisteria/SM wistful/YP wistfulness/M wit/SM witch/MDSG witchcraft/M witchery/M with withal withdraw/SG withdrawal/MS withdrawn withdrew withe/DRSMZG wither/JGD withering/Y withers/M withheld withhold/SG withholding/M within/M without withstand/GS withstood witless/PY witlessness/M witness/MDSG wits/M witted witter/SGD witticism/SM wittily wittiness/M witting/UY witty/RPT wive/GDS wiz wizard/SMY wizardry/M wizened wk/Y woad/M wobble/MGDS wobbliness/M wobbly/RTP wodge/S woe/SM woebegone woeful/YP woefuller woefullest woefulness/M wog/S wok/SMN woke wold/MS wolf/MDSG wolfhound/SM wolfish wolfram/M wolverine/SM wolves woman/M womanhood/M womanish womanize/DRSZG womanizer/M womankind/M womanlike/M womanliness/M womanly/RPT womb/MS wombat/MS womble/S women womenfolk/SM womenfolks/M won't won/M wonder/MDGLS wonderful/YP wonderfulness/M wondering/Y wonderland/MS wonderment/M wondrous/Y wonk/MS wonky/TR wont/MD wonted/U woo/SZGDR wood/MDNSG woodbine/M woodblock/MS woodcarver/MS woodcarving/SM woodchuck/MS woodcock/SM woodcraft/M woodcut/SM woodcutter/SM woodcutting/M wooden/RYTP woodenness/M woodiness/M woodland/SM woodlice woodlot/SM woodlouse woodman/M woodmen woodpecker/MS woodpile/SM woods/M woodshed/SM woodsiness/M woodsman/M woodsmen woodsy/RTP woodwind/MS woodwork/MRZG woodworker/M woodworking/M woodworm/S woody/TPRSM wooer/M woof/MDRSZG woofer/M wool/MNX woolen/M woolgathering/M wooliness woolliness/M woolly/RSMPT woozily wooziness/M woozy/TRP wop/S! word's word/ADSG wordage/M wordbook/SM wordily wordiness/M wording/SM wordless/Y wordplay/M wordsmith wordsmiths wordy/TPR wore work's work/ADJSG workable/U workaday workaholic/SM workaround/S workbasket/S workbench/MS workbook/MS workday/SM worker/MS workfare/M workforce/M workhorse/SM workhouse/SM working's workingman/M workingmen workings/M workingwoman/M workingwomen workload/MS workman/M workmanlike workmanship/M workmate/S workmen workout/SM workplace/MS workroom/MS works/M worksheet/MS workshop/MS workshy workstation/MS worktable/MS worktop/S workup/MS workweek/SM world/SM worldlier worldliness/UM worldly/UTP worldview/SM worldwide worm/MDSG wormhole/MS wormwood/M wormy/TR worn/U worried/Y worrier/M worriment/M worrisome worry/ZGDRSMJ worrying/Y worrywart/SM worse/M worsen/DSG worship/ZGSMDR worshiper/M worshipful worst/SGMD worsted/M wort/M worth/M worthies worthily/U worthiness/UM worthless/PY worthlessness/M worthwhile worthy's worthy/UPRT wot wotcha would've would/S wouldn't wouldst wound/SGMDR wove/A woven/AU wow/SGMD wpm wrack/GSMD wraith/M wraiths wrangle/DRSMZGJ wrangler/M wrap's wrap/US wraparound/SM wrapped/U wrapper/SM wrapping/MS wrasse/MS wrath/M wrathful/Y wreak/SGD wreath/MDSG wreathe wreaths wreck/SZGMDR wreckage/M wrecker/M wren/MS wrench/MDSG wrest/SGMD wrestle/MZGDRS wrestler/M wrestling/M wretch/MS wretched/TPRY wretchedness/M wriggle/MZGDRS wriggler/M wriggly/RT wright/MS wring/SZGMR wringer/M wrinkle/MGDS wrinkled/U wrinkly/TRSM wrist/SM wristband/MS wristwatch/MS writ/MRBJSZG write/S writer/M writhe/MGDS writing/M written/AU wrong/STGMPDRY wrongdoer/SM wrongdoing/SM wrongful/PY wrongfulness/M wrongheaded/YP wrongheadedness/M wrongness/M wrote/A wroth wrought wrung wry/Y wryer wryest wryness/M wt wunderkind/S wurst/SM wuss/MS wussy/RSMT x xci xcii xciv xcix xcvi xcvii xenon/M xenophobe/MS xenophobia/M xenophobic xerographic xerography/M xerox/MDSG xi/SM xii xiii xiv xix xor xref/S xreffed xreffing xterm/M xv xvi xvii xviii xx xxi xxii xxiii xxiv xxix xxv xxvi xxvii xxviii xxx xxxi xxxii xxxiii xxxiv xxxix xxxv xxxvi xxxvii xxxviii xylem/M xylophone/SM xylophonist/MS y'all y/F ya yacht/SMDG yachting/M yachtsman/M yachtsmen yachtswoman/M yachtswomen yahoo/SM yak/SM yakked yakking yam/SM yammer/SZGMDR yammerer/M yang/M yank/MDSG yap/SM yapped yapping yard/MS yardage/MS yardarm/MS yardman/M yardmaster/MS yardmen yardstick/MS yarmulke/SM yarn/MS yarrow/M yashmak/S yaw/SGMD yawl/MS yawn/MDRSZG yawner/M yaws/M yd ye/RST yea/SM yeah/M yeahs year/MYS yearbook/MS yearling/MS yearlong yearly/SM yearn/GSJD yearning/M yeast/SM yeasty/RT yegg/MS yell/MDSG yellow/MDRTGPS yellowhammer/S yellowish yellowness/M yellowy yelp/MDSG yen/SM yeoman/M yeomanry/M yeomen yep/SM yes/MS yeshiva/SM yessed yessing yesterday/MS yesteryear/M yet yeti/MS yew/SM yid/S yield/JSGMD yikes yin/M yip/SM yipe yipped yippee yipping yo yob/S yobbo/S yodel/SMDRZG yodeler/M yoga/M yogi/MS yogic yogurt/SM yoke's yoke/UGDS yokel/SM yolk/MDS yon yonder yonks yore/M you'd you'll you're you've you/SMH young/TMR youngish youngster/MS your/S yourself yourselves youth/M youthful/YP youthfulness/M youths yow yowl/MDSG yr/S ytterbium/M yttrium/M yuan/M yucca/SM yuck yucky/TR yuk/SM yukked yukking yukky yule/M yuletide/M yum yummy/TR yup/SM yuppie/MS yuppify/GDS yurt/MS z/DNXTGJ zaniness/M zany/RSMPT zap/SM zapped zapper/MS zapping zappy zeal/M zealot/MS zealotry/M zealous/YP zealousness/M zebra/SM zebu/MS zed/SM zeitgeist/SM zenith/M zeniths zenned zenning zephyr/MS zeppelin/MS zero/MDHSG zeroes zest/MS zestful/YP zestfulness/M zesty/RT zeta/MS zigamorph zigamorphs zigzag/SM zigzagged zigzagging zilch/M zillion/MS zinc/MS zincked zincking zine/S zinfandel/M zing/MDRZG zinger/M zingy/RT zinnia/MS zip's zip/US zipped/U zipper/MDGS zipping/U zippy/TR zircon/MS zirconium/M zit/SM zither/MS zloty/SM zlotys zodiac/MS zodiacal zombie/MS zonal/Y zone's zone/AGDS zoning/M zonked zoo/SM zookeeper/SM zoological/Y zoologist/SM zoology/M zoom/MDSG zoophyte/SM zoophytic zorch/GDS zounds zucchini/MS zwieback/M zydeco/M zygote/SM zygotic zymurgy/M en_CA.aff000064400000006053147633135040006201 0ustar00SET ISO8859-1 TRY esianrtolcdugmphbyfvkwzESIANRTOLCDUGMPHBYFVKWZ' NOSUGGEST ! # ordinal numbers COMPOUNDMIN 1 # only in compounds: 1th, 2th, 3th ONLYINCOMPOUND c # compound rules: # 1. [0-9]*1[0-9]th (10th, 11th, 12th, 56714th, etc.) # 2. [0-9]*[02-9](1st|2nd|3rd|[4-9]th) (21st, 22nd, 123rd, 1234th, etc.) COMPOUNDRULE 2 COMPOUNDRULE n*1t COMPOUNDRULE n*mp WORDCHARS 0123456789' PFX A Y 1 PFX A 0 re . PFX I Y 1 PFX I 0 in . PFX U Y 1 PFX U 0 un . PFX C Y 1 PFX C 0 de . PFX E Y 1 PFX E 0 dis . PFX F Y 1 PFX F 0 con . PFX K Y 1 PFX K 0 pro . SFX V N 2 SFX V e ive e SFX V 0 ive [^e] SFX N Y 3 SFX N e ion e SFX N y ication y SFX N 0 en [^ey] SFX X Y 3 SFX X e ions e SFX X y ications y SFX X 0 ens [^ey] SFX H N 2 SFX H y ieth y SFX H 0 th [^y] SFX Y Y 1 SFX Y 0 ly . SFX G Y 2 SFX G e ing e SFX G 0 ing [^e] SFX J Y 2 SFX J e ings e SFX J 0 ings [^e] SFX D Y 4 SFX D 0 d e SFX D y ied [^aeiou]y SFX D 0 ed [^ey] SFX D 0 ed [aeiou]y SFX T N 4 SFX T 0 st e SFX T y iest [^aeiou]y SFX T 0 est [aeiou]y SFX T 0 est [^ey] SFX R Y 4 SFX R 0 r e SFX R y ier [^aeiou]y SFX R 0 er [aeiou]y SFX R 0 er [^ey] SFX Z Y 4 SFX Z 0 rs e SFX Z y iers [^aeiou]y SFX Z 0 ers [aeiou]y SFX Z 0 ers [^ey] SFX S Y 4 SFX S y ies [^aeiou]y SFX S 0 s [aeiou]y SFX S 0 es [sxzh] SFX S 0 s [^sxzhy] SFX P Y 3 SFX P y iness [^aeiou]y SFX P 0 ness [aeiou]y SFX P 0 ness [^y] SFX M Y 1 SFX M 0 's . SFX B Y 3 SFX B 0 able [^aeiou] SFX B 0 able ee SFX B e able [^aeiou]e SFX L Y 1 SFX L 0 ment . SFX i N 1 SFX i us i us REP 90 REP a ei REP ei a REP a ey REP ey a REP ai ie REP ie ai REP alot a_lot REP are air REP are ear REP are eir REP air are REP air ere REP ere air REP ere ear REP ere eir REP ear are REP ear air REP ear ere REP eir are REP eir ere REP ch te REP te ch REP ch ti REP ti ch REP ch tu REP tu ch REP ch s REP s ch REP ch k REP k ch REP f ph REP ph f REP gh f REP f gh REP i igh REP igh i REP i uy REP uy i REP i ee REP ee i REP j di REP di j REP j gg REP gg j REP j ge REP ge j REP s ti REP ti s REP s ci REP ci s REP k cc REP cc k REP k qu REP qu k REP kw qu REP o eau REP eau o REP o ew REP ew o REP oo ew REP ew oo REP ew ui REP ui ew REP oo ui REP ui oo REP ew u REP u ew REP oo u REP u oo REP u oe REP oe u REP u ieu REP ieu u REP ue ew REP ew ue REP uff ough REP oo ieu REP ieu oo REP ier ear REP ear ier REP ear air REP air ear REP w qu REP qu w REP z ss REP ss z REP shun tion REP shun sion REP shun cion REP sitted sat en_CA.dic000064400002026630147633135040006211 0ustar0048478 0/nm 0th/pt 1/n1 1st/p 1th/tc 2/nm 2nd/p 2th/tc 3/nm 3rd/p 3th/tc 4/nm 4th/pt 5/nm 5th/pt 6/nm 6th/pt 7/nm 7th/pt 8/nm 8th/pt 9/nm 9th/pt A/SM AA/M AAA AB/M ABA ABC/SM ABM/SM ABS AC/M ACLU ACT ACTH/M AD/M ADC ADD ADP/M AF AFAIK/S AFB AFC AFDC AFN AFT AI/SM AIDS/M AIDSes AK AL AM/M AMA ANSI/S ANZUS AOL/M AP APB APO APR AR ARC ASAP ASCII/SM ASL/M ASPCA ATM/M ATP/M ATV AV AWACS AWOL/M AZ/M AZT/M Aachen Aaliyah/M Aaron/M Abbas Abbasid Abbott/M Abby/M Abdul/M Abe/M Abel/M Abelard Abelson/M Aberdeen/M Abernathy/M Abidjan/M Abigail/M Abilene Abner/M Aborigine/MS Abraham/M Abram/MS Absalom Abuja Abyssinia/M Abyssinian/M Ac/M Acadia/M Acapulco/M Accenture/M Accra/M Acevedo/M Achaean/M Achebe/M Achernar Acheson/M Achilles/M Aconcagua/M Acosta/M Acropolis Acrux/M Actaeon Acton Acts Acuff/M Ada/SM Adam/SM Adams/M Adan/M Adana Adar/M Addams Adderley/M Addie/M Addison Adela/M Adelaide/M Adele/M Adeline/M Aden/M Adenauer Adhara/M Adidas/M Adirondack/SM Adirondacks/M Adkins/M Adler Adm Admiralty Adolf/M Adolfo/M Adolph/M Adonis/MS Adrenalin/MS Adrian/M Adriana/M Adriatic/M Adrienne/M Advent/MS Adventist/MS Advil/M Aegean/M Aelfric/M Aeneas/M Aeneid/M Aeolus/M Aeroflot/M Aeschylus/M Aesculapius/M Aesop/M Afghan/SM Afghanistan/M Afr Africa/M African/SM Afrikaans/M Afrikaner/SM Afro/SM Afrocentric Afrocentrism Ag/M Agamemnon/M Agana Agassi/M Agassiz/M Agatha/M Aggie Aglaia Agnes/M Agnew/M Agni/M Agra Agricola Agrippa/M Agrippina/M Aguascalientes Aguilar/M Aguinaldo/M Aguirre/M Agustin/M Ahab/M Ahmad/M Ahmadabad Ahmadinejad/M Ahmed/M Ahriman/M Aida/M Aiken Aileen/M Aimee/M Ainu Airedale/MS Aisha/M Ajax/M Akbar Akhmatova/M Akihito Akita Akiva/M Akkad Akron/M Al/M Ala/S Alabama/M Alabaman/MS Alabamian/SM Aladdin/M Alamo/M Alamogordo/M Alan/M Alana/M Alar/M Alaric Alaska/M Alaskan/MS Alba/M Albania/M Albanian/MS Albany/M Albee Alberio/M Albert/M Alberta/M Albertan Alberto/M Albigensian Albion Albireo/M Albuquerque/M Alcatraz Alcestis Alcibiades Alcindor/M Alcmena/M Alcoa/M Alcott Alcuin Alcyone Aldan Aldebaran/M Alden/M Alderamin/M Aldo/M Aldrin/M Alec/M Aleichem/M Alejandra/M Alejandro/M Alembert/M Aleppo/M Aleut/MS Aleutian/SM Alex/M Alexander/MS Alexandra/M Alexandria/M Alexandrian Alexei/M Alexis/M Alfonso/M Alfonzo/M Alford/M Alfred/M Alfreda/M Alfredo/M Algenib/M Alger Algeria/M Algerian/SM Algieba/M Algiers/M Algol/M Algonquian/SM Algonquin/MS Alhambra Alhena/M Ali/M Alice/M Alicia/M Alighieri/M Aline/M Alioth/M Alisa/M Alisha/M Alison/M Alissa/M Alistair/M Alkaid/M Allah/M Allahabad Allan/M Alleghenies/M Allegheny/S Allegra/M Allen/M Allende/M Allentown Allhallows/M Allie/MS Allison/M Allstate/M Allyson/M Alma/M Almach/M Almaty/M Almighty/M Almohad/M Almoravid/M Alnilam/M Alnitak/M Alonzo/M Alpert/M Alphard/M Alphecca/M Alpheratz/M Alphonse/M Alphonso/M Alpine Alpo/M Alps/M Alsace/M Alsatian/SM Alsop/M Alston/M Alta/M Altai/M Altaic/M Altair Altamira Althea/M Altiplano/M Altman/M Altoids/M Alton/M Aludra/M Alva/M Alvarado/M Alvarez/M Alvaro/M Alvin/M Alyce/M Alyson/M Alyssa/M Alzheimer/M Am/MNR Amadeus/M Amado/M Amalia/M Amanda/M Amarillo Amaru/M Amaterasu/M Amati Amazon/SM Amazonian Amber/M Amelia/M Amen/M Amenhotep/M Amerasian America/SM American/MS Americana/M Americanism/MS Americanization/MS Americanize/GDS Amerind/SM Amerindian/MS Ameslan/M Amharic/M Amherst Amie/M Amiga/M Amish/M Amman/M Amoco/M Amos/M Amparo/M Ampere/M Amritsar Amsterdam/M Amtrak Amundsen Amur/M Amway/M Amy/M Ana/M Anabaptist/M Anabel/M Anacin/M Anacreon Anaheim Analects/M Ananias/M Anasazi Anastasia/M Anatole/M Anatolia/M Anatolian/M Anaxagoras Anchorage/M Andalusia/M Andalusian Andaman Andean Andersen/M Anderson/M Andes/M Andorra/M Andorran/SM Andre/MS Andrea/M Andrei/M Andres/M Andretti/M Andrew/SM Andrews/M Andrianampoinimerina/M Android/M Andromache Andromeda/M Andropov Andy/M Angara Angel/M Angela/M Angeles/M Angelia/M Angelica/M Angelico Angelina/M Angeline/M Angelique/M Angelita/M Angelo/M Angelou Angevin/M Angie/M Angkor Angle/MS Anglia Anglican/SM Anglicanism/MS Anglicism/MS Anglicization Anglicize Anglo Anglophile Anglophobe Angola/M Angolan/MS Angora/SM Angstrom Anguilla/M Angus/M Aniakchak/M Anibal/M Anita/M Ankara/M Ann/M Anna/M Annabel/M Annabelle/M Annam/M Annapolis/M Annapurna/M Anne/M Annette/M Annie/M Annmarie/M Annunciation/SM Anouilh Anselm Anselmo/M Anshan/M Antaeus Antananarivo/M Antarctic/M Antarctica/M Antares/M Anthony/M Antichrist/SM Antietam Antigone/M Antigua/M Antillean Antilles/M Antioch Antipas/M Antipodes Antofagasta/M Antoine/M Antoinette/M Anton/M Antone/M Antonia/M Antoninus Antonio/M Antonius Antony/M Antwan/M Antwerp/M Anubis/M Anzac Apache/SM Apalachicola/M Apennines Aphrodite/M Apia/M Apocalypse/M Apocrypha/M Apollinaire Apollo/SM Apollonian Appalachia/M Appalachian/S Appaloosa/SM Apple/M Appleseed Appleton Appomattox Apr/M April/MS Apuleius Aquafresh/M Aquarius/MS Aquila Aquinas/M Aquino/M Aquitaine/M Ar/M Ara/M Arab/SM Arabia/M Arabian/MS Arabic/M Arabist/MS Araby Araceli/M Arafat/M Araguaya/M Aral/M Aramaic/M Aramco/M Arapaho/MS Arapahoes Ararat/M Araucanian Arawak/M Arawakan/M Arbitron/M Arcadia/M Arcadian/M Archean Archibald/M Archie/M Archimedes Arctic/M Arcturus/M Ardabil Arden Arequipa Ares Argentina/M Argentine Argentinean Argentinian/MS Argo/S Argonaut/MS Argonne/M Argus/M Ariadne/M Arianism/M Ariel/M Aries/MS Ariosto Aristarchus/M Aristides Aristophanes/M Aristotelian/M Aristotle/M Arius/M Ariz Arizona/M Arizonan/SM Arizonian/MS Arjuna Ark Arkansan/MS Arkansas/M Arkhangelsk Arkwright Arlene/M Arline/M Arlington Armageddon/SM Armagnac/M Armand/M Armando/M Armani/M Armenia/M Armenian/SM Arminius/M Armonk/M Armour/M Armstrong/M Arneb/M Arnhem Arno/M Arnold/M Arnulfo/M Aron/M Arrhenius Arron/M Art/M Artaxerxes/M Artemis/M Arthur/M Arthurian Artie/M Arturo/M Aruba/M Aryan/MS Asama/M Ascella/M Ascension/M Asgard Ashanti Ashcroft Ashe Ashgabat Ashikaga/M Ashkenazim Ashkhabad/M Ashlee/M Ashley/M Ashmolean/M Ashurbanipal Asia/M Asian/MS Asiatic/SM Asimov Asmara Asoka Aspell/M Aspen/M Aspidiske/M Asquith Assad/M Assam/M Assamese/M Assembly Assisi Assyria/M Assyrian/SM Astaire Astana/M Astarte/M Aston Astor Astoria Astrakhan AstroTurf Asturias Asuncion/M Aswan/M At/SM Atacama/M Atahualpa Atalanta Atari/M Ataturk/M Athabasca/M Athabaskan/SM Athena/M Athene/M Athenian/SM Athens/M Atkins/M Atkinson/M Atlanta/M Atlantes Atlantic/M Atlantis/M Atlas/MS Atman Atreus Atria/M Atropos/M Attic/M Attica/M Attila/M Attlee Attn Attucks Atwood/M Au/M Aubrey/M Auckland Auden/M Audi/M Audion/M Audra/M Audrey/M Audubon Aug/M Augean Augsburg August/MS Augusta/M Augustan Augustine/M Augustinian/MS Augustus/M Aurangzeb Aurelia/M Aurelio/M Aurelius Aureomycin/M Auriga/M Aurora/M Auschwitz Aussie/MS Austen Austerlitz/M Austin/MS Australasia/M Australasian Australia/M Australian/SM Australoid Australopithecus/M Austria/M Austrian/SM Austronesian/M Autumn/M Av/M Ava/M Avalon Ave Aventine Avernus Averroes Avery/M Avesta/M Avicenna Avignon Avila/M Avior/M Avis/M Avogadro Avon Axis Axum Ayala/M Ayers/M Aymara Ayrshire/M Ayurveda Ayyubid/M Azana/M Azania/M Azazel Azerbaijan/M Azerbaijani/MS Azores/M Azov Aztec/SM Aztecan/M Aztlan/M B/MNT BA/M BASIC/SM BB/M BBB BBC BBQ BBS BBSes BC/M BIA BIOS BITNET/S BLT/SM BM/M BMW/M BO BP BPOE BR BS/M BSA BSD/SM BTU BTW BYOB Ba/M Baal/SM Baath/M Baathist Babbage Babbitt Babel/MS Babylon/MS Babylonia/M Babylonian/SM Bacall/M Bacardi Bacchanalia/M Bacchic Bacchus/M Bach/M Backus/M Bacon/M Bactria Baden Badlands/M Baedeker/MS Baeria Baeyer Baez Baffin/M Baggies Baghdad/M Baguio Baha'i Baha'ullah Bahama/SM Bahamanian Bahamas/M Bahamian/MS Bahia Bahrain/M Baikal Bailey/M Baird/M Bakelite/M Baker/M Bakersfield Baku/M Bakunin Balanchine Balaton Balboa Balder/M Baldwin/SM Balearic/M Balfour Bali/M Balinese/M Balkan/S Balkhash Ball/M Ballard/M Balthazar Baltic/M Baltimore/M Baluchistan Balzac/M Bamako/M Bambi/M Banach/M Bancroft/M Bandung/M Bangalore Bangkok/M Bangladesh/M Bangladeshi/SM Bangor Bangui/M Banjarmasin/M Banjul Banks/M Banneker/M Bannister Banting Bantu/MS Baotou/M Baptist/SM Baptiste/M Barabbas Barack/M Barbadian/SM Barbados/M Barbara/M Barbarella/M Barbarossa/M Barbary/M Barber/M Barbie Barbour/M Barbra/M Barbuda/M Barcelona/M Barclay/M Bardeen/M Barents/M Barker/M Barkley/M Barlow/M Barnabas Barnaby/M Barnard Barnaul Barnes/M Barnett/M Barney/M Barnum Baroda Barquisimeto Barr/M Barranquilla Barrera/M Barrett/M Barrie/M Barron/M Barry/M Barrymore Bart/M Barth/S Bartholdi/M Bartholomew Bartlett/M Bartok Barton/M Baruch Baryshnikov Basel/M Basho/M Basie Basil/M Basque/MS Basra Bass/M Basseterre/M Bastille/M Basutoland/M Bataan/M Bates/M Bathsheba Batista Batman/M Battle/M Batu/M Baudelaire/M Baudouin/M Bauer/M Bauhaus/M Baum Bavaria/M Bavarian Baxter/M Bayamon Bayer/M Bayes Bayesian Bayeux/M Baylor/M Bayonne/M Bayreuth Baywatch/M Be/MH Beach/M Beadle Bean/M Beard/M Beardmore/M Beardsley Bearnaise/M Beasley/M Beatlemania/M Beatles/M Beatrice/M Beatrix/M Beatriz/M Beau/M Beaufort Beaujolais/M Beaumarchais Beaumont Beauregard/M Beauvoir Bechtel/M Beck/MR Becker/M Becket/M Beckett/M Becky/M Becquerel Bede Bedouin/SM Beebe/M Beecher Beefaroni/M Beelzebub/M Beerbohm Beethoven/M Beeton/M Begin Behan Behring Beiderbecke Beijing/M Beirut/M Bekesy/M Bela/M Belarus/M Belau/M Belem/M Belfast/M Belg Belgian/SM Belgium/M Belgrade/M Belinda/M Belize/M Bell/M Bella/M Bellamy/M Bellatrix/M Belleek Bellini Bellow Belmont/M Belmopan Belorussian/MS Belshazzar/M Beltane Belushi/M Ben/M Benacerraf/M Benchley/M Bender/M Bendix/M Benedict/M Benedictine/MS Benelux/M Benet Benetton/M Bengal/SM Bengali/M Benghazi/M Benin/M Beninese/M Benita/M Benito/M Benjamin/M Bennett/M Bennie/M Benny/M Benson/M Bentham Bentley/M Benton/M Benz Benzedrine/M Beowulf Berber/SM Berenice/M Beretta/M Berg/MNR Bergen/M Berger/M Bergerac Bergman Bergson Bering Berkeley/M Berkshire/SM Berle/M Berlin/SZMR Berliner/M Berlioz Berlitz/M Bermuda/SM Bermudan/SM Bermudian/SM Bern/M Bernadette/M Bernadine/M Bernanke/M Bernard/M Bernardo/M Bernays/M Bernbach/M Bernese Bernhardt Bernice/M Bernie/M Bernini Bernoulli Bernstein Berra/M Berry/M Bert/M Berta/M Bertelsmann/M Bertha/M Bertie/M Bertillon/M Bertram/M Bertrand/M Beryl/M Berzelius Bess Bessel Bessemer/M Bessie/M Best/M Betelgeuse/M Beth/M Bethany/M Bethe Bethesda Bethlehem Bethune Betsy/M Bette/M Bettie/M Betty/M Bettye/M Beulah/M Beverley/M Beverly/M Bhopal Bhutan/M Bhutanese/M Bhutto/M Bi/M Bialystok Bianca/M Bib Bible/MS Bic/M Biddle Biden/M Bierce Bigfoot/M Biggles/M Biko/M Bilbao Bilbo/M Bill/MJ Billie/M Billings/M Billy/M Bimini/M Bioko/M Bird/M Birdseye/M Birkenstock Birmingham/M Biro/M Biscay Biscayne/M Bishkek Bishop/M Bismarck/M Bismark/M Bisquick/M Bissau/M Bizet Bjerknes/M Bjork/M Bk/M Blackbeard/M Blackburn/M Blackfeet/M Blackfoot/M Blackpool/M Blackshirt/M Blackstone Blackwell/M Blaine/M Blair/M Blake/M Blanca/M Blanchard/M Blanche/M Blankenship/M Blantyre/M Blatz/M Blavatsky Blenheim/M Blevins/M Bligh/M Bloch Blockbuster/M Bloemfontein/M Blondel/M Blondie/M Bloom/MR Bloomfield Bloomingdale/M Bloomsbury Blu Blucher/M Bluebeard/M Bluetooth/M Blvd Blythe/M Boadicea Boas/M Bob/M Bobbi/M Bobbie/M Bobbitt/M Bobby/M Boccaccio Bodhidharma/M Bodhisattva/M Boeing/M Boeotia/M Boeotian Boer/SM Boethius Bogart/M Bogota/M Bohemia Bohemian/SM Bohr Boise/M Bojangles/M Boleyn/M Bolivar/M Bolivia/M Bolivian/MS Bollywood/M Bologna/M Bolshevik/SM Bolshevism Bolshevist Bolshoi/M Bolton/M Boltzmann Bombay/M Bonaparte Bonaventure Bond/M Bonhoeffer/M Boniface Bonita/M Bonn/MR Bonner/M Bonneville/M Bonnie/M Bono/M Booker/M Boole/M Boolean Boone/M Bootes/M Booth/M Bordeaux/M Borden/M Bordon/M Boreas/M Borg/SM Borges Borgia Borglum Boris/M Bork/M Borlaug/M Born Borneo/M Borobudur/M Borodin Boru/M Bosch Bose Bosnia/M Bosnian Bosporus/M Boston/MS Bostonian Boswell Botswana/M Botticelli Boulder Boulez/M Bourbaki/M Bourbon/SM Bournemouth Bovary/M Bowditch/M Bowell/M Bowen/M Bowers/M Bowery/M Bowie Bowman/M Boyd/M Boyer/M Boyle/M Br/MT Brad/MY Bradbury Braddock/M Bradford/M Bradley/M Bradly/M Bradshaw/M Bradstreet/M Brady/M Bragg/M Brahe Brahma/MS Brahmagupta/M Brahman/MS Brahmani Brahmanism/SM Brahmaputra/M Brahms/M Braille/MS Brain/M Brampton/M Bran/M Branch/M Brandeis Branden/M Brandenburg Brandi/M Brandie/M Brando Brandon/M Brandt Brandy/M Brant/M Braque Brasilia/M Bratislava Brattain/M Bray/M Brazil/M Brazilian/MS Brazos/M Brazzaville/M Breakspear/M Breathalyzer Brecht Breckenridge/M Bremen Brenda/M Brendan/M Brennan/M Brenner/M Brent/M Brenton/M Bret/M Breton/M Brett/M Brewer/M Brewster Brezhnev Brian/M Briana/M Brianna/M Brice/M Bridalveil/M Bridgeport/M Bridger/M Bridges/M Bridget/M Bridgetown Bridgett/M Bridgette/M Bridgman Brie/SM Brigadoon Briggs/M Brigham/M Bright/M Brighton/M Brigid/M Brigitte/M Brillo Brinkley/M Brisbane/M Bristol/M Brit/SM Britain/M Britannia Britannic Britannica/M Briticism/SM British/MRZ Britisher/M Britney/M Briton/MS Britt/MN Brittany/SM Brittney/M Brno Broadway/SM Brobdingnag/M Brobdingnagian Brock/M Brokaw/M Bronson/M Bronte Bronx/M Brooke/M Brooklyn/M Brooks/M Bros Brown/MG Browne Brownian/M Brownie/S Browning/M Brownshirt Brownsville Brubeck Bruce/M Bruckner Bruegel Brummel/M Brunei/M Bruneian/MS Brunelleschi Brunhilde/M Bruno/M Brunswick/M Brussels/M Brut/M Brutus/M Bryan/M Bryant/M Bryce/M Brynner/M Bryon/M Brzezinski/M Btu/M Buber Buchanan/M Bucharest/M Buchenwald Buchwald/M Buck/M Buckingham Buckley/M Buckner/M Bud/M Budapest/M Buddha/SM Buddhism/SM Buddhist/SM Buddy/M Budweiser/M Buffalo/M Buffy/M Buford/M Bugatti/M Bugzilla/M Buick/M Bujumbura/M Bukhara Bukharin Bulawayo Bulfinch Bulganin Bulgar Bulgari/M Bulgaria/M Bulgarian/SM Bullock/M Bullwinkle/M Bultmann/M Bumppo/M Bunche Bundesbank/M Bundestag Bunin Bunker/M Bunsen Bunuel/M Bunyan/M Burbank Burberry/M Burch/M Burger/M Burgess/M Burgoyne/M Burgundian Burgundy/SM Burke/M Burks/M Burl/M Burlington/M Burma/M Burmese/M Burnett/M Burns/M Burnside Burr Burris/M Burroughs Bursa Burt/M Burton/M Burundi/M Burundian/MS Busch/M Bush/M Bushido Bushnell/M Butler/M Butterfingers/M Buxtehude Byblos/M Byers/M Byrd/M Byron/M Byronic Byzantine/MS Byzantium/M C/SM CA CAD/M CAI CAM CAP CARE CATV CB CBC/M CBS CCTV CCU CD/M CDC CDT CEO/M CF CFC/M CFO CIA/M CID CNN CNS/M CO/M COBOL/SM COD COL COLA CPA/M CPI/M CPO CPR/M CPU/M CRT/SM CST/M CT/M CV CZ Ca/M Cabernet/M Cabot Cabral Cabrera/M Cabrini Cadette Cadillac Cadiz/M Caedmon/M Caerphilly Caesar/SM Cage Cagney/M Cahokia/M Caiaphas Cain/SM Cairo/M Caitlin/M Cajun/MS Cal Calais Calcutta/M Calder Calderon/M Caldwell/M Caleb/M Caledonia Calgary/M Calhoun/M Cali Caliban Calif California/M Californian/SM Caligula Callaghan Callahan/M Callao Callas Callie/M Calliope/M Callisto/M Caloocan/M Calvary/M Calvert Calvin/M Calvinism/MS Calvinist/MS Calvinistic Camacho/M Cambodia/M Cambodian/SM Cambrian/SM Cambridge/M Camden/M Camel/M Camelopardalis Camelot/MS Camembert/MS Cameron/M Cameroon/SM Cameroonian/MS Camilla/M Camille/M Camino/M Camoens/M Campanella/M Campbell/M Campinas Campos/M Camry/M Camus Can Canaan/M Canaanite/MS Canad Canada/M Canadian/SM Canadianism Canaletto Canaries/M Canaveral Canberra/M Cancer/SM Cancun/M Candace/M Candice/M Candide/M Candy/M Cannes/M Cannon/M Canon/M Canopus Cantabrigian/M Canterbury Canton/M Cantonese/M Cantor/M Cantrell/M Cantu/M Canute Capablanca Capek/M Capella/M Capet Capetian Capetown/M Caph/M Capistrano/M Capitol/SM Capitoline Capone Capote Capra/M Capri/M Capricorn/MS Capt Capuchin Capulet/M Cara/M Caracalla Caracas/M Caravaggio Carboloy/M Carboniferous/M Carborundum Cardenas/M Cardiff/M Cardin/M Cardozo/M Carey/M Carib/MS Caribbean/MS Carina Carissa/M Carl/M Carla/M Carlene/M Carlin/M Carlo/MS Carlos/M Carlsbad Carlson/M Carlton/M Carly/M Carlyle Carmela/M Carmella/M Carmelo/M Carmen/M Carmichael/M Carmine/M Carnap Carnation/M Carnegie/M Carney/M Carnot Carol/M Carole/M Carolina/M Caroline/M Carolingian Carolinian/M Carolyn/M Carpathian/SM Carpenter/M Carr/M Carranza/M Carrie/RM Carrier/M Carrillo/M Carroll/M Carson/M Carter/M Cartesian Carthage/M Carthaginian/MS Cartier Cartwright Caruso Carver/M Cary/M Casablanca/M Casals Casandra/M Casanova/SM Cascades/M Case/M Casey/M Cash/M Casio/M Caspar Caspian Cassandra/SM Cassatt Cassie/M Cassiopeia/M Cassius/M Castaneda/M Castillo/M Castlereagh Castor/M Castries/M Castro/M Catalan/SM Catalina/M Catalonia/M Catawba/M Caterpillar/M Cathay/M Cather Catherine/M Cathleen/M Catholic/MS Catholicism/MS Cathryn/M Cathy/M Catiline Cato Catskill/SM Catskills/M Catt Catullus Caucasian/MS Caucasoid Caucasus/M Cauchy Cavendish Cavour Caxton Cayenne Cayman/M Cayuga/SM Cayuse Cb Cd/M Ce/M Ceausescu/M Cebu/M Cebuano/M Cecelia/M Cecil/M Cecile/M Cecilia/M Cecily/M Cedric/M Celeste/M Celia/M Celina/M Cellini Celsius Celt/SM Celtic/SM Cenozoic/M Centaurus/M Centigrade Central Cepheid Cepheus/M Cerberus/M Cerenkov Ceres/M Cerf/M Cervantes/M Cesar/M Cesarean Cessna/M Cetus Ceylon/M Ceylonese Cezanne Cf/M Ch'in Ch/N Chablis/M Chad/M Chadian/MS Chadwick/M Chagall Chaitanya/M Chaitin/M Chaldea Chaldean Challenger/M Chamberlain Chambers/M Champlain Champollion Chan/M Chance/M Chancellorsville/M Chandigarh Chandler/M Chandon/M Chandra/M Chandragupta Chandrasekhar/M Chanel Chaney/M Chang/M Changchun Changsha Chantilly Chaplin Chapman/M Chappaquiddick/M Chapultepec/M Charbray/M Chardonnay/M Charity/M Charlemagne/M Charlene/M Charles/M Charleston/MS Charley/M Charlie/M Charlotte/M Charlottetown/M Charmaine/M Charmin/M Charolais/M Charon/M Chartism/M Chartres Charybdis/M Chase/M Chasity/M ChatZilla/M Chateaubriand/M Chattahoochee/M Chattanooga/M Chatterley/M Chatterton Chaucer/M Chauncey/M Chautauqua Chavez/M Chayefsky/M Che/M Chechen Chechnya/M Cheddar Cheer/M Cheerios/M Cheetos/M Cheever Chekhov/M Chekhovian Chelsea/M Chelyabinsk/M Chen/M Cheney/M Chengdu Chennai/M Cheops Cheri/M Cherie/M Chernenko/M Chernobyl/M Chernomyrdin/M Cherokee/MS Cherry/M Cheryl/M Chesapeake Cheshire Chester/M Chesterfield Chesterton Chevalier Cheviot/M Chevrolet/M Chevron/M Chevy/M Cheyenne/SM Chi/M Chianti/MS Chiba Chibcha Chicago/M Chicagoan Chicana Chicano Chickasaw/MS Chiclets/M Chihuahua/MS Chile/M Chilean/MS Chimborazo/M Chimera/MS Chimu/M Chin/M China/M Chinatown Chinese/M Chinook/MS Chipewyan/M Chippendale/M Chippewa/SM Chiquita/M Chirico Chisholm/M Chisinau/M Chittagong Chivas/M Chloe Choctaw/SM Chomsky Chongqing Chopin/M Chopra/M Chou Chretien/M Chris/M Christ/MS Christa/M Christchurch Christendom/MS Christensen/M Christi/M Christian/SM Christianity/SM Christianize Christie/M Christina/M Christine/M Christlike Christmas/MS Christmastide/MS Christmastime/MS Christoper/M Christopher/M Chronicles Chrysler/M Chrysostom Chrystal/M Chuck/M Chukchi Chumash Chung/M Church/M Churchill/M Churriguera/M Chuvash/M Ci/M Cicero/M Cid Cimabue/M Cincinnati Cinderella/MS Cindy/M CinemaScope/M Cinerama Cipro/M Circe/M Cisco/M Citibank/M Citigroup/M Citroen/M Cl/MV Claiborne/M Clair/M Claire/M Clairol/M Clancy/M Clapeyron/M Clapton/M Clara/M Clare/M Clarence/M Clarendon Clarice/M Clarissa/M Clark/M Clarke/M Claude/M Claudette/M Claudia/M Claudine/M Claudio/M Claudius/M Claus/M Clausewitz Clausius Clay/M Clayton/M Clearasil/M Clem/XM Clemenceau Clement/MS Clementine/M Clements/M Clemons/M Clemson/M Cleo/M Cleopatra/M Cleveland/M Cliburn/M Cliff/M Clifford/M Clifton/M Cline/M Clint/M Clinton/M Clio/M Clorets/M Clorox/M Clotho/M Clouseau/M Clovis/M Clyde/M Clydesdale/M Clytemnestra Cm/M Cmdr Co/M Cobain/M Cobb/M Cochabamba Cochin Cochise Cochran/M Cockney/M Cocteau Cod Cody/M Coffey/M Cognac/M Cohan Cohen/M Coimbatore Cointreau Coke/SM Col Colbert/M Colby/M Cole/M Coleen/M Coleman/M Coleridge/M Colette/M Colfax/M Colgate/M Colin/M Colleen/M Collier/M Collin/SM Collins/M Colo Cologne/M Colombia/M Colombian/MS Colombo/M Colon/M Coloradan/SM Colorado/M Coloradoan Colosseum Colt/M Coltrane Columbia/M Columbine Columbus/M Com Comanche/MS Combs/M Comdr Comintern Commons Commonwealth Communion/SM Communism Communist/SM Como Comoran Comoros/M Compaq/M Compton/M CompuServe/M Comte Conakry/M Conan/M Concepcion/M Concetta/M Concord/SM Concorde Condillac Condorcet Conestoga/M Confederacy/M Confederate/MS Confucian/SM Confucianism/MS Confucius/M Cong Congo/M Congolese/M Congregational Congregationalist/MS Congress/MS Congressional Congreve Conley/M Conn/R Connecticut/M Connemara Conner/M Connery/M Connie/M Connolly/M Connors Conrad/M Conrail/M Conservative Constable Constance/M Constantine Constantinople/M Constitution Consuelo/M Continent/M Continental Contreras/M Conway/M Cook/M Cooke/M Cooley/M Coolidge/M Cooper/M Cooperstown/M Coors/M Copacabana/M Copeland/M Copenhagen/M Copernican Copernicus/M Copland Copley Copperfield/M Coppertone/M Coppola/M Coptic/M Cora/M Cordelia/M Cordilleras Cordoba/M Corey/M Corfu Corina/M Corine/M Corinne/M Corinth/M Corinthian/MS Coriolanus Coriolis/M Cork Corleone/M Cormack/M Corneille Cornelia/M Cornelius/M Cornell/M Corning/M Cornish/MS Cornwall/M Cornwallis Coronado Corot Corp Correggio Corrine/M Corsica/M Corsican Cortes/MS Cortland/M Corvallis/M Corvette/M Corvus/M Cory/M Cosby/M Cossack Costco/M Costello/M Costner/M Cote/M Cotonou Cotopaxi/M Cotswold/M Cotton/M Coulomb Coulter/M Couperin Courbet Courtney/M Cousteau Coventry/SM Coward Cowley Cowper Cox/M Coy/M Cozumel/M Cpl Cr/MT Crabbe Craft/M Craig/M Cranach Crane/M Cranmer Crater/M Crawford/M Cray/M Crayola/M Creation/M Creator/M Crecy/M Cree/DSM Creek/SM Creighton/M Creole/SM Creon Crest/M Cretaceous/M Cretan/SM Crete/M Crichton Crick Crimea/M Crimean Criollo Crisco/M Cristina/M Croat/SM Croatia/M Croatian/MS Croce Crockett Croesus Cromwell/M Cromwellian Cronin/M Cronkite/M Cronus/M Crookes Crosby/M Cross/M Crow/SM Crowley/M Crucifixion/MS Cruikshank Cruise/M Crusoe/M Crux/M Cruz/M Cryptozoic/M Crystal/M Csonka/M Ct Ctesiphon Cthulhu/M Cu/M Cuba/M Cuban/SM Cuchulain/M Cuisinart Culbertson Cullen/M Cumberland/M Cummings/M Cunard/M Cunningham/M Cupid/M Curacao/M Curie Curitiba Currier/M Curry/RM Curt/M Curtis/M Custer Cuvier/M Cuzco Cybele/M Cyclades/M Cyclopes/M Cyclops/M Cygnus/M Cymbeline/M Cynthia/M Cyprian/M Cypriot/MS Cyprus/M Cyrano/M Cyril/M Cyrillic/M Cyrus/M Czech/M Czechoslovak Czechoslovakia/M Czechoslovakian/SM Czechs Czerny D/M DA/M DAR DAT/M DBMS/M DC/M DD/M DDS/M DDT/S DE DEA DEC/SDG DH DI DJ DMD/M DMZ DNA/M DOA DOB DOD DOE DOS/M DOT DP/SM DPT DST DTP DUI DVD DWI Dachau/M Dacron/SM Dada/M Dadaism/M Daedalus/M Daguerre Dagwood Dahomey/M Daimler/M Daisy/M Dakar/M Dakota/SM Dakotan Dale/M Daley/M Dali Dalian/M Dallas/M Dalmatia/M Dalmatian/SM Dalton/M Damascus/M Dame/N Damian/M Damien/M Damion/M Damocles Damon/M Dan/M Dana/M Danae/M Dane/SM Danelaw Dangerfield/M Danial/M Daniel/SM Danielle/M Daniels/M Danish/M Dannie/M Danny/M Danone/M Dante/M Danton Danube/M Danubian Daphne/M Darby/M Darcy/M Dardanelles/M Dare Daren/M Darfur Darin/M Dario/M Darius/M Darjeeling Darla/M Darlene/M Darling/M Darnell/M Darrel/M Darrell/M Darren/M Darrin/M Darrow Darryl/M Darth/M Dartmoor Dartmouth Darvon/M Darwin/M Darwinian Darwinism/SM Darwinist Daryl/M Datamation/S Daugherty/M Daumier Davao Dave/M Davenport/M David/MS Davidson/M Davis/M Davy/S Dawes Dawn/M Dawson/M Day/M Dayan Dayton DeGeneres/M Deadhead/M Dean/M Deana/M Deandre/M Deann/M Deanna/M Deanne/M Debbie/M Debby/M Debian/M Debora/M Deborah/M Debouillet/M Debra/M Debs Debussy Dec/M Decalogue/M Decatur Decca/M Deccan December/SM Decker/M Dedekind/M Dee/M Deena/M Deere/M Defoe Degas Deidre/M Deimos Deirdre/M Deity Dejesus/M Del Delacroix Delacruz/M Delaney/M Delano/M Delaware/MS Delawarean/SM Delbert/M Deleon/M Delgado/M Delhi/M Delia/M Delibes Delicious/M Delilah/M Delilahs Delius Dell/M Della/M Delmar/M Delmarva/M Delmer/M Delmonico Delores/M Deloris/M Delphi/M Delphic Delphinus/M Delta Dem/G Demavend/M Demerol/M Demeter/M Demetrius/M Deming/M Democrat/SM Democratic Democritus Demosthenes/M Dempsey Dena/M Denali Deneb Denebola/M Deng/M Denis/M Denise/M Denmark/M Dennis/M Denny/M Denver/M Deon/M Depp/M Derby Derek/M Derick/M Derrick/M Derrida/M Descartes/M Desdemona/M Desiree/M Desmond/M Detroit/M Deuteronomy/M Devanagari/M Devi/M Devin/M Devon/M Devonian/M Dewar/M Dewayne/M Dewey/M Dewitt/M Dexedrine/M Dexter/M Dhaka/M Dhaulagiri/M Di/S DiCaprio/M DiMaggio Diaghilev Dial/M Diana/M Diane/M Diann/M Dianna/M Dianne/M Dias Diaspora/MS Dick/XM Dickensian Dickerson/M Dickinson Dickson/M Dictaphone/SM Diderot Dido/M Didrikson/M Diefenbaker Diego/M Diem/M Dietrich Dijkstra/M Dijon Dilbert/MS Dillard/M Dillinger/M Dillon/M Dina/M Dinah Dino/M Diocletian Diogenes Dion/M Dionne/M Dionysian Dionysus/M Diophantine/M Dior Dipper/M Dir Dirac Dirichlet Dirk/M Dis/M Disney Disneyland Disraeli Divine/M Diwali/M Dix Dixie/M Dixiecrat Dixieland/SM Dixon/M Djibouti/M Dmitri/M Dnepropetrovsk Dniester Dobbin/M Doberman/M Dobro Doctor Doctorow/M Dodge/M Dodgson/M Dodoma/M Dodson/M Doe Doha/M Dolby Dole/M Dollie/M Dolly/M Dolores/M Domesday/M Domingo/M Dominguez/M Dominic/M Dominica/M Dominican/MS Dominick/M Dominion Dominique/M Domitian Don/SM Dona/M Donahue/M Donald/M Donaldson/M Donatello Donetsk/M Donizetti/M Donn/MR Donna/M Donne/M Donnell/M Donner/M Donnie/M Donny/M Donovan/M Dooley/M Doolittle Doonesbury/M Doppler Dora/M Dorcas Doreen/M Dorian/M Doric/M Doris/M Doritos/M Dorothea/M Dorothy/M Dorset Dorsey/M Dorthy/M Dortmund Dostoevsky/M Dot/M Dotson/M Douala/M Douay/M Doubleday/M Doug/M Douglas/M Douglass Douro Dover/M Dow Downs/M Downy/M Doyle/M Dr Draco/M Draconian Dracula/M Drake/M Dramamine/SM Drambuie Drano/M Dravidian/M Dreiser Dresden/M Drew/M Dreyfus/M Dristan/M Drudge/M Dryden Dschubba/M Du DuPont Duane/M Dubai Dubcek/M Dubhe/M Dublin/M Dubrovnik/M Duchamp Dudley/M Duffy/M Duisburg Duke/M Dulles Duluth Dumas Dumbledore/M Dumbo/M Dumpster Dunant Dunbar Duncan/M Dundee Dunedin Dunkirk/M Dunlap/M Dunn/M Dunne/M Duracell/M Duran/M Durant Durante/M Durban Durer Durex/M Durham/MS Durkheim Duroc Durocher/M Duse/M Dushanbe/M Dusseldorf/M Dustbuster/M Dustin/M Dusty/M Dutch/M Dutchman/M Dutchmen/M Dutchwoman Duvalier Dvina Dvorak Dwayne/M Dwight/M Dy/M Dyer/M Dylan/M Dyson/M Dzerzhinsky/M Dzungaria E/SM EB EC ECG/M ECMAScript/M EDP/M EDT EEC/M EEG/M EEO EEOC EFL EFT EKG/M ELF/M EM EMT ENE/M EOE EPA/M ER ERA ESE/M ESL ESP/M ESPN EST/M ET ETA ETD EU EULA/S Eakins Earhart Earl/M Earle/M Earlene/M Earline/M Earnest/M Earnestine/M Earnhardt/M Earp/M East/SZMR Easter/M Eastern/R Eastman Eastwood/M Eaton/M Eb/N Eben/M Ebeneezer/M Ebert Ebola Ebonics/M Ebony/M Ebro/M Ecclesiastes Eco/M Ecstasy Ecuador/M Ecuadoran/SM Ecuadorean Ecuadorian/SM Ed/MNX Edam/SM Edda Eddie/M Eddington/M Eddy/M Eden/M Edgar/M Edgardo/M Edinburgh/M Edison/M Edith/M Edmond/M Edmonton/M Edmund/M Edna/M Edsel Eduardo/M Edward/SM Edwardian/M Edwardo/M Edwards/M Edwin/M Edwina/M Eeyore/M Effie/M Efrain/M Efren/M Eggo/M Egypt/M Egyptian/MS Egyptology/M Ehrenberg/M Ehrlich Ei EiB Eib Eichmann Eiffel Eileen/M Einstein/MS Eire/M Eisenhower/M Eisenstein Eisner/M Elaine/M Elam Elanor/M Elastoplast/M Elba/M Elbe/M Elbert/M Elbrus Eldon/M Eleanor/M Eleazar/M Electra/M Elena/M Elgar Eli/M Elias/M Elijah/M Elinor/M Eliot Elisa/M Elisabeth/M Elise/M Eliseo/M Elisha Eliza/M Elizabeth/M Elizabethan/SM Ella/M Ellen/M Ellesmere/M Ellie/M Ellington Elliot/M Elliott/M Ellis/M Ellison/M Elma/M Elmer/M Elmo/M Elnath/M Elnora/M Elohim Eloise/M Eloy/M Elroy/M Elsa/M Elsie/M Elsinore Eltanin/M Elton/M Elul/M Elva/M Elvia/M Elvin/M Elvira/M Elvis/M Elway/M Elwood/M Elysee/M Elysian Elysium/SM Emacs/M Emanuel/M Emerson/M Emery/M Emil/M Emile/M Emilia/M Emilio/M Emily/M Eminem/M Eminence Emma/M Emmanuel/M Emmett/M Emmy Emory/M Encarta/M Endymion Eng Engels/M England/M English/MRS Englishman/M Englishmen/M Englishwoman/M Englishwomen/M Enid/M Enif/M Eniwetok/M Enkidu/M Enoch Enos Enrico/M Enrique/M Enron/M Enterprise/M Eocene/M Epcot/M Ephesian/S Ephesus Ephraim Epictetus Epicurean Epicurus/M Epimethius/M Epiphany/SM Episcopal Episcopalian/MS Epistle Epsom Epson/M Epstein Equuleus Er/M Erasmus/M Erato/M Eratosthenes/M Erebus/M Erector Erewhon/M Erhard Eric/M Erica/M Erich/M Erick/M Ericka/M Erickson/M Eridanus Erie Erik/M Erika/M Erin/M Eris/MS Eritrea/M Eritrean/SM Erlenmeyer/M Erma/M Erna/M Ernest/M Ernestine/M Ernesto/M Ernie/M Ernst Eros/MS Errol/M Erse/M ErvIn/M Erwin/M Esau/M Escher/M Escherichia/M Escondido Eskimo/MS Esmeralda/M Esperanto/M Esperanza/M Espinoza/M Esq/M Esquire/MS Essen/M Essene Essequibo Essex Essie/M Establishment Esteban/M Estela/M Estella/M Estelle/M Ester/M Esterhazy/M Estes/M Esther/M Estonia/M Estonian/SM Estrada/M Ethan/M Ethel/M Ethelred/M Ethernet Ethiopia/M Ethiopian/SM Etna/M Eton Etruria Etruscan Etta/M Eu/M Eucharist/MS Eucharistic Euclid/M Eugene/M Eugenia/M Eugenie/M Eugenio/M Eula/M Euler Eumenides/M Eunice/M Euphrates/M Eur Eurasia/M Eurasian/MS Euripides Eurodollar/SM Europa/M Europe/M European/MS Eurydice/M Eustachian/M Euterpe/M Eva/M Evan/SM Evangelical Evangelina/M Evangeline/M Evangelist Evans/M Evansville Eve/M Evelyn/M Evenki/M EverReady/M Everest/M Everett/M Everette/M Everglades/M Evert/M Evian/M Evita/M Ewing/M Excalibur/M Excedrin/M Excellency/SM Exchequer Exercycle Exocet/M Exodus/M Exxon/M Eyck/M Eyre Eysenck/M Ezekiel Ezra/M F/MD FAA FAQ/SM FBI/M FCC FD FDA FDIC/M FDR/M FHA/M FICA/M FIFO FL FM/SM FNMA/M FOFL FORTRAN/M FPO FSF/M FSLIC FTC FUD/S FWD FY FYI Faberge Fabian/MS Facebook/M Faeroe/M Fafnir Fagin/M Fahd/M Fahrenheit Fairbanks Faisal/M Faisalabad Faith/M Falasha Falkland/SM Fallopian/M Falstaff/M Falwell/M Fannie/M Fanny/M Faraday/M Fargo/M Farley/M Farmer/M Farragut Farrakhan/M Farrell/M Farrow/M Farsi/M Fassbinder/M Fatah/M Fates Father/SM Fatima Fatimid Faulkner/M Faulknerian Fauntleroy/M Faust/M Faustian Faustino/M Faustus/M Fawkes Fay/M Faye/M Fe/M Feb/M February/SM Fed/SM FedEx Federal/MS Federalist/M Federico/M Felecia/M Felice/M Felicia/M Felicity/M Felipe/M Felix/M Fellini Fenian Ferber/M Ferdinand/M Fergus Ferguson/M Ferlinghetti/M Fermat/M Fermi Fern/M Fernandez/M Fernando/M Ferrari/M Ferraro/M Ferrell/M Ferris Feynman/M Fez Fiat/M Fiberglas Fibonacci/M Fichte Fidel/M Fido/M Fielding Fields/M Figaro/M Figueroa/M Fiji/M Fijian/MS Filipino/MS Fillmore/M Filofax Finch/M Finland/M Finley/M Finn/SM Finnbogadottir/M Finnegan/M Finnish/M Fiona/M Firefox/M Firestone/M Fischer/M Fisher/M Fisk/M Fitch/M Fitzgerald/M Fitzpatrick/M Fitzroy/M Fizeau/M Fla Flanagan/M Flanders/M Flathead Flatt/M Flaubert Fleischer/M Fleming/M Flemish/M Fletcher/M Flint Flintstones Flo/M Flora/M Florence/M Florentine Flores/M Florida/M Floridan Floridian/SM Florine/M Florsheim/M Flory/M Flossie/M Flowers/M Floyd/M Flynn/M Fm/M Foch Fokker Foley/M Folgers Folsom Fomalhaut Fonda Foosball/M Forbes/M Ford/M Foreman/M Forest/MR Formica/MS Formosa/M Formosan/M Forrest/M Forster Fortaleza Fosse/M Foster/M Fotomat/M Foucault Fourier Fourneyron/M Fourth Fowler/M Fox/MS Fr/MD Fragonard Fran/M France/SM Frances/M Francesca/M Francine/M Francis/M Francisca/M Franciscan/MS Francisco/M Franck Franco/M Francois/M Francoise/M Franglais Frank/SM Frankel/M Frankenstein Frankfort/M Frankfurt/MR Frankie/M Frankish Franklin/M Franks/M Franny/M Franz/M Fraser Frau/MN Fraulein Frazier/M Fred/M Freda/M Freddie/M Freddy/M Frederic/M Frederick/M Fredericton/M Fredric/M Fredrick/M Freeman/M Freemason/SM Freemasonry/SM Freetown/M Freida/M Fremont French/MS Frenchman/M Frenchmen/M Frenchwoman/M Frenchwomen/M Freon Fresnel/M Fresno/M Freud/M Freudian Frey/M Freya/M Fri/M Friday/SM Frieda/M Friedan Friedman Friend/SM Frigga/M Frigidaire Frisbee Frisco Frisian/MS Frito/M Fritz/M Frobisher Froissart Fromm Fronde Frontenac/M Frost/M Frostbelt Frunze/M Fry/M Frye/M Fuchs/M Fuentes/M Fugger Fuji/M Fujitsu/M Fujiwara/M Fujiyama/M Fukuoka/M Fulani/M Fulbright Fuller/M Fullerton Fulton/M Funafuti Fundy Furies/M Furtwangler/M Fushun Fuzhou/M Fuzzbuster G/MNRB GA GAO GATT/M GB/M GDP/M GE/M GED GHQ/M GHz GI GIGO GM GMAT GMT/M GNP/M GNU/M GOP/M GP/M GPA GPO GSA GTE/M GU GUI/M Ga/M Gabon/M Gabonese/M Gaborone/M Gabriel/M Gabriela/M Gabrielle/M Gacrux/M Gadsden/M Gaea/M Gael/SM Gaelic/M Gagarin Gage Gail/M Gaiman/M Gaines/M Gainsborough/M Galahad/SM Galapagos/M Galatea Galatia Galatians Galaxy Galbraith Gale/M Galen/M Galibi Galilean/SM Galilee Galileo/M Gall/M Gallagher/M Gallegos/M Gallic Gallicism/SM Gallo/M Galloway/M Gallup Galois/M Galsworthy Galvani Galveston/M Gama Gamay Gambia/M Gambian/SM Gamble/M Gamow/M Gandhi/M Gandhian Ganesha/M Ganges/M Gangtok/M Gantry/M Ganymede/M Gap/M Garbo Garcia/M Gardner/M Gareth/M Garfield/M Garfunkel/M Gargantua Garibaldi/M Garland/M Garner/M Garrett/M Garrick Garrison/M Garry/M Garth/M Garvey Gary/M Garza/M Gascony/M Gasser Gates/M Gatling/M Gatorade/M Gatsby/M Gatun/M Gauguin/M Gaul/SM Gaulish Gauss/M Gaussian Gautama/M Gautier Gavin/M Gawain/M Gay/M Gayle/M Gaza Gaziantep Gb Gd/M Gdansk/M Ge/M Geffen/M Gehenna/M Gehrig Geiger/M Gelbvieh/M Geller/M Gemini/MS Gena/M Genaro/M Gene/M Genesis/M Genet/M Geneva/M Genevieve/M Genghis/M Genoa/SM Gentoo/M Gentry/M Geo/M Geoffrey/M George/MS Georgetown/M Georgette/M Georgia/M Georgian/MS Georgina/M Gerald/M Geraldine/M Gerard/M Gerardo/M Gerber/M Gere/M Geritol/M German/MS Germanic/M Germany/M Geronimo Gerry/M Gershwin Gertrude/M Gestapo/SM Gethsemane Getty Gettysburg/M Gewurztraminer Ghana/M Ghanaian Ghats Ghazvanid/M Ghent Ghibelline GiB Giacometti Giannini/M Giauque/M Gib Gibbon Gibbs/M Gibraltar/MS Gibson/M Gide Gideon Gielgud Gienah/M Gil/M Gila/M Gilbert/M Gilberto/M Gilchrist/M Gilda/M Gilead Giles/M Gilgamesh Gill/M Gillespie/M Gillette/M Gilliam/M Gillian/M Gilligan/M Gilmore/M Gina/M Ginger/M Gingrich/M Ginny/M Gino/M Ginsberg Ginsburg/M Ginsu/M Giorgione Giotto Giovanni/M Giraudoux Giselle/M Gish Giuliani/M Giuseppe/M Giza/M Gk Gladstone/MS Gladys/M Glaser Glasgow/M Glass/M Glastonbury/M Glaswegian/SM Glaxo/M Gleason/M Glen/M Glenda/M Glendale Glenlivet/M Glenn/M Glenna/M Gloria/M Gloucester Glover/M Gnostic Gnosticism/M Goa Gobi/M God/M Godard Goddard Godel/M Godhead/M Godiva/M Godot/M Godspeed/SM Godthaab Godunov Godzilla/M Goebbels Goering Goethals/M Goethe/M Goff/M Gog Gogol Goiania/M Golan/M Golconda Golda/M Goldberg/M Golden/M Goldie/M Goldilocks/M Golding Goldman/M Goldsmith Goldwater/M Goldwyn Golgi Golgotha/M Goliath Gomez/M Gomorrah/M Gompers Gomulka Gondwanaland/M Gonzales/M Gonzalez/M Gonzalo/M Good/M Goodall/M Goodman/M Goodrich/M Goodwill/M Goodwin/M Goodyear Google/M Goolagong/M Gopher Gorbachev Gordian/M Gordimer Gordon/M Gore Goren/M Gorey/M Gorgas Gorgon/M Gorgonzola Gorky/M Gospel/MS Goteborg/M Goth/M Gotham Gothic/MS Goths Gouda/SM Gould/M Gounod Governor Goya Gr/B Grable/M Gracchus Grace/M Graceland/M Gracie/M Graciela/M Grady/M Graffias/M Grafton/M Graham/M Grahame Grail Grammy Grampians Granada/M Grant/M Grass Graves/M Gray/M Grecian Greece/M Greek/SM Greeley Green/SM Greene/M Greenland/M Greenlandic Greenpeace/M Greensboro/M Greensleeves/M Greenspan/M Greenwich/M Greer/M Greg/M Gregg/M Gregorian Gregorio/M Gregory/M Grenada/M Grenadian/MS Grenadines Grendel Grenoble Gresham Greta/M Gretchen/M Gretel/M Gretzky/M Grey Grieg Griffin/M Griffith/M Grimes/M Grimm/M Grinch/M Gris Gromyko Gropius/M Gross/M Grosz Grotius Grover/M Grozny Grumman/M Grundy Grunewald/M Grus/M Gruyere/SM Guadalajara/M Guadalcanal/M Guadalquivir Guadalupe/M Guadeloupe/M Guallatiri/M Guam/M Guamanian Guangzhou/M Guantanamo/M Guarani/M Guarnieri/M Guatemala/M Guatemalan/MS Guayaquil/M Gucci/M Guelph Guernsey/MS Guerra/M Guerrero/M Guevara Guggenheim Guiana/M Guido Guillermo/M Guinea/M Guinean/MS Guinevere/M Guinness/M Guiyang Guizot Gujarat/M Gujarati/M Gujranwala Gullah Gulliver/M Gumbel/M Gunther Guofeng/M Gupta/M Gurkha/M Gus/iM Gustav/M Gustavo/M Gustavus/M Gutenberg Guthrie/M Gutierrez/M Guy/M Guyana/M Guyanese/M Guzman/M Gwalior Gwen/M Gwendoline/M Gwendolyn/M Gwyn/M Gypsy/SM H/M HBO HDTV HF/M HHS HI HIV/M HM HMO/M HMS HOV HP/M HQ/M HR HRH HS HSBC/M HST HT HTML/M HTTP HUD/M Ha Haas/M Habakkuk Haber/M Hadar/M Hades/M Hadrian Hafiz/M Hagar Haggai Hagiographa/M Hague Hahn/M Haida/SM Haifa/M Haiphong Haiti/M Haitian/MS Hakka/M Hakluyt Hal/SM Haldane Hale/M Haleakala Haley/M Halifax/M Hall/M Halley Halliburton/M Hallie/M Hallmark/M Halloween/MS Hallstatt Halon/M Halsey Ham/M Haman/M Hamburg/MS Hamhung Hamilcar/M Hamill/M Hamilton/M Hamiltonian Hamitic/M Hamlet Hamlin/M Hammarskjold Hammerstein Hammett/M Hammond/M Hammurabi Hampshire/M Hampton/M Hamsun Han Hancock/M Handel/M Handy Haney/M Hangul/M Hangzhou/M Hank/M Hanna/M Hannah/M Hannibal/M Hanoi/M Hanover/M Hanoverian/M Hans/MN Hansel/M Hansen/M Hanson/M Hanuka Hanukkah/M Hanukkahs Hapsburg/M Harare/M Harbin Hardin/M Harding/M Hardy/M Hargreaves Harlan/M Harlem/M Harlequin Harley/M Harlow Harmon/M Harold/M Harper/M Harpy/SM Harrell/M Harriet/M Harriett/M Harrington/M Harris/M Harrisburg/M Harrison/M Harrods Harry/M Hart/M Harte Hartford/M Hartline/M Hartman/M Harvard/M Harvey/M Hasbro/M Hasidim Haskell/M Hastings/M Hatfield/M Hathaway Hatsheput/M Hatteras Hattie/M Hauptmann Hausa/M Hausdorff/M Havana/MS Havarti Havel Havoline/M Haw Hawaii/M Hawaiian/SM Hawking Hawkins/M Hawks Hawthorne Hay/SM Hayden/M Haydn/M Hayes/M Haynes/M Hays/M Hayward Haywood/M Hayworth/M Hazel/M Hazlitt He/M Head/M Hearst Heath/MR Heather/M Heaviside Heb Hebe Hebert/M Hebraic Hebraism/SM Hebrew/MS Hebrides/M Hecate Hector/M Hecuba Heep/M Hefner/M Hegel/M Hegelian Hegira Heidegger Heidelberg Heidi/M Heifetz Heimlich/M Heine Heineken/M Heinlein/M Heinrich/M Heinz Heisenberg Heisman/M Helen/M Helena/M Helene/M Helga/M Helicon Heliopolis Helios/M Hellene/SM Hellenic/M Hellenism/MS Hellenist Hellenistic Hellenization Hellenize Heller Hellespont/M Hellman Helmholtz/M Heloise/M Helsinki/M Helvetian Helvetius/M Hemingway/M Hench/M Henderson/M Hendricks/M Hendrix/M Henley Hennessy/M Henri/M Henrietta/M Henry/M Hensley/M Henson/M Hepburn Hephaestus/M Hepplewhite Hera/M Heracles/M Heraclitus Herakles/M Herbart Herbert/M Herculaneum/M Herculean Hercules/M Herder Hereford/SM Herero Heriberto/M Herman/M Hermaphroditus Hermes/M Herminia/M Hermitage Hermite/M Hermosillo/M Hernandez/M Herod/M Herodotus/M Herr/MG Herrera/M Herrick Herring/M Herschel/M Hersey/M Hershel/M Hershey/M Hertz/M Hertzsprung/M Herzegovina Herzl Heshvan/M Hesiod Hesperus Hess/M Hesse Hessian Hester/M Heston/M Hettie/M Hewitt/M Hewlett/M Heyerdahl Heywood Hezbollah/M Hezekiah Hf/M Hg/M Hialeah Hiawatha/M Hibernia/M Hibernian Hickman/M Hickok Hicks/M Hieronymus Higashiosaka Higgins/M Highlander/SM Highlands Highness/M Hilario/M Hilary/M Hilbert Hilda/M Hildebrand Hilfiger/M Hill/M Hillary/M Hillel Hilton Himalaya/SM Himalayan Himmler Hinayana/M Hindemith Hindenburg Hindu/SM Hinduism/SM Hindus/i Hindustan/M Hindustani/SM Hines/M Hinton/M Hipparchus Hippocrates/M Hippocratic Hiram/M Hirobumi/M Hirohito Hiroshima/M Hispanic/SM Hispaniola/M Hiss/M Hitachi/M Hitchcock Hitler/MS Hittite/SM Hmong Ho/M Hobart/M Hobbes Hobbs/M Hockney/M Hodge/SM Hodges/M Hodgkin Hoff/M Hoffa/M Hoffman/M Hofstadter/M Hogan/M Hogarth Hogwarts/M Hohenlohe Hohenstaufen Hohenzollern/M Hohhot/M Hohokam Hokkaido/M Hokusai Holbein Holcomb/M Holden/M Holder/M Holiday Holiness Holland/ZSMR Hollander/M Hollerith/M Holley/M Hollie/M Hollis/M Holloway/M Holly/M Hollywood/M Holman/M Holmes/M Holocaust Holocene/M Holst Holstein/SM Holt/M Homer/M Homeric Hon Honda/M Honduran/MS Honduras/M Honecker/M Honeywell/M Honiara Honolulu/M Honourable Honshu/M Hood/M Hooke/R Hooper/M Hoosier/MS Hooters/M Hoover/MS Hope/M Hopewell/M Hopi/SM Hopkins/M Hopper/M Horace/M Horacio/M Horatio/M Hormel/M Hormuz Horn/M Hornblower/M Horne/M Horowitz Horthy Horton/M Horus/M Hosea/M Host/SM Hotpoint/M Hottentot/SM Houdini House/M Housman Houston/M Houyhnhnm/M Hovhaness/M Howard/M Howe/M Howell/MS Howrah Hoyle Hrothgar/M Hts Huang Hubbard/M Hubble/M Huber/M Hubert/M Huck/M Huddersfield Hudson/M Huerta/M Huey/M Huff/M Huffman/M Huggins Hugh/MS Hughes/M Hugo/M Huguenot/MS Hui Huitzilopotchli/M Hull/M Humberto/M Humboldt Hume Hummer/M Humphrey/M Humvee Hun/SM Hung/M Hungarian/SM Hungary/M Hunspell/M Hunt/MR Hunter/M Huntington/M Huntley/M Huntsville Hurley/M Huron Hurst/M Hus Hussein Husserl Hussite Huston Hutchinson/M Hutton/M Hutu Huxley/M Huygens Hyades/M Hyde/M Hyderabad Hydra/M Hymen/M Hyperion/M Hyundai/M Hz/M I'd I'll I'm I've I/M IA IBM/M ICBM/SM ICC ICU ID/SM IE IEC IL IMF/M IMHO IMNSHO IMO IN ING/M INRI INS IOU/M IPA IQ/M IRA/SM IRS/M ISBN ISO/M IT IUD IV/SM Ia Iaccoca/M Iago/M Ian/M Iapetus/M Ibadan Iberia/M Iberian Ibiza Iblis/M Ibo Ibsen/M Icahn/M Icarus/M Ice Iceland/MRZ Icelander/M Icelandic/M Ida/M Idaho/SM Idahoan/MS Idahoes Ieyasu Ignacio/M Ignatius Igor/M Iguassu/M Ijsselmeer/M Ike/M Ikea/M Ikhnaton Ila/M Ilene/M Iliad/SM Ill Illinois/M Illinoisan/MS Illuminati Ilyushin/M Imelda/M Imhotep/M Imodium/M Imogene/M Imus/M In/M Ina/M Inc Inca/SM Inchon/M Incorporated Ind Independence/M India/M Indian/MS Indiana/M Indianan/SM Indianapolis/M Indianian Indira/M Indochina/M Indochinese Indonesia/M Indonesian/SM Indore Indra/M Indus/M Indy/SM Ines/M Inez/M Inge Inglewood Ingram/M Ingres Ingrid/M Innocent/M Innsbruck Inonu/M Inquisition Inst Instamatic/M Intel/M Intelsat Internationale/M Internet/S Interpol Inuit/MS Inuktitut/M Invar/M Io/M Ionesco Ionian/MS Ionic/SM Iowa/SM Iowan/MS Iphigenia Ipswich Iqaluit/M Iqbal Iquitos Ir/M Ira/M Iran/M Iranian/SM Iraq/M Iraqi/MS Ireland/M Irene/M Iris/M Irish/MR Irishman/M Irishmen/M Irishwoman/M Irishwomen/M Irkutsk Irma/M Iroquoian/SM Iroquois/M Irrawaddy Irtish/M Irvin/M Irvine Irving/M Irwin/M Isaac/M Isabel/M Isabella/M Isabelle/M Isaiah/M Iscariot Isfahan Isherwood Ishim/M Ishmael Ishtar/M Isiah/M Isidro/M Isis/M Islam/MS Islamabad/M Islamic Islamism/M Islamist Ismael/M Ismail/M Isolde Ispell/M Israel/SM Israeli/SM Israelite Issac/M Issachar Istanbul/M Isuzu/M It Itaipu/M Ital Italian/SM Italianate Italy/M Itasca/M Ithaca Ithacan Ito Iva/M Ivan/M Ivanhoe/M Ives Ivorian Ivory/M Ivy/M Iyar/M Izaak/M Izanagi/M Izanami/M Izhevsk Izmir Izod/M Izvestia/M J/MD JCS JD JEDEC JFK/M JP JV Jack/M Jackie/M Jacklyn/M Jackson/M Jacksonian Jacksonville/M Jacky/M Jaclyn/M Jacob/SM Jacobean/M Jacobi Jacobin/M Jacobite/M Jacobs/M Jacobson/M Jacquard Jacqueline/M Jacquelyn/M Jacques/M Jacuzzi Jagger/M Jagiellon/M Jaguar/M Jahangir/M Jaime/M Jain Jainism/M Jaipur Jakarta/M Jake/M Jamaal/M Jamaica/M Jamaican/SM Jamal/M Jamar/M Jame/SM Jamel/M James/M Jamestown Jami/M Jamie/M Jan/M Jana/M Janacek/M Jane/M Janell/M Janelle/M Janet/M Janette/M Janice/M Janie/M Janine/M Janis/M Janissary/M Janjaweed/M Janna/M Jannie/M Jansen/M Jansenist/M January/SM Janus/M Japan/M Japanese/MS Japura/M Jared/M Jarlsberg Jarred/M Jarrett/M Jarrod/M Jarvis/M Jasmine/M Jason/M Jasper/M Jataka Java/SM JavaScript/M Javanese/M Javier/M Jaxartes Jay/M Jayapura/M Jayawardene/M Jaycee/S Jayne/M Jayson/M Jean/M Jeanette/M Jeanie/M Jeanine/M Jeanne/M Jeannette/M Jeannie/M Jeannine/M Jed/M Jedi/M Jeep Jeeves/M Jeff/M Jefferey/M Jefferson/M Jeffersonian Jeffery/M Jeffrey/M Jeffry/M Jehoshaphat Jehovah/M Jekyll/M Jenifer/M Jenkins/M Jenna/M Jenner Jennie/M Jennifer/M Jennings/M Jenny/M Jensen/M Jephthah Jerald/M Jeremiah/M Jeremiahs Jeremy/M Jeri/M Jericho/M Jermaine/M Jeroboam Jerold/M Jerome/M Jerri/M Jerrod/M Jerrold/M Jerry/M Jersey/MS Jerusalem/M Jess/M Jesse/M Jessica/M Jessie/M Jesuit/MS Jesus/M Jetway Jew/SM Jewel/M Jewell/M Jewess/MS Jewish/P Jewry Jezebel/SM Jidda Jilin Jill/M Jillian/M Jim/M Jimenez/M Jimmie/M Jimmy/M Jinan Jinnah Jinny/M Jivaro Jo/M Joan/M Joann/M Joanna/M Joanne/M Joaquin/M Job/SM Jocasta Jocelyn/M Jock Jockey Jodi/M Jodie/M Jody/M Joe/M Joel/M Joesph/M Joey/M Jogjakarta/M Johann/M Johanna/M Johannes Johannesburg/M John/SM Johnathan/M Johnathon/M Johnie/M Johnnie/M Johnny/M Johns/M Johnson/M Johnston/M Jolene/M Jolson Jon/M Jonah/M Jonahs Jonas/M Jonathan/M Jonathon/M Jones/M Joni/M Jonson Joplin Jordan/M Jordanian/MS Jorge/M Jose/M Josef/M Josefa/M Josefina/M Joseph/M Josephine/M Josephs Josephson/M Josephus Josh/M Joshua/M Josiah/M Josie/M Josue/M Joule Jove/M Jovian Joy/M Joyce/M Joycean Joyner/M Jpn Jr/M Juan/M Juana/M Juanita/M Juarez/M Jubal Judah Judaic Judaical Judaism/MS Judas/MS Judd/M Jude Judea Judges Judith/M Judson/M Judy/M Juggernaut/M Jul Jules/M Julia/M Julian/M Juliana/M Julianne/M Julie/M Juliet/M Juliette/M Julio/M Julius/M Julliard/M July/SM Jun June/SM Juneau/M Jung/M Jungfrau Jungian Junior/SM Junker/SM Juno/M Jupiter/M Jurassic/M Jurua/M Justice/M Justin/M Justine/M Justinian/M Jutland/M Juvenal K/SMNGJ KB/M KC KFC/M KGB KIA KKK/M KO/M KP KS KY Kaaba Kabul/M Kafka/M Kafkaesque Kagoshima Kahlua/M Kaifeng Kaiser/MS Kaitlin/M Kalahari/M Kalamazoo Kalashnikov Kalb/M Kalevala Kalgoorlie Kali/M Kalmyk Kama/M Kamchatka Kamehameha/M Kampala/M Kampuchea/M Kan/S Kanchenjunga/M Kandahar Kandinsky Kane/M Kannada/M Kano Kanpur Kansan/MS Kansas Kant/M Kantian Kaohsiung Kaposi/M Kara/M Karachi/M Karaganda Karakorum Karamazov/M Kareem/M Karen/M Karenina/M Kari/M Karin/M Karina/M Karl/M Karla/M Karloff/M Karo/M Karol/M Karroo/M Karyn/M Kasai/M Kasey/M Kashmir/SM Kasparov/M Kate/M Katelyn/M Katharine/M Katherine/M Katheryn/M Kathiawar Kathie/M Kathleen/M Kathmandu/M Kathrine/M Kathryn/M Kathy/M Katie/M Katina/M Katmai Katowice Katrina/M Katy/M Kauai/M Kaufman/M Kaunas/M Kaunda/M Kawabata/M Kawasaki Kay/M Kaye/M Kayla/M Kazakh/M Kazakhs Kazakhstan/M Kazan/M Kazantzakis Kb/M Keaton/M Keats Keck/M Keenan/M Keewatin Keillor/M Keisha/M Keith/M Keller/M Kelley/M Kelli/M Kellie/M Kellogg Kelly/M Kelsey/M Kelvin/M Kemerovo Kemp/M Kempis Ken/M Kendall/M Kendra/M Kendrick/M Kenmore/M Kennan/M Kennedy/M Kenneth/M Kennith/M Kenny/M Kent/M Kenton/M Kentuckian/MS Kentucky/M Kenya/M Kenyan/SM Kenyatta Kenyon/M Keogh/M Keokuk/M Kepler/M Kerensky/M Keri/M Kermit/M Kern Kerouac Kerr/M Kerri/M Kerry/M Kettering Keven/M Kevin/M Kevlar Kevorkian/M Kewpie Key/M Keynes/M Keynesian Khabarovsk Khachaturian Khalid/M Khan/M Kharkov/M Khartoum/M Khayyam/M Khazar/M Khmer/M Khoikhoi/M Khoisan/M Khomeini/M Khorana/M Khrushchev Khufu Khulna/M Khwarizmi/M Khyber/M Ki KiB Kib Kickapoo Kidd/M Kiel Kierkegaard Kieth/M Kiev/M Kigali/M Kikuyu Kilauea Kilimanjaro/M Kilroy/M Kim/M Kimberley/M Kimberly/M King/M Kingston/M Kingstown/M Kinko's Kinney/M Kinsey Kinshasa/M Kiowa/MS Kip/M Kipling/M Kirby/M Kirchhoff Kirchner/M Kirghistan/M Kirghiz/M Kirghizia/M Kiribati/M Kirinyaga/M Kirk/M Kirkland/M Kirkpatrick/M Kirov Kirsten/M Kisangani Kishinev/M Kislev/M Kissinger Kit/M Kitakyushu/M Kitchener Kitty/M Kiwanis Klan/M Klansman/M Klaus/M Klee Kleenex/MS Klein/M Klimt Kline/M Klingon/M Klondike/MS Kmart/M Knapp/M Knesset/M Kngwarreye/M Knickerbocker Knievel/M Knight/M Knopf/M Knossos Knowles/M Knox/M Knoxville Knudsen/M Knuth/M Knuths Kobe Koch/M Kochab/M Kodachrome/M Kodak Kodaly/M Kodiak/M Koestler Kohinoor Kohl Koizumi/M Kojak/M Kolyma Kommunizma/M Kong/M Kongo/M Konrad/M Koontz/M Koppel/M Koran/MS Koranic Korea/M Korean/SM Kornberg/M Kory/M Korzybski Kosciusko Kossuth Kosygin Koufax/M Kowloon Kr/M Kraft/M Krakatoa/M Krakow/M Kramer/M Krasnodar Krasnoyarsk Krebs Kremlin Kremlinologist Kremlinology Kresge/M Kringle/M Kris/M Krishna/M Krishnamurti/M Krista/M Kristen/M Kristi/M Kristie/M Kristin/M Kristina/M Kristine/M Kristopher/M Kristy/M Kroc/M Kroger/M Kronecker/M Kropotkin Kruger Krugerrand Krupp Krystal/M Kshatriya/M Kublai/M Kubrick Kuhn/M Kuibyshev Kulthumm/M Kunming Kuomintang Kurd Kurdish/M Kurdistan Kurosawa Kurt/M Kurtis/M Kusch/M Kutuzov Kuwait/M Kuwaiti/SM Kuznets/M Kuznetsk/M Kwakiutl/M Kwan/M Kwangju Kwanzaa/MS Ky/H Kyle/M Kyoto/M Kyrgyzstan Kyushu/M L'Amour L'Enfant L'Oreal L'Ouverture L/MN LA LAN/M LBJ/M LC LCD/M LCM LDC LED/M LG LIFO LL LLB/M LLD/M LNG LOGO LP/M LPG LPN/SM LSAT LSD/M LVN La/SM Lab Laban Labrador/SM Labradorean Lacey/M Lachesis/M Lacy/M Ladoga Ladonna/M Lady Ladyship/MS Lafayette Lafitte/M Lagos/M Lagrange Lagrangian Lahore Laius Lajos/M Lakeisha/M Lakewood Lakisha/M Lakota Lakshmi/M Lamaism/SM Lamar/M Lamarck/M Lamaze Lamb/M Lambert/M Lamborghini/M Lambrusco Lamentations Lamont/M Lana/M Lanai/M Lancashire Lancaster/M Lance/M Lancelot/M Land Landon/M Landry/M Landsat Landsteiner/M Lane/M Lang/M Langerhans/M Langland Langley/M Langmuir Lanny/M Lansing/M Lanzhou/M Lao/SM Laocoon/M Laotian/SM Laplace Lapland/MR Lapp/SM Lara/M Laramie/M Lardner/M Laredo Larousse Larry/M Lars/N Larsen/M Larson/M Lascaux/M Lassa/M Lassen/M Lassie/M Lat Latasha/M Lateran/M Latin/MRS Latina Latino/SM Latisha/M Latonya/M Latoya/M Latrobe/M Latvia/M Latvian/MS Laud/R Laue Laundromat Laura/M Laurasia/M Laurel/M Lauren/M Laurence/M Laurent/M Lauri/M Laurie/M Laval Lavern/M Laverne/M Lavoisier Lavonne/M Lawanda/M Lawrence/M Lawson/M Layamon Layla/M Lazaro/M Lazarus/M Le/SM Lea/M Leach/M Leadbelly Leah/M Leakey/M Lean/M Leander Leann/M Leanna/M Leanne/M Lear/M Learjet/M Leary/M Leavenworth Lebanese/M Lebanon/M Lebesgue/M Leblanc/M Leda/M Lederberg/M Lee/M Leeds/M Leeuwenhoek Leeward/M Left Legendre Leger/M Leghorn Lego/M Legree/M Lehman/M Leibniz/M Leicester/SM Leiden/M Leif/M Leigh/M Leila/M Leipzig/M Lela/M Leland/M Lelia/M Lemaitre/M Lemuel/M Lemuria/M Len/M Lena/M Lenard/M Lenin/M Leningrad/M Leninism/M Leninist Lennon/M Lenny/M Leno/M Lenoir/M Lenora/M Lenore/M Lent/SMN Leo/SM Leola/M Leon/M Leona/M Leonard/M Leonardo/M Leoncavallo Leonel/M Leonid Leonidas/M Leonor/M Leopold/M Leopoldo/M Lepidus Lepke/M Lepus/M Lerner Leroy/M Les/M Lesa/M Lesley/M Leslie/M Lesotho/M Lesseps Lessie/M Lester/M Lestrade/M Leta/M Letha/M Lethe/M Leticia/M Letitia/M Letterman/M Levant/M Levesque/M Levi/SM Leviathan Levine/M Leviticus/M Levitt/M Levy/M Lew/M Lewinsky/M Lewis/M Lexington/M Lexus/M Lhasa/MS Lhotse/M Li/MY Libby Liberace/M Liberia/M Liberian/SM Libra/MS Libreville/M Librium/M Libya/M Libyan/SM Lichtenstein Lidia/M Lie Lieberman/M Liebfraumilch Liechtenstein/ZMR Liechtensteiner/M Liege/M Lieut Lila/M Lilia/M Lilian/M Liliana/M Lilith/M Liliuokalani Lille Lillian/M Lillie/M Lilliput/M Lilliputian/MS Lilly/M Lilongwe/M Lily/M Lima/M Limbaugh/M Limbo Limburger Limoges Limousin/M Limpopo/M Lin/M Lina/M Lincoln/MS Lind Linda/M Lindbergh Lindsay/M Lindsey/M Lindy Linnaeus/M Linotype Linton/M Linus/M Linux/S Linwood/M Lionel/M Lipizzaner Lippi Lippmann Lipscomb/M Lipton/M Lisa/M Lisbon/M Lissajous/M Lister/M Listerine/M Liston/M Liszt Lithuania/M Lithuanian/MS Little/M Litton/M Liverpool/M Liverpudlian/SM Livia/M Livingston/M Livingstone Livonia/M Livy Liz/M Liza/M Lizzie/M Lizzy/M Ljubljana/M Llewellyn Lloyd/M Ln Loafer/SM Lobachevsky Lochinvar Locke/M Lockean Lockheed/M Lockwood/M Lodge Lodz/M Loewe Loewi Loews/M Logan/M Lohengrin Loire/M Lois/M Loki/M Lola/M Lolita/M Lollard Lollobrigida/M Lombard/M Lombardi/M Lombardy/M Lome/M Lon/M London/MRZ Londoner/M Long/M Longfellow/M Longstreet/M Longueuil Lonnie/M Lopez/M Lora/M Loraine/M Lord/SM Lordship/SM Lorelei/M Loren/M Lorena/M Lorene/M Lorentz Lorenz Lorenzo/M Loretta/M Lori/M Lorie/M Lorna/M Lorraine/M Lorre/M Lorrie/M Los Lot/M Lothario/SM Lott/M Lottie/M Lou/M Louella/M Louie/M Louis/M Louisa/M Louise/M Louisiana/M Louisianan/MS Louisianian/MS Louisville/M Lourdes/M Louvre/M Love/M Lovecraft/M Lovelace Lowe/M Lowell/M Lowenbrau/M Lowery/M Lowlands Loyang/M Loyd/M Loyola Lr Lt Ltd Lu/M Luanda/M Luann/M Lubavitcher Lubbock Lubumbashi Lucas/M Luce/M Lucia/M Lucian Luciano/M Lucien/M Lucifer/M Lucile/M Lucille/M Lucinda/M Lucio/M Lucite/SM Lucius/M Lucknow/M Lucretia Lucretius Lucy/M Luddite/MS Ludhiana Ludwig/M Luella/M Lufthansa/M Luftwaffe Luger/M Lugosi/M Luigi/M Luis/M Luisa/M Luke/M Lula/M Lully Lulu/M Lumiere/M Luna/M Lupe/M Lupercalia Lupus/M Luria/M Lusaka/M Lusitania/M Luther/M Lutheran/SM Lutheranism/MS Luvs/M Luxembourg/ZMR Luxembourger/M Luxembourgian Luz/M Luzon/M Lvov LyX/M Lyallpur Lycra Lycurgus Lydia/M Lydian/SM Lyell Lyle/M Lyly Lyman/M Lyme/M Lynch/M Lynda/M Lyndon/M Lynette/M Lynn/M Lynne/M Lynnette/M Lyon/SM Lyons/M Lyra/M Lysenko Lysistrata/M Lysol/M M/SMGB MA/M MASH MB/M MBA/M MC MCI/M MD/M MDT ME MEGO/S MFA/M MGM/M MHz MI/M MIA MIDI/M MIPS MIPSes MIRV MIT/M MM MN MO MP/M MRI/M MS/M MSG/M MST/M MSW MT/M MTV MVP/M MW Maalox/M Mabel/M Mable/M Mac/M MacArthur MacBride/M MacDonald/M MacLeish/M Macao/M Macaulay Macbeth Maccabees Maccabeus/M Mace Macedon/M Macedonia/M Macedonian/SM Mach Machiavelli/M Machiavellian Macias/M Macintosh/M Mack/M Mackenzie/M Mackinac/M Mackinaw Macmillan Macon Macumba/M Macy/M Madagascan/SM Madagascar/M Madden/M Maddox/M Madeira/SM Madeleine/M Madeline/M Madelyn/M Madge/M Madison/M Madonna/SM Madras/M Madrid/M Madurai/M Mae/M Maeterlinck/M Mafia/MS Mafioso Magdalena/M Magdalene/M Magellan/M Magellanic Maggie/M Maghreb/M Maginot/M Magnitogorsk Magog Magoo/M Magritte Magsaysay/M Magus/i Magyar/SM Mahabharata/M Maharashtra/M Mahavira/M Mahayana/M Mahayanist/M Mahdi Mahfouz/M Mahican/SM Mahler Mai/M Maidenform/M Maigret/M Mailer Maillol Maiman/M Maimonides Maine/MZR Mainer/M Maisie/M Maitreya/M Maj Majesty Major/M Majorca/M Majuro Makarios/M Maker Malabar/M Malabo/M Malacca Malachi Malagasy Malamud Malaprop/M Malawi/M Malawian/SM Malay/MS Malaya/M Malayalam/M Malayan/MS Malaysia/M Malaysian/MS Malcolm/M Maldive/MS Maldives/M Maldivian/MS Maldonado/M Male/M Mali/M Malian/SM Malibu/M Malinda/M Malinowski Mallarme Mallomars/M Mallory/M Malone/M Malory/M Malplaquet/M Malraux Malta/M Maltese/M Malthus/M Malthusian/SM Mameluke Mamet Mamie/M Mamore/M Man/M Managua/M Manama/M Manasseh Manchester/M Manchu/SM Manchuria/M Manchurian Mancini/M Mancunian/MS Mandalay/M Mandarin/M Mandela Mandelbrot Mandingo Mandrell/M Mandriva/M Mandy/M Manet Manfred/M Manhattan/SM Mani Manichean Manila/SM Manitoba/M Manitoulin/M Manley/M Mann/GM Mannheim/M Manning/M Mansfield Manson/M Mantegna Mantle/M Manuel/M Manuela/M Manx/M Mao/M Maoism/SM Maoist/SM Maori/MS Mapplethorpe/M Maputo/M Mar/SM Mara/M Maracaibo Marat Maratha/M Marathi/M Marathon/M Marc/M Marceau Marcel/M Marcelino/M Marcella/M Marcelo/M March/MS Marci/M Marcia/M Marciano Marcie/M Marco/MS Marconi Marcos/M Marcus/iM Marcuse Marcy/M Marduk/M Margaret/M Margarita/M Margarito/M Marge/M Margery/M Margie/M Margo/M Margret/M Margrethe/M Marguerite/M Mari/SM Maria/M Marian/M Mariana/SM Marianne/M Mariano/M Maribel/M Maricela/M Marie/M Marietta/M Marilyn/M Marin Marina/M Marine/SM Mario/M Marion/M Marisa/M Marisol/M Marissa/M Maritain Maritza/M Mariupol Marius Marjorie/M Marjory/M Mark/SM Markab/M Markham Markov Marks/M Marla/M Marlboro/M Marlborough Marlene/M Marley/M Marlin/M Marlon/M Marlowe Marmara/M Marne Maronite Marple/M Marquesas/M Marquette Marquez/M Marquis/M Marquita/M Marrakesh/M Marriott/M Mars/MS Marsala/M Marseillaise/MS Marseilles Marsh/M Marsha/M Marshall/M Marta/M Martel Martha/M Martial Martian/SM Martin/M Martina/M Martinez/M Martinique/M Marty/M Marva/M Marvell/M Marvin/M Marx/M Marxian Marxism/SM Marxist/SM Mary/M Maryann/M Maryanne/M Maryellen/M Maryland/MR Marylou/M Masada/M Masai/M Masaryk Mascagni Masefield Maserati/M Maseru/M Mashhad/M Mason/MS Masonic Masonite/M Mass/MS Massachusetts Massasoit Massenet Massey/M Master/S MasterCard/M Mather Mathew/SM Mathews/M Mathewson/M Mathias Mathis/M Matilda/M Matisse Matt/M Mattel/M Matterhorn/M Matthew/SM Matthews/M Matthias Mattie/M Maud/M Maude/M Maugham Maui/M Maupassant Maura/M Maureen/M Mauriac Maurice/M Mauricio/M Maurine/M Mauritania/M Mauritanian/SM Mauritian/SM Mauritius/M Mauro/M Maurois Mauryan/M Mauser Mavis/M Max/M Maximilian Maxine/M Maxwell/M May/SMR Maya/SM Mayan/MS Mayer/M Mayfair Mayflower/M Maynard/M Mayo/M Maypole Mayra/M Mays/M Maytag/M Mazama/M Mazarin Mazatlan/M Mazda Mazola/M Mazzini/M Mb/M Mbabane/M Mbini/M McAdam/M McBride/M McCain/M McCall/M McCarthy/M McCarthyism/M McCartney/M McCarty/M McClain/M McClellan McClure/M McConnell/M McCormick/M McCoy/M McCray/M McCullough/M McDaniel/M McDonald/M McDonnell/M McDowell/M McEnroe/M McFadden/M McFarland/M McGee/M McGovern/M McGowan/M McGuffey/M McGuire/M McIntosh/M McIntyre/M McKay/M McKee/M McKenzie/M McKinley/M McKinney/M McKnight/M McLaughlin/M McLean/M McLeod/M McLuhan/M McMahon/M McMillan/M McNamara/M McNaughton/M McNeil/M McPherson/M McQueen/M McVeigh/M Md/M Me Mead Meade Meadows/M Meagan/M Meany/M Mecca/MS Medan Medea/M Medellin Media Medicaid/SM Medicare/SM Medici Medina/M Mediterranean/MS Medusa/M Meg/M Megan/M Meghan/M Meier/M Meighen/M Meiji/M Meir Mejia/M Mekong/M Mel/M Melanesia/M Melanesian Melanie/M Melba/M Melbourne/M Melchior Melchizedek Melendez/M Melinda/M Melisa/M Melisande/M Melissa/M Mellon Melody/M Melpomene/M Melton/M Melva/M Melville/M Melvin/M Memling Memphis/M Menander Mencius Mencken Mendel/M Mendeleev/M Mendelian Mendelssohn Mendez/M Mendocino/M Mendoza/M Menelaus/M Menelik/M Menes Mengzi Menkalinan/M Menkar/M Menkent/M Mennen/M Mennonite/MS Menominee/M Menotti Mensa Mentholatum/M Menuhin/M Menzies Mephistopheles Merak/M Mercado/M Mercator Mercedes/M Mercer/M Mercia Merck/M Mercurochrome/M Mercury/SM Meredith/M Merino Merle/M Merlin/M Merlot Merovingian Merriam/M Merrick/M Merrill/M Merrimack/M Merritt/M Merthiolate/M Merton Mervin/M Mesa Mesabi/M Mesmer/M Mesolithic Mesopotamia/M Mesopotamian Mesozoic/M Messerschmidt/M Messiaen Messiah/M Messiahs Messianic Metallica/M Metamucil/M Methodism/SM Methodist/SM Methuselah Metternich Meuse/M Mex Mexicali Mexican/MS Mexico/M Meyer/MS Meyerbeer Meyers/M Mfume/M Mg/M Mgr Mi MiB MiG Mia/M Miami/MS Miaplacidus/M Mib Micah/M Micawber Mich Michael/M Michaelmas/MS Micheal/M Michel/M Michelangelo/M Michele/M Michelin/M Michelle/M Michelob/M Michelson Michigan/M Michigander/MS Michiganite Mick/M Mickey/M Mickie/M Micky/M Micmac/SM Micronesia/M Micronesian Microsoft/M Midas/M Middleton/M Mideast Mideastern Midland/S Midway/M Midwest/M Midwestern/R Miguel/M Mike/M Mikhail/M Mikoyan/M Milagros/M Milan/M Milanese Mildred/M Miles/M Milford/M Milken/M Mill/SR Millard/M Millay Miller/M Millet Millicent/M Millie/M Millikan Mills/M Milne Milo/M Milosevic/M Milquetoast/M Miltiades Milton/M Miltonic Miltown/M Milwaukee/M Mimi/M Mimosa/M Min/M Minamoto/M Mindanao Mindoro/M Mindy/M Minerva/M Mingus/M Minn Minneapolis/M Minnelli/M Minnesota/M Minnesotan/SM Minnie/M Minoan/MS Minolta/M Minos/M Minot/M Minotaur/M Minsk/M Minsky/M Mintaka/M Minuit Minuteman/M Miocene/M Mir/M Mira/M Mirabeau Mirach/M Miranda/M Mirfak/M Miriam/M Miro Mirzam/M Miskito Miss Mississauga Mississippi/M Mississippian/SM Missouri/M Missourian/MS Missy/M Mistassini Mister Mistress Misty/M Mitch/M Mitchel/M Mitchell/M Mitford/M Mithra/M Mithridates/M Mitsubishi/M Mitterrand/M Mitty/M Mitzi/M Mixtec Mizar Mk Mlle Mme/S Mn/M Mnemosyne/M Mo/M Mobil/M Mobile/M Mobutu/M Modesto Modigliani Moe/M Moet/M Mogadishu Mogul/MS Mohacs/M Mohamed/M Mohammad/M Mohammedan/SM Mohammedanism/SM Mohave/SM Mohawk/SM Mohegan Moho/M Mohorovicic/M Moira Moises/M Moiseyev/M Mojave/SM Moldavia/M Moldavian Moldova/M Moldovan Moliere/M Molina/M Moll/M Mollie/M Molly/M Molnar/M Moloch/M Molokai/M Molotov/M Moluccas Mombasa/M Mon/SM Mona/M Monacan Monaco/M Mondale/M Monday/SM Mondrian Monegasque/SM Monera/M Monet Mongol/SM Mongolia/M Mongolian/SM Mongolic/M Mongoloid Monica/M Monique/M Monk/M Monmouth Monongahela Monroe/M Monrovia/M Monsanto/M Monsignor/SM Mont Montague Montaigne Montana/M Montanan/SM Montcalm Monte/M Montenegrin Montenegro/M Monterrey Montesquieu Montessori Monteverdi Montevideo/M Montezuma/M Montgolfier Montgomery/M Monticello Montoya/M Montpelier/M Montrachet Montreal/M Montserrat/M Monty/M Moody/M Moog Moon/M Mooney/M Moor/SM Moore/M Moorish/M Morales/M Moran/M Moravia Moravian Mordred More Moreno/M Morgan/SM Moriarty/M Morin/M Morison/M Morita/M Morley Mormon/SM Mormonism/SM Moro Moroccan/SM Morocco/M Moroni Morpheus/M Morphy/M Morris/M Morrison/M Morrow/M Morse/M Mort/M Mortimer Morton/M Mosaic/M Moscow/M Moseley Moselle/M Moses/M Mosley/M Moss/M Mosul Motorola/M Motown/M Motrin/M Mott Mount Mountbatten Mountie/MS Moussorgsky Mouthe/M Mouton/M Mowgli/M Mozambican/SM Mozambique/M Mozart/M Mozilla/M Mr/SM Ms/S Msgr Mt Muawiya/M Mubarak/M Mueller/M Muenster/MS Mugabe/M Muhammad/M Muhammadan/MS Muhammadanism/SM Muir Mujib/M Mulder/M Mullen/M Muller/M Mulligan/M Mullikan/M Mullins/M Mulroney/M Multan Multics/S Mumbai/M Mumford Munch Munchhausen/M Munich/M Munoz/M Munro Munster Muppet/M Murasaki/M Murat Murchison/M Murcia Murdoch Muriel/M Murillo Murine/M Murmansk Murphy/M Murray/M Murrow/M Murrumbidgee Muscat/M Muscovite/M Muscovy/M Muse/M Musharraf/M Musial/M Muskogee/M Muslim/MS Mussolini/M Mussorgsky Mutsuhito/M Muzak MySpace/M MySpell/M Myanmar/M Mycenae/M Mycenaean Myers/M Mylar/MS Myles/M Myra/M Myrdal/M Myrna/M Myron/M Myrtle/M Mysore Myst/M N'Djamena N/MD NAACP NAFTA NASA/M NASCAR/M NASDAQ/M NATO/M NB NBA NBC NBS NC NCAA NCO ND NE/M NEH NF NFC NFL NH NHL NIH NIMBY NJ NLRB NM NORAD/M NOW NP NPR NR NRA NRC NS NSC NSF NT NV NW/M NWT NY NYC NYSE NZ Na/M Nabisco/M Nabokov Nader Nadia/M Nadine/M Nagasaki/M Nagoya Nagpur Nagy Nahuatl/MS Nahum Naipaul/M Nair/M Nairobi/M Naismith/M Nam/M Namath/M Namibia/M Namibian/MS Nan/M Nanak Nanchang Nancy/M Nanette/M Nanjing/M Nannie/M Nanook/M Nansen Nantes/M Nantucket/M Naomi/M Naphtali/M Napier/M Naples/M Napoleon/MS Napoleonic Napster/M Narcissus/M Narmada/M Narnia/M Narraganset Narragansett Nash/M Nashua Nashville/M Nassau/M Nasser/M Nat/M Natalia/M Natalie/M Natasha/M Natchez Nate/MN Nathan/SM Nathaniel/M Nationwide/M Nativity/M Naugahyde Nauru/M Nautilus Navajo/SM Navajoes Navarre Navarro/M Navratilova/M Navy Nazarene Nazareth Nazca Nazi/SM Nazism/MS Nb/M Nd/M Ndjamena/M Ne/M NeWS NeWSes Neal/M Neanderthal/SM Neapolitan Neb Nebr Nebraska/M Nebraskan/MS Nebuchadnezzar Ned/M Nefertiti Negev/M Negress/MS Negritude Negro/MS Negroes Negroid/SM Nehemiah Nehru/M Neil/M Nelda/M Nell/M Nellie/M Nelly/M Nelsen/M Nelson/M Nembutal/M Nemesis/M Neogene Neolithic Nepal/M Nepalese/M Nepali/MS Neptune/M Nereid/M Nerf Nero Neruda Nescafe/M Nesselrode Nestle/M Nestor/M Nestorius Netflix/M Netherlander/SM Netherlands Netscape/M Nettie/M Netzahualcoyotl/M Nev Neva/M Nevada/M Nevadan/SM Nevadian Nevis/M Nevsky/M Newark/M Newcastle/M Newfoundland/MRS Newman/M Newport/M Newsweek/M Newton/M Newtonian/M Nexis Ngaliema/M Nguyen/M Ni/M Niagara/M Niamey/M Nibelung Nicaea Nicaragua/M Nicaraguan/SM Niccolo/M Nice/M Nicene Nichiren/M Nicholas/M Nichole/M Nichols/M Nicholson/M Nick/M Nickelodeon/M Nicklaus Nickolas/M Nicobar/M Nicodemus Nicola/SM Nicolas/M Nicole/M Nicosia/M Niebuhr/M Nielsen/M Nietzsche Nieves/M Nigel/M Niger/M Nigeria/M Nigerian/MS Nigerien/M Nightingale/M Nijinsky Nike/M Nikita/M Nikkei Nikki/M Nikolai/M Nikon/M Nile/M Nimitz Nimrod Nina/M Nineveh/M Nintendo Niobe Nippon/M Nipponese/M Nirenberg/M Nirvana Nisan/M Nisei Nissan/M Nita/M Nivea/M Nixon/M Nkrumah No/M NoDoz/M Noah/M Nobel Nobelist/MS Noble/M Noe/M Noel/SM Noelle/M Noemi/M Nokia/M Nola/M Nolan/M Nome Nona/M Nootka/M Nora/M Norbert/M Norberto/M Nordic/MS Noreen/M Norfolk/M Noriega/M Norma/M Norman/MS Normand/M Normandy/M Norplant Norris/M Norse/M Norseman/M Norsemen/M North/M Northampton Northeast/MS Northerner/M Northrop/M Northrup/M Norths Northwest/SM Norton/M Norw Norway/M Norwegian/SM Norwich Nosferatu/M Nostradamus Nottingham Nouakchott/M Noumea/M Nov/M Nova Novartis/M November/MS Novgorod Novocain/MS Novocaine Novokuznetsk Novosibirsk/M Noxzema/M Noyce/M Noyes/M Np/M Nubia Nubian Nukualofa Numbers/M Nunavut/M Nunez/M Nunki/M Nuremberg Nureyev NutraSweet/M NyQuil/M Nyasa/M Nyerere/M O'Brien/M O'Casey O'Connell O'Connor/M O'Donnell/M O'Hara O'Higgins O'Keeffe O'Neil/M O'Neill/M O'Rourke O'Toole O/SM OAS/M OB OCR OD/SM OE OED OH OHSA/M OJ OK/SMDG OMB/M ON OPEC/M OR OS/M OSHA/M OSes OT OTB OTC OTOH Oahu/M Oakland/M Oakley Oates Oaxaca/M Ob/M Obadiah Obama/M Oberlin/M Oberon Occam Occident Occidental/MS Oceania/M Oceanside Oceanus/M Ochoa/M Oct/M Octavia Octavian/M Octavio/M October/SM Odell/M Oder/M Odessa/M Odets Odin/M Odis/M Odom/M Odysseus/M Odyssey/M Oedipal Oedipus/M Oersted/M Ofelia/M Offenbach OfficeMax/M Ogbomosho Ogden/M Ogilvy/M Oglethorpe Ohio/M Ohioan/SM Oise/M Ojibwa/SM Okayama Okeechobee Okefenokee Okhotsk Okinawa/M Okinawan Okla Oklahoma/M Oklahoman Oktoberfest Ola/M Olaf/M Olajuwon/M Olav/M Oldenburg Oldfield/M Oldsmobile/M Olduvai/M Olen/M Olenek/M Olga/M Oligocene/M Olin/M Olive/MR Oliver/M Olivetti/M Olivia/M Olivier Ollie/M Olmec Olmsted/M Olsen/M Olson/M Olympia/SM Olympiad/MS Olympian/MS Olympic/S Olympus/M Omaha/MS Oman/M Omani/MS Omar/M Omayyad Omdurman/M Omnipotent Omsk/M Onassis Oneal/M Onega Onegin/M Oneida/MS Onion/M Ono/M Onondaga/MS Onsager/M Ont Ontarian Ontario/M Oort/M Opal/M Opel/M Ophelia/M Ophiuchus Oppenheimer/M Oprah/M Ora/M Oracle/M Oran/M Orange Oranjestad/M Orbison/M Ordovician/M Ore/N Oreg Oregon/M Oregonian/SM Oreo Orestes Orient Oriental/MS Orin/M Orinoco/M Orion/M Oriya/M Orizaba/M Orkney/M Orlando/M Orleans/M Orlon/MS Orly/M Orpheus/M Orphic Orr/M Ortega/M Orthodox Ortiz/M Orval/M Orville/M Orwell Orwellian Osage/MS Osaka/M Osbert/M Osborn/M Osborne/M Oscar/MS Osceola Osgood/M Oshawa Oshkosh/M Osiris/M Oslo/M Osman/M Ostrogoth/M Ostwald Osvaldo/M Oswald Othello/M Otis/M Ottawa/SM Otto/M Ottoman Ouagadougou Ouija/MS Ovid Owen/SM Owens/M Oxford/SM Oxnard Oxonian/M Oxus Oxycontin/M Oz Ozark/MS Ozarks/M Ozymandias/M Ozzie/M P/MN PA/M PAC/M PARC/S PASCAL PB PBS/M PBX PC/SM PCB PCP/M PD PDQ PDT PE PET/M PFC PG PIN PJ's PLO PM/SMDG PMS/M PO POW/M PP PPS PR PRC/M PRO PS/M PST/M PT PTA PTO PVC/M PW PX Pa/M Paar/M Pablo/M Pablum/M Pabst/M Pace/M Pacheco/M Pacific/M Pacino/M Packard/M Padang Paderewski Padilla/M Paganini Page/M Paglia/M Pahlavi Paige/M Paine Paiute/SM Pakistan/M Pakistani/SM Palembang Paleocene/M Paleogene Paleolithic Paleozoic/M Palermo/M Palestine/M Palestinian/SM Palestrina Paley Palikir/M Palisades/M Palladio Palmer/M Palmerston Palmolive/M Palmyra/M Palomar/M Pam/M Pamela/M Pamirs Pampers Pan/M Panama/SM Panamanian/MS Panasonic/M Pandora/M Pangaea/M Pankhurst Panmunjom/M Pansy/M Pantagruel Pantaloon/M Pantheon Panza/M Paracelsus Paraclete Paradise Paraguay/M Paraguayan/MS Paramaribo/M Paramount/M Parana/M Parcheesi/M Pareto Paris/M Parisian/MS Park/SMR Parker/M Parkinson/M Parkman Parks/M Parliament Parmesan/MS Parnassus/MS Parnell Parr Parrish/M Parsifal/M Parsons/M Parthenon/M Parthia/M Pasadena/M Pascal/SM Pasquale/M Passion/SM Passover/MS Pasternak Pasteur/M Pat/M Patagonia/M Patagonian Pate/M Patel/M Paterson Patna Patrica/M Patrice/M Patricia/M Patrick/M Patsy/M Patterson/M Patti/M Patton/M Patty/M Paul/GM Paula/M Paulette/M Pauli Pauline/M Pavarotti Pavlov/M Pavlova Pavlovian Pawnee/SM PayPal/M Payne/M Paypal/M Pb/M Pd/M Peabody/M Peace/M Peale Pearl/M Pearlie/M Pearson/M Peary Pechora Peck/M Peckinpah/M Pecos/M Pedro/M Peel/M Peg/M Pegasus/MS Peggy/M Pei Peiping/M Peking/SM Pekingese/SM Pele/M Pelee/M Peloponnese/M Pembroke/M Pena/M Penderecki/M Penelope/M Penn Penna Penney/M Pennington/M Pennsylvania/M Pennsylvanian/MS Penny/M Pennzoil/M Pensacola/M Pentagon/M Pentateuch/M Pentax/M Pentecost/SM Pentecostal/MS Pentecostalism Pentium/SM Peoria Pepin/M Pepsi/M Pepys Pequot Percheron Percival Percy/M Perelman/M Perez/M Periclean Pericles Perkins/M Perl/SM Perm/M Permalloy/M Permian/M Pernod/M Peron Perot/M Perry/RM Perseid Persephone/M Persepolis/M Perseus/M Pershing Persia/M Persian/SM Perth/M Peru/M Peruvian/MS Peshawar Petain/M Pete/RMZ Peter/M Peters/MN Petersen/M Peterson/M Petra/M Petrarch/M Petty/M Peugeot/M Pfc Pfizer/M PhD/M Phaedra Phaethon/M Phanerozoic Pharaoh/M Pharaohs Pharisaic Pharisaical Pharisee/MS Phekda/M Phelps/M Phidias Phil/MY Philadelphia/M Philby/M Philemon Philip/MS Philippe/M Philippians Philippine/SM Philistine Phillip/SM Phillipa/M Phillips/M Philly/M Phipps/M Phobos Phoebe/M Phoenicia/M Phoenician/SM Phoenix/M Photostat/MS Photostatted Photostatting Phrygia/M Phyllis/M Pi PiB Piaf/M Piaget/M Pianola/M Pib Picasso/M Piccadilly Pickering/M Pickett/M Pickford/M Pickwick/M Pict Piedmont/M Pierce/M Pierre/M Pierrot/M Pike/M Pilate/S Pilcomayo Pilgrim/S Pillsbury/M Pinatubo/M Pincus/M Pindar/M Pinkerton Pinocchio/M Pinochet/M Pinter Pinyin Pippin/M Piraeus Pirandello Pisa/M Pisces/M Pisistratus Pissaro/M Pitcairn/M Pitt/S Pittman/M Pitts/M Pittsburgh/M Pius/M Pizarro Pkwy Pl Planck Plano Plantagenet/M Plasticine/M Plataea/M Plath Plato/M Platonic Platonism/M Platonist/M Platte/M Plautus/M PlayStation/M Playboy/M Playtex/M Pleiades/M Pleistocene/M Plexiglas/MS Pliny Pliocene/SM Plutarch/M Pluto/M Plymouth/M Pm/M Po/M Pocahontas/M Pocono/SM Podgorica Podhoretz/M Podunk Poe Pogo/M Poincare/M Poiret/M Poirot/M Poisson/M Poitier/M Pokemon/M Pol/Y Poland/M Polanski/M Polaris/M Polaroid/MS Pole/SM Polish/M Politburo Polk/M Pollard/M Pollock Pollux/M Polly/M Pollyanna Polo/M Poltava/M Polyhymnia/M Polynesia/M Polynesian/MS Polyphemus Pomerania Pomeranian/M Pomona Pompadour Pompeian Pompeii/M Pompey/M Ponce Pontchartrain Pontiac/M Pontianak Pooh/M Poole/M Poona Pope/M Popeye/M Popocatepetl Popper/M Poppins/M Popsicle Porfirio/M Porrima/M Porsche/M Port/R Porter/M Portia/M Portland/M Porto/M Portsmouth Portugal/M Portuguese/M Poseidon/M Post/M Potemkin Potomac/M Potsdam Pottawatomie/M Potter/M Potts/M Pound Poussin Powell/M PowerPoint/M Powers/M Powhatan/M Poznan/M Pr/M Prada/M Prado/M Praetorian Prague/M Praia/M Prakrit Pratchett/M Pratt/M Pravda/M Praxiteles Preakness/M Precambrian/M Preminger/M Premyslid/M Prensa/M Prentice/M Pres Presbyterian/SM Presbyterianism/MS Prescott/M Presley Preston/M Pretoria/M Priam/M Pribilof/M Price/M Priestley Prince/M Princeton/M Principe/M Priscilla/M Prius/M Private Procrustean Procrustes/M Procter/M Procyon/M Prof Prohibition Prokofiev Promethean Prometheus/M Prophets Proserpina/M Proserpine/M Protagoras Proterozoic/M Protestant/MS Protestantism/SM Proteus/M Proudhon Proust/M Provencal/MS Provence/M Proverbs Providence/SM Provo Prozac/MS Prudence/M Prudential/M Pruitt/M Prussia/M Prussian/MS Prut Pryor/M Psalms Psalter/MS Psyche/M Pt/M Ptah/M Ptolemaic Ptolemy/SM Pu/M Puccini Puck Puckett/M Puebla Pueblo Puget/M Pugh/M Pulaski Pulitzer Pullman/MS Punch Punic/M Punjab/M Punjabi/M Purana Purcell Purdue/M Purim/MS Purina/M Puritan Puritanism/MS Purus/M Pusan/M Pusey Pushkin Pushtu/M Putin/M Putnam Puzo/M Pvt Pygmalion/M Pygmy/SM Pyle/M Pym Pynchon/M Pyongyang/M Pyotr/M Pyrenees/M Pyrex/MS Pyrrhic Pythagoras/M Pythagorean Pythias Python/M Q QB QC QED QM QWERTY Qaddafi/M Qantas/M Qatar/M Qatari/MS Qingdao Qiqihar/M Qom/M Quaalude/M Quaker/MS Quakerism/SM Quaoar/M Quasimodo Quaternary/M Quayle/M Que Quebec/M Quebecois Quechua/M Queen/MS Queens/M Queensland/M Quentin/M Quetzalcoatl/M Quezon/M Quincy/M Quinn/M Quintilian/M Quinton/M Quirinal Quisling/M Quito/M Quixote Quixotism/M Qumran Quonset R/M RAF/M RAM/SM RBI RC RCA/M RCMP RD RDA REIT REM/SM RF RFC/S RFD RI RIF RIP RN/M RNA/M ROFL ROM/M ROTC/M RP RR RSFSR RSI RSV RSVP RTFM/GSD RV/SM Ra/M Rabat/M Rabelais/M Rabelaisian Rabin/M Rachael/M Rachel/M Rachelle/M Rachmaninoff Racine/M Radcliffe/M Rae/M Rafael/M Raffles/M Ragnarok/M Rainier Raleigh/M Ralph/M Rama/M Ramada/M Ramadan/MS Ramakrishna Ramanujan/M Ramayana Rambo/M Ramirez/M Ramiro/M Ramon/M Ramona/M Ramos/M Ramsay Ramses Ramsey/M Rand Randal/M Randall/M Randell/M Randi/M Randolph/M Randy/M Rangoon/M Rankin Rankine/M Raoul/M Raphael/M Rapunzel/M Raquel/M Rasalgethi/M Rasalhague/M Rasmussen/M Rasputin Rastaban/M Rastafarian/M Rather/M Ratliff/M Raul/M Ravel Rawalpindi Ray/M RayBan/M Rayburn/M Rayleigh Raymond/M Raymundo/M Rb/M Rd Re/M Reading/M Reagan/M Reaganomics/M Realtor Reasoner/M Reba/M Rebekah/M Recife/M Reconstruction/M Redeemer/M Redford/M Redgrave/M Redmond Reebok/M Reed/M Reese/M Reeves/M Reformation/MS Refugio/M Reggie/M Regina/M Reginae/M Reginald/M Regor/M Regulus/M Rehnquist Reich/M Reid/M Reilly/M Reinaldo/M Reinhardt Reinhold/M Remarque Rembrandt/M Remington Remus/M Rena/M Renaissance/SM Renascence Renault/M Rene/M Renee/M Reno/M Renoir Rep Representative Republican/SM Republicanism Requiem/MS Resistance Restoration/M Resurrection Reuben/M Reunion Reuters Reuther/M Rev Reva/M Revelation/SM Revere Reverend/M Revlon/M Rex/M Reyes/M Reykjavik/M Reyna/M Reynaldo/M Reynolds/M Rf/M Rh/M Rhea/M Rhee Rheingau/M Rhenish Rhiannon/M Rhine/M Rhineland/M Rhoda/M Rhode/S Rhodes/M Rhodesia/M Rhodesian Rhonda/M Rhone/M Ribbentrop Ricardo/M Rice/M Rich/M Richard/MS Richards/M Richardson/M Richelieu/M Richie/M Richmond/M Richter Richthofen Rick/M Rickenbacker/M Rickey/M Rickie/M Rickover Ricky/M Rico/M Riddle/M Ride Riefenstahl/M Riel/M Riemann/M Riesling/MS Riga/M Rigel/M Riggs/M Right Rigoberto/M Rigoletto/M Riley/M Rilke Rimbaud Ringling/M Ringo/M Rio/SM Rios/M Ripley Risorgimento Rita/M Ritalin/M Ritz/M Rivas/M Rivera/M Rivers/M Riverside Riviera/MS Riyadh/M Rizal Rn/M Roach/M Roanoke/M Rob/M Robbie/M Robbin/MS Robbins/M Robby/M Roberson/M Robert/MS Roberta/M Roberto/M Roberts/M Robertson/M Robeson Robespierre Robin/M Robinson/M Robitussin/M Robles/M Robson Robt/M Robyn/M Rocco/M Rocha/M Rochambeau/M Roche/M Rochelle/M Rochester/M Rock Rockefeller Rockford Rockies/M Rockne/M Rockwell Rocky/SM Rod/M Roddenberry/M Roderick/M Rodger/MS Rodgers/M Rodin Rodney/M Rodolfo/M Rodrick/M Rodrigo/M Rodriguez/M Rodriquez/M Roeg/M Roentgen Rogelio/M Roger/MS Rogers/M Roget/M Rojas/M Roku/M Rolaids/M Roland/M Rolando/M Rolex/M Rolland/M Rollerblade Rollins/M Rolodex Rolvaag/M Rom Roman/MS Romanesque/MS Romanian/MS Romano Romanov/M Romansh Romanticism Romany/SM Rome/SM Romeo/M Romero/M Rommel/M Romney Romulus/M Ron/M Ronald/M Ronda/M Ronnie/M Ronny/M Ronstadt/M Rontgen Rooney/M Roosevelt/M Root/M Roquefort/SM Rorschach Rory/M Rosa/M Rosales/M Rosalie/M Rosalind/M Rosalinda/M Rosalyn/M Rosanna/M Rosanne/M Rosario/M Roscoe/M Rose/M Roseann/M Roseau/M Rosecrans/M Rosella/M Rosemarie/M Rosemary/M Rosenberg/M Rosendo/M Rosenzweig/M Rosetta/M Rosicrucian Rosie/M Roslyn/M Ross/M Rossetti/M Rossini/M Rostand Rostov/M Rostropovich/M Roswell/M Rotarian/M Roth/M Rothko Rothschild Rotterdam/M Rottweiler/M Rouault Roumania/M Rourke/M Rousseau/M Rove/RM Rowe/M Rowena/M Rowland/M Rowling/M Roxanne/M Roxie/M Roxy/M Roy/M Royal/M Royce/M Rozelle/M Rte Ru/MH Rubaiyat/M Rubbermaid/M Ruben/SM Rubicon/MS Rubik/M Rubin/M Rubinstein Ruby/M Ruchbah/M Rudolf Rudolph/M Rudy/M Rudyard/M Rufus/M Ruhr/M Ruiz/M Rukeyser/M Rumpelstiltskin/M Rumsfeld/M Runnymede Runyon Rupert/M Rush/M Rushdie/M Rushmore/M Ruskin Russ/M Russel/M Russell/M Russia/M Russian/SM Russo/M Rustbelt/M Rusty/M Rutan/M Rutgers Ruth/M Rutherford Ruthie/M Rutledge/M Rwanda/MS Rwandan/SM Rwy Rx Ry Ryan/M Rydberg/M Ryder Ryukyu/M S/MN SA SAC SALT/M SAM/M SAP/M SARS/M SASE SAT SBA SC/M SCSI/M SD SDI SE/M SEATO SEC SF SGML/M SIDS/M SJ SK SLR SO/S SOB/M SOP/M SOS/M SOSes SPCA SPF SRO SS SSA SSE/M SSS SST SSW/M ST STD STOL SUSE/M SUV SW/M SWAK SWAT Saab/M Saar Saarinen Saatchi/M Sabbath/M Sabbaths Sabik/M Sabin Sabina/M Sabine/M Sabre/M Sabrina/M Sacajawea Sacco/M Sachs/M Sacramento/M Sadat Saddam/M Sadducee Sade/M Sadie/M Sadr/M Safavid Safeway/M Sagan/M Saginaw/M Sagittarius/MS Sahara/M Saharan/M Sahel Saigon/M Saiph/M Sakai Sakha/M Sakhalin/M Sakharov Saki/M Saks Sal/MY Saladin Salado Salamis Salas/M Salazar/M Salem/M Salerno/M Salinas/M Salinger Salisbury/M Salish/M Salk Sallie/M Sallust Sally/M Salome/M Salonika/M Salton/M Salvador/M Salvadoran/SM Salvadorean/MS Salvadorian/MS Salvatore/M Salween/M Salyut/M Sam/M Samantha/M Samar/M Samara Samaritan/MS Samarkand/M Sammie/M Sammy/M Samoa/M Samoan/SM Samoset/M Samoyed/M Sampson/M Samson Samsonite/M Samsung/M Samuel/M Samuelson/M San San'a Sana/M Sanchez/M Sancho/M Sand/Z Sandburg Sanders/M Sandinista Sandoval/M Sandra/M Sandy/M Sanford/M Sanforized Sang/MR Sanhedrin Sanka/M Sankara/M Sanskrit/M Santa Santana/M Santayana Santeria Santiago/M Santos/M Sappho/M Sapporo/M Sara/M Saracen/MS Saragossa/M Sarah/M Sarajevo/M Saran/M Sarasota/M Saratov/M Sarawak/M Sardinia/M Sargasso/M Sargent/M Sargon/M Sarnoff/M Saroyan/M Sarto Sartre Sasha/M Sask Saskatchewan/M Saskatoon/M Sasquatch/MS Sassanian Sassoon Sat/M Satan/M Satanism/M Satanist/M Saturday/MS Saturn/M Saturnalia/M Saudi/MS Saul/M Saunders/M Saundra/M Saussure Sauternes Savage/M Savannah/M Savior/M Savonarola Savoy Savoyard/M Sawyer/M Saxon/MS Saxony/M Sayers Sb/M Sc/M Scan Scandinavia/M Scandinavian/MS Scaramouch Scarborough Scarlatti Scheat/M Schedar/M Scheherazade/M Schelling Schenectady/M Schiaparelli/M Schick/M Schiller Schindler/M Schlesinger/M Schliemann Schlitz/M Schmidt/M Schnabel Schnauzer/M Schneider/M Schoenberg/M Schopenhauer Schrieffer/M Schrodinger/M Schroeder/M Schubert Schultz/M Schulz/M Schumann Schumpeter/M Schuyler/M Schuylkill/M Schwartz/M Schwarzenegger/M Schwarzkopf/M Schweitzer Schweppes/M Schwinger/M Schwinn/M Scientology/M Scipio/M Scopes/M Scorpio/SM Scorpius/M Scorsese/M Scot/SM Scotch/MS Scotchman/M Scotchmen/M Scotchwoman/M Scotchwomen/M Scotia/M Scotland/M Scotsman/M Scotsmen/M Scotswoman/M Scotswomen/M Scott/M Scottie/SM Scottish/M Scottsdale Scrabble/MS Scranton Scriabin Scribner/M Scripture/SM Scrooge Scruggs/M Scud Sculley/M Scylla/M Scythia Scythian Se/MH SeaMonkey/M Seaborg Seagram/M Sean/M Sears/M Seattle/M Sebastian/M Sec Seconal/M Secretariat/M Secretary Seder/MS Sedna/M Seebeck/M Sega/M Segovia/M Segre/M Segundo/M Seiko/M Seine/M Seinfeld/M Sejong/M Selassie/M Selectric/M Selena/M Seleucid Seleucus/M Selim/M Seljuk Selkirk/M Sellers/M Selma/M Selznick/M Semarang Seminole/MS Semiramis Semite/MS Semitic/SM Semtex Senate/MS Sendai Seneca/MS Senegal/M Senegalese/M Senghor Senior Sennacherib Sennett/M Sensurround/M Seoul/M Sephardi Sepoy/M Sept/M September/MS Septuagint/MS Sequoya Serb/SM Serbia/M Serbian/MS Serena/M Serengeti/M Sergei/M Sergio/M Serpens Serra/M Serrano/M Set/M Seth/M Seton Seurat Seuss Sevastopol/M Severn Severus Seville/M Sevres Seward Sextans Sexton/M Seychelles/M Seyfert Seymour/M Sgt Shackleton Shaffer/M Shaka/M Shaker Shakespeare/M Shakespearean Shana/M Shane/M Shanghai/M Shankara/M Shanna/M Shannon/M Shantung Shapiro/M Shari'a Shari/M Sharif/M Sharlene/M Sharon/M Sharp/M Sharpe/M Sharron/M Shasta/M Shaula/M Shaun/M Shauna/M Shavian/M Shavuot/M Shaw/M Shawn/M Shawna/M Shawnee/SM Shcharansky/M Shea/M Sheba Shebeli/M Sheena/M Sheetrock/M Sheffield/M Sheila/M Shelby/M Sheldon/M Shelia/M Shell/M Shelley/M Shelly/M Shelton/M Shenandoah Shenyang/M Sheol Shepard/M Shepherd/M Sheppard/M Sheratan/M Sheraton/M Sheree/M Sheri/M Sheridan Sherlock Sherman/M Sherpa Sherri/M Sherrie/M Sherry/M Sherwood Sheryl/M Shetland/SM Shevardnadze/M Shevat/M Shi'ite Shields/M Shiite/MS Shijiazhuang Shikoku/M Shillong Shiloh/M Shinto/MS Shintoism/MS Shintoist/MS Shiraz/M Shirley/M Shiva/M Shockley/M Short/M Shorthorn Shoshone/SM Shostakovitch/M Shrek/M Shreveport Shriner Shropshire Shula/M Shylock Shylockian/M Si/M Siam/M Siamese/M Sibelius Siberia/M Siberian/MS Sibyl Sicilian/SM Sicily/M Sid/M Siddhartha/M Sidney/M Siegfried Siemens Sierpinski/M Sierras Sigismund Sigmund Sigurd Sihanouk/M Sikh/M Sikhism Sikhs Sikkim Sikkimese Sikorsky Silas/M Silesia/M Silurian/SM Silva/M Silvia/M Simenon/M Simmental Simmons/M Simon/M Simone/M Simpson/SM Sims/M Sinai/M Sinatra Sinclair Sindbad/M Sindhi/M Singapore/M Singaporean/SM Singer Singh/M Singleton/M Sinhalese/M Sinkiang/M Sioux/M Sir/SM Sirius/M Sistine Sisyphean Sisyphus/M Siva/M Sivan/M Sjaelland/M Skinner/M Skippy/M Skopje Skye Skylab/M Skype/M Slackware/M Slashdot/M Slater/M Slav/SM Slavic/M Slavonic/M Slinky/M Sloan/M Sloane/M Slocum/M Slovak/SM Slovakia Slovakian Slovene/SM Slovenia/M Slovenian/MS Slurpee/M Sm/M Small/M Smetana Smirnoff/M Smith/M Smithson Smithsonian/M Smokey/M Smolensk Smollett Smuts Smyrna Sn/M Snake/M Snapple/M Snead/M Snell/M Snickers/M Snider/M Snoopy/M Snow/M Snowbelt Snyder/M Soave/M Soc Socorro/M Socrates/M Socratic Soddy Sodom/M Sofia/M Soho Sol/M Solis/M Solomon/M Solon Solzhenitsyn Somali/SM Somalia/M Somalian/MS Somme/M Somoza/M Son/M Sondheim Sondra/M Songhai/M Songhua/M Sonia/M Sonja/M Sonny/M Sonora/M Sontag/M Sony/M Sonya/M Sophia/M Sophie/M Sophoclean Sophocles Sopwith/M Sorbonne/M Sosa/M Soto/M Souphanouvong/M Sousa/M South/M Southampton Southeast/MS Southerner/SM Southey Souths Southwest/MS Soviet Soweto/M Soyinka/M Soyuz Sp Spaatz/M Spackle Spahn/M Spain/M Spam/M Span Spanglish Spaniard/SM Spanish/M Sparks/M Sparta/M Spartacus Spartan/MS Spears/M Speer/M Spence/RM Spencer/M Spencerian Spengler/M Spenglerian Spenser/M Spenserian Sperry/M Sphinx/M Spica/M Spielberg/M Spillane/M Spinoza Spinx/M Spiro/M Spirograph/M Spitsbergen/M Spitz/M Spock Spokane Springfield/M Springsteen/M Sprint/M Sprite/M Sputnik Sq Squanto Squibb/M Sr/M Srinagar Srivijaya/M St Sta Stacey/M Staci/M Stacie/M Stacy/M Stael/M Stafford/M StairMaster Stalin/M Stalingrad/M Stalinist Stallone/M Stamford Stan/M Standish Stanford/M Stanislavsky Stanley/M Stanton/M Staples/M Starbucks Stark/M Starkey/M Starr/M Staten/M States Staubach/M Ste Steadicam Steele/M Stefan/M Stefanie/M Stein/MR Steinbeck Steinem/M Steinmetz/M Steinway/M Stella/M Stendhal Stengel/M Stephan/M Stephanie/M Stephen/MS Stephens/M Stephenson/M Sterling/M Stern Sterne/M Sterno Stetson/M Steuben/M Steve/M Steven/MS Stevens/M Stevenson/M Stevie/M Stewart/M Stieglitz/M Stilton/SM Stimson/M Stine/M Stirling Stockhausen/M Stockholm/M Stockton Stoic/SM Stoicism/MS Stokes/M Stolichnaya/M Stolypin/M Stone/M Stonehenge Stoppard/M Stout/M Stowe Strabo/M Stradivari Stradivarius Strasbourg Strauss Stravinsky/M Streisand/M Strickland/M Strindberg Stromboli Strong/M Stu/M Stuart/MS Studebaker/M Stuttgart/M Stuyvesant Stygian Styrofoam/SM Styron/M Styx/M Suarez/M Subaru/M Sucre Sucrets/M Sudan/M Sudanese/M Sudetenland/M Sudoku/M Sudra/M Sue/M Suetonius Suez Suffolk Sufi Sufism Suharto/M Sui/M Sukarno Sukkot Sulawesi/M Suleiman/M Sulla/M Sullivan/M Sumatra/M Sumatran/SM Sumeria/M Sumerian/SM Summer/MS Summers/M Sumner/M Sumter Sun/SM Sunbeam/M Sunbelt/M Sunbird/M Sundanese/M Sundas Sunday/MS Sung/M Sunkist/M Sunni/SM Sunnite/MS Sunnyvale Superbowl/M Superfund/M Superglue/M Superior Superman/M Supt Surabaya Surat Suriname/M Surinamese Surya/M Susan/M Susana/M Susanna/M Susanne/M Susie/M Susquehanna/M Sussex Sutherland/M Sutton/M Suva/M Suwanee/M Suzanne/M Suzette/M Suzhou/M Suzuki/M Suzy/M Svalbard/M Sven/M Svengali Sverdlovsk Swahili/SM Swammerdam/M Swanee Swansea/M Swanson/M Swazi/SM Swaziland/M Swed/N Swede/SM Sweden/M Swedenborg/M Swedish/M Sweeney/M Sweet/M Swift/M Swinburne/M Swiss/MS Swissair/M Switz Switzerland/M Sybil/M Sydney/M Sykes/M Sylvester/M Sylvia/M Sylvie/M Synge Syracuse/M Syria/M Syriac Syrian/MS Szilard/M Szymborska/M T'ang T/MDG TA TB/M TBA TD TDD TEFL TELNET/S TELNETTed TELNETTing TESL TESOL TGIF THC TKO/M TLC/M TM TN TNT/M TOEFL TQM TV/SM TVA TWA/M TWX TX Ta/M Tabasco/SM Tabatha/M Tabernacle/MS Tabitha/M Tabriz/MS Tacitus Tacoma/M Tad/M Tadzhik/M Taegu/M Taejon Taft/M Tagalog/SM Tagore Tagus/M Tahiti/M Tahitian/MS Tahoe Taichung/M Tainan Taine/M Taipei/M Taiping Taiwan/M Taiwanese/M Taiyuan Tajikistan/M Taklamakan/M Talbot Taliban/M Taliesin Tallahassee/M Tallchief/M Talley/M Talleyrand/M Tallinn/M Talmud/MS Talmudic Talmudist Tamara/M Tameka/M Tamera/M Tamerlane/M Tami/M Tamika/M Tamil/MS Tammany/M Tammi/M Tammie/M Tammuz/M Tammy/M Tampa/M Tampax/M Tamra/M Tamworth Tancred Taney Tanganyika/M Tangier/MS Tangshan Tania/M Tanisha/M Tanner/M Tannhauser/M Tantalus/M Tanya/M Tanzania/M Tanzanian/SM Tao/M Taoism/MS Taoist/MS Tara/M Tarantino/M Tarawa/M Tarazed/M Tarbell/M Target/M Tarim Tarkenton/M Tarkington Tartary Tartuffe Tarzan/M Tasha/M Tashkent/M Tasman Tasmania/M Tasmanian Tass Tatar/MS Tate/M Tatum Taurus/MS Tawney Taylor/M Tb/M Tbilisi/M Tc/M Tchaikovsky Te/M TeX TeXes Teasdale/M Technicolor Tecumseh/M Ted/M Teddy/M Teflon/MS Tegucigalpa/M Tehran TelePrompTer TelePrompter Telemachus Telemann Teletype Tell/MR Telugu/M Tempe Templar/M Tenn Tennessean/SM Tennessee/M Tennyson Tenochtitlan/M Teotihuacan/M Terence/M Teresa/M Tereshkova Teri/M Terkel/M Terpsichore/M Terr/M Terra/M Terran/M Terrance/M Terrell/M Terrence/M Terri/M Terrie/M Terry/M Tertiary/M Tesla Tess Tessa/M Tessie/M Tet/M Tethys/M Tetons Teuton/MS Teutonic Tevet/M Tex Texaco/M Texan/MS Texas/M Th/M Thackeray Thad/M Thaddeus/M Thai/SM Thailand/M Thales Thalia/M Thames/M Thanh/M Thanksgiving/MS Thant Thar/M Tharp/M Thatcher Thea/M Thebes/M Theiler/M Thelma/M Themistocles Theocritus Theodora Theodore/M Theodoric/M Theodosius/M Theosophy Theravada Theresa/M Therese/M Thermopylae/M Thermos Theron/M Theseus/M Thespian Thespis/M Thessalonian/S Thessaloniki/M Thessaly/M Thieu/M Thimbu Thimphu Thomas/M Thomism/M Thomistic Thompson/M Thomson Thor/M Thorazine/M Thoreau/M Thornton/M Thoroughbred Thorpe Thoth/M Thrace/M Thracian/M Thu Thucydides/M Thule/M Thunderbird/M Thur/S Thurber Thurman/M Thurmond/M Thursday/SM Thutmose/M Ti/M TiB Tia/M Tianjin/M Tib/R Tiber/M Tiberius Tibet/M Tibetan/MS Ticketmaster/M Ticonderoga Tide/M Tienanmen/M Tiffany/M Tigris/M Tijuana/M Tillich Tillman/M Tilsit Tim/M Timbuktu/M Timex/M Timmy/M Timon/M Timothy/M Timour Timur/M Timurid/M Tina/M Ting/M Tinkerbell/M Tinkertoy Tinseltown/M Tintoretto Tippecanoe/M Tipperary Tirane Tiresias/M Tirol/M Tirolean Tisha/M Tishri/M Titan/SM Titania Titanic Titian/M Titicaca Tito/M Titus Tl/M Tlaloc/M Tlingit/M Tm/M Tobago/M Tobit Toby/M Tocantins Tocqueville Tod/M Todd/M Togo/M Togolese/M Tojo Tokay/M Tokugawa Tokyo/M Tokyoite Toledo/MS Tolkien Tolstoy/M Toltec Tolyatti/M Tom/M Tomas/M Tombaugh/M Tomlin/M Tommie/M Tommy/M Tompkins/M Tomsk Tonga/M Tongan/MS Toni/M Tonia/M Tonto/M Tony/M Tonya/M Topeka/M Topsy/M Torah/M Torahs Toronto/M Torquemada Torrance Torrens Torres/M Torricelli/M Tortola Tortuga Torvalds/M Tory/SM Tosca/M Toscanini Toshiba/M Toto/M Toulouse Townes Townsend/M Toynbee/M Toyoda/M Toyota/M Tracey/M Traci/M Tracie/M Tracy/M Trafalgar/M Trailways/M Trajan Tran/M Transcaucasia Transvaal/M Transylvania Trappist/SM Travis/M Travolta/M Treasury/SM Treblinka Trekkie/M Trent/M Trenton/M Trevelyan Trevino/M Trevor/M Trey/M Triangulum/M Triassic/M Tricia/M Trident/M Trieste Trimurti/M Trina/M Trinidad/M Trinidadian/MS Trinity/SM Tripitaka Tripoli/M Trippe/M Trisha/M Tristan/M Triton/M Trobriand/M Trojan/MS Trollope Trondheim/M Tropicana/M Trotsky Troy/M Troyes Truckee/M Trudeau Trudy/M Truffaut/M Trujillo/M Truman/M Trumbull/M Trump/M Truth Tsimshian/M Tsiolkovsky/M Tsitsihar/M Tsongkhapa/M Tswana/M Tu Tuamotu/M Tuareg/M Tubman Tucker/M Tucson/M Tucuman/M Tudor/SM Tue/S Tues/M Tuesday/MS Tulane/M Tull/M Tulsa/M Tulsidas/M Tums/M Tungus/M Tunguska/M Tunis/M Tunisia/M Tunisian/MS Tunney/M Tupi/M Tupperware Tupungato/M Turgenev Turin/M Turing/M Turk/SM Turkestan/M Turkey/M Turkic/MS Turkish/M Turkmenistan/M Turner/M Turpin Tuscaloosa/M Tuscan/M Tuscany/M Tuscarora/MS Tuscon/M Tuskegee/M Tussaud/M Tut/M Tutankhamen Tutsi Tutu/M Tuvalu/M Tuvaluan Twain Tweed Tweedledee/M Tweedledum/M Twila/M Twinkies Twitter/M Twizzlers/M Twp Ty/M Tycho Tylenol/M Tyler/M Tyndale Tyndall Tyre Tyree/M Tyrolean Tyrone/M Tyson/M U/M UAR UAW UBS/M UCLA/M UFO/SM UHF/M UK/M UL UN/M UNESCO/M UNICEF/M UNIX/M UPC UPI UPS URL/S US/M USA/M USAF USB USCG USDA USIA USMC USN USO USP USPS USS USSR/M UT/M UV/M Ubangi Ubuntu/M Ucayali Uccello/M Udall Ufa/M Uganda/M Ugandan/MS Uighur/M Ujungpandang/M Ukraine/M Ukrainian/SM Ulster/M Ultrasuede/M Ulyanovsk Ulysses/M Umbriel/M Underwood/M Ungava Unicode/M Unilever/M Union/SM Unionist Uniroyal/M Unitarian/MS Unitarianism/MS Unitas/M Unix/S Unukalhai/M Upanishads Updike Upjohn/M Upton/M Ur Ural/S Urania/M Uranus/M Urban/M Urdu/M Urey Uriah Uriel Uris Urquhart Ursa/M Ursula/M Ursuline Uruguay/M Uruguayan/MS Urumqi Usenet/MS Ustinov Utah/M Utahan/MS Ute/SM Utopia/SM Utopian/SM Utrecht/M Utrillo/M Uzbek/M Uzbekistan/M Uzi/SM V/M VA VAT/M VAX VAXes VCR/M VD/M VDT VDU VF VFW/M VG VGA VHF/M VHS VI/M VIP/SM VISTA VJ VLF/M VOA VP VT VTOL Va Vader/M Vaduz/M Val/M Valarie/M Valdez/M Valencia/SM Valenti/M Valentin/M Valentine/M Valentino Valenzuela/M Valeria/M Valerian/M Valerie/M Valery Valhalla/M Valium/MS Valkyrie/SM Vallejo Valletta/M Valois Valparaiso/M Valvoline/M Van/M Vance/M Vancouver/M Vandal/MS Vanderbilt Vandyke Vanessa/M Vang/M Vanuatu/M Vanzetti/M Varanasi Varese Vargas/M Vaseline/SM Vasquez/M Vassar/M Vatican/M Vauban Vaughan/M Vaughn/M Vazquez/M Veblen/M Veda/SM Vedanta Vega/SM Vegemite/M Vela Velasquez/M Velazquez/M Velcro/MS Velez/M Velma/M Velveeta/M Venetian/SM Venezuela/M Venezuelan/SM Venice/M Venn/M Ventolin/M Venus/MS Venusian Vera/M Veracruz/M Verde Verdi Verdun/M Verizon/M Verlaine/M Vermeer Vermont/ZMR Vermonter/M Vern/M Verna/M Verne Vernon/M Verona/M Veronese Veronica/M Versailles/M Vesalius/M Vespasian Vespucci/M Vesta/M Vesuvius/M Viacom/M Viagra Vic Vicente/M Vichy Vicki/M Vickie/M Vicksburg/M Vicky/M Victor/M Victoria/M Victorian/MS Victorianism Victrola/M Vidal/M Vienna/M Viennese Vientiane/M Vietcong Vietminh Vietnam/M Vietnamese/M Vijayanagar/M Vijayawada/M Viking/MS Vila/M Villa Villarreal/M Villon Vilma/M Vilnius/M Vilyui/M Vince/M Vincent/M Vindemiatrix/M Vinson/M Viola/M Violet/M Virgie/M Virgil/M Virginia/M Virginian/SM Virgo/SM Visa/M Visayans Vishnu/M Visigoth/M Visigoths Vistula/M Vitim/M Vito/M Vitus/M Vivaldi Vivekananda/M Vivian/M Vivienne/M Vlad/M Vladimir Vladivostok/M Vlaminck Vlasic/M Vogue/M Volcker/M Voldemort/M Volga/M Volgograd/M Volkswagen/M Volstead/M Volta Voltaire/M Volvo/M Vonda/M Vonnegut/M Voronezh Vorster/M Voyager/M Vt Vuitton/M Vulcan/M Vulg Vulgate/SM W/MDT WA WAC WASP/M WATS/M WC WHO/M WI WNW/M WP WSW/M WV WW WWI WWII WWW/M WY WYSIWYG Wabash/M Wac Waco Wade/M Wagner/M Wagnerian Wahhabi Waikiki Waite/M Wake/M Waksman Wald/MN Waldemar/M Walden/M Waldensian Waldheim Waldo/M Waldorf/M Wales/M Walesa Walgreen/M Walker/M Walkman Wall/SMR Wallace/M Wallenstein Waller/M Wallis Walloon Walls/M Walmart/M Walpole/M Walpurgisnacht Walsh/M Walt/MRZ Walter/M Walters/M Walton/M Wanamaker/M Wanda/M Wang/M Wankel/M Ward/M Ware/MG Warhol Waring/M Warner/M Warren/M Warsaw/M Warwick Wasatch/M Wash Washington/M Washingtonian/MS Wassermann Waterbury Waterford Watergate Waterloo/MS Waters/M Watkins/M Watson/M Watt/S Watteau Watts/M Watusi Waugh Wave Wayne/M Weaver/M Web/R Webb/M Weber/M Webern/M Webster/MS Wed/M Weddell/M Wedgwood Wednesday/MS Weeks/M Wehrmacht Wei/M Weierstrass/M Weill/M Weinberg/M Weiss/M Weissmuller/M Weizmann Weldon/M Welland/M Weller/M Welles Wellington/SM Wells/M Welsh/M Welshman/M Welshmen/M Welshwoman Wendell/M Wendi/M Wendy/M Wesak/M Wesley/M Wesleyan/M Wessex Wesson/M West/SM Western/MRS Westinghouse Westminster Weston/M Westphalia Weyden/M Wezen/M Wharton Wheaties/M Wheatstone/M Wheeler/M Wheeling/M Whig/SM Whipple/M Whirlpool/M Whistler Whitaker/M White/SM Whitefield/M Whitehall Whitehead/M Whitehorse/M Whiteley/M Whitfield/M Whitley/M Whitman Whitney/M Whitsunday/MS Whittier WiFi Wicca Wichita/M Wiemar/M Wiesel/M Wiesenthal/M Wiggins/M Wigner/M Wii/M Wikipedia/M Wilberforce Wilbert/M Wilbur/M Wilburn/M Wilcox/M Wilda/M Wilde/R Wilder/M Wiles Wiley/M Wilford/M Wilfred/M Wilfredo/M Wilhelm/M Wilhelmina/M Wilkerson/M Wilkes Wilkins/M Wilkinson/M Will/M Willa/M Willamette/M Willard/M Willemstad William/SM Williams/M Williamson/M Willie/M Willis/M Willy/M Wilma/M Wilmer/M Wilmington/M Wilson/M Wilsonian Wilton/M Wimbledon/M Wimsey/M Winchell/M Winchester/S Windbreaker Windex/M Windhoek Windows Windsor/SM Windward/M Winesap/M Winfred/M Winfrey/M Winifred/M Winkle/M Winnebago/M Winnie/M Winnipeg/M Winston/M Winters/M Winthrop/M Wis Wisc Wisconsin/M Wisconsinite/MS Wise/M Witt/M Wittgenstein/M Witwatersrand Wm/M Wobegon/M Wodehouse/M Wolf/M Wolfe/M Wolff Wolfgang/M Wollongong Wollstonecraft/M Wolsey Wolverhampton Wonder Wonderbra/M Wong/M Wood/SM Woodard/M Woodhull/M Woodrow/M Woods/M Woodstock/M Woodward/M Woolf Woolite/M Woolongong/M Woolworth Wooster/M Wooten/M Worcester/SM Worcestershire Wordsworth/M Workman/M Worms Wotan/M Wovoka/M Wozniak/M Wozzeck/M Wrangell/M Wren Wright/M Wrigley/M Wroclaw/M Wu/M Wuhan Wurlitzer/M Wyatt/M Wycherley/M Wycliffe/M Wyeth Wylie/M Wynn/M Wyo Wyoming/M Wyomingite/SM X/M XEmacs/M XL/M XML XS XXL Xanadu Xanthippe Xavier/M Xe/SM Xenakis/M Xenia/M Xenophon Xerox/MS Xerxes Xhosa/M Xi'an Xian/SM Xiaoping/M Ximenes Xingu/M Xiongnu/M Xmas/MS Xochipilli/M Xuzhou/M Y/M YB YMCA YMHA YMMV YT YWCA YWHA Yacc/M Yahoo/M Yahtzee/M Yahweh/M Yakima Yakut/M Yakutsk Yale/M Yalow/M Yalta/M Yalu/M Yamagata/M Yamaha/M Yamoussoukro Yang/M Yangon/M Yangtze/M Yank/SM Yankee/SM Yaobang/M Yaounde/M Yaqui Yaren Yaroslavl Yataro/M Yates/M Yb/M Yeager/M Yeats/M Yekaterinburg Yellowknife Yellowstone/M Yeltsin Yemen/M Yemeni/SM Yemenite Yenisei/M Yerevan Yerkes/M Yesenia/M Yevtushenko/M Yggdrasil Yi YiB Yib Yiddish/M Ymir/M Yoda/M Yoknapatawpha/M Yoko/M Yokohama Yolanda/M Yong/M Yonkers York/M Yorkie Yorkshire/MS Yorktown/M Yoruba/M Yosemite/M Yossarian/M YouTube/M Young/M Youngstown Ypres/M Ypsilanti Yuan/M Yucatan/M Yugo Yugoslav/MS Yugoslavia/M Yugoslavian/SM Yukon/M Yule/SM Yuletide/MS Yuma/SM Yunnan/M Yuri/M Yves/M Yvette/M Yvonne/M Z/SMNXT ZB Zachariah/M Zachary/M Zachery/M Zagreb/M Zaire/M Zairian Zambezi/M Zambia/M Zambian/SM Zamboni Zamenhof/M Zamora/M Zane/M Zanuck/M Zanzibar/M Zapata Zaporozhye Zapotec Zappa/M Zara/M Zarathustra/M Zb Zebedee Zechariah Zedekiah/M Zedong/M Zeffirelli/M Zeke/M Zelig Zelma/M Zen/M Zenger/M Zeno/M Zephaniah Zephyrus Zest/M Zeus/M Zhdanov Zhengzhou Zhivago/M Zhukov Zi ZiB Zib Zibo/M Ziegfeld Ziegler/M Ziggy/M Zimbabwe/M Zimbabwean/SM Zimmerman/M Zinfandel/M Zion/SM Zionism/SM Zionist/SM Ziploc Zn/M Zoe/M Zola/M Zollverein Zoloft Zomba/M Zorn Zoroaster/M Zoroastrian/MS Zoroastrianism/SM Zorro/M Zosma/M Zr/M Zsigmondy Zubenelgenubi/M Zubeneschamali/M Zukor/M Zulu/SM Zululand Zuni Zurich/M Zwingli/M Zworykin Zyrtec/M Zyuganov/M Zzz a/S aah aardvark/SM ab/SDY aback abacus/MS abaft abalone/SM abandon/LSDG abandonment/M abase/LGDS abasement/M abash/GLDS abashed/UY abashment/M abate/LGDS abated/U abatement/M abattoir/MS abbe/SM abbess/MS abbey/MS abbot/MS abbr abbrev/S abbreviate/DSGNX abbreviation/M abdicate/GNDSX abdication/M abdomen/SM abdominal abduct/DSG abduction/SM abductor/MS abeam aberrant aberration/MS aberrational abet/S abetted abetting abettor/SM abeyance/M abhor/S abhorred abhorrence/M abhorrent/Y abhorring abidance/M abide/GS abiding/Y ability/IEMS abject/YP abjection/M abjectness/M abjuration/SM abjuratory abjure/ZGDRS abjurer/M ablate/XGNVDS ablation/M ablative/MS ablaze able/UT abler abloom ablution/SM abnegate/GNDS abnegation/M abnormal/Y abnormality/SM aboard abode/MS abolish/GDS abolition/M abolitionism/M abolitionist/SM abominable abominably abominate/DSGNX abomination/M aboriginal/MS aborigine/SM aborning abort/GVDS abortion/MS abortionist/MS abortive/Y abound/DSG about above/M aboveboard abracadabra/M abrade/GDS abrasion/MS abrasive/MYPS abrasiveness/M abreast abridge/DSLG abridgement/MS abroad abrogate/XGNDS abrogation/M abrogator/MS abrupt/TPRY abruptness/M abs/M abscess/MDSG abscissa/SM abscission/M abscond/ZGSDR absconder/M abseil/MDSG absence/SM absent/DYSG absentee/MS absenteeism/M absentminded/YP absentmindedness/M absinth/M absinthe/M absolute/PMYTNS absoluteness/M absolution/M absolutism/M absolutist/MS absolve/DSG absorb/AGDS absorbency/M absorbent/SM absorbing/Y absorption/M absorptive abstain/DRZGS abstainer/M abstemious/PY abstemiousness/M abstention/MS abstinence/M abstinent abstract/GSPMDY abstracted/YP abstractedness/M abstraction/SM abstractness/MS abstruse/YP abstruseness/M absurd/TPRY absurdity/SM absurdness/M abundance/SM abundant/Y abuse's abuse/EGVDS abuser/MS abusive/YP abusiveness/M abut/SL abutment/MS abutted abutting abuzz abysmal/Y abyss/MS abyssal ac acacia/MS academe/M academia/M academic/SM academical/Y academician/MS academy/SM acanthus/MS accede/GDS accelerate/GNXDS acceleration/M accelerator/SM accent/MDSG accented/U accentual accentuate/GNDS accentuation/M accept/DSBG acceptability/M acceptableness/M acceptably/U acceptance/SM acceptation/MS accepted/U access/MDSG accessibility/IM accessible/I accessibly/I accession/MDGS accessorize/DSG accessory/SM accident/MS accidental/SMY acclaim/MDGS acclamation/M acclimate/DSGN acclimation/M acclimatization/M acclimatize/DSG acclivity/SM accolade/SM accommodate/XGNDS accommodating/Y accommodation/M accompanied/U accompaniment/MS accompanist/SM accompany/DSG accomplice/SM accomplish/DSLG accomplished/U accomplishment/MS accord/GMDS accordance/M accordant according/Y accordion/MS accordionist/MS accost/GMDS account/MDSBG accountability/M accountable/U accountancy/M accountant/MS accounted/U accounting/M accouterments's accoutre/DSG accoutrements accredit/SGD accreditation/M accredited/U accretion/MS accrual/MS accrue/GDS acct acculturate/DSGN acculturation/M accumulate/XGNVDS accumulation/M accumulator/MS accuracy/IM accurate/IY accurateness/M accursed/P accursedness/M accusation/MS accusative/MS accusatory accuse/ZGDRS accuser/M accusing/Y accustom/DSG accustomed/U ace/DSMG acerbate/DSG acerbic acerbically acerbity/M acetaminophen/M acetate/MS acetic acetone/M acetonic acetylene/M ache/DSMG achene/MS achieve/BLZGDRS achievement/SM achiever/M aching/Y achoo/M achromatic achy/TR acid/SMY acidic acidify/GDS acidity/M acidosis/M acidulous acknowledge/DSGL acknowledged/U acknowledgement/MS acme/SM acne/M acolyte/MS aconite/MS acorn/MS acoustic/S acoustical/Y acoustics/M acquaint/AGSD acquaintance/SM acquaintanceship/M acquainted/U acquiesce/DSG acquiescence/M acquiescent/Y acquire/ZGBDRSL acquirement/M acquisition/MS acquisitive/YP acquisitiveness/M acquit/S acquittal/MS acquitted acquitting acre/SM acreage/MS acrid/PTRY acridity/M acridness/M acrimonious/YP acrimoniousness/M acrimony/M acrobat/MS acrobatic/S acrobatically acrobatics/M acronym/MS acrophobia/M acropolis/MS across acrostic/SM acrylic/MS act's act/ASDGV acting/M actinium/M action/ASM actionable activate/ICANGSD activation/ICAM activator/MS active's active/IKY activeness/M actives activism/M activist/MS activities activity/IM actor/AMS actress/MS actual/Y actuality/SM actualization/M actualize/GDS actuarial actuary/SM actuate/GNDS actuation/M actuator/SM acuity/M acumen/M acupressure/M acupuncture/M acupuncturist/SM acute/PMYTRS acuteness/M acyclovir/M ad/SM adage/MS adagio/MS adamant/MY adapt/BZGVDRS adaptability/M adaptation/MS adapter/M adaption/S add/SDRBZG addend/MS addenda addendum/M adder/M addict/GVMDS addiction/SM addition/SM additional/Y additive/SM addle/GDS address's address/AGDS addressable addressee/SM adduce/GDS adenine/M adenoid/SM adenoidal adept/MYPS adeptness/M adequacy/IM adequate/IY adequateness/M adhere/GDS adherence/M adherent/SM adhesion/M adhesive/PSM adhesiveness/M adiabatic adieu/MS adios adipose adj adjacency/M adjacent/Y adjectival/Y adjective/MS adjoin/GDS adjourn/DGLS adjournment/SM adjudge/GDS adjudicate/GNVXDS adjudication/M adjudicator/SM adjudicatory adjunct/MS adjuration/MS adjure/GDS adjust/AGDSL adjustable adjuster/SM adjustment/AMS adjutant/SM adman/M admen admin/S administer/DGS administrate/XDSGNV administration/M administrative/Y administrator/MS admirably admiral/MS admiralty/M admiration/M admire/BZGDRS admirer/M admiring/Y admissibility/IM admissible/I admissibly admission/AM admissions admit/AS admittance/M admitted/Y admitting/A admix/GDS admixture/SM admonish/LDSG admonishment/MS admonition/MS admonitory ado/M adobe/MS adolescence/SM adolescent/SM adopt/AGVDS adoptable adopter/MS adoption/SM adorableness/M adorably adoration/M adore/BZGDRS adorer/M adoring/Y adorn/LGDS adorned/U adornment/MS adrenal/MS adrenalin/M adrenaline/M adrift adroit/PY adroitness/M adsorb/SDG adsorbent/MS adsorption/SM adulate/DSGN adulation/M adulator/MS adulatory adult/MS adulterant/MS adulterate/GNDS adulterated/U adulteration/M adulterer/SM adulteress/MS adulterous adultery/SM adulthood/M adumbrate/GNDS adumbration/M adv advance/LDSMG advancement/SM advantage/EDSMG advantageous/EY advent/SM adventitious/Y adventure/DRSMZG adventurer/M adventuresome adventuress/MS adventurism adventurist/S adventurous/YP adventurousness/M adverb/SM adverbial/SMY adversarial adversary/SM adverse/PRYT adverseness/M adversity/SM advert/SMDG advertise/LZGDRS advertised/U advertisement/MS advertiser/M advertising/M advertorial/SM advice/M advisability/IM advisable/I advisably advise/LDRSZGB advised/UY advisement/M adviser/M advisory/SM advocacy/M advocate/MGDS advt adze/SM aegis/M aerate/DSGN aeration/M aerator/SM aerial/SMY aerialist/MS aerie/MTRS aerobatic/S aerobatics/M aerobic/S aerobically aerobics/M aerodrome/MS aerodynamic/S aerodynamically aerodynamics/M aerogram/S aeronautic/S aeronautical aeronautics/M aerosol/MS aerospace/M aesthete/MS aesthetic/S aesthetically aestheticism/M aesthetics/M afar affability/M affable affably affair/MS affect's affect/EGDS affectation/SM affected/UY affecting/Y affection/EM affectionate/Y affections afferent affiance/GDS affidavit/SM affiliate's affiliate/EGNDS affiliated/U affiliation/EM affiliations affinity/SM affirm/AGDS affirmation/AMS affirmative/MYS affix/GMDS afflatus/M afflict/GDS affliction/SM affluence/M affluent/Y afford/GDSB affordability afforest/EGSD afforestation/M affray/MS affront/GMDS afghan/MS aficionado/MS afield afire aflame afloat aflutter afoot aforementioned aforesaid aforethought afoul afraid/U afresh aft/RZ afterbirth/M afterbirths afterburner/MS aftercare/M aftereffect/MS afterglow/SM afterimage/MS afterlife/M afterlives aftermarket/MS aftermath/M aftermaths afternoon/MS aftershave/SM aftershock/SM aftertaste/SM afterthought/SM afterwards afterword/MS again against agape/M agar/M agate/MS agave/M age/DSMGJ ageism/M ageist/SM ageless/YP agelessness/M agency/SM agenda/SM agent/AMS ageratum/M agglomerate/DSMGNX agglomeration/M agglutinate/DSXGN agglutination/M aggrandize/GLDS aggrandizement/M aggravate/GNXDS aggravating/Y aggravation/M aggregate/MGNDSX aggregation/M aggression/M aggressive/PY aggressiveness/M aggressor/SM aggrieve/DSG aggro aghast agile/YTR agility/M aging/M agitate/XGNDS agitation/M agitator/MS agitprop/M agleam aglitter aglow agnostic/MS agnosticism/M ago agog agonize/GDS agonizing/Y agony/SM agoraphobia/M agoraphobic/MS agrarian/MS agrarianism/M agree/EBLDS agreeableness/EM agreeably/E agreeing/E agreement/ESM agribusiness/MS agricultural/Y agriculturalist/MS agriculture/M agriculturist/MS agronomic agronomist/MS agronomy/M aground ague/M ah aha ahchoo ahead ahem ahoy aid/SMDG aide/SM aided/U aigrette/MS ail/SDLG aileron/SM ailment/SM aim/SMDG aimless/YP aimlessness/M ain't air/SMDJG airbag/MS airbase/SM airbed/S airborne airbrush/MDSG airbus/MS aircraft/M aircraftman aircraftmen aircrew/S airdrome/S airdrop/SM airdropped airdropping airfare/SM airfield/SM airflow/M airfoil/SM airfreight/M airguns airhead/SM airily airiness/M airing/M airless/P airlessness/M airletters airlift/SGMD airline/RSMZ airliner/M airlock/SM airmail/GSMD airman/M airmen airplane/MS airplay/M airport/SM airship/SM airshow/S airsick/P airsickness/M airspace/M airspeed airstrike/MS airstrip/SM airtight airtime/M airwaves/M airway/MS airwoman airwomen airworthiness/M airworthy/TRP airy/PTR aisle/MS aitch/MS ajar aka akimbo akin alabaster/M alack alacrity/M alarm/GMDS alarming/Y alarmist/SM alas alb/SM albacore/SM albatross/MS albeit albinism/M albino/MS album/MNS albumen/M albumin/M albuminous alchemist/SM alchemy/M alcohol/SM alcoholic/MS alcoholically alcoholism/M alcove/MS alder/MS alderman/M aldermen alderwoman/M alderwomen ale/SMV aleatory alehouse/SM alembic/SM alert/GMDYPS alertness/M alewife/M alewives alfalfa/M alfresco alga/M algae algal algebra/SM algebraic algebraically algorithm/SM algorithmic alias/GMDS alibi/GMDS alien/BGMDS alienable/IU alienate/DSGN alienation/M alienist/SM alight/GDS align/ALGDS aligned/U aligner/MS alignment/AMS alike/U aliment/MDSG alimentary alimony/M aliveness/M aliyah/M aliyahs alkali/M alkalies alkaline alkalinity/M alkalize/DSG alkaloid/SM alkyd/MS all/M allay/GDS allegation/MS allege/GDS alleged/Y allegiance/MS allegoric allegorical/Y allegorist/MS allegory/SM allegretto/MS allegro/MS allele/MS alleluia/SM allergen/SM allergenic allergic allergically allergist/SM allergy/SM alleviate/DSGN alleviation/M alley/MS alleyway/SM alliance/SM alligator/MS alliterate/DSXGNV alliteration/M alliterative/Y allocate/ADSGN allocation/AM allocations allot/LS allotment/SM allotted allotting allover allow/EGDS allowable allowably allowance/SM alloy/GMDS alloyed/U allspice/M allude/GDS allure/MGLDS allurement/MS alluring/Y allusion/SM allusive/PY allusiveness/M alluvial/M alluvium/SM ally/GDSM almanac/SM almighty almond/MS almoner/SM almost alms/M almshouse/MS aloe/SM aloft aloha/MS alone along alongshore alongside aloof/PY aloofness/M aloud alp/SM alpaca/MS alpha/MS alphabet/SM alphabetic alphabetical/Y alphabetization/SM alphabetize/ZGDRS alphabetizer/M alphanumeric alphanumerical/Y alpine/S already alright also alt/S altar/MS altarpiece/SM alter/GDBS alterable/U alteration/MS altercation/SM altered/U alternate/DSMYGNVX alternation/M alternative/MYS alternator/SM although altimeter/MS altitude/MS alto/SM altogether altruism/M altruist/SM altruistic altruistically alum/SM alumina/M aluminum/M alumna/M alumnae alumnus/Mi alveolar/S always am/N amalgam/SM amalgamate/XGNDS amalgamation/M amanuenses amanuensis/M amaranth/M amaranths amaretto/M amaryllis/MS amass/GDS amateur/SM amateurish/YP amateurishness/M amateurism/M amatory amaze/LMGDS amazement/M amazing/Y amazon/MS amazonian ambassador/SM ambassadorial ambassadorship/MS ambassadress/MS amber/M ambergris/M ambidexterity/M ambidextrous/Y ambience/MS ambient ambiguity/SM ambiguous/UY ambit ambition/MS ambitious/YP ambitiousness/M ambivalence/M ambivalent/Y amble/MZGDRS ambler/M ambrosia/M ambrosial ambulance/MS ambulanceman ambulancemen ambulancewoman ambulancewomen ambulant ambulate/DSXGN ambulation/M ambulatory/SM ambuscade/MGDS ambush/GMDS ameliorate/GNVDS amelioration/M amen/B amenability/M amenably amend/BLGDS amendment/SM amenity/SM amerce/GLDS amercement/SM americium/M amethyst/SM amiability/M amiable amiably amicability/M amicable amicably amid amide/MS amidships amigo/MS amiss amity/M ammeter/SM ammo/M ammonia/M ammunition/M amnesia/M amnesiac/MS amnesic/SM amnesty/GDSM amniocenteses amniocentesis/M amnion/MS amniotic amoeba/MS amoebae amoebic amok among amontillado/SM amoral/Y amorality/M amorous/YP amorousness/M amorphous/PY amorphousness/M amortization/SM amortize/DSGB amount/GMDS amour/MS amp/SMY amperage/M ampere/MS ampersand/MS amphetamine/SM amphibian/MS amphibious/Y amphitheatre/SM amphora/M amphorae ample/TR amplification/M amplifier/M amplify/NDRSXZG amplitude/SM ampule/MS amputate/GNDSX amputation/M amputee/MS amt amulet/MS amuse/LGDS amusement/MS amusing/Y amylase/M an/CS anabolism/M anachronism/SM anachronistic anachronistically anaconda/SM anaemically anaerobe/SM anaerobic anaerobically anaesthesia/M anaesthetic/MS anaesthetist/MS anaesthetization/M anaesthetize/GDS anagram/MS anal/Y analgesia/M analgesic/SM analog/MS analogical/Y analogize/GDS analogous/YP analogousness/M analogue/SM analogy/SM analysand/MS analyses/A analysis/AM analyst/SM analytic analytically analyzable analyze/ADSG analyzer/SM anapest/SM anapestic/MS anarchic anarchically anarchism/M anarchist/MS anarchistic anarchy/M anathema/SM anathematize/DSG anatomic anatomical/Y anatomist/SM anatomize/DSG anatomy/SM ancestor/SM ancestral/Y ancestress/MS ancestry/SM anchor/MDGS anchorage/MS anchorite/MS anchorman/M anchormen anchorpeople anchorperson/SM anchorwoman/M anchorwomen anchovy/SM ancient/SPMRYT ancientness/M ancillary/SM and andante/SM andiron/SM androgen/M androgenic androgynous androgyny/M android/SM anecdotal anecdote/MS anemia/M anemic anemometer/SM anemone/SM anent anesthesiologist/SM anesthesiology/M aneurysm/SM anew angel/MS angelfish/MS angelic angelica/M angelical/Y anger/GMDS angina/M angioplasty/SM angiosperm/SM angle/MZGDRS angler/M angleworm/MS anglicism/S anglicize/GDS angling/M anglophile/S anglophone/S angora/MS angostura angrily angry/TR angst/M angstrom/MS anguish/GMDS angular angularity/SM anhydrous aniline/M animadversion/MS animadvert/GSD animal/MS animalcule/SM animate/ADSGN animated/Y animation/AM animations animator/MS animism/M animist/SM animistic animosity/SM animus/M anion/MS anionic anise/M aniseed/M anisette/M ankh/M ankhs ankle/MS anklebone/MS anklet/MS annalist/SM annals/M anneal/GDS annelid/MS annex/GMDS annexation/MS annihilate/DSGN annihilation/M annihilator/SM anniversary/SM annotate/DSXGNV annotation/M annotator/MS announce/DRSLZG announced/U announcement/MS announcer/M annoy/GDS annoyance/MS annoying/Y annoyware/S annual/MYS annualized annuitant/SM annuity/SM annul/LS annular annulled annulling annulment/SM annunciation/SM anode/MS anodize/GDS anodyne/MS anoint/GDLS anointment/M anomalous/Y anomaly/SM anon/S anonymity/M anonymous/Y anopheles/M anorak/MS anorectic/SM anorexia/M anorexic/MS another answer/BMDGS answerable/U answered/U answerphone/S ant/SMD antacid/SM antagonism/SM antagonist/SM antagonistic antagonistically antagonize/DSG antarctic ante/SM anteater/MS antebellum antecedence/M antecedent/SM antechamber/SM antedate/GDS antediluvian anteing antelope/MS antenatal antenna/SM antennae anterior anteroom/MS anthem/MS anther/MS anthill/SM anthologist/SM anthologize/DSG anthology/SM anthracite/M anthrax/M anthropocentric anthropoid/MS anthropological/Y anthropologist/SM anthropology/M anthropomorphic anthropomorphically anthropomorphism/M anthropomorphous anti/SM antiabortion antiabortionist/MS antiaircraft antibacterial/MS antibiotic/MS antibody/SM antic/MS anticancer anticipate/GNXDS anticipated/U anticipation/M anticipatory anticked anticking anticlerical anticlimactic anticlimactically anticlimax/MS anticline/SM anticlockwise anticoagulant/MS anticommunism/M anticommunist/SM anticyclone/SM anticyclonic antidemocratic antidepressant/MS antidote/MS antifascist/MS antifreeze/M antigen/SM antigenic antigenicity/M antihero/M antiheroes antihistamine/SM antiknock/M antilabour antilogarithm/SM antimacassar/MS antimalarial antimatter/M antimicrobial antimissile antimony/M antinuclear antioxidant/MS antiparticle/SM antipasti antipasto/MS antipathetic antipathy/SM antipersonnel antiperspirant/SM antiphon/SM antiphonal/MYS antipodal/S antipodean/MS antipodes/M antipollution antipoverty antiquarian/SM antiquarianism/M antiquary/SM antiquate/GDS antique/DSMG antiquity/SM antirrhinum/S antisemitic antisemitism/M antisepsis/M antiseptic/SM antiseptically antiserum/MS antislavery antisocial/Y antispasmodic/MS antisubmarine antitank antitheses antithesis/M antithetic antithetical/Y antitoxin/MS antitrust antivenin/MS antiviral/MS antivivisectionist/MS antiwar antler/MDS antonym/SM antonymous antsy/TR anus/MS anvil/MS anxiety/SM anxious/YP anxiousness/M any anybody/SM anyhow anymore anyone/M anyplace anything/SM anytime anyway/S anywhere anywise aorta/MS aortic apace apart apartheid/M apartment/MS apathetic apathetically apathy/M apatite/M ape/DSMG apelike aperitif/MS aperture/SM apex/MS aphasia/M aphasic/MS aphelia aphelion/SM aphid/MS aphorism/MS aphoristic aphoristically aphrodisiac/SM apiarist/SM apiary/SM apical/Y apiece apish/Y aplenty aplomb/M apocalypse/SM apocalyptic apocrypha/M apocryphal/Y apogee/MS apolitical/Y apologetic/U apologetically apologia/SM apologist/MS apologize/GDS apology/SM apoplectic apoplexy/SM apostasy/SM apostate/SM apostatize/GDS apostle/MS apostleship/M apostolic apostrophe/MS apothecary/SM apothegm/SM apotheoses apotheosis/M app/S appall/GDS appalling/Y appaloosa/MS apparatchik/S apparatus/MS apparel/MS apparelled apparelling apparent/Y apparition/SM appeal/GMDS appealing/UY appear/AESDG appearance/EAMS appease/LZGDRS appeasement/SM appeaser/M appellant/SM appellate/XN appellation/M append/GDS appendage/SM appendectomy/SM appendices appendicitis/M appendix/MS appertain/GDS appetite/SM appetizer/MS appetizing/Y applaud/ZGDRS applauder/M applause/M apple/MS applejack/M applesauce/M applet/MS appliance/SM applicability/M applicable/I applicably applicant/SM application/AM applicator/SM applier/MS applique/DSM appliqueing apply/ANXGDS appoint/AELSVGD appointee/SM appointment's/A appointment/ESM apportion/AGDLS apportionment/AM appose/GDS apposite/YNVP appositeness/M apposition/M appositive/SM appraisal/AMS appraise/ADSG appraiser/MS appreciable/I appreciably/I appreciate/DSXGNV appreciated/U appreciation/M appreciative/Y appreciator/MS appreciatory apprehend/GDS apprehension/MS apprehensive/YP apprehensiveness/M apprentice/DSMG apprenticeship/MS apprise/GDS approach/GBMDS approachable/UI approbation/EM approbations appropriate/PYGNXDS appropriated/U appropriateness/IM appropriation/M appropriator/SM approval/EM approvals approve/EGDS approved/U approving/EY approx approximate/DSXYGN approximation/M appurtenance/SM appurtenant apricot/MS apron/MS apropos apse/SM apt/IYPT apter aptitude/SM aptness/IM aqua/SM aquaculture/M aqualung/MS aquamarine/SM aquanaut/MS aquaplane/MGDS aquarium/MS aquatic/SM aquatically aquatics/M aquatint/S aquavit/M aqueduct/MS aqueous aquifer/SM aquiline arabesque/MS arability/M arachnid/MS arachnophobia arbiter/SM arbitrage/MZGDRS arbitrager/M arbitrageur/SM arbitrament/SM arbitrarily arbitrariness/M arbitrary/P arbitrate/GNDS arbitration/M arbitrator/MS arboreal arboretum/SM arborvitae/SM arbour/MS arbutus/MS arc/SMDG arcade/MS arcane arch/PZTGVMDRSY archaeological/Y archaeologist/SM archaeology/M archaic archaically archaism/MS archaist/MS archangel/MS archbishop/SM archbishopric/SM archdeacon/SM archdiocesan archdiocese/MS archduchess/MS archduke/MS archenemy/SM archer/M archery/M archetypal archetype/MS archfiend/MS archiepiscopal archipelago/MS architect/SM architectonic/S architectonics/M architectural/Y architecture/MS architrave/SM archival archive/DSMG archivist/MS archness/M archway/SM arctic/MS ardent/Y ardour/MS arduous/YP arduousness/M are/SMB area/SM areal aren't arena/MS argent/M argon/M argosy/SM argot/MS arguable/IU arguably/U argue/ZGDRS arguer/M argument/MS argumentation/M argumentative/PY argumentativeness/M argyle/MS aria/SM arid/Y aridity/M aright arise/GS arisen aristocracy/SM aristocrat/SM aristocratic aristocratically arithmetic/M arithmetical/Y arithmetician/MS ark/SM arm's arm/EAGDS armada/MS armadillo/SM armament/AEM armaments armature/MS armband/MS armchair/MS armed/U armful/MS armhole/SM armistice/SM armlet/MS armload/S armorial armour/MDRZGS armoured/U armourer/M armoury/SM armpit/MS armrest/SM army/SM aroma/MS aromatherapist/MS aromatherapy/M aromatic/MS aromatically arose around arousal/M arouse/GDS arpeggio/MS arr arraign/DGSL arraignment/SM arrange/AESDLG arrangement's/E arrangement/ASM arranger/SM arrant arras/MS array/EGMDS arrears/M arrest/AGMDS arrhythmia/M arrhythmic arrhythmical arrival/MS arrive/GDS arrogance/M arrogant/Y arrogate/GNDS arrogation/M arrow/MS arrowhead/MS arrowroot/M arroyo/MS arse/DSMG arsehole/SM! arsenal/MS arsenic/M arson/M arsonist/SM art/SM arterial arteriole/MS arteriosclerosis/M artery/SM artful/PY artfulness/M arthritic/MS arthritis/M arthropod/MS arthroscope/SM arthroscopic artichoke/SM article/MDS articulacy/I articular articulate/YGNPDSX articulateness/IM articulation/M artifact/SM artifice/RSMZ artificer/M artificial/Y artificiality/M artillery/M artilleryman/M artillerymen artiness/M artisan/MS artist/MS artiste/MS artistic/I artistically artistry/M artless/PY artlessness/M artsy/TR artwork/MS arty/PTR arugula arum/SM asap asbestos/M ascend/AGDS ascendance/M ascendancy/M ascendant/SM ascension/MS ascent/MS ascertain/GDSBL ascertainment/M ascetic/MS ascetically asceticism/M ascot/MS ascribe/GBDS ascription/M aseptic aseptically asexual/Y asexuality/M ash/MDNSG ashamed/UY ashcan/MS ashlar/MS ashore ashram/MS ashtray/SM ashy/TR aside/MS asinine/Y asininity/SM ask/SDG askance asked/U askew aslant asleep asocial asp/SMNX asparagus/M aspartame/M aspect/MS aspen/M asperity/SM aspersion/MS asphalt/MDGS asphodel/SM asphyxia/M asphyxiate/DSXGN asphyxiation/M aspic/MS aspidistra/MS aspirant/MS aspirate/MGNDSX aspiration/M aspirator/SM aspire/GDS aspirin/MS ass/MS assail/GBDS assailable/U assailant/SM assassin/SM assassinate/GNXDS assassination/M assault/MDRGS assay/ZGMDRS assayer/M assemblage/SM assemble/AEGSD assembler/MS assemblies assembly/AM assemblyman/M assemblymen assemblywoman/M assemblywomen assent/GMDS assert/AGVDS assertion/AM assertions assertive/YP assertiveness/M assess/ALGDS assessment/ASM assessor/MS asset/MS asseverate/DSGN asseveration/M assiduity/M assiduous/PY assiduousness/M assign's assign/ALGDS assignable assignation/MS assigned/U assigner/MS assignment/AMS assignor/MS assimilate/DSGN assimilation/M assist/GMDS assistance/M assistant/SM assisted/U assize/MS assn assoc associate's associate/EDSGNV association/EM associations assonance/M assonant/MS assort/GLDS assortment/MS asst assuage/GDS assume/BGDS assumption/SM assumptive assurance/ASM assure/AGDS assured/MYS astatine/M aster/EMS asterisk/GMDS astern asteroid/MS asthma/M asthmatic/SM asthmatically astigmatic astigmatism/SM astir astonish/DSLG astonishing/Y astonishment/M astound/GDS astounding/Y astraddle astrakhan/M astral astray astride astringency/M astringent/SMY astrolabe/SM astrologer/SM astrological/Y astrologist/MS astrology/M astronaut/MS astronautic/S astronautical astronautics/M astronomer/SM astronomic astronomical/Y astronomy/M astrophysical astrophysicist/MS astrophysics/M astute/PYTR astuteness/M asunder asylum/SM asymmetric asymmetrical/Y asymmetry/SM asymptomatic asymptotic asymptotically asynchronous/Y at atavism/M atavist/SM atavistic ataxia/M ataxic/MS ate atelier/SM atheism/M atheist/MS atheistic atherosclerosis/M athirst athlete/MS athletic/S athletically athleticism athletics/M athwart atilt atishoo atlas/MS atmosphere/MS atmospheric/S atmospherically atmospherics/M atoll/MS atom/SM atomic atomically atomize/ZGDRS atomizer/M atonal/Y atonality/M atone/LGDS atonement/M atop atria atrial atrium/M atrocious/PY atrociousness/M atrocity/SM atrophy/DSMG atropine/M attach/ALGDS attache/BM attached/U attachment/AM attachments attack/ZGMDRS attacker/M attain/AGDS attainability/M attainable/U attainder/M attainment/SM attar/M attempt's attempt/ASDG attend/SDRZG attendance/SM attendant/SM attended/U attendee/SM attention/IM attentions attentive/IPY attentiveness/IM attenuate/DSGN attenuation/M attest/SDG attestation/SM attested/U attic/SM attire/DSMG attitude/SM attitudinal attitudinize/GDS attn attorney/MS attract/SGVDB attractant/MS attraction/MS attractive/UY attractiveness/M attribute/DSMGNVBX attributed/U attribution/M attributive/MYS attrition/M attune/DSG atty atwitter atypical/Y aubergine/S auburn/M auction/MDGS auctioneer/SM audacious/YP audaciousness/M audacity/M audibility/IM audible/MS audibly/I audience/MS audio/MS audiological audiologist/SM audiology/M audiometer/SM audiophile/SM audiotape/SM audiovisual/S audiovisuals/M audit/GMDS audition/SMDG auditor/MS auditorium/SM auditory auger/MS aught/MS augment/DRZGS augmentation/MS augmentative augmenter/M augur/GMDS augury/SM august/PTRY augustness/M auk/SM aunt/SM auntie/SM aura/MS aural/Y aureole/SM auricle/SM auricular aurora/SM auscultate/GNDSX auscultation/M auspice/SM auspicious/IY auspiciousness/M austere/RYT austerity/SM austral authentic/IU authentically authenticate/XGNDS authenticated/U authentication/M authenticity/M author/SMDG authoress/MS authorial authoritarian/MS authoritarianism/M authoritative/YP authoritativeness/M authority/SM authorization/MS authorize/AGDS authorized/U authorship/M autism/M autistic auto/MS autobahn/SM autobiographer/SM autobiographic autobiographical/Y autobiography/SM autoclave/MS autocracy/SM autocrat/SM autocratic autocratically autocross autodidact/SM autograph/MDG autographs autoimmune autoimmunity/M automaker/SM automate/GNDS automatic/SM automatically automation/M automatism/M automatize/GDS automaton/SM automobile/DSMG automotive autonomic autonomous/Y autonomy/M autopilot/SM autopsy/GDSM autosuggestion autoworker/MS autumn/SM autumnal aux auxiliary/SM auxin/M av/RZ avail/BGMDS availability/UM available/U avalanche/SM avarice/M avaricious/Y avast avatar/MS avaunt avdp ave avenge/ZGDRS avenger/M avenue/MS average/MYGDS averred averring averse/XN aversion/M avert/GDS avg avian aviary/SM aviation/M aviator/MS aviatrices aviatrix/MS avid/Y avidity/M avionic/S avionics/M avitaminosis/M avocado/SM avocation/MS avocational avoid/SDGB avoidable/U avoidably/U avoidance/M avoirdupois/M avouch/DSG avow/EDGS avowal/ESM avowed/Y avuncular/Y aw await/GDS awake/GS awaken/AGDS awakening/SM award/GMDS aware/UP awareness/UM awash away awe/DSMG aweigh awesome/YP awesomeness/M awestruck awful/YP awfuller awfullest awfulness/M awhile awkward/RYPT awkwardness/M awl/SM awn/GJSM awning/M awoke awoken awry axe/DSMG axial/Y axiom/SM axiomatic axiomatically axis/M axle/MS axletree/SM axolotl/SM axon/MS ayah/M ayahs ayatollah/M ayatollahs aye/SM azalea/SM azimuth/M azimuths azure/SM b/KDT baa/SMDG babble/MZGDRS babbler/M babe/SM babel/MS baboon/MS babushka/SM baby/TGDRSM babyhood/M babyish babysat babysit/S babysitter/MS babysitting/M baccalaureate/SM baccarat/M bacchanal/MS bacchanalia/M bacchanalian/MS baccy bachelor/SM bachelorhood/M bacillary bacillus/Mi back/SJZGMDR backache/MS backbench/S backbit backbite/ZGRS backbiter/M backbitten backboard/SM backbone/MS backbreaking backchat backcloth backcloths backcomb/DSG backdate/GDS backdoor backdrop/MS backer/M backfield/SM backfire/MGDS backgammon/M background/MRZS backgrounder/M backhand/MDRSZG backhanded/Y backhander/M backhoe/MS backing/M backlash/MS backless backlog/MS backlogged backlogging backpack/ZGMDRS backpacker/M backpacking/M backpedal/S backpedalled backpedalling backrest/SM backroom/S backscratching/M backseat/SM backside/SM backslapper/SM backslapping/M backslash/MS backslid backslide/RSZG backslider/M backspace/DSMG backspin/M backstabber/MS backstabbing backstage/M backstair/S backstop/SM backstopped backstopping backstreet/S backstretch/MS backstroke/MGDS backtalk/M backtrack/SDG backup/MS backward/PSY backwardness/M backwash/M backwater/SM backwoods/M backwoodsman/M backwoodsmen backyard/SM bacon/M bacteria/M bacterial bactericidal bactericide/SM bacteriologic bacteriological bacteriologist/SM bacteriology/M bacterium/M bad/MYP badder baddest baddie/MS bade badge/MZRS badger/GMD badinage/M badlands/M badman/M badmen badminton/M badmouth/GD badmouths badness/M baffle/MZGDRSL bafflement/M baffler/M bag/SM bagatelle/SM bagel/MS bagful/MS baggage/M bagged baggie/M baggily bagginess/M bagging baggy/PTRS bagpipe/MZRS bagpiper/M baguette/MS bah baht/SM bail/SBGMD bailey/S bailiff/S bailiwick/MS bailout/SM bailsman/M bailsmen bairn/MS bait/SGMD baize/M bake/DRSMZG baked/U baker/M bakery/SM bakeshop/MS baklava/M baksheesh/M balaclava/MS balalaika/MS balance's balance/UDSG balboa/SM balcony/SM bald/STGPDRY balderdash/M baldfaced baldness/M baldric/SM baldy/S bale/DRSMZG baleen/M baleful/PY balefulness/M baler/M balk/SGMD balky/RT ball/SGMD ballad/SM balladeer/MS balladry/M ballast/GSMD ballcock/MS ballerina/SM ballet/SM balletic ballgame/MS ballgirl/S ballgown/S ballistic/S ballistics/M balloon/SGMD balloonist/MS ballot/SMDG ballpark/MS ballplayer/MS ballpoint/MS ballroom/MS balls/DSG ballsy/RT bally ballyhoo/SMDG balm/SM balminess/M balmy/RTP baloney/M balsa/MS balsam/SM balsamic baluster/SM balustrade/MS bamboo/SM bamboozle/DSG ban/SM banal/Y banality/SM banana/SM band's band/ESGD bandage/DSMG bandana/SM bandbox/MS bandeau/M bandeaux bandit/SM banditry/M bandleader/S bandmaster/SM bandoleer/SM bandsman/M bandsmen bandstand/SM bandwagon/SM bandwidth bandwidths bandy/DRSTG bane/SM baneful bang/SGMDR bangle/SM bani banish/GLDS banishment/M banister/SM banjo/MS banjoist/SM bank/SZGBMDR bankbook/SM bankcard/SM banker/M banking/M banknote/SM bankroll/SGMD bankrupt/SGMD bankruptcy/SM banned banner/SM banning bannock/MS banns/M banquet/ZGMDRS banqueter/M banquette/SM banshee/MS bantam/SM bantamweight/SM banter/GSMD bantering/Y banyan/SM banzai/SM baobab/SM bap/S baptism/MS baptismal baptist/S baptistery/SM baptize/ZGDRS baptized/U baptizer/M bar's bar/ECUTS barb/SZGMDR barbarian/SM barbarianism/MS barbaric barbarically barbarism/SM barbarity/SM barbarize/DSG barbarous/Y barbecue/DSMG barbel/SM barbell/MS barber/GMD barberry/SM barbershop/MS barbie/S barbiturate/SM barbwire/M barcarole/SM bard/SM bardic bare/DRSPYG bareback/D barefaced/Y barefoot/D barehanded bareheaded barelegged bareness/M barf/SGMDY barfly/SM bargain/MDRZGS bargainer/M barge/MGDS bargeman/M bargemen barhop/S barhopped barhopping baritone/MS barium/M bark's bark/CSGD barkeep/ZMRS barkeeper/M barker/SM barley/M barmaid/MS barman/M barmen barmy/RT barn/SM barnacle/MDS barney/S barnstorm/SDRZG barnstormer/M barnyard/SM barometer/MS barometric barometrically baron/MS baronage/MS baroness/MS baronet/MS baronetcy/SM baronial barony/SM baroque/M barque/SM barrack/MDGS barracuda/SM barrage/MGDS barre/MGJDS barred/UEC barrel/SM barrelled barrelling barren/TPSMR barrenness/M barrette/SM barricade/MGDS barrier/MS barring/ECU barrio/SM barrister/MS barroom/MS barrow/SM bartender/SM barter/ZGSMDR barterer/M baryon/SM basal/Y basalt/M basaltic base's base/CDSLTG baseball/SM baseboard/MS baseless baseline/MS basely baseman/M basemen basement/CMS baseness/M baser bash/GMDS bashful/PY bashfulness/M bashing/M basic/MS basically basil/M basilica/MS basilisk/MS basin/MS basinful/MS basis/M bask/SGD basket/SM basketball/MS basketry/M basketwork/M basque/S bass/MS basset/SM bassinet/MS bassist/MS basso/MS bassoon/MS bassoonist/SM basswood/MS bast/M bastard/MS bastardization/MS bastardize/GDS bastardy/M baste/ZGNXDRS baster/M bastion/M bat/SM batch/MDSG bate/KACGSD bath/ZGMDRS bathe/M bather/M bathetic bathhouse/MS bathing/M bathmat/MS bathos/M bathrobe/SM bathroom/SM baths bathtub/MS bathwater bathyscaphe/SM bathysphere/MS batik/MS batiste/M batman/M batmen baton/MS batsman/M batsmen battalion/SM batted batten/GSMD batter/JZGSMDR batterer/M battery/SM batting/M battle/LDRSMZG battleaxe/MS battledore/SM battledress battlefield/MS battlefront/MS battleground/MS battlement/SM battler/M battleship/SM batty/RT bauble/SM baud/SM bauxite/M bawd/SM bawdily bawdiness/M bawdy/PRT bawl/SGMD bay/SMDG bayberry/SM bayonet/SMDG bayou/MS bazaar/SM bazillion/S bazooka/SM bbl bdrm be beach/MDSG beachcomber/SM beachfront beachhead/MS beachwear/M beacon/SM bead/SGMD beading/M beadle/SM beady/RT beagle/SM beak/SZMDR beaker/M beam/SGMD bean/SGMD beanbag/MS beanfeast/S beanie/SM beanpole/MS beansprout/S beanstalk/MS bear/SZGBJMR bearable/U bearably/U beard/MDGS beardless bearer/M bearing/M bearish/PY bearishness/M bearlike bearskin/MS beast/MS beastliness/M beastly/TPRM beat/SZGBMNRJ beatable/U beaten/U beater/M beatific beatifically beatification/M beatify/GXNDS beating/M beatitude/SM beatnik/MS beau/SM beaut/MS beauteous/Y beautician/SM beautification/M beautifier/M beautiful/Y beautify/NDRSZG beauty/SM beaver/SGMD bebop/MS becalm/GSD became because beck/SM beckon/SGD becloud/GDS become/S becoming/UY becquerel/S bed/SM bedaub/GSD bedazzle/GDSL bedazzlement/M bedbug/SM bedchamber/S bedclothes/M bedded bedder bedding/M bedeck/GSD bedevil/LS bedevilled bedevilling bedevilment/M bedfellow/SM bedhead/S bedim/S bedimmed bedimming bedizen/GDS bedlam/SM bedpan/SM bedpost/SM bedraggle/GDS bedridden bedrock/SM bedroll/SM bedroom/SM bedside/SM bedsit/S bedsitter/S bedsore/SM bedspread/SM bedstead/SM bedtime/SM bee/RSMZGJ beebread/M beech/MS beechnut/MS beef/SGMD beefburger/SM beefcake/MS beefiness/M beefsteak/MS beefy/RPT beehive/MS beekeeper/MS beekeeping/M beeline/MS been beep/SZGMDR beeper/M beer/M beery/TR beeswax/M beet/SM beetle/MGDS beetroot/S beeves befall/SGN befell befit/S befitted befitting/Y befog/S befogged befogging before beforehand befoul/DGS befriend/SGD befuddle/GLDS befuddlement/M beg/S began begat beget/S begetter/S begetting beggar/MDYGS beggary/M begged begging begin/S beginner/SM beginning/MS begone begonia/SM begot begotten begrime/DSG begrudge/DSG begrudging/Y beguile/DRSZGL beguilement/M beguiler/M beguiling/Y beguine/SM begum/MS begun behalf/M behalves behave/GDS behaviour/SM behavioural/Y behaviourism/M behaviourist/SM behead/DGS beheld behemoth/M behemoths behest/MS behind/MS behindhand behold/NRZGS beholder/M behoove/DSG beige/M being/M bejewel/S bejewelled bejewelling belabour/GSD belated/Y belay/GDS belch/GMDS beleaguer/GSD belfry/SM belie/DS belief/EUM beliefs believable/U believably/U believe/EDRSZG believer/EUMS believing/U belittle/LDSG belittlement/M bell/SGMD belladonna/M bellboy/SM belle/MS belled/A belletrist/MS belletristic bellhop/SM bellicose bellicosity/M belligerence/M belligerency/M belligerent/MYS belling/A bellman/M bellmen bellow/MDGS bellwether/MS belly/GDSM bellyache/MGDS bellybutton/SM bellyful/MS belong/JDGS belonging/M beloved/SM below belt/SGMD beltway/SM beluga/MS belying bemire/GDS bemoan/DGS bemuse/LGDS bemused/Y bemusement/M bench/GMDS benchmark/MS bend/BSZGMR bender/M bendy/TR beneath benedictine benediction/SM benedictory benefaction/SM benefactor/MS benefactress/MS benefice/SM beneficence/M beneficent/Y beneficial/Y beneficiary/SM benefit/SMDG benevolence/SM benevolent/Y benighted/Y benign/Y benignant benignity/M bent/SM bentwood/M benumb/DSG benzene/M benzine/M bequeath/DG bequeaths bequest/MS berate/GDS bereave/DSLG bereavement/MS bereft beret/MS berg/SM beriberi/M berk/S berkelium/M berm/SM berry/GDSM berrylike berserk berth/GMD berths beryl/MS beryllium/M beseech/ZGRS beseecher/M beseeching/Y beseem/DSG beset/S besetting beside/S besiege/ZGDRS besieger/M besmear/DSG besmirch/GDS besom/MS besot/S besotted besotting besought bespangle/DSG bespatter/GSD bespeak/SG bespectacled bespoke bespoken best/SGMD bestial/Y bestiality/M bestiary/SM bestir/S bestirred bestirring bestow/DGS bestowal/SM bestrew/SDG bestrewn bestridden bestride/SG bestrode bestseller/MS bestselling bet/SM beta/SM betake/GS betaken betcha betel/M bethink/SG bethought betide/GDS betimes betoken/GDS betook betray/DRZGS betrayal/SM betrayer/M betroth/DG betrothal/SM betrothed/M betroths better/MDGLS betterment/M betting bettor/MS between betwixt bevel/MS bevelled bevelling/S beverage/SM bevvy/S bevy/SM bewail/DGS beware/GDS bewhiskered bewigged bewilder/LSGD bewildering/Y bewilderment/M bewitch/GLDS bewitching/Y bewitchment/M bey/SM beyond bezel/MS bf bhaji bi/SMRZ biannual/Y bias/GMDS biased/U biathlon/SM bib/SM bible/MS biblical bibliographer/MS bibliographic bibliographical/Y bibliography/SM bibliophile/SM bibulous bicameral bicameralism/M bicarb/MS bicarbonate/MS bicentenary/SM bicentennial/SM bicep/MS biceps/M bicker/MDRZGS bickerer/M biconcave biconvex bicuspid/MS bicycle/DRSMZG bicycler/M bicyclist/SM bid/SMG biddable bidden/U bidder/MS bidding/M biddy/SM bide/S bidet/MS bidirectional/Y biennial/MYS biennium/MS bier/M biff/SGD bifocal/S bifocals/M bifurcate/XDSGN bifurcation/M big/P bigamist/SM bigamous bigamy/M bigger biggest biggie/MS biggish bighead/SM bighearted/P bigheartedness/M bighorn/SM bight/MS bigmouth/M bigmouths bigness/M bigot/MDS bigotry/SM bigwig/MS bijou/M bijoux bike/DRSMZG biker/M bikini/MS bilabial/MS bilateral/Y bilberry/S bile/M bilge/MS bilingual/SMY bilingualism/M bilious/P biliousness/M bilk/SZGDR bilker/M bill/SBJGMD billboard/MS billet/GMDS billfold/SM billhook/S billiard/S billiards/M billing/M billingsgate/M billion/MHS billionaire/SM billionth/M billionths billow/GMDS billowy/RT billy/SM billycan/S bimbo/MS bimetallic/SM bimetallism/M bimonthly/SM bin/SM binary/SM bind's bind/AUGS binder/MS bindery/SM binding/MS bindweed/M binge/MDS bingo/M binman binmen binnacle/SM binned binning binocular/MS binomial/SM bio/SM biochemical/SMY biochemist/MS biochemistry/M biodegradability/M biodegrade/DSGB biodiversity/M bioethics/M biofeedback/M biog biographer/SM biographic biographical/Y biography/SM biol biologic biological/Y biologist/MS biology/M biomass/M bionic/S bionically bionics/M biophysical biophysicist/MS biophysics/M biopic/MS biopsy/GDSM biorhythm/MS biosphere/SM biotechnological biotechnology/M biotin/M bipartisan bipartisanship/M bipartite biped/MS bipedal biplane/MS bipolar bipolarity/M biracial birch/GMDS bird/SZGMDR birdbath/M birdbaths birdbrain/SMD birdcage/S birder/M birdhouse/MS birdie/MDS birdieing birdlike birdlime/M birdseed/M birdsong birdwatcher/SM birdying biretta/SM birth/GMD birthday/MS birthmark/MS birthplace/MS birthrate/MS birthright/MS births/A birthstone/SM biscuit/SM bisect/DGS bisection/MS bisector/SM bisexual/MYS bisexuality/M bishop/MS bishopric/SM bismuth/M bison/M bisque/M bistro/MS bit/CSMG bitch/GMDS bitchily bitchiness/M bitchy/PRT bite/RSMZ biter/M biting/Y bitmap/S bitten bitter/PMRYTS bittern/SM bitterness/M bitters/M bittersweet/MS bitty/TR bitumen/M bituminous bivalent bivalve/SM bivouac/MS bivouacked bivouacking biweekly/SM biyearly biz/M bizarre/Y bk bl/D blab/SM blabbed blabber/DGS blabbermouth/M blabbermouths blabbing black/PXTGMDNRYS blackamoor/MS blackball/SGMD blackberry/GSM blackbird/SM blackboard/MS blackcurrant/S blacken/DG blackguard/SM blackhead/MS blacking/M blackish blackjack/MDGS blackleg/S blacklist/MDSG blackmail/MDRSZG blackmailer/M blackness/M blackout/SM blacksmith/M blacksmiths blacksnake/SM blackthorn/SM blacktop/SM blacktopped blacktopping bladder/MS blade/MDS blag/S blagged blagging blah/M blahs/M blame/MGDRS blameable blameless/YP blamelessness/M blameworthiness/M blameworthy/P blammo/GDS blanch/GDS blancmange/MS bland/PTRY blandish/DSLG blandishment/SM blandness/M blank/TGPMDRYS blanket/GMDS blankness/M blare/MGDS blarney/SMDG blase blaspheme/ZGDRS blasphemer/M blasphemous/Y blasphemy/SM blast/ZGMDRS blaster/M blastoff/MS blat/S blatancy/SM blatant/Y blather/SMDG blaze/MZGDRS blazer/M blazon/MDGS bldg bleach/MDRSZG bleached/U bleacher/M bleak/TPRY bleakness/M blear blearily bleariness/M bleary/PRT bleat/GMDS bleed/ZGRS bleeder/M bleeding/M bleep/ZGMDRS bleeper/M blemish/GMDS blemished/U blench/DSG blend/ZGMDRS blender/M bless/GDSJ blessed/YP blessedness/M blessing/M bletch blew blight/ZGMDRS blimey blimp/MS blimpish blind/PZTGMDRYS blinder/M blindfold/SMDG blinding/Y blindness/M blindside/DSG blini/MS blink/ZGMDRS blinker/MDG blintz/MS blintze/M blip/SM bliss/M blissful/YP blissfulness/M blister/GMDS blistering/Y blistery blithe/PYTR blitheness/M blither/G blithesome blitz/GMDS blitzkrieg/MS blivet/S blizzard/SM bloat/ZGDRS bloatware/S blob/SM blobbed blobbing bloc/SM block's block/UGDS blockade/MZGDRS blockader/M blockage/MS blockbuster/SM blockbusting/M blocker/MS blockhead/SM blockhouse/MS blog/SM blogged blogger/MS blogging bloke/MS blokish blond/PTMRS blonde/MS blondish blondness/M blood/GMDS bloodbath/M bloodbaths bloodcurdling bloodhound/SM bloodily bloodiness/M bloodless/YP bloodlessness/M bloodletting/M bloodline/SM bloodmobile/MS bloodshed/M bloodshot bloodstain/SMD bloodstock/M bloodstream/SM bloodsucker/SM bloodsucking bloodthirstily bloodthirstiness/M bloodthirsty/RPT bloody/PTGDRS bloom/ZGMDRS bloomer/M bloop/ZGMDRS blooper/M blossom/GMDS blossomy blot/SM blotch/GMDS blotchy/TR blotted blotter/MS blotting blotto blouse/MGDS blow/SZGMR blower/M blowfly/SM blowgun/MS blowhard/MS blowhole/S blowlamp/S blown blowout/SM blowpipe/SM blowsy/RT blowtorch/MS blowup/MS blowy/TR blubber/GSMD blubbery bludgeon/MDGS blue/DRSPMTG bluebell/MS blueberry/SM bluebird/MS bluebonnet/SM bluebottle/SM bluefish/MS bluegill/MS bluegrass/M blueish bluejacket/SM bluejeans/M blueness/M bluenose/MS bluepoint/MS blueprint/MDGS bluestocking/SM bluesy/RT bluet/MS bluff/ZTGPMDRYS bluffer/M bluffness/M bluing/M bluish blunder/MDRZGS blunderbuss/MS blunderer/M blunt/PTGDRYS bluntness/M blur/SM blurb/MS blurred blurriness/M blurring blurry/TRP blurt/GDS blush/ZGMDRS blusher/M bluster/MDRSZG blusterer/M blusterous blustery blvd boa/SM boar/SM board/ZGMDRS boarder/M boarding/M boardinghouse/MS boardroom/MS boardwalk/MS boast/ZGMDRS boaster/M boastful/PY boastfulness/M boat/SZGMDR boater/M boathouse/MS boating/M boatload/S boatman/M boatmen boatswain/SM boatyard/S bob/SM bobbed bobbin/MS bobbing bobble/MGDS bobby/SM bobbysoxer/SM bobcat/MS bobolink/SM bobsled/SM bobsledded bobsledder/MS bobsledding bobsleigh/M bobsleighs bobtail/SM bobwhite/MS boccie/M bock/M bod/SMDG bodacious bode/S bodega/MS bodge/GDS bodice/MS bodily bodkin/MS body/DSM bodybuilder/SM bodybuilding/M bodyguard/MS bodysuit/SM bodywork/M boffin/S boffo bog/SM boga bogey/GMDS bogeyman/M bogeymen bogged bogging boggle/GDS boggy/TR bogie/MS bogometer/S bogon bogosity/S bogotify/DSG bogus bogyman/M bogymen bohemian/SM bohemianism/M boil/SJZGMDR boiler/M boilermaker/SM boilerplate/M boink/GDS boisterous/YP boisterousness/M bola/SM bold/PTRY boldface/DM boldness/M bole/SM bolero/MS bolivar/MS bolivares boll/SM bollard/S bollix/GMDS bollocking/S bollocks bologna/M bolshie bolster/GMDS bolt's bolt/USGD bolthole/S bolus/MS bomb/SJZGMDR bombard/GDLS bombardier/MS bombardment/SM bombast/M bombastic bombastically bomber/M bombproof bombshell/SM bombsite/S bonanza/MS bonbon/MS bonce/S bond/SGMD bondage/M bondholder/MS bonding/M bondman/M bondmen bondsman/M bondsmen bondwoman/M bondwomen bone/DRSMZG bonehead/SMD boneless boner/M boneshaker/S bonfire/MS bong/SGMD bongo/MS bonhomie/M boniness/M bonito/MS bonk/SZGD bonnet/MS bonny/TR bonsai/M bonus/MS bony/PTR boo/SMDHG boob/SGMD booby/SM boodle/MS booger/S boogeyman/M boogeymen boogie/MDS boogieing boogieman/M boohoo/GMDS book/SBJGMD bookbinder/SM bookbindery/SM bookbinding/M bookcase/MS bookend/MS bookie/MS booking/M bookish bookkeeper/MS bookkeeping/M booklet/MS bookmaker/SM bookmaking/M bookmark/SMDG bookmobile/SM bookplate/MS bookseller/MS bookshelf/M bookshelves bookshop/SM bookstall/S bookstore/MS bookworm/SM boom/SZGMDR boombox/MS boomerang/MDGS boon/SM boondocks/M boondoggle/MZGDRS boondoggler/M boonies/M boor/SM boorish/PY boorishness/MS boost/ZGMDRS booster/M boot's boot/ASGD bootblack/SM bootee/MS booth/M booths bootlace/S bootleg/MS bootlegged bootlegger/MS bootlegging/M bootless bootstrap/MS bootstrapped bootstrapping booty/SM booze/MZGDRS boozer/M boozy/TR bop/SM bopped bopping borax/M bordello/MS border/GMDS borderland/MS borderline/MS bore/DRSMZG boredom/M borehole/S borer/M boring/Y born/IAU borne boron/M borough/M boroughs borrow/SDRZGJ borrower/M borrowing/M borscht/M borstal/S borzoi/SM bosh/M bosom's bosom/US bosomy boss/DSGM bossily bossiness/M bossism/M bossy/RTP bot/S botanic botanical/Y botanist/SM botany/M botch/DRSZGM botcher/M both bother/SMDG botheration bothersome bottle/DRSMZG bottleneck/MS bottler/M bottom/SMDG bottomless botulism/M boudoir/SM bouffant/SM bougainvillea/MS bough/M boughs bought bouillabaisse/SM bouillon/MS boulder/SM boules boulevard/SM bounce/DRSMZG bouncer/M bouncily bounciness/M bouncy/RTP bound/ASMGD boundary/SM bounden bounder/SM boundless/PY boundlessness/M bounteous/YP bounteousness/M bountiful/YP bountifulness/M bounty/SM bouquet/SM bourbon/SM bourgeois/M bourgeoisie/M boustrophedon/S bout/MS boutique/SM boutonniere/MS bouzouki/MS bovine/SM bovver bow/ZGSMDR bowdlerization/MS bowdlerize/DSG bowed/U bowel/SM bower/M bowl/MDRZGS bowleg/SM bowlegged bowler/M bowlful/SM bowline/SM bowling/M bowman/M bowmen bowsprit/SM bowstring/SM bowwow/SM box/ZGMDNRS boxcar/SM boxer/M boxing/M boxlike boxroom/S boxwood/M boxy/RT boy/SM boycott/SGMD boyfriend/MS boyhood/SM boyish/YP boyishness/M boysenberry/SM bozo/MS bps bra/SM brace/MZGDRS bracelet/MS bracer/M bracero/MS bracken/M bracket/GMDS brackish/P brackishness/M bract/MS brad/SM bradawl/S brae/SM brag/SM braggadocio/SM braggart/SM bragged bragger/MS bragging braid/GMDS braiding/M braille/M brain/GMDS brainchild/M brainchildren braininess/M brainless/Y brainpower brainstorm/SMDG brainstorming/M brainteaser/SM brainwash/DSG brainwashing/M brainwave/S brainy/PTR braise/GDS brake/MGDS brakeman/M brakemen bramble/MS brambly/TR bran/M branch/GMDS branchlike brand/ZGMDRS branded/U brander/M brandish/DSG brandy/GDSM brash/PTRY brashness/M brass/MS brasserie/MS brassiere/MS brassily brassiness/M brassy/PTR brat/SM bratty/RT bratwurst/SM bravado/M brave/GPMYDTRS braveness/M bravery/M bravo/SM bravura/SM brawl/SDRZGM brawler/M brawn/M brawniness/M brawny/RTP bray/DGSM braze/DRSZG brazen/SDYGP brazenness/M brazer/M brazier/SM breach/GMDS bread/GMDHS breadbasket/SM breadboard/SM breadbox/MS breadcrumb/MS breadfruit/SM breadline/MS breadth/M breadths breadwinner/SM break/BMZGRS breakable/MS breakage/MS breakaway/MS breakdown/MS breaker/M breakfast/MDGS breakfront/MS breakneck breakout/MS breakpoints breakthrough/M breakthroughs breakup/SM breakwater/SM bream/MS breast/SMDG breastbone/MS breastfed breastfeed/GS breastplate/SM breaststroke/SM breastwork/MS breath/MDRSZGB breathalyser/S breathalyze/GDS breathe breather/M breathing/M breathless/PY breathlessness/M breaths breathtaking/Y breathy/RT bred/I breech/MS breed/SRZGM breeder/M breeding/IM breeze/DSMG breezeway/SM breezily breeziness/M breezy/RTP brethren breve/SM brevet/SM brevetted brevetting breviary/SM brevity/M brew/MDRZGS brewer/M brewery/SM brewpub/SM bribe/DRSMZG briber/M bribery/M brick/SMDG brickbat/SM brickie/S bricklayer/MS bricklaying/M brickwork/M brickyard/S bridal/SM bride/SM bridegroom/SM bridesmaid/MS bridge/DSMG bridgeable/U bridgehead/SM bridgework/M bridle/DSMG bridled/U bridleway/S brie/MZR brief's brief/CSDTGJ briefcase/SM briefer briefing/CM briefly briefness/M brier/M brig/MS brigade/SM brigadier/MS brigand/SM brigandage/M brigantine/MS bright/SPNRYXT brighten/DRZG brightener/M brightness/M brights/M brill brilliance/M brilliancy/M brilliant/MYS brilliantine/M brim/MS brimful brimless brimmed brimming brimstone/M brindle/DM brine/M bring/SRZG bringer/M brininess/M brink/SM brinkmanship/M briny/RTP brioche/SM briquette/MS brisk/SDRYTGP brisket/SM briskness/M bristle/DSMG bristly/TR britches/M brittle/PRMT brittleness/M bro/SMH broach/MDSG broad/SMNRYXTP broadband/M broadcast/AMGS broadcaster/MS broadcasting/M broadcloth/M broaden/DG broadloom/M broadminded broadness/M broadsheet/SM broadside/MGDS broadsword/SM brocade/DSMG broccoli/M brochette/SM brochure/MS brogan/SM brogue/SM broil/SMDRZG broiler/M broke broken/YP brokenhearted/Y brokenness/M broker/SMDG brokerage/MS brolly/S bromide/SM bromidic bromine/M bronc/SM bronchial bronchitic bronchitis/M bronchus/iM bronco/SM broncobuster/SM brontosaur/MS brontosaurus/MS bronze/DSMG brooch/MS brood/SMDRZG brooder/M broodily brooding/MY broodmare/MS broody/RMPT brook/SMDG brooklet/SM broom/SM broomstick/MS broth/MRZ brothel/MS brother/MY brotherhood/MS brotherliness/M broths brougham/SM brought brouhaha/SM brow/MS browbeat/SNG brown/SMDRPTG brownfield brownie/MS brownish brownness/M brownout/SM brownstone/MS browse/DRSMZG browser/M brr bruin/SM bruise/DRSMZG bruiser/M bruising/M bruit/SDG brunch/MDSG brunet/SM brunette/MS brunt/M brush/MDSG brushoff/SM brushstroke/S brushwood/M brushwork/M brusque/RPYT brusqueness/M brutal/Y brutality/SM brutalization/M brutalize/GDS brute/SM brutish/PY brutishness/M bu bub/SM bubble/DSMG bubblegum/M bubbly/RMT bubo/M buboes buccaneer/SGMD buck/MDGS buckaroo/SM buckboard/MS bucket/SGMD bucketful/MS buckeye/MS buckle's buckle/UDSG buckler/MS buckram/M bucksaw/MS buckshot/M buckskin/MS buckteeth bucktooth/MD buckwheat/M bucolic/MS bucolically bud/SM budded budding/S buddy/SM budge/DSG budgerigar/MS budget/SGMD budgetary budgie/SM buff/AMDGS buffalo/MDG buffaloes buffer/SMDG buffet/SMDGJ buffoon/SM buffoonery/M buffoonish bug's bug/CS bugaboo/SM bugbear/SM bugged/C bugger/SMDG buggery bugging/C buggy/RSMT bugle/DRSMZG bugler/M build/SMRZGJ builder/M building/M buildup/SM built/AI bulb/MS bulbous bulge/DSMG bulgy/RT bulimarexia/M bulimia/M bulimic/SM bulk/MDGS bulkhead/MS bulkiness/M bulky/RTP bull/MDGS bulldog/SM bulldogged bulldogging bulldoze/ZGDRS bulldozer/M bullet/SM bulletin/MDGS bulletproof/SDG bullfight/SMRZG bullfighter/M bullfighting/M bullfinch/MS bullfrog/MS bullhead/MDS bullheaded/PY bullheadedness/M bullhorn/MS bullion/M bullish/YP bullishness/M bullock/SM bullpen/SM bullring/MS bullshit/MS! bullshitted/! bullshitter/SM! bullshitting/! bullwhip/S bully/DSMG bulrush/MS bulwark/MS bum/SM bumbag/S bumble/DRSZG bumblebee/SM bumbler/M bumf bummed bummer/SM bummest bumming bump/MDRZGS bumper/M bumph bumpiness/M bumpkin/MS bumptious/PY bumptiousness/M bumpy/PRT bun/SM bunch/MDSG bunchy/RT bunco/SMDG bundle/DSMG bung/MDGS bungalow/MS bungee/SM bunghole/MS bungle/DRSMZG bungler/M bunion/SM bunk's bunk/CDGS bunker/SM bunkhouse/SM bunkum/M bunny/SM bunt/MDGSJ bunting/M buoy/MDGS buoyancy/M buoyant/Y bur/SMY burble/DSMG burbs/M burden's burden/USGD burdensome burdock/M bureau/SM bureaucracy/SM bureaucrat/MS bureaucratic bureaucratically bureaucratization/M bureaucratize/GDS burg/MRZS burgeon/DSG burger/M burgh/MRZ burgher/M burghs burglar/MS burglarize/GDS burglarproof burglary/SM burgle/DSG burgomaster/SM burgundy/SM burial/ASM burl/MDS burlap/M burlesque/MGDS burliness/M burly/RPT burn/MDRZGSB burnable/SM burner/M burnish/ZGMDRS burnisher/M burnoose/MS burnout/MS burnt burp/MDGS burr/MDGS burrito/MS burro/SM burrow/SMDRZG burrower/M bursa/M bursae bursar/SM bursary/SM bursitis/M burst/SMG bury/ADSG bus/AiMS busboy/SM busby/SM bused busgirl/MS bush/MDSGJ bushel/SM bushelled bushelling/S bushiness/M bushing/M bushman/M bushmaster/SM bushmen bushwhack/DRSZG bushwhacker/M bushy/RPT busily business/MS businesslike businessman/M businessmen businessperson/SM businesswoman/M businesswomen busing/M busk/DRZGS buskin/SM busload/S buss/M bust/MDRZGS buster/M bustle/DSMG busty/RZT busy/DRSTGP busybody/SM busyness/M busywork/M but/ACS butane/M butch/MRSZ butcher/MDG butchery/SM butler/SM butt/MDRZGS butte/SM butted/A butter/MDG butterball/MS buttercup/SM butterfat/M butterfingered butterfingers/M butterfly/GDSM buttermilk/M butternut/SM butterscotch/M buttery/TRSM butting/A buttock/SM button's button/USDG buttonhole/DSMG buttonwood/MS buttress/MDSG butty/S buxom buy/ZGSMR buyback/SM buyer/M buyout/SM buzz/MDRSZG buzzard/MS buzzer/M buzzword/SM bx bxs by/M bye/SM bygone/SM bylaw/SM byline/SM bypass/GMDS bypath/M bypaths byplay/M byproduct/MS byre/S byroad/SM bystander/MS byte/MS byway/SM byword/SM byzantine c/IES ca cab/SMRZ cabal/MS cabala/M caballero/MS cabana/SM cabaret/SM cabbage/MS cabbed cabbing cabby/SM cabdriver/SM cabin/MS cabinet/SM cabinetmaker/MS cabinetmaking/M cabinetry/M cabinetwork/M cable/MGDS cablecast/GMS cablegram/MS cabochon/SM caboodle/M caboose/SM cabriolet/SM cabstand/SM cacao/MS cache/MGDS cachepot/SM cachet/MS cackle/MZGDRS cackler/M cacophonous cacophony/SM cactus/Mi cad/SM cadaver/SM cadaverous caddie/MDS caddish/YP caddishness/M caddying cadence/DSM cadenza/SM cadet/MS cadge/ZGDRS cadger/M cadmium/M cadre/MS caduceus/Mi caesura/SM cafe/SM cafeteria/MS cafetiere/S caff/CS caffeinated caffeine/M caftan/MS cage/DSMG cagey cagier cagiest cagily caginess/M cagoule/S cahoot/MS caiman/MS cairn/MS caisson/SM caitiff/SM cajole/ZGLDRS cajolement/M cajoler/M cajolery/M cake/DSMG cakewalk/SM cal calabash/MS calaboose/SM calamari/SM calamine/M calamitous/Y calamity/SM calcareous calciferous calcification/M calcify/GNDS calcimine/DSMG calcine/DSG calcite/M calcium/M calculable/I calculate/AGNVDSX calculated/Y calculating/Y calculation/AM calculator/SM calculus/Mi caldera/SM calendar/MDGS calf/M calfskin/M calibrate/GNDSX calibration/M calibrator/SM calibre/SM calico/M calicoes californium/M caliper/SGMD caliph/M caliphate/MS caliphs calisthenic/S calisthenics/M call/ASGMD calla/MS callable callback/MS called/U caller/MS calligrapher/SM calligraphic calligraphist/MS calligraphy/M calling/SM calliope/MS callosity/SM callous/PGDSY callousness/M callow/RPT callowness/M callus/MDSG calm/PSTGMDRY calmness/M caloric calorie/MS calorific calumet/MS calumniate/GNDS calumniation/M calumniator/MS calumnious calumny/SM calve/GDS calypso/MS calyx/MS cam/SM camaraderie/M camber/MDSG cambial cambium/SM cambric/M camcorder/SM came camel/MS camelhair camellia/MS cameo/MS camera/MS cameraman/M cameramen camerawoman/M camerawomen camerawork camiknickers camisole/SM camouflage/MZGDRS camouflager/M camp's camp/CSGD campaign/SMDRZG campaigner/M campanile/SM campanologist/MS campanology/M camper/MS campfire/SM campground/SM camphor/M camping/M campsite/SM campus/MS campy/TR camshaft/SM can't can/SMDRZG canal/MS canalization/M canalize/GDS canape/MS canard/MS canary/SM canasta/M cancan/MS cancel/S cancellation/SM cancelled canceller/SM cancelling cancer/MS cancerous candelabra/SM candelabrum/M candid/YP candida candidacy/SM candidate/MS candidature/SM candidness/M candle/MZGDRS candlelight/M candlelit candlepower/M candler/M candlestick/MS candlewick/SM candour/M candy/GDSM candyfloss cane/SM canebrake/MS caner/M canine/MS canister/SM canker/GMDS cankerous cannabis/MS canned cannelloni/M cannery/SM cannibal/SM cannibalism/M cannibalistic cannibalization/M cannibalize/GDS cannily/U canniness/M canning cannon/GMDS cannonade/MGDS cannonball/SM cannot canny/UTR canoe/MDS canoeing canoeist/SM canola/M canon/MS canonical/Y canonization/SM canonize/DSG canoodle/DSG canopy/GDSM canst cant's cant/CZRDGS cantabile cantaloupe/SM cantankerous/PY cantankerousness/M cantata/MS canteen/MS canter/CM cantered cantering canticle/MS cantilever/MDGS canto/MS canton/MLS cantonal cantonment/MS cantor/MS canvas/MGDS canvasback/SM canvass/MDRSZG canvasser/M canyon/MGS cap/SMDRBZ capabilities capability/IM capable/I capably/I capacious/PY capaciousness/M capacitance/M capacities capacitor/SM capacity/IM caparison/MDGS cape/SM caper/GMD capeskin/M capillarity/M capillary/SM capital/MSY capitalism/M capitalist/SM capitalistic capitalistically capitalization/M capitalize/ADSG capitation/CSM capitol/SM capitulate/ADSXGN capitulation/AM caplet/MS capo/SM capon/MS capped/UA capping/UA cappuccino/SM caprice/SM capricious/PY capriciousness/M capsicum/SM capsize/DSG capstan/SM capstone/MS capsular capsule/DSMG capsulize/DSG capt captain/SMDG captaincy/SM caption/SMDG captious/YP captiousness/M captivate/DSGN captivation/M captivator/SM captive/SM captivity/SM captor/MS capture/ADSMG car/SMDRZG carafe/MS caramel/SM caramelize/DSG carapace/SM carat/MS caravan/SM caravansary/SM caravel/SM caraway/SM carbide/SM carbine/SM carbohydrate/SM carbolic carbon/MS carbonaceous carbonate/MGNDS carbonation/M carboniferous carbonize/GDS carborundum/M carboy/MS carbuncle/SM carbuncular carburetor/SM carcass/MS carcinogen/SM carcinogenic/MS carcinogenicity/M carcinoma/MS card/ESGMD cardamom/SM cardamon/S cardboard/M carder/MS cardholder/S cardiac cardiae cardies cardigan/SM cardinal/SMY cardiogram/SM cardiograph/M cardiographs cardiologist/MS cardiology/M cardiopulmonary cardiovascular cardsharp/MRZS cardsharper/M care/SM careen/DGS career/MDGS careerism careerist/SM carefree careful/YP carefuller carefullest carefulness/M caregiver/SM careless/PY carelessness/M carer/M caress/MDSG caret/MS caretaker/MS careworn carfare/M cargo/M cargoes carhop/MS caribou/SM caricature/MGDS caricaturist/SM caries/M carillon/SM caring/M carious carjack/JSDRZG carjacker/M carjacking/M carload/SM carmine/SM carnage/M carnal/Y carnality/M carnation/IMS carnelian/MS carnival/MS carnivore/SM carnivorous/PY carnivorousness/M carny/SM carob/MS carol/MS carolled caroller/MS carolling carom/GMDS carotene/M carotid/SM carousal/SM carouse/DRSMZG carousel/SM carouser/M carp/SZGMDR carpal/MS carpel/MS carpenter/MDGS carpentry/M carper/M carpet/MDGS carpetbag/MS carpetbagged carpetbagger/MS carpetbagging carpeting/M carpool/SMDG carport/SM carpus/Mi carrel/MS carriage/SM carriageway/S carrier/M carrion/M carrot/MS carroty carry/ZGDRSM carryall/SM carrycot/S carryout carryover/MS carsick/P carsickness/M cart/SZGMDR cartage/M cartel/MS carter/M carthorse/SM cartilage/SM cartilaginous cartload/SM cartographer/SM cartographic cartography/M carton/MS cartoon/SMDG cartoonist/MS cartridge/MS cartwheel/GMDS carve/JZGDRS carver/M carvery/S carving/M caryatid/MS casaba/MS cascade/DSMG cascara/SM case/LDSJMG casebook/S cased/U caseharden/DGS casein/M caseload/MS casement/MS casework/ZMR caseworker/M cash/GMDS cashbook/MS cashew/MS cashier/GSMD cashless cashmere/M casing/M casino/MS cask/SM casket/MS cassava/SM casserole/DSMG cassette/MS cassia/MS cassock/SM cassowary/SM cast/ASGM castanet/MS castaway/MS caste/JMZRS castellated caster/M castigate/DSGN castigation/M castigator/SM casting/AM castle/MGDS castoff/SM castor/MS castrate/GNXDS castration/M casual/PMYS casualness/M casualty/SM casuist/SM casuistic casuistry/M cat/SM cataclysm/MS cataclysmal cataclysmic catacomb/SM catafalque/MS catalepsy/M cataleptic/MS catalogue/DRSMZG catalogued/U cataloguer/M catalpa/SM catalyses catalysis/M catalyst/MS catalytic/M catalyze/GDS catamaran/SM catapult/GMDS cataract/MS catarrh/M catastrophe/MS catastrophic catastrophically catatonia/M catatonic/SM catbird/SM catboat/SM catcall/GSMD catch/ZGJLMRS catchall/MS catcher/M catchment/MS catchpenny catchphrase/SM catchword/MS catchy/RT catechism/SM catechist/SM catechize/DSG categorical/Y categorization/MS categorize/GDS category/SM cater/ZGJDRS catercorner caterer/M caterpillar/MS caterwaul/SMDG catfish/MS catgut/M catharses catharsis/M cathartic/SM cathedral/SM catheter/SM catheterize/DSG cathode/SM cathodic catholic catholicity/M cation/MS catkin/MS catlike catnap/MS catnapped catnapping catnip/M catsuit/S cattail/SM catted cattery/S cattily cattiness/M catting cattle/M cattleman/M cattlemen catty/TPR catwalk/SM caucus/MDSG caudal/Y caught/U cauldron/MS cauliflower/SM caulk/ZGMDRS caulker/M causal/Y causality/SM causation/M causative cause/MZGDRS causeless causer/M causerie/SM causeway/SM caustic/SM caustically causticity/M cauterization/M cauterize/GDS caution/SMDG cautionary cautious/IY cautiousness/M cavalcade/MS cavalier/SMY cavalry/SM cavalryman/M cavalrymen cave/DRSMZG caveat/MS caveman/M cavemen cavern/MS cavernous/Y caviar/M cavil/MS cavilled caviller/MS cavilling/S caving/M cavity/FSM cavort/DGS caw/SMDG cay/CSM cayenne/M cayuse/MS cc cease/CMGDS ceasefire/MS ceaseless/YP ceaselessness/M ceca cecal cecum/M cedar/MS cede/FAGSD ceder/MS cedilla/SM ceilidh ceilidhs ceiling/MS celandine/M celeb/S celebrant/SM celebrate/DSGNX celebration/M celebrator/SM celebratory celebrity/SM celeriac celerity/M celery/M celesta/MS celestial/Y celibacy/M celibate/MS cell/SMD cellar/MS cellist/SM cellmate/SM cello/MS cellophane/M cellphone/MS cellular/SM cellulite/M celluloid/M cellulose/M cement/MDRZGS cementer/M cementum/M cemetery/SM cenobite/MS cenobitic cenotaph/M cenotaphs censer/MS censor/MDGS censored/U censorial censorious/PY censoriousness/M censorship/M censure/BDRSMZG censurer/M census/MDSG cent/SM centaur/SM centavo/SM centenarian/MS centenary/SM centennial/MYS centigrade centigram/SM centilitre/MS centime/SM centimetre/MS centipede/SM central/SMY centralism centralist centrality/M centralization/CM centralize/CGDS centralizer/MS centre/MGDS centreboard/SM centrefold/SM centrepiece/SM centrifugal/Y centrifuge/DSMG centripetal/Y centrism/M centrist/MS centurion/SM century/SM cephalic ceramic/SM ceramicist/SM ceramics/M ceramist/MS cereal/MS cerebellar cerebellum/SM cerebra cerebral cerebrate/GNDS cerebration/M cerebrum/MS cerement/MS ceremonial/SMY ceremonious/UY ceremoniousness/M ceremony/SM cerise/M cerium/M cermet/M cert/S certain/UY certainty/USM certifiable certifiably certificate/MGNXDS certification/M certify/DSG certitude/IM certitudes cerulean/M cervical cervices cervix/M cesarean/MS cesium/M cessation/MS cession/KAFSM cesspit/S cesspool/MS cetacean/MS cf cg ch/IFVT chad/S chafe/GDS chaff/GMDS chaffinch/MS chagrin/GSMD chain's chain/UGDS chainsaw/MDGS chair/GMDS chairlift/MS chairman/M chairmanship/SM chairmen chairperson/SM chairwoman/M chairwomen chaise/MS chalcedony/M chalet/MS chalice/SM chalk/GMDS chalkboard/SM chalkiness/M chalky/PRT challenge/DRSMZG challenged/U challenger/M challis/M chamber/SMD chamberlain/MS chambermaid/MS chambray/M chameleon/SM chamois/M chamomile/MS champ/ZGMDS champagne/MS champion/GMDS championship/MS chance/MGDS chancel/SM chancellery/SM chancellor/MS chancellorship/M chancery/SM chanciness/M chancre/SM chancy/PRT chandelier/SM chandler/MS change/MZGDRS changeability/M changeable/P changeableness/M changeably changed/U changeless/Y changeling/SM changeover/SM changer/M changing/U channel/SM channelization/M channelize/DSG channelled channelling chanson/SM chant/ZGMDRS chanter/M chanteuse/MS chantey/SM chanticleer/MS chaos/M chaotic chaotically chap/SM chaparral/SM chapati/S chapatti/S chapbook/MS chapeau/SM chapel/MS chaperonage/M chaperone/DSMG chaperoned/U chaplain/MS chaplaincy/SM chaplet/SM chapped chapping chappy/S chapter/SM char/SM charabanc/MS character/MS characterful characteristic/SM characteristically/U characterization/MS characterize/DSG characterless charade/SM charbroil/GDS charcoal/MS chard/M chardonnay/SM charge/AESDGM chargeable/A charged/U charger/SM charily chariness/M chariot/SM charioteer/MS charisma/M charismatic/MS charitable/P charitableness/M charitably/U charity/SM charlady/S charlatan/SM charlatanism/M charlatanry/M charlie/S charm/ZGMDRS charmer/M charming/Y charmless charred charring chart/GMDS charted/U charter's charter/ASGD charterer/MS chartreuse/M charwoman/M charwomen chary/TRP chase/MZGDRS chaser/M chasm/MS chassis/M chaste/PYTR chasten/DGS chasteness/M chastise/DRSZGL chastisement/SM chastiser/M chastity/M chasuble/SM chat/SM chateau/SM chateaux chatelaine/SM chatline/S chatted chattel/MS chatter/MDRZGS chatterbox/MS chatterer/M chattily chattiness/M chatting chatty/TPR chauffeur/GMDS chauvinism/M chauvinist/SM chauvinistic chauvinistically cheap/PXTNRY cheapen/DG cheapness/M cheapo cheapskate/MS cheat/ZGMDRS cheater/M check/AGMDS checked/U checker/MDGS checkers/M checklist/MS checkmate/MGDS checkoff/SM checkout/SM checkpoint/SM checkroom/MS checkup/MS cheddar/M cheek/GMDS cheekbone/SM cheekily cheekiness/M cheeky/TPR cheep/GMDS cheer/ZGMDRS cheerer/M cheerful/YP cheerfuller cheerfullest cheerfulness/M cheerily cheeriness/M cheerio/MS cheerleader/SM cheerless/PY cheerlessness/M cheery/TPR cheese/MGDS cheeseboard/S cheeseburger/SM cheesecake/SM cheesecloth/M cheeseparing/M cheesiness/M cheesy/TPR cheetah/M cheetahs chef/SM chem chemical/SMY chemise/MS chemist/MS chemistry/M chemo/M chemotherapeutic chemotherapy/M chemurgy/M chenille/M cheque/MGDS chequebook/MS chequerboard/MS cherish/DSG cheroot/MS cherry/SM chert/M cherub/MS cherubic cherubim chervil/M chess/M chessboard/MS chessman/M chessmen chest/MDS chesterfield/SM chestful/SM chestnut/SM chesty/TR chevalier/SM cheviot/M chevron/MS chew/SZGMDR chewer/M chewiness/M chewy/PTR chg chge chi/SM chiaroscuro/M chic/PTMR chicane/MS chicanery/SM chichi/MS chick/XMNS chickadee/SM chicken/MDG chickenfeed/M chickenhearted chickenpox/M chickenshit/S! chickpea/SM chickweed/M chicle/M chicness/M chicory/SM chide/GDS chiding/Y chief/TMRYS chiefdom/M chieftain/MS chieftainship/SM chiffon/M chiffonier/MS chigger/MS chignon/MS chihuahua/SM chilblain/SM child/M childbearing/M childbirth/M childbirths childcare/M childhood/SM childish/YP childishness/M childless/P childlessness/M childlike childminder/S childminding childproof/GSD children chili/M chilies chill/JPZTGMDRS chiller/M chilliness/M chilling/Y chillness/M chilly/TPR chime/MZGDRS chimer/M chimera/MS chimeric chimerical chimney/MS chimp/MS chimpanzee/SM chin/SM china/M chinaware/M chinchilla/MS chine/MS chink/GMDS chinless chinned chinning chino/MS chinstrap/MS chintz/M chintzy/RT chinwag/S chip/SM chipboard chipmunk/SM chipolata/S chipped chipper/MS chippie chipping/S chippy/S chirography/M chiropodist/MS chiropody/M chiropractic/SM chiropractor/SM chirp/GMDS chirpily chirpy/PTR chirrup/GMDS chisel/MS chiselled chiseller/MS chiselling chit/SM chitchat/SM chitchatted chitchatting chitin/M chitinous chitterlings/M chivalrous/PY chivalrousness/M chivalry/M chive/MS chivy/GDS chlamydia/MS chlamydiae chloral/M chlordane/M chloride/MS chlorinate/GNDS chlorination/M chlorine/M chlorofluorocarbon/SM chloroform/SGMD chlorophyll/M chloroplast/MS chm choc/S chock/GMDS chockablock chocoholic/SM chocolate/MS chocolatey choice/MTRS choir/MS choirboy/MS choirmaster/SM choke/MZGDRS chokecherry/SM choker/M choler/M cholera/M choleric cholesterol/M chomp/ZGMDRS choose/ZGRS chooser/M choosiness/M choosy/TPR chop/SM chophouse/SM chopped chopper/MDGS choppily choppiness/M chopping choppy/TPR chopstick/SM choral/MYS chorale/MS chord/MS chordal chordate/SM chore/MS chorea/M choreograph/DRZG choreographer/M choreographic choreographically choreographs choreography/M chorister/SM choroid/MS chortle/MZGDRS chortler/M chorus/GMDS chose chosen chow/SGMD chowder/MS chrism/M christen/ASGD christening/MS christian/U chromatic chromatically chromatin/M chrome/MGDS chromium/M chromosomal chromosome/MS chronic chronically chronicle/DRSMZG chronicler/M chronograph/M chronographs chronological/Y chronologist/MS chronology/SM chronometer/SM chrysalis/MS chrysanthemum/MS chub/SM chubbiness/M chubby/TPR chuck/GMDS chuckhole/SM chuckle/MGDS chuffed chug/SM chugged chugging chukka/MS chum/SM chummed chummily chumminess/M chumming chummy/PTR chump/MS chunder/GDS chunk/MS chunkiness/M chunky/PTR chunter/DGS church/MS churchgoer/SM churchgoing/M churchman/M churchmen churchwarden/MS churchwoman churchwomen churchyard/SM churl/MS churlish/PY churlishness/M churn/ZGMDRS churner/M chute/MS chutney/MS chutzpah/M chyme/M ciao/S cicada/MS cicatrice/SM cicerone/SM ciceroni cider's cider/S cigar/MS cigarette/MS cigarillo/MS cilantro/M cilia cilium/M cinch/GMDS cinchona/SM cincture/SM cinder/GMDS cine cinema/MS cinematic cinematographer/MS cinematographic cinematography/M cinnabar/M cinnamon/M cipher's cipher/CGDS cir circa circadian circle/MGDS circlet/MS circuit/MDGS circuital circuitous/YP circuitousness/M circuitry/M circuity/M circular/SMY circularity/M circularize/DSG circulate/ADSG circulation/SM circulatory circumcise/XDSGN circumcised/U circumcision/M circumference/MS circumferential circumflex/MS circumlocution/MS circumlocutory circumnavigate/XGNDS circumnavigation/M circumpolar circumscribe/GDS circumscription/MS circumspect/Y circumspection/M circumstance/MGDS circumstantial/Y circumvent/DSG circumvention/M circus/MS cirque/MS cirrhosis/M cirrhotic/SM cirrus/iM cistern/MS cit citadel/MS citation/AMS cite's cite/IAGSD citified citizen/MS citizenry/M citizenship/M citric citron/MS citronella/M citrus/MS city/SM citywide civet/MS civic/S civics/M civil/UY civilian/MS civility/ISM civilization/MS civilize/GDS civilized/U civvies/M ck cl clack/GMDS clad/U cladding/M claim's claim/CKEAGDS claimable/A claimant/MS claimed/U claimer/ECSM clairvoyance/M clairvoyant/MS clam/SM clambake/MS clamber/ZGMDRS clamberer/M clammed clammily clamminess/M clamming clammy/PTR clamorous clamour/GMDS clamp/GMDS clampdown/MS clan/SM clandestine/Y clang/ZGMDRS clangorous/Y clangour/M clank/GMDS clannish/P clannishness/M clansman/M clansmen clanswoman clanswomen clap/SM clapboard/MDGS clapped clapper/MS clapperboard/S clapping/M claptrap/M claque/MS claret/MS clarification/M clarify/XDSNG clarinet/SM clarinetist/SM clarion/MDGS clarity/M clash/GMDS clasp's clasp/UGDS class/GMDS classic/MS classical/MY classicism/M classicist/MS classifiable classification/CAM classifications classified's classified/U classifieds classifier/MS classify/ACSDGN classiness/M classless/P classmate/MS classroom/MS classwork/M classy/TRP clatter/GMDS clausal clause/MS claustrophobia/M claustrophobic clavichord/SM clavicle/MS clavier/MS claw/SGMD clay/M clayey clayier clayiest clean/BJPZTGDRYS cleaner/M cleaning/M cleanliness/UM cleanly/UTPR cleanness/UM cleanse/ZGDRS cleanser/M cleanup/MS clear/JPTGMDRYS clearance/SM clearheaded clearing/M clearinghouse/SM clearness/M clearway/S cleat/MS cleavage/MS cleave/ZGDRS cleaver/M clef/SM cleft/MS clematis/MS clemency/IM clement/Y clementine/S clench/GMDS clerestory/SM clergy/SM clergyman/M clergymen clergywoman/M clergywomen cleric/MS clerical/Y clericalism/M clerk/GMDS clerkship/M clever/PTRY cleverness/M clevis/MS clew/SGMD cliche/MDS click/BZGMDRS clicker/M client/MS clientele/MS cliff/MS cliffhanger/SM cliffhanging clifftop/S clii climacteric/M climactic climate/SM climatic climatically climatologist/SM climatology/M climax/MDSG climb/SMDRZGB climber/M climbing/M clime/SM clinch/MDRSZG clincher/M cling/SMRZG clinger/M clingfilm clingy/RT clinic/SM clinical/Y clinician/SM clink/SMDRZG clinker/M cliometric/S cliometrician/MS cliometrics/M clip/SM clipboard/MS clipped clipper/SM clipping/SM clique/SM cliquey cliquier cliquiest cliquish/YP cliquishness/M clitoral clitorides clitoris/MS clix cloaca/M cloacae cloak's cloak/USDG cloakroom/MS clobber/SMDG cloche/SM clock/SMDG clockwise clockwork/SM clod/MS cloddish clodhopper/MS clog's clog/US clogged/U clogging/U cloisonne/M cloister/SMDG cloistral clomp/SDG clonal clone/DSMG clonk/SMDG clop/MS clopped clopping close/DRSMYTGJP closefisted closemouthed closeness/M closeout/MS closet/SMDG closeup/SM closing/M closure/ESM clot/MS cloth/M clothe/UDSG clotheshorse/MS clothesline/SM clothespin/SM clothier/MS clothing/M cloths clotted clotting cloture/SM cloud/SMDG cloudburst/SM clouded/U cloudiness/M cloudless cloudy/RPT clout/SMDG clove/RSMZ cloven clover/M cloverleaf/SM cloverleaves clown/SMDG clownish/YP clownishness/M cloy/DGS cloying/Y club/MS clubbable clubbed clubber/S clubbing clubfeet clubfoot/MD clubhouse/SM clubland cluck/SMDG clue/MGDS clueless clump/SMDG clumpy/TR clumsily clumsiness/M clumsy/TRP clung clunk/SMDRZG clunker/M clunky/TR cluster/MDSG clutch/GMDS clutter/MDSG cluttered/U clvi clvii clxi clxii clxiv clxix clxvi clxvii cm cnidarian/MS co/ESD coach/MDSG coachload/S coachman/M coachmen coachwork coadjutor/MS coagulant/MS coagulate/GNDS coagulation/M coagulator/MS coal/MDGS coalesce/GDS coalescence/M coalescent coalface/MS coalfield/S coalition/MS coalitionist/MS coalmine/S coarse/RYTP coarsen/SDG coarseness/M coast/SMDRZG coastal coaster/M coastguard/S coastline/MS coat/MDGJS coating/M coatroom/S coattail/SM coauthor/MDGS coax/DRSZG coaxer/M coaxial coaxing/Y cob/SM cobalt/M cobber/S cobble/DRSMZG cobbler/M cobblestone/SM cobnut/S cobra/SM cobweb/SM cobwebbed cobwebby/RT coca/M cocaine/M cocci/S coccus/Mi coccyges coccyx/M cochineal/M cochlea/SM cochleae cochlear cock/MDGS cockade/SM cockamamie cockatoo/SM cockatrice/SM cockchafer/S cockcrow/SM cockerel/SM cockeyed cockfight/MGS cockfighting/M cockily cockiness/M cockle/SM cockleshell/SM cockney/SM cockpit/SM cockroach/MS cockscomb/SM cocksucker/MS! cocksure cocktail/MS cocky/RTP coco/MS cocoa/SM coconut/SM cocoon/SMDG cod/SM coda/MS codded codding coddle/DSG code's code/CZGDRS codeine/M codependency/M codependent/SM coder/CM codex/M codfish/MS codger/SM codices codicil/SM codification/M codifier/M codify/XDRSNZG codpiece/MS codswallop coed/MS coeducation/M coeducational coefficient/MS coelenterate/MS coequal/MYS coerce/DRSZGNV coercer/M coercion/M coeval/SMY coexist/DSG coexistence/M coexistent coextensive coffee/SM coffeecake/SM coffeehouse/MS coffeemaker/SM coffeepot/MS coffer/SM cofferdam/MS coffin/SMDG cog/SM cogency/M cogent/Y cogitate/DSXGNV cogitation/M cogitator/MS cognac/SM cognate/MS cognition/AM cognitional cognitive/Y cognizable cognizance/AM cognizant cognomen/SM cognoscente/M cognoscenti cogwheel/SM cohabit/SGD cohabitant/MS cohabitation/M coheir/SM cohere/DSG coherence/IM coherency/M coherent/IY cohesion/M cohesive/YP cohesiveness/M coho/MS cohort/SM coif/MS coiffed coiffing coiffure/DSMG coil's/A coil/UADGS coin/MDRZGS coinage/SM coincide/DSG coincidence/MS coincident coincidental/Y coiner/M coinsurance/M coir coital coitus/M coke/MGDS col/S cola/MS colander/SM cold/MRYTPS coldblooded coldness/M coleslaw/M coleus/MS coley/S colic/M colicky coliseum/MS colitis/M coll collaborate/DSXGNV collaboration/M collaborationist collaborative/Y collaborator/MS collage/SM collagen collapse/MGDS collapsible collar/SMDG collarbone/SM collard/SM collarless collate/DSXGN collateral/MY collateralize collation/M collator/MS colleague/MS collect's collect/ASGVD collected/U collectedly collectible/SM collection/AMS collective/MYS collectivism/M collectivist/SM collectivization/M collectivize/DSG collector/MS colleen/SM college/SM collegiality/M collegian/MS collegiate collide/DSG collie/RSMZ collier/M colliery/SM collision/SM collocate/MGNDSX collocation/M colloid/SM colloidal colloq colloquial/Y colloquialism/SM colloquies colloquium/MS colloquy/M collude/DSG collusion/M collusive cologne/SM colon/SM colonel/SM colonelcy/M colones colonial/SMY colonialism/M colonialist/MS colonist/SM colonization/ACM colonize/CAGSD colonizer/MS colonnade/MDS colony/SM colophon/SM coloration/EM coloratura/MS colossal/Y colossus/Mi colostomy/SM colostrum/M colour's colour/AEGDS colourant/SM colourblind/P colourblindness/M coloured's coloured/U coloureds colourfast/P colourfastness/M colourful/YP colourfulness/M colouring's colourist/S colourization/M colourize/DSG colourless/PY colourlessness/M colourway/S colt/MS coltish columbine/SM column/SMD columnar columnist/SM com/JL coma/MS comaker/SM comatose comb/MDRZGJS combat/SMDGV combatant/SM combativeness/M combed/U comber/M combination/SM combine's combine/ADSG combined/U combiner/MS combings/M combo/SM combustibility/M combustible/MS combustion/M combustive come/IMZGRS comeback/MS comedian/MS comedic comedienne/MS comedown/MS comedy/SM comeliness/M comely/RPT comer's comestible/SM comet/SM comeuppance/SM comfit's comfit/ES comfort/ESMDG comfortable/P comfortableness/M comfortably/U comforter/MS comforting/Y comfortless comfy/RT comic/SM comical/Y comicality/M coming/M comity/M comm comma/SM command/SMDRLZG commandant/MS commandeer/GDS commander/M commandment/MS commando/SM commemorate/XGNVDS commemoration/M commemorator/MS commence/ADSLG commencement/AM commencements commend/ASDBG commendably commendation/AMS commendatory commensurable commensurate/IY comment/GSMD commentary/SM commentate/DSG commentator/SM commerce/M commercial/SMY commercialism/M commercialization/M commercialize/GDS commie/SM commingle/DSG commiserate/GNVDSX commiseration/M commissar/SM commissariat/SM commissary/SM commission's commission/ACSGD commissionaire/S commissioner/SM commit/AS commitment/MS committal/SM committed/AU committee/SM committeeman/M committeemen committeewoman/M committeewomen committing/A commode's commode/EIS commodious/Y commodity/SM commodore/SM common's common/UPRYT commonality/S commonalty/M commoner/MS commonness/UM commonplace/MS commons commonsense commonweal/MH commonwealth/M commonwealths commotion/SM communal/Y commune/XDSMGN communicability/M communicable/I communicably communicant/MS communicate/GNVDSX communication/M communicative/U communicator/SM communion/M communique/SM communism/M communist/SM communistic community/SM commutation/MS commutative commutator/SM commute/BDRSMZG commuter/M comp/MDYGS compact/TGSMDRYP compaction compactness/M compactor/SM companion/SBM companionably companionship/M companionway/MS company/SM comparability/M comparable/I comparably/I comparative/MYS compare/BDSMG comparison/MS compartment/SM compartmental compartmentalization/M compartmentalize/DSG compass/GMDS compassion/M compassionate/Y compatibility/IM compatible/IMS compatibly/I compatriot/MS compeer/SM compel/S compelled compelling/Y compendious compendium/SM compensate/DSXGN compensated/U compensation/M compensatory compere/DSG compete/DSG competence/IM competences competencies competency/IM competent/IY competition/SM competitive/PY competitiveness/M competitor/SM compilation/SM compile/DRSZG compiler/M complacence/M complacency/M complacent/Y complain/DRZGS complainant/MS complainer/M complaint/SM complaisance/M complaisant/Y complected complement/SGMD complementary complete/PYTGNXDRS completed/U completeness/IM completion/M complex/MSY complexion/MDS complexional complexity/SM compliance/M compliant/Y complicate/GDS complicated/Y complication/M complicit complicity/M compliment/MDGS complimentary/U comply/NDSXG compo/S component/SM comport/LSGD comportment/M compose/AECGSD composedly composer/MS composite/MYNXS composition/CM compositor/SM compost/SGMD composure/EM compote/SM compound/GMDBS compounded/U comprehend/SDG comprehensibility/IM comprehensible/I comprehensibly/I comprehension/IM comprehensions comprehensive/PMYS comprehensiveness/M compress's compress/CGDS compressed/U compressible compression/CM compressor/SM comprise/GDS compromise/MGDS comptroller/MS compulsion/MS compulsive/YP compulsiveness/M compulsorily compulsory/SM compunction/SM computation/SM computational/Y compute/ADSG computer/MS computerate computerization/M computerize/GDS computing/M comrade/SMY comradeship/M con/GSM concatenate/XDSGN concatenation/M concave/YP concaveness/M conceal/SDRZGBL concealed/U concealer/M concealment/M conceit/SMD conceited/PY conceitedness/M conceivable/I conceivably/I conceive/DSGB concentrate/DSMGNX concentration/M concentric concentrically concept/SM conception/SM conceptional conceptual/Y conceptualization/MS conceptualize/DSG concern/UMD concerned/UY concerning concerns concert's concert/ESDG concerted/Y concertgoer/S concertina/SGMD concertize/DSG concertmaster/MS concerto/SM concessionaire/MS concessional concessionary conch/M conchie/S conchs concierge/MS conciliate/DSGN conciliation/AM conciliator/SM conciliatory concise/RPYTN conciseness/M concision/M conclave/SM conclude/DSG conclusion/MS conclusive/IYP conclusiveness/IM concoct/SDG concoction/MS concomitant/MYS concord/M concordance/SM concordant concordat/SM concourse/SM concrete/DSPMYGNX concreteness/M concretion/M concubinage/M concubine/MS concupiscence/M concupiscent concur/S concurred concurrence/SM concurrency concurring concuss/V concussion/SM condemn/SDRZG condemnation/MS condemnatory condemner/M condensate/MNXS condensation/M condense/DRSZG condenser/M condescending/Y condescension/M condign condiment/MS condition's condition/AGSD conditional/SMY conditioned/U conditioner/SM conditioning/M condo/SM condolence/SM condom/SM condominium/MS condone/DSG condor/SM conduce/DSGV conduct/MDGV conductance/M conductibility/M conductible conduction/M conductivity/M conductor/MS conductress/MS conduit/SM cone/M coneys confab/SM confabbed confabbing confabulate/XDSGN confabulation/M confection/SZMR confectioner/M confectionery/SM confederacy/SM confederate/M confer/S conferee/SM conference/MGS conferrable conferral/M conferred conferrer/MS conferring confessed/Y confession/SM confessional/SM confessor/MS confetti/M confidant/MS confidante/SM confide/DRSZG confidence/SM confident/Y confidential/Y confidentiality/M confider/M confiding/Y configuration/S configure/B confined/U confinement/MS confirm/ASDG confirmation/ASM confirmatory confirmed/U confiscate/DSGNX confiscation/M confiscator/SM confiscatory conflagration/MS conflate/XDSGN conflation/M conflict/SGMD confluence/MS confluent conform/ZB conformable/U conformance/M conformism/M conformist/SM conformity/M confrere/MS confrontation/SM confrontational confuse/RZ confused/Y confusing/Y confutation/M confute/DSG conga/SMDG congeal/SLDG congealment/M conger/SM congeries/M congest/SDGV congestion/M conglomerate/DSXMGN conglomeration/M congrats/M congratulate/XGNDS congratulation/M congratulatory congregant/MS congregate/GNDSX congregation/M congregational congregationalism/M congregationalist/MS congress/MS congressional congressman/M congressmen congresspeople congressperson/MS congresswoman/M congresswomen congruence/M congruent/Y congruity/ISM congruous conic/SM conical/Y conifer/SM coniferous conjectural conjecture/MGDS conjoint conjugal/Y conjugate/DSXGN conjugation/M conjunct/VMS conjunctiva/SM conjunctive/SM conjunctivitis/M conjuration/MS conjure/DRSZG conjurer/M conk/MDRZ conman connect/AEDVGS connectable connected/U connection/EMS connective/MS connectivity/M connector/MS conned conning conniption/MS connivance/M connive/DRSZG conniver/M connoisseur/SM connotative connubial conquer/ASDG conquerable/U conquered/U conqueror/MS conquest/AM conquistador/SM cons/DSG consanguineous consanguinity/M conscienceless conscientious/PY conscientiousness/M conscious/UYP consciousness/UM consciousnesses conscription/M consecrate/ADSGN consecrated/U consecration/AM consecrations consecutive/Y consensual consensus/MS consent/SMDG consequence/SM consequent/Y consequential/IY conservancy/SM conservation/M conservationism/M conservationist/SM conservatism/M conservative/MYS conservatoire/S conservator/SM conservatory/SM consider/AGSD considerable/I considerably considerate/IPYN considerateness/IM consideration/AIM considerations considered/U consign/ASDG consignee/MS consignment/MS consist/SDG consistence/MS consistency/ISM consistent/IY consistory/SM consolable/I consolation/MS consolatory consolidate/XDSGN consolidated/U consolidation/M consolidator/MS consoling/Y consomme/M consonance/SM consonant/SMY consortia consortium/M conspectus/MS conspicuous/IPY conspicuousness/IM conspiracy/SM conspirator/MS conspiratorial/Y conspire/GD constable/SM constabulary/SM constancy/IM constant/MYS constellation/SM consternation/M constipate/GNDS constipation/M constituency/SM constituent/SM constitute/ADSGNV constitution/AM constitutional/MYS constitutionalism constitutionality/UM constitutions constrained/U constraint/SM constrict/GVSD constriction/SM constrictor/SM construable construct's construct/CADVGS construction/CAMS constructional constructionist's constructionist/CS constructive/YP constructiveness/M constructor/MS construe/GDS consul/KSM consular/K consulate/SM consulship/M consult/GSD consultancy/SM consultant/MS consultation/MS consultative consumable/SM consume/BDRSZG consumed/U consumer/M consumerism/M consumerist/MS consummate/YGNXDS consummated/U consumption/M consumptive/SM cont contact/ASDG contactable contagion/MS contagious/PY contagiousness/M contain/SBLDRZG container/M containerization/M containerize/DSG containment/M contaminant/SM contaminate/ACDSG contaminated/U contamination/CM contaminator/SM contd contemn/SDG contemplate/DSGNV contemplation/M contemplative/SMY contemporaneity/M contemporaneous/Y contempt/M contemptible contemptibly contemptuous/YP contemptuousness/M contender/MS content/ESLMDG contented/EY contentedness/M contention/SM contentious/YP contentiousness/M contently contentment/EM conterminous/Y contestable/I contestant/MS contested/U contextualization contextualize/DSG contiguity/M contiguous/Y continence/IM continent/SM continental/SM contingency/SM contingent/SMY continua continual/Y continuance/EMS continuation/EMS continue/EGDS continuity/ESM continuous/EY continuum/M contort/GD contortion/MS contortionist/SM contraband/M contraception/M contraceptive/SM contract/MDG contractible contractile contraction/S contractual/Y contradict/SDG contradiction/SM contradictory contradistinction/MS contraflow/S contrail/MS contraindicate/GNXDS contraindication/M contralto/SM contraption/SM contrapuntal/Y contrariety/M contrarily contrariness/M contrariwise contrary/PSM contrast/MDGS contravene/GDS contravention/SM contretemps/M contribute/XGND contribution/M contributor/MS contributory contrition/M contrivance/MS contrive/ZGDRS contriver/M control's control/CS controllable/U controlled/UC controller/MS controlling/C controversial/Y controversy/SM controvert/DSG controvertible/I contumacious/Y contumacy/M contumelious contumely/SM contuse/XDSGN contusion/M conundrum/SM conurbation/MS convalesce/DSG convalescence/MS convalescent/SM convection/M convectional convective convector/S convene/ADSG convener/MS convenience/IMS convenient/IY convent/SM conventicle/MS convention/SM conventional/UY conventionality/UM conventionalize/GDS conventioneer/S convergence/MS convergent conversant conversation/MS conversational/Y conversationalist/SM converse/Y convert's convert/AGSD converted/U converter/SM convertibility/M convertible/SM convex/Y convexity/M convey/SBDG conveyance/MGS conveyor/MS convict/GSMD conviction/MS convince/GDS convinced/U convincing/UY convivial/Y conviviality/M convoke/DSG convoluted convolution/MS convoy/SMDG convulse/GNVXDS convulsion/M convulsive/Y cony/M coo/GSMD cook's cook/ADGS cookbook/MS cooked/U cooker/SM cookery/SM cookhouse/S cookie/SM cooking/M cookout/SM cookware/SM cool/MDRYZTGPS coolant/SM cooler/M coolie/SM coolness/M coon/MS! coonskin/MS coop/MDRZGS cooper/MDG cooperage/M cooperate/DSGNV cooperation/M cooperative/PMYS cooperativeness/M cooperator/SM coordinate/DSMYGN coordinated/U coordination/M coordinator/MS coot/MS cootie/SM cop/GJSMD copacetic copay/M cope/MS copier/SM copilot/SM coping/M copious/PY copiousness/M copped copper/SM copperhead/SM copperplate/M coppery copping copra/M copse/SM copter/SM copula/SM copulate/GNVDS copulation/M copulative/SM copy's copy/ADSG copybook/SM copycat/MS copycatted copycatting copyist/MS copyleft/S copyright/GSMD copywriter/MS coquetry/SM coquette/DSMG coquettish/Y cor coracle/SM coral/SM corbel/SM cord/EASGDM cordage/M cordial/SMY cordiality/M cordillera/MS cordite/M cordless cordon/SMDG cordovan/M corduroy/MS corduroys/M core/MZGDRS coreligionist/S corer/M corespondent/MS corgi/SM coriander/M cork's cork/UDGS corkage corker/SM corkscrew/SMDG corm/MS cormorant/SM corn/MDRZGS cornball/MS cornbread/M corncob/MS corncrake/S cornea/SM corneal corner/GMD cornerstone/SM cornet/SM cornfield/S cornflakes/M cornflour cornflower/SM cornice/MS cornily corniness/M cornmeal/M cornrow/MDGS cornstalk/SM cornstarch/M cornucopia/MS corny/PRT corolla/MS corollary/SM corona/SM coronal/MS coronary/SM coronation/SM coroner/MS coronet/MS corp corpora corporal/SM corporate/XYN corporation/IM corporatism corporeal/Y corporeality/M corps/MS corpse/M corpsman/M corpsmen corpulence/M corpulent corpus/M corpuscle/MS corpuscular corr corral/SM corralled corralling correct/DRYTGVSBP corrected/U correction/SM correctional corrective/SM correctness/IM corrector correlate/XDSMGNV correlated/U correlation/M correlative/MS correspond/SDG correspondence/SM correspondent/SM corresponding/Y corridor/SM corrie/S corroborate/GNVDSX corroborated/U corroboration/M corroborator/SM corroboratory corrode/GDS corrosion/M corrosive/SMY corrugate/GNXDS corrugation/M corrupt/DRYPSTG corruptibility/IM corruptible/I corruption/MS corruptness/M corsage/MS corsair/MS corset/SGMD cortege/MS cortex/M cortical cortices cortisone/M corundum/M coruscate/GNDS coruscation/M corvette/SM cos/M cosh/DSG cosign/ZGSDR cosignatory/SM cosigner/M cosine/SM cosmetic/SM cosmetically cosmetician/MS cosmetologist/MS cosmetology/M cosmic cosmically cosmogonist/SM cosmogony/SM cosmological cosmologist/SM cosmology/SM cosmonaut/SM cosmopolitan/MS cosmopolitanism/M cosmos/MS cosponsor/GSMD cosset/SGD cossetted cossetting cost/MDYGSJ costar/SM costarred costarring costliness/M costly/PTR costume/MZGDRS costumer/M costumiers costumire cot/SM cotangent/MS cote/MS coterie/MS coterminous cotillion/SM cottage/MZGRS cottager/M cottar/SM cotter/SM cotton/SGMD cottonmouth/M cottonmouths cottonseed/MS cottontail/MS cottonwood/SM cottony cotyledon/MS couch/MDSG couchette/S cougar/SM cough/MDG coughs could couldn't coulee/SM coulis coulomb/MS council/MS councillor/SM councilman/M councilmen councilperson/SM councilwoman/M councilwomen counsel/JMS counselled counselling counsellor/SM count/EASMDG countable/U countably countdown/MS counted/U countenance's countenance/EGDS counter/EMS counteract/SGVD counteraction/MS counterargument/S counterattack/GMDS counterbalance/MGDS counterblast/S counterclaim/GSMD counterclockwise counterculture/SM countered counterespionage/M counterexample/S counterfeit/ZGMDRS counterfeiter/M counterfoil/MS countering counterinsurgency/SM counterintelligence/M counterman/M countermand/GMDS countermeasure/SM countermen counteroffensive/SM counteroffer/SM counterpane/SM counterpart/SM counterpoint/MDGS counterpoise/MGDS counterproductive counterrevolution/SM counterrevolutionary/SM countersign/GSMD countersignature/MS countersink/GSM counterspy/SM countersunk countertenor/MS countervail/GSD counterweight/MS countess/MS countless countrified country/SM countryman/M countrymen countryside/MS countrywide countrywoman/M countrywomen county/SM countywide coup's coup/AS coupe/SM couple's couple/UCGSD couplet/MS coupling/SM coupon/SM courage/M courageous/YP courageousness/M courgette/S courier/MDSG course/EDGMS coursebook/S courser/MS coursework court/SMDYG courteous/EY courteousness/M courtesan/SM courtesy/ESM courthouse/MS courtier/SM courtliness/M courtly/PRT courtroom/MS courtship/MS courtyard/MS couscous/M cousin/SM couture/M couturier/MS cove/MS coven/SM covenant/MDSG cover's cover/AEUGDS coverage/M coverall/MS covering's coverings coverlet/MS covert/SPMY covertness/M covet/SDG covetous/YP covetousness/M covey/SM cow/ZGSMDR coward/SMY cowardice/M cowardliness/M cowbell/MS cowbird/MS cowboy/SM cowcatcher/MS cower/DG cowgirl/MS cowhand/MS cowherd/MS cowhide/MS cowl/MGSJ cowlick/MS cowling/M cowman/M cowmen coworker/MS cowpat/S cowpoke/MS cowpox/M cowpuncher/SM cowrie/SM cowshed/S cowslip/SM cox/GDS coxcomb/MS coxswain/MS coy/TPRY coyness/M coyote/SM coypu/SM cozen/SDG cozenage/M cozily coziness/M cozy/RSMTP cpd cpl cps crab/MS crabbed crabber/SM crabbily crabbiness/M crabbing crabby/PRT crabgrass/M crablike crabwise crack/SMDRYZGJ crackdown/MS cracker/M crackerjack/MS crackhead/MS crackle/DSJMG crackling/M crackly/TR crackpot/MS crackup/SM cradle/DSMG craft/SMDG craftily craftiness/M craftsman/M craftsmanship/M craftsmen craftspeople craftswoman/M craftswomen crafty/RTP crag/MS cragginess/M craggy/RPT cram/S crammed crammer/S cramming cramp/SMDG cramping/M crampon/SM cranberry/SM crane/DSMG cranial cranium/SM crank/SMDG crankcase/SM crankily crankiness/M crankshaft/MS cranky/PRT cranny/DSM crap/MS crape/SM crapped crapper/S crappie/RSMT crapping crappy craps/M crapshooter/MS crash/MDSG crass/RYTP crassness/M crate/DRSMZG crater/MDG cravat/SM crave/DSGJ craven/SMYP cravenness/M craving/M craw/MS crawdad/SM crawl/SMDRZG crawler/M crawlspace/SM crawly/TRSM cray/S crayfish/MS crayola/S crayon/GSMD craze/DSMG crazily craziness/M crazy/PRSMT creak/SMDG creakily creakiness/M creaky/RPT cream/SMDRZG creamer/M creamery/SM creamily creaminess/M creamy/RPT crease/ICGMSD create/KADSGNV creation's/K creation/ASM creationism/SM creationist/SM creative/SMYP creativeness/M creativity/M creator/MS creature/SM creche/SM cred credence/M credential/SGMD credenza/SM credibility/IM credible/I credibly/I credit/EGSBMD creditably/E creditor/SM creditworthy/P credo/SM credulity/IM credulous/IY credulousness/M creed/SM creek/SM creel/SM creep/SMRZG creeper/M creepily creepiness/M creepy/TPR cremains/M cremate/GNDSX cremation/M crematoria crematorium/MS crematory/SM creme/SM crenellate/DSGNX crenellation/M creole/SM creosote/MGDS crepe/SM crept crepuscular crescendo/CSM crescent/MS cress/M crest/SMDG crestfallen crestless cretaceous cretin/SM cretinism/M cretinous cretonne/M crevasse/SM crevice/MS crew/MDGS crewel/M crewelwork/M crewman/M crewmen crib/MS cribbage/M cribbed cribber/MS cribbing crick/SMDG cricket/MRSZG cricketer/M crier/M crikey crime/SM criminal/MYS criminality/M criminalize/CGDS criminologist/MS criminology/M crimp/SMDG crimson/SMDG cringe/DSMG crinkle/DSMG crinkly/RT crinoline/SM cripes cripple/DRSMZG crippler/M crippleware/S crippling/Y crises crisis/M crisp/SMDRYTGP crispbread/S crispiness/M crispness/M crispy/PRT crisscross/GMDS criteria criterion/M critic/SM critical/UY criticism/MS criticize/ZGDRS criticizer/M critique/MGDS critter/SM croak/SMDG croaky/RT crochet/SMDRZG crocheter/M crocheting/M crock/SMD crockery/M crocodile/SM crocus/MS croft/SRZG croissant/MS crone/SM crony/SM cronyism/M crook/SMDG crooked/PTRY crookedness/M crookneck/SM croon/SMDRZG crooner/M crop/MS cropland/SM cropped cropper/MS cropping croquet/M croquette/SM cross's cross/AUGTSD crossbar/SM crossbeam/MS crossbones/M crossbow/SM crossbowman/M crossbowmen crossbred crossbreed/SGM crosscheck/SMDG crosscurrent/MS crosscut/SM crosscutting crosser crossfire/MS crosshatch/GDS crossing/SM crossly crossness/M crossover/MS crosspatch/MS crosspiece/SM crossroad/MS crossroads/M crosstown crosswalk/MS crosswind/MS crosswise crossword/MS crotch/MS crotchet/SM crotchety crouch/GMDS croup/M croupier/M croupy/ZTR crouton/MS crow/MDGS crowbar/MS crowd/SMDG crowded/U crowfeet crowfoot/SM crown/SMDG crowned/U crozier/MS crucial/Y crucible/SM crucifix/MS crucifixion/SM cruciform/SM crucify/DSG crud/M cruddy/TR crude/RMYTP crudeness/M crudites/M crudity/SM cruel/YP crueller cruellest cruelness/M cruelty/SM cruet/SM cruft/SDG crufty/S cruise/DRSMZG cruiser/M cruller/MS crumb/SMDYG crumble/MGDS crumbliness/M crumbly/TPR crumby/TR crumminess/M crummy/PTR crumpet/MS crumple/MGDS crunch/GMDRS crunchiness/M crunchy/TRP crupper/MS crusade/MZGDRS crusader/M cruse/SM crush/MDRSZG crusher/M crushing/Y crust/SMDG crustacean/SM crustal crustily crustiness/M crusty/TRP crutch/MS crux/MS cry/ZGJDRSM crybaby/SM cryogenic/S cryogenics/M cryonics cryosurgery/M crypt/SM cryptic cryptically cryptogram/SM cryptographer/SM cryptography/M crystal/SM crystalline crystallization/M crystallize/ADSG crystallographic crystallography ct ctn ctr cu cub/ZGSJMDR cubbyhole/MS cube/MS cuber/M cubic cubical cubicle/MS cubing/GD cubism/M cubist/SM cubit/SM cuboid/S cuckold/MDSG cuckoldry/M cuckoo/SM cucumber/SM cud/SM cuddle/DSMG cuddly/TR cudgel/SM cudgelled cudgelling/S cue/DSMG cuff/MDGS cuisine/SM culinary cull/MDGS culminate/XDSGN culmination/M culotte/SM culpability/M culpable/I culpably culprit/SM cult/MS cultism/M cultist/MS cultivable cultivate/BDSGN cultivated/U cultivation/M cultivator/MS cultural/Y culture/MGDS cultured/U culvert/MS cum/SM cumber/SDG cumbersome/P cumbersomeness/M cumbrous cumin/M cummerbund/MS cumming cumulative/Y cumulonimbus/iM cumulus/iM cuneiform/M cunnilingus/M cunning/MRYT cunt/MS! cup/SM cupboard/SM cupcake/MS cupful/SM cupid/SM cupidity/M cupola/SMD cuppa/S cupped cupping cupric cur/SMY curability/M curacao curacy/SM curare/M curate/DSMGV curative/MS curator/KMS curatorial curb/MDGS curbing/M curbside curbstone/SM curd/MS curdle/DSG cure's cure/KZGBDRS cured/U curer/KM curettage/M curfew/SM curia/M curiae curie/SM curio/SM curiosity/SM curious/YP curiousness/M curium/M curl's curl/UDGS curler/SM curlew/SM curlicue/DSMG curliness/M curling/M curly/RPT curmudgeon/MYS currant/MS currency/SM current's current/FAY currents curricula curricular curriculum/M curry/DSMG currycomb/SGMD curse/DSMGV cursed/Y cursive's cursive/EAY cursor/SM cursorily cursoriness/M cursory/P curt/RYTP curtail/GDSL curtailment/SM curtain/GMDS curtness/M curtsy/GDSM curvaceous/P curvaceousness/M curvature/SM curve/DSMG curvy/RT cushion/MDSG cushy/RT cusp/MS cuspid/SM cuspidor/SM cuss's cuss/FEGSD cussed/PY custard/MS custodial custodian/MS custodianship/M custody/M custom/SZMR customarily customary/U customer/M customhouse/SM customization/M customize/DSG cut/TSMR cutaneous cutaway/MS cutback/MS cute/YP cuteness/M cutesy/TR cutey/S cuticle/MS cutie/SM cutlass/MS cutler/SM cutlery/M cutlet/SM cutoff/SM cutout/SM cutter/SM cutthroat/SM cutting/MYS cuttlefish/MS cutup/SM cutworm/MS cw cwt cyan/M cyanide/M cybercafe/S cybernetic/S cybernetics/M cyberpunk/SM cyberspace/MS cyborg/SM cyclamen/MS cycle/ADSMG cyclic cyclical/Y cyclist/MS cyclometer/MS cyclone/MS cyclonic cyclopedia/MS cyclopes cyclops/M cyclotron/MS cygnet/MS cylinder/MS cylindrical cymbal/MS cymbalist/MS cynic/SM cynical/Y cynicism/M cynosure/MS cypress/MS cyst/MS cystic cystitis cytologist/SM cytology/M cytoplasm/M cytoplasmic cytosine/M czar/MS czarina/SM czarism czarist/SM d'Arezzo d'Estaing d/NXGJ dB dab/SM dabbed dabber/MS dabbing dabble/ZGDRS dabbler/M dace/SM dacha/MS dachshund/MS dactyl/MS dactylic/MS dad/SM dadaism/M dadaist/MS daddy/SM dado/M dadoes daemon/MS daemonic daffiness/M daffodil/SM daffy/PTR daft/PTRY daftness/M dag/S dagger/MS dago/S dagoes daguerreotype/DSMG dahlia/MS dailiness/M daily/PSM daintily daintiness/M dainty/RSMTP daiquiri/MS dairy/GSM dairying/M dairymaid/MS dairyman/M dairymen dairywoman/M dairywomen dais/MS daisy/SM dale/SM dalliance/MS dallier/M dally/ZGDRS dalmatian/MS dam/SM damage/MGDS damageable damaged/U damages/M damask/MDGS dame/SM dammed damming dammit damn/SBGMD damnably damnation/M damned/T damp/SPXZTGMDNRY dampen/ZGDR dampener/M damper/M dampness/M damsel/MS damselfly/SM damson/MS dance/MZGDRS dancer/M dancing/M dandelion/SM dander/M dandify/GDS dandle/GDS dandruff/M dandy/TRSM dang/SZGDR danger/M dangerous/Y dangle/ZGDRS dangler/M danish/MS dank/PTRY dankness/M danseuse/MS dapper/TR dapple/MGDS dare/DRSMZG daredevil/MS daredevilry/M darer/M daresay daring/MY dark/PXTMNRY darken/ZGDR darkener/M darkie/S darkness/M darkroom/MS darling/MS darn/SZGMDR darned/TR darner/M dart/SZGMDR dartboard/MS darter/M dash/ZGMDRS dashboard/SM dasher/M dashiki/MS dashing/Y dastard/MYS dastardliness/M data database/SM date/DRSMZGV datebook/S dated/U dateless dateline/MGDS dater/M dative/MS datum/M daub/SZGMDR dauber/M daughter/SMY daunt/GDS daunting/Y dauntless/YP dauntlessness/M dauphin/MS davenport/MS davit/MS dawdle/ZGDRS dawdler/M dawn/SGMD day/SM daybed/MS daybreak/M daycare/M daydream/MDRZGS daydreamer/M daylight/MS daylights/M daylong daytime/M daze/DSMG dazed/Y dazzle/MZGDRS dazzler/M dazzling/Y db dbl dc dd/SDG dded/K dding/K deacon/MS deaconess/MS dead/XTMNRY deadbeat/MS deadbolt/SM deaden/GD deadhead/SDG deadline/SM deadliness/M deadlock/GSMD deadly/TPR deadpan/MS deadpanned deadpanning deadwood/M deaf/PXTNR deafen/GD deafening/Y deafness/M deal/SJZGMR dealer/M dealership/SM dealing/M dealt dean/M deanery/SM deanship/M dear/SPTMRYH dearest/S dearness/M dearth/M dearths deary/SM death/MY deathbed/SM deathblow/MS deathless/Y deathlike deaths deathtrap/MS deathwatch/MS deaves deb/SM debacle/MS debarkation/M debarment/M debate/BMZR debater/M debating/M debauch/MDSG debauchee/MS debauchery/SM debenture/MS debilitate/DSGN debilitation/M debility/SM debit/D debonair/PY debonairness/M debouch/GDS debris/M debt/SM debtor/MS debugger/S debut/GMD debutante/SM decade/MS decadence/M decadency/M decadent/MYS decaf/MS decaffeinate/DSG decagon/MS decal/MS decampment/M decapitate/XGNDS decapitator/MS decathlete/S decathlon/SM decay/GD deceased/M decedent/MS deceit/MS deceitful/YP deceitfulness/M deceive/UGDS deceiver/MS deceiving/Y decelerate/GNDS deceleration/M decelerator/SM decency/ISM decennial/SM decent/IY deception/MS deceptive/YP deceptiveness/M decibel/MS decidable/U decide/BZGDRS decided/Y deciduous decilitre/MS decimal/SM decimalization decimate/DSGN decimation/M decimetre/MS decipherable/UI decision/IM decisions decisive/IPY decisiveness/IM deck/SGMD deckchair/S deckhand/SM deckle/S declamation/MS declamatory declaration/MS declarative declaratory declare/DRSZGB declared/U declarer/M declension/SM declination/M decline/DRSMZG decliner/M declivity/SM decolletage/SM decollete decongestant/MS deconstructionism decor/MS decorate/AGNVDS decorating/M decoration/AM decorations decorative/Y decorator/MS decorous/IY decorousness/M decorum/M decoupage/DSMG decoy/GMDS decreasing/Y decree/MDS decreeing decremented decrements decrepit decrepitude/M decriminalization/M decry/GDS decryption dedicate/AGDS dedication/SM dedicator/SM dedicatory deduce/GDS deducible deduct/GVD deductible/SM deduction/SM deductive/Y deed/GD deejay/MS deem/ASGD deep/SPXTMNRY deepen/GD deepness/M deer/M deerskin/M deerstalker/S def/Z defacement/M defacer/SM defalcate/DSXGN defalcation/M defamation/M defamatory defame/ZGDRS defamer/M defaulter/SM defeat/MDRZGS defeated/U defeater/M defeatism/M defeatist/MS defecate/GNDS defecation/M defect/MDGVS defection/MS defective/MPYS defectiveness/M defector/MS defenceless/YP defencelessness/M defendant/SM defended/U defenestration/S defensible/I defensibly/I defensive/MYP defensiveness/M deference/M deferential/Y deferral/MS deferred deferring deffer deffest defiant/Y defibrillator/S deficiency/SM deficient deficit/SM defilement/M definable/IU define/AGDS defined/U definer/MS definite/IYVP definiteness/IM definition/AM definitions definitive/Y deflate/GNDS deflation/M deflationary deflect/DGVS deflection/MS deflector/SM defogger/SM defoliant/SM defoliate/DSGN defoliation/M defoliator/MS deformity/SM defraud/DRZGS defrauder/M defrayal/M defrock/DG defroster/MS deft/PTRY deftness/M defunct defy/GDS deg degeneracy/M degenerate/MV degrade/B degree/MS dehydrator/SM deicer/MS deification/M deify/NGDS deign/GDS deist/MS deistic deity/SM deject/GDS dejected/Y dejection/M delay/ZDR delectable delectably delectation/M delegate/GD delete/XGNDS deleterious deletion/M delft/M delftware/M deli/SM deliberate/XYVP deliberateness/M delicacy/ISM delicate/IY delicateness/M delicatessen/SM delicious/PY deliciousness/M delighted/Y delightful/Y deliminator/S delineate/GNXDS delineation/M delinquency/SM delinquent/SMY deliquesce/DSG deliquescent delirious/YP deliriousness/M delirium/SM deliver/ADGS deliverable deliverance/M delivered/U deliverer/SM dell/SM delphinium/MS delta/MS delude/GDS deluge/MGDS delusion/MS delusional delusive/Y deluxe delve/ZGDRS delver/M demagogic demagogically demagogue/SM demagoguery/M demagogy/M demand/GMDS demanding/U demarcate/DSGNX demarcation/M demean/GDS demeanour/M demented/Y dementia/M demesne/MS demigod/MS demigoddess/MS demijohn/SM demimondaine/SM demimonde/M demise/MGDS demitasse/MS demo/GMD democracy/SM democrat/MS democratic/U democratically democratization/M democratize/GDS demode demographer/SM demographic/SM demographically demographics/M demography/M demolish/DSG demolition/MS demon/MS demonetization/M demoniac demoniacal/Y demonic demonically demonize/GDS demonology/SM demonstrability demonstrable/I demonstrably demonstrate/XGNVDS demonstration/M demonstrative/MYSP demonstrativeness/M demonstrator/MS demote/GD demotic demount demulcent/SM demur/TMRS demure/PY demureness/M demurral/SM demurred demurrer/SM demurring den/M denationalization denature/DG dendrite/SM dengue/M deniable/U denial/MS denier/M denigrate/DSGN denigration/M denim/MS denizen/MS denominational denotative denouement/MS denounce/LDSG denouncement/SM dense/PYTR denseness/M density/SM dent/ISGMD dental/Y dentifrice/SM dentine/M dentist/MS dentistry/M dentition/M denture/IMS denuclearize/GDS denudation/M denude/GDS denunciation/SM deny/ZGDRS deodorant/SM deodorization/M deodorize/DRSZG deodorizer/M departed/M department/MS departmental/Y departmentalization/M departmentalize/GDS departure/SM dependability/M dependable/U dependably dependence/IM dependency/SM dependent/IY depict/GDS depiction/MS depilatory/SM deplete/GNDS depletion/M deplorably deplore/BGDS deploy/ALGDS deployment/AM deployments deponent/MS deportation/MS deportee/MS deportment/M deposit/AGMDS depositor/MS depository/SM deprave/GDS depravity/SM deprecate/GNDS deprecating/Y deprecation/M deprecatory depreciate/DSGN depreciation/M depredation/SM depressant/SM depressing/Y depression/SM depressive/SM depressor/MS depressurization deprive/GDS deprogramming depth/M depths deputation/MS depute/DSG deputize/DSG deputy/SM derailleur/SM derailment/SM derangement/M derby/SM derelict/MS dereliction/M deride/GDS derision/M derisive/PY derisiveness/M derisory derivation/MS derivative/MS derive/B dermal dermatitis/M dermatological dermatologist/SM dermatology/M dermis/M derogate/DSGN derogation/M derogatorily derogatory derrick/SM derriere/SM derringer/SM derv dervish/MS desalinate/GNDS desalination/M desalinization/M desalinize/GDS descant/M descend/FGDS descendant/MS descendent descender describable/I describe/BZGDR describer/M description/SM descriptive/PY descriptiveness/M descriptor/S descry/GDS desecrate/DSGN desecration/M deselection desert/SDRZGM deserter/M desertification desertion/SM deserved/UY deserving/U desiccant/SM desiccate/DSGN desiccation/M desiccator/SM desiderata desideratum/M design/ASDG designate/DSGNX designation/M desirability/UM desirableness/M desirably/U desire/B desired/U desirous desist/SDG desk/SM deskill/G desktop/SM desolate/PDSYGN desolateness/M desolation/M despair/SMDG despairing/Y desperado/M desperadoes desperate/YNP desperateness/M desperation/M despicable despicably despise/DSG despite despoilment/M despondence/M despondency/M despondent/Y despotic despotically despotism/M dessert/SM dessertspoon/S dessertspoonful/S destination/SM destine/DSG destiny/SM destitute/N destitution/M destroy/SZGDR destroyer/M destruct/GVMDS destructibility/IM destructible/I destruction/M destructive/PY destructiveness/M desuetude/M desultorily desultory detach/BLGDS detachment/MS detain/LGDS detainee/MS detainment/M detect/SDGVB detectable/U detected/U detection/M detective/SM detector/SM detente/SMNX detention/M deter/SL detergent/SM deteriorate/DSGN deterioration/M determent/M determinable/I determinant/SM determinate determine/AGDS determined/U determinedly determiner/SM determinism/M deterministic deterred/U deterrence/M deterrent/MS deterring detestably detestation/M dethrone/DSLG dethronement/M detonate/GNDSX detonation/M detonator/SM detox/MDSG detoxification/M detoxify/DSGN detract/GD detriment/SM detrimental/Y detritus/M deuce/SM deuterium/M devastate/GNDS devastating/Y devastation/M devastator/MS develop/ASGDL developed/U developer/SM development/ASM developmental/Y deviance/M deviancy/M deviant/SM deviate/DSMGNX deviating/U deviation/M devil/SML devilish/YP devilishness/M devilled devilling devilment/M devilry/SM deviltry/SM devious/YP deviousness/M devoid devolution/M devolve/DSG devoted/Y devotee/SM devotion/MS devotional/SM devour/SDG devout/PRYT devoutness/M dew/M dewberry/SM dewclaw/SM dewdrop/SM dewiness/M dewlap/SM dewy/RTP dexterity/M dexterous/YP dexterousness/M dextrose/M dhoti/SM dhow/MS diabetes/M diabetic/SM diabolic diabolical/Y diacritic/MS diacritical diadem/SM diaereses diaeresis/M diagnose/DSG diagnosis/M diagnostic/S diagnostically diagnostician/SM diagnostics/M diagonal/SMY diagram/SM diagrammatic diagrammatically diagrammed diagramming dial/AMDGS dialect/SM dialectal dialectic/SM dialectical dialectics/M dialing/S dialog dialogue/SM dialyses dialysis/M dialyzes diam diamante diameter/SM diametric diametrical/Y diamond/SM diamondback/MS diapason/SM diaper/SMDG diaphanous diaphragm/SM diaphragmatic diarist/SM diarrhea/M diary/SM diaspora diastase/M diastole/M diastolic diathermy/M diatom/SM diatomic diatonic diatribe/SM dibble/DSMG dibs/M dice/GDS dices/I dicey dichotomous dichotomy/SM dicier diciest dick/MRXZS dicker/DG dickey/SM dickhead/S dickybird/S dicotyledon/MS dicotyledonous dict dicta dictate/DSMGNX dictation/M dictator/SM dictatorial/Y dictatorship/SM diction/M dictionary/SM dictum/M did/AU didactic didactically diddle/DRSZG diddler/M diddly diddlysquat diddums didgeridoo/S didn't dido/M didoes didst die/DSM dielectric/MS diereses dieresis/M diesel/SMDG diet/MDRZGS dietary/SM dieter/M dietetic/S dietetics/M dietitian/MS diff/DRZGS differ/DG difference/IM differences different/IY differential/SM differentiate/DSGN differentiated/U differentiation/M difficult/Y difficulty/SM diffidence/M diffident/Y diffract/GSD diffraction/M diffuse/DSYGNVP diffuseness/M diffusion/M dig/SM digerati/M digest/SMDGV digested/U digestibility/M digestible/I digestion/IM digestions digestive/S digger/SM digging/S diggings/M digit/SM digital/Y digitalis/M digitization digitize/GDS dignified/U dignify/DSG dignitary/SM dignity/ISM digraph/M digraphs digress/GVDS digression/MS dike/MGDS diktat/S dilapidated dilapidation/M dilatation/M dilate/DSGN dilation/M dilator/SM dilatory dildo/S dilemma/MS dilettante/SM dilettantish dilettantism/M diligence/M diligent/Y dill/MS dilly/SM dillydally/DSG dilute/DSGNX diluted/U dilution/M dim/PSRY dime/MS dimension/SM dimensional dimensionless diminish/GDS diminished/U diminuendo/SM diminution/SM diminutive/SM dimity/M dimmed/U dimmer/SM dimmest dimming dimness/M dimple/DSMG dimply dimwit/SM dimwitted din/ZGSMDR dinar/SM dine/S diner/M dinette/MS ding/MDG dingbat/MS dinghy/SM dingily dinginess/M dingle/SM dingo/M dingoes dingus/MS dingy/RPT dink/RT dinky/RSMT dinned dinner/SMDG dinnertime/M dinnerware/M dinning dinosaur/SM dint/M diocesan/MS diocese/MS diode/SM diorama/SM dioxide/SM dioxin/SM dip/SM diphtheria/M diphthong/SM diploid/SM diploma/SM diplomacy/M diplomat/MS diplomata diplomatic/U diplomatically diplomatist/MS dipole/SM dipped dipper/SM dipping dippy/RT dipso/S dipsomania/M dipsomaniac/MS dipstick/SM dipterous diptych/M diptychs dire/YTR direct/ASDGVT directer direction/IM directional directionless directions directive/SM directly directness/IM director/MS directorate/SM directorial directorship/SM directory/SM direful dirge/SM dirigible/MS dirk/MS dirndl/SM dirt/M dirtball/S dirtily dirtiness/M dirty/DRSTGP dis/M disable/DSGL disablement/M disambiguate/N disappointing/Y disarming/Y disastrous/Y disbandment/M disbarment/M disbelieving/Y disbursal/M disburse/DSGL disbursement/MS disc/M discern/LSDG discernible/I discernibly discerning/Y discernment/M discharged/U disciple/SM discipleship/M disciplinarian/SM disciplinary discipline/DSMG disciplined/U disclose/DSG disclosed/U disco/MG discography/SM discoloration/S discombobulate/DSGN discombobulation/M discomfit/DG discomfiture/M discommode/DG disconcerting/Y disconnected/PY disconnectedness/M disconsolate/Y discordance/M discordant/Y discotheque/SM discourage/LGDS discouragement/SM discouraging/Y discover/ASDG discovered/U discoverer/MS discovery/ASM discreet/PRYT discreetness/M discrepancy/SM discrepant discrete/PYN discreteness/M discretion/IM discretionary discriminant discriminate/GNDS discriminating/U discrimination/M discriminator/MS discriminatory discursiveness/M discus/MS discussant/SM discussion/SM disdain/SMDG disdainful/Y disembowel/SL disembowelled disembowelling disembowelment/M disfigurement/SM disfranchisement/M disgorgement/M disgruntle/LGDS disgruntlement/M disguise/GD disguised/U disgusted/Y disgusting/Y dish/MDSG dishabille/M disharmonious dishcloth/M dishcloths disheartening/Y dishevel/LS dishevelled dishevelling dishevelment/M dishpan/SM dishrag/SM dishtowel/MS dishware/M dishwasher/MS dishwater/M dishy disillusion/GLD disillusionment/M disinfectant/MS disinfection/M disinterested/PY disinterestedness/M disjointed/YP disjointedness/M disjunctive disjuncture disk/MS diskette/MS dislodge/GDS dismal/Y dismantlement/M dismay/SMDG dismayed/U dismember/LGD dismemberment/M dismissive/Y disorder/Y disorganization/M disparage/DSGL disparagement/M disparaging/Y disparate/Y dispatcher/MS dispel/S dispelled dispelling dispensary/SM dispensation/MS dispense/BZGDRS dispenser/M dispersal/M disperse/GNDS dispersion/M dispirit/GDS displeasure/M disposable/SM disposal/SM disposed/I disposition/ISM dispossession/M disproof/SM disproportional disprove/B disputable/I disputably/I disputant/MS disputation/SM disputatious/Y dispute/DRSMZGB disputed/U disputer/M disquiet/GSMD disquisition/MS disregardful disrepair/M disrepute/MB disrupt/GVSD disruption/SM disruptive/Y dissect/SDG dissed dissemblance/M dissemble/ZGDRS dissembler/M disseminate/GNDS dissemination/M dissension/SM dissent/SMDRZG dissenter/M dissertation/SM dissidence/M dissident/MS dissimilar dissimilitude/S dissing dissipate/GNDS dissipation/M dissociate/GNDS dissociation/M dissoluble/I dissolute/YNP dissoluteness/M dissolve/AGDS dissolved/U dissonance/SM dissonant dissuade/GDS dissuasive dist distaff/SM distal/Y distance/DSMG distant/Y distaste/SM distemper/M distention/SM distillate/SMNX distillation/M distillery/SM distinct/IYTVP distincter distinction/SM distinctive/YP distinctiveness/M distinctness/IM distinguish/GDSB distinguishable/I distinguished/U distort/GDR distortion/MS distract/DG distracted/Y distraction/S distrait distraught distress/DG distressful distressing/Y distribute/AGNVDS distributed/U distribution/AM distributional distributions distributive/Y distributor/MS distributorship/S district's district/AS disturb/ZGSDR disturbance/SM disturbed/U disturber/M disturbing/Y disunion/M disyllabic ditch/MDSG dither/SMDRZG ditherer/M ditransitive ditsy/RT ditto/SMDG ditty/SM ditz/MS diuretic/MS diurnal/Y div diva/MS divalent divan/SM dive/MZTGDRS diver/M diverge/DSG divergence/MS divergent diverse/XYNP diverseness/M diversification/M diversify/GNDS diversion/M diversionary diversity/SM divert/SDG diverticulitis/M divest/SLDG divestiture/MS divestment/M divide/DRSMZGB divided/U dividend/MS divider/M divination/M divine/DRSMYZTG diviner/M diving/M divinity/SM divisibility/IM divisible/I division/MS divisional divisive/PY divisiveness/M divisor/SM divorce/DSLMG divorcee/MS divorcement/MS divot/SM divulge/GDS divvy/DSMG dixieland/M dizzily dizziness/M dizzy/DRSPTG djellaba/MS do/SJMRHZG doable dob/S dobbed dobbin/SM dobbing doberman/MS doc/SM docent/SM docile/Y docility/M dock/MDRZGS docket/SMDG dockland/S dockside dockworker/MS dockyard/MS doctor/SMDG doctoral doctorate/MS doctrinaire/MS doctrinal doctrine/MS docudrama/SM document/GMDS documentary/SM documentation/SM documented/U dodder/SMDG doddery doddle dodge/DRSMZG dodgem/S dodger/M dodgy/RT dodo/MS doe/SM doer/M does/AU doeskin/MS doesn't doff/DGS dog/SM dogcart/SM dogcatcher/SM doge/MS dogeared dogfight/SM dogfish/MS dogged/PY doggedness/M doggerel/M dogging doggone/TGRS doggy/RSMT doghouse/SM dogie/SM dogleg/SM doglegged doglegging dogma/SM dogmatic dogmatically dogmatism/M dogmatist/SM dogsbody/S dogsled/S dogtrot/MS dogtrotted dogtrotting dogwood/MS doily/SM doing/USM doldrums/M dole's dole/FGDS doleful/YP dolefulness/M doll/MDGS dollar/SM dollhouse/SM dollop/SGMD dolly/SM dolmen/SM dolomite/M dolorous/Y dolour/M dolphin/MS dolt/MS doltish/YP doltishness/M domain/SM dome/MGDS domestic/SM domestically domesticate/DSGN domesticated/U domestication/M domesticity/M domicile/DSMG domiciliary dominance/M dominant/SMY dominate/DSGN domination/M dominatrices dominatrix/M domineer/SGD domineering/Y dominion/SM domino/M dominoes don't don/SM dona/MS donate/DSXGN donation/M done/FAU dong/MDGS dongle/SM donkey/SM donned donning donnish donnybrook/MS donor/SM donuts/S doodad/SM doodah doodahs doodle/DRSMZG doodlebug/SM doodler/M doohickey/SM doolally doom/MDGS doomsayer/MS doomsday/M doomster/S door's door/IS doorbell/MS doorjamb/S doorkeeper/MS doorknob/MS doorknocker/S doorman/M doormat/SM doormen doorplate/SM doorpost/S doorstep/MS doorstepped doorstepping doorstop/MS doorway/SM dooryard/MS dopa/M dope/MZGDRS doper/M dopey dopier dopiest dopiness/M doping/M doppelganger/S dork/MS dorky/RT dorm/MRZS dormancy/M dormant dormer/M dormice dormitory/SM dormouse/M dorsal/Y dory/SM dosage/SM dose/MGDS dosh dosimeter/SM doss/DRSZG dosshouse/S dossier/MS dost dot/ZGSMDR dotage/M dotard/SM dote/S doter/M doting/Y dotted dotting dotty/RT double's double/ADSG doubleheader/MS doublespeak/M doublet/MS doubloon/SM doubly doubt/SMDRZG doubter/M doubtful/PY doubtfulness/M doubting/Y doubtless/Y douche/DSMG dough/M doughnut/SM doughty/RT doughy/TR dour/RYTP dourness/M douse/DSG dove/MS dovecot/S dovecote/SM dovetail/MDSG dovish dowager/MS dowdily dowdiness/M dowdy/RSPT dowel/SM dowelled dowelling dower/SMDG down/MDRZGS downbeat/SM downcast downdraft/MS downer/M downfall/SMN downgrade/DSMG downhearted/PY downheartedness/M downhill/MS download/MDSG downmarket downplay/DSG downpour/MS downrange downright downriver downscale downshift/SGD downside/MS downsize/GDS downsizing/M downspout/MS downstage downstairs/M downstate/M downstream downswing/MS downtime/M downtown/M downtrend/MS downtrodden downturn/MS downward/S downwind downy/RT dowry/SM dowse/DRSZG dowser/M doxology/SM doyen/SM doyenne/MS doz/XGDNS doze/M dozen/MH dozily dozy/RTP dpt drab/MYSP drabber drabbest drabness/M drachma/MS draconian draft's draft/ASDG draftee/SM drafter/SM draftily draftiness/M drafting/M draftsman/M draftsmanship/M draftsmen draftswoman/M draftswomen drafty/RTP drag/MS dragged dragging draggy/TR dragnet/SM dragon/SM dragonfly/SM dragoon/SMDG dragster/S drain/SMDRZG drainage/M drainboard/SM drainer/M drainpipe/MS drake/SM dram/MS drama/SM dramatic/S dramatically dramatics/M dramatist/SM dramatization/SM dramatize/DSG drank drape/DRSMZG draper/M drapery/SM drastic drastically drat dratted draughtboard/S draw/MRZGSJ drawback/MS drawbridge/MS drawer/M drawing/M drawl/SMDG drawn/A drawstring/MS dray/MS dread/SMDG dreadful/PY dreadfulness/M dreadlocks/M dreadnought/MS dream/SMDRZG dreamboat/MS dreamed/U dreamer/M dreamily dreaminess/M dreamland/M dreamless dreamlike dreamt dreamworld/SM dreamy/RPT drear drearily dreariness/M dreary/RPT dredge/DRSMZG dredger/M dregs/M drench/GDS dress/AUGSDM dressage/M dresser/MS dressiness/M dressing/SM dressmaker/SM dressmaking/M dressy/TPR drew/A dribble/MZGDRS dribbler/M driblet/MS drier/M drift/SMDRZG drifter/M driftnet/S driftwood/M drill/SMDRZG driller/M drillmaster/SM drink/SMRBJZG drinkable/U drinker/M drip/MS dripped dripping/SM drippy/TR drive/RSMZGJ drivel/SM drivelled driveller/SM drivelling driven driver/M driveway/MS drizzle/MGDS drizzly/TR drogue/SM droid/S droll/RPT drollery/SM drollness/M drolly dromedary/SM drone/DSMG drool/SMDG droop/GSMD droopiness/M droopy/TPR drop/MS dropkick/MS droplet/SM dropout/SM dropped dropper/SM dropping/S droppings/M dropsical dropsy/M dross/M drought/SM drove/RSMZ drover/M drown/GSJD drowning/M drowse/MGDS drowsily drowsiness/M drowsy/RTP drub/S drubbed drubber/SM drubbing/MS drudge/MGDS drudgery/M drug/MS drugged druggie/SM drugging druggist/SM druggy drugstore/MS druid/SM druidism/M drum/MS drumbeat/SM drumlin/SM drummed drummer/SM drumming drumstick/SM drunk/STMNR drunkard/MS drunken/PY drunkenness/M drupe/SM druthers/M dry/ZTGDRSMY dryad/SM dryer/SM dryness/M drys drywall/M dual dualism/M duality/M dub/SM dubbed dubber/SM dubbin/M dubbing dubiety/M dubious/YP dubiousness/M ducal ducat/SM duchess/MS duchy/SM duck/MDGS duckbill/SM duckboards duckling/SM duckpins/M duckweed/M ducky/TRSM duct's/K duct/CKIFS ductile ductility/M ducting ductless dud/GSMD dude/MS dudgeon/M due/SM duel/MS duelled dueller/SM duelling/S duellist/SM duenna/MS duet/MS duff/MDRZGS duffer/M dug dugout/MS duh duke/MS dukedom/SM dulcet dulcimer/MS dull/DRPTGS dullard/SM dullness/M dully duly/U dumb/RYPT dumbbell/SM dumbfound/SDG dumbness/M dumbo/S dumbstruck dumbwaiter/SM dumdum/MS dummy/SM dump/MDRZGS dumpiness/M dumpling/SM dumpster/SM dumpy/PTR dun/SM dunce/SM dunderhead/MS dune/MS dung/MDGS dungaree/MS dungeon/SM dunghill/MS dunk/MDGS dunned dunner dunnest dunning dunno duo/SM duodecimal duodena duodenal duodenum/M duopoly/S dupe/MZGDRS duper/M duple duplex/MS duplicate's duplicate/AGNDS duplication/AM duplicator/MS duplicitous duplicity/M durability/M durable durably durance/M duration/M duress/M during durst durum/M dusk/M duskiness/M dusky/RTP dust/MDRZGS dustbin/SM dustcart/S duster/M dustiness/M dustless dustman dustmen dustpan/SM dustsheet/S dusty/RTP dutch duteous/Y dutiable dutiful/YP dutifulness/M duty/SM duvet/SM dwarf/SGMD dwarfish dwarfism/M dweeb/SM dwell/SJZGR dweller/M dwelling/M dwelt/I dwindle/DSG dyadic dybbuk/SM dybbukim dye/DRSMZG dyeing/A dyer/M dyestuff/M dying/M dyke/MS dynamic/MS dynamical/Y dynamics/M dynamism/M dynamite/MZGDRS dynamiter/M dynamo/SM dynastic dynasty/SM dysentery/M dysfunction/MS dysfunctional dyslectic/SM dyslexia/M dyslexic/SM dyspepsia/M dyspeptic/MS dysprosium/M dz e'en e'er e.g. e/FDST eBay/M eMusic/M ea each eager/PTRY eagerness/M eagle/MS eaglet/MS ear/SMDY earache/SM eardrum/SM earful/SM earl/MS earldom/SM earliness/M earlobe/SM early/RTP earmark/SMDG earmuff/SM earn/DRZTGJS earned/U earner/M earnest/SMYP earnestness/M earnings/M earphone/MS earpiece/S earplug/SM earring/SM earshot/M earsplitting earth's earth/UDYG earthbound earthen earthenware/M earthiness/M earthling/MS earthly/RT earthquake/SM earths/U earthshaking earthward/S earthwork/MS earthworm/MS earthy/RTP earwax/M earwig/SM ease/EDSM easel/SM easement/SM easily/U easiness/UM easing east/M eastbound easterly/SM eastern/ZR easterner/M easternmost eastward/S easy/URTP easygoing eat/ZGBSNR eatable/SM eaten/U eater/M eatery/SM eave/MS eavesdrop/S eavesdropped eavesdropper/SM eavesdropping ebb/SMDG ebony/SM ebullience/M ebullient/Y ebullition/M eccentric/SM eccentrically eccentricity/SM eccl ecclesiastic/SM ecclesiastical/Y echelon/SM echinoderm/SM echo's echo/ADG echoes/A echoic echolocation/M echos eclair/SM eclat/M eclectic/SM eclectically eclecticism/M eclipse/DSMG ecliptic/M eclogue/SM ecocide/M ecol ecologic ecological/Y ecologist/MS ecology/M econ econometric economic/S economical/UY economics/M economist/SM economize/DRSZG economizer/M economy/SM ecosystem/MS ecru/M ecstasy/SM ecstatic ecstatically ecu ecumenical/Y ecumenicism/M ecumenism/M eczema/M ed/ACSM eddy/DSMG edelweiss/M edema/SM edge/MZGJDRS edger/M edgewise edgily edginess/M edging/M edgy/RTP edibility/M edible/SMP edibleness/M edict/SM edification/M edifice/SM edifier/M edify/DRSZGN edifying/U edit's edit/ADGS editable edited/U edition/MS editor/SM editorial/SMY editorialize/DSG editorship/M educ educability/M educable/I educate/ADSGNV educated/U education/AM educational/Y educationalist/S educationist/S educations educator/MS educe/DSGB edutainment/M eek eel/SM eerie/RT eerily eeriness/M eff/GSD efface/DSLG effacement/M effect/SMDGV effective/IPY effectiveness/IM effectual/IY effectuate/DSG effeminacy/M effeminate/Y effendi/SM efferent effervesce/GDS effervescence/M effervescent/Y effete/YP effeteness/M efficacious/Y efficacy/IM efficiency/IM efficient/IY effigy/SM efflorescence/M efflorescent effluence/M effluent/MS effluvia effluvium/M effort/SM effortless/YP effortlessness/M effrontery/M effulgence/M effulgent effuse/DSGNVX effusion/M effusive/YP effusiveness/M egad egalitarian/SM egalitarianism/M egg/GSMD eggbeater/MS eggcup/SM egghead/SM eggnog/M eggplant/MS eggshell/SM eglantine/SM ego/SM egocentric/MS egocentrically egocentricity/M egoism/M egoist/SM egoistic egoistical/Y egomania/M egomaniac/MS egotism/M egotist/SM egotistic egotistical/Y egregious/PY egregiousness/M egress/MS egret/SM eh eider/SM eiderdown/MS eigenvalue/S eight/SM eighteen/MHS eighteenth/M eighteenths eighth/M eighths eightieth/M eightieths eighty/SMH einsteinium/M eisteddfod/S either ejaculate/GNXDS ejaculation/M ejaculatory eject/SDG ejection/MS ejector/SM eke/DSG elaborate/YGNDSPX elaborateness/M elaboration/M elan/M eland/SM elapse/DSG elastic/MS elastically elasticated elasticity/M elasticize/DSG elate/DSGN elated/Y elation/M elbow/SMDG elbowroom/M elder/SMY elderberry/SM eldest elect's elect/ASDGV electable election/AMS electioneer/DGS elective/MS elector/MS electoral/Y electorate/MS electric/S electrical/Y electrician/MS electricity/M electrification/M electrifier/M electrify/ZGNDRS electrocardiogram/MS electrocardiograph/M electrocardiographs electrocardiography/M electrocute/DSXGN electrocution/M electrode/SM electrodynamics electroencephalogram/MS electroencephalograph/M electroencephalographic electroencephalographs electroencephalography/M electrologist/SM electrolysis/M electrolyte/MS electrolytic electromagnet/MS electromagnetic electromagnetically electromagnetism/M electromotive electron/MS electronic/S electronically electronics/M electroplate/DSG electroscope/SM electroscopic electroshock/M electrostatic/S electrostatics/M electrotype/MS eleemosynary elegance/IM elegant/IY elegiac/MS elegiacal elegy/SM elem element/MS elemental/Y elementary elephant/SM elephantiasis/M elephantine elev elevate/XDSGN elevation/M elevator/MS eleven/SMH elevens/S eleventh/M elevenths elf/M elfin elfish elicit/SDG elicitation/M elide/DSG eligibility/IM eligible eliminate/XDSGN elimination/M eliminator/S elision/MS elite/SM elitism/M elitist/MS elixir/SM elk/SM ell/SM ellipse/MS ellipsis/M ellipsoid/SM ellipsoidal elliptic elliptical/Y elm/SM elocution/M elocutionary elocutionist/SM elodea/SM elongate/DSGNX elongation/M elope/DSGL elopement/MS eloquence/M eloquent/Y else elsewhere elucidate/DSGNX elucidation/M elude/DSG elusive/YP elusiveness/M elver/SM elves elvish/S em's em/S emaciate/GNDS emaciation/M email/SMDG emanate/XDSGN emanation/M emancipate/DSGN emancipation/M emancipator/MS emasculate/GNDS emasculation/M embalm/SZGDR embalmer/M embank/SLGD embankment/SM embargo/MDG embargoes embark/AEGDS embarkation/EM embarkations embarrass/GLDS embarrassed/U embarrassing/Y embarrassment/SM embassy/SM embattled embed/S embedded embedding embellish/LGDS embellishment/SM ember/SM embezzle/ZGLDRS embezzlement/M embezzler/M embitter/GLDS embitterment/M emblazon/GDLS emblazonment/M emblem/SM emblematic emblematically embodiment/EM embody/AEGSD embolden/DGS embolism/MS emboss/DRSZG embosser/M embouchure/M embower/SGD embrace/DSMG embraceable embrasure/MS embrocation/MS embroider/SDRZG embroiderer/M embroidery/SM embroil/DGLS embroilment/M embryo/SM embryological embryologist/MS embryology/M embryonic emcee/DSM emceeing emend/SDG emendation/MS emerald/MS emerge/ADSG emergence/AM emergency/SM emergent emerita emeritus emery/M emetic/SM emf/S emigrant/SM emigrate/DSXGN emigration/M emigre/SM eminence/MS eminent/Y emir/MS emirate/MS emissary/SM emission/SM emit/S emitted emitter/MS emitting emollient/MS emolument/MS emote/XDSGNV emoticon/SM emotion/M emotional/UY emotionalism/M emotionalize/GDS emotionless emotive/Y empanel/S empanelled empanelling empathetic empathize/DSG empathy/M emperor/MS emphases emphasis/M emphasize/AGDS emphatic/U emphatically emphysema/M empire/SM empiric empirical/Y empiricism/M empiricist/SM emplacement/SM employ's employ/ADGLS employable/U employee/SM employer/SM employment/UAM employments emporium/SM empower/SDGL empowerment/M empress/MS emptily emptiness/M empty/TGPDRSM empyrean/M emu/SM emulate/DSGNVX emulation/M emulator/SM emulsification/M emulsifier/M emulsify/NDRSZG emulsion/MS en/SM enable/DRSZG enabler/M enact/ASLDG enactment/ASM enamel/SM enamelled enameller/SM enamelling/S enamelware/M enamour/DGS enc encamp/LSGD encampment/MS encapsulate/XGNDS encapsulation/M encase/LDSG encasement/M encephalitic encephalitis/M enchain/DGS enchant/ELDGS enchanter/MS enchanting/Y enchantment/EM enchantments enchantress/MS enchilada/SM encipher/SGD encircle/DSGL encirclement/M encl enclave/MS enclose/GDS enclosed/U enclosure/SM encode/DRSZG encoder/M encomium/MS encompass/GDS encore/DSMG encounter/GSMD encourage/DSLG encouragement/SM encouraging/Y encroach/GLDS encroachment/SM encrust/DGS encrustation/SM encrypt/DGS encryption encumber/EGSD encumbered/U encumbrance/MS ency encyclical/SM encyclopedia/MS encyclopedic encyst/LSGD encystment/M end/GVSJMD endanger/SGDL endangerment/M endear/SGLD endearing/Y endearment/SM endeavour/MDSG endemic/MS endemically endgame/S ending/M endive/SM endless/PY endlessness/M endmost endocrine/MS endocrinologist/MS endocrinology/M endogenous/Y endorphin/M endorse/LZGDRS endorsement/MS endorser/M endoscope/MS endoscopic endoscopy/M endothermic endow/SDLG endowment/MS endpoint/SM endue/DSG endurable/U endurance/M endure/DSBG endways enema/SM enemy/SM energetic energetically energize/ZGDRS energizer/M energy/SM enervate/GNDS enervation/M enfeeble/GDSL enfeeblement/M enfilade/DSMG enfold/SGD enforce/LZGDRS enforceable/U enforced/U enforcement/M enforcer/M enfranchise/EGDSL enfranchisement/EM engage/EADSG engagement/EMS engagingly engender/SGD engine/SM engineer/MDGS engineering/M engorge/LGDS engorgement/M engram/SM engrave/ZGJDRS engraver/M engraving/M engross/GLDS engrossment/M engulf/SLGD engulfment/M enhance/LZGDRS enhancement/SM enigma/SM enigmatic enigmatically enjambment/SM enjoin/SGD enjoy/GBLSD enjoyably enjoyment/SM enlarge/LZGDRS enlargeable enlargement/MS enlarger/M enlighten/SGLD enlightened/U enlightenment/M enlist/ADGSL enlistee/SM enlistment/AM enlistments enliven/SLDG enlivenment/M enmesh/DSGL enmeshment/M enmity/SM ennoble/DSGL ennoblement/M ennui/M enormity/SM enormous/PY enormousness/M enough/M enplane/DSG enquirer/S enquiringly enrage/GDS enrapture/DSG enrich/DSLG enrichment/M enrol/SL enrolled enrolling enrolment/SM ensconce/DSG ensemble/SM enshrine/GLDS enshrinement/M enshroud/DGS ensign/MS ensilage/M enslave/DSGL enslavement/M ensnare/DSLG ensnarement/M ensue/DSG ensure/ZGDRS ensurer/M entail/DSGL entailment/M entangle/EDSLG entanglement/EM entanglements entente/SM enter/ASGD enteritis/M enterprise/MGS enterprising/Y entertain/ZGDRSL entertainer/M entertaining/MY entertainment/MS enthrall/GDSL enthrallment/M enthrone/GDSL enthronement/SM enthuse/DSG enthusiasm/MS enthusiast/MS enthusiastic/U enthusiastically entice/GDSL enticement/MS enticing/Y entire/Y entirety/M entitle/DSGL entitlement/SM entity/SM entomb/DSGL entombment/M entomological entomologist/MS entomology/M entourage/SM entr'acte entrails/M entrance/LDSMG entrancement/M entrancing/Y entrant/SM entrap/LS entrapment/M entrapped entrapping entreat/GSD entreating/Y entreaty/SM entree/MS entrench/DSGL entrenchment/MS entrepreneur/SM entrepreneurial entrepreneurship entropy/M entrust/SGD entry/ASM entryphone/S entryway/MS entwine/DSG enumerable enumerate/DSGNX enumeration/M enumerator/SM enunciate/DSGN enunciation/M enuresis/M envelop/SLDRZG envelope/SM enveloper/M envelopment/M envenom/SDG enviable/U enviably envious/PY enviousness/M environment/MS environmental/Y environmentalism/M environmentalist/SM environs/M envisage/GDS envision/DGS envoy/SM envy/DSMG envying/Y enzymatic enzyme/SM eolian eon/SM epaulette/MS epee/MS ephedrine/M ephemera/M ephemeral/Y epic/MS epicentre/MS epicure/SM epicurean/MS epidemic/SM epidemically epidemiological epidemiologist/SM epidemiology/M epidermal epidermic epidermis/MS epidural/S epiglottis/MS epigram/SM epigrammatic epigraph/M epigraphs epigraphy/M epilepsy/M epileptic/SM epilogue/MS epinephrine/M epiphany/SM episcopacy/M episcopal episcopate/M episode/SM episodic episodically epistemology epistle/SM epistolary epitaph/M epitaphs epithelial epithelium/M epithet/SM epitome/SM epitomize/GDS epoch/M epochal epochs eponymous epoxy/DSMG epsilon/SM equability/M equable equably equal/SMY equality/IM equalization/M equalize/ZGDRS equalizer/M equalled/U equalling equanimity/M equate/DSGNBX equation/M equator/SM equatorial equerry/SM equestrian/SM equestrianism/M equestrienne/SM equidistant/Y equilateral/SM equilibrium/EM equine/SM equinoctial equinox/MS equip/AS equipage/MS equipment/M equipoise/M equipped/UA equipping/A equitable/I equitably/I equitation/M equity/ISM equiv equivalence/MS equivalency/SM equivalent/MYS equivocal/UY equivocalness/M equivocate/GNXDS equivocation/M equivocator/SM er/C era/SM eradicable/I eradicate/DSGN eradication/M eradicator/MS erase/DRSBZG eraser/M erasure/SM erbium/M ere erect/PSGDY erectile erection/SM erectness/M erector/MS erelong eremite/MS erg/SM ergo ergonomic/S ergonomically ergonomics/M ergosterol/M ergot/M ermine/SM erode/DSG erodible erogenous erosion/M erosive erotic/S erotica/M erotically eroticism/M erotics/S err/GSD errand/SM errant/I errata/SM erratic erratically erratum/M erroneous/Y error/SM ersatz/MS erst erstwhile eruct/SDG eructation/SM erudite/YN erudition/M erupt/SDGV eruption/MS erysipelas/M erythrocyte/SM escalate/CDSGN escalation/CM escalations escalator/MS escallop/SGMD escalope/S escapade/MS escape/LMGDS escapee/MS escapement/SM escapism/M escapist/MS escapologist/S escapology escargot/MS escarole/MS escarpment/MS eschatology eschew/SDG escort/SMDG escritoire/MS escrow/SM escudo/SM escutcheon/SM esophageal esophagus/Mi esoteric esoterically esp espadrille/MS espalier/MDSG especial/Y espionage/M esplanade/MS espousal/M espouse/GDS espresso/MS esprit/M espy/DSG esquire/SM essay/SMDRZG essayer/M essayist/SM essence/SM essential/IMS essentially establish/AESDGL establishment/AEM establishments estate/SM esteem/ESMDG ester/SM estimable/I estimate/MGNDSX estimation/M estimator/SM estrange/LDSG estrangement/MS estrogen/M estrous estrus/MS estuary/SM eta/SM etc etch/DRSZGJ etcher/M etching/M eternal/YP eternalness/M eternity/SM ethane/M ethanol/M ether/M ethereal/Y ethic/SM ethical/UY ethics/M ethnic/SM ethnically ethnicity/M ethnocentric ethnocentrism/M ethnographer/S ethnographic ethnographically ethnography ethnological/Y ethnologist/SM ethnology/M ethological ethologist/MS ethology/M ethos/M ethyl/M ethylene/M etiolated etiologic etiological etiology/SM etiquette/M etude/SM etymological/Y etymologist/SM etymology/SM eucalyptus/iMS euchre/DSMG euclidean eugenic/S eugenically eugenicist/MS eugenics/M eulogist/MS eulogistic eulogize/ZGDRS eulogizer/M eulogy/SM eunuch/M eunuchs euphemism/SM euphemistic euphemistically euphonious/Y euphony/M euphoria/M euphoric euphorically eureka euro/MS europium/M eutectic euthanasia/M euthanize euthenics/M evacuate/XDSGN evacuation/M evacuee/MS evade/DRSZG evader/M evaluate/AGNVDSX evaluation/AM evanescence/M evanescent evangelic evangelical/SMY evangelicalism/M evangelism/M evangelist/MS evangelistic evangelize/GDS evaporate/GNDS evaporation/M evaporator/SM evasion/SM evasive/YP evasiveness/M eve/ASM even/MDRYTGSJP evenhanded/Y evening/M evenness/UM evensong/M event/SM eventful/UY eventfulness/M eventide/M eventual/Y eventuality/SM eventuate/GDS ever everglade/SM evergreen/SM everlasting/MYS evermore every everybody/M everyday everyone/M everyplace everything/M everywhere evict/SDG eviction/MS evidence/MGDS evident/Y evil/MRYTSP evildoer/SM evildoing/M eviller evillest evilness/M evince/DSG eviscerate/DSGN evisceration/M evocation/MS evocative/Y evoke/DSG evolution/M evolutionary evolutionist/SM evolve/DSG ewe/RSMZ ewer/M ex/MS exabyte/MS exacerbate/GNDS exacerbation/M exact/SPDRYTG exacting/Y exaction/M exactitude/M exactness/IM exaggerate/XDSGN exaggerated/Y exaggeration/M exaggerator/MS exalt/SDG exaltation/M exam/MS examination/AMS examine/AGDS examiner/MS example/MGDS exampled/U exasperate/DSGN exasperated/Y exasperating/Y exasperation/M excavate/GNDSX excavation/M excavator/SM exceed/GSD exceeding/Y excel/S excelled excellence/M excellency/SM excellent/Y excelling excelsior/M except/GSD exception/BSM exceptionable/U exceptional/UY excerpt/MDGS excess/VMS excessive/Y exchange/DSMG exchangeable exchequer/SM excise/XDSMGN excision/M excitability/M excitably excitation/M excite/BDRSLZG excited/Y excitement/SM exciter/M exciting/Y excl/S exclaim/DGS exclamation/SM exclamatory exclude/GDS exclusion/MS exclusionary exclusive/PMYS exclusiveness/M exclusivity/M excommunicate/GNDSX excommunication/M excoriate/DSGNX excoriation/M excrement/M excremental excrescence/MS excrescent excreta/M excrete/XGNDS excretion/M excretory excruciating/Y exculpate/DSGN exculpation/M exculpatory excursion/MS excursionist/MS excursive/YP excursiveness/M excusable/I excusably/I excuse/DSBMG excused/U exec/MS execked execking execrable execrably execrate/DSGN execration/M execute/BXGNVDS execution/ZMR executioner/M executive/SM executor/MS executrices executrix/M exegeses exegesis/M exegetic exegetical exemplar/SM exemplary exemplification/M exemplify/GDSXN exempt/SGD exemption/SM exercise/DRSMZG exerciser/M exert/SDG exertion/MS exeunt exfoliate/GNDS exhalation/MS exhale/DSG exhaust/GVMDS exhaustible/I exhaustion/M exhaustive/YP exhaustiveness/M exhibit/GMDS exhibition/MS exhibitionism/M exhibitionist/MS exhibitor/SM exhilarate/DSGN exhilaration/M exhort/SDG exhortation/MS exhumation/MS exhume/DSG exigence/MS exigency/SM exigent exiguity/M exiguous exile/DSMG exist/SDG existence/MS existent existential/Y existentialism/M existentialist/MS exit/MDGS exobiology/M exodus/MS exogenous exonerate/GNDS exoneration/M exorbitance/M exorbitant/Y exorcise/DSG exorcism/SM exorcist/SM exoskeleton/SM exosphere/SM exothermic exotic/SM exotica exotically exoticism/M exp expand/BGSD expanse/XMNVS expansible expansion/M expansionary expansionism/M expansionist/MS expansive/YP expansiveness/M expat/S expatiate/GNDS expatiation/M expatriate/DSMGN expatriation/M expect/GSD expectancy/M expectant/Y expectation/SM expectorant/SM expectorate/DSGN expectoration/M expedience/IM expediences expediencies expediency/IM expedient/SMY expedite/DRSZGNX expediter/M expedition/M expeditionary expeditious/PY expeditiousness/M expel/S expelled expelling expend/GSBD expendable/SM expenditure/SM expense/MS expensive/IYP expensiveness/IM experience/IMD experiences experiencing experiential experiment/MDRSZG experimental/Y experimentation/M experimenter/M expert/SPMY expertise/M expertness/M expiate/GNDS expiation/M expiatory expiration/M expire/DSG expired/U expiry/M explain/ADGS explainable explained/U explanation/MS explanatory expletive/MS explicable/I explicate/XGNDS explication/M explicit/PY explicitness/M explode/GDS exploit/ZGBMDRS exploitation/M exploitative exploited/U exploiter/M exploration/MS exploratory explore/ZGDRS explored/U explorer/M explosion/SM explosive/SPMY explosiveness/M expo/MS exponent/MS exponential/Y exponentiation export/BSZGMDR exportation/M exporter/M expose/DSMG exposed/U exposition/SM expositor/SM expository expostulate/GNXDS expostulation/M exposure/MS expound/ZGDRS expounder/M express/GVMDSY expressed/U expressible/I expression/SM expressionism/M expressionist/SM expressionistic expressionless/Y expressive/PY expressiveness/M expressway/SM expropriate/GNXDS expropriation/M expropriator/SM expulsion/MS expunge/GDS expurgate/DSGNX expurgated/U expurgation/M exquisite/YP exquisiteness/M ext extant extemporaneous/PY extemporaneousness/M extempore extemporization/M extemporize/GDS extend/SZGDRB extender/M extensible extension/SM extensional extensive/YP extensiveness/M extent/SM extenuate/DSGN extenuation/M exterior/MS exterminate/DSXGN extermination/M exterminator/MS external/MYS externalization/SM externalize/DSG extinct/GDS extinction/MS extinguish/ZGBDRS extinguishable/I extinguisher/M extirpate/GNDS extirpation/M extol/S extolled extolling extort/SGD extortion/MRZ extortionate/Y extortioner/M extortionist/MS extra/SM extract/MDGS extraction/SM extractor/MS extracurricular extradite/GNBXDS extradition/M extrajudicial extralegal extramarital extramural extraneous/Y extraordinaire extraordinarily extraordinary extrapolate/XGNDS extrapolation/M extrasensory extraterrestrial/MS extraterritorial extraterritoriality/M extravagance/MS extravagant/Y extravaganza/MS extravehicular extreme/PMYTRS extremeness/M extremism/M extremist/MS extremity/SM extricable/I extricate/GNDS extrication/M extrinsic extrinsically extroversion/M extrovert/SMD extrude/GDS extrusion/SM extrusive exuberance/M exuberant/Y exudation/M exude/DSG exult/SDG exultant/Y exultation/M exurb/SM exurban exurbanite/SM exurbia/M eye/DSM eyeball/GMDS eyebrow/SM eyedropper/SM eyeful/SM eyeglass/MS eyeing eyelash/MS eyeless eyelet/SM eyelid/SM eyeliner/MS eyeopener/MS eyeopening eyepiece/MS eyesight/M eyesore/MS eyestrain/M eyeteeth eyetooth/M eyewash/M eyewitness/MS f/CIAVTR fa/M fab fable/DSM fabric/SM fabricate/DSGNX fabrication/M fabricator/SM fabulous/Y facade/SM face's face/ACSDG facecloth/M facecloths faceless facet/SMDG facetious/YP facetiousness/M facial/SMY facile/Y facilitate/GNDS facilitation/M facilitator/MS facility/SM facing/SM facsimile/DSM facsimileing fact/MS faction/SM factional factionalism/M factious factitious factoid/SM factor/SMDG factorial/MS factorization factorize/GDS factory/SM factotum/SM factual/Y faculty/SM fad/GSMD faddish/P faddist/MS faddy/P fade/MS fading/U faerie/SM faff/DGS fag/SM fagged fagging faggot/SMG faience/M fail/MDGJS failing/M faille/M failure/SM fain/RT faint/SMDRYTGP fainthearted faintness/M fair/MRYTGJPS fairground/MS fairing/M fairings/S fairness/UM fairway/SM fairy/SM fairyland/SM faith/M faithful's faithful/UPY faithfulness/UM faithfuls faithless/PY faithlessness/M faiths fajita/SM fajitas/M fake/MZGDRS faker/M fakir/SM falcon/SMRZ falconer/M falconry/M fall/MNGS fallacious/Y fallacy/SM fallback fallibility/IM fallible/P fallibleness/M fallibly/I falloff/SM fallout/M fallow/SMDG false/PRYT falsehood/SM falseness/M falsetto/SM falsie/SM falsifiable falsification/M falsifier/M falsify/DRSZGNX falsity/SM falter/GSJMD faltering/Y fame's fame/D familial familiar/MYS familiarity/UM familiarization/M familiarize/GDS family/SM famine/SM famish/DSG famous/IY fan/SM fanatic/SM fanatical/Y fanaticism/M fanciable fancier/M fanciful/YP fancifulness/M fancily fanciness/M fancy/DRSMZTGP fancywork/M fandango/MS fanfare/SM fang/MDS fanlight/SM fanned fanning fanny/SM fantail/MS fantasia/SM fantasist/S fantasize/GDS fantastic fantastical/Y fantasy/DSMG fanzine/MS far farad/SM faradize/DSG faraway farce/SM farcical/Y fare/MGDS farewell/SM farina/M farinaceous farm/MDRZGSJ farmer/M farmhand/SM farmhouse/SM farming/M farmland/MS farmstead/MS farmyard/MS faro/M farrago/M farragoes farrier/MS farrow/SMDG farseeing farsighted/P farsightedness/M fart/MDGS farther farthermost farthest farthing/SM fascia/SM fascicle/SM fascinate/GNDSX fascinating/Y fascination/M fascism/M fascist/MS fascistic fashion/ZGBMDRS fashionable/U fashionably/U fashioner/M fast/MDRTGSP fastback/SM fastball/SM fasten/UAGDS fastener/SM fastening/MS fastidious/PY fastidiousness/M fastness/MS fat/GSPMD fatal/Y fatalism/M fatalist/SM fatalistic fatalistically fatality/SM fatback/M fate/MS fateful/YP fatefulness/M fathead/MDS father/SGMDY fatherhood/M fatherland/MS fatherless fathom/SMDGB fathomable/U fathomless fatigue/MDSG fatigues/M fatness/M fatso/S fatten/SDG fatter fattest fattiness/M fatty/RSMTP fatuity/M fatuous/YP fatuousness/M fatwa/SM faucet/SM fault/CSMDG faultfinder/SM faultfinding/M faultily faultiness/M faultless/PY faultlessness/M faulty/PRT faun/MS fauna/SM fauvism/M fauvist/SM fave/S favour/ESMDG favourable/U favourably/U favourite/MS favouritism/M fawn/MDRZGS fawner/M fax/GMDS fay/TSM fayre faze/GDS fazed/U fealty/M fear/MDGS fearful/YP fearfulness/M fearless/PY fearlessness/M fearsome feasibility/M feasible/U feasibly feast/SMDG feat/MS feather/SGMD featherbedding/M featherbrained featherless featherweight/MS feathery/TR feature/DSMG featureless febrile fecal feces/M feckless/PY fecund fecundate/GNDS fecundation/M fecundity/M fed/SM federal/SMY federalism/M federalist/MS federalization/M federalize/GDS federate/FXDSGN federation/FM fedora/SM fee/SM feeble/RTP feebleness/M feebly feed/MRZGSJ feedback/M feedbag/SM feeder/M feeding/M feedlot/SM feel/MRZGSJ feeler/M feelgood feeling/MY feet feign/SDG feigned/U feint/SMDG feisty/TR feldspar/M felicitate/GNXDS felicitation/M felicitous/Y felicity/ISM feline/SM fell/MDRZTGS fella/S fellatio/M fellow/SM fellowman/M fellowmen fellowship/MS felon/SM felonious felony/SM felt/MDGS fem female/PSM femaleness/M feminine/SMY femininity/M feminism/M feminist/SM feminize/DSG femoral femur/SM fen/SM fence/CDSMG fencer/SM fencing/M fend/CDRZGS fender/CM fenestration/M fennel/M feral ferment/FCMS fermentation/M fermented fermenting fermium/M fern/MS ferny/RT ferocious/PY ferociousness/M ferocity/M ferret/GSMD ferric ferromagnetic ferrous ferrule/MS ferry/DSMG ferryboat/SM ferryman/M ferrymen fertile/I fertility/IM fertilization/M fertilize/DRSZG fertilized/U fertilizer/M ferule/SM fervency/M fervent/Y fervid/Y fervour/M fess/FKGSD fest/MRZVS festal fester/GMD festival/SM festive/YP festiveness/M festivity/SM festoon/GMDS feta/M fetch/DRSZG fetcher/M fetching/Y fete/MGDS fetid/P fetidness/M fetish/MS fetishism/M fetishist/SM fetishistic fetlock/MS fetter's fetter/USGD fettle/M fettuccine/M fetus/MS feud/MDGS feudal feudalism/M feudalistic fever/SMD feverish/YP feverishness/M few/TPMR fewness/M fey fez/M fezzes ff fiance/CM fiancee/MS fiances fiasco/M fiascoes fiat/MS fib/SM fibbed fibber/SM fibbing fibre/SM fibreboard/M fibrefill/M fibreglass/M fibril/SM fibrillate/GNDS fibrillation/M fibrin/M fibroid fibrosis/M fibrous fibula/M fibulae fibular fiche/SM fichu/SM fickle/RPT fickleness/M fiction/MS fictional/Y fictionalization/SM fictionalize/DSG fictitious/Y fictive ficus/M fiddle/DRSMZG fiddler/M fiddlesticks fiddly/TR fidelity/IM fidget/SGMD fidgety fiduciary/SM fie fief/MS fiefdom/MS field/ISMRZ fielded fielder/IM fielding fieldsman fieldsmen fieldwork/MRZ fieldworker/M fiend/SM fiendish/Y fierce/PRYT fierceness/M fieriness/M fiery/RPT fiesta/SM fife/MZRS fifer/M fifteen/MHS fifteenth/M fifteenths fifth/MY fifths fiftieth/M fiftieths fifty/SMH fig/SLM fight/SMRZG fightback fighter/IMS fighting/IM figment/MS figuration/FM figurative/Y figure's figure/FEGSD figurehead/SM figurine/MS filament/MS filamentous filbert/MS filch/DSG file's/KC file/CAKGDS filer/CSM filet filial filibuster/MDRSZG filibusterer/M filigree/DSM filigreeing filing's filings fill's fill/AIDGS filled/U filler/MS fillet/MDGS filling/SM fillip/MDGS filly/SM film/MDGS filminess/M filmmaker/SM filmstrip/MS filmy/TPR filo filter/MDRBSZG filtered/U filterer/M filth/M filthily filthiness/M filthy/RPT filtrate's filtrate/IGNDS filtration/IM fin/SMR finagle/DRSZG finagler/M final/SMY finale/MS finalist/SM finality/M finalization/M finalize/DSG finance's finance/ADSG financial/Y financier/MS financing/M finch/MS find/JMRZGS finder/M finding/M findings/M fine's/F fine/CAFTGDS finely fineness/M finery/AM finespun finesse/DSMG finger/MDGSJ fingerboard/SM fingering/M fingerling/SM fingermark/S fingernail/SM fingerprint/SGMD fingertip/MS finial/MS finical finickiness/M finicky/RPT finis/MS finish's finish/ADSG finished/U finisher/MS finite/IY fink/MDGS finned finny/TR fir/ZGSJMDRH fire/MS firearm/SM fireball/MS firebomb/MDSJG firebox/MS firebrand/SM firebreak/SM firebrick/SM firebug/SM firecracker/SM firedamp/M firefight/MRSJZG firefighter/M firefighting/M firefly/SM fireguard/S firehouse/SM firelight/ZMR fireman/M firemen fireplace/SM fireplug/MS firepower/M fireproof/DSG firer/M firescreen/S fireside/MS firestorm/MS firetrap/MS firetruck/MS firewall/MS firewater/M firewood/M firework/SM firm/MDRYPTGS firmament/SM firmness/M firmware/MS first/SMY firstborn/SM firsthand firth/M firths fiscal/MYS fish/MDRSZG fishbowl/SM fishcake/SM fisher/M fisherman/M fishermen fishery/SM fishhook/SM fishily fishiness/M fishing/M fishmonger/MS fishnet/SM fishpond/MS fishtail/DGS fishwife/M fishwives fishy/TRP fissile fission/BM fissure/SM fist/MS fistfight/MS fistful/SM fisticuffs/M fistula/SM fistulous/M fit/KAMS fitful/YP fitfulness/M fitly fitment/S fitness/UM fitted/UA fitter/MS fittest fitting/SMY five/MZRS fix/ZGBJMDRS fixate/GNVDSX fixation/M fixative/MS fixed/Y fixer/M fixings/M fixity/M fixture/MS fizz/MDSG fizzle/DSMG fizzy/RT fjord/SM fl/JDG flab/M flabbergast/SGD flabbily flabbiness/M flabby/RPT flaccid/Y flaccidity/M flack/SM flag/MS flagella flagellant/S flagellate/GNDS flagellation/M flagellum/M flagged flagging/U flagman/M flagmen flagon/MS flagpole/SM flagrance/M flagrancy/M flagrant/Y flagship/SM flagstaff/MS flagstone/MS flail/SGMD flair/SM flak/M flake/DSMG flakiness/M flaky/TRP flamage/S flambe/MS flambeed flambeing flamboyance/M flamboyancy/M flamboyant/Y flame/DRSJMZG flamenco/MS flameproof/DGS flamethrower/SM flamingo/MS flammability/IM flammable/SM flan/MS flange/MS flank/SZGMDR flanker/M flannel/SM flannelette/M flannelled flannelling flap/MS flapjack/MS flapped flapper/SM flapping flare/DSMG flareup/SM flash/ZTGMDRS flashback/SM flashbulb/SM flashcard/SM flashcube/SM flasher/M flashgun/SM flashily flashiness/M flashing/M flashlight/MS flashy/RTP flask/SM flat/MYPS flatbed/SM flatboat/SM flatcar/SM flatfeet flatfish/MS flatfoot/SMD flatiron/SM flatland/M flatlet/S flatmate/S flatness/M flatted flatten/SDG flatter/SDRZG flatterer/M flattering/Y flattery/M flattest flatting flattish flattop/SM flatulence/M flatulent flatus/M flatware/M flatworm/SM flaunt/MDSG flaunting/Y flautist/SM flavor/S flavorful flavour/SMDJG flavoured/U flavourful flavouring/M flavourless flavoursome flaw/MDGS flawless/PY flawlessness/M flax/MN flay/DGS flea/MS fleabag/SM fleabite/S fleapit/S fleck/SGMD fledged/U fledgling/MS flee/S fleece/MZGDRS fleecer/M fleeciness/M fleecy/RTP fleeing fleet/STGMDRYP fleetingly/M fleetingness/M fleetness/M flesh/GMDSY fleshly/TR fleshpot/MS fleshy/RT flew flex/AMS flexed flexibility/IM flexible/I flexibly/I flexing flextime/M flibbertigibbet/SM flick/SZGMDR flicker/GMD flight/MS flightiness/M flightless flighty/PTR flimflam/SM flimflammed flimflamming flimsily flimsiness/M flimsy/TRP flinch/GMDS fling/GM flint/SM flintlock/SM flinty/TR flip/MS flippancy/M flippant/Y flipped flipper/MS flippest flipping flippy/S flirt/SGMD flirtation/MS flirtatious/YP flirtatiousness/M flirty flit/MS flitted flitting float/SMDRZG floater/M flock/SMDG flocking/M floe/MS flog/S flogged flogger/SM flogging/MS flood/SMDRG floodgate/MS floodlight/MDSG floodlit floodplain/MS floodwater/M floor/SMDG floorboard/MS flooring/M floorwalker/SM floozy/SM flop/MS flophouse/MS flopped floppily floppiness/M flopping floppy/PRSMT flora/SM floral florescence/IM florescent/I floret/SM florid/PY floridness/M florin/SM florist/SM floss/MDSG flossy/RT flotation/SM flotilla/MS flotsam/M flounce/DSMG flouncy/TR flounder/MDSG flour/SMDG flourish/GMDS floury flout/SMDRZG flouter/M flow/MDGS flowchart/SM flower's flower/CSDG flowerbed/MS floweriness/M flowering/S flowerless flowerpot/MS flowery/PTR flown flt flu/M flub/MS flubbed flubbing fluctuate/GNDSX fluctuation/M flue/MS fluency/M fluent/Y fluff/SMDG fluffiness/M fluffy/RPT fluid/SMY fluidity/M fluke/SM fluky/RT flume/SM flummox/DSG flung flunk/SMDG flunky/SM fluoresce/DSG fluorescence/M fluorescent fluoridate/GNDS fluoridation/M fluoride/SM fluorine/M fluorite/M fluorocarbon/MS fluoroscope/SM fluoroscopic flurry/GDSM flush/MDRSTG fluster/MDSG flute/DSMG fluting/M flutist/MS flutter/MDSG fluttery fluvial flux/IMS fluxed fluxing fly/TGBDSM flyaway flyblown flyby/M flybys flycatcher/MS flyer/SM flying/M flyleaf/M flyleaves flyover/MS flypaper/SM flypast/S flysheet/S flyspeck/GMDS flyswatter/MS flytrap/S flyway/SM flyweight/SM flywheel/MS foal/MDGS foam/MDGS foaminess/M foamy/RTP fob/SM fobbed fobbing focal/Y focus's focus/ADSG focused/U fodder/SM foe/SM foetal fog's fog/CS fogbound fogey/SM fogged/C foggily fogginess/M fogging/C foggy/RTP foghorn/MS fogyish foible/SM foil/MDGS foist/SDG fol fold's fold/AUSGD foldaway folder/SM foldout/MS foliage/M folio/SM folk/MS folklore/M folkloric folklorist/MS folksiness/M folksinger/SM folksinging/M folksy/PTR folktale/MS folkway/MS foll follicle/MS follow/SDRZGJ follower/M following/M followup/S folly/SM foment/SGD fomentation/M fond/RYTP fondant/MS fondle/DSG fondness/M fondue/SM font/MS fontanelle/MS foo foobar/S food/MS foodie/SM foodstuff/SM fool/MDGS foolery/SM foolhardily foolhardiness/M foolhardy/TPR foolish/YP foolishness/M foolproof foolscap/M foot/MDRZGSJ footage/M football/MRZGS footballer/M footbridge/SM footfall/MS foothill/MS foothold/MS footie footing/M footless footlights/M footling/MS footlocker/SM footloose footman/M footmen footnote/MGDS footpath/M footpaths footplate/S footprint/SM footrace/MS footrest/MS footsie/SM footslogging footsore footstep/MS footstool/SM footwear/M footwork/M footy fop/SM foppery/M foppish/P foppishness/M for/H fora forage/DRSMZG forager/M foray/SMDG forbade forbear/SMG forbearance/M forbid/S forbidden forbidding/YS forbore forborne force/DSMG forced/U forceful/PY forcefulness/M forceps/M forcible forcibly ford/MDGSB fore/MS forearm/GSMD forebear/MS forebode/GJDS foreboding/M forecast/MRZGS forecaster/M forecastle/MS foreclose/DSG foreclosure/MS forecourt/SM foredoom/DGS forefather/MS forefeet forefinger/SM forefoot/M forefront/SM foregather/GDS forego/G foregoes foregone foreground/GMDS forehand/MS forehead/MS foreign/ZRP foreigner/M foreignness/M foreknew foreknow/GS foreknowledge/M foreknown foreleg/SM forelimb/MS forelock/MS foreman/M foremast/MS foremen foremost forename/MDS forenoon/MS forensic/MS forensically forensics/M foreordain/GSD forepart/MS foreperson/SM foreplay/M forequarter/MS forerunner/MS foresail/MS foresaw foresee/RSBZ foreseeable/U foreseeing foreseen/U foreseer/M foreshadow/GDS foreshore/S foreshorten/DSG foresight/MD foresightedness/M foreskin/MS forest's forest/ACGDS forestall/SGD forestation/ACM forester/MS forestland/M forestry/M foretaste/DSMG foretell/GS forethought/M foretold forever/M forevermore forewarn/DSG forewent forewoman/M forewomen foreword/MS forfeit/GSMD forfeiture/SM forgave forge/DRSMZGVJ forger/M forgery/SM forget/S forgetful/YP forgetfulness/M forgettable/U forgetting forging/M forgivable/U forgive/BRSZGP forgiven forgiveness/M forgiver/M forgiving/U forgo/RZG forgoer/M forgoes forgone forgot forgotten/U fork/MDGS forkful/SM forklift/MS forlorn/Y form's form/CAIFDGS formal/SMY formaldehyde/M formalin formalism/M formalist/MS formalities formality/IM formalization/M formalize/GDS format/SMV formation/CFASM formatted/A formatting/M formed/U former/FIAM formerly formfitting formic formidable formidably formless/PY formlessness/M formula/MS formulae formulaic formulate/ADSGNX formulated/U formulation/AM formulator/SM fornicate/GNDS fornication/M fornicator/MS forsake/GS forsaken forsook forsooth forswear/SG forswore forsworn forsythia/SM fort/MS forte/SM forthcoming/M forthright/YP forthrightness/M forthwith fortieth/M fortieths fortification/M fortified/U fortifier/M fortify/DRSNZGX fortissimo fortitude/M fortnight/MYS fortress/MS fortuitous/YP fortuitousness/M fortuity/M fortunate/UY fortune/MS fortuneteller/SM fortunetelling/M forty/SMH forum/SM forward/MDRYZTGSP forwarder/M forwardness/M forwent fossil/SM fossilization/M fossilize/GDS foster/GSD fought foul/MDRYTGSP foulard/M foulmouthed foulness/M found/FSDG foundation/SM founded/U founder/GMDS foundling/SM foundry/SM fount/SM fountain/SM fountainhead/MS four/MHS fourfold fourposter/SM fourscore/M foursome/SM foursquare fourteen/SMH fourteenth/M fourteenths fourth/MY fourths fowl/MDGS fox/GMDS foxfire/M foxglove/SM foxhole/MS foxhound/SM foxhunt/GS foxily foxiness/M foxtrot/MS foxtrotted foxtrotting foxy/RTP foyer/SM fps fr fracas/MS fractal/SM fraction/ISM fractional/Y fractious/YP fractiousness/M fracture/MGDS frag/S fragile/RT fragility/M fragment/GMDS fragmentary/M fragmentation/M fragrance/MS fragrant/Y frail/RYTP frailness/M frailty/SM frame/DRSMZG framed/U framer/M framework/SM franc/SM franchise's franchise/EDSG franchisee/SM franchiser/SM francium/M francophone frangibility/M frangible frank/SMDRYTGP frankfurter/MS frankincense/M frankness/M frantic frantically frappe/SM frat/MS fraternal/Y fraternity/FSM fraternization/M fraternize/ZGDRS fraternizer/M fratricidal fratricide/MS fraud's fraud/S fraudster/S fraudulence/M fraudulent/Y fraught fray's fray/CDGS frazzle/MGDS freak/SMDG freakish/YP freakishness/M freaky/RT freckle/DSMG freckly/TR free/YTDRS freebase/MGDS freebie/SM freebooter/SM freeborn freedman/M freedmen freedom/SM freehand freehold/ZMRS freeholder/M freeing freelance/DRSMZG freelancer/M freeload/SDRZG freeloader/M freeman/M freemasonry freemen freephone freesia/S freestanding freestone/SM freestyle/SM freethinker/SM freethinking/M freeware/SM freeway/MS freewheel/DGS freewill freezable freeze's freeze/UAGS freezer/MS freezing's freight/MDRZGS freighter/M french frenetic frenetically frenzied/Y frenzy/DSM freq frequencies frequency/IM frequent/DRYSZTG frequented/U frequenter/M fresco/M frescoes fresh/PNRYXZT freshen/ZGDR freshener/M freshet/MS freshman/M freshmen freshness/M freshwater/M fret/MS fretful/YP fretfulness/M fretsaw/MS fretted fretting fretwork/M friable friar/SM friary/SM fricassee/DSM fricasseeing fricative/SM friction/SM frictional fridge/SM friedcake/MS friend/SM friendless friendlies friendliness/UM friendly's friendly/UPTR friendship/MS frieze/SM frig/S frigate/MS frigged frigging fright/SXGMDN frighten/DG frightening/Y frightful/PY frightfulness/M frigid/YP frigidity/M frigidness/M frill/SMD frilly/TR fringe's fringe/IDSG frippery/SM frisk/SDG friskily friskiness/M frisky/TRP frisson/S fritter/MDSG fritz/M frivolity/SM frivolous/PY frivolousness/M frizz/MDSYG frizzle/MGDS frizzly/TR frizzy/TR fro frock's frock/CUS frog/MS frogging/DGS frogman/M frogmarch/GDS frogmen frogspawn frolic/SM frolicked frolicker/SM frolicking frolicsome from frond/SM front's front/FSDG frontage/MS frontal/Y frontbench/ZRS frontier/MS frontiersman/M frontiersmen frontierswoman frontierswomen frontispiece/MS frontward/S frosh/M frost's frost/CSDG frostbit frostbite/MGS frostbitten frostily frostiness/M frosting/M frosty/TPR froth/MDG frothiness/M froths frothy/TPR froufrou/M froward/P frowardness/M frown/SMDG frowzily frowziness/M frowzy/TPR froze/AU frozen/UA fructify/DSG fructose/M frugal/Y frugality/M fruit/SMDG fruitcake/MS fruiterer/S fruitful/YP fruitfulness/M fruitiness/M fruition/M fruitless/PY fruitlessness/M fruity/TPR frump/SM frumpish frumpy/TR frustrate/GNXDS frustrating/Y frustration/M frustum/MS fry/GDSM fryer/SM ft ftp/ZGSR fuchsia/MS fuck/SMGDRZ! fucker/M! fuckhead/S! fuddle/DSMG fudge/DSMG fuehrer/MS fuel's fuel/AS fuelled/A fuelling/A fug fugal fuggy fugitive/MS fugue/SM fuhrer/SM fulcrum/MS fulfill/LDGS fulfilled/U fulfillment/M full/MDRZTGSP fullback/MS fuller/M fullness/M fully fulminate/DSXGN fulmination/M fulsome/PY fulsomeness/M fum/S fumble/DRSMZG fumbler/M fumbling/Y fume/MGDS fumigant/MS fumigate/GNDS fumigation/M fumigator/SM fumy/RT fun/M function/MDGS functional/Y functionalism functionalist/S functionality functionary/SM fund/AMDGS fundamental/SMY fundamentalism/M fundamentalist/SM funded/U funding/M fundraiser/MS funeral/MS funerary funereal/Y funfair/S fungal fungible/MS fungicidal fungicide/MS fungoid fungous fungus/iM funicular/SM funk/MDGS funkiness/M funky/PRT funnel/MS funnelled funnelling funner funnest funnily funniness/M funny/TPRSM funnyman/M funnymen fur/SM furbelow/M furbish/ADSG furious/Y furl's furl/UDGS furlong/SM furlough/GMD furloughs furn furnace/SM furnish/ADSG furnished/U furnishings/M furniture/M furor/SM furred furrier/M furriness/M furring/M furrow/MDSG furry/ZTRP further/SGD furtherance/M furthermore furthermost furthest furtive/YP furtiveness/M fury/SM furze/M fuse's/A fuse/CAIFGDS fusee/SM fuselage/SM fusibility/M fusible fusilier/SM fusillade/MS fusion/IFKSM fuss/MDSG fussbudget/MS fussily fussiness/M fusspot/SM fussy/TRP fustian/M fustiness/M fusty/TRP fut futile/Y futility/M futon/SM future/MS futurism/M futurist/MS futuristic futurity/SM futurologist/MS futurology/M futz/DSG fuzz/MDSG fuzzball/S fuzzily fuzziness/M fuzzy/PTR fwd fwy g/SNXB gab/SM gabardine/SM gabbed gabbiness/M gabbing gabble/DSMG gabby/RTP gaberdine/SM gabfest/MS gable/DSM gad/S gadabout/SM gadded gadder/SM gadding gadfly/SM gadget/SM gadgetry/M gadolinium/M gaff/MDRZGS gaffe/SM gaffer/M gag/SM gaga gagged gagging gaggle/SM gaiety/M gaily gain's gain/ADGS gainer/SM gainful/Y gainsaid gainsay/ZGRS gainsayer/M gait/MRZS gaiter/M gal/SM gala/MS galactic galaxy/SM gale's gale/AS galena/M gall/MDGS gallant/SMY gallantry/M gallbladder/MS galleon/SM galleria/MS gallery/SM galley/SM gallimaufry/SM gallium/M gallivant/GSD gallon/SM gallop/SMDG gallows/M gallstone/MS galoot/SM galore galosh/MS galumph/DG galumphs galvanic galvanism/M galvanization/M galvanize/DSG galvanometer/MS gambit/SM gamble/DRSMZG gambler/M gambling/M gambol/SM gambolled gambolling game/MYTGDRSP gamecock/MS gamekeeper/MS gameness/M gamesmanship/M gamester/MS gamete/SM gametic gamin/SM gamine/SM gaminess/M gaming/M gamma/SM gammon/M gammy gamut/SM gamy/RTP gander/SM gang/MDGS gangbusters/M gangland/M ganglia gangling ganglion/M ganglionic gangplank/SM gangrene/DSMG gangrenous gangsta/S gangster/SM gangway/MS ganja gannet/SM gantlet/MS gantry/SM gap/GSMD gape/MS gar/SLM garage/DSMG garb/MDGS garbage/M garbageman garbanzo/SM garble/DSG garcon/SM garden/SZGMDR gardener/M gardenia/MS gardening/M garfish/MS gargantuan gargle/DSMG gargoyle/SM garish/PY garishness/M garland/MDGS garlic/M garlicky garment/MS garner/SGD garnet/SM garnish/GLMDS garnishee/DSM garnisheeing garnishment/SM garret/SM garrison/MDSG garrote/MZGDRS garroter/M garrulity/M garrulous/PY garrulousness/M garter/SM gas's gas/CS gasbag/SM gaseous gash/MDSG gasholder/S gasket/SM gaslight/MS gasman gasmen gasohol/M gasoline/M gasometer/S gasp/MDGS gassed/C gasses gassing/C gassy/RT gastric gastritis/M gastroenteritis/M gastrointestinal gastronome/S gastronomic gastronomical/Y gastronomy/M gastropod/SM gasworks/M gate/MGDS gateau gateaux gatecrash/DRSZG gatecrasher/M gatehouse/SM gatekeeper/MS gatepost/MS gateway/MS gather/SJZGMDR gatherer/M gathering/M gator/SM gauche/RPYT gaucheness/M gaucherie/M gaucho/SM gaudily gaudiness/M gaudy/RPT gauge/DSMG gaunt/RPT gauntlet/MS gauntness/M gauze/M gauziness/M gauzy/RPT gave gavel/SM gavotte/MS gawd gawk/DGS gawkily gawkiness/M gawky/RPT gawp/DGS gay/TSPMR gayness/M gaze/MZGDRS gazebo/SM gazelle/MS gazer/M gazette/MGDS gazetteer/MS gazillion/S gazpacho/M gazump/DGS gear/MDGS gearbox/MS gearing/M gearshift/MS gearwheel/SM gecko/SM geddit gee/DS geeing geek/MS geeky/RT geese geezer/MS geisha/M gel/SM gelatin/M gelatinous gelcap/M geld/DJGS gelding/M gelid gelignite/M gelled gelling gem/SM gemological gemologist/MS gemology/M gemstone/MS gendarme/MS gender/MS gene/MS genealogical/Y genealogist/MS genealogy/SM genera general/SMY generalissimo/MS generalist/MS generality/SM generalization/MS generalize/GDS generalship/M generate/CAVNGSD generation/ACM generational generations generator/SM generic/SM generically generosity/SM generous/PY generousness/M genes/S genesis/M genetic/S genetically geneticist/MS genetics/M genial/FY geniality/FM genie/SM genital/FY genitalia/M genitals/M genitive/MS genitourinary genius/MSi genned genning genocidal genocide/MS genome/MS genre/SM gent/AMS genteel/YP genteelness/M gentian/SM gentile/SM gentility/M gentle/TGDRSP gentlefolk/MS gentlefolks/M gentleman/MY gentlemanly/U gentlemen gentleness/M gentlewoman/M gentlewomen gently gentrification/M gentrify/DSGN gentry/SM genuflect/DGS genuflection/MS genuine/PY genuineness/M genus/M geocentric geocentrically geochemistry/M geode/SM geodesic/SM geodesy/M geodetic geog geographer/SM geographic geographical/Y geography/SM geologic geological/Y geologist/MS geology/SM geom geomagnetic geomagnetism/M geometer geometric geometrical/Y geometry/SM geophysical geophysicist/SM geophysics/M geopolitical geopolitics/M geostationary geosynchronous geosyncline/MS geothermal geothermic geranium/MS gerbil/MS geriatric/S geriatrician/S geriatrics/M germ/MS germane germanium/M germicidal germicide/MS germinal/M germinate/GNDS germination/M gerontological gerontologist/MS gerontology/M gerrymander/GMDS gerrymandering/M gerund/MS gestalt/S gestapo/MS gestate/GNDS gestation/M gestational gesticulate/DSGNX gesticulation/M gestural gesture/MGDS gesundheit get/SM getaway/SM getting getup/M gewgaw/SM geyser/SM ghastliness/M ghastly/TPR ghat/MS ghee gherkin/MS ghetto/SM ghettoize/GDS ghost/SMDYG ghostliness/M ghostly/RTP ghostwrite/ZGRS ghostwriter/M ghostwritten ghostwrote ghoul/SM ghoulish/YP ghoulishness/M giant/SM giantess/MS gibber/GDS gibberish/M gibbet/GMDS gibbon/MS gibbous giblet/SM giddily giddiness/M giddy/RTP gift/MDGS gig/SM gigabit/SM gigabyte/MS gigahertz/M gigantic gigantically gigawatt/SM gigged gigging giggle/DRSMZG giggler/M giggly/RT gigolo/SM gild/MDRZGS gilder/M gilding/M gill/MS gillie/S gillion/S gilt/MS gimbals/M gimcrack/SM gimcrackery/M gimlet/GSMD gimme/SM gimmick/MS gimmickry/M gimmicky gimp/MDGS gimpy/RT gin/SM ginger/GSMDY gingerbread/M gingersnap/SM gingery gingham/M gingivitis/M ginkgo/M ginkgoes ginned ginning ginormous ginseng/M giraffe/MS gird/DRZGS girder/M girdle/DSMG girl/MS girlfriend/MS girlhood/SM girlish/YP girlishness/M girly giro/S girt/MDGS girth/M girths gist/M git/S gite/S give/MZGJRS giveaway/MS giveback/MS given/SM giver/M gizmo/SM gizzard/MS glace/S glaceed glaceing glacial/Y glaciate/XGNDS glaciation/M glacier/MS glad/MYSP gladden/GDS gladder gladdest glade/SM gladiator/SM gladiatorial gladiola/SM gladiolus/iM gladness/M gladsome glam glamorization/M glamorize/DSG glamorous/Y glamour/GMDS glance/DSMG gland/SM glandes glandular glans/M glare/DSMG glaring/Y glasnost/M glass/MDSG glassblower/MS glassblowing/M glassful/SM glasshouse/S glassily glassiness/M glassware/M glassy/RTP glaucoma/M glaze/DSMG glazier/SM glazing/M gleam/SMDGJ glean/SDRZGJ gleaner/M gleanings/M glee/M gleeful/YP gleefulness/M glen/MS glib/YP glibber glibbest glibness/M glide/DRSMZG glider/M gliding/M glimmer/MDGJS glimmering/M glimpse/MGDS glint/SMDG glissandi glissando/M glisten/MDSG glister/DSG glitch/GMDS glitter/MDSG glitterati glittery glitz/M glitzy/TR gloaming/SM gloat/SMDG gloating/Y glob/MDGS global/Y globalism/M globalist/MS globalization/M globalize/GDS globe/SM globetrotter/MS globetrotting globular globule/MS globulin/M glockenspiel/SM gloom/M gloomily gloominess/M gloomy/TRP glop/M gloppy/TR glorification/M glorify/GDSN glorious/IY glory/DSMG gloss/MDSG glossary/SM glossily glossiness/M glossolalia/M glossy/PTRSM glottal glottis/MS glove/DSMG glow/MDRZGS glower/GMD glowing/Y glowworm/MS glucose/M glue/MGDS glued/U gluey gluier gluiest glum/YP glummer glummest glumness/M glut/MNS gluten/M glutenous glutinous/Y glutted glutting glutton/MS gluttonous/Y gluttony/M glycerine/M glycerol/M glycogen/M glyph gm gnarl/SMDG gnarly/TR gnash/MDSG gnat/MS gnaw/DGS gneiss/M gnocchi gnome/SM gnomic gnomish gnu/SM go/JMRHZG goad/MDGS goal/MS goalie/SM goalkeeper/MS goalkeeping/M goalless goalmouth goalmouths goalpost/MS goalscorer/S goaltender/MS goat/MS goatee/SM goatherd/MS goatskin/MS gob/SM gobbed gobbet/SM gobbing gobble/DRSMZG gobbledygook/M gobbler/M goblet/SM goblin/SM gobsmacked gobstopper/S god/SM godawful godchild/M godchildren goddammit goddamn/D goddaughter/MS goddess/MS godfather/SM godforsaken godhead/M godhood/M godless/PY godlessness/M godlike godliness/UM godly/URTP godmother/SM godparent/SM godsend/SM godson/SM godspeed goer/M goes gofer/SM goggle/DSMG goggles/M going/M goitre/SM gold/MNS goldbrick/ZGSMDR goldbricker/M golden/TR goldenrod/M goldfield/S goldfinch/MS goldfish/MS goldmine/SM goldsmith/M goldsmiths golf/MDRZGS golfer/M golliwog/S golly/SM gonad/SM gonadal gondola/MS gondolier/SM gone/ZR goner/M gong/MDGS gonk/DGS gonna gonorrhea/M gonorrheal gonzo goo/M goober/SM good/MYSP goodbye/MS goodhearted goodish goodly/TR goodness/M goodnight goods/M goodwill/M goody/SM gooey goof/MDGS goofball/SM goofiness/M goofy/RPT googly/S gooier gooiest gook/MS goon/MS goop/M goose/DSMG gooseberry/SM goosebumps/M goosestep/S goosestepped goosestepping gopher/SM gore/MGDS gorge's gorge/EDSG gorgeous/YP gorgeousness/M gorgon/SM gorilla/MS gorily goriness/M gormandize/DRSZG gormandizer/M gormless gorp/MS gorse/M gory/RTP gosh goshawk/MS gosling/SM gospel/MS gossamer/M gossip/MDRZGS gossiper/M gossipy got gotcha/S goths gotta gotten gouache/S gouge/DRSMZG gouger/M goulash/MS gourd/SM gourde/MS gourmand/SM gourmet/SM gout/M gouty/TR gov govern/DGSBL governable/U governance/M governed/U governess/MS government/MS governmental governor/SM governorship/M govt gown/MDGS gr grab/MS grabbed grabber/MS grabbing grabby/TR grace/EDSMG graceful/EPY gracefulness/EM graceless/PY gracelessness/M gracious/UY graciousness/M grackle/MS grad/MRZSB gradate/XGNDS gradation/CM grade's grade/CADSG graded/U grader/M gradient/MS gradual/PY gradualism/M gradualness/M graduate/XMGNDS graduation/M graffiti graffito/M graft/SMDRZG grafter/M graham/S grail grain/ISMD graininess/M grainy/PTR gram/KMS grammar/MS grammarian/SM grammatical/UY gramophone/MS grampus/MS gran/S granary/SM grand/SMRYPT grandam/MS grandaunt/MS grandchild/M grandchildren granddad/SM granddaddy/SM granddaughter/SM grandee/MS grandeur/M grandfather/GMDYS grandiloquence/M grandiloquent grandiose/Y grandiosity/M grandma/MS grandmother/MYS grandnephew/MS grandness/M grandniece/MS grandpa/MS grandparent/MS grandson/MS grandstand/SGMD granduncle/SM grange/SM granite/M granitic granny/SM granola/M grant/SMDRZG grantee/MS granter/M grantsmanship/M granular granularity/M granulate/GNDS granulation/M granule/MS grape/SM grapefruit/MS grapeshot/M grapevine/SM graph/MDG graphic/MS graphical/Y graphite/M graphologist/MS graphology/M graphs grapnel/MS grapple/MGDS grasp/SMDBG grass/MDSG grasshopper/MS grassland/MS grassroots grassy/TR grate/DRSMZGJ grateful/UYP gratefulness/UM grater/M gratification/M gratify/GNXDS gratifying/Y gratin/S grating/MY gratis gratitude/IM gratuitous/YP gratuitousness/M gratuity/SM gravamen/MS grave/DRSMYTGP gravedigger/SM gravel/SMY gravelled gravelling graven graveness/M graveside/MS gravestone/SM graveyard/MS gravid gravimeter/MS gravitas gravitate/GNDS gravitation/M gravitational gravity/M gravy/SM graybeard/SM graze/DRSMZG grazer/M grease/DRSMZG greasepaint/M greasily greasiness/M greasy/PTR great/SMRYPT greatcoat/SM greathearted greatness/M grebe/SM greed/M greedily greediness/M greedy/PTR green/GPSMDRYT greenback/MS greenbelt/MS greenery/M greenfield greenfly/S greengage/MS greengrocer/SM greenhorn/SM greenhouse/SM greenish greenmail/M greenness/M greenroom/SM greensward/M greenwood/M greet/ZGJSDR greeter/M greeting/M gregarious/PY gregariousness/M gremlin/SM grenade/SM grenadier/MS grenadine/M grep/S grepped grepping grew/A grey/PMDRTGS greyhound/SM greyish greyness/M gribble/S grid/MS griddle/SM griddlecake/SM gridiron/SM gridlock/SMD grief/SM grievance/MS grieve/ZGDRS griever/M grievous/PY grievousness/M griffin/SM griffon/SM grill/SGMDJ grille/MS grim/DYPG grimace/DSMG grime/SM griminess/M grimmer grimmest grimness/M grimy/TRP grin/MS grind/SZGMRJ grinder/M grindstone/MS gringo/MS grinned grinning grip/MDRSZG gripe/SM griper/M grippe/MZGDR gripper/M grisliness/M grisly/RTP grist/MY gristle/M gristly/RT gristmill/MS grit/MS grits/M gritted gritter/SM grittiness/M gritting gritty/RTP grizzle/DSG grizzly/TRSM groan/SGMD groat/SM grocer/MS grocery/SM grog/M groggily grogginess/M groggy/PRT groin/SM grok/S grokked grokking grommet/SM groom/SZGMDR groomer/M grooming/M groomsman/M groomsmen groove/MGDS groovy/RT grope/DRSMZG groper/M grosbeak/MS grosgrain/M gross/PTGMDRSY grossness/M grotesque/SPMY grotesqueness/M grotto/M grottoes grotty/TR grouch/GMDS grouchily grouchiness/M grouchy/RTP ground/ZGMDRJS groundbreaking/MS groundcloth groundcloths grounder/M groundhog/MS grounding/M groundless/Y groundnut/MS groundsheet/S groundskeeper/S groundsman groundsmen groundswell/SM groundwater/M groundwork/M group/JSZGMDR grouper/M groupie/MS grouping/M groupware/M grouse/MZGDRS grouser/M grout/SGMD grove/SM grovel/GDS grovelled groveller/SM grovelling grow/AHSG grower/MS growing/I growl/SZGMDR growler/M grown/AI grownup/MS growth/AM growths groyne/MS grub/MS grubbed grubber/MS grubbily grubbiness/M grubbing grubby/TRP grubstake/M grudge/MGDS grudging/Y grue/S gruel/M gruelling/SY gruesome/RYTP gruesomeness/M gruff/TPRY gruffness/M grumble/DRSMZGJ grumbler/M grump/SM grumpily grumpiness/M grumpy/PRT grunge/MS grungy/RT grunion/SM grunt/SGMD gt guacamole/M guanine/M guano/M guarani/MS guarantee/MDS guaranteeing guarantor/MS guaranty/GDSM guard/SZGMDR guarded/Y guarder/M guardhouse/SM guardian/SM guardianship/M guardrail/SM guardroom/SM guardsman/M guardsmen guava/SM gubernatorial guerrilla/SM guess/ZGBMDRS guesser/M guesstimate/DSMG guesswork/M guest/SGMD guesthouse/S guestroom/S guff/M guffaw/MDGS guidance/M guide/DRSMZG guidebook/SM guided/U guideline/SM guidepost/SM guider/M guild/SZMR guilder/M guildhall/MS guile/M guileful guileless/YP guilelessness/M guillemot/S guillotine/DSMG guilt/M guiltily guiltiness/M guiltless guilty/PRT guinea/MS guise/ESM guitar/MS guitarist/SM gulag/SM gulch/MS gulden/MS gulf/MS gull/MDSG gullet/MS gullibility/M gullible gully/SM gulp/MDRSZG gulper/M gum/SM gumball/S gumbo/SM gumboil/SM gumboot/S gumdrop/SM gummed gumming gummy/TR gumption/M gumshoe/MDS gumshoeing gun/SM gunboat/SM gunfight/MRZS gunfighter/M gunfire/M gunge gungy gunk/M gunky/TR gunman/M gunmen gunmetal/M gunned gunnel/MS gunner/MS gunnery/M gunning gunny/M gunnysack/MS gunpoint/M gunpowder/M gunrunner/MS gunrunning/M gunship/MS gunshot/MS gunslinger/SM gunsmith/M gunsmiths gunwale/MS guppy/SM gurgle/MGDS gurney/MS guru/MS gush/MDRSZG gusher/M gushing/Y gushy/TR gusset/MSDG gussy/DSG gust/EMDSG gustatory gustily gusto/M gusty/RT gut/SM gutless/P gutlessness/M gutsy/RT gutted gutter/SMDG guttersnipe/MS gutting guttural/MS gutty/RT guv/S guvnor/S guy/SGMD guzzle/DRSZG guzzler/M gybe/MGDS gym/SM gymkhana/MS gymnasium/MS gymnast/MS gymnastic/S gymnastically gymnastics/M gymnosperm/SM gymslip/S gynaecologic gynecological gynecologist/SM gynecology/M gyp/SM gypped gypper/SM gypping gypster/SM gypsum/M gypsy/SM gyrate/DSGNX gyration/M gyrator/SM gyrfalcon/MS gyro/MS gyroscope/MS gyroscopic gyve/MGDS h'm h/NRSXZGVJ ha/SH haberdasher/SM haberdashery/SM habiliment/SM habit's habit/ISB habitability/M habitat/SM habitation/MS habitual/YP habitualness/M habituate/GNDS habituation/M habitue/SM hacienda/SM hack/MDRZGS hacker/M hacking/M hackish/SP hackishness/S hackitude/S hackle/MS hackney/SMDG hacksaw/SM hackwork/M had haddock/SM hadn't hadst hafnium/M haft/MS hag/SM haggard/YP haggardness/M haggis/MS haggish haggle/MZGDRS haggler/M hagiographer/SM hagiography/SM hahnium/M haiku/M hail/MDGS hailstone/MS hailstorm/MS hair/MDS hairball/MS hairband/S hairbreadth/M hairbreadths hairbrush/MS haircloth/M haircut/SM hairdo/MS hairdresser/SM hairdressing/M hairdryer/MS hairgrip/S hairiness/M hairless hairlike hairline/SM hairnet/SM hairpiece/MS hairpin/SM hairsbreadth/M hairsbreadths hairsplitter/SM hairsplitting/M hairspray/S hairspring/MS hairstyle/MS hairstylist/SM hairy/TRP haj hajj/M hajjes hajji/SM hake/MS halal/M halberd/SM halcyon hale/ITGDRS half/M halfback/SM halfhearted/PY halfheartedness/M halfpence halfpenny/SM halftime/MS halftone/MS halfway halfwit/SM halibut/SM halite/M halitosis/M hall/MS hallelujah/M hallelujahs hallmark/GMDS halloo/MSG hallow/DSG hallowed/U hallucinate/GNXDS hallucination/M hallucinatory hallucinogen/SM hallucinogenic/SM hallway/SM halo/MDGS halogen/SM halon halt/MDRZGS halter/GMD halterneck/S halting/Y halve/DSG halyard/MS ham/SM hamburg/SZMR hamburger/M hamlet/MS hammed hammer/MDRSJZG hammerer/M hammerhead/SM hammerlock/SM hammertoe/MS hamming hammock/SM hammy/TR hamper/GMDS hampered/U hamster/MS hamstring/GSM hamstrung hand's hand/UDGS handbag/SM handball/MS handbarrow/SM handbill/MS handbook/MS handbrake/S handcar/SM handcart/MS handclasp/MS handcraft/SMDG handcuff/MDGS handed/P handful/SM handgun/SM handhold/MS handicap/MS handicapped handicapper/MS handicapping handicraft/MS handily handiness/M handiwork/M handkerchief/MS handle/MZGDRS handlebar/MS handler/M handmade handmaid/XMNS handmaiden/M handout/SM handover/S handpick/GDS handrail/MS handsaw/SM handset/SM handshake/JMGS handsome/PYTR handsomeness/M handspring/MS handstand/SM handwork/M handwoven handwriting/M handwritten handy/UTR handyman/M handymen hang/MDRJZGS hangar/MS hangdog hanger/M hanging/M hangman/M hangmen hangnail/MS hangout/SM hangover/MS hangup/MS hank/MRZS hanker/GJD hankering/M hanky/SM hansom/MS hap/MY haphazard/YP haphazardness/M hapless/YP haplessness/M haploid/MS happen/SDGJ happening/M happenstance/SM happily/U happiness/UM happy/URTP harangue/MGDS harass/LZGDRS harasser/M harassment/M harbinger/SM harbormaster/S harbour/GMDS hard/NRYXTP hardback/MS hardball/M hardboard/M hardbound hardcore hardcover/SM harden/ZGDR hardened/U hardener/M hardhat/MS hardheaded/PY hardheadedness/M hardhearted/PY hardheartedness/M hardihood/M hardily hardiness/M hardliner/MS hardness/M hardscrabble hardship/SM hardstand/SM hardtack/M hardtop/SM hardware/M hardwired hardwood/SM hardworking hardy/PTR hare/MGDS harebell/MS harebrained harelip/SM harelipped harem/SM haricot/S hark/DGS harlequin/SM harlot/SM harlotry/M harm/MDGS harmed/U harmful/YP harmfulness/M harmless/PY harmlessness/M harmonic/SM harmonica/MS harmonically harmonies harmonious/PY harmoniousness/M harmonium/MS harmonization/M harmonize/ZGDRS harmonizer/M harmony/EM harness's harness/UDSG harp/MDGS harpist/SM harpoon/ZGSMDR harpooner/M harpsichord/MS harpsichordist/SM harpy/SM harridan/MS harrier/M harrow/SMDG harrumph/GD harrumphs harry/DRSZG harsh/RYTP harshness/M hart/MS harvest/SMDRZG harvested/U harvester/M hash/AMDSG hashish/M hasn't hasp/MS hassle/DSMG hassock/SM hast/DNXG haste/SM hasten/DG hastily hastiness/M hasty/RTP hat/ZGSMDR hatband/S hatbox/MS hatch/MDSG hatchback/MS hatcheck/SM hatched/U hatchery/SM hatchet/SM hatching/M hatchway/SM hate/MS hateful/PY hatefulness/M hatemonger/MS hater/M hatpin/S hatred/SM hatstand/S hatted hatter/SM hatting hauberk/SM haughtily haughtiness/M haughty/PRT haul/MDRZGS haulage/M hauler/M haulier/S haunch/MS haunt/SMDRZG haunter/M haunting/Y hauteur/M have/MGS haven't haven/SM haversack/SM havoc/M haw/GSMD hawk/MDRZGS hawker/M hawkish/P hawkishness/M hawser/SM hawthorn/MS hay/GSMD haycock/SM hayloft/SM haymaking haymow/SM hayrick/MS hayride/MS hayseed/MS haystack/SM haywire hazard/SMDG hazardous/Y haze/MZGJDRS hazel/SM hazelnut/MS hazer/M hazily haziness/M hazing/M hazy/RTP hdqrs he'd he'll he/M head/MDRZGJS headache/MS headband/MS headbanger/S headbanging headboard/SM headbutt/DSG headcase/S headcheese headcount/S headdress/MS header/M headfirst headgear/M headhunt/DRSZG headhunter/M headhunting/M headily headiness/M heading/M headlamp/MS headland/MS headless headlight/MS headline/MZGDRS headliner/M headlock/MS headlong headman/M headmaster/SM headmen headmistress/MS headphone/MS headpiece/MS headpin/SM headquarter/SDG headquarters/M headrest/MS headroom/M headscarf headscarves headset/SM headship/SM headshrinker/SM headsman/M headsmen headstall/SM headstand/SM headstone/SM headstrong headteacher/S headwaiter/SM headwaters/M headway/M headwind/SM headword/SM heady/RTP heal/DRHZGS healed/U healer/M health/M healthful/PY healthfulness/M healthily/U healthiness/UM healthy/UTRP heap/MDGS hear/AHGJS heard/AU hearer/SM hearing/AM hearken/SGD hearsay/M hearse's hearse/AS heart/SM heartache/MS heartbeat/MS heartbreak/SMG heartbroken heartburn/M hearten/ESGD heartfelt hearth/M hearthrug/S hearths hearthstone/SM heartily heartiness/M heartland/MS heartless/PY heartlessness/M heartrending/Y heartsick/P heartsickness/M heartstrings/M heartthrob/MS heartwarming heartwood/M hearty/RSMPT heat's heat/ADGS heated/U heatedly heater/SM heath/MNRX heathen/M heathendom/M heathenish heathenism/M heather/M heaths heating/M heatproof heatstroke/M heatwave/S heave/DRSMZG heaven/SMY heavenly/TR heavens/M heavenward/S heaver/M heavily heaviness/M heavy/RSMTP heavyhearted heavyset heavyweight/MS heck/M heckle/DRSMZG heckler/M heckling/M hectare/SM hectic hectically hectogram/SM hectometre/MS hector/SMDG hedge/DRSMZG hedgehog/MS hedgehop/S hedgehopped hedgehopping hedger/M hedgerow/SM hedonism/M hedonist/MS hedonistic heed/MDGS heeded/U heedful/Y heedless/PY heedlessness/M heehaw/SMDG heel/MDGS heelless heft/MDGS heftily heftiness/M hefty/PRT hegemonic hegemony/M hegira/SM heifer/SM height/XSMN heighten/DG heinous/YP heinousness/M heir/MS heiress/MS heirloom/SM heist/SMDG held helical helices helicopter/SGMD heliocentric heliotrope/SM helipad/S heliport/MS helium/M helix/M hell/M hellbent hellcat/MS hellebore/M hellhole/MS hellion/MS hellish/YP hellishness/M hello/SM helluva helm/MS helmet/SMD helmsman/M helmsmen helot/SM help/MDRZGSJ helper/M helpful/UY helpfulness/M helping/M helpless/PY helplessness/M helpline/S helpmate/SM helve/SM hem/SM hematite/M hematologic hematological hematologist/MS hematology/M heme/M hemisphere/SM hemispheric hemispherical hemline/SM hemlock/SM hemmed hemmer/SM hemming hemoglobin/M hemophilia/M hemophiliac/MS hemorrhage/MGDS hemorrhagic hemorrhoid/MS hemostat/MS hemp/MN hemstitch/MDSG hen/M hence henceforth henceforward henchman/M henchmen henna/SMDG henpeck/GSD hep heparin/M hepatic hepatitis/M hepper heppest heptagon/MS heptagonal heptathlon/SM her/M herald/SMDG heralded/U heraldic heraldry/M herb/MS herbaceous herbage/M herbal/S herbalist/MS herbicidal herbicide/MS herbivore/SM herbivorous herculean herd/MDRZGS herder/M herdsman/M herdsmen here/M hereabout/S hereafter/SM hereby hereditary heredity/M herein hereinafter hereof hereon heresy/SM heretic/SM heretical hereto heretofore hereunto hereupon herewith heritable/I heritage/MS hermaphrodite/SM hermaphroditic hermetic hermetical/Y hermit/SM hermitage/MS hernia/SM hernial herniate/GNDS herniation/M hero/M heroes heroic/S heroically heroics/M heroin/SM heroine/SM heroism/M heron/SM herpes/M herpetologist/SM herpetology/M herring/MS herringbone/M herself hertz/M hesitance/M hesitancy/M hesitant/Y hesitate/DSGNX hesitating/UY hesitation/M hessian hetero/SM heterodox heterodoxy/M heterogeneity/M heterogeneous/Y heterosexual/MYS heterosexuality/M heuristic/MS heuristically heuristics/M hew/ZGSDR hewer/M hex/GMDS hexadecimal/S hexagon/MS hexagonal hexagram/SM hexameter/SM hey heyday/SM hf hgt hgwy hi/SD hiatus/MS hibachi/MS hibernate/GNDS hibernation/M hibernator/MS hibiscus/MS hiccough/DG hiccoughs hiccup/GSMD hick/MS hickey/SM hickory/SM hid hidden hide/MZGJDRS hideaway/SM hidebound hideous/YP hideousness/M hideout/MS hider/M hiding/M hie/S hieing hierarchic hierarchical/Y hierarchy/SM hieroglyph/M hieroglyphic/MS hieroglyphs high/MRYZTP highball/SM highborn highboy/MS highbrow/SM highchair/MS highfalutin highhanded/PY highhandedness/M highland/MRZS highlander/M highlight/SMDRZG highlighter/M highness/M highroad/MS highs hightail/DSG highway/MS highwayman/M highwaymen hijack/SJZGMDR hijacker/M hijacking/M hike/MZGDRS hiker/M hiking/M hilarious/PY hilariousness/M hilarity/M hill/MS hillbilly/SM hilliness/M hillock/MS hillside/SM hilltop/MS hilly/PRT hilt/MS him/SM himself hind/MRZS hinder/GD hindered/U hindmost hindquarter/MS hindrance/SM hindsight/M hinge's hinge/UDSG hint/MDRZGS hinter/M hinterland/SM hip/SPM hipbath hipbaths hipbone/MS hiphuggers hipness/M hipped hipper hippest hippie/SM hipping hippo/SM hippodrome/SM hippopotamus/MS hippy hipster/MS hire's hire/AGDS hireling/MS hirsute/P hirsuteness/M hiss/MDSG hist histamine/MS histogram/MS histologist/SM histology/M historian/MS historic historical/Y historicity/M historiographer/MS historiography/M history/SM histrionic/S histrionically histrionics/M hit/SM hitch's hitch/UDSG hitcher/MS hitchhike/DRSMZG hitchhiker/M hither hitherto hitter/SM hitting hive/MGDS hiya hmm ho/SMDRYZ hoagie/MS hoard/SZGMDRJ hoarder/M hoarding/M hoarfrost/M hoariness/M hoarse/YTRP hoarseness/M hoary/TRP hoax/MDRSZG hoaxer/M hob/SM hobbit/S hobble/MZGDRS hobbler/M hobby/SM hobbyhorse/MS hobbyist/SM hobgoblin/MS hobnail/SGMD hobnob/S hobnobbed hobnobbing hobo/MS hock/MDSG hockey/M hockshop/MS hod/SM hodgepodge/SM hoe/SM hoecake/SM hoedown/SM hoeing hoer/M hog/SM hogan/SM hogback/SM hogged hogging hoggish/Y hogshead/SM hogtie/DS hogtying hogwash/M hoick/SGD hoist/SGMD hoke/GDS hokey hokier hokiest hokum/M hold/MRJSZG holdall/S holder/M holding/M holdout/SM holdover/SM holdup/MS hole/MGDS holey holiday/SMDG holidaymaker/S holiness/UM holism holistic holistically holler/MDGS hollow/MDRYPSTG hollowness/M holly/SM hollyhock/MS holmium/M holocaust/SM hologram/MS holograph/M holographic holographs holography/M hols holster/SMDG holy/URPT homage/MS hombre/MS homburg/SM home/MYZGDRS homebody/SM homeboy/SM homecoming/SM homegrown homeland/MS homeless/MP homelessness/M homelike homeliness/M homely/PRT homemade homemaker/SM homemaking/M homeopath/M homeopathic homeopaths homeopathy/M homeostatic homeowner/MS homepage/MS homer/GMD homeroom/MS homeschooling/M homesick/P homesickness/M homespun/M homestead/SMDRZG homesteader/M homestretch/MS hometown/MS homeward/S homework/MRZG homey/SMP homeyness/M homicidal homicide/MS homier homiest homiletic homily/SM hominid/SM hominy/M homo/MS homoeostasis/M homoerotic homogeneity/M homogeneous/Y homogenization/M homogenize/DSG homograph/M homographs homologous homonym/SM homophobia/M homophobic homophone/MS homosexual/SM homosexuality/M hon/SZTGMDR honcho/MS hone/MS honer/M honest/EYT honester honesty/EM honey/SGMD honeybee/SM honeycomb/MDSG honeydew/SM honeylocust/M honeymoon/ZGMDRS honeymooner/M honeypot/S honeysuckle/SM honk/MDRSZG honker/M honky/SM honorarily honorarium/MS honorary honorific/MS honour/EMDSBG honourableness/M honourably/E honouree/MS honourer/MS hooch/M hood/MDSG hoodlum/SM hoodoo/MDSG hoodwink/DGS hooey/M hoof/MDRSZG hook's hook/UDSG hookah/M hookahs hooker/MS hookup/MS hookworm/MS hooky/M hooligan/MS hooliganism/M hoop/MDSG hoopla/M hooray hoosegow/SM hoot/MDRSZG hootenanny/SM hooter/M hoover/DSG hooves hop/SGMD hope/MS hopeful/PSMY hopefulness/M hopeless/YP hopelessness/M hopped hopper/MS hopping hopscotch/MDSG hora/MS horde/DSMG horehound/SM horizon/SM horizontal/SMY hormonal hormone/SM horn/MDS hornblende/M hornet/MS hornless hornlike hornpipe/MS horny/TR horologic horological horologist/MS horology/M horoscope/SM horrendous/Y horrible/P horribleness/M horribly horrid/Y horrific horrifically horrify/DSG horrifying/Y horror/MS horse's horse/UDSG horseback/M horsebox/S horseflesh/M horsefly/SM horsehair/M horsehide/M horselaugh/M horselaughs horseless horseman/M horsemanship/M horsemen horseplay/M horsepower/M horseradish/MS horseshit/! horseshoe/DSM horseshoeing horsetail/SM horsetrading horsewhip/SM horsewhipped horsewhipping horsewoman/M horsewomen horsey horsier horsiest hortatory horticultural horticulturalist/S horticulture/M horticulturist/MS hosanna/SM hose/MGDS hosepipe/S hosier/MS hosiery/M hosp hospice/MS hospitable/I hospitably/I hospital/SM hospitality/M hospitalization/SM hospitalize/DSG host/MDSG hostage/MS hostel/ZGMDRS hosteler/M hostelry/SM hostess/MDSG hostile/MYS hostilities/M hostility/SM hostler/MS hot/SYP hotbed/MS hotblooded hotbox/MS hotcake/SM hotel/SM hotelier/MS hotfoot/MDGS hothead/DSM hotheaded/YP hotheadedness/M hothouse/SM hotlink/S hotness/M hotplate/SM hotpot/S hots/M hotshot/MS hotted hotter hottest hotting hound/SGMD hour/MYS hourglass/MS houri/SM house's house/ADSG houseboat/SM housebound houseboy/SM housebreak/RSZG housebreaker/M housebreaking/M housebroke housebroken houseclean/DSG housecleaning/M housecoat/SM housefly/SM houseful/SM household/SMRZ householder/M househusband/SM housekeeper/MS housekeeping/M houselights/M housemaid/SM houseman/M housemaster/S housemate/S housemen housemistress/S housemother/SM houseparent/SM houseplant/MS houseproud houseroom housetop/SM housewares/M housewarming/SM housewife/MY housewives housework/M housing/MS hove hovel/SM hover/SGD hovercraft/MS how/SM howbeit howdah/M howdahs howdy however howitzer/SM howl/MDRSZG howler/M howsoever hoyden/MS hoydenish hp hr/S ht huarache/SM hub/SM hubbub/SM hubby/SM hubcap/SM hubris/M huckleberry/SM huckster/SGMD hucksterism/M huddle/DSMG hue/DSM huff/MDSG huffily huffiness/M huffy/PRT hug/STMR huge/YP hugeness/M hugged hugging huh hula/MS hulk/MSG hull/MDRSZG hullabaloo/SM huller/M hum/SM human/SMRYTP humane/PY humaneness/M humanism/M humanist/SM humanistic humanitarian/MS humanitarianism/M humanities/M humanity/ISM humanization/CM humanize/CDSG humanizer/SM humankind/M humanness/M humanoid/SM humble/DRSZTGJP humbleness/M humbler/M humbly humbug/SM humbugged humbugging humdinger/MS humdrum/M humeral humerus/iM humid/Y humidification/M humidifier/CM humidify/CZGDRS humidity/M humidor/SM humiliate/DSGNX humiliating/Y humiliation/M humility/M hummed hummer/SM humming hummingbird/SM hummock/SM hummocky hummus/M humongous humorist/MS humorlessly humorous/PY humorousness/M humour/GSMD humourless/P humourlessness/M hump/MDSG humpback/MDS humph/DG humphs humus/M hunch/MDSG hunchback/SMD hundred/SMH hundredfold hundredth/M hundredths hundredweight/SM hung hunger/SMDG hungover hungrily hungriness/M hungry/PRT hunk/MRSZ hunker/DG hunky/RT hunt/MDRSZG hunter/M hunting/M huntress/MS huntsman/M huntsmen hurdle/DRSMZG hurdler/M hurdling/M hurl/MDRSZG hurler/M hurling/M hurrah/GMD hurrahs hurricane/MS hurried/UY hurry/DSMG hurt/MSG hurtful/YP hurtfulness/M hurtle/DSG husband/GMDS husbandman/M husbandmen husbandry/M hush/MDSG husk/MDRSZG husker/M huskily huskiness/M husky/PRSMT hussar/SM hussy/SM hustings/M hustle/DRSMZG hustler/M hut/SM hutch/MS huzzah/MDG huzzahs hwy hyacinth/M hyacinths hybrid/SM hybridism/M hybridization/M hybridize/DSG hydra/SM hydrangea/SM hydrant/MS hydrate's hydrate/CGNDS hydration/CM hydraulic/S hydraulically hydraulics/M hydro/M hydrocarbon/MS hydrocephalus/M hydrodynamic/S hydrodynamics/M hydroelectric hydroelectrically hydroelectricity/M hydrofoil/MS hydrogen/M hydrogenate/CGDS hydrogenation/M hydrogenous hydrologist/MS hydrology/M hydrolyses hydrolysis/M hydrolyze/DSG hydrometer/SM hydrometry/M hydrophobia/M hydrophobic hydrophone/SM hydroplane/GDSM hydroponic/S hydroponically hydroponics/M hydrosphere/M hydrotherapy/M hydrous hydroxide/SM hyena/SM hygiene/M hygienic/U hygienically hygienist/MS hygrometer/SM hying hymen/SM hymeneal hymn/MDSG hymnal/MS hymnbook/SM hype/MGDRS hyperactive hyperactivity/M hyperbola/SM hyperbole/M hyperbolic hypercritical/Y hyperglycemia/M hyperinflation hyperlink/SM hypermarket/S hypermedia/M hypersensitive/P hypersensitiveness/M hypersensitivity/SM hyperspace/S hypertension/M hypertensive/SM hypertext/M hyperthyroid/M hyperthyroidism/M hypertrophy/DSMG hyperventilate/GNDS hyperventilation/M hyphen/MDSG hyphenate/XDSMGN hyphenation/M hypnoses hypnosis/M hypnotherapist/S hypnotherapy/M hypnotic/SM hypnotically hypnotism/M hypnotist/MS hypnotize/GDS hypo/MS hypoallergenic hypochondria/M hypochondriac/SM hypocrisy/SM hypocrite/MS hypocritical/Y hypodermic/MS hypoglycemia/M hypoglycemic/SM hypotenuse/MS hypothalamus/Mi hypothermia/M hypotheses hypothesis/M hypothesize/DSG hypothetical/Y hypothyroid/M hypothyroidism/M hyssop/M hysterectomy/SM hysteresis hysteria/M hysteric/SM hysterical/Y hysterics/M i.e. i/US iPad/M iPhone/M iPod/M iTunes/M iamb/MS iambic/SM iambus/iMS ibex/MS ibid ibidem ibis/MS ibuprofen/M ice's ice/CDSG iceberg/SM iceboat/SM icebound icebox/MS icebreaker/SM icecap/SM iceman/M icemen ichthyologist/MS ichthyology/M icicle/SM icily iciness/M icing/SM icky/RT icon/MS iconic iconoclasm/M iconoclast/SM iconoclastic iconography/M ictus/M icy/TPR id/SMY idea/MS ideal/SMY idealism/M idealist/SM idealistic idealistically idealization/MS idealize/DSG idem idempotent identical/Y identifiable/U identification/M identified/U identify/ZGNDRSX identikit/S identity/SM ideogram/SM ideograph/M ideographs ideological/Y ideologist/SM ideologue/MS ideology/SM ides/M idiocy/SM idiom/SM idiomatic/U idiomatically idiopathic idiosyncrasy/SM idiosyncratic idiosyncratically idiot/SM idiotic idiotically idle/MZTGDRSP idleness/M idler/M idol/MS idolater/SM idolatress/MS idolatrous idolatry/M idolization/M idolize/GDS idyll/SM idyllic idyllically if/SM iffiness/M iffy/RTP igloo/SM igneous ignitable ignite/AGDS ignition/MS ignoble ignobly ignominious/Y ignominy/SM ignoramus/MS ignorance/M ignorant/Y ignore/GDS iguana/MS ii iii ilea ileitis/M ileum/M ilia ilium/M ilk/SM ill/SMP illegal/MYS illegality/SM illegibility/M illegible illegibly illegitimacy/M illegitimate/Y illiberal/Y illiberality/M illicit/YP illicitness/M illimitable illiteracy/M illiterate/MYS illness/MS illogical/Y illogicality/M illuminate/GNXDS illuminating/Y illumination/M illumine/DSBG illus/V illusion/EMS illusionist/SM illusory illustrate/GNVXDS illustration/M illustrative/Y illustrator/SM illustrious/PY illustriousness/M image/DSMG imagery/M imaginable/U imaginably/U imaginary imagination/MS imaginative/UY imagine/DSBJG imago/M imagoes imam/MS imbalance/DSM imbecile/MS imbecilic imbecility/SM imbibe/ZGDRS imbiber/M imbrication/M imbroglio/SM imbue/DSG imitable/I imitate/DSGNVX imitation/M imitative/PY imitativeness/M imitator/SM immaculate/PY immaculateness/M immanence/M immanency/M immanent/Y immaterial/YP immateriality/M immaterialness/M immature/Y immaturity/M immeasurable immeasurably immediacies/M immediacy/SM immediate/PY immediateness/M immemorial/Y immense/Y immensity/SM immerse/XDSGN immersible immersion/M immigrant/SM immigrate/DSGN immigration/M imminence/M imminent/Y immobile immobility/M immobilization/M immobilize/ZGDRS immoderate/Y immodest/Y immodesty/M immolate/DSGN immolation/M immoral/Y immorality/SM immortal/MYS immortality/M immortalize/DSG immovability/M immovable immovably immune immunity/M immunization/SM immunize/GDS immunodeficiency/M immunodeficient immunologic immunological immunologist/MS immunology/M immure/DSG immutability/M immutable immutably imp/SMR impact/SMDG impair/SDGL impaired/U impairment/MS impala/SM impale/DSGL impalement/M impalpable impalpably impart/SDG impartial/Y impartiality/M impassably impasse/BSMV impassibility/M impassible impassibly impassioned impassive/YP impassiveness/M impassivity/M impasto/M impatience/MS impatiens/M impatient/Y impeach/ZGBLDRS impeachable/U impeacher/M impeachment/SM impeccability/M impeccable impeccably impecunious/PY impecuniousness/M impedance/M impede/DSG impeded/U impediment/SM impedimenta/M impel/S impelled impeller/MS impelling impend/SDG impenetrability/M impenetrable impenetrably impenitence/M impenitent/Y imperative/SMY imperceptibility/M imperceptible imperceptibly imperceptive imperf imperfect/SMYP imperfection/MS imperfectness/M imperial/MYS imperialism/M imperialist/SM imperialistic imperialistically imperil/SL imperilled imperilling imperilment/M imperious/PY imperiousness/M imperishable imperishably impermanence/M impermanent/Y impermeability/M impermeable impermeably impermissible impersonal/Y impersonate/GNXDS impersonation/M impersonator/SM impertinence/MS impertinent/Y imperturbability/M imperturbable imperturbably impervious/Y impetigo/M impetuosity/M impetuous/YP impetuousness/M impetus/MS impiety/SM impinge/LDSG impingement/M impious/PY impiousness/M impish/YP impishness/M implacability/M implacable implacably implant/BSGMD implantation/M implausibility/SM implausible implausibly implement/GBMDRS implementable/U implementation/SM implemented/U implicate/DSG implication/M implicit/PY implicitness/M implode/DSG implore/DSG imploring/Y implosion/MS implosive imply/XDSGN impolite/YP impoliteness/MS impolitic imponderable/MS import/ZGBSMDR importance/M important/Y importation/MS importer/M importunate/Y importune/GDS importunity/M impose/ADSG imposer/MS imposing/U imposingly imposition/MS impossibility/SM impossible/S impossibly impost/ZSMR imposter/M imposture/MS impotence/M impotency/M impotent/Y impound/DGS impoverish/DSLG impoverishment/M impracticability impracticable impracticably impractical/Y impracticality/M imprecate/DSXGN imprecation/M imprecise/PYN impreciseness/M imprecision/M impregnability/M impregnable impregnably impregnate/GNDS impregnation/M impresario/SM impress/MDSGV impressed/U impressibility/M impressible impression/BSM impressionability/M impressionism/M impressionist/SM impressionistic impressive/PY impressiveness/M imprimatur/SM imprint/MDRZGS imprinter/M imprison/SDLG imprisonment/SM improbability/SM improbable improbably impromptu/SM improper/Y impropriety/SM improve/GBDSL improved/U improvement/MS improvidence/M improvident/Y improvisation/SM improvisational improvise/ZGDRS improviser/M imprudence/M imprudent/Y impudence/M impudent/Y impugn/ZGSDR impugner/M impulse/MGNVDS impulsion/M impulsive/PY impulsiveness/M impunity/M impure/RYT impurity/SM imputation/SM impute/BDSG in/ASM inaccuracy/S inaction/M inadequacy/S inadvertence/M inadvertent/Y inalienability/M inalienably inamorata/SM inane/RYT inanimate/PY inanimateness/M inanity/SM inappropriate/Y inarticulate/Y inasmuch inaudible inaugural/SM inaugurate/XGNDS inauguration/M inboard/MS inbound inbreed/S inc/TGD incalculably incandescence/M incandescent/Y incantation/SM incapacitate/GDS incarcerate/XDSGN incarceration/M incarnadine/DSG incarnate/AXGNDS incarnation/AM incendiary/SM incense/MGDS incentive's incentive/ES inception/SM incessant/Y incest/M incestuous/PY incestuousness/M inch/MDSG inchoate inchworm/SM incidence/SM incident/SM incidental/MYS incinerate/DSGN incineration/M incinerator/MS incipience/M incipient/Y incise/XGNVDS incision/M incisive/PY incisiveness/M incisor/MS incitement/MS inciter/MS incl inclement inclination/EM inclinations incline's incline/EGDS include/GDS inclusion/MS inclusive/YP inclusiveness/M incognito/MS incombustible incommode/GD incommodious incommunicado incompatibility/S incompetent/MS incomplete/Y inconceivability/M incongruous/PY incongruousness/M inconsolably inconstant/Y incontestability/M incontestably incontinent incontrovertibly inconvenience/GD incorporate/ADSGN incorporated/U incorporation/AM incorporeal incorrect/Y incorrigibility/M incorrigible incorrigibly incorruptibly increasing/Y increment/SMD incremental/Y incriminate/GNDS incrimination/M incriminatory incrustation/SM incubate/GNDS incubation/M incubator/SM incubus/MS inculcate/DSGN inculcation/M inculpate/DSG incumbency/SM incumbent/SM incunabula incunabulum/M incur/SB incurable/MS incurably incurious incurred incurring incursion/MS ind indebted/P indebtedness/M indeed indefatigable indefatigably indefeasible indefeasibly indefinably indelible indelibly indemnification/M indemnify/GDSXN indemnity/SM indentation/MS indention/M indenture/DG independent/MS indescribably indestructibly indeterminably indeterminacy/M indeterminate/Y index/ZGMDRS indexation/SM indexer/M indicate/XDSGNV indication/M indicative/SMY indicator/MS indict/GDSBL indictment/SM indie/S indigence/M indigenous indigent/SMY indignant/Y indignation/M indigo/M indirect/Y indiscipline indiscreet/Y indiscretion/S indiscriminate/Y indispensability/M indispensable/MS indispensably indissolubility indissolubly indistinguishably indite/GDS indium/M individual/MYS individualism/M individualist/MS individualistic individualistically individuality/M individualization/M individualize/GDS individuate/DSGN individuation/M indivisibly indoctrinate/GNDS indoctrination/M indolence/M indolent/Y indomitable indomitably indubitable indubitably induce/DRSZGL inducement/SM inducer/M induct/DGV inductance/M inductee/SM induction/MS inductive/Y indulge/DSG indulgence/SM indulgent/Y industrial/Y industrialism/M industrialist/SM industrialization/M industrialize/DSG industrious/YP industriousness/M industry/SM indwell/SG inebriate/MGNDS inebriation/M inedible ineffability/M ineffable ineffably inefficiency/S inelastic ineligible/MS ineligibly ineluctable ineluctably inept/YP ineptitude/M ineptness/M inequality/S inert/YP inertia/M inertial inertness/M inescapable inescapably inestimably inevitability/M inevitable/M inevitably inexact/Y inexhaustibly inexorability inexorable inexorably inexpedient inexpert/Y inexpiable inexplicably inexpressibly inexpressive inextricably inf/ZT infallible infamy/SM infancy/M infant/MS infanticide/MS infantile infantry/SM infantryman/M infantrymen infarct/MS infarction/M infatuate/DSXGN infatuation/M infect/AESDG infected/U infection/ASM infectious/PY infectiousness/M infelicitous inference/SM inferential inferior/MS inferiority/M infernal/Y inferno/MS inferred inferring infest/GDS infestation/MS infidel/MS infidelity/S infiltrator/SM infinite/MV infinitesimal/SMY infinitival infinitive/MS infinitude/M infinity/SM infirm infirmary/SM infirmity/SM infix inflame/DSG inflammable inflammation/SM inflammatory inflatable/SM inflate/DSGNB inflation/EM inflationary inflect/SDG inflection/MS inflectional inflict/SDGV infliction/M inflow/SM influence/MGDS influenced/U influential/Y influenza/M info/M infomercial/SM inform/Z informal/Y informant/SM information/EM informational informative/PY informativeness/M informed/U infotainment/M infra infrared/M infrasonic infrastructural infrastructure/SM infrequence/M infrequent/Y infringement/MS infuriate/GDS infuriating/Y infuser/SM ingenious/PY ingeniousness/M ingenue/SM ingenuity/M ingenuous/EY ingenuousness/M ingest/SDG ingestion/M inglenook/SM ingot/SM ingrain/G ingrate/SM ingratiate/GNDS ingratiating/Y ingratiation/M ingredient/MS ingress/MS inguinal inhabit/DG inhabitable/U inhabitant/SM inhabited/U inhalant/SM inhalation/MS inhalator/MS inhaler/SM inharmonious inhere/DSG inherent/Y inherit/EGSD inheritance/EM inheritances inheritor/SM inhibit/GSD inhibition/SM inhibitor/SM inhibitory inhuman/Y inhumane/Y inimical/Y inimitably iniquitous/Y iniquity/SM initial/SMY initialization initialize/DSG initialized/AU initialled initialling initiate/XMGNVDS initiated/U initiation/M initiative/SM initiator/MS initiatory inject/SDG injection/SM injector/SM injure/DRSZG injured/U injurer/M injurious ink/MD inkblot/SM inkiness/M inkling/SM inkstand/SM inkwell/MS inky/RTP inland/M inline inmate/SM inmost inn/SGMRJ innards/M innate/PY innateness/M innermost innersole/SM innerspring innervate/GNDS innervation/M inning/M innit innkeeper/MS innocence/M innocent/MYS innocuous/PY innocuousness/M innovate/XDSGNV innovation/M innovator/MS innovatory innuendo/SM innumerably innumerate inoculate/AGDS inoculation/MS inoperative inordinate/Y inorganic inquire/ZGDR inquirer/M inquiring/Y inquiry/SM inquisition/MS inquisitional inquisitive/YP inquisitiveness/M inquisitor/SM inquisitorial inrush/MS insane/T insatiability/M insatiably inscribe/ZGDR inscriber/M inscription/MS inscrutability/M inscrutable/P inscrutableness/M inscrutably inseam/SM insecticidal insecticide/MS insectivore/MS insectivorous insecure/Y inseminate/DSGN insemination/M insensate insensible insensitive/Y inseparable/MS insert's insert/AGSD insertion/AM insertions insetting inshore inside/RSMZ insider/M insidious/YP insidiousness/M insight/MS insightful insignia/M insinuate/GNVDSX insinuation/M insinuator/SM insipid/PY insipidity/M insist/SGD insistence/M insistent/Y insisting/Y insofar insole/SM insolence/M insolent/Y insoluble insolubly insolvency/S insomnia/M insomniac/SM insomuch insouciance/M insouciant inspect/AGDS inspection/SM inspector/MS inspectorate/MS inspiration/MS inspirational inspired/U inspiring/U inst instability/S installation/MS installer/UMS instalment/MS instance/GD instant/MRYS instantaneous/Y instantiate/DSG instate/AGDS instead instigate/DSGN instigation/M instigator/MS instillation/M instinct/VMS instinctive/Y instinctual institute/XMZGNDRS instituter/M institution/M institutional/Y institutionalization/M institutionalize/DSG instr instruct/SDGV instructed/U instruction/MS instructional instructive/Y instructor/MS instrument/MDSG instrumental/MYS instrumentalist/SM instrumentality/M instrumentation/M insubordinate insufferable insufferably insular insularity/M insulate/GNDS insulation/M insulator/MS insulin/M insult/SMDG insulting/Y insuperable insuperably insurance/SM insure/DRSZGB insured/SM insurer/M insurgence/SM insurgency/SM insurgent/MS insurmountably insurrection/SM insurrectionist/SM int intact intaglio/MS integer/MS integral/SMY integrate/AEVNGSD integration/EAM integrator integrity/M integument/SM intellect/MS intellectual/MYS intellectualism/M intellectualize/GDS intelligence/M intelligent/Y intelligentsia/M intelligibility/M intelligible/U intelligibly/U intended/SM intense/YTVR intensification/M intensifier/M intensify/DRSZGN intensity/S intensive/MYPS intensiveness/M intent/SMYP intention/MS intentional/UY intentness/M inter/ESL interact/SGVD interaction/SM interactive/Y interactivity interbred interbreed/GS intercede/GDS intercept/GMDS interception/MS interceptor/SM intercession/SM intercessor/MS intercessory interchange/DSMG interchangeability interchangeable interchangeably intercity intercollegiate intercom/SM intercommunicate/DSGN intercommunication/M interconnect/GDS interconnection/SM intercontinental intercourse/M intercultural interdenominational interdepartmental interdependence/M interdependent/Y interdict/GMDS interdiction/M interdisciplinary interest/ESMD interested/U interesting/Y interface/MGDS interfaith interfere/GDS interference/M interferon/M interfile/GDS intergalactic intergovernmental interim/M interior/SM interj interject/GDS interjection/SM interlace/GDS interlard/DGS interleave/DSG interleukin/M interline/GDSJ interlinear interlining/M interlink/DSG interlock/GMDS interlocutor/SM interlocutory interlope/ZGDRS interloper/M interlude/MGDS intermarriage/SM intermarry/GDS intermediary/SM intermediate/MYS interment/EM interments intermezzi intermezzo/MS interminably intermingle/DSG intermission/SM intermittent/Y intermix/GDS intern/GDL internal/SY internalization/M internalize/GDS international/SMY internationalism/M internationalist/SM internationalization internationalize/DSG internecine internee/SM internet internist/MS internment/M internship/MS interoffice interpenetrate/DSGN interpersonal interplanetary interplay/M interpolate/XDSGN interpolation/M interpose/GDS interposition/M interpret/AGVDS interpretation/AMS interpretative interpreted/U interpreter/MS interracial interred/E interregnum/SM interrelate/XDSGN interrelation/M interrelationship/MS interring/E interrogate/DSGNVX interrogation/M interrogative/MYS interrogator/SM interrogatory/SM interrupt/ZGMDRS interrupter/M interruption/MS interscholastic intersect/GDS intersection/SM intersession/SM intersperse/GNDS interspersion/M interstate/MS interstellar interstice/MS interstitial intertwine/GDS interurban interval/SM intervene/GDS intervention/SM interventionism/M interventionist/SM interview/ZGMDRS interviewee/MS interviewer/M intervocalic interwar interweave/GS interwove interwoven intestacy/M intestate intestinal intestine/MS intimacy/SM intimate/MYGNDSX intimation/M intimidate/GNDS intimidating/Y intimidation/M intonation/SM intoxicant/SM intoxicate/DSGN intoxication/M intramural intramuscular intranet/S intransigence/M intransigent/MYS intrastate intrauterine intravenous/MSY intrepid/Y intrepidity/M intricacy/SM intricate/Y intrigue/DRSMZG intriguer/M intriguing/Y intrinsic intrinsically intro/SM introduce/AGDS introduction/AM introductions introductory introit/SM introspect/GVDS introspection/M introspective/Y introversion/M introvert/MDS intrude/DRSZG intruder/M intrusion/SM intrusive/YP intrusiveness/M intuit/SDGV intuition/S intuitive/PY intuitiveness/M inundate/XDSGN inundation/M inure/DSG invade/DRSZG invader/M invalid/GMDYS invalidism/M invaluable invaluably invariant invasion/MS invasive invective/M inveigh/GD inveighs inveigle/ZGDRS inveigler/M invent/ASGVD invention/AMS inventive/PY inventiveness/M inventor/MS inventory/DSMG inverse/SMY invert/SMDG invest/ASDGL investigate/GNVDSX investigation/M investigator/SM investigatory investiture/MS investment/AEM investor/SM inveteracy/M inveterate invidious/YP invidiousness/M invigilate/GNDS invigilator/S invigorate/ADSG invigorating/Y invigoration/M invincibility/M invincibly inviolability/M inviolably inviolate invitation/SM invitational/SM invite/DSMG invited/U invitee/SM inviting/Y invoke/DSG involuntariness/M involuntary/P involution/M involve/LDSG involvement/SM inward/SY ioctl iodide/SM iodine/M iodize/DSG ion/USM ionic ionization/UM ionize/UDSG ionizer/MS ionosphere/MS ionospheric iota/MS ipecac/SM irascibility/M irascible irascibly irate/YP irateness/M ire/M ireful irenic irides iridescence/M iridescent/Y iridium/M iris/MS irk/SGD irksome/YP irksomeness/M iron/MDSG ironclad/MS ironic ironical/Y ironing/M ironmonger/S ironmongery ironstone/M ironware/M ironwood/MS ironwork/M irony/SM irradiate/DSGN irradiation/M irrational/SMY irrationality/M irreclaimable irreconcilability/M irreconcilable irreconcilably irrecoverable irrecoverably irredeemable irredeemably irreducible irreducibly irrefutable irrefutably irregardless irregular/MYS irregularity/SM irrelevance/MS irrelevancy/MS irrelevant/Y irreligious irremediable irremediably irremovable irreparable irreparably irreplaceable irrepressible irrepressibly irreproachable irreproachably irresistible irresistibly irresolute/PYN irresoluteness/M irresolution/M irrespective irresponsibility/M irresponsible irresponsibly irretrievable irretrievably irreverence/M irreverent/Y irreversible irreversibly irrevocable irrevocably irrigable irrigate/DSGN irrigation/M irritability/M irritable irritably irritant/SM irritate/DSXGN irritating/Y irritation/M irrupt/DGVS irruption/SM isinglass/M isl island/SZMR islander/M isle/MS islet/SM ism/CM isms isn't isobar/MS isobaric isolate/DSMGN isolation/M isolationism/M isolationist/SM isomer/MS isomeric isomerism/M isometric/S isometrically isometrics/M isomorphic isosceles isotherm/SM isotope/SM isotopic isotropic issuance/M issue/ADSMG issuer/MS isthmian isthmus/MS it'd it'll it/USM ital italic/SM italicization/M italicize/GDS italics/M itch/MDSG itchiness/M itchy/RPT item/MS itemization/M itemize/GDS iterate/AXGNVDS iteration/AM iterator/S itinerant/SM itinerary/SM itself iv/U ivory/SM ivy/DSM ix j/F jab/SM jabbed jabber/SMDRZG jabberer/M jabbing jabot/SM jacaranda/MS jack/MDGS jackal/SM jackass/MS jackboot/SMD jackdaw/MS jacket/SMD jackhammer/MS jackknife/MGDS jackknives jackpot/MS jackrabbit/MS jackstraw/MS jacquard/M jade/MGDS jaded/PY jadedness/M jadeite/M jag/SM jagged/TPRY jaggedness/M jaggies/S jaguar/SM jail/MDRZGS jailbird/SM jailbreak/SM jailer/M jailhouse/S jalapeno/MS jalopy/SM jalousie/MS jam/SM jamb/MS jambalaya/M jamboree/MS jammed jamming jammy/RT jangle/DRSMZG jangler/M janitor/SM janitorial japan/SM japanned japanning jape/MGDS jar/SM jardiniere/SM jarful/MS jargon/M jarred jarring/Y jasmine/SM jasper/M jato/MS jaundice/DSMG jaunt/SGMD jauntily jauntiness/M jaunty/RPT java/M javelin/SM jaw/SGMD jawbone/DSMG jawbreaker/MS jawline/S jay/SM jaybird/SM jaywalk/DRSZG jaywalker/M jaywalking/M jazz/MDSG jazzy/TR jct jealous/Y jealousy/SM jean/MS jeans/M jeep/MS jeer/MDSG jeering/MY jeez jejuna jejune jejunum/M jell/DSG jello/S jelly/GDSM jellybean/MS jellyfish/MS jellylike jellyroll/SM jemmy/GDS jennet/MS jenny/SM jeopardize/GDS jeopardy/M jeremiad/MS jerk/MDSG jerkily jerkin/MS jerkiness/M jerkwater jerky/TRMP jeroboam/S jerrybuilt jerrycan/S jersey/MS jest/MDRSZG jester/M jesting/Y jet/SM jetliner/SM jetport/MS jetsam/M jetted jetting jettison/MDSG jetty/SM jewel/SM jewelled jeweller/MS jewellery/M jewelling jewelries jg jib/SGMD jibbed jibbing jibe/MS jiff/MS jiffy/SM jig's jig/AS jigged/A jigger's jigger/ASDG jigging/A jiggle/DSMG jiggly/RT jigsaw/SMDG jihad/SM jilt/MDSG jimmy/DSMG jimsonweed/M jingle/DSMG jingly/TR jingoism/M jingoist/SM jingoistic jink/DSG jinn jinni/M jinrikisha/SM jinx/MDSG jitney/SM jitterbug/MS jitterbugged jitterbugger/M jitterbugging jitters/M jittery/RT jive/MGDS job/SM jobbed jobber/SM jobbing jobholder/MS jobless/P joblessness/M jobshare/S jobsworth jobsworths jock/MS jockey/SGMD jockstrap/MS jocose/PY jocoseness/M jocosity/M jocular/Y jocularity/M jocund/Y jocundity/M jodhpurs/M joey/S jog/SM jogged jogger/SM jogging/M joggle/DSMG john/MS johnny/SM johnnycake/MS join's join/AFDSG joiner/FMS joinery/M joint's joint/EGSD jointly/F joist/SM jojoba joke/MZGDRS joker/M jokey jokier jokiest joking/Y jollification/SM jollily jolliness/M jollity/M jolly/TGPDRSM jolt/MDRSZG jolter/M jonquil/SM josh/MDRSZG josher/M jostle/MGDS jot/SM jotted jotter/MS jotting/MS joule/SM jounce/MGDS jouncy/TR journal/MS journalese/M journalism/M journalist/SM journalistic journey/ZGMDRS journeyer/M journeyman/M journeymen journo/S joust/SZGMDR jouster/M jousting/M jovial/Y joviality/M jowl/MS jowly/TR joy/SGMD joyful/YP joyfuller joyfullest joyfulness/M joyless/PY joylessness/M joyous/YP joyousness/M joyridden joyride/RSMZG joyrider/M joyriding/M joyrode joystick/SM jubilant/Y jubilation/M jubilee/SM judder/GDS judge's judge/ADSG judgeship/M judgment/SM judgmental/Y judicatory/SM judicature/M judicial/Y judiciary/SM judicious/IYP judiciousness/IM judo/M jug/SM jugful/MS jugged juggernaut/SM jugging juggle/MZGDRS juggler/M jugglery/M jugular/SM juice/DRSMZG juicer/M juicily juiciness/M juicy/PTR jujitsu/M jujube/MS jukebox/MS julep/SM julienne jumble/MGDS jumbo/SM jump/MDRSZG jumper/M jumpily jumpiness/M jumpsuit/MS jumpy/TRP jun junco/SM junction/FISM juncture/FMS jungle/MS junior/MS juniper/SM junk/MDRSZG junker/M junket/MDSG junketeer/MS junkie/MTRS junkyard/MS junta/SM juridic juridical/Y jurisdiction/SM jurisdictional jurisprudence/M jurist/MS juristic juror/SM jury/ISM juryman/M jurymen jurywoman/M jurywomen just/RYPT justice/IMS justifiable/U justifiably/U justification/M justified/U justify/XGDSN justness/M jut/SM jute/M jutted jutting juvenile/SM juxtapose/DSG juxtaposition/SM k/IFGS kB kHz kW kWh kaboom kabuki/M kaddish/MS kaffeeklatch/MS kaffeeklatsch/MS kahuna/S kaiser/MS kale/M kaleidoscope/MS kaleidoscopic kaleidoscopically kamikaze/MS kangaroo/MS kaolin/M kapok/M kappa/SM kaput karakul/M karaoke/MS karat/SM karate/M karma/M karmic kart/MS katydid/SM kayak/SMDG kayaking/M kayo/MDSG kazoo/SM kb kc kebab/SM kedgeree keel/MDSG keelhaul/DGS keen/MDRYSTGP keenness/M keep/MRSZG keeper/M keeping/M keepsake/MS keg/SM kelp/M kelvin/SM ken/SM kenned kennel/SM kennelled kennelling kenning keno/M kepi/MS kept keratin/M kerbside kerchief/SM kerfuffle/S kernel/SM kerosene/M kestrel/MS ketch/MS ketchup/M kettle/SM kettledrum/SM key/SGMD keyboard/ZGSMDR keyboarder/M keyboardist/SM keyhole/MS keynote/MZGDRS keynoter/M keypad/SM keypunch/ZGMDRS keypuncher/M keystone/MS keystroke/SM keyword/MS kg khaki/SM khan/MS kibble/DSMG kibbutz/MS kibbutzim kibitz/ZGDRS kibitzer/M kibosh/M kick/MDRSZG kickback/SM kickball/M kickboxing kicker/M kickoff/MS kickstand/MS kicky/RT kid/SM kidded kidder/SM kiddie/SM kidding kiddish kiddo/SM kidnap/S kidnapped kidnapper/MS kidnapping/MS kidney/SM kidskin/M kielbasa/MS kielbasi kike/S kill/JMDRSZG killdeer/SM killer/M killing/M killjoy/SM kiln/MDSG kilo/MS kilobyte/SM kilocycle/SM kilogram/SM kilohertz/M kilolitre/MS kilometre/MS kiloton/SM kilowatt/SM kilt/MDRS kilter/M kimono/MS kin/M kind's kind/UPRYT kinda kindergarten/MS kindergartner/SM kindhearted/PY kindheartedness/M kindle/AGDS kindliness/M kindling/M kindly/URT kindness/UM kindnesses kindred/M kinds kine/S kinematic/S kinematics/M kinetic/S kinetically kinetics/M kinfolk/SM kinfolks/M king/MYS kingdom/SM kingfisher/SM kingly/RT kingmaker/S kingpin/SM kingship/M kink/MDSG kinkily kinkiness/M kinky/TPR kinsfolk/M kinship/M kinsman/M kinsmen kinswoman/M kinswomen kiosk/SM kip/SM kipped kipper/MDGS kipping kirsch/MS kismet/M kiss/MDRSBZG kisser/M kissoff/SM kissogram/S kit/SGMD kitchen/SM kitchenette/MS kitchenware/M kite/MS kith/M kitsch/M kitschy kitted kitten/MS kittenish kitting kitty/SM kiwi/MS kiwifruit/MS kl klaxon/S kleptomania/M kleptomaniac/SM kludge/GDS kluge/DSG klutz/MS klutziness/M klutzy/TRP km kn knack/SZMR knacker/GD knapsack/MS knave/SM knavery/M knavish/Y knead/SZGDR kneader/M knee/MDS kneecap/SM kneecapped kneecapping kneeing kneel/SG knell/SGMD knelt knew knicker/S knickerbockers/M knickers/M knickknack/MS knife/DSMG knight/MDYSG knighthood/MS knightliness/M knish/MS knit/MS knitted knitter/SM knitting/M knitwear/M knives knob/MS knobbly knobby/TR knock/SZGMDR knockabout knockdown/SM knocker/M knockoff/SM knockout/SM knockwurst/SM knoll/SM knot/MS knothole/SM knotted knotting knotty/TR know/SB knowing/UYS knowledge/M knowledgeable knowledgeably known knuckle/DSMG knuckleduster/S knucklehead/MS knurl/SGMD koala/SM koan/S kohl kohlrabi/M kohlrabies kola/MS kook/MS kookaburra/SM kookiness/M kooky/TPR kopeck/MS korma kosher/DSG kowtow/GMDS kph kraal/SM kraut/SM! krill/M krona/M krone/RM kronor kronur krypton/M kt kuchen/SM kudos/M kudzu/SM kumquat/MS kvetch/GMDS kw l/SDXTGJ la/M lab/SM label's label/AS labelled/UA labelling/A labia labial/SM labile labium/M laboratory/SM laborious/PY laboriousness/M labour/ZGSMDR labourer/M laboursaving laburnum/MS labyrinth/M labyrinthine labyrinths lac/M lace's lace/UGDS lacerate/DSGNX laceration/M lacewing/SM lacework/M lachrymal lachrymose lack/MDSG lackadaisical/Y lackey/SM lacklustre laconic laconically lacquer/GMDS lacrosse/M lactate/GNDS lactation/M lacteal lactic lactose/M lacuna/M lacunae lacy/RT lad/SGMDNJ ladder/GSMD laddie/SM laddish/P lade/S laden/U lading/M ladle/DSMG lady/SM ladybird/SM ladybug/MS ladyfinger/MS ladylike/U ladylove/MS ladyship/MS laetrile/M lag/SZMR lager/M laggard/MYS lagged lagging/M lagniappe/SM lagoon/SM laid/IA lain lair/MS laird/SM laity/M lake/MS lakefront/S lakeside lam/SM lama/MS lamasery/SM lamb/MDSG lambada/MS lambaste/GDS lambda/SM lambency/M lambent/Y lambkin/SM lambskin/SM lambswool lame/MYZTGDRSP lamebrain/MS lameness/M lament/BSMDG lamentably lamentation/MS lamina/M laminae laminar laminate/MGNDS lamination/M lammed lamming lamp/MS lampblack/M lamplight/MRZ lamplighter/M lampoon/SGMD lamppost/SM lamprey/MS lampshade/SM lanai/SM lance/DRSMZG lancer/M lancet/SM land/MDRSGJ landau/SM landfall/MS landfill/MS landholder/SM landholding/MS landing/M landlady/SM landless/M landlocked landlord/MS landlubber/MS landmark/MS landmass/MS landmine/S landowner/MS landownership landowning/SM landscape/MZGDRS landscaper/M landslid landslide/MGS landslip/S landsman/M landsmen landward/S lane/MS language/MS languid/PY languidness/M languish/DSG languor/SM languorous/Y lank/RYTP lankiness/M lankness/M lanky/RTP lanolin/M lantern/MS lanthanum/M lanyard/MS lap/SM lapboard/SM lapdog/SM lapel/SM lapidary/SM lapin/SM lapped lappet/SM lapping lapse/AKGMSD laptop/SM lapwing/MS larboard/SM larcenist/SM larcenous larceny/SM larch/MS lard/MDRSZG larder/M lardy/RT large/RSPMYT largehearted largeness/M largess/M largish largo/SM lariat/SM lark/MDSG larkspur/SM larva/M larvae larval laryngeal larynges laryngitis/M larynx/M lasagna/MS lascivious/YP lasciviousness/M lase/ZGDRS laser/M lash/MDSGJ lashing/M lass/MS lassie/SM lassitude/M lasso/SMDG last/MDYSG lasting/Y lat/S latch's latch/UDSG latchkey/SM late/YTRP latecomer/MS latency/M lateness/M latent lateral/MDYSG latest/M latex/M lath/MDRSZG lathe/M lather/GMD lathery laths latices latish latitude/MS latitudinal latitudinarian/MS latrine/MS latte/RSM latter/MY lattice/MDS latticework/SM laud/MDSGB laudably laudanum/M laudatory laugh/BMDG laughably laughing/MY laughingstock/SM laughs laughter/M launch/AGMDS launcher/SM launchpad/SM launder/DRZGS launderer/M launderette/SM laundress/MS laundromat/MS laundry/SM laundryman/M laundrymen laundrywoman/M laundrywomen laureate/MS laureateship/M laurel/SM lav/SGD lava/M lavage/M lavaliere/SM lavatorial lavatory/SM lave/S lavender/SM lavish/PTGDRSY lavishness/M law/SM lawbreaker/SM lawbreaking/M lawful/UPY lawfulness/UM lawgiver/MS lawless/PY lawlessness/M lawmaker/MS lawmaking/M lawman/M lawmen lawn/MS lawnmower/SM lawrencium/M lawsuit/MS lawyer/SM lax/TRYP laxative/MS laxity/M laxness/M lay/AICSGM layabout/S layaway/M layer/CSM layered layering/M layette/MS layman/M laymen layoff/SM layout/SM layover/MS laypeople layperson/MS layup/SM laywoman/M laywomen laze/MGDS lazily laziness/M lazy/DRSTGP lazybones/M lb/S lbw lea/SM leach/DSG lead/MDNRSZG leader/M leaderless leadership/SM leading/M leaf/MDSG leafage/M leafless leaflet/GMDS leafstalk/MS leafy/RT league/DSMG leak/MDSG leakage/MS leakiness/M leaky/PRT lean/MDRSTGJP leaning/M leanness/M leap/MDRSZG leaper/M leapfrog/MS leapfrogged leapfrogging learn/AUGDS learnedly learner/MS learning's lease/ADSMG leaseback/SM leasehold/MRSZ leaseholder/M leaser/SM leash's leash/UDSG least/M leastwise leather/MS leatherette/M leatherneck/MS leathery leave/DRSMZGJ leaven/SGMD leavened/U leavening/M leaver/M leavings/M lech/MDRSZG lecher/M lecherous/PY lecherousness/M lechery/M lecithin/M lectern/MS lecture/MZGDRS lecturer/M lectureship/SM ledge/RSMZ ledger/M lee/RSMZ leech/MDSG leek/MS leer/MDG leeriness/M leery/RPT leeward/SM leeway/M left/MRST leftism/M leftist/SM leftmost leftover/SM leftward/S lefty/SM leg/SM legacy/SM legal/SMY legalese/MS legalism/MS legalistic legalistically legality/SM legalization/M legalize/GDS legate/CXMNS legatee/MS legation's/AC legato/SM legend/SM legendarily legendary legerdemain/M legged legginess/M legging/MS leggy/RPT leghorn/MS legibility/M legible legibly legion/SM legionary/SM legionnaire/SM legislate/DSGNV legislation/M legislative/Y legislator/MS legislature/SM legit legitimacy/M legitimate/DSYG legitimatize/GDS legitimization/M legitimize/DSG legless legman/M legmen legroom/SM legume/MS leguminous legwarmer/S legwork/M lei/SM leisure/DMY leisureliness/M leisurewear/M leitmotif/MS leitmotiv/MS lemma/S lemme/JG lemming/M lemon/SM lemonade/SM lemongrass lemony lemur/SM lend/RSZG lender/M length/MNX lengthen/GD lengthily lengthiness/M lengths lengthwise lengthy/PRT lenience/M leniency/M lenient/Y lenitive lens/MS lent lentil/MS lento leonine leopard/SM leopardess/MS leotard/SM leper/SM leprechaun/MS leprosy/M leprous lepta lepton/MS lesbian/SM lesbianism/M lesion/MS less/MNRX lessee/MS lessen/GD lesson/MS lessor/MS let/ISM letdown/SM lethal/Y lethargic lethargically lethargy/M letter/ZGMDRS letterbomb/S letterbox/S lettered/U letterer/M letterhead/MS lettering/M letterpress/M letting/S lettuce/MS letup/SM leucotomy/S leukemia/M leukemic/SM leukocyte/MS levee/SM level/PSMY levelheaded/P levelheadedness/M levelled leveller/SM levelling levelness/M lever/SGMD leverage/DSMG leviathan/MS levier/M levitate/DSGN levitation/M levity/M levy/DRSMZG lewd/RYPT lewdness/M lexer/S lexical lexicographer/MS lexicographic lexicographical lexicography/M lexicon/SM lexis lg liabilities liability/AM liable/A liaise/GDS liaison/MS liar/MS lib/M libation/SM libber/MS libel/SM libelled libeller/SM libelling libellous liberal/MYPS liberalism/M liberality/M liberalization/SM liberalize/GDS liberalness/M liberate/CDSGN liberation/CM liberator/MS libertarian/SM libertine/MS liberty/SM libidinal libidinous libido/MS librarian/MS librarianship library/SM librettist/MS libretto/SM lice licence/MS license/GDS licensed/U licensee/MS licentiate/SM licentious/YP licentiousness/M lichen/MS licit/Y lick/MDJSG licking/M licorice/SM lid/SM lidded lidless lido/MS lie/DSM lied/MR lief/RT liege/SM lien/MS lieu/M lieutenancy/M lieutenant/MS life/MZR lifebelt/S lifeblood/M lifeboat/MS lifebuoy/MS lifeforms lifeguard/SM lifeless/YP lifelessness/M lifelike lifeline/MS lifelong lifer/M lifesaver/SM lifesaving/M lifespan/S lifestyle/SM lifetime/MS lifework/MS lift/MDRSZG lifter/M liftoff/SM ligament/MS ligate/GNDS ligation/M ligature/MGDS light's/C light/CASTGD lighted/U lighten/SDRZG lightener/M lighter/SM lightface/MD lightheaded lighthearted/YP lightheartedness/M lighthouse/MS lighting's lightly lightness/M lightning/MDS lightproof lightship/MS lightweight/SM ligneous lignite/M lii like/EMGDST likeability/M likeable/P likeableness/M likelihood/UM likelihoods likeliness/UM likely/UPRT liken/SGD likeness/UM likenesses liker likewise liking/M lilac/SM lilliputian lilo/S lilt/MDSG lily/SM limb/MS limber/UDSG limberness/M limbless limbo/SM lime/MGDS limeade/SM limelight/M limerick/SM limescale limestone/M limey/S limit's limit/CSZGDR limitation/CM limitations limited/U limiter's limiting/S limitless/P limitlessness/M limn/DSG limo/MS limousine/MS limp/MDRYSPTG limpet/MS limpid/YP limpidity/M limpidness/M limpness/M limy/RT linage/M linchpin/SM linden/MS line/MZGDRSJ lineage/MS lineal/Y lineament/SM linear/Y linearity/M linebacker/MS lined/U linefeed lineman/M linemen linen/SM linens/M liner/M linesman/M linesmen lineup/MS ling/M linger/ZGJDRS lingerer/M lingerie/M lingering/Y lingo/M lingoes lingual linguine/M linguist/SM linguistic/S linguistically linguistics/M liniment/SM lining/M link/MDRSG linkage/MS linkman linkmen linkup/MS linnet/MS lino linoleum/M linseed/M lint's lint/CDSG lintel/MS linty/TR lion/MS lioness/MS lionhearted lionization/M lionize/GDS lip/SM lipid/SM liposuction/M lipped lippy/TR lipread/GRS lipreader/M lipreading/M lipstick/MDSG liq liquefaction/M liquefy/DSG liqueur/SM liquid/MS liquidate/XGNDS liquidation/M liquidator/MS liquidity/M liquidize/ZGDRS liquidizer/M liquor/MDGS lira/M lire lisle/M lisp/MDRSZG lisper/M lissome list/MDNSJXG listed/U listen/BMDRZG listener/M listeria listing/M listless/YP listlessness/M lit/U litany/SM litchi/MS lite literacy/M literal/SMYP literalness/M literariness/M literary/P literate/SMY literati/M literature/M lithe/RPYT litheness/M lithesome lithium/M lithograph/MDRZG lithographer/M lithographic lithographically lithographs lithography/M lithosphere/SM litigant/SM litigate/DSGN litigation/M litigator/MS litigious/P litigiousness/M litmus/M litotes/M litre/SM litter/MDRSZG litterateur/MS litterbug/MS litterer/M little/MTRP littleness/M littoral/SM liturgical/Y liturgist/SM liturgy/SM livability/M livable/U live/ATGDSB livelihood/SM liveliness/M livelong/S lively/PRT liven/SGD liver's liver/S liveried liverish liverwort/MS liverwurst/M livery/CSM liveryman/CM liverymen/C livestock/M liveware/S livid/Y living/MS lix/K lizard/MS ll llama/SM llano/SM lo load's load/AUGSD loadable loader/MS loading's loaf/MDRSZG loafer/M loam/M loamy/TR loan/MDRSZG loaner/M loansharking/M loanword/MS loath/JZGDRS loathe loather/M loathing/M loathsome/PY loathsomeness/M loaves lob/SMD lobar lobbed lobber/MS lobbing lobby/GDSM lobbyist/MS lobe/MS lobotomize/DSG lobotomy/SM lobster/MS local/SMY locale/MS locality/SM localization/M localize/DSG locate/EAGNDS location's/A location/ESM locator/MS lock/MDRSBZG locker/M locket/MS lockjaw/M lockout/MS locksmith/M locksmiths lockstep/M lockup/MS loco/S locomotion/M locomotive/MS locoweed/SM locum/S locus/iM locust/SM locution/MS lode/MS lodestar/MS lodestone/MS lodge/DRSJMZG lodger/M lodging/M lodgings/M loft/MDSG loftily loftiness/M lofty/PRT log/SM loganberry/SM logarithm/SM logarithmic logbook/SM loge/MS logged logger/SM loggerhead/SM loggia/SM logging/M logic/M logical/Y logicality/M logician/MS logistic/S logistical/Y logistics/M logjam/SM logo/MS logotype/SM logrolling/M logy/RT loin/MS loincloth/M loincloths loiter/ZGSDR loiterer/M loitering/M loll/DSG lollipop/SM lollop/GSD lolly/S lollygag/S lollygagged lollygagging lone/YZR loneliness/M lonely/PTR loner/M lonesome/YP lonesomeness/M long's long/KDSTG longboat/MS longbow/MS longer longevity/M longhair/MS longhand/M longhorn/MS longhouse/S longing/MYS longish longitude/MS longitudinal/Y longshoreman/M longshoremen longsighted longstanding longtime longueur/SM longways loo loofah/M loofahs look/MDRSZG lookalike/MS looker/M lookout/MS loom/MDSG loon/MS loony/RSMT loop/MDSG loophole/MS loopy/RT loos/NRX loose/UDSTG loosely loosen/UGSD looseness/M loot/MDRSZG looter/M looting/M lop/S lope/MGDS lopped lopping lopsided/YP lopsidedness/M loquacious/PY loquaciousness/M loquacity/M lord/MDYSG lordliness/M lordly/TPR lordship/SM lore/M lorgnette/SM loris/MS lorn lorry/SM lose/ZGRSJ loser/M losing/M loss/MS lost lot/SM lotion/SM lottery/SM lotto/M lotus/MS louche loud/RYTP loudhailer/SM loudmouth/MD loudmouths loudness/M loudspeaker/MS lough loughs lounge/MZGDRS lounger/M lour/DSG louse's louse/CDSG lousily lousiness/M lousy/TPR lout/MS loutish/PY louvre/MDS lovableness/M lovably love/MYZGDRSB lovebird/SM lovechild/M loved/U loveless loveliness/M lovelorn lovely/RSMTP lovemaking/M lover/M lovesick lovey/S loving/Y low/SZTGMDRYP lowborn lowboy/MS lowbrow/SM lowdown/M lower/GD lowercase/M lowermost lowish lowland/SZMR lowlander/M lowlife/SM lowliness/M lowly/TPR lowness/M lox/M loyal/ETY loyaler loyalism/M loyalist/SM loyalties loyalty/EM lozenge/SM ltd luau/MS lubber/MYS lube/MGDS lubricant/SM lubricate/DSGN lubrication/M lubricator/MS lubricious/Y lubricity/M lucid/PY lucidity/M lucidness/M luck/MDSG luckily/U luckiness/UM luckless lucky/UPTR lucrative/YP lucrativeness/M lucre/M lucubrate/GNDS lucubration/M ludicrous/YP ludicrousness/M ludo luff/DSG lug/SM luge/S luggage/M lugged lugger/MS lugging lughole/S lugsail/SM lugubrious/YP lugubriousness/M lukewarm/YP lukewarmness/M lull/MDSG lullaby/SM lulu/S lumbago/M lumbar lumber/MDRZGS lumberer/M lumbering/M lumberjack/SM lumberman/M lumbermen lumberyard/SM luminary/SM luminescence/M luminescent luminosity/M luminous/Y lummox/MS lump/MDNSG lumpectomy/S lumpiness/M lumpish lumpy/TRP lunacy/SM lunar lunatic/SM lunch/GMDS lunchbox/S luncheon/SM luncheonette/SM lunchroom/MS lunchtime/MS lung/MDSG lunge/SM lungfish/MS lungful/S lunkhead/MS lupine/MS lupus/M lurch/GMDS lure/MGDS lurgy lurid/PY luridness/M lurk/DRSZG luscious/PY lusciousness/M lush/MRSYPT lushness/M lust/MDSG lustful/Y lustily lustiness/M lustre/M lustreless lustrous/Y lusty/PTR lutanist/SM lute/MS lutenist/SM lutetium/M luxuriance/M luxuriant/Y luxuriate/DSGN luxuriation/M luxurious/PY luxuriousness/M luxury/SM lvi lvii lxi lxii lxiv lxix lxvi lxvii lyceum/MS lychgate/S lye/MG lying/M lymph/M lymphatic/SM lymphocyte/SM lymphoid lymphoma/SM lynch/JZGDRS lyncher/M lynching/M lynx/MS lyre/MS lyrebird/MS lyric/SM lyrical/Y lyricism/M lyricist/SM m/KAS ma'am ma/SMH mac/SGMD macabre macadam/M macadamia/SM macadamize/GDS macaque/MS macaroni/MS macaroon/MS macaw/SM mace/MS macerate/DSGN maceration/M mach/M machete/SM machinate/GNDSX machination/M machine/DSMGB machinery/M machinist/MS machismo/M macho/M mackerel/SM mackinaw/SM mackintosh/MS macrame/M macro/SM macrobiotic/S macrobiotics/M macrocosm/SM macroeconomic/S macroeconomics/M macrology/S macron/MS macroscopic mad/SMYP madam/SM madame/M madcap/MS madden/DGS maddening/Y madder/MS maddest madding made/AU mademoiselle/MS madhouse/SM madman/M madmen madness/M madras/MS madrigal/SM madwoman/M madwomen maelstrom/SM maestro/SM mafia/SM mafiosi mafioso/M mag/SM magazine/SM magenta/M maggot/MS maggoty magi/M magic/SM magical/Y magician/SM magicked magicking magisterial/Y magistracy/M magistrate/SM magma/M magnanimity/M magnanimous/Y magnate/SM magnesia/M magnesium/M magnet/MS magnetic magnetically magnetism/M magnetite/M magnetizable magnetization/CM magnetize/CGDS magneto/SM magnetometer/SM magnetosphere magnification/M magnificence/M magnificent/Y magnifier/M magnify/ZGXDRSN magniloquence/M magniloquent magnitude/SM magnolia/MS magnum/MS magpie/MS magus/iM maharajah/M maharajahs maharani/SM maharishi/SM mahatma/SM mahogany/SM mahout/MS maid/MNSX maiden/MY maidenhair/M maidenhead/SM maidenhood/M maidservant/SM mail/JMDRSZG mailbag/SM mailbomb/GSD mailbox/MS mailer/M mailing/M maillot/SM mailman/M mailmen mailshot/S maim/DSG main/MYS mainframe/SM mainland/MS mainline/MGDS mainmast/MS mainsail/MS mainspring/MS mainstay/MS mainstream/SMDG maintain/ZGBDRS maintainability maintenance/M maintop/SM maisonette/MS maize/SM majestic majestically majesty/SM majolica/M major/SGMDY majordomo/MS majorette/MS majority/SM make's/A make/UAGS makeover/MS maker/SM makeshift/SM makeup/MS makeweight/S making/MS makings/M malachite/M maladjusted maladjustment/M maladministration maladroit/PY maladroitness/M malady/SM malaise/M malamute/MS malapropism/SM malaria/M malarial malarkey/M malathion/M malcontent/MS male/MPS malediction/SM malefaction/M malefactor/SM malefic maleficence/M maleficent maleness/M malevolence/M malevolent/Y malfeasance/M malformation/SM malformed malfunction/MDSG malice/M malicious/PY maliciousness/M malign/DSG malignancy/SM malignant/Y malignity/M malinger/ZGSDR malingerer/M mall/MS mallard/SM malleability/M malleable mallet/MS mallow/MS malnourished malnutrition/M malocclusion/M malodorous malpractice/SM malt/MDSG malted/MS maltose/M maltreat/GLDS maltreatment/M malty/TR mam/S mama/MS mamba/SM mambo/SGMD mamma/M mammal/MS mammalian/MS mammary mammogram/MS mammography/M mammon/M mammoth/M mammoths mammy/SM man's/F man/USY manacle/DSMG manage/ZGDRSL manageability/M manageable/U management/MS manager/M manageress/S managerial manana/MS manatee/SM mandala/SM mandamus/MS mandarin/MS mandate/DSMG mandatory mandible/MS mandibular mandolin/MS mandrake/MS mandrel/SM mandrill/MS mane/MDS manege/M manful/Y manganese/M mange/DRMZ manged/S manger/M mangetout/S manginess/M mangle/MZGDRS mango/M mangoes mangrove/MS mangy/TRP manhandle/GDS manhole/SM manhood/M manhunt/SM mania/SM maniac/MS maniacal/Y manic/SM manically manicure/MGDS manicurist/MS manifest/MDYSG manifestation/SM manifesto/SM manifold/GMDS manikin/SM manila/M manioc/MS manipulable manipulate/XGNVDS manipulation/M manipulative/Y manipulator/MS mankind/M manky manlike manliness/M manly/UTR manna/M manned/U mannequin/SM manner/MDYS mannerism/SM mannerly/U manning/U mannish/YP mannishness/M manoeuvrability/M manoeuvre/DSMGBJ manometer/SM manor/SM manorial manpower/M manque mansard/MS manse/SXMN manservant/M mansion/M manslaughter/M manta/SM mantel/MS mantelpiece/SM mantelshelf mantelshelves mantilla/SM mantis/MS mantissa/SM mantle's mantle/EGDS mantoes mantra/MS manual/MYS manufacture/DRSMZG manufacturer/M manufacturing/M manumission/SM manumit/S manumitted manumitting manure/MGDS manuscript/MS many/M map's map/AS maple/SM mapmaker/SM mapped/A mapper/MS mapping/S mar/S marabou/MS marabout/SM maraca/MS maraschino/MS marathon/SMRZ marathoner/M maraud/ZGDRS marauder/M marble/MGDS marbleize/GDS marbling/M march/ZGMDRS marcher/M marchioness/MS mare/MS margarine/M margarita/MS marge margin/MS marginal/YS marginalia/M marginalization/M marginalize/GDS maria/M mariachi/MS marigold/MS marijuana/M marimba/SM marina/MS marinade/DSMG marinara/M marinate/DSGN marination/M marine/MZRS mariner/M marionette/MS marital/Y maritime marjoram/M mark/AMDSG markdown/SM marked/U markedly marker/MS market/MDRZGBS marketability/M marketable/U marketeer/SM marketer/M marketing/M marketplace/SM marking/SM markka/M markkaa marksman/M marksmanship/M marksmen markup/MS marl/M marlin/MS marlinespike/SM marmalade/M marmoreal marmoset/SM marmot/MS maroon/MDGS marque/MS marquee/SM marquess/MS marquetry/M marquis/MS marquise/M marquisette/M marred/U marriage/ASM marriageability/M marriageable married/SM marring marrow/MS marry/AGDS marsh/MS marshal/SM marshalled marshalling marshland/SM marshmallow/SM marshy/RT marsupial/MS mart/MNSX marten/M martial/Y martian/S martin/MS martinet/MS martingale/MS martini/SM martyr/MDGS martyrdom/M marvel/MS marvelled marvelling marvellous/Y marzipan/M masc mascara/GMDS mascot/MS masculine/SM masculinity/M maser/SM mash/MDRSZG masher/M mask's mask/UDSG masker/MS masochism/M masochist/SM masochistic masochistically mason/SM masonic masonry/M masque/MS masquerade/DRSMZG masquerader/M mass/MDSGV massacre/MGDS massage/DSMG masseur/SM masseuse/MS massif/MS massive/PY massiveness/M mast/MDS mastectomy/SM master's master/ADGS masterclass/S masterful/Y masterly mastermind/SGMD masterpiece/MS masterstroke/SM masterwork/MS mastery/M masthead/MS mastic/M masticate/GNDS mastication/M mastiff/SM mastitis mastodon/SM mastoid/SM masturbate/GNDS masturbation/M masturbatory mat/SGMDR matador/SM match/AMS matchbook/SM matchbox/MS matched/U matching matchless matchlock/SM matchmaker/MS matchmaking/M matchstick/MS matchwood/M mate/MS material/SMY materialism/M materialist/SM materialistic materialistically materialization/M materialize/DSG materiel/M maternal/Y maternity/M matey/S math/M mathematical/Y mathematician/SM mathematics/M maths matinee/SM mating/M matins/M matres matriarch/M matriarchal matriarchs matriarchy/SM matrices matricidal matricide/MS matriculate/DSGN matriculation/M matrimonial matrimony/M matrix/M matron/MYS matte/DRSMZG matter/MDG matting/M mattock/SM mattress/MS maturate/GNDS maturation/M mature/YTGDRS maturity/SM matzo/SMH matzoh/M matzohs matzot maudlin maul/MDRSZG mauler/M maunder/SDG mausoleum/SM mauve/M maven/SM maverick/SM maw/SM mawkish/PY mawkishness/M max/GMDS maxi/MS maxilla/M maxillae maxillary maxim/SM maximal/Y maximization/M maximize/GDS maximum/SM may/M maybe/SM mayday/MS mayflower/MS mayfly/SM mayhem/M mayn't mayo/M mayonnaise/M mayor/SM mayoral mayoralty/M mayoress/MS maypole/SM mayst maze/MS mazurka/MS mdse me/DS mead/M meadow/MS meadowlark/MS meagerly meagerness/M meagre meal/MS mealiness/M mealtime/SM mealy/TPR mealybug/SM mealymouthed mean/MRYJPSTG meander/SMDJG meanderings/M meanie/M meaning/M meaningful/PY meaningfulness/M meaningless/YP meaninglessness/M meanness/M meant/U meantime/M meanwhile/M meany/SM meas measles/M measly/RT measurable measurably measure's measure/ADSG measured/U measureless measurement/MS meat/MS meatball/MS meatiness/M meatless meatloaf/M meatloaves meatpacking/M meaty/TPR mecca/SM mechanic/MS mechanical/Y mechanics/M mechanism/SM mechanistic mechanistically mechanization/M mechanize/DSG medal/SM medallion/SM medallist/SM meddle/ZGDRS meddler/M meddlesome media/SM medial/AY median/MS mediate/DSGN mediated/U mediation/AM mediator/MS medic/SM medicaid/M medical/SMY medicament/M medicare/M medicate/GNXDS medication/M medicinal/Y medicine/MS medico/MS medieval medievalist/MS mediocre mediocrity/SM meditate/DSGNVX meditation/M meditative/Y medium/MS medley/MS medulla/SM meed/M meek/RYPT meekness/M meerschaum/SM meet/MJSG meeting/M meetinghouse/SM meg/S mega megabit/SM megabucks/M megabyte/MS megacycle/SM megadeath/M megadeaths megahertz/M megalith/M megalithic megaliths megalomania/M megalomaniac/SM megalopolis/MS megaphone/DSMG megapixel/SM megastar/S megaton/SM megawatt/MS meiosis/M meiotic melamine/M melancholia/M melancholic/S melancholy/M melange/MS melanin/M melanoma/SM meld/MDSG melee/SM meliorate/GNVDS melioration/M mellifluous/PY mellifluousness/M mellow/PTGDRYS mellowness/M melodic melodically melodious/YP melodiousness/M melodrama/MS melodramatic/S melodramatically melodramatics/M melody/SM melon/SM melt's melt/ADSG meltdown/SM member's member/EAS membership/SM membrane/SM membranous meme/S memento/MS memo/MS memoir/MS memorabilia/M memorability/M memorable/U memorably memorandum/MS memorial/SM memorialize/DSG memorization/M memorize/DSG memory/SM memsahib/S men menace/MGDS menacing/Y menage/MS menagerie/MS mend/MDRSZG mendacious/Y mendacity/M mendelevium/M mender/M mendicancy/M mendicant/SM mending/M menfolk/MS menfolks/M menhaden/M menial/MYS meningeal meninges meningitis/M meninx/M meniscus/iM menopausal menopause/M menorah/M menorahs mensch/MS menservants menses/M menstrual menstruate/GNDS menstruation/M mensurable mensuration/M menswear/M mental/Y mentalist/SM mentality/SM menthol/M mentholated mention/GSMD mentioned/U mentor/MDSG menu/MS meow/MDSG mercantile mercantilism/M mercenary/SM mercer/MS mercerize/GDS merchandise/MZGDRS merchandiser/M merchandising/M merchant/MBS merchantman/M merchantmen merciful/UY merciless/PY mercilessness/M mercurial/Y mercuric mercury/M mercy/SM mere/MYTS meretricious/YP meretriciousness/M merganser/MS merge/DRSZG merger/M meridian/MS meringue/MS merino/MS merit/CSM merited/U meriting meritocracy/SM meritocratic meritorious/PY meritoriousness/M mermaid/SM merman/M mermen merrily merriment/M merriness/M merry/TRP merrymaker/MS merrymaking/M mesa/MS mescal/MS mescalin mescaline/M mesdames mesdemoiselles mesh/MDSG mesmeric mesmerism/M mesmerize/ZGDRS mesmerizer/M mesomorph/M mesomorphs meson/SM mesosphere/SM mesquite/SM mess/MDSG message/MGDS messeigneurs messenger/SM messiah/M messiahs messianic messieurs messily messiness/M messmate/SM messy/PTR mestizo/MS met meta metabolic metabolically metabolism/SM metabolite/SM metabolize/DSG metacarpal/SM metacarpus/Mi metal/SM metalanguage/MS metalled metallic metallurgic metallurgical metallurgist/MS metallurgy/M metalwork/MRZG metalworker/M metalworking/M metamorphic metamorphism/M metamorphose/GDS metamorphosis/M metaphor/MS metaphoric metaphorical/Y metaphysical/Y metaphysics/M metastases metastasis/M metastasize/DSG metastatic metatarsal/MS metatarsus/Mi metatheses metathesis/M mete/MZGDRS metempsychoses metempsychosis/M meteor/MS meteoric meteorically meteorite/SM meteoroid/SM meteorologic meteorological meteorologist/SM meteorology/M meter/GMD methadone/M methamphetamine/M methane/M methanol/M methinks method/MS methodical/YP methodicalness/M methodological/Y methodology/SM methought meths methyl/M meticulous/YP meticulousness/M metier/MS metre/SM metric/S metrical/Y metricate/GNDS metrication/M metricize/GDS metro/SM metronome/MS metropolis/MS metropolitan mettle/M mettlesome mew/SGMD mewl/DSG mews/M mezzanine/MS mezzo/SM mfg mfr/S mg mgr mi/MNX miasma/MS mic/S mica/M mice mick/S mickey/MS micro/SM microbe/MS microbial microbiological microbiologist/MS microbiology/M microbrewery/SM microchip/MS microcircuit/SM microcode microcomputer/MS microcosm/MS microcosmic microdot/SM microeconomics/M microelectronic/S microelectronics/M microfiber/MS microfiche/M microfilm/GMDS microfloppies/S microgroove/SM microlight/MS micromanage/GDSL micromanagement/M micrometeorite/SM micrometer/MS micrometre/MS micron/MS microorganism/MS microphone/SM microprocessor/MS microscope/SM microscopic microscopical/Y microscopy/M microsecond/MS microsurgery/M microwave/DSMGB microwaveable mid midair/M midday/M midden/MS middle/MGS middlebrow/SM middleman/M middlemen middlemost middleweight/MS middy/SM midfield/RZ midge/SM midget/MS midi/MS midland/MS midlife/M midmost midnight/M midpoint/MS midrib/MS midriff/MS midsection/MS midshipman/M midshipmen midships midsize midst/M midstream/M midsummer/M midterm/MS midtown/M midway/MS midweek/MS midwife/MGDS midwifery/SM midwinter/M midwives midyear/MS mien/M miff/DSG might/M mightily mightiness/M mightn't mighty/TRP mignonette/SM migraine/MS migrant/MS migrate/AGDS migration/SM migratory mikado/MS mike/MGDS mil/SZMR milady/SM milch mild/MRYTP mildew/SMDG mildness/M mile/MS mileage/SM milepost/MS miler/M milestone/MS milieu/SM militancy/M militant/MYS militarily militarism/M militarist/SM militaristic militarization/CM militarize/CDSG military/M militate/GDS militia/SM militiaman/M militiamen milk/MDRSZG milker/M milkiness/M milkmaid/MS milkman/M milkmen milkshake/SM milksop/MS milkweed/SM milky/RTP mill/MDRSZGJ millage/M millennial millennium/MS miller/M millet/M milliard/MS millibar/MS milligram/MS millilitre/MS millimetre/MS milliner/MS millinery/M milling/M million/HSM millionaire/SM millionairess/S millionth/M millionths millipede/SM millisecond/SM millpond/SM millrace/SM millstone/SM millstream/MS millwright/SM milometer/S milquetoast/SM milt/MDSG mime/MGDS mimeograph/GMD mimeographs mimetic mimic/SM mimicked mimicker/SM mimicking mimicry/SM mimosa/SM min minaret/MS minatory mince/DRSMZG mincemeat/M mincer/M mind's mind/ADRSZG mindbogglingly minded/P mindful/YP mindfulness/M mindless/YP mindlessness/M mindset/MS mine/MZGNDRSX minefield/SM miner/M mineral/MS mineralogical mineralogist/MS mineralogy/M minestrone/M minesweeper/SM mingle/DSG mingy mini/MS miniature/MS miniaturist/MS miniaturization/M miniaturize/GDS minibar/S minibike/SM minibus/MS minicab/S minicam/MS minicomputer/SM minifloppies/S minim/SM minimal/Y minimalism/M minimalist/MS minimization minimize/DSG minimum/MS mining/M minion/M miniseries/M miniskirt/MS minister/SGMD ministerial ministrant/MS ministration/MS ministry/SM minivan/MS mink/MS minnesinger/MS minnow/SM minor/SMDG minority/SM minoxidil/M minster/MS minstrel/SM minstrelsy/M mint/MDRSZG mintage/M minter/M minty/RT minuend/MS minuet/SM minus/iMS minuscule/MS minute/PDRSMYTG minuteman/M minutemen minuteness/M minutia/M minutiae minx/MS miracle/MS miraculous/Y mirage/SM mire/MGDS mirror/GSMD mirth/M mirthful/PY mirthfulness/M mirthless/Y miry/RT misaddress/DSG misadventure/MS misaligned misalignment/M misalliance/MS misanthrope/SM misanthropic misanthropically misanthropist/MS misanthropy/M misapplication/M misapply/DSGNX misapprehend/GSD misapprehension/MS misappropriate/XDSGN misappropriation/M misbegotten misbehave/GDS misbehaviour/M misc miscalculate/DSXGN miscalculation/M miscall/DSG miscarriage/MS miscarry/GDS miscast/SG miscegenation/M miscellaneous/Y miscellany/SM mischance/SM mischief/M mischievous/YP mischievousness/M miscibility/M miscible misconceive/GDS misconception/SM misconduct/MDGS misconstruction/MS misconstrue/GDS miscount/MDSG miscreant/SM miscue/DSMG misdeal/GMS misdealt misdeed/MS misdemeanour/MS misdiagnose/GDS misdiagnosis/M misdid misdirect/SDG misdirection/M misdo/JG misdoes misdoing/M misdone miser/SBMY miserableness/M miserably miserliness/M misery/SM misfeasance/M misfeature/S misfile/GDS misfire/MGDS misfit/SM misfitted misfitting misfortune/SM misgiving/MS misgovern/SDGL misgovernment/M misguidance/M misguide/DSG misguided/Y mishandle/DSG mishap/SM mishear/GS misheard mishit/S mishitting mishmash/MS misidentify/GDS misinform/DGS misinformation/M misinterpret/SGD misinterpretation/SM misjudge/DSG misjudgment/SM mislabel/S mislabelled mislabelling mislaid mislay/GS mislead/GS misleading/Y misled mismanage/LGDS mismanagement/M mismatch/GMDS misname/GDS misnomer/MS misogamist/MS misogamy/M misogynist/SM misogynistic misogynous misogyny/M misplace/GLDS misplacement/M misplay/GMDS misprint/GMDS misprision/M mispronounce/DSG mispronunciation/SM misquotation/MS misquote/MGDS misread/GJS misreading/M misreport/MDGS misrepresent/GDS misrepresentation/MS misrule/MGDS miss's miss/EDSGV missal/ESM misshape/GDS misshapen missile/MS missilery/M mission/AMS missionary/SM missioner/SM missive/MS misspeak/GS misspell/GDJS misspelling/M misspend/GS misspent misspoke misspoken misstate/GDSL misstatement/SM misstep/MS missus/MS mist's mist/CDRSZG mistakable/U mistake/BMGS mistaken/Y mister's mistily mistime/GDS mistiness/M mistletoe/M mistook mistral/MS mistranslated mistreat/LDGS mistreatment/M mistress/MS mistrial/MS mistrust/MDSG mistrustful/Y misty/PRT mistype/GS misunderstand/SGJ misunderstanding/M misunderstood misuse/DSMG mite/MS mitigate/DSGN mitigated/U mitigation/M mitoses mitosis/M mitotic mitre/DSMG mitt/MNSX mitten/M mix/ZGMDRSB mixed/U mixer/M mixture/SM mizzen/MS mizzenmast/SM mks ml mm mnemonic/MS mnemonically mo/CKHS moan/MDRSZG moaner/M moat/MDS mob's mob/CS mobbed/C mobbing/C mobile/MS mobility/M mobilization/CM mobilizations mobilize/CDSG mobilizer/SM mobster/SM moccasin/SM mocha/M mock/DRSZG mocker/M mockery/SM mocking/Y mockingbird/SM mod/STM modal/SM modded modding mode/MS model's model/AS modelled/A modeller/MS modelling/MS modem/SM moderate/MYGNPDS moderateness/M moderation/M moderator/SM modern/MYPS modernism/M modernist/SM modernistic modernity/M modernization/M modernize/DRSZG modernizer/M modernness/M modest/Y modesty/M modicum/SM modifiable modification/M modified/U modifier/M modify/DRSXZGN modish/YP modishness/M modular modulate/CGNDS modulation/CM modulations modulator/MS module/MS modulo modulus moggie mogul/SM mohair/M moi moiety/SM moil/MDSG moire/SM moist/XTPNRY moisten/DRZG moistener/M moistness/M moisture/M moisturize/ZGDRS moisturizer/M molar/SM molasses/M moldboard/SM moldiness/M mole/MS molecular molecularity/M molecule/SM molehill/SM moleskin/M molest/DRZGS molestation/M molested/U molester/M moll/MS mollification/M mollify/DSNG mollusc/SM molluscan molly/SM mollycoddle/DSMG molten molter/MS molybdenum/M mom/SM moment/MS momenta momentarily momentariness/M momentary/P momentous/PY momentousness/M momentum/M mommy/SM monarch/M monarchic monarchical monarchism/M monarchist/MS monarchistic monarchs monarchy/SM monastery/SM monastic/MS monastical/Y monasticism/M monaural monetarily monetarism/M monetarist/MS monetary monetize/CGDS money/SMD moneybag/MS moneybox/S moneylender/SM moneymaker/SM moneymaking/M monger/MDGS mongol/S mongolism/M mongoloid/MS mongoose/MS mongrel/SM monies moniker/SM monism/M monist/MS monition/SM monitor/SMDG monitory monk/MS monkey/MDGS monkeyshine/SM monkish monkshood/SM mono/M monochromatic monochrome/MS monocle/DSM monoclonal monocotyledon/SM monocotyledonous monocular monodic monodist/SM monody/SM monogamist/MS monogamous/Y monogamy/M monogram/SM monogrammed monogramming monograph/M monographs monolingual/MS monolith/M monolithic monoliths monologist/SM monologue/SM monomania/M monomaniac/MS monomaniacal monomer/SM mononucleosis/M monophonic monoplane/SM monopolist/SM monopolistic monopolization/M monopolize/DRSZG monopolizer/M monopoly/SM monorail/MS monosyllabic monosyllable/MS monotheism/M monotheist/SM monotheistic monotone/MS monotonic monotonically monotonous/PY monotonousness/M monotony/M monounsaturated monoxide/MS monseigneur/M monsieur/M monsignor/SM monsoon/SM monsoonal monster/SM monstrance/ASM monstrosity/SM monstrous/Y montage/SM month/MY monthly/SM months monument/MS monumental/Y moo/SGMD mooch/ZGMDRS moocher/M mood/MS moodily moodiness/M moody/TPR moon/MDSG moonbeam/MS moonless moonlight/SMDRZG moonlighter/M moonlighting/M moonlit moonscape/SM moonshine/MZRS moonshiner/M moonshot/MS moonstone/MS moonstruck moonwalk/MS moor/MDJSG moorhen/S mooring/M moorland/MS moose/M moot/DSG mop/SZGMDR mope/MS moped/SM moper/M mopey mopier mopiest mopish mopped moppet/MS mopping moraine/SM moral/SMY morale/M moralist/MS moralistic moralistically moralities morality/UM moralization/CM moralize/CGDS moralizer/MS morass/MS moratorium/SM moray/SM morbid/YP morbidity/M morbidness/M mordancy/M mordant/SMY more/MS moreish morel/SM moreover mores/M morgue/MS moribund morn/MJSG morning/M morocco/M moron/SM moronic moronically morose/YP moroseness/M morph/GD morpheme/MS morphemic morphia/M morphine/M morphing/M morphological morphology/M morphs morrow/MS morsel/MS mortal/MYS mortality/M mortar/MDSG mortarboard/SM mortgage's mortgage/AGDS mortgagee/MS mortgagor/MS mortician/MS mortification/M mortify/NGDS mortise/DSMG mortuary/SM mosaic/MS mosey/SGD mosh/DSG mosque/MS mosquito/M mosquitoes moss/MS mossback/SM mossy/TR most/MY mot/SM mote's mote/KCXSVN motel/SM motet/SM moth/M mothball/GMDS mother/MDYSG motherboard/SM motherfucker/MS! motherfucking/! motherhood/M motherland/MS motherless motherliness/M moths motif/SM motile/S motility/M motion/KCM motioned motioning motionless/YP motionlessness/M motivate/CDSG motivated/U motivation/SM motivational motivator/SM motive/MS motiveless motley/MS motlier motliest motocross/MS motor/SGMD motorbike/MGDS motorboat/MS motorcade/MS motorcar/SM motorcycle/DSMG motorcyclist/MS motorist/SM motorization/M motorize/DSG motorman/M motormen motormouth/M motormouths motorway/SM mottle/GDS motto/M mottoes moue/MS mould/JSZGMDR moulder/MDG moulding/M mouldy/TR moult/SGMD mound/SGMD mount/EASGMD mountable mountain/SM mountaineer/SMDG mountaineering/M mountainous mountainside/SM mountaintop/SM mountebank/MS mounted/U mounter/MS mounting/SM mourn/SZGDR mourner/M mournful/YP mournfulness/M mourning/M mouse/DRSMZG mouser/M mousetrap/SM mousetrapped mousetrapping mousiness/M moussaka/S mousse/MGDS moustache/DSM mousy/PTR mouth/GMD mouthful/MS mouthiness/M mouthpiece/MS mouths mouthwash/MS mouthwatering mouthy/PTR mouton/M movable/SM move/AMZGDRSB moved/U movement/SM mover/AM movie/SM moviegoer/SM moving/Y mow/SZGMDR mower/M moxie/M mozzarella/M mp mpg mph mt mtg mtge mu/SM much/M mucilage/M mucilaginous muck/MDSG muckrake/DRSZG muckraker/M mucky/TR mucous mucus/M mud/M muddily muddiness/M muddle/MGDS muddleheaded muddy/PTGDRS mudflap/S mudflat/MS mudguard/SM mudpack/S mudroom/MS mudslide/MS mudslinger/SM mudslinging/M muenster/M muesli muezzin/MS muff/MDSG muffin/MS muffle/ZGDRS muffler/M mufti/SM mug/SM mugful/MS mugged mugger/MS mugginess/M mugging/MS muggins muggy/PTR mugshot/MS mugwump/MS mujaheddin mukluk/MS mulatto/M mulattoes mulberry/SM mulch/GMDS mulct/SGMD mule/MS muleskinner/MS muleteer/MS mulish/PY mulishness/M mull/DSG mullah/M mullahs mullein/M mullet/MS mulligan/SM mulligatawny/M mullion/SMD multicoloured multicultural multiculturalism/M multidimensional multidisciplinary multifaceted multifamily multifarious/PY multifariousness/M multiform multilateral/Y multilevel multilingual multilingualism/M multimedia/M multimillionaire/SM multinational/SM multiparty multiple/MS multiplex/ZGMDRS multiplexer/M multiplicand/MS multiplication/M multiplicative multiplicity/SM multiplier/M multiply/NZGDRSX multiprocessing multiprocessor/SM multipurpose multiracial multistage multistory multitask/GS multitasking/M multitude/SM multitudinous multivariate multivitamin/MS mum/SM mumble/MZGDRS mumbler/M mumbletypeg/M mummer/MS mummery/M mummification/M mummify/GNDS mummy/SM mumps/M mun munch/GDS munchies/M munchkin/SM mundane/SY mung/DSG municipal/SMY municipality/SM munificence/M munificent/Y munition/MDGS mural/SM muralist/SM murder/ZGMDRS murderer/M murderess/MS murderous/Y murk/MS murkily murkiness/M murky/PTR murmur/ZGJMDRS murmurer/M murmuring/M murmurous murrain/M muscat/MS muscatel/SM muscle/MGDS musclebound muscleman musclemen muscly muscular/Y muscularity/M musculature/M muse/MGDSJ musette/MS museum/MS mush/MDRSZG mushiness/M mushroom/GSMD mushy/PTR music/SM musical/MYS musicale/MS musicality/M musician/SMY musicianship/M musicological musicologist/MS musicology/M musing/MY musk/M muskeg/MS muskellunge/MS musket/MS musketeer/MS musketry/M muskie/M muskiness/M muskmelon/SM muskox/MN muskrat/MS musky/PTRS muslin/M muss/MDSG mussel/MS mussy/TR must/MRSZ mustachio/SMD mustang/MS mustard/M muster/GMD mustily mustiness/M mustn't musty/PTR mutability/M mutably mutagen/MS mutant/MS mutate/XGNVDS mutation/M mutational mute/MYTGDRSPB muteness/M mutilate/DSGNX mutilation/M mutilator/SM mutineer/SM mutinous/Y mutiny/GDSM mutt/MS mutter/ZGJMDRS mutterer/M muttering/M mutton/M muttonchops/M mutual/Y mutuality/M muumuu/MS muzak muzzily muzzle/DSMG muzzy/P my mycologist/SM mycology/M myelitis/M myna/MS myopia/M myopic myopically myriad/SM myrmidon/MS myrrh/M myrtle/SM mys myself mysterious/PY mysteriousness/M mystery/SM mystic/SM mystical/Y mysticism/M mystification/CM mystify/CDSGN mystique/M myth/M mythic mythical mythological mythologist/SM mythologize/DSG mythology/SM myths myxomatosis n/IKTH naan/S nab/S nabbed nabbing nabob/SM nacelle/SM nacho/SM nacre/M nacreous nadir/SM nae naff/RT nag/SM nagged nagger/MS nagging nagware/S nah naiad/SM naif/MS nail/MDSG nailbrush/MS naive/RYT naivete/M naivety/M naked/PY nakedness/M name's name/AGDS nameable/U named/U namedrop namedropping/M nameless/Y namely nameplate/MS namesake/SM nanny/SM nanobot/S nanosecond/SM nanotechnology/S nap/SM napalm/MDSG nape/MS naphtha/M naphthalene/M napkin/MS napless napoleon/SM napped napper/MS napping nappy/TRSM narc/MS narcissism/M narcissist/MS narcissistic narcissus/M narcolepsy/M narcoleptic narcoses narcosis/M narcotic/SM narcotization/M narcotize/GDS nark narky narrate/GNVDSX narration/M narrative/SM narrator/SM narrow/PTGMDRYS narrowness/M narwhal/MS nary nasal/SMY nasality/M nasalization/M nasalize/DSG nascence/AM nascent/A nastily nastiness/M nasturtium/SM nasty/PTR natal natch nation/MS national/MYS nationalism/M nationalist/SM nationalistic nationalistically nationality/SM nationalization/MS nationalize/CDSG nationhood/M nationwide native/MS nativity/SM natl natter/GMDS nattily nattiness/M natty/PTR natural's natural/UPY naturalism/M naturalist/SM naturalistic naturalization/M naturalize/DSG naturalness/UM naturals nature's nature/CS naturism naturist/S naught naughtily naughtiness/M naughty/PTR nausea/M nauseate/GDS nauseating/Y nauseous/PY nauseousness/M nautical/Y nautilus/MS naval nave/MS navel/SM navigability/M navigable navigate/DSGN navigation/M navigational navigator/MS navvy/S navy/SM nay/SM naysayer/MS ne'er neanderthal/MS neap/MS near/DRYSPTG nearby nearness/M nearside nearsighted/YP nearsightedness/M neat/NRYPXT neaten/GD neath neatness/M nebula/M nebulae nebular nebulous/PY nebulousness/M necessarily/U necessary/SM necessitate/DSG necessitous necessity/SM neck/MDSG neckband/S neckerchief/MS necking/M necklace/MGDSJ neckline/MS necktie/MS necrology/M necromancer/SM necromancy/M necrophilia necrophiliac/S necropolis/MS necroses necrosis/M necrotic nectar/M nectarine/MS nee need/MDSG needed/U needful/Y neediness/M needle/MGDS needlepoint/M needless/YP needlessness/M needlewoman/M needlewomen needlework/M needn't needy/PTR nefarious/YP nefariousness/M neg negate/DSGNVX negation/M negative/MYGPDS negativeness/M negativism/M negativity/M neglect/SGMD neglectful/YP neglectfulness/M negligee/MS negligence/M negligent/Y negligible negligibly negotiability/M negotiable/A negotiate/ADSGN negotiation/AM negotiations negotiator/MS negritude/M negro negroid neigh/MDG neighbour/SGMDY neighbourhood/MS neighbourliness/M neighs neither nelson/SM nematode/SM nemeses nemesis/M neoclassic neoclassical neoclassicism/M neocolonialism/M neocolonialist/MS neoconservative/SM neodymium/M neolithic neologism/SM neon/M neonatal neonate/MS neophilia/S neophyte/MS neoplasm/MS neoplastic neoprene/M nepenthe/M nephew/SM nephrite/M nephritic nephritis/M nepotism/M nepotist/SM nepotistic neptunium/M nerd/MS nerdy/RT nerve's nerve/UDSG nerveless/YP nervelessness/M nerviness/M nervous/YP nervousness/M nervy/TPR nest/MDSG nestle/GJDS nestling/M net/SM netball nether nethermost netherworld/M netiquette/S netted netter/S netting/M nettle/MGDS nettlesome network/SGMD networking/M neural/Y neuralgia/M neuralgic neurasthenia/M neurasthenic/MS neuritic/MS neuritis/M neurological/Y neurologist/SM neurology/M neuron/MS neuronal neuroses neurosis/M neurosurgeon/MS neurosurgery/M neurotic/MS neurotically neurotransmitter/SM neut neuter/MDGS neutral/SMY neutralism/M neutralist/SM neutrality/M neutralization/M neutralize/DRSZG neutralizer/M neutrino/SM neutron/SM never nevermore nevertheless nevus/iM new/STMRYP newbie/MS newborn/SM newcomer/SM newel/SM newfangled newline/S newlywed/SM newness/M news/M newsagent/S newsboy/SM newscast/SMRZ newscaster/M newsdealer/SM newsflash/S newsgirl/SM newsgroup/MS newshound/S newsletter/MS newsman/M newsmen newspaper/MS newspaperman/M newspapermen newspaperwoman/M newspaperwomen newsprint/M newsreader/S newsreel/MS newsroom/MS newsstand/SM newsweekly/SM newswoman/M newswomen newsworthiness/M newsworthy/TRP newsy/TR newt/MS newton/MS next/M nexus/MS niacin/M nib/SM nibble/MZGDRS nibbler/M nice/PYTR niceness/M nicety/SM niche/SM nick/MDRSZG nickel/MS nickelodeon/SM nicker/MDG nickle/S nickname/DSMG nicotine/M niece/SM niff niffy nifty/TR niggard/SMY niggardliness/M nigger/SM! niggle/MZGDRS niggler/M nigh/RT night/SMY nightcap/SM nightclothes/M nightclub/SM nightclubbed nightclubbing nightdress/MS nightfall/M nightgown/SM nighthawk/SM nightie/SM nightingale/SM nightlife/M nightlight/S nightlong nightmare/SM nightmarish nightshade/SM nightshirt/SM nightspot/MS nightstand/SM nightstick/SM nighttime/M nightwatchman nightwatchmen nightwear/M nihilism/M nihilist/MS nihilistic nil/M nimble/TPR nimbleness/M nimbly nimbus/Mi nimby nimrod/MS nincompoop/SM nine/MS ninepin/MS ninepins/M nineteen/SMH nineteenth/M nineteenths ninetieth/M ninetieths ninety/HSM ninja/SM ninny/SM ninth/M ninths niobium/M nip/SM nipped nipper/MS nippiness/M nipping nipple/MS nippy/TPR nirvana/M nisei/M nit/SM nitpick/SZGDR nitpicker/M nitpicking/M nitrate/DSMGN nitration/M nitre/M nitrification/M nitrite/SM nitrocellulose/M nitrogen/M nitrogenous nitroglycerine/M nitwit/MS nix/GMDS no/SM nob/SY nobble/GDS nobelium/M nobility/M noble/RSPMT nobleman/M noblemen nobleness/M noblewoman/M noblewomen nobody/SM nocturnal/Y nocturne/MS nod/SM nodal nodded nodding noddle/MS noddy node/MS nodular nodule/MS noel/MS noes noggin/MS nohow noise/DSMG noiseless/PY noiselessness/M noisemaker/MS noisily noisiness/M noisome noisy/PTR nomad/SM nomadic nomenclature/MS nominal/Y nominate/ACGNVDS nomination's/A nomination/CSM nominative/SM nominator/CSM nominee/MS non nonabrasive nonabsorbent/SM nonacademic nonacceptance/M nonacid nonactive/MS nonaddictive nonadhesive nonadjacent nonadjustable nonadministrative nonage/MS nonagenarian/MS nonaggression/M nonalcoholic nonaligned nonalignment/M nonallergic nonappearance/MS nonassignable nonathletic nonattendance/M nonautomotive nonavailability/M nonbasic nonbeliever/MS nonbelligerent/MS nonbinding nonbreakable nonburnable noncaloric noncancerous nonce/M nonchalance/M nonchalant/Y nonchargeable nonclerical/MS nonclinical noncollectable noncom/MS noncombat noncombatant/MS noncombustible noncommercial/MS noncommittal/Y noncommunicable noncompeting noncompetitive noncompliance/M noncomplying noncomprehending nonconducting nonconductor/MS nonconforming nonconformism nonconformist/MS nonconformity/M nonconsecutive nonconstructive noncontagious noncontinuous noncontributing noncontributory noncontroversial nonconvertible noncooperation/M noncorroding noncorrosive noncredit noncriminal/SM noncritical noncrystalline noncumulative noncustodial nondairy nondeductible/M nondelivery/SM nondemocratic nondenominational nondepartmental nondepreciating nondescript nondestructive nondetachable nondisciplinary nondisclosure/M nondiscrimination/M nondiscriminatory nondramatic nondrinker/MS nondrying none noneducational noneffective nonelastic nonelectric nonelectrical nonempty nonenforceable nonentity/SM nonequivalent/MS nonessential nonesuch/MS nonetheless nonevent/MS nonexchangeable nonexclusive nonexempt/M nonexistence/M nonexistent nonexplosive/MS nonfactual nonfading nonfat nonfatal nonfattening nonferrous nonfiction/M nonfictional nonflammable nonflowering nonfluctuating nonflying nonfood/M nonfreezing nonfunctional nongovernmental nongranular nonhazardous nonhereditary nonhuman nonidentical noninclusive nonindependent nonindustrial noninfectious noninflammatory noninflationary noninflected nonintellectual/MS noninterchangeable noninterference/M nonintervention/M nonintoxicating noninvasive nonirritating nonjudgmental nonjudicial nonlegal nonlethal nonlinear nonliterary nonliving/M nonmagnetic nonmalignant nonmember/MS nonmetal/SM nonmetallic nonmigratory nonmilitant nonmilitary nonnarcotic/SM nonnative/MS nonnegotiable nonnuclear nonnumerical nonobjective nonobligatory nonobservance/M nonobservant nonoccupational nonoccurrence/M nonofficial nonoperational nonoperative nonparallel/MS nonpareil/MS nonparticipant/MS nonparticipating nonpartisan/SM nonpaying nonpayment/SM nonperformance/M nonperforming nonperishable nonperson/MS nonphysical/Y nonplus/S nonplussed nonplussing nonpoisonous nonpolitical nonpolluting nonporous nonpracticing nonprejudicial nonprescription nonproductive nonprofessional/SM nonprofit/SMB nonproliferation/M nonpublic nonpunishable nonracial nonradioactive nonrandom nonreactive nonreciprocal/SM nonreciprocating nonrecognition/M nonrecoverable nonrecurring nonredeemable nonrefillable nonrefundable nonreligious nonrenewable nonrepresentational nonresident/MS nonresidential nonresidual/M nonresistance/M nonresistant nonrestrictive nonreturnable/MS nonrhythmic nonrigid nonsalaried nonscheduled nonscientific nonscoring nonseasonal nonsectarian nonsecular nonsegregated nonsense/M nonsensical/Y nonsensitive nonsexist nonsexual nonskid nonslip nonsmoker/SM nonsmoking nonsocial nonspeaking nonspecialist/MS nonspecializing nonspecific nonspiritual/SM nonstaining nonstandard nonstarter/MS nonstick nonstop nonstrategic nonstriking nonstructural nonsuccessive nonsupport/GM nonsurgical nonsustaining nonsympathizer/M nontarnishable nontaxable nontechnical nontenured nontheatrical nonthinking nonthreatening nontoxic nontraditional nontransferable nontransparent nontrivial nontropical nonuniform nonunion nonuser/MS nonvenomous nonverbal nonviable nonviolence/M nonviolent/Y nonvirulent nonvocal nonvocational nonvolatile nonvoter/MS nonvoting nonwhite/MS nonworking nonyielding nonzero noodle/MGDS nook/MS nookie nooky noon/M noonday/M noontide/M noontime/M noose/SM nope nor nor'easter norm/MS normal/MY normalcy/M normality/M normalization/M normalize/DSG normative north/ZMR northbound northeast/MRZ northeaster/MY northeastern northeastward/S norther/MY northerly/SM northern/ZR northerner/M northernmost northward/S northwest/ZMR northwester/MY northwestern northwestward/S nose/MGDS nosebag/S nosebleed/MS nosecone/SM nosedive/DSMG nosegay/SM nosh/MDRSZG nosher/M nosily nosiness/M nostalgia/M nostalgic nostalgically nostril/MS nostrum/MS nosy/RPT not/B notability/SM notable/SM notably notarial notarization/M notarize/GDS notary/SM notate/GDS notation/FCSM notch/GMDS note's note/FCSDG notebook/MS notelet/S notepad/S notepaper/M noteworthiness/M noteworthy/P nothing/PSM nothingness/M notice/MGDS noticeable/U noticeably noticeboard/S noticed/U notifiable notification/M notifier/M notify/NDRSXZG notion/MS notional/Y notoriety/M notorious/Y notwithstanding notwork/S nougat/MS nought/MS noun/KMS nourish/DSLG nourishment/M nous nova/MS novae novel/SM novelette/SM novelist/SM novelization/MS novelize/DSG novella/MS novelty/SM novena/MS novenae novice/MS novitiate/MS now/M nowadays/M noway/S nowhere/M nowise nowt noxious nozzle/MS nu/SM nuance/MDS nub/SM nubbin/MS nubby/TR nubile nuclear/K nucleate/DSGN nucleation/M nucleic nucleolus/iM nucleon/SM nucleus/Mi nude/MTRS nudge/GDSM nudism/M nudist/SM nudity/M nugatory nugget/SM nuisance/MS nuke/MGDS null/S nullification/M nullify/NDSG nullity/M numb/ZTGPDRYS number's number/ASDG numbered/U numberless numbers/S numbness/M numbskull/SM numerable/I numeracy/IM numeral/SM numerate/XGNDS numeration/M numerator/MS numeric numerical/Y numerologist/MS numerology/M numerous/Y numinous numismatic/S numismatics/M numismatist/SM nun/SM nuncio/SM nunnery/SM nuptial/MS nurse/MZGDRS nurselings nursemaid/MS nurser/M nursery/SM nurseryman/M nurserymen nursing/M nursling/SM nurture/DRSMZG nurturer/M nut/SM nutcase/S nutcracker/MS nuthatch/MS nuthouse/S nutmeat/SM nutmeg/SM nutpick/SM nutria/SM nutrient/MS nutriment/MS nutrition/M nutritional/Y nutritionist/SM nutritious/YP nutritiousness/M nutritive nutshell/MS nutted nutter/S nuttiness/M nutting nutty/RTP nuzzle/DRSMZG nuzzler/M nybble/DSG nyetwork/S nylon/MS nylons/M nymph/M nymphet/MS nympho/S nymphomania/M nymphomaniac/SM nymphs o o'clock o'er oaf/SM oafish/PY oafishness/M oak/SMN oakum/M oar/SGMD oarlock/SM oarsman/M oarsmen oarswoman/M oarswomen oases oasis/M oat/SMN oatcake/SM oath/M oaths oatmeal/M oats/M ob/S obbligato/MS obduracy/M obdurate/PY obdurateness/M obedience/EM obedient/EY obeisance/SM obeisant obelisk/MS obese obesity/M obey/EDSG obfuscate/GNXDS obfuscation/M obi/SM obit/MS obituary/SM obj object/SGVMD objectify/NGDS objection/SMB objectionable/U objectionably objective/SMYP objectiveness/M objectivity/M objector/MS objurgate/XGNDS objurgation/M oblate/NX oblation/M obligate/DSXGN obligation/M obligatorily obligatory oblige/EGDS obliging/Y oblique/SMYP obliqueness/M obliquity/M obliterate/DSGN obliteration/M oblivion/M oblivious/YP obliviousness/M oblong/MS obloquy/M obnoxious/YP obnoxiousness/M oboe/MS oboist/MS obscene/RYT obscenity/SM obscurantism/M obscurantist/SM obscure/DRSYTG obscurity/SM obsequies obsequious/PY obsequiousness/M obsequy/M observably observance/MS observant/Y observation/SM observational observatory/SM observe/DRSBZG observed/U observer/M obsess/DSGV obsession/SM obsessional/Y obsessive/PSMY obsessiveness/M obsidian/M obsolesce/DSG obsolescence/M obsolescent obsolete/GDS obstacle/MS obstetric/S obstetrical obstetrician/SM obstetrics/M obstinacy/M obstinate/Y obstreperous/YP obstreperousness/M obstruct/DGVS obstructed/U obstruction/SM obstructionism/M obstructionist/MS obstructive/YP obstructiveness/M obtain/DBLGS obtainable/U obtainment/M obtrude/DSG obtrusion/M obtrusive/UPY obtrusiveness/UM obtuse/YTRP obtuseness/M obverse/SM obviate/DSGN obviation/M obvious/PY obviousness/M ocarina/MS occasion/GMDS occasional/Y occidental/SM occlude/GDS occlusion/SM occlusive occult/M occultism/M occultist/SM occupancy/M occupant/SM occupation/AM occupational/Y occupations occupied/U occupier/SM occupy/ADSG occur/AS occurred/A occurrence/SM occurring/A ocean/SM oceanfront/SM oceangoing oceanic/M oceanographer/SM oceanographic oceanography/M oceanology/M ocelot/MS och ochre/M ocker/S octagon/MS octagonal octal octane/MS octave/MS octavo/MS octet/SM octogenarian/SM octopus/MS ocular/MS oculist/SM odalisque/SM odd/STRYLP oddball/SM oddity/SM oddment/SM oddness/M odds/M ode/SM odious/YP odiousness/M odium/M odometer/MS odoriferous odorous odour/SMD odourless odyssey/MS oecus oedipal oenology/M oenophile/SM oeuvre/MS of off/SZGDRJ offal/M offbeat/MS offence/MS offend/ZGDRS offender/M offensive's offensive/IPY offensiveness/IM offensives offer/JGMD offering/M offertory/SM offhand offhanded/PY offhandedness/M office/MZRS officeholder/SM officer/M official/MYS officialdom/M officialese officialism/M officiant/SM officiate/DSG officiator/MS officious/PY officiousness/M offing/M offish offline offload/SDG offprint/SM offset/MS offsetting offshoot/MS offshore offside offspring/M offstage/S offtrack oft often/TR oftentimes ofttimes ogle/MZGDRS ogler/M ogre/MS ogreish ogress/MS oh/M ohm/SM ohmmeter/MS oho ohs oi oik/S oil/SGMD oilcan/S oilcloth/M oilcloths oilfield/S oiliness/M oilman oilmen oilskin/MS oilskins/M oily/RPT oink/MDSG ointment/SM okapi/SM okay/MDSG okra/MS old/TMNRP oldie/SM oldish oldness/M oldster/MS ole/SMV oleaginous oleander/MS oleo/M oleomargarine/M olfactory/SM oligarch/M oligarchic oligarchical oligarchs oligarchy/SM oligopoly/SM olive/SM om/SMNX ombudsman/M ombudsmen omega/SM omelette/MS omen/M omicron/MS ominous/YP ominousness/M omission/MS omit/S omitted omitting omnibus/MS omnipotence/M omnipotent omnipresence/M omnipresent omniscience/M omniscient omnivore/MS omnivorous/PY omnivorousness/M on/Y once/M oncogene/SM oncologist/SM oncology/M oncoming one/SXMNP oneness/M onerous/PY onerousness/M oneself onetime ongoing onion/M onionskin/M online onlooker/SM onlooking onomatopoeia/M onomatopoeic onomatopoetic onrush/MSG onscreen onset/MS onshore onside onslaught/MS onstage onto ontogeny/M ontological ontology/M onus/MS onward onyx/MS oodles/M ooh/GD oohs oomph oops ooze/MGDS oozy/TR op/SMDG opacity/M opal/MS opalescence/M opalescent opaque/PYTGDRS opaqueness/M ope/S open/ZTGJPMDRYS opencast opened/U opener/M openhanded/P openhandedness/M openhearted opening/M openness/M openwork/M opera/MS operable/I operand/S operate/DSGNVX operatic operatically operation/M operational/Y operative/SM operator/SM operetta/SM ophthalmic ophthalmologist/SM ophthalmology/M opiate/SM opine/GNXDS opinion/M opinionated opium/M opossum/MS opp opponent/SM opportune/IY opportunism/M opportunist/SM opportunistic opportunistically opportunity/SM oppose/DSG opposed/U opposite/SMYNX opposition/M oppress/DSGV oppression/M oppressive/YP oppressiveness/M oppressor/MS opprobrious/Y opprobrium/M opt/SGD optic/MS optical/Y optician/SM optics/M optima optimal/Y optimism/SM optimist/SM optimistic optimistically optimization/M optimize/DRSG optimum/SM option/SMDG optional/Y optometrist/MS optometry/M opulence/M opulent/Y opus/MS or oracle/SM oracular oral/MYS orange/SMP orangeade/MS orangery/SM orangutan/SM orate/GNXDS oration/M orator/SM oratorical/Y oratorio/MS oratory/SM orb/SM orbicular orbit/MDRZGS orbital/SM orbiter/M orchard/SM orchestra/MS orchestral orchestrate/DSXGN orchestration/M orchid/SM ordain/SDLG ordainment/M ordeal/SM order/EAMDGS orderings orderliness/EM orderly/PSM ordinal/SM ordinance/SM ordinarily ordinariness/M ordinary/SMP ordinate/MNSX ordination/M ordnance/M ordure/M ore/SM oregano/M org organ/MS organdy/M organelle/MS organic/SM organically/I organism/MS organismic organist/MS organization/ASM organizational/Y organize/AESDG organized/U organizer/MS organza/M orgasm/SM orgasmic orgiastic orgy/SM oriel/MS orient's orient/AEDGS oriental/MS orientalist/S orientate/EDSGN orientation/AEM orientations orienteering orifice/MS orig origami/M origin/SM original/MYS originality/M originate/DSGN origination/M originator/SM oriole/SM orison/SM ormolu/M ornament/SGMD ornamental ornamentation/M ornate/YP ornateness/M orneriness/M ornery/PRT ornithological ornithologist/MS ornithology/M orotund orotundity/SM orphan/SMDG orphanage/MS orris/MS orthodontia/M orthodontic/S orthodontics/M orthodontist/SM orthodox/U orthodoxy/SM orthogonal orthogonality orthographic orthographically orthography/SM orthopaedic/S orthopaedics/M orthopaedist/MS orzo/M oscillate/GNDSX oscillation/M oscillator/SM oscillatory oscilloscope/MS osculate/DSXGN osculation/M osier/MS osmium/M osmosis/M osmotic osprey/SM ossification/M ossify/NGDS ostensible ostensibly ostentation/M ostentatious/Y osteoarthritis/M osteopath/M osteopathic osteopaths osteopathy/M osteoporosis/M ostler/S ostracism/M ostracize/GDS ostrich/MS other/SP otherwise otherworldly otiose otter/MS ottoman/MS oubliette/MS ouch ought oughtn't ounce/MS our/S ourselves oust/ZGDRS ouster/M out/SJGMDR outage/SM outargue/GDS outback/MS outbalance/DSG outbid/S outbidding outboard/MS outboast/DSG outbound outbox/MS outbreak/MS outbuilding/MS outburst/SM outcast/MS outclass/DSG outcome/MS outcrop/MS outcropped outcropping/SM outcry/SM outdated outdid outdistance/GDS outdo/G outdoes outdone outdoor/S outdoors/M outdoorsy outdraw/GS outdrawn outdrew outermost outerwear/M outface/GDS outfall/S outfield/SMRZ outfielder/M outfight/SG outfit/SM outfitted outfitter/MS outfitting outflank/GSD outflow/MS outfought outfox/GDS outgo/MJG outgoes outgrew outgrow/HGS outgrown outgrowth/M outgrowths outguess/GDS outgun/S outgunned outgunning outhit/S outhitting outhouse/SM outing/M outlaid outlandish/PY outlandishness/M outlast/DSG outlaw/SGMD outlay/SGM outlet/SM outline/MGDS outlive/GDS outlook/MS outlying outmanoeuvre/DSG outmatch/GDS outmoded outnumber/DSG outpace/GDS outpatient/MS outperform/GSD outplace/L outplacement/M outplay/GDS outpoint/DGS outpost/MS outpouring/MS outproduce/DSG output/SM outputted outputting outrace/GDS outrage/MGDS outrageous/Y outran outrank/GDS outre outreach/MDSG outrider/MS outrigger/SM outright outrun/S outrunning outscore/GDS outsell/GS outset/SM outshine/GS outshone outshout/GDS outside/MZRS outsider/M outsize/MS outskirt/MS outsmart/GDS outsold outsource/DSG outsourcing/M outspend/SG outspent outspoken/YP outspokenness/M outspread/GS outstanding/Y outstation/MS outstay/DGS outstretch/DSG outstrip/S outstripped outstripping outta outtake/MS outvote/GDS outward/YS outwear/GS outweigh/GD outweighs outwit/S outwith outwitted outwitting outwore outwork/MDRSZG outworn ouzo/MS ova oval/MS ovarian ovary/SM ovate/NX ovation/M oven/MS ovenbird/SM ovenproof ovenware over/MYS overabundance/M overabundant overachieve/ZGDRS overachiever/M overact/GVSD overage/SM overaggressive overall/SM overalls/M overambitious overanxious overarching overarm/GSD overate overattentive overawe/DSG overbalance/MGDS overbear/GS overbearing/Y overbid/SM overbidding overbite/MS overblown overboard overbold overbook/DGS overbore overborne overbought overbuild/SG overbuilt overburden/GSD overbuy/GS overcame overcapacity/M overcapitalize/DSG overcareful overcast/MGS overcautious overcharge/DSMG overclock/SGD overcloud/SGD overcoat/MS overcome/GS overcompensate/DSGN overcompensation/M overconfidence/M overconfident overconscientious overcook/DGS overcritical overcrowd/SDG overcrowding/M overdecorate/DSG overdependent overdevelop/SDG overdid overdo/G overdoes overdone overdose/MGDS overdraft/SM overdraw/GS overdrawn overdress/GMDS overdrew overdrive/SM overdub/SM overdubbed overdubbing overdue overeager overeat/GSN overemotional overemphasis/M overemphasize/GDS overenthusiastic overestimate/MGNDS overestimation/M overexcite/DSG overexercise/GDS overexert/SDG overexertion/M overexpose/GDS overexposure/M overextend/DGS overfed overfeed/GS overfill/DGS overflew overflight/MS overflow/MDSG overflown overfly/GS overfond overfull overgeneralize/DSG overgenerous overgraze/DSG overgrew overground overgrow/HSG overgrown overgrowth/M overhand/MDS overhang/MSG overhasty overhaul/MDSG overhead/MS overhear/SG overheard overheat/DSG overhung overindulge/GDS overindulgence/M overindulgent overjoy/GSD overkill/M overladen overlaid overlain overland overlap/SM overlapped overlapping overlarge overlay/GSM overleaf overlie overload/GMDS overlong overlook/GMDS overlord/MS overly/SG overmanned overmanning overmaster/SDG overmodest overmuch/S overnice overnight/MS overoptimism/M overoptimistic overpaid overparticular overpass/MS overpay/GS overplay/GDS overpopulate/GNDS overpopulation/M overpower/SDG overpowering/Y overpraise/DSG overprecise overprice/DSG overprint/SMDG overproduce/GDS overproduction/M overprotect/SDGV overqualified overran overrate/GDS overreach/GDS overreact/SDG overreaction/SM overrefined overridden override/MGS overripe/M overrode overrule/GDS overrun/SM overrunning oversampling oversaw oversea/S oversee/RSZ overseeing overseen overseer/M oversell/GS oversensitive/P oversensitiveness/M oversexed overshadow/DSG overshoe/MS overshoot/GS overshot oversight/SM oversimple oversimplification/M oversimplify/DSNGX oversized oversleep/GS overslept oversold overspecialization/M overspecialize/GDS overspend/SG overspent overspread/GS overstaffed overstate/DSLG overstatement/MS overstay/DSG overstep/S overstepped overstepping overstimulate/DSG overstock/GSD overstretch/GDS overstrict overstrung overstuffed oversubscribe/DSG oversubtle oversupply/GDS oversuspicious overt/Y overtake/GS overtaken overtax/GDS overthrew overthrow/SMG overthrown overtime/MS overtire/GDS overtone/MS overtook overture/MS overturn/DSG overuse/DSMG overvaluation/S overvalue/DSG overview/MS overweening/Y overweight/M overwhelm/SGD overwhelming/Y overwinter/SDG overwork/GMDS overwrite/GS overwritten overwrote overwrought overzealous oviduct/SM oviparous ovoid/MS ovular ovulate/DSGN ovulation/M ovule/MS ovum/M ow owe/DSG owl/SM owlet/MS owlish/Y own/ESGD owner/MS ownership/M ox/MN oxblood/M oxbow/MS oxcart/SM oxford/SM oxidant/MS oxidation/M oxide/MS oxidization/M oxidize/ZGDRS oxidizer/M oxtail/S oxyacetylene/M oxygen/M oxygenate/DSGN oxygenation/M oxymora oxymoron/M oyster/SM oz ozone/M p/NRXTGJ pH pa/SMH pablum/M pabulum/M pace/MZGDRS pacemaker/SM pacer/M pacesetter/SM pacey pachyderm/MS pachysandra/MS pacific pacifically pacification/M pacifier/M pacifism/M pacifist/SM pacifistic pacify/ZGDRSN pack's pack/AUGSD package's package/AGDS packager/SM packaging/M packer/MS packet/MS packing's packinghouse/SM packsaddle/MS pact/MS pacy/RT pad/SM padded padding/M paddle/MZGDRS paddler/M paddock/MDGS paddy/SM padlock/MDSG padre/SM paean/SM paedophilia paella/MS pagan/SM paganism/M page/MZGDRS pageant/MS pageantry/M pageboy/SM pager/M paginate/DSGN pagination/M pagoda/MS pah paid/AU pail/MS pailful/SM pain/MDSG painful/PY painfuller painfullest painfulness/M painkiller/MS painkilling painless/PY painlessness/M painstaking/MY paint/SZGJMDR paintball paintbox/MS paintbrush/MS painted/U painter/MY painting/M paintwork pair/AMDSG paired/U pairing/S pairwise paisley/SM pal/SMY palace/MS paladin/SM palanquin/SM palatable/U palatal/SM palatalization/M palatalize/GDS palate/MBS palatial/Y palatinate/MS palatine/MS palaver/GSMD pale/MYTGPDRSJ paleface/MS paleness/M paleographer/MS paleography/M paleolithic paleontologist/SM paleontology/M palette/SM palfrey/SM palimony/M palimpsest/MS palindrome/MS palindromic paling/M palisade/SM palish pall/MDSG palladium/M pallbearer/MS pallet/MS palliate/DSGNV palliation/M palliative/SM pallid/YP pallidness/M pallor/M palm/MDSG palmate palmetto/SM palmist/SM palmistry/M palmtop/SM palmy/TR palomino/MS palpable palpably palpate/DSGN palpation/M palpitate/XGNDS palpitation/M palsy/GDSM paltriness/M paltry/RPT pampas/M pamper/DSG pamphlet/MS pamphleteer/MS pan/SM panacea/SM panache/M panama/MS panatella/S pancake/DSMG panchromatic pancreas/MS pancreatic panda/SM pandemic/SM pandemonium/M pander/MDRZGS panderer/M pane/KM panegyric/SM panel/SM panelled panelling/SM panellist/SM panes pang/MS panhandle/DRSMZG panhandler/M panic/SM panicked panicking panicky/TR panned pannier/SM panning panoply/SM panorama/SM panoramic panpipes/M pansy/SM pant/MDSG pantaloons/M pantechnicon/S pantheism/M pantheist/SM pantheistic pantheon/SM panther/MS pantie/MS panto/S pantomime/MGDS pantomimic pantomimist/SM pantry/SM pantsuit/SM pantyhose/M pantyliner/M pantywaist/SM pap/SM papa/MS papacy/SM papal paparazzi/M paparazzo papaya/MS paper/SZGMDR paperback/SM paperbark/S paperboard/M paperboy/SM paperclip/S paperer/M papergirl/SM paperhanger/SM paperhanging/M paperless paperweight/MS paperwork/M papery papilla/M papillae papillary papist/MS papoose/MS pappy/SM paprika/M papyrus/iM par/SZGMDRBJ para/MS parable/MS parabola/SM parabolic paracetamol/S parachute/DSMG parachutist/MS parade/MZGDRS parader/M paradigm/SM paradigmatic paradisaical paradise/SM paradox/MS paradoxical/Y paraffin/M paragliding paragon/MS paragraph/GMD paragraphs parakeet/SM paralegal/MS parallax/MS parallel/SGMD paralleled/U parallelism/MS parallelogram/SM paralyses paralysingly paralysis/M paralytic/SM paralyze/DSG paramecia paramecium/M paramedic/MS paramedical/MS parameter/MS parametric paramilitary/SM paramount paramountcy paramour/SM paranoia/M paranoiac/MS paranoid/SM paranormal parapet/MS paraphernalia/M paraphrase/DSMG paraplegia/M paraplegic/SM paraprofessional/MS parapsychologist/MS parapsychology/M paraquat/M parascending parasite/SM parasitic parasitical/Y parasitism/M parasol/MS parasympathetic/S parathion/M parathyroid/MS paratroop/RZS paratrooper/M paratroops/M paratyphoid/M parboil/DSG parcel/MS parcelled parcelling parch/LGDS parchment/SM pardner/S pardon/ZGMDRBS pardonable/U pardonably/U pardoner/M pare/S paregoric/M parent/GMDS parentage/M parental parentheses parenthesis/M parenthesize/DSG parenthetic parenthetical/Y parenthood/M parenting/M parer/M pares/S paresis/M parfait/MS pariah/M pariahs parietal parimutuel/MS paring/M parish/MS parishioner/MS parity/ESM park/MDSG parka/SM parking/M parkland parkway/MS parky parlance/M parlay/GMDS parley/GMDS parliament/SM parliamentarian/SM parliamentary parlour/MS parlous parmigiana parochial/Y parochialism/M parodist/SM parody/GDSM parole/MGDS parolee/MS paroxysm/SM paroxysmal parquet/MDSG parquetry/M parred parricidal parricide/MS parring parrot/GMDS parry/GDSM parse/DRSG parsec/MS parsimonious/Y parsimony/M parsley/M parsnip/MS parson/MS parsonage/MS part's part/CDSG partake/ZGRS partaken partaker/M parterre/SM parthenogenesis/M partial/MYS partiality/M participant/SM participate/DSGN participation/M participator/MS participatory participial/M participle/MS particle/SM particleboard/M particular/SMY particularity/SM particularization/M particularize/DSG particulate/SM parting/MS partisan/SM partisanship/M partition/GMDS partitive/MS partly partner/MDSG partnership/MS partook partridge/SM parturition/M partway party/GDSM parvenu/MS pascal/MS paschal pasha/SM pass/M passably passage/MS passageway/MS passbook/MS passe/DRSBXZGNV passel/MS passenger/SM passer/M passerby/M passersby passim passing/MY passion/EM passionate/EY passionflower/SM passionless passive/PMYS passiveness/M passivity/M passivization passivize/DSG passkey/MS passport/MS password/MS past/AMS pasta/SM paste/DSMG pasteboard/M pastel/MS pastern/MS pasteurization/M pasteurize/ZGDRS pasteurized/U pasteurizer/M pastiche/MS pastie pastille/MS pastime/MS pastiness/M pastor/MS pastoral/MS pastorate/MS pastrami/M pastry/SM pasturage/M pasture/DSMG pastureland/M pasty/PTRSM pat/SM patch/EGMDS patchily patchiness/M patchouli patchwork/SM patchy/TPR pate/MS patella/MS patellae patent/GMDYS paterfamilias/MS paternal/Y paternalism/M paternalist/S paternalistic paternity/M paternoster/MS path/M pathetic pathetically pathfinder/SM pathless pathogen/SM pathogenic pathological/Y pathologist/SM pathology/M pathos/M paths pathway/MS patience/M patient/IMST patienter patiently patina/MS patinae patio/SM patisserie/S patois/M patresfamilias patriarch/M patriarchal patriarchate/MS patriarchs patriarchy/SM patrician/SM patricide/SM patrimonial patrimony/SM patriot/SM patriotic/U patriotically patriotism/M patrol/MS patrolled patrolling patrolman/M patrolmen patrolwoman/M patrolwomen patron/MS patronage/MS patroness/MS patronize/ZGDRS patronizer/M patronizing/Y patronymic/SM patronymically patroon/SM patsy/SM patted patter/MDGS pattern/SMDG patting patty/SM paucity/M paunch/MS paunchy/RT pauper/MS pauperism/M pauperize/DSG pause/DSMG pave/AGDS paved/U pavement/MS pavilion/SM paving/MS pavlova/S paw/SGMD pawl/MS pawn/MDSG pawnbroker/MS pawnbroking/M pawnshop/MS pawpaw/MS pay's pay/ASGBL payback/SM paycheck/MS payday/MS payed payee/SM payer/SM payload/SM paymaster/SM payment/ASM payoff/MS payola/M payout/MS payphone/S payroll/SM payslip/SM payware/S pct pd pea/SM peace/SM peaceable peaceably peaceful/PY peacefulness/M peacekeeper/SM peacekeeping/M peacemaker/MS peacemaking/M peacetime/M peach/MS peachy/TR peacock/MS peafowl/MS peahen/MS peak/MDSG peaky peal/AMDSG peanut/MS pear/MYS pearl/SGMD pearly/RT peasant/SM peasantry/M peashooter/SM peat/M peaty/TR pebble/MGDS pebbly/TR pecan/SM peccadillo/M peccadilloes peccary/SM peck/MDRSZG peckish pecs pectic pectin/M pectoral/MS peculate/GNDS peculation/M peculator/SM peculiar/Y peculiarity/SM pecuniary pedagogic pedagogical/Y pedagogue/SM pedagogy/M pedal/SM pedalled pedalling pedalo/S pedant/MS pedantic pedantically pedantry/M peddle/ZGDRS peddler/M pederast/MS pederasty/M pedestal/MS pedestrian/SM pedestrianization pedestrianize/GDS pediatric/S pediatrician/MS pediatrics/M pedicab/SM pedicure/MGDS pedicurist/MS pedigree/MDS pediment/MS pedometer/MS pedophile/S peduncle/MS pee/DRSMZ peeing peek/MDSG peekaboo/M peel/MDRSJZG peeled/U peeler/M peeling/M peen/MS peep/MDRSZG peepbo peeper/M peephole/MS peepshow/MS peer/MDG peerage/SM peeress/MS peerless peeve/DSMG peevish/PY peevishness/M peewee/MS peewit/S peg/SM pegboard/MS pegged pegging peignoir/SM pejoration/M pejorative/SMY peke/MS pekineses pekingese/SM pekoe/M pelagic pelf/M pelican/MS pellagra/M pellet/GMDS pellucid pelmet/S pelt/MDSG pelvic pelvis/MS pemmican/M pen/M penal penalization/M penalize/DSG penalty/SM penance/MS pence penchant/SM pencil/MS pencilled pencilling/S pend/CDSG pendant/CMS pendent/MS pendulous pendulum/MS penetrability/M penetrable penetrate/DSGNVX penetrating/Y penetration/M penfriend/S penguin/MS penicillin/M penile peninsula/SM peninsular penis/MS penitence/M penitent/SMY penitential penitentiary/SM penknife/M penknives penlight/SM penman/M penmanship/M penmen pennant/MS penned penniless penning pennon/MS penny/SM pennyweight/MS pennyworth penologist/MS penology/M pension/BZGMDRS pensioner/M pensive/PY pensiveness/M pent pentacle/MS pentagon/MS pentagonal pentagram/SM pentameter/SM pentathlete/MS pentathlon/MS penthouse/SM penuche/M penultimate/SM penumbra/MS penumbrae penurious/PY penuriousness/M penury/M peon/MS peonage/M peony/SM people/MGDS pep/SM pepped pepper/GMDS peppercorn/SM peppermint/SM pepperoni/MS peppery peppiness/M pepping peppy/TPR pepsin/M peptic/MS peradventure/M perambulate/XGNDS perambulation/M perambulator/MS percale/MS perceive/BGDS perceived/U percent/MS percentage/SM percentile/SM perceptible perceptibly perception/SM perceptional perceptive/PY perceptiveness/M perceptual/Y perch/GMDS perchance percipience/M percipient percolate/GNDS percolation/M percolator/SM percussion/AM percussionist/MS percussive perdition/M perdurable peregrinate/DSXGN peregrination/M peregrine/MS peremptorily peremptory perennial/SMY perestroika/M perfect/PTGMDRYS perfecta/MS perfectibility/M perfectible perfection/SM perfectionism/M perfectionist/SM perfectness/M perfidious/Y perfidy/SM perforate/GNXDS perforation/M perforce perform/SDRZG performance/SM performed/U performer/M perfume/DRSMZG perfumer/M perfumery/SM perfunctorily perfunctory pergola/SM perhaps pericardia pericardium/M perigee/SM perihelia perihelion/M peril/SM perilled perilling perilous/Y perimeter/SM perinatal perinea perineum/M period/MS periodic periodical/SMY periodicity/M periodontal periodontics/M periodontist/SM peripatetic/MS peripheral/MYS periphery/SM periphrases periphrasis/M periphrastic periscope/SM perish/BDRSZG perishable/MS peristalses peristalsis/M peristaltic peristyle/SM peritoneal peritoneum/MS peritonitis/M periwig/SM periwinkle/SM perjure/DRSZG perjurer/M perjury/SM perk/MDSG perkily perkiness/M perky/TPR perm/MDSG permafrost/M permanence/M permanency/M permanent/SMY permeability/M permeable permeate/GNDS permeation/M permissible permissibly permission/MS permissive/PY permissiveness/M permit/MS permitted permitting permutation/SM permute/DSG pernicious/YP perniciousness/M peroration/MS peroxide/MGDS perpendicular/SMY perpendicularity/M perpetrate/DSGN perpetration/M perpetrator/MS perpetual/SMY perpetuate/DSGN perpetuation/M perpetuity/M perplex/GDS perplexed/Y perplexity/SM perquisite/SM persecute/GNXDS persecution/M persecutor/SM perseverance/M persevere/DSG persiflage/M persimmon/SM persist/SGD persistence/M persistent/Y persnickety person/UMS persona/SM personable personae personage/MS personal/MYS personality/SM personalize/CDSG personalty/M personification/M personify/GDSNX personnel/M perspective/MS perspex perspicacious/Y perspicacity/M perspicuity/M perspicuous perspiration/M perspire/GDS persuade/BZGDRS persuaded/U persuader/M persuasion/SM persuasive/PY persuasiveness/M pert/RYPT pertain/GSD pertinacious/Y pertinacity/M pertinence/M pertinent/Y pertness/M perturb/DGS perturbation/SM perturbed/U pertussis/M peruke/MS perusal/MS peruse/GDS pervade/DSG pervasive/PY pervasiveness/M perverse/PXYN perverseness/M perversion/M perversity/M pervert/SGMD pervs peseta/MS peskily peskiness/M pesky/TPR peso/MS pessary/S pessimal/SDG pessimism/M pessimist/SM pessimistic pessimistically pest/MRSZ pester/GD pesticide/MS pestiferous pestilence/SM pestilent pestilential pestle/MGDS pesto/M pet/SZMR petabyte/MS petal/SM petalled petard/MS petcock/SM peter/GMD petiole/SM petite/MS petition/ZGMDRS petitioner/M petrel/MS petrifaction/M petrify/DSG petrochemical/SM petrodollar/MS petrol/M petrolatum/M petroleum/M petrologist/SM petrology/M petted petticoat/MS pettifog/S pettifogged pettifogger/SM pettifoggery/M pettifogging pettily pettiness/M petting/M pettish/Y petty/PTR petulance/M petulant/Y petunia/MS pew/SM pewee/SM pewit/SM pewter/MS peyote/M pf pfennig/MS pg phaeton/MS phage/S phagocyte/SM phalanger/SM phalanges phalanx/MS phallic phallus/iM phantasm/MS phantasmagoria/MS phantasmagorical phantasmal phantom/SM pharaoh/M pharaohs pharisaic pharisee/SM pharmaceutic/MS pharmaceutical/SM pharmaceutics/M pharmacist/MS pharmacological pharmacologist/SM pharmacology/M pharmacopoeia/MS pharmacy/SM pharyngeal pharynges pharyngitis/M pharynx/M phase/DSMG phaseout/SM phat pheasant/MS phenacetin/M phenobarbital/M phenol/M phenom/MS phenomena phenomenal/Y phenomenological phenomenology phenomenon/MS phenotype pheromone/MS phew phi/SM phial/SM philander/ZGDRS philanderer/M philandering/M philanthropic philanthropically philanthropist/MS philanthropy/SM philatelic philatelist/MS philately/M philharmonic/SM philippic/MS philistine/MS philistinism/M philodendron/SM philological philologist/MS philology/M philosopher/MS philosophic philosophical/Y philosophize/DRSZG philosophizer/M philosophy/SM philtre/MS phish/ZGDR phisher/M phlebitis/M phlegm/M phlegmatic phlegmatically phloem/M phlox/M phobia/MS phobic/MS phoebe/MS phoenix/MS phone/DSMG phonecard/S phoneme/MS phonemic phonemically phonetic/S phonetically phonetician/SM phonetics/M phoneyed phoneying phonic/S phonically phonics/M phoniness/M phonograph/M phonographic phonographs phonological/Y phonologist/MS phonology/M phony/PTGDRSM phooey phosphate/MS phosphor/MS phosphorescence/M phosphorescent/Y phosphoric phosphorous phosphorus/M photo/SGMD photocell/MS photocopier/M photocopy/DRSMZG photoelectric photoelectrically photoengrave/DRSJZG photoengraver/M photoengraving/M photofinishing/M photogenic photogenically photograph/MDRZG photographer/M photographic photographically photographs/A photography/M photojournalism/M photojournalist/SM photometer/MS photon/MS photosensitive photostat/SM photostatic photostatted photostatting photosynthesis/M photosynthesize/GDS photosynthetic phototypesetter phototypesetting phrasal phrase's phrase/AGDS phrasebook/S phraseology/M phrasing/MS phreaking/S phrenologist/SM phrenology/M phyla phylactery/SM phylogeny/M phylum/M phys physic/SM physical/MYS physicality physician/SM physicist/SM physicked physicking physics/M physio/S physiognomy/SM physiography/M physiologic physiological/Y physiologist/MS physiology/M physiotherapist/MS physiotherapy/M physique/MS pi/SMDRHZG pianissimo/SM pianist/MS piano/SM pianoforte/SM pianola/S piastre/MS piazza/MS pibroch/M pibrochs pic/SM pica/M picador/MS picaresque picayune piccalilli/M piccolo/MS pick/MDRSJZG pickax/GMDS picker/M pickerel/MS picket/ZGMDRS pickings/M pickle/MGDS pickpocket/SM pickup/MS picky/TR picnic/MS picnicked picnicker/SM picnicking picot/SM pictograph/M pictographs pictorial/MYS picture/MGDS picturesque/PY picturesqueness/M piddle/MGDS piddly pidgin/MS pie/SM piebald/MS piece/DSMG piecemeal piecework/MRZ pieceworker/M pieing pier/M pierce/JGDS piercing/MY piety/M piezoelectric piffle/MG pig/SML pigeon/MS pigeonhole/DSMG pigged piggery/S pigging piggish/PY piggishness/M piggy/TRSM piggyback/MDSG pigheaded/PY pigheadedness/M piglet/MS pigment/MDS pigmentation/M pigpen/MS pigskin/MS pigsty/SM pigswill pigtail/MS pike/MZGDRS piker/M pikestaff/SM pilaf/SM pilaster/MS pilchard/MS pile/MGDSJ pileup/MS pilfer/ZGDRS pilferage/M pilferer/M pilgrim/MS pilgrimage/MS piling/M pill/MDSG pillage/MZGDRS pillager/M pillar/MDS pillbox/MS pillion/MS pillock/S pillory/GDSM pillow/GMDS pillowcase/MS pillowslip/MS pilot/DGSM pilothouse/SM pimento/MS pimiento/MS pimp/GMDYS pimpernel/MS pimple/DSM pimply/RT pin/SM pinafore/MS pinata/MS pinball/M pincer/MS pinch/GMDS pincushion/MS pine's pine/AGDS pineapple/MS pinewood/S piney pinfeather/SM ping/GMD pinhead/SM pinhole/SM pinier piniest pinion/SMDG pink/TGPMDRS pinkeye/M pinkie/SM pinkish pinkness/M pinko/MS pinnacle/SM pinnate pinned/U pinning/U pinny/S pinochle/M pinon/MS pinpoint/SGMD pinprick/MS pinsetter/SM pinstripe/DSM pint/MS pinto/MS pinup/MS pinwheel/GSMD pinyin/M pinyon/SM pioneer/SGMD pious/YP piousness/M pip/SZGMDR pipe/MS pipeline/SM piper/M pipette/SM pipework piping/M pipit/MS pipped pippin/SM pipping pipsqueak/SM piquancy/M piquant/Y pique/MGDS piracy/M piranha/SM pirate/DSMG piratical/Y pirogi/M piroshki/M pirouette/DSMG piscatorial pismire/SM piss/ZGMDRS pissoir/S pistachio/SM piste/S pistil/SM pistillate pistol/SM piston/SM pit/SM pita/MS pitapat/SM pitch/MDRSZG pitchblende/M pitcher/M pitchfork/MDSG pitchman/M pitchmen piteous/YP piteousness/M pitfall/SM pith/M pithead/S pithily pithiness/M pithy/RTP pitiable pitiably pitiful/Y pitiless/PY pitilessness/M piton/MS pitta/S pittance/MS pitted pitting pituitary/SM pity/GDSM pitying/Y pivot/MDGS pivotal pix/M pixel/MS pixie/MS pizza/MS pizzazz/M pizzeria/SM pizzicati pizzicato/M pj's pk pkg pkt pkwy pl placard/SMDG placate/DSGN placation/M placatory place's place/AESDLG placebo/SM placed/U placeholder/MS placekick/MDRZGS placekicker/M placement/EASM placenta/SM placental/S placer/SM placid/Y placidity/M placings placket/SM plagiarism/SM plagiarist/SM plagiarize/DRSZG plagiarizer/M plagiary/M plague/DSMG plaice plaid/MS plain/MRYTSP plainchant plainclothes plainclothesman/M plainclothesmen plainness/M plainsman/M plainsmen plainsong/M plainspoken plaint/SMV plaintiff/SM plaintive/Y plait/MDGS plan/ZMRS planar plane's plane/CGDS planeload/MS planer/M planet/SM planetarium/SM planetary plangency/M plangent plank/MDGS planking/M plankton/M planned/U planner/SM planning/S plant/MDRZGSJ plantain/SM plantar plantation/MS planter/M planting/M plantlike plaque/SM plash/MDSG plasma/M plaster/SZGMDR plasterboard/M plasterer/M plastic/SM plasticity/M plasticize/DSG plat/XGMDNS plate/MS plateau/SMDG plateful/SM platelet/SM platen/M platform/SGMD plating/M platinum/M platitude/SM platitudinous platonic platoon/SGMD platted platter/SM platting platy/M platypus/MS platys plaudit/SM plausibility/M plausible plausibly play/AEGMDS playable/EU playact/SGD playacting/M playback/MS playbill/MS playbook/MS playboy/SM player/SM playfellow/SM playful/PY playfulness/M playgirl/MS playgoer/MS playground/SM playgroup/S playhouse/MS playmate/MS playoff/SM playpen/SM playroom/SM playschool/S plaything/SM playtime/M playwright/SM plaza/MS plea/MS plead/DRZGSJ pleader/M pleading/MY pleasant/UTYP pleasanter pleasantness/UM pleasantry/SM please/EDSG pleasing/YS pleasurably pleasure/MGDSB pleasureful pleat/MDGS pleb/S plebby plebe/MS plebeian/MS plebiscite/MS plectra plectrum/MS pledge/DSMG plenary/SM plenipotentiary/SM plenitude/SM plenteous plentiful/Y plenty/M plenum/S pleonasm/MS plethora/M pleura/M pleurae pleurisy/M plexus/MS pliability/M pliable pliancy/M pliant/Y pliers/M plight/SMDG plimsoll/S plinth/M plinths plod/S plodded plodder/MS plodding/S plonk/DRSZG plop/MS plopped plopping plosive/S plot/MS plotted plotter/SM plotting ploughman/M ploughmen ploughshare/MS plover/SM plow/GMDS ploy's ploy/S pluck/MDSG pluckily pluckiness/M plucky/RPT plug's plug/US plugged/U plugging/U plughole/S plugin/SM plum/GMDS plumage/M plumb/MDRSZGJ plumbed/U plumber/M plumbing/M plume/MS plummer plummest plummet/SGMD plummy plump/MDRYSTGP plumpness/M plumy/RT plunder/SZGMDR plunderer/M plunge/DRSMZG plunger/M plunk/MDSG pluperfect/SM plural/SM pluralism/M pluralist/MS pluralistic plurality/SM pluralization/M pluralize/GDS plus/MS plush/MRYTP plushness/M plushy/RT plutocracy/SM plutocrat/SM plutocratic plutonium/M pluvial ply/AGDSM plywood/M pm pneumatic pneumatically pneumonia/M poach/DRSZG poacher/M poaching/M pock/GMDS pocket/SMDG pocketbook/SM pocketful/SM pocketknife/M pocketknives pockmark/MDGS pod/SM podcast podded podding podiatrist/SM podiatry/M podium/SM poem/MS poesy/M poet/MS poetaster/MS poetess/MS poetic poetical/Y poetry/M pogrom/SM poi/M poignancy/M poignant/Y poinciana/SM poinsettia/SM point/MDRSZG pointblank pointed/Y pointer/M pointillism/M pointillist/SM pointless/PY pointlessness/M pointy/TR poise/MGDS poison/SJZGMDR poisoner/M poisoning/M poisonous/Y poke/MZGDRS poker/M pokey/MS poky/TR pol/SGMD polar polarity/SM polarization/CM polarize/CDSG pole/MS poleaxe/GDS polecat/MS polemic/MS polemical/Y polemicist/SM polemics/M polestar/SM police/DSMG policeman/M policemen policewoman/M policewomen policy/SM policyholder/MS policymaker/S polio/MS poliomyelitis/M polish/ZGMDRS polished/U polisher/M politburo/MS polite/RYTP politeness/M politesse/M politic/S political/Y politician/SM politicization/M politicize/CDSG politicking/M politico/SM politics/M polity/SM polka/MDSG poll/GMDNS pollack/MS pollard/S pollen/M pollinate/GNDS pollination/M pollinator/SM polling/M polliwog/SM pollster/SM pollutant/MS pollute/ZGNDRS polluted/U polluter/M pollution/M polo/M polonaise/SM polonium/M poltergeist/MS poltroon/SM poly polyandrous polyandry/M polyclinic/SM polyester/MS polyethylene/M polygamist/MS polygamous polygamy/M polyglot/SM polygon/SM polygonal polygraph/GMD polygraphs polyhedral polyhedron/SM polymath/M polymaths polymer/SM polymeric polymerization/M polymerize/GDS polymorphic polymorphous polynomial/MS polyp/MS polyphonic polyphony/M polypropylene/M polys polysemous polystyrene/M polysyllabic polysyllable/MS polytechnic/MS polytheism/M polytheist/SM polytheistic polythene polyunsaturate/DS polyurethane/MS polyvinyl pom/S pomade/DSMG pomander/SM pomegranate/MS pommel/SM pommelled pommelling pommy/S pomp/M pompadour/SMD pompano/MS pompom/SM pomposity/M pompous/YP pompousness/M ponce/GDS poncho/SM poncy pond/MS ponder/SZGDR ponderer/M ponderous/YP ponderousness/M pone/MS pong/GDS pongee/M poniard/MS pontiff/SM pontifical/Y pontificate/DSMG pontoon/SM pony/GDSM ponytail/MS poo/SGD pooch/MDSG poodle/SM poof/MS poofter/S pooh/GMD poohs pool/GMDS poolroom/MS poolside/S poop/GMDS poor/TRYP poorboy/M poorhouse/SM poorness/M pop/SM popcorn/M pope/MS popgun/SM popinjay/MS poplar/SM poplin/M popover/SM poppa/MS poppadom/S popped popper/SM poppet/S popping poppy/SM poppycock/M populace/MS popular/Y popularity/UM popularization/M popularize/DSG populate/ACGDS population/CM populations populism/M populist/MS populous/P populousness/M porcelain/SM porch/MS porcine porcupine/SM pore/MGDS porgy/SM pork/ZMR porker/M porky/RSMT porn/M porno/M pornographer/MS pornographic pornographically pornography/M porosity/M porous/P porousness/M porphyritic porphyry/M porpoise/MGDS porridge/M porringer/SM port's/A port/CAEGDS portability/M portable/MS portage/DSMG portal/SM portcullis/MS portend/SGD portent/SM portentous/YP porter/ASM porterhouse/SM portfolio/MS porthole/MS portico/M porticoes portiere/MS portion/KSGMD portliness/M portly/RPT portmanteau/MS portrait/MS portraitist/SM portraiture/M portray/SGD portrayal/MS portulaca/M pose's/A pose/CAKEGDS poser/EKSM poseur/SM posh/TR posit/DSGV position/CKEMS positional/K positioned/K positioning/K positive/MYPS positiveness/M positivism positivist/S positron/MS poss posse/MS possess/AEVGSD possession/ASM possessive/SMYP possessiveness/M possessor/SM possibility/SM possible/SM possibly possum/SM post/ZGMDRSJ postage/M postal postbag/S postbox/S postcard/SM postcode/S postconsonantal postdate/DSG postdoc postdoctoral poster/M posterior/SM posterity/M postgraduate/SM posthaste posthumous/Y posthypnotic postie/S postilion/SM postindustrial posting/M postlude/SM postman/M postmark/SMDG postmaster/MS postmen postmenopausal postmeridian postmistress/MS postmodern postmodernism/M postmodernist/MS postmortem/SM postnasal postnatal postoperative postpaid postpartum postpone/DSGL postponement/SM postprandial postscript/SM postseason/SM postulate/XDSMGN postulation/M postural posture/MGJDS posturing/M postwar postwoman postwomen posy/SM pot/CSM potability/M potable/SM potash/M potassium/M potato/M potatoes potbelly/DSM potboiler/SM potency/M potent/Y potentate/MS potential/MYS potentiality/SM potful/SM pothead/SM pother/SMDG potherb/SM potholder/MS pothole/DRSMZG pothook/SM potion/SM potluck/MS potpie/SM potpourri/SM potsherd/SM potshot/MS pottage/M potted potter/GSMD pottery/SM potting potty/PRSMT pouch/MDSG pouf/S pouffe/S poulterer/MS poultice/DSMG poultry/M pounce/DSMG pound's pound/KDSG poundage/M pounding/SM pour/GDSJ pout/ZGMDRS pouter/M poverty/M pow powder/GSMD powdery power/MDSG powerboat/MS powerful/Y powerhouse/SM powerless/PY powerlessness/M powwow/SGMD pox/MS pp ppm ppr pr practicability/M practicably practical/SMY practicality/SM practice/SMB practicum/SM practise/DSG practised/U practitioner/SM praetor/SM praetorian pragmatic/MS pragmatical/Y pragmatism/M pragmatist/MS prairie/SM praise/EDSMG praiseworthiness/M praiseworthy/P praline/SM pram/MS prance/DRSMZG prancer/M prancing/Y prang/DSG prank/MS prankster/SM praseodymium/M prat/S prate/MZGDRS prater/M pratfall/SM prattle/DRSMZG prattler/M prawn/MDSG pray/ZGDRS prayer/M prayerful/Y preach/DRSZGL preacher/M preachment/M preachy/RT preadolescence/SM preamble/MGDS prearrange/LGDS prearrangement/M preassigned precancel/SMDG precancerous precarious/PY precariousness/M precast precaution/MS precautionary precede/DSG precedence/M precedent/SM precept/SM preceptor/SM precinct/MS preciosity/M precious/YP preciousness/M precipice/SM precipitant/MS precipitate/XMYGNDS precipitation/M precipitous/Y precis/M precise/DRSYTGNP preciseness/M precision/M preclude/GDS preclusion/M precocious/YP precociousness/M precocity/M precognition/M precognitive precolonial preconceive/GDS preconception/SM precondition/MDGS precook/GSD precursor/SM precursory predate/DSG predator/MS predatory predawn predecease/GDS predecessor/SM predefined predesignate/GDS predestination/M predestine/DSG predetermination/M predetermine/ZGDRS predeterminer/M predicable predicament/MS predicate/MGNVDS predication/M predicative/Y predict/BGVSD predictability/UM predictable/U predictably/U prediction/SM predictor/MS predigest/GDS predilection/SM predispose/GDS predisposition/MS predominance/M predominant/Y predominate/YGDS preemie/SM preeminence/M preeminent/Y preempt/GVSD preemption/M preemptive/Y preen/DSG preexist/DGS preexistence/M pref prefab/SM prefabbed prefabbing prefabricate/DSGN prefabrication/M preface/DSMG prefatory prefect/SM prefecture/MS prefer/SBL preferably preference/MS preferential/Y preferment/M preferred preferring prefigure/GDS prefix/MDSG preform/GSD pregame/SM pregnancy/SM pregnant preheat/GSD prehensile prehistoric prehistorical/Y prehistory/M prejudge/GDS prejudgment/SM prejudice/MGDS prejudiced/U prejudicial prekindergarten/SM prelacy/M prelate/SM prelim/SM preliminary/SM preliterate prelude/MS premarital premature/Y premed/SM premedical premeditate/DSGN premeditated/U premeditation/M premenstrual premier/SGMD premiere/MS premiership/MS premise/DSMG premium/SM premix/GDS premolar/SM premonition/MS premonitory prenatal/Y prenuptial preoccupation/SM preoccupy/DSG preoperative preordain/GDS prep/MS prepackage/DSG prepacked prepaid preparation/SM preparatory prepare/GDS prepared/UP preparedness/UM prepay/GSL prepayment/MS preponderance/SM preponderant/Y preponderate/GDS preposition/SM prepositional/Y prepossess/GDS prepossessing/U prepossession/SM preposterous/Y prepped prepping preppy/TRSM prepubescence/M prepubescent/SM prepuce/MS prequel/MS prerecord/GSD preregister/SGD preregistration/M prerequisite/MS prerogative/SM pres presage/MGDS presbyopia/M presbyter/SM presbytery/SM preschool/SZMR preschooler/M prescience/M prescient/Y prescribe/DSG prescript/SVM prescription/SM prescriptive/Y preseason/SM presence/SM present/LMDRYZGSB presentably presentation/ASM presenter/M presentiment/SM presentment/SM preservation/M preservationist/SM preservative/SM preserve/BDRSMZG preserver/M preset/S presetting preshrank preshrink/GS preshrunk preside/GDS presidency/SM president/MS presidential presidium/M presort/DGS press's press/ACGSD pressed/U presser/MS pressie/S pressing/SMY pressman/M pressmen pressure/DSMG pressurization/M pressurize/CGDS pressurizer/SM prestidigitation/M prestige/M prestigious presto/SM presumably presume/GDSB presumption/SM presumptive presumptuous/YP presumptuousness/M presuppose/DSG presupposition/MS pretax preteen/MS pretend/DRZGS pretender/M pretense/SXMN pretension/M pretentious/UY pretentiousness/M preterite/MS preterm preternatural/Y pretest/DGS pretext/MS pretrial/S prettify/GDS prettily prettiness/M pretty/TGDRSMP pretzel/MS prev prevail/DGS prevalence/M prevalent prevaricate/DSGNX prevarication/M prevaricator/SM prevent/DBSGV preventable/U preventative/MS prevention/M preventive/SM preview/MDRSZG previous/Y prevision/MS prewar prey/GMDS prezzie/S priapic price's price/AGDS priceless pricey pricier priciest prick/MDRYSZG pricker/M prickle/MGDS prickliness/M prickly/PRT pride/MGDS prideful/Y prier/M priest/SMY priestess/MS priesthood/SM priestliness/M priestly/RTP prig/MS priggish/P priggishness/M prim/ZGDRYP primacy/M primal primarily primary/SM primate/MS prime/MS primer/M primeval priming/M primitive/SPMY primitiveness/M primmer primmest primness/M primogenitor/SM primogeniture/M primordial/Y primp/DSG primrose/SM primula/S prince/SMY princedom/SM princeliness/M princely/PRT princess/MS principal/SMY principality/SM principle/DSM principled/U print/AMDSG printable/U printer/MS printing/SM printmaking printout/SM prion/S prior/MS prioress/MS prioritization prioritize/DSG priority/SM priory/SM prism/MS prismatic prison/SZMR prisoner/M prissily prissiness/M prissy/PTR pristine prithee privacy/M private/XMYTNRS privateer/SM privation/CSM privatization/SM privatize/DSG privet/SM privilege/DSMG privileged/U privily privy/RSMT prize/MGDS prized/A prizefight/ZGSMR prizefighter/M prizefighting/M prizewinner/MS prizewinning pro/SM probabilistic probability/SM probable/SM probably probate/MN probation/ZMR probational probationary probationer/M probe/MGDSBJ probity/M problem/MS problematic problematical/Y probosces proboscis/MS procaine/M procedural procedure/SM proceed/GJDS proceeding/M proceeds/M process's process/AGDS processed/U procession/GD processional/MS processor/SM proclamation/MS proclivity/SM procrastinate/DSGN procrastination/M procrastinator/MS procreate/V proctor/GMDS procurement/M prod/MS prodigal/MYS prodigality/M prodigious/Y prodigy/SM produce's produce/AZGDRS producer/AM producible/A production/ASM productive/UY productiveness/M productivity/M prof/MS profanation/MS profane/PYGDS profaneness/M profanity/SM professed/Y profession/SM professional/MYS professionalism/M professionalization professionalize/DSG professor/SM professorial/Y professorship/SM proffer/GMDS proficiency/M proficient/MYS profit/BGD profitability/M profitable/U profitably/U profiteer/MDGS profiteering/M profiterole/SM profitless profligacy/M profligate/SMY proforma profound/RYTP profoundness/M profundity/SM profuse/PY profuseness/M progenitor/SM progeny/M progesterone/M prognathous prognoses prognosis/M prognostic/MS prognosticate/XGNDS prognostication/M prognosticator/MS program/CAS programmable/MS programmatic programmed/AC programmer/MS programming/SM progress/MDSGV progression/MS progressive/PMYS progressiveness/M prohibit/DGVS prohibition/SM prohibitionist/MS prohibitive/Y prohibitory project/GMDS projectile/SM projection/SM projectionist/SM projector/MS prole/S proletarian/MS proletariat/M proliferate/DSGN proliferation/M prolific prolifically prolix/Y prolixity/M prologue/SM prolongation/SM prom/M promenade/MGDS promethium/M prominence/M prominent/Y promiscuity/M promiscuous/Y promise/DSMG promising/Y promissory promo/M promontory/SM promote/DRZG promoter/M promotional prompt/JPSMDRYZTG prompted/U prompter/M prompting/M promptitude/M promptness/M promulgate/GNDS promulgation/M promulgator/MS prone/P proneness/M prong/MDS pronghorn/MS pronominal/M pronounce/DSLG pronounceable/U pronouncement/SM pronto pronunciation/MS proof/ADGSM proofread/SRZG proofreader/M prop/MS propaganda/M propagandist/MS propagandize/GDS propagate/DSGN propagation/M propagator/SM propel/S propellant/MS propelled propeller/SM propelling propensity/SM proper/MRYT property/DSM prophecy/SM prophesier/M prophesy/DRSMZG prophet/SM prophetess/MS prophetic prophetical/Y prophylactic/SM prophylaxes prophylaxis/M propinquity/M propitiate/DSGN propitiation/M propitiatory propitious/Y proponent/SM proportion/ESM proportional/YS proportionality proportionate/EY proposal/MS propped propping proprietary/SM proprieties/M proprietor/SM proprietorial/Y proprietorship/M proprietress/MS propriety/SM propulsion/M propulsive prorate/DSG prorogation/M prorogue/GD prosaic prosaically proscenium/SM prosciutto/M proscribe/DG proscription/MS prose/M prosecute/DSXGN prosecution/M prosecutor/MS proselyte/DSMG proselytism/M proselytize/DRSZG proselytizer/M prosody/SM prospect/MDGVS prospective/Y prospector/SM prospectus/MS prosper/GSD prosperity/M prosperous/Y prostate/MS prostheses prosthesis/M prosthetic prostitute/MGNDS prostitution/M prostrate/GNXDS prostration/M prosy/RT protactinium/M protagonist/SM protean protect/GVSD protected/U protection/SM protectionism/M protectionist/MS protective/PY protectiveness/M protector/MS protectorate/MS protege/SM protegee/S protein/SM protestant/S protestation/MS protocol/MS proton/SM protoplasm/M protoplasmic prototype/MGS prototypical protozoa protozoan/MS protozoic protract/GD protrude/GDS protrusile protrusion/MS protuberance/MS protuberant proud/RYT prov/NB provability/M provably prove/EAGDS proved/U proven/U provenance/SM provender/M provenience/M proverbial/Y provide/DRSZG provided/U providence/M provident/Y providential/Y provider/M province/MS provincial/SMY provincialism/M provisional/Y proviso/SM provocateur/S provocative/PY provocativeness/M provoke/DRSZG provoked/U provoker/M provoking/Y provolone/M provost/SM prow/MS prowess/M prowl/MDRSZG prowler/M proximate proximity/M proxy/SM prude/MS prudence/M prudent/Y prudential/Y prudery/M prudish/YP prudishness/M prune/MZGDRS pruner/M prurience/M prurient/Y pry/ZTGDRSM psalm/MS psalmist/SM psaltery/SM psephologist/S psephology pseud/S pseudo/S pseudonym/SM pseudonymous pseudoscience/MS pseudy pshaw/MS psi/SM psittacosis/M psoriasis/M psst psych/MDSG psyche/M psychedelia psychedelic/SM psychedelically psychiatric psychiatrist/SM psychiatry/M psychic/MS psychical/Y psycho/SM psychoactive psychoanalyses psychoanalysis/M psychoanalyst/SM psychoanalytic psychoanalytical/Y psychoanalyze/DSG psychobabble/M psychodrama/MS psychogenic psychokinesis psychokinetic psychological/Y psychologist/MS psychology/SM psychometric psychoneuroses psychoneurosis/M psychopath/M psychopathic psychopathology psychopaths psychopathy/M psychos/S psychosis/M psychosomatic psychotherapist/MS psychotherapy/SM psychotic/SM psychotically psychotropic/MS psychs pt/C ptarmigan/MS pterodactyl/MS ptomaine/SM pub/SM pubertal puberty/M pubes/M pubescence/M pubescent pubic pubis/M public/AM publican/AMS publication/ASM publicist/MS publicity/M publicize/GDS publicly publish/AGDS publishable published/U publisher/MS publishing/M puce/M puck/ZMRS pucker/MDG puckish/YP puckishness/M pud/S pudding/SM puddle/DSMG puddling/M pudenda pudendum/M pudginess/M pudgy/PRT pueblo/SM puerile puerility/M puerperal puff/ZGMDRS puffball/SM puffer/M puffin/SM puffiness/M puffy/PRT pug/SM pugilism/M pugilist/SM pugilistic pugnacious/YP pugnaciousness/M pugnacity/M puke/MGDS pukka pulchritude/M pulchritudinous pule/GDS pull/ZGMDRS pullback/MS puller/M pullet/SM pulley/SM pullout/MS pullover/SM pulmonary pulp/GMDS pulpiness/M pulpit/SM pulpwood/M pulpy/RPT pulsar/SM pulsate/XGNDS pulsation/M pulse/AMGDS pulverization/M pulverize/DSG puma/MS pumice/SM pummel/S pummelled pummelling pump/ZGMDRS pumper/M pumpernickel/M pumpkin/MS pun/SM punch/MDRSZG punchbag/S puncheon/MS puncher/M punchline/S punchy/TR punctilio/M punctilious/PY punctiliousness/M punctual/Y punctuality/M punctuate/GNDS punctuation/M puncture/DSMG pundit/SM punditry/M pungency/M pungent/Y puniness/M punish/BLGDS punished/U punishing/Y punishment/MS punitive/Y punk/TMRS punned punnet/S punning punster/SM punt/ZGMDRS punter/M puny/TRP pup/SM pupa/M pupae pupal pupate/DSG pupil/MS pupped puppet/MS puppeteer/SM puppetry/M pupping puppy/SM purblind purchase/DRSMZGB purchaser/M purdah/M pure/PYTR purebred/SM puree/MDS pureeing pureness/M purgative/SM purgatorial purgatory/SM purge/MZGDRS purger/M purification/M purifier/M purify/NDRSZG purine/MS purism/M purist/MS puristic puritan/SM puritanical/Y puritanism/M purity/M purl/GMDS purlieu/SM purloin/SGD purple/MTRS purplish purport/SMDG purported/Y purpose/DSMYG purposeful/YP purposefulness/M purposeless/PY purr/GMDS purse/MZGDRS purser/M pursuance/M pursuant pursue/ZGDRS pursuer/M pursuit/SM purulence/M purulent purvey/DSG purveyance/M purveyor/SM purview/M pus/M push/ZGMDRS pushbike/S pushcart/SM pushchair/S pusher/M pushily pushiness/M pushover/MS pushpin/S pushy/TRP pusillanimity/M pusillanimous/Y puss/MS pussy/TRSM pussycat/MS pussyfoot/DSG pustular pustule/SM put/ISM putative putout/MS putrefaction/M putrefactive putrefy/GDS putrescence/M putrescent putrid putsch/MS putt/ZGMDRS putted/I puttee/MS putter/MDRZG putterer/M putting/I putty/GDSM putz/S puzzle/MZGDRSL puzzlement/M puzzler/M pvt pygmy/SM pyjama/S pyjamas/M pylon/SM pyloric pylorus/iM pyorrhea/M pyramid/GSMD pyramidal pyre/MS pyrimidine/MS pyrite/SM pyrites/M pyromania/M pyromaniac/SM pyrotechnic/S pyrotechnical pyrotechnics/M python/SM pyx/MS pzazz q qr qt qty qua quack/GMDS quackery/M quad/MS quadrangle/SM quadrangular quadrant/MS quadraphonic quadratic/MS quadrature quadrennial quadrennium/MS quadriceps/MS quadrilateral/SM quadrille/XMNS quadrillion/M quadriplegia/M quadriplegic/SM quadrivium/M quadruped/MS quadrupedal quadruple/MGDS quadruplet/MS quadruplicate/MGNDS quadruplication/M quaff/GMDS quagmire/SM quahog/MS quail/GMDS quaint/PRYT quaintness/M quake/MGDS quaky/TR qualification/EM qualified/U qualifier/SM qualify/EGXNDS qualitative/Y quality/SM qualm/MS qualmish quandary/SM quango/S quanta quantifiable quantification/M quantifier/M quantify/NDRSZG quantitative/Y quantity/SM quantum/M quarantine/MGDS quark/MS quarrel/SM quarrelled quarreller/MS quarrelling quarrelsome/P quarrelsomeness/M quarry/DSMG quart/MS quarter/SGMDY quarterback/GMDS quarterdeck/MS quarterfinal/SM quarterly/SM quartermaster/MS quarterstaff/M quarterstaves quartet/SM quarto/MS quartz/M quasar/MS quash/GDS quasi quatrain/MS quaver/MDSG quavery quay/MS quayside/S queasily queasiness/M queasy/TPR queen/GMDYS queenly/RT queer/PTGMDRYS queerness/M quell/GDS quench/ZGDRSB quenchable/U quencher/M quenchless querulous/YP querulousness/M query/DSMG ques/S quest/IFAMS quested questing question/SMDRZGBJ questionable/U questionably/U questioned/U questioner/M questioning/MY questionnaire/SM queue/MDSG quibble/DRSMZG quibbler/M quiche/SM quick/MNRYXTP quicken/DG quickfire quickie/SM quicklime/M quickness/M quicksand/MS quicksilver/M quickstep/MS quid/MS quiescence/M quiescent/Y quiet/SMDNRYXTGP quieten/DG quietism quietness/M quietude/IEM quietus/MS quiff/S quill/SM quilt/SMDRZG quilter/M quilting/M quin/S quince/SM quine/S quinine/M quinsy/M quint/SM quintessence/SM quintessential/Y quintet/SM quintuple/MGDS quintuplet/MS quip/MS quipped quipping quipster/SM quire's quire/IAS quirk/SMDG quirkiness/M quirky/RTP quirt/SM quisling/SM quit/S quitclaim/MS quite quittance/M quitter/SM quitting quiver/SMDG quivery quixotic quixotically quiz/M quizzed quizzer/SM quizzes quizzical/Y quizzing quoin/SM quoit/SMDG quondam quorate/I quorum/SM quot/B quota/SM quotability/M quotation/SM quote's quote/UDSG quoth quotidian quotient/SM qwerty r/S rabbet/GMDS rabbi/SM rabbinate/M rabbinic rabbinical rabbit/GMDS rabble/MS rabid/PY rabidness/M rabies/M raccoon/M race/MZGDRS racecourse/SM racegoer/S racehorse/MS raceme/MS racer/M racetrack/MS raceway/MS racial/Y racialism/M racialist/MS racily raciness/M racing/M racism/M racist/SM rack/GMDS racket/SMDG racketeer/SMDG racketeering/M raconteur/SM racquet/SM racquetball/SM racy/PRT rad/SM radar/SM radarscope/SM raddled radial/SMY radiance/M radiant/Y radiate/DSGNX radiation/M radiator/SM radical/SMY radicalism/M radicalization/M radicalize/DSG radicchio/M radio/MDGS radioactive/Y radioactivity/M radiocarbon/M radiogram/MS radiographer/SM radiography/M radioisotope/MS radiologist/SM radiology/M radioman/M radiomen radiometer/MS radiometric radiometry/M radiophone/SM radioscopy/M radiosonde/SM radiotelegraph/M radiotelegraphs radiotelegraphy/M radiotelephone/MS radiotherapist/MS radiotherapy/M radish/MS radium/M radius/Mi radon/M raffia/M raffish/YP raffishness/M raffle/DSMG raft/ZGMDRS rafter/M rafting/M rag/SGMD raga/MS ragamuffin/MS ragbag/M rage/MS ragga ragged/RYTP raggedness/M raggedy/RT ragging raging/Y raglan/SM ragout/SM ragtag/S ragtime/M ragweed/M ragwort rah raid/ZGMDRS raider/M rail's rail/CGDS railcard/S railing/SM raillery/SM railroad/SZGMDR railroader/M railroading/M railway/SM railwayman railwaymen raiment/M rain/GMDS rainbow/SM raincoat/SM raindrop/SM rainfall/SM rainmaker/SM rainmaking/M rainproof rainstorm/MS rainwater/M rainy/RT raise/MZGDRS raiser/M raisin/SM rajah/M rajahs rake/MGDS rakish/YP rakishness/M rally/DSMG ram/SM ramble/DRSMZGJ rambler/M rambunctious/PY rambunctiousness/M ramekin/SM ramie/M ramification/M ramify/DSXNG ramjet/SM rammed ramming ramp/MS rampage/DSMG rampancy/M rampant/Y rampart/SM ramrod/SM ramrodded ramrodding ramshackle ran/A ranch/MDRSZG rancher/M ranching/M rancid/P rancidity/M rancidness/M rancorous/Y rancour/M rand/M randiness/M random/PSY randomization/M randomize/DSG randomness/MS randy/RTP ranee/MS rang/ZR range's range/CGDS rangefinder/S ranger/M ranginess/M rangy/RTP rank/TGJPMDRYS ranking/M rankle/DSG rankness/M ransack/SGD ransom/SZGMDR ransomer/M rant/ZGMDJRS ranter/M rap/SZGMDR rapacious/PY rapaciousness/M rapacity/M rape/MS raper/M rapeseed/M rapid/PMRYTS rapidity/M rapidness/M rapier/SM rapine/M rapist/SM rapped rappel/SM rappelled rappelling rapper/SM rapping rapport/MS rapporteur/S rapprochement/SM rapscallion/MS rapt/YP raptness/M raptor/S rapture/MS rapturous/Y rare/YTGPDRS rarebit/MS rarefaction/M rarefy/GDS rareness/M rarity/SM rascal/SMY rash/ZTMRSYP rasher/M rashness/M rasp/GMDS raspberry/SM raspy/RT raster rat/SM ratatouille/M ratbag/S ratchet/GMDS rate/JXMZGNDRS rated/U ratepayer/S rater/M rather rathskeller/SM ratification/M ratifier/M ratify/NDRSZG rating/M ratio/MS ratiocinate/GNDS ratiocination/M ration/MDG rational/SMY rationale/MS rationalism/M rationalist/SM rationalistic rationality/M rationalization/MS rationalize/DSG ratlike ratline/SM rattan/SM ratted ratter/SM ratting rattle/DRSMZGJ rattlebrain/SMD rattler/M rattlesnake/SM rattletrap/SM rattly rattrap/SM ratty/RT raucous/YP raucousness/M raunchily raunchiness/M raunchy/TRP ravage/DRSMZG ravager/M ravages/M rave/JMZGDRS ravel's ravel/US ravelled/U ravelling/S raven/MDSG ravenous/Y ravine/SM raving/M ravioli/SM ravish/DRSZGL ravisher/M ravishing/Y ravishment/M raw/PTMR rawboned rawhide/M rawness/M ray/SM rayon/M raze/GDS razor/MS razorback/MS razz/GMDS razzmatazz/M rcpt rd re/DSMYTGVJ reach/MDSGB reachable/U reacquire/DSG react/V reactant/SM reactionary/SM read/ZGMRBJS readability/SM reader/M readership/SM readily readiness/M reading/M readmitted readout/SM ready/DRSTGP reafforestation real/TMRYPS realism/M realist/SM realistic/U realistically/U realities reality/UM realization/MS realize/DSBG realized/U realm/MS realness/M realpolitik/M realty/M ream/ZGMDRS reamer/M reap/ZGDRS reaper/M rear/GMDS rearguard/MS rearmost rearward/S reason/SMDRZGB reasonable/UP reasonableness/UM reasonably/U reasoner/M reasoning/M reassuring/Y rebate/M rebel/MS rebellion/MS rebellious/YP rebelliousness/M rebid/S rebidding rebirth/M reboil/SDG rebuild/SG rebuke/DSMG rebuking/Y rebuttal/MS rec'd rec/M recalcitrance/M recalcitrant recant/SDG recantation/SM recap/MS recapitalization recce/S recd receipt/SMDG receivables/M receive/DRSZGB receiver/M receivership/M recent/RYTP recentness/M receptacle/SM reception/MS receptionist/SM receptive/PY receptiveness/M receptivity/M receptor/SM recess/MDSGV recessional/SM recessionary recessive/SM recherche recidivism/M recidivist/SM recipe/SM recipient/SM reciprocal/SMY reciprocate/GNDS reciprocation/M reciprocity/M recital/SM recitalist/MS recitative/MS reciter/SM reckless/YP recklessness/M reckon/SJDG reckoning/M reclamation/M recline/DRSZG recliner/M recluse/SMV recognizable/U recognizably recognize/DRSGB recognized/U recombination recompense/DSMG recompilation recompile/GD recon/S reconcile/GDSB reconciliation/S recondite reconfiguration reconfigure/D reconnaissance/MS reconnoitre/GDS reconstruct/V reconstructed/U recorded/U recorder/MS recording/MS recoup/DG recourse/M recoverable/U recovery/SM recreant/MS recreational recriminate/DSGNX recrimination/M recriminatory recrudesce/GDS recrudescence/M recrudescent recruit/LSMDRZG recruiter/M recruitment/M rectal/Y rectangle/MS rectangular rectifiable rectification/M rectifier/M rectify/XNDRSZG rectilinear rectitude/M recto/MS rector/SM rectory/SM rectum/SM recumbent recuperate/GNVDS recuperation/M recur/S recurred recurrence/SM recurring recursion/S recyclable/SM recycling/M red/PSM redact/SDG redaction/M redactor/SM redbird/SM redbreast/MS redbrick redcap/SM redcoat/SM redcurrant/S redden/SDG redder reddest reddish redeem/RZB redeemer/M redemption/M redemptive redhead/SMD redirection redistrict/GD redivide/GDS redlining/M redneck/SM redness/M redo/G redolence/M redolent redoubt/SBM redoubtably redound/SDG redraw/SG redskin/SM reduce/DRSZG reducer/M reducible reduction/SM reductionist reductive redundancy/SM redundant/Y redwood/SM redye/DS reediness/M reedy/RTP reef/ZGMDRS reefer/M reek/GMDS reel's reel/UGDS reeve/G reexport/SDG ref/SZM refashion/DGS refection/M refectory/SM refer/B referee/DSM refereeing reference/MGDS referendum/MS referent/SM referential referral/SM referred referrer/SM referring reffed reffing refill/BM refined/U refinement/SM refiner/SM refinery/S refitting reflate/XDSGN reflationary reflect/GVSD reflection/MS reflective/Y reflector/MS reflexive/SMY reflexology reforge/DSG reform/MZ reformat/V reformatory/SM reformatting reformed/U reformist/S refortify/GDS refract/SGVD refraction/M refractory/SM refrain/SGMD refresh/ZGLDRS refresher/M refreshing/Y refreshment/SM refreshments/M refrigerant/SM refrigerate/DSGN refrigeration/M refrigerator/MS refuge/SM refugee/SM refulgence/M refulgent refund/B refurbishment/MS refusal/MS refutation/MS refute/BDRSZG refuter/M reg regal/DYG regalement/M regalia/M regard/ESMDG regardless regards/M regather/DGS regatta/SM regency/SM regeneracy/M regenerate/V regexp/S reggae/M regicide/MS regime/SM regimen/SM regiment/MDGS regimental regimentation/M region/SM regional/Y regionalism/MS register/GMDS registered/U registrant/MS registrar/MS registration/SM registry/SM regnant regress/MDSGV regression/MS regret/SM regretful/Y regrettable regrettably regretted regretting regrind/GS reground regroup/DGS regular/MYS regularity/SM regularization/M regularize/DSG regulate/CDSGNV regulated/U regulation/CM regulations regulator/MS regulatory regurgitate/DSGN regurgitation/M rehab/MS rehabbed rehabbing rehabilitate/GNVDS rehabilitation/M rehang/SDG rehears/GD rehearsal/MS rehearsed/U rehi rehung reign/MDSG reimburse/BDSGL reimbursement/MS rein/GD reindeer/M reinforce/LGDS reinforcement/SM reinitialize reinstatement/M reinsurance reiterate/V reject/GSMD rejection/SM rejoice/JGDS rejoicing/M rejoinder/SM rejuvenate/DSGN rejuvenation/M rel relate/DRSXZGNV relatedness/M relater/M relation/M relational relationship/MS relative/MYS relativism/M relativist/S relativistic relativity/M relax/DRSZG relaxant/MS relaxation/SM relaxer/M relay/D release/B released/U relegate/GNDS relent/SGD relentless/PY relentlessness/M relevance/M relevancy/M relevant/Y reliability/UM reliable/U reliably/U reliance/M reliant relic/MS relief/SM relieve/ZGDRS reliever/M religion/SM religiosity religious/MYP religiousness/M reline/DSG relinquish/LDSG relinquishment/M reliquary/SM relish/GMDS relocate/B reluctance/M reluctant/Y rely/GDS rem/M remain/SGD remainder/GMDS remand/SGD remapping remark/B remarkableness/M remarkably remarked/U remediable remedy/GDSM remember/DG remembered/U remembrance/MS reminder/M reminisce/GDS reminiscence/MS reminiscent/Y remiss/PY remissness/M remit/S remittance/SM remitted remitting/U remix/DSG remnant/MS remodelling remonstrant/SM remonstrate/DSG remorse/M remorseful/Y remorseless/PY remorselessness/M remote/RSMYTP remoteness/M remould/SDG removal/SM remunerate/GNVXDS remuneration/M renaissance/MS renal renascence/S rend/GS render/SGMDJ rendering/M rendezvous/GMDS rendition/MS renegade/DSMG renege/DRSZG reneger/M renew/DSBG renewal/MS rennet/M rennin/M renounce/LDSG renouncement/M renovate/DSXGN renovation/M renovator/MS renown/MD rent/ZGMDRS rental/SM renter/M renunciation/SM reopen/SDG rep/SM repaint/GDS repair/BZR repairer/M repairman/M repairmen reparable reparation/MS reparations/M repartee/M repatriate/XDSMGN repatriation/M repeat/SMDRZGB repeatable/U repeatably repeated/Y repeater/M repeating/M repel/S repelled repellent/SM repelling repent/SDG repentance/M repentant/Y repercussion/S repertoire/MS repertory/SM repetition/MS repetitious/YP repetitiousness/M repetitive/YP repetitiveness/M rephotograph/DG replaceable replant/GSD replenish/LGDS replenishment/M replete/PDSGN repleteness/M repletion/M replica/SM replicate/DSGNX replication/M replicator/S reportage/M reported/Y reportorial reposeful repository/SM reprehend/DGS reprehensibility/M reprehensible reprehensibly reprehension/M represent/GDS representational representative/MS represented/U repression/MS repressive/PY reprieve/DSMG reprimand/GSMD reprisal/SM reprise/SMG reproach/GMDSB reproachful/Y reprobate/MS reproductive reprogramming reproving/Y reptile/SM reptilian/MS republic/S republicanism/M repudiate/XGNDS repudiation/M repudiator/MS repugnance/M repugnant repulsion/M repulsive/YP repulsiveness/M repurchase/GDS reputability/M reputably/E reputation/MS repute/DSMGB reputed/Y request/GDR requiem/SM require/LDG requirement/MS requisite/XMNS requisition/GMD requital/M requite/DRSZG requited/U requiter/M reread/SG rerecord/GDS rerunning resale/B resat rescind/SDG rescission/M rescue/DRSMZG rescuer/M reseal/B resell/SG resemble/DSG resend resent/LSDG resentful/YP resentfulness/M resentment/MS reserpine/M reservation/MS reserved/UY reservedness/M reservist/SM reservoir/SM resetting reshipping residence/SM residency/SM resident/MS residential residua residual/MS residue/SM residuum/M resignation/SM resigned/Y resilience/M resiliency/M resilient/Y resinous resist/SMDRZG resistance/SM resistant/U resistible resistless resistor/MS resit/S resitting resold resole/DSG resolute/PY resoluteness/M resolve/RBM resolved/U resonance/SM resonant/Y resonate/GDS resonator/SM resorption/M resound/SGD resounding/Y resourceful/YP resourcefulness/M resp respect/ESGVMD respectability/M respectable respectably respecter/MS respectful/EY respectfulness/M respective/Y respell/SGD respiration/M respirator/SM respiratory respire/DG resplendence/M resplendent/Y respond/SGD respondent/SM response/MS responsibility/SM responsible responsibly responsive/UYP responsiveness/UM rest/GVMDS restate/GDS restaurant/SM restaurateur/MS restful/YP restfuller restfullest restfulness/M restitution/M restive/YP restiveness/M restless/PY restlessness/M restoration/SM restorative/SM restorer/SM restrained/U restraint/MS restrict/SDGV restricted/U restriction/MS restrictive/YP restrictiveness/M restring/SG restroom/SM restructuring/SM result/GSMD resultant/SM resume/DSMG resumption/MS resupply/DSG resurgence/MS resurgent resurrect/GSD resurrection/MS resuscitate/GNDS resuscitation/M resuscitator/SM retailer/MS retain/SDRZG retainer/M retake/G retaliate/DSGNVX retaliation/M retaliatory retard/SMDRZG retardant/SM retardation/M retarder/M retch/DSG reteach/GS retention/M retentive/YP retentiveness/M rethink/SGM rethought reticence/M reticent/Y reticulated reticulation/MS retina/SM retinal retinue/SM retiree/SM retirement/MS retort/GMD retrace/GDS retract/DBG retractile retraction/S retrain/DGS retread/D retrenchment/MS retribution/MS retributive retrieval/SM retrieve/DRSMZGB retriever/M retro/MS retroactive/Y retrofire/GDS retrofit/SM retrofitted retrofitting retrograde/DSG retrogress/GVDS retrogression/M retrorocket/MS retrospect/MDSGV retrospection/M retrospective/MYS retrovirus/MS retsina/M returnable/SM returnee/SM rev/ZVM revamping/M reveal/GJSD revealing/Y reveille/M revel/MS revelation/SM revelled reveller/SM revelling/S revelry/SM revenge/MGDS revenuer/SM reverberate/DSGNX reverberation/M revere/DSG reverence/DSMG reverend/SM reverent/Y reverential/Y reverie/MS revers/M reversal/SM reverse/Y reversibility reversible reversibly revert/GSD revertible revetment/SM revile/DRSLZG revilement/M reviler/M reviser/MS revision/SM revisionism/M revisionist/SM revival/MS revivalism/M revivalist/SM revive/DSG revivification/M revocable revoke/DSG revolt/GD revolting/Y revolution/SM revolutionary/SM revolutionist/SM revolutionize/DSG revolve/BZGDRS revolver/M revue/MS revulsion/M revved revving rewarded/U rewarding/U rewarm/GSD rewash/GDS reweave/GS rewedding rewind/MB rewound rewrite/MGS rhapsodic rhapsodical rhapsodize/GDS rhapsody/SM rhea/MS rhenium/M rheostat/SM rhesus/MS rhetoric/M rhetorical/Y rhetorician/SM rheum/M rheumatic/MS rheumatically rheumatism/M rheumatoid rheumy/TR rhinestone/SM rhinitis/M rhino/MS rhinoceros/MS rhizome/MS rho/SM rhodium/M rhododendron/SM rhomboid/SM rhomboidal rhombus/MS rhubarb/MS rhyme/MZGDRS rhymer/M rhymester/MS rhythm/SM rhythmic rhythmical/Y rial/MS rib/SM ribald ribaldry/M ribbed ribber/SM ribbing ribbon/SM riboflavin/M rice/MZGDRS ricer/M rich/TMRSYP richness/M rick/GMDS rickets/M rickety/RT rickrack/M rickshaw/MS ricochet/GMDS ricotta/M rid/S riddance/M ridden ridding riddle/DSMG ride/MZGRS rider/M riderless ridership/M ridge/MGDS ridgepole/SM ridgy/RT ridicule/MGDS ridiculous/YP ridiculousness/M riding/M rife/TR riff/GMDS riffle/DSMG riffraff/M rifle/MZGDRS rifleman/M riflemen rifler/M rifling/M rift/GMDS rig/SM rigatoni/M rigged rigger/SM rigging/M right/MDRYSPTG righteous/UP righteously righteousness/UM rightful/PY rightfulness/M rightism/M rightist/SM rightmost rightness/M righto rightsize/DSG rightward/S rigid/YP rigidity/M rigidness/M rigmarole/MS rigorous/YP rigorousness/M rigour/SM rile/GDS rill/MS rim/SGMD rime/MS rimless rimmed rimming rind/MS ring/ZGMDRJ ringer/M ringgit/MS ringleader/MS ringlet/MS ringlike ringmaster/MS ringside/M ringworm/M rink/MS rinse/MGDS riot/ZGMDRS rioter/M rioting/M riotous/PY rip/SXTMNR riparian ripcord/MS ripe/YP ripen/DG ripened/U ripeness/M ripoff/SM riposte/MGDS ripped ripper/SM ripping ripple/DSMG ripply/TR ripsaw/SM riptide/MS rise/JMZGRS risen riser/M risibility/M risible rising/M risk/GMDS riskily riskiness/M risky/RPT risotto/MS risque rissole/S rite/MS ritual/SMY ritualism/M ritualistic ritualistically ritualized ritzy/RT riv/ZNR rival/MS rivalled/U rivalling rivalry/SM rive/CGDS river/M riverbank/SM riverbed/MS riverboat/SM riverfront riverside/MS rivet/MDRSZG riveter/M riviera/S rivulet/MS riyal/MS rm roach/GMDS road/IMS roadbed/SM roadblock/MDSG roadhouse/SM roadie/MS roadkill/M roadrunner/SM roadshow/SM roadside/SM roadster/SM roadway/SM roadwork/SM roadworthy roam/ZGDRS roamer/M roaming/M roan/MS roar/ZGMDRS roarer/M roaring/M roast/ZGMDRSJ roaster/M roasting/M rob/S robbed robber/MS robbery/SM robbing robe's robe/EGDS robin/MS robot/MS robotic/S robotics/M robotize/GDS robust/RYPT robustness/M rock/ZGMDRS rockabilly/M rockbound rocker/M rockery/S rocket/MDSG rocketry/M rockfall/SM rockiness/M rocky/TRP rococo/M rod/SM rode rodent/MS rodeo/MS roe/SM roebuck/SM roentgen/MS roger/GDS rogue's rogue/KS roguery/M roguish/YP roguishness/M roil/GDS roister/ZGDRS roisterer/M role/MS roll/MDRZGJS rollback/SM roller/M rollerblading rollerskating/M rollick/SDG rollicking/M rollmop/S rollover/SM romaine/MS roman/M romance/MZGDRS romancer/M romantic/MS romantically romanticism/M romanticist/SM romanticize/DSG romeo/MS romp/MDRZGS romper/M rondo/SM rood/MS roof/MDRZGS roofer/M roofing/M roofless rooftop/SM rook/MDGS rookery/SM rookie/SM room/MDRZGS roomer/M roomette/SM roomful/SM roominess/M roommate/SM roomy/RTP roost/SMDRZG rooster/M root/MDRZGS rooter/M rootless/P rootlet/SM rope/MZGDRS roper/M ropy/RT rosary/SM rose/MS roseate rosebud/SM rosebush/MS rosemary/M rosette/SM rosewater/M rosewood/MS rosily rosin/SMDG rosiness/M roster/SM rostrum/MS rosy/RTP rot/SM rota/S rotary/SM rotate/DSGNX rotation/M rotational rotatory rote/M rotgut/M rotisserie/SM rotogravure/MS rotor/SM rototiller/MS rotted rotten/TPRY rottenness/M rotter/S rotting rottweiler/S rotund/P rotunda/MS rotundity/M rotundness/M rouble/SM roue/MS rouge/DSMG rough/MDNRYXTGP roughage/M roughcast roughen/GD roughhouse/MGDS roughneck/GMDS roughness/M roughs roughshod roulette/M round/PSMDRYZTG roundabout/SM roundel/S roundelay/MS roundhouse/SM roundish roundness/M roundup/MS roundworm/SM rouse/DSG roust/SDG roustabout/SM rout/MRZS route's route/ADSG routeing router/M routine/MYS routinize/GDS roux rove/ZGDRS rover/M row/SZGMDR rowan/S rowboat/MS rowdily rowdiness/M rowdy/PRSMT rowdyism/M rowel/SM rowelled rowelling rower/M rowing/M rowlock/S royal/SMY royalist/SM royalties/M royalty/SM rpm rps rt rte rub/SM rubato/SM rubbed rubber/SM rubberize/GDS rubberneck/MDRSZG rubbernecker/M rubbery/TR rubbing/S rubbish/MDSG rubbishy rubble/M rubdown/SM rube/MS rubella/M rubicund rubidium/M rubric/SM ruby/RSMT ruched ruck/DGS rucksack/MS ruckus/MS ructions rudder/SM rudderless ruddiness/M ruddy/RTP rude/YTRP rudeness/M rudiment/SM rudimentary rue/DSMG rueful/PY ruefulness/M ruff/MDYGS ruffian/MYS ruffle/DSMG ruffled/U rug/SM rugby/M rugged/PTRY ruggedness/M rugger ruin/MDGS ruination/M ruinous/Y rule/MZGJDRS ruler/M ruling/M rum/SM rumba/SMDG rumble/DSJMG rumbling/M rumbustious ruminant/MS ruminate/XGNVDS rumination/M ruminative/Y rummage/DSMG rummer rummest rummy/M rumour/SMDG rumourmonger/SM rump/MYS rumple/DSMG rumpus/MS run/ASM runabout/MS runaround/SM runaway/MS rundown/SM rune/MS rung/MS runic runlet/SM runnel/SM runner/SM running/M runny/RT runoff/SM runt/MS runty/RT runway/SM rupee/SM rupiah/M rupiahs rupture/MGDS rural ruse/MS rush/MDRSZG rusher/M rushy/RT rusk/MS russet/SM rust/MDGS rustic/SM rustically rusticate/GDS rustication/M rusticity/M rustiness/M rustle/DRSJMZG rustler/M rustproof/SDG rusty/RPNT rut/SM rutabaga/SM ruthenium/M rutherfordium/M ruthless/YP ruthlessness/M rutted rutting rutty/RT rye/M s/NYXB sabbatical/SM sable/MS sabot/MS sabotage/DSMG saboteur/SM sabra/MS sabre/MS sac/SM saccharin/M saccharine sacerdotal sachem/SM sachet/SM sack/GMDJS sackcloth/M sackful/MS sacking/M sacra sacrament/MS sacramental sacred/YP sacredness/M sacrifice/DSMG sacrificial/Y sacrilege/MS sacrilegious/Y sacristan/MS sacristy/SM sacroiliac/MS sacrosanct/P sacrosanctness/M sacrum/M sad/PY sadden/SDG sadder saddest saddle's saddle/UDSG saddlebag/MS saddler/S saddlery sades sadhu/S sadism/M sadist/SM sadistic sadistically sadness/M sadomasochism/M sadomasochist/MS sadomasochistic safari/SGMD safe/MYTPRS safeguard/SMDG safekeeping/M safeness/M safety/SM safflower/MS saffron/MS sag/SM saga/MS sagacious/Y sagacity/M sage/MYTRS sagebrush/M sagged sagging saggy/RT sago/M saguaro/MS sahib/MS said/U sail/GMDSJ sailboard/MRZGS sailboarder/M sailboarding/M sailboat/MS sailcloth/M sailfish/MS sailing/M sailor/SM sailplane/MS saint/MDYS sainthood/M saintlike saintliness/M saintly/PRT saith sake/M salaam/SMDG salacious/PY salaciousness/M salacity/M salad/MS salamander/SM salami/SM salary/DSM sale/AMS saleable/U saleroom/S salesclerk/SM salesgirl/SM saleslady/SM salesman/M salesmanship/M salesmen salespeople/M salesperson/MS salesroom/S saleswoman/M saleswomen salience/M salient/SMY saline/SM salinity/M saliva/M salivary salivate/GNDS salivation/M sallow/RTP sallowness/M sally/DSMG salmon/SM salmonella/M salmonellae salon/MS saloon/SM salsa/MS salt's salt/CTGDS saltbox/MS saltcellar/SM salted/U salter saltine/SM saltiness/M saltpetre/M saltshaker/SM saltwater/M salty/RTP salubrious/I salutary salutation/MS salutatorian/MS salutatory salute/DSMG salvage/DSMG salvageable salvation/M salve/MZGDRS salver/M salvo/MS samarium/M samba/MDSG same/SP sameness/M samey samizdat/S samosa/S samovar/SM sampan/SM sample/DRSMZG sampler/M samurai/SM sanatorium/SM sanctification/M sanctify/GDSN sanctimonious/YP sanctimoniousness/M sanctimony/M sanction/GSMD sanctioned/U sanctity/M sanctuary/SM sanctum/SM sand/ZGMDRS sandal/SM sandalwood/M sandbag/SM sandbagged sandbagging sandbank/MS sandbar/SM sandblast/ZGMDRS sandblaster/M sandbox/MS sandcastle/MS sander/M sandhog/SM sandiness/M sandlot/SM sandlotter/MS sandman/M sandmen sandpaper/GMDS sandpiper/MS sandpit/S sandstone/M sandstorm/SM sandwich/MDSG sandy/RTP sane/IYTR saneness/M sang/S sangfroid/M sangria/M sanguinary sanguine/Y sanitarian/SM sanitarium/SM sanitary/IU sanitation/M sanitize/GDS sanity/IM sank sans sanserif sap/SM sapience/M sapient sapless sapling/MS sapped sapper/S sapphire/SM sappiness/M sapping sappy/PRT saprophyte/SM saprophytic sapsucker/SM sapwood/M saran/M sarcasm/MS sarcastic sarcastically sarcoma/MS sarcophagus/iM sardine/MS sardonic sardonically sarge/MS sari/MS sarky sarnie/S sarong/SM sarsaparilla/MS sartorial/Y sash/MS sashay/SGMD sass/GMDS sassafras/MS sassy/RT sat satanic satanical/Y satanism/M satanist/MS satay satchel/MS sate/GDS sateen/M satellite/DSMG satiable/I satiate/GNDS satiation/M satiety/M satin/M satinwood/SM satiny satire/SM satiric satirical/Y satirist/SM satirize/DSG satisfaction/EM satisfactions satisfactorily/U satisfactory/U satisfied/U satisfy/EDSG satisfying/U satisfyingly satori/M satrap/SM satsuma/S saturate/DSGN saturated/U saturation/M saturnine satyr/MS satyriasis/M satyric sauce/MZGDRS saucepan/SM saucer/M saucily sauciness/M saucy/RPT sauerkraut/M sauna/MDSG saunter/MDGS saurian sauropod/SM sausage/MS saute/MS sauteed sauteing savage/DRSMYTGP savageness/M savagery/SM savanna/MS savant/SM save/BJMZGDRS saved/U saver/M saving/M savings/M saviour/MS savour/SGMD savouriness/M savoury/TRSMP savoy/MS savvy/DRSMTG saw/SGMD sawbones/M sawbuck/MS sawdust/M sawfly/SM sawhorse/SM sawmill/MS sawyer/SM sax/MS saxifrage/SM saxophone/MS saxophonist/SM say's say/USG saying/SM scab/MS scabbard/MS scabbed scabbiness/M scabbing scabby/PTR scabies/M scabrous scad/MS scaffold/SMG scaffolding/M scag/S scagged scagging scalar/S scalawag/MS scald/MDSG scale's scale/CGDS scaleless scalene scaliness/M scallion/MS scallop/GSMD scalp/MDRSZG scalpel/SM scalper/M scaly/RTP scam/MS scammed scamming scamp/MRSZ scamper/GMD scampi/M scan/MS scandal/SM scandalize/DSG scandalmonger/SM scandalous/Y scandium/M scanned scanner/SM scanning scansion/M scant/CDSTG scanter scantily scantiness/M scantly scantness/M scanty/RSPT scapegoat/SGMD scapegrace/MS scapula/M scapulae scapular/SM scar/GMDS scarab/SM scarce/RYTP scarceness/M scarcity/SM scare/MS scarecrow/MS scaremonger/SMG scarf/MDSG scarification/M scarify/NDSG scarily scariness/M scarlatina/M scarlet/M scarp/MDRSZG scarper/DG scarred scarring scarves scary/RTP scat/MS scathing/Y scatological scatology/M scatted scatter/GJSMD scatterbrain/SMD scattering/M scatting scatty scavenge/ZGDRS scavenger/M scenario/MS scenarist/MS scene/MS scenery/M scenic scenically scent/CMS scented/U scenting scentless sceptre/MS sch schadenfreude schedule's schedule/ADSG scheduled/U scheduler/S schema schemata schematic/SM schematically schematize/GDS scheme/DRSMZG schemer/M scherzo/MS schilling/MS schism/SM schismatic/SM schist/M schizo/SM schizoid/MS schizophrenia/M schizophrenic/SM schlemiel/SM schlep/SM schlepped schlepping schlock/M schmaltz/M schmaltzy/TR schmo/M schmoes schmooze/DRSZG schmuck/MS schnapps/M schnauzer/SM schnitzel/SM schnook/MS schnoz/MS schnozzle/SM scholar/MYS scholarship/MS scholastic scholastically scholasticism school/SGMD schoolbag/MS schoolbook/SM schoolboy/MS schoolchild/M schoolchildren schooldays schooled/U schoolfellow/SM schoolgirl/SM schoolhouse/SM schooling/M schoolkid/S schoolmarm/SM schoolmarmish schoolmaster/MS schoolmate/SM schoolmistress/MS schoolroom/SM schoolteacher/MS schoolwork/M schoolyard/SM schooner/SM schuss/GMDS schussboomer/MS schwa/MS sci sciatic sciatica/M science/FMS scientific/U scientifically/U scientist/SM scimitar/SM scintilla/MS scintillate/DSGN scintillation/M scion/MS scissor/GDS scleroses sclerosis/M sclerotic scoff/MDRSZG scoffer/M scofflaw/MS scold/MDSGJ scolding/M scoliosis/M sconce/SM scone/MS scoop/MDSG scoopful/MS scoot/DRSZG scooter/M scope/MGDS scorbutic scorch/MDRSZG scorcher/M score/MZGDRS scoreboard/SM scorecard/MS scorekeeper/MS scoreless scoreline/S scorer/M scorn/MDRSZG scorner/M scornful/Y scorpion/MS scotch/MDSG scotchs scoundrel/MS scour/DRSZG scourer/M scourge/DSMG scout/MDRSZG scouting/M scoutmaster/MS scow/MS scowl/MDSG scrabble/MZGDRS scrabbler/M scrag/MS scraggly/RT scraggy/TR scram/S scramble's scramble/UGDS scrambler/MS scrammed scramming scrap/MDRSZGJ scrapbook/SM scrape/SM scraper/M scrapheap/SM scrapie scrapped scrapper/MS scrapping scrappy/TR scrapyard/SM scratch/GMDS scratchcard/S scratched/U scratchily scratchiness/M scratchpad/S scratchy/PRT scrawl/SMDG scrawly/TR scrawniness/M scrawny/PTR scream/SMDRZG screamer/M screaming/Y scree/MDS screech/GMDS screechy/TR screed/S screen/SJMDG screening/M screenplay/SM screenwriter/SM screenwriting/M screw's screw/UDSG screwball/MS screwdriver/MS screwiness/M screwworm/SM screwy/PRT scribal scribble/MZGDRS scribbler/M scribe's scribe/CKIS scrim/MS scrimmage/MGDS scrimp/SDG scrimshaw/MDGS scrip/MS script/FSMDG scripted/U scriptural scripture/MS scriptwriter/SM scrivener/SM scrod/M scrofula/M scrofulous scrog/S scrogged scrogging scroll/GSMD scrooge/MS scrota scrotal scrotum/M scrounge/DRSZG scrounger/M scroungy/TR scrub/MS scrubbed scrubber/SM scrubbing scrubby/RT scruff/SM scruffily scruffiness/M scruffy/RPT scrum/S scrumhalf scrumhalves scrummage/S scrummed scrumming scrump/SGD scrumptious/Y scrumpy scrunch/MDSG scrunchy/SM scruple/MGDS scrupulosity/M scrupulous/UPY scrupulousness/UM scrutineer/S scrutinize/GDS scrutiny/M scuba/MDSG scud/MS scudded scudding scuff/MDSG scuffle/MGDS scull/MDRSZG sculler/M scullery/SM scullion/SM sculpt/SGD sculptor/SM sculptress/MS sculptural sculpture/DSMG scum/MS scumbag/MS scummed scumming scummy/TR scupper/MDGS scurf/M scurfy/TR scurrility/M scurrilous/PY scurrilousness/M scurry/GDSM scurvily scurvy/TRM scutcheon/SM scuttle/MGDS scuttlebutt/M scuzzy/TR scythe/DSMG sea/SM seabed/SM seabird/MS seaboard/SM seaborne seacoast/SM seafarer/SM seafaring/M seafloor/SM seafood/M seafront/SM seagoing seagull/MS seahorse/MS seal's seal/AUSDG sealant/MS sealer/SM sealskin/M seam/GMDNS seaman/M seamanship/M seamless/Y seamstress/MS seamy/RT seance/SM seaplane/SM seaport/MS sear/GMDS search/AZGMDRS searcher/AM searching/Y searchlight/MS searing/Y seascape/SM seashell/SM seashore/SM seasick/P seasickness/M seaside/MS season/SGMDBJ seasonable/U seasonably/U seasonal/Y seasonality seasoned/U seasoning/M seat's seat/UGDS seating/M seatmate/SM seawall/MS seaward/MS seawater/M seaway/SM seaweed/MS seaworthiness/M seaworthy/PRT sebaceous seborrhea/M sebum sec'y sec/SM secant/SM secateurs secede/DSG secession/M secessionist/MS seclude/GDS seclusion/M seclusive second/SLZGMDRY secondarily secondary/SM seconder/M secondhand secondment/S secrecy/M secret/SGVMDY secretarial secretariat/MS secretary/SM secretaryship/M secrete/XNS secretion/M secretive/PY secretiveness/M secretory sect/IMS sectarian/MS sectarianism/M sectary/SM section/AESM sectional/MS sectionalism/M sectioned sectioning sector/ESM secular secularism/M secularist/SM secularization/M secularize/DSG secure/DRSYTG secured/U security/ISM secy sedan/MS sedate/DRSYTGNVP sedateness/M sedation/M sedative/SM sedentary sedge/M sedgy/RT sediment/MS sedimentary sedimentation/M sedition/M seditious seduce/DRSZG seducer/M seduction/SM seductive/YP seductiveness/M seductress/MS sedulous/Y see/RSMZ seed's seed/AGDS seedbed/MS seedcase/MS seeded/U seeder/SM seediness/M seedless seedling/MS seedpod/MS seedy/RPT seeing/S seek/ZGRS seeker/M seem/GDS seeming/Y seemliness/UM seemly/URTP seen/U seep/GDS seepage/M seer/M seersucker/M seesaw/SMDG seethe/DSG segfault/S segment/GSMD segmentation/M segmented/U segregate/CDSGN segregated/U segregation/CM segregationist/MS segue/MGDS segueing seigneur/SM seignior/SM seine/MZGDRS seiner/M seismic seismically seismograph/ZMR seismographer/M seismographic seismographs seismography/M seismologic seismological seismologist/MS seismology/M seize/GDS seizure/MS seldom select/CSGVD selection/SM selective/Y selectivity/M selectman/M selectmen selectness/M selector/MS selenium/M selenographer/MS selenography/M self/M selfish/UYP selfishness/UM selfless/PY selflessness/M selfsame sell/ZGMRS seller/M sellotape/DSG sellout/MS seltzer/MS selvage/MS selves semantic/S semantically semanticist/MS semantics/M semaphore/DSMG semblance/ASM semen/M semester/SM semi/MS semiannual/Y semiarid semiautomatic/MS semibreve/S semicircle/SM semicircular semicolon/MS semiconducting semiconductor/MS semiconscious semidarkness/M semidetached semifinal/SM semifinalist/MS semigloss/S semimonthly/SM seminal seminar/MS seminarian/SM seminary/SM semiofficial semiotic/S semiotics/M semipermeable semiprecious semiprivate semipro/S semiprofessional/SM semiquaver/S semiretired semiskilled semisolid semisweet semitone/SM semitrailer/MS semitransparent semitropical semivowel/SM semiweekly/SM semiyearly semolina/M sempstress/MS senate/SM senator/MS senatorial send/ZGRS sender/M sendoff/MS senescence/M senescent senile senility/M senior/SM seniority/M senna/M senor/MS senora/SM senorita/SM sensation/MS sensational/Y sensationalism/M sensationalist/MS sensationalize/GDS sense/MGDS senseless/PY senselessness/M sensibilities sensibility/IM sensible/P sensibleness/M sensibly/I sensitive/SMYP sensitiveness/M sensitivities sensitivity/IM sensitization/CM sensitize/CDSG sensor/SM sensory sensual/Y sensualist/SM sensuality/M sensuous/YP sensuousness/M sent/FAU sentence/MGDS sententious/Y sentience/IM sentient/I sentiment/SM sentimental/Y sentimentalism/M sentimentalist/MS sentimentality/M sentimentalization/M sentimentalize/GDS sentinel/MS sentry/SM sepal/MS separability/IM separable separably/I separate/XMYGNVDSP separateness/M separation/M separatism/M separatist/MS separator/MS sepia/M sepsis/M septa septet/SM septic septicemia/M septicemic septuagenarian/MS septum/M sepulchral sepulchre/MGDS seq sequel/SM sequence/MZGDRS sequencing/M sequential/FY sequester/SDG sequestrate/XGNDS sequestration/M sequin/SMD sequinned sequoia/MS seraglio/MS serape/SM seraph/M seraphic seraphs sere/TR serenade/MGDS serendipitous serendipity/M serene/RPYT sereneness/M serenity/M serf/MS serfdom/M serge/M sergeant/MS serial/SMY serialization/SM serialize/GDS series/M serif/MS serigraph/M serigraphs serious/PY seriousness/M sermon/SM sermonize/GDS serology/M serotonin serous serpent/MS serpentine/M serrate/XND serration/M serried serum/MS servant/MS serve's/AF serve/FACGDS server/SM servery/S service/EMS serviceability/M serviceable serviced serviceman/M servicemen servicewoman/M servicewomen servicing serviette/MS servile servility/M serving's servings servitor/MS servitude/M servo/MS servomechanism/SM servomotor/MS sesame/SM sesquicentennial/MS session/MS set/AISM setback/MS setscrew/SM setsquare/S sett/BJZGRS settee/MS setter/M setting/M settle's settle/AUGDS settlement/AM settlements settler/SM setup/MS seven/MHS seventeen/SMH seventeenth/M seventeenths seventh/M sevenths seventieth/M seventieths seventy/SMH sever/ETGDS several/MY severance/SM severe/YPR severeness/M severity/M sew/ASGD sewage/M sewer/MS sewerage/M sewing/M sewn/A sex/GMDS sexagenarian/SM sexily sexiness/M sexism/M sexist/MS sexless sexologist/SM sexology/M sexpot/MS sextant/SM sextet/MS sexton/MS sextuplet/SM sexual/Y sexuality/M sexy/PTR sf sh shabbily shabbiness/M shabby/PTR shack/MDSG shackle's shackle/UGDS shad/GMDSJ shade/MS shadily shadiness/M shading/M shadow/SGMD shadowbox/GDS shadowy/RT shady/RPT shaft/MDSG shag/MS shagged shagginess/M shagging shaggy/TPR shah/M shahs shake/MZGRS shakedown/SM shaken/U shakeout/MS shaker/M shakeup/MS shakily shakiness/M shaky/RPT shale/M shall shallot/MS shallow/TPMRYS shallowness/M shalom shalt sham/GMDS shaman/SM shamanic shamanism shamanistic shamble/MGDS shambles/M shambolic shame/MS shamefaced/Y shameful/PY shamefulness/M shameless/YP shamelessness/M shammed shamming shampoo/ZGMDRS shampooer/M shamrock/MS shan't shandy/S shanghai/DSG shank/MS shantung/M shanty/SM shantytown/SM shape's shape/AGDS shaped/U shapeless/YP shapelessness/M shapeliness/M shapely/PTR shard/MS share/MZGDRS sharecrop/S sharecropped sharecropper/MS sharecropping shareholder/SM shareholding/S sharer/M shareware/MS sharia/M shariah shark/MDSG sharkskin/M sharp/MDNRYSPXZTG sharpen/ADGS sharpener/MS sharper/M sharpie/MS sharpish sharpness/M sharpshooter/SM sharpshooting/M shatter/GMDS shatterproof shave/MZGDRSJ shaven/U shaver/M shaving/M shawl/MS shay/MS she'd she'll she/DSM sheaf/M shear/MDRSZG shearer/M sheath/JM sheathe/UGDS sheathing/M sheaths sheave/DSMG shebang/MS shebeen/S shed/MS shedding sheen/M sheeny/TR sheep/M sheepdog/MS sheepfold/SM sheepherder/MS sheepish/YP sheepishness/M sheepskin/MS sheer/MDRSPTG sheerness/M sheet/MSG sheeting/M sheetlike sheik/MS sheikdom/MS sheila/S shekel/SM shelf/M shell/MDRSG shellac/MS shellacked shellacking/MS shellfire/M shellfish/MS shelter/GMDS shelve/GDS shelving/M shenanigan/SM shepherd/SMDG shepherdess/MS sherbet/SM sheriff/SM sherry/SM shew/GDS shewn shh shiatsu/M shibboleth/M shibboleths shield/MDGS shift/GMDS shiftily shiftiness/M shiftless/PY shiftlessness/M shifty/RPT shill/GMDSJ shillelagh/M shillelaghs shilling/M shim/MS shimmed shimmer/SMDG shimmery shimming shimmy/DSMG shin/ZGMDRS shinbone/SM shindig/SM shine/MS shiner/M shingle/DSMG shinguard/M shininess/M shinned shinning shinny/DSG shinsplints/M shiny/TRP ship's ship/ALS shipboard/MS shipbuilder/SM shipbuilding/M shipload/SM shipmate/SM shipment/AM shipments shipowner/MS shipped/A shipper/SM shipping/M shipshape shipwreck/GMDS shipwright/MS shipyard/SM shire/MS shirk/ZGDRS shirker/M shirr/GMDSJ shirring/M shirt/GMDS shirtfront/SM shirting/M shirtless shirtsleeve/SM shirttail/SM shirtwaist/MS shirty shit/SM! shitfaced/! shithead/S! shitload/! shitted/! shitting/! shitty/RT! shiv/ZMRS shiver/MDG shivery shoal/GMDS shoat/MS shock/ZGMDRS shocker/M shocking/Y shockproof shod/U shoddily shoddiness/M shoddy/PRMT shoe/MS shoehorn/GMDS shoeing shoelace/MS shoemaker/SM shoeshine/SM shoestring/SM shoetree/MS shogun/MS shogunate/M shone shoo/GDS shook shoot/ZGMRSJ shooter/M shooting/M shootout/MS shop/MS shopaholic/S shopfitter/S shopfitting shopfront/S shopkeeper/MS shoplift/DRZGS shoplifter/M shoplifting/M shoppe/MZGDRS shopper/M shopping/M shoptalk/M shopworn shore/MGDS shorebird/SM shoreline/MS shoring/M short/XTGMDNRYSP shortage/MS shortbread/M shortcake/MS shortchange/DSG shortcoming/MS shortcrust shortcut/MS shorten/JGD shortening/M shortfall/MS shorthand/MD shorthorn/MS shortish shortlist/DGS shortness/M shortsighted/PY shortsightedness/M shortstop/MS shortwave/MS shorty/SM shot/MS shotgun/SM shotgunned shotgunning should shoulder/MDGS shouldn't shout/ZGMDRS shouter/M shove/MGDS shovel/MS shovelful/SM shovelled shovelling show/JZGMDRS showbiz/M showboat/MDGS showcase/MGDS showdown/MS shower/MDG showerproof showery showgirl/MS showground/S showily showiness/M showing/M showjumping showman/M showmanship/M showmen shown showoff/SM showpiece/SM showplace/SM showroom/MS showstopper/MS showstopping showtime showy/TRP shpt shrank shrapnel/M shred/MS shredded shredder/MS shredding shrew/MS shrewd/RYPT shrewdness/M shrewish shriek/MDSG shrift/M shrike/MS shrill/DRSPTG shrillness/M shrilly shrimp/MDRSZG shrine/MS shrink/MSBG shrinkage/M shrive/GDS shrivel/S shrivelled shrivelling shriven shroud/GMDS shrub/MS shrubbery/SM shrubby/RT shrug/MS shrugged shrugging shrunk/N shtick/MS shuck/GMDS shucks/S shudder/MDSG shuffle/AMGDS shuffleboard/SM shuffler/SM shun/S shunned shunning shunt/MSDG shush/DSG shut/S shutdown/SM shuteye/M shutoff/SM shutout/SM shutter/SMDG shutterbug/MS shutting shuttle/DSMG shuttlecock/GMDS shy/TGDRSMY shyer shyest shyness/M shyster/SM sibilant/SM sibling/SM sibyl/MS sibylline sic/S sicced siccing sick/PXTGDNRYS sickbay/S sickbed/SM sicken/DG sickening/Y sickie/MS sickish sickle/MS sickly/RT sickness/MS sicko/MS sickout/SM sickroom/MS side's side/AGDS sidearm/SM sidebar/SM sideboard/SM sideburns/M sidecar/SM sidekick/SM sidelight/MS sideline/DSMG sidelong sideman/M sidemen sidepiece/MS sidereal sidesaddle/MS sideshow/MS sidesplitting sidestep/MS sidestepped sidestepping sidestroke/DSMG sideswipe/DSMG sidetrack/SMDG sidewalk/MS sidewall/MS sideways sidewinder/SM siding/MS sidle/MGDS siege/MS sienna/M sierra/MS siesta/MS sieve/MGDS sift/ZGDRS sifted/U sifter/M sigh/GMD sighs sight/GMDYSJ sighting/M sightless sightly/UTR sightread sightseeing/M sightseer/MS sigma/MS sign's/C sign/AFCGDS signage/M signal/MYS signalization/M signalize/GDS signalled signaller/MS signalling signalman/M signalmen signatory/SM signature/MS signboard/MS signed/U signer/CMS signet/MS significance/IM significant/IY signification/M signify/XDSNG signing's/C signings signor/FMS signora/SM signore signori signorina/MS signorine signpost/GSMD silage/M silence/DRSMZG silencer/M silent/MRYST silhouette/DSMG silica/M silicate/MS siliceous silicon/SM silicone/M silicosis/M silk/MNS silkily silkiness/M silkscreen/SM silkworm/MS silky/TRP sill/MS silliness/M silly/TRSMP silo/MS silt/GMDS silty/TR silver/GMDS silverfish/MS silversmith/M silversmiths silverware/M silvery simian/MS similar/Y similarity/ESM simile/MS similitude/EM simmer/GMDS simonize/DSG simony/M simpatico simper/GMDS simpering/Y simple/TRP simpleminded simpleness/M simpleton/SM simplex simplicity/M simplification/M simplify/DSXNG simplistic simplistically simply simulacra simulacrum/S simulate/EDSGN simulation/EM simulations simulator/EMS simulcast/GMDS simultaneity/M simultaneous/Y sin/ASM since sincere/IYT sincerer sincerity/IM sine/MS sinecure/MS sinew/MS sinewy sinful/PY sinfulness/M sing/BZGMDRYS singalong/S singe/MS singeing singer/M singing/M single/PMGDS singleness/M singles/M singlet/S singleton/SM singletree/SM singsong/SMDG singular/SMY singularity/SM sinister sink/BZGMRS sinkable/U sinker/M sinkhole/SM sinless sinned sinner/MS sinning sinology sinuosity/M sinuous/Y sinus/MS sinusitis/M sinusoidal sip/SM siphon/GMDS sipped sipper/SM sipping sir/SXMN sire/CMGDS siren/M sirloin/SM sirocco/SM sirrah sirree/M sis/MS sisal/M sissified sissy/RSMT sister/ASM sisterhood/MS sisterliness/M sisterly/P sit/S sitar/SM sitarist/MS sitcom/SM site/MGDS sitter/SM sitting/SM situate/DSXGN situation/M six/MSH sixfold sixpence/MS sixshooter/M sixteen/SMH sixteenth/M sixteenths sixth/M sixths sixtieth/M sixtieths sixty/SMH size/MGBDRS sizing/M sizzle/DRSMZG ska/M skate/MZGDRS skateboard/MDRSZG skateboarder/M skateboarding/M skater/M skating/M skedaddle/MGDS skeet/ZMR skein/MS skeletal skeleton/SM skeptic/SM skeptical/Y skepticism/M sketch/MDRSZG sketchbook/S sketcher/M sketchily sketchiness/M sketchpad/S sketchy/RTP skew/MDRZGS skewbald/S skewer/MDG ski/SZGMDR skibob/S skid/MS skidded skidding skidpan/S skier/M skiff/SM skiffle skiing/M skilfully skill's skill/CSD skilled/U skillet/SM skillful/UY skillfulness/M skim/MS skimmed skimmer/SM skimming skimp/SDG skimpily skimpiness/M skimpy/RTP skin/MS skincare/M skinflint/MS skinful skinhead/MS skinless skinned skinniness/M skinning skinny/RMTP skint skintight skip/MS skipped skipper/SMDG skipping skirmish/ZGMDRS skirt/SMDG skit/MS skitter/GSD skittish/YP skittishness/M skittle/S skive/DRSZG skivvy/DSMG skoal/SM skua/S skulduggery/M skulk/SDRZG skulker/M skull/SM skullcap/MS skunk/SMDG sky/GSM skycap/SM skydive/DRSZG skydiver/M skydiving/M skyjack/JZGSDR skyjacker/M skyjacking/M skylark/SGMD skylight/MS skyline/SM skyrocket/GSMD skyscraper/SM skyward/S skywriter/SM skywriting/M slab/MS slabbed slabbing slack/PXZTGMDNRYS slacken/DG slacker/M slackness/M slacks/M slag/MS slagged slagging slagheap/S slain slake/GDS slalom/MSDG slam/MS slammed slammer/SM slamming slander/MZGDRS slanderer/M slanderous slang/M slangy/RT slant/MSDG slanting/Y slantwise slap/MS slapdash slaphappy/RT slapped slapper/S slapping slapstick/M slash/MDRSZG slasher/M slat/MDGS slate/SM slather/SDG slatted slattern/SMY slaughter/MDRZGS slaughterer/M slaughterhouse/MS slave/DRSMZG slaveholder/MS slaver/MDG slavery/M slavish/PY slavishness/M slaw/M slay/DRZGJS slayer/M slaying/M sleaze/SM sleazebag/S sleazeball/S sleazily sleaziness/M sleazy/PRT sled/MS sledded sledder/SM sledding sledge/DSMG sledgehammer/GSMD sleek/SDRYTGP sleekness/M sleep/SMRZG sleeper/M sleepily sleepiness/M sleepless/PY sleeplessness/M sleepover/SM sleepwalk/ZGSDR sleepwalker/M sleepwalking/M sleepwear/M sleepy/RPT sleepyhead/MS sleet/SMDG sleety/RT sleeve/DSM sleeveless sleigh/MDG sleighs sleight/SM slender/PRT slenderize/DSG slenderness/M slept sleuth/MG sleuths slew/MDGS slice/DRSMZG slicer/M slick/SMDRYZTGP slicker/M slickness/M slid slide/RSMZG slider/M slight/SMDRYTGP slightness/M slim/PS slime/M sliminess/M slimline slimmed slimmer/S slimmest slimming/M slimness/M slimy/RTP sling/SMG slingback/S slingshot/SM slink/SG slinky/RT slip/MS slipcase/MS slipcover/MS slipknot/MS slippage/MS slipped slipper/SM slipperiness/M slippery/PRT slipping slippy slipshod slipstream/SM slipway/SM slit/MS slither/SGMD slithery slitter slitting sliver/GSMD slob/MS slobbed slobber/MDSG slobbery slobbing sloe/MS slog/MS slogan/SM sloganeering slogged slogging sloop/SM slop/MDGS slope/SM slopped sloppily sloppiness/M slopping sloppy/PTR slops/M slosh/DSG slot/MS sloth/M slothful/YP slothfulness/M sloths slotted slotting slouch/ZGMDRS sloucher/M slouchy/TR slough/GMD sloughs sloven/SMY slovenliness/M slovenly/PTR slow/DRYTGSP slowcoach/S slowdown/SM slowness/M slowpoke/SM sludge/M sludgy/RT slue/MGDS slug/MS sluggard/MS slugged slugger/SM slugging sluggish/PY sluggishness/M sluice/DSMG slum/MS slumber/GSMD slumberous slumlord/MS slummed slummer slumming slummy/RT slump/SMDG slung slunk slur/MS slurp/SMDG slurred slurring slurry/M slush/M slushiness/M slushy/RPT slut/MS sluttish slutty/RT sly/Y slyer slyest slyness/M smack/SMDRZG smacker/M small/SMRTP smallholder/S smallholding/S smallish smallness/M smallpox/M smarmy/RT smart/SMDNRYXTGP smarten/DG smartness/M smarts/M smarty/SM smartypants/M smash/MDRSZG smasher/M smashup/SM smattering/MS smear/SMDG smeary/RT smell/SMDG smelliness/M smelly/RPT smelt/SMDRZG smelter/M smidgen/MS smilax/M smile/DSMG smiley/SM smiling/Y smirch/GMDS smirk/SMDG smite/SG smith/M smithereens/M smiths smithy/SM smitten smock/SMDG smocking/M smog/MS smoggy/RT smoke/DRSMZG smokehouse/MS smokeless smoker/M smokescreen/SM smokestack/SM smokey smokiness/M smoking/M smoky/RTP smooch/MDSG smoochy smooth/PDRYTG smoothie/MS smoothness/M smooths smorgasbord/SM smote smother/GSMD smoulder/GMDS smudge/DSMG smudgy/TR smug/YP smugger smuggest smuggle/ZGDRS smuggler/M smuggling/M smugness/M smurf/S smut/MS smuttiness/M smutty/TRP snack/SMDG snaffle/DSMG snafu/SM snag/MS snagged snagging snail/SMDG snake/DSMG snakebite/MS snakelike snakeskin snaky/RT snap's snap/US snapdragon/SM snapped/U snapper/MS snappily snappiness/M snapping/U snappish/YP snappishness/M snappy/TRP snapshot/SM snare/DSMG snarf/SDG snark/S snarl's snarl/USDG snarling/Y snarly/TR snatch/ZGMDRS snatcher/M snazzily snazzy/TR sneak/SMDRZG sneaker/M sneakily sneakiness/M sneaking/Y sneaky/TRP sneer/SJMDG sneering/Y sneeze/DSMG snick/SDRZG snicker/MDG snide/RYT sniff/SMDRZG sniffer/M sniffle/DSMG sniffy/RT snifter/SM snip/MDRZGS snipe/SM sniper/M snipped snippet/SM snipping snippy/RT snips/M snit/MS snitch/MDSG snivel/SM snivelled sniveller/SM snivelling snob/MS snobbery/M snobbish/PY snobbishness/M snobby/RT snog/S snogged snogging snood/SM snooker/MDSG snoop/SMDRZG snooper/M snoopy/TR snoot/SM snootily snootiness/M snooty/PTR snooze/DSMG snore/DRSMZG snorer/M snorkel/ZMRS snorkeler/M snorkeling's snorkelled snorkelling snort/SMDRZG snorter/M snot/MS snottily snottiness/M snotty/TPR snout/SM snow/MDGS snowball/GSMD snowbank/SM snowbird/SM snowboard/ZGMDRS snowboarder/M snowboarding/M snowbound snowdrift/SM snowdrop/SM snowfall/SM snowfield/SM snowflake/SM snowiness/M snowline snowman/M snowmen snowmobile/DSMG snowplow/SGMD snowshoe/DSM snowshoeing snowstorm/SM snowsuit/SM snowy/PRT snub/MS snubbed snubbing snuff/SMDRYZG snuffbox/MS snuffer/M snuffle/MGDS snuffly/RT snug/MYSP snugged snugger snuggest snugging snuggle/MGDS snugness/M so soak/MDGSJ soaking/M soap/MDGS soapbox/MS soapiness/M soapstone/M soapsuds/M soapy/RPT soar/MDGS sob/SM sobbed sobbing/Y sober/SDRYPTG soberness/M sobriety/IM sobriquet/SM soc soccer/M sociability/M sociable/SM sociably social/SMY socialism/M socialist/SM socialistic socialite/SM socialization/M socialize/DSG societal society/SM socioeconomic socioeconomically sociological/Y sociologist/SM sociology/M sociopath/M sociopaths sociopolitical sock/MDGS socket/SM sockeye/SM sod/SM soda/MS sodded sodden/Y sodding sodium/M sodomite/MS sodomize/GDS sodomy/M soever sofa/MS soft/NRYXTP softback softball/MS softbound softcover soften/DRZG softener/M softhearted softness/M software/M softwood/SM softy/SM soggily sogginess/M soggy/RTP soigne soignee soil/MDGS soiled/U soiree/SM sojourn/ZGMDRS sojourner/M sol/SM solace/DSMG solar solaria solarium/M sold solder/ZGSMDR solderer/M soldier/MDYSG soldiery/M sole/FSDGM solecism/SM solely solemn/PTRY solemness/M solemnify/DSG solemnity/SM solemnization/M solemnize/DSG solemnness/M solenoid/MS solicit/GDS solicitation/SM solicited/U solicitor/SM solicitous/PY solicitousness/M solicitude/M solid/PSMRYT solidarity/M solidification/M solidify/DSNG solidity/M solidness/M solidus/Mi soliloquies soliloquize/DSG soliloquy/M solipsism/M solipsistic solitaire/MS solitariness/M solitary/SMP solitude/M solo/MDGS soloist/MS solstice/MS solubility/IM soluble/MS solute's solute/AXN solutes solution's/AE solvable/IU solve/EADSG solved/U solvency/IM solvent/IMS solver/SM somatic sombre/PY sombreness/M sombrero/MS some somebody/SM someday somehow someone/MS someplace somersault/MDGS somerset/SM somersetted somersetting something/SM sometime/S someway/S somewhat/S somewhere somnambulism/M somnambulist/SM somnolence/M somnolent son/SM sonar/SM sonata/SM sonatina/SM song/MS songbird/SM songbook/SM songfest/SM songster/MS songstress/MS songwriter/SM songwriting sonic sonnet/SM sonny/SM sonogram/SM sonority/M sonorous/YP sonorousness/M sonsofbitches soon/RT soot/M sooth/MDRSZG soothe soother/M soothing/Y soothsayer/MS soothsaying/M sooty/RT sop/SM sophism/M sophist/MS sophistic sophistical sophisticate/DSMGN sophisticated/U sophistication/M sophistry/SM sophomore/MS sophomoric soporific/MS soporifically sopped sopping soppy/RT soprano/MS sorbet/SM sorcerer/MS sorceress/MS sorcery/M sordid/PY sordidness/M sore/MYTRSP sorehead/MS soreness/M sorghum/M sorority/SM sorrel/SM sorrily sorriness/M sorrow/SMDG sorrowful/YP sorrowfulness/M sorry/RTP sort/FASGDM sorta sorted/U sorter/SM sortie/DSM sortieing sot/SM sottish sou'wester sou/SMH souffle/SM sough/MDG soughs sought/U souk/S soul/MS soulful/YP soulfulness/M soulless/YP sound/JPSMDRYZTG soundbite/S soundboard/MS sounder/M sounding/M soundless/Y soundness/UM soundproof/GDS soundproofing/M soundtrack/SM soup/MDGS soupcon/MS soupy/RT sour/MDRYTGSP source/ADSMG sourdough/M sourdoughs sourish sourness/M sourpuss/MS sousaphone/MS souse/DSMG south/M southbound southeast/ZMR southeaster/MY southeastern southeastward/S southerly/SM southern/SZMR southerner/M southernmost southpaw/SM southward/MS southwest/ZMR southwester/MY southwestern southwestward/S souvenir/SM sovereign/SM sovereignty/M soviet/SM sow's sow/ASGD sower/SM sown/A soy/M soybean/MS sozzled spa/SM space/DRSMZG spacecraft/MS spaceflight/MS spaceman/M spacemen spaceport/SM spacer/M spaceship/SM spacesuit/SM spacewalk/SGMD spacewoman/M spacewomen spacey spacial spacier spaciest spaciness/M spacing/M spacious/YP spaciousness/M spade/DSMG spadeful/MS spadework/M spadices spadix/M spaghetti/M spake spam/S spamblock/S spammed spammer/SM spamming span/MS spandex/M spangle/DSMG spangly spaniel/SM spank/SMDGJ spanking/M spanned spanner/SM spanning spar/MS spare/DRSMYTGP spareness/M spareribs/M sparing/UY spark/SMDYG sparkle/DRSMZG sparkler/M sparky/RT sparred sparring sparrow/SM sparrowhawk/S sparse/RYTP sparseness/M sparsity/M spartan spasm/SM spasmodic spasmodically spastic/SM spat/MS spate/SM spathe/SM spatial/Y spatted spatter/SGMD spatting spatula/SM spavin/MD spawn/SMDG spay/DGS speak/SRZGJ speakeasy/SM speaker/M speakerphone/S spear/SMDG spearfish/GMDS spearhead/GMDS spearmint/M spec/MS special/SMY specialism/S specialist/MS specialization/MS specialize/GDS specialty/SM specie/SM species/M specif specifiable specific/MS specifically specification/M specificity/M specified/U specify/XNZDRSG specimen/SM specious/YP speciousness/M speck/SMDG speckle/MGDS specs/M spectacle/SM spectacles/M spectacular/MYS spectate/DSG spectator/SM spectra spectral spectre/MS spectrometer/MS spectroscope/MS spectroscopic spectroscopy/M spectrum/M speculate/DSXGNV speculation/M speculative/Y speculator/MS sped speech/MS speechify/DSG speechless/YP speechlessness/M speechwriter/S speed/SMRZG speedboat/SM speeder/M speedily speediness/M speeding/M speedometer/MS speedster/SM speedup/MS speedway/SM speedwell/M speedy/TPR speleological speleologist/MS speleology/M spell/JSMDRZG spellbind/ZGRS spellbinder/M spellbound spellchecker/S spelldown/SM speller/M spelling/M spelunker/MS spelunking/M spend/BSRZG spender/M spending/M spendthrift/MS spent/U sperm/SM spermatozoa spermatozoon/M spermicidal spermicide/MS spew/MDRZGS spewer/M sphagnum/MS sphere/SM spherical/Y spheroid/SM spheroidal sphincter/MS sphinx/MS spic/S spice/DSMG spicily spiciness/M spicule/MS spicy/PRT spider/SM spiderweb/MS spidery/RT spiel/SMDG spiff/SDG spiffy/TR spigot/SM spike/DSMG spikiness/M spiky/RPT spill/SMDG spillage/MS spillover/SM spillway/MS spin/MS spinach/M spinal/SMY spindle/MGDS spindly/TR spine/SM spineless/YP spinet/SM spinnaker/SM spinner/MS spinneret/SM spinney/S spinning/M spinster/SM spinsterhood/M spinsterish spiny/RT spiracle/SM spiral/SMY spiralled spiralling spire's spire/IFAS spirea/SM spirit's spirit/ISGD spirited/Y spiritless spiritual/MYS spiritualism/M spiritualist/MS spiritualistic spirituality/M spirituous spirochete/SM spiry spit/MDGS spitball/SM spite/ASM spiteful/PY spitefuller spitefullest spitefulness/M spitfire/SM spitted spitting spittle/M spittoon/MS spiv/S splash/GMDS splashdown/MS splashily splashiness/M splashy/RTP splat/SM splatted splatter/GSMD splatting splay/SMDG splayfeet splayfoot/MD spleen/SM splendid/RYT splendorous splendour/SM splenetic splice/DRSMZG splicer/M spliff/S spline/S splint/SZGMDR splinter/MDG splintery split/SM splitting/MS splodge/S splosh/DSG splotch/MDSG splotchy/TR splurge/DSMG splutter/GMDS spoil's spoil/CSDRZG spoilage/M spoiled/U spoiler/CM spoilsport/MS spoke/SM spoken/U spokesman/M spokesmen spokespeople spokesperson/MS spokeswoman/M spokeswomen spoliation/CM sponge/DRSMZG spongecake/M sponger/M sponginess/M spongy/RPT sponsor/MDGS sponsorship/M spontaneity/M spontaneous/Y spoof/SMDG spook/SMDG spookiness/M spooky/RPT spool/SMDG spoon/SMDG spoonbill/MS spoonerism/MS spoonful/SM spoor/SMDG sporadic sporadically spore/DSMG sporran/S sport/SMDGV sportiness/M sporting/Y sportive/Y sportscast/MRZGS sportscaster/M sportsman/M sportsmanlike/U sportsmanship/M sportsmen sportspeople sportsperson sportswear/M sportswoman/M sportswomen sportswriter/SM sporty/TPR spot/CMS spotless/PY spotlessness/M spotlight/GSMD spotlit spotted spotter/MS spottily spottiness/M spotting spotty/TPR spousal/MS spouse/SM spout/SMDG sprain/GSMD sprang sprat/SM sprawl/GSMD spray's spray/ASDG sprayer/MS spread/ZGBSMR spreadeagled spreader/M spreadsheet/MS spree/DSM spreeing sprig/SM sprigged sprightliness/M sprightly/RTP spring/GSM springboard/MS springbok/MS springily springiness/M springlike springtime/M springy/RPT sprinkle/DRSJMZG sprinkler/M sprinkling/M sprint/ZGSMDR sprinter/M sprite/SM spritz/ZGMDRS spritzer/M sprocket/MS sprog/S sprout/GSMD spruce/DRSPMYTG spruceness/M sprung spry/RYT spryness/M spud/MS spume/DSMG spumoni/M spumy/RT spun spunk/SM spunky/TR spur/MS spurge/M spurious/PY spuriousness/M spurn/SDG spurred spurring spurt/SMDG sputa sputnik/MS sputter/MDGS sputum/M spy/GDSM spyglass/MS spymaster/S sq sqq squab/SM squabble/MZGDRS squabbler/M squad/SM squadron/MS squalid/PTRY squalidness/M squall/SGMD squally/TR squalor/M squamous squander/GDS square/PDRSMYTG squareness/M squarish squash/GMDS squashy/TR squat/SMP squatness/M squatted squatter/MS squattest squatting squaw/SM squawk/SZGMDR squawker/M squeak/SZGMDR squeaker/M squeakily squeakiness/M squeaky/TRP squeal/SZGMDR squealer/M squeamish/PY squeamishness/M squeegee/MDS squeegeeing squeeze/BMZGDRS squeezebox/S squeezer/M squelch/GMDS squelchy/RT squib/SM squid/SM squidgy squiffy squiggle/DSMG squiggly/RT squint/STGMDR squire/DSMG squirm/SGMD squirmy/RT squirrel/SM squirrelled squirrelling squirt/SGMD squish/GMDS squishy/RT ssh st stab/MYS stabbed stabber/MS stabbing/MS stability/IM stabilization/CM stabilize/CDSG stabilizer/MS stable/DRSMTG stableman/M stablemate/S stablemen stably/U staccato/MS stack/SMDG stadium/MS staff's staff/ASDG staffer/MS staffing/M stag/MDGSJ stage/SM stagecoach/MS stagecraft/M stagehand/MS stagestruck stagflation/M stagger/MDGS staggering/Y staging/M stagnancy/M stagnant/Y stagnate/DSGN stagnation/M stagy/RT staid/PRYT staidness/M stain/SMDG stained/U stainless/M stair/SM staircase/MS stairway/MS stairwell/SM stake/DSMG stakeholder/MS stakeout/SM stalactite/MS stalagmite/MS stale/DRSTGP stalemate/DSMG staleness/M stalk/SMDRJZG stalker/M stalking/M stall's stall/ISDG stallholder/S stallion/MS stalwart/MYS stamen/SM stamina/M stammer/ZGMDRS stammerer/M stammering/Y stamp/SMDRZG stampede/MGDS stamper/M stance/ISM stanch/TGDRS stanchion/SM stand/SMRJZG standalone standard/MS standardization/M standardize/DSG standby/M standbys standee/MS stander/M standing/M standoff/MS standoffish standout/MS standpipe/SM standpoint/MS standstill/MS stank stanza/SM staph/M staphylococcal staphylococcus/Mi staple/DRSMZG stapler/M star/MDRZGS starboard/M starch/GMDS starchily starchiness/M starchy/PTR stardom/M stardust/M stare/SM starer/M starfish/MS starfruit stargaze/DRSZG stargazer/M stark/RYPZT starkness/M starless starlet/MS starlight/M starling/SM starlit starred starring starry/TR starstruck start/ASMDG starter/MS startle/GDS startling/Y starvation/M starve/DSJG starveling/MS stash/MDSG stasis stat/MS state/DRSMYGNLX statecraft/M stated/U statehood/M statehouse/MS stateless/P statelessness/M stateliness/M stately/PRT statement/AMS statemented statementing stateroom/MS stateside statesman/M statesmanlike statesmanship/M statesmen stateswoman/M stateswomen statewide static/SM statically station/MDRZG stationary stationer/M stationery/M stationmaster/S statistic/MS statistical/Y statistician/SM statuary/M statue/SM statuesque statuette/MS stature/MS status/MS statute/MS statutorily statutory staunch/PDRSYTG staunchness/M stave/DSMG stay/MDRZGS std stdio stead/SM steadfast/YP steadfastness/M steadily/U steadiness/UM steady/TGPDRSM steak/SM steakhouse/SM steal/SMHG stealth/M stealthily stealthiness/M stealthy/TPR steam/SMDRZG steamboat/MS steamer/M steamfitter/SM steamfitting/M steaminess/M steamroll/ZGDRS steamroller/MDG steamship/MS steamy/TPR steed/SM steel/SMDG steeliness/M steelmaker/S steelworker/SM steelworks/M steely/PTR steelyard/SM steep/SMDNRYPXTG steepen/GD steeple/MS steeplechase/MS steeplejack/SM steepness/M steer/SMDBG steerage/M steering/M steersman/M steersmen stegosaurus/MSi stein/SM stellar stem/MS stemless stemmed stemming stemware/M stench/MS stencil/MS stencilled stencilling steno/SM stenographer/SM stenographic stenography/M stentorian step/IMS stepbrother/SM stepchild/M stepchildren stepdaughter/SM stepfather/SM stepladder/MS stepmother/SM stepparent/SM steppe/DRSMZG stepper/M steppingstone/SM stepsister/MS stepson/MS stereo/SM stereophonic stereoscope/MS stereoscopic stereotype/DSMG stereotypical sterile sterility/M sterilization/SM sterilize/DRSZG sterilizer/M sterling/M stern/SMRYPT sternness/M sternum/MS steroid/MS steroidal stertorous stet/S stethoscope/MS stetson/MS stetted stetting stevedore/SM stew/MDGS steward/GMDS stewardess/MS stewardship/M stick/SMRZG sticker/M stickily stickiness/M stickleback/SM stickler/MS stickpin/MS stickup/MS sticky/PTRSM stiff/SMDNRYPXTG stiffen/ZGDR stiffener/M stiffening/M stiffness/M stifle/DSJG stifling/Y stigma/SM stigmata stigmatic stigmatization/M stigmatize/GDS stile/SM stiletto/SM still's still/ITGSD stillbirth/M stillbirths stillborn stiller stillness/M stilt/SMD stilted/Y stimulant/SM stimulate/DSGNV stimulation/M stimulus/iM sting/ZGSMR stinger/M stingily stinginess/M stingray/SM stingy/RTP stink/ZGSMR stinkbug/SM stinker/M stinky/RT stint/GSMD stipend/SM stipendiary/S stipple/DSMG stippling/M stipulate/XDSGN stipulation/M stir/MS stirred stirrer/SM stirring/SY stirrup/SM stitch's stitch/ADSG stitchery/M stitching/M stoat/SM stochastic stock's stock/AGSD stockade/DSMG stockbreeder/MS stockbroker/SM stockbroking/M stockholder/SM stockily stockiness/M stockinette/M stocking/SM stockist/S stockpile/MGDS stockpot/SM stockroom/MS stocktaking/M stocky/RTP stockyard/MS stodge stodgily stodginess/M stodgy/RTP stogie/MS stoic/SM stoical/Y stoicism/M stoke/DRSZG stoker/M stole/SM stolen stolid/RYTP stolidity/M stolidness/M stolon/MS stomach/MDRZG stomachache/SM stomacher/M stomachs stomp/GSMD stone/DSMG stonemason/MS stonewall/GSD stoneware/M stonewashed stonework/M stonily stoniness/M stonkered stonking stony/TRP stood stooge/MS stool/SM stoop/GSMD stop's stop/US stopcock/SM stopgap/SM stoplight/MS stopover/MS stoppable/U stoppage/MS stopped/U stopper/GSMD stopping/U stopple/DSMG stopwatch/MS storage/M store's store/ADSG storefront/MS storehouse/MS storekeeper/SM storeroom/SM storey/MS stork/SM storm/GSMD stormily storminess/M stormy/RPT story/DSM storyboard/MS storybook/SM storyteller/MS storytelling/M stoup/SM stout/TSMRYP stouthearted stoutness/M stove/SM stovepipe/SM stow/DGS stowage/M stowaway/MS straddle/DRSMZG straddler/M strafe/MGDS straggle/DRSZG straggler/M straggly/TR straight/SPXTMNRY straightaway/SM straightedge/SM straighten/ZGDR straightener/M straightforward/YPS straightforwardness/M straightness/M straightway strain's strain/FADSG strainer/ASM strait/MNSX straiten/GD straitjacket/SGMD straitlaced strand/MDSG strange/PRYZT strangeness/M stranger/M strangle/ZGDRS stranglehold/SM strangler/M strangulate/GNDS strangulation/M strap's strap/US strapless/MS strapped/U strapping/M strata stratagem/SM strategic/S strategical/Y strategics/M strategist/SM strategy/SM stratification/M stratify/DSGN stratosphere/SM stratospheric stratum/M stratus/iM straw/GSMD strawberry/SM stray/GSMD streak/MDRSZG streaker/M streaky/TR stream/MDRSZG streamer/M streamline/DSG street/MS streetcar/MS streetlamp/S streetlight/SM streetwalker/SM streetwise strength/M strengthen/AGDS strengthener/MS strengths strenuous/PY strenuousness/M strep/M streptococcal streptococcus/iM streptomycin/M stress/MDSG stressed/U stressful stretch/BZGMDRS stretcher/MDG stretchmarks stretchy/TR strew/GSDH strewn stria/M striae striated striation/MS stricken strict/RYPT strictness/M stricture/SM stridden stride/MGS stridency/M strident/Y strife/M strike/MZGRSJ strikebound strikebreaker/SM strikebreaking strikeout/MS striker/M striking/Y string/MDRSZG stringency/M stringent/Y stringer/M stringiness/M stringy/PTR strip/GSMD stripe/MS stripey stripling/MS stripped stripper/MS stripping striptease/MZGDRS stripteaser/M stripy/RT strive/GS striven strobe/MS stroboscope/MS stroboscopic strode stroke/MGDS stroll/MDRSZG stroller/M strong/RYT strongbox/MS stronghold/MS strongman/M strongmen strongroom/S strontium/M strop/SM strophe/SM strophic stropped stroppily stropping stroppy/TRP strove struck structural/Y structuralism structuralist/S structure's structure/AGDS structured/U strudel/SM struggle/MGDS strum/SM strummed strumming strumpet/MS strung/UA strut/SM strutted strutting strychnine/M stub/MS stubbed stubbing stubble/M stubbly/TR stubborn/RYPT stubbornness/M stubby/RT stucco/MDG stuccoes stuck/U stud/MYS studbook/MS studded studding/M student/SM studentship/S studied/U studiedly studio/MS studious/PY studiousness/M studly/RT study's study/AGDS stuff/GSMD stuffily stuffiness/M stuffing/M stuffy/RPT stultification/M stultify/DSNG stumble/DRSMZG stumbler/M stump/GSMD stumpy/TR stun/S stung stunk stunned stunner/S stunning/Y stunt/GSMD stuntman stuntmen stupefaction/M stupefy/DSG stupendous/Y stupid/TMRYS stupidity/SM stupor/MS sturdily sturdiness/M sturdy/TRP sturgeon/SM stutter/MDRSZG stutterer/M sty/SM style's style/ADSG stylish/PY stylishness/M stylist/SM stylistic/S stylistically stylize/DSG stylus/MSi stymie/MDS stymieing styptic/SM suasion/EM suave/RYTP suaveness/M suavity/M sub/SM subaltern/MS subaqua subarctic subarea/MS subatomic subbasement/SM subbed subbing subbranch/MS subcategory/SM subclass subcommittee/SM subcompact/SM subconscious/PMY subconsciousness/M subcontinent/SM subcontinental subcontract/MDSG subcontractor/MS subculture/MS subcutaneous/Y subdivide/GDS subdivision/SM subdue/DSG subeditor/S subfamily/SM subfreezing subgroup/MS subhead/GJMS subheading/M subhuman/MS subj subject/GVMDS subjection/M subjective/Y subjectivity/M subjoin/GDS subjugate/GNDS subjugation/M subjunctive/SM sublease/MGDS sublet/SM subletting sublieutenant/S sublimate/GNDS sublimation/M sublime/YTGDRS subliminal/Y sublimity/M submarginal submarine/MZRS submariner/M submerge/GDS submergence/M submerse/GNDS submersible/MS submersion/M submicroscopic submission/MS submissive/PY submissiveness/M submit/AS submitted/A submitter submitting/A subnormal suborbital suborder/MS subordinate/DSMGN subordination/IM suborn/SGD subornation/M subplot/MS subpoena/GMDS subprofessional/SM subprogram/S subroutine/SM subscribe/UASDG subscriber/MS subscript/MS subscription/MS subsection/MS subsequent/Y subservience/M subservient/Y subset/SM subside/GDS subsidence/M subsidiarity subsidiary/SM subsidization/M subsidize/ZGDRS subsidizer/M subsidy/SM subsist/SDG subsistence/M subsoil/M subsonic subspace subspecies/M substance/SM substandard substantial/IY substantiate/GNDSX substantiated/U substantiation/FM substantive/SMY substation/MS substitute/XMGNDS substitution/M substrata substrate/MS substratum/M substructure/SM subsume/DSG subsurface/M subsystem/SM subteen/SM subtenancy/M subtenant/SM subtend/SDG subterfuge/SM subterranean subtext/SM subtitle/DSMG subtle/TR subtlety/SM subtly subtopic/SM subtotal/SM subtotalled subtotalling subtract/GSD subtraction/SM subtrahend/SM subtropic/S subtropical subtropics/M suburb/MS suburban/SM suburbanite/SM suburbia/M subvention/SM subversion/M subversive/SPMY subversiveness/M subvert/SDG subway/MS subzero succeed/GDS success/VMS successful/UY succession/SM successive/Y successor/SM succinct/RYTP succinctness/M succotash/M succour/GMDS succubus/i succulence/M succulency/M succulent/SM succumb/GDS such suchlike suck/MDRZGS sucker/GMD suckle/DSJG suckling/M sucrose/M suction/SMDG sudden/PY suddenness/M suds/M sudsy/TR sue/DSG suede/M suet/M suety suffer/DRZGSJ sufferance/M sufferer/M suffering/M suffice/DSG sufficiency/IM sufficient/IY suffix/MDSG suffixation/M suffocate/GNDS suffocation/M suffragan/MS suffrage/M suffragette/SM suffragist/MS suffuse/DSGN suffusion/M sugar/GSMD sugarcane/M sugarcoat/GDS sugarless sugarplum/MS sugary/RT suggest/GVSDR suggestibility/M suggestible suggestion/SM suggestive/YP suggestiveness/M suicidal suicide/SM suit/BMDGS suitability/UM suitableness/M suitably/U suitcase/SM suite/SM suited/U suiting/M suitor/MS sukiyaki/M sulfa/M sulk/MDGS sulkily sulkiness/M sulky/TRSMP sullen/RYPT sullenness/M sullied/U sully/GDS sulphate/MS sulphide/MS sulphur/SMDG sulphuric sulphurous sultan/MS sultana/SM sultanate/MS sultrily sultriness/M sultry/RPT sum/SM sumac/M summarily summarize/GDS summary/SM summat summation/FMS summed summer/MDSG summerhouse/SM summertime/M summery/RT summing summit/MS summitry/M summon/DRSZG summoner/M summons/GMDS sumo/M sump/MS sumptuous/PY sumptuousness/M sun/SM sunbath/ZGMDRS sunbathe sunbather/M sunbathing/M sunbaths sunbeam/SM sunbed/S sunbelt sunblock/MS sunbonnet/SM sunburn/SGMD sunburst/MS sundae/MS sundeck/S sunder/DSG sundial/SM sundown/SM sundress/S sundries/M sundry/S sunfish/MS sunflower/MS sung/U sunglasses/M sunhat/S sunk/N sunlamp/SM sunless sunlight/M sunlit sunned sunniness/M sunning sunny/TRP sunrise/SM sunroof/SM sunscreen/MS sunset/MS sunshade/MS sunshine/M sunshiny sunspot/SM sunspots/S sunstroke/M suntan/MS suntanned suntanning suntrap/S sunup/M sup/SZMR super/M superabundance/MS superabundant superannuate/GNDS superannuation/M superb/RYT supercargo/M supercargoes supercharge/ZGDRS supercharger/M supercilious/PY superciliousness/M supercity/SM supercomputer/MS superconducting superconductive superconductivity/M superconductor/SM superego/MS supererogation/M supererogatory superficial/Y superficiality/M superfine superfluity/M superfluous/YP superfluousness/M superglue supergrass/S superhero/MS superheroes superhighway/SM superhuman superimpose/GDS superimposition/M superintend/DSG superintendence/M superintendency/M superintendent/SM superior/MS superiority/M superlative/SMY superman/M supermarket/SM supermen supermodel/S supermom/MS supernal supernatural/SY supernova/MS supernovae supernumerary/SM superpose/GDS superposition/M superpower/SM supersaturate/GNDS supersaturation/M superscribe/GDS superscript/MS superscription/M supersede/GDS supersonic superstar/MS superstate/S superstition/MS superstitious/Y superstore/MS superstructure/MS supertanker/MS superuser/S supervene/GDS supervention/M supervise/XGNDS supervised/U supervision/M supervisor/MS supervisory superwoman/M superwomen supine/Y supp/DRZG supper/M suppertime suppl supplant/SDG supple/TLPR supplement/MDGS supplemental supplementary supplementation/M suppleness/M suppliant/SM supplicant/MS supplicate/GDS supplication/M supplier/M supply/ZGDRSMXN support/MDRSBZGV supportable/UI supported/U supporter/M suppose/GDS supposed/Y supposition/MS suppository/SM suppress/GDS suppressant/MS suppressible suppression/M suppressor/SM suppurate/DSGN suppuration/M supra supranational supremacist/MS supremacy/M supreme/Y supremo/S supt surcease/DSMG surcharge/DSMG surcingle/SM sure/PYTR surefire surefooted sureness/M surety/SM surf/MDRZGS surface's surface/AGDS surfboard/MDSG surfeit/MDSG surfer/M surfing/M surge/DSMG surgeon/MS surgery/SM surgical/Y surliness/M surly/PTR surmise/MGDS surmount/DGSB surmountable/I surname/MS surpass/GDS surpassed/U surplice/MS surplus/MS surplussed surplussing surprise/DSMGJ surprising/UY surreal surrealism/M surrealist/SM surrealistic surrealistically surrender/MDSG surreptitious/PY surreptitiousness/M surrey/MS surrogacy/M surrogate/SM surround/GSDJ surrounding/M surroundings/M surtax/MDSG surtitle/S surveillance/M survey's survey/ADGS surveying/M surveyor/SM survival/SM survivalist/SM survive/DSGB survivor/SM susceptibility/SM susceptible/I sushi/M suspect/SMDG suspected/U suspend/SDRZG suspender/M suspense/XMN suspenseful suspension/M suspicion/SM suspicious/Y suss/DSG sustain/SDBG sustainability sustainable/U sustenance/M sutler/MS suttee suture/MGDS suzerain/MS suzerainty/M svelte/TR swab/MS swabbed swabbing swaddle/DSG swag/MS swagged swagger/SMDRG swagging swain/SM swallow/GSMD swallowtail/MS swam swami/SM swamp/GSMD swampland/M swampy/RT swan/MS swank/TGSMDR swankily swankiness/M swanky/RPT swanned swanning swansong/S swap/MS swapped swapping sward/SM swarm/GSMD swarthy/TR swash/GMDS swashbuckler/SM swashbuckling/M swastika/SM swat/MS swatch/MS swath/GMDS swathe/M swaths swatted swatter/SMDG swatting sway/MDGS swayback/MD swayed/U swear/ZGSR swearer/M swearword/MS sweat/ZGSMDR sweatband/MS sweater/M sweatpants/M sweats/M sweatshirt/SM sweatshop/MS sweatsuit/S sweaty/RT swede/SM sweep/ZGSMRJ sweeper/M sweeping/MY sweepings/M sweepstakes/M sweet/XTSMNRYP sweetbread/SM sweetbrier/SM sweetcorn sweetened/U sweetener/MS sweetening/M sweetheart/SM sweetie/SM sweetish sweetmeat/MS sweetness/M swell/TGSMDRJ swellhead/MDS swelling/M swelter/SGMD swept sweptback swerve/MGDS swerving/U swift/PTSMRY swiftness/M swig/MS swigged swigging swill/GSMD swim/MS swimmer/SM swimming/MY swimsuit/SM swimwear swindle/DRSMZG swindler/M swine/SM swineherd/SM swing/ZGSMR swingeing swinger/M swinish swipe/DSMG swirl/GSMD swirly/RT swish/TGMDRS switch/MDRSZGB switchback/MS switchblade/SM switchboard/SM switcher/M swivel/MS swivelled swivelling swiz swizz swizzle/DSG swollen swoon/SGMD swoop/SGMD swoosh/MDSG sword/SM swordfish/MS swordplay/M swordsman/M swordsmanship/M swordsmen swore sworn swot/S swotted swotting swum swung sybarite/SM sybaritic sycamore/MS sycophancy/M sycophant/SM sycophantic syllabic syllabicate/GNDS syllabication/M syllabification/M syllabify/DSNG syllable/MS syllabub/S syllabus/MS syllogism/MS syllogistic sylph/M sylphic sylphlike sylphs sylvan symbioses symbiosis/M symbiotic symbiotically symbol/MS symbolic symbolical/Y symbolism/M symbolization/M symbolize/DSG symmetric symmetrical/Y symmetry/SM sympathetic/U sympathetically/U sympathies/M sympathize/ZGDRS sympathizer/M sympathy/SM symphonic symphony/SM symposium/MS symptom/MS symptomatic symptomatically syn synagogal synagogue/SM synapse/MS synaptic sync/MDSG synchronicity synchronization/SM synchronize/GDS synchronous/Y syncopate/DSGN syncopation/M syncope/M syndicalism syndicalist/S syndicate/DSMGN syndication/M syndrome/SM synergism/M synergistic synergy/SM synfuel/MS synod/SM synonym/SM synonymous synonymy/M synopses synopsis/M synoptic syntactic syntactical/Y syntax/M syntheses synthesis/M synthesize/ZGDRS synthesizer/M synthetic/SM synthetically syphilis/M syphilitic/SM syringe/DSMG syrup/SM syrupy sysadmin/S sysop/S system/SM systematic/U systematical/Y systematization/M systematize/GDS systemic/MS systemically systole/SM systolic t/SNXGBJ ta/D tab/SM tabbed tabbing tabbouleh/M tabby/SM tabernacle/SM tabla/MS table/MGDS tableau/M tableaux tablecloth/M tablecloths tableland/SM tablespoon/SM tablespoonful/SM tablet/SM tabletop/MS tableware/M tabloid/SM taboo/MDSG tabor/MS tabular tabulate/DSGNX tabulation/M tabulator/SM tachograph tachographs tachometer/SM tachycardia/M tacit/PY tacitness/M taciturn/Y taciturnity/M tack/ZGMDRS tacker/M tackiness/M tackle/DRSMZG tackler/M tacky/RTP taco/MS tact/FM tactful/YP tactfulness/M tactic/SM tactical/Y tactician/MS tactile tactility/M tactless/PY tactlessness/M tad/SM tadpole/MS taffeta/M taffrail/SM taffy/SM tag/SM tagged tagger/SM tagging tagliatelle taiga/MS tail/ACSDMG tailback/MS tailboard/S tailbone/S tailcoat/MS tailgate/MZGDRS tailgater/M tailless taillight/MS tailor/SGMD tailoring/M tailpiece/S tailpipe/SM tailspin/SM tailwind/SM taint/MDSG tainted/U take/AIMS takeaway/S taken/A takeoff/MS takeout/MS takeover/SM taker/MS taking/SM takings/M talc/M talcum/M tale/MS talebearer/MS talent/SMD talented/U talisman/MS talk/ZGMDRS talkative/PY talkativeness/M talker/M talkie/RSMT talky tall/TRP tallboy/MS tallier/M tallish tallness/M tallow/M tallowy tally/DRSMZG tallyho/MDGS talon/MS talus/iMS tam/SM tamale/SM tamarack/MS tamarind/MS tambourine/MS tame/BYZTGDRSP tamed/U tameness/M tamer/M tamoxifen tamp/ZGDRS tamper/ZGDR tamperer/M tampon/SM tan/SM tanager/MS tanbark/M tandem/SM tandoori/M tang/MS tangelo/MS tangent/MS tangential/Y tangerine/MS tangibility/IM tangible/IMS tangibleness/M tangibly/I tangle's tangle/UDSG tango/MDSG tangy/RT tank/ZGMDRS tankard/MS tanker/M tankful/MS tanned/U tanner/SM tannery/SM tannest tannin/M tanning/M tansy/M tantalization/M tantalize/ZGDRS tantalizer/M tantalizing/Y tantalum/M tantamount tantra/M tantrum/SM tap/SZGMDR tapas tape/MS tapeline/MS taper/MDG tapestry/SM tapeworm/MS tapioca/M tapir/MS tapped/U tapper/MS tappet/MS tapping taproom/SM taproot/SM tar/SGMD taramasalata tarantella/MS tarantula/SM tarball/S tardily tardiness/M tardy/TPR tare/MS target/MDGS tariff/MS tarmac/MS tarmacadam tarmacked tarmacking tarn/MS tarnish/GMDS tarnished/U taro/MS tarot/MS tarp/MS tarpaulin/MS tarpon/MS tarragon/SM tarred tarring tarry/TGDRS tarsal/MS tarsus/Mi tart/PTGMDRYS tartan/MS tartar/MS tartaric tartness/M tarty/T task/GMDS taskmaster/MS taskmistress/MS tassel/MS tasselled tasselling taste/JMZGDRS tasted/U tasteful/EPY tastefulness/EM tasteless/PY tastelessness/M taster/M tastily tastiness/M tasting/M tasty/TRP tat/SZR tatami/MS tater/M tatted tatter/MDSG tatterdemalion/MS tattie tatting/M tattle/MZGDRS tattler/M tattletale/MS tattoo/MDRSZG tattooer/M tattooist/SM tatty/TRS tau/SM taught/UA taunt/ZGMDRS taunter/M taunting/Y taupe/M taut/PXTNRY tauten/DG tautness/M tautological/Y tautologous tautology/SM tavern/MS tawdrily tawdriness/M tawdry/RTP tawny/TRM tax/BZGMDRS taxation/M taxer/M taxi/GMDS taxicab/SM taxidermist/SM taxidermy/M taximeter/MS taxiway/S taxman taxmen taxonomic taxonomist/MS taxonomy/SM taxpayer/MS taxpaying tbs tbsp tea/SM teabag/S teacake/SM teach/ZGRSBJ teachable/U teacher/M teaching/M teacup/MS teacupful/MS teak/MS teakettle/SM teal/MS team/GMDS teammate/MS teamster/MS teamwork/M teapot/MS tear/GMDS tearaway/S teardrop/SM tearful/Y teargas/MS teargassed teargassing tearjerker/MS tearoom/SM teary/TR tease/MZGDRS teasel/MS teaser/M teasing/Y teaspoon/SM teaspoonful/SM teat/MS teatime/S tech/M techie/S technetium/M technical/Y technicality/SM technician/SM technicolor technique/SM techno technocracy/SM technocrat/MS technocratic technological/Y technologist/MS technology/SM technophobe/S techs tectonic/S tectonics/M teddy/S tedious/PY tediousness/M tedium/M teds tee/DSMH teeing teem/GDS teen/MS teenage/RZ teenager/M teeny/TR teenybopper/MS teeter/MDSG teethe/GDS teething/M teetotal teetotalism/M teetotaller/MS tektite/SM tel telecast/SZGMR telecaster/M telecommunication/MS telecommunications/M telecommute/ZGDRS telecommuter/M telecommuting/M teleconference/MGDS teleconferencing/M telegenic telegram/MS telegraph/MDRZG telegrapher/M telegraphese telegraphic telegraphically telegraphist/SM telegraphs telegraphy/M telekinesis/M telekinetic telemarketer/SM telemarketing/M telemeter/SM telemetry/SM teleological teleology telepathic telepathically telepathy/M telephone/DRSMZG telephoner/M telephonic telephonist/S telephony/M telephoto/SM telephotography/M teleplay/MS teleprinter/MS teleprocessing/M teleprompter/SM telesales telescope/DSMG telescopic telescopically teletext/MS telethon/MS teletype/S teletypewriter/MS televangelism/M televangelist/MS televise/XGNDS television/M teleworker/S teleworking telex/MDSG tell/AGS teller/SM telling/Y telltale/SM tellurium/M telly/SM telnet temblor/MS temerity/M temp/MDRZTGS temper/MDG tempera/LSM temperament/MS temperamental/Y temperance/IM temperate/IY temperateness/M temperature/SM tempest/SM tempestuous/YP tempestuousness/M template's template/S temple/SM tempo/SM temporal/Y temporarily temporariness/M temporary/FSM temporize/ZGDRS temporizer/M tempt/SDRZG temptation/MS tempter/M tempting/Y temptress/MS tempura/M ten/BMH tenability/M tenable/U tenably tenacious/YP tenaciousness/M tenacity/M tenancy/SM tenant/SMDG tenanted/U tenantry/M tench tend/IEFDGS tended/U tendency/SM tendentious/YP tendentiousness/M tender/SMDRYTGP tenderfoot/MS tenderhearted/PY tenderheartedness/M tenderize/ZGDRS tenderizer/M tenderloin/SM tenderness/M tendinitis/M tendon/SM tendril/SM tenement/SM tenet/SM tenfold tenner/S tennis/M tenon/SMDG tenor/SM tenpin/SM tenpins/M tense/DRSMYTGNXP tenseness/M tensile tension/ESM tensity/IM tensor/S tent/DGSM tentacle/DSM tentative/PY tentativeness/M tenterhook/MS tenth/MY tenths tenuity/M tenuous/PY tenuousness/M tenure/DSMG tepee/SM tepid/YP tepidity/M tepidness/M tequila/SM terabit/SM terabyte/MS terahertz/M terbium/M tercentenary/SM tercentennial/SM term/MDYGS termagant/MS terminable/IC terminal/MYS terminate/DSGNX termination/CSM terminator/S terminological/Y terminology/SM terminus/Mi termite/SM tern/IMS ternary/SM terr terrace/DSMG terracotta/M terrain/SM terrapin/MS terrarium/SM terrazzo/MS terrestrial/SMY terrible/P terribleness/M terribly terrier/M terrific terrifically terrify/GDS terrifying/Y terrine/S territorial/MS territoriality territory/SM terror/SM terrorism/M terrorist/SM terrorize/DSG terry/RMZ terrycloth/M terse/RYTP terseness/M tertiary tessellate/DSXGN tessellation/M test's/AFK test/AKFCDGS testable/CF testament/MS testamentary testate/S testator/MS testatrices testatrix/M tested/U tester/KSM testes testicle/MS testicular testifier/M testify/ZGDRS testily testimonial/MS testimony/SM testiness/M testings testis/M testosterone/M testy/PRT tetanus/M tetchily tetchy/PRT tether/SMDG tetra/SM tetracycline/M tetrahedral tetrahedron/MS tetrameter/SM text/FMS textbook/SM textile/MS textual/FY textural texture/MGDS thalamus/Mi thalidomide/M thallium/M than thane/SM thank/SDG thankful/YP thankfulness/M thankless/PY thanklessness/M thanksgiving/SM that/M thatch/MDRSZG thatcher/M thatching/M thaw/MDGS the/JG theatre/SM theatregoer/MS theatrical/YS theatricality/M theatricals/M theatrics/M thee/S theft/SM their/S theism/M theist/SM theistic them thematic thematically theme/DSM themselves then/M thence thenceforth thenceforward theocracy/SM theocratic theodolite/S theologian/SM theological/Y theology/SM theorem/MS theoretic theoretical/Y theoretician/SM theorist/SM theorize/DSG theory/SM theosophic theosophical theosophist/SM theosophy/M therapeutic/S therapeutically therapeutics/M therapist/SM therapy/SM there/M thereabout/S thereafter thereat thereby therefor therefore therefrom therein thereof thereon thereto theretofore thereunto thereupon therewith therm/SM thermal/MYS thermionic thermodynamic/S thermodynamics/M thermometer/MS thermometric thermonuclear thermoplastic/SM thermos/MS thermostat/MS thermostatic thermostatically thesaurus/MSi these/S thesis/M thespian/SM theta/SM thew/MS they they'd they'll they're they've thiamine/M thick/PMNRYXT thicken/DRJZG thickener/M thickening/M thicket/MS thickheaded/M thickness/MS thicko/S thickset thief/M thieve/DSG thievery/M thieving/M thievish thigh/M thighbone/MS thighs thimble/MS thimbleful/SM thin/YSP thine thing/M thingamabob/SM thingamajig/SM thingumabob/S thingummy/S thingy/S think/SRBZG thinkable/U thinker/M thinking's thinned thinner/MS thinness/M thinnest thinning third/SMY thirst/SGMD thirstily thirstiness/M thirsty/TPR thirteen/SMH thirteenth/M thirteenths thirtieth/M thirtieths thirty/HSM this thistle/MS thistledown/M thither tho thole/SM thong/SM thoracic thorax/MS thorium/M thorn/SM thorniness/M thorny/PRT thorough/RYPT thoroughbred/MS thoroughfare/MS thoroughgoing thoroughness/M those thou/MS though thought/SM thoughtful/YP thoughtfulness/M thoughtless/PY thoughtlessness/M thousand/MHS thousandfold thousandth/M thousandths thrall/SMDG thralldom/M thrash/JMDRSZG thrasher/M thrashing/M thread/SMDRZG threadbare threader/M threadlike thready/TR threat/SMNX threaten/DG threatening/Y three/SM threefold threepence/M threescore/MS threesome/SM threnody/SM thresh/MDRSZG thresher/M threshold/SM threw thrice thrift/SM thriftily thriftiness/M thriftless thrifty/PTR thrill/SMDRZG thriller/M thrilling/Y thrive/DSG throat/SM throatily throatiness/M throaty/RTP throb/SM throbbed throbbing throe/SM thromboses thrombosis/M thrombotic thrombus/Mi throne's throne/S throng/GSMD throttle/DRSMZG throttler/M through throughout throughput/M throughway/MS throw/SMRZG throwaway/SM throwback/SM thrower/M thrown thrum/SM thrummed thrumming thrush/MS thrust/GSM thud/MS thudded thudding thug/MS thuggery/M thuggish thulium/M thumb/SMDG thumbnail/SM thumbprint/SM thumbscrew/SM thumbtack/SM thump/SMDG thumping/M thunder/ZGMDRS thunderbolt/SM thunderclap/SM thundercloud/MS thunderer/M thunderhead/SM thunderous/Y thundershower/SM thunderstorm/SM thunderstruck thundery thunk/S thus thwack/ZGSMDR thwacker/M thwart/GSMD thy thyme/M thymine/M thymus/MS thyroid/MS thyroidal thyself ti/MRZ tiara/SM tibia/M tibiae tibial tic/SM tick/MDRZGS ticker/M ticket/GSMD ticking/M tickle/DRSMZG tickler/M ticklish/YP ticklishness/M ticktacktoe/M ticktock/MS tidal/Y tidbit/SM tiddler/S tiddly tiddlywink/S tiddlywinks/M tide/MGJDS tideland/SM tidemark/S tidewater/MS tideway/MS tidily/U tidiness/UM tidings/M tidy/DRSMTGP tie's tie/AUSD tieback/MS tiebreak/RSZ tiebreaker/M tiepin/S tier/MD tiff/MDGS tiger/SM tigerish tight/SNRYPXT tighten/ZGDR tightener/M tightfisted tightness/M tightrope/MS tights/M tightwad/MS tigress/MS til tilde/SM tile/MZGDRS tiler/M tiling/M till's till/EDRZGS tillable tillage/M tiller/EM tilt/MDGS timber/SMDG timberland/M timberline/MS timbre/SM timbrel/SM time/MYZGJDRS timekeeper/MS timekeeping/M timeless/PY timelessness/M timeliness/UM timely/UPRT timeout/SM timepiece/MS timer/M timescale/S timeserver/SM timeserving/M timeshare/S timetable/DSMG timeworn timezone timid/RYTP timidity/M timidness/M timing/M timorous/PY timorousness/M timothy/M timpani/M timpanist/SM tin/SM tincture/MGDS tinder/M tinderbox/MS tine/MS tinfoil/M ting/MDYG tinge/SM tingeing tingle/DSMGJ tingling/M tingly/RT tininess/M tinker/ZGSMDR tinkerer/M tinkle/DSMG tinned tinniness/M tinning tinnitus/M tinny/PRT tinplate/M tinpot tinsel/SM tinselled tinselling tinsmith/M tinsmiths tint/MDGS tintinnabulation/MS tintype/MS tinware/M tiny/RTP tip/SM tipped tipper/SM tippet/SM tippex/GDS tipping tipple/DRSMZG tippler/M tipsily tipsiness/M tipster/MS tipsy/RPT tiptoe/DSM tiptoeing tiptop/SM tirade/SM tire's tire/AGDS tired/PRYT tiredness/M tireless/YP tirelessness/M tiresome/PY tiresomeness/M tissue/SM tit/SM titan/SM titanic titanium/M titch/S titchy tithe/DRSMZG tither/M titian/M titillate/DSGN titillating/Y titillation/M titivate/DSGN titivation/M title/DSMG titled/U titleholder/MS titlist/MS titmice titmouse/M titter/SGMD tittle/SM titty/S titular tizz tizzy/SM tn tnpk to/IU toad/MS toadded toadding toadstool/MS toady/DSMG toadyism/M toast/SMDRZG toaster/M toastmaster/SM toastmistress/MS toasty/TRS tobacco/MS tobacconist/SM toboggan/ZGSMDR tobogganer/M tobogganing/M toccata/S tocsin/SM today/M toddle/DRSMZG toddler/M toddy/SM toe/DSM toecap/SM toehold/MS toeing toenail/MS toerag/S toff/S toffee/SM tofu/M tog/SM toga/MDS together/P togetherness/M togged togging toggle/DSMG togs/M toil/MDRZGS toiler/M toilet/MDGS toiletry/SM toilette/M toilsome toke/MGDS token/SM tokenism/M told/AU tole/M tolerable/I tolerably/I tolerance/IM tolerances tolerant/IY tolerate/GNDS toleration/M toll/MDGS tollbooth/M tollbooths tollgate/SM tollway/SM toluene/M tom/SM tomahawk/SGMD tomato/M tomatoes tomb/MDGS tombola/S tomboy/MS tomboyish tombstone/MS tomcat/MS tome/MS tomfoolery/SM tomographic tomography/M tomorrow/MS tomtit/MS ton/SM tonal/Y tonality/SM tone's tone/IZGDRS tonearm/SM toneless/Y toner/IM tong/MDGS tongue/MGDS tongueless tonic/SM tonight/M tonnage/SM tonne/SM tonsil/MS tonsillectomy/SM tonsillitis/M tonsorial tonsure/DSMG tony/RT too took/A tool's tool/ADGS toolbar toolbox/MS toolkit toolmaker/MS toot/MDRZGS tooter/M tooth/MD toothache/MS toothbrush/MS toothily toothless toothpaste/SM toothpick/SM toothsome toothy/RT tootle/GDS tootsie/S top/SM topaz/MS topcoat/SM topdressing/SM topee/S topflight topi topiary/M topic/SM topical/Y topicality/M topknot/SM topless topmast/SM topmost topnotch topographer/SM topographic topographical/Y topography/SM topological/Y topology topped topper/MS topping/SM topple/GDS topsail/SM topside/SM topsoil/M topspin/M toque/SM tor/SM torch/GMDS torchbearer/MS torchlight/M tore toreador/MS torment/SMDG tormenting/Y tormentor/MS torn tornado/M tornadoes torpedo/GMD torpedoes torpid/Y torpidity/M torpor/M torque/MGDS torrent/SM torrential torrid/RYPT torridity/M torridness/M torsion/M torsional torso/SM tort's tort/FEAS torte/SM tortellini/M tortilla/MS tortoise/MS tortoiseshell/SM tortoni/M tortuous/PY tortuousness/M torture/DRSMZG torturer/M torturous torus tosh toss/MDRSZG tossup/MS tot/SGMD total/SMY totalisator/MS totalitarian/SM totalitarianism/M totality/SM totalled totalling tote/MS totem/SM totemic totted totter/ZGMDRS totterer/M totting toucan/MS touch/AGMDS touchdown/SM touche/BJ touched/U touchily touchiness/M touching/Y touchline/S touchpaper/S touchscreen/MS touchstone/MS touchy/RPT tough/XTGMDNRYP toughen/ZGDR toughener/M toughie/SM toughness/M toughs toupee/MS tour/CFSGDM tourism/M tourist/MS touristic touristy tourmaline/M tournament/SM tourney/MS tourniquet/MS tousle/GDS tout/MDGS tow/SZGMDR toward/S towboat/MS towel/SM towelette/SM towelled towelling/SM tower/GMD towhead/MDS towhee/MS towline/MS town/MS townee/S townhouse/MS townie/MS townsfolk/M township/MS townsman/M townsmen townspeople/M townswoman/M townswomen towpath/M towpaths towrope/SM toxemia/M toxic toxicity/SM toxicological toxicologist/SM toxicology/M toxin/SM toy/SGMD toyboy/S tr trace/JDRSMZG traceable/U tracer/M tracery/SM trachea/M tracheae tracheal tracheotomy/SM tracing/M track/ZGSMDR trackball/SM tracker/M trackless tracksuit/S tract's tract/CEKFAS tractability/IM tractable/I tractably/I traction/EFACKM tractor/FCKMS trad trade/JDRSMZG trademark/SGMD trader/M tradesman/M tradesmen tradespeople/M tradeswoman/M tradeswomen trading/M tradition/MS traditional/Y traditionalism/M traditionalist/SM traduce/DRSZG traducer/M traffic/SM trafficked trafficker/SM trafficking/M tragedian/SM tragedienne/MS tragedy/SM tragic tragically tragicomedy/SM tragicomic trail/ZGSMDR trailblazer/MS trailblazing/M trailer/M train/ZGSMDRB trained/U trainee/SM trainer/M training/M trainload/MS trainman/M trainmen trainspotter/S trainspotting traipse/DSMG trait/SM traitor/SM traitorous/Y trajectory/SM tram/MS tramcar/S tramlines trammed trammel/SM trammelled/U trammelling tramming tramp/ZGSMDR tramper/M trample/DRSMZG trampler/M trampoline/MGDS tramway/S trance/MS tranche/S tranquil/RYT tranquility/M tranquilize/ZGDRS tranquilizer/M trans/I transact/DGS transaction/SM transactor/MS transatlantic transceiver/SM transcend/GSD transcendence/M transcendent transcendental/Y transcendentalism/M transcendentalist/SM transcontinental transcribe/ZGDRS transcriber/M transcript/MS transcription/SM transducer/MS transect/DSG transept/MS transfer/MBS transferal/MS transference/M transferred transferring transfiguration/M transfigure/GDS transfinite transfix/DSG transform/BSZGMDR transformation/SM transformer/M transfuse/DSXGN transfusion/M transgender/S transgenic transgress/GDS transgression/SM transgressor/SM transience/M transiency/M transient/SMY transistor/SM transistorize/DSG transit/SGMD transition/GSMD transitional/Y transitive/ISMY transitiveness/M transitivity/M transitory transl translatable/U translate/DSGNBX translated/U translation/M translator/SM transliterate/DSGNX transliteration/M translucence/M translucency/M translucent/Y transmigrate/GNDS transmigration/M transmissible transmission/MS transmit/S transmittable transmittal/M transmittance/M transmitted transmitter/SM transmitting transmogrification/M transmogrify/DSNG transmutation/SM transmute/BDSG transnational/MS transoceanic transom/SM transpacific transparency/SM transparent/Y transpiration/M transpire/DSG transplant/MDGS transplantation/M transpolar transponder/SM transport/BSZGMDR transportation/M transporter/M transpose/DSG transposition/MS transsexual/SM transsexualism/M transship/SL transshipment/M transshipped transshipping transubstantiation/M transverse/MYS transvestism/M transvestite/MS trap/MS trapdoor/MS trapeze/SM trapezium/SM trapezoid/SM trapezoidal trappable trapped trapper/SM trapping/S trappings/M trapshooting/M trash/GMDS trashcan/MS trashiness/M trashy/RPT trauma/MS traumatic traumatically traumatize/GDS travail/SGMD travel/MS travelled traveller/SM travelling/MS travelogue/MS traversal/SM traverse/DSMG travesty/GDSM trawl/ZGSMDR trawler/M tray/MS treacherous/PY treacherousness/M treachery/SM treacle/M treacly tread/AGSM treadle/DSMG treadmill/MS treas treason/BM treasonous treasure/DRSMZG treasurer/M treasury/SM treat/AGSMD treatable treated/U treatise/SM treatment/MS treaty/SM treble/MGDS tree/MDS treeing treeless treelike treeline treetop/SM trefoil/SM trek/MS trekked trekker/SM trekking trellis/GMDS trematode/MS tremble/DSMG tremendous/Y tremolo/SM tremor/MS tremulous/PY tremulousness/M trench's trench/ADSG trenchancy/M trenchant/Y trencher/MS trencherman/M trenchermen trend/GSMD trendily trendiness/M trendsetter/S trendsetting trendy/RSMPT trepidation/M trespass/MDRSZG trespasser/M tress/EMS trestle/MS trews trey/MS triad/SM triage/M trial/ASM trialled trialling triangle/SM triangular/Y triangulate/GNDS triangulation/M triathlete/S triathlon/SM tribal tribalism/M tribe/SM tribesman/M tribesmen tribeswoman/M tribeswomen tribulation/SM tribunal/SM tribune/MS tributary/SM tribute's tribute/FS trice/M tricentennial/MS triceps/MS triceratops/M trichina/M trichinae trichinosis/M trick/GSMD trickery/M trickily trickiness/M trickle/MGDS trickster/SM tricky/TRP tricolour/MS tricycle/SM trident/MS tried/U triennial/MYS trier/SM trifle/MZGDRS trifler/M trifocals/M trig/M trigger/MDSG triglyceride/MS trigonometric trigonometrical trigonometry/M trike/SM trilateral/S trilby/SM trill/GSMD trillion/SMH trillionth/M trillionths trillium/M trilobite/SM trilogy/SM trim/PMYS trimaran/MS trimester/SM trimmed/U trimmer/SM trimmest trimming/SM trimmings/M trimness/M trimonthly trinitrotoluene/M trinity/SM trinket/SM trio/MS trip/MYS tripartite tripe/M triple/MGDS triplet/SM triplex/MS triplicate/MGDS tripod/MS tripodal tripos tripped tripper/SM tripping triptych/M triptychs tripwire/S trireme/SM trisect/SDG trisection/M trite/FPYT triteness/FM triter tritium/M triumph/GMD triumphal triumphalism triumphalist triumphant/Y triumphs triumvir/MS triumvirate/SM trivalent trivet/MS trivia/M trivial/Y triviality/SM trivialization/M trivialize/GDS trivium/M trochaic trochee/SM trod/AU trodden/A troglodyte/SM troika/MS troll/SGMD trolley/SM trolleybus/MS trollop/SM trombone/MS trombonist/MS tromp/SGD tron/S tronned tronning troop/SZGMDR trooper/M troopship/MS trope/SM trophy/SM tropic/MS tropical/Y tropics/M tropism/SM troposphere/SM trot/MS troth/M trotted trotter/SM trotting troubadour/MS trouble/DSMG troubled/U troublemaker/MS troubleshoot/DRZGS troubleshooter/M troubleshooting/M troubleshot troublesome/Y trough/M troughs trounce/DRSZG trouncer/M troupe/MZGDRS trouper/M trouser/SM trousers/M trousseau/M trousseaux trout/SM trove/SM trow/DSG trowel/MS trowelled trowelling troy/S truancy/M truant/GMDS truce/SM truck/SZGMDR trucker/M trucking/M truckle/MGDS truckload/SM truculence/M truculent/Y trudge/MGDS true/MTGDRS truelove/SM truffle/MS trug/S truism/MS truly/U trump/SGMD trumpery/M trumpet/ZGMDRS trumpeter/M truncate/GNDS truncation/M truncheon/SM trundle/MZGDRS trundler/M trunk/SGM truss/GMDS trust/ESGMD trustee/MS trusteeship/SM trustful/EY trustfulness/M trusting/Y trustworthiness/M trustworthy/TPR trusty/TRSM truth/UM truthful/UYP truthfulness/UM truths/U try's try/AGDS trying/Y tryout/SM tryst/SMDG tsarists tsetse/MS tsp tsunami/SM ttys tub/SZGMDR tuba/MS tubal tubby/TR tube/MS tubeless/M tuber/M tubercle/SM tubercular tuberculin/M tuberculosis/M tuberculous tuberose/M tuberous tubful/MS tubing/M tubular tubule/MS tuck/MDRSZG tucker/MDG tuft/MDRSZG tufter/M tug/SM tugboat/MS tugged tugging tuition/IM tularemia/M tulip/SM tulle/M tum/S tumble/DRSMZG tumbledown tumbler/M tumbleweed/SM tumbling/M tumbrel/SM tumescence/M tumescent tumid tumidity/M tummy/SM tumorous tumour/SM tumult/SM tumultuous/Y tun/SZGMDR tuna/MS tundra/SM tune/MS tuneful/YP tunefulness/M tuneless/Y tuner/M tuneup/SM tungsten/M tunic/SM tunnel/SM tunnelled tunneller/SM tunnelling/S tunny/SM tuppence tuppenny tuque/SM turban/SMD turbid turbidity/M turbine/SM turbo/SM turbocharge/ZGDRS turbocharger/M turbofan/SM turbojet/SM turboprop/SM turbot/SM turbulence/M turbulent/Y turd/MS tureen/SM turf/MDSG turfy turgid/Y turgidity/M turkey/SM turmeric/SM turmoil/MS turn/AMDRSZG turnabout/SM turnaround/SM turnbuckle/SM turncoat/SM turner/AM turning/MS turnip/SM turnkey/MS turnoff/MS turnout/MS turnover/MS turnpike/MS turnstile/SM turntable/SM turpentine/M turpitude/M turps turquoise/SM turret/SMD turtle/SM turtledove/SM turtleneck/SMD tush/MS tusk/MDS tussle/DSMG tussock/MS tussocky tut/SM tutelage/M tutelary tutor/SMDG tutored/U tutorial/SM tutorship/M tutted tutti/SM tutting tutu/MS tux/MS tuxedo/SM twaddle/MZGDRS twaddler/M twain/M twang/SMDG twangy/RT twas twat/S tweak/SMDG twee tweed/SM tweeds/M tweedy/RT tween tweet/SMDRZG tweeter/M tweezers/M twelfth/M twelfths twelve/SM twelvemonth/M twelvemonths twentieth/M twentieths twenty/SMH twerp/SM twice twiddle/MGDS twiddly/RT twig/MS twigged twigging twiggy/TR twilight/M twilit twill/MD twin/MDRSZG twine/SM twiner/M twinge/DSMG twink/SY twinkle/MGJDS twinkling/M twinned twinning twinset/S twirl/SMDRZG twirler/M twirly/TR twist's twist/USDG twister/MS twisty/TR twit/MS twitch/GMDS twitchy/RT twitted twitter/MDSG twittery twitting twixt two/SM twofer/SM twofold twopence/SM twopenny twosome/SM twp tycoon/SM tying/AU tyke/MS tympani/M tympanist/MS tympanum/SM type's type/AGDS typecast/GS typeface/MS typescript/MS typeset/S typesetter/MS typesetting/M typewrite/RSZG typewriter/M typewriting/M typewritten typewrote typhoid/M typhoon/MS typhus/M typical/UY typicality/M typification/M typify/NGDS typing/M typist/SM typo/MS typographer/SM typographic typographical/Y typography/M typology/SM tyrannic tyrannical/Y tyrannize/GDS tyrannosaur/MS tyrannosaurus/MS tyrannous tyranny/SM tyrant/SM tyro/MS u/S ubiquitous/Y ubiquity/M udder/SM ufologist/SM ufology/M ugh ugliness/M ugly/RTP uh ukase/SM ukulele/SM ulcer/SM ulcerate/DSGN ulceration/M ulcerous ulna/M ulnae ulnar ulster/MS ult ulterior ultimate/MY ultimatum/MS ultimo ultra/SM ultraconservative/SM ultrahigh ultralight/SM ultramarine/M ultramodern ultrasonic ultrasonically ultrasound/MS ultraviolet/M ululate/DSGNX ululation/M um umbel/SM umber/M umbilical umbilicus/iM umbra/SM umbrage/M umbrella/SM umiak/SM umlaut/MS ump/SGMD umpire/MGDS umpteen/H unabridged/MS unacceptability unacceptable unaccommodating unaccountably unadventurous unaesthetic unalterably unambitious unanimity/M unanimous/Y unapparent unappetizing unappreciative unassertive unassuming/Y unavailing/Y unaware/S unbeknownst unbend/SG unbent unbid unblinking/Y unblushing/Y unbosom/DG unbound/D unbreakable unbroken uncanny/T uncap/S uncaring unceasing/Y unchangeable uncharacteristic uncharitable unchaste/RT uncial/M uncle/SM unclean/DRPT uncleanly/T unclear/DRT uncomfortable uncommon/T uncomplaining/Y uncomplicated uncomprehending/Y uncompromising/Y unconditional/Y uncongenial unconscionable unconscionably unconscious/M unconstitutional/Y uncontrollably uncontroversial uncool uncooperative uncouth/Y uncrushable unction/SM unctuous/YP unctuousness/M uncut undaunted/Y undecided/SM undemonstrative/Y undeniably under underachieve/LZGDRS underachiever/M underact/SDG underage underarm/SM underbelly/SM underbid/S underbidding underbrush/M undercarriage/MS undercharge/MGDS underclass/MS underclassman/M underclassmen underclothes/M underclothing/M undercoat/GJSMD undercoating/M undercover undercurrent/SM undercut/SM undercutting underdeveloped underdevelopment/M underdog/SM underdone underemployed underemployment/M underestimate/DSMGNX underestimation/M underexpose/GDS underexposure/MS underfed underfeed/GS underfloor underflow underfoot underfunded underfur/M undergarment/SM undergo/G undergoes undergone undergrad/S undergraduate/SM underground/MS undergrowth/M underhand underhanded/PY underhandedness/M underlain underlay/SM underlie/S underline/MGDS underling/MS underlip/SM underlying undermanned undermentioned undermine/GDS undermost underneath/M underneaths undernourished undernourishment/M underpaid underpants/M underpart/MS underpass/MS underpay/GSL underpayment/SM underpin/S underpinned underpinning/MS underplay/DGS underpopulated underprivileged underproduction/M underrate/GDS underrepresented underscore/DSMG undersea/S undersecretary/SM undersell/GS undersexed undershirt/SM undershoot/SG undershorts/M undershot underside/MS undersign/DGS undersigned/M undersized underskirt/SM undersold understaffed understand/SGBJ understandably understanding/MY understate/DSLG understatement/SM understood understudy/GDSM undertake/ZGJRS undertaken undertaker/M undertaking/M underthings/M undertone/MS undertook undertow/SM underused underutilized undervaluation/M undervalue/DSG underwater underway underwear/M underweight/M underwent underwhelm/DGS underworld/MS underwrite/ZGRS underwriter/M underwritten underwrote undesirable/MS undies/M undo undoubted/Y undramatic undue undulant undulate/DSXGN undulation/M undying unearthliness/M unease/M uneasy/T uneatable uneconomic unemployed/M unending unenterprising unequal/Y unerring/Y unessential uneven/RYPT unexceptionably unexcited unexciting unexpected/YP unexpectedness/M unfailing/Y unfair/PTRY unfaltering unfamiliar unfathomably unfed unfeeling/Y unfeminine unfit/S unfitting unfix/GDS unflagging/Y unflappability/M unflappable unflappably unflattering unflinching/Y unforgettably unforgivably unfortunate/MS unfriendly/T unfrock/DG unfruitful unfunny ungainliness/M ungainly/RPT ungenerous ungentle ungodly/T ungraceful/Y ungrudging unguarded unguent/SM ungulate/MS unhandy/T unhappy/T unhealthful unhealthy/T unhistorical unholy/T unhurt unicameral unicellular unicorn/SM unicycle/SM unidirectional unification/AM uniform/SMDYG uniformity/M unify/AGDSN unilateral/Y unilateralism unimportant unimpressive uninformative uninhibited/Y uninstall/BSZGDR uninsured unintelligent unintended uninteresting uninterrupted/Y uninviting union/ASM unionism/M unionist/MS unique/YTRP uniqueness/M unisex/M unison/M unitary unite/AEGSD unitedly unities unitize/DSG unity/EM univalent univalve/SM universal/MYS universality/M universalize/DSG universe/SM university/SM unixism/S unjust/Y unkempt unkind/T unkindly/T unknowable/M unknown/SM unleaded/M unless unlike/PB unlikely/T unlock/DSG unlovable unlovely/TR unloving unlucky/T unmanly/T unmarried unmeaning unmentionable/MS unmentionables/M unmet unmindful unmissable unmistakably unmoral unmovable unmusical unnecessary unnerving/Y unobservant unoffensive unofficial/Y unoriginal unpeople unperceptive unpersuasive unpick/GDS unpin/S unpleasing unpolitical unpopular unpractical unprecedented/Y unprofessional/Y unpromising unpropitious unquestioning/Y unquiet/TR unravelling unread/B unready/TR unreal unreasoning unregenerate unrelated unrelenting/Y unrelieved/Y unremarkable unremitting/Y unrepentant unreported unrepresentative unrest/M unripe/TR unroll/GDS unromantic unruliness/M unruly/RTP unsafe/YTR unsalable unsavoury unscathed unsearchable unseeing/Y unseemly/T unseen/M unsentimental unset unshakable unshakably unshapely unshorn unsightliness/M unsightly/PT unsmiling unsociable unsocial unsold unsound/PRYT unspeakable unspeakably unspecific unspectacular unsporting unstable/RT unsteady/TRP unstinting/Y unstrapping unsubstantial unsubtle unsuitable unsure unsuspecting/Y unsymmetrical untactful unthinkably unthinking/Y untidy/PTR until untimely/T untiring/Y untouchable/MS untoward untraveled untrue/RT untrustworthy unutterable unutterably unwarrantable unwary/T unwavering unwed unwelcome/G unwell unwieldiness/M unwieldy/TRP unwise/RYT unworried unworthy/T unwound unwrapping unyielding up/S upbeat/MS upbraid/SGD upbringing/MS upchuck/SGD upcoming upcountry/M update/MGDRS updraft/MS upend/SGD upfront upgrade/MGDS upheaval/MS upheld uphill/MS uphold/ZGRS upholder/M upholster/ASGD upholsterer/MS upholstery/M upkeep/M upland/MS uplift/JSMDG upload/SDG upmarket upon upped upper/SM uppercase/M upperclassman/M upperclassmen upperclasswoman upperclasswomen uppercut/MS uppercutting uppermost upping uppish uppity upraise/DSG uprear/GSD upright/MYPS uprightness/M uprising/SM upriver uproar/SM uproarious/Y uproot/GSD upscale upset/SM upsetting upshot/SM upside/SM upsilon/MS upstage/GDS upstairs upstanding upstart/MDSG upstate/M upstream upstroke/SM upsurge/MGDS upswing/MS uptake/SM uptempo upthrust/GSM uptick/SM uptight uptown/M uptrend upturn/GSMD upward/SY upwind uracil/M uranium/M urban urbane/RYT urbanity/M urbanization/M urbanize/DSG urbanologist/MS urbanology/M urchin/SM urea/M uremia/M uremic ureter/SM urethane/M urethra/M urethrae urethral urge/MGDS urgency/M urgent/Y uric urinal/SM urinalyses urinalysis/M urinary urinate/GNDS urination/M urine/M urn/SM urogenital urological urologist/MS urology/M ursine urticaria/M usability/M usable/UA usage/SM use/AEDSMG used/U useful/PY usefulness/M useless/YP uselessness/M user/MS usher/SMDG usherette/SM usu usual's usual/UY usurer/SM usurious usurp/SDRZG usurpation/M usurper/M usury/M utensil/SM uterine uterus/iM utilitarian/MS utilitarianism/M utility/SM utilization/M utilize/GBDS utmost/M utopia/SM utter/SDYG utterance/SM uttermost/M uvula/SM uvular/MS uxorious v/AS vac/S vacancy/SM vacant/Y vacate/DSG vacation/ZGMDRS vacationer/M vacationist/SM vaccinate/GNDSX vaccination/M vaccine/SM vacillate/XGNDS vacillation/M vacuity/M vacuole/MS vacuous/YP vacuousness/M vacuum/GSMD vagabond/SMDG vagabondage/M vagarious vagary/SM vagina/SM vaginae vaginal/Y vagrancy/M vagrant/MS vague/RYTP vagueness/M vain/RYT vainglorious/Y vainglory/M val valance/MS vale/MS valediction/MS valedictorian/SM valedictory/SM valence/MS valency/SM valentine/SM valet/SMDG valetudinarian/MS valetudinarianism/M valiance/M valiant/Y valid/Y validate/IGNDS validation/IM validations validity/IM validness/M valise/SM valley/SM valorous/Y valour/M valuable/MS valuate/DSG valuation/CAMS value's value/CAGSD valueless valuer/SM valve/DSMG valveless valvular vamoose/DSG vamp/AMDGS vampire/SM van/SM vanadium/M vandal/SM vandalism/M vandalize/DSG vane/MS vanguard/MS vanilla/SM vanish/JDSG vanity/SM vanned vanning vanquish/ZGDRS vanquisher/M vantage/SM vapid/YP vapidity/M vapidness/M vaporization/M vaporize/DRSZG vaporizer/M vaporous vaporware/S vapour/SM vapoury vaquero/MS var/S variability/IM variable/ISM variably/I variance/SM variant/MS variate/NX variation/M varicoloured varicose varied/U variegate/DSGN variegation/M varietal/SM variety/SM various/Y varlet/SM varmint/MS varnish/GMDS varnished/U varsity/SM vary/DSG varying/U vascular vase/MS vasectomy/SM vasomotor vassal/SM vassalage/M vast/MRYTSP vastness/M vat/SM vatted vatting vaudeville/M vaudevillian/MS vault/SMDRZG vaulter/M vaulting/M vaunt/SMDG vb veal/M vector/SGMD veejay/SM veep/MS veer/MDGS veg/M vegan/SM vegeburger/S veges vegetable/SM vegetarian/SM vegetarianism/M vegetate/GNVDS vegetation/M vegged vegges veggie/SM veggieburger/S vegging vehemence/M vehemency/M vehement/Y vehicle/MS vehicular veil's veil/UDGS vein/MDGS vela velar/SM veld/MS vellum/M velocipede/MS velocity/SM velodrome/S velour/MS velum/M velvet/M velveteen/M velvety/TR venal/Y venality/M venation/M vend/DGS vendetta/SM vendible vendor/MS veneer/MDGS venerability/M venerable venerate/DSGN veneration/M venereal vengeance/M vengeful/AY venial venireman/M veniremen venison/M venom/M venomous/Y venous vent's vent/DGS ventilate/GNDS ventilation/M ventilator/SM ventral ventricle/SM ventricular ventriloquism/M ventriloquist/SM ventriloquy/M venture/DSMG venturesome/PY venturesomeness/M venturous/PY venturousness/M venue/ASM veracious/Y veracity/M veranda/SM verb/KMS verbal/MYS verbalization/M verbalize/GDS verbatim verbena/SM verbiage/MS verbose/Y verbosity/M verboten verdant/Y verdict/SM verdigris/GMDS verdure/M verge's verge/FDSG verger/MS verifiable/U verification/M verified/U verify/DSNG verily verisimilitude/M veritable veritably verity/SM vermicelli/M vermiculite/M vermiform vermilion/M vermin/M verminous vermouth/M vernacular/MS vernal vernier/SM veronica/M verruca/SM verrucae versatile versatility/M verse/AFNGMSDX versed/U versification/M versifier/M versify/ZGNDRS version/AFIMS verso/SM versus vertebra/M vertebrae vertebral vertebrate/IMS vertex/MS vertical/MYS vertices vertiginous vertigo/M verve/M very/RT vesicle/SM vesicular vesiculate vesper/MS vessel/MS vest's vest/ILDGS vestal/MS vestibule/MS vestige/SM vestigial/Y vesting/M vestment/IMS vestry/SM vestryman/M vestrymen vet/SM vetch/MS veteran/SM veterinarian/MS veterinary/SM veto/MDG vetoes vetted vetting vex/GDS vexation/SM vexatious/Y vhf vi via viability/M viable viably viaduct/SM vial/MS viand/SM vibe/MS vibes/M vibraharp/SM vibrancy/M vibrant/Y vibraphone/MS vibraphonist/MS vibrate/GNDSX vibration/M vibrato/MS vibrator/SM vibratory viburnum/SM vicar/SM vicarage/SM vicarious/YP vicariousness/M vice/CMS viced vicegerent/SM vicennial viceregal viceroy/MS vichyssoise/M vicing vicinity/M vicious/YP viciousness/M vicissitude/SM victim/MS victimization/M victimize/GDS victor/MS victorious/Y victory/SM victual/SM victualled victualling vicuna/MS videlicet video/GSMD videocassette/SM videoconferencing videodisc/MS videophone/MS videotape/DSMG videotex/S vie/DS view/AMDRSZG viewer/AM viewership/M viewfinder/SM viewing/SM viewpoint/MS vigesimal vigil/SM vigilance/M vigilant/Y vigilante/SM vigilantism/M vigilantist/M vignette/DSMG vignettist/MS vigorous/Y vigour/M vii viii viking/MS vile/YTPR vileness/M vilification/M vilify/DSNG villa/SM village/RSMZ villager/M villain/SM villainous villainy/SM villein/SM villeinage/M villus/Mi vim/M vinaigrette/M vincible/I vindicate/XDSGN vindication/M vindicator/MS vindictive/PY vindictiveness/M vine/MS vinegar/M vinegary vineyard/MS vino/M vinous vintage/MS vintner/MS vinyl/SM viol/MBS viola/SM violable/I violate/GNDSX violation/M violator/SM violence/M violent/Y violet/MS violin/MS violincello/S violinist/SM violist/MS violoncellist/SM violoncello/MS viper/SM viperous virago/M viragoes viral vireo/SM virgin/MS virginal/SM virginity/M virgule/MS virile virility/M virologist/SM virology/M virtual/Y virtue/SM virtuosity/M virtuoso/M virtuous/YP virtuousness/M virulence/M virulent/Y virus/MS visa/MDSG visage/MS viscera visceral/Y viscid viscose/M viscosity/M viscount/SM viscountcy/SM viscountess/MS viscous viscus/M vise/ACMGDS visibility/IM visible/I visibly/I vision/KGDSM visionary/SM visit's visit/ASGD visitant/MS visitation/MS visitor/MS visor/SM vista/SM visual/SMY visualization/SM visualize/DRSZG visualizer/M vita/M vitae vital/SY vitality/M vitalization/AM vitalize/CAGSD vitals/M vitamin/MS vitiate/GNDS vitiation/M viticulture/M viticulturist/MS vitreous vitrifaction/M vitrification/M vitrify/GNDS vitrine/SM vitriol/M vitriolic vitriolically vittles/M vituperate/GNVDS vituperation/M viva/MS vivace vivacious/PY vivaciousness/M vivacity/M vivaria vivarium/SM vivid/RYTP vividness/M vivify/ADSG viviparous vivisect/DGS vivisection/M vivisectional vivisectionist/SM vixen/SM vixenish/Y viz vizier/SM vocab vocable/MS vocabulary/SM vocal/SMY vocalic vocalist/SM vocalization/MS vocalize/DSG vocation/FIKASM vocational/Y vocative/MS vociferate/DSGN vociferation/M vociferous/YP vociferousness/M vodka/SM vogue/SM voguish voice/IDSMG voiced/U voiceless/PY voicelessness/M void/MDSGB voila voile/M vol volatile volatility/M volatilize/DSG volcanic volcano/M volcanoes vole/MS volition/M volitional volley/GSMD volleyball/MS volt/AMS voltage/MS voltaic voltmeter/SM volubility/M voluble volubly volume/SM voluminous/YP voluminousness/M voluntarily/I voluntarism/M voluntary/SM volunteer/SGMD volunteerism/M voluptuary/SM voluptuous/PY voluptuousness/M volute/SM vomit/SMDG voodoo/GSMD voodooism/M voracious/PY voraciousness/M voracity/M vortex/MS votary/SM vote's vote/CGVDS voter/SM vouch/DRSZG voucher/M vouchsafe/DSG vow/SGMD vowel/SM voyage/MZGDRS voyager/M voyageur/SM voyeur/MS voyeurism/M voyeuristic vulcanization/M vulcanize/GDS vulgar/RYT vulgarian/MS vulgarism/MS vulgarity/SM vulgarization/M vulgarize/ZGDRS vulgarizer/M vulnerabilities vulnerability/IM vulnerable/I vulnerably/I vulpine vulture/SM vulturous vulva/M vulvae vying w/DNXTGVJ wabbit/S wackiness/M wacko/SM wacky/RPT wad/SZGMDR wadded wadding/M waddle/DSMG wade/MS wader/M waders/M wadge/S wadi/MS wafer/SM waffle/MZGDRS waffler/M waft/MDGS wag/SZGMDR wage/MS waged/U wager/ZGMDR wagerer/M wagged waggery/SM wagging waggish/YP waggishness/M waggle/MGDS wagon/ZSMR wagoner/M wagtail/SM waif/MS wail/MDRZGS wailer/M wailing/M wain/MS wainscot/SM wainscotted wainscotting/MS wainwright/MS waist/SM waistband/MS waistcoat/MS waistline/MS wait/MDRZGS waiter/M waiting/M waitperson/MS waitress/MS waitstaff/M waive/DRSZG waiver/M wake/MGJDS wakeful/PY wakefulness/M waken/GSD waldo/S waldoes wale/MGDS walk/MDRZGS walkabout/S walkaway/MS walker/M walkies walking/M walkout/SM walkover/MS walkway/SM wall/MDGS wallaby/SM wallah wallahs wallboard/M wallet/MS walleye/DSM wallflower/MS wallop/MDSJG walloping/M wallow/MDSG wallpaper/SMDG wally/S walnut/MS walrus/MS waltz/ZGMDRS waltzer/M wampum/M wan/GPDY wand/MS wander/DRSJZG wanderer/M wanderings/M wanderlust/SM wane/MS wangle/MZGDRS wangler/M wank/DRZGS wanna wannabe/SM wannabee/S wanner wanness/M wannest want/MDGS wanted/U wanton/MDYSPG wantonness/M wapiti/MS war/SM warble/MZGDRS warbler/M warbonnet/SM ward/AMDGS warden/MS warder/MS wardress/S wardrobe/SM wardroom/SM ware/MS warehouse/DSMG warez/S warfare/M warhead/MS warhorse/SM warily/U wariness/UM warlike warlock/MS warlord/MS warm/PDRYHZTGS warmblooded warmer/M warmhearted/P warmheartedness/M warmish warmness/M warmonger/SMG warmongering/M warmth/M warn/JDGS warning/M warp/MDGS warpaint warpath/M warpaths warplane/MS warrant/GMDS warranted/U warranty/DSMG warred warren/MS warring warrior/SM warship/SM wart/MS warthog/SM wartime/M warty/TR wary/UPRT was wash/BMDRSZG washable/SM washbasin/SM washboard/SM washbowl/SM washcloth/M washcloths washed/U washer/M washerwoman/M washerwomen washing/M washout/MS washrag/MS washroom/MS washstand/SM washtub/MS washy/TR wasn't wasp/MS waspish/YP waspishness/M wassail/SMDG wast wastage/M waste/DRSMZG wastebasket/MS wasteful/PY wastefulness/M wasteland/SM wastepaper/M waster/M wastrel/SM watch/BZGMDRS watchband/MS watchdog/SM watcher/M watchful/YP watchfulness/M watchmaker/MS watchmaking/M watchman/M watchmen watchstrap/S watchtower/SM watchword/MS water/GSMD waterbed/MS waterbird/SM waterborne watercolour/MS watercourse/SM watercraft/M watercress/M waterfall/SM waterfowl/SM waterfront/MS waterhole/SM wateriness/M waterlily/SM waterline/MS waterlogged watermark/MDGS watermelon/SM watermill/MS waterproof/SMDG waterproofing/M waters/M watershed/MS waterside/MS waterspout/SM watertight waterway/MS waterwheel/SM waterworks/M watery/PTR watt/MS wattage/M wattle/MGDS wave/MZGDRS waveband/S waveform wavelength/M wavelengths wavelet/SM wavelike waver/ZGMDR waverer/M wavering/Y waviness/M wavy/PRT wax/GMDNS waxiness/M waxwing/SM waxwork/SM waxy/RPT way/SM waybill/SM wayfarer/MS wayfaring/SM waylaid waylay/RSZG waylayer/M wayside/SM wayward/PY waywardness/M wazoo/S we we'd we'll we're we've weak/PNRYXT weaken/DRZG weakener/M weakfish/MS weakling/SM weakness/MS weal/MHS wealth/M wealthiness/M wealthy/TRP wean/DGS weapon/MS weaponless weaponry/M wear/MRBJSZG wearable/U wearer/M wearied/U wearily weariness/M wearisome/Y weary/TGDRSP weasel/MDYSG weather/SMDG weatherboard/SG weathercock/MS weathering/M weatherization/M weatherize/DSG weatherman/M weathermen weatherperson/MS weatherproof/GSD weatherstrip/S weatherstripped weatherstripping/M weave/DRSMZG weaver/M weaving/M web/SM webbed webbing/M webfeet webfoot/M webmaster/SM webmistress/MS website/SM wed/AS wedded/A wedder wedding/SM wedge/DSMG wedgie/MS wedlock/M wee/RSMT weed/MDRSZG weeder/M weedkiller/S weedless weeds/S weedy/TR weeing week/MYS weekday/SM weekend/SZGMDR weekly/SM weeknight/SM ween/DSG weenie/MTRS weensy/RT weeny weep/MRJSZG weeper/M weepie weepy/TRSM weevil/MS weft/MS weigh's weigh/AGD weighbridge/S weighs/A weight/MDSJG weightily weightiness/M weightless/YP weightlessness/M weightlifter/MS weightlifting/M weighty/PTR weir/MS weird/PTRY weirdie/MS weirdness/M weirdo/MS welcome/MGDS weld/MDRBSZG welder/M welfare/M welkin/M well/MDPSG wellhead/SM wellie wellington/MS wellness/M wellspring/MS welly/S welsh/ZGDRS welsher/M welt/MDRSZG welter/GMD welterweight/SM wen/M wench/MS wend/DSG went wept were weren't werewolf/M werewolves west/M westbound westerly/SM western/SZMR westerner/M westernization/M westernize/GDS westernmost westward/S wet/SMYP wetback/SM wetland/SM wetness/M wetter/SM wettest wetting wetware/S whack/SJZGMDR whacker/M whale/DRSMZG whaleboat/MS whalebone/M whaler/M whales/S whaling/M wham/MS whammed whamming whammy/SM wharf/M wharves what/MS whatchamacallit/MS whatever whatnot/M whatshername whatshisname whatsit/S whatsoever wheal/SM wheat/MN wheatgerm wheatmeal whee wheedle/DRSZG wheedler/M wheel/SMDRG wheelbarrow/SM wheelbase/SM wheelchair/SM wheelhouse/MS wheelie/SM wheelwright/MS wheeze/DSMG wheezily wheeziness/M wheezy/PRT whelk/SMD whelm/SDG whelp/SMDG when/MS whence whenever whensoever where/SM whereabouts/M whereas whereat whereby wherefore/MS wherein whereof whereon wheresoever whereto whereupon wherever wherewith wherewithal/M wherry/SM whet/S whether whetstone/SM whetted whetting whew whey/M which whichever whiff/SMDG whiffletree/MS while/DSMG whilom whilst whim/MS whimper/MDGS whimsical/Y whimsicality/M whimsy/SM whine/DRSMZG whiner/M whinge/DRSZG whingeing whinny/GDSM whiny/RT whip/MS whipcord/M whiplash/MS whipped whipper/MS whippersnapper/MS whippet/MS whipping/SM whippletree/SM whippoorwill/MS whipsaw/MDGS whir/MS whirl/SMDG whirligig/MS whirlpool/MS whirlwind/MS whirlybird/SM whirred whirring whisk/SMDRZG whisker/MD whiskery whisky/SM whiskys whisper/MDRSZG whisperer/M whist/M whistle/MZGDRS whistler/M whit/MDNRSXTGJ white/SPM whitebait whiteboard/S whitecap/SM whitefish/MS whitehead/MS whiten/ZGDRJ whitener/M whiteness/M whitening/M whiteout/SM whitetail/MS whitewall/SM whitewash/MDSG whitewater/M whitey/SM whither whiting/M whitish whittle/ZGDRS whittler/M whiz/M whizkid/M whizzbang/MS whizzed whizzes whizzing who'd who'll who're who've who/M whoa whodunit/MS whoever whole/SMP wholefood/S wholegrain wholehearted/YP wholeheartedness/M wholemeal wholeness/M wholesale/MZGDRS wholesaler/M wholesome/UP wholesomely wholesomeness/UM wholewheat wholly whom whomever whomsoever whoop/SMDRZG whoopee/S whooper/M whoosh/MDSG whop/S whopped whopper/SM whopping whore/SMG whorehouse/MS whoreish whorish whorl/SMD whose whoso whosoever whup/S whupped whupping why'd why/M whys wick/MDRSZ wicked/TPRY wickedness/M wicker/M wickerwork/M wicket/SM wide/YTRP widemouthed widen/SDRZG widener/M wideness/M widespread widget/S widow/SMDRZG widower/M widowhood/M width/M widths wield/SDRZG wielder/M wiener/SM wienie/SM wife/MY wifeless wifely/TR wig/SM wigeon/M wigged wigging wiggle/DRSMZG wiggler/M wiggles/S wiggly/TR wight/SM wiglet/SM wigwag/SM wigwagged wigwagging wigwam/SM wiki/MS wild/MRYSTP wildcat/MS wildcatted wildcatter/MS wildcatting wildebeest/MS wilderness/MS wildfire/MS wildflower/SM wildfowl/M wildlife/M wildness/M wilds/M wile/MGDS wilful/PY wilfulness/M wiliness/M will/MDS willies/M willing/UPY willingness/UM williwaw/MS willow/SM willowy/TR willpower/M willy/S wilt/MDSG wily/RTP wimp/MDSG wimpish wimple/DSMG wimpy/RT win/SGMD wince/DSMG winch/MDSG wind's wind/UASG windbag/SM windblown windbreak/SZMR windbreaker/M windburn/MD windcheater/S windchill/M winded winder/SM windfall/MS windflower/MS windily windiness/M winding's windjammer/SM windlass/MS windless windmill/MDGS window/SMDG windowless windowpane/SM windowsill/SM windpipe/MS windproof windrow/SM windscreen/SM windshield/SM windsock/MS windstorm/MS windsurf/ZGDRS windsurfer/M windsurfing/M windswept windup/SM windward/M windy/RTP wine/MS wineglass/MS winegrower/MS winemaker/MS winery/SM wing/MDRZG wingding/MS wingless winglike wingspan/MS wingspread/SM wingtip/SM wink/MDRSZG winker/M winkle/DSMG winnable winner/SM winning/MYS winnow/ZGSDR winnower/M wino/MS winsome/YTRP winsomeness/M winter/GSMD wintergreen/M winterize/GDS wintertime/M wintry/TR winy/RT wipe/MZGDRS wiper/M wire's wire/AGDS wired/S wirehair/MS wireless/MS wiretap/MS wiretapped wiretapper/SM wiretapping/M wiriness/M wiring/M wiry/RTP wisdom/M wise/MYTGDRS wiseacre/SM wisecrack/MDSG wiseguy/S wish/MDRSZG wishbone/SM wisher/M wishful/Y wisp/MS wispy/RT wist wisteria/SM wistful/YP wistfulness/M wit/SM witch/MDSG witchcraft/M witchery/M with withal withdraw/SG withdrawal/MS withdrawn withdrew withe/DRSMZG wither/JGD withering/Y withers/M withheld withhold/SG withholding/M within/M without withstand/GS withstood witless/PY witlessness/M witness/MDSG wits/M witted witter/SGD witticism/SM wittily wittiness/M witting/UY witty/RPT wive/GDS wiz wizard/SMY wizardry/M wizened wk/Y woad/M wobble/MGDS wobbliness/M wobbly/RTP wodge/S woe/SM woebegone woeful/YP woefuller woefullest woefulness/M wog/S wok/SMN woke wold/MS wolf/MDSG wolfhound/SM wolfish wolfram/M wolverine/SM wolves woman/M womanhood/M womanish womanize/DRSZG womanizer/M womankind/M womanlike/M womanliness/M womanly/RPT womb/MS wombat/MS womble/S women womenfolk/SM womenfolks/M won't won/M wonder/MDGLS wonderful/YP wonderfulness/M wondering/Y wonderland/MS wonderment/M wondrous/Y wonk/MS wonky/TR wont/MD wonted/U woo/SZGDR wood/MDNSG woodbine/M woodblock/MS woodcarver/MS woodcarving/SM woodchuck/MS woodcock/SM woodcraft/M woodcut/SM woodcutter/SM woodcutting/M wooden/RYTP woodenness/M woodiness/M woodland/SM woodlice woodlot/SM woodlouse woodman/M woodmen woodpecker/MS woodpile/SM woods/M woodshed/SM woodsiness/M woodsman/M woodsmen woodsy/RTP woodwind/MS woodwork/MRZG woodworker/M woodworking/M woodworm/S woody/TPRSM wooer/M woof/MDRSZG woofer/M wool/M woolgathering/M wooliness woollen/SM woolliness/M woolly/RSMPT woozily wooziness/M woozy/TRP wop/S! word's word/ADSG wordage/M wordbook/SM wordily wordiness/M wording/SM wordless/Y wordplay/M wordsmith wordsmiths wordy/TPR wore work's work/ADJSG workable/U workaday workaholic/SM workaround/S workbasket/S workbench/MS workbook/MS workday/SM worker/MS workfare/M workforce/M workhorse/SM workhouse/SM working's workingman/M workingmen workings/M workingwoman/M workingwomen workload/MS workman/M workmanlike workmanship/M workmate/S workmen workout/SM workplace/MS workroom/MS works/M worksheet/MS workshop/MS workshy workstation/MS worktable/MS worktop/S workup/MS workweek/SM world/SM worldlier worldliness/UM worldly/UTP worldview/SM worldwide worm/MDSG wormhole/MS wormwood/M wormy/TR worn/U worried/Y worrier/M worriment/M worrisome worry/ZGDRSMJ worrying/Y worrywart/SM worse/M worsen/DSG worship/SM worshipful worshipped worshipper/MS worshipping worst/SGMD worsted/M wort/M worth/M worthies worthily/U worthiness/UM worthless/PY worthlessness/M worthwhile worthy's worthy/UPRT wot wotcha would've would/S wouldn't wouldst wound/SGMDR wove/A woven/AU wow/SGMD wpm wrack/GSMD wraith/M wraiths wrangle/DRSMZGJ wrangler/M wrap's wrap/US wraparound/SM wrapped/U wrapper/SM wrapping/MS wrasse/MS wrath/M wrathful/Y wreak/SGD wreath/MDSG wreathe wreaths wreck/SZGMDR wreckage/M wrecker/M wren/MS wrench/MDSG wrest/SGMD wrestle/MZGDRS wrestler/M wrestling/M wretch/MS wretched/TPRY wretchedness/M wriggle/MZGDRS wriggler/M wriggly/RT wright/MS wring/SZGMR wringer/M wrinkle/MGDS wrinkled/U wrinkly/TRSM wrist/SM wristband/MS wristwatch/MS writ/MRBJSZG write/S writer/M writhe/MGDS writing/M written/AU wrong/STGMPDRY wrongdoer/SM wrongdoing/SM wrongful/PY wrongfulness/M wrongheaded/YP wrongheadedness/M wrongness/M wrote/A wroth wrought wrung wry/Y wryer wryest wryness/M wt wunderkind/S wurst/SM wuss/MS wussy/RSMT x xci xcii xciv xcix xcvi xcvii xenon/M xenophobe/MS xenophobia/M xenophobic xerographic xerography/M xerox/MDSG xi/SM xii xiii xiv xix xor xref/S xreffed xreffing xterm/M xv xvi xvii xviii xx xxi xxii xxiii xxiv xxix xxv xxvi xxvii xxviii xxx xxxi xxxii xxxiii xxxiv xxxix xxxv xxxvi xxxvii xxxviii xylem/M xylophone/SM xylophonist/MS y'all y/F ya yacht/SMDG yachting/M yachtsman/M yachtsmen yachtswoman/M yachtswomen yahoo/SM yak/SM yakked yakking yam/SM yammer/SZGMDR yammerer/M yang/M yank/MDSG yap/SM yapped yapping yard/MS yardage/MS yardarm/MS yardman/M yardmaster/MS yardmen yardstick/MS yarmulke/SM yarn/MS yarrow/M yashmak/S yaw/SGMD yawl/MS yawn/MDRSZG yawner/M yaws/M yd ye/RST yea/SM yeah/M yeahs year/MYS yearbook/MS yearling/MS yearlong yearly/SM yearn/GSJD yearning/M yeast/SM yeasty/RT yegg/MS yell/MDSG yellow/MDRTGPS yellowhammer/S yellowish yellowness/M yellowy yelp/MDSG yen/SM yeoman/M yeomanry/M yeomen yep/SM yes/MS yeshiva/SM yessed yessing yesterday/MS yesteryear/M yet yeti/MS yew/SM yid/S yield/JSGMD yikes yin/M yip/SM yipe yipped yippee yipping yo yob/S yobbo/S yodel/SM yodelled yodeller/MS yodelling yoga/M yogi/MS yogic yogourt/MS yoke's yoke/UGDS yokel/SM yolk/MDS yon yonder yonks yore/M you'd you'll you're you've you/SMH young/TMR youngish youngster/MS your/S yourself yourselves youth/M youthful/YP youthfulness/M youths yow yowl/MDSG yr/S ytterbium/M yttrium/M yuan/M yucca/SM yuck yucky/TR yuk/SM yukked yukking yukky yule/M yuletide/M yum yummy/TR yup/SM yuppie/MS yuppify/GDS yurt/MS z/DNXTGJ zaniness/M zany/RSMPT zap/SM zapped zapper/MS zapping zappy zeal/M zealot/MS zealotry/M zealous/YP zealousness/M zebra/SM zebu/MS zed/SM zeitgeist/SM zenith/M zeniths zenned zenning zephyr/MS zeppelin/MS zero/MDHSG zeroes zest/MS zestful/YP zestfulness/M zesty/RT zeta/MS zigamorph zigamorphs zigzag/SM zigzagged zigzagging zilch/M zillion/MS zinc/MS zincked zincking zine/S zinfandel/M zing/MDRZG zinger/M zingy/RT zinnia/MS zip's zip/US zipped/U zipper/MDGS zipping/U zippy/TR zircon/MS zirconium/M zit/SM zither/MS zloty/SM zlotys zodiac/MS zodiacal zombie/MS zonal/Y zone's zone/AGDS zoning/M zonked zoo/SM zookeeper/SM zoological/Y zoologist/SM zoology/M zoom/MDSG zoophyte/SM zoophytic zorch/GDS zounds zucchini/MS zwieback/M zydeco/M zygote/SM zygotic zymurgy/M