eaiovnaovbqoebvqoeavibavo PKïtiZ·ôȀ Complete.pmnu„[µü¤package Term::Complete; require 5.000; require Exporter; use strict; our @ISA = qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT = qw(Complete); our $VERSION = '1.402'; # @(#)complete.pl,v1.2 (me@anywhere.EBay.Sun.COM) 09/23/91 =head1 NAME Term::Complete - Perl word completion module =head1 SYNOPSIS $input = Complete('prompt_string', \@completion_list); $input = Complete('prompt_string', @completion_list); =head1 DESCRIPTION This routine provides word completion on the list of words in the array (or array ref). The tty driver is put into raw mode and restored using an operating system specific command, in UNIX-like environments C. The following command characters are defined: =over 4 =item EtabE Attempts word completion. Cannot be changed. =item ^D Prints completion list. Defined by I<$Term::Complete::complete>. =item ^U Erases the current input. Defined by I<$Term::Complete::kill>. =item EdelE, EbsE Erases one character. Defined by I<$Term::Complete::erase1> and I<$Term::Complete::erase2>. =back =head1 DIAGNOSTICS Bell sounds when word completion fails. =head1 BUGS The completion character EtabE cannot be changed. =head1 AUTHOR Wayne Thompson =cut our($complete, $kill, $erase1, $erase2, $tty_raw_noecho, $tty_restore, $stty, $tty_safe_restore); our($tty_saved_state) = ''; CONFIG: { $complete = "\004"; $kill = "\025"; $erase1 = "\177"; $erase2 = "\010"; foreach my $s (qw(/bin/stty /usr/bin/stty)) { if (-x $s) { $tty_raw_noecho = "$s raw -echo"; $tty_restore = "$s -raw echo"; $tty_safe_restore = $tty_restore; $stty = $s; last; } } } sub Complete { my($prompt, @cmp_lst, $cmp, $test, $l, @match); my ($return, $r) = ("", 0); $return = ""; $r = 0; $prompt = shift; if (ref $_[0] || $_[0] =~ /^\*/) { @cmp_lst = sort @{$_[0]}; } else { @cmp_lst = sort(@_); } # Attempt to save the current stty state, to be restored later if (defined $stty && defined $tty_saved_state && $tty_saved_state eq '') { $tty_saved_state = qx($stty -g 2>/dev/null); if ($?) { # stty -g not supported $tty_saved_state = undef; } else { $tty_saved_state =~ s/\s+$//g; $tty_restore = qq($stty "$tty_saved_state" 2>/dev/null); } } system $tty_raw_noecho if defined $tty_raw_noecho; LOOP: { local $_; print($prompt, $return); while (($_ = getc(STDIN)) ne "\r") { CASE: { # (TAB) attempt completion $_ eq "\t" && do { @match = grep(/^\Q$return/, @cmp_lst); unless ($#match < 0) { $l = length($test = shift(@match)); foreach $cmp (@match) { until (substr($cmp, 0, $l) eq substr($test, 0, $l)) { $l--; } } print("\a"); print($test = substr($test, $r, $l - $r)); $r = length($return .= $test); } last CASE; }; # (^D) completion list $_ eq $complete && do { print(join("\r\n", '', grep(/^\Q$return/, @cmp_lst)), "\r\n"); redo LOOP; }; # (^U) kill $_ eq $kill && do { if ($r) { $r = 0; $return = ""; print("\r\n"); redo LOOP; } last CASE; }; # (DEL) || (BS) erase ($_ eq $erase1 || $_ eq $erase2) && do { if($r) { print("\b \b"); chop($return); $r--; } last CASE; }; # printable char ord >= 32 && do { $return .= $_; $r++; print; last CASE; }; } } } # system $tty_restore if defined $tty_restore; if (defined $tty_saved_state && defined $tty_restore && defined $tty_safe_restore) { system $tty_restore; if ($?) { # tty_restore caused error system $tty_safe_restore; } } print("\n"); $return; } 1; PKïtiZ3(BCxSxSCap.pmnu„[µü¤package Term::Cap; # Since the debugger uses Term::ReadLine which uses Term::Cap, we want # to load as few modules as possible. This includes Carp.pm. sub carp { require Carp; goto &Carp::carp; } sub croak { require Carp; goto &Carp::croak; } use strict; use vars qw($VERSION $VMS_TERMCAP); use vars qw($termpat $state $first $entry); $VERSION = '1.13'; # Version undef: Thu Dec 14 20:02:42 CST 1995 by sanders@bsdi.com # Version 1.00: Thu Nov 30 23:34:29 EST 2000 by schwern@pobox.com # [PATCH] $VERSION crusade, strict, tests, etc... all over lib/ # Version 1.01: Wed May 23 00:00:00 CST 2001 by d-lewart@uiuc.edu # Avoid warnings in Tgetent and Tputs # Version 1.02: Sat Nov 17 13:50:39 GMT 2001 by jns@gellyfish.com # Altered layout of the POD # Added Test::More to PREREQ_PM in Makefile.PL # Fixed no argument Tgetent() # Version 1.03: Wed Nov 28 10:09:38 GMT 2001 # VMS Support from Charles Lane # Version 1.04: Thu Nov 29 16:22:03 GMT 2001 # Fixed warnings in test # Version 1.05: Mon Dec 3 15:33:49 GMT 2001 # Don't try to fall back on infocmp if it's not there. From chromatic. # Version 1.06: Thu Dec 6 18:43:22 GMT 2001 # Preload the default VMS termcap from Charles Lane # Don't carp at setting OSPEED unless warnings are on. # Version 1.07: Wed Jan 2 21:35:09 GMT 2002 # Sanity check on infocmp output from Norton Allen # Repaired INSTALLDIRS thanks to Michael Schwern # Version 1.08: Sat Sep 28 11:33:15 BST 2002 # Late loading of 'Carp' as per Michael Schwern # Version 1.09: Tue Apr 20 12:06:51 BST 2004 # Merged in changes from and to Core # Core (Fri Aug 30 14:15:55 CEST 2002): # Cope with comments lines from 'infocmp' from Brendan O'Dea # Allow for EBCDIC in Tgoto magic test. # Version 1.10: Thu Oct 18 16:52:20 BST 2007 # Don't use try to use $ENV{HOME} if it doesn't exist # Give Win32 'dumb' if TERM isn't set # Provide fallback 'dumb' termcap entry as last resort # Version 1.11: Thu Oct 25 09:33:07 BST 2007 # EBDIC fixes from Chun Bing Ge # Version 1.12: Sat Dec 8 00:10:21 GMT 2007 # QNX test fix from Matt Kraai # Version 1.13: Thu Dec 22 22:21:09 GMT 2011 # POD error fix from Domin Hargreaves # # TODO: # support Berkeley DB termcaps # force $FH into callers package? # keep $FH in object at Tgetent time? =head1 NAME Term::Cap - Perl termcap interface =head1 SYNOPSIS require Term::Cap; $terminal = Tgetent Term::Cap { TERM => undef, OSPEED => $ospeed }; $terminal->Trequire(qw/ce ku kd/); $terminal->Tgoto('cm', $col, $row, $FH); $terminal->Tputs('dl', $count, $FH); $terminal->Tpad($string, $count, $FH); =head1 DESCRIPTION These are low-level functions to extract and use capabilities from a terminal capability (termcap) database. More information on the terminal capabilities will be found in the termcap manpage on most Unix-like systems. =head2 METHODS The output strings for B are cached for counts of 1 for performance. B and B do not cache. C<$self-E{_xx}> is the raw termcap data and C<$self-E{xx}> is the cached version. print $terminal->Tpad($self->{_xx}, 1); B, B, and B return the string and will also output the string to $FH if specified. =cut # Preload the default VMS termcap. # If a different termcap is required then the text of one can be supplied # in $Term::Cap::VMS_TERMCAP before Tgetent is called. if ( $^O eq 'VMS' ) { chomp( my @entry = ); $VMS_TERMCAP = join '', @entry; } # Returns a list of termcap files to check. sub termcap_path { ## private my @termcap_path; # $TERMCAP, if it's a filespec push( @termcap_path, $ENV{TERMCAP} ) if ( ( exists $ENV{TERMCAP} ) && ( ( $^O eq 'os2' || $^O eq 'MSWin32' || $^O eq 'dos' ) ? $ENV{TERMCAP} =~ /^[a-z]:[\\\/]/is : $ENV{TERMCAP} =~ /^\//s ) ); if ( ( exists $ENV{TERMPATH} ) && ( $ENV{TERMPATH} ) ) { # Add the users $TERMPATH push( @termcap_path, split( /(:|\s+)/, $ENV{TERMPATH} ) ); } else { # Defaults push( @termcap_path, exists $ENV{'HOME'} ? $ENV{'HOME'} . '/.termcap' : undef, '/etc/termcap', '/usr/share/misc/termcap', ); } # return the list of those termcaps that exist return grep { defined $_ && -f $_ } @termcap_path; } =over 4 =item B Returns a blessed object reference which the user can then use to send the control strings to the terminal using B and B. The function extracts the entry of the specified terminal type I (defaults to the environment variable I) from the database. It will look in the environment for a I variable. If found, and the value does not begin with a slash, and the terminal type name is the same as the environment string I, the I string is used instead of reading a termcap file. If it does begin with a slash, the string is used as a path name of the termcap file to search. If I does not begin with a slash and name is different from I, B searches the files F<$HOME/.termcap>, F, and F, in that order, unless the environment variable I exists, in which case it specifies a list of file pathnames (separated by spaces or colons) to be searched B. Whenever multiple files are searched and a tc field occurs in the requested entry, the entry it names must be found in the same file or one of the succeeding files. If there is a C<:tc=...:> in the I environment variable string it will continue the search in the files as above. The extracted termcap entry is available in the object as C<$self-E{TERMCAP}>. It takes a hash reference as an argument with two optional keys: =over 2 =item OSPEED The terminal output bit rate (often mistakenly called the baud rate) for this terminal - if not set a warning will be generated and it will be defaulted to 9600. I can be be specified as either a POSIX termios/SYSV termio speeds (where 9600 equals 9600) or an old DSD-style speed ( where 13 equals 9600). =item TERM The terminal type whose termcap entry will be used - if not supplied it will default to $ENV{TERM}: if that is not set then B will croak. =back It calls C on failure. =cut sub Tgetent { ## public -- static method my $class = shift; my ($self) = @_; $self = {} unless defined $self; bless $self, $class; my ( $term, $cap, $search, $field, $max, $tmp_term, $TERMCAP ); local ( $termpat, $state, $first, $entry ); # used inside eval local $_; # Compute PADDING factor from OSPEED (to be used by Tpad) if ( !$self->{OSPEED} ) { if ($^W) { carp "OSPEED was not set, defaulting to 9600"; } $self->{OSPEED} = 9600; } if ( $self->{OSPEED} < 16 ) { # delays for old style speeds my @pad = ( 0, 200, 133.3, 90.9, 74.3, 66.7, 50, 33.3, 16.7, 8.3, 5.5, 4.1, 2, 1, .5, .2 ); $self->{PADDING} = $pad[ $self->{OSPEED} ]; } else { $self->{PADDING} = 10000 / $self->{OSPEED}; } unless ( $self->{TERM} ) { if ( $ENV{TERM} ) { $self->{TERM} = $ENV{TERM} ; } else { if ( $^O eq 'Win32' ) { $self->{TERM} = 'dumb'; } else { croak "TERM not set"; } } } $term = $self->{TERM}; # $term is the term type we are looking for # $tmp_term is always the next term (possibly :tc=...:) we are looking for $tmp_term = $self->{TERM}; # protect any pattern metacharacters in $tmp_term $termpat = $tmp_term; $termpat =~ s/(\W)/\\$1/g; my $foo = ( exists $ENV{TERMCAP} ? $ENV{TERMCAP} : '' ); # $entry is the extracted termcap entry if ( ( $foo !~ m:^/:s ) && ( $foo =~ m/(^|\|)${termpat}[:|]/s ) ) { $entry = $foo; } my @termcap_path = termcap_path(); unless ( @termcap_path || $entry ) { # last resort--fake up a termcap from terminfo local $ENV{TERM} = $term; if ( $^O eq 'VMS' ) { $entry = $VMS_TERMCAP; } else { if ( grep { -x "$_/infocmp" } split /:/, $ENV{PATH} ) { eval { my $tmp = `infocmp -C 2>/dev/null`; $tmp =~ s/^#.*\n//gm; # remove comments if ( ( $tmp !~ m%^/%s ) && ( $tmp =~ /(^|\|)${termpat}[:|]/s ) ) { $entry = $tmp; } }; } else { # this is getting desperate now if ( $self->{TERM} eq 'dumb' ) { $entry = 'dumb|80-column dumb tty::am::co#80::bl=^G:cr=^M:do=^J:sf=^J:'; } } } } croak "Can't find a valid termcap file" unless @termcap_path || $entry; $state = 1; # 0 == finished # 1 == next file # 2 == search again $first = 0; # first entry (keeps term name) $max = 32; # max :tc=...:'s if ($entry) { # ok, we're starting with $TERMCAP $first++; # we're the first entry # do we need to continue? if ( $entry =~ s/:tc=([^:]+):/:/ ) { $tmp_term = $1; # protect any pattern metacharacters in $tmp_term $termpat = $tmp_term; $termpat =~ s/(\W)/\\$1/g; } else { $state = 0; # we're already finished } } # This is eval'ed inside the while loop for each file $search = q{ while () { next if /^\\t/ || /^#/; if ($_ =~ m/(^|\\|)${termpat}[:|]/o) { chomp; s/^[^:]*:// if $first++; $state = 0; while ($_ =~ s/\\\\$//) { defined(my $x = ) or last; $_ .= $x; chomp; } last; } } defined $entry or $entry = ''; $entry .= $_ if $_; }; while ( $state != 0 ) { if ( $state == 1 ) { # get the next TERMCAP $TERMCAP = shift @termcap_path || croak "failed termcap lookup on $tmp_term"; } else { # do the same file again # prevent endless recursion $max-- || croak "failed termcap loop at $tmp_term"; $state = 1; # ok, maybe do a new file next time } open( TERMCAP, "< $TERMCAP\0" ) || croak "open $TERMCAP: $!"; eval $search; die $@ if $@; close TERMCAP; # If :tc=...: found then search this file again $entry =~ s/:tc=([^:]+):/:/ && ( $tmp_term = $1, $state = 2 ); # protect any pattern metacharacters in $tmp_term $termpat = $tmp_term; $termpat =~ s/(\W)/\\$1/g; } croak "Can't find $term" if $entry eq ''; $entry =~ s/:+\s*:+/:/g; # cleanup $entry $entry =~ s/:+/:/g; # cleanup $entry $self->{TERMCAP} = $entry; # save it # print STDERR "DEBUG: $entry = ", $entry, "\n"; # Precompile $entry into the object $entry =~ s/^[^:]*://; foreach $field ( split( /:[\s:\\]*/, $entry ) ) { if ( defined $field && $field =~ /^(\w\w)$/ ) { $self->{ '_' . $field } = 1 unless defined $self->{ '_' . $1 }; # print STDERR "DEBUG: flag $1\n"; } elsif ( defined $field && $field =~ /^(\w\w)\@/ ) { $self->{ '_' . $1 } = ""; # print STDERR "DEBUG: unset $1\n"; } elsif ( defined $field && $field =~ /^(\w\w)#(.*)/ ) { $self->{ '_' . $1 } = $2 unless defined $self->{ '_' . $1 }; # print STDERR "DEBUG: numeric $1 = $2\n"; } elsif ( defined $field && $field =~ /^(\w\w)=(.*)/ ) { # print STDERR "DEBUG: string $1 = $2\n"; next if defined $self->{ '_' . ( $cap = $1 ) }; $_ = $2; if ( ord('A') == 193 ) { s/\\E/\047/g; s/\\(\d\d\d)/pack('c',oct($1) & 0177)/eg; s/\\n/\n/g; s/\\r/\r/g; s/\\t/\t/g; s/\\b/\b/g; s/\\f/\f/g; s/\\\^/\337/g; s/\^\?/\007/g; s/\^(.)/pack('c',ord($1) & 31)/eg; s/\\(.)/$1/g; s/\337/^/g; } else { s/\\E/\033/g; s/\\(\d\d\d)/pack('c',oct($1) & 0177)/eg; s/\\n/\n/g; s/\\r/\r/g; s/\\t/\t/g; s/\\b/\b/g; s/\\f/\f/g; s/\\\^/\377/g; s/\^\?/\177/g; s/\^(.)/pack('c',ord($1) & 31)/eg; s/\\(.)/$1/g; s/\377/^/g; } $self->{ '_' . $cap } = $_; } # else { carp "junk in $term ignored: $field"; } } $self->{'_pc'} = "\0" unless defined $self->{'_pc'}; $self->{'_bc'} = "\b" unless defined $self->{'_bc'}; $self; } # $terminal->Tpad($string, $cnt, $FH); =item B Outputs a literal string with appropriate padding for the current terminal. It takes three arguments: =over 2 =item B<$string> The literal string to be output. If it starts with a number and an optional '*' then the padding will be increased by an amount relative to this number, if the '*' is present then this amount will me multiplied by $cnt. This part of $string is removed before output/ =item B<$cnt> Will be used to modify the padding applied to string as described above. =item B<$FH> An optional filehandle (or IO::Handle ) that output will be printed to. =back The padded $string is returned. =cut sub Tpad { ## public my $self = shift; my ( $string, $cnt, $FH ) = @_; my ( $decr, $ms ); if ( defined $string && $string =~ /(^[\d.]+)(\*?)(.*)$/ ) { $ms = $1; $ms *= $cnt if $2; $string = $3; $decr = $self->{PADDING}; if ( $decr > .1 ) { $ms += $decr / 2; $string .= $self->{'_pc'} x ( $ms / $decr ); } } print $FH $string if $FH; $string; } # $terminal->Tputs($cap, $cnt, $FH); =item B Output the string for the given capability padded as appropriate without any parameter substitution. It takes three arguments: =over 2 =item B<$cap> The capability whose string is to be output. =item B<$cnt> A count passed to Tpad to modify the padding applied to the output string. If $cnt is zero or one then the resulting string will be cached. =item B<$FH> An optional filehandle (or IO::Handle ) that output will be printed to. =back The appropriate string for the capability will be returned. =cut sub Tputs { ## public my $self = shift; my ( $cap, $cnt, $FH ) = @_; my $string; $cnt = 0 unless $cnt; if ( $cnt > 1 ) { $string = Tpad( $self, $self->{ '_' . $cap }, $cnt ); } else { # cache result because Tpad can be slow unless ( exists $self->{$cap} ) { $self->{$cap} = exists $self->{"_$cap"} ? Tpad( $self, $self->{"_$cap"}, 1 ) : undef; } $string = $self->{$cap}; } print $FH $string if $FH; $string; } # $terminal->Tgoto($cap, $col, $row, $FH); =item B B decodes a cursor addressing string with the given parameters. There are four arguments: =over 2 =item B<$cap> The name of the capability to be output. =item B<$col> The first value to be substituted in the output string ( usually the column in a cursor addressing capability ) =item B<$row> The second value to be substituted in the output string (usually the row in cursor addressing capabilities) =item B<$FH> An optional filehandle (or IO::Handle ) to which the output string will be printed. =back Substitutions are made with $col and $row in the output string with the following sprintf() line formats: %% output `%' %d output value as in printf %d %2 output value as in printf %2d %3 output value as in printf %3d %. output value as in printf %c %+x add x to value, then do %. %>xy if value > x then add y, no output %r reverse order of two parameters, no output %i increment by one, no output %B BCD (16*(value/10)) + (value%10), no output %n exclusive-or all parameters with 0140 (Datamedia 2500) %D Reverse coding (value - 2*(value%16)), no output (Delta Data) The output string will be returned. =cut sub Tgoto { ## public my $self = shift; my ( $cap, $code, $tmp, $FH ) = @_; my $string = $self->{ '_' . $cap }; my $result = ''; my $after = ''; my $online = 0; my @tmp = ( $tmp, $code ); my $cnt = $code; while ( $string =~ /^([^%]*)%(.)(.*)/ ) { $result .= $1; $code = $2; $string = $3; if ( $code eq 'd' ) { $result .= sprintf( "%d", shift(@tmp) ); } elsif ( $code eq '.' ) { $tmp = shift(@tmp); if ( $tmp == 0 || $tmp == 4 || $tmp == 10 ) { if ($online) { ++$tmp, $after .= $self->{'_up'} if $self->{'_up'}; } else { ++$tmp, $after .= $self->{'_bc'}; } } $result .= sprintf( "%c", $tmp ); $online = !$online; } elsif ( $code eq '+' ) { $result .= sprintf( "%c", shift(@tmp) + ord($string) ); $string = substr( $string, 1, 99 ); $online = !$online; } elsif ( $code eq 'r' ) { ( $code, $tmp ) = @tmp; @tmp = ( $tmp, $code ); $online = !$online; } elsif ( $code eq '>' ) { ( $code, $tmp, $string ) = unpack( "CCa99", $string ); if ( $tmp[$[] > $code ) { $tmp[$[] += $tmp; } } elsif ( $code eq '2' ) { $result .= sprintf( "%02d", shift(@tmp) ); $online = !$online; } elsif ( $code eq '3' ) { $result .= sprintf( "%03d", shift(@tmp) ); $online = !$online; } elsif ( $code eq 'i' ) { ( $code, $tmp ) = @tmp; @tmp = ( $code + 1, $tmp + 1 ); } else { return "OOPS"; } } $string = Tpad( $self, $result . $string . $after, $cnt ); print $FH $string if $FH; $string; } # $terminal->Trequire(qw/ce ku kd/); =item B Takes a list of capabilities as an argument and will croak if one is not found. =cut sub Trequire { ## public my $self = shift; my ( $cap, @undefined ); foreach $cap (@_) { push( @undefined, $cap ) unless defined $self->{ '_' . $cap } && $self->{ '_' . $cap }; } croak "Terminal does not support: (@undefined)" if @undefined; } =back =head1 EXAMPLES use Term::Cap; # Get terminal output speed require POSIX; my $termios = new POSIX::Termios; $termios->getattr; my $ospeed = $termios->getospeed; # Old-style ioctl code to get ospeed: # require 'ioctl.pl'; # ioctl(TTY,$TIOCGETP,$sgtty); # ($ispeed,$ospeed) = unpack('cc',$sgtty); # allocate and initialize a terminal structure $terminal = Tgetent Term::Cap { TERM => undef, OSPEED => $ospeed }; # require certain capabilities to be available $terminal->Trequire(qw/ce ku kd/); # Output Routines, if $FH is undefined these just return the string # Tgoto does the % expansion stuff with the given args $terminal->Tgoto('cm', $col, $row, $FH); # Tputs doesn't do any % expansion. $terminal->Tputs('dl', $count = 1, $FH); =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Please see the README file in distribution. =head1 AUTHOR This module is part of the core Perl distribution and is also maintained for CPAN by Jonathan Stowe . =head1 SEE ALSO termcap(5) =cut # Below is a default entry for systems where there are terminals but no # termcap 1; __DATA__ vt220|vt200|DEC VT220 in vt100 emulation mode: am:mi:xn:xo: co#80:li#24: RA=\E[?7l:SA=\E[?7h: ac=kkllmmjjnnwwqquuttvvxx:ae=\E(B:al=\E[L:as=\E(0: bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH: cr=^M:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B: ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:im=\E[4h: is=\E[1;24r\E[24;1H: nd=\E[C: kd=\E[B::kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H: mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m: kb=\0177: r2=\E>\E[24;1H\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h\E=:rc=\E8: sc=\E7:se=\E[27m:sf=\ED:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:ta=^I: ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:ve=\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l: PKïtiZ÷± t0s0s ANSIColor.pmnu„[µü¤# Term::ANSIColor -- Color screen output using ANSI escape sequences. # # Copyright 1996, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, # 2011 Russ Allbery and Zenin # PUSH/POP support submitted 2007 by openmethods.com voice solutions # # This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it # under the same terms as Perl itself. # # Ah, September, when the sysadmins turn colors and fall off the trees.... # -- Dave Van Domelen ############################################################################## # Modules and declarations ############################################################################## package Term::ANSIColor; require 5.001; $VERSION = '3.01'; use strict; use vars qw($AUTOLOAD $AUTOLOCAL $AUTORESET @COLORLIST @COLORSTACK $EACHLINE @ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK %EXPORT_TAGS $VERSION %ATTRIBUTES %ATTRIBUTES_R); use Exporter (); BEGIN { @COLORLIST = qw( CLEAR RESET BOLD DARK FAINT UNDERLINE UNDERSCORE BLINK REVERSE CONCEALED BLACK RED GREEN YELLOW BLUE MAGENTA CYAN WHITE ON_BLACK ON_RED ON_GREEN ON_YELLOW ON_BLUE ON_MAGENTA ON_CYAN ON_WHITE BRIGHT_BLACK BRIGHT_RED BRIGHT_GREEN BRIGHT_YELLOW BRIGHT_BLUE BRIGHT_MAGENTA BRIGHT_CYAN BRIGHT_WHITE ON_BRIGHT_BLACK ON_BRIGHT_RED ON_BRIGHT_GREEN ON_BRIGHT_YELLOW ON_BRIGHT_BLUE ON_BRIGHT_MAGENTA ON_BRIGHT_CYAN ON_BRIGHT_WHITE ); @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw(color colored); @EXPORT_OK = qw(uncolor colorstrip colorvalid); %EXPORT_TAGS = (constants => \@COLORLIST, pushpop => [ @COLORLIST, qw(PUSHCOLOR POPCOLOR LOCALCOLOR) ]); Exporter::export_ok_tags ('pushpop'); } ############################################################################## # Internal data structures ############################################################################## %ATTRIBUTES = ('clear' => 0, 'reset' => 0, 'bold' => 1, 'dark' => 2, 'faint' => 2, 'underline' => 4, 'underscore' => 4, 'blink' => 5, 'reverse' => 7, 'concealed' => 8, 'black' => 30, 'on_black' => 40, 'red' => 31, 'on_red' => 41, 'green' => 32, 'on_green' => 42, 'yellow' => 33, 'on_yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 34, 'on_blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 35, 'on_magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 36, 'on_cyan' => 46, 'white' => 37, 'on_white' => 47, 'bright_black' => 90, 'on_bright_black' => 100, 'bright_red' => 91, 'on_bright_red' => 101, 'bright_green' => 92, 'on_bright_green' => 102, 'bright_yellow' => 93, 'on_bright_yellow' => 103, 'bright_blue' => 94, 'on_bright_blue' => 104, 'bright_magenta' => 95, 'on_bright_magenta' => 105, 'bright_cyan' => 96, 'on_bright_cyan' => 106, 'bright_white' => 97, 'on_bright_white' => 107, ); # Reverse lookup. Alphabetically first name for a sequence is preferred. for (reverse sort keys %ATTRIBUTES) { $ATTRIBUTES_R{$ATTRIBUTES{$_}} = $_; } ############################################################################## # Implementation (constant form) ############################################################################## # Time to have fun! We now want to define the constant subs, which are named # the same as the attributes above but in all caps. Each constant sub needs # to act differently depending on whether $AUTORESET is set. Without # autoreset: # # BLUE "text\n" ==> "\e[34mtext\n" # # If $AUTORESET is set, we should instead get: # # BLUE "text\n" ==> "\e[34mtext\n\e[0m" # # The sub also needs to handle the case where it has no arguments correctly. # Maintaining all of this as separate subs would be a major nightmare, as well # as duplicate the %ATTRIBUTES hash, so instead we define an AUTOLOAD sub to # define the constant subs on demand. To do that, we check the name of the # called sub against the list of attributes, and if it's an all-caps version # of one of them, we define the sub on the fly and then run it. # # If the environment variable ANSI_COLORS_DISABLED is set, just return the # arguments without adding any escape sequences. This is to make it easier to # write scripts that also work on systems without any ANSI support, like # Windows consoles. sub AUTOLOAD { if (defined $ENV{ANSI_COLORS_DISABLED}) { return join ('', @_); } if ($AUTOLOAD =~ /^([\w:]*::([A-Z_]+))$/ and defined $ATTRIBUTES{lc $2}) { $AUTOLOAD = $1; my $attr = "\e[" . $ATTRIBUTES{lc $2} . 'm'; eval qq { sub $AUTOLOAD { if (\$AUTORESET && \@_) { return '$attr' . join ('', \@_) . "\e[0m"; } elsif (\$AUTOLOCAL && \@_) { return PUSHCOLOR ('$attr') . join ('', \@_) . POPCOLOR; } else { return '$attr' . join ('', \@_); } } }; goto &$AUTOLOAD; } else { require Carp; Carp::croak ("undefined subroutine &$AUTOLOAD called"); } } # Append a new color to the top of the color stack and return the top of # the stack. sub PUSHCOLOR { my ($text) = @_; my ($color) = ($text =~ m/^((?:\e\[[\d;]+m)+)/); if (@COLORSTACK) { $color = $COLORSTACK[-1] . $color; } push (@COLORSTACK, $color); return $text; } # Pop the color stack and return the new top of the stack (or reset, if # the stack is empty). sub POPCOLOR { pop @COLORSTACK; if (@COLORSTACK) { return $COLORSTACK[-1] . join ('', @_); } else { return RESET (@_); } } # Surround arguments with a push and a pop. sub LOCALCOLOR { return PUSHCOLOR (join ('', @_)) . POPCOLOR (); } ############################################################################## # Implementation (attribute string form) ############################################################################## # Return the escape code for a given set of color attributes. sub color { return '' if defined $ENV{ANSI_COLORS_DISABLED}; my @codes = map { split } @_; my $attribute = ''; foreach (@codes) { $_ = lc $_; unless (defined $ATTRIBUTES{$_}) { require Carp; Carp::croak ("Invalid attribute name $_"); } $attribute .= $ATTRIBUTES{$_} . ';'; } chop $attribute; return ($attribute ne '') ? "\e[${attribute}m" : undef; } # Return a list of named color attributes for a given set of escape codes. # Escape sequences can be given with or without enclosing "\e[" and "m". The # empty escape sequence '' or "\e[m" gives an empty list of attrs. sub uncolor { my (@nums, @result); for (@_) { my $escape = $_; $escape =~ s/^\e\[//; $escape =~ s/m$//; unless ($escape =~ /^((?:\d+;)*\d*)$/) { require Carp; Carp::croak ("Bad escape sequence $escape"); } push (@nums, split (/;/, $1)); } for (@nums) { $_ += 0; # Strip leading zeroes my $name = $ATTRIBUTES_R{$_}; if (!defined $name) { require Carp; Carp::croak ("No name for escape sequence $_" ); } push (@result, $name); } return @result; } # Given a string and a set of attributes, returns the string surrounded by # escape codes to set those attributes and then clear them at the end of the # string. The attributes can be given either as an array ref as the first # argument or as a list as the second and subsequent arguments. If $EACHLINE # is set, insert a reset before each occurrence of the string $EACHLINE and # the starting attribute code after the string $EACHLINE, so that no attribute # crosses line delimiters (this is often desirable if the output is to be # piped to a pager or some other program). sub colored { my ($string, @codes); if (ref ($_[0]) && ref ($_[0]) eq 'ARRAY') { @codes = @{+shift}; $string = join ('', @_); } else { $string = shift; @codes = @_; } return $string if defined $ENV{ANSI_COLORS_DISABLED}; if (defined $EACHLINE) { my $attr = color (@codes); return join '', map { ($_ ne $EACHLINE) ? $attr . $_ . "\e[0m" : $_ } grep { length ($_) > 0 } split (/(\Q$EACHLINE\E)/, $string); } else { return color (@codes) . $string . "\e[0m"; } } # Given a string, strip the ANSI color codes out of that string and return the # result. This removes only ANSI color codes, not movement codes and other # escape sequences. sub colorstrip { my (@string) = @_; for my $string (@string) { $string =~ s/\e\[[\d;]*m//g; } return wantarray ? @string : join ('', @string); } # Given a list of color attributes (arguments for color, for instance), return # true if they're all valid or false if any of them are invalid. sub colorvalid { my @codes = map { split } @_; for (@codes) { unless (defined $ATTRIBUTES{lc $_}) { return; } } return 1; } ############################################################################## # Module return value and documentation ############################################################################## # Ensure we evaluate to true. 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Term::ANSIColor - Color screen output using ANSI escape sequences =for stopwords cyan colorize namespace runtime TMTOWTDI cmd.exe 4nt.exe command.com NT ESC Delvare SSH OpenSSH aixterm ECMA-048 Fraktur overlining Zenin reimplemented Allbery PUSHCOLOR POPCOLOR LOCALCOLOR openmethods.com grey ATTR =head1 SYNOPSIS use Term::ANSIColor; print color 'bold blue'; print "This text is bold blue.\n"; print color 'reset'; print "This text is normal.\n"; print colored ("Yellow on magenta.", 'yellow on_magenta'), "\n"; print "This text is normal.\n"; print colored ['yellow on_magenta'], 'Yellow on magenta.', "\n"; print colored ['red on_bright_yellow'], 'Red on bright yellow.', "\n"; print colored ['bright_red on_black'], 'Bright red on black.', "\n"; print "\n"; use Term::ANSIColor qw(uncolor); print uncolor ('01;31'), "\n"; use Term::ANSIColor qw(colorstrip); print colorstrip '\e[1mThis is bold\e[0m', "\n"; use Term::ANSIColor qw(colorvalid); my $valid = colorvalid ('blue bold', 'on_magenta'); print "Color string is ", $valid ? "valid\n" : "invalid\n"; use Term::ANSIColor qw(:constants); print BOLD, BLUE, "This text is in bold blue.\n", RESET; use Term::ANSIColor qw(:constants); { local $Term::ANSIColor::AUTORESET = 1; print BOLD BLUE "This text is in bold blue.\n"; print "This text is normal.\n"; } use Term::ANSIColor qw(:pushpop); print PUSHCOLOR RED ON_GREEN "This text is red on green.\n"; print PUSHCOLOR BRIGHT_BLUE "This text is bright blue on green.\n"; print RESET BRIGHT_BLUE "This text is just bright blue.\n"; print POPCOLOR "Back to red on green.\n"; print LOCALCOLOR GREEN ON_BLUE "This text is green on blue.\n"; print "This text is red on green.\n"; { local $Term::ANSIColor::AUTOLOCAL = 1; print ON_BLUE "This text is red on blue.\n"; print "This text is red on green.\n"; } print POPCOLOR "Back to whatever we started as.\n"; =head1 DESCRIPTION This module has two interfaces, one through color() and colored() and the other through constants. It also offers the utility functions uncolor(), colorstrip(), and colorvalid(), which have to be explicitly imported to be used (see L). =head2 Supported Colors Terminal emulators that support color divide into two types: ones that support only eight colors, and ones that support sixteen. This module provides both the ANSI escape codes for the "normal" colors, supported by both types, as well as the additional colors supported by sixteen-color emulators. These colors are referred to as ANSI colors 0 through 7 (normal) and 8 through 15. Unfortunately, interpretation of colors 0 through 7 often depends on whether the emulator supports eight colors or sixteen colors. Emulators that only support eight colors (such as the Linux console) will display colors 0 through 7 with normal brightness and ignore colors 8 through 15, treating them the same as white. Emulators that support 16 colors, such as gnome-terminal, normally display colors 0 through 7 as dim or darker versions and colors 8 through 15 as normal brightness. On such emulators, the "normal" white (color 7) usually is shown as pale grey, requiring bright white (15) to be used to get a real white color. Bright black usually is a dark grey color, although some terminals display it as pure black. Some sixteen-color terminal emulators also treat normal yellow (color 3) as orange or brown, and bright yellow (color 11) as yellow. Following the normal convention of sixteen-color emulators, this module provides a pair of attributes for each color. For every normal color (0 through 7), the corresponding bright color (8 through 15) is obtained by prepending the string C to the normal color name. For example, C is color 1 and C is color 9. The same applies for background colors: C is the normal color and C is the bright color. Capitalize these strings for the constant interface. There is unfortunately no way to know whether the current emulator supports sixteen colors or not, which makes the choice of colors difficult. The most conservative choice is to use only the regular colors, which are at least displayed on all emulators. However, they will appear dark in sixteen-color terminal emulators, including most common emulators in UNIX X environments. If you know the display is one of those emulators, you may wish to use the bright variants instead. Even better, offer the user a way to configure the colors for a given application to fit their terminal emulator. Support for colors 8 through 15 (the C variants) was added in Term::ANSIColor 3.0. =head2 Function Interface The function interface uses attribute strings to describe the colors and text attributes to assign to text. The recognized non-color attributes are clear, reset, bold, dark, faint, underline, underscore, blink, reverse, and concealed. Clear and reset (reset to default attributes), dark and faint (dim and saturated), and underline and underscore are equivalent, so use whichever is the most intuitive to you. Note that not all attributes are supported by all terminal types, and some terminals may not support any of these sequences. Dark and faint, blink, and concealed in particular are frequently not implemented. The recognized normal foreground color attributes (colors 0 to 7) are: black red green yellow blue magenta cyan white The corresponding bright foreground color attributes (colors 8 to 15) are: bright_black bright_red bright_green bright_yellow bright_blue bright_magenta bright_cyan bright_white The recognized normal background color attributes (colors 0 to 7) are: on_black on_red on_green on yellow on_blue on_magenta on_cyan on_white The recognized bright background color attributes (colors 8 to 15) are: on_bright_black on_bright_red on_bright_green on_bright_yellow on_bright_blue on_bright_magenta on_bright_cyan on_bright_white For any of the above listed attributes, case is not significant. Attributes, once set, last until they are unset (by printing the attribute C or C). Be careful to do this, or otherwise your attribute will last after your script is done running, and people get very annoyed at having their prompt and typing changed to weird colors. =over 4 =item color(ATTR[, ATTR ...]) color() takes any number of strings as arguments and considers them to be space-separated lists of attributes. It then forms and returns the escape sequence to set those attributes. It doesn't print it out, just returns it, so you'll have to print it yourself if you want to. This is so that you can save it as a string, pass it to something else, send it to a file handle, or do anything else with it that you might care to. color() throws an exception if given an invalid attribute. =item colored(STRING, ATTRIBUTES) =item colored(ATTR-REF, STRING[, STRING...]) As an aid in resetting colors, colored() takes a scalar as the first argument and any number of attribute strings as the second argument and returns the scalar wrapped in escape codes so that the attributes will be set as requested before the string and reset to normal after the string. Alternately, you can pass a reference to an array as the first argument, and then the contents of that array will be taken as attributes and color codes and the remainder of the arguments as text to colorize. Normally, colored() just puts attribute codes at the beginning and end of the string, but if you set $Term::ANSIColor::EACHLINE to some string, that string will be considered the line delimiter and the attribute will be set at the beginning of each line of the passed string and reset at the end of each line. This is often desirable if the output contains newlines and you're using background colors, since a background color that persists across a newline is often interpreted by the terminal as providing the default background color for the next line. Programs like pagers can also be confused by attributes that span lines. Normally you'll want to set $Term::ANSIColor::EACHLINE to C<"\n"> to use this feature. =item uncolor(ESCAPE) uncolor() performs the opposite translation as color(), turning escape sequences into a list of strings corresponding to the attributes being set by those sequences. =item colorstrip(STRING[, STRING ...]) colorstrip() removes all color escape sequences from the provided strings, returning the modified strings separately in array context or joined together in scalar context. Its arguments are not modified. =item colorvalid(ATTR[, ATTR ...]) colorvalid() takes attribute strings the same as color() and returns true if all attributes are known and false otherwise. =back =head2 Constant Interface Alternately, if you import C<:constants>, you can use the following constants directly: CLEAR RESET BOLD DARK FAINT UNDERLINE UNDERSCORE BLINK REVERSE CONCEALED BLACK RED GREEN YELLOW BLUE MAGENTA CYAN WHITE BRIGHT_BLACK BRIGHT_RED BRIGHT_GREEN BRIGHT_YELLOW BRIGHT_BLUE BRIGHT_MAGENTA BRIGHT_CYAN BRIGHT_WHITE ON_BLACK ON_RED ON_GREEN ON_YELLOW ON_BLUE ON_MAGENTA ON_CYAN ON_WHITE ON_BRIGHT_BLACK ON_BRIGHT_RED ON_BRIGHT_GREEN ON_BRIGHT_YELLOW ON_BRIGHT_BLUE ON_BRIGHT_MAGENTA ON_BRIGHT_CYAN ON_BRIGHT_WHITE These are the same as color('attribute') and can be used if you prefer typing: print BOLD BLUE ON_WHITE "Text", RESET, "\n"; to print colored ("Text", 'bold blue on_white'), "\n"; (Note that the newline is kept separate to avoid confusing the terminal as described above since a background color is being used.) When using the constants, if you don't want to have to remember to add the C<, RESET> at the end of each print line, you can set $Term::ANSIColor::AUTORESET to a true value. Then, the display mode will automatically be reset if there is no comma after the constant. In other words, with that variable set: print BOLD BLUE "Text\n"; will reset the display mode afterward, whereas: print BOLD, BLUE, "Text\n"; will not. If you are using background colors, you will probably want to print the newline with a separate print statement to avoid confusing the terminal. The subroutine interface has the advantage over the constants interface in that only two subroutines are exported into your namespace, versus thirty-eight in the constants interface. On the flip side, the constants interface has the advantage of better compile time error checking, since misspelled names of colors or attributes in calls to color() and colored() won't be caught until runtime whereas misspelled names of constants will be caught at compile time. So, pollute your namespace with almost two dozen subroutines that you may not even use that often, or risk a silly bug by mistyping an attribute. Your choice, TMTOWTDI after all. =head2 The Color Stack As of Term::ANSIColor 2.0, you can import C<:pushpop> and maintain a stack of colors using PUSHCOLOR, POPCOLOR, and LOCALCOLOR. PUSHCOLOR takes the attribute string that starts its argument and pushes it onto a stack of attributes. POPCOLOR removes the top of the stack and restores the previous attributes set by the argument of a prior PUSHCOLOR. LOCALCOLOR surrounds its argument in a PUSHCOLOR and POPCOLOR so that the color resets afterward. When using PUSHCOLOR, POPCOLOR, and LOCALCOLOR, it's particularly important to not put commas between the constants. print PUSHCOLOR BLUE "Text\n"; will correctly push BLUE onto the top of the stack. print PUSHCOLOR, BLUE, "Text\n"; # wrong! will not, and a subsequent pop won't restore the correct attributes. PUSHCOLOR pushes the attributes set by its argument, which is normally a string of color constants. It can't ask the terminal what the current attributes are. =head1 DIAGNOSTICS =over 4 =item Bad escape sequence %s (F) You passed an invalid ANSI escape sequence to uncolor(). =item Bareword "%s" not allowed while "strict subs" in use (F) You probably mistyped a constant color name such as: $Foobar = FOOBAR . "This line should be blue\n"; or: @Foobar = FOOBAR, "This line should be blue\n"; This will only show up under use strict (another good reason to run under use strict). =item Invalid attribute name %s (F) You passed an invalid attribute name to either color() or colored(). =item Name "%s" used only once: possible typo (W) You probably mistyped a constant color name such as: print FOOBAR "This text is color FOOBAR\n"; It's probably better to always use commas after constant names in order to force the next error. =item No comma allowed after filehandle (F) You probably mistyped a constant color name such as: print FOOBAR, "This text is color FOOBAR\n"; Generating this fatal compile error is one of the main advantages of using the constants interface, since you'll immediately know if you mistype a color name. =item No name for escape sequence %s (F) The ANSI escape sequence passed to uncolor() contains escapes which aren't recognized and can't be translated to names. =back =head1 ENVIRONMENT =over 4 =item ANSI_COLORS_DISABLED If this environment variable is set, all of the functions defined by this module (color(), colored(), and all of the constants not previously used in the program) will not output any escape sequences and instead will just return the empty string or pass through the original text as appropriate. This is intended to support easy use of scripts using this module on platforms that don't support ANSI escape sequences. For it to have its proper effect, this environment variable must be set before any color constants are used in the program. =back =head1 RESTRICTIONS It would be nice if one could leave off the commas around the constants entirely and just say: print BOLD BLUE ON_WHITE "Text\n" RESET; but the syntax of Perl doesn't allow this. You need a comma after the string. (Of course, you may consider it a bug that commas between all the constants aren't required, in which case you may feel free to insert commas unless you're using $Term::ANSIColor::AUTORESET or PUSHCOLOR/POPCOLOR.) For easier debugging, you may prefer to always use the commas when not setting $Term::ANSIColor::AUTORESET or PUSHCOLOR/POPCOLOR so that you'll get a fatal compile error rather than a warning. It's not possible to use this module to embed formatting and color attributes using Perl formats. They replace the escape character with a space (as documented in L), resulting in garbled output from the unrecognized attribute. Even if there were a way around that problem, the format doesn't know that the non-printing escape sequence is zero-length and would incorrectly format the output. For formatted output using color or other attributes, either use sprintf() instead or use formline() and then add the color or other attributes after formatting and before output. =head1 NOTES The codes generated by this module are standard terminal control codes, complying with ECMA-048 and ISO 6429 (generally referred to as "ANSI color" for the color codes). The non-color control codes (bold, dark, italic, underline, and reverse) are part of the earlier ANSI X3.64 standard for control sequences for video terminals and peripherals. Note that not all displays are ISO 6429-compliant, or even X3.64-compliant (or are even attempting to be so). This module will not work as expected on displays that do not honor these escape sequences, such as cmd.exe, 4nt.exe, and command.com under either Windows NT or Windows 2000. They may just be ignored, or they may display as an ESC character followed by some apparent garbage. Jean Delvare provided the following table of different common terminal emulators and their support for the various attributes and others have helped me flesh it out: clear bold faint under blink reverse conceal ------------------------------------------------------------------------ xterm yes yes no yes yes yes yes linux yes yes yes bold yes yes no rxvt yes yes no yes bold/black yes no dtterm yes yes yes yes reverse yes yes teraterm yes reverse no yes rev/red yes no aixterm kinda normal no yes no yes yes PuTTY yes color no yes no yes no Windows yes no no no no yes no Cygwin SSH yes yes no color color color yes Mac Terminal yes yes no yes yes yes yes Windows is Windows telnet, Cygwin SSH is the OpenSSH implementation under Cygwin on Windows NT, and Mac Terminal is the Terminal application in Mac OS X. Where the entry is other than yes or no, that emulator displays the given attribute as something else instead. Note that on an aixterm, clear doesn't reset colors; you have to explicitly set the colors back to what you want. More entries in this table are welcome. Note that codes 3 (italic), 6 (rapid blink), and 9 (strike-through) are specified in ANSI X3.64 and ECMA-048 but are not commonly supported by most displays and emulators and therefore aren't supported by this module at the present time. ECMA-048 also specifies a large number of other attributes, including a sequence of attributes for font changes, Fraktur characters, double-underlining, framing, circling, and overlining. As none of these attributes are widely supported or useful, they also aren't currently supported by this module. =head1 SEE ALSO ECMA-048 is available on-line (at least at the time of this writing) at L. ISO 6429 is available from ISO for a charge; the author of this module does not own a copy of it. Since the source material for ISO 6429 was ECMA-048 and the latter is available for free, there seems little reason to obtain the ISO standard. The current version of this module is always available from its web site at L. It is also part of the Perl core distribution as of 5.6.0. =head1 AUTHORS Original idea (using constants) by Zenin, reimplemented using subs by Russ Allbery , and then combined with the original idea by Russ with input from Zenin. Russ Allbery now maintains this module. =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright 1996, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Russ Allbery and Zenin. This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. PUSHCOLOR, POPCOLOR, and LOCALCOLOR were contributed by openmethods.com voice solutions. =cut PKïtiZ…uBú5ú5 ReadLine.pmnu„[µü¤=head1 NAME Term::ReadLine - Perl interface to various C packages. If no real package is found, substitutes stubs instead of basic functions. =head1 SYNOPSIS use Term::ReadLine; my $term = Term::ReadLine->new('Simple Perl calc'); my $prompt = "Enter your arithmetic expression: "; my $OUT = $term->OUT || \*STDOUT; while ( defined ($_ = $term->readline($prompt)) ) { my $res = eval($_); warn $@ if $@; print $OUT $res, "\n" unless $@; $term->addhistory($_) if /\S/; } =head1 DESCRIPTION This package is just a front end to some other packages. It's a stub to set up a common interface to the various ReadLine implementations found on CPAN (under the C namespace). =head1 Minimal set of supported functions All the supported functions should be called as methods, i.e., either as $term = Term::ReadLine->new('name'); or as $term->addhistory('row'); where $term is a return value of Term::ReadLine-Enew(). =over 12 =item C returns the actual package that executes the commands. Among possible values are C, C, C. =item C returns the handle for subsequent calls to following functions. Argument is the name of the application. Optionally can be followed by two arguments for C and C filehandles. These arguments should be globs. =item C gets an input line, I with actual C support. Trailing newline is removed. Returns C on C. =item C adds the line to the history of input, from where it can be used if the actual C is present. =item C, C return the filehandles for input and output or C if C input and output cannot be used for Perl. =item C If argument is specified, it is an advice on minimal size of line to be included into history. C means do not include anything into history. Returns the old value. =item C returns an array with two strings that give most appropriate names for files for input and output using conventions C<"E$in">, C<"Eout">. =item Attribs returns a reference to a hash which describes internal configuration of the package. Names of keys in this hash conform to standard conventions with the leading C stripped. =item C Returns a reference to a hash with keys being features present in current implementation. Several optional features are used in the minimal interface: C should be present if the first argument to C is recognized, and C should be present if C method is not dummy. C should be present if lines are put into history automatically (maybe subject to C), and C if C method is not dummy. If C method reports a feature C as present, the method C is not dummy. =back =head1 Additional supported functions Actually C can use some other package, that will support a richer set of commands. All these commands are callable via method interface and have names which conform to standard conventions with the leading C stripped. The stub package included with the perl distribution allows some additional methods: =over 12 =item C makes Tk event loop run when waiting for user input (i.e., during C method). =item C Registers call-backs to wait for user input (i.e., during C method). This supercedes tkRunning. The first call-back registered is the call back for waiting. It is expected that the callback will call the current event loop until there is something waiting to get on the input filehandle. The parameter passed in is the return value of the second call back. The second call-back registered is the call back for registration. The input filehandle (often STDIN, but not necessarily) will be passed in. For example, with AnyEvent: $term->event_loop(sub { my $data = shift; $data->[1] = AE::cv(); $data->[1]->recv(); }, sub { my $fh = shift; my $data = []; $data->[0] = AE::io($fh, 0, sub { $data->[1]->send() }); $data; }); The second call-back is optional if the call back is registered prior to the call to $term-Ereadline. Deregistration is done in this case by calling event_loop with C as its parameter: $term->event_loop(undef); This will cause the data array ref to be removed, allowing normal garbage collection to clean it up. With AnyEvent, that will cause $data->[0] to be cleaned up, and AnyEvent will automatically cancel the watcher at that time. If another loop requires more than that to clean up a file watcher, that will be up to the caller to handle. =item C makes the command line stand out by using termcap data. The argument to C should be 0, 1, or a string of a form C<"aa,bb,cc,dd">. Four components of this string should be names of I, first two will be issued to make the prompt standout, last two to make the input line standout. =item C takes two arguments which are input filehandle and output filehandle. Switches to use these filehandles. =back One can check whether the currently loaded ReadLine package supports these methods by checking for corresponding C. =head1 EXPORTS None =head1 ENVIRONMENT The environment variable C governs which ReadLine clone is loaded. If the value is false, a dummy interface is used. If the value is true, it should be tail of the name of the package to use, such as C or C. As a special case, if the value of this variable is space-separated, the tail might be used to disable the ornaments by setting the tail to be C or C. The head should be as described above, say If the variable is not set, or if the head of space-separated list is empty, the best available package is loaded. export "PERL_RL=Perl o=0" # Use Perl ReadLine sans ornaments export "PERL_RL= o=0" # Use best available ReadLine sans ornaments (Note that processing of C for ornaments is in the discretion of the particular used C package). =cut use strict; package Term::ReadLine::Stub; our @ISA = qw'Term::ReadLine::Tk Term::ReadLine::TermCap'; $DB::emacs = $DB::emacs; # To peacify -w our @rl_term_set; *rl_term_set = \@Term::ReadLine::TermCap::rl_term_set; sub PERL_UNICODE_STDIN () { 0x0001 } sub ReadLine {'Term::ReadLine::Stub'} sub readline { my $self = shift; my ($in,$out,$str) = @$self; my $prompt = shift; print $out $rl_term_set[0], $prompt, $rl_term_set[1], $rl_term_set[2]; $self->register_Tk if not $Term::ReadLine::registered and $Term::ReadLine::toloop; #$str = scalar <$in>; $str = $self->get_line; utf8::upgrade($str) if (${^UNICODE} & PERL_UNICODE_STDIN || defined ${^ENCODING}) && utf8::valid($str); print $out $rl_term_set[3]; # bug in 5.000: chomping empty string creats length -1: chomp $str if defined $str; $str; } sub addhistory {} sub findConsole { my $console; my $consoleOUT; if (-e "/dev/tty") { $console = "/dev/tty"; } elsif (-e "con" or $^O eq 'MSWin32') { $console = 'CONIN$'; $consoleOUT = 'CONOUT$'; } else { $console = "sys\$command"; } if (($^O eq 'amigaos') || ($^O eq 'beos') || ($^O eq 'epoc')) { $console = undef; } elsif ($^O eq 'os2') { if ($DB::emacs) { $console = undef; } else { $console = "/dev/con"; } } $consoleOUT = $console unless defined $consoleOUT; $console = "&STDIN" unless defined $console; if ($console eq "/dev/tty" && !open(my $fh, "<", $console)) { $console = "&STDIN"; undef($consoleOUT); } if (!defined $consoleOUT) { $consoleOUT = defined fileno(STDERR) && $^O ne 'MSWin32' ? "&STDERR" : "&STDOUT"; } ($console,$consoleOUT); } sub new { die "method new called with wrong number of arguments" unless @_==2 or @_==4; #local (*FIN, *FOUT); my ($FIN, $FOUT, $ret); if (@_==2) { my($console, $consoleOUT) = $_[0]->findConsole; # the Windows CONIN$ needs GENERIC_WRITE mode to allow # a SetConsoleMode() if we end up using Term::ReadKey open FIN, ( $^O eq 'MSWin32' && $console eq 'CONIN$' ) ? "+<$console" : "<$console"; open FOUT,">$consoleOUT"; #OUT->autoflush(1); # Conflicts with debugger? my $sel = select(FOUT); $| = 1; # for DB::OUT select($sel); $ret = bless [\*FIN, \*FOUT]; } else { # Filehandles supplied $FIN = $_[2]; $FOUT = $_[3]; #OUT->autoflush(1); # Conflicts with debugger? my $sel = select($FOUT); $| = 1; # for DB::OUT select($sel); $ret = bless [$FIN, $FOUT]; } if ($ret->Features->{ornaments} and not ($ENV{PERL_RL} and $ENV{PERL_RL} =~ /\bo\w*=0/)) { local $Term::ReadLine::termcap_nowarn = 1; $ret->ornaments(1); } return $ret; } sub newTTY { my ($self, $in, $out) = @_; $self->[0] = $in; $self->[1] = $out; my $sel = select($out); $| = 1; # for DB::OUT select($sel); } sub IN { shift->[0] } sub OUT { shift->[1] } sub MinLine { undef } sub Attribs { {} } my %features = (tkRunning => 1, ornaments => 1, 'newTTY' => 1); sub Features { \%features } #sub get_line { # my $self = shift; # my $in = $self->IN; # local ($/) = "\n"; # return scalar <$in>; #} package Term::ReadLine; # So late to allow the above code be defined? our $VERSION = '1.09'; my ($which) = exists $ENV{PERL_RL} ? split /\s+/, $ENV{PERL_RL} : undef; if ($which) { if ($which =~ /\bgnu\b/i){ eval "use Term::ReadLine::Gnu;"; } elsif ($which =~ /\bperl\b/i) { eval "use Term::ReadLine::Perl;"; } elsif ($which =~ /^(Stub|TermCap|Tk)$/) { # it is already in memory to avoid false exception as seen in: # PERL_RL=Stub perl -e'$SIG{__DIE__} = sub { print @_ }; require Term::ReadLine' } else { eval "use Term::ReadLine::$which;"; } } elsif (defined $which and $which ne '') { # Defined but false # Do nothing fancy } else { eval "use Term::ReadLine::Gnu; 1" or eval "use Term::ReadLine::Perl; 1"; } #require FileHandle; # To make possible switch off RL in debugger: (Not needed, work done # in debugger). our @ISA; if (defined &Term::ReadLine::Gnu::readline) { @ISA = qw(Term::ReadLine::Gnu Term::ReadLine::Stub); } elsif (defined &Term::ReadLine::Perl::readline) { @ISA = qw(Term::ReadLine::Perl Term::ReadLine::Stub); } elsif (defined $which && defined &{"Term::ReadLine::$which\::readline"}) { @ISA = "Term::ReadLine::$which"; } else { @ISA = qw(Term::ReadLine::Stub); } package Term::ReadLine::TermCap; # Prompt-start, prompt-end, command-line-start, command-line-end # -- zero-width beautifies to emit around prompt and the command line. our @rl_term_set = ("","","",""); # string encoded: our $rl_term_set = ',,,'; our $terminal; sub LoadTermCap { return if defined $terminal; require Term::Cap; $terminal = Tgetent Term::Cap ({OSPEED => 9600}); # Avoid warning. } sub ornaments { shift; return $rl_term_set unless @_; $rl_term_set = shift; $rl_term_set ||= ',,,'; $rl_term_set = 'us,ue,md,me' if $rl_term_set eq '1'; my @ts = split /,/, $rl_term_set, 4; eval { LoadTermCap }; unless (defined $terminal) { warn("Cannot find termcap: $@\n") unless $Term::ReadLine::termcap_nowarn; $rl_term_set = ',,,'; return; } @rl_term_set = map {$_ ? $terminal->Tputs($_,1) || '' : ''} @ts; return $rl_term_set; } package Term::ReadLine::Tk; # This package inserts a Tk->fileevent() before the diamond operator. # The Tk watcher dispatches Tk events until the filehandle returned by # the$term->IN() accessor becomes ready for reading. It's assumed # that the diamond operator will return a line of input immediately at # that point. my ($giveup); # maybe in the future the Tk-specific aspects will be removed. sub Tk_loop{ if (ref $Term::ReadLine::toloop) { $Term::ReadLine::toloop->[0]->($Term::ReadLine::toloop->[2]); } else { Tk::DoOneEvent(0) until $giveup; $giveup = 0; } }; sub register_Tk { my $self = shift; unless ($Term::ReadLine::registered++) { if (ref $Term::ReadLine::toloop) { $Term::ReadLine::toloop->[2] = $Term::ReadLine::toloop->[1]->($self->IN) if $Term::ReadLine::toloop->[1]; } else { Tk->fileevent($self->IN,'readable',sub { $giveup = 1}); } } }; sub tkRunning { $Term::ReadLine::toloop = $_[1] if @_ > 1; $Term::ReadLine::toloop; } sub event_loop { shift; # T::RL::Gnu and T::RL::Perl check that this exists, if not, # it doesn't call the loop. Those modules will need to be # fixed before this can be removed. if (not defined &Tk::DoOneEvent) { *Tk::DoOneEvent = sub { die "what?"; # this shouldn't be called. } } # store the callback in toloop, again so that other modules will # recognise it and call us for the loop. $Term::ReadLine::toloop = [ @_ ] if @_ > 0; # 0 because we shifted off $self. $Term::ReadLine::toloop; } sub PERL_UNICODE_STDIN () { 0x0001 } sub get_line { my $self = shift; my ($in,$out,$str) = @$self; if ($Term::ReadLine::toloop) { $self->register_Tk if not $Term::ReadLine::registered; $self->Tk_loop; } local ($/) = "\n"; $str = <$in>; utf8::upgrade($str) if (${^UNICODE} & PERL_UNICODE_STDIN || defined ${^ENCODING}) && utf8::valid($str); print $out $rl_term_set[3]; # bug in 5.000: chomping empty string creats length -1: chomp $str if defined $str; $str; } 1; PKïtiZ·ôȀ Complete.pmnu„[µü¤PKïtiZ3(BCxSxSýCap.pmnu„[µü¤PKïtiZ÷± t0s0s «eANSIColor.pmnu„[µü¤PKïtiZ…uBú5ú5 ÙReadLine.pmnu„[µü¤PK(L