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Verantwoordelijke van het ABOS-ondersteuningskantoor te Paramaribo en plaatsvervanger van de ordonnateur (gestationeerd op de sectie van Guatemala) als verbindingsagent tussen het ABOS en het Ministerie van Ontwikkelingssamenwerking in Paramaribo. 1990 - 2000: ABOS-coperant, verantwoordelijke van het project Ondersteuning van de visserijsector in Suriname, Paramaribo, Suriname. 1985 1989 : ABOS-coperant, in het project Sylvo-Agro-Pastoril : ruraal ontwikkelingsprogramma Pachitea, Pucallpa, Peru. 1985 : Korte zendingsopdracht voor het FAO, Rome, Itali. 1982 1985 : Junior expert FAO, in het project CAF/80/002 Vulgarisation de la pisciculture en Rpublique Centrafricaine et autofinancement des stations piscicoles, Bangui, Centraal Afrikaanse Republiek. 1981 : Junior expert FAO in het project CAF/78/004 Assistance au bureau dtudes et de coordination du Ministre de lAgriculture, Bangui, Centraal Afrikaanse Republiek. Taalkennis Moedertaal : Nederlands. Goede kennis : Frans, Spaans, Engels. Beheersing van informatica Dagelijks gebruik van Macintosh en PC, multimedia. Carlos Lietar, POBox 2957, Paramaribo, Suriname. Tel./fax : 597 422144, Email :  HYPERLINK mailto:lietar@sr.net lietar@sr.net  DATE \@ "dd-MM-yyyy" 20-05-2003.  PAGE 2 Beknopte CV, carlos.lietar@diplobel.be mei 2003 YZrst9;A,4/ 3 a e g m o    ; < = 4 5 ξնՅzCJOJQJmHsHCJOJQJmHsH CJmH sH mH sH 6:]mH sH 6]mH sH 6:]mHsH6]mHsH:CJmHsH5CJmHsH CJmHsHmHsH CJmHsHCJOJQJmHsHOJQJmHsHCJOJQJmHsH0=WXYZst; ^` ^`.pdh$d!%d &d!'d$N!O P!Q$]^p0pdhx$d!%d &d!'d$N!O P!Q$]^p l y605 o =  4 5 P 8 9  $dN$  dh]a$  ~<^ `~  ~x^ `~ d^` d^`     * + - . 4 5 6 7 8 9 : N ` a i k l m }xxmHsH CJmHsHCJOJQJmHsH0JCJOJQJmHnHsHu0JCJOJQJmHsH!j0JCJOJQJUmHsHCJOJQJmHnHsHu0JCJmHsH#jCJOJQJUmHsHjCJOJQJUmHsHCJOJQJmHsH9 : j k l m  3 $dN3 0&P /R . 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DATE OF BIRTH : 22 FEBRUARY 1954 MARITAL STATUS : MARRIED, TWO CHILDREN NATIONALITY : BELGIAN ADDRESS : DE BERGEN 12 , 2820 BONHEIDEN, BELGIUM TELEPHONE - e-mail : (+32) 15 517530 - luc.risch@pandora.be PRINCIPAL DIPLOMA : PhD NATURAL SCIENCES (BIOLOGY) PRINCIPAL ACTIVITIES : AQUACULTURE, FISHERY RESEARCH AQUATIC ECOLOGY AND BIODIVERSITY LANGUAGES : DUTCH (mother tongue), ENGLISH, FRENCH, GERMAN (notions), SPANISH (notions) OTHER SKILLS : IBM compatible computers, Apple, MS Office COUNTRY EXPERIENCE : long term experience (more than 1 year): EUROPE : 1977-1980; 1984-1987; 1990-1992; 2000-now NIGERIA : 1981-1984 ZAIRE : 1987-1990 BURUNDI : 1992-1995 IVORY COAST : 1996-2000 short term experience (less than one year): Africa SENEGAL: 1978 (2 weeks); IVORY COAST: 1980 (6 weeks); NIGERIA: 1980 (2 weeks); 1985 (4 weeks); KENYA: 1991 (4 weeks); 1995 (4 weeks); SADC-REGION: 1994 (5 weeks); TANZANIA: 1994 (3 weeks); R.D. CONGO: 2002 (3 weeks) Asia INDONESIA: 1987 (6 weeks); PHILIPPINES : 2003 (2 weeks) Lain America ECUADOR: 1987 (2 weeks); BOLIVIA: 1987 (8 weeks); HONDURAS: 2001 (1 week); GUATEMALA: 2001 (1 week) EDUCATIONAL HISTORY 1972: High School Degree (LatinSciences), College St.Rombouts, Mechelen, Belgium 1977: Licentiate (MSc) Zoology, Catholic University Leuven (KUL), Belgium 1978: BEd Secondary Schools, Catholic University Leuven (KUL), Belgium 1979: Certificate Third Cycle Courses, Ichthyology, Catholic University Leuven, Belgium 1980: Certificate Short Course Fish Diseases, University of Stirling, Scotland 1986: PhD Natural Sciences (Zoology), Catholic University Leuven, Belgium 1986: Report writing for Development, Management for Development Foundation, Ede, The Netherlands PROFESSIONAL HISTORY. 1987-now: Belgian Governement Agencies (BADC, DGIC, DGDC) 1986-1987: EUROCONSULT, The Netherlands. 1986: Muse National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France. 1984-1985: Royal Museum for Central Africa, Tervuren, Belgium. 1981-1984: Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO, Rome, Italy). 1977-1980: Institute for Scientific Research in Industry and Agriculture, Belgium. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE. BELGIUM: General Directorate for Development Cooperation (DGOS-DGCD, Brussels) 2003 to present - 24 month training course Attach International Cooperation 2000-2002 - Project Officer in charge of the follow-up of different non-governemental initiatives - Monitoring NGO-activities in Honduras, Guatemala, Congo and the Phillippines CTE D'IVOIRE: Appui la Profession Piscicole dans l'Est (Abengourou). 1996 to 2000 - Project leader of a fish culture development project. - Development of private small scale fishculture units in the Region of the Moyen Como: - identification of suitable sites and construction of small scale farms (0,5 to 1 ha) - training of private fish farm holders, construction engineers and staff - supporting an emerging cooperative fishculture association (cepremco) - organising the private sector (constructors, food production, marketing) KENYA: Evaluation mission of the FAO/BSF Fish culture Project, Kisumu. 02/1995 Team leader and Belgian representative of the Evaluation Mission of the small Scale fish culture project in Kisumu. TANZANIA: BSF-Identification and Formulation Mission in Kagera Region. 11/1994 Team leader and Fish culture expert of a multidisciplinary mission of the Belgian Survival Fund to the Kagera Region in Northern Tanzania. SADC-REGION: Evaluation mission of the FAO-ALCOM project 05/1994 Zimbabwe, Zambia, Lesotho, Mozambique and Malawi: Belgian participant of the Joint Evaluation Mission (Sweden, Belgium, FAO, SADC) of the ALCOM (Aquaculture in Local Communities) project. BURUNDI: Centre Rgional de Recherches en Hydrobiologie Applique, Bujumbura. 1992 to 1995 - Project manager of an ecological biodiversity research project in the CEPGL countries - Headquarters in Bujumbura, scientific activities in Burundi, Zaire and Rwanda Hydrobiology: fish communities, fish biology, aquatic invertebrate studies - limnology: water quality and phytoplankton studies - environment: biodiversity and pollution studies BELGIUM: Belgian Agency for Development Co-operation, Brussels 1990 to 1992 - project officer, project preparations and evaluations in headquarters - Kenya: Belgian participant of the Joint Evaluation Mission (UNDP/Belgium/Kenya/FAO) of the Kisumu Fish Culture Project (October 1991) - Burundi: First International Conference on the Conservation and Biodiversity of Lake Tanganyika (March 1991). ZAIRE : Fish Culture Project: Extension of fish culture in the Kwilu-Kwango area (Kianza) 1987 to 1990  rehabilitation and management of the 5 ha fish farm in Kianza, Feshi, Bandundu  fingerling production for the local farmers  development of rural fish culture methods  extension of fish culture activities  setting up an extension network in collaboration with the Zairian authorities  more than 5000 fishponds were developed in villages between Kikwit, Kahemba and Feshi THE NETHERLANDS: Consultant with Euroconsult, Arnhem 1986-1987 - evaluation and preparation of aquaculture projects  desk studies and project preparations on mangrove and tambak cultures, commercial cage culture (bass) and extensive pen cultures. - Bolivia: PDMR II: Altiplano microproyecto - 2 months (May-June 1987)  study of the feasibility of trout culture on the Altiplano and in the Charazani valley  study of the feasibility of carp and tilapia culture in the valleys nearby La Paz (Luribay) - Ecuador: Study of shrimp culture in Bahia de Caraquez - 15 days (March 1987)  prefeasibility study of a new extensive shrimp farm in Bahia de Caraquez  evaluation of different sites and culture methods - Indonesia: Cisedanuk Water Resources Planning Project - 6 weeks (January-February 1987) - assessment of aquaculture water demands in West Java - impact of shrimp and fish production in the brackish and freshwater areas of West Java. FRANCE: Study of African catfishes 03-08/1986  contributions to the Check-list of the African Freshwater Fishes (CLOFFA) and to the Faune des poissons d'eaux douces et saumtres de l'Afrique de l'Ouest BELGIUM: Preparation of a PhD Thesis 1985 to 1986  Morphological, anatomical, systematical and zoogeographical study of the catfish genus Chrysichthys and other related genera (Siluroidei, Bagridae).  Studies on the impact of small-scale fishery and fish farming in tropical countries - Nigeria: Feasibility study of a fish farm near Warri - 1 month (July 1985)  design of a fish breeding station and organisation of fishpond production at Warri.  evaluation of the catfish culture (Chrysichthys) in the mangroves nearby Lagos. NIGERIA: African Regional Aquaculture Centre, Port Harcourt. 1981 to 1984 - Research to the potential of new species in African aquaculture (Chrysichthys, Clarias)  research to the effect of acid mangrove soils on fish production  planning and execution of a postgraduate training programme for African fish breeding specialists on all aspects of African fish culture (52 weeks, English and French)  analysis of alternative production units with lower investment costs (cages, pens)  monitoring physicochemical parameters of water in mangrove environment  participation in the development of a new 15 ha fish breeding farm in Aluu  directing the scientific research of the trainees (general aquaculture topics with respect to the production of tilapias, catfish, oysters and shrimps). BELGIUM: Royal Museum for Central Africa Tervuren 1977 to 1980  study of the African catfish family Bagridae, especially of the economic important genera Chrysichthys, Gephyroglanis, Auchenoglanis and Parauchenoglanis. - Nigeria, Ivory Coast: Collecting and study of the ichthyofauna. - 2 months (April-May 1980) - study of the fish populations of the Ogun and Oshun Rivers, Kainji Lake, Lagos and Lekki lagoon, Cavally, Sassandra, Bandama and Como Rivers, Ebri lagoon. - France, United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Belgium: Scientific studies of African catfish species  1979 (several months) - Study of the preserved fish collections in different musea. - Poland: 3th Paneuropean Ichthyological Congress - 1979: 14 days  participation with two communications - Senegal: Study of the ichthyofauna - 14 days (April 1978) Study of the fish populations of the Senegal (including the lac de Guiers), the Gambia and the Casamance Rivers. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS. Lowe-Mc Connell R., Roest F., Ntakimazi G. & Risch L., 1994 : African great lakes. in: Teugels et al (eds): Biological diversity in African Fresh- and Brackish Water Fishes. Symposium PARADI. Ann.Mus.r.Afr.Centr. 275: pp.87-94. Risch L., 1980 : Description of Parasicydium bandama g.nov., sp.nov., a new gobiid fish from the Bandama River, Ivory Coast (Pisces, Gobiidae). Rev.Zool.Afr., 94, (1): pp.126134. Risch L., 1981 : Note sur la rhabilitation de Chrysichthys maurus (Cuv.& Val.,1839) (Pisces, Bagridae). Rev.Zool. Afr., 95, (2): pp. 401416. Risch L., 1981 : The systematic status of Gephyroglanis longipinnis Boulenger, 1899, Chrysichthys magnus Pellegrin, 1922, and Gephyroglanis gigas Pellegrin, 1922 (Pisces, Bagridae). Rev.Zool.Afr., 95, (3): pp. 508524. Risch L., 1985 : Note sur la redcouverte de Gephyroglanis ogooensis Pell., 1900 (Pisces, Bagridae) dans l'Ogou (Gabon). Rev.Zool.Afr., 99, (1): pp. 97104. Risch L., 1985 : Description of two new species in the genus Chrysichthys Blkr., 1858 (Pisces Bagridae). Rev.Zool.Afr., 99, (2): pp. 185193. Risch L., 1986 : Het genus Chrysichthys Bleeker, 1858 en aanverwante genera (Pisces, Siluriformes, Bagridae). Doctoraatsthesis, K.U.Leuven. 801 p. Risch L., 1986 : Bagridae. in Checklist of the freshwater fishes of Africa (CLOFFA II). Ed. J.Daget, J.P.Gosse & D.F.E.Thys van den Audenaerde. ISNB Bruxelles, MRAC Tervuren, ORSTOM Paris 1986. pp.235. Risch L., 1987 : Description of four new bagrid catfishes from Africa (Siluriformes : Bagridae). Cybium, 11, (1): pp.2138. Risch L., 1988 : Description d'une espce nouvelle de Chrysichthys (Pisces, Bagridae), provenant de la rivire Konkour (Rpublique de Guine). Cybium, 12, (1): pp.37. Risch L., 1992: Bagridae. in: Faune des poissons d'eaux douces et saumtres de l'Afrique de l'Ouest. Tome 2. (Ed.Levque C., Paugy D. & Teugels G.). ORSTOM, Coll.Faune tropicale, 28: pp.395-431. Risch L., 1992: Description de Chrysichthys dageti n.sp. (Teleostei, Bagridae), espce nouvelle du bassin du Kouilou (Rpublique du Congo). Cybium, 16 (2): pp.151-157. Risch L., & Delinc G., 1984 : Annexe: Manuel pour l'analyse de l'eau. Dans: Partie II: Choix d'emplacements convenant pour l'aquaculture. Publ.A.R.A.C., Port Harcourt: 59 p. Risch L., & Thys van den Audenaerde D., 1979: On the westafrican species of the genera Sicydium and Lentipes (Pisces, Gobiidae). Rev.Zool.Afr., 93, (4): pp.883. Risch L., & Thys van den Audenaerde D., 1981 : Note on the systematical status of Gephyroglanis velifer Thys, 1965 (Pisces, Bagridae). Rev.Zool.Afr., 95, (1): pp. 245251. Risch L., & Thys van den Audenaerde D., 1985 : Note sur la prsence de Chrysichthys longidorsalis Risch & Thys, 1981 (Pisces, Bagridae) et de Sanagia velifer Holly, 1926 (Pisces, Cyprinidae) dans le Nyong (Camroun). Rev.Zool.Afr., 99, (1): pp. 8796. Risch L., & Thys van den Audenaerde D., 1985 : Nouvelle description, distribution gographique et affinits de Chrysichthys johnelsi Daget, 1959 (Pisces, Bagridae). Cybium, 9, (3): pp. 243254. Skelton P.H., Risch L., & De Vos L., 1984: On the generic identity of the Gephyroglanis catfishes from Southern Africa (Pisces, Siluroidei, Bagridae). Rev.Zool.Afr., 98, (2): pp.337372. Teugels G.G., Risch L., De Vos L. & Thys van den Audenaerde D., 1991: Generic review of the African bagrid genera Auchenoglanis and Parauchenoglanis with the description of a new genus. J.Nat.Hist., 25: pp.499-517. PRINCIPAL REPORTS a) as project manager 1987-1990 Three-monthly and yearly progress reports on the status of fish farming in the Bandundu Region, Zare to the Belgian Agency for Development Cooperation. 1992-1995 Three-monthly and yearly progress reports on the status of the Centre de Recherche en Hydrobiologie Applique, Burundi, to the Belgian Agency for Development Cooperation. 1996-2000 Semestrial and annual progress reports to the Steering Committee of the project b) as team leader (co-author) 1995 GOK/BSF/UNDP/FAO Project KEN/86/027 Development of small scale fish farming in the Lake Basin Area (Republic of Kenya). Report of the Project Evaluation Mission 1995 (30/1-17/2/1995). Draft. 1994 Belgian Survival Fund United Republic of Tanzania. Kagera Region. Evaluation of the Food Security Situation in the fields of banana, fish and livestock. Report of a Technical Identification and Formulation Mission (8-27 November 1994). 61 p. c) as team member (co-author) 1994 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Aquaculture for Local Community Development Programme. GCP/INT/436/SWE, GCP/INT/555/SWE and GCP/RAF/277/BEL Joint Evaluation Mission. Project Findings and Recommendations. Draft Report. 1991 United Nations Development Programme Kenya: Development of Small Scale Fish Farming in the Lake basin. Phase II. Report of the terminal in-depth Evaluation Mission. October 1991. 55 p. + annexes 1986-1987 Technical reports (Indonesia) and identification studies (Bolivia, Ecuador) for EUROCONSULT. d) as co-author 1995 Nota over bilaterale directe ontwikkelingssamenwerking met speciale aandacht voor Afrika ten zuiden van de Sahara. Samengesteld door ABOS coperanten. Brussel, april-mei 1995: 43 p. Naar een vernieuwde bilaterale ontwikkelingssamenwerking. Vers un renouveau de la coopration bilatrale au dveloppement. VBTS-ACTB, dc.1995: 42 p. + ann.  CUR.VIT.RISCH L. Curriculum vitae Risch L. 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En charge des dossiers relatifs la coopration universitaire francophone (programme dinitiatives propres et programme de coopration universitaire institutionnelle). 30 dcembre 1988 31 dcembre 1999 AGCD (Administration Gnrale de la Coopration au Dveloppement): Cooprant affect au Projet de Soutien au Dveloppement de la Pche, Paramaribo, Surinam. 1 octobre 1985 30 septembre 1987 VVOB (Vlaamse Vereniging voor Ontwikkelingssamenwerking en Technische Bijstand) : Cooprant affect au Surinam (Ministre de lAgriculture, de lElevage et de la Pche). 11 octobre 1983 30 septembre 1985 Ministre de lAgriculture, de lElevage et de la Pche du Surinam: contrat local en qualit de spcialiste de lvaluation des ressources de pche. 30 mars 1981 20 juillet 1982 FAO (Organisation des Nations Unies pour lAlimentation et lAgriculture): Expert Associ affect Madagascar (Projet dEvaluation des Ressources de Pche, MAG/77/009) 1 janvier 1979 31 dcembre 1980 FAO (Organisation des Nations Unies pour lAlimentation et lAgriculture): Expert Associ affect au Panama (Projet Rgional de Dveloppement des Pches, INT/74/016) MISSIONS DE COURTE DUREE Des missions de courte dure ont t effectues: Pour la FAO(dveloppement des pches) : au Nicaragua, au Mexique, au Belize, Trinit-et-Tobago, au Guyana, au Venezuela, au Surinam, en Guyane franaise, au Brsil, au Mozambique; Pour lAGCD(dveloppement des pches) : au Venezuela, au Prou, au Guyana Pour la DGCI(coopration universitaire) : au Maroc  236IJLNacek: t u < 1 f  ڹˬڣښڣڎڈښ~ښښwr jU @mH sH OJQJ\mH sH  OJQJ\@H*OJQJmH sH OJQJmH sH 5>*OJQJ\0J%@OJQJmH sH #j@OJQJUmH sH j@OJQJUmH sH @OJQJmH sH 5@CJOJQJmH sH 5@OJQJmH sH !#34I^|}456IJp! & F    z^ `z$ `0 *$a$$ `0 *$a$$ `0 *$a$ $  *$a$ p)LMNabG{{$ `0 `*$^``a$$ `0 *$a$$ `0 *$a$$ `0 *$a$ ! & F   !   ^`! & F !   ^`GHk  : < d " `0$ `0 2 `*$^``a$$ 0 *$a$$ `0 `*$^``a$ " `0 $ `0 *$a$$ `0*$a$d e f  k d$ & F `0 *$a$   $ `0 *$a$,....()()))()() 00P. 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Diploma in Tropical Medicine (DTM) Institute of Tropical Medicine, ITM, Antwerp, 1979. Diploma in Human and Animal Mycology Institute of Tropical Medicine, ITM, Antwerp, 1980. Post-graduate course Advances in Medical Mycology Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, USA, 1981. Masters of Sciences in Medical Parasitology (DLSHTM) London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, 1988. Bachelor of Sciences in Human Ecology University of Brussels, VUB, 1991. PhD University of Gent, RUG 1996 FUNCTIONS (From 10.1979-10.2001) MINISTRY OF PUBLIC HEALTH, REGION MEDICALE OF SAINT LOUIS SENEGAL, WEST AFRICA (Programme ESPOIR) & UNIVERSITY OF GENT (RUG), BELGIUM INSTITUTE OF TROPICAL MEDICINE, ANTWERP (ITM), BELGIUM INSTITUTE PASTEUR, LILLE (IPL), FRANCE Programme Manager and Scientific Coordinator in Senegal (Saint Louis) for the Ministry of Public Health (Senegal) with the support from the European Union (Inco-dev, Biotech), Belgium and France (Institute Pasteur). Co- investigator of the Schistosoma haematobium vaccine clinical trials in North Senegal. NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN PUBLIC HEALTH (INRSP) DEPARTMENT OF PARASITOLOGY BAMAKO-COURA MALI , WEST AFRICA Head of projects and Scientific Coordinator in Mali (Bamako) for the Ministry of Public Health (Mali) with the support from the European Union (DG Research- Inco-Dc) and Belgium (RUG-Vl.I.R). COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES BRUSSELS, BELGIUM DG XII/ G-4 In charge of the evaluation of the STD2 'Science & Technology for Development' programme in the field of parasitology and assistance in the evaluation of research proposals in the field of infectious diseases. INSTITUTE OF TROPICAL MEDICINE , CLINICAL DEPARTMENT ANTWERP, BELGIUM Assistant at the Clinique Lopold II in charge of diagnosis and treatment of patients admitted for tropical diseases and AIDS; clinical trials in HIV infected patients. UNIVERSITY OF KINSHASA , FACULTY OF MEDICINE, ZAIRE & INSTITUTE OF TROPICAL MEDICINE DEPARTMENT OF PARASITOLOGY ANTWERP, BELGIUM Assistant in charge of the set-up and supervision of the first AIDS diagnostic laboratory services in Kinshasa, in collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta (CDC), the National Institute for Health, Bethesda (NIH); in charge of the schistosomiasis control programme in Bas-Zare and Kinshasa; lecturer in Parasitology (ISTM, Kinshasa) and Mycology (Faculty of Medicine, University of Kinshasa). INSTITUTE OF TROPICAL MEDICINE DEPARTMENT OF MYCOLOGY ANTWERP, BELGIUM Research in dermatophytosis, aspergillosis and chromoblastomycosis. In charge of practical and theoretical sessions in the mycology course. Secretary of the Belgian Society of Mycology (1981-1984). Post-graduate course in mycoserology at the CDC, Atlanta (fellowship of the National Fund for Scientific Research- FNRS- Belgium). DISTINCTIONS James Busvine Memorial Medal and Prize London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, University of London, 1988. Laureate of the Commission of the European Communities "Medicine, Health and Nutrition in Tropical and Sub-tropical Regions". Research selection COM/R/A/4, 1988 PUBLICATIONS 48 publications mainly on infectious diseases, schistosomiasis, geohelminthiasis, Aids (diagnosis, drug resistance, treatment, control, epidemiology) in e.g. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene, American Journal of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene, Acta Tropica, Tropical Medicine & International Health, Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology. Editing of the french version of " The handbook for Aids Prevention in Africa " (Editors : P.Lamptey et P.Piot). Several meetings and seminars in Europe (Paris, Lille, Brussels, Brugge, Gent, Antwerp, Leiden, London, Oxford, Geneva), in Africa (Kinshasa, Bamako, Dakar, Saint Louis) and South America (Rio de Janeiro). OTHER ACTIVITIES Evaluation of proposals submitted to the European Commission in the field of infectious diseases and poverty-related diseases- HIV/Aids (DG-Research, EuropAid) Referee of papers submitted for publication to Tropical Medicine & International Health, Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology Current studies: Diploma in Public Health: European Health Policies, Ecole de Sant Publique de Nancy. Seminars on HIV/AIDS at the CHU, Saint Pierre, Brussels. -3IJ/ S \ z ~  13@. 6mHsHmHsH65565\\0JjU jUmH sH  \mH sH CJ.-23IJn/pBCDi$a$  Awx S ~ 4 5 n $a$n k l yz+t1$a$123@Ah3VWXefN./YZlx$a$$a$ P/ =!"#$%DyK dickdec@worldonline.beyK <mailto:dickdec@worldonline.be i4@4 NormalCJ_HmH sH tH J@J Heading 1$$!V@&]!^Va$>*CJ6@6 Heading 2$$@&a$52`2 Heading 3$@&5\<A@< Default Paragraph Font,B@, Body Text$a$(U@( Hyperlink>*B*8V@8 FollowedHyperlink>*B* tP@"t Body Text 2C$ 5`0np@ P !$`'1$a$OJQJ&-23IJn/pBCDi  Awx  S~45nkl y z + t 123@Ah3VWXefN./YZl000000000000000000000D D D D D 00000000000000000000(000000000000000 n 1 X%'.+7GKag (  " ' B N     ) GNw{|8AEK~KWRYn{/:rx Bi Avi * + r t 02.7N3333333333333333333333333JB 3A/Dick De Clercq9Macintosh HD:Users:dickdecl:Desktop:cv_Dick.De.Clercq.docDick De Clercq9Macintosh HD:Users:dickdecl:Desktop:cv_Dick.De.Clercq.docDick De Clercq9Macintosh HD:Users:dickdecl:Desktop:cv_Dick.De.Clercq.docDick De Clercq9Macintosh HD:Users:dickdecl:Desktop:cv_Dick.De.Clercq.docDick De Clercq9Macintosh HD:Users:dickdecl:Desktop:cv_Dick.De.Clercq.docDick De Clercq9Macintosh HD:Users:dickdecl:Desktop:cv_Dick.De.Clercq.docDick De ClercqYMacintosh HD:Users:dickdecl:Documents:Microsoft User Data:AutoRecovery save of cv_Dick.DePeter Van Acker_C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Attach\CV\Stagiairs\cv_Dick.De.Clercq.docPeter Van Acker_C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Attach\CV\Stagiairs\CV-Dick De Clercq.docPeter Van Acker_C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Attach\CV\Stagiairs\CV-Dick De Clercq.doc hh^h`OJQJo(-@hp deskjet 940c seriesNe00:winspoolhp deskjet 940c serieshp deskjet 940c series!@h߀ dBe4 d 2Beںںhp deskjet 940c series series,LocalOnly,DrvConverthp deskjet 940c series!@h߀ dBe4 d 2Beںںhp deskjet 940c series series,LocalOnly,DrvConvert-\2--`@UnknownGz Times New Roman5Symbol3& z Arial3z Timesa! Univers 12ptTimes New Roman"Ahst&Bu6{#!20d= `_ ParasitologiePeter Van AckerOh+'0x  4 @ LX`hp_ssParasitologieoaraara Normal.dotiPeter Van Acker16eMicrosoft Word 9.0@0@\.@D"{՜.+,D՜.+,, hp|  UG#= _ Title 8@ _PID_HLINKSAt-mailto:dickdec@worldonline.be  !"#$%&'()*+,-./013456789;<=>?@ADRoot Entry F 1"FData 1Table+WordDocument"&SummaryInformation(2DocumentSummaryInformation8:CompObjjObjectPool 1" 1"  FMicrosoft Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89qPK0fZ@ppCV-Geert Deserranno.docnu[ࡱ> 352 z bjbj 7jj,Ml\\\\\\\phhh8 p'j(BDDD=&$r( *x&\& \\&   d\\B B x  \\& bt"phX&&0'< +4 +& pp\\\\Geert Deserranno Aprillaan 15 1200 Brussel tel.home ++ 32 2 742 06 72 deserranno@belgacom.net CV Geert DESERRANNO NATIONALITY: Belgian BORN 25 January 1954 in Tielt (Belgium) FAMILY SITUATION: Married, three children EDUCATION University Degree in AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING (1977) (Majoring in the economy and sociology of agriculture of developing countries), Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of the University of Gent. PROFESSIONAL SPECIALIZATION - Management, monitoring, evaluation of agricultural and investment projects - Farm management, cost-accountancy, statistics - Rural Finance and Micro-finance systems 21 YEARS OF PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Bolivia (1979-1980): training Guinea-Bissau (1981-1983): fund for rural credit and development Niger (1984-1990): monitoring, evaluation, markets in the Niger Valley (cereals and irrigated rice) Tunisia (1981-1993): rural investment, credit, statistical follow-up of Tunisian state incentives Tunisia (1994-1996): consulting, marketing, cost-accounting on big agricultural farms Vietnam (1996-2000): development of the national dairy sector through training, micro-credit, co-operatives Belgium (2000-2002): project databank, aid statistics for OECD Belgium (2003-2004): preparation for the function of Attach for International Cooperation of Belgium Short missions(one month each): 1999: Identification Report for the Second Phase of the Micro-Finance Project of the Vietnam Womens Union (for DGIC) Formulation Report for the Micro-Finance Project of the Vietnam Womens Union (for BTC). Consultation Mission for FAO concerning Rural Finance in Vietnam. LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE Very good: Dutch (mother tongue), French, English, Italian Good (passive): Spanish Made in Brussels on 25/01/2003 CV Deserranno EN page  PAGE 1 of  NUMPAGES \* MERGEFORMAT 1 f[\Q q , H I O P Q R X Y s t u v w z CJmHnHu jCJU0JCJmHnHu0JCJj0JCJUCJmH sH  CJmH sH CJ+Ldef6,\x , y 6P Q q A , w x y z $dN] & F h^h5 000 &P P. 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Interessante weetjes : President van de Landbouwfaculteit KULeuven (1978-79) Projectleider in Gungu (Zare, 1990) en Ibarra (Ecuador, 1995) Permanent lid van de Wetenschappelijke Commissie van het Nationaal Landbouwinstituut van Burundi ISABU (1991-94) en algemeen verantwoordelijke van het landbouwonderzoek in het Centraal Bergland (1993-94) Gevalueerd als echte terreinman in de Gemengde Belgisch-Burundese Commissie (1994) Ridder in de Leopoldsorde (1995) Onderscheiden door de Engelse Koningin met de World Business Award (London, 2002) Ereburger in Asse (2002) Officieel Adres : Ten Broeke, 8 1730 Asse Telefax : 02-452.52.26 e-mail :  HYPERLINK "mailto:rochetteludo@belgacom.net" rochetteludo@belgacom.net  HYPERLINK "mailto:ludorochette@hotmail.com" ludorochette@hotmail.com  HYPERLINK "mailto:ludo.rochette@diplobel.be" ludo.rochette@diplobel.be [\ { | }    I \ ] ^ 6 < P V   [ z | } QZ[ºººº͘͟͟yjh Uh h mH sH h\#h h< h<h<h<mH sH h<@mH sH h;h;mH sH h;mH sH h;h;mH sH h;mH sH hpVmH sH hpVhpVmH sH h mHsHh<@mHsHhpVmHsH.!"IJ6 7 H I y Z  I p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p# & Fgd;gdpV & FgdpV$a$gdpVWI  X ( ~  89PQVWp#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#gd< & Fgd;  9:;TUVWhjh 0JmH sH #jhjh UmH sH jh UmH sH h mH sH jh Uh h mH sH h h 0JmH sH jh Ujh U 1h. 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Assistant for ANTWERP 93, Cultural Capital of Europe - Jan. 1990-Jan.1991 : Assistant Planning & Coordination for COMPRIMO Belgium at the ESSO Refinery Antwerp - April-Oct. 1988 : Tour Escort for Americantours Intl - U.S.A y9Zi \ _ q   a s  f x   ƸҬҬҬҬҬҬҬҬҞ6OJQJ]^JmH sH >*OJQJ^JmH sH 6]mH sH  >*mH sH mH sH  OJQJ^JOJQJ^JmH sH 5OJQJ\^JmH sH 5OJQJ\^JCJ OJQJ^JaJ '"xy,] 9^"g $?^`?a$$`a$ $^`a$$a$$a$ YZj\ ] ^ _   c $;^`;a$$a$ $h^h`a$$ & F )`a$$a$c d    $^a$$^a$$a$ $;^`;a$*.....)()()()()()P. A!"#$% 8$ i6@6 Normal7$8$_HmHsHtH <A@< Default Paragraph FontPC@P Body Text Indent;^`; OJQJ^J.U@. Hyperlink >*B*ph  c   Peter Van AckeraC:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Attach\CV\Stagiairs\CV-Leen Verstraelen.docieKK(l)?)^)`?OJPJQJo(-^`OJQJ^Jo(opp^p`OJQJ^Jo(@ @ ^@ `OJQJ^Jo(^`OJQJ^Jo(o^`OJQJ^Jo(^`OJQJ^Jo(^`OJQJ^Jo(oPP^P`OJQJ^Jo()?)^)`?OJPJQJo(-^`OJQJ^Jo(opp^p`OJQJ^Jo(@ @ ^@ `OJQJ^Jo(^`OJQJ^Jo(o^`OJQJ^Jo(^`OJQJ^Jo(^`OJQJ^Jo(oPP^P`OJQJ^Jo(ieK|D        @, ?        @hp deskjet 940c seriesNe00:winspoolhp deskjet 940c serieshp deskjet 940c series!@h߀ dBe4 d 2Beںںhp deskjet 940c series series,LocalOnly,DrvConverthp deskjet 940c series!@h߀ dBe4 d 2Beںںhp deskjet 940c series series,LocalOnly,DrvConvert\2p@UnknownGz Times New Roman5Symbol3& z Arial?5 z Courier New;Wingdings"v&v&a"9*Yxx0+2CURRICULUM VITAELeen VerstraelenPeter Van AckerOh+'0 (4 P \ h tCURRICULUM VITAEdURRLeen Verstraelendeeneen Normal.dotaPeter Van Acker2teMicrosoft Word 9.0@F#@϶@'(@'(*՜.+,0 hp|   C+ CURRICULUM VITAE Title !"#$%&')*+,-./2Root Entry F(41TableWordDocument,!SummaryInformation( DocumentSummaryInformation8(CompObjjObjectPool((  FMicrosoft Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89qPK0fZWCV-Peter Van Acker.docnu[ࡱ> bda !bjbj TTjjl& 8 4&7j@^4 &&&&=' / 7$8 ;17_"17F7&&F.$&4 b93_& 96&6&$\707H&Z;o:;&&&CURRICULUM VITAE  Name : Van Acker First names : Peter Norbert Joost Date of birth : August 24, 1962 Place of birth : Ghent, Belgium Marital status : Married, spouse Astrid Belliot Address : Sint-Dorotheastraat 2 9040 Sint-Amandsberg Belgium Telephone : +32-(0)9-219.07.75 (home) E-mail :  HYPERLINK "mailto:pack@skynet.be" pack@skynet.be (home)  HYPERLINK "mailto:peter.vanacker@diplobel.fed.be" peter.vanacker@diplobel.be (office) Education Certificate Macro-economic Modelling, 1992, Stuseco, Holland. Postgraduate in Econometrics, 1986, University of Brussels (VUB), Belgium. M.Sc. in Economics, 1985, University of Brussels (VUB), Belgium. B.Sc. in Economics, 1983, University of Ghent (RUG), Belgium. Experience Dec.02 - present : Attach for Development Cooperation (apprentice), Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Brussels. Jul.02 - Nov.02 : Assistant to the Director, Administration of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Flanders, Brussels. Mar.01 - Jun.02 : Advisor, Bureau of the Special Evaluator, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Brussels. Jul.00 - Dec.00 : BTC-Acting Resident Representative for the SADC-region, Belgian Technical Cooperation (Zimbabwe). Jan.97 - Jun.00 : BADC-expert, Head of the Economic Sector at the Regional Development Cooperation Section in Harare (Zimbabwe). Nov.96 - Jan.97 : BADC-expert, preparatory training at BADC headquarters in Brussels before assignment in Zimbabwe. Nov.92 - Oct.96 : BADC-expert at the Macro-economic Department of the National Planning Office of Suriname. Part-time lecturer Labour Economics at the Anton De Kom University of Suriname. Apr.90 - Aug.92 : VVOB-expert (Flemish Office for Development Cooperation and Technical Assistance), full-time lecturer Labour Economics at the Anton De Kom University of Suriname. Part-time researcher at the National Planning Office of Suriname. Oct.89 - Mar.90 : Assistant to Professor Despontin, Center for Business Information, University of Brussels (VUB). Mar.88 - May 89 : Civil Service instead of Military Service at the Center for Political Refugees, responsible for the information system of the Center. Oct.87 - Feb.88 : Research-assistant to Professor Hannes, Center for Contemporary and Modern History, University of Brussels (VUB). Sep.86 - Jun.87 : Part-time jobs in secondary schools. Skills Languages : Dutch (mother tongue), English (excellent), French (working-base), German and Spanish (basic). Computer : Fully computer literate. Expert knowledge of Microsoft Office, Macromedia Web Development Suite, Pagemaker and Photoshop. Projects I managed following projects through the different stages of the project-cycle: Computer and Library Project, Namibia (budget: 1 million Euro); Technical Assistance to IMLT, Namibia (budget: 1 million Euro); Capacity Building for the Human Resources Development Sector Coordinating Unit, (budget: 1,2 million Euro); Assistance to Teachers Education with Emphasis on Technical and Vocational Training, Swaziland (budget: 1,5 million Euro); Strengthening of Regional Centers of Specialization, Botswana (budget: 4 million Euro); Belgium/SADC Study and Consultancy Fund, (budget: 1,2 million Euro); Regional Scholarship Fund in the SADC Region, (budget: 1 million Euro); - Applied Microbiology, University of Botswana; - Public Administration and Management, University of Botswana; - Crop Protection and Animal Science, University of Zimbabwe; - Water Resources Engineering, University of Zimbabwe; - Small Scale Mining, University of Zambia; - Land and Water Management, Sokoine University of Agriculture in Tanzania. I was attached as an advisor to the following project: Strengthening the macro-economic department of the National Planning Office, Surinam, (budget 0.25 million Euro) Missions Evaluation Mission, Improving Household Food Security in the Luapula Valley, Zambia, September 2001. Meeting on the formulation of the Alcom project, Botswana, September 2000 Meeting on the formulation of the Information 21 project, Botswana, August 2000 Workshop for Vocational and Technical Training Experts, Swaziland, April 2000 SADC Consultative Conference, Swaziland, February 2000. Workshop for Senior Officials from SADC Ministries of Planning, A Regional Development Plan for SADC, South Africa, November 1999. Fourth Quarterly Meeting Belgium-SADC: Review of the Development Cooperation Program between Belgium and SADC, Botswana, October 1999. Meeting for High Officials from SADC Higher Education Ministries, Financial Plan for the Regional Training Awards Fund, Swaziland, April 1999. SADC Consultative Conference, Zambia, February 1999. Second Quarterly Meeting Belgium-SADC: Review of the Development Cooperation Program between Belgium and SADC, Botswana, November 1998. Identification mission: Technical Assistance to IMLT for the Development of Small Scale Enterprises in Namibia, Namibia, March 1998. OOIP-workshop: Capacity Building Project for the Human Resources Development Sector Coordinating Unit, South Africa, September 1997. Programming Construction of a (micro-) database to monitor Belgian micro-projects in Zimbabwe, August 1997. Construction of a database to monitor the government expenditures in Suriname, August 1996. Research, reports and publications Co-author Social and economic development of Suriname National Planning Office of Suriname, July 1996. Van Acker P., Long term scenarios: scenario Postponement and Structural Adjustment, Stuseco, July 1994. Co-author Multi-annual Plan Suriname 1994-1998, National Planning Office of Suriname, December 1993. Co-author A macro-economic analysis of the Structural Adjustment Program in Suriname, National Planning Office of Suriname, May 1993. Co-author Report on the quantification of a program for restructuring, growth and adjustment of the Surinamese economy, National Planning Office of Suriname, January 1993. Co-author Framework for the restructuring of the Surinamese economy, National Planning Office of Suriname, June 1992. Van Acker P., Proref: Report on the introduction of an information system in the Center for political refugees, Brussels, May 1989. Statistical analysis of the distribution of wealth in Antwerp, Center for Contemporary and Modern History, Brussels, February l988. Van Acker P., Minority groups in the Belgian labour market, Brussels, June 1985. Presentations The impact of exchange rate policies on the bauxite industry, Anton de Kom University Suriname, June 1994. The role of the bauxite-industry in the economy of Suriname, Society for the Economists of Suriname, April 1994. Exchange rate policy in the process of structural adjustment, Anton de Kom University Suriname, December 1993. Framework for the restructuring of the Surinamese economy National Planning Office of Suriname, July 1992. References SADC Secretary General Dr. P. Ramsamy SADC House, Government Enclave Private Bag 0095, Gaborone, Botswana Tel: +267-351863 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:ramsamy@sadc.int" ramsamy@sadc.int Dr. M. Van Schaaijk Micromacro Consultants BV (MMC). 2584 ET The Hague the Netherlands Telephone: +31-(0)70-352.38.32 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:mmc@bart.nl" mmc@bart.nl Professor W. Vandenpanhyuzen Helskensstraat 15 3120 Tremelo Belgium Telephone: +32-(0)16-85.05.01 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:wvdpanhu@vub.ac.be" wvdpanhu@vub.ac.be PAGE 2 PAGE 4 pagina\\* arabisch &$./RSTbcdmn  efIJopq  " # $ / 0 1 λjUjZU\ 5OJQJ0JjU jU 0JmH sH jUmHsHjUmHsHmH sH mHsH#j5CJOJQJUmHnHu5CJOJQJmHsH:&Ij$k]U( & F hT@ Oj j ^j ` & F hT@ Oj ^`  T@ Oj  !( O G R   ef  T@ 3  & F hT@ 3 ^`  T@ Oj  & F hT@ Oj j ^j `fS'l&eOP1{ & F h^`  TOj  & F hT@ O^`R\ -"yh & F h^` & F h^` & F h^`hH1 &`#$  T@ J  & F h^` & F h^` & F h^`1 !!!!ȽȽŸ jU0JmHnHu0J j0JU \mHsH5OJQJmHsH 0JmHsHjUmHsHjUmHsHmHsH !!!!  T@ J $h]ha$&`#$h]h* 00. 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P\1:R Beknopt Curriculum Vitae Marij AERTS Vinkenlaan 33, 3001 Leuven Tel: marij.aerts@diplobel.be 1975: licentiaat in de Rechten , Centrale Examencommissie 1975-1977: stage als advokaat aan de Balie te Leuven 1977-1984: hoofd van de administratie en personeel in het Medisch Pedagogisch Instituut. Ganspoelinstituut te Huldenberg. Non-profitsector, 130 werknemers, personeelbeheer, subsidiringsdossier en boekhouding 1984-1988: ambtenaar bij de Rijksdienst voor Sociale Zekerheid, juridische dienst. In deze functie ontving ik de werkgevers die een schuld hadden open staan uit hoofde van hun werknemers. Deze functie vereiste uitgesproken sociale vaardigheden en een grondige kennis van boekhouding, sociaal zekerheidsrecht en procesrecht 1989-1990: consultant bij het outplacementbureau Claessens. Ik was verantwoordelijk voor de arbeiders bij het de sluiting van de PHILIPS-fabriek te leuven 1990 tot op heden: statutair ambtenaar, eerst adjunct-adviseur nu adviseur bij ABOS thans DGOS 1990-1995: juridische dienst: geschillen van burgerlijk recht en gedingen voor de Raad van State, voornamelijk over overheidsopdrachten, verdragen, statuut van de ambtenaar en de coperanten. Juridisch advies aan diensten en kabinet 1994-1995: tevens half-time aangesteld in de cel Mensenrechten en Democratie. Heb in die hoedanigheid voor het eerst verkiezingswaarnemingen door ABOS georganiseerd (Zuid-Afrika, Hati); heb ook voor het eerst uitvoering aan de wet Van Velthoven gegeven en het Verslag over de Mensenrechten aan het Parlement gecordineerd 1995-1996: adjunct-sectiehoofd te Paramaribo, Suriname, regionaal bevoegd voor de Caraben 1997: adjunct diensthoofd bij de NGO-dienst voor de juridische opvolging en toepassing van de door Staatssecretaris Moreels geplande hervorming van de NGO-reglementering 1998-1999: bilateraal coperant in het project Appui institutionnel au Ministre de la Justice in Kigali 1999-2002: diensthoofd van de NGO-dienst: cordineren van de betoelaging, de opvolging en controle van de NGOs Sinds 3 januari 2003: stagiaire Attach van de Internationale Samenwerking; voor het tweede deel van de stage aangesteld in Niger vanaf november 2003 ------------- Geboren te Hasselt op 8 oktober 2003 Gehuwd met Willem Demuynck, ingenieur, informaticus 3 zonen waarvan 1 ten laste '? 5CJCJmH 'BVno^ 2 3 $`$$`'BVno^ 2 3 ; < = >  " > ? o45!" ef89op-3 ; < = >  " > ? `. 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Teaching Strategic and operational planning in the health sector at national and district level Organisation, strategic and operational planning, management and evaluation of integrated health care systems Aspects of health systems research, biostatistics and health economics in short courses for public health professionals Public health and disciplines of clinical medicine at nurse school level. Main professional responsibilities In Uganda Technical Advisor, Health Planning Department, Ministry of Health, Uganda (2.5 years) Member of the Health Sector and Systems cluster, WHO Country Team, Uganda Member of the Health Development Partners Group, Uganda (from 2001 onwards) Member of the Decentralisation Working Group, ad-hoc member of the Human Resources, Financing and Public-Private Partnership in Health Working Groups within the framework of the Sector-wide Approach in the health sector (from 1999 onwards) Acting WHO Representative when requested for by the WHO Representative, Uganda (from 2000 onwards). In Bangladesh Team leader, Health Systems Research Team, Health Economics Programme, Public Health Sciences Division, ICDDR,B-Centre for Health and Population Research, Bangladesh (5 years, Bangladesh) In the Democratic Republic of Congo (former Zaire) Tutor of a formal three-month field training course in the organisation, planning, management and evaluation of integrated health care systems (1 year) District Medical Officer (2 years) President (1 year) and Secretary (2 years) of the Steering Committee of 2 Health Districts Head of several Clinical Departments at the Referral Hospitals of 3 Health Districts (9 years) Supervisor of Health Centre activities (9 years) Head of Resources Management Departments in Health Districts (Human resources, Finance, Supply or Technical Department) (9 years) Founder and Director of a Centre for Training of Auxiliary Nurses in Mother and Child Health (2 years). Other professional activities Consultancy work (1) for the Government of Belgium: to assist in orienting future Belgian contributions to the health sector in Rwanda (2001), to formulate a 3-year project for Belgian institutional support to the Bureau d=Etudes et de Planification of the Ministry of Health, DRCongo (2000). (2) for WHO Headquarters and African Regional Office: to assist in the development of a proposal entitled AImproving the capacity of households with persons living with a chronic illness in highly HIV/AIDS-affected rural areas in Africa@ (December 1998 - January 1999) to assist the Government of Chad, Ministry of Health in the development of a guide for contracting in Health Districts (April - May 2002; October - November 2002) to assist the Government of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania in the formulation of a policy for contracting in the health sector (May-June 2002) (3) for the International Labour Organisation (the STEP project): to assess the potential for collaboration between NGOs in Bangladesh and the ILO-STEP project. Teaching at postgraduate level: at Master=s and Diploma level for medical graduates in AEpidemiology in Health care systems development@: faculty member (Gono University, Bangladesh, in collaboration with Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London, UK, 2002) at Master=s and Advanced Diploma level for AHealth District@ core teams in health services organisation, district strategic and operational health planning and Health Centre micro-planning (Mbarara University for Science and Technology, Community Health Department, Uganda, 2001-2002) at MPhil level and in training courses for clinical and public health professionals in aspects of biostatistics, epidemiology, health systems research and health economics (National Institute for Preventive and Social Medicine, Jahangirnagar University and ICDDR,B-Centre for Health and Population Research, Bangladesh, 1992-1998). visiting lecturer in Health Policy, Planning and Health Services Organisation (Community Health Sciences Department, Aga Khan University, November 1999). Supervisor for Essential National Health Research-Bangladesh (1997/9) Co-founder and coordinator of the Health Systems Research Scientific Interest Group, ICDDR,B- Centre for Health and Population Research, Bangladesh (1994/5) Organiser of seminars: one Regional Seminar for SAARC-countries on aspects of health care reform (ICDDR,B, Bangladesh, 1996) two National Seminars (one on community-financing and health insurance, one on health care organisation) (Bangladesh, 1996 and 1998). Co-initiator and member of the Secretariat of the Forum for Health Care Financing and Organisation, a loose structure of leading NGOs in Bangladesh involved in health care delivery Initiator of projects between development partners in Bangladesh and in Belgium (NGOs and University) (1995/8) Collaborator in the field in a longitudinal study on early symptoms of sleeping sickness (in charge of the interface between the study and the health care system) (Kasongo, DRCongo) Establishment (including building) of a Training Centre for Auxiliary Nurses in Mother and Child Health; design of the training programme (1983-1984); Director and teacher of the Centre (1984-1985) (Kimpangu, DRCongo) Initiator of the EPI activities in a Health District (1983/4, Kimpangu, DRCongo) Specific activities within the United Nations On behalf of the Uganda WHO Country Office: Member of the UN Steering Committee to carry out the Uganda UN Common Country Assessment (CCA) and of the UN Task Force to develop the Uganda United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF), (Uganda, 1999 - 2001) Member of the UN Programme Heads of Agencies Committee in Uganda. Employment record Since June 1981 till date: officer of the Belgian Ministry of Development Cooperation in Uganda (2.5 years), Bangladesh (7 years) and in the Democratic Republic of Congo (9 years) 1. 1999 (March) - till date Assist the WHO Representative in matters relating to health sector and systems policy, planning and management at the Country Office of the World Health Organisation, Uganda. Technical Adviser at the Health Planning Department, Ministry of Health, Uganda. Part-time Consultant for the Government of Belgium. 2. 1998 (December) - 1999 (January) Short-term consultant at the World Health Organisation, Geneva for a research-cum-action project, entitled AImproving the capacity of households with persons living with a chronic illness in highly HIV/AIDS-affected rural areas in Africa@. 3. 1991 - 1998 (June) Visiting Scientist at the Public Health Sciences Division, ICDDR, B-Centre for Health and Population Research, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 4. 1988 - 1990 (July) Health District and Public Health Research Project, Kasongo, Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly Zaire). The project was supervised by the Institute of Tropical Medicine (Department of Public Health, formerly Public Health Research and Training Unit) 5. 1985 - 1987 Health District of Kindu, Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly Zaire). The activities were supervised by the same institution as mentioned above 6. 1981 - 1985 Health District of Kimpangu, Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly Zaire) B. 1980 - May 1981 : locum general practitioner in Belgium. Sources of financing for professional activities Belgian Administration for Development Cooperation, Belgium International Development Research Centre, Canada UNICEF-Dhaka, Bangladesh Broederlijk Delen, Belgium Memisa-Medicus Mundi, Netherlands Oxfam, Democratic Republic of Congo Netherlands Embassy, Democratic Republic of Congo Wereld Solidariteit-Solidarit Mondiale, Belgium Delivery of Improved Services for Health, a USAID sponsored project, Uganda Swedish Agency for Development Assistance, SIDA, in Uganda. Publications, Reports and Reviews (from 1999 till date) Desmet M et al. (2001) Health District health services strategic planning and Health Centre micro-planning. In: Draft Manual for Organization, Planning and Management of Health Services in the Health Sub-District in Uganda. Ministry of Health in collaboration with the World Health Organisation and Community Health Department, Mbarara University for Science and Technology Carrin G, Desmet M, and Robert Basaza (2001) Social Health Insurance Development in Low-Income Developing Countries: New Roles for Government and Nonprofit Health Insurance Organizations in Africa and Asia. In: Building Social Security: The Challenge of Privatization. Editor: Scheil-Adlung X., International Social Security Series, Volume 6. Transaction Publishers, New Brunswick (U.S.A.) and London (U.K.). Desmet M (2000) Coping with the costs of illness in slum households in Bangladesh. An empirical analysis of the relationship between income distribution and household behaviour. PhD thesis, University of Amsterdam. Desmet M, Chowdhury AQ, Islam K (1999) The potential for social mobilisation in Bangladesh: the organisation and functioning of two health insurance schemes. Social Science & Medicine, 48:925-38. Desmet M, Bashir I, Sohel N. (1999) Health care seeking of Slum Residents in Dhaka-City, Bangladesh: chronic illnesses, delivery cases and hospitalisation and surgical cases. HEP Working Paper Series No 6, Health Economics Programme, ICDDR,B-Centre for Health and Population Research. Papers, reports and manuscripts under preparation Abolition of cost-sharing in public facilities in Uganda: Did the poor benefit ? Costs of illness in slum households in Bangladesh. Coping with out-of-pocket payments and loss of income in the case of illness. The case of slum households in Bangladesh. Papers presented at conferences, workshops and seminars International conferences Available on request. National seminars, workshops etc. Available on request. Participation in delegations, conferences, special courses and seminars, and missions I participated in several conferences, special courses and seminars, and visits by delegations in Bangladesh, Belgium, Canada, the Democratic Republic of Congo (former Zaire), Ethiopia, France, Pakistan, the Philippines, Thailand, the United Kingdom, and Zimbabwe on topics of health care reform, including health care organisation, policy and planning, financing and resource mobilisation at macro and micro-level; the role of health economics; the social science and medicine; planning and management of Primary Health Care in an integrated health care system; and aspects of biostatistics and epidemiology and health economics. A full list is available on request. Organisers were multilateral organisations, such as the World Bank, UNICEF or the World Health Organisation; scientific institutions and organisations, such as universities and scientific journals; and government and non-government bodies. Organisation of workshops and seminars Information available on request Professional memberships Fellow of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, United Kingdom Corresponding member of the Society of Tropical Medicine, Belgium Member of the Association for Health Economics, the Netherlands-Belgium Life-member of the Public Health Association of Bangladesh Member of the Uganda Health Economics Association Member of the Uganda National Association of Public and Occupational Health Language proficiency I am a native Dutch speaker and speak, write and read fluently French and English. Computer skills Working skills in word processing (Word Perfect and Word), and spreadsheet (Excel). Working skills in statistical and epidemiological packages (Epi-Info and SSPS), and packages of screen management (Windows) and presentations (PowerPoint, Corel Presentations) Details on Social activities, memberships and responsibilities Available on request References Prof. A.S. Muller Emeritus Professor of Tropical Health University of Amsterdam, Netherlands formerly Director of Department of Tropical Hygiene Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam, Netherlands Home address: Zandpad 42, 3621 NE Breukelen, Netherlands Phone/Fax: +/ 31/ 34 626 3793 E-mail: mimuller@worldonline.nl Prof R. Bradley Sack, M.D., Sc.D. Professor of International Health and Medicine Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health 624 North Broadway, Room 200 Baltimore, Maryland 21205, U.S.A. Phone : +/1/410-955-2719 Fax : +/1/410-502-6898 E-mail : rsack@jhsph.edu Home address: 1702 Ridgely Garth Timonium, Maryland 21093 Phone + Fax: +/1/410-252-6923 Anwar Islam, PhD. Principal Advisor, Health Systems, Conseiller Principal, Systemes de Sant Scientific, Technical and Advisory Services Directorate, Direction des Services Scientifiques, Techniques et Consultatifs, Policy Branch, Direction Gnrale des Politiques, Canadian International Development Agency, Agence Canadienne de Dveloppement International, 200 Promenade du Portage, Hull (Quebec) CANADA K1A 0G4 Tel: 819 997-7870 Fax/Tlcopieur: 819 953-3348 E-mail: anwar_islam@acdi-cida.gc.ca Dr. Guy J.R. Carrin Senior Health Economist Department of Health Financing and Systems World Health Organisation - Geneva, Switzerland Phone : +/41/22-7912780 Fax : +/41/22-7914153 E-mail : carring@who.ch PAGE 7 #JLPcnz6PRfgi    x z  Ŷŧڍ}CJOJQJaJ 56\]56CJ\]aJCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH CJOJQJ^JaJmHsHCJOJQJ^JaJ>*5\mH sH mH sH 5CJ$\aJ$mH sH 5CJ!OJQJ\aJ!mH sH CJ$aJ$0 !"#KL6e$`a$$ `P^`Pa$$ ` ^` a$$ `@ ^@ `a$ $^`a$$ `P^`Pa$$a$$a$$ a$GG2PQRghi+,}$ `^`a$$ ` ^` a$$ `0^`0a$$`a$$a$  / 2 t x z ! $ & F `a$ $ & F `a$ $ & F `a$$ ` ^` a$$a$!  k Q!k    $ & F `a$ $ & F `a$ $ & F `a$$a$ $ & F `a$ !  26bdfh,\^02PR$%%&&''`(a(d(u(þᰤҎҎҎҎҎҎҎ҉ҾþှCJaJmH sH CJaJCJOJQJaJmH sH CJOJQJaJ6CJOJQJ]aJ6CJOJQJ]^JaJmH sH 56CJ\]aJmH sH CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH CJOJQJ^JaJ>*56CJ\]aJ OJQJ^J0 !3L+, $ & F `a$ $ & F `a$$^a$ $ & F `a$$a$ $ & F `a$,L V!!!7"8""""S###$$%% $ & F `a$ $ & F `a$ $ & F `a$ $ & F `a$ $ & F `a$$a$ $ & F `a$ $ & F `a$%%%&&&&&''B'(a(b(c(d(v(w(x(-).)  hh^h` $ & F `a$$^a$ $ & F `a$ $ & F `a$$a$ $ & F `a$u(v(x((((()!),).))))),,--- .j.q.X/]//03040i0q0t0001H111x2y2ݾݾݮ݈yneCJaJmH sH CJOJQJ^JaJCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH CJOJQJ^JaJmHsH56CJ\]aJmH sH 5\mH sH >*CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH CJOJQJaJmH sH "6CJOJQJ]^JaJmH sH CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH 5\mH sH 56\]mH sH '.)J)))L*M**** - -. .4/5///405060r0s0t00$ `0^`0a$$ `p^p`a$$^a$$p^pa$$a$0001-1H1j1111=2y2z2{2|22222,4-45566c7d78 $ & F `a$$a$y2{2|2222!3Z445w66<77888889 9;9=999999999 ::#:%:F:G:\:`::::F>l>n>>>>;@=@Q@ԷԷԬCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH CJaJ56\]mH sH >*CJOJQJ^JaJ56CJ\]aJCJOJQJ^JaJ"6CJOJQJ]^JaJmH sH CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH CJaJmH sH 56CJ\]aJmH sH mH sH 28888889 9<9=999999999:$:%:G:]:^:_:`:::S=T=$a$T=D>E>F>m>n>>>>>>>:????;@<@=@R@S@@@@@@ AA$`a$$a$Q@R@S@@@@@@ AAAAAB!B"BBBBC^C+DtDDDDE,EfEEFUFsFFQGGGGGGGGGGGGټٱٓvCJaJmHnHuCJaJjCJUaJmH sH CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH CJOJQJ^JaJmHsHCJOJQJ^JaJ6CJOJQJ]^JaJ56CJ\]aJmH sH CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH CJaJmH sH 56CJ\]aJmH sH -AAAAABBBB"B#B5B[BBBBBCC=C]C^CCCCC D+DDD[D$a$[DtDDDDDDDE,EfEEEF:FUFsFFFFF!GQGiGGGGGGd$a$GGGGGG$a$ $=#& #$a$+0P|. 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RussianBirth Place: Birth Date:Schoten 6 July 1966Birth Place: Birth Date:Tashkent 16 May 1976 Address in Belgium: Kapelsesteenweg 107, 2180 Ekeren-Antwerp Tel./ Fax: 32/(0)3/645 53 84 Private E-mail Address: Professional E-mail Address: HYPERLINK "mailto:erikmaeyer@cs.com" erikmaeyer@cs.com,  HYPERLINK "mailto:erikmaeyer@skynet.be" erikmaeyer@skynet.be  HYPERLINK "mailto:erik.demaeyer@diplobel.be" erik.demaeyer@diplobel.be  Education Academic Degrees and Diplomas ObtainedMain Field of StudyInstitution of Learning Diploma of Additional Studies in International Relations  International Relations  KUL, Leuven, Belgium  Licentiate in Law  Law UIA, Antwerp, Belgium Candidate in Law  Law UFSIA, Antwerp, Belgium Diploma of Higher Secondary Education  Latin-Greek Sint-Michielscollege, Brasschaat, Belgium  Other Certificates ObtainedMain FieldInstitution Certificate of SELOR French Level 1 art. 14 SELOR Certificate of ABOS  International Development  Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, External Trade and Development Cooperation  Professional Experience and Skills 12/02 ?  Employer: Belgian Federal Public Service of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, Karmelietenstraat 19, 1000 BRUSSEL Title of Post:Attach of International Cooperation Nature of Duties: Diplomat specialized in Belgian Bilateral and Multilateral Development Cooperation  Task description: Apprenticeship phase (December 2002- December 2004). 11/02 12/02  Employer: General-Commissioners Office for Refugees and Stateless Persons Ministry of the Interior, North Gate I, Koning Albert II-laan 6 1000 BRUSSEL Title of Post:Adjunct-Advisor/ Information Officer Nature of Duties: Research and Intelligence Analysis Africa Section - CEDOCA Task description: Information/ Intelligence gathering and analysis; Formulation of answers to specific questions submitted by case officers handling asylum applications. 07/98 07/01  Employer: United Nations Associate Experts Programme/ United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention (UNODCCP), Country Office, Lagos, Nigeria (D-category duty station) Title of Post:Associate Expert Nature of Duties: Assisting the Country Representative in the following assignments: Task description: The analysis of problems relating to drug abuse, corruption, trafficking in human beings (Nigeria, Benin and Togo) and the identification of needs and priorities for assistance; Conceptualization and prioritization of project contents, including assessment and analysis of financial and technical implications; Contribute to the implementation, the monitoring, follow-up and backstopping of projects, among which: evaluation of past and present project assistance; hands-on approach for past and present projects; Represent the UNODCCP Representative in the UNDS Programme Coordinating Committee, including the CCA/UNDAF exercise; Represent the UNODCCP Representative in the UNDS Joint United Nations Information Coordinating Committee (JUNICC); Contribute to the smooth functioning of the operational activities of the country office, including personnel, administration and equipment supervision, country office web page updating, procurement, etc.; Reports and budget drafting; Represent the UNODCCP Representative in the UNDS Operations Coordinating Committee; Represent the UNODCCP Representative among the relevant organizations/ institutions/ persons: National: Nigerian Drug Law Enforcement Administration, NAFDAC, Senior Special Assistant to the President on Drugs and Financial Crimes, Ministry of Justice, Police force, other relevant governmental agencies and institutions, Nigerian NGOs, CBOs, Civil Society, etc.; International: embassies (e.g.: DEA, FBI, DLO, EU), foreign NGOs, donors (including the Mini-Dublin-Group), etc.; Delivering goodwill messages, lectures, speeches and other inputs at various occasions in the country.  04/97 - 12/97 Employer:Prof. Dr. Katlijn Malfliet, Research Group of Central and Eastern Europe, Institute for European Policy (IEB), Department of Political Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences, Catholic University of Leuven, Van Evenstraat 2B, 3000 Leuven. Title of Post:Scientific Collaborator - Project Manager - Tacis Resident-Expert attached to the Ministry of Justice in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Nature of Duties:Support to the Independence of the Judiciary and the Legal Profession in Uzbekistan-project, sponsored by the TACIS-Democracy programme of the European Union. Task description: Network-building within the Uzbek legal community (judiciary, prosecutors, bar associations, notaries, academic world and the Ministry of Justice); Implementation of all project-activities, including project-administration in Tashkent; Assistance to the State Institute of Law, the Institute for In-Service training and the University of World Economy and Diplomacy in Tashkent regarding the teaching of issues relating to the rule of law, constitutionalism and the protection of human rights (revision of curricula and teaching materials); Organisation of the smooth running of the round table and the seminar programme in Tashkent on the Independence of the Legal Profession (including re-training aspects) and Human Rights Education for Law Students and Legal Practitioners; Publication of reports on the proceedings of the seminars (in English and in Russian); Providing the European Commission with interim and final reports concerning the implementation of the project; Providing the above-mentioned institutions with equipment and basic legal materials (purchase of relevant books, periodicals and a computerised translated bibliography with relevant publications) concerning the teaching of issues relating to the rule of law, constitutionalism and the protection of human rights;  01/97 - 03/97 Employer: Centre for International Legal Co-operation of the University of Leiden, the Netherlands (Cfr. infra). Title of Post:Assistant Project Coordinator in Moscow, Russia. Task description: Scientific supervision of Belgian and Dutch students at the MGU Law Faculty in Moscow; Organisational support of Visiting Belgian and Dutch professors at the MGU Law Faculty in Moscow; Curriculum-building, project-assessment and evaluation, co-ordination of transfer of know-how at the MGU Law Faculty in Moscow. 02/94 - 12/96 Employer:Prof. Dr. Katlijn Malfliet, first at the Leuven Institute for Central and East European Studies, Catholic University of Leuven, Blijde Inkomststraat 5, 3000 Leuven, and later at the Research Group of Central and Eastern Europe, Institute for European Policy (IEB), Department of Political Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences, Catholic University of Leuven, Van Evenstraat 2B, 3000 Leuven.  Title of Post: Scientific Collaborator and Project ManagerNature of Duties: a) 'Methodius-projects': These projects, financially sponsored by the 'Ministry of the Flemish Community' and the European Union, in the framework of the TACIS-Democracy programme, were aimed at building a network within the legal professions (judges, bar associations, notaries, prosecutors, government officials, corporate lawyers and universities) in Flanders (Antwerp, Brussels, Gent, Kortrijk, Leuven) and Russia (St. Petersburg). More specifically, these projects dealt with the transfer of know-how with respect to democratic practises and the rule of law. Task description:  - Scientific research - Project-management: Co-ordination and administration of the project activities (including financial administration); Organisation of several seminars, conferences and apprenticeships for lawyers: law students, university assistants, professors, judges, advocates, notaries, government officials and members of the Prosecutors Office in Flanders and Russia; Preparation and negotiation of co-operation agreements between above-mentioned target groups; Network-building within the Russian legal community; Preparation of project-proposals, project-applications and fund-raising; Project-evaluation, project-analysis and publication of conference texts. Nature of Duties: b) TEMPUS-JEP: This project was sponsored by the European Union in the framework of the TACIS programme. It was managed in collaboration with the Centre for International Legal Co-operation of the University of Leiden, the University of Nijmegen and the Law Faculty of the State University of Moscow, and was aimed at curriculum-building, including retraining of Staff in Belgium and Russia. c) Cross-project: This project, in collaboration with the Centre for International Legal Co-operation of the University of Leiden and the State Academy of Law in Moscow, was aimed at curriculum-building, including retraining of Staff in Belgium and Russia. Task description:  Scientific supervision of Russian students, assistants and professors in Belgium; Organisational support during their stay in Belgium; Curriculum-building in Moscow, organisation of seminars and courses, co-ordination of transfer of know-how; Project monitoring and evaluation.  10/93 - 01/94 Employer:Prof. Dr. Luc Reychler, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of International Relations, Catholic University of Leuven, Van Evenstraat 2B, 3000 Leuven. Title of Post:Scientific Collaborator Nature of Duties: Research and interpretation of facts and figures on push and pull-factors of international migration, including refugee flows and displaced persons. This project, which was sponsored by the ' Koning Boudewijnstichting', resulted in the compilation of a 'Migration-Atlas'. Publications 1.De Maeyer, E., Who uses what Drug in Nigeria?, Partnership for Development - UNDS Nigeria, 2001;2.De Maeyer, E., Chapter 8: Drug Control and Crime Prevention in Common Country Assessment Nigeria (CCA), UNDS Nigeria, 2001;3.De Maeyer, E., Annual UNDCP Field Report 2000, UNDCP Nigeria, 2001, 21p (internal);4.Salay, Paul and De Maeyer, Erik, Integrated Drug Control Priority Programme for Nigeria 2002-2005 in support of the National Drug Control Master Plan, UNDCP Nigeria, 2001;5.Bin Raza, Shariq and De Maeyer, Erik, UNDCP in Nigeria 1990-1998, UNDCP Nigeria, 2000, 22p;6.De Maeyer, E., Annual UNDCP Field Report 1999, UNDCP Nigeria, 2000, 24p (internal);7.Nigeria Country Profile, UNDCP Nigeria, August 1999, 44p;8.Bin Raza, Shariq and De Maeyer, Erik, Integrated Drug Control Priority Programme for Nigeria 1997-2001 in support of the National Drug Control Master Plan, UNDCP Nigeria, 1999;9.Malfliet, K. en De Maeyer, E. (ed.), Legal Perspectives - The Legal Profession and Human Rights in Uzbekistan - 73;O4 N@8AB>2 - @>D5AA8O N@8AB0 8 ?@020 G5;>25:0 2 #715:8AB0=5, Garant, Leuven, 1999, 325 p. (ISBN 90-5350-817-1);10.Wets, J., De Bock, K. en De Maeyer, E. (Red.), Atlas Internationale Migratie: een (geo)grafische voorstelling van de redenen van vertrek, Centrum voor Vredesonderzoek en Strategische Studies Kuleuven, Leuven, 1997, 114p + krtn (ISBN: 90-75376-15-4);11.Malfliet, K. en De Maeyer, E. (ed.), Guarantees for the Independence of Russian Lawyers  0@0=B88 =57028A8<>AB8 N@8AB>2 2 >AA88, in Principles of the Rule of Law, Garant, Leuven, 1996, =><5@ /NR. 3, 159p (ISBN: 90-5350-559-8);12..Malfliet, K. en De Maeyer, E. (ed.), L indpendance des professions juridiques, in Principles of the Rule of Law, Garant, Leuven, 1996, NR. 4, 70p (ISBN: 90-5352-557-1);13.Malfliet, K. en De Maeyer, E. (ed.), 57028A8<>ABL N@848G5A:>9 ?@>D5AA88 in Principles of the Rule of Law, Garant, Leuven, 1996, =><5@/ NR. 4, 70p (ISBN: 90-5350-558-x);14.Malfliet, K. en De Maeyer, E. (ed.), The Role of the Lawyer in the Russian  Law Governed State : Towards a Convergence between East and West?  >;L N@8AB0 2 >AA89A:><  ?@02>2>< 3>AC40@AB25 : =02AB@5GC A1;865=8N >AB>:0 8 0?040?, in Principles of the Rule of Law, Garant, Leuven, 1996, =><5@/ NR. 5, 150p (ISBN: 90-5350-560-1);15.Malfliet, K. en De Maeyer, E. (ed.), The Legal Profession in Contemporary Russia: Experiences from East and West. - @>D5AA8O N@8AB0 2 A53>4=OH=59 >AA88: 273;O4 A 0?040 8 >AB>:0, Garant, Leuven, 1996, 300p. (ISBN: 90-5350-575-X).16.The Rule of Law in Russia (video, 25 min.);17.De Maeyer, E., 'Belgische investeringen in St. Petersburg: Een tip van de sluier.', Methodius-Documenten, 1995, NR. 5, 45p. Knowledge of Languages ReadWriteSpeakUnderstand Dutch: 5 5 5 5English:4444French:4334German:4224Russian:2112 Missions Abroad 1.UN Human Rights' Commission: Geneva - Switzerland, February 1991;2.NGO-visit: Guinea-Conakry, September 1991; 3.Research: lnstitut fr Vergleichende Sozialforschung, Berlin - Germany, January 1994;4.Workshops: Magistracy - Bar Associations - St. Petersburg State University Law Faculty, St. Petersburg - Russian Federation, April 1994 (organised by undersigned);5.Fact-finding mission and seminars, St.-Petersburg - Russian Federation, September-October 1994 (organised by undersigned);6.European Training Foundation (TEMPUS-unit of the European Commission), Turin - Italy, April 1995;7.Workshops: Magistracy - Bar Associations - St. Petersburg State University Law Faculty, St.- Petersburg - Russian Federation, April 1995 (organised by undersigned);8.Conference: Magistracy - Bar Associations - Prosecutors - Notaries, St.- Petersburg - Russian Federation, November 1995 (organised by undersigned);9.Conference on Legal Databases and Project Evaluation - Moscow State University Law Faculty, Moscow - Russian Federation, December 1995;10.Seminars: Magistracy - Bar Associations - Notaries - Prosecutors, St. Petersburg - Russian Federation, February - March 1996 (organised by undersigned);11.Tempus-JEP project-co-ordination and evaluation: Moscow State University Law Faculty in Moscow & Russian Language Course at the Moscow State University, Russian Federation, January - March 1997;12. 13. 14.Methodius-Uzbekistan-project: Tashkent - Uzbekistan, May - November 1997; Round table and the seminar programme on the Independence of the Legal Profession (including re-training aspects), Ministry of Justice, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, September 1997 (organised by undersigned); Conference and seminar programme on Human Rights Education for Law Students and Legal Practitioners, Ministry of Justice, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, October 1997 (organised by undersigned);15.UNODCCP Country Office Nigeria accreditation: Lagos Nigeria, August 1998 July 2001;16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. UNODCCP Rapid Drug Situation Assessment training: Accra - Ghana, April 1999 (co-organised by undersigned); International Conference on Corruption and Organised crime: Challenges for the new Millennium, Abuja, Nigeria, 7-11 May 2000 (Organised by the Office of the President of Nigeria & UNODCCP). UNODCCP Trafficking in Human Beings Assessment Mission to Benin, Nigeria and Togo, September 2000 (co-organised by undersigned); UNODCCP Trafficking in Human Beings Assessment Mission to Benin, Togo and Nigeria, November 2000 (co-organised by undersigned); UNODCCP Executive Director (Mr. Pino Arlacchi) Mission to Nigeria and President Obasanjo, May 2001 (co-organised by undersigned); Belgian Federal Public Service of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, study visit to Geneva and Moscow (January 2003).  Additional Training UNODCCP HQ training: Vienna - Austria, July 1998;UNODCCP Africa training seminar: Mombassa - Kenya, February 1999; UNODCCP Rapid Drug Situation Assessment training: Accra - Ghana, April 1999; UNDS CCA-UNDAF Training, Lagos, March 2000; UNODCCP Associate Experts' Programme Management Training, Vienna, September 2000; General-Commissioners Office for Refugees and Stateless Persons training Ministry of the Interior, Brussels, November 2002. Military Service From January 1992 to December 1992 in Kapellen-Hoogboom;Unit: Light Infantry (1 Cie, 6de Linie-Regiment);Cie-ICC (2 missions abroad);Distinction: Regimental Award for Most Outstanding Performance 1992. Other Useful Experiences Computers: Experience with IBM-compatible and Macintosh-Apple; Experience with several software programmes: Win XP, Office XP, Corel WP, etc.; Experience with several legal databases (Celex, Scad, IFLP, Iusis, Konsultant Plus, Garant, Kodeks, Pravo, etc.); UNODCCP Country Office Nigeria homepage focal point: (until July 2001):  HYPERLINK "http://www.undcp.org/nigeria/" http://www.undcp.org/nigeria/ Travel: Africa: Benin, Ghana, Guinea (Conakry), Kenya, Nigeria, Togo; Americas: Ecuador, Canada, US; Asia: Uzbekistan; (AZvw1 2 I J g h i һxk[H$jhB.hOJQJU]^JhB.hCX5OJQJmH sH hCX5OJQJmH sH h5OJQJmH sH hB.hOJQJhB.h6OJQJhB.hOJQJmH sH hB.h6OJQJmH sH hB.h5OJQJmH sH  hB.h"hB.h5>*OJQJmH sH 6jhB.h5>*OJQJUmHnHsHtHu(9AMZnv# 2@p@ P !$`'0*$Ifgd|= /p@ P !$`'0*gdgd 2@p@ P !$`'0*gdvwllllllll# 2@p@ P !$`'0*$Ifgd|=nkd$$Ifl4\ %h2&4 laf4  0 1 q^^^^^^ $Ifgd|= 2@p@ P !$`'0*gdnkd$$Ifl4\ %h2&4 laf41 2 J K h 4 5  p#$Ifgd|= $Ifgd|=Ekd"$$Ifl0 %) &4 lai     2 3 4 ȸȸyjyTCj h hCX0JOJQJmH sH +j#h hCXOJQJUmH sH hCXhCXOJQJmH sH hCXOJQJmH sH jhCXOJQJUmH sH h6OJQJmH sH *jLhB.hOJQJU]^JhB.h0JOJQJ]^J$jhB.hOJQJU]^J*jhB.hOJQJU]^JhB.hOJQJ]^J4 5 9 C E U Y  $ % ; = > W o p ɷə~~sgssghB.h5OJQJhB.hOJQJh~OJQJmH sH hB.h~OJQJmH sH hOJQJmH sH #hB.h+5CJOJQJmH sH #hB.h5CJOJQJmH sH hB.h5OJQJmH sH  hB.hhB.hOJQJmH sH hB.hCX6OJQJmH sH $5 6 7 8 9 C D E gg" & F 2@p@ P !$`'0*gd & F 7`gd /p@ P !$`'0*gdEkd$$Ifl0 %) &4 laE l zPPPPP*$ & F 2@p@ P !$`'0*$Ifa$gd|=]kdm$$IflF ]#)  |     4 la' & F 2@p@ P !$`'0*$Ifgd|=  ! w]kd$$IflF ]#)  |     4 la*$ & F 2@p@ P !$`'0*$Ifa$gd|= ! % & < = > O Q R V wPPPPP' & F 2@p@ P !$`'0*$Ifgd|=]kdW$$IflF ]#)  |     4 la*$ & F 2@p@ P !$`'0*$Ifa$gd|= V W o p q z]kd$$IflF ]#)  |     4 la' & F 2@p@ P !$`'0*$Ifgd|= ~~~~W' & F 2@p@ P !$`'0*$Ifgd/sY" & F 2@p@ P !$`'0*gd]kdA$$IflF ]#)  |     4 la F G _ ` | } ~    ͽlXlD&hB.h+56CJOJQJmH sH &hB.h/sY5>*CJOJQJmH sH &hB.h+5>*CJOJQJmH sH #hB.h5CJOJQJmH sH hB.h5OJQJmH sH h~OJQJmH sH hB.h+OJQJmH sH hB.h+5OJQJmH sH #hB.h+5CJOJQJmH sH hB.h=sc5OJQJmH sH hB.h+5OJQJmH sH  ! 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(No relatives are employed by a public international organisation) I certify that all information stated in this resume is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I authorize the verification of the information provided in this resume. Antwerp, 5 January 2003 Erik DE MAEYER Lic. Iuris   In 2002 the UNODCCP changed its name into UNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime).  In 2001 the Institute for European Policy and the Department of International Relations integrated into a new Institute of International and European Policy (IIEB).  In 2001 the Institute for European Policy and the Department of International Relations integrated into a new Institute of International and European Policy (IIEB). -  PAGE 7 - __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Curriculum Vitae (January 2003) __________________________________________________________________________________________   jjGGG#$ ,@ P `0!$&]a$gd&$ & F ,@ P `0!$&]a$gd($ & F /@ P `0!$&]a$gdEkd'$$Ifl0#54 laQ  ghij $ a$gdE $a$#$ ,@ P `0!$&]a$gdNOPQRSüvkVDV"hC`CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH (hEhECJOJQJ^JaJmH sH hEhEmH sH jhE0JU"h%CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH (hEh%CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH h%h%mH sH jh%0JU hB.hjp'hUAhCX<UhB.hOJQJmHsHhB.h sOJQJhB.h"OJQJhB.hOJQJ gj{|ιεu`K`K`F h|=5(hh f5B*CJOJQJaJph(hh|=5B*CJOJQJaJph+hh|=5>*B*CJOJQJaJphhEh|=mH sH h|=hCX0JmHnHujh|=0JU h|=0JhCX(hEh+CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH h+h+mH sH jh+0JUhEhEmH sH "h+CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH j{gd $ a$gd=sc  ]$a$  hB.hhj(hUhCXh|= h|=CJ6xhxxhxhxxhxhxx.........w 00:&P P8$:p. 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Loopbaan : : * Vanaf December 2002 : Stagiair Attach voor de Internationale Samenwerking bij de Federale Overheidsdienst Buitenlandse Zaken, Buitenlandse Handel en Ontwikkelingssamenwerking (A04). * Van Februari 2001 tot November 2002 : Assistent Attach voor de Internationale Samenwerking bij de Ambassade van Belgi in Kigali, Rwanda, verantwoordelijk voor de opvolging van volgende samenwerkingprestaties en/of dossiers : justitiesector en volksrechtbanken Gacaca; onderwijssector; economie, budgethervorming, PRSP, harmonisering van donorpraktijken, SPA; civiele maatschappij, ONG, conflictpreventie, directe ondersteuning van lokale NGO; decentralisatie; demobilisatie. * Van juli 1998 tot September 2000: Technisch raadgever voor de Belgische Ontwikkelingssamenwerking (ABOS) bij het Ministerie van Financin en Economische Planning (MINECOFIN) te Kigali-Rwanda, ter ondersteuning van de planning en uitbouw van het Openbaar Investeringsprogramma (PIP)" (Public Investment Programme) binnen het kader van de Structurele Aanpassings Faciliteit (ESAF), meer bepaald wat betreft : de verbetering van de methode ter opmaak van de sectorile politiek en strategien en de methodologie voor sectorprogrammering volgens het programma principe; de voorbereiding van een handboek omtrent de beleidslijnen en procedures voor het opmaken van de PIP, en de methodologie voor selectie van in PIP op te nemen projecten, in volledige synergie met het Uitgavenkader op Middellange Termijn (MTEF); de uitvoering van een budgethervorming volgens de principes van het "Uitgavenkader op Middellange Termijn (MTEF)"; de omkadering van de voorbereiding en de uitbouw van een beheersinformatiesysteem (MIS) voor de opmaak en uitvoering van PIP; de ontwikkeling van vormingsprogrammas voor kaders van MINECOFIN en technische ministeries met betrekking tot de planning en opmaak van PIP en MTEF. * Van september 1997tot april 1998 : Consultant economist als ondersteuning van het UNDP bureau in NDjamena, Tsjaad, meer bepaald inzake: de voorbereiding van de vierde donor Ronde Tafelconferentie voor Tsjaad; de uitwerking van het eerste nationaal Rapport van de Menselijke Ontwikkeling in Tsjaad, en het samenstellen en animeren van een nationale denkgroep rond Duurzame Menselijke Ontwikkeling; het lanceren van nieuwe initiatieven zoals het 20%/20% initiatief (deelname aan de Cotonou workshop rond het initiatief)en onderzoek van de overheidsuitgaven en de ontwikkelingshulp ; creren van een databank Duurzame Menselijke Ontwikkeling; onderzoek naar de bereikbaarheid van sociale basisdiensten; enqute bij de gezinnen voor een armoedeonderzoek; onderzoek naar het potentieel van lokale NGO; de ontwikkeling van de programmas in het kader van de coperatie UNDP-Tsjaad met betrekkingtot : versterking van het potentieel voor ontwikkelingsmanagement; promotie van de priv sector. * Van november 1996 tot augustus 1997 : Internationaal consultant in management van de ontwikkelingssamenwerking voor rekening van de Verenigde Naties (UN/DDSMS) bij het Ministerie van Planning in Tsjaad met als voornaamste opdrachten : de herziening van het Tsjadisch ontwikkelingsplan op middellange termijn "Le Tchad vers l'an 2000" : gegevensverzameling, overleg met de nationale autoriteiten, redactie; de analyse van de resultaten van de ECOSIT enqute (Consumptie- en Informele Sector enqute bij de gezinnen in Tsjaad) : opstellen en berekening van sociale, bevolkings- en armoede-indikatoren, redactie van het eindrapport; de voorbereiding van de donor Ronde Tafelconferentie (Genve IV) in het bijzonder met betrekking tot de makro-economische projecties (financile verrichtingen, investeringsprogramma, betalingsbalans) en de presentatie van sociale indicatoren. * Van mei 1992 tot augustus 1996 : Economist bij het Ontwikkelingsprogramma van de Verenigde Naties (UNDP) in hun vertegenwoordiging in N'Djamna, Tsjaad, P.O. Box 906, N'Djamna, met als belangrijkste opdrachten : het operationeel maken van het Duurzame Menselijke Ontwikkeling concept in Tsjaad : gegevensverzameling en evaluatie van de statistische informatie met het oog op het creren van een sociaal-economische databank (1995-1996); onderzoek rond armoede en regionale ongelijkheden; conceptontwikkeling en opvolging van de ECOSIT enqute (Consumptie en Informele Sector enqute bij de gezinnen in Tsjaad) (1995-1996); ontwikkeling van een databank van NGOs in Tsjaad, en bijdrage tot het creren van een nieuw administratief samenwerkingskader tussen NGOs/overheid/donors (1995-1996); organisatie en animatie van technische workshops en seminaries rond Duurzame Menselijke Ontwikkeling (1995-1996); analyse van de Tsjadische economie en de impact van de devaluatie van de FCFA en het Structurele Aanpassingsprogramma (SAP) (1994-1996); assistentie bij de cordinatie van de multidonor hulp voor het Tsjadische democratizeringsproces en de organisatie van verkiezingen, internationaal waarnemer bij het referendum van de grondwet en de presidentsverkiezingen (1996); formulering en opvolging van door UNDP gefinancierde projecten in het domein van sociaal-economische ontwikkeling en management (1993-1994); assistentie bij de hulpcordinatie, de politiek-economische dialoog en de middelenwerving : opvolging van de Ronde Tafel conferentie van Genve III, gegevens- en documentatieverzameling voor de sectorile consultaties; voorbereiding van het jaarlijkse UNDP rapport rond de ontwikkelingssamenwerking in Tsjaad (1993); voorbereiding, opvolging en evaluatie van het UNDP landenprogramma (1992-1996). * Van november 1987 tot mei 1992 : Wetenschappelijk medewerker bij het West-Vlaams Economisch Studiebureau (WES), Belgi, Baron Ruzettelaan 33, 8310 Brugge, met als voornaamste opdrachten : studie in opdracht van het Stadsbestuur van Brugge rond de economische impact van het dag- en verblijftoerisme te Brugge : ontwikkeling van de methodologie, telling van dag- en verblijftoeristen, consumptie-enqute bij dag- en verblijftoeristen, berekening van de toeristische omzet et tewerkstelling (1991); cordinatie en lesgever van opleidingsprogramma's voor ambtenaren uit Zuid-Oost- Azi en de Pacifique (1988-1992) : voorbereiding en evaluatie van het programma "Regional Development Planning" in Indonesi; conceptontwikkeling, organisatie, cordinatie en supervisie van het programma en lesgeven van de vakken "Ontwikkelingsconcepten en Strategien", "Ontwikkelingsplanning", "Project evaluatie (financile analyse, kosten-baten analyse); lesgeven in de andere programma's (Maritime Transport Management, Tourism Marketing Planning) van de vakken "Project evaluatie en economische impact van transport projecten", "Economische impact van het toerisme", en "Statistiek en Econometrie toegepast op het toeristisch onderzoek"; financile analyse en SWOT analyse van de industrile sector in West-Vlaanderen in het kader van de studie "West-Vlaanderen 2000" (1990-1991); analyse van de Duitse toeristische markt : trend analyse en consumptie-enqute (1987-1988). Publicaties/Rapporten (o.a): MINECOFIN/CEPEX, Project Guidelines Volume 1, Kigali-Rwanda, 2000 (mede-schrijver); MINECOFIN/CEPEX, Handboek van procedures voor project analyse en selectie van in PIP op te nemen projecten, Kigali-Rwanda, 1999 (mede-schrijver); MINECOFIN, Bedenkingen bij het PIP voorbereidings- en uitvoeringsproces in Rwanda, Kigali-Rwanda, 1998; PNUD, "Rapport National sur le Dveloppement Humain au Tchad - 1997", N'Djamena-Tchad, Avril 1999; Ministre des Finances, de l'Economie, du Plan et de l'Amnagement du Territoire, "Enqute sur la consommation et le secteur informel au Tchad (ECOSIT) 1995-1996 : Rapport Final", N'Djamna-Tchad, 1997 (mede-auteur, in voorbereiding); Ministre des Finances, de l'Economie, du Plan et de l'Amnagement du Territoire, "Le Plan d'Orientation rvis : Prparer le Tchad aux dfis du XXIme sicle", N'Djamna-Tchad, 1997 (mede-auteur); Ministre des Finances, de l'Economie, du Plan et de l'Amnagement du Territoire, "Sminaire d'analyse et de validation des rsultats de l'ECOSIT", N'Djamna-Tchad, 1997 (mede-auteur); PNUD, "Rapport sur la Coopration au Dveloppement", N'Djamna, 1993 (mede-auteur); BOERJAN P., DE WANDEL E., MONBALLYU M., "De economische impact van het toerisme in Brugge", Facetten van West-Vlaanderen, Brugge, 1992; DEKEYSER R., DE WANDEL E., "Financile analyse van de industrile sector in West-Vlaanderen 1983-1987", in West-Vlaanderen werkt, Brugge, 1/1989; BOERJAN P., DE WANDEL E., OMEY E., "Marketingstrategie voor de Duitse toeristische markt", WES, Brugge, 1988. Talenkennis : Moedertaal : Nederlands Vreemde talen :  Praten Schrijven Lezen  Begrijpen Frans E E E E Engels E E E E Spaans N N N N Arabisch N N N N Duits N N G G(E=Uitstekend, G=Goed en N=Noties) Informaticakennis : Wordperfect, Word, Lotus 123, Dbase3+, Excel, Access, MS/DOS, Windows. Andere inlichtingen : - geassocieerd medewerker bij de Stichting Economisch Onderzoek Rotterdam (SEOR/GDUI) van de Erasmus Universiteit te Rotterdam in Nederland; - studiereis in Malawi met het oog op de analyze van het budgetsysteem volgens het "Uitgavenkader op Middellange Termijn", Augustus 1999; - gereisd in (o.a.) : Indi (1989), Indonesi (1989-1990), Turkije (1991), Tanzani (1991), Kenya (1991), Verenigde Staten (1992), Tsjaad (1992-98), Kameroen (1992-98), Nigeria (1993), Zuid-Afrika (1993, 1999), Egypte (1995), Ethiopi (1995), Benin (1996, 1997), Ivoorkust (1997), Rwanda (1998-2002), Ouganda (1998/2000/2002), Malawi (1999), DRC (2002), Rusland (2003). 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