eaiovnaovbqoebvqoeavibavo PKjZÛðÎ0­h­hData.pmnu„[µü¤package Business::ISBN::Data; use strict; use vars qw($VERSION); use Carp qw(carp); use File::Basename qw(dirname); use File::Spec::Functions qw(catfile); $VERSION = '20120719.001'; =head1 NAME Business::ISBN::Data - data pack for Business::ISBN =head1 SYNOPSIS see L =head1 DESCRIPTION You don't need to load this module yourself in most cases. C will load it when it loads. These data are generated from the F file provided by the ISBN Agency. You can retrieve this yourself at L. This file is included as part of the distribution and should be installed at F<~lib/Business/ISBN/RangeMessage.xml>. If you want to use a different F file, you can set the C environment variable to the alternate location before you load C. This way, you can use the latest (or even earlier) data without having to install something new or wait for an update to this module. If the default F or your alternate one is not available, the module falls back to data included in F. However, that data is likely to be older data. The data are in C<%Business::ISBN::country_data> (although the "country" part is historical). If you want to see where the data are from, check C<$Business::ISBN::country_data{_source}>. =head1 SOURCE AVAILABILITY This module lives in the Github repository with Business::ISBN: git://github.com/briandfoy/business--isbn.git If you have something to add, create a fork on Github and send a pull request. =head1 AUTHOR brian d foy, C<< >> Yakov Shafranovich updated the data in October 2008. Daniel Jakubik updated the data in July 2012. =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (c) 2002-2012, brian d foy, All Rights Reserved. You may redistribute this under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut sub _default_data { ( _source => __FILE__, 0 => ['English language' => ['00' => '19', '200' => '699', '7000' => '8499', '85000' => '89999', '900000' => '949999', '9500000' => '9999999'] ], 1 => ['English language' => ['00' => '09', '100' => '399', '4000' => '5499', '55000' => '86979', '869800' => '998999', '9990000' => '9999999'] ], 10 => ['France' => ['00' => '19', '200' => '699', '7000' => '8999', '90000' => '97599', '976000' => '999999'] ], 2 => ['French language' => ['00' => '19', '200' => '349', '35000' => '39999', '400' => '699', '7000' => '8399', '84000' => '89999', '900000' => '949999', '9500000' => '9999999'] ], 3 => ['German language' => ['00' => '02', '030' => '033', '0340' => '0369', '03700' => '03999', '04' => '19', '200' => '699', '7000' => '8499', '85000' => '89999', '900000' => '949999', '9500000' => '9539999', '95400' => '96999', '9700000' => '9899999', '99000' => '99499', '99500' => '99999'] ], 4 => ['Japan' => ['00' => '19', '200' => '699', '7000' => '8499', '85000' => '89999', '900000' => '949999', '9500000' => '9999999'] ], 5 => ['Russian Federation and former USSR' => ['00' => '19', '200' => '420', '4210' => '4299', '430' => '430', '4310' => '4399', '440' => '440', '4410' => '4499', '450' => '699', '7000' => '8499', '85000' => '89999', '900000' => '909999', '91000' => '91999', '9200' => '9299', '93000' => '94999', '9500000' => '9500999', '9501' => '9799', '98000' => '98999', '9900000' => '9909999', '9910' => '9999'] ], 600 => ['Iran' => ['00' => '09', '100' => '499', '5000' => '8999', '90000' => '99999'] ], 601 => ['Kazakhstan' => ['00' => '19', '200' => '699', '7000' => '7999', '80000' => '84999', '85' => '99'] ], 602 => ['Indonesia' => ['00' => '17', '18000' => '18999', '19000' => '19999', '200' => '749', '7500' => '7999', '8000' => '9499', '95000' => '99999'] ], 603 => ['Saudi Arabia' => ['00' => '04', '05' => '49', '500' => '799', '8000' => '8999', '90000' => '99999'] ], 604 => ['Vietnam' => ['0' => '4', '50' => '89', '900' => '979', '9800' => '9999'] ], 605 => ['Turkey' => ['' => '', '01' => '09', '100' => '399', '4000' => '5999', '60000' => '89999', '90' => '99'] ], 606 => ['Romania' => ['0' => '0', '10' => '49', '500' => '799', '8000' => '9199', '92000' => '99999'] ], 607 => ['Mexico' => ['00' => '39', '400' => '749', '7500' => '9499', '95000' => '99999'] ], 608 => ['Macedonia' => ['0' => '0', '10' => '19', '200' => '449', '4500' => '6499', '65000' => '69999', '7' => '9'] ], 609 => ['Lithuania' => ['00' => '39', '400' => '799', '8000' => '9499', '95000' => '99999'] ], 611 => ['Thailand' => ['' => ''] ], 612 => ['Peru' => ['00' => '29', '300' => '399', '4000' => '4499', '45000' => '49999', '50' => '99'] ], 613 => ['Mauritius' => ['0' => '9'] ], 614 => ['Lebanon' => ['00' => '39', '400' => '799', '8000' => '9499', '95000' => '99999'] ], 615 => ['Hungary' => ['00' => '09', '100' => '499', '5000' => '7999', '80000' => '89999', '' => ''] ], 616 => ['Thailand' => ['00' => '19', '200' => '699', '7000' => '8999', '90000' => '99999'] ], 617 => ['Ukraine' => ['00' => '49', '500' => '699', '7000' => '8999', '90000' => '99999'] ], 618 => ['Greece' => ['00' => '19', '200' => '499', '5000' => '7999', '80000' => '99999'] ], 619 => ['Bulgaria' => ['00' => '14', '150' => '699', '7000' => '8999', '90000' => '99999'] ], 620 => ['Mauritius' => ['0' => '9'] ], 7 => ['China, People\'s Republic' => ['00' => '09', '100' => '499', '5000' => '7999', '80000' => '89999', '900000' => '999999'] ], 80 => ['Czech Republic and Slovakia' => ['00' => '19', '200' => '699', '7000' => '8499', '85000' => '89999', '900000' => '999999'] ], 81 => ['India' => ['00' => '19', '200' => '699', '7000' => '8499', '85000' => '89999', '900000' => '999999'] ], 82 => ['Norway' => ['00' => '19', '200' => '699', '7000' => '8999', '90000' => '98999', '990000' => '999999'] ], 83 => ['Poland' => ['00' => '19', '200' => '599', '60000' => '69999', '7000' => '8499', '85000' => '89999', '900000' => '999999'] ], 84 => ['Spain' => ['00' => '13', '140' => '149', '15000' => '19999', '200' => '699', '7000' => '8499', '85000' => '89999', '9000' => '9199', '920000' => '923999', '92400' => '92999', '930000' => '949999', '95000' => '96999', '9700' => '9999'] ], 85 => ['Brazil' => ['00' => '19', '200' => '599', '60000' => '69999', '7000' => '8499', '85000' => '89999', '900000' => '979999', '98000' => '99999'] ], 86 => ['Serbia (shared)' => ['00' => '29', '300' => '599', '6000' => '7999', '80000' => '89999', '900000' => '999999'] ], 87 => ['Denmark' => ['00' => '29', '' => '', '400' => '649', '' => '', '7000' => '7999', '' => '', '85000' => '94999', '' => '', '970000' => '999999'] ], 88 => ['Italy' => ['00' => '19', '200' => '599', '6000' => '8499', '85000' => '89999', '900000' => '909999', '910' => '929', '' => '', '95000' => '99999'] ], 89 => ['Korea, Republic' => ['00' => '24', '250' => '549', '5500' => '8499', '85000' => '94999', '950000' => '969999', '97000' => '98999', '990' => '999'] ], 90 => ['Netherlands' => ['00' => '19', '200' => '499', '5000' => '6999', '70000' => '79999', '800000' => '849999', '8500' => '8999', '90' => '90', '910000' => '939999', '94' => '94', '950000' => '999999'] ], 91 => ['Sweden' => ['0' => '1', '20' => '49', '500' => '649', '' => '', '7000' => '7999', '' => '', '85000' => '94999', '' => '', '970000' => '999999'] ], 92 => ['International NGO Publishers and EC Organizations' => ['0' => '5', '60' => '79', '800' => '899', '9000' => '9499', '95000' => '98999', '990000' => '999999'] ], 93 => ['India' => ['00' => '09', '100' => '499', '5000' => '7999', '80000' => '94999', '950000' => '999999'] ], 94 => ['Netherlands' => ['000' => '599', '6000' => '8999', '90000' => '99999'] ], 950 => ['Argentina' => ['00' => '49', '500' => '899', '9000' => '9899', '99000' => '99999'] ], 951 => ['Finland' => ['0' => '1', '20' => '54', '550' => '889', '8900' => '9499', '95000' => '99999'] ], 952 => ['Finland' => ['00' => '19', '200' => '499', '5000' => '5999', '60' => '65', '6600' => '6699', '67000' => '69999', '7000' => '7999', '80' => '94', '9500' => '9899', '99000' => '99999'] ], 953 => ['Croatia' => ['0' => '0', '10' => '14', '150' => '509', '51' => '54', '55000' => '59999', '6000' => '9499', '95000' => '99999'] ], 954 => ['Bulgaria' => ['00' => '28', '2900' => '2999', '300' => '799', '8000' => '8999', '90000' => '92999', '9300' => '9999'] ], 955 => ['Sri Lanka' => ['0000' => '1999', '20' => '44', '4500' => '4999', '50000' => '54999', '550' => '799', '8000' => '9499', '95000' => '99999'] ], 956 => ['Chile' => ['00' => '19', '200' => '699', '7000' => '9999'] ], 957 => ['Taiwan' => ['00' => '02', '0300' => '0499', '05' => '19', '2000' => '2099', '21' => '27', '28000' => '30999', '31' => '43', '440' => '819', '8200' => '9699', '97000' => '99999'] ], 958 => ['Colombia' => ['00' => '56', '57000' => '59999', '600' => '799', '8000' => '9499', '95000' => '99999'] ], 959 => ['Cuba' => ['00' => '19', '200' => '699', '7000' => '8499', '85000' => '99999'] ], 960 => ['Greece' => ['00' => '19', '200' => '659', '6600' => '6899', '690' => '699', '7000' => '8499', '85000' => '92999', '93' => '93', '9400' => '9799', '98000' => '99999'] ], 961 => ['Slovenia' => ['00' => '19', '200' => '599', '6000' => '8999', '90000' => '94999', '' => ''] ], 962 => ['Hong Kong, China' => ['00' => '19', '200' => '699', '7000' => '8499', '85000' => '86999', '8700' => '8999', '900' => '999'] ], 963 => ['Hungary' => ['00' => '19', '200' => '699', '7000' => '8499', '85000' => '89999', '9000' => '9999'] ], 964 => ['Iran' => ['00' => '14', '150' => '249', '2500' => '2999', '300' => '549', '5500' => '8999', '90000' => '96999', '970' => '989', '9900' => '9999'] ], 965 => ['Israel' => ['00' => '19', '200' => '599', '' => '', '7000' => '7999', '' => '', '90000' => '99999'] ], 966 => ['Ukraine' => ['00' => '12', '130' => '139', '14' => '14', '1500' => '1699', '170' => '199', '2000' => '2789', '279' => '289', '2900' => '2999', '300' => '699', '7000' => '8999', '90000' => '90999', '910' => '949', '95000' => '97999', '980' => '999'] ], 967 => ['Malaysia' => ['00' => '00', '0100' => '0999', '10000' => '19999', '' => '', '300' => '499', '5000' => '5999', '60' => '89', '900' => '989', '9900' => '9989', '99900' => '99999'] ], 968 => ['Mexico' => ['01' => '39', '400' => '499', '5000' => '7999', '800' => '899', '9000' => '9999'] ], 969 => ['Pakistan' => ['0' => '1', '20' => '39', '400' => '799', '8000' => '9999'] ], 970 => ['Mexico' => ['01' => '59', '600' => '899', '9000' => '9099', '91000' => '96999', '9700' => '9999'] ], 971 => ['Philippines' => ['000' => '015', '0160' => '0199', '02' => '02', '0300' => '0599', '06' => '09', '10' => '49', '500' => '849', '8500' => '9099', '91000' => '95999', '9600' => '9699', '97' => '98', '9900' => '9999'] ], 972 => ['Portugal' => ['0' => '1', '20' => '54', '550' => '799', '8000' => '9499', '95000' => '99999'] ], 973 => ['Romania' => ['0' => '0', '100' => '169', '1700' => '1999', '20' => '54', '550' => '759', '7600' => '8499', '85000' => '88999', '8900' => '9499', '95000' => '99999'] ], 974 => ['Thailand' => ['00' => '19', '200' => '699', '7000' => '8499', '85000' => '89999', '90000' => '94999', '9500' => '9999'] ], 975 => ['Turkey' => ['00000' => '01999', '02' => '24', '250' => '599', '6000' => '9199', '92000' => '98999', '990' => '999'] ], 976 => ['Caribbean Community' => ['0' => '3', '40' => '59', '600' => '799', '8000' => '9499', '95000' => '99999'] ], 977 => ['Egypt' => ['00' => '19', '200' => '499', '5000' => '6999', '700' => '849', '85000' => '89999', '90' => '99'] ], 978 => ['Nigeria' => ['000' => '199', '2000' => '2999', '30000' => '79999', '8000' => '8999', '900' => '999'] ], 979 => ['Indonesia' => ['000' => '099', '1000' => '1499', '15000' => '19999', '20' => '29', '3000' => '3999', '400' => '799', '8000' => '9499', '95000' => '99999'] ], 980 => ['Venezuela' => ['00' => '19', '200' => '599', '6000' => '9999'] ], 981 => ['Singapore' => ['00' => '11', '1200' => '1999', '200' => '289', '2900' => '9999'] ], 982 => ['South Pacific' => ['00' => '09', '100' => '699', '70' => '89', '9000' => '9799', '98000' => '99999'] ], 983 => ['Malaysia' => ['00' => '01', '020' => '199', '2000' => '3999', '40000' => '44999', '45' => '49', '50' => '79', '800' => '899', '9000' => '9899', '99000' => '99999'] ], 984 => ['Bangladesh' => ['00' => '39', '400' => '799', '8000' => '8999', '90000' => '99999'] ], 985 => ['Belarus' => ['00' => '39', '400' => '599', '6000' => '8999', '90000' => '99999'] ], 986 => ['Taiwan' => ['00' => '11', '120' => '559', '5600' => '7999', '80000' => '99999'] ], 987 => ['Argentina' => ['00' => '09', '1000' => '1999', '20000' => '29999', '30' => '49', '500' => '899', '9000' => '9499', '95000' => '99999'] ], 988 => ['Hong Kong, China' => ['00' => '14', '15000' => '16999', '17000' => '19999', '200' => '799', '8000' => '9699', '97000' => '99999'] ], 989 => ['Portugal' => ['0' => '1', '20' => '54', '550' => '799', '8000' => '9499', '95000' => '99999'] ], 9927 => ['Qatar' => ['00' => '09', '100' => '399', '4000' => '4999', '' => ''] ], 9928 => ['Albania' => ['00' => '09', '100' => '399', '4000' => '4999', '' => ''] ], 9929 => ['Guatemala' => ['0' => '3', '40' => '54', '550' => '799', '8000' => '9999'] ], 9930 => ['Costa Rica' => ['00' => '49', '500' => '939', '9400' => '9999'] ], 9931 => ['Algeria' => ['00' => '29', '300' => '899', '9000' => '9999'] ], 9932 => ['Lao People\'s Democratic Republic' => ['00' => '39', '400' => '849', '8500' => '9999'] ], 9933 => ['Syria' => ['0' => '0', '10' => '39', '400' => '899', '9000' => '9999'] ], 9934 => ['Latvia' => ['0' => '0', '10' => '49', '500' => '799', '8000' => '9999'] ], 9935 => ['Iceland' => ['0' => '0', '10' => '39', '400' => '899', '9000' => '9999'] ], 9936 => ['Afghanistan' => ['0' => '1', '20' => '39', '400' => '799', '8000' => '9999'] ], 9937 => ['Nepal' => ['0' => '2', '30' => '49', '500' => '799', '8000' => '9999'] ], 9938 => ['Tunisia' => ['00' => '79', '800' => '949', '9500' => '9999'] ], 9939 => ['Armenia' => ['0' => '4', '50' => '79', '800' => '899', '9000' => '9999'] ], 9940 => ['Montenegro' => ['0' => '1', '20' => '49', '500' => '899', '9000' => '9999'] ], 9941 => ['Georgia' => ['0' => '0', '10' => '39', '400' => '899', '9000' => '9999'] ], 9942 => ['Ecuador' => ['00' => '89', '900' => '984', '9850' => '9999'] ], 9943 => ['Uzbekistan' => ['00' => '29', '300' => '399', '4000' => '9999'] ], 9944 => ['Turkey' => ['0000' => '0999', '100' => '499', '5000' => '5999', '60' => '69', '700' => '799', '80' => '89', '900' => '999'] ], 9945 => ['Dominican Republic' => ['00' => '00', '010' => '079', '08' => '39', '400' => '569', '57' => '57', '580' => '849', '8500' => '9999'] ], 9946 => ['Korea, P.D.R.' => ['0' => '1', '20' => '39', '400' => '899', '9000' => '9999'] ], 9947 => ['Algeria' => ['0' => '1', '20' => '79', '800' => '999'] ], 9948 => ['United Arab Emirates' => ['00' => '39', '400' => '849', '8500' => '9999'] ], 9949 => ['Estonia' => ['0' => '0', '10' => '39', '400' => '899', '9000' => '9999'] ], 9950 => ['Palestine' => ['00' => '29', '300' => '849', '8500' => '9999'] ], 9951 => ['Kosova' => ['00' => '39', '400' => '849', '8500' => '9999'] ], 9952 => ['Azerbaijan' => ['0' => '1', '20' => '39', '400' => '799', '8000' => '9999'] ], 9953 => ['Lebanon' => ['0' => '0', '10' => '39', '400' => '599', '60' => '89', '9000' => '9999'] ], 9954 => ['Morocco' => ['0' => '1', '20' => '39', '400' => '799', '8000' => '9999'] ], 9955 => ['Lithuania' => ['00' => '39', '400' => '929', '9300' => '9999'] ], 9956 => ['Cameroon' => ['0' => '0', '10' => '39', '400' => '899', '9000' => '9999'] ], 9957 => ['Jordan' => ['00' => '39', '400' => '699', '70' => '84', '8500' => '8799', '88' => '99'] ], 9958 => ['Bosnia and Herzegovina' => ['00' => '03', '040' => '089', '0900' => '0999', '10' => '18', '1900' => '1999', '20' => '49', '500' => '899', '9000' => '9999'] ], 9959 => ['Libya' => ['0' => '1', '20' => '79', '800' => '949', '9500' => '9699', '970' => '979', '98' => '99'] ], 9960 => ['Saudi Arabia' => ['00' => '59', '600' => '899', '9000' => '9999'] ], 9961 => ['Algeria' => ['0' => '2', '30' => '69', '700' => '949', '9500' => '9999'] ], 9962 => ['Panama' => ['00' => '54', '5500' => '5599', '56' => '59', '600' => '849', '8500' => '9999'] ], 9963 => ['Cyprus' => ['0' => '1', '20' => '24', '250' => '279', '2800' => '2999', '30' => '54', '550' => '734', '7350' => '7499', '7500' => '9999'] ], 9964 => ['Ghana' => ['0' => '6', '70' => '94', '950' => '999'] ], 9965 => ['Kazakhstan' => ['00' => '39', '400' => '899', '9000' => '9999'] ], 9966 => ['Kenya' => ['000' => '149', '1500' => '1999', '20' => '69', '7000' => '7499', '750' => '959', '9600' => '9999'] ], 9967 => ['Kyrgyz Republic' => ['00' => '39', '400' => '899', '9000' => '9999'] ], 9968 => ['Costa Rica' => ['00' => '49', '500' => '939', '9400' => '9999'] ], 9970 => ['Uganda' => ['00' => '39', '400' => '899', '9000' => '9999'] ], 9971 => ['Singapore' => ['0' => '5', '60' => '89', '900' => '989', '9900' => '9999'] ], 9972 => ['Peru' => ['00' => '09', '1' => '1', '200' => '249', '2500' => '2999', '30' => '59', '600' => '899', '9000' => '9999'] ], 9973 => ['Tunisia' => ['00' => '05', '060' => '089', '0900' => '0999', '10' => '69', '700' => '969', '9700' => '9999'] ], 9974 => ['Uruguay' => ['0' => '2', '30' => '54', '550' => '749', '7500' => '9499', '95' => '99'] ], 9975 => ['Moldova' => ['0' => '0', '100' => '399', '4000' => '4499', '45' => '89', '900' => '949', '9500' => '9999'] ], 9976 => ['Tanzania' => ['0' => '5', '60' => '89', '900' => '989', '9900' => '9999'] ], 9977 => ['Costa Rica' => ['00' => '89', '900' => '989', '9900' => '9999'] ], 9978 => ['Ecuador' => ['00' => '29', '300' => '399', '40' => '94', '950' => '989', '9900' => '9999'] ], 9979 => ['Iceland' => ['0' => '4', '50' => '64', '650' => '659', '66' => '75', '760' => '899', '9000' => '9999'] ], 9980 => ['Papua New Guinea' => ['0' => '3', '40' => '89', '900' => '989', '9900' => '9999'] ], 9981 => ['Morocco' => ['00' => '09', '100' => '159', '1600' => '1999', '20' => '79', '800' => '949', '9500' => '9999'] ], 9982 => ['Zambia' => ['00' => '79', '800' => '989', '9900' => '9999'] ], 9983 => ['Gambia' => ['' => '', '80' => '94', '950' => '989', '9900' => '9999'] ], 9984 => ['Latvia' => ['00' => '49', '500' => '899', '9000' => '9999'] ], 9985 => ['Estonia' => ['0' => '4', '50' => '79', '800' => '899', '9000' => '9999'] ], 9986 => ['Lithuania' => ['00' => '39', '400' => '899', '9000' => '9399', '940' => '969', '97' => '99'] ], 9987 => ['Tanzania' => ['00' => '39', '400' => '879', '8800' => '9999'] ], 9988 => ['Ghana' => ['0' => '2', '30' => '54', '550' => '749', '7500' => '9999'] ], 9989 => ['Macedonia' => ['0' => '0', '100' => '199', '2000' => '2999', '30' => '59', '600' => '949', '9500' => '9999'] ], 99901 => ['Bahrain' => ['00' => '49', '500' => '799', '80' => '99'] ], 99902 => ['Gabon' => ['' => ''] ], 99903 => ['Mauritius' => ['0' => '1', '20' => '89', '900' => '999'] ], 99904 => ['Netherlands Antilles and Aruba' => ['0' => '5', '60' => '89', '900' => '999'] ], 99905 => ['Bolivia' => ['0' => '3', '40' => '79', '800' => '999'] ], 99906 => ['Kuwait' => ['0' => '2', '30' => '59', '600' => '699', '70' => '89', '90' => '94', '950' => '999'] ], 99908 => ['Malawi' => ['0' => '0', '10' => '89', '900' => '999'] ], 99909 => ['Malta' => ['0' => '3', '40' => '94', '950' => '999'] ], 99910 => ['Sierra Leone' => ['0' => '2', '30' => '89', '900' => '999'] ], 99911 => ['Lesotho' => ['00' => '59', '600' => '999'] ], 99912 => ['Botswana' => ['0' => '3', '400' => '599', '60' => '89', '900' => '999'] ], 99913 => ['Andorra' => ['0' => '2', '30' => '35', '' => '', '600' => '604', '' => ''] ], 99914 => ['Suriname' => ['0' => '4', '50' => '89', '900' => '999'] ], 99915 => ['Maldives' => ['0' => '4', '50' => '79', '800' => '999'] ], 99916 => ['Namibia' => ['0' => '2', '30' => '69', '700' => '999'] ], 99917 => ['Brunei Darussalam' => ['0' => '2', '30' => '89', '900' => '999'] ], 99918 => ['Faroe Islands' => ['0' => '3', '40' => '79', '800' => '999'] ], 99919 => ['Benin' => ['0' => '2', '300' => '399', '40' => '69', '70' => '70', '710' => '849', '850' => '899', '900' => '999'] ], 99920 => ['Andorra' => ['0' => '4', '50' => '89', '900' => '999'] ], 99921 => ['Qatar' => ['0' => '1', '20' => '69', '700' => '799', '8' => '8', '90' => '99'] ], 99922 => ['Guatemala' => ['0' => '3', '40' => '69', '700' => '999'] ], 99923 => ['El Salvador' => ['0' => '1', '20' => '79', '800' => '999'] ], 99924 => ['Nicaragua' => ['0' => '1', '20' => '79', '800' => '999'] ], 99925 => ['Paraguay' => ['0' => '3', '40' => '79', '800' => '999'] ], 99926 => ['Honduras' => ['0' => '0', '10' => '59', '600' => '899', '90' => '99'] ], 99927 => ['Albania' => ['0' => '2', '30' => '59', '600' => '999'] ], 99928 => ['Georgia' => ['0' => '0', '10' => '79', '800' => '999'] ], 99929 => ['Mongolia' => ['0' => '4', '50' => '79', '800' => '999'] ], 99930 => ['Armenia' => ['0' => '4', '50' => '79', '800' => '999'] ], 99931 => ['Seychelles' => ['0' => '4', '50' => '79', '800' => '999'] ], 99932 => ['Malta' => ['0' => '0', '10' => '59', '600' => '699', '7' => '7', '80' => '99'] ], 99933 => ['Nepal' => ['0' => '2', '30' => '59', '600' => '999'] ], 99934 => ['Dominican Republic' => ['0' => '1', '20' => '79', '800' => '999'] ], 99935 => ['Haiti' => ['0' => '2', '30' => '59', '600' => '699', '7' => '8', '90' => '99'] ], 99936 => ['Bhutan' => ['0' => '0', '10' => '59', '600' => '999'] ], 99937 => ['Macau' => ['0' => '1', '20' => '59', '600' => '999'] ], 99938 => ['Srpska, Republic of' => ['0' => '1', '20' => '59', '600' => '899', '90' => '99'] ], 99939 => ['Guatemala' => ['0' => '5', '60' => '89', '900' => '999'] ], 99940 => ['Georgia' => ['0' => '0', '10' => '69', '700' => '999'] ], 99941 => ['Armenia' => ['0' => '2', '30' => '79', '800' => '999'] ], 99942 => ['Sudan' => ['0' => '4', '50' => '79', '800' => '999'] ], 99943 => ['Albania' => ['0' => '2', '30' => '59', '600' => '999'] ], 99944 => ['Ethiopia' => ['0' => '4', '50' => '79', '800' => '999'] ], 99945 => ['Namibia' => ['0' => '5', '60' => '89', '900' => '999'] ], 99946 => ['Nepal' => ['0' => '2', '30' => '59', '600' => '999'] ], 99947 => ['Tajikistan' => ['0' => '2', '30' => '69', '700' => '999'] ], 99948 => ['Eritrea' => ['0' => '4', '50' => '79', '800' => '999'] ], 99949 => ['Mauritius' => ['0' => '1', '20' => '89', '900' => '999'] ], 99950 => ['Cambodia' => ['0' => '4', '50' => '79', '800' => '999'] ], 99951 => ['Congo, The Democratic Republic' => ['' => ''] ], 99952 => ['Mali' => ['0' => '4', '50' => '79', '800' => '999'] ], 99953 => ['Paraguay' => ['0' => '2', '30' => '79', '800' => '939', '94' => '99'] ], 99954 => ['Bolivia' => ['0' => '2', '30' => '69', '700' => '879', '88' => '99'] ], 99955 => ['Srpska, Republic of' => ['0' => '1', '20' => '59', '600' => '799', '80' => '89', '90' => '99'] ], 99956 => ['Albania' => ['00' => '59', '600' => '859', '86' => '99'] ], 99957 => ['Malta' => ['0' => '1', '20' => '79', '800' => '999'] ], 99958 => ['Bahrain' => ['0' => '4', '50' => '94', '950' => '999'] ], 99959 => ['Luxembourg' => ['0' => '2', '30' => '59', '600' => '999'] ], 99960 => ['Malawi' => ['0' => '0', '10' => '94', '950' => '999'] ], 99961 => ['El Salvador' => ['0' => '3', '40' => '89', '900' => '999'] ], 99962 => ['Mongolia' => ['0' => '4', '50' => '79', '800' => '999'] ], 99963 => ['Cambodia' => ['00' => '49', '500' => '999'] ], 99964 => ['Nicaragua' => ['0' => '1', '20' => '79', '800' => '999'] ], 99965 => ['Macau' => ['0' => '3', '40' => '79', '800' => '999'] ], 99966 => ['Kuwait' => ['0' => '2', '30' => '69', '700' => '799', '' => '', '' => ''] ], 99967 => ['Paraguay' => ['0' => '1', '20' => '59', '600' => '899', '' => ''] ], 99968 => ['Botswana' => ['0' => '3', '400' => '599', '60' => '89', '900' => '999'] ], 99969 => ['Oman' => ['0' => '4', '50' => '79', '800' => '999'] ], 99970 => ['Haiti' => ['0' => '4', '50' => '89', '900' => '999'] ], ); } sub _get_data { # eventually fetch this from the internet # http://www.isbn-international.org/agency?rmxml=1 my $file = do { no warnings 'uninitialized'; if( -e $ENV{ISBN_RANGE_MESSAGE} ) { $ENV{ISBN_RANGE_MESSAGE} } else { my $default = catfile( dirname( __FILE__ ), 'RangeMessage.xml' ); } }; my $hash = _parse_range_message( $file ); if( defined $hash ) { return %$hash } else { _default_data() } } sub _parse_range_message { my( $file ) = @_; open my $fh, '<:utf8', $file or do { carp "Could not open $file to get ISBN range data [$!]"; return }; my $data = do { local $/; <$fh> }; my $ds; my( $serial_number ) = $data =~ m|(.*?)|; my( $date ) = $data =~ m|(.*?)|; $ds->{'_source'} = $file; $ds->{'_serial'} = $serial_number; $ds->{'_date'} = $date; my( $registration_groups ) = $data =~ m|(.*?)|s; my @groups = $registration_groups =~ m|(.*?)|sg; foreach my $group ( @groups ) { my( $prefix ) = $group =~ m|(?:97[89]-)?([0-9]+?)|; my( $agency ) = $group =~ m|(.*?)|; my @rules = map { my( $range ) = m|(.*?)|; my( $length ) = m|(.*?)|; my( $low, $high ) = split /-/, $range, 2; ( substr($low, 0, $length), substr($high, 0, $length) ); } grep { ! m|0| } $group =~ m|(.*?)|sg; $ds->{$prefix} = [ $agency => \@rules ]; } $ds; } %Business::ISBN::country_data = _get_data(); # I cheat a little bit here. I know that that the max length is # 5, and that I know that those will start with 999xx. :) # however, if the data changes I should think about this again. $Business::ISBN::MAX_COUNTRY_CODE_LENGTH = length( ( sort { $a <=> $b } grep { ! /\A_/ } keys %Business::ISBN::country_data )[-1] ); package Business::ISBN; sub isbn_group_code_string_from_number { return if $_[0] =~ /\A_/; return $Business::ISBN::country_data{ $_[0] }[0] || ''; } sub isbn_publisher_ranges_from_group_number { return if $_[0] =~ /\A_/; return $Business::ISBN::country_data{ $_[0] }[1] || []; } sub isbn_data_source { return $Business::ISBN::country_data{ '_source' } || __FILE__ } 1; PKjZmÊã&& make_data.plnuȯÝí#!/usr/bin/perl use 5.010; use strict; use warnings; use LWP::Simple; my $js_url = 'http://www.isbn-international.org/converter/ranges.js'; my $js_data = get( $js_url ); die "Could not fetch $js_url!" unless defined $js_data; $js_data =~ s|.*?// \s+ ID \s+ List: \s+||s; my @keys = qw(text ranges); my %data; while( $js_data =~ / ^gi\.area(?\d+)\.text \s* = \s* "(?.*?)" ;? [\r\n]+ ^gi\.area(\1)\.pubrange \s* = \s* "(?.*?)" ;? [\r\n]+ /gmx ) { @{ $data{ $+{group} } }{ @keys } = @+{ @keys }; } foreach my $group ( sort keys %data ) { my $empty = $data{$group}{text} =~ s/\s+-\s+no ranges fixed yet\s*//; my $text = $data{$group}{text}; $text =~ s/'/\\'/g; printf "%-5s => [%s => [", $group, qq|'$text'|; ; if( $empty ) { print "] ],\n"; next; } my @ranges = map { if( /-/ ) { map { qq|'$_'| } split /-/, $_ } else { qq|'$_'|, qq|'$_'| } } split /;/, $data{$group}{ranges}; warn "Odd number of ranges for $text!\n" if @ranges % 2; foreach my $i ( 0 .. $#ranges - 1 ) { print $ranges[$i], ( " => ", ", " )[$i % 2]; } print $ranges[-1], "] ],\n"; } # 0 => ['English', ['00' => '19', '200' => '699', '7000' => '8499', '85000' => '89999', '900000' => '949999', '9500000' => '9999999' ] ], PKjZÞ¡"^õ^õRangeMessage.xmlnu„[µü¤ ]> International ISBN Agency 76285306-51ac-47ce-8721-f3b4c37da03f Wed, 18 Jul 2012 19:24:42 GMT 978 International ISBN Agency 0000000-5999999 1 6000000-6499999 3 6500000-6999999 0 7000000-7999999 1 8000000-9499999 2 9500000-9899999 3 9900000-9989999 4 9990000-9999999 5 979 International ISBN Agency 0000000-0999999 0 1000000-1099999 2 1100000-9999999 0 978-0 English language 0000000-1999999 2 2000000-6999999 3 7000000-8499999 4 8500000-8999999 5 9000000-9499999 6 9500000-9999999 7 978-1 English language 0000000-0999999 2 1000000-3999999 3 4000000-5499999 4 5500000-8697999 5 8698000-9989999 6 9990000-9999999 7 978-2 French language 0000000-1999999 2 2000000-3499999 3 3500000-3999999 5 4000000-6999999 3 7000000-8399999 4 8400000-8999999 5 9000000-9499999 6 9500000-9999999 7 978-3 German language 0000000-0299999 2 0300000-0339999 3 0340000-0369999 4 0370000-0399999 5 0400000-1999999 2 2000000-6999999 3 7000000-8499999 4 8500000-8999999 5 9000000-9499999 6 9500000-9539999 7 9540000-9699999 5 9700000-9899999 7 9900000-9949999 5 9950000-9999999 5 978-4 Japan 0000000-1999999 2 2000000-6999999 3 7000000-8499999 4 8500000-8999999 5 9000000-9499999 6 9500000-9999999 7 978-5 Russian Federation and former USSR 0000000-1999999 2 2000000-4209999 3 4210000-4299999 4 4300000-4309999 3 4310000-4399999 4 4400000-4409999 3 4410000-4499999 4 4500000-6999999 3 7000000-8499999 4 8500000-8999999 5 9000000-9099999 6 9100000-9199999 5 9200000-9299999 4 9300000-9499999 5 9500000-9500999 7 9501000-9799999 4 9800000-9899999 5 9900000-9909999 7 9910000-9999999 4 978-600 Iran 0000000-0999999 2 1000000-4999999 3 5000000-8999999 4 9000000-9999999 5 978-601 Kazakhstan 0000000-1999999 2 2000000-6999999 3 7000000-7999999 4 8000000-8499999 5 8500000-9999999 2 978-602 Indonesia 0000000-1799999 2 1800000-1899999 5 1900000-1999999 5 2000000-7499999 3 7500000-7999999 4 8000000-9499999 4 9500000-9999999 5 978-603 Saudi Arabia 0000000-0499999 2 0500000-4999999 2 5000000-7999999 3 8000000-8999999 4 9000000-9999999 5 978-604 Vietnam 0000000-4999999 1 5000000-8999999 2 9000000-9799999 3 9800000-9999999 4 978-605 Turkey 0000000-0099999 0 0100000-0999999 2 1000000-3999999 3 4000000-5999999 4 6000000-8999999 5 9000000-9999999 2 978-606 Romania 0000000-0999999 1 1000000-4999999 2 5000000-7999999 3 8000000-9199999 4 9200000-9999999 5 978-607 Mexico 0000000-3999999 2 4000000-7499999 3 7500000-9499999 4 9500000-9999999 5 978-608 Macedonia 0000000-0999999 1 1000000-1999999 2 2000000-4499999 3 4500000-6499999 4 6500000-6999999 5 7000000-9999999 1 978-609 Lithuania 0000000-3999999 2 4000000-7999999 3 8000000-9499999 4 9500000-9999999 5 978-611 Thailand 0000000-9999999 0 978-612 Peru 0000000-2999999 2 3000000-3999999 3 4000000-4499999 4 4500000-4999999 5 5000000-9999999 2 978-613 Mauritius 0000000-9999999 1 978-614 Lebanon 0000000-3999999 2 4000000-7999999 3 8000000-9499999 4 9500000-9999999 5 978-615 Hungary 0000000-0999999 2 1000000-4999999 3 5000000-7999999 4 8000000-8999999 5 9000000-9999999 0 978-616 Thailand 0000000-1999999 2 2000000-6999999 3 7000000-8999999 4 9000000-9999999 5 978-617 Ukraine 0000000-4999999 2 5000000-6999999 3 7000000-8999999 4 9000000-9999999 5 978-618 Greece 0000000-1999999 2 2000000-4999999 3 5000000-7999999 4 8000000-9999999 5 978-619 Bulgaria 0000000-1499999 2 1500000-6999999 3 7000000-8999999 4 9000000-9999999 5 978-620 Mauritius 0000000-9999999 1 978-7 China, People's Republic 0000000-0999999 2 1000000-4999999 3 5000000-7999999 4 8000000-8999999 5 9000000-9999999 6 978-80 Czech Republic and Slovakia 0000000-1999999 2 2000000-6999999 3 7000000-8499999 4 8500000-8999999 5 9000000-9999999 6 978-81 India 0000000-1999999 2 2000000-6999999 3 7000000-8499999 4 8500000-8999999 5 9000000-9999999 6 978-82 Norway 0000000-1999999 2 2000000-6999999 3 7000000-8999999 4 9000000-9899999 5 9900000-9999999 6 978-83 Poland 0000000-1999999 2 2000000-5999999 3 6000000-6999999 5 7000000-8499999 4 8500000-8999999 5 9000000-9999999 6 978-84 Spain 0000000-1399999 2 1400000-1499999 3 1500000-1999999 5 2000000-6999999 3 7000000-8499999 4 8500000-8999999 5 9000000-9199999 4 9200000-9239999 6 9240000-9299999 5 9300000-9499999 6 9500000-9699999 5 9700000-9999999 4 978-85 Brazil 0000000-1999999 2 2000000-5999999 3 6000000-6999999 5 7000000-8499999 4 8500000-8999999 5 9000000-9799999 6 9800000-9999999 5 978-86 Serbia (shared) 0000000-2999999 2 3000000-5999999 3 6000000-7999999 4 8000000-8999999 5 9000000-9999999 6 978-87 Denmark 0000000-2999999 2 3000000-3999999 0 4000000-6499999 3 6500000-6999999 0 7000000-7999999 4 8000000-8499999 0 8500000-9499999 5 9500000-9699999 0 9700000-9999999 6 978-88 Italy 0000000-1999999 2 2000000-5999999 3 6000000-8499999 4 8500000-8999999 5 9000000-9099999 6 9100000-9299999 3 9300000-9499999 0 9500000-9999999 5 978-89 Korea, Republic 0000000-2499999 2 2500000-5499999 3 5500000-8499999 4 8500000-9499999 5 9500000-9699999 6 9700000-9899999 5 9900000-9999999 3 978-90 Netherlands 0000000-1999999 2 2000000-4999999 3 5000000-6999999 4 7000000-7999999 5 8000000-8499999 6 8500000-8999999 4 9000000-9099999 2 9100000-9399999 6 9400000-9499999 2 9500000-9999999 6 978-91 Sweden 0000000-1999999 1 2000000-4999999 2 5000000-6499999 3 6500000-6999999 0 7000000-7999999 4 8000000-8499999 0 8500000-9499999 5 9500000-9699999 0 9700000-9999999 6 978-92 International NGO Publishers and EC Organizations 0000000-5999999 1 6000000-7999999 2 8000000-8999999 3 9000000-9499999 4 9500000-9899999 5 9900000-9999999 6 978-93 India 0000000-0999999 2 1000000-4999999 3 5000000-7999999 4 8000000-9499999 5 9500000-9999999 6 978-94 Netherlands 0000000-5999999 3 6000000-8999999 4 9000000-9999999 5 978-950 Argentina 0000000-4999999 2 5000000-8999999 3 9000000-9899999 4 9900000-9999999 5 978-951 Finland 0000000-1999999 1 2000000-5499999 2 5500000-8899999 3 8900000-9499999 4 9500000-9999999 5 978-952 Finland 0000000-1999999 2 2000000-4999999 3 5000000-5999999 4 6000000-6599999 2 6600000-6699999 4 6700000-6999999 5 7000000-7999999 4 8000000-9499999 2 9500000-9899999 4 9900000-9999999 5 978-953 Croatia 0000000-0999999 1 1000000-1499999 2 1500000-5099999 3 5100000-5499999 2 5500000-5999999 5 6000000-9499999 4 9500000-9999999 5 978-954 Bulgaria 0000000-2899999 2 2900000-2999999 4 3000000-7999999 3 8000000-8999999 4 9000000-9299999 5 9300000-9999999 4 978-955 Sri Lanka 0000000-1999999 4 2000000-4499999 2 4500000-4999999 4 5000000-5499999 5 5500000-7999999 3 8000000-9499999 4 9500000-9999999 5 978-956 Chile 0000000-1999999 2 2000000-6999999 3 7000000-9999999 4 978-957 Taiwan 0000000-0299999 2 0300000-0499999 4 0500000-1999999 2 2000000-2099999 4 2100000-2799999 2 2800000-3099999 5 3100000-4399999 2 4400000-8199999 3 8200000-9699999 4 9700000-9999999 5 978-958 Colombia 0000000-5699999 2 5700000-5999999 5 6000000-7999999 3 8000000-9499999 4 9500000-9999999 5 978-959 Cuba 0000000-1999999 2 2000000-6999999 3 7000000-8499999 4 8500000-9999999 5 978-960 Greece 0000000-1999999 2 2000000-6599999 3 6600000-6899999 4 6900000-6999999 3 7000000-8499999 4 8500000-9299999 5 9300000-9399999 2 9400000-9799999 4 9800000-9999999 5 978-961 Slovenia 0000000-1999999 2 2000000-5999999 3 6000000-8999999 4 9000000-9499999 5 9500000-9999999 0 978-962 Hong Kong, China 0000000-1999999 2 2000000-6999999 3 7000000-8499999 4 8500000-8699999 5 8700000-8999999 4 9000000-9999999 3 978-963 Hungary 0000000-1999999 2 2000000-6999999 3 7000000-8499999 4 8500000-8999999 5 9000000-9999999 4 978-964 Iran 0000000-1499999 2 1500000-2499999 3 2500000-2999999 4 3000000-5499999 3 5500000-8999999 4 9000000-9699999 5 9700000-9899999 3 9900000-9999999 4 978-965 Israel 0000000-1999999 2 2000000-5999999 3 6000000-6999999 0 7000000-7999999 4 8000000-8999999 0 9000000-9999999 5 978-966 Ukraine 0000000-1299999 2 1300000-1399999 3 1400000-1499999 2 1500000-1699999 4 1700000-1999999 3 2000000-2789999 4 2790000-2899999 3 2900000-2999999 4 3000000-6999999 3 7000000-8999999 4 9000000-9099999 5 9100000-9499999 3 9500000-9799999 5 9800000-9999999 3 978-967 Malaysia 0000000-0099999 2 0100000-0999999 4 1000000-1999999 5 2000000-2999999 0 3000000-4999999 3 5000000-5999999 4 6000000-8999999 2 9000000-9899999 3 9900000-9989999 4 9990000-9999999 5 978-968 Mexico 0100000-3999999 2 4000000-4999999 3 5000000-7999999 4 8000000-8999999 3 9000000-9999999 4 978-969 Pakistan 0000000-1999999 1 2000000-3999999 2 4000000-7999999 3 8000000-9999999 4 978-970 Mexico 0100000-5999999 2 6000000-8999999 3 9000000-9099999 4 9100000-9699999 5 9700000-9999999 4 978-971 Philippines 0000000-0159999 3 0160000-0199999 4 0200000-0299999 2 0300000-0599999 4 0600000-0999999 2 1000000-4999999 2 5000000-8499999 3 8500000-9099999 4 9100000-9599999 5 9600000-9699999 4 9700000-9899999 2 9900000-9999999 4 978-972 Portugal 0000000-1999999 1 2000000-5499999 2 5500000-7999999 3 8000000-9499999 4 9500000-9999999 5 978-973 Romania 0000000-0999999 1 1000000-1699999 3 1700000-1999999 4 2000000-5499999 2 5500000-7599999 3 7600000-8499999 4 8500000-8899999 5 8900000-9499999 4 9500000-9999999 5 978-974 Thailand 0000000-1999999 2 2000000-6999999 3 7000000-8499999 4 8500000-8999999 5 9000000-9499999 5 9500000-9999999 4 978-975 Turkey 0000000-0199999 5 0200000-2499999 2 2500000-5999999 3 6000000-9199999 4 9200000-9899999 5 9900000-9999999 3 978-976 Caribbean Community 0000000-3999999 1 4000000-5999999 2 6000000-7999999 3 8000000-9499999 4 9500000-9999999 5 978-977 Egypt 0000000-1999999 2 2000000-4999999 3 5000000-6999999 4 7000000-8499999 3 8500000-8999999 5 9000000-9999999 2 978-978 Nigeria 0000000-1999999 3 2000000-2999999 4 3000000-7999999 5 8000000-8999999 4 9000000-9999999 3 978-979 Indonesia 0000000-0999999 3 1000000-1499999 4 1500000-1999999 5 2000000-2999999 2 3000000-3999999 4 4000000-7999999 3 8000000-9499999 4 9500000-9999999 5 978-980 Venezuela 0000000-1999999 2 2000000-5999999 3 6000000-9999999 4 978-981 Singapore 0000000-1199999 2 1200000-1999999 4 2000000-2899999 3 2900000-9999999 4 978-982 South Pacific 0000000-0999999 2 1000000-6999999 3 7000000-8999999 2 9000000-9799999 4 9800000-9999999 5 978-983 Malaysia 0000000-0199999 2 0200000-1999999 3 2000000-3999999 4 4000000-4499999 5 4500000-4999999 2 5000000-7999999 2 8000000-8999999 3 9000000-9899999 4 9900000-9999999 5 978-984 Bangladesh 0000000-3999999 2 4000000-7999999 3 8000000-8999999 4 9000000-9999999 5 978-985 Belarus 0000000-3999999 2 4000000-5999999 3 6000000-8999999 4 9000000-9999999 5 978-986 Taiwan 0000000-1199999 2 1200000-5599999 3 5600000-7999999 4 8000000-9999999 5 978-987 Argentina 0000000-0999999 2 1000000-1999999 4 2000000-2999999 5 3000000-4999999 2 5000000-8999999 3 9000000-9499999 4 9500000-9999999 5 978-988 Hong Kong, China 0000000-1499999 2 1500000-1699999 5 1700000-1999999 5 2000000-7999999 3 8000000-9699999 4 9700000-9999999 5 978-989 Portugal 0000000-1999999 1 2000000-5499999 2 5500000-7999999 3 8000000-9499999 4 9500000-9999999 5 978-9927 Qatar 0000000-0999999 2 1000000-3999999 3 4000000-4999999 4 5000000-9999999 0 978-9928 Albania 0000000-0999999 2 1000000-3999999 3 4000000-4999999 4 5000000-9999999 0 978-9929 Guatemala 0000000-3999999 1 4000000-5499999 2 5500000-7999999 3 8000000-9999999 4 978-9930 Costa Rica 0000000-4999999 2 5000000-9399999 3 9400000-9999999 4 978-9931 Algeria 0000000-2999999 2 3000000-8999999 3 9000000-9999999 4 978-9932 Lao People's Democratic Republic 0000000-3999999 2 4000000-8499999 3 8500000-9999999 4 978-9933 Syria 0000000-0999999 1 1000000-3999999 2 4000000-8999999 3 9000000-9999999 4 978-9934 Latvia 0000000-0999999 1 1000000-4999999 2 5000000-7999999 3 8000000-9999999 4 978-9935 Iceland 0000000-0999999 1 1000000-3999999 2 4000000-8999999 3 9000000-9999999 4 978-9936 Afghanistan 0000000-1999999 1 2000000-3999999 2 4000000-7999999 3 8000000-9999999 4 978-9937 Nepal 0000000-2999999 1 3000000-4999999 2 5000000-7999999 3 8000000-9999999 4 978-9938 Tunisia 0000000-7999999 2 8000000-9499999 3 9500000-9999999 4 978-9939 Armenia 0000000-4999999 1 5000000-7999999 2 8000000-8999999 3 9000000-9999999 4 978-9940 Montenegro 0000000-1999999 1 2000000-4999999 2 5000000-8999999 3 9000000-9999999 4 978-9941 Georgia 0000000-0999999 1 1000000-3999999 2 4000000-8999999 3 9000000-9999999 4 978-9942 Ecuador 0000000-8999999 2 9000000-9849999 3 9850000-9999999 4 978-9943 Uzbekistan 0000000-2999999 2 3000000-3999999 3 4000000-9999999 4 978-9944 Turkey 0000000-0999999 4 1000000-4999999 3 5000000-5999999 4 6000000-6999999 2 7000000-7999999 3 8000000-8999999 2 9000000-9999999 3 978-9945 Dominican Republic 0000000-0099999 2 0100000-0799999 3 0800000-3999999 2 4000000-5699999 3 5700000-5799999 2 5800000-8499999 3 8500000-9999999 4 978-9946 Korea, P.D.R. 0000000-1999999 1 2000000-3999999 2 4000000-8999999 3 9000000-9999999 4 978-9947 Algeria 0000000-1999999 1 2000000-7999999 2 8000000-9999999 3 978-9948 United Arab Emirates 0000000-3999999 2 4000000-8499999 3 8500000-9999999 4 978-9949 Estonia 0000000-0999999 1 1000000-3999999 2 4000000-8999999 3 9000000-9999999 4 978-9950 Palestine 0000000-2999999 2 3000000-8499999 3 8500000-9999999 4 978-9951 Kosova 0000000-3999999 2 4000000-8499999 3 8500000-9999999 4 978-9952 Azerbaijan 0000000-1999999 1 2000000-3999999 2 4000000-7999999 3 8000000-9999999 4 978-9953 Lebanon 0000000-0999999 1 1000000-3999999 2 4000000-5999999 3 6000000-8999999 2 9000000-9999999 4 978-9954 Morocco 0000000-1999999 1 2000000-3999999 2 4000000-7999999 3 8000000-9999999 4 978-9955 Lithuania 0000000-3999999 2 4000000-9299999 3 9300000-9999999 4 978-9956 Cameroon 0000000-0999999 1 1000000-3999999 2 4000000-8999999 3 9000000-9999999 4 978-9957 Jordan 0000000-3999999 2 4000000-6999999 3 7000000-8499999 2 8500000-8799999 4 8800000-9999999 2 978-9958 Bosnia and Herzegovina 0000000-0399999 2 0400000-0899999 3 0900000-0999999 4 1000000-1899999 2 1900000-1999999 4 2000000-4999999 2 5000000-8999999 3 9000000-9999999 4 978-9959 Libya 0000000-1999999 1 2000000-7999999 2 8000000-9499999 3 9500000-9699999 4 9700000-9799999 3 9800000-9999999 2 978-9960 Saudi Arabia 0000000-5999999 2 6000000-8999999 3 9000000-9999999 4 978-9961 Algeria 0000000-2999999 1 3000000-6999999 2 7000000-9499999 3 9500000-9999999 4 978-9962 Panama 0000000-5499999 2 5500000-5599999 4 5600000-5999999 2 6000000-8499999 3 8500000-9999999 4 978-9963 Cyprus 0000000-1999999 1 2000000-2499999 2 2500000-2799999 3 2800000-2999999 4 3000000-5499999 2 5500000-7349999 3 7350000-7499999 4 7500000-9999999 4 978-9964 Ghana 0000000-6999999 1 7000000-9499999 2 9500000-9999999 3 978-9965 Kazakhstan 0000000-3999999 2 4000000-8999999 3 9000000-9999999 4 978-9966 Kenya 0000000-1499999 3 1500000-1999999 4 2000000-6999999 2 7000000-7499999 4 7500000-9599999 3 9600000-9999999 4 978-9967 Kyrgyz Republic 0000000-3999999 2 4000000-8999999 3 9000000-9999999 4 978-9968 Costa Rica 0000000-4999999 2 5000000-9399999 3 9400000-9999999 4 978-9970 Uganda 0000000-3999999 2 4000000-8999999 3 9000000-9999999 4 978-9971 Singapore 0000000-5999999 1 6000000-8999999 2 9000000-9899999 3 9900000-9999999 4 978-9972 Peru 0000000-0999999 2 1000000-1999999 1 2000000-2499999 3 2500000-2999999 4 3000000-5999999 2 6000000-8999999 3 9000000-9999999 4 978-9973 Tunisia 0000000-0599999 2 0600000-0899999 3 0900000-0999999 4 1000000-6999999 2 7000000-9699999 3 9700000-9999999 4 978-9974 Uruguay 0000000-2999999 1 3000000-5499999 2 5500000-7499999 3 7500000-9499999 4 9500000-9999999 2 978-9975 Moldova 0000000-0999999 1 1000000-3999999 3 4000000-4499999 4 4500000-8999999 2 9000000-9499999 3 9500000-9999999 4 978-9976 Tanzania 0000000-5999999 1 6000000-8999999 2 9000000-9899999 3 9900000-9999999 4 978-9977 Costa Rica 0000000-8999999 2 9000000-9899999 3 9900000-9999999 4 978-9978 Ecuador 0000000-2999999 2 3000000-3999999 3 4000000-9499999 2 9500000-9899999 3 9900000-9999999 4 978-9979 Iceland 0000000-4999999 1 5000000-6499999 2 6500000-6599999 3 6600000-7599999 2 7600000-8999999 3 9000000-9999999 4 978-9980 Papua New Guinea 0000000-3999999 1 4000000-8999999 2 9000000-9899999 3 9900000-9999999 4 978-9981 Morocco 0000000-0999999 2 1000000-1599999 3 1600000-1999999 4 2000000-7999999 2 8000000-9499999 3 9500000-9999999 4 978-9982 Zambia 0000000-7999999 2 8000000-9899999 3 9900000-9999999 4 978-9983 Gambia 0000000-7999999 0 8000000-9499999 2 9500000-9899999 3 9900000-9999999 4 978-9984 Latvia 0000000-4999999 2 5000000-8999999 3 9000000-9999999 4 978-9985 Estonia 0000000-4999999 1 5000000-7999999 2 8000000-8999999 3 9000000-9999999 4 978-9986 Lithuania 0000000-3999999 2 4000000-8999999 3 9000000-9399999 4 9400000-9699999 3 9700000-9999999 2 978-9987 Tanzania 0000000-3999999 2 4000000-8799999 3 8800000-9999999 4 978-9988 Ghana 0000000-2999999 1 3000000-5499999 2 5500000-7499999 3 7500000-9999999 4 978-9989 Macedonia 0000000-0999999 1 1000000-1999999 3 2000000-2999999 4 3000000-5999999 2 6000000-9499999 3 9500000-9999999 4 978-99901 Bahrain 0000000-4999999 2 5000000-7999999 3 8000000-9999999 2 978-99902 Gabon 0000000-9999999 0 978-99903 Mauritius 0000000-1999999 1 2000000-8999999 2 9000000-9999999 3 978-99904 Netherlands Antilles and Aruba 0000000-5999999 1 6000000-8999999 2 9000000-9999999 3 978-99905 Bolivia 0000000-3999999 1 4000000-7999999 2 8000000-9999999 3 978-99906 Kuwait 0000000-2999999 1 3000000-5999999 2 6000000-6999999 3 7000000-8999999 2 9000000-9499999 2 9500000-9999999 3 978-99908 Malawi 0000000-0999999 1 1000000-8999999 2 9000000-9999999 3 978-99909 Malta 0000000-3999999 1 4000000-9499999 2 9500000-9999999 3 978-99910 Sierra Leone 0000000-2999999 1 3000000-8999999 2 9000000-9999999 3 978-99911 Lesotho 0000000-5999999 2 6000000-9999999 3 978-99912 Botswana 0000000-3999999 1 4000000-5999999 3 6000000-8999999 2 9000000-9999999 3 978-99913 Andorra 0000000-2999999 1 3000000-3599999 2 3600000-5999999 0 6000000-6049999 3 6050000-9999999 0 978-99914 Suriname 0000000-4999999 1 5000000-8999999 2 9000000-9999999 3 978-99915 Maldives 0000000-4999999 1 5000000-7999999 2 8000000-9999999 3 978-99916 Namibia 0000000-2999999 1 3000000-6999999 2 7000000-9999999 3 978-99917 Brunei Darussalam 0000000-2999999 1 3000000-8999999 2 9000000-9999999 3 978-99918 Faroe Islands 0000000-3999999 1 4000000-7999999 2 8000000-9999999 3 978-99919 Benin 0000000-2999999 1 3000000-3999999 3 4000000-6999999 2 7000000-7099999 2 7100000-8499999 3 8500000-8999999 3 9000000-9999999 3 978-99920 Andorra 0000000-4999999 1 5000000-8999999 2 9000000-9999999 3 978-99921 Qatar 0000000-1999999 1 2000000-6999999 2 7000000-7999999 3 8000000-8999999 1 9000000-9999999 2 978-99922 Guatemala 0000000-3999999 1 4000000-6999999 2 7000000-9999999 3 978-99923 El Salvador 0000000-1999999 1 2000000-7999999 2 8000000-9999999 3 978-99924 Nicaragua 0000000-1999999 1 2000000-7999999 2 8000000-9999999 3 978-99925 Paraguay 0000000-3999999 1 4000000-7999999 2 8000000-9999999 3 978-99926 Honduras 0000000-0999999 1 1000000-5999999 2 6000000-8999999 3 9000000-9999999 2 978-99927 Albania 0000000-2999999 1 3000000-5999999 2 6000000-9999999 3 978-99928 Georgia 0000000-0999999 1 1000000-7999999 2 8000000-9999999 3 978-99929 Mongolia 0000000-4999999 1 5000000-7999999 2 8000000-9999999 3 978-99930 Armenia 0000000-4999999 1 5000000-7999999 2 8000000-9999999 3 978-99931 Seychelles 0000000-4999999 1 5000000-7999999 2 8000000-9999999 3 978-99932 Malta 0000000-0999999 1 1000000-5999999 2 6000000-6999999 3 7000000-7999999 1 8000000-9999999 2 978-99933 Nepal 0000000-2999999 1 3000000-5999999 2 6000000-9999999 3 978-99934 Dominican Republic 0000000-1999999 1 2000000-7999999 2 8000000-9999999 3 978-99935 Haiti 0000000-2999999 1 3000000-5999999 2 6000000-6999999 3 7000000-8999999 1 9000000-9999999 2 978-99936 Bhutan 0000000-0999999 1 1000000-5999999 2 6000000-9999999 3 978-99937 Macau 0000000-1999999 1 2000000-5999999 2 6000000-9999999 3 978-99938 Srpska, Republic of 0000000-1999999 1 2000000-5999999 2 6000000-8999999 3 9000000-9999999 2 978-99939 Guatemala 0000000-5999999 1 6000000-8999999 2 9000000-9999999 3 978-99940 Georgia 0000000-0999999 1 1000000-6999999 2 7000000-9999999 3 978-99941 Armenia 0000000-2999999 1 3000000-7999999 2 8000000-9999999 3 978-99942 Sudan 0000000-4999999 1 5000000-7999999 2 8000000-9999999 3 978-99943 Albania 0000000-2999999 1 3000000-5999999 2 6000000-9999999 3 978-99944 Ethiopia 0000000-4999999 1 5000000-7999999 2 8000000-9999999 3 978-99945 Namibia 0000000-5999999 1 6000000-8999999 2 9000000-9999999 3 978-99946 Nepal 0000000-2999999 1 3000000-5999999 2 6000000-9999999 3 978-99947 Tajikistan 0000000-2999999 1 3000000-6999999 2 7000000-9999999 3 978-99948 Eritrea 0000000-4999999 1 5000000-7999999 2 8000000-9999999 3 978-99949 Mauritius 0000000-1999999 1 2000000-8999999 2 9000000-9999999 3 978-99950 Cambodia 0000000-4999999 1 5000000-7999999 2 8000000-9999999 3 978-99951 Congo, The Democratic Republic 0000000-9999999 0 978-99952 Mali 0000000-4999999 1 5000000-7999999 2 8000000-9999999 3 978-99953 Paraguay 0000000-2999999 1 3000000-7999999 2 8000000-9399999 3 9400000-9999999 2 978-99954 Bolivia 0000000-2999999 1 3000000-6999999 2 7000000-8799999 3 8800000-9999999 2 978-99955 Srpska, Republic of 0000000-1999999 1 2000000-5999999 2 6000000-7999999 3 8000000-8999999 2 9000000-9999999 2 978-99956 Albania 0000000-5999999 2 6000000-8599999 3 8600000-9999999 2 978-99957 Malta 0000000-1999999 1 2000000-7999999 2 8000000-9999999 3 978-99958 Bahrain 0000000-4999999 1 5000000-9499999 2 9500000-9999999 3 978-99959 Luxembourg 0000000-2999999 1 3000000-5999999 2 6000000-9999999 3 978-99960 Malawi 0000000-0999999 1 1000000-9499999 2 9500000-9999999 3 978-99961 El Salvador 0000000-3999999 1 4000000-8999999 2 9000000-9999999 3 978-99962 Mongolia 0000000-4999999 1 5000000-7999999 2 8000000-9999999 3 978-99963 Cambodia 0000000-4999999 2 5000000-9999999 3 978-99964 Nicaragua 0000000-1999999 1 2000000-7999999 2 8000000-9999999 3 978-99965 Macau 0000000-3999999 1 4000000-7999999 2 8000000-9999999 3 978-99966 Kuwait 0000000-2999999 1 3000000-6999999 2 7000000-7999999 3 8000000-8999999 0 9000000-9999999 0 978-99967 Paraguay 0000000-1999999 1 2000000-5999999 2 6000000-8999999 3 9000000-9999999 0 978-99968 Botswana 0000000-3999999 1 4000000-5999999 3 6000000-8999999 2 9000000-9999999 3 978-99969 Oman 0000000-4999999 1 5000000-7999999 2 8000000-9999999 3 978-99970 Haiti 0000000-4999999 1 5000000-8999999 2 9000000-9999999 3 979-10 France 0000000-1999999 2 2000000-6999999 3 7000000-8999999 4 9000000-9759999 5 9760000-9999999 6 PKjZÛðÎ0­h­hData.pmnu„[µü¤PKjZmÊã&& ähmake_data.plnuȯÝíPKjZÞ¡"^õ^õFnRangeMessage.xmlnu„[µü¤PKãäc