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Jul.02 - Nov.02 : Assistant to the Director, Administration of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Flanders, Brussels. Mar.01 - Jun.02 : Advisor, Bureau of the Special Evaluator, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Brussels. Jul.00 - Dec.00 : BTC-Acting Resident Representative for the SADC-region, Belgian Technical Cooperation (Zimbabwe). Jan.97 - Jun.00 : BADC-expert, Head of the Economic Sector at the Regional Development Cooperation Section in Harare (Zimbabwe). Nov.96 - Jan.97 : BADC-expert, preparatory training at BADC headquarters in Brussels before assignment in Zimbabwe. Nov.92 - Oct.96 : BADC-expert at the Macro-economic Department of the National Planning Office of Suriname. Part-time lecturer Labour Economics at the Anton De Kom University of Suriname. Apr.90 - Aug.92 : VVOB-expert (Flemish Office for Development Cooperation and Technical Assistance), full-time lecturer Labour Economics at the Anton De Kom University of Suriname. Part-time researcher at the National Planning Office of Suriname. Oct.89 - Mar.90 : Assistant to Professor Despontin, Center for Business Information, University of Brussels (VUB). Mar.88 - May 89 : Civil Service instead of Military Service at the Center for Political Refugees, responsible for the information system of the Center. Oct.87 - Feb.88 : Research-assistant to Professor Hannes, Center for Contemporary and Modern History, University of Brussels (VUB). Sep.86 - Jun.87 : Part-time jobs in secondary schools. Skills Languages : Dutch (mother tongue), English (excellent), French (working-base), German and Spanish (basic). Computer : Fully computer literate. Expert knowledge of Microsoft Office, Macromedia Web Development Suite, Pagemaker and Photoshop. Projects I managed following projects through the different stages of the project-cycle: Computer and Library Project, Namibia (budget: 1 million Euro); Technical Assistance to IMLT, Namibia (budget: 1 million Euro); Capacity Building for the Human Resources Development Sector Coordinating Unit, (budget: 1,2 million Euro); Assistance to Teachers Education with Emphasis on Technical and Vocational Training, Swaziland (budget: 1,5 million Euro); Strengthening of Regional Centers of Specialization, Botswana (budget: 4 million Euro); Belgium/SADC Study and Consultancy Fund, (budget: 1,2 million Euro); Regional Scholarship Fund in the SADC Region, (budget: 1 million Euro); - Applied Microbiology, University of Botswana; - Public Administration and Management, University of Botswana; - Crop Protection and Animal Science, University of Zimbabwe; - Water Resources Engineering, University of Zimbabwe; - Small Scale Mining, University of Zambia; - Land and Water Management, Sokoine University of Agriculture in Tanzania. I was attached as an advisor to the following project: Strengthening the macro-economic department of the National Planning Office, Surinam, (budget 0.25 million Euro) Missions Evaluation Mission, Improving Household Food Security in the Luapula Valley, Zambia, September 2001. Meeting on the formulation of the Alcom project, Botswana, September 2000 Meeting on the formulation of the Information 21 project, Botswana, August 2000 Workshop for Vocational and Technical Training Experts, Swaziland, April 2000 SADC Consultative Conference, Swaziland, February 2000. Workshop for Senior Officials from SADC Ministries of Planning, A Regional Development Plan for SADC, South Africa, November 1999. Fourth Quarterly Meeting Belgium-SADC: Review of the Development Cooperation Program between Belgium and SADC, Botswana, October 1999. Meeting for High Officials from SADC Higher Education Ministries, Financial Plan for the Regional Training Awards Fund, Swaziland, April 1999. SADC Consultative Conference, Zambia, February 1999. Second Quarterly Meeting Belgium-SADC: Review of the Development Cooperation Program between Belgium and SADC, Botswana, November 1998. Identification mission: Technical Assistance to IMLT for the Development of Small Scale Enterprises in Namibia, Namibia, March 1998. OOIP-workshop: Capacity Building Project for the Human Resources Development Sector Coordinating Unit, South Africa, September 1997. Programming Construction of a (micro-) database to monitor Belgian micro-projects in Zimbabwe, August 1997. Construction of a database to monitor the government expenditures in Suriname, August 1996. Research, reports and publications Co-author Social and economic development of Suriname National Planning Office of Suriname, July 1996. Van Acker P., Long term scenarios: scenario Postponement and Structural Adjustment, Stuseco, July 1994. Co-author Multi-annual Plan Suriname 1994-1998, National Planning Office of Suriname, December 1993. Co-author A macro-economic analysis of the Structural Adjustment Program in Suriname, National Planning Office of Suriname, May 1993. Co-author Report on the quantification of a program for restructuring, growth and adjustment of the Surinamese economy, National Planning Office of Suriname, January 1993. Co-author Framework for the restructuring of the Surinamese economy, National Planning Office of Suriname, June 1992. Van Acker P., Proref: Report on the introduction of an information system in the Center for political refugees, Brussels, May 1989. Statistical analysis of the distribution of wealth in Antwerp, Center for Contemporary and Modern History, Brussels, February l988. Van Acker P., Minority groups in the Belgian labour market, Brussels, June 1985. Presentations The impact of exchange rate policies on the bauxite industry, Anton de Kom University Suriname, June 1994. The role of the bauxite-industry in the economy of Suriname, Society for the Economists of Suriname, April 1994. Exchange rate policy in the process of structural adjustment, Anton de Kom University Suriname, December 1993. Framework for the restructuring of the Surinamese economy National Planning Office of Suriname, July 1992. References SADC Secretary General Dr. P. Ramsamy SADC House, Government Enclave Private Bag 0095, Gaborone, Botswana Tel: +267-351863 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:ramsamy@sadc.int" ramsamy@sadc.int Dr. M. Van Schaaijk Micromacro Consultants BV (MMC). 2584 ET The Hague the Netherlands Telephone: +31-(0)70-352.38.32 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:mmc@bart.nl" mmc@bart.nl Professor W. Vandenpanhyuzen Helskensstraat 15 3120 Tremelo Belgium Telephone: +32-(0)16-85.05.01 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:wvdpanhu@vub.ac.be" wvdpanhu@vub.ac.be PAGE 2 PAGE 4 pagina\\* arabisch &$./RSTbcdmn  efIJopq  " # $ / 0 1 λjUjZU\ 5OJQJ0JjU jU 0JmH sH jUmHsHjUmHsHmH sH mHsH#j5CJOJQJUmHnHu5CJOJQJmHsH:&Ij$k]U( & F hT@ Oj j ^j ` & F hT@ Oj ^`  T@ Oj  !( O G R   ef  T@ 3  & F hT@ 3 ^`  T@ Oj  & F hT@ Oj j ^j `fS'l&eOP1{ & F h^`  TOj  & F hT@ O^`R\ -"yh & F h^` & F h^` & F h^`hH1 &`#$  T@ J  & F h^` & F h^` & F h^`1 !!!!ȽȽŸ jU0JmHnHu0J j0JU \mHsH5OJQJmHsH 0JmHsHjUmHsHjUmHsHmHsH !!!!  T@ J $h]ha$&`#$h]h* 00. 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