eaiovnaovbqoebvqoeavibavo ࡱ> bda7 Q<bjbjUU 3d7|7|7Zl8$t7tt0000M0(4(D79 ?;D7D7B$Y7B$B$B$0B$0B$B$F(V/@0h P+"|!80 0o7070x;#;0B$C U R R I C U L U M V I T A E PERSONAL HISTORY NAME : RISCH Luc M.L.G. DATE OF BIRTH : 22 FEBRUARY 1954 MARITAL STATUS : MARRIED, TWO CHILDREN NATIONALITY : BELGIAN ADDRESS : DE BERGEN 12 , 2820 BONHEIDEN, BELGIUM TELEPHONE - e-mail : (+32) 15 517530 - luc.risch@pandora.be PRINCIPAL DIPLOMA : PhD NATURAL SCIENCES (BIOLOGY) PRINCIPAL ACTIVITIES : AQUACULTURE, FISHERY RESEARCH AQUATIC ECOLOGY AND BIODIVERSITY LANGUAGES : DUTCH (mother tongue), ENGLISH, FRENCH, GERMAN (notions), SPANISH (notions) OTHER SKILLS : IBM compatible computers, Apple, MS Office COUNTRY EXPERIENCE : long term experience (more than 1 year): EUROPE : 1977-1980; 1984-1987; 1990-1992; 2000-now NIGERIA : 1981-1984 ZAIRE : 1987-1990 BURUNDI : 1992-1995 IVORY COAST : 1996-2000 short term experience (less than one year): Africa SENEGAL: 1978 (2 weeks); IVORY COAST: 1980 (6 weeks); NIGERIA: 1980 (2 weeks); 1985 (4 weeks); KENYA: 1991 (4 weeks); 1995 (4 weeks); SADC-REGION: 1994 (5 weeks); TANZANIA: 1994 (3 weeks); R.D. CONGO: 2002 (3 weeks) Asia INDONESIA: 1987 (6 weeks); PHILIPPINES : 2003 (2 weeks) Lain America ECUADOR: 1987 (2 weeks); BOLIVIA: 1987 (8 weeks); HONDURAS: 2001 (1 week); GUATEMALA: 2001 (1 week) EDUCATIONAL HISTORY 1972: High School Degree (LatinSciences), College St.Rombouts, Mechelen, Belgium 1977: Licentiate (MSc) Zoology, Catholic University Leuven (KUL), Belgium 1978: BEd Secondary Schools, Catholic University Leuven (KUL), Belgium 1979: Certificate Third Cycle Courses, Ichthyology, Catholic University Leuven, Belgium 1980: Certificate Short Course Fish Diseases, University of Stirling, Scotland 1986: PhD Natural Sciences (Zoology), Catholic University Leuven, Belgium 1986: Report writing for Development, Management for Development Foundation, Ede, The Netherlands PROFESSIONAL HISTORY. 1987-now: Belgian Governement Agencies (BADC, DGIC, DGDC) 1986-1987: EUROCONSULT, The Netherlands. 1986: Muse National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France. 1984-1985: Royal Museum for Central Africa, Tervuren, Belgium. 1981-1984: Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO, Rome, Italy). 1977-1980: Institute for Scientific Research in Industry and Agriculture, Belgium. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE. BELGIUM: General Directorate for Development Cooperation (DGOS-DGCD, Brussels) 2003 to present - 24 month training course Attach International Cooperation 2000-2002 - Project Officer in charge of the follow-up of different non-governemental initiatives - Monitoring NGO-activities in Honduras, Guatemala, Congo and the Phillippines CTE D'IVOIRE: Appui la Profession Piscicole dans l'Est (Abengourou). 1996 to 2000 - Project leader of a fish culture development project. - Development of private small scale fishculture units in the Region of the Moyen Como: - identification of suitable sites and construction of small scale farms (0,5 to 1 ha) - training of private fish farm holders, construction engineers and staff - supporting an emerging cooperative fishculture association (cepremco) - organising the private sector (constructors, food production, marketing) KENYA: Evaluation mission of the FAO/BSF Fish culture Project, Kisumu. 02/1995 Team leader and Belgian representative of the Evaluation Mission of the small Scale fish culture project in Kisumu. TANZANIA: BSF-Identification and Formulation Mission in Kagera Region. 11/1994 Team leader and Fish culture expert of a multidisciplinary mission of the Belgian Survival Fund to the Kagera Region in Northern Tanzania. SADC-REGION: Evaluation mission of the FAO-ALCOM project 05/1994 Zimbabwe, Zambia, Lesotho, Mozambique and Malawi: Belgian participant of the Joint Evaluation Mission (Sweden, Belgium, FAO, SADC) of the ALCOM (Aquaculture in Local Communities) project. BURUNDI: Centre Rgional de Recherches en Hydrobiologie Applique, Bujumbura. 1992 to 1995 - Project manager of an ecological biodiversity research project in the CEPGL countries - Headquarters in Bujumbura, scientific activities in Burundi, Zaire and Rwanda Hydrobiology: fish communities, fish biology, aquatic invertebrate studies - limnology: water quality and phytoplankton studies - environment: biodiversity and pollution studies BELGIUM: Belgian Agency for Development Co-operation, Brussels 1990 to 1992 - project officer, project preparations and evaluations in headquarters - Kenya: Belgian participant of the Joint Evaluation Mission (UNDP/Belgium/Kenya/FAO) of the Kisumu Fish Culture Project (October 1991) - Burundi: First International Conference on the Conservation and Biodiversity of Lake Tanganyika (March 1991). ZAIRE : Fish Culture Project: Extension of fish culture in the Kwilu-Kwango area (Kianza) 1987 to 1990  rehabilitation and management of the 5 ha fish farm in Kianza, Feshi, Bandundu  fingerling production for the local farmers  development of rural fish culture methods  extension of fish culture activities  setting up an extension network in collaboration with the Zairian authorities  more than 5000 fishponds were developed in villages between Kikwit, Kahemba and Feshi THE NETHERLANDS: Consultant with Euroconsult, Arnhem 1986-1987 - evaluation and preparation of aquaculture projects  desk studies and project preparations on mangrove and tambak cultures, commercial cage culture (bass) and extensive pen cultures. - Bolivia: PDMR II: Altiplano microproyecto - 2 months (May-June 1987)  study of the feasibility of trout culture on the Altiplano and in the Charazani valley  study of the feasibility of carp and tilapia culture in the valleys nearby La Paz (Luribay) - Ecuador: Study of shrimp culture in Bahia de Caraquez - 15 days (March 1987)  prefeasibility study of a new extensive shrimp farm in Bahia de Caraquez  evaluation of different sites and culture methods - Indonesia: Cisedanuk Water Resources Planning Project - 6 weeks (January-February 1987) - assessment of aquaculture water demands in West Java - impact of shrimp and fish production in the brackish and freshwater areas of West Java. FRANCE: Study of African catfishes 03-08/1986  contributions to the Check-list of the African Freshwater Fishes (CLOFFA) and to the Faune des poissons d'eaux douces et saumtres de l'Afrique de l'Ouest BELGIUM: Preparation of a PhD Thesis 1985 to 1986  Morphological, anatomical, systematical and zoogeographical study of the catfish genus Chrysichthys and other related genera (Siluroidei, Bagridae).  Studies on the impact of small-scale fishery and fish farming in tropical countries - Nigeria: Feasibility study of a fish farm near Warri - 1 month (July 1985)  design of a fish breeding station and organisation of fishpond production at Warri.  evaluation of the catfish culture (Chrysichthys) in the mangroves nearby Lagos. NIGERIA: African Regional Aquaculture Centre, Port Harcourt. 1981 to 1984 - Research to the potential of new species in African aquaculture (Chrysichthys, Clarias)  research to the effect of acid mangrove soils on fish production  planning and execution of a postgraduate training programme for African fish breeding specialists on all aspects of African fish culture (52 weeks, English and French)  analysis of alternative production units with lower investment costs (cages, pens)  monitoring physicochemical parameters of water in mangrove environment  participation in the development of a new 15 ha fish breeding farm in Aluu  directing the scientific research of the trainees (general aquaculture topics with respect to the production of tilapias, catfish, oysters and shrimps). BELGIUM: Royal Museum for Central Africa Tervuren 1977 to 1980  study of the African catfish family Bagridae, especially of the economic important genera Chrysichthys, Gephyroglanis, Auchenoglanis and Parauchenoglanis. - Nigeria, Ivory Coast: Collecting and study of the ichthyofauna. - 2 months (April-May 1980) - study of the fish populations of the Ogun and Oshun Rivers, Kainji Lake, Lagos and Lekki lagoon, Cavally, Sassandra, Bandama and Como Rivers, Ebri lagoon. - France, United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Belgium: Scientific studies of African catfish species  1979 (several months) - Study of the preserved fish collections in different musea. - Poland: 3th Paneuropean Ichthyological Congress - 1979: 14 days  participation with two communications - Senegal: Study of the ichthyofauna - 14 days (April 1978) Study of the fish populations of the Senegal (including the lac de Guiers), the Gambia and the Casamance Rivers. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS. Lowe-Mc Connell R., Roest F., Ntakimazi G. & Risch L., 1994 : African great lakes. in: Teugels et al (eds): Biological diversity in African Fresh- and Brackish Water Fishes. Symposium PARADI. Ann.Mus.r.Afr.Centr. 275: pp.87-94. Risch L., 1980 : Description of Parasicydium bandama g.nov., sp.nov., a new gobiid fish from the Bandama River, Ivory Coast (Pisces, Gobiidae). Rev.Zool.Afr., 94, (1): pp.126134. Risch L., 1981 : Note sur la rhabilitation de Chrysichthys maurus (Cuv.& Val.,1839) (Pisces, Bagridae). Rev.Zool. Afr., 95, (2): pp. 401416. Risch L., 1981 : The systematic status of Gephyroglanis longipinnis Boulenger, 1899, Chrysichthys magnus Pellegrin, 1922, and Gephyroglanis gigas Pellegrin, 1922 (Pisces, Bagridae). Rev.Zool.Afr., 95, (3): pp. 508524. Risch L., 1985 : Note sur la redcouverte de Gephyroglanis ogooensis Pell., 1900 (Pisces, Bagridae) dans l'Ogou (Gabon). Rev.Zool.Afr., 99, (1): pp. 97104. Risch L., 1985 : Description of two new species in the genus Chrysichthys Blkr., 1858 (Pisces Bagridae). Rev.Zool.Afr., 99, (2): pp. 185193. Risch L., 1986 : Het genus Chrysichthys Bleeker, 1858 en aanverwante genera (Pisces, Siluriformes, Bagridae). Doctoraatsthesis, K.U.Leuven. 801 p. Risch L., 1986 : Bagridae. in Checklist of the freshwater fishes of Africa (CLOFFA II). Ed. J.Daget, J.P.Gosse & D.F.E.Thys van den Audenaerde. ISNB Bruxelles, MRAC Tervuren, ORSTOM Paris 1986. pp.235. Risch L., 1987 : Description of four new bagrid catfishes from Africa (Siluriformes : Bagridae). Cybium, 11, (1): pp.2138. Risch L., 1988 : Description d'une espce nouvelle de Chrysichthys (Pisces, Bagridae), provenant de la rivire Konkour (Rpublique de Guine). Cybium, 12, (1): pp.37. Risch L., 1992: Bagridae. in: Faune des poissons d'eaux douces et saumtres de l'Afrique de l'Ouest. Tome 2. (Ed.Levque C., Paugy D. & Teugels G.). ORSTOM, Coll.Faune tropicale, 28: pp.395-431. Risch L., 1992: Description de Chrysichthys dageti n.sp. (Teleostei, Bagridae), espce nouvelle du bassin du Kouilou (Rpublique du Congo). Cybium, 16 (2): pp.151-157. Risch L., & Delinc G., 1984 : Annexe: Manuel pour l'analyse de l'eau. Dans: Partie II: Choix d'emplacements convenant pour l'aquaculture. Publ.A.R.A.C., Port Harcourt: 59 p. Risch L., & Thys van den Audenaerde D., 1979: On the westafrican species of the genera Sicydium and Lentipes (Pisces, Gobiidae). Rev.Zool.Afr., 93, (4): pp.883. Risch L., & Thys van den Audenaerde D., 1981 : Note on the systematical status of Gephyroglanis velifer Thys, 1965 (Pisces, Bagridae). Rev.Zool.Afr., 95, (1): pp. 245251. Risch L., & Thys van den Audenaerde D., 1985 : Note sur la prsence de Chrysichthys longidorsalis Risch & Thys, 1981 (Pisces, Bagridae) et de Sanagia velifer Holly, 1926 (Pisces, Cyprinidae) dans le Nyong (Camroun). Rev.Zool.Afr., 99, (1): pp. 8796. Risch L., & Thys van den Audenaerde D., 1985 : Nouvelle description, distribution gographique et affinits de Chrysichthys johnelsi Daget, 1959 (Pisces, Bagridae). Cybium, 9, (3): pp. 243254. Skelton P.H., Risch L., & De Vos L., 1984: On the generic identity of the Gephyroglanis catfishes from Southern Africa (Pisces, Siluroidei, Bagridae). Rev.Zool.Afr., 98, (2): pp.337372. Teugels G.G., Risch L., De Vos L. & Thys van den Audenaerde D., 1991: Generic review of the African bagrid genera Auchenoglanis and Parauchenoglanis with the description of a new genus. J.Nat.Hist., 25: pp.499-517. PRINCIPAL REPORTS a) as project manager 1987-1990 Three-monthly and yearly progress reports on the status of fish farming in the Bandundu Region, Zare to the Belgian Agency for Development Cooperation. 1992-1995 Three-monthly and yearly progress reports on the status of the Centre de Recherche en Hydrobiologie Applique, Burundi, to the Belgian Agency for Development Cooperation. 1996-2000 Semestrial and annual progress reports to the Steering Committee of the project b) as team leader (co-author) 1995 GOK/BSF/UNDP/FAO Project KEN/86/027 Development of small scale fish farming in the Lake Basin Area (Republic of Kenya). Report of the Project Evaluation Mission 1995 (30/1-17/2/1995). Draft. 1994 Belgian Survival Fund United Republic of Tanzania. Kagera Region. Evaluation of the Food Security Situation in the fields of banana, fish and livestock. Report of a Technical Identification and Formulation Mission (8-27 November 1994). 61 p. c) as team member (co-author) 1994 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Aquaculture for Local Community Development Programme. GCP/INT/436/SWE, GCP/INT/555/SWE and GCP/RAF/277/BEL Joint Evaluation Mission. Project Findings and Recommendations. Draft Report. 1991 United Nations Development Programme Kenya: Development of Small Scale Fish Farming in the Lake basin. Phase II. Report of the terminal in-depth Evaluation Mission. October 1991. 55 p. + annexes 1986-1987 Technical reports (Indonesia) and identification studies (Bolivia, Ecuador) for EUROCONSULT. d) as co-author 1995 Nota over bilaterale directe ontwikkelingssamenwerking met speciale aandacht voor Afrika ten zuiden van de Sahara. Samengesteld door ABOS coperanten. Brussel, april-mei 1995: 43 p. Naar een vernieuwde bilaterale ontwikkelingssamenwerking. Vers un renouveau de la coopration bilatrale au dveloppement. VBTS-ACTB, dc.1995: 42 p. + ann.  CUR.VIT.RISCH L. Curriculum vitae Risch L. 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