eaiovnaovbqoebvqoeavibavo ࡱ> 352 z bjbj 7jj,Ml\\\\\\\phhh8 p'j(BDDD=&$r( *x&\& \\&   d\\B B x  \\& bt"phX&&0'< +4 +& pp\\\\Geert Deserranno Aprillaan 15 1200 Brussel tel.home ++ 32 2 742 06 72 deserranno@belgacom.net CV Geert DESERRANNO NATIONALITY: Belgian BORN 25 January 1954 in Tielt (Belgium) FAMILY SITUATION: Married, three children EDUCATION University Degree in AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING (1977) (Majoring in the economy and sociology of agriculture of developing countries), Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of the University of Gent. PROFESSIONAL SPECIALIZATION - Management, monitoring, evaluation of agricultural and investment projects - Farm management, cost-accountancy, statistics - Rural Finance and Micro-finance systems 21 YEARS OF PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Bolivia (1979-1980): training Guinea-Bissau (1981-1983): fund for rural credit and development Niger (1984-1990): monitoring, evaluation, markets in the Niger Valley (cereals and irrigated rice) Tunisia (1981-1993): rural investment, credit, statistical follow-up of Tunisian state incentives Tunisia (1994-1996): consulting, marketing, cost-accounting on big agricultural farms Vietnam (1996-2000): development of the national dairy sector through training, micro-credit, co-operatives Belgium (2000-2002): project databank, aid statistics for OECD Belgium (2003-2004): preparation for the function of Attach for International Cooperation of Belgium Short missions(one month each): 1999: Identification Report for the Second Phase of the Micro-Finance Project of the Vietnam Womens Union (for DGIC) Formulation Report for the Micro-Finance Project of the Vietnam Womens Union (for BTC). Consultation Mission for FAO concerning Rural Finance in Vietnam. LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE Very good: Dutch (mother tongue), French, English, Italian Good (passive): Spanish Made in Brussels on 25/01/2003 CV Deserranno EN page  PAGE 1 of  NUMPAGES \* MERGEFORMAT 1 f[\Q q , H I O P Q R X Y s t u v w z CJmHnHu jCJU0JCJmHnHu0JCJj0JCJUCJmH sH  CJmH sH CJ+Ldef6,\x , y 6P Q q A , w x y z $dN] & F h^h5 000 &P P. A!"#t$%^^ i0@0 Normal_HmH sH tH << Heading 1$@&]5CJ6@6 Heading 2$@& 56CJ6@6 Heading 3$@& 6CJ]:@: Heading 4$@& 5>*CJ\<A@< Default Paragraph Font,, Header  !, @, Footer  !&)@& Page Number(U@!( Hyperlink>*B**B2* Body TextCJz+Ldef6,\x6PQqA,wx{0000000800f0f0f0f00f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f00f0f0f0f0f(0 0Q 0Q 0Q0Q0Q000Q0@0@0 0LLLOz z  y #%,GIO!#*+3ns,x{+3Q[ W`,:x{3333333333 ,HRXx{D125C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\AutoRecovery save of cv2002en-BIO.asdD125C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\AutoRecovery save of cv2002en-BIO.asdD12&C:\My Documents\geert\cv2002en-BIO.docgeert>C:\Documents and Settings\geert\Mes documents\cv2002en-BIO.docgeert@C:\Documents and Settings\geert\Mes documents\cv2003en-short.docgeert@C:\Documents and Settings\geert\Mes documents\cv2003en-short.docgeert@C:\Documents and Settings\geert\Mes documents\cv2003en-short.docgeert@C:\Documents and Settings\geert\Mes documents\cv2003en-short.docgeert@C:\Documents and Settings\geert\Mes documents\cv2003en-short.docPeter Van AckeraC:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Attach\CV\Stagiairs\CV-Geert Deserranno.doc P@f!y0+@fi58$)\7@fGQ|?DNLXcO@fUp@f*hh^h`o(-hh^h`o(-h ^`OJQJo(h ^`OJQJo(oh pp^p`OJQJo(h @ @ ^@ `OJQJo(h ^`OJQJo(oh ^`OJQJo(h ^`OJQJo(h ^`OJQJo(oh PP^P`OJQJo(hh^h`o(- ^`OJQJo( ^`OJQJo(o pp^p`OJQJo( @ @ ^@ `OJQJo( ^`OJQJo(o ^`OJQJo( ^`OJQJo( ^`OJQJo(o PP^P`OJQJo(hh^h`o(-hh^h`o(-hh^h`o(- u\7PUp!y0+|?DNXcOi5Gu @^`56>*OJQJo(-           +{@hp deskjet 940c seriesNe00:winspoolhp deskjet 940c serieshp deskjet 940c series!@h߀ dBe4 d 2Beںںhp deskjet 940c series series,LocalOnly,DrvConverthp deskjet 940c series!@h߀ dBe4 d 2Beںںhp deskjet 940c series series,LocalOnly,DrvConvert\2z`@UnknownGz Times New Roman5Symbol3& z Arial?5 z Courier New;Wingdings7V Kino MT"qhtDuTa  !20dC2Q PERSONAL DATAMr. TAMPeter Van AckerOh+'0 ( D P \ ht| PERSONAL DATAd Mr. TAMr. r.  Normal.dotLPeter Van Acker7teMicrosoft Word 9.0@NZ@z8I@/@$X" ՜.+,0 px   ROCHE PHARMALV C  PERSONAL DATA Title  !#$%&'()+,-./014Root Entry F t"61Table +WordDocument7SummaryInformation("DocumentSummaryInformation8*CompObjjObjectPool t" t"  FMicrosoft Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q